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Agricultural  Experiment  Station 



BY  C.  B.  SAYRE 

URBAXA,  ILLINOIS,  Al'Cl'ST,  1929 





Kinds  of  Skeletal  Tissues  in  Plants 563 




Comparison  of  Varieties 567 



Mierochemical    Tests 5S5 




BY  CHARLES  B.  SAYKE,  Formerly  Assistant  Chief  in  Olericulture 

Celery  to  be  of  good  quality  must  be  crisp,  tender,  and  string- 
less,  having  a  pleasant,  sweet,  nut-like  flavor.  Systematic  improve- 
ment in  the  quality  of  celery  requires:  first,  a  knowledge  of  the 
structural  characters  of  the  plant  that  are  correlated  with  quality 
or  lack  of  quality;  and  second,  a  knowledge  of  the  conditions  of  tem- 
perature, moisture,  plant  food,  maturity,  blanching,  and  varietal  dif- 
ferences that  affect  the  structure  of  celery  and  its  resulting  relation 
to  quality.  It  is  the  object  of  this  bulletin  to  present  data  and  infor- 
mation concerning  these  topics,  particularly  in  regard  to  a  micro- 
scopic study  of  the  interior  anatomy  and  structural  characters  of 
the  celery  plant  that  are  correlated  with  quality. 


Norton-"'*  says  that  quality  in  celery  is  primarily  a  question  of  the 
proportional  relationships  of  the  so-called  parenchymous  tissue  to  the 
fibrous  tissue.  This  is  determined  in  part  by  varietal  differences  and, 
within  varietal  limits,  in  the  main  by  certain  external  conditions, 
such  as  soil  moisture,  plant  food,  rate  of  growth,  light,  warmth,  pest 
control,  and  blanching. 

Mills4*  says  that  high  quality  in  celery  is  based  on  its  flavor, 
crispness,  and  lack  of  stringiness.  Flavor,  he  believes,  is  associated 
in  some  way  with  the  chlorophyll  in  the  stalks.  It  is  affected  by  the 
rate  of  blanching  and  the  type  of  celery,  whether  of  the  self-blanching 
or  green  type.  It  is  generally  conceded  that  green  varieties  of  celery 
are  of  better  flavor  than  varieties  of  the  self-blanching  type. 

The  degree  of  crispness,  he  says,  is  due  entirely  to  the  relative 
water  content  of  the  plant.  AYhe-n  the  cells  are  turgid  the  stalk  will 
be  crisp,  but  when  the  parenchyma  cells  are  not  well  filled  with 
liquid  the  stalk  will  be  wilted  and  lacking  in  crispness.  This  lack 
of  crispness  may  be  caused  by  too  high  a  temperature,  too  much  or 
too  little  moisture,  too  little  nitrogen  in  the  fertilizer,  checking  of 
growth  dtie  to  disease,  or  by  too  rapid  a  growth  which  in  turn  ma- 
lures  the  crop  too  early  in  the  season,  causing  pithiness. 

Pithiness.  Mills  believes,  is  caused  by  the  maturing  of  the  stalk 
and  depends  partially  ut  least  upon  heredity,  some  strains  of  celery 
tending  to  develop  this  trouble  more  than  others.  A  pithy  stalk 

5()()  BULI.KTIX  Xo.  336  [August, 

cannot  be  made  crisp  because  the  parenchyma  cells  have  collapsed 
and  cannot  be  filled  with  water  again. 

Conditions  of  storage.  Thompson"*  says,  may  also  affect  crisp- 
ness.  Insufficient  moisture  in  storage  will  cause  wilting  and  lack 
of  crispness.  Too  high  a.  temperature  in  storage  will  cause  rapid 
maturity  and  result  in  pithiness. 

According  to  Mills  and  many  other  writers,  stringiness  in  celery 
is  due  to  the  development  of  excessive  woody  tissue  in  and  around 
the  fibrovascular  bundles.  Mills  claims  that  in  stringy  celery  these 
bundles  will  be  found  enlarged  and  the  woody  cells  will  extend  out 
into  the  spaces  where  the  soft-tissue  cells  should  be  present,  often 
extending  out  to  the  epidermis.  Among  the  catises  of  this  devel- 
opment of  excessive  woody  tissue  he  mentions  strong  light  and  too 
little  light:  a  check  in  growth  owing  to  too  much  moisture,  too  little 
fertilizer,  or  disease:  banking  too  long;  or  an  overrapid  growth,  caus- 
ing a  woody  condition. 

The  writer  cannot  agree  with  Mills'  statement  that  stringiness 
of  celery  is  due  to  an  enlargement  of  the  fibrovascular  bundles,  or 
that  woody  cells  extend  out  into  the  spaces  where  soft  tisstie  should 
be  present.  The  present  paper  includes  data  and  microphotographs 
which  the  author  believes  demonstrate  that  stringiness  in  celery  is 
due  to  other  structural  changes  or  differences. 

White  and  Sandsten1'1'  and  also  Austin  and  White1*  ascribe  pithi- 
ness in  celery  to  poor  seed,  especially  to  seed  produced  on  pithy  plants. 
Their  experiments  indicate  that  pithiness  is  an  inherited  character 
and  they  conclude  that  a  rogueing  out  of  the  seed  plot  of  all  plants 
showing  pithiness  will  obviate  this  undesirable  character. 

Beattie2"  says  that  pithiness  in  celery  may  frequently  be  prevented 
by  proper  cultural  conditions.  Pithiness  may  be  caused  by  too  rank 
a  growth  in  the  seed  bed  and  also  by  a  severe  check  in  growth.  An- 
other cause  of  pithiness,  he  says,  is  in  leaving  the  celery  in  the  field 
too  long  after  it  has  become  blanched.  The  outer  stems  in  particular 
tend  to  become  pithy  under  these  conditions. 

Flavor  in  celery  is  affected  by  a  number  of  conditions,  Beattie 
says.  The  strong,  rank  flavor  of  celery  is  caused  by  the  presence 
of  chlorophyll  and  this  is  overcome  by  the  blanching  process.  Blanch- 
ing destroys  the  chlorophyll  in  the  stems  that  are  already  grown  and 
prevents  the  formation  of  chlorophyll  in  the  stems  that  are  produced 
during  the  blanching  period.  Flavor,  he  adds,  is  also  influenced  by 
the  variety.  The  green  types  are  in  general  superior  to  the  self- 
blanching  types. 

There  is  a  difference  of  opinion  among  writers  as  to  the  effect 
of  the  soil  on  the  quality  of  the  celery  it  will  produce.  Watts111*  says 
that  celery  grown  on  muck  soil  is  inferior  in  quality  to  celery  grown 
on  upland  soil.  Thompson"*  believes  that  muck  soil  will  produce 
celery  of  superior  quality  to  that  grown  on  mineral  or  upland  soils. 

Qr.u.iTY  ix   OKLKHY  AS   RKI.ATKD  TO  STIUVTI'KK  501 

He  adds  that,  to  be  of  the  best  quality,  celery  must  have  a  con- 
tinuous growth,  and  this  is  more  likely  to  occur  on  muck  soil  than 
on  mineral  soils  owing-  to  the  better  physical  condition  and  greater 
water-holding  capacity  of  the  muck  soils. 


The  celery  plant  has  a  large  fibrous  root  system  and  a  very  short 
ste.m.  so  short-  that  the  leaf  petioles  appear  to  arise  at  the  base  of 
the  roots.  The  leaves  are  compound  and  have  long,  thick  petioles. 


>•- V,    .•         .--  ,     / 

v"*y"^  /*      '       "^js*^  *  "•.       X-J 


/5fe^!».>^>v_  '<    ?>.  V-  ->  -- 

A,  epidermis;   i5.  colleiichyinn   in  rib;   C,  paronchynia ;   ]).  phloem; 
K,  xylem   (D  and  E  together  form  the  primary  iibrovascular  bundle)  ; 
F,  secondary  fibrovascular  bundle. 

The  leaf  petiole  is  the  edible  portion  of  the  plant.  There  arc  about 
twenty  leaves  per  plant,  some  varieties  producing  more  leaves  than 
other  varieties. 

In  cross-section  the  leaf  petiole  is  somewhat  crescent  shaped. 
The  exterior  side  is  somewhat  ribbed  or  corrugated  and  the  inner 
side  is  smooth.  The  proportional  thickness  of  the  petiole  varies  with 
different  varieties,  some  varieties  having  exceptionally  thick  leaf- 
stalks. A  microscopic  examination  of  a  section  of  the  celery  leafstalk 
shows  that  it  is  composed  of  a  number  of  different  kinds  of  tissues 
(Fig.  ll. 

Entirely  surrounding  the  section,  there  is  an  outer  layer  of  tissue, 
one  cell  in  depth.  This  is  the  epidermis  and  is  composed  of  cells 

;,(i_>  Bru.KTiN  Xo.  336 

which  are  somewhat  thickened,  particularly  on  the  outer  side.  In 
addition,  a  waxy  substance  called  cutin  is  formed  on  the  outer  sur- 
face. This  forms  a  thin,  waterproof  film  called  the  cuticle.  The 
cutini/.ed  parts  are  clearly  distinguishable  when  treated  with  chloro- 
iodid  of  zinc. 

Inside  the1  epidermis  is  the  collenchyma  tissue  which  occurs  as 
separate  strands  in  the  "ribs"  or  corrugated  portion  around  the  ex- 
terior side  of  each  stalk;  and  also  as  a  continuous  zone  about  two 
cells  in  depth  next  to  the  epidermis.  This  layer  of  collenchyma  is 
often  deeper  on  the  interior  side  of  each  stalk.  The  collenchyma 
cells  are  thick-walled  especially  at  the  angles.  The  depth  of  this 
collenchyma  layer  and  the  thickness  of  the  cell  walls  vary  with  the 
different  varieties  of  celerv. 


"*>r          v 

\ ' 


-  'j  . 


A.    collenchyma    .strands    in    ribs;    B.    primary    fibrovascular    bundles; 
('.   secondary   fibrovasular   bundles. 

The  collenchyma  strand  in  a  rib  is  shown  in  Fig.  1.  Arranged 
as  it  is  near  the  periphery,  the  collenchyma  embodies  the  mechanical 
structure  that  gives  the  greatest  resistance  or  strength  against  bend- 
ing stresses. 

Thin-walled  parenchyma  tissue  lies  next  to  the  collenchyma  in- 
ternally and  constitutes  the  greater  part  of  the  stalk  structure.  The 
cells  in  this  tissue  are  large,  irregular,  and  thin  walled,  as  shown 
in  I-i'j;.  1.  The  parenchyma  forms  the  more  tender  tissue  in  the  stem. 

•\t  more  or  less  regular  intervals  there  is  a  line  of  bundles  of 
thick-walled  cells.  These  are  the  fibrovascular  bundles.  There  is  one 
line  o]  rather  laruv  bundles  which  are  situated  about  one-third  of 
the  distance  in  from  the  exterior  side  of  the  stalk.  There  is  likewise 

l'.<?:~i]  Qr.M.rrv  ix   CKI.F.HY   AS   KKI.ATKD  TO  Sinn TTKK  503 

a  secondary  line  of  a  large  number  of  small  bundles  located  parallel 
to  and  about  one-sixth  of  the  distance  in  from  the  interior  side 
of  the  stalk.  A  typical  arrangement  of  the  primary  and  secondary 
bundle-  is  illustrated  in  Fig.  2,  which  shows  an  entire  cross-section 
of  a  celery  petiole. 

The  fibrovascular  bundles  consist  of  three1  parts,  an  outer  phloem, 
an  inner  part  or  xylem.  and  a  median  layer  of  cambium.  The  cambium 
layer  is  the  cell-producing  tissue.  On  the  exterior  side  the  cells  produced 
add  to  the  phloem,  and  on  the  interior  side  of  the  cambium  the  cells 
formed  add  to  the  xylem. 

Since  a  vascular  bundle  is  in  part  composed  of  very  delicate  cells, 
it  apparently  should  be  protected  by  some  coarser  and  more  resistant 
tissue,  and  hence  tends  to  associate  itself  with  mechanical  strands. 
A  gutter-shaped  >heath  of  thick-walled  cells  (the  phloem  sheath) 
acts  like  a  splint  behind  which  the  delicate  parts,  particularly  the 
cambium,  of  the  vascular  bundle  find  necessary  shelter. 

The  phloem  consists  of  three  elements,  the  sieve  tubes,  companion 
cells,  and  the  phloem  parenchyma.  The  walls  of  these  cells  remain 
cellulose.  The  cell  walls  of  the  phloem  sheath  are  thickened. 

In  the  xylem  are  found  the  tracheal  vessels  and  xylem  parenchy- 
ma. Each  tracheal  tube  is  formed  by  the  absorption  of  the  end  or 
transverse  walls  in  a  vertical  row  of  cells  and.  at  the  same  time. 
there  is  an  enlargement  in  all  dimensions  of  the  cells  composing  the 
tube.  An  unequal  thickening  and  lignification  of  the  vertical  walls 
of  these  tracheal  tubes  then  occurs.  The  thick  places  in  the  walls 
strengthen  the  tube  and  the  thin  places  make  an  easy  passage  for 
water  and  materials  in  solution.  The  thickened  places  in  the  walls 
are  in  the  form  of  rings  or  of  a  spiral  coil.  The  ring-  or  hoop-shaped 
thickening  makes  what  is  called  an  annular  tracheal  tube.  The  tubes 
that  have  spiral  thickening  are  called  spiral  tracheal  tubes.  Both 
kinds  of  tracheal  tubes  can  be  seen  in  Fig.  3. 

The  tracheal  tubes  are  comparatively  large  in  diameter,  as  shown 
in  Fin'.  1.  The  large,  thick-walled,  oval-shaped  elements  in  the  xylem 
cross-section  are  the  tracheal  tubes. 

The  row  of  small  secondary  vascular  bundles  seems  to  be  quite 
similar  to  the  primary  vascular  bundles,  except  that  the  secondary 
bundles  are  smaller  and  the  phloem  sheath  is  not  so  well  developed. 

Kinds  of  Skeletal  Tissues  in  Plants 

In  the  larger  and  more  complex  plants  certain  tissues  supply 
strength  and  rigidity  and  serve  as  a  skeleton  for  the  plant  body 
as  a  whole.  Four  kinds  of  plant  skeletal  tissues  are  recognized.  These 
are:  ill  the  collenchyma,  (2i  the  bast-fiber  tissue.  1 3')  the  wood- 
fiber  tissue,  and  (4i  the  stone  cell  or  stereid  tissue.  It  is  to  be  ex- 
pected that  one  or  more  of  these  tissues  would  be  found  in  the  celery 

X<>.  33G 

]»lant  and  would  give  toughness  and  stringiness  to  it.  Furthermore, 
differences  in  I  he  development  of  these  tissues  might  be  expected  to 
he  correlated  with  differences  in  quality  or  lack  of  quality  in  differ- 
ent specimens  of  celery. 

According  to  Stevens7"  the  collenchyma  is  the  first  kind  of  skeletal 
tissue  formed  in  plants.  It  appears  in  stems  a  short  distance  below 
the  growing  apex  before  the  bast  and  wood  fibers  and  stone  cells  have 
begun  to  be  formed.  Its  chief  characteristic  is  the  existence  of  thick- 
ened cell  walls  at  the  angles  where  three  or  four  cells  join.  In  most 



Xoto  the  absence  of  any  collenchyma  strand  at  the  upper 
cdjjp.  This  absence  of  collenchyma  is  due  to  the  fact  that  this 
section  was  cut  between  the  ribs. 

plants  the  cell  walls  remain  cellulose  thruout.  Collenchyma  may  occur 
as  a  continuous  zone  or  in  separate  strands. 

Since  the  collenchyma  is  formed  where  growth  is  still  taking  place 
it  mu-t  be  capable  of  growing  or  of  stretching.  In  this  elongation  of 
the  cell-  the  ends  shove  past  each  other  and  the  points  become  dove- 
tailed and  interwoven  as  shown  in  Fig.  4.  This  splicing  or  inter- 
lacing ot  the  cells  in  the  collenchyma  increases  the  strength  of  this 

Ilaberlandr*  says,  "Organs  which  are  still  undergoing  elongation 
must  therefore  make  use  of  a  mechanical  tissue  which  is  itself  capable 
of  active  extension  by  means  of  growth.  The  tissue  which  satisfies 
these  requirements-  is  collenchyma.  The  fact  that  collenchyma  regtt- 

/.V<1  QrAi.rry   i.v   (Y.i.KKY   AS   KKI.ATKD  TO  STHUCTVUE  ,">(>."> 

larly  forms  the  skeletal  system  of  growing  organs  does  not  preclude 
it  from  serving  as  the  permanent,  mechanical  tissue  in  many  fully 
grown  herbaceous  structures  such  as  petioles."  He  further  states  that 
"while  bast  fibres  and  wood  fibres  perform  the  task  of  strengthening 
fully  grown  organs,  neither  of  these  types  of  mechanical  element  is 
suited  to  the  needs  of  young  organs  which  are  still  growing  in  length." 
This,  of  course,  would  be  the  case  with  celery. 

The  author  wishes  to  call  special  attention  to  the  foregoing  para- 
graph because  it  seems  that  in  all  the  literature  in  regard  to  quality 

]•"!<;.  4.  —  PORTION   OF   LONCI'ITDIXAL   SKCTION   rJ'iinr   A  CKI.KKY   Km 

Th(>  ihick-wallcd.  pointed  cell  tissue  at  the  bottom  is  the  collen- 
chyina  strand  in  the  rib.  Note  how  these  cells  arc  pointed  and  inter- 
laced as  contrasted  with  the  thin-walled,  square-ended  Tells  ot  the 
parenchyma  above. 

in  celery  the  collenchyma  tissue  has  been  overlooked  or  not  taken 
into  consideration.  Yet  from  the  standpoint,  of  plant  anatomy  it  seems 
most  logical  to  expect  that  the  collenchyma  would  have  a  very  im- 
portant bearing  in  the  texture  and  toughness  of  the  celery  petiole. 

According  to  Stevens,  modifications  of  the  cells  in  plant  skeletal 
tissues  may  occur  by  ll)  thickening  of  the  cell  walls;  (2l  chemical 
alterations  of  the  cell  walls  by  the  changing  of  the  old  material  and 
depositing  of  new  material;  (3)  transformations  in  the  physical  con- 
dition of  the  cell  wall  involving  changes  in  its  hardness  and  elasticity. 

With  a  view  to  determining  which,  if  any.  of  these  three  modifi- 
cations occur  or  are  correlated  with  differences  in  quality  of  celery, 
very  careful  microscopic  examinations  and  microchemical  tests  were 
made  of  the  structure  of  celery  plants  of  varying  degrees  of  quality. 

Xo.  336 

An  effort   was  al>o  made  to  determine  what  circumstances  of  culture 
and  environment  cause  these  modifications  in  the  celery  plant. 


This  investigation  included  a  study  of  eight  different  varieties 
of  celery  and  a.  comparison  of  the  effect  of  different  environmental 
factors  on  some  of  these  varieties.  The  different  cultural  conditions 
included  a  series  of  fertilizer  treatments,  a  comparison  of  three 
methods  of  blanching,  and  the  effect  of  supplementary  irrigation. 

Specimens  of  each  variety  and  from  each  different  condition  of 
environment  were  carefully  studied  in  an  effort  to  ascertain  what 
factors  or  conditions  affected  the  quality  of  the  product.  Some  of  the 
leading  commercial  varieties  were  included.  The  self-blanching 
varieties  were  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching,  a  special  strain  of 
this  popular  commercial  variety,  White  Plume,  and  an  ordinary 
strain  of  Easy  Blanching.  Varieties  of  the  green  type  were  Giant 
Pascal  and  Emperor.  The  pink  varieties  were  Button's  Giant  Red. 
Sutton's  Superb  Pink,  and  Rose  Ribbed  Self-Blanching. 

Three  different  methods  of  blanching  were  used  in  order  to  de- 
termine their  effect  on  the  quality  of  the  celery.  Both  White  Plume 
and  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching  were  blanched  by  each  method.  The 
plants  were  banked  with  earth,  blanched  with  boards,  and  with  com- 
position paper  (R.  &:  D.  celery  blanching  paper). 

Celery  requires  abundant  moisture  during  the  growing  season. 
Furthermore,  succulence  and  tenderness  in  vegetables  is  often  limited 
by  the  moisture  supply.  A  comparison  was  therefore  made  of  the 
effect  of  supplementary  irrigation  in  growing  each  of  the  eight  varie- 
ties, in  order  to  determine  if  extra  moisture  would  improve  the 
quality  even  tho  the  celery  was  grown  in  a  humid  region  in  a  season 
of  normal  rainfall.  The  water  was  applied  by  means  of  a  Skinner 
overhead  irrigation  system.  The  irrigation  was  tised  thruout  the  grow- 
ing season  whenever  it  was  considered  that  a  little  extra  water  would 
be  beneficial  to  the  plants. 


Quality  in  any  vegetable  is  somewhat  indefinite  and  therefore  diffi- 
cult to  measure  accurately,  especially  in  the  finer  degrees.  In  all  of 
the  various  state  and  federal  standard  grades  for  celery,  stringiness 
and  flavor  are  left  out  of  consideration.  In  fact,  the  only  factors  of 
quality  that  are  specified  are  pithiness  and  degree  of  blanching.  In 
order  to  provide  a  better  basis  for  comparison  of  quality  the  author 
has  assumed  certain  additional  characteristics  as  essential  to  good 

in.>'.'\  QrAi.iTY   IN    CKI.KKY  AS   KKI.ATKD  TO  STUTC  TruK  ">(>7 

quality.  As  stated  on  page  559.  celery  to  be  of  good  quality  must  be 
crisp,  tender,  ami  stringless,  and  have  a  pleasant,  sweet,  nut-like 

Accordingly,  in  order  to  compare  the  quality  of  the  various  speci- 
mens of  celery,  observations  were  made  of  the  texture,  succulence, 
and  flavor  of  each  specimen  by  an  eating  test.  Texture  was  recorded 
as  ttti/ltr,  tough,  or  xtringy.  Succulence  was  recorded  as  succulent, 
or  /lithy.  Flavor  was  reported  as  nut-like,  sirctt,  rank,  or  pungent. 

Specimens  were  considered  tender  when  the  stalk  could  be  broken 
or  bitten  thru  readily  without  any  undue  compression  before  the 
tissues  would  break  and  without  tearing  apart  in  ragged  strings. 
Tough  specimens  required  considerable  pressure  to  break  the  epider- 
mis and  to  masticate  a  portion  of  the  stalk.  Stringy  specimens  were 
usually  tough  and  had  tough,  string-like  tissues  that  would  tear  out 
readily  and  were  much  tougher  than  the  remaining  tissues.  Specimens 
we're  termed  pithy  if  they  were  of  somewhat  open  texture  with  air 
spaces  or  dry.  spongy  tissue  in  the  central  portion.  Crisp  celery  is 
both  tender  and  succulent.  By  succulent  is  meant  especially  juicy. 

The  terms  used  in  describing  flavor  may  be  defined  as  follows: 
The  specimen  was  termed  pungent  if  it  tasted  "hot"  with  a  tendency 
to  "bite"  the  tongue;  rank  was  used  when  the  flavor  was  strong  and 
grass-like  without  any  sweetness;  nut-like  was  used  when  the  flavor 
was  rich  and  somewhat  like  a  fine-flavored  nut. 

To  a  certain  extent,  especially  in  regard  to  minor  differences  in 
flavor,  personal  preference  would  be  a  slight  factor  in  a  definite 
quality  rating.  To  insure  greater  accuracy  in  the  comparisons,  five 
or  more  specimens  from  each  lot  were  sampled  and  the  average  im- 
pressions recorded.  After  the  plants  had  been  trimmed  as  for  market, 
three  outer  stalks  were  removed  and  the  fourth  sampled  in  particu- 
lar for  the  quality  tests.  In  the  comparison  of  varieties  the  opinions 
of  six  advanced  students  are  considered  with  the  author's  in  the 
quality  rating.  In  the  other  lots  the  rating  is  based  entirely  on  the 
opinion  of  the  author. 

Comparison  of  Varieties 

Self-Blanching  Type.  Three'  varieties  or  strains  of  the  self- 
blanching  type  were  included  in  the  comparisons.  The  rating  of  each 
variety  may  be  summed  up  as  follows; 

Garrahan's  Eaxij  Blanching. — Crisp  and  tender.  In  some  cases 
slightly  stringy,  but  the  strings  are  brittle  and  not  tough  or  tenacious. 
Flavor  sweet  and  very  palatable.  This  would  be  classed  as  a  variety 
of  good  quality  and  the  best  of  the  three  varieties  of  the  self-blanching 

Wliitc  l^lunx  .- -This  variety  is  tough  and  stringy,  the  strings  being 
very  tenacious.  The  flavor  is  somewhat  rank  and  (mite  pungent. 

,-,(;<;  BVI.LKTIX  Xo.  336 

Kverythiim-  considered,  this  is  a  variety  of  very  inferior  quality.    In 
flavor  it   \vas  the  poorest  of  any  of  the  varieties  tested. 

KdKH  Klanchimj. — The  ordinary  strain  of  Easy  Blanching  was 
similar  to  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching  but  was  a  little  more  stringy 
and  less  sweet  than  Garrahan's. 

Green  Type.  The  two  varieties  of  the  green  type  that  were  tested 
were  of  excellent  quality. 

(Hunt  Pascal. — This  variety  is  very  crisp  and  tender.  Strings  even 
on  the  largest  stalks  arc  not  tough  or  tenacious  but  are  brittle.  The 
ilavor  is  very  palatable,  being  sweet  and  somewhat  nut-like.  This 
variety  seems  to  meet  all  of  the  requirements  for  high  quality. 

Emperor. — Emperor  is  another  excellent  variety.  Like  Giant  Pas- 
cal the  stalks  are  thick  and  very  crisp  and  tender,  without  tough 
strings.  The  flavor  is  sweet  and  somewhat  nutty.  It  is  difficult  to  de- 
cide which  of  these  varieties  ranks  highest  in  quality.  The  opinion 
of  six  students  was  that  they  are  both  of  excellent  quality,  and  the 
choice  was  equally  divided  between  the  two  varieties,  but  the  author 
has  a  slight  preference  for  Giant  Pascal. 

Pink  Type.  There  was  a  striking  contrast  in  the  quality  of  the 
three  varieties  of  the  pink  type  that  were  tested.  The  two  extremes, 
highest  quality  and  poorest  quality,  were  included  in  this  group. 

Suit  on' 's  Giant  Red. — This  variety  was  very  crisp  and  tender  with 
a  total  absence  of  tough  strings.  The  flavor  was  especially  palatable, 
being  sweet,  rich,  and  nut-like.  All  who  sampled  this  variety  agreed 
that  it  was  of  excellent  quality  in  all  respects. 

button's  Superb  Pink. — This  is  another  high  quality  variety,  being 
very  crisp  and  tender,  without  tough  strings,  and  having  an  especial- 
ly palatable,  sweet,  nut-like  flavor.  However,  in  a  careful  compari- 
son, the  Giant  Red  was  ranked  as  slightly  superior  in  flavor  and  suc- 

Pose  Pibbed  Self -Blanching. — In  texture  and  succulence  this  vari- 
ety showed  the  poorest  quality  of  all  varieties  tested,  but  in  flavor 
it  was  superior  to  White  Plume,  which  was  the  next  poorest  variety. 
Rose  Ribbed  Self-Blanching  is  very  tough  and  stringy.  The  strings 
are  especially  tenacious.  The  flavor  is  fair,  being  slightly  sweet. 

Rating  of  Eight  Varieties.  Following  is  the  author's  rating  of 
these  eight  varieties  on  the  basis  of  quality: 

1.  Sutton's  (limit   Red  5.  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching 

2.  Giant    Pascal  6.  Easy  Blanching 

3.  Emperor  7.  White  Plume 

4.  Sut ton's  Superb   Pink  8.  Rose  Ribbed  Self-Blanching 

There  is  little  choice  between  the  first  four  varieties.  All  would 
be  classed  as  excellent  in  quality.  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching  would 
be  classed  as  good  in  quality,  and  the  last  three  would  be  rated  poor. 

7.''?.'']  (Jr.xi.iTY   IN   CKLF.KV  AS   KKI.ATKI>  10  STIUVUKF.  509 

It  is  worthy  of  noU'  that  the  first  lour  varieties  are  of  the  slower 
Maudlin^  types,  two  of  them  being  green  varieties  and  two  j)ink 
varieties.  This  is  in  accordance  with  the  prevailing  opinion  that  the 
slower  Main-hint:  type  is  of  somewhat  superior  quality  to  the  self- 
blanching  type. 

Effect  of  Fertilizer  Treatments  on  Quality.  Some  Easy  Blanching 
celery  that  had  been  grown  by  another  investigator  under  twenty- 
two  different  fertilizer  treatments  was  tested  for  quality.  Five  of  the 
best -looking  celery  plants  from  each  fertilizer  plot  were  carefully  test- 
ed and  compared  as  to  quality.  It  was  hoped  to  find  some  indication  as 
to  what  influence,  if  any,  the  different  kinds  and  amounts  of  plant 
food  might  have  on  the  quality  of  the  celery.  The  cultural  conditions 
were  the  same  on  each  plot  except  in  regard  to  the  fertilizer  treat- 
ment, so  that  any  consistent  difference  in  quality  could  be  ascribed 
to  the  effect  of  the  plant  food.  The  seedling  plants  were  purchased 
from  a  distant  grower;  they  were  in  transit  and  arrived  during  one 
of  the  hottest  periods  of  the  summer.  The  soil  was  dry  and  the 
weather  very  warm  and  dry  when  the  seedlings  were  transplanted 
to  thi'  field  plots.  In  addition,  there  were  no  facilities  for  irrigating 

The  above  conditions  were,  of  course,  exceedingly  unfavorable 
for  the  best  development  of  the  plants.  Consequently  the  entire  series 
was  of  inferior  quality.  However,  since  the  plants  were  available, 
they  were  included  in  the  writer's  study  of  quality.  Xo  consistent 
effect  upon  either  texture  or  flavor  could  be  detected  as  resulting  from 
any  form  or  amount  of  plant  food  used  in  the  experiment.  It  is  the 
belief  of  the  author,  however,  that  the  unfavorable  conditions  under 
which  this  crop  was  produced  affected  the  crop  so  adversely  that  the 
results  were  not  at  all  indicative  of  the  effects  which  plant  food  may 
have  upon  the  quality  of  celery. 

Effect  of  Method  of  Blanching  on  Quality.  To  determine  what 
effect  the  method  of  blanching  may  have  on  the  quality  of  celery, 
(iarrahan's  Easy  Blanching  and  White  Plume  were  subjected  to  three 
different  methods.  Adjacent  sections  of  the  same  row  of  each  variety 
were  differently  blanched.  The  cultural  conditions  were  identical  ex- 
cept for  the  blanching.  All  the  celery  was  harvested  at  the  same  time. 
Following  is  a  record  of  the  quality  tests  of  the  blanched  product: 

( rdrt'dttdn'x  E<i*}i  Blanching. —  111  Blanched  With  Boards.  Flavor 
excellent.  Sweet  and  palatable.  Crisp,  tender  texture.  A  few  strings 
but  they  were  brittle  and  not  tough  and  tenacious.  (2i  Bl(inch<'/l  With 
/i*.  >.(•  I).  Blunchiny  P(ip<r.  Flavor  rather  flat,  but  slightly  sweet.  Some- 
what tough  and  stringy  in  texture.  (3i  BUtiichal  \\'itfi  So/7.  Flavor 
very  flat  and  tasteless,  not  unpalatable  but  insipid  because  neither 
sweet  nor  pungent.  Very  inferior  in  flavor  to  the  plants  blanched  with 
boards.  Texture  slight Iv  tough  and  stringv. 

No.  336 

Flavor  rank  and 
Blanched  With  li. 
A1  I).  Hluncfiinii  I'd/x  r.  Flavor  slightly  rank  and  pungent.  Very  tough 
and  stringy.  (Hi  Iil(i)tcli<  <l  \\~it1i  ^oil.  Flavor  very  rank  and  pungent. 
Very  tough  and  stringy. 

Apparently  the  method  of  blanching  ha*  no  very  marked  effect 
on  the  quality  of  celery  from  the  standpoint  of  texture.  However, 
in  the  case  of  ( iarrahan's  Easy  Blanching,  blanching  with  boards 
seemed  to  result  in  better  texture.  If  the  blanching  had  been  allowed 
to  continue  for  a  longer  period,  it  is  possible  that  greater  differences 
in  texture  would  have  resulted,  tho  the  entire  lot  was  harvested  at 
the  time  it  was  considered  to  be  at  its  best  condition. 

The  effect  of  blanching  on  flavor  was  rather  striking  in  the  case 
of  ( iarrahan's  Easy  Blanching.  The  flavor  was  decidedly  superior 
in  the  lot  blanched  with  boards  and  very  inferior  in  the  lot  blanched 
with  soil.  This  is  contrary  to  the  general  belief  that  blanching  with 
soil  results  in  superior  flavor.  However,  it  should  be  noted  that  only 
the  self-blanching  type  was  included  in  this  test  and  it  is  possible 
that  the  green  type  might  have  given  different  results.  It  is  diffi- 
cult to  explain  the  insipid  flavor  in  the  lot  blanched  with  soil.  Per- 
haps the  soil  caused  a  more  rapid  blanching  and  consequently  a  loss 
of  flavor  because  the  process  was  continued  too  long. 

The  prevailing  opinion  that  blanching  with  soil  results  in  better 
quality  the  author  believes  may  not  be  well  founded,  differences  in 
quality  being  due  to  differences  in  varieties  rather  than  to  methods 
of  blanching.  The  green  varieties  are  usually  blanched  with  soil  while 
the  self-blanching  varieties  are  commonly  blanched  with  boards  or 
blanching  paper,  and  unquestionably  the  green  varieties  are  of  superi- 
or quality. 

Effect  of  Supplementary  Irrigation  on  Quality.  The  following  re- 
port is  a  comparison  of  the  effect  of  supplementary  irrigation  on  the 
quality  of  different  varieties  of  celery.  The  unirrigated  lots  received 
only  the  moisture  from  the  season's  rainfall,  while  the  irrigated  lots 
received  supplementary  overhead  irrigation  whenever  it  was  thought 
that  additional  water  might  be  beneficial  to  the  plants.  Otherwise  the 
cultural  conditions  were  the  same. 

(i unit  Pascal.  Irrigated — flavor  excellent;  slightly  sweet,  nutty,  and 
very  palatable;  crisp  texture  but  slightly  stringy  tho  strings  were 
nor  tough.  I  HuTKjatid  -flavor  excellent;  sweet,  nutty,  and  very  pala- 
table; crisp,  tender,  and  succulent. 

Button"*  (Hunt  lt«l.  Irrigated — flavor  excellent;  sweet,  nutty,  and 
very  palatable;  very  crisp  and  tender  in  texture.  Unirrigated — flavor 
excellent;  sweet,  nutty,  and  very  palatable:  very  crisp,  tender,  and 


lit?!)}  QTAI.ITY   i.\   CKI.KKY   AS   RKI.ATKD  TO  STIU'CTTUK  57 1 

Garrahan's  Eaxt/  Blanching.  Jrrigatt  d— flavor  excellent;  slightly 
sweet;  crisp  and  slightly  stringy  tlio  strings  .were  brittle  and  no!  tough. 
I'nirrigati  <{ — flavor  slightly  pungent;  crisp,  but  somewhat  stringy. 

E/n/xror.  Irrigated-  -flavor  excellent;  sweet,  nutty,  and  palatable; 
very  crisp  and  succulent.  Unirrigated — flavor  very  good;  not  quite  so 
sweet  as  the  irrigated  lot;  crisp  and  succulent,  but  slightly  stringy 
tlio  strings  were  not  tough. 

White  Plume.  Irrigated — flavor  rank  and  pungent  ;  very  tough  and 
stringy.  Unirrigated — flavor  slightly  pungent,  but  more  palatable 
than  irrigated  lot;  texture  tough  and  stringy. 

Kose  Kibbed  Self -Blanching.  Irrigated — flavor  poor;  slightly  sweet: 
very  tough  and  very  stringy.  Unirrigated — flavor  poor;  rather  flat, 
but  slightly  sweet;  quite  tough  and  stringy. 

Sutton's  Superb  Pink.  Irrigated — flavor  excellent;  sweet,  nutty,  and 
very  palatable;  crisp  and  tender  in  texture.  Unirrigated — flavor  good; 
slightly  sweet  and  nutty,  but  not  as  fine-flavored  as  the  irrigated  lot; 
slightly  tough  and  slightly  stringy  but  strings  were  not  very  tough. 

From  the  above  results  there  appears  to  be  a  slight  advantage 
in  favor  of  supplementary  irrigation.  With  four  of  the  seven  varieties, 
namely  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching,  Emperor,  Rose  Ribbed  Self- 
Blanching,  and  Sutton's  Superb  Pink,  the  flavor  was  superior  in  the 
irrigated  lot.  With  one  variety,  White  Plume,  the  unirrigated  lot  was 
superior  in  flavor.  With  two  varieties,  Giant  Pascal  and  Sutton's 
Giant  Red.  the  flavor  seemed  equally  good  on  the  two  plots. 

In  regard  to  texture  the  supplementary  irrigation  seemed  to  im- 
prove the  quality  of  Ciarrahan's  Easy  Blanching  and  Emperor.  How- 
ever, two  other  varieties,  Giant  Pascal  and  Rose  Ribbed  Self-Blanch- 
ing, were  of  better  texture  on  the  unirrigated  plots.  The  other  three 
varieties  showed  no  difference  in  texture  due  to  the  irrigation. 

In  connection  with  the  above  results  it  should  be  noted  that 
this  celery  was  grown  in  a  humid  region  in  a  season  of  normal  rain- 
fall and  that  the  unirrigated  lots  made'  a  strong,  vigorous  growth  simi- 
lar to  the  plants  that  were  irrigated.  The  early  growth  seemed  to  be 
a  little  more  rapid  on  the  irrigated  lots,  but  late  in  the  season 
there  was  no  apparent  difference  in  the  amount  of  growth.  Under 
these  conditions  striking  contrasts  in  quality  from  the  additional 
irrigation  could  scarcely  be  expected. 


In  order  to  make  microscopic  examinations  of  the  various  speci- 
mens of  celery,  samples  were  taken  and  the  material  prepared  in  the 
following  manner.  An  effort  was  math1  to  select  typical  specimens 
of  each  lot  in  the  manner  previously  described.  After  the  celery  was 

trimmed  as  for  market,  three  outer  leaves  were  removed  and  the 
fourth  one  taken  for  sampling.  A  section  about  one  inch  long  was 
cut  from  thi>  leaf  petiole  beginning  one  inch  above  the  base. 

Kach  -eminent  for  examination  was  first  labeled  and  placed  in 
a  fixing  solution.  For  this  purpose  a  saturated  solution  of  picric  acid 
in  70-percent  alcohol  was  tised.  Picric  acid  was  chosen  because  of 
its  great  penetration  and  because  it  would  fix  and  preserve  the  entire 
section  without  unduly  hardening  the  tissues.  Furthermore  tissues 
fixed  in  picric  acid  can.  after  the  washing  out  of  the  acid,  be  perfect- 
ly stained  with  any  stain. 

The  picric  acid  was  then  washed  out  by  soaking  the  material  in 
numerous  alcohol  baths.  After  the  picric  acid  was  entirely  washed 
out.  the  alcohol  was  removed  by  gradually  introducing  choloroform 
and  then  paraffin,  and  the  material  was  imbedded  in  paraffin  molds. 

Using  a  microtome,  sections  9  microns  in  thickness  were  made 
of  each  specimen.  Cross-sections  were  made  of  each  sample,  and 
longitudinal  sections  were  also  made  of  specimens  that  showed  out- 
standing differences  in  the  quality  tests.  These  sections  were  mounted 
on  slides. 

At  first  a  triple  stain  was  tried  consisting  of  safrinin.  gentian 
violet,  and  orange  G,  but  this  combination  of  stains  did  not  bring  out 
satisfactory  contrasts  in  the  coloring  of  the  different  tissues.  It  was 
found  that  staining  the  sections  first  in  safrinin  and  then  in  Dela- 
field's  haematoxylin  colored  the  sections  very  satisfactorily.  All  the 
sections  were  thereafter  stained  by  that  process. 

For  the  microchemical  tests  that  were  made  to  determine  the 
composition  of  the  cell  walls,  sections  were  cut  30  microns  in  thick- 
ness. They  were  then  dropped  into  xylol  to  remove  the  paraffin.  After 
the  paraffin  had  been  dissolved,  the  sections  were  placed  in  95-percent 

Sections  to  be  tested  with  phlorogluein  were  then  placed  in  alco- 
hol in  which  a  trace  of  phloroglticin  had  been  dissolved.  After  ten 
minute-  in  this  solution  the  sections  were  transferred  to  a  drop  of 
writer  on  a  slide  and  covered  with  a  cover  glass.  A  drop  of  hydro- 
chloric acid  was  then  applied  at  the  edge  of  the  cover  glass,  and  the 
effect  was  observed  thru  a  microscope.  As  the  acid  came  in  contact 
with  liLrnificd  tissue,  this  part  became  a  bright  violet-red,  while  the 
cellulose  was  not  stained. 

Sections  to  be  tested  with  chloroiodid  of  zinc  were  taken  from  the 
alcohol  bath  previously  mentioned  and  were  placed  in  water.  From 
this  the  sections  were  placed  in  a  few  drops  of  chloroiodid  of  zinc 
on  a  >lide  and  covered  with  a  cover  glass.  The  resulting  staining  by 
the  chloroiodid  of  zinc  was  then  observed  thru  a  microscope.  With 
this  stain,  cellulose  walls  are  colored  violet,  lignified  membranes  are 
stained  brown,  and  cutinized  membranes  are  colored  vellow. 


After  being  stained  and  mounted  as  described,  specimens  of  each 
sample  of  celery  that  \vas  tested  for  quality  were  carefully  examined 
under  a  microscope  to  determine  what  differences,  if  any.  in  the  struc- 
ture of  the  plant  were  correlated  with  differences  in  quality.  First 
in  order  to  become  familiar  with  the  character  of  the  different  tissue?- 
and  cell  structures  composing  the  celery  stalk,  a  thorn  study  \va^ 
made  of  several  longitudinal  and  cross-sections.  A  general  descrip- 
tion of  this  internal  structure  is  given  on  pages  501  to  503. 

••''^ "'^i^p^::'^'^y^^r^cr^ 

FK;.    5. — A    TKNDEH    SPKCIMKX    OF    STTTON'S    SUPKHH    PINK 
Note    th<>    un!)rok(ni    collenchyma    strand   in    the   ril)    and   tlic   large 
fibro vascular  bundle. 

After  this  preliminary  study  was  completed,  a  detailed  study 
was  made  of  the  structure  of  specimens  that  had  shown  striking 
differences  in  the  quality  tests.  It  was  thought  that  any  differences 
in  the  morphology  of  the  plants  that  might  be  correlated  with  differ- 
ences in  quality  would  be  most  readily  discovered  by  the  examina- 
tion of  markedly  contrasting  specimens. 

Comparison  of  Bundles,  Xylem,  and  Phloem.  First,  the  number 
of  fibrovascular  bundles  in  tender  specimens  was  compared  with  the 
number  of  these  bundles  in  tough  specimens,  then  the  size  of  the 
bundles  was  compared  in  each  case;  but  there  seemed  to  be  no 
differences  either  in  the  number  or  in  the  size  of  the  bundle's  that 
were1  consistently  correlated  with  either  phase  of  quality.  This  is 
illustrated  by  comparing  Fig.  5.  a  microphotograph  of  a  very  tender 
specimen  having  extremely  large  fibrovascular  bundles,  and  Fig.  0, 

,-)7 1  Bri.i.KTix  Xo.  330  [August, 

a  very  tough,  stringy  specimen  having  much  smaller  fibrovascular 
bundles.  The  magnification  is  the  same  in  each  of  these  photographs, 
so  that  the  proportional  size  of  the  bundles  is  as  shown. 

Next  an  examination  was  made  of  the  size  of  the  xylem,  and  a 
count  was  even  made  of  the  number  of  large  trachea!  vessels  in  the 
xylem  of  specimens  of  different  quality.  Again  the  results  were  nega- 
tive. The  structure  of  the  phloem  sheath  was  then  carefully  examined 
in  regard  to  the  size  of  the  phloem,  relative  size  and  thickness  of 
these  cell  walls,  and  shape  of  the  phloem  sheath,  that  is,  whether 
it  extended  well  down  around  the  xylem  in  a  horseshoe  shape  or 

Note  the  badly  broken  cells  in  the  collenchyma  and  the  small  size 
of  the  fibrovascular  bundle. 

not,  But  in  all  these  phases  of  the  plant  structure,  the  differences 
noted  did  not  seem  to  be  correlated  with  differences  in  quality.  Altho 
considerable  variation  was  observed  in  the  structure  of  different  speci- 
mens, yet  similar  variations  of  the  characters  mentioned  were  found 
in  specimens  markedly  different  in  quality. 

Toughness  Not  Due  to  Separation  of  Bundles  From  Other  Tissue. 
While  seeking  some  other  connection  between  the  structure  of  the  fibro- 
vascular bundles  and  toughness  of  the  plant,  it  was  observed  that 
in  some  of  the  tough  specimens  the  tissue  surrounding  the  bundles 
was  torn  away  from  the  bundle  tissue,  and  that  in  some  of  the  tender 
specimens  the  tissue  surrounding  the  bundles  was  not  sharply  differ- 
entiated or  torn  away  but  seemed  to  blend  into  the  tissue  of  the 
bundles.  This  suggested  the  theory  that  there  might  be  a  difference 
in  the  hardness  of  the  cell  walls  of  the  different  tissues  and  that  the 
greater  the  difference  in  relative  hardness  of  the  different  tissues  the 
more  noticeable  would  be  the  harder  tissues  when  one  was  eating 

ix   CKI.KKY 


the  celery.  Hence  such  specimens  would  he  judged  as  tough  or 
stringy,  and  therefore  poorer  in  quality,  because  the  contrast  in  hard- 
ness of  the  different  tissues  would  emphasize  the  toucher  tissue.  How- 
ever, after  examining  more  sections,  it  was  found  that  some  tender 
specimens  showed  a  distinct  separation  of  the  hbrovascular  bundles 
from  the  surrounding  tissue,  and  that  in  some  tough  specimens  the 
bundle  tissue1  seemed  to  blend  into  the  surrounding  tissue. 

Another  negative  restilt  that  should  be  mentioned  is  that  no  bast 
fibers,  wood  fibers,  or  stone-cell  tissues  were  found  in  anv  of  the  sec- 

Note  the  open  texture  due  to  the  rupture  of  large  areas  of   paren- 
chyma   cells. 

tions.    This  eliminates  these  three  of  the  four  plant  skeletal  tissues 
from  further  consideration  in  relation  to  quality  of  celery. 

Relation  of  Collenchyma  to  Quality.  Having  eliminated  the 
above  factors,  attention  was  then  concentrated  on  the  one  remaining 
kind  of  plant  skeletal  tissue,  the  collenchyma.  It  was  observed  that  this 
tissue  was  most  prominent  in  the  ribs  and  that  each  rib  was  essentially 
a  large  strand  of  collenchyma  tissue.  However,  it  was  noticed  that  the 
collenehyma  cells  were  most  clear  and  distinct  in  the  cross-sections  of 
the  tender  specimens,  as  shown  in  Figs.  f>  and  9.  This  seemed  to  be 
another  negative  factor  until  it  was  noticed  that  the  reason  the  collen- 
chyma was  less  distinct  in  tough,  stringy  specimens  was  that  in  those 
specimens  the  collenehyma  cells  were  badly  broken,  making  this  tissue 
somewhat  confused  and  indistinct  as  shown  in  Figs.  (>  and  8.  The 
broken  cells  would  indicate  mvater  hardness  of  this  tissue,  for  extreme- 

BUI.I.ETIX  Xo.  336 

ly  hard  ti-sues  invariably  have  a  tendency  to  break  or  tear  when  they 
are  being  sectioned  instead  of  showing  a  clean  cut.  This  suggested  that 
tin-re  probably  \vas  a  difference  in  the  hardness  of  the  cell  walls  of  the 
cnllendiyina  of  different  specimens  and  that  the  hardening  of  this 

Note   the    broken   collenchyma   cells,   and   also   the   glands   or 
oil  ducts  (A). 

tissue  would  cause  greater  toughness  and  stringiness.  A  careful  exami- 
nation of  all  the  specimens  seemed  to  substantiate  this  theory,  as 
shown  in  the  following  detailed  description  of  the  microscopic  appear- 
ance of  various  sections. 

Fn;.   9. — A   TKNDEK   IN.NKK   STALK   OF   WHITE   PLUME 
Note   the   clear-cut,   unbroken   collenchyma   in   rib.     Compare 
tins  with   the  .-ample  shown  in  Fijr.  8. 


Examination  of  pithy  specimens  seemed  to  show  a  direct  corre- 
lation between  pithiness  and  open  spaces  that  were  due  to  the  rupture 
or  collapse  of  parenchyma  (Fig.  7i.  Apparently  large  areas  of 
parenchyma  cells  are  torn  apart  or  ruptured,  leaving  open  spaces  in 
the  interior  of  the  stalk  and  thus  causing  pithiness. 

Toughness  Not  Associated  With  Oil  Ducts.  In  most  of  the  speci- 
mens a  peculiar  cell  structure  was  found  which  was  not  definitely 
identified.  This  has  the  appearance  of  a  duct  or  gland,  and  it  is 
thought  that  these  structures  may  be  oil  glands  or  oil  ducts.  If  this 
is  the  case,  they  probably  have  some  relation  to  flavor,  but  this 
connection  was  not  established.  These  structures  are  marked  "gland 
or  oil  duct"  in  Figs.  8  and  12  and  may  also  be  seen  in  the  other 
pictures.  These  glands  were  found  in  both  tender  and  tough  speci- 
mens and  therefore  did  not  seem  to  have  any  connection  with  tough- 
ness of  the  plant. 

Detailed  Study  of  Selected  Specimens.  In  the  following  detailed 
description  of  the  microscopic  appearance  of  some  of  the  various 
specimens,  a  few  individuals  of  contrasting  quality  are  described  first 
and  the  remaining  ones  are  given  in  numerical  order. 

No.  42.  Rose  Ribbed  Self-Blanching  From  Unirrigated  Plot.  Very  tough 
and  stringy.  Flavor  flat.  Kloven  primary  fibrovascular  bundles.  Bundles  some- 
what small.  The  phloem  sheath  extends  well  down  around  the  xylem  and  is 
composed  of  small,  thick-walled  cells.  Large  tracheal  vessels  in  the  xylem. 
Parenchyma  cells  large,  irregular  in  shape,  and  thin  walled.  Inner  row  of  25 
small  secondary  fibrovascular  bundles.  Collenchyma  strands  at  each  rib  show 
cells  badly  broken. 

A  portion  of  the  cross-section  of  this  specimen  is  shown  in  Fig.  6  and  a 
longitudinal  section  in  Fig.  3.  The  latter  view  shows  both  spiral  and  annular 
tracheal  vessels. 

No.  43.  Sutton's  Superb  Pink  From  Irrigated  Plot.  Very  crisp  and  tender, 
with  excellent  sweet,  nutty  flavor.  Thirteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles, 
which  are  comparatively  largo.  Thirty-eight  small  secondary  bundles  in  a  row 
near  the  inner  edge.  Large  number  (about  OS)  large  tracheal  vessels  in  xylem. 
Lartro  phloem  sheath,  somewhat  bow  shaped  and  composed  of  small  dense 
cells.  Parenchyma  cells  are  largo,  irregular,  and  thin  walled.  Large  collenchyma 
strand  in  rib.  Collenchyma  colls  show  distinct  thickening  at  corners  and  cut 
cleanly  without  breaking.  Kpidermis  distinct  and  clearly  shows  thickening  of 
cells  on  outer  side  (the  cuticle). 

A    cross-section    view   of   this   specimen    is   shown    in    Fig.   o. 

No.  28.  White  Plume  Blanched  With  Boards.  Very  tough  and  stringy. 
Flavor  rank  and  pungent.  Thirteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  of  medium 
si/e.  Forty-nine  small  secondary  bundles  in  a  row  near  the  inner  edge.  Medium 
number  (average  40)  large  tracheal  vessels  in  the  xylom.  Large  phloem  sheath, 
somewhat  bow  shaped,  and  composed  ol  small  thick-walled  cells.  Strand  ot 
collenchyma  tissue  in  each  rib  and  also  a  layer  of  collenchyma  about  two 
cells  wide  just  below  the  epidermis  on  the  inner  surface  of  the  stalk.  The 
collenchyma  cells  are  thick  walled  and  badly  broken,  particularly  in  the 
strands  of  the  ribs,  indicating  that  they  must  be  especially  hard.  .lust  below 
the-  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib  there  is  a  very  prominent  oil  duct  or 

;»7S  Bru.KTiN  Xo.  336 

trlaiid.     Similar    glands    arc    scattered    thru    the    parenchyma.     Tin;    parenchyma 
has  unu.Mially   large  cells  which  are   irregular  in  shape  and  thin  walled   (Fig.  8). 

No.  31.  Inner  Stalks  of  White  Plume.  Tender,  with  strings  present  but 
brittle  and  not  tough.  Flavor  mildly  rank.  Xine  primary  bundles  which  are 
medium  in  size.  Large  trachea!  vessels  in  the  xylem,  but  only  about  three- 
fourths  as  many  of  the  trachea!  vessels  as  in  Xo.  28,  an  outer  stalk.  The 
phloem  sheath  is  large  and  forms  a  semicircle  around  the  xylem.  The  phloem 
cells  are  small  and  thick  walled.  The  parenchyma  cells  are  large,  irregular  in 
shape,  and  thin  walled.  There  is  a  very  dear-cut  collenchyma  strand  in  each 
rib.  The  collenchyma  cells  show  a  distinct  thickening  at  the  angles  and  cur 
cleanly  without  breaking  or  tearing,  which  indicates  that  they  are  not  hard. 


X'ote    the    small    fibrovascular   bundle    and   the    shading    off   of    the 
xylem.  also  the  badly  broken  collenchyma. 

Directly  below  the  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib  is  a  distinct  gland  or  oil  duct. 
Similar  glands  are  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma  (Fig.  9). 

No.  45.  Pithy  Specimen  of  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching.  Not  very  tough 
or  stringy,  but  stalk  is  pithy  and  spongy  and  entirely  lacking  in  crispness. 
Flavor  slightly  sweet,  but  rather  flat.  The  microscopic  examination  showed  12 
large  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  and  33  small  secondary  bundles.  The 
bundles  were  clearly  differentiated  from  the  surrounding  parenchyma.  The  cell 
walls  of  both  the  xylem  and  phloem  tissue  seem  strikingly  thicker  than  the 
cell  walls  of  the  surrounding  parenchyma  which  make  the  bundles  stand  out 
so  clearly.  '\  here  is  a  medium  number  of  large  tracheal  vessels  in  the  xylem. 

1  he    phloem  sheath   is  large  and   forms   a   distinct  semicircle   around   The   xylem. 

Die  parenchyma  cells  are  very  large  and  thin  walled.  There  are  large  open 
space*  in  the  parenchyma  tissue  and  a  distinct  collenchyma  strand  in  each 
nli.  The  collenchyma  cells  are  thickened  at  the  angles  and  some  of  these 
cells  are  broken  but  they  are  mostly  intact,  indicating  that  this  tissue  is  only 
slightly  hardened.  A  little  below  each  collenchyma  strand  is  a  distinct  gland, 
and  other  glands  arc  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma  (Fig.  7). 

Longitudinal   sections  of  this  specimen   show   that   the   large   open  spaces   in 
tin     parenchyma    extend    for    considerable    distances   lengthwise    of   the    stalk. 

7.'>.J'<1  Qi'Ai.iTY   IN   CEI.KKY   AS    HKI.A'IKD  TO  STIUVTI  UK  ,">79 

No.  2.  Easy  Blanching.  Tough  and  stringy.  Slightly  sweet  flavor.  The 
microscopic  examination  reveals  9  primary  tibrovascular  bundles  and  2S  small 
secondary  bundles.  The  primary  bundles  are  comparatively  small.  'The  tracheal 
vessels  in  the  xyleni  are  of  large  size,  but  comparatively  few  in  number.  The 
xylem  seems  to  blend  into  the  adjoining  parenchyma.  The  phloem  sheath  is 
wide,  does  not  extend  well  around  the  xylem,  but  forms  an  arc  on  the  outer 
side.  The  phloem  cells  are  small  and  thick  walled.  The  parenchyma  cells  are 
large  and  thin  walled.  Scattered  thru  the  parenchyma  are  distinct  glands  or  oil 
ducts.  There  is  a  large  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib.  The  collenchyma  cells 
are  small  and  thick  walled,  especially  at  the  angles.  Much  of  this  tissue  is 
broken  and  torn,  indicating  that  it  is  of  too  hard  a  texture  to  cut  readily 
(Fiir.  10). 

A  longitudinal  section  of  this  specimen  shows  that,  the  collenchyma  cells 
are  long  and  pointed  with  a.  spliced  or  interlaced  arrangement.  The  paren- 
chyma cells  are  somewhat  square  or  rectangular,  and  the  phloem  cells  are  long 
with  rather  square  ends.  MOST  ol  the  tracheal  vessels  show  annular  rings  and 
a  few  have  spiral  reinforcement. 

No.  5.  Easy  Blanching.  Very  tough  and  stringy.  Slightly  sweet  flavor. 
Nine  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  and  28  secondary  bundles.  There  is  a  collen- 
chyma strand  in  each  rib,  composed  of  thick-walled  cells  which  are  badly 
broken,  indicating  very  hard  texture. 

No.  6.  Easy  Blanching.  Very  tough  and  stringy.  Slightly  sweet  flavor. 
Twenty-one  primary  fibrovascular  bundles,  medium  in  size.  The  phloem  sheath 
is  crescent  shaped  and  composed  of  very  thick-walled  small  cells  which  are 
distinctly  differentiated  from  the  parenchyma.  There  are  about  40  large  tracheal 
vessels  in  the  xylem.  The  collenchyma  in  the  ribs  is  very  badly  broken,  in- 
dicating hard  texture.  There  is  also  a  layer  of  collenchyma  about  three  cells 
deep  just  inside  the-  epidermis  on  the  concave1  or  inner  side  of  the  stalk. 

No.  9.  Easy  Blanching.  Slightly  stringy,  but  fairly  crisp  and  tender. 
Slightly  sweet  flavor.  Eighteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  medium  in  size. 
Twenty-nine  secondary  bundles.  Phloem  sheath  wide  and  crescent  shaped  and 
composed  of  small,  thick-walled  cells.  Medium  number  of  large  tracheal  vessels 
in  xylem.  Several  oil  glands  scattered  thru  parenchyma.  Distinct  collenchyma 
strand  in  each  rib.  The  collenchyma  cells  are  distinctly  thickened  at  the  cor- 
ners. The  clearness  of  the  section  thru  this  tissue  and  comparatively  few  broken 
collenchyma  cells  indicates  that  the  collenchyma  was  not  as  hard  in  texture 
as  in  Xo.  6.  There  is  a  distinct  collenchyma  layer  about  two  cells  deep  just 
beneath  the  epidermis  on  the  inner  side. 

No.  15.  Easy  Blanching.  Slightly  stringy,  but  a  trifle  tender  and  somewhat, 
pithy.  Sweet,  flavor.  Fourteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles,  rather  large  in 
^\7.(\  Many  large  tracheal  tubes  in  xylem.  Phloem  sheath  crescent  shaped  and 
composed  of  very  thick-walled,  small  cells.  Parenchyma  cells  large,  irregular,  and 
thin  walled  with  many  ruptured,  making  open  spaces  in  this  tissue.  Distinct 
glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  Large  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib. 
Collenchyma  cells  distinctly  thickened  at  corners,  and  a  few  of  them  broken 
(Fig.  11). 

No.  16.  Easy  Blanching.  Very  tough  and  stringy.  Rank,  pungent  flavor. 
Twenty-one  large-sized  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  and  -1(5  secondary  bundles. 
Lame  number  of  tracheal  vessels  in  xylem.  Phloem  sheath  rather  wide  and 
horseshoe  shaped,  extending  well  down  around  xylem.  Parenchyma  cells  large, 
irregular,  and  thin  walled.  Several  glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  Col- 
lenchyma strand  in  each  rib  composed  of  thick-walled  cells  badly  broken,  in- 
dicating very  hard  texture. 


BULLETIN  Xo.  336 

No.  19.  Easy  Blanching.  Somewhat  tough  and  stringy.  Slightly  sweet 
tlavi>r.  Sc\  i •ntrrii  rather  small  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  and  30  secondary 
bundles.  All  tisMies  similar  to  those  described  in  Xo.  16  except  that  the  oil 
duels  seem  more  abundant  and  the  collenchyma  tissue  is  not  quite  so  badly 


/i  i      i-  vju ;  vp i.'**-*7  >«v »*.^    jLW*./ ^       A      •       .,  •    fc 

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^#:    *  I-^^V^^^O  '%  %% 

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broken  and   torn,   indicating  that  while   it   is  quite  hard  in  texture  it   may  not 
have  been  so  hard  as  in  Xo.  16  (Fig.  12). 

No.  20.     Easy  Blanching.     Very   tough   and   stringy.    Slightly   sweet   flavor. 
Xineteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles,  quite  small  in  size.    Tracheal  vessels  in 

x^r^x^Sr^^^^i,-^:  ^'CG^'  i'/tr:-%^ 


,'i —  '"1  X ,.    ^.,v  *  ^  •,-;•  j9S^s:"-'  "•'•"^  -vi'iH-  •  N  "  *  ~-*v    V--    •  •  v?o* ^  *^2^ ' ! 

OUAI.ITY     IN     (Y.LF.KY     AS     liKI.ATKI)    To    SllU 

->M»  vco^-C^V  M^^VJr  V^^fSks. 



e  c^>  ^r;  Veti^^^gj 

\  -v-v  K>-     T  \>9»  r  i^i^^/nfcWhLz&E 


An  uinisually  lurjir  number  of  glands  sctittt^rcd  tliru  tho  parenchyma,  Dcnso 
collrnchyma  strand  in  each  rib,  this  tissue  being  badly  broken,  the  cells;  break- 
ing in  sharp  angles  as  tho  very  hard  in  texture. 

-.  .  -  -  . 

SW        v-1 

•.-   -.-i--,     :-•-,>   >.    ".'.'    '"\        -    )-*'  >    -V'    --,.—    ^  -^^^B 


;,s_>  Hn.i.KTiN  No.  336  [Anyii*t. 

No.  22.  Easy  Blanching.  Very  rouirh  and  stringy.  Rank.  pungent  flavor. 
Nineteen  primary  fibrovascular  bundles,  somewhat  small  in  size.  Medium 
number  nf  tracln'al  vessels  in  xylrm.  Phloem  sheath  forms  wide  semicircle 
around  the  xylem.  Phloem  cells  small  and  thick  walled.  Numerous  glands 
sratten<l  thru  the  parenchyma.  Collenchyma  tissue  considerably  torn  and 
broken,  indicating  hard  texture  of  cell  walls.  Also  a  layer  of  collenchyma  about 
two  cells  deep  just  below  inner  epidermis  (Fig.  13). 

No.  23.  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching  Blanched  With  Boards.  Slightly 
stringy,  but  strings  are  not  tough.  Fairly  crisp.  Flavor  sweet.  Fifteen  primary 
fibrovascular  bundles,  large  in  size.  Thirty-seven  secondary  bundles.  Xylem 
rather  large  with  numerous  (about  70)  large  tracheal  vessels.  Phloem  sheath  in 
semicircle  around  the  xylem.  The  outer  cells  in  this  sheath  are  large  and  tend 
to  blend  into  surrounding  parenchyma.  Parenchyma  cells  very  large,  irregular, 
and  thin  walled.  A  few  glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  The  collenchyma 
,-trand  in  each  rib  is  not  large.  The  collenychma  cells  are  rather  large.  Very 
few  are  broken,  indicating  that  this  tissue  is  not  especially  hard  in  texture 
(Fig.  14). 

No.  24.  Outer  Stalk  of  Garrahan's  Easy  Blanching  Blanched  With  Boards. 
Quite  stringy  and  tough.  Flavor  sweet,  slightly  rank.  Fourteen  large-size  pri- 
mary fibrovascular  bundles  and  27  secondary  bundles.  Xylem  large  with  many 
lame  tracheal  vessels.  Wide  phloem  sheath  in  semicircle  around  xylem.  Small, 
thick-walled  cells  on  inner  edge  of  sheath  grading  into  larger  cells  on  outer 
edge.  A  few  glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  Rather  small  collenchyma 
strand  in  each  rib.  Most  of  the  collenchyma  tissue  broken  and  torn,  indicating 
hard  texture  of  cell  walls.  Distinct  collenchyma  layer  about  four  cells  deep 
just  below  epidermis  on  concave  or  inner  side  of  stalk. 

No.  25.  Inner  Stalk  From  Same  Plant  as  No.  24.  Crisp  and  tender. 
Sweet  flavor.  Eleven  primary  fibrovascular  bundles,  quite  small  in  size.  Small 
number  of  large  tracheal  vessels  in  xylem.  Phloem  sheath  composed  of  dense, 
small  cells  forming  an  arc  on  the  outer  side  of  the  xylem  but  not  extending 
far  around  the  xylem.  Parenchyma  cells  large,  irregular,  and  thin  walled.  Numer- 
ous glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  Large,  distinct  collenchyma  strand 
in  each  rib.  The  collenchyma  cells  are  small  and  thickened  at  the  angles.  The 
entire  collenchyma  tissue  at  every  rib  was  intact,  showing  that  it  cut  readily 
and  therefore  the  texture  of  these  cells  was  not  hard. 

Fig.  1  shows  a  portion  of  the  cross-section  of  this  specimen.  A  longitudinal 
section  showed  the  collenchyma  cells  to  be  spindle  shaped  and  spliced  or 

No.  30.  White  Plume  Blanched  With  R.  &  D.  Paper.  Very  tough  and 
stringy.  Flavor  rank  and  pungent.  Fifteen  large  primary  fibrovascular  bundles 
and  24  secondary  bundles.  Xylem  large  with  numerous  (65)  large  tracheal 
vessels.  Phloem  sheath  composed  of  small,  thick-walled  cells,  and  extends  well 
around  the  xylem  in  a,  horseshoe  shape.  Collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib  very 
badly  broken,  cells  very  thick  walled  and  broken  in  sharp  fragments,  indicating 
hard  texture.  Layer  of  collenchyma  about  three  cells  deep  next  to  inner 

A  longitudinal  section  of  this  specimen  showed  that  the  collenchyma  cells 
were  spindle  shaped  but  badly  broken.  Many  annular  and  a  few  spiral  tracheal 
vessels  were  found. 

No.  32.  Giant  Pascal  From  Irrigated  Plot.  Crisp  texture  but  slightly 
stringy,  tho  >t  rings  were  not  tough.  Flavor  sweet  and  nutty.  Thirteen  primary 


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•"Vj  •*--^-x''i>i>^t 'V^O&c 


,N  -/-  'ViVV;.  /•  ;  '-;  >-'r^:vi-^ 



,;     ,     rv^p^-rsv-^^y:  -'-":'--:" -•'•'•  v-^xt 

I'"n;.   1.1 — No.  :}.">.   STTTON'S   (!IANT   J^KD 

Note  the  hirjrr  fibrovasciilar  Innidlo  and  cxtcnsi\'e  l>ut  unljroken 
collc-nchynnt  slr;in<l.  Tlic  Inviir  si/c  of  tin  Imndlc  made  it  necessary 
io  take  T\V<>  photographs  in  ordi  r  to  .-h<i\v  Imth  tlie  lihroviiscular 
liiindle  and  t  lie  eolleliclivina. 

.-heath  wide  and  en  .-cent  shaped.  Handles  set  in  to  blend  into  the  surrounding 
parenchyma.  Parenchyma  ci-IL-  very  larire  and  thin  walleil.  C/omparativcIy 
few  glands  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma.  I)i>tinct  collenchyma  la\'(  r  next 
to  epidermis  on  conca\"e  -ide.  Collenchyma  .-trand  in  each  rib  fairly  intact, 
tho  some  ci  Us  were  bri>ken,  indicating  only  ,-liuhtly  hard  texture. 

5s  i 

Bri.I.MTIN    Xo.    336 


.  33.     Giant  Pascal.      Inner   stalks    from    Xo.  32.    Very   crisp   and   tender. 
nutty.    flavor.     Nineteen   small    primary    fibrovascular   bundles.     Xo    inner 
secondary  bundles.    Very  few  (about    15)   large  tracheal  \"essels  in  xylem. 
sheath    crescent    shaped    and    quite    wide.     Bundle    cells    much    thicker 
nd  therefore  distinctly  differentiated  from  surrounding  parenchyma.  The 
were   much  smaller  than  the  bundles  in   Xo.  32.    Very  clear-cut   collen- 
strand    in   each    rib.    The>e   cells   show   distinct   thickening   at    the   angles 
without    breaking    or    tearing,    indicating   that    the    cell    walls   were   not 
Narrow    layer    of    collenchyma    next    to    epidermis    on    concave    side. 
inal    section   of    this   specimen    (Fig.   4)    shows;   that    the    collenchyma 
spindle   shaped  and   interlocked  while   the  parenchyma   cells  are  some- 
are.    The  cells  of  the   phloem  sheath  are   very  long  and  somewhat    ob- 
shape.    The  tracheal  tubes  show  very  distinct,  annular  rings. 


No.  35.  Sutton's  Giant  Red  From  Unirrigated  Plot.  Very  crisp,  tender, 
rind  succulent.  Sweet,  nutty  flavor.  Eleven  very  large  primary  fibrovascular 
bundles.  Thirty-live  secondary  bundles.  Altho  the  bundles  are  larger  than 
those  lound  in  any  previous  specimen,  they  seem  to  blend  into  the  surrounding 
parenchyma.  Very  numerous  (about  90)  large  tracheal  vessels  in  xylem.  Phloem 
sheath  bow  shaped  and  narrow  in  proportion  to  length.  Parenchyma  cells 
iaru'c  and  thin  walled.  (.Hands  or  oil  ducts  scattered  thru  the  parenchyma. 
Hat  her  extensive  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib,  comparatively  thin-walled 
cells  lor  collenchyma,  showing  distinct  reinforcement  at  angles.  The  collen- 
chym.-i  strands  mostly  intact  with  very  few  cells  broken,  indicating  that  tex- 
ture is  not  hard  (Fig.  lo). 

No.  36.     Sutton's  Giant  Red  From  Irrigated  Plot.      Very  crisp  and  tender. 
Sweet,  nutty  flavor.    Twelve  large  primary  fibrovascular  bundles  and  2S  second- 
ary   bundles.     All    tissues    very    similar    to    Xo.   35.     Longitudinal    section    shows 
iinular  and   spiral   tracheal   vessels;   also  showed  collenehyma   cells  spindle 
shaped    and    spliced   or   interlocked. 


No.  39.  Emperor  From  Unirrigated  Plot.  (Yi>p  and  succulent  but  slight- 
ly striimv,  tlio  strings  arc  not  touch.  Sweet  ilavor.  Thirteen  lartie  primary 
fibrovasrular  bundles,  and  22  secondary  bundles.  Medium  number  of  lame 
iracheal  vessels  in  xylem.  1'hlovm  sheath  bo\v  >haped  and  rather  narrow. 
Parenchyma  cells  very>  and  thin  walled.  Numerous  inlands  scattered  thru 
the  parenchyma.  Rather  small  collenchyma  strand  in  each  rib.  Comparatively 
larire  collenchyma  cells  with  distinctly  thickened  corners.  Cells  mostly  intact 
but  somewhat  broken,  indicating  a  hardened  texture  (  Fin;.  l(i). 

Microchemical  Tests 

To  determine  the  composition  of  the  cell  walls  in  the  various 
tissues,  a  number  of  sections  were  treated  with  phloroglucin  and  with 
chloroiodid  of  /inc.  as  described  on  pa  lie  572.  The  following  specimens 
were  tested  by  these  methods:  Nos.  2.  24.  25,  29.  35.  36.  38.  39.  40, 
42,  43,  44,  and  45.  This  assortment  embraced  all  varieties  and  in- 
cluded both  tough  specimens  and  tender  ones,  and  inner  and  outer 
stalks.  Both  longitudinal  and  cross-sections  were  tested.  The  results 
were  identical  in  each  case.  Consequently  one  description  will  suffice 
lor  all. 

There  were  only  two  kinds  of  tissues  that  showed  lignifi catkm ; 
namely,  the  tracheal  vessels  and  the  oil  glands  or  ducts.  In  all  speci- 
mens only  these  elements  were  liquified  and  the  inner  tender  stalks 
showed  the  same  nullification  as  the  outer  tough  stalks.  This  was 
similar  in  all  varieties.  There  were  no  additional  liquified  elements  in 
the  tough,  stringy  specimens.  The  spiral  and  annular  reinforcement 
in  the  tracheal  vessels  in  all  specimens  seemed  particularly  liquified. 
The  tracheal  tubes  in  the  secondary  bundles  showed  the  same  ligni- 
fication  as  the  tracheal  tubes  in  the  primary  bundles. 

Neither  chemical  test  showed  any  trace  of  lignin  in  the  collenchy- 
ma. Therefore,  there  was  no  nullification  in  the  ribs  of  the  celery. 
In  the  tests  with  chloroiodid  of  xinc  the  collenchyma,  parenchyma, 
and  phloem  and  the  other  xylein  elements  except  the  tracheal  tubes 
all  stained  clear  violet,  indicating  pure  cellulose  walls.  The  outer 
side  of  tlu1  epidermal  cells  (the  cuticle  I  stained  clear  yellow,  indi- 
cating that  it  was  culinized. 


This  investigation  resulted  in  some  conclusive  evidence  in  regard 
to  certain  changes  in  the  morphology  of  the  celery  plant  that  are 
correlated  with  quality.  Tin1  choice  of  the  horticultural  variety  is 
of  ureat  importance  in  producing  high-quality  celery,  and  the  en- 
vironment under  which  it  is  grown  may  cause  modifications  in  the 
structure  of  the  plant  which  affect  its  quality.  Haberlandt:!*  says, 
"Generally  speaking,  both  the  qualitative  and  the  quantitative  de- 
velopment of  the  mechanical  system  are  included  among  the  heredi- 

;,si',  BCLI.KTIX  Xo.  336 

tary  characters  of  the  species.  Nevertheless,  a  certain  amount  of  di- 
rect accommodation  to  external  conditions  on  the  part  of  the  -mc- 
cjianical  tt/xttrn  may  take  place  during  the  life  of  the  individual 

In  determining  the  nature  of  the  changes  in  the  mechanical  sys- 
tem which  arc  correlated  with  toughness  and  stringiness  in  celery, 
some  negative  results  seem  especially  significant,  particularly  in  re- 
gard to  the  relation  of  the  fibrovascular  bundles  to  stringiness. 

1.  Contrary  to  popular  belief  and  to  the  opinion  of  some  writers, 
this  investigation  seemed  to  show  conclusively  that  the  size  of  the 
fibrovascular  bundles  in  celery  is  not  a  factor  in  causing  stringiness. 
One  of  the  most  tender  varieties,  Slit-ton's  Giant  Red,  had  unusually 
large  fibrovascular  bundles   (Fig.  15).    Another  tender  variety.  Giant 
pascal,  had  medium-sized  bundles.    On  the  other  hand,  Rose  Ribbed 
Self-Blanching,    a    very    tough,    stringy    variety,    had    medium-sized 
bundles    (Fig.   6).    Another  tough   variety.   White   Plume,   also   had 
medium-sized  bundles  I  Fig.  8).    Apparently  the  size  of  the  fibrovas- 
cular bundles  is  rather  constant  within  a  variety,  but  varies  between 
varieties,  and  large  bundles  are  not  correlated  with  tougher  or  stringier 

The  fibrovascular  bundles  are  smaller  in  the  smaller  inner  stalks 
on  the  same  plant  than  in  the  large  outer  stalks  but  arc  in  propor- 
tion to  the  entire  size  of  the  stalk. 

The  number  of  fibrovascular  bundles  in  a  stalk  likewise  seems  to 
have  no  relation  to  stringiness  or  toughness.  There  is  a  great  varia- 
tion in  the  number  in  different  stalks  of  the  same  or  of  different  vari- 
eties and  even  in  different  stalks  from  the  same  plant,  but  there 
seems  to  be  no  increase  in  the  number  of  bundles  in  tough,  stringy 
specimens  as  compared  with  tender  specimens. 

2.  Xo  bast  fibers  were  found  in  any  specimens.    Stringiness.  there- 
fore, cannot  be  attributed  to  the  presence  of  this  tissue.   The  elements 
called  glands  or  oil  ducts,  which  were  found  scattered  thru  the  paren- 
chyma and  which  were  lignified,  seemed  to  have  no  relation  to  tough- 
ness or  stringiness.    Probably  these  elements,  if  they   are  oil  ducts, 
have  some  relation  to  flavor,  but  there  seemed  to  be  no  correlation 
between  the  number  of  these  ducts  and  the  flavor  of  the  specimen. 

Since  lignin  is  often  associated  with  hard,  tough  tissue,  and  since 
the  tracheal  vessels  were  the  principal  lignified  elements,  the  relation 
ot  these  vessels  to  stringiness  must  be  considered.  However,  the 
number  of  these  lignified  tracheal  tubes  seemed  to  be  approximately 
in  proportion  to  the  size  of  the  fibrovascular  bundles  and  therefore 
seemed  to  have  no  relation  to  stringiness.  Lignified  tissues  are  not  al- 
ways of  tough,  hard  texture.  There  are  degrees  of  lignification  and  de- 
grees  of  hardness  of  limiified  tissue,  and  apparently  the  lignified  ele- 
ment- in  the  celery  plant  are  not  particularly  hard  or  tough. 

v   IN   ('F.I.KHY   AS   HKI. 

3.  Tin1  only  celery  tissue  that   seemed  to  have  a  very  definite  re- 
lation to  stringiness  was  the  collenchyma.    A   superficial  examination 
of  strhmy  celery  would  support  this  belief,  for,  when  a  stringy  celery 
-talk  is  broken  so  that  the  strings  tear  out.  it   can  be  readily  seen  that 
the  strings  are  in  the  ribs  where  the  collenchyma  strands  are   found. 
This    is    likewise    in   accordance   with    statements   of   plant    anatomists 
to  the  effect   that  collenchyma  regularly   forms  the  skeletal  syMcm  of 
LLTowiim'  organs,  and  often  serves  as  the  permanent  mechanical  tissue 
in  many  fully  urown  herbaceous  structures,  such  as  leaf  petioles. 

Apparently  the  relative  amount  of  collenchyma  tissue  in  the  ribs 
is  nor  a  factor  in  causing  string-mess,  for  many  of  the  tender  speci- 
mens had  relatively  large  strands  of  collenchyma.  The  size  of  the 
collenchyma  cells  and  the  thickness  of  the  cell  walls  likewise  seemed 
to  have  no  bearing  on  stringiness  of  celery.  However,  there  seemed 
to  be  a  i:re at  variation  in  the  decree  of  hardness  of  the  collenchyma 
cell  walls.  Furthermore  there  was  a  definite  relation  between  the  de- 
gree of  hardness  of  the  collenchyma  tissue  and  stringiness  of  the  celery 
petiole.  The  collenchyma  tissue  in  tough,  stringy  specimens  seemed 
to  be  of  particularly  hard  texture,  while  in  tender  specimens,  both 
of  tender  varieties  and  of  inner  stalks  of  tough  varieties,  the  texture 
of  the  collenchyma  tissue  did  not  seem  to  be  hardened.  This  was  the 
only  morphological  factor  that  seemed  correlated  with  toughness  and 
strhminess  in  celery. 

4.  Pithiness  is  evidently  correlated  with   a  breaking  down  of  the 
parenchyma   cells  which  leaves  large  open  spaces  thru  the  center  of 
the  stalk. 

5.  Flavor  seems  to  be  influenced  to  a  greater  extent  by  the  vari- 
ety than  by  any  environmental  factors.    Of  course,  proper  blanching 
is  essential  to  good  flavor.   No  morphological  conditions  could  be  found 
that  seemed  correlated  with  flavor. 

6.  The  relation  between  cultural  conditions  and  quality  were  not 
clearly    developed    in    this    investigation,    but    the    findings    regarding 
differences  in  structure  that  are  correlated  with  differences  in  quality 
seem  conclusive. 

.")SS  BULLETIN  Xo.  336 


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2.  BK.ATTIE,  W.  R.    Celery  culture.    Orange  Judd  Co.    1907. 

3.  HABERLANDT,   G.    Physiological   plant   anatomy.    Macmillan.    1914. 

4.  MILLS,  H.  S.    Quality  in  celery.    Market   Growers  Jour.    May   15,   1923. 

5.  XOKTOX,  J.  B.   Concerning  quality  in  celery.   Vt.  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bui.  203.   1917. 

6.  SANDSTEN,  E.  P.,   and  WHITE,  T.  H.    An   inquiry  as  to  the  causes  of   pithi- 

ness in  celery.    Md.  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.    Bui.  83.    1902. 

7.  STEVENS,   W.  C.    Plant  anatomy.    P.  Blakiston's  Son  &   Co.    1911. 

8.  THOMPSON,  H.  C.     Celery  storage   experiments.     U.  S.  Dept.   Agr.  Bui.  579. 


9.  THOMPSON.  H.  C,     Vegetable  crops.     McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.     1923. 
10.  WATTS.  R.  L.     Vegetable  gardening.     Orange  Judd  Co.     1914.