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mMT    Jl 




Bg  Oit  Mame  Edftor. 

HOBAOE—  Teit   onlj.      Witfa    Introduction.      [Jn   the 

.'■--■«.     (CtaMlcai  Taxta.) 

THZ   ODSB  AHD   EPODEB.     IntroductioD,  Teit,  uid 

nonuuanUry,  complatt  in  oue  voluuia,   Fap.  Bvo.    61.    ICtualeaJ 

THE    ODES — BOOU   I.   II.    113.   ANS   IV.  BGparntely. 

W|tli  Inlrodiiclloii  and   Nou*.     Fcap.  Bvo.     k  ntcli.     (Clnuiml 

THE    ODES— B00K3   I.   □.  III.    AH»   IV.    «epulftte.r. 

l-.-nt  S>o     li.  td.  «ch.    (Bnueourj  Clulsl 


ntea.     Pcap.  8vo.    Si. 


vniOIL— Tttii 

uctinn,     [7h  f/n-  Prw.] 

(Lluilsl  Tn 

AENEID,    BOoi»    i.— 

rodnction,   Text,   and 

CommraUrr.    *"■     "3u 

BU0OLIC8.     V 

i,  Notee,  and  Vocabu- 


rodaction,  Notea,  and 

AENEID,  BOOKB  I.  II.  III,  kau  VI.  separa.loIy.     With 

Ititroductlou,  Notn.  and  Vooliulirlct.     l'otl  Bio.     li.  M,  ficlL 

|W.mtnUry  Clauic) 

THE  A0T8  01*  TBE  APOKTLEB.    11. 

;ing  the  Greelt  Teit  ai 


KipUnuorj  Noua  ul  Mapil    Pcnp.  Sto.    8j.  M. 
7/lf  KJ/PuSJTOII.— "Mr  Ps«*-|  itnall  voluroe  -ill  be  fot 
rn-il  valua  rrol  nnly  !■■   P.I.....I    !,    l.iil   ti.  mucli  mori  idv 

■  Ofll    of  I   kIioIH   wllO    koii-1    (llL.  MllllC    .jf    ..lli..T    Hj.Ti"»    lnii.-.Uf 

ilj  bolli  with  cliulcml  ind  bltillciJ  etudT  « 
hla  0-0  Jurlfn» nl  ind  ir«|ucntlr  lo  edduw 

itl  llniji  lo  fortn  hll  o«Tj  Juoinn-nt  ind  frequctttlj 
"cl  with  h| 

with  hii  cditlon  of  tloriet'1  Odaa  ,  and  llili  pnlaa  ta  daaarvtd, 
— —  wont  and  ipiUt  to  ItlmaaW  lils  n-n 

i  irf  il-iji  vcr;  br 

comldiriuon,'    Mon 

ckvii  r  on«  or  Iwica  imrcwtinin  ol  the  rerj  hlfhm  ImporUnoa." 
TKE  AOTB  OP  THE  AP0STLE8.    Tba  Anthonied  Vanion. 
Wllh  JnlroducUoo,  Notaa,  lUd  Hapa  PiOl.  K.A.  ud 
Itov.  A.  ft  W»ikhi,M.A.    FC.P.8TO.     b.  M. 





Edittd  wlth  Introduction  and  Notat 


T.    E.    PAGE,    M.A. 


UonSon : 



[Tlif  llight  of  Tramlation  it  retcrved.] 

4.-A,  t^ 

on    1B83.      fteprintut    1886',    wilh    tlirtil  alttra- 
IBg,  with  additiens  and  corralions  1890,  i8gj, 
1893,  ailh  Iht  Epalts  addtd  1895. 

I  harvabd  university    I 


I     APR  Q3|384 


Thb  present  volume  differa  from  the  edition 
of  1883  in  several  respecta.  In  the  firat  ploce  it 
aeemed  no  longer  necessary  to  reprint  the  original 
'Introduction/  which  referred  chiefly  to  the  principles 
on  which  the  notes  were  written,  and  a  brief  ac- 
count  of  Horace  has  been  inserted  in  its  place 
together  with  some  remarks  on  the  Metres  used  in 
the  Odes.  Secondly  an  obvious  deficiency  has  been 
supplied  by  the  inclusion  of  the  Epodes  (with  the 
ezoeption  of  three),  and,  lastly,  throughout  the  notes 
corrections  have  been  from  time  to  time  mado  in 
accordance  with  suggestions  which  I  have  most 
gratefully  received  from  many  scholara,  and  also 
with  the  aid  of  much  recent  literature  on  the 
subject,  among  which  the  fourth  edition  of  Orelli  by 
Hirachfelder  and  the  excellent  work  of  Kiessling 
deserve  especial  note. 

T.  E.  PAGE. 

Sept.  1895. 

P.  II. 


Imtboductton *ii 


Tbxt 1 

Notbs 181 

Indiceb .      508 


Q.  Hobatius  Flaccus  was  born  on  Dec.  8th  B.a 
65,  in  the  consulship  of  L.  Aurelius  Cotta  and  L 
Manlius  Torquatus1,  five  years  after  Virgil  and  two 
years  before  0.  Octavius  who  subsequently  became 
the  emperor  Augustus.  The  place  of  his  birth  was 
Venusia,  a  town  in  Apulia  on  the  borders  of  Lucania9 
close  to  Mount  Vultur  and  the  'far-echoing  AufidusV 
His  father  was  a  (freedman'  (libertintu)4,  and  had 
been  a  '  collector1»'  probably  of  taxes,  though  others 
credit  him  with  having  been  a  'dealer  in  salt-fishV 
Anyhow,  when  the  young  Horace  was  old  enough  to 
go  to  school,  he  had  apparently  saved  a  fair  amount 

1  Od.  3.  21.  1  o  nata  mecum  eontule  Manlio;  Epod.  13.  6. 
1  Hence  he  speaks  of  himself  as  Lueanut  an  Apulu»  ancept, 
Sat.  2. 1.  34. 

1  Od.  4.  9.  2  longe  tonantem  natut  ad  Auftdum. 
«  Sat.  1.  6.  45. 

*  eoaetor  Sat.  1.  6.  86;  eoaetor  exaetionum  (or  auetionum) 
Saet.  Vit. 

*  ut  ereditum  est,  saltamentario.    Saet.  Vit. 

l  o 

Tiil  1NTR0DUCTI0N. 

of  money  tb  >h  his  son  describes  him  as  only  '  the 
poor  owner  a  lean  f&rm1,'  and  he  waa  certainly  & 
mu  wbo  d  rvea  not  to  be  forgotten.  Freedman, 
ttx-oolleob  nd  perhape  fiah-hawker,  he  none  the 
leaa  nw  tl  alent  of  hia  son  and  resolved  to  giva 
htm  »  ohai  a  the  world.  Inatead  of  sending  liim 
to  the   lr-        achool,   where    'the  btg  aona  of    big 

centurioi  lung  over  their  left 

MTOa1'  »&  athly  pence,  he  took 

him  to  Rome  —  im  the  best  teachors, 

notably  a>  ce  illus  of  Beneventnm 

— tho  Ki  se  birch*  and  whoae 

leasons  h  ;ft  an  impresaioa  on 

the  pupil  wli  ls  jri       ed  the  master.     Not. 

only  did  hia  lather  spend  money  freely  on  him  but 
he  devoted  himself  personally  to  watching  over 
the  growth  of  his  morola  and  character,  and  to  in- 
culcating  on  him  auch  shrewd  and  homely  m»wim« 
aa  hia  own  experience  dictated.  Of  ths  debt  thua 
incurred  the  son  waa  aJwaya  deeply  eensible,  and  the 
pasaage  (Sat.  1.  6.  68  leq.)  in  which  he  anawers  the 
sneers  of  society  on  hia  origin  by  a>  full  aoknowledg- 
ment  of  how  much  he  owed  to  '  the  beat  of  fathera ' 
ia,  possibly  not  among  the  most  rhetoricai,  but  oer- 

1  Sat.  1.  Q.  71  maero  pauper  agello. 
'  Sat.  1.  6.  73. 

*  Ep.  3.  I.  70plagotm  Orbiliui. 

*  He  reallj naad  tha  ■  taw'  and  the  'feiule';  ri  qvot  Orbitiut 
fervla  taitieaqyt  eteidil,  Buet.  Vit. 


tainly  among  the  most  tonohing  passagee  in  classical 

When  his  school  days  were  over  he  went,  after 
the  fashion  of  the  time,  to  complete  his  studies  at 
what  was  practically  the  University  of  Athens, 
'searching  for  truth  amid  the  groves  of  the  Academy  " 
or,  in  other  words,  reading  philosophy.  Here  he 
made  the  aoqnaintanoe  of  M.  Jnnius  Brutus  who 
alter  the  mnrder  of  Caesar  (&o.  44)  had  been  driven 
from  Italy  and  visited  Athens  before  taking  up  as 
proprator  the  government  of  Macedonia.  Horaee 
seems  to  have  gone  with  him  to  Asia  Minor*  and, 
when  Brutus  and  Cassius  raised  a  republican  force 
with  which  to  resist  Octavian  and  Antony,  he  was 
appointed  a  military  tribune  and  found  hituself,  as 
he  puts  it  with  intentional  exaggeration,  (in  com- 
mand  of  a  Roman  legionV  He  took  part  in  the 
battle  of  Philippi  (b.o.  42),  which  finally  extinguished 
the  hopes  of  the  republican  party,  and,  though  his 
own  description  of  himself  as  spirited  away  by 
Mercury  the  protector  of  poets  and  '  leaving  his  poor 
shield  ingloriously  behind  him4'  must  not  be  taken 
too  literally,  still  we  may  well  imagine  that  his  ex- 
ploits  on  that  fatal  field  were  not  very  distinguished. 

1  Ep.  2.  2. 45  inter  tilva»  Academi  quarere  verum. 
a  Sat.  1.7;  Ep.  1. 11. 

1  Sat.  1.  6.  48  quod  mihipareret  legio  Romana  tribuno;  the 
legion  had  six  tribunes. 

4  Od.  2.  7.  10  relicta  non  bene  parmula. 


At  iiny  rate  his  uiilitary  mid  republioan  anlour  bqoji 
cooled  and,  instesd  of  following  his  friends  further 
amid  the  'stormy  seas'"  of  war,  be  took  advantage 
of  eiu  amnesty  offered  by  the  conquerors  nnd  returned 
to  Italy,  where  he  found  himself  'with  his  wings 
clipped  and  destitute  of  house  and  fann','  hia  proporty 
near  Venusia  having  probably  been  oonfiscated  and 
assignod  to  a  vetoran  of  the  victorious  anny. 

1  ly  some  means,  however,  he  managed  to  procure 
a  sort  of  clerkship  in  the  treasury*  oa  whioh  to  live. 
Meantime  some  of  his  writings,  possibly  some  of  the 
eariier  Satires  (e.g.  1.  7),  attracted  the  notice  of 
Varius  and  Virgil,  who  in  39  b.o.  procured  for  the 
timid  and  stammering  clerk  an  introduction  to 
C.  Cilniua  Mascenas,  the  peace  niinister  of  Augustus 
and  the  great  literary  patron  of  the  age.  After  a 
delay  of  nine  months,  during  which  Mtecenas  seems 
to  have  satisaed  hiniaelf  aa  to  the  talent  and  eharacter 
of  Hor&ce,  he  welcomed  him  as  an  intimato  member 
of  that  famous  literary  group  which  the  great  statee- 
man  loved  to  collect  around  him  in  hia  palaoe  on  the 
Esquiline.  From  this  time  until  hia  doath,  which 
occurred  on  the  17th  of  December  aa  8  a  few  weeks 
after  that  of  Mncemu,  the  poet  and  hia  patron  lived 
on  terms  of  extreme  intimacy,  and  Horaoe  takes  a 

'  Od.  3.  17.  16. 

'  Bp.  3.  9.  60  dtctiit  kumiitM  ptnnti  tuopemqut  patenri  |  «1 
Larti  ttfimdi. 

*  teriptMWt  jaswWritmi  eomparavit  Suet.  Vit.  i  Sai.  S.  8.  86. 


marked  place  as  one  of  the  notable  figures  in  Roroan 

Of  his  life  however  there  is  little  to  relate.  He 
was  a  man  who  infinitely  preferred  repose  and  com- 
fort  to  rank  and  distinction.  Mecenas  presented 
him  with  a  small  farm  among  the  Sabine  hills  a 
little  north-east  of  Tibur  (Tivoli),  and  this  Sabine 
farm  was  dear  to  him  as  the  apple  of  his  eye  \  He  is 
never  weary  of  referring  to  its  charms ;  he  loved  to 
retire  to  it  froro  Rome,  and  he  constantly  contrasts 
the  delights  of  his  peaceful  life  there  with  the  worry 
and  turmoil  and  endless  engagements  of  the  capital. 
In  Rome  itself  he  contented  hiroself  with  an  extremely 
modest  household",  partly  because  his  independent 
spirit  made  him  unwilling  to  accept  too  much  from 
his  patron,  partly  because  he  had  a  genuine  dislike 
to  ostentation  and  the  inconveniences  which  it  en- 
tails.  His  ideal  in  life  was  a  modest  competence 
and  the  ability  to  do  as  you  like.  To  lie  in  bed 
until  ten,  then  to  write  or  read,  to  play  a  game  at 
ball,  to  bathe,  to  dine  at  ease,  to  stroll  round  the 
Cirous  or  the  Forum  in  the  evening  listening  to 
fortune-tellers  and  cheap-jacks' — these  were  delights 
in  his  judgment  to  which  kings  and  courts  could 
afford  nothing  equaL  Even  when  pressed  by  Au- 
gustus  to  accept  the  distinguished  position  of  his 

1  Od.  2.  18.  14  unicu  Sabinit. 
9  Sat.  1.  6.  114. 
*  Sat.  1.  6.  114  teq. 



private  seoretary,  lio  refuaed  to  sacrifice  his  freedom, 
and  the  refusal  was  sccepted  without  irritation  by 
the  emperor,  while  Suetonius  quotes  a  letter  in  wbich 
the  master  of  the  world  good-humouredly  contrasts 
the  poet's  haughty  reserve  with  his  own  humble 
entroaties  and  oflers  of  friendship1, 

Throughout  life  he  took  a  keen  interest  in  pbilo- 
sophy  and  eapecially  in  Ethics,  questions  connected 
witii  morals  being  continually  discussed  by  him.  His 
own  taEtes  and  habits  were  naturally  Epiourean,  and 
/'a,  sleek-skinned  porker  from  the  pen  of  Epieurus" 
'  is  his  jesting  description  of  himself,  wliile  sucb 
maxima  as  carpe  diem  and  dona  prtuerUU  cape  laUtu 
/tora  abound  in  his  writings  and  are  illustruted  in 
his  life.  On  the  other  hand  he  is  never  tired  of 
jibing  at  the  cr&bbed  and  paradoxicai  teaching  of 
the  Stoics,  whose  typical  'wise  man'  he  delights  to 
portray  as  a  typicai  fooL  But  in  spite  of  this  he 
everywhero  exhibits  a  hearty  admiration  for  that 
strong,  sober,  self-sacrificing  '  manliness'  (virtui) 
which  had  made  a  'race  of  rustio  soldiero"  the 
conqnerors  of  the  world,  but  which  is  oertainly 
j  Stoicol  rather  than  Epicure&n.  The  foct  is  that  he 
>sete  little  store  by  logical  consistency  and  writea 
according  to  the  changing  phasas  of  his  own  mood. 

1  ntgut  enim,  H  tu  ruperbut  avtieitiam  Hottram  iprtvitti, 
ideo  noi  quoque  arSvrip^pnroOutr,  Suet.  Vit. 

■  Ep.  1.  4  16  Epieuri  de  gregt  porciun. 

■  Od.  B.  6.  87. 


He  denies  ihe  interferenoe  of  the  gods  in  hnman 
anairs1,  or  calls  such  teaching  the  'wisdom  of  fools1' 
and  piety  the  first  of  virtue»  with  amiable  facility. 
He  writes  an  Ode  to  Fyrrha  or  a  winejar  and  then 
desoants  on  the  advantages  of  hard  fare  and  hard 
exerciae  with  apparently  equal  enthusiasm.  Such 
inoonsistency  is  common  and  almost  a  part  of  human 
nature,  and  it  is  one  of  the  charms  of  Horace  that  he 
does  not  endeavour  to  conoeal  it.  At  the  same  time, 
because  he  does  not  play  the  Puritan  or  assume  the 
solemn  countenance*  of  a  professed  moralist,  we  havo 
no  right,  as  some  do,  to  describe  him  as  a  voluptuary. 
Those  who  choose  may  disouss  with  seriousness  the 
exact  contento  of  his  cellar,  or  find  in  the  Odes 
which  he  addresses  to  Lydia,  Pyrrha  and  their  kind 
a  history  of  his  own  amours,  but  more  caref ul  critics 
will  detect  under  the  various  disguises  in  which  the 
poet  masquerades  a  certain  serious  and  sober  earnest- 
ness  as  of  a  man  not  without  noble  conceptions  of 
life  and  duty.  This  much  at  any  rate  is  certain: 
the  man  who  wrote  of  his  father,  as  Horace  did  of 
his,  was  not  a  bad  man ;  the  man  who  amid  all  the 
temptations  of  Rome  could  make  a  simple  country 
life  his  ideal,  as  Horace  did,  was  not  a  vicious  man ; 
the  man  who  kept  his  head  in  a  position  such  as 
Horace  occupied  was  not  a  vain  man;  the  man  whom 

1  Sat.  1.  5.  101  namque  deot  didiei  iecurum  agere  ctvom. 

1  Od.  1.  84.  2  insanieru  tapientia. 

*  Sat.  1.  1.  24  ridentem  dicere  verum  |  quid  vetat  t 


i  Augnstos  :       d  to  be  his  private  secretary  was  not 
fooliah   in.i       uid  tbere  must  have  been  something 
.  very  lo  and    very  rem&rk&ble   in  one  whom 

,HaMeni  r  an  unbroken  intimacy  o!  30  jearti, 

loonld  oi  d  It  his  master  on  his  deathbed  with 

jthe  worcis  loratii  Flacci  ut  mei  memor  etto.' 

He  >es  himself    when  in   his   forty-fourth 

e,  prematurely  grey, 
iper  and  quickly  ap- 
he  was  'short  and 
ugustus  in  which  the 
«eipt  of  one  of  his 
airnid  thnt  his  book 
„jt  reminds  him  that 


ye*r  m 

f  ond  of 

peaaedV      Bu«i 

•tout  * '  nnd  quows 

eroperor     nckn 

books,  ta  ■  ■  tht 

will  be  bigger  tnnn  n 

thougb   not  tall  st.ill  he  hna  a  '  corporntton '  (corpue- 

ouium)  and  that  if  tho  '  roll '  (volumen)  were  rounder 

it  would  be  more  like  its  AUthor. 

His  writings  fnll  into  two  divisions ; 

(1)  Lyric  poems — the  Epodes,  the  Odes,  and  tha 
Carmm  Saoidan. 

(2)  Thfl  Satires,  the  Epistles,  and  the  Art 

The  Epodes  and  the  S&tires  both  belong  to  the 
tirst  half  of  hii  career,  his  other  poema  to  the  second. 
Up  to  the  battlfl  of  Actium  (u.o.  31)  ha  perhaps  still 
clung  to  the  republioan  dreams  of  his  youth;  at 

1  Bp.  1.  30.  34  corporu  cxigui, 
iraici  ccltrcm  tamen  ut  ptaeabiUe  etiem. 
'  brevit  et  obtnu. 

tolibut  aptum,  | 


any  rate  up  to  that  period  his  writinga  are  without 
political  colour1,  but  after  it  he  not  only  oeases  to 
be  neutral,  but  beoomea  definitely  a  supporter  of  the 
new  Monarchy  and,  espeoially  in  the  Odes,  deliberately 
plaoes  his  poetical  powers  at  its  disposaL 

The  Satires  consist  of  a  number  of  poems  in 
Hexameter  verse  in  two  Books  the  first  of  which 
waa  published  about  ao.  35,  the  aecond  about  ac.  30. 
Whatever  the  origin  of  the  word  satura  or  satira', 
at  any  rate  'Satire,'  as  a  form  of  poetry  in  our 
modern  sense  of  the  word,  has  the  distinction  of 
being  the  only  branoh  of  Koman  literature  which 
was  not  formed  on  a  Greek  model*.  Its  inventor 
was  Lucilius  (148—103  b.o.)  and  it  reached  its  per- 
fection  in  Juvenal  (Jlor.  a.d.  100).  The  Satires  of 
Lucilius  attack  individuals  with  the  unsparing  free- 
dom  of  the  old  Qreek  comedy ;  those  of  Juvenal  glow 
with  the  fire  of  a  fierce  indignation.  The  Satires  of  \ 
Horace  on  the  other  hand  are  f ree  from  vehemence ; ( 
they  keep  entirely  olear  of  politics  and  deal  chiefly 
with  social  topics,  the  writer  finding  in  the  faults ' 
and  follies  of  mankind  the  occasion  not  for  anger 

1  'During  the  time  covered  by  the  Satires  (aboot  b.o.  40 — 
80)  Horace  does  not  appear  at  all  on  terms  of  intimaey  with 
Augustus.'    Wilkins  Int.  to  Epistles,  p.  iviii. 

9  Its  mo8t  probable  derivation  is  from  lanx  tatura,  a  plate 
full  of  all  sorts  of  frnits  offered  to  the  gods,  so  that  it  means 
•a  medley,'  ef.  Juv.  1.  86  where  he  describes  his  book  as  a 
'hotch-potoh,'  farrago. 

*  Quint.  10. 1.  93  tatira  quidem  tota  iiostra  est. 


\  but  for  lauohter.  At  the  same  tiaie  this  langhter 
;  mnst  not  bc  tinterpreted  ;  it  is  i  n  no  senso  cynice.1 
or  oontetDD  ib  but  is  used  deliberately.  Hor&ce 
knew  thal  vu  not  adaptcd  for  a  preaoher  or  a    * 

'prophet,  b  .0  was  admirably  qualified  to  make 
vioe  appear  iculous  snd  to  shew  the  fool  hia  owu 
foolishne-  . 

Tho   E        .-   -.-*  -*  * —  ^uoijg  fjg  g^at  0f 

whioh  wbb  3  while  the  second 

oonsists  of  onij  which  tbe  first  is 

assigned  to  b.0.        u»  to  b.0.  19'.    They 

are  aimilar  in  chs  tirea  but  altogether 

superior  to  them  yle  but  in  matter. 

They  contain  the  -  npn  i»u>u  the  poet's  observa- 
tion  of  i!i.'it  .'uul  mannera"set  before  us  with  tbat 
apparently  oegligent  grace  which  is  really  the  result 
of  perfect  akill,  and  which  adds  so  much  to  the 
charm  of  good  '  con versation' '  and  good  '  letters '.' 

1  Wilktns  Int.  p.  iri. 
■  Wiliins  Int.  p.  ui. 

*  Hoiaoe  iloes  not  ssem  himtelf  to  have  callod  hii  Batins 
bj  that  uame,  but  rather  to  hsve  used  the  tsrm  Strmtmei 
'oonversations.'  Wfaen  bowerer  be  seys  of  theee  poem»  that 
thsy  'oulydifferfiomordinary  oonverastion  in  the  faot  of  their 
icsnning'  (Bat.  1.  *.  VI  niii  quod  pede  certo  j  tennoni  iifitrl, 
itrmo  mtnu)  he  must  not  be  taksn  too  literally,  for  it  is  his 
objeot  to  dtsguise  Ihe  peint  whioh  have  besn  tsken  with  them. 

*  Of  oourse  in  snoieut  tintes — and  in  modem  timea  up  to 
tbe  introduation  of  oheep  peetage — letter-writing  wsa  often    ' 
prsotiied  as  aa  art,  snd  ooasequently  many  writers,  when 


The  Ar$  Poetiea  is>  as  its  name  implies,  a  didaotio 
poem  giving  ralea  for  poetioal  oomposition. 

The  Bpodee1  are  Horaoe's  first  attempt  at  writing 
lyrio  poetry.  They  are  an  imitation  of  the  satirical 
iambics  of  Arohilochus*,  and  are  thns  to  aome  extent 
conneoted  with  the  Satires  whioh  were  written  at 
the  same  period.  The  bitterness  of  Arohiloohos  was, 
however,  entirely  alien  from  the  easy  temper  of 
Horace,  and  the  'libellous  iambics"  in  whioh  he 
vents  imaginary  spleen  on  imaginary  persons4  are 
dull  and  unintereeting,  but  other  Epodes,  in  which 
he  breaks  loose  from  Archiloohus  in  order  to  deal 
with  happier  thenies,  already  shew  signs  of  his  f  uture 
greatneas  as  a  lyric  poet. 

It  is  on  the  four  Books  of  Odes  that  the  fame  of 
Horace  really  rests.     To  what  extent  the  Odes  were 

desiring  to  treat  a  snbjeot  somewhat  informally,  have  pot  their 
views  forward  in  the  shape  of  *Letter8.> 

1  The  term  Epode  is  not  used  by  Horaoe,  who  calU  these 
venet  iambi,  and  is  derived  from  the  vernu  iryMt  a  ahort  verae 
or  'refrain,'  nsoallj  a  Dimeter  Iambio,  whioh  Arohiloohns  aome- 
times  alternated  with  the  regnlar  Trimeter  Iambio  and  whioh 
ooenrs  regularly  in  Epodes  1—10.  Gf.  Epod.  1.  1  ibit  Li- 
bumii  inter  alta  navium,  |  amice,  propugnacula. 

1  He  is  aaid  to  have  invented  the  metre  eepeoially  for  his 
lampoons;  A.  P.  79  Archilochum  proprio  rabict  armavit  iambo. 

*  criminosit  iambU  Od.  1.  16.  2,  where  he  offers  to  bnrn 

4  He  expressly  states  that  these  poems  are  wbolly  nnreal, 
Ep.  1.  19.  24  numcroi  animotquc  tecutut  |  Archilochi  non  ret  et 
agentia  verba  Lycamben. 


published  and  circulated  separatety  we  oannot  tell, 
but  the  division  into  books  almost  certainly  dates 
from  Korace's  time  and  the  arrangement  of  the  Odes 
in  them  is  probably  his  own.  Tbe  marks  of  careful 
arrangement  are  very  clear.  Thus  in  tho  first  Book 
the  first  three  Odee  are  addressed  to  Mfecenas, 
Augustus,  and  Virgil,  while  the  first  nine  Odes  are 
each  in  a  different  metre,  as  though  the  poet  wished 
to  give  the  reader  an  early  proof  of  his  varied  skill. 
That  at  the  end  of  the  Book  the  passion  of  the 
Cleopntra-Ode  (l.  37)  should  be  followed  by  an  ex- 
tremely  slight  and  cheerful  drinking-song  is  in  strict 
aocordance  with  Horace's  characteristio  dislike  to 
end  on  a  high-pitched  note.  The  first  ten  Odes  of 
the  second  Book  are  alternately  Alcaics  and  Sapphics, 
wlule  the  stately  Koman-Odes  which  coinmence  tlie 
third  Book  are,  with  their  noble  exordium,  mani- 
festly  where  thej  were  designed  to  be.  Lastly  tho 
concluding  Ode  of  tbe  third  Book 

clearly  presupposes  a  completo  and  final  collection  of 
the  Odes  to  which  it  is  appended. 

The  date  of  the  production  of  these  three  BooVs 
is  generally  considered  to  lie  between  30  b.o.  the 
date  of  the  Cleopatra-Ode1  and  23  b.c.  the  date  of 
the  death  of  Maroellus,  who  in  1.  12.  46  ia  apoken 

■  to  ths  battle  of 


of  as  alive :  but  though  the  latter  date  may  be  oox 
gidered  certain  it  is  impossible  to  say  whether  som 
Odes  xnay  not  have  been  written— or  partly  writte 
— oonaiderably  before  aa  30. 

The  foarth  Book  was  published  about  B.O.  1 
being  separated  from  the  other  three  by  a  oonsidei 
able  interval,  as  is  shewn  by  internal  evidence1  an 
definitely  stated  by  Suetonius — Scripta  ejus  usqv 
adeo  probavit  (Auguetue)  mansuraque  perpetuo  op 
natus  ett  ut  non  modo  sceculare  earmen  eomponendw 
injunxerity  §ed  et  Vinddicam  victoriam  Tiberii  Drus 
que  privignorum  suorum,  eumque  coegerit  propter  hc 
tribue  earminum  librie  ex  longo  intervaUo  quartui 

The  Carmen  Sasculare  ifl  a  Sapphic  Ode  written  t 
be  sung  publioly  by  a  ohorus  of  youths  and  maider 
in  the  great  *  Secular  Games '  exhibited  by  Augusti 
B.C.  17'. 

All  Latin  poetry  (except  Satire)  is  copied  froi 
Greek  models.  Terence  copiea  Menander,  Propertk 
Callimachus,  Lucretius  Empedocles,  Yirgil  Hesio 
and  Homer:  so  Horace  in  the  Odes  copies  th 
Greek  lyric  writers.     The  sportive  lays  of  Anacreoi 

1  Cf.  4. 1.  1  intermista,  Venut,  diu  |  rurtut  bella  movet ;  U 
▼ocabulary  too  is  considerably  altered  and  there  U  a  marke 
differenoe  in  the  prosody. 

'  The  foll  desoription  of  these  gamee  is  given  in  an  inscri] 
tion,  diacovered  in  1890,  printed  in  Lanoiani's  Pagan  axi 
Christian  Bome. 


occasionally  the  dirges  of  Simonides,  but  above  ali 
the  pasaionate  love-songs  of  Sappho  and  tbe  patriotio 
odes  of  AJceus  are  the  modela  whicli  he  followa'. 
Sometimes  he  oopies  his  model  very  closely  eapeci- 
ally  at  the  beginning  of  an  Ode  (e.g.  in  Odea  9,  14 
and  37  of  Book  I.),  but  as  a  whole  it  may  be  aaid 
that  the  form  and  outline  of  liia  Odes  are  eopied 
rather  than  the  detaiia, 

The  Odes  may  be  roughly  divided  into  two 
clas&es  according  as  they  are  of  a  light  or  of  a 
Berioua  character.  The  former  deal  with  love,  wine, 
friendship;  the  latter  are  addreased  to  some  eminent 
personage  or  are  written  'by  command'  to  celebrate 
some  public  event  or  advocate  some  publio  policy. 
The  one  exhihit  grace,  poliab,  elegance;  the  other 
aim  at  impoaing  atatelineas  and  aonorous  dignity. 
The  two  varieties  are  wholly  different,  and  it  would 
be  as  foolish  to  oompare  the  lyrics  of  Herrick  or 
Sir  John  Suckling  with,  eay,  Tennyaons  Ode  on  the 
Denth  of  the  Duke  of  Wellington  as  to  compare  snoh 
exquisite  gems  as  1,  6  (qvu  nvulta...)  or  3.  9  (donae 
gratut...)  with  the  Koman-Odea  at  the  commenoemont 
of  the  third  Book, 

The  oharacteristics  of  the  Odes  are  (1)  their 
j  wonderful  charm  of  rhythm,  and  (S)  their  perfect 
■  literary    finish.     With    regard    to    the    first    point 

1  Pindu  he  msket  no  ittampt  to  oopj,  tor  h«  knaw  that  tbe 
'Thsban  eagls'  aoered  on  piniom  atronger  tban  hJs  own. 


Horaoe  was  proudly  oonscious1  of  the  skill  with 
which  he  had  overoome  the  difficult  task  of  adapting 
Greek  metres  to  the  requirements  of  the  Latin 
tongue.  To  examine  in  detail  how  far  he  has  suc- 
oeeded  would  require  a  treatise,  but  anyone  who  will 
oompare  his  Alcaics  with  those  of  AIccbus*  will  see 
that  hia  Alcaio  stanza  is,  though  a  copy,  at  the  same 
time  almost  a  new  creation,  the  stately  third  line 
especially,  which  beara  the  weight  of  the  stanza, 
being  80  changed  that  its  original  trochaic  movement 
(see  quotation  in  note)  is  hardly  recognizable.  The 
lofty  ring  and  rhythmic  force  of  Horace's  best  Odes 
in  this  metre  has  never  been  approached. 

The  literary  finish  of  the  Odes  has  been  acknow- 
ledged  in  all  ages.  Their  apparently  happy  ease  is 
really  the  result  of  infinite  painsJ.  Horace  had  no 
belief  in  geniuses  who  dash  off  verses.  The  poet 
must  have  natural  power  (ingenium)  but  technical 
skill  (ars)4  is  also  indispensable  and  above  all  pains : 
'correctV    'eraseV   'polish7/   cpruneV  is   Horace's 

1  Od.  8.  80.  13—16. 

*  e.g.  of.  Alo.  34 

xa/9/faXXe  top  xe(/iWI''>  M  /Up  n$€ii 
rvp,  h  tt  xlprait  ohow  d^xi&wi 
fxiXiXpow,  avrap  dp4>l  KOpca 
fiaKOaKow  dtufnTlditi  yr6<paXkor. 

*  curiosa  fclicita*  Horatii,  Petronius. 

4  Cf.  A.  P.  408  *eq.  »  A.  P.  438  corrigc,  soda. 

*  8at.  1.  10.  72  ttilum  vertat. 

f  A.  P.  201  limte  labor.  »  Sat.  1.  10.  69  recidere. 

P.  11. 

;  'give  back  the  verses  to  thB  anvil1/ 
'lock  them  up  in  your  desk  for  nine  years','  'cut 
down  and  correct  ten  times  until  no  criticiam  can 
find  a  flaw*.'  The  reault  of  all  this  labour,  in  Horace'i 
ce>ac,  is  tliat  his  verses  seem  perfectly  unlalxmred. 
Hence  it  U  that  they  have  for  ages  at  once  tempted 
and  dened  translatton :  it  seema  perfectly  oasy  to 
reproduce  them  and  it  ia,  in  fact,  oo  hard  that  not 
one  translation  in  a  hundred  ia  inoro  than  readable. 
This  is  not  the  highest  praise,  for  the  noblest  poetry 
does  not  depend  on  fonn,  and  translations  of  Job 
or  of  Iaaiah,  of  Homer  or  Lucretius  may  be  not 
unworthy  of  ths  original,  bat  it  does  shew  that 
tho  shape  in  which  Horace  presente  his  ideas  is  of 
unsurpassed  excellence.  Indecd  the  strength,  terse- 
neas  and  lucidity  of  Lntin  render  it  an  unrivalled 
instruroent  for  the  expression  of  simple  truths  with 
monumental  dignity  and  force :  add  therefore  to  . 
coraplete  mastery  of  such  an  instrument  complete 
mastory  of  metrical  effect,  and  it  U  clear  how  some 
of  the  Odes  cling  more  readtly  to  the  mentory  than 
almost  any  poetry  in  the  world. 

As  however  the  technical  skill  of  Horaoe  U  un-  ' 
I  doubted,  so,  on  the  other  hand,  he  does  not  exhibit 
\  great  powers  of   imagination.     He  U  not  a  great 
'.  creative  poet ;  there  are  few  new  ideas  in  the  Odes, 

1  A.  P.  441  incudi  reddere  vertut. 

'  A.  P.  388  nonumqut  prematur  in  BBHM. 

*  A.  P.  29iferfeetus>deeiet...caitigav(taduittuem. 


Some  critics  in  consequenoe  deny  him  »11  real  poetical 

talent  and  treat  him  only  as  a  venifier;  Goethe,  for 

instance,  speaks  of  him  as  possessing  teohnical  skill^ 

'side  by  nde  with  a  frightful  realism,  without  any 

genuine  poetry  eepedally  in  the  OdesV    But  this 

criticism  is  overdone.     In  the  Regulus-Ode  (3.  5) 

there  is  real  poetio  power  and  the  closing  stanzas 

exhibit  true  oreative  genius.    In  such  a  line  as  dulce 

et  decorum  est  pro  pairia  mori  (3.  2.  13)  there  is 

something  more  than  mere  mastery  over  words,  while 

in  such  a  stanza  as 

quo  pims  ingem  aXbaque  popului 
umbram  hotpitaUm  contociar*  amant 
ramist  quid  obUquo  laborat 
lympha  fugax  trepidare  rivo  9 

there  is  ^realism'  no  doubt  but  to  call  it  cfrightful 
realism'  is  absurd,  and  if  the  last  sovon  words  are 
not  poetry  it  would  be  hard  to  say  what  is.  It  is 
needless  however  to  pursue  the  question.  Horace's 
own  prophecy  Non  omnis  moriar  has  been  splendidly 
fulfilled,  and  the  praise  of  nineteen  centuries  makes 
rash  criticism  of  the  Odes  recoil  upon  the  critic. 
His  may  not  be  a  master  mind,  but  he  has  succeeded 
in  saying  some  common  things  better  perhaps  than 
they  will  ever  be  said  again.  Those  who  only  respect 
what  they  do  not  understand  will  not  esteem  him 

1  F.  W.  Biemer,  Mittheilungen  Uber  Qoethe,  n.  644,  nebst 
einer  furchtbaren  Realitat,  ohne  alle  eigentliohe  Pocfie  be- 
tonders  in  den  Oden. 


highly,  }  >a  of  sense  will  atill  continue  to  value 

hi»  hep  I  epigrammatio  plirases  which  enibody 

■O  mucl  little,  and  are 

It  •  mains  to  add  tbat  the   Odes  quickly 

•ofleret  ithor  moat  dreaded1, 

and  hao  -book  in  the  century 

•Jtter  hii  aei  —  .  ued  so  to  the  present 

d»y.     Nor  in  untn  red  at,  for,  though  it 

needs  *  sch  st&nd   the  Odes  and 

bring  out   t  h   suggeative   phraae 

while  also  tracing  ttio  oii*  ery  subtle'  sequence 
of  thought  whicb  tiuks  stanza  to  Btanza,  stili  a  large 
portion  of  the  language  is  simplicity  itself  and  it  ii 
difficult  to  imagine  what  better  niodel  of  Latiu  could 
be  put  before  a>  boy. 

None  of  our  extant  MSS.  are  older  thati  the  9th 
oontury,  though  Oruquiua  in  his  editioii  (1578  a-d.) 
gives  the  readings  of  sorae  MSS.  now  lost  which 
may  have  beea  earlier,    The  Scholia,  or  colleotioD 

»  Ep.  1. ao. 17 

hoc  ouogw  t*  manet  «1  puercn  tltwuMa  doctnttm 
oeaiptt  cxlrnui  in  vitit  balba  h*m(m. 
Cf.  Sat.  1.  10. 7«. 
'  JuT«tal7.  S97. 

•  Anjooa  raading  la  Mtmoriam  maj  iea  how  in  Ljtio 
poetry  this  ia  often  far  frout  wuijr. 


of  oomments,  which  bear  the  names  of  Acron  and 
Porphyrion  often  carry  us  back  to  evidence  which  is 
mnch  earlier,  and  po&sibly  goes  back  to  the  2nd  or 
3rd  centnry1.  On  the  whole  the  text  ifl  fairly  satis- 
factory  and,  though  aome  few  pas&ages  are  certainly 
corrupt  or  interpolated*,  yet  there  ifl  no  ground  for 
8U8pecting  that  wholesale  alteration  of  the  Odes, 
which  some  critics*  assume  whenever  the  meaning 
of  a  stanza  or  the  connection  of  thought  between 
two  parts  of  an  Ode  is  not  immediately  obvious  to 

1  See  Wiokham  Inl  'The  Soholiasta.' 
1  e.g.  8. 11. 16—20;  4.  8. 18. 
*  Notably  Lehra  and  Peerlkamp. 




Thb  Alcaic  metre  is  ao  ealled  from  the  Oreek  poet 
Alcaeus  of  Lesboa,  who  is  aaid  to  have  invented  it. 
It  ifl  eraployed  by  Horace  more  frequently  than  any 
other,  and  is  especially  uaed  when  a  lofty  and  digni- 
fied  tone  ia  asanmed.  It  occurs  in  the  following 
Odea,  whieh  contain  in  all  317  stanzas : 

I.  9,  16,  17,  26,  27,  29,  31,  34,  35,  37 

II.  1,  3,  5,  7,  9,  11,  13,  14,  15,  17,  19,  20 

III.  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  17,  21,  23,  26,  29 

IV.  4,  9,  14,  15 

*=»  —  ^.  —  II  — 



\j  — 
\j  \j 

\j  \j  —  \j  o 

\j  \J  —  \J  O 

—  \j  —  O 
\j  \j  —  \j  —  O 

*  The  original  metre  in  Greek  is  a  oombinaiion  of  trochees 
and  daotyls,  thus — 

1,2.        «|-w ww_ww 

8,  w|«.w-.w  —  w  —  w 

4.  _ww«.ww_w_w 

Horace  by  lengthening  the  fifth  syllable  in  eaoh  of  the  first 
three  lines  has  completely  altered  the  oharaoter  of  the  metre, 
and  its  troohaio  movement  almost  disappeara,  ospecially  in  the 
third  line  where  he  etudiously  avoids  troehees  (see  p.  xxx),  so 
that  it  ia  hard  to  recognize  in  hia  third  lines  the  original  tro- 
chaio  line  as  it  appears  in  Aloaens,  e.g.  fU\\ixpo»  |  afrrap  \  &n<f>l  | 
ichpea.  The  effeot  of  the  alteration  is  to  give  weight  and 
dignity.  Tennyson  in  his  English  Alcaics  recurs  to  the  Greek 
fonn,  e.g.  *  God|-gifted  |  6rgan|-voice  of  |  England.' 

utTiii  H  iTES  ON  THE  METBES 

The  fin<  llable  in  the  firat  tliree  lines  ie  common 
but  a  iborl  lable  is  vtry  rarely  uaed  :  1 3  instance* 
oocur  io  'ir*t  Book,  5  in  tlie  Second,  7  in  the 

Third  m~         >  in  the  Fourth. 

1.9,1-  lC.l&itHtrt:  17.  7  «letitfi ;  37,  lii&WTt;  33 

«U#-W  S  r;  31,  S  prlaiatit ;  17  Jrti  ;  35,  16  fld  orm-i  ; 

87  -*»  j  «rrfl  |  SS,  1S  rMf  f)«f ;    33  ptri rt.      3.  7,  » 

ctttoriai  1  *•  14.  6  omiet  .<  17.  Z  Sbirt  ;  19,  33  tflAari. 

8,    1,  9  ).  ;  1.    78  rHiSuit ;    3,   34 

feirc,- «,  Tli,  ,  11  «m-ftte. 

The  laat  lyllal  "  >  is  common  :  in  the 

3rd  and  4th  !!:'■■<«  »e  ending  in  a  short 

vowol  u  distui  i  ending  not  haviag 

■uffident  weij !, 

In  tha  flnrt  tii  Od«  of  the  Third  Book  whioh  eonaiat  of  84 
lUnni  4  lhori  yowol  occura  at  the  end  at  tha  third  line 
E  timei  aod  at  the  end  o(  the  fonrth  onlj  once  (S.  1,  40  atra 

Synaphaoa.  prevails  :  that  b  to  »ay  a  line  ending 
inmon  vowel  (especially  a  short  vowel)  or  diph-- 
thong  is  rarely  foUowed  by  a  line  beginning  with  a 
vowel,  the  lines  in  each  stanza  bsing  linked  together. 

The  following  inrtanen  owmr :  1.  0,  7  Sdbint  |  o ;  B,  U 
lucro  |  appont;  16,  37  amUS  |  opproorifi;  17,  17  nwa  |  «t ;  U, 
S  Golii6n'iu  |  armaOa;  Sl,  14  J (Jantieum  |  imnuTw ;  85,  9 
Scy  that  |  la-beiju* ;  SB,  39  nooo  [  f  nciuk.  3.  6,  9  cupf  li-inem 
inisrfli.;  1S,  7  eruorjf  |  fcM-pitii ;  18,  11  carfwnin  |  fn;  18.38 
au™|  Jkau;  14,  8  MMMtM  |  a/«rd ;  19,  61  trtKnatrf  |  or*. 
S.  2,  17  tordfdaj  |  f  nta-ninatu ;  4,  9  Apvto  \  allrfeii;  B,  10 
tooa*  |  oelihu;    6,  11  Vttlat  \  incolumi ;  fi,  18  dato  |  htUrq**, 

USED   IN   THE   ODES.  xxix 

The  oonneotion  between  the  tbird  and  f onrth  lines  ia  eipeoi- 
allyolose:  thxisthereareeightiiutanoeeof  «t  elidedat  theend 
ofthetUrdline(1.85,116arbaroruiii«l  \purpurei;%  18, 28;  8. 
1,  80;  8,  71;  4,  69  j  6,  8;  39,  8;  99,  7)  end  2.  85,  89  retutum 
in  |  Ma$$agetatt  whereas  only  one  sneh  instanoe  oooare  in  the 
first  two  lines  1.  9,  18  quaerere  et  |  quem.  In  two  inetanoes, 
for  the  eake  of  speeial  effeot,  the  third  line  ie  aotnally  oon- 
neoted  with  the  fourth,  2.  8,  27  $or$  exitura  et  noe  in  aetern\um 
exeilium;  8.  29,  85  cumpaee  delabenHe  Etruse\um  tn  mare. 

In  the  first  two  lines  a  break  always  occurs  after  the 
flfth  syllable.  Elision  however  often  occurs  especi- 
ally  of  a  syllable  ending  in  m,  of  which  there  are  four- 
teen  instances,  while  there  are  only  five  of  a  vowel  so 
elided.  They  only  end  with  a  monosjllable  once 
(4.  9,  1  ne/arte  credas  interUura  quae). 

A  eyllable  ending  in  m  is  elided  1. 16,  6  $aeerdot\um  ineola ; 
84, 18  in$ign\em  attenuat;  86,  25;  2.  5,  21;  18,  6;  17. 10;  8. 
1,  6;  8,  41 ;  8,  49;  4,  4  con*il\ium  et;  6,  1 ;  6,  6  pHncip\ium 
hue;  21, 18 ;  29, 17.  A  vowel  1.  84, 10  invis\i  horrida;  2.  8, 
18  unguent\a  et;  8.  2,  5  $ub  div\o  et;  4,  6  audir\e  et;  6, 18 
inquinaver\e  et. 

The  following  five  linee  are  eiceptional:  three  of  them 
ooonr  in  the  First  Book  two  being  in  the  striking  bnt  irregnlar 
Gleopatra  Ode ;  the  fourth  U  hardly  an  exoeption,  while  the 
fifth  being  found  in  the  extremely  formal  and  regnlar  Odee  of 
the  Fonrth  Book  mnst  be  speoially  intended  to  attract  attention 
by  ite  exceptional  shape. 

1. 16,  21  hottile  aratrum  ez\ereitu$  intolent 
1.  87,  5    antehac  ne/at  dejpromere  Caeeubum 

1.  87,  14  mentemque  lymph\atam  Mareotieo 

2.  17,  21  utrumque  nottrum  in\eredibili  modo 
4. 14, 17  tpeetandut  in  eert\amine  Martio. 


The  third  line  bear*  the  wetght  oE  tbe  stanza  uri 
is  very  earefully  constructed.    Theee  are  model  lines : 

audita  |  Musarum  \  tacerdoi 
matrona  \  beltantii  ]  lyranni 
detcendat  |  in  Campum  |  pelitor 
lortitur  [  insignet  j  et  imo*  ; 
and  these  variations  are  freqnent : 

viiam  \  pharetrato»  |  Gelonoi 
traetai  \  et  incedu  |  per  ignet 
or  tettatur  \  auditumque  |  Medii 

or  apponet  |  nnnoi ;  |  jom  protervae 

It  cannot  end  with  a  raoiiosyllftblo  {the  exception 
ia  2.  7,  19  depone  mb  lauru  mea,  nec)  or  a.  qusdri- 
ayllable  (the  exceptions  are  t.  36,  11  barbarorutn; 
2.  7,  19  temperatam;  2.  19,  19  rtpertno)  or  with  two 

Two  disjllablee  oeanr  3.  1, 11  ra>  ordinaru,  grandt  ww; 
1S,  11  tantan  ri«M  otfne  CnmeU-  In  1.  89,  11  prcmot  rtlabi 
jmwi  rinoj  i  ipeaUl  effect  U  simed  *t  The  fire  other  in- 
■Unce*  present  ■  marked  peonlUritj:  the  flnt  dUjUabU  U 
inunedUtalj  lepeaied  at  the  beginning  of  the  fourth  lina,  tha 
tpeejal  fT"phf>«"  given  to  the  reptated  word  at  onoe  reetoring 
to  tha  third  line  iU  tonoroni  oharaoter.  It  should  be  noted 
however  that  the  intUnoes  are  all  ln  the  flnt  two  Books. 

1.  16,  B   ponet  iawtbU  tLnjlamma  |  ilfe... 

1.  90,  7    gaudu,  apricoi  ateMfioret  |  secte... 

1.  18,  97  Aleatt,  pleetro  dnra  navit  |  dnra... 

3. 14, 11  twtviganda  slT*  rtgtt  |  tlve... 

3. 10,  6    lattatur  ;  euoe.  paroe  Liber  |  paroe... 

USED  IN  THE  ODES.  xxxi 

The  fourth  line  oannot  begin  with  two  dactyU 
without  oaeenra :  nobUU  \  omnia  \  diaoii  |  iUe  U  not  a 

In  the  seoond  dactyl  a  weak  caeaura  U  diatinctly 
avoided  ai  giving  too  rapid  a  movement  to  the 

The  exeeptione  are  1. 9, 8  o  ThaUarehe  |  merum  diota;  31, 16 
me  eiehorea  |  leveeque  malvae;  2.  3,  8  interiore  nota  Falerni  ; 
4.  0,  8  8te$ichoriqu*  \  gravee  Camenae.  In  1.  16,  12  Iuppiter 
ipee  ruene  tumultu  the  line  ii  intentionally  rapld ;  in  1.  26, 12 
teque  tuasque  deeet  eororee  the  emphaiii  on  the  repeated  te 
tuas  ontbalanoee  the  weak  eeefura;  for  2. 1, 86  quae  earet  ora 
eruore  noetro  aee  notee. 

If  howerer  there  ii  a  full  atop  after  the  fint  dactyl  the 
reaaon  for  thia  rule  vaniahea  and  it  need   not  be  ob 

1.  85,  86  Uquimue  t    unde  manum  juventue. 

2. 18,  8    hoepitie ;  Ule  venena  Colcha. 

2. 17,  8   integerf    ille  diee  utramque. 

It  will  be  noted  that  the  rule  is  abeolute  iu  the  Third 

The  first  aix  Odea  of  the  Third  Book  aiford  the 
beat  model  of  Alcaics.  The  Odes  in  the  Fourth  Book 
exhibit  only  three  variations  from  atrict  metrioal 
rulea;  thU  U  in  exact  accordance  with  their  frigid 
and  formal  charaoter ;  the  long  fourth  Ode  has  abso- 
lutely  no  nietrical  naw. 


Tha  I  e  Stanra  is  bo  called  from  Sappho  the 

Gradc  p  ;i  Leabos.     It  is  used  in  theae  Odea : 

L    S,  l  20,  22,  25,  30,  32,  36 

contuining    55  atanaas 
JX    3,  t,  10, 16  „  40       „ 

m.    8  ,  18, 20, 22,  27         „  55       „ 

1T.     S  nnd  Cor.  &mc.  „  64       „ 


FSn  -i  ~--w-o 

Fonr  i 

Synaph*  xisc  ia  a  Hne  ending 

with  a  ihon   vu»ei  itt- i— r,     -/  a  vowel  at  the  be- 
ginning  ot  the  next  line  in  the  same  stania. 

The  MMptioni  sre  1.  2,  11  /i.mrd  |  abi  |  13,  0  Jf.icmfl  | 
intde;  13,  7  iiUMKte*  |  Orpfcta ;  13,  35  ZrfdVu  |  huu;  13,  81 
pasto  |  uixfa;  33,  1E  bonUM  |  orida;  31,  18  myrfo  |  atidat; 
Bl,  6  NympKae  |  «I.  3.  3,  6  paUndt  |  Ulum;  16,  5  Tfcwe*;  | 
orium.  S.  11,  39  «o  Oroo.  |  inpiae;  11,  50  unmde  |  omiiu; 
37.  10  immfnfntuw  |  Mcfcum ;  87,  83  poUnUm  \  oppidit.  4. 
none  (9, 1  dnbiona). 

Tha  olosa  oonnaction  between  the  liuei  ii  ahawn  bj  tbe 
w«j  jn  whioh  «t  oui  end  a  line  3.  8,  1  micum  et  [  Cantoorum  ; 
6,  3  noiJra  *t  |  baroarni.  8.  8,  37  horas  et  |  Huou«;  37,  13 
^uitrf  1 t  |  atqvorii ;  37,  39  Jtonm  et  \  aebitat.  Bo  too  8.  8, 
8  earoo  i»  |  caaptU.    i.  6,  11  eotlum  fl»  [  pulvert. 

In  MVeial  InatanoM  the  Udm  ara  aotnallj  oonnected  3.  9, 
18  diifident  ptebi  namtro  MOlOrhMt  «Ml;  18,  U  tUri  toUU 
himi!\um  apta.  t.  3,  91  moreifaue  aureot ;  9,  38  nigro\tpit 
'widet;  C.  B.  48  prolem\que  r.t  dtem.   The  tbird  liuo  eipeoiallj 

U8ED  IK  THE  ODE&  xuiii 

is  ao  oIomIj  oonaeoted  with  the  fourth  that  in  thxee  instances 
a  woid  ii  dividod  between  thtm : 

1.  2, 18   labitur  ripa  Jove  non  probanU  ux\oriu$  amnit. 
1.  25, 11  Thracio  bacchanU  magU  sub  inUr\lunia  vento. 
2. 16,  7    Orotphe,  non  gemmis  ueque  purpura  ve\naU  neque 

In  the  firat  three  lines  a  break  usually  oecura  after 
the  fiith  syllable,  but  occasionally  for  the  sake  of 
variety — especially  in  long  Odes — Horace  admits  such 
lines  ai  Mereuri  fucumfy  nepos  AUantis.  Siz  in- 
stances  occur  in  the  Firat  Book,  one  in  the  Seoond, 
none  in  the  Third,  twenty-two  in  tlie  Fourth  and 
nineteen  in  the  76  lines  of  the  Carmen  Saeculare. 
ThU  seems  to  shew  that  Horace  firat  carelessly  used 
this  rhythm,  then  rejected  it,  and  finally  deliberately 
einployed  it  to  relieve  the  monotony  of  the  Sapphio 

Elision  very  oecasionally  oocnrs  after  the  fifth  syllable :  1. 
12,  7  Umer\e  ineeeutae;  2.  4, 10  victor\e  et;  16,  26  curar\e  et; 
8.  27,  10  divin\a  avu. 

In  the  first  three  lines  a  single  monosyllable  (un- 
elided)  only  ends  the  line  twice:  4.  6,  17  heu  nefas, 
heu  ;  C.  S.  9  diem  qui,  but  two  monosyllables  occur  3. 
11,  5  nune  est;  14,  1  o  plebs  ;  27,  37  mor$  est;  4.  2, 
46  o  sol. 

The  last  syllable  of  thi  ^urth  lino  is  common  but 
usually  long  and  very  rarely  ends  in  a  short  vowel. 


The  Asclepiad  metres  sxe  said  to  be  ao  called 
after  their  inventor,  of  whom  however  nothing  in 
known.     Four  varieties  of  line  are  used  in  them. 

a.     The  Glyconic  —  -  v  m  —  * 

6.     The  Pherecratean « 

c.    Tlie  Lesser  Aaclepiad 

d.  epiad 

These  '  1   to   fonn   the   following 

Firat  Aaclepii  1 ;  3.  30 ;  4.  8, 

i.— —  f  e  oniy: 

Beoond  Asclapiad,  used  ui  I,  3,  13,  19,  3G;  3.  0,  15, 
19,  24,  26,26;  4.  1,3, 

conButs  of  coupleta  in  whioh  a  ia  foUowod  by  t : 

•— uu-l-vu-vO 

Third  Aeclepiad,  uaed  in  1.  6,  16,  24,  33;  2.  12;  3. 
10,16;  4.6,12, 

consista  of  atanzas  in  which  after  e  three  timea 

repeated  a  follows : 

First  three  linea  -_  — ww-|-ww_ ww 

Fonrth  line w  w — w  a 

Fourth  Aadepiad,  uaed  in  1.  5,  14,  21,  23 ;  3.  7,  13 ; 

TJSED  IN  THE  ODES.  xxxv 

oansists  of  stansas  in  which  c  twioe  is  foUowed  by 

b  then  a: 

First  two  lines wv/-|-ww-vs3 

Third  line---ww — 
Fourth  line, — — — w  w  —  wo 

Fifth  Asclepiad,  used  1.  11, 18;  4.  10, 

oonsists  entirely  of  d\ 

Exceptional  metres  are : 

1.  7,  28:  an  ordinary  Hexameter  (Hcxameter  dactyli- 
cus  caialeclicus)  f ollowed  by  a  DactyUo  Tetrameter 
Cataleotio : 

—  CE7  I  —  CE7  I  —  wv/  I  —  O 

4.  7:  an  ordinary  Hexanieter  followod  by  a  versus 
ArchUochius  mvnor  —  s/  w  —  \j  \j  o. 

1.  4  :  a  wrna  Archilochiua  mojor 

—  CE7  |  —  TO   |  —  OO   |  —  wv*   |  —  \j   |  —  w»   |   — O 

followed  by  a  Trimeter  Iambic  Catalectic. 

1.  18  :  a  Trochaio  Dimeter  Catalectic  followed  by  an 
Iambic  Trimeter  Catalectic : 

—  \J  I  —  \J  I  —  \J  I  —  o 

o  —  |  \j—  |  o-  |  w—  |  w-  |  o 
3.  12  :  formed  of  the  pes  Ionicus  a  minore  \j  \j  —  — : 

\j  \j  —  —  I  ww--  ||w-wv;-- 
w  v/  —  —  j  \j  \j  —  —  v/  v/  —  v/  */  —  — 
w  v/  —  —  v/  v/  —  -" 

xxavf       METRES  USED  IN  THE  ODES. 

Some  niake  the  iirst  line  into  two  80  that  each 
■tanza  consists  of  four  lines. 

In  all  the  Odes  of  Horaoe  with  the  expeption  of  4. 8, 
which  is  clearly  unsound,  the  number  of  the  lines  is  a 
multiple  of  four,  but  in  some  metres  the  division  into 
8tanzas  is  not  otherwise  clearly  markecL 

It  may  be  noted  that  the  first  nine  Odes  of  the 
First  Book  are  all  in  different  metres,  ai  though  the 
poet  wished  to  exhibit  his  varied  skill ;  in  the  Seoond 
Book  the  first  ten  are  alternately  Alcaics  and  Sap- 
phics;  the  Third  Book  commences  with  six  long 
Alcaic  Odes. 





Maecenas  atavis  edite  regibus, 
o  et  praesidium  et  dulce  decus  uieum, 
sunt  quos  curriculo  pulverem  Olympicuin 
collegisse  iuvat  metaque  fervidis 

evitata  rotis  palmaque  nobilis 
terrarura  dominos  evehit  ad  deos  ; 
hunc,  si  mobilium  turba  Quiritium 
certat  tergeminis  tollere  honoribus ; 

illum,  si  proprio  condidit  horreo, 
quidquid  de  Libycis  verritur  areis. 
gaudentem  patrios  findere  sarculo 
agros  Attalicis  condicionibus 

nunquam  dimoveas,  ut  trabe  Cypria 
Myrtoum  pavidus  nauta  secet  mare. 
luctantem  Icariis  fluctibus  Africum 
mercator  metuens  otium  et  oppidi 

laudat  rura  sui;  mox  reticit  rates 


quasaas,  iadociliM  paupunem  pati. 
est  qui  nec  veteris  pocul»  Masmci 
nec  partem  solido  demere  de  die 

epernit,   nuno  viridi   membra  sub  arbuto 
stratus,  nunc  ad  aquae  lene  caput  sacr&e. 
multos  eastra  iuvant  et  litao  tubaa 
permixtus  sonitus  bellaque  matribus 

detestata.      manet  sub  Iove  frigido 
venator  tenerae  coniugis  immemor, 
seu  visa  est  catulis  cerva  fidelibus, 
seu  rupit  teretes  MarauB  aper  plagaa 

me  doctarum  hederae  praemia  frontium 
dis  miscent  superia,  me  gelidum  nemus 
nympharumque  leves  cum  Satyris  chori 
secernunt  populo,  si  neque  tibias 

Euterpe  cohibet  nec  Polyhymni» 
Lesboum  refogit  tendere  barbiton. 
quodsi  me  lyriria  vatibus  inseren, 
sublimi  feriam  sidera  vertice. 

Iam  satis  terris  nivis  atque  diraa 
grandinia  misit  Pater  et  rubente 
deitera  sacras  iaculatus  aroes  ■ 

terruit  TJrbem, 
terruit  gentes,  grave  ne  rediret 
aaeculum  Pjrrhao  nova  monatn  queatao, 
omne  cum  Proteus  paciu  sgit  altoa 

viaere  montes, 


LIB.  I.  CAR.  IL  S 

pificium  et  lomma  genus  haerit  ulmo, 
nota  quae  sedes  fuerat  oolumbia,  to 

ot  superieeto  pavidae  natarunt 
aequore  damae. 

vidimus  flavum  Tiberim  retortis 
litore  Etrusco  violenter  undis 
ire  deieotum  monumenta  regis  iS 

templaque  Veetae; 

IHae  dum  se  nimium  querenti 
iactat  ultorem,  vagus  et  sinistra 
labitur  ripa  Iove  non  probante  u- 

xorius  amnis.  * 

audiet  cives  acuiase  ferrum, 
quo  graves  Peraae  melius  perirent, 
audiet  pugnas  vitio  parentum 
rara  iuventus. 

quem  vocet  divum  populus  ruentis  «3 

imperi  rebus?  prece  qua  fatigent 
virgines  sanctae  minus  audientem 
carmina  Veetam  t 

cui  dabit  partes  soelus  expiandi 
Iuppiter?  tandem  venias  precamur  j» 

nube  candentes  umeros  amictus 
augur  Apollo; 

sive  tu  mavis,  Erycina  ridens, 
quam  Iocus  circum  volat  et  Cupido; 
aive  neglectum  genus  et  nepotes  35 

respicis  auctor, 


hokatii  ciBKremi 

heu  : 

aimis  longo  satinte  iudo, 


iuvat  clnmor  galeaeque  leves, 


et  Mauri  peditis  cruentuw 

voltus  in  hostem ; 


mutata  iuvenem  figura 


iii  terris  imitariB  almae 


Maiae,  patiens  ^ocari 

Caeaaria  ultor; 


in  caelum  redcaa  diuqua 


i  interais  populo  Quirini, 


te  nostria  vitiis  iniquum 


. ;  hic  magnos  potius  triumphos, 

hic  amea  dici  pater  atquc  princepa, 

neu   ; 

■rinas  Medos  equitnre  inultoa, 

te  duce,  Caesar.            . 


Sic  te  diva  potens  Cypri, 
aic  fratres  Helenae,  Incida  ridera, 

ventorumque  regat  pater 
obstrictis  aliis  praeter  lipyga, 

navia,  quae  tibi  creditum. 
riebes  Virgilium,  finibns  AUiais 

reddss  inoolumem,  preoor. 

illi  robar  et  sus  triplez 
drcs,  peotas  erat,  qui  fngilem  truoi 

LTB.  L  CAB.  III.  5 

oommint  pelago  ratem 
primus  neo  timuit  praeeipitem  Africum 

deoertantem  Aquilonibus 
neo  tristes  Hyadas  neo  rabiem  Noti, 

quo  non  arhiter  Hadriae  13 

maior,  tollere  seu  ponere  volt  freta. 

quem  Mortis  timuit  gradum, 
qui  siocis  oculia  monatra  natantia, 

qui  vidit  mare  turgidum  et 
infames  acopulos  Aorooerauniaf  «> 

nequiquam  deus  abacidit 
prudens  Ooeano  diasoeiabili 

terras,  ai  tamen  impiae 
non  tangenda  ratea  tranailiunt  vada. 

audax  omnia  perpeti  «3 

gens  humana  ruit  per  vetitum  nefas. 

audax  Iapeti  genus 
ignem  fraude  mala  gentibus  intulit. 

post  ignem  aetheria  domo 
subductum  macies  et  nova  febrium  y> 

terris  incubuit  oohors, 
semotique  prius  tarda  necesaitas 

leti  corripuit  gradum. 
expertus  vacuum  Daedalus  aSra 

pennis  non  homini  datis;  35 

perrupit  Acheronta  Herculeus  labor. 

nil  mortalibus  ardui  est ; 
caelum  ipsum  petimus  stultitia  neque 

per  nostrum  patimur  scelus 
iracunda  Iovem  ponere  fulmina.  4° 



Solvitur  Borii  hiecips  grata  vico  veria  et  Favoni, 
trahnntque  siocsa  machinae  carinaa 

ac  neque  iam  Btabulis  gaudet  pecuB  aut  arator  igiii, 
nec  prata  cania  albicant  pruinis. 


Cytherea  A— ■  <W 

it  Vomis  imminente  Luna, 


iae  decentee 

nio  terram  q 

um  graves  Cyclopum 

Volcanua  araena 


c  decet  aut  vin< 

ipnt  impedire  mjrto 

aut  flore,  t«r 

unt  wlutae. 

c  et  in  umbroai 

•oet  immolare  lucia. 

seu   poscat  agna  av 

;e  malit  h&edo. 

p&llida  More  ae<juo_  jmLmt  j>ede  pauperum  tabemaa 

regumque  turrea.     o  beate  Seati, 
vitae  Bumma  brevi»  ipam  noi  vetat  inchoare  longam.  ,s 

iam  te  premet  noz  febulaeque  Manca 
et  domus  exilia  Plutonia :  quo  nmul  moaria, 

neo  regna  vini  ■ortiera  talis 
neo  tenertun  Lycidan  mirabera,  quo  calet  iuventus 

nunc  omnia  et  moz  virgine»  topebnnt,  « 

t     ^r  J    OABMEN  V. 

Qnis  multa  gnwUu  te  pner  in  rosa 
perfusui  liquidis  urget  odoribua, 
grato,  Pyrrha,  «ub  antrot 

Cui  ftavam  raligaa  oomam. 

LIB.  I.  OAR.  VI. 

W<  .*)HM«I<(<A>       • 

gimplex  monditiisl   hea  quoties  fidem  $ 

.   "L  matatoeqae  deos  flebit  et  aepera 

t^CTat..  .*».;»'      nigris  aequora  ventds 
*  «u^,  fcTu-4-  emirabitar  insolens, 

^,tz*  ^^snxd  nane  te  fraitar  credulus  aurea; 
^,  qai  semper  vacuara,  semper  amabilein  » 

sperat  neschiB  aurae 

fallacia.     miseri,  quibua    ^^f.^  0<«+*. 

intentata  nites!    me  tabula  aacer 
votiva  paries  indioat  uvida 

suspendissa  potenti  »s 

vestimenta  maris  deo. 


Scriberis  Vario  fortia  et  hostiura 
victor  Maeonii  carminis  alite, 
quam  rem  ounque  ferox  navibus  aut  equia 
miles  te  duoe  gesserit: 

nos,  Agrippa,  neque  haeo  dicere,  nec  gravein   5 
Pelidae  stomachum  cedere  nescii, 
nec  cursus  duplicis  per  mare  Ulixei, 
neo  saevam  Pelopis  domum 

oonamur  tenues  grandia,  dum  pudor 
imbellisque  lyrae  Musa  potens  vetat  10 

laudes  egregii  Oaesaris  et  tuas 
culpa  deterere  ingenL 

,w»  ■ 

*■**       MO»  "»    ■»  *•*     ■, 

UB.  I.  CAR.  VIII. 


molli,  Plance»  mero,  seu  te  fulgentia  signis  \  ^' J^T^l. 

castra  tenent  seu  densa  tenebit  I  *>'  ~ 

Tiburis  umbra  tui.     Teneer  Balamina  patremquo 

cum  fugeret,  tamen  nda  Lyaeo 
tempora  populea  fertur  vinxisse  oorona, 

nc  tristes  afiatus  amiooa: 
quo  nos  cunque  feret  melior  fortuna  parente» 

ibimus,  o  socii  oomitesque. 
nil  desperandum  Teucro  duce  et  auapioe  Teucro; 

certus  enim  promisit  Apollo, 
ambiguam  tellure  nova  Salamina  futuram. 

o  f ortes  peioraque  pasBi 
mecum  aaepe  viri,  nunc  vino  pellite  curas: 

cras  ingen8  iterabimus  aequor. 



Lydia,  dic,  per  omnes 
te  deos  oro,  Sybarin  cur  properes  amando 

perdere;  cur  apricum 
oderit  Campuin,  patiens  pulveris  atque  nolist 

cur  neque  militaris 
intor  aequales  equitat,  Gallica  nec  lupatis 

temperat  ora  frenisl 
cur  timet  flavum  Tiberim  tangerel    cur  oHvum 

Banguine  viperino 
cautius  vitat  neque  iam  livida  gestat  armis 

brachia,  Baepe  disco, 
aaepe  trans  finem  iaculo  nobilia  expcdito? 



quid,   ut  marinae 
filium  dicunt  Thotidia  aub  Ucrimoea.  Troiae 

funera,   ne  virilia 
culius  in   caedero  et  Lycias  proriperet  catervost 


s  candii 

Vldt  o  vuuiuiiiii      , 

Soracte,  &nt  onmrWii- 

ailv—  igue 

dissolve  f*r  foabv"^«, 

large  re|  -■       jeoigniui  >.'. . 

,., -vdeprome  q  .  Sabiiia,. 

o  Thaliarche,  djota.-"'-»- '  k6*. 
•  t  ^ertnitte  dlvia  aeter^  qoi  suiuiL^Jl  M 
-  stravere  TJBfay  aeqnore  fervido  V  .u 
...*».  '■■deprQelulBtoe.  nso  cupreeai    ihj"* 
nec  vfterels  agi  tintuf  oJfeflV  t>  "* 
.  "  tjuid  ait  futurum  bna,  fnge  qdaSN»  et, 

/     quem  Vora  'diordm.'  cWgue  dabit,  luono 
"appone,  nec  duloea  a 

, ,  aptttfe  Duer  neque  tu  choreaa? 

lonec  ivirem^iamtiee^.abest     £  .  .; 

IBQpaik.     nuno  et  campns  et  afoae 

leneaque  sub  nootem  susurri  » 

'iUt-i'-'     comjfcmtit  repetantur  hora, 

a+%Bj..  V.v; 

LIR  L  CAR.  X.  11 

;  nuno  et  latenus  pro&tor  intimo^*rrv 

j  gratus  pueLlae  risus  ab,  angulo 
I,;*J/C--pgm|*PI6;  derepwuai  lacertis' *<r  ••*— :"   °    ' 
,   ,         aut  digito  male  pertinacl 



CARMEN  X.     ■ 

Mercuri,  faqunde  nepoe  Atlantis, 
qui  terofc  cultus  ho.minum  reoenfcum 
/v6ce  foraasti  catus^et  decorae     ' 

•"  '  v  more  palaestrae,  -  « - -^ 

te  canam,  magni  iQyis  et  deorum 
nuiifium  ci^vaeotfe  ljrae.  parentelrit*   v 
-callidum,  quiSfquw  pTacult,'  iocoso  .     ,A; 
v^condere  furto.-  tVjt  •  ■  _    --  ' 

te,  bovee  olim  nisj  reddidisses    ^* 
^"^er^doium^amolia,  ,puerum  minaci  ' 
^  v^Suin"tSi¥e^  vidu^ha^rV^^ 

:\  -. 

tu  pias  laetou  animas  repohis  -  /)»AV 
^«edijius  virgftque  leyem  coSrces^ 
aureaf  turbam,  superiB  deorum 

c  '       •  "^  gratu*  et  im^s.N1,     ^1 


**-yw-'     quin  et  ^das^dup^^tepeijgp^      ^ 
'*•"•-         Dij  dfv&  Priamus  r^TTf  -   •« 

Thessalosque  ignes  et  jnjqua,  Thaoe  .3 



Tu  ne  quaesieria,  acire  neia»,  quem  mihi,  quem  tibi 
finem  di  dederint,  Leuconoe,  nec  Babylomoa 
tentaria  numeroa      ut  melius,  quidquid  erit,   pati  ! 
seu  plurea  hiemea  seu  tribuit  Iuppiter  uitimam, 
quae  nuno  oppositis  debilitat  pumieibua  mare  j 

Tyrrhenum,»«_  vin»  linnns,  et  spatio  brevi 
sjjeiu  longam  >quimur,  fugerit  invida 

aetaa ;  carpe  c  uiuni   credula.  poataro. 

Quem  vin  pra  vel  acri 

tibia  sumL  iutj,         ot 

quem  deum  1    cuius  recmet  iooosa 

aut  ui   umbroaia  Heliconis  oria  g 

aut  auper  Findo  gelidove  in  Haemol 
undo  Tooaiem  temere  inaaautati 

Orphea  ailvae, 
arte  materna  rapidoa  morautem 
fluminum  lapaus  oelereaque  ventoa,  » 

blandum  et  auritaa  fidibua  canoria 

ducere  qnercus. 
quid  priua  dicam  aolitia  parentia 
laudibus,  qui  rea  homintim  ao  deonun, 
qui  inare  ac  terraa  variiaque  mundum  u 

temperat  horial 

'  Ji 

LIB.  L  CAB.  XIL  18 

unde  nil  maius  generatur  ipeo, 

neo  viget  quidquam  simile  aut  tecundum: 

proximos  illi  tamen  occupavit 

Pallas  honores.  M 

proeliis  audaz  neque  te  ailebo 

Liber  et  saevis  inimica  Virgo 

beluis  nec  te  metuende  oerta 

Phoebe  sagitta. 

dicam  et  Alcidem  pueroaque  Ledae,  «s 

|  huno  equis,  illum  auperare  pugnis 
Jnobilem;  quorum  aimul  alba  nautis 
stella  refulsit, 

defluit  aaxis  agitatus  umor, 
concidunt  venti  fugiuntque  nubes,  30 

jet  minax— quod  fiic  voluere— - ponto 
unda  recumbit. 

Romulum  post  hos  prius,  an  quietum 
Pompili  regnum  memorem,  an  superbos 
Tarquini  fasces,  dubito»  an  Catonis  35 

nobile  letum. 

Regulum  et  Scauros  animaeque  magnae 
prodigum  Paullum  superante  Poeno 
gratus  insigni  ref  eram  Camena 

Fabriciumque.  40 

hunc  ot  incomptis  Curium  capillis 
utilom  bello  tulit  et  Camillum 
saova  paupertas  et  avitus  apto 
cum  lare  fundus. 

crcscit  occulto  velut  arbor  aevo 
faiua  Marceili;    micst  inter  ouuies 
lulium  sidus  velut  inter  ignes 

luna  minores. 
gentis  humanae  pater  atque  custot 
orte  Saturno,  tibi  cura  magni 
Caesaria  fatU  data :    tu  secundo 

Caesare  regnes. 
ille,  seu  Parthos  Latio  immineotee 
egerit  iusto  domitos  triumpho, 
aive  lubiectos  Orientis  orae 

Seraa  et  Indos, 
te  minor  latum  reget  aequus  orbem; 
tu  gravi  curru  quaties  Oly tii pum, 
tu   parura  castis  inimica  mittes 

fulmina  lucU. 


Ctun  tu,  Lydia,  Telephi 
cervicem  ruaeam,  oerea  Telephi 

laudas  brachia,  v*e  meum 
fervens  dimmli  bile  tumet  iecur. 

tum  neo  mens  mihi  nec  color 
certa  sede    manet,    umor  et  in  genas 

furtim  labitur,  arguera 
quam  lentU  penitus  macerer  ignibua. 

turparunt  ume 

UB.  L  CAR.  XIV.  15 

rixae,  aive  puer  furens 
impresait  memorem  dente  labris  notam. 

non,  ai  me  satis  audias, 
aperes  perpetuum,  duloia  barbare 
1  laedentem  oscula,  quae  Vcnua  t$ 

1    quinta  parte  sui  nectaria  imbuit. 
■**•  felicea  ter  et  amplius, 

quoe  irrupta  tenet  oopula  nec  malis 

divolsus  querimoniia 
auprema  citius  solvet  amor  die.  ao 


Q.  9&Ykb  referejit1  ^inare  te  nov^ 
fluctus!    o  quid  agist    fortiter.  occupa^»  *. 

portum !    npnne  vj/ies,  u£      > 
nudum  r^niigio_l^ttl«v 
et  maluB  oeleri  nucTtft^Africo ''*>*»»  0.  >»T.«      « 
antdnnueque  gemant,  ac*  sine  funibus 
-  tf  * 1  • .  vix  durare  *T»rinae '.'  *)  \ 

.    possint  imperiosius-V.'  *''»'•''•       . 
aequorf    non  tibi  sunt  integra  lintea',*^ 
non  m."quo8'iteruni  pressa voces  malo, 

quamvis  Pontica  pinua,       *r*  •'         .4  ! 
v  v,     i   gilvae  filia  noiilis, 
iactes  et  gerius  et  nomen  inutile ; 
nil  PJpws  timidus.navita  puppuftfa 
vjliv,    fidit-     ta,  nisi  ventisV\  ^.  #  ,  xj 

;  .    c       debe8  ludibrium,  cave. 

»  vj  N 

.    •  ■  «•'-«* »      -.»:tf  ■  v. 


nupei^  spltycitum  quae  mihi  UMium^"* 
isunc  desiderium  ouraque   non  levia, 
intej^usa  nitentee  ■  e 'in  -., 

vitea  i«|unn  Cydadaa. 

"nL.  **■ 

r*Ricp.N  xv. 

FUu  ir  freta  navibun 

IdaeL  b  hospitam, 

ingrato  >tio 

NereuH  i  ucis  avi  domum, 

quam  muito  repeves  uraecia  milite, 
coaiurata  tuas  rumpere  nuptias 

et  regnum  Priami  vetus, 
heu  heu  quantus  equis,  quantui  adeat  vit 
sudor!    quanta  movee  funera  Dardanae 
genti !    iam  galeam  Pallaa  et  aegida 

curruaque  et  rabiem  parat. 
nequiquam  Veneris  praeaidio  ferox 
pectes  oaeaariem  grataquo  feminia 
imbeUi  cithara  caraina  dividee; 

nequiquam  thalamo  grnvea 
hastas  et  calami  spicula  Cnoaii 
vitabia  atrepitumque  et  oelerem  eequi 
I  adnlteros 
a  pulvc 

LIB.  I.  CAR.  XVI  17 

non  Laftrtiaden,  exitium  tuae 
genti,  non  Pylium  Nettora  respicisf 
nrgent  imparidi  te  Salaminius 
Tenoer  te  Sthenelua  sdens 

pugnae,  nve  opus  eit  imperitare  equia,  «3 

non  auriga  piger;  Merionen  quoque 
nosces.    eooe  furit  te  reperire  atrox 
Tydides  melior  patre, 

quem  tu,  cervus  uti  vallis  in  altera 
visum  parte  lupum  graminis  immemor,  y> 

sublimi  fugies  mollia  anhelitu, 
non  hoc  pollicitus  tuae. 

iracunda  diem  proferet  Dio 
matronisque  Phrygum  classis  Achillel; 
post  certas  hiemes  uret  Achaicus  35 

ignis  Tliaca8  domos. " 


O  matre  pulchra  filia  pulchrior, 
quem  criminosis  cunque  voles  modum 
pones  Tambis,  aive  flamma 
sive  mari  libet  Hadriano. 

non  Dindymene,  non  adytis  quatit 
mentem  sacerdotum  incola  Pythiua, 
uon  Liber  aeque,  non  acuta 

sic  geminant  Corybantes  aera, 


tristes  ut  irae,  quas  neque  Noricus 
deterret  enais  nec  mare  naufragmu 
nee  smvub  ignis  nec  tremendo 
luppiter  ipse  ruena  tumultu, 
fertur  Promethens,  addrire  principi 
iimo  coactus  partieulam   undique 
desectam,  et  insani  leonia 

vim  stomacho  apposuisse  nostro. 
irae  Thyeeten  exitio  gravi 
stravere  et  altia  urbibus  ultimu 
stetore  causae,  cur  perirent 

funditus  imprimeretque  muria 
hosttte  aratrum  eatercitus  insolens. 
compesce  mentem:   me  quoque  pectoria 
tentavit  in  dulci  iuventa 
j  fervor  et  in  celeres  lamboa 

mieit  furentem;   nuno  ego  mitibus 
mntare  quaero  tristia,  dum  mihi 

opprobriis  animuraquo  reddaa, 


Velox  amoBnum  aaepe  Lucretilera 

lnntat  Lycaeo  Faunus  ot  igneam 

defendit  aeetateni  capellia 

uaque  meis  plnvioaque  ver 

L*B-  r.  CAR  tvtt. 
«"■•■»*  iat^tTet  T1*  *P°nt0B 

*.  «tcnaqne  d^     r™j>*e  lnpoe, 

*  **»  oo^e^  **"■  — 

du«*  «ub  mnb^     ^80" 
"»  CcoS  ^**» 

.""!»*»  Cyrun,;  ^j "**  P«>t«rvuin 
"^«nente.  *&"*  *»•»* 
et  «cu^dat  w     ttaniw 

ent«nque  ^fen,. 

s?  «•  •*»  ™r.r„°*«r?  swj. 







siceis  qmnix  iuraiidura  deoB.propoBUit^  neque 
,  j^jnordaces  alfferMiflaglugr^fllicitudine».  "  '*       , 
,N,quM~poHt  vina  gra.Tem  militiam  aut  pauperiem  _»■ 

quis  uon  te  poUus    Baeche  pater,  tejqu  e,  deceMB  Venua  t 
^  at,  _e  quis  cjfld^1  tr_3_iii_t  mtdi&a^Liberi,   . 
Centaurea  monet.aum  Lapithis  nia  super  mero 
^  4^_eUata,'  m--t>»_3____i-_       jSg^iu,,      , 

-smu-l'"*  j_. 

<__oria  vertioem, 
arcanique  Fidea  proaiga,  periucidior  vitro. 


Matnr  ___▼»  Cupidinuui 
Thebanaeque  iubet  ma  Seniele»  puer 

et  laaciva  Lioentia 
finitis  animnm  roddore  amoribna, 

urit  me  Glycerae  nitor 
iplendentia  Paxio  marmora  purius ; 

nrit  grata  protervitas 
et  voltus  niiniTim  lubricua  adspici 

in  me  tot»  ruens  Venus 
Cyprum  deaeruit,  neo  patitur  Sovtbw 

«t  rerais  animosum  equis 
Partbum  dicere  neo  quM  nihil  attinent. 

LIB.  I.  CAR.  XX  XXL  21 

hio  vivum  mihi  oaespitem,  hic 
verbenas,  pueri,  ponite  thuraque 

bimi  oum  patera  meri:  >s 

mactata  veniet  lenior  hostia 

'*•  CARMEN  XX. 

Vfle  potabiB  modioii  Sabinum 
cantharis,  Graeoa  quod  ego  ipse  testa 
conditum  levi,  datua  in  theatro 

oum  tibi  plausus, 
care  Maecenas  eques,  ut  paterni  $ 

fluminis  ripae  simul  et  iocosa 
redderet  laudes  tibi  Vaticani 

montis  imago. 
Oaecubum  et  prelo  domitam  Caleno 
tum  bibes  uvam :   mea  neo  Falemae  10 

tcmperant  vites  neque  Formiani 

pocula  colles. 


Dianam  tenerae  dicite  virgines, 
intonsum,  pueri,  dicite  Cynthium 
Latonamque  supremo 
dilectam  penitus  IovL 
vo8  laetam  fluviis  et  nemorum  coma,  s 

quaeounque  aut  gelido  prominet  Algido, 
nigris  aut  Erymanthi 
silvis  aut  viridis  Cragi; 

voa  Tcmpo  totidem  tollite  l&udibus 
natalemque,   mures,   Delon   ApoUinis, 
inaiguemque  pharetr» 

fratern&que  umeruir.   lyra. 

hic  bellum  lacrimosum,  liic  miaenun  fnmpm 

peetemque  a  populo  et  prindpe  Caes&re  iu 

Pcraos  atque  Britannoa 

. u—  — 3*  prece. 

*       .        t  JCIL 

non  ege. . i  »  jliaj neque  arcu 

nec  veneriatfs  zravida.  aatfktis, 

BW,  mqto  -  -  C^«  ■  * 
sive  per  Syrteaiter  oestuoBaa~.'  ■*■  \    i- 
Bive  facturua  per  iuhospitalfsm  ' 

Caucasam  vel  quae  loca  fabu^osua 
^,A  Jambit  Hj^peaf' 
namqua  me  eilva  lupui  in  ijabina, 
dum  meam  canto  JjlMQn   et  ultr» 
tenninum  curis  vagor  expeditU, 

fugit  inermem.  m*^       '-  \, 
quale  potteotunV  neque  mffijjua^ 
Dauruaa^ latia"liEt  aeftculeti^  ^Wl 
nec  Iubae  («Jlus  generat  leonum 
!  ,     vidtV  natrix.     ' 



mrbor  *ejtix&  remrair  (SDL 
quod7latu8  mundi  nebulae  malusque 
•  ^i*     Iuppiter  uraetjr  tff*$  H  *:  m 

pone  sub,curru  niniTnm  propinqui  \jca* 
^(  solisMn  terra  dbmi^^fegata  •_  1 . 

dulce  ridentem  Lalagen'  amabo,  kf 

dulce  loquentem. 


Vitaa  hinnuleo  me  similis,  Chloe\ 
quaerenti  pavidam  montibus  aviis 
matrem  non  sine  vano 
aurarum  et  siluae  metu. 
nano  seu  mobilibus  veris  inhorniit  5 

adventus  foliis  seu  virides  rubum 
dimovere  lacertae, 

et  corde  et  genibus  tremit. 
atqui  non  ego  te  tigris  ut  aspera 
Gaetulusve  leo  frangere  persequor:  t* 

tandem  desine  matrem 
tempestiva  sequi  viro. 


Quis  desiderio  sit  pudor  aut  modus 
tam  cari  capitist     praecipe  lugubres 
cantus,  Melpomene,  cui  liquidam  pater 
vocem  cum  cithara  dedit. 


orgo  Quiuctiliunj  perpetuua  sopor 
i  urget !     cui  Fodor  et  Iustitiae  eoror, 
meorrupta  Fides,  nudaque  Veritaa 

quando  ullum  inTeniet  pareml 
multis  ille  bonis  fiebilis  occidit, 
nulli  flabilior  quam  tibi,  Virgili 
tu  frurtra  piua  heu  non  ita  credituni 

poacia  ~  l 

quod  ai  i  Orpheo 

auditam   raou.j.  rbonbus  lidem, 

non  van-  i  imagini, 

quam  ida, 

non  lenis  pn,  :oludere, 

nigro  compulerit         tniniu  gregi. 
iiu: ijiu  :    aed  levius  Iit  patientia, 

quidquid  corrigere  est  nefas. 


Parcius  jrif*''"  quatiunt  fenestras     j    )_ 
iaftibus  crefcris  proteni,'  '  .^ 
nec  tibi  aomnos  adimunt,  amatque 
i  ,j    ,ianua  liman^T^iuj.  W 
quae  priua  multum  facilis  movebat 
,  cardinea ;  audis  minus  et  minus  iam : 
"mo  tno  longu  pereunte  noctea,        ,MHr 
Lydia,   dormisl" 

LIB.   L   CAR.  XXVL  25 

invioem  moeohos  anus  arrogantes 
nebis  in  solo  levis  angiportu,  m 

Thraaio  baochante  magis  sub  intor- 
lania  vento, 

oum  tibi  flagrans  amor  et  libido, 
quae  solet  matres  furiare  eqnorum, 
saeviet  eiroa  iecur  uloeroeum,  15 

non  sine  questu, 

laeta  quod  pubee  hedera  virente 
gaudeat  pulla  magis  atque  myrto, 
aridas  frondes  hiemis  sodali 

dedioet  Hebro.  m 

'      CARMEN  XXVL 


Musis  amicus  tristitiam  et  metus 
tradam  protervis  in  mare  Creticum 
portare  ventis,  quis  sub  Arcto 
rex  gelidae  metuatur  orae, 

quid  Tiridaten  terreat,  unioe 
securus.     o,  quae  fontibus  integris 
gaudes,  aprioos  necte  flores, 
necte  meo  Lamiae  ooronam, 

Fimplea  dulcis!    nil  sine  te  mei 
prosunt  honores:  huno  fidibus  novis, 
hunc  Lesbio  saorare  plectro 
teque  tuasque  decet  sorores. 


Natis  iii   usuro   lnetitia*  scyphis 
pugnare  Thracum  est:    tollit*  barbftrum 
morem,  verecundumque  Bacchum 
eanguineis  prohibete   rUia  I 
vino  et  lucernia  Medus  acinaces 
immane  quantum  discrepat:    impium 
lenito  clamorem,  aodaies, 
et  cubito  remanetfl  presaot 
voltis  aeveri  me  quoque  sumere 
partem  Falerni  f     dicat  Opunt  ice 
frater  Megillae,  quo  beatus 
volnere,  qua  pereat  aagitta. 
cessat  voluntasl     non  alia  bibam 
mercede.     quae  te  cunque  domat  Venus, 
non  erubescondis  adarit 
fgnibos  ingonuoque  nmper 
amore  peccas.     quidquid  habes,  age, 
depone  tutis  auribua.     ah  miser, 
quanta  labonbai  Charrbdi, 
digne  puer  maliore  flammal 
quae  saga,  quis  te  aolveru  Thett&lia 
magus  veuenis,  quis  poterit  deual 
vix  illigatum  te  triformi 
Fegasns  ezpediet  Chimaera. 

CABMEN  XJtVjin/*7  '  "'  ( 
maria[et  tfnWe  riimeWmue  oarentis  haVenae ' 
mensorem  cohijorait,  AJchyta,  \ 

&  ■»  ~u  .^MSBl  V  AfcA  xxviii.         ,  ,.^,87 

pu]Veri^  exi^i  propejyt^lgarva  "Matinuip    V",'. 

v     percuyrigse  p"dGm,  mdHturoT- ■»,„  ■'  oj   '■     ■(. 
ocffdil/et  PelOpia  genite^ contiTauaeorum,      ,„,.„.,■, 
>  .TithqW«jue:retn'otu8  inJauraH-  '■•*.'■■■■ 

et  ldvisj  arci^nIa^MjjB_a  fflmls-tig,   Mbentque 

''  Tgrtara /Pan_b.<"i_en  i4Un^OAoj\^   ^»^-*;    .» 
dennisnm,  qdlifcty^  cWi  weifeiP*~<--li£v  fM, 

nervoslalque  MpBD  moiji  conceseefsjt  [  atrao,         "*V 
<..  w. '■">.  lodtcel  te  aon|Bor_i-u_  Jauct_r-i~-v^I7i 
-  nftu__e  .vi|riq-g.      Bed' omnoe  luna  maWei.  nox  15 

,      et  Mk&  &  ^vSiigti^T;   «^W^ 

dant  _H<Jb  'Furiae  Effio  s^eQ^CTSH.Marti : 
■  • -i«e_iti'o  est  avfdttm  m_re!__uti_^' Ti  «;  ; ,, 
mi_t_    simum    ac     iuyenum     denjaentur  \  funera, ' 


me  q„cxj_e  "i_^cJl  rapidna  ,  ct_-es',  Qnaai- 

•        lllvjjjjjfl. TsotiH^pbruit  u_,'<fta.  21  aA 

_t   tu;  ■„--<-.',"  va™£'h'e   parceTWligiius  lntrSi 

'  ^   f.   _*  !35__   ~tk  "-**""**  -i.  "*  -  ~K^~^ 
^cSL  '__r_ r_p_f ^Se  m___.__f_.y8 

plec^t_r^(™e''_i  iSSpiteTl rpMqui !  mitnni, 
,: ~u_-e"pOte_£*fc-i  defluatfa"*2upv™>  ■»4 

attlovg  -Teptunoque  $*£□.  custod. 
negligifl.imm^i  nocibiram^ 




poatmodo|tel «U|  fraiJjiaia  TOii^uitWie  J  |  ffira  "1 

te  ma&jLt  i£mr3^^Afi  |1^« 
t«que  macula^nulla  re^lveMK  v^Z^wJ 

,    qu&mquam  :  fi-stjiifla.   naa  eat  morayong»;  lifebit       m 

gaoa,  et  acrem  militiam  paraa 
non  ante  de»ictia  Sabaeae 
regibus,  horribilique   Medo 
nectia  oatenaal     quae  tibi  virginura  j 

aponao  necato  barbara  aerviotl 

puer  quin  ex  aul»  oajyllja  '/   ■***/  ?    "*'' 

ad  uyathuin  Btatuetur  uuctiB, 
doctua  Mgittaa  tendera  Sericu 
arcu  paternol     quia  negot  arduis  •■ 

pronoa  relabi  poau  rivoe 
montibna  et  Tiberim  rererti, 
cum  tu  ooemptoa  undiqne  nobilii 
libros  Paaaeti  Socr&ticam  et  domum 

mutavre  loricia  Hiberis,  ij 

pollicitus  meliora,  tendist 
O  Venoa,  regina  Onidi  Paphique, 
eperne  dilectam  Cvpron,  et  vocantis 
tbure  te  multo  Glyoerae  deooram 
1  aedem. 


LIB.  I.  CAR.  XXXI.  » 

fervidus  teoum  puer  et  solutia  5 

Gratiaesonis  properentque  Nymphao 
et  parum  eomis  aine  te  Iuventas 


Quid  dedicatum  poscit  Apollinem 
vatest     quid  orat  de  patera  novum 
fandens  liquoremt    non  opimae 
8ardiniae  segetes  feraces, 

non  aeBtuosae  grata  Galabriae  5 

armenta,  non  aurum  aut  ebur  Indicuxn, 
non  rura,  quae  Liria  quieta 
mordet  aqua  taciturnus  amnis. 

premant  Calena  falce  quibua  dedit 
fortuna  vitem,  dives  et  aureis  io 

mercator  exsiccet  culullis 
vina  Syra  reparata  merce, 

dis  carus  ipsis,  quippe  tcr  et  quater 
anno  revisens  aequor  Atlanticum 

impune.     me  pascunt  olivae,  13 

me  dchorea  levesque  malvac. 

frui  paratis  et  valido  mihi, 
Latog,  dones  ot,  precor,  integra 
cum  mente,  nec  turpem  senectam 

degere  nec  cithara  carentem.  *> 


%a  3™MD-lji-nlb  iumbra 

i~1dbuu—  i-KuwT  et  hunc  in  ajumm 

i^Tivat  <  i,  aga,  dio  Ijj^nuEQ, 

-  LibeitunH  et  Musaa  Venereu-r      ;  et  illi"t»*jj. 

sewper  haaBilftein  pueru  »--\,  wuVm 

et  Lycum  nigrJB  qgtyliB  '  [ue  *---\ 

Jjnwj-  criM^dwMn-m^-  ,-.       _-l  \) 

dulce  leniroen,  mihi  ounque  salve  \ 
«  /rite  vocanti.        ^nWm^      U-viJl. 

c^men  xkxm. 

Albi,  ihj  dolaat  plua  nimio  memor 
immitis  Glycerae,  oeu  miserabiJes 
dec&ntee  elegoe,  cur  tibi  iunior  t 

laesa  praeniteat  fide, 
in-£gnem  tenui  fronte  Lyoorida 
Cyri  torret  amor,  CyruB  in  asperau- 
decl-uat  PholoCn;   aed  priua  Apulie 

iungentur  capreae  lupia, 

LIB.  L  C-AJL  XXXIV.  31 

quam  turpi  Pholoe*  peooet  adultera 
no  viflum  Veneri,  oui  plaoet  impares  *© 

formas  atque  animos  sub  iuga  aenea 
saevo  mittere  oum  iooo. 

ipsum  me,  melior  oum  peteret  Venus, 
grata  detinuit  oompede  Myrtale 
libertina,  fretb  aorior  Hadriae  15 

curvantis  Calabros  sinua. 


Parcus  deorum  cultor  et  infrequens, 
inaanientis  dum  sapientiae 
consultus  erro,  nuno  retrorsum 
vela  dare  atque  iterare  cursus 

cogor  relictos:  namque  Diespiter,  s 

igni  corufioo  nubila  dividens 
plerumque,  per  purum  tonantes 
egit  equos  voluoremque  currum, 

quo  bruta  tellus  et  vaga  flumina, 
quo  Styx  et  invisi  horrida  Taenari  10 

sedes  Atlanteusque  finis 

ooncutitur.     valet  ima  summis 

mutare  et  insignem  attenuat  deus 
obscura  promens;   hino  apicem  rapax 

Fortuna  cum  stridore  acuto  13 

sustulit,  hio  posuisse  gaudet. 



U  diva,  gratum  quae  regis  Antiuui, 
praeaena  vel  imo  tollere  de  grada 
mortale  oorpus  vel  superboa 
vftrtere  funeribus  triumphos, 
te  pauper  ambit   aollicita  prece 
ruria  colonus,  te  dominam  aequoris, 
quicunqae  Bithyna  laeessil 
C&rpathium  pelagus  carina. 
te  Dacua  asper,  te  profugi  Scythae 
urbesque  gentesque  et  Latiurn   ferox 
regumque  matres  barb&rorum  et 
purpurei  metuunt  tyranni, 
s  pede  proruas 

lumnam,  neu  popuius  frequena 
ad  arma  cessantes,  ad  arma 
concitet  imperiumque  frangat. 
te  semper  anteit  aaeva  Neoeaaitaa, 
clavoa  trabaloa  et  ouneoB  nuuiu 
gestana  aena,  nec  severus 

tllicaa  abost  liquiciuuiquu  plumbum. 
te  Spes  et  albo  rara  Fidea  oolit 
velata  panno  neo  oomitem  abnegat, 
atcunque  mutate  potentee 
veate  domos  inimica  linquia. 
at  volgUB  iniidum  et  meretrix  retro 
periura  oedit,  diffugiunt  cadis 
ouui  faece  aicoatia  amid 
farre  loguni   paritur  dnioai. 


serves  iturum  Caesarem  in  ultimos 
orbie  Britannoe  et  iuvenum  reoens 
examen  Eois  timendum 
partibus  Ooeanoque  rubro. 
elieu  cicatricum  et  sceleris  pudet 
fratrumque.    quid  noe  dura  refugimus 
aetast    quid  intactum  nefasti 
liquimuet    unde  manum  iuventus 
metu  deorum  continuitt    quibu» 
pepercit  ariat    o  utinam  nova 
incude  diffingas  retusum  in 
MassagetaB  Arabasque  ferrum! 


Et  thure  et  fidibua  iuvat 

placare  et  vituli  sanguine  debito 
custodes  Numidae  deos, 

qui  nunc  Hesperia  sospes  ab  ultima 
caris  multa  sodalibus, 

nulli  plura  tamen  dividit  oecula 
quam  dulci  Lamiae,  memor 

actae  non  alio  rege  puertiae 
mutataeque  simul  togae. 

Cressa  ne  careat  pulchra  dies  nota, 
neu  promptae  modus  amphorae, 

neu  morem  in  Salium  sit  requies  pedum, 
neu  multi  Damalis  meri 

Bassum  Threicia  vincat  amystide, 

P.  H.  ^> 


neu  desint  epulia  rosae, 

neu  rivax  apium,  neu  breve  liliuin. 
onines  in  Dam&lin  putrea 

deponent  oculos,  nec  Danmlis  novo 
divelletur  adultero 

luscivis  bederie  arobitiosior. 

„,,.    ,     *        nsnuww  XXXVII. 

Nunc  inc  pcae  libero 

piilGftrI(J  lolinribuB 

oriii-  s£f    , . 


la/BodsJes.  " 


mere"  Caecubum 

cellis  a< 

■*.'rl[ii!  ilHo  '.'      i. 

iijuorbq  virormn,  quiaiibet^impoteiiB 

speraffi  fojjunaqup  dnjci  'lv,  i   .;  v" 
i1  j.  ,  ■ebria.     sod  minuit  furorem  ,      ,.,  '' 

UlL  .         .      .       ..  •'    V 

vuc  una  soapes  iiavia  sb  lgnibUB,  , 

(     lnentemque  lyniphatam  H&reoticOki  y.^ 
i '*.     -rcdegit  in  veros  tiinores  ("jy  >,.'.  . 

Caeear,  ab  Italia  Tolanteni   .'*      ,  < 
■»    reiida  aduigenp,  aoaipiter  velut-        "'"' *. 
molife^colufioB.  &t  lipbtem  cituj  ^ ^l ' 
tj^Twator  in  cuopu  nivalis  rt.^w 
Hftemoniaei,  daret  ut  oatenii 



fat^  monBtrnm:  quao  generi>si^       *<-«-,' 
T:    penre  quatorerifrneo  muliebriter  7^r#Mp 

-ojajae  ^ttf  reDftravitTofas. 


cUyJausa  wf]aoeA$cm  ( 

vpjta  ■ereno,  fortia  etaBperas  «^^ 
^traotare  ser^ntes,  ut  atrum  ty^  v 
<*i  ^^jflP0^  oombiberet  venenum, 
deUbepw  ifiorte'  ierocior^\   t  . '  t  >y} 




agevj^  I^urnja  «alicet  JnvidenaO'4*! 
privata  dednci  superbo    ..« •_.  '.""J     ^V^ 
non  humilis  mnlier  triumpho.  ^** 

» • 

■*  J 

t  i 

*  ,  V 


1   ■  A( 



Persicos  odi,  puer,  apparatus, 
di8pueent  nexag- pnilyra  coronae; 
^    i :  •  mitte  se&an,  rjoga  quo  locorum 
:;sera.  moretur.-  V   *        .. 

*      simplici  myrto  nihil  allabores--  J-V     y* 
^tv^^sedulus  curo:  neque  te  nnnistruni 
dedecet  myrtufl  neqfae  me  sub  arta 
v\te.  bibentem. ' '" 


'"    ^   \i 

*    n*.  1 





x    CARMEN  I. 

Motum  ex  Metello  oonaale  civicum 
belliqae  causaa  et  vitia  et  modoe 
ludumque  Fortunae  gravesque 
prinoipum  amicitiaa  et  arma 

nondum  expiatii  uncta  cruoribua, 
periouloeae  plenum  opua  aleae, 
tractaa  et  inoedia  per  ignes 
guppoaitoa  oineri  doloao. 

paullum  aeyerae  Moaa  tragoediaa 
deait  tbeatria:  mox  ubi  publicaa  r< 

rea  ordinaria,  grande  munua 
Ceoropio  repetea  cothurno, 

inaigr  estii  praeeidiuin  reU 

4«  ti,  Pollio,  curiae, 

v  a  aeteruoe  honorea 

aoo  peperit  triumpho. 
ian.  linaci  murmure  eorauum 

peral  aures,   iam  litiii  strepunt, 

Iia  >r  armorum  fugaces 

le  voltus. 
Midi  dnces 

non  uulMaro  puirare  sorC  ios, 
et  oaneta  terrarum  sub    :ta 

pnetet   atrocem  auimum  CatonU. 
Iuno  et  deorum  quisquU  amicior 
Afria  innlta  oesterat  irapotena 
tellure  victornm  nepotes 
rettnlh  inferias  lugurthae. 
:  qni>  nou  Latino  sanguine  pinguior 
campna  aenulorui  impia  proelia 
testatur  audittunque  Media 
\  Heeperiae  aonitum  rainael 

;  qui  gurgea  aut  quae  flumina  Ingubria 
'igaara  bellit    quod  mare  Dauniae 
i     non  deeoloravero  eaedeal 
I         quae  caret  ora  cruore  noetrot 
sed  ne  relictU,  Muaa  procax,  iocia 
Ceae  retraotea  munera  neniae : 
mecum   Dionaeo  aub  antro 
quaere  modos  leviore  plectro. 




Nullua  argento  oolor  est  avaris 
abdito  terria,  inimioe  lamnae 
Crispe  8alusti,  niai  temperato 
splendeat  usu. 

vivet  extento  Proeuleius  aevo,  $ 

notua  in  fratrea  animi  paterni; 
illum  aget  penna  metuente  aolvi 
fama  superstes. 

latiua  regnea  avidum  domando 
spiritum,  quam  n  Libyam  remotia  » 

Gadibua  iungaa  et  uterque  Poenus 
serviat  unl 

creaeit  indulgens  aibi  dirus  hydrops, 
neo  aitim  pellit,  nid  oausa  morbi 
fugerit  venia  et  aquosus  albo  15 

oorpore  languor. 

reddirum  Cyri  solio  Phraaten 
diafddens  plebi  numero  beatorum 
eximit  Virtus  populumque  falsu 

dedooet  uti  •© 

vocibus,  regnum  et  diadema  tutum 
deferens  uni  propriamque  laurum, 
quiaquis  ingentes  oculo  inretorto 
spectat  acervos. 


cedes  et  e^aijflcfc  in  "ftltum* 
. .  divi tiia  potietur^herea.-  |wv 
vdiVeffiLe  £fiS&rn*tuj*  ab  InwJio, "" 
nil  iatewt,  ui  paupor  ot  infima  i    v-f>rv'- 
'  de  gente  rab  divo  mornrii,         tawV^ 
nctiiu»  nil  minnSufin  Orci.  ' 

-        j^r-»-^      v 


~JW.»A     likd.  oariv. 
r  Wvu  \   . 

Vomnea  eodem  oqgimur,  ommum 

soni  exituiV>et  nos  in  aeternum  ; 
exsilfjam)  impositura  oumbag.  ^  • 

^^5      Wt.      "^'•••i 


Ne  rit  anoillae  tibi  amor  pudori, 
Xanthia  Phooeu,     prius  insolentem 
serva  Briseis  niveo  colore 
movit  Aohillem; 

movit  Aiaoem  Telamone  natum  5 

forma  captivae  dominum  Tecmessae; 
arait  Atrides  medio  in  triumpho 
virgine  rapta, 

barbarae  poetquam  oecidere  turmae 
Thessalo  victore  et  ademptus  Hector  10 

tradidit  fessis  leviora  tolli 
Pergama  Grais. 

nesdaa  an  te  generum  beati 
Phyllidia  flavae  decorent  parentes : 
regium  certe  genus  et  penates  15 

maeret  iniquos. 

crede  non  illam  tibi  de  scelesta 
plebe  dilectam,  neque  sic  fidelem, 
8ic  lucro  avenam  potuisse  naaci 

matre  pudenda.  *> 

— 1  V. 

,„,.  i«S°"  ^1* 
Sood»»      *     '        o»  c0O>I«» 
cerrioe.  1  *         roeoti" 

AW-«"*     «rio.  »l0~- 

««rri-*  -"*  t 

PS»«.  v*  ™*  L&,  hi* 

1  *»  ^*"*"  Son.0  «•*-" 
lar*  too"-  ^ 

LIB.  IL  GAR.  VL  43 

quem  n  puellarum  insereres  choro, 
mire  sagaoes  falleret  hospitee 
discrimen  obsourum  eolatit 
crinibas  ambigaoqae  voltu. 

*    OARMEN  VL 

Septimi,  Gades  aditare  mecam  et 
Cantabrum  indootam  iaga  ferre  nostra  et 
barbaras  Syrtes,  abi  Maura  aemper 
aestaat  unda, 

Tibar  Argeo  poeitam  oolono  5 

sit  meae  aedee  utinam  senectae, 
ait  modus  laaeo  maria  et  viarum 
militiaeque ! 

unde  ai  Parcae  prohibent  iniquae, 
duloe  pellitia  ovibus  Galaeei  m> 

fluroen  et  regnata  petam  Laooni 
rura  Phalantho. 

ille  terrarum  mihi  praeter  omnee 
angulus  ridet,  ubi  non  Hymetto 
mella  decedunt  viridique  certat  15 

baca  Venafro; 

rer  ubi  longum  tepidasque  praebet 
Iuppiter  brumas,  et  amicus  Aulon 
fertili  Bacoho  minimum  Falernis 

invidet  uvis.  «0 


m  locua   et  beatae 
cea;   ibi  tu   calentem 
ea    lacrima,   faTillam 

0   m  ttltimutn 

dedi         Lunto  i  ■  d     i, 

'   redoiwit  Vun      im 
H    putriis    Italoque   caelo, 
1   Pompei    meonim    prime    sodalinm, 
cnm    quo    mornntein    saepe   diem    mero 
fregi  coronatu»   nitente* 

malobathro  Svrio  oapilloal 
tecum  Philippoa  et  oelenm  fugam 
sensi   reliota  noa  bene  pajmula, 
cum  fracta   Tirtua  et  minaeea 
turpe  aolum   tetigere   mento. 
aed   me  par  hoatea  Hercurina  celer 
denso   paventem  ■uatulit  aere ; 
te  nirsus  in  bellnm  reaorbena 
undt,  fretis  tulit  aeatnona. 
ergo  obligatnm  redde  Iovi  dnpem 
longaque  feannm  militia  latus 
depone  nib  Innrn  mea  neo 
parce  oadia  tibi  deatinatia. 

LIB.  II.  CAR.  VIII.  45 

oblivioso  levia  Massioo 
ciboria  exple;  funde  capaeibus 
ungaenta  de  oonchis.     quifl  udo 
deproperare  apio  ooronas 

curatve  myrtol  qnem  Venu*  arbitrum        *$ 
dioet  bibendil     non  ego  sanius 
baochabor  Edonis:  reoepto 
duloe  mihi  furere  est  amico. 


UUa  si  inris  tibi  peierati 
poena,  Barine,  nooniBset  unquam, 
dente  si  nigro  fieree  vel  nno 
turpior  ungui, 

crederem.     sed  tu,  simul  obligasti  5 

perfidom  votia  caput,  enitescis 
pulchrior  multo  iuvenumque  prodis 
publica  cura. 

expedit  matris  oineres  opertos 
fallere  et  toto  taciturna  noctis  10 

signa  cum  caelo  gelidaque  divos 
morte  carentes. 

ridet  hoc,  inquam,  Venus  ipea,  rident 
simplice8  Nymphae,  ferus  et  Cupido 
semper  ardentes  acuens  sagittas  15 

cote  cruenta. 

>«-  _«•  <*»*■ ...  »* 




LIB.  IL  CAR.  X.  47 

flevere  eemper.    denne  mollium 
tandem  querellarum,  et  potius  nova 
omtemus  Augusti  tropaea 

Caesaris  et  rigidum  Niphaten,  *» 

Medumque  flumen  gentibus  additum 
rictis  minores  volvere  verticea, 
intraque  praescriptum  Gelonos 
exiguis  equitare  campis. 


Rectius  vives»  Licini,  neque  altum 
semper  urgondo  neque,  dum  prooellas 
cautus  horrescis,  nimium  'premendo 
litus  iniquum. 

auream   quisquis  mediocritatem  5 

diligit    tutus,  caret  obsoleti 
sordibu8  teeti,  caret  invidenda 
sobrius  aula. 

soepius  ventis  agitatur  ingens 
pinus  et  celsae  graviore  casu  to 

decidunt  turres  feriuntque  summos 
fulgura  montes. 

sperat  infestis,  metuit  secundis 
alteram  sortem  bene  praeparatum 
pectus.     informes  hiemes  rsducit  J5 

Iuppiter,  idem 

«08*11  i«  iw»0'    _ 

•»*■*.  «8*»*"      «t  »<"** . 

LIR  IL  CAR.  XII  49 

potamua  uncti!    dissipat  Euius 
curas  edaoes.     quia  puer  ocius 
reBtinguet  ardentis  Falerni 
pocula  praetereunte  lymphat  ao 

quis  devium  scortum  eliciet  domo 
Lydenf    eburna,  dic  age,  cum  lyra 
maturet  in  comptum  Lacaenae 
inore  comas  religata  nodura. 


Nolis  longa  ferae  bella  Kumantiae 
nec  dirum  Hannibalem  nec  Siculum  mare 
Poeno  purpureum  aanguine  mollibus 
aptari  citharae  modis, 

nec  saevos  Lapithas  et  nimium  mero  $ 

Hylaeum  domitosque  Herculea  manu 
telluris  iuvenes,  unde  periculum 
fulgens  contremuit  domus 

Saturni  veteris;  tuque  pedestribus 
dices  historiis  proelia  Oaesaris,  10 

Maecenas,  meliiui  duotaque  per  vias 
regum  colla  minacium. 

me  dulces  dominae  Musa  Licymniae 
cantus,  me  voluit  dicere  lucidum 
fulgentes  oculos  et  bene  rautuis  13 

fidum  pectus  amoribus ; 

ph.  4 

qjusp  .-ri-o  pedem  dedecuit  ehori» 

)  iooo  nec  dare  brachi». 

tidia  virginibu*  sacro 

le   celebrin   die. 
a"  se   tenuit  dives   AdiuimenM 

W  Phrygiae   Mygdonias   opee 

pi  elis  crine  Licymniae, 

a   aiit    Arohiim    domoat — ; 

dmn  d  cecula 

ccrvicera   eut   facili   saeviti»   negat, 
411*0   poscente   magis   gauc    at  eripi, 
interdura  rapere  occupet. 


->rilg.  et  inmtO  te  poauit  SS,      ly 
— quicunque  primjum,  _et  aacrilegi  niann 
.  _.  produxit,  arboa^  in_  uepotunu.  ^ c  i4tt,, 
,  ,^A   -pernici^nf;.  opprobrinnique  pagjj    '•  r 
J  illum  et  paxentiB  eredidorim  atti.s  jlt(,  t, 
j-fregiaae  oeWI&ML  at  peuetrali».^ 

BparsisM  dbcturao,  cruore-^'  :-,(j'*  '-tt», 

"bodpitis;   ille   vejieijj,*"  C-oIcla, 

et  quiaquid  uequani  odncipitur  tMai'"-: 

_.  tractavit,   ajjro   qui  statuitrfnoo  Ar  ■.,.,  ■_.. 

te  triste  lignnm,  tt^gtdngu»-. >  i     ,  | 

jpTdpinini   eaput  immerenti*.    ''L'!.l. 

^■«Mailw^iiigSti*  et  celerem  fugain-  yi;,  * 


Parthi,  «-tfri*  Partlma  et  Italum  ^ 
i»A  robur ;.  acl  MSBfflP  NftT"!  ■*•»! 

qkfgg^  &»»  r^ftW  'Prjtaerpinae        ' 

et  iuSiiwt4ro  HMI  Aeacum 
■■■■■   'sedeBqile  <ljffirKtts  |.ioru"in  'ef.~,v*- 

^eojjia  4jj1^i^  querentem-  V.*"*1-  ■— • 
Sappho  PQjjuJaribus,  I '    1*4  <\*j.»    <>j 
et  te_eo^^^^leMDj»r^^-™^t\|i\ 

dnra  fijgSSnftla,  duta  bellij.,, 
utruirtque  gafcro  diimff*wientio ' ' *' ■  ■  .,   ■■■ 
-mirantur  nmbne  dioere;  eed  tiiagin._  t,r      *. 
pugn»  et  «_t^fti*7|tyrani.0H 

deitofinV-  itjHln*.  'frjff?  *p"  xolgue.  ' 
"quid  minifi-.;  ubi  il)i|  canuioibufl  ■tapetai  1 
detnittit  atra*  bSlttiftoentioepe    ■.  .,    -  '**' 
anrea   et  ijjtftrir  cap_lfi_i"-      Y"'.         '  '     *« 
Eui&eniif&tn  »©VdtAfflr  KBjge?!   v 
quin  et  Proraetheu»  et  Pelopis  parraa      > 
duloi  lftborun. '  decipit flf  aono  ; 
neo  curat"  Orion   leocea .■.-/■- 

aut  timidoa  agitare  lyncaa.  «. 






?<»»»"•      „„,»» 

no».  »  :  tor  »»P 

W«w  »Jo™°     _»«■, 

s»«»r..M"ui»  ,*?,*^*„, 

LIB.  II.    CAR.  XV.  ft3 

absumet  heres  Caecuba  dignior  a3 

servata  oentum  clavibus  et  mero 
tinget  pavimentum  superbo, 
pontificum  potiore  oenis. 


Iam  pauca  aratro  iugera  regiae 
moles  relinquent,  undique  latius 
extenta  visentur  Lucrino 

stagna  lacu,  platanusque  caelebs 

evincet  ulmos;  tum  violaria  et  a 

niyrtua  et  omnis  oopia  narium 
spargent  olivetia  odorem 
fertilibus  domino  priori; 

tum  Bpiasa  ramia  laurea  fervidos 
excludet  ictus.     non  ita  Romuli  «* 

praeacriptum  et  intonai  Catonia 
auspiciis  veterumque  norma. 

privatua  illis  oenBua  erat  brevis, 
commune  magnum:   nulla  decompedis 

metata  privatis  opacam  13 

porticus  excipiebat  Arcton, 

noc  fortuitum  spernere  caespitem 
leges  sinebant,  oppida  publico 
sumptu  iubentes  et  deorum 

templa  novo  deoorare  saxa  « 




otium  po11 

0,30  \iot  Eu«- 

LIR  IL  CAR.  XVIL  95 

laetus  in  praasens  animus  quod  ultra  est     t$ 
oderit  curare  et  amara  lento 
temperet  riiiu;  nihil  est  ab  omni 
parte  beatum. 

abstulit  clarum  oita  mora  Achillem» 
longa  Tithonum  minuit  senectus,  3» 

et  mihi  forsan,  tibi  quod  negarit, 
porriget  hora. 

te  greges  centum  Siculaeque  circum 
inugiunt  vaccae,  tibi  tollit  hinnitum 
apta  quadrigis  equa,  te  bis  Afro  )5 

murioe  tinctae 

vestiunt  lanae  :   mihi  parva  rura  et 
spiritum  Graiae  tenuem  Oamenae 
Parca  non  mendax  dedit  et  maliguum 

spernere  volgus.  40 


Cur  me  querellis  ezanimas  tuist 
nec  dis  amicum  est  uec  mihi  te  prius 
obire,  Maecenas,  mearuin 

grande  decus  columenque  rerum. 

ah  te  meae  si  partem  auimae  rapit 
maturior  via,  quid  uioror  altera, 
ncc  carus  aeque  nec  supcrstes 
iuteger?     ille  dies  utrauique 




LIB.  II.    CAR.  XVIII.  fu 



Non  cbur  neque  aureum 

mea  renidet  in  domo  lacunar, 
non  trabes  Hymettiae 

premunt  oolamnu  altima  redsas 

Africa,  neque  Attali  s 

ignotus  heres  regiam  occupavi, 
nec  Laconicas  mihi 

trahunt  honestae  purpuras  clientae 

at  fides  et  ingeni 

benigna  vena  est,  pauperemque  dives        ie 
me  petit;  nihil  supra 

deos  lacesso  neo  potentem  amicum 
largiora  flagito, 

satis  beatua  unicis  Sabinis. 
truditur  dies  die,  15 

novaeque  pergunt  interire  lunae; 

tu  Recanda  marmora 

locas  sub  ipsum  funus  et  sepulcri 
immemor  struis  domos 

marisque  Baiis  obstrepentis  urges  to 

summovere  litora, 

parum  locuples  continente  ripa. 
quid,  quod  usque  prozimos 

reyellis  agri  terminos  et  ultra 


limit»  elieritir 


italia  avi 

I    pellitur  pateraos 

in  sinu  t 


et  uzoi 

i-ir  sordidosque  natoe. 

uulla,  ce 



fiue  destinata 


her  "     ' equa  tellua 

paupen  re 

regumque  pi        ,  nec  w»      i  Oroi 
callidum  PromnuiDa 

re»exit  auro  captus.     hic  superbum 
Tantaiutn  atque  Tantoli 

genua  coSrcet,   hic   levare  functum 
panperem  laboribus 

vocatuu  atque   non  vocatus  audit. 


Baoohum  in  retuotis  carmina  rupibui 
vidi  docentem — eredite  posteri — 
nymphasque  disoentea  et  aures 
caprii>edum  Ektyrorum  acutaa. 
euoe,  reoenti  mena  trepid&t  metu 
plenoque  Bacchi  peotore  turbidum 
laet&tur.     euoe,  paroe  Liber, 
parce,  gravi  metuende  tbyrto! 

LIB.  n.  CAR.  XIX.  59 

fas  pervicaoee  est  mihi  Thyiadas 
vinique  fontem,  lactis  et  uberes  «o 

cantare  rivos  atque  truncis 
lapaa  cavis  iterare  mella; 

fas  et  beatae  coniugis  additum 
stellii  honorem  tectaque  Penthei 

dirieota  non  leni  ruina,  »s 

Thracis  et  exitium  LyourgL 

tu  flectia  amnes,  tu  mare  barbarum, 
tu  separatis  uvidus  in  iugis 
nodo  cofirces  viperino 

Bistonidum  aine  fraude  crines:  *> 

tu,  oum  parentis  regna  per  arduum 
cohors  Gigantum  scanderet  impia, 
Rhoetum  retorsisti  leoni* 
unguibus  horribilique  mala; 

quamquam  choreis  aptior  et  iocis  t$ 

ludoque  dictua  non  sat  idoneus 
pugnae  ferebaris:  sed  idem 
jiacis  eras  mediusque  bellL 

te  vidit  insons  Cerberus  aureo 
cornu  decorum,  leniter  atterens  30 

caudaui,  et  recedentis  trilingui 
ore  pcdcs  tetigitque  crura. 




ec  tenui  ferar 


!  per  liquidum  aethera 
.-  in  terris  morabor 


nrbea  ren 


Bnngni»  p 

,n,  non           qi  em  vocu, 

iam  iani  reaid  iribua  asperae 

pellee,  et  album  umtor  in  alitom 
superne,  nucunturque  leves 
per  digitOB  mnerosque  plumae. 
iaui  Daed&leo  uotior  Icaro 
viaam  gementis  litora  Boapori 
ajrrteeque  GaetuUe  oanorua 
alea  Hyperbcreosque  oampos. 
me  Colohna  et  qni  dissimolst  metum 
Mareae  cohortis  Dacw  et  ultimi 
nosoent  Geloni,  me  peritne 
disoet  Hiber  Rhodanique  potor. 
abeint  inani  funere  neniae 
luctuaque  turpes  et  qnerimoniae  ; 
oompesce  clamorem  ac  aepulcri 
mitto  BUpervacuos  honores. 





Odi  profanum  volgus  et  arceo; 
fevete  linguie:   carmina  non  priuB 
audita  Musarum  aaoerdon 
virginibus  puorisque  cauto. 

regum  timendorum  in  proprios  gregefi,  s 

rege*  in  ipsoe  imperium  est  lovia 
clari  Qiganteo  triumpho» 
cuncta  Bupercilio  moventis. 

eat,  ut  viro  vir  latius  ordinet 
arbu8ta  sulcis,  hio  generoeior  10 

descendat  in  Oampum  petitor, 
moribuH  hic  raeliorque  fama 

uontendat,  illi  turba  clientium 
■t  maior         qua  lege  Necessitas 
•ortitn]  ■;:,,-■,  et  imos; 

0  *x   movet  urna  nomen. 

dertriot  s  cui  super  impia 

cerric  ,  non  Sicuke  dapes 

dnl  iiraKunt  saporem, 

WDHuiu  ^reBliura 

lenis  virurut-  — «■  uuu         dc  noi 
fastidit  '  iil, 

ncn  Zcjmi         .^ ■  1      pe. 

desiderantem  quoa  setis  est  neque 
tumultuonun  Bollicitat  marc, 
nec  imtiii  Arcturi  cadentis 
impetui  aut  orientis  Haedi, 
non  verberatae  grendine  vineae 
fundusque  mendax,  arbore  nuno  aquas 
colpante,  nunc  torrentia  agroe 
sidera,  num:  hiemes  iniqnas. 
contracta  piscea  aeqaora  sentiant 
iactis  in  altum  molibua;   huc  frequeoa 
eaemenU  demittit  redemptor 
cum  famulia  dominusque  terrae 
fastidiosus,     sed  Timor  et  Hinae 
scandunt  eodem,  quo  dominua,  neqne 
decedit  aerata  triremi  et 

poet  equitem  sedot  atra  Cura. 

LIB.  III.    CAR.  II.  03 

quod  si  dolentem  nec  Phrygius  lapis 
neo  purpurarum  sidere  clarior 
delenit  uaus  neo  Falerna 

vitda  Achaemeniumque  oostum, 

cur  invidendis  postibus  et  novo  «s 

Bublime  ritu  moliar  atriumt 
cur  valle  permutom  Sabina 
divitias  operoeiorest 


Angustam  amice  pauperiem  pati 
robustua  acri  militia  puer 
condiscat  et  Partbos  feroces 
vexet  eques  metuendus  hasta 

vitamque  sub  divo  et  trepidis  agat  $ 

in  rebus.     illum  ex  moenibus  hosticis 
matrona  bellantis  tyranni 
prospiciens  et  adulta  virgo 

suspiret,  eheu,  ne  rudis  agminum 
sponsus  lacessat  regius  asperum  10 

tactu  leonem,  quem  cruenta 
per  medias  rapit  ira  caedes. 
dulce  et  decorum  est  pro  patria  mori: 
mors  et  fugaoem  persequitur  virum, 

nec  parcit  imbellis  iuventae  13 

poplitibus  timidoque  tergo. 

virtus  repulsae  nescia  Bordidw 
Lntaminatis  fulget  honoribus, 
nec  rniDiit  aut  ponit  securea 
arbitrio  popularU  aurae. 
virtus  recludeua  immeritia  Diori 
caelum   negata  tentat  iter  via, 
coetusque  volgures  et  udam 
spem  iente  |ienii 

est  et  fide  o 

merces :    vetabo,  qui  Cereris  sacrui 
volgaiii  arcanae,  aub  iadem 
sit  trabibus  fragilemve  meoiui 
solvat  pbaselon  ;    saepe  Diespiter 
neglectuH  incesto  addidit  integruiii 
raro  antecedentem  scetestum 
deseriiit  pede   Poena  claudo. 


luBtum  et  teuHcem  propoaiti  virum 

nou  civium  ardor  prava  iubentium, 

non  voltus  inatantis  tyranni 

mente  quatit  solida  neque  Auiter, 
dux  inquieti  torbidns  Hadriae, 
nec  fulminantis  magna  manus  Iovii; 
td  fractua  illabatur  orbis, 
impavidum  ferient  rumae. 

.  + 

UR  III.  CAR.  IIL  05 

hao  arte  Pollux  et  vagus  Heroulee 
eniaus  eroes  attigit  igneea,  w 

quos  inter  Augustus  recumbens 
purpureo  bibit  ore  neotar. 

hae  te  mexentem,  Beoehe  pater,  tuae 
vexere  tigree  indooili  iogam 
oollo  trahentee;  heo  Quirinua  *$ 

Mertu  equis  Aoheronta  1 ugit, 

gratum  eloouta  oonailiantibua 
Iunone  divis:  Hion,  Uion 
fatalis  inoestusque  iudex 
et  mulier  peregrina  rertit  *> 

in  pulverexn,  ex  quo  deetituit  deoe 
mereede  paota  Laomedon,  mihi 
oastaeque  damnatum  Minervae 
eum  populo  et  duoe  fraudulento. 

iam  neo  Laoaenae  splendet  adulterae  »j 

famoeue  ho8pee  neo  Priami  domua 
periura  pugnaoee  Aohivos 
Heotoreia  opibua  refringit, 

nostrisque  duotum  seditionibus 
bellum  resedit.     protinus  et  gravee  jo 

irat  et  invisum  nepotem, 

Troica  quem  peperit  sacerdoe, 

Marti  redonabo;  illum  ego  lucidas 
inire  sedee,  ducere  nectaris 

8UC08  et  adacribi  quietis  35 

ordinibus  patiar  deorum. 

p.u.  .6 

dnm  lonftis  initer  saeviat  llion 



itus,  qualibet  eiBulea 


nanto  beati ; 


ni  Paridisque  buato 


ttini   et  catuloa  ferae 

oelen-  . 

stet  Capitolium 


ophatiaque  poagit 





extet  u. 


jua  medtua  Iiquor 

eecernit  I 

>pen  ab  Afro, 



ua  rigat  irva  Nilua, 

aurum  irrepertum  et  sic  melius  situra, 
cum  tcrra  oelat,  spernere  fortior 
quam  cogere  bumanoa  in  ubus 
omne  sacrum  rapiente  dextra. 
quicuuque  mundo  tenninu»  obrtitit, 
hunc  t&nget  armia,  viaere  gestieii*, 
qna  parta  debaochentnr  ignee, 
qua  nebulae  pluviiqne  rorea. 
sed  belliooaiB  fata  Quiritibna 
hac  lege  dico,  ne  niminm  pii 
rubuaque  fidentes  avitae 
tecta  velint  reparare  Troiae. 
Troiae  renascena  alit*  lugubri 
fortuna  triati  olade  iterabitnr, 
ducento  vietricee  oatervaa 
coniuge  me  lovia  et  aorore. 

LIB.  nL  GAS.  IV.  67 

ter  d  resurgat  murus  ataeus  6$ 

auotore  Phoebo,  ter  pereat  meis 
excisus  Argivis,  ter  uxor 
capta  virum  puerosque  ploret 

non  lioo  ioooeae  oonveniet  lyrae: 
qno,  Musa,  tendisf  deaine  pervicux  ^» 

referre  sermones  deorum  et 
magna  modia  tenuare  parvis. 


Desoende  caelo  et  dio  age  tibia 
regina  longum  Oalliope  meloe, 
seu  voce  nunc  mavis  aouta, 
seu  fidibus  dtharaque  Phoebi. 

auditis,  an  me  ludit  amabilis  s 

insaniat  audire  et  videor  pios 
errare  per  lucos,  amoenae 

quos  et  aquae  subeunt  et  aurac. 

me  fabulosae  Volture  in  Apulo 
altrici8  extra  limen  Apuliae  (0 

ludo  fatigatumque  somno 

fronde  nova  puerum  palifmbes 

texere,  uiirum  quod  foret  ouinibus, 
quicunque  celsae  nidum  Acherontiae 

saltusque  Bantinos  et  arvum  ti 

pingue  tenent  humilis  Forenti, 


\\t  tuto  ab  atris  corpore   viperis 


ibib,  ut  premerer  aaoru 


Utaque  myrto, 


din  animosuB  iufuns. 

"      5? 

veater,  Ua 

le,  veeter  in  arduos 

tollor  Si 

eeu  mihi  frigidum 


iu  Tibur  Bupinum 

vostris   am<  „.1B 

non  me  PhilippU  vorta  acies  retro, 
devota  non  exstinxit  arbos, 
nec  Sicula  Psliuurus  unda. 
utcunque  mecum  vcs  eritU,  Ubeni 
insanientem  navita   liosporum 
tentabo  et  urentes  haienas 
litoris  Aasyrit   viator  ; 
vissm  Britannoa  hoapitibu*  fcros 
et  laetum  equino  «angnine  Oonctnnm, 
visam  pharetratoa  Gelonos 
et  Scjthioum  inviolatni  amnem, 
voe  O&eamrem  altum,  militia  aimnl 
fessaa  oohortos  addidit  oppidia, 
finire  quaerentem  laboree 
Pierio  rocreatis  antro. 
voa  lene  oonsilinm  et  tUtU  et  duto 
gftudetU  alma».     idnnu,   ut  impios 
Titanas  immanemque  turmam 
fnlmine  tuatulerit  caduco, 

LIK  IIL  CAR  IV.  69 

qui  terram  inertem,  qui  mare  temperat        «s 
ventosum,  et  urbes  regnaque  tristia 
divosque  morteieique  turbas 
imperio  regit  unus  aequa 

magnum  illa  terrorem  intulerat  Iovi 
fidens  iuTentus  horrida  brachiis,  50 

fratresque  tendentes  opaoo 
Pelion  imposuisse  Olympo. 

sed  quid  Typhoeus  et  validus  Mimas, 
aut  quid  minaoi  Porphyrion  statu, 

quid  Rhoetus  evolsisque  truncis  55 

Enceladus  iaoulator  audax 

oontra  sonantem  Palladis  aegida 
possent  ruentesf    hino  avidus  stotit 
Volcanus,  hino  matrona  Iuno  et 
nuuquain  umetis  positurus  arcum,  60 

qui  rore  puro  Castaliae  lavit 
crines  solutos,  qui  Lyciae  tenet 
dumeta  natalemque  silvam, 
Delius  et  Patareus  Apolla 

via  consili  expers  mole  ruit  sua:  65 

vim  temperatam  di  quoque  provehunt 
in  maius;  idem  odere  vires 
omne  nefas  animo  moventes. 

testis  mearum  centimanus  Gyas 
sententiarum,  notus  et  integrae  70 

tentator  Orion  Dianae, 
virginea  domitus  sagitta. 



iniaota  moi 

■  Tem  dolet  suis 


,u«  fulmine  lnridum 


rcum ;  nec  peredit 




celer  ignis  Aetnam, 
eo  Tityi  iecur 


raliqnit  p*. 

oquitia*  odditus 


orem  treoentae 



Oselo  tonantem  credidimus  Iovem 


ragnue :  praesens  dh-ua  habebitur 


adioctia  Britannis 


gravibusque   Persia. 

niileene  Craaai  ooniuge  barbara 
turpia  maritoa  vixit  et  hoatium — 
pro  curia  inveraiquo  mores! — 
oonaenuit  ■oceroram  in  armis 
aub  rege  Medo  Utnu  et  Apalua, 
andlionim  et  nomiuis  et  togae 
oblitus  aaternaeque  Veatae, 
inoolumi  Iove  et  urbe  BomaJ 
hoc  caverat  mena  pnmda  RogoJi 
dissentientis  oondicionibns 
foedis  et  axemplo  trahentig 
pemiciem  veuiens  in  aevam, 

LIB.  IIL  CAR.  V.  7i 

n  non  periret  immiaerabilis 
captiva  pubes.    signa  ego  Punicis 
adfixa  deluhris  ei  arma 
militibus  aine  oaede,  dixit,  *> 

derepta  vidi;  vidi  ego  civium 
rutorta  tergo  braehia  libero 
portatque  non  olausaa  et  arva 
Marte  ooli  populata  nostro. 

auro  repensus  scilket  aerior  >s 

miles  redibit  flagitio  additis 
damuum:  ncque  amissos  oolores 
lana  refert  medicata  fuco, 

ueo  vera  virtiis,  oum  semel  oxcidit, 
curat  reponi  deterioribus.  y> 

si  pugnat  extricata  densis 
cerva  plagis,  erit  ille  fortis, 

qiii  perfidis  se  credidit  hostibtis, 
et  Marte  Poenos  proteret  altero, 

qui  lora  restriotis  laoertis  3$ 

sensit  inera  timuitque  mortcm. 

liic,  unde  vitam  sumeret  inscius, 
(wcem  duello  miscuit     o  pudor  ! 
o  magna  Karthago,  probrosis 

altior  Italiae  ruinis!  40 

fertur  pudicae  ooniugis  osculum 
parvosque  natos  ut  capitis  minor 
ab  se  removisse  et  virilem 
torvus  humi  posuisse  voltum  : 

donec  lubtmtea  consiiio  patres 
tinuaret  ■  I  uuuquam   alian  dato, 

inta  erentes  amicos 

i'ts  jroperaret  exsul. 

nt.]iii  siriec        (aae  sibi  barb&rai 
lortor  para       ;  non  aliter  taraen 
dimov  bantOB  propinquoe 

et  pbj  itos  l  ein, 

quaui   si  clii nga  negotia 

diiudicata  lito  rennqueret, 
teudena  Venafranos  in  agroa 
aut  Lacedaemoniutn  Tarentum. 


Delicta  inaiornin  immeritua  luea, 
Romane,  doneo  templa  refooeria 
aedeaque  labeutea  deorum  et 
foeda  ingro  aimnlaora  fumo. 
dis  te  minnrem  quod  geria,  iraperaa: 
hinc  omne  prinoipium,  Iiuc  refer  exituin. 
di  multa  negleoti  dedernnt 
Heaperiae  mala  lnctuosaa. 
iam  bia  Monaeaea  et  Faoori  manua 
non  auspicatoa  oontndit  iropetua 
noatroa  et  aiiinniant  praedam 
torquibua  exignia  renidet 

LD9L  IIL  CAR.  VI.  73 

paene  oooupatam  seditionibus 
delovit  Urbem  Daeus  et  Aetbiops» 
bio  classe  formidatos,  ille  i$ 

missilibas  melior  sagittis. 
fecanda  oalpae  aaecala  naptias 
primom  inqoinavere  et  genua  et  domos; 
boc  fonte  derivata  elades 

in  patriam  popolomqae  fluxit  ao 

motus  dooeri  gaudet  Ionicos 
matura  virgo  et  fingitur  artibus; 
iam  nuno  et  inoestoa  amores 
de  tenero  meditatur  ungui; 

mox  iuniores  quaerit  adulteroa  15 

inter  mariti  vina,  neque  eligit 
cui  donet  impermiasa  raptim 
gaudia  luminibus  remotis; 

sed  iu8sa  coram  non  aine  oonscio 
suigit  marito,  seu  vooat  institor  30 

seu  navis  Hispanae  magister, 
dedecorum  pretiosus  emptor. 

non  bis  iuventus  orta  parentibus 
infecit  aequor  sanguine  Punico, 

Pyrrhumque  et  ingentem  oecidit  33 

Antiocbum  Hannibalemque  dirum  ; 

sed  ru8ticorum  mascula  militum 
proles,  Sabellis  doota  ligonibus 
versare  glebas  et  severae 

matris  ad  arbitrium  recisos  «o 

jKirlare  fustee,  sol  ubi  moutiura 
mutaret  u  et  iuga  demeret 

bobuH  itts,  amicum 

t  gens  abeunte  curru, 

damnosa  t         non  imminait  diesT 
aet&s  pe  a  peior  avia  tulit 

uos  ii  «s,  moz  daturce 


Quid  fles,  Asterie,  quem  tibi  candidi 
primo  restiluent  vere  Favonii 

Tbjoa  meree  beatum, 

,   cousumtis  iuvenem   tide, 
Uygenl   ille  Kotii  aotus  ad  Orioum 
post  inaana  Caprae  aidera   frigidaa 

noctM  non  nn«  multia 
inlfllnnil  lacrimis  agit 
atqui  soUioitae  nuatiu»  hoepit*ti, 
su&pirare  Cliloijn  et  miseram  tuir 

dioans  igniboa  uri, 

tentat  mille  vafer  modis. 
ut  Proetum  molier  perfida  credulum 
fnlaia  impulerit  oriminibuBt  t»"»'? 

casto  Bellerophonti 

inaturare  ueoeni,  refert. 

LIB.  IIL  CAB.  VIII.  75 

narrat  paene  datum  Pelea  Tartaro, 
Magnetm  Hippolyten  dnm  fngit  abstinena; 
et  peooare  dooentet 

fallax  historias  movet  » 


frustra:  nam  eoopulis  turdior  Icari 
vooee  aodit  adhuo  integer. — at  tibi 
ne  vicinus  Enipeua 
plus  iuato  placeat,  oave; 

quamvia  non  alina  fleotere  equum  sciens      »5 
aeque  oonapioitnr  gramine  Martio, 
nec  quiaquam  oitus  aeque 
Tuaco  denatat  alveo. 

prima  noote  domum  claude  neque  in  vias 
eub  cantu  qnerulae  deepiee  tibiae,  y> 

et  te  aaepe  vocanti 
duram  difficilis  mane. 


Martiis  caelebs  quid  agam  Kalendis, 
quid  velint  flores  et  acerra  thuris 
plena,  miraris,  poaituaque  carbo  in 
caespite  vivo, 

docte  sermones  ntrinaque  linguaet 
voveram  dnlces  epulas  et  album 
Libero  caprum  prope  funeratus 
arboris  ictu. 


hio  diee  i 

mno  redeuDte  featus 


rictuin  pice  dimovobit 



mm  bibera  institutae 
uie  Tuilo. 


1:13,    cyathos  iimii.i 

■ocpitu  c 

m  et  vigiles  lucerstui 

ptrfor  in 

■iii  :   prooul  omnis  esto 
t  ira. 


mitte  civ 

ocoidit  Daa  uounooii  agmeo, 

Modat   infcstuB  sibi  luotuosis 

disaidet  armia, 


■orrit  Hiipui&e  vetus  hoetis  orao 


aem  domitus  catena, 

iam  Scytlme  laxo  meditantur  arcu 

cedere  campis. 

noglegena,  ne  qua  populua  la.boret, 
paroo  privatw  nimiiim  eaToro ; 
dona.  pneeentU  cape  Uetua  horae  et 
linque  aovera. 


Doneo  gratua  eram  tibi 

nec  quisquam  potior  brachia  oandidae 
oervici  iuvenis  dabat, 

Persarum  vigui  rege  beatior. 

LIB.  IIL  OAR.  X.  77 

donao  non  alia  magia  3 

arsiati  neque  erat  Lydia  post  Chloen, 

multi  Lydia  nominis 
Romana  vigui  clarior  Uia. 

me  nuno  Thressa  Ohloe*  regit, 

duloes  doota  modoe  et  oitharae  sciens,      10 
pro  qua  non  metnam  mori, 

ai  paroent  animae  fata  superstiti. 

me  torret  faoe  mutua 

Thurini  Calafs  filius  Orayti, 
pro  quo  bia  patiar  mori,  15 

si  paroent  puero  fata  superstitL 

quid,  ai  priaoa  redit  Venus 

diduotoeque  iugo  oogit  aeneo, 
ai  flava  excutitur  OhloS 

reiectaeque  patet  ianua  Lydiaef  m 

quamquam  aidere  pulchrior 

ille  est,  tu  levior  oortioe  et  improbo 
iracundior  Hadria, 

tecum  vivere  amem,  tecum  obeam  libens. 


Extremum  Tanain  ai  biberes,  Lyce, 
saevo  nupta  viro,  me  tamen  aaperas 
porrectum  ante  foree  obiicere  inoolia 
plorarea  Aquilonibus. 


tiuilis.   ono  BliBfiitn   imnia,  quo  nemus 


aatum  tecta  ramugiat 


tas  ut  glaeiet  nives 


line  Inppiterl 


eri  poue  superbiam, 

ne  ou... 

ttro  funis  eat  rota. 

non  w 

ipen  difficilem  procis 

o  quamvi  ie  munc        «c  preccs 

nec  tinotut  vioia  pallor  amantiura 
nec  vir  Pierii  pelliee  sancius 

curvat,  supplioibuB  tuis 
parcas,  neo  rtgidn  mollior  neaculo 
ncc  Mauria  animum  mitior  iingmmis. 
non  hoc  semper  erit  liminis  aut  aquse 

caeleetis  patieni)  latue. 


Mercuri, — nam  te  doailia  msgistro 
movit  Ampbion  lapidee  canendo, — 
tuque  teetudo  resonare  eeptem 

callida  nervis, 
neo  loquax  olim  neqne  grate,  nuno  et 
divitnm  memua  et  aroica  templia, 
dic  modoe,  Lyde  qnibnt  obstinataa 

applioet  anrea, 

LIB.  m.  CAR  XI.  79 

quae  velut  latis  equa  triina  campis 
ludit  exsultim  metoitqne  tangi,  10 

nuptiarum  expers  et  adhuo  protervo 
cruda  marito. 

tu  potcs  tigres  oomitesque  nlvai 
ducere  et  rivos  oeleree  morari; 
cesait  immania  tibi  blandienti  15 

ianitor  aulae, 

Cerberus,  quamvia  furiale  eentum 
muniant  angues  caput  eius  atque 
spiritus  teter  aanieaque  manet 

ore  trilingui.  «> 

quin  et  Izion  Titjoaque  voltu 
riait  invito»  stetit  urna  paullum 
aicoa»  dum  grato  Danai  puellas 
carmine  mulces. 

audiat  Lyde  scelus  atque  notas  *$ 

virginum  poenas  et  inane  lymphae 
dolium  fundo  pereuntis  imo, 
seraque  fata, 

quae  manent  oulpas  etiam  sub  Orco. 
impiae, — nam  quid  potuere  maiust —  y> 

impiae  sponsos  potuere  duro 
perdere  ferrol 

una  de  multis  face  nuptiali 
digna  periurum  fuit  in  parentem 
splendide  mendax  et  in  omne  virgo  3$ 

nobilis  aevum, 


surge.  iiim  dixit  iuveni   marito, 
BUrf!  loogUB  tibi  somnu»,   unde 

iion  a,   detur;  aocerum  et  Bcelettos 

1 1*3   BOrores, 
quae  velut  nsicUc  vituloa  leaenae 
tingulos  ebeu  laoerant :   ego  illis 
mollior     eo  te  feriam  nequo  iutra 

austra  teuebo. 
me  pater  aeret  &>,~nis, 

quod  viro  ciemena  miiero  peperci; 
me  vel  extremos  Numidarum  in  agroR 

classc  releget. 
i,  pedes  quo  te  rapiunt  et  aurae, 
dum  favet  nox  et  Venus,  i  secundo 
omine  et  nostri  memorem  sepulcro 
scalpe  querellam. 

\  ,.,„OABMBK  XIL'  ,» 

Miseramin,  est  neqvtn  amori  dare  ludum  neque  djilci 

mala  vinojavere,  «Si'1aaniin«ivmotuoi»to«  Kr-,:  -..  t 

tibi  .qujajunr  Cythereae  puer  aloa,  tibi  tnilaa.-  k<m 
Qpewj&eqne  Minervw.slfflflfim'  aufert,  Neobule,       * 
,',  .',)"  »,I4oaraei  hftor  Hgbri, ■^V«b*",*'*',i*>. 
i  «imliT  n^c^^flbSruiS  omaroa,  Iavft  in  uncEu, 
equei  inao  melior  Bajlorophonte,  netifue1- pugno 
neque  segni  pede  vjctus ; "  *j ,-.  t ,, 
1    ,  oW7u 


.  j-Ji . 

LIB.  III.   CAR.  XIII.  XIV.  fti 

catus  idein  per  apertum  fugiepjflB  agyj*jp         10 

^         ***  r^i  V 


O  fons  Banduaiae,  splendidior  vitro, 
duld  digne  mero  non  nne  floribus, 
cras  donaberia  haedo, 
cui  frons  turgida  cornibus 

primis  et  venerem  et  proelia  deetinat;  9 

fruatra:  nam  gelidos  inficiet  tibi 
rubro  sanguine  rivoe 
lascivi  suboles  gregis. 

te  flagrantis  atrox  hora  Caniculae 
nescit  tangere,  tu  frigus  amabile  10 

fessis  vomere  taurls 
praebes  et  peoori  vaga 

fies  nobilium  tu  quoque  fontium, 
mo  dicente  cavis  impositam  ilioem 

saxis,  unde  loquaces  n 

lymphae  desiliunt  tuae. 


Uerculis  ritu  modo  dictus,  o  plebs, 
morte  venalem  petiisse  laurum 
Caesar  Hispana  repetit  Penates 
victor  ab  ora. 

p.n.  6 


unico  gaudens  mtilier  marito 
prodeat  iustis  operata  sacris, 
et  Eioror  clari   ducis  et   decorno 

snpplice  vitta 
virgioum  matree  iuvenumque  nujier 
sospitum.     vos,  o  pueri  et  puellae 
iam   viruro   expertae,   male   ominatis 

parcite  verbis. 
hio  diea  vere  mihi  featua  atru 
oximet  curaa;   ego  nec  tumultum 
ncc  mori  per  vim   metuam   tenente 

C&esare  terras. 
i,  peto  unguentum,  puer,  et  corunas 
et  cadum  Marai  ineinorem  duelli, 
Spartacum  ai  qua  potuit  vagautem 

fallere  terta, 
dio  et  argutae  properet  Neaerae 
murrheum  nodo  cohibere  crinem ; 
■i  per  invisum   mor»  ianitorein 

fie  t,   abito, 
lenit  albeacena  animoe  oapillua 
litintn  et  rixae  oupidoa  protervae; 
non  ego  hoc  ferrem  calidus  iuveuta 

oouauto  Planco, 

L1B.  III.  CAR.  XV.  XVL  83 


Uxor  pauperis  Ibyoi, 

tandem  nequitiae  fige  modum  tuae 
famoaiaque  laboribus: 

maturo  propior  deaine  funeri 

inter  ludere  virgines  s 

et  Btellis  nebulam  spargere  candidis. 

non,  n  quid  Pholotin  satis, 

et  te,  Chlori,  deoet:  filia  rectius 

expugnat  iuvenum  domos, 

pulso  Thyias  uti  ooneita  tympano.  10 

illaui  oogit  amor  Nothi 

lascivae  sirailem  ludere  capreae : 

te  lanae  prope  nobilem 

tonsae  Luceriam,  non  citharae  deoent 
nec  flos  purpureus  roaae  15 

neo  poti  vetulam  faece  tenus  cadL 


Inolusam  Danaen  turris  aenea 
robustaeque  fores  et  vigilum  canum 
tristes  exoubiae  munierant  satis 
nocturnis  ab  adulteris, 

G— 2 

si  non   Acrisiuiu   virginis  abditao 
custodem  dum  Iupplter  et  Venua 

risissent  )  eniiu  tutum  iter  et  pstens 

con  in  pretium  deo. 

aurum  pe        jdioe  ire  satellites 
et  pemimpere  aniat  snxa  potentius 
ictu  fulroineo :  concidit  auguris 

Argi  ) 

deniarsa  i  diffidit  n 

poriaa  vir  Macedo  et  «ubruit  aemuloe 
isgwi  muneribus;   munera  navium 

asevoa  illaqueant  ducea. 
crcsceatem  sequitur  oura  pecuniam 
niaiorumque  funes.     itire  perhorrui 
!ate  conspicuum  tollere  verticem, 

Maecenas,  equitum  decus. 
quanto  qnisquu  sibi  plura  negaverit, 
ab  dis  plur»  feret:    nil  cupieutium 
nudua  cartra  peto  et  transfug*  divitum 

partes  linquero  geatio, 
contemptae  dominns  aplendidior  rel, 
quam  ai  quidquid  arat  impiger  Apulua 
occultsre  meis  dicerer  horreis, 

magnas  inter  opea  inops. 
purae  rivus  aquae  silvaque  iugerum 
pauoorum  et  segetis  certa»  fides  meae 
fulgentem  imperio  fertilis  Africae 

taJlit  sorte  beaiiur. 

LIB.  III.  CAB.  XVIL  86 

quamquam  neo  Oalabrae  mella  ferunt  apes 
neo  Laeatrygonia  Baoohus  in  amphora 
languesoit  mihi  neo  pinguia  Oallioin  35 

oreeount  vellera  poscuis, 

importuna  tamen  pauperies  abest, 
nec,  si  plura  velim,  tu  dare  deneges. 
contraoto  melius  parva  oupidine 

Teotigalia  porrigam,  4o 

quam  si  Mygdoniis  regnuin  Alyattei 
eampis  oontinuem.     multa  petentibus 
desunt  multa :  bene  est,  oui  deus  obtulit 
parca,  quod  satb  est,  manu. 


Aeli  vetusto  nobilis  ab  Lamo, — 
quando  et  priores  hino  Lamias  ferunt 
denominatos  et  nepotum 
per  memores  genus  omne  fastos; 

auctore  ab  illo  ducis  originem,  $ 

qui  Formianim  moenia  dicitur 
princeps  et  innantem  Maricae 
litoribus  tenuisse  Lirim 

late  tyrannus  : — cras  foliis  nemus 
multis  ot  alga  litus  inutili  ic 

demissa  tempestas  ab  Euro 
sternet,  aquae  nisi  fallit  augur 

nnuosa  ooruix.      dum  potU,  ariduin 
conipone  Lignuni ;  craa  Qenium  mero 
curabia  et  porco  bimestri 

oum   famulis  opornm  solutifl. 


Faune,  Nytnpharum  fugientum  amator, 
per  meos  finea  et  aprica  rura 
lenis  inceda»  abeasque  parvis 

aequus  alumnia, 
si  tener  pleno  cadit  haedua  anno, 
liirga  nec  desunt  Veneria  sodali 
vina  craterae,  vetus  ara  multo 

f  uraat  odore. 
ludit  herboeo  pecui  omne  campo, 
cnm  tibi  Nonae  redeunt  Deoembree; 
fettUB  in  pratia  racat  otdoao 

onnt  bove  pagus; 
inter  audaoet  lupus  errat  aguos; 
spargit  agreetee  tibi  silva  frondea; 
gaudet  invinra  pepulisM  foesor 

ter  pode  temm. 





Quantnm  distet  ab  Inacho 

Oodrog  pro  patria  non  timidus  mori, 
narras  et  genus  Aeaoi 

et  pognata  sacro  bella  eub  Ilio: 

quo  Ohinm  pretio  oadum  $ 

meroemur,  quis  aqnam  temperet  ignibus 

quo  praebente  domum  et  qnota 
Paelignis  caream  frigoribus,  taces. 

da  lunae  propere  novae, 

da  nocti8  mediae,  da,  puer,  auguris 
Murenae:  tribus  aut  novem 

miscentur  cyathis  pocula  commodis. 

qui  Muaas  amat  impares, 
ternos  ter  cyathoe  attonitus  petet 

vates;  tres  prohibet  supra 

rixaruiti  metuens  tangere  Gratia 

nudis  iuncta  sororibus. 

insanire  iuvat:   our  Bereoyntiae 
ce&aant  flamina  tibiaet 

cur  pendet  tacita  fistula  cum  lyrat 

parcentes  ego  dexteras 

odi:   8parge  rosaa;   audiat  invidus 
dementem  strepitum  Lycus 

et  vicina  seni  non  habilis  Lyco. 


epiaaa  te  nitidum  ooma, 

puro  te        ilera,  Telephe,  Veepero, 
teinpei  ;it  Rhode; 

rue  10  ilj-cerae   torret  imor  meae. 

Non  vides  to  movean  ^.olo, 

Pynhe,  Gaetuiae  catuloa  leaenael 
dura  post  paullo  fugiea  inaudax 

proelia  raptor, 
cum  per  obatantee  iuvenum  catervns 
ibit  mHignem  repetens  Ne&rchum, 
grande  certamen,   tibi  praeda  cedat 

maior  an  illi 
interim,  dum  tu  oeleree  eagittas 
promia,  haeo  dentea  aeuit  timendoa, 
arbiter  pugnae  prmiitim  nndo 

sub  pede  palmam 
fertur  et  leni  reoraare  rento 
aparaum    odoratis   nmeram  oapillia, 
qualis  aut  Nireus  fuit  aut  aquosa 

raptua  ab  Ida. 

LIB.  III.  OAR.  XXL  80 


O  nata  meoum  oonsule  Manlio, 
seu  ta  querellas  sive  geris  ioooe 
seu  rixsm  et  insanos  amores 
seu  facilem,  pia  testa»  lomnum, 

qaocunqae  leotam  nomine  Massicum  » 

servae,  moveri  digna  bono  die, 
desoende,  Corvino  iubente 
promere  languidiora  vina. 

non  ille,  quamqoam  Socraticis  madet 
sermonibus,  te  negleget  horridus:  k> 

narratur  et  prwci  Oatonis 
saepe  mero  caluisse  virtus. 

tu  lene  tormentum  ingenio  admoves 
plerumque  duro;  tu  aapientium 

curas  et  arcanum  iocoeo  15 

conailium  retegia  Lyaeo; 

tu  spem  reducis  mentibua  anxiis, 
viresque  et  addis  cornua  pauperi 
poet  te  neque  iratoe  trementi 

regum  apices  neque  militum  arma.        *> 

te  Iiber  et,  li  laeta  aderit,  Venus 
segnesque  nodum  solvere  Gratiae 
vivaeque  producent  lucernae, 

dom  rediens  fugat  astra  Phoebus. 



Btoe  nemorumque,  Virgo, 
tee  utero  puellas 
udis  adimiaque  leto. 

litaotia  ictum 


OmIo  aupiuaa  si  tuleris  roanu* 
naacente  Luiia.,  rustic*  Phidyle, 
m  thurts  placftris  «t  honi* 
fruge  Lares  avidaque  poroa, 
nec  peatilentem  aentiet  Afriouni 
fecimd»  vitis  neo  aterilem  aegea 
robiginetn  aut  duloea  aJumni 
pomifero  grave  tempu*  aimo, 
nam  quae  nivali  paacitur  Algido 
devota,  quercua  mter  et  ilicet 
aut  oreacit  Albania  in  herbis 
victima  ponti6cum  aeourcs 


LIB,  IIL  CAR.  XXIV.  »1 

oerrioe  tinget:  te  nihil  attinet 
tentare  multa  caede  bidentium 

parvoe  ooronantem  marino  i$ 

rore  deoe  fragilique  rayrto. 

immunis  aram  11  tetigit  manus 
non  eumptuoea  blandior  hostia, 
mollivit  avenoe  Penates 
farre  pio  et  saliente  mica.  * 


Intactis  opulentior 

thesauris  Arabum  et  divitia  Indiae 
caementia  lioet  occupes 

terrenum  omne  tuis  et  mare  publicum, 
si  figit  adamantinoe  « 

summis  verticibua  dira  Neceasitas 
clavos,  non  animum  metu, 

non  mortis  laqueis  expedies  caput 

campestres  melius  Soythae, 

quorum  plaustra  vagas  rite  trahunt  domos,  10 
vivunt  et  rigidi  Getae, 

immetata  quibus  iugera  liberas 

fruges  et  Ccrerem  ferunt 

nec  cultura  placet  longior  annua 

defunctumque  laboribus  15 

aequali  recreat  sorte  vicarius. 

illio  matro  carentibus 

privigni*  mulier  temperat  innocena, 
XWC  dot&t*  regit  virum 

coniur  neo  nitido  fidit  adultero.  == 

dos  est  niagna  parentium 

virtus  et  metuens  alteriua  viri 
oet-to  foedere  outitu; 

et  pi  it  pretinm  eat  mori. 

o  quisquia  tmpiu  ij 

caedea  et  rabiem  tollere  oivicam, 
*i  quaeret  Pater  ubbium 

subscribi  statuie,  indoraitam  audeat 
refrenare  licentiam, 

clarus  postgenitiH:  quateoua — heu  nefaa!—  *> 
virtutem  inoolumem  odimus, 

sublatam  ejt  ooulis  quaerimna  invidi 
quid  triates  querimoniae, 

ai  non  supplicio  eulpa  reciditur, 
quid  legea  aine  moribus  » 

vanae  proficiunt,  ta  neqne  fervidia 
para  inoluaa  oaloribua 

mundi  neo  Boreae  finitimum  latui 
durataeque  solo  nives 

mercatorem  abigunt,  horrida  callidi  «, 

vincunt  aequora  navitae, 

magnum  pauperiea  opprobrinm  iubet 
quidvie  et  faoere  et  patd 

virtutisque  viam  deaerit  arduael 

LIB.  IIL  OAB.  XXV.  03 

vel  noe  in  Oapitolium,  49 

quo  elamor  vooat  et  turba  faventium, 
vel  nos  in  maxe  proximum 

gemmas  et  lapides,  anrum  et  inutile, 
aummi  materiem  mali, 

mittamus,  soelerum  ai  bene  paenitet         y 
cradenda  eupidinis 

pravi  aunt  elementa  et  tenerae  nimis 

mentea  aaperioribua 

formandae  studiia.     neseit  equo  rudis 
haerere  ingenuus  puer  55 

venarique  timet,  ludere  dootior, 

seu  Graeoo  iubeaa  trooho 

seu  malis  vetita  legibua  alea, 
cum  periura  patris  fides 

consortem  socium  fallat  et  hospitem  60 

indignoque  pecuniam 

heredi  properet     scilicet  improbae 
crcscunt  divitiae;  tamen 

curtae  nescio  quid  semper  abest  rei. 


Quo  me,  Bacche,  rapis  tui 

plenuml  quae  nemora  aut  quos  agor  in  specus 
velox  mente  novat  quibus 

untris  egregii  Caesaris  audiar 

„AictttiB  ore  • 

r  idoaeu» 


LTB.  IIL  OAB.  XX VIL  96 

o  quae  beatam  diya  tenee  Oyprum  et 
Memphin  oarentem  Sithonia  nive,  i© 

regina,  lublimi  flagello 
tange  Chloen  aemel  arrogantem. 


Impioa  parrae  reoinentia  omen 
duoat  ei  praegnans  oania  aut  ab  agro 
rava  deoarrena  lupa  Lanuvino, 
fetaque  volpea. 

rumpat  et  serpeni  iter  institutum,  * 

ai  per  obliquum  eimilia  aagittae 
terruit  mannoa:  ego  oui  timebo 
providua  auspex, 

antequam  stantea  repetat  paludea 
imbrium  divina  avis  imminentum,  » 

oacinem  corvum  preoe  suscitabo 
aolia  ab  ortu. 

aia  licet  felix,  ubiounque  mavia, 
et  memor  noetri,  Galatea,  vivas, 
teque  neo  laevus  vetet  ire  picua  13 

neo  vaga  oornix. 

aed  vides,  quanto  trepidet  tumultu 
pronua  Orion.     ego  quid  sit  ater 
Hadriae  novi  ainua  et  quid  albua 

pecoet  Iapyx.  10 

hostium  'H  puerique  caecos 

senti  i  orientis  Austri  et 

aeqiiL  fremitum  et  trementes 

orcdidit  t&uro  latus  et  ecntentoin 
beluia  mediasque  fr&udes 

nuper  in  itudiosa  U-...i.,i  ot 

debitae  N/uijjuu  opifex  coronae 
nocte  subhistri  riibil  iiatra  praeter 

vidit  et  undas. 
quae  aimul  centtun  tetigit  poteutem 
oppidis  Creten:  pater,  o  relictum 
filiao   immcn  pietasque,   dixit, 

victa  furore! 
unde  quo  Tenit   levis  uns>  mors  est 
virginum  cnlpae.     vigilansne  ploro 
turpe  oonimiusnm,  an  vitiia  csrantem 

ludit  imago, 
vana  quse  ports  fngiens  ebnrns 
somniam  ducitt  meliasne  fluctai 
ire  per  longos  fuit,  sn  recentes 

csrpere  florest 
ai   quis  infamera  mihi  nnnc  invencum 
dedat  iratae,  lacerare  ferro  e  t 
frangere  enitar  modo  mnltum  amati 

conraa  monstri. 


impudens  iiqni  patrios  Penates, 
impudens  Oreum  moror,    o  deomm  90 

■i  quis  haeo  audis,  utdnam  inter  errem 
nuda  leonesl 

antequam  tarpis  maeies  deoentes 
oooapet  malas  teneraeque  saeus 
deflaat  praedae,  speeiosa  quaero  » 

pasoare  tigres. 

Tilis  Bnrope,  pater  orget  absens : 
quid  mori  oesssst  potes  hao  ab  orno 
pendulum  sona  bene  te  seeuta 

laedere  oolluxn.  6» 

siye  te  rupes  et  aouta  leto 
saxa  delectant,  age  te  prooellae 
orede  Yeloei,  nisi  herile  mavis 

oarpere  pensum, 

regius  sanguis,  dominaeqae  tradi  65 

barbarae  pellex.    aderat  querenti 
perfidum  ridens  Venus  et  remisso 

filius  arou. 
mox,  ubi  losit  satis:  abstineto, 
dixit,  irarum  oalidaeque  rixae,  70 

oum  tibi  invisus  laoeranda  reddet 

oornua  taurus. 
uxor  invicti  Iovis  esse  nesois: 
mitte  singultas»  bene  ferre  magnam 
disce  fortunaro;  tua  seotus  orbis  75 

nomina  dueet. 

p.h.  7 





s„*»»>  i*"i.«*»»>     ^perf 

parci»  rt  „i»»--  ^- 




•    • 

LIB.  IIL  OAR.  XXIX.  99 

iamdudum  apud  me  est    eripe  te  morae;     i 
•]  ne  semper  udum  Tibur  ei  Aefulae 

)  deolive  oontempleris  arvum  ei 

Telegoni  iuga  perrioidae. 

fastidiosam  deeere  oopiam  et 
'J  molem  propinquam  nubibua  arduis;  10 

omitte  mixmri  beetae 
fumum  et  opee  strepitumque  Romae. 

plerumque  gratae  divitibus  Tioes 
mundaeque  parvo  eub  lare  pauperum 
oenae  rine  aulaeia  et  oetro  ij 

eollioitam  expliouere  frontem. 

iam  olarue  oooultum  Andromedae  pater 
oetendit  ignem,  iam  Prooyon  furit 
et  Btella  Teaani  Leonis, 
sole  dies  referente  riooos:  *> 

iam  pastor  umbraa  oum  grege  languido 
rivumque  feasus  quaerit  et  borridi 
dumeta  Silvani,  oaretque 
ripa  vagie  taoiturna  ventia. 

tu,  oivitatem  quia  deoeat  status,  as 

ourae  et  TJrbi  aollioituB  tfrnes, 
quid  Seres  et  regnata  Ovro 

Baotra  parent  Tauaisque  disoors. 
prudens  futuri  temporis  exitum 
caliginosa  noote  premit  deus  jo 

ridetque,  si  mortalis  ultra 
fas  trepidat     quod  adest  memento 




"V^;t«»°^. •.»««■»* 

cW»°"  ,  „  au»-""*      .  ro 

»»    „■ »°» ""2*>  »M 

°»        -o  V*  **tti»** 

1««-*.  "^»»1»4^»»"* 



UE  nL  OAB.  XXX.  101 

addant  araro  drritias  mari: 
tuno  me  hiremia  praeeidio  aoaphae 
tutum  per  Aegaeoe  tumultua 
aura  feret  geminuaque  Pollux. 


Exegi  monumentum  aere  perenniue 
regtlique  aitu  pyramidum  altiua, 
quod  non  imber  edax,  non  Aquilo  impotena 
poeait  diruere  aut  innumerabiliB 

annorum  aeriee  et  fuga  temporum.  % 

non  omnii  moriar  multaque  part  mei 
yitabit  Iibitinam:  uaque  ego  poatera 
oreacam  laude  reoena»  dnm  Oapitolium 

aoandet  oum  taoita  virgine  pontifex. 
diear,  qua  violens  obatrepit  Aufidna  m> 

et  qua  panper  aquae  Daunua  agreatium 
regnaTit  populorum,  ex  humili  potena 

prinoepa  Aeolium  oarmen  ad  Italoa 
deduxiaee  modoa.     aume  auperbiam 
quaeflitam  meritia  et  mihi  Delphica  i$ 

lauro  oinge  Tolena,  Melpomene,  oomam. 





Imtbkmusa,  Venua,  diu 

raraai  bella  moresf  paroe,  preoor,  preoor. 
non  lum  qualis  eram  bonae 

snb  regno  Qinarae.    deaine,  dulcinm 

mater  aaeva  Gupidinum, 

eiroa  lustra  deoem  fleotere  mollibus 
iam  dumm  imperiia:  abi, 

quo  blandae  iuTenum  te  reTooant  preoes. 

tempestivius  in  domum 

Paulli,  purpureis  alea  oloribus, 
oomissabere  Maximi, 

ai  torrere  iecur  quaeria  idoneum: 


namque  et  nnbiHs  et  deceua 

et  pro  litii  non   tacitui  reia 

et  centi  er  artium 

late  a  eret   militiae   tuae, 

et,  quana  potentior 

largi  muneribuB  rieerit  .aemuli, 
Albanos  prope  te  lacus 

ponet  marmoream  aub  _         citrea. 
illic  plurima  naribus 

duoee  thura,  Ijraeque  et  Berecyntiae 
delectabere  tibiae 

miatia  carminibuH  non  aine  flstula; 
illic  bi_  pueri  die 

numnn  cum   teneria  virginibua  tuum 
laud&utea  pede   candido 

iii  morem  Salium  ter  quatient  buroum. 
me  nec  feuiina  neo  puer 

Lun  noc  ipea  auimi  credula  mutui, 
neo   certare  iuvat  mero, 

nee  vincire  noria  tempon  floribua. 
aed  cur  heu,  Ligurine,  our 

maxuit  rara  meaa  lacrima  per  genaat 
cur  facunda  parum  decoro 

inter  verba  cadit  lingua  siltintio  1 
nocturaia  ego  aomniia 

iam  captuin  teneo,  iam  volucrem  sequor 
te  per  gramina  Murt.ii 

Carapi,   te  per  aquaa,   dure,   voluhiles. 

Uflw  IV.  OAB.  IL  xos 



Findarum  quiequia  etudet  aemulari, 
Iule,  oeratii  ope  Daedalea 
*f*  nititur  pennie  vitreo  daturus 

nomina  ponta 

mente  deoarrem  velut  amnia,  imbree  5 

quem  super  notu  aluere  ripes, 
fervet  immensuique  ruit  profundo 
Pindarus  ore, 

laurea  donandus  Apollinari, 

aeu  per  audaoei  nova  dithjramboe  w 

Terba  devolvit  numeriaque  fertur 

1  1  » • 

lAffA   *Ai™i  • 

aeu  deoe  regeeve  canit,  deorum 
sanguinem,  per  quoa  oecidere  iueta 
morte  Oentauri,  oeoidit  tremendae  t$ 

flamma  Gnimaerae;' 

aive  quoe  Elea  domum  reduoit 
palma  oaelestei  pugilemve  equumve 
dioit  et  oentum  potiore  aignis 

munere  donat,  m 

flebili  sponsae  iuvenemve  raptum 
plorat  et  vires  animumque  moreeque 
r.T  aureoe  eduoit  in  aatra  nigroque 

invidet  Oroo. 


muiu  ; 

Dircaeum  levat  aura.  cyonum, 
li,  quotiens  in  altoe 

us.     ego  api»  Matinae 




ia  thynia   per  laborom 
ut   eirca  nemus  uvidique 
ripas  operoaa  parvus 

iore  poeta  pieotro 
Caesarem,  quandoque  trahet  ferooea 
per  aacrum  clivum  merita  decoru» 

fronde   Sygambroa, 
quo  nibil  maiue  meliusve  terris 
fata  donavere  bonique  divi 
nec  dabunt,  quamvia  redeant  in  aurua 

tempora  priscum. 
concinei  laetoequo  diea  ot  Urbie 
poblicum  lndnm  auper  impetrato 
fortis  Auguati  reditu  forumque 

litibui  orbum. 
tum   nieae,   ti  qnid  loquar  audiendum, 
vocis  acoedet  bona  uara,  et,  o  aol 
pulckerl  o  laudandei  conam,  recepto 

Caee&re  felix. 
tuqne  dum  procedia,  io  Triumphe, 
non  semel  dioemua,  io  Triumphe, 
civitaa  omnis  dabimuaque  divia 

thur»  beuignia. 




LIB.  IV.  OAR.  IIL  107 

te  deoem  tauri  totidemque  vaocae, 
me  tener  solvet  vitulus»  reliota 
matre  qui  largis  iuvenescit  herbie  $$ 

in  mea  vota, 

fronte  enrvatoe  imitatus  ignee 
tertium  lunae  relerentie  ortum, 
qua  notam  duxit,  niveus 
eetera  fulvus. 


Quem  tu,  Melpomene,  eemel 
nasoantom  plaoido  lumine  videris» 

illum  non  lebor  Iethmius 

clarabit  pugilem,  non  equui  impiger 

ourru  duoet  Aohaioo  s 

victorem,  neque  ree  bellioa  Deliie 

ornatum  foliie  duoem, 
quod  regum  tumidas  oontuderit  minas, 

oetendet  Oapitolio: 

sed  quae  Tibur  aquae  fertile  praefluunt       to 
et  spissae  nemorum  oomae 

fingent  Aeolio  carmine  nobilem. 

Romae  prinoipis  urbium 

dignatur  suboles  inter  amabiles 
vatum  ponere  me  ohoroe,  \% 

et  iam  dente  minus  mordeor  invido. 

teefa  LUrea* 

d  >e  atrepitum,  Pieri,  temperaa, 

ue  piscibus 
Ou»  pcni,  »i  libeat,  aonuin, 

tum  Ls  hoc  tui  eat, 

quod  tror  digito  praetereuntium 

giwu  oeu  lyree: 

quod  placao,  u  pl  lcco,  tuum  esl 


Qnalem  miniitrum  fulminis  atitam, 
cui  rax  deorum  regnum  in  avw  vagi 
pcrmi- 1 1   eipertiu)  fidelem 

Iuppiter  in  Ganymedo  flavo 
olim  iuventaa  et  patriui  vigor 
nido  Uborum  proputit  inscinm 
vernique  iam  nimbu  remotu 
inaolitoa  docuere  niaui 
venti  pHvcntem,  mox  in  ovilU 
demiait  hoatem  vividua  impetua, 
nunc  in  reluctantes  draoonea 
egit  smor  dapis  atque  pugnae ; 
qualemvo  laetil  eapre*  paaouia 
intenta  fulvae  matria  ab  ubere 
uun  lncte  depuuram  leonem 
dente  novo  peritnra  vidit; 

UB.  IV.  OAB.  IV.  109 

Baetie  bella  eub  Alpibua 
Drueum  gerentem  Vindelici;— quibua 
moe  unde  deduotae  per  omne 
tempue  Amaaonia  leoari  m 

dextraa  obaxmet,  qoaerere  dietuli, 
neo  eoire  fae  ett  omnia; — oed  diu 
lateque  yictrioei  oetervae 
ooneiliia  iuvenia  reviotae 

eenaere,  quid  mena  rite,  quid  indolea  •$ 

nutrita  laoatia  aab  penetrelibaa 
poeaet,  quid  Auguati  paternus 
in  pueroa  animua  Neronea. 

fortee  creantur  fortibua  et  bonia; 
eat  in  iuveneia,  eat  in  equia  patrum  * 

virtua,  neque  imbellem  ferooea 
progenerant  aquilae  oolumbam; 

dootrina  aed  vim  promovet  inaitain, 
rectique  eultua  peotora  roborant; 
uteunque  defeoere  moree,  Ss 

indeoorant  bene  nata  culpae. 

quid  debeaa,  o  Boma,  Neronibua, 
teatia  Metaurum  flumen  et  Haadrubal 
deviotua  et  puloher  fugatia 
ille  diea  Latio  tenebria,  40 

qui  primua  alma  riait  adorea, 
per  urbea  Af er  ut  Italaa 
oeu  flamma  per  taedaa  vel  Eurua 
per  Sioulae  equitavit  undaa. 


poat  h™        i 

ndia  usque   Uboribus 
ib  crevit,  et  tmpio 
inomui   tuniultu 
i  babuera  rectos, 

cervi,   ] 



em   perfidus   Hannibal: 

d   praeda  rapacium, 
Itro,  quos  opimus 



i                tb    Ilio 


duri*  ut  ilt 
nigne  fenu.. 

„sque  pntre* 
jiiuls  *d  urbea, 
usa  bipennibu» 
..  .'Uiii?  in  Algido, 

per  darana,  per  c&edes,  ab  ipso 
ducit  opes  animumquu  ferro. 
non  taydr*  *eoto  oorpore  firmior 
vinci  dolontem  cretit  in  Herculem, 
monstrumve  ■ubmiMre  Colohi 
maius  EohioniMTe  Thohae. 
meraee  profondo,   pulchrior  eveuit; 
luctere,   mult*  proruot  integrnnt 
eum  Uude  ▼ictorem  gerotque 
proelia  coniugibus  loquenda. 
Karthagini  iam  non  ego  nuntioa 
mittam  ■uperboa:  oooidit,  ooeidit 
■pee  omnis  et  f ortun*  noatri 
nominu  tlaadrubale  interempto: 


•  t 



UB.  IV.  GAB.  Y.  Ui 

nfl  Olaucaae  non  pertioient  manus, 
quas  et  benigno  nnndne  Inppiter 
defendit  et  ourae  sagaoes  7S 

ezpedinnt  per  aeuta  belH. 


Divii  orte  bonis,  optime  Romulae 
onttoe  gentis»  abes  iam  wimiwm  din; 
matnmm  reditnm  polHoitns  patrum 
sanoto  ooncilio  redi. 

lnoem  redde  tuae,  duz  bone,  patriae: 
instar  veris  enim  Toltns  ubi  tuns 
affulait  populo,  gratior  it  dies 
et  soles  melius  nitent 

nt  mater  iuvenem,  qnem  Notus  invido 
flatn  Oarpathii  trans  maris  aequora 
ounotantem  spatio  longius  annno 
dulci  distinet  a  domo, 

votis  ominibnsque  et  preoibus  vocat^ 
ourvo  neo  faoieoi  litore  dimovet: 
sio  desideriis  iota  fidelibns 
quaerit  patria  Caesarem. 

tutus  bos  etenim  rnra  perambulat, 
nntrit  rnra  Oeres  almaque  Faustitas, 
pacatum  volitant  per  mare  navitae, 
culpari  metuit  Pides, 




m.illis  )  ir   casla   domus  atupris, 

moi  laculoeuni  edomuit  nefos, 

lau  lili  prole  puerperae, 

cuipa*  ina  premit  comes. 

quis  Pi  i  paveat,  quia  gelidum  Scythei 

quis  Oeruiiuiia  quoa  horrida  parturit 
fetus,  incol    ni  Caesarel  quis  feraa 

bclluui  01 
condit  quisque  diem       iibus  iu  suis, 
et  vitera  viduas  ducit  ad  arbores; 
hinc  ad  rina  redit  laetus  et  alteris 

te   meuflia  adhibet  deum; 
te  multa  prece,   te  prosequitur   mero 
defuso  pateria  et  Laribus  tuum 
laiscet  numen,  uti  Graecia  Castoris 

et  magni  memor  Heroulis. 
lougaa  o  utinam,  dux  bone,  fariai 
praestea  Hosperiae  I   dioimns  integro 
aioci  mane  die,  dioimus  uvidi, 

cujn  sol  Oceano  lubesL 


Dive,  quem  prolea  Niobea  i 
vindioem  linguao  'rityoaque  raptor 
seusit  et  Troiae  prope  viotor  altae 
Phthius  Achillea, 

LIR  IV.  OAB.  VL  113 

oeteria  maior,  tibi  milee  impar,  § 

filius  quamvie  Thetidii  marinae 
Dardanaa  tnrree  quateret  tremenda 
enapide  pugnax. 

ille,  mordaoi  Telat  iota  ferro 
pinua  aut  impulea  oupreaana  Euro,  » 

^  prooidit  late  poauitque  oollnm  in 

pnlvere  Tencro: 

ille  non  inolnana  eqno  Minervae 
aaora  mentito  male  feriatoa 
Troaa  et  laetam  Priami  dhoreia  n 

falleret  aulam; 

aed  palam  oaptia  gravia,  hen  nefaa  heu, 
neaoioa  fari  pneroa  Aobivie 
ureret  flammia,  etiam  latentem 

matria  in  alvo,  «. 

ni  tnia  viotus  Yeneriaqne  gratae 
vocibus  divom  pater  annninet 
rebna  Aeneae  potiore  dnotoa 
aJite  mnroe. 

dootor  argatae  fidioen  Thaliae,  «s 

Phoebe,  qni  Xantho  lavis  amne  crinee, 
.  Danniae  defende  deoua  Oamenae, 
levia  Agyieu. 

apiritum  Phoebua  mihi,  Phoebni  artem 
earminia  nomenque  dedit  pottae:  9» 

q  virginnm  primae  pneriqne  clarU 

patribua  orti, 

k.h.  fe 


Deliae       :>>la  deae  fugacea 

lyii  corvos  cobibeutis  arcu, 

Lt  servate  pedom  meique 

ii  ictum, 
rite    LaU  lao   pnerum   canentes, 
rite  mtern  face  Nootilucam,,-.        .  frugum  celeremque  proni 

nupta   iam       cee:  ego  dis 
saeculo  fesU»  refereiite  luces, 
reddidi  csrmen,  dociiis   luodorum 
vntis  Horati. 


Diffugere  nives,  redeunt  i*m  grsmina  eampi* 

arboribusque  oomae; 
mutst  tem  vices  et  deorosoentia  ripas 

flumina   praotereunt;  g" 

Gratia  cum  Nrmphis  geminiaque  sororibus  sudet     j 

duoere  nuda  choros : 
immortalia  ne   speres,  monet  annus  et  almum 

quae  rspit  hora  diem. 
Erigoni  initesount  Zepbyria,  wr  proterit  aestaa 

interitura,   nimul  n 

pouiifer  Autumnus  fruges  effuderit,  et  mox 

Ururna  rocurrit  iners. 

LIB.  IV.  OAR.  VTIL  115 

damna  tamen  oeleret  reparant  oaelestia  lunae: 

nos,  ubi  deoidimus, 
quo  pater  Aeneas,  quo  divee  Tullus  et  Ancus,       t* 

pulvis  et  umbra  sumus. 

quis  acit,  an  adiiciant  hodiernae  crastina  summae 

tempora  di  superit 
euncta  manus  avidas  fugient  heredis,  amioo 

quae  dederis  animo.  to 

cum  semel  oooideris  et  de  te  splendida  Minos 

feoerit  arbitria, 
non»  Torquate,  genus,  non  te  faoundia,  non  te 

restituet  pietas; 

infernis  neque  enim  tenebris  Diana  putlicum  •* 

liberat  Hippolytum, 
nec  Lethaea  valet  Theseus  abrumpere  caro 

vincula  Pirithoa 


Donarem  pateras  grataque  commodus, 

Oensorine,  meis  aera  sodalibus; 

donarem  tripodas,  praemia  fortium 

Graiorum,  neque  tu  pessima  munerum 

ferres,  divite  me  scilioet  artium, 

quas  aut  Parrhasius  protulit  aut  Scopas, 

hic  saxo,  liquidis  ille  ooloribus 

sollers  nunc  hominem  ponere,  nuno  deum. 

led  m  mihi  via,  noo  tibi  t&lium 

rw  nimuB   delicisxum  egens. 

gai  libua;  curinina  possumua 

doki~i-  stium  dicere  muneri. 

noo  >tis  marmora  pablicia, 

per  -itiis  et  vita  redit  bouu 

p^  f  j...;l..- --Jeres  fugae 

reieob  balis  miuae, 

non  inoand  rth»  piae 

eiua,  qui  donuw      .:,.-,.  ab   Airica 
lucntus  radiit,  darius  iudic  nt 
lnudea  qtuun  Calabrae  Pieri  ee:  neque, 
si  chartae  lileant  quod  ben     feceria, 
mcrcedom   tuleria.      quid  foret  Ili&e 
Mnvortisque  puer,  si  tociturnitas 
obetaret  moritiH  invids  Romulil 
ereptum  Stfgiis  Suctibus  Aeacum 
virtus  et  favnr  et  lingua,  potentium 
vntum  diritdbm  ooanscrat  insulia. 
dignum  laude  virum  Muna  vetat  mori: 
canlo  Muw»  beat.     sic  Iovia  intereat 
opUtia  opnlie  impiger  Herculoa, 
clarum  Tyndarid&e  sidus  ab  infinria 
qu&asas  eripiunt  aequoribus, 
ornatns  viridi  tempora  pampino 
Iiber  votn  bonos  ducit  «4  eiitun. 

UK  IV.  GAB.  IX.  U7 

.  * 

» • 


Ne  forte  eredae  interitura,  quae 
longe  eonantem  natus  ad  Aufidum 
non  ante  volgatas  per  artes 
verba  loqnor  aooianda  ehordis: 

non,  si  priores  Maeoniua  tenet  s 

aedea  Homerua,  Pindaricae  latent 
Oeaeque  et  Aloaei  minaoea 
Steaiehorique  gravea  Oamenae; 

nee,  ai  quid  olim  luait  Anacreon, 
delevit  aetaa;  apirat  adhuo  amor  «• 

yiruntque  oommiaai  oalorea 
Aeoliae  fidibua  puellae. 

non  aola  oomptoa  arait  adulteri 
crines  et  aurum  Testibua  illitum 

mirata  regalesque  oultua  15 

et  oomites  Helene  Lacaena, 

primusve  Teuoer  tela  Oydonio 
direxit  arcu;  non  semel  Uios 
vexata;  non  pugnavit  ingena 
Idomeneua  Sthenelusve  solus  to 

dicenda  Musia  proelia;  non  ferox 
Heotor  vel  aoer  Delphobua  gravea 
exoepit  ictus  pro  pudiois 
ooniugibus  puerisque  primus. 


vixera  fortes  ante   Agamemnona 
iu  mnes  Ulacriniabiles 

rnotique  longa 
u  kreut  quia  vete  aacro. 

paullvB  ltae  distat  inertiac 

oelata  non  ogo  le   iueis 

ohau  rnatotn  ailebo, 


oblivion  ,01 

rerut?  _  .scundis 

tei  jue  rectus, 

vindeJt   avarae   irauais  et  abstinens 
ducentii    ad  se  ouncta  pecuniae, 
conaulque  non   unius   anni, 

eed  quoties   boaus  atque  fidus 
iudni  bonnHtom  praetnlit  utili, 
reiecit  alto  dona  nooentium 
voltu,  per  obatantea  catervaa 
expJiouit  aua  victor  arma. 
oon  poaridentem  multa  vooaveria 
recte  beatum ;   rcctius  occupat 
uomen  beati,    qui  deorum 
muneribua  aapienter  uti 
duramque  callet  pauperiem  pati 
peiusque  leto  flagitium  timet, 
non  ilie  pro  carU  amicia 
aut  patria  timidus  perire. 

LIB.  IV.  GAB»  X.  XL  119 


0  crudeli»  adhuo  et  Venerifl  muneribufl  potens, 
insperata  tuae  oum  Teniet  pluma  fluperbiae 
et,  quae  nuno  umeria  inTolitant»  deoiderint  oomae, 
nuno  et  qui  oolor  ost  punioeae  flore  prior  roaae 
mutatus  Ligurinum  in  faoiem  Terterit  hiflpidam, 
dioes,  heu,  quotiena  te  speoulo  Tideria  alterum: 
quae  mena  est  hodie,  our  eadem  non  puero  fuit, 
toI  our  hia  animis  inoolumea  non  redeunt  genaef 


Est  mihi  nonum  euperantu  annum 
plenu»  Albani  oadus;  eet  in  horto, 
Phylli,  neotendifl  apium  ooronis; 
eat  hederae  tu 

multa,  qua  orinofl  religata  fulgea; 
ridet  argento  domus;  ara  castis 
vinota  verbenis  avet  immolato 
spargier  agno; 

ounota  fefltinat  manus,  huo  et  illuo 
curaitant  mixtae  pueria  puellae; 
flordidum  flammae  trepidant  rotantes 
vertioe  fumum. 


ut  tamen 

noria  quibua  advoceria 


i  tibi  aunt  ageudae, 


kaem   Venfiri»  raarinai 



iuw  i 

li  mihi  aanotiorqiie 


proprio,  quod  ex  hac 


_...*3  meua        li     itea 

Tele  juen  ccupavit 

non  tuae  aortis  iovenem       ella 
divee  et  lasciva  tenetque       ata 

eorapede  vinctum. 
terret  ambuatuB  Phacthou  uvaraa 
apes,  et  exemplum  grave  praebet  alca 
Pegaaus  terrenani  equitem  gr&vatus 

aemper  ut  te  digna  aequsxe  et  nltn 
quam  lioet  aperare  neGu  putando 
disptrem  vitea.    age  iam,  meorum 

finia  amorum — 
non  enim  poathao  alia  oalebo 
femina — oondiaoe  modoa,   amanda 
voce  quoa  reddaa;  minuentur  atrae 

carmine  ourae. 



■   1 



LIB.  IV.  OAR.  XIL  181 


Iam  veria  oomites,  quae  mare  temperant» 
impellunt  animae  lintea  Thraeiae; 
iam  neo  prata  rigent  neo  fluvii  strepunt 
hiberna  nive  turgidi. 

nidum  ponit,  Ityn  flebiliter  gemens»  $ 

infelix  avis  et  Oeeropiae  domm 
aeternnm  opprobrium,  quod  male  barbarai 
regum  est  ulta  libidines. 

dieunt  in  tenero  gramine  pinguium 
custodes  ovium  oarmina  fistula  <• 

deleotantque  deum,  oui  peout  et  nigri 
ooUea  Arcadiae  plaoent 

adduxere  sitim  tempora,  Virgili ; 
sed  pressum  Calibus  duoere  Liberum 
si  gefitifl,  iuvenum  nobilium  oliens,  %$ 

nardo  vina  merebere. 

nardi  parvus  onyx  elioiet  oadum, 
qui  nuno  Sulpiciis  aooubat  horreis, 
spes  donare  novas  largus  amaraque 

curarum  eluere  effioax.  «o 

ad  quae  si  properas  gaudia,  oum  tua 
velox  meroe  veni:  non  ego  te  meis 
immunem  meditor  tingere  pooulis: 
plena  dives  ut  in  domo. 

vcrum  pone  moras  et  itndium  lucri, 
ni  memor,  dum  licet,  ignium 

m  am  consiliu  brevem: 

<  t  desipere  in  loco. 


Audivere,  Lyce,  di  mea  vota,  di 
audivere,  Lyce ;   ns  anus,  et  tamen 
vis  formoaa  videri 

ludisque  et  bibig  impudena 
et  cantu  tremulo  pota  Cupidinem 
lentum  aollicitaa.     Ule  vireutis  et 
doctae  psallere  Chiae 

pulchris  excubat  in  genie. 
importunua  enim  transvoiat  aridas 
querous  et  refugit  ta,  qui»  luridi 
dentes,  te  qui»  rugae 
turpant  et  Oapitis  nives. 
nec  Ooae  referunt  iam  tibi  purpurw 
nec  clari  lapides  tempora,  quae  semol 
notia  onndita  fastia 
«iclusit  volucris  diee. 
quo  fugit  venus,  heu,  quove  oolorl  deoens 
quo  motust  quid  habes  illius,  Ulius, 
qua«  apirabat  amores, 
quae  me  surpuerat  mihi, 






LIB.  IV.  OAR.  XIV.  1*3 

felix  poat  Oinaram,  notaque  et  artium 
gratarum  fadeat    aed  Oinarae  brerea 
annoe  fata  dederunt» 
eanratur*  diu  persm 

oornieia  retulae  temporibua  Lyoen,  *$ 

poeaent  ut  iurenee  riaere  ferridi 
multo  non  eine  riau 
dilapaam  in  oinerea  faoem. 


Quae  oura  patrum  quaere  Quiritium 
plenis  honorum   munaribua  tuaa, 
Auguete,  Tirtutea  in  aerum 
per  tituloa  memoreaque  faatoe 

aeternet,  o,  qua  aol  habitabiles  $ 

illuatrat  oraa,  maxime  prindpumt 
quem  legia  expertea  YAtinae 
Vindelioi  didioere  nuper, 

quid  Marte  poeeea.    milite  nam  tuo 
Druaua  Genaunoa,  impladdum  genua,  u> 

Brennoaque  Yelooes  et  aroea 
Alpibua  impoaitaa  tremendia 

ddedt  aoer  plua  rice  aimplid; 
maior  Neronum  mox  grare  proelium 

oommidt  immaneaque  Raetoe  15 

auapioiia  pepulit  aeoundia, 
















w»»»»°  £*,  f 





LIB.  IV.  OAB.  XV.  1S5 

te,  fontimn  qui  oelat  origines,  « 

Nilusque  et  Ister,  te  rapidus  Tigris, 
te  beluosus  qni  remotis 
obstrepit  Ooeanus  Britannis, 

te  non  paTentis  funera  Galliae 
duraeque  tellna  andit  Hiberiae,  *> 

te  oaede  gandentet  Sygambri 
oompoaitis  ▼enerantur  armis. 


Fhoebns  rolentem  proelia  me  loqui 
▼iotas  et  nrbes  inorepnit  lyra, 
ne  parra  Tyrrhenum  per  aeqnor 
▼ela  darem.    tua,  Oaesar,  aetas 

fruges  et  agris  rettnlit  nberes 
et  signa  nostro  restituit  Iovi 
derepta  Parthornm  snperbis 
pottibns  et  ▼aouum  dnellis 

Iannm  Qnirini  olansit  et  ordinem 
reotnm  eraganti  frena  lioentiae 
iniecit  emovitqne  onlpas 
et  ▼eteres  revocarit  srtes, 

per  quas  Latinnm  nomen  et  Italae 
crevere  vires  famaque  et  imperi 
porreota  maiestas  ad  ortus 
solis  ab  Hesperio  oubili. 






,w.r»  " 


Phoebe  eihrarumque  potena  Diana, 
lueidum  oaeli  deoua,  o  oolendi 
aemper  et  culti,  date,  quae  preoamnr 
tempore  aaero, 

quo  Sibyllini  monnere  veraua 
▼irginee  leotaa  pneroaque  oaatoa 
die,  quibna  aeptem  plaouere  oollee, 
dioere  oarmen. 

alme  Sol,  eurru  nitido  diem  qui 
promia  et  oelaa  aliuaque  et  idem 
naeoeria,  poaaia  nihil  urbe  Roma 
▼ieere  maiua. 

rite  maturoa  aperire  partua 
lenia,  liithyia,  tuere  matrea, 
aive  tu  Luoina  probaa  ▼ooan 



cui  per  ardentem  sine  fraude  Troiam 
castus  Aeneas  patriae  snperstes 
libenun  muniTit  iter,  daturus 
plnra  relietia: 

di,  probos  morea  doeili  iuventae,  4S 

«#V  di,  aeneotuti  placidae  quietem, 

Homulae  genti  date  remque  prolemque 
et  decus  omne  1 

quaeque  voe  bobui  veneratur  albia 
clarua  Anchisae  Veneriaque  aanguis,  *• 

impetret,  bellante  prior,  iacentem 
lenis  in  hoetem ! 

iam  mari  terraque  manus  potentea 
Medua  Albanaaque  timet  aecures, 
iam  Scythae  reaponaa  petunt,  auperbi  $* 

nuper,  et  Indi 

iam  fides  et  pax  et  honos  pudorque 
priacus  et  negleota  redire  virtus 
audet,  apparetque  beata  pleno 

copia  cornu.  fo 

angur  et  fulgente  deoorus  arcu 
Phoebus  acoeptusque  novem  Camenis, 
qui  salutari  levat  arte  fessos 
corporis  artua, 
p.ii.  0 



si  Palatinaa  videt  aequus  aroea,  65 

remque  Romanam  Latiumque  felix 
alterum  in  lustrum  meliuaque  aemper 
proroget  aevum. 

quaeque  Aventinum  tenet  Algidumque, 
quind^cim  Diana  preoea  virorum  70 

curet  et  ▼otis  pnerorum  amicas 
applioet  auree. 

haeo  Iovem  sentii*e  deoeque  ounctoa 
spem  bonam  oertamquc  domum  reporto» 
doctus  et  Phoebi  chorus  et  Dianae 
dicere  laudcs. 


«    • 

•   I 






Ib»  Liburnis  inter  alta  navium, 

amice,  propugnacula, 
paratua  omne  Caesaris  perioulum 

subire,  Maecenas,  tuo. 
quid  noe,  quibua  te  vita  ai  superstite  5 

iucunda,  ai  contra,  gravisf 
utrumne  iuasi  persequemur  otium, 

non  duloe,  ni  teoum  simul, 
an  huno  laborem,  mente  laturi  decet 

qua  ferre  non  mollea  virosf  » 

feremus,  et  te  vel  per  Alpium  iuga 

inhoepitalem  et  Caucasum 
vel  Ooeidentis  usque  ad  ultimum  sinum 

forti  sequemur  pectore. 
roges,  tuum  labore  quid  iuvem  meo,  1$ 

imbellis  ac  firmus  parumf 



cumes  minore  sum  futurus  in  metu, 

0  r  absentes  habet: 

ut  impluuiibus  pullis  avis 

aerpi  m  allapsus  timet 

magis  •-  as,  non,  ut  adsit,  auxili 

l»t»"  iis  praesentibus. 

liben'  :  et  omce  militabitur 

ba  ^™  iae, 

nun  Ut  piu  ribus 

sntn    '!'■■::-.     uibib 

pccusYO  Calabris  ante  gidus  fervidum 

Lcoana  mutet  paseuis, 
neque  ul  superni  villa.  candena  Tusculi 

Circaea  tangat  mocuia. 
satis  superque  rae  benignitas  tun 

ditavit :  haud  paraveru, 
quod  aut  avarns  ut  Chremea  terra  prcmam, 

discinctus  uut  perdam  nepoa. 


'Beatus  ille,  qui  procul  negotiis, 

ut  prisca  gens  mortalium, 
paterna  rura  bobus  exercet  suis, 

solutus  omni  fenore, 
neque  excitatur  classico  miles  truci, 

neque  horret  iratum   mare, 
forumque  vitat  et  superbn  civium 

potentiorum  limina. 


LIBER.    CABM.  IL  183« 

ergo  aut  adulta  vitium  propagine 

altaB  maritat  populos,  10 

aut  in  reduota  valle  mugientiuin 

prospeotat  errantee  greges, 
inutilesque  falce  ramos  amputans 

f  eliciores  inserit, 
aut  pre88a  puris  mella  oondit  amphoris,  i5 

aut  tondet  infirmas  oves; 
vel  oum  deoorum  mitibus  pomis  caput 

Autumnus  agris  extulit, 
ut  gaudet  insitiva  deoerpens  pira, 

oertantem  et  uvam  purpurae,  m 

qua  muneretur  te,  Priape,  et  te,  pater 

Silvane,  tutor  finium. 
libet  iaoere  modo  sub  antiqua  ilioe, 

modo  in  tenaoi  gramine: 
labuntur  altis  interim  ripis  aquae,  *$ 

queruntur  in  silvis  aves, 
fontesque  lymphis  obstrepunt  manantibus, 

somnos  quod  invitet  leves. 
at  cum  tonantis  annus  hibernus  Iovis 

imbres  nivesque  comparat,  30 

aut  trudit  acres  hino  et  hino  multa  cane 

apros  in  obstantes  plagas, 
aut  amite  levi  rara  tendit  retia, 

turdis  edaoibus  dolos, 
pavidumque  leporem  et  advenam  laqueo  gruem   35 

iucunda  captat  praemia. 
quis  non  malarum  quas  amor  curas  habet 


haec  inter  obliviacitur  1 
qttodsi  mulier  in  parteni  iuvet 

don  ue  dulcea  liberos, 

S&binft  4  ii  ut  perusta  solibus 

pernici         )r  Apuli, 
sacrum  i         .is  exstruat  lignis  focum 

lassi  i         tdventum  viri, 
claudenaqc  >  oratibus  Inetum  pecua 

distenta  .  ubera, 

et  horna  auici  vina  promens  dolio 

dnpes  inemptae  apparet: 
non  me  Lucrina  iuverint  conchylia 

magisve  rhombus  aut  scari, 
gi  quos  Eois  intonata  fluctibus 

hiemps  ad  hoc  vertat  mare ; 
non  Afra  avis  deacendat  in  ventrcm  meurr 

non  attagen  Ionicus 
iucundior,  quam  lecta  de  pinguissimis 

oliva  ramis  arborum, 
aut  herba  lapathi  prata  amantis  et  gravi 

malvae  s&Inbres  oorpori, 
vel  agna  festis  caesa  Terminalibus 

vel  haedus  ereptus  lupo. 
has  inter  epula*  ut  iuvat  pastai  oves 

videre  properantes  domum, 
videre  feuoi  vomorcm  inveraum  bovee 

collo  trahentes  languido, 
positosque  vernas,  ditin  exaruen  donius, 

circuin  renidentee  Laresl' 

LIBER.    OABM.  III.  185« 

haeo  ubi  looutus  fenerator  Alfius, 

iam  iam  futarus  rusticus, 
omnem  redegit  Idibus  peouniam, 

quaerit  Kalendis  ponere.  70 


ParentiB  olim  si  quis  impia  manu 

senile  guttur  fregerit, 
edit  oioutis  alium  nocentius. 

o  dura  messorum  ilial 
quid  hoo  veneni  saeTit  in  praeoordiisf  3 

num  viperinus  his  oruor 
inooctus  herbis  me  fefallitf  an  malas 

Canidia  traotavit  dapesf 
ut  Argonautas  praeter  omnes  oandidum 

Medea  mirata  est  duoem,  10 

ignota  tauri8  illigaturum  iuga 

perunxit  hoo  Iasonem; 
hoo  delibutia  ulta  donis  peUioem 

8erpente  fugit  alite. 
nec  tantus  umquam  siderum  insedit  vapor      15 

sitioulosae  Apuliae, 
neo  munus  umeris  efficaois  Herculis 

inarsit  aestuosius. 
at  si  quid  unquam  tale  concupireris, 

iooose  Maecenas,  precor,  «0 

manum  puella  savio  opponat  tuo» 

extrema  et  in  sponda  cubet, 


L  iis  quanta  sortito  obtigit, 

uo. i  discordia  est, 

Hibericis  ^i-uste  funibus  latut 

et  crura  dura  compede. 
licet  superbus  ainbules  pecunia, 

fortutwi  iion  mutot  genus. 
videsne,  Sacram   roetiente  te  viam 

cum   bis  triuni   ulnarum   toga, 
ut  ora  vertat  huo  et  huc  euntiuro 

liOerrima  indignatiol 
'sectus  flagellis  hic  triuniviralibus 

praeconis  ad  fastidium 
arat  Faleini  inille  fundi  iugem 

et  Appiam  roannis  terit, 
aeitilibusque  uiaguua  iii  priinia  equea 

Othone  oontcmpto  sedet. 
quid  attinet  tot  ora  navium  gravi 

roetrata  duci  pondere 
contra  latrones  atque  sei-vilem   manum 

hoc,  hoc  tribuno  milituml' 


it  o  deorum  quidquid  in  caelo  regit 
terras  et  humanum  genus, 
uid  iste  fert  tumultusl  et  quid  omniuui 

LIBER.    CARM.  V.  187» 

voltus  in  unum  me  truoest 
per  liberos  te,  si  vocata  partubus  s 

Lacina  veris  adfuit, 
per  hoo  inane  purpurae  deeus  precor, 

per  improbaturum  haeo  Iovem, 
quid  ut  noverca  me  intueris  aut  uti 

petita  ferro  beluaf'  10 

ut  haeo  trementi  questus  ore  oonstitit 

inaignibus  raptis  puer, 
impube  oorpus,  quale  posset  impia 

mollire  Thraoum  pectora, 
Canidia,  brevibus  implicata  viperis  13 

crines  et  inoomptum  oaput, 
iubet  8epulcris  caprifioos  erutas, 

iul>et  cupres8us  funebres 
et  uncta  turpis  ova  ranae  sanguine 

plumamque  nocturnae  strigis  to 

herbasque,  quas  Iolcos  atque  Hiberia 

mittit  venenorum  ferax, 
et  ossa  ab  ore  rapta  ieiunae  canis 

flammi8  aduri  Colchicis. 
at  expedita  Sagana  per  totam  domum  t.« 

spargens  Avernales  aquas 
horret  capillis  ut  marinus  asperis 

echinus  aut  currens  aper. 
abacta  nulla  Veia  conscientia 

ligonibus  duris  humuni  30 

exhauriebat  ingemens  laboribus, 

quo  posset  infossus  puer 


longo  die  bia  tetque  mutatae  dspis 

ineu  ctaculo, 

cum  j  et  ore,  quantum  exatant  aqua 

sust  anto  corpora ; 

exsect-  edulla  et  aridutu  iecur 

amoris  e      l  poculum, 
inlerrainato  liim   semel   Lixae  cibo 

intabuissent  pupulae. 
aon   defuisse  masculae  libidinis 

Ariminensem  Foliam 
et  otiosa  credidit  Neapolis 

et  omne  vicinum  oppidum, 
auae  sidera  excantata  voce  Thessala 

lunamque  caelo  deripit. 
liic  irresectum  saevn  dente  Hvido 

Uanidia  rodena  pollicem 
quid  disit  aut  quid  tacuitt    'o  rebus  meis 

non  infideles  arbitrae, 
Nox  et  Diana,  quae  ailentium  regis, 

arcana  eum  fiunt  sacra, 
nunc,  nunc  adcsto,  nunc  in  hostilea  domos 

iram  atque  numen  vertite. 
fonnidolosis  dom  latent  lilvia  ferae 

dulci  sopore  languidae, 
senem,  quod  omnes  rideant,  adulterum 

latrent  Suburanae  canes 
nardo  peninctum,   quale  non  perfectiui 

meae  laborarint  manus. — 
quid  acciditl    cur  dira  barbarao  minoi 





LIBER.    OABM.  V.  188» 

venena  Medeae  valent, 
quiboi  superbam  fugit  ulta  pelHcem, 

magni  Oreontis  filiam, 
cum  palla,  tabo  munus  imbutum,  novam  *s 

inoendio  nuptam  abstulitl 
atqui  neo  herba  neo  latent  in  atperii 

radix  fef ellit  me  locia. 
indormit  unctiB  omnium  cubilibus 

oblivione  pellicum.  90 

a  a,  solutus  ambulat  veneficae 

aoientioria  oarmine. 
non  usitatis,  Vare,  potionibus, 

o  multa  fleturum  caput, 
ad  me  reourres  neo  vooata  mens  tua  73 

Marsis  redibit  vocibus: 
maius  parabo,  maius  infundam  tibi 

fastidienti  poculum, 
priusque  caelum  aidet  inferius  mari, 

tellure  porrecta  super,  lo 

quam  non  amore  sic  meo  flagres  uti 

bitumen  atris  ignibus.' 
sub  haec  puer  iam  non  ut  ante  mollibus 

lenire  verbis  impias, 
sed  dubius  unde  rumperet  silentium  85 

miflit  Thye8teas  preces. 
'venena  magnum  fas  nefasque  non  valent 

convertere  humanam  vioem. 
diris  agam  vos;  dira  detestatio 

nulla  expiatur  victiraa,  90 


quin,  ubi  perire  iussus  exspiravero, 

occurram  Furor 

pe  itus  unibra  curvig  unguibus, 

qu  eorum  est  Manium, 

et  in  issidena  praecordiis 

j  soi.mos  auferam. 

VOs  .  vicatim   hinc  et  liinc  saxts  peteni 

post  _  nienibra  different  lupi 

et  Esquilinae  alites, 
neque  hoc  parentes  heu   mihi  auperstites 

etluyerit  spectaculum.' 

Quid  iiBUOMUtM   iicjspites  vexas  cania 

i^wtvus  advursum  iuposl 
quin  huc  inanea,  si  potes,  vortis  minaa, 

et  me  remoraurum  petisl 
nam   qualis  aut  Molossus  aut  fulvus  Locon, 

amica  vis  pastoribus, 
iigam  per  altas  aure  sublata  nivea 

quaecumqtie  praecedet  fera, 
tu,  cum  timenda  voce  complesti  nemua, 

proiectum  odomris  cibum. 
cave,  cave:  natuque  in  maloa  Mperritnus 

parata  tollo  cornua, 
qualis   Lycambae  spretits  ittfido  gener 

aut  acer  liostis  Bupnlo. 

LIBER.    CARM.  VII.  IX.  141* 

an  si  quis  atro  dente  me  petiverit,  Sf 

inultus  ut  flebo  puert 


Quo,  quo  soelesti  ruitis  aut  cur  dexteria 
'«£{  aptantur  enses  conditif 

parumne  campifl  atque  Neptuno  super 

fusum  est  Latini  sanguinis, 
non  ut  superbas  invidae  Karthaginis  5 

Romanus  arces  ureret, 
intactus  aut  Britannus  ut  descenderet 

Sacra  catenatus  via, 
sed  ut  8ecundum  vota  Parthorum  sua 

urbs  haec  periret  dexteraf  to 

neque  hic  lupis  mos  nec  fuit  leonibus 

unquam  nisi  in  dispar  feris. 
furorne  caecus  an  rapit  vis  acrior 

an  culpaf  responsum  date! 
tacent,  et  albus  ora  pallor  inficit  rs 

mentesque  perculsoe  stupent 
sic  est:  acerba  fata  Romanos  agunt 

scelusque  fraternae  necis, 
ut  immerentis  fluxit  in  terram  Remi 

sacer  nepotibus  cruor.  » 


Quando  repostum  Caecubum  ad  festas  dapes 
victore  laetus  Caesare 


tecum  i  Ita — sic  Iovi  gratum — doino, 

b  cenai,  bibam 

»0111  uni  tibiis  carmen  lyro, 

ht-  m,  illis  b&rbaruml 

nt  r  tus  cum  freto  Neptunius 

i  uatis  nuvibus, 

miniLi  li  vincla,   quae  detraxurat 

Roiuau.  bitis — 

emanc  i aa 

fert  vallura  et      um,  miles  et  spadombus 

servire  rugot_  poteet, 
anterque  signa  turpe  militaria 

sol  sdspicit  conopium. 
at  liuc  frementes  verterunt  bis  milie  equos 

Galli  canentes  Caesarem, 
hostiliuraque  navium  portu  latent 

puppea  sinustrorsum  citae. 
Io  Triumphe,  tu  moraris  aureos 

currus  et  intactas  bovee! 
Io  Triumphe,   nec  Iugurtbino  parem 

bello  reportasti  ducem, 
neque  Africanum,  cui  super  Karthaginem 

virtus  sepulcrum  condidit. 
terra  mnrique  victus  hostis  punico 

lugubre  mutavit  sagum; 
aut  ille  centum  nobilem  Cretam  urbibna, 

ventis  iturus  non  suis, 
exercitatas  aut  petit  Syrtes  Noto, 

LIBER.    CARM.  X.  143* 

aut  fertur  inoerto  mari 
capacioree  affer  huc,  puer,  eoyphos 

et  Chia  vina  aut  Leebia, 
vel  quod  fluentem  nauaeam  ooerceat  35 

metire  nobia  Caecubum: 
curam  metumque  Gaeaaria  rerum  iuvat 
. '  dulci  Lyaeo  aolvere. 


Mala  aoluta  navia  exit  alite, 

ferena  olentem  Maevium. 
ut  horridifl  utmmque  verberea  latus, 

Auater,  memento  fluctibua! 
niger  rndentea  Eurua  inverao  mari  5 

fraotoaque  remoe  differat, 
insurgat  Aquilo,  quantua  altia  montibua 

frangit  trementea  ilioea; 
nco  siduB  atra  noote  amioum  appareat, 

qua  triatis  Orion  cadit,  » 

quietiore  nec  feratur  aequore, 

quam  Graia  victorum  manus, 
cum  Pallaa  usto  vertit  iram  ab  Ilio 

in  impiam  Aiacii  ratem. 
o  quantua  inatat  navitia  sudor  tuis  13 

tibique  pallor  luteus 
et  illa  non  virilis  eiulatio, 

preoea  et  aversum  ad  Iovem, 


Ionius  udo  cum  remugiens  sinua 

opi:  iilsi   praeda  curvo  litore 

po  >  mergos  iuveris, 

libidiuv»-j  immolabitur  caper 
et  agiu   Tempestatibua. 


Honidn  tempestas  caelnm  contraxit,  et  imliros 

nivesque  deducunt  Iovem;  nunc  mare,  nunc  silune 
ThreTcio  Aquilone  sonaiit :   l-apiamus,   itmici, 

oc---i-  ,■.■:  ■■'■■  de  die,  dumque  virent  genua 
et  decet,  obdticta  solvutur  fronte  senectus.  j 

tu  vina  Torqunto  move  consule  press»  ineo ; 
cetera  mitte  loqui :  deus  baec  fort&ise  benign* 

reducet  in  sedem  vioe.     nunc  et  Aobsemenio 
pet-fundi  nardo  iuvut  et  fide  Cyllenea 

levare  diria  pectora  sollicitudinibus ;  » 

nobilis  ut  grandi  cecinit  CenUturus  alurono  s 

'invicte,   mortalia  dea  nate,   puer,   Tlietide, 
te  manet  Assaraci  tellua,  quam  frigida  parvi 

findunt  Scamandri  flumina,  lubricus  et  SimoTs, 
unde  tibi  reditum  certo  aubtemine  Parcae  ,j 

rupere,  nec  mater  domum  caerula  te  revehei 
ilHc   (.iinne  malum   vino  cantuque  levato 

deformis  aegrimoniae  dulcibus  alloquiis.' 


LIBER    CARM.  XIV.  XV.  146* 


Mollis  inertia  cur  tantam  diffuderit  imis 

oblivionem  sensibus, 
pooula  Lethaeos  ut  ai  duoentia  somnos 

arente  fauce  traxerim, 
eandide  Maeoenas,  occidis  aaepe  rogando:        5 

deus,  deus  nam  me  vetat 
inoeptoa,  olim  promiasum  carmen,  iambos 

ad  umbilioum  adduoere. 
non  aliter  Samio  diount  arsiase  Bathyllo 

Anaoreonta  Teram,  10 

qui  persaepe  oava  testudine  flevit  amorem 

non  elaboratum  ad  pedem. 
ureris  ipse  miser.    quodsi  non  pulohrior  ignis 

aocendit  obsessam  Ilion, 
gaude  sorte  tua:  me  libertina  neque  uno        15 

oontenta  Phryne  macerat 


Nox  erat  et  caelo  fulgebat  luna  sereno 

inter  minora  sidera, 
oum  tu  magnorum  numen  laesura  deorum 

in  verba  iurabas  mea, 
artius  atque  hedera  procera  adstringitur  ilex,     5 

lentis  adhaerens  braoohiis: 
dum  peoori  lupus  et  nautis  infestus  Orion 

turbaret  hibernum  mare, 
P.  H.  10 


intonwue  agitaret  Apollinia  aura  capillos, 

nc  amorem  mutuum, 
o  ,  mea  multum  virtute  Neaera  I 

i  quid  in  Flacco  viri  est, 

noi  assiduaa  potiori  te  dare  noctes, 

et,  ret  iratus  parem; 

nec  semel  offensae  cedet  constantia  formae. 

n  certus  intrarit  dolor. 
et  tu,  quicumque  es  felicior  atque  meo  nunc 

superbus  incedia  malo, 
sis  pecore  et  multa  dives  tellure  licebit 

tibique   Pactolus   fluat, 
nec  te  Pythagorae  fallant  arcana  renati, 

formaque  vincaa  Nirea, 
elieu  translatos  alio  maerebis  amores : 

asb  ego  l" 


Altera  iam  teritur  bellis  civilibus  aetaa, 

auis  et  ipsa  Boma  viribus  ruit: 
quam  neque  finitimi  valuerunt  perdere  Marai 

minacis  aut  Etruoca  Foraenae  manus, 
aemula  nec  virtua  Capuae  neo  Spartacua  acer 

novisquo  rebua  infidelis  Allobrox, 
nec  fera  caerulea  domuit  Oermania  pube, 

parentibuaque  abominatns  Hannibal, 
impia  perdemus  devoti  sanguinis  aetaa, 

LIBER.    OARM.  XVL  147* 

ferisque  rursus  oooupabitur  solum.  «o 

barbarus  heu  eineree  insistet  viotor  et  Urbem 

eques  sonante  verberabit  ungula, 
quaeque  oarent  ventis  et  solibus  ossa  Quirini — 

nefas  vuiere— aissipabit  iTHOl^nT, 
''.         forte  quid  expediat  oommuniter  aut  melior  pars    15 

malis  earere  quaeritis  laboribus: 
nulla  sit  hao  potior  sententia,  Phooaeorum 

velut  profugit  ezseerata  eivitas 
agros  atque  lares  patrios,  habitandaque  fana 

apris  reliquit  et  rapaeibus  lupis,  t© 

ire  pedes  quocunque  ferent,  quocunque  per  undas 

Notus  vooabit  aut  protervus  Afrieus. 
sio  placet,  an  melius  quis  habet  suaderet — lecunda 

ratem  occupare  quid  moramur  alitef 
sed  iuremus  in  fcaeo :  simul  imis  saxa  renarint      15 

vadi8  levata,  ne  redire  sit  nefas; 
neu  conversa  domum  pigeat  dare  lintea,  quando 

Padus  Matina  laverit  oaoumina, 
in  mare  seu  celsus  procurrerit  Appenninus, 

novaque  monstra  iunxerit  libidine  30 

mirus  amor,  iuvet  ut  tigres  subsidere  cervis, 

adulteretur  et  oolumba  miluo, 
credula  neo  ravos  timeant  armenta  leones, 

ametque  salsa  levis  hircus  aequora. 
haec  et  quae  poterunt  reditus  abscindere  duloes,   35 

eamus  omnis  exsecrata  civitas, 
aut  pars  indocili  melior  grege;  mollis  et  exspes 

inominata  perpriraat  cubilia. 

#10— 2 


vos,  quibus      t  virtus,  inuliebrem  tollite  luctui 

£tn  eter  et  volate  litora. 

m  ■•  m-,  eanus  circumvagus  :  arva,  beata 

petar  '»  divites  et  insulas, 

ruddit  ■ercra   telluB  inarata  quotannis 

et  imputat*  floret  usque  vinea, 
germinat  et  numquam  fallentis  termes  olivae, 

Euamque  pulla  ficus  ornat  arborem, 
mella  cava  manant  ex  ilice,  montibus  altis 

levis  crepante  lympha  desilit  pede. 
illic  iniussae  veniunt  aii  mulctra  capellao, 

refcrtque  t«nta  gre*  amicus  ubera ; 
nec  vespertinus  circumgemit  ursus  ovile, 

neque  intumescit  atta  viperis  humus. 
pluraque  felices  mirabimur :   ut  neque  lurgis 

aquosus  Eurus  arva  radat  imbribus, 
pmgui»  nec  sicci*  urantur  semina  giaebn, 

utrumque  rege  temperante  caelitum. 
non  huc  Argoo  contendit  remige  pinu*, 

neque  impudica  Colchis  intulit  pedem ; 
non  huc  Sidonii  torserunt  coniua  nautae 

laburiosa  nec  cohors  Ulixei. 
nulla  nocent  pecori  contagia,  nnlliua  astri 

gregeni  oestucea  torret  impotentia. 
Iuppiter  illa  piae  necrevit  litora  genti, 

ut  inquinavit  aere  teropus  aureum ; 
aere,  dehim:  ferro  dnravit  saeculs,  quoraro 

piis  secunda  vate  me  datur  fuga. 

LIBER.    OARM.  XVII.  149» 


Iam  iam  efficaci  do  manus  scientiae, 

supplex  et  oro  regna  per  Proeerpinae, 

per  et  Dianae  non  movenda  numina, 

per  atque  libros  carminum  valentium 

refixa  caelo  devocare  sidera,  5 

Canidia,  parce  vocibus  tandem  sacris 

citumque  retro  solve,  solve  turbinem. 

movit  nepotem  Telephus  Nerelum, 

in  quem  superbus  ordinarat  agmina 

Mysorum  et  in  quem  tela  acuta  torserat.        10 

unxere  matres  Iliae  addiotum  feris 

alitibus  atque  canibus  homicidam  Hectorem, 

postquam  relictis  moenibus  rex  procidit 

heu  pervicacis  ad  pedes  AchilleX. 

saetosa  duris  exuere  pellibus  15 

laborioei  remiges  Ulixei' 

volente  Circa  membra:  tum  mens  et  sonus 

relapsus  atque  notus  in  voltus  honor. 

dedi  satis  superque  poenarum  tibi, 

amata  nautis  multum  et  institoribus.  » 

fugit  iuventas  et  verecundus  color 

reliquit  oesa  pelle  amicta  lurida; 

tuis  capillus  albus  est  odoribus; 

nullum  a  labore  me  reclinat  otium; 

urget  diem  nox  et  dies  noctem  neque  est       t$ 

levare  tenta  spiritu  praecordia. 

ergo  negatum  vincor  ut  credam  miser, 


Sabella  pectus  increpare  carmina 

cai  rsa  diaailire  nenia. 

q  vis  1   o  mare  et  lerra,  ardeo, 

qu  ue  atro  delibutua  Hercules 

Ni  nec  Sicaua  fervida 

vii        u.  :iiii  flamma;  tu,  doneo  cinia 

ini (  lus  ventia  ferar, 

quae  .  >(U.j]  Uh  — -»<>t  ntipendiumt 

effare ,  iu»»  cum  fide  poenas  lunm, 

paratus  expiara,  seu  poposceris 

centum  iuvencos,  sive  mendaci  lyra 

voles  sonari   'tu  pudica,   tu  prol.ui' 

perambulabis  astra  aidus  aureum. 

infamia  Helenae  Caator  offensua  vice 

fraterque  magni  Castoris,  victi  prece, 

adempta  vati  reddidere  lumina. 

et  tu,  potea  nam,  aolve  me  dementia, 

o  nec  patemia  obsolet*  aordiboa 

neque  in  sepulcria  pauperum  prudens  anus 

novendiales  dissipare  pulveres. 

tibi  hoepitale  pectus  et  purae  manus, 

tuusque  venter  Pactumeius,  et  tuo 

cruore  rubros  obetetrix  pannoa  lavit, 

utcumque  fortis  exsilis  puerpera. 

'quid  obeeratis  auribus  fundia  preceat 
non  saxs.  nudis  surdiora  navitis 
Neptunus  alto  tundit  hibernus  salo. 
inultus  ut  tu  riseris  Cotyttia 

LIBER.    CAIttf.  XVII.  151* 

volgata,  sacrum  liberi  Cupidinis, 

et  Esquilini  pontifex  venefiei 

impune  ut  TJrbem  nomine  impleris  meof 

quid  proderat  ditaase  Paelignas  anus,  *• 

velociusve  miscuisse  toxioumt 

sed  tardiora  fata  te  votis  manent: 

ingrata  misero  vita  duoenda  est  in  hoc, 

novis  ut  uaque  suppetas  laboribus. 

optat  quietem  Pelopis  infidi  pater,  $$ 

egena  benignae  Tantalus  semper  dapis, 

optat  Prometheu8  obligatus  aliti, 

optat  8upremo  coUocare  Sisyphus 

in  monte  saxum;  sed  vetant  leges  Iovis. 

voles  modo  altis  deeilire  turribus,  90 

modo  ense  peotus  Norico  recludere, 

frustraque  vincla  gutturi  neotes  tuo, 

fa8tidiosa  tristis  aegrimonia. 

vectabor  umoris  tuno  ego  inimicis  eques, 

meaeque  terra  cedet  insolentiae.  yj 

an  quae  movere  cereas  imagines, 

ut  ipae  nosti  curiosus,  et  polo 

deripere  lunam  vocibus  possim  raeis, 

poasim  orematos  exoitare  mortuos 

desiderique  temperare  pocula,  to 

plorem  artis  in  te  nil  agentis  exitusf' 


ODE  I. 

This  Ode  U  introdnetory  to  tbo  flrst  three  Books  and  thoald 
be  oompared  with  the  oonolnding  Ode  of  Book  iix.  :  in  it  Horaoe 
apologises  at  some  length  for  attempting  lyrio  poetry  and 
briefly  dedieates  hii  eompositions  to  Maeeenas. 

Nanek  anggesta  with  mnoh  reason  that  the  two  flrst  and  two 
iast  lines  were  not  in  the  original  Ode,  but  were  added  at  a 
later  period  when  the  poet  determined  to  dedioate  his  writings 
10  Maeoenas.  When  they  are  omitted  the  Ode  is  left  perfeet  as 
an  introdnotory  Ode,  and  the  division  of  the  stansas  beoomes 
mnoh  more  olearly  marked,  the  flrst  siz  beginning  with  the 
words  ftMtf  fuot,  hunc,  gaudenUw^  luctanUm,  e$t  qui,  multot, 
shewing  almost  positively  to  anyone  aoqnainted  with  Horaoe's 
tondness  fdr  plaoing  gniding  words  in  gniding  positions  tliat  we 
hare  here  what  were  originally  the  first  words  of  three  pairs  of 
oarefnlly  balanoed  stansas. 

'Many  and  varions  are  the  pnrsnits  and  aims  of  men  to 
whioh  they  oling  tenaoionsly,  glory,  wealth,  ease,  war9  sport: 
1,  with  the  help  of  heaven,  long  to  be  a  lyrio  poet,  and  il  you, 
M aeeenas,  eonsider  me  one,  I  shall  have  attained  the  height  of 
my  atnbition.' 

133  HORACE,  ODES  L  i. 

1.  Maecenaal  C.  Cilniua  Maecenaa,  'aprung  from  a  royel 
Iinenge,'  '  Etrorian  origin,  hia  «necatora  being  Luou- 

mouoB  or  111  at  Arretinni :  cf.  3.  29. 1,  Turrhtna  rtgum 

pmgeniet.  u  the  patron  and  protector  (pra«idium)  not 

only  of  I  bot  of  Virgil.  who  also  addreeaoa  him   aa 

0  decut.  v  ,  i  mentti  pari  maxima  noitrat,  Georg.  3.  40. 

His  nnrne  c<  iilly  reeura  irt  Horaoe,  and  ■  knowledge  of  tbo 

principal  fftiin.       hia  life  is  csscnlial. 

atavia]  The  -rder  is  pater,  avut,  proatut,  abavut,  atacui, 

3.  o  et]  For  a>  similar  hiatus  aftnr  the  interjoction  o  ef.  1. 
35.  38,  ind  4.  6.  ST.  o  utinam,  Epod.  2.  25,  o  ego,  Epiit.  1.  19. 
19,  o  imitatorei. 

S.i.  sunt  quoa...iuTat]  Literally,  'there  are  (those)  whom 
it  delights,'  i.e.  'aome  take  a>  pleaeure  iu...'  Sunt  qui  mey  be 
followed  by  either  the  aubjuncti ve  or  indicativo ;  when  it  takea 
the  snbj.  it  meani  'there  are  f  auch  a  (oharacler)  that '; 

wheu  the  indicatiTe,   it  ii  i  ore  definite,  and  the  tvo 

words  almoat  ooaleeoe  into  «  .i  pronoun  =  'aome.'  Cf. 
the  Oreek  use  of  larit  ol,  whieh  i  iclined  all  througb  as  if 
a  aingle  word. 

i.  coUeglaie]  Tbe  pbraae  'to  have  eollected  Olympio  dost' 
needs  no  eiplanation  wheu  we  consider  the  eloud  of  duat  tbe 
ahariota  wonld  raise  in  tbe  arena,  and  how  thickly  it  would 
oover  tbe  oompetitore.  The  perfect  ia  uaed  iutentionally :  men 
delight  not  merely  in  doing,  but  iu  having  dont  a  feat.  Cf. 
3   J.  61  and  S.  18.  15. 

6.  palma]  A  wreath  of  wild  olite  {(oVion)  wu  tha  priae  at 
Olyinpi»,  but  a  branoh  of  palm  waa  alto  oarried  bj  Tiotcai  in 
all  the  gamei.  The  Bomana  introduoed  the  praotice  in  389  m,c 
aud  tbe  uw  of  tlie  word  ia  very  oommon  aa  aynonymoo*  with 
'victory.'  In  Chriitian  timea  the  palro  !■  ■  aign  of  thoM 
who  have  ™i  tbe  priie  of  martyrdom. 

6.  terrarnm  flomlnoa]  Either  agreoing  witli  itot,  or  aoo. 
aftcr  evehit.  In  tbo  former  caae  it  ia  diffioDlt  to  »ee  why  the 
godi  are  apecially  ipoken  of  a«  '  lorda  of  earth,'  iri  faot  the 
woirdi  aeem  nnnaoeaaarj,  the  phraae  evehit  ad  d*m  befng 
complete  withont  them ;  in  the  latter  wo  mey  tranalate  'exalta 
to  heavon  (ae  tbongh  they  had  beoome,  or  at  thlnMnj  them- 
aeWes)  lordi  of  tbe  world,'  or  we  mey  take  ttrrarvm  dommat 
M  —  Tcgci  and  enppose  thnt  Horace  ia  referring  to  aotnal  'lorda 
of  «arth, '  anob  at  Hiaro,  who  oontended  at  Olympia. 

NOTE&  183 

For  tvthit  ad  d$$$  ef.  4.  9.  18,  quot  EUa  domum  r$- 
aueU  |  patma  eatUtUt.  Bvtho  is  eommon  in  the  sonss  of 
'earryins;  np'  or  •on  high,'  et.  Virg,  Aen.  6.  180,  pu$...ardmu 
$v$mU  ad atthtra  virtut. 

7, 9.  hnne...mnm]  Governed  by  a  verb  to  be  snpplied  from 
thegeneral  eenee  of  Juvat  and  $v$hU,  e.g.  il  delighte,  it  mekee 

Of  late  years  many  seholars  have  advooated  ea  entirely 
4«  freeh  translation  of  thie  difnonlt  passage.  Thev  pleoe  a  fnu 
etop  after  nobUU,  mako  Urrarum  dominot  the  direot  aoe.  after 
tvthit,  and  hune  and  ilium  in  appoeition  to  it  the  oolleetive 
word  dominot  being  thne  iplit  np  into  ite  mdividnal  eompo- 
nents.  Ttrrarum  aominot  in  thii  oaee  meana  the  Bomane  in 
oppoeition  to  the  Greeka  already  mentioned.  Traaelate:  'The 
lordi  of  the  world  it  exalts  to  heaven,  one  if...another  if...' 
The  awkward  etop  after  nobiUt  at  the  end  of  the  first  line  of 
the  eeeond  etansa  ia  a  great  objeotion  to  thii  view,  and,  if 
Nanek'i  theory  of  the  original  arrangement  of  the  etanaae  be 
right*  the  objeotion  to  a  full  etop  ei ter  nobiUt  is  almoet  fatal. 

8.  tergeminla  honoribne]  'triple  maristraeiee,'  Le.  the 
enmle  aedileahip,  praetorehip  and  ooiisnlship,  the  three  great 
ofiioes  whieh  were  the  objeot  of  Boman  ambition. 

10.  a  Libydi]  The  oorn-land  of  Italy,  whioh  wae  oontmnally 
deereasing  owing  to  the  inoreaie  of  parks,  vineyards,  olive- 
yarda,  and  paitnre-landi,  wae  yearly  beooming  more  and  more 
Inadequate  to  eupply  the  reqniremente  of  Bome,  whioh  de- 
pended  largely  for  its  eunplies  on  Libya,  Egypt.  and  Siefly, 
mnoh  ai  Bngland  now  beeomeo  yearly  more  dependent  on 
Amerioa,    Cf.  2. 15. 1  n. 

19.  Attallels  oondloionlbns]  'Terme  sneh  ae  an  Attalne 
oonld  offer.'  The  wealth  of  theee  kings  of  Pergamns  wae  pro- 
verbial;  Pliny  relatee  that  Attalns  ILmade  a  bid  of  100  talents 
for  a  ainglejpiotnre.  ef.  9.  18.  5.  The  nse  of  eondieio  is  very 
elassioal  The  word  shonld  alwayi  be  spelt  with  a  ei  it  is  not 
from  condo,  ai  dediHo  ii  from  dedo,  but  from  eum  and  die  the 
root  of  dico,  bUrv/u,  6o.  We  give  to  both  eondieio  and  eon- 
ditio  the  eame  lonnd  'oh,'  and  henoe  the  oonfniion  of  ipelling. 
The  Bomam  wonld  have  prononnoed  the  former  with  a  k.  the 
latter  with  a  t eonnd. 

18.  dlmoveas]  Notioe  the  nie  of  the  2nd  penon  sing.  in  an 
indefinite  senee— 'any  one.'  We  shonld  say  here  'no  onc 
wonld  ever  move...' 

134  HORACE,  ODES  I.  L 

Cyprla]  Cyprui  from  its  eituation  held  an  iinportanl 
poiition  in  regaid  to  tlie  trafiic  of  tbe  Muditerranem.  henoe 
'Cjpriau  baiki"  would  bt  well  known. 

U — 16.  OyprU—  Hjrtonm— lcarili— iftUnd  Noticcverj 
carefullj  Horaoe'i  singular  fondneei  for  ipeciahiing  general 
worde  auoh  ei  "ship,1  'm,'  'waveii,'  'wind.'  bj  giring  to  eaeh 
'  m  local  habfta t ioo  uid  a  name ' :  the  effect  U  to  give  definite- 
ntsa  [iinl  niili! y.  Numeroai  inBtftQcos  occui  iu  slroost  eveij 
Orlc.  The  lemmed  vorne-niakcrs  of  Aleisndris  had  preriouslj 
carried  the  practice  to  excess. 

14.  pavidui]  Trembling  eecaoee  of  hU  inexperienoe,  which 
would  make  him  ez&ggerate  the  dangera.  Orelli  saji  '  pavidvi, 
frt<iuetu  Hautantm  trtSrror' ;  but  tbia  U  not  *0 :  the  epithet  U 
not  a  mere  itandard  epithet  for  aailore,  tbe  point  ia  tbat  tbe 
man  ia  atraid  becanae  he  ia  not  a  lailor  but  a  landaman,  of. 
Tac.  Ann.  9.  23,  milti  pavidm  tt  e.atuum  marii  ignarut.  The 
epithets  of  Horaoe  are  nover  idle;  no  writer  more  carefullj 
attachea  a  dennite  nse  to  each.  It  U  nufflcient  to  point  to  the 
careful  nse  of  ftrvidii,  nobilit,  niuoilium,  proprio,  patrioi  in 
the  ti  n  t  few  linei  of  thia  Ode. 

18.    lBdodlH  patt]    &ee  1.  S.  SS  and  note. 

pauperlemj  'humble  oiicumatancea,'  of.  1.  11.  43  n,  and 
3.  16.  37  n. 

30.  pirtem  «olido  demera  de  dle]  Soltdui,  connected  witb 
lolui,  JXsi,  that  whioh  U  whole,  entire;  henoe  diit  tolidut. 
tbat  pait  of  the  daj  wbich  sboold  not  be  broken  into.  the 
working  pait  of  the  daj.  Cf.  Son.  Ep.  88,  hoditrnui  diei 
lulidvn  til,  ntmo  ex  illo  mihi  quidquam  eripuit.  Tbe  neil 
two  linea  shew  that  the  refeience  U  to  taking  a  long  aieeta  at 

33.     stratni  membm]  '  hU  limbi  b  tretohed.' 

Imi  oapnt]  ■  the  gentle  sonrce. '  The  weter  flows  gen tlj  and 
•oothea  him  to  eleep. 

83.  Iltno  tnbu]  The  fu&a  wma  itraight  a&d  used  bj  the 
infantry,  tha  littiui  enrred  and  ueed  bj  the  oaTalrj.  Lnoan  1, 
337,  itridor  lituvm  clangorqut  tuharum,  'the  shnek  of  horns 
and  braving  of  trumpets,'  iflnstrate»  theu  aonnd,  and  thaj  are 
dopioted  in  Bmith'a  Diot  Ant. 

36.  dateetata]  'abhorred.'  Tbough  the  Terb  Udeponent 
ihe  participle  haa  a  paasive  aenae.  Thia  U  the  ease  with  manj 
deponent  vorbn,  e.g.  abtnainatat,  modulatut,  mtditatui. 


NOTES.  185 

eub  Iore  frigldol  'beneath  the  oold  heaTen.'  Jupftfear  if  the 
god  of  the  bright  eky,  and  tub  Jove  ii*  tuo  divo  or  tuo  dto, 
8.  8.  6.  Thii  ia  cfeer  from  the  etanology,  Jupiter  being 
sDtapater,  and  Diu  being  from  an  Indo-European  root  dit 
(whenoe  dfout ,  4Ut\  Z«to,  Atot  or  Aif ot,  Ao.)  whioh  indieatee 
^brightneM.1    Of.  too  DiespiUr,  1.  84.  6  and  8.  8.  89. 

88.  teretee]  See  8.  4.  81  n.  The  oorda  are  not  looeely 
made  but  earefuuy  and  neetly  twiated,  •ehapely,'  and  therefbre 

88«  mel  Notioe  the  pronoun  pnt  firet  to  indioate  the 
tranaition  firom  the  pureuita  of  other  men  to  that  whieh 
Horaee  makee  the  objeot  of  hia  ambition. 

hederae]  Irj  waa  aaored  to  Baoohua,  and  in  ooneequenoe, 
he  being  the  god  of  inepiration  (aee  8.  19.  6  n.),  the  eymbol  of 
poeta,  ez.  Virg.  EoL  7.  25,  hedera  eretcentem  omaU  poetem. 

dootamm  frontlum]  'poetio  browa' — "thie  ia  the  regular 
meaning  of  doetus  in  the  Latin  poete,"  EUie,  Cat  85.  16  n. 

88.  aeoernunt  populo]  Bo  8.  1.  1,  Odi  profamm  vttigus 
et  areeo.  The  poet  by  hia  inenirationa  ia  aeparated  from  the 
▼ulgar  thronff  to  whom  the  world  of  imagination  ia  nnknown, 
but  he  ia  only  ao  when  the  Mneea  are  favourahle,  *if  neither 
doea  Euterpe  reatrain  the  pipea  nor  Polyhymnia  ahrink  from 
tuning  the  Leebian  frre.' 

tlbUa]  PluraL  beoauae  two  pipes,  one  of  a  higher  the 
other  of  a  lower  pitoh,  were  ueually  employed;  aee  illuatration 
in  Smith'a  Diet.  Ant. 

84.    Leeboum]    Leaboa  waa  the  natfre  plaoa  of  Terpander 

SO — 650  b.o.)  and  Aloaeua,  and  alao  the  ialand  'where  burn- 
Sanpho  loved  and  aung.'  Henoe  the  lyre  ia  ealled  Leabian 
after  the  birthplaoe  of  thoae  'lyrio  bards'  among  whom  Horaoe 
deairea  to  be  ranked.    For  barbitot  of.  1.  82.  4  n. 

86.  funllml...]  The  triple  reourrenoe  of  tbia  idea  in  thia 
Ode  here  and  linea  6  and  80  ia  aomewhat  awkward.  Orelli 
endeavoura  to  diatinguiah  between  the  three  phraaee,  bnt  at 
any  rate  there  ia  a  atnking  reaemblanoe  between  them. 

ODE  n. 

Thia  Ode  ia  addreated  to  Auguatua  aa  the  almoat  dirine  pro- 
teotor  and  guardian  of  the  Boman  state.  It  oommenoea  with 
an  aeoount  of  the  portents  whioh  indicated  the  wrath  of 

13«  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ii. 

the  gods  at  the  murder  of  Caesar  (on  tbe  Ides  of  March 
s.c.  41)  1—30,  allndee  to  the  eivil  war  whwh  foUowed  90— 
24,  aake  to  what  god  the  duty  of  eipiating  the  gnilt  of 
Rome  shall  be  assigned,  and  ilnalh  give»  tbe  preferenoe  to 
Mcrcury,  who  (lino  10)  is  suppoaed  to  Uke  upon  him  the  form 
of  Angustns.  The  Ode  eonclndae  with  a  prayer  that  Augustns 
may  long  Hve  to  gnide  end  guard  the  atate. 

The  mention  of  mtiirnoi  triumphot  in  line  19  hei  taggested 
the  year  29  B.o.  as  the  date  of  the  oompoaition  of  tbe  Ode. 
In  that  year  Augnatus  retumed  to  Rome  aa  aole  meater  of 
the  Roiuac  tvorld,  and  on  the  Tth  and  (ollowing  dayi  of  Seitilia 
(thereafter  oaUed  Auguatus)  celcbrated  his  triple  tnumph  over 
tbe  DBlmatians,  ovor  Cleopatra  st  Aotium,  and  orer  Ihe  Alex- 
andriana.  If  howevor  ao  late  a  data  be  assigned  to  it,  tbe 
year  28  in  which  he  actually  received  the  title  of  princepi 
(cf.  1.  50)  wuuld  auit  better.  H.  T.  Plusa  argues  strongly  for 
an  enrlier  date.  e.g.  36  immediately  after  tbe  defeat  of  Sftx. 
Pompeius,  when  the  portents  which  foUowed  the  dsath  of 
Caeaar  were  paet  bnt  not  forgotten,  and  when  Ootavian  first  be- 
gan  to  be  regarded  aa  the  poaaible  aaviour  of  tbe  etate,  cf.  1.  25. 

The  whole  Ode  is  to  be  compsred  with  tliu  brilliant  passage 
of  VirgU,  Georg.  1.  1S5  to  the  end,  and  the  deaoription  of  the 
portents  with  Shskeapeare,  Jnl.  Caea.  Aet  1,  eo,  S. 

1.  Mtli  terrt»  Dlvli...gno(llnli  mlslt]  Nanoi  rightly  caUa 
attcntion  to  the  olearly  intontional  repetition  of  tbo  syllablo 
u  :  it  would  seern  a«  if  Horace  were  endeavouring — somewhat 
tbeatricaUy — to  imitate  the  wearisomo  uthiitling  of  the  wind 
in  stoncy  we&ther.    Cf.  i.  13.  2  n. 

Not  employing  rhyme  as  wa  do,  the  Bonun  poeta,  eepeoiaUy 
the  eariier  onea,  delighted  in  '  alliteration,  aasonanoe,  repatition 
of  tha  same  01  sirnilar  words  syUables  and  aonnda':  aaa  HBN 
IiOer.  Indei  s.  1. '  aUiteration '. 

2.  nibenU]  Bo  MUton,  Pnr.  Loat,  Bk  S.  178,  '«honld 
intermitted  vengcance  arm  again  Hia  Ttd  Hght  hand  to 
plagne  na.' 

S.  aacrms  areea]  An  from  arete  fGk.  ofwew,  i\<d,),  a  plaoe 
ofdefenca.  The  uorthcm  anmmitof  the  Capitoline  waalechni- 
oally  eslled  tbe  Arx,  u  having  been  traditionallj  tho  flrat  hUl 
oooupied  u  •  'stronyhold.*    On  tha  loutheni  auminil  vu  tha 

NOTE&  187 

great  temple  of  Jnpftter  Oapitolinne,  and  the  two  ■mnmito  would 
nitnil^be tennod mmtm  ortef.  The  god  oould  hardly Indi- 
o»Uhbw»thmoieelearly  thejibyitrildngwith  hif  thundor- 
bolt  the  very  temple  ereeted  in  hii  honour. 

4.  XTrbem]whenii»edbyiteelfi«alwaTea«city,  Le.Bome: 
«rot  end  genUt  inelude  the  whole  world,  et  the  weU-known 
motto  urbi  tt  crbi, 

4,  5.  termtt...terruit]  Hoimoe  ie  oztremely  fond  of  thii 
method  of  eonneoting  etanaM  or  aontenoei  hy  the  repetition  of 
an  omphatfo  word.  He  alwave  avoida  if  poeeible  ooupling 
eentenoee  together,  eo  to  epeek,  meohanioally,  by  the  nee  of 
fnoh  worde  m  ttt  nam,  enim  Ao.  Of.  U.  91,  98,  audUt...audUtt 
1.  8.  38,  ignem...poet  ignem,  9.  4.  5,  novit...movitt  9.  16.  88, 
U..MM...U,  4.  2.  18,  cecidere...cecidit.  In  other  oaeee  tho 
emphatio  word  ie  plaoed  at  tbe  end  of  the  firet  oleoee  and 
at  tho  oommeneement  of  the  aeoond,  8.  %  19,  nori,  mort, 
8.  8.  80,  Trqja4t  Trojae,  8.  18. 15,  muneribut,  munerat  4.  8. 11, 
earmU^utt  carmtna,  tho  oonnection  oi  thonght  being  thne 
made  very  cloee. 

6.  eaeonlnm...]  «The  grievoue  dayi  when  Pyrrha  bewafled 
etrange  prodigiee.9  Momtrummmontttrum,  quod  monet:  that 
whioh  wafne,  a  portent,  prodigy. 

7.  Proteue  1  ot  Hom.  Od.  4.  886,  Virg.  Qeorg.  4.  896,  wm 
tho  gnardian  of  Neptune'e  herdi  of  leeli. 

7,  8.  egit  Tieere]  Thie  ue  of  the  infinitive  to  eipreie  a 
purpoee  ie  of  the  extremeet  rarity :  Dr  Kennedy  cella  it  4a  poetie 
Graeeiem  ooeaeionaUy  need  after  verbe  implying  motion,  pnr- 

Ke/    01  Virg.  Aen.  1.  627,  populare  penatee  venimut,  and 
ut.  Oae.  8.  6.  48,  ego  huo  mitta  tum  ludere.    Horaoe  ie 
^eingnlarly  fond  of  employing  tho  inflnitive  after  verbe  whioh  do 
not  ordinarily  admit  it,  bnt  I  ean  find  no  inetance  etrictly 
parallel  with  thie. 

11.    euperiecto]  ee.  UrrU:  *tho  aU-oovering  flood.9 

18.  vidlmne]  Notfoehowtheverb,  byiUabruptandpromi. 
nent  poeition,  at  onoe  bringe  the  mind  from  the  daya  of  tho 
flood  to  what  had  actually  happened  in  the  eight  of  living  men. 

18  ff.    vidlmne ]    Moet  editore  take  thie,  *we  have  eeen 

tbe  vellow  Tiber,  ite  wavee  hnrled  violently  baok  from  the  ehore 
of  the  Tueoan  eea,  advance  to  deetroy. . . . ,'  explaining  it  by 
referenoe  to  an  old  theory  (mentioned  by  Herodotne,  9.  20, 

13H  HOBACE,  ODES  1.  li. 

but  lejecUd  bj  bim,  and  bj  Seneca  Nat.  Quaest.  S.  36)  to 
the  eflect  tbat  floods  are  duc  to  tha  wind  blowing  riolentlj 
against  the  mouth  of  a  rivei  »Qcl  prtveutiug  the  efflax  of  iU 
waters.  Thia  is  objectiouable,  fint.  becaute  it  ii  hsid  to 
conoeive  thet  ao  absnrd  n  thooiy  vu  widelj  prsvelent; 
acconjlv,  because  even  atsuining  tbU  theory  end  aeaumiug 
litui  Etruimta  to  mean  tbe  eboie  of  the  Tuscau  spa,  it  is 
absolutelj  impossible  to  conceive  how  the  waves  of  the  Tiber 
oould  be  said  to  be  huiled  back  fiom  it.  How  oan  i>  river  be 
driven  back,  not  by  the  aea.  01  the  wind,  but  bj  tbe  lea-coaatT 
Let  the  Etudent  take  a  inap  of  Rome  acd  obterre  hov  the 
Tibei  flows  in  u  nraight  line  past  the  Csmpua  Martina  until  iu 
couree  is  cbecked  bj  tbe  islsnd  of  tbe  Tibei  snd  an  ugly  bend : 
let  him  tben  noliee  that  on  the  Etiurian  side  (Injctim  lifu») 
are  the  lofty  alopaa  of  the  Janiculan,  and  on  the  othei  (linittra 
ripa)  the  iow-lyiog  diitricW  of  llie  Fonim  Boarinin  and  the 
Velia.  snd  then  let  him  conHider  for  himself  tbe  rendering,  'We 
bave  teen  (ae  sny  titiien  of  Bome  oould  have  eeeu,  without 
auj  thcory  aa  to  the  cuuse  of  floodi)  the  yellow  Tibci  (yellower 
than  ever  witb  tbe  flood),  ite  waves  hnrled  bsck  witb  violence 
fiom  the  (Eteep)  bankt  on  tbe  Etrurisu  aide  (againit  which  tbe 
whole  force  of  the  itream  would  come),  sdvance  fss  It  natu- 
rally  would  wheu  ohecked  by  tbe  river.bend  and  the  Uland) 

to  destroy,  ifcc Anj  aitiien  of  London  might  aee  the  laiue 

eflect  produced  bj  tbe  Thame»  being  driven  back  frotn  the 
lofty  embii.kmeul  of  tiie  Middleeex  shore  to  flood  tbe  bumbler 
dwellings  o(  tbe  SurTej  aide. 

16.16.  monuminta  regli  Umplaque  Veitae]  Num»  Pompi- 
;iu§  bu  il  i  a  circular  Umple  of  Veste  aud  a  palace  iRtgia)  attaohed 
to  it  at  tbe  foot  of  tbe  Palatine.  Being  aituated  oloae  to  tbe 
low  refioji  called  Velia  (from  veltiin,  a  iaii),  tbej  would  lUnd 
immediauly  in  the  waj  of  the  inundation. 

17.  nue]  Ilia,  or  Bbea  Silria,  i«  apoken  of  ai  the  wife  of 
the  river  into  wbicb  ahe  waa  thrown,  and  il  repieaented  aa  by 
tbe  '  impoitunitj  of  her  complainU '  (niiaiiupi  qturau)  uiging 
her  bnsband  to  avenge  the  mnrder  of  hai  gieat  deaoendani,  that 
Juliua  whcae  nama  recalled  her  own. 

19.  Iotb  non  probasta]  JupiUr  had  deajred  to  wem 
Eome  by  the  poitenU  dssoribed  1 — 18,  not  rnthlasslj  to 
destroy  it. 

uiorini]     Uacd  of  a  huaband  who  ii  too  devotad  to  hii 

NOTE&  189 

wim,  hffi  ol  tho  Tiber-god,  who  is  too  wffling  to  listen  to  hii 

Tho  thixd  linoof  *  aapphio  stftHM  is  so  elooftly  oonneeted 
withthefoorththettheyreftdftlmoetMone,  ftnd  oo  rendar  tho 
poonUsr  pnsirirm  nf  ninrfm  sflmlsiUilo,  nf  1   96. 11  ftnd  1. 16. 8. 

%L  etrvil  vorr  emphfttic,  and  00  soggestmg  tho  fbll  idaa 
•eitiftens  ftgftinst  cuiftens,'  whioh  is  ftloo Imptied  by  tho  ftnti- 
thosis  fuo  gravm  Pcna*  wuUm  jMrirtni.  Tho  poot  ihrinks 
fkom  ozpreasing  whftt  ho  snggests. 

The  wholaliifttory  cf  tha  lst  oentnry  beforo  Ohriit  is  tho 
nistory  of  crril  wars;  thaaa  wm  dedmeted  tho  ohiof  fftmflies 
ftt  Bomo:  *the  rftaks  of  yonth  woro  thinnad  by  the  orimos  of 
theiralres.*  Tho  proscriptione  of  Mftrius  end  Bnllft,  tho  bftttles 
of  Phftrsftlift  (*.o.  48),  Pnilippi  (b.0.  42)  ftnd  Aotinm  (ft.0. 81), 
woald  bo  fresn  in  erery  memory. 

88.  grftTftft  Fersfte]  ThePerftiftnempire,detiiigfromOyrns 
(B,a  569),  wfts  dostroyed  by  Alezftnder,  oat  the  Komftn  poeta 
naa  tho  worda  Penee  end  Medi  genorftUy  with  referenoa  to  ftny 
OrienUl  people,  bnt  eapeoiftUy,  m  here,  of  tho  Pftrthiftns  who 
oeonpied  whftt  hftd  been  the  Persiftn  ampire.  By  dofsfttfng 
ftnd  destroying  Orftssns  ftt  GhftrrM  (the  Oharran  of  tho  Aots) 
B.O.  68  and  cftpturing  the  Romftn  stftndards,  thay  hftd  mftde 
ft  deep  impression  on  the  imftginfttion  of  the  ftomans.  Their 
progresa  wai  stopped  by  two  defeftta  inflieted  on  them  by 
ventidiua,  tho  legate  of  Antonr,  b,  a  89  ftnd  88,  ftnd  tho  lost 
stftndftrds  woro  finally  reeoTered  by  negotifttion,  n,  a  90.  Ooins 
sre  eztftnt  with  the  legend,  sioins  pabxbxois  bsgbptis,  ftnd  tho 
snbjeet  is  referred  to  by  Horsoe  ftnd  other  poeta  with  wearisome 
iterfttion.  Of.  Epist.  1.  12.  96,  Ot.  Fftst.  6.  698,  Yirg.  O.  4. 

96.  quem...]  'Whst  dirinity  is  the  people  to  inroke  for 
(Le.  to  ftid)  the  fortunes  of  onr  falling  power?' 

98.  imperinm]  Not  'empire'  in  the  sense  of  ft  oonntry 
rnled  by  an  emperor,  bnt  in  the  sense  of  'military  sway,'  the 
proper  mesning  of  imperium.    See  howeTer  4. 16. 14  n. 

97.  Tirgines  sftnetMj  The  Testal  Tirgins,  m  guarding  tho 
etemftl  fire  of  Vesta,  which  wm  symbolical  of  the  eternity  of 
Bome,  wonld  be  speciaUy  bonnd  to  pray  for  the  safety  of  the 
stftto,  of  whieh  they  were  regarded  m  an  integral  ftnd  essentisl 
nortion.  Thns  when  Horaoe  wishes  to  say  'while  Bome  shftll 
last,'  ha  nses  the  ezpression  dum  CapUoliim...$candet  cum 
taeita  virgine  pontifex,  8.  80.  8. 

P.  H.  U 

140  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ii. 

37,  38.  mlnui  andlentam  csnnlna]  Wiekbsm  well  traus- 
lates  -iuruiDga  de»f  esr  to  their  litanie».'  Cifpj-WWW, 
from  a.  root  m,  mcsning  to  say)  would  be  applioable  to  auy 
formula  of  word*  ohsnted  or  reoited. 

29.    perte*]    8o  frequently  in 
ii  allotted  to  any  one,  '  tsnk';  of.  I 
ul   hoe   iRinuu,   luat  parUi,  and  Hor.   A.   P.   194,   Aeloris 
partet  ehorut  qficiumaut  viriU  |  de/endat. 

31.  nube...]  fruia  Hom.  H.  5.  188,  n«AgiM'»i  •W»*l 
to  Apollo  the  San-god  the  phreae  ie  espeoially  applio&ble.  The 
'oloadVUnOtftdark  but  a  radinnt  cloud ;  of.Itev.  10. 1,'another 
mighty  angel...c1othed  with  a  oloud,'  and  the  «^Xjj  «vru^  at 
the  Transfiguration. 

32.  ainjur]  i.o.  as  the  god  of  Delphi  and  oracles.  .(uijuris 
itrictly  one  who  interpreti  the  cries  of  birda,  trom  atrit,  nnd 
garrire,  to  ohalter,  Ok.  yijpilui. 

33.  Erydn*  rideni]  'Bweetly-emiling  qaeen  of  Eryi." 
Mdeni  =  $t\o><iuieiri.  M*  Eryi  wss  oeielirated  for  its  tempie  of 
Aphrodite,  probably  bailt  by  the  Phoenicieni  to  their  goddess 
Aitarte  (the  Ashtoreth  ot  the  Old  Teatament),  whom  the  Greelu 
identified  with  Aphrodile  and  the  Bomane  with  Yenoa. 

35.  iire  iwglactuin...]  *0r  if  thoa,  our  foander,  doet 
regsrd  tliy  negleoted  family  «nd  descendaute.'  iucfor,  u  the 
sire  of  Itomulus.  Augustns  had  built  n.  temple  to  ifan  Ultor 
in  aecordsnce  with  n,  tow  made  before  the  battle  of  Philippi. 
Keipicit  is  used  eiactly  as  our  English  'rogard':  it  means 
to  tnrn  the  head  round  to  pay  attention  to  snyone;  e.g.  to 
acknowledge  the  lalutation  of  a  psaser-by,  Jnv.  S.  18S,  ul  te 
rtipieiat  elauto  Veienlti  Iabello. 

87.  ludo]  In  bitter  irony:  the  god  delighta  in  war,  ■» 
8.  39.  60,  Fortuna  is  deseribed  ai  fudaee  intoltnttm  ktdtr*  jw- 
Unax.     Cf.  too  the  uie  of  ipeciacula  tfarti  in  1.  98.  17. 

88.  litsi]  Notice  Uvit;  it  is  tdeotiael  with  the  G*.  Xeu», 
(X..f  «),  while  IfBii  is  ideuticel  with  JXavti.  Bo  UvU,  9.  7.  31, 
3.  11.  0,  4.  6. 98. 

89.  KauH  peditlal  Boma  would  resd 'Mersi' on  the  gnxwd 
that  the  Moori  and  Nnmidisus  were  all  horeemen,  bnt  thanJ 
is  no  reason  to  aatmme  thai  toot-aoldfen  wore  ne-rer  employed 
by  thoro.  Orelli  takes  wditi»  in  the  senie  of  'unhcsrsed,'  asd 
urgei  that  this  sddi  to  the  loree  of  the  pioture  and  giTes  ■  rea- 
ton  tor  tb*  flereeneaa  {aeer  vultut)  the  Moor  eihibits,  but  I  oeu. 

NOTEft.  141 

not  think  thet  enyone  wonld  natarefly  giYo  snoh  *  epeeiel 
neening  to  p$ditU  in  reading  the  itanu, 

41.  srre  mntaia...]  «Or  if  thon,  Owinffedeonof  kindly 
Meia,  dott  ehango  thy  gniee  end  take  npon  tnos  on  eexth  the 
fonn  ol  *  yonth  (i.e.  Angnetne),  enbmitting  to  bo  eolled  the 
avenger  of  Oaeear  (Jnline).' 

lnreneni]  Angnttns  waa  bom  b.o.  68,  bnt  juv$nU  inolndee 
the  whok  mflitary  age  between  17  end  45.  Tirgil  twiee  (BeL 
1. 48;  G.  1.  600)  eelli  him  jwo$nUi  the  wotd  eeeme  epeeially 
.ehoeen  to  enggeet  hope  end  expeotation. 

45.  eleej  beoanoo  of  the  p$ta$n$  end  lolarin»  the  winged 
eap  end  enklete  he  wore  m  the  meeeenger  of  thegode. 

46.  eeme...redeael  «May  it  be  long  before  thon  doet 
retnrn.*  Notioe  the  flettery  of  r$d$a$:  Angnetne  being  an 
ineernete  deitj  doee  not  merely  go  to  heeTen,  bnt  r$mwn$  to 
it  ee  hie  originel  dwelling. 

00.  pater]  Le.  pa:$r  patria$t  the  tikle  of  whioh  Oioero  wee 
eo  prond  (eee  Meyor  on  Jut.  8,  844,  Roma  patrmn  patriae 
Cie$nm$m  Ub$ra  HxU)\  it  wee  only  fonnelr/  eonferred  on 
Angnetne  in  B.a  9,  bnt  hed  been  long  epplied  to  hhn  bofore  in 
eommon  telk,  ef.  8. 84.  87  n. 

prlnoepe]  8ee  4. 14. 6  n. 

5L  Medoi]  eee  L  88  n.  The  Medien  enpremaoT  preeeded 
the  PertUn,  Ajtyettes  the  Uet  Medien  king  nering  been  orer- 
thrown  by  'Qyrne  tne  PersUn/  bnt  eren  Oreek  writere  nee  the 
edJeetiTe  es«PersUn  (e.g.  in  Thno.  r*  M?3ic4«the  PereUn 
war),  end  in  Horeee  itsPerthian.  No  donbt  it  ie  not  mere 
oexeleesnets  whioh  mekee  the  Bomen  poete  epeek  of  'Medee' 
end  'PereUne'  ineteed  of  'PexthUne':  by  eo  doinff  they  enggeet 
e  oomnarieon  between  the  ezploite  of  Bome  end  the  riotoriee  of 
Selemle  end  Mexathon. 

eqnltext]  The  Perthien  light  horeemen  emid  their  eendy 
deeerte  were  the  dreed  of  the  heeTy-ermed  Bomen  legionexiee, 
who  were  entirely  inoepeble  of  reeieting  their  repid  end  de- 
enltory  etteeks.  Of.  8.  18.  18,  end  note  on  1.  19.  1L  The 
word  equitare  oonveys  eleo  e  oolUteral  notion  of  'oexeering*  ee 
if  in  eeorn,  of.  4.  4. 44. 

58.    Oeeeex]    Emphetioalrj  pleoed  Ust. 

ODB  m. 

'0  ehip  thet  oonTeyeet  Yirgil  to  Greeoe,  daly  deliTer  np  the 
preoioas  life  entrasted  to  thy  oere.  Bold  indeed  wes  the  men 
who  nrst  trnsted  himeelf  to  tho  see,  bat  his  wte  ojuIj  on*  ol  \h* 

HOBACE,  ODES  I.  iii. 

whioh   men,    Bnoh   as   Promethen», 

rrculCB.  have   made  to  tranngreu  the  limit* 

ii   providenca    hu    oppointRd:    the   coostant 

attempts  prevents  Jupitex  from  laying  aside 

hii  thut  if  wTftfh.' 

ltimacy  with  Hot«e  see   Sellar'i  Virgil,  pp. 
12  I    and    Varius    &r5t    Lntiodaced    Horaoe    to 

Miii!.. ...  e  ipeaki  of  them  with  sinijuiftr  aSection  in 

Sat,   1.  amnjiic  fu/jfcf  n*ju*  ciHiiiidiorn  I  (f rro  rufil, 

lugiw  jtr*  inrfniiiw  alter—  'loula  th»n  which  never  did 

earth  pr  w  second  m»n  is  more 

clasely  k  .  6.  6fi  we  h»ve  optimui 

VirgUiw,  i  ...:,>,.,        um  Daok.    We  only  know  of 

i-iin:  visit  ol  . „_"  ~  Athens,  „.iiei"-  <n  B.c.  19,  On  the  return 
from  which  lio  died  at  Bmndisiam  pt.  21.  All  the  Odet  of 
tlie  first  three  Booku  nre  piobably  mach  earlier  dste,  »ml 
thcrefore  thii  Ode  wonld  see  w  to  »n   eariiar  voyage, 

luch  as  mtiy  well  hava  been  ken  by  the  poet  of  the 

Aeneid  to  the  scene»  he  L.  to  immortalize.     Some 

editore  feet  Ihe  difficulty  eo  mn they  either  suppose  tbe 

Virgil  mentioned  not  to  be  tbe  poet,  or  even  alter  the  name  to 
Qnintiliue.  For  my  own  part  1  prefer  to  aasume  that  Virgil 
visited  Qreooe  twioa  rathei  tban  to  aonihilftt*  a  link  which 
eonnecti  Virgil  with  Horace  as  '  the  half  of  lifo.' 

1.  slc...]  The  oouetruotion  is  navii,  qtiae...debtt,  reddai 
prieor.,.,  lic  U.,.ngat  pater:  ■  O  ihip  that..,oweet,  I  pray  thee 
dulv  detiver  him  up.„,  io  miy  heaven  direot...' 

lieBio,  i.e.  on  thitt  condition,  namely.  tluil  you  duiy  Jtlivtr 
him  ap.  Cf.  our  limilar  use  of  'io  help  you  God'  in  ad- 
ministering  oathi:  tlie  Lfttins,  however,  throw  the  clauses 
with  tie  forward,  instcnd  of  keeping  them  to  tbe  end.  Cf. 
Virg.  E.  9.  30,  Sie  tua  Curncai  fugiant  examina  taxtn,..Tncipi, 
bnt  1.  2*.  25,  ne  parce..  .ile  ptectantur, 

For  a  similir  invoeation  to  ■  ihip  of.  Tennyson,  In  Mam. 
Canto  9  at  seq.,  also  Canto  17, 

*8o  m»y  whatever  tempelt  man 
Mid-Ocean  ipare  thee,  sacrod  bark,' 
dlva  poteni  Cypri]  For  tha  oonstrnetion  see  1.  8.  10  n. 
Venns  ii  appealed  to  beoanse  having  iprung  bom  the  foam  of 
the  sea  TAtfijwairjj,  a^pAi|«he  wu  suppoied  tohave  an  influenoe 
on  tbe  waves.  8o  ihe  u  called  Venui  marina,  3.  26.  5  and  *. 
11.  lfi. 

NOTES.  143 

2.    fxatres  Helenae]    Cf.  Macaulay: 

*  Sei e  oomee  the  ihip  to  harbour 

Through  billowi  and  through  galee, 
If  once  the  great  Twin  Bretkren 
Sit  thinin§  on  her  seili.' 
Id  thundery  weather  a  pele-hlue  flame  may  aometimea  be 
playing  at  the  tipe  ol  the  maata  of  ehipa,  due  to  the  faet 
thet  'pointa'  alwaya  tend  to  produoe  a  diaeharge  of  eleetrioiry. 
The  presenoe  of  thia  flame  waa  held  to  indioate  the  preaenee  of 
the  Dioecuri  and  the  safety  of  the  abip.    Italian  marinera  oall 
it  the  flre  of  8t  Elmo.    On  eoins,  Ac.  Gaator  and  Pollnz  are 
repceaented  with  a  atar  on  their  fbreheada. 
For  hacida  tidera,  of.  4.  8.  81. 

4.  obatrlotla  alUa  praeter  Iapyga]  'Xeeping  all  bnt  Iapyz 
bound  in  nriaon.'  For  a  description  of  the  prieon-honse  in 
whieh  Aeolus  guarda  the  nnemployed  winda  aee  Virg.  Aen. 
1.  69  et  aeq.  Iapyz  ia  to  be  let  looae  beoauae  blowing  from  the 
Iapygian  promontory  in  Apulia  he  wonld  wait  the  traveUer 
from  Brundisium  to  byrrachium,  whenoe  he  wonld  ooaat  along 
peat  Ooroyra  and  then  down  to  the  Onlf  of  Oorinth.  From 
thenee  he  wonld  paaa  by  land  to  Athena,  ao  that  finibut  AtticU 
ia  not  to  be  taken  etrictly;  or  elae  the  ahip  might  be  dragged 
aeroae  the  Iathmna  of  Oorinth  Jpf.  the  word  MoXxot)  and  ao 
aetoally  enter  the  Peiraeus.  The  voyage  to  Oreeoe  ronnd 
C  Matapan  wonld  be  very  ezoeptional:  the  most  eommon  plan 
waa  to  prooeed  from  Dyrraohinm  by  land. 

alUa]  'othere/  wonld  nanally  be  ceterie,  'the  othera,'  «the 

6.    oredltom]    Notioe  the  aame  metaphor  in  debet,  reddat 

9.  robnr  et  aea  triplex]  'oak  and  triple  braaa/  ot  8. 16.  9 
n.  For  a  aimilar  metaphor,  of.  Aeach.  Prom.  242,  wi&npt+pw 
re  arax  wirpat  elpyaff/iirot. 

10.  fragllem  trnoi]  Notioe  how  juztapoaition  inoreasee 
the  foroa  of  the  antitheais.  Bo  too  pelago  ratem,  and  of.  2. 4.  6  n. 

12.  praedpltem]  (vrae-caput,  head  foremoat)  ooming  down 
in  andden  eqnalla.  CL  St  Loke  8.  23,  tarifa  \aTXaft  and  the 
WOrd  Karatyt[ttM. 

18.  decertantem]  The  prepoaition  aeema  to  gire  to  the 
rerb  the  additional  foroe  of  fighting  it  out  to  the  end.  Horaoa 
aeema  to  have  a  ipecial  fondnesa  for  these  compounda,  of.  1.  9. 

144  IIORACE,  ODES  I.  iil 

11,  depretliantei,  1.  18.  B,  debtUata,  B.  B.  55,  dtbacchtntur, 
1.33.  3,  decantt*. 

14.  Hyadoi]  Seren  ilui  in  the  heod  of  Tauru»  whicb 
portonded  nun  or  «tonn.  The  proie  Homiii  term  for  them 
wes  Sncrilar,  or  tbe  litter  of  little  plgi,  thui  indieating  > 
derivation  from  tt,  Wi,  ihi.  The  poet»,  aa  w  to  be  expeoted, 
rejeot  eo  natiiral  and  vulgar  an  etymology,  auJ  connect  the 
word  nrith  !"'.!■ .  to  r»in. 

15.  aiDlUi  Hftdrlu]  'lord  of  the  Adriatio.'  01.  3.  17.  1B, 
tyrarmui,  aad  3.  9.  5,  duc,  both  uacd  of  tho  wiud'i  'mnitery' 
ovcrthe  Ree.  Arbit*r  =  ai-bitiT  from  ad  *nd  oito,  en  obaolete 
word  meaning  '  to  go/  from  the  nm  root  m  jialrw.  An 
'erbiter'  therefore  =  one  wbo  is  preeaot  (io  in  Milton  'the 
moon  eiti  erbitreu'),  tben  'one  who  itaads  by  to  witnes* 
and  judge.*  Here  used  of  the  wind,  with  wbom  it  restt  to 
decido  whethcr  there  aholi  be  Btorm  or  calm  ut  eea. 

16.  toller*  aeu  ponare  volt  freta]  The  flrat  im  U  omitted 
(or  eonvenience.  na  often  in  poetry:  cf.  1.  6.  18, 1.  93.  7,  «nd 
«imilar  ominiona  of  ,h,  and  otr,  in  Greek.  Trannlate  'whcther 
he  wiah  to  rouae  or  C*)m  the  »eB.'  Thc  winds  are  eaid  to  oalm 
the  aea  by  a  curioai  idiom  whioh  npcakt  of  them  ac  oaoaing 
thut  which  thcir  absenee  causes.  So  Sophoole»,  Aj.  674, 
&,irvr  a-,»a  mviiATwr  Uaiiuat  |  ar/torr*  rbrrat.  freta  =  frilli 
or  firth. 

17.  quem  gTaduin]  'what  approaoh  ol  doathfwhat  form 
of  death'i  approachT' 

18.  slccli  oculli]  i.e.  without  weeping.  Othera  proposc  to 
alter  liccii,  m-ging  that  teara  do  not  ordinarily  aooompeny  terror, 
but  the  ancicnta  certainly  in  niany  respecta  had  different  mode* 
ofeipreaBing  the  emotionsto  whatwehave.  Wickham  »ppo»itely 
qante»  Hom.  Od.  20.  349,  oaipvoiptr  vtprXarra,  of  tbe  eyos  of  tho 

panio-itrioken  ntrton, 

29.    pruden*]  l.e.  pTovidetu,  'io  bi»  provideno*.' 

dlawwUlrUl]    Host  »djective«  in  -abiiii  aro  uaaaire,  bnt  not 

unfrequently  tne  poet*  nse  them  actively,  and  so  here  diao- 

ciabilu  =  quat  diuoeiat  •dividing.'    Cf.  2. 14.  S,  Maerimaoitem 

Plvtona,   'who  doet  not  weep,'  bnt  4.  9.  3fi,   iilaerimalrilei 

unwept  for.'  So  ftebilU  4.  3.  Ml,  'weeping,'  but  1.  H.  9, 
Ubilior  'more  wept  for.'  Tirg.  Q.  1.  93,  peiutrabiU  frig**, 
piercing  oold,'  Lner.  1. 11,  grnitabilii  aura  'life-giring  braoa,' 

NOTES.  145 

15.  andax  ptrpttt]  Horaot  ii  fond  of  thit  eptxtgttio  or 
oompkmentary  innnitive  after  adjectivef.  It  it  vtry  oommon 
iii  Greek,  e.g.  etoet  tKQhu.  IU  uat  it  to  limit  or  deter- 
mino  tht  txaat  lente  of  tht  adjtetivt ;  a  man  may  bt  bold  in 
manv  wayt,  t.a.  in  flghting,  taHong.  &o.,  bnt  when  the  infini- 
tbele  added  what  wae  dtfieitnt  in  the  adjective  ii  oompltttd,  a 
foil  explanation  (^ri^ti)  ia  given.  Dr  Ktnntdy  prtftrt  to 
ghre  it  the  name  of  the  Prolative  Inf .  btoantt  it  tmtend»  tht  nte 
of  tht  adi.  to  whioh  it  it  attaohtd.  Tht  adjtetrfti  aittr  whieh 
il  it  oaed  in  tht  Odtt  art:  $eien$t  ne$ciu$t  metuen$t  timidu$t 
audax,  doctu$t  indoctu$t  indocUU,  dignut,  ealUdut,  eatu$t$olUr$t 
perUnax,  effieaxt  prae$entt  eeUrt  fortU,  firmu$t  $$onUt  dolo$u$t 
bUmdu$t  ktrgue,  UnU%  unpoten$t  nobilie.  8ee  Wiekham'i  valn- 
aUt  appendix.    For  itt  ntt  afttr  verbt,  ttt  1. 15.  97  n. 

37.  laptti  gtnnt]  'ton  of  Iapatnt,'  i.e.  Promethtnt,  who 
ttolt  flre  from  heaven,  hid  in  tht  tttm  of  tht  rdpBm)  otferula. 

frande  malal  Probably  a  rtminiteenot  of  tht  Itgal 
phrate  dolrn  ma$u$t  wnioh  ia  uatd  in  tht  tente  of  'malioe  pre- 
penat,'  when  a  oriminal  aot  it  eommitttd  with  fnll  knowledge 
of  itt  oriminality,  and  of  deliberate  pnrpote.  Othen  take  fraue 
mala  a««a  theft  diaaitrom  (in  iti  retulU),  at  tzplained  in 
tht  next  linet. 

50.  nova  fttoinm...]  'a  itrange  (hitherto  nnknown)  troop 
of  fevert  hrooded  over  the  earth.'  Incubuit  it  nttd  of  thinoe 
pettilential,  or  abominabie,  e.g.  ill-omened  birde,  thiok  dark- 
ntat,  plaguea.  Wiekham,  following  Orelli,  givee  Meem+e9t •  fell 
upon/.but  ineubuit  (from  eubaret  cumbo)  hat  a  fnrthtr  mtan- 
ing  ©f  re$Hngt  or  remaining  over,  to  aa  not  to  bt  got  rid  ot 

53.  temottque  prlni...]  'and  what  wai  befort  the  alow  nt- 
ottaitj  of  dittant  death  hattened  ite  approaoh,'  ie.  mtn,  thongh 
neoettariiy  mortal,  btfore  tbii  lived  to  a  grtat  agt,  afterwardi 
only  fbr  a  brief  tpan.  A  belitf  in  tht  longevity  of  primatval 
man  teemt  univertal. 

54.  Datdalnt]  (dcdda\ott  Le.  varied,  or  cunningry  wrought) 
it  tht  type  of  the  over-ambitioui  man  of  toienoe:  'over-flignty* 
in  hii  ideaa,  we  might  aay:  the  meaning  of  hit  namt  oomptli 
ni  to  look  for  tnoh  an  aliegory  in  tht  ltgend. 

55.  ptrrnpit]  Final  lyliablt  madt  lomr  by  ictue.  Notioa 
tht  vigoront,  rugged,  iaborioni  oharaoter  of  tnt  line;  aooommo- 
daiion  of  tonnd  to  tentt.    For  dmilar  inatanett  of  a  lyliablt 

146  HORACE,  ODES  I.  iv. 

lengthaned  whera  there  ii  a  atrong  iotiu  npoD  it,  of.  1.  13.  6, 
6,  3.  5.  17,  8.  16.  36,  8.  31.  G.    In  ell  thaee 

i  longtheueil  ii  ths  flnal  syllable  of  the  Srd 


vee  place  to  tfae  joyoui  pcriod  of  spring:  now 
n  for  featirity.  Life  is  nhort,  snd  it  ia  well  to 
aoon  in  any  oase  will  the  night  of  Death  be 

OTL.  „ 

rujftet*  <  bj ..            -.- .  - 

partiiar;   of  n'    _ 
miUttm  undi         atna 
origln  of  the         imai 

n               be  was  appointed  eonml 

a   ».            i  ha  had  been  a  vigorou» 

>d  asrred  aa   a  iribuniu 

thia  may  have  beon  the 

1.     eolvltur  ..]  -Kccn 

iter  rel«    a  hia  grasp  with  welooma 

o  apringtime  s.m  ta  woat  lind.'  loiuitur.-  bacauM 
wintar  binds  the  cartli  h,  uanda  ol  jnow  and  ioe :  of.  1.  10, 
solXoa.    For  vict  of.  4.  7.  3. 

3.     maohlna*]  'windJaMee'  naed  to  draw  down  fc>  tbe  ae* 

itraAsrc)  tbe  barka  whicb  had  been  heuled  np  higb  and  dry 
tieau)  for  ths  winter. 

S.  CythereaJ  From  tfae  ieland  KiSypx  oft  tfae  S.B.  of  La- 
oonia,  near  whioh  tbe  goddeae  roae  from  the  eea.  The  aeoond 
•jllable  is  shorlened  for  oonvenienoe  in  Latin,  great  liberty 
baing  adlowed  with  regerd  to  tfae  quanrjtj  of  proper  names. 

7.  dum  gra,Te«...]  'While  glowing  Vulcan  makea  the 
toilaome  amithj  of  the  Cjclopea  blaie.'  Venus  danoei  aod 
Vnlout  toils :  evorjthing  is  alive.  The  bolts  are  forged  reodj  for 
Jupiter's  use  in  the  suuuncr  wfaen  thundor  ia  more  freqnent. 

Botne  oonsider  tfaat  tfae  une  of  ardtni  aod  uril  olose  together 
ia  objectionable  becanae  of  their  similaritj  of  tne&niog,  and 
thera  ia  aome  anthoritj  for  e  reading  riiit.  Ihe  word  ortfeiu 
euggests  not  merely  a  picture  of  Vuloan  aa  the  flre  of  the 
furueoe  is  refleoted  on  hia  faoe,  bnt  also  th»  idea.  of  'eagsrnesjs,' 
cf.  Tlrg.  Aon.  2.  539,  ardetu  iwtqvitar. 

Hotiee  that  ardere  ia  intrs.n«itive,  ur;rs  eotive.  Ojolopea 
(KiicWnt),  ooe-eyed  monttera,  aona  of  Earth  and  Hesmm, 
"o  lorgod  the  thnnderboltt  of  Jove  in  Aetns,  quite  diatfnot  la 

—■->"—  from  the  Homerio  Cjelopaa. 

MOTES.  147 

9.    aittdum  caput  tmpcdire]  *to  entwine  the  gloeay  head.' 

10«  eolutae]  Of .  1.  1.  Inwinter  froet  bindeup  the  eoil: 
in  epring  Zephyro  putrit  ee  gleba  retolwit  (Virg.  Oeorg.  1.  44), 
the  clod  nnbindB  iteelf  and  orumblea  under  the  influenoe  oi  the 

11, 13.  immolare  agna]  'It  is  fittinff  to  aaerifioe  toFaunna 
whether  he  aak  (ua  to  aaonfiee)  with  a  lamb  or  prefer  (ut  to 
aaarifioe)  with  a  kibV  We  ahould  eay,  'either  with  a  lamb  if 
he  aak  it  or  a  kid  if  he  prefer  it.' 

The  ahlative  after  Terba  of  aacrifloing,  the  Tictim  being 
repreaented  aa  the  inatrument  with  whioh  the  aaerifloe  ii  per- 
formed,  ia  aa  eommon  aa  the  direot  aeo. :  of.  faeere  vitula**to 
aaerifioe  with  a  calf :  vino  libare,  oYo. 

18,  14.  pauperum  tabemaa  regumque  turree]  'oottagea 
of  tho  poor  and  pelaoee  of  the  greal'  Obaenre  the  *rever- 
berating  emphaaia'  (Yerrall)  otpallida  puUat  pede  pauperum. 

pede]  beoauee  it  waa  euatomarT  to  kiek  at  a  door  eapeoiallj 
when  the  Tiaitor  waa  impatient,  of.  Plaut.  Moat.  2.  2.  28. 

15.  Titae  aumma  breTia.. .]  * The  total  of  our  daya  ia  amall 
and  forbida  ua  to  oommenoe  hope  for  a  diatant  future.' 

incho*re]«to  oommenoe  what  will  never  be  completed. 

16.  fabulaeque  Manee]  "When  a  man  ia  dead  he  beeomea 
fabula**  aubjeot  of  talk,'  *a  mere  name,'  and  ao  the  ghoata  are 
here  ealled  'empty  namea' :  that  thia  ia  the  meaning  of  fabula 
here  ia  ahewn  from  the  imitation  of  Peraiua  (Sat  5. 152)  einie  et 
manet  etfabulafUe.  For  the  very  bold  appoaltion  fabulae  Manee 
of.  Luoan  1. 818,  MarceUutque  loquax  et  nomina  vana  Catonet. 

17.  exllii]  i.e.  exigilit  (from  emago),  what  ii  drawn  out, 
thin ;  here — *  ehadowy,  *  *  unaubatantiaL, 

18.  regna  Tini  aortiere  talial  At  feaata  a  preaident  waa 
ohoaen  by  lot  (maguter,  or  arbiter  bibendi,  evuwocLapxoi,  eWcrpt- 
jcXirot,  St  John  2.  9,  'maater  of  the  feaet').  Teeterae,  or  «dioe,' 
were  uaed  for  thia  purpoee,  or  tali,  'knuekle-bonee':  theae  had 
four  marked  aidee,  and  the  higheat  throw  waa  when  they  all 
oame  up  differently;  it  waa  oalled  jactut  Venerie  (2.  7.  25),  the 
loweat  throw  being  canie. 

ODB  V. 

•Who  ia  thy  lover  now,  Pyrrha?  He  little  knowa  that  thou 
art  fiokle  aa  the  aea :  all  amilea  to-day,  to-morrow  etorm.  Poor 
inexperienced  youthl  I  have  gone  through  similar  dangen 
and  eacaped,  thank  heaven.' 

148  HORACE,  ODES  I.  y. 

A  alight  Ode,  but  ninguiarly  beautiful  in  eipreaaion :  it  it  io 
Honcea  bait  manner  u  regarda  «jla ;  it  U  appanntlj  perfeotij 
■impte  beoauae  it  ie  perfectlj  finiahed;  lumma  an  ctlavit 
artetn.  Anj  one  who  diaagree»  would  do  well  to  attempt  to 
omit  or  alter  a  single  word,  and  iee  Uie  efleot.  It  ie  a  curioni 
fact  thiit  it  ii  tranileted  bjMillou  (Occasioriil  Pooro*;):  it  iinot 
wetl  tranalated.bnteven  the  heat  tranelation  oonld  onlj  eenre  to 
bring  ont  bj  eootrait  the  felioitj  of  eipreaeion  in  the  original. 

I,  3.    malta  In  roia  urget]  'oourte  thee  amid  marjj  a  roae.' 
8.     Pyrrha]  from  »vA*)i  =  '  the  anbnm-haired/ef./aoain, 

5.  tlmplex  rnunditili]  *iimple  in  thv  eleganee.'  For  the 
adi.  muru/uj  eee  9.  29.  14  n.  Tho  word  munditiat  applied  to 
a  Udy'i  toilette  indioatea  the  preeenoe  of  eleganoe  and  taate 
without  oitentation  or  eitravaga-noe.  munditiii  eapitmtr  eaja 
Ovid  trulj  A.  A.  8.  138.  MiIton'i  'plain  in  thj  ncatneea' 
Eiivuiiri  rather  of  tbe  Puritan  thsn  tlie  poet. 

6,  T.     aiper»  aequora]  '  the  emooth  aarfeoe  ruffled. ' 

8.  emlrabltnr  Iniolem]  tmirabitur  ie  onlj  found  here: 
it  is  a  verj  atrong  forrn  of  mirabitar-  ituolent  •nnuied'  i.e.  to 
such  floklenes*.  Tbe  line  ihonld  bo  read  over  aloud  once  or 
twice  piaeiog  eome  itreee  on  the  initial  epondeea:  iti  full  force 
»111  be  at  onoe  clear. 

9.  credulu*  aurae,]  Notice  the  juitaposition.  'Who  now 
too  fond  (or  tmeting)  enjoji  the  golden  houra  of  thj  lote.' 
Jureuj  =  golden,  at  ite  beet.  in  perfeetion,  cf,  aurta  attat  'the 
golden  age.'  Schiller  haa  'der  ersten  Liebe  gold'ne  Zeifand 
Shnk.  Cymbeline  4.  2.  'Golden  lade  and  girle  all  muit  |  Like 

■  ouunneylweepen  aome  to  duat,* 

II,  13.  bmcIu  uru  fjJlaxla]  The  metaphor  from  the 
sea  ie  etill  kept  up.  « Ignorant  how  treaoheroua  ii  tha  breexe.' 
The  breeie  of  oonrse  ie  her  flckle  favonr.  Ct  3.  2.  30.  popalaru 
aura  m  the  breexe  of  popular  favonr. 

18.  Intantata  nltee]  To  inexperienee  her  bright  imilea 
are  ae  alluring  aa  the  amilei  of  a  lummer  »ea.  The  brUliant 
phrese  of  Lucr.  2.  S59,plaeidi  ptllaeia  nmti.ii  a  cloee  parallel. 

ma  tatrala] '  me  the  temple  wall  with  votive  piotnra  deolares 
to  have  hung  u; 

KOTE&  149 

wieture  of  ibe   erent,  though  perhapt  tabula  onrj  meant 
'tablet.'    8ee  too  8.  26,  Int. 

15.    pottntt]  with  marit,  ef  .  L  6. 10  n. 


•Your  exploitf,  Agrippe,  wbnld  be  a  worthy  themo  for 
Variui :  hii  poetrj  it  Homerie.  I  am  not  eapable  of  treeting  a 
tubjeet  iuoh  m  that  of  the  Hiad  or  Odyttej:  one  of  mj  poor 
odee  wonld  bnt  detraot  from  jonr  fame.  Lore  and  levitj  alone 
beflt  m  j  ineonitant  mnae.' 

M.  Vipsaniut  Agrippa  was  the  great  minif ter  of  Angnetm  in 
war,  aa  Maeoenat  waa  in  peaoe:  Horaee  had  probablj  been 
nrged  to  addreat  an  ode  to  him,  and  finding  the  taak  nnoon- 
genial  anbttitntea  thit  dezterona  apologj. 

1,  3.  aerlberla  Varlo...allte]  'Yon  thall  be  written  abont 
bjr  Yarint  at  Taliant  and  Tiotoriont  (bj  Varius)  a  bird  of 
Uomerie  tong.' 

Thete  linet  preaent  a  dittinot  eate  of  the  nte  o(  the  abl.  of 
Uie  pertonal  agent  without  ab.  Gf.  8.  8.  67,  nei$  exeitut  Araivit, 
Epitt.  L  19.  3,  quae  tcribuntur  aquae  potoribut,  'whioh  are 
written  bj  water-drinkera,'  Virg.  Aen.  1.  512,  uno  araditur 
eemitatui  Aehate  and  Juv.  18.  124,  eurentur  dubii  wudieit 
majoribut  aegri.  On  the  other  hand  Hor.  Sat.  2. 1. 84,  judiee 
laudatut  Caetare,  maj  be  ezplained  (with  Monro,  tee  Major, 
Jut.  1.  18  n.)  t*=judicio  Caetarit,  and  ao  too  Od.  8.  5.  24, 
Marte...populata,  pretentt  no  difflculty,  MarU  \mn%»bel\o. 

OreUi  and  othert  trj  to  aToid  thia  bj  tajing  that  Vario 
aUte  it  an  abL  abtolnte:  'jou  thall  be  written  of,  Variua  being 
a  bird  of  Homerio  tong.'  But.  teeing  that  it  ia  oertain  that 
Horaoe meant  to  tell  Agrippa  that  he  4thall  be  written  abont 
by  Variui,1  it  it  inoredible  that  he  ahould  taj  to  him  '  jon  ahall 
be  written  about* — by  whom  Agrippa  ia  left  to  gnett — and  then 
add  parentheticallj  'Varint  being  a  great  poet,'  and  intert 
moreoTer  into  the  middle  of  the  parentheait  a  detoription 
of  A^rippa  at  'Ttiiant  and  Tiotoriout.'  Suoh  a  ttvle  of  ex- 
pretiion  itf  to  far  aa  I  know,  peouliar  to  Mr  Jingle.  Wickham, 
who  adoptt  thit  view  of  tbe  oonttruction,  tranalatet :  'It  rhall 
be  told,  bnt  bj  Variut,  thj  braTerr  and  vietoriet,  for  he 
it  a  bird  of  Biaeonian  tong.'  It  will  be  obttrred  however 

1B0  HORACE,  ODES  I.  vi. 

thst  nntwithntr'  iing  llie  violcnce  whicb  he  doesto  the  Engliih 
U  iliRed  efter  *U  lo  i*j  'by  Varioe.1 

111.  an  obvioua  oorreetion.  wbioh  odIj  makee 
i  Iliie  dbo  uf  the  dativt.,  though  eommon  with 
„,  ve  c.a.  icripium  rjf  ittiht  (the  ei(   of  oooM* 

™^'ib,i..  j  for  it),  ia  otberwise  wadmiaaible, 

1.  i  A  peculiarlj  Horatian  use  of  ths  rutura. 
•  You  it  iit™  of,'  i.  e.  if  you  will  teke  my  «4tjo*.  80 
1.  T.  1,  1-  alii— otherashftll  praUa,  i.e.ifthej  wish;  1. 
20.  1,  1  iii- jou  ahall  Jriult,  i.e.  if  jou  will  aocept 
n>j  invit 

Vail<  ,  .  roduetion)  waa  aa  epio 

writer.  aetr,  )  uE  nflw,   Koritu 

ducit.  i  itiua  Taoca  baring  been 

«osEuii  Eb ,  u.  .       r  a>  .ut  ieneid  after  the  death  of 


2.  Maeonll]  i.e.  Homeric,  M  4.  fl.  5  n. 

3.  quam  rem  cusque]  Thia  tmcria  witb  guicungue  ia 
common  witb  Horaoe,  e.g.  1.  37.  1*.     Ses  1.  82,  16  d. 

nivtbui]  e.g.  the  defeal  of  Bei.  Pompeiua  B.o.  36. 
5,  6.    grarem  Pslldaa  itomachuin] 

Mjvu1  tti&t  tti,  llij.WdiW  'A^iXioi 

hAo,i/.t,i.  Hom.  II.  1.  1. 

Bj  randering  /iijeit  'wrath'  aa  ttamachui  'bile,'  and  w6K6- 

Tporet  aa  dupUz  'cunning,'   it  ia  elear  that  Horace  intends 

bumorouelj  to  depreoiete  the  epio  atjle  which  he  rcfuBea  to 


7.  cursna  doplHna  Blirel] 

'Artpa  itot  bttwt  tieuaa  wAirpewe»  Si  ihEXb  roXXjl 
w\dyx^.  Hom.  Od.  1. 1. 

Ulixel]  Tbe  gen.  ia  from  the  hvbrid  fom  Uliztiu,  whioh  U 
dsolined  ea  if  it  wero  oi  tbe  3nd  deoleniion.  Cf.  (oo  AekWi, 
1. 15.  M,  Penthtt,  3.  18,  11,  AlyatUi,  B.  10.  41. 

8.  Falopla  domum]  The  diaaater»  of  ths  houie  of  Felopa 
wers  tbe  itock  aubjeot  for  tragediet,  nnmbera  of  whioh  deelt 
with  the  erimea  or  iniafortunea  of  Pelopa,  Atrana,  ThjssUa, 
Againemnon,  Aegiathus,  Cljtemneetra,  Oreetea,  Elootra,  eto. 

S.  tenuee  (franaia]  'too  Taat  a  thema  for  onr  ilander 
veree.'  Tmua  ia  of  oonrae  in  egreemant  with  the  noan.  to 
eotwaw,   and    orandw  in   eppoeition   witb    the   MouetiTSa 

NOTES.  151 

ttomachum,  eurtut  and  domum,  but  it  is  impossible  exoept  by  a 
peraphrase  to  brinff  out  the  foroe  oi  the  two  adjeetrtes  m  their 
strongly  oontrasted  and  forcible  position,  see  2.  4.  6  n, 

ia  lyrae  potenij  So  1.  8.  1,  pottnt  Cyvri,  1.  5.  15, 
potent  maritt  8. 29.  41,  potent  tui,  Carm.  8ae.  1,  tUvarum  poteut. 
Horaoe  is  extremelr  fond  of  adjeotiTes  with  the  genitive :  ad- 
jeotiTes  espeoially  whieh  indieate  power  or  abundanee  natnrally 
take  it;  e.g.  4.  8.  5,  diviu  artium;  and  cf.  the  oommon  phraaee 
dk«      veti  eompot,  mentU  eompot. 

12.  oulpa  deterere  ingenll  'to  tarniih  throngh  defeot  of 

Notiee  that  Horaoe  and  Virgil  adopt  the  eontraeted  formi 
ingtni  (2.  18.  9),  imperi  (4. 15.  14),  Orid  the  open  one  ingenii. 
Cf.  too  1. 12.  84,  Pompili,  Tarquini;  4.  6.  44,  HoratL 

18.  tnnlca  teetnm  adamantlna]  Gf.  the  Homerio  expres- 
eions  xaXjr«o$Jpa£  *&&  YaXjroxirwr.  Tunioa%  the  elose-fitting 
nnder-garment  worn  nnder  the  loose  togat  is  aptly  applied  to  a 
eoat  or  shirt  of  maiL 

15.  ope  Palladis...]  Diomedes,  by  the  assistanoe  of  Pallas, 
aotnally  wounded  (hence  tuperit  parem)  Aphrodite  and  Ares. 
Hom.  II.  5.  881. 

16.  parem] = eqnally  matohed  with. 

17.  nos]  Cf.  1.  1.  29.  The  antithesis  is  at  onoe  made 
elear  by  tbe  prominent  position  of  the  prononn,  whioh  is 
thereby  contrasted  with  the  writers  already  alluded  to. 

proelia...]  'oombats  of  maidens  fieroely  attacking  the  Toung 
men  {aerium  injuvenet)  with  pared  nails'  (i.e.  not  wishing  to 
hnrt).  Others  translate  tectU,  'cut  to  a  point'  (so  as  to  be 
dangerons).    Wiokham  aptly  remarks  'who  shall  deoide?' 

19.  Tacul]   i.e.    tive   vaeui.     Cf.    1.  8.  16.    Translate: 
y        'whether  faney-free,  or  fired  by  a  spark  of  Ioto,  easy  as  is 

my  wont.' 

ODB  vn. 

'Many  fair  and  favourite  places  are  there  on  earth,  none 
that  I  love  so  fondly  as  Tibnr.  Do  yon  Planons,  wheUier  as 
now  in  eamp  or,  as  yon  will  be  soon,  we  trnst,  at  Tibur, 
remember  that  it  is  oooasionally  trne  philosophy  to  forget  eare 
in  winef   Think  of  the  example  of  Tenoer  in  his  trouhles.' 

152  HORACE,  ODES  I.  rii. 

L.Murmiiu"  MuuciiB  (i.e.  eplay-footed),  oonsol  b.c.  *2  and 

toaa&i  lunum    (Lyone),   an    acoompliihed    trimmer 

durini  iirs,  who  however  eeeme  to  have  enjoyed  oon- 

ridenb  or  influenoe  ivith  Oclaviui,  who  reoeived  tha 

titla  of  mi  hia  propoaal  b.c.  27. 

At  ii  ie  aeemi  to  have  beea  taOVruig  from  melan, 

eholy  toi  >  to  quit  Italy.     13 y  hii  uae  of  tenebit,  in  eon- 

traat  to  f,  lina  30,  Horaae  reuliy  addraaica  an  inriutiou     ■ 

tO  Flftnot  :':  tn  Tihur.  of  whioh  be  has  already  naag  the 

praliea.  i  iuch  «treei  od  lenent  ei- 

oept  to  : ! .  i  ji  rery  fond  of  thii  uae 

of  tha  faiuii  y  not  nse    teaebil   after 

unmu  vrithi.r"  i  i,at  he  wiahei  to  luggest 

■noh  a  ie  r_opo»e  iL     Moreorer  thii 

■een»  t  ■  — .._.,,  „e  enTlier  anJ  latar  portioni 

=  'other»  shall  praiae'  (for  »11 1 

2.  blmirti]  The  two  harboura  of  Corinth,  Ceuobreu  ou 
tha  Sarouio  Gulf,  Lechaeum  on  tlit  Coriutkian  Gult,  are  well 

i      Tempe]    Notice  Tetnpt,  neuter  plural,  like  tiIx». 

5.  iunt,  qulbui...]  'Sonie  thera  are  whoie  lole  tuk  it  u 
to  oelebrate  in  oonttnuoua  aong  tha  city  of  the  ever-virgin 
Pallai,  uud  to  plaoe  upon  their  brotr  ui  olive-wreath  pluoked 
from  every  side.'    For  lunl  quibui,  eee  1.  1.  3  n. 

P-LUad-j  ar-MmJ      aoijnj,  Anp-oi.     iniacia:.:a/mnt. 

6.  oarmlne  perpetuo]  The  poem  would  itart  with  ths 
etrlieit  period  aud  give  the  hiitory  of  Atbene  'in  uobrokon 
Buooeelion'  (the  eiaot  meening  of  ptrpetmu). 

7.  nndlqu  deoerptam]  Orelli  givea  to  thii  the  meanine, 
■plucked  from  every  ipot  of  Attio  eoil,'  i.e.  the  poet  adoroi  hia 
poem  with  acoouuta  of  every  famont  plaoe  in  Attioa.  Thii  ie 
oorrect  but  not  general  anough:  '  gathared  from  erery  nda,' 
moem  not  only  from  erery  pUoe  in  Attiea,  but  alao  from 
evcrj  famona  ineident  in  Attic  hiitoiy. 

NOTES.  163 

oUvam]  Ii  wm  bjr  prodooixig  the  olive  that  Athena  be- 
eame  the  patron-goddeee  of  the  city :  henoe  the  poefs  wreath 
ii  eompoeed  of  oUve  in  thie  oaee. 

9.  aptum  dlott  equls  Argoe]  '  wiU  tell  of  Argoe  aa  fit  for 
horeee.'  Iwwifkror,  Hom.  Argo§  ie  neut  eing. :  the  aoc  and 
abl.  plnral  Argo$  and  Argit  are  aleo  verjr  oommon. 

ditee]    Of.  Soph.  BL  9:  ^cutkhp  Muc^iuf  rdt  woKvxfAeovt 

10.  me]    Prominent  and  emnhatio. 

patiene  Laoedaemon]  The  adjeetive  'Spartan,'  ae  equiva- 
lent  to  'enduring/  hae  beoome  Bnglieh.  The  Spartan  disci- 
pline  wae  traditionaUj  aeoribed  to  Lyourgna.  opiwipi' 
fiSkat,  JL2.SU. 

12, 18.  Albuneae,  Anlo,  Tiburnil  V.  Class.  Dict.,  or  for  a 
fuller  deoeription  Burn'o  Bome  ana  the  Campagna.  A  full 
knowledge  of  the  hiatory  and  topographjr  of  Tibur  ie  eeeential 
fox  nnderetanding  the  Odee. 

12.  reeonantls]  're-eohoing,'  i.e.  to  the  roar  of  praeeept 

18,  14.  nda  mobUlbui  pomarla  rlvis]  'orcharde  watered 
bj  restleee  rivulete.'  Below  the  falle  the  main  etream  wonld 
eeem  to  have  divided  into  a  quantity  of  emaU  rills. 

15.  albua...l  'As  the  eouth  wind  ie  often  bright  (or  elear) 
and  eweepe  the  olonde  from  the  darkened  sky,  and  doee  not  from 
ite  womb  bring  forth  uneeasingraine  . . .  .'  Albut  ie  emphatio: 
the  8.  wind  ie  ueuaUy  blaok  and  oloudy;  eometimee  however  it 
ie  white,  and  drivee  the  oloude  away.  Cf.  MUton'a  aooonnt 
of  the  Deluge,  Par.  Loet,  Bk.  u.  788, 
'Meanwhile  the  eouth  wind  roee  and  with  blaek  wings,'  <fco. 

17.    aaplene]  Le.  'if  you  are  wise.' 

19.  molll]  UsoaUyandnaturaUytakenaeanadj.— *ineUow:' 
tjchfits  however  takes  it  ae  Imperative  from  molUre. 

eeu  te...]  'Whether  the  oamp  gUttering  with  ensigns 
poseeee  you,  or  (ae  I  hope  wiU  be  tne  oase) ....  ahall  poaeeee 

21.  Teucer...]  This  bringing  home  of  a  general  idea  or 
remark  by  addueing  a  speoisJ  inetance  from  mythology  or 
hietory  ie  frequent  in  Horaoe. 

154  HORACE,  ODES  1.  rii. 

patrem]  HU  latker  Telarnon  refneed  to  reoeiw  hira  be- 
ceuee  be  broogbt  not  baok  hU  brother  wilh  him  bom  Troy. 
Cf.  Soph.  Ajax  poMim. 

33.    tum]  i.e.  notwithitanding  hii  tronWee. 

uda  Lyaeo]  '  moiet  (i.e.  heated,  the  word  being  ueed  awk. 
werdly  with  Irwipora)  wilh  wine.'  [7diu  or  uuittui,  like  madidui 
and  iu  Ok.  ptpptyiiirai,  il  one  of  the  many  comentional  phrises 
fuunii  in  »11  Unguagea  to  eipreaa  the  condition  of  intoiicatioa. 
It»  oppoaite  U  liccut  ('a  tee-totaller'),  1.  18.  3  and  3.  19.  18. 

Jjtaetu,  Avaui  [\iu),  i.e,  the  Releaeer,  in  Latin  Libcr,  aptly 
ao  cftlled  bere  with  reference  to  Teucer  and  hU  tronblei. 

33.  populeaj  The  poplar  waa  eaored  to  Hercolea,  whoae 
many  wanderinga  would  ooenr  to  Teuoer. 

35.  quo  noa]  '  Wbitheraoever  fortune.  kinder  than  my 
aire,  ahall  guide  ua,  we  wili  go  ,  . .  .' 

leret  fortuna)    Firo  ia  the  derivation  of  fortuna. 

37.  duce  et  auiplce)  An  Imptrator  alone  bad  Ihe  right  of 
taking  the  auipicea.  Dnring  the  Repoblie  an  Imperator  alwayi 
led  the  arniy  into  the  riiflil  uiid  ao  wes  Dax  atao.  Under  the 
Empire  the  ohiof  of  the  ntate  waa  perpetual  Imperator,  aud 
the  generaU  wbo  oonducted  hia  catnpaigna  were  merely  Ducci. 
Duce  et  autpict  il  howevei  used  perfeotlj  generally  here,  ai  we 
might  aay  'guide  and  guardian.' 

Teuero  .  ,  ,  .  Ttucro  .-  tbe  substittit.ion  of  the  pereona!  nauie 
for  the  pronoun  indioatea  proud  lelf-conndenoe,  and  the  re- 
petition  of  the  name  emphaaiEea  this,  Some  editors  boweter 
pnt  a  colon  after  auipice,  rendering  'naugbt  rieed  ye  deepair 
of  wilh  Teuoer  for  your  guide,  for  to  Teucer  batb  nnarring 
Apollo  promUed...,'  whiab  entirely  altere  the  empbasU  of  the 

39.  amblgnam ...]  'Tii.-it  tn  e  new  Und  ahall  ariae  a 
SelaroUofdoubtfnlname,'  imoiBuam.becanaethareafterirheii 
Salemia  m  mentioned  it  would  M  'doubtfhl'  whether  tho  old 
or  the  new  town  wai  refamd  to,  Cf.  Boeton  in  Liaoolnehire 
and  Boeton  in  Ainorioa. 

Tennyaon'a  Ulraaea, 

1  SouU  tbat  lieve  toil'd  and  wrought  and  thought  with  ii 

Tia  not  too  late  to  teek  a  m 

NOTfca  164 


,    ODJt  VUL 

•8ay,  Lydia,  why  you  are  10  eeger  that  yoar  love  should  be 
the  rain  of  Syberis»  by  keeping  him  from  all  the  manly  exer- 
oieee  ln  whioh  he  naed  to  exoeL' 

I»  SL  per  te  deoe  oro]  mper  dede  U  oro.  The  peculiar 
order  ie  idiomatio  and  neoaL  Bo  too-in  Gk.  Boph.  PhiL  468, 
wp6t  rOr  rc  rorpot  .  . .  .  UroQficu. 

8.  Sytoexln]  A  fit  name  for  iaoh  a  lore-eiek  yoath.  For 
the  hietory  of  the  lnxarioae  and  efleminate  town  whioh  has 
provided  ns  with  the  word  *eybarite'  see  Claaa.  Diot 

properee]    Some  read  prqpera$,  thoa  making  thia  a  direct 

2nettion  inatead  of  an  incureot  one,  snbordinate  to  die:  thia 
i.  howeyer  impoatible,  owing  to  the  oderit  whioh  followa, 
and  whieh  ean  eoaroely  be  anything  bnt  the  snbjjunctiYe.  In 
1.  6  equitat  is  a  direot  queition,  beoanae  to  eontinoe  with  in- 
direet  ones  wonld  be  wearisome. 

8, 4.  aprlcom  Oampnm]  On  snnny  afternoons  the  broad 
ezpanse  of  the  Campus  Martiua  wae  the  regnlar  resort  of  all 
who  deaired  air  andf  exeroise.  For  Campta  «xCampui  Martina 
cf.  8.  1. 11  n. 

4.  patiens]  i.e.  by  nature. 

5.  milltaria]  'as  a  goldier,'  i.e.  ln  martial  exeroises.  Biding 
was  especially  conaidered  sueh  an  exeroise,  of.  8.  24.  54. 
atqudUt,  *those  of  the  same  age/  oprjkucu. 

6.  OaHlca...]  *ndr  gnide  the  month  of  a Oanliah  steed  with 
jagged  bit'  Oanlish  horses  were  oelebrated.  Lupatut  ia  an 
adjectiye,  bnt  the  plural  hipati  or  lupata  is  osed  for  a  'bit.' 
From  the  name  which  indicates  an  instrument  furnished  with 
teeth  like  those  of  a  wolf,  and  onr  knowledge  of  the  Boman 
oharaoter,  we  may  infer  how  they  treated  their  horses.  The 
word  temperat  wonld  be  euphemistio. 

8.  Tiberlm]  A  plunge  in  the  Tiber  oonoluded  the  dafly 

oliYum]  oil,  used  by  the  wrestlers.  oliva =the  olive-tree: 
et  Ok.  Acuor  and  iXala. 

10.  neqne  lam...]  '  Why  no  longer  haa  he  his  arms  blaok 
and  blue  with  (the  use  of)  weapona,  winning  fame  by  often 

P.  H.  n 

1M  HORAOE,  ODES  L  vili 

eending  th»  diievt  uJ  often  the  jivelin  clear  beyond  the 
limit  (*tt*ined  bj  hu  rinli).' 

getttt]  Fttiqoen  tsti  >e,  from  getv  =  to  weu :  we  ounot  um 
the  expreuion  in  Engluh,  »nd  it  is  rue  in  Ltlin. 

11.  The  ditna  (from  Ju«>  'to  fling')  wu  ■  Sat  oiroolar 
■tone.  Ths  eUtne  of  the  Dieoobotoe  by  Myron  ia  (unotu. 
Unlike  the  g*me  of  qnoiti,  the  objeat  wm  merely  to  hnri  il 
uluu  poesible,  benoe  Jinem  is  not  tho  m»rk,  or  thing  »imed 
at.     Ditco  *nd  jaevlo  eipltin  armi*. 

(e.g.  0».  Met.  13. 1S2)  Theti»  i*  said  to  hnvo  hidden  A 

Scyro»,  diagoued  *»  a  m&id,  to  keep  him  from  Troy,  where  he 
wu  deetined  to  plory  *M  the  prsve.  Note  that  tho  Greeki  do 
not  lepresent  Achillei  as  &  ghm  utd  griily  wsrrior,  bttt  M  of 
faii  ati d  ilniost  femiuiae  upect. 

11  mb  licrtmoM  ..]  •  When  the  teufol  ful  of  Troj  drew 
near.'  Suo  with  tha  aec.  uuied  of  npproarti  to  a  Ihing  which  i» 
«unincnf ,  o.  g.  fui  noeten,  towards  Lughtfe.ll,  of.  neit  Ode,  L  19. 

13,  16.    vliill»  enltni]  'muuy  attire." 

'  'Tit  itonn  ud  wiater  outeide :  heap  pp  tbe  flrt  ftnd  hrfng 
fbrth  the  wine.  AU  u  in  the  hudf  of  the  goda,  who  wlll  ■OQD 
reetore  fbie  wemther.     lt—ntime  to  m*ke  the  be«t  of  the  pra- 

eent  ii  wueet,  and  for  thow  who  ue  young  to  enjoy  the  dayi 
of  their  youth.' 

1.  Soiaote,  26  mile»  north  of  Rome,  il  eeid  to  be  puinly 
lieible  fiom  the  oitj,  tha  Ode  howerer  lepreeanM  the  wlitar  M 
in  the  oountrj,  prohebly  *t  Tibor,  from  whaooe  th*  moontain 
would  be  a  muob  nearer  *nd  more  impoeing  objeet,  «od 
netureily  nfemd  to  m  bj  iti  appeeianoe  '"^1"*^*^  Ihe 
piobable  ittte  of  the  weotlier. 

■Mt  nlye  outdldnm]  -'«ttnd»  oat  aUtr  with  lU  whit» 
m*Atl*  of  ■now.'    Pox  lubaroiua  cf.  3.  9. 7  n. 

NOTEa  167 

4.    oooto]  (eeiu,  aeer)  'sharp/  'piereing.' 

6.  reponens]  Wiekhem  givee  'piling  ogein  ond  eyein.' 
Perhape  re  moy  be  ueed  in  the  wj  oommon  oonoo  of  'duly's 
it  wee  o  duty  to  koop  up  o  good  fizo  on  sueh  o  dey. 

benlgnlns]  Tho  oomporotiTo  indiootoo  thatitis  tobe'with 
mere  thon  ordinery  liberelitr.'  Benignue  io  tho  oppooito  ol 
maUgnu»  'gmdging'  (L  88.  38). 

7.  deprome]  from  the  eeller,  or  bettor  from  the  diota. 
qnndrlmnm]     The   poorer   winee,  oueh   oo  the   Sebine, 

eould  not  be  kept  to  o  greot  ege,  oe  the  flner  vintagee,  sueh 
oe  the  Felerninn»  eould. 

8.  ThollOTOho]  An  invented  name.  Orelli  eoyo  OaXlapxee  ■ 
rvpwociapxot,  for  which  oee  1. 4.  18.  But  PMiss,  who  romorke 
that  snon  lnvented  nomee  ohonld  oiwoye  be  in  honnonr  with 
thoir  eetting,  ie  eleerly  right  in  exploining  it  as»'one  in  the 
freoh  bloom  of  yonth.'  Horaoe  throughont  epeoko  in  o  didootio 
tono  oe  on  older  to  o  younger  znen. 

dloto]  A  jor  with  two  eore  (ftit  odt),  therefore  Tnooning  tho 
oome  oe  amphora  [au+l  +4p**)t  o  jer  with  two  handlos. 

9.  simul] =«imuiac.    'Ae  eoon  oe  they  hove  loid  to  reot 
the  winde  now  fighting  to  the  deoth  on  the  boiling  ooeen.'  Cf. 
Don.  7.  8,  'the  four  winds  of  hooTen  stroTO  upon  the  greot  eea.' 

18.  qnld  elt  rotnmm  eroo...]  Cf.  1.  11.  8.  Both  linee 
ore  o  oonciee  epitome  of  one  portion  of  tho  Epioureen  phi- 
loeophy,  of  which  Horoce  woe  at  ony  rote  o  proiesoed  dieoiple. 

14.  qnem  Fori...]  'Whetever  eort  of  doy  ohonoe  eholl 
giTe,  odd  to  the  profit  eooount.'  luero  appone^put  down  to 
tho  oide  of  goin,  add  oe  on  item  on  the  credit  side. 

16.  pner]  while  young,  in  youth. 

neqne  tu]  By  a  frequent  Latin  idiom,  when  a  pereon  ie 
deeeribed  oe  being  told  to  do  two  things,  the  pronoun  ie 
ineertedin  the  eeoond  oaee  witha  view  of  enforoingtnepereonol 
emphoeis  of  the  command.  Epist  1.  2.  68,  hunc  frenie  hune 
tu  eompeaee  eatenu.  Hore  in  oonneetion  with  puer  the  pro- 
noun  enforoes  the  oommand  by  recalling  attention  to  the 
fitnees  with  which  it  is  addresaed  to  ThaJiarohns — *you  are 
yonng:  of  course  you  muet  donoe.' 

17.  Tlrenti]  Touth  is  always  spoken  of  os  green.  The 
metophor  is  of  oourse  from  spring-time  (ver=quod  vtret). 

158  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ix 

1-.  nioroi»] .-- '  unibbed.'  moroiiu  is  uiiu  who  ooaiulti  oolj 
bil  owa  disposilion  (moret) :  ite  opposito  ii  moriftr,  OM  whi 
oooiatts  lh»t  of  othen. 

minc  ..auno  (1,  31):  mirlc  the  cmphatio  poijtian  of  tbee* 
two  words:  'now'  =  'ia  th-j  d«yi  of  thy  yoath '  uid  of.  Ecotad- 
Mte«  12.  l. 

•iiu]  Lit.  >  oor,  tbeu  »  browl  open  ipaoo  in  » 

20.     oompoalM  hor»]  '«t  thetry»ting-b.oui.' 

'-'!-  nuno  •*...]  'Now  too  the  pleasent  )»ugh  from  m 
iomoM  ooroer,  which  betreyi  ths  loiking  m&iden,  end  the 
token  en&tched  from  her  um  or  tinger  th»t  miiohieTouily 

24.  male  perUned]  Orolli  e»js  'not  retieting,'  bat  thii 
uu  of  mali  Momi  aonnued  to  adjectivei  whioh  b»ye  ■  diatinotly 
good  eense,  e.  g.  maU  Jidiu  =  fkithless,  mali  gralui  =  ungrateful, 
laeh  phrMfl*  being  ineiancei  of  oiymoron.  I  therefore  muah 
prefer  the  n»tur»l  »nd  mucb  more  pointed  readering  ■  mi»- 
chif-voiulT  re»i»ting, '  i.e.  reaiiting  to  pkgue  or  teue  the  lover. 
See  too  1.  17.  35  n.  »nd  8«.  1.  *.  G6  rauct  malr  'confoundedly 

ODE  X. 

An  ode  to  Merourj,  dotiiling  hia  Tarioua  Bttribntea,  of 
which  N»uok  yites  the  Qreek  list,  \Jytot,  eVywrwi,  tidetopti, 
/44tff4dj,  nXiwnjt,  iptavn&t,  XfvabppStWHt  ^«its^tAi. 

1.  noande]  L  *.  m  being  th*  god  of  ipoeoh.  Cf.  Gk.  <•*.*- 
hbw,  <to  mterpret.'  Aeto  14.  13, 'And  tbej  e*Jl*d  Btinnbu, 
Jupiter;  and  Paul,  Iferoariru.  beoeaee  he  m  tbe  ohief 
ipeaker.'  At  inoh  he  le  »lio  the  peiron  of  poete,  wtrt  Mtr- 
eatialtt,  8.  17.  39,  uid  their  proteotor,  >■  7. 1B. 

3.  tew  oulttu  homlnum  reoentum}  'the  brati  manneri 
of  newlj-ereated  men.'  Notic*  thet  wm  b*an  «notly  tne 
oppoeite  meaning  to  that  we  ueoftltj  Maign  to  'reoent' 

8,  A.    Tooe  «t  mor*]  'bj  th*  gllt  of  1 

NOTES.  159 

7,  8L  ffin*«m  condere]  •  ikilled  in  hiding/  epexegetio  inf., 
and  ef.  8.  1L  4,  retonarc  calUda.  Condo^oum  and  do  (the 
eame  root  m  WAyu),  to  put  together,  etore  np,  hide.  Qf.«6-do, 
de-do,  eireum-dot  wum-do,  oYo. 

9«  te...]  •  At  you,  onee  npon  a  time,  while  in  the  *ery  aet 
of  terrirying  you,  young  eoamp  that  you  were,  with  threatening 

worde,  unleee  you  ehonld  have  reetored ,  at  you  Apollo 

wae  fein  to  laugh,  rohbed  of  hie  quiyer  (in  the  wy  midst  ox  hie 

nlal  reddidlseee]  eontain  the  vory  threat  of  ApoUo  in 
partialiy  oblique  narration.  ApoUo'e  worde  wonld  be  niH 

11.  dnsi  texret]»whOe  he  «mm  trying  to  frighten  yon. 
Dum  takee  the  present  ind.  even  with  referenoe  to  past  aotione; 
of.  1.  92.  9,  dum  canto,  1.  84.  2,  dum  erro,  8.  7.  18,  dum  fugit, 
8.  IX  98,  dum  mulces. 

18.  quin  et...]  He  ie  the  gnide  of  good  men  on  earth 
and  good  eoule  below.  Cf.  the  Gk.  epithete  w6fiwtfiot  and 
tvxowofiwbt  ae  applied  to  him.  For  quin  et = *  nay  even,'  of.  8. 

14.  Prlamne]  'When  he  went  to  beg  the  body  of  Heotor 
froxn  Aohillee,  II.  94.  884.  The  dives  ie  not  unmeaning,  but 
enggeete  the  Tainahle  preeente  he  took  with  him. 

17.  reponie]    Cf.  laet  Ode,  1.  6,  «duly  pladng.' 

18.  Tlrga]  The  nfpfrciar,  or  caduccut,  eo  well  known  in 
ali  repreeentatione  of  the  god. 

ooareee]  *keep  together'  (cum-arceo).  The  ghoete  (Uvit 
turba)  were  prone  to  wandering. 


'Do  not,  Leuconoe,  oonsult  the  aetrologeri.  It  ie  better  to 
enjoy  the  preeent  and  allow  the  future  to  take  oare  of  iteelt' 

1.  ne  quaederie]  The  uee  of  the  perfeot  enbj.  ie  some- 
what  more  polite  and  lese  imperative  than  that  of  the  preeent. 

9,  8.  Babylonioe  tentarie  nnmeroe]  'Make  trial  of  Baby- 
lonian  aetrology.'  Amid  the  decay  of  real  belief,  superetition 
was  at  this  period  rife  at  Roine,  and  espeeially  a  beuef  in  the 

160  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ri. 

reading  of  the  «tare  (of.  3.  17.  17—34).  The  atndj  of  aitro- 
nomy,  and  ite  falee  aUter  astrology,  wu  eapeoiallj  praotised 
bjthe  ChaldaeanB:  of.  B.  Hatt.  3.  1,  'Tbere  eame  wUe  men 
from  the  east,  4o.'  Jfumfri  nru  tbe  eakulatiouo  entered  into  in 
oaating  horoscopea  and  the  like:  henee  the  name  malhtTnatici. 
They  were  conlinualiy  banUhed  from  Bome,  but  iu  vain  fj/eniM 
hominum  ....  ;uod  et  vetabitur  itmper  tl  relintbituT,  Tao.  H, 
1.  33),  t.  Dict.  Ant.  s.t.  Attrologia. 

6.  opposltl»  detillltat  pnmlelbui  mere]  'makes  the  iee> 
■pead  ite  ■treugth  on  the  eonfronting  rocks.'  The  roaki  are 
eatled  pumicet  beoaoee  Ihey  were  eeten  into  bole»  like  thoee  ia 

6.  uplu,  &£.]  'Be  wise,  strain  wine,  and,  tbe  courae  of 
life  being  short,  cut  down  distnnt  eipeotations.'  Wine  iu 
Btrained  throngb  linen  or  enow.  ipatium  donbtleBS  refers  to 
tbe  old  metaphor  of  life  being  s  aort  of  raoe-oourse.  rutco 
U  to  ont  baok,  pruna,  reduoe  to  reasonable  lirnita. 

7.  ragerU]  Tbe  fot.  perfect,  to  eiprem  Buddenoes»  of 
eompletion.     Not  'it  will  be  going,'  but  'it  will  be  gone.' 

lnvtda]  'grudging.'  Cf.  for  the  whole  Itne  tha  imiution  of 
it  in  PersiUB,  Sat.  6.  153: 

irivt  memor  letil  fagit  kora,  hoc,  quod  loquor,  inde  «t. 

of.  1. 11  int.  and  Epiat.  1.  * .     . 

omnen  crede  diem  tibi  diluxi*i/  luprnnum: 
'And  li»e  eaeh  daj  aa  if  thj  laet.' 

ODE  xn. 
Inipired  hj  sonie  great  national  erent,  perhaps  the  defeat 
of  tha  rebeUioua  Sei.  Pompefnj  b.c.  36,  the  poefi  feelings  flnd 
Tfuitin  »ong:— 'Wbom  doat  thon  ohooae  to  tell  of,  Olio,  in 
«traiu»  tliat  like  thosa  of  Orpbena  shaU  h»e  power  even  orer 
ituliborn  netureT  What  man  or  hero  or  godr  Snrelj  of  Him 
flret,  who  U  the  Blre  of  gods  and  men  the  great  Lord  of  the 
Univerae,  eren  Jnpiter  high  above  all  bsjond  all  oomparUon. 
Then  of  thoee — goda  oi  heroea  or  men— who  aahia  raeaaU  h»re 
wrought  hia  will  in  tbn  world-old  oonteat  of  oider  ifiinit 

NOTES.  1C1 

anarohy,  gods  by  aiding  him  against  the  rebellions  Titant 
(et  the  lisU  of  gods  here  and  in  8.  4)  or  rabdning  the  raging 
ol  the  sea,  men  by  performing  eaoh  his  appointed  task,  in  the 
fonnding  and  oonflrming  of  that  whiohli  the  oonntorpart  of  hia 
heavenly  empire— the  Boman  state.  And  of  theee  the  greateet 
and  the  laat  is  Oaetar,  the  greateat  0  Jupiter  bnt  still  thy 
tassaL  Yea,  thongh  he  eonqner  Parthia  or  furthest  India  and 
extend  his  sway  otot  the  wide  world,  yet  he  is  thy  snbjeot,  for 
tktm  eren  thou  art  Lord  of  heaTen  and  earth  (of.  U  L  57,  tu 
L  68,  tu  l  59).' 

The  above  snmmary  is  digested  from  a  long  dissertation  of 
orer  50  pages  by  H.  T.  Plttss  on  this  Ode:  he  prores,  I  think, 
eonolnsitely  that  this  is  not  a  mere  eonrtly  Ode  in  whioh 
Angnstns  on  earth  is  oompared  with  Jnpiter  in  heaTen,  bnt 
something  mneh  higher  and  nobler. 

1«    qnem  Tlrom...]    Imitated  from  Pindar,  OL  9. 1, 

rha  0te*,  rir  ^piaa^  rlva  o*  oVftpa  KtXaSfaoptr; 

2.  anmli  oelebrare]  Yerbe  of  wishing  or  reeolTing  natn- 
rally  take  an  infinitlfe.  A  alight  and  poetio  extension  of  this 
tiberty  silows  tumtre  (in  the  sense  of  «to  ohooee')  to  do  the 
saxne.    8ee  1. 15.  97  n.  and  cf.  Bpist  1.  8.  7,  tcribor*  tumit. 

8,  4.  looosa  imaffo]  'laughter-loving,'  or  'snortive  eoho.' 
Cf.  Vatieani  montit  imago,  1.  90.  7.  Eoho  is  a  phantom  Toice 
(imago  voeit). 

7.  nnde  Tocalem...]  «Whenoe  the  woods  in  random  haste 
followed  the  mnsio  of  Orpheue.'  The  finai  syllable  of  Umtre  ie 
aiways  elided. 

9.  materna]  Le.  of  Calliope.  KoXXtfany,  the  Mnse  'of  the 
beantifnl  voioe.' 

11.    hlandnm  et...]  'Persuasive  too  to  draw  after  him 
with  his  tuneful  ttrings  the  littening  oaks.'   ducert:  epexegetie 
inl    For  Orphens  of.  Shakespeare,  Henry  8,  Aot  8,  8o.  1, 
'Orpheua  with  hit  lnte  made  treet, 
And  the  monntain  tops  that  freese, 
Bow  themtelvet  when  he  did  ting ; 

162  HORACE,  ODES  I.  iii 

To  hii  mBaio  planU  iui J  Soweri 
Ever  «prung ;   m  suq  ud  •howerl 
Thcre  hid  made  ■  lasting  spring.' 

■nrtta»]  Lit.  'long-eared.'  Here,  I  think.  in  the  nnn 
of  'with  eara  prioked  np.'  Tho  oiki  are  repreeented  u  with 
everj  leaf  priaked  np  to  onttih  each  note.  Most  oommenUtora 
thiuk  the  word  unnorthy  of  cuinment:  it  seeini  to  me  dimcalt. 

13.    MlltU]    Two  ineUncei  will  laffioe.    Virg.  Ecl  3.  60, 

A   Jvrt  jrrineipitim,  and  Aratus,  J»  flioi  d^x^'1^" 

rob  yip  tal  ybot  itrirfr  {HBOXei  by  Sl  Paul,  AoU  17.  28). 

U.  homlnnm  u  deoram)  Cf.  Virg.  Aen.  1.  330,  0  gui 
r«  Aominuingiie  dcumoue  |  actemu  rrau  impmi». 

It  ii  to  be  noticed  that  Jopiter  is  rortly  spoken  of  *>■  on  ■ 
letel  with  the  othergodi:  here  the  differenea  u  so  great  &a  to 
be  almoat  one  of  kind,  not  mcrely  of  degree.  In  line  50  even 
Jupiter  is  made  in  tnrn  partly  subordinate  to  the  Fttes. 

1S.  Tirllique...]  '  And  regnletea  the  he»*en  with  cbanging 
FcasLiiia';  mare,  Urrat.  «lundiu  'icu,  earth,  and  nky"  togetber 
makd  uji  the  noiverie;  for  thii  scnno  of  smiuiiu  cf.  Virg.  Ecl. 
6.  84;  MunroLncr.  1.  73  n. 

17.  unde]  =  o  quo,  from  whom.  So  3.  17.  3,  hint  =  ■  from 
him,'  and  Virg.  Aen.  1.  6,  g/nui  unde  LutiHum  —  from  whom 
tl  le  Latm  racs. 

18,  19.  ■aonndom — proxlmos]  The  poinl  depends  on  the 
differenoe  between  theae  two  worde.  Sccundut  (from  tequer)  ii 
used  of  that  wbich  follotoe,  and  implie*  that  there  is,  if  not  ■ 
conneclion,  at  anj-  rate  no  strongly  marked  gap  between  two 
things;  proximui,  on  tbe  otber  band,  merelj  mekns  'next,'  and 
would  be  compatible  with  the  exintenoe  of  the  widest  possible 
gap  between  two  thinga.  So  Virg.,  Aen.  5.  820,  of  ■  r&oe,  aaya 
□f  'a  bad  aeoond,'  Proiimui  hnic,  longa  ttd  proiimut  inttr- 
vallo.  lu  Macanlay's  famoun  inBtance  of  'Eclipse  nnt  and 
the  reat  nowhere,'  the  aeeond  horse  would  be  proxirmi4,  bnt 
not  iteundui. 

91.  proeim  audax]  Bome  pnt  a  foll  itop  after  this  artd 
m»ke  it  go  witb  Pailai,  bot  th»  run  of  tho  tmm  iinmi  againat 
tbii.  For  Baochnj,  u  a  oonrageoui  dirinitj,  aee  S.  19.  28:  he 
u  not  only  the  god  of  wino,  bnt  the  god  of  immortal  yonth  and 

33.    Vlrjo]    Tbe  buntrci»  Dian*. 

NOTES.  163 

26.  huno  equls...]  Hom.  H.  8.  287,  Kdrropd  0'  iTvdbapu» 
gtd  wv*  dya$6*  Uakvdwf*.  Hor.  Bet.  2.  1.  96,  Cattor  gaudst 
squis,  ovo  prognatui  todimpugnit. 

27.  quorom...]    Cf .  1.  8.  2  n. 

29.  defluit  Mudi  agltatus  umar]  The  wind  hM  driren 
the  spray  and  targe  high  on  to  the  rooks:  now  it  drips  from 
them  sgain. 

81.  tt  mlnax...]  'And  the  threatening  weTe,  beoauee 
fneh if  their  pleMnre,  sinks  haok  on  the  boeom  of  the  deep.' 

88.  qnletnm]  'peaeefal.'  Nume  Pompiline  wm  the  legen- 
dary  author  of  moet  ciTil  and  religious,  m  Bomnlns  wm  of 
moet  warlike  obeerrences. 

84,  86.  supertoos  Tarquinl  fUoee]  *The  prood  eway  of 
Tarqnin'«*the  sway  of  Tarquin  the  Prondi  a  good  instenoo  of 
hrpallage;  of.  8.  1.  42  n.  Horace  doee  not  wiah  to  mention 
Tarquinius  Superbue  m  a  hero;  he  mentions  him  indeed,  bnt 
he  ii  thinking  of  the  glorious  deeds  oonneoted  with  hie  ex- 
pulsion.  Tben  the  thonght  of  the  great  author  of  Boman 
freedom,  Brutus,  enggeete  the  name  of  him  who  refused  to 
eurriTt  the  loee  of  that  freedom,  Oato. 

86.  86.  Oatonii  nobUe  letnm]  The  fuidde  of  Oato  at 
Utioa,  after  the  battle  of  Thapene  (b.o.  46),  ii  oontinually 
referred  to  with  indiaoriminate  praiee  by  the  poeta  and  philo- 
eophere  of  the  euoceeding  oentury.  For  the  frequency  of 
■uicide  under  the  empire,  eee  MeriTale,  Hist.  e.  64.  'Oato'e 
glorioue  death'  eerred  m  a  ready  exouee  for  nnmerons  eowards, 
who  found  or  faneied  themselTes  nnable  to  'bear  the  slings  and 
arrows  of  outrageons  fortune.' 

87.  Soanroe]  The  referenoe  is  to  M.  Aemilins  Seaurus, 
eonenl  b.c.  115  and  107,  and  oensor  b.0.  109.  His  oharaoter 
wm  none  of  the  best  (see  Mommsen  bk  4.  o.  4)  and  he  aeoepted 
bribes  from  Jugurtha  in  b.c.  111,  bnt  there  is  no  need  to  disouss 
whether  he  deeerred  the  praise  bestowed  on  him :  hie  name  is 
merely  nsed  m  a  typical  one  for  4a  flne  old  Boman.' 

88.  Paullum]  Consnl  with  0.  Terentins  Yarro;  at  the 
fatal  battle  of  Oannae  (b.c.  216)  he  refused  to  fly. 

89.  inslgnl  Oamena]  '  the  mnse  that  «ives  renown.'  Notice 
that  in  praise  of  theee  national  heroes,  ne  reoeires  the  aid  of 
tfce  national  Camenae,  not  of  the  foreign  and  imported  MoOfai. 

164  HORACE,  ODES  I.  xii. 

Naeviai,  who  iu  proud  of  tho  senuine  nation&l  obaracter  of 
hi«  poetry,  in  writing  hia  own  epiuph,  uyi, 

mortalei  inrnortalei  Jlert  11  /or*l  /oj 
Jtcrent  divae  Camenae  Naevium  pottatn. 

It  is  ■  ramukiblt  defect  in  Roman  poetry  that  it  ii  to  no 
gre»t  an  extent  nc  imiution  of  Gveek  models  »nd  not  tha 
reaolt  of  nstive  inspir&tion, 

41.  lncornptli  MplUU)  Bsrbers  wers  introduoed  at  Bome 
b.o.  SOO.  Tbe  eldei  Ctto  m  ealled  intoww,  2.  1B.  11.  Theas 
bpnrded  sncients  srs  *  type  of  manly  Tigonr. 

43.  Iim  pknpertu  et...]  'Stern  poverty  »ud  a  farm 
handed  down  frora  fntber  to  son,  witli  e  modeit  homestead.' 

The  wordi  avitui  apto  cum  lart  ftmdui  give  »  tbtj  fair 
definition  of  the  oondition  whiob  the  Itomnns eoald  oall  pauper- 
tat,  It  )■  here  tliot  of  a  stnsll  veoman  or  ■■tatesrnan,'  se  thej 
■re  termed  iti  tbe  north  of  Englknd.    See  3.  Ifi.  87  d. 

15.  cresdt  .]  A  fnultlc-is  line.  Tbe  oomparison  expresaes 
tbe  sure,  eilent  snd  itMdj  growth  of  the  fame  of  the  name 
Marcellua.  cceullo  aevo — 'by  the  silont  lapse  of  time.'  aeiiirH 
=  aifw,  frora  rooti,  indirntinij '  togo'  =  that  which  peeses  away. 

46.  MarcelU]  Thii  family  traoed  iu  origin  to  thkt  Mar- 
oellm  who  won  ths  nolia  opima  tot  tlie  3rd  and  lint  time  n.c. 
222,  and  oonqaered  Sjraeaie  >.o.  313.  For  tbe  hiitorj  of  the 
young  Mkrcellas  We  Dict.  He  mnrcied  Juliii,  the  daughter  of 
Auguetus,  a.c.  25.  YirgiTi  furaoiis  lines,  Aen.  8.  S60— 880, 
muat  be  eompared. 

47.  lallam  ilduj]  '  the  It&r  of  the  Julian  line.' 

Tbe  word  '  itar '  u  naed  generaliy  in  tbe  aense  of  '  fortune ' 
in  referenee  to  tbe  artrologioal  idea  of  a  rnling  star,  and 
speciallj  witb  reference  to  ths  comet  (Ju/mm  ritftu)  which 
appe&red  aboat  the  period  of  Caeiar'e  deatb,  and  indicated 
lus  rooepuon  into  hMTsn. 

51.    Oaaaarls]  L  e.  Auguitui. 

M...1  'Beign  thon,  and  may  Caesar  bs  ssoond  to  tbea.' 
Reanee  u  not  so  mnob  a  prayer  aa  an  eaoription  of  praias. 
The  qm  of  renuuuw  here  siter  what  baa  bsen  tsid  in  1L  1&  19 
i»  dimcnlt  Psrbapt  Horaoe  uieani  to  uy :  "  tbsrs  ia  indeod 
nonewho  U  'sooond'  to  thee,  hnt,  if  to  aoj  bdng  that  spitbrt 
can  bs  applied,  m»y  tt  bs  to  Cassar." 

itreet  ■  of  Bome. 

64.    sgerlt...]  rafsrririg  to  tbe  w«ll-samed  i 
n  wbjoh  tbe  mdUtm  wonld  be  led  throngh  the 

NOTE&  165 

55.  suueotos...]  4The  Seres  and  Indi  who  dweU  elose 
beside  the  ooMts  of  tho  riting  sun.'  thMoctme  here  taema 
merelj  to  indieate  elose  proximitj.  The  Beres  lie  oloee  np 
to  the  extremeet  east,  whioh  ii  just  abore  or  bejond  them. 

57.  te  minor...]  Le.  to  long  m  ho  aoknowledgee  thee  m 
■npreme.  Gf.  8.  6.  5,  Dis  U  mUaorem  quod  gerie  imperae,  and 
8. 1.  6  n. 

59.  parum  oastlslsunholj.  htci:  for  the  use  of  •gro?es' 
for  idolatrous  worship  and  rites,  of.  the  whole  hietory  of 
tbe  ehildren  of  IsraeL  Spote  etrnek  bj  lightning  were  held 
to  be  aoourted. 

ODB  m 

•  Jealousj  and  rage  oonsnme  me,  Lydia,  when  I  hear  you 
oontinnallj  dwelling  on  the  eharms  of  Telephus,  and  see  on 
shonlder  or  Up  the  trsoe  of  jonr  fleree  quarrels  and  frensied 
reoonoQiations.  Beliere  me9  sneh  passionate  Ioto  does  not 
lMt.    Happj  thej  whom  a  peaosfnl  affeotion  nnites  tiU  death.' 

1,  2.  Telephl...Telephi]  Lydia  dwells  with  fond  iteration 
on  the  beioved  naxne.    Cf.  2. 14.  1  n. 

2.  roseam]  •rosj'  (Wiokham's  'lustrous'  is  wrong),  so  of 
Venus,  Aen.  1.  402,  roeea  cerviee  refuUit. 

oerea]  smooth  and  white  m  wax. 

8.  Taemeum]  *Alai,mjhe*rt  boilsand  swellfwithengrj 

4.  leeurl  the  seat  of  the  affeotions  and  pessions.  diJJlcM 
shard  to  deal  with,  irritahle,  saTage.  biU,  ©f.  Ok.  *oX* 
and  x^Xot,  b°th  meaning  bile  and  anger,  and  the  word  **- 

6.  manet]  QoOreiM^B  ithedi^on^eumantiquUHmoeodice 
Bemenei.*  The  reading  manent  is  an  ignorant  oorreotion  metri 
yrotid,  see  1. 8.  86  n.:  the  plural  after  two  disjunotiYe  partiolee 
eannot  stand. 

7.  furtim]  He  tries  to  conoeal  it,  but  in  ▼ain :  ef.  roro, 
4. 1.  84  n. 

8.  mloerer]  The  a  is  long,  but  m&cer:  so  «ojpio,  tfoor, 
fldo,  fldee,  but  on  the  oontrarj  rigie,  rigo.  ^Bj  what  slow- 
oonsuming  fires  I  am  inwardlj  wasting  awaj.' 

9.  uror]  Beingput  prominentlj  forward,  tbis  wordsexTes 
\fi  oonneot  this  and  the  U»t  sentenoe,   whjch  ended  wjth 

166  HOBACE,  ODES  I.  xiii. 

imibut.  '  Yea,  I  bmu  whetber  quarreU  lenderod  immoderate 
thxoBgh  wine  h»T«  ecarred  thoee  enowy  ehoulderm,  or  jour 
freniiedloTerhaalaftaDiemento  with  hie  tooth  upon  your  fipe.' 

13.  non...]  iwni»  iiot  put  for  ne.  •Yoa  would  not,  it  jou 
were  to  luten  enough  to  ine,  hope  tfcat  he  wili  be  joun 
for  ever...'  Ct.  PerB.  Sat.  1.  C,  non,  ri  gvid  turbida  Roma 
tltrtt,  acctdai,  where  Prof.  Couington  eay»  m*n  =  ne,  but  the 
niie  tflke  u  cortected  in  an  exoellent  additioual  note  »t  the  end. 

11.  duldk  barbare]  Note  the  antithetioal  juiUpomilion. 
Tht-ir  iweetneu  aiakee  the  barbarity  groeeer.    C(.  2.  i  6  n. 

16.  qnint»  parte  iuI  necurta]  Some  aay  quinta  ia  merelj 
used  Taguelj  far  »  "oonaider»ble'  part.  Othere,  wtth  more 
reason,  Uiat  Horaoe  U  referriug  to  tbe  Pjthagorean  diriiion 
of  all  thinga  iuto  four  elementa,  earth,  air,  fire  anii  water, 
and  a  certain  'tiflh  erUtenoe'  (guinla  titentia,  «tjimj  ovo-ia, 
quiiitenBenco),  of  »  higiiei  natuio  which  informed  and  aniuiated 
tbe  reet,  and  that  tberefore  bere  Horaoe  meana  'the  beat 
part  of  ber  own  eweetneas.' 

17.  ter  et  unpllui]  A  eligbt  variation  from  the  ordtanry 
phraae  ttrque  quaterqut. 

20.  iuprem»  cltlu»  dle]  'aooner  th»n  tbe  d*y  of  death' 
ia  put  bj  ■  uatural  ioaccuraoy  for  'aooner  tlian  on  tbo  d»j  of 


'Takiheod,  Oahip,  lest  jou  drift  out  to  tae,  agsin,  Obaerre 
how  ehattend  yoo  alreadj  ara  bj  atonna,  a&d  baaten  — gerij 
into  harbour  and  ataj  there.' 

The  ship  ia  the  SUte,  whioh  la  ipoken  of  aa  ilnttwiul 
bj  the  Itorxni  of  civil  war,  and  in  danger  of  flllfttPB  baok 
into  the  aame  dangeroue  waterm.  Aa  to  date,  tha  Oda  woold 
refer  to  an j  of  the  earlj  jear»  of  tbe  aole  rale  of  Aognatna,  and 
it  ia  mere  gueaework  aaaigning  to  it  ■  apeoial  end  defluite 
time  of  oompoei  tion. 

Quhitilinn,  8.  fl*  44,  refara  to  tjbJM  Ode  ea  »n  inltlnfta  of 
' JMyyepia  quat  aliud  oerbit  aliud  inuu  otttiuiU...muttm 
Horatiut  pro  Tt  pubUca,  Jtuclmm  tempatatet  pn  btllit  etrt- 
tibui,   portum   pro   gac*    ti    concordia  dicit.    It  ia  obrioui 

NOTES.  1G7 

however  that  the  ailegory  must  not  be  preued  too  cloaely  iu 
all  ito  detaile,  or  a  definite  eJlnsion  looked for  in  suchwords 
as  PontUa  and  Cycladas. 

For  the  oomparUon  of  the  Stote  to  a  ship,and  of  itoteimen 
to  piloto,  ef.  Aeeoh.  8.  &  Theb.  1,  and  innumerable  peesages 
of  Oicero  to  be  fonnd  in  Dict.  nnder  the  word  guberno. 

2,8.  fortiter  occupa  portum]  «By  aBtrongeflort  haiten 
to  reaeh  harbour  (before  it  ifl  too  late).'  For  oceupo  et  Gk. 
oae  of  *%**>«»  with  a  pertioiple,  and  2.  12.  28,  inUrdum 
raper*  occupat-i*  the  firtt  to  enateh. 

8.  nonne  vides...]  ' Mark  yoa  not  how  the  side  ii  etripped 
of  oars,  and  the  mast  damaged  by  the  ewift  Afrio  wind,  and 
how  the  yard-arme  groan...? '  It  ie  better  to  onderetond  tU 
after  nudum,  thtfn  with  Orelli  to  make  latus,  wuUus  and 
antennae  all  nominatives  to  gemanL  For  the  zeugma  in  vides 
ut...gemant  of.  8. 10.  5  n. 

6.  mn%*iuuL*antewMam&wretrephw.  Itisfromwordssoch 
ae  thie  that  we  infer  that  the  pres.  part  paesive  in  uerot  wae 
oommon  oririnally  to  both  Latin  end  Greek.  01  Vertuwmus, 
aUmnus,  and  8. 18.  4  n. 

fttnibm]  Of.  Aeto  27.  17,  BowOelait  Jxp&rro  vwo^mrvrrtt 
re  wXdcbr,  *  undergirding  the  ehip.'  Bopee  were  paeeed  round 
the  hull  and  tightly  eeoured  on  deok,  to  prevent  the  timbere 
frozn  etarting  eepeoially  amidahipe  where  in  anoient  veesele  with 
one  large  maat  the  itrain  wat  very  great.  The  tochntoeJ 
English  word  ie  'frapping,'  but  the  prooeai  ie  now  antigueted. 

7.  carlnae]  The  plural  ia  rare:  it  mav  be  that  the  poet  ia 
thinking  of  the  two  aides  of  the  keel  whioh  the  ropee  would 
hold  together.  Some  M3S.  eeem  to  read  cavernae,  whioh 
ie  eeid  to  be  4the  ribe.'    Of.  Virg.  Aen.  2. 19. 

8.  Imperloelna]  'too  tyrannous.'  The  very  ehape  and  eise 
of  the  word  is  expreseive. 

10.  di...]  Of.  Ov.  Her.  16.  112,  aeeipit  et  pietoe  puppis 
adunea  deoe.  Bepreeentotione  (etotuee  or  piotureef)  of  the  gods 
were  plaoed  in  the  stern,  for  the  aailore  to  invoke  in  eeaiona  of 
danger  or  difficulty. 

11.  Ponttea  pinue]  The  foresto  of  Pontue  afforded  ample 
material  for  thip-building.  The  euggeetion  that  there  is  a 
referenoe  to  Seztus  Pompeius  the  eon  of  the  oonqueror  of 
Mithradates  of  Pontut,  it  far-fetched  and  incredible. 

168  HORACE,  ODES  I.  liv. 

13.  nomen  lnntile)  The  repO.te.tion  of  Pontis  timber  wonld 
be  of  no  aTtil  lo  tbe  ahip  in  itorm ;  eo,  tbe  lepntation  derired 
from  earlj  hietorj  woold  be  of  no  to  Boma  amid  tha 
billowi  of  oinl  itrife. 

1G.  tu  ..]  'Do  thon  t&ke  bc*d,  nnlei*  tlion  art  deetined 
to  be  the  eport  of  tbe  windi.'  For  debtrt  hidibriim  ■to  owe  a 
laogbing-stock,'  ef.  Gk.  -yA_T«  6,p\io*dntr. 

17.  nuper...]  t.e.  during  the  aotoal  occurrenee  of  tbe  oivil 

18.  nnnc.)  now  that  they  ara  over  uid  threaten  to  i»riT«, 
.(<'(iJmum  =  'obJL'ct  of  mj  jearmnK' or  '  affeetion,' of.  Cio.  Fam. 
14,  2.  2,  mia  liu,  mtum  detiuVnun. 

19.  nttenta»]    Cf.   3.   28.   14,   fulgeniei   Cyeladat.      The 
cpithat  eliudei  to  the  effeot  produced  bj  tho 
on  tbeii  marble  rooki.     Cf.  ByTon : 

'  The  iilea  of  Greeoe,  the  inles  of  Greece  I 

Etorual  Bomraer  gildis  tbeia  jet, 
Bnt  all,  except  their  eun,  is  eet.' 
30.     Cyclidu]    Ftom  midn»,  because  tbey  were  ir 
roosd  wu_ 

A  mythioal  Ode,  in  whioh  Nereti»  ie  ttmewnted  u  p™- 
dioting  the  fill  of  Troj  to  Perii  -hen  oanring  off  Helu. 

1.  peitor] 'the  ihephord,' i.e.  Pari_  Baa  O uua.  Dict.  fbr 
hia  eipoinre  on  Mt  Ida,  and  baing  brought  np  by  *  ihepbard. 

3.  parftdna  hoipttam]  AiititheticaJ  jnxtapoai—on,  aaa  3, 
_  6  n. :  the  faot  that  ihe  wu  hii  hoeteai  made  tha  perfldj 
«pociaUj  perfidiou*.  Bo  too  S.  S.  36,  bu  U  o— Ud  fimmmTmfm, 
— nd  af.  Aeaoh.  Ag.  401,  iaxvrt  {<*&»  rpbntw  ekenlri  ywuucit. 

MOTSa  169 

tngrato  ref  ere  to  the  indignation  of  the  winda  and  aleo  hintt 
«I  the  Texation  oeueed  to  Paria  by  the  delay :  for  He  reference 

to  the  winde  ot  Virg.  Aen.  L  «,  IUi  indignantet of  the 

imprieoned  winde. 

4.  caneret]  Oontinually  need  of  prophetio  utteranoe,  eee 
Dict.  It  indioetee  etately,  meeenred  epeeking.  Of.  nee  of 
carmina,  1.  2.  38,  end  Oer.  Baeo.  86,  ceeinUu.  We  mnet  re- 
member  too  thet  oreolee  were  oenaUy  delirered  in  hexemeter 

5*    Veroue]    Of.  Heeiod,  Theog.  988; 

Vnp4a  r*  ctywMa  cai  aXefta  yehtare  Ilorrot. 

mala  »t1]    «EtU  ere  the  omene  with  whioh  thon  oon- 

dneteet  home  e  bride  whom '    For  a*i#  »an   omen   ef. 

augur,  autpex,  end  their  deriration,  end  the  Gk.  toefajter  **> 
o>ni>.  eleo  8.  8.  61,  aliU  lugubri,  4.  6.  84,  poHort  aUU. 

For  the  eril  forebodinge  exoneed  m  Troy  iteelf  by  the 
repe  of  Helen,  eee  en  inoomperable  paeeage  Aeeoh.  Ag.  406, 
begmning :  dyovca  d*  arrtytpnv  "Ddtf  QBopa* 

7.    oonlurata]  'Having  bonnd  themeelTee  by  an  oath  to...' 

9.  adeet]  The  prophetio  preeent:  the  bard  'rapt  into 
rature  time'  eeee  what  ie  deitined  to  take  plaoe  already  taking 

10.  quanta  moTee  ..]  'What  grierone  dieaaterB  thon  art 
aroneing  for  the  raoe  of  Dardanua. '  quanta  funera  oan  eoaroely 
be  the  eame  aa  quot  funtra—how  many  deethe.  Perhape  the 
phraee  ie  a  brief  expreeaion  for  'how  many  and  how  gneroua 

Derdanae]  Wiokham  hae  a  good  note,  that  'the  poete,  and 
eepeeially  Horaoe,  uee  the  namee  of  natione  and  tribee  ee 
edjeotiTee  inatead  of  the  fuller  derivative  forme  in  -iue  or  -ioue.' 
Of.  3.  9.  1,  Medum  flumen,  3.  18.  8,  venena  Colcha,  8.  7.  8, 
Thyna  merce,  4,  4.  88,  Metaurum  flumen,  4.  13.  18,  Sulpicii* 
horreie,  Virg.  Aen.  6.  877,  Romula  tellue. 

11.  aegii,  alylt  (from  ateev  to  flaah,  or  at£  a  goat).  For 
a  full  deeoription  of  it  eee  II.  5.  785,  <fec.  See  aleo  Diot.  Ant. 
a.  t.  for  repreeentatione  of  Athena  wearing  it. 

13.  ourrue  et  rablem]  Notioe  the  oombination  of  the 
abetraot  and  the  oonorete,  'preparee  her  ohariot  and  wrath.' 
Orelli  remarka  that  thie  ia  a  favourite  uaage  with  Taoitus, 

HORACE,  ODES  I.  iv. 

'Hia  tharioU  of  vrath  the  deep  thunder-olouda  form.' 

13.  ".^.ii^.nin]  ■Vsiijly  coufident  in  Venui'  guardian- 
ihip  ahalt  thoa  oomb  Ihy  love-loek»,  and  apportion  on  the 
unwarlike  Inte  the  aoruj»  ibat  ladies  lote.' 

Cf.  Eom.  H.  S.  M: 

ou«  St  tw  xpafcMB  «iS(«Mt  ri  rt  Sup  'A^ponfnn, 
if  Tf  v&mi  to  Tf  elooi,  oV  rfi*  tayi^jai  jjfycffrl- 

Venert»  pr»e»ldlo]  Becaube  he  had  awsrded  her  the 
Kotden  epple  in  the  famou»  judgmont  of  ParU.  Cf.  TeaDTeon'» 

11.  pacte»  caeeajlsm...]  Notioe  tbe  feminine  ioftnee»  md 
beanty  Horaee  haa  imparted  to  theae  two  linec.  In  »11  great 
poeU  the  language  used  U.  perhap»  uuconaciouslj.  rnodified 
■o  n»  almoat  in  ita  aound  to  correspond  to  the  feetinga  or  event» 
they  deecribe:  a  eomperiaon  belween  Hilton'»  rugged  power 
in  deecribing  Satsn  nnd  Hell,  miit  bia  melodioua  softneas  iu 
portrsying  Eve  and  Paradise.  well  illuatratea  thia. 

15.  ctrmln»  dlTlde»]  Oretli  eiplaina  thia,  •  divido  the  aong 
between  the  voioa  and  inatrament.'  But  when  we  think  of 
the  Latln  nee  of  modi,  numm,  and  tbe  Engtiab  '  rneamrti, ' 
there  wonld  aecm  little  doubt  that  the  phraee  meana  *to  eet 
eong»  to  n  meaaurc,  or,  to  mnaio,'  The  rendering,  "will  dmde 
Bonga  to  women,'  i.e.  aing  one  to  one  and  anotber  to  ftnothier 
Udy,  i»  aimple  but  intolerable. 

1S.  Uutfajno)  Cf.  H.  S.361.of  VenuaeavingParisfromtha 
figbt,  (niXu^r  i'  ap'  fiipt  To\X]j  I  iai  S"  tlr  Ir  flaXa^i  ntiiiti' 
tifJnm.    TransUte,  'in  your  bridal  ohamber.' 


19.  tamenheuaenii...}  'ForaU  that  (i.e,  though  gnardeil 
bj  Venue  and  thj  oowardioe),  though  Uto,  thoa  ibilt  in  the 
duat  deflle  those  idulteioni  look».' 

30.  crlnea]  Some  retd  rultiu .-  but '  adalterona  look» '  U  » 
foreible  and  bold  phrmee  for  deacribing  the  eorled  and  gloiay 
locki  of  the  adulterer  Paria,  aoon  to  ba  dUordered  and  dabblea. 
with  blood.     8o  *.  9.  18,  eomptot  adiMeri  criwj  (alao  of  Paria).  ' 

NOTES.  171 

21,  99.  exitium  gentt]  «Ulyaaet,  roin  to  thy  raee's  the 
datiTe  oilor  a  noun  \n  raro,  but  in  thia  oooo  tho  nonn  io  pnt, 
with  great  addition  to  tho  foroe,  for  tho  adjeotiTe  exitialis 
whioh  would  naturally  have  tho  datfre.  Lot  the  otndont  iniort 
here,  •ruin  of  thj  raoe,'  or  'ruinoua  to  thy  raoe,'  and  obaerre 
how  woak  they  aro  eomparod  with  Horaoe'a  phraee. 

99.  non...reaplclt?]  The  andden  qnestion  giTea  Tiyidnoat 
and  reality»4Look  ronndl  do  you  not  tee...?' 

94.  Toncer  te]  8o  OrolUva  4th  odition  with  atrong  H8S. 
authoritr.  The  ecornful  foroe  of  tho  reneated  U  ia  oloar — 'thoo 
...thee  the  oowardl1  Orelli'i  old  reading  Teucir  et  makoo  tho 
firtt  foot  a  troohee :  thio  ia  allowablo  in  thia  motro  in  Qxook  bnt 
in  Latin  is  only  fonnd  L  86  ignU  whore  Tachmann  oonaidoro 
that  it  io  a  proof  that  this  ia  one  of  Horace't  oarlioat  Odee. 

84,  35.  aolena  pngnao]  Homor'a  ft&xi*  «•  •***»•  For  tho 
gon.  after  adjootiTea  expreasing  knowlodgo,  of.  citharae  $ci$nt, 
8.  9. 10,  rudi»  agminum,  8. 9. 9,  repultae  nescia,  8. 9. 16,  imbrium 
divina%  8.  97. 10,  dociU»  modorum,  4.  6.  48. 

96.  Merlonen]   Chariotoer  of  Idomeneue. 

97.  noaooa]  'Thou  ahalt  learn  to  know,'  «Thou  ahalt  be- 
oome  aoquainted  with,'  in  a  threatoning  aenae.  Notice  dis- 
tinotion  betwoen  notco  and  novi. 

furit  roporlro]  'rages  (i.e.  fnriontly  longt)  to  diaooTer.'  For 
tho  Epexegetio  Inf.  aee  1.  8.  95  n.,  and  for  ita  nao  aftor  Terbn 
Kennody  Lat  Pr.  f  149.  It  oan  be  uted  aitor  all  Terba  which 
expreoa  ability,  doaire,  dariog,  fear,  ondoaTonr,  or  negloot,  and 
in  poetry,  aa  here,  aftor  Terba  whieh  oontain  any  of  theoe 
idea$.  Inatanoea  aro  9.  4.  98,  trcpidavit  claudere,  9.  19.  98, 
occupat  rapcre,  9.  18.  91,  urget  tummovere,  8.  7.  29,  fuge 
tuepicari,  4.  4.  69,  dolen$  vincit  1.  87.  80,  invidcne  deduci.  Soo 
Wiokham'a  Appondix. 

99.  qnem  tn...]  'From  whom  thon  ahalt  fly,  aa  tho  atag, 
forgetfnl  of  the  pasture,  fliet  from  the  wolf  he  haa  toen  on  tho 
oppoaito  aide  of  the  valley,  timid,  with  panting  hoad  nplifted.' 

81.  anhlimi]  Wickham  refort  to  the  Gk.  /urfopof,  and 
rwiOu*  $x$tp  arw,  and  tayt,  *tho  broath  it  stonped  midway, 
can't  get  down,  but  ttayt  at  tho  entranoe  of  tho  lungs.'  That 
tublimit  anhelitut  meant  breath  ttoppod  at  the  top  of  tho 
larrnx,  I  cannot  oonceive:  the  explanation  may  bo  acholarly 
and  teientifio,  bnt  it  is  ncither  poetio  nor  eentiblo.    Let  any 

P.  H.  13 


53.  34.  trtottnda  olaaaU  Acnlllei]  The  anger  whieh  made 
AohUlei  Mpante  hia  ihipi  snd  men  frora  Ihou  ol  tlie  olher 
Oreeki.     For  the  gen.   cf.   f/tini,   1.   6.  7  u.,  and   for   the 

hjpallage,  3.  1.  12  ii, 


'Fair  lady,  do  whii  yoa  ohooee  wlth  1117  ■aarrilou  Ttnei: 
the/  ware  written  in  ■  paaaion,  aad  pieaion  ji  angoTernahle. 
Prometbeiu  iii  mskiiig  man  ia  eaid  lo  h&TB  added,  among 
otbar  qaalitiea,  a  portiou  of  the  wrath  of  the  liou.  Paaaion 
haa  erer  prored  ruinona:  I  too  wai  urged  by  il  to  make  mj 
Ubellom  attaoka,  which  I  am  now  enger  to  reoant.' 

Thii  oda  is  a  ra\irVSia  or  reeantntion,  cf.  Tteanlatit,  1.  37. 
The  moat  famoui  palinode  ii  tlie  ona  referred  to  bj  Horaoe 
Epod.  17.  43, 

infamii  BtUnat  Caitor  offemtu  viei 
fratergut  magni  Caitorit  vieti  prtet 
ad/mpta  vati  rtddidere  luminn. 
It   wm  writtan  bj  BMaiohoroa  when   deprWed   of  hia   aitht 
for  iibelling  Helan:   it   waa   oertainly  thorough   enongh,   for 
it   begini   by  denying    that    Helen   ever  went   to   Troy  (Plat. 
Phaedr.  313  *)• 

Whether  tha  eriwdnoii  tambi  are  to  be  found  in  Uw  ax- 
tant  writingi  of  Hnraoa  or  not  U  a  queation  that  can  ntrar 
be  «ettled,  and  will  probabjy  tharefore  bo  alwayi  debated. 
Epodaa  G  and  17  aro  moat  frequentlj  refarred  to. 

S.  ponaa]  3nd  para.  fnt.  for  •  polit*  imperatiTB.  pontr* 
auAin  =  to  put  a  limit  to  them,  i.e.  deatroy  tham.  Thare 
ia  aJio  ■  «nggeatton  that  the  iainhioe  had  been  withont  ineaW, 
limlt,  meaaaro,  moderation. 

lainbU]  Arohilooha»  ii  aaid  to  hare  iiiranted  th*  iambio, 
■nd  to  haTB  employed  it  in  hii  well-known  lampoona.  Of. 
Hor.   A.  P.  79,    ArehUochum  proprio  rabiei   arnavit  iambo. 

NOTEa  173 

Henee  iambios  beeame  muoh  used  in  suoh  sourrilons  poetnr. 
Gatullus  (86.  5)  has  trueet  vibrare  iambo$t  on  whioh  Elfis 

remarks  'wibrare  aptly  exnressss  the  sharpness  and  speed  of 
the  iambus,  whioh  made  it  §o  useral  a  weapon  for  launching 
(Urrtv)  against  an  enemy.' 

8, 4.  stre  flamma  stve]  Orelli  quotee  with  approval  tozne 
observations  of  Laohmann  to  the  effeot  that  tho  third  lineof  an 
Aloaie  atansa  ought  not  to  end  with  two  dissyllables,  but  fails 
to  note  that  thero  ia  a  deflnite  ezeoption  to  thia  rule  when,  ai 
hore,  the  ftrst  dissyllable  ii  repeated  at  the  oommenoexnent 
of  the  fonrth  line,  in  whioh  oaee  the  peouliar  emphaiii 
naturally  thrown  on  the  repeated  word  at  onoe  reatoree  to 
the  third  line  ite  sonorous  oharaoter.  Of.  1.  26.  7,  necU 
floret  I  necU,  2.  18.  37,  dura  navie  \  dura,  2.  14.  11,  $ive 
regee  |  $ivet  2. 19.  7,  parce  Liber  |  parce. 

6.  Dindymene]  The  goddess  who  dwella  by  Monnt  Din- 
dymus  in  Phrygis,  i.e.  Cybele. 

non  adyUs  ..]  'Nor  does  its  Pythian  inhabitant  equally 
shako  (or  terrify)  the  mind  of  his  priests  in  (or  perhaps  *by 
means  of  J  his  mmost  shrine.'  adytit  goes  in  oonstrnotion 
parUy  witn  incola,  partly  with  quaHt. 

The  ctovror  (unenterable  plaoe)  was  a  small  cavern  in 
whioh  was  a  deep  oleft  in  the  rock,  over  whioh  was  plaoed  the 
tripod  on  which  the  priestess  sat,  of.  Munro's  note  on  Luor. 
1.  788.  For  the  effeots  of  inspiration  on  the  priestess,  of.  Virg. 
Aen.  6.  47  et  seq. 

The  spelling  with  y  shews  that  this  is  not  a  word  of  Latin 
derelopment,  but  a  Greek  word  borrowed,  and  reproduced  in 
Latin  letters.  The  Latin  had  no  symbol  for  the  Greek  sound 
v  (which  is  intermediate  between  the  Latin  u,  pronounoed  as  oo 
in  'boot,'  and  short  f)t  and  therefore  at  a  late  period,  as  is 
shewn  by  its  late  position  in  the  alphabet,  introduoed  the 
letter  Y,  the  Greek  T,  which  is  therefore  only  found  in  Latin 
in  pure  Greek  words,  e.g.  lyra,  amyttide,  Cybele,  tyrammt, 
lyncatt  fte.  but  lacruma  or  lacrima. 

7.  aouta]  •shriUy-sounding,'  'pieroing.' 

8.  gemlnant]  'clash';  well  illustrated  by  Lnor.  2.  685, 
where  the  Ctorybantes  are  said  pultare  aeribut  aera,  for  whioh 
Horaoe  nses  the  enrious  phrase  geminare  aera,  i.e.  to  strike 
oymbal  against  oymbaL 

0.  trlstes  ut  lrae]  The  ut  goes  after  aeque,  the  words 
non  acuta  tic   geminant  Corybantet  aera  coming  in   some- 

174  HORACE,  ODES  L  xvi. 

what  pareutheticallj  and  bj  waj  of  illustratinu  rather  than 
forming  part  of  the  miin  thonght  and  oonatruction. 

lrae]    Ib  plunl,  'oulbnrata  o(  painou.' 

tforlcm]  Tha  diitrict  of  Norioum  («bout  the  TjtoI)  iu 
oetebrated  for  iU  iroo. 

11.  19.  tremendo  lupplter  ]  'nor  bMrai  iteelf  falling 
wilh  dread  ooufuaion.' 

Jupiter,  the  god  of  the  ekj  (aee  u 
for   the   tkj  itaalf,  and  ruai  (ai   in 
arduia   atthtr)   expreeeee    that    heaven    iUelf   aeema   I 
ruahiag  in  thunder,  and  lightning,  and  rain,  down  upou  the 

The  peeuliar  rhjthm  Ivppitrr  iptt  rutn*  (which  would 
inake  the  2nd  half  of  an  Ovidian  penUraeter)  ia  rare  in  tha 
fourth  line  of  aloaioa,  doubtleee  aa  hurrjing  the  line  too 
lauch  along.  Here  it  ia  uaed  effectivelj  to  expresa  the  qtriek 
deaceat  of  the  deluge. 

13.  fertur  Frometheu»...]  Thia  Itanza  muat  be  Uken 
either  bj  auppljing  tut  alter  eoaetm,  and  joining  coaclun  tnt 
aud  appotuitte  bj  et,  or  elae  bj  making  eoaetut  a  participle 
aud  tt  —  ttiam,  'along  with'  or  'among  the  reat.' 

Promethaui  ia  by  no  meana  alwayi  the  rebelhona  Titan  of 
Aeschjlui,  bnt  he  and  hin  brother  Epimetheue  ngure  aa  two 
allegorical  flguree,  Fore-thought  and  After-thought,  in  nianj 
atoriea.  In  the  etorj  here  alludcd  to  AftiT-thought  had  used  up 
all  the  quahtiea,  with  which  living  creaturea  after  being  monided 
in  claj  {pnncipi  limo)  were  to  be  endowed,  before  he  caaie 
to  man  at  «11,  and  then  Pore-thougbt  being  called  iu  to  remedj 
tliia  wm  compalled  (coociiu)  to  Uke  a  amall  portion  of  their 
qualitiea  from  eaoh  animal,  the  reault  of  which  ia  that  man 
posaeeeee  a  oompoeiU  oharacter  abewing  tracea  of  tbe  variona 
qualitiea  whieh  epeoiaUj  belong  to  different  animala.  See 
Plat.  Prot.  anu  i>  et  «eq. 

15.  11.  prlttdpl  limo]  'our  original  elay."  Cf.  Gen.  8.  7, 
'  Aud  the  Lord  Qod  formed  mau  of  the  dnat  of  tha  ijround.' 

16.  itomaoho]    Of.  1.  6.  8. 

17.  Ira»]    Notioe  how   the   prominent  npetiUoa  of  the 
■—-■  lUniaa.     Cf.  1.  3.  i  u. 

NOTES.  175 

ultimae]  'furtheet  back,'  and  therefore  'earlieit,'  'firit,' 
'primary.'  $Uter$  would  in  prote  be  $xtiter$  bnt  ii  muoh  more 
emphatio,  mff«'wg  not  only  'haTe  tnrned  ont,'  'haTe  prored,' 
bnt  aleo  inggeeting  the  ideaa  of  unoonquerable  etrength  and 
itability.  Tha  eixnple  yerb  $to  ia  alwaya  Tery  emphatio  and 
powerfnl:  ite  brevity  gt?ea  it  foroe,  of.  the  well-known  Stat 
Vortuna  D<mu$. 

altta...fundltaa  perirent]  of.  Hom.  IL  18.  772,  wXcro  r«Va 
$mr  curpyt  |  IXiot  cUthmjj. 

21.  aratmm]  The  walla  of  a  new  city  were  marked  ont 
with  the  pkragh,  and  ao  the  ntter  deitruotion  of  a  oitj  ie 
lymboliaed  by  the  plough  being  driven  otot  ite  walli. 

inaoleni]  'arrogant/  The  word  indieatea  that  extraTaganoe 
of  oondnot  whioh  marka  thoee  who  find  thomaelToa  in  a 
poaition  to  whieh  they  are  'nnaoonatomedV 

24,  oeleree]  'headitrong.' 

26.  fnrentem]  Cf.  Ep.  1.  2.  62,  Ira  fitror  brevit  ut— 
'Anger  ii  a  ihort  attaek  of  lnianity.' 

25,  26.  mlttbua  triitta]  nitU  ia  often  naed  of  amooth, 
meliow  wine,  and  trUtU  of  that  whieh  ia  rongh  and  bitter  to  the 
taite(of.  Virg.  O.  1.  75,  trUU  lupinum).  Tranalate:  'change 
aonr  for  aweet.' 

26,  27.  dnm  flaa]  dum  with  the  subjunctive  ia  never 
temporal,  but  nearly  alwayi  «dummodo.  Cf.  8.  8.  87,  duvi... 

'Provided  that,  if  I  reoant  my  abnae,  you  beoome ' 

ODE  xvn. 

•TyndariB,  come  and  viait  my  farm.  Even  Fannna  often 
quita  hia  native  haunti  to  gnard  thia  ipot;  here  the  goati 
browee  in  aafety  while  he  playi  hii  pipe.  Indeed  all  the  godi 
loTe  and  gnard  me :  here  yon  will  find  rnral  abnndance  with 
full  horn,  repoee,  mnaio  and  rerelry  without  riot.' 

The  Babine  farm  here  deaoribed  waa  preaented  to  Horace  by 
Maeoenai  abont  b.c.  84.  He  freqnently  referi  to  it  with  great 
affection,  e.g.  2. 18. 14,  unicU  SabinU,  and  3.  1.  47. 

HORACE,  ODES  I.  ivii. 

a  Ssbine  moontain  overhsnging  Horace's 
rmj*  doscribed  u  Ap*di-ryt  (_ni  hero  Hortoe 
»  tli.  Latin  Fauoui  witb  the  Qreek  P»a, 
he  plaj»  on  thc  Pan-pipe),  aud  hil  native 
aonntains  of  Arcndia,  pspccially  Lycaeui. 

wepts  in  eichange ' :  »o  too  3.  13.  93,  peram- 
iut«L  Notiee  tbe  differenoe  of  ths  coustroction 
in  tho  hut  linei  of  Ihs  preoeding  Ode. 

■ward»   nff,'   from   de  and  /tndo  =  io  slrika 

4.    njqb.j  _,   -oumuui       ,'  ia  uied  heie  in  almost 

6,0.  Utcntei  arbuto»]  Le.  icealed  unid  tlie  other 
shrobs.  For  the  fondneM  of  g<  —  the  lwves  of  the  arbutui 
eL  Tirg.   Ecl.  8.  82,  Dvlce  taH         uir,  dtpuUix  arbutui  hatdu. 

fl,  7.     dsTlM...]  'tbs  wande  ladies   ot  ta   onsaToury 

lord.'    Ibe  Mpresiion   is  verj  iar  even  in   Lattn,  and 

worne  in  Engish. 

For  ths  tenns  tusoru,  mariti,  spplied  to  animals,  cf.  Virg. 
«'  and  Theoo.  8.  *9,  w  rpiyt  rir 

0      MarOsle»)    A  staadard  epithet  of  wolves.     It  wm  • 
sba-wolf  thst  luckled  tbe  famous  oflsprinfl  ol  llan. 
haadillu]  'joungkid»,*tb.owordbeing.oi      "* 

.....     . _ mi__    — ^Jjng  h»a 

„       ... "(!•>-.    

an  nnknown  pleoe  neu  Horaoe'»  ferm  infested  witb 

10.  ntounqn»]'whenever.'   Cr.  1.  35.  38,  3.  17.  11,  8.4.  W. 
Trnd__rt]    A.  purely  flotitiou»  name,  u  is  Oyrvt,  L  36. 
OitBli]   Tbe  Pmpipe.     Virg.  E.  3.  83,  Pem  primu  calamot 

ecra  eonjvnatrt  plurti  |  Injtitint. 

11.  UitJeMl  D___B_nm;  probablj  a  nl_r/.  eituKi. 
'low-ljing':  of.  Theon.  18.  tO,  *aU'ii  ir  x^PV- 

1S.    pletu)    Datifal  affoction,  tha  foelkig  •  soo   ■hould 

like  vorcilia  from  porcv*.  The  reading  _uu  tbe  anthmtj  of 
PorphTrion,  uid  oonfirml  the  oonjeotaro  of  Bentlej  httduttmt. 
The  old  r  eeding  wu  Eatdiiia*  (gen.)  whioh  >u  e«pleinert  u 

NOTES.  177 

bear  to  hia  father;  henoe  the  etandins  epithet  piut  applied  to 
AfMji  bflOftiMMi  of  hit  deYotion  to  Anomioi 

18,14.    dif  ttt  oonH]  «it  dear  to  the  godV 

14.  hlo  ttbl  oopla...]  'Here  abundanoe  with  horn  of 
plenty  ehall  flow  for  thee  to  the  foll  (ie.  thall  ponr  forth  her 
treaturee  till  you  are  eatiafied)  rioh  in  all  the  gloriet  of  the 

16.  mrlt  honoruml  would  inolnde  fruit,  fiowera,  and  the 
like;  the  gen.  it  partly  dependent  on  copia,  partly  on  opulenta, 
of.  4.  8.  5,  divet  artium. 

For  the  legenda  oonnected  with  the  benignvm  cornu  (of. 
onr  nte  of  oornuoopia)  tee  Glata.  Diot.  nnder  the  wordt  'Aehe- 
lont'  and  'Amalthea/ 

18.  flde  TeXa]  'etringi  of  Teos,'  i.  e.  tuoh  aa  were  ttrnok  by 
Anaoreon  of  Teoe,  the  poet  of  love  and  wine,  and  therefore 
aptly  introdnoed  here. 

19.  laborantea  in  uno]  'lovesick  for  the  tame  man.' 
Laboro  it  like  the  Gk.  rorcijr,  to  be  in  difficulties:  in  uno 
exprettet  the  faot  that  the  eante  of  the  troublet  of  both  wat  to 
be  fbund  in  one  man. 

90.  Yitream]  'glassy-green':  all  sea-nymphs  are  repre- 
aented  as  of  the  colour  of  sea-water.  So  they  are  ealled  eae- 
ruleae;  the  Gk.  word  ia  Wupot. 

21.  lnnooentia  LethU]  'harmleat  Lesbian.'  The  Bomant 
imported  wine  from  Letboa  and  alao  from  Chiot ,  of.  Epod.  9. 
34,  Chia  vina  aut  Letbia.  Innoeent  it  nted  in  the  aenae  in 
which  an  Iriahman  would  aay  of  whiakey,  'There'i  not  a  head- 
aohe  in  a  hogshead.' 

•  22.  dncet]  'quaff':  the  word  indicatet  to  take  a  long 
deep  draught  {duco-l  draw),  and  always  impliet  drinking 
witb  gratifioation.    Cf.  «nror,  f  Ajrcu',  and  8.  8.  84,  4. 12.  14. 

22,  23.  Bemelelna  Thyonentl  Baoohut'  mother  waa  called 
both  Semele  and  Thyone,  but  the  word  Thyoneut  ia  here  ob- 
▼iously  used  with  referenoe  to  ita  derivation  {0{*w,  Thyias)=the 
god  of  rage  and  revelry. 

25.  autpecta]  i.e.  of  infidelity,  and  therefore  afraid  of 
the  jealous  rage  of  headstrong  Cyrua. 

HORACE,  01>ES  1.  xvii. 

=  ibtj  badlj  maWlied.  vuilt  with  adjccli»e« 
HDM,  iDlciiBiliei  that  bed  ien»e.  juet  u  witb 
■  pood  senM  it  neutralUM  it,  Me  1.  II,    94 

n[  You  Lsvl'  never  deacrved  «uoh  treatmenl, 
re  hei  your  poor  irmocant  dreia.    Cf.  um  o( 


4You  .;  II,   1   40   ptant  a 

tittr  ■  it  L"  >  lin    lifa  full  of  aaro:  on  tbe 

otbcr  lirinu.  uibu»  uuuoces  wim  ui  of  the  dangeni  of  iutero- 
penace.  Baoohio  orgiei  hate  thoir  riake:  aelf-loie,  aelf-glori- 
noatiou,  ind  h»d  faitb  too  ofteu  follow  in  their  train.' 

1.  noIUm  mt*xU]  For  uae  of  perf.  lubj.  in  poltte  pro- 
hlbitiona  cf.  1. 11.  1. 

Thc  linc  U  oloeely  imitated  in  metre  uid  aenae  from 
Aleaeus,  of  vrhom  «re  poaieee  the  fragment 

fiTlStr  iX\a  ivrtiejp  rpirtper  HrSptor  ii/rfXu. 

vere]  Unknown.  He  m*T  be  tbe  iame  aa  tbe  Quinotiliui 
(Vfcrni)  of  1.  34,  q.  t. 

2.  Tlborll  st  moeula.  OtUIl]  For  Til.ur  Mf  1.  7.  18. 
Oatiii.n  U  Mid  to  have  been  tlie  lou  of  Ampiiiaraui  and  to 
bave  beoD  tbe  father  of  three  eona,  Tiburtua,  Corae,  and 
Catillus,  who  founded  Tibur  and  cnlled  it  after  tbe  eldeat. 

Horaoe  uaea  the  form  CatUus  for  coureniettoe:  Virg.  Aen. 
7.  672  haa  Cltillua.     So  we  have  both  Poraena  aod  ForMnna. 

t  Cf.  AmoJi.  Ag.  108,  Bvropifivt  W*,,  'oark- 
ing,  lonl-ooninming  eniietj.'  Cf.  the  Homerio  phrue  Ir  9v>iir 
«arteW,  '  eating  hU  heart,'  and  9.  1L  18,  euroi  tdacu. 

•Jlter)  'bj  anj  other  meana,'  i.e.  than  by  aToidlng  *«TlHrTii- 
ing  one  of  tbe  ticH  or  total  abatainen. 

5.  graiem  nmthUH  erepat]  'keepe  harpjiig  on  tba  haid- 
ahipi  of  carapaigniOB.'  ercpet  m  warmyti,  Wo  hh  tha  phraae, 
'  to  rattle  ort  about  a  thing.' 

NOTES.  179 

7.  at,  ne  quls...]  'But  leat  any  one  transgrees  that  use 
of  hia  sifU  whioh  modeet  Liber  allowe,  the  combat ....  warns 
us,  and  so  doea . . . .'  The  word  trantiliat  suggeeU  the  idea 
of  lightiy  tranagreaaing,  ef.  ite  uae  1. 8.  94«  'h^htly  eroae.' 

For  thia  querrel  at  the  marriage  of  Pirithous  king  oC  the 
Lapithae  with  Hippodamia  aee  Olasa.  Diot  The  struggle  of 
the  OenUurs  and  Lapithae  ia  frequently  treated  in  Greak  art,aa 
for  inatanee  in  the  seulptured  metopes  of  the  Parthenon  deaigned 
bj  Phidiae,  and  now  in  the  Britieh  Museuxn,  and  in  one  of  the 
pedimenU  of  the  temple  of  Zeua  at  Olympia.    Of .  2. 19.  6. 

8.  super  merol  «over  the  wine,'  or  perhape  'after':  it  ia 
very  diffieult  to  find  a  parallel  to  tha  uae  of  tuper  hera.  Othera 
aay  *on  aooount  of/  and  oompare  8. 18.  7,  wptr  urbe  curat. 

9.  non  leyif  ]  i.e.  Tery  aerere.  An  initanoe  of  the  well- 
known  rhetorioal  figure  Litotee  or  Meioaia,  by  whioh  a  mild  and 
negative  f orm  of  expreaaion  ia  intentionally  uaed  inatead  of  a  very 
atrong  affirmative  one.  It  ia  very  frequent  in  Thucydidee,  e.g. 
odx  ^royasvery  muoh  more,  eAv  4r^tofaBd|ic#raro»  and  of.  St 
Paul'a  famoua  'Shall  I  praiae  yon  in  thia?  I  prai$*  younotS 
1  Oor.  11.  29.  Of.  1.  24.  17,  non  Uvit,  1.  87.  82,  non  humili*, 
2.  7.  10,  non  bene,  2.  12.  17,  nec  dedecuit,  2.  19.  15,  non  leni, 

4.  L  14,  non  tacttut. 

EWus,  ie.  the  god  to  whom  the  cry  cvoc  is  addreaaed. 
Sithoniit,  i.e.  Thracians,  of.  1.  97.  2. 

10.  onmraa...]  'Whenmenin  their  eagerneai  (or  naaaion) 
distinguiah  right  and  wrong  only  by  the  narrow  limit  tnat  luet 
determinea,'  i.e.  luat  or  paasion  induoee  men  to  neglect  the 
broad  dietinotion  between  right  and  wrong,  and  perauadeathem 
that  there  ia  very  little  differenoe  between  tho  two,  in  faot  that 
in  many  oases  they  ehade  abaolutely  into  one  another. 

11.  ditcerno=di*,  apart,  and  cerno,  tplma,  I  aeparate. 
candidel  not '  in  tho  brightneaa  of  thy  youth,'  for  Baoohua 

has  been  addreased  as  pater  1.  5,  but '  open-hearted,'  aa  Schiits 
takea  it,  oomparing  Epod.  11.  11,  ingenium  candidum.  Epod.  14. 

5,  candide  Maecenat,  Sat.  1. 10.  86,  candide  Furni,  Ep.  1.  4. 1, 
candidejudez,  Sat.  1.  5.  41,  animae  candidioret, 

Baasareu]  from  0aovd>o,  a  fox-akin  worn  by  BaochanU. 

19.  quatiam]  s'arouse'  or  'disturb/  at  the  aame  time 
the  word  haa  referenoe  to  the  brandithing  of  the  thyrraa. 

neo  varlia . .  .  ]  'nor  reokleasly  bring  to  light  things  eon- 
oealed  beneath  varied  leaves.'    For  tub  divum  see  2.  8.  28  n. 

180  HOKACE,  ODES  1.  iviii. 

He  relefB  to  ihtitain  sacred  chcats  or  nrks  oonlaining  the 
veeseli,  4c.  for  tho  myiteriee,  onlj  prodnced  on  certain  eolemn 
oocasions,  &t  otber  timeB  oovered  witb.  learcs. 

13.  tene]  =  "check.'  He  euddenlj  appea.le  to  Beoahna  to 
restr&in  the  eidting  Pbrjgian  mueic,  whiob  he  repreeente  him- 
nelf  ib  ttctually  hearing,  and  which  too  aoon  leada  to  fienzy. 

Berecj-ntio]  i.e.  sneh  us  were  used  in  tbe  worthip  of  Cy- 
bi-le  on  Mt  Berecyntus  in  Phrygia:  in  her  orgiaatio  rita*.  whioh 
were  well  kuown  at  llome,  the  eiciting  muiio  of  the  pipe  wm 
ospecially  osed  (cf.  8.  19.  18,  B.  Hbiae.  snd  i.  1.  23),  but  alao 
tiinbrels  and  homa.     C£.  Dindyment,  1. 16.  5. 

14.  tympana]    From  tuftui,  'timbrels.' 

16.  arca.nlq.ue  Fidee...]  'Faitb  prodigal  of  aecreU,  more 
trauBpareut  tban  glssB."  Tbere  ie  mucli  power  in  deeoribing 
Fiiitb  wbich  ie  nnfaithtnl  bs  Faith  notwithstanding :  the  anti- 
thesia  between  what  it  ie  end  what  it  ought  to  have  been  ia 
made  tcij  rivid. 


"VennB  ia  determined  that  I  sbould  again  be  the  victim  of 
love;  and  it  ia  Olyoera  wbo  inflamea  my  pasiiou.  Venna  at- 
tacks  me  with  all  her  power  and  forbida  me  to  aing  of  ware  or 
anything  but  wbat  conoerus  herielf.  Quick,  alavel,  qoiekl  an 
altar  and  a  victim  I  let  na  endeavour  to  appease  the  imperious 
goddesa. ' 

1.    bmtk]  beoaoaa  of  the  noted  crualty  aad  it 


fiemalesj    Orelli  thinka  the  Gk.  form  of  the  genitive 

to  be  preferrad,  though  tbe  M8S.  grre  Seawltt,  a  Isvtin 

7.     frata  protarTttu]  'ubarming  recklassnea 

NOTES.  181 

8.  lubricui  adiplcl]  Adtpici  is  the  epexegetio  infinitive, 
neoessary  to  explain  the  epithet  lubricut  aa  applied  to  a  faoe. 
Ae  a  road  ia  too  elippary  and  glasey  fbr  the  feet  to  etand  on, 
eo  her  faoe  it  too  daeiling  and  deoeptive  f or  the  eyee  to  reet  onu 

9.  tota  mene  Venus]  cf.  Eur.  Hipp.  448,  Kowmt  yip  ov 
etyeroV,  $r  woXkij  ^vj, 

11.  Tertie  anlmoeum  equls]  «oourageous  with  retreating 
steed.'  The  eodden  oneet  of  the  Parthian  light  oavalry,  and 
tho  ahowera  of  arrowe  they  had  been  trained  to  ponr  into  the 
enemy  while  riding  away  (tagittat  et  eelerem  fuaam  Partki, 
2.  18.  17)  had  been  fatally  experienoed  by  the  heevy-anned 
Boman  legionariee  on  the  eandy  plaina  of  Oharrae  and  never 

Cf.  Virg.  Oeorg.  8.  81,  Fidentemque  fuga  Parthum  vertit- 
qut  tagittit.  We  use  the  expreeaion  *a  Parthian  arrow'  of  a 
eaxeaam  launched  by  a  pereon  jnet  retiring  and  to  whioh  it  ia 
therefore  impoaaible  to  reply.  01  Shak.  Cymb.  1.  5.  90,  *or 
like  fhe  Parthian  I  ahall  fiying  fight.' 

12.  quae  nihil  ettlnent]  *  thinge  of  no  oonoern ' :  the  worde 
are  hnmoroua:  the  lorer  haa  weightier  mattere  than  ware  and 
politioe  to  tbink  about 

18.  TiYum  caeepitem]  Fresh-cut,  living  tarf,  to  form  an 
impromptn  altar,  cf.  8.  8. 1. 

14.  Terbenaa]  A  teohnioal  word  of  unoertain  derivation, 
applied  to  all  bougha  or  green  thinga  uaed  in  religioua  rites. 
Servius  on  Virg.  Aen.  12.  120  aaye  verbenat  vocamut  cmnet 
frondet  tacratat,  ut  ett  laurut,  oliva,  vel  myrtut. 

16.  mactata]  •She  will  oome  withleasened  violence  when 
we  have  sacrifioed  a  victim.' 

macto  ie  an  aotive  verb  from  the  root  mag  (cf.  maaitt  major 
s*magiort  uaxpot)  and  meane  (1)  to  inorease  or  magnify,  henoe 
mactare  deot  extit,  to  honour  the  gods  with  entraile,  (2)  to 
eacrifice,  ae  here,  the  word  having  beoome  confined  to  the  reli- 
gioua  meaning  of  honouring  by  sacrifice. 


An  invitation  to  Maeoenas  to  oome  and  aee  him  at  hia 
Sabine  farm.  The  wine  he  can  offer  will  be  poor,  but  had 
been  spedally  bottled  by  himself  in  honour  of  an  interesting 
event  in  Maecenas'  life. 

182  HORACE,  ODES  I.  u. 

1.  potabii]  '  You  will  dri.nk  if  joh  aocept  my  inviiation  ' 
=  Pleaae  come  end  drink.    For  the  fut.  cf.  1. 7  Iut. 

Bablnuin]  Wine  giown  in  the  immedUte  neighbourbood, 
of  ■  ljffht  oharaoter  auoh  u  *n  invalid  raffering  from  4  ten- 
dencv  to  fever  like  Maeoenu  oould  drink,  ef.  Marquardl  FnTat- 
lebeu  der  Roruer,  2nd  ed.  p.  419. 

-'.  Qranca  teata]  For  oee  of  Oreek  winei  of.  1.  17.  31. 
Tho  jar  would  rotain  loma  of  the  arotna  of  the  noblei  Tinlage 
(',""■'  ttwdl  tit  inbitta  rtcent  icrvabit  odortm  \tuta  diu,  Epiat. 
1.  3.  69)  uid  iuj  [nii  it  to  the  Sabine  wine.  Ct  the  preotioe  of 
koeping  whnkj  in  old  ilierrj  ouka, 

lptej  merka  tbe  care  be  bad  beslowed  on  it. 

wai  oheored  on  eutering  the  theotre  after 
an  illneii.     Of.  2. 17.  25. 

3.  equei]  It  hau  been  woll  pointed  ont  that  there  Ii  foroe 
in  tbJB  referenca  lo  the  fact  tliat  Maecenu  remained  COQtented 
witb  the  oomparatiTelj  bumbie  poailion  of  ou  tautt  (iee  S.  1S. 
20  n.),  wben  tbe  poet  ia  inviting  hitn  to  hil  own  hnmble  rooL 
Dcutley's  luggeetioo  of  ctare  for  cart  epoili  tbe  whole  friend- 
Uueae  and  pleaiantneii  of  tbe  Ode,  and  ii  on  a  par  with  manj 
of  the  «uggeetioni  of  that  emineut  and  eccenlric  uholar. 

pauralj  Cf.  1.  1.  1  aud  S.  7.  28.  The  Ttbor  ii  oalled 
iiucuj  aivtuM. 

6,  8.     iooou,  Hmjto]     3ee  note  on  1.  12.  8. 

7,  S.  Vattoanl  montU]  Wickham'ji  note  U  'The  theatre 
of  Pompej,  whioh  wm  the  onlj  one  ■flniahil  »t  thii  time,  itood 
et  thi  8.  eud  of  the  Campue  Martiua,  »o  looking  aoroea  tba 
Tiber  on  tbe  Janicuian  and  Yatioan  hilla.1 

9.  CaecuUum,  Ao.]  For  thoM  winea  M*  anj  Diot  of  Ant 
The  CatcubvM  ag/.r  ii  iu  Lntium,  ao  i»  Formiat.  CaUtini  tbe 
Faitmut  agtr  are  in  Campenia. 

domitam]  ■ '  preaaed.' 

10.  tun  Wbu]  Thii  oertainlT  eorreot  reading  U  MMpiid 
In  Orelli'i  4th  edition  on  the  authorit  j  of  Forphyrion  for  tha 
hopeleu  reailing  of  aU  the  MBS.  tu  bibtt.  'You  thaJl  fint 
hare  aome  Babine,'  iay»  Horaoe,  '«peciallj  bottUd  in  your 

NOTES.  183 

honoar,  and  then  I  will  give  you  some  Caeeuban  and  Calenian : 
I  muit  warn  you  however  that  if  yon  want  PaJernUn  or 
Formian  you  will  be  disappointed';  juet  in  the  saxne  way  one 
might  offer  a  distinffuishea  friend  eome  LeoviUe  or  La  Boee 
after  dinner  and  modeetly  apologise  for  the  absenot  of  Latour 
or  Lante  of  '68. 

With  ttft  bibe$f  fu  is  strongly  oontrasted  with  mco,  the 
luzury  of  Maeoenas'  own  palaoe  with  what  he  will  flnd  at 
Horaoe's  farm.  The  fut.  bibee  is  however  inexplioable,  for  to 
ezplain  it  as  oonoe»eive»'you  shall/  or  'may  on  anotber 
oooasion  elsewhere  drink'  is  impoesible  immediately  after 
Horaoe  has  nsed  potabit  in  the  ezaotly  opposite  sense  'you 
shall  drink  on  this  oooasion  at  my  honse.' 

11.  temperant]  Temverarg  is  the  regular  word  for  mizing 
or  mingling  anything  in  aue  proportion,  of.  Epod.  17.  80  desi- 
dtrique  Umperare  poeula.  Striotly  speaking  the  person  who 
mizee  the  wine  with  water  temperat  pocula  'mizes  tne  oup,'  bnt 
here  the  vines  are  said  to  do  so  beoause  they  produoe  the  wine 
with  whioh  it  is  mized. 


An  Ode  in  hononr  of  Apollo  and  Diana  to  be  snng  by  a 
ehorus  of  youths  and  maidens.  Orelli  is  probably  right  in 
oonsidering  the  Ode  too  slight  to  have  been  written  for  any 
great  publio  oooasion:  the  other  oommentators  amuse  them- 
selves  by  guessing  what  the  oooasion  may  have  been,  the  best 
oonjeoture  being  that  of  Franke,  who  suggests  the  year  38  b.  o. 
when  the  temple  of  Apollo  on  the  Palatine  was  dedioated  (see 
1.  81)  and  quinquennial  games  instituted  in  memory  of  the 
battle  of  Actium  in  honour  of  Apollo  and  Diana.  For  the 
whole  Ode  of.  4.  6  and  the  Carmen  Saeculare. 

2.  intonsuml  In  Homer  ixtpatKbw.  he  is  represented  as 
eternally  youthfhl  His  statueB  are  numerous :  note  especially 
the  Apollo  Belvedere. 

Cynthlum]    Oynthus  is  a  mountain  in  Delos. 

8.  latonam]  or  Leto  was  the  mother  of  both  ApoUo  and 
Artemis  in  the  islnnd  of  Deloa,  Zeus  being  their  fatbor. 

84  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ui. 

fi     ™i-«  nirjin»,  ia   atrong  oontraat  with  1-01   1.   3  = 

,..]    Beeitua  ahe  >u  ■  hontrcii:  her  ftroar- 
noquentlT  «peoitiod. 

■.      Cf.   Odju.   33.    195,  Mmf*  «W   Krn- 
.  o  tomae,  4.  7.  3. 

6.     i  |  moontain  iu  Latium  uear  Tunoulum   »ud 

i,  Erymanthui'  in  Ai- 

1L     InitgTi  lert—jd'  Apollin/m,  umerun being  = ' M 

to  hil  "houlder. 

tatern»!    1  ierourj  (cf.  1.  10)  and  given   to 


II.    hlc  ..]    I  eonld  not  onl;  hriiip  jilaguee  (el.  llum. 

11.  1.  43—52)  bu.  »...;  tbem;  in  O  eek  ungedj  ha  i»  con- 
atantly  invoked  u  Uaidr  or  the  Heale..    Cf.  Cinn,  Saec.  63. 

Fo. ■■  ;  •  ■■  -',    aee  4.  14.  6  n. 

15.  Perua  «Ique  Brltannoa]  i.e.  the  remotest  barbiiriani 
of  tba  Eait  and  Weet.  The  Britotis  wera  »»  jet  only  known 
from  the  uurried  expedjtiona  of  Julini  Cae*ar. 

18.    atfitj '  ahatt  dri»«  away.' 

1  Tha  jnit  and  innoceu t  need  no  proteotion,  Fuasua,  through 
whntever  dangen  thair  path  leada  them.  At  anj  rate  I  know 
thn-t  a  monitroui  wolf  did  not  sttaak  me  while  I  wai  wandariug 
in  the  wooda  thinking  of  Lelage.  In  anj  elimate  I  ahall  laal 
aafe  and  oontentadlj  «ing  mj  Udj'e  oharme.' 

Of  Ariitiu»  Fneoui  onr  prinedpal  knowl  edge  ii  dori™d  from 
Hoiaoe,  Ep.  1.  10.  3,  where  he  tayi, 

paent  gtmtlli 
fraterni*  animii,  qvidquid  lugat  atltr  tt  oitff, 
ammiimtt  parittr  vetuli  notique  columbi. 

NOTES.  185 

He  seems  to  bave  been  a  znan  of  studious  tastes,  and  dis- 
tinguished  as  a  eritie  {grammaticut). 

1.  integer  vitae]  'He  who  ia  blamelese  in  (reepect  to)  hit 
life.'  So  Ovid  Met,  9.  441,  inUger  aevi.  Tbe  grammarians 
eall  it  tbe  gen.  of  respeot.    For  inUger  cf.  2.  4.  29  n. 

soeleria]  ia  a  simple  partitive  genitive,  purut  beingshaving 
no  abare  in.    Cf.  Eur.  Hipp.  949,  k*kww  eunj/xxro*. 

2.  Maurii]    Merel y  pietoriaL 

5.  Byrtes  aestuosasl  Orelli  prefera  the  rendering  'the 
aoorohing  deaert  that  bordera  the  Svrtea'  and  oomparee  atttuota 
Calabria,  1.  81.  5.  It  aeema  aimpler  to  take  Syrtee  in  ita 
ordinary  aenae  and  tranalate,  *the  boiling  or  ttormy  Syrtea/ 
and  to  eompare  2. 6. 8,  Barbarat  Syrtet  ubi  Mauta  temper  \  Aes- 

6.  Inhoapitalem]  Aeaoh.  Prom.  Vinot  20  eaila  the  Cau- 
eaaua  ardrQpwToi  wdyot. 

7.  8.  fabulosua  Hydaapes]  Thia  river  (the  Jelum)  ia  a  tribu- 
tary  of  the  Indus:  it  waB  on  ite  banki  that  Alexander  defeated 
Porue  (b.  c.  327).  It  is  oalled  fabulotut  as  being  in  the  unex- 
plored  East  about  whioh  numberieas  itories  would  be  eurrent 

8.  lambit]  'washes.' 

9.  namquel  He  proves  hii  general  statement  by  an  in- 
atanoe  that  had  oceurred  to  himaeif .  He  attributea  the  aame 
almoat  aacred  poetio  oharaoter  to  himaelf,  8.  4.  9,  where  the 
birda  oover  him  with  leaves  for  proteotion.  So  too  2. 17,  and 
ihedime  tuentur  of  1.  17.  13. 

10.  et  ultra...]  'And  wandered  beyond  my  boundariei  in 
utter  careleasness,  a  wolf  fled  from  me  though  unarmed,  a 
monater  suoh  as  neither...' 

11.  ourls  expeditis]  Oares  harass  and  hamper  us  (impe- 
diunt),  hence,  curit  expeditit,  when  the  bonds  of  eare  are  un- 
loosened,  a  man  is  at  eaae,  oareless:  it  waa  in  auch  a  moment 
of  perfeot  freedom  and  poetio  abstraotion  that  Horaoe  ran  into 
danger.    Fox  espedio  aee  alao  4.  4.  75  n. 

14.  Daunlaa]  That  part  of  Apulia  near  Mt  Oarganus;  ao 
called  from  Daunus  who  there  founded  a  kingdom.  The  word 
is  formed  on  the  model  of  Gk.  adjeotives  feminine. 

HORACE,  ODES  I.  xxii. 

16,   lubae  tallua]  i.e.  Mauretania  or  riumidia.  Jnba  I.,  king 

'  Viiir.  imitted  luicide  aftor   toe   battle  of   Thapaua. 

,a  king  of  Numidia  bj  Auguttua,  n.o.  30,  mti.i 

red   Mioretinia   inttead:   the  latter  date  i§ 

tbe  dste  of  tbe  Ode.    Gaetulitn   liana  ara 

.--.  u<  referred  to  by  tbs  poete,  but  tbat  doet  nol 

rova  tli  \tiim  ii  bere  =  Gaetulia. 

16.  i_  WlJ     Otjmoron. 

17.  ]  mplt]  'lifeleaa  pltina.'  He  rofera  to  the  frigid 
Miea,  I  BMription  of  the  live  zonea,  t«o  frigid,  t»o 
upentb  1.238—239.    VatfigrU 

23.  dulcs  ridentem]  dutct  ii  really  *  cognata  aoo.  Ab  31011 
oan  aaj  didc™  rirem  ridert,  joti  ean  aay  niore  brieflj  duirt 
ritb-re.  80  3.  37.  G7,  ptrfiilnm  ridere,  1.  12.  U,  Incidvm  1W- 
genui,  2.  19.  6,  :■.■■!....:■■.  fortatur,  and  Uom.  D.  3.  370,  tjSi 

'Yon  uroid  me  like  a timid  fawn,  Chloe,  that  ia  friflhtecad 
at  erery  aound.  Yet  I  am  no  tiger  or  lion,  and  jon  m  old 
enough  to  quit  jour  mother'a  aide. ' 

5.  6.     Teria  adTentna]  impliea  the  thongbt  of  tha  gentle 
aephjr  whlch  aooorapaniea  it.     Cf.  Luor.  b  786 : 

tl  vtr  (I  Ketuu  at  eeri»  praemaitiui  anU 
ptnnatut  graditvr  Zepttyrat. 

NOTES.  187 

Bentley  and  other  editors  object  to  these  exquisite  iines  be- 
cause,  they  say,  when  '  spring  arrives '  the  trees  are  not  yet  in 
leaf.  KeUer  actually  prints  for  vtri»  adveiUu»,  vepris  ad  vtntot— 
a  oorreotion  the  mechanical  ingenuity  of  whioh  Is  as  marvellous 
ai  it  ii  misplaoed. 

6.  inhorruit]  beautifully  expresses  the  ihivering  and 
quivering  of  the  leaves  ai  the  breese  rustles  throngh  them. 
Wiokham'8  translation  U  exoellent :  *  if  throoffh  the  Ught-hung 
leaves  hath  run  the  shiver  of  spring's  approaoh.' 

8.  tremit]    So.  hinnuXexu.    For  the  thooght  of.  Spenser, 

«Likeasa  hind... 

Yet  flies  away  of  her  own  f eet  affear'd ; 
And  every  leaf  that  shaketh  with  tlie  least 
Murmur  of  wind,  her  terror  hath  enoreaB'd.' 

9.  atqui]  A  verv  favourite  word  of  Horaoe  in  beginning  a 
stanza,  and  expressing  a  strong  objection,  remonstranoe  or 
antithesU,  cf.  3.  5.  49,  3.  7.  9. 

tigris  aspera]  *enraged  tigregs.' 

10.  frangere]  Epez.  inf.  after  pemquor,  implying  desire, 
see  1. 15.  27  n. 

11.  matrem...]  'To  oling  to  your  mother,  already  of  age 
for  a  husband.' 


Probably  addressed  to  Virgil  by  Horace  on  tbe  unezpected 
death  of  their  oommon  friend  Quinctilius  Varus.  VirgiTs  grief 
seems  to  have  been  ezoessive.  Horaoe's  oonsolations  partake 
of  the  nature  of  those  oommonplaoes  referred  to  by  Tennyson, 
In  Memoriam,  oanto  6,  but  they  are  ezpressed  in  language  of 
singular  beauty. 

Of  Quinctilius  (probably  Quinotilius  Varus,  cf.  1.  18. 1)  our 
ehief  knowledge  U  that  he  died  in  B.a  24,  and  was  a  native 
of  Cremona,  but  his  name  U,  like  a  fly  in  amber,  enshrined 
in  this  Ode  for  immortality. 

1.    desiderio...]    In  its  strict  sense,  'regret  for  loss.' 
l».  H.  14 

iiORACE,  ODES  I.  ni». 

_h„n_e,  woderation,'  almost  equivalent  to  moiiiu. 

1*]  ' no  dear  a  life.'  Tha  Gk.  iue  of  xipa  in 
<  fftor  __()-  ia  bimilar. 

•]  U»«»l!j  themuaeof  tr-gedj,  buro  of  ilirge. . 
miralionii  cam  maerore  conjunrtae  txelamatio, 
the  eleep  tbat  knowg  no  waking  liee  beavy 

For   in.,.-  ~  id   for  p.  topor,   of  th* 

unbroken  sleep  .  5, 

tolei  o.  :  ponvnt: 

nobit  o  iit  brevii  lux, 

nos  tl  doririenda. 

For  nrget  ef.  1  __  ad  w  th  refcrcnce  to  the  dead, 

■1.  D.  27,  Hlaerima^,^ ,  ao  too  premet  noz,  1.  4.  18. 

I  cordialiy  agree  with  thoao  who  wieh  that  Horaoe  had 
omitteil  thc  firs t  KUn__,  «ith  it_  weak  and  afleoted  invocalion 
of  tlie  musc,  and  beguo  with  thin  bold,  vigorous,  and  offeoliw. 
fiflh  lino,  whieh  would  have  been  »11  tho  mora  etteetive  Lf  plaoed 
at  the  beginning  of  the  Ode. 

0.  Pador]  Aliut.  The  per.onificBtion  of  that  nohlc  »hame 
which  make_  men  senaitively  shriiik  from  all  that  oould  raiae 
a  bluih  upon  tha  eheeka  of  modeetj. 

6.  7.  IocUUm  loror,  IUhJ  Wiokham  well  remarka,  'in 
ca-ling  Good-Fnith  the  nater  of  JnntJce,  Horaea  impliaa  _b*t 
tbe  two  go  together,  and  tberafore  tliat  both  were  jiiaawil  in 
Quinctiliaa. ' 

7.  i-tcomtpU]  'incorruptible.'  Adjective»  fonnad  from 
the  paaaiva  partioiple  ara  frequentlj  uaed  in  the  aame  •enaa 
aa  the  more  awkwerd  onea  endlng  in  -bilii. 

8n  Virg.  G.  S.  G,  iOaudafu  -=deta_lablo.  Uvj,  %  1,  iatiio- 
lalnm  tempUm—VX  inviolable  tomple.  inviettu  _•  more  often 
>=invinoible,  than  onvanquiahed. 

8.  quanHo  nllum  lnvanlat  param]  '  Whan  ahall  {ihe)  ever 
flnd  a  peer. '    Cf.  Milton'_  Lyeidaa  B, 

'For  Ljeidaa  ii  dead,  dead  ere  hia  pritne, 
Yoang  Ljoidas,  and  hath  not  left  his  pttr.' 

NOTE&  189 

lnveniet]  Notios  ihe  singular  after  several  subjeots.  8ee 
2.18. 88  n. 

11.  tu  frustra...]  •Vainly  devout  thou  olaimest  from 
the  gods  Quinetilius,  entrustea  to  them  on  no  ■uoh  terms,' 
Le.  you  have  frequently  prayed  the  gods  to  keep  Quinctiliui, 
but  you  did  not  mean  that  they  should  thus  keep  him  whoily 
tnd  for  ever. 

For  oredltam  of.  1.  8.  5.  Others  take  thif  word  m  ss'lent,' 
i.e.  to  you  by  the  gods,  but  suoh  an  idea  seemt  rather  religious 
than  Horatian.   frustra  seems  to  go  with  both  pius  and  poseis. 

18 — 18.    quod  al non]  •  And  yet  if  you  were  to  rule  a  tore 

whieh  eren  the  trees  obey  more  persuaaivehr  than  Thraaan 
Orphens»  the  life-blood  would  not  reviait  the  shadowy  form.' 

Wiokham  with  the  MSS.  gives  quid  si wm...  «'what 

think  you,  if  you  were  to would  the  life-blood ?'    This 

seems  weaker  and  less  foroible  than  the  downright  quodsi 
and  the  emphatio  and  direot  non.  Nauok,  who  so  reads, 
punctnates  better:  Quidf    Si...  For  Orpheus  seo  1. 12. 11  n. 

16.  Ylrga]    See  note  on  1.  10. 18. 

17.  non  lenis. . .]  *  Not  eaaily  persuaded  to  open  the  barriers 
of  fate/  of.  Prop.  4. 11.  2,  Panditur  ad  nullas  Janua  nigra  yrt* 
ces.  The  gate  of  death  only  opens  to  admit,  never  to  give 
egress.    non  Unis,  litotes:  recludetey  epexegetio. 

18.  nlgro  oompulerit  gregi]  'Has  folded  with  the  ehildren 
of  darkness.'  The  dat.  is  perhaps  of  plaoe  whither,  of.  Virg. 
Aen.  5.  451,  it  elamor  caelo,  and  1.  28. 10,  Orco  demissum. 

20.  quldquld...]  'Whatever  the  laws  of  heaven  forbid  us 
to  amendV  ju#=human  law, /««divine  law.  Therefore  est 
fi*/o*sheaven  forbids. 

ODB  XXV. . 

A  ooarsely  expressed  Ode  addressed  to  Lydia,  who  Horace 
says  will  soon  be  an  old  woman  without  the  charms,  but  re- 
taining  the  paasions  of  her  youth,  and  destined  to  meet  with 
the  same  haughty  contempt  she  now  employs  towards  her 
lovers.    It  has  no  merit,  and  may  be  omitted  with  advantage. 

2.     lactibual  So  Orelli's  4th  edition  cum  optimis  codicibus: 

the  reading  is  better  than  the  old  ictibus,  for  it  is  easier  to 

'throw'  something  at  a  ohamber-window  to  attract  attention 

than  to  'strike*  or  4beat'  it. 


190  HOBACE,  ODES  I.  ixt. 

3,  i.  amat  llrasn]  'koepa  olose  to  the  threahold.'  Cl. 
Virg.  Aen.  5.  1GS,  lltiu  ama  =  'kecp  close  to,  or  hug  tbe  oouL' 

C.  iudlamlnm  el  mlnuBlam]  Aceommodationof  «ound  lo 
BenBe:   the  ivord»  fenn  *  eort  of  diminuendo. 

7.  me...J  'Thoagb  I  your  lover  am  tortured  Ihrough  the 
long  uighta,  my  Lydia,  do  yoa  slecp?' 

9.  lnvlesm...]  'In  yonr  turn  you  ahiill  bawail  the  haaghti- 
neita  ol  incn  u  despiaed  hag  in  a  deaerted  alloy.' 

11,  13.  «ub  lnterlunl»]  'towarda  tbe  ue*  moon.'  It  bu 
always  been  ■□  artiole  of  popolar  beliaf  that  cbanges  of  tl» 
moon  are  aoeompanied  by  ohangea  of  tha  wcather.  For  thi 
division  of  irK/riunifl  boc  1.  2.  19  u. 

15.     leour  nleeroeuni]  'yoor  diseued  beort.' 

17.  laeta  quod...]  'Beoauae  joyona  yooth  revels  rathcr  in 
grecn  ivy  and  duakjr  myrtla,  {but  or  nnd]  dedioatea  mthered 
leevcs  to  winter'e  fncn.i  the  ilebrus':  i.e.  becautie  youug  girla 
are  preferred  to  old  womeii,  aa  frcsh  foliage  ia  to  faded. 
virente  and  pulla  dcBCribe  the  foliage  of  the  ivy  and  myrtl* 
wucn  freib  mjJ  unfadcd.  For  thc  metaphor  cf.  our  phrase  th* 
•sere  and  yellow  leaf.'  aod  Aesch.  Ag.  79,  re  f  irtpyiipv* 
e>i>XXdeor  ^St)  naTatap4>opirii1. 

Notioe  qtwii . .  .nuudtal  =  'bceanae  (a*  you  will  say  regretfully 
to  younielf). ..youth  rejoicoa':  it  ia  virtually  oblique  narration. 

dedictt  Hebro,  «pparcntly  =  'liings  away,'  cf.  neit  Odc  1.  3, 
the  Ilebnu  being  selected  aa  a  river  in  a  waste  and  wintry 
counlrr  (cf.  Thracto  renlo  above),  nud  a  specisl  river  being 
named  to  givs  local  oolouring,  eee  1.  1.  13  n.  Still  the  phnue 
is  very  itnnge  and  tbe  emendatioo  £uro('the  reading  Htbro  i* 
due  to  BBpiration  of  an  original  tlvro, '  Nauck)  deservo»  esrcful 
conBirlersuon  and  18  adopied  in  Orelli'1  *th  eoition. 

Notice  what  Prof.  Major  cnlla  'tho  oo-ordination  of  eoo- 
traitod  clautea'  lo  gaudtat  and  dt&ictt:  in  Engliah  we  ihould 
inaert  'but,'  tho  Romaos  bojwevei  lovo  to  set  tbe  oontraated 
elauaea  side  by  sirle  witbout  anj  adveraativ*  r**"-1?  Ib* 
Grecki  would  0M  iUt  and  ii. 


•I  am  the  friend  of  th*  muMB,  and  therefore  will  throw 
•orrow  aud  aniiety  to  tbo  winda,  uttarly  nntroublod  br  tha 
"Eaatern  qaettioo."  Molp  me  rather,  0  UnM,  to  w*ave  i 
chtplet  o(  vcrM  fot  Lamia,  loi  b.a  U  worthy. ' 

NOTES.  191 

Lamia  it  also  mentioned  1«  86.  7;  ho  ii  generally  suppooed 
to  be  L.  Ailini  Lemia,  who  wh  praefectut  urbi  a.d,  82,  and 
must  heve  been  very  young  when  Horaoa  wrote:  from  the 
Tery  ilight  and  unimportant  nature  of  the  Ode  it  ii  poesible 
hewtt  to. 

The  date  it  tpproxlmttely  detennined  by  the  politieti 
tllution.  Wiekham  in  hit  introdnotion  tays:  'Phraatea  IV. 
to  whom  Orodet  1.  had  retigned  hit  thront  in  b.o.  88,  after 
tome  yeart  of  tyranny,  nrovoked  hit  tabjeott  to  the  point  of 
rebeliion.  He  wat  expelled,  tnd  Tiridates,  another  member 
of  the  Araaeid  houte,  wat  put  on  the  throne  in  hit  plaoe.  After 
a  ahort  time  Phraatet  wat  rettored  (Juttinat  addt  by  the 
intervention  of  the  Scythiana),  and  Tiridatet  fled  to  aeek  tho 
proteotion  of  AuguttUB,'  ef.  2.  2.  17,  and  8.  8. 19.  b.o.  80  it  the 
probable  date  of  thit  event. 

2,  8.  tradam  ventis  portare]  'I  will  give  to  the  windt  to 
earrv.'  The  infinitive  teemi  epexegetio  or  oomplementary, 
further  deflninff  the  phrate  tradam  ventis.  The  gerundive  oon- 
struction  would  be  found  in  prote.  Virgil  it  very  fond  of  thit  inf . 
after  dot  dono,  ef.  Aen.  1. 819,  dederatque  comam  dijfunderi  ventit; 
5. 248,  dat  ferre  taUntum;  5. 262,  donat  habere;  5. 806, 888, 572. 

8.  quls  tub  Aroto...]  'tupremely  indifferent  who  it  is  that 
it  feared  at  king  of  the  cold  region  beneath  the  Bear,  what  it 
ifl  that  terrifles...'  The  referenee  it  to  the  king  of  the  Daoiant, 
ef.  8.  8. 18,  and  for  the  dread  of  the  Daoiant  3.  6. 14 ;  Sat.  2. 
6.  58,  numquid  de  DaeU  audUtit;  Virg.  G.  2.  497,  cc^jurato 
deictndens  Dacut  ab  Ittro, 

Othert  take  quit  as=gut'6u#  (dat.)  *who  the  Iring  it  feared 
by,'  but  tuch  a  ute  of  the  dative  it  oonfined  to  the  perf.  pass. 
and  the  neuter  of  the  gerundive,  e.  g.  factum  e$t  mihi,  ludendum 
ett  mihit  the  ett  of  oourse  smoothing  the  way  for  it:  tee  too 
1.  6.  1  n.  Possibly  however  quibut  metuatur  might « *  to  whom 
he  is  an  objeot  of  fear.' 

6.  integrla]  The  haunts  of  the  Muses  are  unpolluted  by 
mortal  presenoe:  the  poet  alone  may  approaeh  them.  Cf. 
Luor.  1.  926,  juvat  integrot  accedere  fontet. 

7,  8.    necte  floret,  necte]    See  note  on  1. 16.  8. 

9.  Plmplea]    From  rimple,  a  town  or  fountain  in  Pieria. 

9,  10.  mel  honorea]  'The  honoura  (of  aong)  which  I  ctn 

HOBACE,  ODES  I.  xxri. 

ie»  1.  1,  84  a,    taerart:  becauM  eatlo  ,Vixju 

Ite'  uud  BO  'make  iiumortal.' 

Jreek    wcird,    wAjtTpw— the    itriking    tliiug,    ' 

ode  xxvn. 

A  playfuJ  BteiiP  nt   ■  wine-party. 

'Come,  my  eo.  ^i..  at  table:  tlist  is  harba- 

rous.  Keep  your  pi««  and  do  not  shout  ho.  Whatl  would 
you  have  me  moref  Well,  I  will,  if  MegUlk'*  brother 
will  gWe  »s  a  toast  tbe  liame  of  his  sweetheort.  Aro  jou  heei- 
tating?  Surelj  jou  need  not  be  ashamed:  no  donbt  she  U  a 
lady.  Alas,  poor  wretch,  yon  deserved  a  better  fate:  you  haie 
falleu  into  tbe  elutehes  of  a  harpy.' 

1.  taatl»...]  'Destined  (as  it  were)  by  nature  for  purposes 
of  pleasure.' 

2.  ThraeninJ  gen.  plural.  For  Hic  drinking  habits  of  the 
Thracianscf.  1.  36.  14  and  1.  1&  3.  One  ol  the  metopes  of  tho 
Parthenon  eontains  b  representation  of  a  Centaur  usinft  a 
Inrge  dioln  aa  a  weapon  of  offenoe.  It  is  given  in  Suiilh*» 
Class.  Dict.  as  an  ilhmtratinn  to  the  word  Centaar.  The  rasii- 
ner  of  Mr  BardelTi  deoawe  ia  «trietly  olaasiaaL 

tollite]  'away  witb.' 

3.  verecundum]  "who  Iotbb  moderation.'  Cf.  mo&ei 
Liheri,  1.  18.  7.  It  raay  alao  rafor  to  tha  fresh,  bloahlng  faoe 
of  the  yonthfal  dmuity. 

i.    pronibete]  'keep  apart  from.' 

6.  luoernls]  The  feast  therefora  was  intended  to  be  kept 
up  late.     Cf.  8.  B.  14,  vigilet  laceraai  perfer  in  l-tetm. 

adnaoes]  A  Feriian  word  for  a  short,  straiglit  aword,  or 
dirk.  Tlie  Farsians  Mem  to  havn  worn  these  even  at  banqneti: 
at  Hoinn  it  wai  illegal  to  wear  *  weapon  at  all  within  the  oity. 

NOTES.  193 

6.  lmmane  quantum  dlscrepat]  'Is  utterly  at  varianoe 
with.'  For  immane  auantum  cf.  $avuurra9  oVcr,  «i^faaw  oVor. 
Tbe  phraee  ii  strictly  a  sentenoe»  'it  is  enormous  how  mueh,' 
bnt  is  used  at  equivalent  to  a  simple  adverb,  'enormously.' 

II  it  nsed  by  Tadtus,  wiirum  quantum  by  Liyy,  nimium 
quautum  by  Oioero. 

lmprom]  as  violating  the  respeet  dne  to  the  god  Baoehns. 

8.  onblto  presso]  At  meals  the  Bomans  reolined  npon 
oonohes,  resting  on  the  left  elbow,  whioh  sank  deep  (pretto) 
into  the  onsbions. 

9.  TOltis]  An  imaginary  qnestion  snpposed  to  be  addressed 
to  the  oompany,  who  are  londly  clamouring  that  he  shonld 
drink  his  share  {partem). 

sereri]  «strong  to  the  taste,'  'potent,'  of.  2.  8.  8  n. 

10.  11.  OpunUa  tfegUla.  A  purely  fietitions  name.  The 
town  of  Opns  was  the  eapital  of  the  Opnntian  Loerians. 
Horaoe  insists  that  he  will  only  drink  if  a  toast  is  given:  it 
was  enstomarv  to  drink  a  lady*s  health  in  as  many  glasses 
(cyathi,  ladles)  as  there  were  letters  in  the  name.  Of.  Martial, 

Laevia  ux  cyathU,  teptem  Juttina  bibatur, 
quHnque  Lycae,  Lyde  quattuor,  Ida  tribut. 

11.  qno  beatus...]  'What  is  the  wonnd,  what  the  shaft  of 
whioh  he  is  the  happy  victim?' 

beatut  goes  with  both  pereat  and  volnere:  notios  the 
oxymoron  in  beatue  volnere%  and  the  double  meaning  of  perire, 
to  perish  and  to  be  in  love,  to  be  dying  of  love  for.  Vulnut 
applied  to  love  is  extremely  oommon,  cf.  Lucr.  1.  85,  aeterno 
devietut  vulnere  amorit. 

18.  oessat  voluntas  ?]  '  Are  you  nnwilling  and  relnetant? ' 
Horaoe  snddenly  turns  to  the/roter  Megillae. 

14.  qnaeteennque...1  'WhateverQneenofBeautyenslaves 
you,  she  . . .  .'  The  whole  is  of  course  saroastic:  it  is  hinted 
that  he  is  in  love  with  a  slave,  cf.  2.  4.  1,  ingenuo  there- 
fore  is  emphatio,  'it  is  no  lowborn  love  tbat  leads  yon  wrong.' 

15.  embescendls]  erubeteo  is  intransitive  = '  t<>  blnsh '  bnt 
can  take  an  acc.  in  the  secondary  sense  of  4to  blnsh  for' 
(of.  2.  18.  26  n.),  and  can  therefore  have  a  gerundives^that 
is  to  be  blushed  for,'  'ashamed  of.' 

194  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ixvii. 

18.  ah  «imt,..]  Hb  ii  euppoeed  to  have  whieperod  the 
)  beuing  i(  eielaim»  A  h  miirr  . .  .  .  in  ■  tone 

1]  WloUuxn  well  comparea  t  he  uu  of  the  Onek 
■a,   aied  when  »  peraon  flnde  out  thet  wh»t 
nll  along  to  be  the  cseo  ii  really  io,     'How 
idls  w»i    cauiing   your    itrugglee';   I  «lwaji 
■--  -„-. .  iuiiii       anter  had  got  hold  of  yon  and  now  I  fi  nd  it  ii 
■0.   Cf.  1.  ST         and  Herod.  3.  M,  IXtytw  ipa  [of  wh»l  m  oraole 
DHBtlt  «11  -  Soph.  Phil.  978,  4o"  ijr  ipa  \  i  {uXXa^wr  fu, 

'•0  it  wm  —-    "  -tl  took  me,'  Hom.  II.  Ifl.  3S. 

11.    1  uian  wii      1  were  oelebrMed. 

38.    riz  II  1}  >i)l  PegMua  diaentangle 

yoe  from  tbe  t  - ,' 

The  Chimai  H.  fl.  181, 

w/>  ',  iitttfi  ti  x'(U»pa, 

Here  —  ..jia  _  _—  iur  mnj  mMi-deetrojiiig  monrter, 
from  which  even  more  tlmn  hnmin  tid  nnoh  u  th»t  of  BeUe- 
rophoo  on  Peguue  oannot  a&ord  delivorance. 

ode  xxvni. 

A  m™t  difricull  Ode.  It  ia  a  dramatic  frnjrment  the  elne 
to  wbich  U  wanting,  bocause  we  have  no  eiact  knowledge  (1) 
of  the  aoene  Horaoe  hn.l  in  hia  mind'i  eye,  (3)  whether  it  ia  a 
monologue  or  ■  dlalogua,  (3)  if  it  is  r  dialogue,  who  are  the 
■peiilccrs  and  whcrc  ooe  epeech  endi  and  tbe  other  begine. 

I  have  judgod  beat  to  append  (1)  ■  oloae  literal  tramlattoa, 
(9)  an  explanetion  of  alluiiona,  tto.  (S)  ■  ahort  atatement  ol 
the  ohief  theoriei  about  tha  ods. 

'Thae,  Ajohytaa,  who  didat  meunre  the  aea  and  eaith  and 
inrmmerable  aand  the  petty  gift  of  ■  littla  dnat  by  the  Matina 
ihore  oonflnee,  nor  doea  it  anght  arail  thee  tO  hara  attemptad 
the  dwellinga  of  the  aky,  and  m  thought  to  biva  aped  through 
the  thbII  of  heaven,  doomod  after  aJl  to  die.  Pexfahed  alao 
liu  the  aire  ol  Pelopi  though  he  feaated  with  tha  goda,  and 
Tithonui  translited  to  the  iky,  and  Minoe  thongh  ■ilinlHml 
to  th«  aecret  oouncili  of  Jnpiter,  and  Tartama  poanaaii  the 
eon  of  Pantboua  once  more  eonligned  to  Oroua,  elthough  bjr 

NOTES.  195 

taUng  down  hia  ehield  (and  10)  bearinff  witneea  to  hia  11»  at 
Troj  he  had  (proved  that  he  had)  vielded  oothing  but  sinews 
and  aldn  to  gloom y  death,  in  thj  judgment  no  mean  expounder 
ol  nature  and  of  truth.  Bnt  all  ono  night  awaite,  all  mnat 
o*c$  tread  the  path  of  death.  Some  the  Furies  present  aa  a 
epeotaole  to  fieroe-ejed  Mara,  aailora  (on  the  other  hand)  the 
greedj  aea  destrojs.  Old  and  joong  flook  togather  to  the 
grave:  eruel  Proeerpine  avoida  no  head.  Me  too  the  south 
wind,  raging  oomrade  of  the  aetting  Orion,  o'erwhelmad  with 
the  Uhrrian  warea.  But  thou,  O  aailor,  do  not  grudginglr 
refuaa  to  battow  a  partiole  of  ahifting  aand  on  mj  bonee  and 
unbnried  head:  ao,  whaterer  Bnrna  ahall  threaten  againat  the 
Italian  wavet,  maj  the  wooda  of  Venuaia  be  laahed  and  thou 
be  aafe,  and  maj  rioh  gain,  from  whenoe  it  maj,  stream  down 
on  thee  from  favouring  Jupiter  and  Neptune,  guardian  of  aaored 
Tarentum.  Doet  thou  deexn  it  a  light  thing  that  thou  art  oom- 
mitting  a  orime  whioh  will  hereafter  bring  iniurj  upon  thj 
innooent  ohildrenf  Nay,  haply  even  on  thraeli  awaiteth  the 
debt  of  justioe  and  diadain  in  relurn  for  disdain :  I  will  not  be 
left  with  mj  ouraea  unaven^ ed,  and  thee  no  expiatorj  aaorifioea 
ahall  free.  However  hurned  thou  art,  'tia  but  a  brief  delaj: 
oaat  but  three  handfula  of  earth  and  then  thou  majeat  haaten 
on  thj  journej.' 

2.  ▲rohjtaa.  A  digtinguished  mathematioian  (memorem 
maris...)  of  Tarentum:  lived  about  b.c.  400.  He  waa  of  the 
Pjthagorean  aohool  of  pbiloaophj,  of.  linea  10—12.  Some 
infer  from  thia  Ode  that  ne  waa  drowned  and  unburied,  othera 
that  hia  tomb  waa  a  noted  apot  on  the  Matine  ooaat,  aee  note 

8.  pulverli...]  There  ia  an  obvioua  oontraat  between  hia 
bouudleae  genius  and  narrow  tomb.  Cf.  Shakespeare,  Henrj 
IV.  Part  1,  Aot  5,  So.  4, 

'When  that  this  bodj  did  oontain  a  spirit, 
A  kingdom  for  it  was  too  small  a  bound; 
But  now  two  paoes  of  the  vilest  earth 
Ia  room  enough.' 

Katinum]    Probablj  the  shore  at  the  foot  of  Mt  Garganua. 

4.  munera]  is  teohnioaUj  uaed  of  the  due  and  dutiful 
bestowal  of  bnrial  upon  a  oorpee,  and  seems  to  make  the  faot 
that  Arohjtas  is  spoken  of  aa  buried  oertain.  Those  who 
make  Arohytas  the  speaker  in  line  86,  where  he  aaka  for 

196  HORAOT,  ODES  L  xrriii 

borial,  are  oompeUed  ■>  tranalase  Hhete  Hho  gfcft  oT  a  ttttk 
dnst/fto  thoogh  il  meant  ftthe  want  of  the  flift  of .  • .  /  nd 
eoJUtea  M-koep  jo«  here  on  the  eoaot,  itDoing  tmpoodWo 
fbr  joutoentorBljaiimiiintfl  jon  roootFO  tho  * too  boWMo' 

of  eerth. 


5.  aerlM...]For  tUo  deeoription  of  AielutM'  floaring 
genius  of.  tho  bruhant  ptnegjrio  on  Bpkarno  in  uner.  X.  TS, 

ergo  vMda  vi»  cmimi  mnvieU*  of  «etr» 
vroctnit  Iorm  /UmMjmmtfa  noonlo  onmmK 
ate**  o»nM  immtiuum  pcragrmvU  mtnU 

6.  morltaxo]  HotiMti*fdmtlife6>rivM!ram 
ol  moriturt,  8.  £  4. 

7—8.  Poloplfl  genltor,  Ttthonnfl,  Mlnoo]  8oo  OUofl.  Diek 
ond  fbr  Tithonao  Tennj»on'fl  poom  of  that  dibm. 

10.  Panthoiden]  8oo  Olaes.  Dict.  andor  'Pjthagorafl.'  Bven 
he,  notwithttanding  hio  theorj  of  /irrtfi^x^fftt  or  tho  tranfl- 
migration  of  soulfl,  and  tho  faot  that  he  had  onjojod  oovoral 
livej,  first  m  a  peaeook,  then  m  Buphorbus  (aPanthoidefl) 
at  Troy,  then  m  Homer,  then  m  Pythagoras,  and  ftnaUj 
m  Q.  Ennius  (of.  Pertius,  Sat.  6.  10.  11),  hM  finaUj  been 
compelled  to  suoonmb  to  the  great  law  of  mortalitj.  Thero 
ifl  eomething  Baroastio  in  Horaoe's  style  here,  and  aome  have 
been  induoed  to  think  that  the  whole  Ode  io  intonded  as  a 
sooflf  at  the  philoaophical  sjstem  of  Pythagoras.  For  Oroosfa 
Orewn  see  3.  28.  1,  eaelo  n. 

11.  ellpeo  refixo]  Pythagoras  had  proved  the  identitj  of  his 
soul  with  that  of  Euphorbus,  bj  at  ouce  seleoting  the  shield  of 
Euphorbus  from  a  quantity  of  other  armoor. 

13.  nerrofl  atque  cuteml  Contemptuous  words  to  ezpress 
the  mere  mortal  envelope  of  the  more  lasting  and  tranami- 
grating  soul. 

14.  iudlce  te]  Becanse  Archytas  wm  a  disoiple  of  Pytha- 
gora8.  However  the  Ode  is  taken,  I  have  little  hesitation  in 
saying  that  any  rendering  whioh  makes  U  refer  to  anj  one  bnt 
Archytas  is  impossible.  Sinoe  U  in  line  1  no  one  elae  has 
been  mentioned;  Archytas  was  a  Pythagorean,  and  thereforo 
U  in  line  1  and  U  here  must  be  identical. 

non  flordidns]  i.e.  'most  distinguished,*  of.  St  Panl's  *no 
mean  city,*  Acts  21.  39.    Litotes. 

NOTE&  197 

16.  semel]  onoe,  and  onoe  for  ell. 

17.  spectacula]  To  Maxi  war  is  an  amusement  (cl  1.  2. 87» 
ludo  $atiaU  longo)  and  slaughter  a  epectaculum. 

20.  oaput]    01  Vixg.  Aen.  4.  698, 

nondum  UUJtavwn  Proterpina  vertiee  erinem 
mbetuUrat,  Stygioque  eaput  damnaverat  Orco. 

Therefbre  eaput  doee  not  me^ely-•man,,  'life,'  bnt  refers 
to  the  legend  that  Proeerpine  marks  ont  the  victims  of  Death 
by  symbolically  entting  a  look  from  their  heads,  ae  wae  done 
with  sacxinciafvictiin*. 

ngtl]  The  aoriftio  nae  of  the  perfeet,  *ii  not  wont  to 
aroid  any  head,'  et  1. 84, 16,  tuttulit. 

21.  me  quoquo]  Theee  words  from  their  emphatle  poaition 
are  ciearly  guiding  words.  It  it  moet  natnral  to  oontrast  them 
with  the  emphatio  te  of  1.  1.  '  You,  Arehytas,  are  dead  .... 
and  I  too.' 

derezl  Orionis]  The  setting  of  Orion  earlj  in  November 
wae  a  period  alwaya  aooompanied  bj  storms.  So  8.  27.  18, 
Pronut  Orion. 

rapidus]    Fromropio,  'sweeping,  raving.' 

28.  at  tn,  nauta...]  Here  of  oonree  tu  refere  to  nauta,  but 
that  oannot  ahew  that  te  in  line  14  doee  ao  too,  9  lines  before 
nauta  is  mentioned.    As  to  nauta  see  theories  at  end. 

mallgnus]  'grudging ' :  the  oppoeite  of  henignut,  liberal. 

24.  eapltl  lnhumato]  The  hiatus,  eepeoially  where  the 
vowels  are  the  aame,  is  extremely  harah.  It  is  perhape  an 
affectation  of  simplicity  like  VirgiPe  ttant  et  juniperi  et  cat- 
taneae  hirtutae,  EcL  7.  58.  Instanoee  of  hiatus  with  proper 
names,  such  as  Threicio  AquiUme,  Epod.  18.  8,  and  Actaeo 
Aracyntho,  Virg.  Eol.  2.  24,  are  of  oourse  quite  distinot,  being 
a  olear  imitation  of  Greek  models,  see  2.  20. 18  n. 

26.  parttonlam  harenae]  The  three  handfuls  of  earth,  whioh 
oonstituted  a  legitimate  burial  and  taved  the  dead  soul  from 
wandering  on  the  ahoree  of  Styx,  of.  Virg.  Aen.  6.  825. 

slo]    See  1.  8. 1 .    So = on  oondi tion  that  you  do  this,  may . . . 

27.  pleotantnr] '  be  laahed,'  i.e.  by  storms.    Of.  Ok.  wXteem. 

198  HORACE,  ODES  I.  xxviii. 

28.  unde]  Orelli  takes  uruU=a  quo,  i.e.  Jove.  Othera, 
•from  whaterer  ouarttr  it  oan/  La.  I  oan  do  yoo  no  etrvioa, 
but  may  yon  get  gain  from  whtmtr  il  it  poaMhlt. 

80.  nagttgia...te  oommittera]  H.  BchttaandNaockriamV 
W  take  te  with  ooMmftftrt  aad  nol  with  fMttf  ;  «dotft  thon 

dttm  it  a  light  thing  thaft  thou  trt  inoorrinf V  «tftyfe 

comwtitunt  wouldmeen  *Dottthou  baaitata  toinoorf'  wmoh 
it  tht  exaet  opposite  of  whaft  it  wanfted. 

81.  fraudem]  iytt,  a  dttd  whieh  poUiiftea,  aad  mtjtft  bi 

83.  dtbttainra]  Tht  dabt  to  jottiot  whioh  yon  wfll  faanr 
and  have  to  disoharge. 

88.  ta  Iptnm]  oontrattad  with  n*H».  Tht  penarry  amy 
oomt  not  only  on  fthem,  bnt  on  jonratlf  even. 

86.  ttrpnlTtrt]  QL  Soph.  Ant  481,  xoofrt  rprvfal  i#i 
ri>  p4kw  rripn. 

Ont  grtat  dimeulty  with  regard  to  tfait  Oda  ia  tht  ontttion 
whether  Arohytaa  ia  to  ba  eonaidered  aa  haTing  bean  bnriad  or 
not.  Thoat  who  hold  that  ht  wat  not  make  tha  oda  a  dia- 
logue,  begnn  br  a  tailor  who  findt  the  eorpee,  and  oonclnded 
by  Archytaa  who  aakt  for  bnriaL  Of  theaa  aoma  aaaign  only 
lines  1—6  to  the  aailor:  in  thia  eaat  tht  U  of  lint  14  mnat 
refer  to  the  aaUor.  I  h&ve  already  in  the  notet  nrged  reaaona 
against  tbia,  and  it  alao  involvea  the  abtnrd  aasumption  ihat 
Arohytas  addresses  an  nnknown  sailor  as  a  strenuous  supporter 
of  the  Pythagorean  philotophy!  Can  any  aasumption  be  more 
groundlessf  Others  make  Arehytas  begin  to  speak  at  lina  17, 
others  at  lioe  21,  the  latter  being  much  the  more  natural  poti* 
tion  for  a  break.  Against  all  these  theories  there  are  tneee 
objeetions,  (1)  lines  8  and  4  which  certainly  on  the  faoe  of 
them  say  that  Arcbytat  is  buried,  must  not  be  taken  as  mean- 
ing  that,  for  Archytas  says,  line  86,  that  he  is  not  buried. 
Wickham  says  the  sailor  sees  the  oorpse  over  whioh  the  aand 
has  been  blown,  and  assumes  that  it  has  been  buried,  and  tht 
sand  has  been  duly  placed  there  as  a  last  dutiful  rite  (immttt) 
bestowed  on  the  dead,  a  mistake  of  the  sailor  which  Arohytaa 
afterwards  oorreota.  I  oannot  believe  this.  (2)  What  inatanoe 
is  there  of  such  a  dialogue  in  any  Ode  of  Horacef  (8.  9 
is  not  in  point.)  (8)  What  authority  is  there  for  the  faot  tnat 
Arohytas  was  drownedf  e&st  ashore  on  the  Matine  beachf 

NOTES.  109 

and  unburiedT  (4)  AMomlng  that  he  wae,  why  ehould  Ho- 
raee  write  thie  eurioue  Ode  about  a  man  he  eared  nothing 
about.  who  had  died  400  yeara  before,  and,  aoeording  to  ao- 
oepted  theoriee  (eee  Virg.  Aen.  6.  839),  wonld  eron  if  nnbmied 
heve  eompleted  hit  100  yeare  of  wandering  on  the  banka  of 
Styx  800  yeare  before?  (5)  Ie  it  natnral  to  pnt  the  philoeo- 
phio  refloctione  of  the  opening  linee  in  the  month  of  a  wan- 
dering  sailor? 

The  eimpleei  explanation  eeema  to  be,  that  there  wae  at 
any  rate  a  eo-oelled  tomb  of  Arohytae  on  that  Matine  ehore 
with  whioh  Horaoe  from  hie  boyhood  wonld  be  well  aonnainted 
fcf.  referenoe  to  Venneia  1. 16),  and  that  he  makee  thie  the 
oramatio  eoene  of  hii  ode,  whioh  ie  a  monologue,  the  epeaker 
beinff  the  epirit  of  eome  traveller  who  had  been  ehipwreeked 
on  the  ooaet  near  Archy taa*  tomb  and  been  left  nnboried.  Ho- 
raoe  may  aotually  have  eeen  enoh  a  eaee.  In  thie  oaee  the 
argnment  would  run  thue.  the  opening  refleotione  being  eug- 

feeted  by  tho  proximity  of  the  tomb.  'Yee,  we  mnet  afl  diel 
Jven  for  you,  Arohvtae,  eix  feet  of  earth  mnet  euffioe.  8o  it 
hae  been  even  with  the  greateet:  even  your  own  highly  ho- 
nonred  tcacher  ie  dead.  All  end  at  the  eame  goal,  though  they 
reaoh  it  by  different  pathe,  eome  in  war,  othere  by  ahipwreok. 
I  too  have  been  drowned :  Jthen  enddenly  breaking  otf  at  the 
thought  of  the  ead  fate  of  the  unburied,)  but  do  thou,  O  eailor 
(any  eailor  who  might  be  paeeing  along  the  ehore,  or  on  the 
eea  oloee  in),  kindly  perform  for  me  the  laet  offices:  they  will 
not  long  delay  you. 

Thie  viewt  to  whioh  I  had  been  eompeUed  by  a  etudy  of  the 
toxt  almoet  in  defiance  of  all  the  oommentatore  I  had  eeent  ief 
I  have  eince  found,  almost  identical  with  that  of  Nauok,  Sohuta 
and  othere. 


'Are  you  really,  Iccins,  intending  to  join  the  expedition  to 
Arabiaf  What  can  you  hope  to  gain?  8urely  the  world 
muet  be  upside  down  when  the  philoeophic  Icoiue  eelle  hie 
carefully  formed  library  to  buy  annour.' 

IooiuB  ie  aleo  referred  to  Epist.  1.  12  ae  the  eteward  of 
Agrippa'e  Sicilian  estates.  The  expedition  referred  to  ie  one 
made  by  Aeliue  Gallus  into  Arabia  Felix  in  b.o.  24.     It  wae 

HORACE,  ODES  I.  xzix 

lnsuocessfal,  bo  thmt  non  anle  dtvici.ii  snd  caienat  were  rttber 

1.  3.  bMtU  skAm)  'rieh  tremsttres.'  The  word  ^ui  U 
Permisn.  Armbim  Felii  or  Smbaem  w  oelebrmted  for  ite  im  uid 
precioui  perfumei,  cf.  the  vieit  of  tho  Qneen  of  Sheb»  to  Solomon, 
1  Kings  10.  1.  For  ite  'tromsures'  ef.  mlso  2.  13.  2-1,  piouu 
Arabton  dmm,  B,  34.  1,  intartit  opvlentior  Iheiaurii  Arab-un, 
Rnd  Pi.  72.  16,  '  anto  hira  ihall  be  given  of  ibe  gold  of  Armbim.' 

To  the  KfiQnns  the  wbole  Emst  wms  the  Und  of  untold 
wemlth,  m  sort  of  Eldormdo  sucb  u  the  Spmniarde  boped  to  flnd 
in  Meiioo  mud  Peru:  in  both  cuti  the  flrst  eiplorer»  were 
dusled  bj  the  nit  colleotions  of  aselese  wcmlth  whioh  hmd 
bcen  formed  bj  m  few  despotio  potentmtee,  while  the  inhmbit- 
uutB  stmrved.    Cf.  Milton,  Paradue  Lott,  9.  8, 

'Or  where  the  gorgeous  Gut  with  ricbeet  hand 
Sbowsre  on  ber  kungs  bmrbmrio  pemri  mnd  gold.' 

4.    reglbm]     'Emirs,'  'prinoea.' 

E.  uactl«  catenms)  The  whote  of  thii  etmnzm  ia  in  m  tone 
of  plmyful  ironj;  Horace  eiaggerates  the  expecutjous  of  Iooius. 
He  npemke  of  him  mt  forging  fetters,  mnd  hoping  to  bring  home 
the  cmptivee  of  bis  bow  mnd  spemr  in  hcroio  fashion. 

qume  ttbl . . . ]  'What  bmrbmrimn  mmid  wili  be  your  aUre 
when  you  hmva  slmin  her  betrothedF' 

Cf.  Judges  S.  S0,  "Have  tbej  not  spedf  havo  thej  not 
divided  the  prey:  to  everj  mmn  m  dmmssl  or  two...»' 

7.  puer.  .]  'What  pmga  from  oourt  with  perfumed  iooki 
will  be  set  to  bmnd  jour  onp?' 

For  these  Eastern  oup-bearers  cf.  Nebemimh  2.  1,  mnd 
Dsniel  1.  3.  Thej  were  usumllj  of  noble  birth  mnd  parsonm) 

For  cmplllis  of.  Tennjson's  'long-hmired  pmga'  In  the  Lmdj 
of  Shmlott. 

9.  Berioms]  Tbe  Seres  mre  the  remotest  peoplaof  theBmmt. 
Notioa  how  Hormce  stmrtod  with  Armbim,  moon  got  to  Pmrtbim 
(Medo),  mnd  bms  now  mmda  Iotiui  ramoh  Chinm.  Ferbmp»  the 
eimggermtion  U  intended. 

10.  quli  neg-et...]  'Wbo  would  denj  thmt  ftennnniliiig 
stremms  cmn  flow  bmckwmrds  up  steep  monntmini...f ' 

Wickham  well  snggeita  thmt  ordui»  montibiu  i»  mti  mblmtlve 
mbaolnteon  themnmlogjof  adveno  fitadru  4o.  It  inmj  poeaiblj 
bi  thw  dmtlr*. 

NOTES.  201 

The  phrase  is  an  ordinary  one  io  express  that  the  order 
ol  nature  is  invcrted.    Of.  Enx.  Med.  440, 

eV»  tvt+p&v  UpSm  x«pe0t  vayal, 
coi  9lea  «ol  warra  wd\ur  «r^eVfrac, 

tnd  Gieero,  ad  Att.  15.  4.  1,  merelj  nees  the  words  a>w  rora- 
adr  when  he  wiihee  to  express  that  ail  ia  topsy-turvy. 

Motiee  the  juxtapoeition  of  the  antithetical  worda  arduit 
frmm,  and  the  aeeommodation  of  sound  to  aenae  in  1. 11  with 
lti  heavy  and  nphill  movement. 

18.    tn]  Emphatio:  'thou,  tiie  philosopher.' 

ooemptos  nndiqne]  He  waa  not  merely  an  ordinary  itndent 

of  nhttoeonhy,  bat  a  keen  oolleetor  of  philosophioal  works. 

For  thep  ln  eoemptoe  of.  2.  4. 10  n. 

14.  Fanaetl]  A  oelebrated  Stoio  philosopher,  the  friend  of 
Soipio  and  Laelina.    Died  about  111  b.o. 

loerattcam  domnm]  'the  Booratio  sohool,'  i.e.  the  works 
of  the  Socratio  sohool.  Tha  phrase  would  inolnde  all  those 
philosophers  who  were  inflnenoed  by  Soorates,  and,  ohief 
among  tbem,  Plato.  Soorates  never  fonnded  a  'sohool' 
nrooerly  so  oalled;  his  teaohing  enoouraged  the  philosophio 
spint  of  enqniry  generaUy,  and  did  not  establiih  definite 
dogmas;  henee  among  the  followers  of  Soorates  are  to  be 
fonnd  philosophers  of  the  most  raried  views,  the  Peripatetics, 
the  Cynies,  the  Cyrenaios,  and  others. 

16.    Hiberla]  made  of  Spaniah  steel. 


•Venus,  qnit  thy  favonrite  hannts  and  visit  Qlyeera  who 
prays  thy  presenoe,  and  bring  with  thee  thy  joyous  troop  of 

1.  Onldns,  in  Caria:  here  was  the  famous  statne  of  Venns 
by  Praxiteles,  of  whioh  the  Medicean  is  said  to  be  a  oopy. 

3.    sperne]    Cf.  1. 19.  9. 

8,  4.  deooram  in  aedem]  Aedet  in  the  singnlar  usually= 
'a  temple,'  in  the  plural  =  4a  house.'  It  mav  be  that  Glycera  is 
suppoeed  to  have  fitted  np  a  mimio  shnne  for  Venua,  and 


202  HORACE,  ODES  I.  xxx. 

Horace  wro'-  '      i  mimic  ode  ot  inTOcaliou  (iiua  ikqriM&r)  foi 
n'  his  Tiew  ii  Bnpported  bj  the  word»   thure 

niB  to  thiuk  'houas '  a  safer  rendering. 
I    lonle]    'with    looaenod    girdlea.'    For  the 
l  n  Gratiac  praperentque  Nyrnphae  tee  3.    19. 

7.  e  mii  ..]    'Touth  that  withont  tbee  (i. e.  Lovg) 

8.  ■  i]  aooompanies  Venus  as  the  god  of  «peech: 

■ilent  WO  «r-lv  .nnwiufnl 

Iq  b.c.  28  AuguBtuB,  in  <i      f  the  viclory  of  Actium, 

dedicated  a  temple  to  Apoll  L       'alntiue,  aud  al  tbe  Bnuie 

tima   a  librarj  wbich  ooate r..    only  the  worke  but   tbe 

busU  of  erainent  Cireek  and  Boi  in  writere.  Thi»  latter 
ciroumatance  naturallj  cnused  ood  derable  exeitement  »nd 
cmuJfltinn  in  the  litcrarj  world,  am.  is  continuallT  referred  to 
bj  thera.  Cf.  Epist.  3.  1.  316,  i.  3.  91.  1.  3.  17,  bhJ  Suet. 
Aug.  28. 

"What  aball  the  poet  praj  for  to  his  patron  god  Apollo  on 
tliis  great  dajf  Not  for  large  eetatoa  aud  wealtb.  Lct  wealth 
■nd  luiurions  living  be  for  pToapsronB  merchsiits,  who  think 
themseWe»  the  ver;  favouritcs  of  hciiveo  because  their  sbijis 
have  made  manj  succeesfnl  Toyages.  I  am  satiafied  with  eimple 
fare,  and  aak  but  for  ft  bealthj  mind  and  healtby  body,  m 
old  age  frea  Irom  diehononr  and  onanned  bj  Jioe-rj.' 

1.  dedic*.tum]  =  'in  hia  new  temple.'  The  Boman»  oau 
aaj  not  mercly  dedieart  aedem,  but  dedicart  deum;  Wlokliam 
well  saji,  'perhapa  from  tho  imaga  of  tbe  god  whioh  wai 
installed  in  his  abrine.'  In  thla  oaae  wa  know  that  there 
actuallj  waa  such  an  image,  a  itatoe  by  Soopai  whioh  Ang 
brougbt  from  Qreeoe  (Plin.  86.  6.  i).  Propsrtia»  twawM 
(8.  23.  6),  and  a  copy  of  it,  the  '  Apollo  Citharoedoa,'  is  in  tha 
Yatican,  and  i*  repreaented  ln  Smith'B  Hist.  of  Oreeoe,  p.  661, 

3.    noTnm]    Cf.  1, 19. 16,  bimimeri.    Newwinawaaoaedin 

NOTES.  «03 

4.  Sardlniae]  Both  Sardinia  and  Sicily  rappUed  Bome 
with  oorn.    Cf.  note  on  1. 1. 10. 

segetes  feraces)  'Fraitfal  erops*  or  'fruitful  oorn-lands.' 
MfMsseiiher  the  land  sown,  or  the  orop. 

5.  aeetuosae] 'sultry.'    Cf. 

grata  Galabrlae  armenta]  grata,  ai  being  in  good  oon- 
dition,  and  pleasant  to  oontemplate.  Nearly  every  one  has 
ezperienoed  the  feeling  of  pleasure  prodnoed  by  the  skht  of 
fine  oontented  eattle  in  a  rioh  pasture.  The  eattle  in  Oalabria 
were  driven  np  to  the  hille  in  summer,  and  down  to  the 
valleys  in  winter. 

6.  anmm  aut  ebur  Xndionm]  Oold  and  Wory  are  taken 
aa  typioal  of  Oriental  wealth  and  lnzury  generally.  8o  the 
nayy  of  Tharabiah  (1  Kings  10.  22)  brought  to  Solomon  e?ery 
three  yeare  'gold,  and  silver,  and  hrory.' 

7.  quae  Iiria...)  *which  Lirie  eate  awar  with  hia  gentle 
watere,  that  ailent  stream.'  The  beauty  of  the  deeoription  of  a 
slowlv-fiowing  river  ia,  in  the  Latin,  inoomperable.  quieta:  o( 
the  alow  movement  of  the  stream,  tacUurnut  of  the  eonsequent 
silenoe  of  ite  waters,  of.  the  oppoeite  loquacet  8. 18. 16. 

9.  premant]  'prune' :  repress  the  luzuriant  growth  of. 

Calena]  The  epithet  is  transferred  from  the  vine  to  the 
pruning-knife.  The  graxnmatieal  term  for  this  is  'hypallage' 
(cf.  8. 1.  42  n.).   Cales  is  in  Campania. 

10.  dives  et...]  •  And  let  the  wealthy  merehant  drain  from 

Solden  goblets  the  wines  aoquired  in  exohange  for  (rvperata) 
yrian  merohandise.'  CuluUi  are  said  to  be  veasels  used  in 
saered  rites  by  the  pontiils  and  veetal  virgina:  this  word  and 
exeiecet  (drain  to  the  dregs)  are  purpoeely  used  to  bring  out 
the  luzury  and  greed  of  the  merohant-prinoe. 

12.  gyra  meree]  So  8.  29.  60,  Tyriae  wureee.  The  phrase 
would  include  ali  those  produots  of  the  East  whioh  oame 
throngh  Syria,  and  especially  through  the  great  emporium 
of  Tyre. 

18.  dls  earus  ipsis)  /car'  elpuvelaw  Orelli.  The  irony  \m 
strongly  brought  out  by  quippe^  'because  forsooth.' 

ter  et  quater]    *Three  or  four  times':  so  in  Gk.  Sk  *oi 


p.  u.  15 


Tbu  _ 

th*  VHMBs    . 

MM«  tl' 

oomea,  that  > 
eojoyment  of  t 
of  hulife. 

04  HORACE,  ODES  I.  uii. 

II.  18-     oUna,  ciobore»,  milvaej  i.  e.  tbc  ordiniry  products 
t  I  D. 

.«.  to  the  digoation. 

Mayeat  tboa  grant  me  (for  the  preeent),  0 
[07  whet  I  hata  both  wilb  aound  hoalth,  and, 

I  lmimpaired,  and  (in  the  future)  to  paas  an 

■  reodering:  Horaoe  hu  twowiehea:  (1)  for 

II  bolh  of  body  uid  mind  jcf.  Juv.  10.  356, 
nwiu  liiiu  in  eorpore  iuno),  (3)  when  old  ege 

, *-'-u  -' — 1J ftocompenj  it,  and  tbat 

1 , ed  been  tho  happineee 

Wickheir..'-  -  —,  He  tranalatea,  -Be  thj 

"  njoy  the  good  the  god» 

nd  raind  among  thera) 

..'    Thia  ia    eo    harah 

..  -_— _■  it.  though  at  toaj  haTe 

1  We  are  eummoned.  II  ov.:t,  my  lyre,  in  lightei  moroente 
I  with  thy  aid  haTe  euug  enjthing  which  may  eurrWo,  oome 
dow  inapire  me  with  a  L&tin  eong,  euoh  aa  Aloaeua  saiig  of 
old,  tha  warrior-bard.  O  thou  that  art  tha  glory  of  Phoebua, 
the  dalight  of  Jupiter,  tha  eolice  of  toii,  osaist  ma  whanever 

1.  poaolmur]  Horaoe  faad  eridently  been  aakod  lo  write  an 
Ods  01  Odm  on  oomo  ■ubjeot  of  national  intereat  (Leirama- 
eorwt—.)  1  thii  Ode  io  an  appaal  to  hia  lyre  bj  the  iiutnory 
of  tlieir  paat  anocoee  in  lightei  aubjeota  to  ald  him  tn  tm_ 
Whethar  Auguatoa  01  MaonenM  made  tha  requeet,  and  whether 
the  nohlo  national  lyrioa  at  tha  eoinmenoenwnt  of  Book  8  ara 
the  anawer,  ia  mattar  of  oonjeeturo.  Patcimur  ainiiio  lo 
imply  that  thoae  wbo  lommonod  Horaoe  had  tho  right  oz 
ebum  todo  ao. 

Tbe  reading  potciim*  (foilowed  by  a  oomme  and  go— im- 
Ing  qnodf  it  utterly  weak,  and  the  roading  foteiwntr  io  iTmitlj 
rapporUd  by  many  paaaagaa  in  Orid,  e.g.  PontfMMr,  AomUm, 
SWI,  4.  731. 

NOTES.  205 

■11  This  oieofa  elanse  beginning  with  ti  in  appcals  ii 
vcry  frequent.  Ot  Garm.  Saec  87, Roma H vet tnm oput  ett... 
dot*...,  and  8. 18.  5,  Faune...ltnit  ineedat...ti. 

1, 9.  vaoni  sub  umbra  lusimusl  Notioe  how  saeh  word 
hrings  ont  the  idca  of  light  iportive  poetry.  Sub  umbra: 
grottoes  or  groves  are  of  oourte  the  haunU  of  poets.  LutU 
mut  ii  oommonly  need  of  the  oompoiition  of  playful  vcrse, 
ct  4.  9. 9,  H  quid  oUm  huit  Anaereon,  and  ot  9. 18.  96  n. 

9.  quod  §*...]  Notioe  that  this  eUuse  does  not  rsfer  to 
LaHnum  earmen,  but  to  ti  quid. 

8.  dio]  'ntter':  the  instrnment  is  ssid  to  speak. 

4.  barbite]  Masonline  here  as  in  late  Greek.  The  word 
has  the  almost  nniqne  privilege  of  possessing  thrse  genders,  4 
fidpfkree  and  ro  pdppre*  bsing  also  found,  an  instonoc  whioh 
shews  how  illogical  lt  is  to  apply  the  masonline  and  feminine? 
gendsrs  to  things  withont  life  slmost  as  ciearly  as  the  fact  • 
that  the  German  wordi  for  a  knife,  spoon,  and  fork  are  of  thrse 
different  genders. 

5.  Lesblo  prlmum...]  It  is  imnlied  though  not  expressed 
that  Horaoe  hopes  his  ode  will  eqnsl  those  of  Alcaeus.  See  too 
1. 1. 84,  note. 

modulate]    8ee  1. 1.  95,  note. 

dTl)  is  emphatio.  Aleaeus  (flor.  611  b.o.)  took  a  most 
aotiTO  part  in  politioal  life.  He  wss  driven  into  exile  hy 
the  popnlar  party  t  he  f onght  both  against  the  Athenians,  and 
Fittaons  the  tyrant  of  Mitylene.    Of.  9. 18.  98. 

6.  qnl  ferox...)  'Who.  fieroe  warrior  though  he  was,  yet 
amid  the  olash  of  arms  or  if  he  had  moored  ms  storm-tossed 
bark  on  the  dank  beaoh . . . .' 

7.  siye)  is  omitted  before  inter  arma,  of.  1.  8. 16. 

religo  seems  to  have  the  foroe  of  'binding  so  as  to  hold 
baok':  so  too  re  in  retinaeulum9  *a  mooring-rope.' 

9,  10.  illi  haerentem]  'eiinging  to  her  side/  cf.  Tirg. 
Aen.  10.  780,  haeeerat  Evandro. 

11.  nXgrli  oenlis  nlgroqne]  When  the  Boman  poeta  repeat 
a  word  they  are  very  fond  of  putting  it  in  snoh  a  position  that 
the  iotus  falls  differently  on  it  in  the  two  positions.  Nigrit 
of  oonrse  sliows  the  first  syllable  to  be  long  or  shart,  bnt  in 


HORACE,  ODES  I.  ixiii. 

lii  foudntwi  lh«  poet*  often  sbiolutelj  sltet 
«ord  whsn  thnj  repest  it.   The  best  imUnoas 

I,    ti  >jj   «i\a   IdXll  Titfianai.     Luot.  4.  1369, 

i,  Hom.  'Af.<i  "Ap"-  Virg.  paM  i'dtt,  And 
uics  to  thi*  one  Viig.  Acn.  3.  663,  ixilun  ant* 

Tbere  ia  do  othsr  clesr  insUnoe  of  the  use  of 
f.  Aii  the  MSS,  give  it  here.  It  teemi  to 
cf  time  conUined  in  the  parlicipls  vocanti 

Voeanti  curi.juc  = '  to  me  esUing  whensver,' 

»11, '     Nsaci  bbvs  thst  it  ie  =  ' WKQD  (ei)  «ueb 

i  seems  to  hsve  regsrded 

in  thii  Bow.  .,„„„  UD  ^.  ..........u»  *•  two  wordi,  6.  3,  7.  36, 

S.  14,  16,  3,  87.  14. 
mlhl  ttlve : .  " 


'  Leat  you  grieve  too  much  nt  the  thought  of  Qljcers'i 
craeltj,  Tibullns,  »nd  ceaeeleeelj  lsment  being  ouUhoae  bj  ■ 
rivsi,  remember  thst  it  ie  ■  oommon  caBe:  Ljooris  loves  Cyrue, 
Cyrue  lovei  Pboloe,  snd  Fholoe  thinke  Cyrai  detesUble. 
Tenui  delighte  in  oruel  «port  to  yoke  togetber  thoie  vrbo  will 
nevcr  mske  n  psjr.  The  very  esme  thing  ha*  hsppened  to 
jnyielf,  si  to  you.' 

Por  ths  intimiey  ol  Horaoe  snd  Tibullui  (for  whom  ese 
Clsss.  Diot.)  see  csrefully  Epiet.  1.  4,  Albi,  nottronan  unwnni 
candidf  juder,  snd  ths  psnegyrio  whioh  follows,  TibuUa*' 
poetry  U  fall  of  ths  phuntivs  lsmenU  referrsd  to  in  1. 1. 

1.  ne  dolissjof.  2.  4.  ln.  pln*  nlmio:  cf.  1. 1B.  lfi.  The 
phrsie  pnt  bstwesn  doltan  and  wumor  guss  psrtly  with  both. 

9,  unailtb  Olyosi*»]  Notioe  tba  plsy  of  wordi:  t— lifti 
i-bitUr,  sad  yXjksM  •>•**•«.  Ot  dulci  loqu***  LsJuf*  (X« 
Xbf),  1.  33.  84.  Suoh  plsys  an  wotd*  ms  espeoislly  frsojBMt  iu 
trsgedy,  of.  Ajsx  180. 

■ia?  rii  Ir  rer    iftt  ift'  eVuvefio* 
roiuor  (urslatiF  aVofta  mki  lnatt  i««c<i; 

NOTES.  207 

And  Shakespeare  makes  John  of  Gaunt  on  his  deathbed  ■peak 
of  himaelf  aa— 

'Old  John  of  Gannt,  and  gannt  in  being  oloV 

8.  deeuites  enrl  *  Bing  to  satiety  (aaking)  why  her  pledge 
ia  violated  and  ....     For  decanUt  of.  1.  8. 18  n. 

elegos]    IIX/yffBory  alaat 

5.  inatgnem  tenul  fronte]  Gf.  Epist  1.  7.  26,  ttigro* 
angutta  fronte  eapiUot,  where  Horaoe  ie  ipeaking  of  beeuty 
in  a  xnan.  A  small  forehead,  or  at  any  rate  a  forehead  that 
appeara  small  owing  to  the  growth  of  the  hair,  is  no  donbt  an 
addition  to  beauty. 

8.  lnngentnr...]  '  Booner  will  roei  mate  with  wofres  than 
Pholoe  oommit  herself  with  a  lorer  she  holds  vile.* 

9.  turpl]  does  not  assort  that  Qyrus  is  *Tile/  but  that  he 
is  so  in  the  opinion  of  Pholoe. 

10.  sio  Tlsum  Venerl]  'Suoh  is  the  pleasure  of  Yenus.' 
The  phrase  indioates  that  it  is  a  oase  where  it  is  of  no  arail 
arguing  or  appealing,  the  matter  having  been  settled  by  a  high 
and  arbitrary  power:  of.  Ov..Met.  1.  886,  tie  visum  tuperu, 
Virg.  Aen.  2.  428,  Du  aliUr  vitum,  also  2.  17.  15,  ticplacitum. 

10,  1L  impares  formas]  The  predileotion  of  tall  men  for 
short  women  and  vict  vtrtd  is  supposed  to  be  an  established 

Yenus  delights  to  yoke  together  indisaolubly  {Juga  aenea — 
a  yoke  there  is  no  breaking,  of.  8.  9.  18,  see  too  8.  16.  2)  those 
who  though  thus  yoked  to  each  other  oan  never  make  'a  pair ' 
(for  that  implies  that  they  are  well  matohed|  but  must  erer 
remain  impartt.  Saevo  cumjoco  *in  oruel  jest  ;  ot  n.  on  ludo 
1.  2.  87. 

18.    ipsomme...] 

'I  myself,  woo*d  by  one  that  was  truly  a  jewel, 

In  thraldom  was  held,  whioh  I  oheerfully  bore, 
By  that  oommon  ehit,  Mvrtale,  though  she  was  ornel 
As  wavea  that  indent  the  Galabrian  shore.' 


HORACE,  ODES  I.  uxi». 

ODE  XXXIV.  ^^^M»^»_e»-i 

t  llttla  beiief  in  the  godi  »nd  ra  the  dii«iple 
«irjdom  '  faUelj'  eo  calied,'  now  am  driran  to 
I  heard  thnnder,  wheo  the  skj  waa  olondleai, 
bske»  the  univerie  »nd  U  iadeed  Ihe  Toioe  of 
power  U  viaible  io  all  thiaga,  wbo  "hatb  pot 
from  their  eeal  »nd  hith  eulted  tha  hnrnble 

1 » Ode.    Hoi  m  wa*  at  ac  t  rate  fairlj 

.6,3  to  '»•"'  ■  tbe  pbiloaopbjr  of  Epi- 

'■•i  1  ■  een  briHianllv  deacribed 

l  ol  ,u  poelry,  the  De  Reruta 

■    -  ■  ita  _         al  point»  wai  that  ei  ther 

j>  •>  tbat  Uo.t  liTtd  whollj  and  eatirelj 

iii  i  ckrs  {leevrum  ageri  ateum,   Sat.  1. 

'The  goda  who  hauut 
The  tucid  inter»p»c«  of  world  and  world, 
Where  never  oreepe  a  oloud  or  motea  a  wind 

Nor  eoond  of  hnroan  eortow  matiate  to  mar 
Their  «aored  everlaiticR  calm!' 

TixxTaos'*  Looretiu». 
Tha  Epicureans  urged  th»t  mauy  thing»,  whioh  the  rolgar 
beliered  to  declare  the  preaenee  of  Qod,  were  but  the  reaolta 
ol  the  or.linirr  actioa  of  lnJcpendeot  natural  foroea,  Among 
raany  otiier  argumenta  ooe  of  the  moat  popular  waa:  if  thundar 
ba  tne  Toice  of  Ood,  whj  doea  it  never  thunder  exoept  wheo 
there  arc  clouda  aboat  aad  it  esn  therefore  be  etpUined  oa 
□atonl  gronnda*  Cf,  Ariat.  Nubee  870 — 130  and  alao  Lncr. 
Book  6,  wbere  the  whole  eubject  ia  disctiised  »nd  tha  actual 
qneitioo  put  (6.  400), 

deniave  eur  mmqtuim  eatlo  jaeit  touUftw  poro 
Jtippiltr  in  ttrrai  fuimtn  loaitxtfue  jrrqfluttt  I 

NOTES.  800 

1.  cultor]  'worshipper.' 

2.  insanientis  sapiontiae]  A  good  instanoe  of  oxjmoron, 
■ee  8.  11.  86  n.  8apienHa  u  the  regular  word  for  wisdom, 
meanfag  therebj  philosophj;  the  philosophj  here  is  of  ooorte 
that  of  Epieurus. 

2,3.    dumerro]««whileIstrayedV    SeeLlO.  11  n. 

8.  oonsnltns]  Of.  the  oommon  phrase  Juris  consultus;  it 
indioates  one  who  ie  an  'adept'  or  'professor.' 

6.  Diospitor]  Of.  note  on  1.  1.  25.  The  word  ie  arohaio, 
and  ite  emplojment  an  affeotation,  of.  4.  4.  41,  adorea,  4. 15.  8, 
duellis,  4.  6.  88,  Noctilucam,  4.  11.  8,  tpargier.  For  the  gen. 
dies  of.  pater/amilias. 

8.  nnblla]  ie  emphatio  as  oppoeed  to  per  purum.  'Who 
nsnally  cleayes  the  cloudt  with  flashing  flame  latelj  throngh  a 
cloudUttBkj  ....* 

9.  bmta  tellns,  raga  flnmlna]    See  B.  4.  45  n. 

10.  Taenaril  'Cape  Matapan'  in  Laoonia.  Olose  towas 
the  entranoe  to  tne  nnder  worli    Of.  Virg.  O.  4.  487, 

Taenarias  etiam  fauces,  aUa  ostia  Ditis. 

11.  Atlantensqne  flnisl  'Atlas  the  bonndarr  of  theworld': 
of.  Enr.  Hipp.  8,  ripiwrtt  r  'ArXomxot.  Bejond  the  Straite  of 
Gibraltar  was  almost  an  nnknown  region  to  the  anoiente. 

12.  ralet  ima...]  See  Introdnotion  to  Ode.  Orelli  aleo 
eomparee  Job  5.  11.  Oonstrne  'He  hath  power  to  ohange  the 
lowliest  with  the  loftiest,  and  God  maketh  the  great  man  weak, 
bringing  to  light  things  hidden  in  gloom.' 

14.  apicem]  Teohnicallj  this  was  a  eonioal  oap  worn  bj 
the  flamines.  It  is  nsed  however  to  express  anjthing  worn  as 
a  sign  of  imperial  power,  as  eqnivalent  to  tiara  or  diadema. 
Cf.  8.  21.  20,  regum  apices.  The  Bomans  had  no  word 
for  'a  crown'«a  rojal  crown,  because  haying  abolished  kings 
for  erer  thej  abolished  also  the  sjmbols  of  their  power. 

15.  stridore]  i.  e.  alarum.  Fortnne  is  represented  as 
winged  and  swooping  down  unexpeotedlj  and  snatohing  from 
one  what  she  oarries  to  another. 

18.  sustulit]  The  aoristio  nse,  of.  1.  28.  20.  posuisu%  'to 
hare  plaoed,'  i.  e.  to  plaoe  and  let  it  rest  there. 

210  IIOIUCE,  ODES  I.  x&xv. 

ODE  XXXV.  J^^,,,1MfJ_»mmmmi 

lutium,  Ihou  all-ponerfal  goddesi  Fortuae, 
i  lupplicatei  nad  the  uilor,  thee  the  nitioni 
bdcl  mothera  of  prinee»  uid  even  kings  in  «11 

tueir  giorr  fet  lest  thou  shouldest  overthrow  their  proe- 
peritj.  Before  uee  mmrchea  Deatinj  with  all  tho  f  jmboli 
of  her  taunuuble  power:  with  thee  are  Hope  and  Oood  Faiih, 
taithful,  even  when  thou  hast  ceased  to  imile  ind  tho  vulgar 
herd  of  flatterere  haa  deeerted  t  'ortonetc.    O  do  tbou 

guard  thc  Emperor  in  his  attack  ritain  and  oui  airoiei 

m  the  E&ut:  m»y  thcae  legitimata  wa.s  expiate  our  unhoij' 
civil  contentiona,  mej  Roman  iwordi  no  longer  be  whelted 
but  against  a  foreign  foe.' 

The  Fortune  of  thi*  Ode  ii   not   •  floUe  and  caprieioui 
goddess;  uot  aa  9.  29. 49, 

Furtuna  taivr,  laeta  negotio  el 
hidun  iiualmfi:m  ludm  ptrtinax, 
but  ijmbolizee  tb*t  onknown  mysterioua  power  whioh  regulatet 
at  will  the  obuujeral  phaaea  of  human  life.  At  line  39  thnt 
gcneral  couception  U  ipeoialized  and  the  prajer  ia  addressed 
to  tbat  Fortuna  populi  Romani  of  whose  power  tha  Romsus 
were  stronglj  reminded  whenever  thej  recalled  the  history 
rjf  the  growth  of  their  world-wide  empire. 

Wiokham  aptlj  qnotes  end  happily  rendera  PliiUrch'i 
description  of  this  Fortnne  (de  Fortuua  Roujanomm,  0.  4), 
'even  aa  Aphrodite,  when  ihe  orossed  the  EuroUs,  laid  aside 
her  mirror  and  her  omamenti  and  her  osstoa,  and  took  ipear 
and  shield  to  adorn  hereelf  for  Ljourgus'  eyes,  so  wben,  aftex 
BojaurTiing  wjlh  Pereians  and  AjMjriam,  with  Maoed.n' 

1.    gre.tum]  ao.  tihi,  M  1.  80.  3,  dilectam  Cyprim. 
AnUum]    On  the  coatt,  oapital  of  the  Volaci.     There  ren 
two  lUtnea  of  Fortune  thara,  whioh  were  coniulted  bj  a  toethod 

NOTK&  211 

of  drawing  lots  {per  eorUe).    80  too  at  Praeneste:  ct  Stat 
Silv.  1.  8.  80,  PraerutHnae  tororet. 

3.  prMmu]  'readj  and  able.'  praetent  implies  noi  merelj 
'preeenoe,'  bat  also  to  be  present  with  the  wish  and  abOitj 
to  assist.    Henee  the  inf.  eiler  it.    vel—  <even.' 

8.  mortale  oorpus]  *frail  mortala.'  The  phraae  aeemi  used 
inttead  of  'men,'  to  ezpreai  the  weakneee  and  frailtj  of  hu- 

5.  amWt]  Literallj,  'to  go  round  eanTaaiing '  (henoe  ojh- 
bMo),  then  4to  oourt,'  •worehip.' 

6.  domlnam  aequoris]  *as  mistress  of  the  ooean.' 

7.  8.  Bithjna,  Oarpathlnm]  Pietorial.  Cf.  1.  1.  18  n. 
Oarpatkium  pelaou$t  between  Bhodei  and  Crete. 

7.  Uoaseit]  'ohallenges,'  'braves.'  The  word  expresses  the 
hardihood  and  effronterj  of  the  aailor.  Cf.  Ov.  Met.  1.  184, 
Fluctibut  ignotit  imultavere  carinae,  and  Odes  1.  8.  21—26. 

11.  regumque  matrea]  Anxiona  for  their  eona  who  had 
gone  to  battle.  Cf .  the  lament  of  Atoeaa  the  mother  of  Xerzes 
in  the  Peroae  of  Aeschjlus,  and  the  anxietj  of  the  mother 
of  Sisera,  Jndges  5.  28,  'The  mother  of  Sisera  looked  out  at 
a  window,  and  oried  through  the  lattioe,  Whj  is  his  ohariot 
so  long  in  eomingf  whj  tarry  the  wheels  of  his  ohariotsf ' 

12.  purpurell  Not  an  idle  epithet  It  implies  that  kings 
even  in  their  rojal  apparel  fear  Fortune. 

Purple  is  of  oourse  the  distinguishina  mark  of  kinglj  rank, 
e£  Yirg.  G.  2.  495,  purpura  reaum,  and  the  pecnliar  epithet 
Top<f>vpcy4pmjrot  applied  to  ehildren  born  to  reigning  emperors 
of  the  JBjzantine  oourt.  Purple-striped  togas  were  the  sign 
of  rank  at  Bome  during  the  republio.  Subsequentlj  garments 
whollj  of  purple  (holoverae)  were  reserved  to  the  Emperor 
alone.  For  the  wnole  historj  of  purple  see  Major's  most 
learned  note  on  Juv.  1.  27,  ed.  2. 

18.  iniurloso...]  'Lest  with  aggressive  foot  thou  shouldest 
overthrow  the  standing  pillar  of  the  State,  lest  the  thronging 
populaoe  should  rouse  even  the  hesitating  to  arms,  to  arms, 
and  break  their  soeptre.' 

iniurloao]  vfipumn^.  The  word  oombines  the  ideas  of  insult 
and  injurj :  the  pede  inoreases  the  idea  of  insult.  cohtmna 
is  merely  used  as  an  emblem  of  stabilitj  and  dignity. 

HORACE,  ODES  I.  iuv. 

■]>thome  mlflrat  Joubtftil  whether  to  joio  ihe 

the  mctunl  017  raieed,  mnd  it»  repetition  bj 
iphio  reprasentmtioa  of  ita  repetition  bj  the 
umpht  repeated  4.  3.  tS. 

the  poet  Ims  .  tpmemed  on  tho  pninter'i  mrt;  m  peinter  por- 
trajmg  De  ;o  ihcw  who  she  wms  bj 

■ynibuls,  t  wmj».    Bome  immgiae 

thmt  Hor  tetutUj  eiimting  picture 

01  reprmhmt»!  ia  noieat   Etrujcmn   mirror 

frijm   Pertuim  --,,  tir.e  rpm  (  =  Atropo>,  or  Deo- 

tiny)  in  I  li ..aii  y,...  m  hmmmer,  »jmbo!iiing 

■n    imm  0.    For  NcceuiUt  peraonified— 

'Kviyrf,  „..  ».  . muthority  i»  .trong  for  itrva,  but 

cmn  Neceaeitj  be  Ibe  ,  ol  Chmnce' 

mntalt]  ii  mcmnned  at  *  disylJablc,  cf.  antthae,  I.  37.  C. 

18.  clmToi  trmbmlei]  Kaill  such  a«  mre  plmeed  in  bemmi. 
For  tbe  syinbolical  nme  cf.  Cic.  Ven.  6.  21,  ut  &k  ttnffciua, 
jki  «i.i.iKi.i jjim  Jititur,  ctavo  trabalt  figtret,  S.  U.  G,  odanan- 
linot  eiaw. 

19,  20.     meverni  uncui ]  'itnhbom  clmmp  mnd  molten 

lemd,'  i.e.  mmterimia  fot  boilding  wiih  gremtest  fixitj.  Tha 
method  of  ooiting  etone»  bj  memns  of  iroa  bmn  fmetened  in 
with  lemd  ii  weLl  known . 

31,  23.  mlbo  pinno]  Tjpical  of  guilelems  innoeenoe, 
Serriai  on  Virg.  Aen.  1.  292,  infonns  u«  thmt  offeringe  to 
Fmitb  were  mado  with  the  hmnd  wrapped  tn  m  wbite  oloth. 

22.  nec  ^i""<"tl  »bneg«.t]  so.  u,  •  nor  Bmfam  bar  oom- 
pmnionmhip.'  Tbim  itmnim  im  withont  doabt  mwkwmrdlj  ex- 
preeeed.  Hormoe  mm  yi  thmt '  Fmith  mooompaniem  Fortana  when- 
arer  in  ohaoged  attire  (indicmtiTe  of  miifortnno)  «he  in  homtiW 
mood  quit»  m  (formerly)poworfnl  manaion.'  Nowtheuhraee 'to 
foUow,  or  mooompanj  Fortnne '  alwmvi  memm  to  tmj  or  onange 
ia  oondnot  meeording  mt  Fortona  ohmngeai  in  faetm  flnd  m 
Ot.  Pont.  2.  8.  7  the  maroamtio  remark, 

>t  «m  Fortmu  itatqu*  caditqut  Fidei 

NOTES.  213 

and  wo  say  in  English,  'friends  and  fortune  fly  together'; 
bai  Horaoe  means  the  exaot  opposite,  he  meane  that  fidet 
doet  not  Tary  in  oalamity.  What  he  intendi  to  say  is,  'when 
a  man  is  nnfortanate  he  hae  to  quit  hia  great  maniion  taUng 
hie  ill-fortune  with  hixn,  bnt  Faitn  aooompanies  his  ill-fbrtune 
and  remaina  with  him  notwithetanding  hia  ill-fbrtunes'  bnt 
he  haa  eaid  it  Tery  obscurely  and  awkwardly. 

Schuta  snpplies  U  with  comitem;  Faith  follows  Fortnne 
(now  beoome  miafbrtnne)  and  therefore  alao  the  nnfortnnate 
when  ahe  and  they  qnit  the  great  manaion :  bnt  thia  ia  equally 
awkward,  and  for  comitem  abnegat^comitemte  abnegat  of.  Virg. 
Aen.  2.  591,  confetta  deam,  Ot.  A.  A.  1. 127,  8i  qua  repug- 
narat  nUtdum  comiUmque  negarat. 

26.  dlffuglunt...]  'When  easka  are  drained  to  the  leee 
fritndi  soatter,  too  treaoherone  to  bear  their  ahare  of  the  yoke.' 
The  Qreek  proTerb,  fu  x*rpa  fi  ^cX/o,  exoellently  illuitratee  the 

29.  lturum]  Angustus  nerer  Tiaited  Britain,  bnt  propoaed 
to  do  eo  in  34  b.o.  and  27  b.o.  The  latter  ia  probahly  the  date 
of  this  Ode. 

29,  80.  nlttmos  Brltannos]  So  Yirg.  EoL  1. 67,  penitut  toto 
divUot  orbe  Britannoe,  and  Taeitus'  singular  phraae,  Agrio.  80, 
Britannot  terrarwn  ac  UbertatU  extremot.  The  poets  seem  rarely 
to  mention  Britain  exoept  as  a  type  of  remotest  barbarism. 
Cf.  1.  21.  15,  8.  4.  83,  B.  hoepitibut  ferot,  4.  14.  48,  remotU 

30,  81.  reoens  ezamen]  *  reoently  levied  troop.'  examen^ 
exagmen=exagimen  (i^ay6fieror)9  a  foroe  led  out:  a  swarm  of 
bees:  the  tongue  of  a  balanoe  (quod  exigit,  givee  the  exact 

82.  Ooeano  rvforo]**  Brythraeum  mare%  the  Indian  Ooean, 
inoluding  the  Bed  Sea  and  the  Persian  Gulf . 

38,  84.  dcatricum  fratrumque]  Hendiadys,  o£  2.  7.  9  n. 
•the  soars  inflioted  by  brethren  on  brethren/  At  the  same 
thne  I  think  that  the  Boman  poet  speaking  of  Boman  disgraoe 
purposely  uaee  a  phrase  that  rather  suggests  than  ezpresses  the 
faot,  of.  1.  2.  21  n. 

For  the  civil  wars  see  1.  2.  21,  note. 

JU,  85.    dura  aetaa]  'an  age  of  iron.' 

14  HORACE,  ODES  I.  uiv. 

85.     ner»f'H    Thta  word  ia  iuuall;  npplierl  to  daye  when  uu 

"■  H  done,  cf.   2.  13.   I  n.     Bera  it  ii  put  for 

rable,  impioue.    Both  worda  have  tba  ume 

ieir  meauiiiga  got  diflerentiated  (of.   queen, 

]  bluuted,  i.e.  in  civil  alrifo.    Bo  oareful  t 


An  Ode  wrillt'0  in  bonoor  of  tba  rctaro  of  Ploliua  Nnmlda 
(rom  Spain.  Tbare  ehall  be  aaorificoa  and  feativity  iii  bonour 
of  tho  evont:  Damalia  iha.ll  attend  tbe  feaat,  the  oynoaure 
of  every  eye,  but  Damalis  will  whollj  devote  beraelf  to  Numidn 
Ibe  bero  of  the  bonr. 

•r  harpera,  who  with 

2.  dablto]  'due,1  the  calf  bad  been  vowed  in  caae  uf 
Nomida'a  aafe  return :  now  the  vow  had  to  be  diaetiargod ; 
Horaee  waa  tiotf  rtut.     Cf.  2.   7.   17,  obligalan  reddt  Jovi 

*.    Heeperla]=--BpeiD,  cf.  2.  1.  32  n. 

G.  carta  multa,...]  '  Shares  many  a  kis*  with  hii  dear  eom. 
radee,  but  fox  none  b»«  a  larger  thare  than.,.' 

Tbe  modea  of  sxpreaains  tha  emoUona  tbjt; 
do   oot  ki*«  one  another,  bnt  the  practioe  U  oommon 
aioong  manj  nationi. 

8.  actae  non  allo...]  '  of  boyhood  paaeed  with  none  othar 
for  hia  leader.'  putrtia*  la  by  avnoope  (nryirei^,  a  atrfUng 
tonfltlier)  for  pueritiae,  of.  turputral  for  iurrijmtrat  i.  18.  20. 

NOTES.  S16 

lamnat  for  laminae  2. 2.  9.  For  the  oie  otrtm  bj  bojs  at  plaja* 
•a  leader'  of.  Epist.  1.  1.  59,  pueri  ludentet  <r«*  §ri$f  aiunt 
•  tireete  faciet* 

9.  mutataeque  ilmul  togae]  Boys  about  the  age  of  14  or 
15  oeeeed  to  wear  the  topa  praetexta  and  asstimed  the  toga  virilit. 
It  wae  done  at  the  Liberalia  in  Maroh;  friendi  and  relatives 
oelebrated  the  event  together.    For  Lamia,  see  16. 

10.  Oreesa  nota]  a  mark  of  white  chalk.  It  ia  aaid  to. 
have  been  a  Thraoian  eustom  to  oount  their  happj  daje  with 
white,  their  unhappy  with  blaek  pebbles,  but  the  ijmboliam 
of  •black  and  white'  for  'bad  and  good'  is  too  natural  to 
need  anj  speoial  origin. 

Oressa]=  'Cretan.'  From  Grete  or  the  neighbouring  ialand 
of  Oimolas  ohalk  eame.  For  the  phrase  of.  CatuU.  107.  6,  0 
lueem  eandidiore  nota.  Bat.  2.  8.  246,  ereta  an  earbone  no- 

12.  morem  In  Salium]  For  the  Salii,  the  leaping  or  dano- 
ing  prieste  of  Mars  (a  ealtu  nomina  ducta,  Ov.  Fast.  8.  88), 
who  nad  oharge  of  the  Ancilia,  see  Diot.  of  Ant.  Thev  formed 
a  oloee  ffuild,  and,  like  manj  other  guilda,  ended  bj  being 
prinoipallj  oelebrated  for  their  feasts  (see  next  Ode,  L  8). 
The  *  Laperoi '  f ormed  another  guild  of  a  ygtj  similar  oharaoter. 

18.  neu  multl...]  'Nor  let  Damalis  the  strong  drinker 
aurpass  Baaras  in  the  Thraoian  amjatia.'  Damalia%fta)uAis, 
juvenca,  of.  2.  5.  6.    For  ThreuHa  of.  1.  27.  2. 

multl  merl]  ia  the  deseriptive  genitive  used  in  a  aomewhat 
ourioua  manner.  Cf.  Cio.  ad  Fam.  9.  26,  hotpet  non  tnulti  eibi 
eed  multijoci,  and  8.  9.  7,  multi  Lydia  nominit. 

14.  amystia  (from  a  and  /ifo,  not  to  oloae  the  lips),  *a 
drinking  without  taking  breath.'    Cf .  Eur.  Cjol.  417 : 

iMZar*  iffraab  r  &fivoTw  iXxvaat. 

Fpr  a  aimilar  oonviviai  praotioe,  of.  the  lawa  of  ^aoonoing,' 
known  to  moat  Oxford  men.  In  Germanv  I  have  frequenSj 
aeen  a  game  plajed  which  oonaiate  in  drinking  flagons  of 
beer  at  a  breath ;  the  winner  is  he  who  has  his  emptj  flagon 
down  on  the  table  soonest. 

15, 16.  rosae,  apium,  lillum]  materials  for  garlands.  For 
hreve  of.  2.  8.  18  n. 

17.    omnesin...]  *AU  onDamalis  will  flz  their  languishing 

210  HORACE,  ODES  I.  ixivi 

"'•"«■ji.  >— '  iilii  will  not  ba  icpajatfld  from  her  new  Iov« 

an  the  wanton  ivv.' 

■Mtforut  u*ed  in  itsprimarf  »eq»e  =  juia«ti'l. 
ihoc  of.  Catullm'  eiquisite  linea,  61.  33, 
cnl/m  amort  revineUiu 
l  ttnaz  hedera  hue  et  hva 
'boren  implicat  errant. 

ODE  xsxvn. 

in  Ode         U  ha  amval  at  Home  of  the  newi  of  Cleo- 

patn'1  deam,  whion  iu  bronght  in  the  autrjinu  of  n, 0.  30  bj 
M.  Tuiliua  Cioero,  the  son  of  the  ontor.  No  inention  is  made 
of  the  death  of  M.  Antonius,  becauge  the  defeat  of  •>  lioiann 
oitiien  caroed  no  triamph,  cf.  3.  8.  18  n. 

Tbe  Ode  eeemi  to  bear  trace»  of  hsving  been  writton  haatilj 
in  &  moment  of  enthusiunm.  Iti  vigour  ond  power  nre  un- 
deniable,  bnt  in  hii  more  finiihed  Ode*  Honoe  woold  hardlj 
liavti  admitted  eaeh  lines  at  6  ud  14. 

For  the  bitter  Bomen  hatred  of  Cloopatr»  eee  Propertins 
4.  11  (Palej's  edition);  foi  the  battle  of  Actiuin  Prupertiai  6.  6, 
and  Hoi.  Ep.  S,  and  Virg.  Aen.  8.  8TS.  Theie  paasage*  ore 
«11  of  the  utmoet  intereet  but  aro  too  lon  g  to  qnote. 

1.     uune  eit  tdbendum...]    ThU  oommenoement  ii  eopied 
froro  Alcaeaa,  r*>  xph  >"Ww*V  *al  «™  wpii  Sfar 
Tirfy  ireiH)  cdr0BH  HiptAot. 

The  genenl  "■— "'"g  of  thii  «Uuin  ii '  Now  drinUnf,  uow 
jttntJBg,  dow  pnblie  thankagiving  are  fltting.'  Horaoa  ex> 
preaeea  the  idaa  of  fitneea  ia  the  fint  plaoa  bj  a  gernnd,  in 
the  aaoond  bj  a  gerundiTe,  in  tha  thizd  (probablj  for  mere 
varietj'»  eake)  bj  tha  idiomatio  phraaa  ''twere  time'  (Le.  'if 
we  weie  wi»e'or  thelike).  The  flnrt  mow  goea  with  rMociufaM 
('now  for  a  diinl'),  the  eeoond  with  puijaiuta,  and  tha  third 

For  tempia  erat  et.  Oi.  Tr.  t.  8.  M  aud  Martial't  biting 
epignm,  *.  38, 

Plraa  laboratit  kabeai  eim  eerinia  ehartU, 

EmtttU  quart,  Soribiant,  frfMJ/ 
•Edent  herid/j'  inqttii  'wo  earnfiur..'     Quandal 
Ttmput  trat  Jam  U,  Sotfbumt,  Ugi. 

NOTES.  917 

whtfe  in  the  fourth  line  jam  olearlj  goes  with  the  int  snd  ie 
ftrOdngly  omphatio,  while  tempu»  erat  is  simplj  equiTalent  to 
*i»  ie  right'  or  'fitting' — 'we  ought  to  be  readlng  yon  ncw.9 

All  eoitors  join  the  first  nune  with  eet  f'now  ii  the  time  to 
drink')  and  are  ooneeqnentlj  obliged  to  join  the  third  with 
tempu»  erat,  bnt  nune  erat  thns  following  nune  eet  and  bearing 
the  same  senee  is  extremelj  nglj.  Wiokham  eompares  the 
imperf.  with  the  nse  of  *#  &pa  (see  1.  37. 19  n.)  *now  was  (as 
we  thought  all  along  and  now  provea  to  be  the  case)  the  time': 
Orelli  sajs  that  tempu»  erat  ia«*it  was  lons  sinos  time,'  *how- 
erer  soon  we  begin  it  eannot  be  too  earljr;  bnt  this  tekes  no 
aoeonnt  of  nune. 

3.  gallarlbns]  See  last  Ode  1.  13.  For  the  lnxnrj  of 
priestlj  feasts  of.  too  9. 14.  38,  mero  Pontificum  poHore  eeni». 

5.  depromere]  Some  saj  that  the  de  indioates  *down,'  the 
apotheea  or  store-room  for  the  wine  being  in  the  npper  part 
of  the  honse,  where  the  wine  mellowed  more  quicklv,  bnt  de- 
promere  is  generallj  used  merelj in  the  sense  of  *to  bnng  forth* 
or  *ont.' 

5,  6.    Caecnbnm  aTltis]   The  wine  is  ehoioe  and  old. 

6.  Capitollo]  The  vearj  sign  and  pledge  of  Bome*s  great- 
ness,  cf.  3.  8.  43,  etet  CapitoUum  fulgene.  Orelli  qnotes  Lnean 
10.  63, 

Terruit  iUa  euot  »i  fa»,  OapitoUa  eittro. 

6,  7.  Capitollo  regina]  Notioe  the  juxtaposition  of  these 
words  invidiae  caued.  The  Romans  abhorred  the  word  rex> 
how  mnoh  more  rcgina,  and  in  oonneotion  with  their  national 

7.  dementes  rnlnas]  'mad  ruin,'  i.e.  the  rnin  she  hoped 
for  in  her  madness.    Hjpallage,  cf.  3.  1.  43  n. 

9.  oontamlnato...]  •  With  her  filthj  herd  of  men  hideons 
with  disease,  mad  enongh  to  hope  for  anjthing  and  intoxioated 
with  good  fortnne.' 

The  reference  is  to  her  Oriental  ennnoh  slayes:  thej  are 
oalled  viri  in  bitter  ironj.  Impoten»  is  the  Gk.  dxpariji,  which 
is  the  opposite  of  tytcpaHp  asone  who  has  oommand  over  him- 
self .  The  word  is  well  applied  to  an  Bastern  sovereign  m  whom 
the  possession  of  nnoontrolled  power  had  raised  nnoontrollable 
and  impossible  desires.  For  the  epexegetie  inf.  tperare,  and 
also  traetare  1.  37,  and  deduei  1.  81,  cf.  1.  8.  35  n. 

218  HORACE,  0DE8  L  xxxrii. 

18.  ilx  ot  hm...]  01eonaJm^na«  rottyfofrannwt 
thoi  of  Antony  ooooittfng  of  800  VMNb  wat  ohnoot  wfaolr/ 

14.  lymnnatom]  «deliriont/  «abtnntfbi9  fWo  oorfaoo 
word  it  toid  to  bo  o«rif»liPttOfioio^XMi»i»oj«Bii  Qftnglil, 
tanpAa  ond  optmno  being  identJoti,  ond  tfao  nympno  homnf 
the  powor  of  otnomg  modneta, 

15.  woo]   OppooBdtothoimoojnoryfoBaofomlrism. 

17.  oAorgoni]  OomYiano^not  followOloopetmontfltho 
noxt  yoar,  but  tho  poot  fbr  dromotio  efleot  reprtttntt  tho  wholo 
teriei  of  aetiont  ot  abtolutely  oontinuono.  Fbr  ootfrltrr..» 
cotumbat  a£  IL  98. 189,  #rt  ^mi..,i^i  twro  rtjeswo  ffvXetay. 

90l  Hatfnonm>HThoatakr.  oo  oollod  from  Haomon.  £akfaor 
of  ThoMolno» 

21.  mtalo  monotonml  Horaot  tpeaki  of  Gloopotro  oo  aot 
human,  bnt  o  hidoons  ana  portontoni  orootnro  eent  by  dettmy 
(fataU)  to  oouM  horror  ana  olftrm. 

Notioe  mcnttrum  quas.  Tho  oonttmotion  it  oollod  wpet  re 
arinairofupop.  The  writer  thinkt  rother  of  the  tonM  thon  the 
grammar:  it  it  a  Yery  nataral  and  oommon  lioente. 

quae  generotiui]  'Who  anxiont  for  a  nobler  end  neither 
ahnddered  at  the  iword  with  womanly  fear . .  •  •'  Of.  Bhoko- 
speare,  Ant.  and  Oleopatra,  Aot  6,  te.  2, 

'Give  me  my  robe,  put  on  my  orown:  I  hare 
Immortal  longingt  in  me,  <fcc ' 

and  Tennyaon,  Dream  of  Fair  Women, 

'I  died  a  Qneen.' 

23,  24.  latentet  orat]  Oleopatra  had  at  one  time  the  idoa 
of  transporting  her  fieet  mto  the  Bed  See,  and  ilying  to  tome 
dittant  snore. 

24.  reparaTlt]  A  very  difflonlt  word.  Itt  timplMt  trantla- 
tion  is  'to  soquire  (parare)  in  the  plaoe  of  (re)t*  of.  rnaraU^  1. 
31. 10.  She  did  not  endeavour  to  aoqnire  with  her  fleet  tomo 
hidden  dittant  realm  in  plaoe  of  Egypt  whieh  tho  had  loet 
Beware  of  the  trantlation  'repaired  to.' 

27.  nt  atmm...]  'That  ahe  might  deeply  drink  {combibc) 
in  her  body  the  fatti  poiton,  more  fleroely  prond  when  (onoe) 
the  had  resolved  to  die,  grndging,  be  snre,  the  fieroe  Liburnians, 
the  being  oondueted,  a  qneen  no  longer,  in  intnlting  trinmph, 
woman  though  ahe  wes,  not  lowly  enough  for  that.* 

NOTES.  910 

Thii  fine  stansa  eannot  be  transUted:  the  leriee  of  nomi- 
natives  in  apposition  eaeh  with  specUl  force  in  itospecUlpUoe 
oannot  be  rendered  into  English  without  paraphrasing  and 
taorifioing  the  foroible  brevity  of  the  Latin. 

38.  Yenenum]  ie.  of  the  aip.  For  atnaR«'deadly'  8.  4. 
17»  atrit  viperis. 

80.  LiburnU]  The  Liborni  in  their  light  ooasting  Teeseli 
were  of  the  greatest  servioe  at  Aotium.    01  Epod.  1. 1. 

eeilloet]  itcirt-lictt),  «of  oourse/  *no  doubt.'  Her  purpose 
was  so  elearly  shewn  that  we  may  assume  that  none  would 
dare  to  question  it. 

81,  89.  superbo  trlumpho]  She  is  said  frequently  to  have 
repeated  to  OoUvian  *o0  epiafifitxwofuu.' 


The  time  is  autumn  (L  4);  the  soene  represents  Horaoe 
atone,  about  to  sup,  attended  bj  a  single  sUve,  whoin  he  bids 
make  the  simplest  preparations,  for  they  will  suffioe. 

1.  Persloos  apparatus]  'Persian  pomp'  or  •luxury.' 
Notioe  the  assonanoe  in  apparatut  here  and  aUaboret  in  a 
parallel  position  in  stansa  2.  The  ad  in  both  words  suggesU 
the  idea  of  exeees,  of  something  *  added '  to  what  was  enough. 

2.  philyra]  <fn\vpa,  the  lime  tree.  IU  inner  bark  was  usai 
to  sew  flowers  on  for  ehaplets,  wbieh  were  thenoe  called  tutilet. 
Cf.  Ov.  Fast.  5.  835, 

tempora  ttUilibut  cinguntur  tota  eoronie. 

8.    mitte  eectari]   'Qive  up  anxiously  seeking  in  what  spot 
lingers  the  laat  rose  of  summer.' 
mitte]  aomftu. 

5.  ninii]  is  peouliar;  the  negative  part  goes  in  sense  with 
euro,  and  the  noun  part  is  the  aee.  after  allaboret.  Trans- 
Ute.  *I  oare  not  that  you  anxiously  endeavour  to  add  anything 
to  sunpU  myrtle.' 

For  euro  allaboret  of.  the  oommon  eonstruetion  volofaeiat. 

5,  6.  aUaboree  sedulus  ]  Notioe  that  these  words  go  toge- 

7.    arta]  ^oUee-leaved/ 'thiok.' 

P.  H.  16 



'  Pollio,  yon  art  writing  tht  hiatorj  of  the  reotnt  ohfl  nn, 
qnit  therefore,  for  a  wbile,  jour  otfaer  purtuita,  pottftttl 
oratorieel  and  mflitarj.  The  eubjett  ii  a  ttiniBg  ont;  I  aan 
almott  pietoro  to  mjtelf  jour  TiTid  rteomiptinn  Iht  dm  tnd 
tomnlt  of  Pharaalia,  Afriea  exulting  in  the  ontpouring  of 
Bomtn  blood,  the  whole  worid  witnett  to  oor  fatal  dietan- 
•ioni.  But  I  mntt  hretk  off,  the  theme  it  too  eeriout  te  mj 
iportire  mute.' 

0.  Atiniot  Pollio  (for  whote  life  tee  the  totj  good  aeoouni 
in  Smith'8  Diet)  wtt  like  Mteeenat  t  libertl  patron  of  Utera- 
ture,  and  the  friend  both  of  Virgil  and  Horaoe  (8ai.  1. 10. 85): 
Horace  takea  the  opportanitj  of  hia  oommendng  (r.  noiet) 
a  hutorj  of  tht  dril  wart  to  tend  him  thit  oomphmentarj 
ode  into  whioh  he  Ttrj  cleverlj  introdnoet  (1L  9—46)  allntiont 
to  Pollio't  Tariont  distinctiona. 

1.  ex  Metello  oontult]  •from  the  eontnlthip  of  Metellnt'1 
the  nte  of  ex='from'  or  'after'  ia  Tery  oommon.  Q.  Ote- 
ciliufl  Metellnt  Oeler  wtt  eonsul  b.o.  60,  the  jear  in  whieh 
Caeear  Pompey  and  Graasnt  formed  the  to-eaUed  flrtt  Trinm- 
Tirate,  and  rollio  had  eeleoted  that  date  for  oommeneing  the 
history  of  that  portion  of  the  oiril  wan  whieh  oulminated  in 
the  eetobii&hment  of  the  Empire  nnder  Aujrafltna. 

NOTES.  221 

2.  belll  eansas]  e.  g.  the  disaster  whioh  befel  Crassus  at 
Oarrhae  (b.o.  58),  and  the  death  of  Julie  the  danffhter  ol 
Oaesar  and  wife  of  Pompeiot,  whioh  broke  the  last  Iink  be- 
tween  them  (b.  a  64). 

▼itia]  either  'orimes,'  L  e.  aotf  of  orueltv,  or,  whioh  ia  more 
probable,  'faults,'  i.  e.  in  the  oarrying  on  of  the  war. 

modos]  'phases,'  the  various  ways  in  whioh  it  wai  oon- 

8.  lndumFortonae]  Fortnne  'makes  ■port'  of  human  life 
(c£  8.  2tf.  60,  ludum  intoUntem  Uidert  pertinax),  and  had 
especially  done  ao  in  the  tragio  death  of  all  three  triumvirs. 
Vaihidut  ct  1.  2.  87  n. 

graves  prlndpum  amidtlas]  A  poetioal  phraae  for  the 
triunmrate.    gravet = '  ruinoua, '  i.  e.  to  Bome. 

5.  nneta  cruoribni]  'etained  with  ■treams  of  blood.' 
eruor  (from  earo)  ie  alwaye  naed  of  blood  from  a  wound.  The 
plnral  U  very  rare,  but  of.  Virg.  Aen.  4.  687,  atrcm  siccabat 
vette  cruorei,  'ahe  kept  endeavouring  to  staunoh  the  atream  of 
blood  whioh  kept  bnnting  ont  airean,'  where  the  foree  of  the 
plnral  ia  obvious:  here  it  aeems  naed  with  referenoe  to  the 
variona  oooationi  on  whioh  Boman  blood  had  been  ahed,  e.g. 
ai  Pharaalia,  Thapena,  PhilippL 

6.  perlonloaae  plennm  opna  aleae]  oput  ii  in  appoaition  to 
the  whole  of  the  aoousatives  whioh  have  gone  before, '  a  taak  f oll 
of  riak  and  danger.'  Why  Pollio'i  taak  was  ao  diffionlt  Horace 
at  onoe  explains,  for  the  words  $t  ineedit...  are  really  an  ex- 
planation.  The  historian  of  disasters  whioh  were  so  reoent  is 
oompared  to  a  man  who  after  a  conflagration  inoantionaly 
advanoes  among  the  debris  the  snrfaoe  of  whioh  alone  has 
oooled,  at  the  riak  of  being  himself  bnrnt,  or  oanaing  the  flame 
to  bnrst  ont  again. 

No  doubt  the  expression  ineedit...dolo$o  is  proverbial  and 
general  (cf.  Oallim.  Ep.  46. 2,  tm  vQp  vt6  r§  «wodcj,  and  Propert. 
1.  6.  6.  ignotos  vettigia,  ferre  per  ignet),  and  the  explanation 
given  above  is  adequate,  but  I  have  always  been  oonvinoed  ihat  in 
nsing  it  Horaoe  had  in  mind  one  of  the  tpecial  phenomena  of 
his  native  land,  and  I  have  little  hesitation  in  aaying  that  this 
is  so  sinoe  finding  the  foUowing  passage  in  Maoanfay,  Hist.  Bng. 
e.  6.  'When  the  historian  of  this  tronbled  reign  (James  n.J 
tnrns  to  Ireland,  his  task  beoomes  peonliarly  diffioult  ana 
delicate.  His  steps — to  borrow  the  nne  image  used  on  a 
similar  oooasion  by  a  Boman  poet — are  on  tht  thin  crutt  o/ 
athet  beneath  wfnch  the  lava  it  ttill  glowing.9 



7.    tractae]   Notioe  the  preeentt  Nuo*e  wotk  wao  onr/ 

bcgun  (eL  1L  •— UJ»  •  yoa  are  tekmg  in  henby  ▼.  avfto  oa 

9.  penlmm]  -te  a  ahort  (time),'  *te  a  wfaDe.9  fenfiiiei 
letheoooaoetiTe  ef  dnmtionfrom  on  obooleto  idleethe ipmifmt, 
temput  bemg  imomwtood,  bat  it  ie  preotioelr/  oeedee  eo 

tmfoedme]   A  Oreek  woxd  te  e  Oreek  thina 
in  Letin  lettore,    The  Bomane  imported  'tregedyM 
whem  it  wee  e  neirre  derelopment,  end  ther  eleo  impufmil 
ite  neme  (reeyytte)  et  the  eeme  time,  ee  wee  eleo  the  coee  wfth 

comedj  (mpidUL,  comoedia).  The  met  thet  the  Bomene  mpre- 
eented  y  by  os,  ie  oneemongmeny  eimiler  tiielenem  whHi  ehew 
thet  oor  pronojMietkm  of  Letin  end  Oreek  ie  iuoouoot,  te, 
whereee  we  prononnee  *?  qoite  diiftrentlj  from  os,  tft  ie  ohrloao 
thet  the  Romone  ooneJdered  thet  the  eoand  of  ee  reprodneed 
the  eoand  of  y.  The  deriration  of  rpay^ma  ie  ewnemQy  enp- 
poeed  to  be  rpdyot  end  %ftf  *  «the  eong  of  the  goet,'  bcoeaee  e 
goet  wee>  the  prise  et  the  Beoohio  feetiTele  et  whioh  the  nret 
rade  'tregedies'  were  eang  or  performed. 

Yirgil  eleo  (EoL  8.  10)  alladee  to  Pollio'e  tregedim  oe  8ola 
Sophocleo  tua  carmina  digna  cothurno,  'thy  poeme  eione  wor- 
thy  of  the  baskin  (i.c  tregio  dignity)  of  8ophoolee.' 

1L  oxdinaxis]- <>rdinat>mj,  'shell  heTe  eet  in  order,'  Le. 
duly  errenged  in  yoar  history,  cf.  St  Lake  1.  1,  'Foreemaeh 
ee  meny  hare  taken  in  hend  to  tet  forth  in  order  (ar*rdtac4ai) 
e  deelaretion  of  thoee  tbinge....' 

grende...oothamo1  'thoa  ehelt  resaxae  thy  glorioae  teek  on 
the  Ceoropien  baskin/ i.e.  you  shell  retome  the  writing  of  thoee 
tregedies  which  exe  worthy  of  the  dignity  of  the  Athenian 
stage.  Cecropio,  beoaoee  at  Athens  all  the  great  Oreek  trege- 
diee  were  prodaoed.  cothurno:  the  tragio  aotore  wore  high- 
heeled  boskins,  like  modern  ladies,  to  add  to  their  height  end 
dignity;  comio  aotors  wore  the  low  toccut  or  slipper. 

13.  lnelgne  pmeeldiam]  in  epposition  to  PoUiom'0 
thoa  illastrioae  defenoe.'  maettie  reie  elladee  to  Pollio'e  ekill 
in  forensio  eloqnence,  or,  ae  we  might  say,  *at  the  bar,' 
conttdenti  curiae  to  hie  saocess  ee  e  speaker  in  the  eenete,  ee 
a  parliamentarT  orator — a  Tery  diflerent  style  of  eloqoenoe. 
contulenti =  'deliberating'  not  'consolting  you/  as  it  woold 
be  abtturd  to  speak  of  a  great  body  consulting  one  of  ite  membem 
howerer  distingaished.    For  curiae  = '  the  eenete '  cf.  3.  6.  7. 

NOTES.  888 

16.  nfi™^*»  trlumpho]  In  b.o.  89,  he  had  obtained  a 
triomph  for  defeating  the  Parthini,  an  Dlyrian  people  on  the 
borden  of  Dalmatia. 

17.  lamnuno...]  HereHoraoeraddenlyrepreaentahimielf 
aa  reading  Pollio'i  hiitory,  in  whioh  he  knowa  beforehand 
erenta  wilf  be  ao  rividly  and  dramatically  portrayed  that  the 
reader  will  imagine  himielf  to  be  actually  eeeing  and  hearing 
that  whioh  ia  deeoribed. 

oornuum...Utul]  Both  theee  inetramente  are  illnetrated  in 
8mith*e  Diot.  of  Ant.  q.  t.    litui  ttrepunt-'  the  elariona  bray.' 

ia  peretrlngu  anrea]  A  Tery  diffionlt  phraee  of  whioh 
I  ean  find  no  olear  explanation.  8tringere  oonneeted  with 
rrpayytfa  arid  *etrangle')  meane  (1)  to  equeese  tight,  (8)  to 

Sase  or  eorape  the  eorfaoe  or  edge  of  anythmg,  the  two  nouoni 
ing  perhaps  oonneoted  thni:  when  yon  draw  anything  like  a 
bongh  through  a  narrow  apertnre  where  it  ia  '•queeied  tight/ 
the  effeot  ie  to  'etrip'  or  ^eorape'  it,  of.  ttringcn  rmm  m 
to  etrip  bonghi  of  their  leavee  and  make  them  into  oan, 
ttringere  aladium -io  draw  a  iword  quiokly  from  iti  tight- 
fitting  eoabbard.  vraeetringere  aciem  ii  need  of  the  efleot  of  a 
fiash  of  light  whioh  paatei  quiokly  over  the  lurfaoe  of  the  eye 
and  daaslei  it  8o  here  pentringere  aures  eeemi  ueed  of  a 
loud  hanh  eound  whioh  eorapei  or  gratei  upon  the  ear  dulling 
and  deafening  it«  The  word  ii  neglected  m  diotionariei,  and 
thia  paisage  ii  negleoted  by  the  editori. 

19.  lam  fulgor...Toltui]  *Now  the  flaih  of  armi  aearei  in 
(or  into)  flight  the  horses  and  the  faoee  of  the  horeemen' — a 
aingularly  bold  but  effeotWe  iketoh  of  a  oavalry  ront  daahed  off 
by  a  maiter  hand  in  half  a  dosen  words. 

fugaoee  ii  no  doubt  proleptio;  the  eudden  fiaah  of  weapom 
in  front  of  them  frightens  the  horeei  ao  that  they  take  to  flight. 
Gf.  Job  89.  88,  88,  of  the  horse, 

«He  mocketh  at  fear  and  ii  not  affrightod, 
Ndther  turneth  hi  baek  from  the  iword: 
The  quiTer  rattleth  againet  hinij 
The  glittering  ipear  and  the  ahield.' 

80.  equoe  equltumque]  Notioe  the  effeot  of  aiaonanee :  ao 
in  Englith  *warrior  and  war-horse/  and  Tennyson,  Gharge  of 
the  Light  Brigade,  *While  horte  and  hero  fell.' 

equltnm  Toltua.  The  oommentatori  exnlain  thia  by  refer- 
enoe  to  a  story  (Plut.  Oaei.  45),  that  at  the  battle  of  Phanalia, 

224  HORACE,  ODES  11.  i. 

whioh  Horaoe  is  thinking  of,  Caeiar  ordered  hU  eoldien  to 
strike  at  the  faeti  of  the  young  Roman  noble*  who  forroed  tbe 
eavalry  snd  that  they  fearful  for  their  beauty  tarned  and  iled. 
The  phraes  needi  no  luah  learned  and  annetorai  eiplanation. 
Horaae  buvs  not  'boriemen,'  but  ' feees  of  hoteemen,'  beoauie 
he  wiihei  to  bring  vividij  befare  oar  mindi  the  one  patnt 
whicrt  remained  rooit  clearly  stamped  on  hU  recoileotion  in 
the  similar  rout  mt  Fhilippi,  ths  p*le  panie-itruok  faees  of  men 
flying  for  their  Uven  il  i»  %  briUiant  dramatw  toooh,  not  a 
reoondite  aUasion  to  m  obacure  etory. 

21.  aufllre  magnoi...]  auiiirt  wbiob  govenil  hoth  dltcu 
and  ctincta  tubac  ta  cao  by  iteelf  mean  either  'to  heai'  or  to 
'hear  of,"  with  euncta  itibacta  it  ca.t  only  mean  the  latter,  and 
there  i«  cunaequcntly  a.  itrong  preaumption  th*t  it  U  to  be 
taken  in  the  unu  wey  witb  duta.  'I  aeem  to  hear  of  mjghty 
generali  begrimed  witb  tlie  glorioui  dust  of  battle  and  of  a 
whole  world  eabdned  Sta.'  i.e.  I  leem  in  imagioetion  already  to 
hear  the  reading  or  reoitation  of  jour  hiatorj  of  tbese  events. 
Nowadaye  we  ahould  expeot  'already  I  seem  to  be  readiag 
your  deacription..,,'  but  it  is  to  be  bome  in  mind  that  before 
the  invention  of  printing  public  reading  or  recitation  waa  one 
of  the  best  poesibla  methodi  of  makiag  known  a  new  work  {ef. 
the  storj  ol  Thucvdidei  hearing  Herodotui  recite  hit  historj  at 
Olympia,  and  for  the  practioe  of  recitation,  Juv.  Sat.  1.  1,  and 
Mayora  uihauttivo  note).  Sordidoi  U  to  be  taken  predicative- 
]j  being  thos  strietly  parallel  to  lubaxta. 

Orelli  prefere  to  take  audir<  in  two  eenaee,  and  tranalatei 
•I  eeem,  so  vivid  ia  jour  writing,  to  hear  great  generaU,'  Le. 
haranguing  their  troops  or  the  Uke,  but  to  mj  tnind  thiidouble 
me  of  aiutirt  in  two  auch  distinot  BouBee  ii  abeolntelj  impossi- 
ble,  aad  I  know  no  persdlel  case.  Moreovar,  if  the  grftmmatical 
difflculty  be  avoided,  the  addition  of  the  phrasa  non  indtcoro 
puh-tre  lardiaoi  precludee  Orelli'B  interpretation  as  a  matter  of 
taste;  it  U  quite  correot  to  eay  'I  seam  to  bearof  great  leadera 
liegrimed  with  the  duit  of  battle,'  bnt  it  U  aa  abaurd  to  mj  'I 
hesr  great  leaders  bogrimed  Ao.,'  ai  it  would  be  to  aaj  'I  heard 
Mr  GUdstone  in  evening  dreaa.' 

2S.  onnota  terraram]  'aU  thingi  in  tho  warld' — a  variatj 
of  tba  poaaaaaive  genitive.  The  oonatruetion  muit  not  be  oaa- 
founded  wtth  oui  inaocurate  phraaa  'aU  of,'  or  '  ths  whole  of,' 
in  whieh  a>  partitive  genitive  U  uaed  even  whare  an  eutiia  thiog 
U  roferred.  to.  Cf.  a.  12.  12,  amara  curarum  and  Tm.  RtatT£ 

NOTE&  825 

24.  atroosm  «■*■■«"■■  Gatonis]  <Cato's  stubborn  soul/ 
e&l.  12.85  n. 

25.  Inno...]  The  transition  U  natural  and  eeay  from  the 
deeth  of  Cato  to  the  thouoht  how  amplj  Caxthage  and  Jngnrtha 
had  been  avenged  fbr  all  they  had  tnflered  at  the  handi  of 
Bome  by  the  sight  of  Boman  oarnage.  Jnno  wai  the  tutelary 
deity  of  Oerthage,  of.  Virg.  Aan.  1. 15, 

quam  (i.e.  Carthage)  Junofertur  terrU  magU  omnibus  unam 
posthabita  eohtUse  Samo;  hie  illius  omo, 
kU  currusfuU, 

The  oonatrnotion  ia  Juno  (let  eubjeet)  et  dtortm  quUquU...tsllure 
(pronominel  elauae  serving  ai  a  2nd  subjeet)  rettuUt  (main 
Terb,  in  the  eingular  though  there  are  two  subjeets  ef.  2.  13. 
88  n.),  vietorum  nepotes  (direet  objeet  of  rettuUt)  inferias  (in  ap- 
poaiuon  to  nepotc$=SM  an  oflering  at  hii  tomb)  Jugurthae 
(dative  of  remoter  objeot). 

26.  eesserat]  The  gode  were  luppoeed  to  quit  doomed 
dties.  Cf.  Yirg.  Aen.  2.  851,  Exceuere  omnes  adutU  arUque 
relictU  \  Di,  and  the  aeoount  of  Josephue  (Bell.  Jud.  6.  5.  8) 
that  immediately  before  the  eapture  of  Jeruealem  by  Titui 
the  gatee  of  the  temple  had  burst  open  of  themselves,  and 
that  a  yoioe  more  than  human  had  been  heard  ezolaiminfl 
«Let  us  go  henoe'  (/urafiaUta/m  irreGdep),  a  story  alao  referred 
to  by  Tac  Hist.  5. 18,  audita  major  humana  vox,  Excedere  Deoe. 

Carthage  was  saeked  by  P.  Soipio  Afrioanus  Minor  b.o.  146. 
impotens]  in  its  simple  maaning  'powerless,'  Le.  to  seve. 

28.  Iugurthae]  Tery  emphatio  br  its  position.  As  Pluss 
remarks,  Horaoe  oould  not  better  illustrate  the  'moekery  of 
fortune'  than  bv  deseribing  the  great  Bomana  who  fell  at 
Thapsus  as  saerinoed  to  the  manes  of  Jugurtha! 

29.  pinguior]  'fatter,'  i.e.  more  fertile  than  it  was  before. 
For  the  phrase  of.  Aeseh.  Persae,  806,  where  the  Peniians  who 
fell  at  rlataea  are  spoken  of  as  <pl\o*  wlaaua  (a  fattening) 
Botwrwr  x$erl,  and  Yirg.  Georg.  1.  491,  bU  tanguine  nottro  j 
Emathiam  et  latos  Haemi  pingueeeere  eampoe. 

80.    aepulcris]  with  testatur,  'bears  witness  by  its  tombs,' 

lmpia  proella]  pius  ezpresses  the  regard  due  by  a  ohild  to 

a  parent  (cf.  pius  Aeneas),  then  that  due  from  oae  relative  to 

another,  from  one  oitizen  to  another.    Henoe  eivil  wars  were 

striotly  impia,  'unhallowed,'  a  violation  of  the  law  of  nature. 

826  HOBACE,  ODES  II.  i 

31.  Medli]  i.6.  P&rthians  (of.  1.  2.  22  mij  1.  3.  61  n.),  wb.0 
woold  naturaUy  rejoice  to  hear  'the  diii  of  the  downfall  of 

Eeiperia»}  'Westero.'  f.e.  lUlUa,  in  contrast  with  the 
Eutera  empire  of  the  Pmthmnn  joat  referred  to.  So  too 
3.  6.  8,  wbere  the  Parthiana  are  mentioued  tn  the  neit  line, 
and  3,  6.  38,  where  it  is  contnwted  with  Grateia  in  1.  B5.  On 
the  other  hnnd  1.  88.  i  Haptria  =  Spain,  NtimiJa  being 
deeoribed  &•  returning  to  Rome  from  'the  fnrtheat  Weet.'  Iu 
each  caae  the  meauiag  il  clesr  from  the  eonteit. 

34.  "■""'■»]  Dauaai  wu  ■  legeadarv  king  of  Apalia,  but 
the  «djective  U  applied  to  the  whole  of  Iulj,  ct  *.  6.  27. 

36.  non  .  noitro]  Notioe  the  assonanoe  of  theie  lines  end 
the  poweTfal  effect  prodaced  by  the  repetition  of  the  vowel  o, 
and  the  Oombination  or.  The  pecaliar  rhjthm  of  1.  36  nddi 
to  the  eSect,  Before  breakiug  off  from  hii  wuUke  tbeme 
Honiee  seems  to  deeire  to  ihew  by  the  very  loncd  and  ehipe  of 
hii  vene,  how  diiaomposing  »nd  dangerona  euah  mbjecti  were 
lUble  to  become  to  hifl  goatle  muee. 

37.  ne  retractci]  I  «omewhat  prefer  Wiokham'i  method 
of  malring  thii  dependent  on  quaere  (  =  'leat  yon  reiurae')  to 
tliat  of  OreUi,  who  rnakes  it  e  direct  prohihition  and  plaoei  a 
colon  after  runiae. 

lod*]  i.e.  luch  light  theme*  u  e.g.  2.  4. 

38.  Oeae  niuner*  neuiae}  '»  tsik  wbich  belongi  to  the 
Cean  dirge.'  Bimonide*  the  lyrio  poet  of  Ceoa  (568 — 167n.c.) 
wu  eBpecinlly  cclebrated  for  hii  dirgee  (tfp^roi)  end  epitapha; 
his  epiUph  on  thoae  who  feU  at  ThermopyUe  ie  beet  known. 

40.  levlore  plootro]  'with  lighter  qniU,'  i.e.  in  a  «tjle 
aad  oa  a  inbject  that  ihitll  be  leie  grave.  The  opposite  phrase 
ii  graviore  plectro,  Ovid  Met.  10.  160,  or  majort  pUctro,  4. 
2.  33;  pUctrum  [*X4ir«t>r)  U  'the  atriking  thing'  from  T^i^anr. 

ODE  n. 

'Oold,  CriipaB,  lacki  lnatre  nnleu  it  ba  uaed  wUelj  and 
wall;  ao  uaed  it  oan  oojifer  evon  Uating  renown,  u  it  flhall  do 
on  Proeoleiuii.  To  hotd  the  derJret  in  inbjeotion  Ii  to  poaaeu 
a  wldar  empiro  than  if  jon  were  lord  of  Afrioa  and  Knrope. 

NOTES.  227 

The  very  tendenoy  to  avarice  must  be  eradioated,  for,  like 
dropsy,  it  grows  by  being  indulged.  True  wiidom  denies  the 
name  of  happy  to  the  greedy  tyrant,  and  haili  him  alone  a 
king  who  oatti  not  even  a  lingering  look  on  pilet  of  gold.' 

The  Ode  it  addreaaed  to  Oaine  Salnitina  Crispus,  of  whom 
a  fuH  aooonnt  ie  given  in  Tao.  Ann.  8.  80.  He  was  the  grand- 
nephew  of  the  historian  Sallust,  who  adopted  him,  and  was 
one  of  the  intimate  friende  of  Augustus,  but,  though  poesessed 
of  great  abilities,  studiously  held  aloof  from  all  publio  offiees, 
preferring,  like  Maocenas,  the  real  though  private  influenoe  of 
a  friend  to  the  titular  distinotion  of  a  magistraoy.  He  died 
a.d.  20. 

1.  nullus]  A  somewhat  awkward  stanza.  Horaoe  wishes 
to  say  that  as  gold  has  no  lustre  when  still  in  the  mine,  so 
Crispus  oan  see  no  oharm  in  wealth  exeept  it  is  used,  bnt  he 
has  partially  saorifioed  elearness  to  brevity. 

aTaris]  The  earth  guards  its  wealth  like  a  miser.  The 
epithet  is  added  as  leading  up  to  the  attaok  on  avarioe  whioh 

2.  lamnae]  lamina  is  any  thin  pieoe  of  metal ;  the  word  is 
here  used  contcmptuously  for  precious  metal  in  a  useless  un- 
interesting  shape,  a  mere  pieoe  of  silver  or  gold.  For  the  syu- 
oopated  form  of.  1.  86.  8  n. 

lnlmioe  nisi]  These  words  go  together.  Orammatieally 
they  might  go  with  nulliu  eolor  ett,  but  they  wonld  give  no 

8.  nisi...usu]  This  phrase  has  two  meanings,  one  literal 
the  other  metaphorical :  \l)  n\\  metals  beoome  dull  by  disuse, 
and  bright  by  use ;  (2)  wealth  has  no  brillianoy  unless  employed. 

5.  extento  aevo]  does  not  mean  'through  long  ages*  but 
•his  span  of  life  being  extended  beyond  the  grave,'  i.e.  Pro- 
onleins  by  his  noble  deed  shall  win  an  immortality  of  fame,  a 
iife  beyond  life,  as  is  made  olear  in  11.  7,  8.  Cf.  too  Yirg.  Aen. 
10.  468,  famam  extendere  faetit. 

Proonleius]  0.  Proculeius  Yarro  Murena  was  a  Boman 
knight  who  divided  his  property  between  his  brothers  who  had 
lost  their  own  in  the  civil  wars.  One  brother  waa  the  Licinius, 
to  whom  2. 10  is  addresaed. 

228  HORACE,  ODES  II.  ii. 

6.  notos  ulml]  OrcJli  and  Wickhsm  unite  in  ssjing  that 
thU  U  pot  for  noltu  prepttr  antmun,  bat  tbey  svoid  sll  expUns- 
tion,  »nd  oalj  oompare  i,  1B.  21,  whioh  ii  clearlj  not  to  be  eo 
tsJten,  vid.  loo.  onimi  M  s  timplc  gen.  o(  quslity  I  '  Proculeiut 
thsll  live  in  (imi  (eiwl  nalui)  bejand  the  apsn  of  life,  (Proou- 
leius)  ol  falheilj  »11601100  for  his  brothers.'  Possiblj  Prop.  4. 7. 
Gl  hittoriae  ptttara  notaiuat  U  an  instsnoe  of  nolui  with  gen. 

T.  mMaeBte  saM]  '  on  pinions  thst  dresd  to  flsg,'  oi. 
'droop  '  For  the  constraction  cf.  Virg.  0. 1. 248,  Aretat  Oeeani 
meturnXti  atqvart  tingi,  slso  S.  II.  10,  mttuitqut  tartgi,  4.  5. 
20,  eulpari  mttuit  snd  1.  1G.  27  n.  totei  (like  Xdtrfa»)  U  need 
of  thst  relsiation  of  neiro  teasion  whioh  U  produaed  bj  any 
eaase  snch  u  fntigue,  aleep,  oald,  ic.  Cf.  Virg.  Aen.  12.  961, 
»oIi>unIur/ripo«  mtmbra. 

9.  Istlus  regne»...]  Note  the  indeflnite  aie  of  ths  2nd 
person  singnlar,  'thou*  meaning  *sny  one.'  tpirirui  U  here 
used  like  tbe  Ok.  BvpAi  from  0ow  to  breathe  or  blow  ftercely  (ef. 
•typhoon'1  for  the  fieroe  paseionste  part  of  otu  natare.    The 

fhrsse  aptdui  ipiritui  repreient»  ss  oae  eomplei  qaslitj  whnt 
Itito  reeolved  ratotwo  etmple  onei,  tvp&t  cai  (ridu^a,  'paieion 
»od  luit';  in  the  sabjugstion  of  tbete  two  to  'reseon  (»oSi)  he 
pltoed  true  wiedom  or  Virtue,   Cf.  Firtui  below  snd  t.  Phsedrus 

I  csvnnot  refrain  from  quoting  in  genersl  iUustrstiou  George 
Eliofi  golden  tiae*  ■ 

1  Let  thj  ohief  terror  be  of  thine  own  toul ; 
There,  'mid  the  throng  of  hanying  desiree 
That  trsmpie  o'er  tne  desd  to  seiie  their  spoil, 
Lurka  veagennce,  footless,  irresutible 
Ai  exlishttiou*  ladett  witb  slow  death, 
And  o'st  the  faiieit  troop  of  captured  joj» 
Brottue»  pallid  peitilenoe.' 

Danitl  Dtronda,  ed  in. 

10.  qnun...nnll  'th»n  if  jou  were  to  unite  (undor  jonr 
empire)  Lib y»  with  dUtant  Oade»  snd  oither  Csrthsgiiuan  wa» 
to  soknowledge  tout  »ingleiw»y.'  The  seoond  olsme  iUu»tr»toa 
snd,  unplifiet  the  flrst,  jungat  being  explaioed  bj  itnrfel  «nn, 
■nd  utcrqvt  Poenui  repeating  the  idea  of  Libjm  snd  fliilei  in  s 
aew  form,  referring  to  the  CsrthsginUn  sottjementi  oa  elthei 
side  of  the  itnitk,  in  Afrios  snd  SptJn. 

nmotdi]  Cf.  2.  6.  1  n. 

NOTES.  229 

mast  abstain  as  muoh  ai  poasible  from  all  drink.'    Bucban. 

15.  aquosus...]  •The  watery  faintness  from  the  pale 
frame.'  Faintneae  and  torpor  aooompany  dropsy,  and  tubut 
deeoribea  the  pale  flabby  appearanee  of  the  patient. 

17.  reddltum...Phraa,ten]  see  1.  26,  Int.  The  family  of 
the  Arsaeidae  to  whioh  Phraatea  belonged  had  no  eonneotion 
with  the  Penian  dynaaty  or  ite  founder  Cyrus,  but  for  the 
oonfusion,  see  1.  2.  22  n. 

18.  dlMtdeni...]  'Viitue  disagreeing  with  the  mob  sepa- 
rates  from  the  ranks  of  the  happy  and  teaohea  the  people  not 
to  nae  words  wrongly.'  Virtut  here  standa  for  the  opinion  of 
all  those  who  are  wise  and  virtuous.  In  his  use  of  beatut  Horaoe 
haa  in  mind  not  only  its  striot  sense  of •  happy '  but  its  popular 
nse  ass  •wealthy'  (of.  4.  9.  45);  ouriously  enough  the  flnglish 
word  'wealth,'  whioh  originally  meant  'general  well-bemg,'  (as 
in  the  Litany  'in  all  time  of  our  wealth'),  has  been  oonfined  to 
the  speoial  sense  of  well-being  as  regards  worldly  goods  and 

plebl  populum]  pUbi  from  pUo  (of.  complert,  pletmt)  origi- 
nally  meant  those  who  having  no  civio  privileges  merely  senred 
to  JUl  up  the  state:  populut  on  the  otner  hand  oomprises  all 
members  of  the  state.  Here  there  seemi  little  distinotion  be- 
tween  the  words. 

19.  mlsis  Tocibus]  To  oall  a  rioh  man  beatut  was  a 
misuse  of  the  word.  It  was  a  similar  misuse  when  the  Greeks 
ealled  the  rioher  oitizens  ol  d>t^rocf  'the  best.'    Cf.  Thuo.  8.  82. 

21.  regnum...deferens  unl...qulsquis]  'by  oonierring  em- 
pire  on  him  and  him  alone  whosoever...' 

dladema]  8uL&ruia,  the  blue  band  worked  with  white  whioh 
went  round  the  turban  (rtdpa)  of  the  Persian  king,  'a  diadem,' 
'orown,'  cf.  1.  84. 14  n. 

22.  propriaml  Like  tiatim  =  '8ure/  'abiding.'  propriut 
is  muoh  stronger  than  tuut  and  expresses  that  whioh  is  a  per- 
manent  possession  and  not  merely  hired,  borrowed.  or  held  for 
aseason.  Horaoe  wishes  to  ezpress  that  the  reward  of  virtue  is 
a  orown  *  that  fadeth  not  away.' 

He  is  very  fond  of  this  use  of  propriut,  and  Sat.  2.  2.  184 
and  Ep.  2.  2. 170 — 176  should  be  eompared. 

28.  quisquis...acervos]  'whosoever  views  huge  heaps  of 
treasure  (and  paases  by)  without  one  baokward  glanoe.' 

830  HORACE,  ODES  II.  iii. 


'  Cultinta,  Delliui.  e  ealm  anil  eqnable  frams  ol  tnind, 
neither  unduly  elated  in  proiperity  nor  deprwied  in  adieriily. 
Enjoy  the  gifti  of  netore  and  of  wealtb :  enjoy  thom.  for  «11 
njutt  soon  be  lsft  behind:  rich  and  poor  elike  we  are  hastening 
towardi  one  oommon  end,  the  bouro  from  whicb  no  tnweller 
retnrne  (aeteraum  exiiium).' 

All  we  koow  of  Delliu»  U  tlnt  hs  ™  nicknnmed  Daultor 
bttlonm  civilium  from  the  frequencj  with  whieh  he  chenged 
eidee  during  the  eivil  wari,  drsultur  being  m  circal-rider  who 
leaps  from  the  beck  of  one  hone  to  enother,  while  going  «t  full 

The  Ode  ie  •  poetical  expreeiion  of  the  Epicnrean  doctrine 
'Livewhileyoulive,'  deeply  tuuehed  with  ite  protoand  aadnesi, 
ths  key-note  of  the  whole  bcing  atruck  in  the  empbatio  mori- 
hrre  of  L  4.  Compare  Ecol.  11.  7,  8,  'Tr-ily  the  light  li  eweet, 
niiii  a  pleaiant  thing  it  ii  for  the  ejee  to  behold  the  inn ;  but 
if  a  msn  live  many  years,  and  rejoioe  in  them  all ;  yet  let  bim 
romember  the  daya  of  darkneai ;  for  they  eball  be  many.  All 
that  cometh  i»  vanity.' 

1.    nlu  a  eitfulaj  '  whsn  lifa'i  path  ii  ateep,'  WleUuun. 

•}.     non  aeeu]  'end  eqnellj  eo.' 

8.  Inaolentl]  'rtnuaual,'  and  ao  'eioeiiiTe,* 'eitraTegant'! 
the  epitbet  la  eraphatic,  ft  ii  not  ell  gaiety,  bnt  eitreTegant 
geiety,  that  i»  to  be  ohaalened  by  the  tbonght  of  death. 

4.  moritnre]  The  adj.  in  this  striking  poaition  give»  the 
i   for  tbe  advioe   that  haa  been  given.    Cf.   1.  18.  6, 

B.    m.,.nu...]    Theee  elaaeae  go  «rietly  witb  atoritun, 

'iinoe  you  mnat  die  all  tba  aame  whether...or...' 

6.    ln  remoto  gnmlna]  'on  aorne  retired  lawn." 

8.    lnUrior»  nota  Falernl]  '  witb  an  inner  brand  of  Fa- 

lornian.'     interiore  beeanae  the  oldeat  wina  wonld  be  in   tb* 

fartbeit  oornon  of  tbe  oallar.    nota  becawe  tha  ampkorai  were 

NOTES.  231 

branded  with  the  name  of  the  oonsuls  of  the  year.  Falernian, 
from  the  Falernut  ager  in  Campania,  was  a  notod  vintage  of  a 
'heady,'  •fiery'  oharaoter,  ef.  1.  27.  9,  eeveri  FaUmU  %  11.  IV, 
ardentU  F.9  and  Jav.  4.  188,  cum  pulmo  FaUmo  anbrst,  and 
kept  for  a  long  time,  2.  8.  8. 

9.  quo...quld1  *To  what  pnrpoto  else...why...r'  i.e.  if 
we  are  not  to  enjoy  thexn,  why  it  nature  so  laviah  of  her 

There  is  a  well-supported  reading  avo  for  qtdd  whioh 
would  seem  to  have  had  lts  origin  in  an  idea  that  thii  stanza 
waa  grammatioally  oonnected  with  the  next,  and  that  quo...qvo 
merely  antioipated  huc  in  L  18.  *Bring  hither,  boy,  to  the 
plaoe  where...where...*  But  aa  Orelli  olwervea  this  is  very 
proeaio,  and  moreover  the  hiatui  in  quo  obliquo  and  the  thort- 
ening  of  quo  would  be  a  lioenae  utterly  without  paraUel  in 
Horaoe.  For  quo**  *to  what  purpoae,'  of.  Epi»t  1.  5.  13,  quo 
mihi  fortunam  $i  non  eoneeditur  uti  t 

piiua  lngem  albaque  populua]  Wiokham  admirablv  re- 
marks,  *The  double  contrast  between  the  alight  poplarwhite  in 
the  wind  and  the  gloom  of  the  heavier  pine  is  lndioated,  after 
Horaoe'e  manner,  by  one  epithet  with  eaoh  of  the  pair  of  aob- 

10.  oonaoeiaro  amant]  'love  to  intertwine  a  hospitable 
ahade.'  For  the  epexegetio  inf.  here  and  in  1.  12  ot  1.  15. 
27  n. 

11.  ohliquo]  The  channel  winde  and  twists,  and  ao  the 
water  in  ite  eagerness  to  escape  (fugax)  has  to  hurry  and  bustle 
and  struggle  (laborat  trepidare)  to  make  its  way  at  all.    The 

aix  words  obliquo rivo  are  a  perfect  speoimen  of  Horaoe's 

power  of  ooncise,  clear  and  aoourate  word-painting.  For 
trepido  see  n.  on  2.  4.  24. 

18.  nimium  toreves . . .  1  '  The  too  short-lived  flowers  of  the 
lovely  rose.'  For  brevet  cf.  1.  86. 16,  breve  lilium,  and  2. 14. 24, 
brevem  dominum.  Notioe  the  pathos  of  the  epithet  thus  intro- 
duoed  in  an  ode  on  the  ahort  llfe  of  man. 

*Gather  ye  rose-buds  while  ye  may, 

Old  Time  is  stiil  a  flying; 
And  this  same  flower  that  smiles  to-day, 

To-morrow  will  be  dying.' 

232  iiORACE,  ODES  II.  iii 

16.  mj  'ciicuniatancc*.'  'fortunc'  I  much  prefer  aome 
aach  geaeral  rentleriiig  ki  the  tru.nel»Uun  'property';  the  »ug- 
geation  that  he  tnay  oecome  poor  ww  dij  U  wholly  out  of 

•ororum  fllm)  The  fates  are  repreeeuted  u  three  aiateri, 
Clotho  (the  ipinner),  Lacheei»  and  Atropoi,  who  eit  »nd  tpin 
tbe  thrMd  of  enoh  haman  lilo:  wben  thej  sovei  ths  threed  tho 
mnn  diee.    Cf.  Milton,  LjaidM  75. 

■Comee  the  blind  fory  witb  the  ebhorred  ehean 
And  ilite  tbe  thinspun  life.' 

17.  cedn  coemptl»  Mltisa*]  'Yon  sdd  fnrm  to  farm  bul 
will  nrdl  them.'  It  is  impoeeible  to  eipresi  tiio  (bree  of  coemptii 
eiccpt  by  paraphraae.  taltui  ara  glades  or  ■trctebes  of  pteture 
fiuiTounded  by  woode  snd  hills  auoh  as  oovered  Cnlabri»  ind 

domo]  donuti  ii  uaed  epecialiy  of  a  town  manaiou,  villa  of 
&  eountry  aaet. 

18.  flavru]  The  etoclc  epitbet  for  the  Tiber,  of.  1.  9. 13, 
jlaeam  Tilerim.     It  wae  «o  oalled  bccauao  of  ths  qnantity  of 

UTtt]     Horace  doei  not  ubc  the  form  lavare  io  the  Odea. 

31.    dlveane...]    Tbe  conatmctioo  ie  nii  inUrat  divem 

{iii)  mortrii — 'it  niakes  no  differenoe  whether  jou  are 

.'eeeing  tliat  you  are  a  viotim  o(  the 
unpilyirig  grave. 

I  havo  Inaertad  the  word»  '•eetng  that  you  are'  betb»  'vie- 
tim'  in  tranalatioD  for  the  aeke  of  olearnen,  though  to  inaart 
oiplanatory  word»  ie  ganerajly  s  «ign  of  murtranilation ;  bnt  m 
comtructjoni  like  thu  one  Latin  «ufleri  from  not  poneeaing 
a  preaent  partiajple  of  th«  varb  'to  be,'  and  ia  oompellad  to 
make  olear  tha  way  a  wurd  ii  to  be  taken  bj  auigning  it  •  Tary 
marked  poeition,  a»  hexe:  in  Engliih  it  ia  rmpoaidbu  to  do  »o 
natnrally.  In  Greek  after  vietima  wa  (1100111  hare  •>  or  d* 
i^n.ed.  S.  lB.BOand*.  1.  fln. 

Inachru  waa  *  mjthicel  king  of  Argoa;  be  here  tjplflea  re- 
mote  antiquity  and  loftj  Uneage. 

38.  aub  fllTo]  'beneath  the  open  iij'  =  »tio  Joo«,l.  1.  36  u. 
So  too  1. 18. 1S,  *uo  divtai,  'into  the  opan  alr,'  'into  th»  light,' 
The  phraaa  ii  arehaia. 

NOTES.  233 

morerls]  commorari  is  the  more  nsual  word  £or  ataying  in 
a  plaoe  for  a  time,  e.g.  at  an  inn,  but  I  think  morari  ia  here 
osed  in  a  eimiUr  eeme:  life  ii  repreeented  aa  a  xnerely  tenv 
porary  aojonrn. 

25.  eogtanur]  cogo,  from  eoago~  #to  drive  together.' 
Horaoe  haa  probahly  the  tame  idea  in  hia  mind  as  !n  1.  24. 
18  (nigro  eompulerU  gregi)  of  the  dead  being  oolleoted  like  a 
fiooiof  iheep. 

26.  Tenatnr  eore  ezltnra]  The  anoient  method  of  draw- 
ing  lote  waa  by  writing  the  namea  on  nebblea,  whioh  were  then 
oaat  into  an  nrn  whioh  waa  ahaken  about  (vereatur)  nntil  one 
lot  leapt  ont  (esire).  Henee  in  Gk.  rdXot  (a  lot),  from  «tiXXw 
'toahaxe.'    8o  8. 1. 16,  omne  capax  movet  urna  nomen. 

aertna  ociua]  «sooner  or  later.' 

28.  onmbae]  i.e.  the  well-known  bark  of  Charon,  de- 
aoribed  in  Yirg.  Aen.  6.  410—416,  and  ot  Prop.  8. 18.  24,  $can- 
denda  est  torvi  pubUea  eumba  eenie. 


'Leat  yon  be  aahamed,  Xanthiaa,  of  bcing  in  love  with  a 
•lAYe-girl,  let  me  tell  you  many  a  great  hero  haa  done  the 
aame, — Aohillee,  Ajax,  Agamemnon.  And  then  who  knowa  bnt 
your  aubnrn-haired  Phyllia  may  have  been  a  princesa  onoe? 
Be  aure  there  waa  nothing  diarepntable  about  the  mother  of 

Buoh  a  paragon,  auch  a nay,  you  may  let  me  praiae  her 

without  auspicion ;  I  am  close  on  forty.' 

The  Ode  ia  of  courae  satirical  throughout,  and  the  atyle 
mook-heroio:  Xanthiaa  Phooeus  ia  a  nom-de-plume%  and  as  he 
usually  doea  in  such  caaea,  Horaoe  aeleeta  a  Oreek  name  (*w- 
jcrvt  sinhabitant  of  Phooia),  cf.  2.  6.  20,  Cnidiutve  Qyges,  and 
8.  12.  6,  Liparaei  nitor  Hebri. 

1.  ne  alt]  It  ia  more  uaual  when  ne  ia  uaed  in  prohibitions  to 
eraploy  the  perfect  aubj.  (of.  1.  11.  1,  ne  quae$ieri$)$  and  it  ia 
therefore  better  here  to  take  it»  «leet/  of.  1.  83.  1 ;  4.  9. 1. 

tlt  titoi  pudorl]  pudori  is  *  Dat  of  the  Purpoae,  wbioh  ia 
naually  found  with  a  second  Dat.  of  the  Beoipient,  ol  odio  ense 
alterit  emolumento  eue  alicui,  &o.'    Pub.  School  Gram.  §  129. 

234  HORACK,  ODES  II.  iv. 

3.    xanthia]   Karfl*,  voc  lstDeoi. 
lnsolentem]  *arrogant  thoogh  he  wm.'   Jor  the 

0>SSW^&t&^B/^SS'  SJ      ^SJ  &SWS^^^^ft^^^^^^WB)       SI^^SS^B^^W  «BW^W^^B^PS^     «B^PBBW  Sj 

j*r»  fu#«t  *M  «ftte,  «iAU  «»«  *mf* 
For  Achilles  and  BrJseis  eee  GUeft.  Diet. 
i.    movtt..jnovit]  Cf.1.  2.4n. 

5.  Telamo&e  &at&m]  Tho  words  sre  sddftd  to  dbtlnf&iftli 
him  from  tht  other  Ajex,  the  »on  of  OUeoft,  for  whcm  ot  1. 


6.  c&pttv&e  domlmim]  Tho  entithesis  u  m&de  ole&rer  by 
tho  juxtapoaition  of  the  aatithoticftl  worda.  In  &  non-fafUnBng 
language,  ftnoh  as  BngHsh,  tho  order  of  the  wordft  in  &  ftftnlftnoe 
being  of  necessfyy  more  simple  for  the  sake  of  olcsrnooi,  it  is 
oomparatively  rarely  th&t  this  pl&oing  oontrastod  wordft  ftiao  by 
ftide  oftn  be  effeoted.  Other  infttftjnoeft  ftre  1. 6. 9,  temmjiwmVm, 
1.  13.  14,  dulcia  barbare,  1. 16.  2,  perjidu»  hoepitam,  L  29.  10, 
arduit  pronoe,  1.  87.  6,  Capitolio  rcgina,  8.  6.  9,  Jfsdo  JfftfVttf, 
4.  4.  31,  imbellem  feroce*  |  progenerant  aquilae  colmmbam* 

Tecmeftsae]  Ti*/n?**a.  *  Before  gm,  gn,  a  vowel  seems  always 
to  b&ve  beoome  long  by  nature,  as  tigmen,  dgnue.  In  ge&uine 
Latin  words  not  oomponnded  the  other  motes  do  not  preoede 
m,  n.  Thos  the  older  writers,  snoh  as  Plautus,  wrote  drocftsta 
(dpaxMiy),...cucfnuf  {Kticvoi)r...Tecume$4a.  Tbe  learned  poets. 
oopying  the  Oreeks,  did  not  objeot  to  eycmu%  TScmesea,  Ac 
Publio  Sobool  Lftt.  Gram.  §  218. 

7.  axsit...vlrglne  rapta] '  was  fired  with  love  for  a  oaptivo 
maiden,'  i.e.  Cassandra.  For  oonstraotion  of  virgine,  cf.  8. 9. 

9.  barbarao...]  This  stanza  amplifies  the  idea  of  swdio  in 
triumpho,  and  by  dwelling  on  the  details  of  Agamemnon'o 
viotory  brings  out  more  foreibly  the  oontrast  with  his  own 
subjugation  by  one  of  his  own  prisoners.  The  woi&Bdpftafot 
was  applied  by  tbe  Oreeks  to  all  foreigners:  it  is  an  tmitanve 
word  signifying  a  person  wbo  jabber»  or  talks  what  is  unin- 
telligible,  and  originally  only  signified  'not  Oreek,'  but  subse- 
quently,  as  ths  Oreeks  began  to  suxpass  their  neigbbours  in 
civilisation,  the  seoondary  sense  of  'unoivilised'  whieh  we 
attaoh  to  our  word  'barbarous'  began  to  aooompany  it 

10.  Thessalo  victore]  abi.  abs.  Tbe  'oonqneror'  is  Aobilles 
led  the  Myrmldonos  from  Thessaly. 

NOTES.  235 

ademptus  Hector]  'the  loss  of  Heotor.'  The  Latin  idiom 
has  a  congiderable  dislike  to  verbal  nonns,  and  substitates  for  a 
verbal  noan  followed  by  a  genitive  (e.g.  ademptto  HeetorU), 
a  eimple  nonn  and  a  pait  partkiple  passive  in  apposition 
(e.  g.  ademptui  Hector).  Of.  the  phrase  ab  Urbe  condHta  «from 
the  fonndation  of  the  citj/  cmu  OhHttum  natum,  •  before  the 
Mrth  of  Christ,'  and  Livy  21.  1 1 4,  angebant  inaentU  tpiritut 
virum  8icilia  Sardiniaque  emittae,  'the  loss  of  StaUy  and  Sar- 
dinia.'    For  ademptas  tradidlt  ef.  8.  6.  44  n. 

In  ademptut  from  adimo,  the  p  is  added  between  m  and  t  as 
an  'auxiliary  oonsonant*  to  make  the  word  more  easy  of  pro- 
nonoiation.  It  is  almost  impossible  to  prononnos  adim-tut 
sereral  times  without  slipping  in  a  p  sonnd.  In  this  and 
similar  words  the  spelling  with  p  represents  rather  the  aetoal 
pronunciation  than  the  correct  form  of  the  words.  Cf.  eumo 
tum>p-tum,&n&  1.  29. 18,  coemptot,  2.  5.  14,  demptcrit,  2. 11. 28, 
comptum,  1.  4. 1,  hiempt. 

11.  fsssls]    After  a  ten  years'  strnggle. 

lerlora  tolli]  Lit.  *lighter  to  be  destroyed,'  L  e.  *an  easier 
prey.'    tolli  is  epexegetio,  of.  1.  8.  25  n. 

12.  Pergama  Orals]  ▼.  note  on  L  6.  TUpyatun  in  the 
sing.  is  feminine,  in  the  plural  Hipyajta  nenter.  Such  nonns 
are  called  Heteroolite  from  haring  a  seoond  form  of  deolension 
(tripa  <cXi<rtf). 

18.  nesdas  an]  is  a  poetioal  variation  of  the  oommon  nse 
of  netcio  an  in  heaitating  affirmation,  e.g.  netcio  an  hoe  tit 
maximum=  *I  don't  know  whether  this  is  not  the  biggest/ 

If  Horace  had  written  nctcit  an...t  it  would  mean,  'you 
don't  know  whether  her  parents  are  not  an  hononr  to  you.' 
He  however  puts  this  more  indirectlv  and  hesitatingly.  thereby 
making  the  irony  more  subtle  and  delioate :  'you  could  not  be 
snre  (were  you  to  examine  the  question),  Xanthias,  whether  the 
noble  parents  of  your  golden-haired  Phyllis  do  not  lend  a  lnstre 
to  their  son-in-law.' 

Bome  supply  ti  before  netciat  and  make  U.  15,  16  the 
apodosis:  *should  you  be  ignorant...let  me  assure  you  her 
raoe  is  royal.'  Suoh  an  omisaion  of  ti  however  needs  justifi • 
eation,  and  morsover  ti  netdt  would  be  needed. 

15.    genns]  nom.  case,  supply  etL    Wiokham  savs,  that  it 
tB  floverned  by  maeret,  'mourna  her  royal  raoe  and  the  cruelty 
nf  ner  household  gods,'  but  it  will  be  observed  that  tbis  involves 
p.  n.  17 

HORAOE,  ODES  II.  iv. 

ponatei]  tht  gods  of  the  ttoree  [frrau)  whioh  wara  n 
rally   kept  in   tha    tlimoat    part   ot    tlie  houee;    of.  the  worde 
ptnelralia,  prnitut,  penttro. 

17.  crede  non  fflam]  Much  stronger  and  more  pointod 
than  ne  crtdt  iilam.  '  Be  flure  that  ebe  at  nny  rate  haa  not 
beeu  wooed  by  yoa  from  «mong  the  bua  rabble.'  The  non  ia 
placcd  imuicdiately  belore  iliam  to  ahew  thst  howevai  poaaible 
ancb  a  supposition  might  h*Te  been  in  an  ordinary  oaae,  in 
ktr  caae  it  is  absoluteiy  inadmiasible.  Notice  tho  effect  of 
itlaia  aod  tibi  in  j  mtaposition. 

■celeata,]  Doubtlea*  TC»"'*ii«»  belonged  to  the  ranka  of 
tbose  gilded  youtha  who  concisciy  designnte  «11  the  rest  of  the 
worid  (B[(ii  =  -lhoSB  who  merely  £11  up')  U  *C*d»'  (acfleiti). 
Hia  own  phrase  i»  irouieally  turned  npon  himself.  For  the 
application  ol  opitheti  implying  roorol  qualiliea  to  Ttrioua 
clasECB  of  aociety  cf.  aach  words  aa  ol  iparroi,  optimalti,  arit- 
tocracy,  ol  «SouXoi,  ol  «uoi,  <*o.    Gf.  2.  2.  19  and  note. 

31.  tereiesque  turw]  'shapely  anklei.'  terei,  from  tere,  Ok. 
Tpipw,  '  to  mb,  poliah,  finiab,'  deuotes,  saya  Munro  {Lnor.  1.  33), 
'  that  the  thing  to  which  it  i>  joined  ie  o(  the  proper  shape,' 
e.g.  eervis  ttrn  ;  tumca  Ctrti  =  »  tunic  of  even  fiueuess;  omEto 
ttrti  =  a,  atyie  of  «peaking  that  ia  poliihod  and  finiBhed. 

22.  lnteger]  (rom  tn  and  tongo  (tiligi),  indicatea  that 
wbioh  is  free  Irom  all  taint  or  blemish,  or  wliich  ia  oomplete 
and  whole.    'I  praise  myBelf  heart-whole...,'  cf,8.  7.33. 

fug-e  iujplc*ri]  bo.  eum:  'avoid  auapeoting  one  whoae  age 
bas  been  only  too  eager  to  eonclude  ita  eighth  lustie.'  For  the 
uu.  e.i.  I.  16,  37  n, 

23.  ocUtojh  olandare  Inatmm]  Bomoe  wu  bom  Deo,  8, 
"  0.  65,  ol.  3.  31.  1,  coniuU  Manlio.    Ixilnan  [trotn  hui),  n 

the  expi»tory  aacrinoa  parformod  by  the  osnao»  *t  the  ead  of 
evory  fifth  yaai  sfter  taJring  the  oonaua ;  henM  luilritm  ia  pnt 
for  'a  apaee  ol  Bt*  yeai*.'  Tha  teohnical  phrase  condtrt 
whioh  waa  used  of  tho  oenaora  it  judiaionjdy  Tfcried  by 
See  too  4.  1.  fi,  eirea  luitra  eUcan. 

for   'a  aptioa  ol   flre  j 
luitnm  whioh  w      ~ 

traplda.Tlt]  A  faTonrite  word  with  Horaoe,  need,  3.  8.  11, 
of  »  atieam  hnirying  down  ita  bad.  It  eipreaaea  eager,  u- 
cited,  qaivering  (of.  trnw)  motion,  ot  4.  11.  11.  Sac  alao 
3.  11.  4n.    For  claudtrt,  e.L   1.  1S.  27  n.    Varbt  t 

NOTE&  837 

©f  eager  deeire  naturaUy  take  an  inflnitive  after  them,  cf. 
/ty«*'be  eager  to  avoidV    Gf.  ioo  9. 11.  4. 

The  ezact  value  of  fhe  two  oonclnding  lines  in  fizing  tfae 
date  of  the  Ode,  of  whieh  the  oommentators  made  mnoh,  I 
leave  the  jndioiona  reader  to  determine,  bnt  of.  Diokens,  Sketohee 
bj  Bob,  *Mr  Angnetna  Minne  waa  a  baehelor  of  abont  forly  aa 
he  said— -of  about  eight  and  forty  aa  hia  friefi ds  saioV 

ODB  V. 

'Lalage  is  too  young  yet  for  the  trlals  and  troubles  of  love: 
her  delight  is  etill  in  ©hildiih  frolioe.  Why  eoret  the  nnripe 
grape?  Wait  awhile  and  ehe  will  aeek  you  of  hereelf,  and  be 
dearer  to  yon  than  ever  waa  PholoB,  or  Chloris,  or  Gyges.' 

1.  ferre  lngnm  ralet]  The  nom.  to  vaUt  ie  LaXage,  or 
juvenca  to  be  eztracted  tromjwencae  in  L  6.  The  anplioation 
of  the  term  juvenca  to  a  yonng  girl,  thongh  freanent  In  anoient 
poetry,  is  not  in  aooord  with  modern  taste.  The  metaphor  is 
kept  np  thronghont  the  first  eight  linee,  and  is  repeated  in 
U.  16, 16.    Ct  06>aXif  and  r6prit  in  Gk. 

2.  mnnla  oomparia  aeqnare]  *  match  the  labonrs  of  a  mate 
or  yoke-fellow/  i.  e.  draw  even  with  one  in  the  plongh. 

5.  elroa  est]  lit.  <is  aronnd,*><is  ooonpied  with.'  This 
nse  of  eirca  is  very  freanent  in  Qnintilian  and  some  post- 
Angnstan  writers,  bnt  otherwise  rare.  ctrcu  repl  n  is  very 
oommon  in  Gk.  ««to  be  engaged  abont  anything.' 

6.  nunc.nuno]  *at  one  time at  another.' 

8.  salioto]  from  $aUx=*'i  willow,  or  osier-bedV  prae- 
gestientit  ia  a  very  strong  word:  geetire  (from  gettut)  *to  nse 
passionate  gestures'  is  in  itself  a  very  emnnatio  word  for 
'desiring,'  and  prae  in  the  sense  of  *exoeedin$ly'  makes  it 
more  so.  Horaoe  wishes  to  ezpress  how  she  is  given  np  heart 
and  soul  to  her  gambols  withont  one  thought  of  love  or  any- 

10.  iam...oolore]  'soon  shall  yon  see  (tibi)  autumn  mark- 
ing  the  olusters  with  blue,  (when  she  oomes)  gaily-dressed  in 
brilliant  hues.'  Uvidot  is  proleptio.  purpureo  may  be  either 
'brilliant'  (of.  4.  1.  10  n),  or  'purple,' though  in  oonneotion 



7  lim  pl  t  ii 

Um! r  iiiii 'ii-.i  ordar — *  roo*t  iroport*nl   point   i 

*  dab*U*bl(  puug*  ln  th*  Ode*.     Otherwiw  il  U  neetntrj 

I"  Uk«  r/iitinen*!  colort  together  *nd  rendw  '  m*n j-eoluared 
tututnn  ilirill  nuuk  th*  dow  |iale  clunters  with  *  purple  hne-' 

13.  enrrit  .  ,*rt**]  "llnt  lime  of  life,  now  «owild,  hwtcn» 
•long.'  ftmi  kMpt  up  thc  moUphor  ol  noiuhim  nbacta  e«r- 
vUti  iha  1*  11111  too  young  to  b*  broken  in,  wili.  anUroed. 

14.  dampMttt,  »ppon»t]  Th*  bodily  fr»ine  nitunillj  in- 
urru**  ln  lUrniith  np  to  *  ■  •rUin  *ge  (mj  fortjorfortj-fiTe  in 

•  hellthy  111*11),  *fUr  whioh  «trength  ind  *ctmtj  gr»du*Uj 
dccrnM.  fteno*  it  i*  T«rj  oommon  to  «pesk  of  the  yeirs  up  to 
thiiiperiod  u  'g»ined'  or  '*dded'  {appnneri),  ud  tOOM  wbiob 
follow  u  -lo.i'  of  '■uuttMUd'  (aVmere).    Cf.  A.  P,  175. 

mulla  /rrunt  nrini  vrnientei  eoHinioda  lecum 

mvlta  ricetUnta  adlmutit. 
Horaco  mjk  th*t  ttio  lo»r  (who  ia  poasibly  himself,  *nd  at  *nj 
rrtle  not  JOunij)  muit  oouildisr  that  mcli  Jear  that  paiee*, 
lliough  *  loii  lo  himielf,  y*t  lirings  ntiiplo  componstttion in  thc 
*ddllioii»l  ohnrm*  it  confen  on  Ltlage.  For  the  p  in  dimpterit 
ot.i.t.  10  n. 

16.  proUrr*  ftonte]     L»l»ge   i*   *g*in    ipoken  of  u  * 

17.  dllaot»...]    The  eonslruotioii  U  KbdCl  (a  tt,  tantim) 

f  fugai  idiltctn  /uil),  'beloTed  • 
ih  Pbowe.' 

lr  ooqn«ttUh 

u  th*  olondleM 

93.  mlr*..,TOltn]  ' Th*  dirToranoe  (i.«.  betw«*n  GjgMand 
*  girl )  hard  to  deteot  bj  rtMon  of  hia  flowing  look*  *nd  half- 
giriiih  f*oe  would  m*rrelloa*lj  deoeiTe  *T*n  «hxewd  stnngen.' 
ducri*wji-'that  which  m*kM  *  dUtination,'  from  dit  *nd 
earno,  'to  diitinguUh'  (of.  Qk.  *pbw);  heooe  th*  ward  U  fr*- 
qoentij  owd  for  *  '  oritical  noroent' — *  momont  wtuoh  makm 

NOTES.  889 


*  0  Septimius,  thou  who  wouldest  go  with  me  to  the  world's 
end,  if  I  iive  to  old  age,  may  Tibur  be  the  dwelling  oi  my  de- 
clining  years.  But  if  (or  *  aince  *)  the  fatea  cruelly  forUd  that, 
then  I  wM  eeek  genial  Tarentum.  That  is  an  earthly  Paradise, 
thither  do  I  summon  thee  to  my  eide,  there  amid  poelry  and 
friendahip  (ef.  n.  on  vatii  amiei)  shall  my  life  end,  there  ihall 
thy  teart  bedew  my  funeral  urn.' 

H.  T.  Pltiss,  who  oalla  attention  to  the  depth  of  feeling 
whioh  nnderlies  the  Ode,  auggeste  that  it  waa  written  either 
during  severe  illneas  or  under  the  strong  expeotatioii  of  an 
early  death.  Could  he,  says  Horaoe,  look  forward  to  old  age 
($enecta  L  6.)  he  would  prefer  no  plaoe  to  Tibur,  but  if  that 
may  not  be,  as  he  hints  it  may  not  (H  prokibent  not  prohibeant 
or  prohibebunt),  then  he  oalls  upon  Septimius  to  aooompany 
him  to  Tarentum, 

*For  I  will  aee  before  I  die 
The  sunny  temples  of  the  South.' 

BeptimiuB  is  very  possibly  the  same  man  to  whom  Horaoe 
gave  a  letter  of  introduotion  to  Tiberius,  v.  Epist  1.  9. 

1.  Oades]  For  Cadii  put  for  the  extremity  of  the  universe 
of.  2.  2.  11,  remotii  Qadibut.  The  pillars  of  Hercules  were 
considered  the  end  of  the  world,  cf.  1.  84.  11,  Atlanteus  /init, 
and  Eur.  Hipp.  8,  rip/umdt  r  'ArXarrucol.  8o  Pind.  Nem.  i.  69, 
TaMfxar  re  rpof  ttyov  od  riparop,  'what  lies  beyond  Oades 
towards  the  darknees  cannot  be  traversed.'  The  AUantio  was 
totally  unexplored  and  unknown  to  the  anoients,  aa  indeed  it 
remained  up  to  the  time  of  Columbus.  Of  some  islands  off 
the  W.  ooast  of  Africa  they  did  indeed  know,  but  they  were 
only  known  as  the  'Islands  of  the  Blessed/  *  of  the  Hesperides,' 
or  by  other  equally  mythieal  names. 

aditure]  *Thou  who  wouldest  go,'  Le.  should  necessity 
arise.    Cf.  4.  8.  20,  donatura,  si  libeat  and  n. 

2.  Oa&Ubmm...iuga]  The  CanUbri  inhabited  the  N.W. 
portion  of  Spain;  oocupying  a  mountainous  and  inaccesaible 
district  they  maintained  that  guerilla  warfare  for  whioh  Spain 
has  always  been    celebratcd,  and   continually  harassed  the 

HOBACE,  0DE3  IL   vi. 

lementa  on  the  E.  and  8.  coaata.  Augustua 
>  peiaon  in  ».o.  37,  and  sUyed  there  unlil 
u.l  aubjugation  of  the  CsuUbri  w»t  eceoiu- 
«.r-niiDiat&r  Agrippa.  B.o.  19.  Livr  (37.  13) 
i  wea  the  firat  province  en  lcreJ  bv  the  Homsn  b 
iued,  end  the  intorest  Ulten  in  the  *u  i» 
■'■  Irequeiit   alluaion*   to  it.     C(.   8.  8.   33. 

mifut  cattna,  t.  II.  11,  Cantabtr  non  ante 

dtmabi  o  Tirgii,  wiihing  to  Beleot  n  speoiel  iuatanco 

of  ttie  ujuii  robbera  who  coutiuually  threateu  the  peaoeful 

fnnner.  «■!«  .  — i  Hiberi,  Georg.  3.  408,  oul  impacalot  a  ttrgo 
horrtb\  x  '   ii  ni '      .ir  i   .  hi.t  the  Ode  mnat  have 

been  »  e'  time  i — n  Ang.  waa  iii  Spain,  or  the 

nllunou  __.  «r  mnatural  nud  ont  of  place.     But  of.  n. 

onl.  7. 

lug-a  ferre]  A  meUphor  from  breaking  in  oien.  but  whieh 
alao  refen  to  the  cUBtom  of  maltiug  a  oouquered  euemy.  •peaa 
under  the  yole'  (mejujruiii  nittcrt). 

3.  barharu  Byrtea]  The  epithet  allndea  partly  to  the  bar- 
baroua  charocter  of  the  iuhabiUnte,  pertly  to  the  dangorou» 
cbaracter  of  the  coast  itself.    Cf.  1.  '22.  S,  Sijrtet  atituoiai. 

5.  Tltrar]  Tirolii  t.  Claas.  Diot.,  and  for  a  fnll  description 
Bnrn'a  'fiome  and  the  Cainpugnn.'  For  the  aame  acntiment 
wilh  regard  to  Tibnr,  cf.  1.  7.  1—81. 

Argeo  colono]  Argio  ia  a  represenUtion  of ' Kpyti y  i n  Lstin 
letUra,  loug  'e'  auewering  to  '<■.'  'liburtus,  »on  of  Catilua,  ia 
eaid  to  have  come  with  Evander  from  Qreeoe.  colono  is  what 
Kcnnedy  catla  a  'Itecipieut  Dative,  insUad  of  an  Ablative  of 
the  Agent,'  but  it  ia  ouly  naed  after  the  Past  Fart.  Pasa.  or 
after  gerundivea.     Cf.  below,  Laconi  Phalantho,  and  cf.  1.  6. 


7.    Utmodua...]    Martin  givee  the  generel  eenae : 
'0  may  It  ba  tha  finel  bourn 
To>  ona  with  war  and  travel  worn.' 

The  genitivea  go  both  with  n , 

Iwuiii,  for  whinh  lntter  of.  Virg.  Aea.  1  ... 

gen.  •eeming  to  be  dependent  on  the  aenae  of  'haTing'had 
enough  of  whioh  the  word  conUina;  it  ia  an  exUnaion  of  the 
nae  of  the  Partitive  Genitive. 

The  eommenUton  arptain  vianm  of  the  magghig  Eoraoe 
liad  to  ro  throngb  whnn  he  mi  rnhtmnt  militttm  n.  o.  43,  and 

NOTES.  241 

militia  of  the  eampaign  he  then  served,  and  then  prooeed  to 
raiie  a  difflculty  aa  to  how  hia  alluaion  to  that  date  can  be 
reooneiled  with  his  alinaion  to  b.o.  27  in  line  2:  fhe  difficnlty 
ia  however  entirely  oi  their  own  oreating.  Horaoe  ia  here 
tpeaking  qaite  generally  of  the  ordinary  laboort  of  life,  posaihW, 
of  oourse,  thinking  of  hia  own,  but  oertainlj  not  specially 
alinding  to  them.  Anyhow  the  Ode  oannot  have  been  written 
any  time  near  b.  o.  42,  for,  puttin$  aaide  the  referenoa  to  the 
Cantabri,  (1)  all  the  other  Odee  m  the  Book  were  oertainly 
written  xnuon  later,  (2)  the  whole  tone  of  the  Ode  represents 
Horaoe  aa  no  longer  very  yonng. 

10.  pelliUa  ovlbus  Oalaeal]  The  Galaesuswasarivernear 
Tarentnm :  ita  rioh  pastures  tupported  a  ohoioe  breed  of  aheep, 
whoae  wool  waa  ao  valuable  that  they  were  'oovered  with  akins' 
(pellitae)  to  protect  it  from  injnry. 

11.  regnata  Fhalantho]  'ruled  over  by  Phalanthus.*  reg- 
nor« =«to  reign,'  an  intranaitive  verb  onght  not  to  have  a 
paative,  bnt  for  oonvenienoe  aake  (and  probably  to  avoid  the 
ambiguous  participle  of  rego,  rectus)  tbe  past  pari  ia  allowed 
to  be  naed  paaaively.  Cf.  Virg.  Aen.  6.  794,  regnata  8aturnot 
and  8.  29.  27,  regnata  Cyro.  For  the  foundation  of  Tarentnm 
circ.  b.  o.  700,  tee  Claas.  Dict.  s.  v.  Phalanthus. 

18.  ille...ille  (L  21)  ...lbl  (1.  22)]  Kotioe  carefully  the  gnid- 

14.  angulus  terrarum]  'oorner  of  the  worlbV  Urrarum 
is  nsed  in  ezaotly  the  same  manner  aa  in  the  phrase  orbie 
terrarum.  By  the  word  angulue  Horaoe  does  not  so  mnoh 
wiah  to  imply  that  Tarentum  was  in  a  'corner  of  the  world'  as 
that  it  was  a  anug  nook  for  retirement  For  the  last  syllable  of 
ridet  lengthened,  cf.  1.  8.  88  n.  ridet  mihi,  lit.  *ixnilee  to  me' 
m  takes  my  fanoy. 

non  Eymetto  mella  deoedunt]  'the  honey  does  not  give 
way  before  that  of  Hymettus.  Keither  Latin  nor  Greek  have 
a  nse  of  the  pronoun  similar  to  the  word  '  that'  in  the  above 
sentenoe:  they  are  therefore  obliged  either  to  say  'the  honey 
does  not  give  way  before  the  honev  of  Hymettus,'  or  to  take  a 
ahort  out  (compendium,  whence  tne  nhrase  comparatio  compen- 
diaria  applied  to  thia  idiom)  and  avoid  suoh  roundabont  method 
by  saving  'the  honey  does  not  give  way  before  Hrmettns.' 
8o  below  baea  Venafro,  and  Hom.  II.  17.  51,  koooX  iapirteaip 
QuoTat,  'locks  like  thote  of  the  Giaces.'    Cf.  also  9.  14.  28, 

842  HORACE,  ODES  II.  vi 

mera     nunJi/icun  poiiori  cenit,  uid  ii.  6.   (6,  «Cdi    pai-mtu» 

nied  of  ooe  who  qnitt  the  footpatb  to  m»k» 
nce  =  'tc  yield  to.'  Prob»bly  howevsr  here, 
i  of  th«  word  ctrtat  innnedlately  »fter,  the 
>  Tioquished  oetnpetitor  qnitting  tb*  »ren». 
— » .  berry,'  />a r  ttetUence,  i. e.  the  berry  of  Um 

18.     Inpplt 

taiwu]    fci 
generally  '  win* 

AuJon)  ■  «i         {  iw  i       ,    For  f  afarnu  cf.  3. 


11.  M  mwmn]  The  two  words  ire  iide  bj  iide,  eren  a* 
the  two  frienda  wer»  to  t- 

Ui*  loou*]   i.'-.  entum.     The  wordi 

(1    btatae    arcei  m  the  worda  illt  lociu, 

arcri  referring  lo  i.  _e  diitriot  and  btatai 

to  ita  fertilitj. 

■-'2.  calonteml  i.e.  wben  the  ashe»  were  beiog  remOTed 
from  tbe  pyre  to  the  nrn.  It  w»a  cu»toniery  to  «prinkle  them 
witb  perfumee  iud  wine  (of.  Virg.  Aen.  6.  338),  tbe  poet 
naturally  prefor»  '  the  homage'  o(  m  te&r.    Notioe  ru  empb»tio. 

33.  debltal  not  'due  bj  coatom,'  for  anetom  ordained  the 
Bprinkling  with  perfnmec,  bnl  'doe  to  onr  friandehip,'— 'the 
tributarr  te»r.' 

■21.  T»U»  amlcll  I  bive  little  donbt  that  in  tba  samrnary 
nt  tbe  begirming  I  bave  not  unduly  presaed  the  meaning  of 
theee  two  moit  empbatia  oonaluding  wordu,  whioh  the  oom- 
meutator»  aeem  entirely  to  neglect.  Horaoe  h»a  ■  double 
cleim  (cf.  debila)  on  Septimin»'  toare  (1)  tbeir  long  friendahip, 
(3)  the  f&ct  that  th»t  friendehip  had  been  hallowed  by  the 
preaence  and  favour  of  the  Mueea.  Theira  had  not  only  been  ■ 
•fair  oompanioojhip,'  bnt  they  had  aljo  'with  einging  cheered 
the  wav.'    (Xennyion,  In  Hem.  o.  33.) 


'Pompein»,  with  whom  I  onoe  ww  «»1710»  nnder  Brnttu, 
withwhom  I  have  often  joinedinrerelry,  who  ha»  thua  reetored 
yoa  to   yoor  eiril  righti?    How  I  remember  being  iu  the 



rout  of  Philippi  with  you,  when  I  ran  aw^ 
and  Meroury  ipirited  me  away  safe  home,% 
sucked  back  into  the  tempeet  and  tmnalt  of  tn^ 
offer  a  secrinoe  to  Juppiter  for  your  return,  and  A 
hold  a  recklees  revel  beneath  the  Unrele  here.    On  $ 
I  thould  eoorn  to  be  eober.' 

1.  saepe]  L  e.  during  the  two  years  before  the  ? 

temnus  ln  ultimum  deduete]    'Led  down  into  utte 
peril  when  Brntue  was  onr  leader.'    There  eeems  a  pb 
worda  in  deducte...duce.    tempu»  here  meane  *a  specia^ 
'eritioal  period  of  time,'  the  notion  of  'periT  attaohee  toi^ 
from  the  adjeotive  ultimum,  whioh  impliee  danger.    Of.  Oie. 
Phil.  5. 17.  &ttemm6$ummoreipubUcae~l*t*nGiXiemBCxiai» 
of  the  oommonweelth.' 

2.  Bruto]  M.  Brutus,  the  murderer  of  Caesar,  oommanded, 
along  with  Cassius,  at  Philippi  (b.  o.  42). 

8.  redonavit  Quiritem]  'piven  thee  baek  a  full  eitisen.' 
After  Philippi  a  large  proportion  of  the  repnblioan  party  were 
pardoned  by  Ootavian,  Horaoe  among  them :  Pompeius,  how- 
ever,  seems  etill  to  have  remained  in  arms  with  the  relies  of 
the  beaten  faotion;  posaihly  he  joined  his  namesake,  Sex. 
Ponroeius,  whose  piratioal  eareer  only  ended  in  b.c.  85.  Any- 
how  he  had  only  just  been  amnestied. 

Quiritet  aignifies  a  Boman  citizen  in  full  possesaion  of  his  civil 
rights,  or,  aocording  to  the  legai  phrase,  capite  non  deminutue. 
Henee  in  publio  doouments  the  phrase,  populue  Bomanu»  Quiri- 
tium,  and  among  the  jurists,  jut  Quiritium.  The  word  was  only 
applied  to  Boman  oitizens  in  a  oivil  oapaoity,  never  to  soldiers; 
henoe  the point  of  Gaesar*s beginninga  speeeh  to  the mutinous 
lOth  legion  with  the  word  Quiritee.  The  word  deserves  stndy  in 
a  good  diotionary. 

5.  sodalium]  used  of  'oomrades  in  enjoyment'  in  oonneo- 
tion  with  the  lines  whioh  follow. 

6.  morantem...fregi]  *I  have  often  with  (the  aid  of)  wine 
defeated  a  wearisome  day.' 

Wiokham  explains  fregi  of  'breaking  the  continuity  of 
business  hours,'  oomparing  1.  1.  2,  partem  eolido  demere  de 
die%  but  the  interpretation  seems  forcea  and  gives  no  sense  to 
morantem.    Orellf  simply  says  fregi,  breviorem  reddidi,  whioh 

ORACE,  ODES  11.  \n. 

^Frangtre,  however,  ia  verj  oommon  in  the 

.veV  •defeet,'  •breek  tbe  beok  of,'  and  ao  tekon 

jbto  mbm  i  tbo  daj  tbreetened  to  be  dull,  nui. 

400%  bot  Honeo  hed  e  remed>  qeite  etrony  enoogk 

•e  tbjeeta  end  mehe  it  mofo  elong  107  aot  end 

:    SoVono^^tooooiton.* 

/onetoo...]  lii.  *garlanded  00  to  my  looho  a^rtinmf 
-rian  unguant,'  Le.  weering  o  gariand  on  my  100*0,60. 
tJbromUooorroptionof  thalnoloaiiamotMophntfrom 

ungoent  woo  cxtracted.    It  ie  ooDoi  •Biyrien' 

vond  bought  bjBomon  mcrohanta  m  Qyrie.  00  thol  oll 
«<£  moiohonaioB  ie  mdieffrnimetofr  eelled  •flyrfen.*    Ot  i, 
lr.  16,  4m yrioow*  eardo. 

9.  Phmppoo  ol  oolorom  fogom]  •PfcOipptfi  herriod  roaV 
A  good  instonoo  of  Hendiedje  (a>  «Vd  hm>)  or  tho  not  of  two 
wordi  or  phrooeo  eimpto  pat  tido  hj  eide,  inetced  of  o  omglo 
oomplex  phrooe  in  whlch  tho  worda  qaelifj  oooh  othor.  CL  L 
86.  88,  icicatricum  fratntmamc,  *woundi  inflioted  bj  brcthreo,' 
8.  4.  IJLdibut  citharaquc^  8.  4.42,  TUamoi  immancmquc 
Coee.  B.  0.  4.  tcUtudincm  ct  titoat. 

10.  oenel]  o  feioarite  ward  ol  Horooo,  "^«^ng  «to 
one*e  coet,*  (to  leol  onjthing  jpeinfaL'  Of.  4.  4.  26,  4 
of  tho  oonqaorod  tribee,  •feeung  to  thoir  ooot'  tho  pc 


powor  of 
Bcme.  80  8.  97.  ^tcnUant  motut,  of  thoMOteee,  8.6.86, 
lora  tcntit  incrt, 

relicte  non  bono  pormalo]  Horoee  olwojo  epeoko  of  bie 
ehort  militorj  oareer  aa  of  aometbing  he  eon  look  baek  npon 
aa  too  curiooalj  abaord  to  be  taiked  01  gravely ;  that  he  io  half 
jeating  is  olear  here,  aa  Wickham  well  obaervee,from  the  ironieal 
um  of  the  diminutive  parmula,  •my  poor  ahieldV  000  bcnc  ia 
alao  nied  in  jeaWnot  over  bravely:'  in  aerioua  writing  000 
benc  would  =  *mo*t  oUagnusefully,'  bj  Utotee,  cf.  1.  18.  9  n. 

Horaoe  ia  probably  induoed  to  tell  thia  tale  againet  bimaalf 
by  the  faot  that  he  ia  imiuting  the  example  of  AJcaoua,  Arehi- 
lochus,  and  Anaereon  (▼.  Orelli  ad  loc). 

For  the  diagraee  of  throwing  away  the  ahield  of.  tbo  ooe  of 

the  word  Macra  and  the  Spartan  mothert  advioe  to  bor  eoo, 
'  Betorn  either  with  jour  ahield  or  upon  it.* 

11.  com...mento]  The  deaoription  in  theM  Uom  ia  of 
eourfte  aober  earneat,  all  the  more  telling  preeeded  and  foUowed 
aa  it  ia  bj  ironical  jeating. 

NOTE&  S45 

minaoee]  'tl^oM  bat  lete  10  threetening  tonehed  with  theit 
ehin  tfae  dienaeefbl  duaV  The  odhm  ie  oaUed  tmye,  beeauee 
when  they  'bit  tbe  duet'  they  weie  defeatod,  and  to  e  eeztein 
extent  all  defeet  ie  diegreoefuL 

OrelH  prefere  to  take  tetiger*  nento  ee  if  referrinff  to  the 
abject  proetration  of  suppliante,  with  their  fSeoee  in  tne  due\ 
rather  than  ae  an  Horauan  reproduetion  of  phraeee  enoh  ae 
66d£  Xafoloro  yatar,  Hom.  IL  9.  418,  and  htmum  eemel  ort 
momordit,  Virg.  Aen.  10.  849.  He  quotee  a  paeea»  of  Appian 
to  prore  that  oertain  leeders  did,  after  the  battle,  'eome  aa 
suppliants'  (Uh-cuTpoe^feear)  to  Antonj:  bnt  thie  ie  reallj  too 
reoondite  and  nnimportant  What  Horaee  wiahee  to  do  ie  not 
to  eomrnemorate  the  oowardlj  behaviour  of  eome  of  hia  fellow- 
eoldiere  after  the  batUe— to  do  wbioh  wonld  be  at  onee  un- 
poetioal  and  ungeneroue— bnt  to  tell  ne  in  Ave  thrilHng  worde 
how  in  that  fieroe  fight  thoee  'grim  warriore  bit  the  dneV 

18*  eed  me]  Wiekham  weU  pointe  ont  the  etronff  oppo- 
aition  to  tecum.  Kote  too  the  emphatio  poaition  of  tne  two 
worde  at  the  beginning  of  two  etaniae. 

Mereuriue  oeler]  ae  the  epeoial  patron  of  poete,  ol  1.  10. 
1  n. 

deneo  aere]  *In  a  thiok  oloudV  8o  in  Hom.  iim  voXXj. 
aer  from  being  oonttantlj  oppoeed  to  aether,  the  pure  upper 
air  (eo  too  in  Greek  Aijp  and  aWrip),  wae  frequentlj  ueed  ae 
-'oloudy  'xniet.' 

Horaoe  ie  here  tatiriiinfl  Homer,  who  repreeente  hie  divini- 
tiee  ae  reeooing  a  defeated  nero  bj  thie  eomewhat  unfair  devioe 
whenever  convenient,  e.g.  II.  8.  880.  Orelli'8  note  'mera  eet 
farraffla*  ia  hardlj  more  neoeeearj  than  the  'Thie  ie  earoaem ' 
of  Artemu8  Ward. 

15.  reeorbene]  'tuoking  baek.'  The  metaphor  ie  from 
a  abipwreok:  the  breakers  had  oaet  Horaoe  safe  npon  the 
ehore;  a  baok  eddj  had  encked  hie  friend  baok  amid  'the 
raging  surf '  (freta  aeetuosa),  cf.  arapoifiott,  Hom.  OcL  12.  106. 

17.  ergo]  L  e.  tinoe  aiter  eo  manj  dangere  jon  are  eafe  at 

obUgatam  redde]  'dulj  ofler  the  banquet  aa  jon  are 

reddo  ie  frequently  not  *to  give  baek,*  but  *to  give  what  ia 
due,'  but  in  faot  the  two  eeneet  are  but  one :  Pompeiut  had 
doubtless  bound  himself  bj  a  vow  (voto  $e  obUgare)  to  offer  a 

246  HORACE,  ODES  II.   vii. 

feut  to  Jove,  «nd  10  when   be  '  duly  offered,'  i'.  h»  wu  bnt 
'giving  back '  to  the  god  what  the  god  haii  givcn  bim. 

obtipiitam  =  lit.  'thlt  il  bound  ou  jon,'  i.a,  to  which  700 
ere  bouad:  tho  word  ia  m  technical  oae  wilh  regard  to  retigioui 
obligation»,  e.g.  Cio.  Leg.  8.  16. 11,  voti  tpomio  quia  obUgamur 
dto,  cf.  too  tbe  poasibla  derivitioa  ol  rtligio  from  re ligart. 

31.  oblMoio..,]  HereHoraoe  repreaenti  the  feut  to  whiah 
he  invitei  hii  friend  m  actuall  j  reeliied ,  »nd  himiclf  u  urgiag 
on  the  atteadanti  to  tbeir  virioui  datiu. 

otlioioio.  'that  bringi  forgetfulneu,'  i.  0.  of  care,  af.  Libtr, 
Lynfu.     It  ii  the  olrar  \aSunfita  of  Alcaeui. 

iBTi»)  Notioe  the  qaantitv  of  the  1,  »nd  cf.  I.  2.  38  n.  It 
i«  tbe  same  «ord  as  the  Qreek  Xeioi  01  Xufm,  «hereas  llsu  = 
Ugvit  the  Greek  iXa-xfa. 

Haulco]     From  Sinnt  Maiticvi  in  Cainpanie, 

23.  etborU]  Oupi made  to imitate  the pod  of  th«  FJgyptian 
be»a )  of.  Atheo.  11.  M,  ri  A  V""  aB-ifa.  Biicbeler  bril- 
liantly  suggeets  th»t  Septiraiui  hsd  ifter  Phitippi  joined  Autany 
in  Egypt  uud  remained  there  itid  th»t  this  Egyptian  vvord  for 
■  'goblet'  ii  ased  deaigaoJlr. 

23.  conehli]  Shells,  or  reueli  m»de  to  imit»te  ihell»,  irere 
nted  to  oontein  augueute.  So  Marttel,  3.  83.  37,  ipeeke  of  » 
murez  aureui  u  uaed  for  thii  purpose. 

quli..  myrto]  '  Wboee  t»sk  1»  it  speedily  to  Ikihioa  garlindi 
with  plianl  naraley  or  witb  mrrtleT'  propero,  'to  haeten,"  ii 
intransitire.bat  ii  freqaeatly  n»ed  traniitire'- i_ 
dar.v  eeaee  of  •  to  roake  hutilr,'  of.  3.  13.  36 
has  the  addilional  me»uiag  of  'completing.'  apium  wa»  used 
both  hj  the  Greeke  (e.g.  in  the  g&rl&nd  gireu  b»  a  prize  »t  the 
Nemean  gamci)  md  Bomana  for  ehapleti,  ol  Tlrg.  E.  6.  68, 
F loribut  aSqut  apia  criiut  ornatvt  amaro.  For  udo  of.  Theoex, 
7,  69,  woXwyrajirrif  rt  tiUrif,  *with  eaailj  bent  paralej.' 

35.     cnratr»]    For  poaition  of  vt  aso  9.  19.  38  n. 

quam  ..Mbendl]  'Whom  ehall  Vanui  dealare  brd  ol  the 
r-Hvel" '    At  feanti  a  preaident  wu ohoeen  bj  lot,  »ee  1.  4.  18. 

37.  Edonl»]  The  Edoni  were  a  Thraeiaii  people  near  th» 
Strjmon.  The  Thraotan»  wera  notorious  for  their  orgiaatM 
worabip  of  Baoohua  or  DioDjiua.     Ct  L  27. 1, 

38.  foiara]  lit.  'to  be  nMd's'to  hold  faTtou  revel.'  Sa 
ton  B.  19.  18,  fuanire. 

NOTES.  S47 


An  Ode  io  Barine,  fair,  fidUe  and  forsworn.  This  Ode  haa 
the  peouliar  interest  of  being  perhape  fhe  only  Ode  of  Horaoe 
of  whioh  there  ifl  an  adeqnate  Engliah  rendering— that  by  Sir 
Charlea  Sedley  (see  Seleoted  Translations,  by  0.  W.  Oooper). 

1.  ulla...unqnam]  'had  any  punishment,  Barine,  for 
faith  forsworn  ever  marred  your  beauty.'  The  anoiente  be- 
lieTed  that  the  gods  speeially  punished  perjury  by  the  infliotion 
of  some  personal  diafigurement :  the  faot  that  Zeus  did  not 
blast  the  perjured  ^Mo^coi)  with  his  thunder  is  naed  aa  an 
argument  against  his  ezistenoe  by  the  Soorates  dt  Aristophanes, 
t.  Nub.  899.    Orelli  aptly  quotes  Ov.  Am.  8.  8. 1, 

ette  deot,  i,  erede;  fidem  Jurata  fefeVUt: 
et  faciet  illi,  quae  fuit  ante,  manet. 

iurls  pelerati]  jut  is  never  used  by  itself  for  4an  oath,' 
but  from  the  anafogy  of  its  nse  in  the  word  jutjurandum, 
Horaoe  has  invented  this  phrase,  whioh  is  at  onoe  so  elear 
and  effective  that  it  is  a  ditinot  addition  to  the  Latin  lan- 
guage.    For  the  oxymoron,  of.  8. 11.  85  n. 

8.  nlgro  uno]  Both  these  adjeotives  go  with  both  dente 
and  ungui;  uno  is  emphatic,  one  tingle. 

5.    crederem]  Notioe  the  marked  oontrast  between  the  long 

Erotasis,  and  the  emphatio  monosyllabic  apodosis.    Had  I, 
e  means  to  say,  one  atom  of  hope  that  you  might  poasibly 
keep  your  word,  then  I  wouldf  spite  of  evcrything,  then  and 
there,  unreasonably  and  unhesitatingly  believe. 
tu]    emphatio. 
obligasti]    See  note  on  2.  7. 17.    timul=timul  ae,  *as  soon 

6.  oaput]  It  was  oustomary  to  'swear  by  the  head'  (cf.  St 
Matt.  5.  86),  i.  e.  invoking  a  ourse  on  the  head  if  the  oath  were 
broken:  henoe  Horaoe*8  seleotion  of  the  word  here.  But  he 
is  not  uninfluenoed  by  the  reoolleotion  how  very  oharming  was 
that  same  *perjured  headV  'wreathed'  though  it  was  'with 
broken  vows  *  (votit  obligatum). 

enitesei8...cura]  'vou  sbine  forth  in  stili  more  radiant 
beauty,  and  advanoe  the  oynosure  of  sil  our  youtb.' 

HOBACE,  ODES  II.  viii. 

,D<4  nrodit  are  idinirablY  uaed  of  Barine'a  eoft 
'  u  ihe  appeara:  tbey  irt>  wordi  that  might 
g  moon  u  iha  'onTeUi  her  peerleu  light,' 
loggett  thu  oompariion. 

r  emphatio.     Not  o 
Intely  'eoiti  yoa'l 

10.     taUe  i  deoeive,'  ot  'chea.i/  i.e.  *to  iT/ear  filesly 

by.'    Cf.  Vii  i.  6.  834,  Di  cujiu  jurar«  Hment  *t  /aiier» 

numrn.    Cf.  „  i  oommon  plirftso./idfin  falltrt  =  '  to  break  ■ 

r.f  weigftt  illl  J 

fiarine  had  i  ■:■.  ■  -. 

18.  hoc]  i.e.  the  feot  of  vour  perjury,  Notioe  the  alinui 
of  tbought,  not  only  does  Barine  not  Buffer  foi  ber  perjnry,  but 
it  abaoluteiy  doei  her  good,  nny  tbe  deitit  t  even  emile  approb». 

1S.  irdenteij  burning  «jtowi  were  frequentlj  naed  in  war; 
Cnpid'a  aro  to  aeiled,  beaatue  where  they  hit  they  kindle  '  the 
fire'  of  lore.  Cnpid  eWpcning  his  utowi  is  n  (uvourits  iub- 
ject  on  «.ntiqae  gema. 

thin   to   roike  jfarnw  the  Tooitire  t 
adde,    Por  tb(  phrmee  ieo  Diot.  i.  r.  addo. 

pnbaa  creuat,  lerrttui  creiolt J  Notioe  horr  Horaoe  br  eimply 
putting  theaa  two  itatamenta  irde  bj  lida  eipreuee  the  oom- 
Dletanau  of  Birine't  empire:  to  taj  *t»w  joutha  ire  growing 
p/  ii  identical  with  ujing  ■  joo  haTB  naw  ilirei  growing  np,' 
.«  two  phraiaa  ixe  intenihingeeble. 

31.  W...1  Berine  wu  the  dreid  of  three  'cleuea,  timid 
mothan,  thrtJtj  fithen,  end  eniioui  bridea. 

FOTjuveneit  «••  Intr.  to  3.  6.  It  U  nwd  hera  half  utirloallj 
where  you  migbt  expeet  anch  a  word  u  'dirling.' 

38.  tu  iniml  ' tbe  breeth  Of  jonr  Iotb,'  or  perhipa  'tfae 
«flnlgenoa  of  thy  beauly/cf.  enitetcit  ind  Virg,  Aeo.  0.  20*, 
aitri  ptr  ranot  avra  refultit. 


NOTES.  249 


*Boin,  storm,  frost  do  not  last  for  ever,  but  your  griof» 
Valgius,  for  Mystes  seems  eternaL  And  yet,  bethink  you, 
eren  Nestor  oessed  to  lament  hia  son,  nor  did  his  sisters  bewail 
Troilus  for  erer.  Oease  then  these  womanly  tears,  and  let  ns 
find  relief  for  onr  private  sorrows  in  singing  of  the  glorious 
exploits  of  Augustus.' 

The  date  of  the  Ode  has  been  eonsidered  doubtful,  though 
it  would  seem  suffioiently  fixed  by  the  aoourate  langoage  of  fhe 
eonoluding  stansas.  Wiekham  says,  *it  is  impossible  in  these 
poetieal  referenoes  to  Augustus'  exploits  to  disentangLe  antiei- 
pation  from  history,  or  the  hyperbolieal  dress  of  historieal 
faetv:  but  though  this  may  be  true  as  a  general  remark,  it  is 
totally  inapplioable  to  sueh  definite  words  as  'the  triomphs 
Augustus  Gaesar  has  just  won  otot  Armenia  and  the  Parthians,' 
espeoially  when  we  know  as  a  fact  that  Augustus  went  to  the 
east,  b.o.  91,  and  in  b.  o.  20  sent  an  expedition  into  Armenia 
under  Tiberius  and  reooyered  from  the  Parthians  the  standards 
lost  by  Orassus  at  Garrhae,  reoeiTing  the  personal  submission 
of  Phraates  (of.  Bpist.  1.  12.  26).  Horaoe  when  he  wrote  the 
last  two  stanzas  obviouBly  had  in  his  mind  the  lines  of  Yirgil, 
G.  8.  80, 

addam  urbet  Atiae  domitat,  pulsumque  Niphatem, 
JldenUmque  fuga  Parthum  vertitaue  tagittit 
et  duo  rapta  manu  diverto  ex  hotte  tropaea, 

Now  although  Virgil  wrote  the  Georgios  b.o.  87 — 80,  there 
is  little  doubt  that  he  snbsequentiy  revised  them,  and  that  these 
lines  were  added  to  them  shortly  before  his  death  in  b.o.  19. 
Nor  need  we  wonder  that  Horace  reproduoes  almost  the  phra- 
seology  of  Virgil  seeing  that  the  Ode  is  addressed  to  one  who 
was  the  oommon  friend  of  both:  let  ns,  he  says,  forget  grief 
in  following  Virgirs  example,  and  singing  of  'Caeear'  and 
'Niphates,'  and  *the  Parthian'  and  'trophies.' 

HORACE,  ODES  II.  ix. 
'.  Valciui  Hufos  iu  himaelf  a.  poet,  but  ii  only  lcnown  to 
!  oue  o(  the  imall  poatio  circle  that  nnthered 

Cf.  Sat,  1. 10.  88, 
i  et  Ma,  ilaecenai  Virgiliuiqut 
U  tt  probtt  haee  Oetaviu*. 

3.    Cupmm,  iroeBlla,  auganl]    Cf.  1.  1.  13. 

B.    I  wr  'uneveo,'  "gusty,'  or'thit  muke  nn- 

even'(oi  :r  aenae  being  supportad  by  Horaoe'1 

applicat-  (EpUt.  1.  1.  9-1)  to  a  bad  baireutter, 

citrafu»  (.—  _piHoi. 

5,     i  "'  n  the  rigidity  of  icc.    Cf. 

1.  9.  S,  t  ito. 

lner»)  irao  rauml  intri.     Tbe 

eplthet  U  u.---u  r— ■/  —  Jrei™,  to  the  general  notion  of 

torpor  and  abienoa  of  vit  vhioh  ie  t!i»;i  aiiccUted  with 

eilreme  oold,  brjt  eUo  b. i  froat  itopa  all    nutdoor  work. 

Cf.  too  1.  33.  17,  piori*  caiapii  of  the  Axotio  legion*. 

7.  laborant]  'itrain  bene-th  Ihe  uorth  vinda.'  The  word 
refers  to  the  groaning  and  creaking  of  the  tunbar  M  if  in  p-in. 
Cf.  1.  9.  3,  lilvae  la&orantei,  of  the  enow-liden  brancbes. 
Gftrganoa  ie  ■  mountain  in  Apulia. 

8.  viduantur]  'are  widowed  of,'i 
Notio»  how  tbrongliout  thete  twi 

lected  illuitrationi  froro  nat-re  whioh  admirably  fali  in  with 
the  idea  of  grief,  'rain,'  'dieorder,'  'itnrme,'  'lifoleeenaai,' 
'windi,'  'groeni1'  'desoUtion.' 

9.  tu]  'Bnt  jod.'  The  adversitivo  foroe  is  bronght  ont 
in  tho  Latin  by  the  prominent  poeition  of  tba  (-. 

urgas  flaUIltai  modut]  'pnrnu  -nwesriedly  with  no-xn- 

urgtrt  U  *  faTonrite  word  witb  Horeoe.    Cf.  9,  10.  8  and 

8.  18.30.  Ith*r«mdioate«thitVi%iDiwiUnotletth»snbjec4 
afMrates'  Iom  go;  be  ii  ' eontinnallj  parsuing ' it 

NOTES.  251 

anagnottet  or  reader,  whom  Cioero  lamenta,  ad  Att.  1.  12) ;  tbe 
iiame  is  fonnd  in  inscriptions  ftpplied  to  slaves. 

Vesperol  From  Vetperut  the  evening  star  personified,  the 
usual  term  being  Hetperut.  Both  words  ftxe  identie&l  with  the 
Oreek  Irrtpof,  what  u  the  rongh  breftthing  in  Greek  ftppeftring 
in  Lfttin  fts  either  •  h'  or  •  v.'  The  ftftme  star  when  it  ftppeftrs 
in  the  morning  ii  e&Ued  'Lueifer'  ftnd  vw06>>f.  Cf.  Tennyson, 
In  Mem.  o.  120, 

'Sweet  Hesper-Phosphor,  double  nftme 
For  whftt  is  one.' 

12.  rapiduxn]  Here  used  not  fts  s>  merely  ornftte  epithet, 
but  in  olose  eonneotion  with  fugiente.  Luoifer  flies  before  the 
Bun  when  he  oomes  forth  &s  ft  giant  'to  run  his  oourse.' 

18.  ter  ftevo  funotus]  *who  hftd  pftssed  through  three 
generfttions.'  The  phrase  must  not  be  pressed  too  cloeely. 
aevum  ftppeftrs  to  mean  &  spaoe  of  ftbout  80  vears,  *  ft  generaiion.' 
Men  may  on  the  avenge  be  said  to  hftve  ohildren  at  ftbout  the 
ftge  of  80  (one  generation),  grandohildren  (the  seoond  generft- 
tion)  ftt  60,  ftnd  great-grand-ohildren  (the  third  generation)  ftt 
90.  Henoe  ft  man  of  90  may  be  fairly  said  to  have  passed 
through  three  generations.  Anyhow  Horaoe  is  only  eopying 
Homert  oelebrated  desoription  of  Nestor,  II.  1.  250, 

ijdri  86o  pip  ytPtal  fup&rw  arBpunrww 
'BfOlaro pnrd  6i  rptrkroiti*  ejraafft*. 

14.  Antllochum]  slsin  by  Memnon.  amabilem =*though 
so  loveftble/  so  below  impuim ='though  out  off  in  the  flower 

16.  Troilon]  slsin  by  Aehilles.  Virg.  Aen.  1.  475  speftks 
olhim  fts 

infelix  puer  atque  impar  congreetue  Achilli. 

Fhrygl&e  sorores]  i.  e.  Cass&ndrft,  Polyzena,  <fco.  '  Phrygiftn  * 
is  put  for  '  Trojan.'  The  historicftl  Phrygia  would  not  inolude 

17.  semperl  Notioe  the  emphatio  position.  Horaoe  has 
been  dwelling  all  through  not  on  the  folly  of  sorrow  but  of  eease- 
less  sorrow.  Cf.  eemper,  1.  1;  utque,  1.  4;  mentee  per  omnee, 
1.  6;  temper,  l  9;  omnet,  1.  14;  eemper,  L  17;  tandem,  1. 18. 

deslne  moUlum  quereUarum]  'cease  these  womanly  la- 
ments.'    Detine  is  ftUowed  to  tftke  a  genitive  on  the  analogy  of 

P.  ".  18 

252  HORACE,  ODES  II.  ix. 

Greek  worda,  ineb  u  Xih"*.  ™«flst,  Ac.  Kennedy  calln  U 
■skin  to  tbe  psrtitiTo  genitive'  (Fnb.  Bch.  Qram.  f  135).  Ct.  i. 
9.  36  n. 

TLo  ruls  for  tbe  epelling  of  wonlt  like  qitertUa  ii,  thn  t  if  the 
sntepenultimste  ifl  «bort,  theT  is  doubled;  if  long,  left  lingle ; 
eo  loqutlla,  but  tuadtla,  tutela,  aee  Munio,  Lnei.  1.  39  n. 

19.  tropses]  See  Introduction.  Trvpatum  =  rpo*a?er,  n 
meraorisl  Bet  up  by  the  viclors  nt  tbe  ipot  wbere  Ihe  eneiuj  * 
line  waa  broken  or  tumed  b&ck  (t^tu). 

rlgldun»  Klpbaten]  'frozen  NiphateB,'  a  monntsin  of 
is.  Lster  writers  epeak  of  it  sl  a  river,  probsbly 
ftom  ite  oonnoction  here  witb  Mtdum  Jlumen  and  the  epithet 
ptiltiu  spplied  to  il  by  Virgil. 

21.  Medumiiuenumen.  verticBi]  Noticethechsngeof  oon- 
struction  to  the  aceuBstive  and  infinitive ;  *  aud  that  the  Pcraisn 
Btreamfi.e.  theEuphrstes),..rollsit»eddying  wsve»  less  proodly 
and  the  Qelorti  within  liicd  limits  csreer  over  tbeir  nuirowed 

For  Mtdut  referring  to  Ihe  Parthisns  seen.  on  3. 1.  31.  The 
uim  cvent  is  alluded  to  by  Virgil  iu  similar  terms,  Aen.  B.  736, 
Buphratti  ibat  jam  mollior  urufu,  snd  G.  4.  560.  Caciar  dum 
mayma  ad  altum  |  fulminat  F.uphrattn  btllo. 

For  the  phraae  miiwrti  volvtrt  vtriicti  of.  B.  0.  Trench, 
The  Alin.ii 

■  Alma,  roll  thy  wateie  proodly, 
Proudh/  roll  them  to  tha  ee*,' 

33.  Oelonos)  The  Geloniwere  s  nomsd  tribe  of  Bevthiani 
wko,  like  tbe  modara  CosBacks,  rosmed  over  the  wide  tteppea 
(eompii)  by  tho  Tanail  or  Don,  snd  donbtless  made  freqnent 
raids  on  horsebsck  itquitare)  into  Bomsn  territory.    (X  8.  8, 

ODS   X. 

An  Ode  to  Lioinlu»  on  the  virtuo  of  moderstion,  m  tha  tro* 
lesson  to  be  darived  fi-om  pbjlosopbj  snd  experteno*  (see  n.  on 
line  6).    It  ii  too  timple  to  need  sn  epitome. 

LioiniuB  Murens,  sflarwsrda  eslled  A.  Terentias  Vsrro 
Marens,  wss  the  brother  of  the  Proenleiui  ot  1.  9,  16,  and  ot 

NOTES.  253 

Terentia,  wife  of  Maecenas.  Aooording  to  a  statement  of 
Dion  Cassius  54.  3  (curpary  xal  Karaxopei  rappypla  rpot  rarrof 
6uolt*t  ixpyro,  *he  employed  an  intemperate  and  nauaeoue 
freedom  of  speeoh  to  ail  without  distinction'),  he  must  have 
been  singularly  wanting  in  the  virtue  whioh  Horaoe,  perhapt 
designedly,  here  seleeted  for  praise.  Anyhow  he  joined  Fannius 
Oaepio  in  a  oonspiracy  against  Auguatus  b.o,  22,  and  was  put 
to  death.    Cf .  too  8.  19. 11. 

1.  rectlus]  The  adj.  rectut  is  used  by  the  writers  on  moral 
philosophy  as  almost  synonymous  with  honettut,  to  indicate 
•that  wnich  is  in  aooordanoe  with  the  moral  standard'  (regula, 
from  rego),  4what  is  morally  right.'  Rectum  is  uaed  as  a  noun 
in  Latin  as  a  translation  of  the  Stoio  word  jcor6p0ayio=4a 
morally  right  aot  performed  with  a  knowledge  that  it  is  so*: 
for  instances,  see  Dict.  s.  v. 

The  whole  Ode  is  a  good  instanoe  of  Horace'e  happy  power 
of  eombining  the  lessons  of  philosophy  with  those  of  practioal 
oommon-sense  and  experienoe.  For  other  philosophioal  terms 
in  it  of.  auream  mediocritatem,  tobriut,  bent  praeparatum 
pectut  and  tapietUer. 

altum  urgendo]  For  urgere  of.  n.  on  2.  9.  9:  *by  ever 
etrenuously  making  for  the  deep  (i.e.  open)  sea.' 

8.  nlmlnm . .  .lnlquum]  'by  too  oloaely  hugging  the  danger- 
ons  shore.'  To  keep  too  close  in  shore  involves  risks  from 
breakers,  rocks,  &c.  The  exoess  of  oaution  or  boldness  is 
eqnally  unwise.    Cf .  n.  on  next  line. 

6.  auream  medioerltatem]  4  the  golden  mean.'  The  term 
'golden'  is  used  exactly  as  we  talk  of  'a  golden  rule.'  Of.  too 
for  this  metaphorioal  use  the  phrase  aurea  aetatt  and  1.  6.  9, 
qui  mmc  te  fruitur  creduhu  aurea. 

mediocritat  is  an  attempt  of  Horaoe  to  reproduoe  in  Latin, 
nnadapted  though  it  is  for  the  expression  of  philosophio  terms 
(ef.  Lnor.  1.  186—139  and  Munro,  ad  1.),  the  Ok.  r6  u4*ow,  ri 

From  observation  of  the  advantages  of  moderation  had 
sprung  up  suoh  proverbial  sayings  as  that  whioh  was  inseribed 
over  the  temple  of  Delphi,  Mrj&ir  aya*t  'nothinff  in  excess'; 
but  it  was  Aristotle  who  first  embodied  the  general  idea  into  a 
philosophio  oonoeption,  and  made  it  the  first  prinoiple  of  a 
system  of  moral  philosophy.    He  shewed  exhaustively  that  all 


2M  HORACE,  ODES  II.   * 

the  virtiico.  oopram  (of.  lUO»  1),  t_U]p_r_ll_  _  (of.  itanzii  3},  Ao., 

Ijing  between   two  eitremea,   which    u« 
i  erring  on  the  ode  of  eicefli,  the  other  of 
irage' ii  the  'mcan' or  vii 
oonrage,  i.e.  reck_ea_ne«i, 
ge,  i.a.  oowardice,  od  the  other.     T.  Ariit. 
iij  it.  in  Sir  Aleiander  Giant'i  ed. 
■mt^ei .  itiDed  by  Cio.  de  Off.  1.  36  ai  illa  mediocritat, 

quat  tit  intei  mni.rn  «1  jxirum. 

6.  <Hllg_t  tntn«]  'Eiiiirdi  him.elf  bj  ('  Orelli  ir.d 
othere  plice  %  <  ne  afler  diligit,  bnt  Ninck  pointe  out  that 
thenitnral  div  thii,  and  _!.<>  thut  il 

deitroja  the  ca  .e  of  tho  two  olaaiee 

.  Ariit. 



I  lobrhit  ania. 
euet...]  'avoida  the  equalor  of  a  nble-down  dwelling, 
ivoids  tooin  hi»  temperaneetheenr"*  a  palace  eioitei.'  A< 
in  atanza  1  Horace  hai  depioted  oou  -t  a  mean  bstween  two 
'  as  a  mean  eqnallj 
e_lr_i.iig_iic_.  Tbe 
term  tobriiu  ia  undonbtedl j  uied  wit-  . .  .'orencc  to  the  Qreek 
auifipair,  with  whioh  it  ia  probebly  identical,  and  which  U  the 
term  uned  by  Ariitotle  to  indicate  the  man  who  ia  '  temperate 
in  all  things,'  ai  oppoeed  to  the  man  who  indulgea  hin__elf 
without  reatraint  (iiAoi-Tei) ;  Arietotle  adde  thlt  thia  pur- 
ticular  «irtne  baa  not  two  oppoeiles,  'sb  men  who  are  in- 
clined  to  take  too  little  pleasure  do  not  eiist,' — an  obseriation 
which,  had  be  lived  to  eee  the  development  of  tbe  ■o-called 
virtuei  of  Btoioiem  and  Bscelioiam,  he  wonld  hare  been  nble  to 

Por'  invid/Liulnu  =  'that  ii  to  be  enried,'  af.  B.  1.  45, 
ittvidendit  pottibw.  For  the  ieii»e  cf.  Pitrr.  80.  8,  'gire  me 
neither  povertj  nor  riobet.' 

S.  laiptui]  'more  frequentlj,'  i-e.  tban  nnallar  pinea. 
Tha  point  of  th«  itania  will  be  at  onoe  made  olaar  bj  notuing 
tbat  tbe  emphitio  wordi  are  ingnu,  etltat  and  nimtnut, 

1H.  lnfaatla,  aaenndU]  Dativ**.  'Hopea  for  adTenitj, 
fean  for  proeperitj,  tb*  oppoaite  lot' ;  cf.  Sall.  Oat.  40,  9,  (, 
._  .—- j,  n^ij,  rptrarunt.  SoNauok.  Other*  raak* 
«■:  'thingi being aoVfuta,'  'proaperona,'  bnt 
an  abl.  ab_.  oonitruotion  contained  in  a  aingl*  word  aaami  vatj 
atnng*:  retau  anguttit,  L  31  on  the  otber  hand  ii  patnwtlj 

NOTES.  255 

metult]  Used  not  of  cowardly  fear,  but  of  a  just  and  reason- 
able  fear,  which  begets  prudenoe,  temperanoe,  and  the  like. 

14.  1>enepr*4paratum]ie.  by  the  preoepts  oi  philosophy. 
80  Seneca  de  vita  Beata  8,  tapient  i*  utrumque  paratut  artife* 
vitae.  Horaee  is  here  inculoating  a  virtue  fbr  whioh  we  have 
no  epeoial  name,  but  whioh  U  equally  remoyed  from  fooliih 
OTer-oonfidenoe  and  unreaaonable  aespondenoy. 

16.  informet]  So  Virg.,  Georg.  8.  854,  speaks  of  Scythia 
as  aggeribut  ttiveit  informie,  •ugly*  or  'shapeleai  with  heape  of 

16.  Xuppiter]  ef.  2.  6.  18  n.  and  for  the  thonght  Theoo. 

BapceTr  xph*  ^Xc  Bdrrt  •  r&tf  atipiow  fovef  aVciyor. 

ikrlSet  iw  {woiffw,  oVAriffroi  M  davbrrti. 

X«i)  Zcto  aXXo/ca  pJkv  riXet  atBfnos,  aXXoxa  6*  vcc. 

ideml  *but  yet  he  also.'  idem  gets  this  adversatire  sense, 
beoanse  it  heightens  and  intensifies  the  oontrast  when  you  say 
that  two  opposite  aotions  are  done  by  the  eame  person.  Cf. 
L  92,  and  2. 19.  28,  8.  4.  68. 

17.  aimale  nuno]  ie.  $i  maU  eet  nunc;  «urcTi  e\ei.  Gf. 
8. 16.  48,  bene  e$t. 

ollm]  *some  day,'  see  4.  4.  6  n. 

18.  qnondam]  Bare  in  this  sense  of  'sometimes.'  Of. 
Virg.  Aen.  2.  867. 

elthara...mnsam1  'wakes  with  the  lyre  his  (previously) 
silent  muse.'  For  the  metaphor  in  tutcita\  of.  Gray,  Progress 
of  Poesy,  'Awake,  Aeolian  lyre,  awake.' 

19.  aronm  tendit  Apollol  'stretches  his  bow,'  i.e.  keens  it 
strnng.  Gf.  8.  4.  60—66.  For  Apollo  as  a  destruotive  deity 
(r  oonneoted  with  ar6XKv/u)t  see  Glass.  Dict. 

21.  rebus  angustls]  'in  straitened  oiroumstanoes.'  AbL 

22.  appare]  'shew  thyself.'  apvarere  is  here  nsed  not 
in  the  sense  of  *  to  appear,'  as  opposed  to  'to  be  in  realitv,'  bnt 
as  the  Ok.  ^oiwftu  is  often  nsed  -  *to  shew  or  display 
oneself '  in  any  charaoter. 

sapienter  idem]  4you  will  yet  if  you  are  wise.'  tapient 
is  the  teohnicai  word  nsod  by  the  Stoics  for  'the  idesi  wise 

286  HORACE,  ODES  II.  x. 

mah.'  ■  tlie  perfect  pbilosopher,'  hence  lapient  often  »  'a  philo- 

adoj  'too  favoursble.'    EiceeaiTe  prosperitj 

'  by  the  aucienU  to  be  fraught  wilo  deager. 

kj>.  .„,  lot  of  Acsch.  Agftmemnon,  »nd  the  generel 

beUef  in   «*_  s,1  nnd  Mped»lly  our  own  Litnny,  'in  »11  time 

olcnr  weelth..  >od  Lord,  deliver  us.' 

leaaido   (fr  ,,„i;  -  ■  r.iUowing,1   is  iiecuratelj   used  of 
i  wind  right  ei 

ODE  Xt 

'Co&se,  Hirpinus,  from  your  cares  about  ware  ind  weelth: 
"we  need  but  littte  uflre  below,  nor  necd  that  little  lODg." 
Fading  flowers  and  waning  moons  wam  us  ageinat  the  weari 
soirie  ueelessnesa  of  endlcss  culculations.  Come  and  be  bappy 
while  jou  maj.' 

For  the  whole  tenor  of  the  Ode,  of. 

•Livs  while  jou  lire,'  tbe  Epicure  will  eaj, 
'Aad  give  to  pleasure  evary  Seeting  daj'i 
'Li-re  while  jon  liva,'  tbe  aaored  Preaoher  oriea, 
■And  give  to  Ood  each  moment  aa  it  fliee.' 
Lord,  in  mj  life  let  both  united  be; 
I  IWa  to  pleasnre  wbile  I  live  to  Thee. 

I.  2,  end  for  Scytha  (Zwffet), 
3.    Hirplne  Qnintl]  Nothing  is  known  of  him. 

Inld...oogtt«t]  'what  he  ploU,'     Obliqne  interrogation  de- 
ent  on  ftuerere. 
Hadria  dlTlatu  otdeeto]  These  wordi  are  remerkable.    Thej 
een  bardtj  be  intended  to  aerign  a  nMson  whjHirpinua  ahonld 

NOTES.  257 

be  leas  anxioufl  (as  Wiokham  with  others  takes  them,  'the 
broad  barrier  of  nadria  is  between  ua')v  for  aa  a  matter  of 
flaot  the  Soythians  were  separated  from  ltaly  not  onlj  by  the 
Adriatio  but  alao  by  an  immepse  traot  of  oountry  by  no  meana 
eaaytotraverse.  It  ii  poeeible  therefbre  that  Horaoe  purposely 
exaggeratee,  or  adopts  Hirpinna'  own  exaggerated  desoription  of 
the  situation.  'Though  the  Oantabri  are  eeger  for  war/  he 
eeys,  'and  the  Soythian  hordea  only  aeparated  from  ua  by  the 
barrier  of  the  Adnatio,  yet  whyv  even  then,  be  ao  anxioua?' 

8.  remittaa]  lit.  *to  unlooae  or  ilaoken  anything  that  hae 
been  in  a  etate  of  tenaion,'  here  uaed  of  relaxing  the  itrain  on 
hia  mind :  'ceeie  ao  anxiooaly  to  enquire.' 

4.  trepldea...aeri]  *worry  thyaelf  about  the  requirementa 
of  life  that  needa  but  littie.'  For  tnpido  of.  8.  i.  24  n.  and 
the  nae  of  rrocirfai,  of  nervons,  fluttering,  exoeeaiTe  anxietv. 
in  denotea  the  aim  and  end  to  whioh  that  anxiety  ia  direoted, 
andforioui  aevi  of.  Cio.  Yerr.  9. 4.  6,  utvm  prcvincUu  npphre, 
LiTT  26. 48,  quae  belli  utus  poteunt  tuppeditare. 

For  what  Epiourua  oonaidered  neoeaaary,  cf.  hia  aaying 
qnoted  br  Diog.  10.  11,  *For  mvself  I  oan  be  pleaaed  with 
bread  and  water,  yet  aend  me  a  little  oheeae  that  when  I  want 

to  be  extravagant  I  may  be' an  admirablo  aatire  on  our  nae 

of  the  word  'epicure.' 

6.  leris]  'beardleas,'  •smooth-faoed.'  Of.  1.  9.  88  n.  and 
4.  6.  28,  levit  Agyieu9  '0  erer-youthful  Apollo.' 

arlda  oanltle]  'wisenedhoary  age.' 

9.  non  semper...]  Cf.  Hymns  Anoient  and  Modern : 

'Yet  birds  and  flowerets  round  us  preaoh; 
All,  all  the  present  evil  teach 
Sufficient  for  the  day.' 

11.  aetemis...fatlgas]  eontiliit  is  governed  both  by  t*i- 
norem  &nd /atigat.  'Why  do  you  weary  with  eternal  aohemea 
your  mind  whioh  is  lesa  than  (i.  e.  incapable  of  dealing  with) 

aeternit  seems  uaed  in  two  aenses  (l)='oeaseless'  (2J« 
'that  are  oonoerned  with  an  infinite  future, '  aa  if  you  were  going 
to  live  for  ever. 

18.    platano]  The  plane  was  a  favourite  tree  in  pleasura- 

Srdens  beoause  of  the  shelter  aflorded  by  its  broad-spreading 
kves  {TXdrarot,  vXar^t),  *the  brosd-leaved  tree'),  of.  Plat. 

.i.l  380  b.   Ovid,  Met.  10.  : 

|  'wreleul;  juet  a*  we  ue.'  Cf.  Hom.  IL 
ad  PUto,  Gorg.  606  r.,  eSru*  itri-  *ot  the 
,  Ful.  1.  131,  lifut  erat,  '  jmt  M  *be  1 —  ' 
'*  i*  Of  doubtful  quantity  »nd  *lw»y«  «I 

■]  '  »n  (1  ou  r  gruy  loaks  crowned  with  H 

1S.     *d»c#i)  'carking,'  'eonBuming.'     Zt.  1.  1B.  4,  * 

qul*  puer...]  See  n.  oil  3.  7.  33,  Diirr  =  raii,  '*  ilave.' 
oclu*]  '  wilh  more  th»n  ordiaary  ipeed.' 

19.  re*tliiguet...F*lernl]  For  Falemi  ef.  3.  3.  B  n. 
•flre'  needed  to  be  'quenobed'  with  "water  from  tbe  e 
Lanl  by'  {prattereitnU  lympha). 

33.     dlo  *f*... maturtt]  'go,  bid 

nied  like  an  interjectfon  iud  om  n 

maturtt  ii  dependent  on  die,  it  ii  tlio  (ubjanotiTS  of  Oblique 
Petitiou  *fter  ■  verb  of  oammanding  or  enti  cating. 

38.  in  oompturu  ..nodum]  'Her  hair  bonnd  b»ok  into  »■ 
ncat  knot  aftor  the  faahion  of  a  Laoonian  maiden.'  AnjOM 
who  h*i  ieen  a  Greek  itatue  wil)  know  the  ilmple  elemnoe 
witb  wbiob  th*  Qreek  women  drcnod  their  h*ir,  Honet 
probsbly  *eleot*  the  Laeanian*  becauae  of  their  knowa  rim- 

incomptum  ii  tbe  reading  of  m«uy  MSS.  but  give*  no  tatia- 
f»etory  oonitruotion,  aa  it  i*  impoeaiblr  *-  "■'-  ■ 
■atJTee   conat   and  nadum,   both  aftei 

NOTES.  259 

eomtum  nodum  be  taken  with  maturet  the  sense  ia  absurd,  4go 
bid  ber  along  with  an  ivory  lyre  quiokly  fonn  a  knot  M 

Bentley  teeing  the  exoellent  lense  gWen  by  the  adi.  <*- 
eomptus  in  eonneotion  with  Horaos's  haaty  summons,  Doldr/ 
propoees  to  read  ineomptam...eomam  religata  nodo,  a  reading 
adopted  by  Sehfits  and  Keller. 


4You  would  not,  I  am  sure,  Maeoenas,  desire  that  I  ahould 
attempt  to  tell  of  the  wars  of  the  Romans  and  the  oontests  of 
gods  and  heroes  on  the  peaoeful  lyre,  and  besides  you  yoursaif 
will  reoount  Caesar's  triumphs  better  in  a  prose  history.  'Tis 
my  mors  fitting  task  to  desoribe  the  oharms  of  Lioymnia— 
Iieymnia  one  single  ourl  of  whom  you  would  not  barter  for 
the  wealth  of  Arabia,  so  powerful  are  her  kisses,  her  ooquetry, 
and  her  lore.' 

Doubtless  Horaoe  had  been  urged  by  Maeoenas  to  oompose 
an  ode  or  odes  on  some  national  theme,  some  subjeot  in  whioh 
the  deeds  of  Augustus  might  be  introduoed  as  a  olimax  (for  an 
instanoe  see  9. 1.  6),  and  this  Ode  is  his  apology  for  refusing 
to  do  so — a  refusal  for  whioh  he  atones  by  seleoting  Lioymnia 
(i  e.  Terentia)  as  a  perfeot  Instanoe  of  a  theme  more  befitting 

1.  nolis...tuque...dloes]  4you  would  be  unwilling  (i.e.  on 
fleneral  grounds  of  taste,  inappropriateneas,  and  the  like)...and 
(there  is  also  a  speoial  reason,  vis.)  you  will  Tourself  tell...' 

The  faot  that  noU*  oorresponds  to  tuque  dicee  renders  it  im- 
posnble  to  give  it  the  imperatiTe  sense  'Be  unwilling'  or 
*Do  not  desire,'  as  in  that  eaee  tvque  dieee  would  have  to  be 
altered  into  nam  tu  dieet,  or  ■ftmothing  0f  the  sort. 

longa  ferae  bella  Numantlae]  Both  adjeotiTes  are  emphatio: 
'long'  wars  need  an  epio  poem,  'savaffe'  oombats  do  not  suit 
the  lyrs.  Numantia  was  taken  b.  o.  188,  bv  P.  Soipio  Afrioanus 
the  younger,  after  it  had  been  besieged  eigbt  years. 

2.  dirum  Eannlbalem]  The  best  MSS.  read  durum,  but  I 
eordially  agree  with  Orelli'8  preferenoe  for  dirvm,  the  epithet 
applied  to  Hannibal,  8.  6.  86,  and  4.  4.  42,  and  which  is 

11   lii-  t*° 

»i   a       o«t»^"  „■     *«°"  ,.,.o»" 

NOTE&  201 

is  the  direet  aoe.  after  contremnit,  whioh  takes  an  ace.  from  the 
general  eense  of  *  fearing'  eontained  in  it:  it  ii  striotly  intran- 
aitfre  (ot  2. 18. 26  n.)»'to  qnake  or  shake  with  fear,'  and  aa 
eijiieeiinu  Uie  physioal  effeot  of  fear  is  admirahto  applied  to  fhe 
heaTena.  For  a  aimilar  uee,  ef.  Paalm  104.  82,  'The  earth 
ahall  tremble  at  the  look  of  him,'  114. 7,  'Tremble  thou  earth 
at  the  preeenee  of  the  LorbV 

fulfensl  beeaoie  the  eky  ii  the  abode  of  Ught  and  bright* 
nets,  of.  8.  8.  88,  lucidas  *eaVt«'the  halli  of  light,'  i.e. 

9.  tuque...]  See  n.  on  L  h  I  entirelj  dissent  from  OreUfs 
▼iew  tbat  tu  here  is  indefinite,  Le.  that  'you'»'any  one': 
his  objeotion  is  based  on  the  general  grounds  that  we  know 
nothing  of  any  suoh  purpose  of  Maeoeoaa,  that  it  is  in  itself 
improbable,  and  that  it  is  improbable  that  Horaoe  would 
refer  to  it,  but  on  the  other  hand,  considering  (1)  that  the  Ode 
is  addressed  to  Maeoenas,  (2)  that  tu  is  from  its  position  emi- 
nently  emphatio,  (8)  that  the  Yoeathre  Maecenas  follows  within 
six  words,  if  tu  does  not  refer  to  Maeoenas,  language  must  oease 
to  be  an  intelligible  medium  for  the  oonTeyanoe  of  thought  To 
assume  that  Maeoenas  had  at  tome  time  suoh  intention  is 
surely  not  imposeible;  to  aesume  that  'you  wiU  desoribe,  0 
Maeoenaa/  means  'some  one  else  wiU  desoribe,  0  Maeeenas,'  is 
absolutely  impossible. 

pedestrlbus  historlls]  pedestris  is  apparently  used  by 
Horaoe  to  represent  the  Ok.  reftt  Xeyot,  or  Ttfij  X*yw;  Prose 
keeps  aiong  tne  ground,  Poetry  soars  into  the  air.  The  English 
wora  'prose'  (from  prorsus)  expresses  that  whioh  'goes  right 
on,'  as  opposed  to  'verse'  [vertus  verto). 

historils]  Urropla,  'an  enquiry/  then  'a  history.'  Of. 
Herod.  1.  1,  IffToplris  arbdet^tt  jde9  •  tbis  display  of  the  results 
of  my  enquiry,'  on  the  other  hand  Thue.  1. 1,  Goi/gvMAp  $wt» 
ypafe.    In  8.  7.  20,  historias  «'stories,'  'legends.' 

11.  per  viaal  espeoiaUy  up  the  'Saored  Way'  to  the 
summit  of  the  Oapitol.  eolla  is  used  with  referenoe  to  the 
ohains  on  their  neoks,  of.  Epod.  7.  7,  intaetus  aut  Britannus 
ut  descenderet  \  saera  eatenatus  via.  The  aUusion  is  to  the 
tripld  triumph  of  Augustus  on  his  return  from  theEast  b.o.  29. 

18.    me...]  in  strong  contrast  to  tu. 

dominae...Licymnlae]  'The  Queen  of  hearts  Lioymnia.' 
It  is  not  improbable  that  under  the  nom-de-plume  of  Licymnia 
Horaoe  refers  to  Terentia  the  wife  of  Maeoenas.    The  fact  that 

262  HORAUE,  ODES  II.  iii. 

the  two  "omo.  - -Q  identical  in  icansion  makes  thia  very  proba- 
ld  be  aaot  privately  vrilh  the  real  name,  but  t» 
ie  fictitiovii  one  aubstitnted.  So  too  Catollu» 
'todia,  Tibullui  Belia  for  Flania.  Moreover 
mnia  (1,  20)  take»  part  in  the  leitival  ol  Diana 
muat  bnve  been  a  Boman  lady.  Domlna 
■ter  of  elavea')  =  'ODe  who  holde  heart»  in 

H.     li  fulgentet]    ■  brightly  sperkling.'     For  htei- 

dum,  cf.  1  n. 

15.  bene  fldum)  ■  firmly  fnithftil,'  the  adverb  confirms  the 
force  of  Adua,  ae  maU  wonld  oblitemte  it  {maU  jidm  =  'ntterlj 
onfaithful-),    Cf.  1.  17.  35  n. 

17.    quam  neo  dedecuit]     'In  wbora  it  hai  not  faeen  aahe- 

1 1 aru  of  ihp  expreeeion  « 
>  the  faet  that   f/rre  ptdrm  ehorit,  and  etrtart  joeo, 
were  not  usually  ooneidered  'aooompli«hments'  in  a  Boman 
lady ;   it  needed  Licymnia'»  speoial  tact  and  graoe  to  ezcuse 

ferre  pedem  ciori»]  '  to  move  her  feet  in  tbe  danoe.'  Cf. 
Virg.  Qeorg.  1.  11, /ertt  limui  Faur.iqut  ptdtm  Dryadaqut 

18.  dara  brachla]  i.e.  b  dancing.  nitidu  =  -ln  festal 

30.  DUna*  oalaMi]  'Diann  trith  her  throog  of  wonlnp- 

31.  quae  tennlt..,]  =«a,  quat  temttt,  an  adjeotiTal  phnwi 
pnt  for  a  noun,  aod  parallel  to  UygdonUu  apa,  both  beiog 
govereed  bj  j>erntuiar«  =  hcro  'to  take  in  eiohange,'  m  at 
3.  1. 17. 

Achaemenes]  Tbe  legendarj  nnoestor  of  th«  Peralans. 
Eastern  potentatea  heva  alwaji  been  tbe  aoosptad  tjpea  of 
vast  wealth, cf.  l.H.U 

M.    ixabum]    Ct  1.  VI.  1  n.  and  Int. 

NOTES.  263 

plenas]  *fall,'  beeause  hitherto  anrifled  by  the  Romane. 

86.  dum]  Thii  stansa  goes  cloeely  with  the  preeeding  one: 
•he  wonld  not  barter  a  loek  of  hair  for  tbe  whole  worid, 
whfle,  Le.  eo  long  m  he  was  nnder  the  fasoination  of  her 

earesses' what  he  might  do  in  oalmer  momente  Horaoe 

wieely  does  not  say. 

26.    aut   faolli ooenpet]  *or  with  yielding  eternneie 

refnees  the  kisees  whioh  for  all  that  even  more  than  her 
sxiitor  she  lovcs  to  have  stolen  from  her  (and)  sometimee  is 
hereelf  the  first  to  snatoh.' 

faeili  iaevitia  is  an  instanoe  of  oxymoron.  Some  M8S. 
read  oeeupat  whioh  wonld  then  be  parallel  to  negat.  occupo 
is  nsed  like  the  Greek  <f>0d»u>  followea  by  a  partioiple— 'to  an* 
tidpate  aome  one  in  doing  something.' 

Orelli  gfres  for  oeeuptt  Qdiwoi  o>,  and  therefore  most  trans. 
late  «wonld  rejoice...would  be  the  first  to  snatoh,'  whioh  is  to 
me  nnintelligible.  It  gives  exoellent  sense  to  make  the  sub- 
itmotiTee  dependent  on  quae—quamvis  ea — *she  refuses  the 
Usses  althoufjh  she  longs  for  tliem,  although  she  is  herself 
sometimee  the  first  to  snatch  them.' 

ODE  xni. 

An  Ode  suggested  by  one  of  his  trees  nearly  falling  on  his 
head.  'Verily  I  oould  believe  the  fellow  guilty  of  any  orime 
who  first  planted  thee,  aooursed  log,  that  didst  nearly  ornah 
me  to  death!  Crushed  by  a  falling  treel  yes,  take  all  the 
precautions  we  may,  death  ever  oomes  from  a  quarter  we  had 
nerer  guarded  against.  Narrowly  indeed  have  I  eeoaped  a 
voyage  to  the  world  beneath,  and  an  introduetion  to  my  lyrioal 
predeoessors,  who  amid  the  Elysian  fields  sing  their  songs  of 
love  and  war  to  the  listening  throng  of  ghosts,  and  even  oast  a 
spell  on  Cerberus  and  teaoh  the  damned  to  forget  their  tor- 
turee.'  The  same  event  is  also  alluded  to  2.  17.  29,  8.  4.  27, 
8.  8.  8.  The  subjeot  is  treated  here  with  an  attraotive  blending 
of  jest  and  earnest. 

1.  Ule...produxit]  The  oonstruction  is  obvious  if  it  be 
observed  that  quicunque  primum  (i.e.  quieunque  primum  te 

264  HORACE,  ODES  II.  liii 

pciuii)  ii  parenthetieal.  Wiokham  well  remarks  ihat  illi  ii 
omphatio  and  thst  quicunqut  primum  hn  inoreaaeJ  forco  irom 
ils  pareri tLstical  poaition  ' that  wretch  (wbo  he  ™  and  when 
it  wa»,   I   dou't   Itnow,   bnt   thie   I  do   know  that  he)   both 

nefaato  dle]  The  mennin^  of  tufattvt  dtti  ia 
«inlainod  bj  Ovid,  Fist.  1.  47: 

iUt  ntfattu»  trU  ptr  quem  tria  vtrba  riUtttur; 
fattut  ml  ptr  qu/m  Ugt  iiethit  agi. 

He  rightly  tukea  the  derivatioD  of  the  word  lo  be  from  nt 
■not,'  anLi/iiri  'to  apeai,'  anJ  eiplains  it  a»  *  day  on  whioh 
the  magiattete  did  'not  utter'  the  thre«  teehnieal  words,  do, 
dito,  addieo,  wbieh  indioated  th&t  he  *■■  prepared  to  ait  for 
the  «dminiatration  of  the  lews;  it  thprefore  indicateu  a  day 
ou  which  for  eny  reaaon  law  oould  not  be  adminiaterod,  but 
os  inftiry  of  theae  days  were  'ill-omened  daya'  [e.g.  the  ermi- 
Taraary  of  Cannae)  the  term  nefattut  diet  waa  gmdimlly  uaed 
for  '»  diy  of  evil  omen,'  »  ua&ge  whieh  woald  be  eneonr- 
Bged  by  the  u&tijr»!  tendency  to  oonnect  the  word  with  ntfat 
rather  than  ru-fari.  So  of.  2.  1.  35,  ne/ai(i  =  'guilt,'  anJ  see 
Dtct.  a.  t. 

8.     nepotum]  indennitfl  =  'poflterity.' 

S.     illum]  emphatio:  cf.  □.  on  I.  1,  and  et  illt,  L  8.   Ki 

credldertml  'I  oan  weil  belieTe.'  The  nprfeot  eubjunctJTe 
of  verliH  auch  bm  thoae  of  'believing'  or  'afflnning,'  U  ele- 
gantly  uaed  to  expreis  a  certain  modeaty  or  diffideuoe  in 
eipreaaing  a  beliet  or  meking  an  aflirmation.  The  Roman 
wnters  felt  that  for  fallible  men  such  words  na  crtda, 
affirmo,  dieo,  were  not  to  be  osed  lightly,  end  loved  to  modify 
them  in  such  phrBaea  aa  crediderim.  pact  tuS  diitrim,  hoc  pro 
ccrto  affirmavtrim.  It  is  perhap»  s  pity  their  eiample  has  not 
been  more  iargsly  fbllowed. 

le  guarJianihip  of  the  Pniatei,  or  'Godsof  the  iiiterior,' 
The  horror  of  the  aoens  is  inoreaaed  by  the  additlon  of  tfais 

S.    Tsnena  Coloha]  Bome  MSS.  read  Cotckka,  but  It  aeems 
belter  to  admit  an  open  towcI  at  the  end  of  one  stonu  before 


NOTES.  265 

a  Towel  at  the  oommenoement  of  the  next  (although  tbia  is 
objeotionable  where  there  is  no  pause),  rather  than  to  admit 
tiie  Tery  harah  elision  whioh  would  be  neosasary  if  Oolehiea  be 
read.  The  adjeciiTe  Oolehm  ia  analogoui  in  fbrm  to  anoh 
adjectiTes  aa  Medut,  Maurut,  Thynut,  Dardanut,  Romutut, 
of.  1.  15.  lOn.  Poiaons  are  oalled  'Colohian*  beoaoae  Medea 
oame  from  Oolchis. 

11.  caducum]  'destined  to  falT:  domini,  •thr  owner,'  and 
therefore  the  tree  muat  have  been  on  Horaoe'8  Sabine  ferm. 

18.  quid  quisque. .  .horasl  •  no  man  haa  ever  been  suflflciently 
guarded,  hour  by  hour,  what  ne  peraonally  ia  to  aToid.'  oautum 
ttt  ia  used  impersonally,  *it  haa  been  guarded  by  a  man/  quid 
vitet  U  the  direot  question  quid  vitemt  put  aa  a  dependent 
olauae;  quttque  ia  added  becauae  eaoh  indrridual  earefuUy  ae- 
leota  what  he  himaelf  ahould  aToid,  though  the  reeult  too  often 
ia  that  while  A  oarefully  avoida  (7,  and  B,  D,  yet  D  turna  out 
to  be  what  A,  and  0  what  B  ahould  have  aToided,  or  aome  un- 
regarded  foxoe  B  ruina  both  alike.    Of.  U.  15—20. 

14.  Boaporum]  For  the  dangera  of  the  Boeporua  of.  8.  4. 
80«  intanientem  navita  Bonorum [tentabo ;  at  ita  entranoe 
were  the  ao-oalled  Symplegadee  or  Olaahing  Booka.  What  the 
•  Oarthaginian  aailor'  ia  doing  in  the  Boaporua  need  not  muoh 
trouble  ua:  Horaoe  merely  remembera  that  in  the  daya  when 
Oarthage  eziated  ita  aeamen  were  bold  and  Tentureaome,  and 
he  mentiona  the  Boaporua  quite  Taguely  aa  a  type  of  anr 
dangerous  strait;  nor  doea  it  aeem  improbable  that,  althougn 
Poenut  ia  not  equivalent  to  Tyrian  or  Phoenician,  yet  he  is 
influenoed  in  his  ohoioe  of  the  word  bv  the  knowledge  of  the 
early  reputation  for  aeamanahip  of  thoae  Phoeniciana  from 
whom  the  Poeni  or  Oarthaffiniane  were  directlr  deaoended. 

Thynut  (of.  S.  7.  8)  haa  been  auggeated  aa  the  eorreot 
reading :  it  givea  exoellent  aenae  in  oonneotion  with  the  Boa* 
porus,  but  ia  pure  oonjeoture. 

16.  caeca)  'hidden/  ^obsoure,'  i.e.  not  obTious. 

timet]  Notioe  the  laat  syllable  lengthened  by  iotua.  Gf.  1. 
8.  86  n.    aliunde :  emphatio,  of.  improviia,  L  19. 

17.  milea]  Obviously  from  the  next  olauae,  *the  Italian 

aagittaa...Parthl]  The  soldier  feara  *the  arrowa  and  swift 
flight  of  the  Parthian'  because  the  flight  was  only  a  manceuvre 


dnngeun  io   tho   Mamertiue  prUon  on  the 
Serviui  Tullius,   knd  called  after  bim  Fui- 
rcquantlv  apokeo  ol  simply  *s  Robtir,   'the 
--..  -^  ■  Tm.  Ana.  4.  39,  rubur  tt  loxum  aut  parri- 

ciddrura^i.t  itari,  Lucr.  G.  1080,  fvromi.  earmrtMi,  rvfrw, 

jri*.     It  «i  for  lUte  prianner».  is.  g.  Jugnrtha  snd  the 

Citilinariiii  intara.     Tbe  connoclion  with  caifmu  hen 

makc  -  it  nnli  •    ■  •■  •     f  ■•        ■      •    njennjng  tf  '■tnngth,' 

linprovU»)  E 
o[  death  Ihat  en 

31.  Proierpin»!  .uc  flrst  syllabU  U  abort,  bnt  1.  38.  30  it 
ia  long,  u  it  ■  in  other  writere. 

23.  Aeacom)  Aoscua,  Minos  and RhiidamanthnB,  hnnnfl 
been  just  auii  righteoos  rulers  iluring  life,  were  «ppointed 
judge»  of  the  dead. 

34.  Aeollis]  BecsuBG  botli  Sappho  aud  Aloaeni,  thongh 
Leabians,  naed  the  Aeoho  diu.ect.  So  4.  9.  13.  Atolia  putUa. 
Sappko  ifl  aoo.  =  Zar$u. 

36.  foruuLtem.-dnn]  'ohaunting  infuller  tone  with  golden 

tonantim  gotenu  duru.  Many  intnnjftrn  Tarba  are  allaw- 
ed  in  poetry  to  be  used  transitirelj  in  a  seoondarj  senaa :  ao 
her«  ionaM  =  'todesoribe  sonoronsly,'  Iud*r»l.  83.  1  and  4.  9.9 
=  'to  write  sportiTelj,'  deproptrart  9.  7.  S4  =  'to  maka  haatfly,* 
rtmtrtmuit  3.  13.  7«'ehook  with  fear  of,"  paUuit  8.  ST.  18 
'palod  for  foar  of,'  lurft  4.  9.  9  'wrote  •portiTely/  arsit  4.  9.  lfl 
'  waa  hotly  in  lovo  witb,'  tiUbo  4.  9.  81  'paaa  otw  In  illenoe.' 

pltniui,  Le.  in  oomparison  with  Beppho'i  plaintire  faiuinine 
lamenta;  Aleaens'  itraini  had  a  foller,  manlier  ring. 

37,  plectro]  s-Xjfrrpo»  (from  tXijdouiI  'the  itriking  thing,' 

don,  n*»i»  dnr».]  Cf.  1.  lfi.  8  n. 

NOTES.  2U7 

38.    fogae  belli]  0&  1.89.5n,:  7tya*s'exuV 

99.  Mcro  digna  allentlo]  •thinge  worthy  of  rererend  ri- 
lenoe.'  What  Horaoe  meani  by  a  'reverend  silenoe'  in  oon- 
neetion  with  poetry  he  beet  explaini  himself ,  8.  1.  3—4, 
FaveU  tinguit:  earmina  nonpriut  \audita  Mutarum  taetrdoe  \ 
...canio,  'keep  a  religioni  silenoe:  I  the  Maee's  prUtt  ling 
hymni  anheard  before.' 

89.    densam  nmerli]  'thiek-paoked,  ihoalder  to  shoalder.' 

htbit  aare]  'drinki  in  with  the  ear,'  ie.  liitem  eagerly  to. 
01  Orid,  Trist  8.  5.  4,  auribut  Uta  bibi;  Virg.  Aen.  4.  859, 
auribut  hauti. 

88.    otrmlnlbui  itapeni]  'dased  by  the  itrains.' 

84.  demittit  aare*]  The  efleet  prodaoed  on  Oerberai  ii 
s>  lort  of  itapor  (ttupent);  he  doei  not  liiten,  for  to  listen  he 
woald  •priek hii  ean' (cf.  auree  acuUu  2. 19.  4), bnt  heii lnlled 
into  forgetfulness  of  hii  daties  ai  a  watoh-dog,  *he  leti  hii 
dark  ean  droop.' 

oentloeps]  Heaiod,  Theog.  819,  ipeaki  of  Gerbenu  as  «vro 
rtrr*KorraIcdf>tiror;  Sophocles,  Traoh.  1098,  as  rplKparor,  and  he 
ii  generally  ao  represented.  It  ii  a  pore  matter  of  poetie 
oaprioe  or  oonyenienee  how  many  headi  ne  haa. 

86.  Enmenldnm]  E^ficWoVf,  (the  kindly'  or  'graeioai  god- 
deises,'  Le.  the  Fnries,  so  oalled  eophemistioally  from  a  desire 
to  avoid  ill-omened  expressions.  Cf.  moh  phraiei  as  vdrrot 
tH^t irot,  twpport  (=»night),  <fcc.  They  are  depioted  with  snaky 
trossofl,  of.  Virg.  Georg.  4.  489,  impltxae  erinibut  angutt 
Eumenidet.    reoreantur  » *  find  rest '  or  '  relief.' 

87.  qnin  et...1 'nay  even...,'  ef.  8. 1L  91  n. 
Frometheoi]  •Thia  form  of  the  legend,  whieh  makei  Pro- 

metheos  still  andergo  panishment  in  Tartaras  (of.  9.  18.  86, 
Epod.  17.  67)  is  known  to  no  other  extant  aathor.'— Wiokham. 
For  the  osaal  aoooont  see  Olass.  Diot. 

Pelopls  parena]    Tantalos. 

88.  Uborom  dedpitur]  *are  oheated  of  their  tofli.'  The 
genithre  aeemi  dependent  on  the  sense  of  'forgetralneii'  or 
'freedom'  oontained  in  deeipitur;  withoat  knowing  it  they 
beoome  forgetfal  of  or  free  from  their  agoniei.  Some  good 
M88.  give  laborem,  whioh  woald  be  an  aco.  of  respeet,  but 
seems  less  eiegant. 

P.  n.  19 

268  HORACE,  ODES  II.  xiii. 

Prometheos  et  Ptlopli  pajens...4eclr4torl  The  yerb  U  in 
tbe  singolar  in  eeeordanee  wtth  Horaee's  nwoorito  ptmotioo 
of  potSng  a  BJMOtivk  ind  aftor  two  noioJnoMiiOLtf  tho 
leeTono  ee  etafSor.  Ot  1 1. 98, 1 U,  9  Cente^  stScytAsi 
ee**4  8.  llT»  IMo*  nojoim 

$t  ttir,  8.  8.  7  omOjoom  ot  ffrye  tnipirif,  4.  f.  99  wm  *t  Um 
edomdt;  Imt  ooo  •.  16. 7  n. 

89.  Orlon]  Tho  grent  hnntor  otfll  foUows  tho  ouno  pnrenit 
in  the  nnder  workL 

40.    tlmldoelymoaa]  Xs^,  X*y cfc ,  inaoo.  or  ftm. 


•Alao,  Postomot,  lifti  lo  fast  ettpping  awayi  from  death 
neithor  piety  nor  proyoro  nor  oootty  heoatombs  oon  wht  a 
respite;  eren  tho  etrongett  ond  moot  doring  of  tho  oono  of 
eorth  tho  riw  of  deoth  imprisons,  yee,  the  rifor  we  maol 
all  eroet,  rieh  ond  poor  alike:  thither,  for  eU  onr  ooro  oad 
oaotion,  we  mnet  oll  wend  oor  wey,  quitting  oll  thot  we  hold 
moet  deor,  leering  to  o  reeUeoo  heir  tbo  weolth  of  whioh  we 
eaUed  ooreehres  the  ownen.' 

For  the  whole  tenoor  of  the  Ode  et  9.  8  and  Introdnetion. 

1.  Postnme,  Poetome]  Horaoe  io  Tery  fond  of  tbis  repeti- 
tion  of  a  word :  its  ose  is  to  give  emphasis  ('Bedaplioation  io 
the  earlie§t,  oertainly  the  moet  natoral  method  of  expreeeing 
greater  intensity  of  feeling,'  Peile's  Etymology,  q.  y.);  the 
peeuliar  emphaaia  is,  however,  to  be  determined  by  the  eon- 
tezt  in  eaeh  caee.  Here  the  objeot  is  to  intensify  the  idea  of 
sadness ;  so  too  oceidit,  occidit,  4.  4.  69.  Of.  also  the  effeot  of 
snoh  ezpressions  as  'yanity  of  ysnities,  saith  the  preaoher,  oll 
is  vanity/  and  for  the  speeial  effeet  of  the  repetition  of  o 
proper  name,  St  Biatt  28.  87,  '0  Jernsalem,  Jerosalem,  thon 
that  killest  the  prophets,  Ac.,'  St  Luke  10. 41,  *  Martha,  Martha.' 
Cf.  too  8.  8.  18  Ilion,  IUon.  On  the  other  hand  of.  2.  17.  10 
ibimtu,  ibimut  (strong  resolntion),  1.  18.  1  Ttlephi...Ttlephi 
(fondness),  1.  85. 16  ad  arma,  4.  2.  49  io  Triumphe... 
io  Triumphet  4.  18.  1  audivere  JH...IH  audivere  (exultation),  4. 
18. 10  te  quia...te  quia  (derision). 

NOTE&  m 

2.  labnntur]  Thli  ward,  whioh  ii  frequently  need  either 
of  the  motion  of  a  etream  or  of  tbo  hMTenly  bodiM  ttabentia 
tigna),  ozpronof  motion  whioh,  withont  boing  hurriea,  ii  un- 
oaaaing  {pkne  Hatt  doek  okne  Ratt,  Munro,  Lnor.  1.  %  and  |g 
eanataatjy  and  admirably  applied  to  tho  auent  flight  of  time. 
Ot  Ot.  Faat.  6. 771»  Tempora  tobuntur  taeititque  teneteimm 
annU,  and  oee  Diot  e.  T. 

5.  non,  al]  no*,  m.  afferet*  *No,  not  if  with  thzee  heea- 
tombe  of  bnlle  eeeh  day  that  poMei  yon  ihonld  OMey  to  appeMe 
tbe  tearleti  Pluto...»  Many  MS8.  read  trioenU,  but  thii  from 
triginta  wonld  haTe  the  flrat  ayllahle  long. 

6.  ffliffljmaMlein]  *who  nerer  weepe,'  Le.  oan  nerer  be 
mored  to  pity.    For  the  aotiTe  ue  of  the  adj.  ef.  1. 8. 82  n. 

8.  Oeryonenl  A  Spanish  giant  with  thrM  bodiee,  whoM 
ozen  were  earried  off  by  Heroulea. 

Tltyon]  Ttnfer.  Of.  8.  4.  77,  incontinentU  nee  Titgi  jeeur 
[reHouU  aUt,  and  4.  6.  2,  Tityotque  raptor,  He  wn  a  aon  of 
Kartn,  and  inmlted  Latona.  Geryon  and  Tityoe  are  eeleoted 
m  eymboli  of  enormone  etrength  enbdoed  by  death  notwith* 

trletl  oompMOit  nnda]  'oonflnM  with  melanoholy  etream.' 
Of.  2.  20.  8,  nee  Stygia  cohibebor  unda,  With  ite  alow  and 
weary  windinge  nine  timee  interpoeed  it  fbrmed  the  boundary 
of  Tartarue.  Of.  Georg.  4.  478,  tardaque  pahtt  inamabiUt 
unda  I  aUigat  et  noviee  Stys  interfuta  eoercet.  So  too  Aen.  6. 

9.  Milioet]  from  teire  Ueet^mmHj,9  'doubtleM,'  ia  fre- 
qnently  ueed,  m  here,  where  an  inoontroTertible  etatement  ia 
repeated  witn  freah  emphaaia  and  pertioularity;  'with  melan- 
eholy  atream,  yea,  the  atream  that  all  mnat  traTerM...'  Of.  1. 

10.  qnlennqne...Teaeimnr]  'whoerer  feed  on  the  bounty 
of  earth»'  a  reprodnetion  of  the  Homerio  phraM  for  men,  IL  6. 
142,  fiporQr  el  dpotiprji  Kupwbr  teovetr. 

11.  alTe  regea  alTe]  aee  1. 16.  8  n. 

12.  oolonl]  from  eoh,  'hnabandmen.'  r«ieis 'kinge,'  or 
poaaibly  •rieh  men.'    Of.  1.  4, 11. 

18.    oarebimiia]  'we  ahall  keep  free  from.' 

14.    fractU  fluctlbua]  'the  breakera.' 

1  «0— ~« 

HORACE,  ODES  II.  xiv. 

dso* Atutrnm]     Antnmn  li   tlie  moit 

M  jbu  in  Italy ,  owing  partly  to  tha  prevn- 
wiad  (Amler),  that  tilowa  from  Afriea  and 
,t,  3.  0.  18,  p Ittmbew  Aviter  I  JvetumnujftM 
uitiu  aetrb&t,  *the  leaden  South  wind  and 
t  makei  tte  fortuno  of  underUier*.' 
,-idiu]  i«  goveroed  partly  by  nocniion,  partl;  bj 

;eneral  epithet  of  thinga  infernaJ.     Cf.o 

ffnm^»  lin^ 

._  uied  of  Ihe  Styx  hy 

~\H\.  1.  0.       Cjf, .^.  - 

Por  the  rivera  of  1                     ~    - 

-   Lort.  3.  676: 

'Abhorred  Sv-,  th...  uuuc 

.dlr  hata; 

Sud  Aoheron  o(  eorrow  l 

id  deep; 

Coojtua  named  of  limtn» 

Heard  on  the  rneful  stream 

roe  Phlegethon, 

Whoae  wavea  of  torrent  flre 

miltmo  with  raire. 

Fnr  off  from  theae  a  ilow  aed  ailont  atream 

Lethe,  the  river  of  oblivion, 


■  genitive  of  the 
charoE.',  e.g.  danmattu  fiirti,  which  ie  erplained  hy  some  iach 
word  m  erimine  being  omitted;  but  hera  longi  laborii  ii  obvi- 
ously  not  ths  aharge  bnt  the  lentence,  'condemned  to  endless 
toil.  Livy  ha»  ■  «JTnil«p  phraae  damnatai  voli,  '  oondemned  to 
[i&y  the  thing  vowed,"  and  Wickhnui  quotaa  Cic.  Verr.  3.  S.  11, 
ibimnart  oetupli,  auggoiting  that  it  i*  probably  a  qenitive  of 
cBtiiuntion  or  vaJuing.    For  lonoi.  >ee  n.  oo  3.  10.  30. 

Sl.  llnqnend».]  Bj  it»  pomted  poaition  in  itrong  oontrut 
with  viiendm  at  the  coiniuenoemcot  of  the  preoeding  lUnu, 

plaoua]  ■  perfect  epithet.   Hom.  H.  8.  »30,  oMxev  faaaaia. 

35.  lnvuai  cnpreaioe]  ThaejpnMU  called  'hatafnV  not 
baeauae  tha  trae  iUelf  U  nglj  bnt  beoauae  lt  vu  taarad  to 
Plato,  ind  U  coniUntly  aaeoaiated  with  dentli :  it  U  called 
fanebrii,  Epod.  5.  18,  feralii,  Virg.  Aen.  6.  918. 

NOTES.  271 

•4.  brevem  dominum]  •their  short-lived  iord.'  For  the 
ose  oi  brevis,  of.  2.  8.  18,  breve»  fiore»  roeae.  For  a  timilar 
satire  on  the  applioation  of  such  termi  m  'ownership'  to  men 
who  are  after  all  but  tenants  with  ahort  leases  subject  to  sum- 
inary  eviction  at  any  moment  ef.  Epist.  2.  2.  170—180. 

The  phrase  brevi»  dominu»  U  in  faot  a  sort  of  oxymoron: 
legally  tne  dominu»,  or  owner,  is  supposed  to  be  the  possessor 
in  nerpetuity,  as  opposed  to  one  who  u  only  a  tenant  or  holder 
nnoer  a  short  lease;  brevie  dominu»,  *an  owner  for  a  ahort 
time,'  is  therefore  strictly  a  oontradiotion  in  terms. 

25.  Caecuba]  se.  vina,  from  a  distriot  in  Latium  near 

digniorl  i.e.  beeause  he  nses  and  enjoys  it,  the  epithet 
being  added  with  *a  eertain  bitterness,'  as  Wiekham  remarks. 
Cf.  Ecol.  2.  9,  'Bejoice,  0  young  man,  in  thy  youth;  and 

let  thy  heart  cheer  thee  in  the  days  of  thy  youth but 

know  thou,  that  for  all  these  things  God  will  brmg  thee  into 

26.  centum]  any  indefinite  number.  Cf.  2.  18.  84,  belua 

27.  tuperbo]  Hypailage,  of.  8.  1.  42  n.:  the  epithet  is 
transferred  from  the  drinker  to  the  wine :  *he  will  prondly'  or 
*in  his  pride  stain  the  pavement.'  At  the  same  time  the 
epithet  tuperbue  may  be  applied  to  the  wine  itself,  as  we  speak 
of  a  'generous/  •noble'  wine.  The  phrase  tinget  pavimentum 
implies  that  the  banquet  was  riotous  and  reekless,  muoh  wine 

28.  pontiflcum  potiore  cenis]  'superior  to  that  of  priestly 
banquets';  for  the  use  of  comparatio  compendiaria,  see  n.  on 
2.  6.  14. 

The  wmtifice»  (see  Dict.  of  Ant)  formed  one  of  the  collegia 
or  'guuds'  at  Rome,  and,  as  such  bodies  frequently  do, 
owed  their  principal  reputation  to  the  magnifieenoe  of  thcir 
banquets,  ot  1.  87.  2,  Saliaribu»  dapibu». 


'Soon  little  land  will  be  left  for  agriculture,  and  huge 
villas  with  their  fishponds,  shrubberies  and  gardens,  will  take 

HORACE,  ODES  II.  iv. 

-""trdi  auii  oUveysriU.  Far  diflersnt  were  tho 
anoeeton,  of  ltomulni  snd  rogged  Cato: 
riduali  wero  poor,  tbe  oommonwealtb  ricb, 
modeat,  the   pnblin  dwellings  and  templee 

xne  Ode  '-        ibsbly  one  ot  tboee  writteo   for  a  poUtiesl 
purpoee  »t  U  ineit  of  Auguetue,  wbo  ubout  S9  eud   38 

s.c.  having  it«i  -ed  the  fanotioas  of  tho  oeneorship,  made 
itrenuoui  en  'iv       '   ui  legii '  'ive  enaotmenti  to  ro- 

itore  the  n]  *  of  e      '  Rome  (t.   Merivale, 

o.  33),  nnd  nsianui}  -t  ,-.i('a  to  Horace,  uloi  mrt  of  Poet 
Laareate,  in  the  hopee  that  hii  toi  might  eicite  popular 
enlhasiasm  on  tbeir  behslf.  Iu  t  .irewnt  oase  bowevtr 
Uorace  eoemi  to  hnvo  fouud  the  tht,uo  unpootio  and  anoon- 
genial,  the  Ode  bearrog  !n  its  itiffneai  and  oonitraint  pverj 
mirk  of  being  "raade  to  order'  (invita  itinerva).  Od  the 
other  bsnd  the  flnt  lix  Odes  ot  Book  3  nre  briUiant  eiam- 
plei  ol  wbat    Horaoe    oould    do    under    the    aame  circum- 

I.  lam  .rellnquent]  Tbe  deoline  of  tfcc  numbor  of  small 
boldinge  in  Italy,  and  the  almoit  total  eitinotion  of  the 
yeoman  olass,  whioh  bad  rormed  tbe  itrength  of  tha  Roman 
legiom,  was  at  thii  time  at  Rome — as  it  almost  muet  be  wlien- 
ever  and  wherever  it  ocoure — a  moet  diffieult  and  perpleiing 
political  problem.  Among  the  oaoses  wbioh  broagbt  it  aboat 
msy  be  reckoned  (1)  tbe  destruetion  of  property,  and  deatb  or 
tuin  of  thousand»  of  aninll  proprietors  during  a  contury  of 
civil  war,  (2)  thc  Increuing  rjnmber  of  wealthy  oapitaliets  al 
Rome  who  purohased  large  estates  which  thoy  turned  into 
parlu,  preeerTee,  pastures  and  the  like,  (3)  the  tss!  increase  in 
tbe  ntunber  of  ilevei.  acquired  by  foreign  oonqnest,  whiob 
msde  it  posiible  for  sacb  gTeat  estates  to  be  kept  np,  (4)  the 
fact  tbat  owing  to  largeimporteof  agricoltural  produce  from  aU 
quarten  of  the  world,  mach  of  tbe  Innd  in  Italy  oould  not  be 
eultivated  eo  ai  to  leave  any  margin  ol  profit 

reflaa  moles]  'prineel*  pilee.'  molei- 'anything  hugs.' 
Building  ud  land  being  onesp,  thi  Boman  'tUIm  '  bbssd  to 

NOTES.  273 

have  covered  an  inoredible  space  of  groond.  Cf.  Pliny'e  ac« 
connt  of  hia  own  two,  Ep.  2.  17,  and  5.  6.  Tac.  knn.  8.  68, 
makes  Tiberias  speak  of  viUarum  inftnita  tpatia. 

8.  Lucrlno  lacu]  The  Luorine  lake  olose  to  Baiae  ia 
selected  as  the  best  known  inatanoe  of  a  large  iake. 

4.  atagna]  'ponda/  i.e.  fishponds,  pit cinae.  The  Boman 
epioures  made  a  special  study  of  fiah;  the  iiteratore  of  the 
empire  teems  with  allosiona  to  the  subjeot;  in  Gioero'i  time 
even  men  of  talent  and  poaition  aoch  aa  Crassos,  Hortenaioa 
and  Loeolloa  devoted  their  retirement  to  the  rearing  of  moilet, 
<fco.    Cf.  Cic.  ad  Att.  1.  19,  and  2.  1. 

platanos  caeleba]  'The  onwedded  plane.'  For  caelebt  cf. 
4.  6.  8  n.  The  plane  waa  uaeleaa  for  training  Tinea  opon 
beoaoae  of  ita  broad  (cf.  w\arvs)  ahady  leavea. 

5.  evincet]  *will  drive  oot»'  et  4.  6.  33,  tdomuiU 

violaria...narlum]  Horace  selecta  the  'violet/  •myrtle,'  Ac., 
beoaoae  owing  to  their  aoent  and  fragranoe  they  were  naed 
at  banqoeta;  they  are  typical  of  lozory  as  oontrasted  with 

The  phrase  copia  narium,  literally  '  wealth  of  the  nostrils,' 
is  a  bold  invention  of  hia  own  to  ezpress  'abundanoe  of  sweet 
soents,'  or  'sweet-soented  planta,'  soch  phrases  most  be  jodged 
not  by  strict  grammatioal  rulea,  but  by  their  general  olearness 
and  ezpreaaivenesa. 

8.  domlno  priori]    Ethic  dative. 

9.  laorea]  laurea  is  the  fem.  adj.  from  laureut;  arbor 
mo8t  be  aopplied.  It  U  oalled  tpiua  ramit  becaoae  it  can  be 
cut  into  any  ahape  and  when  so  out  grows  very  thick  and  oom- 

10.  ictua]  'darts,'  i.e.  of  the  sun'a  rays;  the  particulai 
meaning  to  be  given  to  the  word  ia  determined  by  the  addition 
of  the  epithet  fervidot. 

nonita]  'notso'— 'fardifferently.'    Litotes. 

11.  praeacriptum]  so.  ett,  'waa  it  ordained.' 

lntonal  Catonia  anspleils]  'by  the  example  of  onshaven 
Cato.'  It  was  the  speeial  duty  of  the  leader  or  general  of  an 
expedition  to  take  *uie  aoapioes':  the  army  waa  aaid  to  follow 
'the  leaderahip  and  aospioes'  of  their  general;  henoe  here 
autpieia  =  Meading,'  'goidanoe,'  'ezample.'  The  Cato  re- 
ferred  to  ia  not  the  yoonger  Cato  (aa  1.  34),  bot  Cato  the 
Censor  (see  Dict.),  who  died  b.o.  149,  aiter  a  long  life  apent 

HORACE,  ODES  II.  iv. 

to  sLcm  the  LcndnilcieB  of  the  agfl.  Hfl  ifl  callod 
i  bo  outward  fljgn  of  hie  oontervativfl  viewi 
ur  »  be»rd  efter  the  old  lloman  faihion, 
4,  109,  barboto  regi,  '»  primitive  moEiroh,' 
uuif,  '*n  anoient  ocnsul,'  »nd  16.  31  with 
bera  were  introdnoed  at  Rome  i 

Itwu  tha  dntyof  the  oenson  to 
tbe  valua  of  eaob  citi 
tion,  partly  that  he  n 
'olaei'  for  votlng  in  tbe 

U.    oonuno) 

in  uniUtioQ   ol 

dflcampedU]  ™*  Ftrument  used  bj  the 

agrimetuoret  in  leee  herc  the  aiie  of 

the  rule  U  inti  .■  of  the  portioo  which 

required    it,   b  li ewhat  praclioel   »nd 

ioelegant.    Notico  . ..  very  emph&tio,  u  in  I.  19. 

16.  exdplabtt]  'eaugbt.'  ezcipio  m  diatingaiahed  troza 
eapio,  aigniflea  'to  bs  ready  to  reoeite';  it  waa  speoially  aaed 
of  huntara  who  rterived  the  geme  aa  it  waa  drivon  oul  of 
oover.  Of.  9.  13.  11,  allo  latitanum  /rutietto  exeiptre  apnim. 
Here  tbe  word  aigoiflee  that,  whenerer  there  tu  a  breuth 
of  oool  air  during  thfl  aultry  aummer  day,  the  colonnade  waa 
waitiog  rcady  to  catch  and  aecore  it. 

Arctonl  T>ir'AptTov,  tbe  oonstcUation  ot  Urto  Major,  thea 
the  wind  that  blowe  from  that  quarter,  the  north  wind. 

17.  fWttitnni...ouajplt«m]  '  the  ohaaoe  torf,'  Le.  «nah  aa 
a  man  migbt  ccime  aoroa*  anjwhere.  Horaoe  ia  probebiy  re- 
forring  to  a  eotteg*  roofed  with  turf,  aaoh  u  were  donbtleaat 
common  in  oouutry  dirtriot»  in  hi»  own  time,  d.  Virg.  Bol.  1. 
58,  pauperit  et  tuguri  eongatum  taetpiU  cttlaun. 

What  he  ciactlj  ineans  bv  laying  '  the  Uwi  did  not  psnnit 
men  to  deapiafl '  it  U  impoaaible  to  aay,  for  tbe  wbole  atani» 
lacki  realitj  and  einoerity;  Horaoe  would  have  baan  the  lut 
m«n  in  the  woxld  to  deaire  ■  reitoration  of  tha  'mud-oabin' 
en.  or  to  wiih  to  ba  Mtechlied  u  to  the  hiitorical  m 
sacli  •  phrue  m  'the  lewi  did  not  permit.' 

w  cu  t.'    Otberi  Uke  it  in  the  eenee  of  ■norei,' 

NOTES.  275 

and  say  that  the  'novel  stone'is  'marbie/referring  to  the  well- 
known  boast  of  Augustus,  Suet.  Ang.  28,  urbem...marmoream 
te  reUnquere  quam  laterieiam  accepittet,  but  this  seems  fbtosd 
and  unnaturai. 

For  the  restoration  of  temples  by  Aogoitna  whtn  Oenaor 
B.a  88,  ef.  8.  6,  Ini 


'Repose  is  what  all  men  pray  for  when  in  difficulty,  bnt 
repose,  Grosphus,  neither  gold  nor  purple  oan  purehase,  for 
neither  wealth  nor  poaition  oan  get  rid  of  the  cares  and  worries 
of  tbe  mind.  Contentment  U  the  great  remedy;  and  indeed 
oonaidering  the  short  span  of  life  why  ahonld  we  be  ao  ambi- 
tioue,  ao  bustling,  so  eager  for  ohangef  Go  where  we  will,  do 
whatwewill.oareolingstons.  Trythentobeoheerful.makethe 
best  of  things,  and  do  not  expect  perfeot  happiness:  remember 
that  though  Aehilles'  oareer  was  glorious  it  waj  brief,  Tithonns 
on  the  other  hand  was  immortal  bnt  miserable:  so  too  you 
abonnd  in  wealth,  and  I  am  poor,  bnt  as  a  oompensation  I 
have  my  gift  of  song.' 

Pompeiua  Grosphus  is  also  mentioned  Epist.  1. 12. 22  where 
he  is  reeommended  to  the  friendahip  of  Iocius, 

uten  Pompeio  Orotpho  et,  ti  quid  petet,  ultro 
defer;  nil  Orotphut  niti  verum  orabit  et  tequum. 

1.  otlum]  No  single  word  aconrately  represents  the  various 
meanings  to  be  assigned  to  this  word  here:  its  foroe  mnst  be 
inferred  from  the  various  ideas  with  whioh  it  is  oontrasted,  e.g. 
storm  1. 1,  war  1. 5,  anxiety  of  mind  1. 11,  ambition  1. 17,  <ko. 

patenti]  Emphatio.  The  sailor  is  out  of  sight  of  land,  a 
position  which  the  ancients,  unaided  by  the  mariner's  compass 
(ct  L  4),  always  oonsidered  dangeroua. 

2.  prensus]  «oaught,'  i.  e.  by  a  storm.  Cf.  Virg.  Georg.  i. 
421,  deprentie  olim  ttatio  tutUtima  nautit,  where  Senrius  ex- 
plains  deprentut  as  a  nautioal  term. 

slmul...oondidit]  see  2.  8.  5n. 

276  HORACE,  ODES  II.  ivi. 

S.     nulil  '-ith  trnsty  light,'  i.e.  onlv  hii  occasional  vague 

f  them,  or  elae  'with  tbcir  trusty  light,'  i.e. 

ligbl  aailora  trtut  for  guidance  do  not  ahine 

7.  30,  'and  when  neither  lun  nor  at&r)  in 

Bd.  and  no  ■nt&ll  tewpeat  laj  on  m  (cf  the 

prtiuui  found  in  aome  MSS.).  el!  hope  that 

k  — ■-  IU  then  laken  aaiv.' 

G.    tmllo  fnnoaa.  Tnraea]    So  Tirg.  Aen.  6.  13  c»Ui  Tu. 

Mavortia  UUui     '''hratt  =  8pj*if. 

aleal]     Cf.  .  Sln. 

T.    non  *  12— 1S,  'It  (wiedora) 

cannot  be  gott-  .  rer  bo  weigbed  for  tbe 

prioe  tberooi.'   t— *m. _i„™.,^u»ed':  (or  ita  poiition 

cf.   1 .  2.  l'J  n.     pvrjwra  :    "purple  '  ■  olaaasd  with  'getna'  and 
'gold'  bocauae  of  it*  well.known   eoetlineaa;    In   Aeeoh.    ' 
L  94'J  the  adjootiTe  ipyvpwrirai  ia  uaed  of  it,  and  in  L 

10.  lummOTet]  This  word  ia  teahnieaUj  nied  of  the  lioton 
who  clearcd  ■  wnj  fbr  the  ooneul,  or  of  the  aame  offiecn 
ni&king  n  dieorderly  orowd  'move  on.'  Cf.  Livy  3.  4M,  i  littor, 
■MM  turban,  aud  eee  Dict. 

tumultue]  'diklurbancei/a  continuatiou  of  themetaphor  of 

11.  curia  ..volintea]  'caree  that  flit  (even)  roond  fretted 
roofa';  'carea'  are  readily  thonght  of  ae  winged  (cf.  L  23,  and 
Theogn.  729  ^pcrrtatt  d-9pw*wr  rXnx»  rrtpa  rtxulX  tjttvnt), 
aini  are  tben  «poken  of  ae  bate  or  aimilax  iU-omened 
(Wiokham  aays  'harpiee,'  which  ia  iuaredible)  that  haant  evrn 
the  dwellinge  of  the  weeithy.  laqutata  ttcta  (ot.  9.  18.  2)  e» 
roofi  mnuh  oarved  and  paneUed,  anuh  aa  are  rnily  frtund  in  tha 
dwellinga  of  the  greet,  the  'cieled  hooeee'  of  Haggai  1. 4.  The 
derivalion  ia  imnu  =  'a  hollow.' 

13.  TlTitnr  parro  bene,  oui]  Ut-  'it  U  lived  on  Uttle  wall 
to  bim  to  whom  («i,  eui),'  i.e.  'he  livca  weU  on  little,  fac 

tiioera  poroo  in  thia  eenaa  ii  foond  Bat  3.  9.  1.  After 
vivifar  parvo  it  ia  eaiy  to  eupply  trom  the  dat.  cni,  a  dat.  ti,  Um 
conatruotion  baing  eieotlj  perellel  with  S.  18.  48,  bau  ttt  ewl 

deui  obtulit,  'well  it  ia  with  him  to  whom  (ri,  eui).'  parvo  and 
btnt  fonn  a  aort  of  oiymoron ;  'to  llve  well'  ia  not  'to  lire 

NOTE&  877 

paternum...ea2inum]  The  'iQw  ealt-oellar'  ii  hii  om 
pieoe  of  family  plste:  salt  being  a  noooeeary  aooompaniment  of 
aU  food,  ealt  and  tho  eait-eollar  have  alv/ave  been  regarded  with 
epeoial  reepeot.  $pUnd*t-*\*  spotleee/  Le.  kept  oerefully 
eleaned  and  poliahed.  t«mii#»c'humble.'  Cf .  for  the  whole 
Pere.  Sat.  8.  95,  wri  paUrno  |  iil  tfW  /ar  modicum,  parvum  et 

15.    levee]  'like  infante'  ilumbere  pnre  and  UghtS 

onpido  eordidusl  'ignoble  greed.'  cujrido  ie  alwavs  maeo.  in 
Horace.  ttmor  and  cupido  are  oppoeea  ae  'fear  of  loea'  and 
'greed  of  gain.' 

17.  teevi  fortee]  Antithetioal ;  the ahortneee  of  life  doee 
not  oheok  daring  attempte.  The  eame  antitheeie  ooenre  L  8. 
87,  nil  mortalibu$  ardui  e$t,  'mortal  thoogh  we  are  we  deem  no 
Uek  too  difficult.' 

laofilamnr  mnlta]  'do  we  aim  at  many  things,'  Le.  form 
many  ambitione  projeete.  For  eome  nobler  linee  on  the  eame 
theme,  of .  Milton'e  Lyoidaa  '  Were  it  not,  &o.'  11.  67—84. 

18.  quid  terrae..jnntamns]  'why  do  we  exohange  (Le, 
take  in  exchange  for  onr  own)  oonntriee,  &o...?'  alio  $ol$  ii 
ueed  with  a  slight  inaoouracya*another  olimate.' 

90.  fngit]  Notioethatthiaie/*^:  *hae{by  beoomingan 
exile)  eeoaped  himeelf.'  Cf.  Epist.  1.  11.  27,  caelum  non  anu 
mum  mutant  qui  tran$  mare  currunt,  and  Milton,  Par.  Loet, 

'The  mind  ie  ite  own  plaoe  and  of  iteelf 
Can  make  a  Heaven  of  Hell,  a  Hell  of  Heaven.' 

91.  vitioea  cura]  'morbid'— e  mentU  vitio  orta,  OrellL 

aerataa  naTee] '  shipe  with  their  brasen  prowe ' ;  the  edjeotive 
ie  added  to  ehew  that  oare  is  no  reepeoter  of  persone ;  no  poei- 
tion  however  dignified,  not  even  the  pomp  and  pageentry  of 
a  great  expedition,  ean  terrify  il  Horaoe  repeate  almoet  the 
eame  worde  8.  1.  89,  ruqxu  \  decidit  aerata  triremi  et  |  vost 
equitem  eedet  atra  Cura,  where  from  the  oontext  it  ie  plain 
that  he  ia  epeaking  of  a  privaU  veseeL  a  enmptnone  pleeeure- 
yaeht,  hut  here  the  immediate  conneotion  with  equitum  turmae 
'equadrone  of  horee'  oompele  ne  to  take  it  diflerently,  and  the 
plnral  naves  pointe  in  the  eame  direetion.  A  oloee  oompariaon 
of  the  two  paeeagee  will  ehew  eoneiderable  diversity  of  idea 
nnderlying  identity  of  expreesion. 

278  nOBACE,  ODES  II.  ivi. 

99.  Lnrnu  «10110111]  The  knighti  ue  lelected  becauae, 
tbe  wealthier  clas»es,  care  might  bare  beeo 
the  proierbial  geiety  of  expenaive  cavslrj 
iavu  »nd  tquitei  »re  alao  apecially  choeen 
■ed,  cf.  neit  line. 

are]  'let   it  (animui)   scora   to   be  eareful 

l>i~u .  in  jirawens  antnu  ia  the  nominatiTe  to 

odVril,  and  itra  al  =  id  quod  vltra  ttt   the  ecoosativa 

■ftei  airare.  ..  -  neoeseary  to  render  cisrart  'to  be  aarefnT 
becaiue  of  eura  tove,  bat  the  English  phrase  must  be  used 
with  the  same  m      '   1       "    "~  "  "    "    II,  'Msriha,  Marthe, 

thon  arl  •rart/ul .  ■  things.' 

oderit    must   be   1  of   ttnptrtt  whiah 

followi :  it  takee  an  lu.  a»c  v-ipressing  ■  anwilling. 

lento]  'qolet.'  Itntui  (froro  root  Un  =  stii\)  whieh  wben 
applied  to  thinga  meaai  'elingiug,' 'iticky,'  'tongh,'  'ptiant,' 
iSc.  when  applied  to  peraoni  or  qoalitiei  meana  'dnll,'  'phleg- 
metio,'  'eaay-going,'  'quiet';  it  ie  oppoeed  to  luch  wordi  es 
'nervoua,'  'excited,'  'eoergetio,'  of.  Virg.  Ecl.  1.  *,  (n,  Tityrt, 
ttntui  in  umora,  Cic.  da  Oi.  3.  190,  IsnK  /<m,  '  to  tslce  easUj,' 
see  Kennedy,  Virg.  E.  1 .  4  a. 

39.  ebetullt...]  Thsie  linos  give  oxamplei  of  the  general 
trnth  nihii beaum. 

Acbillei  hed  the  choice  of  >  brief  bnt  glorions  cereer,  or  of 
oce  that  wai  ingloriooa  and  long,  ot  Hom.  II.  9.  113,  The 
adjeotives  claram  aod  cita  aro  therefore  botb  emphatic. 

80.  long»]  'long'  uied  by  *  ihetoiieel  artifioe  for  'etemal'; 
inraferriiig  to  env  well-known  tale  of  horror  tha  efleet  produowl 
raay  be  onhanoad  bj  a  •tadied  modoration  la  th*  om  of  «V 
•oriptive  termi;  the  iinaginativo  faonltiee  ere  excitad,  not 
crnahed  and  exhanited.  When  ■  modern  preaoher  apeeJti  of 
a  pnniihment  Letting  for  'billions  of  aeona'  he  is  not,  I  think, 
even  rhetorically  m  efleotiTe  ai  when  Horaoe  ipeaka  of  tht 

longu*  tabor  (S.  U.  19)  of  Biayphtu,  01  il  hsre  of  tha  lonfm 
snuetlu  of  Tithonna.  Cf.  too  8.  1L  88,  longm  aostnus  - '  tbe 
sloapof  death,'4.  0.  B7,  Umaa  noc«  =  'aternal  nlghf  So  too 
Ecel.  19.  E,  'inan  goeth  to  hli  long  home.'    Cat  40.  B;  Loe. 

1.  4ET ;  Aen.  S.  716,  lonea  obttvla. 

Tlthonnm]    Anrora  who  loved  him  askad  foi  him  inuaor. 
tality,  bnt  failed  to  aik  that  it  might  be  accompauied  with 

NOTES.  279 

eternal  youth,  and  therefore  it  wag  hia  lot  to  grow  older  and 
more  waated  (minuit)  for  ever,  'immortal  age  beeide  immortal 
youth.'  Tennyaon'a  fine  poem  'Tithonue'  abonld  be  oompered. 

81.  etmlhl...1  'And  •o,toeometoourtelTea,yonarerich, 
I  poor.  bot  I  may  have  eomething  given  me  you  have  not/  and 
then  thia  ia  illuatreted  in  the  nezt  two  etanzaa. 

83.  hora]  'the  hour,'  i.e.  time  at  aome  partioular  hour, 
aooner  or  later. 

88.  tel  governed  by  circun,  It  la  put  prominently  forward, 
aa  la  tibi,  (n  emphatio  oontraat  to  mihi. 

te...tfbl...te1  For  Horaoe'i  fondneaa  for  joining  olaoaea  by 
the  repetition  of  emphatio  wordi,  ef.  1.  2.  4  n. 

84.  muglunt]  an  inatanoe  of  aeugma,  aa  the  word  ean  only 
refer  to  vaecae  and  not  to  gregct. 

Othera  take  greges  Siculacquc  vaceac  aa  an  inatanoe  of 
hendiadya,  and  for  the  uae  of  gregct  (^armtnta)  oompare 
Epod.  2. 11,  mugicntium  grcges, 

hlnnltum]  The  penultimate  ayllable  U  long,  and  the  final 
■vlleble  elided  before  the  vowel  at  the  beginmng  of  the  next 

85.  apta  quadrlgla  equa]  To  keep  auoh  a  atud  aa  to 
be  able  to  oompete  in  the  four-horse  enariot  raoea  waa,  aa  it 
ia  now  to  keep  raoero,  a  aign  of  great  wealth,  and  per- 
haps  eztravaganoe.  Cf.  Aeaeh.  Pro.  466,  Iwwovt  dyaXfia 
rijs  vw€pv\ovTov  xXcoS;*,  Thue.  6.  15,  and  the  phraae  0UI11 
Tt$fxTTorp6<t>ost  'a  family  that  eould  keep  a  four-in-hand, 
Herod.  6.  35. 

equa:  the  anoienta  believed  in  the  superior  fleetneaa  of 
marea  (ef.  Virg.  Georg.  1.  59),  but  modern  ezperienoe  haa  not 
justified  their  verdiet. 

bla  Atro  murloe  tlnotae]  The  referenoe  ia  to  the  ttpa+a, 
or  'twioe-dyed  purple  robea,'  ao  renowned  in  antiquity.  'The 
dye  waa  obtained  from  two  kinda  of  univalvea :  (1 )  the  amaller 
bveinum,  muftx,  "whelk,"  whioh  waa  pioked  off  the  rooka;  (2) 
«ttrpwro,  rop^Jpo,  eaught  in  the  aea  and  thence  oalled  velagia. 
To  produoe  the  true  Tyrian  dye  (the  oolour  of  elotted  blood, 
but  varying  with  the  liflht  in  whicn  it  waa  aeen)  the  wool  waa 
dipped  in  two  different  bathe,  firit  ofpelagia,  then  of  bucinum. 
Prof.  Mayor,  Juv.  1.  27 :  an  ezhaustive  note. 

Afro,  becauae  the  murcx  waa  found  on  that  ooaat. 

280  HORACE,  ODES  II.  ivi. 

38.  iplritum]  'impiration,'  Bo  too  ipiro  ia  naed  4.  3.  34, 
ouod  ipiro  tt  plaeto,  and  4.  6.  29,  Jpinium  Photbui  nihi 
Fkoibui  artem...itAU. 

aplrltum  tenuant]  'aome  poor  impiration.'  following  ap 
tbe  idea  of  paira  rura,  which  makee  it  necc-ssnry  to  give  tlui 
eenee  to  ttnuii  here.    Cf.  too  t.  S.  9,  eonamur  trnuci  aaudta. 

Orc.lli  and  WicUmm  pr«fer  =  'finiibed,'  'refined,'  lefeiring 
to  the  apecial  charaoteriBtica  of  Greek  poetry,  aud  conipanng 
A.  P.  46,  m  vcrbii  ttiam  ttimii  cautuiqut  itrtndii  end  Cio.  Or. 
8.  £3,  oratio  Urti  et  Irnuu.  'polialied  and  renned,'  »  uieiinlng 
vthich  agreea  well  with  the  derivation  of  ttauit  (the  Enghah 
'thin,'  lit.  'drawu  Oul,'  of.  ttndo,  reiru,  ranef),   but  U  out  of 


Cameoae]  Striolly  the  native  goddeasea  of  Italian  poetry 
"  :a  foreign  Mewoi,  but  the  word 

39.  non  mendaz]  'that  never  liee."  Poieibly  there  ia  a  plny 
on  words:  Fate  (Pareo)  had  been  'trulj  thrifty'  (parca)  in  her 
gift»  to  Horace  (cf,  parva,  trnuon). 

miilignum  apemera  rolguij  tptrntrt  i*  uaod  aa  aec.  after 
dtdit,  like  tlie  Gk.  iuf.  with  the  article;  rulgui  ie  tha  acc.  tfter 
ipcrntrc,    malignum-  'euvioue'  of  hia  n&me  and  fame. 


'Why,  Maeoenaa,  do  you  take  the  iife  out  of  me  by  yonr 
melancboly  forebodings?  Yon  are  the  prop  of  my  fortuoea, 
the  very  balf  of  my  being;  when  you  die  I  ahall  die  too;  1 
have  awom  it  and  will  keop  my  oath.  I  will  never  quit  your 
aide,  evan  on  that  laat  dn»d  jonmej,  no  not  «ven  if  all  tht 
monateri  of  hall  ondeavour  to  pievent  me.  Suoh  U  the  docrae 
o[  Fste,  for  whaterer  the  oonetellatiun  that  gorarni  yoor 
caraer,  Libra,  the  Soorpion,  or  Capricomm,  at  any  rate  it  II 
wonderfolly  in  aooord  with  mine;  remember  how  you  bave 
been  matched  from  deatb  itaelf ,  whila  I  have  had  ■  eimilar 
minwnhnu  eaoape;  let  tu  then  be  thankful,  and  esoh  dnly 
offer  moh  thank-oReringa  aa  bafit  our  poai tion. ' 

Maocenei  wu  a  groet  invalid  bnt  paaiionately  atttofaed  to 
Ufe.    Pliuy,  H.  H.  7.  Bl,  •peakt  of  him  m 

NOTES.  281 

perpetua  febrit,  and  for  the  last  three  years  of  hii  life  never 
enjojing  a  momenfs  natural  ileep.  See  too  Merivale,  e.  86. 
Both  he  and  Horaoe  died  in  b.  o.  8,  the  one  surviving  tbe  other 
but  a  few  days. 

1.  querellis]  for  epelling  see  2.  9. 18  n. 

2.  amionm  est]  *is  it  pleasing.' 

8.    obire]  §0.  diem  tupremum,  *to  die.' 

4.  grande  deena  oolumenque  rerum]  Cf.  1. 1.  2,  Maecenat 
...o  et  praetidium  et  dulce  decut  meum,  For  the  metaphor 
in  columen  cf.  £nr.  Iph.  T.  57,  rrOXoi  yap  ©fr«r  tlel  vcuto  apetwti, 
and  St  Paul,  GaL  2.  9,  'IdUredfet  rei  Kitfw  *ol  IwcW^f  ei  toxodrrtt 
rrGKm  ilrcu,  'who  eeemed  to  be  pillara.'  Cio.  pro  Sest.  { 19» 
eolumen  reipublicae,  Tennyson,  In  Mem.  o.  63,  •  the  pillar  of  a 
peopie's  hope.' 

6.  partem]  supply  atteram  from  altera  in  the  nezt  line= 
«one  of  two  parta/ le.  «the  half.'  Cf.  1.  8.  8  where  Horaee 
oalla  Virgil  animae  dimidium. 

7.  nec  anperatei  integer]  •nor  remaining  a  oomplete 
whole.'  Without  Maeoenae  he  wonld  be  but  a  pert,  a  fraction 
of  himself.    Cf.  our  uae  of  'an  integer,'  and  2. 4.  22  n. 

8.  utramque  duoet  rulnam]  'shall  bring  (with  it)  de- 
itruotion  to  us  both.'  I  take  ducet  in  its  simnle  sense,  and  fail 
to  see  the  analogy  between  ducet  ruinam  here  and  VirgiTs 
trahit  ruinam  (Aen.  2.  46.  quoted  by  Orelli),  used  of  one 
portion  of  a  wall  falling  ana  dragging  after  it  the  rest. 

10.  dizi  sacramentuml  The  nhrase  is  a  teohnioal  one  for 
taking  the  military  oath  of  obedienoe.  See  Dict.  of  Ant.  and 
ef.  the  meaning  of  our  word  '  Sacrament.' 

lblmus,  lbimus]  'Horace  speaks  in  the  plural,  keeping  up 
the  idea  of  soldiers  swearing  to  their  generaL'  Wickham. 
The  explanation  is  tempting,  but  oannot  be  right,  for  the 
plural  is  used  simply  because  it  is  neoessarv.  as  Horaoe  is 
speaking  of  himself  and  Maeoenas.  *We  wili  go,  whenever 
you  shall  lead  the  way,  ready  to  take  the  last  journey  together.' 
For  the  repetition  of  ibimut  cf.  2. 14.  1  n.  tupremum  iUr—rar»  M»,  Soph.  Ant.  807. 

12.  carpere  lter]  For  the  use  of  carpert  with  such  words 
as  viam,  mare%  prata,  see  Dict. 


■  of  th«  n 
ef,  Hes.  Theog.  819,  ij  ti  x^'t><"  trurt 
*  rOp,  snd  t  9.  18. 

i  >]  Thi*  U  soa_swh_t  diffienlt:  it  eui  hudly 

io  ie  up  -g-io,'  i.e.  fiem  tbe  kibvb,  m  Bor-cc 

„  ___  _p u„  -  '  himself  u  foroing  hia  wey  at  Maecenu' 

■ide  through  the  urUli  of  desth.  It  mtut  therefoie  meui 
■ibould  he  riae  tc  Dnfront  me'  (ef.  the  -*e  of  re  in  rtfulgtiu, 
1.  33) ;  and  "•■  there  il  -  qniet  irouy  in  tbe  introdnction 

of  the  hjpo  .iJ  hie  biothei  gianU 

ore  elwsja  as  cuetully  pegged 

down  beuut...  . 

Foi  Qyat  n  »,  hnt  the  selection  of 

one  putieular  h—  —r 

15.    ito.   pl-cltum]  'snoh  is  the  decrae  of,'  ef.  1.  33.  lOn. 

17.  een  Llbi_  «ea  m...]  eee  Dict.  of  Ant.  a.  v.  ,4.frofoai-, 
It  «u  _  cnmmon  belief  thnl  ccrtain  atara  wliieh  were  'in  the 
nscend-nt'  at  the  bour  of  -  pen»_'e  rmtmly  influenced  bii 
career,  -ccording  h  they  were  pluieU  of  -  malignant  or  beoe- 
fieent  chaiector. 

Borace  wu  not  a  beliSTer  in  Astrology  [cf  ■  L  11),  end  bere 
impliee  tbat  hs  knows  _nd  carei  little  about  it ;  'whatever  tbe 
oh-racter  of  your  horoBcope,'  he  •--•,  'or  of  mine,  I  neitber 
know  nor  care  ;  one  thing  only  do  1  know,  vii.,  that  tbey  ue 
bath  «like.'  For  the  whole  snbject  of.  Guy  Mannering, 
espeoi_!ly  Introduotion  snd  Chsp.  3. 

18.  p_rs  TlolenUor  «■■+■**■  hor_e]  '  the  MO—ndutt  ra- 
flnenoe  _t  the  honr  of  my  nativity.'  The  ptm  vioUntior  in  ■ 
horoscope  wonld  be  tlw  pluiet  oi  it_c  whioh  bj  iti  paettkm  _i 
the  aritic— 1  mom__ i  wu  flwmd  to  have  mutered  cr  nMtt__ 
_U  tneoth-ts. 

19.  tjr__n_i  ____•]  'lordof  tho  w_ve-,' of.  1.  8.  16  n. 

91.  M..-1  The  clue  to  this  somewhst  involved  elsa»  b 
fotuid  by  obserring  thst  iwpio  Satvnm  is  to  be  Uken  botli  with 
rtfulgeni  =  ihlning  brilliuitly  from  the  opposite  qnarter,  Le, 
to  oppoee  tmpions  Sstum,  uid  with  eripuit  = '  snatehed  ther 
froni  the  powsc  of .' 

NOTES.  283 

25.  alaa]  For  the  metaphor  cf.  Byron,  Tbe  Destruction  of 
Sennacherib,  4But  the  angel  of  death  spread  hia  wing$  on  tbe 

enm — sonum]  'when  the  thronging  popnlaoe  thrioe  made 
their  joyous  applause  eoho  throngh  the  theatres.*  Maeoenaa 
waa  greeted  with  loud  applanee  on  flrst  entering  the  theatre 
after  a  eeriona  illness.  Of.  1.  20.  4.  The  theatre  wonld  be 
tbat  of  Pompej  at  the  aonth  end  of  the  Campns  Martiua.  ter 
(which  Wickham  ezplaina  aa  naed  'indefinitely  of  aeveral 
ronnda  of  applause')  ia  naed  with  atriot  aoouraoy,  jnat  aa  when 
we  aav  '  three  oheera.'  erepo  ia  nsed  intransitively  of  any  dry 
sound,  e.g.  rnstling,  rattling,  clapping,  and  then  in  the  poeta 
actively=to  make  auoh  a  aonnd,  here  by  olapping  of  handa 
(cf.  plautut,  h  20.  4).    For  the  oonatruction  ot  2.  18.  26  n. 

28.  suftulerat]  *had  carried  me  off.'  By  thia  nae  of  the 
indicatiye  in  a  hypotbetical  aentenoe  an  event  ia  apoken  of  aa 
poritively  certain  U>  have  happened,  but  for  aomething  or  other 
having  prevented  it.  There  ia  the  aame  construction  8.  16.  8, 
munierat...$i  non  ruisicnt.    For  tbe  event  aee  2.  13. 

Faunue]  Perhapa  aa  a  woodland  god  and  therefore  having 
oontrol  over  trees,  and  alao  aa  the  fhend  of  poeta  who  love  the 
oonntry  and  the  country*»  goda.  Wickham  suggeata  that 
.FaufttuaPan  (cf.  1. 17. 1  n.),  Pan  being  the  aon  of  Meronry, 
and  that  this  may  explain  the  introduction  of  Mercurialium, 
but  no  explanation  can  palliate  the  awkwardnesa  of  auch 
an  cxpreaaion  aa  4Fannua  guardian  of  the  men  whom  Mercury 

For  the  reasona  wby  Horaoe  calla  Mercury  the  patron  of 
poeta  see  1.  10.  1 — 8,  where  he  ia  called  the  'giver  of  speeoh' 
(facunduty  cf.  ipfiffr*  lf>M*ttu)  and  'fatber  of  the  lyre'  (lyrae 
paren»),  <fec.  Cf.  too  2.  7.  13.  In  no  case,  however,  can  the 
phraae  viri  Mercurialee  be  called  a  happy  one,  aa  a  periphraaia 
for  'poets.' 

80.  reddere]  *to  duly  pay.'  A  vow  consisted  in  promising, 
if  the  gods  did  something  for  you,  to  give  or  pay  (dare)  some- 
thing  in  return  (re) :  wben  the  goda  had  done  their  part,  you 
beeame  voti  reutt » 'a  debtor  of  your  vow,'  wbioh  it  then  was 
your  duty  to  'repuy,'  *pay  aa  yon  were  bonnd  to  do*  (reddere), 
cf.  2.  7. 17  n. 

p.  n.  20 

_S_  HORACE,  ODES  II.  lviii. 

odb  xvm. 

'  rdly  palacea,  BO  princely  fortnne,  bot  I  bmra 

hone-ty,  epntation,  and  above  ill  oonlentmant.    Tou, 

cn  the  nd,  m  thoogh   for  you  tima  haltod  oo  iU 

courae,  t>  i,  are  otill  eagor  lo  bnild  new  rillae  enoroaoh- 

ing  evon  iea'i  domain,  yoa,  and  worae  alill  encroacliing 

on  yonr  ghbour'»  ground  driving  him  oat  Crom  heerth 

iisid  bonw  , ii  wife  and  ragged  ohildren.    And  yot  mora 

snrely  i  i.ji.'!   ni  i  jb-  "91.  ;■  grars  await  you.     Wh». 

would  you  have?  '  _   urth  open  to  take  b_ok 

her  children,  pooi  —  mae:  no  wealtb  e_o  bribe  Death : 

in  Death  the  rieb  man  _J,.nS  an  etemal  priaon,  tbe  poor  man 
eternal  rcpose.' 

A  flne  Ode,  oqnally  intereating  in  matler  and  monner,  and 
deacrving  careful  itudy. 

1.  non  «bur  nequ»  auraum  lacunar]  Theee  -ords  go 
closclj  with  one  another  =  'no  panelled  roof  adoreod  with 
ivorj  and  gold.'  That  tbar  cannot  be  taken  hy  itaelf  =  'ivory 
furniture'  ia  pluin  froui  the  other  thinge  mentioned,  vii. 
'»  roof,'  'architraTea'  and  'oolumna.'  For  kcunur,  aee  3.  1S. 
11  a. 

tudinal  blocki  placed  on  the  topa  of  the  piilan. 

4.  rectiaj]  'qnarried.'  Nnmidian  marble  waa  cela- 

G.  neqo»..  oconpaTl]  i.e.  nor  have  I  _n_-p_Btedrv  h_d  ■ 
fortnne  left  ms.  The  we-lth  of  the  Attalid  Ungs  of  Pwgunoa 
waa  proverbial,  of.  1.  1.  13,  _tt_Uc_  eondicirmilnu  = '  on  termi 
auch  aa  a  Bothaohild  ooald  offer.'  The  pocnliar  form  of  ex- 
reaaion  ia  partly  dua  to  the  fact  that  Attal-l  IH.  had(_.o.  UB) 
aqueathed  bii  property  to  the  Boman  people. 


NOTES.  285 

7.  LaconicM  purpuras]  Cf.  Juv.  8.  101,  Spartana  chlamyt. 
The  sheU-fish  (see  2. 16.  85  n.)  irom  which  the  purple  dye  wm 
made  were  fonnd  on  the  ooaat  of  Laoonia.  In  Aescn.  Ag.  958, 
Clytemnestra  speaks  of  the  honse  ol  Agamemnon  m  denving  a 
tieh  revenne  from  this  souroe. 

8.  trahnnt]  'spin.'  Theword  ii  nsedof  drawingoutthe 
thread  (filum)  from  the  hall  of  material  on  the  distaff  {colut ), 
with  a  riew  to  winding  it  ronnd  the  spindle  (futut). 

honestM]  'of  gentle  birth.'  The  epithet  U  added  beoause 
it  wonld  only  be  the  very  wealthy  br  noble  who  wonld  nnmber 
among  their  retainers  peraone  of  gentle  birth. 

9.  lngenl  benlgna  vena]  *a  rich  vein  of  talent.'  inge- 
nium  (from  in  and  gigno),  *that  whioh  is  born  in  one,'  'natural 
abUifr.'  Horace  always  nses  the  oontracted  genitive  of  this 
and  nmilar  words,  of.  1.  6. 12  n. 

vena  is  used  in  the  aame  sense  A.  P.  409,  tine  diviU  venat 
where  from  the  epithet  it  ifl  plain  Horaoe  derives  the  metaphor 
from  a  vein  of  ore. 

11.  nlhil  inpra  dtoi  laoeaio]  •For  nothing  beyond  do  I 
assaU  (or  importnne)  the  gods.*  lacttto  takes  a  double  aoc 
from  the  general  sense  of  •Mlting*  oontained  in  it. 

14.  beatus]  Af  frequently,  it  ii  very  diifioult  to  decide 
between  the  two  meanings  •happy'  and  *wealthy';  the  word 
involves  both  ideas. 

nnlcls  Bablnls]  4my  one  dear  Sabine  farm.'  See  1.  17.  Int 
It  has  been  usual  to  take  the  nom.  of  Sabinis  m  Sabina, 
nnderstanding  praedia,  but  it  is  diffioult  to  see  why  in  that 
case  we  do  not  have  Sdbinum,  so.  praedium,  and,  even  then, 
to  acoount  for  the  omission  of  the  noun.  Prof.  Mayor  (Pliny, 
Ep.  3.  4,  p.  67)  however  shews  that  it  wm  nsnal  to  deseribe  a 
farm  in  any  district  by  the  name  of  the  people  of  the  distriot, 
and  that  therefore  Sabinis  is  the  abl.  of  Sabini.  So  in  Pliny 
oontinually  in  Tuscos =  'to  my  Tnscan  estate,'  and  cf.  8.  4.  22, 
in  arduos  tollor  Sabinot  «•to  my  Sabine  farm  on  the  hills,' 
Ov.  Fast  4.  685,  Pelignos,  nataUa  rura,  petebam. 

15.  trndltnr  dles  dle...]  These  words  are  the  oonnecting 
link  between  what  preoedes  and  what  follows:  'I  praotisa 
oontentment,  beoanse  I  remember  that  life  is  short;  you, 
althongh  Ufe  is  short,  stUl  build/  Ac. 

16.  novMque . .  .lunw]  *  and  new  moons  only  wax  to  wane,' 

20— *Z 


■  and  Plaulua  alao  uss  ptrga  witli  nu  in- 

B  Ihe  poailion  of  lu;  he  eacnti  himaelf 
ling  some  sinijlo  peison.  locart  is  regu- 
acc.  end  gerund  of  pntting  anything  in 
itraotor  for  currying  out.    itcanda  =  *to  be 

90.  marlsqnt...]  *and  are  eager  h  push  forward  tha 
ahore  of  tbe  sea  tlmt  breuks  011  Usiae ,  it  utiified  «itb  the 
poMSStion  at  the  unbroken  line  of  coast.      <*or  wgti,  aee  3.  S.  0, 

andfor  Baiat,  B.  4.  21  n. 

forwazd.'     Jtfaria 

itmmof-rre  (Seneo.  de  Tranq.  81*  are  also  ueed  of  the 

thing,   the  sea  being  represented  m  'made  to  get  oat  of  the 

OMtinenW  rtp*]  either  (1)  'the  oonfining  shore,'  tating 
contttwitt  ai  a  participle,  or  (2)  tho  'nnbrokon  ihore.'  takjng 
ctmtinenU  &a  nn  adjective  ne»r_T  =  rd.ifi.iiiiu  (front  eum  and 
ttnto)  'holding  together, '  tbo  sense  being  tbat  he  is  uot  satisfied 
ontil  his  Tilla  projecting  into  tbe  sea  haa  broktn  tbe  hithcrto 
unbroken  line  of  oout/ 

Orelli  and  Wiokham  give  eontinem  ripa  —  'tbo  eoart  of  tha 
mainUnd,1  bnt  wlthout  anj  proof  ezcept  quoting  U,  98, 
contintnti  Uteri. 

For  the  pn_ot.ce  of  building  TiUaa  projecting  into  tha  aaa, 
of.  S.  1.  33. 

8S.    qnlfl,  quod.,,1  'AJwaysused  to  introduoeiomeitrongsr 

34.    tarmlnoa]  'bonnd-ltOBsa,'  set  op  at  th 

of  eaoh  plot  of  ground;  they  were  under  the  ipi ._.. 

of  ths  venerabls  god  Temiinni,  and  the  citiien  who  mared 
waa  deroted  to  tbe  goda.    See  a  reiy  intereiting 

NOTES.  287 

Merivale,  c  33,  and  of.  Deut.  27.  17,  'Cursed  be  he  that  re- 
moveth  his  neighbour's  landmark,  and  all  the  people  ahall  say, 

35.  ollentlum]  emphatio:  the  erime  wai  more  heinoua 
beeause  oommitted  against  those  he  wae  bound  to  protect. 
The  lawa  of  the  Twelve  Tablee  oontained  a  speeial  provieion  on 
the  subject,  Patronut  ti  cUenH  fraudem  ftceritt  taeer  etto. 

cUent^one  who  listens' or  'obeys.'    Of.  Gk.  *X&#. 

26.  aalls  avarus]  'leap  in  the  eagerness  of  greedV  talit 
indioates  his  boldness  and  eagerness. 

peUitur...natos]  The  natural  order  of  this  sentenoe  ifl  oon- 
siderably  altered,  on  purpose  to  get  the  emphatie  verb  peUitur 
first,  'forth  is  driven...'  For  the  verh  In  the  singnlar  ef. 
2. 13.  38  n. 

For  the  whole  seene,  cl  Quy  Mannering,  o.  8,  and  Meg 
Merrilies'  eurse  on  EUangowan. 

29.  nullA  oertlor  tamen]  «And  yet  no  hsil  awaits  its 
wealthv  lord  more  surely  than  ihe  appointed  end  of  greedy 
Death/  i  e.  more  oertainly  than  the  hau  you  are  building  does 
the  grave,  the  appointed  end  of  aU  men,  await  you. 

Nauck,  I  am  glad  to  find,  agrees  with  this  the  simple  and 
obvious  rendering  of  this  passage,  whioh  is  however  despised  by 
other  editors  who  agree  in  separating  fint  from  destinatd,  and 
supplying  auld  with  the  latter;  at  this  point  however  their 
agreement  oeases,  at  least  so  far  as  I  oan  understand  them. 

Orelli,  who  remarks  that  finit  is  only  onoe  feminine  in 
Horaoe,  apparently  renders  'more  surely  than  the  haU 
marked  out  by  the  limits  of  Orous/  explaming  that  Orous 
has  oertain  fixed  Umits  within  which  we  snaU  have  to  oontent 
ourselves  when  we  get  there;  a  faot  whioh  may  be  true  or  not 
but  is  oertainly  without  point  or  meaning  here.  . 

Conington  says  that  dettinata  and  rapacit  sugnst  a  oom- 
parison  between  Death  and  the  divet  herut;  'Death  more 
greedy  than  any  enoroaohing  proprietor  has  planned  with  his 
measuring  line  a  mansion  of  a  dinerent  kind.'  How  this  is  got 
naturaUy  ttomfine  dettinata  I  simply  faU  to  see. 

Bitter  takes  Orci  fintmin  finibu»  Orci.  Wiokham  trans- 
lates  *by  the  limit  of  OreuAt'«>by  Orcus  who  sets  a  limit  to 
aU  things,'  and  suggests  with  a  verv  neosssary  'perhaps'  Ahat 
Orci  fine  may  somehow  or  another  be  got  to  mean  *with  the 
measuring  rod  of  Death,'  apparently  following  Conington. 

288  1I0RACE,  ODES  II.  iviii, 

I-  ••-  -"<■  "—■  ™-i  tveii  if  these  viewi  were  more  hannoniom 
thej  u>,  1  eould  nol  eccept  tham.  For 
oonaecutiTe  worda  jin<  uWrinata  nula.  the 
be  seperated  from  thfl  ablative  diitinata, 
lt  on  it  (en  iblaiire  caae  being  thua  for- 
..  .  iween  «rtior  and  Ht  own  aMetive  which 

.   ,'rjllo»         iloselv),  Uld  that  befors  aufa  in  the  nonii- 

avid   tr  «blativp  ii  to  be  snpplied,  scems  to  a« 

impossible,  unl  udeed  the  schoolboy  tlieory  be  correct  that 
»  Latin  senten  i  *  sort  of  puzzle  m  which  ell  the  wordi 
h»ve  been  bIisp  up  and  jambled  together  in  order  thal  he 
tntj  eiercise  lii„  iugeiiu»j  •,,  them  ia  some  order 

whcre  they  will  nuke  sense. 

Bt.     regum]    Eithar  actual  ' kii  or,    U    frequently    in 

Borace,  '  gresl  men. ' 

satellei  Orci]  No  doubt  Hc--«  •*  •kiiic.  of  Cheron,  bnt 
the  peculiar  fonn  of  tho  ei;  tendanl'   or  rslber 

'seittine!  of  Orcus'  is  to  be  n  -ooghoat  the  palaoe 

laiiijj  whicb  the  rich  man  is  w^^,  m  compsred  with  tbe 
pUce  (Oreut)  tlial  i*  prepared  for  liim;  be  hai  hii  'guarde' 
\ialtUittt),  'sttendants,'  anJ  so  bas  tbe  grave,  a  grim  and 
incomtptible  ODe  (»01111«  Orci). 

35.  calUdum  Promethee]  'Notwitbitanding  his  ciumtng.' 
For  UtU  secoatit  of  Prometbetii,  aee  3.  13.  37  n, 

3G.  euxo  captus]  Cl  3.  16.  9,  aurum  p.r  wudiot  iri 
iattlUtci...amat,  a  passage  whicb  ehewi  what  force  is  to  be 
i:iv,':i  to  lattUti  bere. 

fclc]  Botb  OrelU  and  Wickhem  aay  'not  Charon  but  Or- 
'■us,'  for,  tbey  nrge,  the  neit  lines,  and  especiaUy  the  word 
eocuJu-.  oannot  refer  to  Cheron.  But  in  the  first  plaoe,  to 
tnake  hic  not  refer  to  the  maiu  noniinative  of  the  preoeding 
aentence,  but  to  a  raerely  qualitelive  word  such  aa  Onci, 
eapedatly  when  tbe  last  words  of  tbe  sentenoe  are  nuro  captut 
in  agieement  with  latellci,  ii  to  violate  the  firat  principlea  of 
npeech.  If  a  soboolboy  were  to  ssj,  "The  Head-Master's  buller 
wouldn't  let  tne  out  thongh  well  tipped.  He  is  a  beait,' 
according  to  tbi*  theory  the  'He'  would  refer  to  tbe  Hesd- 
maater.  Seoondly,  those  wbo  say  thst  1.  40  could  not  be  uaed 
of  Cbaron,  forgot  that  Horaoe,  though  no  doubt  tbinking  of 
Cbaron,  bas  only  Bpoien  of  lattllei  Orci,  and  aorely  ll  ia  the 
pfcrt  of  a  tatiUei  wben  «ummoned  (iiKafu.i)  to  liearken  (audir-, 

'gnard'  or  'aenlJDel.' 

NOTES.  289 

87.  Tantali  gonus]  i.  e.  men  like  Tantalus,  and  therefore 
sneh  men  as  the  rieh  man  of  11.  16—88.  From  the  natnre  of 
hii  pnniahment  it  is  olear  that  Tantalui  was  taken  as  a  tjpe  of 
greedy  and  grasping  characters. 

88.  hlo  leTart...]  'He  too  when  summoned— aye  and 
nnrammoned — to  relieve  the  poor  man  whoie  toils  are  over, 
obeys.'    Forfunctum  of.  4.  15.  39  n. 

To  thoae  who  will  oompare  the  two  I  think  there  will 
appear  an  interestinff  paraUeliam  between  thia  Odo  and  the 
parable  of  Dives  and  Lazarus,  StLuke,  oh.  10. 


'I  have  had  a  viaion  of  Baeohus  toaehing  his  aaored  bymns 
to  all  his  train :  spare  me,  dreadful  deity,  and  grant  mo  to  tell 
of  thy  kingdom  abonnding  in  wino  and  milk  and  honey,  of  thy 
glorified  bride,  thy  viotory  over  thy  foes,  thy  power  over  natnre 
and  overthrow  of  the  rebellioni  Titans,  yea,  and  oven  the 
monsters  *  of  the  nndor-world  reveronoing  the  symbol  of  thy 

This  Ode  is  usually  aooounted  a  mere  imitation  of  a  Greek 
dithyramb,  but  Pliiss,  probably  rightly,  oonaiders  it  tho  ex- 
pression  of  the  poefs  longing  in  a  period  of  anarohy  and 
disoord  for  an  idoal  and  idyllio  world:  this  he  symbolises 
nnder  the  form  of  a  viaion  of  the  reign  of  Baoohus,  the  givor  of 
happiness  and  abundanoe,  the  founder  of  oivilization,  and  the 
oonquoror  of  the  rebel  powers  of  darkness. 

1.  Bacchum]  Before  beginning  this  Ode  it  is  advisablo  to 
read  the  article  on  Dionysus  in  the  Claas.  Dict. 

ln  remotls  ruplbns)  his  favourite  haunts.  Cf.  Soph.  0.  T. 
6  Bo*xeiot  Otdt  yaluv  ir  dxpup  6piw, 

carmlna]  'hymns '  connectod  with  his  worship. 

4.  aoutas]  either  'peaked,'  •sharp-pointed/  as  thoy  wore 
alwavs  represented,  or— whioh  I  prefer  oonsidering  the  em- 
phatio  position  of  the  adjective,  and  the  fact  that  it  then 
matohes  ducentet — *  pricked  up,'  i.  e.  to  listen. 


1  pectore]  '107  bnrt  fllled  with  (i.e.  in- 
1H7.'  The  Oroek  Dionjsui  is  reprasented 
:hp  osnse  □!  »11  fonn*  ol  enthosium  and 
*hipperi  becorae  '  into«ie»ted '  (not  merely 
■  oiilv  one  fonn  of  'Bncchip  inloiication  '); 
oia!  pBtvoo  snd  protector  of  ths  poet  'bu 
j  rolling";  cf.  3.  25.  1,  juo  nu,  Baccht, 
d  S.  19.  14.  atttmitia  vatcl. 
eVof.  L23.  33  n. 

T.    pixo*]  Whj  „ id  ipui,  »  expUined  bj  the  wor 

praet  mttutndi  tliyrio,  for  tlio  etroke  of  the  thjrsns  oaneed 
bwnij  bordering  on  madneai.     For  the  rhjthm  of.  1.  1S.  3  n. 

9.  Tbjiadai]  tWJni  (from  Silu),  the  fcmate  followera  of 

10.  Tinique  fontem  ...  Thesc  »re  all  tbe  miraoulons  gifts 
of  the  god.  The  description  is  probsbly  inkea  from  the  Beocliie 
of  Enripides,  1.  704;  'wine,'  "milk'  md  'honej'  sre  *J1  weli- 
knowL  tjpe»  of  pleotj  »nd  sbuoiljince,  of.  Biod.  3.  8,  *■>  good 
Und  &  Urge...»  lind  Bowing  witb  milk  ud  bonej." 

11  trunci*  citI»]  Bees  often  hiTe  irj  hollow  Iree»,  of. 
Tirg.  Oeorg.  2.  463 ;  here  howerer  1  mirsculons  supply  U 
spoken  of.  »nch  sj  in  Tirg.  Eol  4,  30  is  destined  to  marV  the 
golden  ige,  H  dmt  querctu  tudadant  mtciaa  mtUa. 

13.  ltenuw]  not  'to  tell  of  mora  thsn  once,'  bat  to*reprs- 
•ent'  (i.e.  nresent,  or  mike  present  onee  more)  In  Ungaige 
wh«t  hu  been  prerionslj  seett  with  the  ejee. 

1S.  butM...]see  Chus.  Diot.  ».  t.  Arisdne.  esataas^dei- 
fled.'  honorcm=  •  mirk'  or  'token  of  dignitj,'  i.  s.  the  qaeenlj 
crown  whloh  wss  giTsn  her  bj  Dionjsni  on  their  mirrUg*  snd 
whioh  beeame  tbe  uonstelUtion  Corona,  of.  Tlrg.  Qeorg.  1.  233. 

14.  Psntboi)  From  the  Greek  n/rStui  oomes  ths  r*tia 
Ptnthem  which  is  then  tres.ted  u  &  trisylUbio  word  end  mi 

15.  non  loni]    Litotes,  cf.  1.  18.  9  n. 

NOTES.  291 

16.  Thracis]  a  Greek  adj.  Gpft,  Qpajc6t «  Thrax,  Thracis. 
For  Pentheus  and  Lyeurgue,  aee  Olaai.  Dict. 

17.  flectij  amnes]  During  hia  Indian  traTeli  Dionysus 
eroeaed  the  Orontee  and  Hvdaspes  whioh  aflorded  a  passage  on 
dry  gronnd  when  tonehed  by  hia  thyrsus.  The  aame  happened 
with  regard  to  the  Bed  Sea  (mare  barbarum).  flectit  applied 
both  to  the  rivers  and  the  aea  probably  means  •doet  make 
yicld  to  thy  sway.'    barbarum^'  foreign,'  eee  2.  4.  9  n. 

18.  uvidua]  Le.  •tipsy,'  fitfipeyuhot.    QL  1.  7.  22  n. 

19.  nodo  coeroei  Ylperino]  'doet  oonfine  in  a  knot  of 
eerpents,'  i.e.  Baoohue  binde  up  their  hair  with  eerpenta  to 
amuae  himaelf. 

20.  Btetonldum]  <The  women  of  the  Bietonee':  it  ia  a 
Oreek  feminine  adjeotive.    The  Bietonee  were  a  tribe  in  Thraoe. 

alne  fraude=4without  harm,'  'unharmed.'  The  oee  of 
fraut  in  this  sense  is  ohiefly  found  in  legal  dooumente  (of.  es 
VEAunn  in  the  Twelve  Tab.)  and  is  aomewhat  antiquated. 

A  Baochante  with  enake-bound  hair  and  thyreue  ie  repre- 
eented  in  Smith'e  Clase.  Diot. 

21.  tu,  cum...]  Horaoe  alao  deeoribee  the  battle  of  the 
Oiante  at  length  8.  4.  48.  For  it  eee  Claae.  Diot.  a.  v. 
Oigantes.  parentU  regna='ihe  realme  of  the  great  Father,' 
i.e.  heaven  the  abode  of  Juppiter.  per  arduum =4through  the 
steep  eky*:  Virgil  Oeorg.  1.  281  deeoribee  how  they  attempted 
this  by  piling  mountains  upon  one  another,  Horace  purpoaely 
uees  a  vague  phrase. 

23.  Rhoetum]  one  of  the  giante.  leonit  becauae  Baoohus 
aasumed  this  form  during  the  fray;  he  had  alao  aasumed  it 
when  taken  priaoner  by  Tyrrnenian  pirates. 

25.  quamquam...]  The  oonetruction  is  quamauam,  cho- 
reit  et  jocit  Uidoque  aptior  dictut,  pugnae  non  tat  idoneut  fere- 
barit.  non  tat  idoneut  =  *  not  suffioiently  well  suited,'  i.e. 
'very  ill-suited,'  cf.  non  leni,  1. 15. 

27.  eed  idem]  *but  yet';  for  idem  used  where  oppoaite 
qualities  are  represented  as  existing  in  the  same  individual,  eee 
2.  10.  16  n.  Here  the  meaning  is  *but  thou  the  aame  peraon 
who  ueedst  to  be  considered  good  for  nothing  but  fun,  Ac.' 

28.  pada  erae  medluaque  belll]  *thou  didst  take  thy  part 
in  peace  and  war  alike';  i.e.  Dionysus  notwithstanding  what 
wae  said  of  him  shewed  that  though  he  enjoyed  peace  he  waa 
equally  ready  for  war. 

292  HORACE,  ODES  II.  iU 

A|  rci-iird^  ths  poaition  of  gue  here  ftn.l  1.  33,  Orelli  well 

'         v*  phrsee,  if  eipresiad  fnlly,  would   ba  paeii 

iqve  belli.  but  that,  one  meiiut  being  natu- 

revity ,  the  phxue  ii  left  u  io  the  text.    No 

ice  u  regarda  aoaosioa  h»  e  great  in&uenoe 

«ition  which  i/ue  ii  sllowed  to  Minme.     Cf. 

iptrentqve  Nymphat,  8.  i.  11,  ludo  fatigatum- 

,_         nn,  8aeo.   32,   eunfiu  referatqae   tudot.      For 

t  <■  in  a  timi._         ition  of,  3.  T.  35,  whioh  ihouJd  be  if  written 

fnllv,  qvil  ■— '         roperart  apio  eoronat  (rcral),  curatvt  myrto. 

See  too  Je'  Ntra,  107  n.    The  idiom  ie  natnrellY  very 

common  in  e  %tqvt  domum. 

39.    «ureo  cornu   neeon 
■jmbol  of  etrength,  ligour, 

wine  'that  Btrengthenl  ra»o'i.  __jt'  ii  repreeeated  with  lt 
Ovid,  A.  A.  1.  1.  339,  tayi  tbst  under  the  inflnenca  of 
pauper  tornva,'  ef.  too  8.  31.  18.  fu  (i.e.  Baecuui) ...aidU 
comua  pauperi,  snd  slso  for  the  uso  of  the  word  'liorn' 
1  Samuel  3.  1,  'my  hora  i«  exalted  in  the  LoroV 

31.  reeedentti)  to  be  teken  witli  ptdet  nnd  crura  =  'of  jon 
relreating,'  'as  you  retresled.'  The  god  had  gone  to  Bsdes  lo 
hring  bsclc  bis  mother  Semele. 

trillngnl  ore]  The  eipreseion  muet  not  be  eismined  too 
cloeely:  ot  triiingut  ougbt  to  mean  '■  rooath  with  thre» 
tougue»,'  here  it  is  =  "tho  taagne  of  each  of  hii  three  mouthi.' 


1 1,  Msecenu,  ihsll  novar  die  but  shsll  be  ehanged  into  ■ 
Bwan  the  masic  of  whose  note  aholl  be  hexrd  throughoat  tho 
world ;  therefo»  let  none  monra  over  mj  oeaoUph.' 

The  Ode  is  corapletelj  conveationsl  snd  unustursl:  Horsoe 
cancludee  Book  3  with  sn  Ods  which  also  eipressei  hit  hope  of 
sn  irmnortslity  of  fame,  but  whioh  afforda  an  edmirablo  oon- 
trsat  to  thia  in  force  snd  power. 

Wickhsra  saya  the  Ode  muy  be  deaoribed  m  sn  smplules- 
tion  of  Eaniai'  Epllsph  on  himself ; 

tiftno  me  tacTumb  deeortt,  nee  funtta  Jlctu 
faxit.    tvrf  volito  vinu  ptr  ora  virum. 

NOTES.  293 

No  doubt  the  eame  thought  underliea  both  the  epiUph  and 

the  Ode,  bnt  it  woold  be  impossible  to  point  ont  more  vividly, 

than  fo  done  by  bringing  them  together,  the  oontrast  between 

what  U  gennine  and  what  ii  iantastio  in  poetry. 

Plttsi  takea  thii  to  be  the  aituationx  the  poet  U  dead;  his 
oorpee  U  on  the  funeral  pyre ;  Maeoenas  calU  npon  his  friend 
(ef.  quem  voeai  L  6)  for  the  laat  time;  in  aniwer  the  poefs 
ghoat  or  ahade  proolaims  iti  tranaformation,  Ao. 

1.  non  usitata...]  *0n  no  ordinary  or  faltering  piniona 
will  I  aweep  a  bard  of  double  ahape  throngh  the  bright  upper 

ncn  utitata :  bo  in  the  fint  Ode  of  the  next  Book  1.  2  he 
■peaka  of  hU  writings  as  earmina  non  prim  audita,  partly 
meaning  that  lyrio  poetry  had  not  been  attempted  in  Latin  by 
any  befbre  him,  partly  that  the  quality  of  hU  poetry  wai  of  no 
oommon  itamp. 

2.  liquldum  aethera:  the  epithet  liquidut  U  applied  to 
either  aer  or  aether,  either  with  referenoe  to  ite  being 
•  tranalneent'  like  water,  or  •vielding'  like  all  flnidt  (ef.  in  thia 
eaae  Milton'8  phraae  4the  bnxom  air/  where  •buxom/  the 
Oerman  •beugsam/  means  'yielding'). 

4.    invidlaque  maior]  *and  soaring  high  above  envy.' 

6.  panpemm  iang-nli  parentnm]  *the  offepring  of  lowlv 
^«^^1.'  The  phraae  U  employed  in  cloae  oonnection  with 
the  word  invidia  in  1.  4:  Horaoe  was  the  son  of  a  freedman 
(Ubertinui),  and  the  meanneaa  of  hii  birth  wai  a  favourite 
aubject  for  the  eneera  of  thoae  who  were  jealoue  (invidi)  of  hU 
aooial  and  poetical  luoceai  (cf.  Sat  1.  6.  46).  He  here  adopts 
the  very  worde  in  which  they  had  aneered  at  him  in  order  to 
make  the  glory  which  he  was  deatined  to  attain  greater,  by 
oontrait  with  the  poaition  from  which  he  had  a tarted. 

For  tanguii  et  8.  27.  65,  rtgiu»  tanguit,  and  Carm.  Saec. 
60,  Anehitae  Veneritque  tanguit. 

6.  quem  vocas,  dileote  Maeoenaal  These  words  are  taken 
in  two  ways — (1)  *Whom  thou,  0  Maeoenas,  dost  call  Dear 
friend';  (2)  'Whorn  thou,  O  dear  Maeoenas,  dost  oall*  or 
•summon.'  The  objeotion  to  the  flrst  method  U  the  separation 
of  the  vooative  dileete  from  the  vooative  Maeeenat,  which 
U  to  my  mind  iinpossible,  at  any  rate  if  the  ordinary  laws  of 
Ungnage  are  to  be  respected.    Moreover  elsewhere  Horaoe  has 

HOBAOK,  ODE8  IL  zs. 

Ul  bin  tfcat  «t  wnaat  MMfe  fa 

■  e&ef*  JfaaccM*.    Battta*  ttfa  • 

lid*  Mild  ra  hj  UmU  bm 

mU  eerminlj  M  mr" — "- 

b  ii  Mhnlu'  * 

■      i ii, 

—      jldaplMBMMJM-^MMMMMMW* 

L*.  tO  thj  honBt,  MMfMT/,  M  UM  Hfct,  httt  tfail  MMM  Ml  MM 
tnrttar^factmthaverjmiddleof  raoh  a  raaMody.  TOjnanlll 
I  sm  rtronglj  in  nwu  of  iMng  to  ww  a  mneh  widet  nl 
larger  aeriae.-^dorteummon/Le.  to  poetia  the 
hope  of  glorr  and  fmmortantj.  80  taken  it  ghM  « 
hdh,  u  d  the  behaTionr  ol  MMMMU  it  forauttj  oot 
with  that  of  HonuVi  idiutan- '1,  whom  mur  *r~ 

'Hot  I,  flom  hnmble  linengo  ipmng, 
Hot  I,  deer  Petron,  whom  thy  tongno 
Snmmoni  to  fame,  wiil  feer  to  die 
Or  bonnd  bj  Stji'i  fettan  lie.' 
If  Plflt  1  ba  right  in  bii  opinion  M  to  the  Ode,  then  vocom 
would   ba  claarlj    naad  of  'calling  on'  Horaoe  07  nama  at 
the  fnnaral  pjra  and  biddinghim  'hail  and  farewelT;  of.  Cat.  101 
fratcr,  have  oijw  valt,  andVlrg.  Ao.  11.97,  MtM  atttnumtwdki, 
maxime  Palla,  |  uWrnuntoiM  valt. 
7.    obibo]  of.  3. 17.  8  n. 

9.  l*m  lam...]  He  here  ipcaki  u  thongh  he  falt  hi« 
metamorpboiU  ilreadj  beginning. 

MUnt  enuilroi]  'aettlea  down  on  my  anklea.'    ridoand 
iti  componnds  (aa  diatinguiihed  from  itdio)  alwaji  eipreai  a 
iltnc  and  aradual  proceaa  of  noming  lnlo  a  poeition  of  reak 
11,    Iotm)    Notioe  tha  quactitj. 

1S.  Daedaleo  notlor]  80  Orelli'*  4th  edition,  following 
the  bert  M8S.  Orelli'»  old  reading  ocior  involved  an  hlatni 
withont  paruUel  in  Horaoa:  tnoreoTer  thors  ii  no  point  in  the 
poat  aajuig  that  ha  wonld  flj  'mora  iwiftlj'  thau  Ioarui;  on 
tha  othor  liBnd  he  doea  hope  to  beoomo  '  more  famona.' 
Bentlej'i  eonjeetnra  tutior  haa  been  iargelj  aooepted,  bnt  there 

NOTES.  295 

Ioarns  (see  Olas*.  Dfot)  ii  rather  an  unfortunate  type  of 
aoaring  humanity  for  Horaee  to  have  seleoted,  but  indeed  in 
oomidiring  passages  ol  tbii  natnre  a  too  strict  examination  of 
all the  alluaions  ii  only  fooliah:  the  writer  merely  aoonmnlatoa 
a  qnantitj  of  aonorona  and  aomewhat  vague  proper  names,  and 
trnsta  that  they  will  have  pretty  mnoh  the  aame  effeot  on  the 
reader  that  an  old  lady  onoe  oonfessed  to  having  experieneed 
from  'that  blessed  word  Mesopotamia '  in  an  otherwise  nnin- 
telligible  sermon. 

Anyone  who  ezamines  11.  18 — 80  will  at  onoe  see  how 
pnrely  meohanioal  they  are:  any  tolerable  ▼erse-writer  oonld 
mannfaotnre  them,  and  similar  ones  are  to  be  met  with  in  all 

The  whole  Ode,  like  aeveral  in  this  Book,  olearly  bears  the 
stamp  of  havina  been  written  oarelessly  or  before  Horaoe's 
powers  had  reacned  matnrity. 

16.  oanoms  ales]  Le.  a  swan.  Gf.  4. 8. 19,  0  mutit  quoque 
fUeibu»  |  donatura  cycni,  ti  libcat,  sonum.  So  Pindar,  4. 2. 25, 
is  oalled  Dircaeum  cycnum, 

For  an  aooount  of  the  song  of  the  dying  swan  (about  whioh 
naturalists  are  silent)  see  Tennyson'8  The  Dying  Swan,  and  ef. 
the  well-known  epigram : 

«Swans  sing  before  they  die,  'twere  no  bad  thing 
Should  oertain  people  die  before  they  sing.' 

17.  dlsstmulat]  'endeavonrs  to  hide.' 

19.  noscent]  'shall  learn.'  notco  i»  an  inoeptive  verb  like 
the  Ok.  yiyrwricu) ;  henoe  the  perfeot  novi  (and  in  Qk.  tywutta) 
=  •1  havo  learnt,'  i.e.  'I  know.' 

perltns]  proleptio,  not  however  as  Orelli  takes  it,  'me  the 
Spaniard  shall  study  when  he  beoomes  learned/  but,  as  its 
position  between  me  and  dUcet  shews,  'by  the  study  of  my 
writings  shall  the  Spaniard  beoome  karned.' 

Oonsidering  however  the  faot  that  during  the  snooeeding 
oentury  Spain  produoed  many  writers  of  great  eminenoe,  e.g. 
the  two  Seneoas,  Luoan,  Maxtial,  Oolumella  and  QuintUian, 
perhaps  it  is  not  quite  impossible  that  at  this  time  the 
Spaniards  may  have  been  noted  for  literary  seal,  and  that 
Horaoe  may  be  nsing  the  adjeotive  with  striot  aoonraoy. 

20.  Rhodaniqne  potor]  a  periphrasis  for  'dwellers  by  the 
Bhone.'  Of.  Hom.  H.  2.  825,  vlrorrtt  v&vp  uikaw  Ainjroco,  ot 
8.  10.  1,  Tanain  bibere,  4.  15.  21,  qui  Danubium  bibunL 

296  UORACE,  ODES  II.  u. 

91.  lnul]  to  too  luptTvucuoi  1,  34,  beesuse  Honoe  *ill 
■  li.ll  survive,  i.e.  his  fuue  will.  How  there  could  be  »  /unm 
*t  «11  it  is  difliciiit  to  sae,  u  hit  bodv  b&d  been  ohenged  into 
that  of  a  bwui  it  the  beginning  cf  the  Ode:  here  howaver  he 
eeems  to  speak  u  if  hi«  spirit  only  had  taken  flight.  leaving  its 
tenement  of  alay  behind  it,  ovec  whioh  his  friends,  thinking  it 
to  be  Horace,  will  porform  faneral  ritett,  'empty'  ritee  however, 
beoause  the  roal  Horaoa  vrill  bc  Mill  aliva  and  immorlal. 

It  ii  idle  to  attempt  to  explain  the  discrepancj :  oonven- 
tionsl  poetry  and  conventional  painting  evade  the  ordinary 
mlee  of  aritioiim  and  lommon  senu,  sometimee  with  suooesa, 
usually  withont. 



The  first  six  Odes  of  this  Book  are  remarkable  for  their 
sustained  dignity  of  style  and  general  unity  of  subjeot.  They 
are  all  in  the  Aloaio  metre  and  of  eonsiderable  length,  and  all 
dcal  with  subjccts  of  public  and  politioal  interest  Consider- 
ing  the  intimate  relationship  snbsisting  between  Horaoe  and 
Augustus,  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  their  oomposition  was 
at  any  rate  suggested  by  the  Emperor,  whose  object  it  was  to 
appeal  in  support  of  his  political  system  not  merely  to  the 
interests  but  to  the  feelings  of  his  subjeots  (see  espeoially 
Merivale,  c.  41).  Lines  1 — 4  of  Ode  1  seem  to  be  intended  as 
a  stately  exordium  to  the  whole  six  rather  than  8%  a  particular 
introduction  to  the  first  Ode ;  indeed,  aa  the  introduction  to  a 
single  Ode  they  would  be  exaggerated  and  unnatural. 

'  'Kings  rule  over  their  subjeots,  but  are  in  their  turn  the 
subjects  of  almighty  Jupiter:  one  man  may  be  wealthier, 
nobler,  more  famous  than  another,  but  all  alike  are  the  slaves 
of  neoessity.  Then  oease  to  be  anxious:  where  anxiety  exists, 
not  all  the  luxuries  of  wealth  oan  prooure  that  sound  sleep  the 
poor  often  enjoy.  To  want  but  little  is  the  great  secret :  the 
owner  of  huge  estates  is  harassed  by  a  hundred  anxieties  about 
them,  the  builder  of  vast  villas  by  the  sea  often  vainly  flies 
from  care.  If  this  be  so,  why  should  I  wish  to  change  my 
modest  home  for  wealth  which  is  only  a  burdenf 

298  HORACE,  ODES  III.  i. 

1-  odl..,azi»1  '  I  abhor  tba  unhallowed  throng  and  hold 
re  the  celebr»tioo  of  ths  mveteriea  01  any 
iriests  bad  the  uninitiatnd  or  nnholj  to 
an.  6.  358,  proctii,  o  proeul  titt  profani).  ao 
he  prieat  ol  the  Huees,  bidi  »11  who  h»vc 
i  their  11111116  to  depart,  while  he  ehanU  hi» 
tbeir  hononr. 

^.vmuiIU,   ™ de  the  »hrine.'  u  uaed  of  thoso  who  wera 

ii ■: 1 1  allowed  to  enter  it.  So  m  the  lemple  »t  Jeruealem  nona 
but  Jewe  were  aliowed  to  paee  beyouJ  the  outer  oourt,  'Um 
oourt  of  the  OentJleB1;  the  Gentilea  were  profani. 

%.  i»vete  Ilngnll]  Ab  the  ullr-r»iicr  of  ill-ometied  «nli 
vitinled  auy  uared  rite,  it  ni  caetamaxy  for  tbe  prieat  bciom 
com j iioii cing  to  uk  tho  peoplo  ' to  lie  tavourable  witb  their  lipa ' 
(ort  or  tinguit  favtrt),  L  e.  to  utter  none  bnt  favourable  worda, 
and  as  tbe  eafest  way  of  doing  80  waa  to  be  eilent,  the  phrata 
often  praoticailv  meana  'be  ailent.'  The  Ok.  U  «liipijiitiri.  Ct 
Prop.  4.  6.  l.iacrafaiit  valti.iint  ora  favnttia  lacrii,  and  Vlnj. 
Aen.  6.  71.  ortfavctt  onaui.  Cf.  too  9.  II.  11. 
For  non  priiu  avMta  of.  2.  20.  1  n. 

3.  Huaanun  BMerdc*]  poetB  are  the  'prieati  of  the  Muie»' 
aa  being  their  interpreter»  to  men,  and  apeeially  ooneeorated  to 
their  aerviea.  Cf.  Theoc.  18.  29,  !IWdur...lqM«i  irt^riu, 
■  BMored  interpretera  ot  the  Mu»c«.' 

rglnlbu»  puerl 

e  to  the  influe 
tbeni  tbat  tboae  who  wkh  to  improvc  tho  oharacter  of  » 
mu»t  ehieflj  look. 

5.  In  proprloi  gregee]  Supply  imptrium  at  from  the 
neit  line ;  'kinga  have  rnle  over  their  own  flooke.'  For  tha 
metaphor  in  grtaa  ot  tha  Homerio  phnae  'ahepherd  of  tha 

dndlj  idea  k 

in  thia  phraae,  remarkiiig  that,  though  it  i 
c*ll  »  nng  the  'ahepherd  of  the  people,'  it  ia  not  the  aam 
thing  to  oa.ll  the  people  the  'sheep  ot  the  kjrig.'  Thia  L 
eapeciallj  ao  when  the  epithet  proprv»  ia  added,  *  verj  atreng 
word  wbioh  imrdiea  abaolute  ownerahip  (ef.  2.  3.  3S  n.).  WUm 
■olvee  the  diffloultj  by  obaarving  that  to  a  Itomkn  re*-'u 
Oriental  deapot/  «id  thnt  the  aenae  ia,  'the  deapot  to  wboan 
hia  aubjeeta  are  bnt  H  IienJ»  of  «lamisnoiietheleaahimaelf...' 

NOTES.  299 

In  Engliah  the  harahness  of  the  phraea  doea  not  appear, 
owing  to  the  strong  Soriptural  asaooiationi  oonneoted  with 
the  worda  'flookV  and  'sheep,'  e.g.  'fear  not,  little  flook,'  'feed 
my  aheep.' 

6.  nges  In  lpeoi...]  For  the  antithesis  in  thia  and  the 
preoeding  line  of.  the  prayers  for  the  Qaeen  in  the  Prayer- 
Book,  and  espeoially  gnoh  phraaee  aa  'thy  ohosen  servant 
Viotoria,  our  Queen  and  Qovernor,  that  ahe  (knowing  whoae 
minister  ahe  is)....' 

8.  cuncta...]  'that  moves  the  world  with  his  frown.'  The 
phrase  ia  derived  from  the  well-known  linea  of  Homer : 

3  koI  Kvariynv  br  6<ppwri  rcfoc  ILpovlw, 
aiifipofiat  6*  dpa  xairat  tttpp&carro  aVcurrot 
Kparbt  aV  aBararoio,  pJyay  6*  i\4\i£cv  'OXvutov. 

H.  1.  538. 

'He  said,  and  nodded  with  hia  shadowy  brow; 
Waved  on  the  immortal  head  the  ambrosial  looki, 
And  all  Olympua  trembled  at  hia  nod.' 

Lobd  Dbibt. 

Cf.  too  VirR.  Aen.  9.  106,  nutu  treme/ecit  Olympum,  and  the 
oonneotion  between  nutus  and  numen. 

supercUium,  from  tuver  and  cilium  (from  celo)  'tha  oon- 
oealing  thing,*  'the  eyelid,'  ia  'that  whioh  ie  over  the  eyelid/ 
i.e.  the  eyebrow. 

9.  est  ut]  'it  U  poesible  that,»  'it  may  be  that.'  Of.  Qk. 
tertr  owwt. 

latlua]  'more  widely,'  i.e.  over  a  wider  extent  of  ground. 

oxdlnet  arbuata  lulela]  'arranges  hia  treea  in  rows  in  the 
furrows.'  arbustum  is  the  technioal  word  for  a  tree  upon  whioh 
vines  were  trained  (Virg.  Qeorg.  2.  416),  and  ordines  was  the 
regular  word  for  the  rows  in  whioh  they  were  planted.  Of. 
Virs.  Qeorg.  2.  276,  where  an  elaborate  deaoription  of  the  best 
metnod  of  planting  is  given. 

10.  hlo...deaoendat]  The  oonatruotion  all  through  is  de- 
pendent  on  ett  ut.    Aic  =  'another,'  and,  in  1. 12,  'a  third.' 

ln  Oampumj  i.  e.  in  Campum  Martium,  which,  aa  being  the 
beat  known  'Field'  at  Bome,  waa  oonstantly  spoken  of  without 
any  diatinotive  adjeotive. 

desoendere  is  used  partly  beoauae  most  men  of  poaition 
Uved  on  the  hills,  and  hence  it  was  neeessary  detcendere  in 
P.  n.  21 


Doliorque  hni]  Theae  wardi  ire  oppoeed 
cwidiilalo  lias  high  birth,  anotlior  high 
poaitioo  of  ju«  c.(.  2.  13.  38 


i*.     aequ  pmtial 

eepecialiy  ainc 
Mif  tha  godi.  ii— mi. 

16.  moTitJ '  i__l__i,-  01.  V.  8.  _6  _. 

17.  deitrlctui   anala]...     For   the   slory    ase   Claai. 
a.T.  Democlee. 

cul]  =  fi  cui,  or  perheps  <jiu  ciijuj.  'for  him,  over  whoae 

1B.  Slcnlae  dapea)  The  epithet  ia  ehoaeii  partlj  bccauac 
the  feset  of  Damoolea  took  plaoe  at  Sjraeuae,  partly  beeauaa 
Sjracoien  Iqxutj  aeems  to  have  beea  noted.  Plato,  Bep. 
404  n.  uaea  _  upa«_jla  rp&nfe  as  _u  almoat  proTerbial  expree- 

19.  laporem]  'iluvour';  the  word  i>  ideatical  with  tbe 
Bngliah  'aavour.'  iaprre  oriRinallj  raeana  '  to  have  ta«te,' 
aod  ia  llien  nsed  mctapliorieally  =  ■  to  haye  jtidRraoul,'  'to  bs 

'Mothooght  I  beard  ■  toIob  ory,  "Bleep  no  morel 
Maobctb  doea  murder  aleep."— Tha  iunooent  ileep, 
Slecp  (hat  knita  up  ihe  revelTd  aleere  at  oera  ...' 

_C_ee_nm  Tlrontm]    The  genitiTe  goea  eftor  donof. 

23,  U.    non]  w.  /tutidii.     Ttmpt  ii  nenL  plnral,  et.  rrlx*. 

37.  ia»Tua  lmpetua]  'The  fleroe  onaet  of  Mtting  Arotu- 
rni.'  vVben  Arotorai  ('Apmv^t,  the  Ee_r  Wtrd)  «oti  at  tne 
end  of  Ootober,  the  aea  ia  tempaatnona  (tuiBuiiuonu»)  end  the 
merohant  baraittil  (loIUcMal)  abont  hia  ahipa. 

38.  orlentla  Bnedl]  i.e.  e_rlj  in  Oetober. 

39.  non]  ae.  JoUiWfimt  deiideraMcM  euod  lalti  at.    fw. 

NOTES.  301 

80.  mendaxl '  lying, '  because  the  orops  whioh  had  promited 
well  turn  out  badly*  Cf.  8. 16.  80,  ugetit  eertafidet  meae,  and 
Bpiit.  1.  7.  87,  tpem  mentita  leget. 

arbore...]  Tha  oonstruction  is  arbore  culpante  nune  aquat 
mme  tidera  torrentia  agroe  nune  hiemet  iniquat.  arboret  Le. 
the  tree  par  excellence,  the  olive.    aquat,  'rains.' 

82.    sidera]  especially  the  Dogstar. 

88.  oontracU...]  Cf.  8.  34.  8  and  2.  18.  20.  Horaoe  U 
referring  to  the  praotioe  of  bnilding  villaa  projeoting  into  the 
aea :  the  expression  is  of  ooune  hyperbolioaL  For  tentiunt 
uf.  2.  7. 10  n. 

84.    molibus] '  maases  of  stone '  for  fonndations. 

rxequeni]  both  Orelli  and  Wiokham  explain  frequent 
redemptor  a«= 'the  oontractor  with  a  large  etafl  of  assistants,* 
Wiokham  saying  that  referenoe  is  made  (1)  to  the  builder,  (2) 
to  hia  men  (freyuent),  (8)  to  the  servants  of  the  owner  (JamuU). 
I  ean  find  no  mstance  of  frequent  used  in  this  sense  exoept 
with  words  indicating  a  place  (e.g.  theatrumfrequent,  'crowded*) 
or.singnlar  nouns  implying  multitude  (e.g.  ttnatut,  populut 
frequent):  it  would  seem  however  that  frequent  redemptor  eum 
famulit  is  put  poetioally  for  redemptor  frequent  famulit%  i.e. 
frequentia  famulorum  ttipatut  (so  Nauok)s*the  oontraotor  with 
orowds  of  workmen.'  Without  the  addition  of  the  words  eum 
famulit  the  phrase  frequent  redemptor  would  oertainly  mean 
'many  a  oontractor.' 

86.  eaementa]  from  caedot  ohippings  of  stone,  'rnbble': 
it  was  flung  in  [demiUo)  lo  fill  up  the  spaces  between  the  solid 

86.  terrae  fastidlosns]  'sick  and  weary  of  the  iandV 
fattidium  expresses  the  feeling  of  dissatisfaction  and  disoon- 
tent  that  inevitably  resnlts  from  indulgenoe  in  luxnry.  Cf. 
8.  29.  9,  fattidiotam  copiam,  'abundanoe  that  brings  with  it 

87.  Minae]  i.e.  thrcatening  forebodings  of  ooming  harm. 

89.  aerata  trlreml]  'the  brasen-beaked  trireme.'  The 
vessel  is  here  clearly  a  private  one  (cf.  priva  triremit,  Epist. 
1.  1.  98),  used  for  pnrposes  of  pleasnre  or  oonvenienoe,  not 
a  war-veasel  of  any  aort. 

The  words  triremi  and  equitem  are  selected  not  merely 
beoause  'yachte'  and  «horses'  might  be  thought  of  us  able  to 



1  slaere   claxlor   uiuij    'The  wesriiig  of 

po.^.i.  uiuiv  >u- 11  ttun  ths  atsrs.'    In  itriot  grsinmsr  the 

adj,  darior  ought  to  agree  with  purpurarwn,  bnt  In  poetry 
the  trsnsferenoe '  astohange  (hypsllrifje)  of  ths  adj.  from  ooe 
snbstantiTe  to  i  Jier  in  ■  oloeely  eonnected  expreasion  U 
ttot  nneommon.       "  uu.  "      ■"    Tyrrkenuijw  l-ubai 

clangor  =  Tyrrhe%^.  clangor,    Uu    _    II.    327,    fupcroo 

vtero  tinpet  =  IMtki  ■■»  rino*L  ses  too  1. 1B.  84,  Miperbai 
rar-ruini  fatctt,  1.  1E.  33,   i>  «*.  AehiUti,  1.  31. 9, 

fuicna  foict,    1.    ST.   T,  8.  8.    61,   Trojat 

renateent  fortuna,  3.  21.  1!  :<:«,  8.  30,  3,  regatit 

(ilui  pyramidam,  4.  T.  21,  4 

Poiple  is  epolten  of  H  n  the  true  Tyrian 

dye  poseessed  s  peeulittr  h  n  eolour  sooording 

to  the  light  in  whioh  it  ws.  »uj,  5  n.    Purpuros,  aa 

2.  18.  7,  'pnrple  robes.' 

44,  Jtehs.emenlunia.tLe  coitum]  For  A.ahsemenes  u  s  type 
of  wealth  cf.  3.  12.  21n.  The  adjwtiTB  here  is  nsed  to  convey 
the  idea  thst  the  perfiune  wa*  of  tbo  rarest  snd  most  eostly, 
irad  alto  becsuae  aU  pcrfumea  oame  from  the  East. 

45.  cur...Ktrlum}  'why  sboold  I  rear  »  nal]  with  portala 
ihat  srouee  envy  and  towering  high  in  modern  faahion?' 

The  atrium  or  *hiU '  wsj  unoug  the  Iti-.iaii.ns — as  iu  msny 
old  Englisb  tusnsions — the  most  important  room  tn  Ibehoase* 
in  it  were  displsyed  the  inuiotnst,  and  it  w&a  uscd  for  the  re- 
ception  of  olients  snd  Tisitore:  it  wss  therefore  nstura.1  to 
spend  laige  suma  on  its  ueooruuon. 

For  invidndU  ef.  9.  10.  T,  inotdWa  oulo. 

postlbus:  so  Virg.  Q.  2.  168,  in  s  pssssge  whioh  Horsos 
clesrly  haa  in  mind,  deecribes  how  the  elients,  as  they  pour 
forth  from  s  grast  man's  leree,  variot  inkiant  pulckra  ttttudint 
potttt,  'gspe  with  wondsr  st  the  door-posts  inlsid  with  fsir 

nc.T0  rito  soggests  an  sntithesis  wlth  the  aimplicity  of  esirij 
Bome.    CL  3. 16. 14—20. 

47.  psnwtent]  'take  in  eichango.' 

48.  diTitt**  operosloresj  'tho  gresteT  hurdea  of  wesdth.' 

NOTES.  303 

ODE  U. 

On  trae  manliness. — Let  the  boy,  who  means  to  be  a  man, 
lead  a  aimple  and  hardy  life  as  the  beat  training  for  a  soldier's 
eareer ;  in  the  field  let  the  foeman  fear  hixn,  and  let  his  oourage 
be  inspired  by  the  thonght  that  death  is  glorious  indeed  when 
eneonntered  in  his  oountry's  canse:  the  trne  man  is  in- 
dependent  of  the  honoors  the  mob  oan  give  or  withhold,  he 
treads  a  path  of  his  own,  heaven  and  immortality  are  his 
reward,  for  rewarded  his  nprightness  and  trne  reverenoe  shall 
snrely  be,  as  oertainly  as  profanity  and  guilt  shall  be  puniahed. 

1.  amloe  patl]  *to  endnre  gladly.'  This  phrase  means 
mnoh  more  than  'to  bear  oontentedly'  {lente  ferre,  dyanrrwt 
64p*w);  it  is  almost  an  instanoe  of  oxymoron,  and  is  invented 
by  Horaoe  to  ezpress  that  not  only  shonld  the  young  Boman 
'endnre  poverty,'  but  that  suoh  'endurance'  ahonld  be  'welcome 
as  a  friend'  to  him,  seeing  that  in  it  he  will  find  the  best 
training  for  life. 

Observe  the  emphatio  alliteration  in  this  line,  so  too  in 
U.  18  and  16,  and  1.  82. 

pauperiem]  not  'poverty'  bnt  'humble  ciroumstanoes,'  e.g. 
the  oondition  of  a  yeoman  farmer,  from  whieh  olass  the  best 
soldiers  had  always  oome,  cf.  1.  12. 42,  and  8.  16.  87  n. 

2.  robnstns  aerl  militta]  'hardened  in  war*s  sharp  schooL' 
puer]  ef.  virum  1. 14,  juventa  1. 16,  virtut  1. 17,  virtm  1.  21. 

8.  oondiscat]  a  stronger  word  than  dUcat;  so  1.  87.  28, 
comM6tfr«ts'drink  deeply,'  4.  2.  82,  concinet,  stronger  than 

5.  sub  dlvo]  'beneath  the  open  aky,'  of.  1.  1.  25  n.  and 
2.  8.  28  n. 

trepldls  in  rebus]  'amiddeedsof  hazard.'  Livy  twioe  nsei 
this  expression. 

6.  illum. . .]  This  sentenoe  is  difficult  to  render,  (1)  beoanse 
of  the  prominent  position  of  iUum,  (2)  beoanse  althongh 
both  matrona  and  virgo  form  the  nominative  to  tutpiret 
(for  the  verb  in  the  sing.  of.  2. 18.  88  n.),  yet  the  whole  eunse 
from  eheu  to  caedet  ezpresses  only  the  feehngs  of  the  'maiden' 
and  not  of  the  'matron.' 

304  HORACE,  ODES  III.  ii 

■  Him  li.  b,  iuab  ■  jouth  ai 

wife  of  *  wmrring  emperor  b 
■ighing,  alatt  for  feur  lett... 
i  bow  drnmiticnlly  tbe  interjeotion  1*  intro- 
iftei  itiipirr  1 , 

ipociu»]  'har  betrothed  unskilled  in  OOm- 
i  i  genitiTe  u/tur  it  u  intpljing  ignoranoe,  of. 

10.    l»ce«i»t]    Tliiu  Terb  ia  con*ta,nUy  nied  of  n 
proroting  »n  enoonnter  with  ■  dtcgerou»  enemy,  which  might 
eaeilj  h»Te  been  avoided.     „  Jiu, 

arperum  tactu]  'dangerout  to  tonob.'  Tha  aupint  is  1 
nied  more  fullv  to  dufioe  the  meaning  of  t  e  ■djeabTe:  Hor»ee 
more  freqnenllj,  &nJ  the  Oreek*  ntajiy  ilwajs,  use  the  ep- 
exegetic  infinitive  tor  Ibi*  porpose. 

13.  per  medlu  caade*]  'throogh  tbe  thickeat  of  tbe  car- 

13.    duice...] 

*How  blee»'d  is  he  wbo  for  hii  oouutrj  diee. 
Sinee  death  pnnuea  the  coward  u  he  fliea; 
TIk-  jon th  in  vtin  wonld  fly  from  fato'*  attuck, 
Witb  trembLing  kneee  and  terror  »t  hii  baok.' 


Thia stsnia  ii  oonnected  with  the  prcvioua  one  &a  aaaigning 
the  reuon  why  ■  loldier  ebonld  be  brave  u  ■  '  lion. ' 

mcri;  rnon]  For  thii  method  of  joining  c1»ubcs,  of.  1.  2. 

Por  the  lentiment  in  L  11,  ef.  Tjrtuu», 

Tttfitunu  yip  nUi  M  TpopAxa"ri  wirimi 
"irlp   iytMr,  rtpt  j}  rarofti  pupri/uror. 

17.  Tlrtu]  from  trlr,  'intmlinew,'  'Tirtae,'  it  here  clearjy 
dietinct  from  'oourtge'  whiah  bu  alreadj  been  deelt  with 
1L  1 — 16:  it  i*  th»t  uiaulj  independenoe  rod  dttarmtaaUoa  of 
ehamcter  whioh  actt  up  to  the  principl* 

'  Th»t,  beoauu  right  u  right,  to  follow  right 
Were  wiidom  in  tl 

Sooh  ■  ahaiaeter  maj  well  be  deteribed  m  'ignorani  of  dln- 
graoefn!  defeat,'  'bright  with  mbibM  rtigniti*»,'  »nd  inde- 
pendent  of  the  ahilting  'breeieof  popular  mwtt';  M  thennw 
time  Horaoa  it  influenoed  in  hii  deecription  bj  ■  reooUention  of 

NOTES.  305 

the  well-known  Stoio  paradox  that  the  perfeotly  virtuous  man, 
however  low  hia  poaition  in  life,  U  nevertheieas  'rioh,'  'noble,' 
and  *king  of  kings.'  Of.  Sat  1.  8.  186,  Epist  1. 1. 107.  8o 
4.  9.  89  ne  tells  LoUius  that  owing  to  his  virtue  he  ia  *not 
consul  for  one  poor  year'  (contulque  non  uniut  anni). 

repulsae  sordldae]  repulta  ia  the  olassioal  word  for  'losing 
an  eleotiou.' 

18.  honoribus]  honor  is  frequently  nsed  for  *an  offloe  of 
dignity,'  *a  magistracy,'  of.  1. 1. 8,  tergemini  honoret,  and  note. 

19.  secures]  See  Dict.  Ant  s.  t.  fateet,  and  of.  Carm. 
Saeo.  54  n. 

20.  arbitrio]  *at  the  dedsion,'  i.e.  in  obedienoe  to  the  de- 
oision.  The  expression  popularit  aura  explains  itself.  Yirg. 
Aen.  6.  817  has  gaudent  popularibut  aurit  and  Cio.  pro  Cln.  47, 
vtntut  popularit, 

21.  Tirtusl  'Virtue  opening  the  gate  of  heaven  for  those 
who  hsve  not  deserved  to  die  essays  her  oourse  along  forbidden 

immtritis  mori]  i.e.  those  who  liko  Pollux,  Heroules  and 
(^uirinus  (see  next  Ode,  U.  9 — 15)  have  by  the  nobiUty  of  their 
hves  deserved  to  escape  the  common  doom  of  death,  and  have 
won  for  themselves  an  immortality  of  renown. 

22.  caelum]  Of.  Virg.  Aen.  6. 130,  quot...ardent  evexit  ad 
aethera  virtut. 

negata  vla]  Orelli  seems  clearly  wrong  in  explaining  this 
atperruma  quaque :  the  meaning  is  that,  although  to  mortals 
immortaUtv  is  forbidden,  virtue  does  notwithstanding  discover 
the  way  whioh  leads  to  it.  The  expression  recalls  Job  28.  7* 
'There  is  a  path  which  no  fowl  knoweth  and  whioh  the 
vulture'8  eye  hath  not  seen.' 

23.  udam  humum]  Hhe  damp  gronnd,'  i.e.  apart  from 
metaphor,  the  ordinary  mean  and  unworthy  objccts  of  human 

25.  est  et. . . ]  The  difficult  connection  between  these  stansas 
and  the  preceding  ones  I  have  endeavoured  to  make  olear  in 
the  summary,  foliowing  the  guidanoe  of  Pluss.  Opposed  to 
uprightness  (virtut)  and  true  reverenoe  and  respeot  for  the 
mysteries  of  Teligion(  fidele  tilentium)ttxe  profanity(cf.  votyartt) 
and  crime  (ineettot  tcelettum):  the  reward  of  the  one  is  as  sure 
as  the  punishment  of  the  other. 

300  HORACE,  ODES  III.  ii. 

afi.     v.tnhni     '1  will  forbid  0110  who  lut»  mado  pablio  the 
•  to  be  beneath  the  ssine  root-lreo  or  to 

See  Diot  Ant.  i.  ».  Eltutinii. 
ideat  on  vitabo.    Cf.  moh  oomtructions  u 
,  T,  Pub.  Sobool  Primer,  I  166. 
>h     »uiti.|    „ ~oJ  ot  uudoing  the  eable  whioh  fastened  th* 
abjp  to  the  ahore.    For  the  d&oger  ot  embarlring  with  gniltj 
iTit.ii  cf.  Aeacb.  8.  c.  Theb.  603, 

lf  ->  n/i  evwttcffit  rXofs»  «iVtiSili  i"jp 
taL;TQU[    BtpfiOil   Kai    warovpyta   rtei 
6Xu\c*  d*^pi.*  ci!t  BtowrticTtp  -yirti. 
aiid   ilno  GeneeU  1S.  23—33,  'And  Abrahun  drew  near  end 
seid,  "Wilt  tbon  aieo  deatroj  tbe  righteoua  with  thewickedf-" 
Dieaplter]    An  anjhaio  word  Uaed  lo  giTe  ao  impreaaion  ol 
solcmnity,  ef.  1.  31.  6  n.     For  derivation  of.  1.  1.  23  n. 

easpe  ..raro]  Notiae  the  emphatic  poaition  Uid  anlithu- 
sis  ot  tlicse  words.  Tranelate  '  rarely  has  Betribution  witb  her 
halting  foot  left  Ihe  track  of  thc  guilty  though  far  in  tront.' 
Hetribntion  i(  repreacnted  aa  elowly  but  aurely  dogging  the 
heela  of  the  guilty,  eTen  though,  their  crime  hanog  been  oom- 
mitted  loug  before  (cf.  anltetdtntem),  they  might  tbink  they 
had  eacsped.  Bo  too  in  Aeach.  Ag.  59,  Zei'f...i!<rr</>oiriHHv 
»*>w<i  waaafiatrit  'EpirCr,  'Zeus  eenda  after  transgresaors  a  late- 
avenging  Fnry.' 

30.    Integnun)    For  deriv.  of.  1.  *.  22  n.    Here  of  one  in 

wbom  there  is  no  flaw,  'a  boly  man,'  cf.  1.  22.  1,  inttgrr  vitar. 

83.     deeeruit  ped*  Poena,  eUudo]   Ara  tbe  eltiteration  ar.d 

rhythm  ot  tbia  Teree  intended  to  tuggett  tbe  'halting  geiff 

Clntuto  bj  ite  poaition  Tery  omphstio:  'tbough  laine.' 


'The  min  wbo  ia  upright  iu  purpoee  and  atroug  in  will 
nothiug  in  hearen  or  earth  siu  ahake.  Bj  thoee  qualitiae 
mortaJa  h>TB  beoome  dirine,  Follm,  HercaUs, — yee.,  aad 
Augustus  eUo — Bacchua,  too,  and  especielly  Bodm'i  flrst 
toooder  Quiriuua  who  waa  nllowed  to  enter  beaven,  for  Jdbo'i 

NOTES.  307 

worde  were  welcome  to  the  gods  when  ihe  declared  that  her 
wrath  against  Troy  and  Trojan  gnilt  had  been  appeaaed:  ao 
long  aa  Troy  remained  in  ruins  a  lair  for  the  wild  beasts,  to 
the  great  deaoendante  of  the  Trojans  the  path  to  glory  and 
to  world-wide  empire  was  open :  only  let  them  beware  of  the 
greed  of  gain,  and  remember  that  if  ever  they  aonght  to  rebnild 
the  old  Troy,  if  ever  thoae  walla  roae  again,  again  too  wonld 
her  aneient  wrath  ariae  with  rnin  to  the  raoe.' 

Linee  1—16  are  very  aimilar  in  their  thonght  to  Ode  3,  and 
seexn  like  the  whole  of  the  first  six  Odes  to  have  a  didactio 
purpose,  bnt  at  1.  17  the  poet  breaks  ofl  into  a  dramatie  de- 
soription  of  which  it  is  diffionlt  to  see  the  pnrpose.  Orelli 
oonsiders  it  dne  to  'poeticae  jxurnxala*  plemu  impetut,'  while 
Wiokham  speaks  of  the  Ode  as  'more  in  Pindart  etyle  than 
any  that  preeedes  it.'  No  donbt  lyrio  poets  when  the  snbjeet 
of  their  Ode  is  heavy  or  unoongenial  eagerly  embraoe  the  first 
opportnnity  of  introdnoing  any  poetio  narrative  illustrative  of 
their  subjeot,  an  admirable  instanos  of  snch  treatment  being 
the  introduotion  of  the  aooount  of  Regulus  in  Ode  6.  Here 
however  it  is  diffioult  to  see  olearly  how  Juno's  speeoh  in 
any  way  illnstrates  the  praise  of  justioe  and  firmness  in  the 
opening  lines.  Again  it  would  perhaps  be  possible  with  Orelli 
to  refer  the  lines  to  the  •full  rush  of  poetio  fanoy,'  and  say 
that  Horaoe  had  forgotten  hU  theme  in  the  enthusiasm  of  his 
verse  (a  doubtful  oompliment  to  a  poet),  but  it  is  only  too 
evident  that  the  lines  are  not  merely  the  outburst  of  fanoy  but 
written  with  a  definite  purpose.  The  eztraordinary  emphasis 
with  whioh  the  prohibition  to  rebuild  Troy  is  dwelt  upon  ean- 
not  be  acconnted  for  on  merely  poetioal  grounds:  it  seems 
unealled  for  and  mars  any  poetioal  symmetry  there  may  be  in 
Juno*s  speech.  On  the  other  hand  we  know  of  no  adequate 
historical  reason  that  oan  be  assigned  for  the  introdnetion  of  so 
strong  a  warning;  Suetonius  (Caes.  79)  does  indoed  tell  us 
that  there  had  existed  a  rumour  that  Julius  Oaesar  intended  to 
remove  the  seat  of  empire  to  Alexandria  or  Hium,  but  it  is 

308  HORACE,  ODES  III.  iii. 

eitlier  tbat  such  *  rumour  oould  tnva  becti 

i  calm  and  philOBophic  Auguitui  or  that  he 

1  to  luch  a  method  cf  refuting  it  ae  theae 

_        ,     Leitly  undor  no  circumstaneei  i»  it  eaiy 

j  uunt        )n  between  the  rebwlding  of  Troy  and  the 

opening  line*  oiue  Ode. 

riuae  «looe  gives  e  reaaonable  solution  of  theee  diitlcultict : 
tbe  clue  to  the  Ode  which  he  fttniishea  ii — with  some  altera- 
tion—  this: 

Uprightneis  Biid  strength  of  will  have  won  for  individnnla 
fame  e>nd  immortnlitj :  by  these  virtues  Romulae  tlie  founder 
of  Rome  reachcd  heaven ;  bv  tbete  Rome  haa  broken  tbe  bau 
tiint  reited  npon  Trov,  e>nd  ihall  attain  to  univereal  empire, 
Only  she  muit(l)iuok  upon  ths-t  empire  m  a  responsibUlty 
and  not  a  meani  for  lelf-enriohment,  (2)  sbe  muit  not  imagine 
that  ihecan  restoro  thftt  whioh  basbeen  doomedto  dcstrnction, 
i.t  apart  froni  fljniboliani,  she  muat  givo  np  tbe  old  RepubUe 
ond  acccpt  the  new  Monarohy  u  tbe  diviucly  appointed  oon- 
dition  of  her  ct 

n  propoaltlj    Mnny  verbal  adjectivee  in  ax  take 
in  objective  genitive,  s.  g.  tdax,  rapux,  capax. 

8.  voltusj  graphio,  because  anger  is  displayed  in  the  faee. 
Cf.  Ptalm  M.  1«,  'the  faet  of  tbe  Lord  ia  againit  them  that 
do  avil.'    tmtantii=  'lowariiut.' 

4.  msnte  qoaut  tolida]  'ibakee  from  hii  rook-liko  por- 
pose.'  Wiokham  is  olearly  right  in  rondering  sofUe,  'mk< 
like,'  especisUy  in  conneotion  with  tho  mention  of  'aea'  and 
'storm-wind'  immediatelr  aftarwardi. 

For  tbe  wholc  paaiage  cf.  Tennyion'i  Will : 
*0  weU  for  bim  whose  will  ii  strong! 
He  inffer»  bnt  ha  will  not  tuffer  long; 
Ha  suffers,  but  ho  oannot  anffer  wrong: 
For  bim  nor  movoa  the  lond  world'i  random  mook, 
Nor  aU  Calamity's  hugest  wavee  oonfound, 
Who  seemi  a  premtmtory  of  rock, 
That  compMi'd  ronnd  with  turbnlent  sonnd, 
In  middle  ocean  meeti  the  sorging  ahoek, 
Tempeat-buiteted,  oitadol-orown'd. ' 

NOTES.  30!) 

6.  dux...Hadriae]  C£.  1.  13.  15,  arbiUr  Hadriae,  and 
note.    The  wind  ruU$  the  wavea, 

7.  il  fractus...]  'should  the  ihattered  universe  o*erwhelm 
hhn,  tfae  rnins  will  strike  him  untrembling.' 

■1. .  .Ulabatur . .  .ferlent.  Note  the  irregnlar  oonaeontion,  the 
indio.  expresaing  the  eeriainty,  the  enbj.  the  hypothetit. 

9.  hac  arte]  *by  tnch  virtue,'  Le.  by  the  virtne  deeoribed 
in  1. 1.    Ct  4. 16.  12,  veteret  artet =»the  virtues  of  anttanity.' 

For  Pollux,  Heroules,  and  Baeohus,  see  Dict.  Ant.  They  are 
frequently  seleoted  as  types  of  deined  mortal»,  cf.  4.  6.  86, 
Eput.  2. 1.  6  and  Tao.  Ann.  4.  88. 

10.  eniana. . .]  *  striving  upwarda  reaehed  the  ttarry  heiffhts. ' 
enitut,  whioh  expressea  foroing  a  way  ont  or  npwards,  ii 
clearly  right  here,  though  the  beet  MSS.  give  innitut. 

11.  qnoa  lnter...]  The  introduotion  of  the liTingAngnt- 
tue  'quaffinff  neotar  with  ruddvlipe'  in  thit  Boman  valhalla 
for  departed  heroee  ie  oertainbr  atartling.  To  tpeak  of  the 
Emperor  as  a  'god  on  earth,'  as  'deetined  to  retnrn  to 
heaven'  (aee  1.  2.  40 — 52),  ia  only  the  language  of  extrava- 
gant  flattery  and  the  pureat  Latin  writere  (e.g.  virg.  G.  1.  24), 
but  to  apeak  of  a  person  aotually  living  aa  aotually  'drinking 
neotar  in  heaven'  is  to  offend  not  only  our  moral  but  our 
intelleotual  judgment,  an  offenoe  of  whioh  the  olaaiical  writere 
are  rarely  guilty.  Some  MSS.  give  bibet  whioh  lookt  like  a 
eorreotion  but  perhaps  improvee  the  paasage.  The  uae  of  the 
term  Auguttut  would  seem  to  place  the  date  of  the  Ode 
about  b.  o.  27,  the  year  in  whioh  that  title  was  oonferred  on 
the  Emperor.    See  Merivale,  o.  xxx.  and  Ovid,  Fast.  1.  609. 

12.  pnrpnreo  ore,  says  Wiokham,  'impliee  the  halo  of 
rosy  light  which  surrounda  the  beatified  Augustus';  the  more 
prosaio  rendering  'ruddv,'  ie.  with  wine,  seems  deeidedly 
more  natural,  but  should  be  perhaps  rejeoted  for  that  reason 
in  a  passage  of  this  character. 

18.  merentem]  i.e.  as  having  travelled  through  Asia 
teaohinff  men  the  use  of  the  vine,  and  introduoing  oivUiaation 
(of  which  the  tamed  tigers  are  a  type). 

16.  Martls  eqnls]  'on  the  ohariot  of  Mars,'  his  father. 
Ovid,  Fast.  2.  498,  desoribes  the  ascent  of  Bomulus  to  heaven: 

kine  tonaty  Jdne  mittit  abrumpitur  ignibut  aether; 
Jlt  /uga  ;  rex  patriit  uttra  petebat  equit. 


.  p»..      I*  intweit.     M  3.  1*.  1  n. 

19.    fatalls]  'i  fomod,'  i.e.  bringing  with  him  doiith  and 
deatroction.    juJt*  refers  to  the  famoui  'Judgment  o!  Faria' 
which  broughl  00  hirn  the  wrath  of  Junci,  ef.  Virg.  Aeu.  1.  36, 
mantt  altd  rrpottum 
jurlieium  Pari  „.  iryund  format. 

30.    nnllar  p*r««,i  n.     Jt  ia  to  the  mpe  of 

Helen   tbat   ivceitui    i  "   alao   refara  to  hii 

dsaiaioo  iu  favoar  of  \c  if  Jnno  or  Uinerva 

(ef.  comuu,  I.  3S). 

ei  quo..  Laomedon]  'Bince  the  dnj  whpij  Laomedon  hsting 
6xed  thc-ir  reward  failed  the  gods.'  pollo  ind  Neptune 
helped  Laomedon  to  build  the  welli  o  Troj,  md  he  then 
refuaed  them  their  wage».  dtitituit  =  "leit  in  the  larch.'  ex 
i/iui  =  n  guo  tempore,  nnd  ii  to  be  taken  with  damnattm;  the 
oitj  wu  'conderoned  from  the  day  wben,  Ao." 

2S.     iun...hospes] 

'The  Spartan  wanton'a  ahameless  gaest 
No  longer  fleunts  in  brave  vnj,'    Mabthi. 

Orelli  rlghtly  bbvb  that  it  !l  aimpler  to  take  aduittrae  aa 
the  genitive  aftar  kotpet  thtui  ns  the  dstive  after  tptendtt, 
though  ipltniitt  aduttmu  might  e&aily  mean  'decks  himself 
for,'  i.e.  to  pleaaa,  hie  miatreaa.  Horaoe  refera  elsewhere  to 
the  briUiant  tppaaianoa  of  Paria,  t.  1.  16.  13—30,  4.  8. 
13—18,  and  of.  Hom.  H  8.  893,  idttrf  r*  »rtt*W  xal  daw», 

36.  Faria  ta  oalled  /mmMbI  honu,  'Um  infamoaa  guaat,' 
beoaaae  hia  violation  of  the  lawi  of  hotpitality  added  donble 
infamy  to  bia  erime. 

b  to  ths  gods  having  taken  diffarent  aidea,  and  being  there- 
e  onable  to  decido  what  tha  iaana  ahonld  be. 

NOTES.  311 

sedltlo=#«-  d-  itio,  *a  going  apaxt'  (of.  te  in  tejungo),  exactly 
repreeents  the  Greek  *r*Vif ;  it  ia  *a  dividing  into  two  factions' 
or  'parties.' 

80.  protinusl  'forthwith,'  immediately  from  now:  from 
pro9  and  tenut,  wnioh  impliea  unbroken  suooession,  that  whioh 
*holdt  on*  (tenet)  to  a  thing  being  that  whioh  oomea  imme- 
diately  aiter  it    Cf.  continuus. 

81.  nepotem]  Mare  the  father  of  Bomnloa  was  the  aon 
of  Jnno. 

88.  Troloa  aaoerdoa]  Bhea  Sflvia,  aee  Ciaes.  Diot.  a.  v. 

88.  Martl  redonabol  redono  ia  only  fonnd  here  and  2.  7. 
8  (where  it  meana  *to  give  baok'):  Wiokham  and  Orelli  aay  it 
iM»oondonot  withont  anthority.  Nanok  zightly  ezplaina:  'I 
will  give  np  to  Hara  who  haa  a  elaim  on  him,'  re  being  naed  aa 
freqnentiy  in  reddo  (ol  2.  7.  17  n.)f  e.g.  a  poatman  reddit 
evUtolam  *handa  it  over  to  the  peraon  to  whom  it  ia  addreaaed,' 
•duly  delivera  it.' 

lHum  ego]  Notioe  the  jnztapoaition  of  theie  emphatie  pro- 

84.  dnoere]  *to  drain,'  'qnafP,'  cf.  L  17.  22  n. 

85.  adaorlbl...deornm]  *to  be  enroUed  among  the  peaoeful 
ranka  of  heaven.'  The  word  adteribere  (aee  Diot.)  ia  a  teoh- 
nioal  one  for  *adding  to  the  regiflter/  e.g.  of  oitixena.  In  hia 
uae  of  the  word  ordinet  Horaoe  is  donbtlees  thinking  of  the 
'rows '  or  'ranka'  of  aenatora  in  the  Boman  Curia. 

quietU]  The  adjeotive  ia  naed  partly  aa  suggeating  an 
antithesia  to  the  oontinued  struggle  in  whioh  the  raoe  of  Troy 
haa  hitherto  been  engaged,  partly  in  referenoe  to  the  Epiourean 
belief  that  the  goda  enjoyed  a  'aaored  everiasting  oalm,'  un- 
marred  by  any  oare  for  numan  aorrow,  of.  1.  34  Int 

87.  dnm]  •so  long  aa,'  'provided  that/  of.  1. 16.  26  n. 

88.  qualibet...beati]  'let  the  exiles  reign  and  proeper  in 
whatever  qnarter  of  the  world  they  wiU.'  exuUi,  i.e.  the 
Bomans  aa  desoendants  of  the  Trojana  who  had  been  driven 
into  perpetual  •exile*  from  Troy:  the  word  ia  employed  how- 
ever  with  a  oertain  oontempt;  with  aU  her  magnanimity  Juno 
ia  not  above  the  feminine  weaknees  of  saying  aomething 
nnpleaaant  (of.  the  eneer  implied  in  peperit  eaeerdot,  1.  32, 
and  obaerve  the  aame  thing  in  Lydia,  3.  9.  21  and  22). 

312  HORACE,  ODES  III,  iii. 

J2.  iutl  Knmbiitio  both  bv  iteclf  aad  from  iti  position. 
ito  i«  uned  in  preferenoe  to  any  of  its 
i*B  inunoveble  fiiitv;  the  soiaJiBees  of  the 
.  Cf.  Yirg.  0. *.  208,  ilct  fortwu  _om_i. 
»]  The  intransitive  verb  triumphari  haa 
poel  Ireqncntly  nses  tlie  paat  part.  paaaiv* 
_  imphed  over,'  'led  in  triumph.'    The  con- 

vi:_«r_OL  -.  uie  i      i  i»  i ts  eicuse.    pottit  = '  he  strong  to. ' 

44.  feroi]  _jry,'  'warli-e,'  in  aniitheaie  to  iri_moh_ru. 
dare  jura  =  'to  impoee  lawa  oa.'  For  ifedij  =  'the  PartWn»,' 
of.  1.  3.  51  q. 

16.     qu»  ..KLlui'         ■  g  iea  divides  Europe 

from   the  African,  i  ■  wm'        ' 

Theae   words  e™1-  .  _  orot 

cosit»'  are  tfa  o.  oi  arda 

Egypt  towerda 

4B.  tnmldt  ;»t  _rv_]  The  refcrPiice  ii  to  tbe  ennual 
overflow  of  the  cn  which  thu  fertilitv  of  ERypt  depenrts,  ef. 
Virgil'a  carcful  u„,icriptian  (O.  4.  392),  tt  virijjgm  Atgyptum 
mgrii  fteunaat  harena. 

49.  lumm..  . dextral  a  aomewhet  awkward  etanaa,  in  which 
a  freah  coudition  ia  imposed  on  Rome'»  eiercise  of  empir»,  vis. 
that  sbe  sball  be  snpenor  to  the  Inat  of  gold.  'Mors  orave  in 
ileapising  gold  left  undiscQvered— *nd  so  better  placed  when 
eartb  hides  it— than  in  amaaaing  it  with  handa  that  aeiie  for 
hainan  ends  all  holy  thing».'  Tho  coustruction  rpernere  fortior 
quam  cogtre  is  a  harah  extenaion  of  the  uae  of  the  epeiegetio 
infinitive;  the  parentheais  tt...celat  adds  needleae  oompleiity, 
and  the  neceseary  acparation  of  eoijert  froin  humanot  in  -tm  is 
nniiatisractorT.  For  the  eenae  of.  Milton,  Par.  L.  1.  688,  TitleJ 
tbe  bowela  ol  their  molher  earth  {  for  tieasure»  better  hid.' 

53.  qnlonnqne...]  'whalever  limit  has  bean  M  to  tba 
□niverae  thia  shall  sho  reach  with  her  inni,  eager  to  aeo  in 
what  qaarter...' 

By  j_icwur_i...o6ititi(  Horace  means  nothing  mona  tban 
we  do  when  we  speak  of  '  the  enda  of  the  eaith.' 

53.     qu*...ig_ee]    i.e.    the    torrid    sone.      _«*_ce**-t_r- 
'ravel  to  the  end,'  ■  till  they  h_ve  had  enongh  of  it,'  t! 
nothing  to  oontrol  them.    Hor_sa  is  fond  of  theae  o> 
witb  dt,  et.  1.  S.  U  a. 

66.     qua.  .rorei]    Tbe  frigid  xone. 

NOTES.  .313 

58.  hac  lege . . .  ne] '  on  this  condiiion . . .  that  (they  do)  not.' 
pii]  piut  expresses  the  dutifol  affeotion  of  a  ehild  for  iU 

parents,  here  that  of  the  Romans  for  their  parent  oitj  (wrp6- 


59.  rebus]  'fortunes.' 

60.  Troiae.  Troiae]  Of.  1.  2.  4  n.  «Of  Troj,  if  it  rite 
again  with  mournful  omeni,  the  fortone  ahall  be  repeated  in 
grievons  disaster.' 

61.  renaacena]  bj  hjpallage  (cf.  3.  1.  42  n.)  in  agreoment 
with  fortuna  instead  of  Trojae.    For  aliu  of.  1.  16.  5  n. 

64.  sorore]    So  Virg.  Aen.  1.  46, 

att  ego  quae  divom  ineedo  regina  Jovitque 
et  toror  et  eonjux. 

65.  aeneua]  i.e.  strong  aa  bronze.  Of.  8. 16. 1  and  1.  35. 
19,  manu,..aena. 

66.  auctora  Phoebo]  abl  aba.s'bj  Phoebua'  aid';  he 
helped  to  bnild  Troj  (▼.  n.  on  1.  21,  and  of.  Virg.  Q.  8.  86, 
Trojae  Cynthiut  auctor). 

69.  nen  hoc...]  A  convenient  deviee  for  abruptlj  termina- 
ting  a  lengthj  poem,  whioh  haa  fonnd  manj  imitatora.  Of. 
2.  1.  37—40. 

*8uch  a  strain  will  ill  snit  the  sportive  Ijre':  pathetio 
deacriptions  of  war  and  diaaster  are  the  subjects  of  epio  and 
dramatic,  not  of  ljric  poetrj. 

72.  magna  ..parrls]  'to  dwarf  with  pnnj  veree  a  mightj 
thenie/  of.  1.  6.  9,  conamur  tenuet  grandia,  aud  4. 15.  3. 


'Inapire  me,  Oalliope.  Naj  methinks,  je  Musea,  that  I 
am  alreadj  liatening  to  jour  voioe  and  wandcriug  amid  jonr 
haunta.  You  bj  heaven's  favour  speoiallj  guarded  mj  infant 
jears.  Tonrs  I  shall  be  ever  and  everjwhere:  jon  thrios 
have  saved  mj  life:  with  jou  I  will  dare  to  go  anjwhere. 
Your  taak  it  ifl  too,  when  all  his  wearj  wars  are  over,  to 
give  rest  and  refreahment  to  great  Oaesar,  aud  aid  him  with 

314  HORACE,  ODES  III.  iv. 

your  uver  welcome  oonnaeli  of  gentleneas  and  peooo.  (He, 
Ib  Ihe  woild,  and  overthrow  all  impioui 
)    wa    know    that    Jupiter    overthrew    tlie 

iiom  ikilful   Ode,  bb  Orellf  remarkB,  in  whioh, 

■etioa  elling  od  hii   own  eareer  m  the  ehild  of 

_•  wiuea,  Hork„  by  an  eaiy  trnniition  prooeedi  to  panegyrhe 
tlie  government  of  Augnitai,  ths  gentlenen  of  which  can  only 
be  dne  to  the  nini  fostoring  cars,  and  flnally  witb  singular 
abruptneis  but  aingul  uo  .  ■  dramatia  aooonnt 

of  the  defeat  of  the  gianu,  wbien  ai  ;  suggesta  the  thought 
how  Jove'i  great  vicegeioiit  on  n>>u  ohall  in  like  manner 
be  victorious  over  bii  foes. 

1.  descende  caelo]  Becnnse  tlie  Mubpb  dwell  in  heaven. 
Cf.  Hom.  II.  2.  491.  'OX^nalfi  iloOtt,. 

dlc  ■««...]  "eome  brenthe  upon  the  pipe  a  lengtby  lay,  or  if 
thou  now  dost  obooBe  with  clear.ringing  voice,  or  with  the 
itrings  and  harp  of  Pboebtis.' 

OreLli  seyi  that  Calliope  ia  allowed  tkrte  ehoices  [libia — 
tni  voce  actita — ica  fidibu$  citltaraque),  (1)  to  utler  a  laj  on 
the  pipe,'  whicbprobanlymeani'alay  acconipnniedby  tbe  pipe,' 
(3)  a  lay  aung  withont  aocompaniment,  (8)  a  lay  aceonipajiial 
by  tlte  lyre. 

Wiekbam  says  that  only  laa  choices  are  mentioned,  snd 
tbat  Horaoe,  nfU-r  nsking  for  a  lay  ncconipanied  by  the  pipe, 
correcta  bimself  in  I.  3  and  leavea  it  to  Clio  whether  '  it  shall  be 
voee  atKta  (and  ao  accompanied  by  Ihe  pipe)  or  vocl  gravi 
(and  10  acoompanied  lv  -i,-  stringed  instruinent).' 

Orelli'1  view  leemi  olearly  eimpler,  while  that  of  Wiokham, 
ln  addition  to  the  awkwardnen  of  making  rJoraoe  oorreot 
and  balf  repent  in  1.  8  what  be  had  aaid  in  1.  1,  givea  a  verj 
foroed  emphaaii  and  meaning  to  acutn,  which  ii  merely  eqnivs- 
lent  to  the  Greek  ilyita  the  itock  opithet  of  thi  Hnaaa  (t.  Plat 
Phaedr.  087 1). 

The  reading  eitkarave  hai  all  tha  MS.  anthority,  bu* 
only  add*  to  the  eonfuaion  by  auggeating  to  CalUou  a  famtk 
oboioe,  'the  itringi'  (i.e.  of  the  lyn»)  or  'the  aithara.'  It 
would  «eem  moreover  impomible  that  Horaoe  ahoold  hara 
writteii  fidibvi  citharuve,  u  the  word  fidibnt  doae  Dot  in 
aoy  waj  iuggeat  the   'Ijra'  at  oppoeed  to  tha  'cithara,'  bart 

NOTES.  315 

u  equally  applioable  to  either.  On  the  other  hand  the  hendi- 
adys  (ot  2.  7.  9  n.)JUUbus  eitharaque  ii  simnle  and  naturai,  ot 
Virg.  Aen.  6. 120,  Jretus  cUhara  Jidibusque  eanoris. 

6.  auditfi?]  Horaee  represents  himeelf  ai  hearing  the 
Toioe  of  Calliope  in  anawer  to  his  appeal,  but  referring  to  hii 
eompanions  to  test  the  realitj  of  his  impression. 

luditl  'xnocks.'  amabiUs  injanta=*a  fond  illoiion':  the 
phraae  u  an  inatanee  of  oxymoron,  of.  3.  11.  85  n.  The 
Greeka  oonstantly  speak  of  the  state  of  poetio  inspiration  as 
MomaffftSt,  and  iuud*%  v.  Plat.  Phaed.  246  ▲. 

6.  plos]  'holy,'  i.e.  where  only  holy  beings,  hnman  or 
divine,  may  enter.  Oroves  and  rnnning  streams  are  always 
spoken  of  as  the  favourite  haunts  of  the  Muses. 

9.  me  fabuloaae]  Both  words  are  emphatio  by  their 
position  and  juztaposition.  'Well  may  I  hear  their  voice,  for 
I  have  been  from  ohildhood  speoially  marked  out  by  myaterious 
signs.'    Gf.  1.  22.  9. 

fabulosae,  in  agreement  with  palumbet,  'storied,'  e.g.  as 
drawing  the  oar  of  Venus.  The  epithet  in  olose  oonneetion 
with  the  emphatio  me  draws  attention  to  the  faet  that  the 
poefs  early  years  were  assooiated  with  legends  and  tales  of 
mystery.  Gf.  the  aneodote  of  a  swarm  of  bees  settling  on  the 
Ups  of  the  infant  Pindar.  Note  the  position  of  the  two  pairs  of 
oontrasted  words,  mefabulo»ae...puerumpalumbes. 

Volture  ln...Apuliae]  A  very  doubtful  passage,  whioh,  as 
it  stands,  must  mean  *on  Apulian  Voltur  just  bevond  the  limit 
of  my  native  Apulia,'  i.e.  on  Mount  Voltur  which  is  in  Apulia, 
and  oalled  Apulian,  but  on  a  part  of  it  whioh  stretches  Just 
beyond  the  border  of  Apulia.  The  explanation  given  of  this  is 
that  Horace  was  born  at  Venusia  on  the  borders  between 
Apulia  and  Lucania,  and  indeed  elsewhere  desoribes  himself  as 
'half  Luoanian,  half  Apuiian'  (Lucanue  an  Apuht»  emcepe, 
Sat.  2.  1.  84).  Such  eztreme  aoouraoy  however  of  local 
description  seems  singularly  out  of  plaoe  in  so  imaginative 
a  passage,  and  the  remarkahly  harsh  variation  in  the  quantity 

of  ApUhu;  and  Apulia  (whioh  is  1  think  without  a  real  parallel) 
at*  once  suggests  that  the  text  is  oorrupt.  Of  the  various 
alterations  however  suoh  as  in  arduo,  in  arido,  Umina  eedulae, 
limina  PuUiae  (assumed  to  be  the  name  of  his  nurse),  none 
carries  oonviotion.  The  reading  Volture  in  avio,  whioh  Keller 
adopts,  is  the  most  taking. 

r  n.  22 

316  HORACE,  ODES  III.  iv. 

•  in  tbe  quautiiin  of  proper  nuini  Orelli 

Prlamiia,  haltu    itnlia.   dtc.,   bal  thew 

ty  for  Burh  a  liolent  dauble  change  in  two 

i  wo  h»ve  here.     Tho  oeeM  in  whiah  tbe 

Tery   the  iwml,  »nd   ea    the    quantity, 

ire  referred  to  1.  33.  II  n. 

11.  >rn  orst  with  pUj  and  |weighed  down)  with 

ileep  «1«  but  perfectly  lucid  eipreaaiou,  oopjsd 

from  ..  _  .      08,  ttiiiTV  i&diiKtrrti  qtt  «I  vwr^.    For 

poait     .  ..  gur  cf.  _  19.  38  n. 

13.  mlrum  quod  foret  omnlbui]  '  »n  iluit  it  {ijuod  ii  ei- 
pteined    by  u: . , .infa-ni)  wu   a  marvel   to  ■11.'     Fur  quod  =  ul 

id.  tm  Pub.  School  Pnmer  &  173,  173. 

14.  nldum]  BecaQae  the  town  iu  ■ituatod  like  a  'nrst' 
higb  np  unong  the  rock»;  it  'neetled'  among  them.  Aohe- 
rotili»,  Il«nli»  and  Forentum  »re  alt  iid»U  plaoea  iu  the  netgb- 
bourhood  of  Horaee'»  birthpleco. 

15.  lUtui)  tracta  of  bill  and  dnle  thickly  wooded  and 
u»cd  for  pniture,  'glcna.'    Iwmilii=  'low-lying.' 

17.  ut  ..donnlrem.  nt...]  Tbese  clmucs  eipUin  mirwm 
qvod  iii  1.  13,  'it  wm  ■  marrel  hew...l  «lept,  hov....'  A  oUnM 
with  ut  il  frequently  cmployed  to  eiplain  ■  neuter  pronoun, 
■uch  aa  koe,  iltuil,  guod,  Sie.,  but  ui  here  ii  »lso  to  •ome  ii- 
tent  dcpendent  on  minim. 

»tn.)  'deadly,'  ef.  1.  S7.  37  n. 

18.  Mcn...myrto]  The  'Uurel'  kBcred  to  Apollo,  aad 
tbe  'mjrtle'  to  Venn»,  ure  aeleoted  u  •jmbolio  of  Jua  futur» 
career  ■<  the  poet  who  thoold  eing  the  praisai  of  lon:  Apollo 
and  Venui  are  marked  ont  u  hii  tutelar  daitie*  (ot.  non  «tfM 

30.  non  ..tnfmna]  'not  without  uearen'*  feTour  a  aon. 
rageoue  child,'  i.e.  by  heaTon'i  epeoUl  Utout,  m  ritu  Di* 
being  an  initance  of  litota»  (ot  L  18.  9  n.J. 

All  the  editora  give  aitfmonu  =  'eonregeou»,'but  it  tt  hard 
to  Me  whftt  partieuUr  'eourage'  an  infant  ahewe  who  wandere 
into  the  woode  and  when  tired  out  liea  down  and  falU  iilifi, 
or  why  Honoe  ahonld  allude  to  bia  'oonrage'  hera  at  all. 

On  tlis  other  band  animiu  (ot.  eVeaM ,  attma  and  intfirm, 
affiart)  wonld  be  oorreotlj  naed  of  '  unpiration,'  aa  ln  Virg. 
Aen.  6.  13,  magnam  euf  aweUM  animumqua  |  Dfliui  uuMnl 

NOTES.  317 

vatet.  As  therefore  animotut  i»  s'poesessingafii»tii«,'might 
not  itf  meanings  vary  with  the  meaning  of  animut,  and  might 
it  not  here  s'poeeeesing  inspiration,'  ,in*pired,r  The  eon- 
neotion  with  the  next  stanse  ii  thoe  admirably  meinteined: 
'  inipired  child.  Tes,  and  as  you  inspired  my  ehildhood 
so  will  I  be  yours,  0  Miises,  <fcc'  Seilar  rightly  givee  "e 

21.  ln  arduos  tollor  Sabinos]  'I  elimb  the  Sabine  hille,' 
Le.  to  my  Sabine  farm  among  the  hilla,  cl  2. 18.  14  n. 

22.  frigtdnm]  Praeneste  20  milee  S.E.  of  Bome  was  on  a 
lofty  hill  and  from  its  oonseqnent  'ooolness'  was  a  favourite 
eubnrban  resort  of  those  who  wished  to  avoid  the  excessive  heat 
of  Bome. 

28.  Tlbur  suplnum]  'the  slopes  of  Tibur.'  tupinum,  lit. 
'upturned ' :  the  opposite  of  pronut. 

24.  llqnidae  Baiae]  'the  clear'  or  'bright  air  of  Baiae'; 
for  this  use  of  liquidxu  cf.  Virg.  Q.  4.  59tperaettaUmliquidam, 
«'through  the  clear  summer  air.'  Horaoe  elsewhere  alludes 
to  the  'brightness  of  Baiae,'  Epist.  1. 1.  83,  mUlut  in  orbe  tinut 
Baiit  praelucet  amoesiit.  Baiae  was  the  Brighton  of  Bome, 
and  the  whole  ooast  frozn  Baiae  to  Puteoli  was  studded  with 
▼illas.    See  Merivsle,  o.  40. 

That  Uquidae  could  mean  *by  the  sea'  I  oannot  believe, 
and  the  description  of  Baiae  here  as  a  'watering-plaoe'  would 
be  curious. 

25.  amleum]  gives  the  reason  for  his  preservation, '  beoause 
I  was  dear  to....1    Jontibut,  e.g.  Castalia,  Hippoorene. 

27.  non...arbos]  'neither  did  an  army  routed  at  Philippi 
nor  an  aocursed  tree  destroy  me.'  Horaoe  was  a  tribunut  vtili- 
tum  in  the  army  of  Brutus  and  Cassius  whioh  was  defeated 
at  Philippi,  of.  2.  7.  0—16.  For  the  'accursed  tree'  ct  2.  13 

28.  PallnurusJ  a  promontory  on  the  W.  of  Luoania  so 
oalled  from  the  pilot  of  Aeneas  who  lost  his  life  there  (Virg. 
Aen.  8.  873).  We  know  nothing  of  Horace  having  been  nearly 

80.    Bosporum]  of.  2.  13. 14  n. 

33.  Britannos  hospitibus  feros]  cf.  1.  35.  29  n.  Their 
repntation  for  cruelty  was  no  doubt  in  great  measure  due  to  the 
reports  of  human  sacrifices  by  the  Druids,  to  whioh  Taoitus 
(Ann.  14.  30)  refers. 

22— Z 

318  HORACE,  ODES  III.  ir. 

A  tribe  of  the  Cantabri,  for  whom  et.  2. 
loni  cf.  3.  9.  23  n.  Virgil  deecribee  them  aa 
ulated  with  horse'»  blood'  (rl  lac  concrttum 
tquino).     Such  itorie»  must  be  taken  at 

unnem)    The   Trdeub   (Don),   aee   CIi 

37.  Toe...anti  ]  'Tmi  too  to  exalted  Caeaor,  longing  io  end 
hia  labonra  uio  i  u  he  hu  diapoaed  among  the  town»  "- 
war-wom  aquadrn-''-  "" —  rannar.  ~  -  ** — Hn  e»»e.' 

Notice  the  i  ia  thii   with  the  j 

oeding  atanzas. 

For  addidit  —  „Wuu  n.n.i  rtdotdit.    Orelli 

aupporta    addid~  ,    18.    81,    colaruat 

Capua  atqtit  Nnt  tnatat  tunt,  ud  DO 

doubt  the  practice  m  «  nenia  of  land  at  tbe 

cloee  of  a  oampaign  in  _        uguuui  if  Tariou»  towni  wr  _ 

auffloientiy  eommon  («*         ■%.  Ecl  ■■■iil  leenu 

aomewhat   oiatter-of-Ittci   nnd   prcEj...-     w  ird.     abdidit   w  e 
plaioed  u  luggeeting  the  idea  of  welJ  nltrMunt,  but  thit 

idea  is  harshlT  eipresaed  bj  «peaking  .ip  troops  a«  'hidden 
in  the  towna.'  reddfdif  givea  eiceUent  eense,  but  aeema 
clearlj  a  eorreotion,  for  bad  it  been  the  original  reading  it  i» 
diffkult  to  aee  why  it  ihould  haTo  been  altered  to  the  more 
diffleolt  nddidit  or  abdidit. 

41.  -oe...almul  'jou  gentle  ooanfiele  give,  nud  when  thej 
Bre  giTen  rejaice  with  kindlj-  eare.' 

iuo  'gentle  oot-uaela,'  whiiih  the  Ma»  gire  uid  whion  ths 
Tictoriona  Auguitui  foUowi,  would  »t  ouee  auggeet  ■  oontrut  to 
eTfliy  Boman  mind  with  the  pronoription»  of  Ifarini,  Snlla, 
and  Antonj. 

dato]     Horaoe  clearij  impUea  bj  hia   uee  of  the  periect 

Chera   after  tbe  pruent  dafu  that  not  merelj  do  thej 
;«  'gWe'  or  'proffor'  oonnael,  but  that  what  they  ao  profEex 
beoomea  a  real  gift,  Le.  ta  not  onlj  proffand  brtt  acetpui, 

ahnat,  from  alo,  =■  'fostering,'  'nurturing';  tha  Iftuaa 
treated  Caeaar  u  their  'foater-child'  {alawuau). 

Notioe  that  ctmriiium  i»  aoannad  u  a  trhr/Uabla,  tha 
eeeond  i  bniug  prouonnoed  almoat  like  «.  Bo  too  priicipl»»» 
6.  6,  and  in  Virgil  oblttt  (Aen.  11.  687)  u  a  daotjl. 

13.    aoimtu...]    For  the  oonneotion  of  thonght  aee  Bmn- 

NOTES.  319 

lmpios  Titanas  lmmanemque  turmam]  aoe.  after  tuttu- 
lerit  to  which  the  nom.  ii  {ilie)  qtd  in  L  45.  Ihe  words  are  a 
good  instanoe  of  hendiadya,  eee  2.  7.  9  n. 

44.  fnlmlne  oaduoo]  'with  down-ruahing  bolt'  Of.  Prom. 
Vinot.  858,  corcu/Sdnyt  etpavwot.  eaducut  more  usually  signifies 
•ready  to  fail, '  e.g.  2.  13. 11. 

45.  lnertem]  The  earth  is  eo  called  because  of  iti  hnge 
and  apparently  motionleat  bnlk,  and  alao  to  afford  a  eontrast 
to  mare  ventotum.  Gf.  1.  84.  9,  where  bruta  tetlut  and  vaga 
ftumina  are  oppoaed. 

46.  urbes  regnaqne  triitia]  'oities  (of  the  living)  and 
realms  of  gloom/  Horaoe  elsewhere  (2.  20.  5,  urbet  relin- 
quam  and  1.  86.  10,  urbetque  gentetque)  uses  urbet  absolutely 
without  any  adjective  as  =  •  the  world/ 4  the  hauntf  of  men,'  and 
ao  here,  doubtlesB  for  the  aake  of  brevity  and  to  avoid  too 
numerous  adjectives,  he  boldly  plaoes  it  by  iteelf  in  oontrast 
to  the  'realxns  of  gloom.'  In  rendering  into  Engliah  howerer 
it  seems  necessary  to  add  some  qualifying  words  for  the  sake  of 

Notioe  that  et  joins  temperat  with  regit,  and  that  regit 
governs  all  the  accusatives  from  urbet. 

48.  aequo]  'impartial/    Notioe  the  emphatio  position. 

49.  magnum  Ula  terrorem...]  The  lines  from  here  to  the 
end  are  olearly  inoonsistent  with  11.  42— -48.  After  reading 
how  as  sole  ruler  of  the  universe  Jove  had  with  his  thunder 
annihilated  the  Titans,  we  are  not  prepared  for  the  sudden 
statement  that  Jove  had  really  quaked  for  feart  and  would 
indeed  but  for  the  firm  front  displayed  by  some  of  his  subordi- 
nate  deities  have  fared  badly.  Horace  seems  to  have  been 
unable  to  forego  the  opportunity  of  introduoing  the  brilliant 
dramatio  passage  which  follows. 

50.  fidens...brachiisl  No  doubt  Jldent  governs  brachiit, 
though,  as  Wiokham  well  says,  'Horaoe  intends  by  the  oollo- 
oation  of  horrida  to  give  the  foroe  of  fldent  braehiit  quibut  hor- 
rebat.9  The  adj.  horrida  is  used  partly  in  its  primary  sense 
of  'bristling*  in  referenee  to  the  innumerable  arms  with  whioh 
each  giant  positively  'bristled'  (cf.  centimanut  Gyat  below) 
and  to  the  appearanee  of  the  'forest'  of  arms  so  npraised  (of. 
horridi  3.  29.  22),  partly  in  ito  derivative  sense  of  'fearfuT  in 
referenoe  to  the  effeot  produced  on  Jove.  Translate  'that  band 
of  youth  confident  in  (the  horror  of)  its  upraised  arms/ 

320  HORACE,  ODES  III.  iv. 

61.  UndtntM  ImpoeoiiseJ  '  itriving  to  h»ve  piled.'  The 
parfact  ii  ond  b*MM it  iu  theix  objeot  not  marelj  'topile' 
Pelion  on  Olyojpus  but  'to  keep  it  piled'  theie  ku»  amploj 
itui  means  of  scaling  heaven.  Cf.  1.  1.  *,  coliigiue  iuval. 
Wicltham  baa  &  very  olcaj  and  rall  note  on  tbie  poiot. 

opaco  =  '6hady,'  i.e.  well-wooJcd. 

The  brothere  were  Otui  and  Eptnaltea,  and  for  the  storj  cf. 

virg.  G.  i.  aao, 

«t  eoniuratot  catlum  reicindere  fratrei. 
ter  iunt  conoli  impantre  Pttio  Ouam 
ttilictl,  aiqii4  Onat  frondoium  imohere  Olymjnm. 

Bi.    minacl  ststu)  '  with  threatening  mien.' 

57.  ccutra.  .]  'But  whnt  [itdqmd  1.  53)...ooold  theyevail 
rushing  egeiust  tbe  eehoing  ahield  of  Pallaaf ' 

eegl<  =  0(7(1  (aee  Lidd.  and  Scoltl:  in  works  of  art  the  m,  . 
of  Palla*  is  not  ■  ahield  hut  a  «ort  01  short  cloak  or  breastplat* : 
in  Smith'e  ClaSB.  Dict.  several  illustratione  are  giveu. 

60.  nunquam ...]  'Iiu  wiio  from  hie  ahoulderi  ihaJl  nevir 
Uy  asiJti  the  bow,  who...'  In  tha  subsequent  lUuie  Horsoe 
dwells  opon  tbe  attributes  of  Apollo  bs  afTordiog  in  hie  besuty 
sod  dignity  sn  effeotive  contrast  to  the  mooitious  Titane, 

For  ApoUo  with  the  bow  cf.  the  weU-known  Homerio  epi- 
thets  spplied  to  him,  (■aritfJiNoi.  iXvTeVofoi,  and  in  Lstin  Arci 
irntns:  the  famoua  itatae  of  the  Apollo  Belvidere  at  Kome 
repreeeats  him  u  the  ideal  of  menlj  beautj. 

Sl.     Urlt]    Cf.  2.3.  18  n.«=.'flowing.' 

ao  not  snow;  pernspe  11  wu  ane  10  s  suppoaea  ww 
tion  between  Ljcie  and  ius:  the  epithet  X*t««  spplied  to 
Apollo  iu  Greek  i«  varioualy  eiplained  m  'Lydan,'  'light- 
giving'  01  'a-olf-alajing,'  v.  Lidd.  snd  Soott,  ■.  v. 

Anyho»  we  know  thet  Apollo  hsd  s  templa  at  Paten  ao 
tbe  eoMt  of  Lycia  where  he  wed  to  deliver  oreclee  in  win  ter. 

03.    natalem  sUvamJ  on  Ht  Cjnthus  ln  Delos.    See  CHim. 

NOTES.  32 1 

66.  Yii  oonslll...l  'Strength  void  of  judgment  falls  by  its 
own  weight:  strength  eelf-eontrolled  the  gods  also  inoreaee 
more  and  more:  bot  they  abhor  the  ■trong  whoee  thoughte  are 

The  'maxiins'  or  'opinions'  ($ententiae  L  70,  yptyuu)  here 
enunoiated  expreet  the  morei  lesson  to  be  deduoed  from  the 
defeat  of  the  giants  and  are  aiso  further  iUostrated  by  the 
■tatement  of  their jpnniahment  (11.  78 — 77)  and  by  an  appeal  to 
the  fate  of  Orion,  Tityoe  and  Pirithous. 

Yis...Yim...Ylres:  usnally  vit  s'violenoe,'  virefs*atrength,' 
bnt  here  no  eueh  distinotion  ia  to  be  drawn. 

mole  rult  sua,  cf.  Epod.  16.  2,  $ui$  el  ip$a  Roma  viribxu 
ruit,  the  metaphor  is  from  a  building  whieh  is  reared  to  such  a 
sise  that  it  falls  in. 

67.  Idem]  -  *  but  they  also,'  cf .  2. 10. 16  n.  vire$, '  strength,' 
Le.  the  strong;  cL  animo  in  nezt  line. 

68.  omne  nefks  anlmo  morentee]  Nauok  ealls  attention 
to  the  marked  assonance  ian$tu,mo  mo. 

70.  notns  et...]  'and  Orion  too  notorious  as  the  assailant 
of  the  spotless  Diana.' 

73.  inleota...]  'Piled  on  her  own  monsters  Earth  groans, 
and  mourns  her  offspring  hurled  by  the  thunderbolt  to  pale 

The  giants  were  the  offspring  of  earth,  henee  called  momtra 
$  ua.    Gf.  yiyavTH  as  if  from  7oTa  and  ylywoncu, 

75.  peredlt]  Notice  that  this  is  a  perfeot.  The  giants  were 
pinned  to  the  ground  with  a  thunderbolt,  and  then  had  a 
mountain  piled  upon  them :  the  Yolcanio  nature  of  Etna  and 
similar  mountains  was  sunposed  to  be  due  to  the  fire  thue 
planted  at  their  baae,  and  their  eruptions  to  the  agoaized 
writhings  of  the  giante. 

78.  reUquit]  'has  left/  i.e.  from  the  time  when  it  was 
plaoed  there.    For  Tityo$  of.  2. 14.  8  n. 

nequitiae  addltus  custosl  nequitiae  is  dative  after  addi- 
tust  the  Yulture  is  'assi^ned  to  his  profligaoy,'  i.e.  assigned 
to  him  on  aocount  of  his  profligaoy,  as  a  perpetual  warder. 
PlauL  Aul.  8.  6.  20,  hae  cuttodem  addidit. 

79.  amatorem]  'per  \iT6njra  pro  $cele$to  raptore*  Orelli; 
and  for  the  bad  sense  of  amator,  of.  Epist.  1. 1.  88,  Cic.  Tusc. 
4. 12.  27,  aliud  est  amatorem  me,  aliud  amantem, 

treoentae]  i.e.  anv  indefinite  number:  in  this  sense  eexeenti 
is  xnore  common.    Pirithous  attcmptcd  to  carry  off  Proserpine. 

322  HORACE,  ODES  III.  v. 

Jt  hiu.  h»n  •uoogjted  to  me,  atid  I  think  with  «001111  reason. 
oal  iueUnoea  eelectcd  by  Horaoe  in  tnete 
arc  seleoted  with  a  dcfinita  purpoae:  thej 
'(  thoee  wbom  lait  bu  ruined— Unlalor 
Titfttt,  amator  PirMumi.  Coturideriog  to 
addteseed  and  wboee  Tiotories  ero  boing 
1  be  little  doubt  wbo  tbe  fallen  fo*  bitttod 
Antonj  who  had  periahed  in  the  raetho*  of 
._.     iiil-ir  eloqueut  otnisaioni  o(   hie   name  cl. 

. it.,s.  S.H    k, 

ODE  V. 

'  Jove  ii  the  king  of  heaven  uul  AuguBtus  i»  hii  Tioegerenl 
on  esrth,  ts  sball  be  ninnifett,  when  he  hu  added  BriUin  snd 
Ptrtbit  to  his  empire.  And  yet  (tbough  flome's  fortune  tnd 
Bome't  fntare  tre  thae  sssured)  ooald  tbe  soldiers  o(  Crassae 
condeseend  to  jHirdmac  their  livo»  liy  roptidiating  their  religion 
ainl  ilicir  race  and  nooeptinR  tlia  li(e  ol  barbariani!  It  waa 
auch  a  decnj  of  tbe  tiitc  apirit  of  nation»!  hoaour  that  Begolu* 
foreaaw  and  feared  when  be  refused  assent  to  diahoDoorabl* 
tcruis,  nn  inTolving  ■  preredent  whicb  wonld  be  faUl  to  agee 
yi.  t  UDborn.  "No,"  be  eaid,  "let  tboee  who  lorreuderod  periah 
unpitied.  Whj  should  you  seek  to  recover  euoh  menf  Oaoe 
eowarda  thej  will  bo  alwayt  eo.  Think  bow  thej  heve  given 
glory  to  Carthage  »nd  brought  luty  low  evea  to  tbe  doet." 
And  tben  wtthoat  one  kiia  to  wife  or  ohild  &■  one  disgraoed, 
witbout  reiaiDg  hii  eyee  tiom  the  gronod  ontil  he  had  con- 
finned  the  wa-erlng  tenaM  in  their  «tern  reaolra,  ba  h— tans d 
baok  to  exile,  to  torture  and  to  deatb.' 

For  tbe  defeat  ot  Cnuwaa,  *c.  m  1. 3.  91  n. 

1.    eaeXo]  with  ngnan  in  oppoaition  towrasseiH  .inu, 

8.  tdlecUs]  to  be  taken  in  oonneotlon  with  the  fatnra 
hobetritvf  as  =  not  'sinoe  thoj  bare  been,'  bnt  'wben  thej 
ahall  hiTB  beeii  addebV 

For  the  Britanai  of.  1.  80.  39  D.  Juliua  Caaaax  had  mtde 
raida  i  oto  Britain  s.c.  69  and  64,  but  it  m  not  reallj  mbju- 
gkted  nntil  the  reiRn  of  Cltudius,  a.n.  48. 

NOTES.  323 

4.    gravlbusque   Persis]    See   note  on  1.  2.  22,  gravet 

Plttss  rfchtly  obsenres  that  these  four  linee  give  the 
groond  for  the  indignant  question  whioh  follows,  eee  Sammary. 

6.  miletne...]  A  sndden  oatbnret  of  indignation:  'Oould 
the  eoldier  of  Orassus  live  in  disgraoeful  wedlock,  his  wife  a 
barbarian?'  It  eeems  simplest,  with  Wiekham,  to  take  ecn- 
iuge  barbara  at  an  ablative  abeolate,  rather  than  at  the  ahla- 
tive  after  turpit — 'disgraeed  by  a  barhario  wife' :  the  eense  is 
the  same  in  both  eases. 

6.  hosttum  sooeroram]  Conington's  'earning  his  foemen- 
kintmen*M  pay'  avoids  the  awkward  word  'fathera-in-law.' 

7.  pro] '  ett  demirantit  eum  indignatione '  Orelli  '  0  shame 
fbr  oor  eenate  and  oharaoter  overthrown.'  curia,  oris^nallj 
=the  Oaria  Hostilia  where  the  eenate  met  frequenUy,  is  osed 
for  the  senate  itself  (of .  2. 1. 14,  eontulenti  curiae),  whioh  is  here 
mentioned  as  a  type  of  Boman  institutions. 

9.  Hedo  Marsus]  Notioe  the  antithetioal  ooUooation. 
The  Marsi  were  proverbial  for  their  bravery.  01  2.  20.  18, 
and  for  the  famous  Marsio  War,  see  8.  14.  18  n.  Horaoe  with 
a  reasonable  partiaiity  joins  with  them  his  native  Apulians. 

10.  ancllionim]  See  Dict.  Ant.  e.  v.  Salii.  On  the  pre- 
servation  of  the  ancile  whioh  fell  from  heaven  the  safety  of 
Bome  was  said  to  depend.  Horaoe  seems  to  have  koown  a  nom. 

togae]  The  distinctive  Boman  dress,  of.  VirgiPs  famoos  line 
Aen.  1.  282, 

Romanot  rerum  dominot  gentemque  togatam. 

11.  aeternae]  'undying/  in  referenoe  to  the  famous  nre 
which  was  kept  ever  burning  on  her  altar. 

12.  incoluml...]  'While  Jove's  temple  stands  oninjured 
and  the  city  Bome,  i.e.  the  soldier  aots  as  thoogh  these  were 
in  roins.  Iove  is  put  for  'the  temple  of  Jove/  i.e.  the 
Oapitol,  the  sign  and  symbol  of  Bome's  dominion.  Of.  8. 8. 42, 
ttet  Capitolium. 

18.    hoc]    See  Introduction  to  Ode. 

15.  et  exemplo...pubee]  'and  making  ruin  eztend  to  the 
ages  yet  to  oome  from  the  precedent,  if  the  captive  youth  were 
not  allowed  to  perish  unpitied.' 

32,  HORACE,  ODES  III.  v. 

The  phnu  ptrnicitm  trahentii  ia  reroarkable :  bot  iin 
ira/u>  «'to  draw,'  'dng  out,'  'eitend,'  »  pereon  mtjba  eaid 
'  frooi  *  praoedeut  to  dng  out  or  eitend  ruin  into  the  fatnra,* 
wbo  detaribM  ot  for e*ee e  rnin  eo  eiteoding  from  •  praeedeot 
into  the  fatare.      So  Pliiu  rendera  coraiutiehtlich  hintintruf. 

Nanok  iraM  dietntii.    The  emendstion  trahcnli  U  tempting 

iut  u  a  pantlel  U> 

:   Begulue  objecti  on  two  groundi,  (1)  he  diiagreee 

t  olearly  wrong,  tor  irahtntii   U  i 

with  the  eotoal  tanni  u  diigrocefal,  {3}  he  foreseee  that  tbe 
preoedoot  involved  U  ruinoui. 

17.  H  non...pnbei]  Theae  wordi  eiplain  cismplo:  the  pie- 
cedent  would  aiUe  'if,  *o.'  For  the  lengthening  of  tha  nnal 
ayLlable  in  pn-iret,  of.  1.  3.  3<i  n.  ptrirtnt  U  an  obviou  coneo- 
tion  end  doubtfa!  giaiomei. 

Plttia  argnM  ationgly  th»t  the  dootn  of  tha  ■  ooptive  jouth ' 
wu  not  dependeat  ou  the  deouiion  ot  tho  Romui  Senate,  but 
on  tbat  of  the  Carthaglnieni  who  migbt  poMibly  treat  them  u 
well  u  tbe  Parthiani  ■fterwarde  did  tbe  troops  of  Ciuiui,  end 
tkli-"  that  it  U  the  fkte  end  oonduot  of  Regulus  which  &ie  the 
nukio  point  oq  whioh  Horaoe  ia  dwelling.  He  therefora  puta  • 
fall  *top  efter  periret,  sml  miikea  immucrabilis  taptiva  yubti 
m  indignant  eiohunation,  '  Unpitied  (be)  tbe  coptne  youth  1 ' 
the  deioription  of  Boman  diagraoe  wbicb  followi  giving  the 
reaeon  why  thera  abould  be  no  pity,  The  aense  given  ia  eicel- 
lent  ftod  the  riag  of  tbe  venes  mueh  improved  by  thii  punotua- 
tion,  wbieh  U  very  likely  to  be  right. 
1B.     stgna]  i.e.  Itomeu  eagles. 

30.  aine  caeda]  'without  bloodahed':  notice  tbe  britlUnt 
antithesea  militibui  rint  caedt,  citnum  re(orfo...  Ii  fcero,  warriors 
who  eurrendered  without  flgbting,  free  Itoroau»  who  had  be- 
oome  uaJtuagiaien  ainvea. 

31.  ego.  ..vMi.  Tldl  agol  Hotioe  ttw  emphula  with  whioh 
««■'with  my  owd  eyea'  U  tepeated,  and  how  in  repeeting 
the  two  worde  tgo  vidi  tbe  ordoi  U  oarefally  chenged,  in 
«ooordanoe  with  the  abnoat  nnlveraal  pnotioa  of  tha  ttomu 
poeti,  for  ■  beeutifol  example  of  whioh  of.  Ov.  Her.  S. 
S9— 48,  and  cf.  4.  13. 1,  audivrrt  Di...Di  andiwri. 

3H.  portuqua  non  clanau]  Tho  dgD  of  aeonrity  ud 
peace.     Cf.  A.  P.  199,  fljwrtii  oliaporri». 

at  MTm,..noftni]  «The  fieldi  beiog  tiiled  our  wiurrion  had 

NOTES.  325 

35.  s&llcetl  from  tcire  lictt  'one  may  know/  'you  may 
be  sure,'  'doubtless,'  ii  frequently  used  ironioaliy.  ocrior 
» 'keener  for  the  fray.' 

27.  damnum]  Orelli  says  'not  the  loss  of  the  ransom'  but 
the  'demaffe  whioh  would  aoorue  from  sueh  e  preoedent.'  I 
oertainly  tnink  that  damnum  doea  refer  to  auro;  Begului 
of  oourae  does  not  mean  'Think  too  of  the  money  it  will  cost,' 
but  he  uses  the  worda  in  bitter  irony,  juat  aa  he  had  used  the 
■triotly  meroantile  worda  auro  repentut  ('handed  baok  orer 
the  oounter  for  due  weight  of  gold'):  'if,'  he  says,  'you  eare 
not  for  the  diagraoe  (fiajfitium)  of  Buoh  traffio,  at  any  rate  I 
xnajr  urge  you  to  buy  eomething  worth  what  you  pay  for  it,' 
whioh  he  then  ahewa  (U.  27 — 86)  theae  aoldiera  are  not.  So  too 
Naoek  takea  it,  oomparing  Eur.  Bhea.  102,  aUxpa*  yap  lyur  «oi 
vp&t  alrxfirjl  «curoV. 

amlssos  colores]  i.e.  its  pristine  purity  and  whiteness. 
medicata  fuco^  'dressed  wlth  djre.'  medicare,  *to  doetor,'  is 
freouently  used  as=4to  dye,'  as  is  the  Greek  «ty/ftdV*eu>. 

29.    semel]  forttl,  'onoa/  'onoe  for  alL* 

80.  curat...]  'eares  to  be  restored  to  the  degraded.'  dete- 
rioreefiunt  ex  bonte,  peioret  ex  malitt  says  the  SchoUast. 

81.  extricata]  from  ex  and  tricae  'trifles'  (said  to  be 
derived  from  Trioa  a  proverbially  insi«nificant  town  in  Apulia) 
and  then  'petty  annoyanoes,'  'perplexities.' 

88.  perndls]  in  opposition  to  credidiL  of.  8.  7.  18  perfida 
credulum  and  8.  27.  25  doloto  credidit,  and  also  with  a  special 
referenoe  to  the  'perfidy'  whioh  without  reason  was  always 
attributed  by  Boman  writers  to  the  Carthaginiana,  e.g.  Livy 
in  desoribing  the  oharaoter  of  Uannibal  attnbutes  to  hun  per- 
fidia  plut  quam  Punica.    Cf.  4.  4.  49,  perfidut  HaimibaU 

85.  restrictis  laosrtis]  *  With  arms  bound  behind  his  back.' 
Cf.  1.  22. 

86.  sensit]  as  usual  of  feeiing  anything  painful,  of.  2.  7. 

lnars»4gpiritlefts,'  used  of  doll,  sluggish  oowardice,  cf.  4.  9. 
29,  inertia. 

87.  hlo...]  *He,  ignorant  whenoe  to  win  life,  eonfounded 
peace  with  war.'  hic  is  rhetorioally  used  to  produoe  a  ririd 
effect,  as  though  Begulus  picked  and  pointed  out  a  single 
soldier:  iutensity  is  gained  by  individualiaatiou. 

326  HORACE,  ODES  III.  v. 

undn  vttam  iumeret  puti  iutooblique  ui 

old  be   uiutt    vitan  lunum  ■     The  uuw 
'Bj  theawori' 

n  dutllo  mitcuit  conUin    the   gama   'mer- 

haa  been  referred  to  in  tbe  notee  011 11.  36, 

«  1     got  that  in  war  there  ihonld  be  no  'malting 

•  b«      ining,'  no  anoh  ptoceful  methoda  of  eettte- 

:iS.  dnello]  li»  old  form  of  biUuta  ia  nffected  bj  Hon» 
here  to  give  1  1  ol  arcbaic  ditrnity  to  tbe  p»ss»ge,  cf.  1.  84. 
5  u.  A  aimilar  I  i«ilion  of  du  into  b  is  fonnd  in  bii  =  Jun.  of. 
Jau,  dupLtx.     80 ii  1  duo  tomu. 

40.  alttor  nrJ  17  not  ■]  r  tban  tbe  ruinp, ' 
bat  'toweriog  bigl  'on  the  1  of  Ilome.'  of.  Loo. 

1.  480,  rictoqut  in. at  m»t»,  Eur.  7*29, 1»'  dij  M  'rl 

roii  <(ioii  <a*«!  |  ifijX*»  iEmu. 

41.  fsrtttr]  Htn  Bagalua'  apeeeh  ei  s,  »nd  tha  narratiTe 
reoommencei  1  the  iransition  ie  made  oL  _i  bj  placiug  ftrtur 
n«  firet  word  of  Ihe  aentence. 

42.  ut  capitil  mlnorl  Horaee  »fl*r  hu  nmnner  ilightlj 
altera  to  a  more  poetioaJ  ibape  the  U  *l  tegal  phrase  capiu 
demimitui.  The  word  capul  wai  a»  ipresa  the  full  bodj 
of  righti  poHeeeed  bj  a  Hiimui  b1L__ii  is.  thoae  of  libertj, 
filizensbip  »nd  fnniily  {libtrialii,  eivitatU,  familia»):  the  loaa 
of  anj  of  theae,  e.g.  of  liberty  u  in  the  caae  of  Begului,  in- 
volved  deminuiio  capitii.  Being  therefore  no  longer  a  fult 
citiien.  Reguim  oonsidered  himsolf  to  hare  forfeited  atao  tha 
polition  of  pater  familiai,  or  'head  of  the  hooeehold.* 

eapitii  u  the  ■o-oalled  genitive  of  reepect,  and  ii  to  ba 
compared  wilb  aaoh  phranea  aa  mtlirioe  iinpi(ier,  ittUgtr  vitat, 
itri  ttudionan,  Ao. 

44.  torTM] 'grimlj.' 

45.  donao...]  goea  with  ponttiit:  h»  flied  hii  gaxn  grimty 
on  the  grooud  'untii  hii  weighty  worda  mighi  oonflim  tha 
wavering  fathera  with  oonniel  nieh  ai  never  before  waaei*ea': 
after  thet  he  reoorered  hii  Boman  oalmneaa  aa  deaoiibed  ia 

NOTES.  327 

porter'  of  a  proposal;  but  there  often  attaohes  to  it,  as  here, 
a  oollateral  notion  that  the  peraon  to  whom  it  ia  applied 
possesses  auctoritat,  that  hii  eharaeter  lende  weight  to  his 

Orelli  says  that  the  nse  of  contilio  xs  pointed;  that 
whereas  a  senator  had  a  right  tententiam  dicere  'to  declare  his 
judgment,'  Begulns  as  being  capitit  minor  was  now  only  able 
consUium  dare  4to  give  advine,'  and  I  suppose  he  mnst  there- 
fore  ezplain  numquam  aliat  dato  as  ezpressing  that  Begnlus 
•had  at  no  other  time  so  given  countcl,'  thns  again  reesJling 
his  degradation.  Such  an  ezplanation  seems  too  reeondite: 
the  weight  thrown  on  contilio  is  too  great,  and  the  meaning 
of  this  bold  and  powerfnl  stansa  is  rendered  obsonre  to  any 
but  eritieal  and  learned  readers,  and  lastly,  the  whole  pnrport 
of  the  stanza  seems  to  be  to  portray  the  dignity  of  Begulus 
rather  than  his  degradation  (see  note  on  auctor).  I  translate 
therefore,  *with  eonnsel  snoh  as  ne*er  before  was  given/  and 
ezplain  the  words  as  referring  to  the  nnpreoedented  nobility  of 
the  oonnsel  with  which  Begnlns  oonnselled  his  own  oertain 

48.  egreglns  ezsnl]  Ozymoron.  properaret,  emphatio: 
he  'hastens '  lest  he  be  reoallea. 

49.  atqnl]    Cf.  1.  28.  9  n. 

60.    non  allter]    To  be  taken  with  quam  tit  1.  53. 

51.  dimorlt]  from  dit  and  moveret  'to  make  to  stand 
apart,'  so  as  to  form  a  lane  down  which  one  may  paas. 

53.  olientnm...rellnqneret]  'he  were  leaving  the  tedions 
bnsiness  of  his  cliente,  their  snits  decidod.'  It  was  the  dnty 
of  the  patronut  to  give  advioe  and  assistanoe  to  his  olients 
(cUentet,  «X^orrer,  'those  who  listen'),  especiaily  on  legal 
matters,  the  old  Boman  aristooraoy  all  possessing  legal  train- 
ing:  this  he  would  do  at  Bome,  after  wnioh  he  would  be  free 
to  seek  the  repose  of  his  eountry  estates. 

55.  Venairs3ios...Tarentnm]  Looal  oolouring  to  give  reality 
and  distinctnesa,  see  1.  1.  18  n.  See  too  8.  7. 1 — 8,  Favonii, 
Thyna,  NoUt,  Oricum,  Caprde.  As  here,  he  freqnently  seleots 
his  names  a  good  deal  for  their  harmonious  sonnd.  Moreover 
the  quiet  ending  of  the  Ode  affords  an  artistie  oontrast  to  the 
rhetorioal  emphaais  of  the  main  portion,  cf.  4.  2.  60  n.,  4. 
14.  52  n. 

56.  Laoedaemonlnm  because  founded  by  Phalanthns,  for 
whom  see  Class.  Diot. 

328  HORACE,  ODES  III.  vi 

g  fathcrB  will  be  viaited  npon  the  ehildren 

:  templea  of  tho  goda  are  reftored :  to  re»o- 

re  owo  the  rise  of  our  empire,  to  onr  neglert 

n  i  ts  rmn  ;  let  the  defeata  we  heve  alreadj 

«u  «■  »»iu,iib  to  Uh.     Moreom  immorahl.v,  like  a 

nooa,  b»  OTerspread  tbe  nation  end  aapped  tbe  foundetiona  of 

tbat  simple  hotuehold  lifs  in  whiob  were  reared  the  earlj  * ' 

diere  of  Bome.    Alaa,  eo  we  more  from  ■    "  lo  worse.' 

The  Ode  oomxnernoretee  two  portiona  .  tbe  domeetia  poliej 
of  Augustui,  (1)  The  reetoration  of  manj  decejed  temple* 
(TirgU  aaji  300,  Aen.  6.  716,  maxina  Urtentatn  u 
per  urbrm)  aa  4  vieible  aign  of  hia  deeire  to  reatore  the  old 
oualom*  fird  obsBrvanoea  of  Bome,  ef.  Ovid,  Faet.  2.  83,  wbere 
he  addreseee  bim  a»  lemplorum  poiitor,  ttmpUrrum  tancte  r, 
pojlor;  (2)  Tbe  introduclion  of  sevcral  measnrea  intended  lo 
check  the  continnnl  decrense  ia  tbe  number  of  regnler  t 
riagei  which  m<  dne  partlj  to  tbe  deoaj  of  reiigioas  feeling 
Bnii  n  oonseqnent  loosrncsa  of  morsla,  pertlj  to 
coftt  of  living  biiJ  the  more  Ininrioae  babita  of  eooietj— 
whieh  alweja  rapidlj  diminiab  tbe  number  of  martiagei  in 
a  commnnitT  and  which  legielation  faila  to  obviate.  See  Dict. 
Ant.  Lae  lulia  Papia  et  Poppaea,  and  cf.  S.  M  and  i,  5. 
21 — 26,     For  the  whole  Bobjeet  aee  MorivaJe,  o.  SS. 

1,  dellcta,...]  OnlU  qnotea  In  illnatration  a  fragment  of 
Enripldea  (ro  w  nWrrw  .*d\*«r'  <It  r*k-  iwyt**  [m  $tm 
reJrowi),  which  aeema  to  reprodnae  the  tbtj  wordi  of  Bxod. 
30.  6,  'I,  the  Lord  thj  Ood,  am  a  jaaJoua  God,  viaiting  Um 
iuiqnitj  of  the  fatbeii  npon  tbe  children.' 

3.  Somanal  Bo  too  ths  ringnlttf  ii  fonnd  In  the  fcMBM 
lina  of  Virgil,  Aen.  6.  BB3,  Tu  rtgert  impirio  popvlot,  Aoaeae*, 

S.  UbenUal  'monldering':  labi,  'to  alip,'  'glide,'  'mU 
»wB.j.'  i*  admirablj  naed  of  the  aure  but  allent  jiiiu—  of  deoaj. 
Notiot  the  diflerent  quantitj  and  meaning  of  tosaata 

NOTES.  329 

5.  dls...lmperas]  *the  lord  of  mankind  only  beoause  thou 
art  the  servant  of  the  godV  Merivale.  Gf.  1.  12.  67,  U  minor 
latum  reget  aequue  orbem,  and  see  n.  on  8. 1.  5. 

te  mlnorem  fferls»  'dost  earry  thyself  (m)  inferior,'  'behave 
thjtelf  aa  owing  obedience  to.' 

6.  hlno]  'from  this,'  i.e.  from  shewing  obedience.  With 
principium  supply  ett.  For  the  eeanaion  of  principium  aee  4.  4. 
41  n. 

8.  HeeperlaeJ  «the  land  of  the  West,'  i.e.  Italy ;  ef.  2.  1. 
81  n.    luetuoeae  xs  explained  by  the  next  two  stansas. 

9.  lam  bis  Monaetes]  Thete  'two*  defeats  have  always 
been  explained  of  the  defeat  of  Crassns  b.c.  68  and  that  of 
L.  Deddius  Saxa,  the  lientenant  of  Antony,  b.c.  40  by  Paoorns 
the  son  of  Orodes  king  of  Parthia.  The  general  however  who 
defeated  Crassus  U  ealled  Sarenas  not  Monaeses,  and  there 
seems  to  be  no  referenoe  here  to  Craasns,  so  that  in  Orelifs 
fonrth  edition  Mommsen's  explanation  is  aeoepted.  He  con- 
aiders  that  the  first  defeat  is  that  of  Deoidins  Saxa  and  the 
seoond  that  in  which  two  legions  of  Antony  under  Oppius 
Statianus  were  out  to  pieoes  b.c.  86.  We  do  not  know  who 
eommanded  the  Parthians  on  that  ooeasion,  but  we  know  that 
in  the  next  year  a  distinguished  Parthian  general  oalled 
Monaeses  deserted  to  Antony. 

10.  non...impetus]  'have  orushed  our  unblest  assaults.' 
For  the  verb  in  sing.  cf.  2.  18.  28  n. 

non  anspioatos  signifies  that  as  the  gods  were  negieoted 
they  refused  their  favour  to  the  arms  of  Bome,  whioh  are 
therefore  spoken  of  as  'laoking  good  auspices,'  'unblest.' 
Thoee  who  eonsider  that  there  is  an  allusion  to  Crassus  refer 
to  the  evil  oroeus  whioh  attended  hU  departure,  e.g.  the  seiier 
of  figs  (eauneae)  who,  as  the  iegions  were  embarking,  kept 
erying  cauneas  (=cave  ne  eas),  Cio.  de  Div.  2.  40. 

11.  adleeisse  renidot]  renidet  takes  an  infinitive  from  the 
general  sense  of  'rejoioing'  oontained  in  it;  ol  1.  21,  doeeri 
gaudet,  It  literally  means  'beams  baek'  or  'beams  again,'  and 
Horaoe  ahnost  seems  to  have  seleoted  a  word  which  should 
portray  the  grin  of  aatisfiaotion  with  whioh  the  fSaoe  of  a  aavago 
positively  'beams  again'  when  trioking  himseif  out  in  a  new 
pieoe  of  nnery. 

18.  seditionibusj  See  8.  8.  29  n.  The  referenoe  is  to  the 
civil  wars,  which  smoe  the  days  of  Marius  and  Sylla  had 

330  HORACE,  ODES  111.  vi. 

■«ciin.1  itii-  (of.  nrrupaiamj  llome  and  made  it  their  prey,  bnt 
il  ■trn^tjlf  between  Oetavian  end  Aatouy, 
d  by  M  battle  of  Actium,  B.  0.  Sl.     patn/ 

bem  Dacu»]  Notioe  the  effeetive  jurta. 
«nd  Dacw.  dtltvit  U  the  etrongeet  word 
eelected,  tbe  word  ueed  by  C»to  the  ceneor, 
tome'»  greateel  rival,  dtltnda  tit  Kartkaao. 
i;«i«i  tiu-uisuieivedmider  AntoQjat  Aclium.  Atthiopt  refen 
to  the  Egyptien  troope  who  mauneu  the  floet  of  Cleopatn. 

17.  feconda...]  'generation»  prolifio  in  guilt  fir»t  d. 
wcdlock  end  the  family  end  homee :  froin  thti  eoUFM 
diaaster'e  growing  fiood  o'eripreju'  npr  n.m0  »nd  nation.' 

culpee  U  tbe  gen.  sfte  impliee  sbuniUnee. 

Cf.  S.  11.  86,  inaiu  I  \ptr  aqwu,  1.  4.  68, 

ferax  frondii,    4,    6,  im,   4.    9.    5,    divti 

18.  prlmum  fonm  the  :  betweei  tiis  an.i  the  previon» 
atanza  :  'the  wjin  of  »11  «_,  Je.' 

Inqulnavere]  derived  from  in  and  ceenum  (pronounced 
farfnum),  'nrad,'  =  'tooover  with  mnd,'  'defile.' 

20.  pattiam  populcmque]  found  eiao  io  Ovid  and  Juvenel, 
tbe  combination  being  obvioualy  a  favonrite  one,  owirjg  lo  ite 
■onoroue  oheracter. 

31.  motui  lonlooa]  'daooe»,'  encb  aa  would  be  io  favour 
emong  the  luiuriou»  inbabitanta  of  A»U  Minor.  With  tbe 
Greek»  snJ  Sqmmi  dancing  waa  an  eocomplUhraent  rarely 
practised  eioept  bv  alave  girla  wbo  exhibited  their  ikill  for  liire 
at  banqnete  and  the  lika. 

28.  finfltur  arttbue]  'U  Initrnctcd  in  accompliahmente": 
ariet  refera  to  the  vanoDa  artifitial  attttudet  and  geetaroe, 
whieh  one  wbo  laazna  dWMiag  muat  atudy.  Many  M8S.  have 

23.  lam  nnne]  'even  now,'  i.e.  while  ttQl  unmarried,  In 
oppoitition  to  mox,  l  36.  'Even  now  too  ah«  dreama  of  tm- 
hatlowed  amoura  from  the  bottom  of  her  eouL' 

34.  deteneroum-nlfof.  CicsdFein.  1. 8. 3,  prtmtaWn-n, 
gui  mini  a  tenerii,  «t  Oraeci  diamt,  ungvindii  a  cagrdlm)  la 
a  tranalation  of  the  Qreek  phraee  H  anX&>  *r#x*».  wbaah 

NOTES.  331 

■eemf  to  mean  not  'from  the  time  when  the  nailfl  are  tender,' 
i.e.  'from  tendereat  years,'  but  'from  the  most  aensitive  part 
of  the  body,'  or  aa  we  say,  'from  the  heart'  (jmhOiu,  meduUitut)t 
the  baae  of  the  nail  where  it  Joins  the  flesh  being  peculiariy 
aenaitiTe  and  eoaoeptible  to  feehng. 

29.  non  alne  eonaelo]  Litotes='with  the  foll  privity  of 
her  husband.' 

80.  lnstltorl  Not  a  'pedlar,'  aa  oanally  explained,  whioh  ifl 
inoonsistent  with  1.  32,  but  as  Ulpian  (Dig.  14.  8.  8)  explains 
the  word,  qui  alicui  negotiatUmi  quaettuariae  praepomtur — 
•a  broker,'  'a  merchant.' 

82.    dedeoomm...]  'who  highly  pays  the  prioe  of  shame.' 

88.  nonhlfl...]  'not  from  snoh  parents  sprang  the  youth 
who  dyed  the  aea....' 

84.  aeqnor]    For  the  victory  referred  to  ol  2. 12.  2  n. 

85.  ingentem  Antiochum]  ingent  is  a  slight  poetioal 
alteration  of  the  ordinary  title  of  Antioohus  the  Great.  He 
was  king  of  afaoedonia  (B.a  228—187)  and  was  defeated  by 
L.  Scipio  at  Magneaia  b.c.  190. 

86.  Hannlbalemqne  dirum]  For  dirut  the  standard  epithet 
o!  Hannibai  of.  2.  12.  2  n.  His  invasion  lasted  from  B.a 
218 — 208  and  he  was  finally  defeated  by  Scipio  at  Zama  b.c. 

87.  rusticorom  mllitum]  'yeomen  soldiers.'  Horaoe  refers 
to  those  hardy  faimers  who  m  peace  living  on  their  own  farma 
in  war  had  furnished  the  commonwealth  with  its  best  aoldier», 
but  whose  rapidly  declining  nnmbers  are  under  the  empire 
eontinually  deplored  by  both  poets  and  politicians. 

88.  Sabellla]  The  Sabines  are  seleoted  as  the  tvpe  of  a 
sturdy  simple  mountain  race.  Cio.  pro  Lig.  11  oalls  them 
florem  Italiae  et  reipublicae  robur.    Cf.  too  Virg.  G.  2.  581. 

89.  et  aeverae...]  (to  shonlder  the  faggots  bewn  at  a  stern 
mother's  bidding.' 

42.  mntaretl  'when  the  sun  thould  shift  the  shadows'; 
the  mother*»  bidding  at  the  time  wonld  be  'when  the  sun  thall 
shift.'  This  diffioult  subj.  is  rightly  ezplained  by  B.  A. 
Sonnesohein  (Claas.  Rev.  Feb.  1898)  who  oalls  it  'the  prosnec. 
tive  subj.'  Tne  shadows  of  oourae  lengthen  towards  evemng. 
The  quiet  beauty  of  the  stanza  deserves  attention.  For  iuga 
demeret  of.  povkvrMt  Hom.  II.  16.  779»  'towarda  evening.' 
P.  u.  23 

332  IIOBACE,  ODES  III.  vi. 

41.     iKeni  abeunte]     Orymoron.      (Jf.   ademptu»    trailidit, 

Aiter  prescnling  in  the  m»in  portion  of  the 

inlike  the  pietures  Hogarth  hss  painted — of 

orae,  the  poet  bai  in  II.  33—43  painted  a 

L-al  half  idyllio,  of  what  life  had  brcn  and 

t  nnw  his  reaaon  overpowera  bia  hopei  I 

<■  ..m  . ».n. .. j  >wiu<i    )  him  nnd  warna  him  that  eooh  viiiotis  ol 

Ihe  future  are  b      drearas.     Harohly  tbxown  forward  at  ths 

commencemenl  <     the  etanra  the  word  damnata,   aa   Fliis* 

remarki,  '  klingt  i    t  tin  Stvfitr.' 

The  penmmi«t       -         f  i —  ■'cRcnoration  of  tuB  hi 
w«a  embodied  '■         «ie»  «'  « he  four  ages  of  gold, 

tdlvcr,  iron.  tu  bc  >ppily  anuihilated  bj 

Bcientifio  stuoj  ui  <~  ■<       „  ma 

10.    MtM...]  evity  <>!  ejprcasion, 

theao  !»Bt  three  lil  nliing  tho  downward 

proprcss  of  four  gbuciaiiuu». 

pelor  avla]  'woree  than  that  of  c  jntndjjires.'  Neithef 
Lntiii  nor  Greek  can  uae  *  pronoun  _  Ihat'  n  uaed  in  tba 
ttbovc  phrasc:  tboy  mtut  thercfora  eaj  'the  age  of  onr  fatherg 
worse  than  the  ftge  of  our  Hrendsiree,'  or  take  a  ehoirt  cut 
{compendiiim,  whence  tbe  phraEC  eomparatio  ttmptndiaria  ep- 
plied  lo  the  idiom)  and  eay  'worso  thon  our  grandairea.'  For 
tbe  comparatio  compendiaria  cf.  3.  6.  11  D. 
47.    daturoi]  'about  to  produoe.' 


'  Why  weep,  Aiterie,  for  your  abaent  loverT  He  li  feithfuL 
aud  though  compelled  by  atorma  to  winter  at  Orioum,  will  be 
back  with  epring'!  earlieat  Zephyr-  K  i*  [or  7°"  "«  aigha  all 
nigbt,  and,  thongh  hia  hoiteai  esndi  to  tell  bJm  how  alw 
adorea  bim  and  how  dangeroru  it  ii  to  «oorn  aneh  offari,  ha 
payi  no  more  haed  thau  a  rook,  nnmoTed  to  tbia  boor.  Only, 
Aatarie,  be  cexefnl  jouraelf,  and  do  not  grow  too  iond  of  that 
paerleaa  cavaliar  Bnipena :  when  he  ilngi  hia  doleful  dHtiae 
benaath  jour  window  don't  look  ont,  and  when  be  oalla  jou 

NOTES.  333 

1.  candidl]  •  bright,'  'cloudless.*  Cf.  1.  7.  15,  albut  ut 
obtcuro  deterget  nubila  eaelo  |  taepeNotut,  where  the  •pithet 
*white'  ie  explained  by  the  words  whioh  follow:  it  u  'white' 
beeaaae  'it  sweeps  away  the  clouds.' 

2.  Favonil]  Beeanse  they  are  the  harbinge»  of  spring. 
Of.  Lucr.  1. 11  and  5.  786,  It  ver  et  Venm  et  verit  praenuntiut 
ante  |  pennatut  graditur  Zephyrut, 

For  Favonii,  Tkyna,  <fcc.  see  1.  1.  18  n. 

8.  Thyna]  So  1.  85.  7,  Bithyna  earina  of  a  merehant 
vessel  trading  to  Bithynia.  For  the  Tkyni  see  Class.  Dici 
s.  v.  Bithyni.    beatum^  'enriched.' 

4.  Ade]  Note  this  form  of  the  genitive.  Virg.  G.  1.  208 
has  die. 

5.  Oygent  Ule]  Notioe  how  by  keeping  the  proper  name 
till  last  and  then  beginning  with  the  emphatio  prononn  Ule 
Horace  passes  with  perfect  ease  and  clearness  from  what 
Asterie  is  doing  to  what  Gyges  is  doing. 

Orlenm]    A  port  of  Epirus  at  the  entranoe  of  the  Adriatic 

6.  Oaprae]  The  goat  Amalthaea  which  suckled  the  infant 
Jove  was  placed  as  a  constellation  among  the  stars.  It  rises  at 
the  end  of  September,  and  apparently  after  its  rising  stormy 
weather  was  oonsidered  to  hsve  set  in  and  navigation  oeased 
for  the  winter.    Cf.  4.  5. 11  n. 

insana]  because  of  the  violent  storms  which  acoompanied 
it.  Cf.  8.  29.  19,  vetani  Leonit  =  'the  Lion  with  its  violent 

9.  atqul]  See  1.  28.  9.  It  U  strongly  adversative,  =  'and 
yet. '    tollicitae  = '  love-sict ' 

10.  susplrare...]  'saying  that  Chloe  sighs,  and,  poor 
lady,  18  consumed  with  a  flame  like  thine.'  Orelli  says  tuit 
ignibut^Gyge,  quem  tu  ardenter  amat,  but  it  is  to  me  incon- 
oeivable  that  whiat  Horace  says  is  this,  'and  yet  a  messenger, 
reporting  (i.  e.  to  him,  Gyges,  the  ille  of  1.  5)  that  Chloe  sighs, 
and,  poor  lady,  is  in  love  with  the  objeot  of  thy  passion,  tempts 
liim  oraftilv....'  The  use  of  the  pronouna  in  such  a  sentenoe  is 
to  me  an  msoluble  problem,  and  cannot  be  explained  by  ad- 

,  ducing  such  a  sentenoe  as  that  in  Ovid  (Am.  8.  9.  56),  where  a 
lady  says,  addressing  her  lover,  dum  tuut  ignit  eram*  'while  I 
was  thy  flame,'  whion  is  perfectly  simple:  moreover  the  nse  of 
the  plural  ignet  would  need  justification.    On  the  other  hand 



roold  DM  »omo  iuloiiBO  adjectiTi  initead, 
:  Ho»M  in  rtporting  te  Arterit  what  tbe 
iiiig  liint  no  adjeetire  conld  to  forciblj 
I  •  porsonal  oue,  sabatituto»  tuis — 'Be- 
_,.  'Asterie,  tLat  Chloe'i  meesengcr  eajs  sbe 
.__         — .-,  h»t,  _  pueion  foi  hlm — iike  joun.' 

18.  nt.lniji_.eilt]  dependent  on  reftrt,  to  which  the  nom. 
i»  nuntitu.  perfida  crtdulum :  fbi  the  aame  «ntitbesia  cf.  8.  5. 
33  o. ;  loi  antithosi»  intenei fied  bj  jnit»non>tion  ct  2.  *.  6  □. 

11.     almli   oaato]  'too  ohute,'  n  realitj  bnt  u  the 

tncuenger  would   pcrsu»de   Gjge».    1  ic  storj  eee  Clau 

Dict,  s.  t.  Belleiopbon. 

17.  a_t_n  Felea  Tartaio]  'Peleni  elmost  given  otm  lo 
death.'  PeU.-IlqXM.  For  tlio  storj  sce  Cleu.  Diot.  _t. 
Peleua  oi  Acutni. 

18.  Magneiaajn]  Mdyrm,  fem.  Mavi"'.  "■  dwelkr  at 
Magnesia  in  TbetMlj.  dum  fugit  ■ilitiiuni  = ' while  he 
■obeil j  ehnnned ' :  foi  d-um  cf.  L  10.  1 1  n. 

1!'.  et  peecare...]  'and  onnningly  biings  farwiird  itoiioe 
that  guide  to  goilt.' 

20.  __ton»»] 'Btoriet/cf.  2.  12.  IOn.  mcvet i* Moniatelj 
need  of  'etiriing  up'  or  'bringing  to  light'  nujtbing  whieh  «h 
forgotten  oi  im_oown,  e.g.  Virg.  Aen.  1.  262,  fatontn  arearui 
movebo.  nvm*l  =  'reminJe  tum  of  hu  the  prepondeimnce  of 
_._.  authonij. 

31.  tt_D.]SM».  13.o.  Icari  _  eitlier  tli*  gen.  of  i_tr«_, 
ot,  u  Orelli  takos  it,  the  oontaaoted  gen.  of  IcarUm — ItmHum 
pelaguM.  'ITiu  foimer  seema  mueh  moie  neturel,  and  'rooki  of 
Icarua'  seein*  _  totj  obnoni  wny  of  deeoribing  'rooki  in  the 

anj  doabt  of  hi»  oontinaing  »o. 

Integvr  expreuu  that  he  wu  'ontonohed  bj'  or  'proot 
egeinit  all  H  an  A  i  «hirnmt» . '    OL  2.  4.  22  n. 

attlbl]    Hotioe  tbe  emphaaU. 

23.  Enlpen»]  The  Enipeu»  ii  a  «Ter  In  Theeeelj,  bot  hm, 
u  Neuok  potnti  ont,  the  wotd  I»  oonnected  witb  Mm,  inwi, 
and  «o=  'the  repiOTer,'  of.  vncanti  dvram  below. 

NOTES.  335 

94.    plus  lusto  plaoeat]  •flnd  more  fayour  than  is  fair.' 

38.  oomploltiir]  'attraots  the  ga*V  (it  the  oynoturt  of 
erery  eye):  eontpieio  is  used  whan  the  gase  is  eonosntrated  on 
anythin* :  it  implies  merit  in  the  objeot.  Henoe  eontpieiendut 
frcVientiy^beautiful,'  «dlstinguished.'    Boe  Diot.  s.  t. 

gramine  Martlo]  On  fine  afternoons  the  snnny  tzpanse  of 
the  Oampus  Martios  (apricum  Oampum  1.  8.  8)  was  the  regolar 
resort  of  all  who  desired  eiercise,  whioh  generally  ended  with 
•a  swim  down  the  Tnsoan  stream.'  Bee  next  line,  and  also 
8. 12.  7. 

80.  snboantn1'soonasyonhear  thestrain.'  tub  indioates 
olose  tueeettion :  sne  looks  ont  directly  after  hearing.  Cf .  Oaes. 
B.0. 1.  27»  ne  tub  ipta  profectione  milites  oppidum  irrumperent ; 
Ot.  M.  1.  494,  tub  luce. 

Wickham  however  says  tub = •  at  the  sonnd  of.'  Cf.  Soph. 
EL  711,  xoAiriJt  vral  ad\nyyoi  tf£ar.  So  too,  irw  auXou,  Jnr6 
icfipvKost  <fco. 

ode  vm. 

Horaoe  represents  himself  as  entertaining  Maeoenas.  •  You 
ask  me  why  I,  a  baohelor,  keep  festival  on  the  kalends  of  March, 
for  with  all  yonr  lore,  Maecenas,  yon  are  at  a  loss  on  this  point 
The  faot  is  I  made  a  yow  to  keep  to-day  as  an  annnal  holiday, 
for  it  was  on  this  day  that  I  narrowly  escaped  being  kOled. 
And  so,  Maecenas,  drink  a  onp  in  hononr  of  my  lafety  and 
forget  for  a  while  the  oares  of  gOTernment :  well  may  yon  do  so 
for  on  all  sides  the  politioal  horison  ia  free  from  signs  of 
danger  and  all  onr  foes  are  ▼anquished.' 

The  date  of  the  Ode  is  approzimately  fixed  by  the  aUnsions 
oontained  in  it  as  b.o.  80  or  29.    See  notes. 

1.  qnld  agam...quid  velint]  Obliqne  interrogation  de- 
pendent  on  mirarit9  whioh  is  the  main  sentenoe. 

The  Matronalia,  a  feetiral  oelebrated  by  married  women  in 
hononr  of  Juno  Lnoina,  took  plaoe  on  the  nrst  of  Maroh,  whioh 
therefore  seemed  a  singnlar  day  for  a  baohelor  to  be  obserring 


„„.         --   Maeoenae,  learned   in  tho  lore  of  either 
i.e.  {■  roar  knowledge  o!  (ireek  nnd  Roman  folk- 

K  .  any  tale,  or  Btory,  or  legend  whioh  oould 

m™..         r  ing  to-day  es  a.  feBtival. 

lennoneB  =  um  »1m-  Hsn.Ud  down  "hiefly  bv  word  of 
moitth,   in  connet  tr  ma  and  holidaye. 

The  word  ia  clearlj  ».  rOu,         nae  tad  therefore 

tbe  rendoring  'ieamed ,-»0  of         » tongne'  mnat  be, 

wrong,  apBrt  frotn  Ihe  fact  that  it  does  u«.  explain  tbe  plnral 
ieriit.iiu-s  nnd  ia  nn  unmeaDing  oomplimont. 

utrtusque  llngua»]  io  Cic.  de  Oflf.  1.  1.  1,  uf  par  tit  in 
utriuiqut  orationii  jitcultate :  the  Ronian»  habitnally  read  and 
tiBed  Ureek,  but  ignored  other  Innguages ;  heuoo  Hornoe'1 
meaning  in  perfectly  olear  wlien  he  apeaJLB  of  'eithor  toague.' 

6.  aJbum  Ubero  eiprum]  The  'gOM'  waa  sacriGced  to 
Eoocbu»  bccauao  it  doea  great  dnmage  to  vineyards.  Black 
victima  wcre  offered  to  the  goda  bclow,  white  onea  to  tho  goda 

Bacchua  ia  frcqnentlv  repreaented  u  the  apeoutl  patron  and 
protoctor  of  poota,  of.  2.  1B.  0  n. 

7.  prope  funeratus]  see  2.  13  Int.  funeratm  ahonld 
moan  'buried,'  bnt  clearly  hero  means  'killed,'  'mado  readj  for 

10.  cortioam.. .]  'ahall  reniove  the  oork  (aatened  down  wftli 
roain  frmn  a,  jm  Uut  wu  (flrat)  taught  to  drink  the  amoka  in 
Tullaa'  consnlBhip.' 

Wine  intended  for  keeping  wu  drawn  oil  from  the  doUum 
or  caak  into  the  amphora  (aee  Diet.  Ant.),  oorked  and  aealed 
[eortietm  atUtrictum  piet,  of.  eonditum  Itvt,  1.  20.  B),  laballed 
with  ita  own  name  and  that  of  the  oonaula  of  the  year,  and 
then,  if  early  rasturity  waa  deaired,  plaoed  in  th»  opotAeco 
{aTo8-il*Ti — whenoa  our  modem  'bodega'),  an  upper  room  whirJi 

NOTES.  337 

For  the  praotioe  of  fastening  down  oorks,  <fec.  of.  Theoo.  7. 
147,  rrrpdtvtt  6i  wl$w  oVfXfero  kocltoi  S\«fapt  *he  fii  un- 
doing  the  four-year-old  rorin  from  tue  head  oi  tne  jars.' 

11.  amphorae]  from  dp+l  and  0#>#,  something  with  iwo 

blbere  lnstltutM]a'taught  to  drink'  leemB  intended  for  a 
half-oomic  expression,  of.  too  funeratus  above. 

13.  Tullo]  L.  Volcatius  Tullus  wm  oonsul  b.o.  66,  the  year 
before  Horaoe's  birth,  of.  8.  21.  1,  o  nata  vucum  eonsule 
Manlio...tetta,  and  8. 14. 18,  where  he  speaka  of  eadum  Marsi 
memorem  dueUi,  the  Maraio  war  having  taken  plaoe  b.o.  88. 
Wine  aeems  to  have  been  kept  for  great  and  even  inoredible 
periods:  Martial  allndee  to  people  in  hij.  day  fflor.  90  a.d.) 
drinking  Opimianum,  Opimius  having  been  oonsnl  b.o.  121. 

18.  eyathoa  amici  aospltia]  *oups  (in  honour)  of  vour 
friend'i  aafety.'  eyathos  (aee  Diot.  Ant)  ia  atriottv  a  Udle 
holding  a  eertain  amount  and  uaed  in  mizing;  it  is  here  used 
generaUys*  (a  oup.'  For  the  oonstruotion  of  amiei  sospitis  see 
8. 19.  9  note.    eentum  U  used  indefinitely. 

14.  et  vlglles...]  'oarry  on  the  sleepless  lanterna  to  the 
dawn.*    Of.  8.  21.  28. 

17.  mitte...] ' lay  aaide  a  statesman'8  anzieties  for  the  dty.' 
Both  Orelli  and  Wiokham  ezplain  eiviles  as  referring  to 
•domestic,'  'internal,'  as  opposed  to  'military,'  'external' 
government.  By  giving  this  speoial  and  oontrasted  sense  to 
eiviles  they  make  it  impossible  to  trace  the  oonneotion  of 
thought  between  this  and  the  nezt  line.  Orelli  says  supply 
%for*  before  occidit,  but  the  sense  of  'lay  aside  your  anzieties 
about  internal  government  for  all  our  foreign  foes  have  been 
vanquiflhed'  is  intolerable:  Wiokham  on  the  other  hand  aaya 
'civiles^domesticas,  opposed  to  the  foreign  questions  in  the 
following  Unes,'  an  ezplanation  whioh  severs  all  oonneotion  of 
thought.  No  donbt  it  is  true  that  Augustus  had  at  this  time 
entrusted  the  civil  administration  to  Maeoenas  and  the  military 
administration  to  Affrippa,  but  Horaoe  ia  not  alluding  to  thia 
division:  he  nses  the  word  eiviles  in  a  wide  and  general 
senae:  'eease,'  he  says,  'from  the  anzieties  a  stateaman  might 
reaaonably  feel  on  behalf  of  the  oity,  and  you  may  weU  do  ao 
aa  with  the  oomplete  viotory  of  Augustus'  arma  abroad  you 
have  little  reaaon  to  fear  those  outbreaka  of  faetion  to  which 
his  defeat  might  have  given  rise.' 

»8  HORACK,  ODES  IIL  riii. 

For  eiviUi  et  Bput  L  L  18,  tMivor  driiite  wuib,  «I 
phmge  into  tbe  ae*  of  poUftioa.' 

18.  Do^OotieoniB]TheI)aeiajiprii>eeCtotton^ 

hia  assistanco  to  Antony,  and  wu  deteted  hy  M.  Oraaena  a.& 

Notioo  how  throoghout  tfaie  peassge  no  reteenee  io  made  to 
the  dete*  of  Antony  at  Aetium:  it  ia  of  Ua  detet  tfaol  the 
poet  is  thinkina  whon  ho  faida  lCaeeenas  'eeaee  Uo  amdety,' 
but  tho  lawe  of  poetry  and  propriety  forbid  tho  montJon  of 
a  Tictory  whioh  brought  no  trtamph  in  ita  train.  The  eamo 
eloqucnt  eilenee  is  preeerred,  1. 87. 

19.  Medual  «Our  te  tho  lledo  is  enaaged  in  eiril  sfatio 
ealamitous  (only)  to  himaelt*  For  Jfetf»*a'Parthiaa*  aao 
1.  2.  52  n.  The  Farthian  monaroh  TSridatee  who  had  boon 
plaoed  on  the  throno  by  Ananataa,  wae  being  attaohod  by 
rhraates  who  had  been  dopoaod  te  hia  tyranny,  cf.  L  28  Int 

aibi  goea  botfa  with  htctuorit  and  dtttidtt:  ita  proximity 
to  inftttut,  with  tho  aenao  of  which  it  only  interteoe,  aaoma 

21.  aerrlt  Eiapanae...]  StatOius  Taurus  defeated  the 
Oantabri,  b.c.  29,  an  evcnt  which  adequately  ezplaina  tho 
alluaion  here.    For  the  oondition  of  Spein  of.  2.  8.  2  n. 

yetas]  Lify,  28.  12,  remarks  that  Spain  waa  the  prorince 
whioh  the  Bomans  entered  first  and  oabdued  laet. 

28.  iam  Bcythae]  'By  now  the  Scythians  with  bow 
anstrong  prepare  to  quit  their  plains.' 

24.  eampla]    See  2.  9. 28  n. 

25.  neglegena...]  'Away  with  care,  (for  a  few  houra)  a 
simple  citiaen  oeaee  to  be  too  anxious  lest  in  any  way  tho 
nation  suffer  harm.' 

Orelli  is  elearly  wrong  in  saying  privatu$=cum  tit  priva- 
tut:  it  is  indeed  true  that  Maecenaa,  wisely  preferring  the 
reality  of  power  to  the  distinotions  of  offioe,  remained  through 
life  a  simple  knight  and  was  therefore  alwavs  technkauy 
vrivatut,  an  unofficial  simple  dtixen ;  but  on  the  other  hand 
he  was  at  this  tery  time  aotually  in  oharge  of  the  goyemment 
of  Bome,  and  it  would  be  more  than  abeurd  for  Horaoe  to  say 
to  him  'oease,  sinoe  you  hold  no  official  rank,  to  perfoim 
your  dutyl'  Here  as  in  his  note  on  eiviUt  Orelli  displaya  a 
tendency  not  uncommon  among  scholars :  he  prefers  a  tearned 

NOTES.  339 

to  a  natural  explanation.  What  Horaoe  savs  ii  what  any  one 
might  eay  asking  a  great  itatesman  to  dinner,  *Oome  and 
forget  for  a  time  the  oares  of  state  in  the  enjoyment  of  private 

Schtiti  agrees  with  Orelli  saying  that  the  offioe  otpraefeetu» 
vrbi»  was  never  '  ein  wirklioher  magiatratu»  * ;  Lehrs,  Meineke 
and  othera  are  so  tronhled  hy  the  difficulty  that  they  resort  to 
their  usual  remedy  of  rejecting  the  stanza. 


A  dialogue  hetween  two  lovers,  the  lst,  8rd,  and  5th  stanzas 
being  spoken  by  the  man  (whom  some  editors  amnse  them- 
selvee  by  calling  Horaoe),  the  others  by  the  lady.  The  Ode 
is  faultless  in  form  and  finish,  aad  has  found  hosts  of  trans- 
lators  and  imitators.  It  is  oalled  earmen  amoebaeum  irom 
dfidpwBcu,  to  oonverse  in  dialogne,  of.  Theoe.  8.  81,  d/toipata 
doiid :  this  is  the  only  speoimen  in  Horaoe,  bnt  for  others  see 
Virg.  EoL  8  and  Theoe.  8.  The  rnle  is  that  the  seoond  speaker 
in  the  dialogoe  shonld  reply  to  the  first  in  the  same  nnmber 
of  verses,  and  on  the  same  or  a  similar  snbject,  and  also  if 
possible  shew  snperior  foroe  and  power  of  expresaion  or,  as  we 
say,  'eap'  what  the  first  speaker  had  said. 

The  Ode  is  best  summarized  by  the  well-known  line  of 
Terence  And.  8.  8.  28, 

amantium  irae  amorU  integratio  est. 

3.  potior]  *a  favoured  rival.'  cervici  aabat ss'did  fling 
around  thy  neok.' 

4.  Persarum  regel  The  'Persian  king'  is  taken  as  an 
accepted  type  of  wealtn  and  well-being.  Of.  2.  12.  21,  qtiae 
tenuit  divet  Achaemene»,  'the  wealth  of  Achaemenes'  (the 
legendary  anoestor  of  the  Persians).  Mart.  2.  53.  10,  liberior 
Partho  vivere  rege  potet. 

5.  non  alia..  arsisti]  lit.  'thou  didst  burn  with  (love  for) 
no  other  woman,'  i.e.  your  warmest  love  was  for  me.  alia 
is  the  simple  abl.  of  the  instrument:  in  the  conventional 
langnage  of  amatory  poetry,  the  lover  is  said  ardere  'to  be  on 
fire,'  and  the  loved  one  is  called  flamma,  igni»t  'his  flame': 
hence  just  as  you  can  say  ardere  igne =lio  be  warm  with 


mv  ardere    Lydia  =  'to    be  fircu  with  lovc  for 
.  18,  ud  8.  7.  11  n.     So  too  3.  4.  7,  anit 
n  alia  eiifrt-rt /f  «tinrj. 
ttil  gen.   at  quality;    -of   high   renown.' 

J$,  fem.  S/iforja  or  ©ptwoa. 

10.  aocw  uuv.ui]  ' skilled  in  strriina."  docca  which  ra  tbe 
«ctivp  talces  two  eocutntives,  in  the  paasive  governa  an  accuaa- 
tive  ol  the  thing  taught,  cf.  3.  6.  21,  motut  doceri. 

clthane  aclent]  so  teiau  pugnae,  1.  1G.  34,  q.  v. 

12.  snimae  anparstltl]  Wickhem  rightly  rcjects  Orelli'» 
oiplanalion  of  anima*  =  'her  life.'  which  makes  tnperttiti  un- 
nocessejy,  ia  oot  strictly  parallel  to  ■  o  tuptriliti  1.  10, 
gives  a  aomewhat  doubtful  sense  to  anin  d  would  obBoliitolj 

rojuire  some  pronoun  or  other  word  U  ,  nt  out  ahoie  iile  u 
to  be  spared. 

The  lover  apeaks  of  Chloe  es  'his  (anima)  jnsl  aa  ahi 

ipenkB  of  him  a*  'her  darling'  (puer),  be  Bttjs  'I  vrill  not 

fear  to  die  if  the  fstes  vvill  gpnre  m>  ....«  and  let  her  live.' 
For  the  ubo  of  animo  cf.  1.  8.  8.  where  Horace  calls  Virjril 
animae  dimidium  meae,  also  3.  17.  G;  aud  Plautui  has  animt 
mi,  nti  animulc^-my  datling.' 

15.     blsj    For  this  intensification  see  Introduction  to  Ode. 

18.  dlductoeqna...]  'and  joios  our  rwrered  loves  with 
hrazen  yeke.'  eogo,  from  co  and  o.oo,  'I  brimr  togethor,"  is  the 
cmct  opposite  of  didueo,  from  dit  ond  duco,  'I  lead  apart.' 

lu£o  aenao]    Cf.  1.  3S.  11  n. 

19.  a»va]  'golden,'  'golden-haired.'  tretititw  =  'ia  cawt 

31.  sJdere  pulchrlor]  Cf.  S.  19. 36,  pitra  U  liarilem,  Tclephe, 
Vttpero,  and  io  Eom.  n.  6.  401  tbe  young  Astyanav.  1«  trmktf 
«mi  aa-tipi  tdkif. 

32.    tu]    Notioa  how  Latin  by  simply  bringing  o 
words  into  prominenoe  evoids  the  use  of  snch  woids  aa  ied, 
tamen,  eontra,  see  8.  20.  9. 

lmprobo]  This  adjeotive  in  the  Latin  poets  tnuat  bo  trane- 
lated  in  aooordanoe  with  the  nonn  it  goea  with:  it  ligriiflea 
generaJIj  'that  whioh  eieeeds  ordinary  and  reaaonabla  ltanita,' 
he»  therolorc  applied  to  the  sea  it  isr='unruly,'  'violant,'  but 

NOTES.  341 

Virg.  G.  1.  146,  labor  improim*  «'unwearied  work,'  G.  1. 119, 
improbus  aruer =*  the  greedy  goose,'  and  of.  8.  24.  62,  improbae 

Notice  fthat  Lydia  cannot  forgive  her  lover  without  in- 
dulging  in  a  little  sarcasm,  and  oompare  Juno's  language, 
8.  8.  88. 

ODE  X. 

This  Ode  is  the  ■upposed  utteranoe  of  a  lorer  who  finds  the 
door  firmly  fastened  in  hie  faoe  on  a  wintry  night.  'A  bar- 
barian,  Lyee,  wonld  weep  to  expoee  me  to  a  night  like  this. 
Listen  how  the  wind  howls  again,  and  see  how  keen  and 
aharp  the  frost  is.  Venus  loves  not  suoh  diadain  as  yours: 
beware  lest  things  change  with  you  aoon:  you  were  never 
born  to  play  the  part  of  Penelope,  and,  after  all,  thongh 
nothing  oan  move  yon,  neither  your  lover'g  wan  oheeks  nor 
yonr  husband'8  infidelity,  thongh  you  are  as  nnbending  aa 
an  oak,  as  nnpitying  as  a  eerpent,  remember  that  my  patienoe 
is  not  eternaL' 

For  the  sequel  to  this  Ode  aee  4.  18  Int.  * 

1.  Tanain  «1  blberea]  i.e.  if  yon  were  a  dweller  by  the 
Tanaie,  a  Seythian.  For  the  form  of  expresaion,  of.  2.  20. 
20  n.    Lyce,  ol  \vkos, = *  the  ornel  one. ' 

2.  saevo]  *stem':  the  sternness  of  the  Seythians  with 
regard  to  immorality  is  dwelt  on  at  length  8.  24. 

asperas]  'eruel,'  as  being  the  instruments  of  Lyoe's  oruelty. 

5.  audls,  qno...]  * Hear  you  how  the  door  rattles,  how  the 
grove...moan8  again  with  the  winds?' 

strepitus  ifl  used  of  any  'rattling,'  'olashing,'  'banging' 
noise,  cf.  Sat.  2.  6.  112,  vatoarum  ttrepitut,  *a  banging  of 
doors':  grammatically  ttrepitu  must  be  snpplied  with  the 
second  quo,  but  there  seems  to  be  a  slight  zengma,  as  the 
word  does  not  describe  the  effeot  of  wind  among  trees,  whioh 
is  aoonratelv  expressed  by  remugiat. 

A  clear  mstance  of  'zeugma'  (a  loose  oonstrnotion  in  which 
a  verb  is  'joined'  with  two  or  more  substantives  or  claoses, 

342  HORACE,  ODES  III.  i. 

— ■■!>  onlv  «—■  "'  whieh  it  U  in   hciis*  atrifltly  approprUU) 

r  in  the  eoustruction  aitdi*...ut  glaciel  I  cf. 

i  ut  nudum...latw.  anlennatque  gemont. 

Uaually  espUined  of  the  ahraba  pUated  in 

leristylium  (see  Diet  of  Ant.  ■.  v.  dcmuu), 

ing  n  manaion,  EpUt.  1.  10.  2*2,  »ay»  ntmpe 

mm-  ""  "'Ifd  eotumruu;  bul  apsrt  from  tbe  fact 

that  iocu  muMj  -ould  only  be  poasifcle  in  Tery  Urge  mansions, 

it  is  hard  to  iroagino  that  euch  a  -grove'  conld  be  apoken  of 

u  'moaning  again  with  the  wind'  if  indeed  the  wind  got  to  it 

»t  »11.    On  tha  olher  hitnd  it  U  eaay  to  imagino  that  there  were 

treee  among  »nd  around  the  honaea  K.,are  Lyco  lived:   tne 

queation  aurfia...omiiil  might  be put  with perfect  aocuracy  on 

windy  nighta  to  m«ny  Loniloiiora  wbo  eortamly  do  not  poaBCSa 

a  periatyle. 

7.  et  poattt*...]  Und  (»*e  yoa)  ho-  Japiter  with  clond- 
lese  divinity  freexce  the  fallen  sno™  '  >uro  because  frost  ii 
koencat  on  cloudleaa  njghta.     For  .  cr  =  'the  god  ol  tbe 

tky,'  cf.  1. 1.  25  n. 

10.  neonrrente...]'LeBt  the  wheelrnn  beck  mid  the  rope 
go  with  it.'  Evidently  a  proverbUl  eipreasion  uwd  of  those  wno 
attempt  too  moch.  Tbe  metaphor  U  from  a  man  hauling  up 
a  weight  over  s  wheel  or  pulley;  il  he  attempts  to  raiae  a 
weight  beyond  bU  strength,  after  he  bas  raiied  it  to  a  oerUin 
height,  it  orerpowere  hjro,  the  rope  runa  from  hU  handa  and 
the  wheel  revolvca  rapidly  in  a  direotion  oppoaite  to  ita  formei 
ons.  Tbe  neit  linea  give  the  application  of  the  proverb; 
Lyoe'a  birth  U  not  bigh  enough  to  admit  uuch  haughtineea. 

11.  non  te...j  i.e.  no  Etruaoan  ancesWa  hlood  mni  in 
yonr  vein»  that  you  ahoold  give  jourself  the  tira  ol  a  Penelope. 
For  Tyrrheiuu  ef.  B.  39.  1,  TyrrhcTia  rtgvm  proantUa;  we 
talk  of  'Norman  hlood.' 

14.  ttnctui  vioU  pallor]  Either  ■paleneaa  of  tbe  violeVi 
hue,'  eiplaining  pioU  aa  referrtng  to  the  pala  yetlow  violet 
(d  Virg.  Ecl.  3.  47,  palUntM  violai),  or  'paloneu  tingod  witll 
ibuk,'  eiplaining  viola  u  referring  to  the  duk  violet  and  the 
wbolo  pnraae  u  doacribing  tha  oontraat  betweeu  the  loTer'* 
pale  wan  cheeka  and  tha  dark  linea  (arowafeet)  nnder  hU  °T"Wl 

15.  Tlr  FlarU...]  'your  hnabasd  amitten  with  a  FUrian 

NOTES.  343 

pellex  (from  pellicio)  ifl  always  used  with  direct  reference 
to  ihe  injured  wife.    Pima  «Macedonian. 

16.  suppUclbus  tuls  parcas]  Note  that  this  is  the  main 
sentence.  The  oonneotion  of  thought  beiween  parea»  and 
the  f oUowing  words  seems  to  be :  •  Pity  us,  for  at  prosent  you 
are  hard  as  oak  and  venomous  as  a  viper,  and  that  surely 
is  not  the  eharaoter  you  would  wish  to  have.' 

Some  would  plaoe  a  oomma  after  anguibue  and  explain 
pareas  as  dependent  on  eurvat:  'though  nothing  bends  you  to 
spare...yet  I  shaU  not  always  be  patient.' 

19.  hoo]  deiotic='this  of  mine.'  Cf.  6fe  o  arhp^l. 
aquae  eaeUstit =liho  rain  of  heaven.'  latut  is  used  because 
he  had  desoribed  himself  as  lying  {porreetum)  at  the  door. 


'I  eaU  upon  thee,  Mercury,  and  upon  the  lyre  thou  didst 
invent,  by  the  aid  of  whioh  Amphion  was  enabled  to  move 
even  stones,  to  teaoh  me  a  strain  to  whioh  the  stony-hearted 
Lyde  may  lend  her  ears — Lyde  who  is  now  as  timid  and 
shy  as  a  young  unbroken  colt.  With  thy  aid  however,  0  lyre, 
I  may  move  her,  for  thou  eanst  work  wonders,  thou  canst 
make  the  damned  forget  for  a  while  their  torments:  Tityos 
and  Ixion  smUe,  the  Danaids  rest  from  their  ooaseless  task. 
For  Lyde'B  benent  let  me  reoount  that  famous  story;  let 
her  hear  of  the  puniahment  that  has  overtaken  the  guilty 
women  who  slew  their  husbands,  and  of  the  fame  of  Hyper- 
mnestra  whose  splendid  falsehood  saved  her  young  husband'8 
Ufe  at  the  risk  of  her  own.' 

Observe  how  from  L  25  Lyde,  the  nominal  subjeot  of  the 
Ode,  passes  oompletely  out  of  sight  as  the  poet  beoomes  ab- 
sorbed  in  his  brUliant  reoital  of  the  story  of  the  Danaids, 

1.  Mercuri,  nam...]  1.  10.  6,  Meroury  is  oaUed  eurvae 
lytae  parene.  nam= 4for,'  i.e.  I  eaU  on  thee,  for  thou  didst 
teach  Amphion  to  move  stones  and  a  /ortiori  canst  teaoh  me 
to  move  the  stony  Lyde. 

te  dodlls  maglstro='an  apt  pupU  of  thy  teaching.' 

344  HORACE,  ODES  III.  xi. 

2.    lapidos]    The  stones  of  the  walls  of  Tfaebes  whieh 
oeme  togetber  at  the  soond  ol  impbJon't  ryx*. 

8.    tirtlDl    60  xAw  m  Qreeki  tho  iheQ  formed  the 
soondlr^boariL    rseoisere  eeMiemt  tBmgtHi  in£,  et  1.  1. 

6.  loqpyut]  ojQaHj  'ehattering,*  hore«'*oeaL' 

7.  mol^ntter.'    018.4.1. 

8.  appttoet]  sobj.  beeao*ef«a«f«tafetiit«{t. 

9.  eqnatrtma]    80  8.  1*.  1«,  HmiUe  bedere  eemreme,    m> 

OL   cwnm 

mWm-»whh  leeps  and  boands/  •fHoUng.' 
-«with  ramiint»'  «harriedly/  tofeti» -«with  lifting,*  'with 
high  aetion'  (of  horses),  tractit»-*with  drewing  or  artewjBg,' 
'slowly.'    Por  metuit  tangi,  ef.  8.  9.  7  n. 

11.    naptiamm...]    «Ignorant  of  marrisge  end  ao  yet  too 
joong  for  en  eoger  hosbend.* 

expers  (from  e*  end  pars)«'witboat  pert,'  or  'ehere  ftV 
cruda,  'annpe,'  is  the  oppoeite  of  matura,  8. 6.  91. 

18.  oomitee]  to  be  Uken  with  <totrf-'to  loed  in  thy 
trein.*  Tu  of  ooaree  refers  to  Ustudo,  hore  m  playod  hy 

15.  ossslt  Immanis...]  'before  thy  bewitehing  soands  tho 
gaardian  of  heU*s  portals  retiredV  The  referenoee  throoghoat 
the  stanza  are  to  Orpheos  who  not  only  made  natore  ohey 
him  (of.  1.  12.  7,  unde  voealem  temere  inteeutae  Orpkea 
eilvae...)  bnt  relying  on  the  power  of  his  mosio  went  down  to 
Tartarns  to  reoorer  Eorydioe. 

Immanls  (see  8.  4.  42  n.)  might  grammatieally  be  taken 
with  janitor,  bnt  the  sense  demands  that  it  shoald  be  taken 
with  aulae  whioh  mnst  have  s  dittingnishing  adjeettae. 
Conington  renders,  'The  monttroot  goard  of  Plnto*t  hall,* 
thus  hiding  his  mittranslation  by  interting  the  distinotive 
word  'PlutoV  the  omittion  of  whioh  at  onoe  renders  his 
translation  unintelligible.  Considering  that  immanie  not  only 
meant  'immeasurable,'  but  also  'awful,'  'horrible,*  the  de- 
scription  of  hell  as  immanit  aula  =  'the  vast  and  dreadfal 
halT  teemt  tofficiently  clear,  whereas  aula  by  itself  could 
refer  to  nothing. 

18.  eiut]  Thit  pronoun  is  only  fonnd  once  eltewhere  in 
the  Odea  (4.  8. 18,  a  very  doubtful  passage),  and  is  extremely 

NOTES.  345 

rare  in  other  poets,  doubtless  as  being  oonsidered  a  Bomewhat 
weak  and  unemphatio  pronoun.  In  this  paiaage  moreover  it  ii 
apparently  meaningless  and  xnight  be  oxnitted.  Theie  faets 
and  the  eonaideration  that  linea  17 — 30  seem  to  dwell  aome- 
what  tediously  and  unnecessarily  on  aome  rather  nnpoetdeal 
qualities  of  Cerberus  have  induoed  many  to  oonaider  the  whole 
stansa  an  interpolation  due  to  aome  one,  who  eonaidered  that 
the  words  immani$...aulae  would  not  be  olear  withont  the 
addition  of  the  name  •Cerberus,'  and  aoeordingly  manufactured 
a  stanza  containing  that  name. 

I  conrider  (1)  that  linea  15  and  16  are  perfectly  clear 
withont  linea  17 — 20,  aee  tranalation  and  note,  (2)  that,  thongh 
certajnly  not  Horatian,  it  is  impossible  to  aasert  that  the  stansa 
is  not  Horace's. 

For  a  similar  description  of  the  power  of  musio  over 
Cerberns  and  the  ghosts,  cf.  2. 18.  29—86. 

21.  ejuln  et]  *nay  even,'  as  2. 18.  87.  So  too  quin  etiam: 
quin  in  these  cascs  introduces  a  freah  and  usually  a  more 
forcible  or  wonderful  statement.  For  an  amusing  instanoe  see 
Plaut.  Aul.  2.  4.  20,  28,  88,  where  every  fresh  story  told  of  his 
master  by  a  romancing  slave  is  introduoed  by  quin. 

voltu  rlsit  invlto]  'smiled  against  their  will/  Le.  through 
their  anguiah.    For  Hsit  in  the  singular  of.  2. 18.  88  n. 

22.  urna]  'the  pitoher,'  i.e.  of  each  of  the  Danaids  with 
which  they  endeavoured  to  fiil  the  dolium  1.  27. 

23.  dum...mulces]  'while  with  the  charm  of  song  thou 
didtt  soothe. '  For  dum  with  the  preaent  referring  to  past  time 
cf.  1.  10. 11  n. 

25.  audlat...]  *lot  Lyde  hear  of.' 

26.  et  lnane...quae]  'and  the  jar  (ever)  empty  of  watcr 
that  ran  to  waste  through  the  bottom,  and  the  fate  which 
(though)  late  awaits...' 

lnane  lymphae]  Adjectives  which  eignify  abundanee  or 
the  opposite  take  a  genitive,  cf.  8.  6. 17  n. 

27.  dolium  is  a  very  large  earthen  jar,  probably  something 
like  the  jars  in  which  olive  oil  is  imported  from  Italy;  see  any 
illustrated  oopy  of  •  Ali  Baba.' 

pereuntls]  used  in  the  sense  of  'perishing,'  but  also  with 
reference  to  its  derivation  per  and  «os^running  through.' 
For  the  foroe  of  tera  see  3.  2.  81,  82  and  n. 


29.    «ibOrml  'benaath  Orcua,'  a  alightlj  iii 

eneath.'    N»uck  »ji  '=iui  Oreo  («utj, 
per60uified  iu  Horace.' 
otioe  thc  skill  with  whioh  ihe  poet  noidi 
*aio  methods  of  commonoing  »  narrativo  bj 
ition  of  abhorrenoe. 

me  who  p»ja  regard  to  »11  nafuro!  datie*  or 
»•■  pi  a.  u.  i;.  .  npitu  of  BM  who  Tiolatea  them. 
For  nom  &:c  1.  ]  n. 

potaere...pot"i'  e]  putatrt  in  1.  80  BCcms  usod  in  iti 
ejoipln  een«e  =  *l  "      -■     -  —   '  i  »  eonjewhnt  rarer 

oue='h»d  the  b  oaa — farwhatwere 

they  able  more?  Jt.  ,j  -  to  slaj.' 

3) .  duro]  pftrtlj  iu  ■  literal  s  ),  hard,*  partlj  in  a 
mctaphorieal  aenae,  '  unrclculiiig.'    t      L    S. 

33.  uni  de...]  'One  among  them  all  worthy  of  the  nuplial  waa  to  hcr  forawora  siro  nobly  fatse  uud  (ehall  be)  a 
maidca  reaowced  to  overy  age." 

lace  aaptlall]  Thc  bride  «M  eacorted  from  hor  old  to  hcr 
aew  hoiue  ou  the  eve  of  the  by  torchlight. 

34.  pertarum]  because  he  bad  solemoly  betrothed  hia 
daugbter»  to  the  sone  of  Aegyplus. 

35.  aplendlde  mendol]  Probably  the  beet  known  inalonoe 
in  Latiu  of  oiymoron  (i^i/iupa/,  'pointedly-foaliah'),  tho 
favourito  rhetorical  figure  by  which  worda  of  appareatly  oppo- 
■ite  force  are  broagbt  togethcr.  Cf.  Soph.  Ant.  7*  Sirta  waraip- 
yncata  'hnviug  wrought  a  holy  crima '  (said  by  Antigone  of 
hereclf),  nnd  Touiiyaou  (of  Lancclot), 

'Hii  hoaoor  rooted  in  diahonour  itood, 
And  faith  anfait hjul  kept  bim  faUely  trm.' 
So  too  Lucan  1.  95,  concardia  diicon.  Othar  inatHMH  In 
tbe  Odea  ore  1. 37. 11,  btatui  vubure,  1. 33.  3,  immttii  Qhjetrat, 
1.  31.  3,  inianientit  lapientiat,  3.  B.  1,  JW  ptjeratum,  8.  4.  5, 
awtabilii  iruania,  8.  B.  48,  tarcaiui  eruj,  8.  Sl.  18,  1m 

87.  itrral]  Note  th«  patho»  of  thia  odjectiwi.  The  hna- 
band  wm  Lynoeni. 

88,  lonfu  mnnn*]  'a  buting  (i.e.  nerer-ending)  ibep.' 
Cf.  3. 16.  80  n.;  EccleaiMtiani  16. 19,  'bcfore  hii  long  nleep.' 

NOTES.  347 

40.  falle]  'deceive,'  i.e.  by  eecaping. 

41.  quae..  .laoerant]  *  who  like  the-liona  that  have  pouneed 
upon  bollooki  are,  0  horror,  rending  eaoh  her  victun.'  Note 
the  faimitablo  brevitjy  and  alearneai  of  the  Latin  here. 

48.  ego  ilMe]    Note  the  antithetieal  juxtapoeition. 
44.    olauetra]  *  a  priaon '  (from  claudo). 

46.]  Note  the  emphaeie :  •you  ahall  not  be  the 
vtatim :  no,  on  me,  even  me  let  vengeanoe  falL' 

47.  me  val...]  'me  let  him  baniah  with  hia  fleet  even  to 
the  fnrtheat  realme  of  the  Numidians.'  The  Numidiani  are 
aeleoted  aa  typical  aavagea.  Under  the  empire  rtlegatio  waa 
the  technioal  term  for  the  mildeat  form  of  baniahment. 

49.  1,  anrae]  4Oo  whither  your  feet  and  the 
breeaea  hurry  you,'  i.e.  hurry  away  either  by  land  or  aea. 

60.  1  aecundo  omlne]  aa  we  ahould  aay  'go  and  good  apeed 

61.  et...]  'and  on  my  tomb  engraTe  a  lament  that  ahall 
reoall  my  memory.'  Ovid  Her.  14.  188  (whieh  ia  well  worth 
oomparing)  makea  Hypermneitra  aotually  anggeat  the  epitaph, 

exul  Hypermne$trat  pretium  pietatis  iniqwtm, 
quam  fratri  mortem  depuHt,  ipea  tulit. 


A  aoliloquy  in  whioh  Neobule  a  diasatiafied  and  love-siok 
maiden— •  love-siok  ail  againat  her  wilT — laments  her  lot.  The 
key-note  ia  atruok  by  the  flrat  word:  'Wretohed  are  women 
who  oannot  make  love  aa  they  like  or  even  drown  their  aorrowa 
in  wine  without  being  leotured  till  they  are  frightened  to  death. 
And  here  are  you,  Neobule»  qnite  inoapable  of  doing  wool-work 
or  anything  elee,  ao  enamoured  are  you  with  Hebrua  that  moat 
aeoompliehed  eavalier.' 

1.    amocl  dare  lndnm] •  to  give  (free)  play  to  love.' 
p.  n. 


1»t»to]  'to  *Mh  ■wa.y  aorrow  wilh 
banieh  oare  BaochnB  ie  oonstaatlj 
f.  3.  31.  1S.    For  lavcri  ef.  3.  S.  18  d 
ouo  they  violate  the  reetriotiona  in  . 
ri  (from  1 1  and  nninw)  =. '  W  be  rednced  to 
yintinR  oondition' — the  well-tried  refogr  -' 

S.  p»tra«e  i  ■twr»  llngii»»]  'tbe  laahe*  ol  »n  nnela'a 
tongue.'  Unolr  em  to  hi«  been  proTerbuI  for  thtir  power 
of  ftdminiiterini  ''    S .  «1    n<  iii  palruu  miM); 

whj,  I  know  na  taila  with  regard 


4.  Cythere»»]  (I.  L  1.  5  n. 

5.  operaiM   Mlnervie  atndlv  pnrnita  of  indo*- 
triou»  Minerra,'  e*  the.  wool-wo..     »_.   wearing  jnat  n 
tioned.     Mincrr»  was  the  patroneas  of  sll  «irts  and  trides, 

6.  Upaiaal  nltor  Hebrl]  'the  radisnt  heeutj  of  Liparcan 
Hehnu.'  For  the  names  thronghout  of.  3.  7.  33  n.  Lipara, 
wa»  the  lnrgeat  of  t  ho  Ao.-li an  ialaj-d»  i  the  ooast  of  Sioil r  -. 
the  adjeotive  i.  choaen  for  iti  sonorons  israater.  Tba  word 
nitor  ia  io  appoeition  with  puer  alei  1.  4,  ue  winged  «ttendant 
of  Venns'  who  has  Sred  Neobale"»  lon  jeing  now  identified 
not  with  Copid  bnt  with  Bebru» — a  cluugo  whioh  ii  aomewtu-t 

7-  flmul...]  expbtina  nitor;  hii  beanty  ia  most  radiant 
when  he  comea  freah  from  the  bath  after  exhibiting  hia  Bkill  in 
the  Tariooi  gsmea  aub»eqaent_j  mentioned.  Cf.  tbrongliont  S. 
1.  35—38  and  notea,  and  1.  8.    For  timu[  =  rimu!  oe  of.  S,  ♦.  37. 

nnotoa  umeroa]    From  Orid  Triet  S.  13.  31, 

Mwie  «M  perfuu  eat  olto  labtttu  imentm 

dtftUO»  artui  Virgine  ttngui  t  oquo, 
we  leun  tluit  tha  bodj  wm  inointed  after  oxerdst  befotw 
balhing.    Oil  ni  aJao  <ued  (ef.  1.8.8)  befora  wreatling. 

8.  Bel.eropfeante]  who  rode  tbe  wingod  horae  Pegaaa*. 
Notioe  th»t  tha  finsl  « ia  loog,  tlie  fom  being  frora  the  Greek 

neuue    pugno  ..]   ir.gni  goee  with  pugno  aa  well  a. 

'  tiever  Tanqniahed  throngh  alo»  '  " 

eible  aa  »  boier  and  ■  rnnner. 




NOTES.  349 

10.  catut  laoulari,  celer  exdpere]  see  1.  8.  35  n.  per 
aperttm=  «over  the  open  oountry.' 

•  11.  alto...]  «to  reoeive  tbe  boar  (which  has  been)  lurking 
in  the  heart  of  the  thioket.'  For  aUo  many  MSS.  have  orto, 
'denae.'    For  excipio  oi.  2.  16. 16  n. 


To  the  fountain  Bandusia.  Aooording  to  authoritiea  dating 
from  the  12th  oentury  this  fountain  was  six  milea  from  Venuaia 
the  birthplaoe  of  Horaee,  aooording  to  otheri  it  was  near 
Horaoe'B  Sabine  farm  where  a  so-ealled  'Fontagna  degli 
Oratini'  is  still  shewn,  whioh  Wiokham  says  aniwen  adequately 
to  the  desoription  here. 

1.  Titro]  'cryatal/  It  may  be  doubted  whether  Boman 
'glass'  was  either  very  bright  or  tranaparent. 

2.  mero...florlbus]  Varro  L.  L.  6.  22  tella  us  of  a  festival 
ealled  Fontanalia  on  whioh  wreatha  were  thrown  into  brooka 
and  plaoed  round  wella,  Among  all  nationa  seauestered  foun- 
tsina  seem  to  have  been  held  in  peouliar  regard  and  reverenoe 
as  the  favourite  haunts  of  some  superhuman  beinga,  and 
among  the  Qreeks  and  Bomana  eaoh  stream  or  river  was  sup- 
poeed  to  have  a  deity  of  its  own.  Cf .  Plat.  Fhaedrus  280  b, 
where  elose  to  a  mry^i  xaPit*T&T1l  i*  N vp&aw  ri  runav  xai  'AxeXyov 
Up6r9  and  'every  sohoolboy*  will  remember  Maeaulay's  lines: 

«0  Tiber,  father  Tiber, 

To  whoxn  the  Bomans  pray.' 

4.  oul  frons...]  «for  whioh  its  forehead  juat  swelling  with 
young  horns  marks  out  a  oareer  of  love  and  oombat.' 

6.  frustra]  so  too  8.  7.  21.  The  nom.  to  inficiet  is  haedm 
understood,  and  with  this  nominative  tuboles  L  8  is  in 

Between  gelidot  and  rubro  there  is,  as  Wickham  well 
points  out,  a  double  antithesia  though  only  one  adj.  is  plaoed 
with  eaoh  substantive.  The  oold  elear  water  is  opposed  to  the 
warm  red  blood. 

9.  te  flagrantls...]  'thee  the  fleroe  season  of  the  raging 

HORACE,  ODES  III.  xiii. 

m  s*nUmm..]  «thoo  too  ohelt  bo 

mnteino  when  I  teU  of  tho  ook  thet 


tfmaoos]    HsibUint*'   Tho  flffftritt  of 


ur,  whom  bnt  now  wo  epoke  of  oo  ongifod  in  o  ejb* 
haaardoot  oampaign,  U  retarninf  ftom  Spem  m  tri- 
joc  ms  wi»  go  fbrth  dnrj  to  meot  him  and  mt  eleter, 
U  thowifoo  ond  mothomof  Bomo  oooompeaj  them. 
o  I  wfll  omploj  tho  peooo  and  ooounj  Ooooor  hoo 
s  bjhatfng  a  smaU  feettfel  of  mjown.  Qnkk,slave, 
ments,  flowore  ond  tho  oldest  wine.  Go  too  invite 
nt  if  tho  porter  mokee  mneh  odo  obont  letfemg  joq  m,— 
i:  I  om  gofetmg  old  ond  not  inelinod  to  pntmjsolfoat 

)do  ii  serereljcrittciied  bjaU  editors,  ond  eerteinlj 
ore  tho  throo  flmt  etonioo  nttorij  oommonpUoo,  bot 
mot  betwoen  thoir  formol  ond  offleiel  frigidity  ond  the 
i  rigoor  of  tho  reet  of  tho  Ode  ii  too  homh  to  bo 

m  wor  with  Spoin  see  3.  6.  3  n. 

•reolis]  Heroulee  is  ono  of  Homoo'e  stoek  types  of 
t  virtue  ultimately  deified,  et  8.  8.  9.  He  was 
oonneeted  with  Spein  ae  having  bronght  awaj  the 
frerjonee  ond  eet  np  the  fsmoos  •Pillars  of  Heroales.' 

|  here  neeriy=popuXitf,  of.  2.  3. 18  n. 

Lorte]  *to  have  eonght  tho  lanreli  death  alono  ean 
ore  preeieelj  he  ooght  to  have  eaid  'the  riak  of  death' 
f 'death.' 

Dioo...]  *Let  the  wife  whose  pride  ie  in  her  fllnstrioas 
dvanoe  having  aaorifloed  with  due  ritee.' 

T  might  be  taken  generally=4eny  woman,'  'wivet/ 
i  not  for  the  speeial  refarenee  eontoined  in  eoror  below, 
ikes  it  elear  tnat  mutersLivia. 

NOTES.  351 

Orelli  explainB  unico  gaudens  marito  M=proprio  gaudeiu 
marito,  adding  quae  quidem  virtus  tum  singuiaris  erat,  and 
alao  aaya  that  Auguatua  oould  not  firat  be  oallad  «a  pearleaa 
hueband,'  and  then  two  linea  after,  'a  olorioua  leadar':  for 
my  part  I  eannot  aee  why  Horaoe  oould  not  eay  'let  Livia 
proud  of  her  illnatriona  oonaort  go  forth,  and  with  her  the 
aiater  of  onr  great  general,'  nor,  however  depraved  the  period, 
oan  I  think  that  a  poet  oonld  oongratnlate  an  empreaa  on  not 
being  immoraL  Moreover,  thongh  anoh  phraaea  aa  unicusftUus 
='a  aingle  aon'  are  common  and  oorreot,  people  frequently 
having  more  than  'a  aingle  aon('  and  though  a  Mormon  might 
gpeak  of  unica  eoniux,  'a  aingle  wife,'  I  eannot  imagine  'a 
aingle  hnaband'  being  a  phraae  poaaible  in  any  langnaae.  On 
the  other  hand,  uiitcia^pre-eininent'  ia  oommon  with  worda 
anoh  aa  duxt  imperator,  puer,fide$,  UberaUtas,  Ac 

6.  lnatla  operata  aacrial  operari  ia  naed  not  only  in  a 
general  aenaea  <to  perform, '  bnt  in  a  apeoial  aenae  •  to  perform 
what  ia  due  to  the  goda,'  i.e.  to  aaorifioe.  divis= *to  the  soda ' 
ia  fonnd  in  many  MSS.  for  sacri».  Probably  Orelli  ia  right  in 
taking  prodeat  operata  not  a8='let  her  oome  forth  aiter  aaeri- 
fieing,'  W= 'let  her  oome  forth  and  eaerifiee.' 

7.  aoror]  Octayia,  the  widow  of  Antony.  The  originai 
name  of  AuguBtna  waa  G.  Ootaviua,  then,  after  hia  adoption  by 
Jnliua  Caeaar,  C.  Juliua  Caeaar  Octavianus. 

8.  aupplice  vitta]  The  vitta  (aee  Diot.  Ant.)  waa  ordi- 
narily  worn  by  freeborn  maida  and  matrona.  Here  however 
the  referenoe  ia  to  a  speoial  vitta  of  wool  worn  during  the 
performance  of  religioua  rites:  in  the  ' Utr ifos  (Supplianta,  of. 
supplice)  of  Aeaohylus  the  ohoma  oarry  iptoartrrout  kktoovt, 
'wool-wreathed  branohea.' 

0.  nnper  aoapitnm]  Theae  words  supply  the  reaaon  for 
the  mothera'  thankagiving. 

10.  et  pnellae...]  'and  young  girls  who  have  bnt  lately 
had  knowledge  of  wedlock,  refraln  from  ill-omened  worda.' 
For  male  ominaHs  pareite  verbis  et  8. 1.  2  n. 

The  hiatua  between  male  and  ominatis  is  vory  Btriking,  bnt 
the  reading  ia  undoubtedly  right,  of.  the  equally  atnking 
hiatus  8.  11.  50,  secundo  \  omine,  and  Pera.  8.  66,  diseite 
o  miseri.  Many  MSS.  have  male  nominatis,  bnt  'ill-named 
worda '  ia  meaningless.  The  eaay  oonjeoture  male  inominatis 
'very  ill-omencd '  (male  being  intenaive,  of.  1. 17.  25  n.)  givea 
a  harah  and  unnatural  phrase. 

358  HORACE,  ODES  III.  xir. 

17.  puor]    Tbe  rogular  wocd  in  afltliwMlng  a  abwo,  io  too 

18.  oadum  Manft  mmmi  duem]  For  tho  keoping  of 
wino  ef .  8.  8.  18  n.  The  Marsian  war  (othorwiso  oafiod  Iho 
Italian  or  Boolal  war)  wm  undertakon  by  tho  prinoipol  ftaMan 
nattans  to  asoert  tbotr  right  to  tbo  Boman  franflhiss:  il  wn 
ooUod  Marsian  beoause  tbo  Marsianawcro  tbo  bravest  fet  8.  f. 
9)  and  moot  important  of  tho  oonfcderatea.  For  tno  farxn 
dutUi  ol  8. 6.  88  n. 

19.  fpartaeum...]  *if  bj  any  moano  (evd)  a  Jar  baa 
been  ablo  to  oioape  tno  roaxning  Spertaeus.*  Spartaooe  wao 
tbo  leador  in  tho  Servilo  war,  b,c  78—71:  tfio  iwddentel 
aUoeion  sbewt  tbe  extent  of  tbe  savagee  he  oommitted. 

81.  dlo  ot...]  •Md  too  tfao  cleer-Yoioed  Noaora  hasten.' 
Verbe  of  oominanding,  begging,  wishing,  tako  a  subjunetivo, 
&g.  fac  eat,  cura  valeat,  vetim  faeiat,  eYo.  For  orfwtae  ol  4. 

88.    murrheum]  'soented.' 

85.  lenlt...]  'wbitening  bain  tame  the  paations  (onoo) 
oager  for...'  Horaoe  wae  born  b.o.  65.  In  Enist  1.  20.  84  ho 
slludeo  to  his  baldness  and  temper,  deseribing  himself  as 

eorporit  exigtd,  praeeanum,  tolibut  aptum, 
irssbi  oelerem  tamen  ut  placabilU  ettem. 

37.  ealldus  ivventa]  'in  the  heat  of  youth.'  L.  Munatius 
Pianous  was  oonsul  b.o.  43. 


To  tbe  elderiy  Chloris  who  retains  the  eaprioss  without 
the  oharms  of  her  youth. 

1.  pauperls]  gives  an  additional  reason  for  her  being  staid 

2.  nequitlae]  see  8. 4.  78,  'profligacy.'  famotU,  in  a  bad 
sense,  'notorious.' 

4.  maturo...]  'oease,  daily  nearer  to  a  ripe  death,  to  sport 
amid  young  girls.'  The  foroe  of  the  oomparttive  vropior 
seems  to  be  to  remind  her  that  death  is  not  only  alreaay  tuar 
but  continually  beooming  nearer.  maturum  funut  is  the  oppo» 
site  of  wbat  we  term  a  'premature  death.' 

NOTES.  353 

6.  et  stellls...]  This  line  illustrates  the  preoeding  one: 
an  old  woman  among  joong  girls  mars  the  eflect,  as  a  mist 
yeils  the  pure  luatre  (eandidit)  of  the  stars. 

7.  non,  ■!...]  The  oonstruotion  is  ti  quid  P.  tatit  (decet)t 
non  et  te  Chlori  (tatis)  deceU 

9.  expugnat]'storms.' 

10.  pulso...]  «Like  a  Thyiad  maddened  with  elaahing 
timhrel.*    For  the  Thyiads  ot  2. 19.  9  n. 

12.  capreae]  4a  young  roe.'  For  the  oompariaon  of.  8. 

18.  lanae]  The  spinning  and  weaving  of  wool  (lanMcium) 
waa  held  to  be  the  fitting  employment  of  deoorona  Boman 
matrons :  Orelli  on  8. 12.  5  quotes  a  oharming  inaoription  on 
a  oertain  Murdia,  where  it  is  ranked  aide  by  side  with  the 
highest  virtues;  the  list  is  onrious;  *in  goodness,  modesty, 
obedienoe,  wool-making  (probitate,  pudicitia,  obseqmot  lan\fi- 
eio)t  she  was  the  equal  of  any  of  her  sex.' 

Luceria  is  in  Apulia:  it  is  oalled  nobUem  on  acoount  of 

16.  pnrpurens]  'bright,'  or  possibly  'purple.'  The  an* 
oient  purvura  had  two  oharaoteristios :  (1)  its  deep  oolonr,  the 
oolour  of  olotted  blood,  (2)  its  peouliar  aheen  or  brillianoy: 
the  adj.  purpureut  is  often  used  of  anything  of  whatever 
colour  whioh  possessed  a  aimilar  aheen  to  purple,  ao  4.  1. 
10,  purpurei  ohret,  'brightly  gleaming  swans,'  and  Yirg.  Aen. 
6.  641,  lumine  purpureo. 

16.  neo  poti...]  4nor  jars  drained  to  the  dregs,  old  hag 
that  you  are.'    vetulam  is  in  apposition  with  te. 


In  praise  of  contentment.  *Gold  is  all-powerful:  it  baffled 
Aori&iuB,  it  makes  its  way  everywhere,  it  oaused  the  destruo- 
tion  of  Amphiaraus,  it  opened  the  gates  of  oities  for  Pbilip  of 
Macedon.  And  yet  increase  of  wealth  means  inorease  of  oare. 
I  am  right,  Maecenas,  in  following  your  example  and  not  seek- 
ing  to  tower  above  my  fellows.  I  join  the  ranks  of  the 
contented  and  am  more  proud  in  the  ownenhip  of  my  oharm- 
ing  Sabino  farm  than  if  I  owned  tho  most  valuable  estates. 

164  HORACE,  ODE8  UL  xvi 

Pbr,  thongh  I  am  in  hnmble,  I  am  not  in  itiilttnnl 
etanote  i  and  to  wut  little  it  the  graateat  wealth,  tht 
boon  HeaTtn  ean  bottow.' 

I.  Stnai.    8ee  Glaaa.  Diet  e.  t.  Aeriaini. 

8.  robuetMl  ProbebirmeonDeotionwithMMo-'oekan,' 
fromroew«'oek-woooYet  1. 8. 9,  rootr  «t  euf  trfrlM.  whera 
howtrtr  both  wordt  are  nttd  metej&orioalry:  'omfc9  and 
'braaa'  «io  typee  of  tll  that  U  itrong  and  inoMtrnotible,  henoe 
robustus  xreqnently«'etiird>9  and  MMti»-'indeitrojetible,' 
0.0.  1. 88. 11,  8. 9. 18. 

8.  nronierantl  'had  proteeted,9  ie.  'woold  oarteinry hsrt 
pxoteeted.'    Por  the  indicative  et  8. 17. 98  n. 

6.  pftTldnml  beoanaa  an  oraole  had  deolartd  that  DaaaWa 
aon  ahonld  elay  him. 

7.  rlataitnt :  rort  onhn...]  'langhod  at  Aariatnt,  lor  (they 
aaid  to  themaelTet)  that  the  way  would  be  aaio  and  opan  when 
the  god  wae  ehanged  to  goldV 

The  trandtion  to  oratio  obliqua  at  for§  marka  oleariy  m 
the  Latin  that  what  followa  repreaentt  the  thooghta  or  worda 
of  Jnpiter  and  Venne,  it  being  the  Latin  idiom  when  paating 
to  oratio  obliqua  not  to  ntt  any  introdnotory  worda,  tnoh  aa 
'he  aaid,'  'he  thonght,'  or  the  like,  the  ohange  of  oonstmotion 
indioating  with  tnffieient  olearneea  the  introdnotion  of  rtpoxttd 

Inppiter  et  Venni  rlaiaient]  Oontrary  to  Horaee'i  rnle 
(of.  2.  18.  88  n.)  the  verb  ii  in  the  plural,  olearly,  ai  Nanok 
pointa  ont,  beoanie  Jnpiter  and  Venni  are  aoting  together— 
they  are  in  a  oonipiraoy. 

8.  oonverao...deo]  Horaoe  givea  a  half  hnmoroua,  half 
rationaliatio  interpretation  of  the  legend  of  Jnpiter  deaoending 
in  a  ahower  of  gofd. 

9.  per  medloa...]  Le.  it  ean  penetrate  a  palaoe;  ao  mt- 
rvmpere  saxa  of  breaking  into  a  fortreaa. 

10.  anuit = 0iXe ?,  '  lovea  to, '  •  it  wont.' 

II.  oonoidlt...]  Polynioea  bribed  Eriphvle  to  indnee  her 
hniband  Ampbiaraui  to  aooompany  the  ezpedition  of  the  Seren 
againat  Thebet,  in  whioh  he  periahed. 

Notiee  in  1L  9—16  how  the  oonneotion  of  thonght  ia 
kept  np  by  plaoing  emphatio  and  gniding  worda  in  promi- 

NOTES.  355 

nent  positions,  e.g.  aurum,  eoneidit,  lucrum,  d\ffUHtt  subruit, 
muneribut,  munera,  all  of  wbioh  either  refer  to  'gold'  or 
the  'power  of  gold.'  For  the  use  of  muneribut,  munera  see 
1.2.  4n. 

14.  virMaoedo]  Phifo  IL,  father  of  Alexander  the  Greet, 
reigned  b.c.  859 — 886.  He  is  reported  to  have  eeid  that  no 
fortress  was  impregnable  up  to  wnich  an  ass  laden  with  gold 
eonld  be  driven  (Oio.  ad  Att.  1.  16).  HU  bribery  of  Greek 
statesmen  is  the  oonstant  theme  of  the  warninge  and  inveetives 
of  Dexnoethenee.  Juvenal  12.  47  oalla  him  calUdut  emptor 

urbiumy  e.*;.  Potidaea,  Olynthus,  Amphipolie;  reget,  e.g. 
Oersobleptes  king  of  the  Thraeians.    eubruit  = '  nnderminedV 

16.  saeros...1  'the  blnfl  sea-eaptain'  whom  Horaoe  has  in 
mind  ie  aaid  to  be  Menas,  who  was  admiral  of  Sextus  Pom- 
peius  (b.o.  89—86)  and  twioe  deeerted  him. 

18.  maiornmqne  fames]  'and  thehnnger  for  more';  dif- 
ferent  from  cura=anxiety  about  losing  what  we  have.  For 
famet  of.  Virg.  Aen.  8.  57,  auri  eaera  famet. 

iure...]  'rightly  have  I  shrunk  from  «*it*«g  myself  before 
the  world'sgase.' 

19.  tollere  vertioem  is  a  favourite  phrase  with  Horaoe  to 
express  ostentatious  pride.  Of.  1.  18.  15,  tollent  vaeuumplut 
nimio  Oloria  vertieem.    eontpieuum  is  proleptio. 

20.  equitum  deous]  Very  emphatio.  Maeeenas  oonsistent- 
ly  preferred  the  reality  of  influenoe  at  the  oourt  of  Augustus 
to  the  possession  of  splendid  and  empty  titles,  and  remained 
through  life  a  simple  equet.  Horaoe  therefore  by  adding 
these  two  words  skilfully  suggests  that  he  is  only  imitating  the 
wise  example  of  his  benefaotor.  Cf.  1.  20.  5,  eare,  Maeeenat, 

22.  nil  eupientium...]  Horaoe  speaks  of  the  oontented  (nil 
eupientium)  and  the  avarioious  (divitum)  as  divided  into  two 
'oamps'  or  'factions'  (cattra,  partet),  and  says  he  means  to 
be  'a  deserter'  from  tho  one  and  go  •  empty-handed '  to  the 
other.  The  metaphor  must  not  be  pressed  too  elosely :  when 
Horace  oalls  himself  'a  deserter  froxn  the  rioh'  he  does  not 
imply  that  he  had  ever  been  rich. 

356  HORACE,  ODES  III.  xvi 

35.  oontemptae...]  'more  proud  in  tho  ownerabip  of  a 
despised  farm,'  The  wrm  k  aot  of  oooree  dosjaeable  in  ak 
07»  bot  in  taooe  of  flw  vnxkkm  awn  1»  aojs  jaat  1 

epwaoldior]  exaotly  meens  flw  oune  00  flw 
«keUng  myealf  »  freeter  swelL'    Of.  tyfosdtf, 8.  8.  t6T 

M.    avJdqmJAanft]<wae4em 
prodooo  of  hk  ptoogh;  tho  oonetraotion Is  oeemttare (iJ)  owid- 
omid  erat.    The  nmai  syUable  of  ewit  k  iengthoned^  a  efcong 
eooent  fclling  on  it  awtnoaUy,  ot  t,  8.  86  n. 

27.  ooeultare  dioenr]  not  inerely--oofl»ttaTeai  'aoardeeV 
bats^had  the  repntation  of  hoarding':  be  k  ■r ■■"■§  aoft 
morelj  of  a  wealthy  man  bnt  of  ono  whoee  wealth  k  amoh  ao  to 
be  thoeobjoot  of  generai  rnmour.  There k aieo an antttfaoeie 
betwoen  the  zepntation  of  the  man  and  hk  troo  oonditicm,  'a 
beggar  in  the  midet  of  wealth.' 

88.  iator  opoi  imopel  epes  to  bo  taken  Uteralr/,  e**s» 
metaphorioaUy,  'a  beggar1  as  legarde  the  pomosoioa  of  taat 
oontentment  whioh  k  alone  troe  riehes.  Por  tho  oajuMWUti 
of.  8. 11.  86. 

80.  ot  eegetia...]  •(theae)  and  a  harveet  that  nerer  fafle 
its  promise  are  a  happier  lot  anknown  to  the  hrilliant  lord  of 
fertik  Africa.'   sorto]  an  ailneion  to  the  attotmaU  of  prorinoes. 

nUllt]  k,  aooording  to  Horaoe'i  praetioe,  in  tho  afngolar 
after  Jtdcs  with  whioh  beaHor  aleo  agrees,  tnough  both  worde 
apply  eqoallj  to  pura4...paMeontm;  faUit  baaUor  woold  bo 
in  Greek  XoyddVti  ofoa  SKfiuirtpa,  the  nbn-exktenoe  of  a 
present  part.  of  the  rerb  «to  be'  making  Latin  eomowhat  leee 
clear  in  ench  eaeee;  the  literal  rendering  k  'esoapes  hk  notioe 
(being)  happier  in  its  lot.' 

For  tegetitjldee  ct  8.  1.  80  n.  Africa  wae  one  of  tho  prinoi- 
pal  dktricte  on  whioh  Bome  relied  for  ite  enppliee  of  oorn. 

88.  Oalabrae  apee]  Cf.  3.  6. 14,  where  Horaoe  eaye  that 
the  honey  prodnoed  near  Tarentnm  rivak  that  of  Hymettos 
(fion  Hymetto  mella  deoedunt). 

84.  Laeetrygonial  Lamns  king  of  the  Laeetrygonee  k 
said  to  hare  founded  formiae.    8ee  next  Ode. 

86.  langneeoit]  'grows  mellow.'   pingvla—^ikih,9  'thkk.' 

87.  importnna  pauperiee]  certainly  not  the  ooXopcVv  vtW» 
*baneful  poyerty '  of  Hesiod,  whioh  Orelli  oomparee:  it  is  con- 
trary  to  the  whole  spirit  of  the  Ode  to  speak  of  'banerml 

NOTES.  357 

poverty.'  pauperiet  (cf.  1. 12.  43  and  note,  where  it  is  defined 
acourately)  by  itself  doee  not  mean  •poverty,'  bot  *humbie 
circumstances ' ;  when  howerer  your  oiroumstanoes  get  to  be  so 
humble  that  they  are  continually  eanaing  you  annoyanoes  and 
vexations,  then  you  have  importuna  pauperiet  *the  wozry  of  not 
having  enough,'  whioh  is  ezaetly  what  H.  aays  he  ia  free  from. 
He  would  have  oalled  himaelf  'poor'  pauper,  but  with  him 
pauperiet  was  not  importuna, 

39.  oontraoto...porrlgam]  Notioe  the  rhetorioal  effeet  of 
the  apparent  opposites  *by  oontraoting...I  ahall  eztend.'  For 
the  aentiment  of .  the  proverb  magnum  vecHgal  e$t  partimonia, 
and  alao — noting  the  diflerenoe— 1  Tim.  6.  6,  tart  fti  vopuru&i 
fdyat  ^  iMptia  ptrd  avrapKtlas, 

40.  Tectigalia]  are  atrictly  tazea  on  things  oarried  (vecta), 
•import  dutiee.' 

41.  quam  si...J  'than  if  I  made  the  Mygdonian  plains  one 
unbroken  estate  with  the  kingdom  of  A.'  continuare  ia  'to 
make  continuoue'  or  'unbroken'  (cofUtn«ta  =  'holding  on  to 
each  other') ;  hence,  when  a  peraon  makea  two  adjaoent  eatates 
into  one,  he  is  said  conHnuare  *to  eztend  the  one  with  the 
other,'  so  here  Horace  speaks  of  'eztending  the  kingdom  of 
A.  with,  i.e.  by  adding  to  it,  the  M.  fields.'  Cf.  Livy  84.  4, 
cupido  agroe  continuandi, 

Alyattee  wae  father  of  Croeeus.  Horace  forms  the  gen.  as 
from  Alyattgus.  Mygdonia  was  a  distriot  of  Asia  Minor  W. 
of  Bithynia. 

48.  bene  est,  cul]=tene  e$t  ei,  cui  'well  is  it  with  him  to 
whom  Frovidenoe...'  On  the  other  hand  male  (ett)  2. 10. 17. 
In  Gk.  koXws  tx«~ 

ODE  xvn. 

'Aelius,  thou  desoendant  of  old  Lamus  (for  your  anoestors 
the  Lamiae  are  said  to  have  reoeived  their  name  from  that  old 
king  who  founded  Formiae),  to-morrow  the  raven  prediots  we 
shall  have  a  storm,  so  get  in  some  dry  wood  at  onoe  and  make 
ready  for  enjoying  the  day  in  the  house.' 

L.  Aelius.  Lamia  was  praefectut  urbi  b.o.  82,  and  1.  26 
is  also  addressed  to  him.    No  doubt  the  family  laid  olaim  to  a 

368  HORACE,  ODES  IIL  xvii. 

Lamni  raeu-tioned  by  Homer  Od.  10.  Sl, 

Ad/MV  atrt'  rnMiSpot  |  Ti)Xf  rtAor  Aaisrpv- 

at   to  oonnection  wilh  prehiatoris  heroee 

he  «lleged  deaoont  of  tho  jmi  JuJia  (rom 

_        ,.  _■ i.  fi.  117— 134,     Tho  LnmiM  «e  rpoien 

ui  iii  juveuil,  v  »54  (Aoc  noeuit  Lamianim  eaidi  nwdinti),  in  * 

»»;■  which  ehews  thtkt  the  fMnily  ih  coneidered  ■  v/cry  diatin- 

gniahed  one:  tha  long  parontheais  therefore  (U.  3—9)  refemng 

to  the  Ijirti:  iif  I  ....    rft^  pjppj.jn^iy  jjj  u 

Ode  whioh  ia  o  .  itary,  the  reat  of  it 

mercly  Bupplyin8  >u  iu-»t,.n*iy  i» .jr  addreasing  Lamia 

at  »11.  Orelli  aud  Wickliani  eee  ■  moral  purpoee  io  the  Ode, 
as  tlioa^li  Lftmi»  were  a  gloomy  tnmi  who  needed  nrging  to 
cheorfulnesB;  iBob  ■  inppoBition  BeemB  however  gretniton». 

3.  hlnc]  a  Lama,  'from  liim  ':  eo  undc  frei]tieotly  =  'from 
wliora.'    Cl.  1.  13.  17. 

et  prioros  .  et  nepotum]  Orelli  Beeme  right  in  Baying  that 
vriorei  refer»  to  the  prehiatoric  L»miae  whoee  eiiatenoe  woold 
Ujj-vi-  to  be  inferred  to  Bll  up  the  pap  between  Lunui  and  the 
firat  of  tbcir  deecendaoti  (nrpofum)  wboie 

found    iu   hiatorio   reeordi   (menorti  faitoi):   priorti    there- 
fore  — 'the  earlier.'    Tbe  word  fatti   would   ipply  either 
public  or  private  reoordi  anoh  as  genealogieB  and  tha  like. 

G.  dnda)  Thii  ia  the  reeding  of  all  MSS.  The  ei 
dueit,  tbe  rtop  after  faitot  being  remoied  and  geniu  beoom- 
ing  the  oom.  before  ducil,  wonld  raake  the  aentenoe  much 
amoother,  the  «ndden  change  to  direot  peraonal  addreaa  in 
tiucu  iit  tbe  middle  of  tbe  parentbeai»  being  very  harah,  and 
the  aenae,  '  smoe  yonr  «noeetor»  apmng  from  Lamoa,  you  are 
deeoended  from  the  fonnder  of  Potmiae,'  none  of  the  beai 
Schtiti,  following  DaoUr,  would  «trikn  oot  1L  3—5. 

du«(jz'darive':  tho  word  li  ■triotly  naod  of  drewing  ool 
■  tftrcod,  here  of  drewing  ont  hi»  Um  of  anoeatry. 

7,  etinnantem...]  '»ndk>h*vr.y«i>»e«*ed  therirUwhereit 
float»  amid  theeoeurt»  of  Marioa,  lorda  of  *  broad  domain.'  Th» 
Iiria  (Qarigliano)  flowa  Into  the  aea  tlirough  the  ""*■  ef 
Ifintnmae;  it  i»  to  theae  marahea  tbat  Horaoe  refera  u  ttari- 
cac  iittom,  Harioa  being  a  looal  goddeai,  »nd  tha  LlrU  bejng 

NOTES.  359 

admirably  described  as  'floating  amid  them'  beeause  of  ita 
alow  lasy  movement  throogh  the  level  marahy  district  Of. 
1.  81.  7,  nee  rura  quae  Lkie  quieta  |  mordet  aqua,  taeitunm 

9.  late  tyrannua]  An  adverb  may  qualify  a  noun  when 
the  nonn  haa,  aa  here,  a  atrong  Terbal  foroe= 'widely  roling.' 
Cf.  Virg.  Aen.  1.  21,  popuVum  late  regem=late  regentem. 

follla  nemua...sternet]  'will  strew  the  grove  with  leaves.' 

10.  lnuUli]  Added  to  make  elearer  the  oontraat  between 
the  oheerieasneea  ont  of  doora  and  the  good  oheer  within. 
viUor  alga  waa  proverbial,  ef.  Sat.  2.  5.  8,  Tirg.  BoL  7.  42. 

12.  angur]  For  derivation  ef.  1.  2.  82.  Here  the  raven 
ia  ealled  augur  aa  giving  an  'augoiy'  of  bad  weather,  ef.  8.  27. 

18.  annoaa]  Aooording  to  a  fragment  of  Heaiod,  bn4* 
rot  ttfoi  7cycdf  \cuc4pvfa  *op<£rif  |  arip&w  jfi&rrwt  cf.  4. 18.  26f 
cornicis  vetulae. 

dum  potti]  ao.  est,  «while  it  ia  poaaible.'  potis  is  an  inde- 
elinable  adieotive  found  in  Virg.  and  Luor. :  moat  M8S.  give 
pote*,  but  tne  rarer  word  is  more  likely  to  be  right,  aa  being 
leas  probably  a  oopyisfs  alteration. 

Qenium  mero  ourabial  'you  ahall  refresh  (or  'oheer')  your 
soul  with  wine.'  Suoh  phrases  as  $et  $e  iptumt  eorpu$f  cutem, 
peUieulam  eurare  are  oommon,  and  always  imply  'taJong  oon- 
aiderable  or  special  oare  of '  the  thing  mentioned,  espeoially  in 
the  wayof  proouring  enjoyment:  Horaoe  inventa  the  phraae 
genium  eurare  on  the  analogy  of  these.  Oeniue  (see  Diot.)  is 
a  aort  of  spiritual  alter  ego  whioh  is  born  (of.  gignot  genitu$\ 
and  perishe8  along  with  each  of  usf  and  ahares  all  our  joys  ana 
sorrows :  it  is  described  at  length  Epist.  2.  2. 188. 

poroo  blmestri]  *a  suoking-pig.'  For  the  dish  see  Lamb, 
Essays  of  Elia. 

16.  operum  solutia]  *  taking  holiday  from  work.'  $olutu$ 
takes  a  gen.  aa  implying  'freedom'  or  •oesaation  from.'  cf.  2.  9. 
17  n. 

ode  xvm. 

An  Ode  to  Faunus  as  the  god  of  the  oountry,  praying  that 
he  will  proteet  the  poet  who  reverenoes  him,  and  deacribing  the 
oelebration  of  his  festival. 

360  HORACE,  ODES  III.  rviii. 

4.     «JumnW  'noralinga,'  '  the  joung  of  the  ooolu.'     alun- 

tnt  partimple  pauive  of  alo,  the  termination 

ih  appears  in  Ok.  M  4nam.  of.  rertmar.iu, 

..  li.  6  o.). 

,.t    >■  -    the  vear'»  fulrUment  ■  tender  kid  ie  eaeri. 

ht  rhe  oee  of  «i  ia  oooimoo  in  inpplicstion; 

_r  ii  eked  ij  »oniething  hu  been  done  to  deeerve 

»,  •>   ,..-i.rv. ,   ,     revung  no  real  donbt,  but  it  rathrr  beittf 

iwimnl  that  aoi     bing  hM  been  ao  done,  cf.  1.  33.  1  n. 

le  year  by  yeaj  cc 

n  tho  Nones  of  Deoerober,  pute  ■  dlesslj  foreed  m*»n- 
tg  on  pleno.  Any  yearly  feltiv&l  ■  1  recnr  plnio  onno 
o  matter  it  wLiat  thne  of  the  ;eu  i>  •,>»,  ef.  3.  31.  G,  ptr 

■t  must  bs  repeated  before  both  detunt  ind  tumau 

agreeraent  with  todufi,   tho   bowl 
>te.'     The  fornu   cratrra,   at,   fsm. 
3  both  fonnd,  the  Gk.  beiog  ijnrH*, 
rjnfrijpoi,  fmni  rrpiWiifu,  =  '»  miiing  bowl.' 

10.  tlbl]  'in  tbins  hononr,'  so  too  1.  H. 

13.  lnter  »ud»ce»..  ]  The  introdnction  of  the  minumloa» 
oletnent  here  into  the  aooount  of  thf  viilage  feetivttie»  ■eenia  to 
oe  inbarmonioui,  but  perhape  Horace  ie  reproduciun  *  belief  or 
aaying  ouirent  among  country  people  about  the  fentival. 

11.  aparjjlt...)  For  the  leaves  MUnt  in  Dccember,  cf. 
Epod.  3.  S,  Dectmb*r...ribHi  honore*  dtentlt. 

1E.  pLUdet..,]  '  the  delver  ilelighta  to  have  thrloe  itjunped 
on  hi»  foe  the  eartb.'  Horaoo  wiehe»  to  bring  befcre  n»  the 
pictore  of  a  ruitic  who  hu  jntt  luxmght  down  bl»  foot  af  ter  the 
exeention  (of.  tlis  perfeot  pejmliuc)  o(  a  ptu-Mnt,  and  ttuiei 
einltiiig  in  hii  perfornunoe:  the  epithet  itmitam  «nggert»  that 
ba  hu  tlirown  eitr»  vigour  ioto  tho  dince,  beoauae  it  gtvM  bim 
»n  ouportnnitj  of  ptying  off  hi»  old  (cradge  againat  the  eaitb, 
whlon  givoe  hun  »o  mucb  tronble. 

For  the  ptrfeot  ptvulitit  sb*  3.  4.  61  n.    Ttr  beoanae  tbtn 

wh  ■  trlpl»  bent  tn  fitt  duioe.    Of.  4.  L  JT   

trr  qvatirnt  kmmm.     Notioo  the  ar 

NOTES.  3G1 


An  Ode  written  on  Murena  being  eleeted  an  Augur.  Horaee 
begins  by  reproaohing  an  imaginary  friend,  Telephus,  with 
discussing  (or,  perhaps,  writing  about)  tedioue  and  stale  epio 
subjeets  and  not  seying  a  word  on  the  more  genial  and 
interesting  topio  of  the  arrangements  for  a  feast.  He  then 
by  a  dramatio  ohange  plunges  into  a  true  lyrioal  deseription  of 
a  banquet  in  honour  of  Murena's  appointment.  'What  hol 
slave,  fill  up  to  the  health  of  the  new  augur.  There  are 
various  rules  for  drinking;  we  may  drink  muoh  or  little. 
(To-night  howeTer  we  know  what  we  will  do,  for)  we  mean  to 
have  a  rouse :  strike  up  the  musio,  soatter  roses,  let  the  neigh- 
bours  hear  the  riot,  while  Bhode  is  by  your  side,  Telephus, 
Olyeera  by  mine.' 

For  Muraena  of.  2.  10  Int. 

1.  Inaonoj  Inaohus  was  the  first  king  of  Argos,  Godrus 
was  the  last  king  of  Athens  and  sacrifioed  himself  for  his 

3.  narras...taoes]  Notioe  the  two  oontrasted  olauses  put 
side  by  sido  without  any  adversativo  partiole  suoh  as  '  but,'  cf. 
1.  26. 17  n. 

genus  Aead]  «the  family  of  Aeaous';  Zeus,  Aeaeus,  Feleus, 
Aohilles,  Neoptolemus  is  the  list. 

4.  sacro  nio]    ThelXiot  Ipfj  of  Homer. 

5.  Ghiuml  Of  the  Oreek  wines  imported  bv  the  Bomans 
the  Ohian  and  Lesbian  were  most  oelebrated.  Of.  Bpod.  9.  84, 
et  Chia  vina  aut  Lubia. 

6.  mereemur]  *we  are  to  buy':  the  direot  question,  which 
is  represented  by  mtrcemur  in  indireot  question,  may  have 
been  either  mercamurt  or  tnercemurt  Bither  would  be  eorrect, 
but  the  latter  more  usual.    Of,  eaream,  L  8. 

Notioe  that  the  verb  is  in  the  plural:  the  feast  is  to  be  a 
Miwww  **6  wufkXm  (see  Indd.  and  Soott,  s.v.  avupo\ij)  where 
every  one  eontnbuted  nis  portion,  'paid  his  shot' ;  one  would 
pejr  for  the  wine,  one  would  proviae  baths,  another  lend  his 
house,  and  so  on. 

30'.?  HORACE,  ODES  III.   xix. 

qalt  iiui...]  'who  warma  the  bath':  a  hoi  bath  im 

7.  «aota]  m.  **re\  «a*  what  hour':  tiM  oeoal  hoor  te 
dbmer  waa  the  ninth. 

8.  FaeUfnn  frigorlbmi]  «Pelignian  oold, *  U.  Moh  «s  wm 
oommon  in  that  moontainonf  oonntry. 

taoMit  parallfl  to  and  oontratted  witfa  mttxu,  L  •*  ani  m 

the  main  eentenoe  to  whioh  the  indimet  qoettione  whioh  hav* 
preeeded  are  tubordinate.  The  tingle  word  in  eontraet  to  ftha 
•erenprtoedirigliimuieryefleotife:  iti  poettk»  heightont  ftha 

efEtot    'Abont  all  theee  thingt— - aot  a  wordV 

9.  XanM...poarj    *FQ1  op,  throt,  to  the  moon.'    I  ttht 

Immm  to  be  a  flimpJe  Tariety  of  the  ordinary  poMtMJwj  tJtmV 
tiye,  the  word  vimm  bting  nnderetood,  'poor  oot  wine  of  tht) 
new  moon'  meaning  'ponr  ont  wine  to  be  drnnk  in  honoar  of 
the  new  moon.'  Oi.  8.  8. 18,  $imu...cyatkot  amiei  tttplfit,  teke 
cupe  of  yoor  friend't  ititty,'  ■  'teke  onpt  in  hononr  of  your 
friend'i  flafety/  ef.  Theoo.  14.  18,  irixiieOai  ejcpertp  mrmm 
jStK  Uturrot,  *to  poor  in  wine  of  whoerer  etoh  withed,'  Lo. 
'in  hononr  of  whoerer....' 

10.  aagaria]  For  derivttion  tee  8. 17. 19,  for  an  tooonnt 
of  the  eolUgUm  or  'gnild'  of  tngnn,  tee  Claet.  Diei 

11.  trilmi  ant  norem...]  «with  three  or  nine  kdtot  are 
the  onpe  rninglod  appropriateW ' — appropriatelj  that  ii  to 
the  nnmber  of  the  Graoet  or  the  Mutee,  at  it  iminediately 
ezplained  in  the  next  linet,  the  poeition  of  cowmodis  earefuUy 

It  wat  the  duty  of  the  *matter  of  the  featt'  (ttaeittfr  or 
arbiter  bibendi,  ct  2.  7.  27  n.)  to  tettle  ererything  aboot  the 
drinking,  the  oompany  being  bound  to  obey  the  nuM  he  laid 
down.  For  the  benefit  of  thit  pertonaoe  Horaot  here  reeitae 
what  it  evidently  a  well-known  adage.  Now  at  twehre  oymthi 
make  a  sextariui  it  hat  been  attnmed  that  the  adage  re- 
oommendi  the  mixing  of  8  oyatbi  of  wine  with  9  of  water,  or  9 
of  wine  to  8  of  water:  at  any  rate  tnoh  it  the  judgment  of  the 
editort,  whote  learning  perhapt  it  tnperior  to  their  tatte,  te 
how  wme  whioh  was  palatable  with  the  addition  of  tfatt  ttttet 
itt  own  bnlk  of  water  oonld  be  drinkable  whtn  mixed  with  a 
third  of  itt  own  bnlk  of  water,  I  oannot  eonoem.  Now  in 
the  Gk.  proYerb  whioh  it  always  quoted  with  regard  to  drinking 

NOTES.  363 

(Plaut.  Stich.  5. 4.  24,  vids  quot  eyathos  bibimus  1...eanHo  est 
Oraeea :  4  vtor*  vUs  4  tsV  4  pi  rHrapa)  there  ii  no  mention 
of  any  proportion,  bnt  onlj  of  the  mistoer  ofeyathi  to  be  dmnk 
apparently  with  eaoh  bnmper  (tpoculum),  and  certainly  were  it 
not  far  the  word  miscentur  the  aame  ezplanation  woold  be 
given  here,  via.  *three  or  nine  eyathi  make  a  good  bnmper,' 
to  drink.  that  is  to  eaoh  of  the  toaste  that  have  been  just 
mentioned,  the  oyathi  being  of  eonrae  taken  from  the  mizing- 
bowl  (eraUr)  whioh  wonld  be  atanding  by  with  the  wine  ready 
mized  in  it :  moreover  raoh  a  rendering  gives  a  good  meaning 
to  cyathi,  for  theae  tmall  ladlea  (eontaining  aay  a  wine-glaai) 
wonld  be  naefnlin  filling  a  aingle  goblet,  nselesB  m  compounding 
the  large  oommon  erater;  the  aense  too  snits  admirably  with 
the  nezt  lines,  the  'big  bumper'  being  for  the  vates  atUmitui, 
the  small  one  for  those  who  worshipped  the  Oraoea,  whereas 
aooording  to  the  eommon  rendering  the  poor  bard  is  oondemned 
to  drink  wine  almost  without  anv  water,  a  praetioe  whioh  the 
Romans  and  Oreeks  oonsidered  as  barbarous  as  we  should 
think  it  to  drink  dry  brandy.  For  these  reaaons  I  strongly 
prefer  not  to  lay  stress  on  the  word  mi$centurt  and  to  explain 
not  of  the  proportion  of  wine  to  water,  but  of  the  number  of 
eyathi  whioh  are  poured  into  (and  so  •mingled*  in)  eaeh 
bumper,  the  duty  of  the  *  master  of  the  feast'  being  to  fiz  the 
tize  not  the  etrength  of  the  bumper.  Marquardt  adopts  this 

12.  oommodis  is  from  its  position  elearly  to  be  taken 
predicatively  as  I  have  done.  Orelli  ezplains  it  as=*full,' 
'containing  good  measure,'  an  ezplanation  whioh  with  the 
usual  method  of  taking  the  passage  gives  no  sense. 

14.  attonltus  vates]  <a  frenzied  bard/  For  Baoohus  in 
oonneetion  with  poetio  inspiration,  see  2.  19.  6  n. 

16.  rlzarum  metuens]  of.  8.  24.  22,  metuens  alterius  viri^ 
*fearful  of.'  This  gen.  is  very  eommon  with  pres.  paxtieiples 
used  adjectively,  e.g.  seiens  (1.  16.  24  n.)v  patiens  (L  8.  4), 
amans9  appetens. 

18.  lnsanlre  luvat]  For  the  oonneotion  of  thought  aee 
Introduetion ;  *it  is  our  pleasure  to  hold  mad  reveL* 

Berecyntlae  tlblae]  Bereoyntus  was  a  mountain  in  Phrygia 
on  whioh  Oybele  was  worshipped ;  in  her  orgiastio  rites,  whioh 
were  well  known  at  Bome,  the  «»^iting  musie  of  the  pipe  was 
especially  used,  cf.  1. 18.  13  n.  and  4. 1.  22. 

r.  n.  25 

364  HORACE,  ODES  III.  xix. 

ng»,'  i.e.  idie,  oa  iU  peg. 
i_tio  in  oppontion  to  inof_-  Lyem. 
et  tbe  ohnrl  Lvoae  beftr  our  mad  nproer.' 
]    'end   om    fair    ncighbour    ill_tt*d    for 
_  i)d  eeem  thet  Ljcne  had  ■  wife  or  nuetreu 

t.  , B  *.     protty.  end  who,  Horace  ■uggeitj,  will  b* 

■i  ___  unnied   rfith  overheumg  them   ai  Lyoos  wfll  be 

25.  ipliaa....]  'Thee  bright  with  eloateruig  looks,  the* 
Telephui  beeutiinl  as  tbe  pnre  lU  ling.1      Notice  thc 

repetition  of  Lycui.-.Lyco  to  expn       ■_    mpi,  aud  of  U...U 
to  expreee  adniiration. 

37.  teinpestlv»]  lit.  'leuumable,'  i.o.  enited  to  700  br  her 
youth.  (Cf.  ou  the  other  hand  tum  habitu)  and  inferenti_lly 
bj  her  eharm».     _ntu<  =  'alow-oouauming,'  cf.  1. 13.  8. 


To  Pyrrhus  who  had  cnrried  off  tbe  beantiful  Nearchui 
from  hie  iove.  '  Pyrrhua,  you  Ue  o_rrying  off  her  cubi  from 
_  lioneea.  Soon  will  ihe  oome  in  pnnuit  and  tbe  comh»t  over 
Lhe  prey  be  fieroe.  Meantime  he,  for  whose  aake  you  both 
tn_ke  reedy  to  b-ttle,  stfiuds  c_raleaalj  by  indiflerent  to 
everything  bat  bis  awn  beauty.' 

3.  poit  paullo]  More  oommonly  y_u_opMi  =  '_fter  by  a 
little,'  'very  eoon.' 

'  She  oomee  to  reoover  Ne_ro__i  (•  oomiiur,  whioh  invclvee. 
identic—  with)  a  mighty  oombftt.'    Cf.  Tirg.  Aon.  8.  S9t, 
ingenti  nihien  ftritro,  trittt  minul— («■  'eoine  npportea  _■ 
bier — e_L  offloe.'    The  oomtraotion  U  well  known  _  Oreek  _■ 

■the  eoouiative  in  appoeition  to  the  lentence,'  o.g.  'Skir^r 
KriMoita,  Mi«Wv  Xfar—  ™p_,  'let  ni  kiU  HeUn,  (*  ___| 
whioh  will  be)  a  hitter  grief  to  MeneUni.' 

NOTES.  365 

grande*..]  '•  mighty  oonteet  whethex  the  priee  fall  to 
thee  or  rather  to  her.'  lUnm  is  to  be  eupplied  before  tU4g 
it  ie  frequently  omitted.  eeder*  with  the  detire  hae  Tery 
oommonly  the  eenee  of  *ooming  into  a  pereon'e  poeeeeeion,' 
'fallinff  to  hli  ehare.'  maior  ie  need  eomewhat  looeely,  but 
perfectly  oleerly ;  the  literal  rendoring  ♦whether  more  of  the 
prise  paeo  to  thee  or  her,'  ii  of  eouree  unpooaible.  Orelli  reede 
maior  an  iUam*ot  ehe  be  euperior,'  whioh  makee  the  etenia 
end  with  a  very  weak  and  ewkwerd  olauee  end  giTee  e  very 
nnneu&l  eenee  to  maior, 

9.  interim,  dum...]  Note  cerefully  fhat  aum  goee  witfa  both 
the  eontreeted  eleueee  tu  promis  and  hatc  acuU,  ftrtmr  being 
the  mein  Terb.  In  Letin  (ef.  1»  26.  19  n.)  oontraeted  eleneee 
being  eimply  pnt  eide  by  eide  often  oanee  dimoultr  to  begin- 
nere,  thongh  here  the  oontrest  ie  mede  oomparatiTeiy  oleer  by 
the  addition  of  the  pronoune  fu,  haee ;  in  Greek  it  would  be 
etiU  elearer,  for  we  ehould  heTe  <ro  uh  and  fccfof  W:  in  KngHeh 
we  mnet  ineert  a  word;  'meantime,  while  you  teke  out... 
(and)  ehe  wete  her  dreadful  fango,  the  judge  of  the  eombat  ie 

Note  aleo  the  ekill  in  word-paintmg  with  whioh  Horaoe 
almoet  bringe  before  our  eree  thii  group  of  three  nguree,  the 
combatante  on  either  eide  m  the  foreground,  Nearohue  behind 
in  the  oentre. 

11.  nudo]  piotoriel.  palmam,  i.e.  the  prise  of  Tiotory,  of. 
1. 1.  5  n. 

15.  qualle]  •euch  ea,'  i.e.  'beautiful  ae.'  For  Nireue  eee 
H.  2.  678, 

Riptfo,  St  «aXXiaroff  eVnp  faro  "IXior  tfk&cv 
rCfw  tfXXw  Aorowr  firr  afwaora  Il^Xflura. 

aauoea]  the  Homerio  woXinrtfal,  Tennyeon'e  'many-foun- 

16.  raptue]  'the  youth  oarried  ofl,'  ie.  Oanymedee. 


An  Ode  euppoeed  to  be  addreeeed  to  an  amphora  on  the 
oooaeion  of  the  poefe  entertaining  Corrinue.  'Come  down, 
thou  flagon,  thei  art  of  the  eeme  ege  with  myeelf ;  to-day 


366  HORACE,  ODES  III.  «i. 

tba  vitit  of  Corvinna  bida  u  prodnoe  our  mellowir  Tintege». 
be  b«  he  wili  not  deipiu  tbee:    eien 
nei»  wanned  n-ilh  wiae.    Thon  dost  ironw 
brisg  to  light  hiddeu  wisdom,  thoo  doat 
— liou»  and  itrenglh  to  tbe  weak:  with  tlij 
__.  „ii»l]  lut  till  dawn.' 
M.  «alerin»  Meaaala  Corvinus  (see  Clnss,  Dict.)  fongbt  wjth 
BrLitus  m d  Cmsioj  at  Philipjii,  s.o.  42,  and  f nbaeqaentlj  joined 
Antony,  bot  about  b.o.  36  went  over  to  Augn»tna.    Be  wu 
di«tingul»hed  u  »n  oretor  aud  »uthor.  i_id  wu,  »Iong  with 
Meeoenu  »nd  Pollio,  one  of  the  chicf  patrone  af  Iiter»lure. 

1.  o  n*u...]  For  tbe  metbod  of  msrking  the  age  of  wine 
aee  8.  8.  10 — 13  uotei.  Borsce  wm  bom  e.o.  65,  the  oon»al 
rofeired  to  being  L.  M&nliae  Torqnatua,  cf.  Epod.  1S.  6,  lu 
i'ind  Torgoolo  mme  |  eocuufa  prtua  meo. 

2.  »eu...atv»,..aeu..,»en]  Beforeh»  produeoa  the  amphor», 
Horace  musee  lialf  philoeophionllj,  balf  hamotouslj,  over  th« 
uodeGned  potencj  for  good  or  eril  that  lork»  witbin  it. 

4.  pU  te«U]  For  piua  eee  3.  11.  30  n.  Observe  carefuUj 
the  poiition  of  the  two  worde  between  faeiiem  and  lomnuni, 
and  ths  enbtle  bumour  of  the  epithet  at  onee  appeara:  then 
and  then  onl j  doea  the  wine-jar  f uilil  the  natural  dntj  or  law  of 
ita  being  (thia  beino  tha  eiact  meaning  ol pivj),  when  it  bringa 
eujand  peaceful  uuxaber, 

Wickham  remark»  that  the  words  pia  tttta  are  'ineerted 
in  n  place  whare  thej  are  intended  to  eiert  tbeir  influence  on 
the  whole  Btnuza,'  and  eiplaina  tbe  stanu  in  accordanco  witb 
that  view:  to  ruy  mind  the  poeition  of  the  wordi  poaitivelv 
limite  the  force  of  the  epitbet  pia  to  the  worda  between  whicb 
it  U  w  earefnllj  plaoed,  facilem  and  lomimM. 

qnotranqu»...]    'on   whaterer   aoooont  tbou   guarfaat 
noiee  Maaaio."    Tbeai 
tiea  of  1L  9 

NOTES.  367 

eomewhat  nnnenal  eenee  of  *on  whatever  aoeount,'  *fbr  what- 

pnrpoee.'  Aimi  leogar  tne  name  01  ine  pereon  wnoee 
'aooonnr  followa  ii  plaeed  tl  the  head  of  eaoh  page,  nomen 
ie  frequently  need  for  'an  eoooant';  then  it  ie  ueed  more 
genereily  ox  the  'aooonnt'  in  whioh  anything  ie  held,  the 
•purpoee'  or  'objeet'  it  ie  ooneidered  to  eerre,  eepeeially  in  the 
phraee  eo  nomine,  e.g.  Oie.  ad  DiT.  14. 8,  eo  nomine  eum  I>yr» 
rhaehU...ut  audiam  'on  pnrpoee  that  I  maj  hear';  and  eee 

leotnms'ohoioef'  ae  freqnentlyt  Orelli  and  Wiokham  both 
giye  'gathered'  {Ugo,  'to  gather'),  an  epithet  more  applioable 
to  grapee  than  wine,  and  oertainly  withont  meaning  here,  ae 
in  no  oaee  do  quocunque  nomine  and  leetum  go  together,  for 
Horaoe  ie  not  epeaking  of  the  pnrpoee  for  whioh  the  grapee 
were  eathered,  bot  of  that  for  whioh  the  jar  gnarde  ($erva$) 

7.  deeoendel  From  the  apotheea,  eee  8.  8. 10  n.  Poesibly 
too  the  nee  of  the  word  ie  mook-heroic,  of.  8.  i.  1,  deeeenae 
eaelo.    For  languidiora  of.  langueeeit,  8. 16.  85. 

8.  promos'I  bring  forth,'  eo,  'I  take  off,'  eo-mo, 
I  pnt  together/  $u~tnot  'I  pnt  apart.' 

9.  qnamqnam...]  'eteeped  thongh  he  be  in  Sooratie  lore.' 
madet  ie  need  intentionally,  madere  and  madidue  being  oon- 
etantly  need  of  drnnkenneee.  Socratici  eermonee  epeoieily 
refere  to  the  dielognee  of  Plato,  bnt  aleo  hae  the  general 
meaning  of  'philoeophio  argnmente'  of  the  eort  to  whieh 
Sooratee  gave  the  firet  impetue,  of.  1.  29. 14  n. 

10.  horrldne]  'like  a  boor'  or  'ohorr:  the  word  eieo  re- 
oalle  the  'regged,'  'unkempt'  appearanoe  ostentatiouely  affeeted 
by  many  phUoeophere  then  ae  now.  See  Mayor,  Juy.  14. 
12  n. 

11.  prled]  'aneient, '  not  eo  mnoh  beoanee  of  hie  aotnal  anti- 
qnity  (he  died  b.o.  149)  ae  beoanee  of  hie  life-long  battle  on 
behalf  of  aneient  mannere,  anoient  onetome,  in  faot  ererything 
that  aided  to  form  the  anoient  Boman  'manlineee'  (eee  virtus, 
1. 12).  prieeue  nearly  alwaye  hae  the  donble  meaning  'anoient 
and  Tenerable' :  the  pereon  or  tbing  to  wnioh  it  ie  applied  mnet 
belong  to  the  *good  old  tunee/  ef.  4.  2.  40,  and  Epod.  2.  2,  ut 
prieea  gene  mortalium. 

18.  lene  tormentnm]  Oxymoron,  'thon  doet  gently  apply 
the  rack  to  dull  wits.' 

«68  H0RA01\  ODE8  IIL  xxi 

tormentum  (rrom  t§rptm)t  «tfao  twieting  thing,'  Mfe»r«eV 
thatwhlehmatethemiwflhj^epeek.    f ■#  ml—  owfwm  in,  — 

HOJBek  ObflOrTOO,  tht  OBOOt  flMWflitf  of  flOOOwJflUt  /flOill  it  i 

(Quint.  10.  L 188). 

15.    emi  ot..J   Wtekfaam  rigfatly  oaHo  irlBflHnn  to  tho 
met  tfaot  Lyeeui  J  Aoote*  X**  toto)  ii  •  H»  god  who  grveo  free- 
dom,'  oad  ooya  that  tfaerefore  tho  wfaolo  oentonco  fi-< 
eomiUm  rtttftndo  ewrat  tobtit,  expUinin*  tfaot  'ae  eare 
beevy  wfaoa  brooded  over  io  tfaey  ootm  oabjeete  lor  nrirtfa 
diioaioed  over  wiae.' 

18.  vfeeeq^e  ot  oddii...]  ewt  Joiao  tfao  two  oloaoot,  et 
tfao  two  noune  wfret  oad  coroofl.  Por  tfao  faoca  oo  tfao  ayrabol 
of  itroagth  et  8. 19. 89  n. 

19.  aeque  tratoo...]  *tremblinff  aoilfaor  ot  tho  flagry  dfav 
demi  of  tiage.'  Noto  the  favnaUage,  et  8.  1.  48  a.  Vor 
ojms vliora  or  rfiodmo  oeo  L  84.  14  a. 

21.    te...l  'tbeeLiboread,if  ahe  lend  a  propitioue  _ 
Venus,  oad  tne  Orooeo  looth  to  undo  their  bond,  and  lifiag 
Unterne  ifaoll  leod  oa  untfl....' 

oolToro  io  tfae  epexegetio  iaf.  oiter  tegnst,  oee  1.  8. 
86  n.  TheGrooei  ore  repreeented  oo  listen  who  noror  eeparate. 
For  vfoo*  et  vigiltt  hictmat,  8,  8. 14. 

ODE  xxn. 

A  poetioal  inoeription  to  be  plaoed  on  a  pine  overhanging 
hii  Sobine  homeiteod  whioh  he  dedieotei  to  Diano  with  tfao 
promiie  of  a  yearly  laerifioe. 

9.  quae...]  'thou  that  thrioe  lummoned  doet  hearkea  to 
yoong  wiTes  {jnuUatS  in  their  traTail  and  save  from  deatfa.' 

The  invoeation  of  Diana  CAmfut)  oa  the  goddooi  who  oavee 
women  in  ehildbirth  (v.  Lidd.  and  Bcott,  o.v.  BAdfwa)  io 
Qreek :  tbe  Romani  ueually  invoked  Juno  Luoina. 

4.  dlva  triformli]  In  heaven  Luna,  on  oarth  Diana,  in 
hell  Heoate.    For  Diana  oee  alao  1.  91  Int. 

5.  tua]  predioatiTOi  'let  the  pine  be  thine,' 

NOTES.  369 

6.  quam. . .donem] ' so  that  I  may  present  it,'  in  oonneotion 
with  tua  esto. 

ptr  ezaotoi  annos]    Of.  8. 18.  5  n. 

7.  obliquum  medltantls  lotum]  'practising  its  ddelong 
blow':  the  boar  is  a  young  one  just  trying  iti  powers.  •  wudi* 
tor=ue\er6.<a.  Boari  itrike  with  their  tusks  trom  the  eide. 
Cf.  Hom.  Boxtrit  alff<To*r*%  *ruahing  sideways,'  of  two  boars. 


'Pray  on  tbe  new  nioon,  Phidyle,  and  offer  your  dmple 
to  the  Lares,  and  then  all  ahall  be  well  with  your 
farm.  Oostly  and  numerous  victima  are  for  priestly  rites :  they 
have  nothing  to  do  with  you  and  your  humbie  worship  of  the 

Phidyle  (of.  *ettc<r*cu)  is  taken  as  the  type  of  a  'thrifty' 
oountry  housewife. 

1.  caelo...]  '  if  you  shall  have  raised  towards  heaven  up- 
turned  hands.'  For  caelo**  'heavenwards*  of.  Virg.  Aen.  5. 
641,  it  eaelo  clamor  and  1.  28. 10,  Oreo  devtissunu 

The  most  anoient,  and  perhaps  most  natoral,  attitude  of 
prayer  was  standing  with  handi  uplifted  and  upturned  to 
heaven.  Of.  H.  7.  177,  Xooi  b*  -npnfrarro,  $€ouri  W  x*lpa\ 
oWtrxor,  Virg.  Aen.  4.  205,  lovetn  manibus  supplex  oraue 
supinis,  1  Tim.  2.  8,  'I  will  therefore  that  men  pray  everywhere, 
U/ting  up  holy  hands.1 

2.  nascente  Luna]  For  the  oelebration  of  the  day  of  the  new 
moon,  yovunwla,  of.  1  Sam.  20.  5,  1  Ohron.  28.  81. 

8.  horna  fruge]  'with  this  year's  oorn';  hornusr~horinus% 
wpwoi :  an  offering  of  the  firstfruits  of  the  harvest  is  meant. 

6.  pestilentem  Africum]  «the  deadly  African  wind,'  the 
Sirooco,  cf.  2. 14. 15  n. 

For  sentiet=<  feel  to  its  cost,'  see  8.  5.  86  n. 

6.  sterUem  robiginem]  'the  blighting  mildew.'  Orelli 
(4th  edition)  states  that  the  spelling  robigo  not  rubigo  is  found 
in  '  the  best  MSS.  of  Horaoe,  VirgU  and  others. '  The  word  is 
usually  derived  from  ru5to='rust.' 

7.  alumni]    See  3. 18.  4  n. 

HORACE,  ODES  III.  *xiii. 

"  '  the  sickly  seaaon  when  autamn  jields  her 

in    Latiura.    dtvota  =  '  doomed, 
eu  i     f 

13.  eerrlc*]  '      th  blood  fram  ita  neck.' 

14.  WnUre]  '  to  besiege,'  'attaek,'  as  though  tho  tmanx  of 
the  gods  wero  oul y  to  be  woa  with  effort  and  eipense.  So  too 
2.  19.  12,  dtot  lateuo.  Translnle:  'Tou  haie  no  need  to 
besiege  (heaven)  with  saeriflce  of  msny  aheep,  yoo  who  orown 
7001  tinj  gods  with  rosemarj.'  parvot  dfoiiparva  dtoram 
timulaera,  ud  though  no  doabt  in  stric       ranunar  the  nords 

1«...]  'if  giftleaa  tlij  hsnd  ha»  touahed  the  altar 

not  made  more  peraueaive  bj  |the  sacri8ce  of )  &  ooatlj  rictim. 
thea  it  has  -.ppeassd  the  angry  Penate»  with  duteous  meal 
and  crackluig  aalt,'  i.e.  llie  act  of  supplieation  11  enough  with- 
out  anj  vain  oblations. 

Immtmii  i»  ernphatio  and  iti  meaning  ii  the  sarne  aa  in  the 
two  otber  paeaagee  wbere  Eorace  nees  it  (Od.  4.  13.  23,  Epiat, 
1.  14.  33,  immimem  Cinarae  placuiitt  rapaci),  where  it  ia 
clearly  oaed  with  referenoe  to  ita  atTmology  =  'vnithout  a  gift.' 
I Jwpoi.  Tho  comparative  blanditrr  hae  ita  foll  forca ;  the 
snpplisnt  doea  not  endeavour  to  add  to  her  powere  of  persnaaion 
by  a  costly  sacrifice,  and  blandui  ia  used  with  aome  soorn  (of. 
blandiri),  Horace  diatiactly  deprecating  snob  endesvonrs  to 
'eoai'  or  'wheedle'  tbe  goda  tnto  ahewing  favoor  (ef,  votU 
pacitei,  8.  39.  09  n.).  The  «podosii  begina  with  molliwit,  ud 
tha  perfeot  eipresses  that  tha  aet  of  supplioation  at  oiwe  affaeta 
""--  **- — a  prohablj  represents  a  well-known  y^/iii, 

"  -■•-  ■ —  ■■■   "'--a «*- fto-t mm 

the  spirit  of  eaorifloe  and  availe  withont  anj  ooatlj  aaoriliea. 

Most  editots  plaoa  a  oomma  aftar  marau  and  make  tha 
apodoaia  begin  at  new  lunptuoia.  'Thongh  joui  hand...hald 
no  gift,  it  has  appeased  the  Fenatea  with  meal  aud  oraokling 
aalt,  and  could  plaaae  no  n 
/ulura)  wiUl  a  coitly  Tintim.' 

NOTES.  371 

The  objeotion  to  this  rendering  is  that,  as  non  blandior 
moUiet  can  only«'i0ttf  not  be  more  pleaaing  when  ii  shall 
appease,'  and  non  blandior  moUiret  oan  onlj^would  not  be 
more  pleasing  if  it  shoold  appease,'  ao  non  blandior  moUivit 
oan  onlj»*wa#  not  more  pleasing  when  it  appeaeed.'  80  in 
Oreek  4y&  06  rtlartfrrtpot  rott  \iyois  iMkmo*  rodt  'A.  4  ro** 
tfyott  eonld  only  mean  'I  was  not  more  persuasive  when  I 
taoght  the  Atheniana  by  mj  worda  than  I  was  by  my  worka.' 

Some  good  MSS.  here  read  moUibiU 

Orelli  rendera  immunis  'gniltless,'— *  if  a  guiltleai  hand 
has  tonohed  the  altar,  then  it  has...'  The  sentiment  thus 
expressed  ia  lofty — perhaps  too  lofty  for  the  oontext,  and 
may  be  eompared  with  Fsalm  60. 18:  *Will  I  eat  the  flesh  of 
bulls,  or  drink  the  blood  of  goats?    Offer  nnto  Qod  thanks- 

SiTing,  and  pay  thy  tows  nnto  the  most  High,'  The  meaning 
owerer  assigned  to  immunis  is  clearly  unjustinable.  Immunis 
(from  in  and  tmmus)  originallr  meant  'withont  a  duty»  or 
•burden/  «free  from  taxation,'  •rree*:  it  then  beoomes  frequent 
in  poetry  with  a  gen. :  e.g.  immunis  beUit  scelsris,  eaediem*  free 
froxn.'  Immunis  eeelerum  laa*  <guiltless,'  immunis  by  itself  has 
no  snoh  meaning. 

Bentley  and  Nanek  take  sumptuosa  as  a  nom.  'Though 
the  hand  that  tonohed  the  altar  held  no  gift,  yet  not  more 
persuasiTely  has  a  eostlT  viotim  appeased  the  P.  than  thy 
duteous  meal  and  oraokling  salt/  The  only  objeetion  is  the 
short  flnal  syllable  in  sumptuosa.  Aleaens  admitted  a  short 
syllable  in  this  position  but  Horaoe  never  does,  exoept  poesibly 
in  the  oase  of  the  8rd  pers.  sing.  of  verbs  (see  1.  8.  86  n.). 

20.  farre  pio  et  atlienta  mioa]  i.e.  the  mola  talsa,  a 
mixtnre  of  meal  and  aalt  either  sprinkled  on  the  head  of  the 
Tiotim  or  offered,  as  here,  by  itself  on  the  altar.  miea  is  a 
'grain*  or  'ornmb'  of  anything,  here  of  ealt,  as  every  Boman 
wno  had  seen  the  mola  salsa  would  at  onoe  nnderstand ;  saliente 
=  'spnttering'  or  'oraokling,'  i.e.  when  thrown  on  the  fire. 


'Wealth  and  palaees  avail  nothing;  when  onoe  inevitable 
Fate  dooms  thee,  thon  oanst  not  esoape  death.  Far  better  (than 
onr  lnxnry  and  lioense)  the  life  of  the  wild  nomads,  simple  it  ia 

97!  HORACO;  0DE8  m. 

troe  bnt  Tirtnont  eiid  pnre.  WhoeTer  woold  omwj 
hero  ihe  eonrego  lo  enrb  Hm  Uoonae  off  iho  dej  end  ao  wJa 
fnmo  for  oitor  eget,  tinot  in  hit  own  ege  eleo  ho  wfll  netj  te 
we  hete  merit.  Nor  will  wordi  erafl;  itm  aad  etrong  10- 
proirion  ii  noodod  nowt  when  men  oooar  me  wodd  te  weelm, 
whon  porertj  io  gmt  ditgreee  to  bo  eToided  hj  enj  mom*) 
oren  bj  gnilt  0  lot  nt  dodieete  to  heeTtn  or  iing  into  fifco 
■eo  onr  gtmi  ond  jewele  ond  gold;  lot  nt  root  ont  tho  orJl»  ond 
begin  bjtreining  tho  rieing  gtnorotkm  moro  roaghjj  mem  wo 
do  now,  whon  iho  noblo  joath  it  moro  ot  homo  wfth  tho  dftm- 
box  thon  on  hombeek,  ond  fttbert  ohtet  eren  e  portner  or  * 
gnett  in  their  heeto  to  meke  e  fartnne  for  their  hoir.  8o 
weelth  erer  growe  bnt  nerer  mtienei.' 

In  itt  generel  pnrpoot  ihe  Odo  mej  be  eompered  wfth  Oiei 
1—6  of  thit  Book,  end  eeptoienj  Ode  6. 

1.  inteottf...]  Cf.  1.  29. 1  n.  inUuXit,  «nnrifledV  U.  bj 
the  Bomeni. 

8.  eeomentli...]  'althongh  with  bnilding  meteriel  jon 
■eixe  on...'    Cf.  8.  1.  88—88  end  notet. 

4.  terrennm..jnere  pnbUonm]  So  Orelli't  4th  edition 
rightly,  inttetd  of  Tvrrhenum...ApuUcum.  Tyrrenum  or  Iw*- 
renum  it  fonnd  in  ell  M88. ;  publieum  het  strong,  Pontieum 
moderate,  end  ApuUeum  tlight  enthoritj;  Porphjrion'1  oom- 
ment  *non  terram  tentnm  Ternm  etiem  merie  oecnpantem' 
thewi  that  he  did  not  reed  Tyrrhenum,  At  Pontieum  end 
Apulieum  eannot  ttand,  for  no  Romen  wonld  bnild  bie  Tfllaa 
to  at  to  enoroeoh  on  the  Pontio  or  Apnlien  lee,  pubHcum  mntt 
be  right,  and  joined  with  Porphyrion'i  eomment  inTolTet 
the  aooeptanoe  of  Laehmann'i  oonjeotnre  terrenum,  The  rieh 
man  is  not  tatitfied  with  'all  the  land'  bnt  mntt  teiie  elto  on 
*the  general  tea' — the  tea  in  which,  it  might  haTO  teemed,  no 
one  conld  elaim  propertj. 

6.  ti  flglt]  •  jet  if  dread  Neoessity  drives  her  odamantino 
nails  into  the  topmoit  roof,  (then)  thon  ahalt  neither  fret  thj 
tonl  from  feer  nor  thj  life  from  the  tnarei  of  death.' 

For  figU  tee  1.  8.  86  n.  and  for  a  piotnre  of  Neceuitae  V 
85.  17 — 19,  where  clavot  trabales  aniwori  to  elavoe  adamantinoe 
here,  the  'nail'  being  clearly  ijmbolical  of  that  whieh  ii  fixed 

NOTES.  373 

and  immutable.  It  wonld  eeem  plain  therefore  that  when  the 
rieh  man  haa  Uid  his  foundations,  and  reared  hia  palaoe, 
Neoessity  ia  repreaented  aa  alighting  on  the  roof  and  there 
planting  a  nail  aa  a  aign  and  symbol  that  the  rieh  man  and  all 
his  riohes  are  not  exempt  from  the  terror  of  her  nniTeraal  sway 
(ef.  8t  Lnke  12. 16—21). 

Some  wonld  take  verUx  asa*head'(as  1. 1.  8G)  and  ezplain 
of  'the  heads  of  thoae  who  tower  above  their  neighbours,'  and 
so  Conington  renders : 

'Let  Neoessity  bnt  driye 
Her  wedge  of  adamant  into  that  proud  head9 

Vainlv  battling  will  you  strive 
To  'acape  Death's  noose,  or  rid  yonr  aonl  from  dreodV 

Trnly  with  *a  wedge  of  adamant'  in  his  head  the  poor  wretch 
wonld  have  little  need  to  eare  whether  he  was  hanged  after- 
warda  or  not. 

8.  morUs  laquels]  Cf.  Ps.  18. 6,  *the  snares  of  death  nre- 
vented  me';  alao  Prov.  14.  27.  expedire^^io  get  the  foot 
free,'  'to  get  free,'  the  opposite  of  impedire. 

9.  campestres]    See  8.  8. 24  n. 

10.  qnornm]  They  lived  in  oaravans  like  modern  gipsies. 
Cf.  Aesch.  Prom.  709, 

Sjrffar  d  a<pi$ti  woudSat,  ot  rXcrrdf  criyas 
wtbapatot  ralove  4w  tvx  vxXoit  6%oit. 

rtte='after  their  enstom':  rigidi  ^'Btem,'  opposed  to 
'loose,'  'lioentious.' 

12.  lmmetata  iugera]  'unmeasured  acr*a':  aswith  them 
there  was  no  private  property  there  wonld  be  no  need  of 
bonndary  stones  (termini)  or  land  measnrementa  of  any  kind; 
the  Bomans  on  the  other  hand  paid  great  attention  to  these 
things.    Bee  Dict.  Ant.  a.v.  Agrimentorei, 

liberass^free,'  because,  a*  the  prodnoe  belonged  to  the 
whoU  tribe  in  oommon,  none  needed  to  pnrchase  food.  Oaesar 
B.G.  4. 1  tells  ns  that  the  Suevi,  and  Tacitus  Oenn.  26  that  the 
Oerman  tribes,  still  retained  this  nndonbtedly  primitive  mode 
of  cultivation.  Gaesart  words  are:  quotannit  tingula  milia 
armatorum  beUandi  eauta  educunt.  ReUqui  qui  domi  manterunt 
te  atque  iUot  alunt.    Hi  rurtut  invieem  anno  pott  in  armit 

tunt/illi  domi  remanent neque  longiut  anno  remanere  uno  in 

loco  incolendi  eauta  Ueet. 

874  HORAGE,  ODES  m.  rrfr. 

14.  mo  onltoa,..]  Partiy  reJerriag  lo  tha  mat  thea,  I 
*  nomadio  pmli,  tbey  amr  etayed  beyond  »  yanr  m 
tpot,  parfly  to tho praotioo pf rolioTing  (reoroaQ  thomwltthad 

dono  tbt  work  ena  jear  (t>/liiMm  Irtorflmj  by 
(vfaartf)  who  had  been  meanwhile  aoting  ae 
who  now  had  to  take  their  mir  tarn  (tort  oifaWi)  of 
8eo  qooi  fcom  Oaee.  abore. 

16.  TlouliiiltlhimWoM^^oiMwhoooinoomtiinit94» 
atitute'i  -a  •Tioox'  wm  originally  e  minieter  eppointed  lo  de 
thowork  of  a  reotory  of  whioh  tho  monki  enjoyed  tho  mam 
rerennaa.    8oo  Bhmt,  Bef.  in  Bng.  e.  ir. 

18.  priTignla]  «the  gniltiati  wifo  eneree  (Lo.  traate  with 
kmdneee)  hor  mothorleoo  atepehildren.'  Cie.  treqnentjy  eeea 
temperart  in  thia  etnee,  04.  $ociis,  tmp$ratit  taeJew*,  amfilj 
tr»if*rar«.  Tho  oraolfr  of  atanmoihaw  waa  proTorbial.  8ee 
Dict  o.T.  noveree,  /utrfiuL 

19.  dotata  ragtl  Tlrmm)  Tha  Boman  poata  freqoentiy 
oomplain  that  rioh  wifoa  ohon  prorod  troly  'better  hahea.' 
Cf.  oop.  Flant.  AnL  8.  5.  60,  and  llart.  8.  12, 

uxcrem  quare  locupletem  dueert  noJo, 
quaeritit  t  uxorx  nubert  nolo  meae. 

21.  dos]  with  magna.  For  metuent  viri  cf.  8.  19.  16  n. 
'Chaatity  that  ihrinke  from  anothert  Ioto,  the  marriage-tie 

24.  poooare]  'to  tin,'  i.e.  agaimt  chattity.  o*t«  <or,' 
that  it,  if  the  do  ain,  'the  wagei  ii  death.'  Cf.  the  nae  of  aut 
8. 12.  2. 

25.  lmplae]  'nnhallowed,'  beoanae  domeotio  and  ao  Tio- 
lating  tbe  law  of  natnre.  tollere=lto  do  away  with.'  For 
tbe  •ciril  madnefli'  eee  8.  6. 18  n. 

27.  al  qnaeret]  <if  he  ihall  derJre  to  haTo  "Father  of 
the  dtiea"  inaoribed  beneath  hia  atatneo.'  The  titie  of  •Father' 
[pater  or  parent)  leema  to  haTe  been  not  nnfreqnently  beatowad 
on  benefaotora  by  ttateo  and  eitiee;  ao  Oio.  bidi  bit  brother 
deserre  the  title  of  partnt  Atiat,  and  an  aotnal  inaoription  ia 
extant  referring  to  Angnstne  aa  parent  eoloniae.  8ee  too  1.  2. 
50  n. 

80.  qnatenna]  'in  aa  far  ae,'  •tinoe,'  explaining  port- 
gtnitit;  (he  mntt  troit  to  poiterity  for  fame  einoe...' 

NOTES.  375 

81.  Ylrtutem...]  'sinoe  in  our  jeelouay  wt  hate  living 
worth  (and)  regret  it  when  remored  from  our  gase.'  Note 
that  invidi  from  ite  poeition  goee  with  both  the  oontrasted 


84.  recidltur]  *ie  eut  back/  «Druned,*  like  a  fruit  tree 
whieh  hae  been  puttmg  out  rank  useless  growth. 

85.  leges]    See  8.  6,  Introduotion. 

87.  parsl  Cf.  3.  8.  55  n.  *  The  portion  of  the  globe  fenoed 
in  with  fiery  heat.'  'ineluta,9  says  Wiokham,  'as  if  the  heat 
were  intended  to  bar  it  from  human  intruaion.' 

88.  latus]  So  1.  23. 19,  quod  latut  mundi. 

40.  horridal  Supply  ti  from  1.  86,  and  also  before  magnum, 
L  42.  Horaoe  elsewhere  (1. 8)  speaks  of  the  oommeroial  enter- 
prise  of  sailors  and  abipowners  as  a  flying  in  the  faoe  of 
Providenoe,  who  meant  the  sea  for  a  means  of  separation  not 

42.  mafnum...]  (if)  'poverty  (being,  or  being  oonsidered} 
a  great  disgraoe  urges  men  to  do  and  endure  anything,  and 
quite  the  steep  path  of  virtuc.' 

48.  quidvis]  i.e.  any  aot  of  guilt,  of.  warovpyot,  'one 
who  does  anythmg,'  'a  villain.'  deterere,  whieh  is  Benttev*s 
oonjeoture  for  deterit,  would  be  simpler  but  less  foroible: 
poverty  not  only  bids  men  quit  the  path  of  virtue,  but  aotually 
quits  it  in  the  pursuit  of  wealth.  Virtue  is  oalled  ardua,  «dwell- 
tag  on  high,'  beeause  diffioult  of  attainment. 

46.  ln  Oapitolium]  as  a  votive  offering.  quo  elamor... 
faventium,  Le.  aa  in  a  triumphal  prooeesion. 

48.  lnutUe]  Possibly  not  merely  'useless,'  but,  by  litotes, 

49.  summi...]  'the  oause  of  crowning  ffuilt.'  materiet 
is  the  original  stuff  from  whioh  anvthing  is  subsequently 
fashioned  (the  Ok.  uXif,  et  'materials,'  «matter').  then  the 
'souroe,'  'oause,'  of  anything. 

50.  al  bene  paenitet]  'if  we  are  heartQy  sorry.' 

61.  eradenda...]  Two  prooeeses  are  mentioned,  first  a 
oleansing  process,  a  getting  rid  of  the  old  effeminate  vioes, 
seoondly  the  substitution  of  vigorous  virtues  in  their  plaoe. 

876  HORACX,  ODSB  IIL  nfw. 

53.  t1tmftf>]-r— r^r  * »•  •JnbabtV  iuUmww/  Iwft 
bogmninw.'  Noto  tho  imtftfrtfH  of  Iwsrw  and  ewwiejwwr 
bothftdjtottos  aw  ffliiTlin*ii  by  wo  onilihothiel  fwwwi  w. 
tho  next  linee, 

64.    newtt...]    •Untanghl  the  high-bora  jowih 
»  horw.. jnore  leemed  in  plajing  «w  *  Qxeek  hoop,  tf  jwi 
bid  him,  or...' 

M.  mdere  doottor  w*...]  Ut  'mon  leerned  w  pkjinf 
whether  jou  bid  him  (plaj)  with...or.' 

67.  Qraeoo  trooho]  Both  words  are  wed  eoonnlr/i  we 
Oreeka  in  Bomo  are  oonstantlj  reproeohed  w  the  parwjow  of 
aU  tbat  ii  Uuoiiouo,  vkiou  and  vn-Bowan.  8w  wp.  Jwr. 
8.68—186.    tnwAo(«r^y)itd^ci«nodlTiia^ftGrotkword 

for  a  Qrwk  thing,  et  Jnr.  8. 67,  rwffew  uU  ww  wwfl 
dipna,  Qutrwf,  fet  ooromatioo /ert  nketerla  ooBo. 

68.  lofibwl  Tho  partfonlar  Uwe  are  unknown.  w« 
'sinee,'  Le.  nor  k  il  wonderful,  'sinoe.' 

60.  oonwrlom  eociumj  'hlo  partner  in  bnsfasos.'  mnm 
'oapitaT :  eoiuort  ono  who  jcins  capital  wilh  onothor. 

61.  pecunlam  proporol]  ef.  2.  18.  36  n.  and  8.  7. 84,  doro- 
pcrare  coronat. 

62.  ecllioet...]  Smnming  np  the  whole  purport  of  Ihe  Odo : 
•Yes  truly  ineatiate  wealth  erer  growo;  and  jet  ■™wrti<ig 
ifl  oTer  wanting  to  Ihe  defectiTe  fortune,'  Le.  the  woallhieel 
men  are  nerer  quite  aalisfied,  are  nerer  oontent,  but  alwaje 
ooneider  Iheir  fortune  'maimed,'  'mutiUted,'  and  <defeotiTe,' 
for  want  of  a  eomething  or  other,  thej  know  nol  what, 

For  improbac  eee  8.  9.  22  n.  and  for  tciUcct  2.  li.  9  n. 


An  imitation  of  a  Greek  dithjramb.  The  poet  reproscnts 
himeelf  as  inepired  bj  Baoohue,  but  also  suggeeto  that  hia  state 
of  poetio  exaltation  is  due  lo  dwelling  on  Caeaar's  exploitt, 
whioh,  he  says,  he  ehaU  ehorUj  oelebrate  wilh  no  mere  morlal 
utteranoe  ae  be  foUows  in  the  train  of  tbe  god. 

NOTES.  377 

I.  Bacche]  For  Baoohus  as  the  god  of  '  inspiration '  cf. 
2. 19.  6  n. 

8.  Ttlox mente  noTa]  'hurried  on  with  new inipiration'i 

qulbus  antris]  Either  looal  abl.=*in  what  oaTes?'  or, 
which  seemi  more  pootioal,  the  dat.,«=*by  what  oaTos  ahall  I 

6.  aetemum...]  «essaying  to  set  tfae  glory  of  Oaeear  for 
erer  amid  the  stara  and  the  oonnoil  of  Jupiter.'  In  mythology 
glorifled  beings  of  all  sorts  are  roprceontod  as  being  rewarded 
with  a  plaoe  among  the  stare;  henoe  the  phrase  ttellit 
interere.  tnedUant=pt\*r&*  is  rreqnentlr  used  of  noets 
'oonning  oTer,'  'rehearsing,'  'praotising,'  their  oompoaitions: 
henoe  meditant  fa*eiCT«...s'rehearsing  the  plaeing...,'  Le. 
rehearsinga  poem  on  the  deinoation  of  Caesar.  Cf.  Virg.  Eol. 
1.  2,  tenui  Mutam  meditarii  avena,  imitated  by  Milton,  Lyc 
66,  •and  strictly  medUate  the  thankleas  Hnse.' 

7.  dioam...]  '  Sublime,  new,  unsung  as  yet  by  other  lips 
shall  be  mr  theme.'  Notioe  the  Tigorous  asvndeton  (a-^w- 
W«)  by  which  the  three  adjeotiTes  are  left  withont  any  oon- 
nection.  Orelli  seems  to  take  reeen»  as  a  nom.— *fresh- 
inspixed,'  thns  depriving  the  line  of  all  foroe. 

8.  non  secus...libet]  He  oomparee  his  feelings  as  he  is 
hnrried  along  by  stream  and  groTe  to  those  of  a  Bacohanal 
who  stands  on  a  hill-top  gasing  OTer  the  Talley  of  the  Hebrns 
and  snow-olad  Thraoe  nght  away  to  Rhodope  in  the  distanoe : 
the  eflect  of  the  soene  with  both  is  to  ezcite  poetio  feelinff. 

The  oonstruction  is  probably  non  ucut...utt  though  non 
teeut  is  usually  followed  by  ae;  but  Horace  has  aeque...utt 
1.  16.  7,  instead  of  Others  take  ut...libet  as  an 
ezolamation,  and  oonsidering  the  dithyrambio  character  of  the 
Ode  this  is  not  impossible. 

9.  Buias]  fem.  adj.  *=■  *  a  Bacohanal,'  of.  2. 11.  17  n. 

II.  pede  barbazo  lustratam]  'traTersed  by  barbarous 
feet, •  i.e.  by  the  feet  of  Thracian  Baochanals.  With  the  Oreeks 
pdpjiapoi  (an  imitative  worda'a  Jabberer')  simply  meant  one 
who  did  not  speak  Oreek,  a  non-Oreek,  and  the  fioman  poets 
imitated  this  use,  employing  the  word  frequently,  as  here,  with 
no  tinge  of  oontempt,  e.g.  when  Plautus  wishes  to  say  he  has 
translated  a  Oreek  play  into  Latin  he  says  Plautue  vortit 

878  HORACB,  ODE8  JIL  xxr. 

14.    oMaladom  potoaol  *  0  Lord  of  tho  Ittfor^ytmnW 
IMotkf -Noideft  (»4«  «to  now/  nvm  i 

16.  Tortere]    •te  upturn/  •optoot.9    Iv.  Beoh. 

17.  tammmodo]  'm  lowly  aobioo.' 

18.  dnlot...]  «ajoyoti»  haaard  it  it,  0  King  of  the  TTmo» 
prcet,  lo  foUow  the  fod  who  gerlendo,...' 

For  ptrimUmm  ot  B.  20.  ULxiXirW  M  *el  oWmOm 
f>«^yffif  ond  Judoee  18.  «2,  •  And  Moneeh  eeid  unto  hfc  wife, 
We  ahall  eorcly  die,  beoauot  wo  hoTt  oton  GodV 

Lenaeut — Ammm  fromXovet, 'e 


•But  lately  I  wm  o  tnooeoffal  oombottni  in  tbo  liete  of 
loYe :  now  in  tokon  that  my  werfare  if  flnithcd  I  horo  dediooto 
my  ormi  to  Venut,  with  just  one  flnol  preyer— thet  tho  goddoto 
will  moke  Chloe  poy  for  hor  oonoeit.' 

It  woi  onitomary  on  leoTing  off  ony  oooupation  to  dediooto 
oome  of  the  initromente  oonneoted  with  it  to  an  oppropriote 
divinity,  e.g.  a  worrior  dediootee  hii  ermi,  o  fading  beonty  her 
mirror  (ef.  4.  10.  6  n.)t  o  nahermen  hii  nett,  ond  oo  horo 
Horaoe  dedioatet  hit  lyre,  ond  olto  oerttin  other  imaginary 
paraphernalia  of  lore-making.  To  tnch  dedieoted  objeeta  o 
thort  poetieal  intoription  waa  frequently  appended  (cf.  tho 
many  inatancet  of  dValiptarurd*  in  the  Gk.  Anthology),  and  tbit 
Ode  is  tnppoted  to  be  written  for  that  objeot.  Notioe  tho 
humoront  inoontittenoy  between  the  declaration  at  the  be- 
ginning  and  the  proyer  at  tho  oonolntion. 

1.  Ylxl]  with  nuper,  idoneut  with  puellit. 

2.  militorl]  Cf.  Ot.  Am.  1.  9.  1,  militat  omnit  amant, 
and  ef.  bella,  4. 1.  2,  mWtiae,  4. 1.  16. 

8.  defunctumqut...]  (ond  my  lyre  whote  wara  ore  endedV 
barbiton= pdpfiiToft  cf.  1.  82.  4  n. 

NOTES.  379 

4.  hic  paries...]  Beeause  the  lyre  would  be  hung  upon 
the  wall  (cf.  ardAgpa). 

6.  marinae]  'sea-born.'  'A+po&ni  wm  supposed  to  haTe 
■prung  from  the  foam  {a$p6t)  of  the  sea.  Veneri$=l{ot  the 
temple)  of  Venus.' 

6.  lueida  runalia]  torohes  made  froxn  ropei  dipped  in  tar. 
He  itill  keeps  np  the  simile  from  war  in  hif  desoription  of  theee 
instrnmente  for  a  'night  assault.'  What  wonld  be  the  use  of 
•bows'  to  'threaten  oppoaing  doors'  it  ia  diifionlt  to  see,  nor  is 
it  any  explanation  to  say  that  they  were  for  «threatening  the 
doorkeepers.'  It  is  not  nnreasonable  to  snppose  that  dt  arcut 
Horaoe  mtends  some  militarr  engine  (suoh  as  the  aratbaUista 
of  later  times)  whioh  was  nsed  in  sieges  and  disoharged  missiles 
by  means  of  a  hujge  '  bow ' :  it  is  to  be  remembered  that  the 
whole  desoription  is  derignedly  ezaggerated. 

9.  beatam]  'blessed/perhaps  'as  beingthyfaTouriteseat': 
oertainly  the  translation  'wealthy'  will  not  now  be  admitted. 

10.  Memphin...J  Her.  2.  119  mentions  a  temple  of  Kcfaf 
'AfpodlTT)  at  Memphis. 

oarentem  ttthonta  niTe]  i.e.  enjoTing  a  warm  olimate 
Sithonia  was  the  oentral  penmsuU  in  Cnaloidioe. 

11.  sublimi]  piotorial,  'with  uplifted  Ush.' 

12.  tange  semel]  'touoh'  and  'onoe'  by  their  studied 
moderation  suggest  more  than  is  expressed. 


*May  guilty  travellers  start  with  evil  omens  or  be  stopped 
by  them ;  for  those  I  am  anxious  about  I  shall  oarefully  searoh 
out  happy  auguries.  And  may  you  especially,  Golatea,  hare 
good  luck,  and  yet  I  dread  from  experienoe  that  stormy  ohannel 
passage.  Tou  must  be  as  bold  aa  Europe  was,  when  she  trusted 
herself  to  the  bull:  what  a  diiferenoe  she  found  between 
flowery  meadows  and  mid  ooean!  And  when  she  reaohed 
Crete  how  she  regretted  her  boldness,  and  praycd  for  death! 
Venus  however  at  last  consoled  her.' 

r.  H.  26 

UORACE,  ODES  III.  uvii 
■  *e«ni  to  BM  tbe  oooaaion   of  Oalatea'*  jouro«j 
T  pretexl  tm  mtro&Mttf  the  knf  tjrleal  nuntrro 
i,   ~nto*oimitoMJr/%nottMtof  Qo1*m»-* 
t  ^  a  wsoUmc  taj  prt  of  H  ta  owIlonJ*  fc> 

fttrtoo...epi]   Hotothe»nathi«oJ*orii»tM»MMta. 

,  rednenti*]  'of  tbe  bootJng  orrf"*  nfnln,'  nmm 
|  refer  ta  the  ropetttioa  of  tbe  orj. 
aat] '  condoot,'  Le.  on  theu  joarnej. 
r.]  o  gnjfah-) 
rrnu)  ne&r  Um  i 



j  editor*  fin.l  difBanttj  in  theat  Mntnto  ttnen,  Orelli 
■  nunpat^inHii— ■■!  and  Uwn  ndd*  'MMMO>  ita  m% 
nM  «celcrali  no»  *«rM^...i*lM|0«  *ireMrt,*lhojiaikini 
t  leaUj  meaa  'Mt  H  wnrn  tham  fn  ™in  to  braak,1 
it  ean  :  ■-  .  j  do.  Bentkj  nnd  othon  nad  i'mmH, 
li  h*i  Uttle  authorttr,  ead  nwko*  tbo  Hno»  mont*  oonttJB 
it  m  to  wbat  liuiiO  omen  on  a  JoBrnej,  t  thinf 
■ch  eserj  one  knew.  Tbe  oonoo  dmptji* 'Lat  eVu  onono 
■omponj  the  gniltj  wban  thej  stait  on  Iobiboji  nnd  (that  M, 
lother  initanoe* :  in  BngUMl  we  naa  'or  )  ]ot  them  han  theb 
lrneji  intermpwd  bj  thom.' 
7.  manno*]  '  t  .rTiage-borte*,'  n  Oallia  word;  fiom  tb* 
e  laogaftge  oome  MMaW,  ptiorrtium,  rMdo,  coelam,  whieh 
»11  aeed  in  Latia  to  eignifj  'a  oarriage, '  mnd  *eem  to  prore 
kt  the  Bomuu  deiind  the  um  of  'e*m*«e*'  bom  QaoL 
col]  =  ri  tni,  fi  gotng  with  nueUabo,  c*t  with  ImmIo, 

«aipex)  froin  »«U  and  lyicto,  one  who  'watchea  birda,' 
piodaeei  omeoi  from  thelr  flight, 

9.  itante*]  'rtagnaat.' 

10.  lmbrlum. ..]  'the  bird  prophetio  of  UBpondJtta;  gtnrm*,' 
|ef.  S.  17.  II  where  tho  nven  i*  oalled  amgur  afiue,  and  tbo 

e  bird  i*  probablj  HHUt  here,  cf.  Virg.  Oeorg.  1. 188,  tna 
ix  fitna  pluviam  ooeal  improba  «*«. 

NOTES.  381 

For  imbrium  divina  cf.  divina  /uiuri  A.  P.  218,  and  Virg. 
Aen.  6.  66,  praetcia  venturi,  and  1. 15.  24  n. 

11.  oselnls]  From  ot  and  canot  a  teohnioal  term  for  birds 
that  gave  omens  by  their  ntteranoe.  toUt  ab  ortu,  Le  from 
the  region  of  light  and  happy  omena. 

18.  tli  lloet...l  'Mayest  thon  be  hsppy,  yee  happy,  where'er 
thy  ohoioe,  and  hve../  licet—per  me  Uc$tt  'aa  far  as  I  am 
eonoerned  you  may,'  i.e.  thongh  regretting  yonr  departnre,  still 
I  do  noi  wiah  yon  ill  bnt  well.  Moet  editors  take  tit  aa  depen- 
dent  on  Ucet,  I  prefer  to  make  it  parallel  to  vivat,  licet  being 
pnrely  parenthetioal :  the  aenae  ia  tne  aame  in  both  eaaea. 

15.  laernil  olearlTs^iU-omened,'  citatAt,  The  Boman 
angnrs  faoed  tne  Sonth,  the  Oreek  the  North,  when  taking 
obeervations,  and,  aa  the  Boman  poota  are  aometimea  imitating 
a  Greek  phraae  eometimes  uaing  a  natWe  one,  when  they  epeak 
of  an  omen  *on  the  left  hand,'  the  oontext  ia  the  only  guide 
whether  they  mean  from  the  Eaat  or  from  the  Weet,  of  good  or 
evil  omen. 

17.  aed  Yidea...]  'but  vou  aee  with  what  nproar  Orion 
haatena  to  hia  aetting.'  Onon  aete  early  in  November  when 
the  storma  of  winter  begin.  I  prefer  to  take  trepidet  yronut 
together  and  not  trepidet  tumultu  aa  Orelli  doea. 

18.  ego...]  Emphatio:  Horaoe  apeaks  from  aad  peraonal 
experienoe.  'I  know  what  the  dark  gulf  of  Hadria  ia,  and  the 
orimes  of  the  elear  Sonth  wind.'  Wiokham  takee  aVbut  peccet 
aa  meaning  'is  treaoheroua  for  all  hia  white  81368,'  and  explains 
*that  though  usually  albut  it  is  not  alwaya  ao.'  There  ia  no 
need  ao  to  take  it:  a  'clear,'  'bright'  day  is  often  very  rongh, 
and  a  'white,'  'oloudless'  breeze  may  be  a  very  attizT  one. 
albut  ia  added  to  form  a  piotorial  oontraat  with  ater;  the 
aea  ia  'dark,'  •  tempestuous,'  above  the  sky  is  'bright'  and 

20.  lapyx]   ef.  1.  8.  4  n. 

21.  oaecoB...]  'audden,'  *  unexpected.'  For  tentiant  ef. 
2.  7.  9  n. 

25.  alo...]  'ao  too...,'  i.e.  with  equal  hardihood.  For 
Europe  (Ev/xfrnf)  aee  Claas.  Dioi,  and  for  doloto  eredidU  of.  8. 
5.  88,  and  2.  4.  6  n.    latut  ia  naed  itriotly. 

26.  'et  acatentem...]  'at  sight  of  the  sea  teeraing  with 
monsters  and  of  dangers  all  around  grew  pale  for  all  her  bold- 


HORACE,  ODES  III.  nvii. 

dax{  Oijmoron:  ber  own  boldnen  now 
■"or  yallnit  wilh  kco.  in  •eoondary-  hdm  of 
Bn.  meiiat  fraudtt,  lit. '  midmoit  dan  ger» ' .- 
'  centre  o(  theru.     For  Kattnttm  Uluii  of. 


89.  nuper  -■  cte]  M»rk  the  contrasted  wordi  pnt  Arat  u 
guidee.  Boere  lutri.  '  bj  nighfi  dim  radUnce':  rablwtru 
(c(.  rublucto,  a*ti,  Ao.,  iuos'sUghtly,'   'partUllj')  de- 

■oribe*  e  con  di  „ „ ..  which  i*  half  obscurit j,  h»lf  Iight :  in  the 
present  a»  the  itui  (1.  31)  IH  ghinin-,  »nd  thoro  U  jtut 
sufficUnt  light  to  make  »11  mvsteriou»  eiid  terrible  to  Ear 

Martin  gi»e*  'lo<     i        rj"*  omj ' "' 

end  tnftrriug  *k"  '      " 

■tndloul!  '    AdjectiTM* 

ing  deeiie  en  ier  them,  e.(.  i 

eupidu»,  faitidm  /. 

S3.     s'.mal]  = ac,  '•»  bood  m,'    cenlum,  cf.  Hom.  H. 

S.  619,  Kprrnir  itarinwalur. 

84.    piter   .1    '  0  fether,'  ihe  cried,  '0  uame  of  danghter 
abendoned.  »nd  duty   vuiquUhed  bj  pataion.'      Orelli   r~  ' 
Wickhnm  meke  filia*  d«t.  after  rtlietvm  =  '0  fether,  0  ni 
bj  thy  daaghter  ebandoned.' 

37.  tutde  q,uo]  'whenee  (snd)  whither.'  8o  too  the  Gre-ki 
□m  e  doable  interrogetion  without  eny  oonnecting  word,  e.g. 
rfi  ridtr  jwt ; 

1»tU]  predicative.  una,  aa  alwajs,  empbetic  virfimtm, 
the  plnril,  beoeuM  otheri  have  «inned  ae  »he  )iu  :  tbe  thought 
th»i  othera  hnve  yielded  to  temptati on  tu&kea  her  lin  Mem 
mor*  pardonable. 

3B.  TlgiUmtB*...]  'Am  I  avaka  bewailing  a  (oul  crime, 
or  am  I  guiltleai,  aud  doei  a  viaion  mock  me,  n  vi*ion  that  idlj 
fljing  from  the  ivory  gate  bringi  (only)  »  dream  ?  ' 

Orelli  and  WicOchem  pnt  a  oorom»  «fter  vana  inatead  of  after 
imago  :  the  «tenie  U  thna  left  witb  a  very  weak  ending  (»  »erj 
rara  thing  in  Bapphjea),  »n  □nnatural  importance  U  ettached 
to  vana,  aud  the  aenae  U  eoareelj  ■□  good,  for  what  Eoropt 
mj>  i«,  'Am  I  awalte,  or  !■  thia  a  Tiaion  (t>i(rilani...inago}, 
and  if  ■  vinion.  U  it  one  of  thoio  idla  onea  that  coma  from  tbe 
JTorj  nte  and  bring  onlj  draama  not  foreehadowing»  of  thc 

Bomer,  Od.  19.  G3S,  deaoribe»  dreami  u  coming  tnrougfc 
two  gatM,  tlie  one  of  linrn,  the  other  »f  iTory.  tbe  one  iot 

NOTES.  283 

being  aooompli&hed,  ihe  other  not,  and  aesignB  a  fanciful  ety- 
mologioal  reaaon  for  the  diatinotion  f  Atyat,  ivory,  and  4Xc  • 
eWp»,  to  make  light :  icipat,  horn,  «pairtf,  to  aooompliah). 

45.  ai  quis...dedat]  Horaoe  makee  the  bull  vaniah  aa 
aoon  ae  he  has  oonveyed  her  to  Orete. 

47.    modo]  «lately,'  'but  late.'    muttum,  aee  1.  67  n. 

49.  impndens...]  •  Shameleai  am  I  to  delaj  Death,'  i.e. 
to  keep  Death  waiting. 

6*0.  o  deornm...]  *  O  thou  of  all  the  goda  whoever  hearest 
thia,  may  I....' 

Notioe  inter,  aeparated  from  Uonee.  nuda  is  perhaps, 
aa  Nanok  pointa  out,  not  to  be  pressed,  the  expression  *to 
wander  naked  among  Hons'  being  proverbiala*  to  meet  a  vio- 
lent  death/  at  the  eame  time  I  think  a  piotorial  oontraat  ia 
anggested  between  her  beauty  and  their  lavageneaa. 

58.  antequam...]  'ere  yet  hideona  decay  aeise  on  theae 
oomely  oheeks,  ere  the  yonng  blood  ebbs  from  the  tender  vio- 
tim,  in  my  beauty  I  long  to  feed  the  beasts.'  The  foree  of  this 
diffionlt  and  almoet  nntranalateable  stanza  is,  I  think,  elear: 
her  beauty  that  wae  her  pride  has  beoome  her  loathing,  henoe 
the  oynioal  aoorn  with  which  ahe  speaks  of  it,  and  the  nse  of 
snoh  terms  as  Unera  and  ntcus  (jniee)  with  referenoe  to  it, 
terms  which  are  applieable  to  bntoher'8  meat.  Cf.  patcere. 
The  merit  of  the  stanza  is  however  doubtful,  though  Orelli 
sooffs  at  the  modern  *  eentimental  delicaoy  •  (tenHmentaU  Zart- 
heit)  whioh  objects  to  it. 

57.  pater  nrget  abseni] '  so  my  f ather  f ar  away  assails  me.' 

58.  potes]  Emphatic :  you  have  the  power,  nae  it.  bene, 
ironically = '  happily,  of .  deUetant.    laedere  = '  break.' 

61.  rnpe8  et  aonta  leto  aaxa]  '  preoipioes  and  rooks  aharp 
for  death.'  The  taxa  are  rocks  and  bouldera  lying  at  the 
foot  of  the  precipioes,  rough  and  jagged,  and  therefore  snre  to 

62.  age  te...]  'qnick,  trust  thyself  to  the  rushing  wind.' 

63.  herile  pensum]  '  a  task  done  for  a  mistrees,'  *  a  bond- 
maid's  taak.'  jxtuum,  from  pendo  to  weigh,  is  the  portion  ol 
wool  toeighed  ont  an  the  work  for  a  oertain  period.    earpere 


pcUtx  tee  3. 10. 1G 11 

66.    _j_«r_.t,.,J   *™  ru — * ' "*-_ fi-un  Europe'*  epeeob 

to  n&iTkUTe,  ■__<_  i  >f  the  verb,  expraae 

tho  tuiiiiennm  of  iddees,  who  »t  II» 

ariticol  moment  L._  flect,     *Lo!  tt  htr 

«ide  thui  wniling  itoc  ._  ig  imile.' 

66.     perfldnm  :  __,.  -jed  adTerb-illj,  ef. 

1.  2_.  33  n.    remit  «1  i  peooeful  pnrpoae. 

69.  latlt]  i.e.  unuied  beraelf  wttb  lattghiog  »t  hor.  For 
abitineto  irarun  >ee  2.  9.  17  n. 

71.  cnm  Ubl  .  ]  'wben  tbe  h»tefnl  bnll  ehall  bring  yoo 
back  bi»  Iiorm  to  teu.'  Yenm  raoekiQgly  repe*te  the  Tery 
word  (laeerart,  1.  46)  tuod  bj  Earope. 

73.  mar. ..eite  ntMU]  'Thon  knowest  not  bow  to  be  the 
bride,'  i.e.  wh»t  befite  tha  bride;  tbii  rendering  hftnnoniiM 
wilb  diicr  below,  '  jou  are  »«  yet  ignorant  how  to  pl»y  jour 
purt,  learo  to  do  eo.' 

Otbere  tty  tbet  wxor  ii  put  for  uorra  in  imitatlon 
of  the  Gr.ek  idiom  (e.g.  a_r»i  Aff.i»  Ifr/,  'he  uid  tbat  be 
bimaelf  had  oome'),  renderiog  'Thou  knoweet  not  thet  thoa 
ort  tbe  bride,'  but  the  eonstruotion  ia  doabtfn!  »nd  the  p__r_J- 
leliim  between  neieii  end  ditce  ia  loit. 

75.    tu...]'bt_ft_Mglobaih-__-_J_eUir  _■_-__•.' 

An  tnTiUtio»  to  Lyde  to  join  him  in  oelobratiiig  tbt  Kep- 
ti-aalim  with  drinhing  and  einging.  Nothing  is  known  of  fcha 
faat-Tkl  euept  thi t  tt  wm  on  Jnl j  SSrd. 

NOTES.  385 

1.  festo...]  The  question  is  a  retort  to  a  supposed  objeo- 
Uoq;  'What  better  oould  I  do?  Produoe  the  wine.'  Orelli 
eays  that  the  order  of  the  two  sentenoes  is  inTerted,  that 
prome...  ought  to  oome  ftret  and  feeto...  afterwards,«'Pro- 
auee  the  wine,  for  what  better  oan  I  do?'  I  oannot  beliere 
in  suoh  an  inversion,  and  it  ie  needless,  as  to  begin  with  an 
abrnpt  qnestion  or  statement,  whieh  assnmes  that  tne  reader  is 
oonversant  with  all  the  eironmstanees  and  surroundingi,  is 
Tery  natural  and  indeed  almost  neoessary  in  a  short  Ode.  Gf. 
the  oommenoement  of  Odes  25,  20,  19  of  Book  8. 

9.  reoonditum]  'stored  far  backf  old.  So  2.  8. 8,  inUrior 
nota,  itrenua  with  prome,  'produoe  and  briiklv.'  Horaoe 
humorously  makes  Lyde  aet  as  butler.  Nauok  with  Oerman 
gravity  argues  from  these  words  that  Lyde  was  Horaee's  house- 
keeper:  'einejleiuige  ernitgetirmU  hauefUUteruche  SchaJPnerin, 
und  mut  Zeit  noch  wenig  der  Liebe  geneigt*  I  oannot  reJrain 
from  giving  so  oharaoteristio  a  note  at  length. 

i.  munltaeque...]  'and  assault  the  fortress  of  philoso- 
phy.'  Philosophy  is  represented  as  nossessing  a  fortress  inao- 
oessible  and  impregnable  to  temptation:  cf.  Luor.  2.  8,  bene 
quam  munita  tenere  |  edita  doctrina  eapientum  templa  serena, 
Ariat.  Nub.  1024,  u  KaXklTvpyo*  co$La*...iTaaKu»>  and  Tenny- 
son'8  Palaoe  of  Art,  stanzas  ' 

6.  lnclinare  meridlem]  'that  noon  deolines,'  i.e.  that  the 
sun  has  passed  the  senith.  Of.  LiT.  9.  32,  meridie  tol  u  incli- 
navit,  meridiu-medidiet  (midday),  altered  for  the  sake  of 

6.  stet = *  stood  still,' halted  in  its  oourse :  in  strong  oontrast 
with  volucrit. 

7.  parois  deripere]  'you  hesitate  to  hurry  down.'  For 
deripereei.  8.  21.  7,  detcende,  and  8.  8. 11  n.  horreo^apotheca, 
'the  store,'  of.  4.  12. 18,  Sulpieiit  horreu. 

8.  oessantem]  The  amphcra  is  personified  and  desoribed 
as  'fondly  ltn^ering'  in  its  old  oorner.  M.  Oalpurnius  Bibulus 
was  oonsul  with  0.  Julius  Oaesar  in  the  famous  year  b.o.  69, 
but  the  name  is  obviougly  seleoted  in  joke. 

9.  nos  oantabimus...]  'we  will  sing  in  turn,  (I)  of  Nep- 
tune...,  you  shall  in  reply  tell  of  Latona....'  Horace  begins 
the  sentenos  as  if  he  were  going  to  wvy  'we  will  sing  in  turn  of 
Neptune...and  Latona'  (ie.  I  of  Neptune,  you  of  Latona),  but 

386  HORACE,  ODBS  IIL  xxriii 

in  the  seoond  half  ot  the  eentonoe  m  octe  lo  make  il 

ctear  who  ii  lo  niidertoko  Iho  roply  (rogwiai)ond  einf  of  Looooo» 
hc  ineerto  tht  worda  fv  recinit,  whieh  make  the  tonoo  oloor 
but  eomewhat  inteifero  with  the  etriet  grammar. 

8omo  teke  «os  fawfsf'1  m  my  tam':  no  doobl  aot 
io  ofton  put  for  cje,  bot  il  eertainlyoaiuiotUootteedwlftere, 
oo  here,***  *wo' natnroJrjr  mnol  meon 'I  oad  jron,' oad  whero 
tho  not  of  it»  T  mnol  prodnoo  oonfooiop. 

10.    TMdet-^eee-green^aibefittodeee-irympbe. 

12.    Oynthiae]    Qjnthni  woo  a  moontoin  in  Deloe:  tyav 
tAte-Apollo,  CyntkU-hb  eietor,  Diana. 

18.  iommo  oarminel  oo.  oonfoMoion.  Horooo  otorli  by 
singing  of  Neptnne.  I4700  roplioo  with  tho  proioo  of  Taronoj 
and  Diana,  they  both  nnito  in  hononrinf  Yennt  ond  night. 

qnoo  lenolooofli  fwo*  Un$t,  'the  qnoen  of  Onidoe.'    Oni- 

doo  ii  in  Caria.    Cyetodo$t  ef.  1. 14. 19,  80  n. 

16.  merita]  ewJa  mtumtibiu  favtL  nmU,  nood  of  any 
plaintive,  not  neceeserilT  melanoholy,  harmony.  Nole  tho 
akUl  with  wbioh  tho  oonolnding  worda  of  the  Ode  tuggett  tho 
ideas  of  rest  and  repose. 


'A  warm  weleome  awaits  you,  Maecenas,  at  my  honso: 
come  then  at  onee.  Oease  merely  to  gaae  longingly  on  tho 
country,  and  leave  Bome  for  a  while  and  all  ito  magnifioenoe 
and  eares.  Bich  men  aometimes  find  the  ohange  to  a  hnmble 
houaehold  a  relief.  The  dog-days  moreoTer  are  ooming  on, 
and  yet  yon  linger  in  town  and  worry  yoarself  abont  politieal 
ccntingencies.  What  is  the  good?  Proridenoe  has  oealed  tho 
fnture  and  moeks  onr  efforts  to  read  it.  Calmly  to  deal  with 
the  pxesent  is  wisdom;  for  life  io  like  a  river  and  moToo  aloog 
nncontroUed  by  ns  oometimes  peaeefully  sometimes  a  raging 
torrent.  He  lives  best  who  enjoys  to-day:  to-morrow  Jnpiter 
may  send  trouble  bnt  he  cannot  undo  the  past.  Fortnno  ia 
erer  fickle:  I  accept  her  favour  and  put  np  with  her  frowne. 

NOTES.  387 

In  stormy  weather  I  am  not  like  a  merch&nt  fearful  lest  his 

ridh  eazgo  be  lost :  it  ii  enough  for  me  if  I  weather  the  tempest 


The  Ode  ahoold  be  oompared  with  Ode  8. 

1.  Tyrrhena...]  «Scion  of  Btnxican  kings.'  Of.  1.  1.  1, 
Maecenat  atavis  ediU  regibut.  Horaoe  ends  (see  next  Odej 
his  Odes  as  he  had  begnn  them  with  the  praise  of  his  great 

2.  non  ante  verso  cado]  «in  a  eask  as  yet  unbroaoheoY 
lii.  'untilted.'  The  cadut  or  amphora  would  have  to  be  tipped 
np  to  get  at  the  wine.  &n«=mellowt  of.  3.  21.  8,  languidiora 

8.  flore  rosarnm]  'ohoioest  roses.'  ^Mw  ddrocf,  Simo- 

4.  balanui]=myro6aZa«iim,  the  fruit  of  a  sort  of  palm 
from  whioh  a  balsam  was  extraoted  {preua). 

balamu=pd\arost  the  Latin  form  of  whioh  is  glant. 

5.  lamdudnm  est]  *has  long  been,'  lit.  *i*  now  a  oon- 
siderable  time.'  This  use  of  jamdudum  with  a  present  is  Tery 

6.  udum  Tlbur]  For  the  enithet  see  1.  7. 18  n.  JSfulas 
is  the  right  reading  instead  of  tne  old  JEsulae  whioh  was  un- 
known.  JEfula  is  a  Boman  oolony  on  the  hill-side  between 
Tibur  and  Fraeneste,  of.  Liv.  26.  9.  9;  82.  9.  2,  and  see  Orelli 

ne  semper  contemplerii]  'be  not  ever  gazing  wistfully  at/ 
i.e.  from  Rome.  With  ne  m  prohibitions  addressed  to  a  par- 
tioular  person  the  perf.  subj.  is  usual,  but  would  be  olearly 
impossible  here  where  the  aot  spoken  of  is  oontinuous.  Some 
put  only  a  comma  after  morae,  and  render  *oome  quiokly  so 
as  not  to  be...,'  but  this  is  less  simple. 

Tibur,  16  miles  N^J.  of  Rome,  and  Tusculum  {Telegoni 
iuga),  10  milea  S.E.,  both  on  the  sides  of  bills,  were  aoubtiess 
(see  Hart.  4.  64)  visible  from  Bome,  and  espeoially  from  Maeee- 
nas'  lofty  house,  see  1L  9, 10. 

9.  fastidlosam...]  (quit  the  plenty  that  but  paUs.'  For 
fattidiotue  see  8. 1.  86  n. 

10.  molem...]  'the  palace  thattowers  to  theclouds.'  Of. 
The    Tcmpcttt,  Act    4.   Sc.    1,   *The    cloud-capt    towcrt,   the 

388  HORACE,  ODES,  III.  xxix. 

unrueon»  Dttlttc1"  '  Tho  referenw  U  to  thc  so-oalled  lurnj 
Eiquilinf,  from  which  Nero  »fterw»rd» 
g  ot  Kijnie,  find  whieb  rnust  haTe  hsd  ■ 
itbi  Rome  (see  IL  11,  13)  snd  the  ueigL- 

._rl... '    "hi«  terse  dcscription  of  a  grett  capitol  u 

om  K      i  point  of  vantago  U  ininuUhle  ('uniibfr- 

trtfflieh  charaktt  litch,'  Nauck).  Tbe  wealth,  the  nnoki-, 
the  riobes,  the  M  of  London,  as  seen  say  from  St  Psul1*, 
migbt  wel!  is  thi'--  oombined  effeot  niake  ths  beholder  'mar- 
»el'  (aurari).  i    in  UTina  mirari    lumum    rapd    rfxxtlo- 

ilaJt,  nam  'mtr  duwifujiil,  entirely 

miiue*  the  p< A  . ,  . 

M,     mundae]    Ti  ie  presenoe  of  tuU 

bnt   ths  abeence  ■■-''  le   definee    mundu* 

(Sst.  3.  3.  65),  u  i»  ■  uu»,  a.i  -  <ast  mesn  between 

luiuriou»  eicese  i  1  negleot,    The  word  thui  n 

not  only  'sitnple    ■         -jeot'  U  diflieult  to  U»neUte:  per- 
hsps  here  'simple'  wmco,  though  it  only  eipresses  hiif 

the  word.    tuhlart  —   . — lentb  the  roof.' 

15.  rtns  sulsels...]  The  aulata  were  'hsngings'  suspendsd 
on  the  walls  like  tapestry,  not  »  csnopy  hnng  from  the  oeiiing 
over  the  lable  u  unuallv  eipUined,  see  Marauaidt,  Privstleben, 
ed.  9,  p.  311.   oitro  refers  to  the  purple  cortriug  of  the  oonches. 

16.  soUldtJun...]  'biTe  remoTed  the  wriukles  from  the 
brow  of  csre.'  explieuert  in  the  perfect,  witb  pUrwnque, 
=  •  hsTe  often,'  i.e.  before  now.  For  the  phrftee  cf.  SaL  2.  3. 
185,  txplicuit  cino  contractat  teria/rontu. 

17.  climi  occultum)  Tbe  antithesU  u  somewbst  foreed. 
cIarru  =  'glowing';  occulium  = '  hidden, '  i.e.  previousl».  Jnrfro- 
mtdat  paltr  =  Cepaea*.    All  tbe  star»  mentioned  riso  in  July, 

18.  Prooyun]  IlponSi»»  (in  Lstin  Antecanit)  a  ths  oonstsl- 
Ution  which  risea  bt/ore  tbe  Dogitar.  For  the  letter  'j'  in 
words  borrowed  from  Qreek  af.  1.  16.  6  n. 

tarlt  snd  TtMnl  both  refer  to  the  Serce  he*t  of  the  dog- 
d»y»,  cf.  S.  7.  6,  iiuana,  of  tempestuou»  weather. 

dlea  nlmtti  slocos]   'bringing  round  tbs   d*ji  of 


j=when  drink  is  »ccept*hlo. 

of  the  speoUl  double  ajWaJBjg  suigued  to  it,  (l)-wl 
' ;,  (3)  =  whf-  ^1'    ■      .-•'- 

NOTES.  389 

22.  horridl]  *  ahaggy.'  A  oountry  oovered  with  wood  (til 
vae)  and  thiokets  (dumeta)  is  horridut  (cf.  4.  5.  26.  horrida 
Qermania),  and  thercfore  tne  saxne  epithet  ia  appliea  to  'the 
woodland  god,'  Sitoanut,  who  preaides  over  auch  eountry. 
caretaue...**i&n&  the  slumbering  bank  (i.e.  of  the  river 
mentxoned  1.  22)  ia  untroubled  by  the  wandering  winda,' 

25.  tu...]  ri  94.  The  poeition  of  the  pronoun  marka  the 
antitheeifl  between  Maeoenas'  aotrfity  and  the  repose  whioh  the 
seaaon  fluggeeta  (11. 17 — 24). 

26.  etUrbl...]  'and  anxious  for  the  citydread  the  plots 
(quid  parent)  of  the  Seree....' 

For  the  Seret  ol  1.  12.  55:  they  fltand  for  any  remote 
Eastem  people. 

27.  regnata  Oyro  Bactral  'Bactria  where  Cyrus  ruled/ 
lit.  *  reigned  over  by  Cyrus.'  For  oonetruotion  of.  2.  6. 11  n. ; 
and  for  the  kingdom  of  Cyrus  1.  2.  22  n. 

28.  TanaltQue  dlaooxa]  The  river  ifl  put  for  the  dweUera  by 
the  river,  i.e.  the  Soythae,  aee  8.  8.  23  n.  diecort  =  •rebellioua.' 

29.  prudena]=j>rotrid«uf 'inhia  proTidenoe.'  caUginosa: 
note  the  aize  of  the  word  whioh  ezpreaaea  the  utterly  impe- 
netrable  oharaoter  of  the  darkneaa  whioh  '  ahuta  in '  (premit) 
the  future  from  human  gaze ;  ealigo  ia  'a  darkneaa  that  may  be 

81.  mortalla...]  *if  mortal  man  atrugglee  beyond  (i.e.  to 
aee  beyond)  what  heaven  allowa.' 

mortalii  ia  uaed  intentionally  and  emphatioally :  cf.  hia 
indignant  nil  mortalibut  ardui  ettt  1.  8.  87 :  energy,  vigour, 
puah,  are  all,  aooording  to  the  philoaophy  of  Horaoe,  only  foUy 
in  thoae  whoae  life  ia  but  a  apan  long ;  the  queation  he  oeaae- 
leaaly  repeata  ia  quid  brevi  forUtjaeulamur  aevo  multat  (2. 16. 
17) ;  ho  breathea  the  apirit  of  Ecoleaiaetea,  but  with  him  the 
*  ooneluaion  of  the  whole  matter '  ia  not  'Fear  God'  but  'Rejoiot 
in  thy  youth.' 

82.  trepidat,  whioh  ia  uaed  (2.  18.  12)  of  the  morement 
of  water  down  a  steep  and  atony  bed,  ezpreaaea  reatleaa,  nexroua, 
exceaaWe  eagerneaa,  of.  2. 11.  4  n.  /oj=that  whioh  the  lawa  of 
the  godfl,  jut  that  whioh  the  lawa  ox  men  permit. 

88.  componere]  lit.  'to  arrange.'  'reduoe  to  order.'  'make 

HOKACE,  ODKS  III.  xxix. 

and  inde 

lo  emd  mdmt.   both  phxatnt  are  pnr> 

indeflnfto,  thtco  it  a  oontratt  not  onr/  bolaioa» 

nt'  and  tho  'fatoro,'  bnt  boUoou  thino»  oror  whloh 
control,  md  thmgt  whSoh  aro  wholrjr  btyoojd  ot 

irostv]  •aie  twept  along.'  insM...«j»ae«'at  one 
another.'  aetdio  oegtioro  k  difnenlt  bnt  tetna  to 
■e  ltrol  inrraoo  (— gnor,  ot  tsaom)  of  tho  ttroam  at  it 
wing  botwosn  («w4i«»)  itt  banka.  Mur/ M8a  grto 
»dinff  whioh  ii  Tery  thnple  bnt  hardrjr  aeooonta  for 
loe  ox  tho  diAonlt  ocgnoro. 

■m  paoo...]  Tho  final  tyllable  of  Btnmcmm  ontt  off 
in  the  next  line,  the  tbird  and  ftarth  hnti  in  aa 
nsa  being  Terr  olooely  oonneoted,  nt  it  thtwn  br  tht 
it  Horaoe  exhibiti  to  tho  thixd  lino  ending  with  n 
d  etpeeiaUy  a  thort  Towel,  when  tht  fbnxth  Hne 
th  a  ToweL  The  liotntt  ht  here  aDowt  himtelf  it 
ixeeptional,  tht  line,  bj  itt  tlow  and  eren  rnortrnent 
oal  length,  being  intended  to  exprttt  tht  tlow,  eren, 
nt  moTement  of  the  etream.  Of.  Epiat.  1.  2.  43, 
init)  labitur  et  labetur  in  omne  voUtbilit  aevum. 

olTentit]  narallel  to  delabentit.  and  in  agreement 
inie:  'rolling  down  along  with  it'  (ima).  Orelli 
akes  una  =inter  te  permixta. 

lamore]  'eoho.'  diluviet  (dit-luo,  *to  waah  away'), 

otent  tnl...]  *lord  of  bimtelf,'  oi/rdpffyt,  not  the  alaTe 
itanoe.  Byron  givea  a  Tery  diJIerent  foroe  to  the  tame 
len  he  sayt  'Lord  of  himself— that  heritage  of  woe.' 
m.  cf.  1.  6. 10  n. 

eget,  to.  Umput,  'will  past  hit  time.' 

>et...]  'who  oan  at  eaoh  day*i  olote  tay,  "I  have 
&   to-day):  to-morrow  let....'    vivere  it  frequently 
he  eente  of  enjoying  or  uting  life,  and  not  mexely 
Of.  Fr.  viveurt  and  Martial,  1. 15. 11, 

von  ett,  erede  mihi,  tapientit  dicere  'FteasV; 
tera  nimit  vita  ett  erattina:  vive  kodie. 

ton  tamen...]  *yet  he  thall  not  render  Toid  that 
>ehind  ns,  nor  re-shape  and  make  nndone  that  whioh 

NOTES.  391 

ihe  hurrying  honr  has  once  oarried  away.'  Horaee  if  xnerely 
reoommencung  the  Epionrean  preoept  earpe  dUm,  but  the  re- 
fleotion  whioh  he  appends  as  to  the  limite  even  of  Omnipotenoe 
ia  ourious;  the  aame  eentiment  ie  however  fonnd  elsewhere, 
e.g.  Agathon  qooted  by  Ar.  Eth.  6.  2,  u6wov  yap  awroO  koI  fcot 
CTtplffKrrcu  |  &y4nfra  rotw  aW  aV  $  xewpayuha. 

49.    rortnna...]  admirably  paraphraeed  by  Dryden, 

'Fortune  that  with  malidone  joy 

Does  man,  her  alave,  oppress, 
Prond  of  her  offioe  to  destroy, 

Is  seldom  pleased  to  bleas; 
Still  various  and  inoonstant  still, 
Bnt  with  an  inolination  to  be  ill, 
Proraotee,  degrades,  delights  in  strife, 
And  roakes  a  lottery  of  Ufe. 
I  ean  enjoy  her  while  she's  kind; 
But  when  she  danoes  in  the  wind, 
And  shakes  her  wings  and  will  not  stay, 
I  pufl  the  fiokle  jade  away: 

The  little  or  the  mnch  she  gaTe  is  qnietly  resign'd, 
Content  with  povertv  my  soul  I  arm, 
And  virtue,  thongh  in  rags,  will  keep  me  warm.' 

60.  ludum]  so  2. 1.  8,  ludumque  Fortunae,  q.  v. 

64.  resigno]  'Innseal,'  'eanoel.'  Fortune  has  given  her 
seeied  bond,  Horaoe  breaks  the  seal  and  gives  baek  the  bond. 

57.  mn&iat]  'oreaks,'  'groans.'  miterat — 'oraven.'  de> 
currere — 'to  betake  myself,'  nsnally,  as  here,  in  the  sense  of 
resorting  to  sometbing  which  is  eontemptible. 

59.  et  votls...]  'and  with  vows  to  bargain  that  my  wares 
add  not  (fresh)  wealth....'  A  vow  is  made  when  a  peraon 
promises  that,  in  oase  he  reoeives  a  oertain  favonr  from  the 
god,  he  will  pay  the  god  some  definite  honour  in  retnrn  (ef.  2. 
17.  80  n.):  this  prooednre  Horaoe  soornfuUy,  bnt  justly, 
oharaeterises  as  'bargaining.'  For  the  gods  in  the  stern  ef.  1. 
14.  10  n. 

61.  For  dlvttias  ef.  Bich.  III.  Act  1,  So.  4, 

'Wedges  of  gold,  great  anohors,  heaps  of  pearl, 
Inestimable  stones,  nnvalned  jeweli, 
AU  scattered  in  the  bottom  of  the  sea.' 

aORACE,  ODES  III.  xxix. 

the  rieh  merehant  ia  all  anxiety  for 
t  efceH  bm  onlj  myoolf  lo  look  efter,  and, 
Mb  hfc  «ooel  eofeeonAdonoe,  I  know  I  ehell  eome 

two-oerod  ekinV 

lmneqne  FoOox]  *  the  twin  Poilnx';  tho  edditfton  of 
enggoete  tho  prooonoe  of  Oaetor  too.    For  tho 



e  finiahed  en  imporiehable  monnment:  I  ehall  not 

*,  bat  as  long  ae  Bomo  otendi  my  feme  ehall  Ixfe  ond 

ltho  tolo  ahallatill  bo  told  how  beeide  tho  banke  of 

mere  roee  from  the  ranke  of  tho  pooplo  the  poet  who 

rodnoed  to  Itely  tho  lajo  of  Greeoo.    Bo  prond,  my 

or  thon  ort  worthy,  ond  deok  my  browe  with  lanreL' 

i  Odo  ooneradoe  the  firet  three  booki  of  tho  Odee; 

i  oleorly  etetee  thot  bie  toek  ae  a  lyxio  poot  k  oom- 

.    The  fonrth  book  wae  only  writton  after  aninterral  of 

jaro,  ef.  ite  opening  wordo,  inUrmitta  dtu,  4.  1. 1. 

.    exatf] 'IheYebrooghttoanei^fiiiiahed.'    Thonret 

i  etrikee  the  keynote  of  the  Ode.    atre,  not  only  beoaooo 

metal  ie  latting,  bnt  beoaoee  braien  tablete  wore  naed  ae 

noriala,  and  etatnee  of  braee  were  ereoted  Jn  memory  of 

at  men. 

9.    regaliqne  eltn...]  'loftier  than  the  pyramida  reared  by 

oge,'  lit.  *the  royal  plaoing  of  the  pyremide':  ritut  ie  not 

und  elaewhere  in  thia  aenae,  bnt  the  word  originally  meant 

a  piaoing,*  from  tino  'I  lay  down,'and  the  pert  titut ia nted» 

bnilt,'  *  fonnded.'  Nanok  takee  titut  ae  =  *  deoay,'  *  monldering/ 

wd  rtgaiit  titut  ae  an  inetanoe  of  Oxymoron  ■■'moaldering 

grandeor':  they  will  perieh  bnt  the  Odea  will  endnre. 

8.  qnod  non...poeelt]  'enoh  ae  neither...oan.'  eeVuta 
'oorroding.'  itnpotent^impotcnt  tui  (ot  1.  87.  10),  axpe- 
ttJi,  'nneontroUeoV 

4.  ant...]  'or  eonntleae  enooeeaion  of  yeare  and  flight  ol 
agee.'    teritt,  from  tero  (whenoe  alao  tertum),  'I  join  together* 

NOTES.  393 

6.  xion  omnis]  explained  by  the  words  whioh  immediately 
follow,  *a  great  part  of  me  (i.e.  my  thoughts)  shall  esoape  the 
goddeai  of  the  grave.'  For  the  thooght  ot  Milton'*  Areo- 
pagitica :  'Many  a  man  lives  a  horden  to  the  earth,  bnt  a  good 
book  ia  the  preoions  life-blood  of  a  master  spirit  imhalmed  and 
treasnred  np  on  pnrpose  to  a  life  beyond  life.' 

7.  nsqne]  with  ereeeam:  'ever  shall  I  grow  still  fresh  in 
the  praise  of  posterity,'  Le.  my  fame  shall  flonrish  rather  than 

8.  dnm]  i.e.  while  Bome  shall  last;  while  her  most  re- 
nerable  temple  and  her  most  venerable  institntions  remain. 
For  Capitolium  of.  8.  8.  42,  and  for  virgine  referring  to  the 
Vestal  virgins  1.  2.  27  n.  tacita  probably  refers  generauy  to  the 
solemn  silenoe  ohserved  by  them  when  taking  part  in  pro- 

10.  dicar,  qna..J  Clearly  not  'I  shall  he  told  of  where 
the  Aufidu  «...,'  for  Horace  does  not  wish  to  limit  his  fame  to 
his  native  distriot,  bnt  that  his  native  distriet  shonld  share  in 
his  own  world-wide  glory.  'I  shall  be  told  of  (as  one  who) 
whare  Anfidns  roars  m  fnry...rising  from  low  estate  was  the 
first  to  have  oondnoted  Aeolian  song  to  Italian  measnres' 
(of.  4.  9.  2).  deduxiue  goes  with  dicar,  and  ex  humili  potens 
agrees  with  the  nnexpressed  nominative  to  dicar,  i.e.  ego: 
Horace  is  so  fiar  from  the  folly  of  attempting  to  oonoeal  his 
origin  that  he  always  dwells  on  it  with  pride  as  making  the 
glory  of  his  snooess  greater  (cf.  2.  20.  6). 

11.  panper  aqnae]  Dannns  is  oalled  'poor  in  water/ 
heoause  Apulia,  the  country  he  rnled  over,  was  so.  For  gen.  ef. 
8.  6.  17  n. 

12.  regnavlt  popnlomm]  A  Greek  oonstrnetion :  ofixtaf, 
npartiw,  rvpcwytikw,  all  take  a  genitive.  ex,  ef.  rve^Xet  4k 
dt6of»c6Tos,  'blind  after  having  possessed  sight,'  Virg.  Aen.  10. 
221,  nympha»  e  navibut,  Jnv.  5.  184,  quantu$  ex  nihilo. 

18.  Aeolinm  carmen]  Lyrios  snoh  as  those  of  Sappho  and 
Aloaens,  who  nsed  the  Aeoho  dialect,  cf.  2.  18.  24,  4.  8.  12. 
ad  Italoe  modas:  the  words  mnst  not  be  pressed  too  olosely: 
the  'measnres'  or  'metres'  that  Horaoe  nses  are  not  'Italian* 
bnt  Qreek,  e.g.  the  Aloaio  and  Sapphtc ;  what  he  means  is  that 


■■  qua.oiltim  meritli]  '  von '  or  '  ftnined  bj  thj  deserte. 
^^Ha,  beottue  the  luurel  wae  uored  to  ApoUo  (cf.  4.  2.  y 
H^HjpofHnart),  uiid  ApoUo  i»  Donstontlj  repreeented  u  tli 
H^H/>ne ti  and  playing  on  the  Ijre. 

HH  voleiu]  'o(  thy  grnoe,'  Couington. 

itroduocd  ■  new  Ttrietj  of  italitn  poetrj,  copied  from 

I  deduilwo]     'the  o»e  of  dtduccrt  ieeme  Pikin  to  thnt 


The  Fourth  Book  of  the  Odes  is  separated  from  the  pre- 
eeding  three  by  a  oonsiderable  period  of  time.  In  the  oon- 
cluding  Ode  of  the  Third  Book  Horaee  distinotly  speaks  of  his 
Ubonra  ai  a  lyric  poet  ai  oonoluded :  the  first  word  of  the 
present  book  calls  marked  attention  to  the  interval  whioh  has 
elapsed,  and  the  Ode  generally  suggests  that  the  poet  resumes 
hie  task  somewhat  againtt  the  grain.  The  reaaon  for  hig 
doing  ao  at  all  ia  definitely  assigned  by  Suetonius  to  the  direet 
command  of  Augustus:  Seripta  ejut  utque  adeo  probavit 
{Auguttui)  manturaque  perpetuo  opinatue  eet  ut  non  modo  eaeeulare 
earmen  eomponendum  injunxerit,  ted  et  Vindelieam  vietoriam 
Tiberii  Drutique  privignorum  tuorum,  eumque  eoegerit  propter 
hoe  tribue  earminum  Ubrit  ex  tongo  intervalto  quartum  addere. 
Indeed  it  is  sufficiently  clear  even  on  a  ouraory  ezamination 
that  the  rest  of  the  book  is  only  published  to  afford  a  plausible 
pretezt  for  the  publication  of  Odes  4,  5, 14  and  15:  the  other 
Odea,  whioh  are  of  a  purely  lyric  charaoter,  serye  to  maak  the 
distinctly  political  purpose  of  these  four,  which  bear  throughout 
the  stamp  of  the  official  utteranoe  of  a  Poet-Laureate. 

Orelli  (od.  4)  calls  attention  to  the  remarkable  number  of 
almost  entirely  new  words  used  by  Horace  in  this  book 
Fauttitat  5.  18;  beluotut  14.  47;  tauriformie  14.  35;  domabilit 
14.  41;  iUaerimabilit  (sunwept  for)  9.  26;  inimicare  15.  90; 
adpreeari  15.  28;  obarmare  4.  21;  remiteere  15.  80;  aeternare 
14.  5.  There  is  also  a  marked  differenoe  in  his  prosody;  the 
most  notable  point  being  his  studied  alteration  of  the  rule 
that  after  the  fifth  syllable  of  a  sapphie  line  there  must  be  a 
caesura,  see  Notes  on  the  Metres. 

p.  II.  27 



uctory.  •'Why  eommon  me,  Venos,  lo  entor  ogein 
>f  lore?  I  am  Terging  on  fity  and  nol  tbo  man  I 
Itwoold  be  mom  ooaeonahlo  fbr  thoo  tb  load  thy 
tho  hoooe  of  Paolos  lCaximoa:  ho  hae  a  himdred 
irhieh  will  make  him  thy  worthy  ohtmnion,  and  in 
thy  mTOon  will  dodioate  lo  thoo  a  temple.  To  mo 
gaiety  h*To  lost  thoir  eharma.  And  yet,  eren  ae  I 
nd  tho  old  omotionf  zotoin  their  sway,  I  hotmj  otery 

•  pfofeeeoi  tbat  he  roiomee  hie  pen  mexely  to 
again  the  powor  of  lore:  he  thoe  endeaTOon  to  toQ 
arpoee,  whioh  hae  been  elreedy  eiplained. 

tormlaea]  The  fint  thne  booke  of  the  Odee  eannot 
1  published  Uter  than  b.c.  24:  in  the  preeent  book 
j  oontinoel  referenoei  to  the  erente  of  the  yeen 

tUa  moYOS]  *thon  stirreet  op  war.'  The  oomperieon 
r  to  a  warrior  ii  very  eommon ;  of .  3.  26.  2  n.  and  eee 


mae...]  (in  the  days  of  kincUy  Cinarat  sway.'  For 
3.  9.  9,  me  nune  Thressa  ChU*  rtgiU 

ilelom  aaera]    Note  the  antitheaie,  and  of.  moUibui.. 
mediately  afterwards. 

letore]  Dependent  on  desine :  *  Ceaee  to  goide  one  who 
ose  opon  the  fifties  is  by  now  too  hard  for  thy  gentle 
snt.'  The  metaphon  are  demed  from  the  art  of 
n  old  hard-mouthed  hone  is  onfit  for  the  light  hand 

fardi  the  oonstroetion  of  circa  hutra  decem  it  shoold 
ed  that  Latin  often  eoffen  from  the  want  of  a  pres. 
the  verb  *to  be';  the  Greeks  woold  write  in  a  aimilar 
wtfl  trn  ifhi  Tcmpcorra. 

[oraoe's  age  and  the  word  lustrum  cf.  2.  4.  38  n. 

NOTES.  397 

8.  revocant]  Venus  has  left  the  joung  men  to  attack 
Horace;  revocant  therefore  ifl  simpljs'call  baok.' 

10.  purpurels  alss  olorlbus]  'winmd  with  thy  gleammg 
swant/  i.a.  borne  through  the  tir  in  *  ohariot  drawn  bjr  them: 
ef.  8.  28.  15,  Junetis  vitit  oloribut.  For  purpunw  oL  S.  15. 
15  n. 

11.  oomissabere]  ThitworirepreeentesanearljMpossible 
in  Latin  letters  the  Gtreek  Kt*iUZ*ur.  Before  the  Romant  tdded 
the  letters  x,  y,  and  s  to  the  end  of  their  alphabet  to  repreeent 
€»  v,  i;  thej  habituallj  represented  thit  fbj  $tt  e.g.  in  oodtoo, 
tarpettita;  henoe  wordt  borrowed  at  an  eerly  period  e.g. 
bj  Plautus  present  this  epelling,  those  borrowed  later  have  i, 
e.  g.  tona.  a  has  passea  into  i  bj  assimilation,  i  having  a 
strong  attraotion  for  dental  spirants.  The  word  is  derived 
from  Kw/tot  *a  prooession  of  revellers'  and  maj  thereftwe  take 
the  oonstrootion  of  a  vexb  of  motion,  as  here  •  tn  dornurn,* 

Paollus  Maximus  cannot  be  adeqoatelj  identified. 

12.  sltorrere...]<ifthondost8eek  to  fire  a  oongenial  heart.' 
'The  fire  of  love'  is  a  oommonplaoe  with  all  poets,  and  phrasee 
derived  from  this  metaphor  are  eontinuaUj  reourring.  The 
anoients  plaoed  the  seat  of  the  affeotions  in  the  liver.  Ben 
Jonson's  rendering  *lf  a  fit  liver  thoo  dost  seek  to  toast'  is  a 
curious  morsel  of  'olassical  English.' 

14.  non  tadtus]  «not  silent,'  Le.  verj  eloquent.  An 
instanoe  of  litotes,  see  1. 18.  9  n. 

15.  centum  puer  artium]  The  gen.  is  descriptive.  puer= 
'ayouth.'   feret= 'willadvanoe.' 

17.    et,  quandoque...] 

'  And  when  he  shall  with  smiles  behold 
His  native  oharms  eolipse  his  rivaTs  gold.'   Mabt». 

The  use  of  quandoque  tMstquandocunque  seems  peouliar  to 
Horaoe,  of.  4.  2.  84. 

19.  te  ponet  marmoream]  *he  shall  plaos  thj  statue  in 
marble,'  i.  e.  in  return  for  the  viotory  gained  bj  thj  favour  he  shall 
dedicate  a  temple  in  thj  honour.  The  practiee  was  eommon, 
e.g.  Postumius  dedioated  a  temple  to  Castor  and  PoUuz  after 
the  vietorj  of  Lake  Begillus. 

For  ponet  marmoream  cf.  4.  8.  8,  and  Sat  2.  8.  188,  aeneut 


398  HORACE,  ODES  IV.  L 

AJhaiim  iirnne  lacuij  piobably  mentioned  beoan&e  P&uilus 

beam,'  Le.   'a   roof.'    Cf.   8.   S.  38,  tvb 

e»th  the  ume  roof-tiee.'  Citron  wae  ■ 
rutiiouablci  wood. 

ai.     lunoiu  anc«*]  '  thou  ahalt  inhale.' 

33.  tlbue]     See  3.  19.  18  n.    There  aa  be  no 

doobt  th  (ioiui-  are  ^enilivee  aftar  carmitulrui,  •  tboa 

■halt  be  u<Jigjj>»  ■rith  the  mtngled  strsins  of  tba  lyre  and 
Berecyntian  pip"-'  Or*1"  *""— -***  — ~  ' — Ue  rtcti  datkii,  ut 
Epod.  9.  fi.  Sonaate  yra ' ;  but  this  u 

merely  creatiug  diffici  td  Itrrd  and  Bert- 

rj/nfi.i   tibia,  thu»  ertum        ».  ie  wiiich  for  their 

confuBion  of  mblatives  ■  >oor  jf  ■_,  id  would  di-credit 
■  iohoolboy. 

Candida  refers  not 
merely  to  thc  whileness  of  the  feet,  but  to  ihe  way  in  whieh 
thay  llaati  atid  glajun  in  the  movemeata  of  the  dance.  For  the 
Salii  see  Diot  Ant.  nnd  !.  36.  13  n.:  tumcing  accompanied 
by  mnno  is  nnioiig  the  earliest  for 
14,  "Dsvid  dsncod  before  ths  Lo 
bim  witb  tbe  timbnl  ud  danoe.' 

28.  t*r]  beestue  tbere  iu  ■  triple  beat  in  the  dance,  cf. 
3.  19.  16:  iijd  words  tripudium  uu  tripuduirt  were  used  from 
veiy  ■ncient  timss  in  oonneotion  with  theee  religioui  daneea, 
and,  whatevar  tboir  real  dcrivstion,  they  were  no  doubt 
populaily  ecnneoted  with  trtt  and  pedti. 

39.  m»]  Notethepodtioninrwijit-dc«ntr--ttofUM...UIie 
■t  the  commenoament  of  the  two  previou»  staniaa :  Paullus  wiU 
wonhip  thee,  I  on  the  oontraiy  hsvo  no  enthusiiem  lafL 

SO.     ipea  anlml,,.] '  the  fond  hope  of  aheart  to  uuwar  min*,' 

Widtham.      -iiUihu  »  '  uitcrobanged ' ;  animiu  -nutinu  -  •  heart 
that  oommnnic- tee  itl  every  feeling  to  me  snd  to  whieh  I  in 
retom  oommaniomte  mine,     The  phrs-e  ii  be-t  ilrastmted  by 
the  line  af  Catallnj  (45.  30)  mutuii  animit  amant  amantur. 
91.     oertare  meroJ  =  'to  join  the  drinkiag  bonL' 

NOTES.  399 

84.  raral  Notice  the  foroe  of  the  adjective:  he  tries  to 
oonoeal  his  feelingi  but  still  every  now  and  then  *the  rare  tear 
triokles  down  hie  oheek '  (ol  1.  18.  8,  umor  et  in  genae  furtim 
labitur).  So  below  he  repreeents  himielf  ae  trying  to  talk  ai 
usnal  but  «even  ae  he  talke  his  (nsnaUy)  ready  tongoe  halts  in 
nnseemly  sUenoe.' 

85.  deoorol  Notioe  that  the  Terse  is  hvpermetrio.  Horaoe 
clearly  designs  it  to  express  the  effeot  of  a  lover  breaking  ofl  in 
the  middle  of  a  word.  For  this  as  a  sign  of  emotion,  cf.  the 
oondnot  of  Dido,  Yirg.  Aen.  4.  76,  Incipit  ejfari  mediaque  in 
voce  resietit. 

88.    captum]    8o.  tet  Ligurine. 

40.  aqnae]  The  afternoon's  exereise  in  the  Campns  was 
regnlarly  followed  by  a  bathe  in  the  Tiber,  of.  8.  7.  26,  8. 

ODE  n. 

'To  attempt  to  rival  Pindar  is  like  the  attempt  of  Icaros  to 
fly.  He  is  like  a  mountain-torrent  swollen  by  the  rain,  rashing 
and  roaring  along  with  deep-moothed  thnnder.  He  is  the 
prince  of  poets  whether  he  oomposes  dithyrambs,  paeans, 
hymns  of  viotory  or  dirges  whioh  make  the  fame  of  the  dead 
nndying.  He  like  a  swan  soars  into  the  skyt  I  am  but  Uke  a 
bee  laboriously  gathering  a  little  honey.  You,  Iulns,  are  more 
fitted  in  statelier  strains  to  sing  of  the  return  of  Caesar  from 
his  triumphs  over  the  Sygambri— Caesar  the  greatest  blessing 
that  heaven  bas  ever  oonferred  on  earth.  You  shaU  sing  of 
the  festivities  that  oelebrate  his  return,  and  then  perhaps  my 
voioe  shall  join  in  the  chorns  that  sweUs  his  triumph,  and, 
whUe  you  offer  your  noble  offering  I  shaU  perhaps  dare  to 
present  my  humble  gift.' 

Inlus  Antonius  was  the  son  of  M.  Antonins  the  triumvir 
and  Fnlvia,  and  was  bronght  np  by  his  etep-mother  Ootavia 
the  sister  of  Augustus,  through  whote  infiuenoe  he  obtained  the 

400  HORAGB,  ODES  IV.  ii 

raTonr  of  the  Bmporor  ond  ni  mode  praotor  ba  1S 
ftftnffll  BwOi  10.    Ho  it  oaid  eo  horo  wrJtoon  on  0910 1 
the  Diomodeia. 

Tht  wholo  Ode  is  a  Ijrie  apolofj  te  attamptmf  tfaetookto 
whieh  ho  deTotes  himeelf  m  Odoi  4,  5, 14  and  16,  and  os  tt» 
oamo  time  aflbrdsbim  theopportnnitiesof  pojingaooinplhnont 
to  Antonino  ond  indiraotij  oalebratingthe  Tietorj  of 

L  PlmdaznmaomnJarll  otwMlorfwiththoooo^fanooiofom 
honeot  ond  noble  riralrj,  wtth  the  dative  of  mean  ond  ignoblo 

i.  Inle]  If  this  word  ia  oorreot  tho  nome  mnot  haTe 
gjren  him  to  moih  Ino  oonnootion  wHh  tho  groat  Jnlino  (JnHoe, 
a  maano  demitntm  nomen  Jolo,  Virg.  Aon.  1 .  286%  tho  motbor  of 
M.  Antonins  havmg  boen  Julia,  aieter  of  L.  Oaosnr,  eons. 
b.  o.  64,  bnt  oonaidoring,  (1)  that  Horaoe  irtdresoos  him  in 
L  20  ae  AnUmt,  (2)  the  difflcuitv  of  either  eliding  tho  initiol  < 
or  treating  the  word  as  a  diasjilable,  (3)  the  raet  that  the  word 
seems  elsewhere  applied  onlj  to  the  son  of  Aeneaa,  thero  eeemo 
ffome  probabilitj  in  favour  of  Peerlkamp's  oonjeetnre  ille. 

ooratla...]  'rests  on  winge  joined  with  wax  bj  tho  skfll  of 
Daedalus,  doomed  to  grve  a  name  to  the  glaaej  eea.' 

For  the  atorj  eee  Claas.  Diet.  s.  t.  Daedalus.  Apart  from 
metaphor  the  poet  means  that  he  who  seeks  to  riral  Pindar  is 
attempting  what  natnre  haa  forbidden  and  will  fail  diaao- 
troualj:  Horace  has  no  sjmpaihj  with  human  enterprise, 
and  Daedalns  (ftaiftoXof,  cf.  1.  8.  84  n.)  is  his  faTonrite  tjpe  of 
the  vanitj  of  scientific  ambition. 

ope]  In  the  sing.  this  word  indieates  the  effort,  skill, 
abilitj,  neoessarj  to  obtain  anjthing ;  in  the  plnral  it  represents 
that  which  is  obtained,  •wealth.* 

6.  notaa]  'accustomed,'  aluere  'swollen.'  There  is  an  old 
reading,  quwn  tuper  noUu  taliere  'when  the  rain-waters  have 
leapt  over,'  which  is  not  so  absnrd  as  Orelli  declares  it  to  be. 

7.  ferret...]  *So  Pindar  boils  and  rnahes  measnreles* 
with  deep  utterance.' 

lmmensns  and  mlt  clearlj  go  together;  cf.  the  Oreek  idiom 
toXvi  £e?  and  Sat.  1.  4. 11,  eum  Jiuertt  lutulentut.  The  word 
immentut  is  used  in  two  wajs/  in  referenoe,  (1)  to  Pindar*a 
copiousness  of  diction,  (2)  to  the  unconstrained  liberty  of  hia 

NOTES.  401 

raetres  and  movement,  in  both  of  which  respeets  he  resembles 
a  Bwollen  torrent. 

lnunensnsqnel  Ususlly  there  is  a  marked  eaesnra  aiter  ttie 
5th  syllsble  in  a  Sapphio  line,  and  Horaoe  rarely  violates  thii 
rule  ui  the  first  three  booki:  in  thie  Ode  however  he  doee  to 
twelve  times,  and  aix  tixnes  in  Ode  6.  It  wonld  seem  as  if  he 
had  oome  to  be  of  the  opinion  that  in  long  Odes  the  monotony 
of  the  Sapphio  rhyihm  reqoired  much  variation,  see  too 

9.  lanrea...]  Notiee  carefully  that  the  oonstraotion  is,  do> 
nandue,  (1)  9eu...devotoit9  (2)  $eu...caniL{B)  donat, 
(4)  juvenemve . .  .vlorat.  Pindar  is  worthy  of  Apollo's  bay  in  any 
of  the  four  kinas  of  lyrio  poetry  mentioned.  The  tive  in  L  17 
onght  to  be  answered  by  eive  in  1.  21,  instead  of  whioh  we  have 
only  ve,  and  that  appended  to  the  third  word  instead  of  to  the 
flrst.  The  obeonrity  is  inoreased  by  1.  18  where  it  is  to  be 
earerally  observed  that  the  words  pugiUmvc  equumve  merely 
explain  quoe:  tive  introdnoee  the  third  great  division  of 
Pindar's  poetry,  the  words  puailemve  equumve  indieate  the 
two  subordinate  divisions  into  whioh  it  is  ltself  divided. 

10.  per  audaoes  dlthyrambosl  per  denotes  the  ehannel 
throngh  whioh  the  words  fiow,  and  keeps  up  the  metaphor  of 
stansa  2,  of.  also  devolvit  and/erhir.  For  SWvpafifiot  see  Liddell 
and  8cott :  as  being  snng  at  the  altar  of  Dionysns  it  was  often 
very  eievated  and  indeed  bombastio  in  style,  and  allowed  the 
introduotion  of  unusual  or  extraordinary  words  {nova  verba). 

11.  nnmerisqne. . .]  *  and  sweeps  along  in  numbers freed  from 
law.'  As  we  do  not  possess  any  dithyrambio  Odes  of  Pindar 
we  oannot  say  how  £ar  this  oritieism  is  jnst:  his  Epinieian 
Odes  exhibit  a  most  oareful  systein  of  strophe,  antistrophe,  and 
epode,  though  of  oourse  as  oompared  with  any  metres  nsed  by 
Horaoe  thev  might  seem  '  lawless,'  much  as  Syron  oan  speak 
of  Sootfs  'lmmeasurable  measnres.' 

13.  sen  deos. . .]  The  referenoe  is  to  Paeans,  ncuawf,  hymns 
in  hononr  of  gods  and  heroes,  sueh  as  Theseus,  who  slew  the 
Centaurs,  and  Bellerophon  who  slew  the  Ohimaera. 

14.  oecldere...oeeidltl  For  this  method  of  joining  elanses 
see  1. 2. 4  n.   Notioe  also  below  eoneinee  1. 33,  and  eoneinee  L  41. 

16.  flamma  Ghlmaerae]  i.e.  'the  fire-breathing  Chimaera '; 
cf.  Juv.  4.  107,  Montani  quoque  venter  adett,  and  such  phrases 
in  Oreek  as  IloXwffrovf  (Ha=  *the  mighty  PolyniceB.' 

For  the  Chimaera  sce  1.  27.  23  n. 


HuRACE,  ODES  IV.  ii. 

rianoi...]    ib»»aatbmelioaiM,tivtdicit(eot)qunt... 

■nL».    TbeinfMMIl  ■»>*>■  Iwwt—  Mtrininphai 

7  portlan  of  Ptnwart  wangi  M  mtmk,  m 

■d  l «.  *a  trjmni.  ffataw.  arjwak  hk|  m  Bm, 
wild  olixe    Jrwt)  ni  &  mdil  prin  |tf«  h 

ttom  wm  infcreduead  *i  Bom*  b.o.  M,  m4 

■  ■  inellj  naad-  ■  •  priML1 
bulMtw)         bw,'  'iMUac  ft—wj  fMn,'  «t  1. 

M  *B*0t  O*  «oh  *  VM  "" 

sl  bome  in  •  trfunnhal  mbmw!» 

'•  aqnumvB)  Fm  n  Het  of  tho  • 
t.  OljmpU  Pndnr  twiM mmHmt  j 
i,  hnt  of  conrM  *UUi  of  ahoraa'1 

n    doiit]  farthor  o 

.  gift  preferable  M  n  fti —  ... 

>  were  aet  up  in  tne  Mend  grort  Altk  «t  Otjmpk,  nnd 
□  their  native  tovnr, 

...1  Seel.  Bn.  >M  bewaiuthajoiithBnaaahadfmm 
■wctping  bride,"  i.e.  in  iSmia  dban.     MoMMjMWWf 

■-   ng':  on  the  othor  hnnd,  1.  M.  9,  JlrtUu  aaciwfl,  <m 
uch  wept  for,'  *nJ  MB  1.  B.  H  n. 
mereaque    nijrroque]      NotMa    tbe  two 

oi)  'golden,'L*.  'DObla';  of.  «m  u(m- tht  aga 
Hben  iui  thioga  were  *t  their  bMt,  md  4.  3.  17«  UttMMM 

edudt  ln  ut».]  'exalta  to  tba  rtnra  and  grndgM  tho 

Jbloomy  crave  {iM  prej).'    Odor  B  and  9  dwell  nt  langth  on  tha 

■tmmoruiitj  whioh  the  poot  alona  oan  beatow.   Tha  MOOMtrne, 

rti,  nnimum,  moru,  M  gorerned  not  onlj  bj  tdueit,  bnt  bj 

irid*(  i  itn>i(J>o  t&kea  an  aao.  of  the  tbing  begrudged,  and  * 

dnt.  of  tbe  penon  to  whom,  a.  g.  aoe  lioi  {nnides. 

6.  mulu...]  'Strong  U  tha  hrecM  that  ttfta....'  Duw 
wm  *  fountnin  near  Thabm:  tha  epithet  ia  mo»  poetionl  than 
■  Theban '  wonld  have  bean,  becuM  awana  in  faet  aad  taa 
Miue*  in  Sclion  love  fonntaina.  For  the  awan'a  aong  Mi 
9.  90. 15  n. 

NOTES.  403 

27.    tractuil    From  traho,  «to  draw  out'=  'expanse.' 
Matlnae]    Mona  Matinus  is  in  Apulia. 

38.  moremootaue]  Merelyajialliterativephraae:'afterthe 
manner  and  method  of.'  So  Oioero,  Tim.  1,  has  Oameadeo 
more  et  modo  ditputata.  Bome  editore  say  that  mo$  refers  to 
natural,  modut  to  euttomary  habits,  but  the  distinetion,  even 
if  it  oan  be  established,  U  unimportant  here. 

99.  carpentla]  carpo,  «to  pluok,'  'grase  on,'  e.g.  earpere 
herbam,  uaed  of  animab,  ie  heres'to  feed  on.' 

por  laborem]  is  naed  adTerbially  —  'laborionaly,'  ot  per  vim, 
'violently/  per  iram,  per  jocum,  Aa  If  pUtrimum  is  to  be 
taken  witii  laborem,  as  Orelli  insists,  the  phrase  seems  yery 
prosaio,  and  the  paose  aftor  vlurimum  Tiolates  the  natnral 
moyement  of  the  verse.  BenUey  and  Naaek  join  phtrimum 
nemut,  bat  translate  plurimum  'densest,'  whioh  is  at  onoe 
impossible  and  meaningless.  I  am  strongly  disposed  to  take 
plurimum  nemus,  as  the  ear  almosi  oompels  them  to  be  taken, 
together,  and  to  give  plurimum  its  oommon  sense  of  *very 
many,'  translating,  'lifce  a  bee  laborionsly  onlling  ito  swoets 
from  tho  thyme  aroond  fnll  many  a  grove  and  the  banks....' 

80.  nvldi]  So  ealled  beoanse  of  the  falls  of  the  Anio  there, 
of.  1.  7. 18  n. 

81.  operosa. .  .1  Notiee  the  perfeotion  of  the  comparison :  the 
tiny  bee  laborionsly  fashions  lts  honey-oell ;  the  hnmble  poet 
frames  his  verse  with  eqnal  toil. 

83.  oondnes]  'Ton  (Antonins  just  mentioned  in  L  26),  a 
poet  of  nobler  toueh,  shsll  oelebrate  Oaesar  when....'  No  doubt 
Horaoe  designedly  plaees  the  words  majore  pleetro  in  a  position 
where  they  ean  be  taken  either  with  eoneinet  or  poeta. 

For  majore  pleetro  of.  2.  1.  40  n. 

35.  per  sacrum  clivum]  The  Via  Saera  was  the  princinai 
street  in  Bome:  it  ran  from  between  the  Oaelian  and  Esquihne 
hills,  slong  the  N.  slope  of  the  Palatine,  under  the  Axeh  of 
Titus,  past  the  Forum  ttomanum,  up  to  tho  OapitoL  Wiokham 
says  that  tho  term  taeer  elivut  (only  found  here  and  Mart  1. 
71.  5)  was  applied  to  the  part  of  it  whioh  slopes  downwards 
(of.  Bpod.  7.  7,  Britannut  ut  deteenderet  taera  eatenatut  via). 
f  rom  the  Aroh  of  Titns  to  the  Forum.  Along  the  Via  Saera  ali 
triumphal  prooessions  passed. 

HORACE,  ODES  IV.  ii. 

tjgejnnne]  ThfcGernnntrJboinanMndaeMtrietoa 
Bkf,  noar  Bonn;  with  othortrleM  nny  aal  MtHiil  a 
dofeet  oa  M.  LoDne,  a.  c  16,  but  oaMnfaontr/  *n» 

mnd  fhM  AttguetM  im  oenlnoj  ont  aeanot  than  in 


rogarda  epelling,  f  ie  neually  irand  fn  Latla  onr/  ia 

tnaelittomted  from  the  Gnek,  e.g.   e/ra,  ihm  il 

nta  the  eoundof  *,  whioh  ie  intornWdfatt  between  tha 

i  (oo)  and  <••  hen  of  eouno  OffommH  mar  repfeoent  tha 

pronnnoiation  of  tho  name,  but  TacitM  (Ann.  %  96)hae 
Sri,  wbiii  Btrabo  hM  Zorya^m.  and  Dio  Z^rfK» 
o  epellng  muet  bo  unoerteJn. 

nnJL..]  'naught  greater  oc  mon  glorkrae';  eeaf  om 
•in  thoir  goodneee.' 

o^unrla...]  'though  tho  agn  nm  haekwaid  to  thoir 
gold,'  Le.  though  tho  golden  aen  ehould  return. 

prloeum]  o£  8, 91«  11  n. 

anpor...]  'in  hononr  of  tho  return  of  brata  Anguetna 
ifed  (to  ourprayera).'  Comaancxteiitwitatheiiieorip- 
P.Q JLV.8.  (tota  tuecepta)  Pno  &  (eabtie)  nBHD.  AUG. 

fbruianue]  goTernod  by  eoneinet.  Tho  Uw-eourtu  wwre 
Fomm  and  were  ciooed  on  oooaaiont  of  pnbiio  lojoiong; 
Fwti,  4. 187, 

\c*na  eonat,  hudique  votanJU    SpeetaU9  Qmrttm, 
e%  fora  MarU  euo  Utigioea  vacenL 

ditora  apaak  of  tbia  as  ajuttitium :  it  woold  aaem  how- 
it  a  juiHtium  wm  only  proolaimed  in  eaaea  of  national 
y  or  danger. 

tum  meM...]  'Then  too  I,  ao  but  I  apeak  anght  worth 
;,  ihall  join  in  with  the  best  portion  of  my  ntteranee.' 
emphatio  in  ita  poaition:  you  shall  take  the  ohief  part, 
n  even  I  ehfil  ventnre  to  join  in. 

tuque  dnm  prooadla...]  'and  wbile  thou  doet  take  the 
Ho  Triumphl"  yea  not  onoe  onW  will  we  ery  "Ho 
ih ! "  eren  ell  the  citixena,  end  offer  inoenee  to  the  boun- 

objeetiona  to  thie  rendering  ara  two ;  (1)  tuque  has  but 
88.  authoritT,  (2)  it  ia  urged  that  the  worda  dmmprocedit 
y  apply  to  the  triumphator  or  the  triumphal 

NOTES.  405 

I  am  oertainly  of  opinion  that  they  can  refer  to  Antonios. 
Horaoe  haa  been  referring  to  Antomui  all  through  aa  taking 
the  Uad  in  the  praiee  ox  Augustus :  you,  he  saye,  ahall  aing 
Caesart  fame,  I  will  join  in  {acctdet).  Surely  then  he  ean 
speak  of  him  as  '  takmg  the  lead '  [procedo  expreeaing  hie 
'going  in  front'  of  Horaoe  and  the  trein  of  eitisens  in  the 
prooession,  and  suggesting  his  'taking  the  lead'  in  singing  the 
trinmphal  hymn)  when  Horaoe  and  the  rest  of  the  state  join 
in  oelebrating  Caesar*s  trinmph  and  aeeompanying  it  to  the 

The  other  reading  ia  teque,  dmnprocedit  {atprocedit,  Orelli). 
where  te  is  referred  to  Triumphe,  Triumphut  being  personifiea 
(cf.  Epod.  9. 31,  Io  Triumphe,  tu  morarit  aureot  currut),  and  pro- 
eedit  referring  to  the  advanoe  of  the  prooession,  or,  itprocedit  be 
read,  to  the  general.  I  give  Wiokham's  rendering;  'Thy  name 
will  we  pronounoe  aa  thy  prooession  posses  by,  Ho  Triumph ! 
again  and  again  Ho  Triumphl' 

The  fatal  objeotion  to  tbis  xendering  is  not  the  difficulty 
of  extraoting  the  vocative  Triumphe  from  the  ory  Io  Triumphe 
in  order  to  find  something  for  te  to  refer  to,  but  the  im- 
posaibility  of  ref erring  te  to  any  one  but  Antoniua.  Antonius 
nas  been  addressed  in  the  seoond  peraon  in  line  2,  again  in 
line  26,  again  in  lines  88  and  41 :  the  te  whioh  ia  plaoed 
with  such  marked  prominenoe  at  the  beginning  of  this  stansa 
is  followed  by  te  in  an  ezaotly  parallel  position  at  the  oom- 
mencement  of  the  next  stanza,  and  any  one  has  read  Horaoe  to 
little  purpoee  who  has  not  obserred  that  he  is  specially  fond  of 
making  his  meaning  oiear  by  plaoing  important  and  guiding 
words,  especially  pronouna,  in  emphatio  positions :  te  in  L  58 
would  point  back  to  te  in  1.  49  as  poaitiveiy  as  eoncinet  in  L  41 
does  to  concinet  in  1.  88.  Moreover,  the  whole  of  the  latter 
part  of  the  Ode  is  an  elaborately  worked-out  antitheais  between 
Antonius  and  Horace:  '  Thou  haat  an  important  part,'  Horaoe 
keeps  repeating,  'I  a  humble  one' ;  and  the  whole  symmetry 
and  halanoe  of  thia  is  marred  by  the  introduction  of  an 
emphatio  'Thou  0  Triumphl'  into  the  middle  of  it,  and 
all  in  support  of  the  theory  that  procedit  can  be  used  of 
nothing  but  the  triumpliator  or  the  triumph. 

My  view  is,  I  have  sinoe  found,  supported  for  the  same 
reaaons  by  H.  Sohiitz :  ao  too  Nauck. 

54.  aolvet] '  shall  aet  free/  i.  e.  from  my  vow.  In  thin  eaae 
Horaoe  vitulum  voverat  pro  reditu  Augutti;  Augustus  having 
returned,  he  becomes  voti  reut,  '  responsible  for  his  vow ' ;  tlu» 

406  HORACE,  ODE8  IV.  tt. 

onering  of  the  oalf  vomld  <eet  Um  tm  from  hie  iw.1   OLS. 

Jll**Mlli,a^glOWl  Hp.' 

66.  tm  aaea  vwlej  '  to  pay  mj  tow/ 

67.  froaUl^withitofowh^»  whkhwithto: 
growing  on  itie  mM  to  hnftato  «tho  moonTe  otooeont  ftro  — 

69.  o^]iotuadiztt]'whiroithMfo4(orMqoirtd)a 
mtvwoa  videri]  Xn*et  Hetjr,  e£  1.  S.  26  n. 

60.  felvns]  oontraated  with  whem;  im  Greek  w»  ibomld 
havo  hmd  *e>  and  6*  here. 

It  haa  been  mrfsd  thet  tbare  if  oontidormblo  bathoa  in  tfak 
Odo,  whioh  began  witfa  Pmdar  mmd  onda  with  tho )1nMl|itlmi  of 
a  calf ,  bot  it  mojt  ho  romemborod  tfaat  tho  ponnlthmate  atamm 
cerrieo  on  in  an  mooorihiglj  natoral  mannor  tho  oomparioon 
hotwoen  Antonima*  grcatneea  and  tho  bnmbleneee  ol  fiotaoa, 
and  the  great  ropoaa  and  eimplioity  of  tho  laat  atanza  aro  qnito 
in  aooordanoe  with  the  poet a  praetioe  of  allowing  a  nauomo 
and  brilliant  Ode  to  aink  into  qniet  and  calxn  at  ita  oonclneion. 

ODE  m. 

•He,  on  whoae  oradle  the  Mnae  haa  onoe  axniled,  ahaU 
neither  win  glorj  in  the  gamea  nor  in  the  sterner  oonteata 
of  war.  Streame  and  grovec  ahall  leave  their  impreaa  on  hia 
souL  Thia  ia  the  aonroe  whenoe  I  draw  the  oharm  that  makee 
me  rank  among  the  loveeble  band  of  poeU,  tbia  and  thj  favonr, 
O  Muae,  for  mj  inspiration  and  mj  fame  are  thj  gixV 

1.    Melpomene]  Striotlj  the  Mnae  of  Tragedj,  bnt  hato  the 
Mnae  of  Poetrj  generallj;  of.  1.  24.  8,  8.  80.  16. 
eemel  -sdvo^,  *  onoe,' '  onoe  for  all.' 
For  the  idea  eontained  in  1L  1.  2,  of.  Hes.  The,  81, 

Svriva  njqjwffi  £uot  tcodpai  pry4\oio 

ytu>6fuv6v  r  Mkaei 

rf  iUv  M  7X10**9  ^Xwrc/njr  x€*owro'  ooioVjr. 

8.  labor  Xathmlna]  For  theae  games  eee  Diot  Ant  s.v. 

NOTES.  407 

5.  Achaioo]  *Grecian';  the  adjeoiive  points  a  contrast 
between  the  Greoian  raoing  obariot  and  the  triumphal  ear  of 
the  Boman  oonaueror  reierred  to  in  the  nezt  lines.  The  word 
Aohaiahasacurioushistory:  inHomeralltheGreeksareoalled 
Aycuof,  in  the  olassical  period  the  name  ie  oonfined  to  the  in- 
habltants  o!  the  intigninoant  itrip  of  land  on  the  N.  ooaet  of 
Peloponnesua,  but  after  the  formation  of  the  Aohaean  league 
b.o.  381  the  name  again  rises  into  prominenoe,  and  after  the 

'^.  lubjugation  of  Greeoe  b.  o.  146  it  ie  applied  to  the  Boman  pro- 
vinoe  whioh  inoluded  the  whole  southern  portion  of  Greeoe;  eo 
8t  Paul  (Acte  18.  27)  proposee  to  paes  from  Ephesus,  not  into 
Greece  but  *into  Aohaia/ 

6.  neque  res...]  *nor  shall  warlike  exploits  display  him  to 
the  Oapitol  a  leader  deoked  with  Delian  bay  f or  havmg  erushed 
the  swelling  threats  of  prinoes.' 

Delils,  because  the  laurel  was  saored  to  Apollo,  who  was  born 

8.  quod...oontuderit]  The  subj.  is  very  diffioult,  and  is  ne- 
gleeted by  the  editors:  in most  cases where  quod  takes  the  subj. 
it  is  virtually  in  oblique  oonstruotion,  e.g.  faUo  queritur  de  natura 

genus  kumanum quod  reaatur,  'because,  at  they  *ayt  they 

are  ruled':  here  howerer  this  will  not  apply.  ferhape  the 
prindple  is  the  same  which  makes  non  auod  take  a  subj.  *  when 
the  reason  denied  is  oonoeptive,  not  real'  (Kennedy):  you  deny 
that  the  man  will  ever  go  in  a  triumphal  prooession,  and  there- 
fore  the  reason  why  he  ahould  go  in  one  is  purely  oonceptive 

10.  aquae]  See  1.  7.  18  n.  Horaoe  seleots  Tibur  be- 
cause  it  was  his  own  favourite  spot,  and  also  beoause  he  always 
prefers  the  tpecial  to  the  general, 

12.  flngent] '  shall  shape '  or '  mould ' :  his  surroundings  will 
leave  their  impression  on  his  mind.  nobilem,  perhaps  pro- 
leptic,  *so  that  he  beoomes  renowned.' 

Aeolio]  i.e.  lyrio,  of.  2.  13.  24  n. 

14.  dignatur]  'isnotashamed,"deigns.'  tubolee,  from  tub- 
oUeeo  'to  grow  up*  or  'into  the  room  of '='youth' — '  the  rising 
generation '  as  we  say . 

16.  et  lam  dente...]  'and  by  now  I  am  less  gnawed  by  the 
tooth  of  envy';  on  the  other  hand,  when  he  wrote  2.  20.  4  he 

408  HORACE,  ODKS  IV.  iii. 

na  etffl  the  merk  of  eewy,  etill  mnl  «I  m 
jertntia»;  ef.  too  8et  1. 6. 45, 

ffMMI  fWfBfll  OOMOt  KetFoino  JMfVO  roInoi* 

The  metophor  ia  dejit  fctoidMt  ie  from  a  enopping, 

17.  enreee]  8ee4. 3.88n. 

18.  dnloem  quee...l  tlrepilMi  boin*  oimoil  inwiobr/ 

of  e  •din/  'noioe,'  t,g>furi9  Konee,  oafcenaw,  jownot  etnejtlm, 
thoie  is  e  tendeney  to  teke  rfwfofei  nrolepttoelr/  here,  nnd 
eonetrne  'thet  doet  modnlete  into  eweetneoo  the  ryreli  eoanoV 
but,  ee  Ep.  1.  8.  81,  erf  tfrepitie»  ciikart  ejojeftrai  deeere 
cttnm,  the  word  ie  oleerr/"» 'mueie,'  it  ie  perhepe  tftnplor  to 
render  here  'thet  doet  mle  the  eweet  mueie/ 

Plertl  Theeing.  Pftritierere.  PierUifl  e  perto/¥iotdorik 
the  inheWtenU  of  whioh  oeem  toheve  been  oeiebreted  te  their 
love  of  poetrj.  Pieri$$  4e  femele  inhebitent  of  Pierie,'  ie.the 

19.  mutie]  8ofiehereoeIledfXX*ro,Hee.8a212,eVe*eei, 
Aeeoh.  Pere.  £78,  AXof,  8oph.  Aj.  1399. 

30.  donature...]  *thoa  thet  wouldcet  give,  were  it  thy 
pleesure,  e  ewen'e  note.'   For  the  'ewen*e  note'  of .  2.  30. 15  n. 

21.  totam...]  'thie  ie  wholly  of  thy  bounty  thet  I  em 
pointed  ont ' 

33.  monetror  dlgito]  is  imiteted  by  Pere.  1.  38,  a*  puUknm 
ett  digito  monttrari  et  dieier  kie  ett;  da«ru\o8ct«rci>  (Deni. 
790)  hee  e  bed  eense,  end  eo  6a«ruXooci«rotf  Aeooh,  Ag.  1883. 

digitut  ie  from  the  geme  root  ee  ftctoiou,  end«'the 
pointing  thing.' 

33.  Romenae  fldloen  lyree]  Ae  having  been  the  firet  to  in- 
trodaoe  lyric  poetry,  cf.  8.  80.  13. 


'Like  en  eegle  thet  in  hie  netive  ttrength  qnite  the  neet, 
triee  hie  powen  of  flight,  then  twoope  down  npon  the  eheep- 
folde  end  even  join»  bettle  with  e  eerpent,  or  liko  e  yonng  lion 
ee  he  eppeere  to  the  doomed  hind— each  hee  Drneae  eppeered 

NOTE&  409 

in  battie  to  the  Vindelici.  Defeeted  by  hia  youthful  skffl  they 
have  learned  to  their  oost  what  hereditary  power  happily 
developed  oan  effeot,  what  an  Auguetua  oan  make  onl  of  a 
Nero.  Brave  airea  make  brave  aona:  all  natnre  witneaioi  to 
thia  truth,  only  at  the  lame  time  innate  powera  need  training 
to  prevent  their  deoline.  Of  the  bravery  of  the  Neroe  let 
Metaurua'  atream  bear  witneea  and  that  glorious  day  of 
Uaadrnbal'a  defeat,  the  day  whioh  at  laat  reatored  the  fortnnea 
of  Eome  and  made  Hannibal  propheticaUy  exolaim  in  hia 
deapair :  ••  We  are  like  deer  attaoking  wolves.  The  great  raoe, 
that  undefeated  by  diaaater  oame  from  Troy  to  Italy,  etiU,  like 
ita  natrve  oak,  the  more  it  ii  lopped  the  more  vigorouely  it 
growa:  Hydra-like  it  only  becomes  more  formidable  after  each 
defeat  Never  again  ahall  I  aend  home  the  proud  meaaagea  of 
viotory.  Fallen,  fallen  ail  my  hopea  now  Haadrubal  ia  dead. 
The  Claudian  raoe  ahall  ever  be  indomitable:  heaven  proteots 
them,  and  wiadom  watchea  over  them.'" 

For  a  fuU  aooount  of  Druaua  aee  Claas.  Diot.  He  waa  the 
son  of  Livia,  the  wife  of  Augustus,  by  her  former  husband, 
Tiberius  Claudius  Nero,  and  the  youngcr  brother  of  Tiberiua 
(afterwards  Emperor),  along  with  whom  he  defeated  tho  Bhaeti 
and  YindeUci  b.c.  15.  He  died  when  on  an  expediiion  to 
Gerinany  b.c.  9,  being  then  oonsul.  He  was  much  more 
popular  than  Tiberius;  ef.  Tao.  Ann.  1.  88,  Druti  magna  apud 
populum  mcmoria,  credebaturque,  ti  rerum  potitut  foret,  Uber- 
tatem  redditurut.    See  also  4.  15,  Int. 

For  the  history  of  the  oomposition  of  the  Ode  eee  Intro- 

duotion  to  this  Book.   It  is  a  perfeot  model  of  a  Priae  Ode,  and 

haa  long  aerved  as  such.    It  exhibits  Uttle  real  poetio  power  but 

great  akiU  in  oompoaition,  and  is  the  work  of  invention  rather 

than  inspiration:  the  elaborate  eompariaon  in  the  first  four 

stansas  must  have  given  Horace  oonsiderable  trouble,  and  very 

glad  he  must  have  been  when  he  got  through  it 

1.    qualem...]  Notioe  oarefuUy  the  oonstruction:  auaUm 
alitem  (then  foUow  four  clauses  of  aU  of  which  this  is  toe  ob- 


410  HORACE,  ODKS  IV.  ir. 


•vlMMfMOf  0BSJ»eS>»»»ieBWS^S»..W4^S*  fMMSHBJ    VNWV 

rUiUheL    The  fwafcm  in  L  1  is  gowmd  by  * 
jwomiKi,  dooiert,  dfMfrft,  and  ayii,  tbe  vniov 

the  growth  of  the  eajle  beiiig  oojexaQj  bmW  bj  tht 

ottm  and  lem,  mmj  end  mms»  Ib  tremmtfing  foDow  i 
outlinM  m  tiuec.  'Iin  m  the  bird  thtt  gmuds  the 
bolt,  to  whioh...,  of  old  his  jooth...,  and  prooentry...,  tbom  em 
the  shecpfolds...,  now  at  last...;  or  Uke  the  lion  whioh  a 
hind...hM  eeen:  eo  eew  tho  TindeUoi  Dmm  wagmg  wnr/ 

ml&istrmm  foJmuls]  Of .  Virg.  Asn.  &  2W,  Jeots  «omjoi. 
An  eaglc  graspmg  s  thnndorbolt  is  cepeoiairj  freqoent  on  tho 
ooins  of  the  Ptolemice. 

2.    roz  deormm  rognnm  Im  otos]  Of.Aosoh.Ag.  11«, 
/M#iXf dt  AeriXftVi  vtuV,  *the  Ung  of  tho  birds  to  tho  tittge  of 
the  fleet.'    mm  tjmtjofTcyi. 

S.  ospcrtas  fldelem  in...]  *having  provod  his  fsith  in  (tho 
carrving  off  of)  ffolden-haired  Ganjmede,*  whom  tho  eagle 
eamed  off  from  Ida, 

quem  praepee  ab  14* 
tublimem  pcdibui  rapuit  Iovit  armiger  uneit. 

The  subject  wm  s  favourite  ooe  for  fresoo-peinting;  e£  too 
Tennjaon's  'Psiaoe  of  Art,' 

*  Or  else  floshed  Ganjmede,  his  rosj  thigh 
Half-buried  in  the  Eagle'e  down, 
Soft  m  a  flying  gtar  shot  through  the  skj 
Above  the  pulered  town.'  • 

Notioe  the  careful  jaztapoeition  of  rex  regnum,  Iuppiter 

5.  ollm]  from  iUe  olle  =  *at  that  time,'  'not  at  this  partioular 
time,'  bears  verj  varioos  eeneM  aocording  to  the  oonneotion  in 
whioh  it  is  Uied,=(l)  at  some  past  time,  (2)  at  some  ratore 
time,  (8)  some  time  or  other.  Clearly  here  in  oonneotion  with 
jarn,  mox,  nunc  it  is  intended  to  throw  the  mind  baok  to  that 
time  past  when  the  esgle's  oareer  oommenoed. 

patrloi  vlgor]  4native  force,*  cf.  1.  80,  patrum  virtut.  The 
worde  antioipate  the  remarke  on  hereditarj  valonr  which  oomo 

7.  vernique. . .] '  and  vernal  breezM  when  now  the  oloods  are 
banished  have  taught  him  timoroas  (at  first)  onwontod  efitorts.' 

NOTES.  411 

Scaliger  objected  that  eaglets  are  only  hatehed  late  in  the 
spring  and  oannot  fly  till  autumn.  He  therefore  propoacd  to 
write  verme,  but  eren  br  thns  making  the  line  intolerable  he 
only  gets  to  the  heginning  of  summer,  while  ae  it  stands  the 
line  refera  to  Ute  spring  when  eettled  fine  weather  has  begnn. 
Horaoe  olearly  knows  nothing  aboni  the  hatohing  of  young 
eagles:  he  eontiden  that  like  young  lambs  and  yonng  birds 
generally  they  are  among  the  phenomena  of  spring. 

•*  10.    TlTldns lmpetns]  *his  eager  swoop':  in eonneotion with 

demieit  we  must  oleariy  so  oonstme,  otherwise  the  words 
might  • '  living  energy.' 

11.  nnne  in...l  The  word  rebtetantee  is  untranslateable:  it 
snggests  at  onoe  the  whole  soene  whioh  Virgil,  Aen.  U.  751, 
has  attempted  to  represent, 

utque  volane  aUe  raptum  eum  fuha  draconen 
fert  aquila,  impUeuitque  pede$  atque  unguibut  kaetit; 
eaueiue  at  terpene  einucea  vohmUna  vereat, 
arreetitque  korret  •quamit  et  tibilat  ore, 
arauut  ineurgene;  illa  haud  minut  urgutt  obuneo 
luetantem  rottro, 

The  snake  earried  off  in  the  eagle's  talons  wrestles  (luetatur) 
with  its  oaptor  and  ooils  itself  up  or  back  (re)  in  its  endearours 
to  sting  him.  Perhaps  '  wrestling,  writhing  snakes'  will  do  as 

12.  amor  dapls atque pngnae]  *1otc  of  feast  and  fray ':  the 
eagle  at  first  satisfied  with  preying  on  a  lamb  is  now  not 
oontent  without  the  additional  ezeitement  of  a  oontest. 

18.  oaprea]  'a  roebuck,'  but  eapra  'a  sbe-goat.'  laetU, 

14.  fulTae...leonem]  *a  lion  jnst  weaned  from  histawny 
mother's  ndder.'  The  awkwardness  of  the  original  does  not 
appear  in  Encliah.  Bither  matrit  ab  ubere  depuUut  or  laeU 
depuUue  would  be  exeellent  Latin,  bot  ihe  ezpression  matrie 
ab  ubere  laeU  depuUut  is  eztremely  harsh,  and  the  harihnsss 
is  not  got  rid  of  by  saying  that  laeU  deputeut  is  Tirtually  one 
woT&xzaToyaXaKTteetrr*,  'weanedV 

There  is  mnoh  to  be  said  for  Nanok's  method  of  plaoing  a 
eomma  after  ubere:  the  yonng  roeboek  fresh  from  its  mothert 
side,  as  it  seeks  its  food,  suddeniy  finds  itself  faee  to  «•— 
P.  H. 

HORACE,  ODES  IV.  rr. 
'•weaned  Hon,  as  it  seeks  fts  pwy:  the  oomparieon  fc 

Tery  complete.  hdoae  in  this  oaee  refera  to  the 
what  we  might  call  4red  deer.' 

Unte...]  *eoon  to  periah  beneaih  ite  (aa  yet)  nnfleahed 

Raetla]  'Baetian';  for  proper  nonna  naed  aa  adjeothres 
.  10  n.  and  below  Metaurum  fhtmen*  For  Raetia  or 
lee  Claat.  Dict.  It  ie  the  modern  Tyrol  Thereading 
s  nearto  all  the  MSS.  authority,  bnt  the  cipreeaion 
ndelxcivt  intolerable. 

mdelldl  inhabited  a  diatriet  to  the  S.  of  the  Danube 
le  N.  of  the  BaetL 

ta  moa...]  'to  whom  whenee  the  oustom  ia  derired 
lrough  all  time  arma  their  right  hands  with  an 
an  axe,  I  have  deferred  enquiring,  nor  indeed  ii  it 
Dle  to  know  all  things.* 

remarkable  parentheais  seems  intended  to  gto  looal 
;  and  an  appearanee  of  reality  to  the  Ode.  The 
rodnoes  an  efleot  almost  as  natnral  as  the  introdnotion 
kborately  painted  insect  into  the  foregronnd  of  a  boldly 
indscape.  The  bathos  of  the  oonolnsion  nec  tcire  fae 
i  transcends  critioism. 

-  critics  cnt  out  all  from  quibut  to  ted\  and  it  oertainly 
table  that  sense  and  metre  are  thus  left  intaot.  And 
mch  lines  as  these,  with  their  reoondite  allusion  to 
x)int  of  antiquarian  lore  and  their  parody  of  Horatian 
ty  in  1.  22,  are  just  suoh  as  a  oopyist  might  have 
ted.  Wiokham  however  defends  them,  beoanse  (the 
the  verses  are  such  as  the  poet  is  much  more  likely  to 
n  guilty  of  than  an  imitator' !  It  oertainly  needs  a 
ppreciation  of  Horaoe's  style  to  understand  why  the 
}f  these  lines  seem  peculiarly  Horatian. 

aed] •  but/  i.  e.  to  resume, •  however  ■ :  so  in  Greek,  8*  ofr. 

ylctrloes. . .]  'eonquering  hordes  oonquered  in  their  turn 
lans  (i.  e.  strategy)  of  a  youth.' 

tuvenls]    He  was  28  years  old. 

aenaere]  'felt  to  their  oost,'  cf.  2.  7. 10  n. 
]  'mens  ad  virtutes  inteiUgentiae,  sagacitatem,  pru- 
indoles  ad  animi  virtutes,  fortitudinem,  clementiam, 
-tinet:    Orelli. 

NOTES.  413 

rite]  10.  nutrita,  •what  *  xnind  (duly  nurtured),  what  * 
disposition  duly  nnrtored  beneath  an  auapioious  roof  oonld 

riU,  fauttUt  and  penetraUbue  are  all  religiom  worda  de- 
aignedly  naed  to  suggest  the  almoat  aodlike  qnalities  of  Angnatna. 

Some  editora  plaoe  a  oomma  oefore  instead  of  aftar  riu, 
apoiling  the  rhythxn  and  not  improving  the  aense. 

27.  qnld  Augnsti...]  Theae  worda  tpecialize  and  ao  ezplain 
the  general  langnage  of  the  preoeding  linea :  *  yea,  what  Angnatna 
conld  do  for  the  Neros.' 

29.  fortee...]  The  mention  of  Augustus'  oare  and  thegreat 
name  ol  the  Nerones  naturallv  leada  Horace  to  develop  the  two 
great  ideaa  of  the  Ode,  (1)  m  linea  29 — 82,  the  neoessity  of 
hereditary  qnalitiea,  (2)  in  linea  88—86  the  neoeatity  of  good 
edocation  to  develop  them:  he  then  fllnatratea  the  former  of 
theae  at  length  in  linea  87 — 72,  and  briefly  eJlndes  to  the  aeoond 
in  the  oonclnding  linea.  Thia  disproportion  in  the  length  of 
treatment  ia  natnral :  the  advantagea  of  edneation  afford  little 
seope  for  a  lyrie  rhapaody ;  while.the  mention  of  greatanoeatora 
gives  opportunitv  for  introdncing  a  brilliant  hiatorioal  fiotion. 

Snetonina  (Tib.  1)  tella  na  that  the  word  Nero  meana  fortU 
ae  ttrenuus,  and  it  may  poasihly  therefore  be  the  oase  that 
Neronet  in  1.  28  aotnally  snggests  fortee  in  L  29. 

fortlbna]  ia  the  ablati ve  of  origin,  *  apring  from  * :  •  are  ereated 
by '  wonld  reqnire  afortibut. 

81.  ImbeUem  feroces,  aquilae  colnmbam]  Notioe  the 
jnxtaposition  of  the  oontrasted  adjeetives  and  nonna.  Cf.  2. 
4.  6n. 

88.    vlm  lnsltam]  'native  foroe.' 

85.  moresl  Usnally  thia  word  in  the  plnral « 'charaoter, ' '  be- 
haviour/  bnt  here  it  obvional^  repreaents  an  aetive  principle 
of  the  same  aort  aa  doetrina  ('edneationM,  «laws  of  oonduot,* 
'preoepta'  (roeta  morum  dUeipUna,  Oreili).  Gf.  Virg.  Aen. 
1.  264,  moretque  virit  et  moenia  ponit. 

86.  lndeoorant...] 4 fanlta  mar  what  is  by  natnre  noble.* 

87.  Keronibus]  See  Claas.  Diet.  The  emperor  Nero,  who 
haa  branded  the  name  with  imperishable  infamy,  only  beeame 
a  Nero  by  adoption  A.r.  60,  when  hia  mother  married  the 
emperor  Clandius. 


1M  HORACE,  ODB  IV.  iw. 

88.  tNHi]M.«(.  T<*ti»maj.MiUwnmwml.U.V&n. 
Iht  afettarna  to  a  rfwjr  iii  Umbri*  Mtr  whtoh  the  nmI  a 
CBandiM  Ntro  dtmtttd  HMdrnbtl  *,o.  807  and  ont  off  tbt 
wfrifafwifiifnti  ho  v  bH*^*1*^  tfr  ****  biothor  HannJbojL 

pnkMr]  01  4. 8.  47, •  brfflUnf  tV«  to  to  be  takon 
litertllj  of  the  dtj  whn  Httdrnhtl  wm  doflatfiltftMVtoaMfcv 
phorioallj  of  tho  gloom  whtoh  had  htmg  otot  Italj  ainoi  tht 
Atooitara  of  Tmhto»  TrMimtM.  and  Ganmat  8m  Am  4.  8. 
Sn.  on  faom. 

41.  qni  prlmu...]  •whioh  flrtt  tmued  with  ohfwing  ftotorj 
linoe  tho  dar  whon  hU)  tho  drtad  Afttoan  oeiMrtd  thronfh.../ 

the  ttjto:  of.  L  84.  5  u. 

The  word  to  oikl  to  bo  dorirtd  from  «4or-'grain,'  betaMt 
i  largeee  of  oorn  wm  diatributed  to  tho  troopt  tfttr  t  lietorj. 

tlma]»gMt  oKf,  •lottorinct,<onocmrtgingv*hort  'nhotring' 

48.  dimiAmr]  dinm to tht tttndtid opithot of ffaimihal. 
oi.2.12.  2n.  Porta»«dDoe  thttlmewhen/ct  Epod.7. 18, 
Cio.  td  Att  1.  16.  2,  ut  BrwuH$iovrcfectui  es  nuUae  wdkl*b$U 
nmt  reddita*  UtUra*.  Soph.  0.  T.  115,  rptt  otror  ofxtff  ffctT 
&t  drevr&X*. 

48.  otn  fltmmt  por  taadaa]  *likt  ilrt  throogh  pintt.'  eowi- 
tavit  to  naed  not  to  mnoh  in  tht  tenta  of  4riding*  m  in  tho 
eeoondtrj  tentt  of  •otreering,'  oombining  tho  idott  of  tptod 
tnd  nnohecked  power.    Ct  1.  2.  51  n. 

45.    ttennto...]'withererpro«peroMei^ 
of  Bome  wtxed  etrong.* 

47.  tnmnltn]  The  word  to  t  very  ttrong  one,  at  it  wu  appltod 
in  Hortoe't  dt j  only  to  t  riting  in  Ittbr,  or  of  the  Qtnb  im- 
medittelj  on  itt  horderi  (tee  Cio.  Phu.  8.  1):  it  wu  t  wtr 
whtoh  threw  eooiety  into  oonfnnon. 

48.  rectoe]  'rettortd,*  *aet  npright/  Le.  tfter  being  ovor- 
tnrned  bj  the  'impietj*  of  the  Caithtginiana. 

49.  pcrfldnel  Tho  tttndtrd  Bomtn  epithet  for  tho  Ctrtht- 
ginitni.  Thej  might  with  more  jnttiee  htve  tpplied  it  to  thom- 
eelvee.  Livy  (2L4.9)attribnte«U)Htnm1)tl|)^>f<aphae^um 

50.  lnporuml  Cletrly  in  referenoe  to  the  legendtrj  tooonnt 
of  the  retring  of  Bomulna  tnd  Bemne. 

NOTE&  415 

51.  lUtro]  Tbi«word,ooimeotedwithi*ttmliifr^nentiyxiaed 
o!  actions  which  go  beyond  anything  whioh  might  reesonably 
have  been  expeoted,  whioh  are  neodless,  uncaUed-fbr,  and  the  like. 
The  woxd  here  indieatea  that  for  stags  to  attack  wolyes  was 
not  only  folly  but  needless,  grstuitous  foUy ;  d  Yirg.  Aen.  2. 
145,  kU  lacrimis  vitam  damus  et  wdttrttcimut  uUro,  where  the 
pity  is  apoken  of  as  a  needleaa  superfl  uity. 

opimus  triumphusl  'rarest  mnrnph.'  The  phrase  is  in- 
Tented  by  Hormoe  on  the  analogy  of  tpoUa  optma,  spoils  taken 
by  a  general  in  personal  oombat  with  the  general  of  the  enemy, 
and  aaid  to  have  been  only  thrioe  won,  (1)  by  Bomolns,  (2)  by 
A.  Oornelius  Cossos,  B.a  426,  (8)  by  M.  Claodins  liaroeuns, 
B.a  222. 

52.  faUere]  'to  elnde.' 

58.  oremato  f ortls  ab  Hio]  Thongh  forti»  in  striot  grammar 
goes  with  pertulit  yet  in  sense  it  goes  with  the  words  between 
whieh  it  is  plaeed:  diaaster,  as  the  nezt  three  stansas  repeat 
at  length,  but  inoreases  the  oourage  of  the  Boman  raoe: 
♦bravely  quitting  the  ashes  of  Dium  storm-tossed  on  Tusoan 
seas  it  safely  oarried  its  saored  treasnres.' 

54.    saera]  Le.  the  Penates. 

57.  tonsa]    'lopped.' 

58.  nigrae]  'on  Algidus  prolifio  in  dark  (or  'shadowy') 
foliage.'    Algidus  is  a  mountain  in  Latium,  near  Tusoulum. 

fermei  frondis]    For  the  gen.  after/srax,  of.  8.  6. 17  n. 

59.  per  damna...]        'Its  loss  its  glory  makes, 

And  from  the  very  steel  fresh  strength  and  spirit  takes.' 


dudt, '  draws/ '  derives, '  goes  grammatioaUy  with  gent,  as  do 
the  whole  two  lines,  but  the  ikul  of  the  oomparison  is  shewn 
in  the  fact  that  if  ilex  be  taken  as  the  nom.  to  dueit  eaoh  word 
is  equaiiy  appUcable. 

caedesl  oan  mean  either  'a  outting  to  pieoes  of  troops,'  'a 
miUtary  dlsaster.'  e.g.  such  as  Cannae,  or  'the  entting  off'  of  a 
bough:  no  Enghsh  word  wiU  bear  this  double  sense:  perhaps 
'  havoo'  or '  ravages '  wiU  do. 

The  stansa  is  perhaps  unrivaUed  m  a  speoimen  of  Horaoe's 
unique  power  of  terse  and  graphio  ezpression. 

61.  flrmior]  must  be  taken  both  with  tteto  corport  and 
erevit:  'not  more  strongly  did  the  hydra  (stronger)  aiter  every 


16  HORAGB,  ODKS  IV.  ir. 

kralnmwloNriatHtimiliswhoahilidtob»MnM.*    800 
unoo.  Diot.  s.  ▼.  Horonko, 

61.  wm^wmVfio^.9 mh^m%WL$9mAmpham\^99 
.a. 'prodneed't  tbowora  io  naod  aooarntoly,  m  tboyanwap 
ram  tho  groand,  ot  teUme  fotettttt  jfarw,  Loer.  1. 7.  lortbe 
aaead  om  CBooa.  DioL  ■«  ▼•  Araoanatoo  ood  Qodown» 

66.    OMneo...]  •tfaik  H  In  tho  deop,  it  oomeo  forfli 

koUo;  wnatlo  with  it,  oarfd  groit  applaoae  il  wiU o'arthrow 
bo  aaioithod  ▼iotor  ond  wifo... ' 

mtnmmrt  mtrut,  ti  boiog  oftoa  oaiiktod  ia  poetry  fior  tho 
ako  ol  terooooeo,  ot  Bpiot.  L  10.  94,  aotara»  «sotUftiJtaros 
aow»  «joni  roeomt,  Tor.  Ph.  t>  1.  86,  aaaai  eognorit 

ovontl]  oo  oll  good  M8&    Onlli'o  old  nodiof  woo 
a  to  hoTO  o  fature  pnrollol  with  wroruet  ood  afoJd  tho 
aaof  tvtnU  **  'oomoo  fbrth,'  hat  thon  io  oo  onthorifr  for  tbJo 
at.  of 

66,  mtognun^iototam]  Le.  oportfcom  inetophor,  Hormihal, 
rho  hod  oome  nnoootbod  from  the  ▼iotorieo  of  TrobU,  Trooi- 
neno  and  Cannne,  wos  oTerthrown  ot  Zama,  n.0.  902. 

68.  eoninglbao  loqaenda]  •for  their  wiveo  to  tell  e*V  ot  4. 
).  21,  dieenda  Mutis  proelia. 

69.  nnnttoo  onperboo]  Lity  23. 12  reloteo  how  Hogo  whoa 
■eporting  the  ▼iotoiy  of  Cannae  poared  ont,  aa  o  tokoa  of 
rictory,  three  bnahelo  of  gold  ringo  eoch  token  from  o  Bomon 

70.  ooeidit,  ooeldlt]  For  repetition  to  inteniify  the  idoo  of 
lodnesa  oee  2. 14. 1  n.  ond  of.  Diyden,  Alexander'o  Fenat, 

«He  onng  Daxiaa  great  ond  good 
By  too  eerere  o  fate 
Follen,  fallen,  follen,  fallen, 
Fallen  from  hia  high  eotate.' 

78.    nll...non]  ovftJr  ahmi  ▼ery  atrong  'eracything.9 

75.  caraeaafaoaaloleaxlythecareof  Aagaotaa.  exped&unt... 
■  'lead  aaiely  throngn  the  danoero  of  war':  empedio  io  tho 
ippoaite  of  impedio  (from  in  and  pet)  *to  get  the  foot  into  o 
mare,'  ond  meona  'to  get  aafely  tnrough  or  ont  of  anareo,'  ot 
7irg.  Aen.  2.  682,  flammam  inter  et  hoetet  \  expedior.  Whot 
me  exoet  fbroe  ol  per  acuta  belH  ia  ia  not  eleor :  wiokhom  aaya 
perhopa  with  referenee  to  a  ahip  thrcading  ita  way  throogh 

NOTES.  417 

sharp  rocks/  bot  this  hardly  euits  exptdior:  1  prafer  io  take  ii 
with  Orelli  more  generaUy»*dangers,'  el  Hom.  IL  4.  861»  J(e> 

Thii  oonduding  stania  ii  olearly  *  part  of  Hannibal'o  pro- 
phetie  speeoh.  wickham  says  otherwise,  aiginff  thai  Honoe 
•would  hardly  put  into  Hannibars  month  a  dull  propheey  of 
the  glories  of  the  honie  of  Nero, '  Bnt  why,  we  ask,  should  we 
put  into  the  poet'e  month  this  *dnll  p^opheey,  whioh  Homoe 
did  not  think  good  enongh  for  HannibalT  As  a  matter  of  (aot 
the  ohange  from  Hanmbal  to  Horaoe  at  the  end  of  a  long 
■peeeh  and  that  only  for  a  ringle  etansa  ie  eztremely  harah;  it 
lowers  the  last  fonr  lines  to  the  lerel  of  the  moral  nsnally 
taoked  on  at  the  end  of  a  versined  fable. 

ODB  Y. 

♦Beturn,  great  guardian  of  Bome,  for  thon  hast  been  abeent 
too  long:  retnrn,  for  thy  presenoe  is  as  snnshine,  and  thy 
conntry  longs  for  thee  as  anzionsly  as  a  mother  for  her  sailor 
lad's  retnrn.  Thy  presenoe  brings  prosperity  (17 — 21),  pnrity 
(91 — 25)  and  peaoe  (25 — 29) ;  erery  man  lives  nnder  his  own 
vine,  and  after  his  erening  mesi  hononrs  thee  with  prayen  and 
libations,  ranking  thee  among  his  household  gods.  "Long 
mayest  thou  pioserve  sneh  joyons  holiday  time  for  Italy "— -eneh 
is  our  morning  and  evening  ery.' 

Augustus  after  the  defeat  of  Lollius  by  the  Sygambri  b.o.  16 
(see  4.  2.  86  n.)  went  himself  to  Gaul  and  remained  there 
nntil  b.c.  18.  This  Ode  is  written  just  before  his  retnrn. 
Orelli  remarks  with  jnstioe  on  the  wonderfnl  tranquillity  and 
sense  of  assured  peaoe  and  repose  whioh  oharaoteriae  it 

1.  dlvls  orte  bonls]  'born  by  the  favonr  of  heaven,'  divis  boni$ 
oeing  abL  ahs.t  cf.  Sat.  2.  8. 8,  iratti  ntUut  dit.  Others  render 
'sprung  from  benignant  gods.'  Perhaps  Horaoe  pnrposely 
nses  a  phrase  whieh  snggests  both  ideas:  Augustuiia  at  onoe  a 
proof  of  heaven's  favour  and  himself  of  heavenly  raoe, 

For  Romulae  see  1.  15. 10  n. 

8.  maturum...]  'having  promised  thy  speedy  retnrn  to  tbe 
angust  assembly  of  the  fathers,  return.' 

HO&ACB,  ODE8  IV.  ▼. 

oltto]  from  00»  and  the  roo*  «f  awfttt* 
salkd  tofetlief.'   II  k  ontiioly  diflennt  te 
incktion  from  oaajfffom 

«em]  oipkined  br  &o  ftdkminf  lino,  bnt  ot 
whore  Atoaaa,  aunding  lo  tho  tofani  of  Xerxea, 

ifuia  fnh  tfiwt  iioaaro»  foot  ,**>• 
enl  Xmftr  4*o#  mtot  oit  fkkayjd^mm, 

Aon.  %  981,  0  I-  BwrJmJMt  ako  Bt  Loko  L  78, 
irftw  from  oo  high  hath  ▼iaited  ne,  lo  gtre  lignt  lo 
rft  in  darkneee.'    8tJohnl.7,  8.9Ae. 

towfceium...]<teli**eprJnf.'  tei*rkam.indeeL 
a  image,'  bnt  il  froonontly  doee  dnty  ahnoat  te  m 
n  aehare,  thoogh  ttktebta  etrieUy  in  loooo 
i  to  vottw  or  dMee.    800  Dioi  a.  ▼. 

atlor...] '  more  gladly  pooiBi  tho  day  md  fho  onn  hoo 
tor  light,'  $oUi  k  not  imfrequenUy  need  poorioany 
ral«*appeeraneee  of  Iho  enn,r'daya.' 

tor  iUTonom]  iuvenen  ia  gorornod  07  oooot  in  h  18. 
nUthoUcal  oollooation  of  worda  of.  8.  4.  6  n.    Trano- 

when  her  lad  ia  dotainod  bj  tbo  aonth  wind  with  ito 
reath...f  hia  mother  eaHa  him  homo  with  ▼owe...' 

thia  aentenoe  tho  baianee  of  tho  flrat  worda  wuUer 
rith  the  laat  worda  patria  Caeearewu 
drpathiummare  ia  B.  of  Crete. 

inetantem...1  With  tho  anoionta  narigation  entirely 
iring  the  winter  montha:  any  ono  thoroforo  who 
the  end  of  the  yeax  enoonntered  nnfaYourable  winda 
d  himaelf  nnablo  to  oomplete  hia  ▼oyage  within  tho 
irmvum,  *tho  apaoo  yearly  •▼ailable  for  narigaUon,' 

Suently  hare  to  winter  abroad. 
.  8.  7.  1—8.    Thuc.  6.  84.  6,  gwrrtMu  rf  4pa  *s 
and  Aota  97.  19,  when  8t  Paul  had  enoountered 
reather,  tho  orow  adriae  to  'attain  to  Phenioa  and 

»tu]aeo8.17.80n«  o*t4»4oitf,Le.byooneultingoinena. 

8.  880,  deeiderio  perjba,  Aoaoh.  Ag.  644,  fcite  rarX*. 
ieeiderium  ia  noWdecire'  bnt  'regret  for  a  thing  the 
)f  whioh  we  feel,'  rttot,  cf.  1.  24. 1. 

NOTE&  419 

17.  rurap6rambiilAt,niitmrura]Notk)etheirr*ngemra^ 
the  wordo,  whioh  ii  a  very  favourite  one  in  Latin:  it  ii  oalled 
Ghiaimni  *a  maldng  of  (Greek)  X'  beoanse  if  the  two  flrot 
wordi  are  written  orer  the  ■eoond  two,  and  tho  parallel  wordi 
aio  joined,  the  linoi  foining  thom  oxooi  one  anothor  and 
form  X.  Cf.  Cio.  de  Fin.  8.  3,  raiio  contentit,  repugnat  oraHo. 
The  devioe  ii  purehr  rhetorieal  aa  ii  alao  tho  repetition  of  rura. 

perambulat]  The  word  ii  graphio  and  inggesti  the  alo w  and 
■atUfied  movement  of  a  woll-fod  and  oomfortable  oow. 

18.  alma]iee4.4.41n«  Foa»tita«;on]yfoundhere,*Proa- 

19.  paoatum]  eipecially  with  roforonoo  to  tho  aboenoe  of 
piratee,  who  though  ernihod  by  Pompeiui  b.  o.  67  had  doubt- 
feoi  reramod  their  operationi  during  tho  oivil  wan  and  eepe- 
oially  dnring  tho  itruggle  with  Bex.  Pompeiu*. 

Tolltant...]  'wing  their  way':  tho  word  ii  rathor  applicable 
to  ihipi  than  aailon.    Yirg.  Aen.  8. 123  hai  pelago  volamut. 

20.  onlpari  metuit]  'shrinki  from  being  blamed/  i.o.  takoi 
care  to  give  no  oceaiion  for  blame.  For  tho  oomtruotion  of. 
2.  2.  7  n. 

21.  nnllii. . . ]  The  roferonoe  ii  to  the  lex  Julia  de  adulUriU 
which  had  been  Daned  b.  o.  17:  cf.  alio  3.  6  Int.  Horaoe 
doubtleu  regarded  luoh  enaotmenti  with  iittle  lympathy  and 
iittle  confidence:  the  linoi  in  whioh  ho  refori  to  thom  are 
alwayi  dullt  cold,  and  proaaic 

22.  moi  ot  lex]  nnwritten  euitom  and  writtcn  law.  Cf.  8. 
24.  86,  quid  leget  titte  moribut  \  vanae  proficiuntl 

edomuit,  *havo  oonquered  and  driven  out';  of.  2. 15.  5  evineei 
ulmot.    For  tho  verb  in  the  ringnlar  of .  2. 18.  88  n. 
maeulotum  nefat**  'guilty  pollution/ 

28.  laudantur...]  'matrom  aro  praiaed  for  offipring  who 
resemble  their  sirei:  puniihment  dogi  the  heels  o(  guilt.'  Cf. 
Heo.  Worki  and  Dayi  236. 

25.  Parthum]  aoe  Clau.  Diot.  gelidum  Scythen  'the  frosen 
Scythian':  the  Soythiani  wero  a  nomad  raoe  living  noar  tho 
Tanaii  (Don)  and  their  horaemen  mado  frequent  raidi  into 
Boman  territory,  cf.  3.  8. 23,  Carm.  Saeo.  55. 

quli...]  «who  (would  fear)  the  broodi  that  ahaggy  Oermany 
evor  bringi  forth,  if  Caeear  be  bnt  aafe?' 


rrida]  rafcn  obiefly  to  tt» 

f  Otrmany:  Tae,  Garm»  6  taUa  II  ttttfa 

tot  4.  W8,  rfMf  »m«M  nm,  YJn>  Atm*  t,  Mt, 

11]  Ifflton  ttamt  lo  hm  had  ftfe  »  hfc  mmd,  Ftr. 

nnhitade,  10»  whkh  tht  popnlomt  Xorfh 
md  nmr  from  htr  froawn  Jbtnt,  lo  ptM 
mt  or  tht  Denaw.' 

cto  Hlbertea]  tee  2.  6.  2  n. 

Nrg.  SeL  9.  81,  enmMtV  toftdert  atJtJ,  na  Callim, 
w  tV  XmxV  w  n oveufttw, 

timilar  pftotan  of  teourfty,  ot  1  Cngi  4.  tft  'Aad 
1  Itrael  dwtlt  teiely  erery  inen  andtr  hit  Tine  tnd 
ng-tree/  tlto  Zech.  8.  10. 

Tittm...]  *tnd  wtdt  the  Tine  to  tfat  nmnerried  treee.' 
rtM  wtre  onltiTtttd  for  growing  tuim  npon,  ttpt- 
s:  othtrt  whioh  wtre  not  to  need  ert  ipohtn  of 
Blori,'  ef.  2.  15.  4,  platanutque  eoeUbt  \  evineet 
ere  viduae  it  nted  of  the  elmt  whioh  txe  only  wtiting 
are  grown  np  to  be  'weddtd'  to  the  Tine.  Of. 
ire,  Com.  of  Errort,  2.  2, 

me,  I  will  faeten  on  thit  eleeve  of  thine: 
on  art  an  elm,  my  huiband,  I  a  rine, 
ioM  weakneM  married  to  thy  ttrongtr  ttatt 
kea  me  with  thy  ttrength  to  oommnnfamte ' 

nc]  i.e.  from  hia  labonr.  altcru  menrit,  'hia  ttoond 
f.  Yirg.  Geor.  2.  101,  mentae  tecumdae.  'Drinking,' 
ngton,  'did  not  begin  till  after  tht  firtt  oonrte,  and  it 
aenoed  by  a  libation';  the  libation  in  thia  oaae  wonld 
uatui,  ot  L  88,  te  protequitur  mero  |  defuto  paterU. 

►roeequitur]  lit.  'to  aooompeny,'  'atttnd  on/  then,  at 
uently  'to  honour.'  So  in  proee  benevoUntia,  qfficiU, 
laudibut  protequi. 

itIdui...]  'joins  thy  deity  to(thAtof)theLaree.»  Wick- 

n  to  Merirale  e.  88 :  'Thii  worahip  of  Anguttue,  or 

rhaps  of  tht  Lar  of  Augustua,  aa  a  demigod  or 

to  be  riistingniihtd  from  the  later  onlt  of  tht  Oataara 

NOTES.  421 

m  deities,  whieh  Augustus  himself  interdieted  at  kait  in 
Bome.'  It  vu  not  unnatural,  oonsidcring  the  peace  whioh 
wm  enjoyed  under  hii  swav,  for  the  Romans  to  honoux 
AnffUBtt»  m  one  of  the  divinities  who  guarded  their  hearths 

86.  OMtorls,  Herculis]  of.  8.  8.  9  n.  Both  genitivee  are 
governed  by  memor. 

88.  EeeperlM]  «The  Land  of  the  Weat/  in  contrast  with 
Greeee  just  mentioned,  of.  2.  1.  81  n. 

lntegro  dle]  *when  the  daj  is  still  before  u»,'  lit.  *un- 
touched,'  *  untreepMsed  on.' 

89.  slocl,  v?idl] '  dry-lipped,  nuehed  with  wine,'  Martin.  For 
uvidi,  ct  udu$,  1.  7.  22,  and  in  Oreek  fcPpcyfUwot.  In  all 
langnages  there  are  a  large  number  of  oonventional  worda  to 
expreas  the  oondition  of  sobriety  or  intozieation. 

40.  onm  sol...]  Note  carefully  the  calm  and  repose  of  this 
oonoluding  line. 


'O  thon  whose  wrath  the  ohildren  of  Niobe  have  felt,  and 
Tityos  and  even  great  Aohilles — Aohilles  who  but  for  thee 
would  have  utterly  destroyed  the  raoe  from  whence  the 
liomans  were  to  spring — great  Phoebus,  be  thou  my  proteotor. 
To  thee,  0  Phoebus,  is  due  all  my  innpiration  and  my  skill. 
Tberefore,  0  youths  and  maidens,  under  my  guidanoe  chant 
the  praises  of  Phoebus  and  his  glorious  sister.  The  day  will 
come  when  you  will  look  back  on  it  m  a  great  event  in  yonr 
life  that  on  the  ooca&ion  of  the  Secnlar  games  you  were  one 
of  the  chorus  that  chanted  the  verses  of  the  poet  Horaoe.' 

It  wm  the  constant  endeavonr  of  Augustus  to  recall  to  life 
the  old  Boman  spirit.  Among  other  methods  61  aocomplishing 
this  he  re-instituted  in  b.  c.  17  the  so-called  ludi  $aeculare*  (see 
Class.  Dict.  s.  v.)f  a  solemn  festival  oelebrating  the  preservation 
of  the  state  and  supposed  to  be  held  only  onoe  in  a  taecubum  or 
period  of  100,  or  110  years,  the  herald  summoniug  the  people  to 

4tt  &ORAGE»  0DE8  IV.  tL 

bthold  AMDM  *#IMf  IMf  fJMfMftff  tWiffWMS  fJM 

fMtt.'    On  tht  ihird  day  an  Oda  m  rang  in  tht  tamplt  ol 
ApoQo  bj  thm  thnM  nine  bo jt  and  maidtnt  whoto 
wora  ttffl  alivo  [patriwd  ae  wmtriwd).    HofMt  kad  btti 

npon  towritt  tMf  Odt,  whkh  wo  ttffl  f tho 

Saecalart,  to  whkh  tht  prtttnt  Odt  it  a  tortof  pratnfemvokinf 
tht  Miittinot  ol  tho  god  in  the  oompotiUon  of  hit  work  and 
tht  trtining  of  tht  ohoroa. 

ApoUo  and  hit  tJtttr,  tfao  mala  and  fbmak  nprfMntatim 
of  tht  tamt  powar,  apptar  in  Latin  nndor  tnanjtjnonjma,  a.g. 
Phoebnt,  Phoebe,  Jannt  (Diannt),  Diana,  Apollo,  Axtfmh, 
80I,  Lona,  Ae. 

1.  qutm  nroMt ...]  WrfaMpowerMthaaYengKofaboef*» 
ral  tongoa  tht  ofispring  of  Niobe  felt.'  For  tht  boati  of 
Niobe,  Mt  Glata,  Dict  t*v.  wutgnae  linguae,  ot  jefya  Xrytv» 
•to  boMt,'  iet  LiddtU  and  Scott,  t,v.  rfyas.  Tht  aneitnti 
beliered  that  boMtfal  wordi  did  in  a  special  manner  aronM 
divine  vengeance,  of.  Soph.  Aj.  127,  766,  776. 

For  Tityos  ef.  2.  14.  8  n. 

8.  Minlt]  see  2.  7. 10  n.  Troiae  altae:  the  'IXJo»  atwwnjt  of 

PhtMut  beoause  the  MyrmidonM,  whom  Aohilles  led,  eame 
from  Phthia  in  TheMaly.  Bj  tlajing  Heotor  he  had  'almost 
oonqnered'  Troy. 

6.    impar]  *oneqaalljmatohed  with.' 

6.  Thettdit  marlnae  ] '  of  the  Ma-goddew  Thetit.'  At  her 
gon  Acliilles  wh  himtelf  partly  divine. 

7.  DardanM]  For  adj.  uaed  m  noon  cf.  1.  16.  10  n. 
quateret='hQ  shook,'  i.e,  metaphorioally  with  fear. 

His  'terrible  spear'  it  descnbed  in  Homer  IL  10.  887, 

ix  6*  &pa  rifHYf0*  vwrpwtor  icwdaaf  fyxot 

f}f*0i>i  fUya,  mpap69'   rb  ah  oC  fttfrar'  SXXot  'Axcu&r 


9.  ille...Ule]  TheM  two  wordt,  m  Wiokham  pointt  ouL 
suggest  a  oontraft  between  two  piotores,  one  •  of  what  toat  and 
the  other  of  what  wUght  have  been  if  Apollo  had  not  interfered.' 

Notice  the  aooommodation  of  sound  to  sense  in  L  10. 

NOTES.  423 

11.  proddlt  latel  lik  'feU  forward  (stretching)  far  and  wida/ 
i.e.  «feU  prostrate  with  hage  frame.'  Gf.  Hom.  Od.  24.  89,  «rro 
/Uyat  fuyaXutnrl . 

18.  Ule  non...]  The  lenee  ie :  he  woald  not  have  reeorted  to 
trickerj  to  take  Troj;  hie  method  of  warfare  wae  more  simple, 
to  flght  openlj,  to  ask  no  qnarter  and  to  give  none  to  man, 
woman,  child  or  infant  yet  nnborn.  Translate  *  He  wonld  not 
eaged  in  a  horie  ihat  feigned  an  offering  to  Minenra  deceire 
the  Trojani  amid  their  iU-timed  rerelrj.'  wmfaUeret  wonld  in 
proee  be  non  fefeliiuet ;  it  ii  more  grapbie,  it  almost  repreeents 
the  writer  as  speaking  of  Aehfllea  ae  of  a  Uring  aeqnaintanee 
whoee  oondaot  nnder  oertain  eontingenciee  might  be  predieted 
— '  He  woold  never  deceive.* 

eqno]  the  famous  'wooden  horse,'  the 

iovpdrtot  rd>  'Ereiot  iwolrjctp  ei»  'kfHpy, 
oV  wor*  it  okoowoKi»  Mkp  "ijyayt  e?of  'OoVowfc, 
ardpwv  iuwXqcat  ollkiov  i^aXdwa^aw, 

Hom.  Od.  8.  498. 

14.  saeramentltolef.  Yirg.  EeL  4.42%variotdUeetmentiH 
lana  coloret, •  wool  shall  learn  to  eoonterfeit  Yarions  eolonrs.* 

17.  palam  captia]  'captfoes  taken  in  fair  fight.'  gravU  = 
'crueV  'remorseless.' 

18.  nescioB  nul]=tn/antej. 

19.  ettam...]  ajea  even  the  babe  jet  unborn.'  The  sentiment 
is  from  Hom.  II.  7.  57, 

uijrtt  vwtKftyoi  alwvr  SktBpop 
Xtipat  ff  nutripaf  uno*  oVrcra  yaaripi  urrnjp 
KovpQ¥  ibrra  QipQi,  uifo*  6t  o>uyoc. 

The  same  ferocioos  spirit  breathes  throogh  ail  antiquitj,  ef. 
1  Sam.  16.  2,  '(fo  and  smite  Amalek...slaj  both  man  and 
woman,  infant  and  tuckling,* 

22.  annnlsset]  ZensmHomeralwajssignifieshiswiUbjhis 
nod  (of.  nunen),  henoe  annuo—*  to  grant  bj  his  nod.' 

23.  rebns...]  •  to  the  fortnnes  of  Aeneas  walls  traeed  with 
happier  auguries.  * 

414  HORACK,  ODE8  IV.  tL 

ime+re  awjrot,  •»  tum  tta  Uat  of  tt»  fntnrt  waDe 
Mginfct'  woold  naturally  MwaMhtd  te  m 

tfatt  aolamn  osremony;  inoraoTwtbJareodtttaf  ttaellB 

mttning  io  awMrn,    Othara  howtTtr  mj 


For  «#*?«•'  aa  omon'  ot  L 16.  5  n. 

25.  doato?...]  •Thoaw]*d*1*a*ieh 
opon  Iht  lute,'  Ut  'lnM-nlajnr  teeeber.'  Xtfmtdft  Vfcf.  M, 
6. 1,  hw  an  exoeUon»  note  on  orynnit.  'Orjgmalr/  ttm  ptr* 
paae.  of  «rfiio,  to  proTtu  mtka  oloar  or  dietinot;  Maaaolmie 
Iargely  need  in  Letu  of  things  whioh  oooTey  t  eleej^  ditwket 
ebjtrpntroeptkm  to  tho  eya,  tht  ear,  tht  ameU  or  fha  mtnit  eml 
thus  tt  tatnmtt  meny  thtdtt  of  maaning  f  ntoa.'  'eeatr,' 
'minute,'  *sharp,'  'ahrtwd,'  'meiodiona,'  'noity'), and  ia  fcsjnd 
tt  tn  tttributt  to  ctyrf,  ocmJu*,  /onan,  nim»,  Um,  Jbtaie, 
Miwatf,  Ac' 

88.  owl  Zantho...]  Tht  Hne  eella  atttntion  to  tht  patMsal 
cheracteristics  of  tht  god  of  pottry.  Ot  8.  4.  61»  ttrf  rtr» 
niiro  Cattaliae  lavit  I  cHaei  M&tot.  Hia  lona  looka  mark  tht 
berd,  bia  beardleM  onin  {levu)  denotM  bia  unaying  youtb, 

Horaoe  alwaya  usm  the  form  lavere  in  the  Odes.  Xanthua 
ia  in  Lycia. 

27.  Dannlat  dtena  Camtnat]  Le.  me,  Horaoe.  For  Dauniae 
«'Italian/  cf.  2.  1.  84  n.  Camenae:  notioe  that  Horaee  htrt 
naea  the  native  Italian  word,  not  the  foreign  and  borrowtd 
Mu$a  (MoGra),  cf.  1.  12.  89  n. 

28.  ltrie]  'beardleM,'  aa  2.  11.  6:  for  derivation  of  word 
aee  1.  2.  88  n.  Agyieu,  a  Greek  name  for  Apolio  m  god  of 
streets,  ayvud;  Horace  aeems  to  aelect  the  word  merely  m  being 
adapted  to  conToy  a  vague  feeUng  of  awe  and  mystery. 

29.  eplrltum]  'inspiration'  (cf.  2. 16.  88  n.),  oppoaed  to  ort, 
'technicai  skiU.' 

81.  Tlrginnm  primae]  'ye  flower  (lit  'first*)  of  maidena,'  Mt 

88.  tnttla]  usually  '  a  taking  oharge  of,'  'guardianship,'  bnt 
here=«'those  taken  eharge  of/  in  appoaition  with  virgimm 
primae  puerique,  'ye  who  are  nnder  tht  proteetion.' 

84.    oohlbentla  aren]  'who  arrests  with  her  bow  tht  swift- 


NOTES.  426 

86.  Leabium  pedom]  Le.  tha  Sapphio  matre,  et  1. 1.  84  n., 
'mark  the  TtfttMft"  measure.' 

mti  pollldi  lotnm]  'thebeatof  my  thumb,' Le.  ae  he  marka 
tho  time,  probably  by  •trfldng  the  lyra. 

88.  ereeoentem  faeo]  lit  'gxowing  with  hor  toroh,'  i.e.  «with 
hor  growing  light.' 

NoctUnoam*  athe  night-ohining  one/  is  onrj  foond  horo  ond 
in  o  peesage  of  Varro:  lt  ia  iuet  possible  that  lt  ia  an  old  name 
for  the  moon  whioh  waa  atill  rotained  in  religioua  oeremonioo. 
Anyhow  ito  nao  horo  ia  an  affeotation  of  arohaio  phraaoology 
(aee  1.  84.  6  n.).  Such  deaeriptife  worda  are  natnral  and  com- 
monly  found  only  in  very  early  writera,  e.g.  Heaiod  haa  otytf- 
oucos  «a  anaiV  avoVTcot  *a  outUe-nah,'  l-rVro^ot  'the  hand,'  Ac 

89.  proaperam  frugnm]  'proliflo  in  cropa,'  of.  8.  0.  17  n. 
coleremque. ..] '  and  swift  to  roli  the  quiokly-moying  montha.' 

For  the  inl  cf.  1.  8.  25  n. 

41.  nupta  iam...]  'Soon  when  a  hride  you  wiil  eay.'  di$ 
amicum  with  carmen. 

42.  aaeoulo]  aee  Inl    rtferenU,  'bringing  round.' 

48.  roddidi]  'perfonned/  yon  are  aaid  reddere  when  yon  at 
the  proper  time  duly  reproduce  that  which  haa  been  taught  yon. 

doeillB  modorum]  'trained  in  the  ineaaurea.'  For  the  gen. 
cf.  1. 15.  24  n.    Horati:  cf.  1.  6. 12  n. 

ODB  vn. 

'  The  snow  haa  melted  and  apring  with  all  its  brightnesa  ia 
returning.  Tho  seaaona  in  their  rapid  succession  oontinually 
remind  ua  of  the  shortness  of  life.  Only  whereas  they  roturn 
again,  whereas  the  waning  moon  soon  recovers  her  fulness, 
we  when  once  we  join  the  ranks  of  the  departed  are  but  dust 
and  a  shadow.  Who  knowa  whether  he  will  be  ali  ve  to-morrow  ? 
Enjoy  yourself  therefore;  when  once  dead  neither  birth  nor 
merit  nor  piety  can  bring  you  baok  to  life.  Diana  has  not  the 
power  to  set  Hippolytus  free  from  death  nor  Theseus  Pirithous.' 

The  Ode  is  remarkably  simOar  to  1.  4. 

Who  Torquatus  was  is  uneertain.  He  is  probably  the  aame 
to  whom  Epist.  1.  5  is  dedicated. 

486  HORACE,  ODES  IV.  vii. 

2.    comae^foliage,' ci  L  21. 5. 

8.  maUt..O<MrihohAQmharMaonil'L«.pMtwthroa«|i 
the  mmodi  one  after  another  in  ■nooeosion :  vieett  '■nceoaaione,' 
here  in  oonnection  with  the  peating  of  winter  into  Bfring 
impliee  'sncoassion  of  teatontt*  cf.  1.  4. 1,  totoitur  aerie  htemt 
grata  viee  verit, 

4.    prMtereunt]  <paas  by,'  Le.  eeeee  to  OTerflow. 

6.  Qratta]This  wordhejrdlTooonreeleewhereintheeing.M 
a  proper  name,  the  reaeon  being  thai  the  Oraoee  are  alwajs 
repreeonted  ae  inseparable,  of.  8.  21.  22,  ttgntt  nodum  tohere 
Oratiae:  here  Oratia  eum  aewdnit  eororftiua^the  three 
Oraoea.'    Their  namee  were  Aglaia,  Euphrosyne  and  Thalia. 

7.  annne]  Probably  of  the  eame  deriration  ae  anutut  or  ae> 
nulut  'ariiig,'  and  thereforeoonYejing  the  idea  of  *the  reTolTing 
jear.'  et  atmum...  *and  eaeh  honr  whioh  hnrriee  awaj  the 
genial  dav':  note  how  ekilfnUj  the  various  periodi  of  time 
are  introdueed;  not  merelj  the  ohanging  jear  bnt  eaoh  daj, 
eaeh  hnrrjing  honr  reminde  ne  of  the  shortneas  of  life. 

almut  ie  a  nataral  epithet  of  day  aa  oppoeed  to  darkneee, 
of.  Car.  Saeo.  9,  alme  Sol :  it  is  apphed  to  anjthing  that  ie  life- 
giving  or  invigorating  (eee  4.  41  n.) :  it  ie  added  here  to  eogseet 
a  reason  for  our  regretting  each  paseing  daj.  Wickham  renders 
•sunny'  and  makee  it  refer  only  to  $ummer  daje,  bnt  the  linee 
applj  to  the  whole  jear  and  have  no  such  limited  meaning. 

9.  ver  proterlt...]  'summer  tramples  upon  epring  and  will 
perish  (in  its  tarn)  as  eoon  ae...':  proterit,  whioh  woald  be 
accaratelj  osed  of  a  moonted  soldier  pursuing,  overturning  and 
trampling  on  an  enemj  (of.  Yirg.  Aen.  12.  330,  proterit  agmina 
curru),  here  expresses  the  victorioua  epeed  with  which  sommer 
follows  on  spring,  and  snggeats  a  fine  oontrast  with  interitura. 

1 1 .  effaderlt] '  poured  forth '  as  f rom  a  Gornuoopia  or •  horn 
of  plenty.' 

1 2 .  lners] '  lifeless, '  because  in  winter  nothing  grows  and  no 
work  can  be  done.  The  epithet  bj  its  poeition  draws  marked 
attention  to  the  sixmlaritj  between  the  end  of  the  jear  and  the 
end  of  man's  little  round  of  ezistenoe. 

13.  damna  . .]  *  yet  the  moons  speedily  repair  their  loeses  in 
the  sky,'  i.  e.  the  moon  wanes  but  soon  becomes  full  again.  lunae 
'moons*  =  'the  moon  in  the  variouu  months,'  so  tolet  4.  5.  7 
and  (requently. 

NOTES.  427 

14.  nos]  4but  we.*  The  position  of  the  word  In  ths  Latin 
shewB  the  eontrast  without  the  ose  of  any  adversetive  pertiole, 
of.  8.  9.  22  n. 

For  the  thought  ©t  the  inimitable  linee  of  Catullus  5. 4, 

$oU$  occidere  et  redire  poesunt: 
nobis,  quum  semel  occidit  brevie  tuxt 
nox  est  perpetua  una  dormienda. 

15.  qxu>...quo...]Bo.d«c<4«niiU,hAveffJlen,,of.Ep.  1.6.27, 
ire  tamen  restat  Numa  quo  devenit  et  Ancus.  For  pater  many 
M8S.  give  piut :  it  1b  diffionlt  to  deeide  between  them.  bnt  it  ii 
more  probable  that  the  ordinary  epithet  piut  would  be  anb- 
stituted  by  a  oopyist  for  pater  than  vice  verea.  The  adj.  divee 
admits  of  no  satisfaetotry  explanation,  and  is  desorvedly 
BUBpected  by  many  editort. 

*pulvis'in  the  nrn;  umbra,  in  the  nnder  worldV  Nanok. 
Cf.  Soph.  El.  1159,  vto86w  re  tcal  *«c«V  aw^cX* 

17.  qnla  scit...]  *who  knows  whether  the  gods  above  add 
to-morrow'B  spaoe  to  the  totai  of  to-day?'  i.e.  the  total  whioh 
to-day  makeB  np.  For  tummae  cf.  1.  4.  15,  vitae  eumma 

Notioe  the  preeent  adiiciant  (add  not  'will  add*);  the  gode 
are  already  deoiding  onr  fntnre:  we  ahall  learn  their  deeiaion 
by  theevent. 

19.  amlco. ..]  *  whioh  yon  ehall  have  bestowed  on  your  own 
dear  soul ':  the  expresflion  ammo  amico  dare  seems  uaed  Bomewhat 
oolloquially  to  express  the  aatisfaction  of  penonal  gratifieation, 
of.  Genio  indulgerc,  Genium  curare,  animo  morem  gerere  and 
the  like.    See  too  Sim.  85, 

As  resards  the  satisfaction  whieh  Horaoe  evidently  feels  at  the 
idea  of  eheating  *  the  greedy  heir/  it  must  be  remembered  tbat  at 
thisperiod,  with  the  number  of  marriages  oontinually  deereasing, 
the  number  of  wealthy  old  baohelors  and  spinsters  (orbi,  orbae) 
was  gradually  beeoming  large.  The  ways  in  whioh  thoy  were 
pursued  by  fortune-hunters  [captatores),  and  the  devioes  by 
whioh  they  not  nnfrequently  baffled  their  pursuers,  are  con- 
tinually  referred  to.  The  'sreedy  heir'  had  beoome  a  well- 
known  character  in  the  oomedy  of  society. 

21.    semel]  £ro|,  'once,'  'once  for  aU.' 
splendldaj  *stately,'  in  referenoe  to  the  'state'  in  whioh  the 
P.  ll.  29 

Ite.    Minoe,  Aeecus  and  Bhadamanthne  wect  the  thiM 


neqne  tnlm]  *Fox  neithar.'  Horaoe,  ae  freqoently,  oon- 
by  ^diMJng  mythologiotl  instanoes  to  prore  the  general 
snt  he  haajuet  made:  Diana*t  modiation  oannot  eat  the 
Hippolytoj  free  nor  Theeena'  afleotkm  (et  caro)  hreak 
idg  of  Pirithous. 

ipolytni  helng  devoted  to  eeHbaey  and  the  ehaee  wne 
ily  nnder  the  proteotioa  of  the  vfcttin  hnntreae  Dtana. 
ip-mother  Phaedra  oomnteood  hia  death  on  hia  refoaal 
Jy  her  guiltj  paation  (ctLvudieuM). 
ioe  tha  parallel  and  ompnatio  poaitiona  of  gmUoum  and 
For  Pirlthona  ot  8.  4.  79  n. 

Letnaea  vlncula]  *the  fettera  of  the  tomb.'  Letha 
forgetfumees)  waa  one  of  the  rivers  of  Hell,  et  2. 14. 17  n. 

ode  vm. 

rould  gladly  present  my  friends  with  gobleta  and  hronsee, 
Lnus,  and  you  should  not  have  the  poorest  gift,  that  ia, 
•se,  if  I  were  the  rich  possessor  of  such  works  of  art. 
ither  do  I  possess,  nor  do  you  eare  for  sueh  raritiee. 
re  song  and  song  I  oan  give,  yes,  and  I  know  the  valne 
gift.  The  Soipioe  owe  more  to  Ennius  than  to  their 
lents  and  their  exploits.  Where  would  be  the  fame 
quIub  and  Aeacus  if  it  were  not  oelebrated  in  versef 
use  alone  oonfers  immortality:  it  is  through  her  that 
es,  the  Diosouri,  and  Bacchus  are  enthroned  frmA"g  the 

iiis  and  the  next  Ode  it  is  probable  that,  though  Horaoe 
ie8  CensorinuB  and  Lollius,  his  words  are  meant  for 
;us.  The  Poet-Laureate  hints  pretty  broadly  to  the 
or  that  he  is  well  aware  of  the  value  of  the  favour  he  ia 
ing  in  writing  this  Book  at  his  request. 
isorinu8  was  consul  b.  c.  8,  and  VelL  2.  102  speaks 
as  demerendit  hominibut  natum,  *  born  to  win  men.' 

NOTES.  429 

1.  donarem]  It  wm  oustomarj  for  rioh  peonle  to  send  pre- 
tente  (tWenae,  itrennee)  to  their  friends  at  oertain  eeasons,  e.g. 
on  the  Kalends  of  Mareh  and  at  the  Saturnalia.  eommodut 
with  donarem  'oourteously,'  *obliging]y ' :  *I  ihoold  be  glad  to 
gratify  them  by  giving.' 

2.  aera]  hronies,  eepeoiaUy  Oorinthian  bronzee,  were  mueh 
valued  ae  ornaments. 

8.  trlpodaa...]  See  Lidd.  and  Soott  e.  t.  rplwavt,  and  et 
Virg.  Aen.  5.  110, 

in  medio  tacri  tripodee  viridetque  ceronae 
et  paUnae  pretium  victoribut. 

6.  ferree]  *would  get/ i e.  from  me.  divUe... -i«that  ia  if  I 
were  rioh  in  worke  of  art.'  divite  me,=ti  divee  ettem,  forme 
the  protaeie  of  the  eentenee  of  whioh  donarem  and  neque  tu 
ferree  are  the  apodoeia.  For  the  gen.  artium  aee  8.  6.  17  n. 
Notioe  ar»  =  4art,'  'akill,'  ort«#— the  objeots  produoed  byauoh 
akill,  'workf  of  art,1  and  of.  4.  2.  3  n. 

6.  Farrhaaliia]  of  Epheeui,  flouriahed  400  B.a,  and  wae 
eepeoially  celebrated  for  hia  paintinff  of  divine  and  heroio  figuree. 
Soopae  wae  a  aoulptor  of  raroe  who  flourished  895 — 850  b.  o. 
and  helped  to  deoorate  the  Maueoleum  at  Haliearnaesus  with 
the  bas-reliefs  some  of  which  are  now  in  the  British  Museum. 

7.  liquldis]  The  adj.  is  added  to  suggest  a  eontrast  with 
the  hard  marble  of  the  statuary. 

8.  sollers  ponere]  •skilled  to  portray,'  ie.  in  portraying. 
For  the  inf.  see  1.  8.  25  n. 

For  ponere  of.  4.  1.  20,  ponet  marmoream,  of  a  etatue,  and 
Ov.  A.  £.  8.  401,  H  Venerem  Coue  nunquam  potuiteet  ApeUee,  of 
a  painting,  also  Juv.  1.  155,  pone  TigelUnum,  of  a  portrait  in 

9.  hao  Tis]  i.e.  abundanoe  of  these  things,  of.  4.  11.  4 
hederae  vit. 

10.  res]  *fortunes.'  Oensorinus  was  too  well  off  to  need 
presents.    ammui,  *tastes.' 

12.  pretium...]  * to  assign  a  value  to  the gift.'  No  doubt  as 
far  as  Censorinus  and  this  particular  Ode  are  oonoerned  Horaoe 
intends  that  the  lofty  estimate  of  the  value  of  his  gift  whioh 
oocupies  the  rest  of  the  Ode  should  be  taken  only  half  serious- 
ly,  for  indeed  the  language  used  wouH  otherwise  be  utterly  out 


HORACE,  ODES  IV.  viii. 

to  th«  «™ioD.  T«  11  mU  mm_  t__»  h* ; 

_j  Ode  »od  inserted  It  _n  *_k  ■»  M_M 
■  calling  Augaatm'  att*nt_B  _  ■_-_■<*  !•* 
inderUken  »t  hU  t  i  — _f.    Bm  _ — > 

» fagM]  The  plnr_  im«_wbt_*or_i1;  H_mft»1 
•  deteated,  »t  tbe  b*-_  </_____  _a  -01,  __V 

picK  hU  poeitioa  in  Iuly  far  II 7MH. 

rri.ct-.equ»..]  Kutice  ■■_____! MjdBk-tfwi 
tbe  word»  »eeal  olewlj  ta  —■■*——•  '— — *-  *— -» 

that  H_n_ib_Ti>  threstaw 

|jm.'    th*  word»'»eenl  _.e_rlj  tojafiaa*»  (Aoofh  OnHt 

n  InoandU,-]  Bew  it  U  P-_n  -_t  whw  to  <_—. 

i  *  oomipt  teit  or  extretMJ  OMkN  vd—df.    The 

m  anj  cua  ii  cleu:  the  pul f  '  "    """■  " 

d  exploite  of  Atrieanu»  h»ve  si 

p  the  Tcise»  of  Enniui.  The  otijeetion»  to  tl 

(1)  The  buroiug  of  Cuth-ge  tOok  plWM  _ 

,:r  thedesthof  tbo  elder  Soipio, ._.  _. 

d  therefore  had  nothing  to  do  »  tth  «(— _r  of  tl . 

Some  editoi.  hava  gnvely  ntMd  — — -  t_t  •baminf  of 
Lhige'  e-n  refer  to  eome  minor  erent  __h  u  '— *  bontag 
_e  c— np  of  Scyphu'  (Liv.  30.  5),  ot  __t  'bm— __'  b  Mtt 
oetic_ly '  for  'duaater.'  I  only  tnantion  thu 
b>  tuefal  waming  to  the  «.tadeiit  and  u  auiing  tc 
>t  _moM  dU_igenaoa_.  ahifu  commantaton  wOfmuit,  ■ 
e  an  nnreeeoning  reverenco  for  thcdr  anthor*!  teit. 
Wicktum  aukee  ■  »aggeetioa  whioh  U  »t  uy  nta  i 

10'  being  merely  »  periphruU  for  — _t  ni 
'   Horaoe  thea  wke  '  Wtut  throwe  _o»t  glory  on  the  nan 
—frican oi,  Zeme  end  Cuthage,  or  Ennio»'  poetrjf 
(3)  The  gcnitivea  Karthaginii  impiat  foUowed  ' 
by  the  genitive  rim,  which  hae  no  ooanaet-On  w 
gOM  with  laudri,  ue  very  awk  «■  ard. 

Uoreover  thepronoon  u,  donbtleM  u  balng  oonai-end— M_ 
»nd  _nemph»_c,  U  slmost  «twolutolj  Ignonid  by  tba  Boo__n 
poeU:  VirgU  very  nrely  naea  it :  in  the  Ode»  it  U  onlj  fonnd  be« 

NOTES.  431 

and  in  8. 11. 18,  a  paasage  of  extremely  doubtful  authentioity. 
In  any  ease  it  oould  harcQy  bear  tbe  strang  emphaaia  here 
placed  upon  it. 

(8)  There  is  no  Ode  of  Horaoe  whioh  does  not  admit  of 
division  into  stansas.  Ai  at  present  oonstituted  this  Ode  oon- 
sists  of  84  linea  and  oannot  be  ao  divided — a  formai  but,  I 
think,  fatal  objeotion  to  the  text 

Some  editora  mark  a  laouna  of  two  linea  aftex  L  17,  others 
omit  U.  17  and  38  as  spurious.  That  aome  alteration  ia  needed 
there  ean  be  no  doubt;  what  it  ought  to  be  ia  a  matter  of  pure 

I  tranalate  the  text:  4nor  doea  the  burninff  of  nnholy 
Carthage  more  brightly  point  ont  the  renown  of  him  who  re- 
tnrned  having  won  a  name  from  oonqnered  Africa  than  do  the 
Muses  of  Calabria...' 

18.  qnl  domita. . .]  i.  e.  P.  Oornelina  Scipio  Afrioanna  Major. 
Cf.  Sat.  2. 1«  65,  duxit  ab  oppretta  meritum  Carihagine  nomen. 
Liyy  tells  ua  that  he  was  tne  nrat  Boman  imperator  who  re- 
ooived  a  name  from  the  people  he  had  oonquered:  the  praetioe 
snbsequently  beoame  freqaent,  e.g.  Atiaticut,  Oermanieut, 
Macedonicut,  and  of.  onr  nae  of  snch  titles  aa  Mapier  of 
Magdala,  Wolaeley  of  Cairo. 

20.  Calaorae  Flerldesl  For  Pieride*  see  4.  8.  18  n.  Al- 
thongh  the  word  Pieridet  had  oome  to  be  nothing  more  than  a 
synonym  for  'Muses,'  yet  the  oombination  of  the  two  words  is 
hardly  happy. 

Q.  Ennius,  the  father  of  Roznan  poetry,  waa  born  at  Bndiae 
in  Calabria  b.o.  239:  his  most  important  work  was  an  epie 
poem  called  Annales,  the  prindpal  portion  of  whioh  waa  a 
deaoription  of  the  aeoond  Pnnio  war. 

neqne...]  *norf  if  no  poefa  page  tell  of  thy  great  deeds, 
shalt  thon  reap  thy  reward.*  For  $ilere=t  9to  paas  over  in 
silenoe'cf.  2. 13.  26  n. 

28.  taclturnitaa  inrida]  «grudging  silenoe,'  of.  4.  9.  88, 
lividae  oblivibnes. 

26.  Tirtus  et  faTor  et  lingna]  Clearly  all  with  vatim :  it 
is  to  the  *mighty  poets1  wit  andfavour  and  eloqnenoe'  that 
Aeacus  owes  his  salvation  from  the  Stygian  waves. 

27.  dlTiUtms..  ]  'Plaoes  a  hallowed  dweller  in  the  ialands 
of   the  blest.'    The  divitee  intulae  are   the   fta*ap<a*   rifffoc, 

HOmCBi  OMB 17.  wfiL 

•  iafatat.  'tht  Htan* Um*  ■!•■■■■■  i 
tdw2tthtff>   ~ 

..]  'ThtlfaMdowcawimadwtoaBj^thtatj.' 
mphatio,  <to'  tad  onij  eo,  ta  bj  tht  fcvov  of  tht 
oword  anrtbtnMntalljinBBhvdbtlKO  oathof  tha 
Mding  daoaai. 

«aram...]  •aodo  «knooiof  Tyaoarai,  a  hdHaBrt 
bqb,  enatoh  tht  otormtoaaod  bark  from  tha   " 

bt  lVBitrWtt  ot  1. 1.  l  n. 

700  daom  that  thttt  tosft  off  arfaa  will  boI  8fo  long 
r  thai,  thoogh  Hooaar  htt  tht  taoMUot  ptata,  jtt 
7  of  Pindtr,  Binmihloo  ond  othom  ia  aot 
00  it  it  whkh  tlono  eonfori  iminortab>j;)  Htltn 
irttof  hcr  atx  who  htt  burned  with  a  goflty 
r  tn  Hiam  htt  hoon  btokaad,  mtnj  t  bnwo  man  htt 
«0  Againemnon,  but  aH  lit  now  fotgotten  m  tht  grafa, 
tnd  nnhonoarcd'  boetntt  'tmtung.'  I,  Lolhat,  wiH 
so  taehmteit  jourt:  jour  good  dttdt  thtU  ntftr  bo 
tf  jetloaiforgetralneflc.  Yoart  it  a  tool  Ihrtttiing  tnd 
i  to  poniih  grttd  tnd  goiU  beoantt  ittolf  toptrior  to 
v  fit  fbr  tht  highett  potition  in  tht  tttto.  Snthni 
man,  not  woolthj  bot  knowing  how  to  att  tht  gifto 
provide,  fearing  dithononr  mort  thta  deeth,  ratdj  to 
lit  lifo  for  hit  fritndt  or  hit  eonntrj.' 
Uint  htd  betn  defeated  bj  tht  Sygtmbri  a.a  16,  tto 
.  Ht  oorttinlj  long  pototottd  tht  itftH^  Angottaa, 
i  him  (m,  a  9)  tt  tator  with  hm  grtndton  0.  Ottttr 
Bttt,  whtrt  ht  died.  Aaoordmg  to  TtD.  S.  101  he 
hit  own  hand  in  oonteqaenoo  of  the  rogaorj  tnd 
he  htd  tlwajt  eeerttlj  prtotited  being  diteofctoiL 
tn  intrintie  improbtbititj  in  a  ttorj  wbieh 

NOTES.  433 

that  so  acute  a  judge  as  Augustas  was  bo  long  deeeived  in  the 

oharaeter  of  an  intiinate  friend,  and  it  ia  aaid  thal  Yelleius  is 

partial  to  Tiberius  who  had  a  personal  grudge  against  Lollins 

(Suei  Tib.  12).    Plinj  aeoepts  the  story  as  true,  possiblj 

beeanse  it  gives  him  a  weloome  opportunity  for  moraliaing 

about  Lolttus'  granddaughter  Lollia  Paulina,  a  great  beauty, 

who  was  married  either  for  her  faoe  or  her  fortnne  by  Oalignla, 

and  who  it  seems  wonld  not  unfrequently  wear  jewelry  worth 

over  £800,000— wherenpon  Pliny  very  finely:  Hie  ett  rapi- 

narum  esitut,  hoe  fuit,  quare  M.  Lolliut  vnfamatut  regum 

muneribue  oriente  toto,  interdicta  amieitia  a  Caio  Caetare, 

Augueti  fttio,  venenum  biberet,  ut  neptie  eiue  cpadringentie» 

H8.  operta  epeetaretur  ad  lueernae.    That  he  left  behind  him 

so  great  a  fortnne  does  not  in  any  way  prore  Velleius'  aooonnt 

of  his  life-long  rasoality  and  dissimnlation :  it  was  the  praotioe 

of  great  Bomans  to  amass  fortnnes  by  plnndering  prorinoes. 

Moreover  eren  if  Lollins  did  while  thns  engaged  profcss  and 

hold  high  philosophio  views  on  the  bleeiings  of  poverty— as 

Horaoe'8  lines  perhaps  snggest— we  know  from  tha  oase  of 

Seneoa  how  easy  snoh  inoonsistenoy  is. 

Bnt  indeed   it   is  searoely  worth  while  enqniring  what 

Lollius'  real  oharacter  was,  and  whether  Horaoe  was  deoeived 

in  him  (as  Lnoretius  was  in  Memmius)  or  no :  the  ooneluding 

lines  of  the  Ode,  though  professing  to  deeoribe  Lolliua,  are 

really  the  description  of  an  ideaL    LoUius  was  the  friend  of 

Augustns  and  at  that  time  oertainly  held  in  high  esteem: 

Horaoe  had  to  send  him  an  Ode  and  praise  his  virtues,  and 

naturaUy  finds  it  easier  to  pen  a  sketoh  of  perfeot  virtue 

instead.    Odes,  Dedieations,  Testimonials,  and  the  like  more 

often  present  to  us  the  writer's  idea  of  what  a  man  should  be, 

tfaan  a  deseription  of  what  a  partioular  man  is. 

1.   ne...]   The  eonstruotion  is  ne...eredat...non  (ei...eedet) 
Pindarieae  latent...Camenae9  see  Summary. 

SL  longesonantem...]  •bornbesidef&r-echoingAufidus.'  Cf, 
3.  80.  10—18  and  notes. 

HOBA0*  0DE8  IV.  fa. 

.1   ] 


Hobooo  wm  tae  inl  I»  eamtv/  Iko  wteeek 
e.g.  the  AkeJo  oad  Sspphie,  ia  LeJfa  poetry,  et 

**...]  •!  utter  wordo  fte  be  weddod  fte  tae  iyro,' 

tonxue]  Meeoninie  ea  old  aorne  of  Ipfie: 

rfTeroelr/  edmitfted  fto  hm  beoa  ea  Asietfo  Oreek, 

eeren  eitiee  diepufted  the  giory  of  heTing  ghrea  him 

^#ewejU#ej^    ^^U*W4p2rWSM#W#Q    e^rSBjewSWOWeWOPsj   ASjSUjejeuWSSSSQ   eWfS/WJUSUjQ   eWAOjOUUUUUUaW#f 

orMf  dt  owtrie  etrtet,  IToeitre,  tae. 

ie]Le.ofSaaonideo,  ott.  L  88n. 

«1   Le.   woriike,  boooaoo   wxHton    fto   rouee 

tske  Tengesnee  oa  the  populer  noftw  bj  whooo  hooad 
Mon  drivea  infto  ezflt,     Ot  L 18. 10,  oad  1.  It.  •  a. 

me]  'etnftely,'  «digninedV  Ct  Quiaft.  10.  1.  88, 
elU  §t  dmrittimot  ctdmit  {Alemtm)  daoot  ot  twiei  oor- 
•o  Irra  tut  tfmrft. 

o...]  «nor  hoo  timo  blottod  oat  whoftow  Aneoreon's 

Kqm  oomposed  of  old.'    Tho  poomo  of  Aneereon 

pxoioo  of  lore  snd  wino  oro  of  smgnlor  besuty: 

best   known  to  Engliih  reodozo  through  Moore's 

msny  of  them. 

I  lusttl  For  luden—' to  write  sportiTely'  gorerning 
l  2.  18.  96  n.  and  Virg.  G.  4.  666,  earmina  fwi  hui. 
kre  1 18  «fto  be  hotly  ia  lore  with,'  ond  tOtre  L  01. 

Lyuntque...]  'Still  lives  the  pession  entrnsted  fto  the 
f  the  Aeohon  msiden,'  Le.  of  Soppho9  who,  like 
sss  o  nstfre  of  MytQene  sad  wrote  in  the 

sel]  Le.  she  msde  her  lyre  the  oonfidsnte,  oo  it 
ler  seerets.    Cf.  Sot  2. 1.  00,  UU  veku  fidi*  m 
>Um  |  eredebot  libru,  of  Lucilius  snd  hisbooks. 

msols...]  For  oonneotion  see  Summsry.  ordtrt  is  one 
my  oonTentionsl  wordsv  «to  lore,'  'fsll  m  lore  wish,' 
slesrly  gorerns  the  sooosstiTes  whioh  foUow,  but  thoy 
extieily  gorerned  by  mbrata.  Trsnslste  *Not  slone 
dsn  Helen  been  fired  with  lore  for  the  ordored  looks 
iterer  ond  his  gold-betpongled  robes,  msrreUing  st 
his  regsl  pomp  snd  retmne.' 

NOTES.  436 

Nauck,  who  says  that  wnit  ii  intransitive  and  all  the 
aoousatives  are  dependent  on  mirata  alone,  deeerves  to  be 
auoted.  'Andere  oonitrairen  artft  erine$  (eot  stirata):  eoll  lie 
denn  aber  aueh  ftir  die  Begleiter  gebrannt  habenr' 

oomptos]  from  eomo,  eo-mo  *to  pnt  together,'  d  ds-sio 
*to  put  ofl,  *  tu-mo  «to  pnt  apart'  (rin*). 

14.  auruxn  vestlbus  Ulltum]  Qold  thread  was  worked  in 
patterns  into  the  tiflsue  of  oostly  robes,  ef.  Virg.  Aen.  8.  488, 
etpieturatat  auri  tubtemine  vettet. 

16.  Helene  Lacaena]='EX6nj  Aaxaira  (fem.  adj.  from 

17.  prlmusve...]  The  non  of  L  18  must  still  be  oarried  on ; 
•nor  was  Teuoer  the  firet....'  Hoxner,  D.  18.  818,  sneaks  of 
Teuoer  as  dpierot  'Axcuw*  re£oawy.  Oydon  was  a  oity  m  Crete, 
and  the  Cretans  were  oelebrated  arohers;  Virg.  EcL  10.  59 
has  Cydonia  tpicula. 

18.  nonsemel...]  Clearljnot  •Hium  has  been  more  than 
onoe  besieged,'  but '  Not  onoe  only  has  an  Ilium  (Le.  a  city  suoh  as 
Ilium)  been  harassed  in  war.'  Idomeneus  was  a  Oretan  leader, 
Sthenelus  the  oharioteer  of  Diomedes. 

21.  dloenda...]gorernedbyjm^iiavit;  lnorhas...8thenelu§ 
alone  waged  oombats  worthy  to  be  sung  by  the  Muses.'  Cf. 
4.  4.  68. 

22.  Delphobus]  brother  of  Heotor.  excipere  is  used 
here  in  its  strict  sense  of  receiving  something  you  were  looking 
out  for,  or  whioh  was  meant  for  vou.  Notioe  the  emphatie 
position  otprimut:  in  translating  the  whole  passage  1L  18 — 21 
special  care  must  be  taken  to  bring  out  the  foroe  of  the 
emphatie  words,  viz.  tola,  primutt  temel,  tolut,  primut;  the 
persons  mentioned  were  not  the  only  or  the  firtt  persons  who 
have  deserved  renown. 

26.  illacrlmabiles...]  'unwent  and  unknown  lie  bnried  in 
endless  night.'  UlaerimabiUt  is  here  nsed  passively,  bnt  2.  14. 
6  of  Pluto='who  never  weeps.'  uroentur  suggests  the  idea  of 
night  lying  on  them  clike  a  tomV  (Wickham),  ef.  1.  24. 
6,  Quintilium  perpetuut  topor  urget,  and  1.  4.  16,  jam  te 

For  loii^iWnnending'  ef.  2. 16.  30  n. 

28.  sacro]  Partly  as  being  nnder  the  special  proteotion  of 
heaven  and  tne  heavenly  Muses,  but  ohiefly  as  bestowing  the 
divine  gift  of  iminortality,  cf.  1.  26. 11  n. 

HORAOK,  ODE8  IV.  fa. 

t,  rtellj  amMm  the  ww*)  MOMMt*  w  ftt  the 

krinf  'Bnt  Mfctti  m  tho  fr»T0  it  tho  lliniui  W 

m  and  ■nFQoordod  brnvtrj,*  Lt,  in  the  m»m  both 
[oallj  Ibffotten.    ftr  e»*f^-'oowardiM'et  t.  C. 
inaetrre,  '^mirMiatmf/  Mtd  cf  ■«"'— t  who  mommV 

tOtTO...]  Oanjmf «ttMMfMMtOMlLIO 
rOl  I  ptHUt  JOBJOM  faffMfbJMM  MJNf  M  ftaV 

nr  mv  eipWti.' 

i-ffreon/the  ooloor  01 


ronmK*e  nrndee*]  4bo« 
mbmiU  in  aflaire';  wrw  «tmImIm  hbmni 
i  ofttn  oontraettd  with  MftMtta,  whioh  tnMMi  * 
:  nhflaoonbio.  om!  tometimM  IhtfliTitifl  wiadom.  GL  fai 
oVonprit  Hroi^o.    For  ttit  fen.  mo  i.  15.  M  n.   f« 


reotoal  'nprifht'  in  two  atnMt,  (1)  immortd  tnd  firm, 

tMlnont...ripniiiingaU-oii^ooiixiflf(>ld.'  Horaeeia 
.iliolng  t  flfmfiiTn  tftnr  tnj  irnrfli  irtilnh lnitintti'ntttini: 
keeping  from,'  'boinf  rree  from,'  tnd  tho  like,  ©t 

7,  dmiMqucrtUanim^vJ.  59,  abrtkuto  kmnm,  S.  17. 16, 
iMmtfe.    8m  I*t  Prim.  1 185. 

oontnlqne...]  'andaooiiiQlnotof  0M(brief)  jttrboi 
t)  m  ofton  at,  a  food  and  honoit  jndge,  it  baa  ptefenod 
;ht  to  the  expedient,  (m  ofton  m  it)  haa  finnc  baok  with 
\j  mien  the  bribee  oz  tho  guilty,  (jm,  and)  throogh  op- 
;  mobo  haa  tdTinood  ito  txmi  Ttotoriooajj  to  tho  frotttV 
19  roforo  to  the  Stoio  paradox  that  the  perfeetlj  Tirtnoni 
i  nnder  all  oironmttanooo  a  'king  among  mon.'  011.4. 
)  and  nott  on  L  17. 

nee  teUt  Lollioe,  who  had  aetoalhr  been  oontnl  n,o>  21, 
al  mtknia  of  that  offioe,  hit  oool  proolaimt  itt  real  dfe  - 
nd  nnonangmf  rank  whenerer  it  nromptt  bim  to  aot  liUi 


NOTES.  437 

Bentley  quotee  a  quantity  of  phraeee  whidh  ehew  that  tha 
phraee  anisnu»  contul  would  not  be  ee  novel  to  a  Boman  eex  ee 
it  ia  to  us,  e.g.  animus  eamifem,  eentor,  dominus,  rem,  Uberator. 

I  do  not  egree  with  thoee  who  eey  thet,  there  being  four 
linee  between  animus  end  contul\  the  reader  ehoold  'forget'  the 
word  animu»  when  he  oomee  to  contul  ind  supply  'Lollius' 
insteed,  for  the  whole  point  of  what  Horaoe  eeye  ie  thet,  though 
Lolliut  himeelf  ie  no  longer  oonsul,  yet  hie  nobility  of  oondnot 
makee  him  erer  e  oonenl  in  $ouL 

41.  honeetmn  utiUJ  Theee  two  worde  ere  often  nied  in  the 
nenter  in  eihioel  treetuee  elmoet  ee  subetantivee,  like  the 
Qreek  rb  KaXar  end  t6  ^v/ceVpoF.  They  expreee  the  two  greet 
ende  with  referenoe  to  whioh  morel  oonduot  may  be  regnlated, 
▼iz.  right  end  expedienoy.  We  do  e  thing  beeenee  we  think  it 
either  right  (honettum)  or  expedient  (utilt). 

46.  reotel  with  vocaverit;  beatum  predicatfaely:  'you  wiU 
not  rightly  call  bleeeed.'  There  ie  a  play  on  the  word  beatum 
in  the  Latin:  it  haa  two  meaninge,  (1)  'happy,'  (2)  a  oonren- 
tional  meaninga*well  off/  'wealthy.'  Tne  owner  of  large 
eetatee  is  popularly  oalled  beatus,  but  according  to  a  more 
correot  etandard  (recte)  he  often  doee  not  deeerre  the  name, 
of.  2.  2.  18  n. 

48.  eeplenter]  'wisely':  the  word  tavient  is  frequently  pnt 
=  «»  philosopher,'  <fH\6co<poit  but  here  tne  adverb«<ro0<5t  and 
indicatee  the  aotion  of  one  who  not  only  eots  rightly,  but  eots 
eo  ooneoiously  and  on  prinoiple  ee  the  true  'wiee  man'  ehonld. 

50.  timet,  non  Ule...timiduel  Mark  the  antithesis,  whioh 
is  ignored  in  all  the  tranelations  I  have  eeen :  'end  fears  dis- 
hononr  worse  than  death,  he  who  feare  not  to  die  for  friende  or 
fatherland.'  It  is  almost  imposaible  to  reproduoe  in  English 
the  force  of  the  pleonastio  ille;  it  ie  ineerted  to  oall  emphatio 
attention  to  the  fact  that  he,  who  eo  fears  dishonour,  ie  he,  the 
identically  eame  person,  who  feare  nothing  besidee. 

ODE  X. 

'  Ah,  Ligurinue,  beantifnl  and  prond  with  flowing  looke  end 
rosy  oheeka,  when  your  mirror  refleote  a  brietly  ohin  and  a  dif 
ferent  face  you  will  regret  your  beauty  and  yonr  pride/ 


Venerta...]  «a  lord  of  all  lore^  gifts,' 

pluma]  'down,'  of  the  eerij  beard.     kupirmtm,  Le. 

than  U  expeeted. 

muie  e*...]  4and  the  hue  whieh  noir  soTposooa   the 
roee'e  bloom  hee  ohanged  and  altered  Iigmmna  into 
U  yieege.' 

alterum]  'diflerent.'  Cf.  the  oelebrated  epigram  in  the 
3gy, '  Aralhifiaruca  L 

i  wofiapo*  ytkdffaffa  xatf  *EXXd3os,  4  reV  ipaarQm 

ifffio*  M  TpoBvpott  Aaft  fgowa  *#mf, 
rj  IlaeMv/  r6  Kdrorrpop,  htm\  roiq  pb  6p&*0ai 

obc  4$4\v,  otri  6*  ifw  wdpot  ov  ovpafuu. 

inoolumee]  'in  their  freehneee.' 


ie  prepered  for  keeping  high  feetiral,  the  wine,  PhylHa, 
garland  that  so  sets  your  beauty  in  relief,  the  altar  and 
im ;  the  whole  houeehold  ie  astir  and  the  kitohen  ohim- 
:>kes.  To-day  U  the  Ides  of  April,  the  month  of  Venus, 
▼e  all  it  ii  the  birthday  of  my  own  Maeoenae.  Oome 
id  oeaee  to  long  for  Telephus  who  is  far  beyond  your 
let  the  history  of  Phaethon  and  Bellerophon  be  a  warn- 
inst  suoh  lofty  ambition.  Come,  Phyllis,  the  laet — 
it— of  my  loYes,  come  and  sing  me  one  of  my  eongs : 
the  antidote  for  care.' 

i  U  the  only  Ode  in  this  Book  in  which  mention  is  made 
>enas,  to  whom  all  the  three  first  Books  are  addreeeed. 
be  remembered  that  between  the  yeare  21  and  16  b.c, 
e  finally  withdrew  from  publio  life,  a  ooolneee  had 
np  between  the  Emperor  and  the  Minister,  and  that 
•e  hU  name  oould  hardly  be  mentioned  frequently  in  a 
ritten  speoially  at  Augustus'  reqnest  It  U  pleasing  to 
n  this  single  reference,  couched  as  it  U  in  the  language 
ne  affection. 

NOTES.  439 

2.  iibanl]ThiflwinewMreokonedgeoondon]jtoFaleniiazi. 

8.  neotendls  apiuxn  ooronls]  'parsley,'  rAiror.  ▲  parsley 
erown  wm  given  to  the  viotors  at  the  Nemean  and  Isthmian 
nmM,  eee  Mayor  on  Juv.  8.  236,  and  its  nse  for  chapleta  on 
festive  occasions  ie  allnded  to,  1.  86. 16,  and  Virg.  Eol.  6.  68. 

nectendit  coronit,  'for  weaving  chaplets':  this  nae  of  the 
dative  of  the  gerundive  to  express  a  pnrpote  if  chiefly  found  in 
legal  phrase8,  e.g.  Illviri  agri$  dtvidendit,  *a  bodv  of  three  land 
oonmiissioners,'  Xviri  Ugibut  tcribendit,  'a  body  of  ten  men 
for  drawing  up  laws.9  Yirg.  Georg.  1.  8  has  cultut  hdbendo 
pecori,  and  2.  9,  arboribut  natura  ereandit,  'method  for  rearing 

4.    Yla  mnlta]  'mnoh  abundanoe.' 

6.  Qua  crineB..  J  lit.  'with  which  thy  hair  drawn  baok  thou 
doet  ■hine.'  The  Latin  with  inimitable  teneneea  ezpreetes 
ihat  the  hair  was  drawn  back  and  faitened  with  a  wreath  of 
ivy,  the  effect  of  thif  aimple  ornament  being  to  bring  ont  in  fnll 
relief  the  brillianey  (cf.  fulgu)  of  Phyllis'  beanty.  Perhaps 
•which  binding  back  thy  hair  eete  off  thy  beaoty'  may  do  as  a 

I  leave  it  to  my  readers'  taste  whether  Phyllis  wae  a  blonde 
or  a  brnnette;  Martin  spcakH  of  her  'dark  glossy  hair/  a  lady 
translator  of  the  ivy  'twining  in  her  amber  hair.' 

7.  verbenis]  see  1.  19. 14  n. 

avet  lmmolato...]  'longs  to  be  sprinkled  with  the  sacri- 
fice  of  a  lamb.1  tpargier  is  an  archaio  form  of  the  Inf.  Passive 
only  fonnd  here  in  the  Odes. 

9.  manus]  'band,1  i.e.  of  slaves,  further  defined  in  1.  10 
as  mixtat  puerit  puellae.  The  invitation  is  donbtless  to 
Horaoe's  Sabine  farm,  cf.  in  horto,  L  2. 

11.  sordldum  flammae...]  'The  flames  quiver  as  they 
whirl  the  sooty  smoke  in  eddies.' 

For  trepido  cf.  2.  4.  24  n.  Sordidtm  is  graphio  and 
snggests  a  contrast  with  the  bright  glimmer  of  the  flames. 

18.    noris]= noverit. 

14.  Idus...]  'you  are  to  keep  the  Ides,  the  day...'  The 
Ides  were  on  the  18th  of  every  month  ezoept  Maroh,  May,  July 
and  October,  when  they  were  on  the  16th. 

410  HORACK,  ODE8  17.  iL 

16.  ■Miiwi  Twwh  ■■Hmh]  Thi  mniifli  bttnt  wnnl  to 
Venus  adda  a  osrtain  fltMn  lo  hia  inriftatJon.  OT^lMft.ttL, 
dtrires  ^arOfi  from  'Afriftlwi,  beeeuae  in  thet  monot  Tenu» 

Mi  Fmtrb  mjmmi  0f*Ja  nhmm 
«miMr:  a  jMOMt  ttf  lift  dCete 

VWBM/Wtv  ¥t     V        ^W     ■J»VW^WW*^W      W»     Vl^MV     WMM 

The  imI  dtriratiott  i§  rrom  mmKo  'tht  month  of  tht  otMBnf,' 

16.  indrtl  The  anoiatttt  ponnected  lAit  with  tYtUa,  or  aa 
StraMtA  word  (m*  of  tbt  mbm  meanmg. 

18.  natall]  Tht  woid  ia  uetd  aa  a  tubet.  wrJhoajl  tho 
addition  of  dit. 

19.  adflutarMt...]  'reekonstht  on-dtidinf  jm'  t^ftntjw» 
admirahry  dttoribM  tht  wer  in  whioh  eaeh  ■nnettdint  jmt 
tilently  gtidet  on  (fiuert)  and  it  tddtd  (od)  to  tht  ta»  of  tfcot» 
tlretdy  pett.  orAit,  lit  'plaees  in  t  row,*  U.  etoh  birthday 
tddt  ont  to  tht  row  of  flgurw  whieh  marka  tht  nnmbtr  of  mt 

21.    ooenptTlt]  'has  mtde  her  own.* 

33.  non...]  *a  youth  of  fortunes  other  thtn  yours':  aortsa 
mtn's  'lot'  or  potition  in  life. 

33.    grata  oompedt]  Oxymoron,  ef.  8.  11.  86  n. 

36.  aTarMtpM]'greedy'or'amMtiouihopet.'  Thereis,aa 
Wiokham  obterres,  a  'htlf  oomio  irony'  in  tht  mythcJogMal 
ingtanoet  whioh  Horaee  seleots  m  a  waming  to  PhyUis. 

36.  tzemplum  gzaTt]  'a  weighty  wtrning.'  I  think  tht 
uee  of  gravatut  in  the  next  line  has  no  referenoe  to  graot  here 
but  ii  purely  aoeidental. 

37.  graTatut]  gravaH  'to  treat  m  a  weight,'  'nardthip,'  or 
'grieranoe ' ;  henoe  aoeurately  uted  of  a  hone  which  obieott  to 
its  burden  tnd  gete  rid  of  it.  Trantlate  'disdaining  the  ourden 
of  an  earth-born  rider.' 

39.  uiliftertxtwiplumpratbet,  'giveeawarningBothatyou 
ahould  teek  a  fitting  partner.' 

tt  ultra...]   Tbt  oonBtruetion  it  «t  ditpanm  vits$  nefat 

nndo  tptrart  uttra  quam  Ueet:  'and  thun  an  ""^"^  matoh 
„    linking  it  unholy  to  hope  for  more  thtn  it  permitted.' 

NOTES.  441 

83.  non  alia  ©alebo  femina]  'no  other  woman  shaU  fire 
me  with  love.'    For  calere  and  the  oonstruotion  et  8.  9.  5  n. 

84.  eondlioelftrongerthandweosUeamwea^or^thoioagh- 
ly.'    reddat-  •reproduoe,'  ot  4.  &  48,  reddidL  atrae,  'gloomy ' 

or  'black. 


1  Winter  ie  paiting  away  and  apring  returning,  the  swallow 
is  bnilding  her  neet  and  the  shepherda  are  piping  on  the  graes. 
The  warmer  weather  suggeste  a  drinking  party,  bnt  if  you, 
Virgiliuf ,  who  have  so  many  noble  youths  among  yonr  patrons, 
mean  to  drink  my  best  wine,  why  then  yon  mnst '  pay  yonr  ehot' 
with  a  box  of  nard  and  then  yon  shall  have  the  best  that  is  to 
be  proeured.  Oome  then  and  bring  the  nard :  I  eannot  afford 
to  feast  yon  wholly  at  my  own  oost :  oome  qniokly  and  forget 
money-maldng  for  a  while:  life  is  short,  remember,  and  a  little 
folly  in  its  season  is  very  pleasant.' 

Whoever  the  Yirgflius  was  to  whom  this  Ode  is  addressed,  it 
oertainly  is  not  the  poet,  for  (1)  he  died  b.o.  19,  before  this 
Book  was  published,  (2)  the  language  here  osed  oould  not 
possibly  have  been  appUed  to  the  poet.  When  we  reooUeot  the 
language  used  by  Horaoe  of  him  elsewhere,  the  animae  di- 
midium  meae  of  1.  8.  6,  the  animae  quale»  neque  candi- 
diores  |  terra  tulit  neque  queit  me  tit  devinctior  alter  of 
Sat  1.  5.  41,  the  optimut  Virgiliut  of  Sat.  1.  6.  55,  we  shaU 
be  able  to  appreoiate  the  taste  of  those  who  here  oonsider  that 
Horace,  in  a  book  published  after  his  death,  oan  speak  of  him 
as  the  'client  of  noble  youths,'  and  sneeringly  hint  at  his 
meanness  and  fondness  for  money-making !  Martin  adopts 
this  view  whioh  is  worthy  of  his  translation  of  the  Ode. 

The  BohoUasts  make  various  guesses,  eaUing  YirgUius  «m- 
Huentariut,  medieut  Neronum,  negotiator,  and  the  like. 

1.  Terls  oomites]  These  'attendants  of  spring'  are  not 
tbe  Zephyrs  as  in  4. 7.  9,  but  the  'northern  breezes'  mentioned 

HORAGE,  ODE8  17.  xfl. 
2.    Tho  au^oujiTO  raTortotM^norUiorn,'  oonld  goonofo 

hy  *  Gxoekwriter:  probabfr  Hnraoi  k 
*BreWai 7*m  Diot.  e.  t.),  whioh  hUw  tadng  Um 

ntre  tuglfl]  •■wolkn  with  winter1!  tnow,'  Le. 
he  melting  of  aSdo  woold  take  plaos  in  Tery  eerrj 
before  tottlod  warm  weather  oame  in. 

Itya...]'the  anheppy  bird  that  erer  moamfaUr 
*  and  (it)  the  ondylng  diagraoa  of  tho  hooae  of  Oeoropo 
it  tho  eroeUy  aTenged...' 

roffum]  TboplorolUgonorie:  thoroforonoiktoTiroao 
bat  the  plarol  taggettt  thot  taeh  Tioioat  toto  woro 
on  ojnons  prinoee.  For  tho  etory,  tot  Diot  Ant  t.  t. 
i:  oomo  kgendt  moko  Ptoeno  (tho  twoUow)  mothor  of 
ithort  Phflomela  (tho  nifttmanlo),  Horo  m  ooimootion 
tott^raflding  aa  a  eign  of  tprmg  tt  it  probehle  that  tho 
w  it  roftnod  to,  ot  Virg.  G.  4.  800,  ontt  J  foiTwfijtwomm 
nidum  nupendat  Mrwndo» 'bofore  tpring/and  tho  Qroofc 
b  fda  xcXiMr  tap  ov  roui.  On  tho  othor  band  Sappho, 
),  maket  the  nightingalo  the  harbingtr  of  tpring,  ^ot 
»f ,  lp*p6<punn>t  di?£ur. 

r  Ityn  JUbilxter  gemens,  of.  8oph.  EL  148,  l  Irvr,  ath 
Xwpvprrcu  \  Sptns  dri/fo^ro,  Atds  &yyt\oit  of  the  twallow. 

dloont  oizmina  flstola]  *play  tanet  with  tho  pipe.' 
hraee  ia  a  periphratit  for  wplfrur  whioh  haa  no  Latin 
lent,  tee  Fntstohe,  Theoer.  1.  8.  FUtula  it  a  Pan't-pipe 
f)  and  deum,  ct*i...  refert  to  Pan. 

nlgri]  'dark-wooded.' 

tod  preatom...]  'bat  if  yoa  are  eager  to  qaaff  wino 

r  prestum  Calibtu,  cf.  1.  20.  9. 
Dtrt]  of.  1.  17.  22  n. 

ferss*he  who  gives  freedom  from  oare,'  'the  wine-god,' 
uos  from  Xfo,  1. 17.  22  n. 

eliont]  eee  8.  6.  58  n.  Not  knowing  who  Yirgilini 
e  oannot  toll  tho  exaet  natore  of  the  'patronage'  ho 
>d  from  tho  'yoang  noblet '  of  tho  day. 

merebere]  'yoa  wiU,'  Le.  'xnait  eern.' 

nardlperTna  onyx]oityx,  to  etlled  from  itt  rotemblanot 
nnger-nail  (6Vv£),  ii  a  kind  of  marble  or  alabaater:  it 

NOTES.  443 

wts  frequently  used  for  making  boxes  for  ointmenU  or  un- 

Kents,  and  henoe  the  word  is  frequently  nsed*'an  ointment 
x '  of  whatever  materiai,  e.  g.  Prop.  8.  8.  22,  murrhcui  onyx. 
Of.  the  aooounts  given  of  tbe  anointing  of  Ohrist  at 
Bethany:  St  Matthew  (26.  7)  speaks  of  aX&paffrpor  frfpov 
fiapvHpov,  8t  Mark  (14.  8),  with  hii  usual  aeouraoy,  hai  a\. 
uvpov  wapbov  Turrunfi  ToXurtXoCi,  adding  that  she  'brake  the 
dox*  (wrrplrfmea),  and  that  iti  value  wae  hrdrw  rptoKodm 
drpaplw;  aleo  St  John  12.  2.    «tteiet  s'shall  lnre  forth.' 

18.  Snlpiolls...]  'reposes  in  the  Sulpioian  stores.'  For 
proper  nonns  nsed  as  adjeotives,  see  1. 16. 10  n.  The '  Snlpieian ' 
stores  if  not  aotnally  managed  by  the  Snlpioii  may  have  been 
ereoted  by  them  or  managed  by  slaves  or  freedmen  of  theirs. 

19.  donare,  elnere]  Epexegetio,  ef.  1.  8.  25  n.  amara 
curarum,  4the  bitterness  of  eare.' 

22.  non  ego  te]  Notioe  the  antithetical  prononns:  I  the 
poor  poet,  yon  the  rioh  money-maker.  'I  do  not  propose  to 
steep  yon  in  my  onps  for  nothing.' 

38.  lmmnnem]  (froxn  in  and  munus),  'without  paying  a 
oontribntion.'  It  was  oommon  among  the  Qreeks  and  Romans 
lo  have  feasts  at  whioh  eaoh  guest  oontribnted  his  share,  ef . 
8. 19.  6  n. 

26.  nlgrorum  ignluxn]  'blaok  fiames,'  i.e.  the  flames  of 
the  funeral  pyre. 

27.  oonslllis]  'plans,'  i.e.  for  money-making.  brevem 
itultitiam,  'an  hours  folly.' 

28.  desipere] '  to  oast  off  seriousness. '    in  loco,  iw  *cup£ 


'The  gods  have  heard  my  prayers:  yon  are  beooming  old 
and  ngly,  Lyoe,  and  yet  yon  still  aot  like  a  yonng  girl,  andseek 
to  awaken  love.  Love  prefers  fair  Ohloe's  oheeks,  and  rndely 
wings  his  flight  past  wisened  age,  to  whioh  no  omaments  oan 
bring  baok  its  former  eharms,  the  oharms  whioh  onoe  stole  my 
heart  from  me,  when  yon  snooeeded  Cinara  as  the  queen  of  my 
H.  ii.  30 

HORACE,  ODE3  IV.  ziii 

ti.  Alaa,poor  Ciiiara,the£ateeeatkMon'mh«Tyottth, 

>u  they  piosorvc  to  a  fabulous  age  that  tho  young  man 

ff  at  the  aahes  of  your  beaaty.' 

lOth  Ode  of  the  8rd  Book  deecribee  the  oraeHy  and 

Lyoe  in  her  yonth;  thie  Ode  ie  *  eort  of  eequel  to  it 

MidlTtre...]  The  repetition  (ef.  2. 14.  1  n.)  expreases 
m,  juet  as  we  eay  Hurrah,  Hxxrrahl  ef.  4.  2.  49.  It  ia 
j  alao  that  the  repetition  of  aoand  in  Jit  and  vis  ia 
oal:  he  almoat  hiuet  the  haxah  trath  into  her  ear. 
tto  the  inverted  order  au&ivtrt  Di...Di  audivtrt.  ct  8. 

it  oantu...]  'and  with  quavering  notea  when  in  yoor 
k  to  arooae  aluggiah  Cupid.' 

Ile]  Emphatic :  the  god,  you  try  in  vain  to  awake,  ia 
ake  enough  elaewhere. 

ltla]   'young,'  4in  the  spring-time  of  life.'  juaUere, 
'  to  touch,'  or  *  twitch  with  the  fingers,'  then  to  play  on 
),  or  sing  to  it,  cf.  'paalm.' 

2hla,  originally  an  adj.  then  a  proper  name,  cf.  Dtlia, 

polchria  excubat ...]  'keeps  watch  on  the  faircheeka.' 
b  a  technical  word  used  of  sentinels  on  guard.  For  a 
metaphor  cf.  Bomeo  and  Juliet,  Aot  5,  8c.  3, 

'beauty'B  ensign  yet 
18  crimson  in  thy  lips  and  in  thy  cheeks, 
And  death'8  pale  flag  is  not  advanced  there.' 

irldaa  quercua]  'sapless  oaks.'  Lyce  is  compared  to 
mely  old  and  gnarled  oak. 

te  quia  ..te  qula]  Derisive  repetition.  'Shrinks  from 
ause  your  teeth  are  yellow,  from  you,  becaute  wrinklea 
Iness  and  the  snow  upon  your  head.' 

Coae  parparae]  Purple  robes  of  eztremely  fine  silk 
stured  at  Cos,  see  Mayor  on  Juv.  8.  101.  elari  lapidtt, 
)g  jewels';    other  M8S.  give  carit  'costly.' 

tempora...1  '  the  years  which  onoe  swift  time  haa  ahnt 

ruarded  in  the  publio  registers.' 

1]  aro£, '  onoe  for  all.1  notis :  thia  is  added  to  hint  that 
use  Lyoe  endeavouring  to  deny  her  age;  the  publie 
bear  testimony  which  cannot  be  denied  or  conoealed. 

NOTE&  445 

15.  oondlta  inclustt]  Tbe  idea  oonveyed  is  that  of  Time 
itaring  up  and  then  locking  in  the  past  10  ihat  it  oan  neyer  be 

17.  venus]  as  often,  'oharms,'  •beauty.'  eotor,  «hne,' 
'  oomnlezion. ' 

18.  quid  habes...]  •  What  have  you  (left)  of  her,  ah  me,  of 
herwhobreathedpassion...?'  JOle sthatperson,thepersonnot 
here  bnt  at  a  distanoe:  therefore  iUiut =lhei  of  long  ago,'  Le. 
the  old  Lyee,  the  Lyoe  of  former  days.  For  the  repetition  of 
illiui  aee  4.  4.  70  n. ;  the  effeet  here  is  pathetio,  but  the  pathoe 
is  used  to  enhanoe  the  mockery. 

90.    eurpnerat]  By  eynoope  for  turripuerat,  of.  1.  86.  8  n. 

21.  fellx]  Le.  in  the  poeeeseion  of  mv  heart;  it  ii  in  agree- 
ment  with  Lyee;  pott  olearly  of  time,  •arter  Cinara's  death.' 

notaqne...]  (Qneen  of  my  heart  affter  Ginara)  *  and  (que)  a 
beauty  of  repnte  (nota)  and  winning  wilee'  (oratarum  arthm). 
gratarum  artium  ie  simply  a  gen.  of  quauty  (cf.  4.  1.  15, 
eentum  puer  artium),  and  is  pnt  instead  of  an  adjeotive,  being 
strictly  parallel  to  nota.  faeiet  refers  to  the  whole  personsl 
appearanee  of  Lyce. 

The  above  explanation  is  so  simple  that  I  oannot  nnderstand 
why  Orelli  and  Wiokham  follow  Bentley  in  making  artium  gra- 
tarum  dependent  on  nota  =  ,notedfor,'  and  et^etiam,  *and  a 
beanty  noted  also  for  her  winning  wiles.'  That  et  after 
que  oan  ™<tiaw  oertainly  laoks  nroof,  and  the  oonstrnetion 
notut  artium  they  only  snpport  by  the  anthority  of  2.  2.  6, 
where  see  notes. 

The  gratae  artee  are  explained  by  Comm.  Cruq.,  larUum 
gratarum  faeiet  dicitur  quae  ocuUt,  nutu  tuperciUorum,  eervieie 
volubilitate,  eapitit  gratia,  totiut  denique  eerporit  motuplacetS 

24.  servatura...]  •thouah  they  mean  to  preeerve  Lyce  to 
matoh  ( parem  is  profeptic)  the  years  of  a  poor  old  raven/ 

25.  •  vetulae]  This  adj.  is  nsed  of  old  age  when  it  is  spoken 
of  oontemptuoualy*    For  the  age  of  the  raven,  cf.  8. 17. 18  n. 

28.  faoem]  •toreh,'  here  need  of  the  blase  of  beauty  whioh 
kindles  the  fire  of  love. 

For  dilaptam  (dit-laptam)  'that  has  fallen  asnnder/  Le. 
graduaUy  wasted  away  into  aahes,  some  MSS.  by  a  oommon 
error  read  delaptam  in  cineret  whioh  wonld  mean  'that  has 
fallen  down  into  ashes.' 


446  HORAOK,  ODE8  IV.  ifr. 


Thieend  the  foDowiog  Ode  are  oloeelj  oonneetodi  te» 
dweUo  on  Aognatoe'  Tiotoriee  in  war,  the  other  oo  hit 

lO  00000. 

•How  ehall  eanete  ind  paoplo  worthily  immortattae  tkj 
merite,  0  Aogastoa?  Bot  latelj  tha  Vindelioi  here  baan 
tanght  thj  prowaai  in  war,  for  it  waa  with  thy  troope  aad 
nndar  thj  anapioM  thai  Dmene  orerthraw  the  Genaani  and  tha 
Brenni,  and  that  ailarwarda  Tibarina  joined  batlla  with  tha 
Bhaeti.  On  him  a?arj  aja  waa  iiiad  aa  ha  oaraarad  irrooieriblo 
owthefieldofbetUe;  like  lo  the  Sooth  wind  whan  ha  swoops 
orar  ooaan  at  tha  egninox,  or  the  beDowing  Anfidna  whan  wHh 
awoUon  torrant  he  thraatani  inandatiop,  waa  the  onaat  with 
wbioh  ha  broka  the  meiled  ranka  of  barbariana  and,  Ua  own 
troopa  nninjnred,  oarriad  oarnago  and  oonqtieet  far  and  wide— 
jee,  beoanaB  thon  didst  fornish  the  foroes,  the  forethonght  and 
the  favonr  of  the  gode.  For  it  waa  fifteen  jeara  from  tha  daj 
when  Alexandria  jielded  io  tbee  that  proaperona  fortone  addad 
this  orowning  glorj  to  thj  paat  eampeigne.  Now  all  the  world 
owne  thee  ite  maater  at  peaoe  beneath  thj  swaj,  whilelteJjand 
imperial  Bome  enjoj  thj  gojurdianahip  and  thj  preeenee.' 

Tiberioa  and  Drnana  were  the  aona  of  Tib.  Olandina  Naro 
and  Livia,  who  Bubeeqnentlj  married  Angastne.  The  ^f^pi 
referred  to  took  plaoe  in  b.o.  16:  Wiokham  saja  that  'their  ob- 
ject  waa  to  obtain  militarj  oommand  of  the  more  eaatern  paaaaa 
into  the  vallejs  of  the  Bhine  and  the  Inn  whioh  were  still  nn- 
aafe  for  Boman  armiaa  and  from  whioh  the  monntain  tribea 
eren  iasned  from  time  to  time  to  plnnder  Italian  soiL  •  Dmana 
foroed  what  ia  now  known  aa  tha  Brenner  pase,  oierthrowing 
the  Bhaeti  near  Tridentnm,  now  Trent.  Meantime  Tiberins 
waa  despatohed  from  Angnstns*  armj  in  Ganl,  with  the  pnrpoaa 
of  taking  the  enemj  in  the  rear.  Ha  asoendad  tha  Bhina 
Talley  to  the  laka  of  Oonstanoe,  and  thenoe  penetrated  the 
gorges  of  the  TJpper  Bhine  and  Inn  in  everj  direotion,  so  that 

NOTES.  447 

at  the  oonclusion  of  a  brilliant  and  rapid  oampaign,  the  two 

brothers  had  effected  the  oomplete  subjugation  of  the  Grisons 

and  tbe  TyroL' 

Tiberius  beoame  emperor  on  the  death  of  Augustus,  a.d.  14, 

and  died  a.d.  87 ;  Dnisiif  died  in  Germanj  b.o.  9«    See  also 

4.  4,  Int 

L  patrum...Qulrltlum]  a  poetioal  variation of  the ordinary 
phraae  Senatut  Populutque  Romamtt,  8.  P.  Q.  B. 

2.  horiorum]  'maristraeies,'  'dignities,'  of.  1. 1.  8  n.  The 
word  is  need  strietly :  the  Boman  emperora  oarefuUy  retained  the 
old  formt  of  the  Republio :  the  old  magistracies  were  stQl  aliowed 
to  exist  in  name  (eadem  maaUtratuum  vocabula,  Tac  Ann.  1.  8). 
The  emperor  was  toohnioany  only  an  ordinary  oitisen,  on  whom 
tbe  senate  and  people  had  from  time  to  time  oonferred  Tariouj 
ordinary  and  extraordinary  dignities.  Thns  Augustus  was  ap- 
pointed  perpetuai  Imperator,  b.o.  29,  and  in  the  same  year  ao- 
oepted  the  'oensorian  power';  in  b.o.  28  he  beoame  prineept 
unaim;  he  was  oonsul  for  the  6th  time  B.a  28,  and  for  the  7th 
time  b.o.  27;  in  b.o.  28  he  reoeiTed  the  'tribunioian  power/and 
in  b.o.  12  he  was  made  pontifex  maximut:  see  Merivale,  e,  8L 

8.  Auguste]  Ootavian  assnmed  this  name  b.o.  27 ;  it  really 
served  as  a  titie :  'the  name  was  intaot,'  says  Merivale,  4it  had 
never  been  borne  by  anv  man  before,'  but  the  adjective  was  ap- 
plied  to  things  holy  and  divine  and  suggested  power  and  great- 
ness  (of.  augeot  and  see  Ov.  Fast.  1.  609). 

in  aevum...aeternet]  pleonastic.  'Is  to  immortalize  for 
ever.'  For  in  aevum  of.  the  Oreek  alwnot  'everlasting,'  and  tbe 
N.T.  eit  rovt  oiwrat  rwr  a/wrwr. 

4.  per  tltnlos...] ' by  (means  of)  insoriptions  and  rooording 
annah.'  So  8.  17.  4,  per  memoree  genus  omne  fastos.  FatH 
tunt  fatti  diet,  says  Fcstus :  fattut  is  originally  an  adj.  from 
fari,  andfatti  {diet)  are  (1)  days  'on  which  the  magistrates  may 
speak/  on  whioh  the  law  oourts  are  opeu  (see  Ovid,  Fast.  1. 47), 
(2)  a  register  or  list  of  suoh  davs,  (3)  as  here,  'annals,'  'publio 
reoords.'  Suoh  records  would  be  tne  annalet  suuruei  kept  by 
the  pontifex  maximut, 

5.  qua...oras]  Poetioal  for  the  whole  habitable  globe;  4 

6.  prlnelpum]  The  title  of  vrincevt  tenatut  was  a  porely 
honorary  distinotion  oonferred  by  the  oensors  on  the  most 

HORACE,  ODES  IV.  xiy. 

and  worthy  of  the  senatore.  Ji  wm  the  title  br 
ugustus  ohose  bj  preferenoe  to  be  designated:  ct 
1. 1. 1,  cuncta...nomine  principit tub  iwtperium  accepit. 
.  60,  hic  amet  dici  pater  atque  princept,    The  wbra 

doee  not  meen  in  Horaoe's  time  *e  prinoe'  or 
n,'  and  tberefore  maxime  principum  mnat  be  taken 
me  princept,  and  it  ii  olearly  impoedble  to  xender 
rately  in  Engliah. 

aem...Vlndelicl  dldloere...quld  Marie  poseee]  lit. 
the  V.  have  learnt  what  thon  eonldett  in  war,'  Le. 
owees  in  war  the  V.  have  learnt.  Thia  idiom  by  whkh 
make  the  nominative  of  the  subordinate  eentenoe  ia 
lder  the  government  of  the  main  Yerb  ia  Greek  rather 
in,  e.  g.  otta*  <re  rlt  et 

tea]  from  ex  and  part,  'witbout  ahare  in»'  'ignorant 
o  be  oonfonnded  with  experttu,  'skilled.' 

Qenaunos]  Theee  and  the  Brenni  are  two  tribea  of 
ti  who  inhabited  the  modern  TyroL  The  name  of  the 
till  survives  in  the  Brenner  paaa. 

et  arcea...]  'and  citadels  that  crown  the  awful  Alps.' 
q  arx,  which  the  anciente  derived  *ab  arcendo,'  waa 
.ny  'place  of  defence'  sitnated  on  an  eminence. 

deledt]  Verthrew':  the  word  governs  all  the  aceusa- 

ch  precede,  though,  perhaps,  more  strictly  applicable 


vlce  slmplidl  L  e.  plut  quam  vice  timplici,  snch  an 

of  quam  not  being  rare,  e.  g.  plut  quingentot  colaphot 
nihi  Ter.  Ad.  2.  1.  46.    The  words  olearly  mean  '  with 

more  than  one-fold,'  Le.  avenging  every  loss  he 
by  inflicting  a  much  greater.  On  the  other  hand 
ice  is  used  of  regnlar  alternation,  vicem  reddere  of 
ack  as  much  as  you  get.  Conington  renders  'and 
n  back  their  debt  twioe  told.' 

lmmanes]  cf.  3.  4.  42  n. 

ansplclls  secnndls]  'with'  or  'nnder  happy  auspioes': 
ices  were  those  of  Augustus.  As  the  imperator  alone 
ike  the  auspices,  and  as  Augustus  was  perpetual 
r,  all  victories  were  ingenioualy  described  a*  won  '  nnder 
)ioee'  or  indeed  'by  him':  the  general  who  led  the 
rO  the  field  was  no  longer  imperator  but  only  dux, 

8pectandns...qnantls]  I  am  strongly  inolined  to  take 
ratigaret  as  an  ordinary  indirect  question  dependent  on 

NOTES.  449 

tpectandut:  "Twas  a  tight  to  see  with  what  destruotion  he 
hsraesod  hearts  dedioated  to  the  death  of  freemen.'  Wiokham 
however  eonsiders  it  a  Greek  oonstruotion«0ai0ia0T6f...6Votf. 

18.  devota. .  Jiberae]  Horaoe,  witb  trae  Boman  indifference, 
merelj  mentions  thii  quility  to  enhanoe  the  glory  of  Tiberias. 

90.  lndomitas] '  onoonqaermble' :  the  adj.  eaggeets  a  oom- 
parison  with  the  deecription  of  the  Bhaeti  in  L  18. 

prope  qualls...]  The  oonstrnction  is  prope  qualit  Autter 
exercet  undat...(tali  modo)  imoiger  vexare  turwuu:  'almost  as 
the  South  wind  when  he  frets  the  waves...feven  so)  anwearied  to 
haras8  the  sqoadrons  of  the  foe  and  dash  nis  snorting  steed....' 

prope :  the  introdaotion  of  this  modifjing  word  bef ore  qualit 
is  ▼ery  remarkable.  Metaphora,  similes  and  the  like  are  in  their 
proper  plaoe  in  Poetry,  in  Prose  they  are  striotly  speaking  not : 
eonseqaenUy  Prose-writers  freqaently  introduoe  them  witb 
apologies  and  qaalifieations,  Poets  rarely  or  never.  A  oom- 
parison  in  poetry  that  needs  either  qoalifloation  or  apology 
is  self -oondemned.  To  eompare  Tiberins  to  the  Soath  wind 
mav  be  either  good  or  bad  poetrv:  bat  for  a  poet  to  say 
4  Tiberius  is  almost  like  the  Soatb  wind'  is  positively  to  snggest 
to  the  reader  that  he  is  himself  eonsoious  his  own  oomparison 
is  'almost'  what  it  should  be,  but  not  ouite.  It  is  but  fair 
however  to  Horaoe  to  remember  that  this  Ode  ifl  written  to 
order:  any  one  who  has  written  a  'Prize  Poem'  may  appreoiate 
what  agouies  suoh  oomparisons  as  this  and  the  one  in  4.  4 
must  have  cost  him,  indeed  I  am  not  quite  sure  that  the  prope 
is  not  inserted  of  malioe  prepense. 

21.  exereet]  '  keeps  at  work,'  then  'harasses,'  'annovs.' 
Pleiadum...]  The  Pleiades  rise  and  set  about  the  time  of 
the  equinoxes,  and  therefore  of  the  equinootial  gales.  Horaoe 
speaks  of  them  as  'oleaving  the  oloudV  beoause  ne  is  thinking 
of  the  cloudy  stormy  weather  whioh  aooompanied  their  rising 
and  setting  when  they  would  be  only  seen  fitfully  and  oooa- 
sionally  through  rentt  in  the  cloudt. 

23.  vexaxe]    Epexegetic  infinitive. 

24.  medlos  per  ignes]  Be  oareful  of  rendering  'through 
the  hottest  of  the  fire.'  By  oomparing  Epist.  1.  1.  43,  per 
taoa,  per  ignet  and  Sat.  2.  8.  56,  ignet  per  mediot  Jtuviotque 
ruentit  (of  a  madman),  we  see  that  the  expression  is  prover- 
bially  used  of  passing  through  any  great  danger,  just  as  we 
talk  of  passing  'through  flre  and  water.'    Wiokham  rightly 

K)  HORACE,  ODSS  IV.  iir. 

j9  tbat  the  qm  of  sueh  a  metaphotioal  phraee  ie  otrt  of  pUoa 
nre,  but  hia  Tiew  that  there  ie  a  referenos  to  the  'buniinf 
Uageo  of  the  Bhaeti'  is  whoUj  oonjeotaraL 

85.  Uurifbrmla]  The  Oreeki  alwaya  repreeented  rrfen 
id  torrenU  under  the  form  of  bulle,  doubtieea  with  iefereaoe 
•  their  violenoe  and  their  roar;  ao  Homer  IL  91.  887  deaoribea 
anthua  as  fu/unnk  ^tfre  raC/wt,  and  ot  Bur.  lon  1881,  4 
wp6pop+av  oVyia  Ky^urou  Tarp&t.  For  the  Aufidna  ol  8.  80» 
>,  4.  9.  8.  Horaoe  with  pardonable  prejudioe  aeleeto  the  rfrer 
!  hia  native  plaoe. 

38.  medfUtur]  «plans.9    Other  M88.  give  wdnitatur. 

39.  agmina  fexraU  diruit]  « Daahed  in  pieoee  the  maflfld 

81.  metendo]  «by  mowing  down.'    So  in  Engliah : 

4  Some  men  with  awords  maj  reap  the  field, 
And  plant  freah  laurels  where  tbey  kilL' 

J.  Shiblr. 

82.  ttrayit  humum]  *strewed  the  ground,'  i.e.  with  the 
Bad  his  sword  had  mowed  down.  tine  clade  victor,  beoauae  of 
le  small  loss  of  bis  own  men.  Cf.  Much  Ado  about  Nothing, 
ot  1,  Sc.  1,  *  A  victory  ia  twioe  itaelf  when  the  aohiever  bringa 
ome  full  numbers.' 

33.  tuoa  dlvos]  The  expedition  waa  undertaken  under 
le  'auspiceB'  of  Augustus,  see  1.  16  n. 

84.  quo  dle]  i.e.  when  Augustus  after  the  defeat  of 
ntony  and  Cleopatra  at  Aotium  b.  a  31  pasaed  on  to  the  Eaat 
od  entered  Alexandria  some  time  in  the  autumn  of  B.  o.  80. 
he  words  quo  die  are  probably  not  to  be  Uken  too  aoourately. 

36.  vacuam]  beoause  Antony  and  Cleopatra  had  put  an 
ad  to  their  lives.  See  Shak.  Ant.  and  Cleo.  Aot  4,  So.  15  and 

87.    luatro]  ct  2.  4.  38  n. 

40.  arrogavlt]  The  dictionaries  give  this  word  aa  mean- 
ig  (1)  to  adopt  a  child,  (3)  to  appropriato  to  oneeelf  what  is 
ot  one's  own.  Neither  aense  suiU  here.  I  think  that  Horaoe 
aa  ooined  the  phrase  he  uses  on  the  analogy  of  the  well-known 

NOTES.  451 

prorogare  imperium.  Just  aa  the  senate  for  a  favourite  or  vio- 
torious  general  (prorogabai  imperium)  'granted  an  exteniion 
(pro)  of  his  oommand,  so  Fortune  for  her  favourite  Augustus 
'granted  thii  additional  (ad)  glory  to  hia  past  oomnland•, 
(decut  peractu  imperiis  arrogavit). 

41.  Gantaber]  cf.  2.  6.  2  n. 

42.  Medus]  'the  Parthian,'  of.  1.  2.  51  n. 

Indus,  Bcythea]  Suet.  Oct.  21  relates  a  story  that  embassies 
from  these  two  peoples  oame  to  tolioit  the  friendahip  of 

44.  dominae]  'mistreas/  Le.  of  the  world. 

45.  te. . .Ifter]  Wiekham  riffhtlj  pointa  out  that,  though  the 
adjectival  olause  fontium  qui  eelat  originee  applies  primarily  to 
the  Nile,  vet '  the  position  of  the  oopulatives  seems  to  ahew  that 
the  Danuhe  is  inoluded.'  This  view,  which  the  oonstruotion  of 
the  sentenoe  supports,  he  further  justifles  by  a  quotation  from 
Seneoa,  Quaest.  Nat.  4.  1,  who  eompares  the  Danube  with  the 
Nile,  quod  etfonU*  ignoti  et  atttate  quam  hieme  maior  tit, 

47.  beluosus]  of.  8.  27.  26,  eeatentem  beluii  pontum, 
The  adj.  is  only  xound  here,  and  is  perhaps  imitated  from  the 
Homeno  /tera/cijnp.  Cf.  too  Ps.  104.  25,  'the  great  and  wide 
sea,  wherein  are  things  creeping  innumerable,  both  amall  and 
great  beasts.' 

remotis  Britannis]  of.  1.  35.  29  n. 

49.  non  paventls  funera  Oalliae]  'Gaul  that  dreads  not 
death.'  Horace  seems  to  have  in  mind  certain  teaohing  of  the 
Druids,  that  death  was  only  the  passage  to  another  life,  to 
whioh  Lucan  1.  459  definitcly  refers  their  valour: 

felieet  errore  ruo,  quot  ille  timorum 
vuiximus  haud  urget  leti  metut,  inde  ruendi 
in  ferrum  ment  prona  virit  animaeque  eapaeet 
mortit  et  ignavum  rediturae  pareere  vitae. 

50.  audit]  'obeya.'    For  the  Sygambri,  see  4. 2.  36  n. 

52.  eompoaltla...]  'worship  with  weapons  laid  to  rest.' 
Mark  tbe  peacefulness  and  repoae  suggested  by  the  sound  and 
sonse  of  thifl  concluding  line. 

HORACE,  ODES  IV.  xr. 


sn  I  thought  to  tell  of  wars  and  warlike  oonquesta, 
etruck  his  lyre  to  wara  me  against  venturing  on  eo 
aa.  And  indeed,  Caesar,  the  most  glorious  triomph  of 
is  the  establiahment  of  oniTenel  peaoe.  Peaoe  hath 
oriee  no  lees  than  war,  the  oheoking  of  lioenoe,  the 
lent  of  vioe  and  the  rettoration  of  the  old  Tirtuee  that 
e  name  of  Italy  famoos  to  the  limits  of  the  world.  Safe 
thy  guardianahip  we  fear  war  neither  at  home  nor 
and  therefore  every  day,  when  yonng  and  old  meet  at 
ly  board,  it  shall  be  onr  delight,  after  prayer  to  thegods, 
>f  the  glorious  dead,  to  sing  of  Troy  and  Anchiaes,  and 
he  last  and  greatest  of  that  heaven-desoended  raoe.' 

*hoebns]  as  especially  the  god  of  song  and  musie.  So 
as  Hom.  H.  1.  603  we  have  mention  of  tfptuyyot  rcpc- 
r?  (x*  'Air6XX(i>r.  So  also  he  restrained  Virgil,  thongh 
>re  homely  manner,  Ecl.  6.  8,  cum  canercm  reges  et 
Cynthiut  aurem  \  vellit  et  admonuit. 

nerepnlt  lyra]  increpo  means,  (1)  'to  make  a  noise,' 
iske  a  noise  at,'  'rebuke  loudly,'  and  is  therefore  used 
surately  here  =  •  sounded  his  lyre  iu  waming.'  Ovid, 
493,  describes  ezactly  the  same  thing: 

lec  ego  cum  canerem,  subito  manifettut  Apollo 
movit  inauratae  pollice  fila  lyrae. 

litoro  take  lyra  with  loqui,  but  the  position  of  lyra 
ts  separation  from  increpuit.  No  doubt,  as  Horace  is  a 
t,  loqui  is  =  loqui  (lyra)  »to  tell  of  (in  lyric  poetry)/  but 
ot  eipreseed,  tnough  perhaps  suggested  by  the  addition 
to  increpuit:  Apollo  fitly  employs  the  lyre  to  warn 
igainst  tne  misuse  of  that  instrument.  For  the  lyre  as 
for  warlike  poetry  cf.  2.  12.  3  n. 

>arva  Tyrrlienum]  Note  the  antithesis,  of.  8.  8.  72, 
xodii  tenuare  parvit;  aooording  to  his  nniversal  praotioe 
rring  the  snecial  to  the  general,  Horaoe  seleots  ttie 
e  sea  as  an  mstance  of  a  wide  or  large  sea. 

NOTE&  453 

4.  vola  darem]  *  spread  my  saila':  for  the  same  motophor, 
of.  Virg.  Georg.  2.  41,  p^lagoqud  vokmt  da  vela  paUntL 

Caesarl  Augustus  was  a  'Oaesar'  m  being  the  adopted  1011 
of  Julius  Gmut:  it  is  plain  that  the  name  even  in  Horaoe's 
day  ia  gradnally  beooming  a  title,  aa  it  haa  definitely  beeome  in 
so  many  modern  languages,  e.g.  Keiaer,  Osar,  Shah. 

6.  flrnges...]  Le.  by  maUng  it  poaiible  to  agaln  onltiTate 
the  fields  in  safety. 

rettallt]  ao  always  epelt  rightly,  aa  bting *r$teluHt;  ao 
ricido  bnt  reecidi,  reperio  bnt  rtppcri.]  'both...and.' 

6.    et  algna...]  of.  1.  S.  S2  n. 

noetro]  becanae  Jnppiter  Capitolinne  waa  looked  on  aa  in  a 
pecuUar  aenae  th*  god  of  Rome,  ot  Prop.  8. 11.  41,  ama  Jovi 
nostro  latranUm  opponere  Anubim. 

8.  Tacuum  duellla]*free  from  wan.'  The  nee  of  dneQiiaifor 
beUnm  ia  an  aflectation  of  arohaio  phraeeology,  aee  1.  54. 6  n. 
For  the  form  cf.  0V10  and  bie  (mduie),  and  the  old  form  of 
ooittif,  duomu. 

9.  Ianum  Qulrlnl  claualt]  For  a  full  aeoount  oi  Janna,  eee 
Oy.  Fast.  1.  62—146  and  Diot  s.v.  The  word  ia  olearly  tbe 
maec.  form  of  Diana  (Janu$~Dyanu$)t  and  probably  waa 
originally  the  title  of  the  eun.  In  Italy,  howerer,  he  U  alwaya 
repreeented  with  two  heada,  and  the  patron  of  gatea  (januae), 
inaamuoh  as  they  look  two  waya,  and  the  word  Janut  i»  applied 
to  any  'covered  way'  or  'areade'  with  two  entranoee.  The 
name  Janut  Quirini  or  Janut  Quirinut  was  however  spedally 
applied  to  one  such  aroade  the  doors  of  whioh  were  open  in 
time  of  war  and  ahut  in  time  of  peaoe.  It  was  said  that, 
whereas  they  had  only  been  twioe  oloaed  previously,  vis.  in  the 
reign  of  Numa  and  after  the  first  Pnnio  war,  they  were  oloaed 
three  times  in  the  reign  of  Augustus,  vii.  b.c.  29  and  24,  and 
on  one  other  oooaaion.  Of.  Suet  Oot.  22,  Janum  Quirinum 
temel  atque  iterum  a  condita  urbe  clautum...terra  marique  pace 
parta  ter  clautit 

et ordlnem...]'and  ourbed lioense  that strayed  outside  the 
atraight  path.'  The  phrase  frena  or  frenot  {njicere  i*  found 
even  in  prose— *to  ourb,'  or  'restrsin':  on  tbe  other  hand,  dare 
frenam** to  give  the  rein  to,'  'give  full  soope  to.'  The  metaphor 
in  evaganti  i»  from  a  horse  that  in  a  raoe  breaks  away  and 

454  HOBAOK,  ODBS  17.  xr. 

l»ni  tho  reatm  ordo  or  •  •traighittne'  of  tho  ooonoi 
eror  rw*»  oroo  bmw  oloo  «tho  path  of  reotitade.' 

11.  voloroiirtMlTh^^inaimiarti^irothaiiitQOiolc^ 
TUww^  nfk  sqjbIi  g§  ihrift,  tompfEnaoo,  aimpttoiij',  aei  whleli 
Horooo  dwelle  ot  kngth  in  tho  £wt  dx'  Odeaof  Boak  *  oni 
whioh  Aagusiaa  ottomptod  lo  galvaniae  into  Ilfo  offJB  lp 
numerona  etatutee. 

For  an  in  thia  eenee,  ot  B.  S.  9,  *oe  orts  Mhio. 

14.    tmporl]   For  tho  eontraeted  mb.  oL  1. 6. 1S  n. 
impmto»,  lit.  «militarj  owoy,»  then  Iho  «otnto 
mflitazj  awaj,'  'the  Empire.' 

16.  melostnel  Thia  word  is  toohmoolljiiaod  to  doosriho 
tho  dignitj  (1)  of  tbo  goda,  (2)  of  marfetroteo,  (8)  ono\  mool 
frequentlj,  of  tho  Bomoa  State,  cg.  in  tho  phraee  aif/atfoi 

pofuUBomani:  majettatemp.  R.  mimmt  ot  loedfreie  *to 
mit  high  troaeon,'  ond  'troaoon'  io  Jofao  mo/oftof  (ot  Notmon- 
Freneh  loae-nioiooti).  Tho  phxmao  imperi  majettat  roproaento 
the  State  oa  o  Uving  nnit,  embodjing  ond  reprodnomg  aH  tho 
glories  of  Bomon  hiotory,  and,  oa  fucn,  to  be  deemed  reverond 
and  inviolable.  Cf.  Cic.  pro  Bob.  1.  2,  majettatit  atque  imptri: 
"the  words  form  one  notion  'the  imperiol  dignitj' of  Bome." 

17.    rernm]  'our  fortnnea.' 

furor  dvilia]  'civil  madneea,'  i.e.  ehril  wor,  iaoh  oe  hod 
for  a  oentorj  deToatoted  Itolj,  and  made  men  indiiferont  to  the 
form  of  government  ao  long  aa  thej  eonld  enjoj  that  otium 
whioh  was  the  greateat  gift  and  greateat  aafegnard  of  the 

For  exiget  =  'baniah,'  aome  MSS.  read  eximet=*take  awaj.' 

20.  inimicat]  a  word  invented  bj  Horaoe.  inimieut  ia 
usuallj  distingniahed  from  hottit  aa  a  privaU  from  a  pvbUe 
enemy;  inimicut  ia  one  who  might  be  a  friend,  hotUt  ia  o 
atranger  or  foreigner:  probably  Horaoe  therefore  naea  inimieat 
to  bring  ont  more  foroiblj  the  idea  that  the  atrife  betwoon 
theae  'hapleaa  oitiee'  ia  not  *o  war'  bnt  a  'familj,  domeatio 

21.  qul  profundum...]  i.e.  dwellers  bj  the  Dannbe,  ot  2. 
20.  20  n. 

22.  edioto  Iulia]  'the  Jnlian  deerees.'  The  word  edictum 
ia  naed  lootely  here:  atriotlj  it  ia  the  'deolaration'  made  bj  tho 

NOTES.  455 

nraetor  on  entering  offioe  of  ihe  principles  by  whioh  he  would 
be  guided  in  administering  justioe.    Bee  Diot.  Ant.  s.  t. 

28.    Seres]    Put  for  anj  remote  Eastern  nation,  cf.  1. 12. 56. 

lnlldiPersae]i.e.  asalways,  the  Paxthians.  Of.  Epist  2. 1. 
112,  invenior  ParthU  mendacior,  where  the  expreaaion  aeema 
proverbial.  'Perfidy'  howeTer  waa  a  oharge  whieh  the  Bomana 
— like  other  nations  sinee— found  it  not  inoonvenient  to  bring 
againat  suooessful  opponents,  of.  4.  4. 49  n. 

25.  nosque...]  'and  we  (for  our  part),'  Le.  they  ahall  keep 
peaoe  and  we  will  enjoy  it.  'both...and.' 

profestla]  i.e.  days  whioh  were  not  diesfesti. 

26.  lnter  iocoal....]  The  oonolnsion  of  this  Ode  much 
resembles  the  olosing  linea  of  Maeaulay's  Horatiua, 

'When  the  oldest  oask  is  opened 
And  the  largeat  lamp  ia  lit, 

When  yonng  and  old  in  circle 
Aronnd  the  flrebrands  olose, 

With  weeping  and  with  laughter 

Still  is  the  story  told 
How  well  Horatins  kept  the  bridge 

In  the  brave  days  of  old.' 

29.  virtute  fanotoa  ducesl  lit.  'leaders  who  have  fulnllod  a 
man'8  part,'  i.e.  who  have  died  after  performing  a  man's  part— 
•the  heroio  dead.'  The  partioiples  funetus  and  defunetus  as 
expressing  a  completed  taak  are  continu&Uy  applied  to  the 
dead,  as  being  those  who  'rest  from  their  labonrs,'  either  with 
or  without  (though  this  is  somewhat  post-olassical)  an  ablative 
of  the  task  oompleted.    Cf.  2.  18.  88,  functut  laboribut. 

virtus  from  vir  is  *all  that  may  beooxne  a  man* — 'manli- 
ness'  and  therefore  frequently  'conraga' 

more  patrum]  with  canemus.  Cato  the  Censor  is  quotedby 
Cicero  (Tnsc.  1.  2)  as  referring  to  this  'ancient  onstom':  est  in 
Originibus  solitos  este  in  epulis  eanere  eonvivas  ad  Hbieinem  de 
elarorvm  hominum  virtutibus. 

80.  remixto]  This  very  rare  word  seems  to  express  the 
oontinnous  alternation  of  song  with  mnsio.  Cf.  A.P.  151, 
veris  falsa  remitcet,  *  so  intertwines  fiaot  with  fiotion.' 

flORACE,  ODES  IV.  xv. 

j  probabhra  oonTontional  epithet  bMMN  the  ntet 
hQMdinFhi7gUve.g.  in  the  wonhip  of  Oybele.  The 
«tyle  of  muiio  (9  AeeWri  aajioFls  Plat  Bep.  898  n)  ia 
sneeiaUj  spdkenof  M/iaX4un)«ei  eiemruci  by  Pleio: 

igain  deeeribe  it  m  orgiaitio  and  wild  m  oppoood  to  the 

aiemnity  of  the  'Dorian  moodV 

•Ibulo]  'nnrtnring'  (quae  alit),  'foetering/  •kindlT' — 
jnoos  epithet  of  Venoe  immortaiiied  by  Loeretras  I.  S, 
idum  genetrix,  hominum  divumque  voluptat,  |  alma  Femw. 

2.    progeniem  Venerla]     Not  Aeneas,   bnt  hia  great 
endant  Angustos. 


'0  Fhoebus  and  Diana,  grant  our  prayer  at  this  solemn 
uuon  when  the  SibyUine  verses  ordain  that  a  ohorue  of  youths 
and  maidena  ihould  ehant  a  hymn  to  the  godi  who  love  the 
seven  hills  (1 — 8).  O  life-giving  Sun,  ever  do  thon  regard 
Bome  with  thy  favour,  and  thon,  0  goddeaa  that  bringeet 
ohildren  to  the  light,  proteot  onr  mothera  (9—16),  yea,  and 
give  good  suooess  to  the  new  marriage  lawa  and  inereaae  to  onr 
people,  ao  that  again  and  again  thronghont  the  ages  they  may 
in  full  numbero  oelebrate  thia  holy  fettival  (17 — 24).  And  do 
you,  0  ye  Fatea,  determine  for  us  a  destiny  in  the  rature  aa 
glorioua  as  in  the  past:  may  the  earth  yield  her  inoreaae  and 
the  heavena  drop  fatneea  (25 — 82).  Hoarken  to  na  Apollo, 
hearken  0  Queen  of  Night,  and,  if  Bome  be  indeed  yonr 
oreation,  and  if  under  your  guardianahip  the  raoe  of  Troy  has 
been  guided  to  greater  deetiniea,  then  grant  righteouaneas  to 
our  youtha,  peaoa  to  our  eldera,  proeperity,  inoreaae  and  glory 
to  our  nation  (88 — 48).  Ghiefly  fulfil  hia  prayera  for  him  who 
ia  the  glorioua  deaoendant  of  Venua  and  Anohiaea,  the  oon- 
queror  meroiful  aa  he  ia  mighty.  Hia  away  already  the  nationa 
own,  already  beneath  hia  oare  our  andent  virtnea  and  anoient 
bleseings  are  returning  (49 — 60).  May  Fhoebna,  if  he  regard 
with  favour  the  heighta  of  PalatinuB,  grant  another  lnatre, 
another  age  of  abiding  and  ever-inoreaaing  happineas:  may 
Diana  from  her  temple  lend  her  ear  to  the  prayera  of  the  Qnin- 
deoimviri  and  our  vows  (61—72).  That  thia  U  the  will  of  the 
Immortals  we  oarry  home  a  good  and  oertaJn  hope,  af ter  duly 
chanting  the  praiaea  of  Phoebns  and  Diana.' 


he  oooaaiow  of  thia  Ode  Me  4.  6,  InkodnetioiL  Its 
ion  haa  been  severely  orittaiaed,  bnt  it  ie  fsir  to  it> 
that  Horaoe  would  not  himself  have  oonsidered  it  a  pore 
m.  It  U  an  Ode  written  for  pnblio  performanoe,  and 
xre  distinctly  rhetorioel  rether  than  poetioal;  from  thia 
riew  it  haa  the  oonaiderable  merit  of  being  aimple  and 
i  ita  diotion,  and  if,  aa  in  etani*  6,  eren  Horaoe  halts, 
irell  pity  the  genial  bard  who  finds  himaelf  oompeUod 
e  a  poetioal  blesaing  on  legialation  wbioh  hia  taatee 
re  led  him  to  dislike,  and  hia  oommfln  aenae  mnat  have 
as  visionary. 

ns  editors  give  Tarions  methods  of  dividing  the  Ode 
the  ehoros  of  boys  and  that  of  giris.  Thus  mnoh  is 
olear;  that  the  first  two  stansas  are  snng  by  the  joint 
the  third  by  the  boys,  the  fonrth  by  the  girls;  that 
ine  is  snng  half  by  boya  and  half  by  girls;  that  stansae 
teexn  to  fall  into  peirs,  and  so  snggest  that  they  were 
arnately  by  boys  and  girls;  that  stanaa  19  is  olearly 
all  together. 

UYarom  potens]  •  Qneen  of  the  woods.'  For  the  gen. 

aeli  decns]  'glory  of  the  sky,'  in  agreement  with  both 
avea  Phoebe  and  Diana,  cf.  4.  8.  31,  clarutn  Tyndaridae 

endl...]  '0  ever  reverend  and  (ever)  revered.*  semper 
i  both  adjectives. 

lbylllnl  versus]  8ee  Diot.  Ant.  SibyUini  Libri. 
re  in  charge  of  the  Quindecimviri  (see  1.  70  n.);  the 
a  had  been  bumt  in  the  temple  of  Jupiter  Capitolinus 
but  had  been  re-formed.  They  were  written,  like  all 
in  hexameter  verse,  and  were  no  doubt  frequentiy 
hen  a  oonvenient  oraole  was  not  found  in  the  «»i«foig 

Irglnea...]  see  4.  6  Int. 

[ulbus  plaonere]  *in  whose  sight  (they)  have  found 
The  perfect  is  acourate:  Rome  is  not  only  now,  but 
been  the  object  of  their  regard. 

NOTES.  459 

9.  alme]  «life-giving/  soe  4. 16.  31  n. 

10.  alius  tt  ldem]  *  snother  and  yet  the  iime.1 

12.  rlserel  beoause  the  sun  is  eontinuallv  spoken  of  m 
«viewing'  eJl  tnat  goes  on  upon  earth,  ef.  Aesoh.  Prom.  V.  91, 
koI  tqw  ToAmp  kvkKop  ijXiov  «aXw,  and  Shelley's  imitation : 

«I  ask  yon  Heaven,  the  all-beholding  Son, 
Has  it  not  seen?' 

For  maiuM  of.  Virg.  Aen.  7.  602,  maxima  rerum  Roma. 

18.  rlte...1  'O  thon,  that  aooording  to  thy  office  dost 
gently  bring  tne  yonng  to  birth  laperire  partus)  at  the  full 
time.'    aperiret  epexegetio  inf.t  of.  1.  8.  26  n. 

14.  XUtnyla]  ElkelOvi*  (perhaps  firom  Ipxo/uu,  ik^\v$u),  the 
goddess  who  assists  'the  ooming^  of  ohildren,  and  therefore 
synonymous  with  Lucina  'she  who  brings  to  the  light,'  and 
Oenitalit  'she  who  brinffs  to  the  birth.'  Juno  is  also  ealled 
Lurina,  and  GenitalU  h  not  elsewhere  found  as  a  proper 

16.  alTe...]  cf.  Sat.  2.  6.  20,  Matutine  patert  seu  Jane 
libentiut  audi».  It  was  neoessary  in  addressing  divinities  to 
address  them  by  the  partioular  title  whioh  was  appronriate  in 
the  partioular  oiroumstanoes,  of.  Aesoh.  Ag.  166,  where  the 
ohorus  being  in  doubt  as  to  the  partieular  oharaoter  in  whioh 
they  should  appeal  to  Zeus,  invoke  him  with  the  words  Zcfe, 
fortt  tot*  i<TTlv%  and  apologise  for  not  givinc  him  a  more 
definite  title.  In  oonsequenoe  a  suppliant  xnight  apply  to  a 
goddess  all  her  various  names,  so  ss  to  be  sure  of  hitting  on 
the  right  one. 

17.  producas]  'rear,'  Le.  to  manhood.  8o  the  epithet 
Kovporp6(pot  is  applied  to  various  goddesses  in  Qreek.  For 
subolem%  cf.  4.  3.  14  n.  patrum,  i.e.  the  oonscript  fathers,  the 

18.  super  iugandls  feminls]  i.e.  the  lex  Julia  de  mari- 
tandU  ordinibus  or  de  adulteriU,  enacted  b.o.  18,  see  Diot.  of 
Ant.,  and  8.  6  Int 

19.  prolis  feraci]  cf.  4.  4.  68  and  8.  6. 17  n. 
lege  marita]  'marriage  law.* 

22.    orbis]  'oyole.'    per,  i.e.  siter  revolving  'throogh.' 
referatque]    As  regarda  the  position  of  quet  cf.  2.  19.  28  n. 

P.  ii.  31 


r]  Three  wm  a  eeered  number  with  the  eneiente, 
iG,  utf «eio  fer  vmhnre,  Soph.  Anl  481,  x»«2rt  reieweV- 
the  nnmber  of  the  ohorus  here  oonsists  of  thrioe  nine 
1  thrioe  nine  maidone 

eqnentee]  Bmphatie:  the  prejer  ie  thet  they  mej 

iraoee  oeditfeee]  'efer  trothful  in  jowr  oreelee': 
needolprophetiontterenoeot  1. 15. 4n.  Theinlie 
,  end  the  perfeet  ie  need  eoeurattdj:  the  Pareae  hare 
i  truthful  in  their  patt  utterenoes,  end  thie  ie  the 
oonfidenoe  in  their  promieee  Ibr  the  ratnre. 

lod  eemel...1  Wiokhem  with  moet  reoent  edltore  le 
ht  in  prefemnff  the  leee  eonunonpleee  end  eomewhet 
olt  tervet,  whiohheeetrong  1C8S.  anthorir/,  to  0relli*8 
fo  Fatee,  ee  hee  been  onee  appointed,  end  eo  may 
g  lendmerk  ol  onr  fortanee  piosoiTe  it— link  happy 
o  a  happy  peet'  Supply  doniff  withjMroetfe. 
nstrnotion  of  quod  with  dictum  ett  ie  ite  ordinary 
>n  in  perenthcses«id  f*pd\  end  ttabilisque  is  pnt 
quodqu*  ttabilit...t  the  ldiom  being  thet  eo  freqnent- 
i.  g.  in  snoh  phreses  es  Egot  Patret  ContcripH,  quod 
um  fortunatumque  titt  ita  centeo. 
nekes  quod...tervat  aoc.  eiter  cecinitse,  bnt  the  eenee 
n  having  foretold  what  hee  been  onoe  for  ell  deoreed 
(oonsequently)  the  abiding  landmark  of  things  pre- 
poor  and  pleonastio  to  the  last  degree. 
i  remm  termlnnsl  In  nsing  the  phreee •  abiding  land- 
our  fortunes,'  Horaee  is  olearlj  referring  to  the 
gend  that,  when  space  was  being  made  for  a  temple 
on  the  Capitol,  the  god  Terzninns  (eee  Clase.  Diot. 
s  refused  to  make  way,  thus  sjmbolizing  the  eternal 
f  the  Boman  state.  The  Bomans  regarded  'bound- 
ith  pecoliar  reyerence,  of.  2.  18.  24  n.:  the  word 
i  oonstantly  nsed  as  a  symbol  of  abiding  fixity,  cf. 
T8,  alte  terminut  haerent,  and  Virg.  Aen.  4.  614, 
u«  haeret. 

rtUls  frugnm]  'prolino  in  crops':  ot  4.  6.  89,  proe- 
rum,  and  3.  6.  17  n.    For  the  thought  of.  Ps.  144. 18, 
garners  may  be  full...that  our  sheep  may  bring  forth 
and  ten  thousands  in  our  streets.' 

)icea...]  It  was  oustomary  at  the  featival  of  the 
a  to  crown  the  statue  of  Ccres  with  a  chaplet  of 

NOTEa  461 

wheat-ears,  of.  Tib.  1.  L  15,  fiava  Oeret%  Hbi  Ht  nottro  de  rure 
eorona  |  tpicea. 

81.  aalubree,  Iovis]  Both  words  go  equally,  in  thouffht, 
both  with  aquae  and  aurae.  Jupiter  is,  m  often,  the  god  of 
ihe  weather,  of.  1.  1.  96  n.  afua4«'rain,'  and  for  apue  JovU, 
of.  IL  6. 91,  Aiet  6/ifipot. 

88.  oondito  tclo]  the  exaot  opposite  of  amm  UndU  Apoilo 
9.  10.  90,  and  ef.  8.  4.  60.  Hii  arrowa  brought  peatflenee  and 
death,  ©£  Hom.  B.  1. 48—69.  Observt  tho  oarerol  oollooation 
of  the  adjeotives  wdtU  pUuidutque  between  oondUo  and  Ulo. 

87.  al]  For  this  nee  of  H  in  appeals,  not  implying  any 
doubt  as  to  the  faet  bot  assnnring  it  to  be  a  faot,  and  fonnding 
the  appeal  on  it,  ot  1.  89. 1,  H  q%Ud...Uuimutt  age  diet  8. 18. 6, 
Faune...UvU  incedat,  H  Hbi...eadit  haedutt  and  below,  L  66. 

TJlaeque]  Emphatio:  'and  if  from  Hium  oama  the  eqoadrom 

Apollo  had  always  favoored  the  Trojana,  and  oonsequentlv 
might  be  appealed  to  to  favour  tho  Bomans  aa  their  desoend- 
antat  cl  4.  6.  91—96. 

89.  pars]  in  appoaition  with  turmae. 

41.  oul]  s&jMfti ;  Hne  /raude  =■  *  witboat  harm,'  *  nnharm- 
ed/  ef.  9.  19.  90  n.  The  phraae  olearly  goes,  as  its  position 
proves,  with  per  ardenUm  Trojam,  •uninjured  mid  the  fires  of 

49.    patrlaesuporstes]    A  pathetio  touoh. 

48.  muniYit  iter]  munire  is  the  teohnical  word  nsed  by 
the  Bomans  for  'makmg'  those  great  militarv  oauseways,  one 
of  which,  for  example,  stretohed  from  the  Golden  Milestone  in 
the  Forum  Bomanum  to  York,  the  dust  from  whieh  I  have  my- 
self  heard  described  by  Lineolnshire  rostios  as  'rampar  dust,* 
i.  e.  dust  from  the  high  road  or  ' rampart'  (munitum  iter). 

44.    plura  rellctls]    •Bome  instead  of  Troy/  Wiokham. 

47.  Bomulae]  For  the  adj.  ef.  1.  16.  10  n.  For  the 
hypermetrio  yerse,  of.  4.  2.  99,  and  4.  9.  7  n. 

49.  veneraturl  lit  'to  worship,'  then  'to  ask  as  a  wor- 
shipper,'  and  so  allowed  to  take  a  double  aecusative  like  other 
verbe  01  asking.  Ct  Sat.  9.  6.  8,  H  veneror  ttultut  nihil  horuvi. 
There  is  a  reading  quique...imperet. 

M—  2 


bobua  albis]  *with  (saerifios  of)  milk-whiie  steere/  eneh  ae 
'graaed  along  cUtumnus,'  cf.  Yirg.  Georg.  2. 146» 

hinc  oZW,  CJtiinmu,  fr«f  <•  et  maxista  tatmct 
victfjna,  «aq*  ttio  perfuti  Jlumint  tacro 
Romanot  ad  templa  deum  duxere  trhtmpkot. 

50.  sanguls]  'offspring,'  ct  2.  20.  5  n. 

51.  bellante...]  of.  Virgtt's  deeeription  ol  the  Boman  doty 
(Aen.  6.  868)  parcere  tubjectit  et  debeUare  tuperbot. 

58.  manus  potentes]  of.  the  ose  of  manut,  4. 4.  78.  The 
hand  aa  gimsping  the  sword  ia  naturally  naed  aa  a  ajmbol  of 

64.  Medna]  aee  1.  8.  51  n. 

Albanaa  secnres]  Alba  Longa  waa  the  mother  eity  of 
Eome:  the  adj.  ii  naed  inatead  of  'Boman'  aa  suggesting  an 
antiquarian  reminisoenoe.  tecuret:  borne  among  the  fatctt 
before  a  Boman  magistrate  eum  imperio,  and  ajmbolieal  of 
his  power  of  life  and  death,  aee  Dick  Ant.  a.  t.  Fatctt,  and  of. 
8.  8. 19,  tumit  autponit  tecuret. 

66.  Bcythae,  Indl]  For  their  embassy  to  Augustue,  ot  4. 
14.  42  n.  Here  however  retponta  clearly  suggests  the  idea  of 
the  'response'  of  an  oracle  or  divinity. 

57.  pndor]  Ai8«i :  the  feeling  which  prevents  men  from 
doing  anything  which  might  cause  them  to  blush. 

58.  Ylrtus]  From  vir,  a  personification  of  all  the  qualitiea 
that  'may  become  a  man.' 

neglecta,  apparetqne  fulgente,  aeoeptusqne]  Mark  the 
weak  caesura,  and  also  in  U.  73,  74,  and  see  4.  2.  6  n.  Nauck 
observes  that  all  these  stanzas  ezpress  the  sense  of  tranquillity 
and  peace,  and  that  possibly  the  rhythm  of  the  lines  is  intend- 
ed  to  represent  this. 

59.  pleno  copia  cornn]  For  Copia  personified  with  her 
horn  of  plenty  (our  'oornucopia,*  benignum  cornu,  1.  17.  16), 
see  Class.  Dict.  s.  v.  Amalthea. 

62.  acceptns]  'welcome,'  'dear.'  Camenae  here=simply 
'Muses,'  but  see  1.  12.  89  n. 

63.  qul  salntarl...]    Ilatar,  Uaitanot. 

65.  Palatinaa  arcesl  With  referenoe  to  the  temple  of  Apollo 
on  the  Palatine,  in  wnich  this  hymn  was  sung,  bnilt  by 
Augustus  b.c  28,  in  memory  of  the  battle  of  Aotium,  cf.  1.  31. 
1.     Many  MSS.  have  arat.    aequut,  'with  fsvourable  eye.' 

NOTES.  1(53 

66.  fellx]  The  nin  of  the  ▼erse  seems  to  point  to  this 
word  going  with  Latium  rsther  thsn  with  luttrum,  ss  Orelli 

67.  lmtrom]  for  iiatrum=«a  spsoe  of  five  yesrs,'  of.  9. 4. 
38  n.  The  referenoe  is  doubtless  to  the  fsot  that  Augustus, 
st  the  oonelnsion  of  the  10  yesrs  for  whioh  he  hsd  originally 
aooepted  the  imperivm,  wss  ui  b.o.  18  inTested  with  it  for  s 
further  period  of  fire  yesrs. 

68.  prorogst,  curet,  spplloetl  I  so  resd  with  hesitstion  in 
preference  to  prorogat,  curat,  applicat.  The  M88.  authority  is 
nuotusting.  The  whole  hymn  hss  hitherto  been  s  mppli- 
cstion,  snd  the  nse  of  ti  in  1.  65  seems  to  point  to  s  oontinued 
sppesl,  of.  its  nse  in  1.  87.  On  the  other  hsnd  it  is  nrged  thst 
*the  time  for  nrgent  prsjer  snd  expostnlstion  is  past:  the 
ehorus  hss  now  sssnmed  the  tone  of  eonfidenoe  snd  promise/ 
snd  thst  the  sssertion  in  the  lsst  stsnss  would  be  sbrnpt  if  the 
prsyer  be  oontinued  to  1.  72. 

60.  Algldum]  Algidus  is  s  mountsin  in  Lstium  nesr 
Tusoulum.    Disns  is  desoribed  ss  *rejoioing  in  it,'  1.  21.  6. 

70.  qulndeolm  Tlroruml  so.  $acrU  faciendit.  They  form- 
ed  s  coUegium  or  'guild'  snd  hsd  ohsrge  of  the  Sibylline  books. 
They  originslly  numbered  only  two :  Tso.  (Ann.  11. 11)  ststes 
thst  they  hsd  ohsrge  of  these  gsmes. 

71.  puerorum]  'both  boys  snd  girls,  in  sooordanoe  with 
the  old  use  of  puer  for  either  sex.'    Wiokham. 

75.  dootus]  'trsined,'  i.  e.  by  the  poet,  who  would  be  x°P°- 
9MffKo\ott  cf.  4.  6.  48,  docilit  modorum  |  vatii  Horati.  dicere: 

!*=■■-  — 


Xpote  I— X  eonaial  of  an  ortinary  Trlmikr  Timmt  (ianv 
Uem  HtmHm)  lono^bytaU^eDimtlir  (TwiWciti 
nofiiif )^  wbJch  emitiltiimi  tht  «trtnt  feyftif ,  from    " 
monma  namt '  BpodV  fa  dorifod. 

HV  and  XY  oontitt  of  a  TTiTinnmr  foflowod  by  aa  IamMa 

XVI  eoaeieti  of  a  HoTimttor  followtd  by  a  Trimectr 

XVII  ia  iil  Trimetor  Iambioa, 

Xm  ooniiiU  of  a  Hexameter  foUowtd  by  a  Mnw  laml* 


'  You,  Meeoenaa,  are  aboot  to  riak  your  life  for  Ceeaar  in 

a  naval  oombat    Wbat  aball  I  do,  to  whom  life  without  yon  ia 

a  burden  1    I  will  follow  yon  to  the  world*i  end,  for,  thongh  I 

oan  be  of  no  eervioe,  yet  at  yonr  aide  my  anziety  wUl  be  lese. 

Nor  ia  my  devotion  due  to  hope  of  reward;  I  am  already  rioh 

enongh  by  yonr  bounty  and  have  no  detire  for  iplendoor  or 


It  is  generaUy  aatomed  that  Maecenas  waa  not  preeent  at 
Aetinm,  on  the  authority  of  Dio  (51.  8),  who  atatee  that  ho  waa 
left  in  eharge  of  Italy ;  but  the  author  of  an  elegy  on  the  deatfa 
of  Maeoenae  (whioh  Bucheler  holda  to  be  oontemporary)  de- 

NOTES.  465 

finitely  states  that  he  waa  present  (eumfreta  Siliacae  texerunt 
laeta  earinae,  \  /ortie  erat  circum,  fortie  et  anU  ducem),  and 
this  view  ia  oertainly  in  aooordanoe  with  the  language  of  ibia 
and  tbe  ninth  Bpode. 

I.  Liburnis;  propugnaoula]  The  fleet  of  Augustas  oon- 
aifted  ehiefly  of  the  amall,  iwift  vessels  known  as  Libornian 
(see  Dict.),  whioh  are  oontrasted  with  the  huge,  unwieldy  gal- 
leons»  with  6  to  9  banks  of  oars,  whioh  sopported  Antonv.  Of . 
tbe  oontrast  between  the  English  and  Spanish  fleets  in  the  oase 
of  the  Armada. 

5.  '  to  whom  life,  if  ftia  mine)  while  thou  livest,  is  delight, 
if  otherwise,  a  burden.'  sl  oontra=ti  U  mortuo,  bnt  euphem- 
istioally  avoids  the  ill-omened  phrase. 

7.  inssl]  'at  thy  reouest.'  Maeoenas  had  olearly  urged 
Horaoe  not  to  oome  with  bim.  otium,  not  *  idleness '  but 
•  repoee,'  whioh  he  oould  employ  in  poetio  pursuits,  as  opposed 
to  aotive  life  or  the  •  toils '  (laborem)  of  war. 

9.  laborem]  so.  penequemur,  *  or  shall  we  follow  up  this 
toil  (of  war),  ready  to  bear  it  with  sueh  resolvo,  as  men  not 
oowardly  should  bear  it  with?'  In  the  answer  feremue  eorre- 
sponds  to  laturi  and  eequemur  to  pereequemur  in  inverted  order 
(Ghiasmus).  Some  remove  the  oomma  after  laborem  and 
narshly  make  laturi=*l.  eumue. 

II.  te]  Note  the  emphatio  position.  inhospitalem  0.,  of. 
Od.  1.  22.  6  n. 

18.  slnum]  '  nook,'  •  reoess ' ;  of.  Virg.  O.  2.  122  India... 
extremi  tinue  orbie. 

16.    roges]  'shouldyouask.' 

19.  ut...]  'as  a  bird  brooding  o'er  her  oallow  young'; 
a$eidenet  not  actually  '  sitting  on,'  as  the  next  lines  shew,  but 
generally  of  the  time  when  she  is  sitting. 

21.  reliotis]  dat.  She  '  fears  more  for  them  when  left, 
though  with  them,  they  with  her,  she  oould  aid  no  more  (than 
if  far  away) ';  lit.  '  not  likely,  though  present,  to  afford  tbem 
present  more  aid.'  Bentley  objeoting  to  the  tautology  of  adsit 
and  praeeentibue  read  non  uti  eit,  '  not  that  she  is  likely  to 
help  <&c.,'  but  the  repetition  of  the  same  idea  emphasises  it,  of. 
Ter.  Ad.  893  quia  adee  praseene;  668  hane  eibi  videbit  praeeene 
praeeenti  eripi;  Virg.  Aen.  2.  225  abeene  abeentem  audiu 


406  HORACX,  BFODES  I.  1L 

uBpem]  •  to  further  mj  hopa/  Wiekhasa. 

16.    aratra  attaj^J  «mj  pJooghe  mj  aftrnenja'; 

ri^gif  §19  poeftioBllj  aaid  io  oo  what  ftho  0MB  dni 

«* *  nitnntur  mttintl  ri<A  aftiww  l^iid       BtoBihBB 

aoihoritj fthen imo;  ot  II bele*...*wJt» 

17.  pooasfe...]  •er  my  nooka  botoo  ftfao  dog-ttarti  heat 
ehangt  from  a»L  pettorte';  lit  «ftake  L.  pMkma 
txeheogo for 0.,' eL OdL  L17. 1  Sbotpworo  ptoBJiiftmfcbo 
plaina  of  Celahria  (Od.  L  SL  t)  or  Apntte  dorW  wteaar,  and 

drifen  np  to  the  hilis  of  Looania  in  sommor;  oL  Bp.  t,  t,  177. 

99.  emperai]  «lofly*  Toooolnm/10  m.  M.  of  Bome,  woo 
on  ftbo  onmmit  of  >  moantain  t  m.  abofo  ftbo  modoi  n  JVwtoitf  t 
Cieoro  bod  o  mfonrifto  tiUa  there.  Mndow,  <gleenttng,'  bo- 
oantebailtofmarble.  (Broaoa:  beoeAseToBealamwaeBBidto 
hafo  boon  foundod  bj  lalagonoa,  aon  of  Uljaioa  and  Oboa» 

M.  band  paxavoro...]  U  wiU  noror  otok  fto  baio  aaaaaatd 
weelftb.  eiftfaer,  like  miaary  Otoamoa,  to  bnrj  it  in  oarftb  or  to 

l^^O  Wt^VO^M^^PA      tt     WO   VOS^^M^Mt^W  «OWOB^WO  ^WBBjB)  WJBjBB^UBBP    B^k^Bf^JBttt  t  W^Bt^BWtp        W^BJ^BOV      B/B)  OW 

ootnmon  namo  of  old  mon  in  oomodj;  boro  probablj  tomo  old 
mitor  in  a  plaj  of  Monander.  diaelnotna :  ftbe  loott  garb  indi- 
eates  tbe  loooe  ebaraetor.  nopoa :  Orolli  talkt  of  grandaona 
boing  pettod  and  ao  beooming  extrafagant,  boft  ftbo  word  baa 
no  oonneotion  with  nepa  'a  grandson*  and  ia  derifod  from 
ne  and  pouum  fjf.  impoUns  Od.  1.  88. 10)  indioating  'laok  of 
aelf-oontrol,'  of.  Sai.  1.  4.  49  n*po$JUiu$%  •  prodigal  eooV  Somo 
MS8.  intert  ut  before  nepot. 


'Bleeted  it  fthe  rnttie  wbo  plooght  his  land  in  peaot  romofto 
from  townt,  tending  his  fines  and  eattle,  storing  op  bonej  and 
froits  (1—83).  He  ean  lie  on  tbe  grass  lolled  to  sleep  bj  ftho 
mormur  of  a  stream,  or  in  winfter  honft  (28 — 86).  Who,  amid 
sooh  joja,  woold  miss  the  gallantries  of  town?  While,witha 
deoent  homelj  wife  to  pile  np  the  flre  and  prepare  Ihe  dinner  for 
her  good  man's  return,  I  woold  ask  for  no  foreign  daintioi  m 
preferenoe  to  a  simple  meal  enjojod  wbile  watohing  ftbo  oattia 
ooming  home  and  fthe  mrm-terfants  ftaking  their  snpper  ronnd 
the  glowing  hearth.'    8o  said  the  ntorer  Alfiut,  and  affter 

NOTES.  467 

getting  in  his  xnoney  on  the  Ides  is  now  eager  to  put  it  out 
again  on  the  Kalends. 

The  praise  of  raral  life  is  a  oommonplaoe  with  poets. 
Horaoe  gives  a  eatirioal  tone  to  his  treatment  of  it  by  the  sur- 
prise  (rapa  wpoatoKla*)  whieh  awaits  the  reader  in  the  flnal  four 

1.  negotlls]  '  business,'  just  as  we  use  the  word.  You  majr 
work  when  *  far  from  business,'  ef.  1«  7  n.  otium. 

2.  prisca]  '  anoient '  (of.  Od.  8. 31. 11  n.)t  living  in  an  ideal 
age  of  virtue  and  happiness. 

8.  exercet]  'works,'  of.  Virg.  0. 1.  09  exercetque  frequent 

4.  solutus. . .]  *  free  from  ail  usury/  i.e.  rid  of  ail  monetary 
affairs.    The  full  point  otfenore  is  only  betrayed  at  1.  67. 

6.  horret]  *  shudders  at,'  as  a  sailor.  For  the  aoo.  of.  Od. 
2.  18.  26  n. 

8.  superba] '  the  haaghty  thresholds  ( = '  antechambers  *)  of 
more  powerful  citisens/  ie.  the  great  from  whom  he  seeks 

9.  ergo...]  'and  so  (Le.  beeaose  free  from  sooh  oares)  he 
either  weds  the  tall  poplars  with  the  full-grown  offspring  of  the 
vine.'  For  the  '  marnage '  of  the  vine  to  its  supporting  tree, 
of.  Od.  4.  5.  80  n.  adulta :  Columella  gives  8  years  ss  the  age. 
Propago  is  the  teohnical  term  for  a '  layer/  whioh  is  obtained  ov 
pegging  (of.  lH/ywvfu,  propago)  down  a  shoot  in  the  ground  nntil 
lt  takes  root  and  then  cuttiiig  it  off  from  the  parent  plant 

11.  mugientium]  'oxen';  so  elsewhere  in  poetry  balantee 
'  sheep,'  volantes  '  birds,'  natantet '  fishes.' 

14.  felieiores  inserlt]  'engrafts  more  fertile  ones':  both 
words  are  technical,  cf.  Virg.  G.  2.  69,  81« 

16.  pressal  ct  Virg.  G.  4.  140  tpumantia  eogere  prettie 
|  mella  favit.  The  honey  was  flrst  aUowed  to  drain  of  itself  out 
of  the  combs  and  then  the  remainder  was  '  pressed '  out. 

16.  inflrmas]  not,  of  oourse,  'sickly/  but  •  unresisting ' ; 
ol  Is.  58.  7. 

17.  vel...]  ' or  when  Autumn  (personified  as  a  deity)  has 
raised  among  the  fields  hia  hcad  decked  with  ripe  fruits.' 


19.  g&udttdMtrpcns]  'delightgtoplock'or'mpiuoking'1 
^ocrat  «pihrwr.  lnHttra,  cf.  interit  L  14»  implies  thetthey  are 
ohoioe  sorts. 

21.  Prlapel  His  statue,  holding  a  aioklo,  wae  tei  mp  in 
gardens  to  frighten  birdi  and  thieves,  ef.  Set.  L  8;  Ylrg,  G. 
4. 110. 

22.  tutor  flnlum]  There  seems  no  reaeon  to  suppose,  ae 
mott  do,  that  Silvanut  waa  especially  (like  Terminut)  'a  guar- 
dian  of  bonndaries' :  the  words  here  only  appeal  to  thie  mral 
god  ae  •  gnardian  of  the  fsrm,'  cf.  the  nse  otjlntt  Od.  8. 18.  i» 

24.  tenaol]  '  elinginff,'  probably  as  being  strong  and  weH- 
rooted.  Others  'matted';  Wickham  *that  makes  a  oonoh 
from  whioh  you  do  not  slip.' 

25.  lnterlmjstiiterea,  Le.  while  yon  lie.  altts...rlpls:  so 
most  MSS.,  but '  the  oldest  Blandinian '  give*  rivit,  whieh  mnst 
mean  'with  deep  streams'  (Wickham,  'with  brimming  water- 
ooaraes).'  Orelh  and  Kiessling  read  rifit,  regarding  altU  as 
pictorial  and  the  sense  as  'between  their  high  banks.'  Quin- 
tilian,  however  (12.  2  ut  vit  amnium  maior  ett  altit  ripit 
multoque  gurgitit  traetu  fiuentium  quam  tenuit  aquae...), 
certainly  uses  the  phrase  of  a  full  stream  flowing  hign  np  its 
banks  so  as  to  be  nearly  on  a  level  with  their  top.  In  Lnor.  2. 
362  Jlumina. .  .summis  labentia  ripit  is  clearly  of  a  river  brimful, 
but  there  the  sense  is  clear,  and  tummut  is  not,  like  altut, 

27.  obstrepuntl  so.  iacenti,  •  fountains  with  their  flowing 
waters  make  meloay  (for  him  as  he  lies)  to  woo....'  Cf. 
Theocr.  8.  78  a8o  de  tw  dipeot  icap  Wwp  ftow  alBptsxotrw. 

29.    annns  hibernns]  '  the  wintry  season,'  cf.  Od.  8. 28.  8n. 

33.  aut  amljte  18 vi]  not  aut  a|mlt8  lfivli,  for  a  tribraeh 
cannot  be  divided  af ter  the  second  syllable  witnout  spoiling  the 
beat  of  an  iambic  line;  cf.  85,  57,  61;  8.  17;  5.  85.  rara, 
'  meshed';  like  levi  purely  pictorial. 

34.  dolos]  merelv  '  snares.'  Nauok  gives  '  baits '  to  tempt 
the  '  gourmand  thrushes '  (cf.  Hom.  Od.  12.  252  lyMvi  roti  6\L- 
youri  doXow  icara  etbara  /SoAXwr),  but  if  so  the  appoeition  between 
retia  and  dolos  is  very  harsh. 

35.  Notioe  the.short  syllables  in  the  line  to  ezpress  the 
idea  of  rapid  flight.  For  laquio  in  the  6th  foot  cf.  5.  79  inferiut, 
though  there  perhaps  i  is  semi-consonantaL  advenam :  be- 
cause  the  crane  oomes  to  Italy  from  the  north  in  winter. 

NOTES.  469 

87.  8ee  Summary.  Amor  is  olearlj  uscd  in  a  bad  aense 
= «  gallantry '  m  oppoied  to  simple  domestie  life.  The  oor- 
rection  to  Roma  quat  is  easy  and  needlsam.  For  the  noun 
(curat)  attraeted  into  the  relative  eUnie  of.  6,  8;  8at  1.  4. 
2  atft,  quorum  cowtoedia  pritca  virorum  ett. 

39.  ln  partem]  'for  (i.e.  so  aa  to  fulfil)  her  part.*  iuvet, 
•were  to  help.' 

41.    SaWna]  cf .  Od.  3.  6.  88  teq. 

43.  pernieli  A.]  of.  Od.  8. 16.  26. 

44.  laatl...]  'ready  for  her  weary  hoaband's  retnrn';  ef. 
Lucr.  3.  894;  Gray's  Elegy,  21 

'  For  them  no  more  the  blasing  hearth  shall  burn, 
Or  busy  housewife  ply  her  evening  care.' 

45.  textls  cratlbus]  Le.  wattle  hurdles. 

47.  dolio]  Common  wine  drunk  the  same  year  (horna)  was 
not  bottled  (in  amphorat  diffundere),  but  drawn  straight  from 
the  dolium  or  '  cask,*  as  we  should  say. 

49.    conchvlla]  'oysters,'  for  whioh  the  Luorine  lake  near 
was  celebrated,  Jut.  4.  141. 

51.  lntonata]  from  intonomquae  intouuit.  Some  intransi- 
tive  verbs  have  a  part.  as  if  they  were  deponents,  e.g.  plaeitue, 
concretut,  iuratut,  tuetutt  cenatus,  potut.  Storms  in  the  Bast 
are  suppoeed  to  drive  the  rare  nsh  just  mentioned  into  Boman 

53.    Afraavls]  Juv.  11.  141='guinea-fowl.' 
attagen]  drrayat,  'heathcock.' 

55.  iucundlor]  predicatively,  'would  go  down  into  my 
stomach  with  more  relish.'  ptng-uisslmis :  cf.  Judges  9.  9 
•But  the  olive  tree  said...8hould  I  leave  my/atnett.,.1* 

57.  gravl...]  'mallows  that  bring  health  to  the  burdened 
body';  of.  Celsus  2.  29  alvum  movent...malva*t  lapathum;  Od. 
1.  81. 16  levet  malvae, 

59.  vel  ayna...]  His  simple  diet  is  only  varied  with  meat 
on  suoh  oocasions  as  the  saorifice  of  a  lamb  at  the  TerminaUa 
(a  feast  in  honour  of  Terminut,  '  god  of  boundary-stones, •  held 
Feb.  23)  or  when  a  wolf  happens  to  be  caught  carrying  off  a  kid 
it  had  just  killed.     Sacrifioes  in  antiquity  were  usually  acoom- 


bya  feaet  on  aoeh  portione  of  the  vietim  aa  were  not 
r  ooneumed  on  the  altar.    In  towae 
i  tho  meat  of  vfatimi  wna  aotd.  aad 

rtionofthemeatforaale:  honot  tho  iinportaneo 
,y  abonl  oitlng  4meet  offered  to  idohV  m  tho 

the  enrrjr 

paawa]«frompeetore':  lit  'having  fadVfrom^ 
10  exnltant  empbaaie  of  vidmr*„.*iim+%  •  whnt  joy  to  ooo 
j...!*  AltoiwUtboehangefromrar^matowrhythmie 
tnt  betwotn  IL  61,  o^anoTlL  tt,  64. 

poattot]  •  oittins  at  aopper.'  OreU4thed.ra*dtpoft»s 
m  M8.,  atatingthat  Hor.  rejeett  ■ntptettt  in  iambioe, 
rino  exotptioatJ  ot  imitating  tpeod,  whflo  5.  79  JmferUu 
i  taken  m  a  trieyllamo.    examea:  fltwarm,'aaof  oete. 

-70.  8ee  Summary.  The  Idoi  and  Kalenda  (etpeciaily 
Ur  when  the  monthly  intorott  mli  dno;  8et  £  t.  87) 
ttural  dayt  for  money  etttlementa. 

BPODE  m. 

omio  improoation  againtt  garlio,  whieh  llaeeenaa  in  jobe 

a  fraudulently  indueed  Horace  to  eat  in  tome  diah,  and 
be  oomparet  to  hemiock,  adderti  yenom,  Canidia'a 
i,  Medea*t  unguente,  the  fiery  heat  of  an  Apolian  mid- 
«r,  and  the  Neetoa-ahirt  whioh  burned  np  Hereulea. 

ollm]  *at  any  time,'  •erer';  of.  Od.  4.  4.  5  n.  For 
ie  as  an  example  of  blaokeet  guilt,  cf.  Od.  2. 18. 6. 

>la]  •unnaturaL' 

edit]  an  old  form  of  eubj.,  found  Virg.  Aen.  12. 801,  in 
t  lettert,  and  often  in  Plautua. 

o  dura...]  the  exelamation  markt  a  tpatm of  pain.  For 
te  of  'reapert'  for  garlio  of.  Virg.  Ecl.  2. 10 

Tke$tylU  et  rapido  fettit  mettoribut  ae$tm 
aiia  terpyllumque  herbat  eontundit  oleatef. 

quid  hoo  Tenenl...]  'what  strange  poiaon  it  thit  that 
a  my  vitala?'  lii.  'what  aort  of  poiton  doet  thit  rage?' 
ie  graphic  quid  hoe  veiuni  et  Ter.  Heo,  4.  4.  2  quid 
1$  uxorem  habett    Plaut.  Bud.  1.  2.  60  qydd  iliue  trf 


NOTES.  471 

8.  «OrdidCanidiahandletheaooaneddiBh?'  ForCanidla 
of.  Epod.  5.    tractavit:  of.  Od.  2.  18. 10. 

9.  'When  beyond  all  the  Argonauta  Medea  marvelled  at 
their  glorious  chief,  that  he  might  fasten  (lit.  'when  about  to 
fasten')  on  the  bulls  the  unknown  yoke,  with  thi$  did  she 
anoint  Jason.'  See  for  the  etory  Class.  Diot.  a.v.  ArgonauUu. 
candldum:  in  the  glow  of  youth  and  beauty.  taurif  ii  really 
governed  by  both  the  worda  between  whioh  lt  stands.  ignota : 
because  they  had  never  bcon  broken  in. 

18.  hoe]  pioking  up  the  preoeding  hoe  emphatieally — 'with 
thii  she  steeped  her  gifts  takmg  yengeanoe  on  a  oonoubine  and 
fled....'  The  potent  antidote  was  also  a  potent  poiaon.  donla : 
a  WrXot  and  golden  orown,  cf .  Eur.  Med.  949.  peUloem :  of. 
Od.  8.  10.  15  n. :  ao  Medea  would  eall  Creuaa  daughter 
of  Creon  (q.v.  in  Class.  Diot.)  whom  Jaaon  was  about  to  wed, 
of.  5.  68.    serpente, '  dragon.' 

15.  slderum  vapor]  'heat  of  the  stars,'  i.e.  espeoially  of 
the  dog-star,  of.  1.  27. 

17.  munua]  The  garment  steeped  in  the  blood  of  the 
oentaur  Nessus,  whieh  Deianira  gave  Hereules  to  aot  aa  a 
love-charm,  but  whioh  olung  to  him  and  burned  him  to  death; 
of.  18. 21.  umerls :  piotorial,  suggesting  his  strength.  tflemola : 
'laborious/  recalling  his  12  labours. 


To  an  arrogant  and  upstart  freedman.  'There  is  strife 
between  us,  you  whipped  slave.  Pride  does  not  alter  breeding, 
and  as  you  strut  down  the  street  men  ory  indignantly — "Thia 
aooundrel  has  estates,  carriages,  and  a  aeat  in  the  theatre 
among  the  knighta.  Why  equip  a  fieet  against  briganda  and 
slaves  when  he— yee,  he— is  a  tribune  of  the  soldiers?1" 

The  soholiasts  say  that  the  person  referred  to  ia  Menaa  or 
Menodorus,  a  freedman  of  8ex.  Pompeius  and  a  oommander  of 
hia  fleet,  who  deserted  to  Ootavian  in  b.o.  88.  Others  name 
a  oertain  Vedius  Bufus  (ef.  Cic.  ad  Att.  6. 1.  25).  It  ia  safer, 
however,  to  aasume  that  we  have  merely  a  type  of  thoae 


freedmen  of  greet  nohlee,  wbo  from  the  time  of  BaDm 
»  figure  eo  prominentij  in  Botnen  eoeiety. 

mpte...]  The  'enmitj'  between  wolvee  end  leinbe  ie 
iei,  of.  16.  7;  Hom.  a  ».  963  oW  Xtfcw  rt  col  a>ts 
t  *v/rir  rxotwi;  Shek.  Mereh.  of  Ven.  4.  L  78. 

Lto]  te.  by  the  allotment,  eppointment  of  fate  ar 

Hiberiole]  mede  of  tpartmm,  *8penieh  hroom,'  *ee- 
reee/  l&rgely  aeed  now  for  meking  peper.  peraete: 
1 ':  et  Ep.  1. 16.  47  loris  non  urtrU. 

ejnbalee]  'etrnt  along,'  et  &  71 ;  OcL  4.  &  17.  In  L  7. 
e  deeeribee  hie  pompooe  'peeing'  of  the  etreet. 

Saerem  vlam]  led  throngh  the  Fomm  to  the  Oepitol — 
tnable  pleoe  for  lonngere,  ef .  Set  1.  9. 1. 

ble...]  The  oppoeite  of  the  toga  arta  of  the  homble 
Ep.  1.  18.  30,  or  exigua  of  Cato,  Ep.  L  19. 18.    trlnm 

rection  of  the  MS.  Ur. 

vertat]  probably  for  avertat,  'tnrne  away.'  Othere 
Ivcrtat,  bnt,  if  yon  see  a  man  and  turn  vonr  faoe,  it 
e  turned  atcay.  huc  et  huc  (  =  kuc  et  illuc)  ii  moet 
ly  taken  with  euntiun,  though  Nanck  takee  it  with 
'turns  away  in  every  direction.'  Uberrlma:  'mostfree' 
e8trained'  =  'mo8t  free-spoken.'  The  next  linee  give  tho 
;e  in  which  they  indulge. 

trlumylrallbui]  i.e.  of  the  triumviri  capitaUe,  eee 
-nt.  praeconie:  apparently  an  officer  who  during  the 
l  publicly  proclaim8  the  nature  of  the  offenee,  punish- 
e. ;  ol  Plat  Leg.  11.  917  d  rjj  u&myt  rtnrWrto  wXqyat 
vK<n...Krif>i>Za*r<n  wr  trtxa  udWtt  rvwrtaBai, 

Falernil  nained  because  famous  for  ita  vineyarda. 
l :  named  ae  the  moet  famoue  Boman  road,  oonatantly 
ad  with  traveilers,  ct  Ep.  1.  6.  36.  mannle :  of.  Od.  3. 
like  our  'in  his  carriage.' 

L.  Boacius  Otho,  trib.  pl.  b.g.  67,  oerried  a  lew  that 
it  fourteen  rowe  in  the  theatre  (next  to  tbe  orchettra 
lenators  aat)  ehonld  be  reeerved  for  the  equiU»,  i.e.  thoee 
«aeeeed  the  censu»  equetter  of  400,000  eeeteroee  and 
ee  citiaena.    Thie  upstart  reliee  on  hie  weeith  end  for- 

NOTES.  473 

geti  the  dtsquslification  of  his  hirth.  The  struggle  for  these 
seats  by  parvenus  is  perpetually  referred  to;  ef.  Iuv.  8. 
158  uq. 

17.    ora...]  'heaked  prows  of  ships  TMt  in  bulk';  for  the 
rottra  see  iUustrationj  in  Dict.  Ant.  s.v.  navU. 

19.    latrones...]  For  Sex.  Pompeius  raanning  his  fieet  in 
b.o.  88  with  'brigands  and  slaves/  cf.  9.  9. 


The  witch  Canidia  prepares  a  cbarm  with  whioh  to  seenre 
the  affections  of  the  aged  Varus,  and  with  this  objeot  is  about 
to  kill  a  young  boy.  (1—10)  He  appeals  for  pity:  (11 — 24) 
Canidia  gets  ready  various  ingredients,  while  Sagana,  another 
hag,  helps  (25—28),  and  Veia  (29—40)  digs  a  pit  in  whioh  the 
boy  is  to  be  buried  up  to  the  ohin  and  starved  to  death,  a  fourth 
witch,  Folia,  being  also  present  (41—46):  (47—82)  Canidia 
prays  the  powers  of  evil  to  bring  Varus  to  her  doors,  and  then 
breaks  off  (61)  to  ask  why  her  spells  avail  not.  'Can  some 
more  skilful  sorceress  have  prevailed  over  her?  Ncver !  A  still 
more  potent  philtre  shall  fire  his  passion.'  Then  the  boy, 
seeing  prayers  are  idle,  breaks  out  into  a  curse  and  threatens 
them  with  the  vengeanoe  of  his  ghost  (88—102). 

The  scholiasts  say  that  Canidia  (17.  50 ;  Sat.  1.  8.  24)  was 
really  called  Gratidia,  and  that  she  was  an  old  flame  of 
Horaoe's.  Suoh  gueases  seem  futile,  and  this  Epode,  at  any 
rate,  is  hardly  more  than  an  immature  attempt  to  depiot  one 
of  those  scenes  of  magio,  which  were  popular  with  anoient 
readers ;  cf.  Virgil's  Pharmaceutria,  Ecl.  8,  and  its  original  in 
Theocr.  Id.  2.  For  the  murder  of  the  boy  of.  the  well-known 
story  of  St  Hugh  of  Lincoln. 

1.  at]  oommon  in  entreatiea,  prayers  and  imprecations. 
It  marks  the  sudden  outburst  of  words  that  will  no  longer  be 
oontroUed,  of.  8.  19 ;  Virg.  Aen.  2.  585 ;  Plaut.  Most.  1.  1.  87 
at  te  di  otnnes  perdant;  Catull.  8. 18  at  vobti  male  sit — 'Nay, 
but,  o  all  ye  gods  that  (lit.  'whatever  of  gods')  rule...,  what 


that  (iete,  deiotic)  uproer?'    For  rfeorw»  quidqutd  of. 

6. 1  tydorum  quidquid...incohut;  CatulL  5.  2  e*  nii- 
t  AonMtitm  vtfmtf tiomai,  where  tbe  phrese  ie,  m  here, 
t  a  vocative.    omnhnn,  nnnm:  artiatie  oontraat. 

al  Tocata...]  *if  ever  at  thy  prajer  Lociiia  aided  troe 


e  words  have  two  meanings:  (1)  *if  ever  (*'as  eurely 

C.  S.  37  n.)  thou  haat  been  a  mother';  (9}  thej  oontain 
rnendo  that  ahe  never  haa  had  a  ehild  of  her  own,  ot, 

For  Lueina  of .  C.  S.  14  n.  adfult :  oommonly  of  deitiea 
preeent  to  aid,  cf.  1.  58. 

lnane]  'idle,'  i.e.  if  it  doea  not  eerve  to  aave  him. 
rae  deona:  i.e.  the  toga  praeUxta  whkh  marka  the 
;y  of  youth;  ef.  Quink  Decf.  840  $acrum  praeUstarum... 
firmitatem  pueritia*  $acram  facimus ;  Juv.  14.  47.  It  waa 
until  the  taking  of  the  toga  viriU».  It  and  a  golden 
t  (bulla)  are  the  intignia  pueritiaetoL  L  12.  impxo- 
im:  litotes. 

noverca]  The  hatred  of  'stepmothers'  waa  proverbial: 
j.  Ann.  12.  2  novercalia  odia;  Sen.  Contr.  4.  6  noverca- 
culis  intueri;  Virg.  Ecl.  3.  33  iniutta  noverca. 

trementi]  'quivering.' 

impube  corpua]  'a  ohildish  shape.' 

Thracum]  i.e.  of  the  rudeet  barbariana,  ef.  Od.  1. 

'Canidia,  having  her  locks  and  di&hevelled  head  en- 
1  with  tiny  addcrs.'  Note  the  excited  short  syllables. 
a  is  described  as  a  Fury ;  cf.  furiale  caput%  Od.  3.  11.  17, 
snake-crowned  head  of  Cerberus,  and  see  head  of  Medusa 
iith'8  Dict.  For  brevlbus  cf.  Ov.  Her.  2.  119  AUcto 
ut  torquata  colubrit ;  A.  A.  2.  376  nec  brevit  ignaro  vipera 
Mde.  The  adj.  seems  merely  to  contrast  them  with  other 
t  which  are  of  great  length. 

caprlflcos]  often  found  growing  among  torabs,  of.  Juv. 
5,  Mayor.    cupresaus:  cf.  Od.  2. 14.  28  n. 

'and  eggs  besmeared  with  a  foul  toad's  blood  and 
rs  of....'  The  eggs  are  those  of  the  Boreeeh-owl,  but  the 
>n  of  ova  next  to  ranae  is  very  awkward.  Shakespere 
n  his  witches'  cauldron  'toad,'  'toe  of  frog'  and  'owlefs 
Macbetb,  Act  4,  Sc.  1. 

NOTES.  475 

21.  Iolcos]  in  Thessaly.  which  was  famous  for  witchcraft, 
of.  Od.  1.  27.  21.  Hibarla  ts  a  diitrioi  in  Pontue  the  land  of 
Medea,  cf.  Colckicit  below  and  Od.  2.  13.  8.  venenorum 
ferax:  'fruitful  in  poisons';  the  gen.  ia  that  of  abundanoe, 
ef.  Od.  8.  6. 17  n. 

25.  ezpedlta] « tuecincta  faeed  in  the  eame  eonneotion 
Sat.  1.  8.  28).  ATernales  a. :  ie.  water  from  lake  Avernas, 
where  was  the  reputed  entranoe  to  hell;  the  opposite  of  'holy 
water,'  pura  unda  (Virg.  Aen.  6.  229)  used  in  purifieation;  ot 
Virg.  Aen.  4.  512. 

28.  eurrena]  balances  expedita :  the  word  suggesis  a  boar 
charging,  when  he  naturally  has  his  bristles  up,  of.  Ov.  Hal.  59 
actut  apcr  taetit  iram  denunciat  hirtit,  \  et  ruit.  Laurent,  cer- 
tans,  ruent  are  conjectures  of  editors  who  say  that  a  boar  does 
not  set  up  hia  bristles  when  he  runs  1 

(of  guilt).' 

82.  '  That  the  boy  buried  there  might  die  in  oontemplation 
of....'  The  food  was  set  before  him  and  changed  in  order  to 
inorease  his  anguish.  inemorl,  only  found  here,  governa  dai. 
exactly  like  ingement,  1.  81. 

85.  eum...]  'while  his  head  projected  (above  the  ground), 
as  much  as  bodies  (of  swimmers)  suspended  by  the  chin  rise 
above  the  water.'  ■uspenaa  mento  is  pictorial;  the  ohin  rests 
on  the  water  and  so  the  swimmer  is  described  as  h*wgfafl  by  it. 

87.  exsecta]  So  the  best  MSS.,  not  extucta  ('drained 
out/  '  dried  up '),  which  is  not  required,  for  aridum  goes  with 
both  substantives — 'that  cut  out  hia  (parohed)  marrow  and 
parohed  liver....' 

88.  amorls  pooulum]  '  a  love-philtre,'  <f>CKrfww. 

89.  '  When  once  his  eyes  had  grown  glazed  (in  death)  fized 
on  the  forbidden  food.'  lntennlnato  in  a  passive  sense,  aa  the 
part.  of  many  deponente,  e.g.  veneratut,  dignatut,  of.  Od.  1. 
1.  25  n. 

40.  pupulae]  (dim.  of  pupa)  -  ro>eut  lit. '  dolls ' ;  the  reflected 
image  of  the  observer  seen  in  the  eye,  and  so  '  the  eye '  or 
*  pupil '  itselt 

r.  n.  32 


otlosa  H.]  'idle  Nepies'  is  mentioued  to  gta  a 

t>f  reality  (ao  too  Ariminensem)t  and  also  aa  a  town 

rith  its  ohattering  Greek  population  and  renntation  te 

»  would  be  sure  to  poisess  the  latest  soandal  with  fthe 

Theosala]  Gf.  Od.  1. 17.  91;  and  for  'eharming  the 
ut  of  heaven'  17.4;  Virg.  EeL  8.  69  earwUna  «el cash 

dedmcere  lunam;  Plat.  Qorg.  518  ▲  ret  n)r  wek+rn» 
*ot  ret  OcrraXitot. 

lrreeectum]  •  nntrimmed/  with  long  tharp  naOs— as 
itohes,  and  beidams  are  represented  in  all  agee;  the  op- 
tt  the  sectis  unguibus  •  trim  naili '  of  the  fair  ladiee  tn 

quld...]  •  what  did  ehe  eay  or  leave  uneaid ' ;  a  phraee 

Sthat  ehe  taid  everything  that  was  oonoeiYably  poe- 
f.  Ep.  1.  7.  79  dieenda  taeenda  Ufeuhu  of  a  reeklees 
ir,  andin  Ok.^rd  «U  A/J^hrre^y^;  of  .  Soph.  Ant.  1108 
»ct  |  of  r'  Brret  of  r  drorr«='one  and  aD.' 

armtrae]  *  witnesses,'  et  Od.  1.  8. 15  n. 

Dlanal  More  often  called  Trivia,  Hecatc,  Luna  in 
ion  with  witoheraft. 

formidoloeU]  'awe-inspiring';  ef.  Virg.  Georg.  4.  468 
antem  nigra  formidine  tucum.    Many  MS8.  give/orsu- 

but  the  balanoe  of  the  eentenoe  makei  it  probable  that 
ae  an  adj.  like  ferae  and  sopore.    Wickham  saye  that 

wonld  mean  'timorous,'  'awe-stricken,'  but,  thongh 
losus  ('  fearful,'  '  full  of  fear *)  is  amhigaous,  we  want 
otion  of  something  whioh  inspires  awe.  For  a  traer 
of  beasts  of  prey  at  night  of.  Ps.  104.  20—22. 

'  May  the  hounds  of  the  Subora  bark,  so  that  (lit.  '  a 
t  whioh ')  all  may  laugh,  at  the  adulterous  old  man  be- 
i  with  unguents  such  that  my  hands  never  oompounded 
>re  perfect.'  The  Subura  was  a  street  of  bad  repute 
l  through  the  valley  between  the  Esqoiline,  Qoinnal, 
minaL  Canidia  imagines  old  Varus  hurrving  to  her 
a  it  so  perfumed  that  all  the  dogs  sniff  and  bark  at  him. 
aguent  is  probably  one  she  has  sent  him,  and  is  sup- 
>  exeroise  a  oharm  over  him,  of.  1.  69.  Some  MSS.  give 
imi,  whioh  is  more  deflnite  and  emphatio  than  the  subj., 

1.  5.  41  animae,  quales  neque  candidiores  |  terra  tuliL 

NOTES.  477 

61.  barbarae] = Colchieae  (1.  24) :  the  word  iuggesU  some- 
thing  •  outlandiah '  and  dreadfoL 

68.  pellloem...1  Cf.  8. 18  n.  Medea  gave  Creusa  a  robe 
oa  her  marriage,  whioh  bnrnt  her  to  death  when  ahe  put  it  on. 
supefbam, •  proud/  beoause  deeming  herself  viotorious. 

69.  unctti...]  'a  ooueh  smeared  with  forgetfuiness  (i.e. 
with  drugs  that  bring  forgetfnlness)  of  all  (my)  rivals.'  8he 
had  eovered  even  his  eouoh  with  magio  unguents. 

71.  *  a !]  An  exoited  cry  as  it  strikes  her  why  Varut  has 
broken  her  bonds.  ambulat  s  piotorial  (of.  4.  6  n.)  indicating 
his  easj  satisfied  air.    oarmlne,  *by  thespell.* 

78.  The  pictnre  presented  to  her  mind  in  71, 72  rouses  her 
rage  and  resoiution.  '  No  ordinary  (litotes,  of.  Od.  1. 18.  9  n.) 
potions  shall  make  thee  hurry  back  to  me,  0  Varus,  thou  that 
art  soon  to  smart  severely  for  this,  and  not  summoned  by 
Marsian  spells  (of.  17.  29;  Virg.  Aen.  7.  768)  shall  thy  heart 
return  (to  me):  something  more  powerful  will  I  prepare,  a 
more  powerful  draught  will  I  administer  to  thee  in  thy  pride.' 
She  means  that  giving  up  ordinary  means  she  will  kill  the  boy 
to  prepare  a  draught;  hence  his  outburst,  1.  88.  Porphyrion 
takes  nec  vocata..., '  nor  shall  thy  (sane)  mind  ever  return  to 
ttiee  though  recalled  by  Marsian  spells,'  but  redibit  ia  olearly 
paraliel  to  recurree  and  so  ad  me  must  be  suppiied  with  ifc. 
caput  can  be  applied  to  a  person  in  emotional  language  (e.g.  of 
hate,  affection,  mirth),  and  so  oommonly  infandum,  carum,  fe$- 
tivum  caput,  and  in  Gk.  w  $l\ov,  ffKX-qpbr  xapa.  fleturum :  cf. 
Gk.  use  of  tfXafw  =  •  to  your  cost,'  «Xai^ct,  *  you  wili  pay  for  it.' 

79.  lnferius]   For  the  anapaest  in  the  fifth  foot  cf.  2. 85  n. 

83.  sub  haec]  4thereupon':  tub  with  scc.  is  sometimes 
*  just  after '  as  well  as  '  just  before.' 

84.  lenire]  historic  inf.  used  dramaticaliy. 

85.  sed...]  'but  doubtful  whence  to  break  the  silence  (i.e. 
not  knowing  with  what  words  to  begin  in  his  despair)  he  hurled 
forth  a  Thyestean  curse,'  i.e.  one  like  that  of  Thyestes,  when  he 
oursed  hU  brother  Atreus,  for  serving  up  to  him  at  a  meal  the 
flesh  of  his  sons,  cf.  Aesoh.  Ag.  1560  teq. 

87.  vensna...]  (1)  *  magic  rites  (can  ohange  the)  great  (laws 
of)  right  and  wrong  (but)  cannot  ehange  human  retribution,' 
i.e.  though  they  may  be  abie  to  murder  hun  and  so  confound  the 


478  HORACE,  EPODES  V.  VI. 

greet  Uwg  of  right  and  wrong  (c£  Soph.  Ant.  766  ruw  meydXmw 
$wfiw*:  Virg.  Georg.  1.  605  /es  evrtMai  atowt  *«/•*),  jet  tfaey 
cannot  render  idU  that  humen  vengeence  (et  Od.  1.  28.  M 
vicn  $uperbae)%  whioh  he  immedUtelj  proooods  to  throaton 
tbem  with.  So  moet  teke  thie  porpUnng  peeoago,  eapptjing 
convertere  valent  with  the  firet  eUaee,  ox.  Oie.  ad  Att.  10.  I 
Uturn,  qui...mi$it,  me  Uaetumirinon  oroitror,  where  Upatmm  iri 
arbitror  ie  rapplied  in  tne  firet  eUaee.  The  oonttraetion,  how- 
ever,  U  very  rexe  end  doabtfal,  whfle  it  ie  eerteinlj  hereh  to 
epeek  of  megU  ritee  es  ebU  to  preveil  over  cverUeting  Uwe  of 
nght  end  wrong,  bat  anebU  to  preveil  over  mere  hamen  ven- 
geance.  (2)  Teking  kumanam  vieem  adverbiellj  (eee  vieem  in 
Dict.)  '  megic  eennot  eonfoand  tfae  Uwe  of  right  end  wrong  ee 
if  thej  were  hamen  thinge.'  Tbe  wordtwhich  folk>w,however, 
ehew  thet  vieem  U  here  '  ^^^^^^0^'  (81  Haupt't  eonjeotare 
maga  non  U  Urgelj  edopted,  'megU  aruge  eennot  chenge 
right  end  wrong,  cennot  ehange....'  (4)  If  U  poeeibU  to  meke 
magnumf,  n.  e  perenthetieel  exoUmation,  '  megU  ritee  gieet 
ere  the  (or  '  0  greet  *)  Uwe  of  right  end  wrong— eennot  chenge 
hamen  retribation.' 

89.    dlrU]    Abl.  of  dirae,  •  earees.'    agam,  'partae.' 

94.  deoram  Manlum]  Cf.  tbe  reguler  inecription  on  tomb- 
etonee  DM.=dis  Manibu$.  Thej  repreeent  tbe  'spirit'  or 
'ghost'  of  the  deperted,  end  ee  euch  have  'power'  (vi$)  to 
haunt  hU  murderere.  8imilarlj  Dido  threetens  to  haont 
Aenees,  ef.  Virg.  Aen.  4.  886  omnibus  umbra  locis  adero:  dabi$t 
improbe,  poenae. 

100.  EequUlnae]  The  pert  of  the  Eeqailine  hill  oatside  the 
walls  was  ased  as  a  common  burving-ground  for  the  pooreet  of 
the  poor,  ef.  8at.  1.  8.  The  witcnee  are  to  be  flung  out  here 
unburied  for  carrion-birds  to  feed  on,  while  the  boj's  parente 
gloat  over  the  spectacle.  For  the  hiatus  in  the  final  sylUble 
(probably  with  shortening)  before  alitee  cf.  8at  1.  9.  38  $i 
amas;  Virg.  Aen.  8.  211  insulae  Ionio. 


To  a  cowardlj  libeller,  called  bj  the  scholiasts  Ca$$iu$ 
Sevenu  (cf.  Tac  Ann.  1.  72),  which  cannot  be  right  ee  he  onlj 
died  a.d.  82,  aixty  or  eeventy  jeers  after  this.  '  Why,  like  a  eor, 
worrj  harmless  strangers  and  shrink  from  a  wolf  t    Whj  not 

NOTES.  479 

attack  me,  for  I  can  bite  back?  I,  like  a  weH-bred  hoiutd, 
follow  up  the  quarry ;  7011  give  tongue  grandly  and  then  begin 
■ro«iijng  ftt  a  bone.  Beware,  for  I  have  horna  to  attaok  •ooun- 
drels  with  aa  vigorously  aa  ever  Arohiloehus  or  Hipponax  did. 
Or  do  you  expeot  me  when  attaoked  to  ait  down  and  ery  like  a 

8.  rertls]  The  'oldeat  Blandinian  M8.'  givee  v$rU  (and 
veU)  whioh  wonld  inTolve  altering  the  order  to  verU,  tipotet, 
but  the  balanoe  of  the  double  qneation  quid  vtxa$  t  ana  quin 
vertU  f  if  olearly  marked,  and,  aa  Wiokham  pointa  out,  'either 
oonetruetion  ia  lawful,  ©f.  Virg.  Eol.  2.  71  quin...paratt  Aen. 
4.  647  quin  morere  V 

5.  M olossus ;  Lacon]  The  doga  of  the  Molosei  in  Bpiraa 
and  of  the  8partana  were  fatnous ;  ef.  8oph.  Aj.  8  «wof  Aaxain?f 
m  rtt  iCpwot  5a>if ;  Virg.  Oeorg.  8.  405  vetocet  Spartae  catulot 
aeremque  Molottum;  Shaki.  Mid.  Nighfe  Dream  4. 1. 194  'my 
hounda  are  bred  out  of  the  Spartan  kind... .'  amloa  Tia, '  atout 
friends  to  ahepherda ' ;  ef.  Luor.  4.  681  permitta  canum  vit;  5. 
1222  Jlda  e.  9.;  Virg.  Aen.  4. 182  odora  e.  v.t  the  phraae  being 
eopied  from  Homer  s  U/H)  ti  TijXe/iAxoto, 1*  M/ioio  ic 

7.  anblata]  *  prioked  up.'  For  fera  attraoted  into  the  rela- 
tive  olause,  cf.  2.  87  n. 

12.  eornua]  The  metaphor  ia  ehanged  to  that  of  a  bull 
which  gorea  or  tosses  its  enemy ;  of .  8at.  1.  4.  Mjoenum  habet 
in  cornu, '  he  has  hay  on  his  horn  (i.e.  ifl  marked  dangerous),' 
said  of  a  aatirioal  poet. 

13.  '  Like  him  whom  faithless  L.  spurned  aa  hia  son-in-law, 
or  the  foe  fleroe  againet  (the  dat.  with  aeer)  Bupalua.'  Lyoam- 
bes  refused  to  give  Arohiloehus  the  hand  of  his  daughter 
Neobule  as  he  had  promised,  whereupon  Arohiloohus  attaoked 
him  with  such  bitter  lampoona  that  he  hung  himaelf,  of.  Ep.  1. 
19.  25 — 80.  Hipponax  was  an  iambic  poet  of  exoeptional  ugli- 
nesji,  and  Bupalus  a  souiptor  who  produced  a  oarioature  of 

15.  an]  often  introduoes  an  abaurd  or  impoasible  suggestion 
in  the  shape  of  a  question,  of.  17.  76.  atro  dente,  *  with  veno- 
mous  tooth ' :  of.  Bp.  1. 19.  80  vertibut  atrU;  Virg.  Oeorg.  1. 129 
ille  malum  virut  terpentibut  addidit  atri». 



WritWn  prchebly  ftbout  96  n.  o.  nnd  rsisainf  to  tho 
geiiMt  8ox«  Fompoins»  bnt  Fofphjiion  oxplftJiM  wtth 
noo  lo  Um  Pormsine  mtM.41  betweon  Oomvma 
Lntonius.  H  is  fatotifttinf  aa  oao  of  Hor>os's  Sftriisftt 
o  aoml  wilh  great  orontft  of  nfttionoi  importftaeo,  ot  Bpode  lt. 
Why  thisunholystriieT  Hm  nol  blood  enoagh  boon  ohoi  by 
oo  nnd  knd,  nollo  win  iriumphft  over  mos  but  thst 
sJght  porioh  by  hor  own  hondf  Bvon  biftsts  do  nol  m 
heirUnd.  TeD  nM, "  Ajo  ye  n*d  or  whot  ? •  Ifesyhftveno 
aswer,  bnl  itond  terror-ftrioken  and  dnsod.  Assmwdly  tko 
arse  of  o  brothert  hlood  partooi  Iho  oMOondftnmof  Bomnlnt." 

9  ftptantar]  Pictoriol:  theytrytbodisaocdswordstosoo 
rhothor  thoy  •  flt  •  thoir  grasp. 

9.    ojunpftft]   Of.  Od.  9. 1. 99.  Meptano:  Od.9.  t  94. 

7.  intftetas]»  •  unoonquerebV  Horace  ignoroft  Iho  harried 
nvasion  by  Julius  Caesar ;  to  him  tho  Britons  ftre  tho  type  of 
emote  onfabdoed  barbarians.  doooonderot:  for  tho  deeeemt  of 
he  via  Saera  ef.  Od.  4.  2.  86  n.  Juit  beforo  the  triwapkator 
«gan  the  aaoentfrom  the/onts»  to  the  Gapitol  theoaptives  woro 
lismissed  to  the  dangeon  to  be  exeeuted,  of.  Oic.  in  Yerr.  5. 77 
um  deforo  in  Capitolium  eurrumfleetere  incipiuut,  iUoe  duei  im 
areerem  iubent 

9.  secundum...]  *in  ftecordsnee  with  the  Parthians' 
nrayers,'  i.e.  to  the  joy  of  yoar  foes,  ef.  Hom.  H.  1.  255  j  *cr 
rvjfaat  llplafiot  Ilptapot6  r*  ratocf :  2  Sam.  i.  20  *  Tell  it  not  in 
)ath...lest  the  daughtera  of  the  Philiatines  rejoice.'  soa:  ahL 
by  its  own  right  hand ' «  by  dvil  war. 

11.  'Neither  wolves  nor  lions  have  ever,  with  all  thsir 
ieroeness,  had  saeh  eastom  save  against  another  Idnd.'  The 
tartling  position  of  ferie  is  due  to  a  desire  to  emphasise  il — 
neither  wolves  norlions  have  ever  done  so,  and  they  are  fleree 
avage  beasts,  not  men.'  Many  aeoept  the  obvious  oonjecture 
mmquamt  whioh  makes  the  lines  smoother  bnt  loss  effeetivo— 
neither  lions  nor  wolves  have  this  habit,  never  neree  esoepl 
gainst  another  kind.'  dispar :  neut.  adj.  nsed  m  subst^  as 
►ften  with  prepositions,  e.g.  in  melius,  in  tutum. 

NOTES.  481 

18.  fnrorne...]  A  difficult  passage.  Are  there  ihree  alter- 
nativea  or  two  ?  Bentley  gives  three— '  madness,'  *  tome  stronger 
power'  (i.e.  fate,  heaven's  will),  and  'wilfnl  erime,'  and  qnotei 
Digest  13.  7.  8  venit  in  hae  actione  dolut  et  culpa...vit  maior 
(ateehniealtermslcoG/Ha  'the  ect  of  Ood ')  non  venit,  to  illus- 
trate  the  diiferenoe  between  vi$  acrior  and  culpa.  Bnt,  if  eo, 
tfae  worde  tie  ett  mnet  eooept  the  teeond  of  the  three  elter- 
nativee  f  for  Horaoe  cleerly  abaolvei  the  Bomane  from  uHlful 
gnilt),  wnioh  ii  almoet  impoeaible,  for  natnraUy  it  oonld  only 
espreee  aasent  to  the  last.  Henee  it  aeema  that  there  are  only 
two  elternativee,  the  latter  being  introdnoed  in  two  parallel 
qoeitione  by  an...on— 'Ie  it  (1)  blind  madneae,  or  (3)  ie  it  a 
■tronger  power,  ii  it  gnilt  that  hnrriee  yon  elong?  •  Then  tie 
ett  aooepts  the  latter  alternative :  it  ia  vit  aerior  and  culpa,  the 
former  in  the  reply  beooming  aeerbafata,  and  the  latter  teelut 
fratemae  neeit,  The  'crime  of  a  brother's  mnrder'  bringe  to 
the  Bomans  'the  bitter  doom'  of  endleee  civil  war. 

19.  nt] '  ever  sinoe,*  of.  Od.  4. 4.  42  n.  in  terram :  graphio ; 
cf.  Oen.  4. 10  '  The  voice  of  thy  brother's  blood  orieth  nnto  me 
from  the  gronnd.' 


The  dramatio  seene  is  at  sea  on  the  evening  of  Sep.  2, 
b.o.  81,  jnst  after  the  battle  of  Aotinm,  at  which  Haeoenas 
was  present  with  Horaoe;  ef.  the  graphio  tinittrortum,  1.  20, 
fiuentevi  nauteatn,  1.  35  and  Epod.  1.  Intr.  The  langnage  is 
not  that  of  a&sured  trinmph,  bnt  indioatee  that  doubt  and 
unoertainty  still  remain  (of.  1. 1  quando,  21  morarit,  36  curam 
metumque)  as  to  the  final  issne.  'When,  Maeoenas,  shall  we 
oelebrate  a  triumphal  feast  in  yonr  palaoe  at  Bome,  as  we  did 
lately  after  the  defeat  of  that  sea-captain  who  armed  slaves 
to  destroy  Boman  freedom  ?  Now  Bomans  sell  themselves  as 
slaves  to  the  servico  of  ennnohs  and  an  eaetern  queen,  although, 
ohafing  at  such  disgraoe,  even  Oauls  deserted  to  Caeaar,  and 
her  own  fleet  refuses  to  fight.  0  Triumph-god,  dost  thon 
delay  the  triumphal  prooession,  though  never  hast  thou 
eonduoted  home  so  great  a  leader?  Changing  his  pnrple 
robe  for  mourning  the  oonqnered  foe  is  flying  to  lands  afar. 


t  loiger  fobleto  and  etronfer  wine  «o  ebeek 
ihao:  in  wiae  wo  wfil  fanmt  oar  eaa 

aade]  Tho  word  nf  iihii  bffaf  i  tt  8al  1.  H  60 

mdetfo  «•  atpfciam  fiieadofi»  JMil...' ; Od.  Lk  8. 
(bj  ejaoope  mr  r«]Mtllii«)a*rii0MKIinitOd.t.M.Sa. 
ioiMB,aeboioewine,otOd.l.90.9;  87.  * 

*  olta...1  In  his  pmlaeo  on  «ho  ttognflrno,  «bo  twrrft 
U,  et  Od.  S.  t9.  lOa.  ele  lett  fprmoami  «oaeh  io 
aeure,' La>  Ihmt oomo dmj we  obofddkold the feaet ia 


rhfle  «ho  Ijre  mmhee  melodj  bkadod  wttb  the  pipee, 

imm  (lik  4«  ooqndmf  Dorimm  amole^,  thej  ia  amika 

For  tbo  Phrrgiaa  muaio  of  Iho  ptpo  for  pipee,  mr 

i  aeamUj  doahle,  ooo  ffluetretkm  ia  Dfok  Ant),  ot 

18  a.  |  it  U  boro  oontreeted  witb  «ho 
tho  Dorima  etjle  of  maoie  (4  Atmerf)  boiaf 
•,  wboroM  tbo  Phrjgian  (t  weeyrn)  woo  bJah-pilohed 
ing.  The  two  inttmmento  woro  oontinnalrj  plmjed 
e.g.  Hom.  IL  18. 495  aoXol  ^uyW*  *•  0rifc*  *X^. 

•ptaaiao  dnx]  Sex.  Pompeiua,  dofoated  bj  Agrippm 
leena  *.c.  86,  fled  to  Lesbot  and  Aaie,  where  ne 
n  priwmer  aud  put  to  deatb  bj  Antonj.  Ho  wao 
iare  oalied  bimoelf  'eon  of  Neptune,'  eee  Sebtlta  and 

inatue...)  •threatening  Bome  with  tho  fettere  bo  had 
i  perjured  alaTee.'  He  manned  bio  fleot  largelj  with 
to  deeerted  (of .  perfidit)  to  him.  The  eharaotor  of  hia 
ie  emphaeised  beeauoe  it  leada  ap  (tfrvit,  1.  10, 
l.  14)  to  tbe  thonght  whioh  followo:  Horaoo  had 
1  one  feaet  for  a  vietorj  over  ilavee  and  hopeo  to 

imanelpatual  Tbe  oppoeito  of  onr  *emaneipatod'  oad 
red.'  made  tne  wumcipium  ('ebattel')  of  eome  ono; 
..  Baoehid.  90  mme,  mulier,  tibi  m»  emaneipo;  tmu 
ftiiek  rigbtlv  plaeee  a  comma  after  arma  to  briug 
louble  antitneeie  of  Komamu  )(  emaneipatu»  feminae, 
i )( tpadonibut. 

rallam]    From  vallu»%  'a  etake':   tbeee  oaftf  wero 
'carried'  bj  Boman  troope  to  eenre  in  making  tbo 

NOTES.  483 

9oUum  for  the  oamp,  potest,  'ia  able*:  emphatio,  thooffh 
■uch  an  aot  seema  impoesible  for  a  Boman.  aol  adsplelt:  the 
enn  U  mentioned  aa  the  universal  witness  to  all  th&t  happena 
npon  earth,  eapeeially  to  deeda  of  ahame  and  wrong;  of.  Aeeoh. 
Prom.  91  koI  rbw  wai6wrnp  ^X(ov  k6k\op  koKQ;  SheUey,  Prom. 
•I  aak  yon  Heaven,  the  all-beholding  8un,  Hath  it  not  eeen?' 
Soph.  Aj.  845;  2  Sam.  12.  11  'in  the  aight  of  the  san'; 
12  'before  all  Iarael  and  the  ian.v  oonoplam:  kupvwuop 
(K&*ft  'a  mosquito'),  'a  mosquito-tent,'  apoken  of  eontemp- 
tuously  as  a  rign  of  effeminate  luxuryj  ef.  Prop.  3.  11.  45 
foedaque  Tarpeio  conopia  tendere  taxo. 

17.  at  huc...]  'And  yet  two  thonaand  Geuls,  ehanting 
Oaeeart  name,  turned  their  anorting  steeda  hither  (i.e.  deserted 
to  na).'  The  Gauls  who  thua  deeerted  Antony  were  Galatiana 
(rdAarac,  KArac,  iee  Liffhtfoot,  Epistle  to  the  Galatians) 
nnder  king  Deiotaroa.  wiokham  with  many  M8S.  reada  ad 
hunet  and  explaine  JremenUt  aa  maso.  nom.  ='channg  at  suoh  a 
aight,'  hunc  being  amittftm  tpadonibut  tervientem,  but  such 
Latin  ia  dubious,  and  frementet  must  go  with  equot  (ef.  Hom. 
IL  4.  227  ftnrovt  fwiowmrat),  the  very  horaea  being  deaoribed  aa 
'  anorting '  with  indignation.  Orelli  read  at  hoe  and  alao  took 
frementet  as  maao.  nom.  direetly  governing  hoe  '  indignant  at 
aoeh  a  thing.'  In  any  oaae  the  oonduot  of  theae  barbariane  ia 
oontraated  with  that  of  the  Bomana  in  Antony'a  aervioe. 
Notioe  vertirunt  as  elaewhere  in  poetry  tul&runt,  ded&runt. 

19.  The  meaning  of  these  linee  eannot  be  determined 
aoeurately.  They  are  oloeely  oonneoted  with  the  preoeding 
iines  by  que  and  ao  must  mark  aome  similar  oonduot  on  the 
part  of  some  vessels  of  the  fleet,  whioh  are  deaoribed  as  now 
•Iving  hid  in  harbour'  (i.e.  the  Ambraoian  gulf)  and  not 
joming  Antony  and  Cleopatra.  But  what  is  tinittrortum  citae, 
and  why  the  odd  expreasion  navium  puppet  ?  The  latter  ia  the 
opposite  of  navium  orat  4. 17,  and  ao  would  soggest  retreat  aa 
oppoaed  to  attack,  so  that  perhaps,  with  Bentley,  we  may  take 
eitae  as  a  particinle  and  puppim  ciere=dpaKpoO€<T$ai  wp&u9*vt 
'back  water,'  wbile  tinittroreum  is  a  graphic  word  nataral 
enongh  if  we  anppoae  that  the  writer  aotually  aaw  them  ao 
baeking  'to  the  left'  into  the  Ambracian  gufif.  Porphyrion 
explains  of  flight  'towards  Egypt,'  which  would  be  to  the  left 
of  a  fleet  faoing  weat ;  and  so  Orelli  etei  ad  fugam  tinittrortum 
vocantur,  tamen  Cleopatram  dettituerunt  portuque  latent.  The 
passage  must  remain  obscnrc. 

.  r  1VCJI  ■     ■■" 


IoTrinmphe]  OtOd.4.9.49.  tntaetaa,  U,  thet  hin 
x>rne  the  yoke;  cf.  Virg.  Georg.  4.  540  ftiteefe  cmvica 
u;  Aen.  6.  88  freps  <k  fotoeto...sMetarv  invtiieof.  The 
ce  is  to  the  white  bulls  {bovet  ie  used  fon.  aeeordiag  to 
i  ooitom)  bred  by  tho  Clitumnus  (Virg.  Qeorg.  1. 148) 
ij  f or  saorifloe  in  a  triumph. 

'neither  in  the  Jugarthlne  war  didet  thou  bring  home 
leader  (as  Caeaar),  nor  Africanus  (tc  reportatti  varem 
,  for  whom  valour  reared  hia  monument  otot  Cartliage.' 
i  led  Jugurtha  in  triwnph,  Jan.  1,  104  m.;  Seipio 
red  Carthage  b.c.  146.  Carthage  ia  deseribed  aa  the 
jhre'  (i.e.  everlasting  monnment)  whieh  Soipio  by  hia 
reared  for  himself.  PlUee  objects  that  tepulckrum,  iike 
he  grave,'  snggeite  rather  obliTion  (of.  Od.  4.  9.  99 
£  inerHae)  than  a  memorial,  but  of.  Stat.  Sirt.  9.  71  et 
tuperba  \  Pompeio  dabit  altius  tepulchrum,  where  Lnean'e 
the  Pharaalia  ia  deaoribed  ae  a  'ioftier  memorial  of 
y  than  the  prond  Pharoe';  Thuo.  9.  48  ro>  dyip** 
>  fk&ufiaror  koJ,  rbw  r&Qo*  iwtoyiuoraror,  oOk  h  $  Kcumu 
,  oXX'  iw  £  4i  oo£a  ai/rdr  vapakoiwerau  Afrloano  haa 
luthority,  but  'a  war  for  whioh  (Boman)  valour  reared 
mlchre  over  (the  ruins  of)  Carthage'  is  a  startling  phrase 
l  of  'which  Roman  valour  brought  to  an  end  by  burning 
ge/  and  not  to  be  justified  by  such  a  uae  of  tepelire  as 
quotes  from  Cio.  pro  L.  Man.  11.  80  bellum  adventu 
ii  tublatum  ac  tepultum. 

punloo]  The  reference  is  to  the  purple  paludamentum 
Dman  geueral.  It  is  sometimes  called  tagum  purpureum 
inguish  it  from  the  tagum  gregale  of  the  oommon  soldier, 
Antony  here  adopts  as  a  sigu  of  mourning.  mutavlt, 
iken  in  exchange,'  of.  Od.  1.  17.  2  n. 

centum...]  Cf.  Od.  3.  27.  33  and  note.  non  suls: 
3  =  very  unfavourable ;  cf.  Ov.  Triat.  3.  5.  4  nave  mea 
'ortan  eunte  tuo, 

8yrtes]  Cf.  Od.  1. 32.  5.  exerdtatas :  ef.  Od.  4. 15.  21. 
rtur...,  'or  drifts  over  the  unoertain  sea,'  i.e.  is  oarried 
sly  wherever  ohance  of  wind  and  wave  takes  him.  Cf. 
7.  27  'driven  up  and  down  in  Adria.' 

Chia]  Cf.  Od.  1.  17.  21  n.    It  and  Lesbian  were  Ught 

whereas  Caecuban  was  strong  and  tfor6uaxo*,  so  that 

e  suggests  it  as  a  remedy  to  '  keep  in  cheok  the  rising  bile.' 

s  old  ezplanation  was  that  the  party  were  beginning  to 

NOTES.  485 

have  drunk  too  much,  but  in  the  4th  editioo  thia  view  ii  rightly 
rejeoted  in  favour  of  Bneheler,i  view  that  Horaoa  repretente 
himself  as  reaUy  at  Nft  and  really  uneasy,  thongh  the  actual 
phyaioal  uneaainesa  U  meant  also  to  euggest  the  mentti  un- 
eaainess  whioh  ii  troubling  him,  ef.  U.  86,  87. 

87.    rerum]  obj.  gen.  'fear  for  Caeaar*e  fortunee.' 

Lyaeo]  from  M<#  (of.  Od.  8.  21. 15  n.),  ao  that  tolvett  playt 
on  the  meaning  of  the  word. 


A  humoroui  antitheaii  to  Od.  1.  8  and  ao  affording  proof— 
if  proof  ia  needed— that  the  Virgil  there  mentioued  ia  the  poet 
Virgil.  Horaoe  prayi  all  the  winds  to  fall  upon  the  ahip  whioh 
ia  oonveying  Maeviue  (probably  to  Oreeoe)  and  to  atir  up  auoh 
a  atorm  aa  fell  on  the  Oreek  fleet  when  returning  from  Troy; 
he  pieturea  to  himaelf  how  Maeviue  wiU  ahriek  and  pray,  and 
vowa,  if  he  ia  only  drowned,  to  offer  suitable  victims  to  the 
Tempeato.  Maeviua  waa  a  poetaster  ehieily  known  from  VirgiTi 
iine,  EoL  8.  90  qui  Bavium  non  odit,  amet  tua  carmina,  Matvi. 

1.  mala...aUte]  Cf.  16.  28  teeunda  aliU;  Od.  1.  15.  5  n. 
aoluta,  'unmoored/ 

4  Auater,  5  Burua,  7  Aquilo]  Cf.  Od.  1.  8.  4,  where  aU  the 
winda,  exeept  Iapyz,  whioh  would  waft  the  ahip  to  Dyrrhaohium, 
are  kept  imprisoned :  here  ail  the  winda  wnich  would  hinder 
the  voyage  are  to  be  let  looae. 

7.  quantus...]  'mighty  at  when  on  mountain  heighto  he 
anape  the  quivering  oake.' 

9.  aldui  amieum]  Beoauae  without  the  ttari  the  aneiento 
eould  not  steer,  and  on  the  stormy  night  'when  baleful  Orion 
aeto'  they  would  be  espeoiallv  needed;  of.  Aeto  27.  20  'And 
when  neither  eun  nor  ■tars  for  manv  days  appeared,  and  no 
amaU  tempest  lay  on  us,  sil  hope  that  we  should  be  saved 
was  then  taken  away.v  trlatla  Orion:  et  16.  7  and  Od.  1. 
28.  21  n. 

18.  eum...]  Pallas  was  'angry'  with  Troy  beeause  of  the 
judgment  of  Paris,  but  when  Ajax,  son  of  Oileus,  outraged 

486  HORACE,  KP0DK8  X.  XIIL 

hfr  enger  ewaj  from  fSom  in  aahea  aanhiat  the  hnpftone  hask 
of  AJnx,  •  and  oaneod  a  liolont  atorm  to  frU  upon  tfce  Gteek 
fleet  doring  whloh  Ajas  periehod;  ot  Virg.  Aen.  L  19  ojf.| 
Aeoeh.  Ag.  660;  Hom.  Od.  4-  489. 

16.    poJkrtattu]  Tho'patanom'of  an  Italian  oonmlorkm 
U  *jellow'  rather  thos  •white.»   Honoo  pollor  io  nood  of  fofti, 

of.  Od.  8. 10. 4  n. 

17.    Cf.  Cie.  Tnee.  8. 88. 66  fnpmiftcire  no— nfnom  wfrn 
eowcctmm  etMdent  rero;  omfomt  nt  omfftrf  ff dmi. 

18.  ndo]  'reinj.'  romngtoni,  'roering  baek  to*  or  «ho- 
nmth  tho  oonth  vind,  •  ot  Od.  8. 10. 6. 

81.  optma...]  'But  if  otrotohod  o  nohlo  proy  npon  tho 
enrving  ahore  jon  oholl  feast  tho  gulls....'  spfom  protolo,  on 
tho  enalogj  01  $poUa  opiwuu  Forphjrion  0070.  ejmeret  ef 
pinpiem  fui$$et  and  thongh  Sohflts  sajs  thfe  ia  'eerteinly 
wrong/  tho  joko  it  probably  meant,  espeoiallY  00  'fet'  in  Lotin 
io  siso='stupidV  For  luverls  tho  M88.  give  fnvcHt,  whioh 
many  retain. 

SS.  AlambwaareffuUrlyvowed  to  the  Tempeste  ta  prajere 
for  $afety ;  ef.  Virg.  Aen.  6.  773  Tempf»tatibu$  aanam  |  eeedtrv 
deinde  iubet:  here  it  ia  promiied  comicallj  in  the  oppoeito  ooee. 
The  l.  caper  is  olearlj  ijmbolical  of  olern  Maevitu.  Noto  tho 
mock  graudeur  of  the  two  lines. 


'Tis  winter  and  storm  without,  and  tov  whflo  we  axe  joung, 
lot  us  baniah  gioom  within  doors.  Bring  out  wine  of  tho  jeor 
when  I  was  born,  and  cease  to  talk  of  troublee,  looking  for 
happier  days.  Now,  steeped  in  perfumes,  we  will  lighten  onr 
hearts  with  song,  aocording  to  the  sage  advioa  of  Obiron  to 
Achilles,  "Thou  dost  go  to  Troj  never  to  retura:  remombor 
then  while  there  to  seek  in  wine  and  song  the  dear  reUof  of 
misshaped  melancholy."    A  similar  theme  to  Od.  1.  9. 

NOTES.  487 

1.  caelum  oontraxit]  'hae  mado  the  iky  lower,'  Le.  look 
grim  and  threatening ;  cf.  eontrahere  fronUm,  eupereilia  Ao. 
At  the  aame  thne  the  literal  aenae  of  the  elonda  'oontraeting' 
the  open  expanee  o!  heaven  mnat  not  be  excluded. 

2.  deducunt  Ioveml  Graphies  the  'rain  and  anow*  oome 
down  in  anoh  maaies  that  thcy  eeem  to  bring  down  the  skr 
itaelf  with  them,  ot  Od.  1. 16. 11  n.  Orelli  qnotea  Lner.  1. 960, 
Virg.  Bel.  7. 60  Ao.,  where  • Jove'  or  'Heaven'  ii  aaid  to  deaoend 
with  ahowere  into  the  lap  of  mother  Barth  bringing  joy  and 
fertility,  but  raoh  allegorioal  paaaagee  entirely  differ  from  this, 
where  the  whole  idea  ie  of  storm  and  desolation.  Horaoe 
ia  oopying  Anacreon,  Fr.  6  Alm  r  Ayfxoi  xci/i^rcf  Kar&yovew. 
allnae:  of.  16.  82  milio;  Od.  1.  28. 4  n. 

8.  ThreiciG  Aquilonel  The  hiatns  is  helped  by  the  oaeenra 
and  the  proper  names :  Virgil  ii  fbnd  of  it  in  the  5th  foot,  e^. 
Aetaeo  Aracyntho,  Neptund  Atgato.  Bentley's  amiee  for  amlot, 
thongh  many  aocept  it,  is  qnite  needlesa.  Horaee  hsre  ad- 
dreases  all  his  friends  who  are  present :  in  1.  6  he  addresses 
one  of  tbem  speoially,  beoanse  at  a  feaat  some  one  peraon  was 
made  *lord  of  the  revel'  (arbiter  bibendi,  Od.  2.  7.  26). 

4.  de  dle]  To  be  taken  olosely  with  rapiamun  the  day 
offers  *opportunity,'  let  ns  eagerly  aooept  from  it  what  it 
offers;  of.  Od.  1.  11.  8;  8.  8.  27.  Porphyrion  has  *convivia 
de  die9  dieebantur  a  primo  mane  eoepta;  of.  Od.  1.  1.  20; 
Bpist  1.  14.  84 ;  CatulL  47.  5  voe  eonvivia  lauta  eumptuoee  | 
de  die  faeitit,  and  nndonbtedly  feasting,  drinking,  Ac  *while 
it  is  still  daylight*  are  often  spoken  of  in  eonnection  with 
lnxury,  intemperanoe,  and  the  like:  but  here,  where  there 
is  no  Bueh  referenoe,  the  simpler  meaning  of  the  words  is  far 
preferable.  virent  genna:  cf.  Theoor.  14.  70  *-ori)r  ri  Ult  at 
y6ru  yXw/>6r=while  yonng  and  strong.  For  virens  of  youth, 
cf.  0£  1.  9.  17;  4. 18.  6,  and  the  'knees'  are  regnlarly  naed  as 
a  symbol  of  strength;  ef.  the  Homerio  yovwar*  fkvatw  and  Ps. 
109.  24  'my  knees  are  weak';  Is.  85.  8  'eonfirm  the  feeble 

5.  obdnota  aolvaturl  Antithetioal  Jnxtapoaition — 'nnknit 
the  frowninff  brow  of  gloom';  of.  Od.  8.  29.  16.  senectns: 
metaphorieallyaB'moroaeness,;  ef.  Bp.  1.  18.  47  inhumanae 
eenium  depone  Camenae. 

6.  For  this  birthday  wine  ef.  Od.  8. 81. 1  and  note.  move: 
cf.  Od.  8.  81.  6. 


7.  oetera)  Cf.  caxefully  the  podtion  of  thii  word,  Od.  L 
9.  9,  wbereitelsofollowsthementionof  wine.  Henoe,  oleariy , 
•all  elee'  U  •all  that  U  not  oonneeted  with  wine  and  mirth.* 
deni  haee...:  «perchance  heeven  will  with  kindly  ohange  (et 
Od.  1.  4.  1  grata  viea)  bring  beok  theee  storms  to  eehn': 
*a^='theprceentcondltionof  things/i.c.mthenrstinetanoo, 
the  stormy  weether  outaide,  and  then,  eecondarily,  eil  oor 
troubles— there  will  be  1011010110  elter  etorm. 

8.  ▲ohaemenio  n.]  Gf.  Od.  8. 1. 44  n.  Cyllenea:  Le.eeered 
to  Mercury  its  inventor  (Od.  1.  10.  6),  who  wao  born  on  Ms 
Cyllene  in  Areedia.  The  •pondeio  ending  to  rive  dignity .  cf. 
16. 17  Phocaeorum;  18. 29  Appenmnut :  eoVirgilendanneewith 
Anchueo,  PaUanteum,  Oritkvia. 

11.  Oentanme]  See  CWrom  in  Cless.  Diet  grandi:  «huge/ 
of  heroio  monld;  gode  end  heroee  eie  elweye  of  greet  eiie  in 
the  poeti;  ct  Yirg.  Aen.  6.  418  ingentem  Aenean.  oooJnlt, 
of  aracular  utterenoe;  cf.  Od.  1. 15.  4  n. 

12.  'Invinoible  youth,  mortel  offspring  of  divine  Thetie.' 

18.  manet]  'awaiU,'  Le.  by  destiny,  in  epite  of  all  thy 
mother's  efforts  to  keep  tbee  from  the  land  wbere  thou  must 
die;  cf.  Od.  1.  8.  13.  parvl:  but  in  Hom.  H.  20.  73  fUyat 
vorafios  paQvdlrTfi  I  6*  ^.ivQop  KaKiovct  $€ol  or&pet  &  Ixdjiardpor. 
Perhaps  Horace  wishes  to  emphasize  tbe  idea  of  a  lowly  grave 
by  a  'little'  stream  in  oontrast  with  tbe  glory  and  greatnees  of 
Achilles.  Of  conjectures  Jlavi  whioh  would  give  a  Latin 
rendering  of  Za»Qoi=ZavQ6\,  'yellow,'  is  the  best.  lubricue, 
'swift-gliding';  Virg.  Aen.  6.  261  rapidum  Simoenta, 

15.  certo  subtemine]  'with  sure  web';  cf.  Tib.  1.  7.  1 
Parcae  fatalia  nentet  |  ttamina.  Tbe  Fates  weave  into  their 
web  the  thread  of  eacb  buman  life,  and  wben  tbat  thread  has 
reached  its  appointed  length  they  'snap'  (cf.  rupere)  or  sever 
it ;  cf.  Milton,  Lyc.  75  'Comes  the  blind  Fury  witb  the  abhorred 
shears,  And  slits  the  thin-spun  life.'  caerula:  the  reguUr 
epithet  of  oceau  deities,  whose  hue  is  that  of  tbe  sea  itself ;  of. 
Od.  1.  17.  20  n. 

18.  alloquUs]  Apparently  a  reproduction  of  some  Gk  word 
such  as  Taprry6priua :  cf.  the  rule  given  A.  P.  52  et  novafictaqua 
nuper  liabebunt  verba  Jidem  ti  \  Graeco  jonte  cadeni  parce  de~ 

NOTES.  489 

torta.  Note  the  alliteration  of  the  line  and  the  ekill  with  whioh 
it  if  made  np  of  f onr  worda,  the  aim  being  to  give  a  amooth  and 
mnaieal  finiih  to  the  Epode. 


An  apology  to  Maeoenaa  f  6r  not  eompleting  the  book  of 
Epodee.  'Yon  haraai  me  to  death  with  aaking  me  why  I  am 
ao  idle  and  forgetf al  to  finiah  my  long-promieed  iambiot.  Iam 
fired  with  love  fieree  aa  that  of  Anaereon,  and  yon  onght  to 
pity  me,  for  yon  are  in  love  yonraelf ,  happy  in  a  miitreaa  fair 
aa  Helen,  while  Phryne  makea  me  lean  with  jealonay.' 

1.  tantam...]  'haa  ao  iteeped  my  deepeit  aenaw  in  ob- 
livion':  for  imit  #.  ot  Virg.  Eel.  3.  64  tentibut  kaee  imit— 
ret  ett  non  parva  reponat,  and  onr  phraae  'the  bottom  of  the 

8.  nt  al...]  'aa  thongh  I  have  drained  dranghte...';  trax- 
«rtm,  like  ^rdw,  fXir*  and  eommonly  duco. 

5.    eandlde]  Cf.  Od.  1. 18. 11  n.    dena,  i.e.  lore. 

7.  ollm]  'long  ago';  of.  Od.  4.  4.  5  n.  lamboa,  i.e.  the 
Epodea;  of.  Ep.  2.  2.  59.  ad  nmbUienm... :  ef.  Mart  4.  89. 1 
(the  laet  epigram  of  the  book)  ohs  iam  tatit  ett,  \  iam  pervenimut 
utque  ad  umbiUcot.  The  umbiliei  were  the  knobe  at  eaoh  end 
of  the  atiok  ronnd  whioh  the  book  waa  rolled:  as  yon  read 
(evolvere)  a  book  when  yon  get  to  thia  itiek  yon  have  got  to 

9.  aralaae  B.]  *  wae  fired  with  love  for ' ;  f or  the  eonatrnotion 
of.  Od.  8.  9.  5  n. 

12.  non...]  'to  no  elaborate  meainre';  ao  of  Pindar,  Od. 
4.  2. 11  numeritque /ertur  lege  tolutit.  The  gennine  fragmente 
of  Anaereon  hardly  allow  ne  to  fnlly  teat  Horaee'a  eritioiim, 
bv  which,  however,  he  probably  meana  little  more  than  'in 
nmple  itraini.' 

18.  non  pulchrior...]  'no  fairer  flame  kindled  beleagnered 
Hinm':  ignit  ia  need  lfterallya*flret'  and  metaphorieally« 
'objeet  of  love,'  i.e.  Helen. 

15.  neqne...]  'and  not  aatiified  with  a  aingle  wooer.' 
maoerat:  ef.  Od.  1. 18.  8. 



To  Neaera  on  her  treachery  (ef .  Od.  2. 8).  '  CHngiiig  oloaarj 
to  me  you  swore— ahl  aoon  to  be  fonworn — that  yoo  wonld 
always  return  my  lore.  Now,  Neaera,  yoa  ahall  learn  to  regrot 
my  firmnees,  for  I  will  not  brook  yonr  oonstant  prefeieDoe  of 
a  ri? al.  And  you,  prood  sir,  though  wealthy,  wiee  and  hand- 
some,  ahall  yet  learn  the  pain  oi  being  daacrted,  and  than  il 
will  be  my  turn  to  laogh.' 

8.  magnonun...deonmi]  The  aaKmanoe  givee  a  mook- 
heroie  dignitv ;  ef.  the  oonventional  ■oene-painting  in  the  first 
two  linee  which  are  surely  to  be  taken  as  mimicnr  and  not  real 
poetry.  laesura,  *aoon  to  outrage,'  i.e.  by  breaking  the  oath 
■worn  by  them.  in  rerba  iuxabas:  cf.  18.  86;  Ep.  1.  1.  14 
iurare  in  verba  magUtri;  the  phrase  desoribea  swearing  to  a 
form  of  words  recited  by  another;  ao  espeeiaUy  of  soldiera 
takiog  the  oath  of  allegianoe  to  their  oommander,  a.g.  in  verba 
P.  Scipioni*  iurare. 

5.  artius  atque]  'more  closely  th&n.'  This  uae  of  atque 
is  a  poetio  extension  of  its  regnlar  use  in  oomparisons  (after 
aequu$y  similis,  idem  &c.)  to  put  two  things  cloaely  side  by 
side;  cf.  Virg.  Aen.  3.  661  haud  minut  ae  ituti  faeiunt.  hedera: 
cf.  Od.  1.  36.  20.     lentls,  'pliant/  'dinging.' 

7.  dum...mutuum]  give  the  words  of  the  oath  in  oblique 
narration — '(you  swore)  that  while  the  wolf  (was  hottile)  to 
the  lamb  (4.  1  n.)t  while  Orion  (8.  10  n.),  hostile  to  sailors, 
vexed.this  love  should  be  mutual,'  ie.  as  long  as  the  order 
of  nature  remained  unchangcd.  lntonsos :  cf.  Od.  1.  21.  8  n. 
mutuum :  cf.  Od.  4.  1.  30  n.  For  tuxbaret  agltaret,  Bentley, 
with  some  authority,  read  turbarit  agitarit,  which  Nauck 
preferrt  a*  more  diamatic — * (you  swore,  saying)  that  while  the 
wolf  shall  be...this  love  ahall  be';  cf.  renarint  16.  26,  following 
iuremu$  in  haec. 

11.  Tlrtute]  'manhood'  (i.e.  resolution);  cf.  viri  in  next 
line.  The  abl.  is  that  of  the  instrument — you  shall  be  made 
to  mourn  by  my  firmness.  Neaera,  from  reopot.  nam...,  *for 
if  there  be  anything  manly...,'  i.e.  as  surely  as  there  is  some- 
thing  manly:  for  ti  so  used  in  asseverations  and  appeals  of. 
Od.  1.  32.  ln.;  C.  S.  37  n. 

NOTES.  491 

13.  pottorl]  'a  favoured  ri?aT;  ef.  Od.  8. 9.  2  n.  parem: 
'a  true  mate'  or  'matoh.' 

15.  'nor  ihall  my  determination  yield  before  your  beaaty 
when  onoe  it  hai  beoome  hatefnl  (to  me) ' ;  for  effentut  praetteally 
minwitut,  et  Cio.  pro  Glu.  168  etiam  ei  i$  invidiotut  aut  multie 
effeneut  videatur;  pro  Bett.  185  cui  not  offenti  inwitique; 
2  Verr.  S.  62  invidiotum  offentumque.  Bentley  aake  quid 
rnirum,  ti  formae  offentae  et  invitae  non  eederett  ei  non  iUam 
deperirett  quam  turpem  iam  et  deformem  ette  erederett  aa 
thongh  forma  cffenta, *  beauty  that  haa  beeome  hatefol,'  meant 
'  beaoty  that  haa  beeome  ugly '  I  But  Horaoe  nerer  dreams  of 
Neaera  aa  ugly,  No  t  it  ia  her  Tery  beautjr  whioh  will  make 
her  more  haterol  and  loathaome  to  him,  lf  onoe  the  salling 
doobta  of  jealonay  beoome  oertainties  (ef.  eertut).  Soholara 
ahonld  leaye  subjeots  they  do  not  nnderitand  alone;  yet 
L.  Muller,  Keller,  Kieesling,  and  Sohuta  aooept  Bentley'! 
oonjeoture  offenti. 

17.  mto...]  'who  now  maroh  triumphant  in  my  miahap 
(lit.  'rendered  proud  by')':  incedie  auffgeata  the  haughty  gait 
of  a  yiotor ;  of.  Virg.  Aan.  5.  68,  who  also  uees  it  of  the  stately 
gait  of  Juno,  Venus,  and  Dido. 

19.  Uoebrt]  rare  even  in  poetrr  for  licet,  *although.'  ttbl, 
i.e.  for  your  proflt.  fluat,  i.e.  'rous  down  ito  golden  sand,'  as 
we  should  say. 

21.  For  Pythafforas  and  his  theory  of  souls  'being  born 
again'  in  fresh  bodies,  see  Class.  Diot.  and  Od.  L  28.  10  n. 
aroana:  'the  iecret'  or  'esoterio  teaohing'  only  rerealed  to  the 
inner  group  of  his  disoiples.  His  doetrines  were  of  an  espeeially 
mystio  oharaoter,  and  hia  followers  were  dirided  into  oKovefM- 
rucot  mere  'hearers/  and  uaBnuarucot  real  *studentsl,  Iambl.  V. 
Pyth.  81.    For  Nirea  of.  Od.  8.  20. 15  n. 

28.  eheu]  Horaoe  mimios  his  ri?al's  ory.  Biany  M88. 
giye  fou  heu, 


Llke  the  serenth,  an  Epode  in  whieh  Horaoe  is  tuning  his 
lyre  to  loftier  strains.    It  is  nndoubtedly  early  (eee  notea  on 
U.  49,  55,  57  for  its  timilarity  to  Eologne  4)  and  usuallv 
P.  H. 


igned  to  about  s.c.  41,  the  date  of  the  'Pernsine  wmr* 
ween  L.  Antonins  and  Ootavian,  or  it  may  be  of  the  same 
easEpod.7.  Theideaof setting  saft  f or  the  Happy  Islands 
the  nnknown  west  le  aeexibed  to  Sertorini  by  Sallust 
agm.  1.  61)  traditur  fugam  t»  Oceani  Umginqua  agUama, 
ut  duat  intulat  propinquat  inUr  te  et  datem  wdUa  ttadimm 
cul  a  Oadibut  titat  conttabat  tuopte  ingenio  aUmenta  morta- 
u  gignere;  Plnt.  Sert.  9. 

1 A  aeeond  generation  ie  being  worn  awaj  in  dyil  itrife,  and 
me,  whidh  no  foreign  foe  eonld  ▼anqniih  will  be  orerthrown 
itself  (1—14).  The  onlj  plan  to  be  rid  of  onr  tronbles  is  to 
,  like  the  old  Phocaeant,  binding  onrsetoes  by  an  oath  nerer 
return  untQ  the  laws  of  natnre  are  all  ehanged  (15—34). 
thU  the  resolve  of  those  among  ns  who  have  a  good  heart, 
d  let  ns  set  sail  for  that  eirenmambient  Ooean  (41)  in  whieh 
i  the  Happy  Isles,  where  toil  and  tronble  and  siokness  are 
known — Islest  whieh  as  yet  no  bark  has  ever  reached,  bnt 
ich  Jnpiter  reserved  for  a  righteous  people  in  the  day  when 
turned  the  age  of  gold  to  brass  and  then  to  iron,  and  where 
i  righteous,  with  me  as  their  prophet-bard,  may  now  find  a 

1.  alteral  *a  second':  the  first  'generation'  wonld  begin 
the  time  of  Marius  and  Sulla,  abont  b.c.  88. 

2.  snls...]  'and  Rome  falls  by  its  own  might,'  i.e.  is  being 
stroyed  by  its  own  mighty  men,  who  ruin  its  strength  in 
,ernecine  strife,  cf.  7.  10.  Most  editors  oompare  Liv.  Praet 
t...ut  iam  magnitndine  laboret  tua;  Aug.  de  Civ.  D.  18.  45 
rma...tamquam  te  ipta  ferre  non  valent%  tua  te  quodammodo 
ignitudine  fregerat;  Lucan  1.  72  nec  te  Roma  ferent,  and 
L  3.  4.  65  mole  ruit  tua:  but  in  all  these  cases  Bome  is 
oken  of  as  something  which  has  beoome  too  big  to  bear  its 
m  weight  and  therefore  falls  necessarily,  whereas  in  oon- 
ction  with  'civil  strife'  the  force  of  tuit  and  ipta  mnst  be 
express  suicidal  oonduot  whioh  destroys  that  whieh  is  other- 
se  absolutely  safe  and  stable. 

NOTES.  493 

8.  MirH]  In  ihe  Soeial  war  b.o.  91—88,  ef.  Od.  8.  14. 
18  n.  Poraenae,  bat  Portenna  in  Virg.,  end  eee  Inir.  io  Maoaa- 
laj*!  Hontini. 

6.  aemula]  Oapua  revolted  fromBome  after  Oannae  and 
wae  retaken  B.a  211.  It  wae  treated  with  ruihleee  teverity, 
for  Bome  brooked  no  'rivaT;  ef.  for  the  adj.  7.  5  invidae 
Karthaginit,    Bpartacui :  of.  Od.  8. 14. 19  n. 

6.  novltqoe. . .]  •  and  the  AUobrogee  feithlett  amid  (or  <  tov 
or  •byj  reyolntion.'  The  embattadora  of  the  Allobrogee  (a 
people  between  the  Bhone  and  tfae  leere  in  the  Intula  AUobro- 
gum)  were  tampered  with  by  Oatiline  (b.o.  68),  bat  reveeled  the 
eeoret  of  hia  eonepiracy ;  tfae  Allobrogee  however  revolted  almoet 
immediately  afterwarda  (Oio.  da  Fxov.  Cont.  18.  83).  novii 
rebui  may  be  dat.  'faithleea  to  Catiline1  (Wiokham),  or  abl. 
eaneal,  'by  deeire  for  revolution'  (Sohttti),  or  general  abL  of 
attendant  eiroumttaneee. 

7.  oaerulea]  'hlue-eyed';  Tae.  Germ,  4  trueet  et  caeruUi 
oeuli.  Oexmanla:  the  referenee  ia  to  tfae  defeat  of  the  Gimbri 
and  Tentonea  by  Mariut  b.o.  109  and  101.  abommatne  p. : 
et  Od.  1. 1. 25  n. 

9.  devott  aangnlnle] '  of  a  doomed  breed,'  beeanie  eprnng 
from  Bomnlaf ,  the  alayer  of  hie  brother,  ef.  7.  20. 

11.  dnereel  of  Bome.  aonante:  'olattering,'  'eohoing,' 
in  oontraet  witn  the  tilenoe  and  deeolation  around.  Orelli 
well  qnotee  Eiekiel  26. 11  ungulit  equorum  tuorum  conculcabit 
omnet  plateai  tuat. 

18.  oarent  ventte...]  'are  eafe  from  wind  and  eun,'  i.e.  in 
the  tomb.  Of  oonree  thit  ia  ineoneietent  witfa  the  oarrying  off  of 
Bomulut  to  heaven,  Od.  8.  8. 15 ;  bnt  rhetorioiant  and  poete 
may  defy  oontitteney.  Porphvrion  quotee  Varro  ae  referring  to 
a  *  buriil  plaoe  of  Bomulue  behind  the  Boetra,'  bni  Horaoe'e 
phraee  ia  merely  rhetorical«'tfae  ashee  of  onr  anoettore.' 
Orelli  again  well  oomparee  Jer.  8.  1  eiieient  oeta  regum  Iuda 
et  oeea  principum  eitue  «I  oeea  tepulchrit  euie  et 
eapandent  ea  ad  toltm  tt  tunam;  Barneh  2.  24. 

15.  fbrte...]  'perehanoe  ye  eeek,  all  alike  or  the  nobler 
part  (of  yon,  to  learn)  what  aidi  yon  to  be  qnit  of  yonr  nnhappy 

troablet:  let  no  deoition  prevail  over  thit,  at ,  (to)  to  go 

(21) '    The  eentenoe  ii  one  of  tfaoee  oommon  eonaitional 

eentenoee  where  tfae  protaiii  ii  pnt  vigorooily  at  a  ttatement, 



instead  of  hypothetically  with  ei.  Bentley,  objecting  that  ftrtd 
expediat  carere  ean  only  mean  '  what  good  it  U  tobe  freeY  read 
with  one  M8.  quod  exvediat  m  &  parentheeisa'and  maj  il 
tnrn  oni  weil/  hut  suoh  a  nie  of  expedire  ii  unknown,  and 
Horaoe's  marked  fondnen  for  bold  naes  of  the  inf.  fef.  within  a 
few  lines  hae  (eententid) ire,  *the  resolve  to  go';  habet  euadere; 
moramwr  occupare)  af ter  adjeotiTes  and  Terbs  quite  justines  the 
ordinary  interpretation.  Qtdd  me  impedit  eequi  9  ia  foond  in 
proee:  then  why  not  quid  (vee)  expedit  earere  9 

17.  Fhoeaeorum...]  The  inhabitants  of  Fhooaea,  being 
betieged  by  Harpagus  b.c.  584,  determined  to  abandoa  their 
city  and  sunk  *  a  lump  of  iron,'  vowing  noi  to  retnrn  to  Phooaea 
tdIf  iJ  tof  p69po*  rovrop  djwtfrat  (Her.  1.  165).  snoorata, 
«having  bonnd  themaelves  by  a  ourse';  froc^orro  i#X"P** 
Kardpai  Her.  Lo. 

21.  quocunque  ...  qnoennqne  ...]  Paaaionate  repetition. 
pedea...per  undaa,  i.e.  by  land  or  eea,  ef.  Od.  8.  11.  49. 

28.  alo  plaoet  ?]  Beoalling  tfae  placetne  t  nted  in  taldng 
the  jndgment  of  the  Boman  tenate,  tne  deoreei  of  whieh  oflen 
began  Placere  tenatui  or  Senatui  non  placere. 

25.  renarlnt]    Apparently  '  rise  and  float.' 

26.  ne...]  '(then  only)  let  retnraing  be  not  acrime.' 

27.  qnando. .  .aeqnora  (34)],  i.e.  when  all  the  laws  of  natnre 
are  inverted.  The  Latin  poets  are  fond  of  developing  this  idea, 
cf.  Od.  1.  29. 10;  Verg.  Ecl.  1.  59  and  many  other  instanoes  in 
Orelli.    Matlna,  i.e.  of  Mons  Matinos  in  Apulia,  of.  Od.  4. 2. 27. 

30.  monatra  iunxerit]  '  shall  nnite  monsters/  i.e.  animaln 
which  by  seeking  snch  unions  will  show  themselves  monstrons 
and  nnnatnral. 

31.  iuvet...]  '  so  that  tigresses  delight  to  mate  with  stags, 
and  the  dove  finds  a  paramonr  in  the  kite.' 

33.  ravos]  Of.  Od.  3.  27.  3  lupa  rava.  Festus  defines  the 
colonr  a8  between/ultnu  and  caeeiut  ('bluish-gray,'  the  oolonr 
of  a  cafs  eye ;  of  Minerva'8  eye,  y\avtc6t).  It  is  used  by  Varro 
of  the  eyes ;  a  good  ram  should  have  ravoe  oculot,  a  good  dog 
ocuhot  nigrantet  aut  ravot.  It  seexns  nsed  here  to  renresent 
Xapordi  (cf.  Hom.  Od.  11.  611  xaP°roi-  X^orrci)  which  is  nsed 
1)  aB='bright-eyedV  then  (2)  of  oolour=*bini8h-gray,'  see 
x.    Many  MSS.  have  ytovoi ;  some  saevos. 


NOTES.  496 

84.  lerls]  i.e.  loeing  its  hsir  and  beooming  'smooth '  like 

87.  moffls...]  *let  tfae  deliomte  and  despairing  oontinoe 
to  preee  their  ill-omened  oouohes';  Le.  lie  idly  at  home  where 
they  are  doomed  to  perish. 

89.  tomte]  «swsy  with !•  of.  Od.  2.  5.  9.  Tirtos,  mulle- 
nrem:  sntitheticsl  juxUposition.  Btrusoa  tttoca:  not  *the 
ooast  of  Btruris,*  but  'the  oossts  of  the  Tnsosn  ses'  (siare 
Tyrrhenum  or  Tuscttm)  snd  sov'the  shores  of  Italy,'  wbioh 
tfaey  sre  to  fly  psst  on  their  wsy  westwsrd. 

41.  clreumTsgus]  The  Homerio  ides  of  tkcayet  wss  thst 
of  s  stresm  flowing  roand  tfae  world;  Aesoh.  Prom.  188.  Por- 
phyrion  resdsn.  m.  0.  eircum  vaaue  arva  beata:  arva... msking 
eireum  govern  arra,  snd  so  Oreui  (Ed.  4),  bnt  then  the  repe- 
tition  of  arva  by  itself  slter  atva  beata  is  intolersbly  flst 
dlTltee  et  InsnUs  is  explanstory  of  beata  arva — 'let  ns  seek 
the  fields,  the  blessed  flelds  of  tnoee  rioh  isles  where....'  For 
dtvitee  insulae  of.  Od.  4.  8.  97  n. ;  Hom.  Od.  4.  588  $eq. 

48.  reddlt]  'duly  besrs,'  givee  whst  is  looked  for  from 

45.  n.  nUlentlsl  'thst  never  deoeiTes'  those  who  expeet 
fruit  from  it,  of.  Od.  8. 1. 80  n.  pulla,  'dsrk,'  i.e.  ripe.  susm, 
*  ite  own,'  i.e.  withont  needing  to  be  grsfted  on  snother  stook ; 
of.  Vira.  Georg.  2. 82  miraturque  novae  frondee  et  non  eua  poma, 
ssid  of  the  stook  in  whioh  s  grsit  hss  been  plsoed. 

47.  mella...l  Cf.  Od.  2. 19. 11  snd  the  Bibliosl  phrsse  * s 
lsnd  flowing  witn  milk  snd  honer.'  Abandsnoe  of  honey  is  a 
oonstsnt  sign  of  felioity  with  the  anoients,  who,  heving  no 
sugar,  made  much  more  use  of  honey  thsn  we  do. 

48.  Notioe  the  rhythm  of  the  line. 

49.  illio...]  So  exsotly  in  the  ssme  oonneotion  Yirg.  Bol. 
4.  21  (written  ebont  b.c.  40)  ipeae  laeU  domum  referent  dietenta 
eapellae  |  uberat  where  ipeae^iniueeae  here,  snd  dietenta  u. 
=  tenta  u.  sxnieos, '  loving/  snd  so  needing  no  oonstraint,  bnt 
ooming '  nnbidden.' 

62.  neque...]  An  srtifioisl  phrsset  •  nor  does  the  ground 
swell  up  snd  heave  with  snskes,'  oeingas  *  nor  do  snskes,  whioh 
oorer  the  ground,  swell  (i.e.  in  snger)  snd  rsise  themselvee  (Le. 
to  sttsek).'  Otfaers  take  alta  humue  of  '  deep  soil '  ss  opposed 
to  the  rooky,  dry,  ssndy  spots  whioh  vipen  love. 


pluraqae..J  •and  more  things  shell  we  marrel  «I... 
ly)how....'   For  Mtror  «t  et  Od.  8. 4. 7.  radai, « sooors.' 

Note  the  earefnl  helanos  and  order  of  tfais  line— adj. 

.  B,  verb,  noun  A,  noun  B,  and  ef.  U.  7, 88;  Virg.  EoL  4. 

na  Cumaei  venit  iam  carmimU  aetat,  14  irrita  perpetua 

tformidine  Urrat,  88  ip#o  tibi  blandoe  fundent  cunabule 

29  incultieque  rubene  pendebit  eentibue  uva.    The  ten- 

thus  to  balanoe  adjeetives  at  the  beginning  of  a  line  with 

at  the  end  la  marked  throaghoot  this  Epode  (of.  U.  2,  4, 

46,  48,  67,  59,  68),  aa  it  ia  in  the  fourth  Eologue,  and 

indioates  juvenile  work,  although  some  of  the  finest 

in  Virgil  owe  much  to  the  aame  devioe,  of.  Oeorg.  1. 

npiaque  aetemam  timuerunt  eaecula  noctem,  and  1L  496, 

08,  510. 

,  ntrnmqne]  Le,  •eech'  eztreme  of  wet  and  drooght 

.  non  huo...]  i.e.  they  have  never  been  oontaminatod  bv 
'  thoee  retUeas  adTentnrers  (typified  by  Jaaon  in  pnrsmt 

§olden  fleeoe}  and  merohants,  for  whom  Horaoe  has  a 
islike,  cf .  Od.  1.  8 ;  8. 39.  56—61.  SimOarly  in  EoL  4. 
mpting  the  sea  in  ships '  and  the  '  bnilding  of  the  Argo ' 
arka  of  '  guile,'  and  in  the  golden  age  that  is  tfaere  an- 
ed  there  will  be  no  sailora  and  no  merchants. 

.  81donll]  The  Phoenicians  were  the  great  traden  of 
uty;  of.  Od.  3.  29.  60  Tyriaeque  merces;  Is.  28.  2  «the 
ants  of  Zidon';  8  •Tyre...whose  merohants  are  prinoes.' 
a,  xlpara,  the  ends  of  the  yards. 

.  laborlosa  o.]  •  much-enduring  troop':  iroX£r\ar,  the 
rio  epithet  of  Ulysses  himself  (cf.  17. 16),  is  transferred  to 
ilowers.    For  thig  and  the  gen.  Ulixei  cf.  Od.  1. 15.  88 

\da  classit  AchilUi. 

.    aatri]  such  as  Sirius,  the  dog-star,  to  the  *  fiery  fieroe- 
of  which  the  malignant  heat  of  sommer  was  attribnted 
27;  Virg.  Aen.  3.  141).    For  impottntia  of  •  uncontroUed 
iess '  cf.  note  on  impotens  Od.  1.  37.  10. 

.  aere...aere]  Rhetorical  repetition  (drcupopd)  nsed  as  a 
nient  form  of  conneoting  olauses;  of.  Od.  1.  2.  4  n. 

.  duravit]  *he  made  hard,'  playing  on  tfae  word 
,  which  can  be  nsed  (1)  literally  of  iron,  (2)  metaphorieaUy 
nduring  tronble,  (b)  =  hard,  ornel.  qnomm,  *  from  which,' 

NOTES.  497 

BPODB  xvn. 

▲  dialogue  in  whioh  Horaoe  (1—52)  profeetei  himielf  oon- 
quered  and  aaroaatioally  entreate  Oanidia'e  pity,  while  Oanidia 
(58—81)  replioe  that  he  pleade  in  vain.  Hor.  ll  yield;  be 
pitifal  and  oeaee  thj  epelle  (1—7),  e?en  ai  Aohiilee  had  pily  on 
Telephne  and  Priam,  and  Oiree  on  the  oomradee  of  Uiyieee  (8 
— 18).  I  have  iuffered,  and  etill  iufler,  tortnre  enough,  eo  that 
I  reeant  mj  denial  of  the  power  of  witohoraft  (19—29).  I 
am  oommmed  with  firee,  that  bnrn  like  the  ehirt  of  Neeene  or 
the  flamee  of  Aetna.  Ie  there  no  expiation  of  my  gniltf  I  am 
ready  to  hymn  to  heaven  thy  ehaetiiy  and  virtue,  in  a  palinode 
eueh  ae  that  by  whioh  Steeiohorue  reoovered  eight  (80—44),  and 
therefore  eet  me  free,  for,  truly,  upon  thy  lineage  there  ie  no 
elur,  thou  haet  never  violated  a  tomb,  Paotumeiui  ie  the  off- 
spring  of  thy  own  womb,  thine  are  the  diitinotions  of  materniiy.' 
Can.  'Thou  doet  appeal  to  deaf  ean.  Art  thou  to  be  un- 
puniahed  for  revealing  my  myeteriea  and  making  me  the  talk 
of  the  townf  (58—89).  Ie  it  for  that  I  have  siudied  witoh- 
oraftf  No:  thou  ehalt  live  to  euffer  endleee  tormente  like  the 
tormente  of  the  damned  (60—69).  Thou  ehalt  eeek  to  elay 
thyeelf,  but  in  vain,  while  I  ride  in  triumph  on  thy  neek. 
Wbat )  ehall  I,  who  oan  work  all  wondere,  lament  that  my  ekill 
is  ineffootive  againet  thee  ? ' 

1.  iam  iam]  Eager  repetition,  ef.  $olvet  $olvi,  1.  7.  do 
manuia^yield/  'acknowledge  defeat,'  'eurrender';  eee  Diot. 

8.  Dlanae]  of .  5.  51  n.  non  movenda,  •  inviolable, •  ixUnjra ; 
both  movere  and  Kwttr  are  eepeoially  ueed  of  iaorilegioue  dia- 
turbanoe  of  thinge  saored. 

4.  libroe...]  Cf.  Aoti  19.  19  *Many  of  them  aleo  whioh 
uaed  ourioue  arti  brought  their  booke  together  and  burned 
them  before  all  men:  and  they  oounted  the  prioe  of  them,  and 
found  it  fffty  thouaand  pieoee  of  eiiver.' 

5.  renxa...]  Of.  5.  45  n.  reflxa, '  unfized,'  of.  Od.  1.  28. 
11;  Virg.  Aen.  5.  527  rejixa  tidera  of  shooting  etara.  Some 
MSS.  give  drfixa  whioh  looke  iike  a  oorreetion. 


paroe...]  *  eeaee  from  thy  awfal  iptlli';  $acrit  is  pnr- 
ambiguonss  'holy '  or  '  aocursed.' 

tnrtolnem]  fatfiot,  *  a  magic  wheel,'  used  in  Theocr.  2. 
with  a  wry-neck  (rvy|)  fastened  on  H  to  draw  a  lover  to 
2M.    The  'letting  it  go  beok'  destroyed  the  oharm. 

Telepnus]    Achillen,  mndeon  of  Nereus.  m  being  the 
Thetif ,  wonnded  Telephus  king  of  the  Mysians,  and  then 
him,  aooording  to  the  oraole  6  rpfoot  «el  JdVmu,  with 
it  of  the  spear  whioh  wonnded  him. 

nnxere]  'anointed';  part  of  the  tolemn  rituei  of  bnrial 
18. 850  koI  t6t€  fy  Xofodr  rt  koJ,  ^Actfo*  XAr'  Aotet;  Virg. 
.  219  corputaue  lavant  fiigentit  et  unguunt)  and  eo  in 

oontrast  with  addietum...canibut.  He  reoeived  dne 
ilthough  Aohillee  had  '  given  him  orer '  to  the  fowle  of 

and  to  the  dogs,  ot  II.  23.  182,  8"Brropar  oCrt  I  Mr« 
hfp  wvpl  davrtfur  dXXa  «tfwo-ir;  see  too  1  8am.  17.  44 
L  give  thy  flesh  nnto  tfae  fowls  of  the  air,  and  to  tho 
of  the  fleld.'    Some  MS8.  give  luxere, 

The  rhythm  is  most  striking,  and  possibly  is,  as 

;  and  Meineke  suggest,  intended  to  oonvey  a  sense  of 

homlddam  H. :  a  very  poor  rendering  of  Hom.  IL 

'Exropot  di>dpo<p6roio. 

heul  emphasizing  the  pitiable  position  of  Priam  at 
t  of  the  slayer  of  his  son.  The  famons  story  of  Priam 
g  back  the  body  of  Heotor  is  told  in  U.  24.  pervtcads, 
late, '  but  Btill  yielding  in  the  end. 

saetosa...]  'by  Circe's  favour  put  off  (their  swinish) 
bristly  with  hard  hides.'  The  crew  of  Ulysses  drank  of 
,  enchanted  cup  and  were  turned  into  swine,  but  retained 
ntelligence  (Od.  10.  240  oisrdp  rovt  fj*  tnwedot,  wf  r& 
rrp),  which  Horaoe,  however,  here  supposes  them  to  lose; 
n*,  1.  17.  laboriosi:  sense  and  rhythm  make  this  go 
Uixei,  but  of.  16.  CO.    sonus,  '(human)  utteranoe.' 

lnsUtoribns]  'Pedlars'  played  a  more  important  part 
iquity  than  they  do  now,  and  these  travelling  merohante 
heir  costly  wares  (Sen.  fr.  de  matr.  62  inttitortt  gemma- 
Ticarumque  vettium  ri  intromiterit,  periculum  ett)  were 
*ou8  to  womanly  virtue,  of.  Od.  3.  6.  30.  Of  oonrse  the 
i '  well-beloved  by  sailors  and  pedlars'  is  satirioaL 

NOTES.  499 

91.  ▼«•Ottadnioolor]  *th«hi»of  modeity/ihefrMhoolour 
of  blnahtagyouth.  oaea»..:  •my  bonee  now ooTered  with yellow 
hidV;  ef.  Theoer.  9.  89  f/ytw  8'  tf*  «fttoXAt  veVot  r/rfx«»  •*>* 
M  Xotwa  |  eVri'  tV  ft  col  ttpta,  where  oVrta  and  6t>pa  exaotly 
oorreepond  to  ofta  and  peue  here,  and  ofta  ataiM  ptZKt  «tte, 
•to  be  a  bag  ol  bonea,'  is  a  proverbial  expreeelon;  of.  Plaut 
Oapt.  1.  9.  96;  AuL  8.  6.  98.  Bentley  and  othon  read  ora 
with  no  authority,  urging  thet  tho  oolonr  oonld  not  leave  hie 
oonet,  but,  ai  Wickham  iaye,  oeea  peUe  amieta  ii  really  = 
petUm  oeea  amicientem—ih*  roey  hne  of  yooth  hae  left  what  ii 
now  yollow  hide  enwrapping  bones. 

95.  uxget...]  'night  treade  on  the  heeli  of  day  and  day  of 
night,  and  yct  it  ie  not  poeaible....'  Notioe  tfae  inverted  order 
of  the  oasee  in  diem  nox  et  diee  noctem.  The  repetition  em- 
phasiBes  the  idea  of  ooaeeleai  oontinuity,  aa  in  onr  phrasee 
•year  by  year,' '  day  by  day '  Ao. 

96.  tenta  spiritu]  •  atrained  with  aighing.' 

97.  negatum...]  'I  am  driven  to  believe  what  I  denied 
(namely),  that....'  lnorepare,  of.  Od.  4.  16.  9  n.,  aeems  here 
s'moT6  (by  tfae  terror  of  their  aonnd),'  and  ao  almost=in- 
cantare.  Sabella...Marsa...Paellfnas:  witohea  aeem  to  have 
aboanded  among  these  old-fasbioned  monntain  tribes;  of.  6. 
76;  Sat.  1.  9.  99.  dlaiUlra,  <ie  raoked  with  pain»;  of.  oar 
*  splitting  headaohe.' 

81.    Heronlaa]  Of.  8. 17. 

89.    Slcana  f crvtda]  Note  the  qnantitiea. 

88.  Tlrena]  The  use  of  t*reos'ain  etrong,'  •▼igoroos,'  is 
well  known  (of.  18.  4),  and  so  moet  take  the  word  here,  oom- 
paring  such  phrases  as  s-vpot  drfot  (in  Luor.  flammai  fiore 
coorto)  and  0Xo£  4pap&r$ii.  Orelli  gave 'green'=tulphurous; 
Peerlkamp  ezplains  ma^Julgent,  of.  Plaut.  Men.  5.  9.  76  viden 
tu  UU  oeuloe  virere;  Kiessling  atrangely  derivee  tfae  word 
from  vit  riret,  making  tho  i  long,  ef.  vvreteo.  The  readinga  of 
aome  MSS.  are  olear  oorreotions,  Virent  beooming  Vrent  and 

tn...]  '(but)  thoa  doet  glow  t  workshop  with  Oolohian 
poiaona  until,  burnt  to  aahea,  I  am  aoattorod  abroad  by  tho 
insulting  winds.'  The  langnage  is  atrange,  bnt  not  uneuited 
to  the  hlghly  artincial  and  onnatoral  oharaoter  of  the  Epode. 


Canidia  li  ipoken  of  aa  hereelf  •  a  workahop  aglow  with  paieona* 
or  'magio  epelle,'  beeauie  ehe  ie  at  work  keeping  the  magie 
fire  aglow,  in  whioh  ahe  burne  various  objeote,  xn  order  that,  ai 
thej  oonsume  awajt  eo  Horaoe  aleo  maj  oonanme  awaj.  Thia 
xnethod  of  affecting  a  peraon  bj  bnrning  an  image  of  him 
(of.  1.  76;  Theoor.  2. 28),  or  eomething  thaft  belonged  to  him 
or  •jmbolized  him  (cf.  virg.  Eol.  8.  82  Dapknit  me  malut  urit, 
ego  hane  in  Daphnide  laurum;  Theoor.  2.  28 — 26)  waa  regnlar 
in  witohoraft.  Wickham's  phraee,  *a  laboratorj  of  magio 
druffs,'  eaggetts  a  more  mediae?al  piotnre  of  an  alohemiet  al 
work.  Canidia'8  fire  ii  not  for  nse  in  the  aotual  preparation 
of  drogs  Ota  mott  editore  take  it),  but  ii  a  magio  flre,  tne  fieree 
glow  of  wnioh  it  bj  magio  meani  {vtnenit)  to  oonsnme  Horaoa» 
lninrloala:  of.  Od.  1.  85. 18. 

86.  ftlpendlum]  'tribnte,'  •penaltj,1  ^?^o,  and  eo  exaotlj 
—poenat  in  the  next  line. 

89.  oentum  luTenooe]  i.e.  aa  an  expiatorj  aaorifioe,  esa- 
Tonfir).  ilye...,  'or  whether  thon  ahalt  ohooee  to  be  hjmned 
bj  mj  untruthful  lnte  (then),  "thon  ohaste,  thou  ▼irtoous," 
8halt  traverse  the  stars  a  golden  constellation.'  The  langnage 
is  mock-heroio  and  satirical  in  the  extreme.  mendael  has  two 
meamngs :  (1)  that  lied  when  it  reviled  jou,  (2)  that  will  lie  when 
it  calls  you  chaste.  aonari:  of.  Ov.  Met.  10.  205  te  earmina 
nottra  tonabunt;  Od.  2.  18.  26.  tu  pndloa,  tu  proba:  a  quo- 
tation  from  his  suggeeted  palinode ;  the  repetition  of  tu  and 
the  alliteration  in  pudica  proba  emphasiae  the  aarcaam.  Moet 
makc  the  quotation  exteiid  to  aureumt  whioh  is  obvioualj 
wrong,  for  perambulabit  ifl  '  thou  shalt  (i.e.  in  mj  palinode)  be 
deschbed  as  traversing/  and  the  future  would  not  ooour  in  the 
palinode,  but  is  due  to  parallelism  with  luam  here.  For  the 
highly  comic  perambulabla  of.  4.  5  n.  and  Od.  4.  5. 17.  Of 
course  'traversing  the  stars  Ac.'  is  heroio  language  for  'being 

42.  inXamli. . .  ]  •  angry  on  acconnt  of  libelled  Helen,  Caator 
and  the  brother  of  mighty  Castor  yielding  to  prajer  restored....' 
See  Od.  1.  16,  Intr.  For  vlce  manj  MSS.  give  vieem;  both 
are  good  Latin,  though  the  aco.  is  more  usual.  lnfaxnla,  i.e. 
who  was  made  infamous  bj  the  account  given  of  her  bvStesi- 
chorus  in  his  'LKlov  vipatt.  Castor  and  Pollux  were  Helen'e 
brothers  as  being  sons  of  Leda.  For  the  phrase  Oaator... 
fraterque  magnl  Caetorli,  cf.  Catull.  4.  27  gemelle  Cattor  et 
gemclle  Cattorit. 

NOTES.  601 

46.  p.OD001etaaortt1raa]'suIliedwithhere6^ 

e£  Od.  2. 10. 6;  Gio.  pro  Sest.  60  tHrtu$...n$qu$  aUenU  $ordibu$ 

47.  pnio^..0'»h^  ikilladtoie*tt«r(torinlct  0<L  1. 
8.  35  n.)  tho  nowly  buriod  aahea.'  Tho  ninth  day  oitor  doath 
witnooood  tho  final  oomplotion  of  all  faneral  rites  (ot  Apul. 
Met  9.  81  nono  dU  compUtU  apud  tumulum  $oUemnibu$)}  or 

Srhape  thore  wao  a  finaf  aaerifioe  at  tfao  graTe  on  tho  ninth 
y  after  burial  {novendiaU  dieitur  ^acrificium,  quod  mortuo  fU 
nona  dU  qua  tepultut  e$tt  Porphyrion).  Anyhow,  by  tfae 
phraoe,  *ninth-day  doat,'  Horaoo  olearly  indieatea  that  Oanidia 
aiatnrbo  the  aahea  the  flret  momont  tho  final  ritea  aro  concluded, 
and  aho  oan  aafely  do  ao  withont  foar  of  intorraption. 

60.  tnua...tao]  Emphatio:  the  eneer  ia  the  aamo  aa  in 
5. 6.  Paotumeiui:  tho  genuino  namo  of  a  Boman  gena ;  aoe 

62.  fortli...]  «thou  leapeat  up  (from  thy  oouohj  a  aturdy 
mother.'  The  reoovery  ia  ao  rapid  aa  to  throw  douota  on  the 
reality  of  the  illneaa,  whioh,  it  la  hinted,  ia  only  a  deyioe  to 
draw  money  from  her  lovera. 

64.  narltli]  Lo.  to  their  lamentationi  whon  ahipwreokod 

56.  lnultua...]  'ahalt  thou  unavenged  have  treated  the 
revelation  of  Cotytto'e  mysteries  aa  a  jeet?'  For  the  indignant 
question  ut...rUerUt  of.  Sat.  2.  5.  18  utns  Ufam  $purco  Damae 
latut  f  Cotytto  ia  tho  name  of  aomo  Thraoian  goddeaa  whoae 
mysteries  were  oelebrated  in  oonnection  with  lioentiouf  (of. 
liberi)  orgiet. 

58.  ot  Saquillnl...]  Her  «magio  praotioea'  amid  tho  gravea 
on  tbe  Eaquiline  are  fullv  related  by  Horaoe  in  Sat.  1.  8. 
Canidia  here  impliea  that  ho  waa  able  to  tell  ao  muoh  beoauae 
he  waa  himaelf  tne  ohief  performer,  •  tho  mgh  prieat  of  magio,' 
on  that  oceasion,  and  not  a  more  ohanoo  witneai. 

60.  quld  proderat]  «what  profit  wero  it  thon  (i^.  if  you 
are  to  eacape)  to  me  to  havo  enriohed  Paelignian  haga  (i.e.  by 
buying  their  aoorets)  or  to  havo  minglod  swifter  (Le.  more 
than  usually  deadly)  poiaona.'  Many  MSS.  have  proderit, 
*  what  profit  will  it  be  to  me  1 '  Some,  who  adopt  thia  reading, 
ezplain  the  words  as  a  taunting  queation  put  to  Horaoe,  'what 



1  it  be  to  you  to  have  studied  these  arte  and  to  heve 
or  yourself)  swifteet  poieonsr'  to  whioh  the  anewer 
none  at  ali,  for  I  will  not  let  700  die  quioklr.'  Bnt 
r  Wri  after  vroderit  ie  very  hard.  Moreover,  where  hae 
rinted  that  he  is  going  to  poieon  himeelf  *Tery  ewiftly '? 
wiahee  to  emphaaise  her  power;  ehe  knowe  how  to 
id  •very  ewift  poieone';  but,  ae  ahe  immediately 
to  etate,  Horaee  mnst  not  imagine  that  ahe  ie  going  to 
i  on  him ;  for  him  there  waite  *a  more  lingering  doom' 
prays  for. 

in  hoc.ut]  *to  tbie  end  that  thou  mayeet  ever  be  ready 

lnftdil  For  the  'treaohery'  of  Pelope  to  Myrtilufl,  the 
jr  of  Oenomaue,  by  whoee  aeeietanoe  he  won  the  hand 
odamia,  eee  Olaee.  Dict.  Some  MS8.  give  iqfidu», 
onld  refer  to  the  'treaohery'  of  Tantalne  in  betraying 
its  of  the  gods. 

egene...]  'ever  oraving  for  the  bonnteoue  feaeV  whioh 
«fore  bie  eyee,  but  whioh  he  oan  never  touoh ;  henoe 

enee  Norico]  of.  Od.  1. 16.  9. 

faetldiota...]  'sad  with  loathing  weariness  (of  life).' 

vectabor...]  'then  I  will  rido  mounted  on  thy  hatcd 
d  the  earth  ahall  yield  to  my  triumphant  pride';  cf. 
^in.  4.  1.  109,  where  a  slave  mounts  on  his  mafiter'8 
edet...,  i.e.  she  will  proudly  spurn  the  ground  on  her 
eed,  exactly  like  the  victor  insoUns  in  16.  14.  For 
ae,  the  conduct  of  '  a  beggar  on  horseback,'  of.  Od. 

an...]  *or  (cf.  6.  15  n.)  am  I,  though  I  have  power 
*sim)  to  make  waxen  images  feel...,  to  lament  the  issue 
iill  that  effects  nothing  against  thee?'  Waz  imagea, 
ting  the  person  who  was  to  suffer  enohantment,  were 
burned,  melted,  and  otherwise  ill-treated  in  witohoraft; 
L.  8.  80;  Virg.  Eol.  3.  80. 

exoltare  moxtuos]  Cf.  Sat.  1.  8.  86,  40,  and  the  witoh 


deelderi  pocula]  flXrpa,  of.  6.  38. 


(The  referenoee  throughout  are  to  the  notes.) 

ablative  of  agent  without  ab 

accutativt   6»  appotition    to 

tentenee  8, 20,  7 
adjectivet  in  -bilis  1,  8,  22 

formed  from  paat. 
Ui  1,  24,  7 
neuter  =  adverb    1, 

followed  by  the  gen. 
when    they    lig- 
nify  power  1,  6, 
10,  knowledge  1, 
15,  24,  abundance 
8,  0,  17,  deeire  8, 
Terbal  in  -ax,  with 
gen.  8,  8, 1 
adorea  4,  4,  41 
adaoribo  8,  8, 85 
adverb  qualifying  noun  8, 17, 9 
aegis  1, 15, 11.    8,4,57 
aemulari  4,  2,  1 
aeneus  1,  88, 11.    8,  8,  65 
aequalia  1,  8,  5 
aevum=a  generation  2,  9, 18 
alcaie  ttansa  8rd  line  1, 16,  8 
4th  Une  rhythm 
of  1, 16,  12 

alea=an  omen  1, 15,  5.    Ep. 

aUegory  1, 14,  Int. 
aUiUration  8,  2, 1.     8,  6,  20. 

4,2,28.    Ep.  18, 18 
almua  8,  4,  41 
alomnns  8, 18,  4 
amoebaeie  verte  8, 9,  Int. 
ambnlo  Ep.  4,  5 
antennae  1, 14,  6 
apex=a  orown  1,  84, 14 
arbiter  1,  8, 15 
arbiter  bibendi  1, 4, 18 
arbufltum  8,  1,  9 
arehaie  wordt  1,  84,  5.    2,  19, 

20.    8,  5,  88 
ardem  1,  4,  7 
ardeovto  be  in  love  2,  4,  7. 

8,  9,  5.    4,  9,  18 
argutui  4,  6,  25 
arrogare  4,  14, 40 
art=a  virtue  8,  8,  9.    arteas 

'worksof  art'4,  8,5 
arx  1,  2,  82 
attonanee  1,  2,  1.    2,  1,  20. 

2,1,85.    8,4,69 
attrology  1,  11,  8.    2, 17, 17 
atyndeton  8,  25,  7 
atavni  1, 1, 1 
at  in  impreoationa  Ep.  6, 1 


*dlj' 1.  87, 97.  Ep. 

tar  oompar»tr?e  Ep. 


,8,9.     8,10,6.    4, 

.  18,  11 
mheattky  2,  14, 16 

omen  1, 15,  6 

2,  4,  9.    8,  25,  1L 




»f  a  lover  1,  «7,  11 
b'  1,  29,  1 

onble  meaning  2,  9, 18 
Aed'  8, 19, 18 
4, 14,  47 
1 1,  9,  6 

•ahort-lWed'2,8, 18 

4,  9, 18 
,  of  eea-goda  Ep.  18, 

i  1,  18, 11.    4, 1,  97. 


16,  4.    Ep.  18,  11 

ainor  8,  5,  42 

•ineome'2, 15, 18 

indefinite  9, 14, 96 
i  4,  5,  17 
agna  Ep.  16,  41 
n  1,  9,  91.    9,  1, 1 

n  1,  86,  19 


tio  compendiaria  9,  6, 

concilJnm  4, 5, 4 

OOBOMBO  1,  1,  19 

oondiaoo  8,  2,  8 
ooodo  1, 10.  8 
eonopinm  Ep.  9,  lt 

oonttnenat,  18,21 
oontinnare  8, 16, 41 


f,  18 

eorn,  ftavpty  o/ 1, 1, 10 
eoxfe*«eMiate'  8,  5, 7 

damnatne  with  m.  2, 14, 19 

<*•**«  ofagent  1,6,1.   1,96, 

«■    16,6 

of  parpooo  2,  4, 1.    4, 


do,  ▼erbe  oompounded  with  1, 

de  die  Ep.  18, 4 
deoedere  2,  6, 16 
depontnt  werbe  with  parU  m 
pa$$.  $en$e  1, 1,  25.    Ep.  5, 

deeiderinm  1,  24,  L    4, 6, 16 

di  Manet  Ep.  6, 94 

diadema  9,  9, 91 

digitoi  4,  8,  92 

dirna  2, 12, 2 

disorimen  2, 4,  22 

disone  1, 8, 11 

dithjrembne  4, 2, 10 

dina  1, 1,  95 

divites  inanlae  4,  8,  97.    Ep. 

doUnm  Bp.  9, 47 
drinking,  ruU$  of  8,  19, 11 
dnooB*todrink'  1,17,99 
dnellnm  8,  5,  88 
dnm  with  pree.  indieatrte  1, 

10, 19,«=dnmmodo  1, 16, 26 



emancipatus  Ep.  9. 12 
emotions,  expression  of  1, 8, 18 
epitheU,  ears  m  u$e  of  1, 1, 14 
equitare  1,  3,  61 
ergol,  34,  6 
est  ut  8, 1,  9 
et«'or'  1,  81, 18 
examenl,  86,  80 
exeipere  9, 15, 16 
expedio  1, 33, 11.   8,34,8.   4, 

fasti  4,  14,  4 

faatidioeue  8, 1,  86 

favete  lingnia  8,  1,  9 

feast,  masUr  of  1,  6, 1.    1, 16, 

8.    1,90,10 

contributory  8, 19,  6 
fithpondt  3, 15,  4 
nstula  1, 17, 10 
frangere  diem  3,  7,  6 
frauflxt  'harm'  3, 19, 30,  fraus 

mala  1,  8,  38 
freqnens  8, 1,  84 
fanetus  4, 15,  39 
future,  speeial  ute  of  1,  6,  1. 

1,  16,  8.    1,  30,  10 

genitive  of  words  in  ium  eoit" 

traeUd  1,  6,  12 
genitive  after  adj.  of  abundance 

8,  6, 17 
Oreek  words  used  scornfuUy 

8,  34,  57 

hedera  1, 1,  29 
hendiadys  3,  7,  9 
heUroelite  nouns  3,  4,  13 
hiatus  1, 1,  3.     1,  38,  34.    3, 

30,   18.      8,   14,   10.     Ep. 

18  8 
historia=*'ahiatory'  3, 13, 10, 

•a  story»  8,  7,  30 
honeetam  4,  9,  41 

honor«'magiftrmey*  1,  1,  8. 

8,3,18.    4,14,3 
horn,  a  sign  of  strsngth  3, 19, 

horrenm  8, 98,  7 
hOTTido8='brirtling'  9, 4,  50, 

'booriah'  8,  S^lO/wooded» 

8,  39,  38 
horset,  keeoktg  of  3,  16,  86 
hypaUagt  8,  1,  43 
hypermetrieversesi.l^M.  8, 

39,86.    4,1,85.    4,3,33 

i  pronoonoed  aa  y  8,  4, 41 

iambi  1, 16, 8 

idem,  adTeraative  3, 10, 16 

idui  4, 11, 14 

imago  1, 13,  8 

immanit  8,  4,  43.    8,  11,  15 

immolare  1,  4, 11 

immunii  8,  38, 17.    4, 13, 33 

impar  4,  6,  6 

imperfect^Qk.  imp.  with  &pa 
1,37,19.    1,87,4 

imperium  1,  3,  36 

impotens  1,  87,  9 

improbui  8,  9,  33 

inoedo  Ep.  15, 17 

inohoare  1,  4, 15 

inorepo  4,  15,  3.    Ep.  17,  37 

inonmbo  1,  8,  30 

indieative  in  hypothet.sentence 
3,  17,  38 

inera  8,  5,  86.    3,  9,  5.    8,  4, 
45.    4,7,13 

inertia  4,  9,  39 

inflnitive  epexegetie 

after  adj.  1,  8,  35 
after  rerbs  1,  15,  37 
after  verbe  of '  wiahing ' 

1, 13,  3 
historie  Ep.  6,  84 
ofpurpote  1,  3,  7 

inimioo  4, 15,  30 






ineolena  1, 16, 31.   8,8,3.   9, 

inatitor  9,  6,  80.    Ep.17,90 
integer  1,  4,  99.    1,99,1.    1, 

96,6.    4,4,66 
intonatna  Ep.  9, 51 
intonena  9, 16, 11 
intranHtivt  vtrb$  nud  tr*n$i- 

<{«Wy2, 18,36 
inutiUe  8,  94,  48 
invidendoe  9,  10,  6 
io  Triumphe  4,  9,  40.    Ep.  0, 

irony  1,  91, 18 
ifl,  ejua  8, 11,  18 

jecurl,  18,  4.    4,1,19 
juvcnca=puella  9, 6, 1 

i'uvencu8=puer  9,  8,  91 
nvenit  1,  3, 41 

jaxtaposition  to  heightuu  anti- 
thesia  3,  4,  6 

labi  3,  14,  3.     8,  C,  8 

lacunar  3, 16, 11 

lavere  3,  8,  18 

Ungthening  tyllabU  by  ictus 

1,  3,  86 
lentus  3,  16,  37 
levi*  1,  3,  38.    3, 11,  6 
liquidus  3,  30,  3.     8,  4,  34 
UtoUt  1, 18,  9 
lituus  1,  1,  38 
lividus  3,  5,  10.    4,  9,  33 
lonpus  3,  16,  80 
lot$t  viethod  of  draunng  3,  8, 

lodoa  1, 3,  87.    3, 1,  &    8, 39, 

lustrum  3,  4,  34 

maoto  1, 19,  16 
magna  lingua  4,  6, 1 
majeatas  4,  16, 15 

malel,9,34.    1,17,96 
malignoe  1, 98, 98 
mannna  8,  97,  7 
materiee  8,  94,  49 
medioeritaa  9, 10,6 
meditor  9, 99,  7.    8,95,5 
meneae4,  5,  81 
wuUmptjftkotU  1,  38, 10 
metoo,  with  inf .  9, 9, 7 
mola  ealaa  8,  98,  90 
moritoroa  1,  38,  6.    9, 8, 4 
moroaua  1,  9, 18 
monditiae  1,  6, 5 
mundua  8,  99, 14 
mnto  1, 17,  9 
motuoa  4, 1,  80 
mxtkological  imimnem  1, 7, 91. 

navigation,  tlm  o/8,9, 6 
ne,  in  prohihitione  8,  99,  6 
nefastna  1, 85,  85.    9, 18, 1 
nepos,  *  a  rake '  Ep.  1, 89 
neacio  an  3,  4, 18 
notua,  with  gen.  9,  9,  6.    4, 

novendialia  Ep.  17,  48 
noverea  Ep.  5,  9 

obire  3,  17,  8 

oe=v3, 1,9 

olim  4,  4,  6.     Ep.  8,  L    14,7 

onyx  4, 13,  17 

operari  3,  14,  6 

opimua  4,  4,  51 

otium  3,  1G,  1.     Ep.  1,  7 

oxymoron  3,  11,  85 

p  inaerted  for  euphony  9,  4, 

palinode  1, 16,  Int. 
pallor  8, 10,  4.    Ep.  10, 16 
palma  1,  1,  5 
par  1,  6,  16.    1,  94,  8 



partes^duty'  1,2,  29 

patt  part.  ot  deponente  uted 
pauively  1, 1,  26 

pater  patriae  8, 24,  27 

pauperies  8, 16,  87 

paupertas  1, 12,  48 

perfect  inJMttoe  1,  1,  4.    8, 
4   61 
„      aoristie  1,  28,  20 
„      tubj.    in   affirmationt 
2, 18, 6 

perfidus  8,  6,  88 

perjury  2,  8, 1 

perpetuui  1,  7,  6.    1,  24,  6 

perstrinffo  2, 1, 18 

philosophical  termt  2,  10,  Int. 

pietas  1, 17, 18 

piue  2,  1,  80.     8,  8,  68 

platanus  2,  11, 18 

play  on  wordt  1,  88,  2.    2,  7, 

1.  8,  28,  8 
plebe  2,  2,  18 

pleotrum  1,  26, 11.    2, 1,  40 
plural  rhetorical  4,  8,  16 
plus  nimio  1, 18, 16 
poct,  tacred  1, 22, 1.   2,13,29. 

poet-taureate  1,  2,  Int. 
potis8,17,  13 
praeceps  1,  8,  12 
praesens  1,  86,  2 
prayer,  attitude  of  8,  28,  1 
pretent  part  of  verb  *to  be*  to 

be  tupplied  2,  8,  21.    8,  16, 

80.    4,1,6 
pretent  prophetie  1, 14,  9 
princeps  4,  14,  6 
prisous  8,  21, 11.    Ep.  2,  2 
profanus  3,  1, 1 
proleptie  ute  of  adj,  2,  1, 19. 

2,  6,  10 

pronoun  in  teeondof  two  elautet 

1,  9,  16 
pronount  in  prominent  potition 

P.  II. 

to  mark  antithetit  1,  1,  29. 

1,6,17.    2,7,18.    2,9,9. 

2,19,18.    2,16,88 
propego  Sp.  2,  9 
proper  namet  at  adjeetivet  1, 

proprius  2,  2,  22 
protinus  8,  8,  80 
prudenlia  4, 9,  86 
pudor  1,  24,  6 
punieus  Ep.  9,  27 
pupula  Ep.  6,  40 
purpureus  1, 86, 12.   2, 16, 86. 

2,  18,  7.    8,  16,  16.    4,  1, 


quando  Ep.  9,  1 
quandoque  4, 1, 17 
quantity,  vartation  in  1, 82, 11. 

que,  out  of  plaoe  2, 19,  28 
querella  2,  9,  17 
quid  quod  2,  18,  28 
quin  et  8,  11,  21 
quintettenee  1,  18,  1G 
quod,  with  subj.  4,  8,  8 

ravus  Ep.  16,  83 

re-,  in  compounds='duly'  1, 

9,  6.    1, 10,  17 
reoonditU8  8,  28,  2 
rectus  2, 10,  1 
reddo  2,  7,  17.    Ep.  16,  43 
redono  3,  8,  38 
refizus  Ep.  17,  6 
refringo  3,  8,  28 
regna  vini  1,  4,  18 
regnatus  2,  6,  11 
reluctans  4,  4,  11 
reparo  1,  81, 12.    1,  87,  24 
repeated  word  with  differenl 

aceent  1,  32,  11 


mwd  toconntctclawstt 
1.2,4.  Ep. 

tXpTtMS  foadr 

ness  1,18,1 






tationl,  85, 

15.   4,3,49 

txprtu     sad- 

fUM2,  14,1. 

txprtu  indty- 
notum   Ep. 
txprtu  tagtr- 
ntu  Ep.  17, 
txprtu    dtri' 
iUm  4,   13, 
1,  2,  86 

apelling  of  4,  15,  5 
b  3,  16,  2 

ivus  4,  2,  35 
a  Ep.  4,  7 
i  2,  16,  13 
,  3.  17 

=  ,offspring,  2,  20.  5 
= '  a    philosopher '    1, 
2,  10,  22.     4,  9,  4S 
lims  o/  1,  2,  19 
,,      caesura  in  4,  2, 
7.     C.  S.  58 
s  2,  4,  17 

1,  37.  33.     2,   14,  9, 
:al  3,  5,  25 
l  1,  36,  14 

pers.  sing.   used  inde- 
\y  1,  1,  13.     2,  2,  9 
is  =  'next'   1,    12,   18, 
vourable '  2,  10,  23 
ot*v  4,  4,  22 

aeditio  8,  8,  29 

sege»  1,  81, 4 

senectas  Ep.  18.  5 

nntio  9, 7, 10 

smwones  8«  8,  5 

seo,  omitted  1,  8,  16 

ai  in  appeels  1,  82,  L    C.  a 

87.    Omittad  4,  4,  65 
sie  in  appeals  1,  8, 1 
aie  nmm  1,  88, 10 
aiccui  8,  29,  20 
simul=aimal  m  1,  9,  9.    2, 

8,  5.    2,  16,  2.    8,  4,  87. 

singular  vtrb  a/Ur  two  nomi- 

nativts  2, 18,  88 
sobrius  2, 10,  6 
solee^'days'4,  5,7 
solidus  diea  1,  1,  20,  aolida 

mcna  3,  8,  4 
aolvo,  of  warmth  1,  4,  1;  of 

vowb  4,  2,  54 
tuund,  accommodation  of%   to 

sense  1,  2,  1.    1,  3,  36.    1, 

5,  8.     1,  15,  14.     1,  25,  6. 

1,   29,   11.    3,  27,  22.     3, 

29,  35.    4,  13, 1.     Ep.  17, 

specialization  1,  1, 13.   2,  9,  2. 

3,  6,  55 
spiritUB  =  $vfi6t  2,  2,  9, '  inspi- 

ration'  2,  16,38 
88  =  f4,  1,  11 
sto  1.  9,  1.    3,  3,  42 
storaachue  1,  6,  6 
strepitue  4,  3,  18 
sub,  with  aoc.   1,  8,  14.     2, 

18,  18.     Ep.  5,  83.    abl.  3, 

Bublustris  3,  27,  29 
submitto  4,  4,  63 
suboles  4,  3,  14 
suicide  1,  12,  35 
summoveo  2, 16, 10.    2, 18, 21 



sunt  quoe  1, 1,  8 
twan  mtuical  9,  20, 15 
tyUable  lengthened  by  ictut  1, 

tyncope  1,  86,  8.    Ep.  9, 1 
tynitetit  8,  7,  38 

taariformis  4, 14,  25 
tempero  1,  90, 11 
tenuis  9, 16,  88 
teres  9  4  21 

termini  9, 18,  94.    C.  8.  96 
tibiae,  plural  1, 1,  89 
tmttit  1,  6,  8.     1,  89, 15 
trabes  9, 18,  8.    4,1,90 
tragoedia  9, 1,  9 
trepido  9,  4,  94.    9,11,4 
tripadium  4, 1,  98 
trinmphatns  8,  8,  48 
triumviralis  Bp.  4, 11 
tuba  1, 1,  98 
tumultus  4,  4,  47 

udus=«drunk,l,  7,  99 

nltro  4,  4,  51 

umerus  1,  9,  81 

unclet,  cruelty  of  8, 19,  8 

unde=  'from  whom'  1, 12, 17. 

2,  12,  7 
nnicus  2, 18,  14.    8, 14,  5 
arbssRome  1,  2,  4 
argeo  1,  24,  6.    2,  9,  9 
ut='tinoe'  4,  4,  42.    Ep.  7, 


utcanque  1, 17, 10 
ntile  4,  9, 41 

y,  *  ■emivowel  1,  98,  4 
Te,  ont  of  plaoe  9,  7,  95 
▼erbenae  1, 19, 14 
verbt  o/  tacrjfice%  conttruetion 

verbt  followed  by  gen.  9, 9, 17. 

2,18,38.     8,80,19 
vertioem  tollere  8, 16,  19 
vioariui  6,  94,  16 
▼ioea  4,  7,  8.    plnt  vioe  aim- 

pliei  4,  14, 18.    ▼ioem  Ep. 

5,  88.    vioe  1,  4,  1.    Ep. 

18,7.    17,49 
vine,  training  of  4,  5,  80  ' 
▼iola,  oolonr  of  8, 10, 14 
▼irensss  'young'  4, 18, 6.  Ep. 

18.4.  17,88 

virtus  9,  9, 18.   8,9,17.   Ep. 

vitrens  1,  17,  90 
vivere='to  enjoy  life'  8,  99, 

vowt  1,  86,  9.    9,  7, 17 

wine,  methodt  of  keeping  1, 90, 
8.    3,  8,  10 

y,  where  ooourring  in  Latin  1, 

16.5.  4,9,86 

tengma  8, 10,  5 

^— ^ 


IMDM  9,  19,  9L     8,  1, 

Ep.  18,  8 
eoi  4, 8,  5 

m  1, 8, 18,  gen.  of  1, 18, 
Qharaotorof9,4,9.  4,6, 

ib  2, 18,  84.    8,  19,  8 
■  '  2,  18,  84.    4,  9,  11, 
o  8,  80, 18 
is=*Sirooeo'  8,  28,  5 
pa  1,  6,  Ini. 
[Oilei)  1, 15, 18.  Ep.  10, 

son  of  Telamon  2,  4,  5 
wine  4,  11,  2 
08  1,32,5.    1,87,1 
ot  4,  4,  58 
roges  Ep.  16,  6 
tes  3, 16,  41 
iiaraus  8, 16, 11 
eon  4,  9,  9.    Ep.   14, 

chiu  3,  6,  85 
lius  (Iulus)  4,  2,  Int. 
liua,  M.  not  mentioned 
7,  Int.  3, 8, 18.  8, 4,  79 

0,  healer  1, 21, 13,  temple 

1.  31,  Int.,  statue  of  1, 
1,  destroyer  2,  10,  19, 

areher  8.  4,  60,  larmm  8, 
the  rjro  4, 15, 1 

4,  6,1111 


Apolia,  quantity  of  3, 4, 9 

Arabes  1,  99, 1 

Arehytas  1,  98,  9 

Arotos  9,  15,  16 

Aroturus  8,  1,  97 

Argo  Ep.  16,  57 

Argos  1,  7,  9 

Atlas,  the  limit  of  the  world 
1,  84, 11 

Attalus  1,  1, 12 

Augustus,  triple  triumph  1, 9, 
Int.,  prinoeps  senatus  1, 
9,  50.  1,  91,  14,  defeato 
Cantabri  9,  6,  9,  reforma 
morals  9, 15,  Int,  8, 6,  Int., 

4,  5,  21,  restores  templee  8, 
6,  Int.,  9, 15,  90,  deified  1, 
9,  45.  8,  8,  11.  4,  5,  84, 
oalled  Augustus  8, 8, 11.  4, 
14,  8,  Gaeaar  4,  15,  4,  ori- 
ginal  name  8,  14,  7,  pator 
patriae  8, 14, 97,  in  Gaul  4, 

5,  Int.,  found*  ludi  saeou- 
lares  4,  6,  Iut. 



Aulon  2, 6, 18 
AustersSiroooo  2, 14, 15 

Babylonian  aetrologen  1, 11, 2 
BacohussDionysus  2, 19,  Int, 

god  of  inspiration  2,  19, 

6.    8,  8,  6,  deified  hero  8, 

8  9 
Baiae  8,  4,  24 
Bandusia  8,  18,  Int 
Baaiareua  1, 18,  11 
BeUerophontes  8, 12,  8 
Bereoyntus  1,  18,  18.    8,  19, 

Bistonides  2, 19,  20 
Brenni  4, 14, 10 
Britanni  1,  21, 15.    1,85,80. 

8,4,88.    3,5,8.    4,14,47. 

Bp.  7,  7 
Brutns,  M.  2,  7,  2 
Bupalus  Ep.  6, 14 

Caeeuban  wine  1,  20,  9.    1, 

87,  5.    2,  14,  25.    Ep.  9, 

Caesar,  Jul.  1,  2,  Int. 
Calabria,  pastures  of  1,  81,  5. 

Ep.  1,  87 
Cales,  wine  of  1,  20,  9.  1,  81, 

9.    4,12,14 
Camena  1, 12,  89.    2,  16,  88 
Campus  Martius,used  for  exer- 

oise  1,  8,  8.    4,  1,  40 
Canidia  Ep.  5,  Intr. 
Cantaber  2,  6,  2 
Capitolium  1,  87,  6 
Capra  8,  7,  6 
Capua  Ep.  16,  5 
Carthage,  destroyed  2, 1,  26. 

4,  5, 17,  perfidy  of  8,  5,  88 
Carthage,  new  2,  2, 10 
Castor,  a  rider  1,  12,  26,  dei- 

fied  hero  4,  5,  35.    Ep.  17, 


Catilue  1, 18,  2 

Cato,  suieide  of  1, 12,  85 

Cato  the  Censor  2, 15, 11.    8, 

6,14.    8,21,11 
Cauoasus  1,  22,  6.    Ep.  1, 

Ceoropius  2, 1, 12 
Censorinus  4,  8,  Int. 
Centaurs  1, 18,  7.    1,  27,  2 
Cerberus  2, 18,  84.    8,11,15 

Chian  wine  1,  17,  2L    Ep.  9* 

Chimaera  1, 27, 24.  2,17,18. 

4,  2, 16 
Cleopatra  1,  87,  Int    1,  87, 

Coanpurple  4,  18,  18 

Cocytue  2, 14, 17 
ColcManpoi*ons2,lSt&.  Ep. 

5,24.    17,85 
Coneani  8,  4,  84 
Corinth,  harbours  of  1,  7, 2 
Corrinus  8,  21,  Int. 
Cotiso  8,  8, 18 
Cotyttia  Ep.  17,  56 
Crassus,  defeat  of  1,  2,  22.    2, 

Crete  8,  27,  88 
Crispus  Sallustius  2,  2,  Int. 
Cyolades  1,  14,  19 
Cyelopes  1,  4,  7 
CyUemeua  Ep.  13,  8 
Cyprus  1,  1, 18 
Cytherea  1,  4,  5 

Daous  8,  8, 18 

Daedalus  1,  8,  34.    4,  2,  2 

Daunius  1,  22,  14.    2,  1,  34. 

Dellius  2,  3,  Int. 
Delmatieus  2, 1, 16 
Diespiter  1,  84,  5.    8,  2,  29 
Dinaymene  1, 16,  5 




Dioseuri  1,  8,  9 
Direaeus  oyenus  4,  9, 95 
Dorian  muiie  Ep.  9»  5 
Drnsos  4,  4,  Int    4»  14,  Int 

Enipeus,  •  rtar  8,  7, 96 
Ennins  4,  8,  90 
EpicureanpkUonpkii  1, 9, 18. 

9,8,Int    2,  lLInt 
Epi€wrtanitm  9, 11, 4 
Eryein*  1,  9,  88 
Bsouiline  Bp.  5, 100.    17,68 
Euias  8,  96,  9 
Enins  9, 11, 17 
Enmenides  9, 18,  86 
Eophorbns  1, 98, 11 

Falernian  wine  9,  8, 8 
Faunalia  8,  18,  6 
Fannus=Pan  1,  17,  10.    9, 

17,  28,  god  of  the  oountry 

3,  18,  Int. 
Fontanalia  8,  18,  9 
Formiae  8, 17,  Int. 
Formian  wine  1,  90,  9 
Fortona  1,  85,  Int.    3,  90,  49 
Fuscus  Aristius  1,  99,  Int. 

Gades  2,  6,  1 

Galaesus  2,  6,  10 

Galli  Ep.  9,  17 

Gallic  hortfi  1,  8,  6,  words  3, 

Gallus,  Aelius  1,  29,  Int. 
Ganymedes  3,  20, 1G.    4,  4,  3 
Geloni  2,  9,  23 
Genaoni  4,  14,  10 
Genius  3,  17,  13 
Geryones  2, 14,  8 
Glycera  1,  33,  2 
Gratia,  in  sing.  4,  7,  5 
Grosphus  2, 16,  Int 

Hannibal,  dirus  2,  12,  2.    3, 

6,86.    4, 4, 49,  psrMos  4, 

4,  49,  defca tsd  4, 8, 16 
HeleoeBp,  17,49 
Heronks.  dsifled  heto  8, 8, 9. 

8,14Tl.    4,6.88 
Hesperia  9, 1, 81 
Hiberi,  taarning  of  9, 90, 90 
Hippolytus  4,  7,  96 

AASjMUWSjm  a   SSWwlSVSiSB^BMSj   4pM  ^p^  e^sa      *TI   W  % 

Horaee,  Urthplaee  4,  %  9, 
•«•9.4,98.  111,1.  4» 
1, 6,  fast  Bocnan  ryxfa  posi 
1,96,10.  8,88,10.  £1. 
28,atPhffippi9,7,9.  8,4, 
97,  nearly  kffied  by  •  trt* 
8,  13,  Int,  pUloMBlgr  1, 
84,  Int  9,  10,  1  aot  a- 
shamed  of  his  birth  9,  90, 

5,  Tiews  abont  snsrgy  8,94, 
40.  8,99,81.  4,9,9,Poet- 
Lanreate  9, 15,  Int  Bk  4, 
Int  4,  8,  Int ,  apolory  for 
not  writing  national  Odes  9, 

Horace,  style  of— rbndness  fbr 
1,13.  1,35,7.  9,9,8.  8, 
5,  55.  4, 5, 9,  for  sing.  terb 
after  two  nom.  9,  18,  88, 
for  repeating  words  2,  14, 
1,  for  oonneeting  elsuses 
by  repetition  1,  9,  4,  for 
nse  of  gen.  after  •djeotrfe* 
1,6,10.  1,15,94.  8,8,1. 
3,  6,  17.  8, 97, 99,  for  eo- 
exegetio  inflnitiTe  afler  ad- 
jeetiyes  1,  8,  95,  and  verbs 

I,  15,  97,  for  oxrmoron  8, 

II,  85,  for  ose  of  oronoun» 
in  prominent  poeitioos  to 
mark  antithesis  1, 1, 99.  1, 
6,17.  9,7,18.  9,9,9.  9, 
12,18.    2, 16, 33,  brerity  8, 



6,  46,  quiet  ending  to  Odes 

4,2,60.    4,14,62 
Hyades  1,  8, 14 
Hydaspes  1,  22,  7 
Hymettus,  marble  of  2, 18,  8 
Hypermneatra  8, 11,  51 

Iapyx  1,8,4.    8,27,18 

Hia  1,  2,  17 

Ilithvia  C.  S.  14 

Inachus  8, 19, 1 

Indi  1,  12,  85.     4»  14,  42, 

wealthy  1,  81,  6 
Iolooe  Ep.  5,  21 

Janns  Qnirini  4, 15,  9 

Juba  1,  22, 15 

Jugortha  Ep.  9,  28 

Juno,  of  Cfarthage  2,  1,  25, 
wife  and  sister  8,  8,  64 

Jupiter=*god  of  atmosphere' 
1,  1,  26.  1,  16,  11.  2,  6, 
18.    2,  10,  16.     Ep.  18,  2 

Laoedaemon  1,  7, 10 
Laoon  Ep.  6,  5 
Lacoman  purple  2, 18,  7 
Laestrygonius  8,  16,  84 
Lamia  1,  26,  Int.     8, 17,  Int. 
Laomedon  8,  8,  20 
Lapithae  1, 18,  7 
Latona  1,  21,  8 
Lenaeus  8,  25,  18 
Letbian  wine  1,  17,  21.    Ep. 

9  84 
Lesbiuss«Sapphio'  4,  6,  85, 

Myrie1 1,1,  84.    1,26,11 
Lethe  4,  7,  27 

Libnrni  1,  87,  80.    Ep.  1, 1. 
Libyan  corn  1,  1,  10 
Lioinius  Mnrena  2, 10,  Int. 
Lioymnia  2, 12, 18 
Liris  1,  81,  7.    8,  17,  7 
Lollius  4,  9,  Int. 

Luceria  8, 15,  18 
Lyaens  1,  7,  22.    Ep.  9,  87 
Lyoambes  Ep.  6, 18 
Lydae  tibiae  4, 15,  80 

Maeoenas  1,  1,  1,  remained 
an  eque»  1,  20,  5,  reoovery 
from  illness  1, 20, 4.  2, 17, 
Int.,  wife  of  2, 12,  Int.,  an 
invalid  2, 17,  Int.,  leaming 
of  8,  8,  5,  praefectu»  urbU  / 
8,  8, 17.  8,  29,  Int,honse 
of  8,  29,  10,  retirement  4, 

Maeonius  4,  9,  6 

Maevins  Ep.  10  Intr. 

Magnessa  8,  7, 18 

MaroeUus  1, 12,  46 

Mars  Ultor  1,  2,  86 

Marsi  8,  5,  9,  M.  war  8, 14, 
18.    Ep.  16,  8 

Mauie  wine  2,  7,  21 

Matronalia  8,  8, 1 

Medea  Ep.  8,  9 

Medi=Parthi  1,  2,  51 

Medum  flumen = Euphrates  2, 

Melpomene  1,  24,  8.    4,  8, 1 

Menas  8, 16,  16 

Merourius,  attributes  of  1,  10 
Int.,  with  Venui  1,  80,  8 

Merourius,  god  of  poets  1,  10, 
1.    2,7,18 

Metaurus  4,  4,  88 

Metellus  2, 1, 1 

Milton,  translation  byl,  5,Int. 

Minerra  8, 12,  6 

Minos  4,  7,  21 

Molossus  Ep.  6,  5 

Monaeses  8,  6,  9 

Mygdonius  2, 12, 22.   8,16,41 

Naiades  8,  25, 14 
Neapolis  Ep.  5,  48 


is  1,  36,  17.     3,  24,  5 
lia  3,  28,  Int. 



inyo/ 3,  8,  46 

i  2,  9,  20 

i,  20, 15.    Ep.  15, 21 


ul  1, 16,  9 

ia  2,  12,  1 


letting  of  1,  28,  21. 

),9,  hunter2,  18,  39 

1 1,  12, 11 

.  Roscius  Ep.  4,  15 


18  3,  4,  28 

!p.  10, 18 

18  1,  29, 14 

i   shepherd  1,  15,  1, 

rance  of  3,  8,  25 

ius  4,  8,  6 

retreat  of   1,  19,  11, 

tal  troables  1,  26,  Int. 

>mpared  to  Mercurius 


,  L.  Aemilius  1,  12,  38 
*,  7,  17 

l,  6,  8.     Ep.  17,  65 
a  2,  4,  12 
=  Parthi  1,  2,  22 

king,  the  3,  9,  4 
hus  2,  6,  11 

3,  23,  Int. 

>f  Macedon  3,  16,  14 
Ep.  16,  17 

>8  1,  26,  Int.     2,  2,  17 
n  marble  3,  1,  41 
,3,  18,Pierides4,8,  20 
i  1,  26,  9 

4,  2,  1—26 

Pirithous  3,  4,  79 

Plancns,  Munatius  1, 7,  Int. 

Pleiadea  4, 14, 11 

Pollio  2, 1,  Int 

PoUux,  a  boxer  1, 12,  96,  dei- 

fied  hero  3,  8, 9.  4,6.85 
Pompeios,  theatre  of  1,  20,  7 
Pontua,  ship  timber  from  1, 

Poraena  Ep.  16,  8 
Priamui  1, 10, 14 
Priapus  Ep.  2,  21 
Proculeius  2,  2,  5 
Procyon  3,  29, 18 
Promethens  1,  8,  27,=Fore- 

thougbt  1,  16, 18,  in  hell  2, 

13,87.    Ep.  17,67 
Proserpina,  quantity  of  2, 13, 

Proteot  1,  2,  7 
Pudor  1,  24,  6 
Pythagoras  1,  28, 10.   Ep.  15, 


Quinotiliui  Varus  1,  24,  Int. 
Quirinus  Ep.  16,  13 
Quirites  2,  7,  3 

Rhaeti  4,  4,  Int.    4,  14,  Int. 
Robur  Tullianum  2,  13, 19 

Sdbine  Farm  1, 17,  Int.   3,  13, 

Sabine  wine  1,  20,  1 
Sabini=estate    in  Samnium 

2,  18,  14 
Sabini,  hardy  3,  6, 38.    Ep.  2, 

Salamie  ambigua  1,  7,  29 
Salii  1,  36,  22 
Sardinian  corn  1,  81,  4 
Saturnalia,  presents  at  4,  1, 1 
Scaurus  1,  12,  37 
Scipio  Afr.  4,  8,  18 



Scopui  4,  8,  6 
80701108,8,88.   4,5,25.    4, 

14,  43,  ▼irtuee  of   8,  24, 

Seret  1,12,55.    8,29,26 
Serious-  «Eaitern1 1,  29,  9 
Sibylline  Book$  0.  8.  5 
Sioulae  dapes  8, 1,  18 
Silvanui  8,  29, 22.    Ep.  2,22 
Simonides  2, 1,  88 
Sisyphus  Ep.  17,  68 
Socratio  philotophy  1,  29,  14. 

8,  21,  9 
Soraote  1,  9, 1 
Spartaoua  8, 14, 19.    Ep.  16, 

5    * 
Steeichorus,  palinode  of  1, 16, 

Stoie  paradoxet  8,  2,  17.    4, 

Stjx  2, 14,  8 
Subura  Ep.  5,  57 
Sybaris  1,  8,  2 
Sygambri  4,  2,  86 
Syrian  merchandite  1,  81, 12 
Syrtes  1,  22,  5.    Ep.  9,  81 

Tantalua  Ep.  17,  65 
Tarquiniua  Sup.  1,  12,  84 
Teomessa,  quantity  of  2,  4, 6 
Telegoni  juga  8,  29,  6 
Telephus  Ep.  17,  8 
Tempe  1,  7,  4 
Terminalia  Ep.  2,  59 
Thaliarohua  1,  9,  8 
Theualian  witardt  1,  27,  21. 

Ep.-5,  45 
Thraeeal.27,2.  1,86,14.  2, 
.  19,  20.    Ep.  5, 14 
Thraciae  animae  4, 12, 1 
Thyiades  2, 19,  9 

Thyoneus  1, 17.  28 

Tiber,  flooda  01  1,  2,  18,  for 

bathing  1,  8,  8,  yellow  2, 

8  18 
Tiberiua  4,  4,  Int   4, 14,  Int. 
Tibullus  1,  88,  Int. 
Tibur  1, 7,  Int.  1,18,2.  2,6, 

5.    8,29,6 
Tiridates  1,  26,  Int. 
Titanes  8,  4,  42—54 
Tithonua  2, 16,  80 
Tityos  2, 14,  8.    4,  6, 1 
Torquatus  Manlius  8,  21,  1 
Troy,  rebuilding  0/  8,  8,  Int 
Tusoulum  Ep.  1,  29 
Typhoeus  8,  4,  58 
Tyrrhenum  8,  24,  4 

Ulizeus,  gen.  of  1,  6,  7.    Ep. 

Valfius  9,  9,  In». 
Vanus,  L.  1,  6, 1 
Venus,marina8, 26,5.  4,11. 

15='abeauty,l,  27,  14 
Venus  drawn  by  swans  4, 1, 

10,-«beau^y*4, 18, 17 
Vertumnus  1,  14,  6 
Vesperus  2,  9, 10 
Vesta,  temple  of  1,  2, 15 
Vettal  virgitu  1,  2,  27 
Vindelioi  4,  4, 18 
Virgilius,  friend  of  Hor.  1,  8, 

Int.,  of  Quinotilius 

1,  24,  Int. 
imitated  2,  9,  Inl, 

not  the  poet  4,  12, 

Voltur  8,  4,  9 

Xanthus  Ep.  18, 18 


PBINTED   BY   J.   A    C.    r.   CLAY, 

1  oo.-i 


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