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Organized  November  i,  1883  Incorporated  February  13,  1891 



Historical  Society 







(ANNUAL  PUBLICATIONS  OF  1900-1901-1902) 





Officers  of  the   Historical   Society   1900-1901 4 

Stores  of  Los  Angeles  in  1850 Laura  Evertsen   King.        5 

Some  Aboriginal   Alphabets    ( Part   I ) J.   D.   Moody. 

To  California  via  Panama  in  the  Early  '6o's J.  M.  Guinn 

Olden  Time  Holiday  Festivities Wm.   H.   Workman. 

Mexican  Governors  of  California H.   D.   Barrows. 

Fifty  Years   of  California   Politics Walter   R.   Bacon. 

Side  Lights  on  Old  Los  Angeles Mary  E.   Mooney. 

Los  Angeles  Postmasters   (1850  to  1900) H.  D.  Barrows. 

Some  Aboriginal   Alphabets    (Part   II) J.   D.   Moody. 

Historic    Seaports   of   Los   Angeles J.    M.    Guinn. 

La  Estrella,  The  Pioneer  Newspaper  of  Los  Angeles J.  M.  Guinn. 







Don  Antonio    Coronel    H.    D.    Barrows  78 

Secretary's    Report    83 

Report  of  the    Publication   Committee 84 

Treasurer  s    Report    84 

Curator's    Report    85 

Olncers  and  Committees  01  tne  bociety  of  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

County,    1900-1901     86 

In    Memonam    87 

Constitution    and    By- Law  s    88 

Biographical  Sketches  of  Deceased  Pioneers   91 

Stephen  C.  Foster   H.   D.   Barrows .  91 

Francisco    Sabichi    Committee   Report. 

Robert  Miller   Town    Committee   Report. 

Fred  W.    Wood    Committee   Report. 

Joseph   Bayer    Committee    Report. 

Augustus  Ulyard   Los  Angeles  Daily  Times. 

Rev.  A.  M.   Hough J.   M.   Guinn. 

Henry  M.    Fleishman C.    N.    Wilson. 

Frank  Lecouvreur Committee   Report. 








Daniel  Scheick  Los  Angeles  Daily  Times.  96 

Andrew  Glassell  Committee  Report .  98 

Roll  of  Members  Admitted  During  1900 99 

Officers  of  the  Historical  Society  1901-1902 103 

First  Congregational  Church,  1868  (Illustration) 104 

Pioneer  Physicians  of  Los  Angeles H.  D.  Barrows . .  105 

The  Old  Round  House Geo.  W.  Hazard..  109 

Passing  of  the  Old  Pueblo J.  M.  Guinn  113 

Marine  Biological  Laboratory  at  San  Pedro 

Mrs.  M.  Burton  Williamson . .  121 

Early  Clericals  of  Los  Angeles H.  D.  Barrows..  127 

The  Original  Father  Junipero F.  J.  Policy. .  i.vj 

Camel  Caravans  of  the  American  Deserts J.  M.  Guinn. .  146 

Dilatory  Settlement  of  California Walter  R.  Bacon..  152 

Officers  and  Committees  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

County,  1901-1902  159 

Constitution  and  By-Laws  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers 160 

Order  of  Business  164 

Inaugural  Address  of  the  President H.  D.  Barrows. .  165 

The  Pony  Express  J.  M.  Guinn ..  168 

Overland  to  California  in  1850 J.  M.  Stewart. .  176 

Early  Days  in  Washoe Alfred  James..  186 


Biographical  Sketches  of  Deceased  Pioneers 194 

Thomas  E.  Rowan  Committee  Report..  197 

George  Gephard  Los  Angeles  Daily  Times..  199 

Elizabeth  Langley  Ensign  Committee  Report . .  199 

William  F.  Grosser  Committee  Report..  200 

Samuel  Calvert  Foy  (Portrait) Committee  Report..  202 

Charles  Erode  Committee  Report..  204 

Frank  A.  Gibson  Committee  Report. .  206 

In  Memoriam  >•  207 

Roll  of  Members,  Complete  to  January,  1902 208 

Officers  of  the  Historical  Society,  1902-1903 214 

Early  Art  in  California  W.  L.  Judson. .  215 

Poetry  of  the  Argonauts J.  M.  Guinn..  217 

Ethical  Value  of  Social  Organizations. .  .Mrs.  M.  Burton  Williamson..  228 
Medicinal  and  Edible  Plants  of  So.  California. .  .Laura  Evertsen  King..  237 

Andrew  A.  Boyle H.  D.  Barrows. .  241 

El  Canon  Perdido J.  M.  Guinn. .  245 

Some  Old  Letters  251 

Dr.  John  Marsh  to  Don  Abel  Stearns,  1837 251 

Hon.  Stephen  C.  Foster  to  Gen.  B.  Riley,  1849 252 

The  Palomares  Family  of  California H.  D.  Barrows..  254 

Sister  Scholastica Wm.  H.  Workman  256 

Officers  and  Committees  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

County,  1902-1903  259 

Constitution  and  By-Laws  260 

Order  of  Business  264 

My  First  Procession  in  Los  Angeles,  March  16,  1847 

Stephen  C.  Foster..  265 

Some  Eccentric  Characters  of  Early  Los  Angeles J.  M.  Guinn..  273 

Angel  Pioneers Jesse  .  Yarnell . .  282 

Trip  to  California  via  Nicaragua J.  M.  Stewart..  283 

Wm.  Wolfskill,  The  Pioneer H.  D.  Barrows..  287 

Pioneer  Ads  and  Advertisers J.  M.  Guinn..  295 

Biographical  Sketches  of  Deceased  Pioneers 300 

Daniel  Desmond  Committee  Report. .  300 

Jessie  Benton  Fremont  Committee  Report..  300 

Caleb  E.  White  Committee  Report. .  301 

John  Caleb  Salisbury  Committee  Report . .  303 

Henry  Kirke  White  Bent Committee  Report. .  304 

John  Charles  Dotter  Committee  Report. .  306 

Anderson  Rose  -. Committee  Report..  307 

John  C.  Anderson  A.  H.  Johnson. .  308 

Jerry  Illich  Los  Angeles  Daily  Times..  309 

In  Memoriam  310 

Roll  of  Members,  Complete,  to  January,  1903  u 



Officers  of  the  Historical  Society,  19001901 4 

Stores  of  Los  Angeles  in  1850 Laura  Evcrtsen  King  5 

Some  Aboriginal  Alphabets  (Part  i) /.  D.  Moody  9 

To  California  via  Panama  in  the  Early  '6os. .  . ./.  M.  Guinn  13 

Olden  Time  Holiday  Festivities Wm.  H.  Workman  22 

Mexican  Governors  of  California H.  D.  Barrows  25 

Fifty  Years  of  California  Politics Walter  R.  Bacon  31 

Side  Lights  on  Old  Los  Angeles Mary  E.  Mooncy  43 

Los  Angeles  Postmasters  ( 1850  to  1900) H.  D.  Barrows  49 

Some  Aboriginal  Alphabets   (Part  II) /.  D.  Moody  56 

Historic  Seaports  of  Los  Angeles /.  M.  Giann  60 

La  Estrella — Pioneer  Newspaper  of  Los  Angeles. ./.  M.  Guinn  70 

Don  Antonio  F.  Coronel //.  D.  Barrows  78 

Secertary's  Report   83 

Report  of  the  Publication  Committee 84 

Treasurer's  Report 84 

Curator's  Report 85 


Officers  and  Committees  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los  An- 
geles County,  1900-1901   86 

In  Memoriam    87 

Constitution  and  By-Laws   88 

Stephen  C.  Foster   91 

Francisco   Sabichi    91 

Robert  Miller  Town    92 

Fred  W.   Wood    93 

Joseph  Bayer    94 

Augustus  Ulyard    94 

Rev.  A.  M.  Hough   95 

Henry  F.  Fleishman    96 

Frank  Lecouvreur    96 

Roll  of  Members  Admitted  since  January,  1900 99 

Daniel  Scheick    96 

Andrew  Glassell  98 



WALTER  R.  BACON President 

J.  D.  MOODY First  Vice-President 

MRS.  M.  BURTON  WILLIAMSON , . . . .  Second  Vice- President 

EDWIN  BAXTER '.Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary  and  Curator 




J.  M.  GUINN,  J.  D.  MOODY, 





WALTER  R.  BACON President 

A.  C.  VROMAN First  Vice-President 

MRS.  M.  BURTON  WILLIAMSON Second  Vice-President 

EDWIN  BAXTER Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary  and  Curator 




J.  M.  GUINN,  A.  C.  VROMAN, 


Historical  Society 


Southern  California 




(Read  before  the  Pioneers,  December,  1900.) 

If  a  person  walking  down  Broadway  or  Spring  street,  at  the 
present  day,  could  turn  "Time  backward  in  his  flight"  fifty  years, 
how  strange  the  contrast  would  seem.  Where  now  stand  blocks 
of  stately  buildings,  whose  windows  are  aglow  with  all  the  beauties 
of  modern  art,  instead  there  would  be  two  or  three  streets  whose 
business  centered  in  a  few  "tiendas,"  or  stores,  decorated  with 
strings  of  "chilis"  or  jerked  beef.  The  one  window  of  each  "tienda" 
was  barred  with  iron,  the  "tiendero"  sitting  in  the  doorway  to  pro- 
tect his  wares,  or  to  watch  for  customers.  Where  red  and  yellow 
brick  buildings  hold  their  heads  proudly  to  the  heavens  now,  fifty 
years  ago  the  soft  hills  slid  down  to  the  back  doors  of  the  adobe 
dwelling  and  offered  their  wealth  of  flowers  and  wild  herbs  to  the 
botanist.  Sidewalks  were  unknown,  pedestrians  marched  single 
file  in  the  middle  of  the  street,  in  winter  to  enjoy  the  sunshine, 
in  summer  to  escape  the  trickling  tears  of  "brea"  which,  dropping 

m  the  roofs,  branded  their  linen  or  clogged  their  footsteps.  Now 
where  the  policeman  "wends  his  weary  way,"  the  "vaquero,"  with 
his  lively  "cuidado"  (lookout)  lassoed  his  wild  steer,  and  dragging 
him  to  the  "mantanza"  at  the  rear  of  his  dwelling,  offered  him 
on  the  altar  of  hospitality. 

Among  the  most  prominent  stores  in  the  '50*5  were  those  of 


Labat  Bros.,  Foster  &  McDougal,  afterward  Foster  &  Wadhams, 
of  B.  D.  Wilson,  Abel  Stearns,  S.  Lazard's  City  of  Paris,  O.  W. 
Childs,  Chas.  Ducommon,  J.  G.  Downey,  Schumacher,  Goller,  Lew 
Bow  &  Jayzinsky,  etc.  With  the  exception  of  O.  W.  Childs,  Chas. 
Ducommon,  J.  G.  Downey,  John  Goller  and  Jayzinsky,  all  carried 
general  merchandise,  which  meant  anything  from  a  plow  to  a  box 
of  sardines,  or  from  a  needle  to  an  anchor.  Some  merchants  sold 
sugar  and  silks,  others  brogans  and  barrels  of  flour.  Goller's  was 
a  wagon  and  carriage  shop.  O.  W.  Childs  first  sign  read  "tins  to 
mend."  Jayzinsky 's  stock  consisted  principally  of  clocks,  but  as 
the  people  of  Southern  California  cared  little  for  time,  and  only 
recorded  it  like  the  Indians  by  the  sun,  he  soon  failed.  Afterwards 
he  engaged  in  the  hardware  business  with  N.  A.  Potter.  Jokes 
were  often  played  upon  the  storekeepers,  to  while  away  the  time. 
Thus  one  Christmas  night,  when  the  spirit  of  fun  ran  high,  and 
no  policeman  was  on  the  scene,  some  young  men,  who  felt  them- 
selves "sold"  along  with  the  articles  purchased,  effaced  the  first 
syllable  of  Wadhams'  name  and  substituted  "old"  in  its  place,  mak- 
ing it  Oldhams,  and  thus  avenging  themselves.  It  was  almost  im- 
possible to  procure  anything  eatable  from  abroad  that  was  not 
not  strong  and  lively  enough  to  remove  itself  from  one's  presence 
before  cooking.  It  was  not  the  fault  of  the  vender,  but  of  the  dis- 
tance and  difficulty  in  transportation.  Mr.  Ducommon  and  Mr. 
Downey  arrived  in  Los  Angeles  together.  Mr.  Ducommon  was  a 
watchmaker,  and  Mr.  Downey,  a  druggist.  Each  had  a  small  stock 
in  trade,  which  they  packed  in  a  "carreta"  for  transporation  from 
San  Pedro  to  Los  Angeles.  On  the  journey  the  cart  broke  down, 
and  packing  the  most  valuable  of  their  possessions  into  carpet- 
sacks,  they  walked  the  remaining  distance.  Mr.  Ducommon  soon 
branched  out  in  business,  and  his  store  became  known  as  the  most 
reliable  one  in  his  line,  keeping  the  best  goods,  although  at  enor- 
mous prices.  Neither  Mr.  Downey  nor  any  other  druggist  could 
have  failed  to  make  money  in  the  early  '5o's,  when  common  Epson 
salts  retailed  at  the  rate  of  five  dollars  per  pound,  and  everything 
else  was  in  proportion.  One  deliberated  long  before  sending  for 
a  doctor  in  those  days — fortunately,  the  climate  was  such  that  his 
services  were  not  often  needed.  Perhaps  the  most  interesting 
window  display  in  the  city  in  the  early  '50*5  was  that  of  Don  Abel 
Stearns',  wherein  common  candy  jars  filled  with  gold,  from  the 
finest  dust  to  "chispas,"  or  nuggets,  could  be  seen  from  the  street 
adorning  the  shelves.  As  gold  and  silver  coin  were  scarce,  the 
natives  working  the  placer  mines  in  the  adjoining  mountains  made 


their  purchases  with  gold  dust.  Tied  in  a  red  silk  handkerchief, 
tucked  into  the  waist-band  of  their  trousers,  would  be  their  week's 
earnings;  this,  poured  carelessly  into  the  scales  and  as  carelessly 
weighed,  soon  filled  the  jars.  What  dust  remained  was  shaken 
out  of  its  folds,  and  the  handerchief  returned  to  its  place.  (No 
wonder  that  the  native  became  the  victim  of  sharpers  and  money- 
lenders; taking  no  thought  of  the  morrow,  he  lived  on,  letting  his 
inheritance  slip  from  his  grasp.) 

The  pioneer  second  hand  store  of  Los  Angeles  was  kept  by  a  man 
named  Yarrow,  or  old  "Cuarto  Ojos"  (four  eyes),  as  the  natives 
called  him,  because  of  the  large  spectacles  he  wore,  and  the  habit 
he  had  of  loking  over  them,  giving  him  the  appearance  of  having 
"four  eyes."  Probably,  however,  this  sobriquet  attached  to  him 
because  his  glasses  had  four  lenses,  two  in  front,  and  one  on  each 
side.  His  store  was  on  the  corner  of  Requena  and  Los  Angeles 
streets,  in  the  rear  of  where  the  United  States  Hotel  now  stands. 
The  store-room  was  a  long,  low  adobe  building  with  the  usual  store 
front  of  that  day — a  door  and  a  narrow  window.  This  left  the 
back  part  of  the  long  store  almost  in  utter  darkness,  which  probably 
gave  rise  to  the  uncanny  tradition  that  certain  portions  of  reputed 
wealth  but  strangers  to  the  town  had  been  enticed  into  this  dark 
interior  to  their  undoing,  and  that  like  the  fly  in  the  spider's  den 
they  "ne'er  come  out  again."  This  idle  tale  was  all  owing  to  his 
spectacles — for  in  the  early  503  all  men  who  wore  glasses  were 
under  suspicion — the  general  opinion  prevailing  was  that  they  were 
worn  to  conceal  one's  motives  and  designs,  which  when  hidden  by 
the  masque  of  spectacles,  were  suspected  to  be  murderers.  In  the 
"tienda"  of  "Cuarto  Ojos"  were  heaped  together  all  sorts  and 
conditions  of  things,  very  much  as  they  are  now  in  second  hand 
stores,  but  the  articles  differed  widely  in  kind  and  quality  from 
those  found  in  such  stores  today.  Old  "Cuarto  Ojos"  combined 
pawn  broking  and  money  lending  with  his  other  business.  In  close 
contact  with  the  highly-colored  shawls,  rebosos,  gold  necklaces, 
silver  mounted  frenos  and  heavily  embroidered  muchillas,  hung 
treacherous  looking  machetes,  silver-mounted  revolvers  and  all  the 
trappings  and  paraphrenalia  of  the  robber  and  the  gambler  out 
of  luck,  and  forced  there  to  stand  and  deliver  as  collateral  for 
loans  from  old  "Cuarto  Ojos." 

Coming  up  Requena  street  and  crossing  Main  to  the  southwest 
corner  of  Main  and  Court  streets,  one  arrived  at  the  pioneer  auc- 
tion house  of  1850.  Here  George  F.  Lamson  persauded  the  visitors 
to  his  store  into  buying  wares  that  at  the  present  day  would  find 


their  way  to  the  rubbish  heaps  of  the  city.  This  story  is  told 
of  his  sale  of  a  decrepit  bureau :  "Ladies  and  gentlemen," — ladies 
minus,  and  gentlemen  scarce — said  the  genial  auctioneer,  "here  is 
the  finest  piece  of  mahogany  ever  brought  across  the  plains  or 
around  the  Horn — four  deep  drawers  and  keys  to  all  of  them ;  don't 
lose  this  bargain;  it  is  one  in  a  thousand!"  It  was  knocked  down 
to  a  personal  friend  of  the  auctioneer  for  the  modest  sum  of  $24.00. 
After  the  sale  the  purchaser  ventured  to  ask  for  the  keys.  "Why," 
said  Lamson,  "when  I  put  up  that  article  I  never  expected  you 
would  be  fool  enough  to  buy  it.  There  are  no  keys,  and  more  than 
that,  there  is  no  need  of  keys,  for  there  are  no  locks  to  it." 

On  Los  Angeles  street  in  the  same  location  where  it  stands  to- 
day and  kept  by  the  same  proprietor,  Sam  C.  Foy,  stood  and  still 
stands  the  pioneer  saddlery  of  Los  Angeles.  Of  the  pioneer  mer- 
chants of  the  'so's,  Mr.  Harris  Newmark  was  the  founder  of  a 
house  still  in  existence.  If  any  youth  of  Los  Angeles  would  see 
for  himself  how  honesty  and  strict  attention  to  business  commands 
success,  let  him  visit  the  establishment  of  Mr.  Newmark  and 
his  successors. 

In  the  early  '50*5  some  merchants  were  accused  of  getting  their 
hands  into  their  neighbors'  pockets,  or  rather  of  charging  exhorbi- 
tant  prices  to  the  depletion  of  the  contents  of  their  neighbors' 
purses.  These  same  merchants  never  refused  to  go  down  into  their 
own  pockets  for  sweet  charity's  sake.  If  a  collection  was  to  be 
taken  up  for  some  charitable  object,  all  that  was  necessary  was 
to  make  the  round  of  the  stores,  and  money  was  poured  into  the 
hat  without  question  of  what  was  to  be  done  with  it.  Now  we 
have  the  Associated  Charties  and  all  sorts  of  charitable  institutions, 
but  for  liberal  and  unquestioning  giving,  we  take  off  our  hats  to 
the  "stores  of  1850." 



BY   J.   D.    MOODY,   D.D.S. 

(Read  before  the  Historical  Society,  May  3,  1900.) 

The  origin  of  alphabetical  writing  is  lost  in  the  mists  of  an- 
tiquity. But  this  one  fact  is  apparent :  no  matter  how  far  back 
we  carry  this  study,  the  art  of  writing  is  found  to  be  a  develop- 
ment. A  pre-existent  form  can  be  logically  supposed  from  which 
every  example  yet  known  has  grown.  While  in  most  cases,  this 
process  has  been  a  slow  one,  by  patient  study  we  can  trace  out 
the  steps  one  by  one,  until  not  only  the  relationship  stands  clearly 
proven,  but  this  slow  process  of  evolutionary  detail  can  be  seen  as 
a  whole.  To  this  general  rule  there  are  among  aboriginal  people 
some  apparent  exceptions,  two  of  which  we  will  study  Jonight,  as  a 
step  towards  a  solution  of  a  third. 

These  examples  are  the  alphabet  of  the  Vei  tribes  of  Western 
Africa,  and  the  alphabet  of  the  Cherokee  Indians  of  our  own  coun- 
try. These  alphabets  instead  of  being  a  growth  of  centuries,  and 
the  product  of  innumerable  minds,  suddenly  sprang  into  existence; 
each  the  product  of  one  mind,  and  each  in  its  place  bridging  the 
chasm  between  intellectual  chaos  and  order. 

The  Cherokee  alphabet  was  fully  completed  in  1826;  that  of  the 
Vei  in  1834.  The  Cherokee  alphabet  is  certainly  known  to  have 
been  developed  in  one  man's  brain.  Of  the  Vei  alphabet,  it  is 
known  to  have  been  largely  the  product  of  one  mind,  but  in  its 
development  assisted  probably  by  a  few  contemporaries.  In  each 
case  the  process  of  formation  occupied  but  a  few  years,  and,  while 
the  work  of  one  mind,  it  was  the  sight  of  written  characters  used 
by  foreigners  that  suggested  the  idea  of  an  alphabet  for  them- 

Africa  is  a  great  hive  of  humanity.  In  the  earliest  dawn 
of  history,  in  which  we  get  only  the  faintest  glimpses  of  these 
human  movements,  we  see  the  true  blacks  of  Africa  meeting,  on 
the  sands  of  Egypt,  the  lighter  colored  Asiatic.  There  is  a  glimpse 
of  what  is  possibly  a  still  earlier  touch  in  that  first  great  migration 


from  Central  Europe,  one  wave  of  which  reached  the  northern 
shores  of  Africa.  From  these,  probably,  come  all  that  diversity  of 
families  and  languages  for  which  Africa  is  so  famous.  Here  and 
there,  among  these  peoples,  sometimes  in  fact  in  the  very  lowest 
of  them,  are  found  evidences  that  the  human  soul,  even  in  the  black- 
est skin,  has  been  struggling  to  free  itself  fromj  its  environments, 
and  arise  to  that  place  of  intelligence  which  is  the  inheritance  of 
the  human  race.  But  in  every  instance  where  these  linguistic  at- 
tainments have  been  manifested,  there  is  clearly  seen  the  impress 
of  a  more  advanced  people.  Some  families  have  reached  a  certain 
stage,  and  then  all  further  progress  has  stopped,  as  in  the  Hotten- 
tots of  the  south.  Others  have  inherited  a  capacity  for  improve- 
ment, which,  though  languishing  at  times,  has  not  entirely  died 
out,  as  in  the  Berbers  of  the  north. 

On  the  west  coast  of  Africa  there  is  found  a  tribe  of  natives, 
the  Vei,  belonging  to  the  great  Mandingo  family,  who  have  shown 
a  capacity  for  advancement  not  found  in  the  surrounding  tribes. 
They  came  from  the  western  part  of  that  great  fertile  region  of 
Africa  called  the  Soudan.  These  people  are  lighter  in  color  and 
finer  in  form  than  those  of  other  parts  of  Africa.  Their  intellect, 
low  as  it  is,  has  felt  the  impress  of  a  higher  intelligence,  and  shown 
a  capacity  for  development,  by  originating  and  using  alphabetical 
writing.  Correspondence  is  carried  on  by  means  of  it,  and  even 
a  history  has  been  written  in  these  characters.  This  alphabet  is 
said  to  have  been  evolved  in  1834.  There  is  some  uncertainty 
as  to  its  origin.  One  statement  is  that  a  servant  in  an  English 
family,  seeing  the  benefits  of  a  written  language,  conceived  the 
idea  of  creating  one  for  his  people,  the  present  Vei  characters 
being  the  result.  There  are  some  indications,  however,  tending  to 
show  that  it  was  a  slower  growth,  and  the  work  of  more  than 
one  individual.  The  initial  impulse  was  probably  caused  by  a  sight 
of  Arab  writing,  and  what  it  did  for  these  masters  of  the  Soudan. 

A  similar  example  is  found  among  the  Cherokee  Indians  of 
our  own  country.  I  have  here  for  your  inspection  two  copies  of  an 
old  paper  printed  in  these  characters,  in  1831,  shortly  after  its  in- 

In  the  last  century  the  Cherokee  Indians  occupied  a  good  por- 
ton  of  the  Gulf  States,  what  is  now  the  State  of  Georgia  being 
their  principal  seat  of  residence.  They  were  among  the  most  ad- 
vanced of  the  southern  tribes.  They  had  national  traditions  and 
a  folk  lore  carefully  preserved  by  their  prophets,  but  centuries  had 
failed  to  develop  a  writing  to  perpetuate  them.  These  tribes  were 


under  the  supervision  of  the  general  government,  and  white  people 
were  not  allowed,  at  this  time,  to  enter  their  territory  for  pur- 
poses of  trade  without  first  procuring  a  license.  However,  there 
were  not  wanting  contraband  traders. 

In  1768  one  such,  a  German,  George  Gist  or  Guess,  a  peddler, 
entered  the  Cherokee  country  with  goods  to  trade  for  furs,  and  as 
was  the  custom  of  these  white  traders,  he  took  to  himself  an  Indian 
wife.  She  was  the  daughter  of  one  of  the  principal  chiefs.  This 
gave  him  a  certain  prestige  among  the  Indians.  In  a  little  less  than 
a  year  he  had  converted  all  of  his  goods  into  furs,  and,  apparently 
without  the  least  remorse,  left  his  Indian  wife,  never  to  return. 
Shortly  afterwards  a  child  was  born  of  this  union.  The  deserted 
wife  remained  true  to  her  husband  all  her  life.  She  educated  her 
boy  according  to  the  highest  standard  of  Indian  knowledge.  She 
lavished  the  love  upon  him  that  would  have  been  given  to  the  hus- 
band had  he  remained.  She  called  the  the  boy  Se-quo-yah.  He 
inherited  the  cunning  and  taciturnity  of  the  Indian  and  much  of 
the  skill  and  mysticism  of  the  German.  He  associated  but  little 
with  other  Indian  children,  roamed  the  forest  alone,  or  staid  by 
his  mother.  He  early  developed  a  remarkable  mechanical  genius, 
and  made  dishes  and  implements  for  his  mother.  When  he  grew 
up  he  became  a  silversmith,  and  later  a  blacksmith,  and  crowned  it 
all  by  learning  to  draw.  He  had  noticed  the  trade  marks  on  tools 
sold  by  the  peddlers,  and  understood  their  import.  He  got  an  Eng- 
lish friend  to  write  out  his  English  name.  He  generally  was  known 
by  his  father's  name,  George  Guess.  From  this  writing  he  made 
a  steel  die  and  stamped  the  silver  articles  which  he  made.  Some 
of  these  articles  are  heirlooms  in  Cherokee  families  today.  His 
Indian  countrymen  were  proud  of  him. 

Missionaries  had  gone  into  the  coutnry  and  founded  schools. 
His  mind  began  to  move.  "White  man  write  on  paper,  why  not 
Indian?"  He  thought  and  worked.  The  Indian  language  had 
sounds  that  could  not  be  made  by  the  English  alphabet.  From 
this  point  he  lost  the  strictly  alphabetical  idea  and  evolved  a  sylla- 
bic alphabet  of  eighty-five  characters.  It  has  been  pronounced  by 
some  eminent  authorities  as  one  of  the  most  complete  in  existence. 
He  got  an  English  spelling  book  from  one  of  the  teachers,  and 
from  it  copied  a  part  of  his  characters;  the  others  he  invented  him- 

Dr.  D.  G.  Brinton,  of  the  very  highest  authority  on  American 
languages,  says:  "The  deliberate  analysis  of  a  language  back  to 
its  phonetic  elements,  and  the  construction  upon  these  of  a  series 


of  symbols,  as  was  accomplished  for  the  Cherokee  by  the  half-breed 
Se-quo-yah,  has  ever  been  the  product  of  culture,  not  a  process  of 
primitive  evolution." 

He  showed  his  alphabet  to  the  governor,  who  would  not  at  first 
believe  that  he  had  invented  it.  His  daughter  first  learned  it.  No 
roll  of  honor  contains  her  name.  He  then  taught  it  to  his  Indian 
friends.  They  learned  it  readily  and  were  proud  of  their  achieve- 
ment. It  soon  came  into  general  use  among  them.  At  this  time, 
1826,  a  portion  of  the  Cherokees  had  been  transferred  to  their 
new  home  beyond  the  Mississippi  river.  Filled  with  his  ambitious 
mission  he  journeyed  thither  to  teach  it  to  them.  They  learned  it 
readily  and  a  correspondence  was  kept  up  between  the  two  divisions 
of  the  nation  by  means  of  the  new  characters.  Books  were  printed, 
and  papers  published  in  it.  In  a  report  to  the  Secretary  of  War, 
in  1825,  the  Hon.  T.  L.  McKenny  says,  about  the  Cherokee  alpha- 
bet :  "It  is  composed  of  eighty-five  characters,  by  which  in  a  few 
days  the  older  Indians,  who  had  despaired  of  deriving  an  education 
by  means  of  the  schools  *  *  *  may  read  and  correspond." 

Agent  Butler,  in  his  annual  report  for  1845,  savs :  "The  Chero- 
kees who  cannot  speak  English  acquire  their  own  alphabet  -in  twen- 
ty-four hours." 

In  this  case  as  in  the  African,  given  a  genius,  a  fertile  brain,  a 
suggestion  from  a  superior  mind,  and  you  have  as  a  result — an 


THE  EARLY  '60s 

BY  J.    M.   GUINN. 

(Read  before  the  Pioneers,  March,  1898.) 

The  reminiscences  of  the  pioneers  of  a  country  have  a  unique 
historical  value.  While  they  may  be  largely  made  up  of  the  per- 
sonal adventures  of  the  narrators,  even  then,  they  reflect,  as  no 
formal  history  can,  phases  of  the  social  life  of  early  times;  and 
they  have  this  distinctive  feature,  they  present  views  of  historical 
events  from  the  standpoint  of  actual  observation.  The  stories  of 
the  Argonauts  of  '49  have  an  abiding  interest  for  true  Calif ornians. 
Even  though  we  may  know  that  these  returned  seekers  after  the 
golden  fleece  are  drawing  on  their  imagination  to  color  some  of 
their  adventures,  yet  we  listen  to  their  oft-told  tales  with  admiration 
for  their  heroism  and  kindly  toleration  for  their  romancing. 

I  can  recall  the  intense  interest  with  which  I,  when  a  boy,  lis- 
tened to  the  stories  of  returned  Californians.  How  I  longed  to 
be  a  man  that  I  might  emulate  their  daring  deeds,  and  see  the  great 
world  as  they  had  seen  it.  When  I  reached  man's  estate,  Califor- 
nia had  lost  its  attraction  for  me.  So  many  of  the  Argonauts  re- 
turned without  the  golden  fleece — returned  fleeced  of  all  they  had 
possessed — penniless  and  with  so  poor  an  opinion  of  the  country, 
that  I  gave  up  my  long  cherished  desire;  gave  it  up  to  renew  it 
again,  but  from  different  motives  and  under  widely  different  cir- 
cumstances. The  beginning  of  the  Civil  war  found  me  completing 
a  college  course  in  a  western  college.  Five  days  after  the  fall  of 
Fort  Sumter,  one  hundred  of  us  students  were  enrolled  and  on  our 
way  to  suppress  the  Rebellion.  After  nearly  three  years  of  active 
service,  I  returned  to  civil  life,  broken  in  health  and  all  my  plans 
for  life  demoralized — the  Rebellion  had  very  nearly  suppressed  me. 
And  here  allow  me  to  digress  briefly  to  make  a  few  remarks 
on  the  cost  of  war,  not  to  the  nation  but  to  the  individual.  For  the 
past  month  war  microbes  have  infested  the  atmosphere.  The  great 
American  people  have  been  in  a  bellicose  mood.  How  many  of 
those  who  talk  so  glibly  of  war  have  thought  of  what  war  may 


mean  to  them — have  counted  the  cost  to  the  individual  as  well  as 
to  the  nation.  The  history  of  that  student  company  well  illustrates 
the  cost  of  war  to  the  individual  soldier.  Of  the  one  hundred 
young  men — their  ages  ranging  from  18  to  25 — who  marched  forth 
from  the  college  halls  on  that  April  day  in  '61,  four  years  later, 
when  the  war  closed,  thirty-three  were  dead — killed  in  battle,  died 
of  wounds,of  disease  or  starved  to  death  in  southern  prison  pens. 
More  than  one-half  of  the  remainder  returned  home  crippled  by 
wounds  or  broken  by  disease.  Not  one  of  those  who  did  faithful 
service  to  the  country  but  what  began  the  struggle  for  existence 
after  the  close  of  the  war  handicapped  for  the  remainder  of  his 
days.  But  to  return  from  this  digression. 

My  physical  delapidation  precluded  me  from  settling  down  to 
any  civil  pursuit  or  of  again  entering  the  military  service.  A  sea 
voyage  having  been  recommended  as  a  remedial  agent  in  restoring 
my  damaged  constitution,  my  old  desire  to  visit  California  returned 
and  was  speedily  acted  upon.  The  overland  railroad  was  then  the 
dream  of  enthusiasts,  and  its  realization  seemed  to  be  distant,  de- 
cades in  the  future.  The  Indians  on  the  "plains"  were  hostile,  and 
travel  by  the  overland  stage  was  extremely  perilous.  Nearly  all 
California  travel  then  was  by  steamer.  There  were  at  that  time 
two  lines  of  California  steamships.  One  by  the  Panama  and  the  other 
by  the  Nicaragua  route.  The  rates  of  fare  were  the  same  by  the 
different  routes  and  were  prohibitory  to  a  person  of  small  means — 
first  cabin,  $350;  second  cabin,  $225  to  $250,  and  steerage  $150. 
Time,  26  to  30  days. 

Arriving  at  New  York,  I  repaired  to  the  Nicaragua  Steamship 
Company's  office,  and  was  informed  that  owing  to  a  revolution  in 
Central  America  the  next  steamer  of  that  line  would  go  by  the 
Panama  route.  I  was  still  further  discomfited  to  find  every  berth 
in  the  cabins  sold,  and  I  had  the  alternative  of  going  steerage  or 
of  waiting  fifteen  days  for  the  next  steamer.  Having  during  my 
army  life  slept  on  almost  everything,  from  a  Virginia  rail  fence  to 
a  picket  post,  and  having  subsisted  on  every  form  of  subsistence, 
from  faith  and  hope  to  raw  pumpkins,  I  thought  the  steerage  of  a 
California  steamer  could  present  no  form  of  discomfort  I  had  not 
experienced.  One  night  between  decks  convinced  me  I  was  mis- 
taken. The  foul  and  feted  atmosphere,  crying  children,  quarreling 
women,  dirt  and  discomfort  in  every  form  were  past  my  endurance. 
Gathering  up  my  blankets  I  fled  to  the  upper  deck,  and  for  the  re- 
mainder of  the  voyage  slept  on  the  soft  side  of  a  plank  by  the  smoke 


The  vessel  was  crowded  far  beyond  her  capacity.  There  were 
a  thousand  passengers  on  board,  about  seven  hundred  of  whom 
were  in  the  steerage.  The  draft  riots  had  occurred  in  New  York 
about  six  months  before,  and  another  draft  was  impending.  The 
disloyal  elements,  both  native  and  foreign  born,  were  endeavoring 
to  escape  enforced  service  to  the  country  by  emigrating  to  Cali- 
fornia, where  there  had  been  no  draft.  After  we  had  gotten  beyond 
the  limits  of  the  United  States,  and  they  had  recovered  from  sea- 
sickness, they  spent  their  time  cursing  the  government  and  abusing 
Abe  Lincoln  and  the  Union  soldiers.  A  little  squad  of  eight  or 
ten  of  us,  who  had  been  Union  soldiers,  and  were  not  afraid  to  show 
our  colors,  were  the  especial  targets  of  their  abuse.  On  several 
occasions  their  taunts  and  insults  very  nearly  precipitated  a  riot. 
The  only  thing  that  prevented  an  outbreak  was  the  innate  coward- 
ice of  the  creatures,  for  although  they  were  twenty  to  one  of  us, 
they  were  afraid  to  attack  us. 

On  the  twelfth  day  out  we  cast  anchor  in  the  harbor  of  Aspin- 
wall.  The  City  of  Aspinwall,  or  Colon,  as  it  is  now  called,  is  the 
Atlantic  terminus  of  the  Panama  railroad.  It  has  an  excellent  har- 
bor and  this  is  about  its  only  virtue.  It  had  a  monopoly  on  the 
vices.  It  was  built  in  a  mangrove  swamp.  Miasmatic  vapors  hang 
over  it  and  you  breathe  the  malaria  of  its  poisonous  climate  with 
every  breath.  It  had,  at  that  time,  a  population  of  about  3,000.  A 
considerable  number  of  the  inhabitants  were  employees  of  the  Pana- 
ma Railroad  and  of  the  Pacific  and  the  British  steamship  compa- 
nies. In  addition  to  its  regular  population  there  was  at  that  time 
a  floating  population,  or  rather  a  stranded  population,  for  most  of 
it  was  made  up  of  wrecks.  These  denizens  of  the  tropical  city 
were  the  misfits  of  many  nations.  Many  of  them  had  left  their 
country  for  their  country's  good.  Their  leaving  was  not  from 
motives  of  patriotism,  but  more  from  motives  of  economy.  They 
left  to  save  their  governments  the  expense  of  hanging  them.  They 
existed  in  a  sort  of  cannibalistic  way  off  the  California  travel,  and 
were  ready  for  anything  from  stealing  a  grip-sack  to  cutting  a 

On  account  of  the  change  of  route  our  steamer  on  the  Pacific 
side  failed  to  make  close  connections,  and  we  were  compelled  to 
remain  in  Aspinwall  eight  days.  This  gave  us  ample  opportunity 
to  study  its  social,  political  and  climatic  conditions.  Usually  the 
California  traveler  passes  from  the  steamer  to  the  rail  cars  and  sees 
but  little  of  the  town.  One  thing  that  struck  us  as  very  strange  was 


the  social  and  political  equality  of  the  races.  (This  was  before 
the  days  of  negro  suffrage  in  the  United  States.)  The  chief  of 
police  was  a  gigantic  Jamaica  negro,  who  promenaded  the  streets 
dressed  in  a  white  linen  suit  and  carrying  a  long  cavalry  saber — 
his  badge  of  office.  The  police  force  and  the  ayuntamiento,  or 
town  council,  were  made  up  of  bleached  Caucasians,  brown  or  un- 
bleached natives  and  coal  black  negroes.  They  seemed  to  get  along 

As  the  Panama  railroad  has  often  been  described,  I  shall  only 
note  a  few  of  its  most  striking  characteristics.  It  had  one  distinction 
at  that  time  that  did  not  commend  it  to  the  California  immigrant. 
It  charged  the  highest  rate  of  fare  of  any  railroad  in  the  world. 
Its  length  is  forty-nine  miles,  and  the  fare  over  it  was  $25 — fifty 
cents  a  mile.  It  is  said  that  to  build  it  cost  a  human  life  for  every 
tie  of  its  forty-nine  miles  of  track.  The  contractors  at  first  at- 
tempted to  build  the  road  by  white  labor.  Men  were  inveigled  to 
work  on  it  by  the  inducement  of  a  free  passage  to  California — for 
one  hundred  days  labor  on  the  road.  Very  few  of  these  survived 
the  deadly  climate.  A  shipload  of  these  recruits  would  be  landed 
and  set  at  work — before  the  vessel  returned  with  another  'load  of 
laborers  the  first  were  either  under  the  ground  or  dying  in  the 
hospital,  destroyed  by  the  deadly  Chagres  fever  and  exposure  to  the 
tropical  heat.  When  the  evil  reputation  of  the  road  and  the  coutnry 
became  known  abroad,  no  more  white  men  could  be  obtained.  The 
company  then  undertook  to  finish  it  with  acclimated  natives  of  the 
tropics.  Bands  of  Jamaica  negroes  were  enlisted.  These  proved  to 
be  so  mutinous  that  the  few  white  bosses  were  unable  to  control 
them.  Then  some  genius  hit  upon  the  idea  of  utilizing  the  feud 
that  existed  from  time  immemorial  between  the  Jamaica  and  Car- 
thagenian  negroes.  These  antagonistic  elements  were  employed  in 
squads  of  about  equal  numbers.  When  the  Jamaicans  rebelled,  the 
Carthagenians  were  turned  loose  upon  them,  and  vice  versa.  In  the 
fight  that  ensued  their  belligerent  propensities  were  mutually  grati- 
fied and  the  survivors  were  satisfied  to  go  to  work  and  obey  orders. 
Such  was  the  story  told  us  at  Colon.  Maybe  it  was  not  true.  The 
town  was  not  noted  for  veracity. 

Our  steamer  on  the  Pacific  side  arrived  at  Panama  and  we  were 
hurried  across  the  isthmus  and  on  board  the  steamer — the  old  City 
of  Panama  was  indulging  in  one  of  its  periodical  epidemics.  This 
time  it  was  small  pox,  and  the  natives  were  dying  by  the  hundreds. 

The  old  City  of  Panama  has  an  interesting  history,  in  fact  two 
histories,  for  there  have  been  two  cities  of  the  same  name;  one  dead 


and  buried  two  hundred  and  fifty  years — killed  by  the  famous  Eng- 
lish bucaneer,  Sir  Henry  Morgan;  the  other  not  dead  but  in  a 
comatose  state  since  the  Panama  riots  of  1856,  when  sixty  Califor- 
nians  were  massacred  by  the  natives.  The  steamship  company's  of- 
ficers, since  the  massacre,  have  been  very  averse  to  passengers  visit- 
ing that  city. 

Five  years  later  on  my  return  from  California  by  the  same  route 
I  availed  myself  of  an  opportunity  to  visit  it.  With  your  permis- 
sion I  will  digress  briefly  to  describe  what  I  saw.  On  account 
of  the  shallowness  of  the  bay,  the  California  steamers  anchor  four 
miles  out,  and  the  passengers,  baggage  and  freight  are  lightered 
ashore.  Finding  that  it  would  require  six  to  eight  hours  to  trans- 
fer the  fast  freight  and  baggage  (the  passengers  being  kept  on  the 
ship  until  these  are  landed),  several  of  us  determined  to  do  the  old 
city.  The  officers  did  not  prohibit  our  going,  but  they  absolved 
themselves  of  all  responsibility  for  us.  Four  of  us  chartered  a  na- 
tive and  his  row  boat  to  take  us  ashore.  Panama  is  a  walled  city — 
the  wall  was  built  to  keep  the  bold  bad  buccaneers  out.  After  see- 
ing the  wall  I  confess  I  lost  my  respect  for  the  buccaneers.  Bad  no 
doubt  they  were;  bold  they  could  not  have  been  to  be  kept  out  by 
such  a  wall.  One  regiment  of  veteran  soldiers  of  the  late  war 
would  have  charged  that  wall  and  with  a  .push  all  together  have 
tumbled  it  over  on  its  defenders  and  captured  them  all  before  they 
could  have  crawled  out  of  the  debris. 

The  city  stands  on  a  tongue  of  land  and  the  wall  runs  around 
its  sea  face.  As  we  approached  the  shore  our  boatman  seemed  un- 
certain about  landing.  He  kept  beating  off  and  on  opposite  a  hole 
in  the  city  wall.  We  urged  him  to  land  us,  but  he  persisted  in 
keeping  too  far  from  shore  to  allow  of  our  jumping  to  it.  His  reason 
for  keeping  us  from  landing  soon  became  evident.  We  found  that 
his  transportation  line  connected  with  a  transfer  company — said 
transfer  company  consisting  of  half  a  dozen  half-naked  natives, 
who  expressed  their  willingness  to  carry  us  ashore  for  "dos  reales" 
each.  As  the  natives  were  short  and  I  was  long,  how  to  get 
get  ashore  without  wetting  my  feet  worried  me.  Selecting  the 
tallest  native,  I  mounted  his  shoulders  and  was  safely  landed.  Our 
squad  of  four  proceeded  up  town.  We  had  not  gone  far  before  we 
found  a  military  company  drawn  up  to  receive  us  This  was  an  un- 
locked for  honor.  To  be  treated  to  a  review  of  the  military  forces  of 
the  sovereign  state  of  Darien  in  honor  of  our  arrival  was  quite  flat- 
tering. The  commanding  officer,  through  an  interpreter,  questioned 
us  closely  as  to  our  business  ashore — how  long  we  intended  to  stay 


etc.  Honors  were  no  longer  easy.  Dim  visions  of  being  stood 
up  before  an  adobe  wall  and  shot  full  of  "large,  irregular  holes" 
floated  before  us.  Our  answers  seemed  to  be  satisfactory,  and 
with  our  best  military  salute  to  the  comandante-general  we  were 
allowed  to  depart. 

From  a  French  merchant  in  the  town,  whose  acquaintance  we 
made,  we  learned  the  cause  of  our  rather  unusual  reception.  There 
had  been  a  revolution  that  morning  before  breakfast.  A  distin- 
guished hidalgo  having  been  insulted  by  the  ruling  governor,  fired 
off  a  fierce  pronunciamiento  reciting  the  high  crimes  and  misde- 
meanors of  the  governor,  and  calling  upon  the  people  to  rise  against 
the  tyrant.  An  exchange  of  pollysyllabic  billinsgate  followed. 
The  military  rallied  to  the  support  of  the  hidalgo.  The  goberna- 
dor  and  his  staff  rallied  to  a  fish  boat  and  sailed  gaily  away  to 
meet  the  incoming  California  steamer.  A  new  government  had 
been  inaugurated  in  time  for  a  late  breakfast.  (From  an  economi- 
cal standpoint  this  is  a  great  improvement  over  our  American  way 
of  changing  governors.  It  costs  us  about  a  quarter  of  a  million  in 
time  and  money,  to  change  governors.  In  Panama  they  do  it  for 
about  "six  bits,"  and  really  get  about  as  good  an  article  as 'we  do.) 
Our  prompt  arrival  from  the  steamer  had  excited  the  suspicions 
of  the  new  governor.  We  were  suspected  of  being  emissaries  of 
the  deposed  ruler,  intent  upon  the  overthrow  of  the  new  govern- 
ment, hence  our  military  reception. 

The  city  of  Panama  is  credited  with  a  population  of  15,000. 
Its  streets  are  narrow — only  two  being  wide  enough  for  wheeled 
vehicles  to  pass.  Its  inhabitants  are  of  all  shades — black  and  tan 
predominating.  The  city  seems  to  be  a  case  of  arrested  develop- 
ment. It  has  the  appearance  of  having  been  built  two  hundred 
years  ago  and  then  forgotten. 

But  to  resume  our  voyage.  We  found  the  ship,  Moses  Taylor, 
better  known  to  Californians  as  the  "Rolling  Moses,"  awaiting  us. 
It  was  a  high  and  very  narrow  side  wheel  steamier,  and  navigated 
the  ocean  with  sort  of  a  drunken  roll  that  was  very  provocative  of 
sea  sickness.  As  its  capacity  was  a  thousand  tons  less  than  the 
vessel  we  had  left,  our  discomfort  was  increased  in  a  corresponding 
ratio.  The  provisions  were  bad,  many  barrels  of  sea  biscuit  being 
musty.  These  when  the  waiter's  back  was  turned,  went  over  the 
vessel's  side  to  feed  the  gulls,  whose  taste  was  not  fastidious. 
Slowly  we  rolled  our  way  up  the  Coast,  our  miseries  increased  by 
the  knowledge  that  small  pox  had  broken  out  on  board  the  ship. 
We  reached  Acapulco,  Mexico,  almost  out  of  coal.  Here,  how- 


ever,  was  a  coal  hulk  with  a  plentiful  supply.  The  captain  em- 
ployed about  two  hundred  peons  to  carry  the  coal  in  sacks  up  the 
side  of  the  vessel  on  a  rope  ladder,  and  down  into  the  hold — a  pro- 
cess of  coaling  that  took  48  hours.  The  brown,  half-naked  natives, 
with  their  long,  sinewy  arms  and  legs  climbing  up  the  ladder,  looked 
like  a  group  of  monkeys.  Indeed  both  in  looks  and  intelligence, 
it  seemed  as  if  the  work  of  evolution  had  been  unfinished  in  their 
case.  The  method  of  taking  on  cattle  was  as  primitive  as  the  coal- 
ing. The  cattle  were  lassoed  on  shore,  dragged  into  the  water  and 
lashed  by  the  horns  to  the  sides  of  the  boat,  their  noses  above  the 
water.  In  this  way  they  were  floated  out  to  the  steamer.  A  der- 
rick was  rigged  upon  deck,  a  line  dropped  from  it  around  the  horns 
of  the  steer  and  he  was  hoisted,  hanging  pendent  by  the  horns 
forty  or  fifty  feet  in  the  air  and  then  swung  aboard.  If  his  horns 
broke  off,  as  they  sometimes  did,  he  dropped  into  the  water  and 
immediately  pulled  for  the  shore. 

While  the  coaling  process  was  going  on,  no  tables  were  set  for 
the  steerage  passengers,  and  we  were  left  to  skirmish  for  our  ra- 
tions. After  living  on  oranges  and  bananas  for  24  hours,  my 
partner  and  I  began  to  yearn  for  something  more  substantial. 
Among  our  purchases  from  the  natives  was  a  bottle  of  mescal,  a 
firery  untamed  liquid  with  the  bad  qualities  of  all  the  intoxicating 
liquors  combined  in  one.  One  sip  each  had  satisfied  us.  Mescal 
is  distilled  from  the  maguey  or  century  plant.  It  is  vile  stuff;  a 
single  drink  of  it  would  mak*  a  man  hate  all  his  relatives.  Accord- 
ing to  a  certain  California  writer,  it  contains  about  fifty  fights  to 
the  quart,  a  pronunciamiento  to  the  gallon,  and  a  successful  revolu- 
tion to  the  barrel.  In  skirmishing  around  for  something  to  eat  we 
found  the  negro  cook  on  the  coal  ship,  had  a  well  supplied  galley 
and  was  willing  to  trade.  For  the  consideration  of  a  bottle  of 
something  to  drink,  he  would  get  us  a  dinner  "good  enough  for  a 
commodore."  The  bottle  of  mescal  was  quickly  transferred.  Seiz- 
ing it  greedily,  he  told  us  we'd  better  not  'Met  the  cap'en  see  us 
loafin'  round  dar."  At  the  time  appointed  for  the  dinner  we  re- 
paired to  the  galley.  The  negro  cook  was  lying  dead  drunk  on 
the  floor,  and  the  hungry  captain  of  the  coal  hulk  was  swearing 
fearful  oaths  that  if  he  could  find  the  man  that  made  that  nigger 
drunk  he  would  put  him  in  irons  for  forty-eight  hours.  It  is 
needless  to  say  that  we  did  not  inform  him  we  knew  the  man. 

Our  liberality  to  the  sharks  and  gulls  of  the  Lower  Coast 
reacted  upon  us.  We  ran  short  of  provisions.  When  we  reached 
the  California  Coast  we  were  on  half  rations.  Our  rations,  the 


last  day  of  the  voyage,  were  one  slice  of  bread  and  a  cup  of  tea. 
We  landed  in  San  Francisco  at  midnight  forty  days  from  the  time 
we  left  New  York.  The  gang  plank  was  scarcely  down  before  we 
were  ashore,  and  hunting  for  something  to  eat.  We  found  a  little 
hotel  on  Beale  street,  stirred  up  the  proprietor,  the  cook  and  the 
waiters.  The  supply  was  limited  to  bread,  butter,tea  and  coffee. 
We  soon  exhausted  the  landlord's  stock  on  hand  and  demolished 
the  contents  of  two  bake  shops  before  we  were  satisfied.  Thanks 
to  the  glorious  climate  of  California,  we  survived  that  meal. 

San  Francisco,  34  years  ago,  although  boasting  of  a  popula- 
tion of  a  hundred  thousand,  had  not  a  street  car  line  in  it.  It  had 
no  free  delivery  of  mail  matter;  if  you  had  no  box  you  stood  in  line 
and  got  your  mail  if  your  patience  held  out.  • 

It  was  then  in  the  midst  of  the  Washoe  mining  boom.  Every- 
body was  dabbling  in  stocks.  There  were  seventeen  hundred  li- 
censed stock  brokers  in  San  Francisco,  and  double  that  number  of 
unlicensed  and  unprincipled  curb-stone  operators,  whose  chief  aim 
was  to  sell  wild-cat  stocks  in  mines  located  in  the  sage  brush  of 
Neveda,  or  more  often,  in  the  imagination  of  the  brokers,  to  un- 
sophisticated immigrants,  as  well  as  to  old  time  residents. 

The  true  story  of  the  Washoe  mining  boom  has  never  been 
written.  Ross  Browne  and  Mark  Twain  have  touched  upon  some 
of  its  serio  comic  features,  but  the  tragic  side  of  it  has  never  been 
portrayed.  The  ruined  homes,  the  impoverished  individuals,  the 
suicides,  the  heart  aches  and  wretchedness  left  in  the  wake  of  the 
bonanza  king's  march  to  wealth,  are  subjects  upon  which  the  old 
Californian  does  not  care  to  dwell.  With  that  cowardly  truckling 
to  wealth,  no  matter  how  obtained,  that  so  often  characterizes  the 
press  of  the  country,  the  tragedy  of  lost  homes  and  ruined  lives 
has  been  crowded  out  by  adulations  of  the  vulgar  display  of  the 
ill-gotten  wealth  of  the  bonanza  kings. 

At  the  time  of  our  arrival  the  frenzy  of  Washoe  stock  gambling 
was  raging.  The  man  who  did  not  own  feet  in  some  mine  was 
a  financial  pariah — a  low  caste  individual.  The  prices  were  accom- 
modating; they  ranged  from  "four  bits"  a  foot  in  the  Roaring 
Grizzly  or  the  Root  Hog  or  Die  to  $6,000  a  foot  in  the  Gould 
and  Curry.  Everbody  speculated;  the  boot  black,  the  servant  girl 
and  the  day  laborer  invested  their  small  savings  in  some  ignis  fatuus 
mine  in  the  wilds  of  Nevada.  The  minister,  the  merchant,  the 
mechanic  and  the  farmer  drew  out  their  bank  savings  or  mortgaged 
their  homes  to  speculate  in  Burning  Moscow,  Choller  and  Potosi 
or  Consolidated  Virginia,  While  the  then  uncrowned  bonanza 


kings  got  up  corners  on  stocks  and  grew  rich  off  the  credulity  or 
their  ruined  dupes. 

Our  ship  load  of  immigrants  was  fresh  fish  for  the  curb-stone 
brokers,  and  soon  every  one  of  the  new  arrivals  who  had  any  money 
to  spare  was  happy  in  the  possession  of  nicely  engraved  certificates 
of  stock — stock  that  paid  Irish  dividends-assessments,  and  certifi- 
cates that  might  entitle  the  holder  to  a  position  in  the  school  of 
Experience  where  fools  learn.  Montgomery  street  was  then  the 
principal  street  of  the  city.  Market  street  below  Fifth  was  lined 
on  either  side  by  high  sand  banks.  A  pony  engine  and  two  cars 
made  a  round  trip  between  the  wharf  and  the  old  Mission  every 
two  hours;  fare,  round  trip,  "two  bits."  The  site  of  San  Fran- 
cisco's five  million-dollar  city  hall  was  then  a  graveyard.  It  is 
still  the  graveyard  of  the  peoples'  money. 

Oakland  was  a  straggling  village,  scattered  around  among  the 
live  oaks.  It  boasted  of  1500  inhabitants.  Stockton  and  Sacra- 
mento were  reached  by  steam  boat  and  San  Jose  by  boat  to  Alviso 
at  the  head  of  the  bay,  and  from  there  by  stage.  Los  Angeles  was 
a  Mexican  town  some  where  down  South  in  the  cow  counties.  Its 
exact  location,  population  and  prospects  were  matters  of  such  utter 
indifference  to  the  stock-speculating  San  Franciscan,  that  he  had 
never  looked  them  up  and  "made  a  note  on  it."  Even  its  inhabi- 
tants seemed  to  have  little  faith  in  its  future.  The  year  of  my 
arrival  in  California  the  lot  on  the  southeast  corner  of  Spring  and 
Second  streets,  where  the  magnificent  Wilcox  block  now  stands 
was  sold  for  $37  or  30  cents  a  front  foot.  Without  the  building 
it  is  now  worth  probably  $2000  a  front  foot  or  about  a  quarter 
million  dollars.  The  same  year  all  the  site  of  East  Los  Angeles 
was  sold  by  the  city  council  at  the  rate  of  50  cents  an  acre,  and 
the  purchaser  was  not  proud  of  his  bargain.  The  value  of  a  front 
foot  in  what  is  now  the  business  center  of  Pasadena,  nt  th#.t  time, 
would  have  been  so  infinitesimally  small  that  the  smallest  value 
'n  a  currency  table  would  not  express  it.  Even  an  acre  in  the 
Crown  of  the  Valley  would  not  have  commanded  the  value  of  the 
smallest  circulating  coin  of  California  in  the  early  '6o's — namely, 
ten  cents. 


BY  W.   H.   WORKMAN. 

(Read  before  the  Pioneers,  June  2,  1900.) 

Having  been  requested  by  your  Literary  Committee  to  present 
you  this  evening  some  sketches  of  the  holiday  season  in  early  Los 
Angeles,  I  have  taken  occasion  to  note  down  a  few  episodes  as  they 
recur  to  my  memory. 

Los  Angeles,  when  I  arrived  in  1854,  was  a  small  town  of 
about  3,000  inhabitants,  2,500  of  whom  were  natives  of  California, 
and  the  remainder  were  estranjeros,  as  Americans  and  foreigners 
were  called.  The  people,  especially  the  Americans  and  Europeans, 
always  observed  the  various  holidays  by  characteristic  festivities 
and  grand  reunions. 

On  New  Year's  day  almost  all  of  the  American  element  would 
turn  out  to  make  calls,  for  New  Year's  calls  were  then  the  universal 
custom.  No  friend  was  forgotten  on  that  day,  and  pleasant  were 
the  reunions  of  acquaintances  and  friends,  and  the  making  of  new 
friends.  Nearly  every  family  kept  open  house,  and  not  infrequently 
entertained  hundreds  of  callers  on  this  occasion.  The  custom  was 
so  general  that  many  of  the  prominent  native  Californians  adopted 
it  in  their  hospitable  homes  and  thereby  delightfully  increased  New 
Year's  calling  lists  of  the  Los  Angeles  beaux.  But  alas,  the  picture 
has  its  shadows,  though  my  memory  would  linger  only  on  its 
brightness.  At  each  place  of  visiting  were  prepared  refreshments 
of  no  mean  proportions.  These  refreshments  were  of  a  liquid  as 
well  as  a  solid  nature,  and  if  one  did  not  partake  heartily,  it  was 
a  breach  of  etiquette,  which  the  fair  hostess  was  loath  to  forgive 
or  forget. 

Now,  my  friends,  you  can  readily  see  that  if  each  caller  par- 
took repeatedly  of  turkey  and  cranberry  sauce,  of  plum  pudding,  of 
mince  meat  pie,  of  egg  nog,  of  wine,  etc.,  and  particularly  of  etc., 
he  would  be  pretty  full  before  closing  time  came  round.  As  a  par- 
ticipant for  many  years  in  the  ceremony,  I  can  vouch  for  its  cor- 
rectness, and  I  can  assure  you  that  many  a  fellow  did  not  care  to 
repeat  the  calling  process  before  the  year  rolled  around,  or  at  least 


until  he  had  thoroughly  digested  all  that  he  had  eaten  or  imbibed. 

I  will  give  you  a  little  story  of  two  Christmas  days  in  Los 
Angeles.  On  the  first  of  these  Christmas  days,  I  have  reason  to 
believe,  was  held  the  first  Christmas  tree  ever  prepared  in  Southern 
California  In  1857  Los  Angeles  could  boast  of  but  a  limited 
residence  section.  The  plaza  formed  the  center  of  the  city.  North 
of  it  were  the  adobe  homes  of  the  native  Californians  population, 
while  south  of  it  were  the  few  business  houses  of  that  date  and  the 
homes  of  the  American  residents.  Los  Angeles  street  marked  the 
eastern  boundary,  and  beyond  large  vineyards  and  orchards  extend- 
ed toward  the  Los  Angeles  river.  First  street,  open  only  to  Main, 
marked  the  southern  limit  of  population,  except,  perhaps,  a  few 
homes  just  the  other  side  of  it. 

On  Main  street,  between  First  and  Court,  there  was  in  those 
days  a  long  row  of  adobe  houses  occupied  by  many  of  the  best 
families  of  primitive  Los  Angeles.  This  neighborhood  was  often 
designated  "the  row,"  and  many  are  the  pleasant  memories  which 
yet  linger  in  the  minds  and  hearts  of  those  who  lived  there  in  "good 
old  days"  and  who  still  occasionally  meet  an  old  time  friend  and 
neighbor.  In  "the  row"  lived  an  Englishman  and  his  wife — Carter 
by  name.  Their  musical  ability  was  often  a  source  of  great  delight 
to  those  about  them,  and  they  possessed  the  faculty  (well  called 
happy)  of  bringing  to  a  successful  issue  matters  pertaining  to  the 
social  entertainment  of  others.  So  it  was  that  about  the  year  1857, 
when  it  was  proposed  that  a  union  Christmas  tree  be  prepared. 
Dr.  Carter  and  his  wife  were  prime  movers  in  the  affair. 

\Yhere  now  stands  the  McDonald  block  was  the  home  of  Dr. 
Carter,  and  it  was  there  that  many  Los  Angeles  families  enjoyed 
in  common  the  gaily  decorated  tree  v/hich  had  been  so  lovingly  pre- 
pared by  the  many  willing  hands  of  friendly  neighbors.  The  chil- 
dren were,  of  course,  the  honored  guests,  for  the  thought  of  the 
little  ones  had  incited  the  work  of  preparation. 

Los  Angeles,  into  which  no  railroad  came,  was  in  those  days 
far  away  from  the  world,  and  the  limited  resources  of  the  time 
would  restrict  even  Santa  Claus'  possibilities.  But  on  that  Christ- 
mas eve  no  limitations  were  felt,  for  the  true  spirit  of  the  Christmas- 
time illuminated  each  and  every  heart.  Dr.  Carter  officiated  as 
Santa  Gaus,  while  music  and  songs,  dancing  and  games  and  the 
pleasant  chatter  of  friends  completed  the  evening's  festivities.  That 
night  the  children  of  Los  Angeles,  than  whom  none  of  their  suc- 
cessors are  happier,  did  not  retire  until  the  wee  small  hours  of 
Christmas  day. 


Another  Christmas  was  in  1861,  and  heavy  rains  had  fallen  for 
one  whole  week  previous  to  that  Christmas  day.  The  family  of 
Andrew  Boyle,  living  on  the  high  lands  east  of  the  Los  Angeles 
river,  had  accepted  an  invitation  to  dine  at  the  home  of  Don  Mateo 
Keller,  who  lived  on  what  is  now  Alameda  street,  near  Aliso.  The 
rain  fell  heavily  and  persistently,  and  the  river  rose  gradually 
until  it  was  impossible  to  ford  the  swollen  stream.  There  were  no 
bridges  in  that  day,  and  so  when  Christmas  came  and  the  storm 
still  continued,  the  dinner  across  the  river  was  out  of  the  question. 
This  might  have  been  all,  but  it  soon  became  evident  in  the  family 
of  Mr.  Boyle  that  there  would  be  difficulty  in  securing  a  proper 
repast  at  home,  for,  on  account  of  the  weather,  they  had  been  un- 
able to  replenish  the  larder,  and  there  was  not  a  bit  of  flour  in  the 
house.  The  question  was  how  to  secure  the  necessary  adjuncts  of 
culinary  success.  There  were  no  stores  east  of  the  river,  and  but 
a  few  scattered  adobe  homes.  At  length  it  was  decided  that  a 
serving  man,  Jesus,  a  strong,  stalwart  Sonorean,  faithful  and  dis- 
creet, could  be  sent  upon  this  mission,  for  his  life  and  training  re- 
duced all  danger  to  a  minimum1.  He  readily  undertook  the  task. 
A  note  of  regret  was  addressed  to  Mr.  Keller  and  entrusted  to  the 

It  seems  incredible,  perhaps,  to  those  who  have  seen  year  after 
year  the  vast  expanse  of  sand  which  we  call  a  river,  but  on  this 
Christmas  day  it  was  a  torrent.  The  Sonorean  divested  himself  of 
much  of  his  apparel  and  swam  to  the  opposite  shore.  He  reached 
the  home  of  Mr.  Keller,  delivered  his  note  and  secured  from  the 
grocery  store  the  provisions  which  he  needed.  Mrs.  Keller,  in  her 
open-hearted  hospitality,  would  not  allow  the  messenger  to  depart 
without  a  goodly  share  of  the  Christmas  dinner.  Jesus  prepared 
to  return.  He  secured  a  board  of  sufficient  surface.  On  it  he  placed 
the  goods,  securely  wrapped  so  as  to  protect  them  from  the  water, 
and  plunging  into  the  water  he  swam  across,  pushing  before  him 
the  improvised  raft  with  its  cargo.  He  safely  reached  the  opposite 
shore  and  delivered  unharmed  the  articles  entrusted  to  his  care. 
You  may  be  sure  that  the  brave  fellow  enjoyed  to  the  utmost  his 
well-earned  Christmas  dinner,  and,  though  the  rain  fell  as  heavily 
during  the  ensuing  week,  there  was  no  lack  of  cheer  in  the  home  be- 
yond the  river. 



(Read  before  Historical  Society,  Oct.  I,  1900.) 

From  the  time  of  the  achievement  of  independence  by  Mexico 
in  the  year  1822,  till  1846,  July  7,  when  Alta  California  became 
a  territory  of  the  United  States,  eleven  persons  served  as  governors, 
or  Gefes  Politicos,  of  the  Province;  two  of  them  serving  two  terms, 
thus  making  thirteen  administrations  during  the  Mexican  national 
regime.  All  of  these  eleven  governors,  except  Gov.  de  Sola  and 
Gov.  Gutierrez,  who  were  born  in  Spain,  were  natives  of  Mexico; 
and  four  of  them,  namely :  Governors  Arguello,  Pico,  Castro  and 
Alvarado,  were  born  in  California.  It  is  not  known  that  any  of 
these  officials  is  now  living. 

The  first  Mexican  governor  was  Pablo  Vicente  de  Sola,  who  was 
in  office  when  Mexico  gained  her  independence  in  1822;  and  his 
term  extended  till  1823.  He  was  a  native  of  Spain,  where 
he  received  a  good  education;  and  he  came  to  Mexico  as  a  military 
officer  prior  to  1805.  At  the  time  of  his  appointment  by  the  Viceroy 
as  Governor  of  California,  in  1815,  he  was  a  lieutenant-colonel  of 
the  Mexican  army.  He  arrived  at  Monterey  August  30,  1815.  He 
filled  the  office  of  governor  about  seven  years.  Being  elected  a 
deputy  to  the  Mexican  Congress  he  left  Monterey  November  22, 
1823,  and  San  Diego  January  2,  1824,  arriving  in  the  City  of  Mex- 
ico in  the  following  June,  where  he  soon  after  died. 

Governor  <le  Sola  was  succeeded  by  Luis  Antonio  Arguello, 
whose  term  extended  to  June  1825.  Governor  Arugello  was  born 
at  the  Presidio  of  San  Francisco,  June  21,  1784.  He  died  there 
March  27,  1830,  and  was  buried  at  the  Mission  by  Father  Estenega. 
His  widow,  who  was  the  daughter  of  Sergeant  Jose  Dolores  Ortega, 
was  the  owner  of  Las  Pulgas  Rancho.  She  died  in  1874. 

Governor  Arguello  was  universally  commended  by  the  old-time 
Californians  and  Americans  as  an  able,  amiable  and  honest  citizen 
and  governor.  The  Arguellos  of  early  times,  and  their  descendants, 
have  been  accounted  among  the  first  families  of  California. 

Jose  M.  Echeandia  was  the  next  governor.     Gov.  Echeandia 


was  a  native  of  Mexico;  he  was  a  lieutenant-colonel  and  director 
of  a  college  of  engineers,  at  the  time  of  his  appointment  as  Gefe 
Politico,  y  Comandante  Militar,  that  is  governor  and  military  com- 
mandant of  the  Californians.  He  came  to  Loreto,  Lower  California, 
by  way  of  San  Bias,  in  June,  1825,  where  he  remained  till  October, 
re-organizing  the  political  affairs  of  the  Provinces.  He  arrived 
at  San  Diego  in  November,  and  made  that  Presidio  his  official  resi- 
dence. He  carefully  studied  the  country's  needs;  and  tentatively 
tried  some  experiments  to  test  the  feelings  of  the  friars  and  the 
capacities  of  the  Indians,  as  to  the  practicability  of  secularizing  the 
Missions,  which  Mexican  statesmen  already  foresaw  must  be 
brought  about  some  time  if  California  was  ever  to  ha\e  a  future 
as  a  civilized  State.  As  it  had  been  demonstrated  that  it  was  im- 
possible to  make  self-governing  citizens  of  the  Indians,  it  became 
apparent  that  the  settlement  of  the  country  by  Mexican  citizens, 
i.  c.,  by  gente  de  rason,  must  be  encouraged,  by  making  it  possible 
for  them  to  acquire  a  permanent  foothold.  It  was  during  the  in- 
cumbency of  Gov.  Echeandia  that  the  law  or  reglamento  of  1828, 
relating  to  the  granting  of  lands  was  passed  by  the  Mexican  Con- 
gress. The  Padres  naturally  distrusted  him,  because  he  repre- 
sented, according  to  their  views,  the  new  republic,  which  they  in- 
stinctively felt  was  inimical  to  their  interests. 

The  details  of  Gov.  Echeandia's  administration  are  full  of  in- 
terest, and  as  I  have  not  room  to  recount  them  here,  I  hope  some- 
time to  present  them  in  a  separate  paper,  as  I  have  already  done 
in  the  case  of  Gov.  Pico  and  several  other  notable  governors,  whose 
striking  characteristics  are  worthy  of  separate  treatment. 

After  administering  the  office  of  governor  for  nearly  six  years, 
Gov.  Echeandia  sailed  from  San  Diego  in  May,  1833,  and  returned 
to  the  City  of  Mexico, 'where,  as  late  as  1855-6,  Mrs.  Gen.  Ord, 
who  knew  him  well  in  California,  saw  him  frequently,  and,  at  a 
still  later  period,  he  died  there  at  an  advanced  age. 

Manuel  Victoria,  who,  after  Mexico  had  gained  her  independ- 
ence, in  the  struggle  for  which  he  took  part,  was,  in  1825,  military 
commandant  at  Acapulco,  of  which  place  he  was  probably  a  native; 
and  in  1820  he  was  comandante  of  Baja  California;  and  in  the  latter 
year  he  was  appointed  Gefe  Politico  or  Civil  Governor  of  Alta  Cal- 
ifornia, to  succeed  Gov.  Echeandia.  He  arrived  at  Monterey,  by 
land  from  Loreto,  and  assumed  the  duties  of  governor  on  the  3 1st 
of  January,  1831,  serving  about  one  year  or  till  January,  1832, 
when  the  people  arose  in  rebellion  against  his  arbitrary  rule,  and 
drove  him  out  of  the  country. 


Victoria  was  generally  regarded  more  as  a  soldier  than  as  a 
civilian;  and,  while  he  was  a  man  of  much  force  of  character,  he 
lacked  tact,  and  sought  to  administer  his  civic  duties  by  military 
methods,  and,  naturally,  he  became  a  very  unpopular  official.  More- 
over, his  high-handed  refusal  to  convene  the  Departmental  Assem- 
bly (as  was  his  duty),  in  order  that  the  important  and  beneficent 
land  laws  of  1824  and  1828  might  be  made  effective  in  California, 
so  exasperated  the  people  that  they  forced  him  to  resign,  which  he 
did  at  San  Gabriel,  after  a  hostile  encounter  between  his  forces 
and  the  revolutionists  at  Cahuenga,  and  he  was  succeeded  by  Pio 
Pico  as  the  senior  member  of  the  Departmental  Assembly. 

How  abundant  the  causes  were  which  moved  the  people  in  their 
summary  action  .may  be  learned  from  the  Manifesto  of  the  revolu- 
tionists, of  Nov.  29,  1831. 

Gov.  Pio  Pico,  the  fifth  Governor  of  California  after  Mexico 
became  an  independent  nation,  was  a  native  of  the  Privince.  born 
at  the  Mission  of  San  Gabriel  in  1801.  He  was  twice  governor — 
in  1832.  and  again  in  1845-6.  he  being  incumbent  of  the  guberna- 
torial office  at  the  time  California  came  under  the  jurisdiction  of 
the  United  States. 

As  I  have  already  presented  to  the  Historical  Society  a  bio- 
graphical and  character  sketch  of  Gov.  Pico  (printed  in  the  Socie- 
ty's Annual  for  1894).  it  is  unnecessary  to  enlarge  here  on  the 
events  and  salient  characteristics  of  his  life.  Our  older  members 
remember  him  well.  He  died  in  this  city  September  11,  1894,  at 
the  age  of  93  years. 

Of  Gen.  Jose  Figueroa,  one  of  the  best  and  ablest  Governors 
of  California,  I  here  give  only  a  brief  sketch,  hoping  at  some  future 
time  to  present  a  fuller  account  of  his  life. 

Gov.  Figueroa  was  one  of  the  heroes  of  Mexico's  long  struggle 
for  independence.  In  1824  he  was  appointed  Comandante  General 
of  Sonera  and  Sinoloa.  He  served  as  Governor  and  Military 
Commandant  of  California  from  January  14.  1833.  till  shortly  be- 
fore his  death  at  Monterey,  September  29,  1835.  During  his  ad- 
ministration he  did  some  very  good  work  in  organizing  territorial 
and  local  government.  As  a  capable,  patriotic  statesman,  he  served 
the  people  of  California  well,  and  won  their  respect  and  good  will. 
The  older  Californians — and  there  are  still  living  some  who  remem- 
ber him  well — had  nothing  but  praise  f>r  the  character  and  acts  of 
Governor  Jose  Figueroa. 

Gov.  Jose  Castro,  the  seventh  Mexican  Governor,  was  a  native 
of  California,  boni  at  Monterey  in  about  the  year  1810.  where  he 


attended  school  from  1815  to  1820,  or  later.  In  1828  he  was  sec- 
retary of  the  Monterey  Ayuntamiento.  He  took  an  active  part  with 
other  citzens  in  sending  representatives  to  Mexico  complaining  of 
Governor  Victoria's  refusal  to  convoke  the  Departmental  Assembly 
and  of  other  arbitrary  acts  of  that  official. 

In  August,  1835,  Gov.  Figueroa,  because  of  failng  health,  ap- 
pointed Castro  (he  being  then  the  senior  member  of  the  Depart- 
mental Assembly),  as  Acting  Gefe  Politico  or  Governor.  In  ac- 
cordance with  the  national  law  of  May  6,  1822,  Gov.  Figueroa,  just 
before  his  death,  ordered  the  separation  of  the  civil  and  military 
chieftainships,  and  directed  that  Jose  Castro  should  succeed  him  as 
Governor  ad  interim,  and  that  Nicolas  Gutierrez  (as  ranking  of- 
ficer), should  become  Comandante  General.  Castro  served  as  Gov- 
ernor till  January,  1836,  and  later  held  numerous  other  official 

Gov.  Nicolas  Gutierrez  was  a  native  of  Spain,  and  came  to  Mex- 
ico as  a  boy.  He  served  with  Figueroa  in  the  Mexican  revolution, 
and  came  with  him  to  California  in  1833,  as  captain.  He  was  pro- 
moted to  a  lieutenant-colonelship  in  July  of  that  year,  and  in  1834-6 
he  was  commissioner  for  the  secularization  of  the  Mission  of  San 
Gabriel.  He  was  acting  comandante-general  from  October  8, 
1835,  to  January  2,  1836;  and  from  the  latter  date  till  May  3,  he 
was  governor  and  comandante.  He  was  also  military  chief  in  the 
south  during  the  incumbency  of  Gov.  Chico  (who  succeeded  him  as 
Governor),  or  till  July  31,  and  he  was  again  Governor  till  his  over- 
throw by  Alvarado,  November  4,  1836.  Gov.  Gutirrez  was  arbitrary 
in  his  methods,  and  treated  the  Departmental  Assembly  brusquely, 
and  in  his  intercourse  with  the  people,  he  showed  little  tact  ,and  as 
a  natural  result  he  became  very  unpopular.  Both  of  his  terms 
as  Governor  were  short,  and  his  services  to  the  Province  were  com- 
paratively unimportant.  In  person  he  was  of  medium  stature, 
stout,  with  light  complexion  and  reddish  hair,  and  he  had  a  squint 
in  his  right  eye,  which  gave  him  the  nickname  of  "El  Tuerto." 

Gov.  Juan  Bautista  Alvarado,  whose  term  extended  from  De- 
cember 7,  1836,  to  December  31,  1842,  was  a  native  of  California, 
born  at  Monterey,  February  14,  1809.  He  was  the  son  of  Sergeant 
Jose  F.  Alvarado  and  Maria  Josefa  Vallejo  de  Alvarado.  He  ac- 
quired such  rudiments  of  an  education  as  were  available  in  his  time; 
and  his  life  was  an  eventful  one,  which  should  be  of  interest  to  us; 
and  possibly  I  may  some  time  give  our  society  a  more  detailed 
sketch  of  his  career,  as  a  somewhat  important  factor  in  early  Cali- 
fornia history,  of  the  later  Mexican  period.  He  filled  numerous 


official  positions;  and,  being  connected  with  prominent  families, 
and  posessing  some  natural  ability,  he  exerted  considerable  influence 
in  his  time  prior  to  the  change  of  government.  He  was  secretary 
of  the  Departmental  Assembly  from  1827  to  1834;  and  in  1836, 
having  been  elected  a  member  of  that  body,  he  became  its  president. 

Gov.  Alvarado  was  elected  to  the  Mexican  Congress  in  1845,  but 
he  did  not  go  to  Mexico.  He  was  grantee  of  several  ranches,  in- 
cluding Las  Mariposas.  In  1839  he  married  Martina  Castro, 
daughter  of  Francisco  Castro.  They  had  several  children.  She 
died  in  1875.  Gov.  Alvarado  died  July  13,  1882,  in  his  74th  year. 

Those  who  knew  him  say  he  was  a  man  of  genial  temperament, 
courteous  manners,  and  rare  powers  of  winning  friends.  There 
are  many  native  Californians  as  well  as  Americans  still  living, 
especially  in  the  upper  counties,  who  knew  him  well  in  his  lifetime. 

Gov.  Manuel  Micheltorena,  the  last  Mexican  Governor  of  Cali- 
fornia but  one,  was  appointed  January  22,  1824;  and  he  served  as 
both  Governor  and  military  commandant  till  his  surrender  to  the 
revolutionists,  February  22,  1845.  He  was  a  native  of  Oajaca,  of 
good  family  and  some  eduction.  As  a  political  and  military  chief 
he  lacked  sound  judgment,  though  personally  of  amiable  and  courte- 
ous manners.  He  was  seriously  handicapped  by  having  brought 
with  him  to  California  (under  orders  of  the  Mexican  government, 
pursuant  to  a  miserable  policy),  a  considerable  number  of  convicts 
as  soldiers,  whose  lawlessness  and  brutality  shocked  decent  citizens, 
and  tended  strongly  to  make  the  Governor  unpopular.  Micheltorena 
and  his  "cholos,"  as  his  ragamuffin,  thievish  soldiers  were  called, 
became  a  bye- word  with  the  Californians,  and  are  still  unpleasantly 
remembered  by  the  old  timers.  After  Micheltorena's  return  to 
Mexico,  he  was  elected  a  member  of  congress,  and  later,  in  1850, 
he  served  as  Comandante-General  of  Yucatan. 

The  following  is  a  chronological  list  of  Mexican  Governors  of 
Alta  or  Upper  California,  which  may  prove  convenient  for  refer- 


Pablo  Vicente  de  Sola. .  .Sept.  16,  to  Nov.  22,  1822. 

Luis  Arguello Nov.  22,  1822,  to  June,  1825. 

se  M.  Echeandia June,  1825,  to  Jan.,  1831. 

Manuel  Victoria Jan.,  1831,  to  Jan.,  1832. 

Pio  Pico Jan.,  1832,  to  Jan.,  1833. 

Jose  Figueroa Jan.,  1833,  to  Aug.,  1835. 

Jose  Castro Aug.,  1835,  to  Jan.,  1836. 


Nicholas  Gutierrez Jan.,  1836,  to  May,  1836. 

Marino  Chico May,  1836,  to  July  31,  1836. 

Nicolas  Gutierrez July,  1836,  to  Nov.,  1836. 

Juan  B.  Alvarado Nov.,  1336,  to  Dec.  31,  1842. 

Manuel  Micheltorena Dec.,  1842,  to  Feb.,  i 

Pio  Pico Feb.,  1845,  to  July,  1846. 


BY    WALTER    R.    BACON. 

(Read  before  the  Historical  Society  Dec.  12,  1900.) 

Fifty  years  of  political  conventions  and  presidential  elections 
in  California  may  seem  a  subject  from  which  little  but  idle  statis- 
tcs  can  be  evolved,  but  a  little  study  of  these  events  discloses  the 
error  of  this  conclusion.  The  period  of  ten  years  between  the  be- 
ginning of  the  American  conquest  or  occupation  in  1846,  and  the 
ending  of  the  second  vigilance  committee  in  1856,  was  a  time  of 
trial,  of  intense  excitement  and  kaleidoscopic  changes;  and  every- 
thing that  has  since  happened  in  California,  or  will  in  the  future 
happen,  must  be  considerably  affected  by  the  forces  that  took  their 
origin  in  that  period.  The  political  conventions,  composed  of  dele- 
gates straight  from  the  people,  of  course,  reflect  many  of  the  traits 
of  the  people,  and  being  public  and  of  importance  to  large  num- 
bers, sufficient  record  of  them  has  been  kept  to  enable  us  to  fairly 
study  them. 

The  American  settlers  of  those  days  fairly  represented  the  av- 
erage American  character,  but  nowhere  else  has  the  Amrican  capa- 
city for  self-government  been  put  to  severer  test.  Absolutely 
isolated  from  the  central  government ;  a  conquering  people  in  a  land 
of  untold  possibilities,  which  was  settled  in  by  greater  numbers 
in  a  shorter  time  by  more  nationalities  than  any  other  community 
of  which  we  have  knowledge;  add  to  this  the  condition  of  moral 
recklessness  that  seems  to  come  so  naturally  to  any  large  body  of 
men  loosed  from  the  restraint  of  wholesome  family  environments, 
ami  set  down  in  a  new  country  where  gold  is  plentiful  and  to  be 
had  for  the  finding,  but  where  no  code  of  laws  existed  at  the  incep- 
tion of  the  occupation,  and,  afterward,  only  such  as  were  adopted 
by  these  -une  peculiarly  situated  people,  and  you  have  an  idea  of 
the  task  that  devolved  on  such  of  these  settlers  as  desired  to  build 
from  this  community  of  divers  possibilities  a  commonwealth  thnt 
should  he  a  fairly  American  State,  entitled  of  its  own  merit,  to  a 
place  in  the  list  of  States  of  the  Union. 

After  the  serio-comic  meetings  of  the  Bear  Flag  patriots  at 
Sonoma,  the  first  real  political  convention  was  the  Democratic  mass 


meeting  held  in  San  Francisco,  October  25th,  1849.  It  was  called 
to  consider  the  election  to  be  held  November  I5th,  following,  to  vote 
on  the  State  Constitution,  and  for  the  election  of  a  Governor  and 
other  State  officers,  and  a  State  Legislature,  and  two  members  of 

John  W.  Geary,  for  whom  Geary  street  in  San  Francisco  was 
named,  presided,  and  the  meeting  was  so  large  that  the  hall  was 
more  than  filled,  and  an  adjournment  to  the  public  square  was  had. 

They  adopted  some  resolutions,  and  especially  condemned  those 
who  criticised  the  Mexican  war,  of  which  California  was  the  fruit. 
A  nominating  committee  was  appointed  and  the  convention  ad- 
journed; met  again  October  27th,  to  receive  the  report  of  the  com- 
mittee at  which  time  the  committee  reported  that  they  had  no 
authority,  from  party  usage  to  make  nominations,  and  suggested  a 
party  primary  election  of  eleven  delegates  to  name  the  ticket,  but 
there  is  no  record  of  any  further  action  being  taken. 

No  attempt  seems  to  have  been  made  by  any  other  political 
party  to  nominate  a  ticket,  local  mass  meetings  were  held,  inde- 
pendent nominations  made  and  party  lines  were  not  drawn.  The 
constitution  was  adopted  by  a  vote  of  12,061  for,  to  8n  against, 
and  Peter  H.  Burnett,  Democrat,  was  elected  governor. 

The  legislature  that  was  then  elected  passed  an  act  providing 
for  the  holding  of  an  election  of  county  officers  and  clerk  of  the 
Supreme  Court,  and  early  in  the  year  attempts  were  made  to  organ- 
ize the  Democratic  and  Whig  parties.  The  first  meetings  by  both 
parties  were  held  at  San  Jose,  where  the  legislature  was  in  session, 
and  soon  the  battle  was  on,  that  has  ever  since  been  waged  with 
varying  fortune.  These  first  California  citizens  made  positive  state- 
ments. The  Democrats  in  their  resolution  declaring  "that  no  Whig 
should  hereafter  receive  a  Democratic  vote  for  any  office  in  the  gift 
of  the  people,"  and  the  Whigs  replied  by  inviting  all  Whigs  "to 
repel  the  assertion  that  a  Whig  is  unworthy  to  possess  the  rights, 
and  incompetent  to  perform  the  duties  of  a  freeman."  They  also 
declared  for  federal  aid  in  the  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors 
and  harshly  criticised  the  Democratic  president,  James  K.  Polk, 
for  his  veto  on  constitutional  grounds,  of  the  National  River  and 
Harbor  bill. 

The  first  Democratic  State  convention  of  regularly  elected  del- 
egates was  held  at  Benicia,  at  the  Episcopal  Church,  on  Monday 
May  19,  1851  John  Bigler,  Samuel  Brannan  and  others  were 
candidates,  but  Bigler  was  nominated  for  governor.  The  Whig 
convention  of  this  year  was  held  at  San  Francisco  in  a  Methodist 


Church,  and  P.  B.  Reading  was  nominated  for  governor.  In  this 
convention  San  Diego  was  represented  by  delegates,  but  Los  An- 
geles was  not.  Early  in  the  campaign  the  people  of  this  end  of  the 
State  manifested  dissatisfaction  with  both  tickets  because  the  south 
was  not  represented,  and  Captain  Elisha  Kane  of  the  United  States 
army  stationed  in  California,  was  nominated  for  Governor,  but 
later  he  withdrew,  and  at  the  election,  Bigler,  Democrat,  was  elected 
by  a  small  majority.  Early  in  1852  preparations  for  the  first  presi- 
dential campaign  in  California  were  in  full  swing.  There  had  been 
enough  friction  to  cause  some  heat,  each  party  was  anxious  for 
the  prestige  of  carrying  the  State  at  the  first  presidential  election. 
The  Democrats  were  early  divided  between  adherents  of  Stephen 
A.  Douglas,  and  the  friends  of  other  candidates.  The  Whigs  were 
united;  they  held  their  convention  at  Sacramento  February  iQth, 
1852,  and  nominated  delegates  to  the  National  Convention.  Four 
days  later  the  Democrats  met  at  the  same  city.  Neither  convention 
adopted  resolutions  of  any  kind,  but  after  the  national  nominations 
of  both  parties  had  been  made,  they  both  had  conventions  that 
fairly  reveled  in  platforms  and  resolutions;  and  for  the  first  time 
the  Chinese  question  got  into  California  politics  by  way  of  a  resolu- 
tion by  the  Democratic  convention  condemning  "the  attempt  to 
bring  serfs  or  coolies  to  California  to  compete  with  white  laborers, 
the  democracy  and  aristocracy  at  once,  of  the  State."  At  the  elec- 
tion General  Scott,  Whig,  received  34,971  votes,  and  Franklin 
Pierce,  Democrat,  39,965. 

On  June  2ist,  1853,  at  Benicia  met  the  Democratic  State  Con- 
vention which  nominated  John  Bigler  for  Governor;  their  platform 
was  general  in  its  statements.  The  Whigs,  however,  met  in  con- 
vention at  Sacramento  on  July  6th,  1853,  nominated  Wm.  Waldo 
for  Governor,  and  proceeded  to  roast  the  Democratic  party  for  al- 
leged mismanagement  and  inefficiency  in  the  conduct  of  public  busi- 
ness. Bigler  was  again  successful,  receiving  38,090  votes,  to  37,545 
for  Waldo. 

The  Democratic  convention  of  1854  met  in  the  First  Baptist 
Church  at  Sacramento  on  July  i8th;  it  was  a  stormy  one  from  the 
start.  D.  C.  Broderick  then  prominent  and  afterward  killed  in  a 
duel,  was  active  in  the  struggle  for  the  organization.  Two  chair- 
men claimed  election:  both  made  announcements  from  the  same 
platform  at  the  same  time.  They  ran  the  turbulent  meeting  as  a 
double-header  until  about  Q  o'clock  at  night,  and  then  quit  business 
and  tried  to  sit  each  other  out,  with  only  one  sickly  candle  on  a 
a  side.  The  trustees  of  the  church  closed  the  show  by  closing  the 


building,  but  in  the  riots  that  had  occurred  the  church  had  been 
damaged,  and  one  wing  voluntarily  assessed  each  of  its  delegates 
$5.00  to  repair  it.  The  other  wing  took  a  collection  of  $400.00  for 
the  same  purpose.  They  nominated  two  candidates  for  Congress, 
Denver  and  Herbert. 

The  Whigs  met  in  State  Convention  at  Sacramento  July  25th, 
and  nominated  Geo.  W.  Bowie  and  Calhoun  Benham  for  Congress, 
but  Denver  and  Herbert,  Democrats,  were  elected.  This  year  the 
"Know  Nothings"  made  their  first  appearance  in  politics;  they 
took  no  open  part  in  State  politics,  but  ran  a  local  ticket  in  San 
Francisco  which  succeeded,  and  before  the  end  of  the  year  they  had 
organizations  in  nearly  every  town  and  mining  camp  in  the  State. 
The  Know  Nothings  were  a  secret  organization,  strongly  native 
American  in  its  feeling,  organized  for  the  purpose  of  acting  politi- 
cally with  the  intention  of  curtailing  the  political  privileges  of  per- 
sons of  foreign  birth  or  descent.  The  Whig  party  practically  dis- 
banded in  1855.  And  this  secret  American  party  toon  its  place. 
It  was  called  Know  Nothing  from  the  fact  that  its  members  were 
required  when  questioned  about  the  order  to  declare  that  they  knew 
nothing  about  it.  The  party  had  cut  some  figure  in  localities  in 
1854,  but  in  1855  it  was  deemed  sufficiently  formidable  to  be  wor- 
thy the  steel  of  the  great  Democratic  party,  and  the  new  party  car- 
ried so  many  of  the  spring  municipal  elections  that  most  of  the 
thunder  of  the  Democratic  organs  was  turned  against  the  secret 
society.  On  March  5th,  at  a  city  election  in  Marysville,  then  a 
prominent  town,  the  American  party  elected  every  local  officer,  al- 
though their  ticket  was  not  made  public  until  election  morning.  On 
April  2nd,  at  Sacramento,  they  had  the  same  success  as  at  Marys- 
ville; and  the  Democratic  organs  began  to  demand  of  the  divided 
party  reunion  and  a  common  cause  against  the  new  enemy.  Their 
party  had  been  split  in  two,  at  the  stormy  convention  of  '54,  and 
they  had  since  had  two  State  conventions,  each  claiming  to  be  reg- 
ular. In  the  face  of  this  new  party,  the  two  committees  united  in 
one  call  for  a  convention  which  met  at  Sacramento  on  June  27th. 
The  first  business  proposed  in  the  convention  was  a  resolution  re- 
quiring each  candidate  to  pledge  himself  that  he  was  not  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Know  Nothing  society.  A  substitute  stronger  than  the 
first  was  offered,  both  were  referred  to  the  committee  on  resolutions, 
which  afterward  reported  a  platform  containing  sharp  strictures  up- 
on that  party,  but  holding  out  the  olive  branch  to  such  as  had  inad- 
vertantly strayed  into  it.  John  Bigler  was  renominated  for  gover- 
nor, and  a  full  State  ticket  was  nominated. 


The  American  State  convention  met  at  Sacramento  on  August 
7th.  They  adopted  a  platform  of  fifteen  paragraphs  on  the  first 
day;  the  whole  written  platform  would  fill  less  than  a  quarter  col- 
umn of  the  average  newspaper.  J.  Neeley  Johnson  was  nomniated 
for  governor  along  with  a  full  State  ticket,  which  included  David 
S.  Terry  for  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court. 

On  June  2Oth  a  State  Temperance  Convention  was  held  at  Sac- 
ramento which  made  no  nominations;  but  another  convention  was 
held  by  them  August  22nd.  They  called  themselves  the  Independ- 
ent Democracy.  Toward  the  close  of  August  an  effort  was  made 
to  reorganize  the  Whig  party  without  success;  the  election  was  held 
September  5th,  and  the  American  ticket  was  elected  from  top  to 
bottom,  Johnson  (Am.)  receiving  50,948  votes,  and  Bigler  (Dem.) 
45,677.  Judge  Terry  was  elected  to  the  Supreme  Court  by  a  vote 
of  64,677  over  Bryans'  46,892.  The  campaign  had  been  a  bitter 
one  and  enmities  were  engendered  that  lasted  out  the  lives  of  the 
contestants.  The  State  campaign  for  '55  had  barely  closed  when, 
on  November  I3th  of  that  year,  the  American  party  commenced 
their  presidential  campaign  for  1856,  by  holding  a  secret  largely  at- 
tended council,  from  which  they  sent  out  a  long  address  and  plat- 
form, in  which  they  dwelt  largely  on  their  party  policy  respecting 
national  issues.  The  Democratic  papers,  arguing  from  this  plat- 
form, charged  Know  Nothingism  to  be  nothing  but  a  Whig  move- 
ment. The  Democrats  met  at  Sacramento  March  5th,  1856,  to  se- 
lect delegates  to  the  National  Convention.  The  platform  indorsed 
Buchanan  for  President  and  instructed  the  delegates  for  him. 

On  the  evening  of  April  I9th,  1856,  the  first  mass  meeting  of 
Republicans  in  California  was  held  at  Sacramento.  Mr.  E.  B. 
Crocker,  who  had  been  a  Whig,  and  who  had  presided  at  Non- 
partisan  State  Temperance  conventions,  presided,  and  made  an 
opening  statement  to  a  fair  hearing.  The  next  speaker  was  not  so 
fortunate,  Americans  and  Democrats  cat-called  and  hooted  so  that 
he  could  not  be  heard.  Henry  S.  Foote  made  an  appeal  for  order 
and  fair  play,  which  was  not  heeded;  and  when  the  Republican 
speakers  again  tried  to  talk,  the  crowd  rushed  the  stand,  overturned 
it  and  broke  up  the  meeting.  But  on  April  3Oth,  the  first  Repub- 
lican convention  met  in  Sacramento,  and  was  called  to  order  by 
E.  B.  Crocker,  who  was  also  elected  temporary  chairman.  The 
slavery  question  was  discussed  and  referred  to  in  the  platform  with 
moderation,  and  the  caution  of  the  convention  is  well  illustrated 
in  the  fact  that  a  resolution  offered  by  Mr.  Crocker,  to  the  effect 
that  the  repeal  of  the  Missouri  Compromise  absolved  them  from  all 


support  of  any  compromise  respecting  slavery,  and  that  therefore 
they  were  opposed  to  the  admission  of  any  more  slave  States  into 
the  Union,  was  after  discussion  withdrawn  without  coming  to  a   • 

An  attempt  to  instruct  the  delegates  to  the  National  Conven- 
tion for  John  C.  Fremont  was  defeated.  The  campaign  of  1856 
was  the  hottest  and  most  bitterly  contested  of  any  in  the  history 
of  the  State.  Some  ideas  of  affairs  may  be  had  from  the  fact  that 
although  Geo.  C.  Bates  a  Republican,  in  attempting  to  speak  at 
Sacramento  in  May,  had  been  pelted  with  rotten  eggs  and  the  meet- 
ing broken  up  by  the  use  of  fire-crackers,  an  American  paper  (the 
Sacramento  Tribune)  next  day  declared  that  the  mere  fact  that  a 
public  discussion  of  the  slavery  question  had  been  allowed,  spoke 
volumes  in  favor  of  public  morals  in  Sacremanto,  and  that  after  the 
Republican  convention  to  nominate  electors  was  held  in  Sacra- 
mento August  2/th,  the  State  Journal  (Dem.),  referring  to  it  said, 
among  other  things:  "The  convention  of  Negro  Worshipers  assem- 
bled yesterday  in  this  city,  ecca  signum.  This  is  the  first  time  this 
dangerous  fanaticism  has  dared  to  bare  its  breast  before  the  people 
of  California;  *  *  *  a  year  ago  no  such  scene  would  have 
been  tolerated  or  thought  of;  a  year  ago  fanatics  would  have  been 
ashamed  to  acknowledge  allegiance  to  a  party  founded  by  Hale, 
Wilson,  Chase,  Sumner,  etc." 

The  American  State  Convention  met  at  Sacramento  on  Septem- 
ber 2nd,  1856.  After  concluding  the  nominations  a  resolution  was 
handed  to  the  secretary,  but  as  soon  as  he  had  preceded  far  enough 
with  its  reading  to  disclose  its  import,  a  stormy  scene  ensued,  pan- 
demonium reigned,  cat-calls,  hisses  and  protests  were  hurled  at  the 
secretary,  the  reading  was  stopped  and  the  document  suppressed. 
Ihis  bombshell  was  a  condemnatory  resolution,  leveled  at  the 
vigilance  committee  of  1856  at  San  Francisco,  and  its  reception 
showed  the  convention  to  be  heartily  in  sympathy  with  the  work 
of  that  anomalous  body,  whose  fame  has  been  heralded  to  all  parts 

he  earth   and  whose  acts  and  theories  have  been  discussed  by 

istonans  and  political  essayists  in  all  the  modern  languages.    Poli- 

ikes  as  strange  contretemps,  as  bedfellows.     Judge  Terry 

had  started  his  political  career  as  a  Democrat;  had  in  '«    been 

nominated  by  the    American    party  and  elected  to  the  Supreme 

bench   and  at  the  time  of  this  convention  had  barely  returned^ 

^  a  J-!dRe  after  SCVen  Weeks'  clement  at  San  Fran? 
by  the  vigilance  committee.     He  had  been  a  white  elenhant 
on  the  hands  of  the  committee;  but  here  was  the  place  fo  The  con- 


demnation  of  the  ways  of  the  committee  if  they  were  ever  to  be 
condemned;  here  was  the  1855  idol  of  a  great  party,  a  Justice  of 
the  Supreme  Court,  detained  and  held  seven  weeks  by  a  self-ap- 
pointed committee,  for  resisting  by  force,  the  unlawful  process  of 
this  unlawful  committee,  and  at  a  convention  in  1856  of  the  party 
of  this  judge,  within  three  weeks  of  his  deliverance,  a  resolution 
that  does  not  even  go  far  enough  to  mention  the  name  of  the  com- 
mittee, and  only  condemns  it  in  the  abstract,  is  hooted  out  of  the 
convention  without  even  being  read. 

Another  State  Democratic  convention  met  at  Sacramento  on 
September  gth,  and  nominated  congressmen  and  other  State  officers. 
Their  platform  was  long  and  discussed  the  Union  fully,  advising 
compromise  for  the  sake  of  maintaining  it.  After  the  platform 
had  been  reported,  Mr.  McConnell  offered  the  following  resolu- 
tion: "That  the  writ  of  habeas  corpus  and  the  right  of  trial  by 
jury  are  sacred,  and  the  Democracy  of  this  State  will  ever  guaran- 
tee those  sacred  privileges  to  the  humblest  citizen."  This  was  cer- 
tainly impersonal,  it  stated  plainly  the  organic  law  of  the  land.  Its 
moral  tone  was  commendable,  it  was  a  good  political  statement, 
from  any  point  of  view,  for  any  party.  But  it  was  understood  to 
refer  to  the  vigilance  committee  that  had  been  ignoring,  in  fact 
defying,  these  and  similar  statements  taken  from  the  Bill  of  Rights. 
It  received  different  treatment  from  that  accorded  the  resolution 
in  the  American  convention  a  week  before;  it  was  debated  for  about 
two  hours,  when  the  chairman  announced  that  the  trustees  of  the 
church  in  which  they  were  sitting  would  want  the  building  at  2 
c'clock.  A  motion  to  adopt  the  platform  as  reported  was  adopted 
unanimously.  No  one  demanded  a  vote  on  the  simple  resolution 
and  the  convention  adjourned. 

Condemnation  of  the  vigilance  committee  had  failed  in  all  polit- 
ical conventions,  although  held  at  a  time  when  feeling  respecting 
it  was  the  highest.  The  doings  of  the  committee  were  not  defensi- 
ble on  legal  or  ethical  grounds,  but  it  had  done  good ;  it  had  dem- 
onstrated the  fact  that  in  every  community,  however  reckless  and 
abandoned,  there  is  enough  latent  virtue  and  manly  love  of  decency 
and  order,  if  it  can  but  once  be  aroused  and  centered,  to  clear  the 
moral  atmosphere,  intimidate  or  punish  the  criminal,  and  start  his 
weakly  decent  and  wobbly  apologist  in  the  straight  way,  with 
enough  artificial  stiffening  for  his  spinal  column  to  maintain  him 
fiT  a  time  in  an  erect  position  and  straight-forward  way.  I  take 
it  that  these  refusals  were  conspicuous  examples  of  leaving  undone 
those  things  that  ought  not  to  be  done.  For  here  was  notice  from 


all  the  political  parties  of  the  State  to  every  thief  and  thug,  every 
keeper  of  bawdy  house  and  dead-fall,  every  pot  house  politician  and 
ward  heeler,  every  law  officer  and  judge,  every  peace  officr  and 
sheriff,  that  the  great  mass  of  the  people  would  not  now,  and  hence 
argumentatively,  would  not  in  the  future,  condemn  an  organiza- 
tion, that  although  without  legal  authority  had,  with  high  purpose 
and  apparent  justness,  hung  four  murderers,  pursued  others  to  the 
confines  of  the  Union,  banished  others,  and  compelled  civil  servants 
and  law  officers  to  do  their  duty.  The  full  benefit  of  the  good  done 
by  the  committee  was  preserved  by  wisely  ignoring  its  critics  in 
high  and  influential  places.  And  thus  a  period  of  ten  years  of  strife 
of  parties,  that  had  grown  bitter  almost  beyond  forbearance,  and 
a  similar  period  of  moral  turbulence  that  had  come  to  be  an  af- 
front to  all  decency,  came  to  an  end  in  the  same  year,  and  California 
started  upon  a  new  epoch  in  both  moral  and  political  methods  that 
have  been  totally  unlike  those  going  before. 

At  the  election  held  November  4th,  1856,  the  Democrats  elected 
both  the  State  and  electoral  tickets.  Buchanan  received  51,935 
votes,  Fillmore  35,113,  and  Fremont  20,339. 

July  8th,  1857,  the  Republican  State  Convention  met  at  Sacra- 
mento in  the  Congregational  Church.  The  platform  condemned 
Chief  Justice  Taney's  Dred  Scott  decision.  Edward  Stanley  was 
nominated  for  Governor  on  the  first  ballot.  The  Democratic  State 
Convention  met  in  the  same  place  on  July  4th.  Weller  was  nom- 
inated for  Governor.  Early  in  1857  the  idea  of  abandoning  the 
organization  of  the  American  party  was  discussed  by  prominent 
members.  Henry  S.  Foote,  who  had  been  their  caucus  nominee 
for  United  States  Senator  in  1856,  published  a  letter  in  which  he 
advised  discontinuance  of  party  organization;  and  offering  alle- 
giance to  Buchanan  and  his  administration;  but  after  much  discus- 
sion, a  State  convention  was  called  and  met  at  Sacramento  on 
July  28th,  and  nominated  Geo.  W.  Bowie  for  Governor,  together 
with  a  full  State  ticket.  The  election  was  held  September  2nd,  and 
the  full  Democratic  ticket  was  elected,  Weller  receiving  53,122 
votes,  Stanley  21,040,  and  Bowie  19,481. 

The  year  1858  marks  the  beginning  of  the  period  in  which  the 
questions  that  led  up  to  the  Civil  war  were  discussed  at  political 
conventions,  and  voted  on  at  elections.  Kansas  had  been  made  a 
territory  in  1854,  in  1857  the  legislature  of  the  territory  provided 
for  a  constitutional  convention.  The  history  of  that  struggle  is 
familiar  to  most  of  us,  the  two  legislatures,  the  two  constitutions 
President  Buchanan,  in  his  annual  message  and  in  a 


special  message  of  February  2nd,  1858,  urged  Congress  to  ratify 
the  Lecompton  constitution.  This  would  make  Kansas  a  slave 
State.  Stephen  A.  Douglass  took  strong  ground  against  it.  This 
was  the  beginning  of  the  split  in  the  Democratic  party,  which  re- 
sulted in  two  National  Conventions  in  1860.  The  feeling  between 
the  champions  and  opponents  of  the  President's  policy  ran  high  in 
California;  the  Democratic  party  promptly  split  in  two,  one  faction 
known  as  Lecompton,  the  other  as  anti-Lecompton  or  Douglas 
Democrats.  Both  held  State  Conventions,  that  of  the  administra- 
tion wing  at  Sacramento,  on  August  4th,  1858,  at  which  the  plat- 
form and  resolutions  were  read  by  J.  P.  Hoge  of  the  Committee; 
immediately  he  moved  their  adoption,  and  then  the  previous  ques- 
tion on  his  first  motion.  The  previous  question  was  ordered  by  a 
vote  of  117  to  49,  and  the  resolutions  were  adopted  as  read  by  a 
vote  of  287  to  2.  Joseph  G.  Baldwin  for  Justice  of  the  Supreme 
Court  and  other  nominations  were  made. 

The  Douglas  Democrats  also  met  on  August  4th,  in  the  Bap- 
tist Church  in  Sacramento.  John  Curry  was  nominated  for  Su- 
preme Judge.  The  Republican  Convention  met  at  Sacramento  on 
August  5th;  it  nominated  Curry  for  judge  (he  had  been  nominated 
the  day  before  by  the  Douglas  Democrats),  and  by  resolution  ap- 
proved the  course  of  U.  S.  Senator  D.  C.  Broderick,  who  had  been 
elected  a  Democrat,  but  had  taken  issue  with  the  President.  This 
convention  also  nominated  L.  C.  Gunn  for  controller.  At  the  elec- 
tion Judge  Baldwin  (LeCompton  Democrat)  received  44,599 
votes,  Curry  (Douglas  Dem.  and  Rep.)  36,198,  while  Gunn,  for  con- 
troller, standing  on  the  Republican  ticket,  only  received  7,481  votes 
out  of  a  total  of  79,525,  or  not  quite  10  per  cent. 

The  gubernatorial  contest  of  1859  coming  on,  found  the  Re- 
publicans without  hope,  but  the  Douglas  Democrats  were  active. 
The  independent  press  advised  the  Republicans  to  unite  with  the 
Douglas  Democrats.  The  advice  was  rejected  as  they  held  a  con- 
vention at  Sacramento  on  June  8th,  and  nominated  Leland  Stanford 
for  Governor.  The  Douglas  Democrats'  convention  met  in  Sacra- 
mento June  1 5th,  and  nominated  John  Curry  for  Governor,  and  the 
LeCompton  Democrats  met  at  the  same  place  on  June  22nd,  and 
nominated  Milton  S.  Latham  for  Governor.  The  election  on  Sep- 
tember 5th  resulted  in  a  victory  for  the  LeCompton  Democrats, 
Latham  was  elected  by  a  vote  of  62,255  to  31,298  for  Curry,  and  for  Stanford.  Again  the  Republican  vote  was  less  than  ten 
per  cent  of  the  votes  cast.  There  is  not  time  in  the  limit  of  an  arti- 
cle for  a  meeting  like  this,  to  go  into  detail  of  the  controlling  canses 


which  manifested  themselves  in  the  action  taken  by  succeeding-  con- 
ventions. The  momentous  year  of  1860  came  on.  The  two  Demo- 
cratic organizations  held  conventions;  the  Douglas  wing  denounced 
what  they  termed  the  "Federal  Heresies"  of  Buchanan, 
ministration  wing  endorsed  the  President  and  commended  the 
Dred  Scott  decision  as  a  peculiarly  beautiful  and  true  construction 
of  the  law  of  the  land.  The  news  of  the  split  in  the  Democratic 
party  at  the  National  Convention,  and  the  nominations  of  Doug- 
las and  Breckenridge  was  received  in  California  on  July  isth. 
Governor  Downey  immediately  declared  himself  for  Douglas  and 
Ex-Governor  Weller  declared  for  Breckenridge.  Twenty-two 
newspapers  in  the  State  were  for  Breckenridge  and  twenty-four 
for  Douglas. 

News  of  the  nomination  of  Lincoln  and  Hamlin  was  received 
in  California  on  June  loth,  1860,  and  the  Republican  convention 
to  nominate  electors  met  on  June  2Oth  at  Sacramento;  their  plat- 
form was  short,  merely  indorsing  the  nominees,  and  not  discussing 
the  slavery  question  in  any  phase.  The  Union  party,  supporting 
Bell  and  Everett,  held  a  convention  and  nominated  •  electors  on 
September  5th. 

The  Republicans  and  two  Democratic  organizations  were  active 
and  zealous  in  the  campaign,  but  Bell  and  Everett  men  made  little 
stir.  The  election  was  held  November  6th,  and  the  official  canvas 
of  the  vote  gave  the  heads  of  the  various  elctoral  tickets  the  fol- 
lowing vote:  Lincoln  38,733,  Douglas  37,999,  Breckenridge  33,969, 
Bell  9,111.  With  one  exception  the  Democrats  carried  the  State 
annually  for  ten  years;  during  that  time  the  American  secret  society 
party  had  carried  one  election  and  disappeared.  The  Republican 
party  had  been  organized  and  made  four  campaigns,  and  were  now 
successful  in  giving  the  electoral  vote  to  the  first  Republican  Presi- 
dent. During  '61  the  two  wings  of  the  Democratic  party  kept  their 
organizations  and  nominated  State  tickets.  The  Republicans  did 
the  same.  At  the  election,  Leland  Stanford  received  56,036  votes 
against  30,944  for  Conness  (Douglas  Dem.),  and  32,751  for  Mc- 
Connell  (Breckenridge  Dem.). 

After  the  election  a  number  of  southern  sympathizers  left  the 
State  and  joined  the  Confederate  army,  and  numbers  of  other  citi- 
zens enlisted  in  the  Federal  army.  In  1862  the  Republicans  put  a 
ticket  in  the  field  under  the  title  of  Union  ticket.  Both  branches 
of  the  Democrats  did  the  same,  the  Union  ticket  was  elected,  and  in 
'63  the  Union  Republicans  put  up  a  ticket,  and  the  Democrats  con- 
solidated. Low,  Republican  for  Governor,  received  64,293  votes,  to 


44,622  for  Downey,  Democrat.  Lincoln  carried  the  State  in  1864. 
Sam  Brannan,  a  former  Democrat,  headed  the  Republican  electoral 
ticket  and  received  62,053  votes,  the  highest  vote  for  a  Democratic 
elector  being  that  of  43,841  votes  for  Hamilton. 

In  1865,  the  first  serious  division  in  the  ranks  of  the  Union 
party  occurred,  and  this  split  supplied  our  political  vocabulary  with 
the  two  new  terms,  "Long  Hairs"  and  "Short  Hairs."  The  terms 
originated  in  debate  in  the  legislature  on  a  bill  to  re-district  San 
Francisco,  and  the  term  "short  haired"  boys  was  used  as  syonymous 
with  roughs.  The  terms  seemed  expressive,  and  have  been  retained, 
and  even  some  of  our  respectable  members  who  patronize  barbers 
freely  are  often  referred  to  as  long  hairs.  The  division  in  the  Union 
party  seems  to  have  been  on  a  hair-line,  so  to  speak.  At  its  coun- 
ty convention  in  Sacramento  on  July  25th,  1865,  two  candidates 
for  chairman  were  put  in  nomination  similtaneously  and  both 
elected  at  the  same  time,  in  the  rush  to  take  the  speaker's  chair  by 
these  two  officers,  a  melee  ensued,  a  mixture  of  long  and  short  hairs 
took  place.  Solid  hickory  canes,  which  seemed  miracuously  numer- 
ous, were  plied  lustily;  spittoons  and  ink  bottles  were  used  instead 
of  bombs  and  solid  shot;  chairs  were  used  intact  as  missiles,  and, 
in  some  cases  were  broken  up  so  that  the  legs  could  be  used  as 
clubs.  Victory  rested  with  the  short-hairs.  Such  of  the  long  hairs 
as  could,  got  out  of  the  doors,  others  took  the  window  route,  and 
after  the  battle  the  destruction  of  everything  fragile  or  portable  in 
the  room  seemed  complete.  The  destruction  wrought  to  church 
property  by  rival  Democratic  factions  at  their  convention  a  few  years 
before  was  inconsequential  in  comparison. 

The  Chinese  question  was  first  a  serious  issue  in  1867,  and  the 
Porter  Primary  law  was  first  applied  in  the  same  year,  and  con- 
tinued in  force  until  1896,  and  in  that  year  (1867)  Haight,  (Dem- 
ocrat) received  49,905  votes  for  Governor,  and  Gorham  (Repub- 
lican) 40,359.  In  1868,  however,  Grant  and  Colfax  carried  the 
State,  the  vote  being  very  close:  54,588  against  54,069  for  the 
heads  of  the  tickets. 

In  '69  the  Democrats  at  the  State  election  carried  it,  but  the  see- 
saw went  the  other  way  in  '71,  and  Newton  Booth  (Republican) 
was  elected  over  ex-Governor  Haight  by  a  vote  of  62,581  to  57,520. 
In  '72  Horace  Greeley  was  a  candidate  for  President;  his  supporters 
assumed  the  name  of  the  Liberal  party,  and  Greeley  electors  received 
40,7 1 8  against  54,007  for  the  Republicans,  and  straight  Democrats, 
In  1*73  the  Patrons  of  Husbandry,  or  Grangers,  first  attracted  at- 
tention as  a  political  force;  they  called  themselves  Independents  and 


elected  Judge  McKinstry  to  the  Supreme  Court  by  a  vote  of  25,609 
over  Dwindle  (Rep.)  14,380,  and  Ucker  (Dem.)  19,962.  The 
Republicans  carried  the  State  for  President  in  1876  by  an  average 
vote  of  79,258  to  72,460. 

On  September  21,  1877,  a  meeting  of  unemployed  men  was  held 
in  San  Francisco.  P.  A.  Roach  was  the  first  speaker  and  was  fol- 
lowed by  Dennis  Kearney.  On  Sunday  afternoon  following  a  sim- 
ilar meeting  was  held  in  the  open  air  opposite  the  new  City  Hall, 
and  from  this  location  the  gathering  took  the  name  of  Sand  Lot 
meetings  and  the  actors  the  name  of  Sand  Lotters.  The  move- 
ment grew  to  considerable  proportions  and  as  a  result  of  agitation 
commenced  by  them  the  Constitution  of  '79  was  adopted.  In  the 
same  year  Geo.  C.  Perkins  (Rep.)  was  elected  Governor  by  a  plural- 
ity of  aobut  20,000  over  the  Democratic  and  Workingmen's  candi- 

In  the  Presidential  election  of  1880,  Edgerton  was  the  only  Re- 
publican elected.  The  vote  was  close,  there  being  only  about  200 
difference,  except  on  Democratic  elector  Terry,  who  ran  about  600 
behind  his  ticket.  California  cast  five  electoral  votes  for  Hancock 
and  English,  and  one  for  Garfield  and  Arthur.  James  G.  Elaine 
carried  the  State  in  1884,  the  average  vote  being  about  102,369  for 
Elaine  to  89,214  for  Cleveland.  And  Harrison  and  Arthur  car- 
ried it  in  1888  by  an  average  of  124,754  to  117,698  for  Cleveland. 

The  Presidential  election  of  1892  was  again  a  close  contest. 
Eight  of  the  electors  were  Democrats  and  one  Republican.  Our 
present  U.  S.  Senator,  Thomas  R.  Bard,  was  the  only  Republican 
elected.  McKinley  got  the  electoral  vote  of  California  in  1896  by 
a  very  small  majority,  and  carried  the  State  again  in  the  present 
year  by  a  plurality  of  something  like  39,000. 



(Read  before  the  Historical  Society,  Dec.  12,  1900.) 

The  modern  resident  in  the  City  of  the  Angels  has  seen  in  the 
past  fifteen  years,  the  many  and  sweeping  changes  wrought  by  in- 
dustry and  capital  and  brains,  which  have  transformed  a  sleepy  little 
Spanish-Mexican  pueblo  into  our  modern,  bustling  and  up-to-date 
metropolis.  So  that  if  a  Fundador  were  to  rise  from  his  tomb, 
under  the  floor  of  la  Mission,  Nuestra  Senora  la  Reyna  de  los  An- 
geles, and  take  a  pasear  over  the  city,  there  would  be  few  localities 
his  shade  would  recognize.  The  church  and  the  Plaza,  and  a  part 
of  what  is  now  Chinatown,  and  old  Sonoratown,  and  an  occasional 
ruined  adobe — these  would  be  all.  He  would  look  for  his  caballero 
paisanos  of  the  olden  days,  with  their  great  white  beaded  som- 
breros, the  caballos  decked  out  in  "frenos  de  puro  plata,"  and  urged 
on  by  sharp-pointed  "espuellas"  of  the  same  white  metal.  And  he 
would  look  for  them  in  vain,  and  in  vain !  The  Fundadores  were 
several  poor  families,  brought  from  Mexico  by  the  government  to 
found  a  town  on  the  plains,  westward  three  leagues  from  the  Mis- 
sion San  Gabriel  Arcangel.  Though  of  poor  and  humble  station  in 
their  native  land,  they  were  courageous  and  cheerful,  as  befits  pion- 
eers of  any  race  or  clime  to  be.  This  paper  does  not  pretend  to  treat 
of  the  Spanish  families  of  rank  and  wealth,  which  early  settled  in 
and  near  the  old  pueblo;  but  only  of  the  fortunes  of  some  of  the 
original  founders,  and  their  descendants.  Of  the  latter,  was  Caye- 
tano  Barelas,  one  of  the  earliest  settlers  in  la  calle  Buena  Vista. 
His  mother,  born  Anita  Galinda  y  Pinta,  came  from  Mexico,  as  a 
Fundadores,  with  the  original  party.  She  was  Ana  Galinda  y  Pinta 
when,  in  her  native  Sinaloa,  she  married  Ignacio  Barelas.  At  the 
same  time  came  the  Abila  family,  Santa  Ana  Abila,  and  Ysabel  Ur- 
quidez  de  Abila,  his  wife.  They  came  from  a  place  called  El  Fuerte, 
and  were  styled  Fuertenos.  They  brought  with  them  the  following 
children:  Antonio  Ignacio,  Francisco,  Jose  Maria,  Anastasio, 
Bruno  and  Cornelio,  all  boys;  and  these  girls — Alfonsa,  Augustina, 
and  Ylaria,  a  nursing  babe.  Ylaria  was  the  grandmother,  on  the 
maternal  side,  of  Dona  Teresa  Sepulveda  de  Labory,  at  present  re- 


siding  on  Boyle  Heights.  This  lady  was  well  known  by  the  pob- 
lanos  of  early  clays,  and  is  still  hale  and  hearty  despite  her  seventy- 
three  years,  and  the  many  vicissitudes  of  family  and  fortune,  that 
they  have  brought  her.  Her  only  son  is  a  mining  man,  residing 
in  the  city.  He  is  married  to  an  American  lady  and  they  have  a 
large  family  of  sons  and  daughters.  So  here  we  have  a  direct  and 
unbroken  chain,  of  two  familiees  of  founders,  down  to  the  present 
day.  And  Dona  Teresa,  who  is  a  naturally  bright  woman,  can 
narrate  off  hand,  all  the  events  of  importance  in  her  family,  on 
both  the  Barelas  and  Abila  sides.  There  were  others  who  came 
with  these  two  families,  and  figured  as  founders.  It  is  said  that 
these  families  brought  grapes,  tunas,  grandas  or  pomegranates,  and 
other  fruits,  which  they  distributed  at  different  missions  on  their 
way  to  their  destination,  Santa  Barbara.  They  removed  from 
there  after  a  time,  to  the  Pueblo,  "Nuestra  Senora  la  Reyna  de  Los 
Angeles."  The  house  of  Cayitano  Barelas  stood  in  about  the  cen- 
ter of  the  present  old  Catholic  cemetery  on  Buena  Vista  street  and 
was  of  adobe.  In  the  year  1825  it  sheltered  three  generations  of 
the  Barelas  family,  viz :  Ignacio  Barelas  and  his  wife  Ana,  Caye- 
tano  and  his  wife  and  their  children.  Cayetano  and  his  wife  each 
had  many  brothers  and  sisters,  all  of  whom  were  married  and  had 
from  ten  to  twenty  children  in  each  family.  The  cactus  and  tunas 
they  brought  from  Mexico  are  still  to  be  seen,  in  and  near  the  old 
missions.  The  indigenous  cacti  have  a  small  red  fruit,  and  attain 
but  to  a  scrubby  growth.  The  Mexican  or  cultivated  varieties 
are  tall  and  graceful,  producing  a  red  and  yellowish  pear,  delicious 
to  the  taste.  The  natives  were  very  fond  of  the  fruit,  and  besides, 
the  cacti  when  properly  set  out,  made  perfect  corrals  for  the  protec- 
tion of  the  fine  cattle  of  the  missions. 

Although  the  histories  of  those  early  times  mention  but  few 
names  of  Spanish  settlers,  tfie  decendants  of  the  pobladores  stren- 
uously declare,  that  soon  after  the  founding,  there  were  many 
whole  families  of  Spanish  descent,  in  the  pueblo,  or  settled  on  some 
of  the  adjacent  ranches.  Almost  the  first  thing  they  erected  was 
the  capilla,  or  chapel,  small,  and  of  the  old  Dutch  mudhouse  style. 
It  stood  on  the  side  of  the  hill,  just  directly  back  of  the  present 
mission  church,  (and  the  ruins  of  it  were  still  to  be  seen  in  quite 
recent  years.)  The  roof  was  thatched  with  tule,  and  over  that, 
coarse  grasses  and  mud,  and  it  is  just  possible  that  it  was  topped 
with  a  layer  of  brea,  which  was  plentiful  in  certain  localities. 
There  was  a  lack  of  hardware  in  finishing  the  "jacales"  of  those 
days;  also  a  lack  of  lumber.  The  small  window  had  neither  sash 


nor  glass.  The  door  often  consisted  of  a  dried  hide  hung  over 
the  opening.  Oftener  it  was  made  of  willow,  or  elder  branches, 
laced  together  with  thongs  of  leather  or  rabbit  hide,  and  a  leather 
string  was  used  to  fasten  it  on  the  inside.  Everything  in  the 
house  was  necessarily  of  the  most  primitive  sort.  The  table  was  a 
rude  board,  supported  by  notched  stakes,  stuck  into  the  earth  floor. 
Bancos,  or  benches,  made  in  a  similar  way,  served  as  seats.  What- 
ever was  lacking  in  utility  or  elegance,  was  more  than  compensated 
for  in  appetite  and  good  cheer.  The  cooking  utensils  were  of  stone 
and  were  brought  from  the  Coast  islands.  Pots,  ollas  and  metates 
were  made  from  the  two  kinds  of  stone,  piedra-azul  and  mal-pais. 
Vessels  were  made  from  piedra-azul  were  most  highly  prized  for 
their  durability.  They  had  also  clay  ollas  and  coras  or  baskets 
brought  from  Mexico. 

Speaking  of  furniture,  the  bed  of  those  days  consisted  of  sort 
of  rude  stretcher,  made  of  willow  or  elder  saplings,  set  down  in  a 
corner  of  the  room,  resting  a  couple  of  inches  above  the  earth  floor. 
This  was  heaped  with  dry  grasses,  and  covered  over  with  a  dry 
hide.  In  some  houses  there  were  a  few  coarse  blankets,  the  gifts  of 
the  missions.  Others  boasted  of  a  seat,  called  a  pretil,  which  was 
of  adobe,  built  around  the  walls  of  the  corridor  or  dining  room. 

In  the  year  of  1825,  the  children  of  the  poorer  families  played 
around  Buena  Vista  street,  clad  in  a  skirt,  or  tunico,  to  the  knee, 
and  made  of  strips  of  tanned  rabbit  skin,  sewn  together.  The 
other  sole  garment  was  a  camisa,  of  unbleached  muslin.  The  food 
of  the  time  consisted  of  verdolade,  (vulgarly  called  pig-weed), 
made  into  a  salad,  frijoles,  mais,  lenteja,  esquita,  or  parched  corn, 
cooked  as  a  much.  Atole  was  made  from  corn  flour,  by  grinding 
corn  in  a  metate,  then  straining  through  a  basket  seive.  It  was 
then  cooked  as  a  mush,  and  it  is  doubtful  if  the  manufacturers  of 
modern  cereal  foods  can  produce  anything  to  equal  it  in  flavor  or 
quality.  But  came  (beef)  was  the  most  relished,  as  well  as  the 
most  important,  article  of  food.  "Pulpa  la  carne  meant  cut  and 
dried  beef.  There  were  not  wanting  experts  in  the  art  of  cooking 
fresh  meats.  Rump  steak  was  called  pulpas.  "Un  tasajo  de  carne" 
was  a  strip  off  the  loin.  There  was  tea  (cha)  brewed  from-  a  native 
wild  herb.  Also  sugar  and  chocolate,  but  no  coffee.  Cabbages 
were  a  favorite  vegetable,  and  known  in  the  vernacular  as  "las  co- 
las." (iarlic.  and  the  firery  chile  (pepper),  together  with  cavorjas 
or  onions  and  tomatoes,  cut  quite  an  important  figure  in  the  stew- 
pots  of  those  olden  clays,  and  at  the  present  time  they  have  lost 
little,  if  any.  of  their  old-time  popularity.  The  Fundadores  were 


treated  with  the  greatest  respect  by  their  families  and  friends. 
Grace  was  said  before  and  after  meals,  and  each  child  kissed  the 
grandfather's  extended  hand  before  taking  his  or  her  place,  around 
the  board. 

The  marriage  ceremony  was  most  interesting.  The  novios 
knelt  side  by  side  at  the  altar  rail,  upon  which  rested  lighted 
blessed  candles.  On  either  side  knelt  the  padrino  and  the  madrina, 
or  sponsors.  The  bride  if  a  young  girl,  wore  either  a  pink  or  blue 
dress  with  white  over-dress,  and  a  long  white  veil.  If  a  widow, 
or  in  mourning,  (enlutada),  a  black  dress  and  veil  of  the  same  col- 
or, was  the  correct  thing.  Marriage  was  solemnized  in  the  churches, 
in  Quaresma,  or  lent,  but  in  La  Semane  Santa  (holy  week),  there 
was  no  "belanda."  So  it  was  customary  for  couples  married  dur- 
ing holy  week  to  go  to  the  church,  some  time  during  the  following 
week,  and  have  that  part  of  the  ceremony  performed.  During  the 
marriage  ceremony,  a  silver  plate  rested  on  the  altar  rail.  In  con- 
tained the  two  wedding  rings,  which  the  priest  blessed  and  placed 
on  the  wedding  finger  of  bride  and  groom.  It  also  held  the  sarras 
or  money  gift,  from  the  groom  to  the  bride,  and  was  generally  six 
silver  dollars,  and  sometimes  twelve.  A  nuptial  mass  -followed 
the  marriage  ceremony,  through  all  of  which  the  novios  knelt,  cov- 
ered from  shoulder  to  shoulder,  with  a  large  silk  handerchief,  which 
the  priest  placed  over  them  as  a  token  of  their  union  in  matrimony. 
The  following  is  said  to  have  been  part  of  the  form:  Priest  asks: 
Anna,  do  you  take  Don  J.,  here  present,  to  be  your  husband  and 
companion?  And  to  the  groom:  J.  do  you  take  this  girl,  Anna, 
to  be  your  wife  and  companion?  It  is  related  of  a  beuatiful 
daughter  of  the  Vilas  family,  that  she  replied  no,  father,  at  the  crit- 
ical moment,  causing  momentary  consternation  in  the  crowded 
church.  But  her  sister,  who  was  the  bridesmaid,  came  to  the  res- 
cue by  saying,  "Well,  if  you  won't  take  himi,  I  will."  As  the 
groom  was  not  lacking  in  gallantry,  the  ladies  changed  places  and 
the  ceremony  proceeded  without  further  interruption.  There  were 
BO  church  organs  in  the  earliest  days,  but  violins,  guitaros  and 
other  stringed  instruments,  furnished  the  choral  music.  As  the 
wedding  party  left  the  church,  old  muskets  were  fired  off  in  salute, 
and  the  people  went  dancing  and  singing  along  the  road,  to  the 
wedding  festival,  which  was  always  as  good  as  the  times  afforded, 
and  often  lasted  for  a  week.  Altogether  the  Fundadores  and  their 
descendents  were  a  remarkably  happy  and  cheerful  people,  and 
made  the  most  of  the  few  diversions  that  came  into  their  lives,  in 
those  lonely,  early  days.  They  often  made  merry  at  the  funerals 


of  small  children.  For  instance,  a  funeral  going  from  Los  Angeles 
to  San  Gabriel  Mission,  while  most  of  the  people  walked,  a  few 
of  the  men  rode  horses,  and  at  intervals,  when  tired  walking,  the 
women  and  children  rode  in  the  carretas,  drawn  by  oxen.  At  con- 
venient points  along  the  road,  the  bearers  laid  down  their  burden 
and  all  rested.  Then  some  of  the  merrier  members  of  the  party, 
danced  and  sang  the  humorous  "versos"  of  the  period.  At  San 
Gabriel  a  temporary  brush  house  or  ramada,  was  ready  for  the 
beloria,  or  wake.  Some  of  the  people  sang  hymns  and  prayed 
through  the  long  hours  of  the  night,  while  others  were  being  en- 
tertained by  friends  amongst  the  Gabrielenos.  The  next  morning 
the  "Misa  de  Los  Angeles"  was  chanted  by  priest  and  choir,  and 
after  mass,  followed  the  interment  in  the  old  churchyard.  Next 
the  Angelenos  were  dined  by  the  Gabrielenos,  before  starting  back 
for  the  Pueblo. 

There  is  current  a  tradition  of  a  great  flood  in  1826.  It 
is  said  to  have  rained  at  intervals  for  forty  days.  What  was 
at  first  a  mild  drizzle,  toward  the  last  became  a  heavy,  steady 
downpour,  until  the  flood  waters  turned  the  city  streets  into  a  lake. 
By  this  time  the  booming  of  the  river  so  terrified  the  people,  that 
they  took  to  the  hills,  where  the  high  school  is  now.  An  awful 
cloudburst  above  the  Arroyo  Seco  added  force  and  volume  to  the 
already  raging,  roaring  river,  which,  amidst  blinding  rain  and 
fearful  thunder  suddenly  broke  its  banks  and  rushed  around  the 
southeastern  part  of  what  is  now  the  city,  until  it  dashed  against 
the  bluff,  on  which  is  now  built  the  Hollenbeck  Home.  When  the 
waters  had  receded  it  was  seen  that  the  river's  course  had  changed. 
Its  former  channel  was  through  Alameda  and  out  Figueroa  streets , 
but  in  that  awful  flood  its  bed  filled  with  rocks  and  sand,  and  the 
swift  flowing  currents  soon  were  adjusted  to  other,  and  lower  lev- 
els. After  this  flood  many  of  the  people  moved  from  the  Pueblo 
to  the  beautiful  heights  which  they  named  el  Paredon  Blanco,  or 
the  white  bluff.  The  name  was  changed  after  the  American  occu- 
pation, to  that  of  Boyle  Heights.  It  is  said  that  Petra  Rubio,  y 
Barelas,  a  great  aunt  of  Dona  Teresa  Sepulveda  de  Labory,  was 
the  first  settler  in  el  Paredon  Blanco.  She  had  some  land  from  the 
government  and  set  it  to  vines.  She  made  wine  and  sold  it  to  the 
missions.  She  was  born  Petra  Barelas  and  was  the  daughter  of 
Anna  Casimira,  an  original  founder  of  the  Pueblo  de  Los  Angeles. 
Another  member  of  this  family  was  a  sort  of  Amazon.  She  cul- 
tivated large  fields  of  corn  and  grain  near  San  Bernardino,  and 
brought  her  produce  to  Los  Angeles,  in  the  two-wheeled  carretas, 


drawn  by  "bueys."  Petra  built  the  first  adobe  house  on  Boyle 
Heights.  It  had  four  large  rooms  and  a  corridor,  supported  by 
large  pillars  of  adobe.  Around  the  halls  of  comedor  and  corridor, 
ran  the  adobe  pretil.  Anna,  the  mother  of  Petra,  died  in  1836 
in  this  house,  and  was  given  an  imposing  funeral.  Her  shroud 
was  a  monk's  habit  of  grey  cloth,  with  a  hood  of  the  same,  and 
fastened  around  the  waist  with  a  grey  cord.  It  had  been  sent  her, 
long  before  her  death,  from  the  mission  of  Santa  Barbara,  as  a 
mark  of  respect,  and  in  recognition  of  her  labors  as  a  founder. 
The  priest  and  acolytes  came  to  the  house  on  the  bluff  to  officiate. 
Her  body,  wrapped  in  its  shroud  had  laid  on  the  bare  earth  all 
night,  with  an  adobe  brick  for  a  pillow.  When  services  had  been 
held  at  the  house,  the  funeral  started,  strong  men  carrying  the 
stretcher  and  corpse,  aloft  on  their  shoulders.  Along  the  road 
passed  the  procession,  priest  and  people  chanting  and  singing  in 
Spanish  the  Penitential  psalms.  Arrived  at  the  church,  solemn 
mass  for  the  dead  was  sung,  and  everything  was  in  readiness  for 
the  interment.  The  churchyard  was  at  the  left  side  of,  and  back 
of  the  church  Nuestra  Senora  la  Reyna  de  los  Angeles,  and  the 
gate  was  just  to  the  left  of  the  front  entrance.  This  was  the  "oldest 
cemetery  in  the  pueblo.  But  the  ashes  of  Anna,  the  founder,  were 
destined  for  higher  honor  than  a  grave  in  the  churchyard,  for  just 
inside  the  baptistry  they  had  dug  her  a  deep,  last  resting  place. 
Her  son  received  the  body  as  it  was  lowered  by  means  of  riatas; 
and  lastly  arranged  it  and  covered  the  face  with  the  monk's  hood. 
Then  he  ascended  and  helped  to  fill  the  grave.  There  were  no  cof- 
fins or  trappings,  just  "dust  to  dust,"  and  Anna  Casimira  de  Galinda 
y  Barelas  was  left  to  sleep  her  last  sleep.  She  was  the  last  lay  per- 
son buried  under  the  church  floors.  And  the  scenes  have  changed. 
The  funeral  cortege  of  today  mostly  wends  its  solemn  way  to  the 
Campo  Santo,  on  the  plains  beyond  El  Paredon  Blanco. 

LOS  ANGELES  POSTMASTERS— (1850  to  1900) 

BY    H.   D.   BARROWS. 

(Read  before  the  Historical  Society  June  n,  1900.) 

Although  California  was  declared  by  proclamation  at  Monterey 
July  7,  1846,  to  be  a  part  of  the  United  States,  and  was  ceded  to 
the  United  States  by  Mexico  by  formal  treaty  February  2,  1848,  a 
postoffice  was  not  established  at  Los  Angeles  until  April  9,  1850. 
The  following  is  a  list  of  the  postmasters  from  1850  to  1900,  every 
one  of  whom,  except  the  first,  I  knew  personally,  namely : 

J.  Pugh,  appointed  April  9,  1850. 

Wm.  T.  B.  Sanford,  appointed  November  6,  1851. 

Dr.  Wm.  B.  Osbourne,  appointed  October  12,  1853. 

Jas.  S.  Waite,  appointed  November  I,  1855. 

John  D.  Woodworth,  appointed  May  19,  1858. 

Dr.  T.  J.  White,  appointed  Mar.  9,  1860. 

Wm.  G.  Still,  appointed  June  8,  1861. 
F.  P.  Ramirez,  appointed  October  22,  1864. 
Russell  Sackett,  appointed  May  5,  1865. 

Geo.  J.  Clark,  appointed  January  25,  1866. 

Geo.  J.  Clark,  re-appointed  March  2,  1870. 

H.  K.  W.  Bent,  appointed  February  14,  1873. 

Col.  I.  R.  Dunkelberger,  appointed  February  3,  1877. 

Col.  I.  R.  Dunkelberger,  re-appointed  1881. 

John  W.  Green,  appointed  1885. 

E.  A.  Preuss,  appointed  1887. 

J.  W.  Green,  2nd  term,  appointed  1890  (died  July  31,  '91). 

Maj.  H.  J.  Shoulters,  acting  postmaster  about  seven  months, 
August,  1891,  to  February,  1892. 

H.  V.  Van  Duseti,  January  6,  1892. 

Gen.  Jno.  R.  Mathews,  December  20,  1895. 

Louis  A.  Groff,  1900. 

Capt.  W.  T.  B.  Sanford,  the  second  incumbent,  was  a  well- 
known  and  thorough-going  business  man,  here  and  at  San  Pedro, 
in  the  early  '50*5.  He  was  a  brother  of  Gen.  Banning' s  first  wife, 
and  was  also  engaged  with  him  in  the  freighting  business. 


Mr.  J.  M.  Guinn,  our  secretary,  has  already  furnished  the  so- 
ciety with  a  sketch  of  versatile  Dr.  Wm.  B.  Osbourn. 

James  S.  Waite  was  for  some  years  the  publisher  (but  not  the 
founder)  of  the  pioneer  newspaper  of  Los  Angeles,  "The  Star." 

Mr.  J.  D.  Woodworth,  who  was  appointed  by  President 
Buchanan,  was  a  native  of  Vermont,  but  he  came  from  Des  Moines 
or  Keokuck,  Iowa,  to  Los  Angeles.  The  office  under  his  administra- 
tion was  located  in  the  one-story  adobe  on  the  west  side  of  Spring 
street,  nearly  opposite  the  Bullard  block.  Wallace  Woodworth,  for 
some  years  president  of  our  county  Board  of  Supervisors,  was  a 
son  of  Mr.  Woodworth;  and  he  died  about  the  time  of  his  father's 
death.  The  Woodworth  family  were  relatives  of  Col.  Isaac  Will- 
iams of  El  Chino  rancho.  Mr.  Woodworth  was  a  cousin  of  Samuel 
Woodworth,  author  of  "The  Old  Oaken  Bucket."  In  the  '6o's  and 
'7o's  he  lived  near  San  Gabriel  Mission,  where  he  had  an  orchard 
and  vineyard,  which,  later  he  sold  to  Mr.  L.  H.  Titus,  who  died 
recently;  and  then  bought  the  Dr.  Hoover  vineyard,  adjoining  the 
Dr.  White  place,  near  the  river,  where  he  died  September  30,  1883, 
aged  70  years. 

Dr.  T.  J.  White  was  quite  an  eminent  physician.  I  think  he 
came  from  St.  Louis  to  Sacramento,  which  district  he  represented 
in  one  of  the  first  legislatures  of  California.  Later  he  moved  to 
Los  Angeles  with  his  family.  Col.  E.  J.  C.  Kewen  married  one  of 
his  daughters,  and  Murray  Morrison,  at  one  time  District  Judge 
here,  married  another  daughter.  All  are  now  dead  except  a  son 
and  daughter  of  Col.  Kewen,  and  young  T.  Jeff  White,  the  third  of 
that  name.  This  young  man  is  a  grandson  of  the  old  doctor,  Thos. 
Jefferson  White,  the  distinguished  pioneer  of  Sacramento  and  Los 
Angeles,  whom  many  old-timeers  will  well  remember. 

Wm.  G.  Still  was  appointed  postmaster  by  President  Lincoln, 
about  the  time  of  the  commencement  of  the  Civil  war.  The  office 
was  located  then  in  the  one-story  frame  building,  belonging  to 
Salizar,  on  the  west  side  of  Main  street,  between  the  Downey  block 
and  Lafayette  Hotel  (now  St.  Elmo).  Politcal  excitement,  I  re- 
member then  ran  high  here;  and  a  secessionist  gambler  tried  to  as- 
sassinate Postmaster  Still  by  firing  a  pistol  ball  at  him  through  the 
thin  board  partition  of  the  office. 

I  remember  that  Still,  Oscar  Macey  and  myself  were  sent  as 
delegates  from  this  county  to  the  State  Convention  of  the  Union 
party,  held  at  Sacramento  in  1862. 

Mr.  Still  had  been  a  Douglas  Democrat,  and  he  was  a  very  in- 
tense Union  man;  but  I  recollect  that  when  the  news  first  came  that 


President  Lincoln  would  issue  an  emancipation  proclamation  as  "a 
war  measure/'  he  remarked  to  me  somewhat  excitely  that  the  Pres- 
ident "had  better  leave  that  slavery  question  alone."  Later  he 
thought  better  of  President  Lincoln's  wise  action.  I  do  not  know 
from  what  State  Mr.  Still  came,  or  if  he  is  still  living. 

Mr.  Ramirez  was  a  talented  Californian,  a  native  of  Los  An- 
geles, who  I  think  was  educated  by  old  Don  Louis  Vignes.  He 
spoke  and  wrote  English  and  French,  as  well  as  Spanish ;  he  repre- 
sented this  county  in  the  legislature,  and  edited  and  published  for 
several  years,  in  French  and  Spanish,  a  paper  called  "El  Clamor 

Russell  Sackett,  who  was  postmaster  for  a  brief  period,  was  an 
attorney  and  justice  of  the  peace.  Whilst  I  knew  him  quite  well,  I 
never  happened  to  learn  from  what  part  of  the  country  he  came,  or 
anything  about  his  antecedents.  I  think  he  has  been  dead  a  good 
many  years. 

Captain  George  Johnstone  Clarke  was  for  many  years  a  promi- 
nent citzen  of  Los  Angeles.  He  served  two  terms  as  postmaster 
of  this  city,  that  is,  from  1866  to  1873,  and  also  for  a  long  period 
as  notary,  conveyancer,  and  as  school  trustee,  etc.  His  first  post- 
master's commission  is  signed  by  Andrew  Johnson,  and  is  dated 
January  25,  1866.  and  his  second-term  commission  is  signed  by 
U.  S.  Grant,  and  dated  March  2,  1870. 

At  the  commencement  of  his  term  the  office  was  located  on 
Main  street  between  the  Downey  block  and  the  Lafayette,  now  the 
St.  Elmo  Hotel,  the  same  place  where  it  had  been  admisintered 
by  his  predecessor,  Wm.  G.  Still;  afterwards  it  was  removed  to 
the  Temple  block,  on  the  Spring  stret  side,  near  the  middle  of  the 
block,  where  it  remained  to  the  end  of  his  incumbency,  and  till  the 
appointment  of  his  successor,  H.  K.  W.  Bent. 

Capt.  Clarke,  was  a  native  of  New  Hampshire.  He  was  born 
on  the  1 3th  of  July,  1817,  at  North  wood.  The  family  name  of  his 
mother  before  marriage  was  Johnstone.  Young  Clarke  went  to 
Australia  in  1842,  and  came  from  there  to  California  in  1850.  Soon 
after  arrival  in  San  Francisco  he  bought  160  acres  of  land  in  Hayes* 
valley.  He  and  Thomas  Hayes,  after  whom  the  valley  was  named, 
were  intimate  friends,  and  had  close  business  relations.  From  San 
Francisco  he  went  to  San  Jose,  and  later  to  San  Pablo  and  Russian 
River.  At  one  time  he  ran  a  small  steamer  belonging  to  Col. 
Harasthy,  between  San  Francsco  and  the  Embarcadero  on  Sonoma 
creek;  and  also  to  Petaluma,  where  he  first  met  his  future  wife.  Miss 
Sarah  Finley.  to  whom  he  was  married  in  1859.  He  came  to  Los 


Angeles  county  in  1862  and  prospected  for  mines  at  Soledad.  The 
next  year  he  brought  his  wife  here;  and  a  company  was  formed,  of 
which  he  was  superintendent,  for  working  the  Soledad  copper 
mines.  Afterwards  he  was  interested  with  James  Hayward,  son 
of  Alvinza  Hayward,  in  working  the  Eureka  gold  mine  at  Acton 
in  this  county.  If  I  mistake  not,  he  served  with  Judge  W.  G.  Dry- 
den  and  the  writer  of  these  lines  on  the  school  board  sometime  in 
the  '6o's.  I  remember  he  built  a  fine  two-story  residence,  where 
he  lived  several  years,  on  a  lot  which  fronted  on  both  Fort  (Broad- 
way) and  Hill  strets,  on  a  portion  of  which  the  Slauson  block,  be- 
low Fourth  street,  now  stands.  His  house  was  then  well  out  of 
town,  and  was  a  sort  of  landmark,  as  there  were  comparatively  few 
residences  in  that  neighborhood  at  that  time. 

During  his  later  years  he  lived  on  lower  Main  street,  near  2ist 
street.  In  1864  a  convention  of  the  Union  party  was  held  in  this 
city;  and  as  a  member  of  that  convention,  I  remember  very  distinct- 
ly that  Captain  Clarke,  as  delegate  from  the  Soledad  precinct,  was 
the  first  speaker  to  urge  the  renomination  of  Abraham  Lincoln;  and 
that  he  was  very  urgent  and  outspoken  in  his  advocacy  of  the  im- 
portance of  such  renomination  as  bearing  on  the  prosecution  of  the 
war  for  the  preservation  o  fthe  Union. 

Capt.  Clarke  and  Col.  Charles  H.  Larrabee  sent  to  China  (and, 
it  is  believed,  were  the  first)  to  bring  to  California  mandarin  orange 
trees  (two  kinds),  which  were  widely  propagated  by  budding,  by 
Mr.  Garey  and  others.  Col.  Larrabee  and  Capt.  Clarke  also  in- 
troduced into  California  at  the  same  time,  Pomelo  and  Loquat 
trees.  Capt.  Clarke  was  an  ardent  Republican,  a  faithful  official  and 
good  citizen.  He  was  genial  and  what  the  Spanish  call  "corriente" 
in  his  ways;  he  was  easily  accessible  to  all;  and  was  generally  well 

Capt.  Clarke  died  August  2,  1890.  Mrs.  Clarke  is  still  a  resi- 
dent of  this  city.  They  had  no  children. 

All  of  the  foregoing  are  supposed  to  have  deceased.  All  incum- 
bents since  Capt.  Clarke,  except  Mr.  Green,  are  still  (June,  1900) 

Mr.  Bent,  who  served  as  postmaster  under  President  Grant's 
administration,  is  a  resident  of  Pasadena.  He  is  a  native  of  Wey- 
mouth,  Mass.,  where  he  was  born  October  29,  1831.  He  came  to 
Los  Angeles  in  October,  1868. 

I  assume  that  the  reputation  of  Mr.  Bent  and  of  the  other  in- 
cumbents, his  successors,  who  are  still  living,  are  generally  well 
known:  and,  therefore,  it  is  hardly  necessary  for  me  to  go  very 


fully  into  details  here  concerning  them.  I  believe  Mr.  Bent's  ef- 
ficiency as  a  public  official  was  universally  conceded  by  the  com- 
munity whom  he  served,  from  1873  to  1877. 

For  many  years  the  postoffice  at  Los  Angeles  has  been  one  of 
constantly  growing  importance,  both  because  of  the  phenomenal 
growth  of  the  city  in  population  and  because  this  office  has  prac- 
tically l>een  a  distributing  office  for  Southern  California  and  Ari- 
zona. Before  the  railroad  era  the  mails  were  largely  carried  over 
stage  routes,  on  which  the  mail  matter  could  not  be  worked  pre- 
paratory to  final  distribution  (as  now  can  be  done  on  postal  cars), 
thereby  throwing  an  immense  amount  of  work  in  the  former  period 
on  the  local  office.  Under  Mr.  Bent's  administration  the  efficiency 
of  the  postal  service  which  radiated  from  Los  Angeles,  was  greatly 
increased  in  many  respects.  Mr.  Bent  served  one  or  two  terms  as 
a  member  of  the  city  Board  of  Education.  He  is  at  present  a  resi- 
dent of  Pasadena. 

Col.  Isaac  R.  Dunkelberger  was  appointed  by  President  Grant 
February  3,  1877.  and  re-appointed  by  President  Hayes  in  1881. 
Col.  Dunkelberger  is  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  born  in  1832.  He 
was  one  of  the  first,  if  not  the  first  man,  to  enlist  in  that  State  in 
the  Civil  war.  His  regiment,  the  First  Penn.  Volunteers,  was  or- 
dered to  Baltimore  at  the  time  of  the  attack  on  the  Massachusetts 
troops,  and  while  there  he  received  a  commission  as  second  lieu- 
tenant in  the  First  Dragons,  afterwards  the  First  U.  S.  Cavalry, 
the  same  regiment  which  so  distinguished  itself  in  Cuba  in  the  late 
war  between  the  United  States  and  Spain.  Col.  Dunkelberger  was 
in  thirty-six  pitched  battles,  and  in  innumerable  skirmishes.  He 
was  twice  wounded — once  through  the  left  shoulder  and  left  lung, 
his  wound,  at  the  time,  being  thought  to  have  been  mortal.  His 
sufferings  from  this  terrible  wound  during  the  last  thirty  odd  years, 
from  abcesses,  which  contiue  to  recur  at  intervals  to  this  day,  have 
been  most  excruciating.  His  left  arm  is  practically  helpless. 

After  the  close  of  the  war  he  went  to  New  Orleans  with  Gen. 
Sheridan,  who  there  relieved  Gen.  Butler.  From  thence  he  was 
ordred  to  San  Francisco,  and  from  there  to  Arizona.  In  1876  he 
resigned  his  commission  in  the  army,  since  when  he  has  resided  in 
Angeles.  Col.  Dunkelberger  married  Miss  Mary  Mallard  <  f  this 
city.  They  have  six  children. 

Of  Mr.  John  W.  Green's  nativity  and  arrival  in  Calif* >rni.-i.   T 
have  been  unable  to  obtain  information.     He  was  first  appointed 
by  President   Arthur,   in    1885.  and  served  as  postimster  <>f    ' 
Angeles  till  1887.  being  succeeded  by  Mr.  Pretiss;  he  was  again  ap- 


pointed  in  1890,  and  served  till  his  death,  which  occurred  July  31, 

Edward  Anthony  Preuss  was  born  in  New  Orleans  June  7,  1850, 
of  German  parentage.  When  he  was  three  years  old  his  family 
moved  to  Louisville,  Ky.,  where  he  lived  till  1868,  when  he  left,  via 
Panama,  for  California,  arriving  at  San  Francisco  May  31,  and  at 
Los  Angeles  soon  after.  He  had  learned  the  drug  business  with  his 
uncle,  Dr.  E.  A.  Preuss,  in  Louisville,  and  he  came  with  him  to 
Los  Angeles,  remaining  in  his  employ  some  time  here  and  later  in 
the  employ  of  Dr.  C.  F.  Heinzeman.  In  1876  he  engaged  in  the 
drug  business  on  his  own  account.  During  this  time,  from  1876  to 
to  1885,  he  had  successively  as  partners,  John  H.  Schumacher,  the 
pioneer,  C.  B.  Pironi,  and  C.  H.  Hance.  In  1885  he  sold  out  his 
interest  to  Capt.  Hance. 

Mr.  Preuss  was  appointed  postmaster  by  President  Cleveland 
in  1887,  and  served  till  July  I,  1890,  when  President  Harrison  re- 
apointed  John  W.  Green,  who  had  been  the  immediate  predecessor 
of  Mr.  Preuss.  The  postoffice  during  Mr.  Preuss'  incumbency  was 
located  on  the  west  side  of  North  Main  street,  southwest  of  the 
Plaza  Catholic  Church;  and  afterward,  on  S.  Broadway,  below 
Sixth  street,  in  the  Dol  block,  now  known  as  the  Columbia  hotel. 
In  1877,  Mr.  Preuss  was  married  to  Miss  Mary  Schumacher.  They 
have  one  son,  Kenneth,  now  a  man  grown. 

Mr.  Preuss  gives  some  interesting  statistics  concerning  the 
phenomenal  business  of  our  local  postoffice  in  the  boom  that  culmi- 
nated in  1887.  From  August  i  to  December  31,  of  that  year,  a 
period  of  five  months,  over  39,000  forwarding  orders  and  changes 
of  address  were  received  at  the  office,  which  handled  the  mail  of 
200.000  transients  annually.  He  tells  of  the  double  rows  of  people 
which,  on  the  arrival  of  the  mails,  extended  from  the  approaches  of 
the  postoffice,  nearly  to  the  Catholic  Church.  He  says  it  was  very 
difficult  to  get  the  department  at  Washington  to  furnish  sufficient 
xforce  to  handle  the  business  of  the  office  at  that  time. 

On  the  death  of  Mr.  Green,  Maj.  H.  J.  Shoulters  became  acting 
postmaster  in  August,  1891,  serving  till  February,  1892,  or  about 
seven  months.  Maj.  Shoulters,  who  is  now  assistant  postmaster 
under  the  present  incumbent,  Judge  Groff,  is  a  native  of  Montpelier, 
Vt.,  born  in  '42.  He  came  to  Los  Angeles  in  '84.  He  was  in  nu- 
merous battles  in  the  Civil  war,  including  the  Wilderness  campaign, 
where  he  had  a  leg  smashed.  He  was  elcted  city  treasurer  in  1892 
and  served  two  years. 

Henry  Van  Dusen  was  born  in  Albion,  N.  Y.,  July  15,  1842, 


and  came  to  Los  Angeles  in  1885,  and  was  appointed  postmaster 
by  President  Harrison,  January  6,  1892,  and  served  four  years. 
He  enlisted  in  the  nth  U.  S.  regular  infantry  at  the  commence- 
ment of  the  Civil  war,  was  in  five  battles,  and  lost  his  left  arm  in  the 
battle  of  Games'  Mills,  January  27,  1862. 

Gen.  John  R.  Mathews  was  appointed  postmaster  of  Los  An- 
geles December  20,  1895,  by  President  Qeveland,  and  served  some- 
thing over  four  years.  He  is  a  native  of  St.  Louis,  born  in  1848, 
and  came  to  California  in  1883.  Prior  to  his  appointment  as  post- 
master, he  served  as  State  Senator  and  Brigadier  General;  and  in 
each  and  every  public  position,  he  proved  a  very  efficient  official. 
He  labored  diligently  and  successfully  to  improve  the  postal  service 
of  this  office  and  section.  During  his  incumbency,  full  railway 
postal  service  for  Southern  California  was  secured,  and  some  twen- 
ty-seven additional  local  and  mounted  carriers,  clerks  and  station 
men  were  ordered. 

The  present  force  of  Los  Angeles  postoffice  is:  Clerks,  41; 
carriers  and  collectors,  62;  clerks  at  stations,  12;  railway  postal 
clerks,  46 — total,  161. 

The  increase  in  business  of  the  office  in  the  four  years  of  Gen. 
Mathews'  term,  is  indicated  by  the  following  brief  showing:  Re- 
ceipts of  the  office,  1895,  $177,911;  receipts  of  the  office,  1899, 
$228,417 — Increase,  $50,506. 

Judge  Louis  A.  Groff,  the  present  incumbent  of  the  Los  An- 
geles postoffice  is  a  man  of  wide  experience,  having  been  Commis- 
sioner of  the  General  Land  Office  under  the  administration  of 
President  Harrison,  and  he  also  served  in  other  offices  of  trust  and 
responsibility.  He  was  only  lately  appointed  postmaster  of  our 
local  office  by  President  McKinley.  We  have  every  reason  to  ex- 
pect that  he  will  maintain  the  high  standard  of  efficiency  which  the 
office  had  attained  under  his  predecessors.  Judge  Groff,  I  believe, 
is  a  native  of  Ohio. 



BY    J.    D.    MOODY,    D.D.S. 

(Read  before  the  Historical  Society  Dec.  12,  1900.) 
It  will  be  remembered  that  I  gave  at  the  May  meeting  a  short 
account  of  two  aboriginal  alphabets — the  Vei  and  the  Cherokee.  I 
traced  their  origin  and  development  with  the  intention  of  con- 
trasting them,  at  a  later  time,  with  a  still  more  singular  one  that 
was  found  on  Easter  Island  in  the  South  Seas. 

Easter  Island  is  the  most  eastern  point  of  inhabited  land  in 
Polynesia.  This  island,  a  mere  speck  of  volcanic  land  in  the  South 
Pacific  ocean,  holds  one  of  the  human  mysteries  of  the  world. 
It  is  about  ten  miles  long  and  four  broad  ,and  contains  only  about 
thirty-two  square  miles  of  cultivable  land,  tl  is  over  two  thousand 
miles  from  the  nearest  land  towards  the  east,  and  five  hundred  from 
its  nearest  neighbor  on  the  west  in  that  great  archipelago.  It  stands 
like  a  lonely  sentinel  over  that  waste  of  waters,  as  does  the  Sphynx 
over  Egypt's  sands,  and  holds  in  its  past  as  unfathomable  a  riddle. 
When  first  discovered,  as  it  was  said  to  have  contained  two  to  five 
thousand  people,  but  as  in  every  instance,  contact  with  the  Caucasion 
has  wrough  havoc  with  their  numbers.  A  century  ago  slave  dealers 
raided  the  island  and  carried  numbers  of  the  inhabitants  into  slavery. 
Even  less  than  one  hundred  years  ago,  the  Peruvian  government 
carried  away  captive  nearly  the  whole  population  to  work  in  their 
guano  islands.  Later,  on  returning  a  portion  of  these  to  their  homes, 
smallpox  was  introduced  and  the  once  populous  island  became  a 
graveyard.  At  the  present  time  there  are  only  about  150  of  the 
native  population  left.  The  island  is  now  a  dependency  of  Chili. 
It  is  leased  to  a  firm  of  sheepmen,  and  a  resident  manager,  assisted 
by  a  few  of  the  natives,  rules  over  its  destinies.  These  natives  be- 
long to  the  great  Polynesian  family,  and  possess  all  the  racial  charac- 
teristics common  to  this  people.  The  routes  of  emigration,  by 
which  the  South  Sea  islands  were  peopled,  and  the  relative  time  in 
connection  therewith,  are,  approximately,  fairly  well  understood. 
Everywhere  they  either  displaced  a  pre-existent  people,  or  found  the 
evidence  of  such  having  occupied  the  islands. 


In  many  of  the  islands  scattered  throughout  these  regions  are 
found  cyclopean  structures  of  stone,  of  the  origin  of  which  the  pres- 
ent islanders  have  no  knowledge  whatever.  These  structures  con- 
sist of  pyramidal  piles  of  stone,  of  walled  enclosures,  of  vast  plat- 
forms, and  of  extensive  roadways  of  the  same  material.  These 
stone  structures  were  laid  without  the  use  of  mortar;  sometimes 
they  contained  enclosed  rooms;  the  true  arch  seems  to  have  not 
been  known,  but  frequent  examples  of  the  overlapping  arch  are 
seen.  Sometimes  these  huge  stones  have  been  quarried  nearby,  in 
other  instances  they  have  been  dragged  for  many  miles  overland, 
and  in  still  others  brought  by  water  from  distant  parts  of  the  island 
on  which  they  are  found,  or  even  from  a  distant  island.  Many  of 
these  stones  are  so  large  that  it  would  tax  our  mechanical  ingenuity 
to  put  them  in  place.  These  structures  all  present  the  appearance 
of  great  age;  covered  with  moss  and  earth,  thrown  down  by  earth- 
quakes, and  overgrown  by  dense  forests.  Their  builders  came,  erect- 
ed them,  occupied  them,  and  vanished,  leaving  not  even  a  memory 
behind.  Common  characteristics  pertain  to  them  all  yet  in  some 
isolated  groups  of  islands  they  have  features  peculiar  to  themselves. 
Thus  Easter  Island,  though  so  remote  from  the  others,  and  as  we 
would  think,  inaccessible,  has  more  striking  ruins  than  any  other 
South  Sea  island.  In  different  parts  of  this  island,  there  have  been 
erected  great  stone  platforms,  and  on  these  platforms  are  set  up 
huge  statues.  These  statues  only  represent  the  body  from  the  hips 
upward.  The  faces  are  long  and  striking  in  appearance.  They  are 
not  portraits,  as  they  are  all  fashioned  from  one  pattern,  and  for 
the  same  reason  they  cannot  be  totems.  If  they  represent  gods, 
their  mythology  must  have  had  a  strange  sameness  to  it.  On  each 
statue  is  an  immense  stone  head  dress. 

But  few  rock  carvings  are  found  in  the  South  Sea  islands. 
Those  in  Blaster  Islands,  while  in  few  in  number,  are  conventional 
in  form  and  present  characteristics  common  to  all  undeveloped  peo- 
ples. On  some  of  these  scupltured  rocks  are  figures  of  birds,  which 
in  some  respects  recall  those  of  our  own  northwest  coast  Indians. 
All  over  Polynesia,  modern  emigration  has  been  from  west  to  east, 
with  lateral  branchings  to  the  north  or  south.  But  strange  to  say, 
Easter  Island  traditions  which  are  given  with  great  minuteness, 
claim  their  arrival  from  the  east  and  from  a  tropical  country. 

Every  Polynesian  people  preserved  the  geneology  of  their  rulers 
as  sacredly  as  did  the  old  Hebrews.  Missionaries,  scholars,  and  in- 
telligent tradesmen  who  have  spent  a  life  time  among  them,  all  give 
great  credence  to  these  lists.  The  Easter  Islanders  have  a  list  of 


57  kings,  the  first  dating  from  their  arrival  in  the  country.  Allow- 
ing fifteen  years  to  a  reign,  it  would  give  855  years,  or  about  1045 
A.  D.,  as  the  date  of  their  arrival. 

Some  peculiarities  pertaining  to  this  people,  seem  to  lend  color 
to  this  claim  of  a  different  origin.  Circumcission  was  common  to 
the  Polynesians,  but  unknown  to  the  Easter  Islanders. 

A  novel  method  in  war  with  them,  unknown  elsewhere,  only 
among  the  old  Romans,  was  the  use  of  a  large  hand-net,  which, 
cast  over  an  antagonist,  rendered  his  capture  or  destruction  easy. 
With  the  sole  exception  of  these  Islanders,  none  of  the  Polynesian 
race  possessed  the  art  of  writing. 

We  possess  many  examples  of  their  writing,  but  cannot  read  it. 
These  inscriptions  are  all  on  wooden  tablets,  varying  in  size  from 
four  inches  wide  to  six  inches  long  to  one  seven  inches  wide  and 
five  feet  long. 

The  characters  apparently  have  been  cut  with  an  obsedian  tool, 
and  are  peculiar  in  design,  the  human  figure  frequently  appearing 
in  a  conventionalized  form. 

"A  casual  glance  at  the  Easter  Island  tablet  is  sufficient  to  note 
the  fact  that  they  differ  materially  from  other  Kyriologic  -writings. 
The  pictorial  symbols  are  engraved  in  regular  lines  on  depressed 
channels,  separated  by  slight  ridges,  intended  to  protect  the  hiero- 
glyphics from  injury  by  rubbing.  *  *  *  The  symbols  on  each 
line  are  alternately  reversed;  those  on  the  first  stand  upright,  and 
those  on  the  next  line  are  upside  down,  and  so  on  by  regular  alter- 
nation. This  unique  plan  makes  it  necessary  for  the  reader  to  turn 
the  tablet  and  change  its  position  at  the  end  of  every  line.  The 
reading  should  commence  at  the  lower  left-hand  corner.  *  *  * 
— (William  J.  Thomson,  paymaster  U.  S.  Navy,  in  Te  Pi  to  Te 
Henua,  or  Easter  Island.) 

I  said  "to  read  it."  This,  however,  is  only  a  surmise.  In  the 
year  1886,  the  U.  S.  S.S.  Mohican  visited  the  island  for  the  purpose 
of  exploration.  A  party  remained  on  the  island  one  month,  and 
made  a  very  careful  examination  of  every  part  of  it.  They  succeeded 
in  collecting  several  of  these  tablets,  and  in  getting  photographs  of 
others  in  the  hands  of  parties,  who  would  not  dispose  of  them.  Prob- 
ably no  others  will  ever  again  be  found  on  the  islands.  Paymaster 
Thomson,  who  published  the  main  report  of  the  expedition,  learned 
that  there  was  living  an  old  man  who  was  able  to  read  these  in- 
scriptions. This  was  possibly  a  last  chance  to  be  by  no  means 
neglected.  This  man  was  hunted  up.  The  natives  today  are  nomi- 
nally Catholic.  Unfortunately  some  former  Catholic  priest,  having 


a  mission  there,  had  forbidden  the  natives  to  read  these  tablets,  the 
knowledge  of  which  had  been  confined  to  a  few  privileged  persons. 
This  man  was  asked  to  read  the  inscription,  but  for  fear  of  his 
salvation  refused,  and  on  being  importuned,  ran  away  and  hid. 
Science  must  not  be  balked.  The  exigency  of  the  case  made  per- 
missible extraordinary  measures.  On  a  rainy  evening  he  was  tracked 
to  his  house.  The  explorers  entered  unceremoniously  and  took  pos- 
session. At  first  he  was  sullen  and  would  not  talk,  but  a  little  ca- 
jollery  and  a  subtrefuge  along  with  the  judicious  use  of  a  little 
stimulant  unloosed  his  tongue,  and  he  began  reading  the  inscrip- 
tions for  them.  It  was  soon  noticed  that  he  was  not  following  the 
lines  closely,  and  he  was  charged  with  fraud.  This  somewhat  dis- 
concerted him,  but  he  maintained  that  while  the  signification  of  the 
separate  signs  had  been  lost,  that  his  translation  was  in  the  main 
correct.  This  was  the  best  they  could  do,  and  the  reading  was 
carefully  taken  down  as  it  proceeded.  Afterwards  another  old  man 
was  found  who  claimed  to  be  able  to  read  them.  On  being  tested 
he  read  the  same  way  the  first  one  did,  and  gave  the  same  interpre- 
tation to  each  different  tablet.  Evidently  old  traditions  had  been 
carefully  transmitted,  and  certain  traditions  unvaringly  attached 
to  certain  tablets.  These  translations  relate  to  their  national  his- 
tory and  religion. 

In  all  probability  there  is  some  foundation  for  the  claim  they 
make.  But  whence  came  these  characters?  Did  some  Cadmus  or 
Se-quo-yah  of  that  island  world  invent  them?  Reasoning  from 
my  former  standpoint,  and  one  which  seems  borne  out  by  the  con- 
ditions, they  were  not  produced  by  an  unaided  native  mind.  They 
came  from  without.  From  whence?  Certainly  not  from  the  West. 
Their  traditions  of  a  former  home  so  minutely  recorded,  must  have 
a  basis  of  fact.  But  characters  like  these  are  found  nowhere  else, 
at  least  in  connected  lines.  The  nearest  approach  to  them  are  rude 
pictographs  found  on  rocks  in  both  South  and  North  America.  We 
cannot  reconcile  their  racial  characteristics  with  their  traditions  of 
an  Eastern  origin. 

Are  both  correct?  Who  was  the  Se-quo-yah?  Who  will  un- 
ravel the  mystery  ? 


BY   J.    M.   GUINN. 

(Read  before  the  Historical  Society,  Oct.  5,  1900.) 
Of  the  half  a  dozen  or  more  ports  through  which  at  different 
times  the  commerce  of  Los  Angeles  has  passed,  but  two  can  be 
classed  as  historic,  namely  San  Pedro  and  Wilmington.  Los  An- 
geles was  not  designed  by  its  founder  for  a  commercial  town. 
When  brave  old  Felipe  de  Neve  marked  off  the  boundaries  of  the 
historic  plaza  as  the  center  from  which  should  radiate  the  Pueblo 
de  Nuestra  Senora  La  Rayna  de  Los  Angeles,  no  vision  of  the  fu- 
ture city  of  broad  streets,  palatial  business  blocks  and  princely  homes 
climbing  the  brown  hills  above  his  little  plaza  and  spreading  over  the 
wide  mesa  below,  passed  before  his  mind's  eye. 

When  the  military  and  religious  services  of  the  founding  were 
ended  and  the  governor  gave  the  pobladores  (colonists)  a  few  part- 
ing words  of  advice;  admonishing  them  to  be  frugal  and  industri- 
ous, to  be  faithful  servants  of  God  and  the  king;  no  suspicion  that 
the  little  germ  of  civilization  that  he  had  that  day  planted  on  the 
banks  of  the  Rio  Porciuncula  would  ever  need  a  seaport  entered  his 
thoughts.  The  Spaniards,  though  the  discoverers  of  the  new  world 
and  bold  seamen  withal,  were  not  a  commercial  or  trading  people. 
Their  chief  desire  was  to  be  let  alone  in  their  vast  possessions. 
Philip  II  once  promulgated  a  decree  pronouncing  death  upon  any 
foreigner  who  entered  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  Little  did  the  pirates 
and  buccaneers  of  the  Gulf  care  for  Philip's  decrees.  They  captured 
Spanish  ships  in  the  Gulf  and  pillaged  towns  on  the  Spanish  Main; 
and  Drake,  the  brave  old  sea  king  of  Devon,  sailed  into  the  harbor 
of  Cadiz,  with  his  little  fleet  and  burned  a  hundred  Spanish  ships 
right  under  Philip's  nose — "singeing  the  king's  beard,"  Drake  called 
it.  Nor  content  with  that  exploit — down  through  the  Straits  of 
Magellan,  and  up  the  South  Sea  coast  sailed  Francis  Drake  in  the 
Golden  Hind,  a  vessel  scarce  larger  than  a  fishing  smack,  spreading 
consternation  among  the  Spanish  settlements  of  the  South  Pacific; 
capturing  great  lumbering  galleons  freighted  with  the  "riches  of 
Ormus  and  of  Ind;"  plundering  towns  and  robbing  churches  of  their 
wealth  of  silver  and  gold — silver  and  gold  that  the  wretched  natives 
under  the  lash  of  cruel  task  masters  had  wrung  from  the  mines.  It 


was  robber  robbing  robber,  but  no  retribution  for  wrongs  inflicted 
reached  down  to  the  wretched  native.  Surfeited  with  plunder,  and 
his  ship  weighed  down  with  the  weight  of  silver  and  gold  and  costly 
ornaments,  Drake  sailed  more  than  a  thousand  leagues  up  the  Cal- 
ifornia coast,  seeking  the  fabled  Straits  of  Anian,  by  which  he 
might  reach  England  with  his  spoils;  for  in  the  quaint  language  of 
Chaplain  Fletcher,  who  did  preaching  and  praying  on  the  Golden 
Hind,  when  Sir  Francis  did  not  take  the  job  out  of  his  hands  and 
chain  the  chaplain  up  to  the  main  mast,  as  he  sometimes  did :  "Ye 
governor  thought  it  not  good  to  return  by  ye  Streights  (of  Ma- 
gellan) lest  the  Spanirds  should  attend  to  him  in  great  numbers." 

So,  for  fear  of  the  sea  robbers,  who  hunted  their  shores,  the 
Spaniards  built  their  principal  cities  in  the  new  world  back  from 
the  coast,  and  their  shipping  ports  were  few  and  far  between.  It 
never  perhaps  crossed  the  mind  of  Governor  Felipe  de  Neve  that 
the  new  pueblo  would  need  a  seaport.  It  was  founded  to  supply, 
after  it  became  self-supporting,  the  soldiers  of  the  presidios  with  its 
surplus  agricultural  products.  The  town  was  to  have  no  com- 
merce, why  should  it  need  a  seaport?  True,  ten  leagues  away  was 
the  Ensenada  of  San  Pedro,  and,  as  Spanish  towns  went,  that  was 
near  enough  to  a  port. 

But  since  that  November  day,  one  hundred  and  eighty  years  be- 
fore, when  the  ships  of  Sebastian  Viscaino  had  anchored  in  its 
waters,  and  he  had  named  it  for  St.  Peter  of  Alexandria,  down  to 
the  founding  of  the  pueblo,  no  ship's  keel  had  cut  the  waters  of  San 
Pedro  bay.  It  is  not  strange  that  no  vision  of  the  future  commercial 
importance  of  the  little  pueblo  of  the  Angelic  Queen  ever  disturbed 
*he  dreams  of  brave  old  Felipe  de  Neve. 

There  is  no  record,  or  at  least  I  have  none,  of  when  the  mission 
supply  ships  landed  the  first  cargo  at  San  Pedro.  Before  the  end  of 
last  century  the  port  had  become  known  as  the  embarcadero  of  San 

The  narrow  and  prescriptive  policy  of  Spain  had  limited  the 
commerce  of  its  California  colonies  to  the  two  supply  ships  sent 
each  year  from  Mexico  with  supplies  for  the  presidios  and  mission*. 
These  supplies  were  exchanged  for  the  hides  and  tallow  produced 
at  the  missions.  San  Pedro  was  the  port  of  San  Gabriel  mission 
for  this  exchange,  and  also  of  the  Pueblo  of  Los  Angeles. 

It  is  not  an  easy  matter  to  enforce  arbitrary  restrictions  against 
commerce,  as  Spain  found  to  her  cost.  Men  will  trade  under  the 
most  adverse  circumstances.  Spain  was  a  long  way  off  and  smug- 
gling was  not  a  very  venal  sin  in  the  eyes  of  layman  or  churchman. 


So  a  contraband  trade  grew  up  on  the  coast,  and  San  Pedro  had  her 
full  share  of  it.  Fast  sailing  vessels  were  fitted  out  in  Boston  for 
illicit  trade  on  the  California  coast.  Watching  their  opportunities, 
these  vessels  slipped  into  the  bays  along  the  coast.  There  was  a 
rapid  exchange  of  Yankee  notions  for  sea  otter  skins — the  most 
valued  peltry  of  California — and  the  vessels  were  out  to  sea  before 
the  revenue  officers  could  intercept  them.  If  successful  in  escaping 
capture  the  profits  of  a  smuggling  voyage  were  enormous — rang- 
ing from  500  to  1000  per  cent  above  cost  on  the  goods  exchanged; 
but  the  risks  were  great.  The  smuggler  had  no  protection  from  the 
law.  He  was  an  outlaw.  He  was  the  legitimate  prey  of  the  padres, 
the  people  and  the  revenue  officers.  It  is  gratifying  to  our  national 
pride  to  know  that  the  Yankee  usually  came  out  ahead.  These  ves- 
sels were  armed  and  when  speed  or  strategem  failed  they  fought 
their  way  out  of  a  scrape. 

But  it  was  not  until  the  Mexican  government,  more  liberal  than 
the  Spanish,  had  partially  lifted  from  foreign  trade  the  restrictions 
imposed  by  Spain  that  commerce  began  to  seek  the  port.  First 
came  the  hide  droghers  from  Boston  with  their  department  store 
cargoes.  Trading  and  shopping  were  done  on  board  the  vessel,  and 
the  purchasers  passed  from  ship  to  shore  and  back  on  the  ship's 
boats;  while  lumbering  carretas  creaked  and  groaned  under  the 
weight  of  California  bank  notes,  as  the  sailors  called  the  hides  that 
were  to  pay  for  the  purchases.  As  long  as  the  ship  lay  at  anchor, 
and  the  bank  notes  held  out,  the  shores  of  the  bay  were  gay  with 
festive  parties  of  shoppers  and  traders.  Every  one,  old  and  young, 
male  and  female  of  the  native  Californians,  and  even  the  untutored 
Indian  too,  took  a  deep  interest  in  the  ship's  cargo.  The  drogher's 
display  of  "silks  and  satins  new"  was  a  revelation  of  riches  on  which 
the  rustic  maiden's  mind  could  revel  long  after  the  ship  had  gone  on 
her  way. 

Just  when  the  first  house  was  built  at  San  Pedro,!  have  been 
unable  to  ascertain  definitely.  In  the  proceedings  of  the  Ayun- 
tamineto  for  1835,  a  house  is  sponken  of  as  having  been  built  there 
"long  ago"  by  the  Mission  Fathers  of  San  Gabriel.  Long  ago  for 
past  time  is  as  indefinite  as  poco  tiempo  for  future.  I  think  the 
house  was  built  during  the  Spanish  era,  probably  between  1815  and 
1820.  It  was  a  warehouse  for  the  storing  of  hides,  and  was  located 
on  the  bluff  about  half  way  between  Point  Firmin  and  Timm's 
Point.  The  ruins  are  still  extant.  Dana,  in  his  "Two  Years  Be- 
fore the  Mast,"  describes  it  as  a  building  with  one  room  containing 
a  fire  place,  cooking  apparatus,  and  the  rest  of  it  unfurnished,  and 


used  as  a  place  to  store  goods.  Dana  was  not  favorably  impressed 
with  San  Pedro.  He  says :  "I  also  learned,  to  my  surprise,  that  the 
desolate  looking  place  we  were  in  furnished  more  hides  than  any 
other  port  on  the  coast.  *  *  *  We  all  agreed  that  it  was  the 
worst  place  we  had  seen  yet,  especially  for  getting  off  of  hides ;  and 
our  lying  off  at  so  great  a  distance  looked  as  though  it  was  bad  for 
southeaster. " 

This  old  warehouse  was  the  clause  of  a  bitter  controversy  that 
split  the  population  of  the  pueblo  into  factions.  While  the  secular- 
ization of  the  missions  was  in  progress,  during  1834  and  1835,  Don 
Abel  Stearns  bought  the  old  building  from  the  Mission  Fathers  of 
San  Gabriel.  He  obtained  permission  from  Governor  Figueroa  to 
bring  water  from  a  spring  a  league  distant  from  the  embarcadero, 
and  also  to  build  additional  buildings;  his  object  being  to  found 
a  commercial  settlement  at  the  landing,  and  to  enlarge  the  com- 
merce of  the  port.  His  laudable  efforts  met  with  opposition  from 
the  anti-expansionists  of  that  day.  They  feared  smuggling  and 
cited  an  old  Spanish  law  that  prohibited  the  building  of  a  house 
on  the  beach  of  any  port  where  there  was  no  custom  house.  The 
Captain  of  the  Port  protested  to  the  Governor  against  Steams'  con- 
templated improvements,  and  demanded  that  the  warehouse  be  de- 
molished. Ships,  he  said,  would  pass  in  the  night  from  Santa 
Catalina,  where  they  lay  hid  in  the  day  time,  to  San  Pedro  and  load 
and  unload  at  Stearns'  warehouse,  and  "skip  out"  before  he,  the 
captain,  could  come  down  form  his  home  at  the  pueblo,  ten  leagues 
away,  to  collect  the  revenue.  Then  a  number  of  calamity  howlers 
joined  the  Captain  of  the  Port  in  bemoaning  the  ills  that  would 
follow  from  the  building  of  warehouses,  and  among  other  things 
charged  Stearns  with  buying  and  shipping  .surreptitiously,  stolen 
hides.  The  Governor  referred  the  matter  to  the  Ayuntamiento,  and 
that  municipal  body  appointed  a  committee  of  three  sensible  and 
public  spirited  men  to  examine  into  the  charges  and  reix)rt.  The 
committee  reported  that  the  interests  of  the  community  needed 
a  commercial  settlement  at  the  embarcadero;  that  if  the  Captain  of 
the  Port  feared  smuggling,  he  should  station  a  guard  on  the  beach ; 
ar.d  finally,  that  the  calamity  howlers  who.  had  charged  Don  Abel 
with  buying  stolen  hides  should  be  compelled  to  prove  their  charge  in 
a  court  of  justice,  or  retract  their  slanders.  This  settled  the  contro- 
versy, and  the  calamity  howlers,  too,  but  Stearns  built  no  more 
warehouse  at  the  embarcadero. 

The  first  shipwreck  in  San  Pedro  bay  was  that  of  the  brig 
Danube  of  New  York,  on  Christmas  eve,  1828.  In  a  fierce  south- 


eastern  gale  she  dragged  her  anchors  and  was  driven  ashore  a  total 
wreck.  The  crew  and  officers,  twenty-eight  in  number,  were  all 
saved.  The  news  of  the  disaster  reached  Los  Angeles,  and  a  caval- 
cade of  caballeros  quickly  came  to  the  assistance  of  the  shipwrecked 
mariners.  The  query  was  how  to  get  the  half  drowned  sailors  to 
the  pueblo — thirty  miles  distant.  The  only  conveyance  at  hand 
was  the  backs  of  mustangs.  Sailors  are  proverbial  for  their  inca- 
pacity to  manage  a  horse,  and  those  of  the  Danube  were  no  ex- 
ception to  the  rule.  The  friendly  Californians  would  assist  a  sailor 
to  the  upper  deck  of  a  mustang,  and  sailing  directions  given  to  the 
rider,  the  craft  would  be  headed  towards  the  pueblo.  First  there 
would  be  a  lurch  to  port,  then  to  starboard,  then  the  prow  of  the 
craft  would  dip  toward  China,  and  the  rudder  end  bob  up  towards 
the  moon ;  then  the  unfortunate  sailor  would  go  head  foremost  over 
the  bows  into  the  sand. 

The  Californians  became  convinced  that  if  they  continued  their 
efforts  to  get  the  sailors  to  town  on  horesabck,  they  would  have 
several  funerals  on  their  hands — so  they  gathered  up  a  number  of 
ox  carts,  and  loading  the  marines  into  carretas,  propelled- by  long 
horned  oxen,  the  twice-wrecked  sailors  were  safely  landed  in  Los 

Antonio  Rocha  was  the  owner  of  the  largest  house  in  the  pueblo 
— the  adobe  that  stood  on  the  northwest  corner  of  N.  Spring  and 
Franklin  streets,  and  was  used  for  many  years  after  the  American 
occupation  for  a  court  house  and  city  hall.  Antonio's  heart  was  as 
big  as  his  house,  figuratively  speaking — and  he  generously  enter- 
tained the  whole  shipwrecked  crew.  The  fattest  beeves  were  killed 
— the  huge  beehive-shaped  oven  was  soon  lighted,  and  servants  were 
set  to  baking  bread  to  feed  the  Christmas  guests.  Old  man  Lugo 
furnished  the  wine.  The  sailors  ate  and  drank  bumpers  to  their  en- 
tertainer's health,  and  the  horrors  of  shipwreck  by  sea  and  mustang 
were  forgotten. 

San  Pedro  was  the  scene  of  the  only  case  of  marooning  knovrn 
to  have  occurred  on  the  California  coast.  Marooning  was  a  dia- 
bolical custom  or  invention  of  the  pirates  of  the  Spanish  Main.  The 
process  was  as  simple  as  it  was  horrible.  When  some  unfortunate 
individual  aboard  the  piratical  craft  had  incurred  the  hatred  of  the 
crew  or  the  master,  he  was  placed  in  a  boat  and  rowed  to  some  bar- 
ren island  or  desolate  coast  of  the  main  land,  and  forced  ashore, 
A  bottle  of  water  and  a  few  biscuits  were  thrown  him,  the  boat 
rowed  back  to  the  ship,  and  left  him  to  die  of  hunger  and  thirst,  or 


to  rave  out  his  existence  under  the  maddening  heat  of  a  tropical 

In  January.  i83J.  a  small  brig  entered  the  bay  of  San  Pedro  and 
anchored.  Next  morning  two  passengers  were  landed  from  a  boat 
on  the  barren  strand.  They  were  given  two  bottles  of  water  and 
a  few  biscuit.  The  vessel  sailed  away  leaving  them  to  their  fate. 
There  was  no  habitation  within  thirty  miles  of  the  landing.  Ignor- 
ant i.f  the  country,  their  fate  might  have  been  that  of  many  another 
victim  of  marooning.  An  Indian,  searching  for  shells,  discovered 
them  and  conducted  them  to  the  Mission  San  Gabriel,  where  they 
were  cared  for.  They  were  two  Catholic  priests — Bachelot  and 
Short — who  had  been  expelled  from  the  Sandwich  Islands  on  ac- 
count of  prejudice  against  their  religion. 

In  the  many-sided  drama  of  life  of  which  San  Pedro  has  been 
the  theater.  War  has  thrust  his  wrinkled  front  upon  its  stage.  Its 
brown  hills  have  echoed  the  tread  of  advancing  and  retreating 
armies,  and  its  ocean  cliffs  have  reverberated  the  boom  of  artillery. 
Here  Micheltorena,  the  last  of  the  Mexican-born  governors  of  Cal- 
ifornia, after  his  defeat  and  abdication  at  Cahuenga,  with  his  cholo 
army,  was  shipped  back  to  Mexico. 

Here  Commodore  Stockton  landed  his  sailors  and  marines  when 
in  August,  1846,  he  came  down  the  coast  to  capture  Los  Angeles. 
From  San  Pedro  his  sailors  and  marines  began  their  victorious 
march,  and,  the  conquest  completed,  they  returned  to  their  ships 
in  the  bay  to  seek  new  fields  of  conquest. 

To  San  Pedro  came  Gillespie's  men,  after  their  disastrous  ex- 
perience with  a  Mexican  revolution.  Commodore  Stockton  had  left 
Lieutenant  Gillespie,  with  a  garrison  of  fifty  men  to  hold  Los  An- 
geles. Gillespie,  so  it  is  said,  undertook  to  fashion  the  manners 
and  customs  of  the  Californians  after  a  New  England  model.  But 
he  had  not  obtained  the  "consent  of  the  governed"  to  the  change, 
and  they  rebelled.  Under  the  command  of  Flores  and  Vareles,  three 
hundred  string,  they  beseiged  Gillespie's  force  on  Fort  Hill,  and 
finally  compelled  the  Americans  to  evacuate  the  city  and  retreat  to 
San  Pedro,  where  they  went  aboard  a  merchant  vessel,  and  remained 
in  the  harbor.  Down  from  Stockton's  fleet  came  Mervine  in  the 
frigate  Savannah,  with  300  sailors  and  marines,  intent  on  the  cap- 
ture of  the  rebellious  pueblo.  Once  again  San  Pedro  beheld  the  on- 
ward march  of  an  army  of  conquest.  But  San  Pedro  saw  another 
sight,  "when  the  drums  beat  at  dead  of  night."  That  other  sight 
lie  retreat  of  Mervine's  men.  They  met  the  enemy  at  Domin- 
were  defeated,  and  retreated,  the  wounded  borne  on  litters. 


their  dead  on  creaking  carretas,  and  their  flag  left  behind.  Mervine 
buried  his  dead,  five  in  all,  on  the  Isla  de  Los  Muertos,  and  then — 
if  not  before — it  was  an  Island  of  Dead  Men.  Lieutenant  Duvall, 
in  his  log  book  of  the  Savannah,  speaking  of  the  burial  of  the  dead 
on  Dead  Man's  Island,  says  it  was  "so  named  by  us."  Jn  this  he  is 
mistaken.  Ten  years  before,  Dana,  in  his  "Two  Years  Before  the 
Mast,"  tells  the  story  of  the  English  sea  captain,  who  died  in  the 
port  and  was  buried  on  this  small,  dreary  looking  island,  the  only 
thing  which  broke  the  surface  of  the  bay.  Dana  says :  "It  was  the 
only  spot  in  California  that  impressed  me  with  anything  like  a  poetic 
interest.  Then,  too,  the  man  died  far  from  home,  without  a  friend 
near  him,  and  without  proper  funeral  rites,  the  mate  (as  I  was  told) 
glad  to  have  him  out  of  the  way,  hurrying  him  up  the  hill  and  into 
the  ground  without  a  word  or  a  prayer."  Dana  calls  the  isle,  "Dead 
Man's  Island." 

There  are  several  legends  told  of  how  the  island  came  by  its 
gruesome  name.  This  is  the  story  an  old  Californian,  who  had  been 
a  sailor  on  a  hide  drogher,  long  before  Dana's  time,  told,  me  thirty 
odd  years  ago :  Away  back  in  the  early  years  of  the  present  cen- 
tury some  fishermen  found  the  dead  body  of  an  unknown  white 
man  on  the  island.  There  was  evidence  that  he  had  reached  it 
alive,  but  probably  too  weak  to  attempt  the  crossing  of  the  narrow 
channel  to  the  main  land.  He  had  clung  to  the  desolate  island,  vain- 
ly hoping  for  succor,  until  hunger,  thirst  and  exposure  ended  his 
existence.  He  was  supposed  to  have  fallen  overboard  at  night  from 
some  smuggler,  and  to  have  been  carried  in  by  the  tide.  From  the 
finding  of  the  body  on  the  island,  the  Spaniards  named  it  Isla  del 
Muerto — the  Island  of  the  Dead,  or  the  Isle  of  the  Corpse.  It  is 
to  be  regretted  that  the  translating  fiend  has  turned  beautiful  Span- 
ish into  gruesome  English :  Isla  del  Muerto,  translated  Dead  Man's 

There  have  been  ten  persons  in  all  buried  on  the  island — nine 
men  and  one  woman — namely:  The  lost  sailor,  the  English  sea 
captain,  six  of  the  Savannah's  crew,  a  passenger  on  a  Panama  ship 
in  1851,  and  the  last,  a  Mrs.  Parker  in  1855.  Mrs.  Parker  was  the 
wife  of  Captain  Parker  of  the  schooner  Laura  Bevain.  Once  when 
a  fierce  southeaster  was  threatening,  and  the  harbor  bar  was  moan- 
ing, Captain  Parker  sailed  out  of  San  Pedro  bay.  His  fate  was 
that  of  the  "Three  Fishers,"  who 

"When  sailing  out  into  the  west, 

Out  into  the  west  as  the  sun  went  down. 



And  the  night  rack  came  rolling  up  ragged  and  brown; 

But  men  must  work  and  women  must  weep, 

Though  storms  be  sudden  and  waters  be  deep; 

And  the  harbor  bar  was  moaning." 

Nothing  was  ever  seen  or  heard  of  the  Laura  Bevain  from  that 
day  to  this.  The  ship  and  its  crew  lie  at  the  bottom  of  the  ocean.  The 
captain's  wife  was  stopping  at  the  landing.  She  was  slowly  dying 
of  consumption.  Her  husband's  fate  hastened  her  death.  Rough 
but  kindly  hands  performed  the  last  officers  for  her,  and  she  was 
buried  on  top  of  Dead  Man's  Island.  The  sea  has  not  given  up  its 
dead,  but  the  land  has.  This  vanishing  island — slowly  but  surely 
disappearing — has  already  exposed  the  bones  of  some  of  the  dead 
buried  on  it. 

At  the  time  of  the  American  conquest  of  California,  San  Pedro 
was  a  port  of  one  house — no  wharves  stretched  out  over  the  waters 
of  the  great  bay,  no  boats  swung  with  the  tide;  nature's  works  were 
unchanged  by  the  hand  of  man.  Three  hundred  and  five  years  be- 
fore Cabrillo,  the  discoverer  of  California,  sailed  into  the  bay  he 
named  Bahia  de  los  Humos — the  Bay  of  Smokes.  Through  all  the 
centuries  of  Spanish  domination  no  change  had  come  over  San 
Pedro.  But  with  its  new  masters  came  new  manners,  new  customs, 
new  men.  Commerce  drifted  in  upon  its  waters  unrestricted.  The 
hide  drogher  gave  place  to  the  steamship,  the  carreta  to  the  freight 
wagon,  and  the  mustang  caballada  to  the  Concord  stage. 

Banning,  the  man  of  expedients,  did  business  on  the  bluff  at 
the  old  warehouse;  Tomlinson,  the  man  of  iron  nerve  and  will,  had 
his  commercial  establishment  at  the  point  below  on  the  inner  bay. 
Banning  and  Tomlinson  were  rivals  in  staging,  freighting,  lighter- 
ing, warehousing  and  indeed  in  everything  that  pertained  to  shipping 
and  transporation. 

When  stages  were  first  put  on  in  1852,  the  fare  between  the 
port  and  the  city  was  $10.00;  later  it  was  reduced  to  $7.50;  then  to 
$5.00.  And  when  rivalry  between  Banning  and  Tomlinson  was  par- 
ticularly keen,  the  fare  went  down  to  a  dollar.  Freight,  from  port  to 
pueblo,  by  Temple  &  Alexander's  Mexican  ox  carts,  was  $20  per 
ton — distance,  thirty  miles.  Now  it  can  be  carried  across  the  conti- 
nent for  that. 

In  1858.  partly  in  consequence  of  a  severe  storm  that  damaged 
the  wharf  and  partly  through  the  desire  of  Banning  to  put  a  greater 
distance  between  himself  and  his  rival,  Tomlinson,  he  abandoned  old 
San  Pedro  on  the  bluff,  and  built  a  wharf  and  warehouse  at  the 
head  of  the  San  Pedro  slough,  six  miles  north  of  his  former  ship- 


ping  point,  and  that  much  nearer  to  Los  Angeles.  The  first  cargo 
of  goods  was  landed  at  this  place  October  i,  1858.  The  event  was 
celebrated  by  an  excursion  from  Los  Angeles,  and  wine  and  wit 
flowed  freely. 

The  new  town  or  port  was  named  New  San  Pedro,  a  designa- 
tion it  bore  for  several  years,  then  it  settled  down  to  be  Wilming- 
ton, named  so  after  General  Banning's  birthplace,  Wilmington, 
Delaware;  and  the  slough  took  the  name  of  the  town.  That  genial 
humorist,  the  late  J.  Ross  Browne,  who  visited  Wilmington  in 
1864,  thus  portrays  that  historic  seaport:  "Banning — the  active, 
energetic,  irrepressible  Phineas  Banning,  has  built  a  town  on  the 
plain  about  six  miles  distant  at  the  head  of  the  slough.  He  calls 
it  Wilmington,  in  honor  of  his  birthplace.  In  order  to  bring  Wil- 
mington and  the  steamer  as  close  together  as  circumstances  will 
permit,  he  has  built  a  small  boat  propelled  by  steam  for  the  purpose 
of  carying  passengers  from  steamer  to  Wilmington,  and  from  Wil- 
mington to  steamer.  Another  small  boat  of  a  similar  kind  burst 
its  boiler  a  couple  of  years  ago,  and  killed  and  scalded  a  number 
of  people,  including  Captain  Seely,  the  popular  and  ever  to  be  la- 
mented commander  of  the  Senator.  The  boiler  of  the  present  boat 
is  considered  a  model  of  safety.  Passengers  may  lean  against  it  with 
perfect  security.  It  is  constructed  after  the  pattern  of  a  tea  kettle,  so 
that  when  the  pressure  is  unusually  great,  the  cover  will  rise  and 
let  off  superabundant  steam,  and  thus  allow  the  crowd  a  chance  to 
swim  ashore." 

"Wilmington  is  an  extensive  city  located  at  the  head  of  a  slough 
in  a  pleasant  neighborhood  of  sand  banks  and  marshes.  There  are 
not  a  great  many  houses  in  it  as  yet,  but  there  is  a  great  deal  of 
room  for  houses  when  the  population  gets  ready  to  build  them. 
The  streets  are  broad  and  beautifully  paved  with  small  sloughs, 
ditches,  bridges,  lumber,  dry  goods  boxes  and  the  carcasses  of  dead 
cattle.  Ox  bones  and  skulls  of  defunct  cows,  the  legs  and  jaw- 
bones of  horses,  dogs,  sheep,  swine  and  coyotes  are  the  chief  orna- 
ments of  a  public  character;  and  what  the  city  lacks  in  the  eleva- 
tion of  its  site,  it  makes  up  in  the  elevation  of  its  water  lines,  many 
of  them  being  higher  than  the  surrounding  objects.  The  city 
fathers  are  all  centered  in  Banning,  who  is  mayor,  councilman, 
constable  and  watchman,  all  in  one.  He  is  the  great  progenitor 
of  Wilmington.  Touch  Wilmington  and  you  touch  Banning.  It 
is  his  specialty — the  offspring  of  his  genius.  And  a  glorious  genius 
has  Phineas  B.  in  his  way !  Who  among  the  many  thousand  who 
have  sought  health  and  recreation  at  Los  Angeles  within  the  past 


ten  years  has  not  been  the  recipient  of  Banning's  bounty  in  the  way 
of  accommodations  ?  His  stages  are  ever  ready,  his  horses  ever  the 
fastest.  Long  life  to  Banning;  may  his  shadow  grow  larger  and 
larger  every  day!  At  all  events  I  trust  it  may  never  grow  less. 
I  retract  all  I  said  about  Wilmington — or  most  of  it.  I  admit 
that  it  is  a  flourishing  place  compared  with  San  Pedro.  I  am  will- 
ing to  concede  that  the  climate  is  sulubrious  at  certain  seasons  of 
the  year  when  the  wind  does  not  blow  up  sand;  and  at  certain 
other  seasons  when  the  rain  does  not  cover  the  country  with  water; 
and  then  again  at  other  seasons  when  the  earth  is  not  parched  by 
drought  and  scorching  suns." 

During  the  Civil  war  the  government  established  Camp  Drum 
and  Drum  Bannicks  at  Wilmington,  and  spent  over  a  million  dol- 
lars in  erecting  buildings.  A  considerable  force  of  soldiers  was 
stationed  there  and  all  the  army  supplies  for  the  troops  in  Southern 
California,  Utah,  Arizona  and  New  Mexico  passed  through  the 
port.  The  Wilmingtonians  waxed  fat  on  government  contracts 
and  their  town  put  on  metropolitan  airs.  It  was  the  great  seaport 
of  the  south,  the  toll  gatherer  of  the  slough.  After  the  railroad 
from  Los  Angeles  was  completed  to  Wilmington  in  1869,  all  the 
trade  and  travel  of  the  southwest  passed  through  it  and  they  paid 
well  for  doing  so.  It  cost  the  traveler  a  dollar  and  a  half  to  get  from 
ship  to  shore  on  one  of  Banning's  tugs  and  the  lighterage  charges 
that  prevailed  throttled  commerce  with  the  tightening  grasp  of  the 
Old  Man  of  the  Sea. 

In  1880,  or  thereabouts,  the  railroad  was  extended  down  to 
San  Pedro  and  wharves  built  there.  Then  commerce  left  the  mud 
flats  of  Wilmington  and  drifted  back  to  its  old  moorings.  The 
town  fell  into  a  decline.  Banning,  its  great  progenitor,  died,  and 
the  memory  of  the  olden  time  commercial  importance  of  that  once 
historic  seaport  lingers  only  in  the  minds  of  the  oldest  inhabitants. 


The  Pioneer  Newspaper  of  Los  Angelas 
BY  J.  M.  GUINN. 

In  our  American  colonization  of  the  "Great  West,"  the  news- 
paper has  kept  pace  with  immigration.  In  the  building  up  a  new 
town,  the  want  of  a  newspaper  seldom  becomes  long  felt  before  it 
is  supplied. 

It  was  not  so  in  Spanish  colonization;  in  it  the  newspaper  came 
late,  if  it  came  at  all.  There  were  none  published  in  California  dur- 
ing the  Spanish  and  Mexican  eras.  The  first  newspaper  published 
in  California  was  issued  at  Monterey,  August  15,  1846, — just  thirty- 
eight  days  after  Commodore  Sloat  took  possession  of  the  territory 
in  the  name  of  the  United  States.  This  paper  was  .called  "The 
Californian,"  and  was  published  by  Semple  &  Colton.  The  type  and 
press  used  had  been  brought  from  Mexico  by  Augustin  V.  Zamo- 
rano  in  1834,  and  by  him  sold  to  the  territorial  government;  and  it 
had  been  used  for  printing  bandos  and  pronunciamientos.  The  only 
paper  the  publishers  of  The  Californian  could  procure  was  that  used 
in  making  cigarettes  which  came  in  sheets  a  little  larger  than  or- 
dinary foolscap. 

After  the  discovery  of  gold  in  1848,  newspapers  in  California 
multiplied  rapidly.  By  1850,  all  the  leading  mining  towns  had  their 
newspapers,  but  Southern  California,  being  a  cow  country  and  the 
population  mostly  native  Californians  speaking  the  Spanish  lang- 
uage, no  newspaper  had  been  founded. 

The  first  proposition  to  establish  a  newspaper  in  Los  Angeles 
was  made  to  the  City  Council  October  16,  1850.  The  minutes  of  the 
meeting  on  that  date  contain  this  entry:  Theodore  Foster  peti- 
tions for  a  lot  situated  at  he  northerly  corner  of  the  jail  for  the 
purpose  of  erecting  thereon  a  house  to  be  used  as  a  printing  estab- 
lishment. The  Council — taking  in  consideration  the  advantages 
which  a  printing  house  offers  to  the  advancement  of  public  enlight- 
enment, and  there  existing  as  yet  no  such  establishment  in  this 
city :  Resolved,  that  for  this  once  only  a  lot  from  amongst  those  that 
are  marked  on  the  city  map  be  given  to  Mr.  Theodore  Foster  for 
the  purpose  of  establishing  thereon  a  printing  house;  and  the  dona- 

LA   B8TRELLA  71 

tion  be  made  in  his  favor  because  he  is  the  first  to  inaugurate  this 
public  benefit ;  subject,  however,  to  the  following  conditions :  First, 
that  the  house  and  printing  office  be  completed  within  one  year  from 
today.  Second,  that  the  lot  be  selected  from  amongst  those  numbered 
on  the  city  map  and  not  otherwise  disposed  of." 

At  the  meeting  of  the  Council,  October  3Oth,  1850,  the  records 
say :  "Theodore  Foster  gave  notice  that  he  had  selected  a  lot  back 
of  Johnson's  and  fronting  the  canal  as  the  one  where  he  intended 
establishing  his  printing  house;  and  the  council  resolved  that  he  be 
granted  forty  varas  each  way." 

The  location  of  the  printing  house  was  on  what  is  now  Los 
Angeles  street,  then  called  Calle  Zanja  Madre  (Mother  Ditch 
street),  and  sometimes  Canal  street. 

The  site  of  Foster's  printing  office  was  opposite  the  Bell  block, 
which  stood  on  the  southeast  corner  of  Aliso  and  Los  Angeles 
streets.  On  the  lot  granted  by  the  Council  Foster  built  a  small  two- 
story  frame  building;  the  lower  story  was  occupied  by  the  printing 
outfit,  and  the  upper  story  was  used  as  a  living  room  by  the  printers 
and  proprietors  of  the  paper.  Over  the  door  was  the  sign  "Im- 
prenta"  (Printing  Office).  The  first  number  of  the  pioneer  paper 
was  issued  May  17,  1851.  It  was  named  "La  Estrella  de  Los  An- 
geles." The  Star  of  Los  Angeles.  It  was  a  four-page  five  column  pa- 
per; size  of  page,  12x18  inches.  Two  pages  were  printed  in  English 
and  two  in  Spanish.  The  subscription  price  was  $10  a  year,  payable 
in  advance.  Advertisements  were  inserted  at  the  rate  of  $2.00  per 
square  for  the  first  insertion  and  $1.00  for  each  subsequent  inser- 
tion. The  publishers  were  John  A.  Lewis  and  John  McElroy. 
Foster  had  dropped  out  of  the  scheme,  but  when,  I  do  not  know. 
Nor  do  I  know  anything  of  his  subsequent  history. 

In  July,  William  H.  Rand  bought  an  interest  in  the  paper  and 
the  firm  became  Lewis,  McElroy  and  Rand.  In  November  McElroy 
sold  his  interest  to  Lewis  &  Rand.  John  A.  Lewis  edited  the  Eng- 
lish pages  and  Manuel  Clemente  Rojo  was  editor  of  the  Spanish  col- 
umns of  the  Star  for  sometime  after  its  founding.  The  press  was  a 
Washington  Hoe  of  an  ancient  pattern.  It  came  around  the  Horn 
and  was  probably  six  or  seven  months  of  its  journey.  Even  with  this 
antiquated  specimen  of  the  lever  that  moves  the  world,  it  was  no 
great  task  to  work  off  the  weekly  edition  of  the  Star.  Its  circula- 
tion did  not  exceed  250  copies. 

The  first  job  of  city  work  done  by  La  Estrella  (as  it  is  always 
called  in  the  early  records),  was  the  printing  of  one  hundred  white 
ribbon  badges  for  the  city  police.  The  inscription  on  the  badge, 


which  was  printed  both  in  English  and  Spanish,  read  "City  Police, 
organized  by  the  Common  Council  of  Los  Angeles,  July  12,  1851." 
La  Estrella's  bill  for  the  job  was  $25.00. 

The  burning  political  issue  of  the  early  '50*5  in  Southern  Califor- 
nia was  the  division  of  the  State.  The  Star,  early  in  its  career,  took 
sides  in  favor  of  division,  but  later  on,  under  a  different  management, 
opposed  it.  The  scheme  as  promulgated  fifty  years  ago  was  the 
division  of  the  State  into  two  parts — the  northern  to  retain  the 
State  organization,  the  southern  to  be  created  into  a  territory.  The 
professed  purpose  of  division  was  to  reduce  taxation,  and  to  "eman- 
cipate the  south  from  its  servile  and  abject  dependence  to  the 
north."  The  real  purpose  was  the  creation  of  a  slave  State  out  of 
Southern  California  and  thereby  to  increase  the  pro-slavery  power  in 
Congress.  Bills  for  division  were  introduced  in  successive  legisla- 
tures for  eight  or  nine  years;  but  all  were  promptly  killed  except  one. 
In  1859  under  the  Pico  law  the  question  came  to  a  vote  in  the 
southern  counties  and  was  carried.  The  Civil  war  and  the  emancipa- 
tion of  the  slaves  virtually  put  an  end  to  State  division.  In  July,  1853, 
Wm.  H.  Rand  transferred  his  interest  in  the  Star  to  his  partner  John 
A.  Lewis.  August  ist,  1853,  Lewis  sold  the  paper  to  Jas.  M. 
McMeans.  The  obstacles  to  be  overcome  in  the  publication  of  a 
pioneer  newspaper  in  Southern  California  are  graphically  set  forth 
in  John  A.  Lewis's  valedictory  in  the  Star  of  July  30,  1853  : 

"It  is,"  writes  Lewis,  "now  two  years  and  three  months  since 
the  Star  was  established  in  this  city — and  in  'taking  leave  of  my 
readers,  in  saying  my  last  say,  I  may  very  properly  be  permitted  to 
look  back  through  this  period  to  see  how  accounts  stand. 

"The  establishment  of  a  newspaper  in  Los  Angeles  was  consid- 
ered something  of  an  experiment,  more  particularly  on  account  of 
the  isolation  of  the  city.  The  sources  of  public  news  are  sometimes 
cut  off  for  three  or  four  weeks,  and  very  frequently  two  weeks.  San 
Francisco,  the  nearest  place  where  a  newspaper  is  printed,  is  more 
than  five  hundred  miles  distant,  and  the  mail  between  that  city 
and  Los  Angeles  takes  an  uncertain  course,  sometimes  by  sea  and 
sometimes  by  land  occupying  in  its  transmission  from  two  to  six 
weeks,  and  in  one  instance  fifty-two  days.  Therefore,  I  have  had  to 
depend  mainly  upon  local  news  to  make  the  Star  interesting.  And 
yet  the  more  important  events  of  the  country  have  been  recorded 
as  fully  as  the  limits  of  the  Star  would  permit  The  printing  of  a 
paper  one-half  in  the  Spanish  language  was  certainly  an  experiment 
hitherto  unattempted  in  the  State.  Having  no  exchanges  with 
papers  in  that  language  the  main  reliance  has  been  upon  translations, 


and  such  contributions  as  several  good  friends  have  favored  me  with. 
I  leave  others  to  judge  whether  the  'Estrella'  has  been  well  or  ill 

Under  Lewis's  management  the  Star  was  non-partisan  in  politics. 
He  says,  "I  professed  all  along  to  print  an  independent  newspaper, 
and  although  my  own  preferences  were  with  the  Whig  party,  I 
never  could  see  enough  either  in  the  Whig  or  Democratic  party  to 
make  a  newspaper  of.  I  never  could  muster  up  fanaticism  enough 
to  print  a  party  paper." 

McMeans  went  to  the  States  shortly  after  assuming  the  manage- 
ment of  the  paper.  Wrn.  A.  Wallace  conducted  it  during  his  ab- 
sence. Early  in  1854,  it  was  sold  to  M.  D.  Brundige.  Under 
Brundige's  proprietorship,  Wallace  edited  the  paper.  It  was  still 
published  in  the  house  built  by  Foster. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1854,  the  Star  was  sold  to  J.  S.  Waite  & 
Co.  The  site  donated  to  Foster  by  the  council  in  1850,  on  which 
to  establish  a  printing  house  for  the  advancement  of  public  enlight- 
enment seems  not  to  have  been  a  part  of  the  Star  outfit.  A  pros- 
pectus on  the  Spanish  page  informs  us  that  "Imprenta  de  la  Es- 
trella, Calle  Principal,  Casa  de  Temple," — that  is,  the  Printing  ofHce 
of  the  Star  is  on  Main  street,  in  the  House  of  Temple;  where  was 
added,  the  finest  typographical  work  will  be  done  in  Spanish,  French 
and  English.  Waite  reduced  the  subscription  price  of  the  Star  to 
$6.00  a  year  payable  in  advance,  or  $9.00  at  the  end  of  the  year. 
Fifty  per  cent  advance  on  a  deferred  payment  looks  like  a  high  rate 
of  interest,  but  it  was  very  reasonable  in  those  days.  Money,  then, 
commanded  5,  10  and  even  as  high  as  15  per  cent  a  month,  com- 
pounded monthly;  and  yet  the  mines  of  California  were  turning 
out  $50,000,000  in  gold  every  year.  Here  is  a  problem  in  the  sup- 
ply and  demand  of  a  circulating  medium  for  some  of  our  astute 
financial  theorists  to  solve. 

Perusal  of  the  pages  of  the  Star  of  forty-six  years  ago  gives 
us  occasional  glimpses  of  the  passing  of  the  old  life  and  the  ringing 
in  of  the  new.  An  editorial  on  "The  Holidays"  in  the  issue  of  Jan- 
uary 4th.  1855,  says:  "The  Christmas  and  New  Year's  festivities 
are  passing  away  with  the  usual  accompaniments;  namely,  bullfights, 
bell  ringing,  firing  of  crackers,  fiestas  and  fandangos.  In  the  city, 
cascarones  commanded  a  premium  and  many  were  complimented 
with  them  as  a  finishing  touch  to  their  head  dress."  Bull  fights,  fan- 
dangos and  cascarones  are  as  obsolete  in  our  city  as  the  Olympic 
games,  but  bell  ringing  and  firing  of  crackers  still  usher  in  the 
New  Year.  In  June,  1855,  El  Clamor  Publico — The  Public  Cry — 


the  first  Spanish  newspaper  in  Southern  California  was  founded  by 
Francisco  P.  Ramirez.  The  Spanish  pages  of  the  Star  were  discon- 
tinued and  the  advertising-  in  that  department  was  transferred  to 
the  Clamor.  On  the  i;th  of  March,  1855,  the  Co.  dropped  from  the 
proprietorship  of  the  Star  and  J.  S.  Waite  became  sole  owner. 

In  the  early '505  a  Pacific  railroad  was  a  standing  topic  for  editor- 
ial comment  by  the  press  of  California.  The  editor  of  the  Star,  "while 
we  are  waiting  and  wishing  for  a  railroad,"  advocates  as  an  experi- 
ment the  introduction  of  camels  and  dromedaries  for  freighting 
across  the  arid  plains  of  the  southwest.  After  descanting  on  the 
merits  of  the  "ship  of  the  desert,"  he  says :  "We  predict  that  in 
a  few  years  these  extraordinary  and  useful  animals  will  be  browsing 
upon  our  hills  and  valleys,  and  numerous  caravans  will  be  arriving 
and  departing  daily.  Let  us  have  the  incomparable  dromedary, 
with  Adams  &  Co.'s  expressmen  arriving  here  triweekly,  with  letters 
and  packages  in  five  or  six  days  from  Salt  Lake  and  fifteen  or 
eighteen  from  the  Missouri.  Then  the  present  grinding  steamship 
monopoly  might  be  made  to  realize  the  fact  that  the  hard-working 
miner,  the  farmer  and  the  mechanic  were  no  longer  completely  in 
their  grasping  power  as  at  present.  We  might  have  an  overland 
dromedary  express  that  would  bring  us  the  New  York  news  in 
fifteen  to  eighteen  days.  We  hope  some  of  our  enterprsing  capi- 
talists or  stock  breeders  will  take  this  speculation  in  hand  for  we 
have  not  much  faith  that  Congress  will  do  anything  in  the  matter." 

Notwithstanding  our  editor's  poor  opinion  of  Congress,  that 
recalcitrant  body,  a  year  or  two  later,  possibly  moved  by  the  power 
of  the  press,  did  introduce  camels  into  the  United  States,  and  cara- 
vans did  arrive  in  Los  Angeles.  To  the  small  boy  of  that  day  the 
arrival  of  a  caravan  was  a  free  circus.  The  grotesque  attempts  of  the 
western  mule  whacker  to  transform  himself  into  an  Oriental  camel 
driver  were  mirth  provoking  to  the  spectators,  but  agony  long 
drawn  out  to  the  camel  puncher.  Of  all  the  impish,  perverse  and 
profanity  provoking  beasts  of  burthen  that  ever  trod  the  soil  of 
America,  the  meek,  mild,  soft-footed  camel  was  the  most  exasperat- 
ing. That  prototype  of  perversity,  the  army  mule,  was  almost 
angelic  in  disposition  compared  to  the  hump-backed  burden  bearer 
of  the  Orient. 

In  July,  1855,  -the  subscription  price  of  the  Star  was  reduced  to 
$5  a  year.  The  publisher  informed  his  patrons  that  he  would  re- 
ceive subscriptions  "payable  in  most  kinds  of  produce  after  harvest- 
corn,  wheat,  flour,  wood,  butter,  eggs,  etc.,  will  be  taken  on  old 
subscriptions.  Imagine,  if  you  can,  one  of  our  city  newspapers 


today  starting  a  department  store  of  country  produce  in  its  editorial 
rooms.  Times  have  changed  and  we  have  changed  with  them.  In 
November,  1855,  James  S.  Waite,  the  sole  proprietor,  publisher  and 
business  manager  of  the  Star,  was  appointed  postmaster  of  Los  An- 
geles. He  found  it  difficult  to  keep  the  Star  shining,  the  mails 
moving  and  his  produce  exchange  running. 

In  the  issue  of  February  2,  1856,  he  offers  the  "entire  estab- 
lishment of  the  Star  for  sale  at  $1,000  less  than  cost."  In  setting 
forth  its  merits,  he  says :  "To  a  young  man  of  energy  and  ability 
a  rare  chance  is  now  offered  to  spread  himself  and  peradventure 
to  realize  a  fortune."  The  young  man,  with  expansive  qualities  was 
found  two  months  later  in  the  person  of  Wm.  A.  Wallace,  who  had 
been  editor  of  the  Star  in  1854.  He  was  the  first  principal  of  the 
schoolhouse  No.  I,  which  stood  on  the  northwest  corner  of  Spring 
and  Second  streets,  where  the  Bryson  block  now  stands.  He  laid 
down  the  pedagogical  birch  to  mount  the  editorial  tripod.  In  his 
salutatory  he  says :  "The  Star  is  an  old  favorite  of  mine,  and  I  have 
always  wished  to  be  its  proprietor."  The  editorial  tripod  proved  to 
be  as  uneasy  a  seat  for  Wallace  as  the  back  of  a  bucking  bronco;  in 
two  months  it  landed  him  on  his  back,  figuratively  speaking. 

It  was  hard  times  in  the  old  pueblo.  Money  was  scarce  and 
cattle  were  starving;  for  1856  was  a  dry  year.  Thus  Wallace  solilo- 
quizes: "Dull  time!  says  the  trader,  the  mechanic,  the  farmer — in- 
deed, everybody  echoes  the  dull  sentiment.  The  teeth  of  the  cattle  this 
year  have  been  so  dull  that  they  have  been  scarcely  able  to  save  them- 
selves from  starvation;  but  buyers  are  nearly  as  plenty  as  cattle  and 
sharp  in  proportion  to  the  prospect  of  starvation.  Business  is  dull — 
duller  this  week  than  it  was  last ;  duller  today  than  it  was  yesterday. 
Expenses  are  scarcely  realized  and  every  hole  where  a  dollar  or  two 
has  heretofore  leaked  out  must  IDC  stopped.  The  flush  times  are  past 
— the  days  of  large  prices  and  full  pockets  are  gone;  picayunes,  bad 
liquor,  rags  and  universal  dullness — sometimes  to  dull  to  complain 
of — have  usurped  the  minds  of  men  and  a  common  obtuseness  pre- 
vails. Neither  pistol  shots  nor  dying  groans  have  any  effect;  earth- 
quakes hardly  turn  men  in  their  beds.  It  is  no  use  of  talking — 
business  stepped  out  and  the  people  are  asleep.  What  is  to  be  done? 
Why  the  first  thing  of  course  is  to  stop  off  such  things  as  can  be 
neither  smoked  or  drank;  and  then  wait  for  the  carreta,  and  if  we 
don't  get  a  ride,  it  will  be  because  we  have  become  too  fastidious, 
or  too  poor  and  are  unable  to  pay  this  expense." 

Henry  Hamilton,  the  successor  of  Wallace,  was  an  experienced 
newspaper  man.  For  five  years  previous  to  purchasing  the  Star 


he  had  been  proprietor  of  the  Calaveras  Chronicle.  He  was  an  editor 
of  the  old  school — the  school  that  dealt  out  column  editorials,  and 
gave  scant  space  to  locals.  Hamilton's  forte  was  political  editorials. 
He  was  a  bitter  partisan.  When  he  fulminated  a  thunderbolt  and 
hurled  it  at  a  political  opponent,  it  struck  as  if  it  came  from  the 
hand  of  Jove,  the  god  of  thunder  and  lightning.  He  was  an  able 
writer,  yet  with  him  there  was  but  one  side  to  a  question,  and 
that  was  his  side  of  it.  He  was  a  Scotch-Irishman,  and  had  all  the 
pugnacity  and  pertinacity  of  that  strenuous  race.  His  vigorous 
partisanship  got  him  into  trouble.  During  the  Civil  war  he  es- 
posed  the  cause  of  the  Southern  Confederacy.  For  some  severe 
criticisms  on  Lincoln  and  other  officers  of  the  government,  and  his 
outspoken  sympathy  for  the  Confederates,  he  was  arrested.  He  took 
the  oalh  of  allegiance,  and  was  released,  but  the  Star  went  into  an 
eclipse.  The  last  number,  a  single  page,  appeared  October  ist,  1864. 
The  press  and  type  were  sold  to  Phineas  Banning,  and  were  used 
in  the  publication  of  the  Wilmington  Journal.  The  City  of  the  Sloo 
(Wilmington)  was  then  the  most  prosperous  seaport  on  the  south- 
ern coast.  After  the  war  when  the  soldiers  had  departed  and  Wil- 
mington had  fallen  into  a  state  of  "innocuous  desuetude"  the  Jour- 
nal died  of  insufficient  circulation,  and  was  buried  in  the  journalistic 
graveyard  of  unfelt  wants.  The  old  pioneer  press  of  the  Star,  after 
doing  duty  for  fifteen  years,  took  a  needed  rest. 

On  Saturday,  the  i6th  of  May,  1868,  the  Star  emerged  from 
obscurity.  "Today,"  writes  Hamilton,  "we  resume  the  publication 
of  the  Los  Angeles  Star.  Nearly  four  years  have  elapsed  since  our 
last  issue.  The  little  'onpleasantness,'  which  at  that  time  existed 
in  the  family,  has  been  toned  down  considerably,  and  if  perfect  har- 
mony does  not  yet  prevade  the  circle,  our  hope  is  this  brotherly  feel- 
ing will  soon  be  consummated." 

The  paper  was  no  longer  the  bitter  partisan  sheet  that  it  had 
been  during  the  early  '6os.  Hamilton  now  seldom  indulged  in 
political  leaders  of  a  column  length,  and  when  he  did  they  were  of 
a  mild  type.  The  new  Star  was  a  seven  column  blanket  sheet,  and 
was  devoted  to  promoting  the  welfare  of  the  county.  It  was  ably 
conducted,  and  was  a  model  newspaper  for  a  town  of  5,000  inhabi- 
tants. June  ist,  1870,  the  first  number  of  the  Daily  Star  was  pub- 
lished by  Hamilton  and  Barter.  Barter  retired  from  the  firm  in  Sep- 
tember and  founded  the  Anaheim  Gazette,  the  pioneer  newspaper 
of  Orange  county.  He  bought  the  old  press  and  type  of  the  Wil- 
mington Journal — the  first  press  of  the  Star — and  again  the  old 
press  became  a  pioneer.  When  the  Anaheim  Gazette  office  burned 

LA   E8TRELLA  77 

down  in  1877,  the  old  press  perished  in  the  flames.  The  last  time 
I  saw  it  it  was  lying  in  a  junk  pile,  crooked  and  twisted  and  warped 
out  of  shape  or  semblance  of  a  printing  press.  If  the  spirit  of  the 
inanimate  ever  visits  its  former  mundane  haunts,  the  ghost  of  that 
old  press  would  search  in  vain  for  the  half  dozen  or  more  office 
buildings  where  in  the  body  long  ago  it  ground  out  weekly  stents 
of  news. 

After  G.  W.  Barter  sold  out  the  Anaheim  Gazette  in  1872,  he 
leased  the  Daily  Star  from  Hamilton.  He  ran  it  less  than  a  year, 
but  that  was  long  enough  for  him  to  take  all  the  twinkle  out  of  it. 
It  had  almost  sunk  below  the  horizon  when  Mr.  Hamilton  resumed 
its  publication.  In  July,  1873,  he  leased  it  to  Ben  C.  Truman.  The 
genial  Ben.  put  sparkle  in  it.  He  made  it  interesting  to  his  friends, 
but  more  so  to  his  enemies.  Like  Silas  Wegg,  he  occasionally  drop- 
ped into  poetry,  and  satirized  some  of  his  quondam  adversaries  at 
"Sandy  Ague'  (San  Diego),  where  he  had  recently  published  a 
paper.  When  they  felt  the  pricking  of  Ben's  pungent  pen,  they 
longed,  no  doubt,  to  annihilate  time  and  space  that  they  might  be 
near  to  him  to  take  revenge  when  their  wrath  was  hot.  Truman 
continued  its  publication  until  July,  1877,  when  it  was  sold  to  Payn- 
ter  &  Co.  Then  it  passed  to  Brown  &  Co.  The  Rev.  Mr.  Camp- 
bell of  the  Methodist  Church,  south,  conducted  it  for  a  time.  In 
the  last  year  of  its  existence  it  had  several  different  publishers  and 
editors.  Its  brilliancy  steadily  diminished  until  in  the  early  part 
of  1879,  it  sunk  below  the  horizon,  or,  to  discard  metaphor  and  state 
facts,  the  sheriff  attached  it  for  debt,  and  its  publication  was  discon- 
tinued. It  remains  were  not  buried  in  the  graveyard  of  unfelt 
wants.  A  more  tragic  fate  awaited  them, — they  were  cremated. 
The  plant  and  the  files  were  stored  in  an  outbuilding  of  Mr.  Hollen- 
beck's  who  was  one  of  the  principal  creditors.  His  Chinese  laborers 
roomed  in  the  lower  part  of  the  building.  In  some  of  their  heathen 
orgies  they  set  fire  to  the  house.  For  a  few  minutes  La  Estrella 
blazed  up  into  a  star  of  the  first  magnitude  then  disappeared  forever. 

Such  in  brief  is  the  story  of  La  Estrella,  the  pioneer  newspaper 
of  Los  Angeles.  Its  files  contain  a  quarter  century's  history  of  our 
city  and  its  environs.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  its  early  editors 
deemed  political  essays  of  so  much  more  importance  than  local  hap- 
penings. If  these  editors  could  crawl  out  of  their  graves  and  read 
some  of  their  political  diatribes  in  the  light  of  the  Twentieth  cen- 
tury, they  no  doubt  would  be  moved  to  exclaim,  What  blind  leaders 
of  the  blind  were  we ! 



(Read  May  7,  1894.) 

In  the  death  since  our  last  meeting,  to-wit,  at  midnight  on  the 
1 7th- 1 8th  of  April,  1894,  of  our  co-member  and  co-laborer,  Don 
Antonio  Franco  Coronel,  this  society  has  lost  a  good  friend,  and 
this  community  and  this  State  have  lost  a  most  valuable  and  useful 

Mr.  Coronel,  who  had  been  a  resident  of  Los  Angeles  for  60 
years,  was  in  many  respects  a  remarkable  man;  and  as,  in  the  flight 
of  time,  he  recedes  gradually  into  the  distance  of  the  past,  he  will, 
I  imagine,  like  numerous  others  of  his  predecessors  and  contempo- 
raries of  Spanish  ancestry  in  the  Californias  of  whom  English- 
speaking  Californians  of  today  have  but  partial  knowledge,  become 
more  and  more  a  striking  figure  in  the  annals  of  the  times  in  which 
he  lived. 

Being  an  educated  and  enlightened  man  in  his  own  language 
and  civilization — for  he  possessed  only  a  limited  knowledge  of  the 
English  tongue — and  having  taken  an  active  interest  in  public 
affairs  during  his  long  career,  serving  the  community  in  many  and 
varied  capacities,  it  is  not  an  easy  matter  for  us  who  survive  him 
who  knew  him  well — probably  it  is  yet  too  early — to  rightly  esti- 
mate or  measure  the  extent  of  the  influence  of  his  personality  on 
those  with  whom  he  associated. 

Don  Antonio  was  born  in  the  City  of  Mexico  in  1817,  and  he 
came  to  California  in  1834,  while  yet  a  boy,  with  his  father,  Don 
Ygnacio  F.  Coronel,  who  accompanied  by  his  family,  came  with 
the  celebrated  Padres  "Colonia,"  which  arrived  here  that  year  from 
Mexico.  The  elder  Coronel,  whom  the  writer  knew,  and  who  had 
formerly  been  an  officer  under  General  Yturbide,  established  the 
first  school  in  Los  Angeles,  under  the  Lancastrian  system.  He 
taught  a  public  school  in  the  block  at  the  head  of  Los  Angeles  street, 
as  it  formerly  existed,  just  north  of  the  line  of  Arcadia  street,  from 
1844  till  about  1856.  He  was  an  educated  man  and  gave  his  chil- 
dren a  good  Spanish  education.  He  died  in  1862. 


His  eldest  son  Antonio,  because  of  his  excellent  school  training 
and  because  he  showed  capacity,  soon  attained  prominence  both  as 
a  citizen  and  in  official  positions  of  responsibility.  The  list  of 
offices  filled  by  him  is  a  large  one.  In  1838  he  was  appointed  assis- 
tant secretary  of  tribunals  of  the  city  of  Los  Angeles.  In  1843 
he  was  made  judge  of  the  first  instance  (justice  of  the  peace),  and 
in  1844  Governor  Micheltorena  appointed  him  inspector  of  the 
Southern  Missions.  In  1845  he  was  made  commissioner  to  treat 
for  peace  between  Gov.  Micheltorena  and  Alvarado  and  Castro, 
commanders  of  the  revolutionary  forces.  In  1846  he  served  as 
captain  with  his  patriotic  countrymen  in  their  attempts  by  inade- 
quate means,  to  defend  themselves  and  their  homes  as  best  they 
could  against  the  invasion  of  the  country  by  the  Americans.  He 
took  part  in  the  battle  of  the  8th  of  October,  1846,  on  the  San 
Pedro  rancho,  in  which  the  Californians  were  victorious.  After- 
wards he  was  appointed  aid-de-camp  of  the  commanding  general  and 
took  part  in  the  battles  at  Paso  dc  Bartolo  and  la  Mesa.  As  the 
Americans  then  had  superior  numbers  and  resources,  the  Califor- 
nians were  compelled  to  fall  back  to  the  interior  or  to  the  moun- 
tains, where,  under  General  Flores,  an  attempt  to  continue  the  un- 
equal contest  was  kept  up,  till  finally,  friends  got  word  to  Don 
Antonio,  urging  on  him  the  uselessness  and  hopelessness  of  the 
fight;  and  he  and  others  gave  up  and  came  in.  But  Gen.  Flores 
and  a  remnant  of  his  command  retired  to  Mexico.  After  peace 
was  declared,  and  Alta  California  became  permanently  a  portion 
of  the  United  States  territory,  and  its  inhabitants  became,  if 
they  so  elected,  citizens  of  the  United  States,  Mr.  Coronel  with  the 
great  body  of  Californians,  transferred  their  allegiance  in  good 
faith  to  the  nationality  represented  by  the  stars  and  stripes,  to  which 
ever  afterwards,  or  as  long  as  they  lived,  they  remained  loyal  and 

In  1847-48  Mr.  Coronel  was  a  member  of  the  board  of  magis- 
trates having  in  charge  the  regulation  of  irrigation.  With  this 
very  important  question,  which  was  new  to  Americans,  he  was  both 
theoretically  and  practically  familiar.  The  whole  theory  of  water 
rights  under  the  laws  and  customs  of  Spain  and  Mexico,  and  of 
all  dry  countries  where  irrigation  is  a  necessity,  is  radically  different 
from  that  of  England  and  the  United  States,  where,  as  a  rule, 
practical  irrigation  is  unknown.  The  persistent  though  futile  at- 
tempts which  Americans  in  California  and  other  semi-arid  States 
and  territories  have  made,  and  are  still  making,  to  apply  the  theories 
relating  to  the  use  and  ownership  of  water  as  evolved  in  wet  coun- 


tries,  to  dry  countries,  have  caused  a  vast  amount  of  confusion  and 
loss,  and  frequently  bloodshed,  the  end  of  which  is  not  yet. 

The  writer  of  these  lines  has  often  discussed  this  matter  with 
Don  Antonio,  who  as  often  expressed  his  regret  at  the  inaptitude  or 
self-sufficiency  or  disinclination  to  learn,  what,  in  spite  of  all  their 
preconceived  notions  on  this  subject,  they  will  perforce,  have  to 
learn  at  last,  for  the  simple  reasons  that  the  theories  of  non-irriga- 
tion countries  concerning  water,  are,  in  many  fundamentally  essen- 
tial respects,  utterly  inapplicable  in  practical  irrigation. 

So  of  the  rights  of  cities  and  pueblos  to  running  streams  under 
the  laws  of  Spain  and  Mexico;  Mr.  Coronel  held  that  it  was  of 
the  utmost  importance  that  the  people  and  officials  of  this  city 
should  know  and  assert  to  the  last,  all  the  rights  to  all  the  water 
of  the  Los  Angeles  river,  which  this  city  inherited  as  successor  to 
the  pueblo.  In  a  conversation  I  had  with  him  a  short  time  before 
his  death,  it  seemed  as  though  he  could  not  impress  on  me  strongly 
enough  his  convictions  concerning  this  important  matter. 

Mr.  Coronel  was  assessor  of  Los  Angeles  county  in  1850  and 
'51,  and  in  1853  he  was  elected  mayor  of  Los  Angeles  City.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  city  council,  except  during  two  years,  from 
1854  to  1866,  when  he  was  elected  treasurer  of  the  State  of  Cali- 
fornia for  four  years.  He  also  served  at  various  periods,  as  super- 
visor of  the  county,  member  of  the  State  Horticultural  society, 
president  of  the  Spanish-American  Benevolent  society  of  this  city, 

When  the  cause  celebre,  known  as  the  "Limantour  Claim,"  was 
before  the  United  States  Courts  in  1857,  Mr.  Coronel  was  sent  on  a 
confidential  mission  to  the  City  of  Mexico  to  examine  the  archives 
there  and  gather  testimony  ,etc.,  which  his  knowledge  of  the  Span- 
ish language  and  familiarity  with  Mexican  land  laws,  and  acquaint- 
ance with  public  men  in  that  capital,  enabled  him  to  do  very  effi- 
ciently. His  labors  were  facilitated  by  President  Comonfort  and 
other  high  officials.  The  evidence  he  obtained  was  laid  before  the 
United  States  Court,  with  the  result  that  the  claim  was  rejected 
finally;  and  thus  the  title  to  thousands  of  homes  in  San  Francisco 
were  cleared  of  a  cloud  that  hung  over  them.  Only  those  who  were 
cognizant  at  the  time,  of  the  excitment  which  was  stirred  up 
throughout  California  by  this  case,  can  appreciate  how  intense  that 
excitment  was.  Limantour,  who  was  a  Frenchman,  maintained 
his  colossal  pretentions  with  the  utmost  vigor  and  by  the  most  un- 
scrupulous means,  bringing  witnesses  from  Mexico  to  swear  to  the 


genuineness  of  his  alleged  grant,  which,  as  already  stated,  the 
Court  finally  rejected. 

Mr.  Coronel,  in  his  lifetime,  made  a  most  honorable  record  as 
a  freind  of  the  defenceless  Mission  Indians  of  Southern  California. 
Of  this  fact  Mrs.  Helen  Hunt  Jackson  has  borne  warm  testimony 
in  several  national  publications.  When  these  simple,  harmless  chil- 
dren of  nature  were  imposed  upon,  and  robbed  of  their  lands  and 
of  the  waters  in  default  of  which  those  lands  became  comparatively 
valueless,  by  greedy  and  unscrupulous  American  squatters,  they 
came  to  Don  Antonio  Coronel  for  advice,  and  he  always  befriended 
them.  He  gave  to  Mrs.  Jackson  the  materials  of  her  story  of  "Ra- 
mona,"  and  aided  her  in  many  ways  in  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  the 
customs  and  traditions  of  the  people  of  the  country,  necessary  to 
give  characteristic  coloring  to  the  story.  He  also  gave  her  the  out- 
lines of  another  and  more  dramatic  story,  based  on  real  life  in  the 
olden  time  here  in  Southern  California,  the  beautiful  heroine  of 
which,  Nacha,  was  well  known  by  some  of  the  best  of  the  old  Span- 
ish families.  If  Mrs.  Jackson  had  lived  she  was  to  have  worked 
them  up  as  a  companion  story  of  "Ramona."  He  also  gave  her 
the  data  of  her  account  of  Friar  Junipero  Serra,  the  vener- 
able founder  and  first  president  of  the  California  Missions.  Mr. 
Coronel  took  an  active  part  with  Father  Casanova  of  Moneterey 
in  the  restoration  of  the  San  Carlos  Mission,  and  in  the  solemniza- 
tion of  the  centennial,  in  1884,  of  the  death  of  Father  Junipero. 

In  1873,  Mr.  Coronel  married  Miss  Mariana  Williamson.  In 
1887,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Coronel  visited  the  City  of  Mexico,  and  in  '93, 
they  went  to  the  World's  Fair  at  Chicago,  where  their  stay  was 
cut  short  by  his  illness;  and  his  health  continued  in  a  precarious 
state  from  that  time  until  his  death,  though  he  was  not  confined  to 
his  house  until  within  a  few  days  prior  thereto.  Toward  the  end 
he  was  fully  aware  that  his  hour  was  near,  which  he  welcomed,  only 
regretting  the  parting  with  his  beloved  wife.  Twice  he  fervently 
embraced  her,  his  last  words  being:  "Querida!  Ya  me  voy!" 
(Dearest,  I  am  goirg!)  As  she  gently  laid  him  on  the  pillow,  he 
peacefully  closed  his  eyes  and  one  of  his  attending  physicians,  who 
held  his  wrist,  said,  "His  pulse  has  ceased;"  and  thus  he  died  with- 
out a  struggle.  His  good  friend,  Rev.  Father  Adam,  vicar  general 
of  the  diocese,  attended  him  daily  and  administered  to  him  the  con- 
solations of  the  religion  in  whose  communion  he  had  been  born, 
and  in  which  at  last  he  died. 

Both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Coronel  were  active  members  of  this  Histori- 
cal Society  of  Southern  California  from  the  time  of  its  founding. 


They  had  gathered,  during  the  course  of  many  years,  the  largest  and 
most  valuable  collection  of  historical  materials  relating  to  this  sec- 
tion and  to  this  coast,  in  the  country.  Mr.  Coronel  ardently  de- 
sired to  co-operate  with  other  citizens  of  wealth  and  enlightened 
public  spirit  in  the  establishment  in  this  city  of  a  museum,  in  con- 
nection with  the  Historical  Society  and  the  Public  Library,  to  which 
he  could  donate  his  very  valuable  collection;  and  he  made  a  liberal 
offer  of  either  money  or  land  to  assist  in  endowing  such  an  institu- 
tion. It  is  to  be  hoped  that  other  public-spirited  citizens  of  means 
will  be  seized  by  the  same  desire,  and  thus  show  in  a  substantial 
manner  their  willingness  to  aid  in  preserving  and  safely  guarding 
the  materials  of  local  history  which  they  and  their  fathers  and 
mothers  have  helped  to  make,  and  at  the  same  time  manifest  to  the 
world  by  their  acts  the  fact  that  they  recognize  the  obligations 
they  owe  to  the  community  in  which  and  off  of  which  they  have 
made  their  weatlh.  In  the  many  conversations  which  the  writer  of 
this  brief  memeroial  tribute  to  our  departed  friend  has  had  with 
him  concerning  the  past  history  of  California,  and  especially  of  the 
part  he  took  in  it,  I  have  been  impressed  with  the  vividness  of 
his  recollections;  and  I  have  felt  that  a  record  merely  of  those  per- 
sonal recollections  would,  to  a  certain  extent,  constitute  a  history 
of  California. 

Onr  kind-hearted  friend  is  gone,  but  his  memory  will  remain. 



To  the  Officers  and  Members  of  the  Historical  Society  of  Southern  California: 
I  beg  leave  to  submit  the  following  report : 

Number  of  Meetings  held 4 

Number  of  Papers  read 1C 

Number  of  New  Members  elected £ 



Inaugural  Address  of  the  President Walter  R.  Bacon 

Visit  to  the  Grand  Canyon Mrs.  M.  Burton  Williamson 

Indians  of  the  Los  Angeles  Valley J.  M.  Guinn 


The  Palomeres  Family H.  D.  Barrows 

The  Stores  of  Los  Angeles  in  1850 ..Laura  Evertsen  King 

California's  Transition  from  Monarchy  to  Republicanism J.  M.  Gninn 


An  Episode  in  the  Life  of  a  Pioneer H.  D.  Barrows 

Aboriginal  Alphabets  (First  Paper) J.  D.  Mood 


Los  Angeles  Postmasters H.  D.  Barrows 

The  Passing  of  the  Neophyte J.  M.  Guinn 

Some  Current  Events Walter  R.  Bacon 


The  Mexican  Governors H.  D.  Barrows 

Historical  Seaports  of  Los  Angeles J.  M.  Guinn 


Fifty  Years  of  California  Politics Walter  R.  Bacon 

Side  Lights  on  Old  Los  Angeles Mary  E.  Mooney 

Aboriginal  Alphabets  (Second  Paper) J.  D.  Moody 

The  meetings  of  the  Society  have  been  held  at  the  residences  of  Member* 
and  have  been  well  attended. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

J.  M.  GUINN,  Secretary. 



To  the  Officers  and  Members  of  the  Historical  Society  of  Southern  California: 

We,  the  undersigned,  members  of  the  Society's  Committee  on  Publication, 
do  respectfully  report  that  in  accordance  with  the  order  of  the  Board  of 
Directors  we  have  had  printed  six  hundred  copies  of  the  Society's  Annual  for 
1900.  With  this  issue  we  begin  Volume  V.  The  Annual  continues  to  bear  the 
double  title  adopted  at  the  beginning  of  Volume  IV,  "Annual  Publication  of 
the  Historical  Society  of  Southern  California  and  Pioneer  Register." 

Papers  for  publication  have  been  selected  f rom  the  collections  of  both  the 
Historical  and  Pioneer  Societies.  These  papers  embrace  a  wide  range  of  sub- 
jects, but  all  pertain  to  some  phase  of  history. 

In  this,  as  in  all  previous  publications  of  the  Society,  it  is  understood  that 
the  authors,  and  not  the  Society  or  the  Committee,  are  responsible  for  the 
slatements  made  in  their  papers,  and  for  the  views  and  opinions  expressed. 
Respectfully  submilted, 

J.  M.  QUINN, 



YEAR  1900. 


Jany.   1 — Balance  on  hand  as  per  last  report $  60  45 

Feby.  2 — Received  from  Pioneei  Society 50  00 

Jan.  1  to  )  Received  dues  of  Members 57  85 

Dec.  31      '  Received  membership  fees 8  00 

Total  Receipts $  176  £0 


Jany.  29 — Paid  Secretary's  bill — postage  and  sundries. 9      1  90 

Feby.  28 — Paid  Geo.  Rice  &  Sons,  printing  Annual 125  00 

Dec.    31— Paid  Secretary's  Bill— postage,  express  and  sundries      11  75 

Total  Disbursments j  138  55 

Balance  in  Treasury  January  1,  1901 J    37  65 

Respectfully  submitted, 
January  1,  1901.  E.  BAXTER, 



To  the  Officer*  and  Members  of  the  Historical  Society  of  Southern  California: 

In  the  limited  space  allowed  in  our  Annual  it  is  impossible  for  me  to  make 
a  full  report  upon  the  condition  of  our  library  and  collections.  These,  con- 
sisting of  books,  pamphlets,  magazines,  newspaper  files,  curios,  relics,  pic- 
tures, English  and  Spanish,  manuscripts,  maps,  etc.,  are  still  stored  in  a  room 
in  the  Court  House.  On  account  of  want  of  space  much  of  our  collection  has 
been  boxed  up  and  is  therefore  inaccessible  for  ready  reference.  We  continue 
adding  to  our  collection  hoping  that  possibly  some  wealthy  donor  may  be 
moved  to  give  us  even  the  limited  amount  necessary  to  procure  better  quarters 
and  to  catalogue  and  classify  our  collections. 

For  nearly  eighteen  years  a  few  public  spirited  men  and  women  of  limited 
financial  means  have  labored  and  spent  their  money  to  build  up  in  Southern 
California  a  Historical  Society.  In  that  time  we  have  published  four  com- 
plete volumes  of  history.  These  volumes  are  eagerly  sought  for  by  leading 
Historical  and  Public  Libraries  of  the  United  States,  but  such  seems  to  be  the 
contempt  of  Californians  for  their  local  history  that  these  books  are  almost 
unknown  in  ihe  locality  where  they  are  published. 

Nearly  all  of  the  larger  States  of  the  Union  and  many  of  the  smaller  ones 
have  State  Historical  Societies  supported  by  appropriations  from  the  public 
funds.  California  has  none.  There  is  not  to  my  knowledge  any  Historical 
Society  now  existing  within  her  borders,  except  ours,  which  has  made  any  col- 
lection or  published  any  historical  papers. 

Successive  legislatures  have  gone  on  multiplying  State  schools  and  piling 
up  appropriations  for  our  State  University,  but  have  ignored  the  necessity  of 
collecting  and  preserving  our  historical  material.  As  a  consequence  of  this 
neglect  a  large  amount  of  California's  wealth  of  historical  material  has  been 
allowed  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  relic  collectors  and  literary  pot  hunters,  who 
sell  it  to  eastern  museums  and  libraries. 

With  less  wealth  and  half  a  century  less  history  than  our  State,  the  State 
of  Wisconsin  has  spent  more  than  a  million  dollars  on  her  Historical  Library 
and  Museum  and  in  erecting  her  magnificent  Historical  Society  Building. 
The  recent  legislature  of  Oregon  appropriated  $5,000  to  aid  her  State  Histori- 
cal Society,  and  Montana,  with  a  population  about  one-eighth  the  size  of  ours 
and  less  than  fifty  years  of  history,  spends  $2.500  on  hers.  Recent  California 
legislatures  have  been  more  liberal  in  allowances  for  historical  purposes  than 
past  ones.  Successive  legislatures,  in  the  past  decade,  have  appropriated  9600 
a  year  to  pay  the  salary  of  the  guardian  of  Sutler's  New  Fort,  built  of  adobes 
of  the  brand  of  1890,  and  a  similar  yearly  amount  to  the  keeper  of  the  bronze 
monument  of  Marshall,  who  was  not  the  first  discoverer  of  gold  in  California. 

It  is  to  be  regretted  that  none  of  our  many  rich  men,  who  have  made  their 
fortunes  in  California,  have  been  moved  to  expend  a  portion  of  their  wealth  in 
preserving  the  history  of  the  State  that  has  been  so  kind  to  them. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

J.  M.  OUINN,  Curator. 


Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County 




Louis  ROEDEH,  R.  R-  HAINES, 

BEN.  S.  EATON,  J.  M.  GUINN, 



.WM.  H.  WORKMAN ...President 

R.  R.  HAINES First  Vice-President 

S.  A.  RENDALL Second  Vice-President 

Louis  ROEDER Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary 

M.  TEED,  Louis  ROEDEB,  M.  F.  QUINN 



WM.  H.  WORKMAN,  B.  S.  EATON,  H.  D.  BARROWS,  J.  M.  GUINN 

S.  A.  RENDAIX,  M.  F.  QUINN,  J.  C.  DOTTER. 


Louis  ROEDER,  WM.  GROSSER,  B.  S.  EATON,  R.  R.  HAINES 

DR.  K.  D.  WISE,  M.  KREMER,  MRS.  S.  C.  YABNELL. 



MRS.  J.  G.  NEWELL,       MRS.  ABBIE  HILLER.       MRS.  EMILY  W.  DAVIS, 


In    Memoriam. 

Deceased  Members  off  the  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

James  J.  Ayers,       - 

Stephen  C.  Foster,        - 

Horace  Hlller,          - 

John  Strother  Grlffln,  - 

Henry  Clay  Wiley,  - 

William  Blackstonc  Abernethy ,  - 

Stephen  W.  La  Dow, 

Herman  Raphael,        -       -       - 

Francis  Baker,        - 

Leonard  John  Rose,     - 

E.  N.  McDonald,       - 

James  Craig:,       - 

Palmer  Hilton  Scott, 

Francisco  Sablchi,       - 

Robert  Miller  Towne, 

Fred  W.  Wood,    - 

Joseph  Bayer,         - 

Augustus  Ulyard         - 

A.  M.  Hough,  ... 

Henry  F.  Fleishman    .- 

Frank  Lecouvreur, 

Daniel  Schelck,  - 

Andrew  Glassell,     - 

-   Died  November  10,  1897 
Died  January  27,  1898 

-  Died  May  23, 1898 

-  Died  August  23,  1898 
Died  October  25, 1898 

Died  November  1, 1898 

Died  January  6, 1899 

Died  April  19,  1899 

-  Died  May  17,  1899 
Died  May  17,  1899 

-  Died  June  10,  1899 
Died  December  30, 1899 

Died  January  3, 1900 

Died  April  13,  1900 

Died  April  24,  1900 

Died  May  19, 1900 

.-.    ,  -    Died  July  27, 1900 

-  Died  August  5, 1900 
Died  August  28,  1900 
Died  October  20, 1900 

Died  January  17,  1901 
Died  January  20,  1901 
Died  January  28, 1901 



[Adopted  September  4,  1897.] 


This  society  shall  be  known  as  The  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 
County.  Its  objects  are  to  cultivate  social  intercourse  and  friend- 
ship among  its  members  and  to  collect  and  preserve  the  early  history 
of  Los  Angeles  county,  and  perpetuate  the  memory  of  those  who, 
by  their  honorable  labors  and  heroism,  helped  to  make  that  history. 


All  persons  of  good  moral  character,  thirty-five  years  of  age 
or  over,  who,  at  the  date  of  their  application,  shall  have  resided  at 
least  twenty-five  years  in  Los  Angeles  county,  shall  be  eligible  to 
membership;  and  also  all  persons  of  good  moral  character  fifty 
years  of  age  or  over,  who  have  resided  in  the  State  forty  years  and 
in  the  county  ten  years  previous  to  their  application,  shall  be  eligible 
to  become  members.  Persons  born  in  this  State  are  not  eligible 
to  membership,  but  those  admitted  before  the  adoption  of  this 
amendment  shall  retain  their  membership.  (Adopted  September  4, 


The  officers  of  this  society  shall  consist  of  a  board  of  seven  di- 
rectors, to  be  elected  annually  at  the  annual  meeting,  by  the  mem- 
bers of  the  society.  Said  directors  when  elected  shall  choose  a 
president,  a  first  vice-president,  a  second  vice-president,  a  secretary 
and  a  treasurer.  The  secretary  and  treasurer  may  be  elected  from 
the  members  outside  the  Board  of  Directors. 


The  annual  meeting  of  this  society  shall  be  held  on  the  fourth 
day  of  September,  that  being  the  anniversary  of  the  first  civic  set- 
tlement in  the  southern  portion  of  Alta  California,  to  wit,  the  foun- 
ing  of  the  Pueblo  of  Los  Angeles,  September  4,  1781. 



Members  guilty  of  misconduct  may,  upon  conviction,  after 
proper  investigation  has  been  held,  be  expelled,  suspended,  fined  or 
reprimanded  by  a  vote  of  two-thirds  of  the  members  present  at  any 
stated  meeting;  provided,  notice  shall  have  been  given  to  the  society 
at  least  one  month  prior  to  such  intended  action.  Any  officer  of  this 
society  may  be  removed  by  the  Board  of  Directors  for  cause;  pro- 
vided, that  such  removal  shall  not  become  permanent  or  final  until 
approved  by  a  majority  of  members  of  the  society  present  at  a  stated 
meeting  and  voting. 


Amendments  to  this  constitution  may  be  made  by  submitting 
the  same  in  writing  to  the  society  at  least  one  month  prior  to  the 
annual  meeting.  At  said  annual  meeting  said  proposed  amendments 
shall  be  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the  society.  And  if  two-thirds  of  all 
the  members  present  and  voting  shall  vote  in  favor  of  adopting  said 
amendments  then  they  shall  be  declared  adopted.  (Amended  Sep- 
tember 4,  1900. 


[Adopted  September  4,  1897.] 

Section  I.  All  members  of  this  society  who  shall  have  signed 
the  constitution  and  by-laws,  or  who  shall  have  been  duly  elected 
to  membership  after  the  adoption  of  the  constitution  and  by-laws 
shall  be  entitled  to  vote  at  all  meetings  of  the  society. 

Section  2.  The  annual  dues  of  each  member  shall  be  one  dollar, 
payable  in  advance. 

Section  3.  Each  person  on  admission  to  membership  shall  sign 
the  constitution  and  by-laws  with  his  or  her  name  in  full,  together 
with  his  or  her  place  of  birth,  age,  residence,  occupation  and  the 
day,  month  and  year  of  his  or  her  arrival  within  the  limits  of  Los 
Angeles  county. 

Section  4.  At  the  annual  meeting,  the  president  shall  appoint 
a  committee  of  three  on  membership.  He  shall  also  at  the  same  time 
appoint  a  committee  of  three  on  finance.  All  applications  for  mem- 
bership shall  be  referred  to  the  Committee  on  Membership  for  exam- 

Section  5.  Every  applicant  for  membership  shall  be  recom- 
mended by  two  members  of  the  society  in  good  standing.  The  appli- 
cation shall  state  the  applicant's  full  name,  age,  birthplace,  place  of 


residence,  ocupation  and  date  of  his  or  her  arrival  in  the  county  of 
Los  Angeles. 

Section  6.  Each  application  must  be  accompanied  by  the  annual 
fee  (one  dollar),  and  shall  lie  over  for  one  month,  when  a  vote  shall 
be  taken  by  ballot.  Three  negative  votes  shall  cause  the  rejection 
of  the  applicant. 

Section  7.  Any  person  eligible  to  membership  may  be  elected 
a  life  member  of  this  society  on  the  payment  to  the  treasurer  of  $25. 
Life  members  shall  enjoy  all  the  privileges  of  active  members,  but 
shall  not  be  required  to  pay  annual  dues. 

Section  8.  The  Finance  Committee  shall  examine  all  accounts 
against  the  society,  and  no  bill  shall  be  paid  by  the  treasurer  unless 
approved  by  a  majority  of  the  Finance  Committee. 

Section  9.  Whenever  a  vacancy  in  any  office  of  this  society  oc- 
curs, the  Board  of  Directors  shall  call  a  meeting  of  the  society  within 
thirty  days  thereafter,  when  said  vacancy  shall  be  filled  by  election 
for  the  remainder  of  the  unexpired  term. 

Section  10.  Whenever  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  be  satisfied 
that  any  worthy  member  of  the  society  is  unable  for  the  time  being 
to  pay  the  annual  dues,  as  hereinbefore  prescribed,  it  shall  have  the 
power  to  remit  the  same. 

Section  n.  The  stated  meetings  of  this  society  shall  be  held 
on  the  first  Tuesday  of  each  month,  except  the  month  of  September, 
when  the  annual  meeting  shall  take  the  place  of  the  monthly  meet- 
ing. Special  meetings  may  be  called  by  the  president,  or  by  a  ma- 
jority of  the  Board  of  Directors,  but  no  business  sail  be  transacted  at 
such  special  meeting  except  that  specified  in  the  call. 

Section  12.  Changes  and  amendments  of  these  by-laws  may  be 
made  by  submitting  the  same  in  writing  to  the  Board  of  Directors 
at  least  one  month  prior  to  any  stated  meeting.  Said  proposed 
amendments  shall  be  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the  soceity.  If  said 
amendments  shall  receive  a  two-thirds  vote  of  all  members  present 
and  voting,  the  same  shall  be  declared  adopted. 



Ex-Mayor  Stephen  C.  Foster,  whose  portrait  appears  in  this 
issue  of  the  Annual,  died  in  this  city,  January  28,  1898;  and  a  sketch 
of  his  life  appears  in  Volume  IV,  pp.  179-183,  of  the  Historical  So- 
ciety's publications,  from  which  a  brief  summary  of  the  primary 
facts  of  his  life  is  condensed  here. 

Mr.  Foster  was  born  in  Maine,  December  17,  1820.  He  grad- 
uated from  Yale  College  in  the  class  of  1840;  later  attending  lectures 
at  the  Louisiana  Medical  College,  and  afterwards  practicing  medi- 
cine in  Jackson  county,  Missouri.  In  1845  ne  started  for  Califor- 
nia via  Santa  Fe,  Chihuahua  and  Sonora.  At  Oposura  he  learned  of 
the  breaking  out  of  the  Mexican  war;  and  not  being  able  to  find 
any  party  going  to  California,  he  returned  in  June,  1846,  to  Santa 
Fe;  and  in  October  he  was  employed  as  interpreter  of  the  "Mormon 
Battalion,"  which,  under  the  command  of  Col.  Philip  St.  George 
Cooke,  set  out  for  California,  by  way  of  Tucson,  and  the  Pima  Vil- 
lages, arriving  at  San  Diego  January  20,  1847,  an^  at  Los  Angeles, 
March  16,  1847, 

For  more  than  fifty  years,  Mr.  Foster  was  a  prominent  citizen 
of  Los  Angeles.  His  familiarity  with  the  Spanish  language,  in  the 
early  days,  enabled  him  to  serve  the  community  in  many  capacities. 
Col.  Mason,  the  then  military  Governor  of  the  Territory,  appointed 
Mr.  Foster  as  Alcalde  of  this  city,  January  i,  1848.  Mr.  Foster 
was  a  member  of  the  Constitutional  Convention  of  1849;  he  served 
as  State  Senator  during  1851-53,  and  he  was  twice  elected  Mayor 
of  Los  Angeles.  In  1848  he  was  married  to  Dona  Maria  Merced, 
daughter  of  Don  Antonio  Maria  Lugo  and  widow  of  Jose  Perez. 
She  and  their  two  sons  still  survive  him. 


Francisco  Sabichi,  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Los  Angeles  Pion- 
eers, who  died  suddenly  of  heart  disease  on  the  I2th  of  April,  1900, 
in  the  59th  year  of  his  age,  was  a  native  of  this  city.  He  was  born 
October  4,  1842.  His  father,  Matias  Sabichi,  was  a  native  of  Aus- 
tria, or  Austrain  Italy,  who  came  to  Los  Angeles  at  a  very  early 


day;  and  his  mother  was  Josef  a,  daughter  of  Don  Ygnacio  Coronel, 
and  sister  of  Antronio  F.  Coronel.  Matias  Sabichi  in  1852,  after  the 
death  of  his  wife,  took  his  two  boys,  Francisco  and  Matias,  and  set 
out  on  his  return  to  his  native  land,  but  he  died  on  the  way.  His  two 
sons  were  taken  in  charge  on  their  arrival  in  England  by  the  Ameri- 
can consul,  Mr.  Joseph  Rodney  Croskey,  who  became  a  true  foster- 
father  to  them,  taking  them  into  his  own  family  and  carefully 
educating  them.  Frank  was  in  the  British  navy  three  years.  Matias 
was  a  portion  of  the  time  at  school  in  France.  Both  learned  to 
speak  French,  and  of  course  English  and  Spanish,  the  latter  being 
their  mother  tongue.  They  returned  to  Los  Angeles  in  1860,  hav- 
ing been  away  about  eight  years.  Matias  Sabichi  was  accidentally 
shot  while  on  a  hunting^  trip,  from  the  effects  of  which  he  died  not 
long  afterwards.  Frank  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar. 
He  was  several  times  elected  a  member  of  the  City  Council  in  the 
early  70*5  and  also  once  in  the  8o's.  In  1865,  he  was  married  to 
Magdalena,  daughter  of  Wm.  Wolfskill,  the  pioneer.  She,  with 
their  eight  children  survive  him. 

Mr.  Sabichi  was  prominently  identified  with  the  "Sons  of  the 
Golden  West,"  being  at  the  time  of  his  death,  a  grand  trustee  of  the 
•rder  for  the  State  of  California, 

Louis  ROEDER, 
K.  D.  WISE, 



Robert  Miller  Towne,  a  charter  member  of  this  society,  who  died 
in  this  city  April  21,  1900,  was  born  in  Batavia,  Illinois,  November 
12,  1844.  He  came  to  Los  Angeles  in  the  fall  of  1869.  For  some 
years  he  engaged  in  sheep-raising.  Afterwards  he  went  to  New 
Mexico,  where  he  did  a  freighting  business  between  Las  Vegas  and 
the  mines. 

In  1881  he  married  Miss  Lillie  M.  Fisher,  daughter  of  Judge 
Fisher  of  this  city,  whom  most  of  the  members  of  this  pioneer  So- 
ciety knew  well.  Two  daughters  were  born  to  this  union.  They 
with  their  mother  survive  Mr.  Towne.  After  his  marriage  he  and 
his  family  resided  for  a  time  in  Kansas.  During  the  latter  por- 
tion of  his  life,  and  while  suffering  from  tuberculosis,  he  lived  on 



the  desert.  Mr.  Towne  was  a  man  of  much  decision  of  character; 
he  was  ever  a  good  citizen,  and  was  highly  respected  by  all  who 
knew  him.  H.  D.  BARROWS, 

Louis  ROEDER, 
K.  D.  WISE, 



Fred  W.  Wood  was  born  at  Praire  du  Chien,  Wisconsin,  April 
28,  1853.  At  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  war,  his  father  enlisted 
in  the  Union  Army,  and  became  colonel  of  the  ijth  Illinois  Volun- 
teer Infantry.  He  had  two  brothers  in  the  service,  and  only  his 
youth  prevented  him  from  enlisting. 

In  1868  the  family  removed  to  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  where  Fred  W. 
attended  the  High  School.  He  left  school  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  and 
for  a  year  or  more  afterwards  he  was  employed  in  the  office  of  the 
Kansas  City  Engineer.  From  Kansas  City  he  went  to  Northern 
Wisconsin,  where  he  was  engaged  for  three  years  in  the  construc- 
tion of  some  of  the  lines  of  the  Chicago  and  Northwestern  Railroad 
system.  In  1873  ne  came  to  California  and  in  March  of  the  follow- 
ing year  he  arrived  in  Los  Angeles.  After  spending  a  few  months 
in  various  engineering,  surveying  and  mining  enterprises,  he  became 
interested  with  Prudent  Beaudry  in  the  construction  of  the  Los  An- 
geles city  water  works.  For  several  years  he  was  in  the  abstract 
business  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Gillette,  Gibson  &  Wood.  His 
next  employment  was  the  laying  out  and  superintending  the  planting 
of  ].  De  Barth  Shorb's  extensive  vineyards  at  Alhambra  and  estab- 
lishing the  winery  there.  In  1889  he  became  identified  with  the 
Temple  Street  Cable  Railway  line.  He  managed  the  business  of 
the  Beaudry  Brothers,  Victor  and  Prudent,  who  were  largly  in- 
terested in  the  Temple  street  road.  After  the  death  of  the  brothers 
he  was  executor  of  their  estates.  In  1895  Mr.  Wood  became  super- 
intendent and  general  manager  of  the  Los  Angeles  Street  Railway 
Company,  the  most  extensive  street  railway  system  in  the  city.  In 
this  service  he  continued  until  his  death.  In  politics  he  was  a  Re- 
publican and  served  as  chairman  of  the  County  Republican  Central 
Committee  from  1894  to  1896.  He  stood  high  in  the  Masonic  and 
Odd  Fellows  orders. 

Seventeen  year  ago  Mr. Wood  married  Miss  Leona  Pigne-Du- 
puytren,  who  was  born  in  California,  and  is  grand  niece  of  the  re- 
nowed  Parisian  physician  Dr.  Dupuytren.  One  son,  Warren  Du- 
puytren,  was  born  of  this  union. 

Mr.  Wood  died  in  Los  Angeles,  May  19,  1900. 



Joseph  Bayer  was  born  in  Germany,  November  i,  1846.  He 
emigrated  to  the  United  States  during  his  early  boyhood.  During 
the  Civil  war  he  entered  thte  Union  Army,  enlisting  in  the  Second 
United  States  Infantry.  He  served  three  years.  After  the  war  he 
went  to  St.  Louis,  where  he  engaged  in  business  until  1868,  when 
he  came  to  California.  He  arrived  in  Los  Angeles  July  4,  1870.  He 
engaged  in  business  on  the  corner  of  Requena  and  Main  street.  In 
1872  he  went  to  Tucson,  Arizona,  where  he  remained  two  years 
Returning  to  Los  Angeles,  he  opened  a  wholesale  liquor  house  on 
North  Main  street.  He  built  up  an  extensive  business,  dealing  in  im- 
ported and  domestic  wines  and  brandies.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneer 
oil  producers  of  Southern  California. 

In  1875  Mr.  Bayer  married  Miss  K.  B.  Happ,  a  native  of  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.  He  died  in  this  city  July  27,  1900. 

(Los  Angeles  Daily  Times.) 

Augustus  Ulyard,  whose  funeral  was  held  yesterday  afternoon 
at  his  late  residence,  No.  809  South  Flower  street,  died  in  his  eighty- 
fifth  year.  He  has  been  a  modest  and  model  citizen  during  the  half 
century  he  lived  in  Los  Angeles,  and  political  honors  were  thrust 
upon  him  but  once  in  all  that  time,  he  having  been  a  member  of  the 
City  Council  in  1856. 

Ulyard  was  born  in  Philadelphia  on  February  22,  1816,  where 
in  his  young  manhood  he  learned  the  trade  of  a  baker,  and  must 
very  soon  after  its  completion  have  started  west,  for  he  enlisted  and 
served  as  a  Texas  Volunteer  in  the  war  with  Mexico  in  1837.  In 
1841  he  went  to  St.  Louis,  opened  a  bakery,  remained  there  until 
1846,  when  he  married  Miss  Mary  Field,  a  native  of  England,  who 
survives  him.  With  his  new  wife  and  worldly  belongings  he  again 
started  west  and  next  appears  as  a  citizen  of  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa. 
In  1852,  in  company  with  a  large  party  of  immigrants,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Ulyard  set  out  from  Council  Bluffs  for  the  Pacific  golden 
shores,  traveling  by  wagon  train.  Their  passage  across  the  plains 
would  seem  to  have  been  uneventful.  They  profited  by  the  horrible 
catastrophe  that  befell  the  Donner  party  in  1846,  and  in  order  to 
avoid  spending  the  winter  at  Salt  Lake,  or  taking  the  risk  of  the 
cold  passage  over  the  Sierra  Nevadas,  they  chose  the  southern  route, 
by  way  of  the  Cajon  Pass  and  San  Bernardino,  and  arrived  at  Los 
Angeles  on  the  last  day  of  the  year  1852. 

At  that  time  there  were  but  five  American  women  in  Los  An- 


geles  aside  from  Mrs.  Ulyard.  The  town  consisted  of  a  small  group 
of  adobe  buildings  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  plaza,  one  of  which 
Mr.  Ulyard  succeeded  in  renting,  and  as  behooves  the  thrifty  citizen 
at  once  set  himself  up  in  business  as  a  baker.  He  baked  the  first 
loaf  of  American  bread  ever  cooked  in  Los  Angeles,  using  yeast 
brought  across  the  plains  by  his  wife.  He  soon  sought  a  new  loca- 
tion on  the  outskirts  of  the  pueblo,  which  is  the  site  now  occupied 
by  the  Natick  House,  at  First  and  Main  streets.  For  twenty  years 
he  continued  to  follow  his  vocation  as  a  baker,  but  having  ac- 
cumulated a  competency,  he  then  retired.  He  owned  the  property  on 
the  southwest  corner  of  Fifth  and  Spring  streets. 

In  1856  he  was  quite  active  in  politics  and  helped  to  organize 
the  first  Republican  League  in  California,  in  an  old  frame  building 
«>n  Main  street  belonging  to  Capt.  Alexander  Bell.  It  was  in  the 
Fremont  campaign,  and  Ulyard  was  a  member  of  the  City  Council, 
which  seems  to  have  been  the  only  office  he  ever  held. 

From  the  time  of  his  arrival  to  the  time  of  his  death,  on  Sunday 
last,  Mr.  Ulyard  was  a  permanent  resident  of  Los  Angeles.  No 
children  were  born  to  him,  but  at  different  periods  he  adopted  home- 
less children  until  there  were  seven  in  all. 

He  died  August  5,  1900. 

REV.  A.  M.  HOUGH. 

Rev.  A.  M.  Hough,  a  member  of  the  Los  Angeles  Society  of 
Pioneers,  who  died  Aug.,  27,  1900,  was  a  native  of  Greene  county, 
New  York;  born  June  4,  1830.  He  received  his  education  at  the 
New  York  Conference  Seminary  in  Schohaire  county.  In  1864  Mr. 
Hough  went  to  Montana,  then  a  territory,  as  Superintendent  of  Mis- 
sions, and  established  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  there.  In 
1868,  on  account  of  his  wife's  failing  health,  he  came  with  her  to 
California,  driving  his  own  team  from  Montana  to  Los  Angeles, 
where  he  arrived  November  22.  He  served  as  pastor  of  various 
churches,  here,  in  San  Franisco  and  in  Sacramento,  till  1875,  when 
the  conference  was  divided  and  he  became  presiding  elder  of  the 
southern  body,  in  which  capacity  he  served  four  years.  He  retired 
from  active  service  as  a  pastor  about  1885. 

In  1854  Mr.  Hough  was  married  to  Miss  Anna  Gould,  a  native 
of  New  York,  who  survives  him.  Mr.  Hough  was  a  man  of  great 
intellectual  force,  and  yet  of  kindly,  gentle  manners,  broad  charity 
and  pure  life;  and  as  a  sequence  of  these  cardinal  qualities  he 
exerted  a  wide  influence  for  good  in  the  community  in  which  he 
lived  so  many  years. 



Henry  F.  Fleishman  was  born  at  Charleston,  S.  C,  in  1845;  he 
died  in  this  city,  where  he  had  resided  a  number  of  years,  on  the 
1 3th  of  October,  1900.  He  served  in  the  Confederate  army  during 
the  Civil  war,  from  beginning  to  end,  participating  in  many  of  the 
great  battles,  and  surrendering  with  General  Lee's  command  at  Ap- 
pomatox.  Mr.  Fleishman,  at  the  time  of  his  death,  was  a  member 
of  several  beneficent  orders,  in  which,  and  in  the  community  gen- 
erally, he  was  universally  respected. 


Our  society  is  called  upon  to  mourn  the  death,  which  occurred 
January  17,  1901,  of  our  associate,  Mr.  Frank  Lecouvreur.  Mr. 
Lecouvreur,  who  was  a  native  of  Ortelsburg,  Prussia,  born  June  7, 
1830,  came  via  Cape  Horn  to  California  in  1851,  and  to  Los  An- 
geles in  1855.  He  was  by  profession  a  civil  engineer,  and  he  served 
as  County  Surveyor  of  Los  Angeles  for  four  years;  he  also,  first 
and  last,  surveyed  many  ranches  for  private  parties.  He  at  one  time, 
during  the  '6o's  served  as  deputy  county  clerk,  and  later  was  cashier 
and  a  director  of  the  Farmers'  and  Merchants'  bank.  In  June,  1877, 
he  was  married  to  Miss  Josephine  R.  Smith,  who  survives  him. 

The  members  of  this  society,  and  of  this  community,  in  which 
he  lived  so  many  years,  universally  concede  the  sterling  worth  of  our 
brother,  and  sincerely  mourn  his  death. 

(Los  Angeles  Daily  Times.) 

Daniel  Schieck,  a  quaint  old  memento  of  the  days  when  Los 
Angeles  was  a  half  way  Mexican  town,  has  gone  from  the  streets 
forever.  He  lies  dead  in  the  home  that  he  built  half  a  cenury  ago, 
on  the  lonely  outskirts  of  the  hamlet  and  lived  to  see  sucked  into 
the  heart  of  a  city.  It  is  on  Franklin  street  at  the  head  of  New 

It  was  one  of  the  first  plastered  houses  in  the  pueblo.  Additions 
and  new  fronts  and  changes  have  been  made,  but  Schieck  never 
moved  from  the  place  all  through  the  years.  When  he  first  moved 
in,  Mrs.  Schieck  was  very  lonely,  because  there  would  be  days  when 
not  a  soul  passed  the  house.  For  many  years  the  little  German  and 
his  wife  have  been  familiar  figures  driving  about  the  city  in  their 
phaeton.  For  twenty-five  years  since  the  city  reached  out  and  ab- 


sorbed  his  suburban  place,  Schieck  has  been  living  on  his  money  in 
placid  ease. 

He  was  the  pioneer  drayman  of  the  city,  anH  for  a  time  was  its 
Gunga  Din,  with  a  water-cart,  peddling  Adam's  ale  from  house  to 

He  came  here  in  1852.  He  had  come  over  from  Baden  in  1845 
and  made  the  trip  across  the  plains  in  1852.  The  journey  was  made 
on  horseback,  and  Schieck  was  once  abandoned  by  his  party  to  die. 
About  half  way  across  the  plains  he  was  suddenly  taken  very  ill, 
and  the  party  would  not  take  him  on.  He  was  too  far  gone  to  travel 
anyhow.  They  would  have  deserted  him  like  a  sick  wolf,  but  he 
made  a  bargain  with  one  of  the  men,  who,  having  no  horse,  was 
walking.  Schieck  told  him  that  he  would  buy  him  a  good  horse 
and  saddle  and  bridle  if  he  would  stay  and  nurse  him  through  the 

They  put  Schieck  out  under  a  tree  by  the  side  of  the  road  and 
the  man  fell  out  of  the  party  to  stay  with  him.  He  was  a  reasonably 
faithful  nurse  for  two  days.  Then  one  morning  Schieck  woke  up  to 
find  that  the  man  had  run  away  in  the  night  with  his  saddle,  horse 
and  outfit.  He  would  probably  have  died  from  hunger  and  neglect 
but  that  he  was  on  the  road  to  one  of  the  Mormon  trading  posts. 
The  Mormon  traders  found  and  cared  for  him  until  he  got  well. 

Just  as  soon  as  he  could  possibly  travel,  Schieck  set  out  with  a 
new  horse  with  a  Teutonic  determination  to  find  that  party  that 
deserted  him.  He  paid  the  managers  to  take  him  out  to  Sacramento 
and  intended  to  get  his  money's  worth.  By  hard  riding  he  overtook 
the  party  as  it  was  crossing  the  borders  of  California. 

They  took  him  the  rest  of  the  way  into  Sacramento  and  gave 
him  one  of  the  best  pair  of  oxen  in  the  caravan  to  atone  for  having 
allowed  him  to  make  half  the  journey  alone  and  without  the  accom- 
modations due  him. 

He  went  to  farming  near  Sacramento,  but  one  of  the  oxen  died 
before  long,  and  he  wandered  into  the  gold  fields.  He  got  rheuma- 
tism, but  no  gold.  Looking  for  a  better  climate,  Schieck  came 
down  the  State  into  Southern  California. 

When  he  hit  Los  Angeles,  the  man  who  peddled  water  was  about 
to  leave  and  Schieck  took  his  place.  For  a  little  while  he  followed 
this  job,  getting  water  every  morning  from  the  zanja  and  delivering 
it  around  to  the  houses.  He  charged  $2  a  month  for  each  of  his 
customers.  This  didn't  pay  and  he  went  into  the  dray  business. 

He  drove  a  funny,  old-fashioned,  two- wheeled  dray  cart  and 
had  a  mononoply.  He  used  to  meet  the  Banning  coaches  coming  in 


from  San  Pedro,  and  the  other  stage  lines.   He  charged  about  what 
he  liked. 

The  little  place  that  he  bought  on  the  outskirts  of  the  city  ran 
along  seventy-five  feet  on  what  is  now  Spring  street,  and  the  whole 
length  of  Franklin  street.  It  made  him  rich. 

In  the  early  days  he  cut  quite  a  figure  in  affairs,  and  one  of  the 
reminiscences  that  he  liked  to  tell  was  of  serving  on  the  first  vigi- 
lance committee  that  introduced  Judge  Lynch  to  Los  Angeles. 

When  he  died  Sunday  night,  January  20,  1901,  he  was  aged 
8 1  years,  3  months  and  20  days.  It  was  just  old  age  that  took  him 
off.  About  five  weeks  ago  he  was  out  driving  with  his  wife  and 
became  so  dazed  that  he  could  scarcely  drive  home,  narrowly  es- 
caping several  accidents.  He  went  to  bed  when  he  got  home  and 
never  was  up  again. 

He  leaves  a  widow,  who  was  his  second  wife,  and  two  children, 
Mrs.  S.  E.  Boecher  and  Mrs.  C.  E.  Jenkins,  besides  a  daughter-in- 
law,  Mrs.  John  Schieck. 


Andrew  Glassell  was  born  in  Virginia,  September  30,  1827. 
When  he  was  seven  years  old  his  parents  moved  to  Alabama,  where 
his  father  engaged  in  cotton  planting.  Andrew  was  educated  in 
the  University  of  Alabama,  from  which  he  graduated  in  1848.  Af- 
ter graduating  he  studied  law.  In  1853  he  came  to  California,  and 
the  same  year  was  admitted  to  practice  in  the  Supreme  Court  of  the 
State.  A  friend  of  his  being  United  States  Attorney  at  San  Fran- 
cisco, Mr.  Glassell  received  the  appointment  of  Deputy  United 
States  District  Attorney,  to  assist  in  trying  a  large  number  of 
accumulated  land  cases  pending  in  the  Federal  District  Court,  and 
was  thus  employed  about  three  years.  Then  resuming  his  private 
practice,  he  did  a  prosperous  legal  business  till  the  Civil  war  broke 
out.  His  sympathies  were  with  the  Confederates,  but  not  caring  to 
take  part  by  discussion  or  otherwise  on  either  side,  he  quit  the  prac- 
tice of  law  and  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of  lumber  and  staves 
near  Santa  Cruz,  employing  a  large  force  of  men  in  a  steam  sawmill. 
After  the  war  he  came  to  Los  Angeles,  and  in  partnership  with 
Alfred  B.  Chapman  and  George  H.  Smith,  established  the  law  firm 
of  Glassell,  Chapman  &  Smith.  In  1883  Mr.  Glassell  retired  from 
the  practice  of  law,  to  devote  his  whole  time  to  his  private  business. 

Mr.  Glassell  was  twice  married.  In  1855  he  married  a  daughter 
of  Dr.  H.  H.  Toland,  an  eminent  phyiscian  of  San  Francisco,  by 
whom  he  had  nine  children.  She  died  in  1879.  His  second  wife  he 
married  in  1885.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Wm.  C.  Micou  of  New 
Orleans.  She  died  about  two  years  since.  Mr.  Glassell  died  Jan- 
uary 28,  1901. 

List  of  Members  Admitted  Since  Last  Report, 
January,  1900. 


Alvarez,  Ferdinand 


00    Mo. 


AKR1V.  HI                 BBS.                Alt.   IN 
CO.                                                 STATE 

May  1,  1872    047  S.  Slchel            1872 

Bragg,  Ansel  M. 
Bright,  Toney 
Buffam,  Wm.  M. 

70   Maine 
47    Ohio 
08    Mass. 


Nov.,  1878    100  Hewitt               1807 
Sept.  1874    218  Requena           1874 
July  4,  1860    144  W.  12th 

Cerelli,  Sebastian 
Compton,  Geo.  D. 
Cowan,  D.  W.  C. 
Carter,  Julius  M. 

56   Italy 
80    Va. 
70    Penn. 
94    Vt. 


Nov.  2,  1874    811  San  Fernando  1874 
May,  1807   828  W.  Jefferson     
June  1,  1808   824  W.  Tenth          1840 
Mar.  4,  1870    Pasadena               1876 

Davis,  John  W. 
Davis,  Virginia  W. 
Delano,  Thos.  A. 

40    Ind. 
62    Ark. 
70    N.  H. 


Dec.  10,  1872    San  Pedro              1872 
Sept.,  1862    San  Pedro              IH.VJ 
April,  1860    Newhall                  I860 

French,  Chas.  E. 

60    Maine 


April.  1871    141  H  N.  Broad'y    1800 

Griffith,  Jas.  R. 
Gephard,  Geo. 
Green,  Morris  M. 

00    Mo. 
70   Germ. 
04    N.  Y. 

Stock  Raiser 

May,  1881    Glendale                  1846 
June,  1876    488  N.  Grand          18KO 
Nov.,  1800    8017  Kingsley         1800 

Hays,  Wade 
Haas,  Sarefta  S. 
Hamilton,  Ezra  M. 
Hewitt,  Roscoe  E. 

02    Mo. 
82    N.  Y. 
08    111. 
00    Ohio 



Sept..  1863    Colegrove               1868 
April  7,  I860    1610  W.  Eighth       I860 
Sept.  20,  1876   810  Avenue  28         1868 
Feb.  27,  1873    887  S.  Olive             l<>3 

Kuhrts,  Susan 
King,  Laura  E. 
Klockenbrink,  Wm. 

60    Germ. 
68    Flor. 
00    Germ. 


May,  1808    107  W.  First            1802 
Nov.  27,  1849    412  N.  Breed           1840 
Oct.  1870    Hewitt                     1870 

Ling.  Robert  A. 
Lockhart,  Thomas  J. 
Lockhart.  Levi  J. 
Lockwood,  James  W. 

47    Can. 
02    Ind. 
70    Ind. 
08    N.  Y. 

Real  Estate 
Coal  Merchant 

Sept.,  1873    1101  Downey  av      1871 
May  1,  1878    1020  Lovelace  av    1872 
May  1,1878    1814  S.  Grand  av     1878 
Apr.  1,  1876    Water  st                I860 

Marxson,  Dora 
Meade,  John 
Moran,  Samuel 
MelTill.  J.  H. 
Montague,  Newell  S. 
McFarland,  Silas  R. 

00   Germ. 
07    Ire. 
88    D.  C. 
64    Mass. 
66    111. 
61    Pa. 

Sec.  Fid.  Ab.  Co. 

Nov.  14,  1878    212  E.  17th                1878 
Sept  0,  1800    208  W.  18th                INW 
Mav  15,  1878    Colegrove               i« 
Aug.,  1875    406  N.  Beaudry  av  1874 
Oct.  2.  1860    122  E.  28th                l<«> 
Jan.  28,  1875    1834  W.  Twelfth     1868 

Proffltt,  Green  L. 

08    Mo. 


Nov.,  1887    1512  W.  Twelfth     1868 

Russell,  Wm.  H. 
Ruxton,  Albert  St.  O. 

60    N.  Y. 
48    Eng. 

Fruit  Grower 

Apr  0,  1806    Whit  tier 
Sept.,  1878    128  N.  Main             1878 

Smith.  W.  J.  A. 
Sentous,  Jean 
Shearer,  Mrs.  Tillie 

64    Eng. 
04    France 

51     111. 


Apr.  12,  1874    820  Linden               1874 
April,  I860    645  S.  Grand  av      I860 
July,  1876    1184  El  Molino        1862 

Thayer,  John  S. 

48    N.  Y. 


Oct.  25,  1874    147  W.  25th              1874 

Vlgnolo.  Ambrosio 
Vawter,  W.  S. 

71    Italy 
61    Ind. 
66    Ind. 


Feb.  17.  1867    Los  Angeles          1860 
Apr.  12,  1875    Ocean  Park            1K76 
July  10.  1876    Santa  Monica         1876 

Wartenberg,  Louis 
Whisler,  Isaac 

60   Germ. 
67    Ark. 

Com.  Trav. 

Nov.,  1868    1067  S.  Grand  av     1868 
Aug.,  1852    686  San  Pedro  st  1862 

Organized  November  1,  1883  Incorporated  February  13, 1891 

PART  II.  VOL.  V. 



Historical  Society 


Southern  California 


Los  Angeles 


Published  by  the  Society. 


Geo.  Rkt  ft  Son* 



Officers  of  the  Historical  Society,  1901-1902 104 

Pioneer  Physicians  of  Los  Angeles H.  D.  Barrows  105 

The  Old  Round  House George  W.  Hazard  109 

Passing  of  the  Old  Pueblo /.  M.  Guinn  113 

Marine  Biological  Labratory  at  San  Pedro— 

Mrs.  M.  Burton  Williamson  121 

Early  Clericals  of  Los  Angeles H.  D.  Barroivs  127 

The  Original  Father  Junipero F.  J.  Polley  134 

Camel  Caravans  of  the  American  Deserts.  .  . ./.  M.  Guinn  146 

Dilatory  Settlement  of  California Waiter  R.  Bacon  152 


Officers  and  Committees  of  -the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los 

Angeles  County,  1901-1902 159 

Constitution  and  By-Laws 160 

Order  of  Business 164 

Inaugural  Address  of  President H.  D.  Barrows  165 

The  Pony  Express /.  M.  Guinn  168 

Overland  to  California  in  1850 J.  M.  Stewart  176 

Early  Days  in  Washoe Alfred  James  186 


Fred  W.  Wood M.  F.  Qunm  194 

Thomas  E.  Rowan Committee  Report  197 

George  Gephard L.  A.  Times  199 

Elizabeth  Langley  Ensign Committee  Report  199 

William  F.  Grosser Committee  Report  200 

Samuel  Calvert  Foy  (Portrait) Committee  Report  202 

Charles  Brode Committee  Report  204 

Frank  A.  Gibson Committee  Report  206 

In   Memoriam    207 

Membership  Roll 208 




WALTER  R.  BACON President 

A.  C.  VROMAN First  Vice-President 

MRS.  M.  BURTON  WILLIAMSON Second  Vice-President 

EDWIN    BAXTER Treasurer 

J.  M.   GUINN Secretary  and   Curator 




J.  M.  GUINN,  A.  C  VROMAN, 




WALTER  R.    BACON President 

J.  D.  MOODY First  Vice-President 

MRS.  M.  BURTON  WILLIAMSON Second  Vice-President 

EDWIN    BAXTER Treasurer 

J.    M.    GUINN Secretary    and    Curator 







Historical  Society 


Southern  California 



BY   H.  D.   BARROWS. 

[Read  Oct.  7,  1901.] 

The  first  three  educated  physicians  who  practiced  their  pro- 
fession in  Los  Angeles  for  longer  or  shorter  periods,  of  whom 
we  have  any  record,  were : 

Dr.  John  Marsh,  who  came  here  in  January  1836; 

Dr.  Richard  S.  Den,  who  arrived  in  California  in  1843; 

Dr.  John  S  Griffin,  assistant  surgeon,  U.  S.  A.,  who  arrived 
in  1846. 

A  brief  account  of  each  of  these  trained  physicians  and  sur- 
geons ought  to  be  of  interest  to  the  present  generation. 

Dr.  Marsh  was  a  native  of  Massachusetts,  and  a  graduate  of 
Harvard  college,  and  also  of  its  medical  school.  He  came  to 
Los  Angeles  by  way  of  Santa  Fe.  In  the  Archives  of  this  city, 
Translations,  Vol.  2,  p.  113,  (session  of  the  Ayuntamiento  or 
Town  Council,  of  i8th  February,  1836,)  the  following  record 
is  found  : 

A  petition  from  foreigner,  Don  Juan  Marchet, 
(John  Marsh;  the  sound  of  sh  at  the  ending  of  a  word  is  un- 
known to  the  Spanish  tongue;)  a  native  of  United  States  of  the 
North,  was  read.  He  asks  that  this  illustrious  (honorable) 
Ayuntamiento  consider  him  as  having  appeared,  he  declaring 
his  intention  of  establishing  (locating}"  in  this  city,  and  also  that 
he  is  a  physician  and  surgeon.  The  111.  Aynumiento  decided, 


in  conformity  with  the  law  of  April  14,  1828,  Art.  3,  as  follows: 
Record  and  forward  the  certified  copy,  solicited,  reminding  said 
Marchet  (Marsh)  that  he  cannot  practice  surgery  until  he  has 
obtained  permission  from  this  Ayuntamiento."  .  .  .  (Min- 
utes of  this  meeting  were  signed:)  "Manuel  Requena,  Pres.; 
Tiburcio  Tapia,  Rafael  Guirado,  Basilic  Valdez,  Jose  Ma.  Her- 
rera,  Abel  Stearns,  Narcisco  Botello."  (Each  with  his  proper 
Rubric  attached.) 

At  page  117  of  Archives,  (session  of  25th  February,  1836,) 
this  minute  occurs:  ...  "A  petition  from  Mr.  Juan 
Marchet  (Marsh)  asking  to  be  permitted  to  practice  his  profes- 
sion, was  read.  The  111.  Body,  decided  to  give  him  permission 
to  practice  medicine,  as  he  has  submitted  for  inspection  his  di- 
ploma, which  was  found  to  be  correct,  and  also  for  the  reason 
that  he  would  be  very  useful  to  the  community." 

His  diploma  being  in  Latin,  it  is  said  that,  as  no  one  could 
be  found  in  Los  Angeles  who  understood  that  language,  the 
document  had  to  be  sent  to  San  Gabriel  for  the  Mission  priest 
to  translate,  and  which,  as  noted,  was  found  correct.  Dr. 
Marsh,  however,  only  remained  in  Los  Angeles  about  "a  year, 
when,  early  in  1837,  he  went  north  and  settled  finally  on  the 
rancho  Los  Medanos,  or  New  York  ranch,  near  Monte  Diablo, 
of  which  he  became  the  owner.  Here  he  lived  until  his  death  in 
1856,  being  murdered  by  natives.  Dr.  Marsh  was  naturalized  as 
a  Mexican  citizen  in  1844. 

Dr.  R.  S.  Den  was  born  in  Ireland  in  1821.  After  receiving 
a  thorough  education  as  a  physician,  surgeon  and  obstetrician, 
he  was  appointed  surgeon  of  a  passenger  ship  bound  for  Austra- 
lia in  1842.  From  thence  he  came  via  Valparaiso  to  Mazatlan, 
where  he  received  with  delight  news  from  his  brother,  Nicolas, 
from  whom  he  had  not  heard  for  some  years,  and  who  was  then 
living  at  Santa  Barbara.  Resigning  his  position  as  surgeon,  he 
came  to  California,  arriving  at  San  Pedro,  August  21,  and  at 
Santa  Barbara,  September  i,  1843,  at  the  a£e  °f  22  years. 

In  the  winter  of  1843-4,  Dr.  Den  was  called  to  Los  Angeles 
to  perform  some  difficult  surgical  operations,  when  he  received 
a  petition,  signed  by  leading  citizens,  both  native  and  foreign, 
asking  him  to  remain  and  practice  his  profession.  And  so,  in 
July,  1844,  he  returned  to  Los  Angeles.  From  that  time  on,  till 
his  death  in  1895,  he  made  his  home  here,  with  the  exception  of 
a  brief  period  in  the  mines,  and  about  twelve  years,  from  1854 
to  1866,  in  which  he  had  to  look  after  the  interests  of  his  stock 
rancho  of  San  Marcos,  in  Santa  Barbara  county. 


A  much  fuller  account  of  Dr.  Den  and  his  long  and  honora- 
ble career  in  Southern  California  during  the  pioneer  times,  may 
be  found  in  the  "Illustrated  History  of  Los  Angeles  County, 
published  in  1889,  pp.  197-200,  which  also  contains  a  steel  en- 
graving and  good  likeness  of  Dr.  Den. 

In  the  Medical  Directory  of  1878  the  following  paragraph 
appears:  "It  is  of  record  that  Dr.  R.  S.  Den,  in  obedience  to 
the  laws  of  Mexico  relating  to  foreigners,  did  present  his  di- 
plomas as  physician  and  surgeon  to  the  government  of  the  coun- 
try, March  14,  1844,  and  that  he  received  special  license  to 
practice  from  said  government."  The  document  here  referred 
to,  Dr.  Den,  in  the  latter  years  of  his  life,  showed  to  me.  It  was 
signed  by  Gov.  Micheltorena;  and,  as  it  was  an  interesting  his- 
torical document,  I  asked  that  he  present  it  to  the  Historical 
Society,  which  he  promised  to  do.  At  his  death,  I  took  consid- 
erable pains  to  have  the  paper  hunted  up,  but  without  success. 
His  heirs,  (the  children  of  his  brother  Nicolas,)  apparently  had 
but  little  idea  of  the  historical  value  of  such  a  document,  and 
therefore  it  probably  has  been  lost. 

Dr.  John  S.  Griffin,  who  for  nearly  half  a  century  was  an 
eminent  citizen,  and  an  eminent  physician  and  surgeon  of  Los 
Angeles,  was  a  native  of  Virginia,  born  in  1816,  and  a  graduate 
of  the  medical  department  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania, 
After  practicing  his  profession  some  three  years  in  Louisville, 
he  entered  the  United  States  army  as  assistant  surgeon,  serving 
under  Gen.  Worth  in  Florida  and  on  the  southwest  frontier. 
As  I  presented  the  Historical  Society  a  condensed  sketch  of  Dr. 
Griffin's  life  on  the  occasion  of  his  death,  three  years  ago,  (pub- 
lished in  the  society's  Annual  of  1898,  pp.  183-5,)  I  would  here 
refer  members  to  that  sketch ;  and  for  further  details,  to  the  ac- 
count that  I  wrote,  taken  down  mainly  from  his  own  lips,  for  the 
Illustrated  History  of  this  county  of  1889,  pp.  206-7,  which  lat- 
ter is  accompanied  by  an  excellent  stipple  steel  portrait  of  Dr. 
Griffiin.  There  are  many  citizens  of  Los  Angeles  and,  in  fact, 
of  California,  still  living  who  knew  Dr.  Griffiin  well  and  esteemed 
him  highly.  His  death  occurred  in  this  city,  August  23,  1898. 

Of  other  physicians  and  surgeons  who  practiced  their  pro- 
fession in  Los  Angeles  in  early  times,  there  were  Doctors  A.  P. 
Hodges,  the  first  mayor  of  the  city,  (July  3,  1850,  to  May  15, 
1851;)  and  A.  W.  Hope,  who  was  the  first  State  Senator,  (1850- 
51,)  of  the  First  Senatorial  District,  (San  Diego  and  Los  An- 
geles;) and  Doctors  McFarlane,  Downey,  (afterwards  Governor 
of  the  State;)  Thos.  Foster,  T.  J.  White,  R.  T.  Hayes,  Winston, 


Cullen,  etc.;  and  during  the  fifties  and  sixties  and  later,  many 
others  too  numerous  to  mention,  within  the  limits  and  scope  of 
this  brief  paper. 

My  friend,  Mr.  Elijah  Moulton,  who  came  to  Los  Angeles 
in  1845,  informs  me  that  he  knew  two  other  doctors,  who  prac- 
ticed here  for  a  short  time  between  '45  and  '49 :  one  of  them  a 
Frenchman,  who  went  to  San  Diego  with  Dr.  Griffiin  to  assist 
him  in  treating  the  wounded  soldiers,  and  who,  Dr.  Griffiin  said, 
was  a  first-cless  surgeon;  and  an  American  named  Keefe.  The 
Frenchman's  name  has  been  forgotten. 



"In  the  years  from  1854  to  1886,  an  odd-shaped  building 
stood  on  lots  fronting  120  feet  on  Main  street,  Los  Angeles, 
and  running  through  to  Spring.  The  latter  street  was  in  the 
earlier  part  of  this  time  little  more  than  a  country  road.  The 
building  was  a  conspicuous  landmark  of  the  town,  and  was 
universally  known  as  the  Round  House,  though  within  the  mem- 
ory of  most  American  residents  who  were  here  then  it  was, 
strictly  speaking,  an  octagon  in  shape.  Its  exact  location  was 
ninety-one  and  a  half  feet  south  of  Third  street,  on  the  site  of 
the  present  Pridham  and  Pinney  blocks.  The  old  well,  from 
which  water  was  drawn  by  a  private  arrangement,  called  a  well 
sweep,  consisting  of  a  long  pole,  resting  in  the  middle  on  an  up- 
right forked  timber,  and  a  rope  at  one  end,  to  which  the  bucket 
was  attached,  and  the  other  end  weighted  with  rocks. 

This  land  was  granted  by  the  Ayuntamiento  of  the  pueblo  of 
Los  Angeles  to  Juan  Bouvette  and  Loreta  Cota,  his  wife,  Au- 
gust 3  ist,  1847.  On  March  3rd,  1854,  it  was  purchased  by  Re- 
mundo  Alexander  and  Maria  Valdez,  his  wife.  Mr.  Alexander 
was  a  native  of  France,  and  came  to  California  as  a  sailor.  In 
Africa  he  had  seen  houses  of  stone  built  cylindrical  in  form.  So 
when  he  married  Dona  Maria,  daughter  of  Senor  Valdez,  a 
prominent  citizen  and  native  of  California,  though  a  grandson 
of  Spain,  he  varied  the  uniform  style  of  building  in  Spanish- 
American  countries  and  fashioned  the  new  adobe  dwelling  for 
his  bride  after  the  architecture  of  Africa.  The  building  was 
two  stories  high,  with  an  umbrella-shaped  shingle  roof,  and  cost 
(Mrs.  Alexander  thinks),  with  the  lawn,  from  fifteen  to  twenty 
thousand  dollars.  On  July  28th,  1856,  it  was  sold  to  George 
Lehman  and  his  wife,  Clara  Snyder.  In  transferring  the  prop- 
erty, the  wording  of  the  deed  follows  established  custom,  for  in 
Spanish  countries  a  woman  does  not  lose  her  maiden  name. 
After  marriage  that  of  her  husband  is  affixed  to  her  own  with 
the  preposition  de  (of)  between.  Mr.  Lehman  was  a  native  of 
Germany,  familiarly  known  to  his  fellow-citizens  as  "Dutch 
George."  He  is  described  by  those  who  knew  him  well,  as  a 


good-natured,  kind-hearted,  well-meaning  man,  full  of  vagaries 
and  fantastic  notions. 

After  Lehman  came  into  possession  of  the  Round  House  he 
enlarged  it  by  enclosing  it  in  a  frame  extension  about  ten  feet 
deep,  which  on  the  exterior  was  an  octagon,  and  in  the  interior 
divided  into  additional  rooms.  Over  the  windows  he  painted 
the  names  o  fthe  thirteen  original  States,  with  that  of  Cali- 
fornia added.  Mr.  Lehman  had  a  strange  hallucination  (excep- 
tional in  Californians)  that  he  had  found  the  garden  of  Eden, 
and  he  set  to  work  to  make  his  grounds  as  nearly  as  possible 
his  conception  of  the  dwelling  place  of  our  first  parents.  He 
built  a  labyrinth  of  arbors,  which  in  time  were  hidden  under  a 
profusion  of  vines  and  roses.  He  planted  fruit  and  ornamental 
trees,  shrubbery  and  plants,  in  quantity  and  variety,  supposed 
to  have  delighted  the  senses  and  sheltered  the  bodies  of  the  pro- 
genitors of  the  race. 

The  entrance  to  this  modern  Eden  was  not  guarded  by  cher- 
ubim and  flaming  sword,  but  by  something  probably  more  ef- 
fective in  excluding  intruders;  a  row  of  "tunas"  (cactus)  ex- 
tended across  the  Main  and  Spring  streets  sides  that  grew  from 
ten  to  fifteen  feet  high,  with  branches  so  closely  interlaced  that 
they  formed  an  impenetrable  hedge.  This  garden  became  a 
thicket  of  foliage  and  bloom,  to  which  the  owner  charged  a 
small  admission  fee;  and  he  sold  beer  and  pretzels  within  its 
shady  recesses.  It  was  embellished  with  cement  statues  repre- 
senting Adam  and  Eve  reclining  under  a  tree,  with  the  wily  ser- 
pent presumably  alluring  Mother  Eve  to  take  the  initial  step  in 
human  progress  that  bequeathed  her  name  to  posterity  as  the 
first  woman  who  aspired  to  a  higher  education.  Scattered  about 
under  the  trees  were  effigies  in  cement  of  the  animals  which 
passed  in  review  before  Adam  to  receive  their  names. 

For  more  than  twenty  years  this  garden  was  one  of  the  re- 
sorts of  the  town,  and  was  used  on  public  occasions,  notably  the 
centennial  celebration  of  July  4th,  1876.  On  March  6th,  1879, 
it  passed  out  of  possession  of  Lehman,  sold  under  foreclosure 
of  mortgage.  The  cactus  hedge  was  cut  down  in  July,  1886, 
when  the  city  ordered  the  laying  of  cement  sidewalks. 

The  building  was  used  as  a  school  house  after  Lehman  left 
it;  then  as  a  lodging  house,  and  in  its  last  estate  became  a  resort 
for  tramps.  It  disappeared  before  the  march  of  progress  in  1887. 
An  air  of  mystery  in  later  years  surrounded  the  unique  structure 
and  strange  stories  were  told  of  the  eccentric  owner,  not  sub- 
stantiated by  those  who  knew  him  best." 


The  foregoing  is  from  the  "Land  of  Sunshine"  for  August, 
1897,  written  by  Mary  M.  Bowman. 

It  was  my  pleasure  to  see  the  Round  House  built.  It  was 
the  wonder  of  the  town;  and  when  I  first  saw  it,  the  foundation 
was  up  about  18  inches.  It  was  built  of  adobe.  The  exact  num- 
bers of  the  land  it  occupied  are  311-313-315  and  317  South 
Main  street.  The  old  cactus  hedge  was  on  Spring  street,  where 
the  Breed  block  now  stands;  and,  to  be  exact,  covered  the  space 
now  included  in  Nos.  308-310-312  and  314  South  Spring  street. 
Mrs.  Bowman  says  that  Georgetown  *  (called  after  George  Leh- 
man) was  at  the  corner  of  Broadway  and  Fifth  streets;  it  should 
read  Sixth  and  Spring.  There  he  built  an  addition  of  two 
stories  of  brick  to  the  old  house  of  Jose  Rais,  which  is  still  stand- 
ing— No.  605  (now  the  Owl  Bakery);  also  No.  607  South  Spring 
street,  now  known  as  "Bob's  Place"  lunch  counter.  That  takes 
you  to  the  alley.  He  cut  the  corner  and  made  it  octagon;  and 
there  today  you  can  read  "Georgetown  Bakery."  The  Ralphs 
painted  over  it  in  black,  but  it  has  peeled  off,  so  you  can  see 
the  gold  letters.  Across  the  alley  is  the  old  house  of  Jose  Lopez, 
now  the  Le  Long  building.  The  Ralphs  brothers  bought  it  in 
1870,  tore  down  the  adobe  and  built  the  present  block  on  the 
corner.  Lehman,  later,  had  a  wine  cellar  on  Sixth  street,  where 
the  Lindley  Sanitarium  now  stands,  between  the  Widney  block 
and  the  First  Methodist  church. 

It  is  not  true  that  Lehman  gave  the  Sixth  Street,  or  Central 
Park  to  the  city.  Donations  were  asked  for,  trees  and  shrub- 
bery, etc.;  and  he  was  the  first  to  donate.  And  he  did  with  his 
own  hands  plant  the  first  trees  there;  and  he  kept  them  watered 
with  his  five-gallon  cans  from  his  Sixth  Street  house. 

The  following  extract  from  the  Los  Angeles  Star  of  October 
2d,  1858,  gives  an  account  of  the  opening  of  the  resort,  which 
was  then  well  out  in  the  country: 


"The  handsome  grounds  of  the  Round  House  in  the  South 
part  of  Main  street  have  lately  been  fitted  up  as  a  public  garden, 

*My  wife  and  I  were  at  the  christening  of  Georgetown,  which  took  place 
at  an  adobe  house  on  the  East  side  of  Spring  street,  south  of  Sixth  street, 
one  afternoon  when  George  Lehman  brought  a  bottle  or  two  of  wine  and  some 
baker's  cookies  and  invited  my  wife  and  me  to  the  christening;  we  were  then 
living  in  a  house  owned  by  him  where  the  store  long  known  as  Ralphs' 
grocery  now  stands.  The  native  California  girls  who  were  there  enjoyed  it 
very  much. — A.  G.  Mappa. 


under  the  above  rather  high  sounding-  title.  In  it  are  to  be  seen 
elegantly  portrayed  the  primeval  family,  Adam  and  Eve,  Cain 
and  Abel ;  also  the  old  serpent  and  the  golden  apples,  all  accord- 
ing to  the  record.  There  is  beside  a  frame  work  containing 
what  are  called  flying  horses,  for  the  amusement  of  children.  A 
band  of  music  stationed  on  the  balcony  of  the  house  plays  at  in- 
tervals. The  garden  is  tastefully  laid  out  and  is  much  frequented 
by  citizens,  especially  on  Sundays." 


BY  J.    M.   GUINN. 

[Read  December,  1901.] 

No  era  of  California  history  is  so  little  known  or  understood 
as  that  which  may  be  called  the  transition  period — the  period  in 
which  California  was  passing  from  a  Mexican  province  to  an 
American  state.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  discovery  of 
gold,  shortly  after  the  conquest,  directed  the  attention  of  the 
world  to  the  gold  regions  in  Northern  California,  which  were 
uninhabited  before  the  conquest,  and  where  no  transition  took 
place;  while  Southern  California,  where  the  population  was  cen- 
tered under  the  Mexican  regime,  received  but  few  accessons 
from  immigration  and  the  native  inhabitants  were  left  to  trans- 
form themselves  into  American  citizens  as  best  they  could. 

The  last  Mexican  stronghold,  Los  Angeles,  surrendered  to 
Commodore  Stockton,  January  10,  1847.  A  semi-military, 
semi-civil  government  was  inaugurated  and  the  inhabitants  were 
encouraged  to  continue  their  municipal  government  under  the 
Mexican  laws  of  the  Territory.  The  treaty  of  peace  in  1848, 
made  all  the  native  Californians  who  elected  to  remain  in  the 
country,  citizens  of  the  United  States  nolens  volens.  For  three 
years  and  a  half  the  anomalous  condition  existed  of  citizens  of 
the  United  States  living  in  the  United  States  governed  by  Mex- 
ican laws  administered  by  a  mixed  constituency  of  Mexican- 
born  and  American-born  officials. 

Just  what  these  laws  were,  it  was  difficult  to  find  out.  No 
code  commissioners  had  codified  the  laws  and  it  sometimes  hap- 
pened that  the  judge  made  the  law  to  suit  the  case.  Under  the 
old  regime  the  alcalde  was  often  law-giver,  judge,  jury  and  ex- 
ecutioner all  in  one.  And  it  did  not  astonish  the  native  to  find 
the  American  following  Mexican  precedents.  That  such  a  state 
of  affairs  produced  no  serious  difficulties  was  largely  due  to  the 
easy  good  nature  of  the  native  Californians.  Had  their  adhesion 
to  the  mother  country,  Mexico,  been  stronger  there  might  have 
been  strenuous  protests  and  even  armed  uprising  against  an 
enforced  allegiance  to  a  government  for  which  they  could  have 
no  love.  But  Mexico,  at  best,  had  been  to  them  only  a  step- 


mother,  and  their  separation  from  her  caused  them  no  heart 

Had  they  been  given  a  choice,  it  is  doubtful  whether  many 
of  them  would  have  elected  to  become  citizens  of  the  United 
States — a  country  whose  inhabitants  were  alien  to  them  in  race, 
religion  and  customs.  The  conditions  under  which  they  became 
citizens  were  humiliating  to  their  pride  and  were  often  made 
more  so  by  the  arrogance  of  fellows  of  the  baser  sort  who  as- 
sumed the  airs  of  conquerors.  To  the  credit  of  the  native  Cali- 
fornian  be  it  said  that  throughout  the  trying  ordeal  of  transition 
he  bore  himself  as  good  citizen  and  a  perfect  gentleman. 

The  transition  period  (as  I  have  said)  from  the  rule  of  Mex- 
ico to  the  introduction  of  American  laws  and  the  inauguration. 
of  American  forms  of  local  governments  lasted  three  years  and 
a  half.  The  Legislature  of  1849-50  divided  the  State  into  27 
counties  and  provided  for  county,  town  and  city  governments. 

The  first  election  for  city  officers  in  Los  Angeles  under 
American  law  was  held  July  i,  1850,  and  on  July  3,  three  days 
later,  the  most  Illustrious  Ayuntamiento  gave  place  to  the  hon- 
orable Common  Council.  For  nearly  three  score  years  and  ten 
under  the  rule  of  Spain  and  her  descendant,  Mexico,  the  Ayun- 
tamiento had  been  the  law-maker  of  the  pueblo.  Generations 
had  grown  to  manhood  under  its  domination.  Monarchy,  em- 
pire and  republic  had  ruled  the  territory,  had  loosened  their  hold 
and  lost  their  power,  but  through  all  the  Ayuntamiento  had  held 
its  sway.  Now,  too,  it  must  go.  Well  might  the  old-time  An- 
geleno  heave  a  sigh  of  regret  at  the  downfall  of  that  bulwark 
of  his  liberty,  Muy  Illustre  Ayuntamiento. 

The  first  Common  Council  of  Los  Angeles  was  organized 
July  3,  1850.  The  records  say  that  Jonathan  R.  Scott,  a  justice 
of  the  peace,  administered  the  oath  of  office  to  the  members- 
elect,  solemnly  swearing  them  to  support  the  constitution  of  the 
State  of  California — and  yet  there  was  no  State  of  California 
and  no  legal  constitution  to  support.  The  people  of  California, 
tired  of  the  anomalous  condition  in  which  they  were  held,  had 
rebelled  against  the  delays  of  Congress  and  had  elected  State 
officers,  a  legislature  and  congressmen,  and  had  put  into  opera- 
tion a  state  government  before  the  territory  had  been  admitted 
into  the  Union.  The  legislature  had  made  counties  and  in- 
corporated cities,  had  appointed  judges  and  provided  for  the 
election  of  city  and  county  officers  and  these  when  elected  had 
sworn  to  support  the  constitution  of  a  state  that  did  not  exist. 
The  State  of  California,  at  this  time,  was  a  political  nondescript 


—a  governmental  paradox.  It  had  divested  itself  of  its  terri- 
torial condition,  but  it  could  not  put  on  the  toga  viriles  of  state- 
hood until  Congress  admitted  it  into  the  Union,  and  the  slave- 
holding  faction  in  that  body  would  not  let  it  in.  It  was  actu- 
ally a  state  de  facto  nine  months  before  it  became  a  state  de 

The  members  of  the  first  Council  of  Los  Angeles  were  David 
W.  Alexander,  Alexander  Bell,  Manuel  Requena,  Juan  Temple, 
Morris  L.  Goodman,  Cristoval  Aguilar  and  Julian  Chavez.  All 
of  these  except  Goodman,  who  was  an  Israelite,  had  been  citi- 
zens of  Mexico — some  by  birth,  others  by  naturalization. 

The  Legislature  of  1849-50  passed  an  act,  April  4,  1850,  in- 
corporating the  city  of  Los  Angeles.  Fifteen  years  before,  the 
Mexican  Congress  had  decreed  it  a  ciudad.  Twice  by  different 
nations,  it  had  been  raised  to  the  dignity  of  a  city,  and  yet  it  was 
not  much  of  a  city  after  all.  There  was  not  a  sidewalk  nor  a 
graded  street  within  its  bounds;  not  a  street  lamp  nor  a  water- 
pipe — not  a  school  house  nor  a  postoffice;  not  a  printing  press 
nor  a  newspaper.  It  owned  no  municipal  buildings — not  even 
a  jail.  It  had  a  church  and  a  graveyard,  neither  of  which  be- 
longed to  the  city;  and  yet  these  were  the  only  public  improve- 
ments (if  a  graveyard  can  be  called  a  public  improvement)  that 
seventy  years  of  Ayuntamiento  rule  had  produced.  It  was  high 
lime  "to  ring  out  the  old — ring  in  the  new." 

The  act  of  incorporation  gave  the  city  an  area  of  four  square 
miles.  Why  the  Legislature  of  a  "Thousand  Drinks"  pared 
clown  its  domain  of  four  square  leagues  that  for  seventy  years 
under  monarchy,  empire  and  republic  it  had  held  without  dis- 
pute does  not  appear  either  in  the  act  or  in  the  city  records. 
As  the  members  of  that  Legislature  were  mostly  tenderfeet,  re- 
cently the  plains  across,  they  may  not  have  known  the  dif- 
ference between  a  Spanish  league  and  an  English  mile,  but  the 
most  charitable  conclusion  is  that  they  deemed  four  square  miles 
area  enough  for  a  city  of  sixteen  hundred  people.  Why  incor- 

:te  chaparral-covered  hills  and  mustard-grown  mesas  inhab- 
ited by  coyotes,  jackrabbits  and  ground  squirrel??  So  they 
made  its  dimension  a  mile  to  each  wind  from  the  Plaza  center; 
;md  the  City  of  Los  Angeles  half  a  century  ago  ended  at  Fifth 
street  on  the  south;  on  the  north  at  the  Catholic  cemetery;  its 
eastern  boundary  skirted  the  mesa  beyond  the  river  and  its  west- 
ern was  hopelessly  lost  in  the  hills.  No  one  on  that  side  knew 
just  where  the  city  ended  and  the  country  began;  and  nobody 
cared,  for  the  land  was  considered  worthless 


The  first  Common  Council  of  the  city  was  patriotic  and  self- 
denying.  The  first  resolution  passed  read  as  follows:  "It  hav- 
ing been  observed  that  in  other  places  the  Council  members 
were  drawing  a  salary,  it  was  unanimously  resolved  that  the 
members  of  this  Council  shall  receive  neither  salary  nor  fees  of 
whatsoever  nature  for  discharging  their  duties  as  such."  But 
some  of  them  wearied  of  serving  an  ungrateful  public  and  taking 
their  pay  in  honors.  Before  sixty  days  passed,  two  of  them  had 
resigned  and  at  the  end  of  the  year  only  two  of  the  original 
members,  David  W.  Alexander  and  Manuel  Requena,  were  left. 
There  had  been  six  resignations  in  eight  months  and  the  first 
Council  of  seven  had  had  thirteen  different  members  during 
its  short  existence.  It  might  be  remarked  in  passing  that  there 
was  no  "solid  six"  in  that  Council. 

The  process  of  Americanizing  the  people  was  no  easy  under- 
taking. The  population  of  the  city  and  the  laws  were  in  a  chaotic 
condition.  It  was  an  arduous  task  that  these  old-time  municipal 
legislators  had  to  perform — that  of  evolving  order  out  of  the 
chaos  that  had  been  brought  about  by  the  change  of  nations. 
The  native  population  neither  understood  the  language  nor  the 
customs  of  their  new  rulers,  and  the  newcomers  among  the 
Amercans  had  very  little  toleration  for  the  slow-going  Mexican 
ways  and  methods  they  found  prevailing  in  the  city.  To  keep 
peace  between  the  factions  required  more  tact  than  knowledge 
of  law  in  the  legislator.  Fortunately  the  first  Council  was  made 
up  of  level-headed  men. 

What  to  do  with  the  Indian  was  the  burning  issue  of  that 
day — not  with  the  wild  ones  from  the  mountains  who  stole  the 
rancheros'  horses  and  cattle.  For  them,  when  caught,  like  the 
punishment  provided  in  the  code  of  that  old  Spartan  code  com- 
missioner, Draco,  there  was  but  one  penalty  for  all  offenses  and 
that  was  death.  The  rancheros  believed  in  the  doctrine  that 
there  is  no  good  Indian  but  a  dead  Indian  and  with  true  mis- 
sionary zeal  they  converted  poor  Lo  so  effectually  that  there  was 
no  fear  of  his  back-sliding.  It  was  the  tame  Indians — the  Chris- 
tianized neophytes  of  the  Missions  that  worried  the  city  fathers. 
The  Mission  Indians  constituted  the  labor  element  of  the  city 
and  country.  When  sober  they  were  harmless  and  were  fairly 
good  laborers,  but  in  their  drunken  orgies  they  became  verita- 
ble fiends,  and  the  usual  result  of  their  Saturday  night  revels 
was  a  dead  Indian  or  two  on  Sunday  morning.  And  all  the 
others,  old  and  young,  male  and  female,  were  dead  drunk.  They 
were  gathered  up  after  a  carousal  and  carted  to  a  corral  and 



herded  there  until  their  day  of  judgment  cam«,  which  was  Mon- 
day; then  they  were  sentenced  to  hard  labor.  At  first  they  were 
worked  in  chain  gangs  on  the  streets,  but  the  supply  became  too 
great  for  city  purposes.  So  the  Council,  August  16,  1850, 
passed  this  ordinance : 

"When  the  city  has  no  work  in  which  to  employ  the  chain 
gang,  the  Recorder  shall,  by  means  of  notices  conspicuously 
posted,  notify  the  public  that  such  a  number  of  prisoners  will 
be  auctioned  off  to  the  highest  bidder  for  private  service;  and 
in  that  manner  they  shall  be  disposed  of  for  a  sum  which  shall 
not  be  less  than  the  amount  of  their  fine  for  double  the  time 
which  they  were  to  serve  at  hard  labor."  It  would  have  been 
a  righteous  retribution  on  the  white  wretches  who  sold  the  in- 
toxicants to  the  Indians  if  they  could  have  been  sold  into  per- 
petual slavery.  Evidently  auctioning  off  Indians  to  the  high- 
est bidders  paid  the  city  quite  a  revenue,  for  at  a  subsequent 
meeting,  the  Recorder  was  authorized  to  pay  the  Indian  alcaldes 
or  chiefs  the  sum  of  one  real  (i2l/2  cts.)  out  of  every  fine  col- 
lected from  Indians  the  said  alcaldes  may  bring  to  the  Recorder 
for  trial.  A  month  or  so  later  the  Recorder  presented  a  bill 
of  $15.00,  the  amount  of  money  he  had  paid  the  alcaldes  out  of 
fines.  At  the  rate  of  eight  Indians  to  the  dollar  the  alcaldes  had 
evidently  gathered  up  a  hundred  and  twenty  poor  Los. 

Usually  poor  Lo  paid  a  higher  penalty  for  sinning  than  his 
white  brother,  but  there  was  one  city  ordinance  which  reversed 
this  custom — Article  14 — "For  playing  cards  in  the  streets  re- 
gardless of  the  kind  of  game;  likewise  for  playing  any  other 
game  of  the  kind  as  is  played  in  houses  that  are  paying  a  license 
for  the  privilege,  the  offender  shall  be  fined  not  less  than  $10  nor 
more  than  $25,  which  shall  be  paid  on  the  spot;  otherwise  he 
shall  be  sent  to  the  chain  gang  for  ten  days.  If  he  be  an  Indian 
then  he  shall  be  fined  not  less  than  $3  nor  more  than  $5,  or 
sent  to  the  chain  gang  for  eight  days." 

At  first  glance  this  ordinance  might  seem  to  have  been 
drafted  in  the  interests  of  morality,  but  a  closer  inspection  shows 
that  it  was  for  revenue  only.  The  gambling  houses  paid  a 
license  of  $100  a  month.  So,  for  their  benefit,  the  Council  put 
?  protective  tariff  on  all  outside  gambling. 

The  whipping  post,  too,  was  used  to  instil  lessons  of  honesty 
and  morality  into  the  Indian.  One  court  record  reads:  Chino 
Valencia  (Indian)  was  fined  $50  and  twenty-five  lashes  for  steal- 
ing a  pair  of  shears;  the  latter  fine — the  lashes — was  paid 
promptly  in  full;  for  the  former  he  stands  committed  to  the  chain 


gang  for  two  months  unless  sooner  paid."  At  the  same  session 
of  the  court  Vicente  Guera,  a  white  man,  was  fined  $30  for  sell- 
ing liquor  to  the  Indians — "fine  paid  and  defendant  discharged." 
Drunkenness,  immorality  and  epidemics,  civilization's  gifts  to 
the  aborigines,  settled  the  Indian  question  in  Los  Angeles — 
settled  by  exterminating  the  Indian. 

Under  Spanish  and  Mexican  rule  in  California  there  was  no 
municipal  form  of  government  corresponding  to  our  county  or- 
ganizations. The  Ayuntamientos  exercised  control  over  the 
contiguous  country  districts,  but  there  were  no  district  boundary 
lines.  The  Ayuntamiento  of  Los  Angeles  exercised  jurisdiction 
over  territory  now  included  in  four  counties  and  the  old  pueblo 
was  the  seat  of  government  for  a  district  as  large  as  the  Emerald 
Isle.  The  only  drawback  to  the  old  town's  greatness  was  the 
lack  of  inhabitants  in  its  back  country.  The  first  legislature 
divided  the  State  into  counties  beginning  with  San  Diego.  The 
original  county  of  Los  Angeles  was  an  empire  in  itself.  It  ex- 
tended from  the  Pacific  Ocean  on  the  west  to  the  Colorado 
River  on  the  east,  and  from  San  Diego  County  on  the  South 
to  Mariposa  on  the  north.  Its  area  was  about  32,000  square 
miles,  or  over  one-fifth  of  the  area  of  the  entire  State.  It  was 
equal  in  size  to  the  aggregate  dimension  of  five  New  England 
States,  namely,  Massachusetts,  Connecticut,  Rhode  Island,  Ver- 
mont and  New  Hampshire.  In  1853,  San  Bernardino  sliced  off 
from  the  eastern  side  of  Los  Angeles  about  23,000  square  miles. 
In  1866  Kern  County  chipped  off  about  4000,  and  in  1889  Or- 
ange County  cut  off  nearly  a  thousand,  leaving  its  present  area 
a  little  less  than  4000  square  miles.  The  county  of  Los  Angeles 
set  up  in  business  for  itself  June  24,  1850.  The  Court  of  Ses- 
sions, an  institution  long  relegated  to  oblivion,  was  the  motive 
power  that  started  the  county  machinery  running.  The  first 
judge  of  that  court  was  Augustin  Olvera,  one  of  the  signers  of 
the  treaty  of  Cahuenga.  His  house  still  stands  on  the  north  side 
of  the  Plaza  and  a  misspelled  street  name  tries  to  perpetuate 
his  memory.  The  associate  justices  were  Jonathan  R.  Scott  and 
Louis  Roubideau.  Roubideau  was  the  owner  of  what  is  now  the 
site  of  Riverside,  then  an  arid  waste  so  barren  and  waterless  that 
the  coyotes  were  compelled  to  carry  haversacks  and  canteens 
when  they  crossed  it. 

The  first  Mayor  of  the  city,  Dr.  A.  P.  Hodges,  was  the  first 
County  Coroner;  and  the  first  County  Clerk,  B.  D.  Wilson,  was 
the  second  Mayor.  The  Mayor  took  his  pay  in  honors,  but  the 
office  of  Coroner  was  exceedingly  lucrative.  It  cost  $100  to 


hold  an  inquest  on  a  dead  Indian,  and  as  violent  deaths  were  of 
almost  daily  or  nightly  occurrence  the  Coroner  could  afford  to 
serve  the  city  as  Mayor  for  the  honor.  Los  Angeles,  in  the  early 
50',  was  an  ungodly  city,  yet  some  of  the  verdicts  of  the  Cor- 
oner's juries  showed  remarkable  familiarity  with  the  decrees  of 
the  deity.  On  a  native  Californian  named  Gamacio,  found  dead 
in  the  street,  the  verdict  was,  "Death  by  the  visitation  of  God." 
Of  a  dead  Indian  found  near  the  zanja  the  Los  Angeles  Star 
says:  "Justice  Dryden  and  a  jury  sat  on  the  body.  The  ver- 
dict was  'Death  from  intoxication  or  by  the  visitation  of  God' — 
the  jury  cannot  decide  which.'  'Bacilio  (said  the  verdict)  was 
o  Christian  Indian  and  was  confessed  by  the  reverend  padre  yes- 
terday afternoon." 

Some  one  has  sneeringly  said  that  the  first  public  buildings 
the  Americans  erected  in  California  were  jails.  The  first  county 
jail  in  Los  Angeles  was  an  adobe  building  on  the  hill  back  of 
the  Downey  Block.  There  were  no  cells  in  it.  Staples  were 
driven  into  a  heavy  pine  log  that  reached  across  the  building  and 
short  chains  attached  to  the  staples  were  fastened  to  the  hand- 
cuffs of  the  prisoners.  Solitary  confinement  was  out  of  the 
question  then.  Indian  prisoners,  being  considered  unfit  to  as- 
sociate with  the  high-toned  white  culprits  inside,  were  chained 
to  logs  outside  of  the  jail  where  they  could  more  fully  enjoy  the 
glorious  climate  of  Southern  California.  This  building  was 
not  built  by  the  county,  but  in  1853  the  city  and  county  did 
build  a  jail  on  the  present  site  of  the  People's  Store,  and  it  was 
the  first  public  building  erected  in  the  county. 

Even  at  this  early  day,  before  California  had  become  a  State, 
there  were  what  the  native  Californians  called  "Patriotas  de 
Bolsa" — patriots  of  the  pocket — men  who  knew  how  to  set  a 
high  value  on  their  public  services.  In  the  summer  of  1850 
an  expedition  under  Gen.  Joseph  C.  Morehead  was  sent  against 
the  mountain  Indians,  who  had  been  stealing  horses  from  the 
Los  Angeles  rancheros.  In  a  skirmish  with  these  Indian  horse 
thieves  a  militiaman  named  Wm.  Carr  was  wounded.  Gen. 
Morehead  sent  him  back  to  Los  Angeles  to  be  taken  care  of. 
At  a  meeting  of  the  Court  of  Session  the  medico  who  doctored 
the  wounded  soldier  presented  a  bill  of  $503;  the  patriotic  Amer- 
ican who  boarded  him  demanded  $120,  and  the  man  who  lodged 
him  charged  $45  for  house  rent.  The  native  Californian  who 
nursed  him  was  satisfied  with  $30,  but  then  he  was  not  a  patriot; 
he  did  not  set  high  enough  value  on  his  services.  The  bills  were 
approved,  but  as  the  county  treasury  was  as  empty  as  the 
rancheros'  corrals  after  an  Indian  raid,  the  accounts  were  re- 


ferred  to  the  incoming  Legislature  for  settlement.  It  is  grati- 
fying to  know  that  this  valuable  soldier  lived  to  fight  another 
day;  but  from  motives  of  economy  it  is  to  be  hoped  he  kept 
out  of  reach  of  Indian  arrows  and  "patriots  of  the  pocket." 

The  transition  from  Mexican  forms  of  municipal  government 
to  American  was  completed  in  about  three  years  and  a  half,  but 
the  transformation  of  the  old  pueblo  from  a  Mexican  hamlet 
to  an  American  city  continued  through  at  least  three  decades 
after  the  conquest.  The  Council  proceedings  for  four  years 
after  the  organization  of  that  body  were  recorded  in  the  Span- 
ish language  because  a  majority  of  its  members  understood  no 
ether.  The  ordinances  of  the  Council  and  the  laws  enacted  by 
each  legislature  were  published  in  both  Spanish  and  English 
for  a  quarter  of  a  century  after  the  American  occupation.  Twen- 
ty-five years  after  the  organization  of  the  county  the  Board  of 
Supervisors  employed  an  interpreter  at  its  sessions  because  two 
of  its  members  did  not  understand  the  English  language. 

The  merchant  of  Los  Angeles,  if  he  wished  to  do  business 
with  the  native  Californians,  had  to  acquire  a  speaking  knowl- 
edge of  the  Spanish  language,  for  the  old  time  Angeleno,  either 
through  pride  or  perversity,  would  not  learn  English. 

The  sign  that  we  occasionally  see  on  a  show  window: 
Se  habla  Espanol  aqui  (Spanish  is  spoken  here),  would  have 
been  a  superfluity,  if  not  an  insult,  half  a  century  ago.  If 
the  merchant  then  hablaed  no  Spanish  he  would  have  no  trade. 
The  physical  transformation  of  the  old  pueblo  was  as  slow- 
moving  as  its  lingual.  During  the  first  decade  of  American  oc- 
cupation brick  and  wood  began  to  supplant  adobe  in  building — 
the  wooden  and  iron-barred  windows  were  set  with  glass  and 
shingled  roofs  began  to  replace  asphaltum  covered  thatch.  Dur- 
ing the  second  decade  patches  of  sidewalk  at  intervals  relieved 
the  pedestrian's  bunions  from  contact  with  cobble-stones;  and 
ner  its  close,  gas  illuminated  streets,  that,  for  nearly  a  century, 
had  been  lighted  only  by  tallow  dip  lanterns  which  the  house- 
holders hung  over  their  front  doors  at  night. 

•In  the  third  decade  the  water  cart  gave  place  to  the  water 
pipe  and  the  street  cars  crowded  the  caballero  with  his  jingling 
spurs,  his  bucking  mustang  and  swinging  riata  off  the  business 
thoroughfares.  In  this  decade  the  city  began  its  migration 
southward.  The  Plaza  fronts  of  the  proud  old  Dons  became  the 
dens  of  the  "Heathen  Chinee"  and  the  dragon  flag  of  the  Flow- 
ery Kingdom  floated  over  the  olden  time  business  center  of  the 
old  pueblo. 

The  passing  of  the  old  pueblo  had  been  accomplished. 


BY    MRS.    M.    BURTON    WILLIAMSON.     * 

[Read  November  4,  1901.] 

As  it  is  the  aim  of  our  Historical  Society  to  collect  and  pre- 
serve data  in  regard  to  any  important  event  or  undertaking  in 
Southern  California,  a  brief  sketch  of  the  Marine  Biological 
Laboratory  at  San  Pedro  will  be  given.  Of  the  necessity  for 
such  a  zoological  station  in  Southern  California  there  can  hardly 
be  a  doubt.  Whether  this  beginning  may  be  only  a  temporary 
effort  that  cannot  serve  many  summers,  or  whether  it  is  the  nu- 
cleus of  an  immense  zoological  station,  like  the  Stazione  Zoo- 
logica,  that  stands  along  the  water  front  of  the  city  of  Naples, 
who  can  tell? 

That  this  is  the  desire  of  the  founders  of  the  marine  labora- 
tory, there  is  no  doubt.  The  fulfillment  depends  upon  monetary 

During  the  latter  half  of  the  past  century  scientific  re- 
searches added  a  new  glory  to  the  sea.  Science  had  empha- 
sized the  fact  that  "Omne  vivum  ex  vivo,"  "all  life"  came  "from 
life."  but  investigation  added  a  new  truth  that  has  revolution- 
ized the  study  of  life.  The  evolution  of  life  from  a  one-celled 
form  gives  a  new  significance  to  the  study  of  marine  life.  The 
ocean  as  the  first  cradle  of  humanity  assumes  a  new  dignity. 
The  animals  of  the  sea  no  longer  remain  as  segregated  forms, 
having  no  close  kinship,  but  are  studied  as  possible  links  in 
the  chain  of  organic  life.  The  study  of  comparative  anatomy 
?nd  physiology  has  become  a  necessity,  for  these  marine  forms 
show  some  of  the  variations  that  life  assumed  before  man  was 
evolved  from  the  earlier  protoplasmic  cell.  Although  the 
morphology  of  oceanic  life  is  of  recent  date  the  interest  in  sci- 
entific research  is  becoming  universal.  At  a  comparatively  short 
time  ago  there  was  but  one  marine  biological  laboratory  in  the 
United  States.  Now  these  zoological  laboratories,  or  experi- 
ment stations,  are  a  marked  feature  in  courses  of  study  required 
by  universities. 


On  the  Pacific  shore  the  Leland  Stanford,  Jr.,  University 
has  its  marine  biological  laboratory  at  Pacific  Grove,  and  the 
summer  school  of  marine  biology  at  San  Pedro  has  been  started 
by  the  zoological  department  of  the  State  University  at 

An  important  undertaking  represents  the  growth  of  an  idea 
expressed  in  action.  Tentative  trials  often  precede  work  of 
greater  significance.  There  are  several  links  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  marine  biological  laboratory  at  San  Pedro.  One 
link  in  the  chain  of  events  was  begun  in  the  summer  of  1891 
at  Pacific  Grove.  In  the  summer  of  1893  investigation  was  car- 
ried on  at  Avalon  for  about  one  month.  In  the  summer  of 
1895  a  party  was  located  at  Timm's  Point,  in  San  Pedro  Bay. 
This  preliminary  work  had  been  carried  on  under  the  super- 
vision of  Prof.  William  E.  Ritter,  now  at  the  head  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Zoology  at  Berkeley.  In  the  summer  of  1899  Prof. 
Ritter  was  with  the  Harriman  party  in  Alaska  and  had  charge  of 
the  marine  vertebrate  work. 

The  undertaking  at  San  Pedro  is  the  expression  of  Prof. 
Ritter's  hope  for  a  permanent  station  in  Southern  California. 
On  the  I5th  of  May  of  this  year  (1901)  the  gasoline  launch  Elsie 
was  hired  for  the  purpose  of  dredging.  The  Duffy  bathhouse 
on  Terminal  Island — locally  known  as  East  San  Pedro — was 
leased  for  the  use  of  the  laboratory.  This  bathhouse,  situated  on 
the  breakwater  of  San  Pedro  Bay,  was  prepared  for  the  use  of 
the  summer  school,  under  the  immediate  supervision  of  Prof. 
Ritter.  In  June  the  bathhouse  was  ready  for  occupancy.  The 
building,  facing  the  inner  harbor  of  the  bay,  stands  a  long, 
white,  one-story  structure  containing  seven  little  rooms,,  a  smalt 
room  for  laboratory  stores  and  a  long  room  for  the  use  of 
the  summer  classes.  In  this  room  each  student  had  the  use  of 
a  window  above  the  long  tables,  fitted  out  for  the  accommoda- 
tion of  about  fifteen  pupils.  On  the  outside  of  these  windows, 
of  which  there  are  nine,  on  the  channel  side,  each  one  is  covered 
with  a  white  tent  awning.  The  row  of  little  rooms  referred  to 
was  for  the  use  of  Prof.  Ritter  and  his  corps  of  teachers,  the 
library,  and  for  the  use  of  specialists.  Fresh  water  and  water 
from  the  bay  was  piped  into  the  room. 

The  library  and  equipments  were  brought  from  the  north. 
The  use  of  aquarium  facilities,  glassware,  reagents,  microscopes 
and  books  were  furnished  the  pupils,  but  not  dissecting  instru- 
ments, paper,  etc. 

The  following  were  in  charge :     Prof.  Wm,  E.  Ritter,  As- 


sistant  Professor  W.  J.  Raymond,  Hydrography;  Assistant  Pro- 
fessor C.  A.  Kofoid,  Zoology;  Dr.  F.  W.  Bancroft,  Physiology, 
and  Mr.  H.  B.  Torrey,  Zoology.  Among  the  specialists  pres- 
ent from  Eastern  colleges  were  Prof.  Wesley  Coe  of  Yale,  Prof. 
Samuel  J.  Holmes  of  Michigan  University,  and  Prof.  T.  D.  A. 
Cockerell  of  the  State  Normal  School  at  Los  Vegas,  New 

Lectures  were  delivered  on  an  average  of  about  twice  a  week 
during  the  term.  They  were  given  in  the  evening,  and  with 
one  exception, — when  one  of  the  ladies  on  the  island  gave  the 
use  of  her  summer  cottage, — they  were  delivered  in  the  class 
room  of  the  school.  The  following  list  of  topics  will  give  an 
idea  of  the  scope  of  these  lectures: 

"The  Ocean  as  a  Habitat  of  Living  Beings :"  Prof.  William 
E.  Ritter.  (July  3.) 

"A  Sketch  of  the  History  and  Methods  of  Marine  Biolog- 
ical Exploration  :"  Dr.  C.  A.  Kofoid.  (July  5). 

"Geographical  Distribution  of  Terrestrial  Animals  in  the 
West :"  Prof.  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell.  (July  12). 

"The  Habits  of  Amphepod  Crustacea :"  Dr.  S.  J.  Holmes. 
(July  12). 

"Some  Problems  of  Regeneration :"  Mr.  H.  B.  Torrey. 
July  16). 

"Locomotion  of  Marine  Animals:"  Dr.  Frank  W.  Bancroft. 
(July  18). 

"Biological     Exploration:"       Prof.     William     E.     Ritter. 


"The  Study  of  Variation:"    Dr.  F.  W.  Bancroft.    (Aug.  i). 

"Distribution  of  Mollusca  on  the  Pacific  Coast  of  North 
America:"  Dr.  William  H.  Dall.  (Aug.  5). 

"Phototaxis:"    Dr.  S.  J.  Holmes.    (Aug.  6). 

One  of  the  lecturers  in  this  course  was  Dr.  William  H.  Dall 
of  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  who  was  a  visitor  at  the  Marine 
Station  for  a  few  days. 

Dr.  F.  W.  Bancroft  and  Mr.  H.  B.  Torrey,  who  had  immedi- 
ate supervision  of  the  class  work,  were  untiring  in  their  efforts 
to  assist  students  in  their  departments.  Five,  and  more  often 
six,  days  in  each  week,  from  June  27,  to  August  7,  were  covered 
by  the  course  of  instruction.  Occasionally  students  went  out 
with  the  dredging  launch  Elsie.  Little  parties  also  made  early 
morning  excursions  in  quest  of  marine  invertebrates  for  class 

As  we  all  know,  it  was  during  the  session  of  the  school  that 


the  wonderful  phosphorescence  appeared  on  our  Southern  wa- 
ters. The  presence  of  the  peridinium,  the  cause  of  the  luminos- 
ity of  the  ocean,  added  to  the  interest  of  the  class-room,  and 
caused  thousands  of  persons  to  visit  the  various  beaches. 

On  the  evening  of  July  n,  1901,  Prof.  W.R.  Raymond  asked 
the  writer  if  she  had  noticed  a  peculiar  light,  or  phosphorescence, 
in  the  bay  on  the  ocean  side.  He  had  remarked  its  presence  in 
the  channel.  That  evening  the  phosphorencence  was  plainly  vis- 
ible on  the  ocean  side  of  the  bay,  and  each  evening  after,  for 
several  days  the  peculiar  light  was  intensified  in  brilliancy,  and 
the  illumination  increased  in  area.  During  the  rest  of  the  month 
of  July  and  the  first  week  in  August  this  display  of  phosphores- 
cence continued.  During  this  *ime  it  was  visible,  with  varying 
degrees  of  luminosity,  from  Santa  Barbara,  Ventura,  Santa 
Monica,  Redondo,  San  Pedro  Bay,  including  Long  Beach  and 
down  the  coast  to  Coronado  and  San  Diego. 

At  the  cove,  on  Terminal  Island,  when  the  waves  dashed 
high  and  immense  breakers  rolled  in,  each  billow  was  capped 
by  a  blaze  of  light  that  broke  against  the  rocks  or  lost  itself  in 
a  spreading  sheet  of  glimmering  undulations.  A  pail  of  this 
water  gently  stirred  in  a  dark  room  was  brilliantly  starred  with 
tiny  lights,  and  a  scintillating  mass  of  light  followed  a  more  vig- 
orous agitation  of  the  water.  Any  object,  like  a  hand,  immersed 
in  the  pail  was  covered  with  little  sparks,  as  of  fire,  when  it  was 
removed  from  the  water. 

Rowing  in  a  skiff  over  the  water  at  night,  one  could  plainly 
see  fishes  darting  away  from  their  enemies,  sharks  and  stingrays 
in  search  of  prey.  The  movemest  of  the  boat  caused  a  brilliant 
display  of  phosphorescence  on  either  side  of  it,  and  the  splash 
of  the  paddle  was  like  playing  with  burning  brimstone. 

Over  the  ocean  the  crest  of  the  waves  shone  with  a  brilliant 
flame,  and  the  light  merged  irrto  a  glistening,  yellowish-green 
illumination  that  died  away  in  a  fringe  of  red. 

In  the  d'aytime  the  ocean  was  of  a  red  or  reddish-brown 

On  Sunday  morning,  July  21,  we  were  conscious  that  there 
was  some  unusual  condition  of  affairs  on  the  beach  at  the  cove. 
The  sea-gulls  were  flying  in  flocks,  or  quacking  in  groups  on  the 
wet  sand  at  the  water's  edge,  and  the  beach  was  strewn  with 
squirming  and  flopping  young  stingrays,  which  the  gulls  eagerly 
devoured.  While  on  the  sand,  on  the  breakwater  side,  the  beach 
was  covered  by  dead  fish.  In  a  short  space  of  time  Mr.  Torrey 
ami  Miss  Robertson  of  the  laboratory  had  collected  almost  a 


dozen  different  species  of  fish  in  a  small  area  on  tht  sand.  These 
fishes  included  flat  sharks,  stingrays,  edible  fishes,'  and  several 
devil-fish  or  octopi;  hundreds  of  sea  cucumbers  and  thousands 
of  small  crabs  were  also  lying  lifeless  on  the  wet  sand. 

Some  of  these  were  too  far  gone  for  laboratory  use,  but  some 
of  them  were  opened  to  see  what  could  be  the  cause  of  this 
wholesale  destruction  of  life.  The  gills  of  the  fishes  were  studied 
to  see  if  they  contained  many  of  the  peridiraum, — which  were 
now  dying  in  immense  quantities, — and  the  stomachs  of  the 
fishes  were  dissected  for  the  same  purpose.  When  the  peridi- 
nums  were  dying  and  dead,  the  odor  from  the  ocean  was  unbear- 
able, and  even  enthusiasts,  who  are  supposed  to  be  oblivious  of 
rank  odors,  were  annoyed  and  enervated  by  the  rank  odor  wafted 
by  the  sea  breeze. 

For  days  these  little  protozoas  had  been  the  subject  of  much 
study  in  the  laboratory.  The  peridinums  appeared  to  keep  to- 
gether in  flocks  or  colonies.  In  a  glass  tube  these  microscopic 
animals  could  be  seen  moving  as  a  flock  of  birds  might  move, 
some  leading,  others  following.  Their  appearance,  as  a  whole, 
was  that  of  a  light,  yellow-brown  gelatinous  looking  substance, 
passing  upward  in  a  glass  of  water.  Even  in  a  tube,  their  grega- 
rious nature  was  visible. 

Although  the  season  of  the  summer  school  at  the  Biological 
Station  was  such  a  success,  everyone  knows  this  was  only  of  sec- 
ondary importance.  The  real  object  in  locating  the  Biological 
Station  in  San  Pedro  Bay  was  on  account  of  the  rich  faunae  of 
the  San  Pedro  region,  Santa  Catalina  region  and  that  of  San 
Diego  Bay.  To  make  hydrographic  investigations,  including  a 
study  of  the  temperature  and  salinity  of  the  waters,  currents 
and  tides,  exploring  from  100  to  150  fathoms,  and  collecting 
at  various  depths  the  rare  and  new  specimens  sure  to  be  found 
in  these  rich  areas — these  were  of  first  importance.  The  results 
more  than  equaled  the  expectation.  Eighty-six  stations  were 
dredged,  and  157  hauls  were  made.  Several  (12)  barrels  of  val- 
uable material  was  secured  for  the  University  at  Berkeley. 
Common  species  were  placed  in  the  station  for  school  use,  but 
the  rarer  specimens  were  reserved  for  the  State  University.  The 
dredging  was  under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  C.  A.  Kofoid,  re- 
cently from  Berkeley,  but  formerly  from  Champlain,  111.  He 
.-UK!  his  corps  of  assistants — Dr.  C.  A.  Whiting  of  Los  Angeles, 
Mr.  Cook  of  Whittier,  and  others — dredged  in  the  vicinity  of 
San  Diego  for  nearly  three  weeks.  In  the  San  Diego  region 
there  is  a  deep  depression  or  canon,  and  dredging  in  this  deep 


gorge  descended  to  over  630  fathoms.  The  hydrography  of 
the  Catalina  and  San  Pedro  regions  was  in  charge  of  Prof.  W. 
R.  Raymond,  who  had  also  the  work  of  determining  the  mol- 
luscan  species.  In  this  he  was  very  ably  assisted  by  Mrs.  T.  S. 
Oldroyd.  This  meant  the  sorting  out  and  classifying  of  im- 
mense quantities  of  drift  material,  rich  in  molluscan  life. 

All  material  collected  was,  after  sorting  out  species,  or  gen- 
era, tied  in  little  cheese-cloth  bags,  containing  labels  of  the  sta- 
tion from  which  each  specimen  was  collected,  then  these  bags 
were  packed  in  barrels  in  alcohol.  Small  or  very  rare  specimens 
were  placed  in  vials  or  bottles  containing  alcohol.  Miss  Rob- 
ertson of  Berkeley  had  charge  of  the  material  temporarily  left 
at  the  Biological  Laboratory.  Miss  Gulilema  R.  Crocker  sorted 
and  identified  the  echinoderms;  Prof.  Wesley  R.  Coe  of  Yale 
had  charge  of  the  nemertina,  (worms),  making  drawings  and 
naming  a  number  of  new  species,  and  Dr.  S.  J.  Holmes  of  Mich- 
igan University  had  supervision  of  new  forms  of  Crustacea.  Be- 
sides these,  there  were  a  number  of  persons  engaged  in  special 
study  of  various  branches.  Diatoms,  Dr.  W.  C.  Adler-Musch- 
kowsky;  Peridiniums,  Mr.  H.  B.  Torrey;  Echinoderms  in  con- 
nection with  the  reproduction  of  rays,  Miss  Monks;  Bryozoa, 
Miss  Robertson;  Ascidians,  Dr.  Bancroft;  Enteropneusta,  Prof. 
Rtiter;  Sea  Slugs,  Prof.  Cockerell. 

Although  the  university's  endowment  is  capitalized  at  about 
"eleven  million  dollars,"  and  its  yearly  income  is  about  "five 
hundred  thousand  dollars,"  and  it  has  received  "private  bene- 
factions to  the  amount  of  four  million  dollars,"  there  does  not 
seem  to  have  been  any  adequate  sum  set  apart  for  research  in 
Southern  California.  Capitalists  in  Los  Angeles  were  appealed 
to,  and  they  responded,  as  the  following  note  of  acknowledge- 
ment, issued  in  the  University  Bulletin  of  April,  1901,  attests. 
After  this  was  issued,  other  friends  of  the  enterprise  in  Los  An- 
geles responded.  These  are  now  added  to  the  other  names : 

"The  investigations  here  projected  are  made  possible,  finan- 
cially by  the  co-operation  with  the  university  of  Mr.  H.  W. 
O'Melveny,  Mr.  J.  A.  Graves,  Mr.  Jacob  Baruch,  Mr.  Wm.  G. 
Kerckhoff,  Mr.  Wm.  R.  Rowland,  the  Los  Angeles  Terminal 
Railway,  Mr.  J.  H.  Shankland,  Mr.  Jno.  E.  Plater,  and  the 
Banning  Company,"  Mr.  I.  N.  Van  Nuys,  Mr:  C.  M.  Wright, 
Mr.  H.  Newmark,"  Mr.  H.  Jevne,  Miss  M.  M.  Fette,  Mr.  H.  H. 
Kerckhoff,  Mr.  R.  H.  F.  Variel,  Mr.  W.  J.  Variel,  Mr.  L.  R. 
Hewitt,  Mr.  Russ  Avery,  E.  K.  Wood  Lumber  Co.,  Standard 
Oil  Company,  all  of  Los  Angeles. 


BY    H.   D.    BARROWS. 

[Read  before  the  Historical  Society  Dec.  2,  1901.] 

As  Alta  California  was  settled  by  Spanish-speaking  people 
who  tolerated  no  other  form  of  religion  except  the  Roman 
Catholic,  of  course  there  were  no  churches  except  of  that  faith 
in  Los  Angeles,  from  the  time  of  the  settlement  of  the  ancient 
pueblo,  in  the  year  1781,  until  the  change  of  government  in 

From  and  after  the  founding  of  the  mission  of  San  Gabriel, 
in  1778,  until,  and  after  the  completion  of  the  old  Plaza 
church  in  the  latter  part  of  1822,  that  mission  became  and 
remained  the  center  of  industrial  activity,  as  well  as  the  head- 
quarters of  clerical  authority  for  this  portion  of  the  province. 

Fathers  Salvadea,  Sanchez,  Boscana  and  Estenega  managed 
with  zeal  and  great  ability  the  extensive  concerns,  both  spiritual 
and  temporal,  of  the  mission,  sending  a  priest  occasionally  to 
the  pueblo,  or  coming  themselves,  to  say  mass,  at  the  capilla  or 
chapel  which  had  been  erected  north  and  west  of  the  present 
church.  After  the  latter  was  built,  Father  Boscana  became  the 
first  regular  rector  or  pastor,  serving  till  1831.  He  was  suc- 
ceeded by  Fathers  Martinas,  Sanchez,  Bachelot,  Estenega,  Jim- 
enez. Ordaz,  Rosales,  etc., who  served  as  local  pastors,  for  longer 
or  shorter  periods,  of  the  only  church  in  the  town,  from  1831 
to  1851. 

The  first  priest,  whom  I  knew  of,  but  did  not  know  person- 
ally, was  Padre  Anacleto  Lestrade,  a  native  of  France,  who  was 
the  incumbent  from  '51  to  '56.  Padre  Bias  Raho,  who  came 
here  in  1856,  I  knew  well,  and  esteemed  highly.  He  was  broad- 
minded  and  tolerant.  He  told  me  that  he  had  lived  sixteen  years 
in  the  Mississippi  valley  before  he  came  to  Los  Angeles.  He 
was  a  native  of  Italy. 

It  was  during  his  pastorate  that  the  old  church  building 
was  greatly  improved.  It  was  frescoed  inside  and  out,  by  a 
Frenchman,  Mr.  H.  Penelon,  the  pioneer  photographer  of  Los 
Angeles.  The  lettering  on  the  front  of  the  building  as  seen  to- 
day was  done  by  Penelon,  viz. :  "Los  Fieles  de  Esta  Parroquia 


A  la  Reina  de  Los  Angeles,  1861;"  and  also  on  the  marble 
tablets : 

Dios  Te  Salve,  Maria  Llena  De  Gratia, 

El  Senor  Esta  En  Su  Santo  Templo:     Calle  La  Tierra  ante 

su  Acatamiento. 

Habac.  2,  20. 
Santa  Maria  Madre  de  Dios,  Ruega  por  nosotros  Pecadoros. 

Padre  Raho  was  the  first  Vicar  General  of  the  diocese,  under 
Bishop  Amat. 

Later,  Padre  Raho,  who  served  his  parish  faithfully  for  a 
number  of  years,  and  who  was  respected  and  revered  by  his  par- 
ishoners,  fell  sick  and  went  to  the  Sisters'  Hospital,  which  was 
then  located  in  the  large  two-story  brick  building  which  stood, 
and  I  think  still  stands,  to  the  east  of  the  upper  depot,  and  be- 
tween the  latter  and  the  river,  which  the  Sisters  bought  of 
Mr.  H.  C.  Cardwell,  who  built  it. 

I  visited  Padre  Raho  here  during  his  last  illness,  at  his  re- 
quest. He  told  me  that  he  had  not  a  cent  of  money  (having 
taken  vows  of  poverty,)  in  the  world;  and  that  the  good  sisters 
furnished  him  refuge,  etc.  The  venerable  Sister  Ann,  whom 
many  will  remember,  and  who,  I  believe,  is  still  living  at  an 
advanced  age,  at  the  home  of  the  order  of  Sisters  of  Charity, 
at  Emmettsburg,  Pa.,  was  at  that  time  the  superioress  of  the 
order  here. 

Fathers  Duran  and  Mora  succeeded  Father  Raho.  There 
were  other  priests  whom  I  did  not  know  so  well,  who  made 
their  home  at  different  times  at  the  parsonage  adjoining  the  old 
church.  But  none  of  these,  so  far  as  my  acquaintance  per- 
mitted me  to  know,  with  the  possible  exception  of  Father  Mora, 
were  as  liberal  as  Father  Raho.  The  bishop  of  the  diocese  dur- 
ing these  times  was  Tadeo  Amat,  who,  though  his  jurisdiction 
extended  to  Monterey,  made  his  headquarters  first  for  a  time 
at  Santa  Barbara,  and  then  at  this  old  church  of  "Nuesta  Senora, 
la  Reyna  de  Los  Angeles."  Bishop  Amat  was  succeeded  by 
Bishop  (formerly  Father)  Mora,  a  gentle  and  scholarly  prelate. 
It  was  during  the  latter's  administration  (in  1874,  I  think,)  that 
the  cathedral  (and  bishop's  residence)  was  built,  on  Main  street, 
?nd  the  official  headquarters  of  the  diocese  were  removed 
thither.  Bishop  Mora  was  succeeded  by  Bishop  Montgomery, 
the  present  head  of  the  local  church]. 

When  Father  Mora  was  made  bishop,  Father  Peter  Verda- 
guer,  who  was  a  very  eloquent  Spanish  orator,  became  pastor  of 
the  old  church.  "Father  Peter,"  as  he  was  widely  known,  was 


made  a  bishop  a  few  years  ago,  and  he  was  succeeded  by  the 
present  rector,  a  young  and  talented  priest,  Father  Liebana. 
"Father  Peter,"  now  Bishop  Verdaguer,  presides  over  tht  dio- 
cese of  Texas. 

Bishop  Mora,  and  genial,  gentle  Father  Adam,  long  his 
Vicar  General,  and  long  an  honored  and  active  member  of 
our  Historical  Society,  both  now  reside  with  their  relatives,  in 
retreat,  during  the  closing  years  of  their  lives,  at  Barcelona, 

Of  the  early  Protestant  ministers  who  came  to  Los  Angeles, 
I  knew  personally  nearly  all  of  them,  as  they  were  comparatively 
few  in  numbers;  whilst  of  the  many,  many  who  now  reside  here, 
I  hardly  know  one,  intimately. 

One  of  the  first  to  come  here,  I  think,  was  Parson  Adam 
Bland,  who  had  the  reputation  of  being  a  smart  preacher  and 
a  shrewd  horse-trader.  But  I  heard — how  truly  I  know  not — 
that  after  laboring  here  a  year  or  two  in  the  early  '50*5,  he 
abandoned  the  field  as  hopeless,  though  in  after  years  he  came  to 
the  county  again,  when  he  found  the  gospel  vineyard  vastly 
more  encouraging  than  during  his  former  missionary  labors. 
Where  Parson  Bland  is  now  located,  or  whether  he  is'  still  living, 
I  do  not  know. 

When  I  came  here  in  '54,  there  was  only  one  church  building 
in  town — that  fronting  the  Plaza;  and  no  regular  Protestant 
church  edifice  at  all. 

Rev.  James  Woods,  a  Presbyterian,  was  holding  protestant 
services  then  in  the  adobe  that  stood  on  the  present  site  of  the 
"People's  Store;"  and  he  came  to  me  and  asked  me  to  assist  in 
the  music  each  Sunday,  which  I  did.  Just  how  long  he  preached 
here,  I  cannot  now  recall.  But  I  remember  that  when  the  bodies 
of  the  four  members  of  Sheriff  Barton's  party,  who  were  killed 
in  January,  1857,  by  the  Juan  Flores  bandits,  were  brought  here 
to  town  from  San  Juan  for  burial,  there  was  no  Protestant  min- 
ister here  then  to  conduct  funeral  services.  But,  as  it  happened, 
two  of  the  murdered  men  were  Masons,  and  that  fraternal,  semi- 
religious  order,  whose  organization  extends  throughout  the  civ- 
ilized world,  in  sheer  pity,  turned  aside,  after  decorously  and 
reverently  burying  their  own  two  brethren,  and  read  a  portion 
of  the  Masonic  burial  service  over  the  bodies  of  the  other  two 
men,  who  were  not  Masons.  The  alternative,  which  at  that  time 
was  imminent,  of  dumping  those  two  bruised,  dumb  human  be- 
ings into  the  ground  without  any  religious  service  whatever, 
seemed  to  me  then,  and  has  seemed  to  me  since,  a  ghastly  one. 


Rev.  J.  W.  Douglass,  founder  of  the  "Pacific"  newspaper, 
who  taught  a  private  school  in  the  family  of  Wm.  Wolfskill  in 
the  forepart  of  1854,  was  a  minister,  but  I  believe  he  never  held 
public  religious  services  here.  A  Dr.  Carter,  and  also  W.  H. 
Shore,  deputy  county  clerk,  read  the  Episcopal  service  for  brief 
periods  during  the  late  'SG'S;  but  with  these  exceptions,  my  im- 
pression is  that  there  was  no  resident  Protestant  clergyman, 
or  lay  reader,  who  conducted  religious  services  here  from  the 
time  Rev.  Mr.  Woods  left,  sometime  in  1855,  till  1858,  or  '59, 
when  Rev.  Wm.  E.  Boardman,  a  Presbyterian  clergyman,  came 
here  and  held  regular  Sunday  services,  sometimes  in  one  place 
and  sometimes  in  another,  until  1861  or  '62,  or  until  after  the 
commencement  of  the  Civil  War,  when  he  went  east  and  entered 
the  service  of  the  "Christian  Commission,"  an  organization 
which  did  a  noble  work,  similar  to  that  done  by  the  Red  Cross 
Society  in  the  late  Spanish  war. 

Mr.  Boardman  was  an  able  and  eloquent  preacher  and  writer, 
and  the  author  of  a  popular  book,  entitled  "The  Higher  Chris- 
tian Life."  The  want  of  a  commodious  place  of  meeting,  stim- 
ulated a  movement  to  raise  funds  for  the  erection  of  a  church 
building;  and,  as  good  Benjamin  D.  Wilson  had  donated  a  lot, — 
a  portion  of  the  hill  on  which  the  county  court  house  now 
stands — to  the  "First  Protestant  Society,"  which  should  build 
a  house  of  worship,  people  of  various  denominations,  who.  with- 
out regard  to  sect,  attended  Mr.  Boardman's  ministrations, 
formed  an  organization,  under  the  name  of  "The  First  Protes- 
tant Society  of  Los  Angeles,"  and  erected  the  walls  and  roof  of  a 
church  on  the  lot  donated  by  Mr.  Wilson.  But  this  work  came 
to  a  standstill  after  Mr.  Boardman  left;  and  not  until  the  arrival 
of  Rev.  Mr.  Birdsall,  about  Christmas,  1864,  was  any  further 
progress  made  in  the  erection  of  "The  First  Protestant 
Church  building  in  Los  Angeles. 

I  do  not  pretend  here  to  give  a  consecutive  account  of  all 
the  Protestant  ministers  who,  a  quarter  of  a  century  or  more 
ago,  helped  to  establish  churches  of  the  different  denominations 
here,  much  less  to  connect  them  chronologically  with  the  many 
churches  of  today;  but  rather  to  give  some  recollections  of  those 
of  the  former  epoch,  whom  I  knew  well,  either  personally  or  by 

Rev.  J.  H.  Stump  was  a  Methodist  minister  here  in  the  '6o's. 
Rev.  A.  M.  Hough  was  another  early  preacher  of  the  same  de- 
nomination, who  came  in  1868,  and  who,  with  the  exception  of 
brief  intervals,  resided  here  till  his  death,  in  August,  1900.  On 


the  establishment  of  the  "Southern  California  Conference,"  Mr. 
Hough  became  the  Presiding  Elder.  Revs.  Mr.  Hendon  and 
Mr.  Copeland  were  other  local  Methodist  pastors  of  that  period. 
It  is  said  that  Rev.  J.  W.  Brier  preached  the  first  sermon 
ever  preached  in  Los  Angeles,  in  1850;  but  I  do  not 
think  he  stayed  here  long,  as  there  were  neither  Methodist  wor- 
shippers nor  a  house  of  worship  in  Los  Angeles  at  that  early 

Rev.  A.  M.  Campbell,  now  deceased,  was  the  pastor  of  the 
first  "Methodist  Church,  South,"  established  here  in  1873.  His 
widow,  daughter  of  Judge  B.  L.  Peel,  is  now  a  missionary  in 
the  peninsula  of  Corea. 

Rev.  Elias  Birdsall,  who  came  to  Los  Angeles  in  December, 
1864,  soon  after  his  arrival  organized  an  Episcopalian  church, 
of  which  he  was  the  rector  for  many  years.  I  knew  Mr.  Bird- 
sall very  well,  and  learned  to  admire  and  respect  him  as  one  of 
the  best  men  whom  I  ever  knew.  Although  he  was  a  zealous 
churchman,  he  was  in  all  respects  an  admirable  citizen.  He  was 
a  logical  thinker  and  a  fine  elocutionist.  He  believed — and  most 
laymen  will  certainly  agree  with  him — that  every  person  who 
is  to  become  a  public  speaker  should  make  a  special  preparatory 
study  of  elocution. 

At  the  funeral  services  of  President  Lincoln,  held  in  this 
city,  simultaneously  with  those  held  throughout  the  United 
States  on  the  I9th  of  April,  1865,  Mr.  Birdsall  delivered  an  ad- 
mirable oration  before  a  large  concourse  of  our  citizens.  Mr. 
Birdsall  died  November  3,  1890. 

Other  rectors  of  the  original  Saint  Athanasius  Church  of 
Los  Angeles  (afterwards  changed  to  Saint  Paul's)  were  Dr.  J. 
J.  Talbot,  H.  H.  Messenger,  C.  F.  Loop,  Wm.  H.  Hill.  J.  B. 
Gray,  G.  W.  Burton,  and  again,  subsequent  to  1880,  Mr.  Bird- 
sall. Dr.  Talbot,  who  came  here  in  1868,  from  Lousiville,  Ky., 
where  he  had  had  charge  of  a  wealthy  church  at  a  salary  of 
$3.500  a  year,  was  a  very  gifted  and  impassioned  orator,  and 
he  had  withal  a  slight  tinge  of  the  sentimental  or  poetical  in 
his  character,  and  his  sermons  were  much  admired,  especially 
by  the  ladies.  His  published  address  on  the  occasion  of  the 
death  of  President  Lincoln,  delivered  in  the  East  before  he 
came  to  Los  Angeles,  was  considered  one  of  the  best  of  the 
many  public  orations  delivered  on  that  sorrowful  theme.  Dr. 
Talbot,  sad  to  say,  however,  was  only  another  instance  of  a  man 
with  brilliant  talents  who  threw  himself  away  and  went  to  the 
bad.  He  lived,  in  the  main,  an  exemplary  life  here,  at  least  up 
to  within  a  short  time  before  he  left. 


To  those  who  knew  him  intimately  during  his  brief  residence 
in  Los  Angeles,  he  used  sometimes — I  remember  it  well — to 
speak  with  tenderest  regard  of  his  dear  children  and  his  "wife, 
Betty,"  in  their  pleasant  home  near  Louisville.  And  to  them, 
i.  e.,  his  friends  here — his  last  words,  uttered  at  the  very 
threshold  of  death,  as  quoted  by  Major  Ben.  Truman  in  the 
"Alta  California,"  in  1884,  are  full  of  startling  pathos  and  inex- 
pressible sadness;  indeed,  I  know  of  no  sadder  passage  in  all 
literature : 

"I  had  children — beautiful,  to  me  at  least,  as  a  dream  of 
morning,  and  they  had  so  entwined  themselves  around  their 
father's  heart  that  no  matter  where  he  might  wander,  ever  it 
came  back  to  them  on  the  wings  of  a  father's  undying  love. 
The  destoryer  took  their  hands  in  his  and  led  them  away.  I 
had  a  wife  whose  charms  of  mind  and  person  were  such  that 
to  'see  her  was  to  remember;  to  know  her,  was  to  love.'  'T  had 
a  mother,  .  .  .  and  while  her  boy  raged  in  his  wild  de- 
lirium two  thousand  miles  away,  the  pitying  angels  pushed  the 
golden  gates  ajar,  and  the  mother  of  the  drunkard  entered  into 
rest.  And  thus  I  stand  a  clergyman  without  a  church,  a  bar- 
rister without  a  brief  or  business,  a  husband  without  a  wife,  a  son 
without  a  parent,  a  man  with  scarcely  a  friend,  a  soul  without 
hope- — all  swallowed  up  in  the  maelstrom  of  drink!" 

It  seems  that  Dr.  Talbot,  after  he  left  here,  went  back  east, 
and  was  put  out  of  the  ministry,  became  a  lawyer,  was  again 
permitted  to  resume  his  clerical  functions,  again  fell,  and  again 
was  compelled  to  retire  from  his  rectorship  in  1879;  shortly  after 
which  he  died  as  above,  with  the  above  pathetic  words  on  his 

Mr.  Messenger,  prior  to  his  coming  here,  had  been  a  mis- 
sionary in  Liberia,  Africa.  After  his  rectorship  here,  he,  I  think, 
founded  the  Episcopal  church  of  San  Gabriel. 

Mr.  Messenger  was  a  jovial,  optimistic,  but  withal  a  zealous 
servant  of  the  church,  possessing  not  a  little  of  the  missionary 
spirit.  Afterwards  he  went  to  Arizona. 

There  are  many  old-timers  still  living  who  well  remember 
Revs.  Messrs.  Loop,  Hill  and  Gray.  Mr.  Loop,  after  serving 
the  parish  here  for  a  considerable  period,  moved  to  Pomona, 
where  he  became  a  prominent,  public-spirited  citizen,  and  where 
he  died  a  year  or  two  ago.  Mr.  Hill  moved  from  here  to  San 
Quentin,  where,  for  some  years,  he  was  chaplain  of  the  State 
Penitentiary,  and  where,  I  understood,  he  became  totally  blind. 
He  died  several  years  ago.  Mr.  Gray  went  from  here  to  Ala- 


bama.  I  know  not  if  he  is  still  living.  Mr.  Burton  is  still  a 
resident  of  this  city,  where  he  has  been  for  years  connected 
with  the  daily  and  weekly  press. 

The  early  ministers  of  the  Congregational  church  in  Los  An- 
geles were  Revs.  Alexander  Parker,  (1866-7);  I-  W-  Atherton, 
(i867-'7i);  J.  T.  Wills,  (1871-3);  D.  T.  Packard,  (1873-9);  C. 
J.  Hutchins,  (i879-'82);  and  A.  J.  Wells,  (1882-87). 

The  first  church  building,  erected  under  the  ministration  of 
Mr.  Parker,  was  on  New  High  street,  north  of  Temple,  a  photo- 
graph of  which  I  herewith  present  to  the  Historical  Society. 

Early  Baptist  clergymen  were  Revs.  Messrs.  Hobbs,  Zahn 
Fryer,  Reed,  etc.,  all  of  whom  have  deceased. 

Rabbi  A.  W.  Edelman  organized  the  Hebrew  congregation, 
B'nai  B'rith,  in  1862.  Rabbi  Edelman  is  still  a  citizen  of  Los 

I  should  mention  that  Drs.  J.  W.  Ellis,  A.  F.  White  and  W. 
J.  Chichester  were  comparatively  early  pastors  of  the  Presby- 
terian church;  and  also  that  Dr.  M.  M.  Bovard  was  president  of 
the  University  of  Southern  California. 

Dr.  Eli  Fay  was  the  first  Unitarian  minister  to  hold  public 
religious  services  here.  Dr.  Fay  was,  intellectually,  a  very  able 
man,  though  somewhat  aggressive  and  self-assertive.  His  ser- 
mons, barring  a  rather  rasping  flavor  of  egotism,  were  models 
of  powerful  reasoning.  Before  coming  to  Los  Angeles,  Dr. 
Fay  had  been  pastor  of  Unitarian  congregations  at  Leominster, 
Mass.,  and  at  Sheffield,  England.  In  addition  to  his  sacer- 
dotal qualifications,  Dr.  Fay  was  a  very  good  judge  of  the  value 
of  real  estate.  Soon  after  he  came  here  from  Kansas  City,  he 
bought  what  he  called  "choice  pieces  of  property,"  on  which  it 
was  understood  he  afterwards  made  big  money.  Like  many 
other  shrewd  saints  who  came  here  from  many  countries,  his 
faith  in  Los  Angeles  real  estate  seemed  to  be  only  second  to  his 
faith  in  the  realty  of  the  land  of  Canaan,  or,  in  other  words,  in 
"choice  lots"  in  the  "New  Jerusalem." 

I  might  recount  many  anecdotes  concerning  those  ministers 
and  priests  of  Los  Angeles  of  a  former  generation,  of  whom  I 
have  spoken;  for  in  those  olden  times,  in  this  then  small  town, 
everybody  knew  almost  everybody.  In  a  frontier  town, — which 
this  then  was, — there  are  always  picturesque  characters,  among 
clericals  as  well  as  among  laymen. 


(Legends  from  the  "Flowers  of  St.  Francis.") 
BY  F.  j.  POLLEY. 

We  know  little  of  Father  Serra  prior  to  his  work  in  the  New 
World;  yet  he  was  then  a  man  of  mature  years,  with  refined 
powers  of  mind  and  a  character  so  firm  of  purpose  and  a  plan  of 
work  so  well  considered  that  he  seldom  swerved  from  the  ideals 
of  his  youth. 

It  becomes  an  interesting  problem  to  trace  the  growth  of 
this  man's  ideals,  and,  if  possible,  to  ascertain  who  had  an  as- 
cendency over  him,  and  what  influences  helped  him  to  shape  his 

As  time  passes,  I  see  more  clearly  that  Father  Serra  was  not 
of  the  eighteenth  century,  but  of  those  before.  I  see  that  he 
was  highly  gifted  in  the  spiritual  sense,  a  devout  churchman,  one 
highly  susceptible  to  the  influence  of  his  order,  and  an  admirer 
of  those  in  whose  footsteps  he  forged  to  follow.  But  just  here 
arises  the  question,  Who  were  his  ideals? 

Naturally,  the  modern  mind  turns  to  St.  Francis  as  the  chief 
among  those  whose  lives  had  influenced  our  priest.  The  litera- 
ture of  St.  Francis  and  his  times  is  abundant  and  accessible. 
This  we  are  entitled  to  use,  having  due  regard  for  critical  can- 
ons in  helping  out  the  unknown  history  of  Serra's  formative 
years;  but  yet  the  fact  remains  we  are  lacking  in  the  main  details 
of  Serra's  growth. 

That  he  had  an  ideal  is  well  known.  His  assumption  of  the 
name  "Junipero"  perhaps  may  have  been  influenced  by  the  cur- 
rent belief  that  nothing  evil  in  animal  life  could  live  under  the 
shade  of  the  juniper  tree;  so  Serra  had  hoped  by  his  labors  to 
route  the  Devil  and  like  a  juniper  banish  evil  from  the  world. 

Another  mentions  a  certain  Brother  Juniper,  a  companion 
and  follower  of  the  Holy  St.  Francis,  and  a  man  whose  life  ap- 
pealed so  strongly  to  Serra  that  he  assumed  the  name  in  connec- 
tion with  his  own.  Father  Palou  says: 

"At  an  early  age  Junipero  was  well  instructed  by  his  par- 
ents in  the  rudiments  of  the  Holy  Catholic  faith."  Later  he 
pursues  his  studies  at  the  Convent  of  Jesu.  I  now  quote  Palou : 


"During  the  year  of  his  novitiate,  Junipero  studied  carefully 
the  austere  rules  of  the  Franciscans,  and  read  the  lives  of  many 
saints  which  that  glorious  order  had  given  to  the  church;  like 
another,  Ignatius  of  Loyola.  This  reading  inflamed  his  heart 
with  love  and  zeal  for  souls.  .  .  .  The  year  of  his  proba- 
tion being  ended,  Fr.  Junipero  was  professed  on  the  I5th  of 
September,  1731.  On  account  of  his  great  devotion  to  one  of 
the  just  confessions  of  St.  Francis — Friar  Juniper — he  took  that 
name  in  his  profession.  Such  was  his  spiritual  joy  on  that  sol- 
emn day  that  each  year  he  renewed  his  vows  on  the  anni- 

There  is  nothing  scientifically  accurate  in  thus  retelling  these 
vague  surmises;  nor  is  there  in  what  follows,  yet  it  is  of  this 
Friar  Juniper  I  wish  to  speak.  Such  a  man  existed,  and  his  life 
was  undoubtedly  known  to  Father  Serra.  Beyond  this  it  is 
merely  a  question  of  inference. 

You  will  find  no  mention  of  this  old  saint  in  the  general 
discussion  of  our  local  history,  and  yet,  if  we  grant  a  grain  of 
truth  back  of  the  reason  assigned  for  Serra's  name  Junipero,  he 
must  have  known  and  approved  the  main  outlines  of  the  life  I 
now  present.  I  trust  I  shall  not  be  misunderstood  as  claiming 
either  absolute  truth  for  the  old  biography  and  collection  of 
monkish  legends  that  I  have  drawn  upon,  nor  as  stating  it  to 
be  more  than  a  reasonable  hope  that  I  may  be  correct  when  I 
make  my  suggestion  that  in  this  collection  lay  one  of  the  inspi- 
rational sources  of  Serra's  life. 

Kdward  Everett  Hale  has  published  a  paper  on  the  probabil- 
ity of  the  name  California  having  been  borrowed  from  a  romance 
widely  known  in  that  period  of  discovery,  and  hence  in  the 
minds  of  the  men  who  first  visited  our  coasts.  The  argument 
of  Dr.  Hale  is  equally  useful  in  my  present  inquiry,  and  I  adopt 
it  in  the  main  as  applicable  to  my  paper,  i.  e.,  a  book  existed 
telling  of  the  life  of  a  certain  Brother  Juniper,  and  our  Serra 
had  read  and  believed  it  all.  Understand,  then,  that  what  fol- 
lows is  offered  solely  as  a  contribution  towards  the  solution  of 
an  interesting  point  in  our  local  annals  and  nothing  more. 

First,  as  to  the  prevalance  of  monkish  legends  of  the  past. 
You  see  from  the  quotation  from  Father  Palou  that  Junipero 
Serra  was  deeply  read  therein.  They  constitute  an  important 
part  of  the  early  literature  of  the  Romance  nations.  The  col- 
lections were  widely  known  and  extensively  copied,  were  read, 
discussed,  used  in  sermons  with  a  firm  belief  in  their  literal  truth 
by  the  mass  of  the  people,  though  modern  criticism  can  now 


detect  the  symbolic  nature  of  parts  that  once  passed  for  truth 
as  sacred  as  lips  could  utter.  I  have  spent  days  in  the  ancient 
libraries  of  Europe,  and  the  charm  of  these  old  records,  with 
their  beautiful  vellums  and  lovely  lettering,  grows  greater  as 
each  opportunity  arises  to  examine  them.  It  is  impossible  to 
make  one  realize  in  California  what  tangible  evidence  these  old 
manuscripts  offer  of  the  loving  care  bestowed  upon  them  and 
how  highly  their  contents  were  prized.  Mr.  Aldrich,  in  Friar 
Jerome's  Beautiful  Book,  has  done  more  than  tell  a  legend;  he 
has  entered  into  the  true  spirit  of  the  past.  As  printing  arose, 
the  Golden  Legend  of  Caxton,  with  its  lives  of  saints,  at  once 
testifies  to  the  importance  of  these  stories  as  material  for  books. 
Not  to  be  tedious  on  a  non-debatable  subject,  think  of  the  vast 
later  compilations  known  as  Butler's  Lives  of  the  Saints  and 
their  present  importance.  You  will  find  full  legends  of  our 
Padre  Juniper  in  a  book  entitled  "TheFlowers  of  St.  Francis," 
and  long  used  by  the  common  people  of  Italy. 

The  earliest  dated  manuscript  is  1390.  The  book  is  almost 
unknown  to  the  Protestant  people.  It  is  accessible  to  the  trans- 
lators, by  T.  W.  Arnold,  printed  by  Dent  &  Co.,  of  London." 

In  the  Italian  compilation  known  as  the  Flowers  of  St.  Fran- 
cis, the  life  of  Padre  Juniper  is  placed  toward  the  latter  part  of 
the  book. 

As  to  the  book  from  which  I  have  drawn  these  legends,  it 
is  not  my  purpose  to  speak. 

My  paper  is  not  critical,  because  the  legends  are  not  histor- 
ically true  as  to  facts;  no  one  pretends  they  are,  and  my  .aim 
is  simply  to  enforce  this  well-known  fact  to  your  minds  that 
they  were  immensely  popular  in  the  centuries  succeeding  St. 
St.  Francis'  life  and  death.  In  the  Italian  our  brother  is  known 
as  Borther  Ginipero.  It  was  the  pun  made  by  St.  Francis  that 
converted  the  name  into  Junipero,  or  the  Juniper  tree. 

Mrs.  Alithaut  retells  a  few  legends  in  her  work  on  St. 
Francis,  but  Sabatier,  in  his  great  critical  work  on  St.  Francis, 
p.  415,  et  seq.,  goes  so  fully  into  the  authorities  for  these  Ftoretti 
that  nothing  more  need  be  said  in  this  paper  except  to  copy  a 
couple  of  short  extracts. 


"With  the  Fioretti  we  enter  definitely  the  domain  of  legend. 
This  literary  gem  relates  the  life  of  Francis,  his  companions  and 
disciples,  as  it  appeared  to  the  popular  imagination  at  the  begin- 
ning of  the  fourteenth  century.  We  have  not  to  discuss  the  lit- 


erary  value  of  this  document,  one  of  the  most  exquisite  reli- 
gious works  of  the  Middle  Ages,  but  it  may  be  said  that  from 
the  historic  point  of  view  it  does  not  deserve  the  neglect  to 
which  it  has  been  left. 

"Yet  that  which  gives  those  stories  an  inestimable  worth  is 
what,  for  want  of  a  better  term,  we  may  call  their  atmosphere. 
They  are  legendary,  worked  over,  exaggerated,  false  even,  if  you 
please,  but  they  give  us,  with  a  vivacity  and  intensity  of  color- 
ing, something  that  we  shall  search  for  in  vain  elsewhere — the 
surroundings  in  which  St.  Francis  lived.  More  than  any  other 
biography,  the  Fioretti  transport  us  to  Umbria,  to  the  moun- 
tains of  the  March  of  Ancon;  they  make  us  visit  the  hermitages, 
and  mingle  with  the  life,  half  childish,  half  angelic,  which  was 
that  of  their  inhabitants. 

"It  is  difficult  to  pronounce  upon  the  name  of  the  author. 
His  work  was  only  that  of  gathering  the  flowers  of  his  bouquet 
from  written  and  oral  tradition.  The  question  whether  he  wrote 
in  Latin  or  Italian  has  been  much  discussed,  and  appears  to  be 
not  yet  settled;  what  is  certain  is  that  though  this  work  may 
be  anterior  to  the  Conformities,  it  is  a  little  later  than  the  Chron- 
icle of  the  Tribulations,  for  it  would  be  strange  that  it  made  no 
mention  of  Angelo  Clareno,  if  it  was  written  after  his  death. 

"The  stories  crowd  one  another  in  this  book  like  flocks  of 
memories  that  come  upon  us  pell-mell,  and  in  which  insignifi- 
cant details  occupy  a  larger  place  than  the  most  important 
events;  our  memory  is,  in  fact,  an  overgrown  child,  and  what 
it  retains  of  a  man  is  generally  a  feature,  a  word,  a  gesture. 

"It  is  easy  to  understand  the  success  of  the  Fioretti.  The 
people  fell  in  love  with  these  stories,  in  which  St.  Francis  and 
bis  companions  appear  both  more  human  and  more  divine  than 
other  legends;  and  they  began  very  soon  to  feel  the  need  of  so 
completing  them  as  to  form  a  veritable  biography. 

"The  second,  entitled  Life  of  Brother  Ginepro,  is  only  indi- 
rectly connected  with  St.  Francis;  yet  it  deserves  to  be  studied, 
for  it  offers  the  same  kind  of  interest  as  the  principal  collection, 
to  which  it  is  doubtless  posterior.  In  these  fourteen  chapters 
we  find  the  principal  features  of  the  life  of  this  Brother,  whose 
mad  and  saintly  freaks  still  furnish  material  for  conversation  in 
Umbrian  monasteries.  These  unpretending  pages  discover  to 
us  one  aspect  of  the  Franciscan  heart.  The  official  historians 
have  thought  it  their  duty  to  keep  silence  upon  this  Brother, 
who,  to  them,  appeared  to  be  a  supremely  indiscreet  personage, 
very  much  in  the  way  of  the  good  name  of  theOrder  in  the  eyes 


of  the  laics.  They  were  right  from  their  point  of  view,  but  we 
owe  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  the  Fioretti  for  having  preserved  for 
us  this  personality,  so  blithe,  so  modest,  and  with  so  arch  a 
good  nature.  Certainly  St.  Francis  was  more  like  Ginipero  than 
like  Brother  Elias  or  St.  Bonaventura." — Sabatier,  p.  415. 

I  have  drawn  from  the  book  alluded  to  by  Sabatier  the  fol- 
lowing legends  of  this  Brother  Ginipero,  making  my  abstract 
as  brief  as  possible  to  economize  time  and  space,  though  by  so 
doing  the  literary  flavor  of  the  original  is  hopelessly  lost  to  you. 
It  certainly  is  "an  exquisite  religious  work." 

The  narrative  begins  abruptly,  as  follows:  "Brother  Juni- 
per was  one  of  the  most  elect  disciples  and  first  companions  of 
St.  Francis,  a  man  of  deep  humility,  of  great  fervor  and  great 
charity,  of  whom  St.  Francis,  speaking  on  a  time  with  his  holy 
companions,  said :  'He  would  be  a  good  Brother  Minor  who 
had  conquered  himself  and  the  world  like  Brother  Juniper.' ' 

This  is  all  by  way  of  prelude.  The  brother  thus  introduced 
is  taken  rapidly  through  a  series  of  episodes  in  his  life  that  illus- 
trate his  character. 

In  the  first  legend  he  is  visiting  a  sick  man,  and,  all  on  fire 
with  love  and  compassion,  he  asked,  "Can  I  do  thee  any  serv- 
ice?" The  sick  man  replied,  "Much  comfort  would  it  give  me 
if  thou  couldst  get  me  a  pig's  trotter  to  eat." 

Brother  Junipero  rushes  to  a  forest,  seizes  a  pig,  severs  its 
foot,  prepares  the  morsel  and  presents  it  to  the  sick  man.  But 
while  Brother  Juniper,  with  "great  glee  for  to  glad  the  heart 
of  the  sick  man,"  is  telling  him  the  tale  of  its  capture,  a  different 
scene  is  being  enacted:  The  owner  who  saw  the  mayhem  of 
his  pig,  reports  to  his  lord,  and  from  thence  hurries  to  the  house 
of  the  brothers,  whom  he  upbraids  with  a  copious  selection  of 
choice  epithets  as  hypocrites,  thieves,  liars,  rogues,  knaves,  etc. 
St.  Francis  could  not  appease  him,  even  though  he  offered  the 
man  restitution,  for  he  leaves  in  a  rage,  telling  his  woes  to  all 
he  meets  upon  the  road. 

St.  Francis  is  shown  as  a  student  of  human  nature.  He 
keeps  counsel  and  wonders  if  Brother  Juniper  be  not  the  cul- 
prit "in  zeal  too  indiscreet,"  so,  secretly  calling,  he  asks  him. 
The  brother,  glorying  in  the  deed,  details  the  facts,  and  thinks 
loo  pigs  could  be  similarly  sacrificed  and  yet  he  would  say  "well 
done."  But  St.  Francis'  level  head,  foreseeing  the  evil  effect  of 
the  owner's  wrath,  gently  reprimands  Brother  Juniper,  who  now 
goes  forth  charged  to  apologize  until  the  man  is  pacified. 

Juniper  is  .unable  to  understand  the  nature  of  his  wrong,  "for 


tt  seemed  to  him  these  temporal  things  were  naught  save  so 
far  as  men  of  their  charity  shared  them  with  their  neighbors." 

A  doctrine  certainly  now  objected  to  by  the  property  owners 
and  governing  classes  of  our  age  and  by  those  of  the  past  as  well. 

The  man  heaps  abuse  upon  our  brother,  who  cannot  under- 
stand why  the  owner  should  do  so,  for  it  seems  to  him  a  matter 
of  rejoicing  rather  than  wrath;  but  yet  he  rejoiced  to  be  "ill 
spoken  of." 

Once  again  the  incredulous  brother  retells  his  tale,  and  by 
tears  and  caresses  so  works  up  the  irate  fellow  that  he  capitu- 
lates, and,  conquered  by  the  devotion  and  humility  of  Brother 
Juniper,  kills  his  pig,  cooks  i^  and  serves  it  to  St.  Francis  at  St. 
Mary  of  the  Angels.  The  episode  ends  with  the  sentence  that 
I  think  lodged  in  Father  Serra's  memory  and  influenced  his 
life — "And  St.  Francis,  pondering  on  the  simplicity  and  the 
patience  of  said  holy  Brther  Juniper,  in  the  hour  of  trial,  said  to 
his  companions  and  others  standing  around,  "Would  to  God 
my  brothers  that  I  had  a  whole  forest  of  such  Junipers." 

It  is  not  my  intention  to  give  a  full  analysis  of  this  valuable 
record,  and  I  have  given  one  chapter  more  in  detail  as  a  type  of 
the  rest  than  for  any  special  interest  attached  to  it  beyond  the 
closing  sentence  last  quoted,  and  which  is  so  pertinent  to  my 

Of  the  remaining  chapters  it  must  suffice  for  the  limits  of  my 
paper  to  say  that  in  each  and  every  one  Brother  Juniper,  out  of 
many  adventures,  emerges  more  holy  and  beloved  by  all.  I 
will  now  abstract  a  few  narrations  and  anecdotes. 

A  man  afflicted  with  demons  had  a  rational  moment,  be- 
cause, Juniper  passing  that  way,  the  devils,  by  their  own  con- 
fession, could  not  endure  his  holiness,  and  fled  until  he  passed. 
After  this,  when  an  afflicted  man  was  brought  him,  St.  Francis 
would  say,  "If  thou  come  not  out  of  this  creature  straight  away, 
I  will  send  for  Brother  Juniper  to  deal  with  thee."  A  most 
efficacious  threat,  and  far  more  sure  of  a  cure  than  all  the  medi- 
cal science  in  our  modern  asylums,  if  we  are  to  believe  this  little 

The  most  detailed  episode  relates  how  this  devil  attempted 
revenge  by  assuming  the  guise  of  a  peasant,  and  then  in  this 
form  warning  the  tyrant  Nicolas  of  a  spy  who  will  attempt  his 
Kfe.  Says  the  wily  devil :  "He  will  come  as  a  beggar,  in  gar- 
ments torn  and  patched,  his  cowl  hanging  all  tattered  on  his 
shoulder,  and  he  will  bring  with  him  an  aul  wherewith  to  kill 
you,  and  a  tinder  box  to  set  fire  to  your  castle." 


Here  we  have  a  true  picture  of  Brother  Juniper,  who  is  now 
on  his  travels.  Later  he  is  assaulted  by  youths,  noted  by  the 
guards,  and  dragged  before  Nicolas.  He  testifies  that  he  carried 
the  aul  to  mend  his  sandals;  the  tinder  box  was  for  his  fire  when 
he  slept  alone  in  the  lonely  woods  on  chill  nights. 

The  examination  begins  with  torture,  but  he  courts  it,  and, 
entering  into  the  spirit  of  the  inquiry,  and  to  increase  the  tort- 
ure, says,  "I  am  the  worst  of  traitors,"  and  as  to  killing  and  burn- 
ing, "much  worse  things  would  I  do  if  God  permitted  it." 

Next  we  find  him  tied  to  the  tail  of  a  horse  and  dragged  to 
the  place  of  execution,  happy  in  his  persecution,  and  saying, 
"Blessed  are  ye  when  men  shall  revile  you,"  etc. 

His  voice  is  recognized  amid  the  hooting  crowd.  A  friend 
rushes  to  the  tyrant,  there  is  a. stay  of  proceedings,  an  investi- 
gation, a  pardon,  an  apology,  and  the  tyrant  does  all  in  his 
power  to  make  amends  for  having  tortured  a  brother,  and  even 
though  it  appears  he  evidently  wanted  the  persecution,  yet  for 
the  torture  administered  the  tyrant  knows  he  has  lost  favor  with 
God,  "and  God  suffered  it  that  a  few  days  thereafter  that  tyrant, 
Nicolas,  ended  his  days  with  a  cruel  death;"  (and  this,  mind  you, 
though  Brother  Juniper  had  at  once  before  this  event  freely  for- 
given the  tyrant)  but  the  old  chronicler  must  make  his  point, 
and  men  who  interfere  with  brothers  must  be  warned.  Having 
made  God  cruel,  all  is  ended.  And  Brother  Juniper  departed, 
leaving  all  the  people  edified." 

And,  if  I  may  add  to  such  a  dramatic  little  recital,  "and  the 
modern  reader  much  mystified" — at  the  morality  of  the  entire 

Brother  Juniper  was  so  accustomed  to  giving  even  his  robe 
and  cowl  to  any  one  who  chose  to  beg  that  his  guardian  for- 
bade it. 

Upon  the  next  occasion,  the  brother  repeats  his  guardian's 
orders  to  the  beggar,  but  adds  that  while  he  may  not  give  it, 
nor  any  part  thereof,  yet  "if  thou  take  it  from  my  back,  I  will 
not  say  thee  nay."  He  spoke  not  to  the  deaf,  and  Brother  Ju- 
niper returned  naked.  When  asked  for  details,  he  merely  said, 
"A  good  man  took  it  from  my  back  and  went  away  with  it." 

Such  quibbling  as  this  evidently  was  not  considered  deceit- 
ful or  evasive  of  the  truth,  not  to  call  it  by  the  modern  term  of 
downright  lying,  and  it  is  practiced  today  by  many  a  witness 
who  glibly  repeats  the  solemn  oath  "to  tell  the  truth,  the  whole 
truth  and  nothing  but  the  truth,  so  help  me  God,"  and  then  in- 
variably holds  back  the  "whole  truth,"  and  considers  himself 


clever  just  in  proportion  as  he  is  able  to  baffle  the  opposing  at- 
torney who  asks  for  it.  It  is  a  matter  that  can  be  relegated  to 
Hamlet's  class  of  "things  more  honored  in  the  breach  than  in 
the  observance,"  and  we  who  live  in  glass  houses  ought  to  be 
tender  with  Brother  Juniper,  with  his  quibbles  and  white  lies. 

Our  Brother  Juniper  seems  to  have  had  no  conception  of 
private  ownership,  giving  away  everything  that  came  to  his 
hands,  or,  more  properly,  what  his  hands  came  to,  for  he  levied 
toll  upon  all  until  books,  vestments  and  mantels  were  locked  and 
guarded  from  him. 

The  altar  especially  rich  in  decorations  had  a  zealous  guar- 
dian, who  took  much  pride  in  an  altar  piece  fringed  with  gold 
and  set  with  silver  bells  of  great  price.  While  at  the  table,  a 
sudden  fear  of  Brother  Juniper,  who  was  at  solitary  worship, 
caused  him  to  rush  suddenly  from  the  table.  He  was  too  late; 
a  woman  had  solicited  alms,  and  the  brother,  meditatively  say- 
ing, "These  things  are  a  superfluity,  had  cut  them  from  the 
fringe  and  given  them  to  the  poor  woman,  "for  pity's  sake." 
What  follows  is  a  delightful  picture  of  a  monastic  tempest.  We 
have  details  of  the  sacristan's  rage,  his  search  throughout  the 
city  for  the  fringe,  the  formal  complaint  to  the  Father  General, 
who  severely  alludes  to  the  sacristan's  stupidity,  he  well  know- 
ing Juniper's  weakness,  but  he  adds,  "Nevertheless,  I  will  correct 
him  well  for  this  fault." 

Juniper  is  summoned,  and  the  Father  General  is  so  lovingly 
true  to  his  promise  that  eventually,  from  over-wrath,  has  to  de- 
sist from  hoarseness  and  inability  to  scold  more.  The  brother, 
however,  "cared  little  and  well-nigh  nothing  for  his  words,  for 
he  took  delight  in  insults  whenever  he  was  well  abused,  but  in 
piety  for  the  hoarseness  of  the  General,  he  began  to  bethink  him 
of  a  remedy. '*  Juniper  wishes  to  cure  the  throat,  so  that  he  can 
be  cured  at  great  length.  Next  we  find  the  remedy  in  process — 
a  pottage  of  flour  and  butter.  It  is  well  into  the  morning  hours 
when  Juniper  knocks  at  the  General's  cell.  They  have  another 
scene,  the  irate  General  calling  him  scoundrel  and  caitiff  for  dis- 
turbing him  at  that  unseemly  hour,  for  how  can  he  eat  in  semi- 
darkness?  At  last  Juniper,  in  the  simplicity  of  his  heart,  pro- 
poses that  the  General  hold  the  candle  while  he  (the  brother) 
consumes  the  pottage,  "that  it  be  not  wasted."  This  breaks  the 
General's  wrath.  He  is  reconciled,  and  together  "they  twain 
eat  the  pottage  of  flour,  by  reason  of  his  unfortunate  charity,  and 
they  were  refreshed  much  more  by  devotion  than  by  the  food." 
Devotional  acts  were  not  neglected,  and  another  side  of  the 


picture  shows  Juniper  silent  for  six  months — the  first  day  for 
love  of  God,  the  next  for  the  Son,  for  the  Holy  Spirit,  for  the 
Virgin,  and  then  a  saint  for  each  succeeding  day.  Surely  the 
list  of  saints  did  not  give  out,  but  presumably  the  brother's  the- 
ory did,  and  he  welcomed  a  change;  else  there  might  have  been 
eternal  silence  and  no  more  tales  to  chronicle.  Once  to  abase 
himself,  he  made  a  bundle  of  his  clothes  and  stood  half  naked 
the  day  in  the  market  place  of  Niterbo.  The  description  of  the 
howling,  taunting,  mud-slinging,  rock-casting  mob  is  quite 
vivid,  as  is  also  the  fierce  rage  of  his  brothers,  when  they  heard 
of  it.  They  said  he  was  a  madman  and  deserved  jail  and  hanging 
for  the  disgrace  and  ill  repute  brought  upon  the  convent.  And 
"Brother  Juniper,  full  of  joy,  replied  in  all  humility,  'Well  and 
truly  have  you  spoken,  for  these  punishments  am  I  worthy,  and 
of  much  more.' ' 

Upon  another  occasion,  hearing  of  a  festival  to  be  held  at 
Assisi,  he  stripped  himself  to  his  breeches,  and  so  made  the  jour- 
ney to  its  convent.  These  brothers  were  for  hanging  him,  and 
when  the  General  reproved  him  severely  for  the  disgrace  and 
ill  repute  he  brought  upon  them,  all,  until  he  knew  not  what 
penance  he  could  inflict,  Juniper  asked  "That  in  the  same  man- 
ner as  I  came  hither,  so  for  penance'  sake  I  should  return  to  the 
place  whence  I  started  for  to  come  to  this  festival." 

Such  an  utterly  silly  and  illogical  request  carries  its  own 
commentary;  yet  apparently  his  reputation  for  sanctity  grew 
with  each  new  episode. 

When  a  friend  and  brother  died,  he  wished  to  go  to  the 
grave,  disinter  the  body,  sever  the  head  and  from  it  make  two 
porringers  to  use  in  his  eating  and  drinking  in  memory  of  the 
deceased.  Only  his  certain  knowledge  of  the  rage  of  his  broth- 
ers at  such  an  act  prevented  its  accomplishment. 

At  his  devotions  he  was  wrapped  in  ecstacies.  He  saw  a  hand 
in  mid  air  and  heard  a  voice  say,  "O,  Brother  Juniper,  without 
this  hand  thou  canst  do  nothing;"  and  for  days  after  he  went 
about  repeating  in  a  loud  voice,  "  'Tis  true,  indeed;  'tis  true  in- 

One  episode  is  partly  comic,  though  the  writer  meant  it  as 
a  glorious  recital.  It  is  long,  and  I  brief  it  baldly. 

Visiting  a  monastery,  Juniper  is  asked  to  prepare  food  for 
the  brothers'  return.  He  plans  to  provide  a  week's  rations  at 
one  cooking  that  more  time  may  be  had  for  prayer.  He  begs 
cooking  pots,  provisions  and  fuel  and  begins. 

"Everything  is  thrown  into  the  pots — flowls  with  their  fea- 


thers  on  and  eggs  in  their  shells,  and  all  the  rest  in  like  fashion." 
The  roaring  fire  burns  him.  He  lashes  a  plank  in  front  of  his 
body,  and  thus  warded,  skips  and  jumps  from  pot  to  pot  in  a  fe- 
ver of  earnestness.  Brothers  return,  peep  in  and  are  lost  in  won- 
der. The  summons  comes  for  refreshment.  Brother  Juniper,  all 
heated  and  flushed,  serves  his  stew,  and  says,  eat  quickly  that  we 
may  hasten  to  prayer.  When  the  covers  are  lifted,  the  stew 
gives  forth  such  a  frightful  odor  that  not  a  pig  in  the  land  of 
Rome  could  have  eaten  it. 

The  brothers  rage  over  the  waste  of  so  much  food,  and 
the  guardian  rebukes  him  for  stupidity.  When  the  evil  is  done, 
Juniper  begins  to  see  the  effects  of  his  unthinking  acts,  and 
with  tears  and  lamentations  begs  that  his  eyes  be  put  out  or  that 
he  be  hung  for  the  waste  to  the  Order  committed. 

He  hides  for  a  day  in  shame.  "Then,  quoth  the  guardian, 
my  brothers  dear,  if  only  we  had  it,  I  would  that  every  day  this 
brother  spoiled  as  much  as  he  hath  today,  if  so  we  might  be  ed- 
ified, for  great  simplicity  and  charity  have  made  him  do  this 

Upon  a  journey  to  Rome,  our  brother  displayed  another 
trait.  People  crowded  from  Rome  to  welcome  and  escort  him 
to  the  convent  of  the  Brothers  Minor,  but  he  wished  to  turn 
their  devotion  to  scorn,  and  so  we  are  told  that  upon  the  road 
"There  were  two  children  playing  at  see-saw,  to  wit,  they  had 
put  one  log  across  another  log  and  each  sat  at  his  own  end  and 
so  went  up  and  down."  Brother  Juniper,  displacing  one  child, 
assumed  its  place  upon  the  log.  The  people  gather,  salute  and 

"And  Brother  Juniper  paid  little  heed  to  their  salutations, 
their  reverence  and  their  waiting  for  him,  but  took  great  pains 
with  his  see-sawing."  Some  thought  him  mad;  others  more 
devout  than  ever;  but  the  crowd  disperses  and  then  Brother 
Juniper  remained  altogether  comforted,  because  he  had  seen 
some  folk  that  made  a  mock  at  him.  So  he  went  on  his  way  and 
entered  Rome  with  all  meekness  and  humility,  and  came  to  the 
convent  of  the  Brothers  Minor." 

And  here,  for  the  limitations  of  time,  we  must  leave  him, 
and  even  forbear  critical  comment  upon  the  strange  episodes 
enumerated.  In  this  brief  summary  no  attempt  has  been  made 
to  reproduce  the  genuine  charm  of  the  child-like  narrative. 

As  a  guide  for  modern  life,  it  may  lapse  into  obscurity,  but 
as  a  naive,  unconscious  picture  of  the  past,  it  is  worth  more  than 
a  half  contemptuous  glance. 


Absurd  as  many  of  the  acts  enumerated  are  now,  they  were 
the  acts  of  so-called  holy  men,  and  the  authors  who  wrote,  and 
the  people  who  read,  saw  only  the  deeds  of  saintly  persons,  fit 
to  be  held  up  for  profitable  imitation. 

If  we  lose  sight  of  the  fact  that  such  recitals  formed  the  basis 
and  guide  for  preaching  and  practical  living,  and  consider  them 
merely  as  literature,  we  miss  the  key  that  unlocks  the  inner 
meaning  of  a  past  religion  and  life,  just  as  surely  as  will  the 
future  historian  misunderstand  our  age  who  one  day  writes  of 
the  nineteenth  century  Bible,  considered  purely  as  literature 
and  not  as  the  religious  guide  of  the  century  under  his  critical 

The  vital  question  is  not  how  we  judge  the  tales,  but  how 
Father  Serra  did.  The  problem  of  his  life,  to  us,  in  the  present 
inquiry,  lies  in  the  sources  from  which  he  drew  his  inspiration. 
He  lived  according  to  his  light,  for  he  was  not  great  enough 
like  Wiclif  to  be  a  beacon  for  a  waiting  world.  Father  Serra  was 
no  "morning  star  of  a  Reformation."  He  was  a  disciple,  not  a 
creator — spiritual  within  his  narrow  credulities,  but  not  an  orig- 
inator of  his  ideals.  Through  life  until  death  he  was  zealous  for 
the  interests  intrusted  to  him,  and  within  the  lines  of  his  trust 
he  brought  such  worthy  characteristics  into  action  that  he  was 
then  and  now  a  man  among  men  in  the  history  of  the  West. 

Yet  in  all  this  any  sincere  admirer  of  Serra  sees  his  limita- 
tions, and  reasoning  from  the  causes  of  early  piety  and  inspira- 
tions, can  trace  the  effects  of  a  highly  developed  belief  in  mira- 
cles and  special  providences  that  are  to  be  opportunely  furnished 
when  unreasoning  zeal  had  rendered  a  natural  solution  of  diffi- 
culties incurred  almost  an  impossibility.  The  man  with  a  call  on 
miracles  does  not  have  to  look  before  he  leaps,  and  the  doctrine 
and  its  effects  are  often  serious  for  the  world. 

This  book  of  tales  must  have  proved  a  great  comfort  to  one 
of  Serra's  temperament.  He  could  read  of  men  wholly  devoted 
to  their  order — over-zealous,  meek  beyond  reason ;  almost  sense- 
less in  the  extreme  to  which  their  emotional  instincts  led  them — 
seeking  martyrdom,  assuming  burdens,  mocked  at  and  generally 
themselves  inviting  the  occasion  for  trouble,  yet,  all  in  all  .tri- 
umphing in  each  and  every  case  of  wild  folly  of  conduct;  revered 
by  high  and  low,  and  at  their  death  received  among  the  saints 
by  miracles  so  taxing  nature  that  the  episodes  of  Christ's  cruci- 
fixion and  resurrection  seem  to  pale  beside  the  reversal  of  natj 
ural  laws  called  out  to  do  honor  to  these  dead. 

This,  however,  is  dead  issue  with  us,  but  when,  in  studying 


the  development  of  our  land  and  noting  the  part  played  by  its 
developers,  the  source  of  their  seemingly  strange  beliefs  often 
becomes  of  interest;  thus  the  acquisition  of  such  a  little  guide 
book  and  text  of  practical  works  as  the  one  I  have  briefed  for 
the  society,  assumes  an  importance  long  lost  to  it,  and  this  one 
sentence  in  it  deserves  enrollment  among  the  chance  sayings 
that  have  helped  make  history :  "Would  to  God,  my  brothers, 
that  I  had  a  whole  forest  of  such  Junipers." 


BY  J.    M.   GUINN. 

[Read  May  6,  1901] 

The  story  of  the  experiment  made  nearly  fifty  years  ago,  to 
utilize  the  Arabian  camel  as  a  beast  of  burden  on  the  arid  plains 
of  Arizona,  New  Mexico  and  the  deserts  of  the  Colorado  is 
one  of  the  many  unwritten  chapters  in  the  history  of  the  South- 
west. A  few  fugitive  locals  in  the  newspapers  of  that  time  and 
the  reminiscences  of  some  of  the  camel  drivers  who  survived  the 
experiment  are  about  the  only  records  of  a  scheme  that  its  pro- 
genitors had  hoped  would  revolutionize  travel  and  transporta- 
tion over  the  American  deserts.  The  originator  and  chief  pro- 
moter of  the  project  was  Jefferson  Davis,  late  president  of  the 
Southern  Confederacy. 

During  the  last  days  of  the  session  of  Congress  in  1851, 
when  the  army  appropriation  bill  was  under  consideration,  Mr. 
Davis,  then  Senator  from  Mississippi,  offered  an  amendment 
providing  for  the  purchase  and  introduction  of  30  camels  and 
20  dromedaries,  with  ten  Arab  drivers  and  the  necessary  equi- 

In  advocating  his  amendment,  Mr.  Davis  alluded  to  the  ex- 
tent to  which  these  animals  are  used  in  various  countries  in  Asia 
and  Africa  as  beasts  of  burthen;  and  among  other  things  stated 
that  they  are  used  by  the  English  in  the  East  Indies  in  trans- 
porting army  supplies  and  often  in  carrying  light  guns  upon 
their  backs;  that  camels  were  used  by  Napoleon  in  his  Egyptian 
campaigns  in  dealing  with  a  race  to  which  our  wild  Coman- 
ches  and  Apaches  bear  a  close  resemblance.  Mr.  Davis  thought 
these  animals  might  be  used  with  effect  against  the  Indians  on 
our  Western  frontier.  Drinking  enough  water  before  they  start 
to  last  for  one  hundred  miles;  traveling  continually  without 
rest  at  a  rate  of  ten  or  fifteen  miles  an  hour,  they  would  over- 
take these  bands  of  Indians,  which  our  cavalry  cannot  do. 

They  might  be  made  to  transport  small  pieces  of  ordnance 
with  great  facility;  and  in  fact  do  here  all  that  they  are  capa- 


ble  of  doing  in  the  East,  where  they  are  accustomed  to  eat  the 
hardiest  shrubs  and  to  drink  the  same  kind  of  brackish  water 
which  is  stated  to  exist  in  some  portions  of  our  Western  des- 
erts. Ewing  of  Ohio  expressed  the  opinion  that  our  climate 
was  too  cold  for  the  camel.  Mr.  Rantoul  of  Massachusetts  had 
no  doubt  the  camel  might  be  useful,  but  thought  $200  apiece 
sufficient  to  pay  for  the  animals. 

The  amendment  was  lost — 19  yeas  and  24  nays.  The  ap- 
propriation of  $30,000  to  buy  camels  with  was  a  reckless  extrav- 
agance that  the  Senators  could  not  sanction. 

This  was  long  before  the  days  of  billion  dollar  Congresses. 
The  total  appropriations  for  all  purposes  by  that  Congress  was 
$41,900,000 — eight  millions  less  than  the  appropriation  of  the 
River  and  Harbor  bill  alone  that  Senator  Carter  of  Montana 
talked  to  death  in  the  last  Congress. 

Then  the  newspapers  of  California  took  up  the  scheme,  and 
the  more  they  agitated  it,  the  mightier  it  became.  They  dem- 
onstrated that  it  was  possible  to  form  a  lightning  dromedary  ex- 
press, to  carry  the  fast  mail  and  to  bring  eastern  papers  and  let- 
ters to  California  in  15  days. 

It  would  be  possible,  too,  if  Congress  could  only  be  induced 
to  import  camels  and  dromedaries  to  have  fast  camel  passenger 
trains  from  Missouri  River  points  to  the  Pacific  Coast.  The 
camel,  loading  up  his  internal  water  tank  out  of  the  Missouri 
and  striking  straight  across  the  country  regardless  of  watering 
places,  and  boarding  himself  on  sage  brush  the  plains  across, 
would  take  his  next  drink  of  the  trip  out  of  the  Colorado  River; 
then  after  a  quiet  pasear  across  the  desert  he  would  land  his  pas- 
sengers in  the  California  coast  towns  in  two  weeks  from  the  time 
of  starting.  No  more  running  the  gauntlet  of  Panama  fevers 
and  thieving  natives  on  the  isthmus.  No  more  dying  of  thirst 
on  the  deserts.  No  freeizng  to  death  in  the  snows  of  the  Sierras; 
no  more  shipwrecks  on  the  high  seas.  The  double-decked  camel 
train  would  do  away  with  all  these  and  solve  the  transportation 
problem  until  the  Pacific  railroad  was  built. 

Although  beaten  in  his  first  attempt  at  camel  importation, 
Jefferson  Davis  kept  his  scheme  in  view.  While  Secretr-ry  of 
War  under  President  Pierce  from  1853  to  1857  he  obtained  re- 
ports from  army  officers  stationed  on  the  Southwestern  frontier 
in  regard  to  the  loss  of  animals  on  the  plains — the  cost  of  trans- 
portation of  army  supplies  and  the  possibility  of  utilizing  the 
camel  in  hunting  Indians.  These  reports  were  laid  before  Con- 
gress and  that  body  authorized  the  sending  out  of  a  commission 


from  San  Antonio,  Texas,  to  Arizona  to  ascertain  the  military 
uses  to  which  camels  could  be  put  in  the  Southwest.  The  com- 
mission made  a  favorable  report  and  Congress  in  1854  appropri- 
ated $30,000  for  the  purchase  and  importation  of  camels. 

In  December,  1854,  Major  C.  Wayne  was  sent  to  Egypt  and 
Arabia  to  buy  seventy-five  camels.  He  bought  the  first  lot  in 
Cairo  and  taking  these  in  the  naval  store  ship  "Supply,"  he 
sailed  to  Smyrna,  where  thirty  more  of  another  kind  were 
bought.  These  had  been  used  on  the  Arabian  deserts.  They 
cost  from  seventy-five  to  three  hundred  dollars  each,  somewhat 
more  than  had  been  paid  for  the  Egyptian  lot.  The  ship  "Sup- 
ply" with  its  load  of  camels  reached  Indianola,  Texas,  on  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  Feb.  10,  1857.  Three  had  died  during  the  voy- 
age, leaving  seventy-two  in  the  herd. 

About  half  of  these  were  taken  to  Albuquerque,  New  Mex- 
ico, where  an  expedition  was  fitted  out  under  command  of  Lieut. 
Beale  for  Fort  Tejon,  California.  The  route  lay  along  the  35th 
parallel,  crossing  the  Mojave  desert.  The  expedition  consisted 
of  44  citizens,  with  an  escort  of  20  soldiers,  the  camels  carrying 
the  baggage  and  water. 

The  expedition  arrived  safely  at  Tejon  and  the  camel  caravan 
made  several  trips  between  Fort  Tejon  and  Albuquerque.  The 
other  half  of  the  herd  was  employed  in  packing  on  the  plains 
of  Texas  and  in  the  Gadsen  Purchase,  as  Southern  Arizona  was 
then  called. 

The  first  caravan  to  arrive  in  Los  Angeles  reached  the  city, 
Jan.  8,  1858.  The  Star  thus  notes  its  arrival: 

"A  drove  of  fourteen  camels  under  the  management  of  Lieut. 
Beale  arrived  in  Los  Angeles.  They  were  on  their  way  from 
Fort  Tejon  to  the  Colorado  River  and  the  Mormon  country,  and 
each  animal  was  packed  with  one  thousand  pounds  of  provisions 
and  military  stores.  With  this  load  they  made  from  30  to  40 
miles  per  day,  finding  their  own  subsistance  in  even  the  most 
barren  country  and  going  without  water  from  six  to  ten  days  at 
a  time." 

Again,  the  Star  of  July  21,  1858,  makes  note  that  "the 
camels  have  come  to  town."  It  says:  "The  camels,  eight  in 
number,  came  into  town  from  Fort  Tejon,  after  provisions 
for  that  camp.  The  largest  ones  pack  a  ton  and  can  travel  six- 
teen miles  an  hour." 

It  would  seem  that  a  beast  of  burden  that  could  pack  a  ton, 
travel  sixteen  miles  an  hour,  subsist  on  sage  brush  and  go  from 
six  to  ten  days  on  one  drink  would  have  supplied  most  efTectu- 


ally  the  long-felt  want  of  cheap  and  rapid  transportation  over 
the  desert  plains  of  the  Southwest.  The  promoters  of  the 
scheme,  to  utilize  the  camel  in  America,  made  one  fatal  mis- 
take. They  figured  only  on  his  virtues;  his  vices  were  not 
reckoned  into  the  account. 

Another  mistake  they  made  was  in  not  importing  Arab 
drivers  with  the  camels.  From  the  very  first  meeting  of  the 
camel  and  the  American  mule-whacker  who  was  to  be  his  driver 
there  developed  between  the  two  a  mutual  antipathy. 

To  be  a  successful  camel  driver,  a  man  must  be  born  to  the 
business.  Indeed,  he  must  come  of  a  guild  or  trade  union  of 
camel  drivers  at  least  a  thousand  years  old;  and,  better  still,  if 
it  dates  back  to  the  days  of  Abraham  and  Isaac.  The  first  disa- 
greement between  the  two  was  in  the  matter  of  language.  The 
vigorous  invective  and  fierce  profanity  of  the  quondam  mule- 
driver  irritated  the  nerves  and  shocked  the  finer  feelings  of  the 
camel,  who  never  in  his  life,  perhaps,  had  heard  anything  more 
strenuous  than  "Allah,  el  Allah"  lisped  in  the  softest  Arabic. 

At  first  the  mild  submissiveness  of  the  camel  provoked  his 
drivers.  They  could  appreciate  the  vigorous  kicking  of  an  army 
mule  in  his  protest  against  abuse.  But  the  spiritless  dejection 
and  the  mild-eyed  pensiveness  of  the  Arabian  burden-bearer  was 
exasperating;  but  they  soon  learned  that  in  pure  meanness  one 
lone  camel  could  discount  a  whole  herd  of  mules.  His  sup- 
posed virtues  proved  to  be  his  worst  vices.  He  could  travel 
1 6  miles  an  hour.  Abstractly  that  was  a  virtue;  but  when  camp 
was  struck  in  the  evening  and  he  was  turned  loose  to  sup  off 
the  succulent  sage  brush,  either  to  escape  the  noise  and  pro- 
fanity of  the  camp  or  to  view  the  country,  he  was  always  seized 
with  a  desire  to  take  a  pasear  of  twenty-five  or  thirty  miles 
before  supper.  While  this  only  took  an  hour  or  two  of  his 
time,  it  involved  upon  his  unfortunate  driver  the  necessity  of 
spending  half  the  night  in  camel  chasing;  for  if  he  was  not 
rounded  up  there  was  a  delay  of  half  the  next  day  in  starting 
the  caravan.  He  could  carry  a  ton — this  was  a  commendable 
virtue — but  when  two  heavily  laden  "ships  of  the  desert"  col- 
lided on  a  narrow  trail,  as  they  always  did  when  an  opportunity 
offered,  and  tons  of  supplies  were  scattered  over  miles  of  plain 
and  the  unfortunate  camel  pilots  had  to  gather  up  the  flotsam 
of  the  wreck;  it  is  not  strange  that  the  mariners  of  the  arid 
wastes  anathmetized  the  whole  camel  race  from  the  beast  the 
prophet  rode,  down  to  the  smallest  imp  of  Jefferson  Davis's  im- 


The  army  horses  and  mules  shared  the  antipathy  of  the 
drivers  for  the  Arabian  desert  trotters.  Whenever  one  of  the 
humpbacked  burden  bearers  of  the  Orient  came  trotting  along 
past  a  corral  of  horses  and  lifted  his  voice  in  an  evening  orison 
to  Mahommed  or  some  other  Turk,  every  horse  of  the  caballada 
was  seized  with  fright  and  broke  loose  and  stampeded  over  the 

All  of  these  little  eccentricities  did  not  endear  the  camel 
to  the  soldiers  of  Uncle  Sam's  army.  He  was  hated,  despised 
and  often  persecuted.  In  vain  the  officers  urged  the  men  to 
give  the  camels  a  fair  trial.  No  one  wanted  anything  to  do  with 
the  misshapen  beast.  The  teamsters  when  transformed  into 
camel  drivers  deserted  and  the  troopers  when  detailed  for  such 
a  purpose  fell  back  on  their  reserved  rights  and  declared  their 
was  nothing  in  army  rules  and  regulations  that  could  compel 
American  soldiers  to  become  Arabian  camel  drivers.  So  because 
there  was  no  one  to  load  and  navigate  these  ships  of  the  desert 
their  voyages  became  less  and  less  frequent,  until  finally  they 
ceased  altogether;  and  the  desert  ships  were  anchored  at  the 
different  forts  in  the  Southwest. 

It  became  evident  to  the  army  officers  that  the  camel  experi- 
ment was  a  failure.  Every  attempt  to  organize  a  caravan  re- 
sulted in  an  incipient  mutiny  among  the  troopers  and  teamsters. 
No  attempt,  so  far  as  I  know,  was  ever  made  to  utilize  the  camel 
for  the  purpose  that  Davis  imported  him — that  of  chasing  the 
Apache  to  his  stronghold  and  shooting  the  Indian  full  of  holes 
from  light  artillery  strapped  on  the  back  of  a  camel.  Instead 
of  the  camel  hunting  the  Indian,  the  Indian  hunted  the  camel. 
In  some  way  poor  Lo's  untutored  appetite  had  learned  to  love 
camel  steaks  and  stews.  So,  whenever  an  opportunity  offered, 
the  Apaches  killed  the  camels;  but  the  camel  soon  learned  to 
hate  and  avoid  the  Indian,  as  all  living  things  learn  to  do.  Some 
were  allowed  to  die  of  neglect  by  their  drivers;  others  were  sur- 
reptitiously shot  by  the  troopers  sent  to  hunt  them  up  when 
they  strayed  away — the  trooper  claiming  to  have  mistaken  the 
wooly  tufts  on  the  top  of  the  twin  humps  of  the  camel  as  they 
bobbed  up  and  down  in  the  tall  sage  brush,  for  the  top-knot  of 
an  Indian,  and  in  self-defense  to  have  sent  a  bullet  crashing,  not 
into  an  Indian,  but  into  the  anatomy  of  a  camel. 

At  the  breaking  out  of  the  Civil  War,  some  thirty-five  or 
forty  of  the  camel  band  were  herded  at  the  United  States  forts — 
Verde,  El  Paso,  Yuma  and  some  of  the  smaller  posts  in  Texas. 
When  the  Eastern  forts  were  abandoned  by  the  government 


the  camels  were  turned  loose  to  take  care  of  themselves.  Those 
at  Yuma  and  Fort  Tejon  were  taken  to  Benicia,  condemned 
and  sold  at  auction  to  the  highest  bidder.  They  were  bought 
by  two  Frenchmen  who  took  them  to  Reese  River,  Nevada, 
where  they  were  used  in  packing  salt  to  Virginia  City.  After- 
wards they  were  taken  to  Arizona  and  for  some  time  they  were 
used  in  packing  ore  from  the  Silver  King  mine  down  the  Gila 
to  Yuma.  But  even  the  Frenchmen's  patience  gave  out  at  last. 
Disgusted  with  their  hunch-backed  burden  bearers,  they  turned 
the  whole  herd  loose  upon  the  desert  near  Maricopa  Wells. 

Free  now  to  go  where  they  pleased,  instead  of  straying  away 
beyond  the  reach  of  cruel  man,  the  camels  seemed  posessed  with 
a  desire  Jo  linger  near  the  haunts  of  men.  They  stayed  near  the 
line  of  the  overland  travel  and  did  mischief.  The  apparition  of 
one  of  these  ungainly  beasts  suddenly  looming  up  before  the 
vision  of  a  team  of  mules  frightened  the  long-eared  quadrupeds 
out  of  all  their  senses;  so  they  ran  away,  scattering  freight  and 
drivers  over  the  plains.  The  mule  drivers,  out  of  revenge,  shot 
the  camels  whenever  they  could  get  in  range  of  them.  In  1882 
several  wild  camels  were  caught  in  Arizona  and  sold  to  a  mena- 
gerie, but  a  few  have  survived  all  enemies  and  still  roam  at  large 
in  the  desert  regions  of  Southern  Arizona  and  Sonora,  Mex. 
The  International  Boundary  Commission  that  recently  surveyed 
the  line  between  the  United  States  and  Mexico,  reported  see- 
ing wild  camels  on  the  alkali  plains  amid  sage  brush  and  cactus. 
These  are  probably  descendants  of  the  imported  ones,  as  those 
seen  appeared  to  be  in  their  prime.  Occacionally  the  soldiers 
in  the  garrisons  of  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  catch  sight  of 
a  few  wild  camels  on  the  alkali  plains.  All  reports  agree  that 
the  animals  have  grown  white  with  age.  Their  hides  have  as- 
sumed a  hard  leathery  appearance  and  they  are  reported  to  have 
hard  prong  hoofs,  unlike  the  cushioned  feet  of  the  well-kept 
camel.  Whether  these  are  some  of  the  survivors  of  the  original 
importation  brought  into  the  country  nearly  fifty  years  ago, 
or  whether  their  d ascendents  are  gradually  being  evolved 
to  meet  the  conditions  with  which  they  are  surrounded,  I  do 
not  know. 



(Read  Nov.  4,  1901.) 

We  have  read  considerable  of  late  about  the  influence  of 
the  Japanese  current  upon  our  climate  and  of  the  possible  ef- 
fects from  a.  deflection  of  it  from  its  accustomed  course 
One  writer  lately  claims  to  have  discovered  that  ow- 
ing to  seismic  disturbances  to  the  east  and  north  of 
Japan  that  the  current  is  turned  southward  five  hun- 
dred miles  from  its  usual  path.  This,  of  course,  brings 
it  to  our  shores  at  a  higher  temperature  than  it  would  have, 
had  it  flowed  farther  north  to  meet  the  cold  currents  (as  it 
usually  does)  that  flow  out  of  Behring  sea,  and  being  warmer 
will  cause  more  humidity  in  the  atmosphere,  more  rain  on  land, 
larger  crops  on  the  farms,  more  money  in  the  pockets  of  the 
people,  making  necessaries  easier  and  luxuries  possible,  life  bet- 
ter and  a  higher  civilization  for  all  the  people,  all  flowing  from 
a  casual  earthquake  in  the  west  Pacific  Ocean.  This  may  be 
a  fanciful  conclusion,  but  if  the  earthquake  did  happen,  and  the 
current  was  deflected,  all  these  things  are  easily  possible  as  a 
result  of  that  simple  event. 

The  summer  trade  winds  blowing  shoreward  from  the  north- 
west, and  they  alone  make  this  country  comfortably  habitable 
during  the  summer.  Next  to  the  winter  rains  these  winds  are 
the  most  valuable  of  our  climatic  assets,  yet  these  same  winds 
were  without  doubt  the  most  potent  factor  of  delay  in  the  set- 
tlement of  the  country  after  its  discovery  and  exploration  by 
the  Spaniards. 

California  was  known  to  the  maritime  nations  more  than 
400  years  ago.  The  Spanish,  the  Portuguese  and  the  English 
knew  of  its  salubrity  and  many  of  its  natural  resources,  and 
that  its  settlement  would  be  practically  without  opposition  from 
aborigines,  yet  the  English  planted  their  colonies  in  India,  the 
Spanish  theirs  on  the  west  coast  of  South  America  and  in  the 
tropical  Philippines,  the  Dutch  in  Sumatra  and  Java,  while 
California,  nearer  to  Spain  via  Mexico  than  any  other  of  its 
Pacific  possessions,  was  left  entirely  at  one  side,  and  its  settle- 


ment  never  attempted — that  is  to  say,  the  usual  Spanish  settle- 
ment was  not  attempted;  for  the  missionary  invasion  of  1769 
was  not  for  commercial  aggrandizement  nor  for  gold  or  trade, 
for  as  long  as  the  Missions  existed  trade  was  discouraged  and 
isolation  courted.  It  can  be  demonstrated  that  the  beneficent 
Northwest  summer  trades  had  much  to  do  with  this  state  of  af- 
fairs. Just  think  of  it,  in  1578  Sir  Francis  Drake  landed  in 
California  just  north  of  San  Francisco;  Raleigh  had  not  yet 
sailed  on  his  first  voyage  to  Virginia,  and  nine-tenths  of  the  Pil- 
grims who  afterward  landed  on  Plymouth  Rock,  had  not  yet 
been  born.  But  36  years  before  this,  in  1542,  Cabrillo,  the  Span- 
ish explorer,  had  discovered  and  named  many  bays  and  islands 
including  Cape  Mendocino  and  the  Farralone  Islands.  The 
Monks  in  the  Philippines  were  thrifty  and  soon  developed  a 
large  trade  with  Spain,  a  large  part  of  which  passed  through 
Mexico.  Their  westbound  vessels  left  Acapulco  and  kept  in  a  sea 
lane  between  latitude  10°  and  15°  N.,  thus  getting  the  benefit 
of  the  westerly  tropic  breeze  and  returned  at  about  latitude  35° 
to  37°  North  to  get  the  benefit  of  the  northwest  trades.  They 
thus  sighted  California  near  San  Francisco,  from  whence  they 
coasted  down  to  Acapulco.  There  the  cargo  was  transferred 
by  mules  to  Vera  Cruz  and  thence  by  sail  to  Spain.  This 
trade  was  of  great  magnitude,  as  evidenced  by  the  fact  that 
Anson,  an  English  commodore,  in  1742  took  one  of  the  vessels 
engaged  in  this  trade  and  realized  $1,500,000  in  coin  from  the 
single  transaction.  The  vessels  were  half  men-of-war  and  half 
merchantman,  but  wholly  lazy,  as  it  usually  took  six  months  to 
make  one  way  of  the  voyage,  and  scurvy  was  almost  invariably 
present  at  the  close  of  the  trip.  They  were  improvident,  as  wit- 
nessed by  their  dependence  for  drinking  water,  upon  catching 
rain  water  en  route. 

This  trade  was  carried  on  for  centuries.  The  Spanish  ves- 
sels engaged  in  it  and  the  British  pirates  that  preyed  upon  it 
drifted  along  our  coasts  for  hundreds  of  miles  and  no  doubt 
prior  to  the  Missions,  the  entrance  of  San  Francisco  Bay  was  in 
view  from  the  decks  of  more  than  a  hundred  of  these  vessels 
that  passed  it  lazily  to  the  South. 

The  Count  of  Monterey,  then  Viceroy  of  Mexico,  under  the 
direction  of  the  King,  sent  out  an  expedition  in  charge  of  Se- 
bastian Viscayno,  that  landed  at  Monterey  and  named  the  place, 
on  December  i6th,  1602,  and  there  is  no  record  or  tradition, 
oral  or  written,  that  it  was  again  visited  by  a  white  man  for  168 


The  vessels  engaged  in  California  exploration  by  the  Span- 
ish were  mostly  constructed  at  Acapulco,  and  the  Northwest 
trade  wind  seems  to  have  been  an  almost  insuperable  obstacle 
to  their  coasting  north,  as  there  was  hardly  a  vessel  so  engaged, 
however  well  equipped  and  provisioned,  but  that  landed  its  men 
in  California  in  ill  health  and  generally  afflicted  with  scurvy. 
Even  the  late  expedition  of  Junipero  Serra  had  much  trouble 
to  get  even  as  far  north  as  San  Diego,  their  first  landing  place 
in  Alta  California. 

In  1769  the  history  of  white  men  in  California  began,  and 
in  the  expedition  of  the  Franciscan  friars  of  that  year  was  wafted 
to  the  shores  of  California  the  last  ripple  of  the  wave  of  Spanish 
conquest  that  for  two  hundred  years  had  rolled  along  the  shores 
of  the  Pacific.  The  story  of  their  effort,  the  establishment  and 
decline  of  the  Missions  is  familiar.  Their  efforts,  as  such,  were 
appreciated  at  their  full  worth,  and  the  Mission  buildings  that 
still  remain  are  held  in  proper  regard  as  interesting  survivors  of 
a  curious  incident  in  our  history,  but  the  enterprise  with  all  its 
effort,  had  little  influence  upon  civilization. 

Sixteen  years  after  the  first  voyage  of  Serra,  La  Perouse,  a' 
celebrated  French  explorer,  came  to  Monterey  in  the  month 
of  September,  1786,  and  made  a  ten  days'  stay;  he  was  a  Cath- 
olic, and  carried  credentials  that  gained  him  the  co-operation 
of  the  Fathers  in  securing  all  possible  information  concerning 
the  country;  of  course,  the  Mission  was  the  country.  All  their 
methods  were  the  most  primitive  and  laborious,  and  he  pre- 
sented the  Mission  with  a  small  hand-mill  for  grinding  corn, 
which  was  for  many  years  the  only  mill  of  any  kind  in  Cali- 

In  November,  1792,  George  Vancouver  dropped  anchor  in 
San  Francisco  Bay.  La  Perouse  and  Vancouver,  besides  the 
Mission  Fathers,  were  the  only  recorded  visitors  to  California 
after  Drake,  and  before  the  beginning  of  the  I9th  century. 
Menzies,  the  celebrated  naturalist,  whose  name  is  inseparably 
interwoven  in  the  nomenclature  of  California  flora,  accompanied 

They  were  hospitably  received  and  given  opportunity  for 
observation,  and  their  narrative  corroborates  La  Perouse  as 
to  the  primitive  conditions  that  prevailed  among  the  converts 
at  the  Missions.  Vancouver  spent  the  following  year  explor- 
ing the  coast  to  the  northward,  and  on  his  return  was  received 
coldly,  the  haibtual  jealousy  of  race  overcoming  the  natural 
hospitality  of  the  Spanish  fathers. 


For  fourteen  years  after  this  visit,  the  pious  Franciscans  of 
San  Francisco  and  Monterey  saw  no  foreign  ships.  They  had 
no  occasion  for  fear  of  invasion  and  contamination.  Then  in 
March,  1806,  the  Russian  ship  Juno  came  to  San  Francisco  for 
supplies  for  the  Russian  settlement  at  Sitka,  then  in  a  starving 
condition.  LangsdorflF,  an  officer  of  the  expedition,  wrote  the 
best  detailed  account  of  California  as  it  then  existed  that  was 
ever  written.  The  jealousy  of  foreigners  prevented  their  land- 
ing for  some  time.  The  Spanish  had  notice  that  two  Russian 
vessels  would  call,  and  the  authorities  had  been  directed  to  re- 
ceive them  courteously,  and  the  Russian  commander  of  this 
expedition  with  the  usual  Russian  diplomacy,  by  shrewdly  rep- 
resenting that  he  came  instead  of  the  expected  vessels,  secured 
for  himself  the  courtesies  reserved  for  them,  and  was  allowed 
to  purchase  provisions  and  make  repairs.  While  their  ship  was 
thus  lying  in  the  Bay,  Langsdorff  and  two  men  tried  to  make 
the  San  Jose  Mission  in  a  small  boat;  after  many  hardships  they 
got  back  to  the  ship,  barely  escaping  death.  Langsdorff  says 
that  there  was  not  a  single  Spanish  boat  on  San  Francisco  Bay, 
that  they  knew  nothing  at  all  of  the  North  and  East  shore  of 
the  bay  from  lack  of  facilities  for  crossing  the  bay.  That  part 
of  the  country  accessible  on  foot  they  never  explored,  and  had 
no  knowledge  of,  except  such  as  was  derived  from  the  excur- 
sions of  the  soldiers  who  went  into  the  interior  hunting  for 

On  these  pious  crusades  the  soldiers  had  penetrated  to  the 
East  and  South  as  far  as  the  San  Joaquin  River,  which  they  dis- 

These  outposts  of  Spian  were  truly  afar  off — it  took  two 
months  by  courier  from  Mexico,  though  the  route  and  stations 
for  the  entire  distance  were  kept  by  the  military,  and  the  Euro- 
pean news  that  the  courier  brought  was  six  months  old  when 
they  started  with  it.  Langsdorff  comments  on  this  isolation 
and  upon  the  filth,  vermin  and  general  misery  with  which  the 
converts  were  inflicted,  he  says  that  the  monks  complained  of 
the  Indian  converts,  that  as  soon  as  one  got  sick  he  became 
despondent,  and  was  hard  to  do  for.  The  only  medicines  pos- 
sessed by  the  monks  were  emetics  and  cathartics,  which  they 
reserved  exclusively  for  themselves. 

On  October  ist,  1816,  Kotzebue,  another  distinguished  Ris- 
sian.  entered  San  Francisco  Bay  and  stayed  a  month  for  repairs. 
He  is  authority  for  the  statement  that  at  that  time  trading  ves- 
sels were  not  allowed  at  the  ports  of  San  Francisco  and  Mon- 
terey. He  came  again  in  1824. 


Between  his  two  visits,  California,  with  Mexico,  had  de- 
clared its  independence  of  Spain,  and  from  lack  of  support  of 
the  imperial  arm,  the  Mission  Fathers  had  lost  prestige,  the  con- 
trol of  the  soldier's  and  many  of  their  converts,  all  of  which  con- 
tributed to  one  of  those  opera  bouffe  incidents  that  seem  to 
happen  only  in  Spanish-ridden  countries  or  in  China.  As 
Kotzebue  passed  the  fort,  he  noticed  that  all  of  the  populace 
were  out,  and  that  all  of  the  military  in  full  regimentals  were 
in  attendance  on  the  guns  and  under  arms  in  battle  array.  In 
their  honor  he  fired  a  salute,  which,  to  his  amazement,  was  not 
returned.  Shortly  a  boat  put  off  from  the  shore  containing  an 
officer,  who,  being  taken  aboard,  begged  that  he  be  supplied 
with  powder  (of  which  the  garrison  had  none)  sufficient  to  re- 
turn the  salute.  This  incident  fairly  illustrates  the  comic  opera 
phase  of  military  operations  of  that  period,  which  is  so  strongly 
characteristic  of  all  the  Spanish  troops  that  were  in  California 
from  the  foundation  of  the  missions  to  the  Mexican  war. 

Kotzebue  observed  and  remarked  the  utter  lack  of  people  in 
the  country.  He  saw  not  a  single  canoe  on  this  voyage;  but 
some  of  his  remarks  about  the  future  of  the  country  seem  pro- 
phetic. He  says:  "It  has  hitherto  been  the  fate  of  these  re- 
gions, like  modest  merit  or  humble  virtue,  to  remain  unnoticed, 
but  posterity  will  do  them  justice.  Towns  and  cities  will  here- 
after flourish  where  all  is  now  desert;  the  waters  over  which 
scarcely  a  solitary  boat  is  seen  to  glide  will  reflect  the  flags  of 
all  nations,  and  a  happy,  prosperous  people  receiving  with 
thankfulness  what  prodigal  nature  bestows  for  their  use,  will 
disperse  her  treasures  over  every  part  of  the  world."  He  also 
speculated  on  what  great  use  the  country  would  be  to  Russia. 
He  landed  on  Goat  Island,  and  claims  (as  he  probably  was)  that 
he  was  the  first  white  man  to  set  foot  thereon.  He  went  down 
and  examined  the  Santa  Clara  Mission,  noted  the  convent  where 
the  Indian  girls  were  kept,  how  the  girls  were  married  off,  and 
generally  condemned  the  missions  as  cruelly  oppressing  the 

The  Commandante  of  San  Diego,  Don  Jose  Maria  Etsudillo, 
and  a  small  party  went  with  him  to  the  Russian  settlement  of 
Bodega,  and  from  there  made  the  first  recorded  expedition  into 
Marin  county's  interior.  He  says  that  to  the  east  of  the  Russian 
settlement  was  a  large  valley  known  as  White  Man's  Valley, 
the  Indians  relating  that  years  before  a  ship  had  been  wrecked 
and  the  survivors  had  gone  into  the  interior,  where  they  lived 
for  years  at  amity  with  the  Indians.  On  this  trip  Estudillo 


told  him  that  the  cavalry  supplied  the  converts  by  going  into 
the  mountains  and  capturing  with  a  lasso  such  free  heathen  as 
seemed  lusty  and  worth  keeping. 

Kotzebue  spent  two  months  in  San  Francisco  Bay.  He 
went  up  it  as  far  as  the  Sacramento,  and  seems  to  have  fully 
appreciated  the  beauties  and  value  of  that  wonderful  sheet  of 
water.  With  this  expedition  was  the  botanist,  Escholtz,  after 
whom  the  golden  yellow  California  poppy  was  named. 

After  the  Mexican  revolution,  California  ports,  instead  of 
repelling  trade,  invited  it;  but  for  years  it  seemed  to  have 
been  considered  by  Europeans  and  Americans  living  on  the 
Atlantic  coast  as  the  most  distant  and  impossible  of  all  coun- 
tries. China,  India  and  the  South  Sea  islands  were  familiar 
ground  to  Yankees  compared  with  California  as  late  as  the  war 
of  1812,  and  to  have  been  to  California  was  a  passport  to  won- 
dering admiration  in  any  community.  In  the  years  immedi- 
ately following  1824,  many  adventurous  spirits  visited  and  ex- 
plored California.  The  first  of  these  was  Jedidiah  S.  Smith, 
who,  commencing  in  1825,  made  two  trips  into  and  through 
California.  In  one  of  these  he  traversed  the  State  from  San 
Gabriel  to  the  Oregon. 

Edmund  Randolph,  in  an  oration  delivered  to  California 
pioneers  at  San  Francisco  in  1860,  spoke  eloquently  or  Smith 
and  his  accomplishments.  He  shortly  afterward  received  a 
letter  from  a  Mr.  Sprague,  who  then  lived  in  Nevada,  who  said 
he  knew  Smith;  that  although  he  had  lived  for  many  years  on 
the  farthest  frontier,  he  was  a  man  of  education,  a  linguist,  a 
man  of  sentiment,  refinement  and  great  force  of  character,  and 
that  in  1825,  in  returning  to  Salt  Lake  from  San  Diego,  Smith's 
party  had  discovered  fine  placer  gold  deposits  in  California,  at 
what  he  thinks  is  now  Inyo  county.  Smith  was  an  adventur- 
ous trapper  and  explorer,  a  close  and  scholarly  observer.  He 
made  copious  notes,  and  many  maps  of  the  country  he  explored. 
These  he  sent,  as  opportunity  offered,  to  St.  Louis,  intending 
to  publish  a  narrative  of  his  travels;  but  all  this  data  was  de- 
stroyed by  fire,  and  he  was  soon  after  killed  by  Indians.  Many 
lovers  of  the  natural  sciences  came  into  the  country  after  Smith. 
David  Douglas,  a  rare  soul,  by  his  gun,  won  his  living  from 
the  interior  mountains  and  valleys  of  California  for  five  years. 
From  1826  to  1831,  he  explored  the  almost  impenetrable  fast- 
nesses of  its  great  Sierras,  ranging  from  the  Santa  Lucias  at 
Monterey  to  the  Columbia  and  its  tributaries.  He  discovered 
and  classified  many  new  plants  and  trees — Pinus-Sabiniana,  and 


Pinus  Grandus,  among  others,  were  contributed  by  him.  Doug- 
las, in  all  his  wanderings  in  California,  was  accompanied  by  a 
persistent  little  Scotch  terrier.  Taking  his  dog  with  him,  he 
started  on  his  return  to  England  via  the  Sandwich  Islands. 
There  he  strayed  away  from  port  one  day  and  fell  into  a  pit 
that  had  been  constructed  by  the  natives  to  trap  the  native 
wild  cattle.  Into  this,  before  him,  had  fallen  a  wild  bull.  The 
terrier,  still  his  companion,  by  his  distressed  howling,  discov- 
ered Douglas  to  his  friends.  They  found  him  in  the  pit,  gored 
and  trampled  out  of  all  semblance  to  man  by  the  infuriated  bull. 
In  1831,  before  leaving  California,  Douglas  met  Dr.  Thomas 
Coulter,  who  was  in  the  country  on  the  same  errand,  having 
penetrated  it  from  Central  America. 

Coulter  traveled  and  explored  California  from  the  Sacra- 
mento to  the  south  line  of  the  State.  The  pine  bearing  the 
heaviest  cone  of  all  pines  perpetuates  his  name. 

In  1826  Beechy,  in  command  of  H.  M.  ship  Blossom,  visited 
San  Francisco  Bay  and  surveyed  it  as  far  as  Benicia.  He  was 
struck  with  the  beauty  of  the  bay,  and  wrote  such  a  favorable 
and  glowing  account  of  it  as  to  greatly  excite  British  cupidity. 

Sir  Edward  Belcher,  who  was  with  Beechy,  in  1837  returned 
in  another  British  ship,  and  again  attempted  a  survey  of  the 
bay  and  the  Sacramento  river  as  far  as  the  San  Joaquin.  Al- 
though he  had  a  soldier  with  him  who  had  formerly  hunted  that 
part  of  the  country  for  converts,  they  did  not  find  the  San 
Joaquin,  and  hence  he  would  not  believe  it  existed. 

In  1841,  Commodore  Wilkes,  with  a  U.  S.  squadron,  came 
to  California.  His  report  of  that  voyage  is  familiar  to  all  stu- 
dents of  California  history.  The  British,  who  had  had  an  eye 
on  the  country  since  1824,  called  at  Monterey  in  force  in  1846; 
but  it  had  already  fallen  into  the  hands  of  America. 


Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County 




Louis  ROEDER,  WM.   H.    WORKMAN, 

M.  F.  QUINN, 


HENRY    D.    BARROWS President 

M.    F.   QUINN First   Vice-President 

GEORGE  W.  HAZARD Second  Vice-President 

Louis    ROEDER Treasurer 

J.   M.    GUINN Secretary 




B.  S.  EATON,        WM.  H.  WORKMAN,        J.  M.  GUINN,        H.  D.  BARROWS, 


Louis  ROEDER,  H.  W.  STOLL,  J.  C.  DOTTER, 







[Adopted  September  4,  1897.] 


This  society  shall  be  known  as  The  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 
County.  Its  objects  are  to  cultivate  social  intercourse  and 
friendship  among  its  members  and  to  collect  and  preserve  the 
early  history  of  Los  Angeles  county,  and  perpetuate  the  mem- 
ory of  those  who,  by  their  honorable  labors  and  heroism,  helped 
to  make  that  history. 


All  persons  of  good  moral  character,  thirty-five  years  of  age 
or  over,  who,  at  the  date  of  their  application,  shall  have  resided 
at  least  twenty-five  years  in  Los  Angeles  county,  shall  be  eligi- 
ble to  membership;  and  also  all  persons  of  good  moral  char- 
acter fifty  years  of  age  or  over,  who  have  resided  in  the  State 
forty  years  and  in  the  country  ten  years  previous  to  their  appli- 
cation, shall  be  eligible  to  become  members.  Persons  born  in 
this  State  are  not  eligible  to  membership,  but  those  admitted 
before  the  adoption  of  this  amendment  shall  retain  their  mem- 
bership. (Amended  September  4,  1900.) 


The  officers  of  this  society  shall  consist  of  a  board  of  seven 
directors,  to  be  elected  annually  at  the  annual  meeting,  by  the 
members  of  the  society.  Said  directors  when  elected  shall 
choose  a  president,  a  first  vice-president,  a  second  vice-president, 
a  secretary  and  a  treasurer.  The  secretary  and  treasurer  may 
be  elected  from  the  members  outside  the  Board  of  Directors. 


The  annual  meeting  of  this  society  shall  be  held  on  the  first 
Tuesday  of  September.  The  anniversary  of  the  founding  of 
the  society  shall  be  the  fourth  day  of  September,  that  being  the 
anniversary  of  the  first  civic  settlement  in  the  southern  portion 
of  Alta  California,  to  wit,  the  founding  of  the  Pueblo  of  Los 
Angeles,  September  4,  1781. 



Members  guilty  of  misconduct  may,  upon  conviction  after 
proper  investigation  has  been  held,  be  expelled,  suspended,  fined 
or  reprimanded  by  a  vote  of  two-thirds  of  the  members  present 
at  any  stated  meeting;  provided,  notice  shall  have  been  given  to 
the  society  at  least  one  month  prior  to  such  intended  action. 
Any  officer  of  this  society  may  be  removed  by  the  Board  of 
Directors  for  cause;  provided,  that  such  removal  shall  not  be- 
come permanent  or  final  until  approved  by  a  majority  of  mem- 
bers of  the  society  present  at  a  stated  meeting  and  voting. 


Amendments  to  this  constitution  may  be  made  by  submit- 
ting the  same  in  writing  to  the  society  at  least  one  month  prior 
to  the  annual  meeting.  At  said  annual  meeting  said  proposed 
amendments  shall  be  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the  society.  And 
if  two-thirds  of  all  the  members  present  and  voting  shall  vote 
in  favor  of  adopting  said  amendments,  then  they  shall  be  de- 
clared adopted.  (Amended  September  4,  1900. 



[Adopted  September  4,  1897;  amended  June  4,  1891.] 

Section  i.  Applicants  for  membership  in  this  society 
shall  be  recommended  by  at  least  two  members  in  good  stand- 
ing. The  applicant  shall  give  his  or  her  full  name,  age,  birth- 
place, present  residence,  occupation,  date  of  his  or  her  arrival 
in  the  State  and  in  Los  Angeles  county.  The  application  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  admission  fee  of  one  dollar,  which  shall 
also  be  payment  in  full  for  dues  until  the  next  annual  meeting. 

Section  2.  Applications  for  admission  to  membership  in 
the  society  shall  be  referred  to  the  committee  on  membership, 
for  investigation,  and  reported  on  at  the  next  regular  meeting 
of  the  society.  If  the  report  is  favorable,  a  ballot  shall  be  taken 
for  the  election  of  the  candidate.  Three  negative  votes  shall 
cause  the  rejection  of  the  applicant. 

Section  3.  Each  person,  on  admission  to  membership,  shall 
sign  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws. 

Section  4.  Any  person  eligible  to  membership  may  be 
elected  a  life  member  of  this  society  on  the  payment  to  the 
treasurer  of  $25.  Life  members  shall  enjoy  all  the  privileges 


of  active  members,  but  shall  not  be  required  to  pay  annual  dues. 
Section  5.     A  member  may  withdraw  from  the  society  by 
giving  notice  to  the  society  of  his  desire  to  do  so,  and  paying 
all  dues  charged  against  him  up  to  the  date  of  his  withdrawal. 


Section  6.  The  annual  dues  of  each  member  (except  life 
members)  shall  be  one  dollar,  payable  in  advance,  at  the  annual 
meeting  in  September. 

Section  7.  Any  member  delinquent  one  year  in  dues  shall 
be  notified  by  the  secretary  of  said  delinquency,  and  unless  said 
dues  are  paid  within  one  month  after  said  notice  is  given,  then 
said  member  shall  stand  suspended  from  the  society.  A  mem- 
ber may  be  reinstated  on  payment  of  all  dues  owing  at  the  date 
of  his  suspension. 


Section  8.  The  president  shall  preside,  preserve  order  and 
decorum  during  the  meetings  and  see  that  the  Constitution  and 
By- Laws  and  rules  of  the  society  are  properly  enforced;  appoint 
all  committees  not  otherwise  provided  for;  fill  all  vacancies  tem- 
porarily for  the  meeting.  The  president  shall  have  power  to 
suspend  any  officer  or  member  for  cause,  subject  to  the  action 
of  the  society  at  the  next  meeting. 

Section  9.  In  the  absence  of  the  president,  one  of  the  vice- 
presidents  shall  preside,  with  the  same  power  as  the  president, 
and  if  no  president  or  vice-president  be  present,  the  society  shall 
elect  any  member  to  preside  temporarily. 

Section  10.  The  secretary  shall  keep  a  true  record  of  all 
the  members  of  the  society;  and  upon  the  death  of  a  member 
(when  he  shall  have  notice  of  such  death)  shall  have  published 
in  two  daily  papers  of  Los  Angeles  the  time  and  place  of  the 
funeral;  and,  in  conjunction  with  the  president  and  other  officers 
and  members  of  the  society,  shall  make  such  arrangements  with 
the  approval  of  the  relatives  of  the  deceased  as  may  be  necessary 
for  the  funeral  of  the  deceased  member.  The  secretary  shall 
collect  all  dues,  giving  his  receipt  therefor;  and  he  shall  turn 
over  to  the  treasurer  all  moneys  collected,  taking  his  receipt  for 
the  same. 

He  shall  make  a  full  report  at  the  annual  meeting,  setting 
forth  the  condition  of  the  society,  its  membership,  receipts,  dis- 
bursements, etc. 

He  shall  receive  for  his  services  such  compensation  as  the 
Board  of  Directors  may  allow. 


Section  n.  The  treasurer  shall  receive  from  the  secretary 
all  moneys  paid  to  the  society  and  give  his  receipt  for  the  same, 
and  shall  pay  out  the  money  only  upon  the  order  of  the  society 
upon  a  warrant  signed  by  the  secretary  and  president,  and  at  the 
end  of  his  term  shall  pay  over  to  his  successor  all  moneys 
remaining  in  his  hands,  and  render  a  true  and  itemized  account 
to  the  society  of  all  moneys  received  and  paid  out  during  his 
term  of  office. 

Section  12.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  finance  committee 
to  examine  the  books  of  the  secretary  and  treasurer  and  any 
other  accounts  of  the  society  that  may  be  referred  o  them,  and 
report  the  same  to  the  society. 


Section  13.  The  president,  vice-presidents,  secretary  and 
treasurer  shall  constitute  a  relief  committee,  whose  duty  it  shall 
be  to  see  that  sick  or  destitute  members  are  properly  cared  for. 
In  case  of  emergency,  the  committee  shall  be  empowered  to  ex- 
pend for  immediate  relief  an  amount  from  the  funds  of  the  soci- 
ety not  to  exceed  $20,  without  a  vote  of  the  society.  Such  expen- 
diture, with  a  statement  of  the  case  and  the  necessity  for  the 
expenditure  shall  be  made  to  the  society  at  its  next  regular 

Section  14.  At  the  first  meeting  after  the  annual  meeting 
each  year,  the  president  shall  appoint  the  following  standing 
committees:  Three  on  membership;  three  on  finance;  five  on 
program;  five  on  music;  five  on  general  good  of  the  society,  and 
seven  on  entertainment. 


Section  15.  Whenever  a  vacancy  in  any  office  of  this  soci- 
ety occurs,  it  shall  be  filled  by  election  for  the  unexpired  term. 

Section  16.  The  stated  meetings  of  this  society  shall  be 
held  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  each  month,  and  the  annual  meeting 
shall  be  held  the  first  Tuesday  of  September.  Special  meetings 
may  be  called  by  the  president  or  by  a  majority  of  the  Board 
of  Directors,  but  no  business  shall  be  transacted  at  such  special 
meetings  except  that  specified  in  the  call. 

Section  17.  These  By-Laws  and  Rules  may  be  temporarily 
suspended  at  any  regular  meeting  of  the  society  by  unanimous 
vote  of  the  members  present. 

Section  18.     Whenever  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  be  satis- 
fied that  any  worthy  member  of  this  society  is  unable,  for  the 


time  being,  to  pay  the  annual  dues  as  hereinbefore  prescribed, 
it  shall  have  power  to  remit  the  same. 

Section  19.  Changes  and  amendments  of  these  By-Laws 
and  Rules  may  be  made  by  submitting  the  same  in  writing  to 
the  society  at  a  stated  meeting.  Said  amendment  shall  be  read 
at  two  stated  meetings  before  it  is  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the 
society.  If  said  amendment  shall  receive  two-thirds  of  the 
votes  of  all  the  members  present  and  voting,  then  it  shall  be  de- 
clared adopted. 



Reading  minutes  of  previous  meeting. 

Reports  of  committee  on  membership. 

Election  of  new  members. 
Reading  of  applications  for  membership. 

Reminiscences,  lectures,  addresses,  etc. 

Music  or  recitations. 

Recess  of  10  minutes  for  payment  of  dues. 
Unfinished  business. 

New  business. 

Reports  of  committees. 

Election  of  officers  at  the  annual  meeting  or  to  fill  vacancies. 

Is  any  member  in  need  of  assistance? 

Good  of  the  society. 

Receipts  of  the  evening. 



[Tuesday,  October  i,  1901.] 

Ladies  and  Gentlemen  of  the  Pioneer  Society: 

In  assuming  the  duties  of  president  for  the  current  year  of 
the  society's  existence,  I  desire,  first  of  all,  to  express  my  thanks 
and  appreciation  of  the  honor  that  has  been  conferred  on  me 
by  my  election  as  the  presiding  officer  of  this  honorable  body. 

For,  I  assure  you,  that,  though  the  duties  of  the  office,  if 
properly  and  faithfully  performed,  are  somewhat  onerous,  and 
would  seem  to  require  the  services  of  a  younger  and  more  active 
man  than  I  am;  nevertheless,  the  honor  that  attaches  to  the 
position  is  one  that  any  member  might  be  justified  in  coveting. 

And,  in  this  connection,  I  cannot  forbear  remarking  that,  in 
my  opinion — in  which  I  am  sure  you  will  all  concur — much  of 
the  prosperity  and  success  of  our  society  have  been  the  result 
of  the  faithful  and  active  work  of  our  associate,  who,  during 
the  last  three  years,  has  served  as  your  presiding  officer.  If  I 
can  serve  you  anywhere  near  as  well,  during  the  next  one  year, 
I  shall  be  content. 

I  have  thought  that  the  present  is  a  fitting  occasion  on  which 
to  offer  some  observations  concerning  the  aim  and  scope  of  our 
Pioneer  Society,  and  to  suggest  the  best  means,  so  far  as  I  may, 
of  realizing  the  same. 

Our  society  has  come  to  seem  like  one  large  family,  bound 
together  by  strong  ties  analogous  to  those  which  bind  together 
an  ordinary  family.  Our  bond  of  union  extends  back  25  years 
or  more — and  in  some  cases,  30,  40  and  50  years — to  times 
when  we  were  neighbors,  and  more  or  less  intimate  friends — of 
perhaps  even  only  distant  acquaintances — in  a  community  and 
amidst  surroundings  in  many  respects  vastly  different  from 
those  in  which  we  now  live.  For,  probably  in  few  cities  in  the 
United  States,  have  such  great  changes  occurred  as  in  Los  An- 
geles during  the  same  period  of  time. 

When,  as  a  large  family  of  former  neighbors,  we  meet;  or 
when  we  meet  each  other  on  the  street  or  elsewhere,  we  in- 
stinctively are  reminded  of  former  times  and  of  a  former  world, 
in  which  we — each  one  of  us — were  actors,  and  of  scenes  and 
associations  with  companions  and  dear  friends  or  near  relatives, 


who  long  ago  passed  away,  leaving  to  us,  now  reduced  to  a 
comparatively  small  band,  the  privilege  of  cherishing  their 
memory,  and  of  living  over  again  a  former  life,  which  then  was 
in  fact  so  real,  but  which  now  almost  seems  like  a  dream. 

It  is  indeed  a  source  of  genuine  pleasure,  in  these,  our 
monthly  meetings,  to  renew  and  cultivate  our  acquaintanceship 
of  former  years,  and  to  learn  to  know  each  other  better  and 
better  as  the  end  of  life's  drama  for  each  of  us  draws  near. 

Only  a  few  days  ago  I  met  an  old  friend  (Col.  I.  E.  Mess- 
more),  and  an  old  man — though  he  is  not  a  member  of  our  so- 
ciety— who  stopped  and  saluted  me,  saying,  "Whenever  I  see 
you,  I  have  a  kindly  feeling  towards  you  and  desire  to  extend  a 
friendly  greeting."  The  cordial,  and,  as  I  believed,  entirely  sin- 
cere manner  in  which  he  said  this,  gave  me  great  pleasure;  and 
I  instantly  responded,  and  with  perfect  truth :  "That's  exactly 
the  way  I  feel  towards  you." 

In  the  renewal,  in  this  society,  of  our  old  acquaintanceship, 
we  have  come  to  have,  more  and  more,  a  "kindly  feeling"  for 
each  other.  Let  us,  in  every  way  we  can,  encourage  and  stimu- 
late that  friendly  feeling. 

And  one  of  many  ways  in  which  this  can  be  done  is  by  giv- 
ing more  time  at  our  monthly  gatherings  to  informal  social 
intercourse.  This  can  be  done  without  changing  the  regular 
time  of  8  o'clock  for  our  formal  opening,  by  having  it  generally 
understood  that,  if  members  will  get  together  an  hour  earlier — 
say  at  7  o'clock — that  much  time  can  be  devoted  to  social  in- 
tercourse, in  talking  over  "old  times"  as  well  as  present  times, 
and  matters  of  present  current  interest,  etc.;  and  then  we  can 
commence  the  formal  or  regular  business  of  the  evening 
promptly  at  8  o'clock,  and  dispatch  it  without  running  far  into 
the  night,  which,  I  think,  would  be  satisfactory  to  all  our  mem- 
bers. This  innovation  can  easily  be  adopted,  as  the  evenings 
in  the  winter  season  are  long. 

I  am  moved  to  offer  this  suggestion,  as  I  have  often  noted 
the  great  interest  with  which  members  engage  in  conversation 
before  each  meeting,  sometimes  delaying  the  call  to  order  from 
one-half  to  three-quarters  of  an  hour.  Instead  of  repressing  this 
desire  of  members  "to  talk  over  old  times"  informally,  I  think 
their  wish  in  the  matter  is  entirely  commendable,  and  should 
be  encouraged,  as  it  can  be  by  the  plan  I  suggest,  and  that 
without  interfering  at  all  with  our  regular  programs. 

I  desire  to  repeat  tonight  what  I  have  often  urged  before, 
namely,  the  desirability  of  this  Pioneer  Society's  possessing,  in 


writing,  either  briefly  or  in  extenso,  a  sketch  of  the  life  of  every 
one  of  its  members.  We  have  already  a  record  in  the  "Pioneer 
Register"  of  the  dates  of  the  births  and  coming  to  California 
of  each  member.  But  those  primary  facts  should  be  supple- 
mented by  some  details,  long  or  short,  and  in  writing,  for  pres- 
ervation for  the  benefit  of  those  who  come  after  us,  of  the  life 
of  every  member.  Some  members  have  recounted  to  us  verb- 
ally, stirring  episodes  of  their  lives,  which  were  of  exceeding 
interest,  but  which,  as  they  were  not  of  record,  will  not  be 
available  for  their  and  our  children,  unless  they  shall  yet  be 
written,  out.  The  recorded  story  of  the  principal  events  of 
every  member  of  this  society,  if  preserved,  will  be  of  inesti- 
mable value.  And  I  earnestly  hope  the  society  will  yet,  and 
at  no  distant  day,  possess  such  a  record,  as  it  may,  if  each  mem- 
ber who  has  not  already  done  so,  will  furnish  the  same,  so  far 
as  it  refers  to  his  own  individual  life. 

The  last  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  in  Southern  Califor- 
nia— in  Los  Angeles  county — was  certainly,  as  we  all  of  us  well 
know,  an  exceedingly  interesting  and  eventful  period.  Let  us 
all  contribute  what  we  can  to  preserve  the  memory  of  the  life 
we  have  lived  here  in  the  olden  times,  and  which  we  know  more 
intimately  than  any  outsider  can  know. 


BY  J.    M.   GUINN. 

[Read  before  the  Pioneers,  May  7,  1901.] 

With  our  daily  newspapers  before  breakfast,  chronicling  the 
history  of  the  whole  world  for  the  previous  day,  it  is  like  going 
back  into  the  Dark  Ages  to  take  a  retrospect  of  California  as  it 
was  fifty  years  ago. 

Then  Eastern  State  news  a  month  old,  and  European  dis- 
patches that  had  voyaged  on  two  oceans  for  50  days  or  more, 
were  the  latest,  and,  on  the  arrival  of  the  steamer,  the  San  Fran- 
cisco papers  got  out  extras,  and  prided  themselves  on  their  en- 
terprise as  news  disseminators.  When  mail  matter  was  sent  out 
from  the  metropolis  of  California  to  the  mines  in  the  north  and 
the  cow  counties  in  the  south,  it  often  took  it  another  monti  to 
reach  its  destination. 

It  is  of  record  that  one  mail  from  San  Francisco  for  Los 
Angeles,  in  1851,  was  fifty-two  days  in  reaching  the  old  pueblo; 
and  four  weeks  was  not  uncommonly  slow  time.  The  Star  of 
October  i,  1853,  under  the  head  of  "Information  Wanted," 
wants  to  know  "what  has  become  of  the  mail  for  this  section  of 
the  world."  "Some  four  weeks  since,"  says  the  editor,  "the 
mail  actually  did  arrive;  since  then,  two  other  mails  are  due, 
but  none  have  come." 

Again,  the  Star  of  November  20,  1852,  says  the  latest  dates 
from  San  Francisco  are  October  28,  now  23  days  old.  Of  the 
results  of  the  State  election  that  took  place  three  weeks  ago, 
we  are  in  the  most  profound  ignorance,  having  received  returns 
from  no  county  in  the  State  except  Los  Angeles.  Think  of  the 
protracted  agony  of  a  candidate  still  waiting  three  weeks  after 
the  election  to  know  his  fate! 

While  the  newsmongers,  the  merchants  and  the  candidates 
suffered  from  the  mail's  delay,  how  was  it  with  the  honest  min- 
ers, in  the  lonely  mining  camps?  No  novelist  or  sentimentalist 
has  written  of  the  hope  deferred  that  made  the  heart  sick  of 
many  an  Argonaut — and  all  because  of  the  mail's  uncertainty. 
Isolated  from  the  world  in  mountain  mining  camps,  where  no 
mail  reached  them,  the  miners  of  the  early  '50*5  were  depend- 


ent  upon  private  carriers,  who  brought  them  at  irregular  inter- 
vals the  few  letters  that  ran  the  gauntlet  of  ocean  disasters, 
careless  postmasters  and  reckless  stage  drivers. 

As  the  Argonaut,  in  most  cases,  was  a  young  man,  fresh 
from  home,  who  had  left  a  girl  behind  him  to  await  his  return 
with  a  fortune,  the  anxiety  with  which  he  watched  for  a  letter 
from  home  to  know  whether  his  girl  was  still  waiting  for  him  or 
whether  some  other  fellow  was  waiting  on  her,  was  truly  pa- 
thetic. Home-sickness  killed  many  an  Argonaut,  and  the  defect- 
ive mail  system  of  the  early  '50*5  ought  to  have  been  indicted 
for  manslaughter.  I  know  we  laugh  at  a  homesick  individual, 
but  a  genuine  attack  of  the  disease  is  no  laughing  matter.  The 
medical  reports  of  the  Union  army  during  the  Civil  War  attrib- 
ute no  less  than  10,000  deaths  to  nostalgia,  the  medical  name 
for  home-sickness. 

As  the  population  of  the  Pacific  Coast  increased,  the  de- 
mand for  quicker  mail  service  became  more  imperative.  The 
scheme  of  importing  camels  and  dromedaries  and  using  them 
in  carrying  the  mail  and  express  across  the  plains  was  agitated. 
It  was  claimed  that  the  camel,  filling  his  internal  water  tank 
out  of  the  Missouri  river,  could  strike  straight  across  the  water- 
less wastes  of  New  Mexico  and  Arizona,  stopping  occasionally 
for  a  meal  of  sage  brush,  and  taking  a  drink  at  the  Colorado 
river,  he  could  trot  across  the  Colorado  desert  and  deliver  the 
mail  in  the  California  coast  towns  fifteen  days  from  New  York. 

As  some  of  you  will  recollect,  the  camels  did  come  to  the 
coast  in  1857,  but  they  were  not  delivering  mail;  they  were 
carrying  freight,  and  were  not  much  of  a  success  at  that.  The 
Butterfield  stage  route  was  established  in  1858.  It  was  the 
longest  stage  line  in  the  world.  Its  western  terminus  was  San 
Francisco,  and  its  eastern  termini  Memphis  and  St.  Louis.  It 
brought  the  eastern  news  in  20  days.  That  was  such  an  un- 
precedented quick  time  that  the  Los  Angeles  Star  rushed  out 
an  extra  edition  and  proposed  a  hundred  guns  for  the  overland 
stage.  But  the  people  wanted  faster  time,  and  the  Pony  Ex- 
press was  established  in  1860.  I  take  the  following  graphic  de- 
scription of  its  first  trip  across  the  plains  from  the  Kansas  City 

"An  important  event  in  the  history  of  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  was 
the  starting  of  the  'Pony  Express'  on  April  3,  1860.  The  facts 
and  incidents  connected  with  this  ride  of  2,000  miles  to  San 
Francisco  form  a  most  interesting  chapter  in  the  story  of  early 
western  progress. 


"In  1859  St.  Joseph  was  the  western  terminus  of  railroad 
communication.  Beyond  the  Missouri  river  the  stage  coach, 
the  saddle  horse  and  the  ox  trains  were  the  only  means  of  com- 
merce and  communication  with  the  Rocky  Mountains  and  the 
Pacific  Slope,  across  a  space  now  traveled  by  a  dozen  vestibuled 
trains  daily. 

."In  the  winter  of  1860  a  Wall  street  lobby  was  in  Washing- 
ton trying  to  get  $5,000,000  for  carrying  the  mails  one  year  be- 
tween New  York  and  San  Francisco.  The  proposition  was 
nothing  more  or  less  than  an  attempt  to  bunko  the  government. 
William  H.  Russell,  who  was  then  interested  largely  in  freight- 
ing business  on  the  plains,  backed  by  the  Secretary  of  War,  re- 
solved to  give  the  lobby  a  cold  shower  bath.  Russell  offered  to 
wager  $200,000  that  he  could  put  on  a  mail  line  between  San 
Francisco  and  St.  Joseph  that  could  make  the  distance,  1,950 
miles,  in  ten  days.  The  wager  was  accepted,  and  April  8,  1860, 
was  fixed  upon  as  the  date  for  starting. 

"Mr.  Russell  summoned  his  partner  and  general  manager 
of  business  on  the  plains,  A.  B.  Miller,  for  many  years  a  prom- 
ine  citizen  of  Denver,  told  what  he  had  done,  and  asked  if"  he 
could  perform  the  feat.  Miller  replied,  'Yes,  I'll  do  it,  and  I'll 
do  it  by  pony  express.' 

"To  accomplish  this  service,  Miller  bought  300  of  the  fleet- 
est horses  he  could  find  in  the  West,  and  employed  125  brave 
and  hardy  riders.  These  men  were  selected  with  reference  to 
their  light  weight  and  courage.  It  was  highly  essential  that 
the  horses  should  be  loaded  as  lightly  as  possible,  because  some 
sections  of  the  route  had  to  be  covered  at  the  rate  of  20  miles 
an  hour. 

"The  horses  were  stationed  from  10  to  20  miles  apart,  and 
each  rider  was  required  to  ride  75  miles.  For  each  change  of 
animals  and  the  transfer  of  the  United  States  mails  two  minutes 
were  allowed.  Where  there  were  no  stage  stations  at  proper 
distances,  tents  capable  of  accommodating  one  man  and  two 
horses  were  provided.  Indians,  it  was  supposed,  would  some- 
times give  chase,  but  their  cayuse  ponies  could  make  only  sorry 
show  in  pursuit  of  Miller's  thoroughbreds,  many  of  which 
could  make  a  mile  in  i  minute  and  50  seconds. 

"All  arrangements  being  completed  for  this  great  under- 
taking, a  signal  gun  on  a  steamer  at  Sacramento*  proclaimed 
the  meridian  of  April  8,  1860,  the  hour  for  starting.  At  that 
signal  Mr.  Miller's  private  saddle  horse,  Border  Ruffian,  with  a 
brave  rider  in  the  saddle,  bounded  away  toward  the  foothills 


of  the  Sierra  Nevadas.  The  first  20  miles  were  covered  in  49 
minutes,  and  this  feat  was  repeated  until  the  mountains  were 
reached.  The  snows  were  deep  in  the  mountains,  and  one 
rider  was  lost  for  several  hours  in  a  snow  storm.  After  Salt 
Lake  Valley  had  been  reached,  additional  speed  became  nec- 
essary to  reach  St.  Joseph  in  time.  From  there  on,  however, 
all  went  well  until  the  Platte  river  was  to  be  crossed  at  Jules- 

"The  stream  was1  WoffenWd' running  rapidly,  but  the  horse 
plunged  into  the  flood;  Only,  'however,  to  mire  in  auT^k^a'rid 
and  drown.  The  c&urfer1 'succeeded  in  reaching  ttile  snfore  with 
his  mail  bag  safe  and' traveled  &Wr  railed  "on  foot  to  reach1  tHe 
next  relay.  The  journey  from  thi^  point  to 'within  60 'miles 
of  St.  Joseph  was  made  quickly  and  without  incident.'1 

Johnny  Fry,  a  popular  rider  of  his"  day,  Was '  to  make'  t'hje 
finish.  He  had  60  miles  to  ride,  with  six  horses  upkm  which  to 
do  it.  When  the  last  courier  arrived  at  the  6o-mile  post  out 
from  St.  Joseph,  he  was  one  hour  behind  time.  A  heavy  rain 
had  set  in  and  the  roads  were  slippery. 

"Fry  had  just  3  hours  and  30  minutes,  in  which  to  win.  'It 
was  the  finish  of  the  longest  race  and  largest  stake  ever  nm 


in  America. 

"When  the  time  for  Fry's  arrival  was  nearly  up,  at  leas't 
5,000  people  stood  upon  the  river  bank,  with  eyes  turned  to- 
ward the 'woods  from  which  the  horse  and.  its  rider  should 
emerge  into  the  open  country  in'th'fe  rear  of  Elwood,  one  mile 
from  the  finish. 

"'Tick,  tick!'  went  hundreds  of  watches.  The  time,  was 
nearly  up.  Only  seven  minutes  remained. 

"Hark!  ' ..." 

"  'Hurrah  !'  A  shout  goes  up  from  the  assembled  mufti- 
tude.  The  courier  comes!  A  noble  little  mare  darts  like  an 
arrow  from  the  bdw  and  makes  the  run  of  the  last  mile  in  1 
minute  and  50  seconds,  landing  upon  the  ferryboat  off  Francis 
street  with  five  minutes  and  a  fraction  to  spare. 

"The  story  of  this  remarkable  feat  is  only  a  scrap  of  history 
now.  A  few  of  the  riders  who  participated  in  the  great  race 
are  still  living,  and  hundreds  of  old  timers  recall  the  scenes  and 
incidents  that  marked  the  finish  of  the  splendid  contest  against 
time.  Tt  \vas  a  great  event  in  the  history  of  St.  Joseph. 

"ft  was  five  days  prior  to  the  running' of  the  great  race 
the  $200.000  wagiT  that  the  first  Pony  Kxpfess  left  St!  Joseph 
for  the  west.    At  jhl's  p:  iri.  on'Tties'day','  April  3.  1860,  a  rid'eV 


received  at  the  United  States  Express  office  in  St.  Joseph  his 
light  burden  of  dispatches,  and  amid  the  cheers  and  huzzas  of 
the  vast  throng  assembled  to  witness  the  event  darted  off  across 
the  plains  of  Kansas  and  on  into  the  distant  west.  This  event 
created  so  much  excitement  in  St.  Joseph  that  the  little  pony 
was  almost  robbed  of  his  tail,  the  crowds  of  people  assembled 
at  the  starting  point  being  desirous  of  preserving  a  memento 
of  the  flying  messenger." 

The  rider  at  the  western  end  of  the  route,  who  reached  Sac- 
ramento April  13,  1860,  was  accorded  even  a  more  enthustic 
reception,  although  no  bet  was  pending  on  the  time  of  his  ar- 
rival. The  news  of  his  coming  was  heralded  with  great  enthu- 
siasm, and  both  houses  of  the  Legislature  adjourned  to  wel- 
come him.  He  came  in  time  for  the  regular  afternoon  steam- 
boat, and  the  horse  and  the  rider,  with  the  mail  bag,  just  as 
they  had  come  into  Sacramento,  took  passage  on  the  boat  and 
arrived  at  the  wharf  in  San  Francisco  at  I  o'clock  on  the  morn- 
ing of  April  I4th,  with  the  mail,  just  10^2  days  from  St.  Joe. 
They  were  met  by  an  enthusiastic  crowd  with  a  band  and 
torches.  A  procession  was  formed;  and  with  music  and  con- 
tinuous cheers  they  were  escorted  to  the  postoffice.  The 
quickest  time  ever  made  between  San  Francisco  and  New  York 
by  overland  mail  via  the  Buterfield  route  was  20  days.  The 
Pony  Express  shortened  this  time  to  10  days. 

The  Pony  Express  was  a  semi-weekly  service.  Fifteen 
pounds  was  the  limit  of  the  weight  of  the  waterproof  mail  bag 
and  its  contents  that  twice  a  week,  from  each  end  started  on 
its  long  journey. 

The  postage  or  charge  was  $5.00  a  letter  of  half  an  ounce. 
The  line  never  paid.  In  fact,  its  owners  operated  it  through- 
out its  existence  at  a  loss.  The  high  charges  necessitated  by 
the  cost  of  keeping  up  relays  of  men  and  horses  prevented  it 
from  being  extensively  patronized.  It  seldom  carried  over  200 
letters,  and  sometimes  not  more  than  20.  It  reduced  the  time 
for  letters  from  New  York  to  San  Francisco  to  13  days,  and 
telegraphic  dispatches  to  9  days,  at  first;  and  later  on  to  8  days. 
Messages  were  sent  to  Fort  Kearny,  the  extreme  western 
station,  and  taken  up  by  the  rider  as  he  came  along.  The  mes- 
sages were  re-dispatched  from  Carson  City,  which  was  con- 
nected by  telegraph  with  San  Francisco.  Letters  and  mes- 
sages were  written  on  a  tough  page  of  tissue  paper,  very  thin 
and  light,  which  was  specially  prepared  for  the  express  com- 
pany. The  stamp,  now  very  rare,  was  embellished  with  a  pic- 


ture  of  a  man  on  horseback  spurring  at  a  gallop  across  the 
plains.  During  the  exciting  times  at  the  breaking  out  of  the 
Civil  War  in  1861,  the  pony  express  was  the  sole  reliance  of 
the  whole  Pacific  Coast  for  the  quickest  news.  The  Indians 
on  the  western  end,  and  the  Confederates  on  its  eastern  end 
had  destroyed  the  Butterfield  stage  line.  It  was  to  the  Pony 
Express  that  every  one  looked  for  the  latest  intelligence. 

Although  the  enterprise  failed  to  pay  expenses,  to  the  praise 
of  Russell  and  Majors,  be  it  recorded,  they  kept  it  up 
until  the  overland  telegraph  was  completed,  in  November, 

The  Pony  Express  required  to  do  its  work  nearly  500 
horses,  about  190  stations,  200  station  keepers  and  80  riders. 
Each  rider  usually  rode  the  horses  on  about  75  miles,  though 
tometimes  much  greater  distances  were  made.  One  rider — 
Robert  H.  Haslam — or  Pony  Bob,  as  he  was  usually  called — on 
one  occasion  made  a  continuous  ride  of  380  miles  within  a  few 
hours  of  schedule  time.  Another — Wm.  F.  Cody,  now  famous 
as  Buffalo  Bill — rode  in  one  continuous  trip  384  miles  without 
stopping,  except  for  meals  and  to  change  horses.  The  greatest 
feat  performed  by  the  Pony  Express  was  in  carrying  Presi- 
dent Lincoln's  inaugural  message,  in  March,  1861.  The  time 
on  that  trip  from  the  Missouri  river  to  Sacramento  was  7  days 
and  17  hours,  which  is  perhaps  the  quickest  time,  considering 
the  distance,  ever  made  on  horseback. 

Majors,  the  originator  of  the  Pony  Express,  a  veteran  of 
70  years'  pioneering  on  the  frontiers,  died  a  few  weeks  ago. 
He  was  a  man  who  had  done  much  for  his  fellow  men.  He 
was  a  public  benefactor.  Yet  a  few  lines  in  an  obscure  corner 
of  the  daily  newspapers  told  the  story  of  his  life — at  least,  it 
told  all  the  reporter  or  editor  of  the  paper  knew  of  it;  and  hun- 
dreds who  read  it  had  no  idea  what  the  Pony  Express  was. 
Most  of  the  riders  who  forty  years  ago  braved  the  perils  of 
mountain  and  desert  and  savage  beast  and  more  savage  men, 
in  lonesome  rides  of  the  Pony  Express  have  crossed  the  divide 
between  time  and  eternity. 

The  following  graphic  description  of  the  pony  rider  on  his 
journey  is  taken  from  Mark  Twain's  "Roughing  It."  Mark 
saw  him  in  all  his  glory  on  his  ride,  when  he  (Twain)  crossed 
the  plains  in  the  overland  stage  in  1861 : 

"In  a  little  while  all  interest  was  taken  up  in  stretching 
our  necks  watching  for  the  pony  rider,  the  fleet  messenger  who 
sped  across  the  continent  from  St.  Joe  to  Sacramento,  carry- 


ing  letters  nineteen  hundred  miles  in  eight  days!  Think  of 
that  for  perishable  horse  and  human  flesh  and  blood  to  do !  The 
pony  rider  was  usually  a  little  bit  of  a  man,  brimful  of  spirit 
and  endurance.  No  matter  what  time  of  the  day  or  night  his 
watch  came  on,  and  no  matter  whether  it  was  winter 
or  summer,  raining,  snowing,  hailing  or  sleeting,  or  whether 
his  beat  was  a  level,  straight  road  or  a  crazy  trail  over 
mountain  crags  and  precipices,  or  whether  it  led  through  peace- 
ful regions  or  regions  that  swarmed  with  hostile  Indians,  he 
must  be  always  ready  to  leap  into  the  saddle  and  be  off  like 
the  wind.  There  was  no  idling  time  for  a  pony  rider  on  duty. 
He  rode  fifty  miles  without  stopping  by  daylight,  moonlight, 
starlight,  or  through  the  blackness  of  darkness — just  as  it' hap- 
pened. He  rode  a  splendid  horse  that  was  born  for  a  racer 
and  fed  and  lodged  like  a  gentleman — kept  him  at  his  utmost 
speed  for  ten  miles,  and  then,  as  he  came  crashing  up  to  the 
station  where  stood  two  men  holding  fast  a  fresh,  impatient 
steed,  the  transfer  of  rider  and  mail-bag  was  made  in  the  twink- 
ling of  an  eye,  and  away  flew  the  eager  pair  and  were  out  of 
sight  before  the  spectator  could  get  hardly  the  ghost  of  a  look. 
Both  rider  and  horse  went  flying  light.  The  rider's  dress  was 
thin  and  fitted  close;  he  wore  a  round'about  and  a  skull  cap, 
and  tucked  his  pantaloons  into  his  boot-tops  like  a  race  rider. 
He  carrird  no  arms — he  carried  nothing  that  was  not  absolutely 
necessary,  for  even  the  postage  on  his  literary  freight  was  worth 
five  dollars  a  letter. 

"He  got  but  little  frivolous  correspondence  to  carry — his 
bag  had  business  letters  in  it,  mostly.  His  horse  was  stripped 
of  all  unnecessary  weight  too.  He  wore  a  little  wafer  of  a  rac- 
ing saddle,  and  no  visible  blanket.  He  wore  light  shoes  or 
none  at  all.  The  little  flat  mail  packets  strapped  under  the 
rider's  thighs  would  each  hold  about  the  bulk  of  a  child's 
primer.  They  held  many  and  many  an  important  business 
chapter  and  newspaper  letter,  but  these  were  written  on  paper 
as  airy  and  thin  as  gold  leaf,  nearly,  and  thus  bulk  and  weight 
were  economized.  The  stage  coach  traveled  about  a  hundred 
to  a  hundred  and  twenty-five  miles  a  day  of  24  hours;  the  pony 
rider  about  250.  There  were  eighty  pony  riders  in  thesaddle 
all  the  time,  night  and  day,  stretching  in  a  long,  scattering  pro- 
cession from  Missouri  to  California — forty  flying  eastward  and 
forty  toward  the  west,  and  among  them  making  four  hundred 
gallant  horses  earn  a  stirring  livelihood  and  see  a  deal  of 
scenery  every  single  day  in  a  year. 


"We  had  had  a  consuming  desire,  from  the  beginning  to 
see  a  pony  rider,  but  somehow  or  other  all  that  passed  us, 
and  all  that  met  us  managed  to  streak  by  in  the  night,  and  so 
we  heard  only  a  whiz  and  a  hail,  and  the  swift  phantom  of  the 
desert  was  gone  before  we  could  get  our  heads  out  of  the  win- 
dows. But  now  we  were  expecting  one  along  every  moment, 
and  would  see  him  in  broad  daylight.  Presently  the  driver  ex- 
claims: 'HERE  HE  COMES!'  Every  neck  is  stretched  fur- 
ther, and  every  eye  strained  wider.  Away  across  an  endless, 
dead  level  of  the  prairie,  a  black  speck  appears  against  the  sky; 
and  it  is  plain  that  it  moves.  Well,  I  should  think  so!  In  a 
second  or  two  a  horse  and  rider,  rising  and  falling,  rising  and 
falling,  sweeping  towards  us,  nearer  and  nearer,  growing  more 
and  more  distinct,  more  and  more  sharply  defined — nearer  and 
still  nearer,  and  the  flutter  of  the  hoofs  comes  faintly  to  the  ear 
— another  instant  a  whoop  and  a  hurrah  from  our  upper  deck, 
a  wave  of  the  rider's  hand,  but  no  reply,  and  man  and  horse 
burst  past  our  excited  faces,  and  go  winging  away  like  a  be- 

"So  sudden  is  it  all,  and  so  like  a  flash  of  unereal  fancy  that 
lated  fragment  of  a  storm! 

but  for  the  flake  of  white  foam  left  quivering  and  perishing  on 
our  mail  sack  after  the  vision  had  flashed  by  and  disappeared, 
we  might  have  doubted  whether  we  had  seen  any  actual  horse 
and  man  at  all,  may  be." 



[Read  before  the  Los  Angeles  County  Pioneers  Sept.  3,  1901] 
Fifty-one  years  ago,  on  the  22nd  of  March  last,  five  young 
men  left  their  homes  in  Central  Wisconsin  on  a  trip  overland 
for  the  gold  mines  in  California,  of  which  we  had  been  reading 
some  favorable  accounts,  yet  knowing  very  little  of  what  we 
might  expect  on  a  joruney  of  2,000  miles,  mostly  through  a 
country  partially  occupied  by  hostile  Indians,  with  only  one 
settlement  of  white  men  between  the  Missouri  river  and  the 
western  slopes  of  the  Sierra  Nevadas — that  at  Salt  Lake;  but  as 
others  had  successfully  made  the  journey  the  previous  year,  we 
felt  equal  to  the  undertaking. 

I  was  the  youngest  of  the  party,  being  twenty-two  years 
old,  the  eldest  twenty-seven.  Our  route  through  Wisconsin 
and  Iowa  to  Council  Bluffs  direct,  was  through  a  partially  set- 
tled community,  but  through  Western  Iowa,  where  are  now 
found  large  towns  and  cities,  we  saw  the  bare  prairies  only. 

On  the  i Qth  of  April,  1850,  we  crossed  the  Missouri  at  the 
Mormon  winter  quarters  of  three  years  before,  and  near  where 
is  now  the  flourishing  city  of  Omaha.  Our  route  was  the  Mor- 
mon road  to  their  settlement  in  Utah.  Like  most  other  emi- 
grants in  those  days,  we  thought  the  only  safe  way  to  travel 
was  in  large  companies  for  protection  from  the  wily  Indian. 
So  we  joined  a  company  of  150  men  with  45  wagons,  and 
stuck  together  just  three  days..  As  our  outfit  consisted  of 
eight  American  horses  and  two  wagons,  we  did  not  wish  to  go 
into  camp  after  making  only  15  or  20  miles,  as  many  of  the 
ox  teams  did,  but  we  wished  to  make  the  trip  inside  of  three 
months;  and  to  do  so>  we  must  make  an  average  of  twenty 
miles  for  every  day,  SO'  when  the  ox-drivers  commenced  to  un- 
yoke, we  kept  on  with  a  few  companions  for  six  or  eight  miles, 
and  encamped  on  the  famous  Platte.  The  bed  of  this  stream 
being  composed  largely  of  quicksand,  renders  it  almost  impos- 
sible to  ford,  except  in  favorable  places,  and  the  water  only  a 
few  inches  deep  most  of  the  way,  is  difficult  to  navigate  with 
boats.  Had  it  been  necessary  to  cross  here,  as  we  expected 


to  do,  the  only  way  would  have  been  to  wade  out  a  mile  or 
two  to  deep  water,  and  there  establish  a  ferry.  But  the  animals 
must  not  be  allowed  to  stop  even  for  a  few  minutes,  or  they 
would  sink  out  of  sight.  We  kept  the  north  side,  and  did  not 
have  to  cross  till  we  reached  Fort  Laramie.  Some  one  of  our 
company  asked  the  question,  "What  was  sucha  river  ever  made 
for?"  But  so  far  as  I  know,  never  got  a  satisfactory  answorr. 
Two  days'  travel  from  this  point  brought  us  to  Loupe  Fork, 
a  stream  600  feet  wide,  on  April  26th.  Like  the  Platte,  this 
was  a  difficult  stream  to  cross,  but  after  a  hard  day's  work  we 
encamped  on  the  right  bank;  saw  a  few  friendly  Indians,  but 
all  they  said  or  did  was  to  beg  for  tobacco.  About  this  time, 
at  the  close  of  one  of  the  warmest  days  we  had,  dark  and  heavy 
columns  begn  to  rise  from  the  southwest,  indicating  a  severe 
storm.  At  sundown  the  wind  commenced  blowing,  and  soon 
changing  to  the  northwest,  it  blew  a  perfect  gale  for  several 
hours.  We  exerted  our  best  skill  and  strength  in  attempting  to 
keep  the  tent  over  us,  but  all  in  vain.  We  crept  into  the  wagon 
to  escape  the  fury  of  the  blast  "and  wished  for  the  day."  For- 
tunately for  us,  no  rain  fell  during  the  night,  but  it  was  ex- 
tremely cold.  When  the  morning  dawned  we  found  that  we 
were  not  alone  in  our  misery,  for  not  a  solitary  tent  was  stand- 
ing on  the  ground.  For  a  week  or  ten  days,  commencing  with 
April  2£th,  our  road  was  through  a  territory  burned  over,  or 
the  dry  grass  the  n  burning,  the  fires  having  been  set  by  emi- 
grants ahead  of  us  through  carelessness  or  neglect  to  put  out 
their  camp  fires.  This  was  a  great  hardship,  for  our  horses  had 
nothing  to  eat  but  a  little  grain  from  the  wagon.  On  this 
burned  territory,  black  and  dreary  far  as  the  eye  could  reach, 
we  met  our  first  buffalo,  many  of  them  with  hair  completely 
burned  off,  and  entirely  blind.  We  were  obliged  to  kill  eight 
or  ten  to  keep  them  from  running  into  the  teams.  One  nigrt 
we  heard  the  most  unearthly  noise  you  could  imagine.  It  was 
one  entirely  new  to  me,  but  some  of  the  boys  more  used  to 
frontier  life  said  "Prairie  wolves,"  and  that  probably  there  were 
not  more  than  three  or  four  of  them,  but  I  thought  there  must 
be  a  thousand. 

May  4th.  We  have  succeeded  in  getting  ahead  of  the  fires, 
but  they  are  raging  in  the  dry  prairie  grass  behind  us.  to  the 
right,  with  inconceivable  fury.  Today  we  passed  the  grave  of 
a  man  from  Iowa  who  died  four  clays  ago;  the  first  fresh  grave 
we  have  yet  seen  on  our  route,  but  have  passed  many  bearing 
date  of  '49,  nearly  all  of  whoch  had  been  opened  by  the  wolves, 


with  occasionally  a  stray  human  bone  lying  about  the  opening, 
the  only  exceptions  being  those  which  their  friends  had  taken 
the  precaution  to  cover  with  large  stones.  The  following  day 
was  Sunday,  and  as  there  was  dry  grass  for  the  horses,  we 
laid  by  to  give  them  and  ourselves  a  day  of  rest.  Away  to  the 
south  and  west  was  a  beautiful  valley,  extending  at  least  four 
miles,  to  the  very  banks  of  the  Platte,  and  over  this  vast  area 
were  innumerable  buffalo  feeding  leisurely  all  day  long.  It  was 
by  far  the  largest  herd  we  had  seen,  and  by  a  careful  estimate 
there  must  have  been  at  least  4,000,  with  wolves  and  antelope 
in  large  numbers  scattered  here  and  there  among  them.  One 
of  the  latter  was  brought  into  camp  by  two  of  our  expert  hunt- 
ers, and  we  enjoyed  a  royal  feast.  Choice  steaks  from  a  buffalo 
calf  were  very  acceptable  and  much  sought  for(  but  the  meat 
from  the  full  grown  animal  was  not  to  our  liking,  being  too 
tough  and  of  an  undesirable  flavor.  Some  of  these  old  fellows 
are  hard  to  kill,  and  one  I  saw  die  only  after  18  rifle  balls  had 
been  shot  into  him,  at  short  range.  On  the  Qth  we  had  rain, 
the  first  since  we  crossed  the  Des  Moines  back  in  Iowa,  nearly 
six  weeks  ago.  And  here  we  found  the  first  green  grass  of  the 
season.  Saw  many  Indians  of  the  Sioux  tribe,  all  kind  and 
friendly.  Passed  "Chimney  Rock"  on  the  nth,  situated  on  the 
south  side  of  the  river,  resembling  a  steeple  or  chimney,  200 
feet  high,  and  visible  at  the  distance  of  40  miles.  This  is  one 
of  the  main  landmarks  for  the  California-bound  emigrant  who 
travels  on  either  the  north  or  the  south  side  of  the  Platte. 

On  the  1 3th  we  came  to  timber,  the  first  we  have  seen  on 
our  side  of  the  river,  save  one  lone  tree,  for  200  miles. 

Like  all  others  who  travel  that  road,  we  had  to  resort  to 
buffalo  chips  for  fuel  to  -cook  our  daily  meals,  and  they  proved  a 
good  substitute.  The  next  day  we  reached  Fort  Laramie,  after 
crossing  the  Platte  on  a  good  ferry.  It  is  522  miles  from  the 
Missouri  river,  and  we  were  22  days  traveling  this  distance,  av- 
eraging 24  miles  per  day.  After  first  striking  the  Platte  our 
route  was  an  unbroken  level  as  we  followed  along  the  river  bot- 
tom most  of  the  way,  but  when  the  bluffs  came  down  to  the 
river,  as  we  found  they  often  did,  sometimes  for  miles  together, 
our  only  alternative  was  to  pass  over  them,  where  the  road  was 
invariably  a  deep,  heavy  sand.  The  valley  is  several  miles  in 
width  from  the  river  bank  to  the  sand  hills,  and  has  a  rich 
soil.  Our  grain  being  gone,  we  exchanged  the  heavy  wagon  at 
the  fort  for  a  pack  horse,  and  with  the  light  wagon  and  two 
horses  packed  with  300  pounds  of  flour,  started  on  our  journey 
up  the  south  side  of  the  Platte. 


Our  road  lay  during  the  day  over  high,  steep  bluffs  and 
.  through  deep  ravines,  as  we  are  now  ascending  the  foothills  of 
the  Rocky  Mountains.  The  night  set  in  dark  and  rainy.  To 
add  to  our  troubles,  one  of  our  men  who  had  been  ailing  for 
several  days,  was  taken  down  with  mountain  fever.  We  nursed 
him  in  the  tent  by  night  and  carried  him  in  the  wagon  by  day. 
Eleven  days  afterwards  he  was  sufficiently  recovered  to  surren- 
der his  couch  to  another  who  was  attacked  by  the  same  fever. 
Two  days  after  leaving  Fort  Laramie,  we  re-crossed  the  Platte 
on  a  ferry,  and  the  first  20  miles  was  over  heavy  sand.  A  week 
or  so  later,  we  passed  the  first  alkali  springs  that  we  saw  on 
our  journey,  but  they  were  not  the  last.  On  the  2 1st,  we 
reached  the  Sweetwater,  a  swift-running  stream,  but  fordable, 
which  we  followed  to  its  very  source  in  the  Rocky  Mountains. 
\Ye  met  several  ox  teams  from  Salt  Lake,  bound  for  the  States 
to  assist  the  Mormon  immigration.  We  passed  Independence 
Rock,  another  celebrated  landmark,  noted  for  its  great  size. 
It  covers  several  acres,  and  rises  to  a  great  height,  and  is  cov- 
ered with  the  names  of  passing  emigrants.  Two  mountain 
sheep  were  killed  and  brought  into  camp,  furnishing  all  with  a 
most  delicious  meal. 

On  the  23rd  we  passed  Devil's  Gate;  the  name  is  suggestive. 
It  is  the  passage  of  the  Sweetwater  through  a  deep  cut  in  the 
solid  rock.  The  river  is  about  75  feet  wide  on  an  average, 
but  as  it  approaches  the  rocks  which  rise  400  feet,  perpendicu- 
largely,  on  each  side,  it  is  compressed  into  half  that  width,  and 
rushes  through  the  narrow  space  a  foaming  cataract. 

Sunday,  May  26th,  we  encountered  snow  and  sleet  the  whole 
day,  and  traveling  with  overcoats  was  the  most  comfortable 
way  of  spending  the  Sabbath.  We  were  all  the  day  traveling 
far  up  in  the  South  Pass  of  the  Rocky  Mountains. 

When  we  reached  the  top,  it  did  not  seem  as  if  we  were  on 
the  summit  of  the  great  divide  between  the  Atlantic  and  the 
Pacific  Oceans,  for  we  were  in  an  extensive  valley,  nearly  level, 
several  miles  in  width  and  thirty  in  length.  Its  altitude  is 
6085  feet.  As  we  came  out  on  the  western  side  next  morning, 
where  the  waters  run  to  the  Pacific,  and  raised  our  eyes  to  the 
lofty  chain  of  mountains  on  the  right  and  gazed  on  their  sum- 
mits, still  thousands  of  feet  above  us,  and  the  countless  glaciers 
sparkling  in  the  sunbeams,  the  scene  was  grand  beyond  de- 
scription. The  first  night  after  leaving  the  Pass,  we  reached 
Pacific  Springs.  A  pony  turned  out  to  graze  with  a  halter  about 
its  neck,  became  entangled  and  was  cast;  before  morning  the 


wolves  actually  ate  him  alive.  The  next  day  we  traveled  30 
miles  over  a  sandy  desert  all  the  way  to  Black  Fork,  a  small 
stream  usually  fordable,  but  now  greatly  swollen  by  the  melt- 
ing snow  on  the  mountains.  The  Mormons  had  a  small  ferry 
established  here,  but  as  many  were  already  waiting  for  a  pas- 
sage, and  the  price  was  exorbitant,  we  thought  best  to  establish 
an  opposition.  So,  calking  one  of  our  wagon  boxes,  we  trans- 
ported our  loading,  pulling  our  boat  back  and  forth  by  a  rope, 
swam  the  horses  and  drew  our  wagon  across  by  hand,  all  at  the 
expense  of  three  hours'  time.  Others  profiting  by  our  example, 
reduced  somewhat  the  receipts  of  the  Mormon  ferry.  Here  we 
found  an  encampment  of  friendly  Indians,  but  we  did  not  learn 
to  what  tribe  thy  belonged.  We  were  told  by  friends  along  the 
road  that  a  few  days  before  a  young  man  from  a  western  State, 
while  camping  here,  made  the  acquaintance  of  these  Indians  to 
such  an  extent  that  he  married  one  of  the  good-looking  young 
squaws;  at  least  the  Indians  so  considered  it  as  far  as  they  were 
concerned,  and  were  well  pleased  with  the  idea  of  one  of  their 
tribe  being  chosen  by  a  pale-face.  Next  morning  when  his  com- 
pany was  ready  for  a  start,  the  young  woman  was  on  hand  with 
her  dowry,  consisting  of  a  camp  kettle,  a  skillet  and  some  few 
other  traps  suitable  for  Indian  housekeeping,  and  insisted  on 
going  with  him  to  California.  The  indiscreet  young  man  was  in 
a  fix,  and  a  bad  one,  too,  for  the  Indians  insisted  that  she  was 
his  wife,  according  to  their  customs,  and  he  must  take  her 
along.  That,  of  course,  was  impossible,  for  his  company  would 
not  consent  to  it,  even  if  he  was  so  disposed,  which  he  was  not. 
To  say  the  least,  there  was  one  fellow  badly  scared.  To  get 
out  of  a  bad  scrape  and  pacify  the  Indians,  cost  him  his  riding 
pony  and  all  the  money  he  had. 

Our  company,  which  numbered  45  wagons  at  the  starting 
point,  and  15  when  we  left  Fort  Laramie,  has  continued  to  de- 
crease, some  going  ahead,  others  falling  behind,  till  now  it  is  re- 
duced to  four. 

June  ist  we  met  a  large  number  of  Snake  Indians  with  a  big 
herd  of  cattle  and  horses.  Passed  Fort  Bridger,  and  for  two 
days  had  a  difficult  road,  following  up  a  canyon  crossing  the 
stream  back  and  forth  many  times,  the  water  frequently  com- 
ing to  the  top  of  our  wagon  box.  On  either  side  were  bluffs, 
300  to  400  feet  high,  in  many  places  leaving  us  barely  room  for 
a  wagon  road.  Some  emigrants  had  established  a  ferry,  com- 
posed of  six  cedar  logs  for  a  raft,  and  charged  $3  to  transport 
each  wagon  and  the  men.  We  dared  not  to  attempt  to  cross 


in  our  frail  boat,  for  the  river  was  150  feet  wide,  with  a  rapid 
current.  When  in  midstream,  on  account  of  not  being  prop- 
erly balanced,  one  end  of  the  raft  began  to  sink,  and  before 
reaching  shore  was  a  foot  under  water. 

June  6th  we  reached  Salt  Lake  City,  where  we  remained 
nearly  two  days.  As  no  rain  falls  here  during  the  summer 
months,  the  farmers  resort  to  irrigation.  The  city  is  located 
three  miles  from  the  foot  of  the  mountains  on  the  river  Jordan, 
the  outlet  of  Lake  Utah,  and  22  miles  from  Great  Salt  Lake. 
It  is  handsomely  and  well  laid  out.  Salt  Lake  is  a  beautiful 
sheet  of  water,  whose  specific  gravity  is  so  great,  being  strongly 
impregnated  with  salt  as  to  buoy  almost  every  object  upon 
its  surface.  It  is  almost  impossible  to  sink  in  it,  and  it  is 
a  great  bathing  resort.  Vast  quantities  of  saline  matter  are 
cast  upon  the  short  every  autumn,  and  the  moisture  retained 
in  the  deposit  evaporates  during  the  next  summer,  leaving  a 
bank  of  the  purest  white  salt,  which  may  be  shoveled  up  by  the 
ton.  In  the  center  of  the  lake  is  a  large  island  that  towers  up 
mountain  high,  and  from  its  sides  gush  out  the  purest  springs 
of  fresh  water.  There  the  Mormons  have  vast  herds  of  fine 
cattle,  and  this  mountain  island  is  the  shepherd's  home. 

Just  north  of  the  city  is  a  spring  60  feet  in  diameter,  strongly 
impregnated  with  salt  and  sulphur,  said  to  contain  medicinal 
qualities,  with  a  temperature  above  blood  heat.  The  Mormons 
are  preparing  to  pipe  it  into  the  city.  The  weather  is  delightful, 
so  mild  in  winter  that  the  cattle,  which  are  suffered  to  run  at 
large,  thrive  well  and  are  fat  in  the  spring,  and  yet  the  moun- 
tains, whose  base  is  but  three  miles  distant,  have  their  summits 
covered  with  perpetual  snow. 

We  became  acquainted  with  a  young  man  by  name  of 
Davis,  from  Wisconsin,  who  told  us  he  had  an  uncle  who  moved 
to  Utah  with  his  family  three  years  before,  when  the  Mormons 
first  settled  here,  but  he  was  no  polygamist,  and  he  would  like 
very  much  to  find  his  uncle  and  aunt.  We  met  him  again  a 
few  weeks  later,  out  on  the  desert.  He  said  he  called  on  his 
uncle  a  few  miles  out  of  the  city,  and  found  him  living  in  per- 
fect happiness,  apparently,  with  three  wives.  The  distance 
from  Fort  Laramie  to  this  point  is  509  miles,  and  1031  from  the 
Missouri  river,  about  one-half  of  our  journey  over. 

Instead  of  finding  the  Black  Hills  and  Rocky  Mountains 
covered  with  timber,  as  we  expected,  we  found  them  entirely 
destitute  of  trees  of  any  kind.  Greasewood  served  as  fuel  for 
many  miles.  Having  purchased  a  guide  book  describing  the 


route  to  Sacramento,  and  tarried  with  the  Mormons  a  day  and 
a  half,  we  again  started  on  our  western  journey,  June  8th.  We 
found  settlements  along  the  road  for  20  miles,  and  reached 
the  second  crossing  of  Bear  river  on  the  i  ith,  swam  our  horses 
and  paid  $5  for  wagon  on  a  Mormon  ferry.  For  several  days 
nothing  occurred  worthy  of  note.  Some  days  our  road  was 
good,  on  others  bad — very  bad.  Some  days  we  found  both 
feed  and  water,  other  days  we  found  neither. 

On  the  1 8th  of  June  we  were  at  Cold-Water  Creek,  in 
Thousand-Spring  Valley. 

The  prairie  dog  villages  are  a  real  curiosity.  We  have 
passed  through  several  of  them,  each  covering  several  acres, 
and  each  hole  inhabited  by  a  curious  combination,  consisting 
of  the  dog  and  a  small  owl  and  a  rattlesnake.  We  saw  many 
of  the  clogs  and  owls  enter  the  holes  together,  but  the  rattle- 
snakes did  not  show  themselves.  Sunday,  the  23rd,  we  laid  by, 
and  not  less  than  a  hundred  wagons  passed  us,  with  five  times 
that  number  of  men,  from  whose  hearts  "the  root  of  all  evil," 
or  the  love  of  it,  had  for  the  time  being  absorbed  their  love  of 
ease,  of  friends  and  even  social  comfort.  The  27th,  we  en- 
camped on  the  banks  of  the  Humboldt,  which  stream  we  found 
unusually  high,  being  on  an  average  75  feet  wide,  8  to  10  feet 
deep,  with  a  swift  current.  Crossed  over  in  our  wagon-box- 
boat,  swimming  the  horses.  We  found  the  bottom  land  adja- 
cent to  the  river  where  the  Mormon  trail  ran,  overflowed  to 
such  an  extent  we  were  compelled  to  keep  along  the  bluffs  on 
higher  ground.  We  had  learned  our  route  would  be  down  the 
Humboldt  to  the  sink,  where  the  river  loses  itself  in  the  sands 
of  the  desert.  But  of  the  distance  we  had  little  knowledge. 

After  a  day's  travel,  we  were  told  here  was  the  place  to  pre- 
pare our  hay  for  crossing  the  desert,  which  we  would  reach 
after  18  miles'  travel.  But,  to  our  utter  dismay,  no  grass  was 
to  be  found  without  wading  into  the  marsh  knee  deep  for  nearly 
half  a  mile.  We  had  learned  long  before  this  that  an  overland 
journey  to  California  was  not  in  all  respects  a  pleasure  excur- 
sion, but,  like  every  other  means  to  the  accomplishment  of  a 
desirable  end,  it  was  attended  with  some  labor  and  sacrifice. 
So  we  spent  the  afternoon  and  the  next  day  in  cutting  grass 
with  a  scythe,  when  we  could  borrow  one,  otherwise  with  our 
belt  knives,  packing  it  out  on  our  backs,  drying  and  sacking  it 
for  an:  early  start  the  following  morning.  At  12  o'clock  we 
were  roused  by  the  guard,  and  in  less  than  an  hour  were  on 
the  move  in  high  hopes  of  soon  reaching  and  passing  that  40 

OVERLAND  TRIP  TO  CALIFORNIA  IN  1850.        183 

miles  of  barren  sand  and  no  water,  so  much  dreaded  by  all 
emigrants.  We  goaded  ourselves  on  after  the  first  few  hours, 
till  the  sun  had  climbed  into  the  mid-heavens,  having  traveled 
25  miles,  but  no  desert  yet.  During  the  afternoon  we  again 
waded  the  marsh  for  fresh  grass  that  the  horses  might  eat  dur- 
ing the  night.  Next  morning  the  rising  sun  found  us  ready 
to  resume  our  journey,  expecting  every  hour  to  have  a  view  of 
the  desert.  Thus  we  passed  on  till  10  o'clock,  when  we  found 
a  company  preparing  hay  for  the  desert,  who  assured  us  it  was 
80  miles  ahead.  "Never  fret"  had  been  our  motto,  so  now  we 
made  up  our  minds  to  take  it  easy  as  circumstances  would 
permit.  During  the  day  we  passed  many  dead  horses  and  ten- 
antless  wagons;  saw  clothing,  tools  of  every  description  and 
many  other  articles  too  numerous  to  mention,  strewn  along  the 
road,  which  nobody  wanted.  At  night  those  of  our  company 
who  could  swim  crossed  the  river  and  brought  back  grass  on 
their  backs  for  the  horses.  We  had  all  read  about  the  "Jersey 
Mosquitoes,"  but  if  they  are  larger,  or  more  numerous,  or  blood- 
thirsty than  those  we  met  on  the  Humboldt,  I  have  no  wish  to 
see  them.  They  actually  shut  off  the  rays  of  the  sun. 

July  1st  we  had  a  general  consultation  as  to  the  best  method 
of  getting  to  the  golden  land.  On  leaving  the  Missouri,  it 
was  supposed  we  had  provisions  for  100  days.  Although  we 
added  somewhat  to  our  stock  at  Salt  Lake,  it  was  found  that 
what  we  had  would  not  serve  us  more  than  ten  days,  and  we  are 
300  miles  from  California,  the  worst  part  of  our  journey  be- 
fore us  and  our  teams  nearly  exhausted.  Shall  we  take  our 
wagon  across  the  desert  and  over  the  mountains,  consequently 
protracting  our  journey  several  days,  or  shall  we  leave  our 
wagon  and  things  we  can  best  part  with,  and  pack  our  horses 
with  what  is  essential,  and  make  all  possible  dispatch?  To  the 
latter  proposition  we  all  agreed,  and  it  was  done  with  the 
greatest  unanimity,  because  all  our  neighbors  were  reduced  to 
the  same  extremities  with  ourselves,  and  neither  love  nor  money 
could  obtain  provisions.  Next  day  we  came  to  the  forks  of 
the  road,  the  right  being  an  old  trail  to  Oregon,  made  by  trap- 
pers years  ago.  This  was  the  road  taken  by  so  many  unfortu- 
nate emigrants  last  season,  who  perished  in  the  mountains. 
About  loo  teams,  by  mistake,  took  the  same  road  this  year, 
and  among  them  were  some  who  left  Missouri  with  us.  After 
traveling  six  or  eight  days  across  the  desert  and  up  into  the 
mountains,  they  discovered  their  mistake.  Some  returned  al- 
most famished;  others  struck  out  for  a  settlement  in  Oregon, 
400  miles  distant,  with  what  success  we  never  heard. 


The  4th  of  July  was  celebrated  by  our  second  attempt  in 
preparing  for  the  desert  crossing.  It  was  a  repetition  of  our 
former  effort — wading  knee  deep  across  the  Humboldt  bottoms, 
cutting  grass  with  our  knives,  and  packing  it  on  our  backs 
half  a  mile  away.  The  next  day  we  came  in  sight  of  the  long 
looked  for  desert,  and  the  sink  of  the  Humboldt.  This  river, 
anlong  whose  banks  we  had  been  traveling  for  the  last  300 
miles,  entirely  disappears  and  is  lost  to  sight,  if  not  to  memory. 
The  water  was  thoroughly  saturated  with  alkali,  and  has  proved 
very  destructive  to  stock,  both  cattle  and  horses.  Here,  too, 
we  found  the  "Sulphur  Spring"  spoken  of  in  most  of  the  guide 
books,  that  has  caused  the  death  of  so  many  horses,  arid  the 
sickness  of  many  emigrants.  We  had  received  warning  of  its 
ill  effects,  and  profited  thereby. 

Our  stock  is  now  reduced  to  four  horses;  the  other  four 
having  been  left  at  different  points  along  the  road  to  the  tender 
mercies  of  the  Indians.  The  big  company  to  which  we  once 
belonged  has  entirely  vanished.  At  4  o'clock  p.  m.  we  started 
out  across  the  desert  for  1 5  miles,  where  we  were  to  leave  the 
wagon.  We  had  no  difficulty  in  getting  fuel  to  cook  our  last 
meal  with  the  wagon;  by  placing  the  camp-kettle  on  the  hub 
of  one  of  the  wheels  and  rilling  in  around  it  among  the  spokes 
portion  of  the  wagon  box,  we  soon  had  a  rousing  fire.  The 
night  was  cool  and  pleasant,  far  more  so  than  if  we  had  crossed 
in  the  day  time.  At  sunrise  we  struck  the  heavy  sand,  where  we 
found  water  for  sale  at  one  dollar  per  gallon.  The  next  ten 
miles  was  through  loose  sand,  ankle  deep,  to  the  Carson  river. 
Pure,  cold  water  never  looked  better,  and  we  all  made  good  use 
of  a  liberal  portion.  We  passed  many  horses,  both  dead  and 
dying,  and  hundreds  of  wagons  abandoned  by  owners.  We 
have  been  able  to  walk  from  20  to  30  miles  each  day,  and  found 
it  no  great  hardship.  Out  of  the  nearly  2000  miles,  we  have 
made  at  least  1500  on  foot.  No  one  rode  but  the  driver  and  the 
sick.  But  the  hard  part  was  standing  guard  at  night,  when  one 
wanted  to  sleep,  but  was  not  allowed  to  do  so.  One  night  I 
went  on  at  dusk,  taking  the  horses  a  short  distance  where  a 
little  bunch  grass  was  found  here  and  there,  and  was  to  be 
relieved  at  12  o'clock.  I  sat  down  by  the  side  of  a  big  rock, 
in  full  view  of  the  horses  and  the  plains  for  a  long  distance,  and 
drew  around  me  the  blanket  I  had  brought  from  home,  for  the 
night  was  chilly.  I  had  no  thoughts  of  sleep,  but  alas!  I  did 
fall  asleep,  and  when  I  awoke  20  minutes  later,  not  a  horse  was 
in  sight.  I  went  direct  to  camp,  told  the  boys  the  horses  were 



all  gone — for  I  supposed  they  had  been  stolen — told  them  to 
charge  it  up  to  me,  and  I  would  settle,  if  ever  able.  But  they 
said,  "We  will  help  you  find  them,"  which  they  did  in  a  half 
hour's  time,  where  they  had  found  better  feed.  Any  one  who 
has  traveled  "the  plains  across"  will  admit  that  on  this  trip  is 
a  good  place  for  the  display  of  human  nature.  I  saw  many 
wordy  quarrels  among  the  members  of  other  private  compa- 
nies, but  I  will  say  for  all  five  of  us,  we  never  had  any  disputes 
or  differences  that  were  not  settled  on  the  spot  at  the  time,  and 
to  the  satisfaction  of  all.  At  the  base  of  the  mountains  was  a 
trading  post  recently  established,  where  we  replenished  our 
short  stock  of  provisions  with  flour  and  sugar  at  $2  per  pound 
and  fresh  beef  at  $i.  From  the  9th  to  the  I4th  of  July  we  were 
crossing  the  Sierra  Nevada  mountains,  which  we  found  heavily 
timbered.  Snow  covered  both  hill  and  valley  for  twenty  miles, 
with  a  few  exceptions  of  the  latter,  and  on  the  I3th  we  en- 
camped in  a  deep  mountain  gorge;  the  frost  was  severe  and  the 
water  was  frozen  in  our  camp  kettle.  On  the  I5th  we  arrived 
at  Hangtown,  now  called  Placerville,  83  days  after  leaving  the 
Missouri  river,  and  our  journey  was  at  an  end. 



[Read  before  the  Pioneers,  December,  1901.] 

I  will  say  as  a  prelude  and  introduction  to  what  I  may  say 
directly  touching  the  discovery  of  the  Comstock  mine,  that 
prior  to  1856  there  was  very  little  inter-communication  be- 
tween California  and  the  country  east  of  the  Sierras,  known  as 
Washoe,  for  the  reason  that  the  great  Sierras  presented  a  for- 
midable barrier  to  travel — rendering  such  inter-communication 
both  difficult  and  expensive.  Moreover,  the  country  was 
sparsely  settled  and  but  little  known,  there  being  up  to  this 
time  no  mineral  discoveries  in  the  country  worthy  of  mention, 
and  withal,  it  was  regarded  as  very  uninviting. 

It  therefore  becomes  a  pertinent  inquiry  as  to  what  should 
primarily  lead  one  to  leave  so  attractive  and  prosperous  a  coun- 
try as  California  to  seek  a  home  in  this  land  of  sage  brush  and 
desert  wastes;  the  sequel  to  which  may  not  be  uninteresting  as 
a  scrap  of  unwritten  history,  even  at  this  late  period  in  the 
history  of  this  interesting  country. 

Along  the  eastern  base  of  the  Sierras,  the  summit  of  which 
forms  the  coterminous  boundary  between  California  and  Ne- 
vada, as  it  did  between  Utah  and  California,  there  is  a  chain  of 
beautiful  and  comparatively  fertile  valleys,  which  even  in  their 
primeval  condition,  were  sufficiently  inviting  to  attract  thither 
a  number  of  settlers  who  established  homes  here  and  there 
throughout  these  valleys.  These  settlers  were  nearly  all  dis- 
ciples of  Brigham  Young.  In  1857  the  Saints  were  having  a 
little  difficulty  with  Uncle  Sam,  on  which  occasion  the  Mormon 
President  called  in  all  his  disciples  from  these  distant  outlying 
settlements.  Most  of  them  obeyed  the  call  and  returned  to 
Salt  Lake  City,  whereupon  a  few  adventurous  spirits,  citizens 
of  Downieville,  near  the  border,  consisting  of  J.  J.  Musser, 
Abraham  Curry,  Benjamin  Green,  Frank  Proctor  and  myself, 
crossed  over  the  mountains  in  July,  1858,  to  possess  ourselves 
of  some  of  the  vacated  territory. 

We  did  not  contemplate  the  broad  field  for  enterprise  and 
adventure  which  we  were  then  entering,  nor  di  dwe  even  dream 



of  the  fact  that  we  were  upon  the  very  threshold  of  the  most 
marvelous  mineral  discoveries  known  to  the  world's  history. 
Our  ultimate  object  was  to  push  the  proposition  of  the  organi- 
zation of  a  new  territory  out  of  Western  Utah. 

With  this  object  in  view,  after  visiting  nearly  all  the  valleys 
and  becoming  fully  satisfied  with  the  outlook,  and  considering 
the  probable  outcome  of  the  scheme  in  contemplation,  as  to 
a  beterment  of  chances  financial,  political  and  otherwise,  I 
returned  to  California.  Here,  having  associated  with  me  W.  L. 
Jernigan,  a  practical  printer,  then  in  an  office  in  Downieville, 
we  issued  a  prospectus  of  the  Territorial  Enterprise. 

Leaving  Mr.  Jernigal  to  complete  details  for  the  purchase 
of  press  and  office,  I  returned  to  Washoe,  by  way  of  Placerville, 
leaving  there  on  horseback  the  latter  part  of  October.  About 
six  miles  out  from  Placerville  I  overtook  Mr.  Klauber,  late  of 
the  firm  of  Klauber  &  Levi,  of  San  Diego,  who,  as  he  informed 
me,  was  on  his  way  to  Carson  Valley  for  the  purpose  of  pur- 
chasing a  ranch.  I  also  disclosed  to  him  my  purpose.  We  trav- 
eled the  entire  distance  in  a  merciless  snow  storm,  and  being 
fellow  sufferers  as  well  as  fellow  travelers,  we  became  confiden- 
tial friends. 

I  digress  to  make  mention  of  this  incident,  as  I  may  make 
mention  of  further  co-relative  circumstances  of  interest  later  on. 

I  had  on  my  first  visit  determined  to  locate  at  the  town  of 
Genoa,  in  Carson  Valley,  which,  though  a  mere  village  of  not 
more  than  50  inhabitants,  was  the  largest  and  most  important 
settlement  east  of  the  Sierras  and  west  of  Salt  Lake  City.  The 
business  houses  consisted  of  two  hotels,  two  stores,  post  office 
and  telegraph  office,  the  latter  established  in  November,  1858. 
After  the  Mormon  exodus,  there  were  very  few  settlers  left  in 
any  of  the  valleys.  In  Eagle  Valley,  near  the  center  of  which 
Carson  City,  the  capital  of  the  state  is  situated,  there  were  not 
at  that  time  more  than  a  dozen  inhabitants,  and  not  a  single 
house  on  the  site  of  the  present  capital  city.  The  subscription 
list  of  the  Enterprise  embraced  a  wide  territory,  forty-five  ol 
them  being  in  Salt  Lake  City.  Forty  of  these  subscribers 
cancelled  their  subscriptions  on  the  appearance  of  an  article 
which  I  wrote  and  published  in  the  sixth  number,  criticising 
the  polygamous  side  of  Mormonism,  in  view  of  the  treasona- 
ble and  defiant  attitude  of  the  Mormons  against  the  govern- 

I  felt  fully  justified  in  doing  this,  as  the  Enterprise  was  the 
only  gentile  paper  then  published  in  the  territory.  All  per; 


sons  in  Utah  at  that  time  not  members  of  the  Mormon  church 
were  called  "gentiles." 

The  Enterprise  was  a  success  from  its  inception;  but  I  must 
concede  that  its  long  and  prosperous  career  was  largely  due  to 
the  unanticipated  discovery  of  the  great  Comstock  Lode,  and 
its  marvelous  consequences — an  event  which  ended  its  labors 
in  its  chosen  field  in  a  few  months,  when  the  territory  of  Nevada 
was  organized. 

The  discovery  of  the  Comstock  lode,  with  the  coincident 
and  manifold  results  pertaining  thereto,  and  resulting  there- 
from, comprises  one  of  the  most  marvelous  and  noteworthy 
mining  events  in  the  world's  history;  and  therefore,  any  retro- 
spective and  reliable  narrative,  embracing  its  prehistoric  con- 
dition, its  discovery,  and  the  incidents  and  circumstances  lead- 
ing thereto,  is  both  interesting  and  instructive. 

In  contemplating  and  passing  over  in  review,  the  unwritten 
history  of  the  discovery  and  development  of  this  great  mine, 
embracing  the  flush  times  of  the  early  "Sixties,"  what  tragic 
and  dramatic  scenes  are  rehearsed!  What  tales  of  woe  and  dis- 
appointed hopes  are  told!  What  an  array  of  dissipation  and 
moral  depravity,  and  what  a  pathetic  record  of  the  broken  foun- 
tains of  domestic  felici'ty,  are  unfolded — all  of  which  leads  one 
to  believe  that,  verily,  as  a  sage  has  said,  "Money  is  the  root  of 
all  evil." 

I  might  present  a  pitiable  array  of  disastrous  effects  in  a 
large  percentage  of  instances,  of  sudden  transition  from  poverty 
to  affluence  which  came  under  my  personal  observation  during 
the  early  days  of  the  Comstock,  consisting  of  broken  domestic 
ties,  wreck,  ruin  and  premature  death,  of  many  persons  of  my 
personal  acquaintance  of  the  class  herein  referred  to,  many  of 
whom  were  young  men  of  ability,  with  bright  hopes,  lead  into 
temptation,  gambling  and  dissipation,  either  through  personal 
financial  flush  times,  or  through  environment.  But  the  picture 
is  a  sad  one,  which  awakens  unpleasant  memories,  over  which 
ft  is  more  pleasing  to  spread  the  mantle  of  charity  and  forget- 

The  great  vein  of  the  Comstock  is  located  on  the  eastern 
slope  of  Mount  Davidson,  and  passes  southeasterly  through 
the  divide  between  Virginia  and  Gold  Hill,  coming  out  on  the 
Gold  Hill  side,  very  nearly  in  the  head  of  Gold  Canon,  the 
length  of  which  is  about  seven  miles,  and  its  course  is  south- 
easterly. It  contains  gold  its  entire  length,  which  was  in  paying 
quantities  at  the  time  of  my  first  visit  some  time  previous  to  the 
discovery  at  Gold  Hill  and  in  "Six-Mile  Canon." 

EARLY  DAYS  IN   WASHOfi.  1 89 

Six-Mile  Canon  virtually  heads  at  the  Comstock  lode.  It 
is  six  miles  long,  and  its  course  is  very  nearly  east.  Both  of 
these  canons  discharge  into  Carson  river.  It  appears  from  an 
item  in  the  Enterprise  of  January  29th,  1859,  that  Comstock 
and  French  discovered  and  located  very  rich  diggings  at  the 
head  of  Gold  Canon,  which  created  no  little  excitement,  and 
resulted  in  the  location  of  the  entire  ground  in  the  vicinity 
within  a  few  days. 

These  locations  were  the  first  made  at  Gold  Hill,  and  were 
subsequently  found  to  be  on  the  south  or  Gold  Hill  end  of 
the  Comstock,  in  which  gold  largely  predominated,  while  the 
north  or  Virginia  end  of  the  vein,  carries  very  little  gold.  A 
few  days  prior  to  this  discovery,  the  discovery  was  made  in 
Six-Mile  Canon  by  Yount  and  Gould,  where  they  obtained 
gold  in  large  quantities.  This  gold  contained  so  large  a  per- 
centage of  silver  that  it  sold  for  only  $8.00  per  ounce,  while 
that  obtained  at  Gold  Hill  was  worth  $13.00. 

The  deposits  of  gold  in  both  these  canons  doubtless  resulted 
from  erosion  and  disintegration  of  ore  from  the  great  lode. 
None  of  the  miners  in  the  vicinity  being  familiar  with  the  quartz, 
it  was  some  months  later  before  they  realized  the  existence  or 
magnitude  of  the  great  vein. 

In  fact,  the  original  discoverers  and  locators  of  this  great 
lode,  with  very  few  exceptions,  entertained  but  the  most  limited 
and  crude  conception  of  the  great  magnitude  of  the  discovery, 
and  the  enormous  fortunes  which  they  had  within  their  grasp, 
as  manifested  by  the  astonishing  low  figures  at  which  they 
parted  with  their  holdings. 

As  to  the  all  important  fact  in  a  historical  point  of  view  as 
to  who  was  the  actual  first  discoverer  of  this  great  mineral  won- 
der, considering  all  the  circumstances  and  facts  which  I  have 
been  able  to  summarize  in  relation  thereto,  I  find  it  a  most  diffi- 
cult problem. 

From  the  items  which  I  gathered  in  the  premises  for  the 
Enterprise,  and  from  personal  information,  I  am  satisfied  that 
at  least  Comstock  and  French  made  the  first  discovery  of  the 
rich  placers  at  Gold  Hill,  and  which  ultimately  and  in  a  very 
short  time,  led  to  the  ledge  which  made  great  fortunes  for  Sandy 
Bowers  and  many  others. 

I  remember  also  that  Comstock  was  a  prominent  figure  on 
the  north  end  or  Virginia  side,  and  was  among  the  first  locat- 
ors on  the  lode  on  that  side  of  the  Gold  Hill  divide,  and  that  by 


mutual  consent,  he  was  accredited  with  the  honor  of  making  the 

However,  the  miners  working  in  Six-Mile  Canon  encoun- 
tered great  quantities  of  float  from  the  croppings  of  the  vein, 
which  would  have  led  a  modern  prospector  to  the  vein  in  twenty 
minutes.  This  increased  in  quantity,  in  its  metaliferous  appear- 
ance, and  in  weight,  to  such  an  extent,  as  they  worked  up  the 
canon,  as  to  arouse  a  suspicion  that  possibly  it  might  contain  the 
silver  which  so  depreciated  the  value  of  their  gold  dust.  None 
of  these  miners  were  familiar  with  mineral  ores  or  mineral  veins 
of  any  kind,  and  were  especially  unfamiliar  with  silver  ore,  or 
the  appearance  of  silver  veins. 

About  this  time  two  Mexicans  made  their  appearance  in  the 
camp,  and  being  familiar  with  silver  ore.  on  examination  of  this 
float,  pronounced  it  silver  ore  of  probable  high  grade.  Upon 
this  information,  a  quantity  of  the  ore  was  sent  over  to  Cali- 
fornia for  assay,  and  showed  the  astonishing  result  of  $1500.00 
per  ton.  This  was  about  the  later  part  of  June  or  early  in 
July.  1859. 

Conspicuous  among  the  miners  on  the  ground  at  that  time 
were  Comstock.  "Old  Virginia."  or  James  Finney:  Peter 
O'Reily.  Patrick  McLaughlin.  Gould  and  Yount.  and  practi- 
cally all  of  the  eighteen  whom  I  met  at  Johntown  on  my  first 
visit:  many  of  whose  names  I  do  not  remember  now,  who  made 
£  rush  for  the  new  diggings  upon  catching  the  first  breeze  of  the 
exciting  news  from  Gold  Hill. 

And  thus  it  was  that  this  little  band  of  miners,  this  van- 
guard of  wandering  prospectors,  in  this  desolate  and  apparently 
almost  worthless  country,  discovered,  located  and  owned  that 
which  has  given  business,  commercial,  political  and  social  life 
to  a  vast,  trackless  desert  waste:  peopled  and  changed  the  face 
of  a  great  inland  empire,  from  the  Rocky  Mountains  on  the 
east  to  the  Sierra  Nevada's  on  the  west.  "That  which  has  pro- 
duced hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars,  inspired  and  hastened  the 
construction  of  the  first  great  trans-continental  railway, 
stretched  cables  under  the  sea.  built  palaces,  and.  perhaps,  had 
modi  to  do  with  deciding  the  result  of  the  mightiest  war  of  mod- 
ern times." 

It  is  evident  from  the  circumstances  here  related,  that  the 
discover^-  and  many  of  the  locations  were  practically  made  si- 
multaneously. About  this  time,  or  to  be  more  exact,  on  July 
9th.  1859.  an  item  was  published  in  the  Enterprise  stating  that 
Bowers  &  Co.,  of  Gold  Hill,  from  one  pan  of  rock,  pounded  up 


in  a  mortar,  obtained  $100.00.    This  item  is  the  first  historical 
or  authentic  mention  of  the  recovery  of  gold  or  silver  from 
rock  in  place  in  the  State  of  Nevada. 

A  correspondent  of  the  Enterprise,  writing  from  Gold  Hill, 
under  date  of  July  i6th,  '59,  says:  that  the  hills  are  swarming 
with  prospectors  and  adventurers;  that  claims  are  changing 
hands  at  from  $1,000  to  $5000,  and  that  Rogers  &  Co.,  with  a 
run  of  three  days,  with  two  arastras  cleaned  up  $776.00. 

While  these  exciting  discoveries  were  being  made  on  the 
Gold  Hill  or  the  south  side,  the  discoveries  on  the  north  or 
^Virginia  side  were  equally  sensational.  These  sensational  items, 
together  with  the  $1500.00  assay,  caused  a  rush  from  the  neigh- 
boring valleys,  and  from  every  village,  town  and  city  in  Cali- 
fornia came  excited  thousands.  New  conditions  and  exigencies 
were  presented  and  continually  multiplied,  and  called  for  non- 
existent remedies. 

Silver  mines  were  unknown  in  America  and  to  Americans; 
the  metallurgy  of  silver  was  a  sealed  book.  There  were  a  few 
Freyburgers  in  the  country,  notably  Kuistell  and  Mosheimer, 
who  were  familiar  with  the  system  in  vogue  in  Germany  for  the 
reduction  of  silver  ores,  and  their  services  were  invoked  with 
success  in  this  emergency.  This  slow  process,  however,  which 
had  been  satisfactorily  used  in  Germany  for  a  century  or  more, 
was  unsatisfactory  to  American  push  and  American  genius.  In 
a  few  months  the  Freyburg  process  was  supplanted  and  rendered 
obsolete  by  the  substitution  of  American  machinery  and  Ameri- 
can methods,  since  which  time  there  has  been  but  little  demand 
for  Freyburgers  in  American  reduction  works. 

Previous  to  the  introduction  of  Freyburg  reduction  works, 
claim  owners  having  become  fully  informed  by  frequent  and 
numerous  assays  of  the  great  value  of  the  ore  discovered,  not 
only  in  the  cropping^,  but  of  the  float  as  well — which  they  had 
been  casting  aside,  commenced  shipping  to  California:  and  as 
the  road  over  the  summit  of  the  mountains  was  not  in  condition 
to  admit  of  teaming,  the  ore  was  packed  on  mules  to  Placerville 
at  an  expense  of  ten  cents  per  pound.  In  this  manner  large 
quantities  of  ore  from  the  float  and  croppings  was  shipped. 

Much  carelessness  was  manifest  in  making  locations  of 
claims.  Interminable  disputes  arose  and  endless  litigation  en- 
sued. Personal  conflict  with  tragical  consequences  was  of  fre- 
quent occurrence,  and  valuable  ground,  in  some  instances,  was 
fortified  and  held  by  force  of  arms.  Xew  laws  had  to  be  evolved 
to  meet  the  extraordinary  circumstances,  which  had  been  so 
suddenly  and  unexpectedly  thrust  upon  the  country. 


To  meet  this  serious  emergency,  the  people  of  Carson 
County  elected  my  brother,  John  C.  James,  a  representative 
to  the  Utah  legislature,  shortly  to  convene,  to  secure  such  legis- 
lation as  was  imperatively  demanded.  Whether  he  was  a  good 
Mormon  during  his  stay  with  the  "Saints"  I  cannot  say,  but 
being  the  only  Gentile  member,  he  secured  the  passage  of  every 
measure  which  he  introduced. 

Of  all  the  great  mining  excitements,  which  have  so  often 
convulsed  the  mining  communities  on  the  Pacific  Coast,"  the 
Washoe  was,  perhaps,  in  point  of  numbers  and  impetuosity,  the 
most  extraordinary;  and  by  the  time  these  laws  were  in  force, 
the  country  was  literally  swarming  with  an  excited,  unrestrained 
and  restless  people,  and  matters  were  becoming  somewhat  cha- 
otic, which,  however,  assumed  a  normal  condition  when  re- 
straining and  equitable  laws  were  put  in  force. 

I  find  that  I  am  approaching  a  period  presenting  too  broad 
a  field  for  eventful  narrative  for  the  present  occasion,  and  I  will 
therefore,  revert  back  to  those  whom  I  should  be  pleased  to 
designate,  as  the  fortunate  discoverers  and  owners  of  the  most 
wonderful  and  valuable  mine  in  America,  if  not  in  the  world. 

But  were  they  fortunate?  Let  the  following  events  an- 

Henry  Page  Comstock,  who  was  an  honest,  confiding,  rather 
simple-minded  man,  with  but  little  knowledge  of  the  wicked 
ways  of  the  world,  through  a  number  of  unfortunate  and  un- 
businesslike transactions,  (which  I  might  mention:  including 
the  sale,  for  a  trifling  consideration,  of  property  which  should 
have  made  him  a  multi-millionaire),  was  soon  divested  of  his 
little  fortune,  became  a  roving  prospector  through  Idaho  and 
Montana,  and  finally  committed  suicide  in  a  small  mining  camp 
in  Montana. 

McLaughlin,  with  his  full  claim  on  the  Comstock — a  princely 
fortune,  sold  for  $500  and  died  in  penury  in  California.  Peter 
O'Reily  held  on  to  his  claim  until  he  received  $50,000  for  it, 
which  he  lost  in  stocks  and  finally  died  in  a  mad-house.  James 
Finney  was  thrown  from  a  mustang,  or  California  horse,  and 
sustained  injuries  from  which  he  died. 

Sandy  Bowers,  one  of  the  early  locators,  a  conspicuous 
operator  at  Gold  Hill,  recovered  from  his  mines  a  considerable 
fortune;  built  what  is  known  as  the  "Bower's  Mansion,"  in 
Washoe  Valley,  in  which  the  door  knobs  are  all  solid  silver,  and 
died  of  consumption  many  years  ago.  His  widow  was  left  in 
poverty  and  has  made  a  precarious  living  practicing  clairvoy- 


A.  Klauber,  whom  I  have  heretofore  mentioned  in  this  nar- 
rative as  having  been  my  companion  in  crossing  the  mountains 
from  Placerville,  with  the  apparent  business  intuition  of  his 
people,  proceeded  at  once  on  his  arrival  in  Carson  Valley,  to 
buy  the  ranch  which  he  had  mentioned  on  the  way,  and  from  it 
he  cut  a  great  quantity  of  hay.  He  also  built  a  large  store  house 
in  Genoa  and  filled  it  with  goods,  the  like  of  which,  as  to  quan- 
tity, had  never  been  seen  on  the  eastern  slope,  which  was,  under 
all  business  and  speculative  conditions  at  that  time,  an  appar- 
ently doubtful  business  adventure.  Yet,  I  paid  him  in  the  fol- 
lowing spring  $25  for  a  fifty-pound  sack  of  flour,  and  at  the  rate 
of  $500  per  ton  for  a  considerable  quantity  of  hay,  under  cir- 
cumstances which  I  may  hereafter  relate. 



Once  more,  we  are  called  upon  to  chronicle  the  loss  of 
one  of  our  most  honored  and  brightest  members,  who,  by  his 
skill  and  enterprise  built  for  himself  a  lasting  monument  in  the 
hearts  of  the  people  of  Los  Angeles  City. 

Fred  W.  Wood  was  born  in  Prarie  du  Chien,  Wisconsin, 
April  28th,  1853,  and  died  in  Los  Angeles,  California,  May  I9th, 
1900.  His  father,  Dr.  E.  P.  Wood,  was  a  Colonel  of  the  i/th 
Illinois  Infantry  in  the  Civil  War.  Dr.  E.  P.  Wood,  father  of 
our  subject)  married  Miss  Miriam  P.  Cleaveland,  July  3,  1836, 
in  Peoria,  Illinois.  She  was  the  great-granddaughter  of  Gen. 
Joseph  Warren  who  was  killed,  June  17,  1775  at  the  battle  of 
Bunker  Hill.  When  Gen.  Washington  heard  of  his  death,  he 
knelt  and  said:  "May  God  receive  his  soul  in  heaven.  He 
won  the  day,  and  fell."  Thus  Fred  W.  Wood  was  a  descendant 
of  noble  stock,  of  which  he  was  justly  proud.  And  it  may  well 
be  said,  he  has  added  lustre  to  his  ancestry. 

At  the  close  of  the  Civil  War,  his  father  and  family  moved  to 
Kansas  City,  where  young  Fred  entered  the  High  School.  He 
remained  in  this  school  but  a  short  time  when  he  entered  the 
University  of  Michigan.  His  chief  aim  and  specialty  was  to 
complete  his  studies  as  civil  engineer,  which  he  chose  as  his  pro- 
fession. He  remained  at  the  University  about  two  years,  then 
returned  to  Kansas  City  and  entered  the  office  of  the  city  en- 
gineer as  draughtsman.  The  accuracy  of  his  work  and  the  skill 
of  his  designs  soon  won  for  him  the  confidence  of  the  head  of 
the  department. 

At  the  age  of  eighteen  his  efficiency  became  so  well  known 
that  he  was  offered  and  accepted  a  position  in  the  civil  engineer 
department  of  the  Chicago  &  Great  Northwestern  Railroad 
service,  where  he,  at  nineteen,  became  Assistant  Chief  Engineer 
in  selecting  and  locating  the  lines  of  this  enterprise.  Endowed 
by  nature  with  an  earnest,  energetic  and  progressive  spirit,  he 
soon  rose  to  a  position  of  prominence  in  his  profession,  and 
gained  the  confidence  of  the  great  railroad  magnates. 

At  the  age  of  twenty,  after  two  years  service  in  this  great 
railroad  company,  he  resigned  and  entered  the  University  at 


Ann  Arbor,  Michigan,  in  order  to  polish  his  practical  acquire- 
ments, but  he  soon  concluded  that  the  University  polish  was 
not  of  sufficient  importance  to  justify  the  time  required  to  com- 
plete his  studies,  so  he  soon  left  the  University. 

He  came  to  California  in  the  fall  of  1873,  and  in  March,  1874, 
came  to  Los  Angeles.  His  ability  as  an  engineer  soon  became 
known.  He  suggested  the  scheme  and  became  interested  with 
Mr.  Prudent  Beaudry  in  the  construction  of  the  Beaudry  City 
Water  Works,  which  proved  to  be  a  great  success  in  the  de- 
velopment in  the  hills  west  of  old  Los  Angeles,  supplying  that 
portion  of  the  city  with  good,  pure  water.  In  this  enterprise  he 
established  his  engineering  ability,  and  his  services  were  in 
great  demand. 

He  soon  became  affiliated  in  the  development  of  the  Lake 
Vineyard  Land  &  Water  Company  at  Pasadena,  of  which  he 
was  secretary  for  five  years.  In  1882  he  was  given  charge  of, 
and  became  general  manager  of  the  laying  out  and  planting 
of  the  great  San  Gabriel  vineyard,  and  building  of  the  immense 
San  Gabriel  winery  and  distillery,  which,  at  that  time,  was  con- 
sidered the  largest  winery  in  the  world.  All  of  which  was  done 
with  so  much  skill  and  ability  that  Mr.  Shorb,  the  principal 
owner  ajid  president  of  the  company  said :  "This  man.  Fred 
Wood,  is  the  genius  of  the  age." 

In  1886  he  resigned  management  of  the  winery,  and  again 
became  identified  with  Mr.  Prudent  Beaudry  in  reconstructing 
the  Temple  Street  Cable  Railway  line  in  Los  Angeles,  which 
proved  a  great  benefit  and  success,  and  he  soon  became  the 
general  manager  of  the  business  of  Prudent  Beaudry  and  Victor 
Beaudry,  and  upon  the  death  of  Mr.  Victor  Beaudry,  Mr.  Wood 
was  appointed  executor  of  his  large  estate,  without  bonds.  He 
managed  this  estate  and  settled  it  up  to  the  full  satisfaction 
of  all  the  parties  interested. 

In  1893  Mr.  Prudent  Beaudry  died,  he  also  leaving  his 
immense  estate  and  the  management  of  his  business  in  the  hands 
of  Mr.  Wood,  which  he  continued  to  look  after  and  manage 
until  his  death,  at  which  time  every  part  and  parcel  was  found 
by  the  heirs  to  be  straight  and  satisfactory. 

In  1895  Mr-  Wood  became  the  general  manager  of  the  Los 
Angeles  Street  Railway  Company  which  controls  nearly  all  of 
the  most  important  street  railways  in  Los  Angeles  City,  the 
system  and  service  of  which  is  equal  to  any  large  city  in  the 
United  States.  Under  the  judicious  supervision  of  Mr.  Wood, 
the  general  efficiency  of  the  system  was  greatly  improved  and 
placed  on  a  paying  basis. 


His  greatest  ambition,  was  the  success  of  this  railway  sys- 
tem and  the  upbuilding  of  the  City  of  Los  Angeles.  He  con- 
tinued the  general  management  of  this  street  railway  until  his 
death.  When  he  was  too  feeble  to  leave  his  sick-bed,  he  had 
his  stenographer  come  and  sit  by  his  bedside  while  he  dictated 

He  was  a  member  of  the  American  Society  of  Mechanical 
Engineers,  The  American  Electrical  Engineers,  and  the  Ameri- 
can Institute  of  Architects.  He  studied  law  at  home  in  his 
leisure  moments  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of  the  Supreme 
Court  in  1893;  this  knowledge  of  law  assisted  him  greatly  in  the 
management  of  his  business  affairs.  During  his  earlier  life  he 
was  a  great  student  and  seldom  found  time  for  light  amuse- 
ments. He  always  kept  a  room  fitted  up  as  a  laboratory  where 
he  spent  his  leisure  time  studying — and  even  the  late  hours  of 
night  often  found  him  experimenting  in  chemistry,  electricity  or 
engineering  problems.  He  tried  to  learn  everything  he  could 
about  the  different  methods  and  results  of  each.  When  he  could 
learn  no  more  from  others,  he  would  form  new  ideas  of  his  own 
upon  which  he  would  practice  until  success  would  reward  him 
for  his  labor.  He  was  a  great  admirer  of  Edison,  to  whom  he 
gave  credit  for  the  success  of  his  business  life. 

He  was  a  man  of  exceptionally  good  habits,  temperate  in-  all 
things.  He  had  the  fullest  confidence  and  respect  of  all  his 
business  associates.  He  had  strong  convictions  of  right  and 
wrong,  paid  strict  attention  to  his  own  business;  he  was  shrewd 
and  honest  to  the  core;  his  heart  was  pure  and  tender  as  that  of 
a  child.  His  influence  and  sympathy  was  always  with  the  de- 
serving and  the  weak.  The  writer  once  asked  him  why  it  was 
he  knew  so  little  about  ancient  history;  his  reply  was,  "I  have 
never  found  time  to  read  it;  it  takes  all  of  my  leisure  time  to  read 
and  study  modern  science;  this  is  an  age  of  progress;  there  is 
something  new  to  learn  every  day  that  needs  our  attention." 

He  possessed  a  clear,  logical  mind,  a  capacity  to  compre- 
hend details,  a  strong  will  power,  with  great  perseverance  and 
industry.  He  knew  how  to  handle  men,  so  that  they  loved 
him  for  his  kindness  and  justice.  Mr.  Wood  said  to  a  friend 
shortly  before  bis  last  illness,  "Yes,  I  know  I  cannot  live  many 
more  years,  but  I  would  rather  make  my  life  a  success  and  live 
the  remainder  of  my  day?  among  successful  business  men,  than 
to  give  up  an  active  career  merely  to  live  in  idleness." 

His  mother  said  of  him,  "Fred  was  always  a  good,  obedient 
child;  he  never  gave  me  any  uneasiness.  'When  he  was  about 


fifteen  years  of  age,  I  noticed  him  getting  letters  from  men  of 
note,  which  he  seemed  to  cherish.  He  would  read  them,  then 
store  them  away  carefully.  I  asked  him  why  he  read  them  with 
so  much  interest  and  of  what  use  were  they  to  him  after  he 
read  them.  His  reply  was,  "Mother,  they  may  come  handy 
and  be  useful  some  day."  And  so  they  were.  They  were  letters 
from  some  of  the  greatest  civil  engineers  in  America,  She 
also  said,  "My  advice  to  him  was,  let  your  life  be  such  that  the 
world  will  be  the  better  for  your  having  lived  in  it,  and  when 
you  look  in  the  glass  you  will  look  in  the  face  of  an  honest 

Mr.  Wood  was  married  in  Los  Angeles,  December,  1882, 
to  Miss  Leona  P.  Dupuytren,  a  native  of  California,  and  a 
grand  niece  of  the  celebrated  French  physician,  Dr.  Dupuytren. 
Mrs.  Wood  is  a  highly  educated  lady  of  fine  business  ability. 
She  proved  herself  a  good  helpmeet.  One  son.  Warren  Du- 
puytren Wood,  born  October  I5th,  1885,  is  their  only  child. 
He  is  a  bright,  vigorous  young  man  of  sixteen,  the  pride  of 
his  mother.  The  mother,  wife  and  son  have  a  warm  place  in 
the  affections  of  this  community,  and  in  the  hearts  of  all 


M.  F.  QUINN, 


Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  July  2nd,  1901. 



Los  ANGELES,  May  7,  1901. 
To  the  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County. 

Brothers:  We,  your  committee  appointed  to  report  a 
memorial  record  of  our  departed  member,  Thomas  E.  Rowan, 
respectfully  submit  the  following: 

Our  brother,  who,  at  the  age  of  59  years,  passed  behind  the 
vail  that  limits  earthly  vision,  was  born  A.  D.  1842,  in  the  State 
of  New  York,  of  honest  parents,  whose  strong  industrial  traits 
they  transmitted  undiminished  to  him.  In  1858  the  whole  fam- 
ily came  to  San  Francisco,  remaining  in  the  upper  part  of  this 
State  until  1860,  when  they  came  to  Los  Angeles.  Here  the 
father  started  the  American  Bakery,  which  prospered  until  he 
died.  Thomas,  with  an  eye  on  a  business  future,  sought  and 


obtained  a  position  with  I.  W.  Hellman  (our  now  famous 
banker),  who  had  a  general  merchandise  establishment  on  the 
corner  of  Commercial  and  North  Main,  where  is  now  the 
Farmers  &  Merchants'  Bank.  This  position  was  additionally 
valuable  to  Mr.  Rowan  in  fitting  him  for  a  useful  business 
career,  for  he  learned  of  one  who  has  shown  what  ability  he 
possessed  by  his  marvelous  success  in  finance.  The  Pacific 
Union  Express,  a  quasi-corporation  doing  a  surety  steamer 
business  between  this  city  and  San  Francisco  (with  a  branch  to 
Sacramento)  then  competed  with  Wells-Fargo,  and  I.  W.  Hell- 
man was  its  first  agent  here;  Mr.  Rowan,  assistant.  Later  Mr. 
Hellman  resigned  the  agency,  and  Mr.  Rowan  took  his  place. 
In  the  year  1869,  the  Pacific  Union  suspended  business,  and 
Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.  took  over  the  property  (all  personal)  of  the 
defunct  corporation.  It  was  not  long  till  banks  were  organized, 
and  through  each  mutation  Mr.  Rowan  accompanied  Mr.  Hell- 
man till  he  became  a  prominent  and  trusted  officer  in  the  operat- 
ing force  of  the  Farmers  &  Merchants'  Bank.  Mr.  Rowan 
faithfully  served  there  till  called  by  his  fellow  citizens  to  public 
life,  filling  the  honored  position  of  City  Treasurer,  Mayor, 
County  Treasurer,  Under  Sheriff,  and  Supervisor.  In  all  these, 
correctness,  promptness,  neatness  and  affability  were  dominant. 
During  his  term  as  Supervisor,  our  noble  court  house  was 
mainly,  by  his  insistence,  decided  necessary,  and  before  he  left 
the  board  the  magnificent  structure  was  complete.  There  were 
few  who  coincided  with  his  views  how  necessary  then  to  begin 
what  people  have  never  adequately  given  him  due  praise  for; 
we  having  what,  even  in  its  greatness,  is  hardly  commensurate 
with  our  needs. 

He  has  done  with  years,  but  he  was  one  of  those  who 
left  in  their  steps  for  those  to  come,  and  so  left  carved  in  the 
history  of  his  field  of  action  the  imperishable  record  of  a  true 

Of  his  domestic  life,  a  loving  wife  and  children  hold  sacred 
memories.  Friends  he  had  in  platoons,  but  we  have  only  to 
view  him  in  the  light  of  achievement,  and  that  done,  we  can  only 
say,  "Peace  to  thy  ashes,  good  and  faithful  servant."  His  re- 
ward is  not  only  in  our  grateful  remembrance,  but  with  God, 
who  doeth  all  things  well. 








George  Gephard,  a  California  pioneer  of  1850,  died  April  12, 
1901,  at  his  residence,  No.  238  North  Grand  avenue.  He  had 
been  in  failing  health  for  some  time,  but  had  been  bed-ridden 
for  a  little  more  than  a  week. 

Mr.  Gephard  was  born  in  Germany  in  1830,  but  was  brought 
to  America  as  a  babe  in  the  arms  of  his  mother.  His  early 
boyhood  was  spent  in  Pennsylvania,  and  he  came  across  the 
plains  to  California  in  1850.  He  soon  became  engrossed  in 
mining  and  lumbering  in  Nevada  county,  Cal.,  and  in  his  late 
years  spent  in  the  northern  part  of  the  State,  he  owned  a  toll- 
road  from  Grass  Valley  to  Smart ville.  In  1875  ne  removed 
to  Los  Angeles,  and  at  once  invested  in  real  estate.  When 
he  died  he  was  the  owner  of  valuable  property  on  Broadway, 
Hill.  Fifth,  Temple  and  other  streets  in  this  city. 

He  was  always  a  modest  and  unassuming  gentleman,  with 
the  deepest  interest  in  every  public  improvement.  He  had  a 
particular  regard  for  the  State  Normal  School,  and  when  a 
site  was  to  be  purchased,  in  order  to  get  the  appropriation  for 
the  building,  he  personally  assumed  charge  of  the  matter  and 
raised  $8000  to  buy  the  ground.  He  was  an  active  member  of 
the  Chamber  of  Commerce,  was  for  one  term  a  member  of  the 
City  Council,  and  at  one  time  came  within  a  few  votes  of  being 
elected  County  Treasurer,  although  the  majority  was  strongly 
against  his  party. 

He  leaves  a  widow  and  two  daughters.  One  daughter  is 
the  wife  of  Capt.  J.  J.  Meyler  of  this  city,  and  the  other,  Miss 
Nettie  Gephard,  lives  with  her  mother. 



September  2Oth,  1901,  another  one  of  this  society  received 
the  summons  to  go  forward,  and  quietly,  peacefully  passed  to 
the  realm  of  eternal  rest. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Langley  Ensign  was  born  in  Morgan  county, 
Missouri,  April  i6th,  1845.  Her  father,  Mr.  Shrewsbury, 
brought  his  family  to  this  State,  November,  1860.  Miss  Bettie, 


the  second  daughter,  became  the  wife  of  Mr.  Samuel  Ensign, 
a  teacher  in  the  county  public  schools,  in  the  fall  of  1873.  Two 
children  were  born  of  this  union,  a  son,  Ralph,  who  died  when 
young  life  is  so  filled  with  promise,  at  the  age  of  17  years;  a 
daughter,  Miss  Olive  L.  Ensign,  is  a  resident  of  this  city,  an 
honored  member  of  our  schools. 

Many  of  us  present  will  recollect  with  pleasure  the  Miss 
Bettie  Shrewsbury  (as  her  friends  loved  to  call  her)  of  thirty 
years  ago.  Her  charming  personality,  quiet  wit  and  humor, 
and  her  exalted  consideration  for  others,  made  her  a  favorite  in 
the  social  circles  of  pioneer  society.  The  Shrewsbury  home 
was  a  synonym  for  old-time  Virginia  hospitality,  the  family  hav- 
ing originally  come  from  the  State  from  which  that  article  is 
supposed  to  have  originated.  The  presence  of  two  young  ladies 
and  several  grown  up  sons  added  much,  also,  to  the  attraction 
of  the  home.  If  we  were  privileged  to  lift  the  veil  of  years,  and 
disclose  the  struggle  and  trials  of  this  life,  we  would  discover 
gold,  tried  in  the  furnace  of  affliction — womanhood,  mother- 
hood, widowhood,  become  consecrated,  idealized. 

Mrs.  Ensign  was  a  member  of  Bethany  Presbyterian  Church 
in  this  city.  At  the  memorial  service,  both  pastor  and  people 
gave  earnest  expressions  to  her  work  as  a  Christian,  as  well  as 
to  her  faithfulness  as  a  teacher  in  the  Sunday  school. 

In  this  brief  chronicle  of  a  beautiful  life,  we  may  not  esti- 
mate character  or  give  its  results,  but  all  should  know  that 
Elizabeth  Shrewsbury  Ensign's  desires  and  efforts  were  for  the 
highest  and  noblest  ideal  in  this  life,  which  should  prepare  one 
for  a  death  that  should  be  without  fear. 

"Some  one  has  gone  from  this  strange  world  of  ours, 

No  more  to  gather  its  thorns  with  its  flowers; 

One  more  departed  to  heaven's  bright  shore; 

Ring  the  bells  softly,  there's  one  gone  before." 

M.  F.  QUINN, 




At  his  home,  622  South  Spring  street,  on  the  I5th  of  April, 
1901,  died  Wm.  F.  Grosser.  Such  is  the  brief  record  that  tells 
the  end  of  a  useful  life. 


For  more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century  the  people  of  Los 
Angeles  have  known  William  F.  Grosser  as  a  business  man,  a 
citizen,  a  scientist  and  an  astronomer;  and  in  every  sphere  of 
life  in  which  he  has  moved  he  has  been  respected  and  honored. 

William  F.  Grosser  was  born  at  Potsdam,  Prussia,  Decem- 
ber 16,  1835.  When  but  n  years  of  age  he  came  with  his 
parents  to  New  York  City,  where  his  father  located  and  set  up 
in  business.  He  was  a  skillful  optician,  and  besides  had  devoted 
his  leisure  time  to  the  study  of  astronomy.  His  son  William 
learned  his  father's  trade,  and  also  acquired  a  knowledge  of 
astronomy.  This  knowledge  he  turned  to  practical  use. 
Equipped  with  a  powerful  telescope,  he  visited  most  of  the 
larger  cities  in  the  United  States,  giving  astronomical  lectures 
and  exhibitions. 

March  15,  1862,  Mr.  Grosser,  at  Washington,  D.  C,  was 
married  to  Miss  Eleanor  Nipper,  a  native  of  Weimar,  Germany. 
The  union  proved  a  happy  one,  husband  and  wife  being  de- 
voted to  each  other  until  death  removed  the  former. 

In  October,  1873,  Mr.  Grosser  came  to  California  via  Pan- 
ama. Early  in  1874,  they  located  in  Los  Angeles.  Here  he 
first  engaged  in  the  furniture  business,  his  store  being  located 
at  the  corner  of  Fifth  and  Main  streets.  He  purchased  a  tract 
of  land  on  Vejar  street,  south  of  Fourteenth  street,  now  known 
as  the  Grosser  tract.  This  was  subdivided  into  lots  during  the 
great  real  estate  boom  of  1887,  and  a  portion  of  it  sold. 

He  erected  a  three-story  brick  block  on  the  corner  of  San 
Julian  and  Fifth  streets,  where  he  and  his  sons  established  in 
the  grocery  business. 

After  retiring  from  active  business,  he  again  devoted  him- 
self to  his  favorite  study,  astronomy.  In  addition  to  his  knowl- 
edge of  astronomy,  he  was  an  expert  microscopist.  He  was 
always  ready  to  give  his  services  to  the  schools  and  scientific 
societies  of  the  city  in  the  study  of  astronomy  and  kindred  sub- 
jects, with  the  aid  of  his  telescope  and  microscope.  He  gave 
public  astronomical  exhibitions,  not  so  much  for  pecuniary  re- 
ward as  for  the  pleasure  he  derived  from  giving  instruction  in 
his  favorite  science. 

He  is  survived  by  his  widow  and  five  children — three  sons 
and  two  daughters.  William  and  Arthur  are  engaged  in  the 
grocery  business.  George,  the  youngest,  is  an  accomplished 
musician.  The  elder  daughter,  Amelia,  is  a  well-known  and 
highly  accomplished  vocalist,  and  the  younger,  Lenore,  is  an 
instructor  of  painting  in  the  art  department  of  the  University 


of  Southern  California,  of  which  institution  she  is  a  graduate. 
Mr.  Grosser  was  a  member  of  the  Turnverein  Germania  of 
Los  Angeles,  and  had  held  almost  every  position  of  honor  in 
the  gift  of  the  order.  He  was  a  charter  member  of  Los  Angeles 
Lodge,  No.  55,  A.  O.  U.  W.,  and  also  a  member  of  the  Pioneers 
of  Los  Angeles  County. 

Loving  husband,  kind  father,  faithful  friend  and  brother 
pioneer,  thou  art  gone  from  among  us,  but  thy  memory  shall 
be  treasured  and  thy  name  honored. 

Resolved,  That  a  copy  of  this  memorial  be  sent  to  the 
family  of  our  deceased  brother,  and  that  one  be  preserved  in 
the  archives  of  the  society  for  publication  in  the  Pioneer 


Louis  ROEDER, 




Samuel  Calvert  Foy  died  in  Los  Angeles,  California,  April 
24th,  1901.  He  was  born  September  23rd,  1830,  in  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.  His  father,  Capt.  John  Foy,  was  born  in  the  county 
of  Roscommon,  Province  of  Connaught,  Ireland,  about  1783, 
and  emigrated  to  America  when  a  young  man,  and  settled  in 
the  city  of  Washington.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  and  was  a  civil  engineer.  He  laid  out  and  superin- 
tended the  grounds  of  the  White  House  and  the  Capitol,  and 
for  many  years  had  charge  of  the  botanical  gardens.  Much 
of  his  work  there  still  remains  as  a  monument  to  his  taste  and 
skill.  He  died  in  Washington,  July  23rd,  1833.  He  was  the 
sixteenth  child  of  his  parents.  He  was  married  about  1817  to 
Miss  Mary  Calvert,  of  Lexington,  Kentucky,  daughter  of  Chris- 
topher and  Eliza  Calvert,  nee  Cox,  both  of  whom  were  natives 
of  Virginia.  The  Calverts  of  Virginia  were  of  the  Maryland 
Calverts,  well  known  in  the  history  of  those  States.  Capt.  John 
Foy  and  wife  spent  all  of  their  married  life  in  Washington, 
where  their  children  were  born.  After  his  death  his  widow, 
with  her  three  little  boys,  returned  to  her  people  in  Kentucky, 
where  she  married  Mr.  Rich  of  Covington.  Mrs.  Foy  was  a 




woman  of  much  force  of  character,  and  she  took  great  pride  in 
the  education  of  her  children,  training  them  for  the  proper  pur- 
suits of  life. 

Mr.  Samuel  C.  Foy,  the  subject  of  our  sketch,  was  educated 
at  the  Burlington  Academy,  Kentucky.  Among  his  teachers 
were  Prof.  Ray,  the  author  of  Ray's  Arithmetic;  and  Prof.  Mc- 
Guffey,  author  of  McGuffey's  Readers  and  Spelling  Books. 
After  completing  his  education,  he  learned  the  harness  trade 
with  Mr.  Perkins  of  Cincinnati,  who  established  the  Perkins- 
Campbell  firm  of  Cincinnati,  which  firm  is  still  in  existence,  and 
Mr.  Foy  continued  to  order  goods  from  them  until  his  death. 
After  completing  his  trade,  Mr.  Foy  went  to  Natchez,  Miss., 
and  worked  at  harness  making.  Like  many  others  of  his  day, 
he  was  "stricken  with  the  California  gold  fever,"  and  left  for 
California  by  way  of  Panama,  and  arrived  in  San  Francisco 
about  January,  1852.  He  immediately  left  for  the  gold  mines 
in  Calaveras  county,  where  he  joined  his  brothers,  John  and 
James,  who  had  preceded  him.  Not  being  very  successful  in 
the  mines,  he  concluded  to  return  to  his  trade.  In  1854  he  pur- 
chased a  stock  of  goods  in  San  Francisco  and  came  to  Los  An- 
geles and  started  the  harness  business.  Later  his  brother  John 
came  to  Los  Angeles,  and  they  formed  a  co-partnership,  which 
continued  until  1865.  During  this  period  they  also  engaged  in 
cattle  raising,  which  business  was  managed  by  Mr.  Samuel  C. 
Foy,  having  headquarters  at  San  Juan,  San  Benito  county,  and 
Stockton,  San  Joaquin  county.  The  partnership  was  dissolved 
in  1865,  John  M.  Foy  going  to  San  Bernardino,  and  S.  C.  Foy 
continuing  the  business  at  No.  315  North  Los  Angeles  street, 
where  they  had  established  themselves  in  1861. 

Mr.  S.  C.  Foy  was  married  to  Lucinda  Macy,  daughter  of 
Dr.  Obed  Macy,  in  Los  Angeles,  by  Rev.  \Vm.  E.  Boaninian, 
on  October  7th,  1860.  She  came  with  her  parents  to  California 
in  1850,  arriving  at  the  Palomares  Rancho.  where  North  Po- 
mona now  stands,  on  New  Year's  Day,  1851.  Dr.  Macy  set- 
tled one-fourth  mile  east  of  the  present  town  of  El  Monte, 
where  they  lived  until  1853,  when  he  moved  to  Los  Angeles, 
and  bought  the  Bella  Union  Hotel,  now  known  as  the  St. 
Charles.  His  death  occurred  in  1856.  Mrs.  Macy  was  a  grand- 
daughter of  Charles  Polk  and  Delilah  Polk,  nee  Tyler,  related 
respectively  to  Presidents  Polk  and  Tyler. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Foy  had  ten  children — four  sons  and  six 
daughters — of  whom  one  son,  James  Calvert,  and  five  daugh- 
ters— Mary  E.,  Cora,  Edna,  Alma  and  Florence — arc  living. 


James  Calvert  married  Adell,  daughter  of  the  late  H.  K.  S. 
O'Melveny,  and  they  live  in  this  city.  Alma  married  Thomas 
Lee  Woolwine,  formerly  of  Nashville,  Tenn.,  now  of  this  city. 
The  other  daughters  are  unmarried,  and  reside  with  their 
mother  at  the  old  home  on  Figueroa  street.  The  son  for  many 
years  assisted  his  father  in  the  management  of  his  business  in- 
terests, and  he  is  well  known  throughout  this  State,  being  a 
prominent  member  of  the  Native  Sons.  Mary  has  long  been 
identified  with  the  educational  interests  of  our  city,  and  is  at 
present  a  teacher  in  the  English  department  of  the  High  School. 
Cora  is  a  reader  of  no  mean  ability.  Edna  is  a  violinist,  whose 
education  was  supplemented  by  three  years'  study  in  London. 
Florence  is  a  student  in  the  senior  class  of  the  High  School. 

Mr.  Foy  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  Masonic  order. 
He  took  no  active  part  in  politics,  although  always  a  strong 
Democrat.  He  was  a  careful  business  man,  and  the  fever  of 
speculation  never  attacked  him.  His  investments  were  made 
with  care,  and  the  competency  he  left  to  his  family  was  the 
result  of  industry,  economy  and  the  natural  increase  in  values 
of  real  estate.  Mr.  Foy  was  a  man  of  exceptionally  good  hab- 
its, and  was  devoted  to  his  home  and  family.  He  enjoyed  the 
fullest  respect  and  confidence  of  all  his  business  associates.  His 
long  residence  in  Los  Angeles  and  his  straight  forward,  genial 
manner  brought  around  him  many  friends,  who  regret  his  death, 
and  will  long  cherish  his  memory.  His  fellow  pioneers  of  Los 
Angeles  county  extend  to  his  bereaved  family  their  warmest 
friendship  and  deepest  sympathy. 


M.  F.  QUINN, 
J.  M.  GUINN, 




Charles  Erode  was  born  at  Boreck,  province  of  Posen,  Prus- 
sia, February  6,  1836.  At  the  age  of  19  he  left  his  native  land 
for  Australia,  where  he  engaged  in  mining  for  seven  years.  At 
the  age  of  26  he  came  to  the  United  States,  engaging  in  various 
kinds  of  business  in  the  territories  of  Montana,  Idaho  and  Utah. 

In  1868  he  came  to  Los  Angeles  and  engaged  in  grocery 


business,  which  he  followed  for  nearly  twenty  years.  His  store 
was  located  on  South  Spring  street,  adjoining  the  Hollenbeck 
Hotel.  He  acquired  some  other  valuable  property  on  Spring 
street  in  early  days,  which  he  recently  disposed  of.  His  real 
estate  investments  gave  him  a  comfortable  income.  In  1890 
he  retired  from  the  grocery  business.  He  was  a  director  of 
the  German-American  Savings  Bank  at  the  time  of  his  death. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Odd  Fellows  and  the  Turnverein  Ger- 

Charles  Erode  was  one  of  the  sterling,  enterprising  German 
pioneers  who  formed  so  large  an  element  of  the  early  business 
community  of  Los  Angeles. 

He  was  intelligent,  progressive,  public-spirited  and  pos- 
sessed a  high  sense  of  justice  which  made  him  respected  and 
esteemed  by  his  fellow  citizens. 

He  died  at  his  home  in  this  city  August,  13,  1901.  He  is 
survived  by  a  widow  and  six  children — Mrs.  Emma  Friese,  Mrs. 
Louisa  Bruning,  A.  C.  Erode,  W.  C.  Erode,  Mrs.  Oscar  Lawler 
and  Leopold  Erode.  For  33  years  he  has  lived  among  us  and 
has  been  identified  with  the  city's  growth  and  prosperity.  A 
man  without  reproach,  honest  and  honorable  in  every  trust  that 
he  has  held. 


J.  D.  YOUNG, 




Los  ANGELES,  Nov.  30,  1901. 
To  the  Honorable  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County: 

Brothers  and  Sisters :  We,  the  committee  by  you  appointed 
to  submit  a  tribute  to  the  memory  of  our  late  brother,  F.  A. 
Gibson,  respectfully  present  the  following: 

Mr.  Gibson  was  born  November  23,  1851,  in  Pittsburgh, 
Iowa,  and  died  in  this  city  October  13,  1901,  aged  49  years  10 
months  28  days,  leaving  in  the  home  a  widow  and  son,  with 
whom  we  deeply  sympathize,  and  to  whom  we  would  say.  look 
for  strength  to  the  Father  of  all,  who  has  spared  us  all  so  long 
on  life's  toilsome  road. 


In  the  year  1866,  the  Rev.  Hugh  Gibson,  a  Methodist 
clergyman,  with  his  family — among  them  our  late  brother, 
Francis  Asbury  Gibson — came  to  the  San  Joaquin  Valley..  Cali- 
fornia. The  father  was  appointed  agent  of  the  Round  Valley 
Indian  reservation,  and  the  son  served  as  his  clerk.  The  father 
was  a  man  of  impressive  presence,  noted  for  his  integrity;  the 
mother,  a  model  matron,  noted  for  her  active  charity.  In  his 
varied  career  in  this  city,  where  he  arrived  in  1872,  Frank 
showed  these  traits  strongly  in  his  daily  life — his  helpfulness 
of  others  drawing  not  alone  on  his  purse,  but  on  his  strength 
of  brain  and  body,  and  the  time  needed  for  rest  was  unself- 
ishly given,  till  at  last,  tired  nature  could  do  no  more,  and  he 
fell  in  the  harness — died  at  an  age  that  shoudl  have  been  his 
prime.  The  death  of  his  father  in  1873  saw  him  the  head  and 
support  of  the  family,  and  his  active  talent  led  him  through  im- 
portant undertakings  to  a  high  position  where  his  word  and 
judgment  were  sought  for. 

His  blessed  mother  went  long  years  ago  to  her  rest,  where 
the  parents  await  the  son.  To  use  a  pioneer  expression,  our 
brother  "over-drove"  himself.  True,  he  willingly  did  all.  but 
we  lament  the  sacrifice. 

His  team  outspanned  and  gone, 
His  camp  deserted — lone; 
Our  brother  Pioneer 
Has  reached  the  last  frontier — 
And  that  is  Heaven. 

Frank  A.  Gibson  died  in  this  city,  October  n,  1901. 



In  Memoriam. 

Deceased  Members  of  the  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

James  J.  Ayres   Died   November  10,  1897. 

Stephen  C.  Foster Died  January  27,  1898. 

Horace  Miller Died  May  23,  1898. 

John  Strother  Griffin   Died  August  23,  1898. 

Henry  Clay  Wiley   Died  October  25,  1898. 

William  Blackstone  Abernethy Died  November  1,  1898. 

Stephen  W.  La  Dow Died  January  6,  1899. 

Herman  Raphael Died  April  19,  1899. 

Francis  Baker Died  May  17,  1899. 

Leonard  John  Rose   Died   May  17,  1899. 

E.  N.   McDonald    Died  June   10.  1899. 

James   Craig    Died   December  30,   1899. 

Palmer   Milton  Scott Died  January  3,  1900. 

Francisco  Sabich!    Died  April   13,  1900. 

Robert   Miller  Town     Died  April  24,  1900. 

Fred  W.  Wood    Died   May  19,  1900. 

Joseph    Bayer    Died   July   27,   1900. 

Augustus  Ulyard    Died   August  5,  1900. 

A.    M.    Hough    Died   August  28,   1900. 

Henry  F.  Fleishman   Died  October  20,  1900. 

Frank  Lecouvreur  Died  January  17,  1900. 

Daniel  Shieck   Died  Jansuary  20,  1901. 

Andrew  Glassed    Died   January  28,   1901. 

Thomas   E.   Rowan    Died    March  25.  1901. 

Mary   Ulyard    pied   April   5,   1901 

George  Gephard    Died  April   12.  1901. 

William  Frederick  Grosser   Died  April  23,  1901. 

Samuel  Calvert  Foy    Died  April  24,  1901. 

Joseph   Stoltenberg    Died   June   25,   1901. 

Charles  Brode   Died  August  13,  1901. 

Joseph  W.  Junkins    Died  August,   1901. 

Laura  Gibson  Abernethy Died  May  16,  1901. 

Elizabeth  Langley  Ensign   Died  September  20,  1901. 

Frank  A.  Gibson  Died  October  11,  1901. 

Godfrey  Margin  Died  November  14,  1901. 




Anderson,  L>.   M. 
Anderson,    Mrs.    David 
Austin,  Henry  C 
Anderson,   John   C 
Alvarez,  Ferdinand 

Barclay,   John    H. 
Barrows.  Henry  D. 
Barrows,  James  A 
Bilderbeck,    Mrs.    Dora 
Bent,  Henry  K.  W. 
Bixby,   Jonathan 
Bicknell,    John    D. 
Bouton,  Edward 
Brossmer,    Sig. 
Bush,   Charles   H 
Burns,  James  F 
Butterfield,  S.  H. 
Bell,  Horace 
Biles,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  S. 
Biles,  Albert 
Brossmer,  Mrs.  E. 
Blanchard,   James   H. 
Baldwin,    Jeremiah 
Barclay,   Henry  A. 
Binford,    Joseph    B. 
Barrows,  Cornelia  S. 
Bragg,  Ansel  M. 
Bright,   Toney 
Buffum,  Wm.  M. 
Bar  ham,    Richard   M. 
Braly,  John  A. 
Bales,    Leonidas 
Blumve,  J.  A. 
Buffum,   Rebecca  E. 
Bell,  Akxander  T. 

Caswell.  Wm.  M. 

Cerelli,  Sebastian 

Conkelman,   Bernard 

Cohn,  Kaspare 

Coronel,  Mrs.  M.  W.  De.  Texas 

Crimmins,  John 

Crawford,   J.    S. 


AR.     IN 



AERIV.     IN 






July  4, 


Los  Angeles 




Jan.  i, 


641    S.   Grand  av. 




Aug.  30, 


3118    Figueroa 




May  29, 






May   i, 


647  S.   Sichel 










Dec.   12, 


724   Beacon 



Retired    , 



236   \V.   Jefferson 




Jan.   14, 

'6  1 

1009   E.    Eighth 












Long  Beach 






1115  W.  Seventh 


N.  Y. 

Real  Estate 



1314  Bond 




Nov.  aS. 


129   Wilmington 






318  N.  Main 


N.  Y. 


Nov.    18, 


152  Wright 






Los  Angeles 






1337    Figueroa 



•   Housewife 



141   N.  Olive 






141   N.  Olive 




May   16, 


1712  Brooklyn 






919  W.   Second 






721   Darwin 




Aug.   i, 


1321    S.  Main 



Bank  Teller 

July   16, 


2502   E.    First 






236  W.  Jefferson 






1  60  Hewitt 






218    Requena 




July  4, 


144  W.   Twelfth 


U.   S.   Gauger 

Feb.   23, 


1143  W.  Seventh 






Van   Nuys 





1492   Lambie 


N.  J. 


Deo.  28, 


2101    Hoover 




Sept  19, 


144  W.  Twelfth 




Dec.  20, 


1059  S.  Hill 




Aug.  3, 


1093  E.  Washington 




Nov.  24, 


811   San  Fernando 




Jan.  3, 


310  S.  Los  Angeles 






2601   S.  Grand 






701  Central  avenue 



Mast.  Plumber 



U7  W.  Twenty-fifth 


N.   Y. 



Downey  Block 






Aft.    IN 



AXKIV.     IN    CO. 



Currier,  A.  T. 



July  i,  '69 



Clark,   Prank   B. 



Feb.   23,  '69 

Hyde  Park 


Carter,   N.   C. 



Nov.,  '71 

Sierra  Madre 


Conner,    Mrs.    Kate 



June  22,  '71 

1054  S.  Grand 

Chapman,  A.   B. 



April,    '57 

San  Gabriel 


Cumraings,    Geo. 



March,  '53 

First  street 


Cunningham,   Robt.   G. 



Nov.    15,  '73 

1301   W.  Second 


Clarke,  N.  J. 

N.  H. 



317  S.  Hill 


Compton,   Go.   D 



May.  '67 

828  W.  Jefferson 


Cowan.    D.   W.   C. 



June  i,  '68 

624  W.  Tenth 


Carter,  Julius  M. 



March  4,  '76 



Clarke,  James  A, 

N.  Y. 



113  W.  Second 


Campbell,  J.  M. 




716  Bonnie  Brae 


Cable,  Jonathan  T. 

N.  Y. 


April  10,  '6  1 

116   Wilhardt 


Culver.  Francis  P. 



Nov.,  '76 



Dalton,   W.   T. 


Fruit  Grower 


1900  Central  avenue 


Davis,  A.  E. 

N.  Y. 

Fruit    Grower 

Nov.,    '65 



Dooner.    P.   W. 



May  i,  '7* 

848   S.    Broadway 


Dohs,    Fred 



Sept.,  '69 

614  E.  First 


Dotter,  John  C 



June   20,   '59 

608  Temple 


Desmond,   D 



Sept  a,  '69 

937  S.  Hill 


Desmond,   C   C 



Sept.,    '70 

734   Corona  do 


Dunkelberger,  I.  R. 



arm.,  '66 

iai8  W.  Ninth 


Dunlap.  J.   D. 

N.   H. 


Nov.,   '59 



Dry  den,  Win. 

N.  Y. 


May.  '68 

Los  Angeles 


Durfee.  Jas.  D. 



Sept.    15,   '58 

El  Monte 


Davis,  Emily  W 






Davis,  John  W. 



Dec.  10,  1872 

518  San  Julian 


Davis,  Virginia  W. 



Sept,  1852 

518  San  Julian 


Delano,  Tbos.  A. 

N.   H. 


April,   '50 



Davis,   Phoebe 

N.   Y. 


Dec.   15,  '53 

797    E.    Seventeenth 


Eaton,   Benj.    S. 

Hyd.  engineer 


433  Sherman 


Ebinger,  Louis 



Oct.  9-   '7i 

755  Maple 


Elliott.  J.  M. 

S.  C. 


Nov.,  '70 



Evarts,  Myron  E. 

N.  Y. 


Oct.   26,  '58 

Los  Angeles 


Edelman,    A.   W. 



June,  '62 

1343    Flower 


Edgar,  Mrs.  W.  P. 

N.  Y. 


April  1  8,  '65 

514    E.   Washington 


Purguson,  Win. 



April,  '69 

303  S.  Hill 


Furrey,  Win.  C 

N.  Y. 


Aug.   *7J 

1103   Ingreham 


French,  I.oring  W. 



Oct.  '68 

837  Alvarado 


Franklin,  Mrs.  Mary 



Jan.  i,  'S3 

353   Avenue   32 


Fickett,    Cbrarles    R. 



July  S.  '73 

El  Monte 


Fisher.   L.   T. 



Mar.  24,  '74 

Los  Angeles 


Foy.  Mrs.   Lucinda  M. 



Dec.  34,  '50 

651    S.   Figueroa 


French,    Cas.    E. 



April,  '71 

141   i-j  N.  Broadway 


Flood.   Edward 

N.  Y. 

Cement  worker 

April,  '59 

1315   Palmer  avenue 


Fogle,  Lawrence 



Dec..  '55 

435  Avenue  22 


Foulks,    Irving 



Oct.   1  8.   '70 

404  Beaudry  avenue 


Carey,   Thomas  A. 



Oct.    14.   'S2 

2%jx  Maple  avenue 


Garvey,    Richard 



Dec.,    '58 

San  Gabriel 


Gage,  Henry  T 

N.  Y. 

Gov.   State 

Aug.,  '74 

1146   W.   Twenty  -eighth 


Gillette,  J.   W. 

N.  Y. 


May,  '62 

322   Temple 


Gillette.  Mrs.  E.   S. 



Aug..    '68 

322  Temple 


Gould.  Will  D. 



Feb.  28,  "7* 

Beaudry  avenue 







ARRIV.     IN     CO. 


AR.     IN 



Griffith,   Jas.    R. 



May,   '8  1 



Green,  Morris  M. 

N.  Y. 


Nov..   '69 

3017    Kingsley 


Gollmer,   Charles 




1520  Flower 


Griffith,  J.  M. 



April,   '6  1 

Los  Angeles 


Green,  E.  K. 

N.  Y. 


May,  '72 

W.  Ninth 


Green,  Floyd  E. 



May,    '72 

W.  Ninth 


Guinn,    James    M. 



Oct.     1  8,    '69 

115  S.  Grand  avenue 


Goldsworthy,    John 



Mar.   20,   '69 

107    N.    Main 


Gilbert,  Harlow 

N.  Y. 

Fruit  Gtrower 

Nov.  i,  '69 

Bell    Station 


Gerkins,    Jacob    F. 



Jan..    '54 



Garrett,  Robert  L. 



Nov.   5,  '62 

701  N.  Grand  avenue 


Grebe,  Christian 



Jan.  2,  '74 

8n  San  Fernando 


Card,  George  E. 


Detc.   agency 


488   San  Joaquin 


Geller,   Magaret   F. 



Nov.,    '60 



Greenbaum,   Ephriam 




1817    Cherry 


Glidden,   Edward  C. 

N.  H. 

Mfgr.  agent 

Feb.,  '70 

756   Avenue   22 


Gower,  George  T. 

H.  I. 


Nov.,  '72 



Grosser,   Eleanore 



Jan.,  '74 

662   S.    Spring 


Golding,    Thomas 




Los  Angeles 


Glass,    Henry 



June    22,    '75 

W.  Fourth  street 

Haines,  Rufus  R. 



June,  '71 

218  W.   Twenty-seventh 


Harris,   Emil 



April  9,   '67 

1026    W.    Eighth 


Harper,    C.    F. 

N.   C. 


May,  '68 



Hazard,  Geo.   W. 



Dec.  25,  '54 

1307  S.  Alvarado 


Hellman,  Herman  W. 



May   14,  '59 

954  Hill 


Heinzeman,    C.    F. 



June   6.    '68 

620  S.  Grand  avenue 


Horgan,  T. 



Sept.    1  8,   '70 

320  Jackson 


Hunter,  Jane  E. 

N.  Y. 

Jan.,  '66 

327  S.  Broadway 


Huber,  C.   E. 



July,  '59 

836  S.  Broadway 


Hamilton,   A.    N. 



Jan.   24,   '72 

611  Temple 


Holbrook,  J.   F. 



May  20,  '73 

155  Vine 


Heimann,   Gustave 



July,  '71 

727    California 


Hutton,  Aurelius  W. 



Aug.   5,  '69 

Los  Angeles 


Hiller,  Mrs.  Abbie 

N.  Y. 


Oct.,  '69 

147  W.  Twenty-thrird 


Herwig.    Henry   J. 



Dec.    25,    '53 

729   Wall 


Hubbell,  Stephen  C. 

N.  Y. 



1515    Pleasant    avenue 


Hays,    Wade 



Sept.,  '53 



Hass,   Sarepta  S. 

N.  Y. 


April  17,  '56 

1519   W.    Eighrth.  ' 


Hamilton,    Ezra   M. 



Sept.   20,   '75 

310   Avenue   23 


Hewitt,    Roscoe    E. 



Feb.    27,    '73 

337   S.   Olive 


Houghton,  Sherman  O., 

N.  Y. 


July   i,  '86 

Bullard  Block 


Houghton.    Eliza    P. 



July  i,  '86 

Los  Angeles 


Haskell,   John   C. 



Oct.,  '70 


Herwig,   Emma   E. 



Aug.    '56 



Hunter,    Asa 




Los  Angeles 


Hunter,  Jesse 






Illich,    Jerry 



Dec.,  '74 

1018  Hill 


Jacoby,    Nathan 



July,  '6  1 

739    Hope 


Jacoby,  Morris 




Los  Angeles 


James,    Alfred 



April,  '68 

101   N.   Bunker  Hill  ave. 


Jenkins,  Charles  M. 



Mar.    19,    '51 

1158  Santee 


Johnson,  Charles  R. 




Los    Angeles 


Juclson,   A.    H. 

N.   Y. 


May,  '70 

Pasadena   avenue 


Jordon,  Joseph 



June,  '65 

Los  Angeles 


Johansen,    Mrs.    Cecilia 




Los    Angeles 







AE.     IN 



ARRIV.     IN    CO. 


Jenkins.   Win.    W. 



Mar.   10.  '51 



Johnson,   Mica  jab    D. 



May  31,  '76 

236  N'.  Griffin  avenue 


Jones,   John   J. 






Keyes,    Chrarles    G. 



Nov.   25,   '68 

309  N.  Workman 


Kroner    M. 


Ins.  agent 

March,  '53 

754    Hope 


Kremer.  Mrs.  Matilda 

N.  Y. 

Sept.,  '54 

745    Hope 


Kuhrts,   Jacob 



May   10,  '57 

107  W.  First 


Kurtz,    Tuscph 



Feb.    a,   '68 

361   Buena  Vista 


Kysor,  E-  F. 

N.  Y. 


April,   '69 

323  Ronnie  Brae 


Kutz,   Samuel 


Dept.  Co.  Clerk 

Oct.  39,  '74 

-rr   S.   Soto 


Kuhrts,    Susan 



May,    1863 

107  W.  First 


King,  Laura  E. 



Nov.  37,  '49 

413  N.  Breed 


Klockcnbrink,   \Vm. 

Germ.  per 

Oct..   '70 



Knigbten.  Will  A. 



Oct.,  '69 

150  W.  Thirty-first  st 


Kiefcr,  Peter  P. 



Jan.    15,    "82 

340  X.  Hope 


Kearney,    John 



Sept  :8,  '71 

-728   E.    Eighth 


Lam  bourn,    Fred 



Dec.,  '59 

840  Judson 


Lankershim,   J.    B. 




950  S.  Olive 


Lazard,   Solomon 




607  Seventh 


Locb,  Leon 



Feb.,  '66 

1521    S.Hope 


Leek,    Henry    Vender 



Dec.    14,    '59 

2309    Flower 


Lembecke.  Charles  M. 


Pickle  works 

Mar.  so,  '57 

577   Los  Angeles 


Levy,    Michael 



Oct.  '68 

622   Kip 


Lyon,   Lewis  II. 



Oct.  '68 



Lechler.    George    W. 



Nov..  '58 



Lenz.    Edmund 



June   17,  '74 

2907   S.  Hope 

l«ing,   Robert  A. 



Sept,  '73 

no  i  Downey  avenue 


Lockhart,    Thomas   J. 


Real  Estate 

May  i,  '73 

1929    Lovelace    avenue 


Lockhart,   Levi  J. 


Coal  Merchant 

May   i.  '73 

1814    S.    Grand   avenue 


Lockwood,  James  W. 

N.   Y. 


April   i,  '75 

Water  street 


Lechler,   Abbie  J. 



Dec.,  '53 

Rich  street 


Loosmore,  James 



Jan.    1  6,  '75 

i  I2i  Lafayette 

Loyhcd,   Mollie  A. 






Macy,    Oscar 






Mappa,  Adam  G. 

N.  Y. 

Search,  Rec. 

Nov.,  '64 

Los    Angeles 


Mercadante,    N. 



April    1  6,   '69 

429  San  Pedro 


Mcsmcr,    Joseph 



Sept..   '59 

1706  Manitou  avenue 


Messer,   K. 



Feb.,    '54 

226  ackson 


Meyer,  Samuel 



April,   '53 

1337    S.    Hope 


Melzer,   Louis 



Apil    i,   '70 

900    Figueroa 


Mitchell.   Newell  H. 


Hotel  keeper 

Sept.  26,  '68 



Moore,   Isaac   N. 



Nov.,  '69 

Cal.    Truck    Co. 


Mullally.    Joseph 



March  5,  '$4 

417  College 


McLain,  Geo.  P. 



Jan.    a,    '68 

446  N.  Grand  ave. 


McLean.  \Vm. 




561   S.  Hope 


McMullin.   W.  G. 



Jan.,  '70 

Station  D 


Moulton,  Elijah 



May  13,   .45 

Los  Angeles 


McComas,  Jos.   E. 



Oct,    '73 



Mott,  Thomas  D. 

N.  Y. 



64$  S.  Main 


Mellus,  Jas.  J. 



*     'S3 

157  W.  Adams 


Miller,  William 

N.  Y. 


NOV.    32,    '60 

Santa  Monica 


Marxson,  Dora 



Nov.  14,  '73 

313     E.     I7tb 


Meade,  John 



Sept  6,  '69 

303  W.  1  8th 


Moran.  Samuel 

D.  C 


May    15.    '73 








AR.     IN 


OCCUPATION.                  ARRIV.    IN    CO. 


Melvill,  J.    H., 


Sec.    Fid.    Ab.    Co. 

Aug.,    '75 

465  N.  Beaudry  avenue 


Montague,  Newell  S. 



Oct.  2,  '56 

122     E.     28th 


McFarland,   Silas  R. 



Jan.  28,  '75 

1334   W.   Twelfth 


Merz,   Henry 



Aug.,    '74 

1  06  Jewett 

Moody.  Alexander  C. 

N.  S. 


Jan.  9,  '66 

25  Avenue  25 

Moore,  Mary  E- 

N.  Y. 


1467  E.  20th 

Morgan,   Octavins 



May,    '74 

1819  West  Lake  avenue 


Moore,  Alfred 



July  21,  '74 

708  S.  Workman 


Morton,  A.  J. 




315  New  High 

Morris,   Moritz 




336   S.    Broadway 


McArthur,  John 




1909  S.  Figueroa 

-AicArthur,  Catherine 

N.  Y. 



1909  S.  Figueroa 

McGarvin,  Robert 


Real  Estate  Agt. 

April  5,  '75 

22oYi  S.  Spring 


McDonald,    James 



Oct..   '57 

1509  E  2oth  street 


Norton,  Isaac 


Sec.  Loan  Assn. 

Nov.,  '69 

1364    Figueroa 


Newmark,  Harris 



Oct.    22,    '53 

1051    Grand  avenue 


Newmark,  M.  J. 

N.  Y. 


Sept.,    '54 

1047  Grand  avenue 


Newell,  J.   G. 



July    14,   '58 

2417  W  gth 


Nichols,   Thomas   E. 


Co.  Auditor 


221    W.    3ISt 


Newell,  Mrs.  J.  G. 



June,  '53 

2417  W  gth 


Nadeau,  Geo.  A. 





Newmark,  Mrs.  H. 

N.  Y. 

Sept.   1  6,  '54 

1051   S.  Grand 


Orme,    Henry    S. 



July    4,    '68 

Douglas    Block' 


Osborne,  John 



Nov.   14,  '68 

322  W.  3oth 


Osborn,  Wm.  M. 

N.  Y. 


March,    '58 

973  W.    1  2th 


O'Melveny,    Henry   W. 



Nov..    '68 

Baker  Block 


Owen,    Edward    H. 


Clerk  U.  S.  Court 

Oct.,  '70 



Orr,    Benjamin   F. 



May,   '75 

1812  Bush 


Parker,  Joel  B 

N.  Y. 


April    20,  '70 

512  E.    i2th 


Peschke.    William 



April   13,  '65 

538  Macy 


Pike,    Geo.    H. 




Los  Angeles 


Peck,  Geo.  H. 



Dec.,  '68 

El    Monte 


Ponet,    Victor 



Oct.,  '69 



Pridham,  Wm. 

N.  Y. 

Supt.  W.  F.  Co. 

Aug.  28,  '68 

Baker   Block 


Prager,  Samuel 



Feb.,  '54 

Los  Angeles 


Proctor,  A.  A. 

N.  Y. 


Dec.   22,   '72 

1501   Maple  avenue 


Pilkington,    W.    M. 




218  N.  Cummings 


Proffitt,  Green  L,. 



Nov.,    1887 

1512  W.   I2th 


Perry.   Harriet  S. 



May  15,  1875 

1723   Iowa 


Peschke,   Emil 



Nov.  30,  '75 

940   Summit  avenue 

Pye,  Thomas 






Quinn,    Richard 



Jan.,  '6  1 

El  Monte 


Quinn,  Michael  F. 

N.  Y. 


March  3,  '59 

El  Monte 


Raab,  David  M. 



May  12,  '69 

South    Pasadena 


Raynes,  Frank 



Aug.,   '71 



Reicbard,   Daniel 



'July,  '68 

459    Beaudry 


Riley,   James  M. 



Dec..    '66 

1105    S  .Olive 


Richardson,  E.  W. 



Sept.,  'yi 



Richardson,  W.  C.  B. 

N.  H. 





Roeder,    Louis 



Nov.  28,  '56 

319   Boyd 


Robinson,   W.   W. 

N.    S. 


Sept.,  '68 

117  S.  Olive 


Roberts,  Henry  C. 


Fruit  Grower 









AK.    IN 



ARR'V.  in  CO. 


Rinaldi,  Carl  A.  R. 



April,  '54 

.  Fernando 


Kendall,  Stephen  A. 


Real  Estate 

May   i,  '66 

905  Alvarado 


Reavis,   Walter   S. 



June  8,  '69 

1407    Sunset    Boulevard 


Rogers,  Alex  H. 



Aug..   '73 

ii5a  Wall 


Ready.    Russell   W. 



Dec.    j  8,  '73 

San  Pedro  street 


Ross,  Ershkine  M. 


U.  S.  Judge 

June  19,  '68 

Los  Angeles 


:;.    Win.    H. 

N.  Y. 

Fruit  Grower 

April   9,   '66 



Ruxton,  Albert  St.  G. 



Sept,  '73 

1*8  N.   Main 


Reavis,    Win.    E. 



April  22,  '73 

1405   Scott 


Rolston,  Wm. 




El  Monte 

Schmidt,  Gottfried 



Aug.,    '64 

Los  Angeles 


Schmidt.  August 



May,  '69 

710  S.  Olive 


Shaffer,    John 



March,  '72 

aoo  Boyle  avenue 


Shorb,  A.   S. 



June,  '71 

652  Adams 


Stoll,  Simon 



Aug.,  '69 

Soa  S.   Broadway 


Stewart,  J.  M. 

N.  H. 


May    14,   '70 

512  W.   soth 


Stephens,  Daniel  G. 

N.  J. 


April,  '61 

Sixth    and    Olive 


Stephens,  Mrs.  E.  T. 



Sixth  and  Olive 


Smith,  Isaac  S. 

N.  Y. 

Sec.  Oil  Co. 

Nov.,  '71 

am    N.    Olive 


Smith.  W.  J.  A. 



April    12,   '74 

Sao  Linden 


Scntous.    Jean 



April,   '56 

545  S.  Grand  avenue 


Shearer,  Mrs.  Tillic 



July,  '75 

1134   El   Molino 


Strong,   Robert 

N.   Y. 


March,    '72 



Snyder.  Z.  T. 



April,    '72 



Slaughter,  John   I.. 



Jan.  10,  '61 

614  N.   Bunker  Hill 


Scott,  Mrs.  Amanda  W.        Ohio 


Dec.  21,  '59 

589  Mission  Road 


"Vitoll,   H.   W. 



Oct.  i,  '67 

844    S.    Hill 


Summer,  C,  A. 



May  8,  '73 

1301   Orange 


Smith.  Mrs.  Sarah  J. 



Sept..   ';-• 

temple  street 


Starr,  Joseph  L. 




Los  Angeles 


Schmidt.  Frederick 




Los  Angeles 


Shelton,    John 



Sept.  a8,  '54 



Salisbury,  J.  C. 

N.  Y. 


May,  '74 

1311  S.  Hill 


Spence,  Mrs.   E.   F. 




445  S.  Olive 


Smith,  Simon  B. 



May  17,  '76 

132  X.  Avenue  22 


Sharp,  Robert  L. 


Funeral   Director 

May,  '76 

Los   Angeles 


Shaffer,  Cornelia  R 



April,    '72 

aoo  N.  Boyle  avenue 


Slaughter.  Frank  R. 

N.  Y. 


Nov.,  '74 

Los  Angeles 

•  874 

St.iuh,  George 

N.    Y. 



Los  Angeles 


Toberman,  J.  R. 



April,  '63 

615  S.  Figueroa 


Teed.  Mathew 



Jan.,  '63 

513  California 


Thorn,  Cameron  E. 



April,  '54 

118  E.  3rd 


Taft,  Mrs.  Mary  II. 



Dec.   as,  '54 


•  854 

Thomas,  John  M. 



Dec.  7,  '68 



Thurtnan,    S.     l>. 



Sept.   15,  '52 

El  Monte 


Truman,  Ben  C. 

R.  I. 


Feb.  i.  '72 

loot    2jd  street 


Turner,  Wm.  P. 



May,  '58 

608   N.   Griffin 


Thaycr,  John  S. 

N.  Y. 


Oct  as,  '74 

147   W.    asth 


Udell,   Joseph   C. 




St.   George    Hotel 


Vignolo,    Ambrozio 



Sept.  26,  '72 

S3S  S.  Main 


Venable.  Joseph  W. 



July,  '69 


•  849 

Vogt.  Henry 



Jan.  4.  '69 



Vawter.   E.  J. 



April   12,  '7$ 

Ocean   Park 


Vawtcr.  W.  S. 



July  10.  '75 

Santa  Monica 

•  875 






AR.    IN 



ARRIV.     IN     CO. 


Workman.  Win.  H. 


City   Treasurer 


375  Boyle  avenue 


Workman,  E.  H. 


Real   Estate 


1  20  Boyle  avenue 


Wise,   Kenneth   D. 



Sept,   '7  a 

1351    S.  Grand  avenue 


Williamson,  Geo.  W. 




Los  Angeles 


Wevse,  Rudolph  G. 



Jan.  29,  '60 

Thompson  street 


Weyse,  Mrs.  A.  W.  B. 



July  1  6,  '62 

Santa  Monica 


Wright,  Charles  M. 



July,  '59 



White,  Charles  H. 


S.  P.  Co. 

Nov.,  '73 

1137  Ingraham 


Weid,  Ivar  A. 




741   S  Main 


Wilson,  C.  N. 



Jan.  9,  '71 



Ward.  James  F. 

N.  Y. 


Jan.,  'ja 

1  1  21    S.   Grand 

VVorkman,  Alfred 



Nov.  28,  '68 

212  Boyle  avenue 

White,  Caleb  E. 



Dec.  24,  '68 



Woodhead,   Chas.    B. 



Feb.  21,  '74 

852   Buena  Vista 


Wartenberg,    Louis 


Com.  Trav. 

Nov.,   '58 

1057  S.  Grand  avenue 


Whisler,  Isaac 



Aug.,  '53 

535  San  Pedro  street 


Worm,  August  W. 




910  W.  nth 


Wright,    Edward    T. 



March,  '75 

226  S.   Spring 


Wohlfarth,  August 



Sept.  '74 

1604  Pleasant  avenue 


White,    J.    P. 



May,  '70 

989  E.   55th 


Yarnell,  Jesse 



April,  '67 

1808  W.   ist 


Young,  John  D. 



Oct.,   '53 

2607   Figueroa 


Yarnell,   Mrs.    S.   C. 



April,    '67 

1808  W.  ist 


Organized  November  1,  1883  Incorporated  February   13.  1891 

PART   III.  VOL.  V. 



Historical  Society 


Southern  California 




Los  Angeles  County 



Geo.  Rice   ft  Sons 
190  \ 



Officers  of  the  Historical  Society,  1902-1903 214 

Early  Art  in  California W.  L.  Judson       215 

Poetry  of  the  Argonauts J.  M.  Guinn. .   217 

Ethical  Value  of  Social  Organizations 

Mrs.  M.  Burton  Williamson . .   228 

Some  Medicinal  and  Edible  Plants  of  Southern  California 

Laura  Evertsen  King      237 

Andrew  A.  Boyle H.  D.  Barrows. .   241 

El  Canon  Perdido J.  M.  Guinn. .   245 

Some  Old  Letters:  251 

Dr.  John  Marsh  to  Don  Abel  Stearns,  1837 251 

Hon  Stephen  C.  Foster  to  Gen.  B.  Riley,  1849 252 

The  Palomares  Family  of  California H.  D.  Barrows. .   254 

Sister  Scholastica Wm.  H.  Workman . .   256 


Officers  and  Committees  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los 

Angeles  County,  1902-1903 259 

Constitution  and  By-Laws 260 

Order  of  Business 264 

My  First  Procession  in  Los  Angeles — March  16,  1847 

Stephen  C.  Foster . .  265 

Some  Eccentric  Characters  of  Early  Los  Angeles 

J.  M.  Guinn . .  273 

Angel  Pioneers Jesse  Yarnell . .  282 

Trip  to  California  via  Nicaragua J.  M.  Stewart. .  283 

Wm.  Wolfskill.  The  Pioneer H.  D.  Barrows. .  287 

Pioneer  Ads  and  Advertisers J.  M.  Guinn. .  295 


Daniel  Desmond Committee  Report . .  300 

Jessie  Benton  Fremont Committee  Report . .  300 

Caleb  E.  White Committee  Report . .  301 

John  Caleb  Salisbury Committee  Report. .  303 

Henry  Kirke  White  Bent Committee  Report . .  304 

John  Charles  Dotter Committee  Report . .  306 

Anderson  Rose Committee  Report . .  307 

John  C.  Anderson A.  H.  Johnson . .  308 

Jerry  Illich Los  Angeles  Daily  Times . .  309 

In  Memoriam    310 

Roll  of  Members,  Complete  to  January,  1903 311 




WALTER   R.    BACON President 

J.   D.   MOODY First  Vice-President 

MRS.   M.   BURTON   WILLIAMSON Second   Vice-President 

EDWIN  BAXTER Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary  and  Curator 








WALTER  R.  BACON President 

A.  C.  VROMAN First  Vice-President 

MRS.  M.  BURTON  WILLIAMSON Second  Vice-President 

EDWIN    BAXTER Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary  and  Curator 



H.  D.  BARROWS,  J.  M.  GUINN, 



Historical  Society 


Southern  California 



BY  W.  L.  JUDSON. 

In  the  early  art  of  California,  when  carefully  examined,  we 
find  evidences  of  a  crude  and  primitive  yet  genuine  art  impulse 
which  must  have  been  a  measurable  factor  in  the  happiness  of 
bygone  generations. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  go  back  to  the  barbaric  hieroglyphs 
of  the  Santa  Catalina  caves,  or  to  retrace  the  theoretic  voyages 
of  ancient  South  American  peoples,  whose  frequent  rock  pic- 
tures repeat  the  familiar  outlines  of  Sugar  Loaf  rock  in  Avalon 
bay.  Theories  point  to  an  early  international  commerce  and 
an  Aztec  or  Peruvian  origin  of  the  latent  art  talent  of  the  coast 
tribes.  In  the  Santa  Barbara  cave  pictures  there  is  unmistak- 
able evidence  that  a  certain  graphic  talent  did  exist,  whatever 
its  origin  may  have  been.  And  in  some  of  the  native  tribes 
of  today,  notably  with  the  Pimas,  this  pictorial  and  artistic  in- 
stinct is  well  illustrated  in  their  basketry,  which  displays  a  degree 
of  aesthetic  discernment  far  above  that  of  the  ordinary  savage. 

The  crude  work  of  some  Indians  of  early  mission  times,  both 
in  carving  and  painting,  is  very  interesting.  They  strove  with 
inadequate  materials,  poor  tools  and  awkward  hands  to  imitate 
what  had  doubtless  impressed  them  deeply  in  the  paintings  and 
architectural  designs  which  had  been  brought  out  from  Spain 
by  the  mission  fathers. 

In  the  lumber  room  of  the  old  Plaza  church  lie  fourteen  pic- 
tures covered  with  dust  and  broken  furniture.  They  are  evi- 
dently considered  of  no  value,  for  they  receive  no  care,  except 


the  shelter  of  a  roof,  and  yet  they  bear  the  potential  of  a  very 
great  value  in  the  future. 

Considered  as  fine  art,  from  the  modern  standpoint,  they 
are  worthless,  but  as  relics  of  the  most  interesting  period  in  the 
development  of  Southern  California  they  become  endowed  with 
great  interest. 

Who  painted  them?  An  Indian  evidently.  What  was  his 
name?  No  one  remembers  it.  When  were  they  painted? 
Probably  in  the  days  of  mission  building,  when  it  was  impos- 
sible to  obtain  originals  or  even  decent  copies  of  originals  with- 
out delays  of  many  months,  perhaps  years.  They  are  painted 
on  a  coarse  linen  cloth  similar  to  that  we  know  as  butcher's 
linen,  glued  in  the  orthodox  way  to  preserve  the  fiber  of  the 
cloth,  heavily  covered  with  oil  paint  as  a  ground  and  executed 
with  common  earth  pigments,  probably  ground  by  hand  and 
with  a  base  of  common  white  house  paint. 

There  is  something  intensely  pathetic  in  the  work,  which  was 
surely  a  labor  of  love.  The  sweetness  and  sincerity  which  are 
evident,  coupled  with  the  unconscious  simplicity,  makes-  even 
such  crude  and  imperfect  work  worth  while. 

There  is  no  attempt  at  shading  and  very  little  at  perspective 
in  these  pictures,  the  drawing  is  childish  and  the  execution  as 
rough  and  crude  as  can  be  imagined,  and  yet  they  tell  the  story 
of  the  via  crucis  in  a  vivid  and  startling  manner. 

There  are  some  remains  of  primitive  frescoes  at  Pala  mis- 
sion and  in  the  remaining  half  dome  at  San  Juan  Capistrano, 
which  ten  years  ago  had  some  charm  of  color  and  story,  but 
they  are  rapidly  fading  out  of  existence. 

There  are  also  some  evidences  remaining  that  the  pastoral 
period  of  California  life  had  its  art.  There  were  wandering 
artists,  portrait  painters,  who  seem  to  have  wandered  from  one 
great  estate  to  another,  painting  the  dons  and  their  ladies  and 
an  occasional  altar  piece  for  the  private  chapel.  In  the  Coronel 
collection  of  relics  of  this  picturesque  period  there  is  shown  the 
work  of  at  least  twio  of  these  early  artists,  but  their  names  have 
been  lost.  Primitive  as  the  work  may  be,  it  still  shows  an  ad- 
mirable sense  of  both  beauty  and  character. 


BY  J.   M.  GUINN. 

Never  before  in  the  worlckhistory  has  there  been  a  migration 
similar  to  that  which  peopled  California  after  the  discovery  of 
gold.  There  have  been  greater  outflows  of  population  but  they 
have  been  slow-moving.  The  Aryan  migration  into  Europe 
went  on  for  centuries.  The  Children  of  Israel  wandered  forty 
years  in  the  wilderness  before  they  reached  the  promised  land. 
An  Argonaut  of  '49  would  have  made  the  journey  in  forty  days 
with  an  ox  team. 

In  the  year  1849,  it  is  estimated  that  100,000  people  found 
their  way  into  the  land  of  gold.  They  came  from  almost  every 
country  on  the  globe — from  Europe,  Asia,  Africa,  America  and 
the  islands  of  the  sea — all  grades,  castes  and  conditions  of  men 
came — the  good  and  the  bad,  the  virtuous  and  the  vicious — the 
industrious,  the  idle  and  the  profligate.  Australia  and  Tasmania 
sent  their  ex-convicts  and  ticket-of-leave  men ;  Mexico  its  vicious 
peones ;  Polynesia  its  reckless  gamblers  and  the  Flowery  Kingdom 
its  "Heathen  Chinee."  They  came  by  every  known  means  of 
conveyance  and  by  every  possible  route — around  Cape  Horn 
storm  tossed  and  scurvy  racked  in  floating  charnel  houses — 
across  the  isthmus  of  Panama  scourged  by  miasmatic  fevers  and 
decimated  by  cholera — by  the  isthmus  of  Tehauntepec — around 
the  Cape  of  Good  Hope  and  across  the  broad  Pacific.  Those 
who  came  by  land  traveled  the  unpeopled  and  almost  unknown 
expanse  between  the  Missouri  and  the  Sierras  by  a  dozen  routes 
unheard  of  before.  They  lost  themselves  by  taking  mythical 
cut-offs  and  in  their  wanderings  they  penetrated  mountain  fast- 
nesses and  floated  down  unknown  rivers.  Ignorant  of  their 
danger,  they  strayed  into  waterless  deserts  and  perished  alone, 
uncoffined  and  unicnelled.  Lured  by  the  treacherous  mirage  they 
entered  valleys  of  death  and  lay  down  to  die  on  their  burning 
sands  haunted  by  visions  of  green  fields  and  babbling  brooks. 
They  climbed  up  into  the  eternal  snows  of  the  Sierras  seeking  a 
gateway  into  the  land  of  sunshine  and  perished  of  cold  and 
hunger  on  the  very  verge  of  warmth  and  plenty.  Stricken  by 
that  dread  plague  cholera,  five  thousand  graves  by  the  wayk- 
side  marked  the  line  of  their  march  from  the  Missouri  to  the 


The  one  bait  that  lured  them  all  was  Gold!  Gold!  Gold! 
Their  pilgrimage  in  the  land  of  gold  brought  out  the  noblest 
qualities  and  the  meanest.  It  made  and  unmade  men.  There 
they  wore  no  masks.  The  inherent  character  of  the  man  came 
to  the  surface.  The  accretions  that  social  standing  at  home  had 
thrown  around  a  nature  base  born  and  sordid,  gilding  it  into 
respectability  and  high  standing  were  often  rudely  torn  away 
by  the  rough  life  of  the  mines  and  the  individual  was  shown  up 
in  all  his  inherent  baseness.  The  wild  free  life  of  the  mines  was 
the  crucible  of  character,  separating  the  dross  from  the  pure 

There  was  enough  of  the  heroic,  enough  of  adventure  in 
the  search  of  these  modern  Argonauts  for  the  "Golden  Fleece" 
to  have  furnished  material  for  an  epic  grander  and  more  fasci- 
nating than  the  Odessy  of  Homer  but  it  has  never  been  written. 
There  were  poets  among  the  Argonauts,'  but  it  was  seldom  they 
sang.  Life  was  too  strenuous  and  the  battle  for  existence  too 
fierce  for  them  to  tune  the  lyre.  Their  occupation  was  not  con- 
ducive to  wooing  the  muses.  Gold  digging,  in  early  days,  was 
a  socialistic  leveler.  The  standard  of  merit  was  a  man's  capacity 
to  perform  so  much  physical  labor.  The  unlettered  hind  mi^ht 
surpass  the  finished  scholar.  The  ex-convict  might  labor  beside 
the  judge  who  had  sentenced  him  and  be  classed  as  the  better 
man.  It  was  an  anomolous  condition  of  society.  Under  such 
conditions  and  amid  such  surroundings  it  was  not  strange  that 
the  bards  but  rarely  tuned  their  harps,  and  when  they  did  sing 
it  was  not  of  California  in 

"The  days  of  old, 
The    days    of   gold, 
The  days  of  '49." 

"They  sang  of  love  and  not  of  fame, 

Forgot  was  Britain's  glory: 
Each   heart    recalled   a   different   name, 

But  all  sang  Annie  Laurie." 

Unlike  the  soldiers  of  the  Crimea  on  the  eve  of  battle  it 
was  not  "Annie  Laurie"  the  miners  sang,  but  when  they  did  sing 
of  home,  like  the  soldiers  before  the  "dark  Redan," 

"Each  heart  recalled  a  different  name." 

There  was  one  song  of  purely  Argonautic  composition  that 
has  been  sung  around  miners'  camp  fires  from  the  Arctic  circle 
to  the  jungles  of  Panama;  sung  amid  the  eternal  snows  of  the 


Sierras  and  on  the  burning  sands  of  the  Colorado.  Although  in 
composition  it  was  somewhat  crude  and  homely,  and  its  theme 
an  oft-told  story,  there  was  a  sentiment  in  it  that  touched  a  re- 
sponsive chord  in  the  breast  of  many  a  miner.  The  ballad  I 
refer  to  bore  the  inexpressive  title,  "Ji°e  Bowers  of  Pike."  The 
sentiment  that  made  it  popular  among  the  Argonauts  in  the 
early  '50*5  you  may  possibly  detect  in  the  stanzas  I  quote : 

"My  name  is  Joe  Bowers,  I've  got  a  brother  Ike, 
I  came  from  Old  Missouri,  yes  all  the  way  from  Pike. 
I'll  tell  you  why  I  left  thar,  and  how  I  came  to  roam, 
And  leave  my  poor  old  mammy  so  far  away  from  home. 

I  used  to  court  a  girl  thar,  her  name  was  Sally  Black. 
I  axed  her  if  she'd  marry  me,  she  said  it  was  a  whack. 
But  then  says  she,  "Joe  Bowers,  before  we  hitch  for  life 
You  ought  to  get  a  little  home  to  keep  yer  little  wife." 

Oh  Sally,  dearest  Sally!     Oh  Sally  for  your  sake 
I'll  go  to  California  and  try  to  raise  a  stake. 
Says  she  to  me,  "Joe  Bowers,  you'r  the  man  to  win ; 
Here's  a  kiss  to  bind  the  bargain,"  and  she  hove  a  dozen  in. 

Right  soon  I  went  to  the  mines,  put  in  my  biggest  licks, 
Came  down  on  the  boulders  jest  like  a  thousand  o'  bricks. 
I  worked  both  late  and  early,  in  sun,  in  rain,  in  snow. 
I  was  workin'  for  my  Sally — 'twas  all  the  same  to  Joe." 

Joe  continues  to  work  in  the  mines,  but  he  doesn't  raise  a 
stake.  Time  passes  and  the  denoument  comes  to  Joe's  little 
romance  in  a  letter  from  brother  Ike  which  said  "Sally  has  wed  a 
butcher  whose  hair  is  red."  The  bell  rings,  the  curtain  drops, 
Joe's  life  drama  is  played  out.  From  this  point  in  the  song  the 
singer  was  at  liberty  to  improvise  any  continuation  to  the  story 
he  pleased  or  rather  that  would  please  his  auditors.  One,  that 
I  recollect,  was  that  the  auburn  haired  vendor  of  steaks  and 
prime  roasts  dies,  Joe  makes  a  raise  in  California,  returns  and 
marries  the  widow  and  they  live  happily  ever  afterward.  Who 
was  the  author  of  the  ballad?  I  do  not  know.  It  may  not 
have  had  an  author,  but,  like  Topsy,  "just  growed." 

The  Argonauts  of  California,  and  particularly  those  who 
crossed  the  plains,  were  nearly  all  young  men.  Many  of  these, 
like  Mr.  Joseph  Bowers,  had  left  girls  behind  them,  whom  thev 
had  promised  to  marry.  Each  hoped  to  pick  up  gold  enough 
in  a  few  months,  or  a  year  at  most,  to  get  "a  little  home  to  keep 
his  little  wife."  In  the  language  of  a  song  popular  in  the  days 
of  '49, 


"I  soon  shall  be  in  Frisco 

And  then  I'll  look  all  round. 
And  when  I  see  the  gold  lumps  there 

I'll  pick  'em  off  the  ground ; 
I'll  scrape  the  mountains  clean,  my  boys, 

I'll   drain  the  rivers   dry, 
A  pocket  full  of  rocks  bring  home; 

O!  Susanna,  don't  you  cry." 

But  the  miner  soon  found  gold  was  not  be  picked  up  in  lumps. 
Like  Joe,  he  put  in  his  biggest  licks,  he  dammed  creeks  and  turned 
rivers,  tunneled  into  mountains  and  ground-sluiced  hills  away, 
joined  in  a  wild  rush  to  Gold  Lake,  to  Silver  Mountain,  searched 
for  the  Lost  Cabin,  the  Padres  Mine,  the  Wagon  Tire  Diggings 
and  other  ignes  fatui  that  have  deluded  honest  miners,  and  came 
back  from  his  chase  after  phantoms  rich  in  experience  but  poor 
in  gold.  Meanwhile  time  was  passing,  and  it  kept  doing  so 
with  great  regularity.  He  was  growing  old  and  Susanna,  who 
had  ceased  to  cry,  was  growing  impatient.  Then  the  denoue- 
ment comes  in  a  letter  from  home — Susanna  has  wed  a  man  who 
had  not  learned  to  roam  but  who  had  a  little  home.  Another 
romance  is  ended.  The  miner  curses  his  luck — perhaps  he  gets 
drunk.  He  ceases  to  write  home,  he  becomes  driftwood  on  the 
current  of  fate.  In  the  homely  ballad  of  Joe  Bowers  many  a 
miner  has  beheld  his  own  life  drama  portrayed.  Hence  its  olden 
time  popularity  in  the  mines. 

The  earliest  poem  printed  in  a  California  periodical  appeared 
in  the  issue  of  the  Calif ornian  of  October  3,  1846,  and  is  en- 
titled "On  Leaving  the  United  States  for  California."  This  was 
followed  in  the  next  issue  of  the  paper  by  a  poetical  effusion  en- 
titled "On  Leaving  California  for  the  United  States."  Both  are 
anonymous.  They  were  probably  written  by  the  same  author. 
In  the  Californian  of  October  3ist,  1846,  is  a  poem  bearing  the 
title,  "To  My  Mother."  It  is  signed  A.  D.  F.  R.  All  these 
mentioned  are  sentimental  and  have  but  little  local  coloring.  In 
the  Californian  of  November  14,  1846,  is  a  poem  on  the  con- 
quest of  Los  Angeles.  Commodore  Stockton  and  Captain  John 
C.  Fremont,  with  their  united  forces' — Stockton  advancing  from 
San  Pedro  and  Fremont  from  San  Diego — entered  Los  Angeles, 
August  13,  1846.  Governor  Pio  Pico  and  General  Jose  Castro 
had  fled  to  Mexico  at  the  approach  of  the  American  troops,  and 
the  Californian  soldiers  disbanded  and  returned  to  their  homes. 
The  gringo  army  under  Stockton  took  possession  of  the  city 
without  firing  a  shot.  The  "sounds  of  woe,"  "the  blood-stained 
earth,"  "the  murd'rous  arms"  and  "haggard  eyes"  in  the  poem 


are  figments  of  the  poet's  imagination.     Evidently  his  muse  was 
fooled  with  a  fake  report  of  the  conquest. 

In  the  first  conquest  of  Los  Angeles  nobody  was  hurt,  not 
a  hostile  shot  was  fired.  It  was  during  the  second,  in  January, 
1847,  ^at  the  battles  of  Paso  de  Bartolo  and  La  Mesa  were 
fought.  The  poem  is  entitled  "Angeles,"  and  is  signed  W.  G. 
I  give  it  in  full. 


Soft  o'er  the  vale  of  Angeles 

The  gale  of  peace  was  wont  to  blow 
Till  discord  raised  her  direful  horn 

And  filled  the  vale  with  sounds  of  woe. 

The  blood  stained  earth,  the   warlike  bands, 
The  trembling  natives  saw  with  dread, 

Dejected  labor  left  her  toil. 

And  summer's  blithe  enjoyments  fled. 

But  soon  the  avenging  sword  was  sheathed, 
And  mercy's  voice  by  "Stockton"  heard 

How  pleasant  were  the  days  which  saw 
Security  and  peace  restored. 

Ah  think  not  yet  your  trials  o'er; 

From  yonder  mountain's  hollow  side, 
The  fierce  banditti  issue  forth. 

When  darkness  spreads  her  curtains  wide. 

With  murd'rous  arms,  and  haggard  eyes, 

The  social  joys  away  they  fright; 
Sad  expectation  clouds  the  day, 

And  sleep  forsakes  the  fearful  night. 

Now  martial  troops  protect  the  robbed, 

At  distance  prowl  the  ruffian  band; 
Oh  confidence!  that  dearer  guard, 

Why  hast  thou  left  this  luckless  land 

We  droop  and  mourn  o'er  many  a  joy, 
O'er  some  dear  friend  to  dust  consigned, 

But  every  comfort  is  not  fled, 
Behold  another  friend  we  find. 

Lo  "Stockton"  comes  to  grace  the  plan, 
And  friendship  claims  the  precious  prize ; 

He  grants  the  claims  nor  does  his  heart 
The  children  of  the  vale  despise. 

W.  G. 

In  my  researches,  the  earliest  poem  that  I  have  found  which 
has  a  local  coloring,  is  one  entitled  "Blowing  Up  the  Wind."  It 
was  written  by  Edward  C.  Kemble,  editor  of  the  California 
Star,  and  published  in  that  paper  April  24,  1847.  Kemble  came 
to  the  coast  in  1846  and  became  editor  of  Sam  Brannan's  paper, 


the  California  Star,  in  April,  1847.  The  Star  was  the  first  paper 
published  in  San  Francisco,  or  Yerba  Buena,  as  the  town  was 
then  called.  (The  Calif ornian  was  established  at  Monterey  and 
afterwards  removed  to  San  Francisco.)  Kemble  was  an  Ar- 
gonaut of  the  Argonauts.  He  visited  the  gold  diggings  shortly 
after  their  discovery  in  1848 — pronounced  them  a  fake  and  ad- 
vised people  to  stay  at  home.  His  subscribers  all  went  to  the 
mines.  He  followed  them,  made  a  hundred  dollars  a  day  for 
a  few  weeks,  then  came  back  and  resurrected  his  newspaper. 
Any  one  who,  in  early  times  before  the  streets  of  San  Francisco 
were  paved,  has  wandered  over  its  sand  hills  and  had  his  face 
rasped  and  his  eyes  blinded  by  the  flying  sand  will  appreciate  the 
blowing  up  that  Kemble  gives  the  winds  of  'Frisco. 


"Ever  blowing,  colder  growing,  sweeping  madly  through  the  town, 
Never  ceasing,  ever  teasing,  never  pleasing,  never  down; 

Day  or  night,  dark  or  light, 
Sand  a-flying,  clapboards  sighing, 
Groaning,   moaning,   whistling  shrill, 

Shrieking  wild  and  never  still. 

In  September,  in  November,  or  December,  ever  so, 

Even  in  August,  will  the  raw  gust,  flying  fine  dust,  roughly  blow. 

Doors  are  slamming,  gates  a-banging, 
Shingles  shivering,  casements  quivering, 
Roaring,  pouring,  madly  yelling, 

Tales  of  storm  and  shipwreck  telling. 

In  our  bay,  too,  vessels  lay  to,  but  find 

No  shelter  from  the  blast, 

Whitecaps  clashing,  bright  spray  splashing, 

Light  foam  flashing,  dashing  past. 
Yards  are  creaking,  blocks  a  squeaking, 
Rudder  rattling,  ropes  all  clattering, 
Lugging,  tugging  at  the  anchor, 

Groaning  spars  and  restless  spanker. 

Now  the  sun  gleams,  bright  the  day  seems, 

Hark !  he  comes  is  heard  the  roar ; 
Haste  to  dwelling,  dread  impelling,  heap  the  fire, 

Close  the  door. 

Onward  coming,  humming,  drumming, 
Groaning,  moaning,  sighing,  crying, 
Shrieking,  squeaking,    (reader,  'tis  so). 
Thus  bloweth  the  wind  at  'Frisco." 

Kemble's  "Crow,"  a  parody  on  Poe's  "Raven,"  is  another 
pioneer  poem  antedating  the  discovery  of  gold.  The  city  coun- 
cil of  San  Francisco  had  passed  an  ordinance  forbidding  any- 
one from  killing  the  carrion  fowl  that  frequented  the  streets  of 


the  city.  The  crows  were  the  scavengers  that  removed  the 
garbage.  One  of  these  birds  of  ill  omen  flies  into  Kemble's 
house  and  perched  beneath  the  ceiling  proceeds  to  help  himself 
from  a  side  of  bacon.  The  poet  raises  his  gun  to  shoot,  when 
his  eyes  fall  on  the  ordinance.  I  quote  the  closing  stanzas : 

"Then  the  thrilling  and  revealing  of  that  crow  still  neath  my  ceiling, 
Perching,  pecking  on  that  bacon  which  never  may  he  devour 
And  that  paper  open  spreading  and  that  flashing  Pica  heading 
Of  that  ordinance  forbidding,  ah  I  must  deplore, 
And  my  eyes  from  off  that  ordinance  frowning,  rustling  on  the  floor 
Shall  be  lifted  nevermore. 

And  I  reached  me  down  my  gun,  charged  with  slugs  half  a  score ; 
Croaked  he  hoarsely,  No,  Senor." 

The  following  poem,  which  Samuel  C.  Upham  in  his  "Scenes 
in  El  Dorado — 1849-50,"  says  was  the  earliest  poem  written 
and  published  in  California,  appeared  in  the  Pacific  News  of 
March  22,  1850.  Mr.  Upham,  although  good  authority  on  the 
clays  of  '49,  is  in  error  when  he  claims  that  it  was  the  earliest. 
I  have  shown  that  there  were  several  published  over  three  years 
before  this  one.  The  poem  in  the  News  is  anonymous.  It  is 
entitled  "A  Rallying  Song  for  the  Gold  Diggers."  It  consists 
of  eight  stanzas  and  a  repeat  of  the  first.  I  omit  two  which 
seem  to  be  defective: 

To  the  mines !  to  the  mines !  away  to  the  mines, 
Where  the  virgin  gold  in  the  crevice  shines! 
Where  the  shale  and  the  slate  and  the  quartz  enfold, 
In  their  stony  arms  the  glittering  gold. 

Tis  in  vain  that  ye  seek  any  longer  to  hide 
Your  treasures  of  gold  in  your  rivers  so  wide. 
In  your  gulches  so  deep,  or  your  wild  canon  home, 
For  the  Anglo-American  race  is  come. 

And  the  noise  that  ye  hear  is  the  sound  of  the  spade, 
The  pick,  the  bar,  and  the  bright  shining  spade, 
Of  the  knife  and  the  shovel,  the  cradle  and  pan, 
Brave  adjuncts  of  toil  to  the  laboring  man! 

Far  up  in  the  mountains,  all  rugged  and  steep, 
Far  down  in  the  canon,  all   foaming  and  deep, 
In  the  bars  of  the  river,  the  small  mountain  plains, 
Lies  the  wealth  that  ye  seek  for,  in  numberless  grains. 

Turn  the  stream  from  its  bed — search  the  bottom  with  care, 
The  largest,  the  richest,  the  finest  is  there; 
Dig  deep  in  the  gulches,  nor  stop  till  the  stone 
Reveals  there  it's  treasures,  or  tell  there's  none. 


Nor  be  thou  disheartened,  dismayed  nor  cast  down, 
If  success  should  decline  thy  first  efforts  to  crown; 
Go  ahead !  Go  ahead !  Since  Creation  began, 
"No  wealth  without  toil"  is  the  record  to  man. 

To  the  mines !  to  the  mines !  away  to  the  mines ! 
Where  the  virgin  gold  in  the  crevice  shines ! 
Vhere  the  shale  and  the  slate  and  the  quartz  enfold, 
In  their  stony  arms  the  glittering  gold. 

Of  the  anonymous  poetical  gems  of  Argonautic  days  this 
one  describing  the  inflowing  human  tide  to  the  golden  shores  of 
California  is  among  the  best : 

From  the  sunny  Southern  Islands,  from  the  Asiatic  coast, 
The  Orient  and  the  Occident  are  mingled  in  the  host, 
The  glowing  star  of  Empire  has  forever  stayed  its  way, 
And  its  western  limb  is  resting  o'er  San  Francisco  Bay. 

A  hundred  sails  already  swell  to  catch  the  willing  breeze, 
A  hundred  keels  are  cleaving  through  the  blue  Atlantic  seas, 
Full  many  a  thousand  leagues  behind  their  tardy  courses  borne 
For  a  hundred  masts  already  strain  beyond  the  stormy  Horn. 

Soon  from  the  channel  of  St.  George  and  from  the  Levant  shore, 
To  swell  the  emigrating  tide,  anotner  host  shall  pour 
To  that  far  land  beyond  the  west  where  labor  lords  the  soil, 
And  thankless  tasks  shall  ne'er  be  done  by  unrequieted  toil. 

To  banks  of  distant  rivers  whose  flashing  waves  have  rolled 
For  long  and  countless  centuries  above  neglected  gold, 
Where  nature  holds  a  double  gift  within  her  lavish  hand, 
And  teeming  fields  of  yellow  grain  strike  root  in  golden  sand. 

No  state  in  its  infancy  could  boast  of  so  many  talented  men 
as  California.  Among  these  there  were  none  more  gifted  than 
Col.  Edward  D.  Baker.  As  an  orator  he  had  no  superior;  as  a 
statesman  he  towered  above  his  compeers;  as  a  warrior  he  won 
fame  on  the  bloody  fields  of  Cerro  Gordo  and  Buena  Vista.  He 
was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Ball's  Bluff.  After  his  death  the  fol- 
lowing beautiful  poem  from  his  pen  was  published.  It  was  writ- 
ten about  1850.  It  is  entitled 


Dost  thou  seek  a  star,  with  thy  swelling  crest 
O,  wave,  that  lavest  thy  mother's  breast? 
Dost  thou  leap  from  the  prisoned  depths  below 
In  scorn  of  their  calm  and  constant  flow? 
Or  art  thou  seeking  some  distant  land 
To  die  in  murmurs  upon  the  strand? 


Hast  thou  tales  to  tell  of  pearl-lit  deep, 
Where  the  wave- whelmed  mariner  rocks  in  sleep? 
Can'st  thou  speak  of  navies  that  sank  in  pride 
Ere  the  roll  of  their  thunder  in  echo  died? 
What  trophies,  what  banners,  are  floating  free 
In  the  shadowy  depths  of  that  silent  sea? 

It  were  vain  to  ask,  thou  rollest  afar, 
Of  banner,  or  mariner,  ship  or  star; 
It  were  vain  to  seek  in  thy  stormy  face 
Some  tale  of  the  sorrowful  past  to  trace. 
Thou  are  swelling  high,  thou  art  flashing  free, 
How  vain  are  the  questions  we  ask  of  thee! 

I,  too,  am  a  wave  on  a  stormy  sea ; 

I,  too,  am  a  wanderer,  driven  like  thee; 

I,  too,  am  seeking  a  distant  land 

To  be  lost  and  gone  ere  I  reach  the  strand. 

For  the  land  I  seek  is  a  waveless  shore, 

And  they  who  once  reach  it  shall  wander  no  more. 

Among  the  versatile  writers  of  California  in  the  early  'so's 
few  rank  higher  than  William  H.  Rhodes,  better  known  by  his 
nom  de  plume,  "Caxton."  One  of  his  best  efforts  is  a  short 
poem  on  the  death  of  James  King  of  William. 

In  1855-56  the  criminal  element  of  San  Francisco  had  vir- 
tually obtained  control  of  the  city.  The  officials  were  either  too 
weak  or  too  corrupt  to  enforce  the  law.  Many  of  them  had  se- 
cured their  offices  through  ballot  box  stuffing  and  violence,  and 
the  thieves,  incendiaries  and  murderers  who  had  helped  them 
into  office  went  unwhipt  of  justice.  King,  through  his  paper, 
the  Bulletin,  exposed  the  prevailing  corruption  and  poured  out 
invective  on  the  corrupt  officials.  He  was  shot  down  on  Mont- 
gomery street  by  James  P.  Casey,  a  supervisor  of  the  Twelfth 
ward,  whose  state's  prison  record  King  had  exposed.  Casey 
and  Cora,  another  murderer,  were  hanged  by  the  Vigilance  Com- 
mittee while  the  bells  were  tolling  King's  funeral.  Caxton's 
poem  is  entitled 


The  patriot  sleeps  in  the  land  of  his  choice, 

In  the  robe  of  a  martyr,  all  gory, 
And  heeds  not  the  tones  of  the  world-waking  voice, 

That  cover  his  ashes  with  glory. 
What  recks  he  of  riches?     What  cares  he  for  fame, 

Or  the  world  decked  in  grandeur  or  beauty? 
If  the  marble  shall  speak  that  records  his  proud  name, 
"He  died  at  his  post,  doing  duty !" 

The  pilot  that  stood  at  the  helm  of  pur  bark, 

Unmoved  by  the  tempest's  commotion, 
Was  swept  from  the  deck  in  the  storm  and  the  dark, 


And  sank  in  the  depths  of  the  ocean. 
But  little  he'll  grieve  for  the  life  it  has  cost, 

If  our  banner  shall  still  float  in  beauty, 
And  emblaze  on  its  fold,  of  the  pilot  we  lost, 

"He  died  at  his  post,  doing  duty !" 

The  warrior-chieftain  has  sunk  to  his  rest — 

The  sod  of  Lone  Mountain  his  pillow ; 
For  his  bed,  California  has  opened  her  breast ; 

His  dirge,  the  Pacific's  sad  billow! 
As  long  as  the  ocean-wave  weeps  on  our  shore, 

And  our  valleys  bloom  out  in  their  beauty, 
So  long  will  our  country  her  hero  deplore, 

Who  fell  at  his  post  doing  duty! 

The  Argonauts  in  their  long  voyages  to  California  by  way  of 
Cape  Horn,  which  lasted  all  the  way  from  six  to  ten  months, 
were  put  to  their  wits'  ends  to  devise  amusements  to  while  away 
the  monotony  of  the  voyage.  One  means  quite  popular  was  to 
publish  a  newspaper  aboard  the  vessel.  These  papers  were  writ- 
ten out  by  hand  (for  this  was  long  before  the  days  of  type- 
writers) and  often  illustrated  by  pen  and  ink  sketches  of  scenes 
and  incidents  on  board.  The  paper  was  read  once  a  week  and 
furnished  a  source  of  amusement.  It  was  my  good  fortune  sev- 
eral years  since  to  secure  for  the  Historical  Society  several  copies 
of  the  "Petrel,"  a  paper  published  on  the  ship  Duxbury,  which 
sailed  from  Boston  via  Cape  Horn  for  San  Francisco  in  1849. 
From  its  numerous  poetical  effusions  I  quote  one  entitled  "Skin- 
ning the  Duff."  Duff,  as  you  know,  is  a  kind  of  pudding  popu- 
lar with  sailors.  It  is  made  of  flour,  tallow,  raisins  and  other 
ingredients  and  boiled  in  a  bag.  Skinning  the  duff  consisted 
in  removing  the  cloth  bag  in  which  the  pudding  was  boiled. 


Oh,  'tis  pleasant  to  sail 

Before  the  gale 

As  the  wind  pipes  loud  and  free 

And  we  dash  away 

Amid  foam  and  spray 

Across  the  dark  blue  sea, 

And  we  feel  the  wrath 

Of  the  tempest's  breath, 

As  it  fills  our  spreading  sail, 

And  we  shout  with  glee 

As  the  foaming  sea 

Dashes  high  o'er  the  Duxbury's  rail. 

But  a  pleasanter  sight 

Than  the  tempest's  night 

As  it  roars  in  tones  so  gruff 

Is  to  see  e'er  the  larboard  watch  is  called 
The  Steward  skinning  the  duff. 


And  'tis  pleasant  to  ride 
O'er  the  swelling  tide, 
On  the  breast  of  the  open  sea, 
To  the  waves'  soft  chime 
In  their  low,  sweet  melody, 
And  'tis  pleasant  to  gaze 
On  the  moon's  mild  rays, 
Reflected  wide  o'er  the  deep, 
While  the  evening  star 
Her  vigils  of  love  to  keep. 

But  it  is  pleasanter  far 

Than  moon  or  star, 

Or  wind  so  smooth  or  rough, 

To  see  e'er  the  larboard  watch  is  called 

The  Steward  skinning  the  duff. 

And  'tis  pleasant  at  night 

When  day's  rich  light 

Has  faded  away  and  gone; 

And  the  crowd  collects 

Between  the  decks 

To  listen  to  story  or  song ; 

And  the  full  heart  swells 

And  the  eyes  will  fill, 

As  we  talk  of  friends  afar. 

And  our  pulses  bound 

As  the  toast  goes  round, 

God  bless  them  wherever  they  are; 

But  a  pleasanter  sight 

Than  day's  rich  light 

Or  music  or  any  such  stuff 

Is  to  see  e'er  the  larboard  watch  is  called 

The  Steward  skinning  the  duff. 



Social  organizations  have  their  rise  in  the  social  instinct. 
And  it  will  be  my  purpose  this  evening  to  sketch  very  briefly  the 
origin  and  development  of  this  instinct,  as  well  as  to  prove  the 
value  of  social  organizations.  By  these  terms  I  do  not  include 
the  purely  social  clubs,  the  rendezvous  for  eating,  smoking  and 
lounging;  nor  any  of  the  various  secret  societies.  Strictly 
speaking,  a  social  organization  would  not  come  under  the  classi- 
fication of  a  club  formed  for  philanthropy,  reform,  or  study 
along  social  lines,  although  the  social  element  is  often  so  closely 
allied  with  clubs  organized  for  work  of  some  kind  that  a  strict 
line  of  demarcation  is  difficult,  unless  the  object  of  the  club  is 
kept  in  mind. 

What  is  its  object?  Has  a  social  organization  any  ethical 
value  ? 

Before  attempting  to  answer  these  questions  it  will  be  nec- 
essary to  study  the  genesis  of  the  social  instinct  and  also  the 
intellectual  development  that  has  given  rise  to  social  organiza- 
tions. We  know  the  social  instinct  is  inherent  and  can  be  traced 
back  through  gradations  of  animal  life.  Not  in  the  form  which 
we  mean  when  we  allude  to  social  feelings,  but  in  the  more  prim- 
itive segregation  of  species  into  colonies,  schools,  flocks  and 
herds  of  animals.  In  invertebrate  life  the  gregarious  masses 
are  due  to  the  immense  quantities  that  are  generated  in  certain 
localities,  and  these  only  represent  a  part  of  the  germs  that  fail 
to  survive.  This  gregariousness  was  illustrated  in  the  little 
pelagic,,  miscroscopic  peridiniums  which  were  so  abundant  on 
our  coast  at  one  time,  summer  before  last.  A  vial  filled  with 
sea  water  was  seen  to  be  alive  with  peridiniums.  Not  scattered 
in  haphazard  fashion  in  the  vial,  but  these  tiny  brown  specks 
were  seen  following  each  other  in  two  moving  streams,  as  a  flock 
of  birds  flying,  some  leading,  others  following.  We  cannot, 
strictly  speaking,  call  this  a  social  instinct,  yet  in  these  gregari- 
ous masses  we  might  see  the  germs  of  a  more  advanced  segre- 
gation of  animals.  A  tiny,  one-celled  animal  cannot  represent 
much  more  than  a  possibility.  The  social  instinct  to  be  recog- 
nized as  such,  must  be  evolved  from  a  more  complicated  system 


of  nerve  tissue  than  is  found  in  any  invertebrate  represented  by 
a  jelly  fish,  or  an  oyster.  But  in  an  insect,  a  bird  or  an  animal, 
scientists  tell  us  the  structural  units  or  microscopical  cells  and 
fibers  are  more  or  less  similar,  and  that  "mind  has  a  physical 
basis  in  the  functions  of  the  nervous  system  and  that  every  men- 
tal process  has  a  corresponding  equivalent  in  some  neural  pro- 
cess."* With  the  evolution  of  the  nervous  system  the  social 
instinct  evolves. 

Social  instincts  not  only  are  shown  in  animals  of  the  same 
genera  and  species,  but  animals  both  wild  and  domesticated  have 
formed  friendships.  In  domestic  life  the  friendship  of  birds, 
cats,  dogs  and  horses  for  their  owners  or  keepers  is  of  common 
occurrence.  "Cats  often  like  to  associate  with  horses,  and  in 
some  cases  with  dogs,  birds  and  rats."  Anecdotes  of  this  social 
instinct  are  numerous.  A  pet  minorca  chicken  raised  by  our 
family  showed  a  decided  preference  for  one  member  of  the 
household.  Dade  knew  his  name  and  would  run  to  his  mis- 
tress whenever  she  called  him.  Often  he  would  perch  for  the 
half  hour  on  the  arm  of  her  chair  if  she  were  in  the  garden.  For 
a  short  time  he  had  two  or  three  hens  under  his  supervision. 
He  always  called  them  to  eat  first  and  would  wait  until  they,  the 
greedy  ones,  had  satisfied  themselves  before  he  would  swallow  a 
mouthful,  although  he  would  pick  up  a  grain  of  corn,  then  place 
it  in  front  of  a  hen.  In  going  into  the  chicken  yard  of  evening 
it  was  always  noticed  that  Dade  called  the  hens,  then  when  they 
were  in  front  of  the  gate,  he  would  stand  on  one  side  with  as 
much  grace  as  a  cultured  human,  then  pass  in  after  the  hens. 

In  Romanes'  "Mental  Evolution  in  Animals"  he  gives  an  il- 
lustration of  a  dog's  attachment  for  his  mistress.  The  anecdote 
was  told  by  the  author  to  show  that  dogs  have  an  imagination, 
but  it  also  adds  another  illustration  of  a  dog's  fondness  for  hu- 
man society.  "I  have."  he  says,  "known  a  case  in  which  a  ter- 
rier of  my  own  household,  on  the  sudden  removal  of  his  mis- 
tress, refused  all  food  for  a  number  of  days,  so  that  it  was 
thought  he  must  certainly  die,  and  his  life  was  only  saved  by 
forcing  him  to  eat  raw  eggs.  Yet  all  his  surroundings  remained 
unchanged,  and  every  one  was  as  kind  to  him  as  they  always 
had  been.  And  that  the  cause  of  his  pining  was  wholly  due 
to  the  absence  of  his  beloved  mistress  was  proved  by  the  fact 
that  he  remained  permanently  outside  of  her  bedroom  door  (al- 
though he  knew  that  she  was  not  inside),  and  could  only  be 



induced  to  go  to  sleep  by  giving  him  a  dress  of  hers  to  sleep 

The  author  just  quoted  from  not  only  enumerates  the  social 
feelings  as  one  of  the  products  of  the  emotional  development 
of  animal  life,  but  he  lists  among  the  products  of  the  intellectual 
development  communication  of  ideas  and  w.hat  he  calls  "indefi- 
nite morality."  That  is,  the  morality  that,  in  a  psychogenetic 
scale,  would  be  equal  to  an  infant  of  15  months.  Under  this 
category  he  lists  dogs  and  anthropoid  apes. 

What  is  the  impulse  that  has  been  the  original  source  and 
stimulus  of  organic  activity?  The  struggle  for  existence,  or, 
in  other  words,  the  craving  for  food,  the  nutritive  impulse. 
Evans  says:  "Every  expression  of  feeling,  every  exercise  of 
the  will,  every  exhibition  of  intelligence  in  the  lower  animals 
and  in  man  can  be  traced  to  hunger  as  its  fountain  head.  From 
the  pressure  of  hunger  and  the  desire  to  prevent  its  occurrence 
spring  the  love  of  acquisition,  the  systematic  accumulation  of 
wealth,  the  idea  of  ownership  in  things,  or  the  general  concep- 
tion of  personal  property,  which  is  the  strongest  element  of  so- 
cial and  domestic  life,  codes  of  laws  and  system  of  morals,  dis- 
coveries, inventions,  industrial  and  commercial  enterprises,  scien- 
tific researches,  and  the  highest  achievement  of  culture  and 

He  further  says :  "It  is  true  that  as  man  arises  in  the  scale 
of  intelligence,  other  and  nobler  incentives  to  activity  come  into 
operation  and  act  even  more  powerfully  than  the  primal  nutri- 
tive impulse.  The  latter,  however,  always  assert  and  insists 
upon  the  priority  of  its  claims,  and  not  until  these  have  been 
satisfied  and  the  stress  of  hunger  relieved,  and  in  some  way  per- 
manently guarded  against,  does  the  individual  think  of  devoting 
his  energies  to  higher  pursuits." 

This  has  been  illustrated  in  the  struggle  for  existence  of  pio- 
neer life.  Plowing,  and  hunting,  for  food,  and  a  rude  habita- 
tion, were  necessities.  From  the  rough  cabin,  or  shack,  to  the 
palace,  there  is  represented  the  evolution  of  man  from  primitive 
labor  to  that  of  large  commercial  and  industrial  enterprises 
where  many  men  labor  together  in  the  interest  of  one  man.  He 
rears  a  palace  to  adequately  meet  his  social  requirements  that 
must  follow  along  the  line  and  keep  pace  with  his  monetary 
interests.  Society,  in  its  restricted  sense,  could  only  be  possible 
when  the  struggle  for  existence  was  not  the  dominant  idea. 
The  social  code,  the  particular  attention  to  forms  and  the  fre- 
quent and  punctilious  occasions  of  social  intercourse  have  no 


meaning  to  the  man  who  is  daily  haunted  with  the  impulse  of 
nutrition  for  himself  and  his  family. 

We  have  seen  that  with  the  social  instinct  inherent  there 
must  still  be  certain  conditions  to  influence  the  growth  and  pro- 
gress of  social  development. 

It  is  my  aim  to  show  that  social  organizations  are  due  to  the 
growth  of  both  mental  and  social  development.  Not  either 
alone,  but  together.  The  intellectual  modified  and  influenced 
by  social  customs  and  the  social  elevated  by  seeking  pleasure  in 
a  more  rational  manner  than  mere  recreation  as  an  excuse  for 
passing  time.  Living  in  a  world  of  activity,  yet  trying  to  kill 
time.  This  is  the  abuse  of  the  social  instinct. 

It  may  be  urged  that  the  intellectual  status  represents  tfie 
highest  intelligence,  or  capacity  for  the  function  of  the  intel- 
lect, then  how  can  modified  and  influenced  by  society? 

I  would  not  be  misunderstood ;  there  is  nothing  that  should  be 
more  valued  than  the  intellect,  the  power  to  understand,  but  if 
the  intellectual  person  fails  to  adjust  himself  to  his  social  en- 
vironment, if  his  own  personality  is  at  war  with  the  social  judg- 
ments of  his  times,  his  influence  is  circumscribed,  his  intellectual 
attainments  are  not  valued.  He  must  care  for  the  rights  and 
privileges  of  his  fellow  men. 

Whatever  faults  or  failings  may  be  laid  at  the  door  of  polite 
society,  it,  in  its  best  sense,  is  polite,  seeking  for  the  happiness 
of  individual  members  of  it.  In  social  relations  the  ethical  must 
necessarily  be  the  groundwork  of  such  relationships.  The 
"ought"  and  ought  not  of  the  individual  in  his  relation  to  so- 
ciety is  ever  present.  Without  this  regard  for  the  happiness  of 
others  there  could  be  no  such  thing  as  ethical  culture,  which 
is  only  another  name  for  refined  altruism.  Take,  for  instance, 
a  company  of  what  we  term  ladies  and  gentlemen;  what  is  their 
characteristic  in  their  relation  to  others?  Politeness.  No  one 
must  be  made  unhappy;  self  must  be  secondary  to  the  feelings 
of  others,  and  although  this  is  often  abused  into  a  form  of  un- 
truth, known  as  "white  lies"  or  "fibbing,"  the  exaggeration  often 
has  its  root  in  the  desire  to  do,  and  say,  things  that  give  pleasure. 
Politeness  is  not  only  the  sesame  to  good  society  but  is  a  strong 
factor  in  making  life  easier  in  every  avenue  of  life. 

A  lady  was  once  trying  to  give  her  little  grandchild  a  lesson 
in  politeness  when  the  application  of  the  lesson  came  home  to 

her  in  a  way  she  had  not  anticipated.  "G ,"  said  she  to  the 

child,  who  was  visiting  her,  "if  you  want  any  one  to  do  any- 
thing for  you,  you  must  be  polite,  you  must  say  'please.' '  A 


little  while  after  that  the  child  had  made  some  paste  in  a  tin-cup 
and  was  busy  on  the  floor  pasting  bits  of  paper  together.  The 
grandmother  after  a  while  became  tired  of  the  litter  and  said : 

"G! ,  you  have  played  with  that  paste  long  enough;  take  the 

cup  out  into  the  kitchen."  The  little  five-year-old  arose,  straight- 
ened herself  erect,  and  said  with  much  indignation,  ''Where 
is  your  polite?" 

James  Mark  Baldwin,  in  a  study  in  social  Psychology,  en- 
titled, "Social  and  Ethical  Interpretations,"  lays  much  stress 
upon  the  ability  of  a  person  to  conform  to  the  social  community. 
We  know  there  must  be  variation  if  there  is  growth,  but  he  says 
that,  "The  limits  of  individual  variation  must  lie  inside  the  possi- 
ble attainment  of  the  social  heritage  by  each  person.  In  the 
•actual  attainment  of  this  ideal,  any  society  finds  itself  embar- 
rassed by  refactory  individuals." 

He  further  says:  "It  is  the  duty  of  each  individual  to  be 
torn  a  man  of  social  tendencies  which  his  communal  tradition 
a  man,  then,  as  far  as  his  variation  goes,  he  is  liable  to  be  found 
requires  of  him;  if  he  persist  in  being  born  a  different  sort  of 
a  criminal  before  the  bar  of  public  conscience  and  law,  and  to 
be  suppressed  in  an  asylum  or  a  reformatory,  in  Siberia  or  in 
the  Potter's  field." 

This  refers,  of  course,  to  society  in  general,  not  to  social 
organizations,  for  in  these  there  is  a  selection  of  the  fittest,  the 
unfit  is  seldom  invited  or  is  soon  socially  suppressed.  Not  of 
course  by  drastic  measures  such  as  general  society  advocates, 
"but  merely  ignoring  his  personality — not  rudely,  but  silently,  yet 
lione  the  less  effectively.  For  social  organizations  must  be  com- 
posed, for  the  most  part,  of  individuals  whose  judgments  are  in 
unison  with  the  social  judgments  of  the  club.  A  man  or  woman 
to  be  eligible  to  membership  must  be  a  clubable  person.  By  this 
is  meant  a  person  who  respects  the  rights  of  others.  One  whose 
attitude  is  aggressive,  who  is  unmindful  of  others'  rights,  would 
certainly  be  unsuitable  to  a  social  club. 

Receptions  to  notable  persons  and  monthly  banquets  or 
luncheons,  or  cosy  teas,  combine  two  inherent  instincts  in  life. 
The  instinct  of  nutrition,  as  has  been  said,  is  the  first  organic 
emotion,  and  it  is  still  a  dominant  factor  in  friendly  intercourse. 
Even  the  "Man  of  Sorrows"  gathered  his  chosen  twelve  around 
the  social  board  when  he  broke  the  bread  and  drank  the  fruit  of 
the  vine  while  he  foretold  the  saddening  future. 

If  social  organizations  have  introduced  more  hospitable  rela- 
tions between  the  members  than  was  practicable  in  a  club  formed 


for  work,  they  are  also  fine  mediums  for  educating  women  to- 
wards greater  simplicity  in  entertaining.  This  question  cannot 
be  discussed  in  society  functions  where  discussion  is  strictly  ta- 
booed, but  is  a  legitimate  topic  at  the  club,  where  anything  that 
is  carried  to  extreme  may  be  criticised  in  a  general  way.  Articles 
written  upon  such  topics  by  persons  who  are  conversant  with 
social  abuses  have,  and  do,  popularize  simplicity  and  grace,  rather 
than  display  that  borders  upon  vulgarity.  If  there  is  one  trait 
of  character  that  is  the  ruling  passion  in  America,  not  of  women 
only,  it  is  that  of  imitation.  In  business,  if  one  man  branches 
out  in  a  new  line,  he  runs  the  risk  of  becoming  bankrupt  by  com- 
petition in  this  new  line.  Women  imitate  in  dress,  furnishings, 
and  style  of  living  and  entertaining — with  the  desire,  however, 
to  do  a  little  more,  or  add  more  elaborate  features  of  display. 
The  social  instinct  would  impel  the  victim  even  to  the  verge  ofc 
bankruptcy  in  money  and  nerve!  Intellectual  culture  would  seek 
the  happy  medium.  The  social  club,  in  this  respect,  can  be  a  po- 
tent factor. 

In  the  intellectual  activity  of  such  a  club,  the  discussion  of 
topics  of  general  interest  covers  a  wide  field.  The  best  talent, 
both  outside  and  inside  of  the  club  membership,  is  at  its  service. 
Specialists  along  various  lines  readily  use  their  talents  for  the 
good  of  such  a  club. 

This  is,of  itself,  of  great  ethical  value  to  the  members.  Sci- 
ence is  presented  in  a  popular  form ;  philosophy  is  given  in  terms 
less  dillactic;  the  best  fiction  is  reviewed;  music  is  interpreted  by 
professionals;  art  is  made  more  realistic,  and  educational  meth- 
ods are  presented.  All  this  is  inspiring,  uplifting  and  helpful 
as  social  steps  in  the  advance  in  life. 

I  would  not  be  misunderstood1 — mental  growth  does  not  de- 
pend upon  clubs,  nor,  we  may  say,  colleges,  alone.  With  books 
and  free  libraries  for  their  dissemination,  there  is  no  lack  of  edu- 
cational aids.  But  such  clubs  are  useful  to  persons  who  are  by 
nature  students.  When  one  reads  and  studies  alone,  he  sees  only 
one  side  of  the  author's  meaning  or  intent.  This  may  be  correct, 
and  yet  it  is  helpful  to  learn  how  other  minds  receive  the  same 
information.  Social  expression  of  ideas  is  an  adjunct  to  mental 
growth.  Growth  is  an  ethical  factor.  When  we  think  of  de- 
generation, we  immediately  form  an  image  of  something  that 
has  been  dwarfed  for  want  of  nutrition.  This  argument  also 
holds  good  in  a  study  club,  but  in  such  a  club  the  tendency  is  to 
specialize;  consequently  there  is  not  so  much  diversity  in  the 
range  of  topics  discussed  before  the  same  persons. 


There  is  an  inspiration  in  associating  in  club  life  with  men 
and  women  who  have  a  broader  insight  into  life,  a  finer  concep- 
tion of  relative  values,  a  more  comprehensive  vision  of  humanity 
than  one  possesses. 

The  social  club  is  a  help  in  breaking  down  imaginary  social 

Genius  is  often  the  child  of  penury,  and  brains  have  been 
rocked  in  a  pine  cradle.  But  when  genius  and  brains  come  to 
the  front,  social  distinctions  vanish. 

Social  organizations  for  women  are  often  connecting  links 
between  the  mother  and  society.  A  club  represents  individual 
home  factors,  held  together  by  a  common  interest,  yet  diversified 
by  hereditary  gifts  and  home  environments.  The  social  club 
supplies  a  human  want  in  the  life  of  the  mother.  She  may  have 
no  time  to  study,  with  her  young  family  clamoring  for  her  atten- 
tion; but  she  may  possess  her  soul  in  peace  for  an  occasional 
half  day  in  the  club.  The  club  demands  less  of  her  than  society 
would.  It  gives  her  ideal  thinking  for  a  time  which  is  a  refresh- 
ing change  from  purely  domestic,  economic  details.  Surely  it 
needs  no  argument  to  prove  that  such  a  mother  would  be  happier 
because  of  her  glimpse  of  the  world  outside  her  narrow  horizon ; 
nor  that  her  home  would  also  be  benefited.  As  happiness  is  the 
desideratum,  if  not  the  ultimatum,  of  human  desires,  any  club 
that  tends  towards  the  happiness  of  its  members  and  of  society 
at  large  is  of  value. 

The  social  organization  is  a  medium  through  which  reforms 
can  be  disseminated.  For  a  progressive  club  must  discuss  some 
of  the  issues  of  the  day.  Clubs  for  philanthropy  or  reform  have 
taken  their  rise  from  such  a  club.  As  an  instance,  some  years 
ago  a  member  of  the  Friday  morning  Club  was  in  favor  of  hav- 
ing a  cooking  school  for  girls  in  one  of  our  poorer  districts.  A 
graduate  of  a  Boston  cooking  school  was  asked  to  present  this 
subject  to  the  club.  The  need  of  such  a  school  was  discussed, 
and  the  result  was  the  formation — outside  of  the  club — of  such 
a  school.  Through  the  liberality  of  another  member  an  indus- 
trial department  was  added,  and  the  Stimson-Lafayette  Indus- 
trial Association  was  incorporated,  and  is  now  in  a  flourishing 

While  furnishing  the  impetus  to  organized  activity,  the  ideal 
social  club  commits  itself  to  no  restricted  line  of  labor.  In  this 
respect  it  shows  its  strength,  for  it  is  able  to  educate  and  send 
out  workers  in  many  lines.  Its  sympathies  are  as  broad  as  hu- 
man wants. 


In  such  clubs  there  must  be  neutrality  in  religious  beliefs,  and, 
it  naturally  follows  that  this  religious  liberty  cannot  do  other- 
wise than  have  a  reflex  influence  in  general  society.  Without 
the  social  elements  in  clubs  and  societies  do  you  believe  that  the 
Jewish  women  of  our  country  could  have  been  recognized  and 
given  a  place  at  the  Jewish  Congress  during  the  World's  Fair  ? 

It  was  said  that  never  before  in  the  history  of  Judaism  had 
a  body  of  Jewish  women  come  together  for  the  purpose  of  pre- 
senting their  views,  nor  for  any  purpose  but  that  of  charity  or 
mutual  aid;  never  in  the  representation  of  Judaism.  The  club 
formed  for  social  improvement  draws  no  line  between  Jew  and 
Christian,  Theosophist  and  Agnostic. 

Is  this  too  broad  a  platform?  It  may  be  for  narrow  secta- 
rianism, but  not  for  a  belief  in  the  brotherhood  of  man !  Not  for 
Christian  ethics. 

Social  organizations,  or  clubs,  are  not  usually  organized  for 
the  good  of  the  public,  but  for  the  pleasure  of  its  individual  mem- 
bers; but  that  does  not  invalidate  the  claim  that  such  organiza- 
tions are  of  ethical  value. 

In  answer  to  a  letter  of  inquiry  regarding  the  Sunset  Club, 
which  meets  once  a  month,  Mr.  Charles  Dwight  Willard  says : 

"Usually  about  forty  attend.  The  papers  are  on  all  classes  of 
subjects;  and  there  is  usually  one  principal  paper,  about  twenty 
minutes'  long,  and  two  short  ones  of  five  minutes  each,  after 
which,  in  the  discussion,  five  to  twelve  men  usually  participate. 
Literary  topics  are  infrequent,  and  economics  occur  most  often. 
I  have  generally  found  that  sociological  subjects  are  most  satis- 
factory to  the  general  club  membership." 

A  club  like  the  Sunset  Club,  composed  of  a  number  of  rep- 
resentative men  of  the  city,  men  who  are  identified  with  various 
lines  of  activity  as  doctors,  lawyers,  ministers,  bankers,  archi- 
tects, authors,  merchants  and  men  in  other  special  fields  of  in- 
dustry, must  tend  towards  the  ethical  growth  of  the  individual 
members,  and  consequently  influence  society  at  large.  If  the 
tendency  is  to  "broaden  those  who  are  participants  in  the  discus- 
sions," then  certainly  the  community  is  benefited.  Public  opin- 
ion is  something  that  changes;  it  never  remains  the  same.  Every 
lecture,  every  public  discussion,  has  some  share  in  the  growth 
of  ideas.  The  masses  are  led  by  the  few.  The  discussion  of  so- 
ciological subjects,  questions  that  deal  with  the  phenomena  of 
society,  of  the  right  relations  of  man  to  man,  which  include  ques- 
tions of  "rightness"  and  "oughtness,"  might  not  seem  to  the  sixty 
members  of  any  great  benefit  to  persons  outside  of  the  club,  but 


no  body  of  intellectual  men  could  meet  monthly  to  think  and  talk 
over  topics  that  are  bound  up  in  society  at  large  without,  in  some 
way,  affecting  the  general  public. 

No  life  stands  all  alone,  and  it  is  the  problem  of  social  psy- 
chology to  ascertain  to  what  extent  the  development  of  the  indi- 
vidual mind  applies  to  the  evolution  of  society  and  how  far  so- 
ciety influences  the  individual. 

No  thought  is  useful  to  society  while  it  remains  merely  in 
the  mind  of  the  individual.  Social  organizations  are  excellent 
mediums  for  the  expression  of  ideas.  Thoughts  must  have  pub- 
licity ;  they  cannot  have  any  general  value  until  they  find  expres- 
sion and  are  available ;  then  they  become  alive,  a  part  of  the  gen- 
eral mind.  If  social  organizations,  composed  of  men  or  women 
of  intellectual  abilities  and  culture,  did  nothing  more  than  require 
that  all  members  should  be  persons  who  are  known  for  their 
moral  character,  persons  whose  influence  is  in  an  ethical  direc- 
tion, who  would  say  that  such  a  club  was  not  of  ethical  value. 
In  chemistry  we  know  by  analysis  the  character  of  any  substance, 
and  in  the  same  way  we  judge  of  a  society  by  its  units,  or  indi- 
viduals composing  its  membership.  Moral  growth  must  be 
greater  when  societies  are  composed  of  individuals  who  aim  to 
act  ethically,  and  who  are  indulging  in  ideal  thinking.  The 
moral  nature  develops  when  the  individual  aspires  to  reach,  in 
himself,  an  ideal  status.  A  combination  of  such  individuals  is 
the  ideal  social  organization. 



Three  or  four  days  succeeding  the  first  rains  of  the  season 
there  comes  over  the  face  of  nature  in  Southern  California  a 
marked  and  magical  change — from  a  dry  and  apparently  bar- 
ren landscape,  the  sweet-scented  "Pelio"  with  its  musky  odor 
covers  the  earth  with  a  mantle  of  vivid  green.  The  early  in- 
habitants of  this  country,  living  very  near  to  nature  and  believ- 
ing that  the  spicy  perfume  of  the  fresh  and  tender  grass  was  in- 
vigorating and  rejuvenating  to  the  old  and  infirm,  brought 
them  into  the  sunlight  on  their  respective  rawhide  beds  and  left 
them  to  doze  and  dream  the  day  long.  From  the  first  rains  and 
through  all  the  seasons  of  the  year  until  the  last  dry  days  of 
fall  and  early  winter  can  be  gathered  herbs  and  plants,  of  va- 
rieties too  numerous  to  mention  in  this  brief  paper,  for  edible 
and  medicinal  purposes.  Their  range  is  from  the  mountain  tops 
to  the  seashore.  I  say  from  the  mountain  tops,  because  the 
melting  snows  of  winter  and  the  cloudbursts  of  spring  and  sum- 
mer wash  the  seeds  down  the  canons'  sides  into  the  valleys 

Seventy  years  or  more  ago,  when  physicians  were  like  an- 
gels' visits,  "few  and  far  between,"  each  mother  of  a  family  con- 
stituted herself  ihe  adviser  of  her  family  and  friends,  and  in 
every  small  village  or  "pueblo"  there  was  the  "Vieja,"  whom, 
every  one  respected  and  consulted,  and  who  dispensed  with  a 
lavish  hand  her  various  herbs,  which  she  had  gathered,  dried 
and  put  into  safe-keeping  for  future  use.  A  call  from  a  fever 
patient  hastened  her  with  a  package  of  "sauco,"  which  she  made 
into  tea  and  administered  at  stated  intervals,  until  relief  came  in 
the  shape  of  a  profuse  perspiration.  If  her  patient  became  too 
weak  or  debilitated  she  administered  "Paleo"  as  a  tonic.  For 
cancer  she  made  a  poultice  of  the  pounded  leaves  of  "Totoache," 
which  removed  cancerous  growths  if  applied  in  time.  For  in- 
ducing an  appetite  a  decoction  of  "Concha  L'agua"  was  given, 
until  the  patient  was  able  to  eat  his  accustomed  allowance  of 
broiled  beef  and  "Atole."  If  in  the  annual  "rodeo"  a  vaquero 


was  thrown  from  his  horse  or  otherwise  bruised,  he  was  removed 
to  his  home  and  "Yerba  del  Golpe"  applied  to  his  contusions. 
Then  a  bath  of  "Ramero"  to  rejuvenate  his  discolored  flesh 
was  used  and  soon  the  rider  was  at  work  again  among  his  cattle. 
Week  and  inflamed  eyes  were  cured  by  a  wash  made  of  "Rosa 
de  Castilla."  A  pomade  of  the  same  was  used  for  tenderness 
or  chafing  of  the  skin.  "Yerba  del  Manso"  and  "Yerba  del 
Pasmo"  were  favorite  remedies  and  used  for  almost  every  form 
of  disease. 

There  is  a  sweet  smelling  little  flower  of  pure  white  called 
"Selama,"  whose  root  of  crimson  furnished  the  young  Indian 
girls  a  paint  to  improve  their  complexions,  which,  unlike  the 
cosmetics  of  latter  days,  left  no  bad  effects,  remaining  the  same 
day  after  day. 

In  the  early  morning  when  the  dew  was  on  the  grass,  the 
old  women  gathered  "Lanten"  for  boils  and  inflamed  swellings. 
The  large  leaves  bruised  and  soaked  in  olive  oil  served  to  con- 
centrate the  inflammation.  The  leaves  of  the  "Tunra"  were  used 
for  the  same  purpose.  We  all  know  how  deliciously  refreshing 
the  fruit  of  the  Tuna  is  on  a  he '  summer  day,  and  it  formed  one 
of  the  principal  items  of  an  India  s  winter  store — Tunas,  ground 
acorns,  "Pinones,"  roasted  "Mescal"  and  "Chia"  made  the  Indian 
wax  fat  and  happy. 

When  a  washerwoman  wished  her  black  clothes  to  look 
bright  and  new,  she  sought  the  "Campo"  for  "Yerba"  or 
"Amole,"  which,  pounded  and  soaked  over  night  in  water,  made 
a  beautiful  and  cleansing  suds.  "Cichiquelite,"  a  small  seed  for 
edible  purposes,  was  also  beneficial  as  a  gargle  for  sore  throats. 
"Petata"  is  a  root  eaten  by  the  Indians  before  the  introduction  of 
the  potato — in  fact,  served  the  same  purpose.  In  the  "zanjas" 
and  pools  along  the  rivers  grows  a  plant  which  makes  a  salad 
highly  prized  by  the  native  Californians,  called  "Flor  del  Aqua." 
It  possesses  a  slightly  bitter  flavor,  which  is  very  appetizing. 
There  is  another  with  the  small  name  "Beno"  also  relished  for 
salads  by  "Paisanos." 

Hair  tonics  and  hair  washes  grow  everywhere  in  both  spring 
and  summer,  "Caria"  being  one  of  the  many.  And  every  Cali- 
fornian  knows  of  the  medicinal  virtues  of  the  different  "Malvas," 
both  black  and  white  being  used  for  congestions,  and  as  a  wash 
for  "Yedra"  (or  poison  oak)  it  is  healing  and  soothing.  "Cardo" 
and  "Yuelite"  are  spring  greens  and  may  be  eaten  also  as  salads, 
and  hundreds  of  persons  can  speak  of  the  "Mostassa,"  the  best 
spring  vegetable  of  all. 


Then  there  is  the  San  Lucas  plant  for  rheumatism  and  many 
others,  whose  names  are  difficult  to  pronounce  on  account  of 
their  Indian  origin.  Some  of  these  medicinal  herbs  may  be 
found  in  various  pharmacies  under  botanical  names — these  are 
the  native  Californian  and  Indian  names  given  here.  But  in  the 
surrounding  country,  where  live  Indians  and  natives,  the  old 
women  still  administer  their  herbs  under  the  well-known, 
homely  and  suggestive  names  given  in  this  paper.  The  early 
pnysicians  of  Los  Angeles  could  vouch  for  the  efficacy  of  nu- 
merous herbs  used  by  them  in  their  practice  among  the  residents 
if  they  were  here  to  tell. 

This  has  been  writen  to  show  that  the  lazniess  of  the  Cali- 
fornian is  in  a  measure  excusable.  For  what  use  had  he  for 
work  when  everything  grew  at  his  hand — his  food,  his  medicine, 
his  shelter.  If  his  "adobe"  house  or  "Ramada"  required  sweep- 
ing, he  had  but  to  gather  his  "Escobita"  or  "Tules,"  tie  them  in 
broom  shape  and  sweep  when  necessary.  Disinfectants  in  the 
form  of  lovely  flowers  grew  on  the  hills  and  on  the  plains.  A 
hundred  pages  could  be  writen  of  the  herbs,  edible  and  medicinal, 
that  are  "born  to  bloom  and  blu*U< unseen  and  waste  their  sweet- 
ness on  the  desert  air." 

In  continuation,  I  should  say  that  there  were  many  plants 
used  by  the  Indians  in  wicked  incantations,  herbs  used  in  con- 
juring decoctions  so  powerful,  that  a  small  quantity  adminis- 
tered, crippled  or  blinded  a  subject  for  life.  It  could  not  have 
been  that  his  mind  was  wrought  upon,  for  these  herbs  were  given 
unbeknown  to  the  sufferer,  and  therefore  affected  him  through 
their  poisonous  influences.  Except  the  few  plants  which  the 
native  Californian  has  discovered  for  himself,  the  knowledge 
of  the  medicinal  and  edible  plants  of  Southern  California  has 
been  handed  down  to  him  through  his  Indian  ancestors,  who 
subsisted  on  the  roots  and  seeds  of  this  country,  gathering  some 
in  the  mountains  and  others  in  the  valleys  below,  but  always 
busy  in  the  different  seasons  of  their  growth  and  ripening. 

After  the  founding  of  the  missions  the  Indians  had  their 
corn,  beans  and  different  edibles  for  consumption  which  were 
introduced  by  the  "padres,"  and  under  their  subjection  ceased 
to  gather  seeds  and  herbs,  but  now  and  then  there  would  be  an 
eld  woman  who  still  clung  to  tradition  and  believed  that  there 
was  nothing  better  than  the  old  way  of  living,  and  consequently 
lived  and  suffered  under  the  "sobriquet"  of  "Chisera,"  or  witch, 
who  was  only  visited  in  secret  by  the  jealous  husband,  or  sought 
for  love  potions  by  the  Indian  maiden  in  the  "dark  of  the  moon." 


These  old  women  crept  about  with  packs  upon  their  backs  filled 
with  dried  fruit,  seeds  and  countless  small  and  mysterious  pack- 
ages, which  were  the  awe  of  the  uninitiated.  They  lived  in 
small  jacales  or  huts  made  of  "tules"  on  the  outskirts  of  the 
mission  and  died  of  old  age,  true  to  their  convictions. 

There  are  also  plants  deleterious  to  animals,  one  in  particular 
— "Ramaloco" — which  when  eaten  by  horses  causes  them  to  be- 
come dangerously  mad,  and  while  under  its  influence  to  endan- 
ger the  lives  of  human  beings  as  well  as  other  animals.  There 
is  also  "Bledo  Cimaron,"  which  when  dry  seems  to  have  an 
affinity  for  others,  thus  forming  into  immense  rolling  mounds 
and  skipping  before  the  winds,  terrorized  and  stampeded  the 
countless  herds  of  cattle  and  horses  that  roamed  the  plains. 
There  is  a  weed  which  is  deadly  poison  to  sheep.  In  a  little 
wayside  plant  not  unlike  a  tiny  apple  in  looks  and  odor,  called 
"Mansanilla,"  we  have  a  strong  purgative,  used  to  reduce  the 
temperature  in  fever.  If  you  walk  or  ride  with  an  old  native 
woman  she  will  pick  flowers  and  plants  by  the  wayside  and  ex- 
pound their  virtues  to  you  until  you  are  convinced  that  you  are 
walking  over  untold  treasures.  Indeed,  every  creeping  plant  in 
California  has  a  meaning  and  a  history. 



In  learning  the  life-story  of  many  of  the  early  English- 
speaking  settlers  of  Los  Angeles,  as  recounted  to  me  by  them- 
selves, I  have  been  struck  with  the  infinite  variety  of  adven- 
tures and  dangers  which  they  went  through. 

Many  of  the  older  members  of  this  society,  or  those  who 
lived  here  in  the  sixties  or  fifties,  or  before  (of  these  latter,  how- 
ever, very  few  remain),  well  remember  Andrew  A.  Boyle,  that 
early  Pioneer,  after  whom  "Boyle  Heights"  was  named.  But 
not  all  of  you,  I  presume,  are  aware  of  the  fact  that  Mr.  Boyle 
was  one  of  the  three  or  four  men  of  Col.  Fanning's  unfortunate 
band  of  more  than  400  Texas  soldiers  who  escaped  slaughter  in 
the  terrible  tragedy  at  Goliad,  Texas,  in  1836. 

Mr.  Boyle  was  born  in  Ireland,  county  of  Mayo,  in  1818, 
eighty-two  years  ago.  At  the  age  of  14  years  he  came  to  New 
York.  Two  years  later,  he  with  his  brothers  and  sisters  went 
to  Texas  with  a  colony,  which  settled  at  San  Patricio,  on  the 
Nueces  river. 

On  the  breaking  out  of  the  revolution,  Texas  then  being  a 
province  of  Mexico,  Mr.  Boyle  enlisted  January  7,  1836,  in  West- 
over's  artillery  of  the  Texan  army,  and  his  command  was  or- 
dered to  Goliad,  where  it  was  incorporated  with  the  forces  of 
Col.  Fanning,  and  after  sundry  engagements  with  greatly  su- 
perior numbers,  the  Texans  were  compelled  to  surrender.  Mr. 
Boyle,  who  had  been  wounded,  expected  to  be  shot,  as  nearly  all 
his  comrades  were,  to  the  number  of  almost  400  men,  notwith- 
standing the  fact  that  by  the  terms  of  their  capitulation  they 
were  guaranteed  their  lives.  Mr.  Boyle,  who  understood  Span- 
ish, learned  that  this  was  to  be  their  fate,  but  before  their  exe- 
cution an  officer  asked  in  English  if  there  was  any  one  among 
their  number  named  Boyle,  to  which  he  answered  at  once  that 
that  was  his  name.  He  was  immediately  taken  to  the  officers' 
hospital  to  have  his  wound  attended  to,  where  he  was  kindly 
treated  by  the  officers. 

A  Mr.  Brooks,  aid  to  Col.  Fanning,  who  was  there  at  the 
time  with  his  thigh  badly  shattered,  knew  nothing  of  what  had 


happened,  or  what  was  to  be  their  fate,  and  upon  being  in- 
formed, he  remarked,  "I  suppose  it  will  be  our  turn  next."  In 
less  than  five  minutes,  four  Mexican  soldiers  carried  him  out, 
cot  and  all,  placed  him  in  the  street,  not  fifteen  feet  from  the 
door,  where  Mr.  Boyle  could  not  help  seeing  him,  and  there 
shot  him.  His  body  was  instantly  rifled  of  a  gold  watch, 
stripped  and  thrown  into  a  pit  at  the  side  of  the  street. 

A  few  hours  after  the  murder  of  Mr.  Brooks,  the  officer  who 
had  previously  inquired  for  Mr.  Boyle,  came  into  the  hospital, 
and,  addressing  him  in  English,  said:  "Make  your  mind  easy, 
sir;  your  life  is  spared." 

Mr.  Boyle  responded,  "May  I  inquire  the  name  of  the  person 
to  whom  I  am  indebted  for  my  life?" 

"Certainly;  my  name  is  General  Francisco  Garay,  second  in 
command  of  General  Urrea's  division." 

It  seems  that  when  Gen.  Garay's  forces  had  occupied  San 
Patricio  that  officer  had  been  quartered  at  the  house  of  the  Boyle 
family,  and  had  been  hospitably  entertained.  Mr.  Boyle's 
brother  and  sister  had  refused  all  remuneration  from  him-,  only 
asking  that  if  their  younger  brother,  then  in  the  Texan  army, 
should  ever  fall  into  his  hands  he  would  treat  him  kindly.  Af- 
terward, by  order  of  Gen.  Garay,  Mr.  Boyle  obtained  a  pass- 
port, and  went  to  San  Patricio,  where  he  remained. 

After  the  battle  of  San  Jacinto  and  the  capture  of  Gen.  Santa 
Ana  and  the  retreat  of  the  Mexican  forces,  Gen.  Garay,  in  pass- 
ing through  San  Patricio,  called  to  see  Mr.  Boyle,  who,  at  the 
General's  request,  accompanied  the  latter  to  Matamoras.  The 
General  also  invited  Mr.  Boyle  to  accompany  him  to  the  city 
of  Mexico,  but  this  invitation  he  was  compelled  to  decline;  and 
so  he  set  out  on  foot  for  Brazos,  Santiago,  where  he  took  passage 
on  a  brig  for  New  Orleans.  Being  out  of  money  and  in  rags 
on  arriving  at  New  Orleans,  he  engaged  at  $2.50  a  day  in  paint- 
ing St.  Mary's  market.  Working  long  enough  to  buy  some 
clothes,  he  availed  himself  of  the  Texan  Consul's  offer  of  a  free 
passage  to  the  mouth  of  the  Brazos  river,  where  Gen.  Burnett, 
the  first  President  of  the  Republic  of  Texas,  gave  him  a  letter  to 
Gen.  Rusk,  at  that  time  in  command  of  the  army  on  the  river 

Mr.  Boyle  walked  to  Gen.  Rusk's  camp,  a  distance  of  150 
miles.  Gen.  Rusk  gave  Mr.  Boyle  his  discharge  on  account  of 
impaired  health.  After  recovering  from  a  severe  sickness,  he 
went  to  Columbia,  the  seat  of  government  of  Texas,  where  he 
obtained  a  passport  for  New  Orleans. 

ANDREW   A.    BOYLE  243 

After  his  return  to  the  latter  city  and  the  re-establishment 
of  his  health,  he  engaged  in  merchandizing  on  the  Red  river 
till  about  the  year  1842. 

In  1846  Mr.  Boyle  was  married  to  Miss  Elizabeth  A.  Christie 
at  New  Orleans.  Miss  Christie  was  a  native  of  British  Guiana; 
from  whence,  in  1838,  her  father  brought  his  family  to  New 
Orleans.  One  daughter  was  born  to  this  marriage,  who  is  now 
the  wife  of  Ex-Mayor  William  H.  Workman.  Mrs.  Boyle  died 
in  New  Orleans,  October  20,  1849.  This  daughter  ( Mrs.  Work- 
man) was  cared  for  and  brought  up  by  her  great  aunt,  Char- 
lotte Christie,  who,  at  the  age  of  over  80  years,  died  recently  in 
this  city,  at  the  home  of  her  foster-daughter. 

Returning  from  the  Red  river,  Mr.  Boyle  went  to  Mexico, 
where  he  engaged  successfully  in  business  till  1849,  when  he 
set  out  for  the  United  Staes  with  about  $20,000  in  Mexican  sil- 
ver dollars,  which  he  had  packed  in  a  claret  box.  At  the  mouth 
of  the  Rio  Grande,  in  passing  a  sidewheel  steamer  in  a  small 
skiff,  his  frail  boat  was  upset,  and  his  treasure  sank  to  the 
bottom,  and  was  a  total  loss,  and  he  himself  came  near  losing 
his  life. 

Mr.  Boyle  finally  returned  to  his  home  in  New  Orleans,  to 
find  that  his  wife,  who  was  in  delicate  health,  had  died  two 
weeks  before,  from  nervous  shock  and  brain  fever,  caused  by 
hearing  that  he  had  been  lost  at  the  mouth  of  the  Rio  Grande. 
From  that  time  on,  all  his  interest  centered  in  his  infant  daugh- 
ter, then  a  year  and  a  half  old. 

The  next  year  the  family  started  for  California  via  the  isth- 
mus, arriving  in  San  Francisco  in  the  early  part  of  1851.  Here 
Mr.  Boyle  engaged  in  the  boot  and  shoe  business,  but  he  was 
burned  out  by  both  of  the  fires  that  occurred  that  year. 

In  company  with  a  Mr.  Hobart,  he  then  went  into  the  whole- 
sale boot  and  shoe  business,  and  they  built  up  a  very  large  trade, 
which  extended  to  Los  Angeles  and  other  coast  towns.  Among 
their  customers  in  those  years  (1851-58)  were  Mr.  Kremer,  the 
late  Mr.  Polaski  and  others. 

Mr.  Boyle  made  the  acquaintance  of  Don  Mateo  Keller  in 
Texas  and  at  Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  whither  both  went  on  trading 
expeditions  in  the  early  40*5.  It  was  through  the  influence  of 
Mr.  Keller  that  Mr.  Boyle  was  induced  to  sell  out  his  intrests 
in  San  Francisco  and  come  to  Los  Angeles,  which  he  did  in 
1858.  Here  he  bought  a  vineyard  (planted  in  1835  by  Jose 
Rubio)  on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  under  the  bluffs.  Here 
he  made  his  home,  and  in  1862  or  '63  he  commenced  making 


wine,  and  dug  a  cellar  in  which  to  store  it,  just  under  the  edge 
of  the  bluff.  Prior  to  1862  he  shipped  his  grapes  to  San  Fran- 
cisco, as  did  many  other  vineyardists  here  at  that  period,  grapes 
then  bringing  high  prices  in  that  market.  In  the  '50*5  and 
earlier,  and  before  vineyards  had  been  generally  planted  in  the 
upper  country,  and  during  the  flush  mining  era,  grapes  and  other 
fruit  commanded,  at  times,  fabulous  prices.  Those  who  had 
bearing  vineyards  in  Los  Angeles  at  that  period  had  a  better 
thing  than  a  gold  mine  or  than  oil  wells. 

Mr.  Boyle  was  a  valuable  member  of  the  City  Council  sev- 
eral years  during  the  '6o's.  Mr.  Boyle  and  Mr.  George  Dalton 
were  the  only  members  who,  on  the  final  vote,  cast  their  ballots 
against  the  thirty  years  lease  of  the  city's  domestic  water  system 
to  a  private  company.  Mr.  Boyle  made  a  strong  minority 
committee  report  against  said  lease,  which  we  can  now  see,  as  we 
look  back,  was  a  prophetic  document.  If  the  city  had  followed 
Mr.  Boyle's  advice  it  would  have  saved  millions  of  dollars  and 
no  end  of  vexatious  and  costly  litigation. 

Mr.  Boyle  was  of  a  very  genial,  social  nature,  and  all  who 
visited  his  hospitable  home  were  cordially  received  and  enter- 
tained. I  have  only  pleasant  memories  of  my  visits  to  the  Boyle 
mansion  during  the  lifetime  of  its  former  owner — as  so  many 
others  in  later  years  have  of  their  visits  to  the  present  hospitable 

Down  to  the  time  of  the  death  of  Mr.  Boyle,  there  were  but 
few  houses  on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  either  in  that  beautiful 
suburb  now  known  as  "Boyle  Heights"  or  in  "East  Los  An- 
geles." Mr.  Clemente  lived  on  the  flat  near  the  river;  the  old 
John  Behn  place  was  south  of  Mr.  Boyle,  and  the  Bors  mill  and 
the  Julian  Chaves  and  Elijah  Moulton  places  were  further  up  the 
river,  on  the  east  side. 

Perhaps  I  should  add  that  General  Garay,  the  savior  of  Mr. 
Boyle's  life  at  Goliad,  had  been  educated  in  the  United  States 
and  that  he  spoke  English  perfectly,  and  that  he  keenly  regretted 
the  barbarous  butchery  of  the  disarmed  Texans  at  Goliad,  which, 
as  he  afterward  told  Mr.  Boyle,  would  ever  be  looked  upon  as  a 
blot  and  a  disgrace  on  the  Mexican  name. 


BY  J.   M.  GUINN. 

The  stranger  strolling  through  the  city  of  Santa  Barbara 
will  be  forcibly  impressed  by  the  Spanish  nomenclature  of  its 
streets.  The  famous  men  of  the  Spanish  and  Mexican  eras  of 
California's  history  have  been  remembered  in  the  naming  of 
the  highways  and  byways  of  the  channel  city.  Sola,  Victoria, 
Figueroa,  Ortega,  Carrillo,  de  La  Guerra  and  many  others  have 
their  streets.  Nor  alone  have  the  famous  men,  but  also  famous 
and  infamous  deeds,  too,  have  been  immortalized  in  choice  Cas- 
tilian  on  the  guide  boards.  Sandwiched  in  among  the  calles 
named  for  bygone  heroes  the  stroller  will  find  one  street  name 
that,  if  he  is  not  up  in  his  Spanish,  will  impress  him  with  the 
unpleasant  sensation  as  he  reads  its  name, — Canon  Perdido," — 
that  he  has  entered  upon  the  broad  road  that  leads  down  to 
perdition  canon;  and  he  will  be  on  the  qui  vive  for  some  tra- 
dition of  the  days  of  the  padres  or  the  story  of  uncanny  orgies 
held  in  some  lonely  canon  by  the  Indian  worshipper  of  Chupu, 
the  channel  god.  If  he  should  ask  some  Barbareno  what  the 
street's  name  means,  he  will  be  informed  that  its  name  in  Eng- 
lish is  "Lost  Cannon  street" — for  canon  is  California  Spanish 
for  a  gun  or  a  gulch,  and  perdido  may  mean  in  Castilian  simply 
"lost"  or  intensified — doomed  to  eternal  perdition.  Of  the 
deed,  the  legend  or  the  tradition  that  gave  the  calle  its  queer 
appelation,  unless  your  informant  is  an  old-timer,  you  will  learn 
but  little  and  that  little  perhaps  may  be  incorrect. 

The  episode  that  the  street  name  commemorates  occurred 
away  back  in  the  closing  years  of  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth 
century.  In  the  winter  of  1847-48,  the  American  brig  Eliza- 
beth was  wrecked  on  the  Santa  Barbara  coast.  Among  the 
flotsam  of  the  wreck  was  a  brass  cannon  of  uncertain  caliber — 
it  might  have  been  a  six,  a  nine  or  a  twelve-pounder.  The  ca- 
pacity of  its  bore  is  unknown.  Nor  is  it  pertinent  to  my  story 
for  the  gun  unloaded  made  more  commotion  in  Santa  Barbara 
than  it  ever  did  when  it  belched  forth  shot  and  shell  in  battle. 

The  gun,  after  its  rescue  from  a  watery  grave,  lay  for  some 
time  on  the  beach  devoid  of  a  carriage  and  useless  apparently 
for  offense  or  defense. 


One  dark  night  in  the  ides  of  March  a  little  squad  of  native 
Californians,  possessed  of  a  caretta  and  armed  with  riatas,  stole 
down  to  the  beach  and  loaded  the  gun  on  the  cart,  and  dragging 
it  to  the  estero,  hid  it  in  the  sands.  What  their  purpose  was  in 
stealing  the  gun  no  one  knows.  Perhaps  they  did  not  know 
themselves.  It  might  come  handy  in  a  revolution.  Or  maybe 
they  only  intended  to  play  a  joke  on  the  gringos.  Whatever 
their  object,  the  outcome  of  their  prank1  must  have  astonished 
them.  The  flag  of  our  country  had  been  bobbing  around  in 
California  for  a  year  or  more,  but  the  constitution  had  not  yet 
arrived.  The  laws  of  the  land  were  military  regulations,  Mexi- 
can bandos  and  the  Recopilacion  de  Indias.  This  conglomerate 
jurisprudence  was  administered  by  American  martinets,  Mexican 
alcaldes  and  native  California  ayuntamientos. 

There  was  a  company  of  Stevenson's  regiment  of  New  York 
volunteers  stationed  at  Santa  Barbara  under  the  command  of  a 
Captain  Lippitt.  Lippitt  was  a  fussy,  meddling  martinet.  He 
belonged  to  that  class  of  men  who  always  lose  their  heads  in 
an  emergency  and  make  trouble  for  themselves  and  others.  In 
the  theft  of  the  cannon  he  thought  he  had  discovered  a  California 
revolution  in  its  incipient  stages  and  determined  to  crush  it  in 
its  infancy.  He  sent  post  haste,  at  a  cost  of  $400  to  the  govern- 
ment, couriers  bearing  dispatches  to  Governor  Mason  at  Mon- 
terey, informing  him  of  the  prospective  uprising  of  the  natives 
and  the  possible  destruction  of  the  troops  at  Santa  Barbara  by  the 
terrible  gun  that  the  enemy  had  stolen. 

It  was  Lippitt's  duty  to  have  reported  the  theft  to  Col. 
Stevenson  at  Los  Angeles,  to  whose  regiment  he  belonged.  But 
he  hoped  by  reporting  direct  to  the  military  governor  of  the 
territory  to  obtain  greater  credit  for  his  display  of  military 
genius  and  promptitude  in  suppressing  insurrections. 

Col.  Mason,  relying  on  Captain  Lippitt's  report,  and  deter- 
mining to  give  the  natives  a  lesson  that  would  teach  them  not 
to  meddle  with  guns  or  revolutions,  issued  the  following  order  : 

Order  No.  36. 

Headquarters  of  the  loth  Military  Department, 

Monterey,  California,  May  31,  1848. 

A  gun  belonging  to  the  wreck  of  the  Elisabeth  has  been 
stolen  from  the  beach  at  Santa  Barbara,  and  ample  time  having 
been  allowed  for  its  citizens  to  discover  and  produce  said  gun, 
it  is  ordered  that  the  town  be  laid  under  a  contribution  of  $500, 
assessed  in  the  following  manner: 


First,  a  capitation  tax  of  $2.00  on  all  males  over  20  years  of 
age ;  the  balance  to  be  paid  by  the  heads  of  families  and  property 
holders  in  the  proportion  of  the  value  of  their  respective  real 
and  personal  estate  in  the  town  of  Santa  Barbara  and  vicinity. 

Second,  Col.  J.  D.  Stevenson,  commander  of  the  Southern- 
Military  District,  will  direct  the  appraisement  of  property  and 
the  assessment  of  the  contribution,  and  will  repair  to  Santa  Bar- 
bara on  or  before  the  25th  of  June  next,  when,  if  the  missing* 
gun  is  not  produced,  he  will  cause  said  contribution  to  be  paid 
before  July  1st.  When  the  whole  is  collected  he  will  turn  it  over 
to  the  acting  Assistant  Quartermaster  of  the  post  to  be  held  for 
further  orders. 

Third,  Should  any  person  fail  to  pay  his  capitation,  enough 
of  his  property  will  be  seized  and  sold  at  public  auction  to  realize 
the  amount  of  the  contribution  due  by  him  and  the  cost  of  sale- 
By  order  of  Colonel  R.  B.  Mason. 

First.  Lieut.  3rd  Art.  &  A.  A.  Adjt.-General. 

The  order  was  translated  into  Spanish  and  promulgated  in 
Santa  Barbara. 

Then  there  was  indignation  in  the  old  pueblo,  and  curses, 
not  loud,  but  deep  and  withering  in  their  bitterness,  against  the 
perfidious  gringos.  To  be  taxed  for  a  cannon  used  in  their 
own  subjugation  was  bad  enough,  but  to  be  charged  with 
stealing  it  was  an  insult  too  grievous  to  be  borne,  and  the  loudest 
in  their  wail  were  the  old-time  American  born  residents  of  the 
town.  Had  not  their  New  England  ancestors  gone  to  war  with 
the  mother  country  because  of  "taxation  without  representa- 
tion?" and  put  British  tea  to  steep  in  Boston  harbor  without  the 
consent  of  its  owners?  And  here  on  the  western  side  of  the  con- 
tinent they  were  confronted  with  that  odious  principle.  Why 
should  they  be  taxed?  They  had  not  a  single  representative 
among  the  cannon  thieves. 

Col.  Stevenson  ordered  Lippitt  to  make  out  a  roll  of  those 
subject  to  assessment.  This  order  was  issued  June  15,  and  the 
Colonel  left  Los  Angeles  for  Santa  Barbara,  arriving  there  June 
23d.  Immediately  on  his  arrival  he  held  an  interview  with 
Don  Pablo  de  La  Guerra,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  citizens 
of  Santa  Barbara,  and  a  man  highly  respected  by  both  the  na- 
tives and  the  Americans. 

Colonel  Stevenson  expressed  his  regret  at  the  ridiculous 
course  of  Captain  Lippitt.  Don  Pablo  was  very  indignant  at 


the  treatment  of  the  citizens  and  expressed  his  fear  that  the  en- 
forcement of  the  assessment  might  result  in  an  outbreak.  After 
talking  the  matter  over  with  Col.  Stevenson,  he  became  some- 
what mollified,  and  asked  the  Colonel  to  make  Santa  Barbara  his 
headquarters.  He  inquired  about  the  brass  band  at  Colonel  Ste- 
venson's headquarters  and  suggested  that  the  Californians  were 
very  fond  of  music.  Stevenson  took  the  hint  and  sent  for  his 
band.  The  band  arrived  at  Carpinteria  on  the  afternoon  of  the 
3d  of  July.  The  4th  had  been  fixed  upon  as  the  day  for  the  pay- 
ment of  the  fines,  doubtless  with  the  idea  of  giving  the  Cali- 
fornians a  lesson  in  American  patriotism  and  fair  dealing. 
Colonel  Stevenson  met  the  leader  of  the  band  and  arranged  with 
him  to  serenade  Don  Pablo  and  his  family  with  all  the  Spanish 
airs  in  the  band's  repertoire.  The  musicians  stole  quietly  into 
town  after  night,  reached  the  de  La  Guerra  house  and  broke 
the  stillness  of  the  night  with  their  best  Spanish  airs.  The 
effect  was  magical.  The  family,  who  were  at  supper,  rushed  out 
as  if  a  temblor  had  broken  loose.  Don  Pablo  was  so  delighfed 
that  he  shed  tears  and  hugged  Colonel  Stevenson  in  the  most 
approved  California  style.  The  band  serenaded  all  the  dons  of 
note  in  the  old  pueblo  and  tooted  until  long  after  midnight. 
Then  started  in  next  morning  and  kept  it  up  until  10  o'clock,  the 
hour  set  for  each  man  to  contribute  his  dos  pesos  to  the  com- 
mon fund.  By  that  time  every  hombre  on  the  list  was  so  filled 
with  patriotism,  wine  and  music  that  the  greater  portion  of  the 
fine  was  handed  over  without  protest. 

Don  Pablo  insisted  that  Colonel  Stevenson  should  deliver  a 
Fourth  of  July  oration,  all  the  same  as  they  do  in  the  United 
States  of  the  North.  So  Stevenson  orated  and  Stephen  C. 
Foster  translated  it  into  Spanish.  The  day  closed  with  a  grand 
ball.  The  beauty  and  chivalry  of  Santa  Barbara  danced  to  the 
music  of  a  gringo  brass  band  and  the  brass  cannon  was  for- 
gotten for  a  time.  But  the  memory  of  the  city's  ransom  rankled 
and  although  an  American  band  played  Spanish  airs,  American 
injustice  was  still  remembered.  When  the  city's  survey  was 
made  in  1850  the  nomenclature  of  three  streets  kept  the  canon 
episode  green  in  the  memory  of  the  Barbarenos, — Canon  Per- 
dido  (Lost  Cannon  street),  Qu-inientos  (Five  Hundred  street), 
and  Mason  street.  It  is  needless  to  say  that  this  last  was  not  a 
favorite  thoroughfare  nor  a  very  prominent  one. 

When  the  pueblo  by  legislative  act  blossomed  into  a  ciudad, 
it  became  necessary  to  have  a  city  seal.  The  municipal  fathers 
'pondered  long  over  a  design,  and  finally  evolved  this  strange 



device.  In  the  center  a  cannon  emblazoned,  encircled  with  these 
word  "Vale  Qui-ni-entos  Pesos" — "worth  five  hundred  dollars." 
Or  if  you  choose  to  give  a  Latin  twist  to  the  vale  on  the  seal, 
it  might  mean,  "Good-bye;  five  hundred  dollars,"  which  is  the 
better  interpretation,  as  the  sequal  to  the  story  will  show. 

This  seal  was  used  from  the  incorporation  of  the  city  in  1850 
to  1860,  when  another  design  was  chosen. 

After  peace  was  declared,  Colonel  Mason  sent  the  five  hun- 
dred dollars  to  the  Prefect  of  Santa  Barbara,  with  instruc- 
tions to  use  it  in  building  a  city  jail.  And  although  there  was 
pressing  need  for  a  jail,  no  jail  was  built.  The  Prefect's  needs 
were  pressing,  too.  The  Gty  Council,  after  a  lapse  of  four  or 
five  years,  demanded  that  he  should  turn  the  money  into  the 
city  treasury,  but  he  replied  that  the  money  had  been  entrusted 
to  him  for  a  specific  purpose,  and  he  would  trust  no  city  treasury 
with  it.  Then  the  City  Council  instructed  the  District  Attorney 
to  begin  legal  proceedings  against  the  ex-Prefect  to  recover 
the  money.  As  the  Judge  of  Santa  Barbara  was  a  relative  of 
the  ex-Prefect,  the  suit  was  transferred  to  San  Francisco.  The 
papers  in  the  case  were  unaccountably  lost  and  the  trustee  of 
the  fund  died  insolvent.  No  new  suit  was  ever  begun,  so  it 
was  indeed,  Vale  (farewell),  five  hundred  dollars. 

Ten  years  passed  and  the  episode  of  the  lost  cannon  was 
but  the  dimly  remembered  story  of  the  olden  time.  The  old  gun 
reposed  peacefully  in  its  grave  of  sand,  and  those  who  had 
buried  it  there  had  forgotten  the  place  of  its  interment.  They 
had  not  dared  to  reveal  the  place  where  it  was  hid  at  the  time 
when  Mason  stood  up  the  city  and  compelled  it  to  deliver,  lest 
the  gringo  comandante  in  his  wrath  should  stand  them  up  be- 
.fore  an  adobe  wall  and  shoot  them  full  of  holes.  When  peace 
came  and  the  constitution  had  arrived  to  keep  company  with 
the  flag,  the  shifting  of  the  sands  had  so  changed  the  contour 
of  the  beach  that  they  could  not  locate  the  hidden  gun. 

One  stormy  night  in  December,  1858,  the  estero  cut  a  new 
channel  to  the  ocean.  In  the  morning  as  some  Barbarenos  were 
surveying  the  changes  caused  by  the  flood  they  saw  the  muzzle 
of  a  large  gun  protruding  from  the  cut  in  the  bank.  They 
unearthed  it,  cleaned  off  the  sand  and  discovered  that  it  was  El 
Canon  Perdido — the  lost  cannon.  They  loaded  it  on  a  cart  and 
hauled  it  up  State  street  to  de  La  Guerra,  where  they  mounted 
it  on  an  improvised  gun  carriage  and  held  a  jubilation  over  it. 
But  the  sight  of  it  was  a  reminder  to  the  Barbarenos  of  an  un- 
pleasant incident,  and  as  the  finders,  claiming  to  be  keepers,  de- 


manded  the  gun,  it  was  adjudged  to  belong  to  them.  They 
sold  it  to  a  merchant  for  $80.  He  shipped  it  to  San  Francisco 
and  sold  it  at  a  handsome  profit  for  old  brass.  And  then  it  was 
Vale  (farewell)  Canon  Perdido! 

The  names  of  the  five  men  who  buried  the  gun  were  Jose 
Garcia,  Jose  Antonio  de  La  Guerra,  Jose  Lugo,  Jose  Dolores 
Garcia  and  Pacifico  Cota. 

It  was  currently  reported  that  the  Prefect,  believing  that 
Santa  Barbara  deserved  a  handsomer  and  more  commodious 
jail  than  $500  would  build,  risked  the  whole  amount  of  the  mili- 
tary contribution  on  a  card  in  a  game  of  monte,  hoping  to 
double  it  and  thus  benefit  the  city,  but  luck  was  against  him,  and 
the  dealer,  with  no  patriotism  in  his  soul,  refusing  to  return  it, 
raked  the  coin  into  his  coffers ;  and  the  municipality  had  to  worry 
along  several  years  without  a  jail. 

Such  is  the  true  story  of  how  Calle  del  Canon  Perdido — the 
Street  of  the  Lost  Cannon — came  by  its  queer  name. 


The  first  letter  published  below  was  written  by  Dr.  John 
Marsh,  a  native  of  Massachusetts,  the  first  American  physician  to 
locate  in  Los  Angeles.  Dr.  Marsh  was  a  graduate  of  Harvard 
College  and  also  of  its  medical  school.  He  came  to  California 
in  1835  from  Santa  Fe,  where  he  had  lived  several  years.  He 
petitioned  the  Ayuntamiento  to  be  allowed  to  practice  medicine. 
He  was  given  permission.  The  proceedings  of  the  Illustrious 
Ayuntamiento  for  February  25,  1836,  read:  "The  Illustrious 
Body  decided  to  give  Juan  Marchet  (Marsh)  permission  to  prac- 
tice medicine,  as  he  has  submitted  for  inspection  his  diploma, 
which  was  found  to  be  correct;  and  also  for  the  reason  that  he 
would  be  very  useful  to  the  community." 

He  entered  upon  the  practice  of  his  profession,  but  as  money 
was  an  almost  unknown  quantity  in  the  old  pueblo,  he  had  to 
take  his  fees  in  horses,  cattle  and  hides,  a  currency  exceedingly 
inconvenient  to  carry  around.  So  early  in  1837  he  abandoned 
the  practice  of  medicine,  quitted  'Los  Angeles  and  went  up  north 
to  find  a  cattle  range.  Yerba  Buena,  now  San  Francisco,  at  the 
time  the  letter  was  writen  contained  two  houses.  He  located 
on  the  Rancho  Los  Medanos,  near  Monte  Diablo,  where  he  lived 
until  he  was  murdered  by  a  Mexican  in  1856.  A  letter  written 
by  him  descriptive  of  California,  and  published  in  a  Missouri 
paper  in  1840,  was  instrumental  in  causing  the  organization  in 
the  spring  of  1841  of  the  first  immigrant  train  that  crossed  the 
plains  to  California.  J.  M.  GUINN. 

YERBA  BUENA,  March  27,  1837. 

Dear  Sir: — I  have  been  wandering  about  the  country  for 
several  weeks  and  gradually  becoming  acquainted  both  with  it 
and  its  inhabitants.  This  is  the  best  part  of  the  country,  as  you 
very  well  know,  and  is  in  fact  the  only  part  that  is  at  all  adapted 
to  agriculturists  from  our  country.  Nothing  more  is  wanted  but 
just  and  equal  laws  and  a  government — yes,  any  government  that 
can  be  permanent  and  combine  the  confidence  and  good  will  of 
those  who  think.  I  have  good  hope,  but  not  unmixed  with  doubt 
and  apprehension.  News  has  just  arrived  that  an  army  from 
Sonora  is  on  its  march  for  the  conquest  and  plunder  of  Cali- 
fornia. Its  force  is  variously  stated  from  two  to  600  men.  This, 
of  course,  keeps  everything  in  a  foment. 


I  have  had  a  choice  of  two  districts  of  land  offered  to  me, 
and  in  a  few  days  I  shall  take  one  or  the  other.  A  brig  of  the  H. 
B.  Co.  (Hudson  Bay  Co.)  is  here  from  the  Columbia  with  Capt. 
Young  (who  has  come  to  buy  cattle)  and  other  gentlemen  of  the 
company.  I  have  been  at  the  head  waters  of  the  Sacramento  and 
met  with  near  a  hundred  people  from  the  Columbia;  in  fact, 
they  and  the  people  here  regard  each  other  as  neighbors.  In- 
deed, a  kinder  spirit  exists  here  and  less  of  prejudice  and  dis- 
trust to  foreigners  than  in  the  purlieus  of  the  City  of  Angels. 

It  is  my  intention  to  undergo  the  ceremony  of  baptism  in  a 
few  days,  and  shall  shortly  need  the  certificate  of  my  applica- 
tion for  letters  of  naturalization.  My  application  was  made  to 
the  Most  Illustrious  Council  of  the  City  of  Angeles,  I  think  in 
the  month  of  January  last  year  (1836).  I  wish  you  would  do 
me  the  favor  to  obtain  a  certificate  in  the  requisite  form  and 
direct  it  to  me  at  Monterey  to  the  care  of  Mr.  Spence.  Mr. 
Spear  is  about  to  remove  to  this  place.  Capt.  Steele's  ship  has 
been  damaged  and  is  undergoing  repairs  which  will  soon  be 
completed.  His  barque  is  also  here.  I  expect  to  be  in  the  An- 
gelic City  some  time  in  May. 

Please  give  my  respects  to  Messrs.  Warner  and  William  M. 
Prior  and  all  "enquiring  friends." 

Very  respectfully, 

Your  ob't.  servant, 

A.  Stearns,  Esq.,  Angeles. 

Los  ANGELES,  September  29,  1849. 

To  His  Excellency,  B.  Riley,  Brig.-Gen.,  U.  5".  A.,  Governor  of 

California,  Monterey — 

Sir: — I  have  the  honor  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  your 
appointment  of  myself  as  Prefect  of  the  District  of  Los  Angeles, 
dated  Sept.  i,  1849.  While  thankful  for  confidence  reposed  in 
me,  I  trust  my  poor  services  may  prove  acceptable  to  all  con- 

As  Prefect  of  said  District  of  Los  Angeles  I  beg  leave  to 
state  that  this  district  is  particularly  exposed  to  the  depredations 
of  Indian  horse  thieves — and  other  evil  disposed  persons,  and  at 
present  the  inhabitants  are  badly  armed  and  powder  cannot  be 
obtained  at  any  price.  Under  these  cricumstances  I  would  re- 
spectfully request  that  you  place  at  my  disposal  for  the  defense 
of  the  lives  and  property  of  the  citizens  of  said  district,  subject 


to  such  conditions  as  you  may  deem  proper,  the  following  arms 
and  ammunition,  viz. : 

One  hundred  flint  lock  muskets  with  corresponding  accoutre- 
ments; ten  thousand  flint  lock  ball  and  buckshot  cartridges;  five 
hundred  musket  flints. 

Respectfully  your  ob't,  serv't., 

Prefect,  Los  Angeles. 


BY    H.    D.    BARROWS. 

The  ancestor  of  all  the  Palomares  of  Alta  California  was 
Cristobal  Palomares,  a  native  of  Spain,  who  came  to  Alamo, 
Mexico,  with  his  father.  From  there  Cristobal  came  as  a  sol- 
dier to  Monterey  in  the  early  part  of  this  century. 

A  daughter  of  this  patriarch,  the  venerable  Dona  Josefa  Palo- 
mares de  Arenas,  now  85  years  of  age,  is  still  (March,  1900) 
a  resident  of  this  city.  From  her  I  have  lately  obtained  inter- 
esting data  relating  to  the  family,  which  is  numerous,  under  the 
same  and  other  names,  both  here  and  in  Santa  Clara  county;  and 
also  concerning  her  somewhat  romantic  life. 

Cristobal  Palomares  was  married  in  Monterey  to  Benedita 
'Sainz.  Afterwards  he  moved  to  Santa  Barbara,  and  later  to 
Los  Angeles,  where  he  resided  till  his  death. 

The  following  is  a  list  of  the  children  of  Cristobal  Palomares, 
and  of  the  persons  to  whom  they  were  married,  as  given  me  by 
Dona  Josefa:  (i)Barbara,  married  P.  Alvarado;  (2)  Concepcion 
married  Antonio  Lopez;  (3)  Rosaria,  married  Bernardo  Hig- 
uera;  (4)  Dolores,  married  Jose  Ramirez;  (5)  Estefana,  mar- 
ried Yg.  Machado;  (6)  Josefa  (still  living),  married  first  to  Jose 
M.  Abila,  and  second  to  Luis  Arenas;  (7)  Pilar,  died  young; 
(8)  Maria  de  Jesus,  married  F.  Figueroa;  (9)  Ygnacio,  mar- 
ried Concepcion  Lopes;  (10)  Francisco,  married  Margarita  Pa- 
checo; (n)  Luis;  (12)  Cristobal,  born  1836. 

Ygnacio,  who  lived  many  years  on  his  rancho,  San  Jose, 
which  included  the  site  of  the  present  town  of  Pomona,  and  who 
died  there  in  '82,  was  one  of  Dona  Josefa's  brothers.  He  was 
.also  grantee  of  Azusa  rancho. 

Dona  Josefa,  who  is  a  native  of  Los  Angeles,  was  t>orn  in 
•1815.  She  was  married  when  15  years  of  age  to  Jose  Maria 
Abila  (who  in  1825  was  Alcalde  of  Los  Angeles),  the  chivalrous 
young  Californian  whom  Prof.  Policy  has  not  inaptly  called  a 
modern  "Alcibiades,"  and  who  was  killed  in  the  encounter  be- 
tween the  forces  of  San  Diego  and  Los  Angeles  with  Gov.  Vic- 
toria at  Cahuenga  in  1831,  when,  at  the  same  time,  Captain  Ro- 
mualdo  Pacheco  (father  of  Gov.  Romualdo  Pacheco),  was  also 


killed,  both  good  and  valuable  citizens.  The  people  of  this  part 
of  the  territory,  feeling  that  they  had  abundant  cause  to  resist 
the  oppressive  acts  of  Victoria,  had  risen  in  rebellion;  and,  as  a 
result  of  the  hostile  meeting  at  Cahuenga,  Gov.  Victoria  was 
driven  out  of  the  country. 

Senora  Palomares  de  Arenas  retains  a  very  vivid  remem- 
brance of  the  exciting  events  of  that  day,  nearly  70  years  ago, 
when  she,  then  only  16  years  of  age,  lost  within  a  few  hours, 
both  her  dashing,  chivalrous  husband,  and  her  aged  father;  for 
her  father  was  at  the  time  very  ill,  and  the  shock  he  received 
from  hearing,  of  the  tragic  end  of  his  son-in-law,  caused  his 
own  death  the  same  day. 

Shortly,  or  two  or  three  months  after  their  death,  the  be- 
reaved young  widow  gave  birth  to  a  posthumous  child. 

Gov.  Victoria  was  seriously  wounded  at  Cahuenga  and  he 
retired  to  San  Gabriel,  where  he  voluntarily  resigned  his  office 
and  left  the  country,  and  his  tyranical  administration  of  the  af- 
fairs of  the  territory  came  to  an  end;  and  thus,  the  revolution 
was  successful,  Pio  Pico  becoming  Victoria's  successor. 

Four  years  after  the  death  of  Senora  Abila's  first  husband, 
she  married  Luis  Arenas. 

The  children  of  this  second  marriage  are:  Josefa,  married 
to  J.  M.  Miller ;  Amparo,  married  to  L.  Schiappa  Pietra ;  Luisa, 
married  to  L.  Stanchfield ;  Amelia,  married  to  Charles  Ross. 

Although  Mrs.  Abila-Arenas  from  advanced  age  is  quite 
infirm,  as  is  natural,  she  is  still  a  fine  looking  woman.  She  re- 
tains the  clear  use  of  her  mental  faculties;  her  reminiscences  of 
the  olden  times  of  fifty,  sixty  and  seventy  years  ago  are  exceed- 
ingly interesting. 




I  am  to  speak  you  tonight  of  Sister  Scholastica  Logsdon,  a 
pioneer  of  Los  Angeles,  who,  at  the  age  of  88,  died,  at  the  Los 
Angeles  Orphan  Asylum,  on  September  3rd  of  this  year.  Of 
jier  long  life,  Sister  Scholastica  had  spent  47  years  in  the  city  of 
Los  Angeles. 

The  life  of  Sister  Scholastica  was  a  retired  one,  but  her  days 
and  nights  were  filled  with  a  noble  devotion  to  the  cause  of  hu- 
manity. Her  name  did  not  appear  in  public  periodicals,  her 
deeds  were  unrecorded,  she  cared  not  for  worldly  fame,  but  the 
good  work  she  did,  so  quietly  and  unostentatiously  is  living  to- 
day in  the  lives  of  countless  women  of  Southern  California  and 
radiating  from  their  lives  to  the  lives  of  their  children  and  their 
children's  children.  It  is  just,  and  it  is  good,  that  some  one  who 
knew  her,  speak  of  her  now  that  she  is  gone,  for  the  lives  of 
noble  men  and  women  have  a  mighty  influence  on  the  lives  of  all. 
In  our  age  of  selfishness  it  is  good  to  dwell  upon  the  life  of  one 
who  labored  always  for  others,  who,  without  material  recompense 
or  even  a  desire  for  such  reward,  gave  freely  and  lovingly  of  her 
best  effort  for  the  cause  of  the  orphan  and  the  helpless,  and  for 
the  education  of  the  young. 

Sister  Scholastica  was  born  in  Maryland  in  the  March  of 
1814.  In  her  girlhood  she  was  associated  with  the  family  of  our 
late  honored  Pioneer,  Hon.  J.  De  Earth  Shorb.  In  August  of 
1839,  she  became  a  member  of  the  great  order  of  Sisters  of 
Charity,  who  in  every  part  of  the  civilized  and  uncivilized  world, 
carry  on  the  work  of  devotion  to  the  helpless,  so  characteristic 
'of  their  society.  Well  did  Sister  Scholastica  exemplify  in  her 
life  the  ideals  of  her  order.  She  labored  first  in  Mississippi,  was 
called  thence  to  important  offices  of  trust  in  the  Mother  House 
of  the  Sisters  of  Charity  at  Emmitsburg,  Maryland,  and  was  in 
1855  named  leader  of  a  band  of  six  Sisters  who  were  appointed 
to  carry  their  gentle  ministrations  to  far  distant  and  newly  in- 
habited California. 

It  required  a  brave  and  faithful  spirit  to  undertake  this  work, 
and  Sister  Scholastica,  Sister  Ann  and  their  associates  were  well 


chosen.  Every  Pioneer  knows  how  far  away  California  seemed 
in  those  days  when  no  railway  stretched  connecting  bands  of 
steel  across  the  great  American  continent;  when  one  heard 
strange  and  vague  reports  of  the  primitive  life  of  the  far  West; 
when  "Prairie  Schooners"  led  one  through  the  terrors  of  Indian 
attack  "across  the  plains,"  or  a  long  voyage  by  steamer  brought 
one  a  wearisome  journey  via  the  Isthmus  of  Panama.  I  repeat, 
it  required  a  staunch  heart  to  venture  into  this  unknown  world, 
and,  above  all,  it  required  a  courage  inspired  by  the  faith  of 
Sister  Scholastica,  for  women  to  undertake  this  journey  that 
they  might  minister  to  those  in  need.  All  honor  to  the  noble 
women  Pioneers  of  California! 

Sister  Scholastica  and  her  companions  reached  San  Fran- 
cisco on  the  steamer  Sea  Bird  in  January,  1856.  By  January 
6th,  they  had  arrived  at  San  Pedro.  General  Banning's  cele- 
brated stage  conveyed  them  to  Los  Angeles,  the  scene  of  their 
future  life  work.  Don  Ignacio  Del  Valle,  father  of  our  Senator 
Del  Valle,  with  characteristic  hospitality,  gave  the  Sisters  shel- 
ter until  a  home  had  been  secured  for  them  at  the  corner  of 
Alameda  and  Macy  streets.  In  this  home  the  Sisters  lived  for 
many  years.  The  property,  on  which  was  a  small  frame  house, 
was  bought  from  Hon.  B.  D.  Wilson.  The  house,  familiar  to 
all  of  you,  had  been  brought  in  sections  from  New  York  via 
Cape  Horn.  The  sections  were  all  marked  to  facilitate  recon- 
struction, but  alas!  there  was  no  one  in  Los  Angeles  who  could 
be  engaged  by  Mr.  Wilson  to  join  together  that  which  had  been 
put  asunder,  for  in  those  days,  adobes  were  more  popular  than 
frame  buildings.  A  carpenter  was  brought  from  the  East  and 
the  house  at  last  completed.  As  I  said,  it  was  this  house  which 
afterward  became  the  home  of  the  Sisters.  Soon  the  Sisters 
gathered  about  them  the  orphans  who  have  always  been  their 
special  care.  In  connection  with  their  Asylum,  they  had  a  school 
for  children  and  young  ladies  and  in  this  school  it  was  that  so 
many  of  the  prominent  and  worthy  mothers  and  grandmothers 
of  Southern  California  received  their  education. 

The  people  of  Los  Angeles  welcomed  the  Sisters,  and,  re- 
gardless of  religious  differences,  gave  them  cordial  assistance. 
Gentle  Sister  Scholastica  and  genial  Sister  Ann  were  everybody's 
friends  and  to  this  day  are  not  forgotten,  even  by  those  who 
have  not  seen  them  for  many  years.  To  need  their  help  was 
the  only  ticket  of  admission  to  their  sympathy;  color,  race,  or 
creed  did  not  enter  at  all  into  the  consideration. 


They  always  delighted  to  tell  of  how  generous  the  people 
were  when  they  held  their  Fairs  in  the  old  Perry  and  Wood- 
worth  building  or  in  the  old  Stearns'  hall  in  the  Arcadia  block, 
and  how  they  received  most  valuable  aid  from  Jewish  and 
Protestant,  as  well  as  from  Catholic  women.  There  were  im- 
portant considerations  to  decide  the  date  of  a  Fair.  It  could  not 
be  held  except  on  "Steamer  day,"  as  there  was  no  ice  save  that 
which  came  from  San  Francisco,  and  it  could  not  be  held  except 
at  the  right  time  of  moon  as  no  one  cared  to  grope  about  the 
streets  in  Egyptian  darkness.  In  spite  of  all,  the  generous  wo- 
men of  Los  Angeles  aided  the  Sisters  in  their  work,  and  the 
Sisters  of  Charity  do  not  forget  their  friends. 

In  1889,  on  the  5Oth  anniversary  of  Sister  Scholastica's  life 
as  a  Sister  of  Charity,  many  of  her  friends  gave  her,  as  a  sub- 
stantial tribute  of  their  esteem  and  love,  the  gift  of  a  purse  of 
$3,000,  which  she  at  once  devoted  to  the  building  fund  for  the 
erection  of  a  new  and  more  commodious  home  for  the  rapidly  in- 
creasing number  of  orphans.  On  the  9th  of  February,  1890,  was 
laid  the  corner  stone  of  the  magnificent  Orphanage  now  overlook- 
ing the  city.  When  the  home  was  completed,  the  Sisters  moved 
thither,  and  here  it  was,  surrounded  by  a  family  of  nearly  four 
hundred  orphans,  that  Sister  Scholastica,  whose  life  was  all  gen- 
tleness and  peace  even  in  the  midst  of  trials,  folded  her  willing 
hands  in  her  last  long  sleep.  She  had  lobored  long  and  with 
steadfast  purpose,  each  day  found  her  the  same,  faithful  in  all 
things,  ever  kind,  ever  courageous.  When  her  body  failed 
through  age,  she,  whose  life  had  been  so  pure  and  undeviating, 
knew  no  physical  ailment.  She  was  just  tired,  she  said,  and  un- 
complainingly bore  the  gradual  ebbing  of  her  strength.  Of  the 
band  whose  leader  she  was,  but  two  survive  her,  Sister  Ann,  now 
at  Emmitsburg,  and  Sisters  Angelita,  at  present  in  El  Paso, 

Sister  Scholastica's  eulogy  I  cannot  pronounce,  for  that  can  be 
justly  given  only  where  she  now  receives  her  "hundred  fold." 

Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 



WM.  H.  WORKMAN,  J.  M.  GUINN, 


Louis  ROEDER,  J.  W.  GILLETTE. 


J.    FRANK    BURNS President 

MRS.   MARY    FRANKLIN First   Vice- President 

J.  W.  GILLETTE Second  Vice- President 

Louis   ROEDER Treasurer 

J.  M.  GUINN Secretary 






JAS.  F.  WARD, 


Louis  ROEDER,  MRS.  J.  G.  NEWELL, 





C  N.  WILSON,  S.  B.  SMITH, 






M.  F.  QUINN, 




This  society  shall  be  known  as  The  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 
County.  Its  objects  are  to  cultivate  social  intercourse  and 
friendship  among  its  members  and  to  collect  and  preserve  the 
early  history  of  Los  Angeles  county,  and  to  perpetuate  the 
memory  of  those  who,  by  their  honorable  labors  and  heroism, 
helped  to  make  that  history. 


All  persons  of  good  moral  character,  thirty-five  years  of  age 
or  over,  who,  at  the  date  of  their  application,  shall  have  resided 
at  least  twenty-five  years  in  Los  Angeles  county,  shall  -be  eligi- 
ble to  membership;  and  also  all  persons  of  good  moral  char- 
acter fifty  years  of  age  or  over,  who  have  resided  in  the  State 
forty  years  and  in  the  country  ten  years  previous  to  their  appli- 
cation, shall  be  eligible  to  become  members.  Persons  born  in 
this  State  are  not  eligible  to  membership,  but  those  admitted 
before  the  adoption  of  this  amendment  shall  retain  their  mem- 
bership. (Amended  September  4,  1900.) 


The  officers  of  this  society  shall  consist  of  a  board  of  seven 
directors,  to  be  elected  annually  at  the  annual  meeting,  by  the 
members  of  the  society.  Said  directors  When  elected  shall 
choose  a  president,  a  first  vice-president,  a  second  vice-presi- 
dent, a  secretary  and  a  treasurer.  The  secretary  and  treasurer 
may  be  elected  from  the  members  outside  the  Board  of  Di- 


The  annual  meeting  of  this  society  shall  be  held  on  the  first 
Tuesday  of  September.  The  anniversary  of  the  founding  of 
the  society  shall  be  the  fourth  day  of  September,  that  being  the 
anniversary  of  the  first  civic  settlement  in  the  southern  portion 



of  Alta  California,  to  wit :  the  founding  of  the  Pueblo  of  Los 
Angeles,  September  4.   1781. 


Members  guilty  of  misconduct  may,  upon  conviction  after 
proper  investigation  has  been  held,  be  expelled,  suspended,  fined 
or  reprimanded  by  a  vote  of  two-thirds  of  the  members  present 
at  any  stated  meeting;  provided,  notice  shall  have  been  given  to 
the  society  at  least  one  month  prior  to  such  intended  action. 
Any  officer  of  this  society  may  be  removed  by  the  Board  of 
Directors  for  cause;  provided,  that  such  removal  shall  not  be- 
come permanent  or  final  until  approved  by  a  majority  of  mem- 
bers of  the  society  present  at  a  stated  meeting  and  voting. 


Amendments  to  this  constitution  .may  be  made  by  submit- 
ting the  same  in  writing  to  the  society  at  least  one  month  prior 
to  the  annual  meeting.  At  said  annual  meeting  said  proposed 
amendments  shall  be  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the  society.  And 
if  two-thirds  of  all  the  members  present  and  voting  shall  vote 
in  favor  of  adopting  said  amendments,  then  they  shall  be  de- 
clared adopted.  (Amended  September  4,  1900.) 



[Adopted   September  4,    1897;  amended  June  4,    1901.] 

Section  i.  Applicants  for  membership  in  this  society 
shall  be  recommended  by  at  least  two  members  in  good  stand- 
ing. The  applicant  shall  give  his  or  her  full  name,  age,  birth- 
place, present  residence,  occupation,  date  of  his  or  her  arrival 
in  the  State  and  in  Los  Angeles  county.  The  application  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  admission  fee  of  one  dollar,  which  shall 
also  be  payment  in  full  for  dues  until  the  next  annual  meeting. 

Section  2.  Applications  for  admission  to  membership  in 
the  society  shall  be  referred  to  the  committee  on  membership, 
for  investigation,  and  reported  on  at  the  next  regular  meeting 
of  the  society.  If  the  report  is  favorable,  a  ballot  shall  be  taken 
for  the  election  of  the  candidate.  Three  negative  votes  shall 
cause  the  rejection  of  the  applicant. 


Section  3.  Each  person,  on  admission  to  membership, 
shall  sign  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws. 

Section  4.  Any  person  eligible  to  membership  may  be 
elected  a  life  member  of  this  society  on  the  payment  to  the 
treasurer  of  $25.  Life  members  shall  enjoy  all  the  privileges 
of  active  members,  but  shall  not  be  required  to  pay  annual  dues. 

Section  5.  A  member  may  withdraw  from  the  society  by 
giving  notice  to  the  society  of  his  desire  to  do  so,  and  paying 
all  dues  charged  against  him  up  to  the  date  of  his  withdrawal. 


Section  6.  The  annual  dues  of  each  member  (except  life 
members)  shall  be  one  dollar,  payable  in  advance,  at  the  annual 
meeting  in  September. 

Section  7.  Any  member  delinquent  one  year  in  dues  shall 
be  notified  by  the  secretary  of  said  delinquency,  and  unless  said 
dues  are  paid  within  one  month  after  said  notice  is  given,  then 
said  member  shall  stand  suspended  from  the  society.  A  mem- 
ber may  be  reinstated  on  payment  of  all  dues  owing  at  the  date 
of  his  suspension. 


Section  8.  The  president  shall  preside,  preserve  order  and 
clecorum  during  the  meetings  and  see  that  the  Constitution  and 
By- Laws  and  rules  of  the  society  are  properly  enforced;  appoint 
all  committees  not  otherwise  provided  for;  fill  all  vacancies  tem- 
porarily for  the  meeting.  The  president  shall  have  power  to 
suspend  any  officer  or  member  for  cause,  subject  to  the  action 
of  the  society  at  the  next  meeting. 

Section  9.  In  the  absence  of  the  president,  one  of  the  vice- 
presidents  shall  preside,  with  the  same  power  as  the  president, 
and  if  no  president  or  vice-president  be  present,  the  society  shall 
elect  any  member  to  preside  temporarily. 

Section  10.  The  secretary  shall  keep  a  true  record  of  all 
the  members  of  the  society;  and  upon  the  death  of  a  member 
(when  he  shall  have  notice  of  such  death)  shall  have  published 
in  two  daily  papers  of  Los  Angeles  the  time  and  place  of  the 
funeral;  and,  in  conjunction  with  the  president  and  other  offi- 
cers and  members  of  the  society,  shall  make  such  arrangements 
with  the  approval  of  the  relatives  of  the  deceased  as  may  be 
necessary  for  the  funeral  of  the  deceased  member.  The  secre- 
tary shall  collect  all  dues,  giving  his  receipt  therefor;  and  he 



shall  turn  over  to  the  treasurer  all  moneys  collected,  taking  his 
receipt  for  the  same. 

He  shall  make  a  full  report  at  the  annual  meeting,  setting 
forth  the  condition  of  the  society,  its  membership,  receipts, 
disbursements,  etc. 

He  shall  receive  for  his  services  such  compensation  as  the 
Board  of  Directors  may  allow. 

Section  u.  The  treasurer  shall  receive  from  the  secretary 
all  moneys  paid  to  the  society  and  give  his  receipt  for  the  same, 
and  shall  pay  out  the  money  only  upon  the  order  of  the  society 
upon  a  warrant  signed  by  the  secretary  and  president,  and  at  the 
end  of  his  term  shall  pay  over  to  his  successor  all  moneys 
remaining  in  his  hands,  and  render  a  true  and  itemized  account 
to  the  society  of  all  moneys  received  and  paid  out  during  his 
term  of  office. 

Section  12.  It  shall  be  the  duty  of  the  finance  committee 
to  examine  the  books  of  the  secretary  and  treasurer  and  any 
other  accounts  of  the  society  that  .may  be  referred  to  them,  and 
report  the  same  to  the  society. 


Section  13.  The  president,  vice-presidents,  secretary  and 
treasurer  shall  constitute  a  relief  committee,  whose  duty  it  shall 
be  to  see  that  sick  or  destitute  members  are  properly  cared  for. 
In  case  of  emergency,  the  committee  shall  be  empowered  to  ex- 
pend for  immediate  relief  an  amount  from  the  funds  of  the  so- 
ciety not  to  exceed  $20,  without  a  vote  of  the  society.  Such 
expenditure,  with  a  statement  of  the  case  and  the  necessity  for 
the  expenditure  shall  be  made  to  the  society  at  its  next  regular 

Section  14.  At  the  first  meeting  after  the  annual  meeting 
each  year,  the  president  shall  appoint  the  following  standing 
commtitees:  Three  on  membership;  three  on  finance;  five  on 
program;  five  on  music;  five  on  general  good  of  the  society,  and 
seven  on  entertainment. 


Section  15.  Whenever  a  vacancy  in  any  office  of  this  so- 
ciety occurs,  it  shall  be  filled  by  election  for  the  unexpired 

Section  16.  The  stated  meetings  of  this  society  shall  be 


held  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  each  month,  and  the  annual  meet- 
ing shall  be  held  the  first  Tuesday  of  September.  Special  meet- 
ings may  be  called  by  the  president  or  by  a  majority  of  the 
Board  of  Directors,  but  no  business  shall  be  transacted  at  such 
special  meetings  except  that  specified  in  the  call. 

Section  17.  These  By- Laws  and  Rules  may  be  temporarily 
suspended  at  any  regular  meeting  of  the  society  by  unanimous 
vote  of  the  members  present. 

Section  18.  Whenever  the  Board  of  Directors  shall  be 
satisfied  that  any  worthy  member  of  this  society  is  unable,  for 
the  time  being,  to  pay  the  annual  dues  as  hereinbefore  pre- 
scribed, it  shall  have  power  to  remit  the  same. 

Section  19.  Changes  and  amendments  of  these  By-Laws 
and  Rules  may  be  made  by  submitting  the  same  in  writing  to 
the  society  at  a  stated  meeting.  Said  amendment  shall  be  read 
at  two  stated  meetings  before  it  is  submitted  to  a  vote  of  the 
society.  If  said  amendment  shall  receive  two-thirds  of  the 
votes  of  all  the  members  present  and  voting,  then  it  shall  be 
declared  adopted. 



Reading  minutes  of  previous  meeting. 

Reports   of  committee  on   membership. 

Election  of  new  members. 
Reading  of  applications  for  membership. 

Reminiscences,    lectures,   addresses,    etc. 

Music  or  recitations. 

Recess  of  10  minutes  for  payment  of  dues. 
Unfinished  business. 

New  business. 

Reports  of  committees. 

Election  of  officers  at  the  annual  meeting  or  to  fill  vacancies. 

Is  any  member  in  need  of  assistance? 

Good  of  the  society. 

Receipts  of  the  evening. 


IN  LOS  ANGELES,  MARCH  16,  1847 


(Read  before  Historical  Society,   1887.     Read  before  Pioneer 

Society,  1902.)  4 

The  writer  has  witnessed  forty  celebrations  of  the  4th  of  July 
in  this  city,  commencing  with  1847,  when  he  read  the  Declara- 
tion of  Independence  on  Fort  Hill,  in  Spanish,  for  the  infor- 
mation of  our  newly-made  fellow-citizens,  who  spoke  only  the 
Castilian  tongue.  As  I  marched  in  the  procession  the  other 
day  (July  4,  1887),  I  recalled  the  appearance  of  the  city  when 
I  first  knew  it,  so  widely  different  from  the  present. 

The  outbreak  of  the  Mexican  War  (May,  1846)  found  the 
writer  at  Oposura,  Sonora,  which  place  he  reached  December, 
1845  on  his  way  to  California,  by  the  way  of  Santa  Fe  and  El 
Paso,  from  Missouri.  The  first  news  we  had  of  the  war  was 
of  the  capture  of  Capt.  Thornton's  command  of  U.  S.  Dragoons 
by  the  Mexican  cavalry,  on  the  Rio  Grande,  and  the  people 
rang  the  bells  for  joy.  But  shortly  after,  we  got  the  news  of 
the  battles  of  Palo  Alto  and  Resaca  de  la  Palma,  and  they  did 
not  ring  the  bells  then. 

In  June,  1846.  arrived  at  Oposura.  a  small  party  of  Ameri- 
cans headed  by  James  Kennedy,  a  machinist  from  Lowell, 
Mass.,  who  with  his  wife  had  come  around  Cape  Horn,  three 
years  before,  to  the  cotton  manufactory  at  Horcasitas.  Sonora; 
the  husband  to  superintend  the  machinery,  and  the  wife  to 
teach  the  Mexican  girls  the  management  of  the  looms  and  spin- 
dles. As  there  was  no  chance  to  leave  by  sea,  Kennedy  had 
made  up  a  party  to  see  him  safe  through  the  Apache  range  }o 
Santa  Fe.  where  he  expected  to  secure  passage  in  the  traders' 
wagons  across  the  plains  to  Missouri,  and  I  accompanied  him; 
and  after  a  hard,  hot  trip,  we  reached  Santa  Fe  safely  in  Jiuly. 

'August  18,  1846.  I  witnessed  the  entry  of  the  American 
army,  under  General  Kearney,  into  Santa  Fe. 

In  1845.  the  Mormons  were  driven  out  of  Nauvoo.  111.,  and. 
under  the  leadership  of  Brigham  Young,  took  up  their  march 


westwardly.  Their  first  intention  was  to  reach  California,  then 
occupied  by  a  sparse  Mexican  population  and  a  few  hundred 
American  emigrants.  They  stopped  one  season  at  Council 
Bluffs,  to  raise  a  crop  and  procure  means  for  further  progress. 
When  the  call  was  made  for  volunteers  in  Missouri,  for  service 
in  New  Mexico  and  California,  none  were  willing  to  enlist  as 
infantry,  to  make  such  long  marches  afoot,  and  Capt.  James 
Allen,  of  the  First  U.  S.  Dragoons,  was  sent  to  Council  Bluffs 
to  try  and  raise  a  battalion  of  infantry,  enlisted  for  twelve 
months,  to  be  discharged  in  California.  The  order  was  given 
by  Brigham,  and  within  forty-eight  hours  five  full  companies 
(500  men)  were  raised  and  on  their  march  to  Fort  Leavenworth. 
The  conditions  were,  that  they  were  to  choose  their  company 
officers,  but  were  to  be  commanded  by  an  officer  of  the  regu- 
lar army,  and  were  to  receive  army  clothing  at  Fort  Leaven- 
worth.  The  Missouri  troops  furnished  their  own  clothing,  for 
which  the  Government  paid  each  man  $29.50  a  year. 

So  they  started  on  their  long  march  with  their  poorest 
clothing.  When  they  reached  the  Fort  they  learned  that  the 
steamboat  bringing  their  clothing  and  percussion  muskets  had 
been  snagged  in  the  Missouri,  and  everything  was  lost.  Their 
commander,  Capt.  Allen,  was  taken  sick  and  died.  He  had 
their  confidence,  and  they  objected  to  serving  under  another 
commander,  and  to  start  for  California  without  the  promised 
clothing;  but  the  order  was  imperative  to  march,  and  the  cloth- 
ing could  not  be  replaced  in  less  than  a  month.  So  they  sent 
to  Brigham  for  advice,  and  he  ordered  them  to  push  on,  even 
if  they  had  to  reach  California  barefooted  and  in  their  shirt- 
tails.  So,  flint-lock  muskets,  of  the  pattern  of  1820,  were  fur- 
nished them,  and  they  reached  Santa  Fe  under  the  command 
of  Lieut.  A.  J.  Smith,  of  the  First  Dragoons — the  Maj.  Gen. 
A.  J.  Smith  of  the  Civil  War.  On  their  arrival  at  Santa  Fe, 
Gen.  Kearney  ordered  Capt.  Cooke,  of  the  ist  Dragoons, 
to  command  them,  and  Lieut.  Smith  went  with  them  to  Califor- 
nia, to  rejoin  his  company  which  had  started  a  month  before 
with  Gen.  Kearney.  Lieut,  (now  Gov.)  Stoneman,  who  had 
just  graduated  at  West  Point,  also  went  with  them. 

Gen.  Kearney  had  started  with  six  companies  of  dragoons, 
but  on  the  Rio  Grande  he  met  Kit  Carson  with  dispatches 
for  Washington,  From  Com.  Stockton,  announcing  that  Cal- 
fornia  had  been  taken  possesion  of,  without  resistance.  So 
Kearney  only  took  two  companies,  mounted  on  mules,  with 
pack  mules  to  convey  their  provisions,  by  way  of  the  Gila  River. 


At  Santa  Fe  mules  were  scarce,  and  money  scarcer  with  the 
quartermaster,  who  also  had  to  provide  transportation  for  the 
ist  Missouri  Cavarly,  under  Col.  Doniphan,  then  starting  on 
their  famous  march  through  Northern  Mexico  to  Camargo, 
where  their  period  of  enlistment  expired.  But  seventeen  6- 
mule  teams,  hauling  sixty  days'  rations,  could  be  spared  for 
Cooke's  command,  and  no  wagon  had  ever  crossed  from  the 
Rio  Grande  to  California;  so,  a  road  had  to  be  found  and  made 
as  they  went,  after  leaving  the  Rio  Grande. 

Kit  Carson  had  accompanied  Kearney  as  guide,  and  Pauline 
Weaver,  the  pioneer  of  Arizona,  who  had  come  with  Carson 
from  California,  awaited  Cooke.  Five  new  Mexican  guides 
were  hired,  all  under  command  of  Joaquin  Leroux,  an  old 
trapper,  who  had  trapped  on  every  stream  from  the  Yellowstone 
to  the  Gila. 

I  was  then  clerking  in  a  store,  waiting  for  something  to  turn 
up,  when  I  was  informed  that  an  interpreter  was  wanted  to  ac- 
company Cooke  to  California,  and  I  went  to  Capt.  McCusick, 
the  quartermaster,  with  my  recommendations.  Enoch  Barnes, 
who  was  killed  in  a  drunken  brawl  at  the  Ballona,  in  this  county, 
some  twenty  years  ago,  who  drove  a  wagon  across  the  plains  in 
1845,  in  the  same  caravan  as  myself,  was  also  an  applicant. 
McCusick  was  a  prompt,  stern  man.  and  the  competitive  exami- 
nation of  the  Yale  graduate  and  the  Missouri  mule-whacker  was 
short,  and  turned  on  transportation  and  money.  I  had  a  good 
mule,  rifle  and  blanket,  and  as  to  money,  I  could  wait  until 
Uncle  Sam  was  able  to  pay  me,  as  long  as  my  wages  were  run- 
ning on  and  I  got  my  rations.  Barnes  was  just  off  a  spree. 
in  which  he  had  drank  and  gambled  off  all  his  money,  and 
pawned  his  rifle,  and  it  would  have  cost  $100  to  fit  him  out. 
So  I  won  the  appointment,  and  the  contract  was  quickly  drawn, 
that  for  $75  a  month  and  rations  I  was  to  serve  as  interpreter 
to  California,  furnish  my  own  animal,  clothing  and  arms.  The 
contract  was  made  October.  1846,  and  I  served  under  it  until 
May  1 7th.  1849,  when  the  people  of  Los  Angeles  selected  their 
Ayuntamiento.  and  the  garrison  evacuated  the  place,  and  the 
last  seventeen  months  of  my  term  I  also  acted  as  ist  Alcalde 
of  the  district  of  Los  Angeles,  without  any  extra  compensation. 
On  leaving  the  Rio  Grande,  I  volunteered  to  join  the  guides, 
as  there  was  nothing  for  me  to  do  in  camp,  and  we  did  not  ex- 
pect to  pass  through  any  Mexican  settlements  until  we  reached 
the  Pima  villages,  on  the  Gila.  Leroux's  party,  ten  in  number, 
started  ahead,  with  six  days'  rations,  on  our  riding  animals,  to 


find  a  practicable  route  for  wagons,  and  wood,  and  water,  at 
such  intervals  as  infantry  could  march — fifteen  to  twenty  miles 
a  day,  in  one  case  forty  miles,  between  camps;  one  man  to  be 
sent  back  from  each  watering  place  to  guide  the  command  until 
our  rations  were  expended,  and  then  all  to  return  to  the  com- 
mand. We  thus  found  our  way  by  the  Guadalupe  Canyon  and 
San  Pedro  River  to  Tucson,  from  which  place  there  was  a  trail 
to  the  Pima  villages,  and  from  there  to  California.  Weaver  had 
just  come  over  the  road,  and  there  was  no  difficulty  in  finding 
our  way.  We  ate  our  last  flour,  bacon,  sugar  and  coffee  by 
January  I4th,  1847,  on  ^ie  desert,  between  the  Colorado  and 
Warner's  Pass.  A  supply  of  beef  cattle  met  us  at  Carrizo  Creek, 
on  the  west  side  of  the  desert,  and  we  lived  on  beef  alone  until 
April,  1847,  when  supplies,  brought  from  New  York  on  the 
ships  that  brought  Col.  Stevenson's  regiment,  reached  us  at 
Los  Angeles.  At  Gila  Bend,  we  .met  two  Mexicans,  who  told 
us  of  the  outbreak  that  took  place  in  Los  Angeles,  September, 
1846;  and  at  Indian  Wells,  on  the  desert,  we  met  Leroux,  who, 
with  most  of  the  guides,  had  been  sent  ahead  from  Gila  Bend, 
to  get  assistance  from  the  San  Luis  Indians,  who  had  declared 
for  the  Americans,  and  held  all  the  ranchos  on  the  frontier; 
and  he  brought  the  news  that  Stockton  and  Kearney  had 
marched  from  San  Diego  to  retake  Los  Angeles.  We  pushed 
on  by  forced  marches  toward  Los  Angeles,  and  at  Temecula 
received  a  letter,  stating  that  Los  Angeles  was  taken,  that 
Kearney  and  Stockton  had  quarrelled  about  who  was  to  com- 
mand, and  that  Kearney  had  returned  with  his  dragoons  to  San 
Diego,  to  which  place  we  were  ordered  to  proceed.  Arriving 
there,  together  with  the  dragoons,  we  were  ordered  to  San  Luis 
Rey,  where,  from  the  Rancho  of  Santa  Margarita,  we  procured 
beef,  soap  and  candles,  the  only  articles  of  rations  the  country 
could  furnish.  In  a  few  days,  fifty  of  the  men  were  attacked 
with  dysentery,  and  the  surgeon  said  breadstuff  of  any  kind 
would  be  of  more  use  to  check  the  disease  than  all  his  medicine. 
So  the  commissary  and  myself  were  ordered  to  Los  Angeles, 
to  try  and  get  some  flour.  We  found  the  town  garrisoned  by 
Fremont's  Battalion,  about  400  strong.  They,  too,  had  noth- 
ing but  beef  served  out  to  them,  but  as  the  people  had  corn  and 
beans  for  their  own  use,  and  by  happening  around  at  the  houses 
about  meal-time,  they  could  occasionally  get  a  square  meal  of 
tortillas  y  frijoles.  Here  we  met  Louis  Roubideau,  of  the  Ju- 
rupa  Ranch,  wlho  said  he  could  spare  us  some  2,000  or  3.000 
pounds  of  wheat,  which  we  could  grind  at  a  little  mill  he  had 


on  the  Santa  Ana  River.  So,  on  our  return,  two  wagons  were 
sent  to  Jiurupa,  and  they  brought  1,700  pounds  of  unbolted 
wheat  flour  and  two  sacks  of  beans,  a  small  supply  for  400  men. 
I  then  messed  with  one  of  the  captains,  and  we  all  agreed  that 
it  was  the  sweetest  bread  we  ever  tasted. 

March  I2th,  1847,  we  received  important  news  in  six  weeks 
from  Washington,  overland.  Stockton  and  Kearney  had  been 
relieved,  and  ordered  East,  and  Com.  Shubrick  and  Col.  R.  B. 
Mason  were  to  take  their  places,  and  the  military  to  command 
on  land,  and  what  was  of  far  more  interest  to  us,  that  Steven- 
son's ships  were  daily  expected  at  San  Francisco,  and  that  we 
should  soon  have  bread,  sugar  and  coffee  again,  and  we  were 
ordered  to  Los  Angeles  to  relieve  Fremont's  Battalion.  So, 
with  beautiful  weather,  and  in  the  best  of  spirits,  we  began  our 
march  to  the  city  of  the  Angels.  Our  last  day's  march  was 
only  ten  miles,  and  we  camped  on  the  San  Gabriel,  at  the  Pico 
crossing,  early,  and  all  hands  were  soon  busy  preparing  for 
the  grand  entree  on  the  morrow.  Those  who  had  a  shirt — 
and  they  were  a  minority — could  be  seen  washing  them,  some 
bathing,  some  mending  their  ragged  clothes,  and  as  there  was 
plenty  of  sand,  all  scouring  their  muskets  till  they  shone  again. 
We  made  an  early  start  the  next  morning,  and  when  we  forded 
the  Los  Angeles  River,  at  Old  Aliso,  now  Macey  street,  there 
was  not  a  single  straggler  behind.  The  order  of  march  was, 
the  dragoons  in  front.  They  had  left  Missouri  before  receiving 
their  annual  supply  of  clothing,  and  they  presented  a  most 
dilapidated  appearance,  but  their  tattered  caps  and  jackets  gave 
them  a  somewhat  soldierly  appearance.  They  had  burned  their 
saddles  and  bridles  after  the  fight  at  San  Pascual,  but  a  full 
supply  of  horses  to  remount  them  had  been  purchased  of  the 
late  Don  Juan  Forster,  and  all  the  Mexican  saddlers  and  black- 
smiths in  the  country  had  been  kept  busy  making  saddles, 
bridles  and  spurs  for  them.  Their  officers  were  Capt.  A.  J. 
Smith,  ist  Lieut.  J.  B.  Davidson,  2nd  Lieut.  George  Stoneman; 
then  came  four  companies  of  the  Iowa  Infantry,  Company  B 
having  been  left  to  garrison  San  Diego.  In  all  we  numbered 
300  muskets  and  80  sabres.  The  line  of  march  was  by  Aliso 
and  Arcadia  streets,  to  Main,  and  down  Main  to  the  Govern- 
ment House,  where  the  St.  Charles  now  stands,  where  the  dra- 
goons dismounted  and  took  up  their  quarters.  The  infantry 
turned  out  of  Main  street  past  the  house  of  John  Temple,  now 
Downey  Block,  and  pitched  their  tents  in  the  rear,  where  they 
remained  until  they  were  mustered  out.  June,  1847. 


I  have  described  the  appearance  of  the  dragoons,  but  can- 
not do  justice  to  the  infantry,  only  by  saying  it  was  Falstaff's 
ragged  company  multiplied  by  ten.  The  officers  had  managed 
to  have  each  a  decent  suit  of  clothes,  but  they  brought  out  in 
stronger  contrast  the  rags  of  the  rank  and  file.  On  Los  An- 
geles street  were  some  300  or  400  Indians,  the  laborers  in  the 
vineyards,  who  had  taken  a  holiday  to  witness  our  entry,  while 
a  group  of  about  100  women,  with  their  heads  covered  by  their 
rebosos,  who  had  met  at  the  funeral  of  the  mother  of  the  late 
Don  Tomas  Sanchez,  ex-Sheriff  of  the  county,  stood  looking 
at  the  ragged  gringos  as  they  marched  by.  On  Main  street 
were  some  thirty  or  forty  Californians,  well  dressed  in  their 
short  jackets  and  breeches  with  silver  buttons,  open  at  the  sides 
showing  the  snow-wlhite  linen  beneath.  I  noticed  they  looked 
with  most  interest  at  the  dragoons,  so  many  of  whose  comrades 
had  fallen  before  their  lances  at  San  Pascual  that  cold  Decem- 
ber morning,  and  lay  buried  in  that  long  grave,  or  lay  groaning 
in  the  hospital  at  San  Diego.  We  had  no  wavng  flags,  but 
waving  rags,  and  many  a  one;  nor  brass  bands,  only  a  solitary 
snare  drum  and  fife,  played  by  a  tall  Vermont  fifer,  and  a  stout, 
rosy-cheeked  English  drummer;  and  they  struck  up  the  "Star 
Spangled  Banner"  as  we  passed  the  Government  House,  and 
kept  it  up  until  orders  were  given  to  break  ranks  and  stack 
arms.  And  then  came  a  loud  hurrah  from  all  that  ragged  sol- 
diery. Their  long  and  weary  march  over  mountains,  plain  and 
desert,  of  2,200  miles,  was  over. 

I  will  now  describe  two  indviduals  who  marched  in  that 
procession.  One  is  the  writer.  'Tis  nearly  forty  years  ago, 
and  I  was  a  younger  and  a  better-looking  man  than  I  am  now. 
I  had  left  Santa  Fe  with  only  the  cjothes  on  my  back,  and  a 
single  change  of  under-clothing.  I  had  been  paid  off  at  San 
Lus  Rey,  and  had  $200  in  my  pocket,  and  I  tried  to  find  some 
clothing  in  Los  Angeles  on  my  first  visit,  but  could  find  none. 
So,  I  rode  to  San  Diego,  and  through  the  kindness  of  a  friendly 
man-of-war's  man  I  got  a  sailor's  blue  blouse,  a  pair  of  marine's 
pants  and  brogans,  for  which  I  paid  $20.  My  place  in  the  col- 
umn, as  interpreter,  was  with  the  colonel,  at  the  head,  and  I 
rode  with  my  rifle  slung  across  the  saddle,  powder-horn  and 
bullet-pouch  slung  about  my  shoulders.  My  beard  rivaled  in 
length  that  of  the  old  colonel  by  wihose  side  I  rode,  but  mine 
was  as  black  as  the  raven's  wing,  and  his  was  as  grey  as  mine 
is  now.  But  if  I  was  not  the  best-looking,  nor  the  best-dressed 
man,  I  was  the  best-mounted  man  on  Main  street  that  day. 


When  the  horses  were  delivered  for  the  dragoons,  a  young 
man  named  Ortega,  a  nephew  of  Don  Pio  Pico,  rode  an  iron 
grey  horse,  with  flowing  mane  and  tail,  and  splendid  action. 
I  tried  to  buy  him  for  the  colonel,  but  he  would  not  sell  him. 
The  day  we  left  San  Luis,  I  had  mounted  my  mule,  and  was 
chatting  with  Ortega,  admiring  his  horse,  when  he  offered  to 
sell  him,  and  I  could  fix  the  price.  I  gave  him  $25.  The 
dragoon  horses  cost  $20  each.  A  few  days  after  my  arrival  in 
this  city,  Lieut.  Stoneman  was  ordered  to  scout  with  a  party  of 
dragoons  towards  San  Bernardino,  to  look  out  for  Indian  horse 
thieves,  and  I  sold  the  horse  to  him;  and  well  the  Governor 
remembers  the  gallant  grey  that  bore  him  on  many  a  long  and 
weary  scout. 

I  have  thus  described  my  appearance  at  my  first  public 
entry  into  this  city,  from  no  spirit  of  egotism,  but  only  to  give 
my  fellow-citizens  some  idea  of  the  appearance  of  the  former 
Alcalde,  Prefect,  Mayor  and  Senator  of  Los  Angeles. 

But  the  most  conspicuous  man  on  Main  street  that  day  was 
of  a  different  type.  On  our  march,  December,  1846,  we  were 
moving  from  the  Black  Water,  just  south  of  the  present  Mexi- 
can line,  towards  the  San  Pedro  River.  The  snow  was  falling 
steadily,  but  it  was  not  very  cold.  Our  order  of  march  was. 
with  an  advance  guard  of  twenty  men,  and  twenty  pioneers  with 
pick-axe  and  shovel,  commanded  by  Capt.  A.  J.  Smith,  to  re- 
move any  obstruction  to  our  wagons.  I  was  riding  that  day, 
with  the  colonel  and  surgeon,  when  we  overtook  the  advance 
guard.  The  pioneers  had  been  cutting  down  some  mesquite 
trees  that  obstructed  our  way,  and  had  just  finished  as  we  over- 
took them.  Their  officer  gave  the  order  "fall  in,  shoulder 
arms,"  and  they  formed  in  ranks  of  four,  so  that  for  about  fifty 
yards  we  could  not  turn  out  to  pass  them.  The  right-hand 
man  in  the  rear  rank  was  at  least  six  and  a  quarter  feet  tall. 
The  crown  of  his  hat  was  gone,  and  a  shock  of  sandy  hair,  pow- 
dered by  the  falling  snow,  stuck  out  above  the  dilapidated  rim, 
while  a  huge  beard  of  the  same  color  swept  his  breast.  His 
upper  garment  had  been  a  citizen's  swallow-tailed  coat,  but- 
toned by  a  single  button  over  his  naked  chest,  but  one  of  the 
tails  had  been  cut  off  and  sttched  to  his  waistband,  where  it 
would  do  the  most  good,  for  decency's  sake,  and  an  old  pair 
of  No.  12  brogans,  encased  with  rawhide,  protected  his  feet. 
The  right  sleeve  of  the  coat  was  gone,  and  his  arm  was  bare 
from  wrist  to  elbow,  and.  by  way  of  uniform,  the  left  leg  of  the 
pants  was  gone,  leaving  the  leg  bare  from  knee  to  ankle.  His 


underclothing  had  long  since  disappeared.  But  the  way  he 
marched  and  shouldered  his  musket,  showed  the  drilled  and  vet- 
eran soldier.  That  ragged  scarecrow  had  seen  fifteen  years' 
service  in  the  British  army,  from  the  snows  of  Canada  to  the 
jungles  of  Burmah.  The  contrast  between  the  soldierly  bear- 
ing of  the  man  and  his  dilapidated  dress  brought  a  smile  to 
every  face.  After  we  had  passed,  the  colonel  pulled  his  long 
grey  mustache,  and  said,  "I  never  thought,  when  I  left  West 
Point,  that  I  should  ever  command  such  a  set  of  ragamuffins 
as  these.  But,  poor  fellows,  it  is  not  their  fault;  and  better 
material  for  soldiers  I  never  commanded."  And  that  day,  when 
I  sat  on  my  horse,  where  Ducommun's  Block  now  rears  its  tall 
front,  to  see  my  old  comrades  march  by,  in  the  front  rank  of 
Company  A,  with  cadenced  step  and  martial  .mien,  as  he  had 
marched  in  his  younger  days  to  the  martial  music  of  the  regi- 
mental band,  dressed  in  the  scarlet  uniform  of  a  British  grena- 
dier, strode  the  old  ragged  veteran. 


BY  J.  M.  GUINN. 

The  early  years  in  the  history  of  the  new  towns  of  the  West 
were  productive  of  eccentric  characters — men  who  drifted  in 
from  older  civilizations  and  made  a  name  for  themselvse  or 
rather,  as  it  frequently  happened,  had  a  name  made  for  them  by 
their  fellow  men. 

These  local  celebrities  gained  notoriety  in  their  new  homes 
by  their  oddities,  by  their  fads,  their  crankiness,  or  some  other 
characteristic  that  made  them  the  subject  of  remark.  With 
some  the  eccentricity  was  natural;  with  others  it  was  cultivated, 
and  yet  again  with  others  force  of  circumstances  or  some  event 
not  of  their  own  choosing  made  them  cranks  or  oddities,  and 
gave  them  nick-names  that  stuck  to  them  closer  than  a  brother. 

No  country  in  the  world  was  more  productive  of  quaint 
characters  and  odd  geniuses  than  the  mining  camps  of  early 
California.  A  man's  history  began  with  his  advent  in  the 
camp.  His  past  was  wiped  out — was  ancient  history,  not 
worth  making  a  note  of.  What  is  he  now?  What  is  he  good 
for?  were  the  vital  questions.  Even  his  name  was  sometimes 
wiped  out,  and  he  was  re-christened — given  some  cognomen 
entirely  foreign  to  his  well-known  characteristics.  It  was  the 
Irony  of  Fate  that  stood  sponsor  at  his  baptism.  "Pious  Pete" 
was  the  most  profane  man  in  the  camp,  and  Pete  was  not  his 
front  name.  His  profanity  was  so  profuse,  so  impressive,  that 
it  seemed  an  invocation,  almost  a  prayer. 

Deacon  Sturgis  was  a  professional  gambler  of  malodorous 
reputation,  but  of  such  a  solemn  face  and  dignified  mien  that 
he  often  deceived  the  very  elect.  Sometimes  these  nick-names 
were  utilized  in  advertising.  I  recollect  a  sign  over  a  livery 
stable  in  the  early  mining  days  of  Idaho,  which  informed  the 
public  that  the  Pioneer  Stables  were  kept  by  Jews  Harp  Jack 
and  Web-Foot  Haley.  On  one  corner  of  the  sign  was  painted 
an  immense  jews-harp ;  on  another  corner  was  a  massive  foot 
with  webs  between  the  toes.  Haley  came  from  Oregon,  and 


as  the  legend  goes,  on  account  of  the  incessant  rains  in  the  big 
Willamette  Valley  the  inhabitants  thero,  from  paddling  around 
in  the  water,  grow  webs  between  theii  toes.  Haley  brought 
his  nick-name  and  his  webs  with  him.  How  Jews  Harp 
Jack  picked  up  h-is  name  I  do  not  know.  In  a  residence  of 
several  years  there  I  never  heard  any  other  name  for  the  .man. 

My  first  mining  partner  was  known  as  Friday.  Not  one 
in  fifty  of  his  acquaintance  knew  that  his  real  name  was  William 
Geddes.  Years  before  in  California  he  had  owned  in  a  claim 
with  a  man  named  Robinson.  Robinson  was  a  man  of  many 
expedients  and  make-shifts.  Geddes  was  an  imitator  or  echo 
of  his  partner.  The  miners  dubbed  the  first  "Robinson  Crusoe" 
and  the  other  "My  Man  Friday,"  a  name  that  followed  him 
through  a  dozen  mining  camps,  and  over  two  thousand  .miles 
of  territory.  If  he  is  still  living  I  doubt  whether  he  has  outlived 
that  nick-name. 

Bret  Harte,  in  his  "Outcasts  of  Poker  Flat,"  has,  in  John 
Oakhurst,  pictured  the  refined  and  intelligent  gambler.  There 
were  very  few  of  that  class  in  the  mines,  and  none  that  carried 
around  such  an  elegant  and  aristocratic  name  as  Oakhurst.  In 
the  Idaho  mines,  where  I  was  initiated  -into  placer  mining,  the 
professionals  of  the  pasteboard  fraternity,  who  wfere  mostly  old 
Californians,  had  all  been  re-christened  by  their  constituents 
or  patrons,  and  the  new  cognomen  given  each  was  usually  more 
expressive  than  elegant.  Vinegar  Bill,  Cross  Roads  Jack, 
Snapping  Andy  and  Short-Card  Pete  are  short-cut  names  of 
real  characters,  who  passed  in  their  checks  years  ago;  i.  e.,  died 
with  their  boots  on.  Each  nick-name  recalls  some  eccentricity 
not  complimentary  to  the  bearer,  but  which  lie  had  to  bear  with- 
out wincing.  It  was  one  way  in  which  their  victimized  patrons 
tried  to  get  even  on  the  deal. 

There  was  another  class  of  eccentricities  in  the  cities  and 
towns  of  California  where  life  was  less  strenuous  than  in  the 
mining  camps.  These  were  men  with  whims  or  fads  sometimes 
sensible,  sometimes  half-insane,  to  which  they  devoted  them- 
selves until  they  became  noted  as  notorious  cranks. 

San  Francisco  had  its  Philosopher  Pickett,  its  Emperor 
Norton  and  a  host  of  others  of  like  ilk.  Los  Angeles  had 
representatives  of  this  class  in  its  early  days,  but  unfortunately 
the  memory  of  but  few  of  them  has  been  salted  down  in  the 
brine  of  history. 

In  delving  recently  among  the  rubbish  of  the  past  for  scraps 
of  history,  I  came  across  a  review  of  the  first  book  printed  in 


Los  Angeles — the  name  of  the  book,  its  author  and  its  pub- 
lisher. But  for  that  review,  these  would  have  been  lost  to 

It  is  not  probable  that  a  copy  of  the  book  exists,  and  pos- 
sibly no  reader  of  that  book  is  alive  today — not  that  the  book 
was  fatal  to  its  readers;  it  had  very  few — but  the  readers  were 
fatal  to  the  book;  they  did  not  preserve  it.  That  book  was  the 
product  of  an  eccentric  character.  Some  of  you  knew  him. 
His  name  was  William  Money,  but  he  preferred  to  have  the 
accent  placed  on  the  last  syllable,  and  was  known  as  Money'. 
Bancroft  says  of  him :  "A  Scotchman,  the  date  and  manner  of 
whose  coming  are  not  known,  was  at  Los  Angeles  in  1843." 
I  find  from  the  old  archives  he  was  here  as  early  as  1841.  In 
the  winter  of  1841-42  he  made  repairs  on  the  Plaza  Church 
to  the  amount  of  $126.00.  Bancroft,  in  his  Pioneer  Register, 
states:  "He  is  said  to  have  come  as  the  servant  of  a  scientific 
man,  whose  methods  and  ideas  he  adopted.  His  wife  was  a 
handsome  Sonorena.  In  '46  the  couple  started  for  Sonora 
with  Coronel,  and  were  captured  by  Kearny's  force.  They 
returned  from  the  Colorado  with  the  Mormon  battalion.  Mo- 
ney became  an  eccentric  doctor,  artist  and  philosopher  at  San 
Gabriel,  where  his  house,  in  1880,  was  filled  with  ponderous 
tomes  of  his  writings,  and  on  the  simple  condition  of  buying 
$1,000  worth  of  these  I  was  offered  his  pioneer  reminiscences. 
He  died  a  few  years  later.  His  wife,  long  divorced  from  him, 
married  a  Frenchman.  She  was  also  living  at  Los  Angeles 
in  '80.  It  was  her  daughter  who  killed  Chico  Forster." 

Bancroft  fails  to  enumerate  all  of  Money's  titles.  He  was 
variously  called  Professor  Money,  Dr.  Money  and  Bishop 
Money.  He  was  a  self-constituted  doctor,  and  a  self-anointed 
bishop.  He  aspired  to  found  a  great  religious  sect.  He  made 
his  own  creed  and  ordained  himself  Bishop,  Deacon  and  De- 
fender of  the  Reformed  New  Testament  Church  of  the  Faith 
of  Jesus  Christ.  Dr.  Money  had  the  inherent  love  of  a  Scotch- 
man for  theological  discussion.  He  was  always  ready  to  attack 
a  religious  dogma  or  assail  a  creed.  When  not  discussing  the- 
ological questions  or  practicing  medicines,  he  dabbled  in  science 
and  made  discoveries. 

In  Book  II  of  Miscellaneous  Records  of  Los  Angeles 
County,  is  a  map  or  picture  of  a  globe  labeled,  Wm.  Money's 
Discovery  of  the  Ocean.  Around  the  North  Pole  are  a  number 
of  convolving  lines  which  purport  to  represent  a  "whirling 
ocean."  Passing  down  from  the  north  pole  to  the  south,  like 


the  vertebrae  of  a  great  fish,  is  a  subterranean  ocean.  Beyond 
this  on  each  side  are  the  exhaustless  fiery  regions,  and  outside 
of  this  a  rocky  mountain  chain  that  evidently  keeps  the  earth 
from  bursting.  At  the  South  Pole  gush  out  two  currents  a 
mile  wide  marked  the  Kuro  Siwo.  There  is  no  explanation 
of  the  discovery  and  no  statement  of  which  ocean,  the  whirling 
or  the  subterranean,  that  Dr.  Money  claimed  to  have  discov- 
ered. The  record  was  made  no  doubt  on  the  principle  of  pro- 
tecting his  discovery  by  a  sort  of  patent  right  on  the  ocean  he 
found  swirling  around  in  the  interior  of  the  earth.  The  theory 
of  his  discovery  can  only  be  inferred  from  the  drawing.  Evi- 
dently a  hole  at  the  North  Pole  sucks  in  the  waters  of  the  whirl- 
ing ocean,  which  pass  down  through  the  subterranean  ocean  and 
are  heated  by  the  exhaustless  fiery  regions  which  border  that 
ocean;  then  these  heated  waters  are  spurted  out  into  space  at 
the  South  Pole.  What  becomes  of  them  afterwards  the  records 
do  not  show.  From  some  cause  Dr.  Money  disliked  the  people 
of  San  Francisco.  In  his  scientific  researches  he  made  the  dis- 
covery that  that  part  of  the  earth's  crust  on  whicfi  that  city 
stands  was  almost  burnt  through,  and  he  prophesied  that  the 
crust  would  soon  break  and  the  City  of  the  Bay  would  drop  down 
into  the  exhaustless  fiery  regions  and  be  wiped  out  like  Sodom 
and  Gomorrah  of  old. 

The  review  of  Dr.  Money's  book,  which  I  have  mentioned, 
was  written  by  the  genial  Col.  John  O.  Wheeler,  then  editor 
of  the  Southern  Californian,  a  paper  that  died  and  was  buried 
in  the  journalistic  graveyard  of  unfelt  wants,  forty-eight  years 
ago.  Colonel  Wheeler  was  a  walking  library  of  local  history. 
He  could  tell  a  story  well  and  had  a  fund  of  humorous  ones, 
but  I  could  never  persuade  him  to  write  out  his  reminiscences 
for  publication.  He  died,  and  his  stories  of  the  olden  times 
died  with  him,  just  as  so  many  of  the  old  pioneers  will  do,  d-ie 
and  leave  no  record  behind  them. 

Dr.  Money's  book  was  written  and  published  in  1854.  Colo- 
nel Wheeler's  review  is  quite  lengthy,  filling  nearly  two  columns 
of  the  Californian.  I  omit  a  considerable  portion  of  it.  The 
review  says:  "We  are  in  luck  th-is  week,  having  been  the  recip- 
ients of  a  very  interesting  literary  production  entitled.  Reform 
of  the  New  Testament  Church,  by  Wm.  Money,  Bishop,  Dea- 
con and  Defender  of  the  Faith  of  Jesus  Christ. 

"The  volume  by  Professor  Money  comes  to  us  bound  in  the 
beautiful  coloring  so  much  admired  by  the  Woman  in  Scarlet 


who  sits  upon  seven  hills,  and  is  finely  gotten  up  and  executed 
at  the  Star  office  in  this  city.  Its  title  denotes  the  general  ob- 
jects of  the  work  which  have  been  followed  out  in  the  peculiar 
style  of  the  well-known  author,  and  in  the  emphatic  language 
of  the  Council  General,  Upper  California,  City  of  Los  'Angeles. 
"We  pronounce  it  a  work  worthy  of  all  dignified  admiration,  a 
reform  which  ecclesiastics  and  civil  authorities  have  not  been 
able  to  comply  with  yet." 

The  work  opens  with  an  original  letter  from  the  aforesaid 
Council  General,  which  met  August  the  7th,  1854,  near  the 
main  zanja  in  this  city;  said  letter  was  indited,  signed,  sealed 
"by  supplication  of  the  small  flock  of  Jjesus  Christ"  represented 
by  Ramon  Tirado,  president,  and  Francis  Contreras,  secretary, 
and  directed  with  many  tears  to  the  great  defender  of  the  new 
faith,  who,  amid  the  quiet  retreats  with  which  the  rural  dis- 
tricts abound,  had  pensively  dwelt  on  the  noble  objects  of  his 
mission,  and,  in  fastings  and  prayer,  concocted,  this  great  work 
of  his  life." 

"The  venerable  prelate,  in  an  elaborate  prefix  to  his  work, 
informs  the  public  that  he  was  born,  to  the  best  of  his  recollec- 
tion, about  the  year  1807,  from  which  time  up  to  the  anniver- 
sary of  his  seventh  year,  his  mother  brought  him  up  by  hand. 
He  says,  by  a  singular  circumstance  (the  particular  circum- 
stance is  not  mentioned),  I  was  born  with  four  teeth,  and  with 
the  likeness  of  a  rainbow  in  my  right  eye." 

It  would  seem  that  his  early  youth  was  marked  by  more 
than  ordinary  capacity,  as  we  find  him  at  seven  entering  upon 
the  study  of  natural  history;  how  far  he  proceeded,  or  if  he 
proceeded  at  all,  is  left  for  his  readers  to  determine.  At  the 
age  of  twelve,  poverty  compelled  him  to  "bind  himself  to  a 
paper  factory."  Next  year,  being  then  thirteen  years  of  age, 
having  made  a  raise,  he  commenced  the  studies  of  philosophy, 
civil  law,  medicine,  relation  of  cause  and  effect,  philosophy  of 
sound  in  a  conch  shell,  peculiar  habits  of  the  muskrat,  and  the 
component  parts  of  Swain's  vermifuge.  Thirsting  for  still  fur- 
ther knowledge,  four  years  afterwards  we  find  him  entering 
upon  the  study  of  theology;  and  as  he  says,  "In  this  year  (1829) 
I  commenced  my  travels  in  foreign  countries,"  and  the  succeed- 
ing year  found  him  upon  the  shores  of  the  United  States,  inde- 
fatigable in  body  and  mind;  the  closing  of  the  same  year  found 
him  in  Mexico,  still  following  the  sciences  above  mentioned, 
but  theology  in  particular. 


About  this  time  he  commenced  those  powerful  discussions 
with  the  Romish  clergy  in  which  our  author  launched  forth 
against  the  Old  Church  those  terrible  denunciations  as  effect- 
ive as  they  were  unanswerable,  and  which  for  thirty  years  he 
has  been  hurling  against  her. 

Perhaps  the  most  memorable  of  all  his  efforts  was  the  occa- 
sion of  the  last  arguments  had  with  the  Roman  clergy  concern- 
ing abuses  which  came  off  in  the  Council  of  Pitaquitos,  a  small 
town  in  Sonora,  commencing  on  the  2Oth  of  October,  1835,  and 
which  continued  to  May  ist,  1840,  a  period  of  five  years.  This 
convocation  had  consumed  much  time  in  its  preparation,  and 
the  clergy,  aware  of  the  powerful  foe  with  whom  they  had  to 
deal,  and  probable  great  length  of  time  which  would  elapse, 
selected  their  most  mighty  champions;  men,  who  in  addition 
to  a  glib  tongue  and  subtle  imagination,  were  celebrated  for 
their  wonderful  powers  of  endurance.  There  wiere  seven  skilled 
disputants  arrayed  against  Money,  but  he  vanquished  them 

"The  discussion  opened  on  the  following  propositions :  The 
Bishop  of  Culiacan  and  he  of  Durango  disputed  that  Wm.  Mo- 
ney believed  that  the  Virgin  Mary  was  the  mother  o!  Jesus, 
but  not  the  mother  of  Christ.  William  Money  makes  his  ap- 
plication to  God,  but  npt  to  the  Virgin  Mary." 

These  and  other  learned  propositions  were  discussed  and 
re-discussed  constantly  for  five  years,  during  which  writing 
paper  arose  to  such  an  enormous  price  that  special  enactments 
were  made,  withdrawing  the  duties  thereon.  Time  would  not 
admit  of  detailing  the  shadow  of  what  transpired  during  the 

Suffice  -it  to  say  that  through  the  indomitable  faith  and 
energy  of  Mr.  Money,  his  seven  opponents  were  entirely  over- 
come; one  sickened  early  in  the  second  year  and  was  constrained 
to  take  a  voyage  by  sea;  two  others  died  of  hemorrhage  of  the 
lungs;  one  went  crazy;  two  became  converted  and  left  the  coun- 
cil in  the  year  1838  and  were  found  by  Mr.  Money  on  the  break- 
ing up  of  the  council  to  have  entered  into  connubial  bonds,  and 
were  in  the  enjoyment  of  perfect  happiness.  The  other  two 
strenuously  held  out  to  the  year  1840,  when,  exhausted,  sick 
and  dismayed,  the  council,  in  the  language  of  the  author,  was 
broken  up  by  offering  me  money  to  give  up  my  sword,  the  Word 
of  God,  but  I  protested,  saying,  "God  keep  me  from  such  treach- 
erous men,  and  from  becoming  a  traitor  to  my  God." 


"Thus  ended  this  famous  disputation  of  which  history  fur- 
nishes no  parallel.  From  the  foregoing  our  readers  can  form 
an  idea  of  this  great  work.  It  forms  a  volume  of  twenty-two 
pages,  printed  in  English  and  Spanish,  with  notes,  etc.;  price 
not  yet  determined.  We  would  advise  all  to  procure  a  copy, 
as  there  being  no  stereotype  edition,  the  present  few  numbers 
will  end  the  supply." 

This  strenuous  review  brought  forth  a  vigorous  protest 
from  Dr.  Money,  and  in  the  Star,  over  his  many  titles — Bishop, 
Deacon  and  Defender  of  the  Faith — he  challenged  the  editor 
to  a  discussion,  but,  warned  by  the  fate  of  the  friars  at  Pitaqui- 
tos,  the  genial  Colonel  declined  the  combat. 

Dr.  Money  seems  to  have  considered  his  call  to  preach  para- 
mount to  his  call  to  practice.  In  a  card  to  the  public,  published 
in  the  Star  of  November  3,  1855,  he  says:  "I  am  sorry  to  in- 
form the  public  that  since  the  Reformed  New  Testament  church 
has  unanimously  conferred  on  me  the  office  of  Bishop,  Deacon 
and  Defender  of  the  Faith  of  said  apostolic  church,  it  is  at 
present  inconvenient  for  me  any  longer  to  practice  my  physical 
system.  My  California  Family  Medical  Instructor  is  now  ready 
for  the  press,  containing  my  three  physical  systems,  in  about 
200  pages  and  50  plates  of  the  human  body.  It  will  likewise 
contain  a  list  of  about  five  thousand  patients  that  I  have  had 
under  my  ohysical  treatment  in  the  course  of  fifteen  years' 
practice,  from  the  port  of  San  Diego  to  that  of  San  Francisco. 
Out  of  this  large  number  only  four,  to  my  knowledge,  have  died 
while  under  my  treatment.  I  do  not  publish  this  for  the  pur- 
pose of  getting  into  practice,  but  only  to  get  out  of  it." 

His  Family  Medical  Instructor  was  probably  the  second 
book  written  in  Los  Angeles,  but  whether  it  was  ever  published 
I  cannot  say.  Some  twenty-five  years  ago,  when  the  Public 
Library  was  in  the  old  Downey  Bloqk,  he  had  on  file  in  it  a 
set  of  plates  of  the  human  body.  They  long  since  have  dis- 
appeared. He  removed  to  San  Gabriel,  where  he  lived  in  a 
curiously  constructed  adobe  house.  He  died  in  1890,  at  San 
Gabriel.  His  books  and  papers  were  lost. 

Another  eccentric  character  of  early  days  was  Professor 
Cain.  Cain  was  a  gentleman  of  color,  aged  and  white-haired. 
He  towered  up  in  the  air  at  least  six  and  a  half  feet,  and  by 
taking  thought  had  added  at  least  half  a  cubit  to  his  height  in 
the  shape  of  a  tall  narrow-brimmed  stove-pipe  hat  of  the  vintage 
of  the  fall  of  '49  or  spring  of  '50. 


Cain  was  a  philosopher,  and  had  original  and  rather  start- 
ling theories  which  he  propounded  from  the  steps  of  the  old 
Court  House  whenever  he  could  get  an  audience. 

A  colored  preacher,  the  Rev.  John  Jasper,  of  Richmond, 
Va.,  made  himself  famous  by  a  sermon  that  he  was  accustomed 
to  deliver  from  the  text,  "The  sun  do  move."  In  that  sermon 
he  demolished  the  theory  that  the  earth  moved  around  the 
sun.,  "The  sun  does  the  movin',  not  the  yearth.  The  good 
book  says  that  once,  when  Joshuar  had  a  big  killing  of  Anak- 
elites  on  hand;  he  says  'sun  stand  still'  till  I  get  through  with 
the  killin',  and  she  stopped  and  stood  still."  Now,  said  the 
Rev.  Jasper,  how  could  a  thing  stop  if  it  wasn't  going?  How, 
indeed!  And  the  Rev.  Jasper  removed  that  theological  stum- 
bling block  that  has  tripped  over  theologians  for  centuries. 

Professor  Cain's  theory  was  more  original  and  more  start- 
ling than  Jasper's.  It  was  that  the  original  color  of  the  human 
race  was  black.  Adam  was  the  first  Sambo,  and  Eve  the  primi- 
tive Dinah.  The  white  race  were  bleached-out  blacks. 

Cain's  proof  was  conclusive,  if  you  admit  his  premises.  "The 
good  book,  says  Adam,  was  created  out  of  the  dust  of  the 
yearth.  Whar  did  the  Lord  get  that  dust?  Cain  was  accus- 
tomed to  ask.  "In  the  Garden  of  Eden.  The  soil  of  the  garden 
was  a  black  soil,  because  -it  was  rich  and  produced  all  manner 
of  yarbs  and  trees.  Now,  if  Adam  was  made  from  black  dust 
his  color  was  black,  wa'n't  it?  And  Eve  being  made  from  Ad- 
am's rib,  the  rib  wfere  black,  and  consequently  Eve  was  black, 

As  long  as  Adam's  descendants  remained  in  warm  countries 
they  retained  their  primitive  color,  but  after  a  time  some  of 
them  wandered  off  to  cold  countries  and  lived  in  the  shade  of 
the  woods,  where  the  sun  could  not  get  at  them.  Then  they 
began  to  fade,  just  as  a  plant  grown  in  the  shade  loses  its  orig- 
inal color  and  turns  white.  Consequently,  the  Professor  would 
say,  as  he  clinched  his  argument,  "The  white  man  is  only  a 
faded-out  niggah." 

Some  practical  jokers  induced  the  old  philosopher  to  deliver 
a  lecture  on  his  favorite  theme.  He  secured  the  old  Merced 
Theater,  which  still  stands  up  near  the  Pico  House.  He  was  to 
charge  an  admittance  fee,  and  he  acted  as  his  own  door-keeper. 
So  popular  was  his  lecture  that  before  he  could  get  through 
making  change  with  some  of  the  first  arrivals  the  boys  had 
come  in  a  rush  and  filled  the  house.  He  had  a  full  house,  but 


the  receipts  were  light.  In  knocking  around  the  world  he  had 
picked  up  a  number  of  big  words  that  he  used  indiscriminately. 
He  put  them  in  because  they  sounded  well.  To  give  force  to 
his  argument  he  would  quote  at  length  from  some  authority. 
The  quotations  were  manufactured;  the  Professor  could  not 
read.  He  would  preface  a  quotation  by  saying,  "Thus  says  the 
famous  Sock-rats"  (meaning  Socrates),  or  "I  find  this  in  the 
writings  of  the  distinguished  Hypocrits"  (meaning  Hippoc- 
rates, the  father  of  medicine).  The  lecture  was  as  amusing  as 
a  circus. 

The  old  gentleman  was  very  proud,  and  quite  dignified.  In 
assemblages  of  the  colored  brethren,  when  they  d-id  not  agree 
with  his  views,  he  was  accustomed  to  berate  them  as  a  pa'cel 
of  plantation  niggahs.  Consequently  he  was  not  popular  with 
his  colored  brethren. 

There  are  some  other  eccentric  characters  of  early  days  that 
might  come  in  for  a  notice  but  my  paper  is  already  too  long. 



We  are  angel  pioneers, 

As  for  five-and-twenty  years, 

With  our  wives,  the  pretty  dears, 

We  have  had  the  land  of  angels  for  a  home ; 
We  came  here  long  ago, 
And  we  like  the  country  so, 
That  we're  going  to  stay  you  know, 

For  we  never  want  to  emigrate  or  roam. 

Yes,  we're  angels  without  wings, 
Without  feathers  and  such  things, 
And  each  heart  with  rapture  rings, 

Thinking  of  the  glorious  country  we  have  found ; 
With  our  climate  and  our  soil, 
Bringing  fruits  with  little  toil, 
Let  us  live  without  turmoil, 

And  let  joy  and  peace  and  jollity  abound. 

We  have  seen  our  city  grow, 
With  a  pace  that's  far  from  slow, 
And  the  country  'round  us,  too, 

Where  fruit  and  flowers  bloom  on  every  hand ; 
But  there's  room  enough  for  all, 
Rich  and  poor  and  great  and  small, 
And  may  pleasant  places  fall 

To  the  tender-foot  from  each  and  every  land. 

Let  them  come,  yes  let  them  come — 
And,  you  bet,  they're  coming  some — 
Don't  you  hear  the  car-wheels  hum, 

Bringing  those  who  storm  and  blizzards  wish  to  shun; 
We  extend  a  welcome  true, 
From  our  hearts  we  mean  it,  too, 
For  there's  room  for  not  a  few, 

To  fill  the  places  we  leave  when  we  are  gone. 

We  will  tell  from  whence  we  came — 
How  we  got  here,  just  the  same — 
And  we're  surely  not  to  blame, 

If  we  pass  some  resolutions  when  we  die; 
As  our  hair  is  turning  gray, 
We  may  not  have  long  to  stay, 
When  we  have  to  go  away, 

Let  us  hope  we'll  find  as  good  a  place  on  high. 



[Read  before  the  Los  Angeles  County  Pioneers,  Feb.,  1902.] 

It  was  on  the  morning  of  an  October  day  in  1865,  with  my 
wife  and  daughter,  we  took  passage  on  the  steamer  Santiago 
de  Cuba,  via  the  Nicaragua  route  for  San  Francisco.  The  sev- 
eral forts  at  the  entrance  of  New  York  harbor  present  a  bold 
and  warlike  appearance,  as  viewed  from  the  deck  of  a  passing 
steamer.  In  less  than  two  hours  after  leaving  the  dock  a  call 
for  tickets  was  made,  and  among  the  passengers  was  a  young 
lady  who  told  her  story  in  this  wise:  Said  she  came  from 
Massachusetts,  expecting  to  meet  a  neighbor  of  hers,  accom- 
panied by  his  wife,  with  whom  she  had  previously  entrusted  her 
money.  But  not  meeting  them  at  the  hotel  as  she  expected, 
had  come  on  board  the  ship  to  look  for  them.  Here  she  was, 
without  money  or  friends.  The  officers  of  the  ship  said  they 
would  have  taken  her  through  and  given  her  letters  of  recom- 
mendation to  officers  on  the  Pacific  side,  if  they  could  have  be- 
lieved her  story.  Shortly  after,  our  boat  stopped  to  discharge 
the  pilot,  and  this  lady,  whether  worthy  or  otherwise,  was  com- 
pelled to  enter  the  small  boat  with  him,  when  they  were  con- 
veyed on  board  a  steamer  which  was  in  waiting,  and  taken 
directly  back  to  New  York. 

Having  now  got  outside  the  harbor,  our  boat  glides  more 
n.nidly  over  the  smooth  surface  of  the  water,  and  the  distant 
J^.sey  shore,  as  it  becomes  more  indistinct,  with  the  high  tow- 
ers of  the  great  city,  the  broad  expanse  of  waters  on  either  side, 
together  with  the  approach  of  a  beautiful  sunset,  render  the 
scene  worthy  to  be  transferred  to  canvas. 

Our  course  was  a  southwesterly  direction,  along  the  west- 
erly coast  of  Cuba,  only  a  few  miles  distant.  How  very  differ- 
ent were  our  feelings  now  as  to  safety  from  what  they  were  a 
year  previous  while  traveling  over  these  same  waters,  on  our 
way  to  New  York  by  the  Panama  route!  Then  our  beloved 
country  was  in  the  throes  of  a  mighty  civil  war.  Privateers 
were  supposed  to  be  at  any  point  on  the  Atlantic  waters,  and 


the  Panama  steamers  were  known  to  carry  large  amounts  of 
treasure  (for  no  overland  road  was  then  completed),  and  it  was 
feared  these  privateers  might  attack  the  steamers  returning 
from  California.  At  any  rate,  as  we  were  leaving  the  Caribean 
sea  on  the  afternoon  of  a  southern  summer  day,  a  steamer  was 
sighted  following  in  our  track,  and  apparently  gaining  on  us 
rapidly.  Our  captain  gave  orders  for  all  steam  to  be  used  that 
could  be  done  with  safety,  and  it  was  easy  to  see  our  good  ship 
was  goinp-  at  a  more  rapid  rate  than  usual  towards  her  destined 
port.  We  had  nothing  to  do  but  watch  the  craft,  whatever 
she  might  be,  and  speculate  on  what  would  be  our  fate  if  over- 
taken. The  summing-up  of  the  opinions  of  the  many  passen- 
gers was  numerous  and  various.  Soon  as  it  became  dark  all 
the  lights  above  the  water  line  were  turned  down,  the  course  of 
the  sh-ip  changed  to  nearly  a  right  angle,  and  the  evening  spent 
in  utter  darkness.  The  morning  sun  found  us  on  our  regular 
course  with  no  other  ship  in  sight,  and  we  all  felt  relieved.  Now 
the  cruel  war  was  over,  and  peace  reigned  throughout  our  bor- 

Our  captain  had  made  the  trip  to  and  from  Aspinwall  many 
times,  but  this  was  his  first  trip  to  GreytowH.  By  carefully 
studying  his  charts  he  took  us  safely  into  port  in  eight  days. 
Here  we  were  transferred  to  a  small  steamer,  which  was  to  take 
us  up  the  San  Juan  river  to  Lake  Nicaragua.  We  were  very 
comfortably  housed  on  the  ocean  steamer,  but  when  you  come 
to  put  600  passengers  on  a  boat  less  than  one-fourth  the  size 
of  the  former,  you  can  make  your  calculations  there  was  not 
much  vacant  space.  A  portion  of  the  way  along  this  river, 
which  is  the  outlet  for  the  waters  of  Lake  Nicaragua,  is  low 
and  marshy,  but  most  of  it,  if  properly  cleared,  looked  like  good 
farming  land. 

The  vegetation  and  scenery  it  would  be  hard  to  excel  any- 
where; and  the  climate  is  said  to  be  very  healthy.  It  -is  no 
more  like  the  Isthmus  of  Panama  than  day  is  like  night.  Ban- 
anas seem  to  grow  spontaneously  all  along  the  river,  but  no  doubt 
would  do  much  better  by  proper  cultivation.  Vines  of  various 
kinds  hang  from  the  tall  trees,  making  an  impenetrable  thicket, 
and  covered  with  bright  flowers,  with  every  color  of  the  rain- 
bow. During  the  day  some  of  the  passengers  amused  them- 
selves and  others  by  shooting  alligators  as  they  lay  sunning 
themselves  in  the  sand  on  the  banks. 

The  day  passed  quickly,  for  the  country  was  so  unlike  any- 


thing  we  had  ever  before  seen,  it  was  very  interesting.  As 
night  came  on,  inquiry  was  made  about  sleeping  accommoda- 
tions, especially  for  the  ladies.  But  it  was  self-evident  that  so 
small  a  boat  could  not  accommodate  the  number  of  passengers 
she  was  carrying,  except  in  an  upright  position.  So  a  few  of  us 
who  haJ  become  acquainted  while  on  the  ocean  steamer,  got 
together  amidships  for  a  sociol  hour,  more  or  less,  which  finally 
led  into  story-telling,  on  any  subject  whatever;  several  gave 
their  experiences  of  hair-breadth  escapes,  or  told  us  of 
some  love  affair,  whether  true  or  false  it  mattered  not,  so 
long  as  it  amused  and  helped  to  pass  away  the  time  and  keep 
us  wide  awake. 

The  few  who  first  gathered  there,  by  12  o'clock  had  in- 
creased to  hundreds,  and  better  order  was  never  observed  in 
any  Quaker  meetinp-  than  during  the  small  hours  of  that  night 
on  the  San  Juan  river.  One  of  these  stories  I  remember  in  par- 
ticular, and  as  it  is  short  I  will  here  relate  it.  It  was  told  by  a 
middle-agfed  man,  a  doctor  of  medicine,  who,  with  h-is  wife  and 
family,  was  making  his  first  trip  to  California.  He  commenced 
by  saying  his  story  was  of  ancient  origin  and  would  be  on  the 
subject  of  political  economy.  He  went  on  for  several  minutes 
before  he  got  down  to  the  real  story,  causing  us  to  believe  we 
were  to  hear  something  -instructive,  if  not  amusing,  for  he  was 
known  to  be  an  educated  gentleman.  And  this  was  his  story: 

Jack  Spratt  could  eat  no  fat; 
His  wife  could  eat  no  lean; 
Between  them  both  they 
Licked  the  platter  clean. 

Daylight  found  us  still  entertaining  one  another,  when  it 
was  announced  we  were  nearing  the  greatest  rapids  on  the  river, 
(the  name  of  which  I  have  forgotten).  The  company  broke  up* 
to  go  and  see  how  the  boat  could  climb  the  rapid  current.  A 
large  cable  was  anchored  on  shore  and  attached  to  the  engine. 
In  two  hours'  time  we  were  in  comparatively  still  water. 

Here  is  where  most  of  the  locks  will  be  required  when  the 
Nicaragua  canal  is  built,  as  we  all  hope  it  soon  will  be.  After 
one  night  and  two  days  on  the  river  we  reached  Lake  Nicar- 
agua, a  beautiful  sheet  of  water,  surrounded  by  low  rolling  hills. 
Crossed  over  by  daylight  on  a  steamer  which  accommodated  all 
our  passengers  without  a  murmur.  Twelve  miles  bv  stage  took 
us  to  San  Juan  del  Sur  on  the  Pacific. 


This  was  a  most  interesting  ride  over  a  good  mountain  road, 
or  what  we  in  California  would  call  foothills.  The  native  pop- 
ulation were  numerous  at  certain  points  on  the  road,  offering 
their  fruits,  wares  and  curios  for  sale.  Passed  .many  acres  of 
pineapple  and  bananas,  apparently  under  a  good  state  of  culti- 
vation, -in  rows  as  straight  as  our  orange  orchards  in  Southern 

On  our  arrival  at  San  Juan  the  connecting  steamer  had  not 
arrived,  but  next  day  she  made  her  appearance,  and  we  were 
soon  on  board.  On  the  following-  day  she  was  ready  for  her 
departure  north.  As  is  known  to  many  of  you,  we  are  in  plain 
view  of  the  coast  most  of  the  way  up;  only  at  one  point  are 
we  out  of  sight  of  land — while  crossing  the  Gulf  of  California. 

When  the  ship's  doctor  was  making  his  daily  rounds  on  the 
fourth  day,  he  found  a  very  sick  man  in  the  steerage,  whose 
disease  he  at  once  pronounced  to  be  confluent  smallpox.  The 
captain's  cow  was  at  once  hustled  out  of  her  comfortable  berth 
and  tied  to  a  stanchion  alongside  the  dining  tables  of  the  steer- 
age passengers,  and  the  poor  unfortunate  fellow  placed  therein. 
But  it  was  the  safest  place  for  him  and  the  other  pasengers,  to 
be  found  on  board. 

Five  days  later  sometime  during  the  night,  he  died,  and 
was  buried  at  sea.  Everything  in  the  shape  of  bedding  was 
put  into  the  furnace,  and  the  room  thoroughly  fumigated.  In 
the  morning  the  cow  was  back  in  her  former  pen,  and  the  num- 
ber of  passengers  was  one  less.  Whether  any  one  contracted 
the  disease  or  not,  we  never  knew.  There  was  also  a  birth  on 
board — a  child  was  born,  whose  young  life  went  out  in  a  few 
hours,  when  the  captain  ordered  it  to  be  buried,  but  out  of  re- 
spect for  the  feelings  of  the  mother,  the  little  body  was  kept  for 
two  days  and  buried  on  Mexican  soil. 

Fourteen  days  on  the  Pacific  brought  us  into  San  Francisco, 
making  twenty-eight  from  New  York. 


[Read  June  23,  1902.] 


Of  that,  notable  group  of  American  pioneers  who  arrived  in 
Los  Angeles  about  the  year  1830,  and  who  afterwards  became 
permanent  and  influential  citizens  of  this  then  almost  exclu- 
sively Spanish-speaking  province,  I  have  already  presented  the 
Historical  Society  with  brief  sketches  of  John  Temple,  Abel 
Stearns  and  J.  JH  Warner;  and  I  now  propose  to  give  some  ac- 
count of  William  Wolfskill.  Mr.  Wolfskill  was  born  in  Madi- 
son county,  Kentucky,  March  20,  1798,  and  was  reared  from 
the  age  of  eleven  to  twenty-one,  in  what  is  now  Howard  county, 
Missouri,  but  which  then  was  in  the  heart  of  the  Indian  country. 
The  Indians  of  that  region  during  the  War  of  1812  were  so 
bad  that  the  settlers  had  to  carry  their  fire-arms  at  the  plow 
and  to  be  unceasingly  on  their  guard,  night  and  day. 

After  the  war,  in  1815,  William  went  back  to  Kentucky  to 
attend  school.  In  1822,  at  the  age  of  twenty-four,  he  started 
out  in  the  world  on  his  own  account  to  seek  his  fortune,  to 
penetrate  still  farther  into  the  far  West,  and  to  find  "a  better 
country"  in  which  to  settle. 

With  a  party  under  a  Captain  Becknell,  he  went  to  Santa 
Fe.  New  Mexico.  He  spent  the  summer  of  1822,  at  Santa  Fe. 
and  in  the  fall  engaged  in  trapping  beaver.  He  went  down  the 
Rio  Grande  to  El  Paso  del  Norte  in  January,  1823. 

He  was  accompanied  on  this  trip  by  a  single  companion,  a 
New  Mexican,  who  had  trapped  beaver  with  him  the  fall  before. 
They  caught  what  beaver  they  could  as  they  proceeded  down 
the  river.  The  weather  was  cold,  the  ground  being  covered 
with  snow;  and  to  protect  themselves  from  the  cold  they  built 
a  small  brush  house 

Within  this,  with  a  fire  in  front,  they  could  lie  down  and 
keep  warm.  One  night  (the  27th  of  January,  1823)  Mr.  Wolf- 
skill  waked  up  and  saw  that  the  New  Mexican  had  built  a  big 
fire  at  the  door;  but  he  thought  nothing  of  it.  and  dropped 
asleep  again.  But  some  time  after  he  was  aroused  to  con- 
sciousness by  receiving  a  rifle  ball  in  his  breast.  He  jumped 


up  and  rushed  outside,  where  he  stumbled  and  fell,  and  although 
it  was  moonlight  he  saw  no  one.  He  had  first  reached  for  his 
rifle,  which  had  been  lying  beside  him,  but  that  was  gone,  only 
the  shot-pouch  remaining. 

Supposing  that  marauding  Indians  had  shot  him  and  killed 
his  companion,  who  was  missing,  he  thought  it  was  all  over 
with  him.  At  first  he  believed  himself  mortally  wounded,  which 
doubtless  he  would  have  been  had  not  the  ball  been  retarded 
by  passing  through  his  blankets  and  also  through  his  right 
arm  and  left  hand,  his  arms  having  been  folded  across  his  breast 
while  asleep. 

He  was  able  to  rise  again,  and  he  started  back  on  foot  for 
the  nearest  Spanish  settlement,  called  Valverde  (Green  Vailc"'' 
twenty  or  twenty-five  miles  distant,  where  a  small  military  force 
was  stationed,  and  where  he  finally  arrived  late  the  next  morn- 
ing, well-nigh  exhausted — cold,  faint,  and  weak,  from  the  loss 
of  blood.  He  went  to  the  Alcalde,  who  made  the  matter  known 
to  the  guard. 

Meantime,  who  should  make  his  appearance  but  the  New 
Mexican,  who  reported  that  he  had  been  attacked  by  Indians, 
and  that  his  partner  (Mr.  Wolfskill)  wias  killed.  But  he  was 
considerably  astonished  to  learn  that  Mr.  Wolfskill  had  got 
in  before  him. 

He  was  compelled  to  go  back  with  the  soldiers  at  once 
(much  against  his  will),  and  show  them  where  Mr.  Wolfskill 
had  been  shot. 

There  they  found,  in  the  snow,  the  footprints  of  the  two 
trappers,  and  none  others. 

The  New  Mexican  had  told  the  soldiers  that  the  Indians 
shot  Mr.  Wolfskill  and  had  taken  the  gun,  etc.,  and  that  he  (the 
New  Mexican)  had  shot  several  arrows  at  them.  No  signs  of 
Indians  were  discovered,  and  of  the  arrows  he  had  been  known 
to  have  had  beforehand,  none  were  found  missing. 

They  took  him  back  to  Valverde  bound,  and  kept  him  con- 
fined several  days,  where  he  came  near  being  frozen.  He  fin- 
ally promised  to  go,  and  did  go,  and  show  them  where  the  gun 
was  hidden.  He  then  pretended  that  he  had  shot  Mr.  Wolf- 
skill  accidentally,  not  being  used  to  the  hair-trigger  of  the  rifle. 
He  got  on  his  knees,  and  opening  his  shirt,  bared  his  breast  and 
asked  Mr.  Wolfskill  to  take  his  life,  if  he  had  wronged  him,  etc. 

But  the  evidence  was  too  strong  to  be  evaded,  or  to  be 
explained,  except  by  his  guilt. 

He  was  examined  by  the  Alcalde,  who  ordered  him  to  be 


sent  off  to  the  Governor  of  New  Mexico,  at  Santa  Fe,  for  trial. 
But  Mexican  fashion — is  it  not  sometimes  also  an  American 
fashion? — his  punishment  was  delayed,  and  he  was  kept  going 
back  and  forward,  under  escort,  between  Valverde  and  Santa 
Fe;  and  at  last,  as  Mr.  Wolfskill  afterwards  learned,  he  was 
turned  loose — a  denouement  which  in  similar  cases  has  been 
known  to  happen  in  the  United  States. 

What  motive  the  New  Mexican  could  have  had  for  thus 
shooting  his  companion,  Mr.  Wolfskill  never  could  imagine, 
unless  possibly  it  was  for  the  sake  of  the  old  rifle,  for  that  was 
about  all  Mr.  Wolfskill  had  in  the  world,  except  a  few  old  beaver 
traps;  and  there  existed  no  enmity  between  them.  They  had 
never  had  any  quarrel,  or  any  cause  for  quarrel. 

But  an  old  Mexican — a  good-hearted  man,  with  whom  they 
had  once  stopped,  up  the  river — had  warned  Mr.  Wolfskill  to 
be  on  his  guard  against  that  man,  "for,"  said  he,  "he  is  a  bad 

For  so  little  cause,  or  for  no  cause  at  all,  other  than  the 
instincts  of  a  devilish  heart,  will  some  men  attempt  murder. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  was  of  the  opinion  that  the  loss  of  blood,  and 
his  nearly  freezing  in  that  long  tramp  to  the  settlement,  saved 
his  life.  The  ball  did  not  penetrate  his  breast-bone,  and  was 
soon  afterwards  extracted.  He  bore  the  marks  of  the  wounds 
on  his  person  to  his  dying  day.  In  fact,  it  is  a  question  if 
they  were  not  the  remote  origin  of  the  (heart)  disease  of  which 
he  died,  although  his  death  occurred  many  years  after  those 
ghastly  wounds  were  received. 

If  this  society  could  gather  the  multitudinous  and  exciting 
episodes  of  hair-breadth  escapes  of  each  one  of  the  adventurous 
pioneers  who  came  to  this  distant  land,  either  overland  or  by 
water,  the  collection  would  be  unique  in  variety  and  interest  as 
well  as  in  permanent  historical  value. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  returned  to  Santa  Fe,  and  about  Christmas 
he  went  to  Taos.  In  1824  he,  with  others,  fitted  out  a  trapping 
expedition  for  the  head-waters  of  the  Colorado,  or  the  Rio 
Grande  of  the  West,  as  it  was  then  called,  returning  to  Taos 
in  June.  Soon  after,  with  a  Captain  Owens  and  party,  he  went 
to  Chihuahua  to  buy  horses  and  mules  to  take  to  Louisiana. 
\Yith  many  adventures,  and  with  the  loss  of  many  of  their  ani- 
mals by  attacks  of  hostile  Indians,  Mr.  Wolfskill  finally  returned 
by  way  of  the  Mexican  settlements,  to  avoid  the  Indians  along 
the  Gulf,  and  up  the  Mississippi,  to  his  father's  home,  where  he 
arrived  in  ill  health,  June,  1825.  Thus  ended  his  first  expedi- 


tion  westward,  he  having  been  gone  something  over  three  years, 
and  having  penetrated  as  far  as  the  tributaries  of  our  great 
Colorado  River  on  the  Pacific  Slope. 

He  soon,  however,  left  for  Natchitoches,  where  Belcher  had 
promised  to  meet  him  on  the  Fourth  of  July  of  that  year,  with 
the  mules  of  Capt.  Owens,  who  had  been  killed  in  an  attack  by 
the  Indians  near  the  Presidio  del  Norte  in  November  of  the 
previous  year.  These  mules  were  to  be  taken  East  by  Mr.  Wolf- 
skill  and  sold  for  the  benefit  of  Capt.  Owens'  family.  The  latter 
were  near  neighbors  of  his  father  and  they  had  authorized  him 
to  act  as  their  agent.  Not  finding  Belcher  at  Natchitoches  at 
the  time  agreed  upon,  he  traveled  on  west  to  San  Felipe,  where 
he  found  Belcher. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  took  charge  of  the  mules,  and  proceeded  with 
them  across  Louisiana  and  Mississippi  to  Greenborough,  Ala- 
bama, where  he  wintered  and  sold  the  animals.  In  March,  1826, 
he  left  by  way  of  Mobile  and  New  Orleans  and  the  Mississippi 
river,  for  his  home  in  Missouri  to  make  returns  to  the  family  of 
Capt.  Owens.  Here  he  found  Capt.  Young  with  whom  he  first 
went  to  Santa  Fe,  in  1822,  and  with  whom  he  had  trapped  on 
the  Rio  Pecos  and  the  Rio  Grande  of  the  West,  etc.,  and  en- 
gaged with  him,  after  a  brief  stop  at  home,  to  go  again  to  Santa 
Fe.  Arrived  there.  Young  was  taken  sick,  and  he  hired  Mr. 
Wolfskill  to  go  with  a  party  (Sublette,  Peg-Leg  Smith,  etc., 
being  of  the  number),  that  he.  Young,  had  fitted  out  to  trap  on 
the  waters  of  the  Rio  Gila.  The  party  being  only  eleven  men 
strong,  was  attacked  by  Indians  and  driven  back  to  Taos. 
Young  soon  after  started  out  with  about  thirty  men  for  the 
same  place,  where  he  chastised  the  Indians,  so  that  his  party 
were  enabled  to  trap  unmolested. 

During  the  winter,  1826-7,  in  company  with  Wm.  and  Rob- 
ert Carson,  Talbot,  and  others,  Mr.  Wolfskill  made  a  trip  from 
Santa  Fe  to  Sonora,  to  buy  work-mules,  mares,  etc.,  to  take 
back  to  Missouri.  He  was  at  Oposura,  Arispe  and  other  towns 
in  the  northern  part  of  that  State.  Talbot  and  himself  gath- 
ered about  200  animals  and  started  back  with  them  by  way  of 
Taos;  but  they  lost  all  but  twenty-seven  of  them  by  the  Indians. 
With  these  they  finally  arrived  at  Independence  a  little  before 
Christmas.  Most  of  this  winter  he  spent  at  home,  only  making 
a  short  visit  to  Kentucky  on  business  for  his  father. 

The  next  Spring,  1828,  he  left  home  finally — never  after  re- 
turning thither.  He  bought  a  team  and  started  with  goods  on 
his  own  account  for  Santa  Fe.  There  were  about  TOO  wagons 


(in  two  companies),  which  went  out  at  the  same  time.  On  ar- 
rival at  Santa  Fe  he  sold  his  goods  to  his  old  friend,  Young, 
wiho  had  returned  from  his  Gila  expedition.  Some  time  after, 
Young,  with  whom  he  had  formed  a  co-partnership,  made  an- 
other trip  to  the  Gila,  while  Mr.  Wolfskill  went  to  Paso  del 
Norte  after  a  lot  of  wines,  brandy,  panoche,  etc.,  which  he 
brought  up  to  Taos  in  the  spring  of  1829.  He  remained  in  Taos 
the  balance  of  this  year,  waiting  the  return  of  Young,  who,  it 
seems,  had  come  on  into  California. 

In  1830,  as  soon  as  the  trading  companies  from  the  States 
got  in,  which  was  not  till  July,  Mr. Wolfskill  got  ready  himself 
for  an  expedition  to  California  to  hunt  beaver,  expecting  to  find 
Young  somewhere  in  the  country. 

Of  the  company  of  twenty-two  or  twenty-three  men,  of 
which  Mr.  Wolfskill  was  the  leader,  which  started  for  California 
at  this  time,  Messrs.  Branch,  Burton,  Yount,  Shields,  Ham  and 
Cooper  remained  west  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  whilst  the  bal- 
ance, soon  after  their  arrival  in  California,  generally  returned  to 
New  Mexico  or  to  the  United  States.  Probably  not  one  of  th's 
pioneer  band  is  now  living.  Shields  and  Ham  died  soon  after 
arrival  in  the  country,  and  the  others  all  died  now  many  years 
ago:  Yount  in  Napa,  Branch  in  San  Luis  Obispo,  Cooper  in 
Santa  Barbara,  and  Young  in  Oregon. 

The  party  had  intended  to  reach  the  Tulare  and  Sacramento 
valleys  to  make  a  winter  and  spring  hunt.  For  this  purpose 
they  obtained  a  license  from  the  Governor  of  New  Mexico. 
Winter  compelled  them  to  turn  south,  and  they  reached  Los  An- 
geles in  February,  1831.  Here  the  party  broke  up — being 
mostly  without  means.  Some  members  fitted  out  with  what 
guns,  traps,  etc.,  there  were  left,  and  went  to  hunting  otter  on 
the  coast.  Very  few  of  the  disbanded  party  had  any  intention 
of  stopping  in  California  permanently.  But  they  must  do  some- 
thing to  enable  them  to  get  away. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  with  several  others  went  to  work  and  built  a 
schooner  at  San  Pedro,  with  which  to  hunt  otter  among  the 
neighboring  islands.  The  timber  was  cut  in  the  mountains  and 
hauled  a  hundred  miles  or  more  to  San  Pedro.  The  schooner 
was  named  the  "Refugio,"  and  was  larger  than  some  of  the  fleet 
of  Columbus. 

At  that  time  no  one  was  permitted  to  hunt  fine-furred  ani- 
mals within  the  jurisdiction  of  Mexico  unless  he  held  a  license 
from  the  Governor  of  a  State  or  Territory.  In  New  Mexico 
the  provincial  name  of  beaver  is  nutria  (otter).  From  ignorance, 


or  more  likely  carelessness,  on  the  part  of  the  Governor  or  of 
his  secretary,  the  license  of  Mr.  Wolfskill  to  hunt  beaver  (cas- 
tor) was  written  nutria.  By  this  inadvertence  of  the  New  Mexi- 
can officers,  Mr.  Wolfskill  was  possessed  of  a  license  to  hunt  the 
highly-prized  sea  otter,  which  license  he  could  not  have  obtained 
from  the  then  Governor  of  California.  A  strong  objection  was 
made  by  the  officers  here  against  the  validity  of  a  license  given 
by  the  Governor  of  New  Mexico;  but  through  the  interposition 
of  Father  Sanchez,  who  was  at  that  time  a  power  in  the  land, 
the  objections  were  overcome.  With  this  schooner,  the  "Re- 
fugio,"  Mr.  Wolfskill  and  his  party  hunted  along  the  coast  of 
Baja  California  as  far  south  as  Cerros  or  Ceclros  Island.  They 
had  indifferent  luck,  and  this  was  about  the  only  trip  they  made 
with  her;  and  they  afterwards  sold  her  to  a  Captain  Hinkley, 
who  took  her  to  the  Sandwich  Islands. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  then  directed  his  attention  to  vineyarding  and 
to  general  horticulture,  which  he  followed  with  great  success 
till  his  death,  which  occurred  October  3,  1866.  It  was  not, 
however,  till  some  years  after  his  arrival,  that  he  finally  made  up 
his  mind  to  settle  in  the  country.  He  bought  and  moved  onto 
his  homestead  vineyard  (now  known  as  the  Wolfskill  Orchard 
Tract),  in  March,  1838,  with  his  brother  John,  who  came  to 
California  the  preceding  year.  The  growth  of  the  city  compelled 
the  dividing  up  of  his  extensive  orchards,  situated  as  they  were 
near  the  heart  of  the  city,  some  fourteen  years  since,  and  the 
eld  house  which  he  built  more  than  sixty  years  ago,  and  around 
which,  to  so  many  persons,  both  living  and  dead  (for  he  always 
had  a  large  number  of  people  in  his  family),  so  many,  many 
pleasant  associations  and  remembrances  have  clung,  is  now  be- 
ing demolished. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  married  Magdalena,  daughter  of  Don  Jose 
Ygnacio  Lugo  and  Dona  Rafaela  Romero  Lugo,  of  Santa  Bar- 
bara, in  January,  1841,  by  whom  he  had  six  children,  three  of 
whom  are  still  living,  namely,  Joseph  W.  Wolfskill,  Mrs.  Fran- 
cisca  W.  de  Shepherd,  and  Mrs.  Magdalena  W.  de  Sabichi. 
Oi  grandchildren  there  is  a  goodly  number.  Mrs.  Wolfskill  died 
in  1862,  the  eledest  daughter,  Juana,  in  1863,  and  Luis,  the 
youngest  son,  in  1884. 

In  the  year  1841  Mr.  Wolfskill  planted  an  orange  orchard, 
the  second  in  California,  the  first  being  planted  by  the  Mission 
Friars  at  San  Gabriel. 

In  the  same  year  (1841)  he  went  to  the  upper  country  to 
look  for  a  ranch  on  the  then  public  domain.  He  selected  lands 


lying  on  both  sides  of  Putah  creek  (now  in  Yolo  and  Solano 
counties),  and  the  next  year  he  obtained  a  grant  from  Governor 
Alvarado  in  his  own  name,  of  four  square  leagues.  His  brother 
John  took  up  stock  to  put  on  the  rancho  in  1842.  The  latter 
lived  on  the  rancho  thereafter  till  his  death,  receiving  one-half 
of  the  same.  Of  the  five  brothers  Wolfskill  who  as  pioneers  set- 
tled in  California,  only  one,  Mr.  Milton  Wolfskill,  is  now  living 
in  Los  Angeles  at  an  advanced  age. 

After  the  old  Padres,  William  Wolfskill  and  Don  Louis 
Vignes  may  be  called  the  pioneer  growers  of  citrus  fruits  in 
California,  a  business  which  is  now  worth  many  millions  of  dol- 
lars to  the  people  of  California,  and  especially  to  the  people  of 
Southern  California. 

William  Wolfskill,  who  was  of  German-Irish  ancestry,  had 
a  strong  physical  constitution  and  an  immense  amount  of  vital 
energy.  During  his  long  and  useful  life  he  saw  a  great  deal 
of  the  world  and  picked  up  not  a  little  of  hard,  sound  sense.  He 
was  an  extensive  reader,  and  being  possessed  of  a  wonderfully 
retentive  memory,  he  gained  a  store  of  information  on  most 
subjects  of  practical  human  interest  that  would  not  have  shamed 
those  who  have  had  a  more  liberal  education,  and  who  may  have 
passed  their  lives  with  books,  instead  of  on  the  frontier. 

He  was  a  man  of  no  mere  professions:  What  he  was,  he 
was,  without  any  pretense. 

In  religion  he  believed  in  the  teachings  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment, and,  at  the  last,  he  received  the  consolations  of  the  Ro- 
man Catholic  church.  But  in  all  things  he  loved  those  prime 
qualities  of  human  character,  simplicity  and  sincerity.  He 
was  one  of  that  large  number,  of  whom  there  are  some  in  all 
churches,  and  more  in  the  great  church  of  outsiders,  who  be- 
lieve that  a  loyal,  honest  heart  and  a  good  life,  are  the  best 
preparation  for  death.  He  was  disposed,  to  as  great  an  extent 
as  any  man  whom  I  ever  knew,  to  always  place  a  charitable 
.construction  on  the  acts  and  words  and  motives  of  others.  He 
believed  (and  acted  as  though  he  believed)  that  there  is  no  room 
in  this  world  for  malice. 

William  Wolfskill  was  one  of  the  very  few  Americans  or 
foreigners,  who  came  to  California  in  early  times,  who  never, 
as  I  firmly  believe,  advised  the  native  Californians  to  their  hurt, 
or  took  advantage  of  the  lack  of  knowledge  of  the  latter  of 
American  law,  or  of  the  English  language,  to  benefit  themselves 
at  the  expense  of  the  Californians.  As  a  consequence,  the 
fames  of  "Don  Guillermo"  Wolfskill  and  a  very  few  other 


Americans  of  the  olden  time,  were  almost  worshipped  by  the 
former  generation  of  "hijos  del  pais,"  who  spoke  only  the  Span- 
ish language,  and  wiho,  therefore,  in  many,  many  important 
matters,  needed  honest  and  disinterested  adv-ice. 

Mr.  Wolfskill  was  one  of  the  most  sociable  of  men.  In  his 
intercourse  with  others  he  was  direct,  and  sometimes  blunt  and 
brusque;  but  in  the  language  of  Lamartine,  "Bluntness  is  the 
etiquette  of  sincerity." 

In  reality  he  had  one  of  the  kindest  of  hearts.  Finally,  in 
honesty,  and  in  most  of  the  sterling  qualities  that  are  accounted 
the  base  of  true  manhood,  he  had  few  superiors. 

I  should  add  that  most  of  the  above  facts  of  Mr.  Wolfskin's 
life — and  especially  the  account  of  the  building  of  the  first  ves- 
sel or  schooner,  the  "Refugio,"  at  San  Pedro,  about  which  con- 
flicting versions  have  been  promulgated — were  derived  directly 
from  his  own  lips  in  1866;  and  therefore  they  may  be  depended 
upon  as  authentic. 

In  conclusion  I  am  permitted  to  quote  the  following  com- 
ments, in  verse,  on  the  foregoing  paper,  by  Miss  Gertrude  Dar- 
low,  a  talented  member  of  the  staff  of  the  Los  Angeles  Public 
Library : 


"It  is  from  sturdy,  stalwart  sons  like  this 

Our  State  has  reared  its  splendid  edifice; 

Men  who  explored  life's  hard  and  dangerous  ways, 

Who  'scorned  delights  and  lived  laborious  days.' 

The  stirring  incidents  of  such  careers, 

Their  toils  and  struggles,  varying  hopes  and  fears, 

Tenacious  courage,  honesty  and  pride ; — 

By  all  of  these  our  past  is  glorified ! 


"Now,  on  the  ground  their  rugged  virtues  won, 
'Tis  ours  to  forward  what  was  well  begun. 
Cities  have  risen  where  they  planted  trees. 
Old  land-marks  vanish.    But  the  names  of  these 
Brave  Pioneers,  ah  let  us  not  forget : 
Time  cannot  cancel,  nor  we  pay  the  debt 
We  owe  to  lives  so  simple  and  sincere, 
Whose  memories  we  should  cherish  and  revere." 


BY  J.   M.  GUINN. 

About  three  thousand  years  ago,  Solomon,  King  of  Israel, 
remarked  that  there  is  nothing  new  under  the  sun.  Solomon 
had  the  reputation  of  being  a  wise  man.  No  doubt  he  was. 
With  700  wives  to  keep  him  posted,  he  certainly  ought  to  have 
been  "up  to  date."  Our  inordinate  conceit  -inclines  us  to  be- 
lieve Solomon  somewhat  of  a  back  number  and  his  sayings  out 
of  date,  just  as  the  Native  Sons  are  inclined  to  regard  the  Pio- 
neers as  a  little  slow  and  their  old  yarns  ancient  history. 

Self  conceit  is  perhaps  the  most  dominant  characteristic  of 
the  present  age.  We  pride  ourselves  on  our  wonderful  achieve- 
ments and  draw  -invidious  comparisons  between  the  progressive 
present  and  the  benighted  past.  And  yet  it  .may  be  possible 
that  in  the  progress  of  the  race  for  the  past  five  or  six  thousand 
years  there  may  have  been  more  arts  and  inventions  lost  than 
we  now  possess. 

Before  the  Christian  era  the  Phoenicians  made  maleable 
glass,  yet  with  all  our  wonderful  discoveries  in  chemistry  we 
have  never  yet  been  able  to  weld  a  broken  pane.  No  modern 
artist  has  ever  been  able  to  make  such  permanent  or  so  bright 
colors  as  the  ancient  painters  used. 

It  is  supposed  that  the  original  Argonaut,  Jason,  came 
home  from  Ithica  on  a  steamboat.  His  vessel  had  neither  oars 
nor  sails  to  propel  it.  The  remains  of  a  railroad  have  been 
found  among  the  ruins  of  Thebes.  The  Panama  ship  canal  is 
just  now  one  of  the  burning  issues  before  Congress.  An  Isth- 
mian canal  is  regarded  as  such  a  wonderful  undertaking  that  it 
has  taken  the  progressive  nations  of  the  world  fifty  years  to 
talk  about  it  before  beginning  to  dig,  yet  Egypt,  5,000  years 
ago,  dug  a  canal  deeper,  broader  and  longer  than  the  Panama 
ditch  wfill  be  when  Congress  gets  through  talking  about  it  and 
some  country  digs  it. 

The  crime  of  '73  was  perpetrated  in  Assyria  four  thousand 
years  before  John  Sherman  or  Wm.  J.  Bryan  were  born,  and  the 
question  of  the  demonitization  of  silver  was  fought  over  during 
political  campaigns  in  Babylon  years  before  Nebuchadnezer  was 
turned  out  to  grass. 


The  discoveries  that  explorers  are  making  among  the  buried 
cities  of  Assyria,  Egypt  and  Greece  reveal  to  us  that  many  of 
our  inventions  are  only  the  discovery  of  lost  arts,  and  that  Solo- 
mon was  about  correct  when  he  remarked  that  there  was  noth- 
ing new  under  the  sun. 

It  would  not  surprise  me  if  some  delver  in  Egyptian  ruins 
discovered  that  that  wonderful  invention,  the  telephone,  was 
known  and  used  in  the  time  of  the  Shepherd  kings  and  that  the 
children  of  Israel  got  the  start  of  Pharaoh  because  the  wires 
were  crossed.  It  may  be  possible  that  some  antiquarian  .may 
find  hidden  away  in  an  Egyptian  sarcophagus  the  mummy  of  a 
hallo  girl,  and  when  the  mummy  cloth  has  been  lifted  from  her 
face  she  will  sweetly  lisp,  "Line's  busy;  hang  up,  please." 

Now  all  this  may  seem  a  little  foreign  to  my  subject,  but  I 
have  introduced  it  here  to  vindicate  Solomon.  A  man  who 
could  keep  peace  in  a  family  as  large  as  his  was  long  enough  to 
write  a  book  of  proverbs  deserves  our  respect. 

My  subject,  "Pioneer  Ads  and  Advertisers,"  relates  to  the 
advertisers  and  advertisements  in  Los  Angeles  .more  than  half 
a  century  ago.  Recently  in  looking  over  some  copies  of  the 
Los  Angeles  Star  of  fifty  years  ago  I  was  amused  and  inter- 
ested by  the  quaint  ways  the  advertisers  of  that  day  advertised 
their  wares  and  other  things.  Department  stores  are  great  ad- 
vertisers and  the  pioneer  department  store  of  Los  Angeles  was 
no  exception.  Its  ad  actually  filled  a  half  column  of  the  old 
Star,  which  was  an  astonishing  display  in  type  for  those  days. 
It  was  not  called  a  department  store  then,  but  I  doubt  whether 
any  of  the  great  stores  of  Chicago  or  New  York  carry  on  so 
many  lines  of  business  as  did  that  general  merchandise  store  that 
was  kept  in  the  adobe  house  on  the  corner  of  Arcadia  and  North 
Main  street  fifty  years  ago.  The  proprietors  of  that  store  were 
our  old  pioneer  friends,  Wheeler  &  Johnson.  The  announce- 
ment of  what  they  had  to  sell  was  prefaced  by  the  following 
philosophical  deductions  which  are  as  true  and  as  applicable  to 
terrestrial  affairs  to  day  as  they  were  half  a  century  ago. 

"Old  things  are  passing  away,"  says  the  ad;  "behold  all 
things  have  become  new.  Passing  events  impress  us  with  the 
mutability  of  human  affairs.  The  earth  and  its  appurtenances 
are  constantly  passing  from  one  phase  to  another.  Change  and 
consequent  progress  is  the  manifest  law  of  destiny.  The  forms 
and  customs  of  the  past  are  become  obsolete  and  new  and  en- 
larged ideas  are  silently  but  swiftly  moulding  terrestrial  matters 
on  a  scale  of  enhanced  magnificence  and  utility. 


"Perhaps  no  greater  proof  of  these  propositions  can  be 
adduced  than  the  evident  fact  that  the  old  mercantile  system 
heretofore  pursued  in  this  community  with  its  7x9  stores,  its 
exhorbitant  prices,  its  immense  profits,  its  miserable  assortments 
of  shop-rotten  goods  that  have  descended  from  one  defunct  es- 
tablishment to  another  through  a  series  of  years,  greeting  the 
beholder  at  his  every  turn  as  if  craving  his  pity  by  a  display  of 
their  forlorn,  mouldy  and  dusty  appearance.  These  rendered 
venerable  by  age  are  now  considered  relics  and  types  of  the 

"The  ever  expanding  mind  of  the  public  demands  a  new  state 
of  things.  It  demands  new  goods,  lower  prices,  better  assort- 
ments, and  more  accommodations.  The  people  ask  for  a  suit- 
able consideration  for  their  money  and  they  shall  have  the  same 
at  the  new  and  magnificent  establishment  of 


"in  the  House  of  Don  Abel  Stearns  on  Main  street,  where  they 
have  just  received  $50,000  worth  of  the  best  and  most  desirable 
merchandise  ever  brought  to  the  country." 

\Yhen  the  customer  had  been  sufficiently  impressed  by  the 
foregoing  propositions  and  deductions  they  proceed  to  enu- 
merate, and  here  are  a  few  of  the  articles : 

"Groceries,  soap,  oil,  candles,  tobacco,  cigars,  salt,  pipes, 
powder,  shot,  lead.  Provisions,  flour,  bread,  pork,  hams,  bacon, 
sugar,  coffee.  Dry  Goods,  broadcloths,  cassimeres,  blankets, 
alpacas,  cambrics,  lawns,  ginghams,  twist,  silks,  satins,  colored 
velvet,  nets,  crepe,  scarlet  bandas,  bonnets,  lace,  collars,  needles, 

"Boots,  shoes,  hats,  coats,  pants,  vests,  suits,  cravats,  gloves, 

"Furniture,  crockery,  glassware,  mirrors,  lamps,  chandaliers, 
agricultural  implements,  hardware,  tools,  cutlery,  house-fur- 
nishing goods,  liquors,  wines,  cigars,  wood  and  willow  ware, 
brushes,  trunks,  paints,  oils,  tinware  and  cooking  stoves. 

"Our  object  is  to  break  down  monopoly." 

Evidently  their  method  of  breaking  down  monopoly  was  to 
monopolize  the  whole  business  of  the  town. 

When  we  recall  the  fact  that  all  of  this  vast  assortment  was 
stored  in  one  room  and  sold  over  the  same  counter  we  must  ad- 
mire the  dexterity  of  the  salesman  who  could  keep  bacon  and 
lard  from  mixing  with  the  silks  and  satins,  or  the  paints  and  oils 
from  leaving  their  impress  on  the  broadcloths  and  velvets. 


Ladies'  bonnets  were  kept  in  stock.  The  sales-lady  had  not 
yet  made  her  appearance  -in  Los  Angeles  and  the  sales  gentle- 
man sold  bonnets.  Imagine  him  fresh  from  supplying  a  pur- 
chaser with  a  side  of  bacon,  fitting  a  bonnet  on  the  head  of  a 
lady  customer — giving  it  the  proper  tilt  and  sticking  the  hat 
pin  into  the  coil  of  her  hair  and  not  into  her  cranium.  Fortun- 
ately for  the  salesman  the  bonnets  of  that  day  were  capacious 
affairs,  modeled  after  the  prairie  schooner,  and  did  not  need 
hat  pins  to  hold  them  on. 

The  old  time  department  store  sales  gentleman  was  a  genius 
in  the  mercantile  line ;  he  could  dispose  of  anything  from  a  lady's 
lace  collar  to  a  caballada  of  broncos. 

Here  is  the  quaint  advertisement  of  our  Pioneer  barber. 
The  Pioneer  barber  of  Los  Angeles  was  Peter  Biggs — a  gentle- 
man of  color  who  came  to  the  state  as  a  slave  with  his  master, 
but  attained  his  freedom  shortly  after  his  arrival.  He  set  up  a 
hair  cutting  and  shaving  saloon.  The  price  for  hair  cutting  was 
a  dollar — shaving  50  cents.  In  the  Star  of  1853  he  advertises 
a  reduction  of  50  per  cent.  Hair  cutting  50  cents,  shampooing 
50  cents,  shaving  25  cents.  In  addition  to  his  tonsorial  services 
he  advertises  that  he  blacks  boots,  waits  on  and  tends  parties, 
runs  errands,  takes  in  clothes  to  wash,  iron  and  mend;  cuts, 
splits  and  carries  in  wood;  and  in  short  performs  any  work, 
honest  and  respectable,  to  earn  a  genteel  living  and  accommo- 
date his  fellow  creatures.  For  character  he  refers  to  all  the 
gentlemen  in  Los  Angeles.  Think  of  what  a  character  he  must 
have  had. 

Among  the  quaint  advertisements  -in  the  old  Star  of  the 
early  505  is  this  one,  signed  by  Stephen  C.  Foster: 

"The  undersigned  offers  himself  as  a  candidate  for  the  office 
of  Mayor  in  the  election  that  will  take  place  on  the  25th  inst. 

"Confident  that  the  motives  which  caused  my  resignation 
are  good,  as  also  my  conduct  afterwards  and  approved  by  my 
fellow  citizens,  I  appeal  to  their  judgment  and  let  them  manifest 
it  by  their  votes." 

On  its  face  this  advertisement  has  an  innocent  and  inoffen- 
sive look,  but  between  the  lines  old  timers  can  read  the  story 
of  a  deep  tragedy. 

The  motives  which  caused  Mayor  Foster  to  resign  were  to 
take  part  in  a  lynching.  Two  murderers,  Brown,  a  native 
American,  and  Alvitre,  a  native  Californian,  had  been  convicted 
and  sentenced  to  be  hanged.  Just  before  the  day  set  for  their 
execution  a  reprieve  came  for  Brown,  but  the  poor  Mexican 


was  left  to  his  fate.  The  people  were  indignant.  A  niob  gath- 
ered for  the  purpose  of  seeing  that  either  both  were  reprieved 
or  both  hanged.  The  sheriff  proceeded  with  the  execution  of 
Alvitre.  The  mob  threatened  to  prevent  it  The  military  was 
called  out  and  a  bloody  riot  was  imminent.  At  this  point  Mayor 
Foster  harranged  the  people,  advising  that  they  allow  the 
sheriff  to  proceed  with  the  execution  of  Alvitre  according  to 
the  forms  of  law.  And  when  that  was  done  he  would  resign 
the  office  of  Mayor,  head  the  vigilantes  and  execute  Brown. 
He  was  as  good  as  his  word.  The  military  was  dismissed,  their 
arms  stacked  in  the  jail,  the  sheriff's  posse  discharged.  Then 
it  was  the  vigilantes'  chance.  The  Mayor  resigned  and  joined 
the  lynchers.  The  jail  door  was  broken  down,  the  arms  of  the 
n.ilitary  guards  seized,  Brown  was  taken  out  and  hanged  from 
a  beam  over  the  gate  of  a  corral  on  Spring  street,  opposite 
where  now  stands  the  People's  store,  within  two  hours  after  the 
legal  execution  of  Alvitre.  A  special  election  was  called  to  fill 
the  vacancy  in  the  office  of  Mayor.  So  thoroughly  and  com- 
pletely did  his  fellow  citizens  approve  of  Foster's  course  that 
he  had  no  opposition  and  was  the  unanimous  choice  of  the 

There  is  often  both  tragedy  and  comedy,  as  well  as  business, 
mixed  up  in  advertisements.  In  the  Star  of  forty-eight  years 
ago  appears  the  ad  of  a  great  prize  lottery  or  gift  enterprise. 
It  was  called  the  Great  Southern  Distribution  of  Real  Estate 
and  Personal  Property,  by  Henry  Dalton.  The  first  prize  was 
an  elegant  modern-built  dwelling  house  on  the  Plaza  valued 
at  $11,000.  There  were  84,000  shares  shares  in  the  lottery, 
valued  at  $1.00  each,  and  432  first-class  prizes  to  be  drawn. 
Among  the  prizes  were  240  elegant  lots  in  the  town  of  Benton. 
Who  among  you  Pioneers  can  locate  that  lost  and  long  since 
forgotten  metropolis  of  the  Azusa?  The  City  of  Benton.  For 
some  cause  unknown  to  me  the  drawing  never  came  off.  A 
distinguished  Pioneer  whom  many  of  you  know  sued  Dalton 
for  the  value  of  one  share  that  he  (the  Pioneer)  held.  The  case 
was  carried  from  one  court  to  another  and  fought  out  before 
one  legal  tribunal  after  another  with  a  vigor  and  a  viciousness 
unwarranted  by  the  trivial  amount  involved.  How  it  ended  I 
cannot  say.  I  never  traced  it  through  the  records  to  a  finish. 

Old  ads  are  like  old  tombstones.  They  recall  to  us  the 
memory  of  the  "has  beens;"  they  recall  to  our  minds  actors  who 
have  acted  their  little  part  in  the  comedy  or  tragedy  of  life  and 
passed  behind  the  scenes,  never  again  to  tread  the  boards. 



Daniel  Desmond,  an  honored  member  of  this  Society  of 
Pioneers,  died  on  the  23rd  of  January,  1903,  in  the  /oth  year 
of  his  age. 

Mr.  Desmond  was  born  in  County  Cork,  Ireland,  October 
9,  1833.  Having-  begun  the  trade  of  a  hatter,  at  the  age  of  18 
he  came  to  Boston,  completed  his  trade,  and  went  into  business 
at  Lawrence,  Mass.,  as  manager  of  the  firm  of  Desmond  Bros., 
in  the  manufacture  of  hats.  The  destruction  of  the  factory  by 
fire  compelled  him  to  start  new,  and  it  was  at  that  period  in  his 
life  he  came  to  Los  Angeles. 

Mr.  Desmond  came  to  this  city  October  14,  1868,  and  has 
resided  here  continuously  ever  since.  Immediately  upon  his 
arrival  he  opened  an  exclusive  hat  and  gentlemen's  furnishing 
store,  the  first  of  the  kind  in  the  city.  He  continued  in  its  active 
management  until  a  few  years  ago,  after  it  had  grown  into  a 
large  and  flourishing  establishment,  when  ill  health  compelled 
him  to  relinquish  in  favor  of  his  son,  C.  C.  Desmond. 

His  widow  and  eight  children  survive  him,  all  residents  of 
this  city,  except  two  married  daughters.  The  children  are  C. 
C.  Desmond,  D.  J.  Desmond;  Misses  Nellie,  Nora,  Kate  and 
Anna  Desmond;  Mrs.  A.  M.  Shields  of  San  Francisco,  and  Mrs. 
C.  D.  Baker  of  Arizona. 

Mr.  Desmond  was  a  man  of  probity  and  good  repute  and  a 
good  citizen  in  all  the  relations  of  life.  As  a  quiet,  Christian 
gentleman  he  commanded  the  sincere  respect  of  all  who  knew 
him.  This  society  extends  its  heartfelt  sympathy  to  his  family 
in  their  great  bereavement. 




This  society  of  Los  Angeles  Pioneers,  in  common  with  all 
Californians  and  all  Americans,  has  sincere  cause  for  mourning 
on  the  occasion  of  the  death,  at  the  age  of  78  years,  of  Mrs. 


General  Fremont,  which  occurred  at  her  home  in  this  city  De- 
cember 27,  1902. 

The  names  of  both  General  and  Mrs.  Fremont,  so  intimately 
and  so  romantically  associated  with  early  California  history, 
will  always  possess  peculiar  interest  for  us  and  for  our  children 
and  for  our  children's  children. 

Senator  Thomas  H.  Benton,  Mrs.  Fremont's  father,  Gen. 
John  C.  Fremont,  her  husband,  and  Jessie  Benton  Fremont  her- 
self, probably  had  more  to  do  with  the  acquisition  of  Alta  Cali- 
fornia in  1846  by  the  United  States,  than  any  other  three  per- 
sons who  took  part  in  the  stirring  events  of  that  dramatic 

Jessie  Benton  Fremont  was  a  noble  woman  of  high  intel- 
lectuality and  culture,  and  of  amiable  disposition,  who,  because 
of  the  possession  of  these  admirable  qualities,  and  because  of 
her  prominence  in  our  early  national  and  State  history,  may  well 
be  classed,  as  doubtlessly  she  will  be  by  the  future  historian, 
alongside  of  Martha  Washington  and  Dollie  Madison,  as  one  of 
the  grand  dames  of  the  republic. 

Inasmuch  as  the  Fremont  family  made  their  home  -in  Los 
Angeles  since  December,  1887,  they,  and  each  of  them,  seem 
especially  dear  to  our  people;  and  the  warm  affection  we  all 
fr  el  for  the  father  and  mother  will  be  continued  with  unabated 
strength  to  the  devoted  daughter,  whose  loving  solicitude  and 
care  solaced  the  last  years  of  both  her  parents,  as  the  infirmities 
of  age  undermined  their  health  and  strength;  wherefore,  it  is 

Resolved,  by  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County, 
that  the  heartfelt  sympathies  of  the  members  of  the  Society  are 
respectfully  tendered  to  the  children  and  grandchildren  of  the 
deceased  in  this,  their  great  affliction. 

H.   D.   BARROWS, 
K.  D.  WISE, 



Caleb  E.  White,  a  California  Pioneer  of  1849,  was  born  at 
Holbrook,  Mass.,  February  15,  1830.  His  father,  Jonathan 
White,  was  the  son  of  a  Revolutionary  soldier.  His  mother, 
Abigail  Holbrook,  was  a  descendant  of  the  man  after  whom 
the  town  of  Holbrook  was  named.  Caleb  received  h-is  education 
in  the  grammar  and  high  school  of  his  native  town.  When 


nineteen  years  of  age  he  started  to  California,  being  one  of  a 
party  of  fifteen  who  purchased  the  brig  Arcadia  which  sailed 
from  Boston  January  1849  f°r  San  Francisco  via  the  Straits  of 
Magellan.  After  a  tedious  voyage  of  two  hundred  and  sixty- 
three  days  the  vessel  passed  through  the  Golden  Gate,  October 
29,  1849. 

In  1850  Mr.  White  embarked  in  the  general  mercantile  busi- 
ness in  Sacramento  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Haskell,  White 
&  Co.  This  firm  dissolved  in  a  short  time.  '  Subsequently  he 
engaged  in  farming  on  a  ranch  on  the  American  river.  For 
seventeen  years  he  was  a  member  of  the  firm  of  White  &  Hoi- 
lister  in  the  nursery  business.  December  24,  1868,  he  came  to 
Los  Angeles  and  engaged  with  a  partner  in  the  sheep  industry. 
The  firm  was  White  &  Denman,  and  the  ranch  was  near  Flor- 
ence. In  1874  he  became  a  member  of  the  Los  Angeles  Immi- 
gration and  Land  Co-operative  Association.  This  association 
was  incorporated  December  10,  1874,  with  a  capital  stock  of 
$250,000.  Its  first  board  of  directors  consisted  of  the  following 
named  Pioneers :  Thomas  A.  Garey,  president;  Caleb  E.  White, 
vice-president;  L.  M.  Holt,  secretary;  Milton  Thomas,,  man- 
ager; R.  M.  Town,  assistant  manager;  H.  G.  Crow,  treasurer. 
Only  two  of  these,  Garey  and  Holt,  are  living.  The  principal 
object  of  the  association  was  the  purchase  and  subdivision  of 
large  land  holdings  and  the  placing  of  these  on  the  market  in 
small  tracts.  The  association  in  1874  purchased  2,500  acres  of 
fhe  San  Jose  Rancho,  subdivided  it  and  founded  the  City  of 

In  1880  Mr.  White  took  up  his  residence  at  Pomona  and 
engaged  in  fruit  growing.  He  owned  an  orchard  of  sixty  acres 
just  east  of  the  city.  He  was  active  in  advancing  the  growth 
of  the  young  city.  He  served  on  the  board  of  town  trustees 
several  terms.  He  was  one  of  the  organizers  and  for  many  years 
vice-president  of  the  People's  Bank  of  Pomona,  and  was  always 
active  in  furthering  any  measure  that  would  benefit  the  city  and 
aid  in  developing  the  resources  of  the  district  in  which  he  lived. 
In  1854  Mr.  White  was  married  to  Miss  Rebecca  Holship 
of  St.  Louis,  Mo.  Three  children  were  born  of  this  union — 
Helen  M.,  the  wife  of  Hon.  R.  F.  Del  Valle  of  Los  Angeles; 
Annie  C,  wife  of  Charles  L.  Northcraft,  also  of  Los  Angeles, 
and  Harry  R.  of  Pomona- 
Mr.  White  died  at  his  residence  in  Pomona  September  2, 
1902,  at  the  age  of  72  years.  In  the  language  of  one  of  his  old 


time  friends  and  associates,  "Peace  be  to  his  ashes  and  honor  to 

his  memory." 

W.   H.   WORKMAN, 
J.  M.  GUINN, 



To  the  Officers  and  Members  of  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los 
Angeles  County,  Cal. 

Your  committee  on  resolutions  of  respect  to  the  memory  of 
our  late  Brother  John  Caleb  Salisbury  would  respectfully  re- 
port : 

That  Brother  Salisbury  was  born  in  Erieville,  Madison 
County,  New  York,  July  6th,  1834,  and  died  in  Los  Angeles, 
California,  July  loth,  1902.  Mr.  Salisbury  was  in  business  in 
Chicago  at  the  time  of  the  great  fire  in  1871.  and  three  years 
later  came  to  Los  Angeles  and  commenced  business  near  the 
old  Los  Angeles  and  San  Pedro  Depot,  on  Commercial  street. 
His  fair  dealing  and  business  ability  drew  to  him  a  great  com- 
pany of  friends,  who  appreciated  his  honesty  and  integrity. 
His  zeal  and  fervency  in  any  undertaking,  together  with  his 
financial  ability  and  broad  generosity,  insured  the  success  of 
any  enterprise  that  he  was  connected  with.  He  was  a  leading 
member  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  of  this  city;  was  for 
twenty-six  years  superintendent  of  the  Chinese  Sunday  School 
of  that  church,  and  for  many  years  was  an  elder  and  trustee 
of  that  church:  also  a  trustee  of  Occidental  College,  and  gave 
of  his  thousands  to  the  equipment  and  support  of  that  insti- 

He  was  for  many  years  a  trustee  of  the  Boys  and  Girls'  Or- 
phans' Home,  and  gave  liberally  to  its  support.  He  was  as 
prominent  in  the  quiet,  unostentatious  work  of  the  Masonic 
Order  as  any  man  in  Los  Angeles  County. 

He  was  a  member  of  Lincoln  Park  Lodge,  No.  6n.  F.  & 
A.  M.,  Chicago,  Illinois.  He  affiliated  with  Pentalpha  Lodge, 
202,  of  California.  Los  Angeles,  August  2ist,  1876.  and  was 
its  Junior  Deacon  from  1877  to  1884,  and  occupied  that  sta- 
tion for  a  length  of  years  not  often  achieved.  His  brethren  of 
the  Mystic  tie  loved  him  for  his  good  examples,  his  boundless 
charity,  and  earnest,  consciencious  work  as  a  man  and  a  Mason. 

Brother  Salisbury  was  twice  married — first  to  Miss  Smith, 


in  Illinois,  by  whom  he  had  one  son,  Fred  A.  Salisbury,  now 
residing  in  this  city.  He  was  married  to  Miss  Ellen  A.  Graves 
in,  Merrill  Lodge,  Order  of  Good  Templars,  in  this  city,  in  1876, 
by  whom  he  had  one  son,  Howard  G.  Salisbury,  also  residing 
in  this  city. 

Brother  John  C.  Salisbury  was  an  honest  member  of  the 
Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County,  many  of  whom  attended  his 
funeral.  He  was  buried  with  Masonic  rites  in  Rosedale  Ceme- 


C.  N.  WILSON, 


Henry  Kirk  White  Bent  was  born  at  Weymouth,  Mass., 
October  29,  1831.  He  was  educated  at  Williston  Seminary 
and  Mason  Academy,  and  was  ready  to  enter  Amherst  when 
measles  prevented  by  seriously  impairing  his  eyesight".  He 
then  engaged  in  civil  engineering  on  railroad  construction  in 
Southern  Wisconsin.  In  1858  he  came  to  California,  worked 
at  mining  for  a  year  at  French  Corral,  Nevada  County;  taught 
school  a  year  and  a  half  at  Downieville;  was  elected  County 
Surveyor  in  1861,  and  later  Public  Administrator  of  Sierra 
County.  During  the  war  he  was  chairman  of  the  Republican 
County  Committee,  and  worked  as  mining  engineer  until  1866. 

His  health  gave  way,  and  he  went  to  Boston,  where  he  un- 
derwent medical  treatment  for  two  years.  Returning  to  Cali- 
fornia in  1868,  he  located  in  Los  Angeles,  as  an  experiment, 
with  the  result  that  he  tarried  in  this  section  until  his  death. 
Here  he  recovered  his  health  almost  completely,  the  climate, 
in  his  opinion,  doing  more  for  him  than  all  the  medical  treat- 
ment he  had  tried.  Soon  he  engaged  in  the  real  estate  business, 
taking  the  agency  of  the  Santa  Gertrudes  Land  Association, 
and  later  he  went  into  the  sheep  industry.  With  returning 
health  began  his  active  and  successful  career  in  public  works, 
which  he  continued  up  to  within  but  a  few  months  ago. 

Under  Gen.  Grant's  second  administration  from  1873  to 
1877,  he  was  postmaster  of  Los  Angeles. 

In  1878  he  was  elected  to  the  Los  Angeles  City  Board  of 
Education,  and  was  made  president  of  that  body.  At  this  pe- 


riod  he  was  an  active  and  powerful  factor  in  many  municipal 
works;  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  present  Public  Library 
and  for  a  number  of  years  was  vice-president  and  acting  head  of 
the  Horticultural  Society.  In  the  religious  field  he  was  a  de- 
voted worker  for  a  lifetime.  He  was  a  charter  member  of  the 
First  Congregational  church  of  this  city,  and  for  many  years 
trustee  and  superintendent  of  the  Sunday-school;  also  a  charter 
member  of  the  North  Congregational  Church  of  Pasadena, 
where  he  was  trustee  and  deacon  for  the  past  fourteen  years. 

To  education  Mr.  Bent  devoted  the  best  of  his  ability  and 
his  unselfish  record  over  a  period  of  nearly  a  score  of  years,  and 
his  work  attained  marked  and  lasting  success.  In  1888  he  be- 
came one  of  the  original  trustees  of  Pomona  College,  and  re- 
mained a  member  until  within  the  past  year,  when  failing  health 
compelled  his  retirement.  For  seven  years  he  was  president 
of  the  board,  often  being  re-elected  when  differing  in  judgment 
from  the  majority  of  the  members — a  special  tribute  to  his 
honor  and  ability.  Under  his  guidance  the  Claremont  institu- 
tion has  passed  through  many  dangerous  crises  and  been  placed 
on  an  enlarged  and  permanent  foundation. 

Mr.  Bent  was  a  kind  man.  After  the  history  of  his  life  work 
is  related,  that  tells  all  the  rest.  Among  the  pioneers,  business, 
church  and  political  associates  he  will  be  mourned  by  a  host. 
But  it  is  among  the  student  body  which  has  within  the  past 
decade  gone  forth  into  active  life  that  his  passing  will  be  most 
sincerely  lamented.  In  his  work  in  Los  Angeles  and  at  Clare- 
mont he  exerted  a  rare  influence  over  the  young  people  striving 
for  learning,  and  many  were  assisted  to  their  desired  ambition 
through  his  kindly  interest  and  substantial  aid.  Scores  of  the 
younger  generation  in  active  life  throughout  Southern  Califor- 
nia owe  their  education  and  success  to  the  encouragement  or 
assistance  of  Mr.  Bent. 

During  most  of  his  long  life  deceased  combated  disease  in 
some  form,  and  for  the  past  several  months  had  been  confined  to 
his  bed  with  a  lung  affliction  not  at  all  like  tuberculosis,  but 
which  baffled  cure,  and  the  end  has  for  some  time  been  known 
to  be  approaching  rapidly  and  inevitably.  He  was  twice  mar- 
ried, and  all  of  his  five  children  and  widow  survive  him.  In 
1855  he  married  Miss  Crawford  of  Oakham,  Mass..  and  the 
children  of  this  union  are  Mrs.  Florence  Halstead  of  Smarts- 
ville,  Arthur  S.  and  H.  Stanley  Bent  of  this  city.  Mrs.  Bent 
died  in  1876,  and  in  1878  he  married  Miss  Mattie  Fairman. 
There  are  two  sons  by  this  union,  Earnest  F.  and  Charles  E. 


Bent,  the  latter  being  city  editor  of  the  Pomona  Daily  Review. 
The  death  of  Mr.  Bent  removes  a  character  that  for  over 
thirty  years  has  been  a  potential  influence  in  the  progress  of 
the  educational,  religious  and  political  life  of  Southern  Cali- 

Mr.  Bent  died  at  his  home  on  Marengo  avenue,  Pasadena, 
July  29,  1902,  aged  70  years  and  9  months. 

J.  M.  GUINN, 

J.   W.   GILLETTE, 


Chamber  of  the  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles  County, 

Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  April  i,  1902. 

John  Charles  Dotter,  a  native  of  Lohr,  Germany,  was  born 
May  4th,  1837,  and  immigrated  to  the  United  States  of  Amer- 
ica in  A.  D.  1852,  working  his  way  westerly  across  the  continent 
via  the  Great  Salt  Lake  route  to  Los  Angeles,  California,  arriv- 
ing in  1856,  and  has  ever  since  made  this  city  his  home. 

He  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Kemy  and  the  issue  of  said  mar- 
riage was  George  C,  Corine  Frances  (the  wife  of  Prof.  Milton 
Carlson),  Idella  and  Charlotte,  all  of  whom  survive  him. 

His  home  life  was  exemplary  as  a  loving  and  kind  husband, 
a  devoted  and  affectionate  father,  and  when,  freed  from  business 
requirements  he  spent  his  time  with  his  devoted  family  and  old 
time  friends. 

He  was  a  student  of  political  economy  and  delighted  in  true 
progress,  advancement  and  civilization;  was  a  truly  assimilated 
citizen  of  this  republic,  patriotic,  and  devoted  to  the  principles 
of  our  country  and  the  cause  of  freedom. 

He  never  failed  to  vote  according  to  the  dictates  of  his  own 
conscience  and  "principles,"  not  men,  was  his  motto. 

In  his  diary  under  date  of  February  27,  1902,  is  found  the 
following:  "Very  dizzy;  wonder  what  is  the  matter."  On  the 
28th  he  remained  at  home,  and  the  day  following  he  kept  his 
bed.  On  Sunday,  March  2nd,  1902,  visited  his  office  and  enter- 
tained a  few  friends.  On  Monday,  March  3rd,  at  about  1 1  :oo 
a.  m.,  he  was  attacked  with  nausea,  continuing  until  3:00  p.  m., 
when  he  passed  into  a  quiet  and  unbroken  sleep  for  three  hours. 
When  awakened  he  complained  of  pains,  which  continued  until 
8:30  p.  m.,  when,  from  a  stroke  of  apoplexy,  he  passed  to  the 
great  beyond. 


Therefore,  be  it  resolved  by  the  Society  of  Pioneers  of  Los 
Angeles  County,  State  of  California,  in  regular  session  con- 
vened, that  while  we  humbly  bow  to  the  inevitable,  in  the  removal 
from  our  midst  of  our  esteemed  and  beloved  brother,  John 
Charles  Dotter,  we  deplore  the  loss,  and  sincerely  sympathize  with 
his  family  and  relatives  in  their  bereavement  and  the  irreparable 
loss  of  a  loving  husband,  a  kind  and  devoted  father  of  whose  life 
it  can  be  said  he  was  honest  and  conscientious  through  all 
the  walks  of  an  upright  1-ife. 

Quoting  his  own  words  when  commenting  on  the  death  of 
his  numerous  Pioneer  friends  who  passed  away,  "Another  good 
man  gone." 

J.   F.   BURNS, 

To  the  Officers  and  Members  of  the  Pioneer  Society  of  Los  An- 
geles, California: 

We,  your  committee  appointed  at  your  last  meeting,  Sep- 
tember 8th,  for  the  purpose  of  drafting  resolutions  of  respect 
to  the  memory  of  the  late  Anderson  Rose,  would  respectfully 
report  that  said  Anderson  Rose  was  born  in  Macon  County, 
Mo.,  February  i/th,  1836,  and  in  the  year  of  1852  he  came  to 
California  over  the  plains  with  an  ox  team,  locating  in  El  Dorado 
County,  where  he  resided  with  his  parents  until  about  1867,  at 
which  time  he  came  to  this  county  and  located  near  the  Ballona, 
where  he  purchased  large  estates,  and  he  has  been  a  resident  oi 
this  county  ever  since.  Mr.  Rose  was  a  frugal,  industrious  man, 
always  attentive  to  his  business,  at  the  same  time  mindful  of 
the  welfare  of  his  fellow  men,  courteous  to  his  friends,  for  they 
were  legion.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
and  took  active  part  in  advancing  the  interests  of  this  section* 
was  a  member  of  the  Masonic  Fraternity  for  thirty-five  years. 
He  was  married  to  Miss  Annie  E.  Shirley  in  1869.  He  departed 
this  life  August  3Oth.  1902,  leaving  a  wife,  one  son  and  two 
daughters  to  mourn  his  untimely  taking  off. 

And,  Whereas,  he  who  rules  all  things  for  the  best  has  seen 
fit  to  call  him  from  among  us,  w«e  deeply  mourn  our  loss  and 
point  to  that  particular  portion  of  Scripture  as  our  guiding  star, 
viz. :  "Be  ye  also  ready,  for  in  such  a  time  as  you  think  not 
the  Son  of  man  cometh." 


And,  now  therefore,  be  it  resolved,  by  this  society,  that  we 
extend  to  the  widow  and  family  our  heartfelt  sympathy  in  this 
their  hour  of  grief. 

And  be  it  further  resolved,  that  a  copy  of  these  resolutions 
be  forwarded  to  the  family,  and  that  a  copy  of  said  resolutions 
be  spread  upon  our  minutes. 

J.  L.  STARR, 
Ji.  G.  NEWELL, 



John  C.  Anderson  was  born  in  Columbiana  County,  Ohio, 
on  June  ist,  1844,  and  passed  his  youth  and  young  manhood 
there.  In  July,  1863,  at  the  age  of  19,  he  joined  the  Ohio  Na- 
tional Guard,  and  in  May,  1864,  in  response  to  the  call  for  one 
hundred  day  men,  he  was  mustered  into  the  United  States  serv- 
ice— I43rd  Ohio  Infantry,  from  which  he  was  honorably  dis- 
charged as  Corporal,  in  December  of  the  same  year,  also  re- 
ceiving a  Certificate  of  Thanks  for  Honorable  Service,  signed 
by  Abraham  Lincoln  and  Edwin  M.  Stanton. 

Mr.  Anderson,  from  early  manhood,  was  a  member  of  the 
Masonic  Fraternity. 

He  learned  the  carpenter  trade  with  his  father,  and  worked 
at  it  in  his  native  state  until  1873,  when  he  came  to  Los  Angeles, 
California,  and  has  followed  his  trade  in  this  part  of  the  State 
ever  since,  having  had  charge  of  the  construction  of  the  Nadeau 
Hotel  and  other  large  buildings.  In  the  Fall  of  1880  he  re- 
turned to  his  old  home  for  a  visit,  returning  to  Los  Angeles  in 
March,  1881.  The  following  winter  he  again  visited  Ohio,  and 
was  married  to  Miss  Lizzie  Lindersmith;  and  in  March,  1882, 
brought  his  wife  to  Los  Angeles  to  reside.  Two  sons  were  born 
to  them,  Louis  H.,  in  1883,  and  George  H.,  in  1886.  In  the 
spring  of  1887  he  moved  his  family  to  Monrovia,  and  ever  after 
he  made  that  city  his  home  till  his  death. 

He  was  elected  and  served  one  term  in  the  Monrovia  City 
Council:  was  re-elected,  but  obliged  to  resign  on  account  of  fail- 
ing health. 

In  the  fall  of  1899  his  health  began  to  fail,  and  he  had  to 
give  up  work  almost  entirely.  Being  of  an  active,  energetic 
disposition,  it  was  a  great  trial  for  him  to  keep  quiet.  He  con- 
tinued with  light  occupation  up  to  within  a  few  days  of  his  death. 


which  occurred  on  the  25th  day  of  January,  1902;  and  on  Jan- 
uary 27th  he  was  buried  in  Live  Oak  Cemetery,  at  Monrovia, 
California,  with  Masonic  honors,  assisted  by  members  of  the 
G.  A.  R. 

He  leaves  his  family  in  comfortable  circumstances.  He  was 
a  good  soldier,  a  loving  and  devoted  husband,  a  kind  and  in- 
dulgent parent,  a  good  neighbor,  and  a  citizen  whom  we  de- 
lighted to  honor. 



Jerry  Illich  is  dead.  After  lying  for  many  months  on  a  bed 
of  suffering  the  well-known  restaurateur  passed  away  Dec.  5th, 
at  his  home,  No.  1018  South  Hill  street.  The  funeral  will 
be  held  at  2  o'clock  Sunday  afternoon  at  the  Masonic  Temple. 

For  twenty-five  years  the  residence  of  Mr.  Illich  was  in  Los 
Angeles,  and  during  his  closing  years  he  was  a  prominent  figure 
in  the  life  of  the  city,  being  a  member  of  various  fraternal  or- 
ganizations and  owning  considerable  property  in  business  and 
residence  sections.  He  is  remembered  principally  for  his  good 
fellowship  and  for  his  ability  to  provide  good  things  to  eat. 

Starting  in  a  modest  way  with  a  small  chop-house  on  North 
Main  street  in  the  late  '705.  his  business  expanded  until  he  be- 
came proprietor  of  the  largest  restaurant  in  the  city.  His  con- 
nection with  the  old  Maison  Doree  on  North  Main  street  made 
that  resort  popular  with  business  and  club  men,  and  when  he 
moved  into  his  own  building  on  Third  street  in  1896  his  patron- 
age followed.  "Jerry's"  was  headquarters  for  political  and  so- 
cial banquets,  and  there's  many  a  man  in  Los  Angeles  who  still 
has  pleasant  memories  of  the  celebrated  "paste"  and  other  for- 
eign dishes  that  \vere  served  at  midday  luncheon. 

The  ravages  of  Bright's  disease  laid  Illich  low  several  years 
ago.  causing  his  retirement  from  business  to  seek  health  in  travel 
and  recreation.  His  demise  was  expected  on  many  dates,  but 
his  constant  good  cheer  buoyed  him  up,  and  the  end  came  only 
when  his  constitution  had  become  so  undermined  that  his  will 
power  was  ineffective  in  retaining  the  spark  of  life. 

Jerry  Illich  was  born  in  1850  in  Dalmatia.  Austria.  From 
the  age  of  13  until  he  was  20  he  sailed  the  seas,  finally  leaving 
his  vessel  at  San  Francisco  and  engaging  in  the  restaurant  busi- 
ness. A  widow  and  a  young  son  and  daughter  survive  him. — 
Los  Angeles  Daily  Times. 

In  Memoriam 

Deceased  Members  of  the  Pioneers  of  Los  Angeles 

James  J.  Ayres   Died  November  10,  1897. 

Stephen  C.  Foster  Died  January  27,  1898. 

Horace    Hitler    Died    May  23,  ; 898. 

John   Strother  Griffin    Died   August  23,  1898. 

Henry  Clay  Wiley Died  October  25,  1898. 

William   Blackstone  Abernethy. .  .Died  November     1,  1898. 

Stephen  W.  La  Dow Died  January     6,  1899. 

Herman    Raphael    Died   April  19,  1899. 

Francis   Baker   Died   May  17,  1899. 

Leonard  John  Rose  Died  May  17,  1899. 

E.   N.   McDonald    Died  June  10,  1899. 

James  Craig   Died  December  30,  1899. 

Palmer  Milton  Scott Died  January     3,  1900. 

Francisco  Sabichi    Died  April  13,  1900. 

Robert  Miller  Town   Died  April  24,  1900. 

Fred  W.  Wood   Died   May  19,  1900. 

Joseph  Bayer  Died  July  27,  1900. 

Augustus  Ulyard   Died  August     5,  1900. 

A.  M.   Hough    Died  August  28,  1900. 

Henry  F.  Fleishman   Died  October  20,  1900. 

Frank  Lecouvreur Died  January  17,  1901. 

Daniel  Shieck  Died  January  20,  1901. 

Andrew  Glassell    Died  January  28,  1901. 

Thomas  E.  Rowan   Died  March  25,  1901. 

Mary   Ulyard    Died  April     5,  1901. 

George  Gephard    Died  April  12,  1901. 

William  Frederick  Grosser Died  April  23,  1901. 

Samuel  Calvert  Foy   Died  April  24,  1901. 

Joseph   Stoltenberg    Died  June  25,  1901. 

Charles  Brode   Died  August  13,  1901. 

Joseph  W.  Junkins    Died  August,  1901. 

Laura  Gibson  Abernethy  Died  May  16,  1901. 

Elizabeth   Langley   Ensign Died  September  20,  1901. 

Frank  A.  Gibson   Died  October  11,  1901. 

Godfrey  Hargitt  Died  November  14,  1901. 

John  C.  Anderson   Died  January  25,  1902. 

John   Charles   Dotter    Died   March     3,  1902. 

John  Caleb  Salisbury   Died  July  tO,  1902. 

H.  K.  W.  Bent   Died  July  29,  1902. 

Anderson  Rose  Died  August  30,  1902. 

Caleb  E.  White  Died  September    2,  1902. 

Jerry   Illich    Died  December     5,  1902. 

Daniel    Desmond    Died  January  23,  1903. 





AB.    IN 







Anderson,  L.  If. 



July  4,  '73 

Los  Angeles 


Anderson,  Mrs.  David 



Jan.   i,  '53 

641   S.  Grand  av. 


Austin,    Henry   C. 



Aug.  30,  '69 

3118  Figueroa 


Alvarez,   Ferdinand 



May  i,  '71 

647  S.  Sichel 


Adams,  Julia  A.  T. 



July  14.  '88 

Los  Angeles 


Barclay,  John  H. 



Aug.,  '71 



Barrows,  Henry  D. 



Dec.  la,  '54 

724  Beacon 


Barrows,  James  A. 



May,  '68 

236  W.  Jefferson 


Bilderbeck,    Mrs.    Dora 



Jan.  14.  '6  1 

1009  E.  Eighth 


Bixby,  Jonathan 



June,  '66 

Long  Beach 


Bicknell,  John  D. 



May,  '72 

1115  W.  Seventh 


Bouton,  Edward 

N.  Y. 

Real   Estate 

Aug..  '68 

1314   Bond 

1  868 

Brossmer,   Sig. 



Nov.  a8,  '68 

129  Wilmington 


Bosh.  Charles  H. 



March,  '70 

318  N.  Main 


Burns,  James  F. 

N.  Y. 


Nov.   18,  '53 

153    Wright 

•  853 

Butterfield,   S.   H. 



Aug.,  '69 

Los  Angeles 


Bell.    Horace 



Oct.,  'sa 

1337  Figueroa 


Biles,   Mrs.   Elizabeth   S. 



July,  '73 

141    N.   Olive 

•  873 

Biles.   Albert 



July,  '73 

141    N.   Olive 


Brossmer,  Mrs.    E. 



May  16,  '68 

171  a   Brooklyn 


Blanchard,  James  H. 



April,  '72 

919  W.   Second 


Baldwin,  Jeremiah 



April,  '74 

7ai    Darwin 


Barclay,   Henry  A. 



Aug.   i,  '74 

1321   S.  Main 


Binford,  Joseph  B. 


Bank  Teller 

July  16.  '74 

asoa  E.   First 


Barrows,  Cornelia  S. 



May,  '68 

336  W.  Jefferson 


Bragg,    Ansel   M. 



Nov.,  "73 

1  60    Hewitt 


Bright,   Toney 



Sept.,  '74 

ai8  Requena 


Huffum.    Win.    M. 



July  4.  '59 

144   W.    Twelfth 

barham.   Richard   M. 


U.   S.  Gauger 

F«b.  33.  '74 

1143  W.   Seventh 


Braly,   John   A. 



Feb.,  '91 

Van   Xuys 


Bales,  Leonid** 




I49a   I.ambie 


Blumve,  J.   A. 

X.   J. 


Dec.  »8,  '75 

aioi     Hoover 


Buffum,  Rebecca  E. 



Sept.  19,  '64 

144  W.  Twelfth 


Bell,  Alexander  T. 



Dec.  10.  '68 

1059  S.   Hill 


Baker,  Edward  L. 

N.  Y. 


Dec.,  '66 

101   S.  Flower 


Baxter,   William  O. 



May.  '47 

Santa  Monica 


Brousseau,  Julius 

N.   Y. 


Jan.   16.  '77 

2434   Hoover 


Burke,  Joseph  H. 



April  jj,  'S3 



Booth,    Edward 




740  W.  Seventeenth 


Caswell,  Wm.  U. 



Aug.  3.  '67 

1093   E.    Washington 


Cerelli,  Sebastian 



Nov.   24.  '74 

811   San  Fernando 












Conkelman,   Bernard 



Jan.  3,  '67 

310  S.  Los  Angeles 


Cohn,  Kaspare 



Dec.,  '59 

2601  S.  Grand 


Coronel,  Mrs.  M.  W. 

De.  Texas 


Feb.,  '59 

Los  Angeles 


Crimmins,  John 


Mast.  Plumber 

March,  '69 

127  W.   Twenty-fifth 


Crawford,  J.  S. 

N.  Y. 



Downey    Block 


Currier,  A.   T. 



July  i,  '69 



Clark,  Frank  B. 



Feb.  23,  '69 

Hyde  Park 


Carter,  N.   C. 



Nov.,  '71 

Sierra  Madre 


Conner,  Mrs.  Kate 



June  22,  '71 

1054  S.   Grand 

Chapman,   A.   B. 



April,  '57 

San    Gabriel 


Cummings,    Geo. 



March,  '53 

First    street 


Cunningham,   Robt.   G. 



Nov.  15,  '73 

1301  W.  Second 


Clarke,  N.  J. 

N.  H. 



317   S.  Hill 


Compton,  Geo.  D. 



May,  '67 

828  W.  Jefferson 

Cowan,  D.  W.  C. 



June  i,  '68 

824  W.  Tenth 


Carter,  Julius  M. 



March  4,  '76 



Clarke,  James  A. 

N.  Y. 



113  W.   Second 


•Campbell,  J.  M. 




716  Bonnie  Brae 


Cable,  Jonathan  T. 

N.  Y. 


April  10,  '6  1 

116    Wilhardt 


Culver,  Francis  F. 



Nov.,  '76 



Crane,  W.  H. 

N.  Y. 



738  W.  Seventh 


Cook,   Alonzo  G. 




Long  Beach 


Dalton,  W.  T. 


Fruit  Grower 


1900    Central   avenue 


Davis,  A.  E. 

N.  Y. 

Fruit   Grower 

Nov.,  '65 



Dooner,  P.  W. 



May  i,  '72 

848  S.  Broadway 


"Dohs,  Fred 



Sept.,  '69 

614  E.   First 


Desmond,  C.  C. 



Sept,  '70 

724   Coronado 


Dunkelberger,  I.  R. 



Jan.,  '66 

1218   W.   Ninth 


Dunlap,   J.   D. 

N.   H. 


Nov.,  '59 



Dryden,  Wm 

N.  Y. 


May,  '68 

Los   Angeles 


Durfee,  Jas.  D. 



Sept.  15,  '58 

El  Monte 


Davis,  Emily  W. 






Davis,  John  W. 



Dec.  10,  '72 

518   San  Julian 


Davis,  Virginia  W. 



Sept.,  '52 

518  San  Julian 


Delano,  Thos.  A. 

N.  H. 


April,  '50 



Davis,  Phoebe 

N.  Y. 


Dec.  15,  'S3 

797  E.  Seventeenth 


Davis,  John 

N.  Y. 


April,  '72 



Dougherty,  Omer  R. 



March  31,  '77 

South  Pasadena 


De  Turk,  Jas  G. 



April  14,  '75 

2418   Edwin  street 


Dilley,  Louis 



Dec.,  '75 

1055   S.   Figueroa 


Eaton,  Benj.  S. 


Hyd.  Engineer 


433  Sherman 


Ubinger,    Louis 



Oct.  9,  '71 

755   Maple 


Elliott,  J.  M. 

S.  C. 


Nov.,  '70 

914  W.  Twenty-eighth 


Evarts,  Myron  E. 

N.  Y. 


Oct.  26,  '58 

Los  Angeles 

•Edelman,  A.  W. 



June,  '62 

1343  Flower 


Edgar,  Mrs.  W.  F. 

N.  Y. 


April  18,  '65 

514  W.  Washington 


Ellsworth,  Daniel 

N.  Y. 

Oil  Producer 

Sept.,  '75 

629  S.   Flower 


Eisen,  Theodore  A 



March,  '87 

2626    S.    Figueroa 


Furguson,  Wm. 



April,  '69 

303   S.   Hill 


Surrey,  Wm.  C. 

N.  Y. 


Aug.,  '72 

i  103   Ingraham 


Trench,  Loring  W. 



Oct.,  '68 

837  Alvarado 


Franklin,  Mrs.   Mary 



Jan.  i,  '53 

253   Avenue  32 


tFickett,  Charles  R. 



July  5.  '73 

El   Monte 




A*.  IB? 




AXaiV  'N  CO. 



Fi«her,  I..  T. 



Mar.  24,  '74 

Los  Angeles 


Fey,  Mrs.  Lucinda  M. 



Dec.  24,  '50 

651   S.  Figueroa 


French,  Cha«.   E. 



April,  '• 

141*4    N.    Broadway 


Flood,  Edward 

N.  Y. 

Cement  worker 

April,  '59 

1315   Palmer  avenue 


Fogle,  Lawrence 



Dec.,  'ss 

43$    Avenue   22 


Foulks,  Irving 



Oct.   1  8,  '70 

404  Beaudry  avenue 


Franck,    Adolph 



May,  '67 

438    Colyton 


Frankel.   Samuel 




818  S.  Hope 


Felix,  L.   Dennis 



May.  '75 

116  S.  Grand  avenue 


Carey,  Thomas  A. 



Oct.  14,  '32 

2833  Maple  avenue 


Garvey,  Richard 



Dec.,  '58 

San  Gabriel 


Gage,  Henry  T. 

N.  Y. 


Aug.,  '74 

1146   W.   Twenty-eighth 


Gillette,  J.  W. 

N.  Y. 


May,  '62 

333  Temple 


Gillette,  Mrs.   E.  S. 



Aug.,  '68 

333  Temple 


Gould,  Will  D. 



Feb.  38,  '72 

Beaudry  avenue 


Griffith,  Jas.  R. 



May,  '8  1 



Green,  Morris  M. 

N.  Y. 


Nov.,  '69 

3017  Kingsley 


Gollmer,    Charles 




1530   Flower 


Griffith,  J.  M. 



April,  '61 

Los  Angeles 


Green,   E.   K. 

N.   Y. 


May.  '72 

W.   Ninth 


Green,  Floyd  E. 



May.  '72 

W.   Ninth 


Guinn,  James  M. 



Oct.  18,  '60 

115  S.   Grand  avenue 


Gold.«worthy,  John 



Mar.  20,  '69 

107  N.   Main 


Gilbert.  Harlow 

N.  Y. 

Fruit  Grower 

Nov.  i,  '60 

Bell  Station 


Gerkins,  Jacob  F. 



J»n..  '54 



Garrett,  Robert  L. 



Nov.  5,  '62 

701   N.   Grand  avenue 

1  86* 

Grebe,  Christian 



Jan.  2,  '74 

811  San  Fernando 

1  86* 

Card.  George  E. 


Detective  agency 


488  San  Joaquin 


Geller,  Margaret  F. 



Nov.,  '60 

Figueroa     . 


Greenbaum,   Ephraim 




1817   Cherry 


Glidden,  Edward  C. 

N.  H. 

Mfr.    agent 

Feb.,  '70 

756   Avenue   33 


Cower,  George  T. 

H.   I. 


Nov.,  '72 



Grosser,   Eleanore 



Jan.,  '74 

663  S.  Spring 


Golding,  Thomas 




Los  Angeles 


Glass,    Henry 



June  22,  '75 

W.  Fourth  street 

Gordon,  John  T. 

D.  C 





Grow,  G.  T. 




718  S.  Rampart 

1  86  a 

Giese,  Henry 




1944  Estrella 


Haines,   Rufus   R. 



June,  '71 

318  W.  Twenty-seventh 


Harris,  Emil 



April  9,  '67 

1036  W.  Eighth 


Harper,  C.   F. 

N.   C. 


May,  '68 



Hazard,    Geo.   W. 



Dec.  as,  '54 

1307  S.  Alvarado 


Hazard,  Henry  T. 



Dec.  35,  '54 

1826  S.  Hope 


Hellman,  Herman  W. 



May  14.  '59 

9S4  Hill 


Heinzeman,  C.  F. 



June  6,  '68 

630  S.  Grand  avenue 


Hunter,   Jane   E. 

N.   Y. 

Jan..  '66 

337  S.   Broadway 


Huber,  C.   E. 



July.  '59 

836  S.  Broadway 


Hamilton,  A.  N. 



Jan.  24.  '7* 

6ti    Temple 


Holbrook,  J.   F. 



May  20,  '73 

155    Vine 


Heimann,   Gustave 



July,  '71 

737   California 


Hutton,  Aurelius  W. 



Au«.  S,  '69 

Los  Angeles 


Hiller.  Mrs.   Abbie 

N.  Y. 


Oct.  '69 

147  W.  Twenty-third 


Herwig,   Henry   J. 



Dec.  as,  '53 



Hubbell,  Stephen  C. 

N.  Y. 



1515    Pleasant  avenue 












Hays.  Wade 



Sept.,  '53 



Hass,  Serepta  S. 

N.  Y. 


April    17,   '56 

1519  W.  Eighth 


Hamilton,  Ezra  M. 



Sept.   20,  '75 

310  Avenue  23 


Hewitt,  Roscoe  E. 



Feb.  27,  '73 

337    S.    Olive 


Houghton,  Sherman  O. 

N.  Y. 


July  i,  '86 

Bullard  Block 


Houghton,    Eliza   P. 



July  i,  '86 

Los    Angeles 


Haskell,  John  C. 



Oct.,  '70 


Herwig,   Emma   E. 



Aug.,  '56 



Hunter,   Asa 




Los   Angeles 


Hunter,  Jesse 






Hauch,    Isaac 



April  14,  '65 

524  Temple 


Hall,  Thomas  W. 

N.   Y. 


Jan.,  '73 

La  Canada 


Hopkins,  Susan  Clisby 



Jan.,  '73 

Long  Beach 


Hewitt,  Leslie  R. 



March  21,  '76 

1212   S.   Olive 


Hartnick,  August 



Aug.,  'ya 

748  Gladys  avenue 


Herrick,   John 



Feb.  27,  '59 

621   Main 


Jacoby,   Nathan 



July,  '6  1 

739   Hope 


Jacoby,   Morris 




Los   Angeles 


James,    Alfred 



April,  '68 

101   N.   Bunker  Hill  ave 


Jenkins,    Charles   M. 



Mar.   19,  '51 

1158    Santee 


Johnson,    Charles   R. 




Los  Angeles 


Judson,    A.    H. 

N.    Y. 


May,  '70 

Pasadena  avenue 


Jordon,   Joseph 



June,  '65 

Los   Angeles 


Johansen,    Mrs.    Cecilia 




Los  Angeles 


Jenkins,  Wm.   W. 



Mar.   10,  '51 



Johnson,    Micajah    D. 



Mar.  31,  '76 

236  N.  Griffin  avenue 


Jones,   John  J. 






Johnson,   Edward   P. 


Pres.  L.  A.  Furn. 

Co.    June,  '76 

947   S.    Hope 


Keyes,   Charles  G. 


County  Clerk 

Nov.  25,  '68 

209  N.   Workman 


Kremer,   M. 


Ins.    agent 

March,  '52 

952  Lake  street 


Kremer,  Mrs.   Matilda 

N.  Y. 

SeOt        '^4. 

952  Lake  street 


Kuhrts,    Jacob 



v-J^-lffc.,       3*r 

May  10,  '57 

107   W.   First 

*  w  J<5 

Kurtz,   Joseph 



Feb.  2,  '68 

361    Buena   Vista 


Kysor,  E.   F. 

N.  Y. 


April,  '69 

323  Bonnie  Brae 


Kutz,    Samuel 


Dept.  Co.  Clerk 

Oct.  29,  "74 

217  S.  Soto 


Kuhrts,    Susan 



May,  '63 

107   W.    First 


King,  Laura  E. 



Nov.  27,  '49 

412   N.   Breed 


Klockenbrink,   Wm. 



Oct.,  '70 



Knighten,  Will  A. 



Oct.,  '69 

150  W.   Thirty-first 


Kiefer,  Peter  P. 



Jan.  15,  '82 

240  N.  Hope 


Kearney,   John 



Sept.   18,  "71 

728   E.   Eighth 


Kipp,  Nicholas 




749   Banning 


Lynch,  Joseph  D. 


Editor  and   Pub. 

Dec.,  '74 

311    New   High 


Lamb,    Chas.    C. 


Real   Estate  agent 




Lambourn,    Fred 



Dec.,  '59 

840  Judson 


Lankershim,   J.    B 




950   S.   Olive 


Lazard,    Solomon 




607    Seventh 


Loeb,   Leon 



Feb.,  '66 

1521   Westtake  avenue 


L«ck,  Henry  Vander 



Dec.  14,  '59 

2309    Flower 


Lembecke,    Charles   M. 


Pickle  works 

Mar.  20,  '57 

577  Los  Angeles 


Levy,  Michael 



Oct.,  '68 

622  Kip 


Lyon,  Lewis  H. 



Oct.,  '68 



Lechler,  George  W. 



Nov.,  '58 










AttlV.   IK  CO. 



Lenz,    Edmund 



June  17.  '74 

2907  S.  Hope 

Ling,    Robert    A. 



Sept..  '73 

noi   Downey  avenue 


Lockhart,   Thomas   J. 


Real    Estate 

May  i,  '73 

1999  Lovelace  avenue 


Lockhart.  Levi  J. 


Coal  merchant 

May  i.  '73 

1814  S.  Grand  avenue 


Lockwood,  James  W. 

N.  Y. 


April  i,  '75 

Water  street 


Lechler,   Abbie  J. 



Dec..  'S3 

Rich   street 


Loosmore,  James 



Jan.  16,  '75 

1  1  2  1    Lafayette 

Loyhcd,  Mollic  A. 






Lanning.  Samuel  W. 

N.  J. 

Stair  builder 

Sept..  '86 

750  S.  Olive 


Lewis.   Wm.    Robert 



Sept.,  '71 

Los   Angeles 


Macy,   Oscar 






Mappa,  Adam  G. 

N.  Y. 

Search.  Rec. 

Nov..  .64 

Los  Angeles 


Mcrcadante,    N. 



April  1  6,  '69 

439  San  Pedro 


Mesmer,  Joseph 



Sept..  '59 

1706  Manitou  avenue 


Messer,    K. 



Feb..  '54 

236    Jackson 


Meyer,   Samuel 



April,  '53 

1337  S.  Hope 


Melzer,   Louis 



April  i,  '70 

900   Figueroa 


Mitchell.    Newell    H. 


Hotel  keeper 

Sept.  »6.  '68 



Moore,   Isaac   N. 



Nov..  '69 

Cal.  Truck  Co. 


Mullally.  Joseph 



March  5,  '54 

417    College 


Me  Lain.   Ceo.    P. 



Jan.  3,  '68 

446  N.  Grand  avenue 


McLean.  Wm. 




561   S.  Hope 


McMullin.   \V.   C. 



Jan..  '70 

Station  D 


Moulton.    Klijah 



May  u.  '45 

Los  Angeles 


McComas,  Jos.   E. 



Oct..  '71 



Mott,   Thomas  D. 

N.  Y. 



645  S.  Main 


Miller.   William 

N.  Y. 


NOV.    23,    '60 

Santa  Monica 

Marxson.    Dora 



Nov.   14.  '73 

2i>  E.   Seventeenth 


Meade,    John 



Sept.  6,  '69 

203  W.  Eighteenth 


Moran,  Samuel 

D.  C. 


May  15.  '73 



Mairr.   Simon 




137  S.  Grand 


Melvill.  J.   H.. 

M..   - 

Sec.   Fid.  Ab.  Co. 

Aug..  '75 

465  N.  Beaudry  avenue 


Montague,   Newell   S. 



Oct.  ».  '56 

122  E.  Twenty-eghth 


McFarland.    Silas   R. 



Jan.  28.  '75 

1334  W.  Twelfth 


Merz.   Henry 



Aug.,  "74 

1  06   Jewett 

Moody,   Alexander  C. 

N.  S. 


Jan.  9,  '66 

125  Avenue  25 

Moore.   Mary  E. 

N.  Y. 


1467   E.  Twentieth 

Morgan,    Octavius 



May.  '74 

1819  Westlake  avenue 


Moore,  Alfred 



July  ji,  '74 

708   S.   Workman 


Morton,   A.  J. 




31$  New  High 

Morris.    Moritz 




336  S.   Broadway 


Morton.  John  Jay 



Aug..  '67 



Me  Arthur,   John 




1909  S.   Figueroa 

McArthur,  Catherine 

N.  Y. 



1009  S.   Figueroa 

—  — 

McCarvin,    Robert 


Real  Estate  agent 

April  s.  '75 

220  Yi   S.   Spring 


McDonald,  James 



Oct.  '57 

1509  E.  Twentieth 


McCreery,  Mary  B. 

N.  Y. 


Nov.  3.  '69 

911   S.  Hope 


McCrerry.    Rufus    K. 



Nov.  3.  "69 

oti   S.  Hope 

Mcllmoil,  John 

N.  Y. 


May  20.  '80 



McCoye,   Frank 

N.  Y. 


May.  '76 

128  S.   Broadway 


Norton,  Isaac 


Sec.  Loan  Assn. 

Nov.,  '69 

1364  Figueroa 


Newmark,    Harri* 



Oct.  22.  '53 

1051  Grand  avenue 


Newmark.  M.  J. 

N.  Y. 


Sept..  '54 

1047  Grand  avenue 


Newell.  J.  G. 



July  14.   .5* 

1417  W.  Ninth 












Nichols,   Thomas  E. 


County  Auditor 


221  W.  Thirty-first 


Newell,  Mrs.  J.  G. 



June,  '53 

2417  W.  Ninth 


Nadeau,  Geo.  A. 





Newmark,  Mrs.  H. 

N.  Y. 

Sept.  1  6,  '54 

1051   S.  Grand 


Nadeau  Martha  F. 

N.  H. 


Sept.,  '68 

1501   Central  avenue 


Nittenger,   Edward 


Real  Estate  broker 

Dec.,  '74 

Fifth   street 


Orme,   Henry    S. 



July  4,  '68 

Douglas    Block 


Osborne,  John 



Nov.   14,  '68 

322    W.    Thirtieth 


Osborn,   Wm.  M. 

N.  Y. 


March,  '58 

973  W.  Twelfth 


O'Melveny,  Henry  W. 



Nov.,  '68 

Baker    Block 


Owen,  Edward  H. 


Clerk  U.  S.  Court 

Oct.,  '70 



Orr,  Benjamin  F. 



May,  '75 

1812   Bush 


Parker,  Robert 



April  10,  '75 

230  S.  Beaudry 


Parker,  Joel  B. 

N.  Y. 


April  20,  '70 

512  E.  Twelfth 


Peschke,  William 



April  13,  '65 

538   Macy 


Pike,  Geo.  H. 




Los   Angeles 


Peck,  Geo.  H. 



Dec.,  '68 

El   Monte 


Ponet,  Victor 



Oct.,  '69 



Pridham,   Wm. 

N.   Y. 

Supt.  W.  F.  Co. 

Aug.  28,  '68 

Baker    Block 


Prager,   Samuel 



Feb.,  '^ 

Los  Angeles 


Proctor,  A.   A. 

N.  Y. 


Dec.  22,  '72 

1501   Maple  avenue 


Pilkington,  W.  M. 




218  N.  Cummings 


Profit,  Green  L. 



Nov.,  '87 

1512  W.  Twelfth 


Perry,  Harriet  S. 



May  15,  '75 

1723   Iowa 


Peschke,    Emil 



Nov.  30,  '75 

940  Summit  avenue 

Pye,  Thomas 






Preston,  John  E. 



July  7,  '76 

819  Golding  avenue 


Quinn,    Richard 



Jan.  ,'6  1 

El  Monte 


Quinn,  Michael  F. 

N.  Y. 


March  3,  '59 

El  Monte 


Raab,  David  M. 



May  12,  '69 

South  Pasadena 


Raynes,    Frank 



Aug.,  '71 



Reichard,  Daniel 



July,  '68 

459  Beaudry 


Riley,   James   M. 



Dec.,  '66 

1  1  05  S.  Olive 


Richardson,  E.  W. 



Sept.,  '71 



Richardson,  W.  C.  B. 

N.  H. 





Roeder,  Louis 



Nov.  28,'s6 

319   Boyd 


Robinson,  W.  W. 

N.  S. 


Sept.,  '68 

117   S.   Olive 


Roberts,    Henry    C 


Fruit  Grower 




Rinaldi,  Carl  A.   R. 



April,  '54 



Rendall,    Stephen  A. 


Real  Estate 

May  i,  '66 

905  Alvarado 


Reavis,  Walter   S. 



June  8,  '69 

1407    Sunset   Boulevard 


Rogers,  Alex  H. 



Aug.,  '73 

1152  Wall 


Ready,  Russell  W. 



Dec.  18,  '73 

San  Pedro  street 


Ross,  Erskine  M. 


U.  S.  Judge 

June  19,  '68 

Los   Angeles 


Russell,  Wm.  H. 

N.  Y. 

Fruit  Grower 

April  9,  '66 



Ruxton,  Albert  St  G. 



Sept.,  '73 

128  N.  Main 


Reavis,  Wm.  E. 



April  22,  '73 

1405   Scott 


Rolston,  Wm 




El  Monte 

Read,  Jennie  Sanderson 

N.  Y. 

Vocal  soloist 

June  20,  '76 

1153  Lerdo 


Roques,  A.  C. 



Aug.   1  6,  '70 

City  Hall 




A*.  IN 




ABJUV.  IK  co. 



Schmidt,  Gottfried 



Aug.,  "64 

Los  Angeles 


Schmidt,  August 



May,  '69 

710   S.   Olive 


Shaffer,  John 



March,  '71 

aoo  N.  Boyle  avenue 


Shorb,  A.  S. 



June,  '71 

65*   Adams 


Stoll,   Simon 



Aug.,  '69 

8oa  S.  Broadway 


Stewart,   J.    M. 

N.   H. 


May  14.  '70 

512  W.  Thirtieth 


Stephens,   Daniel  G. 

N.  J. 


April,  '6  1 

Sixth  and  Olive 


Stephens,   Mr*.   E.   T. 



Sixth  and  Olive 


Smith,  Isaac  S. 

N.  Y. 

Sec.  Oil  Co. 

NOT.,  'yi 

210  N.  Olive 


Smith,    W.   J.    A. 



April    i  a,  '74 

Bao  Linden 


Sentous,  Jean 



April,  '56 

545  S.  Grand  avenue 


Shearer,  Mrs.  Tillie 



July.  '75 

1134  El  Molino 


Strong,   Robert 

N.  Y. 


March,  '72 



Snyder,   Z.   T. 



April,  '72 



Slaughter,  John  L. 



Jan.  10,  '6  1 

614  N.  Bunker  Hill 


Scon.    Mrs.    Amanda 

W.      Ohio 


Dec.  ai,  '59 

589  Mission  Road 


Stoll,   H.   W. 



Oct  i,  '67 

844  S.  Hill 


Sumner,  C  A. 



May  8,  '73 

1301    Orange 


Smith.   Mrs.   Sarah  J. 



Sept,  '7* 

Temple  street 


Starr,  Joseph  L. 




Los   Angeles 


Schmidt,   Frederick 




Los  Angeles 


Spence,   Mrs.   Annie 




445  S.  Olive 


Smith,  Simon  B. 



May  17.  '76 

i  ya  N.  Avenue  at 


Sharp,  Robert  L. 


Funeral   Director 

May,  '76 

Los   Angeles 


Shaffer.   Cornelia    R. 



April,  '71 

200  N.  Boyle  avenue 


Slaughter,    Frank    R. 

N.   Y. 


Nov.,  *74 

Los  Angeles 


Staub,  George 

N.  Y. 



Los  Angeles 


Short,  Cornelius  R. 



Aug.  8.  '69 

1417  Mission  Boulevard 


Staples,  John  F. 



March,  '59 

St  Elmo  Hotel 


Stewart,  Melissa  A. 

N.  Y. 


March,  '71 

Si  a  W.  Thirtieth 


Steere,  Robert 

N.  Y. 


March.  '75 

260  S.  Olive 


Tobennan,  J.  R. 



April.  '63 

615  S.  Figueroa 


Teed,   Mathew 



Jan..  '63 

513  California 


Thorn,   Cameron    E. 



April,  '54 

118  E.  Third 


Taft,  Mrs.  Mary  H. 



Dec.  J5,  '54 



Thomas,  John  M. 



Dec.  7,  '68 



Truman,  Ben  C. 

R.  I. 


Feb.  i,  'ja 

i  oo  i  Twenty-third 


Turner,   Wm.    F. 



May.  '58 

608  N.   Griffin 


Thayer,  John  S. 

N.  Y. 


Oct  as.  '74 

147  W.  Twenty-fifth 


Tubbs,  Geo.  W. 



Oct,  '71 

1643  Central 


Udell,  Joseph  C. 




St.   George  Hotel 


Vifnolo,  Ambrozio 



Sept.  26.  '73 

535  S.  Main 


Venable,  Joseph    W. 



July.  '69 



Vogt,  Henry 



Jan.  4.  '69 



Vawter,  E.  J. 



April  i  a,  '75 

Ocean  Park 


Vawter,  W.  S. 



July  to,  '75 

Santa  Monica 


Workman,  Wm.  H. 


City  Treasurer 


375   Boyle  avenue 


Workman,    K.   H. 


Real  Estate 


120  Boyle  avenue 


Wise,   Kenneth  D. 



Sept.  'ft 

1351  S.  Grand  avenue 


Weyse.  Rudolph  G. 



Jan.  »9.  '60 

Thompson  street 


Weyse.  Mrs.  A.  W. 

B.          Cal 


July  16,  '62 

822  Westlake  avenue 


Wright,  Charles  M. 



July,  's» 












White,  Charles  H. 


S.  P.  Co. 



1137   Ingraham 


Weid,  Ivar  A. 




741    S.    Main 


Wilson,   C.   N. 



Jan.  9, 




Ward,  James  F. 

N.  Y. 




1  121  S.  Grand 

Workman,    Alfred 



Nov.  28, 


212  Boyle  avenue 

Woodhead,  Chas.   B. 



Feb.  21, 


852   Buena  Vista 


Wartenberg,   Louis 


Com.  Trav. 



1057  S.   Grand  avenue 


Whisler,  Isaac 





535   San  Pedro   street 

18  2 

Worm,  August  W. 




910  W.  Eleventh 


Wright,  Edward  T. 





226   S.    Spring 

"8  -5 

Wohlfarth,  August 





1604   Pleasant  avenue 


White,  J.  P. 





989  E.   Fifty-fifth 


Wyatt,  Mary  Thompson 







Wyatt,  J.  Blackburn 






Wolf,  George  W. 



Oct.  s, 


4332  Vermont  avenue 


Wolfskill,  John 



Dec.  12, 


1419  S.  Grand  avenue 


Yarnell,  Jesse 





1808  W.   First 


Young,  John  D. 





2607  Figueroa 


Yarnell,  Mrs.    S.   C. 





1808  W.  First 


Young,  Robert  A. 




Los  Angeles 


F  Historical  Society  of  Southern 

867  California,  Los  Angeles 
H67       The  Quarterly 






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