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JANUARY     1963 

T  H  ^.  (J  U  >-.   J  ?  '0  N  ''  k 

Puulisned  oj-  ■  ne  •  jston  Riulic  Lijrai^''  -^T.aff  Association 
Volmne  XVIII  Number  1  Janoar-;  19c3 

Pu.  licauions  Co'uaittee:  Jean  oalcock,  aar^aret  Butler,  Janice  j'laniscalco, 

Thomas  J.  xianning,  Saraii  Richman,  Catnerine 
Richiiiond,  .jd'-xn  u,  oanford,  Anna  Scanlan, 
I.  Ro^iGr  Stevens,  Carto'nist,  Sarah  .\,  Usher, 
Inde^cer,  William  T.  Casey,  C  airiTian, 

Pujlication  date:  Deadline  xor  .Tsterial: 

The  liftcenth  of  each  rr.onth  The  tenth  of  each  -nonth 

In  aciditior.  ''.o  his  aoiliv.  '^o  lau..^:.,  nomo  sapiens  can  else  jb  distin- 
f^^aisned  from  lesser  orders  of  primates  >^y  a  caararteristic  thfet  is  partic- 
uliarly  noticeable  at  chis  time  of  year.  For  this  is  the  season  rhen  he 
riaes  from  his  couch,  draws  himself  proudly  erect  and  somoerly  declaims 
is  NeT:  Years  resolutions. 

Despite  the  fact  Ihat  many  of  these  edifyinj^  resolves  are  destined  to 
TTither  in  the  chill  Masts  of  January,  uiis  practice  of  -r^'irig  to  improve 
ourselves,  if  it  is  done  in  moderauion,  can  have  a  definite  salutary  effect 
on  both  our  character  and  our  ''usiness  associations.  For  Lhe  .benefit  of 
^hose  mem"  er?  of  the  staff  x'ho  Kii^iit  oe  interested  in  applying  certain  prin- 
ciples enumerated  by  Dr.  Coue,  the  QUESTION  FiABK  takes  the  lijerty  of 
offering  a  few   su^^^estions  for  poa^iole  resolutions. 

Administrators,  depar-tment  heads  and  all  irho  find  themselves  i-i  po6-L- 
tions  of  authority  mi^,ht  resolve  to  ^ecome  setter  acouainted  uith  tneir 
subordinates.   A  knowledge  ,'f  ohe  stren^^ths  and  Meaioiesses  of  individual 
.nembers  of  a  department  can  often  miniirdze  friction,  reduce  personalis 
clashes  and  provide  for  a  iriore  efficient  distribution  of  the  -'or'-c  load. 
A  -"orker  ^rho  feels  tnat  '.lis  supci-ior  is  ^enuinely  ini-erested  in  nim  and 
his  problems  ^./ill  ^ften  extend  himself  to  do  o  little  more  ^.han  i.'ie  ar'' 

Those  '.jiio  labor  in  the  vinoyai-d  can  face  "he  'isin;  sun  aiid  . o"  'o 
^enerate  a  few  more  ergs  in  the  performance  of  tVieir  daily  routine,   ^  ei-i 
of  us  may  rise  to  ■.fccome  "Ruler  of  the  Queen's  Nav^,^"  ut  it  von^  .   do  air' 
narm  t-o  -Jve  i.lnse  door  handles  an  ey.tra  flick  or  t--'o  '.'ith  t1-x5  polish  rag. 


-  2  - 

Ail  jf  as,  chiefs  and  inaians  alike,  if  we  _reet  tae  le'v  ear  with 
t  ixie   resoi.  tion,  could  do  no  ^.  tter  than  lo  resolve  to  work  in  aaririony 
.ith  our  fellow  staff  nemoers  during  1963.  Before  the  scoffers  .rise  up 
bo  char£,e  us  with  dealing  in  platitudes,  let  us  pause  to  reflect  on  those 
instances  when  that  harmony  was  lacking,  when  departinents  were  rent  \ 
internecine  strife  and  ill  feelings  were  permitted  to  dominate  common 

The  name  on  the  masthead  of  our  publication  appears  to  be  singularly 
appropriate  as  ire  contemplate  the  months  that  lie  ahead.  Finding  ourselves 
•':thout  a  supply  of  entrails,  vre  venture  no  prognostication  for  the  future, 
e-cept  to  note  that  whatever  happens  it  -fon't  be  dull. 



The  nerw  sick  leave  policy  has 
■een  announced  and,  by  this  time, 
we  hope  you  all  have  had  the 
opportunity  to  study  it  at  length. 
The  Executive  Board  oelieves  that 
the  new  policy  will  work  to  the 
advantage  of  both  the  library  and 
the  staff.  Much  time  was  spent 
oy   the  Executive  Board  with  I^*, 
jaines  in  working  out  a  policy 
that  appeared  to  be  in  everybody's 
oest  interests.   Mr,  Gaines  and 
your  president  spent  many  more 
hours  discussing  areas  of  disagree- 
ment. What  we  wish  to  emphasize  is 
that  the  new  sick  leave  policy  was 
a  cooperative  undertaking,  chiarac- 
terized  by  complete  candor  and  a 
spirit  of  mutual  understanding. 
Honest  differences  of  opinion  were 
discussed  openly  and  amicably, 

•Ale  do,  of  course,  vrelcome  the 
'Bw^fits  that  have  accrued  to  the 
staff  during  the  past  :^'^ear.  What 
vje  v&lue  most  of  all,  however,  is 
the  spirit  that  has  existed  between 
the  acifQ.nistration  and  the  Executive 
Board,  The  friendly  atmosphere  and 
spirit  of  good  will  that  has  pre- 
vailed if^tkes  for  a  climate  that 
encoux'ages  cooperation  and  synt^a- 
thetic  consideration  of  variant 

viewpoints.  It  is  also  4  most  encour- 
a£:ing  progressive  step  to  have  the 
Staff  Association  and  members  of  the 
administration  consult  prior  t« 
adoption  of  new  personnel  policies. 
We  hope  that  this  spirit  of  friendly 
cooperation  will  endure  and  thus 
insure  a  high  level  of  staff  morale. 

In  this,  our  swan  song,  we  v;ish  to 
thank  the  members  of  the  Executive 
Board  who  have  given  so  much  time 
and  energy  to  the  many  issues  brought 
to  their  attention.  Much  of  their 
T.>rork  has  not  been  publicized.  The 
many  hoijrs  of  time  they  have  devoted 
to  the  Association  is  known  only  to 
their  department  heads  to  whom  we 
also  extend  our  sincere  thanks^ 


Calender  of  Events 

A.L.A.  Mid-VJinter  Conference,  Chicaeo 
January  30  -  February  2,  1963. 

M.LJI.  Mid-VJinter  Conference,  Boston 
(Sheraton  Piaza  Hotel,  Copley  Square) 
Thursday,  Februai^  lU,  1963. 

-  3  - 



Margaret  E.  Lewis  from  Uphams  Corner 
to  North  iSnd,  December  26,   1962, 

Irene  M»  ?feins  from  North  End  to 
Lower  Mils, 


Lois  Inman,  ^fest  Roxbuiy  -  to  return 
to  school. 

Mary  Wallace,  Music  Department  -  to 
accept  another  position, 

Devra  Zetlan,  Codman  Square  -  to 
accept  another  position, 


Bonnie  H,  Atchison,  Uphams  Corner 
to  Thomas  E.  Reilly  Jr,,  December 
28,  1962, 

Anne  P.  Kearney,  Loi-jer  I-lills  to 
Joseph  A,  Crowley,  December  26,1962, 


A  memorial  to  the  late  Alice  M, 
Jordan,  Supervisor  of  Work  with 
Children  at  the  Boston  Public  Library 
for  many  years,  was  established  in 
1962,  in  the  form  of  a  course  in  the 
Art  of  Story-telling.  The  Round 
Table  of  Children's  Librarians,  co- 
sponsor  i./ith  the  B,?,L, ,  announces 
this  course  will  be  given  in  I963, 
begirjiing  on  Tuesday,  Iferch  12  c|t 
7:30  p.ra,  and  continuing  for  eight 
weeks,  through  April  30.  Yxs,   Beryl 
Robinson  of  our  staff,  well  knoTin 
for  her  successful  TV  series  on 
21  inch  classroom,  will  again  pre- 
sent this  course. 

Since  space  is  limited,  it  is 
jrged  that  all  interested  in  attend- 
ing send  applications  as  soon  as 
possible  to  Mi^s.  Elinor  Conley  at 
the  Adams  Street  Branch  of  the  Eosoonf, 

Paolic  Liuraiy  or  to  liiss  .'uxne 
Armstrong  at  the  B.P.L,  Open  Shelf 
Department,  It  is  noped  that  con- 
trioutions  to  the  Ifemorial  Fund 
which  makes  this  course  posciole 
will  again  be  generous. 

op?ceTui:iTiES  fce  all 

The  Kembersh^.p  Committee  of  the 
wassachusetts  Liorar:;^'"  Association 
is  presenting  to  all  m-embers  who 
attend  tne  ili.d-ȴiiiter  Meeting  in 
1963  an  opportunity  to  serve  their 
orpaaization  by  promoting  fellowship 
and  the  advantages  of  membership  in 
a  special  way.  Red  stickers  of  the 
type  used  as  legal  seals  will  be  pro- 
vided to  be  at"oaciied  to  the  name  tags 
of  persons  who  have  joined  liULJi., 
daring  the  fiscal  year  (beginning 
July  1,  1962. )  Members  are  invited 
to  assist  in  welcoming  ever;;'"one 
whose  tag  is  so  marked, 

A  further  opportunity  to  serve  is 
open  at  most  all  times,  namely  to 
interest  others  in  joining.  May  x-je 
reidnd  you  that  trustees,  library 
personnel  at  EVERY  level  and  all  in- 
terested are  invited  to  be  members 
as  individuals.   Institutional  mem- 
bersnips  are  available  to  libraries, 
business  firms,  aiid  other  organiza- 
tions. Dues  are  schedifLed  according 
to  salary  or  type  of  membership. 

To  assist  in  active  campaigns  to 
increase  our  ranks,  a  special  leaflet 
outlining  advantages  of  participation 
has  ^">een  prepared  by  the  Membership 
Committee,   It  is  hoped  that  this 
will  be  ready  for  distributing  soon, 


-  k 


The  Itirstein  Business  Branch  staff  | 
is  bursting  with  pride  as  their  most 
recent  alinnnus,  Paul  McGerigle, 
joins  the  staff  of  Governor  Peabody, 

A  graduate  of  Boston  University 
with  an  M,  A,  in  Library  Science 
from  the  University  of  Chicago,  Pavil 
was  Librarian  of  the  Junior  College 
of  Boston  University  from  1952  - 
1957o  He  was  then  asked  to  serve 
on  the  Special  Commission  on  Audit 
of  State  Needs,  and  later  became 
Assistant  Secretary  and  Research 
Librarian  in  the  office  of  Governor 
Furcolo.  ^.'niile  in  this  position, 
he  prepared  materials  for  the 
Governor's  iiiessages  and  speeches, 
in  addition  to  maintaining  a  gov- 
ernmental and  research  library. 

He  will  work  vrith  the  Peabody 
administration  in  a  research  capac- 
ity, with  emphasis  on  matters  re- 
lated to  education  and  taxation. 

Farewell  gift  from  the  Business 
Branch  staff  was  an  initialed  attache 
case,  presented  during  o\ir  Christmas 
dinner  party,  held  at  the  Executive 

Paul's  unfailing  good  nat\ire  and 
co-operativeness,  plus  his  invalu- 
able backr:,round,  made  him  a  jay   to 
work  with.  And,  in  addition,  he 
is  that  rare  bird,  a  genuine  gentle- 
man. We  know  he  vjill  have  a  fine 
contribution  to  make  to  the  new 

iriNIFRED  L  .  ROOT 

Following  are  a  few  verses  from 
Paxil's  farewell  to  his  fellow- 
xTOrkers : 

Soundly  minded  -  hale  and  hearty 
Thanlcful  for  the  party, 
I  tell  you  all  I'll  miss  you  much 
But  so  there'll  be  no  tears  and  such 
Just  before  iiy  last  loavetaking 
Ify  will  and  testament  I'm  making, 


Ih-  firet  tG^yaest  before   I  gc 
To  MarilTO,    Isfebelle  and  Joe. 
Pa+rons  iieeding  your  statistics 
Problems  neediag  Joe's  logistics  - 
And  puestjons  rising  from  below 
'bout  roc  and  GPQ, 

I  leave  the  second  floor  a  lot 
Of  ouestioiis  I  can't  ansi-jer  but 
They've  always  answered  evary   query 
Even  though  they  must  be  weary 
Of  hearing  patrons  say  "Hello  - 
They  said  downstairs  that  you 

would  knovr, " 

I  leave  ou  girls  who  call  to  ask 

If  you  cai"  do  some  simple  task 

As  finciii^  a  street  address  for 

The  bo£s's  eir^Jit  son-in-law, 

"His  n?jm  i3   eld  -  it  sounds  like  Whelj 

And  he's  j.eft-handed  -  does  that  help?' 

Each  one  of  you  has  oeen  a  friend 
I  really  haxc  to  make  an  end, 
(But  six  li'.ti  couplets  aven't  nry  game 
I  really  fear  this  is  cuite  lame, ) 
But  I'll  be  back  to  haunt  you  gaily 
With  ouestions  from  the  State  House 

So  as  I  leave  with  hops  so  hippity 
I  iiish  you  all  —  much  serendipity, 



The  ne^.-7  sick  leave  policy  has 
accelerated  the  departure  or  retire- 
ment of  i^chael  Sullivan,  Buildings 
Department,  irho  will  soon  reach  the 
compulsory  retirement  age  of  70  years, 
Mike  had  over  3^  years  of  service  in 
the  Library's  Buildings  Departmento 
A  native  of  Ireland  he  is  a  veteran 
of  World  War  I. 

Mike  -"ith  Iiis  snow  white  hair, 
smiling  Irish  eyes,  and  friendly  grin 
x-7as  a  familiar  figure  as  he  labored 
in  the  Library  Courtyard  trying  to 
keep  it  as  green  as  the  "oiild  sod". 

His  elfish  sense  of  h\imor,  delight- 
ful brogue  and  ready  chuclcLe  made  it 
a  pleasure  to  have  Mike  araong  us, 


-  5  - 

We  will  miss  his  "green  thumb" 
and  pleasant  presence  aniohg  us.   He. 
made  a  host  of  friends  durdng  his 
years  in  the  Li"  'rary.  We  all  i.dsh 
him  i-Tell, 



The  follOTang  two  letters  -"-ere 
received  from  former  South  Boston 

Cairo,  Sgypt 
Nov, 16,1962 

Lear  Friends, 

I  hope  that  things  are 
going  irell  for  you  at  the  library, 
and  tliat  this  finds  you  fully  staffed 
and  not  unduly  overworked.  We  are 
having  a  very  pleasant  tine  here  in 
Cairo,  and  thought  you  would  be 
interested  to  know  what  we  are  doing, 

I  am  xjorking  (mornings  only,  9-2 ) 
as  English  language  cataloger  for 
the  librarj'  of  the  American  Univer- 
sity here.   Perhaps  1^%   of  the  AUC 
collection  is  in  En-lish  (the  rest 
is  in  Arabic),  but  they  use  LC  cards 
for  as  many  books  as  possible,  so 
the  i-'ork  is  not  too  formidable.  It 
is  much  like  an  American  library 
except  that  most  of  the  sL,aff  are 
Copis-«-,  and  speak  English,  French 
and  Arabic  interchangably.  Also,  a 
servant  in  turban  and  flowing 
gallibiya  carries  books  from  depart- 
ment to  department  (we  are  on  four 
floors)  and  brings  us  "masbut" 
(Turkish)  coffee  under  the  palms  of 
ovjc   morning  tea  break. 

We  have  a  three-room  apai-tment  now, 
on  the  ninth  floor  of  a  large  apart- 
ment building  in  Falaki  Square  in 
Bab  al-Luk,  the  heart  of  the  buslneati 
section,  i'alaki  Square  is  sort  of 
like  Fanuiel  Hall,  Park  Street  Sta- 
tion, and  Perkins  Square  rolled  into 
one]  The  ceilings  of  the  apartment 
are  high,  vie  have  two  large  French 
doors  which  open  onto  porches,  ai'id 
there  is  a  good  east-west  draft,  so 
it  is  pretty  satisfactory  by 
Cairene  standards. 

We .have  hired  a  cook-suffragi  from 
Aswan,  vho  cojies  evei-y  mornjng  except 
Fiiday  (Friday  beJng  the  day  of  rest 
for  most  Egj-ptians)  to  do  Ihe  grocery 
shopping,  clean  the  house,  cook  the 
meals,  arid  do  the  dishes.  He  speaks 
English  well  (though  I  have  picked 
up  some  words,  nry  Arabic  is  still 
poor)  and,  having  worked  for  a  suc- 
cession of  American  families,  cooks 
very  much  accoi-ding  to  oiur  tastes. 

We  ha\'B,  of  co^Jirse,  lone  a  great 
deal  of  sit^ht-seeing  to  the  Citadel, 
Mousl<y  (Fiss  Connell  can  tell  you 
about  that]),  pyramids,  Sa'dcara,  etc., 
gnd  last  Simda^  afternoon  took  a 
felucca  (sailboat)  trip  up  the  river 
a/oout  10  miles.  Between  the  red  sun- 
set and  yellow  monni'ise,  it  was  a 
glorious  tripi 

r.egards  to  all, 
Louise  GoldsciimJ-dt 
-"••Egyptian  Gbjristians 

Cincinnati,  Ohio 

I  iust  wanted  to  msh  you  all  a 
happy  holiday  season  and  hope  you 
weatner  another  Ngx-j  England  winter 

lly  husband  and  I  are  awaiting 
C'lristmas  and  (hopefully)  a  December 
baby,  I've  been  keeping  busy  mth 
ni[;ht  school  math  classes  and  trips 
to  the  branch  library-.  In  terms  of 
the  futiare,  we  hope  to  return  to 
Boston  and  once  we  have  our  twenty 
children  I  plan  to  get  t^   library 

Once  again,  happy  holidays! 


Margie  Franz 



Central  Charging  records  had  not  1 
but  2  engagements  to  boast  about 
during  the  Christmas  Season.  The  first 
was  Mary  Kelly's  engagement  to  Richard 
Joyce  and  the  second  Ann  Connolly's 
engagem.ent  to  David  ifcLaughlin(  a 
foimer  COR  employee).  Both  fiance's 
are  cui-iciitly  noivjng  in  the  Armed 

,  6  « 

MEI-iORIAL  BlAtiCn  ALlMll   1^'CTSS 

Charles  Collins,  former  library 
aide  at  Memorial  Branch,  is  ncn-7 
officially  Frater  M.  Vincent.  At 
solemn  ceremonies  at  the  Cistercian 
Abbey  of  Notre  Dame  du  Calvaire, 
North  Roger sville.  New  Brunsvack, 
in  Canada,  "Charlie"  as  he  was  famil- 
iai^ly  known  to  the  library  staff, 
made  his  profession.  Frater  Vincent 
keeps  the  staff  at  Memorial  informed 
of  his  life  as  a  Trappist  monk 
through  delightful  letters  and  the 
monastery  newsletter,  SOUND  OF  OUR 
BELLS,  sent  bi-monthly  to  relatives 
and  friends. 

NOTE:  "Charlie''  also  worked  as  a 

Junior  Library  Assistant  both 
in  Book  Stack  Serv:..o3  a'xi  the 
Office  of  Records,  Files,  and 


John  McLau^fhl:  n,  woi  l-.'?d  for 
many  years  as  a  library  oidj  at 
Memorial  rhi].e  &;oing  thro-og'i  hiph 
school  and  colluge^  is  nov  ''Faoher 
John"  assignc'5  to  St,  Joseph ^s 
Parish  in  Holbrook_,  Mass,   His  busj^- 
schedule  as  a.  cuxate  lea""'es  little 
free  time,  but  som.ehoT7  ?i-';b_or  John 
manages  to  stop  by  "Ihi  b-rr.n.-;h  qvlte 
frequently  whenever  ho  vipi-os  his 
family  t-^ho  live  nearby^ 


Susan  Walker,   former  young  adnlt 
worker  ?.t  Meiiiorial,   i.,-.'  no-'.-T  ifrs, 
Gerhard  Hoischen  of  Ifettmanner  Strassu 
39,   h  i)usseldorf ,  G'.many,      She  is 
working  for  a  Japanese  tnport-Sxport 

CHA_]]:i_OF  Eooys 

A  certajja  bojknan  (so  the  story  goes) 
Once  ran  a  shop  and  kept  the  books  in 

Arranged  by  author.  Then  cue  fateful 



A  wall  of  shelving  buckled  and  gave 

Precipitating  half  ids  pre'-ious  stock 
In  jumbled  heaps  upon  the  floorj  The 

Was  great,  but  even  greater  x-ras  his  a\^ 
Wlaen,  picking  up  the  nearest  pile,  he 

A  marvel  which  -though  it  perple:^ed 

him  sorely - 
I4jght  have  amnsed  C'iris  (Haunted 

Books/.cp)  Morlf-yj 
Reading  the  title  of  topj.iost  book 
He  noted  with  en  unnelievii-^g  loo]: 
The  last  wor-d  in  that  title  >7as  the  sai 
As  the  first  ^■rvc<^.  a-^^y-i-rn^ln^:.   in  the  namt 
Of  the  ■"o.."':'iie..  n  itj  T'lis  was  so 
In  •  chaixj,-.-.l-ke  secue^ice  do-nOi  the 

scrs  "iTuled.  row  J 
(E.g.,  Senximer.tal  Journey,  Journey  t/^ 

the  Moon^ 
Moon  and  Sijtpcixce,  etc^  )  -  a  strange 

Now,  reader,  \ritA   the  clues  supplied 

Can  you  n.ajne  eignt  books  in  another 

With  titles  similarly  head-to-toe? 

1,  A  -^J  a-"-  b"-^  Shakespeare 

2,  A  novel  '-y  Wilia  Gather  (1923) 

3,  A  musical  comedy  'oy   Moss  Hart 
(iP'ilj  written  for  Ger crude  LaT'jrence) 

h,   A  novel  by  Shen'ood  Arderson 
(I9::s ) 

5o  A  'look  o"f  memoii'S  by  Osbert 
Sitwoll  (fc^US) 

6,  A  novol  by  3.M.Forster  (1908) 

7,  A  play  by  Arthur  .liller  (195$) 

8,  A  novel  by  Thornton  Wilder  (1927) 

(Nobei  Words  like  "A"  or  "The"  which 

stdi  t  a  tit?_e 
May  be  ignored  for  this  quiz  as  not 

vital. ) 

One  month  Tjill  give  you  ample  time,  we 

Next  monuh's  itr^iue  will  show  each 

proper  link,. 

UKVE  *  YOU  *  DONATIiD  -"-  A  -x-  PINT  ^;- 
OF  -X-  BLOCD  *  YET  ????  IF  -x-  NOT  * 
MAl^,  -«•  AT^^   -.<■  AP^O'Q'.TM^ll^T  -■.'-     TODAY 


The  main  editorial  of  the  Decemoer 
8  issue  ox  the  i^IE/J  YOil^^ER  is  a  -.last 
at  oest-seller  lists  which  must  be    i 
of  great  interest  to  librarians      ' 
every^u'here,  since  so  much  of  bock- 
buying  policy"-  is  determined  uy  such 
lists.  Wliile  reading  those  outspoken  j 
words,  I  was  strongly  reminded  of 
ecually  forcible  words  on  a  similar 
subject  Tiritten  by  a  famous  BPL'r    ' 
of  an  earlier  day.  Since  not  many 
BPL'r-B  will  probably  get  the  chance   ; 
to  read  the  New  Yorker  editorial  and  \ 
the  essay,  I  hope  the  QUESTION  MARK 
will  print  these  excerpts  as  a  staff 

NEW  YORIffiR,  December  8,  1962.  paf^e  hX 

"A  recent  TH^S  oest-seller  list  in- 
cluded a  coloring,  book  for  adults, 
a  journal  kept  by  a  child,  a  painphlet 
of  newspaper  photographs  \irith  humor- 
ous captions,  the  autooiography  of 
a  baseball  manager,  the  reminiscences 
of  a  lavjyer  who  had  appeared  for  the 
defense  in  a  sensational  Hollywood 
trial,  a  discussion  of  dieting,  and 
a  study  of  the  se".ual  activities  of 
unmarried  -nomen.  fortunately  the 
list  is  meaiiingless. ..  the  only 
redeeiTong  quality  of  oest-seller 
charts  in  general  is  their  inaccuracy^ 
They  are  based  on  slim  and  unreliable 
e vidence . . . f ew  bookstores  are  con- 
sulted, fewer  report,  and  there  is 
nothing  to  prevent  those  that  do  re- 
port from  falsifying  their  records 
to  suit  their  inventories...  the 
inacc^:cate  ratings  perform  a  major 
di-^i^r  'ice  to  serious  irritings,  the 
83,1.  ■  of  which  are  often  damaged  by 
o?rJ.rij.^'n  from  the  list.,, the  book 
chart...  tries  to  show  the  confonnist 
how  the  literary  Vierd  is  running  and 
encourages  him  to  run  awa"""  from 
literature  with  the  heid,^,  sales  in 
the  arts  have  never  bet-n  an  ir.dex  to 
value  (tlOBY  DICK  was  not  a  bestsellei- 
in  its  time , . . V 

Lindsay  Swift,  IPOO  THE  FJBLIC 

BTL"  :.o.r5T?r^3i 

"T/Jhatever  else  a  great  librarj^  ought 

or  not  to  ,-:;arner  to  itself,  it 
■las  one  plain  duty  co  ace  u^  re  books 
of  literatuj-^e. . ,  a  library  should  se6 
to  it  that  "real"  books  come  first,,, 
other  cooks  a^^e  for  the  material 
jenefit  of  some  particular  men,  creed, 
poli  bical  system,  comrriercial  theoiy, , , 
they  too  should  oe  nere,  ever^''  one 
of  them,  if  possible,  out  not  to  the 
neglect  of  the  poetr^ ,  drama,  criti- 
cism, essay,  novel..,  the  primordial 
cells  of  the  tissues  of  a  library, „ , 
The  3PL  has  the  important  vTorks  of 
every  age  and  countr:%,,  its  founda- 
tions were  laid  by  earnest  and 
scholarly  men,,,  in  every  large 
library  there  are  per:  ods  of  uneven, 
ragged  groirrth. . .  this  is  due  to  the 
tastes,  soraeti'ies  the  caprices  of 
trustees  or  of  certain  members  of 
the  >]orking  force,,,  it  is  astonishing 
into  how  few  hands  the  welfare  of  ar^ 
great  institution  is  practically 
committed.  Recently  was  a  mighty 
rage  for  books  on  theosophy,  palmistry'-, 
, , . astrology. .yachting, . customs. , 
genealogy,. all  those  demands  must  be 
met  in  some  fashion,  but  the  more 
serious  reauire:nents  are  never  to  be 
neglected... little  confidence  is  to 
be  placed  in  the  man.. too  ready  to 
do  what  people  will  like,.. there  is 
but  one  cons^oming  ideal  which  a  large 
library  has  a  right  to  cherish,  and 
that  is  to  have  on  its  shelves  every 
broadside,  pamphlet,  or  book  xjhich 
ever  was  or  ever  will  be  printed.,,, 
but  he  who  thinlcs  today  that  he  can 
choose  with  entire  wisdom,  is  a  fool 
...and  any  man,  or  institution,  or 
church  which  undertakes  to  prescribe 
what  another  may  read  is  kna^/ish... 
the  people  vjant... stories  and  they 
hopefully  frequent  these  nails  to  get 
them... there  are  at  least  ^0,000^ 
people  in  this  city  t^ho  xiant  to  be 
reading  at  the  same  moment  DAVID 
C^VEL,  TO  ¥A\T.  Am   TO  HOID,  It  takes 
more  tiian  the  ample  purse  of  this  rxch 
city  to  feed  such  an  appetite... At 
such  a  tjoint  )egins  the  problem  of 
attempting  to  minister  to  the  pleasure 
ratlifeT-  tAian  to  the  needs  of  a  popula- 
te ov._.-,t 

ILflTulY  ANDRElf^S 

^V.AAV^  V^* 

LA  v^t  ^V.>'  v.  V- 

-  a  - 

-^  V 

>-    X 







Any  contribution  to  the.  Scap  3ox 
must  be  acGomp3_nled  by  tho  full  na'ne 
of  the  Association  rneinber  r^ubnittiag 
it,   together  -..dth  the  name  of  the 
Branch  Library,  Departrtipno  or  Office 
in  which  he  or  she  Ie  er^ieyed.     The 
name  is  Tiithheli  froxn  nublic  xtion,    or 
a  pen  nar.e  is  b.sed,    if  the  contributor 
so  reouests.      Anonymous   ccr.tributions 
are  not  c;iven  consideration.     The 
author  of  the  article  is  known  only 
to  the  Editor-in-Chief,     The  contents 
of  the  article£   .?.ppef.rlr^  in  th' 
Box  are  person?!  opiriioiis  expressed 
by  ijidi\'idual  Association^'s  and 
their  appearance  does  not  necessarily 
indicate  that  the  Publications  Ccminlt- 
tee  and  the  Association  are  in  a^^ree- 
ment  ^,ii.h  the  views  ex-oresEed.      Only 
those  conbrii;)ntions   containing  net 
more  ■h'!"n  300  -"ords  will  oe  acce-oted 


Wnat  happened  to  the  old  fashioned 
wheels  of  progress????  Are  they  still 

An  LA 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

The   Job  Evaluation  Coi.jniute/'  stai'i"-^ 
off  -"ith  a  trenienaous  rush,     i'lie 
members  of  tho  Committee  \7BT&  excused 
from  re^^ular  uvtles,  Trjorked  fi  LL-time 
on  this  project,  irorlred  evcnij  .-^e  to 
help  bring  thi.s   iLpoi  <;Rixt  \:OtI    '<,o 
completion.     Then  f  ojl  Tv-red  a  long 
hiatus  \rh.ile  the  ra  ,  scores  were  com- 


ud    i.PbjJ., 

T.^o  nore  meetings 

and  still  uc^  i-pp-^rt  or  -mo"  .emontation. 
The  las"i:.  .nHcb:..  g  i.£-.  held  Months  ago. 
No  date  Las    jeen   tet  foi'  aiictaer  meet- 

This  joo  evaluation  has  taken  a  tre- 
mendous t:jTiounu  of  tine  ?.nd  effort  from 
al]    ohe  ataff ,   particiilarl;-  from  the 
meir.beis  of  the  Coranittee.      1  oelieve 
a  repor-'-.   go  thb   staff  is  Ion";  overdue. 

Do  lA'   d 

Dea'"  r^.i.tor: 

We"'!.'!   he--e  -Te  are  a^^ain.     The  ue^in- ■  > 
ning  c-.."  ■',  new  year  and  sti]  1  no  sign 
of  p.-T'^-it  -,::  in  the  Job  E-va?.uation 
batt  L-  , 

I  coaiA'  !^  'irong  out  I  seem  to  remeiruJ 
oer  hea->"inc  a  month  or  so  ago  that  it  | 
(JoD  E'Jiluation)  would  be  made  lanoi-m  \ 
to  eve--  on.-j  fet  the  beginning  of  the  I 
7er~,      ..•.-■•;■  +h<s  big  question  is,  IIIAT       I 




FEBRUARY      1963 


Puolished  b/  the  Boston  Puolic  Liorar^-  Staff  Aosociation 
Volume  XVIII  Number  2  Feoriiar;-  1963 

Publications  Committee;  Harry  Aiidrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr.,  Mrs,  Bridie  Stotz, 
Martin  F,  Waters,  Pat  Mhite,  Barbara  l-Jhitledge^ 
Roger  Stevens,  cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer, 
William  R.  Leuis,  Chairman. 

Publication  date:  Deadline  for  suoLiitting  material: 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

We  feel  a  certain  affinity  with  those  stage  personalities  who  on  opening 
night  experience  that  dread  disease  wnich  of times  pla  ues  public  performers  . 
stagefrightj  The  symptoms  in  our  case  are  a  constriction  of  the  muscles  in 
the  writing  hand  and  a  mind  suddenly  devoid  of  editorial  ideas  rather  than 
the  knocking  of  knees  and  vocal  restrictions  xvrhich  embarrass  the  performer. 
In  the  theater  the  tradition  which  insists  that  "the  show  must  go  on"  vital- 
izes the  artistj  and  moments  after  the  curtain  rises  he  forgets  his  audience, 
conquers  his  fright,  and  proceeds  to  deliver  a  sparkling  performance.  We, 
the  members  of  your  Publications  Committee  for  1963,  may  not  achieve  the 
heights  necessary  to  produce  a  'sparkling  performance 'j  uut  our  efforts  cou- 
pled -vrith  the  assistance  which  must  come  from  ,:ou,  the  members  of  the  Staff 
Association,  can  result  in  a  paper  worthy  of  the  standards  set  by  the  better 
QMs  of  previous  years. 

The  QM  is  a  continuing  function  a^.d  as  suci.  it  continues  ohe  policies 
and  traditions  established  and  extended  through  the  years.  The  1963  Publi- 
cations Committee  represents  a  new   cast  of  cnaracters  playing  at  the  same 
"old  house"  speaking  familiar  lines.  Our   sphere  of  activity  is  vTiue  even 
when  viewed  through  the  confines  of  the  Constitution  of  the  BPLSA  vjhich 
states  its  purpose  as:  fostering  professional  librarianship,  furthering  the 
common  interests  and  welfare  of  the  bibliothecal  staff,  and  promoting  greater 
efficiency  in  library  service.  With  these  goals  as  our  guide  vie  t.ierefore 
feel  free  to  comment  on  all  natters  affecting  the  Liorary  staff,  to  question 
decisions  which  offend  us,  to  probe  and  investigate  xjhen  necessar;',  to  be 
constructive  in  our  criticism  and  generous  in  our  praise  when  edicts  please 
us.  We  accept  vrithout  reservation  the  proviso  (vo^ed  by  the  Staff  membership 
at  the  Annual  Meeting  in  January)  that  the  Chairman  of  the  Publications 
Committee  "shall  provide  editorial  comment  following  any  letter  in  'The  Soap 
Box'  where  he  feels  that  such  commentary  is  needed  to  bring  out  facts".  We 
do  not  feel  that  this  measure  is  restrictive  upon  us  in  any  way.  Any  factor 
which  aids  communication  and  builds  a  closer  relationship  x-jith  the  administra- 
tion we  consider  good.  However,  we  reaffirm  past  policy  vrhich  governs  the 
use  of  this  very  important  part  of  the  QM.  "The  Soap  Box  has  served  as  a  much 
needed  safety  valve  for  pent-up  feelings,  and  often  as  a  means  of  emphasizing 
problems  which  may  otherwise  have  been  overlooked,,,  all  material  meeting  dead- 
lines which  is  not  libelous  or  obvioxisly  incorrect,  and  is  xi  thin  the  interests 
of  the  membership.,."  and  conforms  to  the  general  rules  for  this  column  will  be 
accepted  for  publication. 

•  2  - 

The  Staff  AssociaLion  and  its  QH  have  been  fortunate  in  the  attitude 
taken  by  both  Administration  and  Trustees  recarding  the  activities  of  the 
Staff  Association  and  the  freedom  of  speech  as  it  applies  to  the  Ql'i,  Al- 
though the  QH  is  officially 'the  bulletin'  of  the  BPLSA  and  sho-old  reflect 
the  t/iinking  of  the  Associat.lon  it  also  has  the  duty  of  onjectivity  in  its 



Let  me  take  this  opportunity  to 
thank  you  all  for  electing  me  and 
the  members  of  the  Executive  Board 
to  serve  you  in  these  offices  in 
1963.  In  the  ensuing  months,  vie 
assure  you  that  we  will  try  to 
prove  that  your  confidence  in  us 
was  well  placed, 

I  think,  however,  that  we  must  as 
an  organization  clearly  realize 
the  implications  of  the  fact  that 
on  our  1963  slate  three  offices 
went  uncontested.   Obviously,  many 
of  you  "do  not  choose  to  run," 
Any  organization  which  cannot  find 
an  ample  number  of  people  willing 
to  assume  the  leadership  of  that 
organization  is  in  serious  trouble. 
One  of  the  primary  endeavors  of 
your  1963  Executive  Board  will  be 
to  seek  out,  find  and  train  the 
leadership  we  will  need  in  I96I4., 
but  this  is  a  job  Xv'-hich  we  cannot 
do  alone.  All  of  you  must  help  \is 
with  it,  if  the  BPLSA  is  to  continue 

It  is  undoubtedly  true  that  our 
organization  problems  go  hand  in 
hand  vrith  the  difficulties  every 
library  administration  now  faces 
in  recruiting  and  keeping  able 
libra-^r'ans  and  library  assistants, 
I  assur.e  that  acute  staff  short- 
ages within  various  departments 
cause  some  staff  members  to  hesi- 
tate about  taking  on  Staff  Associ- 
ation responsibilities  -  and  keep 
them  away  from  our  poorly  attended 
business  meetings.  Despite  iry  full 
awareness  of  this  continuing  short- 
age I,  nonetheless,  enjoin  each  of 
you  to  make  time,  somehow,  for 
fuller  participation  in  your  Staff 
Association.  Now  is  the  time  to 
begin  searching  within  yourselves 

and  among  your  felloi-r  staff  members 
for  names  to  present  to  the  next 
Nominating  Committee  when  it  comes 
into  being  this  May, 

And  to  Department  Heads  and  Branch 
Librarians,  a  special  plea]  The 
future  xrelfare  of  the  BPLSA  may  well 
rest  in  your  hands.  Only  you  can 
rearrange  schedules  to  make  it  possi- 
ble for  yourselves  and  your  staff 
members  to  attend  our  business  meet- 
ings, fulfill  committee  assignments 
and  assume  offices  in  the  Association. 
Often  such  schedule  changes  are  ex- 
tremely inconvenient;  but  if  they  are 
not  absolutely  impossible,  please  bear 
with  the  extra  work  that  may  tempor- 
arily fall  on  your  shoulders,  0\ar 
staff  representatives  need  your  help, 
too,  in  making  known  to  new  staff 
members  -  and  perhaps  reemphasize  to 
old  ones  -  the  purposes  and  accom- 
plishments of  the  Association,  We 
extend  our  gratitude  to  those  of  you 
who  consistently  do  make  these  sac- 
rifices year  after  year  to  keep  the 
organization  running. 

On  February  1,  the  196 3  Executive 
Board  held  its  first  meeting.  Much 
of  the  morning  was  spent  upon  setting 
the  usual  routines  into  operation, 
including  the  annoiincement  of  various 
committee  chairmen. 

Amongst  our  old  business,  inherited 
from  the  prior  regime,  lay  the  vitally 
important  matter  of  the  Job  Evaluation 
Study,  You  will  remember  that  a  vote 
taken  at  the  November  Business  Meeting 
was  unanimous  in  favor  of  immediate 
publication  of  the  results  of  that 
study  .  With  that  desire,  the  1962 
Executive  Board  was  in  complete  agree- 
ment. The  1963  Executive  Board  is  in 
no  less  accord.  After  weij^hing  the 
worthy  arrjuments  set  forth  by  the 


^  3  w 

President '-5  Motes  cont. 

•  -Administrartion  •  for  balding  up  pub« 
-lication  imtil-money  is  at.  hand  to 
-effect  •any"  salary  changes  ^involved, 
we  still  feeL  that  such  reasons  do 
"^t:  .Qutj'iedLgh  ±he  loarering  of  staff 
morale -alxeafty  ^resultant  from  this 
long  waiting  ^riod,-  Consequently, 
a  letter-  is- on  its  way  from  the 
'Executi"ve.3oard  to  the  Assistant 
"Director -{Personnel)  requesting,  on 
behalf  of-the  Library  "Assistants 
Service, --that  the  results  of  this 
-Study  be-  made-  public  -Rrithout  fur- 
ther delay. 

Another  Item- of"  old  business  was 
A  possible"  change  in -  anniversary 
dates  for  our  part-time"  employees 
from  October  X  and  May  1  to  Septem- 
ber 1-  and  -April  JU  Currently,  the 

-  Executive  Board  is  seekiag  statis- 
tics to  deteimuxie- jus-t  what  propor- 
tion of  Library -A.ides  -  are  hired 

"during  the  month  of  September, 
.^  As- you.  will  remember,  this  is  a 
Bertha  V,  Hartzell-  i'femorial-  Lecture 
■year.  Under  the  chairmanship  of 
"  Elinor -JD^  Conley, .  Adams  Street,  the 
'  Hartzell.  Fiemorial  Lecture  -Committee 
-has  ijeen.  lucty-^enough- -to -secure 
Dr..  Meyer  M,  -ifessler  of  M^.T..  for 
-thisle«ture~*  -Dr, -Kessler  is,  at 
"present,  xTorking  on  a  project  for 
"■"the  National -Science  Foundation. 
He  will  speak  on  the  problems  of 

-  information  retrieval  and  -dissemina- 
tion. Date -foi-- the  lecture  has  been 

■  ;set  for- Frid^cr,  April  $,    (Those  vrho 

-  voted  -to-  change  our  -spring  profes- 
sional -meeting-  "from  snoviy  February 
to  enchan"ting  Jlpril  please  note  that 

■every  other  Friday  in  April  this 
yer-.-  is  either  a  holiday  or  part  of 
Nr.tx  ?nal  Library  ^feek.  )  Put  that 
dLoe  dOTiain  -your-  calendar  of  events- 
and  please  keep  it  free.  Those  mon- 
-ster  mechanical  computers  may  help 
"US  one  day  in  ■sol'ving  our  student 
use  problems  -  at  least  on   the 
college-research  levelj 

A  suggestion  had  oeen  made  that 
the- -Staff  Association  hold  a  white 
elephant  sale  for  the -benefit  of 
the  Randolph  Puolic  Library,  recent- 
ly devastated  by  fire.  Tlie  E:^:ecutive 
Board"  did  cremas  re*3l.iR-t,i<r  thinking 
about  the  time  and  effor-t  nc«<led  to- 

rrtfiike  Such  a  sale  a  success.  At  hand, 
they  had  iiu.ormation  revealing  that 
the  Town  of  Ra^idolph  is,  apparently, 
willing  and  financially  able  to  remedy 
'their  liuran^  losses.  Conseqaently,. 
the  Executive  Board  concluded  that 
our  oest  form  of  assistance  co"ald  be 
given  by  continued  donation  of  books 
on  an  individual  basis  via  Edna  G,  Peck, 
Book  Selection  HR&CS,  If  any  of  you 
feel  that  further  gestures,  in  some 
other  form,  should  be  made  by  the  BPL 
SA  out  of  a  spirit  of  neighborliness, 
we  will  gladly  consider  suggestions 
at  oxir  March  Board  meeting. 

In  this  cold,  often  drizzly,  or  down- 
right snowj''  New  England  climate,  we 
were  not  surprised  to  find  some  staff 
members  resentful  of  the  recent  direc- 
tive that  no  staff  member  shall  use 
■the  Blagden  Street  door  as  an  exit 
at  the  evening  closing  hour.  We  all 
understand  the  necessity  of  depart- 
ment heads  or  tneir  assistants  report- 
ing to  the  Officer-in-Charge  that 
their  departments  are  empty,  but  we 
d'?  sympathize  with  those  Blagden 
Street  parkers  \iho   loathe  getting 
their  feet  wet,  thereafter,  on  the 
long  march  from  front  door  to  car. 
Since  a  guard  is,  apparently,  still 
-going  to  be  kept  on  duty  at  the 
Blagden  Street  door  during  evening 
hours,  the  Executive  Board  was  happy 
to  pass  along  to  the  Assistant  • 
Director  (Personnel)  a  request  that 
the  order  forbidding  staff  to  use  that 
exit  be  reconsidered.  It  is  such 
minor  issues  that  often  shake  our 

Feeling  the  need  of  some  background 
material,  the  Executive  Board  has 
assigned  to  the  Personnel  Committee, 
headed  by  Dorothy  Shaw,  Periodical, 
the  task  of  gathering  together  infor- 
mation upon  personnel  rating  sheets 
and  promotion  systems  of  other  large 
libraries,  allied  educational  insti- 
tutions and  local  estaolishments 
hiring  large  numbers  of  employees, 
With  this  information  at  hand,  plus 
recommendations  fro.n  the  Personnel 
Committee  as  to  desirable  featiu-es 
of  a  promotional  policy  from  the_ 
emploj^ee's  viewpoint,  the  Executive 
,  Board  feels  it  x-ill  then  be  in  a 
position  to  discuss  as  intelligently 
5.S   possible  any  ^-hangea  envisioned 

-  u  - 

pj-esidcxit'  s  Notes  Coutt 

in  ovr  ami   fluctuating  promotional 
system,  I  am  sore  that  the  Personnel 
Committee  would  i^elcome  any  advice 
you  may  have  on  how  t  ;ey  can  best 
acquire  the  desired  data. 

We  have  had  a  prolonged  discussion  - 
of  OUT   blood  bank  program  which  seems 
to  be  in  dire  straits.  Certainly 
this  is  a  vital  program  if  any  pro» 
gram  ever  was.'  In  accordance  with  a 
vote  at  the  January  Business  Meeting, 
we  have  appointed  a  special  committee 
to  work  on  this  program,  Louis 
O'Halloran,  Division  Office  HR&CS,  has 
graciously  agreed  to  act  as  chairman 
and  to  try  to  make  this  program   '  ' 
successful.  You  will  be  hearing  more' 
from  him  in  the  way  of  facts  about  the 
process  of  giving  blood  and  a  plea  to 
all  of  you  who  are  reasonably  healt}^ 
to  share  your  much-needed  good  red 
blood.  Let's  get  behind  this  program 
and  produce  our  quota  of  30  pints  a 

As  we  set  forth  on  our  course  for  - 
1963,  the  Executive  Board  extends  to 
all  staff  members  their  best  wishes 
for  a  year  that  is  professionally 
satisfyfng  and  persbi'ialiy  both  tiealthy 
and  happyj 

-   ffiESIDENT 



John  J,  Mellen,  Audio  Visual  ■ 

Sandra  Brown,  Office  of 'Re'coi^dsv  Files, 

Statistics    ■■   ■  "■  ■' 
ferry 'W,  Hall,  Central  Charging 

Records  •  ' 

Christie  V.  Jorgehsen,  Cataloging  and' 

Classification,  R.'AS  '  ^'  '•-  \:>--'r:   ':c 
Alfred  J.  Pruitt,  Book  Sfack" Servids' 
Reed  Gherington,  Book  Purchasirig 
Joseph  Luc'a'is,  Bookmobiles 
Jtoes  J,  Duffy,  Ceritral  Char-ging 



Sarali  T.  Cadbury  from  Nit.  Pleasant 
to  We'St  Rcrxbury-  .   •  -  ,  ^ 

Mrs.  Laurelle  VJ,   Cole  from  Allsti-m  t^ 

Connolly  ''  ' 
Irene  M,  Plains  from  'pen  Siielf  to 

Mt.  Pleasant         -  -^  .^ 


Susan  Aiken,  Cataloging  &  Classifica- 
tion, HR&CS  ..  to  be  married 

Thomas  J,  Crowley,  Book  Stack  Service 
m   to  return  to -school  ' 

Marie  Cambria,.  Connolly  -  return  to 

Eleanor  Pali;ier,  South  End  «  t.o  move 
out  of  state 

Paul  McGerigle,  I'ar stein  Business 
Branch  •  another  position 

Ruth  Sullivan,  Science  &.  Technology 
.  another  position 

Patricia  Tynerj  Records,  Files, 
V  Statistics  -  to  sta^y-  at  home 

Retired  - 

Margaret  Gannon,  Bindery,   January  31, 


Carol  A,  Gourley  and  V'alter  Feuerstein 
-Nor the,? stern  students,   February  2, 

-   1963 

Priscilla  Deane,  General  Reference  - 
—"-^obert  S,  Ramsay,    Januar?;"  25,1963. 
Loretta  J,   Tiirner,  AdaiTiS  Street  -  to 
Vard  Joh'tLSon,   January  26,   1963. 



.Jerome  P.  Grace,  Book  PurchaEing 

Paul  D,-  Quialan,  Book  Purchasing 
Ruth  Fi'Hagiaire,-.Uphams.  Corner 
John .  .Cii  Handy,  Book  S-taciciService 
John  H,  Phillips,  Baok  Stack  Service 
Arthur.  F,  :Radden,\  Book  Stack  Service 
Marie-  G-.  Stone.,  Division  Office  HR&CS 


William  R.  Maxxirell,  Records,  Files, 
Statisti-cs  , .  ,       , 

Adson  Artis,  Book  Stack  Service 
-  Hmrard  R.  Druker,  Book  Stack  Service 

Robert;  J,  Gaudet,  Book  Stack  Service 
■"tLlliaJn  Henderson,  Book  Stack  Service 

Leonard  V.  lovino.  Book  Stack  Service 

Robert  ■  If ,  !<ai\e.  Book  St-acl<^  ■■^'3T-'yic<=^ 

Pw  -F,ii.l,c!ied  COnt.« 



Bruce  N,  Miller,  Book  Stack  Service 
Marion  Steinbremier,  Book  Stack  Ser\T.ce 
John  Iftiittaker,  Book  Stack  Service 
Walter  Feuerstein,  Histcrjr  Department 
Patricia  Fradshan,  Cataloging  and 

Classification  RiStRS 
Claire  Ivaram,  Cataloging  and  Classifi^ 

cation  R&RS 
Maril^Ti  L,  Rand,  Cataloging  and  Classi- 
fication R&RS 
Elizabeth  I.  McLucas,  Cataloging  aaid 

Classification  RSRS 
Carol  A.  Feuerstein,  South  End 
Mark  A«  Neckes,  Open  Shelf 
I-5ary  V.  O'Brien,  Jamaica  Plain 
Lorraine  A.  Thompson,  Mt,  Bo\-jdoin 
Hilary  A,  l-Iayson,  Bookraobiles 
Vincent  Ellis,  Book  Purchasing 
Martha  Talbot,  Book  Purchasing 

Returned  to  school 

David  Kane,  Office  Records,  Files 

Statistics  ' 

David  F.  Allen,  Book  Stack  Service 
Michael  Eerman,  Book  Stack  Service 
Barbara  Carlson,  Book  Stack  Service 
Dean  Denniston,  Book  Stack  Service 
Moore  Dod^e,  Book  Stack  Service 
Ernest  Gam,  Bock  Stack  Service 
Michael  Konorjitz,  Book  Stack  Service 
Robert  HacDonald,  Book  Stack  Service 
Peter  Ranney,  Book  Stack  Service 
Glenn  Ryan,  Book  Stack  Service 
Catherine  Coggon,  Cataloging  and 

Classification  R.ffiS 
Mai-ie  LaRiviere,  Cataloging  and 

Classification  RffiS 
Mary  MacDonald,  Cataloging  and 

Classification  R&RS 
John  Sullivan,  History 
Gail  Berry,  Mt.  Boi-jdoin 
Charles  Gosselin,  Open  Shelf 
Nathan  Green,  Central  Charging  Records 
Joan  Harrington,  South  End 
Elaine  Miller,  Eookiaobiles 
Laura  Richards,  Audio  Visual 
Dorothy  Titus,  JairiaJca  Plfiln 
Nicholas  Foundas,  Book  Purchasing 
Ken;^eth  Pu.'',eo^  Book  ta^-chasing 
Jcrace  IJri^ht,  Book  P-arcliaeit.o 

The  staff  of  the  Boston  Public 
Library  offers  congrat.ila!  ia^is  to  one 
of  its  meiobers.  Miss  Vir-^lnia  Ha^/iland^ 
on  her  recent  appointment  as  Chief  of 
the  Children's  Book  Section,  Library 
of  Congress,  effective  March  k,   1963. 

This  honor  comes  as  no  surpi-ise  to 
the  staff  since  Miss  Haviland  has  been 
active  in  children's  work  for  many 
years  and  has  made  a  major  contribu- 
tion to  this  phase  of  library  work 
Doth  nationally  and  internationally. 
She  has  been  actively  associated  with 
the  Children's  Servj.ces  Division  and 
served  as  chairman  of  the  Division 
1954-55.  She  Irias  represented  ALA  at 
IFLA  several  times;  she  has  served  as 
Chaiiman  of  the  rJewburj'"-Caldecott 
award  committee;  as  a  judge  for  the 
New  York  HeraJ-d-Tribune  Spring  Bcoic 
Festival  at'-ards;  and  also  on  the  jury 
of  the  Hans  Christian  .Andersen  Iiiter- 
national  Cliildren's  Book  Award.  Cur- 
rently she  is  known  as  a  book  reviewer 
and  associate  Editor  of  HCF.N  BOOK 
MAGAZINE,  She  has  taught  Children's 
Literature  at  SimiTiOns  College  Libraiy 
School  since  1957  and  has  been  active 
,on  the  Plai'inliig  Comr.iittee  of  the 
Boston  Herald  Traveler  Children's  Book 
Fair.  She  is  also  the  author  of 
several  children's  books.  She  has 
done  an  excellent  job  of  promoting 
books  and  the  boston  Public  Libraiy 
aiaong  pare  :'•'  -  and  teachers  in  book 
talks  to  aault  groups  interested  in 
cliildren's  literature;  she  is  a  jnem- 
ber  of  the  Women's  National  Book 
Association.  Since  her  appointment 
as  Reader's  Advisor  for  Children, 1952, 
Miss  Haviland  has  been  a  vitalizing 
force  in  the  Boston  Public  Library's 
xjork  with  children.  She  is  editor 
of  BOOKS  ON  P-^JIADE,  the  BPL  publica- 
tion promoting  children's  bo^ks,  she 
is  chairman  of  the  Book  Selection 
Coirjoittee  for  Children  and  has  made  a 
major  contribution  in  establishing 
the  system  for  re-eval'iation  of  the 
book  collection  for  chixdren  and  com- 
■pilation  of  Replacement  Lists,  noxf 
nearJng  completion  of  the  first  issue, 
Hor  iTork  mth  children's  books  at 
the  Boston  Public  Libraiy  has  been 
)irot.+,l7/  benefited  by  her  work  vrith 

ATA  nT.'l  ill1.';V!.:i(.iclirin   gV^jllpS, 


-  6  - 

The  BFL  is  ?ionored  that  the  Librar- 
ian of  Congi-ess,  L,  Quincy  iluinfordj 
has  chosen  Miss  Kaviland  to  assume 
this  great  responsibility  of  organ- 
izing this  new  service  to  develop  a 
gi-eater  use  of  the  library's  resources 
in  children's  books  as  part  of  the 
overall  services  of  the  Liorary  of 
Congress,  Miss  Haviland  is  under- 
taking this  work  on  a  leave  of  absence 
from  the  Boston  Public  Library,  The 
best  Trd-shes  of  the  staff  go  with  her 
?s  she  begins  this  new  phase  of  her 
work.  VJe  are  svire  shfe  will  make  a 
notable  contribution  to  the  field  of 
Library  work  with  children  and  be  an 
asset  to  the  staff  of  the  Library  of 


A  luncheon  has  been  planned  for 
Thux-sdey,  February  21,  to  honor  Miss 
Haviland  and  to  pro\  her  many 
friends  an  opportunity  to  wish  her 
well  in  her  new  venture. 

The  Luncheon  \jill  be  held  at  the 
Red  Coach  Grill,  h3   Stanhope  Street 
at  12  noon. 

For  further  information  and  reserva- 
tions r leas  3  contact  one  of  the  follow- 
ing  cx^ijrdtteo  members  no  later  than 
Feoruary  16. 


Rcse  Marie  DeSimone 
Martha  Engler 
Veronica  Lehane 
Mildred  Adels on, Chairman 


On  Wednesday,  February  6th,  the 
Friends  of  Adams  Street  Bxanch  enjoyed 
a  very  pleasant  evening  x^rith  Miss  Edna 
G.  Peck  as  their  guest  sT^eaker,   In 
her  usual  fine  form  (as  if  she  cou3d 
be  oth'-rwise),  ffiss  Peck  reviewed  a 
fine  oci..-xT.:'.cn  of  recent  books,  chosen 
witi.  c_j-3  f'\m   her  "Firesidu  Reading" 
list.  Ranging  from  the  very  serious 
problem's  of  today  (Hoover's'  A  Stuiy 
of  Co.fu-'unpsm),  to  such  diverting^^id 
entt  r  oii^.ing  gems  as  The  Uncle  hy 
Abrams,  mth  four  or  five'  other  "bypta 
of  current  literature  in  between. 

Miss  Peck  gave  her  audience  a  real 
incentive  to  read,  not  these  but 
other  bo3ks  on  lier  list.  As  one 
meinber  of  the  Friends  ;  roup  pjt  it 
at  the  social  coffee  houi^  after  the 
book  talk  "She  really  had  u3  right 
in  the  palm  of  her  handj" 

rliss  Loretta  Turner,  Zoung  Adults 
worker  at  the  Adams  Street  Braiich, 
became  the  bride  of  Mr.  Vard  Johnson 
at  a  very  simple  small  wedding  in 
Cambridge  on  January  26th,  A  few 
days  before,  the  staff  at  Adams 
Street  gave  Loretta  a  DiLtle  gojng- 
away  party  and  presented  her  with  a 
piece  of  silver  in  her  chosen  pattern, 
with  their  best  wishes  for  her  future 


Edith  H,  Bailey,  formerly  Branch 
Librarian,  Phillips  Brooks,  who  has 
been  living  in  Hawaii  x-rf-th  her 
daughter  Ruth  (also  a  Phillips  Brooks 
al^amna)  has  retvjr-ned  to  the  mainland. 
They  are  now  living  in  Portland, 
Oregon  where  Miss.  Bailey  has  accepted 
the  position  for  the  program  activi- 
ties of  the  Gcagregational  Church, 

-;^  -;f-  * 

Marion  C.  ICingman  formerly  Branch 
Librarian,  South  End,  left  recently 
for  a  vacation  trip  to  Hawaii,  Miss 
Kingman  plans  to  go  via  the  Southern 
Route  visiting  New  Orleans  en  route. 
After  a  stop  at  Berkeley  she  plans 
to  fly  to  Haxfaii  where  she  will  spend 
some  time  rith  relatives. 

LlPROVi;.L.i!"Jl.:i  I.     Inn.  PiJUGJlCi^L  r-.OO.-. 

-  7  - 

During  the  past  several  years  the 
Library  has  been  used  by  more  and  more 
students  of  .ail  aj-^es.  periodical  "and 
i\Iewspaper  has  received  its  full  share 
of  this  avalanche.  In  order  to  make  it 
easier  for  both  student  and  librarian, 
several  measures  have  been  taken  to  ease 
the  situation. 

Seat  n'ombers  (vjhich  are  necessary  for 
the  delivei^"  of  books,  as  in  Jates  hall) 
have  been  added  to  the  ends  of  the  tables 
in  the  Periodical  Reading  Room,  so  that 
if  necessary,  twelve  more  patrons  can  be 
seated  in  the  Reading  Room  and  seventy- 
six  in  the  .leuspaper  Room.  This  aids  in 
keeping  students  off  the  floor,  the 
stairs,  and  the  windov  seats. 

Patrons  formerly  wasted  a  great  deal  of 
time  in  looking  up  individual  authors  and 
subjects  in  the  card  catalogue  which  lists 
magazines  by  title  only,  and  does  not. 
analyze  the  contents,  -iow,  a  sign  has 
been  put  on  top  of  tne  catalogue,  inform- 
ing students  tnat  if  they  vjish  to  fi::ia 
articles  in  periodicals,  they  should  con- 
sult the  inde;:os  on  the  opposite  side  of 
the  room.  ..nother  sign  indicates  that 
the  catalogue  is  incomplete  and  that  the 
patron  may  ask  the  librarian  at  the  Main 
JDesk  fcr  additional  infox-mation. 

Extra  copies  of  the  RiLijT'ZRS'  GUIDE  have 
been  placed  on  the  shelves  and  several 
other  indexes  (LT3GRAPHIC,  T^i^   TO  BOOK 
REVIEi/S  r;  r^L  "{i:.i'4aTIx!S)  have  been  more 
conveniently  located  so  that  they  are 
directly  accessible  for  public  use.   j-ach 
of  the  index  shelves  has  been  numoered, 
and  a  corresponding  number  put  on  each 
volume.  It  is,  therefore,  easier  to  re- 
turn the  index  to  its  proper  place  after 
being  used,  :ind  serves  as  a  reminder  to 
the  patron  that  this  is  what  should  be 

Each  volume  has  a  detailed  list  of  in- 
structions affi::ed  to  the  cover  telling 
the  reader  hoi;  to  obtain  the  periodicals 
in  the  easiest  way.  Thus  service  has 
been  made  smoother  and  faster  and  more 
people  ?r-.  accOi.^moJetar'  in  a  shorter 

Ih.e  '":..*/"'■■  i''.(^  PES  tsei.  iidprcveu.  FivE; 
new  ur.-'oc  i.a 't  been  adaei:  one  on  the 
llai:.  D^sk;:  two  on  the  tables  in  the  ref- 
erence roji-i;  and  two  on  the  walls  of  the 


reference  room,  one  illuminating  tiie 
inaex  section. 

Because  pf  increased  interest  in 
science,  requirec  projects  for  science 
fairs,  and  so  on,  the  tv.'o  met  popular 
magazLnes  in  the  field,  3CIE..GE  DIGEST 
and  SCIEi'iCE  IfcvJSLETTER,  have  been  used 
so  often  that  the  volumes  are  beginning 
to  show  signs  of  wear.  Jidditional  sub- 
scriptions have  been  ordered,  and  multi- 
ple copies  will  soon  be  available, 
filong  the  same  lines,  two  periodicals, 
.'EW  REPUBLIC  and  i" -TIOi"',  v/hich  were 
beginning  to  disintegrate,  and  which 
are  also  heavily  used,  have  been  re- 
placed by  microfilm  copies  and  may  be 
used  in  the  Patent  Loom. 

Both  on  the  covers  of  the  indexes  ano 
on  individual  signs  on  each  table  wen- 
tion  has  been  made  of  the  fact  that 
mutilation,  "borrowing, "  or  defacing 
library  materials  is  illegal  and  punish- 
able by  lav;.  It  is  still  too  early  tc 
know  whether  this  innovation  has  had  any 

additional  iiriprovements  will  be  made 
d.s  special  problems  arise.  In  the  i-iean- 
time,  more  people  are  being  served 
faster  and  easier  than  ever  before. 

ID-Vi^rC'  J.  I-iOETj-»JJ\ ,  JR. 



On  -onday,  February  ■+,  19^3  there  i;as 
held  in  alumni  rtall,  Boston  College,  ar; 
Institute  on  the  Civic  Role  of  the  Older 

Person,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Center 
for  -applied  Studies  in  ^ging  and 

The  library  has  been  cooperating  irith 
the  center,  most  recently  in  connection, 
with  a  project  to  gather  information 
about  important  buildintrs  and  streets 
in  the  South  End.   The  Couth  End  Erancr. 
has  served  as  a  repository  for  iiiforraa- 
tion  gathered,  and  History  supplied  a 
bibliography  of  published  materials  and 
also  provided  assistance  with  research 
problems.  Kathleen  aegarty  coordinated 
the  library's  participation  in  this 

The  Institute  at  Boston  College  was 
for  the  purpose  of  developing  plans  for 
future  projects  of  value  to  the  community 


«v;iicii  couJ-.i   i^i,  u..uv,rccixu,.  i.y  senior  citi- 
zens, .icivf   c.xeiluiit  ideas  frorr.  vioiting 
•'ShuL-ins''  fOi'  tnc  coilocting  anc  organ- 
iziiig  of  local  hiscory  aaterials,  were 

i-\   ver^f  group  of  suealcers 
addressed  those  i.-;  attendance.  Monsignor 
Francis  L.  Lall;;,',  Chaiman  of  the  Boston 
R.edevelopm8;-it  Authority  discussed  the  aims 
and  methods  of  redevelopment  in  various 
areas  of  the  city. 

In  the  afternoon  hr.  ./arren  Roudebush 
of  the  Department  of  Health,  iiucation 
and  , /elf are  outlix.ed  the  objectives  of 
the  Proposed  "domestic  Peace  Corps"  and 
the  part  that  the  senior  citizen  might  be 
expected  to  play  in  it.  Participating  in 
the  Panel  discussion  which  followed  his 
brief  address  xrere  Dr.  'toward  L.  Sprague, 
a  heart  specialis-":,  ^^rho  has  done  consider- 
ajle  research  in  the  fijld  of  gerontology; 
-'Ir.  iilfred  Gardner,  an  attorney,  v:ho 
pointed  up  the  deficiencies  iii  some  of  o\).:' 
presant  lairs  such  as  the  lack  of  protec- 
tion of  the  rights  of  the  elderly  to  paid 
employment;  and  jr.  ./.  linwood  Chasa, 
fo:-Tier  dean  of  tnc  Boston  University 
School  of  Tlie  discussion  was 
mo^t  lively,  auditince  participation  most 
acuivfe,  aiid  one  .:iay  be  sure  that  courses 
cT  ijtion  are  b<.ing  developed  in  vjhich 
Li>^   resources  of  the  library  will  be 
ca] led  upon. 

SARAH  ■'...  FLn!HERY 
_;■--,"  nIDV.'L'T  !,^l 

..hile  a  j^-ln   coxd  wave  nipped  the  noses 
cf  good  Chica^j;o,;.ns,  your  reporter  moved 
from  meetin,:;  to  meeting  at  the  AD,  ilid- 
winter  sessions  in  the  jagevrater  Beach 
Hotel.  Epaik's  actually  flew  at  every 
door  knob  aud  li^ht  switch  as  the  unprece- 
dented loxr  iiunidioy  index  left  the  air 
charged  with  static  electricity.   Sparks 
flew,  too,  c'!s  philosophies  of  young  adult 
Librarians  collided  and  nevj  ideas  came 

Gf  priiue  iniportance  to  librariaris  work- 
i  ■-:■•  ''rith  youth  ^;ere  the  hoard  of  j^irec- 
tjrs  of  the  Youuj  iidults  Services  Divi- 
3i'n  (Yi.vSh)  meetings  (numoering  eight 
ii'jorous;  the  iictivities  Ccinmit.tee 
ji-oting,  wlilch  pl^ns  future  projects; 


tne  Child  i:.  trouble  meeting,  reportij^ig 
on  an  'jxperirae;.t  Iv   bibliocherapy;  :>.'.-j. 
a  special  Book  Selection  Sub-ConirriiL.toi 
get-to-gether  to  evaluate  and  propose 
changes  in  the  annual  "Literesting  ^idult 
Books  for  Younr  /dults"  list. 

From  the  of  YiiSD  attended  by 
this  reporter  tnc  foLlowing  news  items, 
decisions,  progress  reports,  and  plans 

-  xhe   Africa  list,  patterned 
after  ''Richer  by  nsia"  and  '-o  . 
in  process,  should  be  available 
for  distribution  by  Convention 

-  .  new  jrojeol.  on  Latin  Araericf: 
is  well  under  way,  again. ii'J  '^^■'^ 
spirit  of  the  ^sia  list  but 
airected  more  to  the  young 
person  himself,  hotewortliy 
here  i3  the  fact  that  consult- 
ants for  this  project  are  drax:r. 
irom  Latin  iii.ierican  countries. 
Invitations  to  them  were 
phrased  in  the  appropriate 
languages,  Spanish  or  Portugese, 
a  nice  gesture. 

-  The  sequel  to  "Book  Bait,' 
much  needed  for  book  talks,  ha^ 
encountered  snags  and  is  still 
not  completed, 

-  The  National  Library  IVeek  Com- 
mittee of  Y/iSD  is  investi£atin_ 
the  possibility  of  surveyini' 
the  effects  of  reading  on  youn^: 
people,  ^L-1  \  ill  oe  checking 
the  Loston  Public  Library's 
Book  Ballot  project  in  re^arc. 
to  this  proposed  nation-wide 

-  I/iSD  i,5  considering  includin- 
in  "Top  of  tne  Wevrs"  full  re- 
views of  possibly  -controver- 
sial books,"  i.^.  nature  adult 
books  irith  moaning  for  youn^ 
people.   The  Board  believes 
that  such  reviews  v;ill  offer 
support  to  Y.1  librarians  uid 
school  librarians  if  their 
adult  selections  foi"  teens  are 
challenged  locally. 

-  iiware  of  the  rrowlnp-  interes 
in  bibliothorapy  and  its 
possible  application  to  proL- 

conr, . 

1  eras  or  Ho"!  in(  youth,  Xi  ju   and  the 
Children's  Services  Division  (CSi.')  ar^ 
"trying  oui,"  novels  with  themes  on  ^ang 
involvement  and  trouble-vjith-the-lavr  on 
test  groups,  lossibly  the  books  may  prove 
to  be  vehicles  of  communication  oetween 
social  workers  teen-agers  or  between 
probation  officers  and  teen-agers  in  the 
counseling  process. 

The  annual  list  of  adult  booko  for  young 
adults  formerly  tagged  ''Interesting  iidult 
Books  for  Young  Adults"  will  be  known  in 
the  future  as  ■  Significant  /.dult  Books 
for  Young  Adults,"  The  YASD  Board  con- 
curred that  the  vrord  "interesting"  is  far 
too  nondescript  and  innocuous  for  such  a 
provocative  list. 

Under  consideration  is  a  bibliography  of 
biographies  and  biographical  fiction  viith 
indexes  of  vocations,  periods  of  history, 
and  national  origins.  Biographies  espe- 
cially useful  for  young  people  are  listed 
to  a  degree  in  standard  bibliographies  of 
history  and  vocations,  but  the  Board  be- 
lieves that  c  more  comprehensive  listing 
is  needed. 

These  notes  from  riidvTinter  are  fragmen- 
tary compared  with  the  massive  volume  of 
ideas  and  decisions  hrndled,  but  they  do 
show  the  major  areas  of  consideration. 
Pervading  the  sessions  was  an  eagerness 
which  went  beyoi.d  the  business  at. hand, 
an  awareness  of  vjhat  comes  next,  namely 
the  July  convention's  "Conference  xvithin 
3  Conference."  "x."»  librarians  have  a  key 
role  in  this  "inquiry  into  the  needs  of 
students,  libraries,  and  the  educational 
process, '' 

JAi.-E  i:ii-!THORi!E 

JOI..  wO\/I 

j.pply  for  membership  applications 
.^ary  Farrell 

'cataloging,   R  and  RS 

t,pply   for  m'';mbership  appT  iaatiotis 
.  leanora  Chaplik 
Codman  Square 
Anne  ..rmstron^ 
Open  Shelf,    Cldldren's  "Lr^-'W'^v. 

i   ■■^' 

iarried  ,  r 

Priscilla  :.  ^e^ne  of  General 
Reference  to  .'.objrt  i.a"isay  of  Cajiicrxd^-- . 
Tlie  was  held  January  25,  1^(C 
in  MarshfieDd,  luacs.     «  reception  was 
held  at  the  home  of  the  Bride. 

CHRIoTL,.-^  3CIi:;:'CiL  i-iOHITOK,  Jan  1.5- 
I-'ew  England  Report:  The  Library 
problem  by  Robert  ?,  Hey. 

SOSTOr:  GLCBi::,  Feb  4,  6,  and  ?• 
Series  of  articles  on  problems 
plaguing  puolic  libraries  in  the 
nation,  Massachusetts  and. Greater 
Boston  by  Robert  E.  Gljnin, 

B0ST01\^  SUNDAY  GLOBL,  Feb  10. 

Coliamn  on  Boston  City  Hall  news  by 
Joseph  A .  Keblinsky.     . , 

BOSTOi^i  SUiDiiY  HERALD,  Feb  10. 
Tell  it  to  Joe  column  by 
Joe  Harrington. 

LITiijuiRY  CEAlli  -H- 

The  following  is  the  list  of  book 
titles  suggested  by  the  clues  given  in 
a  quiz  in  last  month's  Qll.  The  last 
word  of  each  title  appears  as  the  firs' 
word  of  the  next.       . 

1.  Love's  Labour's  Lost 

2.  Lost  Lady 

3.  Lady  in  the  Dark 
k.     Dark  Laughter 

5,  Laughter  in  the  Kext  Room 

6,  Room  with  a  View 

7,  View  from  the  Bridge 
8.'  Bridge  of  San  Luis  Rey 


Commander  Pdward  iiaynard,  □^ 
announced  recently  that  .lichael  Vene 
Patent,  has  agreed  to  assume  the  duti^ 
of  -adjutant  and  Quartermaster  in  tha- 
organization.  i-Iike  succeeds  Leonard 
Macmillan,  Book  Purchasing,  viho  has 
held  this  post  for  over  five  years. 
To  Len  from  a  grateful  membership, 
"Thanks  for  a  job  well  done,"  to  lil^e- 
our  "best  wishes. " 

^-   P'r/,v.le  appfesa-fod  in  the  MONH'-I^.  author 
is  H&iirJce  F>f'.vi'jf-f ,  a  foxiuor  BPL'er 

m     J.U  • 


Margaret  M^  Gannon,  poular  member 
of  the  Bindery  staff  retii-ed  froiti 
the  Library  service  on  January  31, 
She  began  her  career  in  January  19U5, 
Her  particular  duties  included  the 
operation  of  an  Oversewing  machine 
and  the  preparation  of  periodicals 
for  binding.  During  her  eighteen 
years  in  the  Bindery,  Margaret  per- 
formed her  duties  with  efficiency 
and  dispatch.  Her  co-\-Jorkers  remem^ 
ber  her  keen  sense  of  humor  and  ready 
wit  alwaj''S  delivered  with  a  happy 
smile.   In  a  testimonial  to  her  worth 
to  the  department  28  Bindery  personnel 
and  friends  gathered  at  Steubens 
Restaurant  on  January  22  to  bid  her 
farewell  and  wish  her  well  in  her 
coming  retirement,  Margaret  accepted 
with  heart-felt  thanks  the  gift  of 
money  proffered  by  her  colleagues 
and  promised  to  make  good  use  of  it 
on  her  trip  to  Miami  Beach  where 
she  is  presently  enjoying  the  warm 
sun.  The  Library  staff  joins  the 
Bindery  people  in  offering  its  con- 
gratulations and  best  -".irLshes  for  her 

Clarence  M,  Fuller,  Central  Charging 
Records,  is  retiring  on  the  last  day 
of  February, 

Mr,  Fxiller  was  associated  with  the 
Boston  Public  Library  in  its  catalog- 
ing project  for  many  years  before- 
joining  the  regular  library  staff  in 
19U9.  He  began  his  Boston  Public 
Library  career  with  an  assignment  to 
the  Division  of  Home  Reading  and 
Community  Services.  Later  he  was 
assigned  to  the  Business  Office  and 
finally  came  to  Central  Charging 
Records  in  1953, 

He  and  his  ever  present  boutonniere 
became  a  familiar  and  pleasant  sight 
in  our  main  lobby.  We  will  miss  this 
congenial  gentleman-  ^f  the  old 
school".  We  unite  in  wishing  him  the 
happiest  of  retirements, 





V/e  are  sorry  to  report  tiie  death 
on  Janu^-ry  26,  1963  of  Catherine  P, 
Loughman,  Branch  Librarian  Emeritus, 
Funeral  services  were  held  on  Jan, 
29,  at  St.  Aidan's  Church,  Brookline, 
Mter  forty,,  years  of  ser"vace  in  the 
Boston  Public  Library,  Miss  Loughman, 
at  that  time  Branch  Librarian  at  the 
Uphams  Corner  Branch,  retired  on 
Dec,  31jl960,  Miss  Lougliman  was 
first  appointed  Branch  Librarian  at 
the  Mount  Bowdoin  Branch  in  1938  and 
remained  there  until  I9I4.6  when  seri^ 
ous  illness  forced  her  to  retire. 
She  fought  her  way  oack  to  better 
health  with  courage  and  determination 
and  was  able  to  return  to  the  library 
service  in  19U8,  Thereafter,  she  was 
successively  Branch  Librarian  at 
Felloa-js  Athenaeum,  City  Point  and 
Uphams  Corner,  She  -was  a  fine  and 
generous  person  and  will  be  remem- 
bered by  her  associates  as  an  excel- 
lent administrator.  All  those  who 
knew  her  will  remember  her  enjoyment 
of  staff  parties;  the  pleasant  atmos- 
phere in  the  branches  where  she  i-j-orkcKij 
her  love  of  flowers  ard  pretty  thingrj 
but  above  all,  Catherine  Loughman  wat 
a  xronderful  example  ol  determination 
and  courage  in  overcon±ng  illness  and 
physical  handicaps  which  would  have 
defeated  one  less  tra^'^e. 

We,  at  Charles to-vm  Branch,  vjere 
both  shocked  and  saddoned  to  hear  of 
the  sudden  death  or  Cjcelia  McCarthy 4 
She  passed  awcy  Tuuf  i.^.-  morioing, 
January  29th  st  thf^  'ih..  sachusetts 
General  Hosp^.tdl  where  she  had  been 
taken  a  week  pre-vinusl;y  with  a  severe 
heart  attack. 

It  -t-ras  just  over  a  year  ago  that 
I*'irs.  McCarthy  was  a  guest  01  honor  at 
a  retirement  parly  helc  by  the  Prion;lt' 
of  the  Charles toiai  Lraixh  Library,  It 
was  one  of  the  lar.^est  t^arnouts  by  the 
"Friends"  group,  with  over  two  hundred 
people  in  the  community  coming  to  bid 
"Celia"  fond  farewell. 

With  more  than  forty  years  in  the 
service  and  most  of  these  at  Charles- 
tovm,  Mrs.  McCarthy  had  built  up 
quite  a  clientele.  There  were  several 


-  11  - 

adult  patrons  who  would  do  ousiness 
only  with  Mrs,  McCarthy  because  she 
knew  just  what  kind  of  book  they  would 

Affable,.,  good-ciatiored,  easy  to  work 
with,  and  a  readiness  to  do  favors  for 
anyone  x<rho  asked,  —  Cecelia  combined 
all  these  traits  i-rith  a  keen  sense  of 
humor.  Her  sensitivity  towards  the 
feelings  and  wants  of  others  sometimes 
caused  her  to  be  taken  advantage  of, 
but  not  enough  to  deter  her  from  "doing 
a  good  turn,"  Celia  brought  to  the 
Library  the  same  vivacity  and  zest  far 
living  that  colored  her  own  personal 
life.  Even  after  she  retired  a  path 
was  worn  to  her  door  by  the  many 
friends  she  had  made  in  the  library. 

We  are  at  least  thankful  that  Mrs. 
McCarthy  Has   a  witness  to  the  standing 
ovation  and  testimonial  given  to  her 
by  her  many  friends  in  Chariest oxTn,  We 
know  they  will  miss  her  very  much  as 
we  all  most  certainly  do. 

-;«■  *  % 

Both  present  and  past  members  of  the 
staff  at  Mount  Boirdoin  mourn  the  sudden 
death  of  our  former  cleaner,  Lillian  E, 
Smith,  on  January  27.  Forced  to  re- 
tire about  a  year  ago  because  of  the 
serious  illness  of  her  daughter,  lirs. 
Smith  took  over  the  care  of  her  three 
small  grandchildren.  Her  daughter 
succumbed  to  her  illness  in  November, 
The  death  of  her  beloved  daughter  was 
too  severe  a  jolt  for  her  ailing  heart 
and  mother  followed  daughter  just  two 
months  later. 

We  here  at  Mount  Box»jdoin  who  were  so 
fond  of  ovr   kindly,  loyal  and  wonder- 
fully dispositioned  I^s.  Smith  and  her 
devoted  daughter  are  shocked  and  sad- 
dened by  the  double  tragedy.  Although 
she  had  not  been  irorking  here  for  the 
last  year,  we  had  been  in  touch  with 
her  by  personal  visits  and  telephone 
calls,  I"frs,  Smith  vras  always  inter- 
ested in  what  was  happening  to  her 
"girls"  at  Mount  Bowdoin.  We  irill  miss 
her  greatly  and  always  remember  this 
most  popular  staff  member  with  great 



vJe  have  probaolj  all  had  the  expe- 
rience with  members  of  the  public, 
relatives  and  friends  who  think  we  do 
nothing  but  read  all  day,  and  that  vje 
must  know  everj"  book  in  the  place. 
Some  years  ago  I  ran  into  a  remark  of 
Dr,  Johnson's  which  has  helped  me  to 
"defend"  myself  from  the  second  half 
of  that  charge,  and  which  fixed  for  me 
once  and  for  all  vjhat  the  chief  func- 
tion of  the  librarian  was.  Boswell  is 
describing  the  \T.sit  by  himself.  Doctor 
Johnson,  and  Sir  Joshua  Refolds  to  the 
house  of  a  Mr,  Cambridge  on  April  17, 


"No  sooner  had  we  made  our  bow  to 
Mr,  Cambridge,  in  his  librar;^,  than 
Johnson  ran  eagerly  to  one  side  of 
the  room,  intent  on  poring  over  the 
backs  of  the  books,  Mr,  Cambridge 
said, . . ' I  have  the  same  custom  you 
have.., odd  that  one  shoiild  have 
such  a  desire  to  look  at  the  backs 
of  books,'  "Johnson  wheeled  about 
and  answered,  'Sir,  the  reason  is 
ver;^^  plain.   Knowledge  is  of  two 
kinds,  Vfe  know  a  subject  ourselves, 
or  we  'imcfw  where  we  can  find  informa- 
tion upon  it,  InFhen  x;e  enquire  into 
any  subject,  the  first  thing  we 
have  to  do  is  to  know  what  books 
have  treated  of  it.  This  leads  us 
to  look  at  catalogs,  and  the  backs 
of  books  in  libraries.'" 
As  private  persons  ue   naturally  all 
know  some  s'ibjects  ourselves;  but  as 
librarians  we  only  need  to  ktiow  vjhere 
to  find  the  information  on  subjects 
wanted  by  our  patrons.  But  it  helps 
x:hen  we  can  manage  to  read  some  of  the 
books  loosed  on  society  each  day.  But 
which  ones?  Over  l6,000  books  were 
published  iii  this  country  in  1962,  Mr. 
Edward  Weeks,  editor  of  the  Atlantic 
Monthly,  in  an  interesting  article  in 
the  Dec,  2  issue  of  the  Mew  York  Times 
BookJleview  gives  a  list  of  the  ten 
best  in  liis  judgement.  His  list  is  as 
follows ; 


by  Rachel  Carson 


by  William  Faulkner 

by  Robert  Frost 


-  12  - 

Ttlh  THIN  RSD  LINr: 
by  James  Jones 

by  Alfred  Kazin 


by  Katherine  Ann  Porter 


by  James  F,  Powers 

by  John  Steinbeck 

by  E.  B.  White 

by  Edmund  Wilson 

Should  any  member  of  the  staff  ask 
me  which  ones  of  these  ten  I  myself 
have  read  I  would  have  to  turn  off  ray 
hearing  aid.  But  on  the  basis  of 
several  reviews  we  could  conclude  that 
the  three  best  and  most  permanently 
valuable  of  these  books  are  the 
Faulkner,  the  Powers,  and  the  Ldmund 




Ken  Barnes,  Periodican  and  News- 
paper, left  Feb.  2  on  a  cruise  to  the 
West  Indies.  He  will  stop  at  Puerto 
Rico,  Barbados,  and  Venezuela  among 
other  places,  and  spend  a  large  part 
of  his  time  taking  photographs,  in 
color,  of  the  local  attractions.  Ken 
will  return  well-tanned  we  hope  on 
the  sixteenth. 




On  January  6th,  Paul  F.  Crane  of 
the  Education  Department  became  the 
proud  father  of  a  lovely  daughter. 
Helen  Miriam  who  wei£,hed  five  pounds 
at  birth  is  now  a  healthy  seven 
pounds , 

"5C-/r-„— ,(~,c-— ,v- 



Thermometer  at  zero. 

We  huddle  safe  at  home, 
Suppressing  rlelville's  "hypos" 

Which  urges  us  to  roam. 

The  bulletins  don't  scare 

On  television  newsj 
VJe  hear  with  scant  attention 

The  Huntley-Brinkley  views. 

If  i"Iao's  really  pushing 

His  redness  to  excess. 
And  what  Fidel  is  up  to- 

We  couldn't  care  less, 

"Macwonder"  the  patrician 
Is  blackballed  by  DeGaulle 

In  league  with  ancient  Konrad- 
A  twosome  to  beat  all. 

Unrest  in  Arab  countries. 

And  Boston's  unsolved  crimes. 

And  strikes  in  huge  Manhattan 
Denying  us  "THji)  TIMES". 

The  current  seesaw  status 

Of  dialogue  by  K's, 
And  often  really  baffling 

Administration  ways. 

They  none  of  them  give  shivers. 
Nor  troubles  new  or  old; 

i'iacFrost  has  taken  over- 



-"— vHK  WW  r-Jc""— X—'  i-^^— )r-^i<")WH<-)  H  wi— «-)  r-«— JC" 


Frederick  Nossaj 

He  explained  it  was  the  usual  public 
education  campaign,  don't  spit,  move 
down  the  aisle,  form  queues  at  ous 
stops,  don't  heave  garbage  out  of  win- 
dows, make  way  for  mothers  with  child- 
ren, keep  the  bus  clean. 


James  Dugan 

"When  the  devil  wanted  nothing  to 
happen,  he  appointed  a  committee," 

Snatched  in  Passing 


^-^   I  <  --C 


Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must  j 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,  to-   | 
gether  vrith  the  name  of  the  Branch     ' 
Library,  Department  or  Office  in  which  ' 
he  or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is     , 
withheld  from  publication,  or  a  pen 
name  is  used,  if  the  contributor  so 
requests.  Anonymous  contributions  are  ' 
.lot  given  consideration.  The  author 
of  the  article  is  known  only  to  the 
Editor-in-Chief,  The  contents  of  the 
articles  appearing  in  the  Soap  Box 
are  personal  opinions  expressed  by 
individual  Association  members  and      ' 
their  appearance  does  not  necessarily 
indicate  that  tne  Publications  Com- 
mittee and  the  Association  are  in  agree-n 
ment  vrith  the  views  expressed.   Only    i 
those  contributions  containing  not  more  i 
than  300  words  will  be  accepted,       ' 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

A  notice  sent  to  the 
units  of  the  HR&CS  Division  dated 
January  22  speaks  of  "A  stud^  of 
staffing  and  procedures  in  the  New- 
York,  Queens,  Plxiladelphia  and  Enoch 
Pratt  Public  Libraries,,,  to  be  made 
by  a  group  from  the  Boston  Public 
Library  during  the  week  of  February 
Uth, , , "  Four  people  were  being  sent 
to  represent  that  Division,  Did  any 
other  members  of  the  staff  go?  How 
many  went  altogether?  And  will  we 
clII  be  told  what  the  group  learned 
at  those  libraries? 



We  would  like  to  believe  that 
the  reason  there  are  so  few  letters 
to  the  QM  this  month  is  that  every- 
one is  happy  and  well  satisfied  with 
conditions  here  at  the  BPL, 

Unf ortiinately  we  are  unable  to 
believe  this  is  so.  Action  on  any 
situation  which  can  oe  corrected  is 
much  more  likely  to  be  achieved  by  a 
well-thought  out  presentation  of  the 
problem  in  the  Soap  Box,  than  oy  a 
griping  session  in  the  Coffee  Shop, 

U&ar  Editor: 

The  city  employee '  s  xjho 
.:ere  evaluated  by  the  Jacob's  Survey 
had  the  results  pujlished  prior  to 
monetary  implementation.  The  Library 
Assistants  at  the  BPL  have  been  wait^ 
ing  two  years  for  their  Job  Evaluation-, 
I  think  the  RESULTS  of  our  Evaluation 
should  be  published  as  long  as  the 
laoney  to  implement  it  doesn't  seem  to 
oe  forthcoming  in  the  near  future. 


K;:iy    I    o,zf  (\    ocJoK    cxf+cr  wav^cf  ^  ' 




MARCH      1963 


Published  by  the  Boston  Puolic  Liorary  Staff  Association 
Volume'  XVIII  Number  3  Vlarch    1963 

Publications  Coranittee:  Harry  AndxeTrs,  Jean  Bab  cock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr.,  J-trs.  Bridie 
Stotz,  Martin  F.  "Waters,  Pat  White,  Barbara 
Whitledge,  Roger  Stevens,  cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher, 
Indexer,  William  R.  Lewis,  Chairman, 

Publication  date;  Deadline  for  submitting. material;. 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

The  ides  of  March  are  upon  us.  Beviare  the  ides  of  MarchJ  This  stem 
warning  to  a  certain  Roman  has  little  meaning  now.  Although  in  the  recent 
past  this  date  marked  a  deadline  of  which  income  earning  Americans  i-iere 
painfully  cognizant.  Today  the  date  merely  announces  the  advent  of  a  new 
season.  It  is  one  of  the  maxsy  heralds  of  Springj  and  as  a  harbinger  of 
Spring  it  warns  us  that  time,  as  al^^^aJ'■s,  is  moving  sinftly.  This  is  the 
time  for  activity,  the  time  to  emerge  from  the  long  Winter  sleep  and  meet 
the  needs  of  the  present.  One  of  the  needs  of  the  immediate  present  here 
at  the  BPL  is  a  plan  of  action  to  co\xnteract  the  problems  set  up  by  the 
continuously  increasing  use  of  the  Library  by  students.  And  it  is  in^. 
creasingi  Witness  the  evidence  presented  in  the  figirres  compiled  at  Center 
Desk  in  Bates  Hall  on  Saturday  March  9  when  all  previously  existing  records 
for  call-slip  handling  were  surpassed,   (Amazing  when  one  realizes  the  com- 
petition for  student  time  provided  by  the  finals  of  the  state  interscholas- 
tic  hockey  or  basketball  tournairients  or  the  pleasant  weather, )  No  longer 
does  the  staff  member  ponder  the  prospect  of  another  busy  week-end.  He 
merely  applies  the  principle  of  arithm,etical  progression  to  the  previous 
week's  total  and  girds  himself  for  the  predicted  onslaught.  The  sheer 
number  of  students  to  be  feccorrartodated.  is,  of  co-orse,  only  one  aspect  of  this 
many  faceted  problem.  There  are  many  others  equally  deserving  of  mention, 
however,  one  will  suffice  to  illustrate  the  whole. 

The  Library  Administration  has  been  aware  of  this  situation  for  some 
time.  Indeed,  e-^en  before  student  use  of  libraries  became  a  popular _' catch- 
word' phrase,  the  Administration  had  anticipated  the  proulem  and  provided 
for  a. staff  Council  on  Student  Use  of  the  Library.  The  Council  has  been  _ 
hard  at  work  in  its  study  of  this  difficult  situation  and  a  glimpse  of  their 
efforts  was  evident  in  their  recent  meeting  -idth  heads  of  the  parochial 
schools  of  the  city.  We  had  hoped  that  the  Council's  report  would  have  been 
released  prior  to  our  deadline.  However,  as  such  apparently  is  not  the  case, 
we  look  foniard  to  its  publication  in  the  very   near  future.  The  problem  is 
with  us  now,  it  ^all  not  solve  itself.  We  await  the  Council's  recommenda- 
tions for  our  Information  and  guidance  patiently  but  aiixiously, 


-  2  - 


Since  the  last  issue  of  The  Question 
Mark,  most  of  yoxir  president's  time 
and  effort  has  gone  into  appointment 
of  committee  chairmen  and  assistance 
to  them,  where  needed,  in  setting 
their  comraittees  into  operation.  We 
have  not  yet  held  a  second  Executive 
Board  Meeting. 

Already  your  Personnel  Committee  is 
hard  at  work  learning  as  much  as  pos» 
sible  about  promotional  systems.  The 
Assistant  Director  (Personnel)  has 
been  most  cooperative  in  offering  to 
turn  over  to--  this  committee  any  mate- 
rial which  he  has  on  hand  and  to 
assist  them,  if  needed,  in  acquiring 
more  information  about  practices  in 
other  libraries.  Watch  the  next  is- 
sues of  Q.M.  for  articles  on  this 
subject.  Miss  Shaw  has  promised  to 
summarize  for  publication  some  of  the' 
more  important  findings  of  that 
committee's  study. 

At  our  next  Board  meeting,  we  will 
be  talking  to  the  Chairman  of  the 
IVogram  Committee  about  plans  for  1963. 
As  you  know,  our  Constitution  calls 
for  two  professional  meetings  each 
year.  Remember  that  the  first  of 
these,  the  Bertha  V.  Hartzell  Memorial 
lecture,  trill  be  coming  up  soon  in 
April.  Since  the  student  use  problem 
is  a  universal  one  directly  affecting 
everyone  working  in  an  open  department 
and  indirectly  affecting  others,  I 
have  been  talking  to  the  Program  Com- 
mittee Chairman  initially  in  terms  of 
a  fall  professional  meeting  on  some 
aspect  of  this  topic.  We  will  begin 
to  think  more  definitely  about  the 
fall  program  at  our  March  Board  Meet- 
ing, Naturally,  if  we  agree  upon  this 
topic,  we  must  await  the  recommenda- 
tions of  the  Student  Use  Council  and 
coordinate  our  efforts  with  theirs. 
However,  if  you  have  any  concrete 
suggestions  which  you  would  like  to 
make,  please  pass  them  along  to  the 
Program  Committee,   (See  list  of 
committees, ) 

In  the  past,  several  different  staff 
members  have  eisked  me  why  we  do  not 
have  various  types  of  social  prograiris, 
A  B.P.L.  Pops  night  has  been  suggested; 
some  people  have  indicated  that  younger 
staff  members  might  enjoy  an  evening 

of  dancing;  at  one  time  there  seemed 
to  be  some  interest  in  a  music  group. 
Do  any  of  these  ideas  appeal  to  you? 
or  do  you  have  otner  projects  in 
mind?  If  so,  take  a  minute  to  express 
your  feelings  to  the  Program  Committee. 
Part  of  the  value  of  the  Staff  Associ- 
ation lies  in  the  opportunity  it  offers 
for  us  to  get  to  know  one  another 
better.  If  a  reasonable  number  of 
people  (say  3O-I1.O  or  more)  really 
desire  some  particular  social  activity- 
enough  to  support  it  wholeheartedly, 
there  is  no  reason  why  we  should 
hesitate  to  try  it  out,  even  though 
the  activity  may  not  be  of  interest 
to  100^  of  our  membership. 

Like  iTQrself,  several  staff  members 
seem  to  have  missed  the  Type  I  Oral 
Polio  Vaccine  when  it  was  provided 
by  our  Boston  Health  Department 
Clinics,  Ifrs,  VJollent  has  been  kind 
enough  to  ascertain  for  us  the  follow- 
ing facts: 

1,  T^T^e  I  vaccine  is  not  now  avail- 
able anywhere  in  the  city,  but 
will  be  available  a^ain  at  a 
later  date, 

2,  You  can  take  Type  II  oral  vaccine 
even  though  you  have  not  previ- 
ously taken  Type  I,  (The  order 
seems  unimportant, ) 

Type  II  Oral  Polio  Vaccine  Clinics 
will  be  operating  between  March  23 
and  March  30.  All  of  our  departments 
will  receive  a  schedule  of  times  and 
places  as  we  did  before.   I  am  told 
that  most  people  working  at  Central 
were  able  to  get  to  the  clinic  at 
City  Hall  and  back  during  a  lunch  hour. 
Let's  all  make  the  effort  this  time J 



Personnel  manager  to  female  appli- 
cant: "We  offer  several  fringe  benefits 
-  two  weeks'  vacation,  paid-up  insur- 
ance, a  pension  plan,  and  tx-jo  unmar- 
ried vice— presidents." 



Annette  Giacobbi,  Central  Charging 

Records    (formerly  part-time) 
Pajmela  Dondale,   Personnel  Office 

(forraerly  part-time  in  Information 
Anthony  Pacy,  General  Reference 
Joanne  E.  Rajonond,   Cataloging  and 

Classification  HR&CS 
John  C.   Shea,   Periodical  and  Newspaper 

(formerly  part-time) 
Richard  Story,   Central  Charging  Records 


Joseph  Lucas,   from  Bookmobiles  to 
Central  Book  Stock  -  Branch  Issue 


Kendall  Brown,  Rare  Book  -  another 

James  Duffy,   Central  Chargin.^  Records 

-personal  reasons 
Robert  P.   Giddings,   Music 
Mrs,   Lois  Gordon,  Mattapan  -  to  remsin 

at  home 
A,  Robert  Phillips,   Periodical  and 

Newspaper  -  another  position 
Patricia  Hurray,   Personnel  Office  - 

another  position 
Hugh  Walsh,   Central  Charging  Records  - 

to  return  to  college 


Clarence  M.  Fuller,  Central  Charging 



Mrs.  Evelyn  Isaacs,  Personnel  Office, 
and  her  husband  left  Boston  on  Sunday, 
March  10th,  for  a  6  weeks'  trip  to  the 
West  Indies,  Among  the  places  they 
expect  to  -visit  are  Antigua  in  the 
British  West  Indies;  Kingston,  Jamaica, 
St,  Thomas,  Virgin  Islands,  atid  Cai-acas, 
Venezuela,  iirs,  Helene  Fisher  held  a 
luncheon  at  her  home  for  I4rs,  Isaacs 
and  the  Personnel  Office  stai'f  on  the 
previous  Saturday  at  which  time  a  st^saaa 
travel  iron  \ra.s   presented  to  Mrs, 
Isaacs.   Happy  flying,  Evelyni 

Three  Ma.jor  Events  Due  in  the  Near 

In  the  midst  of  xrorld-wide  political 
upheavals,  floods,  devastations  of 
all  types  and  increased  taxes  at  all 
levels,  it  is  encouraging  to  know  that 
there  are  due  shortly  three  major 
events  which  will  help  relieve  the 
pressures  created  by  world  tensions. 

The  first  event  SPRING  has  been 
coming  annually- ,f  or  a  very  long  time,. 
Each  appearance  is  welcome  and  never 
does  its  appeal .diminish, 

NATIONAL  LIBRARY  VJEEK  is  relatively 
a  new  event.  This  is  its  sixth 
appearance.  This  year  it  vri.ll  be 
observed  throughout  the  nation  during 
the  week  of  April  21-29.  As  usual 
the  Boston  Public  Library  will  parti- 
cipate in  this  national  observance. 

The  latest  addition  to  these  annual 
events  is  the  Book  and  Author  Luncheon, 
This  year  as  in  previous  years  it  will 
usher  in  lo.cally  National  Library  Week. 
The  fourth  annual  Book  and  Author 
Luncheon  will  be  held  Monday,  April 
22nd  at  12  noon  at  the  Statler-Hilton 
ballroom.  Tables  for  ten  may  be 
reserved.  The  speakers  as  now  lined 
up  are  Walter  Sletzak, .  author  of  What 
time's  the  next  si-ran?  as  told  to 
Smith  Corona  Model  58E.   John  Updike, 
author  of  several  novels  including 
Rabbit  run.  The  poorhouse  affair  and 
The  Centaur;  Clarence  Randall,  whose 
latest  book  The  joy  and  challenge  of 
the  years  of  retirement  is  receiving 
considerable  attention  especially  by 
those  anticipating  this  "blessed 
event"  mthin  the  next  decade.  (  A 
handsome, (?)  scintillating  (?)  viva- 
cious and  clever  (?)  lady  author  will 
be  added  to  this  group  of  gentlemen). 
Mra.  Endicott  Peabody,  will  repre- 
sent National  Library  Vleek  at  the 


rw-ii^t-><^r%t  . 


Hart ze 11  Lecture 

Dri  Mej-er  Kessler,  HIT  will  be  the 
speaker."  In  addition  there  will  be 
a  reception  for  the  new  officers  of 
the  BPLSA.  Friday  evening,  5  April 
in  ihe  Lecture  Hall,  Time:  8  p.m. 
All  staff  members  are  urged  to  make 
a  sincere  effort  to  attend  this  meeting. 

-  u  - 


The  Inoellecoual  Freedom  Coniinittee 
met  in  Chicago  to  discuss  its  program 
for  1963.  Uppermost  in  the  minds  of 
the  committee  members  was  the  rash  of 
attacks  on  libraries,  particularly  in 
California,  for  possessing  titles  dis- 
approved by  noisy  and  militant  minor- 
ities. The  similarity  of  the  tech- 
niques used  and  the  emphasis  on  a  few 
selected  titles  —  the  most  prominent 
recent  one  being  The  Last  Temptation 
of  Christ  —  leads  to  the  belief  that 
there  is  a  central  leadership  pro- 
graming the  effort  to  intimidate 

To  defend  libraries,  the  Committee 
proposed  to  ask  the  ALA  Executive 
Board  to  explore  the  possibility  of 
retaining  legal  counsel  to  advise 
libraries  and  perhaps  even  to  create 
a  defense  fiind  for  individual  librar- 
ies coming  under  attack.  The  results 
of  this  exploration  will  be  made 
knoim  during  the  annual  convention, 

Everett  Moore  has  resigned  his  post 
as  editor  of  the  Litellectual  Freedom 
feature  in  the  ALA  Bulletin.  His 
successor  will  be  chosen  by  Archie 
McMeal  of  the  University  of  Mami, 

In  another  part  of  the  forest, 
LeRoy  C.  Merritt  has  been  asked  to 
write  for  publication  by  ALA  a  modest 
volume  on  book  selection,  with  spe- 
cial emphasis  to  be  given  to  the 
question  of  creating  book  selection 
policies  x^rhich  will  provide  a  defense 
against  criticism.  In  the  words  of 
one  member  of  the  group  which  met 
with  Mr,  Merritt  to  discuss  the  broad 
outlines  of  the  book,  what  is  needed 
is  advice  on  "what  to  do  till  the 
doctor  comes."  The  projected  volume 
will  doubtless  relate  to  the  work  of 
the  Intellectual  Freedom  Corranittee, 
although  its  actual  sponsorship  is 
in 'the  hands  of  the  Public  Library 

From  the  rather  limited  view  of 
this  one  observer  at  a  very  large 
gathering  of  many  coinmittees,  it 
appears  that  after  federal  aid  to 
libraries,  intellectual  freedom  is 
perhaps  the  area  of  greatest  concern 
in  liorary  circles  this  year, 



The  Midwinter  Meeting  oi'  the 
-lassachusetts  Library  Association  was 
held  in  the  Grand  Ballroom  of  the 
Sheraton  Plaza  Hotel  on  Thursday, 
February  lU,  After  a  reading  of  the 
minutes  of  the  previous  meeting, 
Ervin  J,  Gaines,  Assistant  Director, 
(Personnel)  BPL  and  Chairman  of  the 
CoiTimittee  on  Intellectual  Freedom 
gave  a  short  talk  on  the  activities 
of  the  ALA  Intellectual  Freedom  Com- 
mittee, This  committee,  at  the  recent 
Convention  in  Chicago,  passed  a  motion 
recommending  to  its  Executive  Board 
that  a  defense  fund  be  set  up  to  pro- 
vide legal  coiiT.sel  for  lioraries  under 
attack  by  pressure  groups.  Special 
mention  was  made  of  the  John  Birch 
Society  and  the  trouble  it  is  causing 
libraries  in  California, 

The  Nominating  Committee  presented 
the  slate  of  officers  for  1963/196U. 
Pauline  Winnick, Coordinator  of  Young 
Adults  Services,  HR&CS,  BPL  is  the 
candidate  for  Archivist, 

Mrs.  V.  Genevieve  Galick,  Director, 
Division  of  Library  Extension,  Massa- 
chusetts Department  of  Education, 
briefly  related  the  progress  of  the 
State  Aid  Program  and  noted  the  in- 
crease in  the  number  of  libraries 
applying  for  it,  from  237  in  1961  to 
286  in  1963.  Of  the  regional  librar- 
ies; one  system  is  in  full  operation 
(Western  Regional);  one  is  partially 
on  its  way  (Central  Region  with  head- 
quarters at  the  Worcester  Public 
Library) J  the  contract  for  this  area 
was  expected  to  have  been  signed  by 
the  end  of  February,  The  Eastern 
Region  is  still  in  the  planning  stage, 
but  there  should  be  some  action  in  the 
next  few  months. 

The  ALA  Councillor,  Lai-irence  E, 
Wikander,  noted  that  for  the  first 
time  a  President  of  the  United  States, 
directly  through  a  Presidential  mess- 
age, has  asked  for  Congressional 
action  on  federal  aid  for  libraries 
on  a  xride  scale. 

Following  this  announcement,  Milton 
E.  Lord,  Director,  BPL,  spoke  on  the 
proposed  amendment  to  the  State  Aid 
to  Libraries  Bill,  By  its  terms 
money  for  the  financing  of  state  aid 


-  5  - 

MLA  cont. 

would  be  taken  from  the  General  Funds 
rather  than  from  tax  revenue  as  is  done 
now,  thereby  conforming  to  the  original 
intent  of  the  law.  Under  the  present 
system  a  certain  amount  of  the  tax 
money,  which  goes  to  the  cities  and 
towns  anyway,  must  be  set  aside  for 
libraries.  The  metropolitan  officials 
feel  that  this  is  interference  \irith 
local  autonorry  and  object  to  it.  As  a 
result  only  8l  of  3U0  cities  SAd  towns 
have  received  direct  grante-in-aid,  and 
68,  including  Boston,  are  getting  less 
support  than  before.  Therefore  Mayor 
Collins  proposed  an  amendment  to  remedy 
the  situation.  The  new  plan  iiill  bring 
more  money  to  the  libraries  and  mil 
not  interfere  with  local  autonony.  The 
town  officials  may  then  use  the  income 
tax  revenue  in  any  x-ray  they  please. 

On  Monday,  Iferch  25,  tliere  will  be 
a  hearing  before  the  Committee  on  State 
Legislation,  Voters  should  write  to 
their  state  representatives  asking  them 
to  support  the  amendment  which  empha- 
sizes the  original  intent  of  the  bill. 

Later  in  the  morning  a  symposium  on 
State  Certification  of  Librarians  was 
held.  Each  member  present  was  given 
a  copy  of  the  proposed  revision  of  the 
law  on  certification  now  in  effect. 
The  principal  points  of  the  revision 



the  law  will  be  mandatory  rather 
than  permissive, 

2,  it  sets  up  the  standard  of  formal 
education  in  li jrar ianship, 
requiring  an  M.S.  in  Library  Sci- 
ence or  at  least  thirty  hours 
credit  in  library  science  attain- 
ed at  the  graduate  or  undergrad- 
uate level  for  the  Pr-ofessional 

3,  it  provides  for  hardship  where 
libraries  cannot  recruit  fully 
qualified  candidates, 

U.  it  contains  a  "grandfather" 

5.  it  uses  existing  legislation  to 
penalize  those  libraries  which 
do  not  coiftply;  applies  only  to 
Vi-jnicipalities  of  10,OCX>  t>r  mot«-,. 

A  complete  copy  of  the  Revision  may 
be  obtained  from  Mrs.  Miriam  Putnam, 
President  of  the  Massachusetts  Library 
Association,  and  Librarian,  Memorial 
Hall  Library,  Andover,  In  addition, 
cougar  is  ons  were  made  i.jith  the  librar^ 
ian  certification  systems  of  Net-;  York 
State,  and  the  Massachusetts  Department 
of  Education, 

The  last  event  of  the  day  x-ms  a 
panel  on  the  subject  of  "legal  Certif- 
ication: Questions  and  Ansx'^era," 
iCathleen  Hegarty,  Coordinator  of  Adults 
Services,  HR&CS,  BPL  was  the  Moderator, 
and  Pauline  Winnick  and  Arthur  Cur ley 
(formerly  of  Open  Shelf,  now  Librarian 
of  the  Avon  Public  Library)  were  two 
of  the  Panelists,  The  panel  discussed 
msnj  points  which  were  in  need  of 

The  meeting  adjourned  at  about  k 
p.m.  It  was,  all  in  all,  a  very 
successful  and  informative  day. 



VJeatherrjise  there's  progressj 

The  frosts  have  left  the  stagej 

Spring  is  next  on  billing. 
Succeeding  icy  age. 

Order  still  prevails. 

Ordained  in  primal  time; 
Season  follows  season. 

Unchanging  and  sublime. 

No  determined  cycle 

Invests  the  human  scene j 
Error  follows  error. 

And  lawlessness  is  queeru 

Man  alone  amazes. 

Conceived  in  primal  slime. 
Though  hedged  divinely. 

The  slime  is  making  time. 

Yet  we'd  seek  no  changes. 

Nor  heed  rebellious  voice; 

Though  xre  choose  perdition, 

I'lhat  grace  to  have  a  choice. 


;i-X-5i"''*~>i~>  "  ^-~)t~5Vv';~>w5~/e->r->^i'; 


-  6  - 


We  are  sorry  to  report  the  death 
on  February  23,  I963  of  Mary  H.  Siil- 
livan.  Branch  Librarian  %ieritus. 
A  Requiem  Solemn  High  Mass  was  cele- 
brated on  Monday,  February  25  at 
St.  Paul's  Church  in  Dorchester. 

Miss  Sullivan  began  her  library 
career  at  the  Central  Library  in 
1902.  In  190^  she  went  to  Dorchester 
as  an  Assistant  and  in  I907  she  was 
appointed  Branch  Librarian  at 
Neponset.  Subsequently  in  1920 
Miss  Sullivan  became  the  Branch 
Librarian  at  Parker  Hill  where  she 
remained  until  her  retirement  in  19'^-8. 

Miss  Sullivan  was  an  unassuming  and 
charming  lady.  As  the  Branch  Librar- 
ian at  Parker  Hill  she  became  closely 
associated  with  the  community  and  the 
people  3 he  served  so  faithfully.  She 
made  the  Branch  Library  a  part  of  the 
social  and  cultural  life  of  the  com- 

Her  qUiet  smile  and  advice  was 
given  to  all  alike,  whether  she  was 
inspiring  a  young  man  with  courage 
to  continue  his  education,  or  whether 
she  was  encouraging  a  member  of  the 
staff  to  qualify  for  advancement  in 
her  chosen  profession.  People  and 
books  were  her  major  interests. 

She  will  be  remembered  by  her 
friends  and  associates  with  affection. 


Ed.  Note:  Miss  Sullivan  was  the 
sistei-  of  Miss  Katherine  Sullivan 
who  worked  for  many  years  at  Center 



East  Boston  has  always  been  most 
fortunate  in  its  recruitment  of 
LibraiT  Aides.  Usually  talented  in 
the  artistic  and  inusical  fields ,  as 
Well  as  being  fast  "book-shelvers" , 
they  also  manage  to  accrue  four-year 
college  scholarships  with  equal  ease. 
Two  of  our  present  aides,  Loretta  A. 
Gibbons  and  Maria  A.  Magnolia  have 
crossed  the  science  barrier  by  win-" 
ning  the  first  and  second  places  in 

a  recent  high  school  science  fair 
exhibit.  Congratulation  girls'. 

The  South,  Boston  Branch  Library  is 
proud  of  Library  Aide  Mildred  M, 
Connolly,  senior  at  South  Boston 
High  School,  who  was  awarded  first 
prize  in  the  annual  Evacuation  Day 
Essay  Contest  "or  South  Boston  stu- 
dents. Mildred  received  her  prize 
at  the  historical  exercises  held  in 
the  All-purpose  Room  of  the  South 
Boston  Branch,  Monday,  March  11, 
under  the  sponsorship  of  the  South 
Boston  Citizens  Committee. 

***>(;*******  ******,)t5!<***#  ************ 


The  forlorn-looking  desk  in  the 
Book  Purchasing  Department  was  until 
March  1,  graced  by  our  longtime 
friend  and  genial  associate,  Gertrude 
Steinmann  McCabe.  Her  last  day  was 
highlighted  by  the  presentation  to 
her  of  adsorteJ  gifts  of  household 
fineries,  orchids,  musical  teddy- 
bears  ,  and  even  stri  ng  beans .  The 
beans  were  distributed  to  all  who 
could  obtain  a  bag  to  carry  them 
home  in.  All  expressed  heartfelt 
sincere  good  wishes  for  the  health 
and  happiness  in  her  new  life  which 
she  and  hsr  husband,  Irving  J.  McC?be 
have  looked  forward  to  for  many  years, 

Gertrude  came  to  us  from  Jackson 
College  where  she  was  an  outstanding 
mathematics  student.  She  worked  in 
the  gift  Section  and  became  in  tiiae 
the  filial  source  of  information  for 
all  things  pertainxrg  to  C-oirernrent 
D-.OGuments  ,  library  e;'cl.aji^es  ,  and 
gifts.  In  her  quiet,  efficxent, 
pleasant  way,  she  handled  all  the 
bothersome  details  with  a  friction- 
less  ease  that  would  amaze  a  time- 
and -motion  study  ma!",  t^o  detail  was 
too  small  for  her  to  hand-e;  .sh3  was 
never  too  busy  to  put  aside  for  a 
moment  some  extremelj'  preosing  pro- 
ject to  undertake  to  solve  some  fussy 
problem  to  which  only  she  knew  the 
answer.  She  never  forgot  her  friends' 
birthdays,  or  omitted  sending  cards 
to  the  sick.  She  was  always  to  be 

-  7  - 

counted  on  when  there  was  a  collec- 
tion being  taken  up  for  a  worthy 
cause  and  could  produce  a  contribu- 
tion from  her  billfold  with  a  swift- 
ness that  would  make  Houdini  envious. 

No  one  could  be  more  deserving  than 
Gertrude  of  the  usual  send-off  fes- 
tivities which  library  friends 
traditionally  accord  to  those  leav- 
ing the  service.  Her  many  friends 
throughout  the  library  would  have 
been  pleased  to  attend  a  farewell 
party  in  her  honor,  but  Gertrude  did 
not  want  it  that  way.  She  did,  how- 
ever, consent  to  attend  a  simple 
Luncheon  at  the  Sheraton  Plaza  with 
her  long-time  fellow  members  of  the 
Book  Purchasing  Department.  An 
excellent  luncheon  was  enhanced  by 
an  unburned  frankfurt  (her  favorite 
delicacy)  which  was  especially 
ordered  for  her  by  Mary  Alice  Rea 
and  Dick  Sullivan. 

We  all  wish  Gertrude  and  Irving 
the  best  of  luck  and  only  regret 
that  Gertrude  left  without  giving 
her  rendition  of  her  favorite  piece 
called,  "Two  Lone  Sheen  on  the 
Mountain."  This  is  usually  so  well 
received  that  an  encore  is  demanded. 
Gertrude  then  recites  the  "Two  Lone 
Sheep  on  the  Mountain"  backwards . 


LEND-A-HAND  Siramv 

Sunday  afternoon,  February  10 
began  in  the  usual  manner  of  any 
wmter  Sunday  in  the  Boston  Public 
Library.  There  were  the  eager  stu- 
dents ,  rushing  Upstairs  to  get 
seats,  •'.■reil  av.are  tliat  by  2:30 
this  Gonfort  would  be  unavailable. 
Also  there  was  the  serious  research- 
er, an  experienced  old -hand  in 
library  usage,  and  finally  the 
visitor,  peering  into  Bates  Hall, 
comparing  it's  vastness  with  the' 
cosy  home  town  library, 
_  About  2:10,  a  pl-asant  faced  man 
m  his  forties ,  approached  the  desk 
and  requested  infbTmation  on  obtain- 
ing books  from  the  stacks,  adding 
that  he  was  a  non-resident  and  tins 
was  his  first  visit  to  the  library 
in  Boston.  Following  a  detailed 

briefing  he  departed  for  General 
Reference  to  consult  the  card  cata- 

Shortly  thereafter  an  avalanche  of 
patrons  descended  upon  us.  They  came 
singly,  they  came  in  pairs,  they  came 
continuously  and  soon  the  Center  Desk 
area  resembled  Park  Street  subv^ray  at 
rush  hour.  Vie   handled  an  average  of 
580  slips  per  hour  from  two  p.m.  to 
six  p.m.  or  just  under  10  slips  per 
minute.  In  addition  there  were  end- 
less discussions  with  borrowers  mak- 
ing applications  for  books . 

Some  two  hours  later,  I  glanced  to 
the  right  and  observed  a  volunteer 
project  in  brisk  operation.  A  staff 
member  was  busily  opening  pouches  and 
roBioving  crossed  slips.  Outside  the 
Center  Desk  enclosure,  a  college  girl 
(one  of  our  patrons)  was  conscien- 
ciously  sorting  the  crossed  slips  by 
seat  number  and  giving  these  to  two 
assistants  for  delivery.  Another  of 
the  volunteer  aides  was  Police  Officer 
Charlie  O'Connell,  who  on  his  tour  of 
inspection  of  the  building  observed 
such  chaos  at  the  desk  in  the  reading 
room,  that  obviously  the  needs  of  the 
moment  were  for  helping  hands  rather 
than  quelling  riots  or  suppressing 
vandalism.  The  third  volunteer  was 
our  first  time  visitor,  who  having 
shed  his  hat  and  coat  was  competently 
distributing  crossed  slips  around  the 
hall.  "You  folks  were  so  busy  we 
just  had  to  give  you  a  hand." 

To  these  kind  souls,  though  they 
may  never  read  the  QUESTION  ilARK,  at 
least  a  grateful  salute  from  the 
harassed  staff  is  novr  part  of  the 
public  record. 



About  the  Liquid  Soap- 
How  come  it  isn't? 

.  8  - 

9M;  -P Y jro.  ,,UHOPE 

In  the  past  fei;  months  the  Boston  Public 
Library  has  shared  in  an  unusual  young 
adult  project  T:hich  is  currently  making 
news.  An  advanced  Problems  of  Democracy 
clas<=:  of  Quincy  High  School  under  the 
leadership  of  teacher  Ellis  Swartz  is 
doing  research  on  the  lives  and  philoso- 
phies of  fifteen  uorld  leaders  -  amonp 
them,  Franco,  :.denauer,  Panfani,  nac- 
millan,  and  DeGaulle.  Culminating  their 
study,  twenty  students  vrill  depart  in 
April  on  a  three  week  trip  across  Europe, 
interviewing  many  of  their  subjects. 

Joining  with  the  Thomas  Crane  Library 
of  Quincy,  the  3PL  has  aided  in  the  re- 
search, offering  a  bibliography  of  world 
leaders,  instructing  the  project  members 
on  the  use  of  the  library,  and  alerting 
them  to  new  books  relative  to  their  re- 
search. At  least  one  of  our  staff. 
Readers  Advisoi  for  Young  Adults  Jane 
Manthome,  is  sporting  a  "Quincy  to 
Europe"  button  for  her  part  in  the 

ChulpBrnii   CRUISE 

On  Feb.  2nd  shortly  after  k   PM  the 
Bremen  slipped  out  of  her  berth  at  Pier 
88  m  ice  choked  iJorth  River,  and  crept 
silently  down  fog-shrouded  New  York 
harbor.  I  xras  safely  aboard  with  my  two 
cameras,  a  battery  of  lenses  and  a  hun- 
dred feet  of  Daylight  Anscochrome  film, 
most  of  which  I  maiiaged  to  use  before  my 
return,  i'm  rather  embarrassed  to  say 
that  one  of  the  first  things  I  did  was  to 
get  sea  sick  (on  a  "smooth"  and  "slight" 
sea  too).  I  ate  practically  nothing  for 
two  days,  and  lost  sijc  pounds  during  the 

On  Wednesday  morning  we  came  to  San 
Juan,  Puerto  Rico,  and  I  was  off  to  El 
lunque,  the  rain  forest;  during  the  after- 
noon I  wandered  around  old  San  Juan.  I 
observed  at  first  hand  "Ope'ration  Boot- 
strap which  makes  this  island  different 
from  most  of  the  others  I  visited,  which 
were  primarily  agricultural. 

•Xhursday  we  arrived  at  St.  Ihomas  and 
after  a  tour  of  the  island  I  took  a  lot 
of  pxotures  in  Charlotte  Amalie  and  did 

a  little  shopping. 

The  next  island  to  be  visited  was 
Martinique.  Fort  de  Prance  was  not  air^„ 
as  the  guide  books  forcast,  but  it  did 
have  open  gutters,  and  you  had  to  watch 
where  you  stepped.  A  statue  to  her  rnost 
famous  citizen,  the  Snpress  Josephine, 
stands  in  a  park  near  the  quay.  It  v;as 
hot  near  the  coast  but  cool  in  the  moim- 
tains.  We  drove  to  the  village  of  3t, 
Pierre  which  was  destroyed  by  the  erup- 
tion of  Mt.  Pelee  in  1902.  There  was  a 
lush  countryside  and  a  rain  forest  in 
the  interior.  The  roads  on  liartinique 
were  not  nearly  as  bad  as  I  expected, 
but  a  woman  who  rode  in  the  back  seat  of 
our  car  complained  bitterly  because  the 
haripin  turns  were  not  banked.  At  two 
o'clock  in  the  morning  after  leaving  the 
island  most  of  the  passengers  were 
aroused  by  the  ringing  of  the  ship's 
alarm  bells.  I  heard  later  that  some 
people  slept  through  the  excitement,  but, 
as  it  was  not  the  signal  to  take   to  the 
boats,  nobody  was  really  frightened.  It 
was  probably  caused  by  a  short  circuit 
in  the  ship's  electrical  system. 

Barbados  is  rather  flat  and  much  given 
over  to  the  growing  of  sugar  csine.   There 
is  a  fine  view  of  the  Atlantic  from  the 
thousand  foot  elevation  of  Hackleton's 
Cliff.  Another  tourist  stop  was  Christ 
Church,  famous  for  its  mysteriously 
shifting  coffins  for  which  no  satisfac- 
tory explanation  has  ever  been  given. 
Afterwards  I  spent  some  time  photograph- 
ing the  section  of  Bridgetown  around 
Trafalgar  Square. 

Our  next  stop  was  at  Grenada,  which 
is  particularly  beautiful  when  viewed 
from  the  sea.  There  was  no  organized 
shore  trip  here,  so  I  had  to  hire  a  ta:d. 
all  by  myself.  The  driver  could  not 
obtain  other  riders  as  everybody  was 
going  to  the  beach.  I  could  not  spare 
the  time  from  taking  pictures.  Grenada 
is  knovm  as  the  "Spice  Island, "  and  I 
also  saw  cocoa  beans  growing.  It  being 
Saturday  I  was  able  to  get  pictures  of 
some  interesting  native  markets. 

We  left  Grenada  late  in  the  afternoon 
for  La  Guaira,  Venezuela.  This  was  the 
only  place  we  visited  where  the  customs 
officer  looked  inside  my  camera  bag. 
There  was  a  guard  on  the  pier  with  a 


;ub-machine  ^un.  The  Communists  have  been 
^eiy  active  there,  but  all  was  quiet  during 
ly  visit.  It  \jas  really  hot  at  the  pier, 
)ut  we  soon  got  into  taxis  for  the  trip 
dong  the  seventy  million  dollar  super- 
lighway  to  Caracas,  We  visited  the  Capi- 
tol, the  Pantheon,  and  Bolivar's  birth- 
place, 'lie  then  had  lunch  at  the  Hotul 
Tamanaco  xrhere  I  uent  to  the  observation 
roof  and  took  pictures  of  the  city  with 
its  spectacular  backdrop  of  mountains. 
After  lunch  we  sa^.r  the  racetrack.  Officer's 
Club,  and  took  tlie  Cable  Car  ride  to  Mt. 
Avi  a.  If  I  had  knoxm  what  the  trip  up 
the  mountain  was  like,  I  might  have  re- 
membered an  important  engagement  else- 

That  evening  the  Bremen  left  La  Guaira 
with  its  myriad  of  lights  glowing  on  the 
mountain-side;  and  when  the  ship  tied  up 
at  the  dock  at  '..■illemstad,  Curacao,  to 
take  on  oil,  vre  took  a  long  ride  by  taxi 
to  the  center  of  this  attractive  iXitch 
city.  I  looked  around  in  the  shops  and 
before  leaving  on  a  tour,  photographed 
some  of  the  si^^-hts.  iimong  them  vias  the 
Queen  Emma,  a  pontoon  bridge,  perhaps  the 
most  famous  landmark  in  town,  and  the 
floating  market,  uiring  the  tour  v:e  had 
a  typical  Dutch  lunch  at  Ft.  Nassau  which 
overlooks  the  Schottegat  basin.  The  city 
has  an  enormous  nur.iber  of  oil  refineries, 
oil  refining  being  the  chief  industry  of 
Curacao,  The  island  is  deficient  in 
rainfall,  vrhich  results  in  cactus  occupy- 
ing a  prdminent  place  in  the  flox-a. 

The  last  port  to  be  visited  was  Port-au- 
Prince,  Haiti,  The  natives  here  were  more 
enterprising  than  at  the  other  islands. 
Not  only  did  they  dive  for  money,  but  they 
sold  furniture  frdm  their  boats.  They 
actually  had  sijme  fairly  large  tables,  and 
while  I  didi:^»;c  see  tliem  sell  any,  they  did 
a  business  i'.i  smaller  itcos. 

The  tour  toolc  us  to  the  mountain  resorts 
of  Petionville  and  Kenscoff „  Haiti  is  a 
little  arid,  but  is  extensively  cultivated 
and  the  scenery  is  spectacular,  After 
returning  to  PorUau-Prince  I  visited  the 
Iron  I'ferket  on  my  own  and  found  that  the 
best  way  to  get  rid  of  unwanted  natives 
was  to  try  my  French  on  them.  That  night 
we  left  for  l.'ev  York,  and  you  guessed  it, 
I  got  sea-cick  a£ain,  but  this  time  the 
sea  was  lot ged  as  "very  rough, " 



By  Kenneth  Barnes 

The  slides  will  be  shown  at  the  Little 
Iheatre,  iiarch  25,  26,  and  29,  1963  from 
1:30  to  1:50  PM. 

Please  watch  bulletin  boards  for  any 
changes  in  dates  or  hours. 

The  program  can  also  be  presented  in 
one  complete  showing  any  day.  after  5  ?ii 
if  there  is  sufficient  demand. 

On  page  10  of  the  BPL  STAFF  MEMO  ;25., 
21  February, 1963  under  'Recruiting  leaf- 
let' there  is  the  following  statement, 
we  quote,  "The  girl  on  the  cover  of  our 
attractive  new  leaflet  is  Jean  Babcock, 
of  the  RRS  Division  Office."  We  of  the 
Publications  Committee  (one  member  ab- 
staining) agree  that  the  statement  is 
more  accurate  and  certainly  more  gallant 
with  the  transposition  of  the  word 
attractive  so  that  it  reads  thusly:  "The 
attractive  girl  on  the  cover  of  our  nex; 
leaflet  is  Jean  Babcock,  of  the  RRS 
Division  Office." 


Two  boys,  apparently  high  school  stu- 
dents, came  to  the  Education  Department 
and  asked  for  "six  books.  ' 
VJhen  questioned  about  the  authors  or 
titles  of  the  books,  one  replied,  "It 
doesn't  matter,  as  long  as  they  are 
bound  in  leather.  We  just  need  them  for 
props  in  a  play." 

On  a  sub-zero  bluster;^''  day  last  month  a 
k  yr.  old  "Barefoot  Boy  with  feet  of  Tan, " 
clad  only  in  shorts  and  T-shirt  was  train- 
ing for  the  Olympics  in  the  Chevannes 
Gallery.  A  kindhearted  Center  Desker  cer- 
tain that  he  had  eluded  his  worried  mother, 
took  him  in  hand  and  went  looking  for  aor. 

.Vhen  found,  completely  surrounded  by 
books,  she  looked  over  her  Library  specs 
and  said,"  Is  he  bothering  anyone?"  To 
an  amazed  shake  of  the  head  she  said, 
""Just  leave  him  alone." 


-  1 

-liJi-XjJ.  _ 


The  fact  that  \^e  have  no  holiday  in 
August  creates  aa  aesthetic  imbalance  in 
the  Library  yeai-  which  offends  the  sensi- 
oilities.  '.'e  are  particularly  conscious 
of  it  in  I'iarch,  because  March  too  was  for 
a  long  time  in  the  same  barren  position, 
until  a  kind  researcher  unearthed  the 
story  that  on  i larch  1?,  1775  the  valiant 
citizenry  did  cause  the  snaky  British  to 
depart  from  Boston,  and  we  now  have  a  holi- 
day on  that  day.  I  don't  know  of  any 
similar  patriotic  event  in  August;  but  my 
own  researches  have  led  to  the  discovery 
that  BPLr's  and  their  patrons  have  an  even 
greater  reason  for  a  special  day  of  grati- 
tude in  tinti.ionth.   George  Ticknor  was 
born  on  August  1st. 

The  following  quotations  from  THE 
FLOWERING  OF  I^EII  EIIGLAilD  give  some  idea 
of  Ticknor' s  place  in  the  Boston  of  his 

'...he  was  the  great  intellectual  and 
social  figure,  the  host  of  every  visi- 
tor, the  one  man  who  had  seen  all  the 
world,  and  iiho   numbered  among  his  cor- 
respondents the  preeminent  minds  of 
half  a  dozen  countries. .  .v;here  books 
were  concerned  he  knew  all  the  resource: 
of  Europe... his  Icnowledge  of  Spanish 
literature  was  greater  than  that  of 
any  man  in  .Spain... on  terms  of  intimacy 
with  all  the  [^reat  and  famous  people 
in  Englaiid,  France,  Italy,  Germany,  and 
Spain. . .he  had  made  Boston  once  and  for 
all  a  centre  of  historical  research..." 
But  Ticknor' s  ovm  letters  and  journals 
give  a  much  fuller  picture  of  his  experi- 
ences and  his  industry.  This  Boston  boy 
must  have  been  a  very  remarkable  person 
indeed  to  have  gained  such  immediate  and 
complete  acceptance  in  all  the  highest 
political,  scholarly,  and  fashionable 
circles  in  the  major  centres  of  Europe. 
Put  that  would  not  be  reason  enough  for 
rr.aking  a  holiday  of  his  birthday.  He  has 
earned  that  sort  of  secular  beatification 
because  he  was  th'^   chief  if  not  the  "oniie 
begetter"  of  our  Library. 

The  Administration  here  could  help  by 
beginning  the  mounting  of  a  massive  propa- 
ganda and  educational  drive  to  tell  the 
public  the  Ticknor  story,  and  persuade 
the  city  legislators  to  make  August  1st 
a  legal  holiday.  I  suggest  that  as  a 

first  step  we  put  the  narat  ilcKnor  bac. 
into  the  title  of  the  department  whici 
owes  so  much  to  his  generosity  and 
scholarship.  Ticknor  says  that  when  he 
was  visiting  the  British  I'iuseum  he  com- 
pared their  collections  in  the  field  of 
Spanish  literature  with  his  own,   and  th.i. 
his  was  better.  That  collection  he  gav'- 
to  this  Library,  and  for  that  alone  he 
would  deserve  not  to  be  robbed  of  his 
titular  enshrinement.  And  he  did  a  lot 
more  than  just  give  us  some  of  his  books, 
i^ll  his  energy  and  leai-ning,  his  intelli- 
gence and  time,  and  his  many  connections 
in  Europe  he  put  at  this  Library's  dis- 
posal. He  traveled  personally  and  at  his 
own  expense  to  set  up  agencies  in  severa^ 
European  places  for  the  buying  of  the 
first  books  for  us.  He  was  in  his  own 
person  our  first  Book  Selection  and  Book 
Purchasing  Departments,  And  Mr.  Bates's 
generous  gifts  were  given  the  more  readily. 
because  he  knew  that  Ticknor  was  connectcc 
with  the  new  institution. 

For  a  second  step  I  suggest  that  we  move 
from  its  inconspicuous  place  above  the 
balcony  in  the  Rare  Book  Department, 
Ticknor' s  magnificent  portrait  by  Sully, 
who  caught  so  much  of  the  power  and  radi- 
ance of  the  man.  In  its  present  location 
even  staff  members  can  see  it  only  rarely 
and,  even  then,  not  too  well.  It  should 
be  hung  in  some  prominent  situation  in 
the  front  hall  or  near  the  Abbey  Room 
where  the  public  will  become  more  aware 
of  the  man  and  give  us  the  opportunity 
to  tell  them  of  the  part  he  had  in  the 
making  of  the  Library. 

For  the  staff  there  is  only  one  recom- 
mendation: Read  his  book.  THE  LIFE, 
LETTERS,  AND  JOURivIALS  is  one  of  the  most 
fascinating  books  we  have  in  the  Library''. 
It  is  quite  long,  and  many  of  the  once 
famous  names  will  not  mean  much  today. 
But  if  you  will  use  the  index  and  check 
the  references  under  i^dams  and  Jefferson, 
Washington  and  Webster,  Madame  de  Stael 
and  Lafayette,  Bonaparte  and  Mettemich, 
Southey,  Scott,  i,Jordsworth,  Macaulay, 
Bishop  Cheverus  and  Sydney  Smith,  Lord 
Holland  and  Talleyrand,  you  will  not  onl 
continue  with  other  names  but  enlist 
yourself  enthusiastically  to  work  for 
the  establishment  of  TIGKxslOR  DiiY. 

HiiRRY  ..i\lDREW^ 

.  01  - 

^      3 




Ally  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association"  member  submitting  it  to- 
gether with  the  neune  of  the  Branch  Li- 
brary, Department  or  Office  in  which  he 
or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is  with- 
held from  publication,  or  a  pen  name  is 
used,  if  the  contributor  so  requests. 
Anonymous  contributions  are  not  given 
consideration.  The  author  of  the  arti- 
cle is  known  only  to  the  Editor-in-Chief, 
The  contents  of  the  articles  appearing 
in  the  Soap  Box  are  personal  opinions 
expressed  by  individual  Association  mem- 
bers and  their  appearance  does  not 
necessarily  indicate  that  the  Publica- 
tions Committee  and  the  Association  axe 
in  agreement  Trith  the  views  expressed. 
Only  those  contributions  containing  not 
more  than  300  words  will  be  accepted. 

what  is  being  done  in  relation  to 
this  problem. 

ERS  ^ 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

Previously  new  salary 
schedules  were  first  worlod  out  by 
staff  association  representatives  and 
the  administration,  and  then  the  staff 
association  gave  active  support  to 
budget  hearings  at  City  Hall,  But  ncfW 
who  on  the  staff  knows  what  the  pro- 
posed salary  schedule  is?  Some  members, 
at  least,  of  the  Job  Evaluation  Commit- 
tee claim  they  do  not  know.  How  can 
you  support  a  plan  you  are  ignorant  of? 

Maybe  >re  are  better  off  if  we  have 
little  or  no  voice  in  arriving  at  our 
salary  schedules,  but  I  don't  think  so. 

Let  me  knoi-x.  Let  me  disagree.  Let 
me  help  if  I  agree. 


To  The  Editor: 

It  seems  regrettable  that 
some  of  the  Staff  of  the  Reference 
Division  were  not  invited  to  attend  the 
recent  meeting  in  regard  to  student  use 
of  the  Library,  We  are  all  concerned 
about  the  increasing  use  of  the  Central 
Library  Collection  by  liigh  school  stu- 
dents and  would  be  interested  to  know 


To  the  Soap  Box: 

Could  it  be  that  there 
exists  in  the  Boston  Public  Library  a 
double  standard?  It  appears  that  the 
Division  of  Home  Reading  and  Community 
Services  has  Coordinators,  Supervisors, 
Readers'  Advisors,  full  compliment  of 
Branch  Librarians  and  a  permanent  Chief 
Librarian.  It  also  appears  that  titu- 
lar positions  in  this  Division  are 
filled  rapidly  whenever  qualified 
personnel  are  available. 

The  Division  of  Reference  and  Research 
Services,  hoviever,  seems  to  suffer  from 
a  lack  of  Coordinators  and  Curators 
even  though  it  seems,  albeit  to  an  uiv. 
informed  observer,  that  qualified 
people  are  available  to  fill  these  posi- 

Sometimes  we  wonder  if  there  is  a 
lack  of  interest  on  high  for  the  func- 
tion of  the  Reference  Division.   Or 
could  it  be  that  our  cause  is  not 
represented  with  vigah.  Or  maybe  a 
great  reference  collection  is  going  to 
be  quietly  permitted  to  ijither  on  the 


*  See  Editor's  note  at  the  end  of  the 
Soap  Box, 

-  12  - 

Dear  Soap  Box; 

It  is  quite  generally 
held  that  axi   election  year  is  the  most 
propitious  for  public  employees  to 
o'tain  raises.   It  seems  that  this  is 
so  because  fair  treatment  of  the  public 
employee  may  become  an  issue  in  an 
election  campaign  as  well  as  have  an 
effect  on  the  vote  of  the  individual 
employee  on  a  public  payroll. 

Although  job  descriptions  were 
written  for  all  employees  below  the 
grade  of  chief  aiid  branch  librarian, 
yet  it  appears  that  only  the  Library 
Assistants  are  being  considered  for 
any  increases  in  the  immediate  future. 
Are  the  Mayor  and  City  Coxmcil  going 
to  consider  the  budget  in  this  most 
favorable  year  for  raises  without  any 
attempt  to  improve  the  salary  schedules 
of  the  Professional  Service?  S'orely 
the  professionals  are  not  considered 
less  deserving.  Must  there  be  a  Li- 
brary'- lag?  Must  other  city  employees 
get  their  increases,  and  then  have 
library  employees  try  to  catch  up. 

The  City  Record  and  Boston  newspapers, 
in  commenting  on  the  exclusion  of  the 
Library  from  the  Jacob  classification, 
say  the  Lil^rarj'-  lias  its  own  plan?  VJhat 
plan?  ,  I  don't  know,  l#io  doeis?  Does 
it  include  raises  for  some  levels  of 
professional  staff,  for  all  levels,  for 
no  levels? 

There  is  no  lack  of  publicity  on  the 
efforts  of  the  School  Committee  and 
the  teachers  organizations  to  obtain 
more  favorable  salary  schedules  for 
the  Boston  Public  School  teachers. 

The  teachers  know  what  is  being 
sought  for  them.  Are  we  less  inter- 
ested in  our  remunerations? 


-.^'~'-    At-it-)/- 

To  the  Editor: 

The  February  issue  of 
the  Staff  Memo  has  succinctly  stated 
the  purpose  and  scope  of  the  recent 
"junket"  of  a  group  of  staff  members 
to  various  large  libraries,  alluded 
to  in  the  last  issue  of  the  QM,  Any 
misgivings  as  to  the  worth  of  this 
venture  were  dispelled  by  the  splendid 
report  prepared  by  Miss  Walker  and 
Miss  Becker,  and  presented  -so  ably  by 
Miss  Walker  at  the  meeting  of  the  Home 

Reading  Division  on  March  8, 

Viewed  in  the  light  of  their  out~ 
standing  practical  experience  as  branch 
liorarians,  this  appraising,  clear-eyed 
look  at  the  ways  in  which  other  compa- 
rable libraries  are  facing  up  to 
common  problems  had  a  special  validity. 
The  report  would  be  well  worth  hearing 
as  it  stands,  by  other  interested  mem- 
bers of  the  staff  as  well  as  by  the 
Director  and  Trustees,  May  they  avail 
themselves  of  the  opportunity  enjoyed 
by  the  branch  liorarians  and  other 
officers  of  the  Home  Reading  Division. 



Dear  Soap  Box; 

There  used  to  be  a  mirror 
in  the  front  elevator  to  help  the  oper- 
ator see  any  one  coming  before  he  closed 
the  doors.  Inadvertently  the  door  is 
often  shut  in  someone's  face  (through 
no  fault  of  the  operator),  or  someone 
coming  around  the  corner  sees  the  door 
closing  just  too  late, 

^■l\fouidn'*t  it  be  a  worthvThile  thing 
to  install  on  thfe  elevator  a  convex 
mirror  such  as  they  have  on  hotel 
elevators  and  on  the  MTA  busses? 

It  is  very  annoying  to  see  the  door 
close  and  have  to  wait  until  the 
elevator  makes  its  slow  climb  to  the 
third  floor,  then  down  to  the  basement 
before  it  stops  to  take  passengers 
again  for  the  third  floor. 

Since  the  front  elevator  will  be  much 
more  heavily  used  during  the  planned 
repairs  to  the  rear  elevator,  the  in- 
stallation of  such  a  mirror  now  would 
seem  to  be  helpful  if  not  absolutely 


_* '_i  jjo '- J '_"—"- 


To  The  Editor  of  the  Soap  Box: 

would  be  a  kindness  to  ■;he  staff  to 
keep  the  Staff  Library  open  as  many 
hours  as  the  Library  itself  is  open. 
It  is  fast  getting  to  be  the  only 
place  where  one  can  go  to  "read  one.'s 
office",  possess  one's  soul,  or  just 
get  away  from  nagging  noise. 

It's  an  annoyance  to  begin  to  open 
the  door  to  the  Staff  Library  and 
find  that  some  meeting  is  in  progress 
there.  Can't  the  Administration  put 

-  13  -» 


one  of  their  offices  at  the  disposal 
of  these  small  meetings?  Ladies  and 
gentlemen  of  the  brass,  will  you  stop 
poaching  on  oiir  limited  demesnes  and 
stay  in  your  own  baronial  acres? 


Dear  Soap  Box; 

IJhy  has  there  been  no 
publication  of  the  proposed  schedule 
of  LA.  salary  schedules  which  the  Job 
Evaluation  Committee  was  supposed  to 
help  create?  Why  shouldn't  the 
individuals  affected  have  a  chance 
ho  er.airdnQ  these  schedules  before  the 
money  is  actually  appropriated  for 
them?  There  is  certainly  ample  prece- 
dent for  such  prior  publication  both 
inside  and  outside  the  Liorary.  In 
the  Library  in  the  past,  such  a  phrase 
as  "if  and  as  budgetary  conditions 
permit"  was  used  to  indicate  that  pro- 
posed schedules  might  take  some  time 
to  effect.  The  results  of  the  Jacob 
classification  was  available  to  other 
city  employees  much  in  advance  of  any 
planned  date  of  payment.  This  has 
allowed  individuals  and  organizations 
the  opportunity  to  make  appeals  before 
the  fact,  VJhy  should  the  Library  LA. 
have  to  contend  with  a  "fait  accompli"? 

The  Job  Evaluation  Committee  held 
its  latest  meeting  in  July  of  1962. 
Members  of  the  committee  report  that 
at  least  one  f\irther  meeting  was  to 
have  been  scheduled  shortly  there- 
after, but  to  this  date  no  further 
meeting  has  been  scheduled.  Members 
of  the  committee  report  that  they  do 
not  knov:  what  decisions  were  finally- 
made  (we  ass-ume  some  vere). 

Maybe  no  news  is  good  ne>is,  but  it 
is  also  a  good  way  to  start\.uiA.- 
ing  rumfjacs. 

Must'  it  glways  be? 

TOO  Lrrns  am>  lui  tate 

•JHHHS-iHKHHH^U-ya'^Vc-y,  V<  V,  1',  V,  ■/ V.  y,  Y^Y.  V,  V>  >.'.  i^-i".  VaK!-,',*^/.  v,%v- 

Ed,  Note: 

The  staff  would  have  been 
welcome,  but  it  x-ras  indicated  that 
the  Lecture  Hall  was  to  be  filled  to 
near  capacity  by  the  in^dted  super- 
visors, principals  and  school  librar- 
ians. As  it  developed,  because  of 
bad  weather  and  other  circumstances, 
there  would  have  been  room  for  the 
staff  but  it  was  then  too  late  to  in- 
vite them. 

».  ^■  «'  ..  ^(-yLi'-JA. 








(Note:     Most  recent  past  president,  Louis  Rains,   is  a  non- 
voting member  of  the  Board.     VJilliam  R,  Lewis  as  Editor 
of  Publications   (or  a  member  of  the  Publications 
Committee)  is   "allowed  to  attend  the  meetings  of  the 
Executive  Board  but  not  to  take  part  in  the  discussions 
or  in  the  voting".) 



Rose  Marie  DeSimone 

Joyce  Kearney 

Euclid  Peltier 

Louis  R.  O'Halloran,  Chairman 


Paul  Crane 

Majorie  McCabe 

Robert  Schleehauf 

Mildred  Soames 

Arthur  M.  VJolman 

Randal  Tobin 

Anna  Scanlan,  Chairman 


Gerald  Ball 

B.  Joseph  O'Neill 

Russell  Scully,  Chairman 


Mildred  Adelson 

Mary  Bennett 

Mary  Farrell 

Margaret  Hoare 

Patricia  Maguire 

Edna  ilollent 

Katharine  KacDonaJ/i,  CkiaLirman 

Connolly  Branch 
Information  Office 
Audio-Visual  Dept. 
Division  Office,  H.R.S. 

Education  Dept. 


Buildings  Dept. 

Book  Preparation  Dept, 

Mattapan  Branch 


Rare  Book  Dept. 

Book  Purchasing  Dept. 
Newspaper  and  Periodical  Dept, 
Book  Selection  Dept.,  R.  &  U.S. 

Jamaica  Plain  Branch 

East  Boston  Branch 

Catalog  &  Classification,  R  &  RS 

Fine  Arts  Dept. 

General  Reference  Dept. 

Personnel  Office 

Personnel  Office 


Geraldine  Beck 

Charles  Gillis 

Madelene  Holt 

Ruth  Hayes 

Elinor  Conley,  Chairman 


Harry  Fletcher 
Fred  Rodenmeyer 
Robert  Schleehauf 
Max  Anapolle,  Chairman 


Helen  Bickford 

Geraldine  Cudmore 

Lydia  Palladino 

Marie  Quinn 

Elizabeth  Rollins 

Barbara  E.  Do ran,  Chairman 


Kay  Decker 

Claire  0' Toole,  Chairman 


Ann  Connolly 
Diane  Farrell 
Helene  Fisher 
Susanna  Gill 
Janice  Maniscalco 
Gladys  McDonnell 
Marie  Quinn 
Sally  Shoemaker 
Jean  Babcock,  Chairman 


Frank  Bruno 
William  Casey 
Pris cilia  Ramaay 
Kay  Decker 
James  Monahan 
Ruth  Marshall 
Roger  Stevens 
Pauline  '/talker 
Dorothy  Shaw,  Cl,airmai; 

Hyde  Park  Branch 
Business  Office 
Lower  Mills  Branch 
Division  Office,  H.R.5. 
Adams  Street  Branch 

Catalog  &   Classification,  R  i  R£ 

Book  Stack  Service 

Buildings  Dept. 

Periodical  &  Newspaper  Dept. 

Open  Shelf  Dept. 

Business  Office 

Open  Shelf  Dept. 

Division  Office,  R.  2c   R.S. 

Buildings  Dept. 

Catalog  &  Classification,  R  &  RS 

Branch  Issue  Dept. 
Branch  Issue  Dept. 

Central  Charging  Records 
Codman  Square  Branch 
Personnel  Office 
Charles tovm  Branch 
Rare  Book  Dept. 
Faneuil  Branch 
Division  Office,  R.  &  R.S. 
Sgleston  Square  Branch 
Division  Office,  R.  &  R.S. 

Central  Charging  Records 
Codman  Square  Branch 
General  Reference  Dept. 
Branch  Issue  Dept. 
Patent  Room 
Education  Dept, 
Audio -Visual  Dept. 
-'est  Roxbury  Branch 
Periodical  and  Newspaoer  Dept. 


Jaraes  A,   Ford 
Christiana  P.   Jordaj 
Isabel  >-.  Martino 
3.    Joseph  0'!\leill 
"ucli^  'T.  Peltier 
Augusta  Rubenstein 
Rose  /loorachian,    Chairna"" 

education  Dept . 
Alls ton  Branch 
Roslindale  Branch 
Periodical  and  Newspaper 
Audio-Visual  Dept, 
>iattapan  Branch 
Dorchester  Branch 



Harry  Andrews 

Jean  Babcock 

Doris   jray 

Jane  Manthorne 

lldward  J.  Montana,     'r. 

Roger  Stevens 

Bridie  Stotz 

Martin  F.   "Jaters 

•Pat  'Mte 

Barbara  VJhitledge 

Sarah  Usher 

'William  R.   Lewis,   Chaimar 

Branch  Issue  Dept. 

Division  Office,  R.   *■■  R.5. 

Book  Selection  Dept.,    K.R.^. 

Oioen  Shelf  Dept. 

Periodical  and  Newspaper   Dert . 

Audio-Visual  Dept. 

Roslindale  Branch 


Catalog  i  Classification,    H    v  R^' 

Division  Office,    H.R.S. 

Records ,    Files   and  Statistics 

History  Dept. 


Anne  Brennan 
Anne  Crowley 
Dorothy  K.    Beckpr, 

..RE    :Q'3;ittif 

"Vip  irv-,ar 

jrac---  .    .ar'.T.' 

>larv'  •     bpnr 

Laura  :'. .    Revet 

Rhoda  BlaCKer,      hairtnar. 

n.    i 


Rita    ..    Jesaulniers 

:4ary  C-,   Langton 

■Cleanora  K".  Chaplik,    ^haiman 

Dorchester  Branch 
L.ower  /lills   Branch 
"gleston  Square  Branch 

?ook  Selection  Dept.,    n.R 
iook  Selection   Dept.,    "    ' 

:^leston  Square  Branch 

attapan  Branch 

■■.irstein  business  Branch 
Hospital  Library  Service 
Codman  Square  Branch 


-La..SLATr;i  ^^iD  legal  hatters      (To   be  announced) 



R  cl  V I  f^  w  h.  (?' 

.  •  •   TKE  "HOST  Fr.SCTWATXnG'  BOOK  I 


300X  BUT   IT'S   I'lOT  UORTH   TEH 

•^E"  CAr!»T  JUST  REJECT  A 




^  Fridau, /^pi-il  5,  1963  ai   8  p, 






J  he  mti)  Do:don  - 
A  Center  oflnformo.1:iorC 

J  ' 


El^^nor  D.    Gonley,   Chairman 
Geraldine  T.   Beck  ibit.b  M.  Hayes 

Madalene  D,   Holt  Ctiarles  J-  Gillis 




APRIL     1963 

Published  by  the  Boston  Puolic  Library  Staff  Association 

Volume  XVIII  Number  It  April  1963 

Publications  Committee;  Harry  Andrews,    Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,    Jane  Manthorne, 

Edward  J.   Mont.ana,   Jr,,   I^s.  Bridie  Stotz,   Martin  F, 
Waters,   Pat  White,  Barbara  VJliitledge,  Roger  Stevens, 
cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,   Indexer,  William  R.  Lexiis, 

Publication  date;  Deadline  for  submitting  material; 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

He  has  the  right  to  criticize 
VJho  has  the  heart  to  help, 


The  recent  unpleasantness  has  been  happily  resolved.  Or  has  it?  Whereas  the 
ir^mediate  incident  is  no  longer  with  us,  the  greater  problem  -  that  of  communi- 
cation, or  to  be  more  specific,  the  lack  of  same  -  is  uixfortunately  still  the 
state  of  the  relationship  between  administration  and  staff.  It  has  been  stated 
that  we  are  quick  to  criticize  and  we  seemingly  delight  in  discovering  flaws  in 
administration  practices.  Not  at  all.  Like  most  humans  we  delight  in  things 
that  please  and  usually  react  favorably  when  given  the  opportunity,  Hotrever, 
the  recent  breakdoT-m'in  communication  and  resulting  sag  in  staff  morale  are  im- 
possible to  overlook. 

It  appears  to  us  that  a^  ■well-tnfoijmed  staff  would  function  more  efficiently 
than  one  not  so  well  iirformed,  and  that  in  its  awareness  of  what  is  required  of 
it  could  be  expected  to  operate  up  to  standards  established  by  the  administration, 
Coirimunication  as  it  applies  to  staff-administration  relationships  connotes  nothing 
more  mystical  than  the  floa-j  of  information.  We  are  especially  concerned  here 
with  that  information  which  governs  personnel  policy  and  procedure.  The  staff 
cannot  be  held  liable  for  errors  of  omission  or  commission  where  the  necessary 
guide-lines  of  instruction  are  lacking. 

To  be  non-constructively  critical  serves  no  true  purpose.  We  sincerely  wish 
to  be  helpful.  Perhaps  it  is  too  obvious  to  suggest  that  administrative  direc- 
tives announcing  new  or  revised  policy  be  stated  in  clear  and  concise  terms 
which  are  understandable  to  all  concerned  and  which,  when  read  by  one  and  all, 
convey  a  single  intent  and  interpretation.  A  further  thought  occurs  to  us  - 
why  not  utilize  the  Staff  Hanual.   In  its  completed  form  the  Manual  could  be  the 
ultimate  source  and  sole  aroiter  of  any  future  staff-g.dininistration  differences. 
This  could  be  our  Bible  -  on  one  hand  it  could  be  the" administration's  statement 
of  policy,  procedure  and  goals  and  on  the  other,  the  staffs'  protection  against 
unwritten  policy  and  arbitraxy  decisions, 


The  fifth  freedom  ,,,  enjoy  it'. 
KATIONi^X  LIBRARY  WEEK  April  21-2?,  I963 

-  2  - 


Staff  members  who  were  unable  to 
attend  the  3ertlia  V^  Hartsell  l^morial 
Lecture  on  April  5  misced  a  fine  pro- 
fessional prograrn.  To  Ilrs,  Elinor 
Day  Conley  and  her  co^iiittee,  I  would 
like  to  express  again  iry  gratitude 
for  arranging  and  carr^.-'ing  through 
this  program  to  such  a  successful 
evening,  I  pass  along  to  f-iem  the 
many  thanks  which  I  have  received 
from  people  who  thoroughly  enjoyed 
this  lecture.  Our  thanks,  too,  to 
Mr,  Louis  Rains  Tiho  first  suggested 
our  excellent  speaker,  Dr,  %er 

Since  the  last  issue  of  The  Question 
Mark,  the  Executive  Board  has  held 
one  meeting.  The  Board  voted  unani- 
mously that  the  Staff  Association 
should  support  Senate  Bill  #537,  pro- 
posed araendinent  to  the  Massachusetts 
State  Aid  to  Libraries  Bill,  Since 
we  supported  the  original  state  aid 
legislation,  it  is  logical  for  \is  to 
put  forth  oTir  efforts  on  behalf  of 
this  amendment  designed  to  restore 
the  intentions  of  that  legislation 
as  it  was  origina3.1y  proposed.  Staff 
members  will  receive  more  information 
about  this  new  bill.  Meanwhile,  I 
am  working  out  \  ovx   Legislative- 
Legal  Conmittee  Chairman,  I'liss  Helen 
Sevagian,  i^ays  in  T/hich  our  support 
can  be  most  effectively  expressed. 

Several  ideas  for  our  Fall  Pro- 
fessional Meeting  have  been  passed 
along  to  our  Program  Corimittee  Chair- 
man. Among  the  subjects  suggested 
were:  the  student  use  problem,  effects 
of  state  aid  and  regional  planning 
upon  the  Boston  Public  Library,  the 
functions  of  a  staff  organization,  a 
book  fair  for  librarians  and  teachers, 
a  reading  institute  and  a  general 
discussion  of  the  Future  of  the  Boston 
Public  Library,  The  last  topic  might, 
01  course,  encompass  several  of  the 
others.   In  regard  to  these  possible 
subjects,  members  of  the  Program 
Coinmittee  would  expressions 
of  your  opinion,  I  an  sure^ 

By  the  time  this  QM  arrives  in  your 
hands,  we  hope  that  the  results  of 
the  job  evaluation  study  will  have 
been  published  by  the  Administration, 
At  our  March  Board  meeting,  Mr.  Gaines 
explained  carefully  to  us  the  res.Bons 

for  the  last  few  months  of  delay  on 
this  matter.  The  Board  found  these 
reasons  sufficient  to  warrant  ta- 
bling our  request  for  full  publica- 
tion until  the  April  Board  Meeting, 

Full  examination  of  the  hiring 
pattern  for  extra  assistants  through- 
out the  year  has  led  the  Board  to 
drop  its  reouest  for  a  change  in  their 
anniversary  dates.  Although  a  larger 
number  of  part-timers  come  to  us  in 
September  tl'ian  in  any  other  month  , 
this  figure  was  not  found  to  oe  suffi- 
ciently great  to  demand  a  chsinge  which 
would  be  administratively  difficult  to 
handle.  Actually,  mnny  extra  assistants 
are  hired  during  every  month  of  the 
year.  Present  anniversary  dates  for 
this  area  of  service  are,  apparently, 
just  about  as  acceptable  as  any  other 
t^70  dates  would  be.  Our  thanks  to  the 
Personnel  Office  for  making  these 
records  available  to  us  for  study, 

A  preliminary  report  from  the  Per- 
sonnel Committee  upon  their  investiga- 
tion of  promotional  policies  was 
received  and  accepted  by  the  Executive 
Board.   It  was  decided  that  this  infor- 
mation, intended  primarily  for  use  by 
the  Board  iji  discussing  policy  with  the 
Administration,  should  not  be  published 
in  the  QM  at  this  time, 

Subsecuent  to  our  Board  meeting,  the 
Staff  Association  was  invited  by  the 
Director  of  the  Boston  Public  Library 
to  participate  officially  in  the  hos- 
pitality which  the  Library  intends  to 
provide  for  the  137  British  librarians 
expected  to  visit  Boston  in  October, 
Hastily  gathering  the  Board  together, 
I  was  delighted  to  express  to  Mr,  Lord 
their  hearty  acceptance  of  this  invita- 
tion, Vfe  have  agreed  that  the  Staff 
Association  will  sponsor  a  tea  for 
these  visiting  librarians  on  October  9, 
the  day  of  their  arrival.  Details  of 
how  this  tea  will  be  arranged  will  be 
decided  upon  later. 

To  the  Pre-Professionals  involved 
last  month  in  a  misunderstanding  of  the 
details  of  their  contract  with  the 
Library,  I  extend  my  sympathy  as  Pres- 
ident of  this  Association,  It  is  mj 
understanding,  however,  that  this  sit- 
uation has  been  worked  out  by  the 
Administration  to  the  eventual  satis- 
faction of  all  concerned,   I  join  with 
the  manj''  staff  iiieiri«iG  mUc»  fliscussed 
t.hj  R  i  nr.i  deiit  v/i  t.h  me  in  hoping  that 

-  3  - 


it  will  cause  us  to  create  better  and 
fuller  means  of  cormnunication  through- 
out our  library  system  in  order  that 
future  misunderstandings  of  this  na- 
ture may  be  prevented, 




C.  David  Benson,  Rare  Book 
Gladj'-s  H.  Grund,  Mattapan 
Anthony  J,  Pacy,  General  Reference 
Richard  B.  Story,  Central  Charging 

New  Northeastern  Students 

Peter  Collins,  Records,  Files  , 

Statistics  i 

Anne  M,  Burnett,  Book  PurcheLsing 
Evon  H,  Calris,  Book  Purchasing 
Kenneth  K.  Cahoon,  Book  Stack  Service 
Frank  R.  Castellano,  Book  Stack  Service 
Henry  J.  Fenricle,  Book  Stack  Service 
David  H,  Jaspan,  Book  Stack  Service 
James  M,  HcKenna,  Book  Stack  Service 
Alys  M,  Pec or arc,  Uphams  Corner 
Susan  E,  Simons,  Charlestcrvm 
Francis  A,  Vidito",  Book  Stack  Service 


Catherine  H,  Richmond,  from  Charlestovjn 

to  Brighton  Branch 
Josephine  Frost,  from  Brighton  Branch 

to  Allston  Branch 
Katherine  A,  Bodwell,  from  East  Boston 

to  Orient  Heights 
Mary  A.  LaFollette,  from  Orient  Heights 

to  East  Boston 


Roberta  MacCausland,   General  Befeience 
to  Alexander  J.  Dorey,  liarch  30,19^3 


Sarah  Gadbury,  West  Roxbury  -  to  be 
married  and  live  in  California 

Christie  Jorgensen,  Cataloging  and 
Classification  RRS  -  to  move  to 

Mrs,  Loretta  Johnson,  Adajns  Street  - 
to  staj''  at  home 

Patricia  Hurray,  Personnel  Office  - 
another  position 

Donna  L.  Pascale,  Cataloging  and  Class- 
ification RRS  -  another  position 

Robert  Pasztor,  Book  Preparation 


Joseph  A.  Crotrley,  Book  Stack  Service 
March  l8,  1963 


Staff  members  living  in  Allston  or_ 
Brighton  may  wish  to  attend  the  public 
meeting  to  be  held  in  that  area  on  May 
2  to  discuss  the  Sargent  Report,  As 
you  know,  this  report  is  the  result  of 
a  study  of  Boston's  school  construction 
needs  made  by  Harvard  University  for 
the  Boston  Redevelopment  Authority  ^-ath 
the  cooperation  of  Boston  School  offi- 
cials. On  I4ay  2,  Mrs.  Louise  Day  Hicks 
of  the  Boston  School  Committee  will 
speak  at  the  William  Howard  Taft  School 
(20  Wairen  Street,  Brighton  )  on  that 
section  of  the  report  which  applies  to 
Allston-Bri-hton.  She  has  agreed  to 
try  to  ans^rer  any  questions  which  res- 
idents wish  to  raise. 

This  meeting  is  being  sponsored  by 
the  Allston  Brighton  Inter-Agency 
Council,  a  :,roup  in  -hich  our  oranch 
libraries  serving  that  area  are  repre- 
sented. The  meeting  vn.ll  begin  at 
7:U5  P.M,  If  interested  staff  members 
have  any  questions  about  this  meetingj 
please  contact  one  of  the  branch 
librarians  in  Allston^ri^hton. 


Raymond  C,  Burke,  a  member  of  Branch 
Issue  since  last  summer,  an  alumnus  of 
Hingham  High  School,  class  of  '62  and 
an  ardent  devotee  of  the  drama,  has 
made  his  debut  as  a  dramatist  with  an 
entry  in  the  Flassachusetts  Drama  Fes- 
tival. His  play  entitled  "  A  Thread 
of  Song"  xras  adapted  from  three  Dorothy 
Parker  short  stories  and  was  presented 
at  John  Hancock  Hall  on  April  5  as  one 
of  sixteen  plays  which  were  semi- 
finalists  in  the  Mass.  Drama  Festival, 


: ',:  X i','.: .-s:  a  u  x«->« «  "^ «  '"':  -  '■ 

-  i;  • 


Half  a  centui^'  of  service  to  the      | 
Library  is  a  rare  distinction  and  one 
of  which  Joseph  A.  Croxjley  x^as  right- 
fully proud.  We  had  considered  him  a 
permanent  landmark  aixi  liis  sudden  death 
on  March  l8  was  a  shock  to  ?.ll  of  us. 

Entering  the  service  on  February  11, 
1909,  "Uncle  Joe"  worked  in  many  de- 
partments and  for  several  years  as 
assistant  in  the  Patent  Room  unti].  he 
was  transferred  to  Book  Stack  Serv:".ce, 
formerly  the  Issue  Department,  where 
he  became  Assistant  In  Charge,  His 
long  service  was  broken  onl;^  by  h-is 
absence  in  the  service  during  World 
War  I.  Few  people  knew  the  book  stacks 
as  well  and  certainly  no  one  cared  as 
much  about  them. 

His  anecdotes  were  a  delight  and  he 
was  kind  of  unofficial  historian  of  a 
half  century  of  change  and  progress. 
Nothing  pleased  him,  or  his  audience 
more,  than  to  reminisce  about  his  mein- 
ories  of  the  days  of  Horace  G,  Wadlin, 
James  Lyman  Whitney,  Horace  liHieeler, 
Frank  C.  Blaisdell,  Lindsay  Sxri.ft, 
Langdon  Ward,  John  Singer  Sargent, 
Charles  F.  D.  Belden,  Samuel  A. 
Chevalier,  and  other  notable  figures 
in  the  long  procession  of  notable  names 
in  the  Library's  history. 

His  devotion  to  his  appointed  task, 
his  considerate  and  sympathetic  treat- 
ment of  his  staff,  his  unfailing  and 
cheerful  cooperation  will  long  be  re- 
membered and  will  serve  as  a  fitting 


The  death  of  Joe  Crowley  on  March  18 
has  left  a  gap  in  the  inner  life  of  the 
library  which  cannot  be  filled.  His 
gaity  and  nonchalance,  his  peppy  ap- 
proach to  any  problem,  and  his  constant, 
goodnatured  joking  have  become,  over 
the  years,  as  much  a  part  of  his  co- 
workers lives  as  books  and  slips.  No 
mstter  how  harried  one  might  be,  a  few 
words  trjith  Joe  Crowley  and  nothing  seem- 
ed as  bad  as  it  had  a  few  moments 
before.  The  lives  of  maaiy  new  employees 
have  been  made  happier  because  of  work- 
ir^g  for  or  with  him.  His  love  for  the 
library,  never  verbally  expressed  as 
such,  was  so  much  a  part  of  him  that  he 
inevitably  passed  some  of  it  onto 
others  in  his  stories  and  memories  of 

other  days,  VJho  can  sav  that  Joe 
Crowley  is  gone?  It  seems  to  me  that 
he  will  always  be  here  in  some  guise, 
in  the  memories  of  his  friends,  in  his 
sayings  which  are  legion  and  have  be^ 
come  part  of  our  BPL  language.  No  one 
can  put  as  much  of  his  life,  time  and 
spirit  into  an  institution  as  Joe 
Crowley  has  v/ithout  becoming  part  of 
it  and  to  those  of  us  vjho  knew  and 
loved  him  he  is  al^rays  here. 

C.  0«T. 

The  follcrvxing  is  a  tribute  from  a  mem- 
ber of  the  public, 


To  "die  in  harness"  that  was  his  wish 
-  and  it  was  granted  by  Heaven^  Joseph 
A,  Crowley's  sudden  death  has  deprived 
the  Boston  Public  Library,  in  Copley 
Square,  not  only  of  its  longest- irt- 
service  employee,  but  also  of  one  singu- 
larly co:.ipetent.  With  exemplary  dedi~ 
cation  he  served  for  more  than  fifty- 
four  years.  No  one,  in  that  long  span 
of  time,  sought  his  help  that  he  did 
not  respond  with  pleasant  alacrity.  In 
the  fine  art  of  dealing  successfully 
with,  of  gratifying  patrons,  there  was 
nothing  worth  knowixxg,  or  doing,  that 
Joe  did  not  know,  that  Joe  did  not  do. 
Who  can  forget  his  straightforward 
manner  and  speech  -  no  fuss,  no  feath- 
ers -  one  of  Nature's  noblemen,  every 
inch  a  man,  every  inch  a  gentleman? 
Invariably  gracious  and  alert,  it  was 
part  of  him  to  be  obliging.  He  belonged 
to  that  charming  elite  who  seem  to  be 
receiving  when  they  are  conferring. 
And  guileless,  a  spade  he  could  call  a 
spade,  Chockfull  of  proud  memories  of 
old  South  Boston,  get  him  going,  he 
was  a  racy  raconte\ar.  But  the  highest 
tribute  is  his  life  -  it  was  GOOD, 
R.I.  P. 



Hyde  Park 

The  Hyde  Park  Branch  Library  is  very 
proiid  of  library  aide  Margery  F.  .Korg?n, 
senior  at  Saint  Clare's  High  School, 
Roslindale,  who  was^warded  a  Presiden- 
tial Scholarship,  a  full  tuition  scholar- 
ship at  Boston  College,  Chestnut  Hill, 
Mass.  Margery  is  planning  to  enter  the 
School  of  Education  at  B.C.,  majoring 
in  chemistry.  Our  best  wishes  go  with 
her  for  her  continued  success. 

Sduth  Boston 

The  April  exhibit  in  the  showcase  at 
South  Boston  Branch  lAhTBTj,   TIME  FOR 
TRAVEL,  feat\iring  travel  books,  of 
course,  shovrs  the  results  of  trips  to 
far  off  countries  which  have  been 
enjoyed  by  staff  members.   Included  in 
the  display  are  objects  from  20  coun- 
tries, including  such  distant  spots  as 
Thailand,  Hong  Kong,  Baalbek,  Pit cairn 
Island  and  Colombia.  Contributors  were 
South  Boston  Staff  members,  Irene  Tuttle, 
Taimi  Lilja,  Martha  Engler,  Helen 
Connell,  Jennie  Femino,  Julie  Eraser 
and  Mary  Voigt. 


That  newly-added  sparkle  in  the 
children' s  room  at  the  Roslinda!^  Branch 
Library  is  coming  from  the  third  finger, 
left  hand  of  Miss  Margot  Woodward. 
VJedding  bells  are  set  to  ring  in  August. 

We  all  think  Margot' s  fiance,  !*fr. 
Robert  H,  Cornell  (-mathematics  teacher-^' 
at  Lincoln-Sudbury  Regional  High  School) 
is  a  most  fortunate  young  man  to  vrin  so 
fair  and  talented  a  bride.   Our  hearty 
congratulations  and  best  wishes  for  a 
bright  future  to  these  young  people. 

For  five  years,  users  of  the 
R'osllttdale ^Branch  Library  have  found  it 
a'^1i^^e&.t  ju;st  tb  <Lbok  ?t  our  attractive, 
d&raure  libr-ary  aid6,-„  I«4ss  Katherine 
G'Rourke'.  The  yo\ing  l:ft^^-s;^heV^^ 
exterior  is  not  hef  obIj''  embelllsiwent 
however,  but  houses  a  brilliant  mind 
and  scholai'ly  taste  for  Gr<;ek>  Latin 

and  the  Classie  Era.   In  June  Miss 
O'Rourke  graduates  from  Regis  College 
and  leaves  the  library  and  her  native 
land  to  travel  abroad.  Italy  and  Greece 
are  of  course  on  the  itinery.  Upon  her 
return  in  the  fall.  Miss  G'Rourke  plans 
to  attend  Columbia  liniversity  where  she 
has  been  accepted  to  study  for  her 

I't,.  Bowdoin 

Mss  Madeleine  Pi  scope,  one  of 
I'ft.,  Bowdoin' s  Library  Aides  has  been 
granted  a  substantial  scholarship  to 
Boston  University.   She  is  to  enter  the 
"Six  Year  Medical  Course"  in  the  fall. 
One  of  these  days  we  will  all  be  able 

to  pddress  her  as  Dr.  Piscopo 

this  is  her  fondest  hope. 


This  is  a  r^hrase  that  we  have  all 
used  at  one  time  or  another  for  one 
reason  or  another.  Our  answer  to  the 
above  question  is  a  definite  and 
emphatic  "yes"  .  We  could-,  ftot  be  any 
more  serious  when  we  ask  that  you  become 
a  blood  donor  in  order  that  the  employ- 
ees of  the  Boston  Public  Library  might 
continue  to  benefit  from  participating 
in  the  Fed  Cress  Blood  Bank  Program, 

The  donations  you  maJko  now  count  as 
insurance  for  the  future.   Participation 
in  this  program  guarantees  any  amount 
of  blood  which  might  be  needed  by  you 
or  your  fpmily  when  the  need  arises 
(have  you  priced  a  pint  of  blood 
recently?).  The  actual  giving  of  the 
blood  is  a  painless  process  and  you  are 
usually  in  and  out  in  less  than  one 
hour.  It  will,  we  arc  sure,  prove  to 
be  a  very  rewarding  experience.  The 
librar:'  allows  each  successful  doner 
one  half  of  a  day  off  . 

The  hours  at  the  Red  Cross  Blood 
Center  which  is  located  at  Jlk   Dartm-utl 
Street  in  Copley  Souare  are  very  conven- 
ient. They  are: 

Monday     10:G0-a.m.  to  2:ii5  -Q.r^^ 

Tuesday  2:00  p.m.   to  7:h5  p.r. 

Wednesday     11:00  a.m.  to  3:U^  p.m. 

Th^JTsdaj         2:00  p.m.   to  1:U^  p.m. 

Fri^y  11:00  a.m.   to  3:hy  o.ri. 


-  6  - 


}  Cont. 

Be  sure  to  indicate  on  the  blood  ■ 
donor's  card  that  yotir  donation  is  to  be 
credit ea  to  the  Boston  Public  Library 
blord  bank.  So  if  you  are  between  the 
a£:es  of  18  and  59  won't  you  please  make 
it  a  point  to  giA'e  in  the  immediate 
future?  Unmarried  donors  between  the 
ages  of  18  and  21  need  their  parent's 
consent;  forms  may  be  obtained  by  contact- 
ing any  member  of  the  committee«-or  ^'rs. 
¥ollent  at  the  otaff  Hospital.  The 
need  is  NOW,  If  you  have  any  questions 
please  do  not  hesitate  to  contact  any 
member  of  the  committee. 

RoseMarie  DeSimone 
Connolly  Branch 
Joyce  Kearney 
Information  Office 
Ed  Peltjcr 

Audio-Visual  Department 
Louis  O'Kalloran,  Chairman 
Office,  Div.,  KR  &  CS 

Dear  Friends: 

Your  Editorial  Board  has  very  kindly 
allotted  us  some  space  in  this  issue  of 
the  "Question  Mark."  Frankly,  we  need 
a  full  newspaper-sized  publication, 
doublc-pape  spreads,  banner  type  and 
other  dramatic  accessories  in  order  to 
thank  adequately  each  and  every  nerson 
who  has  so  generously  contributed  books 
to  the  Turner  Free  Library,  subsequent 
to  our  tragic  loss  from  fire. 

In  our  eyes,  cynicism  new  constitutes 
a  misdemeanori  If  any  one  of  you  feels 
tempted  in  that  direction,  for  whatever 
reason,  we,  at  Turner,  have  for  ;^ou  the 
remedy  truly  tried  by  fire:  Further- 
more, YOU  arc  amongst  the  many  who 
have  concocted  this  remedy,  making  ours 
a  most  heart-warming  experience.  The 
generosity,  good  judgment  and  plain, 
unvarnished  kindness  which  have  been 
expressed  by  you  and  the  hundreds  of 
others  throughout  Massachusetts  is 
something  which  can  never  be  diocount-^d 
and  for  which  we  hereby  say  with  all 
our  hearts,  "Thrnk  you I" 

Come  see  us  and  your  gifts  I  And,  for 
comedy  relief,  come  learn  which  inks 
run.  which  colors  survive,  our  own 
answer  to  the  wood-versuc-rrietal-contrr,- 
versy  and  other  odd  bits  of  post-fire 


"reference"  datai 

With  grateful  best  wishes  from  The 
Town,  The  Board  of  Trustees  and  The 

I'frs.  C.  Fenno-Faulkner 
Turner  Free  Library,  Randolph,  Mass, 

Concerning  top  shelves  in  the  stacks 

I've  often  wished  my  girth  wac  1  ss 
Or  that  iry  chaxms  were  greater 
I've  even  longed  to  get  here  soon 
Instead  of  always  later 
But  never  until  now  have  I 
Desired  to  be  extra  high J 

For  many  years  the  bottom  row 
Annoyed  me  in  my  searching 
'My  back  was  bent  from  bending  low 
Ity   stiff  knees  kept  me  l.urching 
But  now  I  roach — and  reach  in  vainl 
That  extra  shelf  pivcs  me  a  oainl 


A  gentleman  asked  at  the  Educ-^taon 
Department  where  he  could  get  "cur^'^ent 
book  information."  Before  the 
librarian  could  answer,  he  added,  "You 
know,  the  C.E.I." 

_x/_w  »0/>0^ 

An  assistant  at  one  of  the  branch 
libraries  suffered  an  unfortunate  acci- 
dent when  she  fell  down  a  flight  of 
stairs  in  her  home.   It  was  not  without 
its  humorous  aspects.  The  cause  of 
the  accident  was  a  book  left  at  the 
top  of  the  stairs  by  hor  young  sor; 
title  of  the  book  Dive  into  Danger. 

'_*•  -V-"  >1-' 

hL^   wO..V^^.  ti^i,  .•  '-^i^^^'^  Q--  3'fUJiiwT  USjL 


iPii-CL'-.L  LlorvniUa. 


KIRST^Il^l  BU£E\,£S5  BKh.-IC; 

fhe  forthcoming^  .  merican  Library  iAssociat- 
tion  Convention  (July  1^-20  in  Chicago) 
promises  a  fascinr.ting  variation  from  its 
usual  pattern.  Listead  of  meetings  seg- 
mented according  to  the  special  interests 
of  divisional  and  sectional  sponsors  under 
a  loose  over-all  theme,  there  will  be  a 
strong  one-focus  program  drawing  together 
virtually  all  conference  attendees  as 
participants.  The  "Conference  within  a 
Conference"  or  Cw'C  will  be  "an  Inquiry  in- 
to the  i^eeds  of  Students,  Libraries  and 
the  Educational  Process."  The  CWC  will 
consist  of  five  sessions  on  Tuesday, 
Wednesday,  and  Thursday,  July  16,  1?,  and 
18.  lionday  and  Friday  meetings  will  be 
devoted  to  association  and  division  busi- 
ness meetings. 

The  announced  purpose  of  the  CWC  is  "to 
examine  trends  of  society,  their  effect 
on  the  nation's  educational  needs  and  im- 
plications of  these  for  students  in  li- 
braries." The  announced  objectives  are 
to  examine  the  national  crisis  in  educa- 
tion; to  assess  libraries'  roles  in  meet- 
ing the  crisis;  to  explore  issues  and 
problems  to  be  solved  in  fulfilling  the 
libraries'  role;  to  make  recommendations 
for  programs  of  action  to  help  libraries 
fulfill  their  role. 

Two  major  innovations  are  apparent  in 
the  conference  planning:  first,  the  single 
focus  and  second,  the  opportunities  for 
full  individual  participation.  Three  of 
the  sessions  will  be  in  the  form  of  small 
(no  more  than  thirty-five  members)  dis- 
cussion groups.  Librarians  throughout 
the  country  are  bein;j  urged  to  prepare 
for  action  within  a  discussion  group, 
riembers  will  be  assigned  advance  reading 
and  advance  thinking. 

i^reas  of  concentration  for  the  discus- 
sion groups  iiill  be  the  identification  of 
student  needs  and  library  responsibilitie 
in  meeting  them,  library  resources  and 
their  availability  to  students,  and  the 

On  i\onday  evening,  ixarch  25 •  ^^ne  ccsto.. 
Chapter  of  Special  Libraries  dissociation 
held  its  monthly  meeting  at  the  Kirstein 
Business  Branch,  iifter  dinner  at  the 
Smorgasbord  Restaurant  on  Tremont  Street, 
the  program  began  at  the  library. 

In  the  absence  of  Mr.  Robert  L.  Martin, 
President  of  the  Boston  Chapter,  I'liss 
Dorothy  Hart,  Past  President  of  the  Chap- 
ter and  Librarian  of  Arthur  D.  Little, 
Inc.,  introduced  the  speakers  of  the  even- 
ing.  The  organization  was  fortunate  in 
having  as  speakers,  Mr.  Gerard  l.enard  ana 
i^ir.  Albert  mria,  both  business  analysts 
in  the  local  office  of  the  U.S.  Department 
of  Commerce,  rir.  Maria  explained  the 
various  government  services  available  to 
those  interested  in  exporting  and  import- 
ing and  i4r.  Menard  spoke  of  the  publica- 
tions of  the  domestic  section  which  assist 
the  businessman  in  promoting  his  enter- 

I^ir.  Bradford  M.  Hill,  Acting  Chief  of 
the  Division  of  Reference  and  Research 
Services  vrelcomed  the  group  and  Miss  Rite 
M.  Desaulniers  explained  a  little  of  the 
workings  of  the  Kirstein  Business  Branch. 
After  the  meeting,  many  of  the  librari- 
ans toured  the  building  and  coffee  was 
served  on  the  Second  Floor. 

RIT.^  M.  DESilULi.'ISRS 

******************  i'******''"'^**********'' 


Clarence  B.  Randall,  one  of  the  guest 
authors  at  the  i^pril  22nd  Book-and-Author 
Luncheon,  says  in  his  new  book  Sixty- Five 
Plus. . . "in  middle  life  they  permitted 
their  entire  reserve  of  energy -to  be  con- 
sumed by  exacting  daily  routines.  There 
was  no  time  for  serious  reading,  and  thai. 

capacity  to  be  stirred  by  it  atrophied, 
possibilities'^using  advances  in  technologji  Life  was  a  mad  race  to  catch  planes,  to 

to  make  library  resources  more  available. 
Well  aware  of  the  pressures  of  student 
needs  on  the  Boston  Public  Library,  staff 
members  will  predictably  be  much  involved 
in  the  forthcomii:ig  convention.  Volunteer 
discussion  leaders  are  invited  to  contact 
Phyllis  Maggeroli,  Director  of  the  Speoiall 
Program,  Chicago  Conference,  or  Jane     | 
Manthome,  of  their  intentions  of  taking  j 
part.  i 


keep  engagements,  to  turn  up  at  cocktai- 
parties,  and  to  be  seen  in  black  tie  .^t 
banquets.   There  was  no  pauses  for  reflec- 
tion, no  recharging  of  the  brain  by  plu  - 
ging  it  into  the  high  voltage  of  a  finf. 
book. " 


The  Proposed  revision  of  the  law  on 
certification  of  librarians  in  Massachu- 
setts was  discussed  in  detail  at  the 
recent  Mid-Winter  Meeting  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Library  Association,  and  was 
presented  in  outline  form  in  the  last 
issue  of  the  Question  Mark.  Because  this 
revision  affects  every  librarian  in  one 
way  or  another,  the  features  of  the  pro- 
posal are  being  presented  here  in  greater 

First  of  all,  the  law  vrill  be  mandatory 
rather  than  permissive  as  it  is  now,  and 
in  connection  with  this  a  standard  of 
formal  education  in  librarianship  will  be 
set  up.  The  Board  of  Library  Commission- 
ers will  grant  certificates,  upon  appli- 
cation, only  to  those  who  have  completed 
an  approved  program  of  study  in  librar- 
ianship, Ah>-,  approved  program  vrill  be 
one  accredited  by  the  American  Library 
Association.  An  alternative  will  be 
thirty  semester  hours  of  graduate  or 
undergraduate  credit  in  library  science 
earned  at  a  college  or  university  accre- 
dited by  any  regional  accrediting  asso- 
ciation recognized  by  the  National  Com- 
mission on  Accrediting.  Once  the  Certi- 
ficate of  Professional  Librarianship  has 
been  granted  it  will  be  on  a  Permanent 

Wien  libraries  cemnot  recruit  fully 
qualified  candidates,  the  Board  will 
grant  a  Provisional  Certificate,  on 
request  from  the  library  board  of  trvis- 
teeo,  to  the  person  to  be  employed  provi- 
ded that  he  has  graduated  from  a  college 
or  university  accredited  by  a  regional 
accrediting  association  recognized  by  the 
National  Commission  on  Accrediting.  The 
Certificate  will  be  valid  only  for  a 
specific  position  in  a  specific  library, 
and  for  a  period  of  three  years.  It  may 
be  renewed  by  the  Board  for  additional 
periods  of  three  years  each,  at  the 
request  of  the  library  board  of  trustees 
of  the  employing  library,  providing  that 
there  is  evidence  of  professional  growth 
on  the  part  of  the  librarian,  for  example: 
progress  toward  the  Certificate  of  Pro- 
fessional Librarianship,  other  formal 
education,  in-service  training,  individual 
study,  etc. 

Either  the  provisional  or  permanent 
certificate  will  be  granted  by  the  Board 
on  a  reciprocal  basis  to  anyone  who  has 
a  similar  certificate  from  another  state 
or  country  where  the  requirements  are 



When  the  law  is  passed  the  Board  will 
grant  a  permanent  Certificate  to  anyone 
who  has  a  professional  certificate  given 

under  present  legislation  or  who  has 
been  employed  in  a  professional  position 
in  a  public  library  for  one  year  prior 
to  the  effective  date  of  the  law.  Those 
who  have  worked  in  a  professional  posi- 
tion for  less  than  one  year  and  who  do 
not  hold  professional  certificates  will, 
on  application,  be  granted  a  Provisional 
Certificate  which  will  be  valid  for  five 
years.  After  five  years  of  satisfactory 
performance  in  a  professional  position 
a  permanent  certificate  will  be  granted. 
After  the  law  is  passed  there  will  be  a 
limit  of  two  years  during  which  certifi- 
cates may  be  exchanged  and  Provisional 
Certificates  applied  for. 

No  examination  or  test  will  be  requir- 
ed for  the  granting  of  a  certificate  of 
professional  librariansliip.  However,  in 
any  given  library  the  board  of  trustees, 
as  a  condition  for  employment,  may  re- 
quire qualifications  beyond  those  needed 
for  certification. 

One  year  after  the  law  has  been  passed 
all  who  are  employed  in  public  libraries 
in  cities  or  towns  having  a  population  of 
10,000  or  more  will  have  to  have  Certifi- 
cates of  Professional  Librarianship  or  a 
Librarian's  Provisional  Certificate,  if 
the  library  is  to  be  eligible  for  state 

The  proposed  law  is  based  on  the 
recommendations  of  the  Subcommittee  on 
Certification  of  Librarians  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Library  Association,  whose 
report  was  accepted  by  the  Association  at 
the  1961  Annual  Meeting.  It  should  be 
noted  that  the  revision  is  still  in  the 
proposal  stage,  and  that  there  may  be 
changes  made  before  it  is  put  into  its 
final  form, 



Mayor  Collins  recently  announced  the 
appointment  of  Attorney  Lenahan  O'Connell 
of  Jamaica  Plain  as  a  Trustee  of  the 
Boston  Public  Library.  He  succeds 
Patrick  F.  McDonald. 

Mr  O'Connell  is  currently  secretary 
of  The  Civil  War  Centennial  Commission 
of  Massachusetts. 


-  9  - 


For  5  weeks,  from  February  16  through 
March  l6,  the  rffiW  YORKER  carried  long 
articles  in  its  REPORTER  AT  LARGE  depart- 
ment on  the  Eichmann  trial  in  Jerusalem, 
Though  the  whole  subject  of  Eichmann  is 
now  a  dull  drag  to  most  people,  of  inter- 
est mainly  to  students  of  the  Nazi  era, 
the  articlos  were  abs«rbing  and  exciting. 
And  since  the  author,  Hannah  Arendt,  is  a 
distiguished  writer  on  political  science, 
TION we  have  here  at  the  Library,  I 
thought  that  members  of  the  Staff  might 
want  to  read  a  short  synopsis  of  the  NEW 
YORKER  pieces. 

Mss  Arendt  writes  great  power 
and  force,  and,  considering  the  subject, 
and  her  own  experiences,  with  unusual 
objectivity.  The  only  passion  she  shows 
is  for  justice.  She  discusses  not  only 
the  happenings  and  atmosphere  in  the 
courtroom,  the  attempts  by  the  prosecution 
to  make  it  a  show  trial  by  bringing  in 
irrelevant  evidence,  the  fairness  of  the 
judges,  the  legality  of  the  kidnapping, 
the  international  repercussions,  and  the 
personality  of  the  accused.  She  goes  into 
the  whole  background  of  the  Neizi  plan  to 
exterminate  the  Jews  of  Europe,  the  many 
German  offices,  bureaus,  banks,  industries 
and  individuals  involved  in  its  implemen- 
tation, the  methods  of  liquidation,  and 
the  response  of  the  various  governments 
and  peoples  all  over  occupied  Europe 
t-^wa-^d  this  most  monstrous  event  in  all 
history,  Eichmann 's  role  was  that  of 
ciJ  eT  transport  officer.  He  had  to 
deii.  '-er  the  victims  to  the  death  catrps,\   though  because  of  these  deliveries 
m^i,/   millions  died,  he  thought  he  ought 
to  ■>  let  off  because  he  himself  did  no  He  followed  orders  and  did  his 
3 oh  with  great  efficiency  owing  mainly  to 
the  cooperation  of  the  leaders  of  the 
various  Jewish  communities  themselves, 
who  had  no  idea  what  was  meant  by 
Eichmann 's  talk  of  emigration  and  resettle- 

Miss  Arendt  is  grimly  humorous  about 
Eichmann  as  a  person.  He  was  a  very 
ordinary  man,  unpretending,  and  without 
much  imagination.  In  a  memorable  phrase 
slie  speaks  of  the  "banality  of  evil!'.  He 
at  first  boggled  at  the  idea  of  extermin- 
ating a  whole  nation,  but  when  he  saw 
that  "important"  people  like  generals,    i 
industrialists,  professors,  social  leader^ 

cont.  ■ 

and  respectable  civil  servants  didn't 
bat  an  eye  at  the  plan,  he  went  enthu- 
siastically along.  Hitler's  word  was 
law,  and  if  this  was  Hitler's  order,  he 
would  make  himself  into  a  very  loyal 
subject.  He  chiefly  admired  Hitler 
because  from  an  ordinary  corporal  he  was 
able  to  become  leader  of  a  state.  Nor 
was  Eichmann  lacking  in  conscience,  but 
it  was  a  peculiarly  inverted  form  of  it. 
He  once  helped  a  half -Jewish  cousin  of 
his  to  escape,  and  his  conscience 
bothered  him  so  much,  that  he  confessed 
his  lapse  to  his  superiors  who  gave  him 

The  most  interesting  of  the  articles 
is  the  last.  During  the  trial  one 
witness  mentioned  a  German  sergeant 
ANTON  SCHMIDT  who  was  executed  for 
helping  the  Jews,  Miss  Arendt  compares 
his  action  with  that  of  a  German  doctor 
BAHM  who  witnessed  many  murders  of  Jews 
in  Sevastopol,  but  did  not  protest, 
because,  as  he  wrote  later,  "opponents 
of  the  Nazi  regime"  disappear  in  silent 
anonymity,  and  any  interference  was 
"practically  useless".  The  passage  in 
the  articles  contrasting  the  two  atti- 
tudes is  worth  remembering, 

"It  is  true  that  the  totalitarian 
state  tried  to  establish  holes  of 
oblivion  into  which  all  deeds, 
good  and  evil,  would  disappear, 
but  just  as  the  Nazis'  feverish 
attempts,  from  June,  19ii2,  on  to 
erase  all  traces  of  their  massacres- 
through  cremation,  through  burning 
in  open  pits,  through  the  use  of 
explosives  and  flame-throwers  and 
bone  crushing  machinery-were  doomed 
to  failure,  so  all  efforts  to  let 
their  "opponents  disappear  in 
silent  anonymity"  were  in  vain. 
The  holes  of  oblivion  do  not  exist. 
Nothing  human  is  perfect,  and  there 
are  simply  too  many  people  in  the 
world  to  make  oblivion  possible. 
One  man  will  always  be  left  alive 
to  tell  the  story.  Hence,  nothing 
can  be  "practically  useless"-at 
least,  not  in  the  long  run^  It 
would  be  of  great  practical  useful- 
ness for  Germany  today-and  not 
merely  for  her  prestige  abroad  but 
for  her  sadly  confused  inner  condi- 
tion-if  there  were  more  stories 
like  Schmidt's  to  tell.  For  the 
lesson  of  such  stories  is  simple, 
and  within  everybody's  grasp. 
Politically  speaking,  it  is  that 


under  conditions  of  terror  most 
people  will  comply,  but  some 
people  will  not,  just  as  the 
lesson  of  the  countries  to  which 
the  FINAL  SOLUTION  was  proposed 
is  that  "it  could  happen"  almost 
anywhere  but  it  did  not  happen 
everywhere .  Humanly  speaking, 
no  more  is  required,  and  no  more 
can  reasonably  be  asked,  for 
this  planet  to  remain  a  place 
fit  for  human  habitation." 

////////////////////  I 

News  item  from  the  Milwaijkee  Public      I 
Library  Staff  Publication,  TIE  EOOKTRUCK 

The  Common  Council  on  March  Uth 
approved  the  following  new  beginning  pay 
levels:  Librarian  I's  at  the  fourth  step 
of  the  salary  pay  scale  (|5808)  and 
Librarian  I's  with  one  year  or  more  of 
experience  at  the  maximum  step  in  the 
Librarian  I  pay  scale  ($6060). 

-  10  - 

Book  Fair 



Four  prominent  authors  will  be  speakers 
at  the  Book  &  Author  Luncheon  to  be  held 
on  Monday,  April  22,  at  the  Statler- 
Kilton  Hotel,  co-sponsored  by  the  Women's 
National  Book  Association  and  the  BOSTON 
LEPJ^LD-TRAVELER.  They  will  be  Elizabeth 
Hardwick,  Clarence  B.  Randall,  Walter 
fflezak,  and  John  Updike. 

Second  Governor's  Conference  on 
Libraries,  a  highlight  of  National 
Library  Week,  will  be  held  at  the  Student 
i/.Aon,  University  of  Massachusetts  at 
Arherst.  Time  and  date:  12  noon  on  the 
kcth  of  April. 

Governor  Endicott  Peabody,  the  host, 
x;ill  speak  on  the  role  of  the  state 
government  in  library  development.  The 
tuest  speaker  will  be  Profgsssor  James     | 
I'if.?Gregor  Burns  of  Williams  College,      | 
biographer  of  President  Kennedy  and  a.u+,h.ori 
of  The  Deadlock  of  Democrary. 

Invitations  (RSVP)  to  Library  Supervi 
scrs  and  Department  Heads.  Tickets  are 




To  be  held  at  the  Boston  Center  for 
Adult  Education,  5  Commonwealth  Avenue, 
April  22  -  25,  daily  3:30  p.m.  to  9:OOp.r9.. 
There  will  be  a  reception  on  April  22, 
3:30p.m.  to  6:00p.m,  to  which  all 
Librarians  are  invited.  Invited  guests 
include  David  McCord,  Edward  Weeks, 
Emily  McCloud,  and  Mr-s  Endicott  Peabody, 
the  Commonwealth's  First  Lady  and  chair- 
man of  National  Library  Week  Committee 
in  Massachusetts. 


Staff  on  Radio  and  TV  observe  National 
Library  Week 

lyaiton  E.  Lord,  Director,  BPL 
interviewed  by  Bill  Hahn 
WNAC  -  morning  of  April  23 

Euclid  Peltier,  Audio-Visual 

one  of  5  librarians  on  Spectrum 
WHDH-TV  -  April  21,  10:00  a.m. 

Pauline  Winnick,  Div  Off,  HR  &  CS 

with  other  librairlans  on  Checkpoint 
WCOP  -  April  21,  10:30  a.m. 


To  Mr  &  Mrs  Thomas  McGuiggan  (Nancy 
Gushing,  formerly  of  Central  Charging 
Records)  on  the  birth  of  an  8.  lbs.  3ozs. 
baby  girl  on  April  10. 


To  Mr  &  Mrs  Lawrence  Zivin(Joella  Zivin, 
formerly  of  the  Rare  Book  Department) 
on  the  birth  of  a  10  lb.  baby  boy. 
Mr  &  Mrs  Zivin  are  currently  living  in 
New  York. 


To  Mr  &  Mrs  Daniel  Comegys  on  the  birth 
of  a  6  lbs.  5  ozs.  baby  girl,  Allison 
Daniellp,  on  Jan.  20,  1963  at  the  U.  S. 
Ariry  Hospital,  Wurzburg,  Germany. 
(Daniel,  formerly  of  Book  Purchasing 
Depai-^meTA  and  Elaine,  formerly  of  the 
Business  Office) 




Adams  Street 




Codman  Square 



East  Boston 

Egleston  Square 


Jamaica  Plain 

ifyde  Park 

Kirstein  Business  Branch 

Lowei'  Mills 



Mount  Bowdoin 

Mount  Pleasant 

North  End 

Oriont  Heights 

Parker  5iill 


South  End 

South  Boston 

Uphans  Corner 

Washington  Village 

West  Roxbury 

Elinor  Conley 
Christiana  P.  Jordan 
Mrs  Ifergaret  Haverty 
Linda  M.  I vers 
yir  William  Casey 
Susan  Wheatley 
Helen  A.  Brennan 
Mary  Bennett 
Dorothy  Becker 
Ethel  E.  Lindquist 
¥lTs   Patricia  Czabator 
Mrs  Geraldine  Beck 
Rita  M.  Desaulniers 
Mrs  Anne  Crowley 
Theodora  B.  Scoff 
Coluiriba  M.  Bartolini 
Mrs  Catherine  M.  Baxter 
Helen  Colgan 
Patricia  Ewasco 
Mrs  Tiargaret  Donovan 
Bertha  D,  Streeter 
Isabel  Martino 
Anne  Connolly 
Martha  C.  Engler 
Sara  Richman 
Mrs  Mary  Bowker 
Dorothy  J.  Flood 


The  ninth  annual  Bertha  V,  Hartzell  Mem- 
orial Lecture,  sponsored  by  the  BPLSA  was 
3;ivm  on  Friday  evening,  April  5,  in  the 
Lect.ire  Hall, 

5.  Wade,  President  of  the  Staff 
HTsociation,  welcomed  the  assembled  mem- 
bf'is  and  guests,  and  commented  on  Mrs. 
Hartzell' s  work  and  leadership  in  the  fielc 

abstracting;  indexing,  and  language  trans- 

Throughout  his  talk  Dr.  Kessler  empha- 
sized the  importance  of  keeping  civic  and 
professional  leaders  in  the  commiinity  in- 
formed of  the  value  of  computers  in  re- 
search, especially  in  science  and  of  the 
necessity  for  providing  encouragement  and 
aid  to  institutions  and  organizations  en- 
gaged in  research  and  development  of  com- 

01  education  for  librarianship .  The  Chair- putor  programs. 

Following  Dr.  Kessler' s  address  refresh- 
ments were  served  and  a  reception  held  for 
the  new  officers. 


man  of  the  Lecture  Committee,  Mrs,  Elinor 
D-  Conley,  introduced  the  speaker  of  the,  Cr,  Myer  M,  Kessler,  Director  of 
the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 
Libraries  » 

Tr,  Kessler' s  address,  entitled  The  New 
B;'£,ton —  a  center  of  information,  stressed 
ths  viorld-wida  importance  of  Boston  as  an 
ir.formaiion  cant 

the  future,  Ke  believes  that  the  long-    [annual  dues  appeal.  However,  there  are 
sta-iding  pre-eMnence  of  Boston  in  cultural^^^gj.^  departments  and  branches  which 
and  intellectual  pursuits  raist  not  be  per-  L^g  ^lo^.  y^^  submitted  1963  dues .  We  urge 
mitbed  to  languish,  and  that  we  must  be    ^-l]_  ^^^o  have  not  already  done  so  to  pay 
constantly  alert  in  providing  the  necessary^j^^^j.  ^j^es  a^  their  earliest  convenience. 

I  would  like  to  thank  staff  representatives 
er  bota  in  the  past  and  in  ^^^   ^^^^  responded  so  promptly  to  our 
believes  that  the  lone-    I „t  j,,^^  =r^r^^,^^   Hr,w(=irP.r.  thei 

envi.ronmant  for  continued  expansion  and 
grovrth.  Librarians  should  especially  be  of  the  developments  of  computer  use 
in  areas  such  as  information  retrieval, 

0.(  >T  &. 

Jean  Babcock,  Chairman 
Membership  Committee 


Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  'Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name\  of  the 
Association  riiCTiber  submitting  it,  to- 
geiner  with  the  name  of  the  Branch  Li- 
'orai*y,  Department  or  Office  in  which  he 
or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is  with- 
held from  publication,  or  a  pen  name  is 
used,  if  the  contributor  so  requests, 
Anon^'jious  contributions  are  not  given 
consideration.  The  author  of  the  arti- 
cle is  known  only  to  the  Editor-in-Chief. 
The  contents  of  the  articles  appearing 
hi  'he  Soap  Box  are  personal  opinions 
.■^xr-'-ssed  by  individual  Association  mon- 
borj  and  their  appearance  does  not 
npcersaril^'-  indicate  that  the  Public  a - 
"A.O'M   Commj.ttee  and  the  Association  are 
ill  .-t^rsemeiit  with  the  views  expressed. 
Only  those  contributions  containing  not 
r.iora  than  300  words  will  be  accepted. 

To  the  Soap  Box: 

There  are  over  ^^00,000 
priests  and  bj.shops  in  the  Catholic 
ChuA'ch  all  over  the  woi^ld,  yet  when  one 
of  T-hem  is  appointed  to  a  higher  station, 
the  appointment  is   made  by  the  Pope  him- 
seJf.  There  is  grandeur  and  consolation 
at  such  orderly  procedure  in  so  vast  anH 
complex  an  organization.  The  Pope  may 

not  know  the  candidate,  and,  as  in  some 
of  the  new  countries ,  perhaps  not  even 
the  area.  But  this  personal  laying  or. 
of  hands  strengthens  the  fait,>  ful  in 
their  loyalty  to  the  institution  and 
inspires  confidence  in  the  rightness  of 
the  choice. 

The  Library  here  is  a  smaller  princi- 
pality, so  some  of  us  found  it  disturb- 
ing  some  months  ago  when  we  were  told 
that  the  appointing  power  had  been  sur- 
rendered by  the  Trustees  and  the  Direc- 
tor into  the  hands  of  the  chief  librar- 
ians. Behind  the  scenes  the  Director 
of  Personnel,  the  chief  librarians,  and 
heads  of  units  involved  should  all  be 
consulted  at  length  about  the  fitness 
of  a  given  candidate  for  a  particular 
job,  no  matter  how  these  officials  and 
officers  had  themselves  got  into  their 
positions.  But  it  would  make  for  more 
dignity  and  propriety  if  the  appointment 
were  announced  to  the  staff  by  the 
Director  as  having  been  made  by  the 
Trustees .  Even  the  Library  could  profit 
from  occasionally  copying  the  pageantry 
and  procedures  of  more  ancient  and  more 
complex  societies, 



To  the  Soap  Box: 

SUPPLEMENT  (London)  is  in  one  respect 
the  exact  opposite  to  our  own  Q^•■     The 
reviews  in  the  body  of  TLS  are  unsigned, 
but  the  LETTERS  TO  THE  EDITOR,  their 
Soap  Box,  are  signed  and  make  very 
lively  reading.  Recently  a  concerted 
attempt  was  made  to  force  them  to  change 
their  policy  of  anonymous  reviewing, 
but  fortunately  it  did  not  succeed. 
With  an  anonymous  review,  the  reader  can 
concentrate  on  the  thing  said  and  not  on 
the  sayer.  He  does  not  get  bowled  over 
by  a  big  name  nor  turns  up  his  nose  at 
a  small  one..  And  the  reviewer  is  free 
to  give  his  honest  opinion  about  the 
book  he  is  discussing,  without  embarrass- 
ment, if  knows  the  author,  and  without 
fear  of  reprisal.  It  is  the  same  with 
our  Soap  Box,  and  it  was  a  wise  deci- 
sion by  the  Association  to  permit 
anonymity  of  opinion.  The  rules  are 
followed,  long  letters  are  excluded,  the 
Editor  always  knows  the  name  of  the,  and  the  whole  Publications 


cont . 

Committee  responsibly  studies  the  let- 
ter for  reliability  of  facts  and 
courtesy  of  expression. 

Most  C3^  readers  turn  first  to  the 
Soap.  Box.  It  may  be  because  of  the 
unfortunately  common  failing  to  see 
denigration  and  attack.  But  it  may 
also  be  due  to  the  fact  that  many  staff 
members  think  there  is  something  rotten 
in  our  Elsinore,  and  not  wanting  to 
write  themselves  because  of  humility, 
or  pride,  or  weariness,  or  because  they 
think  it  is  of  no  use,  they  turn  to 
the  complaint  department  to  see  if  their 
particular  beef  is  mentioned. 

If  any  change  is  going  to  be  made  in 
Soap  Box  policy,  I  suggest  that  we  ask 
all  writers  to  use  a  pseudonym,  so  that 
the  Staff  can  attend  to  the  argument, 
not  the  reputation, 


To  The  Editor: 

Since  my  last  puny  little 
pay  raise  was  in  1959.  (that  is  I  think 
it  was  1959,  before  Cresap,  McCormick 
and  Paget)  I  am  understandly  curious  to 
know  where  we,  library  employees  and 
city  waifs  stand  in  the  all-over  city 
pay  hikes.  Does  anyone  know?  Or,  do  I 
have  to  ask  "Joe"  of  the  Boston  Herald? 


To  The  Editor: 

I  vjish  it  could  be  made 
clear  whether  or  not  library  employees 
are  city  employees? 

If  they  are,  why  don't  the  benefits  of 
city  workers  apply  to  than,  such  as 
increases?  It  seems  that  every  other 
city  department  including  teachers  are 
receiving  increments. 

Since  the  library  is  not,  does  this 
mean  that  those  of  the  Professional 
Service  (P2)  who  have  reached  their 
maximum  and  haven't  had  an  increase 
for  a  nximber  of  years ,  will  remain  at 
the  same  salary  with  no  hope  for  any 
further  remuneration? 

When  one  is  dedicated,  conscientious, 
indefatigable  and  faithful  worker, 
shouldn't  some  monetary  recognition  be 

It  does  seem  unfair. 

Is  there  a  ray  of  hope  in  the  not  too 
distant  future? 



To  The  Editor: 

Within  the  last  month 
several  of  our  pre -professional  librar- 
ians who  were  not  currently  attending 
library  school  had  their  pay  cut  and 
were  then  notified  that  they  were  to  be 
fired . 

One  of  these  was  a  girl  who  had  put 
herself  through  college  by  working  in 
our  library.  Upon  graduation  she 
applied  for  a  position  in  the  profession- 
al seiwlce;  was  accepted  as  a  pre- 
professional;  was  admitted  to  library 
school  and  completed  a  semester  therein. 
In  short,  she  did  everything  she  knew 
was  expected  of  her.  She  did  not  know; 
and  I  did  not  know;  and  I  haven't  met 
anybody  who  did  know  that  she  would  be 
fired  from  the  service  of  the  library 
if,  after  over  four  yeai-s  of  working  and 
attending  school,  she  decided  to  skip  a 
semester  of  library  school. 

According  to  the  staff  manual  the 
rules  for  attendance  at  library  school 
allow  five  years  to  complete  the  course. 
The  granting  of  this  period  of  time  can 
be  taken  only  to  mean  that  attendance 
need  not  be  continuous .  It  would  not  be 
possible  to  attend  continuously  and 
take  five  years  to  complete  the  course. 

Although  this  terrible  mistake  has 
been  corrected,  this  does  not  wipe  out 
the  fact  that  such  a  mistake  was  made. 
Also,  it  seems  that  action  to  correct 
this  mistake  was  prompted  by  the  horror 
and  indignation  which  it  caused 
throughout  the  library. 

VHiile  it  is  reassuring  to  know  that 
there  are  those  among  us  with  the  wis- 
dom and  courage  to  correct  such  mis- 
takes, we  cannot  but  have  a  sense  of 
foreboding  that  mistakes  of  similar 
magnitude  may  be  made  which  cannot  be 
so  easily  and  happily  resolved. 

********+*****<*  *****■***+++**'*  *********** 


To  the  jJditor:  j 

I  would  like  to  thank  our  [ 
Assistant  Director  (Personnel)  for  re-  i 
versing  his  recent  decision  in  regard  ! 
to  several  of  our  Pre-Professionals  as  | 
soon  as  he  realized  that  his  decision  i 
had  been  based  upon  insufficient  infor-  '■ 
mation  in  regard  to  their  intentions,  j 
and  to  their  understanding  of  the  terms  j 
of  their  service*  Of  course  we  all  want 
an  administration  which  does  not  make 
errors J  but  falling  short  of  this  { 
millenium,  should  we  not  be  grateful  1 
to  find  an  administration  willing  to  ' 
acknowledge  its  mistakes  and  to  rectify  ' 
them  as  quickly  as  possible?  In  the  j 
final  analysis,  I  wonder  if  I  should  not 
acknowledge  a  certain  amount  of  guilt  ' 
myself  in  relation  to  this  entire  epi- 
sode. Several  months  ago  I  began  to  be 
aware  that  certain  aspects  of  the 
library's  contract  with  those  in  the 
Pre-Professional  Service  were  apparently 
not  clear  to  everyone.  Yet,  neither 
as  a  Branch  Librarian  nor  as  President 
of  the  Staff  Association  did  I  make 
any  formal  request  that  the  exact  terms 
of  t  lis  contract  be  spielled  out  to  all 
of  us  so  that  there  would  be  no  mis- 
understandings. If  we  sincerely  be- 
lieve in  the  need  for  two-way  communi- 
cation between  administration  aM 
staff,  is  it  not  as  incumbent  upon  us 
to  ask  for  clarification  of  matters  we 
do  not  understand  as  it  is  incumbent 
upon  the  administration  to  explain 
policies  clearly  to  us? 

B.  Gertrude  Wade 




3F13H  c'^o^S  i/i9UT3^ 

^'VfKcA,i«vev     vou   Kc\y/e    in  mirid^   forget    (t_ 


Its    f\yr\e  \o 

.**•  1  ^  •. ' '. " 

* '  *  .  * . 







Rhcda  Blacker  -  Mattapan  Branch  Library 

Grace  Marvin 

and  -  Book  Selection  Bepartirient ,    H.   R.   3. 

Mary  Otear 

r.aux-&.  P.oyB*^   -  Egleston  Squar-  Bran'-.L  liibr&ry 





MAY     1 963 

Published  by  the  Boston  Public  Librarj'-  otaff  Association 
Volume  XVIII  Nuitiber  5 May  1963 

Publications  Committees  Ilariy  Ar>dre-ws,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane  Manthorne, 

Edward  J,  Montana,  Jr,,  Bridie  Stotz,  Martin  F.  lATaters, 
Pat  White,  Barbara  l/vTiitledge,  Roger  Stevens,  cartoonist^ 
Sarah  Usher,  Indexer,  William  R«  Lewis,  Chairman, 

Publication  date:  Deadline  for  submitting  material! 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

The  recent  pamphlet  from  City  Hall  in  the  form  of  a  Message  from  the  Mayor  of 
Boston  to  Municipal  Personnel  on  Conflict  Of  Intei'est  Law  has  to  the  best  of 
our  knoT'jledge,  failed  to  alarm  an;/-  of  o^ix   staff  members;  or  at  least  at  last 
count  none  had  submitted  resignations  or  applied  for  special  municipal  employee 
status.  It  must  be  admitted,  however,  that  there  was  a  brief  tlxirry   of  genuine 
concern  ajaong  some  of  us  regarding  at  least  one  area  -  to  wit-certain  librarian- 
publisher  relationships  such  as  for  ezanple:  could  acceptance  of  the  posh  enter- 
tainment provided  by  enterprising  publishers  at  library  conventions  be  interpret- 
ed as  bribery?  After  much  soul  searching  we  have  convinced  ourselves  that  along 
with  the  acceptance  of  an  occasional  reviex'f  copy  of  a  new  book  the  sin  like  most 
sins  has  iirplications  which  are  more  moral  then  legalo  We  quickly  dismissed  the 
fears  of  other  members  who  felt  a  certain  conflict  might  be  read  into  their  book- 
related  moonlighting  jobs,  VJe  decided  that  none  of  our  law  enforcement  officers 
could  possibly  raise  any  objection  to  this  employment  if  the  salaries  of  these 
professional  librarians  were  ever  revealed^  All  things  considered  the  Mayor's 
message  caused  very  little  commotion  here  at  the  BPL, 

On  the  other  hand,  thfe  recent  issue  of  the  BPL  Staff  Memo  caused  many  an  eye- 
brow to  raise  not  a  little  and  several  staff  members  v:ere  asking,  "HoT'T  come?". 
This  pxiblication  ^^^hich  purports  to  be  "  a  bulletin  of  information  from  the  gen- 
eral administrative  officers  of  the  library"  and  which  carries  out  its  announced 
purpose  in  admirable  fashion  seems  to  be  cutting  in  on  our  territory  and  adopting 
the  informal  chit-chat  and  personal  notes'  type  of  reporting  long  familiar  to 
readers  in  the  QM.  We  feel  that  this  is  an  unwarrented  invasion  of  our  own  spe- 
cial province.  So  long  as  Staff  Memo  has  access  to  the  official  library  view- 
point for  its  dissemination  of  information  pertaining  to  library  matters  it 
should  confine  itself  to  this  type  of  reporting. 

Render  therefore  unto  Caesar  the 

Things  which  are  Caesar's,  etc.  etc.  etc. 


-  2  - 


At  a  Meeting  of  the  Trustees  of  the 
Boston  Public  Library  on  April  26,  I 
was  asked  as  President  of  the  Staff 
Association  to  express  the  opinion  of 
the  Staff  in  regard  to  the  publication 
of  the  Library  Assistant  Reclassifica- 
tion and  the  new  salary  schedule 
connected  with  this  reclassification. 
Needless  to  say,  I  echoed  the  presenta- 
tion which  the  Assistant  Director 
(Personnel)  had  already  made  of  the 
necessity  to  publish  this  reclassifi- 
cation and  implement  it  with  all  possi- 
ble speed.  Speaking  on  behalf  of  our 
Library  Assistants,  both  Mr.  Gaines 
and  I  emphasized  the  patience  with 
which  people  in  this  area  of  our  Ser- 
vice have  awaited  the  results  of  the 
job  evaluation.  V'ith  the  backing  of 
both  your  Executive  Board  and  a  spe- 
cial committee  recently  appointed  by 
the  Board  to  discuss  in  general  terms 
the  reclassification  in  its  final  form, 
I  felt  empowered  to  state  clearly  at 
this  meeting  of  the  Trustees  that  the 
Staff  Association  believes  attention  to 
this  area  should  be  given  first  prior- 
ity over  any  other  personnel -salary 
revisions.  I  can  assure  you  that  the 
Trustees  agreed  that  this  matter  shall 
be  given  top  priority. 

As  you  know,  however,  the  budget 
picture  at  the  moment  is  not  a  good 
one.  We  can  only  hope  that  our  admin- 
istrators will  be  able  to  prove  to  the 
budget  experts  of  the  City'  our  real 
need  for  increased  appropriations. 
Meanwhile,  the  Executive  Board  of  this 
Association  believes  that  the  reasons 
which  they  have  been  given  for  a  con- 
tinued hold-up  of  the  reclassifica-cion 
are  sound  enough  to  lead  the  Board  to 
retable  this  matter  until  the  full 
budget  picture  can  be  clarified.  This 
decision  was  made  at  the  May  Executive 
Board  Meeting. 

For  further  information  on  this 
subject,  please  attend  the  Business 
Meeting  of  the  Association  on  May  I7. 
Bring  your  questions  there  so  that  we 
can  attempt  to  give  you  any  answers 
which  we  possess. 

By  now,  it  may  have  become  evident 
to  some  of  you  that  the  still  unpub- 
lished L  A  reclassification  is,  actu- 
ally, only  a  first  step  towards  a  still 

larger  pattern  of  personnel  re-organi- 
zation. As  we  understand  it,  a  gradual 
decrease  in  the  number  of  professional 
positions  and  an  increase  in  the  number 
of  Librarj''  Assistant  positions  within 
the  bibliothecal  service  is  already  in 
process.  Your  Executive  Board  has 
given  informal  endorsement  from  the 
Staff  Association  to  the  general  pattern 
of  this  reorganization  plan,  for  the 
following  reasons : 

1.  Eventually  it  should  provide  a 
real  career  service  leading  to 
semi-administrative  posts  for 
more  Library  Assistants  -  who 
make  up  a  large  part  of  our 
Association  membership. 

2.  It  should  make  it  possible  to 
provide  higher  salaries  for  both 
la's  and  Professionals  without 
increasing  total  personnel  budget 

3.  We  hope  that  it  will  leave  pro- 
fessionals freed  from  the  many 
clerical  tasks  which  now  occupy 
many  of  their  working  hours. 

Again,  if  you  have  questions  about  this 
subject,  please  bring  them  up  at  the 
May  Business  Meeting. 

Since  many  staff  members  have  ex- 
pressed great  interejst  in  the  coming 
October  visit  of  137  British  librarians 
to  Boston,  I  investigated  the  possibility 
of  ccmbining  our  October  Professional 
Meeting  with  this  visit  in  some  fashion. 
Unfortunately,  the  schedule  which  has 
been  laid  out  for  these  visitors  to 
cover  their  requests  is  a  crowded  one 
into  which  there  is  no  way  to  insert  a 
Staff  Association  Pro^rrrn.  The  Enter- 
tainment Committee  has  agreed  to  assume 
responsibility  for  the  Tea  which  the 
Association  is  sponsoring,  and  we  hope 
that  it  will  be  possible  for  many  of 
you  to  meet  these  visitors. 

Committee  chairmen  will  be  glad  to 
know  that  the  Executive  Board  has 
authorized  a  new  printing  of  Staff 
Association  stationery.  In  response  to 
a  request,  they  have,  also,  asked  the 
Special  Services  Committee  to  revise 
and  reprint  our  rlisoount  list, 


-  3  - 



John  C,   Shea  -  from  PeriodiceuL  and 

HetiTspaper  to  Bookmobiles 


Alfred  J.  Pruitt  -  Book  Stack  Service, 
to  enter  the  service. 



This  is  the  time  to  support  the 
American  Library  Association,  You  need 
the  Ifetional  library  Association  to  set 
and  improve  library  standards,  ALA 
needs  you  to  demonstrate  that  it  repre- 
sents the  profession. 

Membership  application  forms  may  be 
secured  from: 

Mildred  C,  O'Connor 
Education  Department 

Mary  D.  Farrell 

Cataloging  2c  Classification  R£RS 


Arnavet's  Banquet  -  l6  May  at  the 
Frolics  in  Revere,  Mass, 

Conference  on  Libraries  and  Urban 
Social  Problems  -  27-29  l^Iay  at 
Endicott  House,  Harvard  College 

MLA  -  6-7  June  in  Plymouth,  Mass, 

SLA  -  9-13  June  in  Denver,  Colorado 

ALA  -  HU-.20   July  in  Chic3.go,  Illinois 


Members  of  the  Legislative  &  Legsl 
Committee  for  1963  are: 

Paul  F,  Crane,  Education 
Ruth  M,  Hayes,  Home  Reading  Office 
Martha  A,  McDermott,  Bookmobiles 
Elizabeth  L,  Wright  -Trustees  Offirie 
Helen  H,  Sevagian,  Information 
Office,  CHAIRMAK 



The  Pleasant  Valley  Country  Club  in 
Sutton,  Massachusetts  -  a  hilltop  haven 
as  delightful  as  its  name  -  was  the  set- 
ting May  9  for  the  spring  meeting  of  the 
Round  Table  of  L5.brarians  for  Young 
Adults.  Several  B.P.L.  staff  members 
were  in  attendance. 

N.g.L.A.  -  Yes  or  No? 

Important  in  the  agenda  was  the  possi- 
bility of  the  group's  affiliation  mth 
the  New  England  Library  Association. 
Richard  J.  Sullivan,  President  of  the 
Association,  presented  facts  which  the 
Round  Table  should  contemplate  in  regard 
to  what  N.E.L.A.  can  offer  member  sec- 
tions and  what  member  sections  can  con- 
tribute to  la.E.L.A.  So  far,  Mr.  Sulli- 
van pointed  out,  the  N.E.L.A.  has 
achieved  employment  of  a  part-time 
executive  secretary,  incorporation 
under  Massachusetts  law,  and  a  confer- 
ence date  (September  25-28,  Wentworth- 
by-the-Sea,  Portsmouth,  H.H.).  It  is 
planned  that  this  conference  and  future 
ones  will  not  be  as  fragmented  as  in  the 
past,  but  will  offer  a  unifying  general 
session  of  interest  to  all. 

In  a  strong  "sales  pitch,"  Mr.  Sulli- 
van put  forth  the  values  of  affiliation 
with  N.E.L.A.  as  follows:  l)  increased 
financial  assistance  for  sections  in 
programming;  2)  monbershio  of  each  sec- 
tion in  Advisory  Council;  3)  participa- 
tion of  member  sections  in  programs  be- 
yond their  own;  ^)  professional  associa- 
tion with  other  specialists;  and  5/ 
opportunities  to  further  regional  plan- 
ning and  development.  Membership  of  a 
Section  in  N.E.L.A.  must  be  instituted 
by  the  petitioning  of  ten  members  of  a 
section  who  signify  their  intent  to  the 
Advisory  Council.  An  informal  request 
for  a  show  of  hands  following  Mr.  Sulli- 
van's presentation  showed  no  expressed 
readiness  to  petition  N.E.L.A.  for  mem- 

There  is,  Mr.  Sullivan  acknowledged,  a 
reticence,  a  wait-and-see  attitude 
toward  N.E.L.A.  at  this  point.  N.E.L.A. 
has  a  mailing  list  of  s3jc  thousand  names 
and  a  paid  membership  of  four  hundred. 
The  four  hundred  members  are  fairly 
evenly  distributed  in  regard  to  geogra- 
phy and  type  of  library. 

cont  „ 

-  h 


Why  Two  Libraries  Are  Ilecessarv 

A  first  draft  of  a  flyer,  "Every 
Young  Person  Needs  Two",  was  suhnitted 
to  the  membership.  Terse  yet  compre- 
hensive, this  flyer  is  intended  for 
distribution  to  school  administrators 
and  educators  to  point  out  the  neces- 
sity and  roles  of  school  and  public 
libraries  in  serving  youth.  Pauline 
Winnick,  Coordinator  of  Young  Adult 
Services,  served  on  the  committee 
responsible  for  the  much -needed 
leaflet . 

New  Officers 

New  officers  for  the  Round  Table  of 
Librarians  for  Young  Adults  were 
elected  with  Richard  Morrill,  Director 
of  the  Leominster  Public  Library  as 
President,  and  Arthur  Wolman  of  the 
Mattapan  Branch  Library  as  Vice- 

Book  Reviewing 

Main  speaker  of  the  day  was  E.  Louise 
Davis ,  a  book  review  editor  of  Library 
Journal .  Miss  Davis  followed  the  whole 
procedure  of  a  LJ  book  review  from  the 
receipt  of  a  book  or  galley  in  her  to 
the  appearance  of  a  review  in  Library 
Journal .  The  primary  mission  of  her 
periodical,  she  indicated,  is  to  serve 
as  a  buying  guide  for  libraries  which 
lack  pre-purchase  access  to  new  books. 
Miss  Davis  emphasized  the  need  for  more 
subject  specialists  in  reviewing, 
especially  in  the  sciences.  At  the 
conclusion  of  her  long,  fully  detailed 
talk,  Miss  Davis  invited  comments  and 
suggestions  and  was  approached  by 
several  members  for  individual  consulta- 
tions . 

********  *■l^^|i^^■i^^^^f.■^e■^^■^(:^f^f■^li^^f^■)^■^^^f^f■l^■^f^^-^f -If  ■/f.if:^-/^^ 


Pamela  Dondale,  Personnel  Office  to 
Paul  F.  McNealey  (formerly  of  C.C.R.) 
on  April  16. 

Barbara  Whitledge,  H.R.&C.S.  Division 
Office  to  Donald  Flye  on  April  21. 

The  passing  of  Joe  Crowley  has  left 
another  vacancy,  that  of  "Sherlock 
Crowley" J  which  cannot  easily  be  filled, 
I  Whenever  the  irate  public  sought  a  book 
'  in  vain,  and  coirplained  bitter J.y  the 
I  Court  of  Last  Resort  vras  Joe  Crowley. 
j  He  would  set  off  with  his  flashlight, 
whistling,  and  when  he  returned  nine 
times  out  of  ten  he  had  the  wandering 
volume  in  hand.  When  asked  where  he  had 
found  it,  he  invariabDy  replied  "On  the 
shelf".  This  has  been  known  to  cause 
near  apoplexy  in  those  who  had  already 
searched  unsuccessfully!  Many  times  he 
was  asked  for  his  formula  for  finding 
missing  books  and  he  always  said  ''That 
secret  goes  with  me"  and  so  it  did.  The 
only  information  he  would  give  was  "I 
ask  nyself  'where  would  I  go  if  I  were 
a  book'  and  I  go  there", 


The  Education  Depsirtment  will  have 
two  of  its  Library  Aides  going  to 
college  in  Septembero  Toby  Siminons,  a 
senior  at  Girls'  Latin  School  will  enter 
Northeastern  University  where  she  plans 
to  major  in  English.  She  belongs  to  the 
athletic,  dramatic,  and  literary  clubs, 
and  is  on  the  yearbook  staff.  Mary 
Harrigan,  who  is  a  student  at  Notre  Dame 
Acaden^r  in  Roxbury,  has  been  accepted 
at  the  end  of  her  junior  year  to  enter 
the  University  of  Massachusetts  this 
fall  under  the  Early  Admissions  Plan. 
Mary  is  a  member  of  the  National  Honor 
Society  and  the  Drama  Club,  and  is 
,  editor  of  her  school  newspaper, 


To  Mr  &  Mrs  Phillip  Flattich  on  the 
birth  of  a  7  lbs.  11  ozs.  baby  girl  on 
April  30.  Mr  &  Mrs  Flattich  have  named 
their  second  daughter  Marlene.   (Of 
course  we  know  that  this  is  after  her 
charming  mother,  the  former  Marlene 
McLaughlin  of  the  Book  Preparation 

.  5  - 



The  Mattapan  Young  Adult  Council 
shd  the     Fi'iends  of  the  Mattapan 
Branch  combined  forces  and  resources  to 
present  a  timely  and  provocative  program 
on  Monday,  April  22nd  in  observance  of 
National  Library  Week.  Mrs.  Amelia 
^lec^eros,  a  former  attorney  and  Notary 
Public  in  Havana,  presented  a  candid 
picture  of  Cuban  life  under  Batista  and 
[Castro.  The  Young  Adult  Council  noted 
that  this  program  had  value  in  relation 
to  their  high  school  classes .  VJith 
this  thought  in  mind,  principals  and 
heads  of  history  departments  of  the 
secondary  schools  attended  by  the  young 
adults  of  the  Mattapan  area  were  sent 
written  invitations  by  the  Council, 
Invitations  were  also  sent  to  youth 
leaders  of  activities  in  which  young 
people  of  this  area  are  involved. 

To  enhance  the  value  of  the  program, 
the  Division  of  H.R.  &  C .3 .  prepared 
an  excellent  book  list  reflecting 
different  points  of  vieir  with  regard 
to  Cuba,  its  recent  history,  and 
American  foreign  policy.  The  question 
period  that  followed  the  talk  by 
Mrs.  Mederos  was  heated  and  rewarding. 
Mr.  Mederos  was  most  helpful  in  clari- 
fying a  few  answers  of  his  vrife  when 
she  was  challenged  by  a  couple  of  pro- 
Castro  supporters.  The  audience  experi- 
enced with  this  interchange  the  tension 
and  drama  that  are  part  of  a  sensitive 
topic . 

The  program  was  attended  by  eighty 
people  vrho  enjoyed  a  refreshment  period 
after  the  talk  as  well  as  meeting 
Mr .  and  Mrs ,  Mederos  who  were  available 
for  further  questioning.  The  fine 
cookies  and  brownies  were  made  by  the 
Friends  of  the  Library  and  served  by 
membei'3  of  the  Young  Adult  Council.  The 
Young  Adult  Council  ushered  and  handled 
publicity  and  many  of  the  details  that 
made  for  an  excellent  evening.  Alan 
Lipson,  Boston  Latin  School  senior 
President  of  the  I^lattapan  Young  Adult 
Ccancil  and  Mrs.  Robert  Rotman,  Presi- 
dent of  the  Mattapan  Friends,  deserve 
a  large  share  of  the  credit  for  this 

Mattapan  Branch  is  proud  to  recognize 
the  splendid  school  achievanents  of  its 
fine  corps  of  library  e>d:.ras.  Not  only 
has  this  achievement  been  exhibited  in 
the  class  rooms ,  but  each  one  has  demon- 
strated talents  in  the  after -study 
activities  of  their  respective  schools. 


Carol  Bernstein,  a  Girls  Latin  School 
senior,  will  be  attending  Beth  Israel 
School  of  Nursing  in  the  fall.  During 
the  past  year,  she  was  Business  Manager 
of  her  year  book,  and  a  member  of  the 
G.L.S.  of  Drama  Club.  Carol  is  the 
author  of  the  G.L.S.  Senior  class  song. 
She  also  did  a  fine  job  of  representing 
Junior  Achievement  on  the  Young  Adult 

John  Connors  has  been  awarded  a  $1200. 
scholarship  to  Boston  College.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  National  Honor  Society, 
and  an  editor  of  his  school  year  book. 
He  is  also  the  mathematical  coordinator 
of  the  Student-Aid  Society. 

Rena  Fisher  has  served  as  a  Library 
Extra  at  the  Mattapan  Branch  for  three 
years.  She  has  held  a  scholarship  for 
her  first  two  years  at  Boston  University 
College  of  Liberal  Arts. 

Barry  Hecht  and  Alan  Paskind  are  grad- 
uating this  June  from  Boston  Technical 
High  School,  and  both  plan  to  further 
their  education  in  studies  at  North- 
eastern University.  Both  are  on  the 
Class  Day  and  Senior  Prom  Committees. 
Barry  is  also  a  contributor  to  the  school 
newspaper,  and  one  of  the  editors  of  the 
school  year  book. 

Harvey  Levensohn,  Mattapan  Branch's 
poster  and  display  maker,  is  first  year, 
bean's  List  student  at  Massachusetts  Col- 
lege of  Art,  Harvey  was  President  last 
year  of  the  Mattapan  Young  Adult  Council. 

Arlene  Richmond,  niece  of  Sarah  Rich- 
man  at  Uphams  Corner,  will  be  enrolled 
in  the  freshman  class  at  Boston  Univer- 
sity College  of  Business  Administration. 
Her  tuition  bill  will  be  reduced  by  a 
$900.  scholarship.  Arlene  has  been  an 
active  member  of  the  Senior  Glee  Club, 
Spanish  Club  and  the  DraiTia  Club  at  the 
Jeremiah  E.  Burke  High  School. 

We,  the  regular  staff  at  the  Mattapan 
Branch  are  proud  of  these  fine  young 
people.  Good  luck. 


,  6  - 

Adams  Street 

Among  the  paintings  exhibited  during 
National  Library  V/eek  at  Adams  Street 
were  several  by  a  former  library  aide 
at  the  Branch,  Susan  King.  Miss  King, 
now  a  student  at  the  Mass.  College  of 
Arts ,  loaned  a  number  of  interesting 
abstract  paintings  demonstrating  various 
moods  which  attracted  much  attention. 
Another  library  aide,  Deborah  Field,  also 
loaned  some  of  her  work  which  consisted 
of  Japanese  brush  paintings.  Miss  Field 
is  a  student  at  Girls'  Latin  School. 

The  final  meeting  of  the  season  of 
the  Friends  of  the  Adams  Street  Branch 
was  held  on  May  1.  The  program  consisted 
of  a  talk  entitled  The  Roots  of  Latin 
American  Culture  by  Dr.  Alfonso  Barrera 
of  Ecuador.  Dr.  Barrera  is  now  doing 
research  work  in  international  law  at 
Harvard  University,  and  his  talk  was 
both  interesting  and  informative.  A 
group  of  fifty  "Friends"  enjoyed  the 
program  and  the  social  hour  afterwards. 
*  *  * 

The  all -Dorchester  Branch  Library  pro- 
gram in  celebration  of  National  Library 
Week  was  held  at  Adams  Street  on  Thursday 
evening,  April  25.  This  marked  the  first 
occasion  on  which  all  seven  of  the  Dor- 
chester branch  libraries  had  joined  in 
the  planning  and  execution  of  a  program, 
and  it  is  generally  felt  that  the  results 
of  this  first  attempt  were  encouraging 
and  that  other  such  programs  may  be 
planned  in  the  future  with  success.  Each 
of  the  seven  branches  had  its  own  exhib- 
its, built  around  the  theme  Dorchester 
Authors  and  Artists,  and  the  actual  pro- 
gram on  Thursday  evening  consisted  of  a 
talk  entitled  Writing  About  Dorchester. 
by  Mr.  Francis  Russell,  author  of  TRAGEDY 
IN  DEDHAM  and  also  of  many  articles  on 
Dorchester  and  other  historical  subjects. 
Since  Mr.  Russell  lived  and  attended 
school  in  Dorchester,  his  subject 
attracted  an  audience  of  about  100 
Dorchester  residents ,  all  of  whom  ap- 
peared to  enjoy  the  evening. 

East  Boston 

Recently  Stephen  R.  Schmidt,  a  resident 
of  East  Boston,  a  senior  at  Boston  Col- 
lege High  School,  and  a  member  of  the 
part-time  staff  of  the  East  Boston  Branch, 
received  notice  that  he  was  to  be  honored 
in  a  very  special  way  by  the  Mayor  of 

Each  year  the  Mayor  sponsors  a  dinner 
for  the  "Men  of  the  Future".  To  this  are 
invited  one  Senior,  one  Junior,  and  one 
Sophomore,  who  in  the  eyes  of  the  school 
officials  are  most  outstanding  in  the 
class  and  who  most  deserve  this  honor. 

It  was  Stephen,  despite  hox\r  unworthy  he 
considers  himself,  that  Rev,  Ambrose 
Mahoney,  S.J.,  Principal  of  B.C.  High, 
picked  as  the  outstanding  Senior  to  repre- 
sent his  school.  Stephen  has  worked  at 
East  Boston  for  over  a  year  and  has  man- 
aged to  maintain  a  "B"  average  at  a 
school  which  demands  much  of  its  students. 

Now,  what  are  the  future  plans  of  this 
"man  of  the  future"?  It  is  Stephen's 
fondest  desire  to  enter  Cardinal 
O'Connell  Minor  Seminary  in  preparation 
for  the  Priesthood.  If  he  is  able  to 
accomplish  this,  although  he  remains  in 
obscurity  for  the  rest  of  his  life,  he 
feels  that  this  honor  of  ">'an  of  the 
Future"  will  not  have  been  given  to  him 
in  vain. 


The  staff  of  the  Open  Shelf  Depart- 
ment is  happy  to  announce  the  forth- 
coming wedding  of  a  former  employee. 
Miss  Constance  l^iay  Broadhurst,  who 
mil  be  married  to  Mr,  Kent  Cameron 
on  Saturday,  the  first  of  June  at  the 
Congregational  Christian  Church, 
Somerset,  Mass, 


To  Patricia  Harrington,  Bates  Hall  - 
Center  Desk  who  is  now  recuperating  at 
her  home  2272  Center  Street,  West 
Roxbury  following  an  emergency  appen^ 
dectoiT^r.  We  sure  Pat  would  enjoy 
iTiSaxini^  from  her  frnends  in  the  BPL, 

-  7  - 


The  new  and  attractive  campus  of  the 
University  of  i4assrchusetts  was  the  set- 
ting on  April  25  for  a  large  gathering  of 
librarians  who  were  there  to  attend  the 
2nd  Governor's  Conference  on  Libraries. 
Along  with  the  Massachusetts  Board  of 
Library  Commissioners  the  Conference  was 
co-sponsored  by  the  I4assachusetts  Library 
Association,  the  Ilassachusetts  Library 
Trustees  Association,  and  the  iiassachusetts 
Committee  for  ilational  Library  Week. 

This  affair  having  survived  a  change  in 
state  administrations  seems  likely  to  be- 
come a  permanent  fi::ture  and  potentially 
the  highlight  of  future  state  observations 
of  National  Librar^^"  '.leek.  Similar  in  for- 
mat with  the  initial  Governor's  Conference, 
the  1963  version  centered  around  a  luncheon 
followed  by  a  program  of  speakers.  The 
festivities  were  held  in  the  huge  ballroom 
in  the  Student  Union  building  attractively 
situated  near  the  center  of  the  campus. 

Toastmaster,  Johii  A,  Humphry,  Secretary 
of  the  Board  of  Library  Commissioners,  got 
the  speaking  prograra  underway  by  intro- 
ducing the  commonwealth's  First  Lady,  Mrs 
Endicott  Peabody,  \;ho,  in  substituting  for 
the  Governor  in  his  address  of  welcome, 
delivered  brief  but  uarmly  sincere  remarks 
in  a  manner  which  charmed  the  visiting 
librarians  and  made  one  feel  that  Mrs. 
Peabody  regarded  her  duties  as  chairman 
of  the  Massachusetts  Committee  for  i\lational 
Library  "Week  quite  seriously.  Mrs.  Peabody 
was  followed  on  tlie  speaker's  rostrxim  by 
John  W.  Lederle,  President  of  the  Uni« 
versity  of  Ma.ssachusetts.  iir.  Lederle 
took  this  occasion  to  inform  the  group  of 
the  100th  anniversai^j'  of  the  school  and 
that  the  event  would  be  observed  through- 
out the  academic  year. 

Richard  J.  Sullivan,  Chairman  of  the 
Board  of  Library  CoiiMissioners,  was  intro- 
duced and  read  a  letter  from  the  Commis- 
sioner of  Education,  Owen  B.  Kiernan. 

V.  Genevieve  Galick,  Director,  Massa- 
chusetts Division  of  Library  Extension 
announced  the  winner  of  the  Dorothy  Can- 
field  Fisher  Award,  one  of  the  Eook-of-the- 
Month  Club  Librarj/-  /iwards,  as  being  the 
Jacob  Edwards  Ilemorial  Library  of  South- 
bridge.  The  Libroricn,  Mary  Anna  Tien, 
accepted  for  the  town  and  Library  Trustees. 

Mr.  Humphrey  then  introduced  the  chief  | 
speaker  of  the  Conference,  James  MacGregor 

Burns,  Chairman,  Departiuent  of  Political 
Science  at  williams  College.  Professor 
Burns  is  the  author  of  a  biography  of 
President  Kennedy,  JOHN  KENNEDY:  A  POLITI- 
CAL PROFILE  and  his  latest  book,  THE  DEAD- 
AMERICA  has  just  recently  been  published. 
The  subject  of  Professor  Burns'  address 
"Towards  new  issues  of  politics"  obviously 
had  its  basis  in  his  new  book.  He  spoke 
of  the  need  of  a  "shifting  of  the  pivot 
of  debate,"  The  great  issues  of  the  past 
as  exemplified  by  the  New  Deal,  Fair  Desl, 
and  the  Eisenhower  years,  he  feels  are 
being  overcome  and  whereas  some  of  these 
issues  are  still  with  us,  we  novj  have  the 
capability  to  solve  them.  It  is  the  new 
issues  of  the  next  decade  which  should  be 
the  subject  of  a  great  national  debate. 
He  calls  them  the  'American  way  of  life' 
and  'problems  of  the  mind  and  spirit.' 
Among  the  new  issues  he  includes  the  shift 
of  federal  assistance  to  urban  areas  as 
opposed  to  the  present  emphasis  on  rural 
assistance;  federal  aid  for  education  and 
medical  care;  federal  governmental  assist- 
ance for  the  arts  (subsidy  vfithout  des- 
troying creative  abilities) ;  protection 
of  the  civil  rights  of  all  Americans; 
continued  and  enlarged  cultural  exchanges. 
These  problems  he  said  should  be  met  at 
the  state  and  loval  level  not  just  at  tlae 
top.  To  solve  these  problems  he  envisions 
a  new  type  politician — one  who  "must  be 
concerned  by  issues  of  the  mind  rather 
than  merely  the  problems  of  the  stomach," 
The  private  citizen  must  also  take  a  more 
active  part  in  his  government  perhaps  hy 
joining  a  political  party  and  "giving  up 
the  anonymity  of  the  Independent."  For  en 
informed  electorate  he  sees  Libraries  as 
"centers  of  thought  in  the  community. " 

Professor  Bums  concluded  his  address 
vjith  a  quotation  from  John  Maynard  Keynec 
whose  observation  in  the  1930s  is  appro- 
priate today,  "We  are  at  one  of  those  wn- 
common  junctures  of  human  affairs  when  we 
can  be  saved  by  the  solution  of  intellec- 
tual problems  and  in  no  other  way." 

Ihe  luncheon  vras  excellent,  the  program 
interesting,  however',  something  was 
lacking  -  hardly  anyone  rem«nbered  to 
mention  libraries. 


8  - 

The  opening  s?.lute  to  the  196  3  National 
Library  Week  in  the  JJoston  area  vjas  the 
Fourth  Annual  Book  a:id  iiuthor  Luncheon 
held  at  the  Statler-Hilton  Hotel  on  Monday 
noon,  April  22,  I963.  This  luncheon  spon-  | 
sored  annually  by  the  Boston  Chapter  of  the 
VJomen's  i^Iational  Book  iissociation  and  the 
Boston  He raid- Traveler,  is  given  in  honor 
of  National  Library  '..'eek  and  provides  a 
fitting  tribute  to  Hie  IJeek  which  has  be- 
come so  vital  a  part  of  our  library  pro- 

The  guests  of  the  |burth  Annual  Book  and 

Author  Luncheon  vere   welcomed  by  Miss 

Louise  Weiscopf ,  Chairman  of  the  Book  and 

Author  Luncheon  Committee.  After  all  of 

the  nearly  800  g^aests  had  fed  the  inner  _   j,j     Director  of  the  Lexington  Public 

man.  Mrs.  ^dicootPeabodyHonorar^i;  Chair-  library  and  Q-.airman  of  National  Library 

man  for  ^^ssachusctts    National  Library  ^^^^   -^  Massachusetts,  and  our  state 

*ek  welcomed  the  quests  on  behalf  of  NLW  librarian.  Mr.  Albert  Matko v.   In  the 

and  spoke  of  che  values  of  books  and  read-  ^.^^^  ^^  ^^^  delighted  surprise  later 

ing  to  every  citizen  of  the  Commonwealth.    ,.       -,         r,i-o      i.j 
,,^+u  v,^^  „^t,  ^  -x    1      .,  '"/"""y^^^"*   when  Mrs.  Peabody  reraeanbered  our  names 
with  her  sincerity,  charm  and  vivaciousness  /^■^^.u       u         j.     t^      ^  ^  ^-p   kov. 
M^e.  D«ov,^^,r  ,r^  'v,  1    4.   ^  IT  ,   "^  "^ -^  (although  VJB  RVB   not  normally  part  of  her 
Mrs.  Peabody  won  bhe  hearts  of  all  her        -n-   ^^     ^   j      i^  f  ■   ^^^ 

-.  .    .^  ^  , ,    .  J.   ,   ,   social  circle),  we  found  some  old  friends 

listeners,  i-ass  .ieiscopf  then  introduced  '  ■   xu   • ..  x  ^  xu  t      t-,-\  •  j 

+u^   ^+v,^v,  v,.^.i  X  n      X    -,   :,,.,,  m  the  midst  of  the  large  milling  crowd 

F^tto^  LnSll"^    fr^^  '•  J'^^^^^/^^gill'gathered  around  a  beautiful,  lavishly 
Mitor.  Doubleaay  >^  Company,  inc..  Mward  ^^^^^^  ^^^^^^     ^^^^  ^^^  ..^^^^  ^^^^^^ 

plenty  to  think  about  in  the  days  to 
follow.  The  last  speaker,  ■.\ialter  Slezal<, 
author  of  the  popular  M-IiiT  TIME  IS  THE 
NEXT  aJAN?  introduced  the  right  note  of 
gaiety  to  provide  the  quests  with  a 
pleasant  sense  of  relaxation  with  which 
to  conclude  the  luncheon. 

Once  again  i\iational  Library  -Jeek  in  the 
Boston  area  got  off  to  a  good  start. 


Several  members  of  the  staff  managed  to 
make  time  on  Tuesday  afternoon,  Aoril  23, 
to  attend  the  National  Library  Week  Tea 
in  the  State  Library.  They  were  met  by 
their  hostess,  i'lrs.  Endicott  Peabody,  in 
a  receiving  line  which  included  Mr.  Karl 

A.  Weeks,  ICditor,  ..tlantic  Montlily  and 
Edna  G.  Peck,  President.  Boston  Chapter, 
Women's  National  Coo!:  Association  and  Chief 
of  the  Book  Selection  Department,  HRS,     | 
Boston  Public  Library. 

Wadsworth  Faunce.  once  our  Children's 
Librarian,  but  long  since  flourishing  at 
Houghton,  Mifflin.  Among  the  staff  of 
the  State  Library,  all  of  whom  turned 
themselves  inside  out  to  show  us  about, we 

Alice  Dixon  Bond,  Boston  Herald- Traveler  ^V^'^'-"-^^"-;  -'^--^  -^^^^^  -^^""  uo  uu....,..^ 
o+vooc  r.f-  r       -   •  ^•=''^\\^''=^'^^  xidvc^LCi,  ^iscovered  Mrs.  Anna  Lima,  once  Miss  Pepi 

Mistress  of  Ceremonies,  with  her  usual 
vivacity  and  graciousness,  introduced  the 
guest  authors.  Elizabeth  Hardidck,  vdfe  of 
the  poet  Robert  Lowell,  and  author  of 
several  books  including  the  recent  A  VIBi/ 
OF  MY  OWI-J,  essays  in  literature  and  society, 
was  the  first  speaker.  Those  familiar  with 
Miss  Hardwick's  xjritiiigs  found  in  her  ad- 
dress the  same  appreciation  for  good  lit- 
erature, and  the  same  devastating  wit  that 
characterizes  her  novels  and  essays.  Her 
charm  as  a  native  Kentuckian  was  obvious. 
Clarence  E.  Randall,  retired  business  man, 
rather  than  author  (according  to  his  own 
evaluation) despite  the  popularity  of  his 
new  book  SECU-FIVE  PLUS,  captivated  his 
audience  by  his  sincerity,  his  direct 
approach  and  his  real  appreciation  for  the 
written  word.  Jolin  Updike,  the  j/oimg 
modern  whose  short  stories  and  novBls.  th<? 
latest  of  which  is  THE  CENTAUR,  have  won 
for  him  wide  acclaim,  provided  the  group 
with  a  literary  talk  which  gave  them 

of  the  BPL.  And  guess  who  "just  happened 
to  be  passing  by  the  State  House"?  None 
other  than  Miss  Katherine  Rogan,  former 
librarian  at  Charlestoism  Branch,  and  still 
a  spry  lady  who  celebrated  her  eighty- 
ninth  birthday  during  the  week  before 
this  day.  In  every  way,  we  enjoyed  a 
most  pleasant  afternoon  which  we  hope  may 
become  a  BLW  custom. 

***********  **iMt  )M^  *jMl>M[*  ******  *^  ********* 


-  9  - 

The  Charles  River  Libraiy  Club  held 
its  semi-annual  meeting  in  the  Lecture 
Hall  on  Thursday,  May  2,1963  iroin 
10:15  A.M.  to  12  noon.  Milton  E.  Lord, 
Director,  BPL,  gave  a  warm  welcome  to 
the  members,  and  spoke  irittily  on  the 
history  of  the  Library,  and  the  foibles 
of  its  construction.  Mr,  Lord  also 
mentioned  that  the  building  will  be 
enlarged  in  the  not  too  distant  future 
and  that  most  of  our  problems  will  then 
be  solved, 

Euclid  Peltier,  Chief,  Audio  Visual 
Department,  BPL,  x-ias  the  featured 
speaker,  Ifr,  Peltier  spoke  eloquently 
on  the  uses  of  and  necessity  for  audio- 
visual materials  in  the  library.  Be- 
cause the  library  is  a  communications 
center,  he  said,  and  is  mainly  con- 
cerned with  the  spread  of  ideas,  it 
must  use  several  means  to  achieve  its 
purpose.  The  principal  method  is  the 
providing  of  reading  materials  for 
the  public,  but  it  is  not  the  only  way. 
The  public  library  by  its  very  nature 
is  an  appropriate  agency  for  the  cir- 
culation of  films  and  recordings.  It 
is  open  to  and  serves  the  vJiole  commu- 
nity, and  it  knovrs  the  needs  of  the 
area  that  it  serves.  As  an  educational 
institution,  it  is  concerned  with 
general  learning  and  can  correlate  the 
uses  of  films,  recordings  and  books. 
Because  it  is  a  public  institution  it 
is  open  long  hours,  making  the  materials 
more  accessible  than  vould  be  the  case 
with  a  private  agency.  Along  the  same 
lines,  it  is  also  the  leader  in  the 
sponsoring  of  local  film  activities. 

The  Audio-Visual  Department,  BPL,  is 
slightly  over  ten  years  old.  During 
1962  it  circulated  9,000  films  to  1,700 
organizations.  These  were  shown  to  an 
audience  of  500,000. 

During  this  same  period  an  average 
of  thirty-five  hundred  records  per 
month  were  lent,  A  borrower  may  take 
six  records  at  one  time,  on  a  regular 
library  card.  This  is  for  the  same 
period  as  a  book.  There  is  jazz, 
classical,  opera,  and  folk-music,  but 
the  recordings  of  works  of  literattire 
ar-e  becoming  more  and  more  importarit. 
There  is  a  great  demand  for  plays  of 
Shakespeare,  and  Columbia  Records  has 
announced  that  it  will  soon  recoi-d  tJie 

works  of  Eugene  O'Neil,  Robert  Frost 
reading  his  ovm  poems  is  also  ver^^ 

The  Departrnent  is  experimenting  with 
filmstrips.  They  are  used  primarily 
as  illustrations  for  the  pre-school 
story  hours.  Sometimes  they  are  very 
successful,  sometimes  not.  They  are 
especially  useful  in  the  small  library'-. 
because  the  room  in  which  they  are 
shotm  does  not  have  to  be  darkened,  but 
most  importan.tly  because  of  price  J  two 
to  six  dollars  per  film-strip,  as 
against  $120.  to  $300.  for  a  film. 

The  films  are  not  loaned  to  individ- 
uals but  only  to  organizations  located 
in  the  Boston  area.  An  exception  is 
made  in  the  case  of  libraries  and  insti». 
tutions  of  liigher  learning,  which  must, 
b.owever,  use  them  themselves,  they  may 
not  lend  them  in  turn.  Organizations 
not  in  the  area  may  ^borrow  only 
commercial  films.  All  films  must  be 
reserved  in  advance,  and  are  on  loan 
for  thirty-six  hours  during  the  week, 
or  from  Friday  to  Monday  on  weekends. 
There  is  no  mailing  service  (as  this 
would  add  about  ten  days  to  the 
borrower's  time).  Films  must  be  picked 
up  at  the  BPL, 

Selection  has  become  very  difficult. 
Ten  y.ars  ago  there  were  few  good 
films,  and  the  problem  was  getting 
enoughj  now  the  situation  has  zone   to 
the  other  extreme  and  there  are  too 
many.  The  trend  is  toward   television 
documentaries  ^rhich  are  very  popular, 
"Mrs,  Kennedy's  Tour  of  the  Wnite 
House"  is  a  good  example  of  this  type 
film.   (BPL  has  on  order). 

The  crit.ria  for  selection  is  similar 
to  that  for  a  book.  The  film  must  have 
a  content  that  is  of  importance  to  the 
objectives  of  the  library,'- j  it  must  be 
well-presented  and  have  a  valid  contento 
Also,  who  made  it  and  why?  Ifhat  does 
it  do  and  how  well  does  it  do  it?  And, 
of  course,  vjho  will  use  it?  The  de- 
partment does  not  usually  buy  films 
that  are  available  from  other  sources. 
For  example,  the  School  Department  has 
a  collection  and  it  is  not  duplicated 
by  the  Library, 

The  Selection  Committee  is  made  up 
of  members  of  the  Department,  adult, 
young  adult,  and  childrens'  workers, 
and,  if  the  film  is  of  a  speed alized 
nat»ii-e,  on  mental  health,  art. 

-  10  - 

alcoholism,  etc, ,  of  experts  in  the 

The  principal  problem  is  having  the 
right  film  at  the  right  time.  As  in 
the  case  of  a  book,  it  must  also  be 
relevant,  related,  and  should  be  able 
to  stand  on  its  orm.   It  should  not 
have  to  be  explained  to  the  audience, 
except  in  the  case  of  a  classroom  filiji. 

The  children's  films  do  not  duplicate 
television  or  the  movies.  The  depart- 
ment does  not  have  animated  cartoons, 
but  the  art  work,  music  etc,  must  be 
of  superior  quality. 

The  best  programs  are  those  built 
around  a  theme.  The  Festival  of  Award 
Winning  Films  was  one  of  these,  com- 
posed of  short  subjects  which  have 
received  AcaderrQr  A^-rards,  Everyone 
reads  about  these  in  the  newspapers, 
but  few  people  ever  get  a  chance  to 
see  them.  In  addition,  booklists  on 
appropriate  topics  are  provided. 

The  Department  is  also  an  information 
center.  It  has  a  coiqjlete  file  of  cat- 
alogues, and  members  of  the  staff  are 
on  hand  to  answer  questions  on  films 
or  recordings. 

In  five  or  ten  years  it  is  hoped  that 
8MM  film  x-Tith  sound  will  be  available. 
It  is  still  in  the  experimental  stage, 
and  has  not  yet  been  perfected.  It 
will  cut  costs  in  half,  and  save  space. 
It  will  then  be  possible  to  have  the 
better  Hollyi'jood  feature  films  in  the 
Library's  collections. 

The  program  concluded  with  the  show- 
ing of  two  films:  one  for  National 
Library  Week,  "The  Fifth  Freedom," 
written  and  narrated  by  Karl  Nyren 
formerly  of  the  Fine  Arts  Department, 
and  now  Director  of  the  Gary  Memorial 
Library,  Le:d.ngtonj  the  other,  "N.Y., 
N.Y.J  A  Day  in  New  York,"  had  won 
awards  at  the  Cannes,  Brussels,  London, 
and  Edinburgh  Film  Festivals,  and  was 
described  by  Mr.  Peltier  as  experimeiw 
tal,  but  not  "too  far  out,"  The 
audience  was  fascinated,  and  it  was  a 
beautiful  film,  but  if  this  one  was 
not  "too  far  out,"  the  writer  would 
like  to  see  those  that  are, 



On  Sunday  af'ternoon,  April  28, 
Bradford  M.  Hill,  Acting  Chief  Librar- 
ian for  Reference  and  Research  Services, 
gave  a  talk  on  Governor  William  Bradford 
before  the  Massachusetts  Society  of 
Mayflower  Descendants.  Mr,  Hill  who  is 
a  descendant  of  Governor  William 
Bradford  chose  the  Governor  as  the  sub- 
ject of  his  talk.  There  was  a  record 
attendance  and  members  cajne  from  as  far  as 
Plymouth  and  Worcester  to  hear  >Ir,  Hill 
speak.  His  talk  stressed  the  character 
of  William  Bradford  and  its  developnent 
through  intelligent  association  with 
people  and  events  which  made  him  the 
greatest  man  of  the  Plymouth  colony. 
A  social  hour  vdth  refreshments 



The  Men  Librarian's  Club  held  its 
Spring  meeting  at  the  Cambridge  House 
on  April  28  with  about  sixty  members 
and  their  guests  in  attendance.  After 
a  delicious  roast  beef  dinner  the 
club  was  treated  to  an  interesting 
illustrated  lecture  on  the  Civil  War, 
The  speaker  also  brou[^ht  with  him  for 
exhibit  a  portion  of  his  own  collection 
including  books,  pamphlets,  paper  money, 
uniform  insignia,  and  weapons.  In 
addition  to  the  usual  large  turn  out 
of  BPL  staff  members  the  follomng  BPL 
alumni  were  in  attendance :  Sam 
Goldstein  of  Science  &  Technology,  Paul 
F,  Mulloney  of  Science  Sjl  Technology, 
Maurice  Rahilly  of  Periodical  and 
General  Reference,  Frank  J.  Seegraber 
of  General  Reference,  David  G,  Sheehan 
of  General  Reference,  Wai'ren  Watson  of 
Open  Shelf,  and  Bob  VJoodx,rard  of  Historyo 


Fire  Prevention  Inspector,  John 
'i'lil'.^  returned  to  work  recently  follow- 
ing a  long  illness.  His  many  friends 
on  the  staff  take  this  opportunity  to 
say  "welcome  back.  Jack", 

r->r>H»-  iHWi  y*-v,->;  i 

-it " -/t-U  T.  "-it  X"/'-/^K-('-'*c-){-ii-vM*>^  "  '»* 


-  11  « 

Some  years  ago,  ■./hen  preparations  to  cele- 
brate our  centennial  were  getting  under  way, 
I  vras  asked,  through  channels,  for  sugges- 
tions for  the  occasion.  I  submitted  two. 
One  was  extravagant,  impracticable,  border- 
ing on  the  macabre,  but  not  untinged  with 
imagination.  I  tliought  that  the  remains 
of  Bates  and  Ticlcnor,  the  two  primary 
people  involved  in  our  beginnings,  should 
be  removed  from  their  cemeteries  and  in- 
terred permanently  in  a  corner  of  our 
courtyard.  With  proper  tablets  and  in- 
scriptions that  comer  would  become  forever 
a  sacred  grove  and  shrine,  countless  visi- 
tors would  hallow  it,  and  all  tlie  world 
would  admire  Boston  librarians  for  the  way 
they  honored  their  founders. 

Considering  the  logistics  involved,  it  is 
not  surprising  that  my  suggestion  was 
turned  down.  Instead,  at  celebration  time, 
the  statue  of  Ticknor  was  moved  from  its 
place  against  the  irsll   to  the  centre  of 
Bates  Hall,  somebody  raade  a  speech,  and 
the  statue  was  pushed  back  against  the 
wall.  People  responsible  for  budgets  and 
realities  cannot  be  bothered  with  imagina- 
tion, or  be  sensitive  to  discourtesies  to 
the  safely  dead. 

I-Iy  second  suggestion  was  also  turned 
down.  It  was  not  really  too  far  out,  and 
logistically  within  the  limits  of  the 
possible.  I  wanted  the  Library  to  send 
out  invitations,  and  run  an  ad  in  the  local 
papers,  inviting  all  men  and  women  who  had 
ever  worked  in  the  Library  in  any  capacity, 
and  for  no  matter  how  short  a  time,  to 
come  and  spend  a  few  hours  with  us  here 
at  the  Library  on  some  specially  designa- 
ted day,  perhaps  a  holiday,  when  the  Li- 
brary is  closed  to  the  general  public. 
The  entire  acreage  of  the  Library  would 
scarcely  be  sufficient,  and  no  doubt  it 
would  involve  some  work,  but  most  of  those 
v:ho  came  would  have  laid  up  the  occasion 
in  their  mental  coffers  as  a  permanent 
bright  memory.  Lecause  that  is  the  way 
most  people  who  have  ijorked  here  feel 
about  this  place. 

This  affection  for  wood  and  stone  and 
sundries  which  survives  war  and  marriage 
and  age  and  trouble  is  generated  by  an 
indefinable  enchantment  which  permeiites 
this  place  entirely,  and  which  can  only 
be  called  GMIUS  LOCI. 

I  think  it  was  a  publicity  opporLnnity 
missed  when  the  suggestion  for  a  gatherinp 

was  vetoed.  There  are  ex  BPLr's  in  all 
categories  of  the  population,  all  over 
the  country  and  the  world.  I  know  of  an 
embassy  attache  in  Asia,  and  an  Air  Force 
officer  in  Holland.   There  are  priests 
and  teachers,  writers  and  politicians, 
policeman  and  lawyers,  housewives  and 
doctors,  businessmen  and  monsignori, 
nurses  and  nuns,  beatniks,  idiots,  and 
drunks.  I  talked  for  two  hours  at  a 
Times  Square  curbstone  with  a  man  who 
left  here  in  the  '30's  and  he  rememberec". 
everything  and  everyone  with  a  freshness 
and  nostalgia  as  if  he  had  been  here  just 
last  week.  And  in  Park  Square  I  ran 
into  an  ex  BPLr  who  bought  me  a  fancy 
drink  in  Pieroni's  (that  was  before  the 
Conflict  of  Interest  pamphlet)  because 
I  was  about  to  answer  his  question  IS  JOL 
disagreeable  features  of  the  work  in  the 
past  become  by  some  magic  transmuted  into 
the  same  pervasive  witchery.   Thus  one 
woman  said,  "I'd  rather  have  been  un- 
happy in  the  Library  than  happy  anywhere 
else,"  and  another,  after  many  years  of 
retirement,  would  come  into  the  branch 
and  ask  to  be  allowed  to  stamp  eome 

It  would  not  be  entirely  fair  to  say 
that  all  of  our  Jidministrators  were  una- 
ware of  this  elusive  spirit  of  this  place; 
but  they  generally  treated  it  like  a 
reactionary  sentimentalism,  called  us  an 
inbred  staff,  and  instituted  a  new  order 
which  paid  scant  attention  to  men  and 
women  who  carried  the  Library  in  their 
blood.   These  people  turned  away  offended, 
like  Hamlet's  father's  ghost,  and  left 
the  Library  before  their  time,  or  are 
holing  up  in  some  unimportant  corner  of 
our  palace  counting  the  days  they  have 

The  Administration  is  to  be  congratu- 
lated on  the  new  face  on  the  floor  of 
the  Chavannes  Gallery.   It  lights  up 
the  whole  second  floor  and  looks  almost 
as  the  whole  building  must  have  looked 
in  1895  -  a  short  time  befcre  I  got  here. 
Let's  hope  that  some  money  will  soon  be 
found  to  do  something  about  the  outside 
of  the  building  which  resembles  a  dour 
and  forbidrling  B-ir+.tIIr  on  Copley  S^qaaro. 


«_12  - 

Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,-  to- 
gether :-jith  the  name  of  the  Branch  Li- 
brary, Department  or  Office  in  which  he 
or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is  with- 
held from  publication,  or  a  pen  name  is 
used,  if  the  contributor  so  requests. 
Anonymous  contributions  are  not  given 
consideration.  The  author  of  the  arti- 
cle is  knowi  only  to  the  Editor-in-Chief, 
The  contents  of  the  articles  appearing 
in  the  Soap  Box  are  personal  opinions 
expressed  by  individual  Association  mem^ 
bers  and  their  appearance  does  not 
necessarily  indicate  that  the  Publica- 
tions Committee  and  the  Association  are 
in  agreement  with  the  views  expressed. 
Only  those  contributions  containing  not 
more  than  300  words  iri-11  be  accepted. 

To  the  Soap  Box: 

The  last  sentence  of 
my  synopsis  of  the  New  Yorker  articles 
on  Eifthmann  was  deleted  in  our  April 
issue,  because  I  was  "...  editorialising 
in  a  b*ok-review."  Since  I  was  trying 
in  that  sentence  to  make  a  point  perti- 
nent to  BPL  affairs,  I  will  perhaps  be 
permitted  to  give  it  in  the  SOAP  BOX. 
This  was  the  sentence: 

"Mutatis  mutandis,  this  may  also  be 
said  of  the  Librarj'"," 

Now  I  certainly  would  not  compare 
the  Library  with  the  Nazi  state,  the 
most  foiil  abomination  in  all  hmnan 
experience.  But  "mutatis  mutandis"  is 
a  wonderfully  serviceable  phrase.   It 
means  "the  necessary  changes  having 
oeen  made",  and  it  enables  us  to  com- 
pare the  smallest  circle  with  the  very 
largest  because  they  have  the  property 
of  circleness  in  common.  Miss  Arendt 
had  said  about  the  Nazi  attempts  to 
destroy  all  evidence  of  their  crimes 
that  "holes  of  oblivion  do  not  exist," 
I  wanted  to  emphasize  that  neither  do 
they   exist  in  our   Library, 


To  the  Soap  Box; 

Recently  I  reread  marry 
of  the  SOAP  BOX  letters  in  oound  volumes 
of  the  QUESTION  FARK.  From  some  of 
these  letters,  from  conversations  with 
members  of  the  Staff,  and  from  my  own 
observation  and  experience,  I  think 
that  two  serious  sins  may  be  imputed  to 
some  heads  of  Library  units  and  to  some 
members  of  the  Administration,  One  is 
incompetent  use  of  Library  personnel. 
The  other  is  irresponsibility. 

It's  a  lonjj;  time  since  I  have  read 
THE  FRPICS  AND  THE  PAUPER,  but  I  seem 
to  remember  that  they  finally  realized 
that  the  dressed- up  boy  in  the  palace 
was  not  the  prince  when  they  discovered 
that  he  was  using  the  Royal  Seal  to 
crack  nuts  with.  There  are  never  many 
Royal  Seals  around,  but  we  do  have  some 
unusually  gifted  people  on  ovr   Staff, 
and  the  way  their  talents  have  been  used 
is  proof  positive  that  their  superiors 
in  Library  station  do  not  belong  in 
such  stations. 

Irresponsibility  is  a  more  serious 
offense,  and  cannot  be  tolerated  in  any 
public  job.  It  takes  marry  forms.  We 
have  seen  arbitrariness,  high-handedness, 
go-it-alonism,  unnecessary  secrecy,  petty 
interference,  gross  discoiirtesy,  bad 
faith  in  the  tailored  requirements  listed 
in  some  announcements  of  vacancies,  and 
bad  jurlijjennDnt  in  some  of  the  appoint- 


•jbhkhh;  -;hhk'>-x-x-«-',;  i'^'/anHt  k^;  ; 


13  - 

n     vvas     bo^n    ih    Boston   In    1^5i         Af    tKat    +.rvie    il   was   not 
'^e    fvew    b05+0v^    YoiA^     ail     avAtrlro,     City        X-f    was   lKe   o\c\    %o^\qs(\!'. 




JUNE     1963 


Published  by  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association 
Volume  XVIII  Number  6  J^^n©  1963 

Publications  Committee:  Harry  AndreTTS,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr.,  Mrs.  Bridie 
Stotz,  Martin  F«  Waters,  Pat  White,  Barbara  Flye, 
Roger  Stevens,  cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer, 
William  R«  Lewis,  Chairman, 

Publication  date:  Deadline  for  submitting  material: 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

There  are  those  among  us  who  feel  -  and  quite  strongly  too  -  that  the 
Staff  Association  and/or  the  QM  should  not  concern  itself  with  the  subject  of 
salary  increases.  Involvement  in  this  type  activity  suggests  a  Union  and 
Hould  not  be  'fittin'  for  an  organization  which  shoxild  more  properly  devote  its 
"ime  and  thought  to  purely  professional  matters.  We  should  like  to  point  out  to 
those  who  follow  this  line  of  thought  that  although  we  are  an  organization  of 
librarians  with  high  professional  aspirations  aiMi  goals,  unfortunately  we  are 
also  just  plain  people.  People  who  in  the  normal  course  of  day-to«-day  living 
must  provide  for  their  families  and  for  themselves  the  things  Americans  con- 
sider necessary  for  their  well-being.  These  essentials  -  shelter,  food,  cloth- 
ing which  we  cannot  do  without  continue  to  cost  more  and  more.  No  one  has  as 
yet  established  special  reduced  rates  for  librarians  in  the  stores  where  we 
shop.  We  must  for  example  meet  the  recent  exorbitant  jump  in  the  price  of  sugar 
as  of  course  must  all  other  shoppers.  However  ve  «•  the  forgotten  among  city 
employees  -  face  this  and  other  such  price  increases  without  benefit  of  the 
salary  increases  recently  announced  for  other  city  employees.  We  wonder  if 
those  responsible  for  our  exclusion  from  this  1963  salary  increase  feel  that 
the  1958  revision  (yes  it  was  as  long  ago  as  tliat  I )  is  sufficient  for  all 
times.  Was  the  1958  salary  schedule  the  pinnacle  for  library  workers?  How^ 
long  do  we  dangle  here  at  what  now  appears  a  dead-end?  Is  there  a  possibility 
of  an  increase  in  the  very  near  future?  As  mentioned  previously  librarians 
are  people  and  as  such  they  are  subject  to  certain  very  human  feelings.  Hope 
for  a  brighter  future,  which  certainly  includes  a  living  wage,and  despair  in 
the  knowledge  that  once  again  we  are  in  the  position  of  " catching-up"  and  that 
the  "library  lag"  is  an  unpleasant  truths  still  with  us.  Is  it  that  we  as 
librarians  are  less  deserving  than  say  firemen  or  policemen  or  teachers?  Or 
perhaps  these  other  city-workers  have  more  agressive  and  vocal  representation 
in  their  dealings  with  the  city  fathers. 

The  library  staff  should  be  informed  of  the  efforts,  if  any,  being  made 
to  secure  Salary  increases  and  of  the  results  of  these  efforts, 


NOTE:  The  Publications  Committee  announces  at  this  time  that  the  August  - 
September  numbers  of  The  QM  will  b©  combined  and  will  be  published 
15  September  1963. 

.  2  . 


I  am  delighted  to  report  that  B, 
Joseph  O'Neil,  Past  President  of  thd^ 
Association  and  Coordinator,  General 
Refarence  Services,  has  agreed  to  run 
for  office  in  the  Staff  Organizations 
Round  Table  of  the  American  Library 
Association  this  year.  We  have  on  hand 
the  ballot  on  which  we  will  heartily 
vote  for  Mr,  O'Neil  on  your  behalf. 
Thanks  to  the  many  hours  that  ho  hao  spent 
on  variouG  .comitteGsof  the  Staff  Asso- 
ciation, plus  Ms  work  on  the  Student 
Use  Council,  the  evaluation  committee 
for  the  LA  reclassification,  and  as 
Officer-in-Charge  of  the  main  library 
building,  we  know  that  he  will  make  a 
first-rate  addition,  of  which  we  can 
be  most  proud,  to  the  Steering  Commit- 
tee of  v*:.  0  R,  T. 

On  the  much  less  pleasant  side,  I 
can  only  report  at  the  time  of  this 
writing  that  the  budget  picture  is 
still  Tjnsettled,  In  accordance  mth 
the  vote  of  the  membership  at  our  last 
business  meeting,  I  have  communicated 
to  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trus- 
tees our  agreement  with  the  administra- 
tive viewpoint  that  absorption  of  our" 
$U2,G00  budget  cut  via  a  reduction  of 
that  amount  in  part-time  service  may 
necessitate  some  reductions  in  library 
service.  Since  the  possibility  of 
some  sort  of  supplementary  money  for 
new  salary  schedules  still  remains 
open,  I  have  not  yet  xw'itten  to  the 
Trustees  in  regard  to  the  further  cuts 
in  service  which  will,  undoubtedly,  be 
forced  by  our  inability  to  fill  vacan- 
cies thanks  to  our  present  low  salary 

For  your  information,  I  received  a 
note  from  the  Administration  on  May 
20,  1963, indicating  that  money  will  be 
available  from  Library  trust  f \inds  for 
the  purchase  of  a  sofa  for  the  Men's 
Lounge  in  the  Central  Library  Building, 
We  trust  that  this  sofa  will  arrive 
soon  and  that  it  will  prove  to  be  a 
comfortable  one. 

At  the  regulai^  June  h   meeting  of  the 
Executive  Board,/question  was  raised 
as  to  some  needed  revisions  in  our  By- 
Laws,  The  Chairman  of  the  Constitution, 
Russell  Scully,  was  asked  to  draw  up  a 
proposed  amendment  to  make  the  CARE 

Committee,  the  Concessions  Committee 
and  the  S,0,R,T,  Committee     stand- 
ing committees.  Other  sugg^estions 
!  have  been  made  in  regard  to  desirable 
rewording  or  re-numbering  of  various 
sections  of  the  By-Laws,  (%  suggestion 
that  dues  be  raised  from  $  ,^0  to  $1.00 
a  year  was  soundly  defeated  by  vote  of 
the  Board, )  These  proposals  will,  of 
course,  be  duly  voted  upon  at  the 
annual  meeting  of  the  association  in 

Most  of  our  last  Board  meeting  was 
devoted  to  a  discussion  of  promotional 
systems.  After  as  much  research  as 
time  allowed,  the  Personnel  Committee 
had  sent  along  a  series  of  recommenda- 
tions on  this  subject.  With  some  re- 
wording and  a  few  additions  of  specific 
procedures,  the  Board  unanimously  ac- 
cepted these  recommendations  as  the 
basis  of  the  discussion  which  we  shall 
have  later  this  month  with  the  Assistant 
Director  (Personnel),  Happily,  our 
thinking  on  this  matter  apparently  con- 
curs in  large  part  and  does  not  differ 
violently  on  any  major  point  from  the 
ideas  which  Mr,  Gaines  has  offered  to 
us  for  this  discussion.  This  being  the 
case,  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  early  in 
the  fall  we  may  be  in  possession  of  a 
promotional  policy  which  will  be  gener- 
ally acceptable  to  both  staff  and 

You  will  remember  that  in  the  May 
IS   LIBRARY  JOURiTAL  a  lead  article 
entitled  "Time  is  a  Commodity"  by 
Dorothy  Nyren  expressed  her  personal 
views  en  the  problems  involved  in  set- 
ting up  a  regional  library  system  in 
Eastern  Massachusetts,  By  the  unani- 
mous vote  of  our  membership  at  the 
May  17  Business  Meeting,  I  was  instruc- 
ted to  virite  to  the  editor  of  that 
journal  to  express  our  dismay  at  his 
publication  of  this  article  without, 
apparently,  any  consultation  with 
other  librarians  in  this  area  or  any 
counterbalancing  statements  to  set  this 
particular  vievrpoint  in  its  proper  per- 
spective. There  follows  a  copy  of  the 
letter  which  I  sent  on  May  2k   to  Eric 
Moon  with  a  reouest  that  this  letter 
be  printed  in  LJ, : 

President's  Notes  Cont»  -•  3  • 

lyir.  iirxc  Moon 


1180  Avenue  ox   the  Americas 

New  York  36,   New  York 

Dear  Mr.  Moon: 

When  the  May  l5  LJ  article  entitled  "Time  is  a  Commodity"  was  brought  to  our 
attention  at  a  recent  Dusiness  meeting,  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Associa- 
tion requested  that  a  letter  protesting  the  publication  of  such  an  article  be  sent 
to  the  editor  of  the  LI3r:^JiY  JOHILAL  at  once.  Our  .ssociation  cannot  understand 
how  a  national  publication  01"  LJ's  standing  could  cai^ry  as  a  feature  such  a  biased, 
inflammatory  report  on  a  controversial  subject  without  counterbalancing  this  arti- 
cle by  some  statement  of  other,  more  rational  views  upon  the  subject  of  regionali- 
zation  of  library  service  in  Eastern  Massachusetts. 

As  many  librarians  know,  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association  is  one 
of  many  such  organizations  vjhich  excludes  the  Director  of  the  Librarj"-  from  raember- 
shipj  nor  is  our  organization  connected  in  any  ether  way  with  the  Administration 
of  the  Boston  Public  Library.  Our  membership  at  this  time  consists  of  90  per  cent 
of  the  biblipthecal  staff  of  the  Library,  a  staff  which  has  always  frankly  and 
vigorously  opposed  the  Library's  administration  whenever  it  considered  such  opposi- 
tion to  be  necessary. 

On  this  occasion  we  would  gladly  defend  our  Director  if  we  were  not  so  com^ 
pletely  sure  that  he  needs  no  defense.  The  many  long  hours  —  often  stretching 
late  into  the  night  —  which  he  has  devoted  to  regional  planning,  week  after  week 
and  month  after  month,  for  the  past  two  years,  plus  his  Triillingness  from  the  be- 
ginning to  endorse  arty  plan  acceptable  to  the  majority  of  libraries  in  Eastern 
Massachusetts,  attest  both  to  his  good  faith  and  to  his  admirable  leadership  in 
this  area. 

What  distxirbs  us  is  the  editorial  policy  which  endorsed  the  publication  of 
such  highly  personalized  material  as  Mrs,  Nyren's  on  a  topic  of  such  importance 
to  the  library  field  without  providing  in  the  same  issue  of  LJ  some  other  article 
or  at  least  commentary  from  Massachusetts  librarians  holding  a  different  view- 
point. It  is  our  understanding  that  the  Director  or  the  Boston  Public  Library  was 
not  apprized  of  LJ's  intention  to  publish  this  article.  Was  the  Chairman  of  the 
Massachusetts  Board  of  Library  Commissioners  consulted  or  notified?  Were  the 
opinions  of  any  other  librarians  in  the  Eastern  Massachusetts  Region  sought  out? 
Is  LJ  aware  that  from  where  we  sit  -vre  have  found  very  few,"  if  any,  librarians  in 
this  area  who  feel  as  Mrs,  Nyren  does?  And  does  LJ  know  or  care  who  originally 
proposed  the  regional  plan  wliich  we  confidently  expect  to  see  in  operation  soon 
in  Eastern  Massachusetts  or  how  long  ago  that  plan  was  first  suggested? 

By  laying  stress  upon  some  of  the  personalities  involved— as  seen  through 
the  author's  eyes-M-instead  of  offering  a  purely  objective  discussion  of  what  has 
transpired  in  Eastern  Massachusetts,  Mrs,  Nyren's  article  does  not  really  help 
us  understand  the  many  problems  involved  in  regionalization,  VJhile  apparently 
indicating  the  largest  municipality  in  this  area  and  its  library,  the  article 
indicates  that  part  of  the  difficulty  lies,  also,  in  the  "suspicions  town 
libraries  feel  towards  both  big  city  and  state  representatives,  and  the  uneasiness 
state  officials  feel,,,"  Apparently,  the  problems  involved  in  regionalization 
are  many-sided.  The  general  tone  of  this  article  and  its  satiric  implications 
merely  add  further  confusion  to  our  thinking  about  ways  to  solve  these  problems. 

Does  LJ  really  feel  no  responsibility  to  present  more  than  one  side  and  one 
personal  view  of  such  a  controverclal  Issue  as  this  one? 

Sincerely  yours, 


President,  Boston  Public  Library 

Staff  Association 

President's  Notes  Cont, 

-  4  - 

Whether  or  not  any  new  classification 
can  be  paid  for  in  this  year's  budget, 
yo\ir  Executive  Board  is,  as  you  knovr, 
committed  to  press  the  Administration 
for  publication  of  the  LA  reclassifica- 
tion. We  will  proceed  in  this  matter  as 
soon  as  we  have  definite  word  about  our 
possible  supplementary  budget.  Mean- 
while, the  Board  has  recorded  its  full 
approval  in  principle  of  further  reorgan- 
ization  of  the  LA  Service  in  the  direc- 
tion of  the  creation  of  more  semi-admin- 
istrative positions  in  that  Service,  In 
watching  the  beginnings  of  such  a  reor- 
ganization, we  are  concerned  about  li- 
brary assistants  being  asked  to  assume 
duties  formerly  performed  by  profession- 
als without  a  clear  statement  of  what 
these  positions  will  now  be  classified 
as.  Since  we  have  received  some  ques- 
tions about  this  matter  and  other  allied 
ones,  the  Personnel  Committee  has  been 
assigned  the  task  of  ascertaining  the 
facts  in  any  such  situation.  It  is 
obvious  that  their  task  will  immediately 
be  complicated  by  the  fact  that  the 
initial  reclassification  has  not  been 
published.  It  is  obvious,  too,  that  we 
must  start  somewhere  to  get  job  descrip- 
tions for  every  bibliothecal  position 
and  classification. 

As  we  approach  the  months  of  July  - 
August,  I  wish  to  each  of  you  a  most 
hapi^  vacation  spent  in  the  re-creation 
which  we  all  seem  to  need  at  this  time 
of  year,  Hope  to  see  many  of  you  in  the 
White  Mountains  of  New  Hampshire, 
"vacation  land  of  New  England", 


P. 3.  A  bouquet  of  flowers, from  the  Staff 
Association,  has  been  sent  to  Louis  Rains, 
Science  &  Technology,  who  is  a  patient 
at  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital. 



Steven  H,  Cooper  -  Bookmobiles 

Joan  C.  McAuliffe  -  Washington  Village 

Michael  F.  Meleedy  -  Periodical  and 

NexiTspaper  (formerly  part-time) 
Lynne  Simek  -  Science  and  Technology 
Gloria  Randall  -  Cataloging  and  Class- 
ification, R&RS 

Bernard  Hrul  -  Book  Stack  Service 
(foraerly  part-time) 

i4arilyn  Levine  -  Cata].otiing  and  Classi- 
fication (formerly  part-time) 

Ellen  Sraolker  -  CatalogJJig  and  Classifi- 
cation (formerly  part-tima) 

Rena  M,  Fisher  -  l%ttapan  (formerly- 
part-time  ) 

Joanne  Ruvido  -  North  End  (formerly  partv* 

Joseph  T.  Shea  -  Central  Charging  Recoils 
(formerly  part-time) 

Philip  W,  Wong  -  Book  Purchasing 

Richard  J.  Vesey  -  Audio  Visual 

Lena  M,  Moyberry  -  DivisJ.on  Office  HR.iCS 


Barbara  Craxrford  -  Booknobiles  (formerly 
vrorked  in  Book  Stack  service) 


Nancy  Baxter  -  Central  Charging  Records- 

to  move  to  Florida 
David  Benson  -  Rare  Book  -  illness 
Johanna  Burke  -  Central  Charging  Records- 

another  position 
Margaret  McElwaine  -  Cataloging  and 

Classification  -  another  position 
Harry  Hall  -  Central  Charging  Records  - 

another  position 
Jolin  Mellen  -  Audio  Visual  -  resigned 
Joanne  Raymond  -  Cataloging  and  Classifi-- 

cation  -  I'larried  and  moved  out  of  state 
John  Shea  -  Bookmobiles  -  resigned 
Ellen  VJalsh  -  Hospital  Library  Service  - 

to  go  to  Europe 
Kathleen  McDonald  -  Bookmobiles  -  to  go 

to  Europe 
Elaine  Zemella  -  Mattapan  -  to  move  to 

Theodore  Hargrave  -  Central  Charging 

Records  -  closing  of  cloakroom 
Mildred  Ramsdell  -  Music  -  illness 
Frank  lozza  -  Science  and  Technology  - 

another  position 


Barbara  T'Jhitledge  -  Division  Office  HR<Sc 
CS,  to  Donald  Flye  on  June  1,  1963. 

Marie  E.  Cambria  -  History,  to  George  A, 
Lunn  on  Majr  12,  1963. 


Gertrude  S.  McCabe 
May  31,  1963 

-  Book  Purchasing, 


«  5  " 

At   the  Si^rins  Business  Meeting  of  the  BPLSA  held  in  the  Lecture  Hall  on  1?  I^ay 
1963  the  follouins  statement  was  read  by  Sarah  W.  Flannery,  Coor'linator  of  the  Humaiii- 
ties,  RRS,  in  behalf  of  past  editors  of  the  Qi4  in  support  of  the  motion  that  the 
present  policy  of  the  "Soap  Box"  be  maintained. 

To  Association  llembers: 

All  of  the  past  Editors  of  THE  QUESTION  MARI(  who  are  still 
members  of  the  staff  of  the  Boston  Public  Library— with  the  exception  of  the  cui-reat 
president  iiho,  ve  believe,  must  maintain  a  position  of  neutrality  on  all  questio  .c 
discussed  at  £  business  meeting—being  deeply  concerned  over  the  future  of  the"3oao 
Box,"  make  the  following  statements  and/or  recommendations  to  the  Staff  iissociation: 

1.  Source  of  Complaints 

Before  further  consideration  is  given  to  the  question  of  publishing 
so-called  anonjmous  letters,  the  members  of  the  Association  should 
be  enlightened  as  to  how  widespread  the  complaints  have  been.  Were 
tliere,  say,  ten  from  one  person  or  one  complaint  from  each  of  ten 
Association  members?  Were  these  complaints  all  from  Central,  all 
from  r ranch  Libraries,  or  some  from  each?  viere   they  from  any  one 
Division  or  some  from  each  Division? 

2.  Historical  Backg;round  of  the"Soap  Bo}^' 

a.  .'m  "open  forum"  was  suggested  in  the  first  issue 

of  THE  QUESTION  MARK  (1:1:1:1). 

b.  Tlie  policy  of  allowing  signed  letters  to  be  sent 

to  the  Editor  with  the  request  that  the  names  be 
withheld  has  been  in  effect  since  the  seventh 
issue  of  Volume  I  (1:7:2:1). 

c.  -Attention  is  called  to  the  statement  of  policy  which  has 

appeared  at  the  beginning  of  the"SoaP  Box" since  1950 
(V:2:26:l).  The  amendment  limiting  contributions  to 
300  words  was  added  in  195^  (IX: 4:1: 2). 

3.  Clarification  of" Soap  Box" Policy 

A  quotation  from  a  letter  from  the  then  President  of  the  Associa- 
tion to  the  Director,  3I  January  1950  (V:2:7:2): 

"I  should  like  to  clarify  the  matter  of  the  "Soap  Bo:<?' policy. 
According  to  Vfebster's  definition  of  anonymous — 'of  unknown 
or  unavowed  authorship  or  donorship' — ho  letter  is  accepted 
for  publication  in  THE  CiUEGTlOlI  ]a\Ri:,   anonymously.  All  such 
oomraunications  must  be  signed  by  the  person  who  writes  than 
when  they  are  submitted  to  the  editor  for  possible  inclusion 
in  the"Soap  Bo:^'  section.  If  the  writer  so  requests  the  signa- 
ture is  not  published.  It  is  the  opinion  of  the  Executive 
Board  that  this  is  one  place  where  the  individual  staff  members 
have  the  opportunity  to  bring  to  the  attention  of  their  fellow 
employees  siny  matter  which  may  be  of  mutual  interest  without 
drawing  unto  himsQlf ,  or  herself,  as  the  case  may  be,  undue 
criticism  or  laudatory  comment.  For  this  reason  it  has  been 
deemed  wise  to  keep  this  column  free  from  censorship  and  to 
allow  the  editor  of  TtlE  QUi:ST10:i  ilAW-^  in  conjunction  with  the 
Publications  Committee,  to  publish  all  such  material  as  they 
deem  it  wise." 

-.  6- 

4.  Function  of  the  "Soap  Bo^, 

The''Soaio' Eok'as  it  now  exists— and  has  since  19^— fulfills  a  function 
that  is  both  necessary  and  important.  It  is  the  one  outlet  where  the 
ordinary  staff  member  may — with  a  reasonable  assurance  that  while  his 
troubles  will  be  made  known,  his  identity,  if  he  so  desires,  will  not 
be  revealed — express  his  approval  of  existing  conditions;  offer  construc- 
tive criticism;  air  his  own  grievances  and  frustrations,  or  speak  for 
many  iTho  share  common  problems;  endeavor  to  improve  staff  morale  by 
clearing  up  misunderstandings;  or,  though  not  involved  personally,  at- 
tempt to  help  clear  the  air  for  those  who  sie  takingsomething  too  person- 
ally or  without  proper  objectivity. 

5.  Imp  ro  vera  en  t  of  Communications  between  Administration  and  Staff 

The'^Soap  3ox^*provides  a  medium  through  which  incidents  may  be  brought  to 
the  attention  of  all  strata  of  both  Adrainistration  and  Staff  in  the  hope 
that  amicable  solutions  may  be  reached.  Anonymity  of  signature  furthers 
this  process  since  it  enables  a  point  to  be  brought  out  objectively  with- 
out the  intrusion  of  personalities  or  fear  of  reprisals. 

6.  Confidence  in  Sleeted  Officers  and  Their  Appointed  Representatives 

To  hedge  in  the  Publications  Committee  with  unnecessary  restraints 
is  to  show  a  deplorable  lack  of  faith  in  the  judgment  of  those  who 
have  generally  demonstrated  a  considerable  measure  of  judgnent  in 
the  performance  of  a  difficult  task. 

In  conclusion,  the  Past  Editors: 

1.  Recommend  the  continuance  of  the  present  policy  of  allowing  letters  bearing 
pen  names  to  be  printed  in  the  "Soap  Box"j  provided  always  that  the  Associ- 
ation member  submitting  the  letter  is  known  to  the  Editor;  and 

2.  Reaffirm  their  beliefs  that 

a.  the  Dditor  should  be  alert  to  checking  the  accuracy  of  all  allegations, 
and  should  continue  to  exercise  discretion  in  accepting  for  publication 
only  those  letters  which  meet  accepted  standards  of  good  taste;  and 

b.  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association  has  always  been  fortunate 
in  the  position  taken  by  the  Library  Admisistration  of  allowing  a 
staff  paper  to  maintain  an  open  forum  such  as  the"  Soap  Box." 

Respectfully  submitted, 

1947-1949  (s) SARAH  VJ.  FLAilNERY  Sarah  U.  Flannery 
19'IC>-1951  (_slSARAH  M.  USHER    Sarah  M.  Usher 
I95I-I952  .(s)L0UI3.A  S.  METCALF  Louisa  S.  Hetcalf 
1952-1953  (s)EDiJA  G.  PECK     Edna  G.  Peck 
1953-1955  (s) CHARLES  J.  GILLIS  Charles  J.  Gillis 
1957-1959  (s)GERALD  lTbALL    Gerald  L.  Ball 
1960-1962  (s)DOROTHr  P.  SHAW   Dorothy  P.  Shaw 
1962-1963  (s WILLIAM  T.  CASEY  William  T.  Casey 

Francis  X,  Iloloney,  Assistant  Director,  was  among  those  who  spoke  in  opposition 
to  the  motion.  At  the  time  that  the  Publications  Committee  decided  to  publish  the 
forgoing  statement  by  the  past  editors,  ilr.  i-ioloney  was  asked  if  he  would  be  willing 
to  prepare  a  statement  outlining  the  views  expressed  in  opposition  to  the  motion. 
This  offer  was  declined. 


Mother  Nature  unfolded  a  rare  June  day 
for  the  first  day  of  the  spring  meeting 
of  the  Massachusetts  Library  Association 
at  the  Mayflower  Hotel  at  Plymouth. 
Shaded  porches,  bright  blue  sea  framed  by 
hazy  hills  in  the  distance,  shimmering 
swimming  pool,  and  good  food  refreshed 
the  physical  senses.  The  theme  of  the 
meeting.  The  Library  and  Its  Public,  pro- 
vided the  intellectual  stimuli. 

Marie  Davis,  Coordinator  of  Adult  and 
Young  Adult  Activities  at  the  Free  Library 
of  Philadelphia,  discussed  the  corporate 
image  of  the  library o  The  jazzy  pace- 
setting  image  and  the  self-deprecating 
image  are  misleading.  Libraries  have 
captured  the  attention  of  the  public  by 
emphasizing  that  the  services  of  libraries 
are  not  free,  but  tax  supported. 

Each  library  should  capitalize  on  this 
position  and  decide  what  goal  it  mshes  to 
achieve.  Does  it  want  more  financial 
support,  or  more  use  of  library  materials, 
or  more  exp'ansion  of  librsiry  facilities? 
The  impact  of  the  library  id.ll  be  greater 
if  it  decides  what  its  primary  emphasis  ia 

Public  relations  is  a  point  of  view  and 
is  the  responsibility  of  the  administra- 
tion. Once  the  public  relations  objec- 
tives are  established,  the  techniques  are 
relatively  simple.  The  corporate  image  of 
each  library  will  be  determined  by  the  way 
it  meets  the  challenge  of  public  relations! 

Francis  X,  Moloney,  Chairman  Public 
Relations  Comtiittee,  M.L.A.,  presided  at 
the  symposium  on  What  the  Public  Thinks 
of  the  Library.  Mr  Moloney  was  adept  in 
his  task  of  getting  his  symposium  members 
to  speak  their  minds  about  the  library. 
His  dry  humor  spiced  his  introductory 
remarks  and  his  reactions  to  the  speakers, 

A  businessman,  Bartlett  B.  Bradley, 
urged  libraries  to  look  toward  centrali- 
zation and  more  efficient  use  of  total 
investment.  Smaller  libraries  would 
benefit  from  the  greater  resources  of 
material  that  would  be  available  to  more 
people..  Advertising,  a  tool  used  by 
business,  is  an  effective  means  to  encour-j itself , 
age  people  to  use  and  enjoy  libraries. 

A  labor  representative,  Francis  E. 
Lavigne,  pointed  out  that  labor  is  not  the 
most  educated  group  in  the  state.  The 
esirly  labor  leaders  acquired  the  educa- 
tional background  needed  for  their  work 
through  beneficial  relations  with  libra- 
ries. Mr  Lavigne  gained  his  own  self- 
education  in  this  way  and  is  a  fervent 
booster  of  B.P.L,  for  its  many  services 

7  - 

to  him.  He  recounted  numerous  instances 
when  staff  members,  including  Ed  Peliicr- 
of  Aiadio-Vioinl,  had  helped  and  guided  him* 

An  adult  education  worker.  Jay  J.  Martin 
thought  that  the  image  of  the  library  was 
stereotyped  due  to  first  hushed  contacts 
as  a  child  with  an  elderly  librarian,  or 
to  impressions  of  dingy,  century-old 
library  buildings.  The  librarian  should 
i advertise  himself  as  a  professional  worker 
and  coitmunicate  his  needs  to  the  community 
through  energetic  library-minded  trustees, 
Mrs  Martin  believed  that  there  should  be  a 
local  informal  library  and  a  regional 
information  retrieval  center. 

A  public  official,  Robert  J.  M.  O'Hare, 
claimed  that  inadequate  library  buildings 
and  services  are  the  fault  of  the  libra- 
rian and  the  trustees.  They  should  be  as 
militant  about  improving  libraries  as 
policemen  and  firemen  are  about  raising 
salaries.  The  militancy  of  the  librarian^j 
will  gain  the  respect  of  the  local  budget 
officials.  This  point  was  refuted  by 
Kathleen  Hegarty  of  the  B.P.L.  in  the 
concluding  question  period. 

Mr  O'Hare  also  believed  that  librarians 
antagonized  local  public  officials  by 
accepting  the  present  form  of  the  state 
aid  bill  which  takes  income  tax  money  out 
of  one  pocket  and  returns  it  as  grants-in- 
aid,  Milton  E.  Lord  clarified  the  changes 
made  by  the  General  Court  in  the  original 
legislation  that  led  to  this  situation. 

A  Newspaperman  warned  that  the  library 
image  can  only  be  as  good  as  reality. 
Invested  j?unds  do  a  disservice  to  public 
libraries  because  the  public  thinks  the 
library  is  free  and  separated  from  tax 
support.  Trustees  may  be  a  roadblock  be- 
tween the  library  and  understanding  of  the 
library  by  the  public.  Libraries  might  be 
better  off  without  trustees.  It  would 
make  for  closer  relations  with  the  public 
if  the  librarian  had  to  go  to  town  meeting 
and  present  a  political  case  to  secure 
funds.  If  the  librarian  is  courageous, 
does  his  job  efficiently,  and  provided  the 
materials  the  public  wants,  the  image  and 
reality  of  the  library  will  take  care  of 

■i«H(-«-)HHH«H«-  -JHHHHt- 

-  8  - 



The  fifth  anniversary/of  the  American 
Film  Festival  presented  b"  EFLA,  The 
Educational  Film  Library  Association, 
toolc  place  at  the  Biltmore  Hotel  in  New 
York  City  May  1  to  May  h,     EFLA,  which 
has  sponsored  the  festival  annually  since 
1959,  is  the  major  service  organization 
for  all  kinds  of  people  in  every  area  of 
the  16mm  film  field.  It  is  the  national 
clearinghouse  for  audio-visual  informa- 
tion, ideas,  and  opportiinities .  Having 
served  as  chairman  of  one  of  the  many 
pre-screening  committees,  I  attended  the 
festivities  in  New  York,  The  number  of 
entries  has  grown  every  year  and  this 
year  a  total  of  more  than  600  films  and 
filmstrips  were  entered.  In  addition  to 
the  competitive  screenings,  there  is  an 
opportunity  to  see  films  and  filmstrips 
as  part  of  a  special  program.  The  main 
problem  during  the  festival  days  is  to 
cecide  which  of  a  dozen  screenings  to 

The  formal  program  included  an  after- 
luncheon  speech  by  Samuel  B.  Gould 
(formally  of  Boston  University)  president 
of  Sew  York's  Educational  Television 
Station  Channel  13.  A  evening  session 
presented  a  panel  which  examined  the 
resurj^ence  of  the  Documentary  films. 
Panel  members  included  makers  of  some  of 
th'3  ".■'.lassie  doc^lmentaries"  of  the  past 
as  T-^'ell  as  representatives  of  the  newer 
fleZds   of  T.  V.  and  independent  produc- 
tion. Informal  discussion  was  an  import- 
ant pa.'rt  of  the  meeting,  and  festival 
registrants  had  plenty  of  opportunity  for 
it.  Practically  all  of  the  large  public 
libraiy  audio-visual  directors  were  rep- 
resented including  Philadelphia,  Detroit, 
Baltimore,  Brooklyn,  New  York,  and,  of 
course,  Boston. 

A  large  contingent  of  Bostonians  in 
the  audio-visual  field  were  present. 
Miriel  Javelin, formerly  Coordinator  of 
Adult  Services,  and  I  were  continually 
running  into  each  other  throunhout  the 
three  days.  The  finale  of  the  festival 
was  a  gala  award  banquet  on  Friday  even- 
ing where  the  films  rated  highest  by  the 
festival's  expert  juries  were  awarded 
Blue  Ribbons.  On  Saturday,  the  winning 
award  films  were  screened  throughout  the 
day,  I  Was  delighted  to  see  thpt  the 
Boston  Public  Library  film  selection 
committee  had  purchased  earlier  several 
of  the  prize  winning  films  including  MR. 


Euclid  J.  Peltier,  Chief 
Audi  o-Vi  sual  Department 


B.  Joseph  O'Neil,  Curator  of 
Periodicals  and  Newspapers  and  Coordin- 
ator of  General  Reference  Services  has 
been  nominated  for  the  Steering  Committee 
of  SORT.  SORT,  The  Staff  Organizations 
Round  Table,  is  a  national  association 
which  was  established  to  bring  library 
staff  associations  into  a  closer  rela- 
tionship and  to  act  as  a  clearing  house 
for  inforration  about  staff  organizations 
Other  objectives  are  the  encouraging  of 
the  formation  of  staff  organizations 
throughout  the  country  and  cooperation 
with  ALA  committees  in  making  studies 
and  surveys  of  personnel  problems. 

The  Steering  Committee  is  the  governing 
body  of  SCRT.,  There  are  nine  members  on 
this  Committee,  and  the  annual  meeting 
is  held  durmp  the  annual  conference  of 
ALA.  The  SORT  BULLETin,  a  monthly  nexvs- 
letter,  is  available  in  our  Staff  Librae "^^ 

Previous  to  the  nomination  of  B.  Joseph 
O'Neil  two  other  BPL  staff  members, 
B.  Gertrude  Wade  and  Bradford  M.  Hill, 
served  on  the  Steering  Committee. 



God,  they  say,  is  angry 

At  what  we  sinners  do; 
That  is  one  emotion 

He's  not  entitled  to. 

Yes,  He  made  the  Heavens, 

The  beasts,  and  plants,  and  menj 

Here  and  the  There, 

The  Now  and  the  Then. 

Sing  Him  hallelujas. 

But  say  that  yet  and  still 

He  is  also  Author 

Of  Freedom  of  the  Will. 

Harry  Andrews. 

■»-iH^  -JHHHHi-R-JHHHHH*- 

-  g'  - 


In  1887  Sir  John  Lubbock  delivered  a 
I  series  of  lectures  at  the  London  Work- 
I  ing  Men's  College  which  were  later  pub- 
'  IVsn-.d  in  book  form  with  the  title  THE 
Pir.^jUR^  OF  LIFE.     The  book,  mainly 
bec^.v.f^e  of  the  chapter  called  THE 
CriC".oE  OF  tiCOKS  in  which  the  author 
gHV3  e.  list  of  the  hundred  best  books 
of  aM  ti:P.:?f  'J£.C'  '.  ery  popular  and  went  £ievr7:.?l  editions,     A  London 
praMlsher  prinboi  a  spacial  edition  of 
"sCJ^   ;:he  ti;,:i?;J,  and  caj.led  the  set 
sov;8  of  the  accession  dates  I  looked  at 
w?  3«emed  to  hdV3  got  a  set  at  the 
tiiie  f.nd  t'K:  adr'itionel  sets  in  1909 , 
Wh(!r  i  f^x3^  arrived  on  the  Library 
softr.3i  an  atlrp.ctively  bound  set  was 
on  the  open,  shelves  in  Bates  Hall  near 
the  statue  of  Henry  James,    Merabers  of 
the  p-blic  who  did  not  want  to  bovher 
wiuh  catalogs  or  assistants  were  able 
to  £.^t  the nfielvfts  educated  wit-hout 
bentjTit  of  Int'^rmediaries « 

P.-^cently  I  w^ikod  into  the  bright, 
clssTi,  modern  Slvaron  Public  Library 
an--*,  saw  on  the  reference  shelves  near 
the  BiaTANNICA  and  the  AlIERICU^a  set 
pu': Wished  in  1952,  available  for  circu- 
la"';ion.     I  looked  them  over,  at  lar-st 
the  tables  of  contents,   and  thinking  it 
wou^d  be  a  good  idea  for  us  to  have  a 
set  of  them  on  open  shelves  in  Bates 
Hall,  I  decided  to  compare  than  with 
the  Lubbock  books. 

They  differ  in  appearance,  paper, 
print,  scope,  purpose  and  emphasis 
alifioso  as  much  as  1952  differs  from 
2887.     And  yet  35  of  the  names  appear 
on  both  lists .     The  GREAT  BOOKS ,  or  GB 
h-.3  5^+  large  attractive,  with 
good  clear  print,  representing  about 
75  authors.     SIR  JOHN  LUBBOCII's  set, 
or  L,  consists  of  100  volumes,  with 
small  type  and  poor  paper,  represent- 
ing about  90  authors.     Only  bt^KEL^. 
BOSV/ELL,   GIBBON,   ADAM  SMITH,   and  o'.'ilFT 
are  exactly  the  same  in  both  sets, 
Milton's  noans  are  in  both  sets,  but 
GB  adds  the  AREOPAGITICA,     GB  prints 
a  great  many  more  plays  of  the  Greek 
dramatists  and  in  better  translations 
than  L.     Both  sets  have  St.  Augustine's 
CONFESSIONS  in  the  Pusey  translation, 
but  GB  adds  his  CITY  OF  GOD  and 
CHRISTIAN  DOCTRINE.     Both  give  Bacon's 

NOVUM  ORGANUM,  but  GB  adds  the  ADVANCE- 
but  not  the  ESSA'io,  which  is  supplied  by 
L.  DON  QUIXOTE  in  GB  is  in  the  0ms by 
translation,  while  L  uses  the  Jarvis, 
Neither  uses  the  Putnam  translation 
which  is  now  generally  preferred.     GB 
uses  the  Norton  translation  of  Dante,  L 
the  Longfellow,     Neither  uses  the  Carlyle 
translation  recommended  by  T.S.  Eliot  in 
a  famous  essay,  and  used  in  both  the 
Temple  Classics  edition  and  the  Modern 
Library,     Aristotle  is  i^f^presented  in  L 
by  the  ETHICS  and  the  i^CLxTICS.     GB  uses 
two  full  vor.wies  vrith  over  1400  pages  of 
text,     A  re";c;3..utionary  change  in  reli- 
gious thinl<in2  from  188 7  to  195?-  is  in- 
dicated by  the  fact  that  L    does  not 
mention  St.  Thomas  Aquinas  at  all,  while 
GB  gives  hijui  the  same  coverage  as  Aris- 
totle, two  full  vciiuiies.     Chaucer  is  a 
real  clir:her  for  the  superiority  of  the 
GB,     L     givc'S  hi:-.i  in  the  original  only 
while  GB  hcs  a  m.dem  English  translation 
adjoining  T^^ne  oraglnal.     L     "ives  the 
Elizf.bethan  Ficrxo's  transli-l^ion  of 
Montnigne.  while  C3  uses  the  Cotton- 
Hazlitt  or' 3,.     iMeiil'er  of  then  have  the 
superior  i;;::dem  brynslition  by  Trecnmanu* 
L    of  coiu'se  dc^'i  not  mention  Freud  v.ho 
is  heavily  represented  in  GB,     Both  have 
Darwin  and  Lock,:.,  Homer  and  Shakespeare, 
Pascal  and  Plate-   Epictetus  and  Spinoza, 
but  either  xr  different  editions  or 
different  tra:islations  or  different 
sele>-".tion£.     For  some  peculiar  reason  L 
gives  Descai'tes  in  the  original  French-, 

Perhaps  eiiough  names  have  been  dropped 
here  to  indicate  what  the  two  sets  are 
like.     There  is,  of  course,  much  greater 
emphasis  in  GB  on  works  of  science  and 
modem  ideas,  while  L    concertx-ates  on 
what  the  narrower  world  of  London  in  the 
1880 's  considered  the  best  that  had  been 
written.     The  fact  that  L    has  a  heavy 
concentration  of  English  literature  is 
understandable  under  the  circumstances. 
The  great  Russian  writers  had  not  yet 
penetrated  into  England,  so  L    has 
neither  Tolstoy  nor  Dostoyevsl<y  which 
are  to  be  found  in  GB  along  with  Tom 
Jones  and  Moby  Dick.     L    has  Burke  and 
Bunyan,  Carlyle  and  Qnerson,  Macaulay 
and  Ruskin,  but  GB  has  William  James 
and  Karl  Marx, 

The  Bates  Hall  shelves  which  used  to 
hold  the  Lubbock  books  happen  to  be 
vacant  at  the  moment.     No  doubt  the 

General  Reference  people  have  candidates 
for  that  space,  but  I  thinlc  it  would  be 
a  very  grand  idea  to  put  the  5^   volumes 
of  the  GREAT  BOOKS  there.  Those  mem- 
bers of  the  public  who  enjoy  group 
guidance  and  group  discussions  are 
getting  good  help  from  our  Library 
extension  workers  and  in  other  areas 
of  the  community.  But  Boston  has  al- 
ways had  many  unreconstructed  individ- 
ualists who  like  to  come  into  a  Library, 
find  a  comfortable  seat  in  a  quiet  room, 
and  get  their  own  good  book  from  a  near- 
by shelf.  A  set  of  the  Great  Books  in 
Bates  Hall  is  a  natural  for  such  people. 
I  think  it's  what  Bates  had  in  mind 
when  he  sent  his  famous  letter,  and 
with  such  bait  I  will  myself  come  on 
frequent  visits  to  the  Library  when  I 
retire . 




Hubert  McKiernan 

Hubert  McKiernan,  Senior  Stationary 
Engineer  in  the  Buildings  Department, 
recently  passed  away  after  a  long  ill- 
ness. Hubert  was  truly  a  "gentleman  of 
the  old  school",  a  fine  mechanic,  expert 
in  his  chosen  trade,  to  which  he  applied 
himself  diligently.  Ifeny  a  cold  or 
storny  night  he  took  his  turn  in  the 
Engine  Room  and  stayed  all  nifjht  and  day, 
if  necessary,  to  insure  the  comfort  aiid 
safety  of  the  staff  and  of  the  public. 

He  will  be  sorely  missed  by  the  B.P.L, 

T,P,  Geoghegan 

-  11  - 


■■'■<    ■       ■      -    ■■■-     ■  ■-■ 

George  Clifford  Johnson 

George  C.  Johnson,  for  thirty  years 
an  Assistant  in  the  Fine  Arts  Depart- 
ment, died  June  third  at  the  New  England 
Deaconess  Hospital  after  a  brief  hos- 
pitalization. He  retired  at  70  and  on 
June  27  would  have  celebrated  his  85th 

Into  the  fifteen  years  of  his  retire- 
ment he  probably  crovided  as  much 
activity  as  any  retiree  on  record, 
carrying  into  his  leisure  years  all 
the  interests  and  activities  of  his 
younger  days  while  adding  to  than  a 
consuming  interest  in  world  travel 
which  was  to  give  him  so  much  pleasure. 
In  the  years  since  his  70th  birthday 
he  made  five  trips  around  the  world, 
two  extended  trips  around  South  America, 
travelled  to  Hawaii  and  the  Far  East, 
made  a  special  trip  to  Ijigland  for  the 
coronation  of  Elizabeth  II,  cruised  the 
Mediterranean,  and  more  recently  when 
long  trips  no  longer  seemed  advisable 
he  cruised  the  Caribbean.  As  recently 
as  the  past  winter  he  made  two  differ- 
ent cruises  to  the  Caribbean,  taking 
one  of  his  nephews  each  time  as  a 
guest.  He  was  not  fond  of  the  cold 
Boston  winters,  so  he  delighted  in  the 
long  cruises  by  which  he  escaped  to 
sunnier  climates.  A  camera  enthusiast 
all  his  life,  he  brought  back  from  each 
trip  hundreds  of  unusual  kodachromes  of 
subjects  well -chosen  and  finely  composed. 
These  he  showed  to  groups  of  friends  and 
club  associates ,  adding  lecturing  to  his 
many  activities .  There  was  a  wonderful 
imperturbability  about  George  Johnson. 
Whether  nightclubbing  in  the  frenzied 
atmosphere  of  Carnival  in  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
ricSing  out  on  an  elephant  to  visit  some 
Indian  temple,  or  entertaining  Chinese 
friends  at  dinner  on  board  his  ship  in 
Hongkong  Harbor,  he  moved  through 
exotic  scenes  with  the  aplomb  of  Boston 

A  Harvard  graduate  of  the  Class  of 
1903,  and  a  resident  of  the  Harvard  Club 
for  more  than  fifteen  years,  Mr.  Johnson 
kept  up  many  pleasant  associations  with 
classmates  and  club  members .  For  years 
he  had  dined  weekly  at  the  Club  with  a 
group  of  his  classmates.  An  expert  at 

chess,  he  played  in  the  Club  tournaments. 
June  brought  Class  Day  reunions,  and 
autumn  the  football  season.  He  made 
something  of  a  record  in  the  matter  of 
attendance  at  the  Harvard-Yale  games. 
When,  last  November  2k   he  boarded  the 
Harvard  Special  for  New  Haven,  he  had  not 
missed  one  of  these  classics  since  his 
student  days. 

With  the  strength  of  body  which  his 
lifetime  fondness  for  mountain  climbing, 
swimming  and  dancing  had  given  him,  he 
carried  into  his  later  years  activities 
which  most  men  relinquish  long  before 
retirement.  Mountain  climbing  he  finally 
had  to  give  up,  but  swimming  and  dancing, 
including  country  dancing,  he  continued 
into  the  last  months  of  his  life.  He  was 
well  into  his  80 's  before  it  occurred  to 
him  not  to  dance  every  dance  in  an  eve- 
ning, and  then  it  was  his  doctor  who  made 
the  suggestion  that  he  sit  out  an  occa- 
sional dance. 

He  was  fond  of  the  theatre  and  concerts 
but  his  special  love  was  for  the  opera, 
and  he  looked  forward  with  perennial 
eagerness  to  the  Boston  season  of  the 
Metropolitan  Opera,  and  invariably 
attended  every  performance.  This  Spring, 
less  than  two  months  before  his  death,  he 
had  a  gala  week  at  the  opera.  Late 
Spring  would  find  him  at  the  Pops  and 
early  Summer  at  the  Arts  Festival  events 
and  at  the  Esplanade  concerts. 

While  enjoying  new  contacts  made  during 
his  long  cruises,  he  was  unwavering  in 
his  attachment  for  old  friends.  Besides 
the  friends  of  many  years  in  the  Field 
and  Forest  Club,  the  Appalachian  Mountain 
Club,  the  Harvard  and  University  Clubs, 
he  had  a  sincere  fondness  for  his 
associates  in  the  Library,  and  when  not 
travelling,  returned  to  the  Christmas 
Teas  with  genuine  pleasure. 

Thinking  of  him,  his  library  friends 
will  remember  his  always  youthful  enjoy- 
ment of  life,  his  enthusiastic  pursuit 
of  his  varied  interests,  a  certain  court- 
liness of  manner  and  the  loyalty  of  his 
regard  for  the  Library  and  the  old 
friends  of  his  working  days. 


-  12  « 


South  End 

Among  the  200  high  school  students  and 
faculty  advisors  who  took  part  in  a 
regional  Youth  Citizenship  Conference 
recently  was  Alfred  Haughton,  a  Library 
Aide  at  South  End.  This  was  one  of  a 
series  of  parleys  on  "Youth  and  the 
American  Econorcr"  held  at  state  colleges 
throughout  Massachusetts.  Alfred  grad- 
uates this  year  from  English  High  and 
will  attend  Colby  College  in  the  fall. 

North  End 

On  Wednesday,  May  22,  North  End  held 
its  fifteenth  annual  Mary  U.  Nichols 
book  awards.  The  prizes,  given  to  a 
North  End  boy  and  a  North  End  girl  "who 
in  their  senior  year  at  a  North  End  High 
School  have  excelled  in  English,"  were 
this  year  awarded  to  Joann  Siciliano  of 
the  Julie  Billiart  High  School  and  to 
John  Chirichiello  of  the  Christopher 
Columbus  High  School. 

The  highlight  of  the  evening  for  the 
students  was  the  presentation  of  the 
awards  by  Milton  E.  Lord,  Director. 
Joann  chose  as  her  prize,  SEVENTEENTH 
CENTURY  VERSE  AND  PROSE,  edited  by  Helen 
C.  White.  John's  choiee  was  THE  COMPLETE 
WORKS  OF  SHAKESPEARE,  edited  by  Qeorge 
L.  Kittredge.  Both  books  were  handsomely 
bound  and  beautifully  boxed  in  full 
leather  with  gold  tooling  and  each  bears 
a  copy  of  a  book  olate,  especially 
designed  \iy  i^rthur  W.  Hgintzelman,  Keeper 
of  Prints,  Emeritus,  to  symbolize  Miss 
Nichol's  work  with  puppets. 

The  North  End  w^s  fortunate  this  year 
in  hgving  as  its  main  speaker  for  the 
evening  the  Right  Reverend  Edw?rd  G. 
Murray,  President  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  of  the  Boston  Public  Library. 
Monsignor  Murray's  talk  about  the  Value 
of  education  and  the  library  in  a  commun- 
ity such  as  the  North  End  was  an  inspir- 
ation and  delight  to  his  audience.  Guy 
A.  Beninati  who  represented  the  library's 
friends  and  the  North  End  Community  was 
the  second  speaker  of  the  evening. 

As  usual  award  night  proved  to  be  one 
of  the  neighborhood's  most  popular  events 
Geraldine  S.  Herrick,  Branch  Librarian, 
welcomed  the  guests  and  introduced  Robert 

Castagnola  who  served  as  chairman  of 
the  program  for  the  fourth  successive 

The  entertainment  this  year  proved  to 
be  exceptional.  The  Columbus  Stereos 
from  the  local  high  school  rendered  a 
selectioh  of  popular  tvnes   and  were 
followed  by  a  xylophone  solo  by  Theodore 
Leutz  also  of  Christopher  Columbus 
High  School. 

Cookies,  don?ted  by  the  staff  and  by- 
members  of  the  community,  were  served 
with  punch  during  the  social  hour  follow- 
ing the  program.  Presiding  over  the 
punch  bowls  this  year  were  Edna  G.  Peck, 
Chief  of  Book  Selection,  HRCS  a  personal 
friend  of  the  late  Miss  Nichols,  and 
Dr,  Adorna  Wallia. 

The  staff  of  North  End  and  members  of 
the  Young  Adult  Council  served  as  host- 
esses at  this  very  enjoyable  evening. 


The  stpff  of  Memorial  has  ovory 
reason  to  be  proud,  Hprvey  Douglas, 
library  aide  at  Memorial,  although  only 
a  junior  at  Boston  English  High  School, 
was  awarded  a  $L00.00  scholprship  for 
outstanding  scholastic  achievement, 
A  second  honor  received,  was  the  L?wrence 
Prize  for  Fidelity  and  Deportment-an 
edition  of  O'llonry's  DEST  SKOKT  STORIES, 

Hospital  Library  Service 

Ellen  Walsh  of  the  Hospital  Library 
Service  resigned  from  the  library 
May  28,  I963.  Miss  Walsh  plans  to 
resume  her  studies  at  Bridgwater  State 
Teachers  College  in  the  Fall.  In  the 
meantime,  Ellen  is  spending  the  summer 
traveling  in  England,  Ireland  and  the 

The  staff  at  the  Hospital  Library 
Service  thank  all  the  thoughtful  mem- 
bers of  the  BPL  who  have  so  generously 
sent  magazines  for  the  patients  at  the 
hospital.  The  magazines  are  well  and 
thoroughly  used  and  enjoyed.  With  our 
thanks  we  say  just  one  thing  more, 
"Keep  them  coming,  please," 

«  13 

Adgms  Street 

Deborah  Field,  Library  Aide  at  Adams 
Street     and       Senior  at  Girls'  Latin 
School,  recently  won  the  First  Prize  for 
the  Best  Literary  Contribution  of  the 
Cl?ss  A  Schools  (enrollment  of  over  750), 
awarded  by  the  Boston  Globe.  Miss 
Field's  story  entitled  "Joshua"  appeared 
in  the  March,  1963,  issue  of  TKi: 
JABBnT'CCK  ,  Girls'  Latin  School  publi- 
cation. "Joshua"  is  a  stark  vignette 
in  which  prejudice  and  hate  in  the  South 
are  portrayed  with  chilling  realism. 
Miss  Field's  talent  in  the  use  of  v7ords 
and  in  characterization  indicate  a 
promising  future,  and  the  library  is 
proud  of  her. 

Graduation  Day  means  many  things  to 
many  people.  For  fifty  little  boys  and 
girls  who  assembled  with  their  admiring 
mothers  and  assorted  other  relatives  on 
Wednesday,  May  22,  at  the  Adams  Street 
Branch,  "graduation"  was  the  most  impor- 
tant event  so  far  in  their  short  lives. 
All  year  they  had  met  once  a  week  for 
pre-school  story  hour  with  Dorothy 
Ekstrom,  assistant  in  the  CbiTdren's 
Room.  They  had  learned  many  fing=5r 
plays,  songs,  and  little  rhymes;  they 
had  listened  to  picture-bock  stories ^ 
they  had  learned  to  salute  the  flag  and 
to  say  a  little  morning  prayer.  Now 
they  were  to  "graduate"  and  "^here  x^'as 
to  be  a  PARTY.  First  Mrs.  Ekstrcm 
greeted  the  relatives  and  friends. 
Then  the  children  shoiied  what  they  had 
learned  by  following  the  routines  of  a 
typical  story  hour  tiii-e.  And  finally, 
one  by  one,  each  little  boy  and  gii-1 
was  Called  to  the  platform  and  given 
a  "diploma"  by  Elinor  Gonley,  Branch 

There  followed  a  socigl  hour  for  the 
parents  and  friends,  with  Mary  Doyle, 
Children's  Librarian,  as  hostess,  and 
of  course  coffee  for  the  grown-ups  and 
ice  cream  for  the  children.  There  will 
be  other  graduations,  but  none  so 
wonderful  as  this  onel 


Once  upon  a  Saturday  afternoon,  a 
busy  branch  library  closed  its  doors 
upon  the  last  of  the  last-minate  oatrons 
and  opened  its  central  meeting-room  to 

its  staff  members. 

The  all-purpose  room  had  been  trans- 
formed. Instead  of  rows  of  chairs  facing 
the  platform,  the  room  was  gay  atid  party- 
ninded/'^yme  3- enhanced  with  lace  cloths 
and  artistically  arranged  flowers.  The 
silver  setting  and  inviting  foods  werer 
a  delijht  to  the  eye. 

The  occasion  was  a  farewell  party. 
The  staff  of  the  Roslindale  Branch 
Library  was  bidding  a  fond  farewell  to 
Katherine  O'Rourke,  library  aide  who 
was  terminating  her  library  employment 
and  leaving  for  Europe.  Mss  O'Rourke' s 
mother  and  sister  were  among  those 

Everyone  heaped  plates  xoth  home-made 
chicken  salad,  potato  s?lad,  cranberry 
mold,  ham  rolls,  potato  chips,  mar^  and 
varied  condiments,- then  settled  comfort- 
able to  enjoy  the  excellent  food  and 
pleasant  company  in  deliglitful  ease  and 
informality.  Thure  was  time  ?nd  oopor- 
tvinity  to  enjoy  second  helpings  and  to 
move  around  for  welcome  chats  with 
fellow  workers.  The  superb  coffee,  cake, 
ice-cceam,  and  canuies  which  followed 
were  too  good  to  give  up. 

Miss  O'RuVtrke  was  genuinely  delighted 
with  her  evc-.'iing  ^\irse  generously  filled 
with  green-bicks  to  use  on  her  travels. 

Library  aides  Aim  Kreiiimsll  and 
Carolyn  Barker  wore  pleasantly  surprised 
with  gifts  of  white  gloves  in  honor  of 
their  graduation  from  high  school. 

After  food  and  casual  convei'sation 
had  been  throughly  enjoyed.  Patrolman 
John  Jo  Sqnires  showed  his  films  of 
historic  Boston,  and  provided  interest- 
ing comments  about  old  landmarks. 

Everyone  agreed  it  was  a  most  satis- 
fying luncheon  and  visit, 



QM  extends  its  heartiest  congratula- 
tions to  Jim  Ford,  Education  Department, 
who  on  S-un;i>:y  9  J-me  196^  recoived  the 
Master  of  Science  in  Library  Science 
degree  from  the  Graduate  School  of 
Library  Science,  Simmons  College. 



July  lU  -  20,  1963  in  Chicago 

-  14  - 


On  Thursday  evening  l6  May  1963  about 
forty  officers  of  the  ARNAVETS  sat  down 
to  a  hearty  steak  or  lobster  dinner  at 
the  Frolics  at  Revere  Beach.   (All  memr- 
bers  of  this  organization  are  equal  and 
therefore  hold  an  office),  Mike  Venezia, 
Adjutant  and  Quartermaster,  is  to  be 
congratulated  on  his  efficient  handling 
of  the  affair  in  his  first  assignment 
since  assuming  his  new  offices.   (Some 
members  are  more  equal  than  others 
therefore  they  hold  two  offices). 

To  the  long  list  of  credits  held  by 
this  noble  group  must  be  added  still 
another.  Not  one  man  took  a  mouthful  of 
food  until  it  was  determined  beyond  a 
doubt  that  astronaught  Gordon  Cooper  had 
safely  returned  from  outer  space.  We 
will  admit  however  that  most  of  the 
fellows  did  partake  of  certain  liquids 
available  at  the  bar  which  adjoins  the 
dining  area.  This  was  however,  done  in 
the  spirit  of  good-fellowship-toasts  to 
the  success  of  Cooper's  mission! 

Following  dinner  the  membership  enjoyed 
an  excellent  floorshow.  Although  one  or 
two  diehards '  tried  to  keep  the  party 
going  to  the  wee  small  hours  (as  was  the 
practice  of  earlier  ARNAVET  affairs)  the 
overwhelming  majority  bowing  to  age  and 
dictum  from  home  departed  at  a  reasonable 
hour.  It  is  with  great  pidde  that  we 
announce  that  everyone  answered  the  nine 
a.m.  rollcall  at  the  B.P.L.  the  next 

Commander  Edward  Maynai'd  announced  tha 
following  roster  for  the  1963-6U  year. 


Dorothea  F.  Morgan 
Vice  Commander 

Leonard  J.  Macmillan 
Adjutant  and  Quartermaster 

Michael  J.  Venezia 

Chester  R.  Walsh 
Officer  of  the  Day 

John  W,  Taley 

Martin  F.  Murphy 

Louis  R.  O'Halloran 

Harry  S.  Parker 

Frederick  N,  Rodenmacher 

Arthur  ¥.  Mulloney 
Sergeant  Major 

Charles  D.  Povah 

Patriotic  Instructor 

Sumner  Fryhon 

Francis  X,  Moloney 

Michael  Langone 
William  R.  Lewis 
Anthony  Vozella 
Entertainment  Committee 
William  F,  Nelson 
B,  Joseph  O'Neil 
Randall  J.  Tcbin 
Guard  Commanders 
John  Allix 
Euclid  J.  Peltier 
Color  Guards 

Sarah  W.  Flannery 
John  Howard 
Frank  McDonough 
Graves  Registration  Committee 
William  A,  Reynolds 
Daniel  W,  Sheeran 
Relief  Committee 

Thomas  Manning 
James  McLaughlin 
House  Committee 

Francis  Meyers 
Patrick  Mirtagh 
Ways  and  Means  Committee 
Charles  Gillis 
John  McManus 
Membership  Coiranittee 
Henry  F.  Barry 
Stephen  Baxter 
Louis  N,  Rains 
liason  Committee 

Matthew  F,  O'Brien,  Jr. 
Louis  Polishook 
Review  Committee 

Bernard  F.  Doherty 
George  White 
Censoring  Committee 
William  Kocen 
Steven  Searl 
Past  Commander 

Edward  Maynard 


Louis  Rains,  Science  &  Technology,  is 
a  patient  at  the  Massachusetts  General 
Hospital,  8th  floor.  White  Building. 


-  15  - 



The  High  Tribunal  of  the  Chatter,      i 
Chowder  and  Marching  Society  meeting  in  \ 
so7ofnn  session  early  in  May  declared  a 
dividend  -  a  whopping  big  three  for  one 
affair  -  held  at  the  old  camp  meeting 
grounds  better  known  locally  as  The 
China  Star.  Time:  Sunday  evening,  26  May 
1963.  Singled  out  for  especial  honors 
that  evening  were  three  of  our  big  stock 
holders  who  have  left  the  Library  service 
but  who  retain  their  cherished  seats  in 
the  Society.  Retiring  after  6h  years  of 
service  were  Bill  DiRosario  of  Fine  Arts 
and  Margaret  Cowling  Butler  of  Audio- 
Visual.  The  Third  member  of  this  honored 
group  was  Barbara  Coffey  of  Catalog  and 
Classification  (R&RS)  who  resigned  to 
accept  another  position. 

The  affair  was  attended  by  over  sixty- 
five  present  and  former  members.  Inclu- 
ded among  the  'old  grads'  were  Helen 
IBLrson  and  Connie  Harrington  of  the 
Division  Office,  HR&CS,  John  McCafferty 
and  Dave  Sheehan  of  General  Reference, 
Monica  Harrington  McCafferty  and  Joyce 
Kelley  of  Catalog  &  Classification (R&RS), 
Felicia  Peltier  of  Audio-Visual,  Mary 
Sheehan  of  Book  Purchasing,  Maurice  (Mo) 
Rahilly  of  Periodical,  Sheila  Pierce 
Stevens  of  Central  Charging  Records, 
Dan  IQioUry  of  ^^lsic,  Carolyn  l^ers  of 
the  Supervisor's  Office,  Margaret  Gannon 
of  the  Bindery,  Frank  Moran  of  the  Stock 
Room  and  Joan  Morris  and  Sara  Goldstein 
of  Science  &  Technology, 

A  mixed  quintet  sang  (?)  clever  lyrics 
appropriate  to  the  occasion  as  they 
parodied  the  'Wonderful  Year'  bit  made 
popular  on  the  Garry  Moore  TV  show. 
The  DiRosario-Butler-Coffey  trio 
professed  complete  surprise  at  this 
fancy  'do'  in  their  honor  and  certainly 
looked  the  psirt.  Each  was  presented 
iTith  a  handsome  gift  and  their  brief  but 
sincere  remarks  were  well  received.  A 
Chinese  dinner  augmented  by  frequent 
trips  to  a  well  equipped  and  strategi- 
cally situated  bar  rounded  out  the 
eveningj  fastivities  in  what  can  easily 
be  cali-:d  one  of  the  Society's  most 
successiv.l  affairs. 

Betty  Drane  of    General  Reference 
announced    her  engagement  to  Marvin 
Gould.  They  will  be  married  on  July  Ih, 

In  honor  of  the  occasion  Margaret  Soper, 
assisted  by  Margo  Hoare,  had  a  gathering 
of  Betty's  friends  at  her  home  on  June  9 
at  7:30.  A  pleasant  evening  was  shared, 
and  Betty  received  some  lovely  gifts 
and  the  sincere  good  wishes  of  all  those 


At  a  2o 'clock  ceremony,  Saturday  after- 
noon, June  1,  1963  Barbara  J.  Whitledge, 
Home  Reading  Office,  became  the  bride  of 
Donald  Richard  Flye  at  the  First 
Congregational  Church  in  Natick.  A  re- 
ception followed  in  the  Church  parlors. 

The  Bride  wore  a  gown  of  white  bouquet 
taffeta,  the  fitted  empire  bodice  of 
appliqued  Alencon  lace  had  an  Obi  bow  in 
the  back  and  the  skirt  was  bell  shaped 
terminating  in  a  chapel  train.  Her 
bouffant  veil  of  imported  silk  illusion 
was  held  in  place  by  a  cluster  of  orange 
blossoms  and  she  carried  a  cascade  of 
Eucharis  lilies  and  lilies-of-the-valley. 
Mr  &  Mrs  Flye  plan  to  make  their  home  in 

On  Thursday,  May  23,  friends  of  Barbara 
Whitledge  gave  her  a  luncheon  party  at 
the  Maitre  Jacques  at  which  they  present- 
ed her  with  a  lovely  Bride's  Record  Bock 
and  a  set  of  dinnerware.  John  Carroll 
"flew"  in  from  Wellesley  for  the  affair 
and  proved  to  be  a  jovial  toastmaster. 
i  A  most  enjoyable  luncheon  was  enjoyed  by 
i  all  and  Miss  Whitledge  was  given  all  best 
I  wishes  for  her  forthcoming  marriage. 



Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,  to- 
gether with  the  name  of  the  Branch 
Library,  Department  or  Office  in  which 
he  or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is 
w:!th-held  from  publication,  or  a  pen 
nc-ne  is  used,  if  the  contributor  so 
requests.  Anonymous  contributions  are 
not  given  consideration.  The  author  of 
the  article  is  known  only  to  the  Editop- 
in-Chief .  The  contents  of  the  articles 
appearing  in  the  Soap  Box  are  personal 
opinions  expressed  by  individual  Asso- 
ciation members  and  their  appearance 
does  not  necessarily  indicate  that  the 
Fublications  Conr-.ittoe  and  tho  AggocI- 
aticn  arc  in  a  ^rec  .ont  v;ith  the  vicv/s 
or[-ressed,  Cnly  thonc  contributions  nojb 
containing  noro  than  300  words  will  be 


Dear  Editor: 

The  recent  appointment  of 
Chief  of  Book  Stack  Service  was  made  in 
the  usual  tradition.  The  person  who 
would  logically  expect  to  be  made  Chief 
since  he  was  next  in  line  and  already 
ably  performing  the  work  involved,  was 
completely  overlooked  and  a  person 
appointed  whose  only  connection  with 
Book  Stack  Service  was  that  he  worked 
at  one  time  in  the  same  division.  This 

is  no  reflection  on  the  appointee,  who 
will  probably  be  a  very  good  Chief,  but 
if  the  Administration  had  no  intention  of 
appointing  a  person  already  in  the  depart- 
ment, it  would  have  been  kinder  to  convey 
this  in  the  listing  of  requirements. 
This  was  done  once  before  in  listing  an 
open  position  and  at  once  conveyed  to 
everyone  that  only  persons  already  in  the 
position  of  Branch  Librarian  were  to  be 
considered.  In  this  way,  persons  who 
cannot  possibly  be  considered  for  a  posi- 
tion will  know  it  from  the  beginning, 
instead  of  waiting  and  hoping  in  vain, 



To  the  Soap  Box: 

The  May  2?  notice  about 
the  advisory  panel  to  help  the  Trustees 
choose  an  architect  worthy  to  be  a 
successor  to  McKim  must  rejoice  all 
members  of  the  staff  \-iho   care  about  the 
Library  as  a  beautiful  citadel  of  learn- 
ing and  are  worried  about  our  lack  of 
space  for  books o  The  target  for  comple- 
tion of  the  addition  to  the  Central 
building  is  probably  too  optimistic.  But 
even  if  we  do  get  a  new  building  by  1968, 
what  are  we  to  do  until  then?  The 
largest  number  of  new  acquisition  and 
the  ones  most  called  for  seem  to  be  books 
in  category  P  (literatiire)  in  Stack  3, 
and  category  B  (philosophy,  psychology, 
and  religion)  in  Stack  6.  Both  those 
stacks  are  frightfully  overcrowded. 
Books  are  jammed  tight  on  the  shelves  or 
left  on  the  floor,  making  it  often  diffi- 
cult for  stack  runners  to  find  them. 

Could  the  areas  vacated  by  the  Bookmo- 
bile offices  at  the  end  of  stack  3  and 
the  Printing  Department  on  the  top  floor 
be  used  for  the  overflow?  Here  is  a 
legitimate  subject  for  our  useful  and 
informative  STAFF  MEMO  to  research  and 
report  on. 





Grace  Marvin 

and     -  Book  Selection  Department,  H,  R«  So 
Mary  Obear 

Laura  Reyes  -  Egleston  Square  Branch  Library 






JULY     1963 


Published  by  the  Boston  Public  library  Staff  Association 
Volume  XVIII     Number  7  July  1963 

Publications  Committee r     Harry  Andrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,   Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J.   Montana,   Jr,  Mrs  Bridie 
Stotz,  Martin  F,  Waters,   Pat  White,  Barbara  Flye, 
Roger  Stevens,  cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer, 
William  R.   Lewis,   Qiairman. 

Publication  date :  Deadline  for  subm^"  •'  'y:  ng  m£. terial ; 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  -  The  tcv.'Ji  of  m-);.th 

Anan-t  the  recent  Ger^"^ol  Ad- iri,;trative  Noticb  v-'.^S,  granted  ttTo 
additional  days  of  anneal  loa  re  to'aL'.i  ev.ployeos  on  the  ref'^.iar  pa./T'oll  in  Lieu 
of  heat  relief  accorded  other  city  en.ployses  during  the  protrfxtcd  .onfe-July 
heat  wave,  \-ie  nake  these  obaervaoions. 

Using  the  sick  leave  policy  a.-  a  model  and  pre.iedsnt  why  can't  the  Adminis- 
tration institute  an  "cuerroncy  Tf-:,ather  leave  bank".     The   -b-dnk'  cjuld  ts  com- 
puted according  to  an  enplo,,  .?os  ■Lo:-3th  of  serv.-ice  as  was  'i-n^  witL'  the  sick  leave 
'bank'.      Older  smploj^Gec:!  obxio-'is^ly  wov-ld  require  lonrer  and  moie  frequent  relief 
from  extremes  in  the  wsathor.     Txio  term  "emerf,c-n'."!j  we^.-che^  leave  '  would  be  most 
appropriate  for  this  rew  fxange  bonefit.     Much  mure  c.pprcpii='.te  than,   day, 
'heat  relief  b'^.causc  it  c-r-ud  p.^ovide  succor  ly  m  eve^y  co-.^ceivable  ver^aiy  the 
elements  may  prt)Vide  including  the  snow  and  ice  of  a  viintar  bli^irarrl,  ths  wind 
and  rrin  cf  a  ucvrlin^  f.-3  vro'll  as  the  recently  e-cperieiioed  (ixscouifort 
from  heat  and  Irrmidity.     P?vr,ap£-  it  could  even  be  ex-',  ^.-.nded  to  include  relief 
from  the  nysterious  vicissitudes  ve  undergo  each  w'-dh  the  equinoctial 
changes  in  the  weathori.   Tiv?  moi-;?  ingenious  and  inventive  cf  couid  con- 
ceivably brerk  into  3\:oh  a  bank  for  relief  from  such  vaata -v  in3t.a_"ed  ^xilments 
as  can  be  found  ii\  the  artlnitic  irries  -  sevc-:  e  jointal  prins  inu'^ced,   it  is 
claimed,      by  clianges  in  the  atmoiipheric  pressure. 

The  ad'/antag3S  to  be  obtained  by  the  adoption  of  this  innovation  are  poly- 
fold.     The  Admlristra'i .!  on  could  b-.i^st  of  a  first  in  a  new  area  oi   2 xafx- management 
relationships  -  a  ver:'  '-able  breaVibixroughl     The  Staff,   alvays  easxly  diverted  and 
mollified,  would  be  happy  -  at  lee . -it  for  the  present  or  long  enouf^di  to  irxtigate 
the  bitter  feelings  eaL-endo--od  in  the  appirer.o  loss  of  a  1:^63  p£.y  i:ierso.EC  a:id 
tha  cut  in  extra  servica.     The  Pixblic  wo  ild  alno  share  in  t.he  beMe'Tit-s  for  with 
th-;  availability  of  "emergency  ijeAther  leave"  obviously  on'.y  t>.'8  stardirt^fc  of  the 
staff  would  be  on  di.^y  during  periods  of  extreme  inclemency  in  vTeather  -  a 
sort  of  r.ur'/ival  of  tr.e  fittest.     All  of  this  could  be  acccinplish-.d  without  re- 
course to  annual  lea\-3  or  sick  leave.     Provision,   of  course,  would  have  to  be 
made  for  the  conversi-jn  of  unused  "emergency  woather  leave"  to  annual  leave  at 
retirement  tiriSo     A  genercua  conversion  ra.tio  \i:ould  reward  the  fait'iful  and  at 
the  same  time  encourage  ccnscienticusnesos 


P.S.  From  the  Publications  CoOTiittee:     We  thiric  the  editor  has  been  getting  too 
much  sun,   so  we  are  going  to  give  him  the  month  of  Augi-''-st  off  frori  his 
editorial  duties^     Therefore  ^here  will  be  no  Question  Mark  pnhlished  in 
Au3UGt,  but.  we  sliall  resume  publication  in  Sexjt ember « 



Althoiigh  I  have  been  warned  by  a 
former  president  of  this  association 
"not  to  editorialize  in  this  column, 
but  just  to  report  the  facts,"  I  am 
taking  this  opportunity  to  extend  your 
congratulations  to  two  of  our  members. 
To  Louis  Rains,  our  immediate  past 
president  and  general  factotum,  hearty 
congratulations  on  the  recovery  he  seems 
to  be  maldng  from  his  recent,  serious 
illness,  I  am  sure  that  I  speak  for 
everyone  in  wishing  to  you,  Louis,  the 
fastest  possible,  full  recovery.  We 
miss  you  very  much  indeed.  Our  members 
all  wish,  too,  I  know,  to  join  me  in 
congratulating  B.  Joseph  0»Neil  on  his 
recent  election  to  the  Steering  Com- 
mittee of  the  Staff  Organization  Round 
Table  of  the  American  Library  Associa- 
tion, We  are  proud  to  be  represented 
again  in  our  national  organization, 

Coming  to  thos«  "facts",  the  Execu- 
tive Board  held  a  special  meeting  on 
'^^   18,  primarUy  to  discuss  with 
J^.  Gaines  proposals  for  Chapter  IV  of 
t-he  Personnel  I%nual  on  the  subject  of 
promotions.  From  the  beginning,  as 
reported  to  you  last  month,  the  Execu- 
tive Board  has  found  no  major  points 
of  disagreement  ^rith  the  ideas  present- 
ed to  us.  In  general  principle,  there- 
fore, >ie  nave  endorse  the  proposal  as 
It  was  originally  outlined,  but  some 
aetails  do  remain  to  be  discussed  fur- 
ther. We  hope  to  get  together  lath  our 
Personnel  Director  by  early  fall  to 
come  to  an  agreement,  if  possible,  upon 
these  relatively  minor  points;  so  that 
I     r^T  P°l^^  ^ay  i^each  a  September 
or  October  meeting  of  the  Trustees  for  " 
ITX   "^^^^^^ion  and,  we  hope,  approval, 
uuring  the  interijn,  once  our  minor 
aili^rences  of  opinion  are  resolved, 
the  Executive  Board  has  reouested  that 
the  entire  staff  be  allowed  to  review 
this  pTopostd  promotional  policy. 
VrZ\  "^^  ^^  meeting,  the  Executive 

^a^d,  approved  the  outline  of  dur  fall 

So+f '^u'^^^  ^^-^g^^  ^°  ^«  held  in  the 
Lecture  K^  on  Thursday  morning, 

iSStt  r'^,"^^-°^-l  Trends  in  the 
1960«s.  •  It  WU.1  consist  of  a  panel 
discussion  which  Ervin  J,  Gainefhas 
knJidly  agre^  to  moderate.  Already, 
Miss  Moorachi^  and  her  P;ogram  cSat. 
tee  have  secuxfe^  ^  speakers  Donald  H. 
Hunt,  Library  Ca:r^  Consultant, 


Drexel  Institute  of  Technology,  and 
Joyce  Davidson,  Assistant  Personnel 
Director,  Detroit  Public  Library, 
Wr,   Himt's  job  consists  lar&;ely  of 
recruiting  among  high  school  and  college 
students  from  vihom.  he  has,  undoubtedly, 
acquired  a  new  look  at  "the  image  of  the 
librarian,"  A  Simmons  graduate,  Mss 
Davidson  has  spent  some  time  at  the 
Providence  Public  Library  and  is,  there- 
fore, aware  of  the  personnel  situation 
in  New  England,  The  Program  Committee 
is  currently  working  to  produce  a  third^ 
equally  proficient  and,  perhaps,  even 
more  iiell  knoxm  speaker. 

Since  the  members  of  the  association 
all  seem  an>d.ous  to  treat  our  British 
cousins  roya]J.y,  the  Execubive  Board 
has  agreed  upon  the  hiring  of  Hart 
Brothers  as  caterers  for  the  tee  which 
we  shall  sponsor  on  Wednesday,  October 
9  for  the  British  librarians  who  will 
be  visiting  us.  It  is  hoped  that  every 
member  of  this  association  who  can 
reasonably  be  spared  from  his  normal 
post  of  duty  on  that  day  will  be  on  hand 
to  gi-eet  these  visitors.  On  the  whole, 
this  group  is,  I  understand,  relatively 
young J  so  they  would,  undoubtedly,  wel- 
come an  opportunity  to  talk  with  souffi 
of  our  own  younger  staff  members. 

In  accordance  with  modern  personnel 
procedures  used  in  institutions  like  our 
own,  some  sort  of  performance  evaluation 
on  a  continuing  basis  seems  essential. 
For  this  reason,  the  Ejcecutive  Board  has 
appointed  a  special  committee  consisting 
of  Frank  Bruno,  Dolores  O'Hara  and 
Dorothy  Shaw  to  examine  various  types  of 
such  evaluation  vdth  the  Assistant 
Director  (Personnel),  If  you  have  any 
suggestions  in  regard  to  this  topic,  why 
not  pass  them  along  to  this  committee? 

Last,  but  scarcely  least,  I  wish  you 
all  to  know  that,  with  the  approval  of 
your  Board^  I  am  sending  today  (July  10; 
a  letter  to  Mayor  John  Collins,  In  this 
letter,  I  have  asked  that  he  approve  the 
recuest  of  the  Boston  Public  Library 
Board  of  Trustees  for  additional  money 
to  implement  higher  salary  schedules  for 
both  Library  Assistants  and  Professionals* 
It  is  the  opinion  of  the  Executive  Board 
-  an  opinion  with  which  I  heartily  con- 
cur -  that  first  preference  must  be 
given  to  our  LA's,  I  have,  therefore, 
so  stated  our  position  to  the  Mayor  - 
along  with  the  hope,  of  course,  that  the 
full  amount  requested  to  take  f^are  of 
both  new  schedules  be  granted*  QONT, 


-  3  - 

Perhaps  therei  may  be  some  good  ne^'ra 
to  report  on  this  financial  crisis  by 
the  next  issue  of  The  Question  Ilark? 
We  are  confident  that  our  l^Iayor  will 
eventually  look  xjith  favor  on  this,  to 
us,  most  important  city  department  and 
that  he  will  give  it  the  financial 
support  it  deserves, 




Mary  Binkowski,  Kirstein  Business  Branch 

Paula  Conway  (Mrs.),  Ifettapan 

Claire  Harrington,  tfyde  Park  (former 
part-timer ) 

Dana  Holby,  Cataloging  &  Classification 

Frank  Orser,  Rare  Book 

H.  Lee  Shealey,  Book  Stack  Service 

A.  JohJison  Decker,  Cataloging  <Sc  Classi- 
fication HR(S:CS 

Janice  D,  Macoomber,  Alls ton 

Irene  T,  Halstrom,  Central  Charging 
Records  (former  part-timer) 

Elyse  K.  Wolf,  Cataloging  &  Classifica- 
tion Rms 


Ruth  E.  Winn,  Bookmobiles 

Genevieve  A.  Moloney,  from  Bookmobiles 

to  Science  and  Technology 
John  J,  Rohen,  from  Central  Book  Stock 

~  Branch  Issue  -to  H  yde  Park 


Mrs,  Catherine  Macauley,  Catalc.^-ng  & 

Classification  R&RS  -  to  Walter 

Carlson,  June  13,  1963. 
Gladys  Grund,  Ifemoi-lal  -  to  Phillip 

Ssmans^  June  23,  1?63, 
Joyce  Kearney,  Inforiiistlon  Offict)  -  to 

Alan  R,  Golant,  Majr-  I4,  I963, 


Pamela  Dondale,   Persormel  Office  - 

another  position 
Arthinr  Kastner,  Book  Stack  Sex^Joe  - 

returning  to  school 

Anthony  J,  Pacy,  General  Reference  - 

another  position 
Frank  Iferston,  Government  Documents  - 

to  attend  Science  Institute 
Thomas  Santos,  Audio  Visual  -  another 

Louise  A.  Hoehl,  North  End  -  leaving 

Diane  Stolpner,  Director's  Office  - 

another  jJosition 
Carolyn  Smith,  Bookmobiles  -  resigned 
Mrs.  Jean  Vint,  Egleston  Square  - 

Harold  Hammond,  Cataloging  &  Classifi- 
cation R&RS  -  another  position 



South  End 

On  June  19th,  the  Children's  Room  of 
the  South  End  Branch  Library  was  a  gala 
setting  for  its  "Festival  of  Books" 
progrsim.  Tables  decorated  with  many 
new  books  and  booklists  attracted  the 
curious  and  excited  children. 

Intended  to  stimulate  and  encoiirage 
summer  reading  among  the  children  in 
this  area,  the  program  also  served  as 
an  introduction  to  the  SUlll«l  READING 
CLUB  which  is  now  accepting  as  members 
any  interested  boy  or  girl  in  the  third 
through  the  seventh  grade.  A  brief 
iiitroduction  -i.a  the  story  of  "Big 
Claus  and  Little  Claus"  opened  the  pro- 
gram, and  then  we  were  delightfully 
entertained  by  a  most  talented  young 
lady,  Dayle  Stanley,  who  enthralled  us 
with  diversified  folk  songs.  This  was 
followed  by  a  iiiock  bcc''  auction  in 
■win-ch  the  chilaren  partxcip^ted  by  bjd- 
dii-.g  for  their  favc.-lte  bool'."^  which  were 
to  be  talre-n  out  later  on  their  library 
cards.  Pieces  of  pa-_jer  representing  a 
dollar  each  had  been  distributed  among 
the  children,  and  with  the  "bills"  they 
"bou-;ht"  the  boclcs  being  described  by 
Miss  HeToinvray,  The  bcy^i  anc.  girls 
throughly  enjoyed  using  ial:c.  money  for 
thr'.s  and  bid  to  their  heart's  content. 
To  top  it  oif^  every one  was  e^ate fully 
refreshe'l  by  a   IToodsio, 


Codman  Square 

-  i;- 

Sandy  Walks  the  Plank  ■«• 

Ahoy I  matfes,  we  have  a  yarn  to  spin. 
On  Wednesday  the  26th  of  June  at  I8OO 
hours  (six  o'clock  to  you  landlubbers) 
a  "mustering  out"  party  was  held  for 
the  Second  Mate  of  the  Children's  Room 
at  Codman  Square  aboard  the  Good  Ship 
D,  G.  Farrell.  All  the  officers  and 
prize  crew  were  present  or  accounted  for. 

The  festivities  coiranenced  with  a  brief 
return  to  childhood  -  games.  They  vjere 
rather  "intellectual"  guessing  gaines. 
The  prizes  were  indeed  unique  i.  e«,  a 
roll  of  "dressed"  toilet  paper,  a  porta- 
ble ash  tray  for  summit  meetings  and  a 
classic  bottle  oiDener, 

After  this,  the  chief  cooks  and  bottle 
washers  (l^,  &  Mrs.  Farrell)  soundad  the 
order  for  cho'r.  All  aivanced  to  the  mess 
hail-gaily  bedecked  with  all  the  Xs-'iOf. 
mings.  The  day's  menu  included  typical 
"ship's  Fare": 

Shrimp  Cocktail  or  Fruit  Cup 
Rare  Roast  Beef 
Delmonico  Potatoes 
Garden  Vegetables 
Rolls  (homemade  &  jnjmiry) 
Straijberry  Shortcake 
Coffee,  Tea  or  Milk 

A  champagne  toast  \<islS   given  by  the 
First  Mate  (DGF)  in  honor  of  the  depart- 
ing Second  Mate.  Following  the  toast 
was  a  special  "ship  to  shore"  message 
from  Linda  Ivers  of  Charlestoirm,  wishing 
our  mate  a  bountiful  voyage.   Snoopy 
our  mascot,  was  fferocious  guardian  of  a 
"pirates'  treasure"  for  o\ir  honored 
guest.  The  trove  included  jade,  bril- 
liants, fine  silks  and  silver. 

Chief  Petty  Officer  (RFC)  "voluntsared" 
for  K.P.  Duty.  The  rest  of  the  crew 
adjourned  to  the  afterdeck  for  a  round 
of  tall  tales,  much  laughter  and  flow- 
ing good  cheer. 

So  you  see  hoT7  the  amiable  Saxidy  wsdkrjd 
the  Plank  in  high  spirits  with  the 
heartiest  irLshas  of  all  the  crew  for  a 
fair  wind,  smooth  sailing  and  happy 
adventuring  ahead. 

•«■  Sandra  Plank  has  left  Godiran  Square  & 
the  Library  Service  to  return  to 
teaching  in  the  Fall.  We  shall  sorely 
miss  her] 


If  the  topsy  turvey  world  of  Alice's 
Wonderland  has  a  flesh  and  blood  coun- 
terpart. Open  Shelf  must  be  it.  Not 
too  long  ago,  one  of  our  librarians, 
upon  inspecting  an  open  brown  paper  bag 
deposited  under  the  desk,  let  out  a 
blood  curdling  sliriek.  Why?  It  moved 
-  not  only  one  move  but  two.  Sleepers, 
readers  and  workers  converge:^.  Two 
turtles  without  a  home  had  been  left 
at  our  doorstep  or  so  it  seemed.  We 
librarians,  being  a  breed  of  our  avm. 
making,  always  have  interesting  advoca- 
tions. In  C^en  Shelf  we  can  boast  an 
amateur  naturalist.  Diagnosis  -  acute 
hunger.  Off  io  the  "all  day  tea  party" 
to  seciire  for  our  pets  rrent  our 
pri'-le  arid  joy.  Act  II  -  enter  young 
man  from  Animal  Rescue  League^  "Where 
are  the  turtles?"  Chorus  -"Natui^ally 
there  they  are.  What  do  you  want  id-th 
tham,"  It  tm-ned  out  he  had  received 
a  call  froiii  a  liurarian  that  turtles 
were  to  be  piclrsa  up  or  rather  rescued. 
Upon  closer  examination  of  the  bag  by 
a  more  curiouj  member  of  the  staff,  a 
note  was  found.  "Please  give  these 
turtles  to  the  Animal  Rescue  League," 
It  was  addi'esyed  to  tlie  naturalist, 
nat^orally.  Closer  eraminaticn  revealed 
a  tragedy.  The  turtles  had  been  kept 
in  the  dark  of  a  cellar  and  were  blind; 
they  would  never  see  the  light  of  day. 
So  their  last  meal  away  they  went 
for  their  last  ride, 




For  the  first  time  all  of  the 
Lovelace  papers  have  been  raade  avail- 
able to  I'klccli^i  Elvjin  a>.id  the  result. 
Lord  B:srron's  Wife,  is  a  fascinating 
picture  of  the  lives  of  upperclass 
English  people  in  the  l3th  and  early 
].9th  century,  a  famous  marriage  and 
a  iii.ore  famous  separation  and  divorce, 
neir  light  on  the  character  of  Anna- 
bella  and  Ikex  ton^pesbuons  husband, 





'i"ne  beautiful  city  of  Denver  was  the 
site  Oi  the  Special  Libraries  Association 
1963  convention,  which  opened  on  Sunday 
eveniiig  June  9th,  with  a  reception  at  the 
Denver-IIilton  Hotel. 

The  first  general  session  was  convened 
at  10  A. II.  on  Monday  morning.  After  the 
usual  preliitiinaries,  the  keynote  address, 
entitled  "The  Pierian  Spring"  was  given 
by  Dr.  Estelle  Brodman,  librarian  and 
associate  professor  at  Washington  Uni- 
versity School  of  Medicine  in  St.  Louis. 
Her  address  was  a  challenge  to  librarians 
to  meet  the  diversified  needs  of  our  com-  j 
pie::  society  by  eagerly  and  willingly 
adopting  new  methods  to  better  serve     1 
luanacement  and  patrons. 

ilie  afternoon  was  devoted  to  division  , 
meetings.  The  Publishing  Division  was  led 
in  an  iiiformal  discussion  on  "Problems  of 
Publishing  in  the  VJest"  by  Alan  Swallow. 

On  Tuesday  afternoon,  the  second  general 
session  was  a  panel  discussion  on  "Library 
Education:  a  license  to  learn."  Ruth 
Leonard,  professor  at  Simmons  College  of 
Libra r;'"  Science  in  Boston  was  one  of  the 
participants.  It  was  a  lively  session, 
witli  sharp  differences  of  opinion  ex- 
pressed by  the  panelists  in  discussion 
and  by  the  audience  in  the  question  and  j 
ansirer  period  that  followed.  That  evening 
the  annual  banquet  took  place,  with  a  de- 
lightful program  by  Max  Morath  "Ragtime 
revisited. "  A  dynamic  personality,  who 
captivated  the  audience  by  recreating  a 
by-^one  era,  Mr.  Morath  has  appeared  on 
I'ational  Education  TV  on  Channel  2  in 

Tlie  Publishing  Division  business  meet- 
ing on  '.Wednesday  was  followed  by  the  very 
popular  Book -Author  luncheon,  an  annual 
event  of  this  division.  This  year  the 
^per-ker  was  Marshall  Sprague,  author  of 
:fjJ.JPORT  E^  THE  ROCKIES.  A  witty  speaker, 
\jith  a  stock  of  anecdotes  on  the  Rocky 
Mountain  area,  his  talk  on  "A  sidelong 
look  at  Little  London"  was  in  preparation 
for  our  Colorado  Springs  tour  the  next 

TlTe  Public  Library  of  the  city  and 

county  of  Denver  held  an  open  house  on 
"Jediiesdaj'"  night  for  the  conventioneers. 

It  is  a  handsome  building  vjith  space  and 

light  and  beauty.  Conducted  tours  of  the 

•  building  included  both  the  special  units 
and  the  general  circulatioii  departments, 
each  seemed  to  be  ideal  for  its  purpose. 
The  staff  was  gracious  and  delicious  re- 
freshments were  served  while  soft  organ 
music  played  in  the  reception  roor.i  where 
a  social  hour  followed  the  tours. 

3.L.  A.  Day  at  Colorado  Springs  came  on 
Thursday.  Some  twenty  buses,  carrj'ing 
700  people  converged  on  that  city,  each 
division  visiting  a  place  of  special 
interest  to  the  group.  The  Publishing 
Division  visited  the  Alexander  Pilm  Com- 
pany where  we  vjere  shown  a  film  and  taken 
on  tours  through  the  studios.  Luncheon 
was  at  the  beautiful  Broadmoor  Hotel, 
after  which  all  groups  drove  the  twelve 
miles  to  the  United  States  Air  7orce  Acade- 
my. A  cadet  was  assigned  to  each  party 
and  guided  tours  were  provided  through 
certain  areas  of  the  school  and  libraries. 
Following  this  tour,  we  went  UESTERN. 
First  we  attended  a  rodeo  at  the  Reed 
Ranch,  then  off  to  the  nearby  ^ying  W 
P^nch  for  an  excellent  chucla-;agon  supper. 
At  tables  around  a  huge  open  fire,  songs 
and  stories  of  the  Old  West  were  presented 
by  -the  Flying  W.  Wranglers~no  ?mateurs 
they,  but  polished  entertainers  RCA 
recordings  of  their  music  to  their  credit. 
A  fascinating  evening  for  Easterners. _ 

The  5'!+th  annual  session  of  tlie  Special 
Libraries  Association  has  passed  into  his- 
tory, not  as  large  as  the  Washington,  D.C. 
convention  last  year  because  of  location, 
but  a  stimulating  convention  in  a  lovely 


GRACE  11.  mRVDi 

Approximately  1200  special  librariaiis 
j  gathered  at  the  Denver-Hilton  ilotel  in 
j  mile-high  Denver,  Colorado,  June  9-13t 
for  the  54th  annual  convention  of  the 
Special  Libraries  Association,  Despite 
acute  problems  of  planning  (the  host 
chapter  is  small  and  all  divisions  of  SLA 
are  not  represented  in  it),  an  e^ccellent 
program  of  meetings  was  presented. 

On  Monday  afternoon,  June  10th,  the 
Business  and  Finance  Division  held  a 
panel  discussion  on  The  Comr.ion  Market. 
This  meeting,  moderated  by  Ted  Miller, 
librarian  of  Investors  Diversified  Ser- 
vices of  Minneapolis,  first  presented 
Dr.  Joe  R.  Wilkinson,  Professor  in  Inter- 
national Relations,  University  of  Denver, 
who  provided  the  background  of  tlie  CM. 


-  6 

He  was  rollowed  by  a  panel  of  four  experts: 
Georse  Dickel,  editor  of  the  ROCKY  MOUi-l- 
TAIlfu::iO::  farmer-,  John  is.  Duffy,  Denver 
Field  Office,  U.  S.  Department  of  Commerce; 
Bernard  L.  Rosenberg,  president  of  the 
Robbins  Incubator  Company;  Alfred  L.  Wick- 
man,  lilucation  Director  of  the  Oil,  Chemi- 
cal and  Atomic  Workers  International  Union. 
These  four  experts  discussed  the  impact 
of  the  CoiiBion  Market  on  agriciilture,  com- 
merce, industry,  and  labor,  respec- ively. 
Tliese  panel  members  vjere  not  cnlj  l.'jor- 
ouglily  e:qDerienc:jd  in  their  i.- elds  but 
were  also  able  to  express  themselves  in 
a  most  co::;pnt  fashion. 

As  cha.iiTian  of  the  Bvisiness  and  Finance 
Division,  your  reporter  was  nest  hz^py  to 
hear  many  people  remark  that  this  jas  the 
best  meeting  thay  had  ever  attended. 

Also,  eiosellenoly  received  T;as  the  divi- 
sion's meeting  on  Wednesday  mornin-;  on  the 
operating  statistics  o?  special  libraries. 
Discussants  were  Sarah  Rebecca  Rred, 
Library  Services  Branch,  U.  S.  Office  of 
Education,  substituting  for  Ruth  tine, 
U.  S.  Bureau  of  the  Budget  (who  was  unable 
to  attend) ;  Bernard  Fry,  National  Science 
Foundation;  and  Mrs,  ELaireV.'oodruff ,  U.  S. 
Civil  Service  Coinmission. 

A  Tuesday  luncheon  meeting  on  the  use 
of  punched  cards,  with  Stephen  E.  Furth, 
manager  of  Information  Retrieval,  IBM, 
and  a  tour  of  Shepard's  Citations  at 
Colorado  Springs  on  Thursday,  completed 
the  program  of  the  Business  and  Finance 

Despite  concentration  on  the  business 
at  hand,  the  vistas  of  the  snow-capped 
peaks  of  the  Rockies  constantly  beckoned, 
and  eventually  the  work  of  the  convention 
completed,  many  members  succumbed  and 
headed  for  well-earned  vacations  in  the 
high  altitudes. 

Former  BPLers  in  attendance  included 
Vanda  Cariani  and  Joan  Morris  of  Science 
and  Tech  and  Eleanor  Di  Giannantonio  of 



HRCS  recently  initiated  an  experiment 
with  paperbacks  and  young  adult  readers 
in  10  Branch  Libraries,  The  Branches 
selected  represent  a  variety  of  commun- 
ijfcies;,  readership,  proportion  of  young 
adult  use,  and  strength  of  resouroeso 

Paperbacks  may  prove  more  appoallrg  to 
young  adults  than  hard-cover  cditiorso 
These  paperbacks  vrill  supplement  biifc  not 
subjtituts  for  books  in  the  -cormaner-t 
coliecticn;   It  is  hoped  that  bhis  cp^ 
pcrinent  will  re'/oal  v;he.t  usos  pap^rb'.ek  s 
will  be  put  to.  v;h.?^t  a^^^a  roajer  is  drawn 
to\'?ard  thevdj  wbe'";'or  thoy  are  used  for 
brc-7«  or  borrov-ing,  ihether  their 
general  usefulness  war  rent  city^v/ido 
placement  or  whether  thoy  lend  themselves 
only  to  certain  neighborhoods  and  cerfcuin 
ttieedd  • 

iOO  titles 3  all  previously  approved  for  adv,it  collections  have  been  snlejt*=» 
ed^  The  same  "package"  collection  will 
be  in  each  of  the  10  participating 
B  ranches. 

Paperbacks  will  be  charged  out  in  the 
same  manner  as  books.  In  case  of  over- 
dues,  thoy  will  be  treated  as  magazines. 

An  evaluation  sheet  will  be  sent  out 
to  participating  Branchus  as  a  moans 
of  assessing  the  strengths  and  weak- 
nesses of  this  eypcriment. 

The  Branches  selected  are  as  follov/s: 




South  Boston 

Washington  Village 

Parker  Hill 

Mt,   Pleasant 




-  7  - 

I     The  follovring  3PL  staff  members  are 
attending  the  ALA  convention  in  Chicago, 
July  1^  -  19: 

Director's  Office 

Milton  E.  Lord 
John  J.  Connolly 

Srvin  J.  Gaine'3 

pivJ.^.ion  cf  Bol'^c_  ;r.3_e  ?d  Research 

Fine  ■A'i:'ts  . 

Florence  CorJiclly 
Elvira  Lavorgna 

General  Referencs 
Rosalie  A,  Lang 

Social  Sciences  '       ; 
Mildred  C.  O'Connor 

Division  of  Home  Reading  and  Comnunitv 

Division  Office 

Ruth  M.  Hayes 
Kathleen  B,  Hegarty 
Pauline  Winnie k 

Ot?en  Shelf 

Grace  B.  Loughlin 
M.  Jane  Manthorne 
Louisa  S.  Metcalf 

Rose  Moorachian 


Bridie  P.  Stotz 


Gertrude  Wade 

Urhams  Corner 

Veronica  C.  Lehane 


As  librarians  converge  on  Chicago  this 
week  to  conteanplate  libraries  and  student 
users,  they  will  -  it  is  hoped  -  bring 
clear-headedness,   fresh  insights,  and 
solutions.     If  they  tackle  the  rnppct  of 
edijcation  on  libraries  as  if  the  'oioblera 
were  brand  r.ew  niid  urgent,  it  matters 
no-  so  long  as  r-';.oWers  are  f:u'-.d. 

i3i'.t  the  px'oblcr.1  is  not  nc  . ,   and  shades 
of  ether  confer-jrices,  other  s7-ipc3ia  may 
we.'-l  hovel-  "lesv  the  cor-/ent:..'..-n  platforms, 
Mc  :    th&i  Y.^lf  a  century  ago  earnest 
btMioteolu.iciayis  met  at  an  SZjA  conven- 
tii;ri  in  PajadGna.     Px-ofessor  Ai-thur  H. 
Ch.i  barlain  of  the  University  of  Cali- 
fonu.a,  representing  the  National  Educa- 
tion Association,  spoke  purposefully  on 
"Increasing  the  educational  efficiency 
of  the  library."-^    Some  of  his  earnest 
proiieuncenents  besur  repeating;  his 
entire  talk  merits  attention  today. 

The  professor  found  the  library  to  be 
"part  arid  parcel  of  the  educational 
schemei"  ti  id  to  separate  it  from  educa- 
tion was  to  place  it  in  "the  amusement 
column,"     He  lamented  that  "already  some 
libraries  and  the  major  portion  of  most, 
judged  by  the  books  on  their  shelves, 
belong  with  the  theatres  and  the  siiramer 

To  make  the  library  adequate  to  its 
educational  mission  Mr.  Chamberlain 
hanmered  out  his  main  point  that  "all 
librarians  must  be  teachers  in  spirit 
and  temperament,  and  all  teachers  must 
understand  how  to  work  with  books,"     To 
give  out  reading  matter  to  students 
while  untutored  in  books  oneself  is,  he 
said,  like  putting  "drugs  of  which  you 
know  nothing  into  a  body  of  which  you 
know  less." 

Professor  Chamberlain  advocated 
library  instruction  in  normal  and  train- 
ing schools  so  that  teachers  would  be 
effective  companions  to  librarians  in 


1   Chamberlain,  Arthur  H.  "Increasing 
the  educational  efficiency  of  the  li- 
brary," In  American  Library  Association 
Papors  and  Proceedings  of  the  Thirty- 
third  Annual  meeting  of  the  American  Li- 
brary Association  held  at  Pasadena.  Cal- 

ifornia.  May  l8-2i+,  1911. 
1911.  pp.  15'^-l63. 

Chicago,  ALA, 

-  8  - 


the  book  world.  "It  is  quite  evident 
that  as  yet  few  school  boards,  superin- 
tendents, principals,  teachers  or 
librarians  have  seriously  considered 
the  necessity  of  preparing  all  our 
teachers  in  the  elements  of  library 

Descrying  the  much-repeated  scene  he 
had  witnessed  of  students  and  adults 
groping  for  books  in  libraries,  Professor 
Chamberlain  urged  complete  librarian- 
teacher  cooperation  in  book  matters, 
early  instruction  of  children  in 
library  methods,  intelligent  reading 
assignments  by  teachers,  assigrments 
which  "broaden  /the  student's/  outlook" 
rather  than  create  a  distaste  for 
books . 

Professor  Chamberlain  talked  length- 
ily and  forthrightly  on  this  problem 
which  is  old  yet  new.  His  recommenda- 
tions and  solutions  surely  bear  com- 
parison with  the  proceedings  of  the 
present  ALA  convention. 



At  last  the  Library  has  a  self-service, 
coin-operated,  quick-copying  machine 
available  to  the  public.  In  fact  we 
have  two,  one  at  the  Kirstein  Business 
Branch,  the  other  in  the  Periodical 
Room.  The  Machine  is  called  a  Docustat. 

The  machine  will  copy  from  single 
sheets  or  from  pages  in  bound  volumes. 
It  will  accomodate  pages  up  to  legal 
sizie.  The  readable  white -on -black 
pmfjr  negative  is  produced  in  thirty 
seoords.  A  positive  if  needed,  can  be 
produced  from  the  negative  in  thirty 
more  seconds. 

How  do  you  operate  the  machine.  Easy, 
Just  place  the  material  to  be  copied 
over  the  window  atop  of  the  nachine. 
Close  the  cover.  Press  the  button. 
Deposit  a  quarter.  Wait  thirty  seconds. 

The  Information  Office  has  agreed  to 
change  money  for  those  who  do  not  have 
quarters.  The  Officer -in-Charge  will 
arrange  for  immediate  refunds  if  the 
machine  should  fail  to  produce  satis- 
factory copies . 

The  machine  is  already  well  patron- 

ized. vJe  expect  that  as  the  availabil- 
ity of  this  service  becomes  more  widely 
known  among  our  readers  and  the  tempo  of 
library  use  picks  up  in  the  Fall  that 
the  installation  of  more  such  machines 
will  be  warrented. 

We  hope  that  this  service  will  result 
not  only  in  more  satisfied  users  but 
also  will  reduce  the  number  of  mutila- 
tions of  Library  books  and  periodicals. 

Unfortunately  this  machine  is  not  a 
practical  answer  to  replacanent  of  pages 
already  torn  from  Library  volumes.  The 
negative  copy  produced  is  of  slightly 
smaller  size  than  the  original.  A 
positive  produced  from  the  negative  is 
correspondingly  smaller.  The  paper  used 
is  not  flimsy  but  would  not  appear  to 
have  the  qualities  needed  in  a  library 
book  subject  to  heavy  usage. 

The  Xerox  print,  which  does  not  re- 
quire a  special  paper,  allows  the  use 
of  bond  or  onionskin  or  other  special 
paper  appropriate  to  the  use  to  be  made 
of  the  copy.  The  experience  with  the 
Docustat  machines,  particularly  volume 
of  use,  may  show  '   '  the  feasibility 
of  a  Library  installation  of  a  Xerox 
copier.  Most  libraries  having  Xerox 
copiers  can  supply  positive  copies  on 
good  paper  for  much  loss  than  the 
Docustat  can  for  a  negative  copy. 

In  the  meantime,  the  Docustat  is  help- 
ing to  fill  a  need  and  probably  would 
provide  a  useful  supplementary  service 
if  and  when  the  Library  obtains  a  Xerox 

The  U.  3.  Post  Office,  famous  for 
its  wall  portraits  of  the  nation's 
WANTED  criminals,  offers  a  new  por- 
trait this  Week,  Garishly  ornament- 
ing a  red  poster  is  a  creature  weirdly 
insect -like  -  part  fly,  part  mosquito, 
part  artist's  invention.  The  message 
on  the  poster  calls  on  alert  Americans 
to  report  unusi\sl  insects  to  the  near- 
est agricultur-^J.  agfc.rl,. 

The  vivwer  ie  led  to  wonder  what 
this  is  all  about,  ie've  faced 
Japanese  beetles  and  earwigs.  What 
comes  next?  Are  the  bug-eyed  mon- 
sters at  last  slipping  in  from  outer 

*  :tc  *  iji  **««*«  l|ci|i  i{t « l|t ' 



Any   contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  ac6oir5)anied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,  to- 
gether with  the  name  of  the  Branch  Li- 
brary, Department  or  Office  in  vjhich  he 
or  she  is  employed.  The  name  is  irith- 
held  from  publication,  or  a  pen  name  is 
used,  if  the  contributor  so  requests. 
Anonymous  contributions  are  not  given 
consideration.  The  author  of  the  article 
is  known  only  to  the  Editor-in-Chief. 
The  contents  of  the  articles  appearing 
i."  "'.he  Soap  Box  are  personal  opinions 
L'..j^ressed  b^r  individual  Association  mem^ 
bers  and  their  appearance  does  not 
necessarily  indicate  that  the  Publica- 
tions Committee  and  the  Association  are 
in  agreement  with  the  views  expressed. 
Only  those  contributions  not  containing 
more  than  300  tjords  will  be  accepted. 

To  the  Editor: 

The  Job  Evaluation  Study 
is  now  two  years  old,  the  job  descrip- 
tions so  carefully  prepared  no  longer 
accurately  describe  many  of  the  jobs, 
some  jobs  no  longer  exist. 

The  Job  Evaluation  Study  cannot  be 
published  until  the  money  is  available 
to  put  it  into  effect J  the  money  is  not 
available  so  we  have  to  tighten  our 
belts  and  slash  the  Library  Aide  budget, 

Lo  and  Be hold J  Some  money  is  avail- 
able! But  not  for  the  Library  Aides  and 
Library  Assistants,  It  is  sufficient 
money  to  pay  the  salary  of  two  new 
curators  for  five  months,   (Enough  to 
pay  for  about  5000  hoxirs  of  extra  ser- 

Maybe  we  can  struggle  through  the 
summer.  TiJhen  school  starts  up  again, 
who  is  going  to  do  all  tne  work  which 
would  b  e  done  by  the  Library  Aides  cut 
from  the  payroll, 


■?f  i«-  -St 

Dear  Soap  Box; 

In  view  of  the  stringencj'" 
of  the  Library's  personnel  budget,  the 
drastic  cut  in  the  budget  for  Library 
Aides,  and  the  long  delay  in  bringing 
about  the  badly-needed  revision  in  the 
salary  scales  of  the  Library  Assistants, 
how  was  the  money  found  so  easily  to 
pay  the  salaries  of  the  two  newly 
appointed  Curators? 

Two  competent  persons  have  been  act- 
ing as  Curators,  Wny   could  ^^^e  not 
wait  until  a  more  favorable  financial 
situation?  S-orely  considering  the 
length  of  time  these  positions  have 
been  left  unfilled  in  the  past,  there 
was  no  urgent  need  to  fill  these 
positions  now  at  the  e:cpense  of  the 
Library  Aides  and  the  Library  Assistants^ 


•«■  ■!<•  -A- 

To  the  Editor: 

Librarians,  to  be  sure, 
are  hardy  souls  —  but  arc  they  so  much 
less  sensitive  to  heat  than  other  City 
employees  that  directions  from  City 
Hall,  stating  that  heat  relief  is  in 
effect,  can  be  ignored?  Certainly  the 
public  should  be  served,  and  perhaps 
only  a  few  staff  members  can  actually 
be  spared;  but  it  is  the  principle  of 
di  scrxTTii  nation  that  hurtsi 

Ed,  Note:  'Ulns   lelLcr  was  received  prior 
to  BPL  G,A.N,  #  31  ^  32,  1963. 

-  la  - 

To  the  Soap  Box: 

A  respected  emeritus 
has  asked  me  in  a  letter  if  I  knew  what 
had  been  done  with  the  money  donated  by 
the  Staff  at  Centennial  time.  It  seems 
that  the  money  is  still  unspent.  The 
delay  may  be  due  to  the  fact  that  the 
gift  was  hedged  -with  a  condition  not 
entirely  acceptable  to  the  Administration*. 

If  it  is  not  too  late  or  illegal,  and 
if  permission  can  be  obtained  from  the 
donors,  I  would  like  to  suggest  that  the 
money  be  deposited  in  some  bank,  and 
neither  principal  nor  interest  be  touch- 
ed until  the  Library  celebrates  its  bi- 
centennial, The  Administration  at  that 
time  should  be  allowed  to  spend  all  of 
the  accumulated  amount  for  Library  pur- 
poses. But  we  should  insist  on  two 
conditions : 

1,  None  of  the  money  is  to  be  spent 
on  jiinkets  to  the  Moon  or  Mars  or  a^iy 
other  world  available  at  the  tim.c  for 
the  purpose  of  discovering  how  th.-.r 
solve  their  problems  of  staffing  and  book 

2,  If  the  City  governiaent  of  that 
time  is  to  give  a  dinner  ax,  a  contemporary 
Sheraton,  it  should  be  done  m_ore  d;.-mo- 
cratically  tha:i  --ras  done  at  the  Centerw 
nial,  I  remember  a  nouveau  richo  ad- 
ministrator "rattling"  som.e  tickets  in 
his  pocket  in  front  of  me  and  telling 
m.e  I  could  not  be  given  one  becaM?8  the 
aff?ir  was  limi-'sd  to  chief r.  (or  was  it 
already  curators?)  and  betto:c>  or,  per- 
haps even  less  cemocraticaliy,  to 
deputy  supervisors  (or  was  it  already 
coordinators?)  and  better. 

rr  -;;-  ■«■ 

Dear  Soap  Box; 

Congratulations  to  the 
new  Curators  of  Education  and  Music. 

Condolences  to  the  Library  Aides  cut 
from  the  payroll  and  the  underpaid 
Library  Assistants  waiting  for  o-vordiia 
salary  adjustments. 


he  xrould  be  advised  not  to  tell  his 
neighbors  he  is  home  on  "heat  relief". 
They  may  think  he  is  some  kind  of  nut. 

COOL  ll^N 




Dear  Soap  Box; 

If  a  staff  member  has  to 
wait  until  the  cold  weather  to  take  the 
vacation  granted  in  lieu  of  heat  relief 

Dear  Editor: 

Could  there  be  a  statement 
of  policy  as  to  the  function  of  the 
Central  Book  Stock?  What  can  the  branch^ 
es  and  departments  expect  in  the  way  of 
service  from  this  dei>artment? 

It  should  be  understood  that  when 
people  in  branches  reouest  books,  v/heth- 
er  in  the  regijlar  manner  or  by  telephoiie 
vfhen  the  books  are  needed  in  a  hurry, 
they  ask  not  for  them.selves  but  for  the 
public.  The  manner  in  •'^hich  these  re« 
ouests  are  sometimes  received  makss  the 
branch  person  feel  as  if  they  are  really 
asking  too  much.  For  wliat  reason  does 
C.B^S.,  exist  except  to  send  to  the 
branch  public  books  wiiich  a  branch  can- 
not supply?  Should  the  individual 
borroijer  be  expected  to  pay  carfare  and 
go  to  Central  to  obtain  material  which 
should  be  obtained  from  C.B^S,? 

At  present  it  seems  there  are  re- 
sti'ictioi.o  as  to  what  will  and  what  will 
no";  be  sent  to  the  branches.  Is  this 
arbitrarjr  on  the  part  of  the  department? 

-X-  -sc-  -iC- 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

l^hy  not  have  a  column 
devoted  to  the  doings  of  former  BPLers? 

Ifost  of  us  have  at  least  a  dozen 
friends  who  have  left  the  Library, 


Dear  Editor; 

Many  BPL  secretaries  and 
typists  have  been  xrorldng  diligently 
this  past  week  on  a  State  Aid?  Project, 
However,  the  return  address  on  the 
insjority  of  this  material  is  MIA,  Why 
should  underpaid  (for  the  most  part) 
BFL  staff  members,  who  needless  to  Say 
in  most  cases  are  working  in  under- 
staffed departments  due  to  vacations, 
resignations  etc.,  be  asked  to  do  this 
work  on  Library  time.   Shouldn't  over~ 
time  be  allotted  for  a  task  such  as 


-  11  - 





SEPTEMBER     1963 

Published  by  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association 
Voluine  XVIII  Number  6 September  I963 

Publications  Committee:  Harry  Andrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J,  Montana,  Jr.,  Mrs,  Bridie  Stotz, 
Martin  F,  Waters,  Barbara  Flye,  Peter  PeSantis, 
Cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer,  William  R,  Lewis, 

Publication  date:  Deadline  for  submitting  material: 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  TV- 3  ten'-.h  of  s-ich  month 

We  are  always  pleased  when  we  notice  new  faces  in  our  midst.  New  faces 
can  mean  a  '-new  look";  oftJines  they  bring  the  needed  changes  and  fresh  ideas 
so  necessary  to  an  institutJ.on  such  as  ours  which  can  not  risk  stagnation  in 
r/J.s  age  of  rapid  change.  We  sincerely  welcome  all  new  members  of  the  staff « 
I.-  the  same  breath  we  lament  the  loss  of  the  many  individuals  who  for  one 
reason  or  another  have  found  it  necessary  to  leave  the  service  of  the  Library, 
Their  reasons  for  leaving  are  varied.  We  suspect,  however,  that  a  large  num- 
ber of  recent  resignations  were  for  financial  reasons.  The  current  rate  of 
remuneration  for  both  the  Professional  and  Library  Assistant  Services,  espe- 
cially the  latter,  is  woefuQJy  inadequate.  We  can  not  continue  to  attract 
competent  new  people  to  either  service  nor,  indeed,  can  we  hope  to  maintain 
even  the  status-quo  against  the  more  attractive  salary  opportunities  in  this 

The  present  situation  insures  us  of  becoming  a  • short-term  stop  for 
qualified  people  who  will  remain  here  v;hile  "shopping  around"  for  better 
positions  elsewhere.  We  do  not  for  a  moment  suggest  that  acceptance  of  em- 
ployment here  should  involve  any  form  of  permanence  or  lifetime  contract.  To 
the  contrary,  the  Library  should  encourage  and  expect  that  in  the  process  of 
professional  development  careerists  will  want  to  apply  skills  acquired  during 
tenure  here  when  better  opportunities  appear  in  other  places.  This  applies 
equally  to  both  professional  and  to  non-professional  sld.lls.  However,  the 
Library  should  be  in  a  position  to  offer  both  present  and  potential  personnel 
a  system  in  which  career  development  exists  and  in  vihich  the  competent  person 
can  expect  recognition,  promotional  opportunity  and  adequate  financial  reward 
for  superior  service  rendered. 

The  present  rate  of  resignations,  with  the  resiiltant  serious  staff  short- 
ages in  all  Library  activities,  when  equated  with  the  difficulties  in  recruit- 
ing qualified  replacements  point  uneq>iivucgl'ly  to  an  IMMEDIATE  need  for  Library 
personnel  salary  adjustments  URIARD, 



-  2  - 

Your  Executive  Board  enjoyed  a  summer 
off  from  Staff  Association  activities, 
as  there  appeared  no  new  major  develop- 
ment to  necessitate  an  extra  board 
meeting.  Mith  the  fresh  outlook  which 
vacations  are  supposed  to  provide,  I 
hope  that  we  can  tackle  some  of  the  old 
problems  as  yet  un-resolved  in  our 
September  meeting  later  this  month. 

Unfortunately,  ve   have  received  no 
reply  from  Ifeyor  John  Collins  to  our 
letter  urging  an  appropriation  for  the 
salary  increases  which  our  Administra- 
tion has  deemed  necessary  -  and  which 
we  all  know  are  long  overdue  especially 
to  our  Library  Assistants,  As  these 
notes  go  to  press,  ovir  Administrators 
are  still  o^rnestly  seeking  these  in- 
creases but  have  not  yet  secixed  the 
sum  requested.  We  hope  that  some  posi- 
tive action  xjill  be  taken  before  Elec- 
tion Day] 

Meanwliile,  we  have  two  major  Staff 
Association  events  to  look  forward  to 
in  Octooer,  It  is  hoped  that  as  maiy 
staff  members  as  possible  will  be  on 
hand  to  greet  and  meet  the  visiting 
Ijbrariaiis  from  England  on  Wednesday, 
October  9.  Ovr   tea  will  run  from  h:30 
to  6:00  P.M.  [See  further  discussion  of 
this  event  in  ensuing  pages  of  this  QM, ] 
Despite  our  crucial  personnel  situation, 
we  urge  department  heads  to  arrange 
schedules  on  that  day  in  such  a  way  as 
to  ensure  that  we  can  make  these  offi- 
cial visitors  feel  really  welcome  by  a 
large  turnout  of  our  membership.  You 
will  receive  further  particulars  about 
this  tea  in  a  later  notice. 

On  October  31  we  shall  present  our 
second  professional  program  of  the  year. 
On  that  Thursday  morning  from  10  a.m. 
to  1  p.m^,  you  will  have  a  chance  to 
hear  about  and  discuss  contemporary 
personnel  practices  and  procedures  vdth 
three  experts  in  the  personnel  field. 
I  urge  all  of  you  to  attend  i.his  meet- 
ing so  that  you  can  learn  what  is  hap- 
pening in  other  institutions  conparable 
to  our  ovm  and,  thus,  be  better  able  to 
discuss  intelligently  the  policies  of 
this  Library.   [Publicity  for  this  pro- 
gram also,  may  be  found  in  the  follOTir- 
ing  pages  of  this  publication.] 

Have  you  all  read  our  letter  to  Eric 
Moon  as  it  was  published  in  the  Jiily 
issue  of  the  Library  Journal,  p.  2^82, 

complete  with  an  editor's  note  and  a 
reply  from  Mrs.  Dorothy  I\lyren?  Two 
things  are  worthy  of  note  in  this 
connection.  In  printing  our  letter, 
Mr,  Moon  took  the  liberty  to  omit  two 
significant  sentences  -  without,  you 
will  note,  benefit  of  the  ellipsis 
marks  normally  used  to  indicate  such 
an  ommission,  [Now  that  I  am  recovering 
from  my  summer  inertia,  I  intend  to 
question  him  on  this  "peculiar"  action, ] 
It  is  also  fascinating  to  compare  Mr, 
Moon's  editorial  note  on  this  letter  in 
which  he  defends  his  right  to  publish 
purely  personal  or  "personalized"  views 
with  his  own  editorial  on  pages  26Ui4.- 
26I47  of  the  same  LJ  issue.  In  the 
latter,  I'fe".  Moon  takes  our  John  Berry 
and  The  Bay  State  Librarian  to  task  for 
asking  questions  about  segregation  in 
certain  southern  libraries  mthout 
first  ascertaining  all  the  facts  by 
direct  inquiry  to  everyone  concerned^ 
Since  the  sentences  omitted  from  our 
letter  to  LJ  were  ones  asking  whether 
or  not  other  librarians  in  Massachusetts 
had  been  advised  of  the  contemplated 
publication  of  Mrs,  Nyren's  letter, 
there  seems  to  be  a  strong  vein  of  in- 
consistency in  LJ  under  its  present 
editorial  management,. 

Anyone  who  has  had  the  dubious  pleas- 
ure of  heading  the  Publications  Cominit- 
tee  of  The  Question  Mark  may  well 
Sympathize  with  Mr,  Moon  over  the  prob- 
lems of  editorship.  However,  I  think 
that  our  past  and  present  editors 
deserve  commendation  for  both  consis- 
tency and  professional  integrity. 

This  seems  like  the  appropriate  time 
of  year  to  urge  all  of  you  once  again 
to  contribute  news  of  the  activities 
among  members  of  your  department  to  the 
QM  on  a  regular  basis,  I  cannot  think 
of  a  better  way  to  express  our  appreci- 
ation to  the  present  editor  and  his 

Finally,  my  thanks  to  all  of  you  who 
wrote  to  either  senators  or  representa- 
tives on  behalf  of  Senate  Bill  #537, 
Now  that  we  are  at  last  in  possession 
of  real  state-aid  for  library  service 
in  the  Commonwealth,  we  should  be  able 
to  look  forward  to  increased  appropri- 
ations for  our   own  institution  in 
future  years, 



3  -^ 



Belsky,  Edward  S,-  Central  Book  Stock  - 
Branch  Issue 

Bleecker,  Ruth  [i%'s,  ]~  Music 

Brooks,  Margaret  E...  Egleston  Square 

Childs,  Anthony  T,„  Audio  Visual  [former 
part-timer ] 

DeKoning,  Juliann-  ¥est  Roxbury 

F?^eming,  Judith  -  General  Reference 

Fu]ler,  Ann  C,-  Allston 

Fulium,  Joseph  F,„  Periodical  and  News- 

Guyette,  Velma  R.-  Boolanobiles 

Lord,  Helen  -South  End  [former  part- 

McCusker,  Margaret  A.-  Central  Charging 

■Miller,  Gerald  P.-  Kir stein 

St«  Clsdr,  Norberty  Cataloging  and 
Classification  R&RS 

Scannell,  William  J, ^  Audio  Visual 
[former  part-timer] 

Stenglein,  Barbara  M,,  Washington 

Tiorano,  Michael^.  Book  Purchasing 


Neckes,  I-lark>.  Allston 

Stevens,  Sheila  [Mrs,]  -  Cataloging  and 

Classification  R&RS 
Tie\ili,  Anthony  F,  -  Egleston  Square 


Connor,  Mary  E,  from  Allston  to  Adasns 

DeSimone,  Rosemarie  from  Connolly  to 

East  Boston 
Ellis,  Linda  from  Open  Shelf  to  Adams 

Eks trom,  M,  Dorothy  from  Adams  Street 

to  Memorial 
Frank,  Winifred  from  Div.  Office  HR&CS 

to  Officer-in-Charge  Desk  R&RS 
Hsnna,  Dorotl^  from  East  Boston  to  Mt, 

Maniscalco,  Janice  from  Rare  Book  to 

Director"' s  Office 
Randall,  Gloria  from  Cataloging  &c  Class- 

i-Lication  R&RS   to  Office  of  Records, 

Files  &  Statistics 
Rohen,  John  J,  from  ifyde   Park  to  Central 

Charging  Records 
Story,  Richard  from  Central  Charging 

Records  to  Audio  Visual 
Tieuli,  Anthony  from  Egleston  Souare  to 

North  End 


Elizabeth  A,  Drane,  General  Reference 
to  Marvin  Gould,  July  U^,  1963 


Bouchea,  John  -  KLrstein 

Brown,  Sandra  -  Office  of  Records,  Files 

&  Statistics 
Burke,  Raymond  -  Central  Book  Stock  - 

Branch  Issue 
Cherington,  Reed  -  Book  Purchasing 
Cohen,  Audrey  -  Cataloging  and  Class- 
ification R&RS 
Connolly,  Ann  M,  -  Central  Charging 

Cororay,  S,  -  Mattapan 
Doocoy,  Mi  :hele  -  Lower  Mills 
Dorev,  Ro-'.^rta  [I"frs,  ]  -  General  Reference 
Fantdsia,  Robert  -  Bock  Stack  Service 
Fletoherj  Susan  -  Book  Selection  HR&CS 
Foley,  Charles  -  Audio  Visual 
Frcst,  Josephine  -  Allston 
Harrington,  Claire  -  Hyde  Park 
Johnson,  A.  Decker  -  Cataloging  and 

Classification  HR&CS 
KeLly,  Agn-js  -  Allston 
Ken-D-^dy,  Marie  R,  -  Mt,  Bowdoin 
Lavine,  Katherire  A,  -  Ifyde  Park 
Lynch,  Michael  -  Book  Stack  Service 
McCa^-tty,  Jean  A,  -  Brighton 
McDonough,  Card  [Mrs„]  -  Charlestown 
McManiis,  Ba:c-bara  -  Kir  stein 
O'Connor,  Mary  F.  -  Codman  Square 
O'Brien,  F.^-y  -  Hyde  Park 
Plenk,  Sandra  -  Codman  Square 
Rud'ii.iky,  Alice  -  Washington  Village 
Semons,  Gladys  G.,  Mat-capan 
Stevens,  I,  Roger  -  Audio  Visual 
WkD.te,  Patricia  -  Cataloging  and  Class- 
ification R8RS 
Van  Horden,  Frederick  R,  -  Science  and 



A  mid-summer  appointment  by  President 
John  F,  Kennedy  was  cause  for  general 
rejoicing  in  a  certain  Brighton  apart- 
ment, Rcb-^rt  H,  Wiite,  one  time  extra 
at  f:Zo   Bowioin  vis  appointed  Chief  of 
the  United  States  Weather  Binreau,  Mr, 
White  is  the  brother  of  Gladys  R,  VJhite, 
Chief,  Central  Book  Stock  [Branch  Issue], 

-  2;  - 

A.  L.  A.  COAT!'ERE?!eE  NOTES 

I  was  delighted  to  attend  the  annual 
meeting  of  the  American  Library  Associ- 
ation in  Chicago  this  summer  for  many 
reasons.  Most  important  of  all  was  the 
air  of  buoyant  confidence  which  pervaded 
the  conference,  combined  appropriately 
with  a  feeling  of  determination  that  we, 
as  a  profession,  cannot  afford  to  rest 
upon  laurels  already  won  but  must  work 
together  to  solve  the  tremendous  prob- 
lems facing  103  and  our  world  in  this 
decade  and  succeeding  ones. 

The  conference  on  Sunday  evening  be- 
gan with  a  real  air  of  celebration  as 
our  new  headquarters  building  was  for- 
mally dedicated  at  the  first  general 
session  in  the  huge  Conrad  Hilton  ball- 
room. Former  A,L,A.  president,  Ralph 
Muxin  of  Carnegie  Library  in  Pittsburgh, 
carefully  traced  the  development  of  A, 
L„A.  from  its  inception  in  the  mind  of 
Ilelvin  Dewey  and  his  cohorts  back  in 
the  1870' s.  As  he  indicated,  the  scope 
of  library  service  throughout  the  United 
States  has  greatly  broadened  in  the 
intervening  years.  While  we  gazed  at  a 
tremendous  enlarged  picture  of  the  new 
building  which  was  dramatically  and  u&. 
expectedly  projected  onto  the  wall  of 
the  ballroom,  we  were  all  immediately 
conscious  that,  even  so,  the  potentials 
of  library  service  have  not  yet  been 
mo3?e  than  gently  tapped.  This  became 
the  motif  of  the  83rd  conference  as  a 
^^rhole  , 

The  technique  of  small  group  dis- 
cussions, preceded  by  some  excellent 
addresses  covering  the  overall  picture 
and  succeeded  by  a  masterly  summary  of 
major  recommendations  by  Lowell  Martin, 
were  well  utilized  and  highly  successfiol 
from  my  viewpoint  as  an  ordinary  parti- 
cipant. For  the  first  time  at  an  A.L,A, 
conference,  we  xrere  really  able  to  get 
to  know  other  librarians  from  all  parts 
of  the  country  and  to  compare  notes  on 
oxir   successes  and  failures.  I  was 
especially  delighted  to  have  this  near 
view  of  ]y&7s,  Grace  Stevenson,  Deputy 
Executive  Director,  A.L.A.  whom  I  had 
known  formerly  only  as  a  gracious  and 
excellent  speaker.  Along  with  many 
others  in  the  stimulating  group  to  which 
I  was  attached,  Mrs.  Stevenson  revealed 
a  tremendous  grasp  of  library  problems 
and  potentials,  together  with  an  unusual 
willingness  to  indulge  in  self-criticism. 

VJe  can,  I  think,  be  extremely  proud 
that  out  of  this  group  and  the  many 
others  who  worried  over  what  we  shoiold 
do  with  our  overpopulation  of  students 
came  the  conviction  that  we  ourselves 
must  work  harder  together  to  meet  this 
challenge  instead  of  siirply  laying  the 
problem  at  the  door  of  our  educators. 

Naturally,  I  spent  as  much  time  as 
possible  at  the  S.O.R.T.  booth  during 
the  Conference.  Here  indeed,  one  gets 
a  chance  to  find  out  what  is  going  on 
in  other  institutions.  You  can  rest 
assiired  that  our  personnel  problems  are 
not  unique.  In  fact,  as  the  representa- 
tive of  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff 
Association,  I  was  consulted  upon  such 
diverse  difficulties  as  administrators 
i-rho  question  time  spent  examining  new 
books,  the  comparative  value  of  straight 
sick  leave  time  versus  cumulative  policy, 
and  how  much  time  one  can  legitimately 
expect  a  library  administration  to  allow 
for  staff  association  activities.  There 
is  no  doubt  that  many  staff  associations 
look  to  Boston  for  guidance  and  leader- 

The  regular  S,0,R,T,  Business  Meeting 
on  Monday  afternoon  was  attended  by 
about  sixty  people.  After  an  interest- 
ing speech  by  Dorothy  Broderick  of 
Western  Reserve  University  Library 
School  on  "The  Responsibilities  of  the 
Professional,"  there  were  many  questions 
from  the  audience  on  all  aspects  of 
staff  associations.  One  poor  soul,  tor- 
mented beyond  endurance,  even  sought 
some  ruling  from  S.O.R.T.  against  the 
constant  playing  of  radios  for  staff 
"enjojrment"  on  the  job.  Everyone  eager- 
ly awaited  the  report  of  Mrs,  Grace 
McCready,  S.O,R,T.  Chairman,  on  the 
questionnaire  regarding  various  person- 
nel practices  which  was  sent  out  this 
spring.  As  Mrs.  McCready  explained, 
objections  from  some  administrators  to 
the  length  and  detail  of  this  question- 
naire have  been  more  than  coiinterbal- 
anced  by  the  personnel  officers  who  have 
already  requested  this  data  for  their 
consultation  as  soon  as  possible.  Due 
to  some  lanforseen  pei'sonal  difficulties, 
Mrs,  McCready  announced  that  tabulation 
woxild  not  be  completed  before  the  end 
of  the  year  probably.  Since  this  is 
the  most  complete  statistical  study  of 
personnel  practices  since  that  made 
long  ago  by  Stebbins,  its  value  is 


A«L,A.  Conference  Notes  cont« 

-  5  - 

On  Thursday  morning,  S.O.R.T,  members  j 
enjoyed  breakfast  together  at  the  Pick;-  j 
Congress  Hotel.  There  charter  members   - 
of  S.O.R.T,  were  well  represented  -  and 
quite  proud  of  themsleves  -  along  with 
many  new  members.  It  was  announced  to 
us  that  Mrs,  McCready  has  agreed  to 
serve  as  the  Chairman  of  the  S.O.R.T, 
Steering  Committee  for  a  second  year. 
Our  own  B,  Joseph  O'Neil  has  been  given 
the  somewhat  unenviable  job  of  helping 
the  membership  chairman  to  drum  up  some 
new  trade  in  the  eastern  part  of  the 
United  States, 

Aside  from  the  Conference  td-thin  a 
Conference,  undouibtedly  the  most  impor- 
tant event  of  this  convention  was  the 
announcement  of  the  results  of  the  Access 
to  Libraries  study  \mder  the  auspices  of 
the  Library  Adjninistration  Division,  A 
report  on  this  study  was  initia3Jy  made 
at  a  meeting  of  the  division  on  Monday 
afternoon.  The  controversy  vxhich  it 
aroused  was  continued  at  the  final  mem- 
bership council  meeting  on  Friday 

Initiated  upon  the  request  of  the  mem- 
bership and  the  council,  this  Access  to 
Libraries  Study  was  conducted  by  Inter- 
national Research  Associates,  Inc, ,  N,Y, 
It  was  intended  to  investigate  the 
degree  to  which  American  libraries  prac- 
tice discrimination  on  the  basis  of  race, 
age,  economic  status  or  any  other  cri- 
teria. Representatives  of  International 
Research  carefully  explained  both  their 
methods  of  procedure  and  the  results  of 
their  findings.  Primarily,  of  course, 
the  southern  situation  came  under  heav- 
iest scrutiny;  but  some  attempt  was, 
also,  made  to  evaluate  possible  evidences 
c£  such  discrimination  in  the  north  by 
exaraining  the  situation  in  the  branch 
libraries  of  several  large  city  library 
systems.  By  vote  of  the  membership  of 
A.L.A,,  the  study  in  its  entirety  has 
now  been  published. 

Examination  of  this  study  is  well 
worth  the  time  it  may  consume,  I  think, 
[Copies  viill  undoubtedly  be  available 
in  Central,  or  interested  parties  may 
borrow  xiy  personal  copy.  ]  Conference 
attendants  were  gratified  to  learn  that 
in  many  sections  of  the  south,  desegre- 
gation of  libraries  has  proceeded  much 
more  quickly  and  smoothly  than  desegre- 
gation of  any  other  form  of  public 

activity.  On  the  other  hand,  they 
realized  how  much  has  yet  to  be  done 
upon  revelation  that  those  deep  south- 
ern states  most  deeply  opposed  to  school 
integration  have,  by  and  large,  opposed 
integration  in  libraries  as  well.  Here, 
perhaps,  is  a  situation  where  the  force 
of  A,L,A,  might  be  put  to  use  -  if  any- 
one can  figure  out  just  how  to  use  it. 

Controversy  raged  over  the  sections 
of  this  study  dealing  with  such  northern 
cities  as  Detroit  and  New  York,  Place- 
ment of  branch  libraries  and  the  strengths 
of  collections  relative  to  predominance 
of  white  or  non-white  populations  in  the 
area  were  analyzed.  Together  with  these 
northern  cities,  some  southern  ones  - 
including  Washington  D.C.  -  were,  also, 
examined.  Although  International  Re- 
search had  indicated  that  many  criteria 
must  be  considered  in  both  the  placing 
and  stocking  of  branches,  nonetheless 
their  assertions  that  the  non-white  pop- 
ulations of  Detroit,  Washington  and  some 
other  cities  were  much  less  well  served 
than  the  v;hite  areas  sounded  like  con- 
demnation. In  a  heated  discussion,  the 
fact  was  brought  out  that  the  main 
library  buildings  of  both  the  Detroit 
Public  Library  and  the  Washington,  D.C. 
Public  Library  happen  to  be  situated  in 
predominately  non- white  sections  of 
those  cities.  Mr,  Ulveling  from  Detroit, 
who  has  received  many  commendations  over 
the  years  for  his  untiring  efforts  to 
ensure  peacef\il  integration,  pointed  out, 
too,  that  population  trends  are  con- 
stai:itly  changing  and  that,  even  at  this 
moment,  new  branches  in  non-white  areas 
are  being  planned  in  Detroit, 

Grievances  were,  I  think,  temporarily 
forgotten  at  the  final  general  session 
and  banquet  on  Friday  evening.  At  that 
time,  the  incomirg  president,  Mr, 
Frederick  H.  Wa^^man  of  the  University 
Library,  University  of  Mchigan,  pre- 
sented his  inaugiiral  address.  Many  of 
us  who  admire  him  were  happy  to  learn, 
also,  of  the  election  of  Mr.  Edwin 
Castagna  as  Vice-President  and  President- 
Elect,  Most  gratifying  of  all  to  us 
from  Ifessachusetts  was  the  presentation 
of  the  H.W,  Wilson  Company  Library 
Periodical  Award  to  The_ Bay  State  Librar- 
ian. As  Mr.  John  Berry,  editor,  accepted 
this  award  due  to  his  courageous  tackling 
of  significant  library  issues,  many  of 
us  experienced  a  renewed  conviction  that 
the  librarians  in  Massachusetts  are  in 

-  6  - 

A.L.A,  Note  Cont» 

the  vanguard  of  progress  towards  a  more 
complete  utilization  of  our  library  po- 



A,  L.  A.  and  Young  Adults 

lAJhile  the  main  focus  of  the  A.L.A, 
Convention  with  its  Conference  Within  A 
Conference  was  predominantly  on  young 
people  as  students,  a  segment  of  the 
week's  meetings  concentrated  on  young 
people  as  personally  motivated  readers, 
reading  for  entertainment  and  new 
The  plans  and  activities  described  in 
Meetings  of  YASD*  showed  several  realis- 
■;lc,  strong  approaches  to  getting  books 
lo   teen-age  readers. 

Mindful  of  the  present  global  close- 
ness of  Africa  and  Latin  America,  and 
equally  aware  of  the  active  Peace  Corps 
recruitment  for  these  areas,  YA3D 
li^unched  its  Africa  booklist,  African 
S^.coTJiter,  With  a  foreward  by  G.  Mennen 
¥ii.L:-ams  the  list  goes  beyond  books  to 
nignlight  films  and  filmstrips  and  pro- 
gram ideas,  African  embassies  and  agen- 
cies are  mentioned  for  young  people  who 
may  wish  to  address  their  questions 
directly  to  a  spokesman  of  a  specific 

Advancing  beyond  the  planning  stage  is 
a  comparable  project  on  Latin  America. 
Not  a  cut-and-dried  enumeration  of  books, 
this  list  promises  to  be  the  most  dynamic 
product  of  YASD,  Paperbacks  will  be    | 
offered  as  well  as  materials  in  Spanish 
and  Portugese,  "Controversial  opinions," 
premises  Chairman  Alice  Krahn,  "vn.ll  be 
included  if  the  ideas  or  spokesmen  are   { 
an  important  part  of  a  coimtry's  culture!/ 
Well  aware  of  the  North  American  Librar- 
ian's lijnited  contact  with  the  "land 
below,"  Miss  ICrahn  is  drawing  on  the  wis- 
dom of  consultants  from  nine  Latin 
American  countries. 

As  new-  books  swell  their  shelves  each 
spring  and  fall  publishing  season,  as 
endless  additions  to  mediocrity  are 
dignified  by  the  printed  page  and  the 
hard  covers,  librarians  despair.  They 
virtually  scream  out,  "I'd  like  to  talk 
to  those  publishers,'"  Conventions  offer  | 
a  chance  for  librarian-publisher  contacts, 
but  they  are  often  too  brief  or  too     ! 

convivial  for  exchanging  serious  thoughts. 
To  promote  a  more  sober  interchange, 
YASD  is  planning  a  "Dutch  Treat  Luncheon" 
for  the  I96U  Conference  in  St.  Louis, 
Pre-arranged  seating  for  this  affair  will 
put  vocal  publishers  and  librarians  at 
each  table.  Instead  of  being  recipients 
of  publishers'  generosity,  librarians 
will  "pay  their  own  way"  and  speak  their 

Several  reports  of  YASD  activities  were 
essential  yet  routine,  but  one  announce- 
ment showed  a  trend  toward  form  and 
philosophy  in  YASD  thinking.  The  in- 
coming editorial  board  of  Top  of  the  News 
announces  that  future  issues  will  focus 
on  one  subject  instead  of  many  topics. 
The  December  issue  will  probably  deal 
X'jith  book  reviewing;  the  March  issue, 
with  Frederick  Melcher  and  his  contribu- 
tions to  the  book  world. 

Not  all  the  hopes  of  YA  librarians 
are  being  realized.  Ways  are  still 
being  sought,  for  example,  on  how  to 
determine  the  impact  or  the  effect  of 
books  and  reading  on  young  people.  Ways 
are  being  investigated  on  how  to  con- 
vince fearful  adults  that  young  people 
are  achieving  greater  and  greater  read- 
ing maturity, 


Member,  Board  of  Directors 
*  Young  Adults  Services  Division 

WHAT  IS  IT  ? 

Questions  ranging  from  the  bizarre 
and  ridiculous  -  "Is  it  a  mausoleum  for 
Library  Brass?"  to  the  practical:  "Per- 
haps it  will  be  a  bomb  shelter  entrance 
to  the  subway?"  -  can  now  be  answered 
with  some  degree  of  authority  and 

The  huge  mound  of  earth  recently  dmnp- 
ed  on  the  green  facing  the  Library  in 
Copley  Square  is  being  fashioned  into  a 
platform  to  display  a  gift  from  the 
Watch  Makers  Association  of  S-;d.tzerland 
to  the  City  of  Boston,  The  gift  appro- 
priately enough  is  a  Floral  Clock  with 
genuine  Swiss  movement  valued  by  its 
donors  at  $25,000,  The  Clock  will  be 
fifteen  feet  in  diameter  with  minute 
and  hour  hands  seven  and  five  feet  long. 
The  flowers  mil  not  be  planted  until 
next  Spring  but  the  Clock  will  be  illu- 


7  - 

minated  and  in  use  this  Fall  with  a 
dedication  ceremony  scheduled  for  Sunday 
afternoon,  September  22  at  2  p.m. 

The  present  location  is  an  interim 
choice  pending  completion  of  the  Govern- 
ment Center  where  it  is  planned  to  place 
the  Floral  Clock  in  the  new  City  Hall 



Pauline  Winnick,  the  Boston  Public 
Library's  Coordinator  of  Young  Adult 
Services,  will  assume  a  newly-created 
position  on  the  Librar;;,"  Sei^/ices  Branch 
of  the  Office  of  Education,  repart.-ent 
of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare,  Wash- 
ington. To  be  on  leave  of  absence  for 
one  year  beginning  September  3rd,  Hiss 
'Jinnick's  title  will  be  Public  Library 
Specialist  for  Children  and  Young  Adults. 
By  the  arrangement  the  Boston  Public 
Library  is  helping  to  further  a  new 
national  sei*vice  to  the  library  profess- 
ion and  thus,  to  children  and  young 

Miss  Winnick's  well -wishers  in  the 
Library  ^^oined  together  for  a  festive 
farewell  party  at  Dinty  Moor  as'. 
Mr  Carroll  served  as  toastmaster  with 
his  fine  knack  for  le  mot  juste. 
Deeply  moved  by  the  affair,  Pauline 
responded  with  a  full,  witty  description 
of  what  lies  ahead  for  her:  apartment- 
hunting,  cooking  for  herself,  working  in 
a  window-less  office  with  more  govern- 
ment documents  than  books,  and  -  most  of 
all  -  traveling  to  places  unfamiliar. 
Her  many  co-workers  were  sad  to  lose 
her  temporarily,  but  glad  for  her 
opportunity  to  pioneer  in  library 
service  to  young  people  on  a  national 



Whether  the  emergency  calls  for  infor- 
mation on  the  Hope  diamond  on  a  cool 
September  afternoon  or  a  collection  of 
books  on  arithmetic  and  English  on  a 
torrid  July  day,  the  B.  I,  staff  comes 
across.  It  could  have  been  no  fun 
searching  the  stacks  in  the  90  degree 
t-emperature  for  books  to  help  the  South 
End  youngsters  in  their  studies  under 

the  giaidance  of  the  Northern  Student 


{Movement  volunteers.     Thanks  again I 



South  End  Branch 



On  July  31st,  22  members  of  Brighton's 
Summer  Reading  Club,  accompainied  by  the 
children's  librarian  and  extra  Maureen 
Sullivan,  trtkked  down  to  the  Frog  Pond 
for  their  annual  dip.  They  were  dismayed 
to  find  the  Pond  just  being  filled  so  a 
quick  toxir  of  the  State  House  was  sugges- 
ted. One  hour  later,  after  the  children 
had  traipsed  through  one  chamber  after 
another,  they  had  an  unexpected  reward. 
Outside  the  Executive  Department,  a 
governor's  aide  appeared  and  asked  the 
children,  if  they  would  like  to  meet  the 
governor.  The  children  screamed,  "yes, 
yes".  A  few  minutes  later.  Governor 
Peabody  came  out,  made  a  little  speech 
of  welcome,  and  in  return  was  promptly 
invited  to  their  Reading  Club  party.  To 
evei^'"one's  surprise,  his  aide  said  he 
might  even  attend.  There  were  hand 
shakes  all  around  and,  although  the 
cliHiax  had  alreadj'-  been  reached,  the 
children  enjoyed  the  Frog  Pond,  too. 


The  Fall  meeting  of  the  New  England 
Unit  of  the  Catholic  library  Association 
will  bo  held  at  Anna  Maria  College  in 
Paxton,  Massachusetts,  Saturday,  October 
5,  1963.  A  bus  will  leave  from  in  fi-ont 
of  the  Library  at  10  a.m. 

New  England  Library  Association  -  Septem- 
ber 25-28,  1963 

"The  Wentworth  by  the  Sea" 
Portsmouth,  New  Hampshire 


BPLSA  Tea  for  British  Librarians 
October  9,  1963,  U:30  -  6:00  p.m. 

The  staff  of  Science  &  Technology  is 
glad  to  report  the  return  of  their 
"fearless  leader",  Louis  Rains,  after  a 
leng+.hy  illness. 

mum  BaooiN  news 

-  8  - 


During  mid- July  the  staff  of  Mount 
Bowdoin  branch  gathered  to  say  "Auf 
¥iedersehen"  to  Mss  Marie  Kennedy  and 
presented  her  with  a  red  leather  travel 
clock  as  a  parting  gift. 

Miss  Kennedy  had  been  Children's 
Librarian  for  some  time  at  Mount 
Bowdoin,  Both  the  public  and  staff 
feel  a  great  sense  of  loss  at  her 
leaving  —  but  all  wish  her  the  very 
best  of  success  and  happiness  in  her 
new  appointment  as  Librarian  at 
Roslindale  High  School, 

Before  starting  on  her  new  assignment 
Marie  left  for  a  three  week  vacation 
trip  through  Mexico, 

U9  Caught  With  Their  Books  Down 

Forty-nine  librarians  were  caught 
xrjith  their  books  doim  at  the  American 
Library  Association's  82nd  annual  con- 
ference here. 

In  a  random  sampling  Thursday,  60 
librarians  x-jere  asked  which  book  they 
had  enjoyed  the  most  so  far  this  year. 

Forty-nine  admitted  they  hadn't  had 
time  to  read  ANY  book. 


In  a  similar  poll  last  January,  taken 
at  the  ALA's  midwinter  meeting  here, 
hU  of  60  librarians  confesses  they  had 
not  had  time  to  read  a  book  in  1962, 

In  Thursday's  poll,  the  three  books 
most  frequently  mentioned  by  the  11 
reading  librarians  were  "Elizabeth 
Appleton",  by  John  O'Hara;  "Another 

.■itry,"  by  James  Baldwin;  ard 


"Terrible  Sword,"  by  Bruce  Catton, 

-Chicago  Daily  News,  Friday, 

July  19,  1963 


To  Peter  DeSantis  [Book  Stack  Service] 
who  very  willingly  agreed  to  replace 
Roger  Stevens  as  cartoonist  for  the  (#, 

To  Mr,  and  Mrs.  Francis  %ers  on  the 
birth  of  a  8  lbs.  12  oz,  daughter  on 
September  6.  This  is  Frankie  and 
Carolyn's  seventh  child  and  fourth 
daiighter.  Named:  Car  la  Eileen, 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lawrence  Savignano 
[Joan  Sughrue  Savignano,  formerly  of 
Oificer-in-Charge  Desk  R&RS]  on  the 
birth  of  a  Ulbs.  6  oz,  baby  boy  on 
July  20. 


To  Mrs,  Edna  Wollent  [our  faithfvd 
nurse]  who  became  a  grandmother  for  the 
third  and  fourth  tiitie  on  July  21  when 
t^^rin  daughters  were  born  to  Mr,  &  Mrs, 
Edward  Wollent  [Eddie  formerly  worked 
in  Book  Stack  Service],  The  twins 
[Jean  and  Judith]  were  the  Wollent 's 
first  daughters, 


"Nancy  is  a  career  glrl^ 
litre   fi-v©   months," 

_  *»  - 



The  Study  Tour  of  the  Association  of 
-Assistant  Librarians  from  England  will 
arrive  in  Boston  on  a  BOAC  chartered 
flight  on  v^ednesday,  October  9.  19^3 
.at  3=^0  p.m.  They  will  be  met  at  the 
Airport  and  transported  by  bus  to  the 
ioston  Public  Library  where  a  tea  in 
their  honor  is  to  be  given  by  the  B.P.L. 
Staff  Association. 

Included  in  the  group  are  the  following 
Officers  of  the  Association  of  Assistant 
Librarians:  the  President,  Ronald  G, 
Surridge,  FLA;  the  Honorary  Seci-'etary, 
Jean  M.  Plaister,  FLA;  and  the  Education 
and  Sales  Officer  of  the  Council, 
Jamas  3.  Davey,  FLA.  ^ic  Moon,  an 
Ilnglishman,  and  the  Editor  of  the 
Library  Journal,  is  travelling  i-rith 
the  group  on  its  tour  of  three  American 
cities,  which  in  addition  to  Boston  are 
Washington  and  New  York. 

The  group  numbers  31?  of  whofa  100 
are  women  and  37  men.  Of  these  12i{- 
come  from  ICngland,  5  each  from  Wales 
and  Northern  Ireland,  and  1  each  from 
-)Cotland,  India,  and  Nigeria.  They 
ranje  in  age  from  19  years  to  .50+  years, 
liearly  half  of  the  group  are  thirty 
years  and  under  and  of  these  some  35. 
range  from  19-25  years  of  age. 

The  largest  number  in  the  group  is 
anployed  in  either  public  librauries  or 
county  library  systans.  There  are 
represented  also  college  and  university 
libraries ,  special  libraries ,  school 
libraries,  and  library  schools —the 
latter  by  a  lecturer  on  a  faculty  and 
three  library  school  students. 

The  program  which  has  been  planned 
for  them  during  their  three  day  stay 
in  Boston  includes  both  visits  to 
libraries  and  sightseeing.  In  outline 
the  program  is  as  follows : 

Thursday.  October  10,  1963 

A.M.  Sightseeing  in  Boston 
(choice  of  four  tours) 

P.M.  Visits  to  libraries 

(choice  of  eleven  visits) 

Friday.  October  11,  I963 

A.M.  Harvard  University 
P.H.  Boston  Public  Library 

Saturday.  October  12,  I963 

Day  trips  into  the  countryside 
(choice  of  four  trips) 

The  detailed  program,  together  with  a 
check  sheet  on  which  each  member  of  the 
tour  is  to  indicate  his  choices,  has 
been  sent  to  London  by  each  host  city. 
We  are  now  waiting  for  the  returns  in 
order  to  malce  all  final  arranganents . 

There  has  been  guaranteed  to  our 
British  colleagues  bed  and  breakfast 
for  the  period  of  their  stay  in  each 
city.  In  addition  a  foundation  has 
given  a  sum  of  money  to  cover  transpor- 
tation of  the  group  in  and  between 
cities.  The  English  Speaking  Union  in 
each  host  city  is  giving  a  tea  and 
many  other  activities  both  professional 
and  social  have  been  planned  for  them; 
as,  for  example,  H.  W.  Wilson  Co.  is 
giving  a  luncheon  at  the  Harvard  Club 
in  Mew  York  and  Harvard  University 
will  be  host  to  the  group  at  luncheon 
in  Leverett  House  dining  room  follovring 
the  tour  of  the  University  and  its 
libraries . 

On  Thursday  invitations  to  luncheon 
with  a  local  colleague  are  being 
arranged  for  our  guests.  B.P.L.  Branch 
Librarians  have  invited  the  17  British 
Branch  Librarians  to  luncheon  at  the 
College  Club,  the  officers  of  the 
Division  of  Reference  and  Research  Ser- 
vices are  entertaining  the  I6  Reference 
Librarians  at  the  Red  Coach  Grill,  the 
M.I.T.  Library  Staff  Association  is  be- 
ing host  to  some  30  science  and  tech- 
nology librarians,  and  the  New  England 
Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  Library 
to  the  half  dozen  or  more  Special 
Librarians,  All  will  be  issued  an 

Our  visitors  will  leave  Boston  on 
Sunday  morning,  October  13 t  at  an 
early  hour  and  wiUL  travel  by  bos  to 



-  10  - 


A  recent  book  committed  to  the  starred 
collection  is  Norwegian  Agnar  Inkle's 
The  Hotel  Room.  Ash  Grande,  a  radio 
brcf^clcaster,  seeks  an  acquittal  from 
co\;v:;  charges  accusing  him  of  being 
gillty  of  striking  a  hotel  employee  who 
has  entered  the  hotel  room  in  which  Ash 
is  sleeping  with  seventeen  year  old 
Jorunn.  Through  flashback,  stream  of 
conscious,  narrative,  and  dialogue  tech- 
niques Herr  l^kle  spotlights  various 
f:iC2ts  of  Ash's  life — his  thought  process- 
es, his  experiences,  his  relationships 
with  other  people. 

Although  it  reminds  one  of  Albert  Camus* 
!,'■   etranger.  The  Hotel  Room  is  wholly 
F'Onvsgian — moral  restraint  existing  co- 
jjterally  with  legal  permissiveness;  the 
rorthprnors  compensating  for  their  lack 
c?  sophistication  with  a  fierce  loyaltyj 
the  sea  as  an  escape,  the  door  leading 
tij  a  superinf lated  dream  which  inevitably 

This  novel  is  a  valuable  addition  to 
the  BPL's  collection  but  how  many  patrons 
are  av/are  of  this  title  and  will  bother 
to  write  out  requests  for  it? 
To  Ash  Grand  hope  is 

"a  tattered  flag  and  a  timeless 
dread,  it  is  a  Woolworth  crocus 
flowering  in  an  auction  room  for 
second-hand  cars,  it  is  the  horse- 
shoe above  the  door,  the  lucky  six- 
pence in  one's  pocket,  a  strong 
man's  hands  groping  for  a  hold,  the 
Salvation  Arrry  singing  that  God  loves 

But  it  is  even  truer  that  hope  is 
the  new  suit  with  the  square  shoul- 
ders and  the  condom  in  the  jacket 
pocket,  Hope  is  the  fly  buzzing  in 
the  classroom,  the  letter  with  the 
green  postage  stamp,  the  tent  beside 
your  own  at  the  camping  site,  hope 
is  Svendsen's  Festival  Polonaise 
played  by  a  symphony  orchestra  on 
the  steps  of  the  university  aula  at 
matriculation,  hope  is  a  pint  of 
blood  in  the  tube  leading  across  to 
the  other  bed,  hope  is  white  snow- 
drops growing  up  through  the  snow, 
the  carry-on  party  that  your  class- 
mates talk  about,  the  smell  of  young 
birch  trees,  the  kitten  stumbling 
across  the  yard  in  pursuit  of  the 
hen^  the  man  who  buys  parsley  in  the 
market,  the  woman  who  brushes  her 
hair  with  her  head  bent  forward,  the 

II  Mill  ilHiiiitnimi-iiinnr 


child  aiming  with  a  stone,  the  swallows 
building  a  nest  on  the  beam  in  the 
barn,  hope  is  the  conductor  of  the 
choir,  the  uncut  book,  Hope  is  the 
fence  in  the  wilds,  the  paraffin 
lamp  in  the  window,  the  newly  painted 
cradle  still  standing  empty,  the 
smell  of  bacon  in  the  morning.  Hope 
is  the  garland  of  red-clover,  the 
heaps  of  new  gravel  on  the  country 
road,  the  song  of  the  telegraph  wires, 
the  lights  going  down  in  the  cinema, 
the  rubber  tyre  in  its  place  on  the 
bicycle  wheel,  the  laces  for  your 
running  shoes,  the  smears  of  ski 
grease  on  your  fingers,  the  brass 
band  playing  in  the  side-street,  the 
fire  engine's  signal,  the  menu  in  a 
restaurant,  the  rose  window  in  a 
church,  the  dragonfly  crawling  on  a 
child's  hand,  honeysuckle  smelling 
in  the  night,  the  mechanic  laying 
the  red  lamp  lighting  up  in  the 
studio,  and  the  ship's  bell  ringing 
for  departure." 

Hope  for  me  includes  good  books  on 
open  shelves,  the  fifth  freedom,..,. 


South  Boston  Branch 



The  "single  thought"  of  these  two 
authors  is  to  provide  better  books  for 
children  -  and  they  have  both  succeeded 

Our  newest  BPL  author  is  Margaret  Holt 
Zindler,  whose  book  DAVID  McCHEEVER'S 
29  DOGS  is  just  off  the  press  from 
Houghton  Mifflin,  It  is  a  delightful 
picture-storybook  which  describes  by 
means  of  Mrs  Zindler »s  sparkling  text 
and  Walter  Lorraine's  gay  pictures,  the 
unique  adventures  of  David  who  went  to 
the  grocery  store  to  buy  groceries  for 
his  mother.  David  was  a  new  boy  in  town 
and  he  wanted,  more  than  anything  else 
in  all  the  world,  just  two  little 
things  -  a  dog  and  some  friends.  Before 
the  day  was  over  he  had  more  of  both 
than  he  knew  what  to  do  with.  Mrs. 
Zindler  is  a  children's  librarian.  She 
has  been  with  the  Bookmobile  for  some 
time  and  recently  has  been  transferred 
to  South  Boston, 


-  11  - 

Another  BPL  staff  member  -  now  loaned 
to  the  Library  of  Congress  -  Virginia 
Haviland,  is  not  new  to  the  world  of 
authorship.  Her  "Favorite  Fairy  Tales", 
published  by  Little,  Brown  has  won  wide 
■   acclaim.  There  have  been  six  of  the 
tales  to-date,  England,  Germany,  France, 
Norway,  Ireland  and  Russia.  Three  more 
titles  have  been  published  recently  by 
Little,  Brown  -  Scotland,  Poland  and 

With  Christmas  just  around  the  comer 
(can't  you  hear  the  wind  howling  and  see 
the  snow  sweeping  across  the  SqusireJ) 
what  nicer  gift  for  the  young  sprouts  in 
your  family  than  a  book  written  by  a 
fellow  worker.  Just  in  case  -  J  .' 
Haviland,  Virginia. 

Favorite  Fairy  Tales  Told  in 
Poland.  Illus.  by  F.  Hoffman. 
Favorite  Fairy  Tales  Told  in 
Spain.  Illus.  by  B.  Cooney. 

Favorite  Fairy  Tales  Told  in 
Scotland.  Illus.  by  A.  Adams. 
$2.95  each. 
Holt,  Margaret. 

David  McChoever's  29  Dogs, 
Illus.  by  Walter  Lorraine.  Houghton 
rafflin.  $i«95 

Congratulations  and  best  wishes  to 
our  BPL  authors  -  long  nay  they  flourish 
the  pen  or  tease  the  t-^'pewriter.  We  are 
Proud  of  them. 


On  July  fy   a  resident  of  ne?rby 
'Jellesley  Hills  passed  mray^  Those  vho 
remember  Margaret  Lappen,  vjho  resigned 
in  1?33  to  marry  Eowax-d  Fitch,  >7ill 
recall  her  friendly  smile,  her  twinlcling^ 
brii^ht  eyes,  her  beautiful  reu,  wavy- 
hair,  and  the  quick  step  with  which  she 
pacGi  each  day's  activity. 

Her  early  years  in  the  Library  were 
spent  at  Allston  and  Brighton,  her 
second  assistantship  at  West  Endj  under 
Faniiy  Goldstein,  and  hsr  firj^t  assist- 
antship at  Uphams  Corner.  After  bcjr 
transfer  to  Information  in  19-3*  Miss 
Lappen  pursued  enthusiastically  an 
intensive  study  of  government  documents 
under  the  personal  supervision  of  Edith 
Guerrier,  who  had  organized  a  Government 

Documents  Room  as  one  of  three  distinct 


units  of  Information — Information,  Open 
Shelf,  and  Government  Documents  (now 
Central  Charging  Records  and  the  Coat 
Room),  She  successfully  passed  a  promo- 
tional examination  in  the  subject  field 
and  was  in  charge  of  the  third  room. 
When,  under  reorganization,  government 
documents  were  absorbed  into  Statistical, 
Miss  Lappen  went  along  with  them,  aind  at 
the  time  of  her  resignation  was  Assistant- 
in-Charge  of  the  Department, 

During  her  long  career  in  the  Library, 
Margaret  Lappen  Fitch  was  devoted  to  her 
work;  unswerving  in  her  loyalty  to  the 
Library  and  to  those  with  whom  she 
labored;  continuously  faithful  to  the 
high  professional  standards  she  set  for 
herself;  uniformly  fair  in  her  judgments; 
in  short,  an  all-round  asset  to  the 
institution.  To  have  sliared  a  friendship 
with  her  was  a  privilege.  She  will  long 
be  remembered  with  joy  hj  her  .friendc, 
whose  sympathy  is  now  with  those  members 
of  her  family  who  survive  heiT— her  hus- 
band, her  sister,  and  her-  two  brothers. 



It  was  w:i.i;h  a  great  sense  of  shock 
that  we  heard  of  the  passing  of  Bettina 
Coletti  McCJymont  on  September  3rd. 
Those  of  us  in  the  BPL  wlio  knew  Bettina 
will  remember  her  for  her  warm  personal- 
ity, her  charm,  her  affection  for  her 
family,  her  rexrei^hin?  delight  in  the 
wide,  wide  vrorld.  Bei-tlna  leaves  beliind 
mary  friends  and  two  families  -  her  close- 
knit  first  family  J,  the  Coletti 's,  and  her 
own  hiioband  James  and  baby  son  James  III. 

Angiiished  at  the  loss  of  one  so  young 
and  vibrant J  Bettina 's  friends  will  find 
meaning  in  Jlin  Ellioc's  words  from 
Shadow  of  the  iumi^hty;  "I  must  not 

think  it  strange  if  God  takes  in  youth 
those  vxhom  I  would  have  kept  on  earth 
till  they  were  older.  God  is  peopling 
Eten:iby,  and  I  mast  not  restrict  Kim 
to  old  men  and  wcr.ien". 


To  Kay  and  Louis  0' Hall or an  [Central 
Charging  Records]  on  the  birth  of  a  6  lbs, 
baby  girl  on  August  2.  The  O'Halloran's 
have  named  their  fourth  child  [third 
daughter]  Patricia. 


-  12  - 

Censorship  is  in  the  news  again  because 
of  the  publication  by  Putnam  last  June  of 
MffiOIRS  OF  A   WOMN  OF  PLEASURE  written  by 
John  Cleland  in  17^9.  This  work  was 
banned  by  the  State  Supreme  Court  of  New 
York  in  July  of  this  year.  In  making  its 
decision  the  Court  considered  the  book  in 
terms  of  its  effect  on  the  average  man, 
as  opposed  to  the  authors  and  critics.  By 
doing  so  it  judged  the  book  obscene. 

On  a  different  level,  Dr.  Frederick  H. 
Wagman,  in  his  inaugural  address  as  the  in-)- 
coming  President  of  the  i^raerican  Library 
Association  made  the  reduction  of  censor- 
ship one  of  the  prime  objectives  of  his 
administration.  Dr.  Wagman  feels  that 
libraries  are  citadels  of  freedom  because 
they  make  it  possible  for  an  individual 
to  deliberately  choose  among  alternatives 
known  to  him.  A  reader  must  know  both 
sides  of  the  stoiy  before  he  can  malte  a 
decision.  Dr.  V/agman  cites  the  Library 
3ill  of  Rights  which  states  that  libraries 
must  challenge  the  censorship  of  books 
"by  volunteer  arbiters  of  morals  or  poli- 
tical opinion  or  by  organizations..." 

Our  own  state  of  Massachusetts  has  come 
a  long  way  since  the  days,  twenty-five 
years  ago,  when  ELMER  GAWTRY  and  ALL  QUIET 
ON  THE  WESTERN  FRONT  were  banned  in  Boston, 
In  1962  the  Supreme  Judicial  Court  of  the 
state  declared  the  ban  on  Henry  Miller's 
TROPIC  OF  CANCER  illegal,  and  incompatible 
with  the  recent  decisions  of  the  United 
States  Supreme  Court.  These  decisions  may 
be  summarized  as  follows.  In  1957  the 
Court  faced  for  the  first  time  the  questior{i 
of  the  constitutionality  of  censorship  of 
obscenity  and  ruled  that  the  First  Amend- 
ment ( "Congress  shall  make  no  law. . . 
abridging  the  freedom  of  speech,  or  of  the 
press.")  did  not  apply  to  works  that  were 
"utterly  without  redeeming  social  impor- 
tance," i.e.  truly  obscene.  Obscenity 
the  Court  said  would,  in  the  future,  be 
defined  narrowly  in  terms  of  "whether  to 
the  average  person,  applying  contemporary 
community  standards,  the  dominant  thstie  of 
the  material  taken  as  a  whole  appeals  to 
prurient  interest. "  Just  how  narrow  an 
interpretation  this  was  became  clear  the 
following  year  when  the  Court  overruled 
the  lower  judicial  bans  on  the  right  of 
the  public  to  read  the  magazine  ONE  and 
SUNSHINE  AND  HEALTH,  the  former  devoted 
to  articles  on  homosexuality  and  the  lat^ 
ter  to  nudity.  In  1959.  passing  on  the 

motion  picture  version  of  LADY  CHATTERLY'S 
LOVER  (banned  in  i\iew  York)  which  was  not 
thought  obscene,  but  appeared  to  approve 
of  adultery,  Justice  Potter  Stewart, 
speaking  for  the  Court,  said  that  the 
Constitution  does  not  protect  only  the 
expression  of  ideas  that  are  "...con- 
ventional or  shared  by  a  majority.  It 
protects  advocacy  of  the  opinion  that 
adultery  may  sometimes  bp  proper,  no 
less  than  advocacy  of  socialism  or  the 
single  tax. "  In  the  same  year  the  Court 
ruled  that  no  bookseller  could  be  con- 
victed of  selling  an  obscene  publication 
unless  it  could  be  proved  that  he  knew 
the  publication  was  obscene.  Such  a 
proof  is  quite  a  trick  in  most  cases. 
Because  of  this  the  Supreme  Judicial 
Court  of  Massachusetts  feels  that  cen- 
sorship must  be  limited  to  hard-core 
pornography,  or  as  Justice  Frankfurter 
put  it  ,  "dirt  for  dirt's  sake,  or,  to 
be  more  accurate,  dirt  for  money's  sake." 

The  Attorney  General's  Office  in  Massa- 
chusetts recognizes  that  the  First 
Amendment  does  not  protect  obscene  mate- 
rial, and  also  that  the  definition  of 
the  word  obscene  is  not  very  clear,  and 
that  the  question  of  whether  material 
that  is  not  so-called  "hard-core  porno- 
graphy" can  be  suppressed  is  still  open. 
The  laws  are  vague. 

In  Massachusetts  a  person  who  sells  or 
distributes  a  book  that  is  reputedly 
obscene  may  be  arrested  and  brought  to 
trial  for  violation  of  the  criminal  code. 
The  court  must  deteiroine  in  this  case 
both  whether  the  book  is  obscene  and 
also  whether  the  seller  knows  it  is. 
The  seller  is  therefore  put  on  trial  be- 
fore it  has  been  determined  that  a  crime 
has  been  committed.  However,  an  alterna- 
tive allows  the  suspected  book  itself  to 
be  brought  to  trial  without  any  arrest 
being  made.  During  the  time  of  the 
trial,  and  before  a  verdict  has  been 
rendered,  an  injunction  is  issued  noti- 
fying everyone  that  the  book  is  in  jeop- 
ardy. No  individual  is  threatened  in 
this  case.   The  state's  attorneys  may 
choose  either  alternative. 

li/hen  Henry  Miller's  TROPIC  OF  CANCER 
was  in  trouble  two  years  ago  there  was 
less  of  a  furor  in  Massachusetts  than 
in  other  states  because  the  Attorney 
General  decided  to  bring  the  book  to 
trial  instead  of  a  bookseller.  By  the 


-  13 
summer  of  1962  the  book  had  been  declared  ; 
not  obscene  with  a  minimum  of  upset  and 

In  spite  of  this  action,  early  in  I963 
the  Boston  Police  arrested  a  bookseller  om 
charges  of  violating  the  obscenity  stat-  ' 
utes  after  a  plainclothesraan  had  purchased! 
from  him  a  copy  of  William  Burrough's 
NAKED  LUiMCH.  The  Civil  Liberties  Union 
of  Massachusetts  and  the  Massachusetts 
Library  Association  protested  that  this   ' 
procedure  was  not  in  harmony  with  the 
methods  fdlpwed  in  the  TROPIC  OF  CANCER 
case.  The  Attorney  General  called  a  meet- 
ing at  which  the  defendant's  attorneys  and 
representatives  of  the  CLU  and  the  MLA  re- 
quested that  the  Attorney  General  drop  the 
criminal  prosecution  because  it  was  not 
in  the  spirit  of  the  TROPIC  OF  CAi^ICER  pro- 
ceedings. Consequently,  the  Attorney 
General  in  May  of  this  year  issued  a  merao- 
randijim  to  the  district  attorneys  of  the 
state  asking  that  in  the  future  all  cases 
regarding  cooks  that  would  involve  the 
First  Amendment  bs  referred  to  the  iittor-  I 
ney  General,  and  stated  that  civil  pro-   ! 
ceedings  v;ere  preferable  to  crimi^iJ.,     i 

As  the  natter  now  stands  in  JIassachusetts 
the  situation  is  generally  quiet.  It  is 
expected,  howevsr,  thai:  as  literature 
becomes  more  and  more  free,  (because  of 
the  judicial  decisions) ,  certarln  groups 
will  be  alarraed  and  try  to  put  pressure 
on  the  librarian  and  bookseller  to  conform 
to  their  preferences. 

Anticipating  this  development  the  Ameri- 
can Library  i^ssociation  has  begun  to  ex- 
amine the  poosibiliti'^s  of  raking  availa- 
ble to  libraries  and  librarians  under 
group  pressure  not  only  advice  but  also 
legal  counsel  and  financial  aid,  if  neces- 
sary. It  is  hoped  that  supplementary  help 
will  come,  (as,  in  the  case  of  NAKED 
LUNCH) ,  from  the  state  library  organiza- 
tions and  other  groups  interested  in  civil 

Education  is  a  very   important  element  in 
liberalizing  the  climate  of  cpinion.  Edu- 
cating the  public  with  regard  to  the  aims 
and  the  rights  of  the  librarj''"  and  its 
readers,  and  the  reasons  that  the  library 
opposes  censorship  is  essential.  Unfortu- 
nately too  often  the  Fifth  Freedon  -  the 
Right  to  Read  -  mast  also  be  justified  to 
the  librarians  thenselves.  Later  this 
month  the  New  Haiapshire  Library  Associa- 
tion is  sponsoring  three  one-day  meetings 
on  the  subject,  which  will  be  supervised 
by  Ervin  J.  Gaines,  Assistant  Director  for 
Personnel,  Boston  Public  Library,  and 

Chairman  of  the  Intellectual  Freedom 
Committee  of  the  MLA.  This  is  a  step 
in  the  right  direction  and  there  should 
be  more  like  it  until  the  question  of  the 
right  to  read  has  been  finally  solved. 


'jffiDDING  BELI5 

Elizabeth  Drane  [General  Reference ] 
and  Marvin  F,  Gould  of  Boston  were 
married  July  lU  in  St.  Mary's  Church, 

The  couple  was  attended  by  I^irs,  John 
Soper  [History]  and  Sydney  Maraniz  of 
V/ashington,  D.C, 

The  bride  wore  a  street  length  em- 
broidered cotton  sheath  go;ni  with  back 
panel  detail.  She  carried  a  Colonial 
bououet  of  white  roses  and  carnations. 
Her  veil  of  French  silk  illusion  was 
held  >  a  pearl  tiara, 

Mr.  and  i-irs.  Govld  will  make  their 
hoiiie  in  Cochituate. 



The  following  BPL  staff  members  are 
on  the  Sick  Roll  and  would  enjoy  hear- 
ing from  their  library  friends: 

John  ¥,  Tuley  [Buildi-ngs] 
Carney  Hospital,  Dorchester 

Joseph  P.  Cullinane  [Buildings] 
9S   Calui.iet  Street,  Roxbury 

Elizabeth  Rollins  [Buildings] 

180  Dorchester  Street, South  Boston 

Harry  Andrews  [Branch  Issue] 
Beth  Israel  Hospital,  Boston 


To  Thomas  M.  Needham.  Library  Aide 
[Periodical  and  Newspaper]  who  has  been 
admitted  to  the  Early  Acceptance  Pro- 
gram at  Boston  College,  Thomas  skipped 
his  senior  year  at  Boston  College  High 
School  and  started  as  a  Freshrian  at 
Boston  College  on  the  ninth  of  this 
month.  He  also  received  a  four-year 






Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accowpanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  subnrltting  it,  toge- 
ther with  the  name  of  the  Branch  library, 
Bepartment  or  Office  in  which  he  or  she 
is  employed.  The  name  is  id. th- held  from 
publication,  or  a  pen  nam©  is  used,  if 
the  contributor  so  requests.  Anor^nmous 
contributions  are  not  given  consideration. 
The  author  of  the  article  is  known  only 
to  the  Editor-in-Chief.  The  contents  of 
the  articles  appearing  in  the  Soa£  Box 
are  personal  opinions  expressed  by  indi- 
vidual Association  members  and  their 
appearance  does  not  necessarily  indicate 
that  the  Publications  Coniiiiitte«5  and  the 
Association  are  in  agreement  with  the 
views  expressed.   Only  those  contributions 
not  containing  more  than  300  words  will 
be  accepted. 

Dear  Editor: 

During  these  parlous  times, 
when  contemporary  writers  have  dedicated 
themselves  to  the  theme  of  man's  quest 
for  identity;  it  should  be  a  source  of 


comfort  to  us  lesser  mortals  to  realize 
that  this  problem  has  suddenly  become 
academic.  Thanks  to  the  unstinting 
efforts  of  the  Personnel  Department  we 
new  knew  who  we  are. 

In  moments  of  stress,  when  the  waves  of 
confusion  threaten  to  imindate  us  and  a 
gray  fog  of  cbscuidty  bedims  our  path; 
there,  like  a  veritable  beacon  in  the 
world  of  darkness,  shines  our  bright  new 
ID  card.  Hew  reas sirring  to  know  that  we 
now  have  at  our  disposal  a  ready  answer 
to  the  philosophers  ancient  query  "Who 
am  I?". 

Farewell  to  hesitation,  equivocation 
suxl  corroding  doubt.  One  matinal  glance 
at  the  coruscating  facade  of  this  latest 
emblem  of  our  brave  new  world  should 
sfuffioe  to  produce  the  strength  to  carry 
on  thi'oughout  the  day,  V.-e  may  have 
lingering  doubts  about  our  destination, 
but  when  that  glorious  day  arrives  that 
"The  I'oll  is  called  up  yonder"  -  we  will 
be  able  to  answer  that  call, 


Dear  Editor: 

As  an  Alumnus  of  Central  Back 
Stock  (Branch  Issue  to  us  "old  boys"),  I 
am  somewhat  disturbed  by  the  implied 
criticism  of  the  letter  in  JuSy  '  '  '"Q.M, 

The  exact  nature  and  function  of  this 
department  has  always  been  something  of  a 
nysteiy  to  both  staff  and  public.  With- 
out giving  into  their  operation  in  detail, 
I  will  only  say  that  it  has  proven  to  be 
an  inrvaluable  adjunct  to  both  branch 
libraries  and  certain  departments  of 

Each  request,  no  matter  vrtiere  it 
originates,  is  treated  with  coj.5ideration 
and  a  great  deal  of  effort  is  made  to 
insure  effective  and  prompt  service.  This 
process  involves  deciphering  slips  which 
have  incorrect  and  illegible  titles,  weird 
subjects,  requests  for  titles  published 
last  Tuesday,  poems,  short  sbories. 
Science  project  material  and  almost  every 
type  of  printed  material  a  public  library 
can  be  expected  to  supply. 

This  situation  has  resulted  in  both  eye- 
strain and  chuckles  as  when  slips  are  re- 
ceived requesting  such  books  as  No  Manners 
in  Ireland  by  Thomas  Merton,  But  in  all 
instances,  the  staff  of  Branch  Issue  has 
attempted  to  do  a  difficult  job  to  the 
best  of  its  ability.  Being  human  like  the 

rest  of  us,  they  are  subject  to  individual 


-  15  - 

weaknesses.  Perhaps  an  "agonizing  re- 
appraisal" may  lead  to  changes  in  the 
operation  of  Branch  Issue  and  a  sub- 
sequent expansion  of  services,  but  I 
doubt  if  it  will  lead  to  the  replace- 
ment of  even  fallible  humans  with 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

Several  years  ago  it  was 
recognized  that  salary  increases  for  the 
staff  were  justified,  particularly,  for 
the  Library  Assistant  Service. 

But  before  we  could  give  any  increases 
it  was  necessary  to  conduct  a  job  evalu- 
ation survey  to  make  sure  that  everyone 
was  adequately  reimbursed  for  the 
requirements  of  his  job. 

After  many  long  meetings  by  key  mem- 
bers of  the  staff,  the  survey  was  conw 

However  no  report  was  published, 
because  there  was  no  money  to  pay  the 
increases  indicated  by  the  survey. 

Since  the  survey  lias  been  completed, 
the  contento  of  many  jobs  have  been 

Does  this  mean  that  if  money  is 
appropriated,  we  will  need  another  Job 
Evaluation  Survey  to  make  sure  that 
everyone  is  correctly  coit^jensated? 

You  kno<tr  this  could  go  on  forever. 
Pay  new  survey  later. 

Losing  Ground 

Dear  Editor: 

¥hy  were  library  employees 
excluded  from  receiving  the  skeleton 
force  which  was  in  effect  for  City  em- 
ployees the  Friday  before  Labor  Day???? 
Library  employees  have  been  excluded 
from  the  Jacobs  Survey  [from  which 
retroactive  raises  have  been  granted  to 
other  City  employees],  from:  heat  relief 
[during  the  long  HOT  summer]  and  then 
from  skeleton  force.  I  think  it  would 
be  a  big  morale  booster,  for  a  staff 
where  at  present  there  are  many  "ruffled 
feathers"  so  to  speak,  if  Library  em- 
ployees were  extended  such  fringe  bene- 
fits. If  you  recall  a  few  years  back 
when  there  were  budget  cuts  et,  al.  — 

we  were  one  of  the  first  to  succumb 
to  the  AXE,  If  we  have  to  take  the 
bitter  —  why  not  the  sweet??????? 


\t  \t    \/    \t    >l    \/     M     \'    \/     \l    \f    \J     •U*     >'    *'    **     \/  .v. 

PROGRAM  :  library  Personnel  in  the  Sixties 
Panel  Discussion 

Panel  Members : 

J<^ce  Davidson,  Assistant  Personnel  Director, 

Detroit  Public  Library. 
Donald  Hunt,  Librarj'-  Career  Consultant, 

Drexel  Institute  of  Technolo^. 
Grace  P.  Slocum,  Personnel  Officer, 

The  Free  Library  of  Philadelphia. 
Ervin  J.  Gaines,  Moderator,  Assistant  Director 

in  Charge  of  Personnel,  Boston  Public  Library. 


Thursday  morning.  Ten  o'clock,  October  31.  1963 
Lecture  Hall,  Boston  Public  Library 

Program  Committee 

James  J.  Ford 
Christian  P.  Jordan 
Isabel  M.  Martino 
B.  Joseph  O'Neil 
Euclid  J.  Pelletier 
Augusta  Rubenstein 
Rose  Moorachian,  Chairman 




OCTOBER     1963 

THE  ^  U  ti  S  T  I  0  N  MARK 
Published  by  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association 
Volume  XVIII  Number  9 October  1963 

Publications  Committee:  Harry  Andrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthome,  Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr.,  I^s  Bridie  Stotz, 
Martin  F.  Waters,  Barbara  Flye,  Peter  DeSantis, 
Cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer,  VJilliam  R.  Lewis, 

Publication  date:               Deadline  for  submitting  material: 
The  fifteenth  of  each  month The  tenth  of  each  month 

The  recent  meeting  called  by  the  administration  in  which  the  Director 
and  the  Assistant  Director  (Personnel)  met  with  members  of  the  staff  at 
the  department  head  level  is  one  of  the  infrequent  occasions  wherein  this 
method  of  communication  has  been  utilized  in  recent  years.  If  it  is  true 
that  one  picture  is  worth  a  thousand  words  then  it  might  be  said  that  one 
such  meeting  is  more  productive  than  a  score  of  official  notices  with  their 
attendant  multiple  interpretations.  In  a  vis-a-vis  confrontation  important 
directives  could  be  immediately  and  fully  explained  at  the  time  of  their 
presentation.  Misinterpretation  would  be  minimal  as  areas  of  doubt  or 
confusion  could  be  resolved  in  a  question  and  answer  period  on  the  spot... 
If  administration  -  full  staff  meetings  are  considered  too  expensive  in  time 
and  money  then  the  October  lit  type  meeting  in  which  department  heads  repre- 
sented their  staffs  could  be  substituted.  We  hope  staff  meetings  in  one 
form  or  another  with  the  Director  and/or  his  representative  will  continue. 

In  another  area  of  Library  communication  -  that  between  staff  and 
Trustees  -  the  QM  through  its  editorial  pages  frequently  presents  the  re- 
actions of  the  staff  to  official  Library  policy  and  comments  on  conditions 
which  are  in  existence  because  of  these  policies.  We  are  not  ungrateful  ■ 
for  things  done  in  our  behalf  and  it  is  our  fervent  hope  that  the  forth- 
coming individual  notices  to  the  staff  concerning  evaluation  and  salary 
adjustments  will  be  cause  for  great  rejoicing,  •>.-. 



.  a  - 


On  September  20,  the  Executive  Board 
held  its  first  fall  meeting.  Final  plans 
for  both  the  Tea  for  British  Librarians 
on  October  9  and  our  Fall  Professional 
Meeting  on  October  31  were  approved  at 
this  time. 

As  a  follow-up  to  its  request  for  action 
as  of  July  10,  1963,  the  Board  voted  to 
express  its  thanks  to  the  Mayor  of  the 
City  of  Boston  for  his  recent  allotment 
of  155,000  for  salary  revisions  and  to 
reiterate  its  concern  for  the  people  who 
are  in  the  Library  Assistants  Service. 
During  recent  months,  the  Board  has  been 
in  close  conmunication  with  the  Assistant 
Director  (Personnel)  in  regard  to  the 
salary  question  and  can  testity  to  the 
persistence  with  which  our  Administration 
worked  to  secure  these  funds.  It  is 
gratifying  to  have  their  efforts  finally 
culminate  in  this  much-needed  allotment. 

Due  to  the  pressing  problems  and  the 
large  amount  of  work  involved  in  getting 
new  salary  schedules  into  operation,  the 
matter  of  a  written  promotional  policy 
was  temporarily  laid  aside.  This  policy 
will  be  discussed  again  with  Mr  Gaines  at 
a  later  time. 

Most  of  our  September  Board  meeting  was 
devoted  to  an  explanation  by  Mr  Gaines  of 
the  method  by  which  the  new  schedules 
will  be  put  into  operation.  Our  questions 
in  regard  to  the  first  notice  concerning 
these  schedules  were  carefully  answered. 
Mr  Gaines  then  clarified  the  relationship 
between  the  new  schedule  and  reclassifica- 
tion xd-thin  the  Library  Assistants  Service^ 
There  was  discussion,  also,  of  longevity 

Since  there  is  an  Officers  Meeting 
scheduled  on  October  lU,  at  which  this 
whole  matter  will  be  explained  in  detail, 
it  seems  unnecessary  to  give  a  second- 
hand account  here  of  our  discussion  with 
the  Assistant  Director  (Personnel), 



To  Bob  Woodward  [formerly  of  History 
and  now  Director  of  the  Public  Library  in 
Bangor  Maine]  who  was  elected  Vice- 
President  and  President-Elect  of  the  New 
England  Library  Association  at  their 
recent  meeting  in  Portsmouth,  N,  H, 

Throughout  the  year^  the  Executive 
Board  of  the  Staff  As^iociation  becomes 
aware  through  innucr.'do  and  second-hand 
suggestions  of  wishes  for   action  on  some 
item  by  members  of  the  association.  Often 
it  is  difficult  to  trace  davm.   the  source 
of  such  "requests"  or  to  ascertain  clearly 
just  what  action  members  would  like  the 
association  to  take.  Both  the  Chairman 
of  the  Publications  Committee  and  the 
President  of  the  Association,  also, 
receive  complaints  (often  vaguely  express- 
ed) from  time  to  time  about  materials 
printed  in  The  Question  Mark  either  on 
the  editorial  page  or  in  "I'he  Soap  Box", 

In  order  that  your  Executive  Board  may 
consider  desired  action  or  discuss 
intelligently  Question  Mark  material  to 
which  objection  is  raised,  we  make  the 
following  requests* 

1,  Any  objection  to  materials  published 
in  The  Question  Mark  should  be  stated 
in  writing  to  the  Executive  Board  of 
the  Staff  Association,  Such  communi- 
cation should  make  clear  the  reasons 
for  the  objection. 

2,  Any  requests  for  action  on  the  part 
of  the  Executive  Board  should  be 
stated  to  the  Board  in  writing.  Such 
comirainication  should  describe  the 
issue  under  question  and  indicate 
what  tjrpe  of  action  is  desired. 


/\    /\  ^\~\    /vTv   r\  i\    t\    i\  f\   f\    /<^>  V* 


Date:  Wednesday,   October  23,  1963 

Time:  6:00  p.m. 

Place:  Cambridge  House 

1637  Massachusetts  Avenue 
Cambridge,  Ma3«, 

Subject:  Segregation 

Speakers :Rt,  Rev,  George  W,  Casey,  colimn- 
ist  for  both  the  Boston  Herald 
and  The  Pilot, 

AM)     Mr,  J.  Westbrook  McPherson, 

Executive  Secretary  of  the  Urban 
League  of  Boston 

Chairman:  Mr,  Francis  X,  Moloney  [BPL] 


-  3  - 


Michael  D.  Arnold  -  Periodical  and 

Newspaper  Department 
Richard  T.  Delaney  -  Parker  Hill  (former 

Donald  H,  Cilley  -  Adams  Street 
Dorothy  M,  LeDoux  -  Book  Preparation 
Marion  A.  McCarthy  -  Education  (former 

part-timer  in  Information  Office) 
Maiy  McGonagle  -  Cataloging  and  Classifi- 
cation, Division  of  Reference  &  Research 
James  Duffy  -  Central  Charging  Records 

(former  part-timer) 
Mrs  Frederick  J.  Wyss  -  Mattapan 
Anne  Luther  -  Alls ton 
Nicholas  L.  Petrone  -  Bookstacks 
Lawi-ence  G,  Scott  -  Book  Preparation 
I'irs  Amalee  Cchen  -  Audio-Visual 
Dennis  Dannigan  -  Audio -Visual 
Ruth  E,  Friedman  -  Uphams  Corner 
Charles  W»  Kirk  -  Branch  Issue  Section 
Sarah  T.  Patz  -  Matta-)an 
Be toy  A.  Thorin  -  Norlh  End 
Mrs  Fra:nces  Williams  -  Hospital  library 

Susrji  Conneilly  -  Cataloging  &  Classifica- 

tion.  Home  Reading  &  Community  Services 
Rsyi.icnd  D,  CoJlirs  -  Book  Stack  Se'rvice 
Mrs  Patricia  Joaos  -  Egleston  Square 
Mrs  Margaret  J.  i'leS-.veeivey  -  Lower  Mills 
Dorothy  Perkins  -  Certral  Charging  Records 
Mrs  Irene  Shea  -  Lower  ^!ills  (  a  former 

employee ) 
Patricia  Andrews  -  General  Reference 
Edward  R.  Ettele  -  Kir stein  Business 

Catherine  E,  Hayes  -  (former  part-timer) 
Mrs  Anna  Dacey  -  Hyde  Park 
Warren  Hairrington  -  South  Boston 
Kathleen  J.  Messer  -  Connolly  Branch 
Mi-s  Geneva  R.  Kershner  -  General  Reference 
Mrs  Ruth  Fitzpatrick  -  I^de  Park 
Mrs  Sstelle  B.  Hite  -  Rosir.iidale  (formei- 

Mrs  Elizabeth  H.  O'Brien  -  Bookmobiles 
Patricia  Randall  -  Bookmobiles 
Mary  C.  Schuh  -  Codman  Square 
Mrs  Mary  R.  O'Brien  -  Yifde   Park  (former 



Barbara  E.  Doran  from  Cataloging  and 
Classification  (HR&CS)  to  Personnel 

>tyra  A,  Morse  from  Dorchester  to 

Geraldine  Cudmore  from  Business  Office 

to  Cataloging  &  Classification  (HR&CS) 
Helen  E.  Colgan  from  Mt,  Pleasant  to 
Uphams  Corner 
Richard  J.  Vesey  -  from  Audio-Visual  to 

Open  Shelf 
Mrs  Helen  V.  Rothwell  from  Adams  Street 

to  Mt.  Pleasant 
^ts  Margaret  A.  Zindler  from  Bookmobile 

to  South  Boston 
Barbara  Bachrach  from  Periodical  and 

Newspaper  to  General  Reference 


Velma  Guyette  -  Bookmobiles 

Sewell  Hayes  -  Periodi'.-ials  &  Newspapers.. 

George  Rollins  -  Boole  Pi-^eparation 

Joseph  Lucas  -  Branch  Issue 

Susan  Whe?tiey  -  Connelly 

Thomas  P,  Alburger  -  Cataloging  and 

Classification  (IR^CS) 
Margot  Woodt^ard  -  Rcsiindale 
Arcie  Fuller  -  Allstcn 
Johanna  T:i  ews  -  Fi:;6  Arts 
Mrs  Julie  Eraser  -  South  Boston 
Janice  Maoo^ber  ~  Book  Seleoiiofi-fHRfCSl 
Ju'^'dth  Zi:.J-Tan  —Ljt:-';..'  Mill^- 
Ruth  Winn  -  BcoVrri^biles 
Isabel  Elder  -  Kirsteln  Business  Branch 
Patricia  H,  Evgasoo  -  North  End 
John  Celli  -  Open  Shelf 
Antony  Childs  -  Audio -Visual 
Steven  Coopor  -  Poc-lniotilss 
Mary  M.  Vof-gt  -  South  Boston 
Dana  Holby  -  Cataloging  &  Classification 

Elyse  Wolf  -  Cataloging  &  Classification 

Priscilla  Ramsay  -  General  Reference 


Respect  for  our  Be'^'usr^ 

Is  urged  by  Cnnrch  and  State; 

When  Kent  benc'jj  kneo  to  Lear, 
Lear's  mastery's  frcm  Fate. 

When  Betters  b?i.o/.k  horizon, 

Exarrirc-  iJ?to'''t.3  s  •■•.I'-iirr.t? 
Are  their  ct^m-iLiosi-our?  a'iT.iiored 

By  Nature,  Ci.urch,  or  State? 

It's  kind  of  m.ce  when  Betters 

Exhibit  all  the  thi-'eej 
But  lineaments  of  Lear 

Cut  all  the  ice  with  me. 


-U  - 


137  members  of  the  study  tour  of  the 
Association  of  Assistant  Librarians 
ikPJu)  from  the  British  Isles  arrived 
in  Boston  by  charter  flight  from  London 
on  '.Wednesday,   October  9.     Elizabeth 
.'right,   Director's  Office,  irho  re  pre - 
'sented  the  Library  on  the  Boston  Com- 
mittee had  orepared  a  program  of  events 
for  our  British  visitors  which  not  only 
set  the  style  for  their  visit  but 
vrhich  would  be  difficult  if  not  impos- 
sible for  their  '. Washington  and  New  York 
hosts  to  better. 

The  Staff  Association  contributed  its 
bit  by  sponsoring  a  tea  held  in  the 
Lecture  Hall  of  the  Library  on  their 
arrival.     One  visitor,   obviously  im- 
pressed by  this  the  initial  event  on 
the  tour,   remarked  that  nothing  that 
could  happen  to  them  in  subsequent 
affairs  could  suriDass  the  feeling  of 
warmth  and  friendliness   engendered 
by  the  members  of  the  Library  staff 
present  at  the  tea.     With  a  minimum 
of  difficulty  visitor  and  American 
host  xrere  introduced  and  in  due  time 
scattered  to  their  homes  throughout 
the  Greater  Boston  area. 

The  following  days  were  action 
packed  as  our  visitors  were  guided  on 
a  variety  of  tours — tours  of  libraries, 
tours  of  museums ,   tours  of  historic 
Boston  and  vicinity,   tours  of  places 
and  things  many  of  us  Bostonians  have 
yet  to  see.     All  of  this  was  followed 
by  more  and  more  tours — large  libraries, 
small  libraries — riding  tours,  walking 
tours — special  libraries,   college  and 
university  libraries.     They  were  con- 
stantly being  pressed  by  their  hosts 
to  take  another  cuo  of  tea — many  in 
desparation  took  to  drinking  coffee, 
others  even  tried  milk.     The  stamina 
exhibited  by  our  British  colleagues 
throughout  these  e:cpressions  of 
American  friendliness  was  dramatic 
proof  of  x-ihy  there  will  always  be  an 
England . 

Saturday,   the  12th  of  October, 
being  an  American  holiday  was  de- 
clared a  day  of  rest  for  our  visitors. 
But  they  had  not  come  3OOO  miles  tc 
cat-nap  in  Merica — that  could  be  done 
at  home  I     '/hat  to  do  ^^rith  them;  well, 
and  why  not?     The  obvious  thing,   of 
course,   you  guessed  it — another  tour I 

Three  of  them,    in  fa'ttt.     North  along 
our  rock-bound  coast  to  Rockport,   South 
to  Pilgrim  Plymouth  and  the  Canal  and 
V'est  to  tree-shaded  Amherst  with  its 
college  and  iiniversitiy. 

That  night  vie  broke  bread  together  at 
a  farewell  dinner  at  Boston  University^ 
new  George  Sherman  Union.     Our  Director, 
Milton  'i.   Lord,   as  toast-master  called 
upon  both  British  visitor  and  American 
host  dignitaries  to  stand  and  be  recog- 
nized.    'SaCh  was  rewarded  with  polite 
applause  for  his  part  in  making   the 
visit  possible.     For  her  part  in  making 
it  a  success,   a  standing  ovation  to 
Elisabeth  Wright. 


Librarians  rubbed  elbows  with  poli- 
ticians the  night  of  September  1?  as  a 
dinner  for  three  former  Adams  Street 
staffers  coincided  ixith  one  for 
Lt.   Governor  Bellotti  at  the  Sheraton 
Motor  Inn  in  Quincy. 

Hary  Doyle,   Dorothy  "kstrom  and 
Helen  Rothwell,   resplendent  in  rose 
corsages,   headed  three  tables  of  well- 
wishers,   23  strong,  who  met  to  recall 
memories  with  old  friends.     All  but 
Anne  Armstrong,   Central  Children's 
Room  and  llary  McDonough,   Book  Prepara- 
tion, v:ere  past  or  present  employees 
at  the  branch. 

After  "man-sized  portions  of  food", 
to  quote  one  despairing  dieter. 
Miss  Doyle  opened  a  glittering  evening 
purse  accessory  to  find  some  crisp  and 
"current"  best  ^^^ishes  to  enjoy  in  her 
retirement.     liiss  Doyle  said  she 
wouldn't  use  it  for  a  minl<  hat 
"because  I'd  have  to  buj'-  a  minl<  coat 
to  go  with  it I" 

Happy  squeals  of  "How  did  you  ever 
know?"  punctuated  the  showing  of 
Mrs.   'Zkstrom's  gift,  an  off-white 
George  'Washington  bedspread  that  she 
hci.d  been  planning  to  get  for  herself. 
Mrs.  RothX'^ell  was  delighted  vrith  a 
gift  as  chic  as  she  herself,   a  black 
calf  handbag. 

Mrs.  Ekstrom  is  now  children's  li- 
brarian at  Memorial  and  fortunate  Mt.. 
Pleasant  has  received  Mrs.   Rothwell. 

Adams  Street  bids  a  fond  farewell  to 
three  favorites. 


-  5- 

The  announcement,  by  the  Trustees,  of 
their  choice  of  the  architect  for  the  new 
addition  to  the  Central  Library  Building 
brings  to  the  layman's  mind  some  thoughts 
of  the  present  building  and  of  architec- 
tural tastes  in  general. 

During  the  last  part  of  the  nineteenth 
century  V7hen  plans  were  being  made  for  the 
new  library  in  Copley  Square  it  was  deci- 
ded that  the  building  should  be  one  of  the 
finest,  if  not  the  finest,  in  the  country. 
Plans  to  build  it  in  the  Romanesque  style 
of  Richardson's  Trinity  Church  across  the 
Square,  a  style  very  popular  at  the  time, 
quickly  evaporated,  and  the  firm  of  McKim, 
Mead  and  White  at  New  York  was  selected. 

Charles  Follen  HcKim,  the  architect,  had 
been  greatly  influenced  by  the  style  of 
the  Renaissance  palaces  of  Rome,  and 
incorporated  this  style  in  his  designs  for 
the  Central  Library  Building.  This  is 
most  apparent  in  the  interior  details: 
the  columned  arcade  in  the  courtyard,  for 
example,  the  fireplace  in  the  Abbey  Room, 
and  the  staircase  going  from  the  second 
to  the  third  floor,  as  well  as  in  the  idea 
of  a  central  courtyard  itself,  and  the 
great  marble  staircase  going  from  the 
first  to  the  second  floor  and  leading  to 
the  beautiful  Chavannes  Gallery. 

McKim  was  unable  to  imagine  any  of  his 
buildings  as  complete  without  sculpture 
cind  painting  as  integral  parts.  And  so 
we  have  the  Sargent  Gallery,  the  Elliot 
ceiling,  the  Saint  Gaudens  lions,  and 
innumerable  busts  and  portraits.  All  of 
these  parts  were  to  form  a  whole;  the 
color  scheme  of  the  Chavannes  raurals,  for 
instance,  is  in  complete  harmony  with  the 
marble  architecture  of  the  gallery  and 
staircase  as  much  so  as  any  work  in  fresco 
of  the  Renaissance  or  late  Middle  Ages. 

The  result  was  a  masterpiece  of  American 
architecture,  and  one  of  the  finest 
buildings  in  the  country.  Architecturally 
speaking  it  was  (and  is)  a  thing  of  great 
beautyj  considered  practically,  its 
defects  are  obvious.  The  courtyard,  as 
popular  and  as  appealing  as  it  is,  is 
really  wasted  space,  as  are  the  galleries 
and  the  great  staircases.  This  was  inten- 
tional on  McKim 's  part  and  did  not  seem 
to  disturb  him.  Again,  in  this  spirit, 
he  did  not  include  any  bookcases  in  the 
furnishings  for  Bates  Hall. 

Styles  have  changed  since  the  nineteenth 
centuiy  and  so  have  ideas.  It  is  unlikely 
that  a  bxiilding  similar  to  the  Central 


Library  Building  would  ever  be  construc- 
ted today.  Practicability  is  considered 
of  equal  importance  with  aesthetic  design. 
The  ideal  is  the  perfect  combination  of 
the  two. 

A  good  example  of  this  philosophy  is 
the  Seagram  Building  on  Park  Avenue  in 
New  York  City.  It  was  designed  as  an 
office  building  by  Mies  Van  Der  Rohe  and 
Philip  Johnson,  the  architect  chosen  by 
the  Trustees.  It  has  been  praised  by 
critics  as  one  of  the  finest  examples  of 
twentieth  century  design,  and  includes 
one  of  the  ideas  which  McKim  felt  to  be 
essential.  It  has  a  spacious  lobby  on 
the  first  floor  in  which  are  desplayed 
worthy  examples  of  sculpture  and  painting. 
Wasted  space  again  perhaps,  but  for  a 
design  to  be  completely  successful  there 
must  be  a  balamce  between  aesthetic  and 
practical.  If  one  or  the  other  predomin- 
ates the  building  as  such  is  a  failure, 

Mr  Johnson  must  design  an  addition  to 
the  Central  Library  Building  xathout  the 
practical  defects  of  the  original,  but 
still  in  harmony  with  it.  It  is  hoped 
that  one  masterpiece  will  be  augmented 
by  another.  There  is  every  reason  to 
assume  that  this  will  be  the  case. 



October  18,  1963 

You  need  the  American  Library  Associa- 
tion as  a  strong  voice  speaking  for 
librarianship  in  areas  of  mutual  concern 
to  librarians.  ALA  establishes  standards 
of  library  service;  it  promotes  the  wel- 
fare of  librarians  through  the  develop- 
ment of  standards  for  the  administration 
of  library  personnel. 

ALA  needs  your  help  in  its  efforts  to 
make  libraries  vital  forces  in  Americsm 
life.  Join  the  25,000  librarians, 
libraries,  and  library  trustees  who 
actively  support  ALA I 

For  membership  applications  please 
contact:  Mary  D.  Farrell,  Cataloging 
and  Classification,  R&RS,  or  laidred  C. 
O'Connor,  Education. 

Aryone  who  joins  ALA  now  is  a  member 
for  the  rest  of  1963  plus  the  entire 
year  of  19  6li! 

Business  Meeting 

The  business  meeting  began  with  an  ex- 
explanation  of  legislation  pertaining  to 
libraries  now  before  the  United  States 
Congress.  In  essence,  this  legislation 
would  remove  the  rural  limitations  of  the 
Library  Services  Act  and  provide  funds  for 
the  construction  of  both  public  library- 
buildings  and  college  libraries.  Funds 
pertaining  to  public  libraries  would  still 
be  administered  through  state  library 
agencies.  Members  of  N.E.L.A,  were  urged 
to  write  to  their  Congressmen  in  support 
of  this-  legislation. 

Richard  S^illivan,  President  of  N.E.L.A,, 
then  summarized  the  accomplishments  of 
his  executive  board  during  the  last  year. 
These  accomplishments  include: 

1.  Hiring  of  a  permanent  executive 

2.  Making  N.E.L.A.  a  Massachusetts 
corporation  -  thus  ensuring  a  tax 
exempt  status 

3.  Getting  together  a  mailing  list  of 
8000  names 

4.  Acquiring  750  paid  memberships 

5.  Creating  several  committees  -  in- 
cluding one  for  regional  planning 

6.  Stimulating  the  development  of  sec- 
tions as  follows: 

a.  Extensions  librarians 

b.  School  librarians 

c.  Round  Table  of  Children's 
Librarians  (in  process  of 
joining  N.E.L.A.  as  a  section) 

7.  Stimulating  passage  of  inter- state 
library  lav7s. 

Several  relatively  minor  changes  had 
been  worked  out  for  the  By-laws  of  the 
New  England  Library  Association.  These 
proposed  changes  were  printed  in  the  pro- 
gram of  this  N.E.L.A.  session  and  adopted 
at  this  business  meeting.  In  I962,  the 
By-Laws  adopted  a  double  membership  scale: 
one  for  state  association  or  A.L.A.  mem- 
bers; the  other  for  non-members  of  these 
groups.  Among  the  changes  made  at  the 
1963  Business  Meeting  was  the  adoption  of 
a  single  membership  scale:  that  originally 
set  forth  for  A.L.A.  or  state  library 
association  members.  A  second  change  in- 
volved the  officers  of  sections,  removing 
any  limitations  and  allowing  sections  to 
have  whatever  officers  they  deem  necessary 

The  Nominating  Committee,  headed  by 
Genevieve  Galick,  then  read  its  report. 

In  accordance  with  custom  established  at 
N.E.L.A.,  elections  were  held  by  written 
ballots,  collected  on  the  last  day  of 
this  conference. 

At  the  close  of  this  business  meeting 
a  standing  ovation  was  given  to  the  I963 
Executive  Board  for  its  woric  in  fonna- 
lizing  the  structure  of  the  wew  England 
Library  Association. 

Fall  Meeting 

PROGRAM:  Library  Personnel  in  the  Sixties 
Panel  Discussion 

Panel  Members: 

Joyce  Davidson,  Assistant  Personnel 
Director,  Detroit  Public  Library. 

Donald  Hunt,  Library  Career  Consult- 
ant, Drexel  Institute  of  Technology. 

Grace  P.  Slocum,  Personnel  Officer, 
The  Free  Library  of  Philadelphia. 

Eirvin  J.  Gaines,  Moderator,  Assistant 
Director  in  Charge  of  Personnel, 
Boston  Public  Library. 


Thursday  morning,  Ten  o'clock,  October  31, 
1963  Lecture  Hall,  Boston  Public  Library 

Program  Committee 

James  J.  Ford 
Christiana  P.  Jordan 
Isabel  M.  ilartino 
B.  Joseph  O'Neil 
Hiclid  J.  Peltier 
Augusta  Kubenstein 
Rose  Moorachian, 


Sexjell  Hayes,  formerly  of  Periodical, 
is  Editor  and  frequent  contributor  to  a 
small  magazine  called  THE  FCEUM  which  is 
published  occasionally  with  articles, 
poems,  essays,  etc.  by  "people  he  knows". 
Also  included  are  excerpts  of  famous 
authors  bearing  on  moral  and  politcal  and 
other  aspects  of  life* 


-  7  - 

n  October  I963 

The  Boston  Public  Library  Quarter  Century  Club  is  interested  in  obtain- 
ing one  hundred  percent  membership.  This  organization,  founded  in  1931^  has 
ninety  members  as  of  the  date  of  this  notice.  Most  employing  agencies  of 
comparable  size,  whether  public  or  private,  have  and  promote  such  groups  of 
long  service  employees.  Unfortunately  up  until  recently  we  have  become 
inactive  though  not  dissolved.  During  the  past  few  weeks  interest  in  re- 
activating this  organization  has  been  persistent  and- we  believe  that  a 
considerable  percentage  of  those  having  twenty-five  or  more  years  service 
are  now  members,  V7e  welcome  eligible  members,  of  the  staff  and  are  issiiing 
this  notice  so  that  all  will  be  aware  of  this  welcome,  A  meeting  will  be 
held  shortly  for  the  nomination  of  new  officers  and  other  matters, 


I'fembership  Committee  Nominating  Committee 

Mildred  R,  Adelson  Geraldine  Beck 

Geraldine  Beck  Grace  Marvin 

Alice  M,  Cray  Louisa  Metcalf 

Margaret  W,  Haverty  Patrick  Murtagh 

Eleanor  F.  Halligan  Bridie  0,  Stotz 

Bertha  Keswick  Sarah  M,  Usher 

Grace  3,  Loughlin 
Thomas  J,  Manning 
ItLldred  C.  O'Connor 
Edna  G,.  Peck 
RusselJL  A,  Scully 


"Besides  sociology,  geology,  physics, 
psychology,  and  nuclear  fission  in 
college,  did  you  learn  any  steno?" 

Soap  Box 

Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  nierriber  submitting  it,  toge- 
ther with  the  name  of  the  Branch  Library, 
Department  or  Office  in  which  he  or  she 
is  employed.  The  name  is  with-held  from 
publication,  or  a  pen  name  is  used,  if 
the  contributor  so  requests,  Anor^nnraus 
contributions  are  not  given  consideration 
The  author  of  the  article  is  known  only 
to  the  Editor-in-Chief,  The  contents  of 
the  articles  appearing  in  the  Soap  Box 
are  personal  opinions  expressed  by 
individual  Association  members  and  their 
appearance  does  not  necessarily  indicate 
that  the  Publications  Committee  and  the 
Association  are  in  agreement  with  the 
views  expressed.  Only  those  contribution; 
not  containing  more  than  300  words  will 
be  accepted. 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

It  should  now  be  made  clear  what  part 
the  Job  Evaluation  Committee  played  in 
creating  new  salary  scales. 

First,  it  was  not  a  Staff  Association 
committee  but  a  committee  appointed  by 
the  Library  Administration.  Its  member- 
ship was  heavily  weighted  with  represen- 
tation from  the  upper  administrative 

levels.  The  Staff  Association  was  invited 
to  send  one  representative.  At  the  first 
meeting  the  objection  was  made  that  the 
committee  had  no  LA.  One  LA  subsequently 
was  appointed" to  the  committee. 

From  the  information  derived  from  job 
descriptions  prepared  earlier,  and  supple- 
mented by  knowledge  which  members  of  the 
coiTsnittee  had  concerning  the  jobs,  each 
job  in  the  bibliothecal  service  from  lA  1 
to  P3  was  rated  against  every  other  job 
considered  in  its  several  skill  and 
responsibility  factors.  Each  job  factor 
was  weighted  according  to  its  relative 
importance.  The  rating  in  each  job  factor 
was  multiplied  by  the  weighting  factor. 
The  points  for  factors  for  each  job  were 
totaled  for  final  "score"  for  each  job. 

With  this  phase  completed,  the 
Committee's  job  was  actually  finished. 
The  conmittee  was  in  substantial  agreement 
that  the  array  of  jobs  by  points,  rating 
jobs  according  to  the  skill  and  responsi- 
bility they  required,  was  fair. 



Dear  Soap  Box: 

At  later  meetings  the  Chairman  of  the 
Job  Evaluation  Committee  proposed  that 
certain  jobs  be  moved  upward  or  downward 
from  the  groups  in  which  they  fell  accord- 
ing to  the  points  awarded  in  the  job 
evaluation.  The  reasons  given  included 
competition  for  certain  categories  of 
employees  in  the  labor  market,  administra- 
tive considerations  in  transferring  em- 
ployees and  reconsideration  of  some 
descriptions  after  comparison  with  others 
awarded  different  point  values.  Although 
these  proposals  were  discussed,  there  was 
no  vote  by  the  body  to  alter  the  original 
array  and  grouping.  Any  changes  in  this 
array  were  made  administratively  without 
any  formal  action  by  the  committee.  The 
committee  held  no  further  meetings  and  no 
final  report  from  the  committee  was  issued 
to  the  staff. 

While  tentative  salairy  scales  were  pre- 
sented in  conjunction  with  the  array,  it 
was  indicated  that  these  scales  might  be 
changed  considerably  and  the  committee  was 
not  asked  to  approve  any  scale. 


ED.  NOTE:  At  the  Officers  meeting  on  lU 
October  a  detailed  mimeographed  account 
of  the  theory  and  mechanics  of  the  job 
evaluation  process  and  a  detailed  descrip- 
tion of  the  factors  and  weights  was  dis- 
tributed to  each  one  at  the  meeting. 

-  5>  - 

\f  \t  \i  SI  \t  \i  \t  xy  \(  «/  \/  \/  «/  \/  u  «/ 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

HOORAYI  for  GAII  #5l.  It 
is  always  good  to  see  our  institution 
move  ahead  vjith  VIGilAH  by  creating  this 
position.  Let's  hope  that  all  our 
qualified  professionals  will  apply  re- 
gardless of  the  fact  they  lack  "on  the 
job  training".  Perhaps  this  factor 
shouldn't  even  be  considered  inasmuch  as 
they  weren't  afforded  this  opportunity 
a  year  agOo 


70»  /\  «\  /v  /\  t\  n  t\  f\  /0\  *\  XtO* 

Dear  Editor: 

So  this  is  the  new  pay 
schedule  that  the  lA's  have  waited  so 
long  for.  So  this  is  the  instrument  that 
will  give  priority  of  treatment  to  the 
la's  in  granting  salary  relief.  So  this 
is  the  justice  that  the  Staff  Association 
and  its  Executive  Board  pleaded  for,  Vfe 
shoulda  stood  in  bedi 


Dear  Soap  Bo?:; 

Despite  the  many  recent 
notices  the  LA's  are  still  in  a  most 
unenviable  situation  -  or  so  it  would 
seem  from  the  proposed  salary  scale.  It 
doesn't  seem  plausible  to  put  a  new 
schedule  into  effect  which,  id-th  the  ex- 
ception of  the  LAI  status,  is  WORSE 
rather  than  BETTER  than  the  old  grid.  Of 
course  now  they  are  told  to  wait  for  the 
reclassification  —  vri.ll  it  con^jensate 
this  inadequate  salaarj''  scale??  I  think 
many  of  our  LA's  are  now  v/ondering  if 
the  new  schedule  is  working  for  or 
against  them.  Perhaps  the  onily  way  in 
which  they  can  avoid  such  inequities  in 
the  future  is  to  PUSH  for  Civil  Service 
where  they  would  be  assured  of  their 
salary  and  position  -  have  an  ample  chance 
for  advancement  «.  and  an  irapai-tlal  boai'd 
of  appeal, 


Dear  Editor: 

This  Association  was  born 
vxhen  many  of  the  staff  vjere  supporting 
legislation  which  vjould  have  broiight 
the  Library  employees  under  Civil  Service* 
It  was  argued  at  the  time  that  the  biblio- 
thecal  employees  had  similar  or  better 
benefits  than  their  counter-parts  in 
Civil  Service,  Ife  did  have  things  like 
a  point  s^^stem  for  promotion  which  rec- 
ognized not  only  education  and  training 
but  years  of  experience  so  that  seniority 
coionted  for  something  definite  and 
measurable o  Ife  were  offered  a  choice  of 
appeal  systems  wliich  gave  to  the  appeal- 
er 33  me  choice  in  what  avenue  of  appeal 
he  inight  use  and  also  some  choice  of 
staff  or  association  members  on  an  appeal 
panel.  We  had  a  promotion  system  which 
allowed  a  non-professional  to  advance  to 
professional  by  taking  Boston  Public 
Library  Training  Coxorses  and  examinations 
without  going  to  Library  School, 

Massachusetts  Civil  Service  recognizes 
experience  in  library  -work  as  a  satis- 
factory substitute  for  college  or  library 
school,  A  Junior  Library  Assistant  in 
Mass,  Civil  Service  is  required  "under 
supervision  to  do  the  simpler  kinds  of 
non-supervisory  library  work  of  a  mis- 
cellaneous character;  and  to  perform 
related  work  as  required"  for  a  salary 
of  $70,75  to  $88,75  at  present.  The  pay 
raise  bill  in  the  Legislature  Mill  give 
them  a  new  minimum  of  $77*75  and  a  new 
maximum  of  $96,50, 

Did  we  move  in  the  wrong  direction? 



Perhaps  the  above  vjr iters 
will  have  a  change  of  heart  when  full 
information  is  available  with  release 
of  individual  reclassifications. 

To  the  Editor: 

Vflien  librarians  who  had 
worked  many  years,  most  of  them  for  very 
small  salai^ies,  irere  gremted  payments  in 
recognition  of  their  long  service,  they 
bolieved  they  had  earned  something  which 
was  theirs  for  keeps.  Yet  the  new  salary 
scale  will  vripe  out  these  payments,  and 
after  25,  30,  3S   or  liO  years  of  service 

-  10  - 

we  start  all  over  again  to  work  toc^ard 
a  long  service  payment,  on  the  same 
basis  as  new  assistants.  This  will 
benefit  the  newer  people,  but  the  older 
ones,  who  have  demonstrated  their  use- 
fulness, faithfulness,  and  loyalty,  have 
been  penalized  by  losing  what  they  have 
already  earned, 



Dear  Soap  Box: 

It  has  been  argued  that 
the  $100  paid  as  a  long  service  bonus  to 
those  with  over  25  years  service  is  not 
realistic,  that  in  comparison  with  pre- 
sent day  salaries  it  is  not  a  signifi- 
cant amount. 

Surely  this  argument  has  no  weight  when 
it  is  applied  to  the  Library  Assistant 
Service,  Remember  the  increments  for  the 
first  four  LA.  pay  grades  have  been  re» 
duced  to  an  average  of  less  than  $100, 
the  increments  for  the  LAI,  and  LA.2  are 
$80,  and  $90  respectively.  Surely  in 
comparison  with  these  increments  a  $100 
bonvis  is  quite  significant,  and  for 
those  with  several  bonuses  for  long 
service,  $200,  $300  or  $1400  is  quite 
significant  in  comparison  vrxth  incre- 
ments of  $80,  $90,  $100  and  $120, 

The  Professional  Library  Service  has 
substantially  increased  pay  scales  and 
increments.  The  Library  Assistants 
Service  have  smaller  increments  and  the 
pay  scales  are  not  too  GRAND,  Don't 
take  away  the  long  service  bonus  from 
the  LA» 



Dear  Editor: 

The  change  in  the  base  for 
long  service  payments  is  unfair.  The 
statement  has  been  made  that  no  long 
service  payment  now  in  effect  will  be 
taken  away,  but  will  be  "absorbed"  into 
the  new  rate. 

It  is  not  true  that  nothing  has  been 
taken  at-jay.  If  A  and  B  have  the  same 
classification  and  are  at  the  same  step 
in  that  classification,  and  if  A  has 
now  no  long  service  payment  but  B  has 
two  long  service  payments,  B  is  now 
receiving  $200  more  than  A  in  recogni- 
tion of  long  service.  However  B  will 
receive  $200  less  in  increments  than 
will  A  in  bringing  them  onto  the  new 

B  with  long  service  will  receive  less 
in  order  that  A  may  receive  more.  Any 
recognition  of  long  service  granted  up 
to  that  time  by  the  Trustees  idJJL  be 
wiped  out.  Are  we  supposed  to  believe 
that  B  has  lost  nothing?  Many  many 
©Inployees  of  long  service  will  be 
getting  smaller  increments  than  those 
in  like  pay  grades  with  very  little 


Dear  Editor: 

May  I  suggest  a  contest 
among  those  who  have  received  letters 
informing  them  of  long  service  payments 
granted  by  the  Trustees,  The  contest 
would  be  for  the  best  suggestion  on  what 
to  do  vjith  the  letters.  The  suggestion 
should  be  in  2$  words  or  less.  Suggest 
tions  might  be:  "I  think  they  should  be 
used  to  make  a  bonfire  on  April  Fool's 
day  because,,,",  "I  think  they  should  be 
cut  up  and  colored  as  smiling  face  masks 
to  be  worn  by  the  recipients  because,,,", 
"I  think  they  should  be  turned  back  to 
the  Library  to  be  into  scratch  pads 
becaiise,,,",  "I  think  they  should  be 
made  into  paper  baskets  for  trick-or- 
treat  candy  at  Halloween  because,,," 

Because,,,,  because,,,,  because  then 
they  would  serve  a  useful  pvirpose, 



It  is  our  understanding  that 
as  a  result  of  discussion  at  the 
October  Ik   Officers  meeting,  a  committee 
will  be  formulated  to  explore  the 
cessation  of  longevity  payments. 

To  the  Editor  of  the  Soap  Box: 

-  11  - 

Page  2  of  the  General  Administrative 
Notice  #1;6  (Sept.  20,  19 63)  is  not  likely 
to  make  us  doddering  old  timers  look 
benignly  on  the  proposed  change.  I  nodded 
vith  approval  when  I  read:  "....As  a 
figure  for  such  an  additional  long  service 
payment  the  amount  of  $100,  as  adopted  in 
the  1920 's,  is  not  realistic  in  the  1960's 
...."  and  expected  to  read  in  the  next 
sentence  that  the  figure  had  been  realis- 
tically upped  to  $200.  Instead,  if  I  read 
it  right,  the  payments  are  to  be  discon- 
tinued . 

Thus  another  traditional  landmark  of 
the  Boston  Library's  way  of  life  is  to  be 
removed  to  line  our  system  up  with 
"remunerative  practices  currently  in 
vogue"  elsewhere.  If  our  way  of  recogniz- 
ing that  there  is  virtue  in  staying  for 
mar^r  years  in  the  same  place  is  really  so 
unique,  we  should  instruct  our  spokesmen 
to  recoinnend  its  adoption  in  other  places. 

It  is  true  that  the  longevity  payments 
are  a  free  gift,  decided  on  by  the 
Trustees  of  the  '20s  and  can  be  removed 
by  the  Trustees  of  the  '60s.  But  a  system 
in  vogue  for  so  long  seems  almost  as 
binding  as  a  contract.  If  our  current 
administrators  think  that  the  practice  is 
cumbersome  and  old-fashioned,  it  should 
be  abolished  for  the  future.  It  is  a 
nice  question  whether  the  change  should 
affect  anybody  in  the  service  now.  But  it 
certainly  should  not  affect  anybody  who 
entered  in  1938  or  earlier. 


To  the  Editor: 

City  employees  come  under  several 
personnel  classification  schemes  or  plans. 
However,  in  at  least  two  areas  executive 
and  budgetary  officials  of  the  city  might 
be  expected  to  endorse  an  overall  conform- 
ity of  practice  -  minimum  wage  and  long 
service  (twenty-five  years  or  more)  finan- 
cial adjustment.  The  latter  is  of  consi- 
derable import  when  it  is  realized  that 
all  city  employees  pay  into  and  come  under 
the  same  pension  plan  which  is  to  a  consi- 
derable extent  dependent  on  salary 
received  in  last  years  of  service.  An 
interpretation  of  Rule  10  of  the  General 
Compensation  Plan  for  City  of  Boston 
Employees  states  that  - 
1.  Employees  with  twenty-five  or  more 

years  of  serviCfe  creditable  under  the 
Compensation  Plan,  shall  be  compensated 
on  promotion  (permanent  only),  at  a  rate 
specified  in  Column  VI,  the  maximum 
salary  of  the  grade  to  which  he  is  being 

2,  Salaries  of  employees  in  the  above- 
stated  category  who  have  been  promoted 
within  the  past  three  years,  and  who  have 
not,  as  yet  received  the  maximum  salary 
in  the  position  they  now  hold,  shall  be 
adjusted  to  the  mciximum  salary  of  the 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

The  new  arrangement  for  making  long 
service  payments  does  not  work  to  the 
advantage  of  those  with  really  long 
employment.  The  with-holding  of  incre- 
ments up  to  the  amount  of  long  service 
payments  now  in  effect  means  that,  other 
things  being  equal,  the  longer  service 
you  have,  the  less  will  be  your  increment 
this  year.  The  new  arrangement  will  work 
more  to  the  advantage  of  the  person  with 
relatively  short  service  who  has  been 
hired  at  the  maximum  for  her  grade  or  at 
a  step  close  to  the  maximum.  This  person 
may  become  eligible  for  so-called  long 
service  with  as  little  as  five  years  of 
service.  If  wage  and  salary  reviews  are 
made  as  frequently  as  they  should  be  it 
is  conceivable  that  very  few  if  any   em- 
ployees will  benefit  by  the  new  arrange- 

The  new  arrangement  will  obliterate  the 
recognition  given  to  those  with  really 
long  service  of  25,  30,  35,  and  UO  and 
more  years  despite  the  letters  th^  have 
received  telling  them  that  the  remunera- 
tion granted  by  the  Trustees  would  be  in 
addition  to  their  regular  salary. 

Some  employees  may  never  expect  to  have 
25  years  service,  other  employees  may  not 
find  that  it  is  possible  or  probable  to 
attain  25  years  of  service  before  retire- 
ment, but  there  are  about  110  persons  on 
the  staff  now  with  more  than  25  yeai"s 
service  who  are  confronted  with  the  com- 
plete disintegration  of  the  Library's 
policy  of  giving  substantial  recognition 
to  really  long  service. 

Please  refer  back  to  Ed,  Note  on  page  If 






en-je  neiDina  reooe 

aiVt  TO  C  A  R  E 

COMMITTEE  FUf-.  C  a  U  E 

Rhoda  Blacker  -  Adams  Street  Branch  Library 

Grace  Marvin 

and  -  Book  Selection  Department,  H.h.S. 

Mary  Obear 

Laura  Reyes  -  Mattapan  Branch  Library 


Published  by  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association 

Volume  XVIII  Number  10 

November  19 63 

Publications  Committee:  terry  Andrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J.  Montana,  Jr.,  Mrs  Bridie  Stotz, 
Martin  F,  Waters,  Barbara  Flye,  Peter  DeSantis, 
Cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer,  William  R,  Levas, 

Publication  date: 
The  fifteenth  of  each  month 

Deadline  for  submitting  material; 
The  tenth  of  each  month 

The  announcement  of  a  salary  increase  is  universally  associated  with  a 
feeling  of  happiness  by  the  recipients  followed  by  an  uplift  in  spirit  and  a 
general,  if  unconscious,  rise  in  the  collective  morale.  However,  here  at  the 
Libraiy  when  recently  there  was  granted  a  salary  increase,  or,  if  you  prefer 

-  a  revision  in  the  salary  scale  -  there  was  very  little  happinessj  instead, 
there  was  a  decided  sag  in  spirit,  and  staff  morale  literally  plunged  to  the 
lowest  level  ever.  To  deny  these  allegations  would  be  tantamount  to  joining 
the  ostrich  when  it  buries  its  head  in  the  sand  in  an  attempt  to  hide  itself. 
The  proof  is  all  around  us  as  evidenced  in  the  initial  feelings  of  disbelief 
when  individual  notices  were  received,  followed  by  mixed  emotions  of 
frustration  and  anger,  and  the  subsequent  flood  of  appeals,  and  most  recently 

-  letters  to  the  Soap  Box. 

Closely  related  to  the  salary  scale  revision  and  adding  to  the  general 
low  state  of  staff  morale  are  the  subjects  of  job  classification  or  reclassi- 
fication in  the  Library  Assistants  service  and  the  change  in  the  base  for 
long-service  payments.  We  understand  that  the  latter  will  be  re-examined 
with  the  intention  of  finding  a  solution  more  acceptable  to  the  staff. 
Perhaps  the  Library  Trustees,  in  the  light  of  the  oven^helming  dissatisfac- 
tion with  the  results  of  the  job  evaluation  study,  vrould  be  willing  to  direct 
that  it  also  be  re-examined. 

-  2  - 

PRESIDENT'S  NCaES  remarks  from  many  staff  mem-  ' 
bers  indicate  that  our  October  31  pro-  ! 
gram  v/as  a  highly  successful  one.  Uell-  | 
attended,  it  seemed  to  provide  the  in-  \ 
tended  opportunity  for  us  to  compare  our  j 
own  personnel  practices  with  those  in  ! 
other  institutions.  In  succeeding  pages  | 
of  this  issue  of  the  QM,  you  will  find  a  ! 
report  of  the  remarks  of  our  three  j 
excellent  speakers,  together  mth  some 
of  their  answers  to  questions  from  the 
audience.  Those  who  did  enjoy  this  pro- 
gram would  be  well  advised  to  let  their 
feelings  be  known  to  next  year's  Program  j 
Committee  in  regard  to  future  meetings  | 
of  a  similar  nature,  j 

Your  Special  Services  Committee  has    } 
been  hard  at  work  bringing  our  discount  ( 
list  up  to  date.  We  hope  that  this  list  ' 
can  be  reprinted  before  the  year  is  over» 
Unfortvinately,  we  cannot  guarantee  it    , 
in  time  for  your  Christmas  shopping;  but  i 
if  you  are  planning  to  buy  some  large    j 
item.  Miss  Becker  [Egleston]  can  tell 
you  x\rhere  you  might  be  able  to  get  a  dis- 

Since  the  last  issue  of  the  QM,  the 
Executive  Board  has  held  two  meetings. 
The  first  of  these,  on  October  l5,  di- 
rectly followed  the  Officers'  Meeting  at 
which  Mr,  Gaines  attempted  to  explain 
the  process  of  reclassification,  hovj 
people  would  be  placed  on  the  new  salary 
scales  and  the  reasons  underlying  the 
elimination  of  long-term  service  payments' 
in  favor  of  a  longevity  system  based  upon 
years  in  grade.  As  you  can  imagine,  much 
of  the  discussion  at  the  Board,  meeting 
revolved  arovind  these  issues. 

Following  up  the  suggestion  made  by 
Mr,  Lord  that  a  staff  association  con^ 
mittee  discuss  the  longevity  question 
with  Mr,  Gaines,  a  request  was  sent  from 
the  Executive  Board  for  such  a  meeting 
as  soon  as  possible.  This  meeting  will 
take  place  during  the  last  vjeek  in 
November,  In  this  connection,  you  shouM 
be  aware  of  several  facts:  1,  At  the 
Officers'  Meeting,  it  was  indicated  that  j 
some  alternative  to  the  new  plan  would, 
be  adopted  if  needed  to  protect  present 
employees  from  any  financial  loss;  2,  At 
the  November  1  Meeting  of  the  Board  of 
Trustees  of  the  Boston  Public  Library, 
the  Trustees  expressed  a  real  concern 
over  this  matter  [engendered  by  letters 

which  they  had  received,  plus  "Soap  Box" 
commentaiy]  and  declared  that  further 
discussion  with  the  staff  is  needed; 
3,  In  order  to  represent  fairly  the 
thinking  of  the  bibliothecal  staff  as  a 
whole  on  this  issue,  your  Executive 
Board  would  welcome  a  full  expression  of 
opinion  frcM  as  many  staff  members  as 
possible,  Vife  invite  you  to  present  your 
views,  whatever  they  may  be,  to  the 
Board  in  writing. 

Questions  regarding  the  reclassifica- 
tion, the  LA  salary  schedule  and  place- 
ment on  the  ne\j   salary  scales  continued 
at  the  second  meeting  of  the  Board  on 
November  15,  As  some  member  of  the 
Evaluation  Committee  lias  pointed  out  in 
"The  Soap  Box",  this  committee,  on  which 
the  Staff  Association  was  duly  repre- 
sented, was  dissolved  before  the  re- 
classification  was  solidified  and  the 
present  point  system  applied.  Final 
decisions  were,  therefore,  strictly 
administrative  ones.  Suggestion"  had  been 
made  that  there  be  a  Staff  Association 
representative  on  a  committee  set  up  to 
review  appeals.  After  ascertaining  that 
such  a  committee  would  simply  review 
facts  and  that  final  decision  on  the 
appeal  would  be  made  by  ovir  highest 
administrative  officers,  your  Executive 
Board  has  declined  the  invitation  of 
Staff  Association  representation  on  the 
appeal  committee,  [Note  that  it  has 
always  been  the  poliqy  of  this  associa- 
tion to  concern  itself  with  personnel 
principles  and  practices  rather  than 
with  individual  grievances,] 

The  Executive  Board  is  firmly  convin- 
ced that  a  full  understanding  of  one's 
classification  is  impossible  without 
reference  to  the  classification  assign- 
ed other  [similar]  positions  in  other 
vinits.  We  have,  therefore,  requested 
that  a  table  of  organization  be  publish- 
ed, indicating  what  LA  positions  now 
exist  in  each  unit  of  the  Library, 

It  has  been  clearly  stated  that  the 
new  LA  salary  schedule  was  designed  to 
attract  new  employees.  However,  in 
presenting  this  schedule  to  the  Trustees, 
the  Administration  has  committed  itself 
officially  to  the  reorganization  program 
already  begun  of  developing  and  opening 
'Jiigher  level  LA  positions  as  promotional 
opportunities  for  qualified  LA's,  Until 
appeals  from  the  reclassification  have 
been  resolved,  it  is  still  difficult  to 

President's  Notes  cont. 

-  3  - 


get  a  clear  pictiare  of  the  present  state  ' 
of  the  LA.  Service  •  Feeling  that  a  com-  ; 
parison  between  ovr   LA  salaries  and  thosel 
currently  in  effect  in  other  large  li-   j 
braries  vrould  be  valuable,  the  libcecutive  j 
Board  is  requesting  that  I^,  Gaines 
publish  such  a  comparative  study.  In   { 
view  of  the  impending  November  Business 
Meeting  of  this  association,  no  further 
action  has  been  taken  by  the  Board  in 
regard  to  the  Library  Assistants, 

Since  appeals  on  salaries  have,  also, 
been  invited,  the  Executive  Board  feels 
that  the  placing  of  professionals  on  the 
new  salary  schedule  is  still  somewhat  in 

Many  questions  seem  to  have  arisen  in 
regard  to  the  new  PI  and  P2  levels, 
especially  in  regard  to  how  they  relate 
to  our  former  PI  and  P2  levels,  Obvious4 
ly,  such  questions  can  best  be  answered 
by  the  Personnel  Office,  We  hope  that 
a  fixLl  clarification  of  these  two  serv- 
ice grades  \rLll   soon  be  forthcoming  from 
that  office, 




Linda  Ellis  -  from  Adams  Street  to  Open 

James  M,  McNiff  -  from  Periodical  and 

Nev7spaper  to  Book  Stack  Service 
Sadie  Rotondo  -  from  Mattapan  to  Adams 

Rhoda  Blacker  -  from  Mattapan  to  Adams 

Ilary  LaFollette  -  from  East  Boston  to 

Laura  H,  Reyes  -  from  Egleston  Square  to 

Susanna  M,  Gill  -  from  Charlestown  to 

East  Boston 


Priscilla  A,  Randall  -  Bookmobiles 
Paul  Crane  -  Education 

Ann  M,  Kelley  -  Kirstein  Business  Branch 
Mary  McGonagle  -  Cataloging  and  Classi- 
fication 'M&S 
Shirley  Utudjian  -  Audio  Visual 
Leonard  Grundt  -  Business  Office 
Ifrs,  Anna  Dacey  -  Hyde  Park 

Derek  W,  Brandt  -  Book  Stack  Service 
Mrs,  Mary  A,  CoUazzo  -  Central  Charging 

Mrs,  Antoinette  M.  Dello  Russo  -  Bookmo- 
biles [formerly  part-time  and  former 
full-time  employee] 
Virginia  M,  L'Ecuyer  -  Bookmobiles 
Howard  P,  Harris  -  Periodical  and  News- 
Ann-Beth  Hon-^itz  -  Book  Preparation 
Michele  Winslovr  -  Cataloging  and  Classi- 
fication HR^tCS 
Mrs,  Jo  Ann  Mitchell  -  Adams  Street 
John  H,  Donovan  Jr,  -  Periodicals  and 

Ann  F,  Goldberg  •  Cataloging  and  Classi- 
fication RfiRS 
Blanche  S.  Lynch  -  Ifyde  Park 
Mrs,  Eileen  Niles  -  Dorchester 
iyErs,  Nancy  L,  Vera  -  Cataloging  and 
Classification  R&RS 



The  following  statement  was  received 
from  Harry  Andrews  [Central  Book  Stock 
and  Publications  Committee ] : 

I  was  hoping  to  return  to  the  Library 
this  month  x-fhen  a  spurt  of  overactivity 
in  making  my   preparations  for  such  a 
move,  aggravated  the  condition  and  show- 
ed I  was  not  ready.  The  Doctor  said 
"work  for  the  present  is  impossible"  — 
I'll  have  to  take  more  time,  I  want 
to  thank  the  many  members  of  the  staff 
who  have  taken  the  trouble  to  send 
letters  and  cards, 

Box  96 

Back  Bay  P,  0, 
Boston  17,  Mass, 



To  Miss  Jecinne  Fitzgerald  of  Kirstein 
Business  Branch  on  her  engagement  to 
Paul  McGerigle,  Paul  was  on  the  staff 
at  KBB  until  he  left  in  January  to  work 
for  the  Dept,  of  Administration  and 
Finance  at  the  State  House, 

-  4  - 



We  extend  our  hearty  congratulations   ' 
and  best  wishes  to  Miss  Jane  M,  Ilanthorne; 
on  her  appointment  as  Acting  Coordinator 
of  Young  Adult  Services^,  and  to  Mrs* 
Beryl  Robinson  on  her  appointment  as    l 
Acting  Readers  Advisor  for  Children,     j 

Miss  Manthorne  began  her  library  career: 
as  a  Children's  Assistant  at  the  old    j 
West  End  Branch  and  has  risen  through  thai 
ranks  to  her  present  position.  After    ! 
serving  at  Dorchester,  she  was  appointed 
Young  Adults  Librarian  at  South  Boston, 
in  195c5  she  was  appointed  Readers  Advisor 
for  Young  Adults,  For  six  years  she 
taught  the  course  in  Literature  for  Young 
Adults  at  Simmons  Library  School  and  is 
on  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Young 
Adults  Services  Division  of  the  American 
Library  Association, 

In  1962  Miss  Manthorne  was  appointed 
Regional  Director  for  the  Boston  area  of 
the  American  Heritage  Project,  a  book 
discussion  group  aimed  at  fostering  an 
appreciation  of  our  way  of  life.  She  is 
also  a  member  of  the  Hornbook  Magazine 
Advisory  Councila 

Mrs,  Robinson  began  her  library  serv- 
ice in  1939  and  has  been  us  contin- 
uosly  except  for  a  short  pariod  during 
World  War  II ,  She  has  war  Iced  at 
Dorchester  and  Egleston  Square  and  was 
appointed  Children's  Librarian  in  1950 
while  at  East  Boston,  More  recently  she 
was  Children's  Librarian  at  Roslindale, 

Mrs,  Robinson  has  been  chairman  cf  the 
Massachusetts  Library  Associabion  Round 
Table  of  Children's  Librarians  and  is  on 
the  executive  board  of  Top  of  the  Nexjs. 
an  American  Library  Association  publica- 
tion for  children  and  young  adxilts.  For 
the  past  two  years  she  has  conduc'oed  the 
Alice  M,  Jordan  Memorial  Story  Telling 
course.  She  is  currently  t'?aching  the 
course  in  Library  Services  to  Children 
at  Simmons  Library  School, 

We  are  confident  that  Miss  Manthorne 
and  Mrs,  Robinson  will  raain-'ain  and 
enii^jice  tha  high  staniards  of  liorary 
service  to  ovr  young  people  for 
the  Boston  Public  Library  is  so  highly 


Last  week  the  Old  Colony  Library  Club 
brought  before  its  membership  a  timely 
confrontation  of  four  key  representatives 
of  society  -  a  high  school  English  teach- 
er [Mrs,  John  Noblin  of  Randolph  High 
School],  a  parent  of  teen-aga"S  [Mrs, 
Charles  Kane  of  Brockton],  a  senior  in 
high  school  [Christine  Slapik  of  West 
Bridgewater  High  School],  and  a  librarian 
[Jane  Manthorne],  The  panel  were  de- 
scribed in  the  words  of  Thoreau  as  "Four 
champions  fierce"  and  their  timely  topic 
was  "The  young  adult  reading  dilemma," 

Under  Miss  Manthorne 's  probing,  the 
panel  members  tackled  such  questions  as: 
Are  teen-agers  being  pressured  unduly  by 
the  demands  of  accelerated  secondary 
curricula  and  keen  competition  for  col- 
lege admission?  Are  young  people  ber'ng 
dropped  into  the  lap  of  VJilliara  Faulloier 
before  they  have  finished  with  Wind  in 
the  willows?  Do  young  people  read  for 
fun  any  more?  Are  they  missing  the  joy 
of  reading  by  a  diet  of  eighteenth  and 
nineteenth  century  classics  when  they 
want  to  come  to  grips  with  tiirentieth 
century  realitr,'?  Are  parents  doing  their 
children ■ s  homework? 

These  qi^estions  and  numerous  others 
were  tackled  by  the  panel  in  a  relaxed, 
forthright  exchange,  Max^y  of  the  areas 
of  discussion  were  given  only  a  surface 
analysis,  but  at  least  the  audience  was 
started  on  a  path  of  thinking.  If  one 
thing  emerged  from  this  program,  ably 
plar-ned  by  President  Lucia  Fa-olkner,  it 
was  that  only  librarians  appear  aware 
of  the  dilemma  which  includes  parents, 
teachers,  and  young  people.  In  conclu- 
sion, it  was  hoped  that  the  Old  Colony 
Program  would  be  duplicated  maniy   times 
across  the  country  in  order  to  find 
solutions  for  the  increasing  reading 
needs  of  millions  of  young  people. 

-  5  - 

A  Panel  Discussion 
October  31,  1963 

After  some  brief  opening  remarks  by 
B,  Gertrude  ¥ade.  President  of  the  Boston 
Public  Library  Staff  Association,  and 
Rose  lioorachian.  Chairman  of  the  Program 
Committee,  Ervin  J.  Gaines,  Assistant 
Director  for  Personnel  of  the  Boston  Pub- 
lic Library,  introduced  the  members  of 
the  panel:  Joyce  Davidson,  Assistant 
Personnel  Director,  Detroit  Public  Li- 
braryj  Donald  Hunt,  Library  Career  Con- 
sultant, Drexel  Institute  of  Technology; 
and  Grace  P,  Slociom,  Personnel  Officer, 
The  Free  Library  of  Philadelphia, 

In  introducing  the  panel  Mr,  Gaines 
noted  that  there  were  mar^r  personnel 
problems,  and  that  this  was  an  under- 
standable situation.  Eighty  per  cent  of 
a  library's  budget  usually  goes  for 
people,  so  that  eighty  per  cent  of  the 
library's  attention  must  be  paid  to  the 
needs  and  aspirations  of  these  people. 
Librarians  must  consider  personnel  as 
well  as  books.  The  public  is  served 
through  books  by  the  attention  that  we 
the  librarians  give  to  the  work  we  do 
and  the  means  we   use  to  get  it  done© 

At  the  present  time  there  is  an  enor- 
mous shortage  of  trained  personnel,  and 
the  end  is  not  in  sight.  The  future 
looks  grim.  Therefore,  alternative 
methods  must  be  sought  in  order  to  main- 
tain good  service.  Automation  may  be  one 
answer,  but  in  what  way  id.ll  it  be  used? 
The  staff  must  still  be  kept  up  and  this 
has  become  a  major  problem, 

Mr,  Hunt's  job  is  recrviiting  for  the 
libraries  of  Eastern  Pennsylvania, [Carol 
Vogel  performs  a  similar  function  for  the 
western  part  of  the  state,]  Despite  the 
fact  that  the  number  of  library  school 
graduates  has  increased  from  1200  three 
or  four  years  ago  to  l650  in  1962,  it 
seems  that  every  librarian  who  is  put 
in  the  field  creates  a  demand  for  more. 
Since  VJorld  War  II,  or  more  specifically, 
within  the  last  ten  years  there  has  been 
a  great  deal  of  expansion  in  all  types 
of  libraries.  There  are  now,  for  exanple. 
over  10,000  special  libraries  most  of    j 
which  \-jere   not  in  existence  before  19U0,  j 

As  regards  recruiting,  Pennsylvania 
has  no  new  ideas,  none  were  needed,      ' 
merely  a  better  application  of  old  ones, 
Mr,  Himt  and  Mss  Vogel  go  to  the  larger  i 

cities  of  between  50,000  to  100,000 
in  population,  and  establish  themselves 
for  one  vxeek  with  headquarters  at  the 
public  library.  There  is  a  great  deal 
of  publicity  both  in  the  newspaper  and 
on  radio  and  television,  and  p-r^r  college 
graduate  may  come  in  and  talk  with  the 
recruiter.  The  recruiter  also  speaks  to 
local  organizations:  the  PTA,  Junior 
League,  Rotary,  and  high  school  groups. 
He  talks  to  about  one  hundred  people 
singly  during  the  week.  The  program  has 
been  successful  both  regard  to  the 
quality  and  quantity  of  the  applicants 

The  same  type  of  thing  could  be  dono 
in  any  large  city.  In  June  of  this 
year  such  a  week  was  held  at  the  Free 
Library  of  Philadelphia.  This  particu- 
lar time  was  chosen  because  there  were 
many  college  graduates  coming  home  from 
school  and  looking  for  jobs.  The  Cit^,'' 
Personnel  Office  placed  ads  four  inches 
in  length  in  two  editions  of  two  of  t'le 
leading  newspapers.  One  ad  was  in  the 
"Help  Wanted  -  Male"  section,  the  other 
in  the  "Help  Wanted  -  Female"  sectionn 
Each  was  leaded  with  the  words  COLLEGE 
GRADUATES  in  letters  two  inches  high, 
followed  by  the  pertinent  information. 
The  library  was  swamped.  There  were 
between  200  and  2^0  applicants,  with 
twenty-five  follow-ups  per  day.  The 
results  have  not  been  tabulated  yet,  but 
quite  a  few  decided  to  go  on  to  library 

Recruiting  is  time  consuming  and  most 
libraries  cannot  do  it  themselves  be- 
cause they  do  not  have  enough  staff  to 
do  the  interviewing.  This  is  one  method 
of  overcoming  the  problem. 

Another  method  is  the  Substitute  for 
the  Librarian  Program  which  is  being 
used  at  The  Free  Library  of  Philadelphiac 
At  first  the  idea  was  a..horrifying  onOo 
There  is  no  such  thing  as  a  substitute 
for  a  librarian,  it  was  said.  But  there 
are  not  enough  professionally  trained 
personnel  available,  so  something  had  to 
be  done.  The  A,L,A,  Standaiis  for  Public 
Libraries  were  developed  when  librarians 
\-jere   plentifxil  and  before  there  was  very 
much  expansion.  They  describe  an  ideal 
situation.  Despite  this  expansion  the 
relative  number  of  librarians  available 
has  declined.  Recruiting  is  one  solu- 
tion but  this  often  does  not  begin  to 
pay  off  for  up  until  ten  years  after  its 
beginning.  So  the  question  remains,  how 

-  6  - 

Personnel  in  the  Sixties  cont. 

to  maintain  service  at  the  same  standards,  t 
Many  libraries  are  spread  very  thin,  and  j 
they  are  just  limping  along,  j 

There  are  three  basic  ingredients  to 
library  service:  the  book  [if  there  are 
no  books,  there  can  be  no  service];  the 
patron  [if  there  are  no  patrons  there  is 
no  business];  and  the  librarian.  If  one 
of  the  three  elements  is  taken  away  can 
there  still  be  good  service?  Is  the 
librarian  indispensable  in  all  situations? 
He  usually  is,  but  if  there  are  no 
librarians,  what  is  to  be  done?  The 
trainee  or  pre-professional  program  can- 
not be  stretched  too  far.  This  is  the 
main  line  of  recruiting  but  a  library 
cannot  have  all  trainees.  They  are  not 
professionals,  and  their  time  is  divided 
between  the  ibrary  and  school  so  they 
cannot  devote  their  individual  attention 
to  their  work. 

Also,  are  all  areas  of  a  city  really 
covered  by  the  branch  libraries?  People' 
move.  Every  time  a  new  branch  is  opened, 
an  older  one  shovild  be  closed.  Building 
a  ne\j  branch  is  very  expensive,  and  ex- 
perience has  shown  it  to  be  almost 
impossible  to  close  one  that  has  been 
open  for  any  length  of  time,  i 

Books  are  more  important  than  librarians!, 
and  it  is  better  to  have  books  than      I 
librarians.  In  addition  there  must  be    j 
some  relation  between  units  which  are 
fully  staffed  and  those  which  are  not,    ' 
Having  reading  centers  which  are  near  a   i 
branch  or  a  regional  library  is  one  idea,  j 
In  Brooldyn,  New  York  there  is  the  Central 
unit,  the  district  libraries,  and  the 
reading  centers.  The  city  of  Philadelphia 
is  laid  out  a  little  differently  so  the 
regional  plan  has  been  used,  composed  of 
the  Central  unit,  branch  libraries,  and 
reading  centers.  The  system  is  very 
flexible  because  a  reading  center  can  be 
opened  and  closed  at  will.  They  are  es- 
pecially good  for  older  people  because 
they  are  quieter  and  better  for  browsing* 

Who  will  run  the  Centers?  In  Philadel- 
phia they  would  like  to  use  library  tech- 
nicians, A  technician  would  be  a  college 
graduate  [because  the  libraa^r  is  primari- 
ly an  educational  institution].  They 
will  be  trained  at  The  Free  Library  and 
then  become  the  administrative  heads  of 
the  centers  assisted  by  a  clerical  staff* 
They  will  act  as  guides  to  readers  and 
do  basic  reference  work.  Anything  more 
complicated  will  be  referred  to  the  near- 

est branch  or  the  central  unit.  The 
library  technician  will  not  be  respon- 
sible for  the  book  collection;  this  will 
be  done  by  a  representative  from  the 
Central  unit.  Neither  will  he  conduct 
community  programs;  this  will  be  done 
by  the  branch. 

It  was  difficiilt  to  get  this  system 
accepted,  becaiise  the  librarians  did  not 
want  to  admit  non-librarians  to  the  pro- 
fession. It  has  been  accepted  as  a 
ten^orary  expedient,  but  Mss  Slocum 
does  not  think  it  will  be  short-lived. 
She  feels  that  it  might  be  a  blessing 
in  disguise  instead  of  a  cross  and  may 
msike  better  service  and  more  books 

The  Detroit  Public  Library,  like  most 
others,  is  a  department  of  the  city  and 
must  depend  on  the  municipal  budget  for 
its  finances.  Buring  the  late  'ii-O's 
and  early  '50's  the  Library  was  able  to 
trade  professional  for  clerical  posi- 
tions on  a  dollar  for  dollar  basis.  They 
traded  twelve  professionals  for  between 
sixteen  and  seventeen  clerical  workers. 
However,  this  system  cannot  be  carried 
too  far.  Better  clerks  are  being  train- 
ed to  perform  duties  now  being  done  by 
professionals,  i,e,  non-professional 
work.  The  idea  was  hard  to  get  across 
at  first  but  it  really  improves  the 

Detroit  will  also  temporarily  down- 
grade a  position.  For  example,  if  all 
of  the  Librarian  I  positions  are  filled, 
and  a  library  school  graduate  applies 
for  a  job,  rather  than  lose  him  they 
will  downgrade  a  vacant  Librarian  H 
position,  and  then  promote  him  when  he 
qualifies.  In  the  Main  Library  some  pro- 
fessional positions  have  even  been  down- 
graded to  a  clerical  level.  This  is  not 
desirable,  but  it  is  better  to  have  a 
clerk  than  no  one,  VJhen  a  professional 
is  available  the  position  is  upgraded 
again  and  the  clerk  is  transferred, 

Detroit  began  to  employ  pre-profes- 
sionals  in  1957,  There  were  vacancies 
on  the  staff  and  people  who  were  willing 
to  go  to  library  school  were  available. 
The  pre -professionals  work  thirty-six 
and  one-quarter  hours  of  a  forty  hour 
week  and  take  four  credits  in  the  eve- 
ning. There  are  about  thirty  pre-pro- 
fessionals  in  dovmgraded  professional 
positions.  They  are  not  substitutes  for 
professionals  but  do  help  to  ease  the 

Personnel  in  the  Sixties  cont. 

The  lack  of  professionally  trained 
librarians  xd.ll  continue  for  a  long  time, j 
perhaps  indefinitely,  and  means  must  be 
found  to  fill  the  gap  if  adequate  library ! 
service  is  to  be  maintained.  The  purpose  ' 
of  the  panel  discussion  was  to  explore  ; 
ways  of  remedying  the  situation  and  to  \ 
tell  what  other  libraries  are  doing.  It  j 
succeeded  admirably.  i 


vvvvv*  /»  /»  **  /\  i\  /\  /«  /\  /v  t\  *\  /*/%  /v7v 


What  is  it  that  little  ones  spin  and 
twirl  in  glee,  young  people  love  tar 
their  informality,  and  adults  regard  with' 
mixed  emotions?  The  staff  at  any  of  ten  ' 
branch  libraries  vjill  readily  recognize  I 
these  as  clues  to  the  rotating  racks  j 
installed  this  Slimmer  to  hold  collections| 
of  paperback  books.  Not  give-aways  and  j 
not  for  sale,  the  paperbacks  took  their  | 
place  as  part  of  a  circulating  collec-  ' 
tion  in  the  Boston  Public  Library's  firdb  j 
full-scale  experiment  with  paperbacks,   i 

"They  belong  in  drugstores,  not  in    ! 
libraries,"  said  some  patrons,  "They're 
gr-?at  -  easy  to  carry  home  with  all  iry 
bundles,"  said  shoppers.  "Wonderful  to 
read  in  bed,"  added  still  others. 
Comments  were  many  and  mixed,  but  mostly 
favorable . 

New,  after  a  four-month  trial  period, 
with  the  original  collections  increased 
in  size  from  one  hundred  to  one  hundred 
and  fifty  titles,  the  ten  branches  in- 
volved report  that  their  paperbacks  are 
"still  going  strong,"  Some  books  have 
been  given  fast  repairs,  a  few  hiive  been 
discontinued,  and  a  number  are  E-!;.;;pected 
to  be  among  the  missingj  but  a  la^'ge 
percentage  are  still  moving  from  rrck  to 
home  and  back.  The  experiment  appears 
to  be  a  success. 

There  have  been  some  unexpected  re- 
siilts  of  the  experiment  such  as  the 
nuiTierous  donations  from  readers.  Borrow- 
ers are  voluntarily  bringing  in  their 
home  libraries  of  paperbacks  to  augment 
our  collections.  Also  of  interest  is 
the  apparent  lack  of  consistency  between 
the  circulation  of  paperbacks  and  their 
hardcover  counterparts.  In  many  cases 
paperback  titles  circulated  while  their 

bound  "alter  ego's"  sat  on  shelf,  and 
ordinarily  popular  titles  sat  on  their 
racks  in  paperback  form  vfhile  their 
hardcover  tidjis  circiilated.  That  read- 
ers are  reading  paperbacks  is  no  sur- 
prise, but  non-readers  also  have  been 
reached.  One  branch  reports  that  five 
young  adult  loungers  greeted  the  arri- 
val of  paperbacks  with  disbelief,  then 
went  on  to  become  borroirers  of  the 
pocket-sized  volumes. 

In  four  months  several  paperbacks  have 
scored  as  many  as  eight  circulations 
each  which  [for  a  fifty  cent  item]  means 
a  cost  of  approximately  six  cents  per 
circxxlation,  A  little  mathematics  will 
show  that  an  average-priced  volume 
costing  $2,95  would  have  to  survive 
forty-nine  circulations  or  almost  three 
years  of  regiilar  three-week  charge 
periods  to  reach  borrowers  at  a  cost  of 
six  cents  a  loan.  As  with  many  experi- 
ments, this  paperback  trial  inspires 
all  manner  of  such  mathematical  juggling 
and  interpretation. 

There  are  as  many  nysteries  in  the 
growing  popularity  of  paperbound  books 
as  there  are  in  any  area  involving  the 
human  ingredient,  A  tallying  of  final 
figures  in  Boston  may  throw  light  on 
the  riddles  of  the  paperback  revolution. 
Possibly  there  may  be  revealed  patterns 
and  consistencies  which  prove  something 
unique  about  paperbacks  in  Boston,  Was 
circulation  greater  among  children, 
young  adults,  or  adults?  Was  circula- 
tion greater  in  busy  branches  or  in  low- 
circulation  branches?  Was  fiction  more 
in  demand  than  nciificti on?  Did  high- 
priced  paperbacks  outlast  cheaper 
editions?  How  mar^r  circulations  were 
achieved  per  paperback,  and  at  what 
cost?  These  are  the  qv.estions  which 
will  be  ansxrered  in  the  ne:c-o  few  weeks 
when  we  learn  whether  or  nor,  the  new 
look  in  books  will  become  permanent? 


Readers  Advisor  for 
Young  Adults 


.v_><_y»'_>'..j'_i'_v_>  (_}'_» 





The  selections  from  Eisenhower's  nex-j  book^ 
L'L.iiDP.TE   FOR  CHAi<IGE,  which  appeared  in  the 
WE/J  YORK  TIMES  for  about  three  weeks,  made  . 
very  good  reading.  The  extraordinary  en- 
gagingness  of  his  personality  comes  through* 
as  when  he  speaks  of  his  grammatical  bloop- j 
ers  at  Press  Conferences;  and  his  extra-  '  ! 
ordinarj^  judgment,  as  when  he  asked  John   1 
Foster  Dulles  to  bo  Chief  Justice  of  the   ] 
Supreme  Court,  The  most  interesting  of  the 
excerpts  contained  the  ex- President's  con-  j 
temptuous  reference  to  "staff  decisions."   j 
iJ.nd  he  quoted  the  story  of  Lincoln  who 
decided  for  a  certain  course  of  action  af-  I 
ter  his  whole  cabinet  voted  against  it.    \ 

By   an  unusual  coincidence,  this  same 
issue  of  the  TIMES  carried  a  very  full 
"obituary  notice"  on  the  death  of  a  vast 
circulation  daily  paper  in  New  York, 
Hearst's  THE  MIRROR.  J^s  is  usual  ^^rith  the 
TIMES,  it  gave  the  whole  history  of  the 
paper,  its  various  owners,  the  connection 
of  the  iicCormick  and  Patterson  families 
with  it,  how  Hearst  got  hold  of  it,  his 
many  enterprises,  his  political  influence, 
his  great  povjer,  and  some  colorful  inci- 
dents from  his  private  life.  But  the  most 
interesting  item  was  a  remark  made  by  one 
of  Hearst's  sons  about  the  autocratic 
methods  used  in  running  his  "shop"  by  his 
father,  the  "CHIEF".  Once  at  a  conference 
with  many  of  the  top  executives  of  his 
"empire,"  the  chairman  of  the  meeting 
polled  the  members  on  a  question  of  some 
importance.  Everybody  voted  Aye,   and  then 
Hearst  was  asked  for  his  opinion,  and  he 
said  i'io.  The  chairman  then  said:  "The  Noes 
have  it  unanimously, "  and  the  plan  was 

Iheie  is  not  much  resemblance  between 
EisenhoX'Ter  and  Hearst,  but  it  was  remark- 
able to  find  in  two  unrelated  instances 
in  the  same  issue  of  the  paper  their  iden- 
tical disrespect  for  making  decisions  by 
majority  vote.  I  hope  there  is  more  res- 
pect shown  to  the  democratic  process  on 
our  summits. 


ihe  Fall  Meeting  of  the  Men  Librarian's 
Club  was  held  at  the  Cambridge  House  on 
October  2,  with  about  60  persons  in  at- 
tendance, including  a  large  number  from 
the  BPL  and  several  of  our  alumni. 
After  a  delicious  roast  lamb  dinner,  the 
iTieeting  was  turned  over  to  the  Chairman 
of  the  evening,  BHL's  Frank  Moloney.  It 
was  his  pleasure  to  introduce  the  speak- 
ers: i.estbrook  McPherson,  Director  of 
the  Urban  League  of  Boston,  and  Rt.  Rev. 
George  //.  Casey,  columnist  for  THE  PILOT 
and  the  BOSTON  HERALD.  Although  the 
announced  subject  was  "Segregation,"  the 
speakers  largely  confined  their  remarks 
to  the  recent  controversy  concerning 
the  Boston  school  system.  During  the 
unusually  lively  questioning  period,  the 
problem  of  housing  was  brought  up  and 
it  was  generally  conceded  that  the  root 
of  the  probleni.  in  the  schools  could  be 
traced  tj  restrictive  or  ghetto-like 


On  Tuesday  November  7,  Mildred  Picone 
met  with  twenty-eight  of  her  library 
friends  at  a  farewell  luncheon  held  at 
the  Red  Coach  Grill,  Even  though  it 
rained  buckets,  everyone  wore  a  cheery 
and  festive  air,  Mildred  looked  lovely 
in  her  bright  red  suit  adorned  with  a 
beautiful  corsage  of  three  orchids  pre- 
sented to  her  as  part  of  her  going  away 
gift.  The  luncheon  was  delicious  and 
enjoyed  by  all,  "Millie"  was  presented 
with  a  gift  of  money,  and  when  she 
accepted  her  gift  and  the  good  wishes 
of  her  friends,  she  proved  to  be  an 
eloquent  speaker  in  addition  to  her 
other  talents, 


-  9  - 

vjiiAT  balteiok:  is  doing 


!e   have  all  heard  the  story  abovit  the 
librarian  who,  after  years  spent  in 
attracting  young  -oeople  to  the  library, 
is  not-r  faced  with  the  problem  of  how  to 
keep  them  out.  -.'hile  not  wishing  to 
abrogate  any  responsibility  toward  any 
segment  of  the  copulation  libraries  are 
beginning  to  face  up  to  the  problems 
created  by  heavy  student  use  and  are 
attempting  to  discover  how  they  can  best 
serve  their  student  clientele  while 
maintaining  and  exDandin^  full  adult 
Drof^rams .  One  such  library,  Baltimore's 
"noch  Pratt  Free  Library,  has  recently 
published  a  report  on  student  use. 
This  report,  Students  and  the  Pratt 
Library:  Challenge  and  Onnortunitv. 
preoared  by  Lowell  i 'art in  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Deiches  Fund  Studies, 
presents  in  facts  and  fi";ures  what 
librarians  in  every   part  of  the  country 
have  been  experiencinr,  during  the  past 
fevr  years:  the  overburdening  of  their 
librarys'  physical  facilities  and  their 
ov7n  professional  time  and  Icnowledge 
under  the  crushing  weight  of  student 

Information  for  the  study  vjas 
supplied  by  three  different  question- 
naires administered  respectively  in  the 
Baltimore  schools,  in  the  Pratt  central 
library  and  branches ,  and  in  selected 
homes  in  the  Baltimore  area. 

Dr.  "iiartin's  analysis  is  nothing 
short  of  frightening.  He  states  that 
we  have  been  so  pre -occupied  with  the 
one -third  of  our  students  trho  are  roor 
readers  that  we  have  been  myopic  to  the 
t^^ro-thi^ds  who  are  relatively  good 
readers .  This  latter  grouo  has  grown 
to  such  an  extent  that  junior  high  and 
senior  high  school  students  now  form 
the  largest  and  most  intensive  group  of 
purposeful  book  readers  in  our  society. 
"Essentially  the  Deiches  report  can  be 
summed  up  as  follows . 

The  schools  depend  on  reading  as 
a  significant  element  in  education, 
but  adequate  provision  has  not  been 
made  for  student  reading  materials 
either  in  the  schools  or  in  the 
community-at-large . 

•ithin  the  next  five  to  eight 
years,  the  situation  will  move 
toward  a  crisis,  and,  unless  met 
in  some  way,  will  distinctly  deter 

the  educational  grox-rth  of  young 
people  and  undermine  the  service 
programs  of  libraries. 
As  a  basis  for  his  conclusions. 
Dr.  "lartin  examined  the  essential 
questions  of  vrhy,  what,  and  how  much 
does  the  average  student  read.  Quite 
frankly  today's  teen-ager  reads  be- 
cause reading  has  become  something  of 
a  status  symbol.  He  feels  compelled 
to  keep  up  his  grades,  to  meet  paren- 
tal exr)ectations ,  and  above  all,  to 
achieve  the  greatest  status  symbol  of 
his  generation:  entrance  into  college, 
particularly  the  college  of  his  choice. 
Of  students  questioned,  '+7.7  oer  cent 
indicated  that  thej'-  olanned  to  go  on 
to  college. 

The  range  and  breadth  of  a  student's 
non-textbook  reading  is  quite  varied. 
"Any  vievr  that  most  of  the  outside 
reading  material  is  confined  primarily 
to  lists  of  simplified  materials  and 
standard  titles  vrould  be  a  mistake." 
Junior  high  school  students  are  being 
introduced  to  the  more  adult  popular 
authors  in  the  field  of  history, 
literature,  government,  and  science. 
Senior  high  school  reading  lists  are 
beginning  to  look  like  those  that  are 
ordinarily  seen  in  the  first  two  years 
of  college.  Hovjever,  for  free  reading 
the  story  is  quite  different.  A  stu- 
dent spends  somewhat  less  reading  time 
for  his  ovm  pleasure,  but  the  quality 
of  his  leisure  reading  droos  sharply, 
'iagazines  constitute  the  largest  por- 
tion of  his  free  reading  time  vjith 
oicture  weeklies  heading  the  list. 
These  are  followed  by  general  and  news 
vreeklies.  The  books  students  orefer 
follovr  a  light  recreational  oattern. 
It  is  in  this  area  alone  that  libraries 
are  not  troubled  in  fulfilling  student 

How  much  does  he  read?  In  addition 
to  textbooks  eleven  to  twelve  hours 
oer  month  are  devoted  to  school-related 
reading  in  books  and  magazines  outside 
the  classroom.  He  averages  four  books 
(other  than  texts)  in  whole  or  in  oart 
each  month.  One-third  of  these  he 
gets  from  the  school  library,  the 
remaining  two -thirds  from  the  public 
library,  "ight  to  nine  hours  per 
month  are  soent  by  him  in  searching  for 
materials,  using  references,  and 
examining  books.  One-third  of  this 



Jhat  3altimore  Is  Doin"  /-bout  jtudent 
Use  cont. 

time  is  spent  in  the  school  library,  the 
remainder  in  the  public  library.  Six  to 
seven  hours  per  month  are  spent  for  per- 
sonal reading. 

In  an  area  such  as  Baltimore  where 
100,000  secondary  school  students  are 
considered  good  readers,  they  are  getting 
from  one  or  more  sources  'J'OO.OOO  books 
per  month  (over  3 ■ 000 • 000  in  a  school 
year)  and  they  are  spending  900,000 
hours  a  month  in  a  library  or  libraries 
(7,000,000  hours  during  the  school 
year).  In  Baltimore  City  alone  there 
are  over  60,000  student  readers  who  use 
almost  2,000,000  books  oer  year  and 
spend  over  ^,000,000  hours  in  libraries. 
:3y  1970,  Pratt  will  be  supplying  books 
at  the  rate  of  3,000,000  per  year  to 
students  and  will  be  providing  facili- 
ties for  over  7,000,000  hours  of  student 
library  time.   .'ithin  the  next  five  to 
eight  years,  because  of  increasing 
school  and  colle3e  pooulation,  the  Bal- 
timore area  must  be  orepared  to  serve 
tvxice  the  present  student  demand. 

The  report  shows  that  a  transforma- 
tion has  taken  place,  ./hereas  we  might 
expect  that  the  school  library  would  be 
the  first  line  of  student  attack,  actu- 
ally it  is  the  public  library  which  has 
become  the  school  library.  School- 
related  reading  has  become  library  read- 
ing and  homework  is  now  library  work. 
Of  thirty  books  (other  than  texts) 
which  the  student  reads,  twenty-five, 
or  eit^hty-two  per  cent,  cone  from  the 
public  library.  A  high  school  of  2,000 
oupils  requires  50,000  library  book  uses 
per  year. 

Students  use  the  public  library  for 
many  reasons,  the  major  reason  being 
inadequate  school  library  collections. 
Present-day  tcachin:^  arbitrarily  assumes 
that  there  exists  and  is  available  a 
substantial  subject  collection  contain- 
ing not  only  an  extensive  collection  of 
books  but  also  periodicals.  Fifty  to 
sixty  per  cent  of  the  students  expressed 
dissatisfaction  with  their  school" library 
collections.  Other  reasons  for  public 
library  preference  were  inadequate 
school  library  hours;  a  certain  freedom 
available  in  the  public  library  in  con- 
trast to  school  library  restrictions; 
and,  although  not  clearly  stated,  one 
lets  the  feeling  that  there  is  a 
orestige  element  in  frequenting  the 

Dublic  library.  Consequently,  78.3 
oer  cent  of  junior  high  students  and 
77-3  per  cent  of  senior  high  students 
preferred  the  oublic  library  over  the 
school  library.  Combining  the  college 
and  high  school  grouos  we  find  that 
over  one-half  of  the  adult  users  of 
the  Pratt  Library  are  senior  high 
school  and  college  students. 

In  order  to  cope  with  this  situa- 
tion, Dr.  "'art in  outlines  the  follow- 
ing suggestions. 

A  review  of  the  place  of  reading  in 
education.  Is  reading  being  assigned 

liore  extensive  use  of  nanerbacks 
to  be  purchased  by  the  student. 

Establishment  of  a  library  instruc- 
tion program  to  be  instituted  in  the 
school  and  continued  under  library 
supervision  on  an  informal  classroom 

Longer  hours  of  school  library 

Develorrient  of  school  library 
facilities.     The  school  library- 
should  contain  25,000  volumes  per 
2,000  pupils,    five  professional 
librarians,   and  three  clerical  assis- 
tants . 

3etter  communications  betx^een 
school  and  library.     The  library 
should  receive  advance  knowledge  of 
assignnents  and  the  teacher  should  be 
informed  of  the  library's  resources. 

A  communicating  council  on  student 
reading  materials  composed  of 
teachers,   librarians,   and  school 
supervisors .     Basic  attention  would 
be  given  here  to  the  purpose,   kind, 
and  amount  of  reading. 

Nevf  position  of  Student-Teacher 
Librarian.     Despite  the  fact  that 
students   form  the  largest  single 
reader  group,   there  are  no  library 
staff  members  specifically  designated 
to  meet  their  needs.     Inasmuch  as 
students  use  the  entire  resources  of 
the  library,   someone  in  addition  to 
the  young  adult  librarian  is  needed. 
In  the  past  no  one  has  felt  any 
specific   responsibility  for  the 
young  people  as  students.     The  pur- 
pose of  this  nevr  position  would  be  to 
cut  across  departmental  lines  and  aid 
student  service  through  present  chan- 
nels .     They  vrould  v7ork  with  schools 
and  librarians  and  start  the  flovr  of 
information  that  is  and  ^^rill  be 


-  11  - 

!".fhat  Daltimore  Is  Doin'^  About  student 
Use  cont. 

;  needed  for  food  library  service.  If 
the  nresent  situation  is  allced  to 
continue,  the  proportion  of  student 
users  Hill  rise  to  75  per  cent  in  the 
near  future. 

One  of  the  first  steps  in  solving 
any  problem  is  to  first  clearly  define 
and  analyze  the  problem.  Dr.  liartin's 
study  should  rjrove  of  value  to  the 
many  libraries  throughout  the  country 
vjhich  have  not  yet  fully  recognized 
that  the  snowballins  problem  of  student 
use  is  one  which  must  be  faced  ur>  to. 


>!c  s;;  3!c  sf:  5)!  5):  ^  ^  >)t  >;c  :^  i\c  sj;  s'^  >); 


^^itamins  have  come  to  the  aid  of 
old  boo;cs  at  the  Vatican's  Institute 
for  Scientific  Restoration  of  Books, 
headed  by  a  Benedictine,  Dom  llario 
Pinzuti.  Actually,  Dom  Pinzuti  began 
using  the  vitamin  method  seven  years 
ago,  but  confesses  he  doesn't  knovr 
exactly  ho\r   it  works .  The  vitamins 
are  administered  by  hypodermic 
injection,  spray  and  dip. 

Old  paper  is  often  1o\'T  in  glucose, 
a  component  of  cellulose.  According 
to  Dom  Pinzuti,  this  causes  the 
vegetal  fibers  to  disintegrate, 
-ith  administration  of  vitamin  P 
or  PP  (bioflavonoids),  however,  old 
paner  can  more  readily  absorb  and 
retain  the  proteins  from  a  gelatin 
dir)  and  the  level  of  glucose  increases. 

Vitamins  aren't  the  only  remedy 
used  by  the  Vatican's  book  restorers, 
but  the  3  vitamins  have  been  found 
particularly  good  for  rejuvenating 
r)archment  and  vitamin  C  helps  regu- 
late the  absorption  of  moisture  by 
old  paner.  Bom  Pinzuti  pointed  out 
that  heretical  volumes  enjoy  the 
same  rejuvenating  therapy  as  ortho- 
do:;  books . 

^  »;;  a",:  >;;;;:  9Se  3^  >tt »;!;;;);;  :je ;!:  3^ :;: 

Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  naine  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,  toge- 
ther with  the  name  of  the  Branch  Library, 
Department  or  Office  in  which  he  or  she 
is  employed*  The  name  is  with-held  from 
publication,  or  a  pen  name  is  used,  if  the 
contributor  so  requests.  Anonymous  con- 
tributions are  not  given  consideration. 
The  author  of  the  article  is  known  only  to 
the  Editor-in-Chief,  The  contents  of  the 
articles  appearing  in  the  Soap  Box  are 
personal  opiaions  expressed  by  individual 
Association  members  and  their  appearance 
does  not  necessarily  indicate  that  the 
Publications  Committee  and  the  Associaticn 
are  ia  agreement  with  the  views  expressed. 
Only  those  contributions  not  containing 
more  than  300  words  will  be  accepted. 

To  the  Editor: 

In  spite  of  the  widespread 
dissatisfaction  the  new  salary 
schedules,  it  should  be  acknowledged  that 
there  are  many  good  features  in  it. 

The  professional  salary  scales  compare 
favorably  with  those  of  other  libraries 
of  similar  size  and  character.  The  be- 
ginning professional  salaries  and  the  pre- 
professional  scale  should  make  it  possi- 
ble to  recruit  and  retain  desirable  pro- 
fessional staff  members.  The  increase  in 
the  beginning  sa.1v3ries  of  Library  Assist- 
ants should  help  in  recruiting  suitable 

I  high  school  graduates  for  oia?  clerical 

I  and  specialist  positions. 

It  would  appear  tlrnt  \-rith   a  fe\j 
adjustments  there  might  be  widespread 
satisfaction  with  the  new  schedxile.  If 
the  proper  weight  is  given  experience 
and  skill  acquired  in  the  Boston  Public 
Library,  most  of  the  complaints  wovild 
melt  away, 



To  the  Soap  Box: 

Quoting  from  "Long 
Service  Payments"  page.  Agenda,  Officers 
Meeting,  October  lii,  1963:  "It  is  true 
that  some  variations,  plus  or  minus,  will 
result,  but  they  are  relatively  insigni- 
ficant, and  in  any  event  will  exist  for 
a  period  of  about  3  or  U  years,  between 
1966  and  1970". 

Is  a  loss  of  some  $200  a  year  in  pen- 
sion, year  after  year,  "relatively 
insignificant"?  This  would  be  roughly 
equivalent  to  one's  oil  bill  every  year^ 
Why  should  any  one  lose  even  one  dollar 
in  his  pension?  Are  our  pension  plans 
to  be  only  another  broken  promise? 

That  this  condition  will  exist  only 
between  1966  and  1970  is  cold  comfort  to 
those  planning  to  retire  in  that  period, 
when  it  will  affect  not  only  salary  loss 
during  those  years,  but  that  will  also 
be  the  last  five  year  period  affecting 
total  pension.  Should  this  segment  of 
the  staff  be  penalized  in  favor  of  high- 
er salaries  for  young  and  inexperienced 
members  of  the  staff? 

It  is  this  group  too,  in  some  cases, 
which  fared  worst  in  "new  spending 
money"  at  the  moment,  because  of  the  so- 
called  "absorption"  of  the  longevity 



To  the  Soap  Box: 

What  incentive  is  there 
to  remain  in  a  service  that  treats  its 
experienced  employees  with  such  callous- 
ness? After  many  years  of  conscientious, 
satisfactory  performance,  a  person  re- 
ceives no  more  consideration  than  a  new- 

Away  with  loyalty  and  experience  -  new 
blood  is  the  order  of  the  day, 

Geritol,  everybody? 


-  13  - 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

The  visiting  personnel 
officers  who  spoke  at  the  recent  pro- 
fessional maeting  of  the  EPL  Staff  Asso- 
ciation liad  some  interesting  conments  on 
longevity  programs, 

Grace  Slocum  of  The  Free  Library  of 
Philadelphia  said  that  her  library  had 
no  extra  payments  for  long  service  but 
added  that  she  deplored  this  lack  of 
recognition  for  longevity. 

Miss  Joyce  Davidson  of  the  Detroit 
Public  Library  said  that  her  library 
did  have  a  long  service  payment.  This 
is  paid  each  year  after  11  years  of  ser- 
vice and  6  years  in  grade.  The  payment 
is  a  percentage  of  the  individual's 
basic  salary.  The  top  payment  is  near 
$300  and  it  is  paid  in  a  luinp  sum  each 
year  shortly  before  Christmas, 

Detroit's  practice  is  very  interesting 
in  view  of  the  current  reaction  to  the 
cessation  of  long  service  payments  at 
the  Boston  Public  Library,  It  should 
also  be  noted  that  Detroit's  basic 
salary  schedule  compares  very  favorably 
with  0U33S,  Apparently  modern  personnel 
theory  and  practices  favor  the  long 
service  payment. 

The  long  service  payment  is  a  morale 
builder,  VJe  need  it, 


To  the  Editor: 

I'fliy  can't  employees  of  the 
Boston  Public  Library  be  treated  as  well 
as  other  city  employees  in  regard  to 

It  is  my  understanding  that  under  the 
Jacobs  Plan,  that  the  city  is  following, 
individuals  are  given  credit  for  longev- 
ity in  service*  Credit  is  given  for  9 
and  l6  years  of  service. 

Under  our  plan,  individuals  with  25 
years  and  more  lost  their  so  called 
longevity  bonus,  and  their  status  became 
the  same  as  new  employees. 

The  idea  of  giving  an  increment  after 
5  years  without  a  salary  adjustment, 
could  give  rise  to  many  newer  employees 
receiving  this,  before  older  ones.  This 
is  true  especially  when  some  new  employ- 
ees are  brought  into  the  service,  in  the 
middle /or  top  of  the  grade,  while  an 
older  employee  might  start  at  the  bottom. 

For  example,  a  new  Fk  brought  in  at 
step  IV  would  reach  his  maximum  after  3 
years.  He  would  then  wait  5  years  and 
receive  the  longevity  increment.  His 
total  years  of  service  would  be  only  8 
years.  While  an  old  employee  with  as 
much  as  25  or  even  30  years  of  service 
would  start  at  a  lower  step  and  this  has 
happened  /such  as  step  11/  and  it  would 
take  him  5  years  to  reach  his  maxiraiim. 
He  would  then  wait  another  5  years  for 
his  longevity  increment.  By  this  time 
he  would  have  35  or  UO  years  of  service, 


Dear  Soap  Box  Editor: 

No  plan  to  restore 
recognition  of  long-time  service  should 
be  acceptable  unless  it  gives  an  adequate 
monetary  remuneration  to  the  old-timer 
NOWi  The  la's  waited  patiently  for  years 
to  get  a  raise  that  everyone  said  they 
richly  deserved.  What  did  they  get?  hJL 
cents,  29  cents,  13  cents  I 

The  TIME  is  NOW 

Dear  Editor: 

The  explanation  at  the 
Officers  Meeting  concerning  longevity 
payments  was  a  little  misleading  when  it 
was  stated  that  the  loss  amounted  to 
about  2^  as  measured  against  about  a  10^ 
gain  as  a  result  of  the  increase  in  the 
maximum  salary  in  the  chief's  grade.  For, 
that  explanation  "forgot"  that  all  who 
have  longevity  payments  are  not  getting 
chief's  pay  and  too,  that  everyone  else 
receiving  increased  salaries  vrill  attain 
this  new  maximum  [at  chief's  or  any  other 
level]  without  losing  any  2^,    WHY  should 
long  service  employees  suffer,  and  lose 
morale  badly,  to  furnish  untrained  em- 
ployees [comparatively  speaking]  with 
more  money?  We  are  the  ones  viio  had  ex- 
tremely low  salaries  in  fact,  and  in 
conparison  with  other  professions,  for 

"^  ^^^'-     SACRIFICED 

lli  - 

To  the  Soap  Box: 

What  future  remains  for 
lA's  with  long  service  now?  Still  rated 
as  lAl's  or  2«s  at  best,  lowered 
maximums  and  now  losing  longevity  pay- 
ments as  well,  what  sort  of  future  have 


To  the  Editor: 

How  can  the  longevity 
bonvis  granted  by  the  Trustees  be  taken 

Would  it  not  take  a  vote  of  the  Trus- 
tees to  do  this? 

This  letter  is  written  with  the  hope 
that  the  Trustees  will  do  their  utmost 
to  restore  the  bonuses  to  the  individuals 
from  whom  they  were  taken  away. 

The  new  plan  of  an  increment  after  $ 
years  from  the  date  of  one's  last  salary 
adjustment  is  not  a  fair  plan.  It  does 
not  give  any  benefit  to  those  of  us  who 
have  already  served  the  institution 
through  all  of  the  years,  and  most  of 
them  were  lean  years  as  far  as  salaries 
where  concerned, 


Ed.Note : 

A  committee  will  meet  with  Mr, 
Gaines  to  reexamine  this  question. 

To  the  Editor: 

Changing  the  nales  in  the 
middle  of  the  game  would  be  a  blow  to 
staff  morale,  to  put  it  mildly.  Some  of 
us  stand  to  lose  as  much  as  $2000  over 
the  next  five  years.  But  there  is  a  ray 
of  hope  since  the  Personnel  Director  has 
expressed  a  xdJ-lingness  to  listen  to  our 
suggestions.  Personally  I  think  the 
only  fair  and  realistic  solution  is  to 
honor  longevity  payments  already  earned. 
Let  the  new  rules  apply  to  those  who 
have  nothing  to  lose  by  them. 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

Seldom  have  so  many  been 
insulted  with  so  little, 




Dear  Soap  Box: 

Does  experience  no  longer 
count  in  these  halls?  At  every  level, 
those  with  experience  either  in  grade 
or  in  service,  are  now  leveled  down  to 
those  newly  arrived  with  little  or  no 
experience,  whom  they  must  train.  When 
it  appears  that  those  with  least  expe- 
rience get  the  most  in  raises,  what 
price  morale? 



Dear  Soap  Box: 

What  profiteth  it  to  be  a 
"career  man"  in  the  service  of  the  BPL 
these  days?  Many  of  the  career  personnel 
got  raises  from  12^  a  week  [if  any]  to 
around  $200  a  year  -  while  brand  new 
pre-professionals  with  as  little  expe- 
rience as  a  few  weeks,  received  over 
$300  per  year  and  some  5-7  year  pros  got 
over  $500,  Doesn't  responsibility  and 
knowledge  count  any  more?  This  hurts 
the  more  as  the  majority  of  the  older 
employees  have  more  financial  responsi- 
bilities than  the  newer  employees,  and 
less  time  in  which  to  save  money  since 
"decent"  wages  went  into  effect.  And 
those  nearest  retirement  dates  got 
clobbered  in  every  way.  This  may  a.ttract 
new  people  but  how  are  we  gonna  keep  em? 


To  the  Editor: 

General  Administrativ© 
Notice  1963  -  No,  67,  brings  to  our 
attention  another  confusing  element  in 
our  salary  schedules.  It  shows  varioixa 
governmental  units,  federal,  state  and 
city,  with  their  salaries  and  the  ap- 
proximate time  it  takes  to  reach  the 
maximum.  In  each  of  them  it  takes  the 
same  number  of  years  to  reach  the  maxi- 
mum, regardless  of  what  grade  one  holds. 
The  federal  I8  years,  the  state  6  years 
and  the  city  3^  years.  But  note  o\xc 
method,  lAl  takes  3§  years |  LA2  takes 
3  years  9  months ^  LA.3  takes  hz  years, 
and  there  is  still  another  method  for 
the  professional  staff.  Does  it  not 
seem  unusual  for  a  system  to  be  so 
arranged  that  no  two  groups  progress  to 
their  maximums  in  the  same  period  of 
time.  If  the  governmental  units 


-  15  - 

mentioned  above  find  it  desirable  to 

findings?  or  2,  that  you  had  no  know- 

have  such  a  uniform  method,  wl^  must  the  i  ledge  of  the  findings  before  they  were 
Boston  Public  Library  be  different,  and   announced? 
thereby  create  more  confusion? 



\^   V/  \f   \J    \f    \/    \f   \f   \f    Kt    \t    \t  .\i_ 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

IJhom  would  I  thank  for 
twenty-one  cents  take-home  pay?     It  has    } 
been  carefully  explained  to  me  that  this 
was  not  a  pay  raise  and  shotild  not  be 
regarded  as  such.     Did  I  need  to  be  told? 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

The  long  awaited  results 
of  the  re-evaluation  of  the  Library 
Assistants  Service  have  finally  been  re- 
leased. Information  from  the  Administra-j 
tion  as  well  as  the  Staff  Association    I 
led  everyone  to  believe  that  full  atten-  j 
tion  was  being  given  to  this  problem,    ! 
but  it  has  become  quite  apparent  that  tte 
Administration's  opinion  of  the  lA  ser- 
vice is  barely  tolerant  much  less  aware 
of  its  value.  It  is  true  that  the 
minimum  salaries  for  the  LA  I's  vrere  up- 
graded [they  shoxild  have  been]  bnt  it 
seems  that  the  Adxiiinistration's  heart 
was  left  there.  This  can  be  borne  out 
by  the  reaction  of  the  majority  when  it 
first  looked  upon  its  new  classifications 
only  to  realize  that  in  the  opinion  of 
the  Administration  they  were  overpaid 
for  the  work  they  were  doing  and  in  most 
cases  doing  more  than  they  were  expected 
to  anyway.  Any  administration  which 
considers  long  time  employees  [$  years 
service  or  longer]  a  vast  wasteland  has 
to  be  looked  upon  as  short-sighted 
Administration,  Never  have  I  witnessed 
morale  so  low  nor  heard  so  many  com- 
plaints in  nearly  all  areas  in  the  Boston 
Public  Library,  The  Administration 
through  this  re-evaluation  has  created  a 
second-rate  service  in  the  form  of  the 
Library  Assistants  Service, 
,  I  would  like  to  close  with  a  question 
for  the  Executive  Board  of  the  Staff 
Association,  Since  we  have  constantly 
been  told  that  you  have  been  in  close 
touch  T-Tith  the  Administration  regarding 
this  Evalusrtion  which  conclusion  are  we 
to  believe:  1,  that  you  agree  with  the 



See  President's  notes  this  issue. 

Dear  Editor: 

The  new  re -classification 
system  has  now  been  announced,  the  long- 
awaited  justice  due  the  LA's:  A  friend 
of  mine  always  says  that  x^henever  the 
Libraiy  changes  anything,  the  last  state 
of  the  help  is  worse  than  the  first,  as 
In  the  Bible  stories.  This  last  iniquity 
has  more  than  followed  this  statement. 
The  nevjiy  announced  plan  turns  out  to  be 
a  reverse  Robin  Hood  action,  which  does 
not  help  but  actually  harms  the  LA's,  The 
Administration  forgets  that  any  institu- 
tion is  only  as  good  as  its  base  and  the 
base  of  this  institution  is  certainly 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

Amid  a  flurry  of  advance 
GAN  notices  the  staff  was  informed  that 
money  was  available  to  put  the  long 
awaited  evaluation  report  in  effect.  If 
you  can  remember  back  that  far,  the  pri- 
mary purpose  of  this  evaluation  was  to 
take  care  of  the  LA's  and  correct  iniq- 
uities existing  in  various  jobs,  October 
21;,  D  Day,  the  bomb  fell  and  the  LA's 
were  left  shattered.  They  were  taken 
care  of  all  right  -  with  ice  water.  To 
be  sure  the  starting  salary  for  LA's  was 
raised  but  once  an  employee  is  on  the  pay- 
roll the  pace  decreases.  It  was  so 
calculated  that  an  LA,  no  matter  what 
grade,  would  receive  very  little,  if  any- 
thing, in  the  way  of  money.  The  wheeling 
and  dealing  was  well  worksd  out  to  the 
disadvantage  of  the  LA's, 

The  atmosphere  in  the  BPL  is  unhealthy. 
Respect  and  loyalty  are  gone  in  the  face 
of  such  wheeling  and  dealing,  Vfe  thought 
progress  was  to  be  the  watchword  of  Boston 
but  find  only  regression  and  backtracking 
here.  To  the  optimists  who  appealed  we 
say  lots  of  luck  somewhere  -  sometime, 


-  16  - 

Dear  Editor: 

I  think  that  most  of  the 
Library  Assistants  were  hurt  deeply  by 
the  recently  published  salary  schedules 
and  the  job  classifications.  To  many  of 
us  it  was  a  slap  in  the  face  to  think 
our  efforts  were  thought  to  be  worth  so 

aAD  and  MAD 


Dear  Editor: 

The  long  awaited  announcement 
concerning  the  LA's  was,  for  one  thing, 
misnanred.  Perusal  of  the  nevx  scale  proves 
that  it  is  more  a  devaluation  than  any- 
thing. With  the  lowest  position  having 
so  little  significance,  vhy  not  leave  it 
open  to  new  personnel,  promoting  them 
when  they  have  gained  enough  experience 
to  really  fill  the  job? 

Wniy  should  there  be  a  job  evaluation 
without  a  parallel  worker  rating?  If 
job  alone  is  to  determine  rating  and 
salary,  then  length  of  service,  experience, 
initiative,  incentive  and  HOPE  are  no 
longer  to  be  integral  parts  of  the  work 
we  do. 

Subtract  individual  value  from  pioblic 
service  and  it  is  no  longer  a  service. 
We  are  not  quite  ready  to  become  robots 
dispensing  books  on  signal,  sans  smile 
or  interest,  ,,#Qr  are  we? 



Dear  Editor^ 

The  following  little  message 
was  sent  to  a  lowly  LA  last  year  by  a  co- 
worker. He  intended  to  be  facetious  but 
turns  out  to  have  been  prophetic. 

Always  remember: 

There  is  no  LA  so  lowly  or  hximble 
That  he  can't  be  reclassified 


La-JL2f  LA 

P,S,  This  same  author  suggest  for  LA 
theme  song  «."We  shall  overcome" i 

To  the  Soap  Box; 

After  waiting  over  two 
years  for  the  reclassification  which 
was  to  end  all  injustices,  the  LA's  in 
the  branches  are  once  again  clccacd  to- 
gether as  equal  pieces  of  machinery, 
with  no  recognition  of  the  knowledge  or 
skill  which  come  from  years  of  experience. 

We  are  now  told  that  this  is  a  start- 
ing point.  For  what?  We  had  a  starting 
point  two  years  ago.  To  go  from  one 
starting  point  to  another  was  a  waste  of 
time  and  money,  not  to  mention  a  terrible 
strain  on  people's  emotions.  If  this 
was  to  be  our  answer,  we  should  have  been 
told  so,  not  kept  dangling  on  a  string 
with  vague  hopes  and  promises. 

There  is  something  radically  wrong 
with  a  system  which  turns  loyal  staff 
into  disgusted  employees, 

Catherine  H,  Richmond 


Dear  Soap  Box; 

Where  was  the  Executive 
Board  of  the  Staff  Association  when  all 
of  the  new  salaries  and  classifications 
were  being  arranged?  It  does  not  seem 
possible  that  it  could  agree  with  what 
was  finally  produced  and  put  into  effect, 

A  result  so  generally  disliked  by  the 
staff  could  not  have  been  produced,  if 
the  staff  were  represented  by  a  real 
labor  \inion, 


ED,  NOTE:  f-^H:-?f->i«^HH*-a-«-5Hfs«KH«j 

See  President's  notes  this 


Dear  Soap  Box: 

Another  directive  from  the 
Assistant  Director  for  Personnel  explain- 
ing management  practices.  As  employees 
of  a  non-profit,  public  service  organi- 
zation, most  of  us  never  realized  we  were 
on  a  management-labor  basis. 

Inasmuch  as  we  are  now,  how  about  a 
union,  everyone?  Six  hundred  voices  can 
make  much  more  noise  than  a  few  isolated 
squawks,  and  get  much  better  results, 



-     -LI 

Dear  Soap  Box: 

Congratulations  for  the 
splendid  raises  afforded  our  Professional 
Staff  -  Condolences  to  the  LA's  who  once 
again  were  grossly  insulted  by  a  paltry 
remuneration  which  in  most  cases  was 
only  a  few  cents.     Perhaps  the  incensed 
la's  should  push  for  Union  rights  or 
Civil  Service  whereby  when  one  is  given 
a  raise  it  makes  sense  otherwise  WS 


To  the  Editor: 

Those  of  us  who  were  too 
smug  to  support  the  union  some  years  ago 
have  only  ourselves  to  blame  for  the 
shabby  deal  we  are  now  receiving. 


Dear  Editor: 

Why  doesn't  the  Library 
bring  its  Library  Assistant's  Service 
under  Civil  Service?  Maiiy  of  the  LA 
positions  are  substantially  the  same  as 
those  covered  by  Civil  Service,  Prefer- 
ence to  seniors  and  an  impartial  appeal 
process  are  tijo  of  the  advantages  which 
it  offers  to  employees.  These  items  are 
very  important  to  the  morale  of  the  staff* 


Dear  Editor: 

I  would  like  to  have  the 
status  of  the  pre-1938  people,  the  P  I's, 
made  clear.  If,  as  the  notices  seem  to 
imply,  they  are  being  restricted  to  a 
$5500  maximum,  it  is  a  crying  shame,  and 
part  and  parcel  of  the  'deprive  the  old- 
timers'  trend  which  seems  to  have  been 
established  of  late.  I^.  Lord  promised 
at  the  time  that  the  new  rxiles  were 
being  form\ilated  in  1937  that  the  people 
who  were  already  in  the  Library  would 
not  suffer  in  any  way.  Now  apparently 
they  are  being  discriminated  against. 
Perhaps  there  may  even  be  somewhere  a 
notice  which  states  this  in  so  many  words, 
and  we  can  refer  to  it  as  a  "scrap  of 
paper"  as  the  Germans  did  with  the  Treaty 

in  191klH 



Your  Editorial  Board  has  not 
been  able  to  check  the  allegations  in 
this  letter,  but,  as  it  mainly  ex- 
presses a  point  of  view,  we  are  print- 
ing it  so  that  the  writer  will  not 
feel  that  he  is  also  being  discrim- 
inated against  by  the  QoM, 




DECEMBER     1963 

Publishsd  by  the  Boston  Public  Library  Staff  Association 
Volume  XVIII  Number  11 December  196 3 

Publications  Committee:  Harry  Andrews,  Jean  Babcock,  Doris  Gray,  Jane 

Manthorne,  Edward  J,  Montana,  Jr.,  Mrs,  Bridie  Stotz, 
Martin  F,  Waters,  Barbara  Flye,  Peter  DeSantis, 
Cartoonist,  Sarah  Usher,  Indexer,  V/illiam  R,  Lewis, 

Publication  date:  Deadline  for  submitting  material: 

The  fifteenth  of  each  month  The  tenth  of  each  month 

As  the  year  1963  approaches  its  inevitable  close  we  pause,  each  in  his  own 
fashion,  and  reflect  on  the  events  and  happenings  which  have  in  one  way  or  an- 
other affected  omt  daily  lives.  Some  of  these  events  occured  outside  the 
Library  and  have  equal  significance  to  people  in  other  parts  of  our  countryo 
Other  happenings  have  been  of  a  more  intimate  nature  meaningful  only  to  our- 
selves. Some  have  been  resolved,  others  are  in  a  state  of  flxix  awaiting  solution. 

Tradition  decrees,  however,  that  at  this  time  of  the  year  there  be  a  hiatus 
in  the  normal  course  of  events.  During  this  period  a  irysterious  something 
variously  called  'the  Christmas  spirit',  'holiday  cheer',  etc,  pervades  the 
atmosphere  and  miraculously  dispels  animosities  as  differences  are  temporarily 
set  aside.  The  PUBLICATIONS  COMMITTEE  is  happy  to  bow  to  this  tradition  and 
echo  the  familiar  refrain: 

We  wish  you  a  Merry  Christmas 

J.  We  wish  you  a  Merry  Christmas   ^^v" 


y     We  wish  you  a  Merry  Christmas  | 

And  a  Happy  New  Y0ar  I 



-  2  - 


Since  November  26,  the  Executive 
Board  of  the  Staff  Association  has  been 
meeting  once  a  week  \-rith   the  Assistant 
Director  [Personnel]  to  discuss  a  wide 
variety  of  personnel  matters.  The 
first  item  on  our  agenda  was  the  ques- 
tion of  long-service  payments.  In 
accordance  ;  the  motion  passed  at  the 
November  Business  Meeting  of  the  Asso- 
ciation, two  representatives  from  the 
Quarter  Century  Club  joined  the  Execu- 
tive Board  at  their  discussions  of  this 

You  will  remember  that  members  of  the 
association  were  asked  to  vote  on 
November  27  on  two  suggestions: 

1,  All  staff  members  who  now  have 
twenty-five  years  or  more  of  ser- 
vice shall  receive  in  1963  an 
additional  increment  in  their  grade 
[minimum  $100]  above  all  other 
increases  received  in  1963 

2,  No  staff  member  shall  have  to  work 
in  any  one  grade  more  than  the 
number  of  years  necessary  to  reach 
his  maximum  in  grade  plus  five 
years  to  receive  any  extra  incre- 
ment based  upon  years  of  service 
in  grade 

These  suggestions  were  presented  to  you 
as  possibilities  for  immediate  inple- 
mentation  which  the  E:;ecutive  Board 
approved  as  an  immediate  step  to  improve 
the  position  of  those  vxho  had  been 
receiving  long-service  payments  under 
the  old  plan© 

The  results  of  the  poll  were  as 
follows : 

211;  ballots  -  -  YES 

7  ballots NO 

7  ballots  -  -  Invalid 

With  this  poll  in  hand,  the  Executive 
Board  endorsed  the  payment  of  one 
increment  in  grade  to  people  i/ith  25  or 
more  years  of  service c  This  payment 
has  now  been  officially  announced,  with 
a  $200  minimum  in  place  of  our  original 
$100  suggestion. 

Item  nvmiber  2,  on  this  poll  needs 
further  explanation  and  should,  perhaps ^ 
be  rex'jorded.  This  proposal  we  suggested 
so  that  future  longevity  payments  based 
upon  years  in  grade  x^fould  actually  be 
paid  when  due.  As  we  pass  from  one 
salary  sched\ile  to  another,  people  are 

often  put  back  several  step  levels. 
Thus  it  might  be  possible  for  an  indi- 
vidual to  serve  many  more  years  than 
the  required  seven  [less  for  some  LA 
levels]  before  he  ever  found  himself 
receiving  the  maximiam  pay  for  that 
grade.  Payment  for  longevity  in  grade 
must  be  based  upon  calendar  years  spent 
in  that  grade,  rather  than  upon  grade 
levels,  your  Executive  Board  feels. 

As  yet,  the  Administration  has  not 
accepted  this  proposal.  However,  we 
are  working  to  have  this  principle 
adopted  in  order  that  longevity  based 
upon  grade  may  have  some  real  meaning o 

In  our  discussion  with  Mr,  Gaines 
relative  to  long-service  payments,  the 
Executive  Board  has  tried  to  present 
clearly  the  issue  which  we  believe  is 
at  stake.  This  seems  to  be  the  fact 
that  long-service  payments  were  given 
above  and  beyond  the  regular  salary 
schedule,  as  an  additional  bonus  well- 
earned  by  people  with  many  years  of 
service  -  and  many  years  dviring  which 
our  pay  scales  were  exceedingly  low. 
The  Executive  Board  does  not  feel  that 
this  whole  question  has  been  resolved 
to  their  complete  satisfaction,  and  it 
is  their  understanding  that  this  matter 
is  still  open  for  further  discussion. 

Meanwhile,  we  are  now  engaged  in 
conferences  over  the  Library  Assistant 
reclassifications  and  the  attendant 
salary  schedule.  As  yet,  our  discussion 
has  not  reached  the  stage  at  which  I 
can  make  any  meaningful  report  to  you^- 
It  is  hoped  that  before  our  annual 
Joiiuary  Business  Meeting  there  may  be 
some  definite  results  from  these 
discussions.  By  then,  too,  we  expect 
that  there  will  be  more  positions  above 
the  LA  2  level  announced  as  vacancies 
to  be  filled o 

Our  only  other  item  of  business  since 
the  last  QM  has  been  the  appointment 
of  Mrs,  Sadie  Rotondo  [Adams  Street]  as 
Chairman  of  the  Elections  Committeeo 


-  3  - 



John  M,  0 'Toole  -  Book  Stack  Service 
Ruth  G,  Holler  -  Charlestown 
Philip  Tavella  -  Branch  Issue 
Genevieve  M,  Kuzia  -  Hyde  Park 
'Gwendolyn  R,  Peters  -  Kirstein  Business 

Judean  Langone  -  Brighton 
Patricia  Neth  -  Book  Selection 
Heidi  R,  Rieper  -  Bookmobiles 
^i^s,  Selma  -  Roslindale 
Carol  McGlellan  -  Book  Preparation 
Irene  L,  Davis  -  Mattapan 
William.  G,  Verry  -  Book  Stack  Service 
Roderick  Slowe  -  Book  Stack  Service 


Frederick  Rodenmacher  -  from  Book  Stac  k 

Service  to  Central  Charging  Records 
Charlotte  Mahoney  -  from  Charlestown  to 

South  End  [NE  Student] 
Lucille  O'Brien  -  from  Book  Preparation 

to  Cataloging  and  Classification  R&RS 
Geraldine  Gardner  -  from  Book  Preparation 

to  Central  Charging  Records 


Mariann  Conroy  -  Audio  Vis  vial  -  another 

Samuel  D,  Wilson  -  Open  Shelf  -  another 

Gail  L,  Handrahan  -  Codman  Square   -  to 
remain  at  home 

Mildred  Picone  -  Cataloging  k  Classifi- 
cation -  resigned 

Phyllis  Richards  -  Roslindale  -  moved  to 

Gerald  P,  Miller  -  Kirstein  Business 
Branch  -  return  to  college 

Ann  Goldberg  -  Cataloging  &.  Classifica- 
tion R&RS  -  resigned 



The  Men's  House  Committee  msh  to 
thank  the  staff  for  their  generous  con- 
tributions made  to  sponsor  the  Ken's 
Christmas  Party, 

Men's  Christmas  Party 

DATE:  Tuesday,  December  2k 
TIM:  10  a,m,  to  12  Noon 
PLACE:  Men's  Smoking  Lounge 

Men's  House  Committee 

Harry  Fletcher 
Fred  Rodenmacher 
Edward  Stenberg 
Robert  Schleehauf 
Max  AnapoUe,  Chairman 


One  of  the  most  striking  examples  of 
devotion  to  a  profession  was  demonstra- 
ted in  a  very  simple  unassuming  maimer 
last  summer  at  the  North  End  Branch, 
The  case  in  point  was  the  Children's 

After  presenting  the  usual  certifi- 
cates of  achievement  to  the  boys  and 
girls  in  the  Summer  Reading  Club,  the 
Librarian  chartered  a  MTA  bus  and 
treated  the  thirty  children  to  a  d^ 
at  the  Children's  Zoo  in  Franklin  Park 
at  her  own  expense.  The  bus  picted  up 
the  group  at  the  Library  and  returned 
them  that  afternoon  after  a  very  happy 
and  funfiUed  day  that  xdill  be  well 
remembered  by  every  child  who  partici- 

If  anyone  aspiring  to  the  profession 
of  Librarian  were  to  state  some  of  the 
ideals  to  which  he  should  aspire,  this 
simple  act  of  the  Children's  Librarian 
would  easily  demonstrate  one  very 
important  goal  ~  imselfish  devotion 
to  the  needs  of  others  in  providing  a 
variety  of  experiences  in  the  Library  - 
experiences  which  will  encourage  the 
full  use  and  enjoyment  of  the  services 
available  to  all.,. 

-  4  - 


This   is  the  time  v:hen  almost  everyone 
is  caught  up  in  the  rush  of  Christmas, 
shopping,   planning,   and  enteiii^ining. 
But  this  season  also  signals  the  close 
of  one  year  and  the  beginning  of 
another.     A  good  time  for  cogitation. 

No  one  vfho  has  seen  the  groups  of 
young  people  sitting  on  the  floors  and 
the  stairs ,   or  leaning  against  the 
walls  of  the  larger  (and  smaller) 
public   libraries  of  the  country  can 
doubt  the  magnitude  and  seriousness 
of  the  student  onslaught.     Because  of 
their  sheer  numbers  the  librarian  often 
feels  overwhelmed.     The  publication  of 
the  Deiches  Report  by  Enoch  Pratt  Free 
Library  in  Baltimore  is  an  indication 
of  concern,   as  are  the  discussions 
held  at  the  last  meeting  of  the 
American  Library  Association. 

However,   looked  at  from  the  proper 
point  of  viev/,   the  student  is  not 
really  a  problem  at  all,  but  rather 
a  challenge  and  an  opportunity  for  us. 
And  while  it  is  true  that  school 
library  service  is   increasing  on  all 
levels,   especially  in  the  university, 
the  number  of  students  is  growing  too. 
Whether  the  schools  will  even  manage 
to  break  even  in  this   respect  is  an 
interesting  question.     In  short,   the 
student  in  the  public  library  is  here 
to  stay — regardless  of  what  his  school 
does.     The  challenge  begins  at  this 

Here  the  library  runs  the  same  risks 
as  the  school.      If  any  individual  is 
to  be  favored  it  will  be  the  brighter 
one.     He  is  easier  to  serve  because 
he  usually  knows  better  vrhat  he  wants, 
and  his  intellectual  level  is  closer 
to  that  of  the  librarian.     They  speak 
the  same  language.     The  slow  learners 
take  more  time  and  often  do  not  even 
seem  to  be  interested.     They  give  the 
impression  of  being  in  the  library 
only  because  they  have  to  be,   and  in 
a  good  many  instances  this   is  the 
case.     These  are  the  potential  "drop- 
outs , "   the  unemployables  of  the 
future.     The  librarian's   responsi- 
bility to  this   type  of  student  is 
almost  as   great  as  the  teacher's,   and 
as  much  as  possible  should  be  done  to 
satisfy  him.     Often  he  doesn't  knew 
what  he's  looking  for,    because  ho  does 

not  have  a  topic   for  his  paper,    or  only 
a  vague  idea    oif  one.     He  given 
a  subject  by  his  teacher,    arri  shown 
vfhere  the  material  can  be  found.     Shown, 
not  told.     Too  often  librarians  speak  a 
language  all  their  own  and  do  not 
realize  that  Kardex,    files,   or  even 
catalogue,  mean  nothing  to  the  average 
person,   much  less  to  the  slow  learner. 
This   is   not  the  same  thing  as  doing  a 
student's  homework  for  him,  but  merely, 
by  giving  him  the  tools,    he  is  abl© 
to  do   it  on  his  own. 

Of  course,    in  going  out  of  our  way  to 
help  these  two  groups ,   the  librarian 
must  not  neglect  the  so-called  average 
student,    the  young  man  or  woman  who  is 
probably  just  as   interested  as  the 
rapid  learner,   but  who  will  not  do 
complicated  research.     Since  this  group 
comprises  the  largest  number,    it  is   in 
one  sense  the  most  important.      It  must 
not  go  away  unsatisfied. 

Granted,   the  student,    of  whatever  age, 
takes  up  a  great  deal  of  time,   but 
librarians  do  not  exist  for  themselves. 
Building  collections   is  a  fine  and 
necessary  thing.     The  better  the  collec- 
tion,  the  better  the  library,  but  books 
that  remain  pristine,   urmutilated,   and 
unusod  are  not  worth  the  dust  that 
collects  on  the  ends  of  their  pages, 
except  to  a  collector.     No  one  likes  a 
mutilated  or  stolen  book,  but  pages 
will  be  torn  out  and  books  vrill  be 
taken,   and  the  librarian  should  not  be 
playing  watchdog  when  he  should  be 
doing  something  else.     The  average 
student  is  neither  a  mutilator  nor  a 
thief  and  cannot  be  neglected  for  the 
sake  of  the  others . 

In  view  of  the  problem  and  its  size, 
why  is  the  number  of  professional 
librarians  being  reduced,   and  the  num- 
ber of  non-professionals  increased? 
Simply,   because  it  is   necessary.      The 
recent  panel  discussion  on  personnel 
held  at  the  Boston  Public  Library 
which  included  personnel  officials 
from  Philadelphia  and  Detroit  as  well 
as  Boston  and  Eastern  Permsylvania  as 
a  whole  emphasized  this  fact  again  and 
again.     Certain  standards   in  personnel 
must  be  maintained,   a  poor  reference 
librarian  is  worse,  many  times,    than 
none  at  all.      If  full-time  professional 
service  cannot  be  maintained,    it  must 
be   in  effect  at  the  times   it  is  most 
needed,    and  vrhen  the  professional   is 

Cont . 

[  Random  Thoughts  of  a  Reference 
Librarian   Cent. 

on  duty  he  should  be  doing  nothing  but 
professional  --jork.  Trained  librarians 
;  cannot  be  pulled  out  of  the  air,  and  if 
there  are  not  enough,  the  fact  must  be 
faced  and  the  library  proceed  from 
there.  This  is  a  condition  that  has 
been  dealt  with  or  is  being  dealt  ^^^ith 
by  almost  every  library  in  the  country. 

What  are  the  solutions?  liore  money, 
nore  books,  and  more  staff  are  of  course 
the  obvious  ones .  This  is  the  answer 
to  everything,  it  is  usually  assumed, 
and  sometimes  it  is .  But  these  are 
goals  that  recede  rather  into  the  dis- 
tance, the  closer  vre  seem  to  come  to 
them.  Trying  to  achieve  them,  vrhile  at 
the  same  time  doinj  the  best  '.rith  what 
we  have  is  most  important.  If  the 
library  is  going  to  use  non-profession- 
als then  a  strong  non-pro fessicnal 
service  must  be  maintained.  The  pro- 
fessional staff  must  be  solidified  and 
its  talents  used  to  the  utmost.  Each 
institution  must  fill  in  the  details 
according  to  its  own  circumstances. 

These  arc  some  of  the  problems  that 
nave  become  more  acute  during  the  past 
year  and  a  few  random  thoughts  connected 
with  then.   It  is  hoped  that  I96'-!  will 
be  full  of  bright  soots  and  that  an 
advance  will  be  made  tovjard  solutions. 


The  following  letter  was  received  by 
our  Hospital  Library  from  the  Association 
of  Assistant  Librarians^  London^  England: 

Fear  Mrs.  Langton:  ' 

Ue  should  like  to  thank 
you  most  sincerely  on  behalf  of  the  mem- 
bers of  the  A.A.L.  Study  Toui'  and  of  our 
Association  for  the  opportunity  to  visit 
your  library  and  the  arrangements  made 
for  us  to  see  it  as  fully  as  possible  in 
the  tinie  available,  1/e  should  be  grate- 
ful if  you  could  also  convey  our  thanks 
to  those  members  of  your  staff  who  acted 
as  guides  cr  were  so  ready  to  answer  our 

We  were  m.ade  to  leel  very  welcome  and 
were  most  impressed  with  the  work  you  are 
doing.  Your  dynamic  and  resourceful 

approach  to  library  service  we  fo-ond 
most  stimulating.  We  ai^e  sure- the 
impact  of  this  visit  will  remain  vrith 
us  for  a  long  time, 

VJe  had  a  most  exciting  and  interesting 
tour  of  the  Eastern  United  States  and 
find  it  difficult  even  now  to  clarify 
our  impressions^  but  we  are  most  con- 
scious of  our  indebtedness  to  you  for 
your  kind  hospitality. 

Yours  sincerely^ 

[signed]  R.  G.  SURRIDGE 

[signed]  F.  BRYANT 

Tour  Organizer 


Most  librarians  were  probably  as  fas- 
cinated as  I  was  by  Oswald's  dealings 
with  the  New  Orleans  Public  Library,  The 
assassination  itself  resembled  one  of 
those  large  acts  of  nature,  like  an 
earthquake  J  and  for  weeks  we  go  around 
in  a  daze,  burying  our  dead,  and  trying 
to  get  back  to  normal.  But  the  mind  of 
the  supposed  assassin  becomes  a  matter 
of  vjonderful  curiosity;  and  what  better 
excursion  in  that  mind  can  we  get  tha 
by  knowing  the  books  he  read,  Fortimate- 
ly  the  New  Orleans  Library  is  still  old- 
fashioned  enough  to  put  the  borrower's 
name  or  card  number  on  the  book  card, 
and  it  wasn ' t  too  hard  for  the  Librarian 
there  to  check  among  the  political  books 
and  find  which  of  them  Os\>rald  had  taken 
out.  He  had  borrowed  a  biography  of 
Kennedy,  a  book  on  the  assassination  of 
Huey  Long,  some  factual  material  on  the 
economy  of  Russia,  several  books  of 
strong  anticommunist  nature  such  as  the 
enormously  popular  one  by  the  Over streets, 
novels  by  Aldous  Huxley,  and  several 
detective  stories  by  Kennedy's  favorite 
Ian  Fleming. 

I  still  remember  the  pleasure  I  felt 
when  I  read  somewhere  that  a  book  was 
written  on  the  reading  Emerson  had  done 
as  undergraduate  at  Harvard,  made  from 
an  examination  of  the  books  in  the 
harvard  stacks,   I  never  got  around  to 
looking  it  up,  but  it  was  good  to  know 
that  such  a  record  could  be  made. 

-  6  - 

We,  too,  in  units  of  the  Circulation 
Division,  covild  tell  for  years  by  looking 
at  a  book  card  who  had  taken  it  out  and 
when.  There  are  many  books  in  Branch 
Issue  even  today  with  old  cards  giving 
such  information,  -  \jhen  the  Director 
borrowed  all  our  copies  of  THE  VJINTHl'S 
TALE,  or  when  I  first  read  Henry  James, 

It's  too  bad  this  old  practice  has 
been  discontinued  in  the  name  of 


The  following  statement  was  made  by 
Frederick  H,  ¥agman.  President  of  the 
American  Library  Association  on  11/22/63: 

The  President  of  the  United  States  has 
just  given  his  life  for  his  covintry,  VJe 
the  members  of  the  Executive  Board  of 
the  ALA,  in  session  at  the  time  of  his 
assassination,  are  shocked  and  deeply 
saddened  by  this  cruel  news.  Our  sense  j 
of  loss  is  profound. 

President  Kennedy  was  a  courageous 
leader  of  his  people.  He  also  highly 
valued  all  that  books  and  libraries  mean 
in  our  society. 

We  call  upon  aU  librarians  to  honor 
our  dead  President  by  renewed  devotion 
to  our  common  cause,  the  strengthening 
of  all  our  democratic  institutions,  and 
resistance  to  all  forces  that  place  in 
jeopardy  our  freedoms  and  those  of  all 
Dior  fellow  citizens, 


I  love  librarians; 

who  tend  to  be  sad, 

soberly  clad, 

calm  antiquarians; 

trained  as  riparians, 

learning  to  angle 

they  never  xirrangle 

with  "beats"  or  barbarians. 

All  make  good  spouses, 
quick  on  their  feet, 
fingering  neat, 
handy  in  houses: 
Not  one  carouses; 
mine  has  one  vice: 
I  have  to  call  twice 
whenever  she  browses 

They  have  a  vocation: 
Patient,  urbane, 
learned,  not  vain, 
sldLlled  at  notation 
and  organization, 
never  on  strike  - 

Oh,  how  I  like 

you,  salt  of  the  nation 

[London  Times  Literary  Supplement, 
November  17,  196l] 


Anne  Armstrong  [Open  Shelf] 
c/o  firs,  Timothy  Malakie 
12  Ellsworth  Road 
VJest  Hewton,  65,  Mass, 

Edward  E,  Guess  [Buildings] 

Soldiers  Home 

91  Crest  Avenue 

Chelsea  50,  Massachusetts 

M,  Gertrude  Chipman  [Central  Charging 

New  England  Baptist  Hospital 
91  Parker  Piill  Avenue 
Roxbury  20,  Mass, 

David  O'Keefe  [Buildings] 
25  Glenham  Street 
West  Roxbuiy  32,  Mass, 



Our  hats  are  off  this  month  to  all 
members  of  Accounting  Staff  who  have  been 
working  days,  nights,  regular  days  and 
week-ends,  in  order  that  the  new  salary 
schedules  may  be  put  into  effect  this 
month,  TAKE  A  BOW,  each  of  youi 


to  Miss  Sydney  Starr,  Fine  Arts,  who 
designed  the  Christmas  Tea  poster  which 
appears  in  this  issue  of  the  QM, 



0  A 


Any  contribution  to  the  Soap  Box  must 
be  accompanied  by  the  full  name  of  the 
Association  member  submitting  it,  together 
with  the  name  of  the  Branch  Library, 
Department  or  Office  in  which  he  or  she 
is  employed.  The  name  is  with-held  from 
publication,  or  a  pen  name  is  used,  if  the 
contributor  so  requests.  Anonymous  con- 
tributions are  not  given  consideration. 
The  author  of  the  article  is  known  only 
to  the  Editor-in-Chief.  The  contents  of 
the  articles  appearing  in  the  Soap  Box 
are  personal  opinions  expressed  by  indivi- 
dual Association  members  and  their  appear- 
ance does  not  necessarily  indicate  that 
the  Publications  Committee  and  the  Asso- 
ciation are  in  agreement  viith  the  views 
expressed.  Only  those  contributions  not 
containing  more  than  300  words  will  be 

To  the  Editor: 

The  granting  of  an  addition- 
al increment  to  staff  members  of  the 
bibliothecal  service  who  have  achieved 
25  years  or  more  of  service  is  a  step  in 
the  right  direction. 

But  this  should  not  be  regarded  as  a 
longevity  payment  or  a  payment  in  lieu  of 
a  long  service  payment.  Rather  it  should 
be  regarded  as  an  effort  to  place  senior 
staff  members  closer  to  their  proper  step 
in  salary  grade. 

For  example,  some  who  were  at  step  6  or 
step  7  in  their  grade  were  assigned  to 
step  3  or  U.  It  was  admitted  by  the 
Administration  that  ideally  all  should 
have  been  placed  at  the  equivalent  step 
in  the  new  grade.  This  action  will  bring 
these  persons  one  step  closer  to  their   | 
proper  step  in  grade.  | 

One  additional  action  is  suggested.     ' 
Assign  all  individuals  to  their  proper 
step  even  if  the  money  is  not  available   i 
to  pay  the  commensurate  salary  immediate- j 
ly.  Each  year  pay  an  additional  sum,  as 
the  budget  will  allow,  an  extra  increment, 
or  half  increment,  or  quarter  increment 
to  accelerate  placing  all  individuals  at  \ 
their  proper  steps,  j 


To  the  Soap  Box: 

Trollope  in  his  very 
pleasant  AUTOBIOGRAPHT  tells  of  an  experi- 
ence he  had  when  he  was  working  for  the 
British  Post-Office  in  Ireland.  His  job 
was  to  travel  through  the  country  and 
investigate  complaints  made  about  the 
service  by  the  public.  Many  very  angry 
letters  had  been  received  from  one  coun- 
try sqviire,  and  Trollope  was  finally  sent 
out  to  have  a  talk  with  him.  He  arrived 
tired  and  cold  on  a  winter  evening  and 
hoped  to  get  his  business  done  soon  and 
get  back  to  his  home  the  same  night.  The 
squire  treated  him  with  great  courtesy, 
insisted  that  he  have  his  dinner  with  the 
family,  sit  in  the  drawing  room  listening 
to  the  daughter  of  the  house  play  the 
piano,  and  stay  the  night.  Every  time 
Trollope  brought  up  the  subject  of  the 
complaints,  the  man  refused  to  listen, 
either  on  the  grovmds  that  nobody  dis- 
cusses business  at  dinner,  or  over  the 
wine,  or  while  listening  to  music,  and 
Trollope  had  to  postpone  the  talk  until 
the  next  morning.  Shamefacedly  the 
squire  admitted  that  he  really  had  no 
complaint,  that  the  service  was  excellent, 
and  made  the  following  remark:  "Here  I  sit 
all  day  with  nothing  to  do  and  I  like 
writing  letters," 

I  don't  think  any  of  our  staff  members 
write  letters  to  the  Soap  Box  for  any 
such  reason. 


To  the  Soap  Box: 

Good  will  is  something 
that  takes  a  long  time  to  acquire,  but 
can  be  lost  very  quickly, 

Word^  explanations  and  long  evasive 
statements  or  promises  that  are  contra- 
dicted by  actions  are  no  substitutes  for 
fair  dealing.  Statements  to  the  effect 
that  you  are  a  fair  person  or  intend  to 
be  fair  are  quickly  discounted  if  the 
person  or  institution  making  the  state- 
ment does  not  have  a  reputation  for 
acting  fairly. 

Empty  promises  and  broken  promises  are 
the  instruments  which  will  kill  good  will 
as  surely  as  a  hot  knife  will  cut  through 

Forthrightness  and  frankness  build  good 
will.  Expediency  and  evasiveness  kill 

Be  men  of  good  will J 



vohem's   lounge 

3  -  H:30  T.M. 






ILOSAUE    A.     LAMGp 
CAiTUE.t2iM6.  "E.MAuOViEV         SHCli-A     W-    5TLVENS 




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^         ^ 

Rhoda  Blacker  -  A-l^-ns   Street  Branch  Library 

Grace  Marvin  ^  a  d  q 

and      -  Book  Selection  Department,  He  H.  s. 

Mary  Obear 

La\n^a  Reyes   -  Mattapan  Branch  library 


3  9999  063 

4  619  3