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un'.' ,25* 

isemary  and  Jose  Ferrer 

Ihy  They  Had  to  Split! 


lyMrs.Como  Didn't  Go 
Her  Sons  Wedding 

Every  Month! 
Bonus  Section! 


Buyer's  Guide! 

WINKLE:  The  Moose  with  the  Most 




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ROOM  9RI2     -      121    SOUTH  WABASH  •  CHICAGO  3,  ILL. 

JANUARY,   1962 


VOL.  57,  NO.  2 

Ann  Mosher,  Editor 

Teresa  Buxton,  Managing  Editor 

Barbara   Greenwald,  Associate  Editor 

Jack  Zasorin,  Art  Director 

Frances  Maly,  Associate  Art  Director 

Eunice  Field,  West  Coast  Representative 


A  Flair  for  Laughter  (Milt  Kamen) by  Charles  Miron  9 

Hollywood  He-Men — Athletes  All  (prime  "beefcake"  pictures  for  the  girls! ) 10 

Jackie  Gleason :  A  Father  at  Last 14 

The  Unpredictable  Brian  Kelly by  Harry  Flynn  16 

The  Networks'  Answer  to  Criticism  of  Juvenile  Shows by  Helen  Bolstad  18 

Why  They  Had  to  Split!   (Rosemary  Clooney  and  Jose  Ferrer) by  Beatrice  Emmons  20 

A   Baby   for   Elvis   Presley 22 

Bullwinkle:  The  Moose  with  the  Most by  Roger  Beck  24 

"Why  I  Married  an  Older  Man"    (Gigi  Perreau)    by  Dick   Kleiner  26 

"Why  I  Married  an  Older  Woman"  (Michael  Landon) by  Tex  Maddox  28 

It  Takes  A  Fool  to  Be  a  Lady  Comic   (Carol  Burnett) by  Jim  Morse  30 

Hollywood's  Biggest  Tourist  Attraction    (Lawrence  Welk)    by  Marilyn  Beck  32 

The  Advantages  of  Being  Shy  (Joan  Harvey) by  Frances  Kish  34 

TV  Radio  Mirror's  New  Face  of  the  Month :  Robert  Goulet by  James  Taylor  36 

"Fads  and  Foibles"  (picture  story  from  The  Du  Pont  Show  Of  The  Week) 38 

Why  Mrs.  Perry  Como  Didn't  Go  to  Her  Son's  Wedding 42 

Meet  the  Neighbors  (the  "indispensables"  on  top  TV  shows) 44 

The  Transcontinental  Joey  Bishops 46 


On  The  Record :   Special  8-page  Magazine  Within  a  Magazine    80A 


No  Time  for  Sleep  (Richard  Hickox  of  WISH-TV) 49 

Showcase  of  Chicago  (Repertoire  Theatre  of  WBBM-TV) 50 

0-0-0  O'Neill   (Jim  O'Neill  of  KDWB  Radio) 52 

People  Are  His  World   (Eddie  Clarke  of  KMBC  Radio)    54 


Information  Booth  3 

What's  New  on  the  East  Coast by  Peter  Abbott  4 

What's  New  on  the  West  Coast by    Eunice    Field  6 

Beauty:  Make-Up  on  the  Gold  Standard  (Robbin  Bain) by  Barbara  Marco  64 

New  Patterns  for  You  (smart  wardrobe  suggestions) 69 

New  Designs  for  Living  (needlecraft  and  transfer  patterns) 74 

The  Bullwinkle  cover  is  an  original  drawing  by  Bill  Scott,  co-originator  of  The  Bullwinkle  Show 

<,    * 

Published  Monthly  by  Macfadden  Publications,  Inc.  Execu- 
tive, Advertising,  and  Editorial  Offices  at  205  E.  42nd  St., 
New  York,  N.  Y.  Editorial  Branch  Office,  434  N.  Rodeo  Dr., 
Beverly  Hills,  Calif.  Gerald  A.  Bartell,  Chairman  of  the  Board 
and  President;  Frederick  A.  Klein,  Executive  Vice-President- 
General  Manager;  Robert  L.  Young,  Vice-President;  S.  N. 
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Change  of  Address:  6  weeks'  notice  essential.  When  possible 
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York  17,  New  York. 

Buy  your  February  issue  early  •  On  sale  January  4 

Information  Booth 

•  In  answer  to  many,  many  requests, 
Information  Booth  each  month 
will  spotlight  off-the-screen 
lives  of  the  top  daytime  serial 
stars.    Send  us  a  card,  indicating 
your   own  favorite  personality! 

Rosemary  Prinz 

Mark  Rydell 


Some  Quickies 

/  would  like  to  know  the  birthplace 

and  birthdate  of  actress  Carole  Wells. 

CM.,  Homer,  N.  Y. 

Carole  was  born  in  Shreveport,  Loui- 
siana, on  August  31,  1942. 

Are  June  Blair  (David  Nelson's  wife) 
and  Janet  Blair  related?  Also,  where 
can  I  write  to  Mike  London? 

P.S.,  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

No.  Janet's  real  name  is  Martha  Jane 
Lafferty.  Write  to  Mike,  NBC-TV,  3000 
W.  Alameda,  Burbank,  Calif. 

Can  you  please  tell  me  how  old  Kathy 
Young  really  is?    She's  such  a  doll! 

D.D.,  Seward,  Neb. 

Kathy  was  sweet  sixteen  on  October 


Will  you  please  tell  me  where  and 
when  Ronald  Reagan  was  born? 

H.W.,  Atco,  N.  J. 

Ronald  was  born  in  Tampico,  Illinois, 
on  February  6,  1911. 

We'll  answer  questions  about  radio 
and  TV  in  this  column,  provided 
they  are  of  general  interest.  Write  to 
Information  Booth,  TV  Radio  Mir- 
ror, 205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York  17, 
N.  Y.  Attach  this  box,  specifying 
network  and  program  involved. 
Sorry,  no  personal  answers. 

Here's  Jeff 

Who  is  the  king  of  the  daytime  seri- 
als? Many  insist  it  is  Mark  Rydell,  who 
for  the  past  five  years  has  played  Jeff 
Baker  in  As  The  World  Turns.  ...  A 
native  New  Yorker,  Mark  at  first 
planned  to  make  piano  and  conducting 
his  career — he  studied  at  Juilliard 
School  of  Music,  Chicago  University 
and  New  York  University — but  ended 
up  throwing  himself  into  acting.  He 
studied  at  several  dramatic  workshops 
and,  after  a  while,  his  TV  experience 
began  to  mount  up.  Only  32,  Mark  has 
close  to  200  television  shows  to  his 
credit.  Among  them,  he  has  performed 
on  Alcoa-Goody  ear  Theater,  Naked 
City,  The  Web,  and  Danger!  ...  A 
handsome  5-foot-10,  with  dark  hair  and 
hazel  eyes,  Mark  is  still  unmarried.  He 
says,  with  a  smile,  "You  can  say  I'm 
terribly  eligible  and  am  looking  for  a 
girl  who  appreciates  the  arts,  but  who 
doesn't  necessarily  have  to  be  an  ac- 
tress." He  lives  in  a  typical  bachelor 
apartment  on  New  York's  East  Side, 
with  a  piano  and  an  enormous  collec- 
tion of  jazz  records  for  companions.  An 
accomplished  pianist,  conductor  and 
arranger,  he  favors  jazz  piano.  He 
reads  "everything,"  but  has  a  special 
fondness  for  Thomas  Wolfe.  ...  In 
regard  to  the  many  queries  asking  if 
Mark  and  Rosemary  Prinz  are  steady 
daters,  the  answer  is  "no."  Although 
they  did  date  before  their  TV  "mar- 
riage," it  was  strictly  for  fun.  .  .  . 
Mark's  ambition?  To  combine  direct- 
ing  with   his   successful    role   as    Jeff. 

Here's  Penny 

Many  a  budding  young  actress  has 
worked  at  odd  jobs  while  trying  to  build 
a  theatrical  career.  So  it  was  with 
flame-tressed  Rosemary  Prinz,  alias 
Penny  Baker  of  the  daytime  series,  As 
The  World  Turns.  Petite  Rosemary — 
5-foot-2,  96  pounds — has  worked  as  a 
door-to-door  pots-and-pans  salesgirl,  a 
hatcheck  girl,  a  typist  and  a  department 
salesgirl.  .  .  .  Her  first  dramatic  ex- 
perience came  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  as 
an  apprentice  in  summer  stock.  She 
soon  graduated  to  ingenue  roles  and, 
after  high  school,  went  on  the  road, 
playing  Corliss  in  "Kiss  And  Tell."  In 
rapid  succession,  she  did  more  road 
shows,  half-a-dozen  Broadway  and  off- 
Broadway  plays,  plus  a  good  deal  of 
nighttime  TV  drama.  A  highlight  of  her 
career  was  receiving  the  Wildberg-Gil- 
more  Award  as  the  most  promising  ac- 
tress in  1950.  .  .  .  Today,  Rosemary  is 
a  busy  gal,  often  arriving  at  the  studio 
at  7:30  a.m.  and  remaining  till  5:30 
p.m.  Nights,  she  learns  dialogue  for  the 
next  day,  takes  classes  in  "body  move- 
ment," studies  voice,  French  and  col- 
lege courses,  and  attends  a  professional 
drama  workshop.  She  is  a  gourmet 
cook  and,  having  studied  piano,  she 
loves  music.  (Her  father,  Milton,  was 
a  brilliant  concert  cellist  who  worked 
under  the  great  Toscanini  and,  later,  in 
the  Firestone  Orchestra.)  .  .  .  Now  di- 
vorced, "home"  for  Rosemary  is  a 
small  midtown  New  York  apartment 
near  the  East  River — "furnished  in  a 
way  that  expresses  my  many  interests." 






Adorable  Cynthia   Pepper  of  ABC-TV's  Margie  series  has 
described  herself  as  "a  kind  of  female  Dwayne  Hickman." 

Um-m-m,  it's  Gena  Rowlands  and 
Robert  Lansing  of  87th  Precinct. 

Bob    Hope's 


all    set    for    NBC-TV 
in     early     December. 



Jangle  Bells :  Talk  that  Jerry  Lewis 
may  return  to  TV  next  season.  .  .  . 
Johnny  Carson  altar-bound  again? 
.  .  .  NBC  execs  mumbling  in  their 
beards  because  Marilyn,  who  was 
too  exhausted  to  make  that  TV  spe- 
cial, is  now  finding  the  energy  to 
start  another  film.  .  .  .TV  producers 
looking  north.  Production  costs  in 
Canada  are  about  one-third  of  state- 
side budgets.  .  .  .  Tennessee  Ernie 
Ford  returns  to  TV  in  the  spring 
with  a  daytimer  over  ABC.  .  .  .  Paul 
Anka  on  the  town  with  a  Copa  cutie. 
.  .  .  Harry  James  and  Betty  Grable 
would  love  to  do  a  TV  series.  .  .  . 
Welcome  back  to  Calvin  And  The 
Colonel,  which  will  get  a  half-hour 
of  the  open  time  left  by  the  demise 
of  The  Roaring  20's.  Other  half  goes 
to  Room  For  One  More,  comedy  with 
Andrew  Duggan  and  Peggy  McCay. 
.  .  .  Garroway's  friends  bet  he'll  be 
back  in  harness  next  season.  .  .  '. 
Dick  Clark  very  happy  with  a  pri- 
vate secretary.  Not  his  own. 

The  Holiday  Twist:  Anita  Ek- 
berg  nixing  TV  offers  but  will  make 
two  movies  stateside.  .  .  .  Star  of 
one  of  the  highest  rated  TV  shows 
gets  his  way  by  crying  backstage. 
.  .  .  Will  David  Susskind  and  PM's 
Joyce  Davidson  elope?  .  .  .  20th 
Century-Fox  hops  onto  the  "cultural 


Funnyman  Bob  Newhart  has  pet 
peeve — he  really   hates   offices! 

Watch  for  Betty  White  and  the  Tournament 
of  Roses  Parade  as  colorcast  over  NBC-TV. 

Bert  Parks  happy  with   new 
musical    quiz   over   ABC-TV. 

wagon"  with  development  of  a  half- 
hour  series  based  on  the  classic 
poetry  of  Homer.  Ulysses  will  be  the 
hero  and  some  dramatic  license  will 
be  taken.  It  was  not  revealed  wheth- 
er "The  Odyssey"  will  be  turned  into 
an  adventure  or  situation  comedy 
series.  .  .  .  Robbin  Bain,  of  Today, 
is  a  former  "Miss  Rheingold."  Yet 
she  hates  beer,  loves  to  get  twisted 
up  with  pretzels.  .  .  .  The  Twist  is 
the  rage  of  N.Y.C.,  endorsed  enthu- 
siastically by  high  society  and  the 
teen-age  set.  .  .  .  Fabian  not  hurting 
his  popularity  by  accepting  TV 
scripts  that  are  suggestive  and  vio- 
lent. .  .  .  Steve  Lawrence  and  Eydie 
Gorme  have  put  in  another  order 
with  La  Stork.  Eydie  has  been  or- 
dered by  her  doctor  to  take  it  real 

Televitis:  Paar  wants  Downs  to 
take  over  the  nighttime  series  when 
he  retires  at  the  end  of  March.  But 
Hugh  says,  in  effect,  "If  nominated, 
I  will  not  run."  Downs  doesn't  say 
that  Paar  is  irreplaceable,  but  in- 
sists that  he's  not  the  one  for  the 
job.  ...  On  December  10,  NBC-TV 
comes  up  with  a  video  version  of 
the  1946  hit  movie,  "Notorious." 
Joseph  Cotten  is  set  to  play  the 
boss  of  a  South  American  spy  ring. 
.  .  .  The  rumor  that  Steve  Allen  and 

his  new  bosses  at  ABC  are  at  it 
hammer-and-tongs  is  untrue.  They 
are  using  only  sharp  pencils.  .  .  . 
Juliet  Prowse  nabs  ten  grand  for 
her  Xmas  date  with  Como.  .  .  . 
Hollywood  tragedy:  A  champagne 
cork  popped  into  Jill  St.  John's  eye 
and  gave  her  a  mouse. 

Sing  Along  With  Me:  Whether  or 
not  Robert  Stack  decides  to  renew 
his  contract  this  spring  may  not  be 
important.  Sing  Along  With  Mitch 
is  gunning  down  The  Untouchables 
in  the  rating  war.  .  .  .  Network  execs 
confused.  No  matter  which  way  they 
turn,  they  get  spanked.  Adventure 
shows  are  criticized  for  violence; 
comedy  series  are  said  to  be  sheer 
idiocy;  and  no  one  wants  cultural 
shows,  even  the  sponsors.  .  .  .  The 
Brighter  Day's  use  of  blind  actors 
was  initiated  by  a  fan  letter  asking 
the  producer  to  set  an  example  in 
the  employment  of  the  handicapped. 
.  .  .  Satchmo  up  for  a  Congressional 
medal.  .  .  .  NBC-TV  will  be  in  a 
switch  New  Year's  Day.  First,  the 
network  picks  up  the  Tournament 
of  Roses  Parade  with  Betty  White 
and  John  Davidson  at  the  mike, 
Next,  NBC  goes  to  the  Sugar  Bowl 
for  the  pigskin  play-off,  then  back 
to  California  for  the  Rose  Bowl 
game.  .  .  .  Danny  Thomas  advised 

by  medics  he's  working  too  hard 
and  must  slow  down.  .  .  .  Bob  New- 
hart  insists  script  conferences  take 
place  in  his  apartment.  Can't  stand 
to  be  in  an  office.  Reminds  him  of 
the  days  when  he  was  an  account- 
ant, which  he  loathed. 

And  All  That  Jazz:  CBS-TV's 
Twentieth  Century  concentrates  on 
Dave  Brubeck,  New  Year's  Eve,  with 
films  shot  at  Basin  Street  East  and 
during  rehearsal  at  Brubeck's  Con- 
necticut home.  .  .  .  Who  can  explain 
audience  reaction?  Garry  Moore, 
who  loves  jazz,  found  his  evening 
audience  cooling  off  when  he  pre- 
sented a  jazz  star.  On  the  other  hand, 
Merv  Griffin  and  Arthur  Godfrey 
emphasize  jazz  and  find  their  day- 
time audiences  love  it.  .  .  .  The  Sam 
Cookes  expecting.  .  .  .  Ever  wonder 
about  what's  happened  to  Tony 
Marvin?  He's  working  a  full  day  on 
commercials  and  as  a  newscaster  at 
Mutual.  He  still  prizes  his  profitable 
and  long  association  with  Godfrey 
and  thinks  it's  just  a  matter  of  an- 
other season  before  he's  back  on 
network  TV.  .  .  .  Hugh  O'Brian's 
dream  comes  all  the  way  true.  He 
will  make  Broadway  in  a  show  of 
his  own,  and  will  be  directed  by 
Alfred  Lunt  himself.  .  .  .  Tony  Per- 
kins, they   (Continued  on  page  57) 

WHAT'S  JNEW  or\ 


Wedding   bells   pealed   again   for 
Ruth  Warrick  and   Carl   Neubert. 

*      Thoughtful    Sam    Jaffe    gave   the 
top    billing    to    his    wife    Bettye. 

Pet  Projects:  Hawaiian  Eye  star 
Anthony  Eisley  says  the  family 
Persian  has  struck  up  a  tender 
friendship  with  a  backyard  squir- 
rel. Watching  "Putter"  (the  cat) 
frolic  with  "Nutty"  in  a  tree  of 
their  North  Hollywood  yard,  Tony 
at  first  thought  of  having  his  cat 
analyzed.  On  second  thought,  he 
did  what  every  actor  does  by  in- 
stinct .  .  .  call  a  producer  and  ask 
for  an  "audition."  Walt  Disney  lis- 
tened gravely  to  Tony's  recital  of 
the  goings-on  'twixt  Putter,  the 
cat,  and  Nutty,  the  squirrel,  and 
finally  said,  "I  think  there  might  be 
a  story  in  it  .  .  .  but  we'd  have  to 
change  the  names  around.  That 
cat's  definitely  'Nutty.'"  .  .  .  And 
then  there's  Shirley  Booth,  who's 
no  wackier  than  her  TV  charac- 
terization of  Hazel.  Shirley  has 
three  female  pets — a  parakeet  and 
two  French  poodles.  Before  leav- 
ing to  go  to  dinner  one  night,  she 
called  to  a  friend,  "Turn  on  the 
television  for  the  girls."  Somewhat 
taken  aback,  the  friend  complied. 
She  was  startled  to  see  the  dogs 
jump  onto  the  couch  and  the  bird 
fly  to  the  top  of  the  cage  and  stare 
expectantly  at  the  screen.  The 
show  came  on,  but  the  dogs  barked 
and  the  parakeet  scolded  shrilly. 
"What  do  they  want  now?"  in- 
quired the  benumbed  friend.  "Oh, 
the  sound's  too  low  .  .  .  how  can 
they  tell  what  they're  watching  if 
they  can't  hear  the  dialogue?" 
called  Shirley. 

Greater  Love  Hath  No  Actor 
than  when  he  gives  up  billing  to 
to  his  wife.  When  famed  actor  Sam 
Jaffe  and  actress  Bettye  Acker- 
man  (Mr.  and  Mrs.  in  private  life) 
were  signed  to  play  Dr.  David  Zor- 
ba  and  Dr.  Maggie  Graham  on 
Ben  Casey,  Sam  was  naturally 
offered  co-star  billing  with  Vin- 
cent Edwards.  He  resisted  this 
honor,  and  then  insisted  that  wife 
Bettye's  name  go  above  his  on  the 
dressing  room  they  share.  "I've 
had  my  day  at  stardom,"  explained 
Sam,  "and  I  say,  'move  over  for 
the  younger  people' — my  lovely 
wife  included." 

Bride's  Father  Gives  Wife 
Away:  It's  all  really  very  simple. 

Leon  Ames — who  is  the  TV  father 
of  Myrna  Fahey  and  the  TV  hubby 
of  Ruth  Warrick,  who  is  the  TV 
"mother  of  the  bride" — put  his 
head  together  with  his  real-life 
wife's  and  arranged  a  party  where 
Ruth  could  meet  her  ex-real-life 
hubby,  Carl  Neubert  .  .  .  with  the 
result  that  Ruth  and  Carl  decided 
to  remarry  and  so  the  "father  of 
the  bride"  (TV,  that  is),  gave  his 
"wife"  away  (TV,  that  is)  .  .  .  now 
isn't  that  clear? 

Playing  the  Field:  Jack  Carter, 
TV  and  night-club  comedian  mak- 
ing his  movie  debut  in  "The  Hori- 
zontal Lieutenant,"  at  MGM,  was 
asked  why  it  had  taken  him  so 
long  to  make  his  film  bow.  "I'll 
tell  you,"  he  explained.  "A  long 
time  ago,  I  was  up  for  a  small  role. 
I  discovered  all  I  was  supposed  to 
say  was  'Ho,'  so  I  turned  it  down. 
They  said  they'd  enlarge  the  role. 
Sure  enough,  they  did.  I  was  to 
say  'Ho,  ho!'  Well,  I  decided  that 
I  just  wasn't  ready  for  the  movies, 
so  I  returned  to  clubs  and  the 
theater  to  get  experience."  .  .  . 
Fabian's  Bus  Stop  segment  now 
looks  definitely  postponed  until 
mid-season.  Fabe,  who  plays  a 
psychological  killer  in  it,  is  said 
to  be  great,  but  there's  opposition 
by  censors  in  the  front  offices,  who 
feel  his  actions  in  the  episode  might 
have  a  bad  influence  on  his  fans. 
...  It  took  Ann  Doran  a  whole 
year  to  do  it,  but  she  finally  per- 
suaded the  National  Velvet  brass 
to  get  her  a  completely  new  ward- 
robe and  hairdo.  It  seems  that,  last 
season,  Ann  wore  the  same  dress 
throughout  and  it  was  giving  her 
a  complex.  "They're  not  Diors," 
says  Ann,  "but  at  least  the  dresses 
are  new."  ...  Is  Jim  Garner  doing 
the  "method"  actor  casual-clothes 
bit?  Hollywood  wonders.  He 
showed  up  at  Jack  Kelly  and  Mae 
Wynn's  fifth  anniversary  party 
minus  tuxedo.  He  was  the  only 
male  at  the  party  of  200  minus 
black-tie.  .  .  .  Dan  Duryea  finally 
figured  out  what  a  "compatible" 
TV  set  is.  "It  fogs  up  for  you — 
plays  beautifully  for  your  wife's 

(Continued  on  page  8) 


The  stars  shone  brightly  at  the  "King  of  Kings"  premiere 

Wh    *»>« 

B        ■&   '"      JL^I 

fcyfrfr?        B   •               ^^1 

|NH     ^m  x.  -j*    V 


It's  Jack  Benny  with  his  ever-loving  Mary. 

Johnny  Walsh  squired  young  lovely,   Lori  Martin. 

Ann  Doran  and  Arthur  Space  of  National  Velvet  es- 
corted  his   real  daughters — Sondra   (left)  and   Susan. 

Carole  Wells  showed  up  with  Bob  Bishop, 
who  is  fast  becoming  her  favorite  beau. 


(Continued  from  page  6) 
Personal  Notes:  Edd  Byrnes — 
just  about  the  only  Warnerite  who 
hasn't  submitted  and  sold  an  original 
story  to  his  own  series — explains: 
"The  only  writing  talent  I  have  is  to 
endorse  my  weekly  paycheck!"  .  .  . 
Banner  Films'  "angry  young  man 
of  television" — Dr.  Albert  E.  Burke, 
whose  A  Way  Of  Thinking  lectures 
are  geared  to  get  citizens  to  "think" 
— seems  headed  for  a  network  slot. 
His  show  has  aroused  more  com- 
ment than  Alexander  King,  Mike 
Wallace  and  Oscar  Levant  rolled 
into  one.  .  .  .  Former  "Champagne 
Lady"  Roberta  Linn  wed  bandleader 
Freddie  Bell  in  Las  Vegas  when  he 
was  "between  shows"  at  the  Sahara 
Hotel.  It  was  Roberta's  first  mar- 
riage, and  former  boss  Lawrence 
Welk  was  one  of  the  first  to  wire 
congratulations.  ...  In  his  upcom- 
ing Target:  The  Corruptors  guest- 
ing, Dean  Jones  will  sing  a  number 
entitled  "I  Lost  My  Best  Friend." 
He  wrote  both  the  lyrics  and  music 
for  it,  and  his  recording  is  scheduled 
to  come  out  day-and-date  with  the 
TV  showing.  .  .  .  Broderick  Craw- 
ford bought  two  houses  in  Europe 
— one  on  the  island  of  Rhodes,  an- 
other off  the  coast  of  Spain.  He  hopes 
to  retire  abroad  within  two  years. 
.  .  .  George  Maharis's  two  brothers, 
Robert  and  Paul,  and  his  sister  Pa- 
tricia have  been  signed  to  appear 
with  him  in  a  Route  66  segment.  .  .  . 
David  Nelson  has  gained  ten  pounds 
since  his  marriage — for  a  good  rea- 
son. Bride  June  Blair  is  a  good  cook, 
but  has  a  passion  for  tacos.  She 
cooks  them  three  nights  a  wee>. . . . 
Gardner  McKay  soon  stars  in  his 
first  feature,  "Watcher  in  the  Shad- 
ows," so  co-star  Guy  Stockwell  will 
carry  at  least  six  shows  without 
Gar's  usual  Adventures  In  Paradise 
presence.  .  .  .  Don  Porter,  erstwhile 
Ann  Sothern  leading  man,  stars  in 
the  East  Coast  touring  company  of 
"The  Best  Man."  A  shrewd  busi- 
nessman, Don  is  one  actor  in  a  posi- 
tion to  pick  his  roles.  He  long  ago 
invested  in  real  estate — today  owns 
several    apartment   houses. 

The  Younger  Set:  Fourteen- 
year-old  Lori  Martin  had  her  first 
real  date  for  the  premiere  of  "King 
of  Kings" — but  it  was  with  "old 
friend"  Johnny  Walsh.  Johnny,  un- 
der contract  to  Warner  Bros.  Rec- 
ords, lives  in  Glendale — not  far 
from  Lori's  home  in  Burbank — and 
they've  known  each  other  "since  we 
were  children,"  says  Lori,  who  be- 
comes more  sophisticated  and  beau- 

tiful each  day.  Another  "King  of 
Kings"  premiere  attendee,  Carole 
Wells,  was  escorted  by  Bob  Bishop, 
who  had  beaued  her  for  three  years. 
Though  Carole  has  dated  Peter 
Brown,  Duane  Eddy,  George  Hamil- 
ton and  many  other  eligible  actors, 
Bob  is  still  her  favorite  date  and 
she  says  she's  becoming  more  sure 
all  the  time  that  he  may  be  "the 
only  man  in  my  future." 

The  Brave  Don't  Cry:  When 
Larry  Pennell  of  Ripcord  quit  pro- 
fessional baseball  for  a  career  in  act- 
ing and  signed  up  with  Paramount, 
he  wired  his  former  team,  the  Bos- 
ton Braves,  as  follows:  "Movie 
money  has  made  it  impossible  for 
me  to  be  a  Brave  again."  The  next 

Fabian,    shown    with    Dianne    Foster, 
will  "turn  killer"  in  Bus  Stop  episode. 

week,  he  got  his  first  part  in  "The 
Far  Horizons,"  with  Charlton  Hes- 
ton  and  Fred  MacMurray.  After 
reading  the  script,  Larry  rushed 
to  the  phone  and  sent  another  wire 
to  Boston.  "Just  got  first  role — was 
I  ever  wrong!  I'm  playing  an  Indian 
— and  I  don't  get  the  girl!" 

The  Lively  Arts:  Many  stage, 
screen  and  TV  stars  have  taken  up 
painting  for  a  hobby,  and  John  Beal, 
who  emotes  in  all  three  mediums, 
is  a  professional  portrait  painter  on 
the  side.  Recently,  he  sent  out  a 
circular,  giving  examples  of  his  work 
and  offering  to  do  portraits  based 
on  photographs.  Beal — who  picks  up 
his  mail  in  Higganum,  Connecticut 
— later  got  a  note  in  the  mail  signed 
"Ardent  Fan."  The  note  enclosed 
a  signed  but  blank  check  and  said, 
"I  would  like  a  portrait,  please,  at 
your  usual  rate — but  instead  of  do- 
ing one  of  me,  would  you  please  do 

one  of  yourself  and  send  it  to  the 
above  address?" 

The  Heel  of  Fortune:  Morey 
Amsterdam,  philosophizing  about  his 
career,  says:  "I'm  not  lucky.  But 
this  co-star  spot  on  The  Dick  Van 
Dyke  Show  is  a  real  break.  Funny 
thing  about  TV — time  means  noth- 
ing. People  come  up  to  me  and  say, 
'Hey,  I  saw  you  on  The  Ed  Sullivan 
Show  the  other  night.'  And  maybe  I 
did  the  Sullivan  spot  two  years  ago. 
Anyway,  I'm  lucky  they  remember 
those  guest  shots  at  all.  It  was  usu- 
ally my  luck  to  either  follow  a  pre- 
cocious kid  or  a  guy  on  crutches 
who's  just  sung,  'God  Bless  Amer- 
ica.' " 

Hollywood-Go-Round:  Dean 
Martin,  explaining  just  what  the 
Sinatra-Lawford-Martin-Davis  et  al 
group  is:  "The  Clan?  The  Rat  Pack? 
That's  not  us  at  all.  We're  more 
like  a  P.T.A.— a  Perfect  Together- 
ness Association."  .  .  .  Bob  Cum- 
mings,  on  his  biggest  problem  in 
launching  his  latest  CBS-TV  show: 
"I  do  all  my  own  flying  and  at  first 
the  sponsors,  the  network  and  ev- 
eryone else  concerned  took  a  dim 
view  of  it.  After  all — what  if  I  had 
an  accident?  I  convinced  them 
finally  that  I'd  been  soloing  for 
thirty-five  years,  come  next  March 
3,  and  never  even  had  the  experi- 
ence of  running  out  of  gas."  .  .  . 
Blind  author  James  B.  Garfield — 
whose  show,  A  Blind  Man  Looks  At 
You,  has  been  on  KGFJ  Radio  for 
twelve  years — celebrated  his  eighti- 
eth birthday  recently  by  paying  a 
visit  to  his  alma  mater,  the  Inter- 
national Guiding  Eyes  school,  with 
his  guide  dog  "Fiera."  Said  Garfield, 
"I  certainly  enjoyed  the  trip.  It's 
always  good  to  see  old  friends 
again."  The  genial  gentleman, 
blinded  late  in  life,  insists  he  sees 
better  now  with  his  heart  than  he 
ever  did  with  his  eyes.  .  .  .  Delia 
Reese,  discovered  when  she  was 
thirteen,  while  singing  with  the 
Mahalia  Jackson  group,  had  Miss 
Jackson  and  her  Meditation  Singers 
with  her  recently  when  she  played 
Las  Vegas.  It  was  their  first  appear- 
ance together  in  more  than  fifteen 
years.  .  .  .  Maureen  O'Hara's  Colum- 
bia LP  is  due  out  this  month.  .  .  . 
Singer  Roberta  Sherwood  has  made 
a  pilot,  Bringing  Up  Mother,  for 
producer  Tony  Owen,  Donna  Reed's 
husband.  .  .  .  Margie  Regan  and 
Ron  Harper  of  87th  Precinct  dis- 
covered each  other  with  their  first 
on-screen  kiss,  and  friends  predict 
wedding   bells   will   ring. 

_- -—- 



Sophisticated  comedian 
Milt  Kamen  finds  life  a  barrel 
of  laughs.  But  it  wasn't  always  so 


Housewives  across  the  nation  who  lis- 
ten to  ABC  Radio's  network  feature, 
Flair,  are  becoming  devotees  of  the  dis- 
tinctive humor  of  Milt  Kamen.  In  fact,  as 
one  of  the  country's  hottest  comics,  Kamen 
is  in  such  demand  these  days  that  life 
seems  very  good  to  him. 

But,  in  other  years,  Milt's  lot  in  life 
was  considerably  less  than  amusing.  "It's 
hard  to  be  funny  when  you  might  get  your 
head  beat  in,"  he  observes,  remembering 
all  too  well  the   (Continued  on  page  66) 

Milt  Kamen  is  on  Flair,  the  big  weekday  variety 
program  heard  nationwide  over  ABC  Radio. 
Check   papers  for  time   in   your  area. 




The  stars  of  today  are  the  superb  sportsmen  of  yesterday. 

A  nostalgic  album  of  how  todays  beefcake  idols  looked  when 

muscular  skill  meant  more  than  acting  ability 

1951:  Movies  discover 
diomond — Kevin  Connors,  6- 
foot-6  basketball  star 
from  Seton  Hall  (N.J.)  now 
playing   pro   baseball 
(for  Dodgers,  Cubs,  etc.)! 
"Chuck"  later  won   greatest 
fame  as  TV's  Rifleman. 

■  Is  it  just  coincidence  that  so  many  of 
today's  male  TV  stars  have  a  solid  back- 
ground in  sports?  Hollywood  hipsters 
think  not,  usually  cite  one  of  three 
reasons:  (1)  Sports  fame,  with  its  atten- 
dant publicity,  is  a  shortcut  to  show-biz 
success.  .  .  .  (2)  It  takes  the  same  sort  of 
dedication,  drive  and  self-discipline  to 
succeed  in  show  business  as  it  does  in  the 
arena.  .  .  .  (3)  Female  fans  are  irresist- 
ably  drawn  to  a  male  with  a  fine  physique 
— a  man  who  radiates  health  and  sheer 
animal  magnetism — and  are  willing  to 
overlook  whatever  shortcomings  he  may 
have  as  to  talent,  so  long  as  he's  a  big, 
handsome  hunk  of  man.  .  .  .  Whatever 
the  reason,  there  are  more  former  sports 
heroes  among  today's  stars  than  ever 
before  in  Hollywood  history.  Many  cap- 
italize on  their  athletic  fame  to  get  a 
first  foot  inside  the  stage  door,  then  keep 
in  the  limelight  through  talent  alone. 
Others  are  discovered  through  their  per- 
forming abilities,  then  disclose  their 
sports  prowess  later.  .  .  .  One  way  or 
another,  the  ten  athletes  seen  here  are 
prime  exhibits  to  prove  why  modern 
talent  scouts  must  keep  their  eyes  on 
both   sporting  events   and   little-theater. 

Continued   l 







1946:  Robert  Stack,  young  Hollywood  actor, 
impresses  in  water  sports  at  Lake  Tahoe! 

Untouchables  hero  has  always  been  on-target: 
All-American  skeet-shooting  champ  at  16; 

crack  pistol  shot  and  polo  player  in  college; 
also  has  cups  for  outboard-motor  racing. 



7,000  "rassles"  later,  Bomber  Kulkavich 
became  actor  Henry  Kulky — Hennesey's  lov- 
able Max!  Below:  Scott  (then  "Denny")  Miller 
dribbled  a  smart  basketball,  as  senior  guard 
on  UCLA,  team  of  1 958-59— before 
he  even  dreamed  of  joining  TV's  Wagon  Train. 


The  stars  of  today  arp  the  superb  sportsmen  of  yesterday. 

A  nostalgic  album  of  hotv  todays  beefcake  idols  looked  when 

muscular  skill  meant  more  than  acting  ability 

1951:  Movies  discover 
diamond — Kevin  Connors,  6 
foot-6  basketball  star 
from  Seton  Hall  (N.J.)  now 
playing  pro   baseball 
(for  Dodgers.  Cubs,  etc.)! 
'Chuck"  later  won  greatest 
fame  as  TV's  Rifleman. 

■  Is  it  just  coincidence  that  so  many  of 
today's  male  TV  stars  have  a  solid  back- 
ground in  sports?  Hollywood  hipsters 
think  not,  usually  cite  one  of  three 
reasons:  (1)  Sports  fame,  with  its  atten- 
dant publicity,  is  a  shortcut  to  show-biz 
success.  ...  (2)  It  takes  the  same  sort  of 
dedication,  drive  and  self-discipline  to 
succeed  in  show  business  as  it  does  in  the 
arena.  ...  (3)  Female  fans  are  irresist- 
ably  drawn  to  a  male  with  a  fine  physique 
— a  man  who  radiates  health  and  sheer 
animal  magnetism — and  are  willing  to 
overlook  whatever  shortcomings  he  may 
have  as  to  talent,  so  long  as  he's  a  big, 
handsome  hunk  of  man.  .  .  .  Whatever 
the  reason,  there  are  more  former  sports 
heroes  among  today's  stars  than  ever 
before  in  Hollywood  history.  Many  cap- 
italize on  their  athletic  fame  to  get  a 
first  foot  inside  the  stage  door,  then  keep 
in  the  limelight  through  talent  alone. 
Others  are  discovered  through  their  per- 
forming abilities,  then  disclose  their 
sports  prowess  later.  ...  One  way  or 
another,  the  ten  athletes  seen  here  are 
prime  exhibits  to  prove  why  modern 
talent  scouts  must  keep  their  eyes  on 
norh   sporting  events  and   little-theater 



1946:  Robert  Stack,  young  Hollywood  actor, 

r,!ZTn    'l  W0+Ler  SP°r+s  a+  Lak«  T°hoe! 
'  "tarrtaWw  hero  has  always  been  on-target: 

rm.l       TTT"  skeet-*h°oting  champ  at  16; 
croc    p.stol  shot  and  polo  pl^yer  in  "college 
oho  has  cups  for  outboard-mot 


7,000  "rassles"  later,  Bomber  Kulkavich 
became  actor  Henry  Kulky — Hennesey'i  lov- 
able Max!  Below:  Scott  (then  "Denny")  Miller 
dribbled  a  smart  basketball,  as  senior  guard 
on  U.C.L.A.  team  of  1958-59— before 
he  even  dreamed  of  joining  TV's  Wagon  Train. 

tor  racing 

HOLLYWOOD  HE-MEN-Athletes  All 

nMHHVQnai    ■■■■!•■*■■■ 

|g|  iflP ■■  ■■■  ^*         *^^^^        ^m^mUMM^B 

Western  series,  Lawman,  spurred  co- 
star  Peter  Brown's  interest  in  riding!  He 
trained  his  TV  mount  himself,  is  seen 
at  left  winning  blue  ribbon  at  Devonshire 
Downs — first  horse  show  he  entered. 

Who  doesn't  know  by  now  that  Dennis  Weaver's  limp  in  Gunsmoke  is  a  stunt 
performed  by  a  top  athlete?  Back  in  Missouri,  he  set  school  track  records — later  led 

an  Oklahoma  U.  squad  to  regional  triumphs.  Dennis  placed  high  in  tryouts  for 
1948  Olympics,  has  kept  in  shape  over  the  years  by  practicing  in  his  own  backyard. 


Van  Williams — above,  setting  a  high- 
school   record   in    1952 — is  an   all-around 
athlete.  The  Surf  Side  6  sleuth 
played  football  for  Texas  Christian, 
once  taught  skin-diving  in  Hawaii. 

Champ  hobbyist  Bill  Leyden,  of  It  Could  Be  You, 

likes  anything  connected  with   speed.   A  former  Air   Force 

pilot,  he  races  now  in  boats  and  cars  (as  above). 

Before  Fabian  zoomed  to  teen-age  stardom,  he  was 
tops  on  club-sponsored  basketball  teams  in  Philadelphia 
also  halfback  on  his  high-school  football  team. 

Texas  A.&M.'s  Ty  Hardin  would  be  a  foot- 
pro  today — instead  of  Bronco  on  The  Cheyenne 
Show — if  it  hadn't  been  for  gridiron  injuries. 








/  ^ 







J  %«  I .  I E  GLEASOJV : 

i  una  »i  last 

■  Some  five  years  ago,  Jackie  Gleason  con- 
fided to  a  reporter:  "Somewhere  along  the 
road,  I  lost  a  fine  family.  Three  of  the  loveliest 
girls  in  the  world  slipped  through  my  fingers. 
One  was  Genevieve,  my  wife.  The  others  were 
Geraldine  and  Linda,  my  daughters.  These 
three  women — and  you  can  take  my  word  for 
it — are  the  greatest!" 

Last  September  9,  Jackie  and  "the  three 
loveliest  girls  in  the  world"  were  reunited 
when  Geraldine,  now  22,  exchanged  marital 
vows  with  Los  Angeles  advertising  executive 
John  Chutuk.  But,  immediately  after  the  rites 
and  wedding  reception,  Jackie  experienced  the 
familiar  feeling  of  having  the  women  slip 
through  his  fingers.  His  wife  and  younger 
daughter,  Linda,  left  for  their  Beverly  Hills, 
California  home.  Geraldine  and  her  husband 
departed  for  Los  Angeles.  Jackie  remained  in 
New  York — alone. 

It  would  be  incorrect  to  say  that  the  rotund 
performer  had  "lost  a  daughter  but  gained  a 
son"  through  those  nuptials  at  St.  Paul  the 
Apostle  Church.  In  Jackie's  own  words,  he 
lost  Geraldine  years  ago.  She  herself  described 
their  relationship  in  a  national  magazine  last 
November.  "All  my  life,"  she  wrote,  "much 
about  my  father  has  been  a  mystery  to  me.  I 
have  worshipped  him,  believed  in  his  talent 
and  been  awestruck  by  his  brilliance.  But  I 
have  never  entirely  understood  him." 

At  Geraldine's  wedding  in  New  York  City, 
Jackie  made  a  serious  effort  to  recapture  the 
feeling  that  once  existed  for  the  Gleason 
family.  He  slipped  into  a  paternal  attitude  that 
had  become  so  strange  for  him.  Though 
Jackie's  an  accomplished  actor,  his  perfect 
performance  as  "father  of  the  bride"  wasn't  an 
act.  He  was  genuinely  nervous,  as  any  dad 
might  be  on  such  a  momentous  occasion.  His 
hands  trembled  noticeably  while  helping  Ger- 
aldine out  of  the  car  on  arrival  at  the  church. 

Strain  etched  new  lines  in  his  face,  through- 
out the  preliminaries.  And  as  he  approached 
the  top  of  the  aisle,  perspiration  trickled  down 
his  expansive  face  in  tiny  rivulets.  It  took 
some  appropriate  wisecracks  from  his  daughter 
Linda,  20,  to  bring  back  the  familiar  grin 
known  to  so  many  millions  of  TV  viewers  and 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  Linda  stole  the  spotlight 
from  her  father — something  few  entertainers 
in  show  business  can  boast!  The  vivacious  girl 
was  everywhere  at  the  same  time.  She  gave 
out  details  of  the  gowns  to  the  press,  intro- 
duced her  mother  to  Jackie's  friends,  fixed  the 
hems  and  adjusted  the  frills  of  other  girls  at 
the  wedding  party,  joshed  and  kidded  with  her 
father  and  sister,  kept  everyone's  spirits  up. 
Later,  she  rounded  up  the  wedding  party  for 
the  reception,  arranged  for  formal  pictures. 

Jackie  just  shook  his  head  in  amazement  at 
Linda's  tireless  activities.  "Poor  Geraldine," 
he  said  in  mock  sadness.  "She's  merely  the 
bride  today!"  But  Linda's  take-charge  attitude 
wasn't  surprising.  She  is  very  much  like  her 
illustrious  dad — outgoing,  bubbling  with  joy 
and  vitality — though  she,  too,  suffered  the  pain 
of  loneliness  in  being  separated  from  her  father 
on  so  many  occasions  and  for  so  long  a  time. 

Jackie  once  said  about  his  daughters:  "I 
wasn't  always  home  to  give  them  all  the  love 
they  deserved,  but  few  fathers  hoped  harder 
for  their  happiness,  and  prayed  harder  for 
their  goodness." 

The  Gleason  girls  seldom  visited  their  father 
more  than  once  or  twice  a  year,  over  the  past 
decade.  When  they  did  come  to  New  York, 
Jackie  lavishly  entertained  them  and  their  boy 
friends.  He  delighted  in  showing  off  his  beau- 
tiful girls  to  all  his  friends  in  the  glitter  spots 
of  Manhattan.  A  few  years  ago,  on  their  an- 
nual trek  East,  the  youngsters  were  promised 
by  Jackie  that  he'd    (Continued  on  vage   76) 

His  hand  trembled,  touching  hers.  His  daughter  Geraldine  a 

hride—and  so  beautiful !  W  hat  had  he  lost  in  all  those  years? 


Like  a  famous  Kelly  named  Grace  (no  relation),  the  co-star  of  Straightaway  was  born  with 


Brian  Kelly 


It's  a  snappy 

racer  for  Brian  in 

Straigh  tazvay — 

a  snappy  co-star  in 

the  person  of 

young  John  Ashley. 

Former  top  athlete  Kelly  will  try  anything  once — even 

with  a  trick  knee  from  football!  Latest  is  sand-skiing:  From 

left  to  right — Brian,  ski  champ  Penny  Pitou,  singer  Molly  Bee,  John  Ashley. 


r.  *1 •*». 


wtlf money,  charm  and  good  looks.   Oh,  yes,  brains  and  acting  talent,  too.   He  can  afford  to  be 

Brian  has  always  dated  inside  show  biz,   looks  serious  now  with   Laura   Devon. 




■  Three  years  ago,  when  the  world  was  young  and  Brian  Kelly  lived  in  the 
Hollywood  Hills  near  another  aspiring  actor  named  Gardner  McKay,  Brian  owned 
an  overgrown  pooch  named  "Pussycat."  According  to  Gardner,  Brian 
stopped  by  his  house  one  Friday  afternoon  and  deposited  Pussycat.  "Can  you 
watch  him  for  me  for  the  weekend?"  was  the  request.   Not  wanting  to  be 
unneighborly,  Gar  acquiesced,  Brian  was  hopping  back  to  Detroit  to  visit 
his  folks  Saturday  and  Sunday.    Sure,  Gar  would  baby-sit  with  Pussycat. 
After  all,  Pussycat  was  a  fine  animal.    So  fine  was  Pussycat,  in  fact,  that  when 
Brian  appeared  to  pick  him  up,  McKay  didn't  want  to  part  with  him.    He'd 
grown  attached  to  the  dog.    Taking  him  now   (Continued  on  page  72) 

Brian   is  Scott   Ross  and  John   is  Clipper   Hamilton   on   Straightaway,  seen   on   ABC-TV,  Fri., 
7:30  P.M.  EST,  as  sponsored  by  Autolite  Division  of  the  Ford  Motor  Company,  and  Mobil  Oil. 


Like  a  famous  Kelly  named  Graee  (no  relation),  the  co-star  of  Straightaway  was  born  wij 


Brian  Kelly 

It's  a  snappy 

racer  for  Brian  in 

Straightaway — 

a  snappy  co-star  in 

the  person  of 

young  John  Ashley. 

Former  top  athlete  Kelly  will  try  anything  once — even 

with  a  trick  knee  from  football!  Latest  is  sand-skiing:  From 

left  to  right — Brian,  ski  champ  Penny  Pitou,  singer  Molly  Bee,  John  Ashley. 


money,  charm  and  good  looks.   Oh,  yes,  brains  and  acting  tale 

nt,  too.   He  can  afford  to  be: 


Brian  has  always  dated  inside  show  biz,   looks  serious  now  with   Laura   Devon. 

■  Three  years  ago  when  the  world  was  young  and  Brian  Kelly  lived  in  the 
Hollywood  Hills  near  another  aspiring  actor  named  Gardner  McKay,  Brian  owned 
an  overgrown  pooch  named  "Pussycat."  According  to  Gardner,  Brian 
stopped  by  his  house  one  Friday  afternoon  and  deposed  Pussycat.     Can  you 
wateh  him  for  me  for  the  weekend?"  was  the  request.    Not  to  be 
rneighb'rly   Gar  acquiesced,  Brian  was  hopping  back  to  Detroit  to  visit 
. ,       c  ,i i      c  *     a=„  ar,H  Sunday     Sure,  Gar  would  baby-sit  with  Pussycat. 
After  all  SSS  was  a  fine  animal.  'So  fine  was  Pussycat    in  fact,  that  when 
After  all,  "^V*  fa  McKay  didr/t  want  to  part  with  him.    He'd 

^^njgg^g^.    Taking  him  now   (Con.nW  on  Va9e   72) 

,   i  l     ;c  rlinnpr  Hamilton  on  Straightaway,  teen  on  ABC-TV,  Fri., 

^oVMSKT,^ponl^by' Auioiii:   D,vi,ion  of  .he  Ford  Moior  Company,  and  Mobil  Oil. 


The  networks' answer 
to  criticism  of 



American  Newsstand:  At  ABC-TV,  editor-producer  Fred  Sheehan  (in  short  sleeves)  gets  youthful  slant  on  daily 
news  from  anchor-man  Roger  Sharp  (left)  and  two  recent  journalism  grads — Bill  Lord  and  Dave  Jayne  (at  right). 



Update:  Young  Bob  Abernethy  (center)  is  on-the-oir  editor  for  NBC-TV's  survey-in-depth  of  the  week's  events.  Left 
—  news  producer  Leonard  Leddington,  executive  producer  George  Heinemann;  right— -director  Don  McDonough. 


■  Is  the  private  life  of  today's  high  school  student 
bounded  by  a  date,  a  car  and  the  next  hit  record?  .  .  . 
Or  do  the  tension  and  excitement  of  world  events 
stir  his  curiosity  and  make  him  want  to  know  more 
about  the  living  history  which  affects  his  future?  .  .  . 
It  is  true  that  froth  and/or  violence  have  been  re- 
garded by  some  programers  as  the  sure-fire  formula 
for  quickly  gathering  a  large  teen-age  audience.  This 
season,  however,  two  networks  have  bet  the  serious 
side  and  scheduled  programs  of  news  prepared  espe- 
cially for  young  people. 

ABC-TV  gave  its  American  Newsstand  a  ready- 
made  audience  by  allotting  it  the  time  immediately 
following  Dick  Clark's  popular  American  Bandstand. 

NBC-TV  telecasts  its  Update  for  a  half-hour  begin- 
ning at  noon  on  Saturday.  Both  programs  fit  into  the 
new  trend  toward  public-service  broadcasting — but 
both  networks  deny  that  Federal  Communications 
Commission  chairman  Newton  Minow's  speech  criti- 
cizing television  as  "a  vast  wasteland"  had  anything 
to  do  with  nudging  these  shows  into  the  schedule. 
An  NBC  spokesman  points  out:  "Mr.  Minow  made 
his  speech  last  April.  We  cut  our  pilot  for  Update  in 
March."  ABC — where  James  C.  Hagerty,  former  press 
secretary  to  President  Eisenhower,  is  now  a  vice- 
president — says  of  its  Newsstand:  "This  is  part  of  Jim 
Hagerty's  plan  to  expand  our  news  service."  Yet 
there  is  no  doubt  that  this  is  (Continued  on  page  75) 

Update.  NBC-TV's  news  show  for  teen-age  students,  Sat.,   from    12  noon  to  12:30  P.M.  EST,  is  sponsored  by  Helena  Rubinstein. 
American  Newsstand,  seen  on  ABC-TV,  Mon.  through  Fri.,  4:50  to  5  P.M.  F.ST,  is  sponsored  by  Milton  Bradley  and  I.ehn  &  Fink. 


Rosemary  Clooney 




and  Jose  Ferrer 

■  "That  little  baby  carriage  will  save 
your  marriage"  is  an  old  wives'  notion 
which  has  been  tried  and  exploded 
many  times  in  Hollywood.  The  most 
recent  and  saddest  case  in  point  is  that 
of  Rosemary  Clooney,  who  had  five 
babies  in  less  than  eight  years,  all 
in  a  vain  hope  of  holding  on  to 
her  actor-director-producer  husband 
Jose  Ferrer. 

"It  was  something  I  grew  up  with, 
the  idea  that  having  a  big  family  was 
the  best  guarantee  for  a  happy  mar- 
riage. I'm  afraid  that,  like  all  recipes, 
much  depends  on  who's  doing  the 
cooking  and  under  what  conditions.  I 
did  my  best,  and  for  a  long  time  I 
thought  the  Ferrers  were  a  happy 
harmonious  family.  Our  divorce  plans 
go  to  prove  there  is  no  sure-fire  formu- 
la to  keep  a  marriage  from  breaking." 
This,  in  essence,  is  the  statement  made 
by  Rosie  as  she  placed  her  charge  of 
"extreme  mental  cruelty"  against  Joe 
into  the  record  in  Santa  Monica  court. 

The  announcement  came  as  a  stun- 
ning shock  to  most  of  show  business, 
though  there  are  some — on  intimate 
terms  with  the  Ferrers — who  say  they 
are  not  surprised.  "They  were  always 
an  oddly  assorted  couple,"  these 
sources  declare.  It  is  an  opinion  which 
has  occasionally  been  expressed  since 
the  beginning  of  their  courtship  in 
1953.  And  it  is  easy  to  see  why.  It  has 
something  of  the  flavor  of  the  Arthur 
Miller —     (Continued     on     page  67) 





Baby  scenes  in  Paramount 
film  "G.I.  Blues"  played 
for  laughs — but  gave  true 
picture  of  the  star's  own 
innate  tenderness  and  win- 
ning   ways    with    small    fry. 



A  brother  or  sister  of  his  oivn — that's  what 

Presley  wanted,   more  than  anything  else  in  the  world! 

The  one  thing  fame  and  riches  cannot  bring  .  .  . 

It  was  good  news  Vernon  Presley  and  his  charming  second  wife, 
Dee,  brought  Elvis  in  Florida.  Good  news  for  the  still-young  father 
and  for  the  sensationally  successful  son  .  .  .  the  son  whose  early 
loneliness  had  never  quite  been  banished  .  .  .  whose  sense  of 
loss  and   unearned   guilt  mourned   a   twin   he   couldn't    remember. 

■  It  shaped  up  in  rehearsal  as  a  very  funny  scene.  Against  veteran  actor 
Arthur  O'Connell's  mugging,  Elvis  Presley  snapped  off  a  smooth,  expertly 
timed  retort,  and  pretty  Anne  Helm  gave  a  giggle  that  wasn't  in  the  script. 
Gordon  Douglas,  the  director  of  "Pioneer,  Go  Home,"  looked  pleased.  "Leave 
it  in,"  he  said.    Everything  was  going  just  right. 

Then  one  of  the  soundstage  phones  rang. 

A  moment  later,  a  studio  guard  came  up  to  Elvis.  "Long  distance,  Mr. 
Presley."  The  grin  faded  from  Elvis's  face.  Tense,  strained  lines  appeared 
around  his  lips  and  eyes.  "Excuse  me,"  he  said  to  the  company,  and  walked 
to  the  phone  on  the  rear  wall.  Members  of  the  crew  moved  off,  tactfully 
busying  themselves  elsewhere.  Arthur  O'Connell  looked  after  Elvis  in 
surprise.   "He  looks  scared,"  he  said. 

Five  minutes  passed.  Then  ten.  It  was  time  to  shoot  the  final  version 
of  the  scene.  The  actors  took  their  places.  The  cinematographer  readied  his 
camera.  Douglas  glanced  uneasily  about.  "Where's  Elvis?"  he  said.  There 
was  a  movement  in  the  shadows  back  of  the  soundstage.  Elvis  came  toward 
the  set.  In  ten  minutes,  he  seemed  to  have  aged  as  many  years.  His  head 
was  held  low.  The  touch  of  swagger  had  vanished  from  his  walk.  Silently, 
he  took   his  place. 

O'Connell  spoke  his  lines.  Anne  Helm  gave  the  next  cue.  They  looked  at 
Elvis,  hut  there  was  no  reaction     A  moment  passed.   (Cnvtinupd  on  pnqp  62) 


'   V 



Baby  scenes  in  Paramount 
film  "G.I.  Blues"  played 
for  laughs — but  gave  true 
picture  of  the  star's  own 
innate  tenderness  and  win- 
ning  ways   with    small    fry. 

4  hr0tker  0r  sist<*  of  his  own-that's  what 
Presley  wanted,  more  thnn 

e  thm  "Whins  else  in  the  world! 

^e  one  thing  fame  and  riches  cannot  bring  .  .  . 

It  was  good  news  Vernon  Presley  and  his  charming  second  wife, 
Dee  brought  Elvis  in  Florida.  Good  news  for  the  still-young  father 
and  tor  the  sensationally  successful  son  .  .  .  the  son  whose  early 
loneliness  had  never  quite  been  banished  .  .  .  whose  sense  of 
loss  and   unearned   guilt  mourned   n   twin    he   couldn't    remember. 

■  It  shaped  up  in  rehearsal  as  a  very  funny  scene.  Against  veteran  actoi 
Arthur  O'Connell's  mugging,  Elvis  Presley  snapped  off  a  smooth,  expertly 
timed  retort,  and  pretty  Anne  Helm  gave  a  giggle  that  wasn't  in  the  script. 
Gordon  Douglas,  the  director  of  "Pioneer,  Go  Home,"  looked  pleased.  "Leave 
it  in,"  he  said.   Everything  was  going  just  right. 

Then  one  of  the  soundstage  phones  rang. 

A  moment  later,  a  studio  guard  came  up  to  Elvis.  "Long  distance,  Mr. 
Presley."  The  grin  faded  from  Elvis's  face.  Tense,  strained  lines  appeared 
around  his  lips  and  eyes.  "Excuse  me,"  he  said  to  the  company,  and  walked 
to  the  phone  on  the  rear  wall.  Members  of  the  crew  moved  off,  tactfully 
busying  themselves  elsewhere.  Arthur  O'Connell  looked  after  Elvis  in 
surprise.  "He  looks  scared,"  he  said. 

Five  minutes  passed.  Then  ten.  It  was  time  to  shoot  the  final  version 
of  the  scene.  The  actors  took  their  places.  The  cinematographer  readied  his 
camera  Douglas  glanced  uneasily  about.  "Where's  Elvis?"  he  said.  There 
was  a  movement  in  the  shadows  back  of  the  soundstage.  Elvis  came  toward 
the  set  In  ten  minutes,  he  seemed  to  have  aged  as  many  years.  His  head 
was  held  low.   The  touch  of  swagger  had  vanished  from  his  walk.    Silently. 

hen'ronneU  spok"  his  lines   Anno  Helm  gave  the  next  cue.   They  looked  at 
Elvis   but  there  was  no  reaction    A  moment  pnssr.d    (Continued  on  ,mr,c  f,2) 






His  eyes  may  be  crossed,  but  the 
humor  shoots  straight  to  the  mark ! 

They  created  them  all — but  even  Bill  Scott  and  Jay 
Ward  can  be  amazed  by  the  zany  antics  of  Bullwinkle  J. 
Moose  and  such  pals  as  Rocket  J.  Squirrel,  Dudley  Do- 
Right  of  the  Mounties,  the  Genius  Dog,  Boris  Badenov. 

■  There's  one  star  this  season  who  is  a  big  jump  ahead  of  his  competitors  in  getting 
laughs  from  the  oft-unrealistic  situations  of  TV   comedy— because  he's  unreal   himself:    Funny, 
fictitious   Bullwinkle   J.   Moose,   who   leaped   to    fame  on  the  popular  cartoon  series   Rocky  And 
His  Friends  and  now  has  star  billing  on  his   own   Bullwinkle   Show    each   Sunday. 

Real  or  unreal,  it's  only  natural  that  the  inimitable  cross-eyed  moose  is  a  veritable  fountain  of 
funniness.  He's  the  brainchild  of  the  zaniest  pair  of  behind-the-camera  laugh-provokers  ever 
to  hit  Hollywood.  The  general  tenor  of  madness  that  surrounds  everything  connected  with 
the  show  was  evident  at  its  gala  premiere.  Everybody  who  is  anybody  in  the  film  capital 

received  formal,  engraved  invitations  and  a  pair  of  tickets  to  widely  separated  seats to 

accommodate  couples  who  weren't  on  speaking  terms!  As  guests  arrived  at  {Continued  on  page  71) 

The  Bullwinkle  Show  is  colorcast  over  NBC-TV,  Sun.,  7  P.M.  EST,  for  General  Mills,  Ideal  Toy  Corp.  and  Beech-Nut. 


Gigi  was  19,  Frank  Gallo  was  35,  when  they  wed.  But  it 

isn't  the  Rolls-Royce — or  Frank's  success  as 

an  advertising  exec — that  impresses  Gigi   more  than  her 

own  co-starring  role  in  Follow  The  Sun.  It's 

the  actual  difference  in  their  ages!  And  their  marriage 

has  proved  to  be  even  better  than  she  dreamed. 

Gigi  Perreau,  a  veteran  actress  at  20, 
points  out  the  advantages  of  a  May-and- 
Deeember  marriage — when  you  are  May! 

by    DICK    KLEINER 

■  They  were  wed  October  1,  1960,  in  the  same 
church— St.  Victor's,  Los  Angeles — where  they  had 
first  met  seventeen  months  before.  The  solemn  cir- 
cumstance of  their  introduction  is  only  one  reason 
why  Gigi  Perreau  and  Frank  Gallo  believe  their 
romance  and  marriage  will  last.  More  significant,  of 
course,  is  the  fact  that  both  are  Roman  Catholic, 
look  on  divorce  with  disfavor  and  consider  marriage 
a  step  to  be  taken  only  with  the  utmost  serious- 
ness. .  .  .  There  is  still  another  reason,  less  obvious 
and  quite  purely  personal:  Gigi's  own  dedicated 
search  for  a  certain  type  to  marry — an  older  man. 
To  understand  this,  you  have  to  understand  Gigi.  As 
she  says,  "It  was  important  to  my  personality  to 
marry  an  older  man.  Perhaps  (Continued  on  page  58) 

Gigi  Perreau  is  Kattiy  Richards  in  Follow  The  Sun.  seen  over 
ABC-TV,  Sundays,  from  7:30  to  8:30  P.M.  EST.  as  sponsored 
by  Kaiser   Industries  Corp.  and   Liggett  &   Myers  Tobacco  Co. 




#  V 


Mike  London,  the  youngest  rebel  of  Bonanza,  presents  a 
vigorous  defense  for  the  wisdom  of  marrying  a  mature  mate 

by    TEX    MADDOX 

■  When  Dodie  and  Mike  Landon  dared  to  elope,  no  one  but  Dodie's 
discerning  mother  believed  they  could  make  a  go  of  their  romantic  marriage. 
In  fact,  they  wed  without  his  family's  knowledge.  Mike  was  nineteen, 
Dodie  was  six  years  older — a  widow  with  a  seven-year-old  son — and  his 
parents  threatened  to  stop  "the  crazy  step"  if  he  attempted  it.  To  Mike's 
father  and  mother  and  sister,  he  was  maddeningly  immature.  He  had 
already  disappointed  them  by  leaving  college,  by  trying  to  become 
an  actor.  They  felt  that  he  ran  away  from  life's  challenges  and  they 
interpreted  his  teen-age  uncertainty  as  self-centered  nonsense. 

But  as  Mike  recalls  those  days — and  that  fateful  first  meeting:   "The 
evening  a  mutual  friend  introduced  me  to  Dodie  for  a  double-date  at  her 
little  house,  we  played  chess  and  laughed.  I  had  such  a  good  time  being 
the  self  I  wanted  to  be,  I  had  to  see  her  the  next  evening.  When  I 
told  my  mother  honestly  that  I  had  met  and  liked  Dodie,  she  wasn't  at  all 
pleased.  That  night,  she  telephoned  Dodie  to  send  me  home  instantly 
because  I  was  much  too  young  to  be  interested  in  anyone  older. 
Dodie  cried — but  she  did  just  that.  She  wouldn't  (Continued  on  page  65) 

Michael  Landon  (pictured  on  opposite  page  with  his  wife  Dodie)  co-stars  as  Little  Joe 
Cartwright  in  Bonanza,  now  colorcast  over  NRC-TV  on  Sundays,  from  9  to  10  P.M.  EST. 
under   the   sponsorship   of   the   Chevrolet    Motor    Division    of    General   Motors    Corporation. 





Mike  London,  the  youngest  rebel  of  Bonanza,  presents  a 
vigorous  defense  for  the  wisdom  of  marrying  a  mature  mate 

by    TEX    MADOOX 

■  When  Dodie  and  Mike  Landon  dared  to  elope,  no  one  but  Dodie's 
discerning  mother  believed  they  could  make  a  go  of  their  romantic  marriage. 
In  fact,  they  wed  without  his  family's  knowledge.  Mike  was  nineteen, 
Dodie  was  six  years  older — a  widow  with  a  seven-year-old  son — and  his 
parents  threatened  to  stop  "the  crazy  step"  if  he  attempted  it.  To  Mike's 
father  and  mother  and  sister,  he  was  maddeningly  immature.  He  had 
already  disappointed  them  by  leaving  college,  by  trying  to  become 
an  actor.  They  felt  that  he  ran  away  from  life's  challenges  and  they 
interpreted  his  teen-age  uncertainty  as  self-centered  nonsense. 

But  as  Mike  recalls  those  days — and  that  fateful  first  meeting:   "The 
evening  a  mutual  friend  introduced  me  to  Dodie  for  a  double-date  at  her 
little  house,  we  played  chess  and  laughed.  I  had  such  a  good  time  being 
the  self  I  wanted  to  be,  I  had  to  see  her  the  next  evening.  When  I 
told  my  mother  honestly  that  I  had  met  and  liked  Dodie,  she  wasn't  at  all 
pleased.  That  night,  she  telephoned  Dodie  to  send  me  home  instantly 
because  I  was  much  too  young  to  be  interested  in  anyone  older. 
Dodie  cried— but  she  did  just  that.  She  wouldn't  (Continued  on  page  65) 

Michael  Landon  (pictured  on  opposite  page  with  his  wife  Dodie)  co-stars  as  Little  Joe 
Cartwright  in  Bonanza,  nov.  colorcast  over  NBC-TV  on  Sundays,  from  9  to  10  P.M.  EST, 
under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Chevrolet    Motor   Dmsion   of  General  Motors  Corporation. 


I  m 




Carol  Burnett  says: 

AFjjM  TO  to 


K  UW  CftWp 

by  JI1V1    MORSE 

■    Why   don't  the  ladies  want  to  be  comics?    Why  does  creating  laughter  make   the   little 
dears  so  sad?   Carol  Burnett  can  tell  you  why.  Almost  in  the  same  breath,  she  can 
tell  you  why  she  herself — a  most  successful   lady  comic — can  state,  with  all  sincerity,  "I'm 
the  happiest  slob  in  the  world!"  As  Carol   explains  it:    "Unless  there  are  unusual 
circumstances,  anyone  who  is  making  a  living  in  show  business  has  no  right  to  be  unhappy. 
After  all,   there   are  no   want-ads  for   actors.   If  a   guy   or   gal   is   in  show   business,   it's 
because  he  or  she  wants  to  be.  How  many    people  are  there  who,  when   they   wake 
up  in  the  morning,  actually  look   forward   to  going   to  work?  Very  few — but  I'm  one  of 
them.  As  long  as  I  can  earn  a  good  living  by   crossing  my  eyes  once  a  week  on  television, 
I'd  be  a  real  kook  if  I  had  complaints!" 

Although  the  word  "kook"  pops  up  frequently   in  Carol's  conversation,  she's  far   from 
being  one.   When  not  trying  for  laughs   on    stage,   on  TV's   The   Garry   Moore   Show 
or  radio's  The   Carol  Burnett — Richard  Hayes    Show,   she  is  a  serious   gal   with  definite 
ideas  about  her  personal   life   and  career.    Also — when  not  making    {Continued   on  page  68) 

The  Garry  Moore  Show  is  seen  on  CBS-TV.  Tues.,   10  P.M.   EST.  sponsored  by  Oldsmobile,  Johnson's  Wax  and 
Winston  Cigarettes.  The  Carol  Rumen— Richanl  Hayes  Show   is   heard   over  CBS  Radio.   M-F.  7:10   P.M.   EST. 



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The  lights  may  twinkle  and  the  stars  shine  at 
"Sunset  &  Vine,'9  but  it's  Lawrence  Welk  and 
his  champagne  cohorts  at  the  Palladium  who 
get  the  play  when  travelers  visit  glamourland 



•  Hollywood  is  famous  for  many  things.  It  has  the  movie  and 
TV  industries  and  their  stars;  glamorous  night  clubs;  unusual 
structures  such  as  the  Capitol  Records  building  (shaped  like 
a  stack  of  discs)  ;  cultural  centers  such  as  the  Hollywood  Bowl; 
dozens  of  other  attractions  which  long  have  made  the  film 
capital  a  prime  tourist  target. 

And  now  Hollywood  has  a  new  lure  for  out-of-town  visitors: 
Lawrence  Welk!  Since  he  moved  his  Champagne  Music  Makers 
from'  the  Aragon  Ballroom  in  Santa  Monica  to  the  redecorated 
Hollywood  Palladium  in  the  heart  of   (Continued  on  page  61) 

The  Lawrence  Welk  Show  is  seen  on  ABC-TV,  Sat.,  from  9  to  10  P.M. 
EST,  sponsored  by  J.  B.  Williams,  Union  Carbide,  and  Polaroid.  For 
Welk  programs  heard  on  ABC  Radio,  check  newspapers  in  your  area. 







Welk  looks  at  the  lights  and  says:  "It's  a  long  way  from  North  Dakota!"  But  many  in  the  vast  crowds  travel  even  farther — to 
see  the  former  farmboy,  his  musicians  and  singers  (such  as  Norma  Zimmer,  pictured  with  the  maestro  on  the  opposite  page). 


jSE  «m>AS« 




A  mpssagp  of  self-assurance  from  Joan  Harvey, 

the  entrancing  Judy  Gibson  of  The  Edge  Of  Night 

Joan  finds  sympathy  and  understanding  on  The  Edge  Of  Night,  with  Mandel 
Kramer  playing  her  father,  Bill  Marceau,  and  Larry  Hagman  as  her  husband  Ed  Gibson. 

iiv  ntA\ri:s  KISII 

■  Behind  a  facade  of  poise  is  an  innate  shyness  Joan  Harvey  has  never  quite 
overcome.   But  she  believes  shyness  isn't  necessarily  a  handicap.   "If  you  are 
truly  shy — and  not  pretending— not  everyone  will  overlook  you,"  she  says. 
"Sometimes  it  makes  people  try  harder  to  help."   This  has  happened  to  Joan  from 
her  earliest  job-hunting  days  in  Hollywood  to  her  present  role  as  Judy  Marceau 
Gibson  on  the  CBS  serial  drama,  The  Edge  Oj  Night.   It's  true  that  doors  didn't 
spring  wide  for  her  in  the  film  capital  during  the  ages  of  seventeen  to 
twenty-one,  when  she  wanted  so  desperately  to  become   (Continued  on  page  70) 

The  Edge  Oj  Sight.  CBS-TV,  M-F.  4:30  to  5  P.M.  F.ST,  is  sponsored  by  Procter  &  Gamble  and  other*. 


A  message  of  self-assurance  from  I 

,rom  Joan  Harvey 
the  entrancing  Judy  ^  .        ' 

0/  ™e  *%e  O/  Affefct 

Joan  finds  sympathy  and  understanding  on  The  Edge  Of  Night,  with  Mandel 
Kramer  playing  her  father,  Bill  Marceau,  and  Larry  Hagman  as  her  husband  Ed  Gibson 


■  Behind  a  facade  of  poise  is  an  innate  shyness  Joan  Harvey  has  never  quite 
overcome.   But  she  believes  shyness  isn't  necessarily  a  handicap.   "If  you  are 
truly  shy— and  not  pretending— not  everyone  will  overlook  you,"  she  says. 
"Sometimes  it  makes  people  try  harder  to  help."   This  has  happened  to  Joan  from 
her  earliest  job-hunting  days  in  Hollywood  to  her  present  role  as  Judy  Marceau 
Gibson  on  the  CBS  serial  drama,  The  Edge  Of  Night.  Its  true  that  doors  didn't 
spring  wide  for  her  in  the  film  capital  during  the  ages  of  seventeen  to 
twenty-one,  when  she  wanted  so  desperately  to  become  (CcmUnued  on  page  70) 

The  FJge  Of  Night,  CBS-TV,  M-F.  1:30  to  5  P.M.  FM  ■  i«  sponsored  b,  Pro,  In  S  Gamble  and ra. 



Robert  Goulet 

He  sings  like  an  angel. 

He  has  just  enough  of 

the  devil  in  his  eyes. 

He's  a  Broadway  star  .  .  . 

He's  also  modest! 

by    JAMES    TAYLOR 

Despite  what  he  says,  Goulet  is  billed  as  very  much  a  star  on 
"The  Enchanted  Nutcracker,"  big  ABC-TV  musical  special. 

■  "When  did  I  first  realize  that  I'd  become  a  star?"  repeated  Robert  Goulet.    "I'm 
not  sure  that  I  know  what  a  star  really  is,  or  what  it  means  to  be  one.   The 
word  is  much  over-used.  .  .  .  Just  because  an  actor  plays  the  principal  role  in 
a  weekly  Western  series  on  television,  that  doesn't  necessarily  make  him  a 
star,  although  he  may  like  to  think  of  himself  as  being  one.   I  know  of  an  actor 
who  played  bit  roles  in  a  couple  of  TV  dramas  and  had  a  better  part  in  a 
commercial.  Then  he  went  on  the  road  in  a  play  and  was  billed  as  a  television 
star!   .  .  .  Although  I  have  hopes,  I'm  not  a  star.    Not  yet,  anyway.    Oh,  people 
recognize  me  on  the  street  and  in  restaurants.    And  I'm  beginning  to  get 
a  lot  of  fan  mail.   But  that  doesn't  mean  I'm  a  star.   It  simply  means  that  people 
recognize  me  from  seeing  me  on  television  or  the  stage.  ...  To  my  way  of 
thinking,  the  real  honest-to-goodness  stars  are  performers  (Continued  on  page  55) 

The  Enchanted  Nutcracker."  ABC-TV,  Sat.,  Dec.  23.  from  10  to  11  P.M.  EST,  is  sponsored  by  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp. 




Robert  Goulet 

He  sings  like  an  angel. 

He  has  just  enough  of 

the  devil  in  his  eyes. 

He's  a  Broadway  star  .  .  . 

He's  also  modest! 


Despite  what  he  says,  Goulet  is  billed  as  very  much  a  star  on 
"The  Enchanted  Nutcracker,"  big  ABC-TV  musical  special. 

■  "When  did  I  first  realize  that  I'd  become  a  star?"  repeated  Robert  Goulet.    "I'm 
not  sure  that  I  know  what  a  star  really  is,  or  what  it  means  to  be  one.   The 
word  is  much  over-used.  .  .  .  Just  because  an  actor  plays  the  principal  role  in 
a  weekly  Western  series  on  television,  that  doesn't  necessarily  make  him  a 
star,  although  he  may  like  to  think  of  himself  as  being  one.   I  know  of  an  actor 
who  played  bit  roles  in  a  couple  of  TV  dramas  and  had  a  better  part  in  a 
commercial.  Then  he  went  on  the  road  in  a  play  and  was  billed  as  a  television 
star!   .  .  .  Although  I  have  hopes,  I'm  not  a  star.    Not  yet,  anyway.    Oh,  people 
recognize  me  on  the  street  and  in  restaurants.   And  I'm  beginning  to  get 
a  lot  of  fan  mail.   But  that  doesn't  mean  I'm  a  star.   It  simply  means  that  people 
recognize  me  from  seeing  me  on  television  or  the  stage.  To  my  way  of 

thinking,  the  real  honest-to-goodness  stars  are  performers  (Continued  on  page  55) 

"The  Enchanted  Nutcrarker."  ABC-TV,  Sat.,  Dec.  23.  from  10  to  11  PM   EST  is  mm.„„j  i,    w    .-     l  m        •    r~ 

i«         .in.  loi,  is  sponsored  by  Westinghouse  Electric  Corp. 


Carneyand    Barbara   Cook  start 

"Fads  and  Foibles"  rolling 

with  tintype  pose  of  yesteryear. 

Art  Carney  acts  as  genial 
guide  through  a  hundred 
years  of  America's 
whackiest  enthusiasms 

■  Later  this  month,  NBC's  talented 
Special  Project  group  will  delight 
America's  TV  viewers  with  an  hour- 
long  show  called  "Fads  and  Foibles." 
Written  and  produced  by  William 
Nichols,  with  a  score  by  Robert 
Russell  Bennett,  this  musical  tour 
through  the  history  of  the  last  cen- 
tury will  cast  a  smiling  eye  on  some 
of  this  country's  zaniest  enthusiasms. 
Narrator  Art  Carney  will  be  joined 
by  Barbara  Cook,  Alice  Ghostley, 
James  Hurst  and  Eileen  Rodgers  for 
a  singing-swinging  show,  blending 
fact  with  fancy  in  a  top  program  for 
The  Du   Pont  Show  Of  The  Week. 



Above:  In  America — or  anywhere — the  battle  of  the 
sexes  goes  on  and  on.  In  this  corner,  The  Vamp,  Theda 
Bara,  who  destroyed  every  man  who  wandered  into 
her  parlor.  During  the  same  era,  Rudolph  Valen- 
tino tamed  the  ladies  and  turned  them  back  into 
the  soft,  compliant  creatures  Sod  intended. 

"Fads  and  Foibles."  seen  Sunday.  December  17,  from  10  to  11  P.M.  EST,  is  an  NBC-TV  Special  Project  for  The  Du  Pont  Show  Of  The  Week. 




In  the  1930s  and  '40s,  people  went  mad 
about   Latin   American   dances.   After  a   while, 
some  of  us — including  Alice  Ghostley — said, 
"That's  enough,  that's  enough,  take  it  back; 
my  spine's  out  of  whack!  There's  a  great 
big  crack  in  the  back  of  my  sacroiliac!" 

Right:  Hollywood  and  its  movies  have  fostered  more 

fads  and  foibles  than  any  other  American  institution. 

From  Fairbanks  to  Brando,  from  Pickford  to  Monroe, 

Hollywood  has  set  the  fads.  Here,  Eileen  Rodgers 

sings  the  joys  of  dancing  at  that  "Moving  Picture 

Boll,"  where  "Douglas  Fairbanks  shimmied  on  one 

hand  .  .  .  Mary  Pickford  did  a  toe-dance  grand." 





Carney~~and   Barbara   Cook   start 

"Fads  and  Foibles"  rolling 

with  tintype  pose  of  yesteryear. 

Art  Carney  acts  as  genial 
guide  through  a  hundred 
years  of  America's 
whackiest  enthusiasms 

■  Later  this  month,  NBC's  talented 
Special  Project  group  will  delight 
America's  TV  viewers  with  an  hour- 
long  show  called  "Fads  and  Foibles." 
Written  and  produced  by  William 
Nichols,  with  a  score  by  Robert 
Russell  Bennett,  this  musical  tour 
through  the  history  of  the  last  cen- 
tury will  cast  a  smiling  eye  on  some 
of  this  country's  zaniest  enthusiasms. 
Narrator  Art  Carney  will  be  joined 
by  Barbara  Cook,  Alice  Ghostley, 
James  Hurst  and  Eileen  Rodgers  for 
a  singing-swinging  show,  blending 
fact  with  fancy  in  a  top  program  for 
The   Du   Pont  Shouy  Oj  The   Week. 


FADS  and 


In  the   1930s  and  '40s,  people  went  mad 
about   Latin   American   dances.   After  a   while, 
some  of  us — including  Alice  Ghostley — said, 
"That's  enough,  that's  enough,  take  it  back; 
my  spine's  out  of  whack!  There's  a  great 
big  crack  in  the  back  of  my  sacroiliac!" 

Above:  In  Amenca-or  anywhere— the  battle  of  the 

Bo?n  T  T  ?nd  °?'  'n  +his  corner'  The  VamP.  Thed° 
her  nnrf      l6^0^  everV  ™>n  who  wandered  into 

inoW A^"?VUe  S°me  era'  RudolPh  Valen- 
no  tomed  the  ladies  and  turned  them  back  into 
the  soft,  compl.ont  creatures  God  intended 

"Fads  and  Foibles."  seen  Sunday.  December  17,  from  10  to  11  P.M.  EST  is 

an  NBC-TV  S 

P<-Hal  Project  for  The  Du  Pom  Show  0\  The  Week. 

Right:  Hollywood  and  its  movies  have  fostered  more 

fads  and  foibles  than  any  other  American  institution. 

From  Fairbanks  to  Brando,  from  Pickford  to  Monroe, 

Hollywood  has  set  the  fads.  Here,  Eileen  Rodgers 

sings  the  joys  of  dancing  at  that  "Moving  Picture 

Ball."  where  "Douglas  Fairbanks  shimmied  on  one 

hand  .  .  .  Mary  Pickford  did  a  toe-dance  grand." 

When  Home  Sweet  Home  grew  too  confining,  there   was  the  corner  bar  to  restore  masculine  spirits. 
Art  Carney  and  cohorts  sing,  "If  a  pair  of  blue  eyes  have  deceived  you,  and  a  pair  of  red  lips  said 
you  nay,  don't  appeal  to  champagne,  all  its  bubbles  are  vain,  you  will  only  feel  worse  the  next  day." 

"Temperance"  was  the  battle  word.  Pamphlets, 
pictures,  songs  and  plays  showed  that  man's 
first  drink  was  his  first  step  on  the  road  to 
hell.  Barbara  Cook  sings  one  of  the  most  pop- 
ular songs  of  the  day,  "Father,  dear  father, 
come  home  with  me  now!  The  clock  in  the 
steeple  strikes  two  .  .  .  Oh,  who  could  resist 
the  most  plaintive  of  prayers?  .  .  .  Come  home!" 

But  such  goings-on  in  the  corner  saloon  so  enraged 
a  militant  character  named  Carry  Nation  that  she  organized 
a  posse  of  hatchet-women  who  passed  through  Kansas  like 
a  cyclone,  leaving  a  train  of  wrecked  saloons  behind  them. 



FADS  and  foibles 

Mother  isn't  a  fad  and  she  isn't  exactly  a  foible, 
but  for  many  years  there  was  a  fad  for  "mother" 
songs.  James  Hurst  sings  the  best-known  of 
them  all,  "M  is  for  the  million  things  she  gave 
me,"  and  so  on  to  the  end:  "Put  them  all  together 
they  spell  'Mother,'  a  word  that  means  the  world  to  me. 

One  of  the  dance  fads, 

coupled  with  Prohibition, 

inspired   Irving   Berlin's 

good-humored   complaint, 

interpreted  here  by 

Eileen  Rodgers.  "  Tis  a  sad, 

sad  day  for  me,  this  day 

of  lemonade  and  tea.  For 

now  my  dancing  aspirations 

haven't  got  a  chance  .  .  . 

You  cannot  make  your 

shimmy  shake  on  tea." 

And  during  the  '50s,  we 

had:  Hula  hoops,  Liberace, 

panty  raids,  the  sack 

dress,  Bermuda  shorts, 

beatniks,  the  motorcycle 

boy.  Ladies  and  gentlemen, 

from  the  far-out  fifties 

— Elvis    Presley 

and  rock  V  roll. 


When  Home  Sweet  Home  grew  too  confining,  there  was  the  corner  bar  to  restore  masculine  spirits. 
Art  Carney  and  cohorts  sing,  "If  a  pair  of  blue  eyes  have  deceived  you,  and  a  pair  of  red  lips  said 
you  nay,  don't  appeal  to  champagne,  all  its  bubbles  are  vain,  you  will  only  feel  worse  the  next  day." 

"Temperance"  was  the  battle  word.  Pamphlets, 
pictures,  songs  and  plays  showed  that  man's 
first  drink  was  his  first  step  on  the  road  to 
hell.  Barbara  Cook  sings  one  of  the  most  pop- 
ular songs  of  the  day,  "Father,  dear  father, 
come  home  with  me  now!  The  clock  in  the 
steeple  strikes  two  ...  Oh,  who  could  resist 
the  most  plaintive  of  prayers?  .  .  .  Come  home! 

But  such  goings-on  in  the  corner  saloon  so  enraged 
a  militant  character  named  Carry  Nation  that  she  organized 
a  posse  of  hatchet-women  who  passed  through  Kansas  like 
a  cyclone,  leaving  a  train  of  wrecked  saloons  behind  them 


'Hmj*m  and 


Mother  isn't  a  fad  and  she  isn't  exactly  a  foible, 
but  for  many  years  there  was  a  fad  for  "mother" 
songs.  James  Hurst  sings  the  best-known  of 
them  all,   "M   is  for  the  million  things  she  gave 
me,"  and  so  on  to  the  end:  "Put  them  oil  together 
they  spell  'Mother,'  a  word  that  means  the  world  to  me.' 

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One  of  the  dance  fads, 

coupled  with  Prohibition, 

inspired  Irving  Berlin's 

good-humored  complaint, 

interpreted  here  by 

Eileen  Rodgers.  "  'Tis  a  sad, 

sad  day  for  me,  this  day 

of  lemonade  and  tea.  For 

now  my  dancing  aspirations 

haven't  got  a  chance  .  .  . 

You  cannot  make  your 

shimmy  shake  on  tea." 

And  during  the  '50s,  we 

had:  Hula  hoops,  Liberace, 

panty  raids,  the  sack 

dress,  Bermuda  shorts, 

beatniks,  the  motorcycle 

boy.  Ladies  and  gentlemen, 

from  the  far-out   fifties 

— Elvis    Presley 

and  rock  V  roll. 


■  The  beautiful  bride  and  the  handsome 
groom  sat  at  the  bridal  table  holding 
hands.  Around  them,  in  the  Four  Arts 
Club,  more  than  350  guests  at  the  wed- 
ding reception  milled  and  chattered.  But 
Melanie  Adams  Como,  the  bride  of  just 
a  few  hours,  and  Ronald  Pierino  Como, 
the  proud  groom,  were  unaware  of  the 
noisy  crowd.  Their  intertwined  fingers, 
their  shining  eyes  and  whispered  words 
set  them  aside  in  a  world  of  their  own. 

Suddenly,  there  was  a  stir  among  the 
guests  and  a  man  stepped  forward.  He 
stood  in  front  of  the  bride  and  groom, 
poured  champagne  into  a  glass,  and  pro- 
posed a  toast  to  the  newlyweds'  future 

Melanie  and  Ronald  came  out  of  their 
private  dream  world  and  looked  up. 

Something  was  wrong  .  .  .  this  wasn't 
the  best  man,  who  traditionally  made  the 
first  toast.  And  the  father  of  the  groom — 
where  was  he  on  this  most  important 
night  of  his  son's  life? 

Nowhere  to  be  seen.  The  best  man  and 
the  father  of  the  groom  were  both  miss- 

Now  the  gossip,  which  had  begun  that 
afternoon  during  the  marriage  ceremony 
itself,  started  again:  "See,  the  father  does 
disapprove  of  the  marriage.  He  hardly 
waited  until  the  wedding  was  over  before 
he  and  his  other  son  skipped  out."  .  .  . 
"The  mother  didn't  show  up  at  all. 
Claimed  she  was  sick.  Convenient,  eh?  I 
bet  there'd  be  quite  a  story  if  we  knew 
the  real  reasons  why  Mrs.  Perry  Como 
didn't  attend  her  own  son's  wedding." 
.  .  .  "Perry  Como  went  to  the  ceremony 
in  a  brown  business  suit.  I  know  he's  a 
relaxed  guy — but  a  business  suit  at  a 
formal  wedding!  How  casual  can  you 
get?"  .  .  .  "Hear  that  Ronnie's  father  and 
mother  burned  up  the  wires,  when  they 
heard  their  son  (Continued  on  page  59) 




V  \ 


""  "■■  *fw* 



*  /»  ^ 


■  The  beautiful  bride  and  the  handsome 
groom  sat  at  the  bridal  table  holding 
hands.  Around  them,  in  the  Four  Arts 
Club,  more  than  350  guests  at  the  wed- 
ding reception  milled  and  chattered.  But 
Melanie  Adams  Como,  the  bride  of  just 
a  few  hours,  and  Ronald  Pierino  Como, 
the  proud  groom,  were  unaware  of  the 
noisy  crowd.  Their  intertwined  fingers, 
their  shining  eyes  and  whispered  words 
set  them  aside  in  a  world  of  their  own. 

Suddenly,  there  was  a  stir  among  the 
guests  and  a  man  stepped  forward.  He 
stood  in  front  of  the  bride  and  groom, 
poured  champagne  into  a  glass,  and  pro- 
posed a  toast  to  the  newlyweds'  future 

Melanie  and  Ronald  came  out  of  their 
private  dream  world  and  looked  up. 

Something  was  wrong  .  .  .  this  wasn't 
the  best  man,  who  traditionally  made  the 
first  toast.  And  the  father  of  the  groom- 
where  was  he  on  this  most  important 
night  of  his  son's  life? 

Nowhere  to  be  seen.  The  best  man  and 
the  father  of  the  groom  were  both  miss- 

Now  the  gossip,  which  had  begun  that 
afternoon  during  the  marriage  ceremony 
itself,  started  again:  "See,  the  father  does 
disapprove  of  the  marriage.  He  hardly 
waited  until  the  wedding  was  over  before 
he  and  his  other  son  skipped  out."  .  .  . 
"The  mother  didn't  show  up  at  all. 
Claimed  she  was  sick.  Convenient,  eh?  I 
bet  there'd  be  quite  a  story  if  we  knew 
the  real  reasons  why  Mrs.  Perry  Como 
didn't  attend  her  own  son's  wedding." 
.  .  .  "Perry  Como  went  to  the  ceremony 
in  a  brown  business  suit.  I  know  he's  a 
relaxed  guy — but  a  business  suit  at  a 
formal  wedding!  How  casual  can  you 
get?"  .  .  .  "Hear  that  Ronnie's  father  and 
mother  burned  up  the  wires,  when  they 
heard  their  son  (Continued  on  page  59) 



Meet  the 

The  Addisons  of  Mister  Ed:  Larry  Keating,  who 

was  once  "neighbor"  to  Burns  &  Allen;  Edna  Skinner, 

former  film  star  who  came  out  of  retirement 

to  "live  next  door"  to  Alan  Young's  talking  horse. 

For  five  years,  these  boon  companions  of  the  Nelsons  (left) 
have  added  spice  to  The  Adventures  Of  Ossie  And  Harriet: 
Movie  veteran  Lyle  Talbot,  as  Joe  Randolph;  Mary  Jane 
Croft — also  known  as  TV  voice  of  basset  hound  "Cleo"! — as  Clara. 

Mina  Kolb  helps  Cara  Williams  prove  two  head 

■  Good  fences  may  make  good  neighbors, 
as  Robert  Frost's  farmer  said.  But  TV 
writers  find  many  a  bonus  in  tearing  those 
fences  down,  let  neighbors  swarm  as  they 
may!  .  .  .  What  would  I  Love  Lucy  have 
been  without  those  lovable  pop-ins,  Fred 
and  Ethel  Mertz  (as  played  by  Bill  Fraw- 
ley  and  Vivian  Vance)?  Certainly,  Jackie 
Gleason's  The  Honey mooners  would  have 
been  only  half  as  funny  without  their  pals 
Ed  and  Trixie  Norton  (Art  Carney  and 
Joyce  Randolph).  It  seems  as  though — 
like  double  dates  in  real  life — foursomes 
are  more  fun  in  television.  ...  In  fact,  some 
TV  "neighbors"  have  become  so  popular 


As  Flora  and  George,  they  add  to  the  feudin', 
fussin'  and  fun  on  The  Real  McCoys:  Madge  Blake, 
who  started  acting  after  her  sons  were  grown; 
Andy  Clyde,  who  was  a  Keystone  Cop  in  silent  films. 

Most  harassed  neighbors  of  all  are  the  childless  couple  who 

live  next  door  to  Dennis  The  Menace  (Jay  North)  and  his  parents 

(Herbert  Anderson  and  Gloria  Henry,  both  at  left  below):  The 

Mitchells — as  played  by  Sylvia  Field  and  Joseph  Kearns  (at  right). 

i  "wetter"  than  one,  on  Pete  And  Gladysl 

with  fans  that  they  got  shows  of  their 
own  .  .  .  like  Harry  Morgan,  the  Pete 
Porter  of  December  Bride,  who  now  stars 
as  the  same  character  in  Pete  And  Gladys. 
Wife  Gladys — never  seen  in  the  earlier 
series,  but  plenty  talked-about — came  to 
life  in  the  pretty  person  of  Cara  Williams. 
And  now  their  show  has  added  its  own 
pair  of  neighbors!  .  .  .  Even  "loner"  Dale 
Robertson  has  signed  on  a  trio  of  ladies 
who  can  run  from  their  ranch  next  door 
to  borrow  sugar — and  bring  a  feminine 
touch  to  his  Tales  Of  Wells  Fargo.  Yes, 
it's  neighbors,  neighbors  everywhere  .  .  . 
without  them,  many  a  show  would  sink. 

Meet  the 

The  Addisons  of  Mister  lid:  Lorry  Keating,  who 

was  once  "neighbor"  to  Burns  &  Allen;  Edna  Skinner, 

■former  film  star  who  came  out  of  retirement 

to  "live  next  door"  to  Alan  Young's  talking  horse. 

For  five  years,  these  boon  companions  of  the  Nelsons  (left) 
have  added  spice  to  The  Adventures  Of  Ozzxe  And  Harriet: 
Movie  veteran  Lyle  Talbot,  as  Joe  Randolph:  Mary  Jane 
Croft — also  known  as  TV  voice  of  basset  hound  "Geo"! — as  Clara. 

Mina  Kolb  helps  Cara  Wi 

■  Good  fences  may  make  good  neighbors, 
as  Robert  Frost's  farmer  said.  But  TV 
writers  find  many  a  bonus  in  tearing  those 
fences  down,  let  neighbors  swarm  as  they 
may!  .  .  .  What  would  I  Love  Lucy  have 
been  without  those  lovable  pop-ins,  Fred 
and  Ethel  Mertz  (as  played  by  Bill  Fraw- 
ley  and  Vivian  Vance)  ?  Certainly,  Jackie 
Gleason's  The  Honeymooners  would  have 
been  only  half  as  funny  without  their  pa's 
Ed  and  Trixie  Norton  (Art  Carney  and 
Joyce  Randolph).  It  seems  as  though- 
like  double  dates  in  real  life— foursomes 
are  more  fun  in  television.  ...  In  fact,  some 
TV   "neighbors"  have  become  so  popul8' 


on  Pete  And  Gladys1. 

with  fans  that  they  got  shows  of  their 
own  .  .  .  like  Harry  Morgan,  the  Pete 
Porter  of  December  Bride,  who  now  stars 
as  the  same  character  in  Pete  And  Gladys. 
Wife  Gladys — never  seen  in  the  earlier 
series,  but  plenty  talked-about — came  to 
life  in  the  pretty  person  of  Cara  Williams. 
And  now  their  show  has  added  its  own 
Pair  of  neighbors!  .  .  .  Even  "loner"  Dale 
Robertson  has  signed  on  a  trio  of  ladies 
who  can  run  from  their  ranch  next  door 
to  borrow  sugar — and  bring  a  feminine 
touch  to  his  Tales  Of  Wells  Fargo.  Yes, 
«s  neighbors,  neighbors  everywhere  .  .  ■ 
without  them,  many  a  show  would  sink. 

As  Flora  and  George,  they  add  to  the  feudin', 
fussin'  and  fun  on  The  Real  McCoys:  Madge  Blake, 
who  started  acting  after  her  sons  were  grown; 
Andy  Clyde,  who  was  a  Keystone  Cop  in  silent  films. 

Most  harassed  neighbors  of  all  are  the  childless  couple  who 

live  next  door  to  Dennis  The  Menace  (Jay  North)  and  his  parents 

(Herbert  Anderson  and  Gloria  Henry,  both  at  left  below):  The 

Mitchells — as  played  by  Sylvia  Field  and  Joseph  Kearns  (at  right). 

Joey  and  son  Lorry,   14,  find  California 
weather  is  great  for  playing  backyard  catch, 
the  year  around.  And  that  sunshine's  just 
fine  for  taking  family  pictures  with  Sylvia! 

Sparring  partner  is  Joey's  old  friend  Charlie 
Faffif,  known  to  boxing  as  "Young  Charlie  Zivic." 

■  No  doubt  the  sad-eyed  comic  felt  a  pang, 
moving  West  for  The  Joey  Bishop  Show.   It  was 
hard  to  leave  the  old  home  in  Englewood, 
New  Jersey — near  the  golf  club  he  owned  with 
pals  Buddy  Hackett,  Phil  Foster  and  Dick 
Shawn  .  .  .  hard  to  leave  the  Jack  Paar  gang, 
where  he'd  won  TV  fame  and  friends.  But  out 
West  there  were  buddies,  too  .  .  .  like  Sinatra, 
who'd  given  his  career  such  a  boost . . .  and  brother 
Morris,  already  a  manufacturer  there.  And  Joey's 
used  to  traveling  Coast  to  Coast,  as  a  top 
night-club  "draw."  Best  of  all  .  .  .  though  settling 
down  to  a  series  meant  a  gamble  .  .  .  he'd  have 
more  time  to  live  at  home,  eat  with  the  family, 
play  games  with  his  son.  As  the  camera  proves, 
the  Bishops  are  all  mighty  glad  they  came! 

Below:  Helping  Larry  rock  his  dad's  boat  is 
Joey's  older  brother,  Morris  Gottlieb.  At  right: 
Full-dress  (?)  portrait  of  Joey  Bishop,  his 
wife  Sylvia,  their  son  Larry  and  his  dog  "Winkie." 

The  Joey  Bishop  Show,  NBC-TV, 
Wed.,  8:30  P.M.  EST,  is  spon- 
sored by  Procter  &  Gamble  and 
the  American  Tobarco  Company. 




From  home  in  New  Jersey,  Joey  and  his  family  transferred  to  sunny  Beverly  Hills 
when  his  new  TV  series  went  into  production.  Looks  like  the  good  life,  doesn't  it? 



Joey  and  son  Larry,   14,  find  California 
weather  is  great  for  playing  backyard  catch 
the  year  around.  Ana  that  sunshine's  just 
fine  for  talcing  family  pictures  with  Sylvial 

The  /oev  Bishop  Show,  NBC-TV, 
Wed.,  8:30  P.M.  EST,  is  spon- 
sored by  Procter  &  Gamble  and 
the  American  Tobacco  Company. 

Sparring  partner  is  Joey's  old  friend  Charlie 
Faffif,  known  to  boxing  as  "Young  Charlie  Zivic. 

■  No  doubt  the  sad-eyed  comic  felt  a  pang, 
moving  West  for  The  Joey  Bishop  Show.  It  was 
hard  to  leave  the  old  home  in  Englewood, 
New  Jersey— near  the  golf  club  he  owned  with 
pals  Buddy  Hackett,  Phil  Foster  and  Dick 
Shawn  .  .  .  hard  to  leave  the  Jack  Paar  gang, 
where  he'd  won  TV  fame  and  friends.  But  out 
West  there  were  buddies,  too  .  .  .  like  Sinatra, 
who'd  given  his  career  such  a  boost . . .  and  brother 
Morris,  already  a  manufacturer  there.  And  Joey's 
used  to  traveling  Coast  to  Coast,  as  a  top 
night-club  "draw."  Best  of  all  .  .  .  though  settling 
down  to  a  series  meant  a  gamble  .  .  .  he'd  have 
more  time  to  live  at  home,  eat  with  the  family, 
play  games  with  his  son.  As  the  camera  proves, 
the  Bishops  are  all  mighty  glad  they  came! 

Below:  Helping  Lorry  rock  his  dad's  boat  is 
Joey's  older  brother,  Morris  Gottlieb.  At  right: 
Full-dress  (?)  portrait  of  Joey  Bishop,  his 
wife  Sylvia,  their  son  Larry  and  his  dog  "Winkie." 




From  home  in  New  Jersey,  Joey  and  his  family  transferred  to  sunny  Beverly  Hills 
when  his  new  TV  series  went  into  production.  Looks  like  the  good  life,  doesn't  ,t? 

t "antlnurd 

Beverly    Hills   home    is    new,    but  tablecloth    (below)    is    old. 
Artist  sketched  "Bishop  Brothers"  on  first  club  date  in   1939. 

Mel  Bishop,  of  old  act,  is  welcome  guest.  ("Brothers"  were 
no  relation  and  only  their  driver  was  really  named  "Bishop"!) 



Sports   outdoors,    bare   feet   and    floors    indoors — 
the   Bishops   are  taking   to   California   like   natives. 



Despite  a  60-hour  work  week, 
Richard  Hickox  of  WISH-TV  wouldn't 
be  happy  with  any  other  job 

Richard    occasionally   finds   time   to   work   on    a    do-it- 
yourself    project    and     listen    to     his     hi-fi     collection. 

■  Working  ten  hours  a  day,  six  days  a  week,  newscaster 
Richard  Hickox  of  WISH-TV  in  Indianapolis  finds  little 
time  for  sleep — let  alone  relaxation,  friends,  family  or 
hobbies.  "But  I  wouldn't  be  happy  at  any  other  job,"  he 
says.  "I  fully  believe  I  wouldn't  be  in  the  business  were 
it  not  for  news,  for  it  is  the  one  facet  which  makes  TV 
worth  all  the  criticisms  it  is  constantly  getting."  .  .  .  Born 
in  Medford,  Massachusetts,  Richard  was  about  to  audition 
for  a  musical  group  in  1939,  but — "the  program  director 
of  WLAW  in  Lawrence  got  to  me  first  and  asked  me  if 
I'd  consider  an  announcing  job.  I  took  it."  .  .  .  Now  a  pro, 
Richard  delivers  the  news  M-F  at  6:30  and  11  p.m.  and 
on  Saturday  at  6: 15  and  11  p.m.,  plus  interviewing  news 
personalities  on  his  shows.  These  have  included  Mme. 
Chiang  Kai-shek,  SHAPE  and  NATO  officials,  Senators 
and  Congressmen  from  all  eleven  Hoosier  districts,  nu- 

merous show-biz  people,  and  at  least  three  Presidential 
candidates — although  never  after  they  became  President. 
...  In  November,  1960,  Richard  took  a  two-week  tour  of 
France  and  Germany,  as  guest  of  the  Seventh  Army  and 
Seventeenth  Air  Force.  He  spent  three  days  in  Berlin, 
covering  both  the  East  and  West  sectors.  "The  trip  gave 
me  an  on-the-spot  picture  of  one  of  the  world's  most  con- 
troversial trouble  spots,"  he  says.  .  .  .  He  has  also  done 
several  documentaries,  including  "Peace  Is  Our  Pro- 
fession," "Cuban  Report,"  and  "Decade  in  Europe."  .  .  . 
Despite  his  full  days  at  WISH,  Richard  golfs  in  the  90s, 
pistol-shoots  in  the  high  80s,  and  enjoys  "do  it  yourself" 
projects.  .  .  .  He  and  his  wife  Jessie,  a  former  singer  on 
radio,  have  two  children:  Diane,  14,  and  Richard  Jr.,  now 
in  the  Coast  Guard.  And  there's  "Laddie,"  a  collie  which — 
Richard  says — "considers  himself  a  part  of  the  family." 



Via  Repertoire  Theater, 

on  WBBM-TV,  local  talent 

has  been  awarded  a  .  .  . 


Creative  talent  in  Chicago  has 
been  offered  a  new  outlet: 
Local  television — specifically, 
Repertoire  Theatre,  a  weekly  drama 
workshop  on  WBBM-TV.  This 
show  features  original  dramas, 
pantomimists,  monologuists  and 
dancers,  under  the  supervision  of 
executive  producer  Don  Dillion. 
.  .  .  The  unusual  aspect  of  Reper- 
toire Theatre  is  that  all  talent, 
ranging  from  actors  to  writers,  must 
be  Chicagoans.  To  attain  that  goal, 
established  Chicago  writers  and 
promising  young  scripters — plus 
composers,  arrangers  and  adapters 
of  music  and  musical  theater — are 
being  encouraged  to  bring  their 
works  to  WBBM-TV.  .  .  .  "We  are 
very  rich  in  creative  resources, 
having  auditioned  more  than  300 
actors,  actresses,  singers  and  as- 
piring comedians,"  says  Dillion. 
"And  passing  through  our  studio 
doors  have  been  many  writers  and 
young  people  ambitious  in  the 
fields  of  music,  design  and  direc- 
tion." .  .  .  Producer  Dillion  began 
his  TV  career  in  Chicago  with  Sta- 
tion WBKB,  and  became  manager 
of  production  operations  when 
CBS  purchased  the  station  in  1953 
and  changed  the  call  letters  to 
WBBM.  In  1958,  he  left  the  station 
to  become  associate  producer  of 
Playboy's  Penthouse,  but  returned 
in  February,  1960,  as  assistant  pro- 
gram director — executive  producer. 
.  .  .  Dillion's  series  is  now  aired  on 
Saturday  afternoons  from  2  to  2: 30, 
with  one  major  exception — four  of 
the  30-minute  shows  will  be  ex- 
panded into  60  or  90-minute  dra- 
mas early  this  year.  .  .  .  Going 
strong,  Repertoire  Theatre  has  pre- 
sented or  has  in  the  planning  stage: 
"The  Decision  of  Tempy  Jones," 
an  original  drama;  Sachio  Kane,  a 
series  of  pantomimes;  "The  Mag- 
nificent Humbug,"  an  original 
drama  which  is  the  story  of  George 
Bernard  Shaw;  a  reading  of  Shaw's 
"Don  Juan  in  Hell,"  and  the  dra- 
matic theme  of  the  Biblical  story, 
"Song  of  Songs,"  set  to  music  and 

tA  showcase  indeed! 

Producer   Dillion   finds   it   most   relaxing   to   read   scripts   in    his   comfortable 
apartment.  Below,  his  charming  wife  is  the  subject  of  his  oil  painting  hobby. 


1-0-0  O'Neill! 

v         With  way-out  antics,  Jim   keeps  the  whole  staff  on  the  go. 

He's  an  offbeat  deejay  who's 

brought  his  music  and  mirth 
to  Minneapolis  and  St.  Paul 

Jim  O'Neill  (or  James  Francis  Patrick  O'Neill, 
as  he's  known  to  his  most  intimate  ac- 
quaintances) joined  KDWB  Radio  last  summer, 
and  folks  of  the  Twin  Cities  have  been  chuckling 
ever  since.  Why?  Because  Jim  believes  the  suc- 
cessful performer  must  always  be  himself — 
and,  since  Jim's  sense  of  humor  is  offbeat  and 
tongue-in-cheek,  the  show  merely  extends  his 
personality.  Typical  is  his  daily  "little-known 
moments  in  history"  section,  saluting  such 
figures  as:  "Glick,  the  obscure  Chinese  tinkerer, 
who  unknowingly  invented  the  first  wheel  in 
1088  B.C.,  but  thought  he'd  invented  the  first 
pair  of  skis  .  .  .  lived  a  frustrating  life  ever 
after,  and  finally  had  to  invent  traction  in  self- 
defense."  ...  A  native  of  Casper,  Wyoming,  Jim 
was   graduated   from   Creighton   University   in 


Busy  Jim  enjoys  home  life  with  His  wife  Marjorie  and  their  daughter  Kathy,  12. 

Omaha  in  1952  with  a  bachelor's  degree  in  history. 
This  four-year  span  was  preceded  by  two  years  in 
the  Army  in  the  Philippines,  where  he  served  with 
Armed  Forces  Radio  Service.  .  .  .  Jim  thinks  he  may  be  one 
of  the  youngest  "starters"  in  the  broadcasting  business. 
He  was  first  employed  as  an  announcer  in  Fremont, 
Nebraska,  at  the  age  of  14,  for  the  magnificent  sum  of 
thirty  cents  an  hour.  He  claims:  "I  was  hired  because  of 
my  sparkling  personality,  my  innate  charm,  my  native 
ability,  and  mainly  because  there  was  a  war  on  and  station 
managers  would  hire  anyone  who'd  walk,  talk,  and  be 
out  of  the  draft."  .  .  .  Between  then  and  now,  Jim  was  on 
the  staff  of  KOWH,  in  Omaha,  from  1949  to  1956  .  .  . 
program  director  at  KFBI  in  Wichita  ...  at  WONE  in  Day- 
ton .  .  .  and  went  to  the  West  Coast  in  1959  to  try  com- 
bining air  work  and  program  management  in  Stockton, 
California.  .   .  .  His  present  show  on  KDWB,  seen  M-F 

from  3  to  6  p.m.  and  Saturday  from  10  a.m.  to  2  p.m.,  consists 
of  the  hits  of  the  moment,  spiced  with  best  sellers  of  the 
past.  Jim  refuses  to  name  any  artists  or  records  he  dislikes, 
claiming,  "I  consider  commercial  radio  to  be  in  the  business 
of  providing  what  listeners  want,  and  I  can't  imagine  a 
listener  caring  less  about  the  deejay's  personal  taste."  .  .  . 
Jim  and  his  wife  Marjorie,  who  met  in  high  school,  rent  a 
home  in  St.  Paul  with  their  daughter  Kathy,  a  nondescript 
semi-black  Labrador  dog  who  likes  chocolate  cookies,  and 
a  bob-tailed  domestic  cat  of  mixed  ancestry.  .  .  .  Jim  was 
formerly  a  member  of  Toastmasters  International,  and  was 
runner-up  in  the  speech  contest  finals  in  Washington,  D.C., 
in  1954.  Also,  he  is  an  omnivorous  reader,  a  chess  fancier 
("although  I  haven't  won  a  game  in  three  years")  and  occa- 
sionally enjoys  amateur  theater,  and  local  politics.  "I  used 
to  like  fencing,  too,  but  I  gave  it  up  in  a  fit  of  pique  when 
I   was   compared   unfavorably   with   Douglas   Fairbanks." 



Eddie  Clarke  has  a  formula  for  success:  Surround  yourself 
with  happy  creative  heads  who  will   bring  out  your   best 

Returning  from  Cleveland  to  work  in  his 
native  Kansas  City  (below),  Eddie  now 
sparks  the  Morning  Mayor  show  on  KMBC. 


■  What  is  the  world's  greatest  asset? 
Eddie  Clarke,  program  manager  of 
KMBC  Radio,  Kansas  City,  claims 
it  is  people — and  he  should  know, 
because  people  are  his  world.  He  has 
built  a  reputation  for  himself  with 
the  lives  he  has  influenced  and  with 
the  people  who  have  guided  his  own 
career.  .  .  .  Because  his  career  has 
been  so   successful,   Eddie   is   con- 
stantly  being   asked  for   advice   on 
how  to  break  into  the  broadcasting 
industry.   His   first   suggestion   puts 
the    emphasis    on    developing    con- 
tacts. "The  best  place  to  do  that  now 
is  in  a  small  market,  away  from  a 
metropolitan  area,"  Eddie  tells  them. 
...  A  native  Kansas  Citian,  Eddie 
just  returned  from  Cleveland,  where 
he  was  the  first  public  service  direc- 
tor in   the  history   of  Metropolitan 
WHK.  He  picks  six  individuals   as 
his   greatest    and   most   stimulating 
friends.    "These   friends   have   done 
more  to  influence  me  than  any  other 
group,  throughout  my  life.  Perhaps 
the  strongest  of  these  is  Jack  Thay- 
er,    general     manager     of     WHK. 
Thayer  gets  along  with  people  be- 
cause   he    surrounds    himself    with 
happy      and      productive      creative 
heads   who   bring   out   the   best   in 
him,"  Eddie  says.   "I  learned,  only 
in  the  past  year,  that  this  can  be 
the  greatest  asset  a  man  can  have. 
Most   of   the   six   started   out   with 
practically  nothing,  and  today  I've 
found   that   those   who    follow   this 
philosophy    end   up    at   the    top    to 
stay."  .  .  .  Happily  married,  Eddie 
and  his  wife  take  special  pride  in 
his    show    boxer    dog,     "Capacrest 
Jockey."     The     name     "Capacrest" 
comes  from  the  famous  kennels  in 
New  Jersey,  while  the  second  word 
is  a  fitting  reference  to  both  sports 
and    Eddie    himself — one    of    mid- 
America's  best-known  disc  jockeys. 
Often    called    the    nation's    original 
"morning  mayor,"  Eddie  has  a  per- 
sonality on  and  off  the  air  that  is 
smooth,  yet  pert.  He  smiles  with  his 
audience,  avoids  punching  any  one 
on  his  Morning  Mayor  shows.  "They 
listen  to  be  acccompanied,  and  they 
live  my  show  with  me,"  Eddie  says. 
"I  feel  it's  my  duty  to  keep  them 
satisfied  with  quality,  humility,  and 
respect."  Perhaps  these  are  the  rea- 
sons so  many  people  rely  on  Eddie 
Clarke  to  start  their  day! 

Robert  Goulet 

(Continued  from  page  36) 
like  Garbo  and  Sinatra.  It  takes  a  long 
time  to  reach  their  status."  These  re- 
freshing quotes  come  from  a  man  who 
has  received  critical  acclaim  for  his 
featured  role  in  Lerner  and  Loewe's 
Broadway  hit  "Camelot"  and  his  tele- 
vision appearances  on  Omnibus  and  the 
Ed  Sullivan  and  Garry  Moore  shows. 

Seldom  has  a  new  personality  arrived 
on  the  New  York  scene  and  been  ap- 
plauded so  warmly  by  the  skeptical 
circle  of  critics.  Jack  O'Brian,  syndi- 
cated TV  columnist  of  the  New  York 
Journal-American,  had  this  to  say  fol- 
lowing one  of  Robert  Goulet's  guest- 
shots  on  the  Sullivan  program:  "As  a 
handsome,  virile  young  singer,  Goulet 
is  far  different  from  most  of  the  young- 
er stars  ...  a  brand-new  handsome, 
robust  young  singing  star  with  a  fine, 
big  stage-size  voice  containing  great 
range  in  its  color,  timbre  and  style;  he 
should  become  a  r-r-really  big  star." 

And  Variety,  the  show-business  trade 
journal,  raved:  "Goulet  emerged  as  a 
new  TV  star  in  the  making  with  his 
looks,  his  savvy  projection  and  the 
high-grade  quality  of  his  vocalizing." 

Singer-actor  Goulet  fits  the  perfect 
image  of  a  matinee  idol.  He's  hand- 
some, very  masculine,  and  his  165  well- 
conditioned  pounds  are  distributed  over 
a  six-foot  frame.  Match  this  with  blue 
eyes  and  a  mane  of  dark  brown  hair 
and  you  have  a  ready  target  for  young 

"Yes,"  he  admits,  "much  of  my  mail 
is  from  romantically  inclined  girls,  and 
I  hope  it  keeps  coming.  It  won't  put  me 
in  the  great-lover  class,  however. 
Whenever  the  letters  begin  influencing 
me  to  think  that  I'm  a  hot-shot,  I  pick 
up  another  one  that  brings  me  back  to 
earth.  Like  one  I  received  the  other 
day:  The  girl  wrote  that  she  was  deeply 
in  love  with  me.  She  complimented  my 
singing  by  saying,  'After  all  the  trash 
we've  been  forced  to  listen  to,  it's  won- 
derful to  hear  a  good  singer.'  Then  she 
ended  her  letter  by  saying,  'By  the  way, 
I'm  ten  years  old'!" 

Although  Goulet  is  a  new  name  to 
Broadway  and  TV  audiences,  he 
shrinks  when  anyone  refers  to  him  as 
being  an  overnight  success.  "Over- 
night, to  me,"  he  says,  "represented  a 
long  time.  I'm  twenty-seven  now,  and 
I've  been  singing  since  I  was  four.  Of 
course,  I  haven't  been  a  professional  all 
that  time,  but  I  did  get  an  early  start. 

"My  father  died  when  I  was  eleven 
and  I  never  knew  him  very  well,  but 
I  do  remember  him  telling  me  that  I 
had  a  God-given  talent  and  not  to 
waste  it.  When  I  was  a  boy,  he  used  to 
practically  drag  me  off  the  baseball 
field  for  my  singing  lessons.  And  then 
came  the  usual  routine  of  singing  in 
churches  and  in  school.  Ever  since  I  can 
remember,  I  knew  I  was  going  to  be  a 

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singer.  That's  been  my  one  objective. 
Even  when  I  was  a  kid,  I  didn't  dream 
of  being  a  fireman  or  a  cowboy.  I  just 
knew  I  was  going  to  be  a  singer." 

Goulet  was  born  in  Lawrence,  Mas- 
sachusetts, and  moved  to  Edmonton, 
Alberta,  when  he  was  thirteen.  It  was 
in  Canada,  as  a  teenager,  that  he  be- 
came a  professional.  "I  was  hired  as  a 
radio  announcer  in  Edmonton  when  I 
was  seventeen.  Two  years  later,  I  went 
to  Toronto,  where  I  entered  the  Con- 
servatory of  Music  on  a  scholarship, 
and  also  worked  in  radio  and  television. 

"I'll  never  forget  my  debut  on  TV.  It 
was  in  an  opera  and,  at  one  point,  I 
was  supposed  to  raise  my  shoulders 
significantly.  I  was  so  nervous,  I 
couldn't  do  it.  I'm  still  nervous  when- 
ever I  perform,  but  I've  learned  not  to 
show  it.  After  my  first  appearance  on 
The  Ed  Sullivan  Show,  two  or  three  of 
the  critics  wrote  that  I  amazed  them  by 
appearing  so  cool  in  my  first  major  TV 
shot.  They  said  I  had  the  confidence  of 
a  veteran. 

"Naturally,  this  pleased  me — because 
I  wasn't  cool,  at  all.  But  I've  schooled 
myself  not  to  show  nervousness.  I  think 
all  performers  are  nervous.  It  was 
Helen  Hayes,  I  believe,  who  said  that 
when  an  actor  stops  being  nervous  he 
stops  being  a  good  actor." 

He  had  done  several  years  of  summer 
"stock  and  was  in  Bermuda,  playing  his 
first  night-club  engagement,  when  he 
received  a  phone  call  from  a  friend, 
actor  Don  Harron,  suggesting  that  he 
fly  to  New  York  to  audition  for  "Came- 
lot."  Goulet  recalls:  "The  role  was  Sir 
Lancelot,  the  bravest  swordsman  and 
lady-killer  in  King  Arthur's  court — I 
didn't  think  I  had  a  chance.  In  fact,  I 
treated  the  whole  thing  more  or  less  as 
a  joke. 

"However,  because  of  Don's  urging, 
I  did  apply  for  an  audition  and  was  told 
to  come  to  New  York.  At  the  same  time, 
I  learned  that  the  producers  wanted 
Laurence  Harvey  for  the  part,  but 
didn't  give  it  to  him  because  he  couldn't 
sing.  I  thought  it  was  a  waste  of  time 
and  money  for  me  to  audition  for  a  role 
considered  important  enough  for  Har- 
vey, but  I  came  to  New  York,  anyway. 
I  certainly  had  a  negative  attitude  when 
I  arrived.  My  plane  was  late,  and  that 
didn't  make  me  feel  any  better.  But 
much  to  my  surprise,  I  got  the  part!" 

And  when  he  opened  in  "Camelot" 
last  December,  the  critics  pulled  out  all 
the  adjectives  at  their  command.  Goulet 
was  signed  to  a  long-term  contract 
(which  continues  until  October  of 
1963),  and  television  offers  began  pour- 
ing in. 

"Following  that  first  appearance  with 

Ed  Sullivan,"  he  says,  "I  went  on  the 

t    Garry  Moore  show,  and  then  appeared 

"    with    Edie    Adams    and    Myron    Mc- 

Cormick  on  an  Omnibus  special  tracing 

the  history  of  American  music." 


He  is  signed  for  fall-winter  appear- 
ances on  several  of  the  major  TV 
variety  programs,  including  return  en- 
gagements with  Ed  Sullivan,  and  will 
be  starred  in  a  musical  spectacular  in 

"There's  even  been  talk  of  my  own 
series  on  TV,"  Goulet  said,  "but  I  don't 
know  how  I  could  work  it  in  with  my 
'Camelot'  schedule.  Right  now,  I'm  go- 
ing to  concentrate  on  guest  appearances 
and  specials." 

Although  Goulet  had  early  operatic 
training,  he  has  no  ambitions  toward 
the  opera  as  such.  "My  goal,"  he  ex- 
plains, "is  to  become  a  fine  performer, 
in  all  the  mediums.  I  hope  to  keep  de- 
veloping as  a  performer  until  I'm  sixty. 
There  is  no  point  where  you  can  say  to 
yourself,  'I've  learned  it  all.  I  can  start 
relaxing  now,  and  take  things  easy.' 

"I  believe  it's  important  for  a  person 
to  aim  high — to  aim  at  the  stars.  If  you 
aim  low  with  your  objectives,  you'll 
never  achieve  anything.  And,  once  you 
achieve  one  goal,  you  should  immedi- 
ately put  that  in  the  past  and  set  an- 

Statement  required  by  the  Act  of  August  24, 
1912  as  amended  by  the  Acts  of  March  3,  1933, 
July  2,  1946  and  June  11,  1960  (74  Stat.  208) 
showing  the  ownership,  management  and  circu- 
lation of  TV  RADIO  MIRROR,  published  monthly 
at  New  York,  N.  Y.,  for  October  1,  1961. 

1.  The  names  and  addresses  of  the  pub- 
lisher, editor,  managing  editor,  and  busi- 
ness managers  are:  Publisher,  Macfadden 
Publications,  Inc.,  205  East  42nd  St.,  New 
York  17.  N.  Y.;  Editor,  Ann  Mosher,  205 
East  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.  Y.,  Managing 
Editor,  Teresa  Buxton,  205  East  42nd  St., 
New  York  17,  N.  Y.;  Executive  Vice-Presi- 
dent, Frederick  A.  Klein,  205  East  42nd  St., 
New  York  17,  N.  Y. 

2.  The  owner  is:  (If  owned  by  a  corpora- 
tion, its  name  and  address  must  be  stated 
and  also  immediately  thereunder  the  names 
and  addresses  of  stockholders  owning  or 
holding  1  percent  or  more  of  total  amount 
of  stock.  If  not  owned  by  a  corporation,  the 
names  and  addresses  of  the  individual 
owners  must  be  given.  If  owned  by  a  part- 
nership or  other  unincorporated  firm,  its 
name  and  address,  as  well  as  that  of  each 
individual  member,  must  be  given.)  Mac- 
fadden Publications,  Inc.,  205  East  42nd  St., 
New  York  17,  N.  Y.;  Bartell  Broadcasting 
Corp.,  c/o  B.  Tannenbaum,  444  Madison 
Avenue,  New  York  22,  N.  Y.;  Henry  Liefer- 
ant,  Hotel  Franconia,  20  West  72nd  Street, 
New  York  23,  N.  Y.;  Hillman  Periodicals, 
Inc.,  535  5th  Avenue,  New  York  17,  N.  Y.; 
Process  Lithographers,  Inc.,  200  Varick 
Street,  New  York  14,  N.  Y. 

3.  The  known  bondholders,  mortgagees, 
and  other  security  holders  owning  or  hold- 
ing 1  percent  or  more  of  total  amount  of 
bonds,  mortgages,  or  other  securities  are: 
(If  there  are  none,  so  state.)  None- 

4.  Paragraphs  2  and  3  include,  in  cases 
where  the  stockholder  or  security  holder 
appears  upon  the  books  of  the  company  as 
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the  name  of  the  person  or  corporation  for 
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affiant's  full  knowledge  and  belief  as  to  the 
circumstances  and  conditions  under  which 
stockholders  and  security  holders  who  do 
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capacity  other  than  that  of  a  bona  fide 

5.  The  average  number  of  copies  of  each 
issue  of  this  publication  sold  or  distributed, 
through  the  mails  or  otherwise,  to  paid 
subscribers  during  the  12  months  preceding 
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tion is  required  by  the  act  of  June  11,  1960, 
to  be  included  in  all  statements  regardless 
of  frequency  of  issue.)  609,548. 

(Signed)  FREDERICK  A.  KLEIN, 
Executive  Vice-President 
Sworn  to  and  subscribed  before  me  this 
27th  day  of  September,  1961. 


TULLIO  MUCELLI,  Notary  Public 

State  of  New  York  No.   03-8045500 

Qualified  in  Bronx  Co. 

Cert.  Filed  in  New  York  Co. 

Commission  Expires  March  30,  1962 

other  one  for  the  future.  That's  my 
philosophy.  That's  what  keeps  me  going 
.  .  .  trying  to  improve.  Otherwise,  I'd 
begin  sliding  downhill. 

"I'd  like  someday  to  be  a  truly  great 
performer.  And  to  be  recognized  as 
such  by  myself,  as  well  as  by  the  pub- 
lic. That's  important.  A  fellow  may  be 
able  to  fool  others,  but  it's  difficult  to 
fool  yourself. 

"Sometimes  I  think  that  I  was  born 
thirty  years  too  late — because  I'd  have 
loved  to  have  been  around  during  the 
glory  days  of  vaudeville.  It  must  have 
been  exciting.  Really  exciting.  And 
vaudeville  had  great,  truly  great,  per- 

"I  guess  I'll  never  be  able  to  know 
what  it  felt  like  to  be  a  vaudevillian, 
but  I  am  lucky  to  be  associated  with 
another  exciting  medium — television.  It 
scares  me  a  little  when  I  consider  that, 
in  one  appearance  on  a  program  like  Ed 
Sullivan's  or  Garry  Moore's,  I'm  seen 
by  more  people  than  will  see  'Camelot' 
in  a  year.  But  I'll  always  be  grateful 
for  my  big  break  in  'Camelot'  because 
it  has  been  responsible  for  my  TV  ap- 

Goulet  and  his  wife,  Louise,  are  sep- 
arated, and  he  lives  in  a  bachelor 
apartment  near  Manhattan's  Central 
Park.  "Louise  and  I  are  good  friends, 
but  the  marriage  just  didn't  work  out. 
I  suppose  that,  when  you  concentrate 
on  a  career,  something  has  to  suffer. 
Show  business  isn't  like  any  other  busi- 
ness. Hours  are  irregular,  and  it's  im- 
possible to  predict  what's  going  to 
happen  from  day  to  day.  That  kind  of  a 
situation  isn't  healthy  for  the  average 

Goulet's  hobbies  are  golf  ("I  shoot  in 
the  80s  if  I  cheat  a  little")  and  reading 
"I  try  to  read  good  books.  You  know, 
non-fiction  and  classics.  I'm  trying  to 
improve  myself  all  the  time — my  mind, 
as  well  as  my  talent.  I  believe  that  a 
performer  should  be  a  well-rounded 
individual.  The  more  I  understand 
about  life,  the  more  I'll  understand  my- 

"I've  had  a  lot  of  help  in  this  respect 
from  my  mother,  Jeanette,  and  my 
stepfather,  Paul  Beaupre,  who  live  in 
Bakersfield,  California.  My  sister, 
Claire,  has  also  been  a  strong  influence 
on  me.  There  is  so  much  in  life  which 
is  cheap  and  shoddy,  that  close  family 
ties  are  extremely  important. 

"Right  now,  I  have  a  terrific  chal- 
lenge— trying  to  live  up  to  the  expecta- 
tions of  the  critics.  Their  praise  has 
been  extremely  flattering,  but  it  has  put 
me  on  a  spot.  If  I  should  fail,  I'd  not 
only  be  letting  myself  down  but  those 
who  boosted  me  from  nowhere  to  some- 
where. That's  why  I'm  working  so  hard 
to  improve  .  .  .  and  to  keep  improving. 

"And  someday,  perhaps,  if  I  keep  im- 
proving, I'll  be  able  to  tell  you  what  it 
feels  like  to  be  a  star." 

What's  New  on  the  East  Coast 

(Continued  from  page  5) 

say,  is  blushing  over  a  French  doll. 
.  .  .  Cheers  for  Bell  &  Howell.  They 
refuse  to  censor  or  interfere  with  the 
contents  of  their  sponsored  programs. 
.  .  .  Look  for  a  Warner  Bros,  build-up 
of  Bronwyn  FitzSimons.  Who  she? 
Maureen  O'Hara's  seventeen-year-old 
daughter.  .  .  .  You'd  think  Joan  Craw- 
ford and  Perry  Como  were  trying  to 
work  out  a  disarmament  plan,  they're 
having  so  much  trouble  setting  a  date 
for  her  appearance  on  the  show. 

Santa  Says:  Did  you  know  that 
Laramie  is  the  highest  rated  show — 
in  Japan?  .  .  .  Comedian  Gary  Morton 
and  Lucille  Ball  will  exchange  Christ- 
mas gifts.  .  .  .  Bob  Hope's  first  special 
of  the  season,  December  13,  NBC-TV, 
will  cost  Revlon  $575,000.  Probably 
worth  it — of  the  five  top-rated  specials 
last  season,  three  were  Hope's.  Bob's 
big  guest  star  will  be  James  Garner. 
.  .  .  Gardner  McKay  hoisting  sails  with 
Leslie  Parrish.  .  .  .  Paul  Anka  sent 
enough  money  back  to  Canada  to  buy 
an  Ottawa  TV  station.  .  .  .  On  Christ- 
mas Eve,  Donna  Reed  must  feel  very 
thankful  with  her  family  and  her  suc- 
cess. As  a  girl,  she  worked  her  way 
through  college  washing  dishes.  .  .  . 
Jack  Le  Vien — who  set  up  the  success- 
ful Winston  Churchill  series,  The  Val- 
iant Years — has  come  up  with  another 
scoop.  The  Duke  of  Windsor  has  agreed 
to  let  Le  Vien  televise  his  life  story. 
.  .  .  Garry  Moore  and  Carol  Burnett 
want  a  sponsor  to  back  a  special  TV 
adaptation  of  "Once  Upon  a  Mattress," 
the  Broadway  musical  that  boosted 
Carol  to  stardom.  .  .  .  Tom  Poston 
recommends  that  henpecked  husbands 
turn  off  the  sound  on  their  TV  receiv- 
ers. He  says  there's  no  greater  satis- 
faction than  watching  a  woman  moving 
her  lips  in  complete  silence. 

Female  Dobie  Hickman:  Cynthia 
Pepper,  full  of  ginger,  slipped  into 
N.Y.C.  to  talk  about  Margie,  her  ABC- 
TV  series.  "Being  a  kind  of  female 
Dwayne  Hickman  is  more  fun  than 
work.  And  acting  seventeen  is  no  prob- 
lem. With  the  right  clothes  and  mood, 
I  can  be  fourteen,  seventeen  or  twenty - 
one."   She's  just  past  twenty. 

Looking  Ahead:  Among  expected 
casualties,  after  first  of  the  year,  are 
the  strong-arm  programs,  The  New 
Breed,  The  Corruptors,  87th  Precinct, 
Cain's  Hundred,  etc.  .  .  .  Father  Of 
The  Bride  going  fine.  Already  in  eight 
foreign  markets.  .  .  .  Chicago  attorney 
for  the  Al  Capone  estate  threatening 
to  sue  The  Untouchables.  .  .  .  Compe- 
tition coming  up  for  Mitch  Miller?  NBC 
has  already  contracted  Meredith  Will- 
son,  composer  of  "The  Music  Man,"  to 
do  an  hour-long  weekly  show  begin- 
ning in  the  fall  of  '62.  .  .  .  Bing  Crosby 

Christmas  gift  from  ABC-TV  will  be  "The  Enchanted  Nutcracker,"  featuring 
youthful  Linda  Canby  and  Carol  Lawrence  of  Broadway's  "West  Side  Story." 

co-stars  with  London's  Big  Ben  on 
December  11,  via  ABC-TV.  His  Christ- 
mas show  was  taped  along  the  Thames. 
.  .  .  And,  for  the  nostalgic,  NBC-TV 
on  Christmas  Eve  presents  "The  Un- 
forgettables,"  starring  Fred  Waring  and 
his  band  in  a  cavalcade  of  his  hits.  .  .  . 
Route  66  fell  in  love  with  Baltimore 
and  did  three — instead  of  one  episode — 
out  of  the  city.  .  .  .  Jimmy  Dean's  hit 
record  has  TV  execs  interested  in  him 
again.  .  .  .  Shari  Lewis  has  a  honey 
of  an  idea  for  a  special.  She  wants  to 
gather  together  the  world's  most  fa- 
mous puppeteers  in  ninety  minutes  of 
fun.  .  .  .  Dennis  James  returns  to  TV 
as  an  emcee  with  the  golf  series,  Meet 
The  Pros.  .  .  .  Victory  At  Sea,  all  about 
our  naval  war  with  Japan,  has  just 
begun  to  be  televised  in  Tokyo. 

Missile  Toes:  CBS -TV  developing 
an  eye  for  pulchritude.  Negotiating  for 
exclusive  rights  to  televise  future  Miss 
Teen  Age  and  Mrs.  America  compe- 
titions. .  .  .  Stan  Freberg  promises 
something  exciting  in  February.  Set  to 

star  in  a  comedy  special  with  ABC -TV. 
Billy  May  will  be  there,  too.  .  .  .  Barry 
Sullivan  may  reconcile  with  his  ex- 
wife,  Rita  Hall.  .  .  .  The  Bell  Telephone 
Hour  bows  to  the  Westerns  December 
8  and  features  Roy  Rogers,  Dale  Evans 
—and  Trigger?  .  .  .  Afterthought:  The 
first  televised  World  Series  cost  $100,- 
000.  That  was  in  1946.  This  year's  TV 
budget  went  over  $4  million.  .  .  .  Dodie 
Stevens  has  grown  into  such  a  beau- 
tiful gal.  Ought  to  see  more  of  her  on 
TV.  .  .  .  Not  so  much  talk  about  pay- 
TV  these  days,  but  Paramount  Pictures 
has  stepped  up  its  experiments  in  Tor- 
onto at  a  weekly  cost  of  $11,000.  .  .  . 
The  Ritz  Brothers  hope  to  give  The 
Three  Stooges  competition  next  season 
on  TV.  .  .  .  Peter  Brown  pulled  a 
switch-blade  knife  from  his  pocket  in 
a  dramatic  sequence  and  slashed  him- 
self to  the  extent  of  seven  stitches.  .  .  . 
Liberace  giving  piano  lessons  to  Hope  T 
Hampton?  .  .  .  Stu  Erwin,  who  headed  v 
up  one  of  TV's  most  successful  comedy 
"father"  series,  is  now  a  grandfather. 


"Why  I  Married  an  Older  Man" 

(Continued  from  page  26) 
other  girls  would  feel  differently,  but  I 
needed  an  older  man."  Gigi  Perreau 
was  nineteen  and  Frank  Gallo  was 
thirty -five  when  they  were  married. 
Yet — although  she's  only  twenty  now — 
Gigi  has  already  had  an  eighteen-year 
acting  career. 

She  was  only  two  when  she  made  her 
movie  debut,  toddling  on  the  set  of 
"Madame  Curie"  for  a  brief  role  as  a 
baby.  Since  then,  she  has  been  a  busy 
girl,  working  in  dozens  of  movies  and 
television  shows  until  today  she  is  one 
of  the  stars  of  Follow  The  Sun. 

Throughout  her  childhood,  there  were 
really  two  Gigis.  There  was,  first  and 
perhaps  foremost,  the  ordinary  girl. 
Her  parents  jealously  guarded  Gigi's 
precious  childhood,  insisted  that  she  at- 
tend ordinary  schools  (parochial,  of 
course)  and  meet  and  play  with  or- 
dinary children.  And  her  father,  who 
is  French  and  has  the  European  attitude 
toward  the  child-parent  relationship, 
made  sure  that  Gigi's  professional  ca- 
reer didn't  turn  her  head.  "They  would 
slap  me  down  when  I  needed  it,"  she 
says.  "I  didn't  miss  a  thing  in  my  child- 
hood and  I  have  no  regrets." 

That  was  one  side  of  Gigi  Perreau — 
the  average  child.  But  there  was  an- 
other Gigi,  too — the  young  actress, 
mingling  with  the  greats  of  Hollywood 
on  almost  equal  terms.  She  was  natur- 
ally thrown  into  the  company  of  adults 
much  more  than  most  children.  And 
she  liked  it.  "As  a  child,  I  always  pre- 
ferred the  company  of  older  people. 
I  had  many  friends  my  own  age  from 
school,  of  course,  but  I  much  preferred 
the  times  when  I  was  with  adults." 

When  her  parents  entertained,  Gigi 
would  "stick  my  nose  in,"  converse  with 





them  in  ways  that  frequently  astonished 
them.  At  the  various  studios  where  she 
worked,  she  hobnobbed  with  the  crews 
and  her  fellow  actors.  Always  it  was 
older  people  she  considered  her  closest 

And  so  it  was  perhaps  only  natural 
that  she  translated  this  into  dating 
terms  when  the  time  came:  "I  was  al- 
ways more  comfortable  and  at  ease 
with  boys  older  than  I  was."  She  dated 
some  boys  her  own  age  when  she  was 
fifteen  and  sixteen.  But  her  first  serious 
romance,  at  eighteen,  was  with  a  twen- 
ty-four-year-old second  assistant  di- 
rector. At  that  age,  a  difference  of 
six  years  is  sizable. 

"I  decided  that  I  needed  the  security 
of  an  older  person  around,"  she  says. 
"With  others,  it  might  be  different.  But, 
for  my  type  of  personality  and  char- 
acter, I  definitely  needed  the  feeling  of 
strength  and  experience  that  older  men 
had."  She  has  always  felt  that  it  might 
be  a  good  idea  for  most  girls  if  they 
married  older  men  and  thought  that 
very  few  "high-school  couples"  know 
enough  about  life  to  make  a  go  of 

And  so,  when  she  met  Frank  Gallo — 
handsome  and  still  in  his  early  thirties, 
but  then  almost  twice  her  age — she  was 
immediately  attracted  to  him.  He  was 
"an  older  man"  and  she  felt  comfortable 
and  secure  in  his  company.  There  were 
other,  more  practical  factors  which  ap- 
pealed to  her,  too:  They  were  of  the 
same  religious  faith,  they  enjoyed  many 
of  the  same  things.  And  there  was  that 
indefinite  something  which  soon  be- 
came defined  as  love. 

A  year  after  they  met,  they  became 
engaged.  Five  months  later,  they  were 
married.  And  thus  Ghislaine  Elizabeth 
Marie   Therese   Perreau-Saussine   be- 













Paste  this   ballot   on  a  postcard  and  send  it   to    TV   Radio 
Mirror,  Box  2150.  Grand  Central  Station,  New  York  17,  N.Y. 

came  Mrs.  Frank  Gallo.  (Incidentally, 
since  "Ghislaine"  is  pronounced  with 
a  hard  G — as  in  "good" — Gigi  pro- 
nounces her  nickname  that  way,  too.) 

There  have  been  the  usual  problems 
of  adjusting  to  marriage.  But,  happily, 
there  are  no  financial  problems.  Frank 
is  advertising  manager  of  the  Schick 
Safety  Razor  Company,  so  his  income 
is  eminently  satisfactory — sufficient  for 
him  to  give  his  bride  a  Rolls-Royce  as 
a  wedding  present. 

One  of  the  more  unusual  problems 
the  two  faced  after  their  marriage  was 
Gigi's  inability  to  wash  dishes.  It  seems 
that  her  home  had  always  been 
equipped  with  an  automatic  dishwasher, 
and  she  simply  had  never  had  to  do  the 
job  with  such  primitive  tools  as  water, 
soap  and  dishcloths.  Frank  actually  had 
to  teach  her  how  to  wash  dishes  by 

She  also  had  to  learn  how  to  cook. 
She  had  done  some  baking  before  her 
marriage,  so  that  was  no  problem.  But 
she  had  never  cooked  complete  meals. 
So  far,  she  enjoys  it.  And,  except  for 
one  fiasco,  she's  been  quite  successful. 
The  fiasco?  Well,  she'd  been  doing 
quite  well  and  Frank  was  proud  of  her. 
But  he  said  the  big  test  would  be  when 
she  first  attempted  his  favorite  Italian 
dish,  chicken  cacciatore. 

One  brave  day,  Gigi  decided  to  try 
it.  She  got  a  recipe,  bought  a  chicken 
and  went  to  work.  "While  it  was  cook- 
ing, it  smelled  delicious.  I  was  sure  it 
was  going  to  be  a  success.  When  the 
time  came  to  serve  it,  I  stuck  my  fork 
in  the  chicken — it  was  still  tough." 

She  stalled  for  a  while,  tried  the 
fork  test  again — still  tough.  She  stalled 
some  more.  Eventually,  she  could  stall 
no  longer,  and  served  it.  It  was  so  tough 
they  practically  couldn't  eat  it,  though 
Frank  diplomatically  complimented  her 
on  the  flavor.  It  turned  out,  of  course, 
that  she  had  merely  bought  the  wrong 
kind  of  chicken — since  then,  she's  made 
chicken  cacciatore  several  times,  and 
with  success. 

There's  more  to  marriage  than  chick- 
en cacciatore  and  washing  dishes,  of 
course.  Gigi  believes  that  a  woman 
should  help  her  husband,  if  possible. 
She  has  made  it  possible.  She's  always 
present  at  Frank's  company  functions, 
lending  a  touch  of  glamour  to  the  oc- 
casion. The  company  has  frequent  pic- 
nics (they  call  them  "Schick-nics,"  in 
honor  of  their  product)  and  Gigi  makes 
a  point  of  attending. 

She  feels  it  is  a  wife's  job  to  be  be- 
side her  husband  whenever  such  an 
appearance  is  called  for.  And  she's  gone 
further  than  that.  She  does  research 
projects  for  Frank.  Whenever  her  own 
acting  career  takes  her  around  the 
country  on  personal-appearance  tours, 
she  goes  into  drug  stores  and  asks  the 

proprietor  all  about  razor  blades.  It's 
sometimes  embarrassing,  but  Gigi  has 
the  charm  and  sophistication  to  carry 
it  off.  Often,  she'll  just  go  into  stores, 
buy  her  husband's  brand  of  razor  blades 
and  report  back  to  him  on  the  service. 

For  his  part,  Frank  helps  Gigi's  ca- 
reer by  staying  out  of  the  way.  He 
wants  his  wife  to  be  happy  and  her 
happiness  seems  to  be  predicated,  at 
the  moment,  on  her  working.  Eventu- 
ally, she  hopes  to  have  "tons  of  chil- 
dren," and  that  may  change  her  mind. 
But,  as  for  the  present  time,  she  thor- 
oughly enjoys  her  career  and  fully 
intends  to  keep  it  up  for  several  years. 

She  would  like  to  do  a  Broadway 
play.   Since  marriage  comes  first,  she 

wouldn't  even  consider  working  in 
New  York  if  Frank  had  to  stay  in  Cali- 
fornia. But,  fortunately  for  this  dream, 
his  job  is  such  that  he  could  move  his 
base  of  operations  East  without  any 
major  problem.  In  fact,  his  firm's  head 
office  is  in  New  York  now,  so  a  move 
might  be  forthcoming,  anyway. 

It  would  certainly  seem  that,  for 
Gigi  Perreau,  having  a  husband  quite  a 
few  years  older  than  herself  is  working 
out  well!  She  has  a  man  who  gives  her 
the  security  and  experience  which  only 
come  from  living.  But,  looking  at  her 
radiant  face  and  sparkling  eyes,  it's 
obvious  that  Gigi  has  found  something 
more  than  these  in  marriage — she  has 
found  love,  too. 

Why  Mrs.  Como  Didn't  Go  to  Her  Son's  Wedding 

(Continued  from  page  42) 
was  going  to  get  married,  trying  to  talk 
him  out  of  it.  They  said  he  was  too 
young,  that  he  should  wait  until  he 
graduated  from  college,  that  he  hadn't 
even  started  in  his  career  yet.  But  he 
stood  pat.  Finally,  they  told  him  to 
come  home  to  talk  the  whole  thing 
over.  But  nothing  they  could  say  or  do 
changed  his  mind."  .  .  .  "The  Comos  are 
very  religious.  They  object  to  the  fact 
that  Melanie's  not  a  Catholic  and  that 
her  mother's  remarried."  .  .  . 

What  the  gossipers  ignored  was  the 
simple  fact  that  the  father  of  the  groom 
and  his  younger  son  David,  Ronnie's 
best  man,  did  attend  the  wedding.  What 
the  rumor -mongers  didn't  take  into  ac-. 
count  was  how  much  Perry  wished  his 
wife  might  be  there  with  him  and  how 
disturbed  he  was  she  couldn't  come. 
What  they  were  unable  to  imagine  was 
the  push  of  thoughts,  emotions  and 
memories  which  must  have  over- 
whelmed Perry  Como  as  he  stood  in  the 
small  chapel  at  Notre  Dame  Univer- 
sity's Sacret  Heart  Church  and  watched 
his  handsome,  broad-shouldered  son 
and  the  statuesque,  brunette  beauty 
exchange  rings.  ... 

They  were  both  so  young.  Just  kids, 
really.  So  very  young,  so  unprepared 
for  the  responsibilities  of  marriage. 
Sure,  they  were  both  legally  twenty- 
one.  But  Ronnie  wasn't  even  through 
with  college  yet,  and  Melanie  was  still 
taking  a  secretarial  course  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Elkhart. 

Okay,  they'd  known  each  other  a 
couple  of  years.  That  helped.  But  how 
can  two  kids  really  get  to  know  each 
other  when  they're  both  swamped  by 
studies?  That  geology  course  Ronnie 
was  taking — it  was  tough.  What  had 
Melanie  herself  admitted?  "Ronnie 
studies  very  hard,"  she'd  said.  "Most 
of  our  meetings  were  Coke  dates." 

A  first  meeting  at  a  party,  introduced 
by  another  Notre  Dame  student.  Steady 
dating  for  a  couple  of  years.  Then  the 

decision  not  to  wait,  to  get  married  right 
away.  "I  love  her,"  Ronnie  had  said. 
Melanie  had  echoed  and  expanded  on 
his  words.  "We  have  been  in  love  a 
long  time.  I'm  crazy  about  him  and  so 
is  my  family." 

His  son's  bride  was  beautiful,  Perry 
admitted.  Not  as  beautiful  as  Roselle, 
his  own  wife — nobody  was  as  beautiful 
as  that — but  lovely,  nevertheless,  in  her 
bouffant  floor-length  dress,  her  face  set 
off  by  a  tiara  and  veil,  her  arms  holding 
white  roses. 

And  Ronnie,  his  son  .  .  .  tall  and 
handsome  in  his  white  dinner  jacket. 
Dwarfing  his  other  son,  David,  the  best 
man.  So  tall,  so  handsome  and  so  very 
young.  Maybe  it  was  just  that  seeing 
Ronnie  getting  married  made  him  sud- 
denly feel  older  and  less  needed.  Why, 
once  in  an  interview,  he'd  indirectly 
admitted  as  much.  "I  don't  like  that," 
he'd  said,  "when  your  children  grow 
and  get  ready  to  move  away." 

Yet  Ronnie  and  Melanie  were  of  age, 
old  enough  to  know  their  own  minds 
and  feelings  and  to  make  their  own 
mistakes.  What  had  he  told  a  reporter 
at  another  time?  His  exact  words: 
"Who  am  I  to  carp  at  teen-age  marriage 
with  a  case  history  like  mine?"  Why, 
he'd  been  younger  than  Ronnie  when 
he  met  and  fell  in  love  with  Roselle  at 
a  wienie  roast.  And  he'd  been  twenty- 
one,  too — exactly  twenty-one — when 
he'd  asked  her  to  marry  him  and  she'd 
said  yes. 

No,  it  probably  wasn't  his  son's  age 
...  or  the  fact  that  he  hadn't  finished 
school  yet  ...  or  things  like  that  which 
bothered  Perry  most.  It  was  ...  it  was 
.  .  .  something  sentimental  and  hard  to 
put  in  words.  Memories,  perhaps,  that 
he  didn't  want  to  face.  Memories  of  silly 
things,  like  incidents  he  and  his  son 
had  shared  together. 

Like  Ronnie's  cussed  and  yet  admir- 
able independence,  the  same  independ- 
ence that  had  given  him  the  courage 
to  say,   "Look,  Mom  and  Dad,  I'm  in 


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love.  I  want  to  get  married."  The  in- 
dependence that  had  led  him  to  insist, 
when  he  was  just  fourteen,  on  traveling 
to  school  alone — from  Sands  Point  to 
midtown  Manhattan  by  train,  and  then 
on  to  school  by  subway.  Roselle  and 
Perry  had  been  worried  about  those 
trips,  but  Ronnie  had  insisted — and, 
looking  back  on  it  now,  Ronnie  had 
been  right. 

When  Ronnie  had  affected  sideburns 
and  Perry  grabbed  him  and  started  to 
shave  them  off,  the  boy  had  squealed 
and  fought  like  a  soldier.  His  son  had 
lost  that  battle,  but  he'd  had  the  last 
word.  "Dad,  you  want  to  make  me  one 
of  the  herd?"  he  shouted.  But  Perry 
soothed  him  by  telling  him  that  he'd 
done  it  "just  to  keep  my  hand  against 
the  day  when  the  big  Como  bubble 
bursts  and  I've  got  to  return  to  the 

Roselle  had  also  tried  her  hand  at 
cutting  Ronnie's  hair — with  disastrous 
results.  The  boy  had  come  home  from 
military  school  and  told  his  mother  he 
had  to  have  a  haircut  right  away  be- 
cause a  special  inspection  had  been 
scheduled  for  the  following  day.  His 
mother  said  she'd  cut  his  hair  .  .  .  she 
had  watched  his  father  do  it  so  often 
she  knew  exactly  what  to  do  ...  it  was 
easy!  And  she  started  snipping  away. 

The  next  night,  Ronnie  called  Perry 
into  the  den.  "We  had  inspection  today 
at  school  and  they  threw  me  in  the  jug 
because  I  had  such  a  terrible  haircut," 
he  confided.  "I  just  couldn't  squeal  on 
Mom.  And  how  could  I  tell  her  she's 
an  awful  barber — just  before  Christ- 

Sometimes  Perry  wondered  if  he  was 
too  strict  with  Ronnie.  Other  times,  he 
knew  he  wasn't  strict  enough.  Like  the 
business  about  his  son's  piano  lessons. 
Ronnie  just  wouldn't  practice,  no  mat- 
ter how  much  Perry  pleaded,  scolded, 
threatened  or  cajoled.  At  last,  in  des- 
peration, he  had  persuaded  Roselle  it 
didn't  matter — or,  rather,  tried  to  per- 
suade her.  "If  he  doesn't  want  to  play 
the  piano,  let  it  go,"  he  suggested.  "Let 
Ronnie  decide  what  he  wants  to  do." 

In  this  matter,  fatherly  advice  had 
prevailed.  At  another  time,  when 
Ronnie  went  against  their  wishes, 
Roselle  punished  him  the  same  way  she 
had  done  since  he  was  just  a  small  boy, 
by  giving  him  a  good  spanking.  But 
that  was  the  last  time!  Ronnie  was  too 
strong,  too  solid.  Her  wrist  hurt  for 
days  afterwards.  .  .  . 

Memories  of  Ronnie  acting  as  his  ad- 
vance scout  to  protect  him  from  mobs: 
"Hey,  Pop,  let's  cut  out  of  here,"  his  son 
would  holler.  "The  natives  are  getting 
restless.".  .  .  Memories  of  Ronnie  as  a 
choir  boy  at  St.  Peter's,  a  singer  in  em- 
T  bryo — and  then,  overnight,  his  voice 
|  changed  and  he  blew  the  whole  thing. 
.   .   .   Memories  of  Ronnie   catching   a 

forty-pound    bass    when    he    was    just 

fourteen.  ...  of  Ronnie  talking  him  into 
recording  a  "snappier"  song,  "Hot  Dig- 
gety,"  which  sold  more  than  a  million 
copies  ...  of  Ronnie  on  his  first  formal 
school  prom  date,  all  spiffed  up  in  a 

Memories  of  his  son's  confusion  about 
how  Perry  made  money  as  a  singer. 
"How  much  money  do  you  make?" 
Ronnie  had  asked.  "Do  you  make  as 
much  as  Paul's  father?  He's  a  carpenter, 
and  he  makes  a  hundred  dollars  a 

"Well,  with  taxes  and  things,  I  make 
about  that,"  he  had  answered.  "Fine," 
Ronnie  smiled,  satisfied. 

His  favorite  memory  was  an  even 
earlier  one,  when  his  son  had  been  con- 
fused about  just  what  Perry  did  in  the 
City  all  day.  He  couldn't  get  it  straight 
that  singing  was  work.  Then,  one  day, 
he  asked  if  he  could  have  an  auto- 
graphed picture.  Later,  Perry  told  a 
magazine  writer.  "That  was  the  biggest 
day  in  my  life."  .  .  . 

Then  the  day  came  when  Ronnie  left 
home  to  go  to  Notre  Dame.  Perry  found 
some  vague  excuse  to  go  long  with  his 
son  to  South  Bend,  Indiana,  that  first 
time.  The  truth  was,  he  just  couldn't 
beay  to  have  his  son  leave  home.  And 
Roselle  felt  as  bad  as  he  did,  except 
she  hid  it  better.  When  they  received 
a  letter  from  Ronnie  in  which  he  con- 
fessed he  missed  them  very  much, 
especially  Mom's  food,  they  both  knew 
he  wasn't  so  far  away,  after  all.  .  .  . 

Once,  when  he'd  visited  his  son  at 
college,  he  told  Ronnie  he  would  have 
to  leave  again  at  eleven  the  next  morn- 
ing. "Look,  there's  another  plane  at 
10:30  tomorrow  night,"  Ronnie  had  said 
firmly.  "I'll  be  finished  classes  at  eleven 
in  the  morning,  and  I  expect  to  spend 
the  rest  of  the  day  with  you!"  And, 
of  course,  Perry  had  been  pleased  and 
very  glad  to  stay.  .  .  . 

Memories,  thoughts  and  emotions 
running  through  a  father's  head  and 
heart  as  he  watches  his  son  getting 
married.  Reactions  and  recollections 
which  the  gossips  couldn't  imagine,  of 
which  they  were  unaware.  It  was  true 
that  Perry  Como  and  his  son  David, 
after  posing  for  wedding  pictures  fol- 
lowing the  ceremony,  checked  out  of 
their  motel  and  flew  right  back  to  New 
York.  They  were  not  at  the  reception. 
And  it  had  been  all  too  obvious  that 
Roselle,  the  mother  of  the  groom,  did 
not  appear  at  the  wedding  or  the  re- 

But  the  other  charges  the  rumor- 
mongers  took  such  delight  in  repeating 
were  completely  untrue  or  grossly  dis- 

Perry  Como  and  his  son  David  flew 
back  to  New  York  right  away  because 
Roselle  was  really  ill.  Besides,  Perry 
knew  that  his  wife  would  want  to  know 
everything  that  had  happened,  as  soon 
as  possible,  and  he  wanted  to  share  his 

impressions  with  her  immediately,  too. 

Mrs.  Perry  Como  didn't  attend  her 
son's  wedding  because  she  was  sick  in 
bed.  That  was  the  simple,  undramatic 
fact  that  the  gossips  had  distorted  and 
blown  up  into  something  suspicious. 
Even  though  she  had  been  unable  to  be 
in  South  Bend  in  person,  Roselle  had 
sent  the  young  couple  her  love  and  her 
blessings  on  their  marriage. 

Perry's  wife  did  more  than  this.  She 
gave  Melanie  a  beautiful  string  of  pearls 
and  a  precious  diamond  ring,  a  family 
heirloom;  precious  because  it  cost  a  lot 
of  money,  more  precious  yet  because  of 
the  sentimental  value  it  possessed  for 
Roselle  and  for  Perry.  Hardly  the  act 
of  a  woman  who  disapproves  of  her 
son's  bride  and  is  opposed  to  his  mar- 

It  had  bothered  Roselle,  a  devout 
churchgoer,  that  Melanie  was  not  a 
Catholic.  But  even  that  obstacle  had 
been  overcome  when  Melanie  began 
taking  instructions  in  Ronnie's  religion 
so  that  she  might  share  his  faith. 

Both  Roselle  and  Perry  were  against 
the  marriage,  at  first,  on  the  grounds 
that  the  young  couple  should  wait  a  bit 
until  Ronnie  graduated  and  got  started 
on  his  career.  But  this  objection  had 
faded  quickly  when  they  both  saw  how 
hopelessly  in  love  Ronnie  and  Melanie 
were.  Perry  and  Roselle  had  also  mar- 
ried young,  and  the  realization  that 
their  own  marriage  had  been  a  most 
happy  one  helped  them  accept  the  fact 
that  Melanie  and  Ronnie  deserved  the 
same  right  to  happiness. 

Roselle  stayed  home,  ill  in  bed — but 
her  prayers  and  her  love  were  with 
her  son  and  his  bride  as  they  walked 
down  the  aisle  of  the  little  campus 
chapel.  Furthermore,  Perry  did  attend 
— and  he's  not  the  kind  of  man  who 
takes  part  in  anything  of  which  he  and 
his  wife  don't  approve  with  all  their 

The  big  house  in  Sands  Point  is  quite 
empty  now.  Ronnie — whom  Perry  once 
labeled  "the  Italian  Daniel  Boone"  be- 
cause he  loves  the  outdoors  so  much — 
is  married  and,  after  he  graduates  from 
Notre  Dame,  will  probably  teach 
science  somewhere.  David  is  back  at 
school  in  Connecticut.  Terri,  their 
daughter,  is  in  high  school  down  in 

Perry  and  Roselle  love  Terri  and 
David,  both  adopted,  as  much  as  Ron- 
nie, their  son  by  birth.  "We've  talked 
about  adopting  some  more — I'd  like 
to  adopt  about  eight,"  Perry  says.  "But 
we  don't  like  to  be  selfish  about  it. 
There  are  so  many  couples  who  haven't 
any  children  and  are  trying  to  adopt 
some.  So  I'm  not  saying  we  will  and 
I'm  not  saying  we  won't." 

Then  he  adds  with  a  big  grin,  his 
strong  fingers  running  through  his 
hair,  "When  the  children  are  all 
grown  up,  I  may  marry  Roselle  again!" 

Hollywood's  Biggest  Tourist  Attraction 

(Continued  from  page  33) 
Hollywood,    Lawrence    Welk    and    the 
world-famous  ballroom  have  moved  to 
the  top  of  the  list  of  tourist  attractions 
in  the  film  capital. 

Verification  of  that  fact  comes  from 
Bob  White,  assistant  executive  secre- 
tary of  the  Hollywood  Chamber  of 
Commerce,  who  says,  "We  actually  do 
not  keep  a  list  of  what  events  attract 
the  most  people,  but  we  do  know  that 
Welk  has  supplanted  the  Hollywood 
Bowl  as  the  leading  attraction. 

"We  feel,  of  course,  that  Hollywood 
itself  is  the  prime  lure.  That  people  like 
to  walk  the  streets  where  the  stars 
walk.  But  there  is  no  denying  that  Welk 
is  the  greatest  single  attraction.  It 
shows  up  in  our  mail.  The  largest  single 
item  of  inquiry  is  about  tickets  for  the 
Welk  TV  show.  It  makes  up  a  dispro- 
portionate amount  of  our  daily  mail," 
he  notes. 

The  news  comes  as  no  surprise  to  the 
Palladium  bookkeepers,  who  have  been 
busy  as  the  vaunted  beavers  keeping  up 
with  the  tremendous  turnouts  for 
Welk's  Friday  and  Saturday  night 
dance  parties.  One  of  the  largest  dance 
halls  in  the  nation,  the  Palladium  was 
designed  to  hold  6,000  dancers  comfort- 
ably. But,  when  Welk  opened  there,  he 
drew  more  than  13,000  patrons  for  the 
two  nights,  with  some  7,530  of  them 
coming  Saturday  night.  The  next  week- 
end drew  15,000. 

The  figure  easily  broke  the  previous 
attendance  record  set  by  the  legendary 
Tommy  Dorsey  and  his  band  when  the 
Palladium  opened  its  doors  to  the  public 
for  the  very  first  time  in  1940.  And, 
ever  since  the  hectic  reopening  last 
July,  the  crowds  have  continued  heavy, 
although  diminishing  somewhat  as  the 
tourist  season  ends. 

Barney  McDevitt,  a  veteran  Holly- 
wood publicist  who  has  been  with  the 
Palladium  since  its  beginning,  finds  the 
Welk  phenomenon  hard  to  believe. 
"This  man's  fan  mail  is  fantastic!  Do 
you  know  that,  during  the  first  ten 
weeks  Welk  was  here,  he  drew  more 
mail  than  all  the  other  bands  we  had  in 
here  for  twenty-one  years — combined?" 

When  McDevitt  says  "all  the  other 
bands  we  had  in  here,"  he  means  every 
major  band  in  musical  history,  for  they 
have  all  played  the  Palladium — Tommy 
Dorsey,  Ray  Anthony,  Jimmy  Dorsey, 
Harry  James,  Charlie  Barnet,  Guy 
Lombardo,  Stan  Kenton,  Artie  Shaw, 
Benny  Goodman,  Les  Brown,  Glenn 
Miller,  Woody  Herman,  Perez  Prado — 
all  the  big  names. 

But  Welk's  mail  in  ten  weeks  was 
more  than  theirs  combined  in  twenty- 
one  years. 

"We  get  large  parties  of  people,  from 
all  over  the  West,  in  here  just  to  see 
and  hear  Lawrence,"  McDevitt  points 

out.  "We  recently  had  several  busloads 
from  Reno,  Nevada — five  hundred  miles 
away — come  down  on  a  Friday  night 
because  they  knew  that  was  the  only 
way  they  could  see  him  in  person.  And 
when  the  bubble  machine  is  turned  on 
at  night,  and  those  bubbles  float  up  and 
over  Sunset  Boulevard,  it  often  causes 
a  major  traffic  tie-up.  The  cars  with 
out-of-state  licenses  will  back  up  for 
blocks,  just  watching  the  bubbles." 

The  news  is  no  surprise  at  all  to  Sam 
Lutz,  Welk's  canny  manager.  He's  been 
in  a  position  to  observe  the  fantastic 
Welk  appeal  for  a  long  time.  "Do  you 
know  that  we  run  as  much  as  eight 
months  behind  on  filling  requests  for 
tickets  to  his  television  broadcasts? 

"We  constantly  get  letters  from 
people  who  say  they  are  planning  their 
vacation  around  Lawrence  and  will 
come  to  Hollywood  only  if  he  will  be 
in  town  and  if  they  can  get  tickets  to 
the  show,"  Lutz  continues.  "We  an- 
swer every  letter  and  try  to  fulfill  all 
the  requests.  Of  course,  when  they  want 
tickets  for  as  far  away  as  next  summer 
— as  some  of  the  letters  we  got  this 
week  do — it's  easy  to  oblige. 

"But  we  have  a  problem.  The  studio 
at  ABC,  from  which  the  show  is  tele- 
cast, only  seats  349 — and  we  could 
easily  use  1,000  seats.  Consequently, 
there's  never  an  empty  seat  at  a  Welk 
show.  Many  shows,  you  know,  over- 
print their  tickets  and  give  away  maybe 
twice  as  many  as  the  studio  holds, 
figuring  that  way  they'll  get  a  full 
house.  We  wouldn't  dare  do  that.  We 
print  tickets  for  exactly  the  number  of 

"And  everybody  always  seems  to 
show  up.  In  fact,  we  do  a  dress  rehears- 
al in  the  same  studio,  from  4  to  5  p.m. 
on  Saturday,  before  a  live  audience.  We 
don't  have  tickets  for  this,  making  it  on 
a  first-come,  first-admitted  basis.  As 
early  as  noon,  there  are  people  lined 
up,  waiting  to  get  in.  Network  people 
tell  me  ours  is  the  biggest  request  show 
in  Hollywood. 

"And  don't  think  these  requests  come 
only  from  tourists!  Lawrence  draws 
most  of  his  fans  to  the  dances  from 
right  here  in  Hollywood  and  surround- 
ing areas.  Sophisticates  have  often 
looked  down  their  noses  and  called  the 
show  'corny,'  claiming  that  Welk's 
main  appeal  is  to  farmers  and  back- 
woods and  rural  areas.  I  think  they're 
beginning  to  change  that  erroneous 

"Lawrence  is  popular  everywhere. 
His  TV  rating  in  urban  Boston  and 
Chicago  is  as  high  as  it  is  on  the  smaller 
stations  in  the  suburban  areas.  Look 
what  he  did  at  the  Pennsylvania  State 
Fair  this  fall.  He  broke  a  thirty-two- 
year  record  for  attendance  which  had 
been  held  by  Roy  Rogers.  He  also  broke 

all  records  during  two  days  in  Spring- 
field, Massachusetts. 

"No,  Lawrence's  appeal  is  not  limited 
to  just  one  class  of  people  or  one  sec- 
tion of  the  country.  Why,  motel  oper- 
ators here  claim  they  get  more  inquiries 
about  him  than  about  anybody  or  any- 
thing else." 

The  news  of  his  success  at  the  Palla- 
dium has  been  most  gratifying  to  Welk 
himself.  He  had  been  reluctant  to  leave 
the  Aragon  Ballroom,  the  scene  of  his 
greatest  fame.  But  the  lure  of  a  life- 
time contract,  plus  the  great  $400,000 
refurbishing  of  the  Palladium,  con- 
vinced him.  "I  guess  we  had  to  move," 
he  says.  "Santa  Monica  was  harder  for 
my  fans  to  get  to.  Now  we're  closer  to 
the  freeways  and  I'm  really  happy 
we're  in  Hollywood. 

"It  is  most  flattering  to  be  called  the 
number-one  tourist  attraction  and  even 
to  be  mentioned  in  the  same  breath 
with  Disneyland.  Since  Disneyland  is 
not  in  Hollywood  and  we  are,  it's  a  very 
pleasant  feeling.  Sometimes,  though, 
when  a  guy  gets  thinking  he's  pretty 
good,  someone  comes  along  to  show 
him  he's  not  so  much,  after  all.  Like 
what  happened  to  me  the  other  night  at 
the  Palladium. 

"You  know,  as  part  of  the  show,  I  get 
out  on  the  floor  and  dance  with  the 
ladies.  I  find  that  some  of  the  men  don't 
dance  as  much  as  they  used  to  and  the 
ladies  miss  it,  so  I  started  this  tag  danc- 
ing and  it's  worked  out  very  happily. 
It  seems  to  make  the  ladies  happy  when 
they  can  tag  me  and  cut  in  and  dance 
a  few  steps  with  me. 

"Well,  this  night  I  had  a  few  tags, 
then  all  of  a  sudden  I  felt  a  heavy  slap 
on  my  shoulder.  I  turned  and  saw  a 
good-sized  lady,  heavy-set,  who  said 
to  me,  'Mr.  Welk,  I  drove  three  thou- 
sand miles  to  dance  with  you.  I've  never 
danced  a  step  in  my  life  before,  but  I 
want  to  dance  with  you.' 

Of  course,  I  took  her  in  my  arms — 
but  you  can  imagine  that  I  had  a  little 
trouble  getting  into  the  beat,  what  with 
her  size  and  the  fact  that  she  didn't 
know  exactly  what  to  do  and  all.  Sud- 
denly, she  stopped,  looked  me  right  in 
the  eye  and  said,  'You  know  something, 
Mr.  Welk?  On  TV,  you  look  like  a  much 
better  dancer.'  And  she  walked  off! 

"But,  believe  me,  I'm  so  grateful  she 

Les  Kaufman,  an  associate  of  Welk, 
sums  up  the  modesty  of  television's 
leading  music-maker — now  Hollywood's 
leading  attention -getter.  "We  had  just 
finished  the  last  of  the  expensive  re- 
modeling," he  recalls,  "and  Lawrence 
came  out  to  look  at  the  marquee  where 
his  name  was  up  in  lights.  He  turned  to  T 
me  and  said — very  quietly  and  almost  jj 
in  disbelief — 'Boy,  it  sure  is  a  long  way 

from  our  farmhouse  in  North  Dakota.'  " 


(Continued  from  page  23) 
Then,  almost  stuttering,  Elvis  spoke  his 
line.  A  minute  later,  he  missed  another 
cue  entirely.  Everyone  on  the  set 
glanced  at  him  uneasily.  Elvis  Presley 
always  knew  his  lines — and,  usually, 
everyone  else's.  They  waited.  Suddenly 
Elvis  shook  his  head.  With  a  kind  of 
choked  agony  in  his  voice,  he  said, 
"Sorry,  Mr.  O'Connell— Anne— Mr. 
Douglas — fellas.  I  just  don't  feel  up  to  it." 

"It's  almost  six  o'clock,  anyway,"  the 
director  said  quickly.  "Let's  call  it  a 

Without  another  word,  Elvis  turned 
and  walked  off  the  set.  After  a  moment, 
Anne  Helm  followed  him.  She  found 
him  in  his  dressing  room,  staring  into 
the  mirror.  In  a  corner,  his  cousin  Gene 
and  two  old  friends  stood  talking  in 
whispers.  At  the  sight  of  Anne,  they 
exchanged  a  quick  look,  then  filed 
silently  out. 

Anne  crossed  the  tiny  room  to  Elvis. 
She  put  her  hand  on  his  shoulder. 
"Elvis,"  she  said.  "What  is  it?  Tell  me." 
He  turned  to  face  her.  The  look  in  his 
eyes  made  her  blood  freeze;  under  his 
makeup,  his  skin  was  white  and  sick. 

"Dee  lost  the  baby,"  he  said. 

That  was  all. 

To  some  people,  it  was  not  enough. 
"I  always  thought  Elvis  didn't  like  his 
stepmother,  anyway,"  one  skeptical 
observer  said.  "Of  course,  it's  awful 
for  someone  to  lose  a  baby,  it's  ter- 
ribly sad — but,  the  way  Elvis  reacted, 
you'd  have  thought  it  was  his  own  kid, 
not  one  who  would  have  been  only  a 
half-brother  or  sister.  I  don't  see  why 
it  should  be  the  end  of  the  world  for 

But  others  understood.  They  knew  it 
was  not  the  end  of  the  world  to  Elvis. 
It  was  the  end  of  a  dream. 

They  were  the  ones  who  had  been 
there  when  the  dream  was  born,  only 
a  short  time  before. 

The  "Pioneer,  Go  Home"  company 
was  on  location  in  Florida  then.  Elvis 
had  come  down  by  bus,  pacing  rest- 
lessly in  the  aisles  through  most  of 
the  trip.  One  of  his  friends,  Lamar 
Fiske,  had  driven  his  station  wagon 
down  for  him.  Gene  Smith  drove  down 
in  one  of  Elvis's  Cadillacs,  towing  be- 
hind him  the  singer's  proudest  new 
possession — a  trailer  bearing  a  twenty- 
one-foot  Century  Coronado  cruiser. 
Reunited,  the  three  friends  had 
launched  the  boat  almost  immediately, 
had  spent  every  spare  minute  aboard. 
Elvis  had  pondered  long  over  a  name 
for  the  boat.  He  knew  that  almost 
everyone  expected  him  to  do  the  obvi- 
ous— to  name  it  "Gladys,"  after  his  late 
t    mother. 

His    extraordinary    tact,    what    one 
friend  called  "a  sort  of  delicacy  of  feel- 
ing,"  kept   him   from   doing   that — for 

A  Baby  for  Elvis 

fear  of  hurting  his  father's  second  wife. 
He  had  already  gone  out  of  his  way, 
a  dozen  times,  to  explain  to  her  that 
the  often-repeated  stories  of  his  re- 
senting her  were  not  true;  he  had  tried, 
over  and  over,  to  let  her  know  how 
pleased  he  was  at  the  happiness  she  had 
brought  his  father,  and  how  fond  he 
was  of  her  three  sons  by  a  previous 
marriage.  He  sent  gifts  to  all  of  them 
frequently;  he  spoke  to  them  often 
by  phone;  he  invited  them  to  join  him 
on  location.  He  would  not  risk  hurting 
them  even  by  paying  tribute  to  the 
memory  of  his  mother. 

"But  what  are  you  going  to  name  the 
boat?"  his  friends  asked. 

"I've  been  thinking  about  'Ariadne,'  " 
he  said  at  last.  "After  my  kid  sister  in 
'Pioneer.'  I've  always  wanted  a  kid 

The  next  day,  Elvis  had  a  phone  call. 
His  father,  Dee  and  the  three  boys 
were    driving    down   to   visit   him   on 





location.  Elvis  was  pleased.  But,  fif- 
teen minutes  after  their  arrival,  his 
pleasure  changed  into  what  seemed  to 
be  a  state  of  mild  delirium.  He  had  al- 
ways been  generous  with  his  time,  as 
well  as  his  money;  now,  suddenly,  he 
could  not  do  enough  for  his  family, 
could  not  spend  enough  time  with  them 
to  satisfy  himself. 

He  took  them  along  wherever  he 
went;  he  visited  with  them  in  every 
five-minute  break  from  work;  he  drove 
them  to  a  nearby  town,  Ocala,  to  show 
them  the  place  where  he  had  first  gone 
over  big  with  an  audience;  he  ate  with 
them  every  evening.  Often,  he  took 
them  out  on  the  boat,  handing  his  step- 
mother on  and  off  with  infinite  care. 
When  finally  they  left,  just  in  time  to 
drive  the  three  young  boys  back  to 
school  in  Tennessee,  he  seemed  sud- 
denly lost,  restless. 

His  friends  decided  to  distract  him. 
"Elvis,  how  about  getting  that  name 
painted  on  the  boat?  You've  got  to  de- 
cide how  big  you  want  it,  what  color — " 

"Name?"  Elvis  said  blankly.  "What 

"Why,  Ariadne.  You  were  going  to 
name   the   boat  Ariadne,   remember?" 

"That's  all  off,"  Elvis  said.  "We  gotta 

"Wait  for  what?" 

His    face    lit    up.    He    took    a    deep 

breath.  Then,  joyously:  "Wait  till  the 
baby  is  born,  of  course!  We'll  name 
the  boat   after  the   baby!" 

The  company  packed  up  and  went 
back  to  Hollywood.  From  there,  the 
news  spread.  Elvis's  stepmother  was 
pregnant.  The  baby  was  due  in  spring. 
Reporters  descended  on  Graceland, 
Elvis's  Tennessee  estate,  where  Vernon 
Presley  and  Dee  were  staying.  To  their 
surprise,  the  news  was  at  first  denied. 

"Where'd  you  hear  that?"  Vernon 
wanted  to  know. 

"From  Elvis." 

Vernon  left  the  room.  A  few  min- 
utes later,  he  was  back.  Laughing,  he 
admitted  the  story  was  true.  "We  hadn't 
planned  to  tell  so  soon,  but  as  long 
as  it's  out,  anyway — "  He  laughed 
again.  "Elvis  just  told  me  on  the  phone 
he  didn't  know  it  was  a  secret."  It  was 
unnecessary  for  him  to  add  that  Elvis 
obviously  could  no  more  have  kept  the 
good  news  "a  secret"  than  he  could 
have  stopped  breathing. 

The  return  to  Hollywood  had  not 
taken  the  edge  off  Elvis's  excitement. 
Now  he  phoned  Graceland  every  eve- 
ning to  ask  for  news — an  old  tradition 
he  had  discontinued  after  his  own 
mother's  death.  Vernon  and  Dee  had 
arranged  to  move  into  a  home  of  their 
own  in  Memphis;  he  begged  them  to 
stay  on  at  Graceland  instead. 

When  he  heard  that  Dee,  only  two 
months'  pregnant,  was  beginning  to  try 
on  maternity  clothes,  he  was  delighted. 
When  complications  arose  briefly,  he 
insisted  that  she  check  into  Methodist 
Hospital  for  a  couple  of  days.  Usually 
reticent  about  his  private  emotions,  he 
confessed  to  friends  that  he  secretly 
hoped  the  baby  would  be  a  girl.  Girl 
or  boy,  it  was  obvious  that  the  unborn 
child  suddenly  meant  more  to  Elvis 
than  anything  else  in  his  life. 

Even  then,  there  were  those  who 
were  puzzled,  who  wondered  why.  And 
others  who  knew  Elvis  and  his  story 
well  enough  to  understand. 

They  knew  that  he  had  been  born 
one  of  twins;  his  brother,  Aaron,  had 
died  shortly  after  birth,  and  Elvis,  the 
remaining  twin,  was  given  the  dead 
child's  name  for  a  middle  name.  There 
were  no  more  babies  for  the  Presleys, 
after  that.  It  seemed  to  some  of  the 
people  who  knew  Elvis  best  that  he 
had  always  felt  a  vague,  unmerited 
sense  of  guilt  for  having  lived  when 
his  brother  died;  certainly,  he  spent 
much  of  his  life  trying  to  make  up  to 
his  parents  for  being  their  only  child. 

Perhaps  because  of  that  hidden  guilt, 
he  himself  needed  love  more  than  most. 
From  his  parents,  he  received  it  gen- 
erously, but  the  love  of  the  rest  of  the 
world  was  harder  to  achieve.  His  class- 
mates and  teachers  remember  him  as  a 
shy  boy  who  looked  different  from  the 

other  children,  who  had  few  clothes, 
little  spending  money,  less  free  time. 
He  soon  learned  that  the  one  way  in 
which  he  could  be  sure  of  winning 
approval  was  by  singing. 

Accordingly,  he  sang  at  school 
dances,  at  parties,  at  church  socials, 
and  basked  in  the  warm  applause.  For 
a  while,  it  was  enough.  Through  his 
singing,  he  made  friends,  became  rea- 
sonably popular.  But  this  sort  of  ac- 
ceptance always  carries  with  it  a  germ 
of  doubt.  Is  there  a  performer  alive 
who  has  not  asked  himself:  Am  1  loved 
for  myself — or  for  my  talent?  If  I  lost 
the  talent  tonight,  would  I  have  a  friend 

For  Elvis  then — and  later,  as  his 
fame  grew — there  was  no  easy  answer. 

Once  or  twice,  he  found  people  who 
cared  for  him  only  for  himself.  His 
first  tour  manager,  disc-jockey  Bob 
Neal,  was  one.  The  Neals  had  five  sons 
and  treated  Elvis  as  a  sixth — for  a 
while,  he  made  them  the  center  of  his 
life,  reveling  in  the  warmth  of  the 
large  family.  But  he  was  not  really 
their  son,  and  when  the  time  came  for 
Bob  to  choose  between  accompanying 
Elvis  and  going  home  to  his  own  five 
boys,  he  had,  of  course,  to  choose  the 
latter  course.  With  all  his  heart  Elvis 
understood  and  sympathized,  but  still 
— he  was  alone  again. 

He  found  another  such  friend  in  a 
cousin,  Caroll  Smith.  But  while  Elvis 
was  working  on  "Wild  in  the  Country," 
Caroll  died. 

He  had  his  parents,  of  course,  but 
parents,  however  loving,  cannot  fill  a 
young  man's  life  entirely.  And  after 
the  death  of  his  mother,  after  his 
father's  remarriage,  the  void  was  even 

1  he  obvious  solution  was  for  Elvis  to 
fall  in  love,  to  marry.  Several  times, 
he  thought  he  had  found  the  right  girl. 
Each  time,  he  was  bitterly  disappointed. 
He  finally  confessed  that,  more  often 
than  not,  he  was  being  used  by  the 
girls  he  dated — that  they  were  eager  to 
share  every  moment  of  their  dates 
with  him  with  reporters  in  return  for 
prestige,  publicity,  the  thrill  of  seeing 
their  names  in  the  paper.  In  near- 
despair,  Elvis  tried  to  fill  his  life  with 
substitute  loves. 

For  a  while,  he  developed  what  was 
almost  an  obsession  about  cars.  He 
bought  them — yellow  Cadillacs,  pink 
Cadillacs,  station  wagons,  Rolls-Royces. 
He  washed  them  himself,  tinkered 
with  them  constantly,  improved  them 
in  ingenious  ways.  Whenever  he  could, 
he  parked  them  conspicuously  on  the 
street  instead  of  in  garages.  He  was  not 
showing  off.  It  was  simply  that  a  car 
was  reliable;  it  could  not  betray  him. 
It  knew  nothing  of  his  name  or  fame, 
but  it  responded  vitally  to  care  and  ex- 
pert handling.  He  needed  that  response. 

But,  of  course,  it  was  not  enough. 

He  began  to  collect  a  retinue  of 
friends  who  could  be  with  him  con- 
stantly, safeguards  against  loneliness. 
Actors  down  on  their  luck,  relatives, 
old  acquaintances  went  on  the  Presley 
payroll,  traveled  with  him,  lived  with 
him.  He  was  open-handed  and  gener- 
ous with  them  all.  Clothes,  spending 
money,  the  use  of  his  possessions — all 
these  were  theirs  for  the  asking.  Some, 
like  Nick  Adams,  credit  him  with  sav- 
ing their  professional  lives.  Others  are 
with  him  still;  some  will  always  be. 
But,  though  these  friends  have  proved 
themselves  loving  and  loyal,  it  would 
be  a  self-assured  man  indeed  who 
could  keep  from  wondering  sometimes: 
Did  I  buy  their  love? 

And  then,  in  Europe,  during  his 
Army  duty,  Elvis  became  friendly  with 
a  sergeant  and  his  wife.  He  became  a 
visitor  in  their  home.  And  he  made  the 
acquaintance  of  their  baby  son.  Almost 
immediately,  the  child  opened  his  heart 
to  Elvis.  Elvis's  arrival  was  greeted 
with  whoops  of  joy;  his  departure  was 
a  signal  for  tears.  The  little  boy  ac- 
cepted Elvis's  tenderness  and  returned 
it  with  interest;  he  delighted  in  Elvis's 
ability  to  make  up  games,  to  sing  nurs- 
ery songs,  to  tell  stories. 

The  press  made  much  of  the  fact 
that  Private  Elvis  Presley  often  baby- 
sat for  the  sergeant  and  his  wife.  They 
thought  it  a  kind  of  joke.  But,  to  Elvis, 
it  was  no  joke  at  all.  This  baby  knew 
nothing  about  his  money  or  fame.  He 
simply  loved  the  nice  soldier  who  came 
and  played  with  him  while  Daddy  and 
Mommy  went  out.  It  was  no  joke  at  all 
to  say  that,  in  the  innocence  and  love 
of  a  little  child,  Elvis  found  much  of 
what  he  was  looking  for. 

He  might  have  found  it  again  in  the 
three  stepbrothers  Dee  brought  him 
when  she  married  his  father.  From  the 
beginning,  Elvis  was  fond  of  them  and 
they  of  him.  Visitors  to  Graceland 
often  found  him  playing  football  with 
them  on  the  wide,  grassy  lawns,  and 
the  boys'  rooms  were  crowded  with  the 
toys  Elvis  sent  them  from  his  tours. 
But — at  five,  seven  and  eight — the  little 
boys  were  old  enough  to  know  who 
their  stepbrother  was,  to  have  heard 
his  records,  seen  his  pictures,  to  stand 
a  little  in  awe  of  his  fame.  His  rela- 
tionship with  them  was,  of  necessity, 
tinged  by  his  career. 

So,  when  Vernon  and  Dee  told  Elvis 
in  Florida  that  they  were  expecting 
a  child,  a  new  and  shining  dream  was 
born.  A  new  life  was  coming  into  the 
world.  Long,  long  before  the  child 
could  know  anything  else  about  Elvis, 
it  would  have  come  to  love  him  as  big 
brother,  friend  and  playmate — to  love 
him  for  himself.  And,  this  time,  the 
baby  would  be  his  own  flesh  and  blood. 
Not  a  stranger's  child  from  whom  time 
and  distance  might  part  him — not  a 
member  of  someone  else's  family — but 



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Robbin  Bain,  NBC-TV's  charming  "Today  Girl,"  loves  the  look 

of  gold  make-up  for  gala  evenings  and  holiday  dances. 


■  The  Golden  Look  is  definitely  in  for  holiday  evenings,  and  all  that 
glitters  is  very  likely  to  be  the  real  thing!    Liquid  gold  for  lips  and  fingertips, 
gold  lamee  foundation  and  powder  to  highlight  the  complexion,  molten  gold 
to  gild  the  eyes  and  hair  ...  all  of  these  24-carat  cosmetics  are  making  big 
news  in  evening  beauty  this  year!  .  .  .  How  can  you  be  a  Golden  Girl? 
We  asked  Robbin  Bain — a  model,  actress  and  former  "Miss  Rheingold"  who 
realizes  the  importance  of  make-up  in  dramatizing  natural  good  looks.   "I'm 
all  for  the  Golden  Look  for  evening,"  Robbin  stated  when  we  interviewed 
her  in  her  Manhattan  apartment.  Robbin  was  wearing  one  of  her  favorite 
at-home  outfits — toreador  pants  and  a  top  in  (you  guessed  it)  gold  brocade! 
"To  begin,  I  'cool'  the  color  of  my  complexion  with  pale  blue  foundation,"  she 
explained.   "Then  I  highlight  and  accentuate  the  natural  planes  of  my  face 
with  sheer  golden  powder."  As  we  talked,  Robbin  revealed  more  make-up 
tricks:  "Mix  gold  with  green  eyeshadow  for  emerald  sparkle;  gold  with 
lavender  for  amethyst  eyes,"  she  said.   "What  about  nails?"  we  asked.   "I  start 
with  a  coat  of  gold  nail  enamel  under  my  regular  polish  for  extra  depth  and 
shimmer,"  said  Robbin.  .  .  .  Besides  Robbin's  favorites,  here  are  a  few 
more  ways  to  glitter  this  holiday  season:  Try  gold  foundation  under  flesh-toned 
powder  for  a  subtle,  luminous  complexion.    Dust  flecks  of  gold  over  the  face 
or  nails  for  glitter  plus!  Deep,  dark,  mysterious  eyes  shine  out  like  precious 
jewels  from  a  setting  of  liquid  gold  eyeliner.  Already  darkened  eyelashes 
can  be  gold-tipped;  eyelids,  shadowed  by  a  mocha-cream  eyeshadow  that's 
sprinkled  with  ground  gold.    Streak  an  evening  hair-do  with  fluid  gold.    Gild 
already  polished  fingernails  with  gold  nail  enamel  or  paint  it  on  straight 
from  the  bottle  for  pure  dazzle!  Gold  lipstick  is  a  perfect  frosting  for 
brilliant  color  on  the  lips;  when  used  under  color,  it  flickers  with  a  subtle 
yet  constant  glimmer.  Yes — it's  a  smart  gal  who  stays  on  the  "gold  standard." 

TV  Radio  Mirror  says:  Although  this  Midas-touched  make-up  can't  be  put 
in  the  Beauty  Budget  category,  an  investment  in  a  little  pure  gold  pays  big 
beauty  dividends  when  that  Big  Evening  rolls  around! 

his  own  half-brother  or  sister,  on  whom 
he  could  lavish  all  his  pent-up  affec- 
tion without  fear. 

Perhaps  you  might  say  that  the 
dream  was  not  really  born  in  Florida, 
after  all.  You  might  say  it  was  born 
years  before,  in  Tennessee,  when  a 
thin,  shabby,  tow-headed  child  tried 
to  scrape  up  courage  to  make  friends 
with  the  children  in  the  school  yard 
at  recess.  You  might  say  it  was  born 
when  Elvis  Presley  first  looked  down 
at  a  thousand  ecstatic,  adoring  fans — 
and  wondered  what  they  would  think 
of  him,  if  he  had  never  sung  a  note. 
You  might  say  it  was  born  in  dis- 
appointment, every  time  he  was  hurt 
by  a  publicity-conscious  starlet.  And 
in  hope,  in  a  sergeant's  tiny  living  room. 
Born  over  and  over  again,  throughout 
Elvis  Presley's  life. 

You  might  say  that  was  why  it  died 
so  hard. 

Anne  Helm,  who  stayed  with  Elvis  for 
much  of  the  day  when  he  learned 
that  the  baby  had  been  lost,  told 
friends  later  that  she  had  never  seen 
anyone  so  badly  in  need  of  tears.  "Every 
time  I  looked  at  his  eyes,  I  wished  he 
could  cry,"  she  said.  "It  might  have 
done  something  to  ease  the  hurt." 

But  another  friend,  one  who  has 
known  Elvis  for  many  years,  saw  it 
differently.  "It's  a  tragedy  for  all  the 
Presleys,  of  course,"  he  said.  "And  yet, 
in  a  sense,  it  may  be  better  for  Elvis 
this  way.  You  see,  he's  been  a  sub- 
stitute father  so  often  already.  To  his 
friends — he  gives  them  things  the  way 
a  father  provides  for  his  children.  To 
those  cars  of  his — he  nurses  them  the 
way  a  mother  takes  care  of  a  baby.  To 
that  kid  he  was  so  nuts  about  in  Ger- 
many. Even  to  his  own  folks,  in  a  way 
— providing  for  them,  giving  them  a 
home,  looking  after  them  as  if  he  were 
the  parent  himself. 

"If  Dee  had  had  the  baby,  it  would 
have  happened  all  over  again,  only 
more  so.  The  truth  is,  there's  no  need 
for  Elvis  to  sub  for  someone  else.  He 
should  have  a  family  and  kids  of  his 
own  to  love  and  fuss  over  and  do  for.  I 
know  he's  been  hurt  by  a  lot  of  girls, 
but  that  doesn't  mean  there  isn't  one, 
somewhere,  who'll  really  love  him,  if 
she  gets  the  chance.  That's  what  Elvis 
should  be  looking  for  now,  even  if  it 
means  his  risking  being  hurt  again. 

"A  wife  and  a  family  of  his  own — 
people  who  really  belong  to  him — that's 
what  he  needs,  what  he  really  wants.  I 
only  hope  this  tragedy  will  bring  that 
home  to  him." 

Wise  men  say  that  happiness  is  often 
born  in  sorrow;  that,  out  of  disappoint- 
ment, new  hope  can  arise.  It  is  pos- 
sible that,  for  Elvis  Presley,  the  end 
of  his  most  cherished  dream  can  mean 
the  beginning  of  something  more  than 
a  dream.  Something  like  a  new  life — 
of  his  own. 

"Why  I  Married  an  Older  Woman" 

(Continued  from  page  29) 
answer  any  of  my  calls  for  three  days. 
Then  we  both  knew  we  had  to  see  each 
other  again,  and  we  did." 

Mike's  parents  refused  to  meet 
Dodie.  His  mother — glad  that  he  had 
never  been  serious  about  any  particu- 
lar younger  girl,  because  she  wished 
him  to  concentrate  on  his  studies — 
ordered  him  to  stay  away  from  the  trap 
she  fancied  Dodie  had  set  for  him.  He 
couldn't  be  swayed,  even  by  her  tears. 
In  his  heart,  Mike  knew  he  was  right. 
He'd  never  been  attracted  to  anybody 
older  before;  he  had  no  "mother  com- 
plex." What  his  family  never  suspected 
was  that  Dodie  simply  treated  him  like 
the  man  he  subconsciously  yearned 
to  be. 

From  the  start,  Dodie  reacted  as  if 
Mike  were  obviously  man  enough  to 
lick  every  obstacle  somehow.  "At  first," 
she  recalls,  "I  wanted  to  see  him  again 
because  he  was  so  much  fun.  He  made 
me  feel  gay  once  more.  Then  I  realized 
that,  while  I  dreaded  facing  difficult 
decisions,  Mike  wouldn't  run  away 
from  anything  important.  He  wanted  to 
understand  and  make  the  best  move. 
Whenever  we  were  together,  he 
showed  me  how  to  be  braver.  I  trusted 
the  wisdom  and  strength  I  saw  in  him. 
I've  always  had  complete  confidence  in 

Dodie  has  no  reservations  about 
Mike,  and  Mike  has  never  had  any 
doubts  about  the  wisdom  of  their  mar- 
riage, either  then  or  now.  "We  didn't 
have  to  put  on  any  disguise  with  each 
other,"  he  says.  "I  literally  had  no 
money  to  take  her  out,  and  she  didn't 
mind.  I  liked  her  and  Mark  so  much,  it 
was  marvelous  to  join  them  sometime 
evei-y  day." 

Dodie  is  pretty  and  graceful.  And, 
behind  her  quick  friendliness  there  is  a 
lasting  loyalty,  an  intelligence  and  a 
zest  for  living  fully  which  is  irresistible 
to  anyone  as  virile  as  Mike.  A  widow 
since  she  was  eighteen — a  month  be- 
fore Mark's  birth — she  was  touched  by 
Mike's  tenderness  to  her  and  his  fond- 
ness for  her  son.  "Mike  never  ignored 
him,  showed  me  what  a  great  father  he 
could  be." 

But  she  was  deluged  with  warnings, 
too.  She  had  never  dated  a  younger 
man  and,  as  a  legal  secretary  in  Bev- 
erly Hills,  she  was  courted  by  men  who 
were  well  established.  Her  friends 
unanimously  assured  her  that  she  was 
balmy  to  care  for  a  broke,  bewildered 
would-be  actor  who  appeared  to  be  no 
more  than  seventeen! 

Mike  had  had  one  TV  lead.  But  that 
show  wasn't  seen  until  many  months 
later  and,  even  then,  critical  praise  did 
nothing  for  him.  He  took  a  part-time 
job  that  allowed  him  to  be  available  in 
case  he  received  any  studio  calls.  All  he 
got  was  the  awareness  that  he  was  ex- 

periencing and  responding  to  the  mira- 
cle of  love. 

For  three  months,  they  tested  their 
feelings.  Then  they  walked  hand  in 
hand,  with  Mark  at  their  side,  into  the 
life  they  longed  for,  instead  of  letting 
onlookers  rob  them  of  it. 

Mike  and  Dodie  had  one  severe  jolt 
after  another,  the  first  year  they  were 
husband  and  wife.  She  became  puz- 
zlingly  sick  and  had  to  give  up  her  job. 
Embarrassingly  late  with  their  rent, 
the  three  of  them  moved  into  a  single 
attic  room  her  grandmother  arranged 
for.  Dodie  had  to  remain  in  bed  three 
months,  but  she  rose  determinedly  to 
cook  on  a  couple  of  hot  plates  they 
plugged  into  a  socket  in  place  of  a 
stove.  They  went  without  food  when 
there  was  merely  enough  for  Mark  and 
their  cats.  They  walloped  disaster  when 
Dodie  had  to  have  an  emergency 

Mike  weighed  forty  pounds  less  than 
he  does  today,  all  that  time  he  was  des- 
perately seeking  another  chance  at 
acting.  He  supported  his  little  family 
by  door-to-door  selling,  because  they 
wouldn't  seek  charity  or  settle  for  de- 
feat. By  holding  on  together  till  the  tide 
finally  turned,  they  proved  their  love 
could  withstand  such  severe  tests. 
After  that  was  undeniable,  his  folks  ac- 
cepted his  choice. 

"Certainly,  Mike  can  be  unpredicta- 
ble in  surface  things,"  Dodie  smiles.  "I 
wouldn't  have  been  drawn  to  him  if  he 
were  inevitably  the  same,  deep  in  a  rut. 
I'm  glad  he  thinks  life  ought  to  be  ex- 
citing and  grateful  he  can  make  it  so." 

Xhe  manliness  Dodie  has  always  seen 
in  Mike  is  what  inspires  him  most.  It's 
the  reason  he  is  realistically  making  his 
dreams  come  true  today.  Dodie  herself 
has  never  evaded  responsibilities,  so 
depending  on  Mike  has  been  her  sin- 
cerest  compliment  to  his  abilities.  But 
she  was  resolutely  on  her  own  until 
she  recognized  his  all-around  strength. 

"I  never  wanted  a  husband  who  was 
weak,"  says  Dodie.  "So  I  waited.  Mike 
never  had  to  be  babied.  He  never  sulks 
or  has  silly  tantrums.  But  he  has  a 
temper.  He's  very  emotional,  and  so  am 
I.  We  want  to  express  our  feelings,  so 
we  do.  I  could  never  pretend  enough  to 
become  an  actress,  and  Mike  beams 
when  that  occurs  to  him.  I  want  him  to 
count  on  the  sincerity  we  share.  He 
turns  off  his  acting,  the  moment  the 
camera  stops.  But — if  either  of  us  is 
disturbed  by  anything — we  say  so,  and 
hope  the  other  is  present  to  listen  sym- 
pathetically and  help  with  a  quick 

"We  don't  permit  superficial  things  to 
distract  us  from  talking  everything 
out,"  Mike  says.  "This  is  a  basic  part  of 
marriage  to  us.  Our  hopes,  our  disap- 
pointments, the  funny  things  that  have 

happened — we  want  to  discuss  every- 
thing, and  we  do.  We're  not  afraid  to 
say  we've  been  mistaken — or  that  the 
other  has  been,  either — because  it 
doesn't  make  sense  to  us  to  lie.  Dodie 
has  let  me  be  totally  truthful!"  She  has 
also  let  him  love  wholly.  "This  is  why 
our  love  will  last,"  he  points  out. 

Promptly  upon  their  marriage,  Mike 
followed  his  instinct  and  became  a  de- 
voted father  to  Mark,  who  idolizes  him. 
Adopting  Mark  was  not  enough.  Like 
Dodie,  Mike  couldn't  be  content  lavish- 
ing all  his  attention  on  an  only  child. 
Two  years  ago  this  February,  they 
found  a  second  son.  Josh  was  a  few 
days  old  when  he  joined  them,  and  his 
crib  was  beside  their  bed  until  it  was 
time  for  him  to  be  moved  into  the  ad- 
joining room. 

By  the  time  Josh  was  a  year-and-a- 
half  old,  he  was  merrily  dipping  his 
toes  in  the  swimming  pool  in  their  gar- 
den and  begging  to  swim.  Lately,  Mike 
has  broken  all  Hollywood  precedent  by 
blithely  taking  Josh  to  the  studio  on  a 
number  of  working  days.  His  toddling 
son  is  quiet  as  a  mouse  when  the  cam- 
era turns,  eats  beside  his  father  in  a 
high  chair  in  the  Paramount  cafe,  and 
shrieks  with  joy  when  Mike  manages  to 
dash  into  doorways,  playing  hide-and- 
seek,  as  they  trot  to  and  from  the  Lan- 
don  dressing-room. 

"I  don't  know  how  long  this  will 
last,"  Dodie  declares.  "Mike  and  I  al- 
ways said  a  child  of  ours  would  never 
get  near  a  studio.  But  Mike  says  he 
misses  Josh,  and  he's  the  boss." 

Last  February,  they  found  another 
infant  boy  they  wanted,  so  Jason  joined 
the  happy  group.  His  personality,  they 
notice,  is  also  unique.  They  respect  the 
individual  differences  in  each  child. 

"This  February,  we  expect  to  adopt 
a  baby  girl,"  Mike  reveals.  "Three  sons 
definitely  should  have  that  balance." 
Because  he  likes  and  understands  ba- 
bies and  children  of  all  ages,  Mike  is 
thoroughly  at  ease  around  them.  He 
can't  conceive  of  living  without  a  warm 
family  whirl,  so  Dodie's  quiet  skill  at 
running  a  home  superbly  is  one  of  her 
major  charms  to  him. 

"She  never  nags  me  to  help.  Like  all 
fellows,  I  put  things  off  when  I  see 
what  I  could  do  at  home.  Dodie  knows 
it  took  me  four  months  to  remodel  the 
den.  That  is,  to  get  to  it!  To  lay  the 
linoleum,  I  had  to  rent  a  heavy  roller.  I 
left  it  outside  for  three  weeks  before 
taking  it  back  a  whole  five  blocks.  And 
she  didn't  think  I  was  horrible.  She 
thought  I  was  a  husband!" 

His  hours  at  work  are  long.  But,  ever 

since  they  bought  their  Spanish-type 

house  a  year-and-a-half  ago,  he  has 

been  redoing  its  twenty  rooms  grad-    T 

ually.    Painting  and  carpentering  have    v 

become  second  nature   to   him.   Dodie 

has  done  the  detailed  painting  and  put 


down  mosaic.  She's  made  the  drapes  on 
her  sewing  machine.  "I  like  to  sew. 
We're  busy  with  our  hands.  Now 
Mike's  experimenting  with  the  fun  of 
being  a  sculptor  in  his  spare  time." 

They  budget  wisely,  shop  for  bar- 
gains so  they  can  save  as  much  as  pos- 
sible for  a  solid  future.  They  aren't 
tempted  to  keep  up  with  the  Hollywood 
Joneses,  but  always  have  the  welcome 
mat  at  their  door  for  their  friends  and 
a  hospitality  feast  for  everyone  who 
enters.  They  play  bridge  and  pinochle 
spiritedly,  read  worthwhile  magazines 
and  books,  and  make  a  great  occasion 
out  of  every  birthday  and  anniversary. 

"I  like  the  way  Dodie  runs  about  the 
house    in    capris    and    a    sweater    and 

barefooted!"  Mike  exclaims,  as  Dodie 
scoots  out  to  start  dinner.  "He  picks  out 
nearly  everything  I  wear,"  she  notes, 
overhearing  that  remark.  "Luckily,  he 
has  the  best  taste.  He  can  combine  col- 
ors for  me  much  better  than  I  can  my- 
self. I  think  I'm  awfully  lucky  to  have 
a  husband  who  is  so  interested." 

Mike  says,  "I  stop  in  at  several  shops, 
when  I'm  through  early  at  the  studio, 
and  look  at  what  they  have  in  size- 
eight.  No,  I'm  never  embarrassed!  Why 
should  a  man  be?  I  get  a  kick  out  of 
astonishing  her  with  something  new, 
and  I  think  she's  terrific  for  dressing  to 
please  me,  not  other  women.  But  she 
doesn't  shop  for  my  clothes,"  he  con- 
cludes. "I  think  a  husband  ought  to  be 

bright  enough  to  take  care  of  himself 
when  it  comes  to  what  he  wears!" 

Mike  hasn't  built  a  wall  around  his 
heart.  He  licked  loneliness  by  not  re- 
jecting his  opportunity  for  happiness 
when  he  saw  it.  He  fought  for  it,  and 
cherishes  the  love  of  the  one  woman  he 
is  sure  he  wants  as  his  wife  for  the  rest 
of  their  lives. 

They  are  planning  another  wedding 
anniversary  party  for  March.  "Last 
year,  I  strung  colored  lights  all  around 
the  playroom  downstairs  and  it  over- 
loaded the  circuits,"  Mike  confesses. 
"Dodie  kept  hurrying  to  put  in  an- 
other new  fuse."  This  year,  if  they  do 
any  rewiring  for  their  fifth  anniver- 
sary, they'll  remember  to  do  it  warily! 

(Continued  from  page  9) 
the  high  gray  wall  of  the  orphanage 
and  the  harsh  treatment  given  all  new- 
comers by  both  attendants  and  the 
other  restless,  displaced  orphans.  "My 
mother  got  sick,"  Milt  explains.  "With 
two  brothers  and  sisters,  besides  my- 
self, we  had  to  split  up." 

He  was  young  and,  with  the  resiliency 
of  youth,  he  bounced  back.  Now  it 
seems  like  a  distant  memory — the  daily 
fist  fights,  the  meager  food,  the  in- 
difference, the  battle  for  survival.  Says 
Milt,  "I  came  from  Brownsville,  in 
Brooklyn — that's  the  tough  section 
which  spawned  Murder,  Inc.,  the  pay- 
for-death  syndicate.  I  was  lucky, 
though,  because  someone  shoved  a 
French  horn  in  my  hand  instead  of  a 

Now  in  his  early  thirties,  Milt  con- 
fesses he  was  "scared"  of  the  daily 
fights,  and  the  killings  going  on  about 
him.  He  was  surly,  tough.  But,  inside, 
he  knew  there  must  be  a  better  world 
than  the  jungle  about  him.  While  at- 
tending Tilden  High  School  in  Brook- 
lyn, he  got  his  first  look  at  the  brighter 
side  of  life.  "Mr.  Shellens,  of  Tilden 
High,  encouraged  me  to  try  music.  It 
was  my  first  bout  with  culture. 

"Later  on,  when  I  transferred  to 
Abraham  Lincoln  High,  also  in  Brook- 
lyn, Mr.  Jacques  Wolf,  the  head  of  the 
music  department  there,  let  me  take 
a  French  horn  home  for  the  whole 
summer,  to  practice.  Since  I  was  too 
poor  to  buy  one,  the  help  he  gave  me 
was  invaluable."  Graduating  from  Lin- 
coln, Milt  enrolled  at  the  Juilliard 
School  of  Music.  He  was  a  scholarship 
student,  and  he  studied  hard. 

He  left  Juilliard  in  1941,  when  he  was 
called  into  a  special  section  of  the  Air 
Corps.  He  became  a  photo  interpreter 
for  the  Air  Corps,  and  stuck  with  iden- 
T  tifying  planes,  etc.,  until  the  end  of 
v  the  war.  "Then,  I  got  into  the  mad 
post-war  scramble  for  orchestral  jobs. 

"Everybody    seemed    to   be    able    to 

A  Flair  for  Laughter 

play  an  instrument,"  he  recalls.  But 
Milt  must  have  played  his  better  than 
most,  for  he  was  soon  signed  to  tour 
with  "The  Chocolate  Soldier,"  under 
Oscar  Strauss'  baton.  He  also  played 
for  the  Ballet  Theater  Symphony  and 
the  Columbus  Symphony — all  first- 
rate  jobs,  coveted  by  many  a  more  ex- 
perienced musician.  Coming  back  to 
New  York,  he  performed  in  the  "pit 
bands"  at  such  Broadway  shows  as 
"Lend  an  Ear"  and  "Where's  Charley?" 

The  latter  show  starred  that  incom- 
parable stylist,  Ray  Bolger.  "Watching 
him,"  says  Milt.  "I  got  my  first  inkling 
that  maybe  I'd  like  to  try  comedy.  It 
was  more  subconscious  with  me.  Still, 
after  that,  I  began  to  go  around  to 
watch  the  different  television  shows 
which  had  comedians  on — like  Sid 
Caesar's  show,  a  show  which  was  later 
to  play  a  big  part  in  my  life." 

The  fever  of  people  laughing  at 
funny  bits  of  comedy  got  into  Milt's 
blood.  He  had  to  make  a  choice:  Either 
continue  with  the  French  horn  and 
make  a  comfortable  living  ...  or  try 
comedy,  with  no  certainty  of  any  future 
at  all.  "I  chose  comedy.  And,  the  next 
day,  I  sold  my  French  horn  so  I 
wouldn't  be  tempted  to  fall  back  on 
getting  a  music  job." 

But,  though  Milt  was  ready  to  tackle 
the  world  of  comedy,  comedy  was  not 
ready  for  him — in  the  professional 
sense,  at  least.  "So,  I  became  a  wrapper 
in  the  garment  center  for  the  next 
year."  Times  were  tough,  for  Milt,  in 
1953   and   the   beginning   of   '54. 

"I  decided  to  join  the  army  of  ex- 
tras who  haunt  television  casting  direc- 
tors. I  had  to  learn  from  somewhere, 
and  where  else,"  asks  Milt,  "could  an 
unknown  start,  and  learn  his  craft?" 
The  Jackie  Gleason  Show  and  The  Big 
Story  found  Milt  in  their  background 
scenes,  but  observing  Gleason  was 
worth  more  to  Milt  than  any  amount  of 
money  they  paid  him.  He  watched  the 
little  touches  that  make  a  great  come- 

dian, and  soon  he  decided  to  try  a  sin- 
gle act  for  himself.  "Since  I  had  no 
money  to  hire  a  writer,  I  wrote  the  act 
myself.  I  still  write  my  own  stuff." 

Milt  found  himself  booked  into  The 
Purple  Onion  in  San  Francisco,  a 
spawning-ground  for  young  comics.  He 
stayed  there  for  three  months,  in  1954. 
In  the  beginning  of  1955,  he  got  a  one- 
month  booking  at  "the  hungry  i," 
where  Mort  Sahl  had  been  given  his 
first  big  chance.  Modest  Milt  says 
only:  "The  boss  was  extremely  kind  to 
me.  He  let  me  stay  a  month,  although  I 
wasn't  setting  any  records  there.  I 
think  he  held  me  over  because  I  once 
tasted  the  lobster  bisque  he  made,  and 
said  it  was  delicious." 

Coming  back  to  New  York,  Milt 
made  the  endless  and  dreary  rounds  of 
the  casting  offices  again,  though  not  as 
an  "extra,"  this  time.  Then  Carol  Evans, 
secretary  on  The  Sid  Caesar  Show,  met 
him  and  introduced  him  to  Carl  Reiner 
— who,  in  turn,  introduced  him  to  Sid 
himself.  "Sid  took  one  look  at  me," 
Milt  recalls,  "talked  to  me  for  a  few 
minutes,  and  hired  me — more  out  of 
intuition  than  anything  else,  since  he 
had  never  seen  me  work." 

Milt  became  an  all-around  handy 
man  for  the  show,  sometimes  standing 
in  for  Sid,  other  times  writing  in  a 
funny  piece  of  business  for  the  show  or 
setting  up  sketches.  He  stayed  with  Sid 
for  three  happy  years,  until  1958.  Dur- 
ing this  time,  he  also  doubled  on  Pan- 
tomime Quiz,  as  well  as  Steve  Allen's 
Tonight  show.  And  it .  was  Steve  who 
gave  Milt  his  first  television  opportu- 
nity to  do  a  "single." 

Feeling  his  way,  Milt  invaded  the 
night-club  field.  Before  he  knew  it,  he 
was  headlining  at  the  Village  Van- 
guard, the  Bon  Soir,  the  Blue  Angel — 
three  of  New  York's  top  spots  for 
comedians.  "Everything  went  well  for 
me.  The  next  thing  I  knew,  I  was  in 
Hollywood  playing  The  Cloisters.  That, 
too,  worked  out  nice  for  me,  especially 


when  one  of  my  favorites,  Groucho 
Marx,  came  backstage  and  told  me  he 
thought  I  was  great!" 

The  money  was  getting  a  little  better, 
too.  Milt  could  forget  the  harsh  days  of 
his  youth.  And,  one  night,  while  play- 
ing a  return  engagement  at  the  Blue 
Angel,  he  saw  a  guest  laughing  hard  at 
some  of  his  lines,  and  asked  him  to 
come  up  on  stage  and  tell  a  joke  him- 
self. "He  did,  and  he  got  a  good  laugh. 
His  name  was  Nixon.  Vice-President 
Richard  Nixon." 

Soon  Milt  was  booked  for  a  guest 
shot  on  The  Perry  Como  Show  by 
someone  who  thought  he  might  get  a 
few  laughs.  For  the  first  time  in  his 
career,  Milt  worked  in  a  sketch  with 

such  company  as  Como  and  Bob  Hope, 
and  his  appearance  as  the  French-horn 
player  from  Mitchell  Ayres'  band 
brought  loud  guffaws.  Perry  asked  him 
back  for  the  following  week.  "He's  just 
like  you  always  read  about — a  nice  guy, 
a  real  pro,  and  a  guy  it's  a  pleasure 
to  be  around.  You  might  say,  when 
you  go  to  work  for  him,  it's  like  going 
to  visit  your  friends." 

As  critic  John  Crosby  said,  after 
viewing  Milt:  "Milton  Kamen's  comedy 
ranged  from  the  magnificent  to  less 
than  that."  And  Milt  smiled.  He  re- 
members when  "less  than  magnificent" 
was  the  high  gray  wall  he  was  once 
forced  to  call  "home" — before  he  de- 
veloped his  great  flair  for  laughter. 

Why  They  Had  to  Split! 

(Continued  from  page  21) 
Marilyn  Monroe  romance,  which  also 
ended  in  divorce.   Opposites  may   at- 
tract, but  they  also  tend  to  drift  apart. 

Joe  Ferrer,  often  called  "the  reign- 
ing genius  of  the  American  theater,"  is 
a  man  of  wealthy  and  cultured  back- 
ground with  an  unquenchable  interest 
in  all  things  intellectual.  Rbsie  is  strict- 
ly show  biz,  and  the  inspired  chanting 
of  this  enchanting  doll  has  aroused  the 
wildest  enthusiasm  from  fans  and 
critics  alike.  She  has  had  a  hit  career 
in  the  movies,  night  clubs  and  on  rec- 
ords. It  was  a  common  interest  in  jazz 
which  attracted  each  to  the  other  when 
they  first  met  at  a  party.  At  the  time, 
Joe  was  divorced  from  actress  Uta 
Hagen  and  separated  from  his  second 
wife,  Phyllis  Hill,  also  a  Broadway  ac- 
tress. For  Rosie,  it  was  the  first  com- 
pelling love  of  her  life.  They  began  to 
date  quietly. 

It's  a  touch  of  irony  that  their  mar- 
riage began  and  ended  in  Dallas,  Texas. 
This  is  pure  coincidence.  Joe  was  star- 
ring in  "Kiss  Me  Kate"  for  Margo 
Jones's  theater  and  Rosie  flew  down  to 
see  him.  He  proposed  they  be  married 
immediately,  and  she  accepted.  It  was 
as  simple  as  that.  On  the  morning  of 
July  13,  1953,  accompanied  by  their 
good  friends,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Kurt  Frings, 
and  Rosie's  manager,  Joe  Shribman, 
they  drove  to  Durant,  Oklahoma — 
where  there  was  no  pre-marriage  wait- 
ing time — and  were  married.  They  had 
no  honeymoon,  because  Rosie  had  to  be 
in  Hollywood  the  next  day,  while  Joe 
had  to  get  back  to  Dallas. 

Their  marriage,  unfortunately,  had  to 
follow  the  pattern  of  their  honeymoon. 
Interludes  of  happiness  together,  be- 
tween absences  caused  by  their  sepa- 
rate careers.  When  Joe  went  to  Europe 
for  several  films,  a  few  years  after  their 
marriage,  Rosemary  went  along,  taking 
Miguel,  their  eldest  child,  but  leaving 
the  baby,  Maria,  with  her  mother  and 
younger  sister.  Although  she  knew  little 

Maria  was  getting  the  best  of  care,  "the 
trip  was  spoiled  for  me  and,  then  and 
there,  I  decided  that  I  would  not  sepa- 
rate the  family  again,"  Rosemary  re- 

This  was  a  good  intention  which 
somehow  eluded  her  control.  Joe  is  a 
serious  actor  whose  love  of  the  legiti- 
mate theater  lured  him  time  and  again 
back  to  Broadway.  Rosie's  major  in- 
terests— including  her  daily  CBS  Radio 
show  with  Bing  Crosby — were  on  the 
West  Coast.  Nevertheless,  she  rented 
an  apartment  in  New  York  and  com- 
muted as  often  as  possible,  in  order  to 
be  at  his  side.  While  on  the  East  Coast, 
she  did  her  best  to  keep  up  with  Joe's 
intense  concern  with  art,  books,  music 
and  the  theater.  But  her  heart  remained 
in  the  rambling  Spanish-type  house  in 
Beverly  Hills  which  the  Ferrer  family 
called  home. 

Occasionally,  it  was  the  other  way 
around.  When  Rosie  was  singing  at  a 
hotel  in  Las  Vegas,  Joe  would  come  to 
her  dressing  room  after  each  show  to 
take  her  home.  She  was  expecting  her 
third  child,  at  the  time,  and  sack  dresses 
were  in  fashion.  A  writer  who  came 
backstage  to  say  hello  told  her  that  the 
buzz  which  greeted  her  entrance  was 
the  women  in  the  place  asking  each 
other,  "Is  she  ...  or  is  it  the  dress?" 
Rosie  laughed  and  launched  into  an 
animated  conversation  about  some  of 
the  songs  she  had  scored  with,  "Come- 
On-a-My  House"  and  others. 

When  Joe  came  into  the  room,  sud- 
denly the  chatter  turned  esoteric.  A 
long,  rather  academic  discussion  de- 
veloped about  "poetry  in  the  theater," 
to  which  Rosemary  listened  as  she  got 
ready  to  leave.  The  visitor  was  startled 
when  Rosie  suddenly  tossed  aside  her 
powder  puff  and  said,  in  an  abrupt  but 
strangely  wistful  tone,  "Don't  you  think 
we  ought  to  be  getting  along  to  the 
children?"  It  was  quite  apparent — and 
probably  only  natural — that  her  mind 
was  more  on  personal  concerns  than  on 



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the  survival  of  poetic  plays  such  as 
Ferrer's  great  hits,  "Cyrano  de  Ber- 
gerac"  and  "Richard  III."  .  .  . 

Joe  was  busy  directing  "State  Fair" 
in  Dallas,  when  Rosemary  flew  there  to 
have  it  out.  Joe  refused  to  take  her 
seriously.  He  felt  her  emotional  upset 
was  due  to  the  loss  of  their  expected 
sixth  baby.  "Why  don't  you  leave  the 
children  behind  and  go  on  location  with 
me?"  he  had  suggested. 

Into  Rosie's  mind  came  the  picture 
of  her  beloved  five:  Miguel,  6;  Maria, 
5;  Gabrielle,  4;  Monsita,  3;  Rafael,  not 
yet  two.  "I  can't  do  that,"  she  told  him. 
"Our  views  differ  on  what  makes  for  a 
good  marriage  and  it  is  affecting  our 
children.  You  leave  me  no  choice.  I'm 
suing  for  a  divorce." 

Another  statement  she  gave  at  that 
time,  about  Joe,  was  illuminating.  "He 
is  a  charming  and  intellectual  man,"  she 
said,  "but  his  interests  revolve  around 
himself.  I  can't  seem  to  fit  in,  the  way 
a  wife  should.  It's  come  to  the  point 
where  I  can't  take  any  more  of  it.  This 
is  final." 

Time  had  worked  its  alteration.  Some 
years  before,  she  had  answered  a  query 
on  her  husband's  interests  by  saying 
with  obvious  pride:  "It's  amazing, 
really.  He  acts,  writes,  directs,  pro- 
duces; he  plays  sensational  tennis;  he 
cooks  like  a  chef;  he  fishes  like  Izaak 
Walton  and  he's  also  managing  a  boxer. 
And,  best  of  all,  he  is  interested  in  get- 
ting me  interested  in  all  these  things. 
I'm  learning  something  new  every  day 
and  I  love  it." 

What  lies  ahead  for  the  Ferrers?  A 
lingering  hope  exists  that  they  may,  for 
the  sake  of  their  five  youngsters,  come 
to  some  common  ground  and  reconcile. 
At  the  time  of  the  divorce  announce- 
ment, Joe  instructed  the  operator  at  the 
Dallas  hotel  where  he  was  staying  to 
accept  no  calls  for  him.  He  would  make 
no  comment  to  reporters.  Friends  said 
he  was  waiting  to  see  if  Rosie  would 
change  her  mind.  She  did  not. 

In  her  suit,  filed  in  the  Santa  Monica 
court,  she  is  asking  for  $8,000  a  month 
alimony  and  custody  of  the  children.  At 

first,  she  had  planned  on  asking  only  for 
support  of  the  children — but,  on  second 
thought,  she  realized  that  this  was  not 

It  is  well  known  that  Joe  comes  from 
one  of  Puerto  Rico's  wealthiest  families 
and  has  over  two  millions  in  personal 
assets.  While  he  was  always  generous 
to  Rosie  and  the  family,  he  rarely  dis- 
cussed business  affairs  with  her.  This 
appears  to  have  also  been  a  bone  of 
contention.  Joe  is  of  the  Latin  school 
that  feels  the  man's  place  as  head  of 
the  family  would  be  impugned  if  he 
went  into  details  about  money  matters 
with  the  woman  of  the  house. 

"The  future  looks  bleak  for  five  little 
Ferrers,"  said  one  friend,  "but  every- 
one's still  keeping  a  lamp  of  hope 
lighted.  Maybe  if  Rosie's  health  gets 
back  to  normal — and  Joe  gets  tired  of 
racing  around  after  this  enthusiasm  and 
that — and  if  both  these  things  happen 
at  the  same  time   .   .   .   well,   maybe." 

But,  much  as  Rosie  and  Joe  are  liked 
in  the  film  colony,  nobody's  laying  odds 
on  their  future  together. 

It  Takes  a  Fool  to  Be  a  Lady  Comic 

(Continued  from  page  31) 
faces,  as  in  the  pictures  up  front — an 
extremely  nice-looking  one.  She  might 
rebel  at  being  called  "beautiful,"  but 
she's  darn  close  to  it.  "Some  of  my 
friends  keep  asking  me  why  I  make  my- 
self look  so  awful  on  television,"  she 
admits.  "Let's  face  it.  I  have  the  most 
fun  when  I'm  playing  a  slob."  And  who 
ever  saw  a  beautiful  slob?" 

This  brought  up  the  subject  of  why 
there  are  so  few  comediennes,  as  com- 
pared to  the  large  number  of  comedi- 
ans. Is  it  because  the  public  will  not 
accept  laughter  from  a  woman? 

"Not  at  all,"  says  Carol,  who  has  won 
numerous  awards  as  television's  lead- 
ing female  laugh-getter.  "The  big  rea- 
son there  are  so  few  of  us  is  that  too 
many  women  are  afraid  to  let  them- 
selves go.  They're  too  inhibited.  They 
don't  want  to  appear  unattractive.  To 
be  a  comedienne,  you  must  be  a  little 
boisterous  and  a  bit  of  a  kook. 

"This  doesn't  appeal  to  most  women. 
They  don't  want  the  public  to  see  them 
with  their  lipstick  smeared  or  their  hair 
messed  up.  They  consider  this  unfemi- 
nine.  To  me,  this  is  a  fallacy.  The  late 
Kay  Kendall,  a  superb  clown,  was  one 
of  the  most  feminine  women  I've  ever 
seen.  And  Lucille  Ball  is  another  ex- 
ample. She  can  cross  her  eyes,  fall  in 
the  mud,  and  still  come  up  smelling 
like  a  rose. 

"I  love  doing  the  type  of  comedy  I 

perform    on    The    Garry   Moore    Show. 

T    Perhaps,  to  some,  it's  not  feminine.  But 

v    when   I   hear   those   laughs   .    .    .   well, 

that's  all  that  counts  to  me.  Someday  I 

would  like  to  do  more  straight  acting  in 

comedy  roles,  something  like  Shirley 
MacLaine  and  Judy  Holliday.  But  I 
have  no  desire  to  play  tragedy.  There's 
already  too  much  tragedy  in  the  world. 
I'm  much  happier  making  people  laugh. 
Not  only  does  it  make  me  feel  good,  it 
also  makes  the  audience  feel  good.  This 
may  sound  kooky,  but  I  consider  my- 
self very  fortunate  to  be  able  to  spread 
a  little  laughter  around.  In  fact,  you 
could  say  that  I'm  the  luckiest  person 
in  the  world." 

Although  she  was  born  in  San  An- 
tonio, Texas,  Carol  moved  to  Los  An- 
geles when  she  was  eight  and  regards 
the  West  Coast  city  as  her  hometown. 
After  graduation  from  Hollywood 
High,  she  entered  U.C.L.A.  with  every 
intention  of  majoring  in  journalism. 
However,  she  soon  switched  to  the  uni- 
versity's theater  arts  department  to 
take  playwriting  courses,  and  even- 
tually wound  up  in  an  acting  class. 

"My  first  role,"  she  recalls,  "was  a 
comedy  part  in  a  one -act  play.  I  was 
eighteen  years  old  at  the  time.  When  I 
heard  that  first  laugh,  something  hap- 
pened. I  said  to  myself,  That's  it!  I 
knew  right  then  that  I  wanted  to  be- 
come a  comedienne.  But  my  family  was 
horrified  when  I  told  them.  No  one  in 
the  family  had  ever  been  connected 
with  show  business.  My  mother  told  me 
flatly,  'Carol,  you'll  never  make  it.' 
But,  eventually,  they  got  over  it  and 
gave  me  their  blessing." 

Although  Carol  has  never  pursued 
her  early  journalistic  leanings,  she  does 
plan  on  writing  a  book  when  time  is 
available.  "It'll  be  about  my  grand- 
mother,  Mae   White,   a   truly   fabulous 

woman.  My  mother  was  more  like  a 
sister  to  me  than  a  mother,  and  my 
grandmother  raised  me.  She  lives  in 
California  now,  and  we're  in  touch  all 
the  time. 

"Just  the  other  day,  I  received  a  let- 
ter from  her  in  which  she  told  me  to 
stop  telling  my  right  age.  I'm  twenty- 
eight,  but  my  grandmother  thinks  I 
should  say  that  I'm  twenty!  Her  life 
story  would  make  a  marvelous  book 
and  I'm  going  to  try  to  write  it  one  of 
these  days. 

"I  guess  I  wanted  to  be  a  writer  when 
I  was  a  kid  because  I  wanted  to  create 
something.  I  still  do.  I  help  out  with 
ideas  for  some  of  my  comedy  sketches, 
and  I'm  taking  a  course  in  cartooning. 
But  I'll  never  be  a  serious  writer,  as 
such.  There's  too  much  ham  in  me.  I 
like  to  hear  those  laughs." 

Carol's  big  break,  before  she  became 
a  regular  on  the  Moore  show  in  Octo- 
ber of  1959,  came  one  day  after  a  col- 
lege drama-class  performance  of 
"Annie  Get  Your  Gun."  A  benefactor 
approached  Carol  and  a  fellow  student 
named  Don  Saroyan  and  lent  them 
each  $1,000  to  go  to  New  York  and  get 
a  start  in  show  business.  "It's  the  kind 
of  a  thing  that  doesn't  happen!"  Carol 
marvels.  "But  the  only  stipulations 
were  that  we'd  pay  back  the  money  and 
that  we'd  help  someone  else  to  get  a 
start  when  we  were  able  to." 

Carol  and  Don  went  to  New  York  in 
1954  and,  a  year  later,  they  were  mar- 
ried. With  both  of  them  striving  for  ca- 
reers, however,  the  marriage  didn't 
work  out.  They  separated  in  1959.  "Don 
and  I  get  along  better  now  than  when 

we  were  living  together,"  she  says.  "It's 
hard  on  a  marriage  when  both  husband 
and  wife  are  working  in  such  an  un- 
predictable business  as  this  one." 

Carol's  first  television  assignment  in 
New  York  was  on  ventriloquist  Paul 
Winchell's  children's  program,  on 
which  she  played  the  girlfriend  of 
Winchell's  dummy,  Jerry  Mahoney. 
This  was  followed  by  a  short-lived 
comedy  series  with  Buddy  Hackett,  as 
well  as  appearances  on  Garry  Moore's 
morning  program  and  on  the  Ed  Sulli- 
van, Dinah  Shore  and  Jack  Paar  shows. 

It  was  on  Paar's  program  that  she 
sang  a  satiric  comedy  song  entitled  "I 
Made  a  Fool  of  Myself  Over  John  Fos- 
ter Dulles,"  which  so  amused  the  late 
Secretary  of  State  that  he  requested  a 
personal  recording  of  it  for  himself. 

In  May  of  1959,  Carol  achieved  one  of 
her  greatest  ambitions.  She  opened  in 
the  starring  role  of  a  new  musical, 
"Once  Upon  a  Mattress,"  at  the  Phoe- 
nix Theater  in  New  York.  The  show 
was  one  of  the  few  productions  in  re- 
cent theatrical  history  to  transfer  suc- 
cessfully from  off-Broadway  to  a  Main 
Stem  theater.  In  all,  it  ran  for  a  year  in 
New  York.  And,  in  the  fall  of  that  year, 
she  joined  Moore's  nighttime  show. 

"I've  been  lucky  all  my  life,"  Carol 
says,  "and  I  feel  especially  lucky  to  be 
associated  with  Garry  Moore.  He's  a 
true  gentleman.  The  spirit  on  this  show 
is  almost  unbelievable.  Everyone  is  so 
friendly.  There  are  no  feuds.  We  like 
each  other,  and  that  goes  for  the  stage 
hands  as  well  as  the  performers. 

"Garry  never  tries  to  hold  anyone 
back.  I  don't  have  anything  in  mind 
right  now,  but  if  I  want  to  do  another 
Broadway  show,  it's  okay  with  Garry. 
Not  all  bosses  are  that  considerate.  Ac- 
tually, Garry  isn't  a  boss.  We  don't 
think  of  him  that  way." 

In  addition  to  the  stage  and  televi- 
sion, Carol  has  also  made  several 
night-club  appearances,  but  she  pre- 
fers not  to  work  in  that  field.  "I  hate  to 
compete  with  drinks  and  food.  It's  un- 
fair competition.  Seriously,  night  clubs 
aren't  for  me.  Most  people  go  to  them 
to  be  seen,  not  to  be  entertained." 

Carol  and  her  sixteen-year-old  sis- 
ter, Christine,  share  an  apartment  in 
Manhattan  with  their  two  Yorkshire 
terriers,  "Bruce"  and  "Fang."  Carol 
grins:  "These  dogs  are  really  kooks. 
Bruce  is  a  female.  (Yes,  a  female.  I 
told  a  friend  in  California  that,  if  I  ever 
had  a  dog,  I'd  name  it  after  him.  The 
first  dog  happened  to  be  a  girl  dog,  but 
I  kept  my  promise.)  The  other  one, 
Fang,  is  my  toughest  critic.  He  hates 
my  singing.  It  makes  him  howl.  Even 
when  I  hum,  he  howls." 

Carol  recently  recorded  an  album  of 
show  tunes  ("Carol  Burnett  Remem- 
bers How  They  Stopped  the  Show") 
which  has  become  a  best-seller  for 
Decca.  "Although  there  are  a  few  com- 
edy numbers,  it  isn't  a  comedy  album. 

My  type  of  comedy  must  be  seen  to  be 
appreciated.  You  could  say  that  the 
album  is  made  up  of  straight  songs." 

Sister  Christine  attends  a  private 
girls'  school  in  New  Jersey,  joins  Carol 
in  New  York  on  weekends  and  during 
vacation  periods.  "I'm  not  being  a  snob 
in  sending  Christine  to  a  private 
school,"  Carol  explains.  "But  with  my 
unpredictable  hours,  I'm  not  able  to 
give  her  the  supervision  that  any  teen- 
ager needs.  Besides,  in  Jersey,  she's 
able  to  breathe  that  good  country  air. 

"Christine,  by  the  way,  doesn't  share 
my  love  for  show  business.  She's  a 
home  girl.  Wants  to  get  married  and 
raise  a  family,  which  is  fine,  of  course. 
I've  never  tried  to  discourage  her  about 
show  business.  In  fact,  if  she  wanted  to 
become  a  performer,  I  would  encour- 
age her. 

"I  don't  understand  performers  who 
say  they  wouldn't  permit  their  children 
to  become  entertainers.  They  them- 
selves are  having  a  marvelous  time,  so 
what's  so  bad  about  the  business  for 
their  kids?  Certainly,  there  are  wrong 
people,  or  bad  people,  in  show  business. 
But  that  doesn't  mean  you  have  to  fall 
in  with  them  and  stay  with  them.  There 
are  wrong  people  in  any  business.  I've 
never  felt  that  I  had  to  associate  with 
the  wrong  crowd  to  further  my  career. 
I've  been  able  to  pick  my  own  friends. 

"I've  seen  parents  throw  up  their 
hands  when  they  heard  their  son  or 
daughter  was  going  into  show  business. 
They  should  be  pleased,  not  alarmed  or 
disappointed.  I  don't  want  to  sound 
kooky  or  corny,  but  there's  no  business 
like  it!" 

As  part  of  her  "payment"  to  the 
benefactor  who  financed  her  trip  to 
New  York  from  the  U.C.L.A.  campus, 
Carol  recently  discovered  and  lent  a 
helping  hand  to  a  young  entertainer 
named  Ken  Berry.  "I  saw  Ken  in  a 
West  Coast  revue  called  'Billy  Barnes' 
People.'  It  was  last  winter,  when  we 
were  in  California  to  tape  one  of  the 
Garry  Moore  shows.  I  was  so  impressed 
by  Ken's  talent  that  I  actually  cried. 
Why,  he  sings,  dances,  and  has  a  natu- 
ral comic  flair. 

"I  told  Garry  about  him,  and  he  was 
equally  impressed.  He  brought  Ken  to 
New  York  and  featured  him  on  one  of 
his  April  programs.  Garry  told  the 
audience,  'I  wish  I  could  say  that  I  dis- 
covered Ken  Berry,  but  that  honor  be- 
longs to  Carol  Burnett.'  Wasn't  that 

"I  felt  so  very  good  about  it.  It  was 
another  chapter  in  my  Cinderella  story. 
Ken's  own  talent  will  take  him  to  the 
top,  but  I  helped  a  little  to  open  the 
door.  That's  what  makes  life  worth- 
while. Being  able  to  help  people.  And 
that's  why  I'm  so  happy.  In  my  own 
way,  by  making  them  laugh  and  forget 
their  troubles  for  a  while,  I  believe  I'm 
helping  people.  And  when  they  laugh, 
believe  me,  it  helps  me." 

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The  Advantages  of  Being  Shy 

(Continued  from  page  35) 
a  motion  picture  star.  The  two  movies 
Joan  Harvey  has  made — "Pretty  Boy 
Floyd,"  and  a  new  one,  "The  Answer" 
— came  after  TV  and  stage  success  in 
New  York,  not  before.  "Hollywood 
didn't  think  I  had  the  right  kind  of 
face  for  movies.  I  definitely  wasn't  the 
starlet  type." 

This  only  served  to  deepen  Joan's 
youthful  feelings  of  inadequacy.  As  a 
brunette,  with  enormous  hazel  eyes 
and  masses  of  dark  brown  hair  touched 
with  natural  reddish  highlights,  she 
felt  inadequate  because  she  wasn't  one 
of  the  current  crop  of  blondes.  As  a 
tallish  girl,  almost  five-feet-six,  she 
felt  inadequate  because  she  wasn't 

Born  in  New  York,  she  was  the  only 
child  of  parents  who  moved  to  the 
West  Coast  when  she  was  three. 
Growing  up  in  Hollywood  was  not  the 
major  spur  toward  an  acting  career. 
Five  months  in  London  were.  Her  fa- 
ther's work  with  "trailers,"  the  short 
films  which  advertise  coming  movie 
attractions,  took  them  to  England  when 
she  was  fourteen.  "I  got  the  chance  to 
go  to  the  Old  Vic  and  to  see  a  lot  of 
live  theater.  To  steep  myself  in  the 
real  art  of  acting.  I  had  always  been 
imaginative  and  when  I  felt  very  alone 
as  a  child — away  at  boarding  schools 
or  camp — I  often  made  up  my  own 
games.  I  even  dreamed  up  an  imagi- 
nary girl  friend.  Being  exposed  to 
English  theater  intensified  all  the  im- 
agination and  the  love  of  the  dramatic 
that  was  already  there." 

When  Joan  got  back  to  California 
and  was  a  student  at  Hollywood  High, 
the  memories  remained  strong  within 
her.  In  both  high  school  and  at  U.C.L.A., 
she  began  to  work  with  small  theater 
groups  around  town.  She  was  noticed 
by  a  few  people  who  said  she  had 
talent.  "They  could  see  I  was  shy  and 
scared,  but  believed  there  was  a  chance 
for  a  new  and  sensitive  face,  even  if  I 
wasn't  the  usual  Hollywood  type." 

So  she  began  to  batter  at  studio 
doors.  One  of  the  first  was  Fred  Zinne- 
man's,  about  the  time  he  was  doing 
"From  Here  to  Eternity."  Mr.  Zinne- 
man  inspired  no  false  hopes  in  Joan. 
He  said  at  once  that  she  was  too  young 
for  the  part  he  was  casting — she  was 
barely  seventeen  then — "but  he  gave  me 
something  more  important.  He  gave  me 
courage.  He  has  done  that  many  times 
since,  when  I  have  gone  to  him  for 

'  'You  are  very  shy,'  he  said  to  me, 
and  explained  that  he  had  known  what 
it  was  to  be  shy.  He  talked,  a  long  time 
about  the  feelings  of  inadequacy  that 
T  beset  a  shy  person.  He  said  there  were 
*  two  paths  I  could  take,  and  I  had  to 
make  the  choice.  I  could  continue  to  go 

on   interviews,   let   what   talent   I  had 

'come  through'  and  try  to  forget  my- 
self. Or  I  could  choose  the  other  way, 
put  on  a  sham  personality  to  hide  my 
shyness — cross  my  legs  and  wear  too 
low-cut  blouses.  'And  don't  do  any  of 
these  things,'  he  warned.  'Don't  ever  be 
anyone  but  yourself.'  " 

The  advice  helped,  but  it  still  wasn't 
easy.  After  Joan  read  for  a  part,  she 
would  get  so  flustered  that  usually  she 
backed  out  of  the  room  saying  "Good- 
bye, goodbye,  goodbye"  repetitiously 
and  nervously,  wanting  only  to  get 
away  quickly.  Twice,  after  readings, 
she  found  she  had  opened  the  wrong 
door  and  backed  into  a  closet.  Laugh- 
ter followed  her  in  waves,  and  she 
had  to  come  back  into  the  room. 

At  nineteen,  Joan  married  Holly- 
wood writer  and  director  Harvey  Ben- 
nett Fishman  (who,  as  a  child,  had 
been  one  of  the  brightest  of  the  famous 
Quiz  Kids) .  The  two  were  divorced  not 
too  long  ago,  after  eight  years  of  mar- 
riage. "We're  still  friends,  but  we 
found  we  weren't  happy  together  any- 
more. When  I  flew  out  to  Hollywood 
on  short  notice  to  make  'The  Answer,' 
Harvey  let  me  use  his  apartment  there. 
He  was  coming  to  New  York,  at  the 
time,  so  I  let  him  have  mine.  When  we 
separated,  we  split  all  our  belongings 
down  the  middle,  entirely  amicably. 
The  only  thing  we  fought  over  was  the 
dictionary!  Harvey  said  he  needed  it 
because  he  is  a  writer.  I  said  I  needed 
it  because  I  am  an  actress.  He  got  it." 

Shortly  after  their  marriage,  and 
after  Harvey  had  finished  his  Army 
service,  they  drove  East.  "He  really 
made  the  change  on  my  account,  be- 
cause we  both  decided  I  would  never 
make  it  in  Hollywood.  It  took  us  weeks 
to  get  across  the  country.  Harvey 
wanted  to  stop  and  read  every  roadside 
historical  marker,  see  everything.  I  fi- 
nally got  so  involved  myself  that  I  was 
the  one  who  began  urging  him  to  stop. 
We  had  a  wonderful  day  at  Gettys- 
burg. The  night  before,  he  gave  me  a 
whole  history  course  on  the  battles 
there.  He  has  made  me  realize  the 
value  of  education — to  know  because  it's 
fun  to  know." 

To  know  because  it's  fun,  because  it's 
stimulating  and  broadens  the  view- 
point, sent  Joan  back  to  college.  She 
has  been  attending  New  York  Univer- 
sity as  many  hours  a  week  as  pos- 
sible— plus  one  summer  session — has 
close  to  three  years  toward  her  bache- 
lor's degree,  wants  to  go  on  even  after 
that.  She  had  to  drop  one  class  to  do 
an  off-Broadway  play,  "Cry  of  the 
Raindrop,"  but  got  her  professor  to 
excuse  her  ten  minutes  early  from  an- 
other, every  evening,  so  she  could  make 
curtain  at  the  theater. 

In  Hollywood,  Joan's  only  acting  ex- 
perience was  in  what  might  be  called 

"  'way  off  Hollywood  Boulevard."  She 
played  small  parts  in  such  little-theater 
productions  as  "Androcles  and  the 
Lion" — in  which  she  walked  around  in 
scanty  clothes,  held  a  bowl  of  grapes, 
and  never  opened  her  mouth.  In  New 
York,  she  was  working  at  paying  jobs 
within  a  month.  During  the  first  year, 
she  had  about  fifteen  "extra"  parts  on 
TV.  "I  was  always  the  farthest  from 
the  camera.  I  didn't  want  anyone  to 
recognize  me  in  such  a  role,  but  it  was 
good  money  and  good  training." 

Joan  came  to  the  conclusion  that,  if 
she  did  one  more  extra's  job,  she  would 
never  get  a  real  part.  It  was  hard  to 
turn  down  money  when  it  was  needed — 
but  when  the  telephone  rang  and  she 
was  wanted  as  an  extra  on  a  Robert 
Montgomery  show,  she  found  herself 
being  courageous  enough  to  say,  "I'm 
not  taking  those  parts  any  more."  Two 
weeks  later,  this  paid  off.  They  gave 
her  her  first  speaking  role. 

Strangely  enough,  although  she  could 
ride  horseback  before  she  walked  and 
has  taught  riding  to  others,  to  keep  go- 
ing as  an  actress  during  lean  periods, 
no  one  has  ever  given  Joan  a  part  in  a 
Western  for  either  television  or  mov- 
ies. She  even  rides  bareback,  has  in- 
structed friends  in  riding  when  they 
got  parts  requiring  it.  "But  not  one 
person  has  ever  let  me  use  my  own 
skills  as   an  expert  horsewoman." 

Being  in  New  York,  getting  a  start 
in  professional  work,  seemed  to  help 
Joan's  shyness.  "I  got  more  and  more 
courage.  People  have  understood,  and 
it  is  this  kind  of  understanding  which 
has  kept  me  in  the  business."  She  got 
her  first  experience  in  a  daily  serial 
when  she  had  a  brief  running  role  on 
Search  For  Tomorrow.  She  has  done 
several  off-Broadway  plays,  and  was 
understudy  to  Gena  Rowlands  on 
Broadway  in  "The  Middle  of  the 
Night,"  starring  Edward  G.  Robinson. 

She  also  understudied  the  kid-sister 
part  and  got  a  chance  to  go  on  in  that 
role — her  first  appearance  on  the 
Broadway  stage.  Then,  on  the  road 
tour,  she  played  Gena's  role,  the  femi- 
nine lead,  opposite  Sam  Levene.  When 
Levene  starred  on  Broadway  in  "Make 
A  Million,"  Joan  played  the  important 
part  of  his  ex-wife. 

The  Edge  Of  Night  called  her  a  cou- 
ple of  times  when  Teal  Ames,  who 
played  Sara,  was  ill.  She  always  re- 
fused, thinking  such  substitutions  would 
hurt  her  chances  of  getting  a  part  of 
her  own  on  the  show.  At  one  point,  she 
was  called  for  one  they  were  just  cast- 
ing, but  it  was  decided  that  she  looked 
too  young.  Then,  when  she  was  tapped 
for  the  role  of  Judy,  it  was  thought  she 
might  look  a  little  too  mature! 

"When  I  went  for  the  final  reading, 
with  the  client  present,  they  took  me 
into  another  room,  put  my  hair  in  a 

pony-tail,  told  me  to  wipe  off  the  lip- 
stick— and  there  I  was,  amazed  to  find 
myself  looking  about  eighteen.  The 
client  okayed  me.  The  funniest  side  of 
this  is  that  I  have  never  worn  my  hair 
in  a  pony-tail  on  the  show,  and  the 
story  line  kept  making  me  a  little  older. 
After  I  was  married  to  Ed  Gibson  in 
the  script,  and  lost  the  baby,  it  was 
right  for  me  to  be  just  about  my  real 

"There's  so  much  fun  on  our  show. 
A  complete  lack  of  tension.  Larry  Hag- 
man,  who  plays  my  husband  Ed,  is  so 
real.  There's  a  sensitivity  in  Larry  that 
I  haven't  seen  in  many  actors,  yet  he 
has  great  strength.  I  don't  often  get  a 
chance  to  see  one  of  our  scenes,  be- 
cause the  show  is  live.  But  when  one 
show  had  to  be  taped  last  fall  and  I 
watched  it  later  from  home,  I  cried 
during  a  scene  between  Larry  and  me! 
It  was  like  watching  two  other  people. 

"It's  all  very  real  to  us.  Mary  Martin, 
Larry's    own    mother,    telephoned    one 

day.  'You  are  going  to  lose  your  baby,' 
she  said  sadly — and  suddenly  she  was 
crying.  And,  when  I  married  Larry  on 
the  show,  his  real  wife,  Maj,  sent  me 
flowers.  The  card  read,  'He  is  the  nicest 
husband  in  the  world  and  I  hope  you 
will  enjoy  him,  too.' " 

At  the  beginning,  Joan's  greatest 
problem  on  The  Edge  of  Night — where 
new  lines  have  to  be  learned  for  each 
performance — was  the  teleprompter. 
"Along  with  shyness  goes  insecurity, 
and  I  was  terribly  concerned  that  the 
very  day  I  might  get  rattled,  and  forget 
a  line,  would  also  be  the  day  the  tele- 
prompter  might  not  be  running!  So  I 
had  to  build  up  reliance  on  myself, 
and  that  is  good." 

Joan  has  now  proved  that  shyness 
need  not  be  the  drawback  some  girls 
think  it  is.  Usually,  it  makes  you  work 
harder  for  what  you  want.  Often,  it 
brings  out  an  attitude  of  understand- 
ing and  helpfulness  in  others  which 
makes  life  happier  for  everyone. 

r  -  high  ■  - 

Bull  winkle:  The  Moose  with  the  Most 

(Continued  from  page  25) 
the  theater's  red-carpeted  entrance, 
the  most  famous  stars  were  met  with 
stony  silence.  But  the  lesser-known 
members  of  the  press  were  saluted  with 
wild  applause  and  cheering — supplied 
by  an  off-stage  sound  track.  Each  was 
greeted  at  the  microphone  by  a  master 
of  ceremonies  nattily  attired  in  white 
tie,  tails,  Bermuda  shorts  and  sneakers. 

The  Bullwinkle  Show  (including  its 
rib-tickling,  pomposity-pricking  pre- 
miere) is  the  proud  preparation  of  Jay 
Ward  Productions,  a  firm  built  around 
Jay  Ward  and  Bill  Scott.  Remarkably 
similar  in  looks,  build,  age  and  an  any- 
thing-for-a-laugh  approach  to  life,  this 
Tweedledum-Tweedledee  pair  are  hard 
to  pin  down  to  specifics.  When  someone 
does  manage  to  get  them  settled  to- 
gether for  any  brief  period,  he  comes 
away  with  the  impression  of  having 
witnessed  a  game  of  table  tennis — with 
himself  as  the  ball. 

The  best  description  of  the  two  is  the 
one  they  give  of  themselves:  "I  look 
like  the  guard  on  a  losing  football  team 
of  ten  years  ago,"  says  Jay.  "I  remind 
people  of  the  meat-and-poultry  man  at 
the  A  &  P,"  says  Bill. 

San  Francisco-born  Jay  is  a  graduate 
of  the  University  of  California  and  the 
Harvard  School  of  Business.  While  sell- 
ing real  estate  in  1947,  he  came  up  with 
the  idea  for  Crusader  Rabbit,  sold  the 
show  to  TV,  then  returned  to  the  real- 
estate  business.  In  1957,  he  created 
Rocky — and,  this  time,  gave  up  the 
business  world  for  good. 

Bill  reversed  Jay's  eastward  trek. 
Born  in  Philadelphia,  he  went  West  to 
the  University  of  Denver.  After  gradua- 
tion, he  went  on  to  Hollywood,  worked 

on  "Bugs  Bunny"  and  "Daffy  Duck," 
graduated  to  writing  and  producing 
Time  For  Beany  (one  of  TV's  first  hit 
puppet  shows),  then  moved  to  the 
"Mister  Magoo"  series  and  the  "Ger- 
ald McBoing-Boing"  show,  which  won 
an  Academy  Award  as  best  cartoon  of 
the  year. 

Jay  Ward  Productions  consists  of  a 
host  of  creative  talents,  including  six 
other  writers,  five  directors,  a  spate  of 
animators  and  some  of  the  most  able 
delineators  of  various  voices  in  show 
business,  including  Paul  Frees,  Hans 
Conried,  June  Foray,  Mel  Blanc,  Louis 
Nye,  Don  Knotts,  Charles  Ruggles,  Bill 
Conrad,  Alan  Reed  and  Walter  Tetley. 

It  should  not  be  surprising  to  learn 
that  the  firm  has  no  president.  "We're 
all  vice-presidents,"  Jay  and  Bill  an- 
nounce. In  the  same  straight-faced 
manner,  they  go  on  to  discuss  the  man 
they  consider  most  important  to  their 
organization— Ponsonby  Britt,  chairman 
of  the  board.  "We  needed  him,"  says 
Jay,  producing  a  prepared  biography  of 
their  esteemed  leader.  "He  had  the 
money.  He's  head  of  the  Widows  and 
Orphans  Benevolent  Fund." 

A  harried  publicity  man  hastens  to 
explain  that  there  is  no  such  person 
as  Ponsonby  Britt,  that  he  is  just  a 
name  dreamed  up  by  the  kookie  pair 
for  a  gag.  "We  decided  to  invent  him 
because  we  thought  the  enterprise 
needed  a  touch  of  class,"  Bill  admits. 

Like  Rocky  And  His  Friends,  from 
which  it  sprang,  The  Bullwinkle  Show 
is  classified  by  the  network  as  a  "chil- 
dren's show" — a  fact  which  puzzles  its 
producers.  "We  feel  it's  adult  humor, 
but  NBC  can't  understand  the  jokes, 
so  they  think  it's  a  children's  show," 



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says  Jay.  "A  lot  has  to  do  with  the 
fact  that  our  drawing  is  much  simpler 
than  that  of  the  average  cartoon  show. 

"Since  we're  drawing  for  the  smaller 
screen,  this  is  much  more  effective — 
because  subtle  movements  that  come 
across  so  well  on  movie  screens  are  lost 
on  television.  It  also  makes  for  a  faster 
pace.  We  have  about  three  times  as 
much  dramaturgy  per  minute  as  the 
average  show.  That  gives  us  twice  as 
many  jokes,  and  we  think  it  takes  a 
person  of  more  intelligence  to  catch 
'em  all." 

"Yeah,"  Bill  interposes.  "We  think  it 
takes  somebody  like  twelve  years  old  to 
appreciate  it."  (He  himself  is  forty- 

"Seriously,  though,"  says  Jay  (who's 
forty),  "we  don't  want  to  knock  kids. 
They're  pretty  sharp  today,  nothing  like 
we  were  as  kids.  They're  smarter,  more 
up-to-date  and  more  educated  from 
watching  so  much  TV." 

A  serious  mood,  however,  cannot  sur- 
round the  irrepressible  pair  for  long. 
"We're  often  asked  why  we  made  Bull- 
winkle  a  moose,"  says  Bill.  "The  best 
answer  we  can  give  is,  'Why  not?'  " 

"We're  also  asked  if  we  pattern  our 
characters  after  real  people,"  Jay  adds. 
"Of  course  we  do.  They're  all  takeoffs 
on  real  people.  Look  around  you.  It's 
been  said  that  Bullwinkle  comes  across 
like    Clem    Kadiddlehopper,    but    we 

didn't  intentionally  pattern  him  after 
that  Red  Skelton  characterization.  Bull- 
winkle's  a  smart  sort  of  dope,  like  Clem 
or  Mortimer  Snerd  or  a  character  out 
of  Artemus  Ward.  He's  a  very  simple 
guy  who  comes  up  with  smart  cracks. 

"Occasionally,  we  do  satirize  people 
in  our  minor  characters.  On  one  epi- 
sode of  our  'Fractured  Fairy  Tales,'  for 
instance,  we  did  the  story  of  Sleeping 
Beauty.  For  the  prince,  we  drew  a 
caricature  of  Walt  Disney.  Which 
makes  it  pretty  funny  when  he  comes 
in  to  wake  the  princess  with  a  kiss, 
suddenly  stops  and  says,  'Awake,  she's 
just  another  princess — but  asleep,  she's 
a  gold  mine.'  Next  scene  shows  him 
selling  tickets  to  see  her. 

"Then  we  have  things  like  the  Kur- 
ward  Derby,  which  will  be  a  running 
gag  in  the  series.  It's  a  derby  hat  which 
makes  its  wearer  the  smartest  man  in 
the  world.  Did  we  name  it  after  some- 
one in  particular?  Of  course  not."  Here, 
Jay  gives  a  sly  wink.  "But  what  else 
would  you  name  a  derby?  They've 
already  used  'Kentucky.' 

"Our  main  characters  are  basically 
characterizations  of  people  in  general 
and  of  types,  more  than  just  anybody 
specifically.  For  example,  Boris  Bade- 
nov  is  our  villain  and  he's  all  bad. 
Rocky,  our  other  hero,  plays  it  straight 
and  is  all  good.  It's  all  a  takeoff  and 
satire  on  melodrama. 

"We  once  even  had  a  crooked  guy 
named  Murgatroyd  Cornelius  Apple- 
finger  who  opened  a  talent  agency 
under  his  initials  of  M.C.A.  Everybody 
knew  that  was  a  jab  at  Music  Corpora- 
tion of  America,  the  biggest  agency  of 
them  all. 

"Nobody  and  nothing  is  really  safe  if 
we  think  we  can  poke  a  little  fun.  We've 
done  it  to  the  Army,  the  Navy,  the  Air 
Force,  the  Federal  Communications 
Commission — even  to  our  sponsor,  Gen- 
eral Mills.  We  did  one  bit  about  coun- 
terfeit boxtops  that  almost  destroyed 
the  world's  economy — which  we  de- 
picted as  being  based  on  boxtops. 

"In  our  episodes  about  'Mr.  Pea- 
body's  Improbable  History,'  we  ascribe 
different  motives  to  our  heroes.  We  sel- 
dom have  trouble.  But  they  wouldn't 
let  us  do  the  Wright  Brothers.  We 
wanted  to  show  that  it  took  them  so 
long  to  get  off  the  ground  because  they 
couldn't  count  past  'two'  to  start  the 
propeller  on  the  count  of  'three.' 

"We  have  not  only  offended  people — 
without  meaning  to,  of  course— but 
we've  also  had  trouble  with  countries. 
The  story  of  Pancho  Villa  almost  got  us 
into  a  jam  with  Mexico.  And,  this  fall, 
we've  introduced  a  new  character, 
Dudley  Do-Right  of  the  Mounties.  I 
think  he  may  be  the  hit  of  the  show — 
and  I  won't  be  surprised  if  we're  at  war 
with  Canada  over  him  within  the  year." 

The  Unpredictable  Brian  Kelly 

(Continued  from  page  17) 
would  be  breaking  up  a  close  friend- 
ship. In  typical  Kelly  fashion,  Brian 
magnanimously  gave  the  dog  to  Gard- 
ner on  the  spot.  One  salient  point:  Gar 
had  good  reason  to  grow  attached  to 
Pussycat:  Brian's  "weekend  visit"  to 
Detroit  had  lasted  jour  months. 
But  that  isn't  unusual — for  him. 
Almost  everything  Brian  Kelly  does 
is  a  little  unpredictable.  His  acting  ca- 
reer itself  is  somewhat  implausible, 
considering  his  background.  The  husky 
ex-Marine  almost  didn't  attempt  it  at 
all.  He  returned  to  his  studies  after 
serving  in  Korea,  and  was  about  to 
enter  the  final  year  of  the  University  of 
Michigan  Law  School,  when  the  acting 
bug  bit  him  for  good.  He  gave  it  all  up, 
set  out  for  Hollywood  and,  within  a 
year  and  a  half,  was  laboring  as  third 
lead  in  the  detective  series  21  Beacon 
Street.  Now,  as  co-star  of  Straightaway, 
Kelly's  career  seems  assured. 

He  did  it  all  so  casually,  it  seems 
almost  accidental.  Yet  handsome  Brian, 
with  the  devil-may-care  Irish  look,  is 
a  dedicated  actor.  "He's  a  lightning 
rod,"  one  director  said  recently.  "Any- 
T  thing  that  happens  on  the  set  means 
v  something  to  him.  There's  electricity  in 
the  air  on  a  good  show,  and  Brian  picks 

it  all  up  and  stores  it.  He  never  forgets 

anything  a  director  tells  him.  He's 

It's  not  amazing  when  you  consider 
Brian  was  a  top  student,  all  through 
school,  and  filled  out  a  busy  academic 
success  with  superiority  on  the  playing 
fields.  His  high-school  athletic  prowess 
was  legend  around  Detroit.  He  played 
football  and  baseball  outstandingly 
well,  led  his  classes  in  scholastic 

There  was  no  reason  for  any  of  this 
to  go  to  his  head — not  with  five  broth- 
ers and  sisters  at  home,  all  doing  just 
as  well.  And  his  family  wasn't  just 
starting  on  the  road  to  fame  and  for- 
tune. His  father,  the  Hon.  Harry  F. 
Kelly,  was  Governor  of  the  state  of 
Michigan  from  1942  to  1948  and  is  now 
a  member  of  the  Michigan  Supreme 
Court.  The  Kellys  of  Detroit  are  quite 
well-known.  Brian  didn't  embark  on  an 
acting  career  to  find  an  identity  for 
himself.  He  already  had  very  strong 
identification,  right  in  Detroit. 

His  desire  to  act  goes  much  deeper. 
"I  wanted  to  be  an  actor  ever  since  I 
can  remember,"  he'll  comment  now, 
"but  I  never  admitted  it  to  anybody, 
not  even  myself."  He  did  appear  in 
several  high-school  productions,  but 
everyone  tried  out  for  those.  That  the 
handsome  son  of  Governor  Kelly  was 

rather  good  in  the  lead  of  the  senior 
play  didn't  surprise  anyone. 

Notre  Dame  beckoned,  and  Brian 
hoped  to  repeat  his  high  school  grid- 
iron success.  But,  during  the  first  prac- 
tice of  the  freshman  football  squad,  the 
fast-stepping  Kelly  got  blocked  ef- 
fectively by  two  monstrous  candidates 
for  the  Notre  Dame  line — and  his  knee 
was  never  the  same  again.  Heartbreak  - 
ingly,  his  athletic  adventures  came  to 
an  end  that  autumn  afternoon.  He  has 
built  the  knee  up  in  the  intervening 
years  and,  last  winter,  was  again  in  top 
shape  for  skiing,  his  all-time  favorite 
sport.  But  it  took  exercises  and  con- 
stant determination. 

One  21  Beacon  Street  sequence  called 
for  Brian  to  turn  and  run  out  of  a 
hoodlum-filled  room.  In  turning,  his 
knee  slipped  out  and  he  was  in  ex- 
cruciating pain  for  several  minutes. 
Rather  than  ruin  the  scene,  which  in- 
volved many  extra  players,  Brian 
walked  resolutely  out  of  the  scene,  then 
collapsed  in  agony  as  the  director  yelled 
"Cut!"  Helped  to  a  chair  by  several 
burly  grips,  Brian  snapped  his  leg  back 
in  himself,  limped  a  moment  or  two, 
and  walked  into  the  next  scene.  "Never 
give  in  to  your  own  weaknesses,"  he 
admonishes — and  lives  up  to  it,  too. 

With  all  the  inner  strength  Brian  has, 

it  is  still  doubtful  that  he  would  have 
followed  his  muse  to  Hollywood  if  it 
hadn't  been  for  several  accidental  fac- 
tors. During  his  undergraduate  years  at 
Notre  Dame,  he  had  filled  in  as  an  an- 
nouncer on  a  Detroit  radio  station. 
Even  in  his  teens,  he  had  the  deep, 
well-modulated  voice  that  identifies 
Scott  Ross  of  Straightaway.  For  extra 
spending  money,  he  did  commercials 
for  one  of  the  big  automotive  firms. 

After  Korea,  when  Brian  was  in  De- 
troit for  any  time  away  from  the  law 
school,  he  made  several  times  his 
weekly  allowance  showing  the  merits  of 
a  late-model  sedan  on  local  TV  sta- 
tions. One  evening,  as  he  was  picking 
up  some  books  he'd  set  down  on  the  set 
while  doing  his  commercial  stint,  a 
representative  from  a  modeling  agency 
approached  him.  "You're  as  collegiate 
as  anyone  I've  ever  seen,"  the  man 
opened.  "How  would  you  like  to  pose  as 
a  college  student  for  an  ad?  It'll  be 
well  worth  your  while." 

Brian  hedged  at  first.  Knowing  the 
kidding  he  received  from  his  family  for 
his  commercials,  the  thought  of  what 
an  advertisement  might  do  was  dev- 
astating. Still,  it  was  very  good  pay, 
and  he  wanted  to  be  on  his  own.  In 
time,  the  agency  sent  for  him  to  come 
out  to  their  base  of  operations  in  Holly- 
wood. It  was  a  chance  he'd  been  wait- 
ing for,  but  Brian  was  scared. 

Facing  thousands  of  suicidal  Chinese 
as  a  young  lieutenant  on  the  bloody 
slopes  of  Korea,  Brian  had  never  been 
as  apprehensive  as  he  was  the  night 
he  had  to  decide  whether  or  not  to  go 
West.  He  was  doing  very  well  at  the 
law  school  and,  naturally,  his  family 
and  friends  felt  he'd  be  as  renowned  a 
figure  in  that  profession  as  his  father. 
But  Hollywood  won  out,  and  his  family 
was  wonderful.  "They  went  right  along 
with  it,"  he  says,  still  awed  by  their 

Once  in  Hollywood,  things  happened 
quickly.  Adept  behind  the  camera,  as 
well  as  in  the  spotlights,  Brian  soon 
was  shooting  pictures  of  his  own  for 
advertising.  His  modeling  and  picture- 
taking  kept  him  well-fed  and  busy,  but 
not  so  busy  as  to  be  overlooked  by 
casting  agents.  Soon  he  was  making 
appearances  in  syndicated  TV  shows. 
The  shows  weren't  well-known  and  the 
parts  were  small,  but  Brian  worked 
hard  at  every  one.  It  was  the  most  ex- 
citing thing  he'd  ever  known  and  he 
realized,  for  once  and  for  all,  the  direc- 
tion he  wanted  his  life  to  take. 

Hollywood  offered  another  delightful 
compensation  for  leaving  the  fulfillment 
of  a  law  career  behind:  Girls!  There 
were  hundreds  of  them.  And  Brian,  one 
of  the  best-looking  young  actors  in 
town,  got  to  know  most  of  them.  Since 
he  was  working  as  a  photographer  and 
as  a  model,  he  had  a  date-book  listing 
hundreds   of   beauties — and    his   acting 

career  added  many  new  names.  He  had 
never  considered  leaving  the  happy 
unattached  status  early  in  life.  His  first 
year  in  Hollywood  convinced  him  he 
would  never  marry. 

Brian's  popularity  with  the  fair  sex 
isn't  based  solely  on  his  looks  or  col- 
legiate charm.  The  girl  he's  out  with 
never  knows  what's  going  to  happen 
next.  For  that  matter,  neither  does 
Brian.  One  night,  dining  with  Johnny 
Ashley,  his  co-star  from  Straightaway, 
Brian  felt  in  need  of  feminine  compan- 
ionship. John  was  content  to  concen- 
trate on  his  lasagne,  but  Brian  had  that 
faraway  look  in  his  eyes.  "We've  got  to 
have  a  girl  here,"  he  said. 

"Come  on,  eat  up,"  urged  John,  "we'll 
find  dates  after  supper."  No,  this  didn't 
make  sense  to  the  impulsive  Kelly. 
Getting  up  unexpectedly,  he  wandered 
out  onto  the  boulevard,  spotted  an  at- 
tractive young  lady  walking  a  minia- 
ture French  poodle. 

"That  dog!"  he  said,  approaching  her. 

"What's  wrong  with  'that  dog'?"  the 
girl  wanted  to  know. 

"He  looks  underfed,"  came  the  an- 
swer. Needless  to  say,  the  girl  turned  on 
her  four-inch  heels  and  walked  away. 

Brian  went  back  into  the  restaurant 
and  brooded  for  a  moment  or  two. 
"What's  wrong?"  John  Ashley  wanted 
to  know.  "I  can't  get  that  poor  thing 
out  of  my  mind,"  answered  Brian. 

"That  beautiful  blonde?"  John  asked 
logically.  "No,  that  dog"— and,  with 
that,  the  unpredictable  Kelly  was  off 
again,  returning  this  time  practically 
carrying  the  poor  girl. 

"This  dog  just  has  to  have  a  square 
meal,"  declared  Brian,  and  proceeded 
to  order  a  meal  for  the  dog  and  its 
pretty  mistress. 

He  soon  had  the  girl  in  hysterics, 
checking  the  dog's  eyes,  coat,  even 
teeth.  She  was  so  enthralled  that,  the 
next  day,  she  came  out  to  the  Straight- 
away set  to  visit  Brian  and  John.  It's 
hard  to  stay  mad  at  Brian  Kelly  very 
long  in  the  face  of  his  zany  antics. 

Naturally,  he  has  a  serious  side,  but 
he  keeps  it  from  his  social  life.  He  lives 
in  a  very  modern  home  perched  on  the 
side  of  one  of  the  Beverly  Hills  canyons. 
Late  into  the  night,  lights  can  be  seen 
burning  brightly  there  while  ex-law- 
student  Kelly  keeps  up  with  current 
events,  the  law,  and  his  new  love,  the 
theater.  He  has  read  almost  every  con- 
temporary study  of  the  drama. 

All  this  never  intrudes  on  the  per- 
sonality his  friends  and  fans  know, 
however.  As  one  cameraman  said,  "He's 
never  down,  always  cheery.  In  this 
game,  that's  a  gift." 

His  preference  for  actresses  as  dates 
has  prevailed,  even  after  several  years 
in  Hollywood.  He  once  avoided  any 
serious  linking  with  the  glamour  girls 
he  squired,  but  his  current  interest — 
beautiful  Laura  Devon,  a  singer — looks 
serious.  In  fact,  friends  are  now  daring 

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Send  25$  for  Needlecraft   Catalogue    (as  illustrated  above). 

to  predict  that  the  "unpredictable" 
Kelly  will  be  a  bridegroom  early  in 

Now  that  Brian  has  a  weekly  series 
to  shoot — and  steady  dates  to  keep — his 
tendency  toward  sudden  trips  has  be- 
come more  limited.  No  more  quick  ex- 
cursions to  Canada  for  skiing,  or 
Mexico  for  skin  diving.  Hard  to  say, 
though,  that  Brian  Kelly  is  getting 
stodgy  because  of  it!  While  on  location 
for  a  segment  of  the  show  in  Florida, 
Brian  and  John  Ashley  were  sitting  in 
a  motel  room  deciding  what  to  do  for 
the  weekend.  Brian  was  studying  the 
airline  rate  card  in  front  of  him. 

"You  know  something,  John?"  he 
suddenly  brightened.  "It  wouldn't  cost 
us  any  more  to  go  direct  to  Mexico  than 
to  go  back  to  Los  Angeles."  John,  who 
knew  what  was  coming,  groaned  in- 

Sure  enough,  within  hours,  the  pair 
were  in  Acapulco.  After  a  delightful 
weekend  at  one  of  the  swankiest  hotels, 
they  discovered  that  neither  had 
thought  to  bring  any  traveler's  checks. 
Their  cash  was  low.  The  hotel  wouldn't 
take  a  personal  check,  and  they  had  to 
be  in  Hollywood  the  next  morning  to 
resume  shooting.  But,  instead  of  worry- 
ing, the  two  went  down  to  the  hotel 
dining  room  and  ate  a  gigantic  lunch. 
While  there,  one  of  the  guests  in  the 
hotel  whose  acquaintance  they  had 
made  happened  to  mention  the  tre- 
mendous price  American  liquor  brought 
in  a  certain  part  of  Acapulco. 

Within  moments,  the  nattily-dressed 
Kelly  was  wandering  through  the 
oldest  part  of  Acapulco,  seeking  a 
buyer  for  some  excellent  Scotch  which 
had  been  a  present  from  a  friend  in 
Florida.  The  sale  was  made  and  the  two 
stars  paid  their  hotel  bill  and  made 
their  plane.  "He  was  never  even 
ruffled,"  John  recalls.  "You  can't  shake 

Another  friend  considers  his  winter 
vacation  with  Brian  last  year  typical 
of  the  man.  They  were  about  to  leave 
for  the  Frozen  North  to  ski,  when  Brian 
found  he  couldn't  get  all  his  heavy 
sweaters  into  his  new  luggage.  Without 
batting  an  eye,  he  pulled  out  all  the 
heavy  clothing,  threw  bathing  suits  and 
swimming  gear  into  the  same  bag — and, 
within  an  hour,  they  were  winging 
South  of  the  Border.  The  friend  wasn't 
surprised  .  .  .  he'd  even  brought  swim- 
ming trunks  himself — just  in  case. 

Brian  isn't  being  difficult,  he's  just 
being  himself.  And  his  friendship  is  so 
highly  valued  among  the  young  actors 
and  actresses  in  Hollywood  that  it's 
obvious  his  independence  is  appealing 
.  .  .  even  in  an  independent  town  like 
Hollywood,  Brian  Kelly  is  "the  person- 
alities' personality." 

It  doesn't  impress  him.  As  long  as  he 
can  act — and  do  what  he  wants,  when 
he  isn't  acting — he'll  be  happy. 

The  Networks'  Answer:  Juvenile  Shows 

(Continued  from  page  19) 
the  sort  of  fare  Newton  Minow  would 
approve.  And,  to  present  these  shows, 
the  networks  have  chosen  personable, 
brilliant,  youthful  reporters  who  have 
packed  an  amazing  amount  of  adven- 
ture and  experience  into  their  few  years 
so  far. 

Update's  Robert  Abernethy,  the  sen- 
ior of  the  group,  was  trained  as  a  social 
scientist  and  became  a  reporter,  he 
says,  "because  I  liked  talking  to  people 
and  telling  things  to  people."  And,  since 
Bob  has  been  in  twenty  countries,  he 
has  much  to  tell.  His  travels  started 
soon  after  his  birth  in  Geneva,  Switz- 
erland, thirty-three  years  ago.  His 
father,  an  editor  for  the  International 
Y.M.C.A.'s  World  Youth  magazine,  re- 
turned to  Washington  and  Bob  attended 
Hill  School  in  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania. 

He  interrupted  his  studies  at  Prince- 
ton University  to  serve  with  the  Army 
in  Japan,  where  he  edited  a  weekly 
newspaper  and  broadcast  news.  He  re- 
ceived his  bachelor's  degree  in  1950. 
After  doing  a  social-science  study  for 
the  Army  in  Korea,  he  took  his  mas- 
ter's degree  in  public  affairs  at  Prince- 
ton in  1952,  then  joined  NBC. 

Bob  is  a  specialist  in  military  and 
scientific  news  whose  assignments  have 
taken  him  around  the  world.  He  did  a 
three-year  tour  of  duty  in  London.  He 
filed  the  first  story  of  the  Anglo-French 
invasion  of  Port  Said  and  was  also  the 
first  to  break  the  story  of  the  selec- 
tion of  the  American  astronauts.  As 
his  current  regular  assignment,  he  cov- 
ers the  United  States  Senate  and  the 
activities  of  Vice-President  Lyndon  B. 

Update's  format  is  exactly  Bob  Aber- 
nethy's  cup  of  tea.  Its  thirty  minutes 
are  divided  into  segments:  Top  story  of 
the  day,  a  student  reporter's  interview 
of  a  prominent  person,  a  feature  story, 
a  report  from  an  NBC  foreign  cor- 
respondent, the  "update"  of  a  previ- 
ous top  story,  and  news  of  the  hour. 
"For  once,"  says  Bob,  "we  have  time 
enough  to  go  into  things.  Often,  when 
I  work  on  our  regular  fifteen-minute 
news  shows,  I  think  that  a  person 
would  need  to  have  read  the  teletypes 
all  day  to  know  what  it's  all  about." 

He  credits  his  small  daughter,  Jane, 
with  giving  him  an  unexpected  lesson 
in  reporting:  "She  was  at  my  heels,  the 
morning  I  brought  in  the  paper  and 
first  got  the  news  that  the  Russians  had 
resumed  nuclear  testing.  I  said,  'Oh, 
for  God's  sake  .  .  .'  and  she  said,  'What's 
the  matter,  Daddy?'  Well,  just  try  ex- 
plaining to  a  four-and-a-half-year-old 
what  a  bomb  is  and  why  people  drop 
bombs  on  each  other.  It's  a  grim  and 
frightening  experience." 

It  influenced  his  approach  to  Update. 
"I  realized  how  old  kids  get,  these  days, 
at  a  young  age.  I  think  we  should  try 

to  report  the  real  world  as  thoroughly 
as  we  can  without  creating  a  totally 
terrifying  picture.  I'm  not  preaching, 
but  I  believe  there  should  be  some  ele- 
ment of  hope  and  uplift.  Young  people 
need  to  know  that  there  is  still  charm 
and  fun  to  be  found  in  human  beings." 

Members  of  ABC's  crew  for  Ameri- 
can Newsstand  are  but  little  older  than 
their  viewers.  Roger  Sharp,  the  anchor 
man,  finds  wry  humor  in  the  fact  that 
he  has  reached  the  advanced  age  of 
twenty-six.  "All  my  working  life,  I've 
had  editors,  sponsors  and  producers  say 
to  me,  'Sure,  you're  a  good  reporter — 
but  you  look  too  young.  Can't  you 
bleach  a  streak  of  white  in  your  hair?' 
Now  I  have  the  opposite  problem  of 
trying  to  stay  looking  as  young  as  our 

He  was  born  in  Akron,  Ohio,  May  24, 
1935.  His  father,  an  advertising  execu- 
tive, encouraged  him  to  work  on  school 
and  college  newspapers.  Roger  attended 
Monteith  School  in  Detroit  and  took  his 
college  training  at  Michigan  State, 
Wayne  University  and  the  University 
of  Miami.  He  married  Joan  Churilla  in 
Detroit,  and  they  now  live  in  Manhat- 
tan with  their  children,  John,  five,  and 
Karen,  four. 

Documentaries  he  did  on  Cuba  won 
awards  for  Roger.  They  also  brought 
him  first-hand  knowledge  of  conditions 
in  a  Cuban  jail.  "On  my  first  trip,  I 
met  Castro,"  he  recalls,  "but  my  re- 
port didn't  cause  too  much  commotion 
— largely,  I  suppose,  because  things 
were  still  unresolved.  I  came  there  the 
second  time  in  March,  1960,  just  after 
that  munitions  ship  was  blown  up  and 
they  started  blaming  the  United  States. 

"I  got  permission  to  make  pictures, 
then  wham!  three  guards  were  on  me 
and  I  was  in  the  clink,  the  second  news- 
man to  be  jailed.  I  was  working  for  the 
group  of  stations  which  includes  Tulsa's 
KOTV  and,  after  I  had  spent  a  day  in 
jail,  an  American  congressman  who 
happened  to  be  in  Cuba  got  me  out." 

Roger  gained  his  first  knowledge  of 
Europe  by  doing  a  month-long  tour  of 
American  military  bases  in  France  and 
West  Germany.  He  made  a  second  trip 
last  summer  and  was  in  Berlin  the  day 
the  Soviets  started  building  the  wall. 
He  was  also  present  when  Vice-Presi- 
dent Johnson  arrived  to  reassure  Ber- 
liners  of  our  support. 

Two  new  reporters,  David  Jayne  and 
Bill  Lord,  took  their  masters'  degrees 
in  journalism  last  summer  and  were 
hired  especially  for  Newsstand.  David 
was  born  in  Elizabeth,  New  Jersey, 
February  28,  1937.  His  father,  a  chem- 
ist, is  now  an  executive  at  American 
Cyanamid  and  the  family  lives  in 
Greenwich,  Connecticut. 

Dave  took  his  B.A.  at  Williams,  then 
enlisted  in  the  Marine  Corps,  where  he 


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was  assigned  to  the  public  information 
office  and  discovered  he  liked  to  write 
and  do  radio  reporting.  On  discharge, 
he  took  his  M.A.  at  Columbia  Univer- 
sity's School  of  Journalism.  Dave  is 
single  and  recently  took  an  apartment 
in  Greenwich  Village.  He  lists  as  his 
primary  personal  interests:  "A  particu- 
lar girl,  politics  and  sports." 

Bill  Lord,  M.A.,  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania, 1960,  was  born  at  Saco,  Maine, 
in  1937.  Weekends,  his  high-school 
English  teacher  worked  as  transcription 

engineer  at  a  local  radio  station.  The 
pay  for  the  stint  was  one  dollar.  When 
the  station  cut  it  to  seventy-five  cents, 
the  teacher  quit — and  Bill  took  the  job. 

He  studied  communications  at  Bos- 
ton University,  has  worked  at  WGBH 
in  that  city  and  made  a  European  re- 
porting tour  for  WJDA,  Quincy,  Massa- 
chusetts. Bill  is  married  to  Deborah 
Gude  of  Laurel,  Maryland. 

Roger  Sharp  summarizes  the  chal- 
lenge American  Newsstand  holds  for 
all  of  them:   "On  lecture  tours,  I  have 

found  that  a  high-school  group  asks 
me  much  sharper,  more  perceptive 
questions  than,  say,  members  of  a  busi- 
nessmen's luncheon  club.  Students  have 
a  real  interest  in  what  happens  in  the 

It's  a  challenge  for  both  networks, 
but  one  which  they  are  solving  with 
typical  enthusiasm  and  resourcefulness. 
The  resulting  programs  go  far  toward 
installing  a  brilliant,  steady  beacon  for 
youthful  viewers  in  what  the  F.C.C. 
chairman  called  "a  vast  wasteland." 

Jackie  Gleason:  A  Father  at  Last 

(Continued  from  page  15) 
take  them  wherever  they  wanted  to  go. 
Both  said  they  missed  the  pizzas  in 
New  York.  "Great!"  said  Jackie,  "I'll 
take  you  to  the  best  pizza  parlor  in  the 

He  bundled  them  into  his  car  and 
drove  to  a  pizza  joint  on  East  83rd 
Street.  Linda,  smacking  her  lips, 
ordered  a  pizza  with  anchovies  and  all 
the  trimmings.  Then  Geraldine  ordered 
a  super-deluxe,  scrumptious  one,  with 
sausages.  "And  what  will  you  have, 
Mr.  Gleason?"  asked  the  waiter.  Jackie, 
on  one  of  his  perennial  diets,  replied: 
"I'll  have  two  soft-boiled  eggs." 

"How  can  you  come  to  a  pizza  place 
and  order  soft-boiled  eggs?"  asked 
Geraldine  with  astonishment.  "I'll  have 
you  know,"  said  Jackie,  "that  this  place 
makes  the  best  soft-boiled  eggs  in  the 
universe."  Geraldine  smiled,  patted  her 
father's  ample  belly  and  said:  "How 
would  you  know  about  that?" 

The  young  ladies  got  a  first-hand 
look  at  their  dad's  easy-spending  ways 
on  the  night  he  squired  them  to  El 
Morocco.  At  the  end  of  the  evening, 
Jackie  called  for  the  check  and  then 
peeled  off  two  hundred-dollar  bills  as  a 
tip  for  the  waiter.  Gleason's  daughters 
looked  on  in  amazement.  The  waiter 
stammered  out  his  thanks  but  Jackie 
stopped  him.  "What  was  the  biggest  tip 
you   ever  received  before   this?" 

"A  hundred  dollars,"  said  the  waiter. 

"And  who  slipped  you  the  hundred?" 

"You  did,  Mr.  Gleason,"  replied  the 
waiter.    Jackie   smiled  happily. 

Actually,  both  of  Gleason's  girls  have 

inherited  his  flair  for  the  dramatic,  or  at 

least  his  flair  for  drama.  Two  years  ago, 

Jackie  said:   "Linda  has  always  shown 

talent  for  the  stage.  I  think  she'll  make 

it.  Geraldine  has  already  been  offered 

movie  contracts  by  Paramount,  MGM 

and   20th   Century.   Those   were   made 

strictly   on   the   basis   of   her   work   in 

school  plays.  However,  I've  talked  her 

out  of  signing  at  this  time.  I  advised  her 

to  wait  until  she  can  get  some  profes- 

t    sional   stage   experience   on  Broadway 

v    or  in  summer  stock." 

At  Marymount  College  in  California, 

Geraldine  starred  in  "Roberta."  Free- 

man  Gosden,  of  the  Amos  'n'  Andy 
team,  saw  her  and  told  Jackie:  "She's 
great.  She  looks  like  she's  been  in  show 
business  all  her  life."  Jimmy  Durante 
and  Bob  Hope  also  caught  the  produc- 
tion and  were  very  impressed  with 
Geraldine's  performance.  Bob  even 
made  plans  to  use  her  in  a  TV  special. 

However,  all  that  can  be  forgotten 
now.  Geraldine  confided  to  friends  at 
the  wedding  reception  that  she  plans  to 
be  nothing  more  than  a  housewife.  She 
is  giving  up  her  acting  ambitions.  The 
decision  isn't  likely  to  upset  her  father. 
In  1955,  Jackie  told  a  writer:  "Show 
business  is  like  a  disease.  You  wouldn't 
want  your  kids  to  catch  it,  but  there's 
very  little  you  can  do  about  it." 

Linda,  it  seems,  will  pursue  her 
career.  She's  very  conscious  of  being 
the  daughter  of  one  of  the  world's  great 
comedians.  When  Jackie  was  in  Holly- 
wood some  twelve  years  ago,  he  took 
Linda  to  the  set  of  the  film,  The  Cisco 
Kid.  She  wore  a  cowboy  suit  and  had 
her  picture  taken  with  the  late  Leo 
Carillo.  When  the  picture  was  published 
a  few  weeks  later,  on  a  magazine  cover, 
Linda  hid  the  copy.  Someone  asked  her 
why.  "I  don't  want  Daddy  to  see  it," 
she  explained  in  all  seriousness.  "After 
all,  he  might  feel  bad,  having  never 
made  Variety's  front  page." 

Jackie's  wife,  too,  must  have  felt  she 
was  constantly  competing  against  her 
husband's  love  for  show  business  and 
its  gratifications.  The  comic  himself 
says:  "It  wasn't  success  that  caused  the 
rift  between  us,  because  it  all  began 
when  I  was  out  of  a  job  and  broke.  The 
best  I  can  say  is  that  it  was  all  my  fault. 
I  guess  I  wasn't  wise  or  mature  enough 
to  recognize  what  a  fine  lady  I  married. 
Genevieve  liked  the  quiet  life — home, 
fireside  and  kiddies.  I  liked  the  loud  life 
— show  business,  the  laughs,  the  late 

The  Gleasons  would  have  celebrated 
their  twenty-fifth  wedding  anniversary 
last  September — if  their  marriage 
hadn't  started  to  deteriorate  five  years 
after  they  said  their  "I  do's."  In  1943, 
the  pair  separated  in  Los  Angeles  and 
Genevieve  was  awarded  $400  a  month 

maintenance.  They  reconciled  for  a 
time,  in  1948.  But,  in  1951,  the  marriage 
broke  up  for  good.  By  1954,  Jackie  was 
paying  fifteen  percent  of  his  annual 
salary  to  Genevieve  for  support  of  her- 
self and  the  children. 

It  was  a  legal  separation,  and  not  a 
divorce.  "We  are  Catholics,"  Jackie  said 
at  the  time,  "and  the  church  does  not 
recognize  divorce.  We  can't  hope  for  an 
annulment,  because  we  have  no  valid 
grounds  for  one.  In  the  eyes  of  the 
church,  I  will  always  be  married  to  Gen 
and  that  means  I  will  never  remarry." 

At  Geraldine's  nuptials,  some  of 
Jackie's  pals  saw  a  faint  glimmer  of 
hope  that  the  forty-six-year-old  come- 
dian would  be  reconciled  with  Gene- 
vieve. They  noticed  Bishop  Fulton  J. 
Sheen,  who  officiated  at  the  wedding, 
talking  with  the  pair.  They  knew  that 
Bishop  Sheen  was  a  close  friend  of 
Jackie's,  and  they  guessed  that  he  was 
attempting  to  bring  them  together. 

Jackie's  cronies  also  couldn't  help  ob- 
serving that  Rev.  James  Stone  was 
present,  too — the  parish  priest  who  had 
performed  the  rites  when  Jackie  and 
Gen  were  wed  on  September  20,  1936. 
But  Jackie  squelched  the  reconciliation 
talk,  at  Geraldine's  $35,000  wedding 
reception  in  the  Waldorf-Astoria,  by 
whispering  to  an  intimate  pal  that 
neither  he  nor  Gen  was  remotely  con- 
sidering making  a  go  of  it  again. 

Today,  the  pair  remain  friendly  to- 
ward each  other,  but  that's  about  all. 
It  now  appears  that  the  next  time  Glea- 
son and  "the  three  loveliest  girls  in  the 
world"  meet  under  the  same  roof  will 
be  when  Linda  marries — and  not  be- 
fore then. 

In  the  meantime,  Jackie  will  pursue 
the  active  life  he  loves  best.  Possessed 
of  enormous  energy,  he  plans  new 
movies,  new  TV  spectaculars,  new 
Broadway  plays,  new  phonograph  al- 
bums. He  is  seen  currently  in  all  the 
night  clubs,  enjoying  life  to  the  hilt.  He 
occupies  the  center  of  the  stage  which 
he  prefers.  Wherever  he  goes,  his 
friends  gather  around.  He  has  many  of 

But  there  must  be  times  when  he  feels 
like  the  loneliest  man  in  the  world. 


JANUARY  1962 

Don  Mills 
Music  Editor 

MUSIC:  the  Gift  understood  by  all 

•  The  language  of  music  is  understood 
the  world  over.  What  better  way  to 
communicate  with  your  friends  and 
loved  ones  than  through  the  gift  of 
music — especially  at  this  time  of  year, 
when  the  spirit  of  the  season  work? 
toward  bringing  people  closer  together. 
The  revered  cellist,  Pablo  Casals,  says 
music  is  "a  divine  way  to  tell  beautiful, 
poetic  things  to  the  heart."  Isn't  that 
what  we  try  to  do  at  Christmas  time — 
to  express  the  beautiful  and  noble 
thoughts  often  left  unsaid  the  rest  of 
the  year? 

Why  not  share  a  musical  message 
this  Christmas  with  those  you  care  for 
most.  There  are  suitable  musical  ex- 
pressions of  your  thoughts  and  senti- 
ments on  record  for  every  person  you 
know,  every  close  friend,  acquaintance 
or  business  associate. 

To  help  you  select  the  gift  that  comes 
closest  to  expressing  your  thoughts  for. 
or  your  kinship  with  those  you  want  to 
be  remembered  by,  On  The  Record 
has  compiled  a  list  of  Christmas  gift 
suggestions  on  records.  They  are  ar- 
ranged by  categories  of  musical  tastes 
rather  than  personal  relationships,  such 
as  Father,  Sister  or  Boss,  to  give  you  a 
more   accurate   and   handier   checklist. 

We  have  tried  to  concentrate  our 
suggestions  on  the  new  records  released 
for  this  Christmas  season,  so  that  you 
can  be  fairly  assured  that  your  gift  has 
not  already  found  its  way  into  your 
friend's  home.  But  certainly  many 
other  excellent  records  that  have  been 
available  for  a  while  will  make  equally 
appropriate  gifts.  In  fact,  the  entire 
On  The  Record  section  could  be  con- 
sidered a  Christmas  gift  list.  Just  take 
a  look  at  the  following  pages  and  see 
the  wonderful  variety  of  records  that 
await  your  friends'  and  your  listening 


•  The  exciting  record  business  this 
year  included  steps  forward  and  back- 
ward, with  a  few  sidesteps.  There  were 
many  new  dance  steps,  which  teenagers 
jinvented  as  fast  as  you  could  heel-and- 
toe.  And  at  year's  end  one  of  them — 
"The  Twist" — caught  the  fancy  of  the 
nation's  well-heeled,  and  finally  became 
what  journalists  call  a  "dance  craze." 

Everybody  was  doing  The  Twist. 

Comedy  LP's  became  a  huge  success, 
with  the  spicy  ones  also  gaining  ac- 
ceptance, possibly  because  of  the  bland 
humor  of  TV  and  films.  A  Negro  comic. 
Dick  Gregory,  set  a  precedent  by  break- 
ing into  a  field  which  had  previously 
relied  on  white  entertainers,  while  Moms 
Mabley    gained    {Continued   on    76H) 






•  On  The  Record  presents  on  this  page 
a  Christmas  gift  guide  to  outstanding 
new  records  that  will  be  sure  to  please 
your  family  and  friends.  These  sugges- 
tions, as  well  as  other  records  men- 
tioned in  this  section,  should  supply 
you  with  gift  ideas  to  suit  the  most  dis- 
criminating taste.  So  happy  Christmas 
shopping  to  you  all! 


Certainly  a  big  gift  item  this  Christmas 
will  be  the  different  versions  of  West 
Side  Story  available  (listed  as  this 
month's  "Hottest  LP's")  .  .  .  The  Nat 
King  Cole  Story  (Capitol  WCL  1613) 
makes  a  handsome  gift  for  most  anyone 
(See  page  76H)  . . .  Judy  at  Carnegie 
Hall  (Capitol  WBO  1569)  can't  miss 
.  .  .  And  any  of  Mitch  Miller's  Sing-a- 
longs,  particularly  his  latest,  Your  Re- 
quest Sing  Along,  will  be  welcome 
at  large  family  gatherings  ...  or  try 
The  Slightly  Fabulous,  Limeliters 
(RCA  Victor  LSP  2393). 


Shelley  Berman  puts  in  A  Personal 
Appearance  (Verve  15027).  And  Be- 
hind the  Button-Down  Mind  of 
Bob  Newhart  (Warner  Bros.  1417) 
present  a  laugh-fest  manufactured  by 
the  world's  funniest  Certified  Public  Ac- 
countant . . .  The  2000  and  One  Years 
(Capitol  1618)  as  limned  by  Mel  Brooks 
with  Carl  Reiner  is  ageless  humor  for 
the  young  in  heart  .  .  .  And  Jose  Jim- 
enez' Astronaut  (Kapp  1238)  is  still 
timely  too. 


The  George  Shearing  Quintet  has 
cloaked  romantic  standards  in  a  Satin 
Affair  (Capitol  1628)  .  .  .  George 
Greeley  plays  Popular  Piano  Con- 

certos  of   Famous   Film   Themes 

(Warner  Bros.  1427)  .  .  .  And  Roger 
Williams  has  a  feather  in  his  Kapp  with 
Songs  of  the  Soaring  Sixties  (Kapp 
1251)  ...  A  gift  of  Andre  Previn  will 
add  A  Touch  of  Elegance  (Columbia 
1649)  .  .  .  And  Jackie  Gleason  provides 
the  romantic  touch  with  a  Lover's 
Portfolio  (Capitol  WBO  1619). 


The  traditionalist  will  probably  get 
kicks,  unless  he's  a  purist,  from  Al 
(He's  the  King)  Hirt  and  his  neo- 
Dixie  band  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2354) 
.  .  .  while  classicists  (those  who  dig  the 
so-called  Swing  Era)  will  flip  over  The 
Fletcher  Henderson  Story  (Colum- 

bia C4L  19),  which  records  the  life  of 
the  man  who  practically  invented  swing 
.  .  .  Another  big  package  of  modern 
jazz  is  certainly  Miles  Davis  In  Per- 
son at  the  Blackhawk,  Friday  and 
Saturday  Nights  (Columbia  CL  1669 
and  1670,  or  C2L  20)  .  .  .  Doin'  the 
Thing  at  the  Village  Gate  is  the  Horace 
Silver  Quintet  (Blue  Note  4076)  .  .  . 
Gerry  Mulligan  presents  A  Concert  in 
Jazz  (Verve  8415)  with  an  extremely 
flexible  and  sensitive  big  band. 


I  Remember  Tommy  (Reprise 
1003)  is  Frank  Sinatra's  salute  to  Tom- 
my Dorsey  and  a  must  for  Sinatra  fans 
...  Of  the  many  movie  theme  LP's 
available  Hugo  Montenegro's  three- 
volume  Great  Songs  from  Motion 
Pictures  (Time  2044,  2045,  2046)  is 
the  most  nostalgic,  filled  with  48  memor- 
able tunes  from  film  musicals  dating 
from  1927  through  1960  ...  Or  try  The 
Greatest  Hits  from  Columbia's  vaults 
(Columbia  C2X-3),  including  Buddy 
Clark's  "Linda,"  "Sentimental  Journey," 
and  22  others  in  a  two-volume  set. 


Easily  one  of  the  best  of  the  popular 
collections  of  classical  music  is  Mel- 
odies of  the  Masters  (Capitol  SA 
8563,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69),  a  seven- 
volume  set  perfect  for  youngsters  or 
adults  beginning  to  broaden  their  mus- 
ical horizons.  Culled  from  Capitol's  cat- 
alogue, it's  an  impressive  array  of 
familiar  classical  melodies  .  .  .  The 
opera  lover  will  find  complete  enjoy- 
ment with  Verdi's  Otello  as  exquisite- 
ly packaged  in  RCA  Victor's  Soria  series 
(LD  6155),  including  a  handsome  60- 
(Continued  on  76F) 



Dave  Brubeck,  jazz  money-man. 

•  "The  Twist"  has  finally  taken  the 
nation  by  storm,  with  High  Society 
kicking  up  its  heels  and  getting  its  kicks 
from  the  infectious  beat.  As  we  noted 
here  two  months  ago,  popularity  of 
"Twist"  dance  contests  for  middle-aged 
couples  was  forcing  band  leaders  to 
add  the  number  to  their  repertoire, 
sandwiched  between  "Tea  for  Two"  and 
"Night  and  Day."  The  stock  of  19-year- 
old  Chubby  Checker,  who's  responsi- 
ble for  it  all,  has  shot  sky-high,  with 
unprecedented  demand  reported  by 
dealers  for  his  "Twist"  LP's  on  Park- 
way. A  spate  of  twist  records  from  every 
label  are  now  on  the  market.  The  most 
adroit  description  of  the  dance  was  re- 
ported by  society  chronicler  Cleveland 
Amory,  quoting  a  Cafe  Society  matron : 
"The  thing  to  remember  when  doing 
the  Twist  is  that  you  are  drying  your 
fanny  with  a  towel  at  the  same  time 
you're  putting  out  a  cigarette  with  your 
front  foot." 

"The  12  Greatest  Songs  Ever  Written'" 
is  the  imposing  and  almost  presump- 
tuous title  of  a  new  LP  (Cameo  2003). 
All  but  one  have  stood  the  test  of  time, 
and  certainly  all  have  been  outstanding 
popular  favorites,  but  due  to  the  amount 
of  music  that  can  be  crammed  into  one 
LP,  they've  chosen  a  rather  arbitrary 
magic  number.  The  Golden  Dozen 
tapped  for  posterity  by  Cameo  (includ- 
ing music  man  Don  Costa)  are:  "Begin 
The  Beguine,"  "Autumn  Leaves," 
"Never  On  Sunday,"  "Summertime," 
"Laura,"  "You'll  Never  Walk  Alone," 
"Stormy  Weather,"  "Stardust,"  "Old 
Man  River,"  "Always,"  "My  Melancholy 
Baby,"  and  "September  Song."  Any 
there  you  can't  hum? 

Conway  Twitty,  along  with  Jo- Ann 
Campbell  and  Kenny  Miller,  are  fin- 
ishing up  three  weeks  of  location  shoot- 
ing in  Toronto,  Canada,  for  the  United 
Artists  film,  "Johnny  Melody."  Con- 
way's latest  LP  is  "The  Conway  Twitty 
Touch"   (MGM  3943). 

Jimmie  Rodgers  is  not  resting  on 
his  laurels.  He  won  a  Motion  Picture 
Exhibitor  Laurel  Award  as  one  of  the 
top  ten  new  screen  stars  for  his  role  in 
"The  Little  Shepherd  of  Kingdom 
Come"  for  20th  Century-Fox.  His  new 
LP,  "The  Folk  Song  World  of  Jimmie 
Rodgers"  (Roulette  25150),  includes 
the  very  moving  "A  Little  Dog  Cried," 
which  appealed  to  many  when  it  was 
released  as  a  single. 

Dave  Brubeck,  an  accomplished 
jazzman  who  is  frowned  on  by  many  in 
the  "pure"  jazz  world  for  his  commer- 
cial success,  will  be  doing  a  Liberace 
(laughing  all  the  way  to  the  bank) 
when  sales  of  his  "Time  Out"  LP 
(Columbia  1397)  are  added  up.  On 
December  31  the  Dave  Brubeck  Quartet 
will  do  a  TV  special,  next  month  con- 
certs in  Florida,  and  on  February  21  a 
Town  Hall  concert  in  New  York. 

An  unusual  record  of  probably  the 
largest  musical  instrument  in  the  world 
— covering  three  acres — has  come  to  our 

attention.  It's  the  unique  "Stalacpipe" 
organ  located  in  the  caverns  at  Luray, 
Virginia,  a  complex  electronic  system 
which  plays  stalactites  like  the  pipes  of 
an  organ.  The  idea  of  inventor-musician 
Leland  W.  Sprinkle,  Sr.,  the  organ 
has  a  mystic,  echoing  tone  that  gives 
such  melodies  as  "Beautiful  Dreamer" 
and  "America"  ethereal  beauty.  The  45 
RPM  record,  which  includes  seven  selec- 
tions for  98  cents,  is  available  by  writ- 
ing to  Luray  Caverns,  Virginia. 

An  impressive  new  series  called  "Liv- 
ing Literature"  has  Raymond  Massey 
reading  the  writings  and  speeches  of 
Abraham  Lincoln,  Ronald  Colman 
reading  Shakespeare's  sonnets,  Thomas 
Mitchell  reading  Plato,  Marvin  Mil- 
ler reading  Mark  Twain,  and  others. 

Rick  Nelson,  who  had  a  number-one 
record  this  year  in  "Travelin'  Man," 
now  has,  appropriately,  the  number-one 
record  in  Denmark,  Finland,  Norway, 
Sweden,  Germany  and  New  Zealand — 
but  Rickey's  international  hit  is  not 
"Travelin'  Man."  It's  the  flip  side, 
"Hello  Mary  Lou"! 

Jimmie  Rodgers,  singer  turned  actor. 



Your   Monthly   ON    RECORD   Guide 


••••If  You  Go,  Peggy  Lee  (Capi- 
tol 1630) — Miss  Lee's  voice  has  be- 
come a  wonderful  musical  instrument, 
capable  of  expressing  the  most  fragile 
nuances  of  meaning  and  mood.  Her 
artistry  is  so  great  that  you  soon  forget 

Ufrg-Mkw.  *>:i>yXXd  :&0$f.  -mm%y  WJ&i&W '»  Wii  >>Wp['-  -".-. 

prrrgW  j  ppl 

she's  there.  Only  her  velvet  touch  and 
a  delicate  fragrance  remain,  enchanting 
you  with  the  murmur  of  love  songs  such 
as  "Say  It  Isn't  So,"  "I  Wish  I  Didn't 
Love  You  So,"  and  "As  Time  Goes  By." 

•••••Ella  In  Hollywood,  Ella 
Fitzgerald  (Verve  4052)— The  First 
Lady  of  Song  is  so  perfect  that  even  a 
recorded-live  performance  (as  here,  at 
Hollywood's  Crescendo)  becomes  a 
showcase  for  her  jewel-like  tours  de 

••••This  Little  Boy  Of   Mine, 

Gloria  Lynne  (Everest  5131) — The 
splendid  talent  of  Gloria  is  at  last  gain- 
ing wider  recognition.  The  vitality  and 
intensity  of  her  gospel-based  style  infuse 
such  tunes  as  "Impossible,"  "The  Jazz 
In  You,"  and  Ray  Charles'  "This  Little 
Boy  of  Mine." 

•••Roger  Williams'  Greatest 
Hits  (Kapp  1260) — Leading  off  with 
the  nimble-fingered  pianist's  first  hit, 
"Autumn  Leaves"  this  LP  runs 
through  a  collection  of  his  biggest, 
including  "Tammy,"  "Claire  de  Lune" 
and  nine  others.  Fans  who  haven't 
all  of  his  LP's  will  treasure  this  one. 

••••Sarah  Vaughn's  Golden 
Hits  (Mercury  60645) — Our  Sarah 
has  produced  some  beautiful  records 
through  the  years  and  many  are  repre- 
sented in  this  collection.  She  can  sing 
with  the  soaring  lyric  quality  of  a 
nightingale  on  the  wing,  as  you  well 
know,  if  you're  a  Sarah  fan.  It's  a 
pleasure  to  listen  to  this  LP  and  recom- 
mend it  to  others. 


•••Soft  Vibes,  Soaring  Strings, 

Lionel  Hampton  (Columbia  1661)  — 
Hamp  has  been  with  us  through  swing, 
hard-driving  bop  and  rhythm-and-blues. 
Here  his  facile  vibes  work  is  set  against 
lush  violin  orchestrations  of  moody 
standards  for  good  effect. 

•••The  Golden  Horn,  Billy  Butter- 
field  (Columbia  8473)— Billy's  lyric 
trumpet  has  never  sounded  better  than 
on  this  lushly  orchestrated  LP  featuring 
tunes  that  in  the  past  have  received 
trumpet  solo  treatment,  including  "And 
the  Angels  Sing."  and  "Tenderly." 


••••My  Favorite  Chopin,  Van 
Cliburn  (RCA  Victor  LM-2576)— The 
young  Texas  virtuoso  is  in  brilliant 
form  with  standards  of  the  Chopin 
repertoire,  including  the  "Heroic" 
Polonaise,  Scherzo  No.  3  in  C-Sharp 
Minor,  and  others. 

••••Pictures  at  an  Exhibition 

(Mussorgsky-Ravel)  Andre  Vandernoot 
&  the  Paris  Conservatory  Orchestra 
(Command  Classics  11003) — One  of  a 
new  series,  this  recording  comes  from 
a  company  which  pioneered  the  sounds 
of  stereo  percussion.  They  capture  in 
this  set  the  full  brilliance  of  the  com- 
poser's popular  work  as  orchestrated 
by  Ravel.  A  fine  addition  to  your  col- 
lection, even  if  you  have  another  ver- 

••••Cello  Sonata  (Shostakovich) 
&  "Arpeggione"  Sonata  (Schubert), 
Daniel  Shafran,  cellist  (RCA  Victor 
LM-2553) — This  young  Russian  cellist 
has  a  sureness  of  tone  and  technique, 
coupled  with  a  poetic  insight,  that  com- 
pares him  favorably  with  Casals. 
Pianist  Lydia  Pecherskaya  accompanies 
him  with  complete  accord  in  these  two 
sonatas,  with  an  especial  feeling  for  the 
work  of  their  countryman. 

••••Kreutzer  Sonata  (Beethoven) 

6  Concerto  For  Two  Violins  in  D 
Minor  (Bach),  Heifetz  (RCA  Victor 
LM-2577)— Coupled  with  Mr.  Heifetz 
on  the  Bach  Concerto  is  his  young  pro- 
tege, Erick  Friedman,  in  his  debut  per- 
formance. Both  works  are  welcome 
additions  to  the  ever-growing  Heifetz 

•••••Melodies  of  the  Masters, 

7  Volumes  of  Various  Artists  and  Selec- 
tions (Capitol  8563,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68, 
69) — Here  is  a  veritable  treasure  trove 
of  classical  and  near-classical  melodies 


*****   CHEAT! 

**  tT*S    VOUf?    MONEY 

that  can  serve  as  either  a  nucleus 
library  to  build  from,  or  as  a  general 
collection  of  perennial  favorites  to  keep 
near  the  record  player  for  musical 
emergencies.  Each  volume  is  keyed  to 
a  different  theme,  in  numerical  order: 
Music  of  Romance,  Rhythms  of  Spain, 
Dances  of  the  Old  World,  Portrait  of 
the  Waltz,  Mysteries  of  the  Night, 
Music  of  Reflection,  Music  of  the 
Imagination.  Artists  both  great  and 
near-great  are  represented  here,  per- 
forming the  fondly  familiar  and  the 
vaguely  familiar,  including  such  ob- 
vious melodies  (for  such  a  collection) 
as  "Liebestraum,"  "Ritual  Fire  Dance," 


Strauss  and  Chopin  waltzes,  "Flight  of 
the  Bumble  Bee,"  and  "Sabre  Dance." 
Excellent  as  a  gift  or  for  your  own 
growing   family   or   even    for    yourself. 


•••High  Flying,  Lambert,  Hend- 
ricks &  Ross  (Columbia  1675) — Most 
successful  have  been  the  trio's  inspired 
vocalizations  of  Basie  and  Ellington 
instrumentals.  Though  there  were  mo- 
ments of  high  humor  in  this  latest  LP, 
several  of  their  scat  arrangements  leave 
one  merely  bewildered. 

rMartialSolal  (Capitol  1026) 
—This  LP,  subtitled  "Europe's  Great- 
est Jazz  Pianist,"  may  well  offer  what 
it  says.  For  sheer  inventiveness  and 
free-wheeling  style,  Martial   Solal  has 

an  individuality  of  expression  that,  for 
a  similar  reason,  immortalized  Art 
Tatum.  Two  sides  of  Solal  are  offered, 
exciting  solo  pyrotechnics  of  standard 
tunes  on  one,  and  swinging,  grooving 
ensemble  work  by  his  trio  on  imagina- 
tive originals  by  Solal.  Don't  miss  hear- 
ing this  one! 

***The  Best  of  the  Dukes  of 
Dixieland  (Audio  Fidelity  5956)  — 
Here's  an  excellent  sampler  of  12  of 
the  Dukes'  most  popular  two-beat  num- 
bers. If  you're  an  unsophisticated  Dixie 
fan,  this  will  be  an  excellent  introduc- 
tion to  this  group  that  grew  out  of  a 
college  collaboration.  Tunes  include 
such  oldies  as  "Dixie,"  "Saints  Go 
Marching  In,"  "Muskrat  Ramble"  and 
others  almost  too  familiar. 

••••The  Blues  in  Modern  Jazz, 

various  jazz  groups  (Atlantic  1337)  — 
Eight  interpretations  of  the  blues  are 
offered  here  by  an  impressive  roster  of 
jazz  stars,  including  Dizzie  Gillespie, 
Art  Blakey  with  Thelonius  Monk  on  the 
classic  "Blue  Monk,"  Lennie  Tristano, 
Charles  Mingus,  Milt  Jackson,  Ray 
Charles,  Jimmy  Giuffre,  and  the  Mod- 
ern Jazz  Quartet  with  a  masterful 
"Bluesology."  Gunther  Schuller  pro- 
vides informative  notes,  making  this  a 
definite  "collector's  item." 

••••The  Soul  Clinic,  Hank  Craw 
ford  (Atlantic  1372)— The  Ray  Charles 
band  without  Charles,  is  led  by  altoist 
Crawford  through  seven  tunes,  includ- 
ing three  of  Crawford's  own.  Here  is 

improvising  with  purpose  and  style,  and 
yet  with  well-knit  unity  and  warmth. 

•••••Ole  Coltrane,  John  Coltrane 
(Atlantic  1373) — This  could  well  be 
titled  "More  of  My  Favorite  Things," 
because  the  same  driving  intensity,  the 
same  incredibly  exciting  improvisations, 
are  here.  As  hypnotic  (or  "hip"-notic) 
as  Ravel's  "Bolero,"  this  LP  is  a  great 
event,  in  which  Coltrane's  creative  gen- 
ius is  more  evident  than  ever  before. 
A  major  jazz  work! 

(sssMiSss  m 


•••That  Country  Sound,  J  aye  P. 
Morgan  (MGM  3940)— Twelve  out- 
standing country  hits  are  given  full  and 
understanding  treatment  by  Jaye  P., 
including  "Slipping  Around,"  "Cold, 
Cold  Heart,"  and  the  title  tune,  which 
was  a  hit  for  both  her  and  Johnny 


•••Jimmy  Reed  at  Carnegie  Hall 

(Vee  Jay  2-LP  1035)— You  can  hear 
that  blues  sound  on  many  of  the  current 
pop  records  these  days,  but  Jimmy 
Reed's  kind  of  "down  home"  styled 
blues  is  the  real  thing.  Earlier  this  year, 
Jimmy  appeared  at  Carnegie  Hall  and 
one  of  this  two-LP  set  is  devoted  to  that 
session.  The  other  LP  is  a  collection  of 
his  past  hits,  redone  for  this  package. 



Gift  Suggestions 

for  Everyone  You  Know 

(Continued  from  page  76B) 

page  libretto.  Major  roles  are  taken  by 
Jon  Vickers,  Leonie  Rysanek  and  Tito 


Of  the  bewildering  number  to  choose 
from,  Chubby  Checker's  Twist  LP's 
seem  favored  (Parkway  7001,  7002,  and 
7004)  .  .  .  Earl  Palmer's  Drumsville 
(Liberty  3201),  a  collection  of  rocking 
hits  of  the  past  . .  .  Elvis  Presley's  Blue 
Hawaii  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2426)  .  .  . 
Jimmy  Reed  at  Carnegie  Hall  (Vee 
Jay  1035).  Timi  Yuro  (Liberty  3208). 


Now  that  The  Chipmunks  are  cavort- 
ing on  the  TV  screen — which  exerts  its 
power  over  the  small  fry  in  the  realm 
of  commercials,  as  well  as  ideas — you 
will  probably  be  besieged  with  demands 
for  The  Alvin  Show  (Liberty  7209). 
Stifle  their  cries  with  a  gift  package 
.  .  .  Walt  Disney  is  at  it  again,  this  time 
with  a  movie  version  of  Victor  Herbert's 
"Babes  in  Toyland,"  which  will  be 
exceedingly  in  vogue  in  the  next  few 
weeks  before  Christmas.  An  original- 
cast  LP  (Vista  4022)  has  Tommy  Sands, 
Annette,  Ray  Bolger  and  Ed  Wynn  do- 
ing a  beautiful  job  on  the  revised  lyrics. 
A  delightful  gift  for  young  and  old. 


Season's  Greeting  (Capitol  1622). 
Various  stars  offering  carols,  sacred 
songs,  folk  songs  and  novelties. 
Feliz  Slatkin  (Liberty  13013)  Feliz' 
fantastic  strings  offer  traditional  carols 
and  sacred  songs. 

Wish  You  a  Merry  Christmas,  Rob- 
ert Rheims  Choraliers  (Liberty  6088). 
Holiday  Sing  Along,  Mitch  Miller 
(Columbia  CS  8501). 
We  Wish  You  the  Merriest  (Colum- 
bia CS  8499). 

Christmas  with  Chet  Atkins  (RCA 
Victor  LPM  2423).  Includes  classical 
and  electric  guitar  readings  of  both 
carols  and  Christmas  pop  songs. 
The  Coming  of  Christ  (Decca).  A 
beautiful  production  of  the  musical 
score  from  NBC-TV's  "Project  20" 

^-Hottest  LPS!  West  Side  Story,  five  versions.  Take  your  pick 
of  these  exciting  musical  treats:  Original  Broadway  Cast  (Columbia 
OL  5230),  Movie  Soundtrack  (Columbia  OL  5670),  Leonard  Bern- 
stein Symphonic  Dance  Suite  (Columbia  5651),  Stan  Kenton  Jazz 
Version  (Capitol  1609),  Ferrante  &  Teicher  (United  Artists  3166). 

On  the  Record's  monthly  survey  of  the  hottest  new  LP's 
and  singles  lists  those  records  showing  the  strongest  sales 
in  retail  stores,  based  on  reports  from  manufacturers, 
distributors,  trade  publications — including  Bill  Gavin 
Record  Reports,  Billboard  Music  Week,  Cashbox,  and 


Behind  the  Button  Down  Mind  of  Bob  Newhart  (Warner  Bros. 
1417) — The  funniest  C.P.A.  around,  and  one  of  the  bright  new  talents  on 
TV  now,  too. 

Close  Up,  Kingston  Trio  (Capitol  1642) — Well-known  folk  tunes  done 

well  by  a  well-known  threesome. 

Breakfast  at  Tiffany's,  Henry  Mancini  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2362)— 

Holly  Golightly  and  her  whole  incredible  menage  set  to  music. 

Blue   Hawaii,    Elvis   Presley    (RCA  Victor  LPM  2426)— Elvis  goes 

native,  singing  14  songs  from  his  latest  film. 

Never  On  Sunday,  Connie  Francis  (MGM  3965) — Movie  melodies  get 

pert  treatment  from  Connie,  including  the  song  she  sang  at  the  Academy 


Your  Request  Sing  Along  with  Mitch  Miller  (Columbia  1671) — 

No  end  in  sight  for  the  success  of  this  series,  unless  the  bearded  one 

runs  out  of  familiar  old  melodies. 

I  Remember  Tommy,  Frank  Sinatra  (Reprise  1003) — Nostalgia  in  full 

flower,  as  The  Leader  recalls  the  days  when  he  was  known  as  The  Voice. 

A  Personal  Appearance,  Shelley  Berman  (Verve  15027) — Here's  a 

very  funny  man  with  very  funny  material.  What  more  do  you  want  from 

a  comedy  album? 

The  Highwaymen  (United  Artists  3125) — Watch  out,  Kingston  Trio, 

these  boys  are  liable  to  ambush  you  on  the  road — and  they  outnumber 

you,  too. 

The  Slightly  Fabulous  Limeliters  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2393)— Folk 

singing  at  its  best,  with  a  humorous  touch. 

Mexico,  Bob  Moore  (Monument  4005) — A  top  single  with  adult  appeal 

makes  this  LP,  with  11  more  South-of-the-Border  sounds,  appealing,  too. 

Songs  of  the  Soaring  60's,  Roger  Williams  (Kapp  1251)— Roger  is 

very  much  in  tune  with  the  times. 

He's  The  King,  Al  Hirt  and  His  Band  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2354)— Neo- 

Dixieland  served  up  by  a  master  showman. 

Rydell   at   the   Copa,    Bobby   Rydell    (Cameo   1011)— The   teen-age 

favorite  in  evening  clothes  for  a  well-received  night-club  appearance. 

Stereo  33/mm,  Enoch  Light  (Command  RS  826  SD) — Brilliant  sounds 

for  the  stereo  fan  and  music  lover  alike. 

Jamal's  Alhambra,  Ahmad  Jamal  (Argo  685) — An  expert  pianoman 

relaxing  in  his  own  club  and  making  everyone  feel  at  home. 


Percy  Faith:  Eternal  Summer 


^Hottest  Single!  Goodbye  Cruel  World,  James  Darren  (Col- 
pix) — Jimmy's  running  away  to  the  circus  'cause  he's  lost  his  girl. 
Unusual  sound  and  cute  idea. 


Tonight,  Ferrante  &  Teicher  (United  Artists) — This  haunting  melody 
from  the  musical  of  the  season,  given  full  expression  by  a  hit-making 
piano  duo. 

Happy  Birthday,  Sweet  Sixteen,  Neil  Sedaka  (RCA  Victor) — An 
obvious  bid  for  teen-age  popularity  that  pays  off. 

Run  To  Him,  Bobby  Vee  (Liberty)— A  ballad  with  that  bright,  up- 
tempo sound,  with  Bobby  singing  like  crazy. 

Everlovin'/A  Wonder  Like  You,  Rick  Nelson  (Imperial) — Ozzie  and 
Harriet  must  be  proud  of  their  boy,  who  can  make  a  hit  of  both  sides  of 
the  record. 

Heartaches,  The  Marcels  (Colpix) — These  boys  have  found  that  the 
best  songs  are  the  old  songs — like  "Blue  Moon." 

School  Is  In,  U.S.  Bonds  (Legrand) — A  rather  obvious  sequel  to  his 
"School  Is  Out,"  but  effective. 

God,  Country  and  My  Baby,  Johnny  Burnette  (Liberty) — An  emotion- 
packed  ballad  with  patriotic  overtones,  sung  by  Johnny  with  good  tone. 
Moon  River,  Jerry  Butler  (Vee  Jay)  &  Henry  Mancini  (RCA  Victor)  — 
Both  versions  of  this  song,  taken  from  the  score  of  "Breakfast  at  Tif- 
fany's," are  making  it  big. 

I  Don't  Know  Why,  Linda  Scott  (Canadian  American) — Linda's  dis- 
tinctive voice  and  styling  are  rapidly  building  her  a  fine  reputation  as  a 

I  Want  To  Thank  You/Door  to  Paradise,  Bobby  Rydell  (Cameo)  — 
The  first,  up-tempo  side  has  the  teenagers  jumping,  but  adults  are  digging 
the  ballad  side,  too. 

You're  the  Reason,  Bobby  Edwards  (Crest) — This  country  melody  has 
universal  appeal,  well  handled  by  Bobby. 


Crazy,  Patsy  Cline  (Decca). 

My  Heart  Belongs  Only  to  You/The  Way  I  Am,  Jackie  Wilson 


Somewhere  Along  the  Way,  Steve  Lawrence  (United  Artists). 

September  in  the  Rain,  Dinah  Washington  (Mercury). 

Gypsy  Woman,  The  Impressions  (ABC) . 

Nothing  in  the  World,  Marie  Knight  (Okeh) . 

There's  No  Other  Like  My  Baby,  The  Crystals  (Philles) . 

A  Certain  Girl/I  Cried  My  Last  Tear,  Ernie  K-Doe  (Minit). 

It  Will  Stand,  The  Showmen  (Minit). 

Dreamin'  About  You,  Annette  (Vista). 

Don't  Walk  Away  From  Me,  Dee  Clark  (Vee  Jay) . 

Seven  Day  Fool,  Etta  James  (Argo). 

Walk  On  By,  Leroy  Van  Dyke  (Mercury). 

Everybody's  Cryin',  Jimmie  Beaumont  (May). 

Little  Altar  Boy,  Vic  Dana  (Dolton). 

Fever,  Pete  Bennett  (Sunset). 

Joy,  Joy,  Joy,  Little  Richard  (Mercury). 

The  Unforgettable 
Poll  Brings  Memories 
of  the  Recent  Past 

•  When  the  great  melodies  of  the  "Rock 
and  Roll  Years"  are  recalled  with  misty 
eyes  at  succeeding  "Auld  Lang  Syne" 
New  Year's  celebrations,  which  ones 
will  come  to  mind?  Los  Angeles  radio 
station  KFWB  polled  its  listeners  to 
find  out  and  came  up  with  a  list  of  the 
"Unforgettable  Forty"  of  the  years 
1955  to  1960. 

Number  one  record  was  "Theme 
From  a  Summer  Place"  (1960)  by 
Percy  Faith. 

In  the  years  ahead,  are  these  the 
songs  they'll  be  referring  to  when  they 
say  "They  don't  write  'em  like  they 
used  to"?  Which  is  your  favorite  of 
the  recent  past?  Can  you  remember  all 
of  them — or  were  you  listening  to 
popular  music  during  these  years? 

Here's  the  rest  of  the  Unforgettable 
Forty,  in  order  of  their  popularity  in 
the  radio  poll: 

"Diana"  (1957)  Paul  Anka;  "Don't 
Be  Cruel  (1957)  Elvis  Presley;  "Tam- 
my" (1957)  Debbie  Reynolds;  "Six- 
teen Tons"  (1955)  Tennessee  Ernie 
Ford;  "Love  Letters  In  the  Sand" 
(1957)  Pat  Boone;  "Moonglow  and 
Theme  from  Picnic"  (1956)  Morris 
Stoloff;  "Chipmunk  Song"  (1958) 
David  Seville;  "Nel  Blu  Dipinto  Di 
Blu"  (1958)  Domenico  Modugno;  "El 
Paso"  (1960)  Marty  Robbins;  "Canad- 
ian Sunset"  (1956)  Hugo  Winterhalter; 
"Blueberry  Hill"  (1956)  Fats  Domino; 
"Heartbreak  Hotel"  (1956)  Elvis  Pres- 
ley; "Mack  the  Knife"  (1960)  Bobby 
Darin;  "Who's  Sorry  Now"  (1958) 
Connie  Francis;  "Honeycomb"  (1957) 
Jimmie  Rodgers;  "My  Prayer"  (1956) 
The  Platters;  "Tom  Dooley"  (1958) 
(Continued  on  page  76H) 



The  Unforgettable 
TOP   40  TUNES 

(Continued  from  page  76G) 

The  Kingston  Trio;  "Hound  Dog" 
(1957)  Elvis  Presley;  "Venus"  (1958) 
Frankie  Avalon. 

The  second  20  on  the  list  are: 
"Autumn  Leaves"  (1955)  Roger  Wil- 
liams; "Wake  Up  Little  Suzie"  (1957) 
Everly  Brothers;  "That'll  Be  the  Day" 

(1957)  The  Crickets;  "You  Send  Me" 

(1958)  Sam  Cooke;  "Silhouettes" 
(1958)    The    Rays;    "Don't    Let    Go" 

(1958)  Roy  Hamilton;  "Young  Love" 
(1957)  Sonny  James;  "March  from  the 
River  Kwai"  &  "Colonel  Bogey"  (1957) 
Mitch  Miller;  "Splish  Splash"  (1958) 
Bobby  Darin;  "Battle  of  New  Orleans 

(1959)  Johnny  Horton;  "Rock  Around 
the  Clock"  (1955)  Bill  Haley;  "Yakety 
Yak"  (1958)  The  Coasters;  "Poor 
Little  Fool"  (1958)  Ricky  Nelson; 
"Singin'  the  Blues"  (1957)  Guy  Mit- 
chell; "I'm  Walkin'"  (1957)  Fats 
Domino;  "Catch  a  Falling  Star"  (1958) 
Perry  Como;  "Donna"  (1958)  Richie 
Valens;  "Chances  Are"  (1957)  Johnny 
Mathis;  "Mr.  Blue"  (1959)  Fleet- 
woods; "Stagger  Lee"  (1959)  Lloyd 

At  the  Year's  End: 
A  Review  and  Preview 

(Continued  from  page  76A) 

fans  outside  her  race.  She  wowed  'em. 

With  the  sale  of  single  records  de- 
clining, manufacturers  had  various 
ruses  to  cope  with  the  situation.  Most 
labels  tried  to  make  their  one-shot 
singles  artists  into  best-selling  LP  stars. 
Few  succeeded.  Technical  and  packag- 
ing innovations  mushroomed.  Warner 
Bros,  issued  four  songs — two  old,  two 
new — for  the  price  of  a  single  record. 
Cadence  and  Mercury  decided  to  come 
out  with  a  "little  LP,"  which  would 
include  six  pop  tunes  for  $1.69.  And 
RCA  Victor  caused  a  mild  panic  among 
smaller  independent  labels  by  announc- 
ing a  new  pop  label,  Groove,  to  sell  for 
49  cents. 

Early  in  the  year  several  companies 
tried  to  get  public  acceptance  for  a 
33%  RPM  single — with  little  success. 
Experts  figured  that  first  would  have  to 
come  an  inexpensive  33%  record- 

The  main  trouble  with  the  record 
industry  seemed  to  be,  simply,  too 
many  records,  which  meant  you  had  it 
pretty  good,  with  an  almost  unlimited 
choice  of  records  to  buy. 






•  For  nearly  two  decades  Nat  King 
Cole  has  been  one  of  the  most  popular 
entertainers  in  show  business.  Capitol 
Records,  for  whom  he  has  recorded  for 
the  last  18  years — since  his  first  hit, 
"Straighten  Up  and  Fly  Right"  in  1943 
— has  produced  an  ambitious,  three-LP 
package  aptly  called  "The  Nat  King 
Cole  Story"   (Capitol  WCL  1613). 

It  comes  as  something  of  a  surprise 
in  hearing  these  records  to  realize  that 
Nat  Cole's  story  can  be  told  through 
his  records.  For  they're  all  here,  mak- 
ing you  realize  that  through  the  years 
the  mellifluous  voice  of  Nat  King  Cole 
has  been  hovering  in  the  air  about  you. 
The  melodies  were  a  backdrop  as  you 
overcame  shyness  at  the  high-school 
dance,  kissed  your  one-and-only  to  the 
murmur  of  the  car  radio,  or  in  later 
years  shared  cocktails  on  a  Saturday 
night  with  your  loving  spouse. 

These  "moments  to  remember"  are 
an  inevitable  part  of  the  Nat  King  Cole 
story.  That  is,  your  story  is  inseparable 
from  the  music  he  has  made  a  part  of 
your  life,  music  like  "Sweet  Lorraine," 
"It's  Only  a  Paper  Moon,"  "Nature 
Boy,"  "Mona  Lisa,"  "Walkin'  My  Baby 
Back  Home"  and  "Unforgettable." 

Thirty-six  of  Nat's  best-remembered 
songs  are  included  in  this  handsomely- 
produced  package.  In  rehearing  them 
all  at  one  sitting,  it  does  seem  like  "a 
little  much"  of  Nat  King  Cole.  All  have 
been  re-recorded  under  optimum  studio 

conditions — retaining  the  style  and 
arrangement  of  the  original,  to  be  sure, 
but  with  an  added  smoothness,  skill 
and  uniform  perfection  that  verges  on 
blandness.  There  is  no  denying,  how- 
ever, that  Nat  Cole  is  a  pro,  a 
thoroughly  disciplined  musician  and 
performer  whose  artistry  is  not  only 
unquestioned,  but  superb. 

Three  noted  jazz  critics — George  T. 
Simon,  Ralph  J.  Gleason  and  Leonard 
Feather,  have  contributed  laudatory 
articles  on  Cole  the  man  and  the  jazz 
artist,  and  on  his  discography.  As 
Simon  remarks,  "Times  have  changed 
since  Nat  Cole  started  his  career,"  and 
Nat  himself  puts  it  this  way:  "You 
grow  up  in  this  business  and  sooner  or 
later  you  accept  it  as  a  business.  You 
just  can't  remain  an  enthusiastic  young 
kid,  always  looking  for  the  bright  lights 
and  nothing  else.  After  a  while  you 
become  a  responsible,  grown-up  man." 

The  image  projected  of  him  is  just 
that,  of  a  devoted  family  man,  a  suc- 
cessful business  man  and  a  citizen 
concerned  about  the  rights  and  welfare 
of  his  people. 

It  is  precisely  for  this  reason  that 
some  of  the  remembered  vitality  of  his 
earlier  recordings,  especially,  is  mis- 
sing from  this  reprise  (if  Capitol  will 
pardon  the  use  of  the  word).  One 
vaguely  wishes  he  might  hear  again  the 
enthusiastic  young  kid  looking  for  the 
bright  lights. 



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Jill     III     I^IVIUI     1TIU|/|l«ll/. 


FEBRUARY,    1962 


fa.  tt»  IMm  Ssltn  Iwnrt  ftt  f<*  <<  W< 

VOL.  57,   NO.  3 



mm sitwus  u-«<  oi  mi  #uwiooo  wtf! 


That  Marvelous  Man  Garry  Moore by  Carol  Bar  twit 

"Kiss  Me  Sexy!  Kiss  Me  Sexy!"  (Clint  Eastwood) .  . .  .by  Mar  da  Minnette 
Has  the  Romance  Lost  Its  Flavor?  (Doug  McClure  and  Barbara  Luna) 
On  the  Wagon — Off  the  Wagon?  (Robert  Horton)..6y  Fredda  Balling 
Dolores  Hawkins'  Own  Story :  "Why  I  Refuse  to  Marry  Gardiner  McKay" 

The  Woman  Who  Really  Owns  Mr.  Frank  Sinatra  

Scars  of  the  Hollywood  Fire ! by  Connie  Stevens 

Two  for  the  Road  (Dick  Van  Dyke  and  Mary  Tyler  Moore  head  for  a  crash) 

Twist  with  Paul  Anka  and  Chubby  Checker 

Here's  How  Arthur  Murray  Is  Teaching  The  Twist ! 

"I  See  You  with  My  Heart  .  .  ."  (Ray  Charles) by  Martin  Cohen 

A  New  Love  for  Lucy  (Lucille  Ball  and  Gary  Morton) by  Ellen  Crane 

A  Bonus  for  Lady  Sports  Fans  (Bud  Palmer) by  James  Taylor 

How  We  Taught  Our  Daughters  the  Facts  of  Life.  . .  .by  Isabelle  Lennon 

The  Most  Sinister  Villain  of  All  (Bruce  Gordon) by  Morton  Cooper 

TV's  Durable  Darlings by  Betty  Etter 

There'll  Be  Some  Changes  Made by  Frances  Kish 

A  Head  for  Figures  (Joan  Freeman ) 


On  the  Record:  Special  8-page  Magazine  Within  a  Magazine 


Bright  and  Breezy  (Wally  Phillips  of  WGN-TV) 

Gobs  of  Talent  (Dave  Allen  and  Jim  Bolen  of  KMOX-TV) 

C'est  Magnifique    (Anne   Slack   on   KETV)     

A  Marked  Man  (Mitch  Michael  of  WOKY ) 






Information  Booth   4 

What's  New  on  the  East  Coast by  Peter  Abbott  6 

What's  New  on  the  West  Coast   by  Eunice  Field  14 

Beauty:  A  Way  with  Hands  (Reggie  Dombeck) by  Barbara  Marco  50 

New  Designs  for  Living  (needlecraft  and  transfer  patterns) 68 

New  Patterns  for  You   (smart  wardrobe  suggestions) 74 

Cover  Portrait  of  Carol  Burnett  and  Garry  Moore  by  Globe  Photos 

ANN  MOSHER,  Editor 

TERESA  BUXTON,  Managing  Editor 

Lorraine  biear,  Associate  Editor 



JACK  ZASORIN,  Art  Director 

FRANCES  MALY,  Associate  Art  Director 

EUNICE  field,  West  Coast  Representative 

Published  monthly   by  Macfadden   Publications,    Inc.    Executive,   Advertising,   and   Editorial 

Offices  at  205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y.   Editorial  Branch  Office,  434  N.   Rodeo  Dr., 

Beverly  Hills,  Calif.  Gerald  A.  Bartell,  Chairman  of  the  Board  and  President;   Frederick  A. 

Klein,   Executive  Vice-President-General  Manager;    Robert  L.   Young,  Vice-President;   S.   N. 

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revealing  HOLLYWOOD 


$250.  in  a  WEEK! 

"250.  profits  In  a  week, 
after  only  2  months  with 
Studio  Girl.  Wish  I'd 
answered  your  ad  five 
years  ago."  Egnar  Go- 
firth,  Denver,  Colo. 

$100.  in  a  DAY! 

"It's  a  real  thrill  to 
pocket  $100  profit  In  a 
single  day.  Never  dream- 
ed money  could  be  made 
so  easily."  Rex  Bennett, 
Vancouver,  B.C.,  Canada. 


-  ■■.-*■-.  ~>-  ' 

$20,000.  in  a  YEAR! 

"I  grossed  better  than 
$20,000  last  year.  Expect 
to  hit  $25,000  this 
year."  Herbert  Cotter, 
Taunton,  Mass. 

$800.  in  a  MONTH 
"$800.  month  profit 
and  swamped  with  or- 
ders. Didn't  think  an 
inexperienced  house- 
wife could  earn  a  new 
,  car  so  quick." 

$27.50  in  an  HOUR!] 

"The  $27.50  profit  anl 
I  hour  I  have  made  sure] 
i helps.  And  I  still  have! 
'plenty  of  time  to  spend  I 

with  my  family."  Gladys! 

Browniee,  Odessa,  Texas! 

Would  you  like 
to  be  in  this 
big  profit 
The  message 
below  tells 
how  you  can! 

The  few  minutes  it  takes  to  read  this  page 
I  may  change  your  whole  concept  of  the 
I  amount  of  money  you  can  make  in  a  glam- 
orous, respected  business.  No  matter  what 
your  age,  previous  experience  or  education,  I 
show  you  how  easy  it  can  be  for  you  to 
join  these  happy  people  from  all  walks  of 
life  who  enjoy  big  cash  profits,  security  and 
a  steadily  growing  repeat  order  business  as 
Studio  Girl  Beauty  Advisors  and  Managers. 


Established  nearly  20  years  ago,  Studio  Girl-Hollywood 
owns  Its  own  magnificent  40,000  square  foot  administra- 
tion building  and  factory  In  the  beauty  capital  of  the 
World-jut  minutes  away  from  the  major  movie  studios. 
There  Is  another  mammoth  laboratory,  plant  and  shipping 
headquarters  in  Philadelphia;  fashionable  Studio 
Girl  salons  in  major  cities  the  world  around! 
The  company  subscribes  100%  to  the  principles- 
Sf  the  National  Better  Business  Builders  and  the 
United  States  Chamber  of  commerce 
...your  banker  will  tell  you  of  Studio* 
Girl's  top  financial  rating  by  Oun  &. 
Bradstreet.  Yet  despite  its  tremendous 
i  success,   Studio  Girt  has  always  re- 
|  mained  a  family-like  organization  where 
everyone  is  friendly, cooperative, happy' 
and  prosperous. 

What  Other  Business  Pays  You  BIG 

BIG. Profits  Full  or  Spare  Time? 


Having;  Bold  things  for  others  all  of  my  life,  when  T  founded  my  own  business  in  1943.  I 
vowed  to  put  the  welfare  of  my  representatives  first.  I  knew  that  if  I  paid  my  representa- 
tives bigger  profits  and  gave  them  bigger  territories,  they  would  have  an  incentive  to  do 
a  better  job  for  me—so  I  worked  out  a  plan  where  I  can  pay  them  big  big  profits  on  all 
the  business  they  dot 


An  estimated  90%  of  Studio  Girl  customers  repeat  and  increase  their  purchases  month  after 
month,  year  after  year  1  And  yon  get  big,,  healthy  profits  each  time  they  dot  Ours  is  not  a 
seasonal  business — not  one  that  is  affected  by  recessions.  In  fact,  during  the  poor  economic 
conditions  of  the  past.  Studio  Girl's  butineee  wot  up  165%.' 

Along    with    the    beautiful    Studio    Girl  CANADIANS;  5fct  WWrvr™ 

Demonstration  Kit  and  exclusive  Holly- 
wood Beauty  Care  methods,  I  send  you  all 
the  information  and  closely  guarded 
Hollywood  make-up  secrets  proven  to  be 
so  successful  for  years.  My  profusely 
illustrated  "Career  Manual"  gives  you 
the  simple  step-by-step  instructions,  and 
a  dozen  magic  words  on  each  of  the  over 
200  products  in  the  Studio  Girl  line.  I 
furnish  everything,  show  you  exactly  what 
to  do  and  how  to  do  it. 

No  tedious  study  or  training.  Merely 
follow  the  simple,  proved  and  pictured 
step-by-step  instructions  and  I  guarantee 
you'll  be  making  profits  the  very  first 
day!  Many  Studio  Girl  Beauty  Advisors 
earn  more  than  $25  their  very  first  day! 


THIS  YEAR!  35.000.000  GOOD 

More  than  two  million  women  bought 
Studio  Girl  cosmetics  laet  year,  and  at  our 
present  rate,  we  will  double  that  figure 
this  year  I  In  fact,  our  market  research 
tells  us  we  have  35,000,000  excellent  new 
prospects — women  who  prefer  to  pur- 
chase cosmetics  from  a  trusted  confidant  in  the  privacy  of.  their  homes.  You  can  earn  up 
to  $10  an  hour  part  time — up  to  $350  a  week  full  time — helping  me  supply  this  growing 
demand  I 

A  Complete  Line  of  300  Glamorous  Cosmetics  to  Help  to  Build  Your  Business 

Never  will  you  have  to  turn  down  an  order  or  try  to  convert  a  customer  to  something 
she  shouldn't  buy  because  "you  don't  have  it".  In  addition  to  the  famous  line  of  daily- 
used  cosmetics,  you  will  sell  more  than  50  Birthday,  Anniversary  and  Holiday  gift  pack- 
ages from  beautiful,  full  color  catalog  pictures.  There's  a  handsome  line  of  men's  toiletries, 

etc. all    at    customer-appealing   money-saving   prices.     Each   Studio    Girl .  Cosmetic   is 

beautifully  packaged  in  regal  white  and  gold.  Each  is  manufactured  of  the  finest  medi- 
cally-approved salon-tested  ingredients,  right  in  our  own  modern  and  spotless  laboratories. 
The  quality  of  Studio  Girl  cosmetics  is  attested  to  by  the  fact  that  they  won  the  right  tp 
display  the  American  Medical  Association  Seal  of  Acceptance.  Every  Studio  Girl  cosmetic 
is  backed  by  a  written  guarantee  of  satisfaction  to  your  customer  I 


National  TV,  radio  and  magazine  advertising  have  made  the  name  of  Studio  Girl  known 
and  respected  throughout  the  world.  More  than  1.000  Radio  and  TV  stations  have  carried 
Studio  Girl  publicity  into  the  homes  of  countless  millions. 

•■Hour  or  u»i«i     .„  .,  .  .-•■•  -•-  .         _  kj  „  mag  c    s  proven  oy  mt  uems"- 
nate  door-to-door  "ll'ng.  Their  money-makng  mag  c       v  ^  (hcse  s  ,„ 

dous  profits  reaped  by  the  tn0U*an,°!nVey a„u|d'  make  all  week  long,  selling 
earn  more  in  a  matter  of  hours  than  tney  cou  Bea       c|jn|C  ?     y 

door-to-door.  Every  Person  who  a™""3,",, "production  has  an  opportunity  to 
or  whom  you  visit  as  a  result . a  Card  o e 'J  r°H°  „c      0„.s  |eading  furriers  or 


o!g  big  Profit  Studio  Girl  gives  you  on  every  order. 



If  you  have  been  a  crew  manager,  area  manager  or  supervisor,  or 
if  you  have  had  experience  giving  parties,  rush  your  picture  and 
details  of  your  experience.    Earn  up  to  $2500  a  month !    Win  free 
trips  to  Honolulu.  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico,  Paris ! 

You  Need  No  Selling  Experience,  No  Formal  Education 

You  may  be  in  your  20's,  or  in  your  60's  or  60's.  You  may  never 
have  sold  a  thing  in  your  life.  You  may  want  to  work  full  or  part 
time.  It  doesn't  matter!  If  you  want  to  earn  from  $5  to  $10  an 
hour ...  up  to  $250  a  week  in  a  glamorous,  highly  respected  busi- 
ness of  your  own,  all  you  need  is  ambition  and  willingness  to  follow 
a  few  simple  instructions.  I  furnish  everything  and  reveal  to  you 
Hollywood's  most  closely  guarded  beauty  secrets  I  You  simply  pass 
this  information  on  to  your  customers. 


Studio  Girl  representatives  are  en- 
couraged to  appoint  others  to  sell  with 
and  for  them.  Since  you  get  a  commis- 
sion on  orders  taken  by  those  you 
appoint,  you  can  easily  multiply  your 
earnings  in  a  very  short  time.  Many 
Studio  Girls  are  enjoying  profits  on  25 
and  30  others. 

As  a  Studio  Girl  Advisor,  you'll  win  new 
friends  and  take  tremendous  pride  in 
rendering  a  service  every  woman  needs 
so  desperately.  You'll  become  a  respected 
and  sought-after  member  of  your  com- 
munity. Scores  of  our  respresentativea 
are  asked  every  day  to  demonstrate  Stu- 
dio Girl's  short  cuts  to  beauty  to  women's 
clubs,   PTA  meetings,  etc. 


More  than  10,000  happy, 
big-money  making  full 
time  Beauty  Advisors. 
Thousands  more  earning 

Soenings  available  for  I  Hundreds  of  men  now 
hSsbandwi?e  teams  to  "  reaping  big. profits  as 
make  $1750  monthly  pro- 

I    full-time   highly  respec- 

up  to  $5  per  hour  part  j   ^  own 

family    business 

of   I   Advisors,  Organizers  and 
1    Managers. 

If  you  seriously  want  to  enjoy  the  luxuries  or 
lire,  you  owe  It  to  yourself  to  write  ror  complete 
details  on  a  Studio  Girl  .  career.  I'll  enclose  a 
booklet,  revealing  typical  Studio  Girl  "success 
stories";  plus  a  generous  assortment  of  usable 
Studio  Girl  Cosmetic  samples.  There's  no  obliga- 
tion .  .  .  not  a  penny's  cost  to  you.  now  or  evert 
Mail   coupon  today. 





FREE!  MAIL  TODAY!  Receive  Free  Usable  STUDIO  GIRL  SAMPLES! 

STUDIO  GIRL,  Dept.  1022 
3618  San  Fernando  Rd..  GUndalt.  Calif. 
IN  CANADA:  8SO  laFleur  Ave.,  Ville  La  Salle,  Montreal. 
Your  STUDIO  GIRL  opportunity  sounds  wonderful!  Is  it  really  all  you 
say?  Satisfy  rny  curiosity  at  one*  and  rush  full   information  on   be- 
coming a  STUDIO  GIRL  Beauty  Advisor.  Don't  forget  to  send  my 
assortment  of  free  usable  STUDIO  GIRL  Cosmetic  Samples. 
Name:  J"?  R 


JZon* State. 

Schussing,  curving, 
cavorting... and  then 


111  just  pick 

myself  up... 







I  love  being  active  all  winter  long,  every 
single  month,  every  single  day  of  the 
month.  So  naturally  I  use  Tampax. 

Tampax®  internal  sanitary  protection  is 
just  as  wonderful  in  the  winter  as  it  is  in 
the  summer.  Never  chafes.  No  bulk  under 
heavy  clothes  or  clinging  stretch  pants. 
Prevents  odor.  Ends  disposal  problems. 
And  a  package  of  10  Tampax  tucks  con- 
veniently into  your  purse  or  overnight  bag. 

Try  the  modern  way,  the  nicer  way,  the 
way  of  freedom.  Try  Tampax.  Your  choice 
of  3  absorbency  sizes  (Regular,  Super, 
Junior)  wherever  such  products  are  sold. 

TA  AA  DAY  Incorporated 
I  r^l  V  1  rrV\  Palmer,  Mass. 

Information  Booth 

■     ^     »"■-'?; 

Audrey's  son  Jay  likes  to  talk  on 
phone  almost  as  much  as  his  mom. 

Some  Quickies 

/  would  like  to  know  if  Pernell  Rob- 
erts is  married. 

B.B.,  Larose,  Louisiana 
No,  he  is  not. 

Please  tell  me  if  John  Forsythe  and 
Henderson  Forsythe  are  related. 

J.T.,    Westfield,   Massachusetts 
No,  they  are  not. 

How   old  is  Rod   Taylor   and  is   he 

D.W.,  Toronto,  Ontario 
Rod  is  31  and  a  bachelor. 

/  would  like  to  know  when  and  where 
Eddie  Hodges  was  born. 

P.D.,  St.   Genevieve,  Quebec 

Eddie  was  born  in  Hattiesburg,  Mis- 
sissippi,  on   March   5,   1947. 

Can    you    please    tell    me    if   Hugh 
O' Brian  is  married  and  how  old  he  is? 
P.T.,  Omaha,  Nebraska 
Hugh  is  36  and  not  married. 

All  About  Audrey 

/    would    like    to    know    something 
about  the  actress  Audrey  Peters. 

W.P.,  New  City,  New  York 

If  it  weren't  for  a  knee  injury,  Aud- 
rey Peters  might  never  have  thought  of 
becoming  a  dramatic  actress.  The 
pretty  blonde  native  of  Maplewood, 
New  Jersey,  began  taking  dancing 
lessons  at  the  age  of  four,  and,  by  the 
time  she  was  twenty-one,  had  already 
appeared  in  several  Broadway  musi- 
cals. Audrey  would  have  been  content 
with  her  dancing  career,  but  one  day 
she  tore  some  cartilage  in  her  knee 
and  the  doctors  said  she  might  have  a 
permanent  limp.  The  thought  suddenly 
occurred  to  Audrey  that  she  wasn't 
equipped  to  do  anything  but  dance.  So, 
she  promptly  began  taking  drama  les- 
sons and  exercises  to  cure  the  limp. 
She  has  since  appeared  in  such  TV 
shows  as  The  Verdict  Is  Yours  and  U.S. 
Steel  Hour  and  is  currently  seen  as 
Vanessa  Sterling  on  Love  Of  Life. 

Colling  All  Fans 

The  following  fan  clubs  invite  new 
members.  If  you  are  interested,  write 
to  address  given — not  to  TV  Radio 

Chubby  Checker  Fan  Club,  Frank 
Pettis,  2361  E.  Grand  Blvd.,  Detroit  11, 

Chuck  Connors  Fan  Club,  Candy 
Mues,  709  Exeter  Rd.,  Linden,  New 

Michael  Rennie  Fan  Club,  Lyn  Riker, 
65  W.  Montrose,  S.  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

Margarita  Sierra  Fan  Club,  Louisa 
Carrillo,  Route  3,  Ennis,  Texas. 

Richard  Webb  Fan  Club,  Gwennie 
Winters,  205  First  St.,  Beaver,  Penn- 

We'll  answer  questions  about  radio 
and  TV  in  this  column,  provided 
they  are  of  general  interest.  Write 
to  Information  Booth,  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York 
17,  N.  Y.  Attach  this  box,  specify- 
ing network  and  program  involved. 
Sorry,  no  personal  answers. 


Win  Your  Share  Of  A 







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All  prizes  paid  promptly  in  full.  Enter  now!  And  make  yourself  eligible 
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all-cash  first  prize! 


IN  6  YEARS  $421,500.00  OFFERED 

In  just  6  years,  National  Book  Club  contests  have  offered  $371,500.00  in 
prizes!  That's  a  whale  of  a  lot  of  money!  But  this  new  National  Book  Club 
Game,  with  its  additional  $50,000.00  in  prizes,  will  boost  that  grand  total  to 
an  amazing  $421,500.00!  If  you  are  18  years  of  age  or  older  and  live  in  the 
U.  S.,  Canada,  or  a  U.  S.  Possession,  you  are  eligible  to  enter  this  fabulous 
contest.  It  is  sponsored  by  the  National  Book  Club,  Inc.  All  judging  will 
be  conducted  in  an  impartial,  impersonal  manner  to  assure  absolute 
equality  of  opportunity  to  all.  All  contestants  will  receive  exact  information 
on  tbe  outcome  of  the  contest . . .  including  names  of  all  winners,  plus  correct 
puzzle  solutions.  All  prizes  will  be  paid  promptly,  in  full,  IN  CASH! 


— —   BOX  777  •  GLEN  COVE,  NEW  YORK  — — 


Paste  Your  Answer-Coupon  On  Postcard 
National  Book  Club,  Inc.        or  Mal1  ln  Envelope 
Box  777,  Glen  Cove, 
My  Answer  to  Puzzle  I 

e,N.Y.  J^r 
e  No.  1  is:  V^    |_ 

I  want  full  particulars  about  the  National  Book  Club's  $50,000.00  "Treasure 
Chest"  Game.  Please  mall  me  FREE  the  Official  Entry  Forms,  Rules  and 
the  1st  Set  of  Puzzles. 


I    Name 


|     Address. 




Together   on    TV — Steve   and    wife    Eydie. 

Whats  New  on  the 


Joining  Mitch  Miller  in  a   "sing-along" — Leslie   Uggams. 


All  set  for  golf  tournament  show — Bing  Crosby  with  Jim  McKay. 
For  What's  New  on  the  West  Coast,  See  Page  14 


Let's  Twist  Again:  Jack  Benny's 
contract  up  for  grabs.  The  binder  to 
CBS  expires  this  season  and  every 
network  wants  him  in  its  act.  .  .  . 
Westerly  winds  whisper  that  Elvis 
would  like  to  be  admitted  to  Sinat- 
ra's Rat  Pack.  .  .  .  Dick  Van  Dyke's 
video  wife,  Mary  Tyler  Moore,  sepa- 
rated from  her  husband,  CBS  sales- 
man Richard  Meeker.  They  have  one 
child,  Richie,  age  five.  .  .  .  Don't 
Bobby  Darin's  ex-flames  ever  fall  in 
love  again?  Connie  Francis  seems 
farther  from  a  steady  than  ever,  and 
Jo- Ann  Campbell  hardly  dates  at  all. 
Good  news  on  Jo-Ann,  though — 
she's  making  a  movie  on  the  Para- 
mount lot,  "Hey,  Let's  Twist."  .  .  . 
Bus  Stop  working  on  an  adaptation 
of  Hemingway's  "My  Old  Man"  for 
early  spring  showing.  .  .  .  Upcoming 
dramatic  production,  "Three  Roads 
to  Rome,"  promises  to  be  one  of  the 
big    TV    (Continued    on    page    12) 

*199  PER  HALF  ACRE 

I  here  is  a  broad  ribbon  of  highway  that  begins  in  the  heart  of  Savannah, 
Georgia  and  winds  for  3000  miles  to  its  terminus  in  exciting  Los  Angeles. 
This  ribbon  is  mighty  Route  80— the  most  travelled  all-weather  highway  in 
the  U.S.  Millions  of  Americans  have  followed  it  to  the  West,  coursing  through 
the  rich  hills  of  Georgia  and  Alabama,  passing  through  the  heart  of  Missis- 
sippi and  Louisiana  and  entering  into  the  plains  of  Texas.  Gradually  the 
scenery  begins  to  change.  Texas  begins  to  roll;  distant  hills  become  higher. 
Then  suddenly  one  emerges  into  "The  Land  of  Enchantment."  New  Mexico's 
wonders  erupt  in  a  blaze  of  color  and  majesty.  The  mighty  mountains  thrust 
themselves,  tree-topped,  into  the  unimaginable  blue  of  the  sky.  Dust  and 
smoke  have  vanished  from  the  air  and  the  lungs  drink  in  great  delicious 
draughts  in  heady  delight.  If  it  is  wintertime  snow  may  cap  the  lofty  moun- 
tains. If  it  is  spring  or  summer  or  fall  the  unspoiled  air  touches  the  skin 
softly  and  the  feeling  of  well-being  is  nowhere  else  equalled.  But  winter  or 
summer,  it  is  almost  certain  the  sun  will  be  shining  in  New  Mexico-the 
sunniest,  healthiest  state  of  all  50.  Yet  great  80  is  just  beginning  to  take 
you  through  the  sunshine  wonderland  of  America.  In  the  tropical  south- 
western pocket  of  our  country  you  glide  through  towns  like  Las  Cruces  and 
Deming.  A  short  while  westward  and  you  are  in  Tucson  and  Phoenix,  Arizona, 
and  from  there  the  West  Coast  beckons.  But  nowhere  in  this  enchanting 
Southwest  is  there  a  more  beautiful  area  than  the  mountain-rimmed,  pure- 
aired  New  Mexico  region  of  Las  Cruces  and  Deming. 

To  live  anywhere  in  New  Mexico  is  to  live  better.  The  superb  climate, 
naturally  air-conditioned  in  the  summer  and  brilliantly  sunny  in  the  winter 
—the  breathtaking  beauty  of  a  lavish  Nature— the  young  vigor  of  a  state  that 
is  causing  an  unprecedented  business  and  investment  boom— the  record 
which  shows  that  one  lives  longer,  that  health  improvement  is  almost 
miraculous— these  are  the  reasons  that  tens  of  thousands  of  Americans 
already  have  come  here  to  live,  and  hundreds  of  thousands  of  others  will 
be  following  in  the  immediate  years  ahead. 

Consider  then:  Here  in  the  center  of  this  miraculous  climate  and  beauty 
are  towns  which  have  grown  amazingly  in  the  last  10  years.  Las  Cruces,  for 
example:  In  1950  it  had  12,000  people.  By  1960, 37,000 ...  a  rise  of  300% 
in  10  years!  (How  about  your  town?  Has  it  grown  3  times  its  size  in  10  years?) 
Like  Tucson  and  Phoenix,  this  area  is  a  beautiful  semi-tropical  paradise 
where  palm  trees  and  long  staple  cotton-fields  flower  the  landscape. 
Statistics  show  the  same  85%  of  possible  sunshine,  summer  and  winter; 
these  same  figures  reveal  even  purer,  drier  air  than  in  Phoenix  or  Tucson. 

A  few  minutes  from  the  flavorful  town  of  Deming  (population  8,000)  is  a 
5,000  acre  Ranch,  picture-framed  by  the  breathtaking  Florida  Mountains.  So 
real,  so  beautiful,  so  typically  the  romance  of  the  Southwest  is  this  valley 
Ranch  that  it  has  been  photographed  for  the  covers  of  many  magazines 
including  the  official  publication  of  the  State  of  New  Mexico.  What  better 
way  to  describe  its  Southwestern  flavor  than  to  tell  you  that  when  the 
producers  of  the  movie  THE  TALL  TEXAN  sought  an  authentic  locale  for  their 
picture,  they  chose  the  very  land  we  are  now  sub-dividing  into  the  DEMING 
RANCHETTES.  THE  TALL  TEXAN  was  filmed  on  our  ranch,  the  same  place 
where  you  may  have  a  Ranchette  of  your  very  own! 

This  is  the  lovely  basin  of  land  where  heavy  equipment  is  now  at  work 
constructing  wide  roads  facing  every  DEMING  RANCHETTE.  Every  Ranchette 
will  have  direct  access  to  avenues  leading  to  three  major  highways  sur- 
rounding our  property— U.S.  Highways  80,  70  and  State  Highway  11. 

$5  DOWN       $5  PER  MONTH 

DEMING  RANCHETTES  is  blessed  with  water  which  is  called  "America's 
finest  drinking  water,  99.99%  pure."  (Almost  every  shop  in  Deming  displays 
this  proud  claim  in  its  window.)  Home  building  has  already  begun  in 
DEMING  RANCHETTES  and  electric  lines  and  telephone  connections  await 
you.  Schools,  hospitals,  churches,  shops,  theaters,  golf  course,  tennis  courts 
—these  are  close  by  in  the  charming  growing  city  of  Deming.  Fertile  soil  is 
yours  for  the  planting,  and  wait  until  you  see  the  stunning  landscape  of 
cotton  fields  in  bloom.  Fruit  trees . . .  apple,  peach,  pear  and  plum ...  do 
not  grow  better  anywhere. 

And  the  price  of  your  Ranchette?  Just  $199  complete  for  a  half-acre,  $5 
down  and  $5  monthly.  That's  the  complete  price— no  extras,  no  interest,  no 
taxes!  At  this  moment  you  may  reserve  as  many  half-acre  sites  as  you  wish 
but  please  bear  this  in  mind:  DEMING  RANCHETTES  is  not  an  enormous 
development  and  land  such  as  this  goes  fast.  At  these  prices  you  may  want 
your  Ranchette  to  be  larger— one,  two— even  five  acres.  An  immediate 
deposit  will  guarantee  that  your  half-acres  will  adjoin  each  other  (this  may 
not  be  so  in  the  near  future).  And  you  take  no  risk  in  sending  your 
deposit  Your  $5  per  half-acre  will  definitely  reserve  your  land  but  does  not 
obligate  you.  You  have  the  unqualified  right  to  change  your  mind  30  days 
after  we  send  you  your  Purchaser's  Agreement,  Property  Owner's  Kit,  Maps 
and  Photographs— 30  full  days  to  go  through  the  portfolio,  check  our 
references,  talk  it  over  with  the  family.  If,  during  that  time,  you  should 
indeed  change  your  mind  your  reservation  deposit  will  be  instantly 
refunded.  (Deming  and  Albuquerque  Bank  references.) 

Ten  years  ago,  in  nearby  Las  Cruces,  a  comparable  fertile  half-acre  such 
as  we  offer  in  DEMING  RANCHETTES  could  have  been  bought  for  $199.  Today 
it's  up  to  $2000!  Experienced  realtors  predict  the  same  future  for  Deming- 
in  a  much  shorter  time!  If  this  makes  sense  to  you  your  next  act  is  mailing 
the  coupon  below.  And  one  more  thing:  we  promise  that  no  salesman  will 
annoy  you.  Thanks,  sincerely,  for  your  attention. 



112  West  Pine  Street,  Deming,  New  Mexico 

Gentlemen:  I  wish  to  reserve  the  following  site  in  Deming  Ranchettes: 
D  Vz  acre  for  $199. 1  enclose  $5  as  a  deposit. 
D  1  acre  for  $395. 1  enclose  $10  as  a  deposit. 

□  1  Vz  acres  for  $590. 1  enclose  $15  as  a  deposit. 

□  2Vz  acres  for  $975. 1  enclose  $25  as  a  deposit. 
D  5  acres  for  $1925. 1  enclose  $50  as  a  deposit. 

Please  rush  complete  details,  including  my  Purchaser's  Agreement, 
Property  Owner's  Kit,  Maps,  Photographs  and  all  data.  It  is  strictly 
understood  that  I  may  change  my  mind  within  30  days  for  any  reason 
and  that  my  deposit  will  be  fully  and  instantly  refunded  if  I  do. 








Today's  best-selling 
album.  «rom  An.T.c- .  . 
fading  record 

,  exclusively  fro^m  the 
Columbia  record  club. 


April  Love 



10.  Also:  Arrive derci, 
Roma;  Oh,  My  Papa; 
Moonlight  Love;  etc. 


•  "Jf-  Battle  of 
1  New  Orleans 
,  Sink  the 
■' :    North  to  Alaska 
Lconv.i.j   plus  9  more 

67.  Also:  Comanche, 
lohnny  Reb.  The  Man- 
sion You  Stole,  etc 

8.  Also:  Singin'  in 
the  Rain,  Hello!  My 
Baby,  (da,  etc. 

SUITE      -™ 


96.  This  brilliant 
musical  painting  is 
an  American  classic 


,    i    b  • 

J  "  Michel 
1       Legrand 

■q  £.       and  his 


|  Gunfigh  ter  Ballads 


Big  Iron  ' 
I  Cool  Water 

[[Columbia!     -9  M<H«  ' ;, 

12G.  La  Vie  en  Rose, 
The  Last  Time  I  Saw 
Paris,  plus  13  more 

71.  Also:  Billy  the 
Kid,  Running  Gun,  In 
the  Valley,  etc. 


JOHNNY'S  MOOD    ■  ■m  .... 

4.  Also:  I'm  in  the 
Mood  for  Love,  How 
High  the  Moon,  etc. 

3.  Also:  Moonlight 
Becomes  You,  More 
Than  You  Know,  etc. 




Leonard  Bernstein  E 
H  Y.  Philharmonic  I 

Norman  Luboff  Choir 

I'll  Never 
Smite  Again 

Paper  Ooll 

The  Breeze  and  I 

plus  9  more 

100.  "Skillfully  per- 
formed,  beautifully 
recorded"-High  Fid. 

36.  Taking  A  Chance 
on  Love,  South  of 
the  Border,  10  more 

\    BRAND -Mew 

,The   w°*t  excit- 
'"9  values  antt 

greatest  savings 

e"er  offered 

ar»y  record  dub' 

TOP  STARS  IN     | 

l       .  CUASSICAL 

&     .populA^y 

7.  California,  Ava> 
Ion,  Moonlight  Bay, 
16  favorites  in  all 



82.  I'll  Never  Stop 
Loving  You,  For  All 
We  Know,  8  more 

72.  Also:  Streets  of 
Laredo;  Ride,  Cowboy 
Ride;  El  Paso;  etc. 

99.  "A  performance 
of  manly  eloquence" 
-New  York  Times 

37.  Blue  Moon,  Fools 
Rush  In,  Don't  Worry 
'Bout  Me,  9  more 



Remember  When? 

Smoke  Get: 
In  tour  Eyes 


«t  Love 

Mr  Blue 


2.  Also:  Somebody 
Loves  Me,  Thanks  for 
the  Memory,  etc 


A  Debussy 

Piano  Recital  by 


98.  "Extraordinarily 
beautiful. ..brilliant, 
silvery"— N.Y.  Times 


Piano  Concertos  ttos.  1  &  2 

I  .. 


114.  "Serkin  forges 
through  both  with 

77.  Take  Five,  Three 
to  Get  Ready,  Every- 
body's Jumpin',  etc 


Peg  O' My  Heart 

Deep  Purple 


—10  More 

6.  Also:  Malaguena, 
Sabre  Oance,  Perfi- 
dia.  Mam'selfe,  etc 

61.  All  the  delight- 
ful music  from  the 
year's  gayest  comedy 

from  GERM? 

90.  Lighthearted 
singing,  lusty  and 
utterly  delightful 

106.  "Superbly  play- 
ed, exciting"— Amer. 
Record  Guide 

47.  One  Mint  Julep, 
Rib  Joint,  Mangos, 
Pink  Lady,  7  more 

. . .  and  as  a  new  member  you  may  take 

ANY  6 

of  these  superb  $3.98  to  $6.98  long-playing 
12-inch  records  — in  your  choice  of 





UP  TO   $37.88 

if  you  join  the  Club  now  and  agree  to  purchase 
as  few  as  6  selections  from  the  more  than  400 
to  be  made  available  during  the  coming  12  months 





out  of  grooves. 




-8  MORE 

45.  Also:  The  Third 
Man  Theme,  Rumble, 
Honky-Tonk,  etc 

110.  "Ormandy  has 
wrought  a  smalt  mir- 
acle"-HiFi  Review 

58.  "Comic  genius... 
continually  hilari- 
ous"—HiFi  Review 



60.  "Best  new  com- 
edian of  the  decade" 
-Playboy  Magazine 

1 15.  Superb  perform, 
ance  of  this  enchant- 
ing  ballet  score 

19.  "Lighthearted, 
winning  informality" 
-HiFi  Stereo  Review 

17.  There  Goes  My 
Heart,  Love  Walked 
In,  Call  Me,  9  more 

31.  Clap  Yo'  Hands, 
But  Not  for  Me,  Man 
I  love,  plus  9  more 

107.  "Probably  the 
finest  dramatic  so- 

Begin  the  Beguine 
Where  or  When 
)        10  More 

101.  "The  most  excit- 
ing reading  I've  ever 
heard"-High  Fidel. 

89.  Fandangos,  Se- 
villanas,  Alegrias. 
Tanguillos,  8  more 

97.  Mr.  Brailowsky 
is  "a  poet  of  the 
piano"-N.Y.  Times 

217  Also:  Song  from 
Moulin  Rouge,  Ebb 
Tide,  etc. 

22.  Also:  I've  Told 
Every  Little  Star, 
Black  Magic,  etc. 

78.  Bye  Bye  Black* 
bird,  Watkin',  All 
of  You,  etc. 



on  COLUMBIA  records 

119.  Memories  Sing  Along.  My 

Blue  Heaven,  Sleepy  Time  Gal, 
The  Bowery,  Dixie,  19  in  all 


on  WARNER  BROS,  records 

73.  A  Date  With  the  Everly 
Brothers.  Cathy's  Clown, 
Love  Hurts,  Lucille,  9  more 


on  COLUMBIA  records 

117.  Somebody  Loves  Me.  Golden 
Earrings,  Green  Leaves  of  Sum- 
mer, It  Had  to  Be  You,  9  more 


on  KAPP  records 

11.  Yellow  Bird.  Green- 
sleeves,  An  Affair  to 
Remember,  Gigi,  9  more 


on  COLUMBIA  records 

28.  Show  Time.  The  Sound  of  Mu» 
sic,  Surrey  With  the  Fringe  on 
Top,  I  Love  Paris,  Ohio,  8  more 


on  COLUMBIA  records 

116.  Faithfully.  And  This  is 
My  Beloved,  Secret  Love,  Blue 
Gardenia,  Tonight,  12  in  all 


on  EPIC  records 

112.  Dvorak:  Symphony 
No.  5  "The  New  World" 
The  Cleveland  Orchestra 


on  MERCURY  records 

1.  Encore  of  Golden  Hits.  My 

Prayer,  Twilight  Time,  Great 

Pretender,  Only  You,  8  more 


on  UNITED  ARTISTS  records 

118.  Golden  Pianos.  Warsaw  Con- 
certo, Miserlou,  Exodus,  Begin 
the  Beguine,  Bewitched,  7  more 


on  COLUMBIA  records 

95.  Gershwin:  Rhapsody  in 
Blue;  An  American  in  Paris 
New   York   Philharmonic 


If  you  join  the  Columbia  Record  Club  during  its  Winter  Bonus  Festival, 
you  will  receive  ANY  SIX  records  of  your  choice  for  only  $1.89  !  Never 
before  has  the  Club  offered  so  many  records  for  so  little  money! 
What's  more,  you'll  also  receive  a  handy  record  brush  and  cleaning 
cloth  — an  additional  value  of  $1.19  — absolutely  FREE. 

Just  look  at  the  brand-new  selection  of  records  you  now  have  to 
choose  from  . . .  more  best-selling  albums,  more  great  artists,  more 
record  labels  than  ever  before !  There  are  80  records  in  all— including 
the  10  albums  described  under  the  artists'  photographs  featured  above. 

TO  RECEIVE  YOUR  6  RECORDS  FOR  ONLY  $1.83  —  fill  in  and  mail  the 
postage-paid  card  provided.  Be  sure  to  indicate  whether  you  want 
your  6  records  (and  all  future  selections)  in  regular  high-fidelity  or 
stereo.  Also  indicate  which  Club  Division  best  suits  your  musical 
taste:  Classical;  Listening  and  Dancing;  Broadway,  Movies,  Television 
and  Musical  Comedies;  Jazz. 

HOW  THE  CLUB  OPERATES:  Each  month  the  Club's  staff  of  music  ex- 
perts selects  outstanding  records  from  every  field  of  music.  These 
selections  are  fully  described  in  the  Club's  entertaining  and  informa- 
tive music  Magazine,  which  you  receive  free  each  month. 

You  may  accept  the  monthly  selection  for  your  Division  ...  or  take 
any  of  the  wide  variety  of  other  records  offered  in  the  Magazine, 
from  all  Divisions  ...  or  take  no  record  in  any  particular  month.  Your 
only  membership  obligation  is  to  purchase  six  selections  from  the 
more  than  400  records  to  be  offered  in  the  coming  12  months> 
Thereafter,  you  have  no  further  obligation  to  buy  any  additional  rec- 
ords . . .  and  you  may  discontinue  your  membership  at  any  time. 

FREE  BONUS  RECORDS  GIVEN  REGULARLY.  If  you  continue  as  a  mem. 
ber  after  purchasing  six  records,  you  will  receive  — FREE— a  Bonus 
record  of  your  choice  for  every  two  additional  selections  you  buy. 
The  records  you  want  are  mailed  and  billed  to  you  at  the  regular 
list  price  of  $3.98  (Classical  $4.98;  occasional  Original  Cast  record- 
ings somewhat  higher),  plus  a  small  mailing  and  handling  charge. 
Stereo  records  are  $1.00  more. 

MAIL  THE  POSTAGE-PAID  CARD  TODAY  to  receive  your  6  records - 
plus  your  FREE  record  brush  and  cleaning  cloth  — for  only  $1.89. 

|  NOTE:  Stereo  records  must  be  played  only  on  a  stereo  record  player.] 

More  than  1,250,000  families  now  enjoy  the  music  program  of 
COLUMBIA  RECORD  CLUB,  Terre  Haute,  Ind. 


1861*1     11865 

91.  Also:  Londonder- 
ry Air,  Blessed  Are 
They  That  Mourn,  etc. 


C« TOP  (Of 








plus  13  more 

92.  The  Bonnie  Blue 
Flag,  Battle  Cry  of 
Freedom,  Dixie,  etc. 

S3.  "Most  lavish  and 
beautiful  musical,  a 
triumph"-  Kilgallen 

62.  Also:  Some  Like 
It  Hot,  Magnificent 
Seven,  Smile,  etc. 

57.  "Champion 
blockbuster  movie" 
-The  Music  Reporter 

93-94.  Two-Record  Set  (Counts  as  Two 
Selections.)  The  Mormon  Tabernacle 
Choir;  Ormandy,  The  Philadelphia  Orch. 


cash    I  JOHNNY 





59.  "Hilarious  .  .  ." 
— L.  A.  Examiner.  Not 
available  in  stereo 

^r  w 

41.  Dark  Eyes,  Two 
Guitars,  Hora  Stac- 
cato, 14  in  all 

70.  Clementine,  My 
Grandfather's  Clock, 
Drink  to  Me,  9  more 

69.  Also:  One  More 
Ride,  I  Still  Miss 
Someone,  etc. 



plus  - Valae  Tnite  * 
Sweoith  Rhapsody  ■ 

102.  "Electrifying 
performance . . .  over- 
whelming"-HiFi  Rev. 






55.  "A  hit  of  gargan- 
tuan proportions!" 
-N.Y.  Daily  Mirror 

103.  "Glowingly 
beautiful,  full  of 
color"-N.Y.  Times 

44.  King  Kamehame- 
ha.  Blue  Hawaii, 

29.  Onward  Christian 
Soldiers,  Rock  of 
Ages,  12  in  all 

54.  The  best-selling 
Original  Cast  record- 
ing of  all  time 




15.  When  I  Fall  in 
Love,  I  Understand, 
Song  is  Ended,  etc. 

79.  Smoke  Gets  in 
Your  Eyes,  My  Fun- 
ny Valentine,  10  more 





<?  Jk 

HITS  <2 

64.  "A  complete  joy  fresh- 
ness" -  High  Fidel. 

23.  Just  Because,  I 
Walk  the  Line,  Jea- 
lous  Heart,   9   more 

18.  Don't  Blame  Me, 
More  Than  You  Know, 
For  You,  12  in  all 

24.  Also:  Rawhide, 
Wanted  Man,  The 
3:10  to  Yuma,  etc. 

20.  Riders  in  the 
Sky,  I  Am  a  Roving 
Gambler,  10  more 

HITS  ,#C 
FROM  •«*• 

lealunnj  PERCY  FAITH'S  an{inll 

DORIS  DAY-Pitlow  Talk 
dltit  10  matt 



39.  Also:  When  I  Fall 
in  Love,  Like  Some- 
one in  Love,  etc. 

63.  Also:  Tony  Ben- 
nett —  Smile;  Vic 
Damone  -  Gigi;  etc. 

65.  "Audience  was 
beside  itself  with, 
pleasure"  N-V,  Times 

25.  I'm  Always  Chas- 
ing Rainbows,  Sere- 
nade, 12  in  all 

105.  "A  masterful 
account  of  this  mas- 
sive work"-HiFi  Rev. 

13.  Also:  So  Close, 
Hurtin'  Inside,  So 
Many  Ways,  etc. 

38.  Romance,  Theme 
from  The  Apartment, 
Love  Affair,  9  more 

®  "Columbia,"  (g),  "Epic,"  ®  Marcas  Reg.  ©  Columbia  Record  Club,  Inc.,  1962 

■"^    Can 

tHatf  Have 
Hm?  Her 

27.  Never  Let  Me  Go, 
Jungle  Fever,  Down 
By  the  Riverside,  etc. 



II huts  New  on  the 

(Continued  from  page  6) 

shows  of  the  year.  Slated  for  ABC- 
TV,  it  will  star  Deborah  Kerr  in 
three  different  roles.  The  working 
staff  includes  TV's  best — producer 
Fred  Coe,  director  Arthur  Penn  and 
writer  Tad  Mosel. 

Kicks  &  Co.:  When  the  Steve 
Lawrences  guest  on  The  Garry  Moore 
Show  January  9,  the  camera  will 
focus  on  Eydie  Gorme  well  above  the 
waist.  Eydie  will  be  just  a  half- 
dozen  weeks  or  so  away  from  a 
second  child.  .  .  .  Loretta  Young  may 
be  back  in  the  fall.  She's  trying  to 
sell  a  new  series  in  which  she  plays 
the  mother  of  five.  .  .  .  TV  shows  will 
shrink  next  season.  Sponsors  un- 
happy with  the  full-hour  series  and 
all  new  projects  are  being  based  on 
the  thirty-minute  format.  In  fact,  for 
the  small  sponsors,  they  will  develop 
five-  and  ten-minute  shows.  .  .  . 
Walter  Winchell  blasts  TV  as  being 
hog-tied  by  internal  "timidity,  skep- 
ticism, cynicism,  commercialism  and 
mediocrity,"  but  he  continues  to  earn 
a  fat  fee  for  narrating  The  Untouch- 

Heads  Up:  A  nameless  exec  at 
one  of  the  networks  estimates  that 
one  out  of  every  three  TV  celebrities 

And  baby  makes  seven — Hal  and  Candy  March  introduce  Victoria. 

New   TV  show  plans,  for   new 
year,  has  lovely  Arlene  Francis. 

has  been  to  a  head-shrinker  or  is 
presently  on  the  couch.  .  .  .  Hugh 
O'Brian  creating  much  excitement, 
starring  in  that  new  Broadway  show. 
In  the  meantime,  ex-Queen  Soraya 
has  been  in  Los  Angeles,  keeping  a 
whole  continent  between  herself  and 
Hugh.  .  .  .  How  come  Pat  Boone 
never  makes  a  TV  appearance  these 
days?  With  the  stars,  it's  always  ex- 
tremes—either over-exposure  or  un- 
der-exposure. .  .  .  ABC  bought,  sight 
unseen,  Gene  Kelly's  forthcoming 
TV  series,  Going  My  Way,  based  on 
the  successful  Bing  Crosby  movie  in 
which  Crosby  starred  as  a  priest. 
Kelly  will  play  the  young  priest,  but 
the  part  of  the  elder  priest  in  the 
movie  will  be  changed  to  that  of  a 
Protestant  minister  in  the  series.  At 
the  moment,  nothing  has  been  said 
about  a  representative  of  the  Jewish 
faith  being  written  into  the  script.  .  .  . 
Dwayne  Hickman,  Bob  Newhart, 
Tony  Curtis  and  Jimmy  Durante  all 
"die"  when  they  have  to  get  into  a 
plane.  .  .  .  They  don't  admit  it,  but 
Fabian  is  putting  all  his  eggs  into 
the  Hollywood  basket.  Only  for  the 
press  does  he  pretend  to  take  his 
singing  seriously.  Matter  of  fact,  even 
the  good  teen-age  singers  seem  to 
have  lost  their  edge,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  Chubby  Checker.  And 
Checker  is  doing  what  even  Elvis 
couldn't  do — making  teen-age  dance 
music  popular  with  adults. 

Kiss  and  Run:  Wagon  Train 
squeaks  over  to  ABC -TV  in  the  fall 
and  will  remain  in  prime  evening 
time — same  day,  same  time  as  it  is 
now  showing  on  NBC.  .  .  .  Eddie 
Fisher  due  to  spend  March  in  Man- 

hattan. Liz,  too?  ....  Anita  Bry- 
ant's deejay  husband  now  working 
full  time  as  her  manager  and  sweat- 
ing to  get  her  a  good  movie  role. 
Personally,  Anita  can  take  it  or  leave 
it.  She's  always  wanted  to  prove 
herself  a  singer;  but,  beyond  that, 
she  would  be  just  as  happy  by  the 
fireside.  .  .  .  Being  in  love  seems  to 
make  Andy  Williams  ambitious.  He 
is  trying  to  sell  himself  in  a  new 
TV  variety  series — if  you  recall,  his 
summer  show  a  couple  of  years  back 
earned  him  the  best  reviews  of  the 
whole  year.  .  .  .  Lucille  Ball  received 
a  different  kind  of  "crank  letter."  Not 
many  but  some  fans  complained  that 
she  should  have  held  out  for  a  re- 
conciliation with  Desi.  Actually,  Desi 
gave  her  new  marriage  his  blessings. 
Lucy  postponed  her  honeymoon  to 
tape  "The  Good  Years,"  a  ninety- 
minute  spectacular  that  CBS  has 
slotted  for  January  12.  Lucy  will 
dance,  sing,  take  part  in  comedy 
skits,  and  it's  her  first  TV  appear- 
ance since  April  Fool's  Day,  1960. 
The  show  will  be  hosted  by  Henry 
Fonda  and  concerns  itself  with  life  in 
the  U.S.A.  from  the  turn  of  the 
century  to  World  War  II.  .  .  .  How 
about  that  Dick  Chamberlain  (Dr. 
Kildare)  dating  the  daughter  of  Ray- 
mond Massey,  who  plays  his  boss. 
Dr.  Gillespie? 

$$$  &  Seed  Eaters:  Sing  Along's 
Gloria  Lambert  has  three  dates  set 
up  for  the  Granada  TV  Network.  .  .  . 
Ed  Sullivan  very  excited  about  his 
plans  for  a  special  spring  TV  salute 
to  Louis  Armstrong.  The  two  have 
been  friends  a  long,  long  time.  .  .  . 
Lisa     Gaye — who    looks     just    like 


Popular  TV  star  Lisa  Gaye  adds 
still    another    role    to    busy    life. 

Debra  Paget  because  she  is  her  sis- 
ter— gets  a  Wells  Fargo  assignment 
the  week  following  that  of  Debra's 
appearance.  .  .  .  Bill  Cullen  working 
on  the  pilot  of  a  new  show.  He 
would  emcee  a  half-hour  series  pre- 
senting star  acts  from  various  night 
clubs  around  the  country.  Paul  Anka 
at  the  Copa  was  the  subject  of  the 
pilot.  .  .  .  The  new  series  for  Craig 
Stevens,  ex-Peter  Gunn,  has  proved 
to  be  a  big  deal  indeed.  It  will  be 
made  by  Associated  Television  of 
Britain  and  $3  million  has  been  ear- 
marked for  the  project.  The  show 
will  be  a  one-hour  adventure  series 
titled  Man  Of  The  World  and  will  be 
filmed  in  the  various  capitals  on  the 
globe.  .  .  .  Sesame-seed-eater  Teal 
Ames,  the  actress  who  got  all  kinds 
of  publicity  when  she  departed  The 
Edge  Of  Night,  has  now  fled  New 
York  because  she  thinks  there  is  too 
much  fallout  in  the  city.  .  .  .  Amazing 
Arthur  Godfrey  hasn't  a  single  gray 
hair  in  his  head.  .  .  .  Don't  eat  onions 
if  you  hope  to  get  on  an  audience- 
participation  show.  One  of  the  top 
quizmasters  just  about  breaks  out  in 
a  rash  when  exposed  to  even  a  mild 
case  of  onionitis.  .  .  .  Tommy  Sands 
and  Nancy  Sinatra  blissful  in  their 
Manhattan  apartment,  but — with 
Nancy's  career  rising  so  fast — it  may 
soon  be  a  case  of  Mr.  Tommy  Sinat- 
ra. ..  .  Howard  K.  Smith's  depar- 
ture from  CBS,  after  twenty  years  of 
service,  was  due  to  a  hassle  over 
news  policy.  Smith's  first  new  as- 
signment is  for  National  Educational 
Television.  .  .  .  Gordon  MacRae  in- 
gratiating himself  with  TV  fans.  He 

will  be  back  to  host  a  third  hour 
spec  for  NBC  in  April.  .  .  .  Sponsors 
on  The  Jack  Paar  Show  will  com- 
mit themselves  only  up  to  the  end  of 
March,  when  Paar  leaves  the  show. 
It's  a  case  of  no  Jack,  no  jack. 

Off  Camera :  Carol  Burnett  doesn't 
have  a  divorce  yet,  but  the  separa- 
tion is  quite  permanent.  She  is  seen 
most  often  on  dates  with  a  New  York 
publicist.  Right  now,  Carol  is  hoping 
to  do  a  TV  spec  with  Julie  Andrews. 
The  girls  work  in  perfect  harmony 
on  the  stage.  .  .  .  Arlene  Francis  is 
offering  herself  to  the  network  with 
a  package  titled  Breakaway.  It  would 
be  a  homemakers'  show  with  re- 
mote live  pick-ups.  .  .  .  ABC-TV's 
Wide  World  Of  Sports  re-debuts  this 
month.  January  21,  Jim  McKay 
hosts  the  Bing  Crosby  Golf  Tourna- 
ment. .  .  .  Handsome  Ron  Harper, 
young  detective  star  of  87th  Pre- 
cinct, polices  the  area — off  and  on 
the  show — with  Margie  Regan.  .  .  . 
NBC  has  set  the  special,  "The  Story 
of  a  Debutante,"  for  February  9.  It 
will  star  neither  Tuesday  Weld  nor 
Connie  Stevens,  but  real  debs,  and 
will  even  include  footage  of  the  blue- 
bloods  doing  the  Twist.  .  .  .  Darryl 
Hickman,  Dwayne's  brother,  gets  his 
own  show  next  year — a  comedy 
series  titled  Hooray  For  Love.  Story 
will  center  about  a  houseboat  colony 
where  married  college  undergradu- 
ates live.  .  .  .  Bob  Banner,  pro- 
ducer of  Candid  Camera  and  The 
Garry  Moore  Show,  says  he  takes 
the  teen-age  audience  very  seriously 
and  considers  their  pleasure  in  plan- 
ning his  shows,  because  youngsters 

have  a  great  influence  on  ratings. 
Garry  Moore,  on  the  other  hand,  has 
always  refused  to  book  in  such  teen- 
age stars  as  Connie  Francis  or  Anka. 
Home  Stretch:  David  Brinkley  is 
on  as  narrator  January  24  with  a 
news  special,  "Our  Man  in  Vienna." 
...  If  you  haven't  heard — singer  Jill 
Corey  and  Pirate  infielder  Don  Hoak 
made  the  altar-walk.  .  .  .  Upcoming 
on  NBC  is  a  TV  adaptation  of  Ar- 
thur Miller's  only  novel,  "Focus."  .  .  . 
Louise  O'Brien  dating  a  Teheran 
big-wig.  .  .  .  NBC  has  wrapped  up 
Diana  Trask  with  an  exclusive  five- 
year  contract.  .  .  .  Judy  Garland  has 
Sinatra  and  Jerry  Lewis  on  hand  for 
her  big  CBS  show  in  March.  And  the 
word  is  out  that  she  may  follow  up 
with  a  reconciliation  with  Sid  Luft. 
.  . .  Sports-car  buffs  should  be  alerted 
for  the  January  14  edition  of  CBS- 
TV's  Twentieth  Century.  The  title  is 
"The  Rage  to  Race"  and  it's  all  about 
what  makes  Sammy  speed.  .  .  .  When 
baritone  Robert  Merrill  duos  on  TV 
with  Roberta  Peters,  it's  a  case  of  ex- 
husband  and  ex-wife  in  harmony  al- 
though both  are  now  remarried.  .  .  . 
CBS  financing  a  comedy  series  for 
Tom  Poston.  The  noted  satirist  S.  J. 
Perelman  is  working  on  the  master 
plot,  and  the  series  will  concern  it- 
self with  life  in  Bucks  County,  Penn- 
sylvania. Phyllis  Avery  plays  Pos- 
ton's  wife.  Phyllis  has  played  TV 
wife  to  George  Gobel,  Ray  Milland 
(in  Meet  Mr.  McNulty)  and  to  the 
missile  expert  in  the  now- extinct 
daytime  serial,  Clear  Horizon.  She 
says,  "It's  getting  so  that  I  feel  like  an 
old  maid  when  I'm  not  cast  as  a  wife." 

TV-radio  veteran  Bill  Cullen  has  new  TV  plans  for  a  brand-new  year. 


What's  New  on  the 


TV  doctor  Ben  Casey  (Vince  Edwards) 
has  new  "cure"  for  patients  and  guest 
Diane  James  seems   to   be  enjoying  it. 

R  Surfboard  enthusiast — Dick  Chamberlain. 


She's  a  sweetheart — Lori  Martin  received  title 
and  bouquet  from  Y.M.C.A.S  of  Southern  Calif. 


But  No  Cover  Charge,  Please!  Both  of  TV's 
young  doctors  (Kildare  and  Ben  Casey)  began 
their  careers  as  singers.  Dick  "Kildare"  Chamber- 
lain studied  for  the  opera  and  Vincent  "Casey" 
Edwards  was  a  night-club  singer.  Now  that  their 
shows  are  going  well,  both  have  been  bugging 
their  producers  to  let  them  work  a  little  warbling 
into  some  of  the  segments.  Cracked  Dick,  "You 
could  bill  it  as  the  new  bedside  moaner."  Pleaded 
Vince,  "You  could  show  me  holding  the  patient's 
hand  before  the  operation  and  crooning  her  to 
sleep,  and  the  hospital  could  charge  it  up  to  anes- 
thetics." Commented  Sam  Jaffe,  who  plays  the 
venerable  surgeon  in  Ben  Casey,  "It's  not  as  wild 
as  it  sounds.  What  woman,  watching  the  show, 
wouldn't  love  to  dream  of  a  handsome  young  doc- 
tor singing  to  her  alone?  Operations  would  stop 
being  a  bugbear.  It  would  (Continued  on  page  16) 

For  What's  New  on  the  East  Coast,  see  Page  6 

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J         Sitting  on  top  of  the  world — 

R  Troy    Donahue     and    Suzanne 

Pleshette   in  Italy  on  location. 


be  better  than  hypnosis,"  he  said. 

Songbird  Sounds  Off:  Glamorous 
Julie  London,  whose  album  "What- 
ever Julie  Wants"  is  a  best  seller, 
was  asked  what  she  really  wants. 
Her  answer  was  a  bit  of  a  surprise. 
"I'd  like  writers  to  stop  depicting 
musicians  as  kooks,  clowns  and  dope 
fiends.  In  almost  every  show  about 
musicians,  there's  some  way-out  nut 
who  gets  up  to  bleat,  'I'd  just  die  if 
I  couldn't  blow  my  horn.'  I've  known 
many  musicians  who  blew  their 
horns,  musically  or  otherwise,  but 
none  of  them  would  die  if  they 
couldn't — and  they  know  it — and 
even  if  they  thought  they  would, 
they're  not  so  dumb  as  to  say  it.  Not 
that  musicians  have  no  problems. 
They're  people,  and  the  person  with- 
out a  problem  would  be  dead.  Most 
musicians  are  family  men  tied  to 
hearth  and  home.  I  can  only  think  of 
one  musician  I  know  who  uses  a 
needle — and  that's  to  take  insulin 
because  he's  diabetic." 

The  Blind  Date  Was  an  Eyeful: 
Burt  Metcalfe,  the  handsome  bride- 
groom in  Father  Of  The  Bride,  has 
good  cause  to  remember  September 
10,  1960.  That  was  the  night  he  ut- 
tered the  historic  words,  "I  don't  care 
for  blind  dates."  A  friend  had  called, 
quite  late  in  the  evening,  to  ask  if 
Burt  would  join  him  and  his  fiancee 
for  dinner.  "I'll  have  a  blind  date  for 
you  if  you  come,"  the  pal  urged.  A 
blind  date  who  would  accept  an  in- 
vitation so  late  in  the  evening  seemed 
to  Burt  very  unpromising.  But,  for 
some  reason,  he  went.  "It  was  the 
night  I  met  Toby,"  he  recalls,  "and 
it  was  the  night  I  fell  in  love."  Miss 
Toby  Richman  was  less  impetuous. 
She  made  Burt  wait  six  weeks  before 
accepting  his  proposal  to  wed,  and 
insisted  on  a  ten-month  engage- 
ment before  they  wed.  "Yes,"  grins 
Burt,  "I'll  never  forget  that  night  of 
September  10,  1960."  Chuckles  his 
friend,  "Why  would  you  forget  it? 
That  was  the  night  you  ate  your 
words  about  blind  dates  for  dinner." 

Business  Is  Business  Even  If  It's 
Show:  The  number  of  actors  going 
into  sideline  vocations  to  make  moola 
is  growing  fast.  Grant  Williams  re- 
cently sold  some  of  his  land  up  in 
Big  Sur  (California)  on  the  advice 
of  real-estate  buff  Connie  Stevens 
and  bought  two  houses  in  Los  An- 
geles— one  to  live  in,  the  other  to 
rent.  Connie  also  was  the  instigator 
of  Poncie  Ponce's  first  karate  school, 
which  has  since  grown  into  a  chain. 
With  uncles  to  advise  her,  Connie 
has  already  followed  their  path  in 
realty,  and  bought,  remodeled  and 
sold  five  houses  at  a  substantial  prof- 
it. Polly  Bergen's  specialty  shop  in 
her  home  town  of  Knoxville,  Ten- 

Danny  Thomas's  companion  at 
preview — actress-daughterMarlo. 

nessee,  is  doing  fabulously.  In  two 
years,  she  has  built  it  into  a  chain  of 
nationwide  franchised  stores  which 
feature  her  label,  "Polly  Bergen 
Fashions  of  the  Four  Seasons."  Jayne 
Meadows  has  opened  her  own 
"Meadows  Travel  Agency"  and,  for 
a  kick-off  gift,  her  doting  hubby 
gave  her  the  account  of  the  Steve 
Allen  show,  which  will  be  traveling 
to  many  cities.  Raymond  Burr,  Gigi 
Perreau  and  her  brother,  Richard 
Miles,  are  in  the  art  business.  And 
Tab  Hunter  has  an  Oriental  shop  in 
Beverly  Hills.  Yes — it  would  seem 
that,  as  Poncie  Ponce  says,  "Acting 
is  just  a  short  cut  to  becoming  a 

Playing  the  Field:  John  Wayne, 
who  made  his  bow  as  a  recording 
artist  recently  with  his  Liberty  Rec- 
ords single  "Walk  with  Him,"  plans 
to  record  an  album  of  religious  songs 
with  son  Pat.  .  .  .  Out  at  Warners, 
they're  teasing  Roger  Smith  and  say- 
ing he  should  make  an  appearance 
on  Room  For  One  More.  Roger's 
mother-  and  father-in-law  are  visit- 
ing him  from  Australia,  wife  Victoria 
Shaw's  expected  baby  may  be  twins, 
his  teen-aged  brother  is  living  with 
him,  as  is  his  recently  widowed 
mother.  There  are  also  two  Smith 
children  on  the  premises.  Roger  takes 
it  all  in  stride — went  out  and  bought 
a  station  wagon  so  the  whole  group 
could  go  sightseeing  on  weekends. 
.  .  .  Connie  Stevens  is  still  dating  El- 
vis Presley  but  won't  talk  about  it. 
Elvis  demands  more  secrecy  on  the 
part  of  his  girlfriends  than  Frank 
Sinatra.  .  .  .  Gena  (pronounced  Jen- 
na)  Rowlands,  who  scored  as  the 
deaf-mute  wife  on  87th  Precinct, 
completed  "The  Spiral  Road"  for 
U-I  and  goes  into  a  feature  titled 
"A  Piece  of  Paradise,"  to  be  directed 
by  hubby  John  Cassavetes.  "I'm 
looking  forward  to  it,"  she  enthuses. 

"I  love  working  with  John.  We  both 
approach  our  jobs  as  strangers  and 
work  it  out  from  there.  We  leave  our 
work  at  the  'office,'  and  I  believe  that 
is  one  of  the  main  reasons  we  have 
such  a  happy  home."  .  .  .  Penney 
Parker,  bride  of  Edward  Bright,  got 
two  lovely  paintings  from  her 
art-collector  father-in-law,  David 
Bright,  as  a  wedding  gift.  Penney 
and  Edward  plan  a  European  honey- 
moon, but  will  wait  until  the  first 
year  of  Margie  is  filmed.  .  .  .  Kirby 
Grant,  who  plays  Sky  King,  says:  "I 
must  be  getting  old.  I  can  remember 
when  the  headquarters  of  the  'beat' 
generation  was  the  woodshed."  .  .  . 
Switch  Department:  Efrem  Zimbal- 
ist  Jr.  had  his  TV  set  taken  out  of 
his  Warner  Bros,  dressing  room. 
"When  I  discovered  I  was  beginning 
to  enjoy  television,  I  figured  I'd  been 
watching  too  much  of  it!" 

The  Humor  of  Rumor:  When  Su- 
zanne Pleshette  and  Troy  Donahue 
were  in  Rome  for  "Lovers  Must 
Learn,"  the  gossip  columnists  had  a 
field  day  with  rumors  about  their 
"romance."  The  young  stars  wasted 
no  time  denying  it  because  they 
knew  it  would  only  set  off  more 
talk.  In  reality,  they  had  been  work- 
ing from  sun-up  to  sun-down  and 
had  little  time  to  see  anything  of 
Italy  or  each  other,  except  when 
they  stood  before  the  cameras.  On 
their  return  to  America,  they  de- 
cided to  "go  along"  with  the  rumors 
and  do  some  dating,  though  neither 
will  admit  it's  more  than  a  lark. 
Then  Troy  began  looking  for  a  new 
home  and,  when  Suzanne  helped  him 
find  one,  the  rumors  grew  hot  again. 
Stories  began  to  appear  about  the 
"probable  home"  of  this  couple.  In 
this  new  batch  of  stories,  Troy's  ad- 
dress was  given  and  so  their  attempt 
to  have  some  fun  with  the  romance - 
rumormongers  hit  an  unexpected  re- 
sult. Troy  left  his  suitcase  on  the 
back  seat  of  his  car  one  day  while 
he  went  inside  to  answer  his  phone. 
When  he  returned,  the  suitcase  was 
gone  and  a  perfumed  note  was 
pinned  to  the  seat.  It  said,  "Thanks 
for  the  mementos.  A  fan." 

That's  No  Joke:  Actor-trumpeter 
Ray  Anthony  recently  came  back 
from  a  concert  tour  into  which  he 
sandwiched  a  number  of  talks  on 
"Serious  Aspects  of  Popular  Music." 
At  the  close  of  his  lecture  at  Texas 
A.  &  M.,  he  called  for  questions  on 
this  "serious"  phase  of  music.  The 
first  question  was:  "Mr.  Anthony, 
when  will  the  Dodgers  get  through 
building  their  new  ball  park?"  Ray's 
still  searching  for  the  answer. 

People  and  Plans :  Early  this  year. 
Nick  Adams'  brother  Andrew,  eight- 
een months  his  senior,  winds  up  his 
residency  at  the  Passavant  Hospital 
in  Chicago.  He'll  then  head  West  to 

set  up  practice  in  Los  Angeles.  Nick 
paid  for  Andy's  schooling  while  he 
studied  medicine  in  Switzerland  and 
now  plans  to  build  a  four-story  med- 
ical building  for  his  brother  to  man- 
age in  Westwood.  Meanwhile,  Nick 
has  been  getting  tips  from  Andy  on 
how  to  play  a  young  medic,  which  is 
just  what  he's  doing  in  his  latest 
role  in  "The  Intern."  .  .  .  Dan  Dur- 
yea  received  word  of  a  dubious  hon- 
or. He  was  notified  by  the  warden  of 
the  women's  penitentiary  in  Rio  de 
Janeiro,  Brazil,  that  the  inmates  had 
named  the  new  recreation  hall  in 
honor  of  him.  It  seems  his  old  TV 
series  China  Smith  is  very  big  in 
South  America  these  days — and  is 
the  favorite  show  at  the  prison.  .  .  . 
The  "older"  folks  are  still  doing  the 
Twist,  but  the  younger  Hollywood 
set  merely  look  at  them  tolerantly 
and  dance  the  latest — "the  Surf." 
This  is  a  creation  based  on  surf- 
riding  which  has  its  participants 
starting  by  bending  their  knees  prac- 
tically to  the  floor,  as  though  about 
to  take  off  on  a  surfboard.  "Every- 
body's doing  it,"  says  Roberta  Shore. 
"Only  trouble  is,  it  doesn't  have  the 
advantage  of  a  Chubby  Checker 
record  for  background.  Any  tune 
with  a  beat  will  do — with  a  drum 
simulating  the  sound  of  ocean 
waves."  .  .  .  Latest  rumor  has  Steve 
Allen  taking  over  the  emceeing 
chores  on  Tonight  when  Jack  Paar 
exits  in  March.  .  .  .  MGM  plans  a 
big  two-hour  special  with  the  be- 
tween-scenes  footage  shot  for  "Mu- 
tiny on  the  Bounty."  .  .  .  Bill  ("My 
name  Jose  Jimenez")  Dana  will  have 
a  new  paperback  out  next  spring 
titled  "What  to  Say  If—"  It's  de- 
scribed as  a  book  of  advice  for 
temporarily  tongue-tied  people.  .  .  . 
John  Payne,  fully  recovered  from  his 
traffic  accident  in  New  York  last 
spring,  returns  to  TV  in  a  General 
Electric  Theater  segment  to  be  aired 
in  January.  .  .  .  The  stork  is  really 
being  kept  busy  by  the  Crosby  fam- 
ily these  days.  Now  it  is  Gary,  oldest 
of  Bing's  sons,  who  will  become  a 
papa.  He  and  his  wife,  former  Las 
Vegas  show  girl  Barbara  Stuart,  are 
expecting  their  firstborn  this  sum- 
mer. Barbara  has  a  son  by  a  pre- 
vious marriage  and  Gary  recently 
adopted  the  boy. 

The  Name  Game:  Mixups,  due  to 
some  similarity  of  monickers,  have 
been  plaguing  the  stars  again.  Pat 
Carroll,  once  a  regular  with  Sid 
Caesar  and  now  on  The  Danny 
Thomas  Show,  wishes  people  would 
cease  and  desist  getting  her  and 
Peggy  Cass  tangled.  "Maybe  it's  be- 
cause we're  both  blonde,  have  the 
same  initials  and  have  appeared  fair- 
ly often  on  Jack  Paar's  show,  but  we 
keep  getting  mail  meant  for  the 
other.  For  the  past  few  months.  I've 

been  bombarded  with  letters  from 
fans  who  want  to  know  'the  real  dirt' 
about  my  trip  to  Berlin.  It  was  Peg- 
gy. Further  complication  resulted 
when  Peggy  arrived  in  Hollywood  to 
star  in  The  Hathaways  at  about  the 
same  time  I  joined  The  Danny 
Thomas  Show.  There's  one  bright 
feature  to  all  this,"  sighs  Pat.  "Peggy 
and  I,  without  realizing  it  at  the 
time,  bought  homes  a  few  doors  from 
each  other.  That  makes  it  so  much 
easier  to  deliver  mail  to  each  other. 
Last  week,  our  poor  mailman  con- 
fided, 'Miss  Carroll,  both  you  and 
Miss  Cass  are  lovely  ladies  but  I 
wish  one  of  you — whichever  it  is — 
would  go  back  to  Berlin.' "...  An- 

Burt      Metcalfe      hated     blind 
dates — until   Toby  camp  along. 

other  twosome  with  name  problems 
are  Rex  and  Rhodes  Reason,  real- 
life  brothers.  Rhodes,  now  in  Bus 
Stop,  has  been  getting  loads  of  sym- 
pathy from  fans  who  are  sorry  he 
left  The  Roaring  Twenties.  Actually, 
it  was  brother  Rex  who  starred  in 
that  show.  The  topper  in  this  name- 
scrambling  came  when  columnists 
reported  that  Brian  Keith's  house 
had  been  robbed  while  he  and  his 
fiancee  were  at  the  Cocoanut  Grove. 
Brian's  wife  could  have  given  him 
the  fish-eye — except  that,  by  coinci- 
dence, she  was  with  him  at  the  Grove 
that  night.  It  turned  out  to  be  Brian 
Kelly's  home  that  had  been  robbed. 
Kelly,  that  is — not  Keith! 


From  the  rubber-faced  junmaker, 

When  I  was  a  beginner  in  show  business  and  first  began 
meeting  celebrities,  someone  told  me  to  be  extremely  care- 
ful what  I  said  when  I  was  introduced — especially  to  a 
veteran  performer,  and  particularly  the  leading-lady  type. 
Never,  never,  I  was  advised,  tell  a  long-time  star:  "Oh,  Miss 
Soandso  (or  Mr.  Doakes),  I've  enjoyed  you  in  the  movies 
ever  since  I  was  a  little  girl."  This  is  perfectly  fine,  if  you 
are  still  a  little  girl.  However,  if  you  are  above  the  age  of 



ten,  prepare  to  duck!  All  of  which  leads  up  to  the  introduc- 
tion of  this  article,  which  is  supposed  to  be  my  personal, 
no-holds-barred,  grind-your-teeth-and-write-baby  impres- 
sions of  Garry  Moore. 

I  first  heard  of  Garry  Moore  when  I  was  a  wisp  of  a  lass 
attending  grammar  school  in  Hollywood,  California.  No, 
Garry  wasn't  in  my  class.  I  didn't  know  where  he  was.  I 
really  didn't  care  where  he  was. 

All  I  knew  was  that  I  occasionally  heard  a  fellow  named 
Garry  Moore  on  a  radio  program.  Jimmy  Durante  was  on 
the  same  program,  and  I  remember  that  I  used  to  love  the 
way  Jimmy  played  the  piano  and  sang  {Continued  on  page  69) 

a  heartwarming  tribute 


Offhand,  what  would  you  guess  to  be  the  greatest 
single  danger  faced  regularly  by  a  virile,  six- 
foot-two,  handsome  he-man  star  of  television? 
Not  a  cantankerous  cayuse,  not  a  bone-jolting 
ride  in  a  runaway  stagecoach  .  .  .  not  a  tribe  of 
Sioux,  nor  a  shoot-out  with  sheepmen,  nor  even 
a  barroom  brawl  with  the  bad  guys!  A  laconic, 
clear-eyed,  two-fisted  hombre  like  Clint  Eastwood 
(who  plays  Rowdy  in  Rawhide,  Friday  evenings 
on  CBS-TV)  can  manage  standard  Western- 
sagebrush  emergencies  with  the  back  of  his  hand. 
.  .  .  What  stops  him  cold  is  the  female  of  the 
species.  The  thrill-hungry  teenagers.  The  ro- 
mance-craving adults.  The  attention-avid,  dream- 
covetous,  love-starved  aggregate  of  womankind. 

Perhaps  "stops  him  cold"  is  not  the  best  pos- 
sible choice  of  phrase  in  the  situation.  There  is 
a  warmth  about  Clint's  bold  blue  eyes  ...  a 
virility  about  his  shock  of  undisciplined  bright 
brown  hair  ...  an  easy  grace  about  the  way  he 
handles  his  powerful  frame  .  .  .  which  telegraph 
the  impression  that  he  is — as  the  Spanish  say — 
"much  man."  Clint  can  even  sing,  as  proved  by 
the  hotcake  success  of  his  Gothic  recording,  "Un- 
known Girl"  and  "For  All  We  Know." 

Like  another  fairly  famous  roustabout  named 
Gable,  Clint  has  seen  quite  a  bit  of  action  in  his 
young  years.  After  finishing  high  school  in  Oak- 
land,  California,  he    (Continued  on  page  91) 

When  confronted  with  the  ardent  love  call  of 
a  fan,  to  stay  or  run— that's  the  question.  Here's  what  Clint  Eastwood  did  .  .  . 




Time  and  again, 

Barbara  Luna  and  Doug  McClure 
postpone  their  wedding  date. 
What  are  they  afraid  of? 
What  are  they  hiding? 




Is  it  "goodbye,  young  lovers,"  for  Barbara 
Luna  and  Doug  McClure?  Not  so  you'd  notice 
it — though  their  attitude  might  be  summed 
up  as:  Burned  once,  play  it  cool  the  next  time 
around.  But  when  will  they  quit  courtin'  and 
get  hitched?  .  .  .  Says  she:  "I  do  love  Doug. 
But  I've  been  in  love  before  and  know  it  can 
go  wrong.  This  time,  I'm  not  rushing  into 
marriage  until  I'm  absolutely  confident  that 
there's  more  than  love  and  attraction  between 
us."  Says  he:  "Sure,  I  love  Barbara.  But  I'm 
a  guy  who  once  plunged  in  where  angels  fear 
to  tread — and  I'm  no  angel.  I'm  not  springing 
into  anything  until  I'm  sure  we're  both  sure 
this  is  no  passing  fancy."  .  .  .  When  Doug  wed 
lovely  Faye  Brash  in  Hawaii,  some  five  years 
ago,  he  was  only  21.  Back  in  California,  he 
worked  day  and  night  in  movies  and  TV,  and 
Faye  grew  lonely  for  her  island  home.  Eventu- 
ally, neither  their  little  daughter  Tane  nor 
marriage  counseling  could  avert  divorce.  .  .  . 
Faye  took  the  child  to  Hawaii.  "I  had  Tane 
with  me  this  summer,"  Doug  beams.  "She  and 
Barbara  get  along  just  great.  But  we  didn't 
want  to  get  married  while  she  was  here — too 
confusing  for  a  four-year-old!  Another  thing 
holding  up  our  plans  is  time.  We  want  an  old- 
fashioned  honeymoon,  with  no  interruptions 
while  we  get  our  marriage  off  to  a  good,  under- 
standing start."  .  .  .  Doug  has  been  busy  with 
Checkmate,  on  CBS-TV.  Barbara  just  played 
opposite  Frank  Sinatra  in  "The  Devil  at  Four 
O'Clock" — and  gossip  wagged  when  she  drove 
a  car  Sinatra  lent  her.  "There  was  no  ro- 
mance," she  says,  "but  I  shouldn't  have  been 
surprised  about  the  talk.  My  friendship  with 
Marlon  Brando  was  misinterpreted,  too.  Doug 
is  still — and  has  been,  for  the  past  two  years 
— the  only  one  I  love."  .  .  .  What's  been  hold- 
ing up  the  wedding?  Do  they  need  a  longer 
courtship  to  make  up  their  minds?  Or  will 
they  wed  even  before  you  read  these  words? 


Time  and  again, 

Barbara  Luna  and  Doug  McClure 
postpone  their  wedding  date. 
What  are  they  afraid  of? 
What  are  they  hiding? 

Is  it  "goodbye,  young  lovers,"  for  Barbara 
Luna  and  Doug  McClure?  Not  so  you'd  notice 
it— though  their  attitude  might  be  summed 
up  as:  Burned  once,  play  it  cool  the  next  time 
around.  But  when  will  they  quit  courtin'  and 
get  hitched?  .  .  .  Says  she:  "I  do  love  Doug. 
But  I've  been  in  love  before  and  know  it  can 
go  wrong.  This  time,  I'm  not  rushing  into 
marriage  until  I'm  absolutely  confident  that 
there's  more  than  love  and  attraction  between 
us."  Says  he:  "Sure,  I  love  Barbara.  But  I'm 
a  guy  who  once  plunged  in  where  angels  fear 
to  tread — and  I'm  no  angel.  I'm  not  springing 
into  anything  until  I'm  sure  we're  both  sure 
this  is  no  passing  fancy."  . .  .  When  Doug  wed 
lovely  Faye  Brash  in  Hawaii,  some  five  years 
ago,  he  was  only  21.  Back  in  California,  he 
worked  day  and  night  in  movies  and  TV,  and 
Faye  grew  lonely  for  her  island  home.  Eventu- 
ally, neither  their  little  daughter  Tane  nor 
marriage  counseling  could  avert  divorce.  .  .  . 
Faye  took  the  child  to  Hawaii.  "I  had  Tane 
with  me  this  summer,"  Doug  beams.  "She  and 
Barbara  get  along  just  great.  But  we  didn't 
want  to  get  married  while  she  was  here — too 
confusing  for  a  four-year-old!  Another  thing 
holding  up  our  plans  is  time.  We  want  an  old- 
fashioned  honeymoon,  with  no  interruptions 
while  we  get  our  marriage  off  to  a  good,  under- 
standing start."  .  .  .  Doug  has  been  busy  with 
Checkmate,  on  CBS-TV.  Barbara  just  played 
opposite  Frank  Sinatra  in  "The  Devil  at  Four 
O'Clock" — and  gossip  wagged  when  she  drove 
a  car  Sinatra  lent  her.   "There  was  no  ro- 
mance," she  says,  "but  I  shouldn't  have  been 
surprised  about  the  talk.  My  friendship  with 
Marlon  Brando  was  misinterpreted,  too.  Doug 
is  still — and  has  been,  for  the  past  two  years 
— the  only  one  I  love."  .  .  .  What's  been  hold- 
ing up  the  wedding?  Do  they  need  a  longer 
courtship  to  make  up  their  minds?   Or  will 
they  wed  even  before  you  read  these  words? 






'  ''•■■■' 



About  the  time  you  read  this,  Robert  Horton  will  have 
finished  his  fifth  year  and  150th  segment  of  NBC-TV's 
Wagon  Train.  That  done,  will  he  dismount,  squint  into  the 
Western  sunset  for  the  last  time,  and  stride  off  to  new 
rangelands — as  he  has  threatened  to  do,  several  times 
before?  Five  years  is  a  long  time  to  have  been  on  the 
Wagon,  any  wagon.  But  there  have  been  many  sober 
satisfactions  for  Robert  Horton,  actor,  as  he  hit  the  dusty 
trail  each  Wednesday  evening  under  the  sombrero  of  Flint 
McCullough,  frontier  scout. 

Let  Bob  give  you  the  rundown:  "Before  I  was  on  Wagon 
Train,  I  was  a  successful  actor.  That  is,  I  was  known  to  pro- 
ducers, directors  and  casting  offices.  I  was  making  a  com- 
fortable living  but  had  not  yet  made  a  sharp  impression — 
as  an  outstanding  individual — upon  audiences.  I  was  one 
of  the  thousand  familiar  faces  whose  names  nobody  knows, 
outside  Hollywood. 

"To  develop,  an  actor  must  work  at  acting  all  the  time. 
To  make  use  of  himself  as  a  talent,  he  has  to  try  every- 
thing in  the  field,  and  he  must  do  it  before  an  audience. 
It  can't  be  done  in  a  classroom.    (Continued  on  page  90) 

After  five  years  of  heading  West 
Ibout  to  hit  the  trail  to  Broadway? 




;    , 




-"'  '■ 


About  the  time  you  read  this,  Robert  Horton  will  have 
finished  his  fifth  year  and  150th  segment  of  NBC-TV's 
Wagon  Train.  That  done,  will  he  dismount,  squint  into  the 
Western  sunset  for  the  last  time,  and  stride  off  to  new 
rangelands— as  he  has  threatened  to  do,  several  times 
before?  Five  years  is  a  long  time  to  have  been  on  the 
Wagon,  any  wagon.  But  there  have  been  many  sober 
satisfactions  for  Robert  Horton,  actor,  as  he  hit  the  dusty 
trail  each  Wednesday  evening  under  the  sombrero  of  Flint 
McCullough,  frontier  scout. 

Let  Bob  give  you  the  rundown:  "Before  I  was  on  Wagon 
Train,  I  was  a  successful  actor.  That  is,  I  was  known  to  pro- 
ducers, directors  and  casting  offices.  I  was  making  a  com- 
fortable living  but  had  not  yet  made  a  sharp  impression 
as  an  outstanding  individual  -upon  audiences.  I  was  one 
of  the  thousand  familiar  faces  whose  names  nobody  knows, 
outside  Hollywood. 

"To  develop,  an  actor  must  work  at  acting  all  the  time. 
To  make  use  of  himself  as  a  talent,  he  has  to  try  every- 
thing in  the  field,  and  he  must  do  it  before  an  audience. 
It  can't  be  done  in  a  classroom.   I Continued  on  page  90  ) 

After  five  years  of  heading  West 
is  B<*  about  to  hit  the  trail  to  Broadway? 

Dolores  Hawkins  Own  Story: 

The  item  in  the  West  Coast  column 
was  blunt  and  brutal:  "Manhattan 
model  Dolores  Hawkins  put  it  on 
the  line  for  Gardner  McKay:  'Set 
the  date,  doc,  or  I'm  not  flying  out 
here  no  more  never ! ' "  Clear  as 
water,  no  two  ways  about  it,  no 
ands,  ifs  or  buts — America's  Num- 
ber One  cover-girl-model  was  fed 
up  with  being  dangled  on  a  string 
by  America's  Number  One  TV- 
movie  bachelor  and  had  told  him: 
Set  the  wedding  date,  or  else.  .  .  . 
That's  what  it  said  in  the  paper,  but 
we  at  TV  Radio  Mirror  decided  to 
get  the  whole  story  straight  from  the 
beautiful  lips  of  the  girl  directly 
involved,    (Continued  on  page  83) 

I  ; 

"Why  I 


to  marry  Gardner  McKay 





>  .. 


mi?  mmMRNUMMLMMu 





Think  you  know  who  she  is? 







Turn  the  page  and  see.,  ,k 

m\?  mmnm  m».  iff  in 


Think  you  know  who  she  is? 


7J/r/i  the  page  and  see...k 










The  woman  who  owns  Frank  Sinatra  is  not 

young.  On  her  last  birthday,  she  was  forty- 
two  years  old,  some  twenty  years  older  than 
the  girls  Frank  Sinatra  usually  dates. 

She  is  neither  glamorous  nor  beautiful. 
Heads  do  not  turn  when  she  enters  a  room.  She 
is  not  exciting.  But  she  is  intelligent  and  has, 
despite  her  shyness,  a  kind  of  serene  and 
pleasant  poise.  Her  friends  and  neighbors  in 
Hollywood  always  use  one  word  when  they 
talk  of  her.  That  word  is  dignity. 

Her  name  is  Nancy  Barbato  Sinatra. 

Ten  years  ago,  her  marriage  to  Frank  ended 
in  scandal  and  divorce.  At  the  time,  it  seemed 
as  if  Frank  was  willing  to  do  literally  any- 
thing to  be  rid  of  her. 

Yet,  today,  Frank  Sinatra  ...  a  man  who 
has  carefully  carved  a  reputation  for  callous- 
ness ...  a  man  who  has  repudiated  women 
who  fully  expected  to  marry  him  ...  a  man 
who  indulges  in  cruel  sarcasm  at  the  expense 
of  good  friends — and  who  sums  up  his  philos- 
ophy with  the  words,  "If  I  don't  live  to  please 
myself,  I'll  end  up  living  to  please  someone 
else!"  .  .  .  this  man  has  voluntarily  surrendered 
the  freedom  he  once  worked  so  hard  to  obtain. 
He  has  once  more  sought  out  Nancy  Sinatra, 
even  though  she  does  {Continued  on  page  81) 

Frank   played   a   proper   father-of-lhe-bride. 
Early  pix  (below)  show  Frank's  devotion  for  Nancy  Sr.  and  children — before  divorce. 






Jhe  woman  who  owns  Frank  Sinatra  is  not 
young.  On  her  last  birthday,  she  was  forty- 
two  years  old,  some  twenty  years  older  than 
the  girls  Frank  Sinatra  usually  dates. 

She  is  neither  glamorous  nor  beautiful. 
Heads  do  not  turn  when  she  enters  a  room.  She 
is  not  exciting.  But  she  is  intelligent  and  has, 
despite  her  shyness,  a  kind  of  serene  and 
pleasant  poise.  Her  friends  and  neighbors  in 
Hollywood  always  use  one  word  when  they 
talk  of  her.  That  word  is  dignity. 
Her  name  is  Nancy  Barbato  Sinatra. 
Ten  years  ago,  her  marriage  to  Frank  ended 
in  scandal  and  divorce.  At  the  time,  it  seemed 
as  if  Frank  was  willing  to  do  literally  any- 
thing to  be  rid  of  her. 

Yet,  today,  Frank  Sinatra  ...  a  man  who 
has  carefully  carved  a  reputation  for  callous- 
ness ...  a  man  who  has  repudiated  women 
who  fully  expected  to  marry  him  ...  a  man 
who  indulges  in  cruel  sarcasm  at  the  expense 
of  good  friends — and  who  sums  up  his  philos- 
ophy with  the  words,  "If  I  don't  live  to  please 
myself,  I'll  end  up  living  to  please  someone 
else!"  .  .  .  this  man  has  voluntarily  surrendered 
the  freedom  he  once  worked  so  hard  to  obtain. 
He  has  once  more  sought  out  Nancy  Sinatra, 
even  though  she  does  (Continued  on  page  81) 

When  Tommy  Sands  (r.J   wed  Nancy   Jr. 


Frank  played  a  proper  jather-oj-lhe-bride. 
Early  pix  ( below  I   show  Frank's  devotion  for  Nancy  Sr.  and  children— before  divorce. 






First  a  Ih  in  fjnri}  line  of  smoke... 
Then  a  sickening  cloud  of  black... 
The  flames  came  next,  and  with  them 
a  nightmare  by  day! 


d  5„  helplessly 

NeveI  have  1  been  so  «=m  e     •  ^.^  i  «„ 

der   «  1-°'   ■»»   °!    ^.Ulever  erase  the  mgh,. 
„ea>  .brough  the  «£ ~-  ,  (lom  our  ■£ 

roari8h  memonea  of  las.  ^  „    ,alher,  od^rl"^^-------^^,**. 

Connie  S.even»c»..u.» "-  J  [  *^i 

C.     „le»  he  eahea  «-  .he  heo- 
room  door- 

Two  for  the  Road  or 

2.  Simple,  isn't  it?  Any  husband 
can  teach  his  wife  to  drive.  Sure! 

6,  Child's  play,  yet  .  .  .  "I'll  cut  out 
some  angels.  Heaven's  near  enough!" 

1.    At    start,    tney're    in    neutral.    Soon    war    will    erupt. 
They?  Dick  Van  Dyke  and  Mary  Tyler  Moore  of  CBS-TV. 

Then  There 




3.  The  braking  point,  usually  reached 
at  first  intersection.  "Don't  hit  that 
man,  the  one  with  the   badge  on!" 

4.   Dual   control?   He's   lost 

5.  "Spoilsport.  What's  scaring  you?' 

Watch  out  for  that  flashing  red  light!' 

as  This 

1  ' 



with  Paul  Anka 

and  Chubby  Checker 




/  To  Learn  The 

Holiest  Dance  of  the  Year, 

\  turn  the  page 

Heres  How  Arthur  Murray  Is  Teaching  It 

Basic  Twist:  Feet  12"  apart, 
knees  slightly  bent  .  .  .  twist 
hips!  On  count  1 — twist  left 
hip  forward,  right  hip  back; 
2 — reverse.  .  .  .  Side-to-Side : 
Feet  apart,  weight  on  left — 
twist  4  counts;  shift  weight 
on  right — twist  for  4  counts. 

Practice  side-to-side  for  10 
minutes.  .  .  .  Forward-and- 
Back  (above) :  With  weight 
on  right  foot — place  left  in 
front  of  right,  "twist"  for  8 
counts;  do  same  step  with 
weight  on  left.  When  man  goes 
forward,  girl  goes  backward. 

Chubby  Checker— "Mr.  Twist" 
himself — shows  Paul  Anka, 
Nancy   North,    how    it   goes. 

"Arms  and  hips  always  go  in 
opposite  directions,"  Chubby 
points  out.  "Knees  relaxed!" 

Back-to-Back  (also  known  as 
"The  Backscratcher" ) :  Start 
by  doing  side-to-side  twist. 
After  fourth  count,  man  turns 
to  the  left — girl  to  right — 
50  that  the  couple  dance  back 
to  back  for  total  of  16  counts 
doing    the    side-to-side    twist. 

Arms  to  right,  hips  to  left — 
"Imagine  you've  just  taken  a 
shower  and  are  toweling  off." 


The  Chase  (similar  to  that  in 
Cha  Cha) :  Girl  makes  a  half- 
turn  on  left  foot  to  get  into 
position.  Twist  as  pictured, 
shifting  weight  forward  and 
back,  changing  every  4  counts. 
To  get  back  to  regular  posi- 
tion, girl  makes  y%  left-turn. 

The  Whip:  An  exhilarating 
arm  movement  you  can  add 
to  the  forward-and-back  twist. 
Each  partner  swings  an  arm 
in  the  air — as  though  whip- 
ping a  lariat  into  play — once 
every  8  counts.  (Invent  some 
"imitations"    of    you    own!) 

Tick-Tock:  Arm  movement 
for  the  forward-and-back  twist 
.  .  .  outstretched  arms  swing- 
ing to  cross  in  front,  as  shown. 
On  count  1 — hands  outstretch- 
ed; 2 — position  illustrated; 
3 — spread  hands  about  24" 
apart;    4 — same  as   count  2. 

Which  foot  first?  No  matter, 
says  Chubby — long  as  they're 
apart,  one  in  front  of  other. 

Partners  never  touch  but  will 
imitate  anything — from  "Bowl- 
ing"  to   "Choo-Choo   Train." 

They're  really  rockm  now. 
at  the  Peppermint  Lounge  .  .  . 
Twist  h.q.  at  Times  Square! 


I  See  You  With 

For  Ray  Charles,  living  his  life  in  pain  and  blindness,  there  was  only  one  way 
out:  Song— and  his  terrible  addiction.  This  is  the  story  of  how  it  all  happened 


The  scene  at  the  Indianapolis  police  station  on 
November  14,  1961,  was  grim.  Across  the  table 
from  Detective  Sgt.  William  Owen,  with  Detec- 
tive Sgt.  Robert  Keithley  standing  by,  sat  a 
handsome  young  man  wearing  dark  glasses.  Be- 
hind the  glasses  were  the  sealed  eyelids  of  the 
blind  .  .  .  but  the  blind  can  cry — and  Ray 
Charles,  one  of  the  country's  top  jazz  and  pop 
singers,  was  sobbing  uncontrollably.  "I  don't 
know  what  to  do  about  my  wife  and  kids.  I've 
got  a  month's  work  to  do  and  I've  got  to  do 
it."  Sgt.  Owen  further  quotes  Charles  as  saying, 
"I  really  need  help.  Nobody  can  lick  this  thing 
by  themselves."  .   .   .    (Continued  on  page  85) 

In  France,  public  and 
followed  the  singer  will 
devotion    close    to    idol<\ 

My  Heart, 





7  See  You  With  My  Heart.  Jj 

For  Ray  Charles,  living  his  life  in  pain  and  blindness,  there  was  only  one  way 
out:  Song-and  his  terrible  addiction.  This  is  the  story  of  how  it  all  happened 



The  scene  at  the  Indianapolis  police  station  on 
November  14,  1961,  was  grim.  Across  the  table 
from  Detective  Sgt.  William  Owen,  with  Detec- 
tive Sgt.  Robert  Keithley  standing  by,  sat  a 
handsome  young  man  wearing  dark  glasses.  Be- 
hind the  glasses  were  the'  sealed  eyelids  of  the 
blind  ...  but  the  blind  can  cry— and  Ray 
Charles,  one  of  the  country's  top  jazz  and  pop 
singers,  was  sobbing  uncontrollably.  "I  don't 
know  what  to  do  about  my  wife  and  kids.  I've 
got  a  month's  work  to  do  and  I've  got  to  do 
it."  Sgt.  Owen  further  quotes  Charles  as  saying. 
"I  really  need  help.  Nobody  can  lick  this  thing 
by  themselves."  .  .  .   (Continued  on  page  85) 

In  France,  public  and  pre 
followed  the  singer  ulitk 
devotion    close    to   id°lal' 




-   I 


a  New  Love  for  Lucj 

"/  take  thee,  Gary  ..."  and 
then  it  was  all  sentimental 
tears  and  glowing  happiness 
for    our    favorite    redhead 

hy   ELLEN   ritWi: 

The  wide  blue  eyes  were  serious — and 
there  was  more  than  a  hint  of  tears — 
as  she  stood  before  the  minister  to  say 
the  words  which  were  to  spell  the  start 
of  a  new  life.  Her  startling  orange-gold 
hair  was  subdued  under  her  blue-green 
tulle  headdress.  Her  voice  was  warm 
and  firm  as  she  repeated,  after  the  min- 
ister, "I,  Lucille,  take  thee,  Gary,  to  be 
my   wedded    {Continued   on  page   65) 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morton  (nee 
Lucille  Ball)  had  special 
wedding  cake — and  ready- 
made  family:  Lucie,  10, 
and  Desi  Arnaz,  8,  flew 
East  to  join  them  (left), 
rode  up  front  in  the  brid- 
al car   as   it   drove   away. 


a  New  Love  for  Lucy 

"/  take  thee,  Gary  .  .  ."  and 
then  it  was  all  sentimental 
tears  and  glowing  happiness 
for    our    favorite    redhead 


The  wide  blue  eyes  were  serious — and 
there  was  more  than  a  hint  of  tears — 
as  she  stood  before  the  minister  to  say 
the  words  which  were  to  spell  the  start 
of  a  new  life.  Her  startling  orange-gold 
hair  was  subdued  under  her  blue-green 
tulle  headdress.  Her  voice  was  warm 
and  firm  as  she  repeated,  after  the  min- 
ister, "I,  Lucille,  take  thee,  Gary,  to  be 
my   wedded    {Continued   on  page   65) 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Morton  (nee 
Lucille  Ball)  had  special 
wedding  cake— and  ready- 
made  family:  Lucie.  10, 
and  Deri  Artuu,  ll.  flew 
East  to  join  tli<'"i  (left), 
rode  up  front  in  the  l>"i!- 
al  cor   a*   it   drove  away. 


i  m 



When  he  left  the 

New  York  Knickerbockers 

for  the  TV  mike, 

Hollywood  missed  a  bet. 

But  pro  basketball  gained 

a  lot  of  sex  appeal! 


#    "This  may  surprise  you."  says  sports  an- 
nouncer Bud  Palmer,  "but  one  thing  I've  learned  is 
that  most  women  who  dial  their  TV  set  to  a  sports  event  are 
more  interested  in  watching  one  particular  person — one  of  the 
athletes — than  they  are  in  the  result  of  the  contest.  That's  why  close- 
up  shots  are  important.  If  the  female  viewers  think  a  certain  basketball 
or  baseball  player  is  cute,  they  don't  want  to  be  told  by  the  announcer  that 
their  favorite  is  good-looking — they  want  to  see  for  themselves."  Judging 
from  the  mail  received  at  NBC,  there's  still  another  big  reason  why  millions 
of  women  have  become  interested  in  sports  telecasts.  They  want  to  see  another 
particular  person :  Bud  Palmer.  At  six-feet-four  and  a  slim  185  pounds,  Palmer 
is  unquestionably  one  of  television's  most  handsome  personalities.   He  has 
the  physical  appearance  of  a  Hollywood  leading  man — which  he  might  well 
have  become,  had  it  not  been  for  the  deep  interest  in  athletics  that  led 
him  to  a  professional  basketball  career  before  (Continued  on  page  94) 



0*1**"     \ 




/         11 




When  he  left  the 

»      ' 


New  York  Knickerbockers 


for  the  TV  mike, 



Hollywood  missed  a  bet. 



But  pro  basketball  gained 



a  lot  of  sex  appeal! 



•   "This  may  surprise  you."  says  sports  an- 
nouncer Bud  Palmer,  "hut  one  thing  I've  learned  is 
that  most  women  who  dial  their  TV  set  to  a  sports  event  are 
more  interested  in  watching  one  particular  person — one  of  the 
athletes — than  they  are  in  the  result  of  the  contest.  That's  why  close- 
up  shots  are  important.  If  the  female  viewers  think  a  certain  basketball 
or  baseball  player  is  cute,  they  don't  want  to  be  told  by  the  announcer  that 
their  favorite  is  good-looking— they  want  to  see  for  themselves."  Judging 
from  the  mail  received  at  NBC,  there's  still  another  big  reason  why  millions 
of  women  have  become  interested  in  sports  telecasts.  They  want  to  see  another 
particular  person:  Bud  Palmer.  At  six-feet-four  and  a  slim  185  pounds.  Palmer 
is  unquestionably  one  of  television's  most  handsome  personalities.  He  has 
the  physical  appearance  of  a  Hollywood  leading  man-which  he  might  well 
have  become,  had  it  not  been  for  the  deep  interest  in  athletics  that  led 
him  to  a  professional  basketball  career  before  {Continued  on  page  94) 




Several  years  ago,  a  friend  of  mine  told  me  a  de- 
lightful story  about  a  seven-year-old  boy  who 
rushed  breathlessly  home  from  play  and  asked  his 
mother,  "Where  did  I  come  from?"  With  a  sigh,  but 
bravely  facing  up  to  a  bright  child's  legitimate  curi- 
osity, she  explained  how  he  had  come  into  the  world. 
The  boy  lost  interest  swiftly,  but  the  earnest  mother 
persisted  with  her  report  to  the  last,  then  asked, 
"Now  do  you  understand  where  you  came  from?" 
The  boy  shrugged.  "I  guess  so,"  he  said,  "but  the 
new  boy  who  just  moved  in  across  the  street  says  he 
came  from  Philadelphia!" 

That  illustrates  one  of  the  first  principles  by  which 
Bill  and  I  had  been  guided  (Continued  on  page  76) 









Several  years  ago,  a  friend  of  mine  told  me  a  de- 
lightful  story  aliout  a   seven-yea r-old   boy   who 
rushed  breathlessly  home  from  play  and  asked  his 
mother,  "Where  did  I  come  from?"  With  a  sigh,  but 
bravely  facing  up  to  a  bright  child's  legitimate  curi- 
osity, she  explained  how  he  had  come  into  the  world. 
The  boy  lost  interest  swiftly,  but  the  earnest  mother 
persisted  with  her  report  to  the  last,  then   asked, 
"Now  do  you  understand  where  you  came  from?" 
The  boy  shrugged.  "I  guess  so,"  he  said,  "but  the 
new  boy  who  just  moved  in  across  the  street  says  he 
came  from  Philadelphia!" 

That  illustrates  one  of  the  first  principles  by  which 
Bill  and  I  had  been  guided  {Continued  on  pa%t  76J 



Ice  water  in  his  veins! 
Venom  in  his  voice!  A 
single  nod  can  mean  death 
to  an  enemy !  That's  Frank 
Nitti  of  The  Untouchables. 
.  .  .  Now,  how  about  Bruce 
Gordon — who  plays  him? 



In  the  beginning,  there  were  Lon 
Chaney  and  Erich  Von  Stroheim, 
two  of  the  most  malevolent  vil- 
lains ever  to  skulk  across  a  movie 
screen.  .  .  .  Chaney  as  the  fiend 
who,  because  of  some  startling 
physical  deformity,  took  venge- 
ance on  society  by  murdering  his 
nicest  neighbors.  .  .  .  Von  Stro- 
heim as  the  hard,  cold  Prussian - 
officer  type  whose  most  inspired 
idea  of  punishing  passersby  was 
to  torture  them  elegantly  and  sa- 
distically. Then  came  Sydney 
Greenstreet  and  Peter  Lorre,  War- 
ner Bros.'  |  Continued  on  page  87 ) 




Ice  water  in  his  veins! 
Venom  in  his  voice!  A 
single  nod  can  mean  death 
to  an  enemy !  That's  Frank 
Nitti  of  The  Untouchables. 
.  .  .  Now,  how  about  Bruce 
Gordon — who  plays  him? 




In  the  beginning,  there  were  Lon 
Chaney  and  Erich  Von  Stroheim, 
two  of  the  most  malevolent  vil- 
lains ever  to  skulk  across  a  movie 
screen.  .  .  .  Chaney  as  the  fiend 
who,  because  of  some  startling 
physical  deformity,  took  venge- 
ance on  society  by  murdering  his 
nicest  neighbors.  .  .  .  Von  Stro- 
heim as  the  hard,  cold  Prussian- 
officer  type  whose  most  inspired 
idea  of  punishing  passersby  was 
to  torture  them  elegantly  and  sa- 
distically. Then  came  Sydney 
Greenstreet  and  Peter  Lorre,  War- 
ner Bros.'  ^Continued  on  page  871 





Reggie  Dombeck,  pretty 
hostess  of  ABC-TV's 
Number  Please,  shows 
you  "how" — and  "how  not' 


"A  girl's  hands  can  be  one  of  her 
loveliest  assets,"  says  blonde,  blue- 
eyed  Reggie  Dombeck.  "There's  noth- 
ing more  irritating  to  a  man  than 
a  woman  who  constantly  twists  her 
curls  or  fiddles  with  her  jewelry. 
Take  a  thumb-twiddler,  for  instance." 
Reggie  twiddled  her  thumbs,  but 
managed  to  look  graceful  doing  that, 
too!  "Thumb-twiddlers  reveal  their 
uneasiness  among  people,"  she  ex- 
plained, twiddling  better — or  should 
we  say  worse?  Then  there's  the  nail- 
biter.  A  woman  is  so  unattractive 
when  she  chews  oh  her  fingers.  And 
she  ends  up  with  ugly  stubby  nails." 
.  .  .  She  went  on  to  demonstrate 
other  gestures  that  lack  poise — as 
shown  here.  Reggie,  who  has  been 
analyzing  handwriting  since  her 
girlhood  in  Chicago,  believes  that 
you  can  tell  a  lot  about  a  person  by 
their  hands.  "One  of  the  first  things 
I  notice  when  I  meet  a  woman,"  she 
says,  "is  whether  or  not  her  hands 
are  well-groomed.  Then,  of  course, 
it's  important  how  she  shakes  hands." 
A  firm  handshake,  in  Reggie's  opin- 
ion, is  the  key  to  a  strong,  vital  per- 
sonality. Limp,  clammy  hands  are  a 
dead-head's  giveaway.  Reggie  her- 
self is  brimming  with  enthusiasm  for 
her  busy  life  of  television  shows  and 
rehearsals,  a  modeling  career  and 
classes  at  the  Museum  of  Modern 
Art  .  .  .  and,  as  we  said  goodbye, 
we  noticed  that  Reggie  Dombeck  has 
a  very  firm  handshake! 

Scratching  an  imaginary 
itch  and  tugging  at  the 
hair  are  symptoms  of  what 
Reggie  calls  "a  lack  of 
vitamin   C-f 'or -Control." 

Children  who  fidget  can  look  cute  .  . . 
but  the  woman  who  nervously  gestures 
with  the  silverware  or  wrestles  with 
her  jewelry  can  only  appear  uneasy. 

The  gal  who  twiddles  her  thumbs  and 
chews  on  her  nails  reveals  her  lack 
of     self-assurance     for     all     to     see! 

The  "fingertip  snob"  has 
her  pinkie  instead  of  her 
nose  up  in  the  air  .  .  .  but 
both  types  of  affectation 
are    equally    unattractive. 






«;  ; 

The  TV  price  has  always 
been  right — for  Cullen. 


Sullivan  bets  on  aces — 
here's   Hope   in   person! 

In  this  season  of  the  "kill," 
when  new  shows  get  bombed 
out,  let's  take  a  look  at 
those  delightful  entertainers 
who  go  on  .  .  .  and  on  .  .  . 



^K     V  K  ■          :  A   Mr.                             m9        Bb        i 

For  John  Daly,  the  richest  kind  of  "jam." 



The  marshal  "a  bum?"  Not  to  Arness  fans! 

i  HI    1 

J^^^t-  ^          l  \ 

•  *jQ  •  ; 

Ea            ^* 

r            '      - " "  - 


^■11  •"'                                  *£*     ■£■■ 

^^^^^^H^B^^k___    "™.=~~ —              - r— 1 

Allen   Funt  with  small   but  very  candid   friend. 

—       1 

v                          1 

A            ^^                                                                                  1    - 

^ - 

Untouchable — and  restless:  Bob  Stack. 

rontinued           ^ 








ilii  i; 

■VIA    i            1 

rlH  W  1 

i  ^f  |   1 1'  • 


2    j-   dfl 

A  '  1    1  i 

The  TV  price  has  always 
been  right — for  Cullen. 

Sullivan  bets  on  aces — 
here's   Hope   in   person! 

i  w 

In  this  season  of  the  "kill," 
when  new  shows  get  bombed 
out,  let's  take  a  look  at 
those  delightful  entertainers 
who  go  on  .  .  .  and  on  .  .  . 




-;■         1 





For  John  Daly,  the  richest  kind  of  "jo"1- 


The  marshal  "a  bum?"  Not  to  Arness  fc 

Allen  Funt  with  small  but  very  candid  friend. 

f     -^ 

Untouchable — and  restless:  Bob  Stack. 





Shod  or  no,  Dick  Boone  knows  where  he's  travelin'. 

innumerable  stars  make  their  bows  on 
the  TV  screen  each  season — many  to 
disappear  after  a  few  months  in  the 
national  spotlight.  But  there  are  others 
who  survive,  year  after  year,  perennial 
favorites  in  a  business  notable  for  its 
change.  Among  the  twenty  most  popu- 
lar shows  of  the  1961-62  season  are 
a  dozen  of  TV's  most  durable  darlings. 

What  keeps  them  on  top?  Well,  here 
are  some  of  the  "inside"  reasons.   .   .   . 

When  Garry  Moore  is  planning  his 
regular  feature,  "That  Wonderful  Year." 
he  ought  to  give  a  thought  to  1950. 
That's    the    year    Garry    made    his    first 

Welle  and   first  music- 
maker — his    accordion. 

MacMurray — with  "three  sons"  and  veteran  Bill  Frawley. 



Somebody  watching  Como?  Well,   isn't  everybody? 

Garry  Moore  can  pluck 
talent  out   of  the   blue. 

fumbling  start  on  television,  with  a  five- 
times-a-week  daytime  show  which  was 
still  going  great  guns  eight  years  later, 
when  he  howed  out  in  favor  of  his  week- 
ly  nighttime  variety  show  over  CBS-TV. 

As  a  guest,  he  might  consider  John 
Daly,  who — that  same  year  -was  set- 
ting up  shop  as  moderator  of  a  new 
panel  show  called   What's  My  Line? 

Or  he  could  go  hack  two  years  earlier, 
to  1948.  when  a  Broadway  columnist 
named  Ed  Sullivan  was  making  his  first 
TV  appearance  as  a  master  of  cere- 
monies— with  a  couple  of  unknown 
comics  called  Martin  and  Lewis  as  his 
guests.  That  year  might  be  worth  a 
"special."  for  it  was  then  that  Perry 
Como-    who    ( Continued    on    page  72  ) 



Hillbilly — and  Yankee,  too:  Walter  Brennan. 

"Contract  trouble"  took  out 

Rod  Hendrickson — seen  with  Ann 

Flood — just  a  few  months 

before  From  These  Roots  folded. 

Beckoned  by  movies,  Lynn 
Loring  was  judged  too  young 
for  Hollywood  role,  may 
return  to  Search  For  Tomorrow 


Haila  Stoddard — off  TV  and 

The  Secret  Storm — because  of 

Broadway  work  as  producer. 

A  roundup  of  the  switcheroos  going  on 

in  the  great,  wonderful  world  of  daytime  drama 

Nancy  Malone  switched  from  The 
Brighter  Day  to  The  Guiding  Light. 

There  Ilk  some  etumniie 

by   FBAX 

Last  September,  a  rumor  began  going  the  rounds.  It 
started  in  the  South,  where  or  how  no  one  knows.  It 
was  said  that  in  the  daytime  serial,  As  The  World  Turns, 
Jeff  Baker  (played  by  Mark  Rydell)  and  his  wife  Penny 
(Rosemary  Prinz)  were  not  going  to  reconcile.  Not 
then,  or  ever — because  Jeff  was  going  to  be  responsible 
for  Penny's  death.  How  and  when,  no  one  knew,  but 
there  it  was,  passed  along  from  friend  to  friend,  from 
house  to  house.  Whispered  in  beauty  parlors,  discussed 
in  tearooms  and  at  snack  counters.  TV  Radio  MiRROR 
received  anguished  letters.  There  was  a  long-distance 


call  from  a  woman  too  worried  to  wait  for  the  mails. 
"We  can't  believe  it,"  was  the  gist  of  what  was  said. 
"Say  it  isn't  so." 

It  isn't.  It  never  was.  No  one  was  more  surprised  to 
hear  the  rumor  than  the  people  responsible  for  the 
show.  But  the  commotion  this  rumor  caused  for  a  while, 
in  some  areas,  was  very  real. 

This  is  only  one  example  of  the  avid  interest  TV 
viewers  take  in  these  stories  they  watch  day  by  day. 
Even  more,  in  the  individual  characters  and  the  actors 
who  play  them.  This  is  also  why  any  major  cast  change 

Penny   Baker    (Rosemary  Prinz)    didn't  die   in   As   The    World   Turns — though    rumor   whispered   she   would! 









*^B  • 


"Contract  trouble"  look  out 

Rod  Hendrickson — seen  with  Ann 

Flood — just  a  few  months 

before  From  These  Roots  folded. 

Beckoned  by  movies,  Lynn 
Loring  was  judged  too  young 
for  Hollywood  role,  may 
return  to  Search  For  Tomorrow 

Haila  Stoddard  —off  TV  and 

The  Secret  Storm — because  of 

Broadway  work  as  producer. 

A  roundup  of  the  switcheroos  going  on 

in  the  great,  wonderful  world  of  daytime  drama 

Nancy  Malone  switched  from  The 
Brighter  Day  to  The  Guiding  Light. 

fhere'll le some  climes made 

Last  September,  a  rumor  began  going  the  rounds.  It 
started  in  the  South,  where  or  how  no  one  knows.  It 
was  said  that  in  the  daytime  serial,  As  The  World  Turns 
Jeff  Baker  (played  by  Mark  Rydell.l  and  his  wife  Penny 
(Rosemary  Prinz)  were  not  going  to  reconcile.  Not 
then,  or  ever— because  Jeff  was  going  to  be  responsible 
for  Penny's  death.  How  and  when,  no  one  knew,  but 
there  it  was,  passed  along  from  friend  to  friend,  from 
house  to  house.  Whispered  in  beauty  parlors,  discussed 
in  tearooms  and  at  snack  counters.  TV  Radio  Mirror 
received  anguished  letters.  There  was  a  long-distance 


.sWeCant,beheVei,''-s  the  gis,  0f  wha,  was  said 
Say  it  isn't  so." 

It  isn't,  h  never  was.  No  one  wa,  more  surprised  to 
hear  the  rumor  than  the  people  responsible  for  the 
show.  But  the  commotion  this  rumor  caused  for  a  while, 
in  some  areas,  was  very  real. 

This  is  only  one  example  of  the  avid  interest  TV 
viewers  take  in  these  stories  they  watch  day  by  day 
Even  more,  in  the  individual  characters  and  the  actors 
who  play  them.  This  is  also  why  any  major  cast  change 

Pe"ny   ^^    <R°Semary   P,i"Z)    dU"1   dle   '"    *    ^    World   Turns-tHough    rumor    whit 

pered  she   would! 

Thmllk  some  cknmmile 

brings  instant  and  irate  mail,  telegrams 
and  telephone  calls.  "If  viewers  only 
knew  how  much  we  dislike  losing  an 
actor  who  has  been  playing  a  key  role," 
sighs  one  harassed  producer,  "they 
wouldn't  get  so  angry  at  us! 

"Good  actors — and  the  daytime  se- 
rials have  some  very  good  ones — get 
good  offers.  Many  prefer  to  stay  where 
they  are.  They  like  the  parts  they  play. 
They  like  the  security  of  their  jobs  and 

John  Larkin  departed  The  Edge 
Of  Night  for  chance  at  Hollywood. 

the  stability  of  a  more  normal  home  and 
social  life  than  actors  generally  have. 
Some  have  already  had  fine  careers  on 
Broadway  and  can't  resist  a  play  they 
like.  Some  are  still  waiting  for  that  big 
Broadway  chance.  The  movies  lure  oth- 
ers, daytime  serials  still  being  one  of 
the  best  showcases  talent  can  have.  It 
just  happens  that,  in  recent  times,  more 
key  characters  have  been  changed,  for 
one  reason  or  another,  in  more  daytime 

So,  if  there  has  not  been  turmoil  in 
the  serials,  there  has  certainly  been 
turnover.  The  plot  lines  of  the  shows 
are  growing  more  realistic.  Even  prin- 
cipal characters  are  allowed  to  die  in 
them  now — a  drastic  innovation.  Tim 
Cole  of  As  The  World  Turns  died  of  an 
incurable  disease,  as  did  an  important 
female  character  in  Love  Of  Life.  But 
killing  off  the  popular  heroine  of  a  top 
serial  still  remains  the  outstanding  inno- 
vation of  the  1961  season,  or  any  other 
thus  far.  On   {Continued  on  page  92) 

"Death  by  tragic  accident"  on  Edge  Of  Night- 
cleared  the  way  for  Teal  Ames  to  follow  a  new  dream. 



Below  and  lower  left,  newlyweds 
Wally  and  Barbara  (married  in 
September)  live  in  an  apartment, 
are  "house-hunting  in  suburbia.'' 




As  a  comedian-deejay.  Wally  Phillips 
of  WGN  has  created  a  big  stir  in  the  Windy  City 

■  Wally  Phillips  of  WGN,  Chicago,  is  one  radio  an- 
nouncer who'll  never  be  at  a  loss  for  words.  He  admits 
he  was  so  chatty  as  a  youngster  in  Portsmouth,  Ohio, 
that  "even  my  mother  was  glad  when  I  left  home, 
because  she  couldn't  get  a  word  in  when  I  was  around." 
...  At  any  rate,  Wally  has  been  creating  a  "stir"  in 
the  entertainment  world  ever  since.  At  his  breezy  best, 
he  is  a  satirist  who  delights  in  poking  fun  at  all 
institutions  he  considers  stuffy — especially  in  the  radio 
and  TV  field.  This  is  quite  a  switch  for  a  youth  who 
attended  a  seminary  for  three  years,  intending  to  become 
a  priest.  .  .  .  Returning  from  the  seminary  to  attend 
high  school  in  Cincinnati,  Wally  wangled  the  lead  in 
a  play  as  "Brother  Orchid,"  the  part  made  famous  in 
the  movies  by  Edward  G.  Robinson.  He  joined  the  Air 
Force,  though,  before  getting  his  diploma.  .  .  .  Wally 
later  took  night  courses  at  Schuster-Martin  School  of 
Drama,  made  some  tapes  and  accepted  a  disc-jockey 
post  at  WJEF  in  Grand  Rapids,  Michigan.  At  WSAI 
and  then  at  WCPO,  both  in  Cincinnati,  Wally  gained 
himself  a  reputation  as  a  humorist  and  satirist  by 
opening  fire  on  the  tired  routines  used  by  deejays.  It 
was  at  WCPO  that  he  first  conceived  the  idea  of  goofing 

up  interviews  which  had  been  recorded  with  celebri- 
ties from  a  standard  list  of  questions.  Instead  of  open- 
ing with  the  script's  line:  "I  guess  it's  a  thrill  to  have 
a  hit  record  going?" — Wally  would  cut  it,  "Don't  you 
think  your  voice  has  gotten  a  little  shaky  over  the 
past  year?"  To  which  the  star's  recorded  reply  would 
be:  "I'll  go  along  with  that."  Then  instead  of  the  re- 
quired "You've  got  a  big  record  on  its  way  up?" — be- 
fore the  star's  reply,  "Well,  luckily  it's  two" — Wally 
injected,  "I'll  give  you  credit  for  one  thing:  You've 
got  a  head  on  your  shoulders."  The  star's  recorded 
answers  panicked  Wally 's  audiences  and  started  him  on 
a  new  gimmick — buying  voice  tracks.  ...  As  Wally's 
ratings  went  up,  he,  too,  climbed  in  the  radio  field — 
to  WLW  in  Cincinnati  in  1952  and  on  to  WGN  in 
1956.  Over  the  years,  his  collection  of  voice  tapes  has 
grown  and  become  a  highlight  of  his  shows.  TV  star 
Ben  Alexander,  who  met  Wally  while  touring  the  coun- 
try, declared  him  to  be:  "The  cleverest  interviewer  I've 
met  in  any  city."  And,  although  Wally  may  occasionally 
cause  station  executives  to  turn  gray  overnight,  with 
his  unorthodox  style  of  delivery  and  comic  take-offs, 
he  continues  to  wow  his  faithful  listeners! 



At  lop,  child  star  Eddie  Hodges  joshes  with  Dave  Allen  (Captain) 
and  Jim  Bolen  (Cooky).  Below,  Lone  Ranger  and  gobs  swap  tales. 

Take  a  funland  cruise  with 

Jim  Bolen  and  Dave  Allen 

from  KMOX-TV  in  St.  Louis 

A  couple  of  makebelieve  seafaring 
characters  hoist  a  mythical  ramp, 
cast  off  and  sail  the  S.S.  Popeye  from 
KMOX-TV  in  St.  Louis,  each  weekday 
at  4:00,  and  at  11:30  on  Saturday  morn- 
ings. They're  heading  on  a  cruise  laden 
with  fun,  cartoons  and  extra  special  sur- 
prises for  "little  people."  .  .  .  Dave 
Allen  (the  Captain)  and  Jim  Bolen 
(Cooky)  have  been  classed  as  the  most 
influential  babysitters  in  an  area  where 
there  are  more  than  859,000  TV  homes. 
for  records  show  that  they've  captured 
more  than  50  percent  of  the  TV  audi- 
ence with  their  show  for  the  past  three 
years.  The  list  of  adventurers  waiting  to 
receive  a  boarding  pass  for  the  "Peanut 
Gallery"  of  the  show  extends  into  May. 
.  .  .  Allen,  6'2",  can  wield  his  220 
pounds  into  the  chair  of  the  station's 
Farm  Director  (when  the  latter's  away ) : 
don  a  service-station  attendant's  uniform 
and  sell  automotive  wares  (which  he 
does) ;  emcee  a  variety  show  (which 
he  does  frequently)  ;  and  star  in  a  stage 
production  with  the  finesse  of  a  pro. 
.  .  .  Bolen — 5'9",  and  70  pounds  less 
than  Allen — can  nevertheless  lift  the 
greatest  of  melodies  from  a  set  of  vibes 
and  piano  keyboard.  Though  he  once 
drummed  and  sang  his  way  with  the 
Benny  Goodman  and  Ted  Weems  travel- 
ing bands  in  1949,  Bolen  has  forsaken 
percussion  sidelines  and  currently  main- 
tains a  busy  free-lancing  schedule  with 
a  six-voice  singing  group  and  combo- 
turning  out  commercial  jingles  for  ad 
agencies.  .  .  .  Both  personalities  are 
veterans  in  the  broadcast  entertainment 
field.  Allen  found  a  part-time  anounce- 
ing  job  in  1947  while  he  was  attending 

Dave  rehearses  for  starring  rote 
in  "Make  a  Million,'"  as  Sue  throws 
rues,  and  wife  Hilda  lends  an  ear. 

At  home,  Jim  shoivs  off  his  antique 
mug  collection  to  Melissa,  Pamela, 
wife   Liz,   Belinda   and   tiny   Chris. 

Western  State  College,  Macomb.  Illinois. 
But  Bolen  did  not  have  to  search  the 
field — he  was  born  in  the  trunk  of  par- 
ents who  traveled  the  Orpheum  circuit. 
At  the  age  of  three,  he  was  a  song-and- 
dance  act  with  his  talented  mother;  and 
when  he  reached  his  teens,  he  found 
himself  with  the  Special  Services  divi- 
sion of  the  U.S.  Navy,  working  the  en- 
tertaining circuits.  After  the  war,  Bolen 
formed  a  singing  group  and  joined  the 
Kate  Smith  radio  show  out  of  New  York. 
.  .  .  On  their  TV  programs,  the  team 
works  without  scripts  and  develops  plots 
and  situations  as  they  go  along.  "We 
reduce  ourselves  to  the  broadest  possible 
humor,"  says  Bolen,  "looking  for  a  good 
way  to  finish — and  then  build  up  the 
show  to  that  point."  Allen  adds.  "Also, 
we  have  to  remember  that  the  little 
people  believe  so  much  in  characters  that 
l  hey  become  upset  and  cry  if  someone 
gets  hurt  or  is  in  trouble.  Most  important 
— you  must  enjoy  your  work,  because 
kids  spot  it  if  you  don't."  .  .  .  Both  men 
own  and  operate  two  music  shops.  And 
despite  heavy  schedules,  Allen  owns  a 
restaurant,  is  active  in  little-theater  work, 
loves  to  fly-fish  Missouri  streams  for  small- 
mouth  bass,  and  enjoys  woodworking, 
music  and  writing.  Bolen's  hobby  is  col- 
lecting antique  phonographs.  .  .  .  Allen 
and  Bolen  have  become  heroes  to  their 
own  children,  too.  Dave's  eight-year-old 
Susan  constantly  helps  out  on  script 
reading  assignments,  and  Jim's  three 
daughters — Belinda,  12;  Pamela,  9;  and 
Melissa,  6 — take  pleasure  in  rehearsing 
song  routines  with  their  father.  Bolen 
says  Chris,  1%,  is  being  groomed  musi- 
<;ill\    to   accompany    his   singing   sisters. 



Mme.  Slack's  primary  goal — which  she  accomplishes  beautifully — is  to  encourage  her  students 
to  think  in  French  and  thus  assimilate  the  language  as  naturally  as  they  did  their  mother  tongue. 


Bouquets  are  in  order 

for  KETV  in  Omaha — it  offers 

educational  programs 

for  pupils  and  parents  alike 

Anne  is  also  a  favorite  camera  subject  for  husband  Raymond,  son  Larry. 

Thanks  to  KETV  (Omaha)  and  Mme.  Anne  Slack,  several 
thousand  third-  and  fourth-grade  pupils  are  learning 
French  via  TV  by  watching  Parlous  Franqais.  And  this  is 
only  part  of  the  unique  educational  service  offered  by  KETV. 
Since  September,  the  commercial  station  has  devoted  eight 
hours  each  week  to  telecasting  fourteen  instructional  courses, 
including  social  studies,  arithmetic,  science  and  English, 
along  with  French.  At  present,  some  twenty  school  systems 
in  eastern  Nebraska  are  using  this  specialized  classroom 
service,  reaching  approximately  25,000  pupils  in  the  state's 
largest  "school."  .  .  .  Except  for  the  French  course,  which 
is  on  film,  the  courses  are  produced  live  with  experienced 
teachers  at  the  University  of  Nebraska's  education  station, 
KUON-TV,  in  Lincoln.  Then,  with  the  aid  of  translators  in 
Central  Nebraska,  they  are  simulcast  by  KETV.  .  .  .  Parlous 
Franqais  is  also  unique — the  first  and  only  in-school  TV 
course  of  instruction  offered  on  a  national  basis.  Mme.  Slack 
uses  the  "audio-lingual"  method  of  instruction,  avoiding  the 
use  of  the  written  word  entirely  during  the  first  two  years 
of  the  program,  so  the  students  will  learn  to  think  in  French. 
Following  her  two  fifteen-minute  French  lessons  each  week, 
a  classroom  teacher  follows  up  with  her  own  lessons.  .  .  .  The 
star  and  teacher  of  Parlous  Franqais  is  a  sparkling,  brown- 
eyed  native  Frenchwoman,  who  sprinkles  her  personal  cor- 
respondence with  exclamation  points,  a  habit  that  reveals 
much  about  her  personality.  But  Mme.  Slack  lays  claim  to 
more  than  beauty  and  a  winning  way  with  children.  A  teacher 
of  broad  classroom  experience,  she  transferred  her  rare 
ability  to  the  TV  screen  some  eight  years  ago  when  TV  teach- 
ing was  just  an  infant  stepchild  of  education.  For  six  years 

at  WRGB  in  Schenectady,  New  York,  she  was  the  teacher. 
writer  and  producer  of  Fun  With  French,  a  live  TV  course 
sponsored  by  Schenectady  Public  Schools.  Her  success 
brought  her  to  the  attention  of  the  Modern  Language  As- 
sociation and  finally  to  the  Massachusetts  Council  for  Public 
Schools,  which  was  seeking  ways  and  means  to  develop  a 
foreign-language  program  to  be  used  in  the  elementary- 
grades.  With  a  grant  from  the  Ford  Foundation,  Federal  and 
other  funds,  the  Modern  Language  Project  of  Boston  was 
established  and  Mme.  Slack  became  one  of  the  pioneer 
planners  and  motivating  forces  that  led  to  the  Parlous  Fran- 
qais series.  Today,  this  conversational  French  course  is  being 
telecast  to  an  estimated  audience  of  two  million  elementary 
school  pupils  in  43  metropolitan  areas  from  New  York  to 
San  Francisco  and  from  Calgary,  Canada,  to  Tampa,  Florida. 
.  .  .  Mme.  Slack  majored  in  English  and  Latin  and  also 
graduated  from  the  Paris  Conservatory.  She  was  awarded  the 
"Meritorious  Service  Award"  by  the  United  States  for  her 
services  as  intepreter  and  translator  to  U.S.  Army  Head- 
quarters in  Algeria  and  Morocco  during  World  War  II. 
During  this  time,  she  met  and  married  GI  Raymond  E.  Slack 
Jr.,  who  brought  her  to  the  United  States  as  a  war  bride 
in  1947.  The  Slacks  now  live  in  Marblehead,  Massachusetts, 
with  their  13-year-old  son,  Larry.  .  .  .  With  KETV  simulcast- 
ing educational  programs,  the  coverage  has  been  increased 
to  homes  and  schools  in  more  than  100  counties  in  four 
states.  Now,  when  Johnny  comes  home,  Mom  or  Dad  can  talk 
knowingly  with  him  about  what  he  learned  in  school  that  day. 
No  wonder  KETV  and  Johnny's  family  say,  "C'est  mag- 
nifique!"  It's  such  a  wonderful  way  to  learn! 



Was  Mitch  Michael  of  WOKY  destined 
for  a  successful  radio  career?  Going  by 
his  large  listening  audiences — yes! 


He's  in  great  demand  at  record  hops  in  the  area. 

"Karting"  fan  Michael  has  won   many  trophies. 

■    "My  mother  says,  with  tongue  in  cheek,  that  I  was 
marked    before    birth   to    be   in    radio — because,    a    few 
weeks  before  I  was  born,  she  made  a  tour  of  KTUL. 
Tulsa,  which  was  just  being  opened  for  the  first  time. 
Secondly,  she  says  that  my  first  words  were  noises  like 
a   radio   announcer."   reports   Terrell   Metheny   Jr.   Des- 
tined?   Well,    Mitch    Michael,    the    musical    director    of 
WOKY   Radio   in   Milwaukee,   heard   Mon.-Sat.   from   3 
to  7  p.m.,  is  none  other  than  Terrell.  .  .  .  "As  far  back 
as  I  can  remember,  I  wanted  a  radio  career,"  he  says. 
And   he's   had   one   for   nine   of   his   26   years.    ...   A 
native   of   Van   Buren,   Arkansas,   Mitch   started   with   a 
teen-age    deejay   show   for   KFPW   in   neighboring   Fort 
Smith    during    high    school    days    and,    upon    gradua- 
tion, received  a  scholarship  from  KTUL  to  attend  the 
University  of  Tulsa.  He  later  worked  full  time  at  Sta- 
tion KTUL.   "With  the  influence  of  KTUL   on  myself, 
perhaps  my  mother  was  right,"  comments  Mitch.   .  .   . 
In  rapid  succession — using  the  names  of  Ronn  Terrell 
and  Terrell  L.  Metheny  Jr.— Mitch  was  program  director 
of  KWOS  in  Jefferson  City,  Missouri;  assistant  program 
director  at  KANS  in  Wichita  (now  KLEO) ;  and  deejay 
at  WKDA   in   Nashville,   before  coming  to   WOKY.   At 
Nashville,  Wichita  and  Tulsa,  Mitch's  ratings  zoomed  to 
number-one.  Altogether,  Mitch  has  done  everything  from 
sweeping  floors  to  writing  copy   .   .   .  from  announcing 
parades  and  sports  events  to  spinning  records.   ...  "I 
guess   I'm   like   a   printer  with   ink  in   his  veins   or   an 
actor  with  the  theater  in  his  blood — I  wouldn't  be  happy 
in  any  other  type  of  work,"  says  Mitch.  His  ambition  is 
to  devote  most  of  his  waking  hours  to  radio,  with  the 
ultimate  goal  of  going  through  the  channels  of  deejay, 
then   program   director,   station   manager   and — someday 
— owner  of  his  own  station.  .  .  .  Blue  eyes,  brown  crew- 
cut,  young,  single,  and  with  the  Army  behind  him,  Mitch 
is  publicized  as  the  "most  eligible  bachelor  in  show  busi- 
ness." He  lists  his  hobbies  as  dating,  reading,  dating, 
swimming,  dating,  racing  go-karts,  and  dating.  With  his 
assured  success  in  the  radio  world,  the  next  big  question 
seems  to   be:   When   is  Michael  marked   for  marriage? 


A  New  Love  for  Lucy 

(Continued  from  page   43) 
husband.    .    .    ."    But   her    hand    shook    a 
i rifle   as   the    big,    broad-shouldered    man 
beside  her  lifted  it  to  slip  the  ring  on  her 

"I  now  pronounce  you  man  and  wife." 
There  was  a  pause  then,  as  the  two  show- 
business  stars  stood,  not  knowing  quite 
what  to  do.  The  minister  broke  the  si- 
lence: "Let  me  introduce  you  to  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Gary  Morton."  She  turned  then,  as 
brides  have  from  time  immemorial,  to  re- 
ceive her  husband's  kiss.  She  smiled,  the 
radiant  smile  of  a  woman  in  love,  and  all 
the  tension  and  doubt  were  over.  She 
hugged  Paula  Stewart,  the  girl  who  had 
introduced  them,  and  Paula's  husband. 
Jack  Carter.  She  reached  for  her  two 
children,  and  her  mother,  and  Gary's 
mother.  Suddenly  all  was  laughter  and 
rears  and  gaiety  inside  the  dignified  walls 
of  New  York's  Marble  Collegiate  Church. 

"They're  waiting  outside,  Lucy,"  some- 
one said,  minutes  later.  "There  must  be 
a  thousand  people  out  there." 

The  warm  smile  reserved  for  those  she 
loves  best  disappeared  as  Lucille  Ball 
Arnaz  Morton,  taking  her  husband's  arm. 
walked  out  the  door  to  their  car — and  the 
mass  of  photographers  and  reporters  and 
people  waiting  there,  who  crowded  against 
the  police  barricades  as  cameras  clicked 
and  flash  bulbs  popped.  "Kiss  him,  Lucy." 
"Let's  have  one  without  the  veil,  Lucy." 

The  quiet,  dignified  service  was  over. 
It  was  the  public  image  of  Lucy,  the  clown 
with  the  sharp  wit,  they  wanted.  The 
Lucy  known  the  nation  over  answered 
their  questions,  posed  for  "just  one  more" 
picture,  waved  gaily  at  the  crowd,  and 
ducked  the  shower  of  rice  on  her  way  to 
the  car. 

No,  they  hadn't  time  for  a  honeymoon 
just  now.  She  was  rehearsing  for  a  TV 
special  which  was  to  be  taped  from  No- 
vember 29  to  December  3.  Gary,  mean- 
while, had  a  commitment  in  Las  Vegas — 
and,  marriage  or  no  marriage,  "the  show 
must  go  on."  But  they  were  snatching  a 
few  days  at  the  Concord  Hotel,  up  in  the 
Catskills,  and  would  be  together  for  the 
holidays,  in  Lucy's  home  in  Beverly  Hills. 

.  Later,  in  January,  they'd  have  time  for 
a  real  honeymoon,  in  Acapulco.  .  .  .  Yes. 
they  planned  to  live  in  California,  in  the 
big  house  which  became  Lucy's  as  part  of 
her  divorce  settlement.  .  .  .  Yes,  both 
planned  to  continue  their  careers,  though 
not  together.  .  .  .  Yes,  she  and  Desi  would 
continue  to  share  custody  of  their  chil- 
dren. .  .  .  Yes.  .  .  . 

And  at  last,  after  the  reporters  and  pho- 
tographers had  had  their  innings,  and 
they'd  said  goodbye  to  their  relatives  and 
friends  in  a  flood  of  champagne,  it  was 
over.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gary  Morton  set  out 
for  the  two-hour  drive  through  the  New 
York  countryside  for  an  all-too-brief  res- 
pite before  they  took  up  their  crowded 
lives  once  more. 

(Continued  on  next  page  i 



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Behind-the-Headlines  Story  of  George  Small, 
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How  did  Lucy  feel  as  she  stood  before 
the  altar  on  that  bright  Sunday  afternoon 
of  November  19  while  her  long-time 
friend,  the  eminent  Dr.  Norman  Vincent 
Peale,  pronounced  the  words  that  were  to 
so  change  her  life?  How  does  any  clown 
feel  at  a  time  too  serious  or  too  sacred  for 

Did  she  remember  the  time,  twenty-one 
years  before,  when  she  had  promised  to 
love,  honor  and  cherish — or  was  it 
"obey"? — another  man?  Did  she  think 
fleetingly  of  that  other  man,  Desi  Arnaz? 
He  had  sent  his  best  wishes.  "He  likes 
Gary,"  she  had  told  the  press.  "He  ac- 
cepts Gary." 

As  she  and  Gary  sped  over  the  country 
roads,  did  she  recall  that  other  trip, 
twenty-one  years  before,  when  an  im- 
petuous young  movie  actress  and  an  equal- 
ly impetuous  Cuban  bongo-drummer  had 
driven  through  a  nearby  countryside  to 
say  their  "I  do's"  before  a  Greenwich. 
Connecticut  justice  of  the  peace? 

There  were  many  similarities — and 
many  of  the  same  problems.  She  was  bet- 
ter known  than  her  bridegroom  then,  bet- 
ter established  in  the  entertainment  world. 
Now,  once  again,  she  had  taken  as  her 
mate  a  man  whose  name  spells  less  glit- 
ter than  does  hers,  in  the  glittering  world 
of  makebelieve.  Lucy  didn't  mind  then,  as 
she  doesn't  now. 

"It  doesn't  bother  me,"  she  said.  "I  just 
wanted  to  make  sure  it  didn't  bother  him. 
But  he  had  the  right  attitude — he's  adult 
about  it." 

And  she  hesitated  only  briefly  because, 
like  Desi,  Gary  is  a  few  years  younger 
than  she — if  a  woman  of  Lucy's  vibrancy 
can  be  pinpointed  in  years. 

"I'm  glad  he  kept  asking  me.  It  was 
right — and  it  is  right." 

Once  more,  too,  there  was  the  unhappy 
prospect  of  frequent  separations.  A  come- 
dian who  plays  top-flight  clubs  from  coast 
to  coast  must  be  away  from  home  often, 


just  as  Desi  was  in  those  earlier  years. 

"We  haven't  discussed  that  much,"  Gary 
said  thoughtfully,  a  few  days  before  their 
marriage,  when  he  was  asked  whether 
their  dual  careers  and  the  resulting  sepa- 
rations might  not  pose  a  threat  to  their 
happiness.  "We  are  sure  our  happiness 
will  work  everything  out.  My  main  career 
is  making  her  happy." 

And  despite  the  similarities  and  the 
problems,  Lucy's  bid  for  happiness  now  is 
based  on  a  new  quality — fun. 

They  had  laughs  and  pizza  on  their 
first  meeting,  a  blind  date  arranged  by 
Paula  Stewart,  who  had  the  ingenue  role 
in  "Wildcat,"  the  play  in  which  Lucy  was 
starring.  And,  as  one  date  led  to  another, 
and  one  laugh  to  more,  a  year  went  by. 
twelve  months  so  filled  with  jokes  and 
gaiety  that  Lucy,  who  had  said  only  a  few 
months  before,  "I'm  afraid  of  marriage," 
could  no  longer  resist. 

It  had  been  a  depressed  Lucy  who,  after 
her  divorce  from  Desi,  had  come  to  New 
York  to  pick  up  the  threads  of  her  life. 
She  was  the  star  of  a  Broadway  play,  fill- 
ing a  theater  each  night  with  her  own 
flaming  personality.  Her  children  were 
with  her,  and  her  mother.  But,  after  the 
stage  lights  had  dimmed  and  the  audience 
had  left  the  theater,  it  was  a  sad-faced 
clown  who  took  off  her  make-up  and  went 
home  to  her  luxurious  apartment — alone. 

Lucy  needed  a  guy,  her  friend  Paula 
felt.  Someone  to  take  her  to  Sardi's  or  El 
Morocco,  or  any  of  the  other  night  spots 
where  show-business  folk  make  merry 
after  their  night's  work  is  over.  .  .  .  Some- 
one gay  and  fun,  who  could  make  her 
laugh,  turn  up  the  corners  of  her  generous 
mouth,  and  bring  back  the  sparkle  to  her 

So  Paula  arranged  a  date  for  her  with 
an  easy-going  comedian  who  was  appear- 
ing then  at  the  Copacabana.  She  told  Lucy 
something  about  him,  of  course  .  .  •.  that 
he  came  from  the  Bronx  and  had  got  into 











Name    . 


Paste  this   ballot   on   a   postcard  and  send  it   to   TV   Radio 
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show  business  as  a  result  of  being  as- 
signed to  special  services  when  he  was  a 
GI.  .  .  .  that  he'd  been  on  Broadway  in 
"Mr.  Wonderful"  but  that  mostly  he 
played  night  clubs  all  the  way  from  the 
Catskills  to  Las  Vegas,  mixing  up  imi- 
tations with  gag  trumpet-playing  .  .  .  that, 
like  Lucy,  he'd  been  married,  a  marriage 
which  had  ended  in  an  annulment  a  few 
years  before. 

"You'll  like  him,"  she  said.  "He's  real- 
ly a  very  funny  guy." 

Paula  chose  more  wisely  than  she  knew. 
Almost  at  once,  life  for  Lucy  began  to  be 
fun  once  more. 

That's  all  it  was  at  first — fun. 

"My  first  impression  of  her  was  of  her 
fantastic  sense  of  humor,"  says  Gary,  his 
eyes  crinkling  as  he  recalls  that  first  date. 
"She  was  working  hard  at  the  show  and 
was  dead  tired,  but  it  couldn't  cloud  over 
her  happy  spirit.  We  had  a  lot  of  fun  to- 
gether. .  .  .  But  I  had  no  inkling  it  would 
ever  lead  to  marriage." 

The  weeks  passed  .  .  .  and  the  months. 
From  the  beginning,  when  Gary  was  work- 
ing out  of  town,  telegrams — the  crazier  the 
better — flew  back  and  forth  between  them. 
Later,  after  Lucy  had  returned  to  the  West 
Coast,  Gary  found  excuses  for  being  there, 
too.  They  were  together  here,  there,  every- 
where. Lucy's  eyes  sparkled  once  again; 
the  corners  of  her  mouth  turned  up  in  a 
radiant  smile. 

"We  just  seemed  to  turn  around — and 
a  year  had  passed.  We  couldn't  help  think- 
ing what  a  beautiful  year  we  had  spent 
together.  We  wanted  to  continue  having 
beautiful   years  together." 

And  so,  in  that  New  York  church  on  a 
bright  Sunday  afternoon  in  November, 
they  made  their  vows.  The  woman  who  had 
struggled  for  years  to  achieve  fame  and 
fortune,  only  to  have  them  turn  bitter  in 
her  mouth,  was  determined  now  to  find 

"I  want  a  happy  quiet  life." 

Life  with  Desi  was  many  things.  It  was 
tempestuous,  exciting,  unpredictable.  It 
included  quarrels — and  reconciliations. 
Happy,  certainly,  at  times,  else  it  would 
not  have  lasted  so  long.  But  quiet?  Never. 
Fun?  Nobody,  in  all  their  years  together, 
ever  suggested  that  theirs  was  a  fun-shared 

As  Hollywood  saw  it,  they  were  an  ill- 
matched  pair  from  the  start.  Desi  was  a 
volatile  Cuban,  with  the  reputation  for 
being  a  playboy  that  all  Latins  in  show 
business  have.  Lucille  Ball  was  tagged  as 
a  brash  and  sophisticated  blonde  who  was 
inevitably  cast  in  "other  woman"  roles. 
Hollywood  gave  their  marriage  six  months. 
Deep  down  inside — where  she  was  still  a 
frightened  girl  from  Jamestown,  New 
York — Lucy  wasn't  that  optimistic.  "I  gave 
us  six  weeks,"  she  said,  when  it  was  ended, 
in  May,  1960,  in  a  Santa  Monica  divorce 

As  was  the  custom  in  Spanish  families, 
no  matter  where  or  for  how  long  trans- 
planted, Desi  was  the  master  of  the  house, 
from  the  beginning.  The  lesser  star  in  the 

eyes  of  the  public,  he  reigned  supreme  at 
home,  to  be  waited  on,  catered  to.  Lucy 
said  she  loved  it.  But  as  both  pursued  the 
careers  which  kept  them  separated  so 
much  of  the  time,  there  were  quarrels  .  .  . 
reconciliations  .  .  .  quarrels. 

Lucy  is  not  a  girl  who  gives  up  easily. 
She  was  fired  from  more  than  one  job 
when,  at  sixteen,  she  braved  New  York 
in  an  attempt  to  get  a  toe-hold  in  the  big 
and  wonderful  world  of  show  business. 
She  refused  to  give  up  then;  lived  in  a 
cheap  furnished  room  and  haunted  neigh- 
borhood cafeterias,  picking  up  left-over 
scraps  of  food  to  relieve  that  empty  ache 
in  her  stomach.  Later,  when  she  was  told 
she  would  never  walk  again,  after  an  ac- 
cident had  struck  her  down,  she  was  back 
modeling  within  two  years. 

The  same  determination  made  her  re- 
fuse to  give  up  on  her  marriage.  When 
Desi's  Cuban  temper  exploded,  Lucy 
clowned  him  out  of  it.  Even  when,  in  1944, 
she  got  as  far  as  the  divorce  court,  she 
changed  her  mind  before  the  final  decree 
was  handed  down,  determined  to  keep  her 
marriage  together.  And,  ten  years  after 
their  civil  ceremony,  she  went  through  a 
religious  ceremony  in  the  Catholic  church 
of  which  Desi  was  a  member. 

It  was  to  save  the  marriage  which  both 
knew  was  tottering  that  /  Love  Lucy  was 
born.  With  it  came  success,  bigger  than 
Lucy  had  ever  dreamed  of.  She  became 
America's  darling,  but  what  made  her 
happiest  was  Desi's  recognition  as  one  of 
the  most  important  and  highly  respected 
men  in  the  then  new  and  burgeoning  field 
of  television. 

There  was  all  the  fame  .  .  .  and  all  the 
acclaim.  There  were,  at  last,  the  children 
she  had  so  wanted:  Lucie  Desiree,  born  in 
1951,  just  four  weeks  before  /  Love  Lucy 
was  launched  .  .  .  and,  two  years  later, 
with  all  the  world  waiting  anxiously,  Desi 
IV,  whose  birth  has  been  set  down  in  a 
new  history  book  as  one  of  the  great  emo- 
tional events  of  the  last  decade. 

What  else  is  needed  for  a  happy  mar- 
riage? A  house  in  Beverly  Hills,  staffed 
with  efficient  servants?  A  place  in  Palm 
Springs  for  weekends?  A  Cadillac  to 
match  a  woman's  blue  eyes?  They  had 
them  all  .  .  .  and  more. 

But  happiness  does  not  consist  only  of 
fame  and  acclaim,  of  luxurious  homes  and 
furs  and  jewels  and  all  the  other  things 
money  can  buy.  It  is  not  made  up,  always, 
even  of  children.  Or  of  trips  to  Europe,  or 
even  of  buying  the  entire  movie  studio 
where  both  were  working  when  they  met. 

As  their  empire  grew,  Desi  became  more 
and  more  immersed  in  work.  And  the 
harder  he  worked,  the  harder  he  played. 
In  the  summer  of  1959,  for  the  first  time 
since  /  Love  Lucy  became  television's  top 
show,  they  did  not  vacation  together.  That 
Christmas,  while  Desi  spent  the  holiday  in 
Palm  Springs,  Lucy  and  the  children  were 
in  Sun  Valley.  Their  conversations,  at  least 
when  others  were  present,  were  brief  and 
business-like.  Tension  on  the  set  increased. 

And,  the  day  after  she  received  a  final 

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screen  kiss  from  her  husband  of  nineteen 
years,  Lucy  gave  up. 

When  she  appeared  in  court  that  day  in 
May,  she  was  a  picture  of  unhappiness. 
The  last  three  years,  she  testified,  had 
been  a  nightmare.  There  were  tears  in  her 
eyes  and  in  her  voice  as  she  told  some- 
thing of  their  problems — enough  to  con- 
vince the  judge  divorce  was  the  only  answer. 

To  outsiders,  even  to  many  of  the  peo- 
ple who  knew  them,  Lucy  seemed  the  re- 
luctant one.  The  one  who,  though  she  had 
taken  the  decisive  step,  hoped  deep  down 
to  win  back  her  man. 

They  divided  all  their  possessions  down 
to  the  last  golf  cart  (for  Desi)  and  the 
cemetery  plot  (for  Lucy).  There  was  little 

bitterness  about  the  division — there  were 
millions  for  both.  And,  while  Desi  car- 
ried on  as  head  of  their  company,  Desilu. 
Lucy  buried  herself  in  work.  First  came  a 
movie,  her  first  in  five  years,  with  Bob  Hope. 

"Am  I  happy?"  she  said  then,  in  an- 
swer to  a  reporter's  question.  "No.  Not 
yet.  But  I  will  be.  I've  been  humiliated. 
That's  not  easy  for  a  woman." 

And  while  Desi  worked  and  brooded 
and  attempted  to  quench  the  flame  of  his 
torch  with  other  girls  ...  in  New  York. 
Lucy  was  keeping  her  word.  She  had  said 
that  she  would  be  happy.  And,  as  the 
weeks  and  months  went  by,  she  was.  .  .  . 
Made  for  fun  and  happiness,  how  can 
she   miss? 



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That  Marvelous  Man  Moore 

(Continued  from  page  18) 
tho^e  crazy  songs  of  his.  I  don't  recall 
what  Garry  Moore  did.  It  wasn't  that 
Garry  didn't  make  an  impression  on  me 
or  that  I  didn't  like  him  on  the  radio. 
Not  at  all.  The  simple  fact  is  that  I  was 
so  young  I  wasn't  allowed  to  listen  to 
the  radio  that  late  at  night.  Occasionally, 
I'd  sneak  a  listen  in  my  bedroom.  When- 
ever I  did  hear  Garry  and  Jimmy,  I  was 
hreaking  the  family  law. 

I  suppose  if  I  wanted  to  make  points 
with  my  boss  I  should  go  on  record  here 
that  he  was  my  idol  from  that  early  age. 
But,  from  what  I've  already  told  you, 
you'd  know  that  was  nonsense.  And,  after 
all,  I  guess  magazine  stories  these  days 
are   supposed  to  be  controversial. 

Well,  here's  some  controversy:  My  fa- 
vorite radio  program,  at  the  particular 
stage  of  my  life  I've  been  discussing,  was 
Let's  Pretend,  a  fairy  tale  that  was  broad- 
cast on  Saturday  mornings.  I  was  bugged 
on  Let's  Pretend.  It  got  me  right  here, 
if  you  know  what  I  mean. 

My  ambition  at  the  time  was  to  become 
a  writer  or  an  artist.  Being  a  comedienne 
was  the  farthest  thing  from  my  mind.  If 
anyone  laughed  at  me  in  those  days,  I'd 
run  home  and  hide  in  the  closet. 

However,  I  had  heard  of  Garry  Moore. 
That's  something. 

As  I  left  grammar  school  and  went  on 

to  high  school  and  college  (U.C.L.A.), 
Garry  left  Jimmy  Durante  and  radio  and 
moved  over  to  that  infant  medium  called 
television.  Gary  had  a  morning  program 
of  his  own  on  TV.  Again,  I  suppose  I 
should  say  that  this  program  thrilled  me. 

It  didn't.  I  never  saw  it.  Remember, 
I  was  attending  classes  during  the  morn- 
ing. However,  I  began  to  hear  and  read 
more  and  more  about  Moore.  (How's  that 
for  a  tricky  play  on  words?) 

When  I  was  in  college,  my  ambition 
changed.  I  decided  to  give  up  my  plans 
to  become  a  novelist  or  an  artist,  in  favor 
of  a  career  in  the  entertainment  profes- 
sion. I  don't  recall  what  caused  me  to 
change.  Perhaps  I  was  spending  too  much 
time  hiding  in  the  closet. 

At  any  rate,  like  so  many  other  aspiring 
performers  who  dream  of  seeing  their 
name  in  lights  on  Broadway  and  all  that 
malarky,  I  packed  my  bags,  crossed  my 
eyes,  and  came  to  New  York.  (Perhaps 
I'd  been  influenced  too  much  by  those 
fairy  tales  on  Let's  Pretend.) 

I  became  one  of  the  fortunate  few.  In 
November  of  1956,  I  was  given  an  op- 
portunity to  audition  for  that  "old-timer" 
I  used  to  hear  on  the  radio  occasionally — 
Garry  Moore. 

I  decided  to  do  a  take-off  on  girls  au- 
ditioning for  a  Broadway  show.  Nervous 
as  all  get-out,  I  showed  up  at  the  studio 

to  do  my  stuff.  I  looked  into  the  control 
booth,  and  there  he  sat.  He  smiled  at  me. 
I'll  never  forget  it. 

Auditions  are  one  of  the  toughest  things 
in  show  business  because  there  is  seldom 
a  way  to  determine  if  you  are  doing  well 
or  laying  a  bomb.  Until  you  are  finished, 
that  is.  There's  no  audience.  Only  you, 
and  a  few  strange  people  with  an  expres- 
sion on  their  faces  that  seems  to  say: 
Okay,  let's  get  it  over  with. 

During  my  audition,  I  kept  looking  at 
Garry  in  the  control  booth.  I  couldn't 
hear  him,  of  course,  but  he  continued 
to  smile  and  to  laugh.  This  was  encour- 
aging, but  I  still  didn't  know  if  he  was 
laughing  at  me  or  with  me. 

Afterward,  I  was  ushered  into  his  office. 
The  first  thing  I  noticed  was  that  Garry 
really  wasn't  old.  He  must  have  started 
when  he  was  very  young.  A  child  prodigy, 
or  something  like  that. 

"Would  you  like  to  be  on  my  morning 
show?"  he  asked  me.  That  was  like  ask- 
ing a  sailor  if  he'd  like  a  date  with  Marilyn 
Monroe ! 

I  appeared  on  his  program  nine  or  ten 
times.  And  that  was  the  start.  As  a  direct 
result  of  those  performances,  I  was  booked 
to  appear  on  major  nighttime  programs 
with  Ed  Sullivan  and  Dinah  Shore. 

Everything  I  am  in  this  business  I  owe 
to  Garry  Moore.  When  I  needed  a  break. 

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a  head  for 

Ask  Joan  Freeman,  who  plays  Elma, 
the  cute  waitress  at  Grace's 
Diner  in  ABC- TV's  Bus  Stop,  and  she'll 
tell  you,  "I'm  a  sensible  type — that's 
the  kind  of  girl  I  am."  As  a  "for  in- 
stance," Joan  points  out  that  she's  "dy- 
ing to  play  older  parts."  She  adds, 
"After  all,  I'm  really  twenty,  though 
you  wouldn't  believe  it,  seeing  me  in 
Bus  Stop,  with  my  hair  in  a  pony-tail, 
me  in  an  apron  or  slacks,  and  acting 
it  up  like  a  seventeen-year-old.  The  way 
I  see  myself  in  private  is  terribly  chic, 
my  hair  fluffed  out  bouffant,  on  stilt 
heels  and  with  dresses  that  at  least 
hint  at  my  35-19-35  measurements.  But, 
as  I  say,  I'm  a  sensible  type.  So,  when 
other  actresses  tell  me  to  be  patient 
because,  ten  years  from  now,  I'll  wish 
I  could  play  a  teenager,  I  say  to  my- 
self, 'Joanie,  these  people  have  been 
in  the  business  a  long  time  and  they 
know.  So  be  sensible,  Joanie,  and  hold 
your  horses.'  "...  Joan — who  was 
born  in  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  but 
brought  up  in  Burbank,  California- 
may  carry  her  pretty  head  high,  but 
it's  seldom  in  the  clouds.  She  is  play- 
ing it  safe  by  going  to  U.C.L.A.  a  cou- 
ple of  nights  a  week.  "I'm  studying 
to  become  a  certified  public  account- 
ant," she  explains.  "Acting  is  fun  and 
very  exciting  .  .  .  but  not  always  de- 
pendable. I  want  something  to  fall  back 
on.  I'm  a  girl  with  my  head  on  my 
shoulders."  . . .  Joan  says  that  her  big- 
gest thrill  is  traveling.  She  can  "burble 
endlessly"  about  her  trip  to  Italy,  where 
she  appeared  in  "Come  September," 
for  Universal-International.  "I  love  see- 
ing new  places  and  meeting  new  peo- 
ple." She  was  recently  named  "Miss 
Pro-Am"  for  the  1961  golf  tournament 
at  the  Hotel  Sahara,  Las  Vegas.  About 
her  experiences  in  that  "fun  town," 
she  says :  "I  was  fascinated  by  all  those 
lines  of  people  throwing  money  into 
those  machines.  I  decided  to  do  some 
playing,  too.  I  bought  two  dollars' 
worth  of  nickels  but  decided  to  be 
sensible  and  not  throw  them  into  the 
slots.  Instead,  I  bought  myself  a  nice 
lunch  for  the  money."  ...  In  the 
romantic  department,  Joan  refuses  to 
make  any  definite  statements.  "A  boy 
called  me  up  the  other  evening,"  she 
recalls,  "and  he  said,  'Tell  me  the 
truth  .  .  .  are  you  engaged?'  and  I  said, 

Off  TV,  actress  Joan  Freeman 
studies  tax  forms.  On  TV, 
the  male  viewers  are 
much  more  interested  in  hers 

'Certainly,  I'm  engaged.  I'm  brushing 
my  hair.'  And  that's  as  far  as  I'll  com- 
mit myself  about  romance.  A  number 
of  eligible  young  Hollywoodites  have 
been  attracted  by  her  tresses  and  pi- 
quant beauty.  Joan  describes  her  ap- 
peal as  being  the  result  of  her  "having 
my  feet  on  terra  firma.  Also,  at  income- 
tax  time,  I'm  convenient  to  know.  I'm 
familiar  with  the  forms."  However, 
there's  no  question  that  it's  her  form, 
and  not  the  Government's,  the  males 
are  interested  in.  Joan  herself  says, 
"With  two  nights  a  week  at  college, 
and  so  much  rehearsing  and  lines  to 
be  learned,  I  don't  have  a  lot  of  time 
for  dating.  I  will  say  this:  When  the 
right  man  comes  along,  I'll  know  it, 
and  I'll  act  .  .  .  because  taking  a  hus- 
band isn't  like  buying  a  car.  When 
I  saved  enough  money  to  buy  a  car, 
I  decided  not  to  get  flashy,  but  to  be 
sensible  and  buy  a  Volkswagen.  But 
when  I  fall  in  love,  I'm  going  to  show 
my  good  sense  by  not  being  sensible 
at  all.  I'm  going  to  let  my  heart,  not 
my  head,  guide  me.  You  see,  in  many 
serious  matters  like  religion  or  mar- 
riage, you  can't  figure  things  out  cold 
turkey.  You  must  have  some  strong 
faith  and  emotional  strength  to  rely  on." 

he  gave  me  one.  More  important,  when  I 
needed  a  friend,  he  became  one. 

This  may  sound  sickening  to  those  who 
prefer  to  have  their  idols  smashed,  but 
Garry  Moore  is  the  nicest  man  I've  met  in 
or  out  of  show  business.  I  make  my  living 
by  being  a  comedienne.  However,  it's  im- 
possible for  me  to  even  attempt  to  be  fun- 
ny when  I  speak  of  Garry. 

The  Garry  Moore  Show  is  considered  a 
"family"  show.  And  it  really  is  one.  I've 
heard  of  employers  who  tell  new  em- 
ployees: "We're  one  big  happy  family 
here."  And  then  they  begin  to  pick  their 
pockets.  That  isn't  the  case  with  Garry. 
He  fills  your  pockets — and  your  heart. 

During  the  1959-60  Broadway  season, 
while  I  was  appearing  in  a  musical  called 
"Once  Upon  A  Mattress,"  I  began  doubling 
as  a  regular  on  Garry's  Tuesday-night 
program  (seen  on  CBS-TV  from  10  to  11 
P.M.  EST).  I've  been  with  him  ever  since. 
I  know  the  man.  Very,  very  well.  We've 
worked  closely  together.  I've  had  every  op- 
portunity to  see  his  good  side  and  his  bad 
side.  I've  yet  to  see  the  latter. 

Like  most  of  us,  I've  been  fooled  by  first 
impressions.  Some  people  I've  met — who, 
I  thought,  were  going  to  become  friends — 
have  turned  out  to  be  opportunists.  They 
liked  me  as  long  as  they  believed  I  could 
do  something  for  them. 

If  I've  learned  nothing  else,  I've  learned 
that  there  is  a  big  difference  between 
friends  and  acquaintances.  We  all  have 
many  acquaintances,  but  most  of  us  have 
few  true  friends.  Garry  Moore  is  a  friend. 
When  I  met  him,  I  expected  to  meet  a 
nice  man.  I  met  the  nicest.  Why?  I  can 
hear  someone  saying,  "Sure,  she  likes  him 
— he  pays  her  a  big  salary." 
That's  not  it,  at  all. 

Anyone  who  knows  Garry  well  can  talk 
to  him — about  professional  or  personal 
problems.  He's  like  a  close  relative.  I  feel 
that  I  can  tell  him  anything  and  be  con- 
fident that  what  I  say  will  not  be  repeated. 
I  guess  I'm  making  him  sound  like  a 
saint.  Well,  I  can't  help  it.  I  was  asked  to 
write  what  I  think  about  Garry  Moore, 
and  that's  what  I  think. 

In  the  five  years  I've  known  him,  I've 
never  seen  him  lose  his  temper.  I've  never 
seen  him  blow  up,  and  he's  had  many  a 
reason  to  do  so.  He  must  have  bad  days. 
After  all,  he's  human.  But  when  he  does, 
he  doesn't  let  anyone  know  it.  He  wants 
to  have  a  happy  show,  believes  the  best 
way  to  have  one  is  to  be  happy  himself. 
Garry  Moore  is,  naturally,  the  head  of 
The  Garry  Moore  Show.  However,  he's 
not  the  "boss."  Not  in  the  general  sense 
of  the  word.  Personally,  I  never  think  of 
him  as  being  the  boss. 

People  frequently  ask  me  if  Garry  is 
a  religious  man.  Well,  we  don't  talk  about 
it.  But  he  must  be.  No  one  could  be  as 
good  as  he  is  without  being  religious. 

What  do  we  talk  about?  Many  things. 
For  one  thing,  we  kid  around  a  lot.  Garry 
likes  to  laugh,  and  to  make  others  laugh. 
But  he — and  we — know  when  to  kid,  and 
when  not  to. 

He  has  his  serious  side.  He  talks  with 

conviction,  and  becomes  very  worked  up, 
when  discussing  the  world  situation  or 
subjects  like  racial  bias.  He's  the  most 
unprejudiced  man  I've  ever  met.  Any  form 
of  bigotry  makes  him  burn. 

We  seldom  mix  socially,  except  when  we 
are  on  the  road.  You  know,  traveling  to 
California  or  somewhere  to  do  our  show. 
The  reason  for  this  is  that  he's  busy  when 
he's  in  New  York,  and  so  am  I. 

In  addition  to  his  regular  Tuesday- 
night  program,  he  stars  on  I've  Got  A 
Secret  on  Monday  nights,  over  CBS-TV, 
and  also  tapes  a  weekday  show  for  CBS 
Radio.  I  also  have  a  CBS  Radio  program, 
with  Richard  Hayes,  which  is  heard  Mon- 
day through  Friday  from  7:10  to  7:30  P.M. 
EST.  So,  you  can  see,  neither  of  us  has 
much  time  left  over  for  social  events. 

When  Garry  does  have  a  few  free  mo- 
ments, he  spends  them  at  home  with  his 
lovely  wife,  Nell.  Incidentally,  Nell  and 
I  have  been  told  we  look  alike.  I  hope  she 
doesn't  mind  my  saying  so. 

Garry  is  an  extensive  reader — second  to 
none,  except  maybe  President  Kennedy. 
He's  not  just  a  Book-of-the-Month-Club- 
type  reader.  He  digs  serious  books.  Reads 
about  everything.  That's  why  he's  such  a 
good  talker. 

He  has  the  faculty  of  being  able  to  look 
into  the  camera  and  talk  directly  to  you 
at  home.  And  he's  completely  natural  when 
he  does  it.  I  can't  do  it.  I  have  to  be  a 
"character"  of  some  sort. 

I  wish  I  could  tell  you  more  anecdotes. 
I  know  that  they  are  expected  in  stories 
like  this.  But  when  Garry  does  nice  things 
for  people,  he  doesn't  make  them  known. 
He's  not  one  of  those  people  who  say, 
"I  just  did  this-or-that  for  him-or-her." 

But  this  one  I  can  tell  you. 

Last  spring,  when  we  were  in  Cali- 
fornia to  do  a  show,  Gale  Storm  was  sup- 
posed to  be  one  of  our  guest  stars.  She 
was  going  to  appear  in  a  sketch  with  me. 
A  day  or  two  before  we  were  scheduled  to 
tape,  Gale  became  ill  and  was  forced  to 
cancel  her  appearance. 

Barbara  Nelson,  one  of  the  dancers  on 
the  show,  was  offered  the  chance  to  fill 
in  for  her.  Garry  often  does  that:  Gives 
an  unknown  an  opportunity.  Well,  Barbara 
stayed  up  all  night  to  learn  the  part.  She 
did  very  well,  performed  like  a  trouper. 

Instead  of  just  patting  Barbara  on  the 
back  and  giving  her  a  few  extra  bucks, 
Garry  gave  her  a  huge,  fat  gift  certificate. 
He  told  her,  "If  I  give  you  money,  you'll 
spend  it  on  someone  else.  This  is  for  you 
to  use  on  yourself." 

That's  it. 

From  what  I  understand,  stories  about 
nice  people  are  rare  these  days.  People 
want  to  read  sick  bits,  articles  full  of 
controversy.  That  would  be  impossible 
when  it  comes  to  Garry  Moore. 

He  may  sound  too  good  to  be  true.  Per- 
haps he  goes  home  and  beats  the  barn 
door  weekends.  I  wouldn't  know  about 
that.  The  Garry  Moore  I  do  know  is  the 
one  I've  told  you  about. 

He's  a  nice  guy.  and  that's  all  there  is 
to  it.  So  help  me. 

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TV's  Durable  Darlings 

(Continued  from  page  55) 
already  had  a  radio  show — began  being 
seen  as  well  as  heard.  ...  In  an  indus- 
try where,  experts  agree,  five  years  is  a 
life-time  for  any  show,  Garry  and  John 
and  Ed  and  Perry  are  still  carrying  on 
a  love-affair  with  the  American  public. 

So  is  Bill  Cullen,  who  has  been  woo- 
ing it  even  longer.  Since  he  began  em- 
ceeing  Winner  Take  All  in  1946,  Bill's 
never  been  missing  from  the  TV  scene. 
For  the  last  five  years,  he's  been  heading 
up  The  Price  Is  Right — and,  for  exactly 
twice  as  long,  has  been  a  panelist  on 
I've  Got  A  Secret. 

There  are  a  lot  of  reasons  for  the  en- 
during popularity  of  any  television  per- 
sonality. In  the  case  of  one  William 
Lawrence  Cullen — no  actor,  no  singer  or 
dancer,  and  no  matinee-idol  type — the 
general  consensus  is  that  it's  warmth  and 
informality,  coupled  with  an  enthusiasm 
which  hasn't  dimmed  in  all  his  years  in 
show  business.  It's  doubtful  that  anyone, 
including  the  taxi  driver  who  delivers 
him  to  the  studio  each  day.  calls  him 
anything  but  "Bill."  He's  that  type,  and 
always  has  been. 

"I  love  my  work  and  have  no  desire 
to  be  anything  but  what  I  am,  a  TV  host 
and  panelist,"  Bill  said  last  fall.  And  it 
shows.  So  does  his  boundless  enthusiasm, 
which  got  him  into  radio  to  begin  with. 

As  a  kid  back  in  Pittsburgh,  midget- 
car  racing  was  his  dish,  and  he  learned 
enough  about  the  internal  workings  of 
automobiles  so  that — when  the  family  fi- 
nances forced  him  to  leave  college — he 
was  able  to  hold  down  a  job  as  a  garage 
mechanic.  There,  the  imitations  of  radio 
favorites  with  which  the  effervescent  youth 
entertained  his  co-workers  landed  him  a 
chance  as  an  announcer  with  a  local  sta- 
tion— and  Bill  was  on  his  way. 

By  1944.  the  24-year-old  was  making 
$400  a  week  with  KDKA,  but  gave  it  up 
in  favor  of  a  $55-a-week  job  in  New  York. 
He's  doing  somewhat  better  now.  When 
lie  quit  his  local  radio  show  last  fall,  to 
devote  himself  exclusively  to  television, 
his  income  was  admittedly  in  the  six-figure 

Bill  is  one  of  the  few  folk  who  appear 
regularly  on  more  than  one  network.  Price 
is  on  NBC-TV.  But  Monday  nights,  after 
he's  totaled  up  each  contestant's  winnings. 
Bill  strolls  over  to  CBS-TV  for  I've  Got 
t  Secret.  Other  panelists  have  come  and 

gone  during  the  ten  years  this  program 
has  been  on  the  air,  but  two  of  America's 
favorites — Bill  and  the  show's  host,  Garry 
Moore— are  perennials. 

Another  who's  been  able  to  hurdle  the 
barbed-wire  entanglement  which  separates 
the  networks  is  John  Daly.  While,  as 
vice-president,  he  was  heading  up  the  news 
department  at  ABC-TV,  a  post  he  re- 
signed a  year  ago,  John  was  also  appear- 
ing regularly  on  CBS-TV  Sunday  nights 
as  moderator  of  What's  My  Line? 

Since  he  dipped  into  radio  newscasting 
in  1937,  the  47-year-old  Daly  has  been 
reporting  news  stories  all  over  the  world. 
(It  was  while  he  was  covering  the  Presi- 
dential campaign  of  1956  that  he  met 
Chief  Justice  Earl  Warren's  daughter  Vir- 
ginia, who  became  Mrs.  Daly  a  year  ago.) 
John  still  thinks  of  his  work  as  reporter 
and  commentator  as  his  bread-and-butter 
— and  his  moderating  as  the  jam.  But  it 
is  as  moderator  of  What's  My  Line?. 
where  he  can  display  his  urbane  charm, 
that  he  is  best  known  to  the  American 

The  Daly  charm,  suavity,  and  accent 
derive  from  Johannesburg,  South  Africa, 
where  he  was  born,  with  a  veneer  of 
Boston,  where  he  grew  up  and  attended 
college.  Actually,  What's  My  Line?  takes 
very  little  of  John's  time.  The  show  is 
unrehearsed,  and  there  are  no  lines  to 
learn.  He  arrives  at  the  studio  at  10:10. 
dusts  on  a  little  powder  and,  at  10:30. 
is  ready  to  introduce  contestants  to  his 
panel  of  professionals:  Dorothy  Kilgallen. 
Arlene  Francis  and  Bennett  Cerf,  all  of 
whom  have  been  with  the  show  since  its 
inception.  A  few  minutes  after  11:00,  he's 
on  his  way  home — having  earned,  it's 
reported.    $3500    for   his   evening's    work. 

JNot  everyone  gets  into  show  business 
by  sitting  at  a  drugstore  counter,  wait- 
ing to  be  "discovered."  Can  you  imagine 
Ed  Sullivan,  for  instance,  perched  at  a 
soda  fountain  listening  for  those  magic 
words,  "You  ought  to  be  in  TV"? 

Ed  began  as  a  newspaper  man.  and 
still  thinks  of  himself  as  one.  As  a  Broad- 
way columnist  for  The  New  York  Daily 
News,  he  knew  a  lot  of  people  in  the 
entertainment  world.  When  the  paper  be- 
gan putting  on  benefits,  Ed  was  drafted 
to  round  up  the  stars  to  appear.  Along 
with  that,  he  was  given  the  job  of  em- 
ceeing    the    shows.    From    this    beginning 


TV'S    ^owzltte   Van£i*t<?&.., 

Lawrence  Welk's  young  songbirds,  The  Lennon  Sisters — with  a   new 

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Also — top  femme  advice  from  top  femme  pianist  Jo  Ann  Castle: 

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March  issue  of  TV  RADIO  MIRROR  on  sale  February  6 

evolved  a  radio  show  and,  in  1948,  Toast 
Of  The  Town — as  The  Ed  Sullivan  Show 
was  originally  called. 

Ed  makes  no  pretense  of  being  a  "per- 
sonality." His  job,  as  he  sees  it,  is  to 
introduce  the  performers  and  let  them 
carry  the  entertainment  ball.  It  is  his 
news  sense,  most  people  agree,  which  has 
made  and  kept  him  one  of  TV's  most  pop- 
ular stars. 

Television  was  a  dirty  word  in  Holly- 
wood when  Ed's  show  first  appeared  on 
home  screens,  but  the  "Unsmiling  Irish- 
man" maneuvered  dozens  of  movie  stars 
onto  his  stage.  Outstanding  sports  figures 
have  almost  invariably  turned  up  on  Ed's 
show,  along  with  show-folk  who  were  mak- 
ing news.  When  Julius  LaRosa  was  given 
the  heave-ho  from  the  Godfrey  empire,  he 
was   immediately    signed    up   by    Sullivan. 

Ed's  budget,  and  his  pay,  were  infini- 
tesimal at  the  beginning.  On  that  first 
show,  in  1948,  he  had  $500  to  spend,  paid 
Martin  and  Lewis  a  nifty  $200  for  their 
spot.  By  1956,  he  was  paying  Elvis  Presley 
$50,000  for  three  appearances,  without 
going  into  the  red. 

Ed's  take-home  pay  has  become  a  good 
deal  heftier  through  the  years,  too.  And. 
last  year,  he  signed  a  new  thirty-year 
contract  with  CBS.  By  that  time,  Ed  will 
be  91 — and  presumably  will  have  laid  by 
enough   money  to  retire   on. 

While  Ed  was  trying  out  his  show, 
fourteen  years  ago,  another  fellow  who 
wasn't  much  more  at  ease  in  front  of  a 
camera  was  making  his  TV  debut,  too. 
Fellow  named  Perry  Como — who,  like  Ed. 
is  still  around  and  still  doing  fine. 

Perry  didn't  start  off  with  much  of  a 
splash.  He  already  had  a  fifteen-minute 
radio  show,  and  someone  upstairs  got  the 
idea  that  he  might  as  well  do  it  in  front 
of  the  TV  cameras.  One  thing  led  to 
another  and,  seven  years  later,  the  ex- 
barber  from  Canonsburg,  Pennsylvania. 
was  hosting  an  hour-long  variety  show  on 
NBC-TV.  He  still  is. 

A  lot  of  other  singers  have  come  and 
gone,  during  those  fourteen  years,  but 
Como — relaxed  and  ingratiating  and  vel- 
vet-voiced as  ever — goes  on,  season  after 

Perry  Como's  Kraft  Music  Hall  is  gay 
and  light-hearted,  as  fitted  to  its  star  as 
his  well-tailored  suits  and  as  impeccable 
as  his  private  life.  But  all  this  doesn't 
necessarily  spell  success,  and  Perry  has 
his  own  explanation  for  his  long-playing 
love-affair  with  the  American  public.  "You 
can  go  just  so  far  with  talent,"  he  said, 
not  long  ago.  "After  that,  if  you  make 
it  big  on  television,  it's  because  some- 
body's watching  over  you  somewhere.  I'm 
sure  somebody's  watching  over  me." 

Over  Garry  Moore,  too,  perhaps.  In  his 
eight  years  on  daytime  TV,  Garry  used 
every  zany  trick  in  the  book,  and  more. 
He  appeared  in  shorts,  stuck  his  head 
in  a  lion's  mouth,  climbed  the  studio 
walls — and   became   the   housewives*   dar- 


ling.  On  his  current  show,  he's  more  re- 
strained, but  still  the  amiable  fellow  with 
the  bow-tie  and  the  crew-cut. 

Underneath  that  sandy  hair,  however, 
is  a  brain  which  shouldn't  be  under- 
estimated. Out  of  the  Moore  show  came 
Candid  Camera,  one  of  the  big  hits  of 
last  season,  and  Garry  can  take  bows 
for  the  regular  appearances  of  talented 
Carol  Burnett,  voted  TV's  most  popular 
girl  star  last  year. 

If  Garry  wanted  to  have  a  whirl  at 
-'That  Wonderful  Year  of  1955,"  he'd 
have  another  show-stopper — with  Lawrence 
Welk  supplying  the  music,  and  James 
Arness  and  Richard  Boone  shooting  it  out 
in  the  action  department. 

It  was  in  July  of  that  year  that  Welk 
and  his  band  were  slipped  into  Saturday 
night  as  a  summer  replacement  on  ABC- 
TV — and  all  the  artillery  the  other  net- 
works have  brought  up  since  has  failed 
to  dislodge  him. 

The  one-time  farm  boy  from  North 
Dakota,  who  learned  music  and  show 
business  the  hard  way,  is  a  success  story 
which  has  seldom  been  matched.  Brought 
up  in  a  family  of  high  principles  and 
low  income,  he  never  had  a  music  lesson; 
left  school  after  the  fourth  grade;  spoke 
only  German  until  he  was  twenty-one, 
and  still  has  occasional  trouble  with  his 
English.  But,  after  twenty-two  years'  ex- 
perience, he's  the  most  popular  band 
leader  in  the  nation,  and  the  most 
highly  paid.  In  1960,  his  band  grossed 

Much  of  Welk's  success  is.  of  course, 
due  to  his  knack  of  knowing  the  kind 
of  music  the  public  wants,  and  his  in- 
sistence on  playing  it.  But  he  has  also 
endeared  himself  to  his  millions  of  fans 
by  his  ability  to  present  his  "Champagne 
Music  Makers"  as  one  big,  happy  family, 
and  by  his  constant  attention  to  every 
detail  of  his  show.  A  deeply  religious 
man.  Welk  turns  thumbs  down  on  any 
song  or  costume  or  routine  which  might 
he  in  the  least  objectionable.  His  dance- 
able  music,  the  wholesome  quality  of  his 
show — and  the  Lennon  Sisters — have 
entrenched  him  firmly  in  the  heart  of 

Thousands  of  bad  guys  have  bit  the 
dust,  and  dozens  of  Western  heroes,  too, 
since  Gunsmoke  first  appeared  on  home 
screens.  But  the  adventures  of  Marshal 
Dillon  have  remained  so  popular  that, 
this  season,  the  Saturday  show  was  length- 
ened to  an  hour — while  re-runs  of  the 
earlier  half-hour  version  have  also  been 
shown.  Tuesday  nights,  on  the  same 
network.   CBS-TV. 

The  doughty  officer  of  the  law  is  James 
Arness.  A  huge  man — 6'6"  and  220  pounds 
— lie  fits  perfectly  the  public  image  of 
the  hero  of  the  Old  West.  An  unknown 
when  the  series  began,  he  has  become 
so  associated  with  it  that,  when  he  be- 
came fidgety  a  couple  of  years  ago,  the 
network  drew  up  a  new  contract  which 
liives  him  a  financial  interest  in  the  show 
and    insures    that,    so    Ion"    as    there's    a 

Let's  talk  frankly  about 


Day  before  yesterday,  many  women  hes- 
itated to  talk  about  the  douche  even  to 
their  best  friends,  let  alone  to  a  doctor 
or  druggist. 

Today,  thank  goodness,  women  are 
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women  don't  realize  what  is  involved  in 
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They  don't  ask.  Nobody  tells  them. 
So  they  use  homemade  solutions  which 
may  not  be  completely  effective,  or  some 
antiseptics  which  may  be  harsh  or  in- 

It's  time  to  talk  frankly  about  inter- 
nal cleanliness. 

Here  are  the  facts:  tissues  in  "the  deli- 
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being  demand  a  special  preparation  for 
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motes confidence. 

This  is  modern  woman's  way  to  inter- 
nal cleanliness.  It  is  the  personal  antisep- 
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plete instructions  for  use  come  in  every 
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women  are  advised  to  see 
their  doctors. 

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Gunsmoke,  Jim  will  play  Marshal  Dillon. 

Admittedly  "a  bum"  not  many  years 
ago,  the  Minneapolis-born  Arness  now 
owns  a  thousand-acre  ranch,  an  expensive 
sports  car,  and  can  afford  anything  else 
he  wants.  The  collapse  of  his  marriage, 
during  the  work-packed  days  of  his  early 
success,  is  the  only  shadow  on  Jim's  rosy 
present  and  future. 

It  was  in  that  same  fall  that  another 
Western  hero,  Paladin,  rode  onto  the  TV 
screen  and  into  the  public's  affections. 
The  flamboyant  hero  of  Have  Gun — Will 
Travel,  who  can  handle  a  champagne 
glass  and  a  six-shooter  with  equal  ease, 
is  played  by  Richard  Boone,  as  flam- 
boyant in  his  own  way  as  is  Paladin. 

Admittedly  one  of  Hollywood's  finest 
actors,  thought  certainly  not  one  of  its 
handsomest,  Dick  is  such  a  stickler  for 
perfection  that  he  flexes  his  fingers  before 
a  scene  which  calls  for  him  to  fire  a 
shot.  Given  a  colorful  character  to  begin 
with,  he  has  played  it  to  the  hilt,  allow- 
ing no  interference.  He'd  walked  off  many 
a  stage  when  things  didn't  go  to  suit  him. 
But  when  he  zooms  up  these  days  in  his 
Rolls-Royce,  attired  snappily  in  a  pair 
of  purple  Capri  pants,  what  he  says  goes. 
He's  the  boss. 

Last  summer,  restless  after  so  long  in 
one  role,  he  made  a  new  deal  with  CBS. 
In  return  for  more  than  a  million  dollars, 
he  turned  over  to  the  network  all  the 
residual  rights  to  the  series,  and  agreed 
to  film  thirty  more  half-hour  shows.  At 
the  end  of  that  time,  he  figured,  he  could 
accept  more  of  the  other  roles  which  are 
constantly  being  offered  him.  Or,  if  he 
chose,  he'd  never  have  to  work  again.  But 
the  public  shows  no  sign  of  tiring  of 
Paladin.  By  the  end  of  the  season,  Boone 
may  have   a  new,   and   irresistible,   offer. 

Among  the  new  shows  in  the  fall  of 
1957  was  a  modest,  off-beat  family  comedy 
called  The  Real  McCoys,  on  ABC-TV. 
The  saga  of  a  hillbilly  family  which  had 
migrated  to  California,  it  didn't  create 
much  advance  excitement.  But  it  starred 
Walter  Brennan,  long  one  of  Hollywood's 
finest  character  actors  and  the  only  star 
in  movie  history  who  has  won  three 
Academy  Awards.  As  the  lovable  but 
irascible  Amos  McCoy,  Brennan  proceeded 
to  win  something  else — the  hearts  of  TV 
audiences.  At  67,  he  had  been  in  movies 
for  forty-odd  years,  but  it  wasn't  until 
the  advent  of  The  McCoys,  he  says,  that 
he  became  a  "celebrity." 

In  person,  he's  no  overalled  illiterate, 
but  a  shrewd  businessman  who  was  prob- 
ably one  of  the  better-fixed  actors  in  the 
film  colony,  even  before  his  success  in 
the  series — of  which  he  is  part  owner. 
But  he  is  also  a  New  Englander,  and  not 
given  to  flinging  his  money  around.  When 
it's  time  for  lunch  on  the  McCoys  set, 
Brennan  opens  the  lunch  box  he's  brought 
with  him,  and  hauls  out  a  tuna-fish  sand- 
wich and  a  thermos  of  milk.  Why  not, 
he  shrugs.  He  likes  tuna-fish. 

It  took  the  creator  of  that  show  two 
years  to  sell  Brennan  on  the  idea  of  play- 
ing Amos  McCoy.   Robert   Stack  became 

Eliot  Ness  on  the  spur  of  the  moment — 
and   a    public   idol   overnight. 

Bob's  contract  runs  out  at  the  end  of 
this  season,  the  third  for  The  Untouch- 
ables on  ABC-TV,  and  it's  considered  un- 
likely that  he'll  renew.  More  money  prob- 
ably wouldn't  interest  him;  he  comes  from 
a  prominent  Los  Angeles  family  and  has 
always  had  plenty.  At  43,  he  has  many 
years  ahead  of  him  as  an  actor,  and  would 
like  to  accept  some  of  the  other  roles 
which  come  his  way.  But  he  doesn't  under- 
estimate what  the  series  has  done  for 
him.  As  he  said  last  summer,  "I  hope 
the  millions  of  friends  I've  made  as  Ness 
will  continue  to  remember  me  as  Bob 

Plenty  of  other  well-known  movie  actors 
have  tried  television  to  their  sorrow,  but 
nobody  was  surprised  when  My  Three 
Sons — also  seen  over  ABC-TV — was  one 
of  last  season's  hits.  Fred  MacMurray, 
long  a  movie  favorite,  has  a  casual,  dis- 
arming charm  that's  hard  to  beat.  He's 
just  as  casual  about  his  success.  "To 
me,  things  just  happen,"  explains  the 
man  who  was  named  television  father  of 
last  year  for  his  "warm  and  deft  comedy 

Fred  is  fifty-three,  a  man  of  simple 
tastes,  and  reputedly  a  millionaire,  so  it 
wasn't  money  that  lured  him  onto  home 
screens.  It  was  a  plan  which  would  allow 
him  to  complete  his  work  for  the  entire 
season  in  just  three  months,  leaving  him 
time  for  his  family,  his  hunting  and  fish- 
ing, and  for  making  a  movie  now  and 
then,  if  he  felt  like  it.  He  did;  went  to 
Europe  last  fall  to  film  "Bon  Voyage"  for 
Walt  Disney. 

Candid  Camera  got  a  spot  of  its  own 
over  CBS-TV  on  Sunday  nights  only  last 
season,  after  it  had  been  a  successful 
feature  of  the  Moore  show.  But  its  cre- 
ator, Allen  Funt,  has  been  practicing 
his   legal  eavesdropping   since    1947. 

Funt  certainly  had  no  idea  of  a  career 
in  show  business  when  he  was  attending 
Cornell,  and  doing  graduate  work  at  Co- 
lumbia and  Pratt  Institute.  It  was  during 
his  experience  with  the  Army  Signal 
Corps,  where  he  learned  about  concealed 
wire  recorders,  that  he  dreamed  up  the 
"gimmick"  which  has  occupied  him  ever 

After  more  than  a  million  candid  inter- 
views, he  credits  much  of  his  success  to 
the  fact  that  he  "looks  like  an  average 
Joe."  He  has,  in  this  time,  become  expert 
— particularly  in  his  handling  of  children 
— and  his  interviews  are  calculated  to 
entertain,  but  never  to  ridicule.  As  a 
result,  a  man  who  is  totally  unlike  the 
popular  image  of  a  TV  personality  ap- 
pears weekly  in  one  of  the  most  popular 
shows  on  the  air,  and  certainly  should  be 
the  star  of  "That  Wonderful  Year  of 

New  stars  and  new  faces  may  come 
and  go,  but  television's  "golden  dozen" 
remain  solidly  entrenched  at  the  top  of 
the  popularity  polls — and  in  the  hearts  of 


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I       ADDRESS I 

Accredited  Member  national  home  study  council 

The  Facts  of  Life 

(Continued  from  page  47) 
in  teaching  our  children  an  appreciation 
of  the  holy  mystery  of  life's  beginnings. 
We  have  tried  to  avoid  telling  too  much, 
too  soon. 

We  like  to  begin  the  process  gradually 
by  instilling  a  sense  of  awe  for  all  the 
transcendent  powers  of  God.  A  helpful 
book,  in  this  respect,  is  entitled,  "How 
God  Made  You,"  and  introduces  the  facts 
of  human  life,  after  marveling  over  some 
of  the  other  wonders  of  creation.  The 
book  was  written  by  a  Catholic  doctor, 
Robert  P.  Odenwald,  M.D.,  illustrated  by 
Mary  Reed  Newland,  and  published  by 
Kenedy  Publishing  Company. 

Its  dust-cover  blurb  reads,  "If  you  won- 
der how  it  was  you  came  into  the  world, 
your  father  or  your  mother  will  read  this 
book  to  you.  Or,  if  you  are  old  enough, 
you  can  read  it  for  yourself. 

"It  explains  how  God  created  all  things 
in  the  world — the  plants,  the  animals,  the 
birds,  the  fishes,  and  every  human  being. 
Of  course,  you  know  that  people  are  dif- 
ferent from  all  the  other  creatures  be- 
cause God  gave  us  a  soul  as  well  as  a 

"Dr.  Odenwald  tells  how  your  life  be- 
gan as  a  tiny,  tiny  seed,  and  how  the  seed 
grew  until  you  became  a  baby.  He  also 
describes  where  you  lived  before  you  were 
born.  This  story  is  one  of  God's  greatest 
miracles.  .  .  ." 

After  I  had  read  the  story — for  the  first 
time — to  our  Mimi,  who  is  now  six,  she 
tipped  back  her  head,  beamed  at  me  and 
asked,  "You  mean  you  and  Daddy  loved 
each  other  enough  to  have  me?" 

"You  and  your  ten  brothers  and  sis- 
ters," I  said. 

Mimi  snuggled  deeper  into  my  arms 
while  her  bright  glance  roamed  around 
our  busy  living  room,  where  the  other 
members  of  the  family  were  engrossed  in 
their  own  activities.  One  of  her  small, 
dimpled  hands  extended  in  a  caressing 
gesture,  as  if  she  could  waft  tenderness 
to  each.  It  revealed  more  eloquently  than 
words  that  Mimi  had  learned  well  her  first 
formal  lesson  in  family  love  and  loyalty, 
and  in  reverence  for  God. 

I  know  that  some  people,  going  to  the 
opposite  extreme  from  telling  too  much 
too  soon,  believe  in  withholding  such  in- 
formation until  children  are  twelve  to 
fourteen  years  old,  but  we  think  there 
is  danger  of  an  unfortunate,  unclean  in- 
terpretation being  given  to  the  facts  of 
life  if  someone  other  than  a  child's  par- 
ents or  teachers  sets  the  mood  in  which 
the  knowledge  is  imparted,  and  directs  the 
attitude  with  which  it  is  received. 

The  ten-year-old  daughter  of  friends  of 
ours  indicated  that  she  had  been  receiving 
certain  curbside  information  when  her 
parents  undertook  to  prepare  her  for  the 
birth  of  a  brother  or  sister.  She  listened 
to  her  mother's  story  of  the  wonder  of 
God  creating  mankind  in  His  image,  then 

announced  with  a  sniff,  "That's  not  what 
I've  heard  around  school." 

Obviously,  a  sense  of  timing,  a  parental 
awareness  of  the  extent  of  a  child's  devel- 
opment— the  when  of  the  thing — is  as  im- 
portant as  what  is  told. 

Like  most  parents,  Bill  and  I  believe 
that  object  lessons  are  useful  in  putting 
across  a  point.  When  our  Danny  was  on 
the  way,  Dianne  was  nine,  Peggy  was  six, 
Kathy  was  four,  and  Janet  was  not  quite 
two.  We  decided  that  we  should  buy  a 
female  dog  who  could  illustrate  the  birth 
process  by  having  puppies. 

Good  idea,  but  bad  puppy;  she  proved 
to  be  a  night  prowler.  Repeatedly,  she 
came  up  missing  for  several  days  at  a 
time,  finally  disappeared  permanently.  The 
next  dog  perished  in  trying  to  cross  a  busy 
street  against  the  light.  The  third  puppy 
snapped  at  our  new  baby.  We  gave  up 
the  dog  idea,  and  rejected  taking  on  a  cat 
for  the  same  reasons. 

Our  next  experiment  was  with  guppies, 
which— as  most  people  know — are  tiny 
"live-bearing  minnows."  The  advantage 
of  using  guppies  as  an  object  lesson  is 
that  they  reproduce  often  and  in  quantity. 
That's  also  their  disadvantage. 

We  installed  our  guppy  in  a  large  ex- 
dill-pickle  vat.  Then,  because  a  mother 
guppy  devours  her  young  if  they  aren't 
placed  in  a  nursery  at  once,  we  set  up  a 
second  glass  tank  for  the  newcomers. 
Shortly  afterward,  we  had  to  equip  a  third 
tank  for  middle-aged  guppies. 

Before  long,  we  had  more  fish  than 
Marineland  and,  in  a  moment  of  deep-sea 
discouragement,  I  gave  the  collection  to  a 
group  of  children  assembling  goodies  for  a 
carnival.  I  decided  that  the  facts  of  guppy 
life  had  been  explored  as  extensively  as 
was  useful  when  Pat  (now  ten,  but  then 
about  six)  yelled  one  afternoon,  "Hurry 
up,  everybody,  and  come  watch.  This 
mama  guppy  is  about  to  explode  .  .  . 

Next,  we  hit  upon  the  garden  method  of 
dramatizing  the  growth  process.  Each 
child  had  a  plot  in  which  to  plant  a  vege- 
table crop,  or — in  Mimi's  case — daffodils. 
This  provided  a  natural  introduction  to 
the  similarity  between  the  beginning  of 
plant  and  human  life :  The  need  for  a  seed 
to  be  planted,  the  necessity  for  loving  care 
and  patience  in  awaiting  the  new  life, 
and  the  fact  of  great  diversity  in  all  man- 
ner of  growing  things. 

We  praised  the  youngsters'  success 
lavishly,  sympathized  with  their  failures, 
and  pointed  out  possible  improvements. 
Indirect  as  it  seems,  that  sort  of  training 
also  correlates  with  teaching  the  facts  of 
life.  We  think  that,  from  the  day  of  birth, 
every  child  must  be  given  a  sense  of  the 
difference  between  right  behavior  (which 
brings  praise)  and  wrong  behavior  (which 
elicits  correction  or  punishment^ 

Also,  we  believe  in  inculcating  that 
"old-fashioned"  virtue,  family  pride.    We 


teach  the  children  how  to  behave  in  pub- 
lic, warning  them  not  to  "disgrace"  the 
family.  We  praise  members  of  the  family 
who  behave  well  at  family  reunions, 
church  functions  and  other  community  af- 
fairs, and  the  entire  clan  turns  a  dark  eye 
upon  anybody  who  gets  out  of  line.  If 
children  grow  up  with  a  sense  of  group 
unity  and  an  eagerness  to  retain  the  ap- 
proval of  that  group,  temptations  which — 
if  responded  to — would  surely  alienate  the 
clan,  cease  to  be  attractive. 

Sometimes  family  pride  and  loyalty 
manifest  themselves  in  unexpected  ways. 
Not  long  ago,  when  I  was  rearranging  our 
basement  storage,  I  came  across  a  flow- 
ered dress  and  a  pair  of  ruffled  panties 
Janet  had  worn  when  she  was  about  three. 

I  showed  the  clothing  to  our  present 
three-year-old,  Annie,  saying,  "Jannie  wore 
this  when  she  was  your  age."  That  settled 
it.  Annie  insisted  on  wearing  the  outfit  as 
soon  as  it  was  washed,  and  she  resisted 
taking  it  off — even  to  sleep.  She  told 
everyone,  "Jannie  dress  and  me  dress." 

Just  as  Annie  looks  up  to  her  older  sis- 
ters and  imitates  them,  the  older  girls  try 
to  set  a  good  example  for  the  babies. 
None  of  our  girls  has  ever  questioned  our 
family  rule  that  she  cannot  have  singleton 
dates  until  after  she  is  sixteen.  I  know 
that  some  people  will  say  we're  hopelessly 
out  of  date  in  our  thinking,  but  our  con- 
cern isn't  for  agreement  with  popular 
trends,  but  for  the  proper  development  of 
our  children. 

We  think  that  lone-couple  dating  before 
the  age  of  sixteen  imposes  unnecessary 
burdens  on  youngsters,  burdens  more  so- 
cial than  moral.  Boys  in  their  early  teens 
really  aren't  interested  in  girls.  They'd 
rather  be  playing  in  or  watching  or  talk- 
ing about  some  sports  event,  or  devoting 
their  time  to  some  hobby.  They're  usually 
awkward  and  embarrassed  in  the  presence 
of  girls,  and  resentful  of  being  forced  to 
attend  dancing  parties  .  .  .  unless  the  food 
is  terrific. 

However,  we  do  believe  in  church  group 
activity  for  youngsters  under  the  age  of 
sixteen.  Naturally,  such  social  functions 
are  chaperoned  by  people  we  know  well. 
Even  then,  problems  come  up.  Not  long 
ago,  Janet  went  to  a  school  sock  hop  with 
her  group,  then  went  on  to  a  pizza  palace. 
She  had  promised  to  be  home  by  eleven- 
thirty.  The  pizza  was  slow  in  arriving, 
and  the  only  public  telephone  nearby  was 
out  of  order,  so  Janet  insisted  on  being 
brought  home.  It  meant  that  the  boys  had 
to  pay  for  pizzas  they  weren't  able  to  eat 
— a  major  catastrophe,  of  course.  A  few 
weeks  later,  we  made  it  up  to  the  boys 
(and  showed  our  appreciation  to  Janet) 
by  having  a  party  for  them  at  our  house. 

Once  one  of  our  daughters  has  passed 
her  sixteenth  birthday,  she  is  free  to  ac- 
cept dates  with  boys  who  have  come  to 
our  home  and  met  us  before  the  first  date 
takes  place.  This  new  dating  plan  brings 
up  a  fresh  approach  to  the  teaching  of  the 
facts  of  life.  Bill  takes  over  this  chore. 
(Continued  on  next  page) 

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He  assumes  that  the  youngsters,  having 
grown  up  around  a  pair  of  demonstrative 
and  deeply  devoted  parents,  take  it  for 
granted  that  falling  in  love  and  getting 
married  can  be  one  of  the  most  precious 
and  rewarding  experiences  in  life. 

He  tells  them  that  timing  is  one  of  the 
secrets  of  happiness:  As  the  Bible  says, 
"To  everything  there  is  a  season,  and  a 
time  to  every  purpose  under  the  heavens; 
a  time  to  be  born,  and  a  time  to  die;  a 
time  to  plant  and  a  time  to  pluck  up  that 
which  is  planted;  a  time  to  kill  and  a 
time  to  heal;  a  time  to  break  down,  and 
a  time  to  build  up;  a  time  to  weep,  and 
a  time  to  laugh ;  a  time  to  mourn,  and  a 
time  to  dance." 

He  says,  "A  girl  should  look  upon  her- 
self as  a  precious  gift  to  be  given  to  her 
husband  when  she  marries.  A  man  brings 
to  his  wife  the  assurance  that  he  will  pro- 
vide a  home  for  her  and  their  children; 
he  assumes  the  obligation  of  protection 
and  care,  and  it's  seldom  easy.  All  a  girl 
has  to  bring  to  her  husband  is  herself,  so 

that  self  should  be  untarnished. 

"Before  marriage,  she  should  hold  her- 
self in  trust;  after  marriage,  she  should 
give  herself  richly,  fully  and  freely.  The 
time  for  withholding  has  passed.  I'll  tell 
you,  it  helps  a  man  a  lot  to  have  an  affec- 
tionate wife  when  the  bills  come  pouring 

Bill  is  going  to  teach  our  sons  the  same 
idealistic  code  of  ethics.  We  all  know 
that  parents  are  inclined  to  give  a  son 
more  latitude  than  is  allowed  a  daughter, 
but  Bill  says,  "Just  because  wider  free- 
dom for  a  boy  is  the  general  practice 
doesn't  make  such  leniency  right.  It  is 
as  wrong  for  a  boy  to  be  promiscuous  as 
it  is  for  a  girl.  I  believe  in  the  single 
standard:  Integrity  for  everyone." 

I  think  Bill  sums  up  our  facts-of-life 
philosophy  when  he  says,  "The  full  sweet- 
ness of  love  and  the  privilege  of  having 
children  are  two  of  God's  greatest  gifts 
to  human  beings.  We  are  trying  to  teach 
our  children  to  appreciate  those  gifts  and 
to  be  worthy  of  them." 

Scars  of  the  Hollywood  Fire! 

(Continued  from  page  33) 
some  songs  for  the  show.  A  snap.  The 
sky  was  clear  blue  as  I  stood  in  my 
pajamas  before  the  window,  trying  to 
shake  the  sleep  from  my  eyes.  My  home 
is  built  on  terraced  ground,  making  my 
view  of  Beverly  Glen  Canyon  and  the 
San  Fernando  Valley  below  a  breathtak- 
ing one.  The  style  of  the  house  is  Swedish 
modern  with  three  bedrooms,  a  den  and 
a  huge  living-dining  room — with  a  beamed 
cathedral  ceiling  where  the  roof  swoops 
from  the  high  ridgepole  nearly  to  the 

On  this  morning  of  November  6,  I  had 
only  lived  in  it  a  few  months,  but  I 
wouldn't  have  traded  it  for  a  villa  on  the 
Riviera.  The  house  had  become  a  vital 
part  of  my  life;  it  reflected  all  that  I 
had    accomplished    in    Hollywood. 

As  I  was  admiring  the  view,  my  eyes 
pinpointed  a  long,  thin  streak  of  chalky 
smoke  lazily  rolling  over  Mulholland 
Drive,  less  than  a  quarter  of  a  mile  away. 
In  addition,  I  became  aware  for  the  first 
time  that  it  was  extremely  windy  outside. 
The  trees  buckled  under  the  blasts;  sand 
and  dirt  were  twirling  in  crazy  patterns. 

I  watched  the  smoke  for  a  few  seconds. 
Somehow,  I  didn't  become  cognizant  of 
any  danger.  I  felt  snug  and  safe.  There 
was  no  premonition  in  my  thoughts.  Yet 
my  Yorkshire  terrier,  "Nui,"  was  acting 
strange.  Nui  sleeps  with  me,  and  usually 
beats  me  out  of  bed.  I  looked  around  in 
disbelief,  to  find  the  dog  cowering  in  the 
blankets.  Nui  wouldn't  budge  even  when 
I  left  the  room  to  have  breakfast  with  my 

We  were  just  finishing  breakfast  when 
my  secretary,  Howard  Fox,  arrived.  How- 
ard mentioned  the  smoke,  but  still  we 
didn't  feel  any  cause  for  alarm.  Instead, 

we  discussed  my  forthcoming  personal 
appearance  tour  for  "Susan  Slade." 

Suddenly,  I  realized  that  my  two  other 
dogs  weren't  in  the  house.  I  walked  out- 
side on  the  back  terrace,  in  my  pajamas 
and  robe,  to  find  them.  The  wind  was 
terrific ;  blowing  in  strong,  hot  gusts.  What 
had  been  a  thin  line  of  gray  smoke  now 
appeared  in  the  sky  as  a  pall  of  black. 
A  sickening  black  that  suddenly  clouded 
the  sun  from  view.  For  the  first  time,  I 
felt  uneasy. 

The  dogs  were  whimpering  by  the  side 
of  the  house.  They,  too — like  Nui — acted 
as  if  they  sensed  danger.  My  father  ex- 
citedly burst  out  the  door.  "I  just  heard 
over  the  radio,"  he  yelled,  "that  there's  a 
big  fire  in  Stone  Canyon.  It's  moving  our 
way.  We  might  have  to  evacuate." 

I  couldn't  believe  it.  I  didn't  want  to 
believe  it.  Stone  Canyon  is  just  over  the 
hill.  The  wind  would  move  the  fire  our 
way.  Worse  yet — the  entire  hill  in  the 
back  of  the  house  was  covered  with  a  mass 
of  tinder-dry  brush.  "Quick!"  I  said.  "Get 
the  garden  hose!" 

It  was  fruitless.  The  hose  was  only  a 
small  one.  The  water  just  trickled  out. 
It  would  take  days  to  wet  down  the  house 
and  yard  with  it.  And  that  wind-driven 
brush  fire  was  only  minutes,  perhaps  sec- 
onds, away.  The  telephone  rang.  The 
caller  was  Hugh  Benson,  one  of  my 
Warner  Bros,  bosses. 

I  shall  ever  be  grateful  to  him.  He 
knew  my  home  must  be  in  danger.  He 
knew,  too,  that  every  cent  I  had  in  the 
world  was  tied  up  in  this  home.  He  said 
he  was  sending  help  from  the  studio.  Of- 
ficials had  blocked  off  all  canyon  roads. 
But,  within  minutes,  a  studio  police  car 
screeched  to  a  halt  in  front  of  my  house. 
By  now,  flames  on  the  ridge  above  were 

furiously  lashing  high  into  the  smoke- 
blackened  sky. 

Two  studio  policemen  jumped  out  of 
the  car.  They  dragged  a  large  hose  with 
them.  They  connected  it  to  a  faucet  in 
the  garden.  The  water  shot  out  in  a  steady 
stream.  What  a  wonderful  sight!  In  a 
matter  of  minutes,  they  had  the  roof  hosed 
down  and  were  wetting  the  brush.  Still 
we  weren't  out  of  danger.  The  fire  con- 
tinued to  bear  down  on  us.  Sparks  were 
flying  everywhere  around  us.  Daddy  and 
I  used  the  garden  hose  to  fight  them.  My 
housekeeper  Jeanne  (she's  been  in  this 
country  only  a  short  time  from  Scotland) 
informed  me  that  the  neighbors  said  we 
should  prepare  to  evacuate. 

"What  should  I  pack?"  she  asked.  The 
words  hit  me  like  a  sledge-hammer.  Until 
then,  I  couldn't  believe  that  the  house 
and '  my  dreams  might  go  up  in  smoke. 
I  couldn't  answer  her  for  a  few  seconds. 
I  was  rebeling  against  realization.  The 
realization  that  we  were  in  danger.  I  still 
rebeled  when  I  replied  to  her:  "Don't 
pack  a  thing.  If  we  have  to  leave,  we'll 
go  in  the  car  and  won't  bother  about 

Tears  came  to  my  eyes  with  the  words. 
I  had  no  more  time  to  think  about  it  as 
I  grabbed  the  hose  and  struggled  higher 
up  where  I  had  seen  some  embers  land. 
But  several  times  Jeanne's  words  came 
back  to  me.  What  to  save?  What  to  save? 
Sounds  a  little  ridiculous,  but  the  one 
thing  I  thought  of  was  my  white  Grecian 
dining-room   table. 

"How  will  we  ever  get  it  in  the  car?" 
I  kept  asking  myself.  People,  I  guess  react 
oddly  in  times  of  panic.  I  could  only  think 
about  saving  the  dining-room  table.  My 
neighbors  were  busy,  too.  One  woman  I 
know  of  threw  all  her  valuables  into  her 
=wimming  pool. 

ixLeanwhile — unknown  to  Connie — over 
the  hill  in  Bel-Air,  the  fire  was  out  of 
control  over  a  huge  area.  On  one  street, 
not  one  home  was  saved.  Joe  E.  Brown's 
house  of  dreams  went  up  in  smoke.  All 
he  saved  were  two  suits.  Solly  Baiano, 
talent  chief  at  Warner  Bros.,  lost  his 
$80,000  home.  Fortunately,  Robert  Con- 
rad— Connie's  co-star  in  Hawaiian  Eye — 
hadn't  started  construction  of  his  home 
on  a  lot  he  had  purchased  on  Mulholland 
Drive,  a  half-mile  west. 

It  was  the  worst  fire  in  Southern  Cali- 
fornia history.  More  than  450  homes 
(mostly  in  the  $100,000  class)  were  either 
destroyed  or  badly  damaged.  Smoke — it 
started  to  mushroom  like  a  nuclear  ex- 
plosion— covered  a  wide  area:  Hollywood, 
Beverly  Hills,  and  even  downtown  Los 
Angeles.  In  another  canyon,  Red  Skelton 
was  battling  to  save  his  place.  Workmen 
from  his  studio  rushed  up  fire  equipment. 
They  pumped  water  out  of  his  swimming 
pool.  Flames  licked  the  ivy  in  his  back- 
yard. It  was  touch-and-go — but  they  finally 
saved  his  home.  Kim  Novak  received  a 
call,  on  the  set  of  "Boys  Night  Out,"  that 
the  fire  was  only  a  block  away  from  her 
home.  She  rushed  there  and,  along  with 

director    Richard    Quine,    beat    out    the 
flames  in  her  backyard. 

Blood,  sweat  and  tears  marked  the  bat- 
tle of  man  against  the  ravages  of  nature. 
There  were  stories  of  tragedies,  heroisms 
and  narrow  escapes  from  violent  death. 
One  woman  fled  her  burning  home  a 
split  second  before  it  crashed  to  the 
ground.  A  man  saved  himself  in  a  burn- 
ing house  by  wrapping  himself  in  wet 
blankets.  Connie  herself  was  one  of  the 
truly   lucky   ones — as   she   describes: 

I  was  still  hosing  down  the  yard  when 
a  miraculous  thing  happened.  The  wind 
was  still  angrily  buffeting  the  terrain.  The 
heat  of  the  fire,  roaring  out  of  control 
only  a  few  hundred  yards  away,  was  al- 
most unbearable.  So  was  the  smoke.  Then 
— the  wind  shifted,  just  as  we  were  about 
to  drop  the  hoses  and  jump  into  the  car 
and  flee  for  our  lives. 

The  wind  shift  sent  the  towering  inferno 
streaking  along  the  ridge,  creating  a  tem- 
porary haven  in  the  neighborhood.  Still, 
I  fully  realized  that  the  wind  could  shift 
back  again.  So  I  continued  with  feverish 
intensity.  The  wind  became  so  strong,  it 
knocked  me  off  my  feet  twice.  Once,  I 
rolled  several  feet,  bruising  my  arms  and 
legs.  I  regained  my  footing,  and  then — 
to  my  amazement — discovered  I  was  still 
in  my  pajamas.  They  were  soiled  and 
blackened  by  smoke.  There  was  no  time 
for  vanity.  I  went  on  working,  but  later 
put  my  car  coat  over  the  night  attire. 

Optimism  was  high  in  the  area  when 
the  wind  changed  direction.  Previously, 
some  men  had  grouped  to  plan  a  mass 
evacuation.  I  even  took  a  breather,  and 
Howard  and  I  walked  around  to  see  if 
we  could  help  anyone  else.  I  can't  say 
enough  praise  for  my  neighbors.  You 
never  know  how  many  friends  you  have, 
until  there's  an  emergency.  I  had  lived 
in  the  area  only  a  few  months.  Since  I 
had  early  calls  at  the  studio  and  returned 
late,  I  never  had  a  chance  to  get  acquainted 
with  any  of  them. 

They  all  asked  me  if  there  was  any- 
thing they  could  do  to  help,  and  I  was 
asking  them  the  same  question.  One  of 
them,  an  attractive  young  woman,  came 
up  to  me.  I  thought  I  recognized  her.  It 
wasn't  until  we  started  to  go  back  to  our 
homes,  after  talking  at  least  twenty  min- 
utes, that  we  introduced  ourselves.  She 
was  Margaret  O'Brien,  the  film  actress. 
She  lives  around  the  corner. 

Back  at  my  home,  the  phone  wasn't 
idle  for  a  second.  There  had  been  a  rumor 
that  my  house  had  been  destroyed.  So 
many  of  my  friends  were  both  relieved 
and  surprised  when  my  father  or  Jeanne 
answered  the  phone.  I  had  calls  from 
relatives  in  New  York.  And  Elvis  Presley 
called  from  location  for  "Kid  Galahad." 
Although  his  home  in  Bel-Air  was  in  dan- 
ger, he  was  concerned  about  my  safety. 

By  now,  reports  over  the  radio  (we  kept 
it  on  full  blast)  were  horrifying.  Over- 
head, we  could  hear  the  roar  of  the  fire- 
fighting  planes  spreading  borate  to  save 

That  borate-bombing  worked,  too.  Cliff 

(   m  A 

■        FOR  YOU 

S        For  ad  rates,  write  PCD 
■           549  W.  Washington 
9                  Chicago  6 

OF  INTEREST  TO  WOMEN    (P.W.— Feb. '62 J 

DENTAL  ASSISTANT-COURSE  includes  Glamour  and  Per- 
sonality Development.  Women  needed  to  help  dentists  in 
Laboratory,  X-ray,  office.  Pays  well.  No  nursing  experience 
required   to  learn.   Write  for  information.   Wayne   School, 

Dept.  02-546,  417  So.  Dearborn,  Chicago  5,  III. 

BEAUTY  DEMONSTRATORS— TO  $5.00  hour  demonstrat- 
ing Famous  Hollywood  Cosmetics,  your  neighborhood.  For 
free  samples,  details,  write  Studio  Girl,  Dept.  1622C,  Glen- 
dale,  California.  "Canadians:  850  La  Fleur,  Montreal." 
$300  PAID  FOR  Your  Child's  Picture  by  advertisers.  Send 
small  photo.  (All  ages).  Returned.  Print  child's,  parent's  name, 
address.  Spotlite,  1611-P2  LaBrea,  Hollywood,  California. 
MAKE  $25-$50  week,  clipping  newspaper  items  for  publishers. 
Some  clippings  worth  $5  each.  Particulars  Free.  National, 

81 -WM,  Knickerbocker  Station,  New  York  City. 

SECOND  INCOME  FROM  Oil  Can  End  Your  Toill  Free 
Book  and  Oilfield  Maps  I  National  Petroleum,  Panamerican 

Building,  Miami  32,  Florida. 

$25-$50  WEEKLY  possible,  rewriting  news  items,  Jokes, 
Poems,  Recipes  for  publishers.  Some  worth  $10  each.  Details 
Free.  Service,  81-FW,  Knickerbocker  Station,  New  York  City. 
HOMEWORK,  TYPING.  $20-$70  weekly.  Details  $1  (re- 
fundable).  Nationalco,  20  Southmountain,  Millburn  22,  N.J. 
SEW  OUR  READY  cut  aprons  at  home,  spare  time.  Easy, 

profitable.  Hanky  Aprons,  Caldwell  3,  Arkansas.     

LADIES:  EARN  UP  to  $2.00  hour  sewing  babywearl  No 
house  selling  I  Send  postcard  to  Cuties,  Warsaw  1,  Indiana. 

WOMEN  WANTED  TO  Assemble  Jewelry  At  Home.  Starco, 

60  W.  Hays,  Banning,  California. 

STOP  THROWING  AWAY  Boxtopsl  They're  worth  moneyl 

Some,  25cl  Inquire:  "Boxtops-BH",  Cedar  Hill,  Texas. 

EARN  $50.00  FAST,  Sewing  Aprons.  Details  Free.  Redykuf  s, 

Loganville,  Wisconsin. 

HOME   TYPING    FOR    Business   Firmsl    Instructions   $1. 

Meritt,  42  Warren,  Brentwood,  New  York.        

HOME  TYPING:  $65  week  possiblel  Details,  $1.  Simone, 
709  Webster,  New  Rochelle,  N.Y. 


HIGH  SCHOOL  AT  Home  in  spare  time  with  65-year-old 
school.  No  classes.  Standard  high  school  texts  supplied. 
Single  subjects  if  desired.  Credit  for  subjects  already  com- 
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ATTEND  BUSINESS  SCHOOL  at  homel  Save  time  and 
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Write  for  catalog.  Wayne  School,  417  S.  Dearborn,  Dept. 
02-543,  Chicago  5,  III. 

FINISH  HIGH  SCHOOL  at  home.  No  classes.  Texts  fur- 
nished. Diploma  awarded.  If  17  or  over  and  have  left  school, 
write    for    Free    assignment    and    catalog.    Wayne    School, 

Dept.  02-523,  419  S.  Dearborn,  Chicago  5,  III. 

MEDICAL  SECRETARY,  10  Weeks,  Home  Study.  Boston 
Institute  of  Medical  Secretaries,  725X  Boylston  Street, 
Boston,  Massachusetts. 

HIGH  SCHOOL  DIPLOMA  at  home.  Licensed  teachers. 
Approved  materials.  Southern  States  Academy,  Station  E-1, 
Atlanta,  Georgia. 


TEAR  OUT  THIS  Ad,  and  mail  with  name,  address  for  big 
box  of  home  needs  and  cosmetics  for  Free  trial,  to  test  in 
your  home.  Tell  your  friends,  make  money.   Rush  name. 

Blair,  Dept.  185FB,  Lynchburg,  Va. 

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No  delivering  or  collecting.  Beeline  Style  Shows  are  Party 
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Robertson's  place  was  surrounded  by  the 
fire — then  a  plane  scored  a  direct  hit  on 
his  roof  with  the  white,  chalky  liquid.  The 
houses  on  either  side  of  Cliff's  fell  to  ashes. 
Cliff's  remained  scorched  but  intact.  Wal- 
ter W anger's  former  home  (he  recently 
sold  it  for  $100,000)  burned  to  the  ground. 
Actor  John  van  Dreelen  lost  not  only  his 
home  but  also  priceless  paintings  from 

There  were  tense  moments  for  Barry 
Coe,  who  managed  to  save  his  wife  and 
baby  in  the  nick  of  time.  He  felt  sure 
his  hofne  was  a  goner.  By  some  trick  of 
fate,  it  was  spared  as  flames  leap-frogged 
over  it.  Zsa  Zsa  Gabor  wasn't  as  fortu- 
nate. The  chimney,  that  evening,  was  the 
only  upright  section  in  what  used  to  be 
her  $275,000  mansion. 

We  could  still  see  the  flames,  now  mov- 
ing toward  the  ocean,  in  the  afternoon. 
Howard  and  I  walked  up  to  Mulholland, 
which  had  been  a  blazing  caldron  only 
three  hours  before.  We  looked  down  into 
Stone  Canyon.  The  sight  was  horrifying. 
I  felt  sickened.  Only  the  previous  day, 
this  was  one  of  the  most  beautiful  sec- 
tions in  the  hills.  It  was  now  hell. 

There  was  a  dead  silence  in  the  air. 
A  nauseating  silence  broken  only  by  the 
crackle  (a  horrendous  sound)  of  the  fire 
still  burning  in  the  canyon.  Nothing  but 
devastation  remained  on  either  side  of 
the  paved  street  that  winds  its  way  through 
Stone  Canyon.  Red-hot  embers  floated 
down  on  the  ground  beside  us.  We  tried 
to  stamp  them  out.  More  came.  Deer, 
rabbits  and  other  wildlife  were  fleeing 
around  us,  their  little  eyes  crazed  with 
fright.  These  were  the  fortunate  animals. 
Others  lay  charred  on  the  ground. 

I  had  to  get  away  from  the  sight.  Sud- 
denly, too,  I  felt  alone.  Alone  in  a  wilder- 
ness of  survival-of-the-fittest.  The  canyon 
of  Hell  below  could  well  have  been  where 
I  lived.  "Those  poor  people,"  I  said  to 
Howard.  "Those  poor  people.  Losing 

We  paused  for  a  moment,  on  the  way 
down.  Howard  passed  me  his  binoculars. 
On  a  ridge  about  two  miles  away,  I 
focused  on  a  beautiful  home.  It  appeared 
untouched  by  the  fire.  As  I  was  looking, 
flames  shot  over  the  ridge  like  a  monster 
spouting  fire.  Embers  ignited  a  rear  por- 
tion of  the  roof.  Within  seconds,  the  home 
was  afire.  Probably  the  most  pathetic 
sight  I'll  ever  see  in  my  life  occurred  next. 

A  middle-aged  woman  rushed  out  of  the 
burning  structure,  carrying  a  chair.  I  was 
too  far  away  to  hear — but  from  her  ac- 
tions, she  appeared  to  be  in  hysterics.  She 
set  the  chair  down  by  the  fence  and  flung 
her  arms  in  utter  despair.  She,  too,  was 
alone.  The  only  things  she  had  to  show 
for  a  life  that  took  many  years  to  nurture 
in  the  white  house  on  the  hill,  were  a 
wooden  chair  and  a  cotton  dress. 

A  report  that  the  wind  had  shifted  again 
sent  me  back  to  manning  the  hose.  I 
don't  think  I  want  to  see  a  hose  again 
for  a  long,  long  time.  I  was  glued  to  it 
most  of  the  day.   While  I  was  back  on  the 

hill  in  my  yard,  I  kept  an  ear  open  for 
news  about  the  fire  on  the  radio. 

I  froze  when  a  newscaster  warned: 
"Residents  in  Beverly  Glen  Canyon,  be- 
ware. There's  a  report  that  the  fire  has 
driven  snakes  over  the  ridge  and  they're 
coming  into  the  canyon."  If  anything 
crawls,  I'm  terrified  of  it.  And  snakes 
petrify  me.  I  dashed  off  the  hill  like  light- 
ning and  into  the  house. 

We  laughed  about  it  later — but  I  called 
out  then:  "Let's  get  out  of  here.  Get  the 
car.  Let  the  house  be.  I'm  not  going  to 
face  any  snakes!"  But  the  snake  report 
proved  erroneous,  thank  heaven,  and  by 
late    afternoon    we   were    out    of    danger. 

In  other  areas,  the  fire  went  unabated. 
Already,  the  damage  was  into  the  millions. 
Some  2,000  firefighters  were  on  the  lines. 
The  state  labeled  the  fire  scene  a  "dis- 
aster area."  Schools  were  evacuated.  •  Po- 
lice and  firemen  had  helped  evacuate 
3,000  people  in  the  path  of  the  flames. 
The  Red  Cross  set  up  an  emergency 

Winds  pushed  the  fire  toward  the  rich 
Pacific  Palisades  area.  Van  Williams  had 
ample  warning  and  moved  everything  out 
of  his  home  to  a  safe  area.  His  home  was 
spared  by  a  last-ditch  stand  of  firefighters. 
Others  were  fortunate,  too.  Cary  Grant, 
Alfred  Hitchcock,  Marlon  Brando,  Ginger 
Rogers,  Robert  Stack,  Bobby  Darin  and 
Sandra  Dee,  Greer  Garson,  Robert  Taylor 
— all  came  within  a  wind-shift  of  losing 
their  homes. 

Man  appeared  hopelessly  helpless 
against  the  odds.  Yet,  because  of  the  effi- 
ciency of  the  fire  crews,  not  one  life  was 
lost.  Some  home  owners  had  to  be  removed 
from  their  property  bodily.  They  refused 
to  leave  even  in  the  face  of  death.  These 
same  home  owners  owe  their  lives  to  the 
dedicated  men  who  fought  the  fire  for 
three  days.  Monetarily,  there  wouldn't  be 
enough  gold,  even  in  Fort  Knox,  to  repay 
them.  They  would  deserve  much  more. 
Connie  is  only  one  of  many  who  are  grate- 
ful— and  who  remember. 

Ironically,  only  last  summer,  another 
brush  fire  had  swept  through  the  Beach- 
wood  area  of  Hollywood.  One  of  the  resi- 
dences destroyed  was  the  first  home  I 
owned  since  coming  to  the  movie  capital. 
I  loved  that  place,  too — it  held  many  fond 
memories.  Sadly,  and  with  reluctance,  I 
visited  the  place  after  that  fire.  What  had 
been  my  father's  bedroom  was  a  crumpled 
heap  of  burnt  wood.  What  had  been  the 
living  room  was  a  tangled  mass  of  wood 
and  iron.  The  new  owners,  I  was  told, 
escaped  with  only  the  clothes  on  their 
backs.   They    lost   everything   else. 

The  embers  of  both  fires  have  cooled. 
Yet  the  memories  are  still  vivid — espe- 
cially, that  Monday  last  November.  How 
grateful  I  am!  How  fortunate,  that  I 
wasn't  one  of  the  many  who  returned  to 
ashes  where  the  fulfillment  of  ambitions 
once  stood.  And  the  lucky  ones,  like  my- 
self, will  never  forget  that  "luck"  can  be 
a  miracle — because  we,  too,  will  bear  the 
scars  of  memory  of  that   day. 

The  Woman  Who  Really  Owns  Sinatra 

(Continued  from  page  31) 
not  fit  into  the  fast-moving,  neurotic  world 
he  seems  to  prefer. 

The  simple  truth  is  that,  today,  Frank 
Sinatra  sees  Nancy  more  regularly  than 
he  did  through  much  of  their  marriage. 
When  he  is  in  Hollywood,  he  visits  her 
at  least  twice  a  week.  He  showers  her 
with  gifts.  On  special  occasions,  such  as 
birthdays  and  holidays,  he  is  drawn  to 
her  like  a  magnet.  His  frequent  trips  out 
of  town  are  invariably  preceded  and  fol- 
lowed by  an  evening  with  Nancy.  It  has 
been  said  that  she  is  "the  custodian  of 
whatever  peace  of  mind  he  has." 

It  is  as  though  there  are  two  men  con- 
cealed within  the  lean  frame  of  Frank 
Sinatra.  Today,  Nancy  Sinatra  knows  only 
the  better  of  the  two.  She  once  knew 
the   other   .    .    .    intimately. 

Their  marriage  began  with  love.  They 
had  met  in  their  teens,  courted  for  more 
than  four  years.  Frank  had  to  defy  his 
strong-willed  mother  (who  never  wanted 
him  to  become  a  singer)  to  marry  Nancy; 
Nancy  had  to  accept  an  uncertain  future 
with  a  struggling  musician  whose  earnings 






barely  equalled  what  she  made  as  a  secre- 
tary. They  saw  enough  good  in  each  other 
to  make  the  sacrifices  worthwhile. 

In  Nancy,  Frank  saw  a  girl  whose  faith 
in  him  was  almost  religious.  In  Frank, 
Nancy  saw  a  young  man  of  unbelievable 
personal  charm  and  talent.  She  did  not 
really  understand  how  insecure  Frank 
was,  how  much  he  doubted  his  own  worth. 
She  did  not  know  that  success,  when  it 
came,  would  aggravate  rather  than  ease 
her  husband's  inner  torment. 

In  the  early  days  of  their  marriage, 
Frank's  career  reached  such  a  low  ebb 
that  Nancy  had  to  go  hungry — even  while 
she  was  pregnant.  Frank  was  starved, 
too  .  .  .  but  not  only  for  food.  He  was 
starved  for  love,  more  love  than  Nancy 
or  any  one  person  could  give  him.  He 
needed  the  world  to  love  him.  When, 
at  last,  fame  burst  upon  him,  it  did  not 
satisfy  him.  He  could  never  forget  that 
the  first  screaming,  fainting  bobby-soxers 
upon  whose  adoration  his  success  had 
been  built  were  fakes,  bought  and  paid 
for   by  a  clever  manager. 

Now  girls  screamed  and  fainted,  from 
one  end  of  the  country  to  the  other  .  .  . 
but  did  they  really  love  him — or  were  they, 
as  their  indignant  parents  complained, 
merely  the  victims  of  a  mass  hysteria?    He 

sought  reassurance  constantly.  When  the 
movies  brought  him  to  Hollywood,  he  be- 
gan to  look  for  it  in  the  arms  of  beautiful 

Frank  threw  himself  into  a  series  of 
"friendships"  with  other  women,  ranging 
from  stars  like  Lana  Turner  and  Marilyn 
Maxwell — whom  he  pursued  diligently — to 
dozens  of  unknown  starlets  who  pursued 
him.  Hollywood  had  seen  husbands  on  a 
"binge"  before,  but  even  Hollywood  was 
shocked  at  the  gusto  with  which  Frank 
set  about  his  peccadillos.  "You'd  have 
thought,"  one  indignant  observer  said, 
"that  he  was  deliberately  setting  out  to 
rub  Nancy's  nose  in  it." 

Frank  courted  his  "broads"  conspicu- 
ously ...  in  restaurants,  in  night  clubs, 
on  movie  sets.  It  was  no  secret  that  he 
had  rented  and  furnished  a  lavish  du- 
plex apartment  in  which  to  entertain  his 
dates.  Nancy's  phone  rang  constantly; 
there  are  plenty  of  women  in  Hollywood 
who  take  pleasure  in  reporting  a  hus- 
band's escapades  to  his  wife. 

At  the  beginning,  in  the  early  days, 
Nancy  had  not  complained  of  hunger  or 
loneliness.  Now,  too,  she  said  nothing. 
She  did  not  start  to  drink  or  to  pursue 
romances  of  her  own  or  to  try  to  make 
a  career  for  herself — the  classic  refuges 
of  Hollywood's  wounded  wives.  Instead, 
she  tried  to  transform  herself  from  a 
middle-class  New  Jersey  girl  into  a  woman 
worthy  of  her  husband's  exalted  rank  in 
the  entertainment  world. 

She  took  college  courses  to  broaden  her 
cultural  background;  she  learned  to  dress 
herself  in  expensive,  well-chosen  clothes; 
she  changed  her  hairdo  to  emphasize  her 
best  features;  she  acquired  the  know-how 
to  run  an  expensive  home  and  entertain 
important  people.  She  never  tried  to  be- 
come one  of  the  giggling,  wise-cracking, 
fast-moving  flirts  her  husband  seemed  to 
prefer.  Perhaps  she  knew  she  could  not 
do  it.  Perhaps,  as  an  admiring  Holly- 
wood believed,  she  had  too  much  innate 
dignity  to  try. 

Whatever  she  did,  it  was  not  enough. 
Frank's  escapades  grew  steadily  more 
frequent,  more  blatant,  more  insulting  to 
his  wife.  One  psychologist  explained:  "A 
man  with  as  deep  an  inferiority  complex 
as  Sinatra's  just  has  to  keep  proving  to 
himself  that  people  really  love  him.  Sub- 
consciously, he  feels  that  the  people  who 
care  for  him  most — in  Sinatra's  case,  his 
family,  as  well  as  his  fans — only  love  him 
for  his  'good'  side — his  talent,  his  charm, 
his  popularity.  But,  underneath  it  all, 
he  believes  himself  to  be  a  no-good,  a 
bum.  He  is  sure  that's  his  real  self.  So 
he's  got  to  find  out  if  people  will  love 
him  even  after  they  see  his  'bad'  side — 
if  they  do,  he's  home  free. 

"But,  of  course,  he  can  never  find  out. 
No  matter  how  badly  he  behaves,  he  can 
always  tell  himself  he  hasn't  been  bad 
enough  yet  to  make  the  test  valid.  So 
he   goes  on,  flouting   conventions,  getting 

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worse  and  worse,  until  finally  everyone 
does  desert  him,  and  then  he  tells  him- 
self, /  always  knew  it.  There's  nothing 
extraordinary  about  this  behavior  pattern. 
What  is  extraordinary  is  that,  in  Sinatra's 
case,  no  matter  how  bad  he  got,  his  wife — 
the  person  he  hurt  the  most — never  did 
give  up   on  him!" 

But  everyone  else  did.  When  he 
crowned  his  adventures  with  a  wild  ro- 
mance with  Ava  Gardner,  traveling  with 
her  to  Texas,  Las  Vegas,  New  York,  Mex- 
ico and  Spain;  when  he  made  headlines 
by  punching  newsmen  and  smashing  pho- 
tographers' cameras  to  avoid  publicity: 
when  he  seemed  willing  to  subject  his 
long-suffering  wife  and  innocent  children 
to  every  conceivable  degree  of  humilia- 
tion in  order  to  force  Nancy  to  give  him 
the  divorce  her  heart  and  religion  forbade 
— then  his  fans,  his  recording  company, 
his  movie  studio,  gave  up  on  him  entirely. 

Under  the  strain,  his  voice  cracked;  re- 
cording engineers  who  had  used  their 
skills  to  help  other  singers  through  bad 
periods  just  sat  on  their  hands  and  let 
Sinatra  struggle.  His  records  went  un- 
sold. No  one  wanted  his  services  as  an 
actor.  One  New  York  newspaper  listed 
his  name  under  the  caption,  "Things  That 
No  Longer  Matter."  Even  his  relationship 
with  Ava  Gardner  foundered.  They  quar- 
reled so  bitterly  that — even  after  Nancy 
divorced  him — his  marriage  to  Ava  had 
to  be  postponed  at  the  last  minute.  The 
new  marriage  did  not  last  long.  Frank 
had  at  last  proved  his  point.  He  had 
done  his  worst,  and  no  one  loved  him  any- 

No  one  but  Nancy. 

Throughout  that  whole  incredible  pe- 
riod, she  never  said  a  word  against  him. 
On  the  contrary,  she  praised  him.  Asked 
for  an  opinion  of  Frank,  she  said,  "There 
is  no  one  as  good  and  as  kind  as  he." 
Asked  if  she  would  consider  remarriage 
if  the  Church  approved,  she  smiled  sadly 
and  said,  "I've  already  had  the  best." 
She  did  not  try  to  hide  the  fact  that  she 
was  still  deeply  in  love  with  the  man  who 
had  betrayed  her. 

It  is  this  selfless  love  that  Frank  Sinatra 
has  been  unable  to  resist. 

His  fans  came  back  to  him  only  after 
he  won  an  Oscar  for  his  performance  in 
"From  Here  to  Eternity."  He  quickly 
made  new  friends  to  replace  the  ones  who 
had  given  up  on  him.  No  longer  King  of 
the  Bobby-soxers,  he  established  himself 
as  "Leader"  of  a  tight  little  group  of  im- 
portant and  talented  people — the  famous 
(and  infamous)  Clan.  He  found  that  he 
could  readily  attract  almost  any  woman 
— sophisticates  like  Lauren  Bacall,  titled 
women  like  Lady  Adele  Beatty,  talented 
women  like  Peggy  Connolly.  None  of 
them  ever  passed  his  acid  test. 

Only  Nancy.  With  Nancy,  he  could 
feel  perfectly  secure,  knowing  that  he 
had  done  his  worst  and  that  she  loved 
him  still. 

And  that  is  why,  to  Nancy  Sinatra  alone, 
Frank  is  able  to  be  consistently  kind  and 

generous.  He  has  showered  her  with  gifts 
— mink  coats  on  one  birthday,  diamond 
rings  on  another,  equally  expensive  pres- 
ents in  between.  He  has  been  just  as 
lavish  with  praise,  calling  her  "coura- 
geous," "wonderful,"  "a  perfect  mother." 
He  has  complimented  her  by  seeking  her 
comfort  when  he  is  depressed,  her  ap- 
plause when  he  is  successful.  Nancy  had 
the  satisfaction,  last  year  in  Las  Vegas,  of 
seeing  Frank  ignore  the  exotic  Ava  Gard- 
ner (who  had  spent  an  hour  primping  in 
the  washroom  of  the  plane  that  carried  her 
there)  simply  because  Nancy  was  also 
in  town. 

Those  who  believed  that  Frank  kept 
seeing  Nancy  only  because  his  beloved 
children  lived  with  her  were  astonished  to 
find  that  when  little  Nancy,  his  favorite, 
married  and  left  the  house,  Frank's  vis- 
its did  not  become  less  frequent.  Every 
time  he  invited  his  children  to  see  him 
perform,  their  mother  was  also  invited — 
an  honored  guest. 

And  even  though  Frank  Sinatra  knows 
how  to  spend  the  money  he  earns,  he  has 
never  quibbled  about  the  tremendous 
amount  the  court  awarded  Nancy  in  ali- 
mony. By  law,  she  receives  a  full  third 
of  everything  he  makes.  At  the  time  of 
the  divorce  settlement,  Frank  Sinatra's  in- 
come was  far  less  than  it  is  today  .  .  . 
yet  he  has  never  shown  the  slightest  in- 
terest in  having  Nancy's  share  of  it  de- 
creased. To  date,  Nancy  has  collected 
well  over  two  million  dollars.  Since  she 
will  continue  to  collect  until  she  remarries, 
there  is  a  great  deal  more  to  come. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  Nancy  Sinatra 
"owns"  Frank  today  .  .  .  owns  him  finan- 
cially, owns  him  emotionally.  She  is  the 
custodian  of  his  peace  of  mind.  She  is 
full  owner  of  his  past — part  owner  of  his 
present.  One  of  Hollywood's  favorite 
guessing  games  is  whether  she  will  be 
offered  his  future  as  well. 

Many  think  she  will.  One  close  friend 
says:  "Nancy  has  never  given  up  hope  of 
getting  Frank  back.  She  turns  down  more 
dates  than  any  woman  her  age  in  town. 
The  few  times  she's  got  involved  with  a 
man,  she's  stopped  short  of  marriage.  If 
Frank  came  back  to  her,  the  Church  would 
approve,  their  kids  would  approve,  the 
whole  world  would  approve.  I  think 
Nancy  sees  Frank  as  a  big  boy  who  started 
sowing  his  wild  oats  later  than  usual  and 
who  has  taken  longer  than  most.  When 
he's  done,  he'll  come  home  and  she'll  be 
waiting  for  him." 

One  of  Frank's  cronies  agrees.  "Frank 
could  have  got  married  half  a  dozen  times 
in  the  past  couple  of  years.  And  he  came 
close,  too,  particularly  with  Bacall.  But, 
each  time,  he  broke  it  off  with  some  flimsy 
excuse — or  with  no  excuse  at  all.  I  think 
he  knows  that  someday  he's  going  to  go 
back  to  Nancy,  and  he  doesn't  want  to 
have  to  go  through  a  third  divorce  to  do 
it.     It's  just  a  matter  of  time." 

But  others  see  it  differently.  They  re- 
call the  most  perceptive  statement  ever 
made  about  Frank :  "What  he  really  wants 

out  of  life  is  to  be  married  to  Nancy — 
with  no  questions  asked."  To  all  intents 
and  purposes,  they  say,  that  is  exactly  the 
situation  that  prevails.  Frank  can  turn 
to  Nancy  whenever  he  needs  her — and 
still  lead  his  late-hours  life,  keep  his  free- 
dom, date  his  "broads."  .  .  . 

The  present  situation  is  ideal — not  only 
for  Frank — but  for  Nancy,  as  well.  "Peo- 
ple think,"  these  others  point  out,  "that 
Nancy  divorced  Frank  because  she  simply 
couldn't  take  any  more  of  his  shenani- 
gans with  Ava  Gardner.  That's  not  true. 
Nancy  could  have  taken  anything,  as  long 
as  she  could  hold  on  to  Frank  and  have 
hope  that  he'd  come  back  to  her.  She 
only  gave  him  up  because  she  saw,  long 
before  he  did,  that  it  wasn't  herself  he 
was  destroying,  but  himself.  Married  to 
her,  Frank's  romance  with  Ava  was  an 
international  scandal;  it  was  ruining  him. 
If  she  divorced  him,  he  could  do  what  he 
liked  without  ruining  his  reputation.     So 

she  gave  him  his  freedom,  for  his  sake, 
not  her  own. 

"It  turned  out  to  be  too  late.  I  think 
she  knows  Frank  still  hasn't  grown  up 
enough  to  settle  for  one  woman  .  .  .  even 
a  woman  he  cares  for  as  much  as  he  cares 
for  Nancy.  He's  still  eaten  away  by  the 
need  to  prove  himself — and  it  usually 
takes  quite  a  few  dames  to  help  a  man  do 
that.  I  don't  think  Nancy  wants  to  put 
him  in  a  position  where  his  dates  become 
scandal  material  again.  I  think  it'll  be  a 
long,  long  time  before  she  marries  him 
again  ...  if  she  ever  does. 

"After  all,  why  should  she?  The  Frank 
Sinatra  Nancy  loves  .  .  .  the  one  she  re- 
members from  when  he  was  a  wide-eyed 
kid  with  a  ukulele  and  a  lot  of  ambi- 
tion .  .  .  that's  the  only  one  he  shows  her 
now.  The  way  things  are  now,  she  already 
owns  his  good  side — lock,  stock  and  bar- 
rel. Let  the  rest  of  the  world  have  what's 

Dolores  Hawkins'  Own  Story 

(Continued  from  page  27) 
Dolores  Hawkins  herself.  Dolores's  reac- 
tion was  as  strong  and  definite  as  the 
column  item  itself  had  been.  "Ridicu- 
lous!" she  said.  "I  don't  have  any  diffi- 
culty in  finding  men  who  want  to  marry 
me.  I  don't  know  why  columnists  always 
do  this." 

After  Dolores  had  simmered  down,  we 
were  able  to  get  the  complete,  unvarnished 
truth  from  her  about  her  relationship  with 
Gardner  McKay. 

It  was  six  years  ago  that  Dolores  Haw- 
kins first  laid  eyes  on  Gardner  McKay. 
She'd  been  modeling  for  about  a  year  when 
she  got  a  call  to  pose  for  famed  glamour 
photographer  Richard  Avedon.  When  she 
stepped  out  in  front  of  the  camera,  she 
noticed  that  there  were  three  male  mod- 
els standing  behind  her  to  provide  back- 
ground effect  for  the  scene. 

One  was  definitely  not  a  "background" 
kind  of  fellow.  She  stared  at  him,  forget- 
ting for  a  moment  where  she  was,  and 
definitely  liked  what  she  saw.  He  was  tall 
— six-foot-five,  at  least — so  tall  that  he  had 
to  scrounge  his  head  down  a  little  into  his 
neck  to  miss  hitting  the  overhead  studio 
lights.  His  hair  was  brown,  his  jaw  was 
strong,  his  lips  were  tight-pressed  and 

But  it  was  his  eyes  which  made  her 
draw  in  her  breath  sharply.  Large  deep- 
set  eyes.  The  tenderest  yet  most  hypnotic 
eyes  she  had  ever  seen. 

Gardner  McKay  stared  back,  and  he 
liked  what  he  saw,  too.  A  slim,  trim  fig- 
ure that  fused  upward  into  a  long,  beau- 
tiful neck.  And,  above  this,  an  amazing 
face.  Chiseled  features  he  immediately 
wanted  to  reproduce  in  sculpture.  A  mar- 
velous, tremulous  mouth.  A  pert,  crinkly 
nose.  And  eyes — how  to  describe  them? 
They  were  .  .  .  they  were  simply  tre- 

The     voice     of     photographer     Avedon 

broke  in  upon  them,  firmly  but  with  the 
hint  of  a  laugh  in  it:  "All  right,  Miss 
Hawkins,  whenever  you're  ready!" 

That  was  the  beginning. 

When  they  met  later,  Dolores  responded 
to  something  else  about  Gardner  McKay — 
his  voice.  Not  just  the  deep,  manly  qual- 
ity she  heard  when  he  spoke,  but  the 
things  he  said,  too,  and  the  enthusiasm 
with  which  he  said  them. 

He  found  meaning  and  excitement  in  so 
many  things.  He  was  a  model  and  a  pho- 
tographer and  a  sculptor  and  a  painter, 
he  told  her.  Life  was  fun,  a  constant 
adventure,  and  he  was  discovering  beauty 

Looking  back  at  the  time  of  their  first 
meeting — and  the  period  immediately  fol- 
lowing— Dolores  says,  "I  remember  him 
as  being  a  terribly  nice,  refined  boy.  He 
has  never  changed.  He's  intellectual  and 
very  sensitive." 

The  years  rolled  by.  Dolores  became 
America's  most  photographed  model,  a 
$60-an-hour,  $60,000-a-year  cover  girl,  and 
Gardner  was  discovered  by  Hollywood  and 
handed  the  starring  role  of  skipper  Adam 
Troy  in  the  hour-long  weekly  series,  Ad- 
ventures In  Paradise  (now  seen  Sunday 
nights,  over  ABC-TV). 

But  the  pattern  of  their  personal  ro- 
mance  ran    far   less    smoothly. 

"I  dated  him  a  few  times  in  New  York 
when  we  first  met,  and  then  we  didn't  see 
each  other  for  a  while,"  Dolores  says. 
"The  reason:  I  became  engaged  to  some- 
one else.    No,  I  won't  tell  you  his  name." 

But  the  engagement  didn't  stick  and 
soon  Dolores  started  dating  Gardner — 
and  other  fellows,  too — again.  "That's 
what  so  many  people  don't  understand," 
she  says.  "Sure,  I  go  out  with  Gardner, 
but  I  date  other  boys,  as  well.  And  he, 
of  course,  runs  around  with  other  girls 
when  not  with  me." 

He    certainly   has    dated    other    girls — 





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Maria  Cooper,  Barrie  Chase,  Linda  Hutch- 
ins,  Suzanne  Pleshette,  Joan  Collins  and 
Greta  Chi,  to  mention  just  a  few.  But, 
somehow  or  other,  the  magnetic  attrac- 
tion they  both  experienced  that  first  day 
they  saw  each  other  always  seems  to 
work  its  old  magic,  and  Gardner  and 
Dolores  manage  to  get  back  together 

It  was  during  the  time  of  his  recent 
paternity  trial,  when  Gardner  was  ac- 
cused of  being  the  father  of  Mrs.  Patrice 
Frantz's  daughter,  eighteen-month-old  Ga- 
brielle,  that  the  off-again,  on-again  ro- 
mance between  Dolores  and  Gardner  met 
its  most  severe  crisis. 

"I  told  Dolores  about  it  before  it  broke," 
Gardner  says.  "I  wanted  her  to  hear  about 
the  paternity  suit  from  me,  not  from  the 
papers.  I  told  her  the  truth.  I  was  ter- 
ribly worried  about  the  effect  it  would 
have  on  our  relationship.  She  was  in  New 
York  at  the  time.  I'd  call  her  frequently. 
But  being  three  thousand  miles  apart 
made  it  hard. 

"I  had  misgivings  about  how  long  her 
loyalty  would  stand  up  when  she  was  faced 
with  comments  from  all  kinds  of  people — 
people  at  work,  people  she  met  socially, 
people  who  believe  what  they  read  and 
might  try  to  make  her  believe  it,  too.  I 
wondered  how  durable  her  faith  could  be 
in  the  wake  of  rumors.  ...  I  had  faith 
in  her,  but  I  know  the  power  of  gossip.  .  .  . 
I  know  it's  wiped  out  more  people  and 
more  happy  relationships.  ...  I  didn't 
want  that  to  happen  to  us." 

The  trial,  in  Gardner's  words,  "was 
hell" — until  that  wonderful  moment  when 
the  jury  filed  in  and  the  foreman  deliv- 
ered the  verdict:  "We  find  Gardner  Mc- 
Kay not  to  be  the  father  of  Gabrielle 

Gardner  was  overjoyed,  and  he  wanted 
to  break  the  good  news  to  Dolores  imme- 
diately. "The  first  thing  I  did  when  I 
got  home  was  to  place  a  call  to  her  in 
New  York,"  he  says.  "Then  I  thought  I'd 
celebrate  by  taking  a  bath.  The  call  got 
through  to  her  while  I  was  in  the  tub. 
I  told  her  the  news ;  she  was  delighted  .  .  . 
delighted.  .  .  .  All  my  conversations  with 
her  had  meant  a  great  deal  to  me.  They'd 
kept  me  going.  She  had  loyalty  .  .  .  great 

Dolores  flew  out  to  Hollywood  to  be 
by  his  side.  This  was  her  demonstration 
to  the  world — her  answer  to  everyone  who 
had  sniped  and  kicked  at  Gardner  when 
he  was  down — that  she'd  believed  in  him 
before  and  still  believed  in  him  now. 

They  went  dancing  at  the  Beverly 
Hilton's  Star  on  the  Roof.  They  went 
driving  up  into  the  Hollywood  hills,  ac- 
companied by  Gardner's  shaggy  dog, 
"Pussycat."  They  went  sailing,  took  in  a 
few  movies,  ate  dinner  at  swanky  res- 
taurants, grabbed  snacks  at  drive-ins.  It 
was  exciting.    It  was  lots  of  fun. 

And  then  the  columnists  started  writing 
drivel  about  them  again. 

"It  makes  me  so  angry,"  Dolores  says. 
"One  of  the  columnists  wrote  that  I  was 

commuting  by  plane  every  weekend  to  be 
in  California  with  Gardner.  They  accused 
us  of  having  big  fights.  I  asked  Gardner, 
'Can't  you  do  something  about  the  ru- 
mors?' I  often  reproach  him  about  them, 
but  he  just  shrugs  and  says  he  can't  do 

It's  not  only  the  untruths  that  colum- 
nists print  about  Gardner  and  herself  that 
bug  Dolores.  It's  also  the  rumors  they 
spread  that  she's  trying  to  "use"  him  to 
get  publicity. 

"Magazines  are  constantly  wanting  to 
do  picture  stories  of  the  two  of  us.  I 
don't  want  to  do  it,"  she  says.  "I  know 
the  few  times  my  name  appears  in  print, 
it  is  in  connection  with  Gardner  McKay. 
I  hate  for  people  to  think  I'm  trying  to 
cash  in  on  his  name.  I  don't  need  any 
publicity,  and  don't  want  any.  I  make  as 
much  money  as  Gardner  does  without  hav- 
ing to  worry  about  getting  my  name  in  the 
paper ! 

"Don't  forget.  I've  had  screen  tests 
before  Gardner  McKay  ever  came  to  Hol- 
lywood. I  worked  very  hard  to  build  my 
career.  I  didn't  have  to  be  associated  with 
any  actor  to  get  where  I  am  today.  I  don't 
want  to  be  known  as  Gardner  McKay's 
girlfriend.  I  can  continue  to  make  it  on 
my  own." 

Dates  on  the  West  Coast,  dates  on  the 
East  Coast,  six  years  of  close  friendship, 
a  relationship  that  has  survived  scandal 
and  rumors  and  gossip — so  the  question 
is:  Does  Dolores  Hawkins  want  to  get 

Dolores  says,  "Sure,  I'd  like  to  get  mar- 
ried. All  girls  want  to  get  married  and 
have  children." 

So  far,  so  good. 

But  now  the  $64  question :  When  are 
you  going  to  marry  Gardner  McKay? 

Xhe  answer,  a  blockbuster:  "I've  al- 
ways considered  Gardner  a  marvelous, 
sweet  boy,  but  we've  never  been  anything 
but  good  friends,"  says  Dolores.  "Our 
relationship  is  strictly  platonic,  and  there 
isn't  a  chance  in  the  world  that  I'll  marry 

"Not  a  chance  in  the  world?" 

"I  refuse  to  marry  Gardner  McKay  for 
a  very  simple  reason,"  she  replies  sweetly. 
"1  don't  love  him." 

,  "But  what  about  Gardner?  What 
about — " 

Dolores  interrupts  and  answers  our 
question  before  we  even  finish  it:  "And 
what's  more,  Gardner  doesn't  love   me!" 

That  does  it.  End  of  an  interview. 
Never  argue  with  a  woman,  especially  one 
who  genuinely  seems  to  believe  that  what 
she  says  is  really  what  she  feels. 

But  there's  something  else  to  be  consid- 
ered. Something  that  her  words  or  his 
ivords  cannot  wipe  away.  A  magical  elec- 
tricity that  sparked  between  them  the  first 
time  they  met,  and  which  flares  up  again 
each  time  they  get  together. 

Gardner  McKay  may  be  foolish  to  try 
to  pooh-pooh  a  reaction  like  that. 

And  Dolores  Hawkins,  like  any  woman, 
can  always  change  her  mind. 

"I  See  You  With  My  Heart" 

(Continued  from  page  40) 
The  "thing"  was  dope.  That  same  after- 
noon, the  two  arresting  officers  had  en- 
tered the  hotel  room  where  Charles  was 
resting  between  concerts.  Charles  was 
alone,  but  Sgt.  Owen  said  that  he  found 
thirteen  capsules  which  had  contained 
heroin,  a  jar  with  three-quarters  of  a  pound 
of  marijuana,  a  hypodermic  needle,  an 
eye  dropper  and  a  burner. 

The  story  broke  in  headlines  in  many 
newspapers.  But,  for  those  in  the  know, 
this  was  not  an  isolated  case  .  .  .  not  re- 
stricted to  the  Negro  or  the  contemporary 
musician.  Behind  the  beat,  whether  it  be 
Dixie  or  rock  'n'  roll,  the  music  business 
is  fiercely  competitive  and  sometimes  de- 
structive. One  of  the  early  jazz  greats,  Bix 
Beiderbecke.  died  at  twenty-eight  of  pneu- 
monia— but  the  real  killer  had  been  acute 
alcoholism.  While  Billie  Holliday  lay  dy- 
ing in  a  New  York  hospital,  police  were 
waiting  to  arrest  her  on  a  narcotics  charge 
— and  not  for  the  first  time.  And  there  have 
been  many  other  great  jazz  men  charged 
with  the  use  of  heroin  .  .  .  among  them. 
Charlie  Parker,   Stan   Getz,  Gene  Krupa. 

Not  all  the  papers  headlined  the  Ray 
Charles  story.  Some  passed  it  over  or 
buried  it  deep  inside  their  editions.  There 
seemed  to  be  some  uncertainty  among  them 
as  to  the  importance  of  Ray  Charles.  But 
there  is  no  uncertainty  among  musicians 
and  millions  of  record  buyers.  Ray  Charles, 
although  only  thirty-one,  has  been  in- 
spiring other  singers,  literally  setting  the 
style  in  the  music  market. 

His  single  records  are  always  best- 
sellers, usually  the  top  hits.  His  albums 
are  always  among  the  most  wanted.  Holly- 
wood has  come  to  him  with  sheaves  of 
thousand-dollar  bills  to  record  movie 
themes.  Abroad,  he  is  revered  and  The 
New  York  Times  correspondent  reported 
Charles  to  be  the  most  popular  recording 
artist  in  France. 

It  is  doubtful  that  any  of  this  crossed  his 
mind  while  he  waited  in  the  police  station 
at  Indianapolis.  Sgt.  Owen  reported  that 
Charles  had  broken  down  emotionally,  but 
the  detective  indicated  that  Charles  had 
not  been  a  casual  user  of  narcotics.  Ower 
described  Ray's  needle-pricked  arm  as 
"one  of  the  worst  I've  ever  seen."  He 
said  that  Charles  had  admitted  using  drugs 
since  the  age  of  fifteen. 

It  was  at  that  age  Ray  Charles  went  to 
work  as  a  musician.  He  had  told  me  about 
that,  just  ten  days  before  the  arrest,  when 
we  met  for  an  interview  in  New  York. 
I  have  been  thinking  of  that  interview, 
wondering  if  somewhere  in  his  story  there 
is  the  answer  to  a  man's  need  of  drugs.  .  .  . 

Charles  was  close  to  an  hour  late  for 
the  meeting.  I  waited  with  Milt  Shaw, 
president  of  Shaw  Artists  Corporation  and 
booking  agent  for  Ray.  Shaw  impressed 
me  with  the  importance  of  the  singer.  He 
told  me  that  Ray  had  been  paid  $25,000  for 
four  hours  of  recording  at  20th  Century- 

Fox.  That  Ray  was  booked  on  a  college 
concert  schedule  with  a  #>5,000-a-night 
guarantee.  And  then  Shaw  said,  "I'll  tell 
you  something  about  Ray.  He's  generous 
and  nice.  Now  they're  all  nice  when  they're 
starting  out,  but  when  they  get  big" — and 
he  shrugged.  "Well,  Ray  is  still  the  same 
nice  guy." 

He  talked  about  Ray's  family  and  noted 
that  Delia,  Ray's  wife,  wasn't  blind.  "They 
met  in  Texas,  Ray  will  tell  you  the  story. 
He  likes  to  talk  for  himself."  That  led 
Shaw  to  another  observation:  "Ray  is  in- 
dependent. He  runs  the  orchestra  himself. 
He  knows  the  sound  he  wants  and,  if 
there's  a  bad  note,  he  knows  instantly  who 
played  it.  He  does  much  of  his  own  ar- 
ranging. He  supervises  his  own  taping  at 
a  recording  session.  And  I  mean  right 
down  to  the  placing  of  the  microphones. 
He  can  split  a  beat  on  tape  with  the  best 
audio  engineer  in  the  business." 

And  then  Charles  came  in,  a  man  of 
medium  height  with  strong,  regular  fea- 
tures, dressed  conservatively,  and  wearing 
the  dark  glasses.  Following  the  edge  of 
the  desk,  he  guided  himself  to  me  and 
shook  hands.  There  was  a  call  to  be  an- 
swered. One  hand  groped  for  the  telephone 
— but,  once  there,  his  fingers  moved  quick- 
ly and  with  dexterity.  Then  he  sat  down 
behind  the  desk.  "You  want  to  ask  some 
questions,"  he  said,  and  smiled. 

We  started  at  the  beginning,  and  it  was 
a  story  of  a  man  who  has  overcome  seem- 
ingly impossible  handicaps.  Ray  Charles 
was  born  in  Albany,  Georgia,  September 
23,  1930.  When  Ray  was  six  months  old, 
his  father,  a  carpenter,  moved  the  family 
of  three  to  Greensfield,  Florida.  "It  was  a 
town  no  bigger  than  this  room.  I  guess." 

Asked  about  the  handicap  of  being 
blind,  he  said,  "Let's  look  at  it  right.  If 
you  lost  your  sight  as  an  adult,  you  would 
be  a  total  wreck.  But  I  grew  up  blind  and 
learned  to  live  with  it." 

As  a  young  child,  Ray's  vision  was  nor- 
mal. At  the  age  of  six.  he  came  down  with 
mumps  or  measles — he  doesn't  remember 
exactly  what  it  was.  But,  for  lack  of  proper 
medical  attention,  complications  set  in  .  .  . 
and  suddenly,  for  the  six-year-old,  the 
world  was  all  darkness. 

His  parents  put  him  into  a  school  for 
the  blind  at  St.  Augustine  and  that  was 
where  his  musical  education  began.  He 
learned  piano  and  saxophone.  It  wasn't 
easy.  Music  was  written  in  braille.  He 
would  memorize  the  score,  then  go  back  to 
the  instrument  and  learn  to  play -it. 

"I  guess  I  ought  to  tell  you  what  it  was 
like  at  home  then."  he  said.  "The  neighbors 
would  all  scold  my  mother  because  of  the 
way  she  treated  me.  She  was  kind  of 
scorned  for  the  things  she  made  a  blind 
boy  do."  She  made  him  wash  clothes, 
scrub,  make  up  beds,  iron,  even  cook. 

"Anything  that  was  normal  to  do,  she 
put  me  to  do,"  he  explained.  "She  would 
tell  the  neighbors.  'One  of  these  days,  I 
won't  be  with  him  to  help  him.'  She  would 

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tell  me,  'You  lost  your  sight,  son,  but  you 
haven't  lost  your  mind.'  She  taught  me 
independence.  She  didn't  let  me  pity  my- 

At  school,  he  got  a  solid  foundation  in 
music.  The  accent  was  on  classical  compo- 
sitions, but  Ray  listened  to  popular  music 
on  radio.  "Sometimes  I  would  put  aside 
my  lessons  and  play  for  my  comfort,  my 
own  joy.  I'd  put  the  braille  aside  and  try 
some  boogie-woogie  or  something  I'd  heard 
Nat  Cole  do." 

With  this  natural  love  of  music  came 
the  desire  to  be  a  musician.  It  made  sense 
to  Ray,  but  not  to  others.  "The  kids  called 
me  'Roc'  for  my  initials.  They  would  say. 
'Roc,  you're  supposed  to  learn  to  make 
brooms,  mops  and  chairs.  You  can't  sing 
and  play  the  piano.  Why  don't  you  just 
make  up  your  mind  to  do  what  other  blind 
kids  do?'" 

Ray  recalled,  "I  would  go  off  and  cry, 
but  I  came  back  more  determined  than 
ever.  Partly  because  of  my  mother.  I 
trusted  her.  She  kept  telling  me  that,  if 
you  had  a  strong  enough  belief,  you  could 
accomplish  anything." 

At  fifteen,  Ray  Charles  lost  his  mother 
and  then,  within  the  same  year,  his  father. 
He  was  alone,  with  no  relatives.  "I  went 
out  looking  for  work  as  a  musician.  The 
first  band  I  got  into,  there  was  a  regular 
pianist  but  they  would  let  me  sit  in  near 
the  end  of  the  night." 

He  worked  when  he  could  as  a  pianist 
or  saxophonist.  "Of  course,  no  one  had 
braille  arrangements.  I  would  get  one  of 
the  guys  to  read  off  the  music  and  I  would 
write  it  down  in  braille,  then  go  back  to 
my  room  and  memorize  it.  It  was  a  lot  of 
work,  but  it  strengthened  my  memory, 
taught  me  to  remember." 

Living  wasn't  easy.  He  got  seven  or 
eight  dollars  a  night — and  it  was  a  "helluva 
good  week"  if  he  worked  two  nights.  "The 
strange  thing  is  that  people  can  learn  to 
live  with  less.  When  I  had  parents,  there 
was  all  I  wanted  to  eat.  But  I  learned  that 
man  can  go  from  day  to  day  on  a  can  of 
sardines  and  a  few  crackers.  You  just  have 
to  remember  to  save  that  can  until  you 
really  need  it." 

He  began  to  be  recognized  as  a  good 
musician  .  .  .  but  somewhere  in  that  early 
period — at  fifteen,  according  to  the  state- 
ment given  out  by  the  Indianapolis  police 
— Charles  had  his  first  taste  of  heroin. 

At  that  age,  a  boy  is  still  a  child  and 
most  fifteen-year-olds  live  in  a  home,  en- 
joying the  security  of  the  family,  being 
helped  and  prepared  for  adult  life.  Had 
anyone  warned  him  about  drugs?  It  seems 
unlikely-  when,  even  today,  few  schools 
educate  youngsters  about  the  dangers. 

The  first  exposure  to  narcotics  could 
be  very  innocent.  A  fellow  musician  says, 
"Roc,  smoke  this.  It'll  make  you  play 
better."  Could  a  fifteen-year-old  say  no 
when  he  didn't  know  about  "the  hook"— 
the  habit — possibly  even  had  no  idea  of 
what  he  was  taking? 

At  seventeen,  Ray  decided  to  do  some- 
thing on  his  own  and  organized  his  first 
trio.  "I  admired   Charles  Brown  and  Nat 

Cole.  I  imitated  them.  We  began  to  travel 
and  got  as  far  as  Seattle,  Washington." 
There  they  won  a  job  on  a  television  sta- 
tion, and  the  trio  was  the  first  Negro  act 
to  be  sponsored  in  the  Northwest. 

But  then  Ray  began  to  have  mixed  feel- 
ings about  his  music.  He  wanted  to  develop 
a  style  of  his  own  and  he  gave  it  much 
thought.  "It  seemed  to  me  a  person  must 
play  from  deep  within  himself.  You  do 
that,  and  you  don't  have  to  worry  about 
originality — because  then  you  are  doing 
what  no  Bther  man  can  do,  and  that  is  be- 
ing yourself.  They  call  my  music  'soulful' 
and  that's  what  I  think  it  is.  I  sing  from 
the  soul." 

Many  music  critics  have  spoken  of  the 
spiritual  feeling  in  his  style.  Some  have 
written  that  he  got  his  early  training  in 
spirituals.  "That's  not  at  all  true,"  he  told 
me.  "I  never  sang  in  choirs.  I  didn't  have 
time.  I  was  too  busy  trying  to  make  a 
dollar  to  eat.  But  I'm  basically  a  very 
religious  man  and  love  gospel  music  and, 
if  you  love  something,  it's  bound  to  rub 

His  wife  Delia  was  singing  in  a  gospel 
group  in  Houston,  Texas,  when  he  met  her. 
He  speaks  of  her  and  his  family  with  feel- 
ing. Their  home  is  in  Los  Angeles  and  he 
has  three  sons,  the  eldest  six  years.  "I've 
got  very  definite  ideas  on  how  children 
should  be  raised,"  he  said.  "I'm  of  the  old 
school  and  believe  they  should  at  all  times 
be  respectful.  But,  most  important,  I  be- 
lieve the  best  thing  for  kids  is  their  parents. 
We  have  no  maid  to  help  out  with  the  boys, 
although  Delia  might  get  a  baby-sitter 
once  in  a  while.  She  never  goes  on  the 
road  with  me,  for  I  think  no  outsider — not 
even  an  aunt  or  grandmother — can  take 
the  place  of  a  parent." 

His  blindness  hasn't  bothered  his  rela- 
tionship with  his  kids.  "They  like  to  go 
to  the  beach  or  have  a  picnic.  I  like  that, 
too."  His  hobby  at  home  is  working  with 
his  intricate  audio  equipment  and  he 
handles  all  the  complicated  switches  and 
knobs  and  buttons  himself.  And  he  listens 
to  music,  all  kinds.  "I  love  to  hear  certain 
operas,  and  I'm  only  sorry  that  they  aren't 
in  English  so  that  I  could  get  fuller  en- 
joyment from  them." 

He  has  had  memorable  experiences.  The 
first  night  he  played  in  Carnegie  Hall,  he 
brought  down  the  house.  He  got  a  sensa- 
tional welcome  at  the  Hollywood  Palladium 
recently.  He  remembers  Paris  with  love. 
"It  was  almost  too  much  in  France.  We 
were  scheduled  to  do  only  four  concerts, 
but  so  many  turned  out  that  we  had  to  do 
two  more." 

He  talked  about  what  his  career  is  like 
these  days,  behind  the  ovations  and  hur- 
rahs. "It  never  gets  easier.  It's  a  struggle 
when  you're  trying  to  get  to  the  top.  and 
with  me  it  wasn't  overnight.  It  was  step 
by  step,  all  the  way.  And  when  you  get 
up  there,  you've  got  to  work  even  harder 
to  maintain  the  position.  There's  always 
someone  else  trying  to  knock  you  over.  I 
don't  regret  that  part  of  it.  There's  always 
room  for  improvement  in  a  man.  Com- 
petition keeps  a  man   from  getting  lazy." 

Ray  has  refused  to  compromise  the  inner 
feeling  about  what  his  music  should  be. 
Recently,  a  movie  company  gave  him  a 
song  and  offered  him  $15,000  to  record  it 
on  a  movie  track.  Ray  took  the  song  home 
— and,  the  next  day,  returned  the  music 
with  his  apologies.  "I'll  tell  you  what  hap- 
pened. I  worked  on  that  song  all  night.  I 
tried  it  every  different  way — as  blues,  a 
tango,  a  waltz,  everything — but  I  couldn't 
get  any  feeling  out  of  it.  And,  believe  me, 
it  didn't  make  me  happy  to  turn  down 
fifteen  grand!  I'm  just  not  in  the  position 
to  turn  down  that  kind  of  money." 

He  has  a  reputation  for  demanding  the 
best  from  his  band — in  fact,  of  being  tough; 
though  his  sidemen,  without  exception,  are 
loyal.  Yet,  away  from  the  bandstand,  he 
is  soft-spoken.  At  no  time  during  our  in- 
terview was  there  the  slightest  trace  of 
self-pity  when  he  spoke  of  handicaps  and 
hardships.  Evident  was  the  dignity  in- 
stilled by  his  mother  .  .  .  pride  in  music 
.  .  .  purposeful  integrity.  There  was  no 
sign  of  weakness  in  the  man. 

So  how  do  you  account  for  narcotics 
in  Ray  Charles's  life?  The  use  of  drugs 
becomes  a  habit  and,  as  we  know,  one  of 
the  most  difficult  to  shake.  The  beginning 
came  to  Ray  when  he  was  fifteen,  an 
orphan,  his  only  hope  in  life  being  him- 
self. He  was  dependent  on  those  around 
him,  the  men  with  eyes  who  had  to  put  up 

with  him  while  he  learned.  It  could  be 
that  simple. 

Many  musicians  felt  deeply  for  Ray 
when  the  Indianapolis  arrest  became  news. 
Many,  many  musicians — many  of  the  very 
best — have  never  been  dope  addicts.  They 
were  pained,  not  only  for  Ray,  but  be- 
cause his  arrest  perpetuates  the  myth  that 
drug  addiction  is  an  occupational  disease 
in  the  music  business,  although  statistics 
show  otherwise.  Government  reports  indi- 
cate that  the  largest  users  are  juveniles, 
followed  by  doctors,  nurses,  criminals,  and 
even  housewives.  As  a  group,  musicians 
are  tenth  or  eleventh.. 

These  figures  give  Ray  Charles  little 
comfort.  At  press  time,  he  was  released 
in  the  Indianapolis  municipal  court  on 
$1,250  bail.  The  charge  of  being  a  com- 
mon drug  addict  was  dropped,  but  hearing 
was  set  for  January  4,  1962,  on  possession 
of  narcotics  and  possession  of  narcotic 
equipment.  If  convicted,  he  could  get  up 
to  fifteen  years  in  prison. 

Regardless  of  the  outcome  of  the  trial, 
Ray  Charles,  who  has  overcome  blindness 
and  poverty,  has  yet  to  overcome  the  big- 
gest problem  of  his  life.  The  destructive 
effects  of  narcotics  on  the  individual  are 
without  parallel.  As  he  himself  has  said, 
he  sings  from  the  soul  ...  he  sees  with 
his  heart  .  .  .  and  the  pain  his  body  has 
already  known  has  only  just  begun.  .  .  . 

The  Most  Sinister  Villain  of  All 

(Continued  from  page  48) 
most  nefarious  Gold  Dust  Twins  .  .  .  suave 
despite  his  obesity,  Greenstreet  dispensed 
death  by  the  slowest  and  most  painful 
means  .  .  .  and  if  you  saw  Lorre  holding 
his  girl's  hand,  you  could  be  pretty  well 
sure  that  the  rest  of  her  was  at  home — ■ 
probably  in  the  oven. 

Each  of  these  estimable  cutthroats  was, 
at  one  time  or  another,  called  "the  man 
you  love  to  hate."  But  all  of  them  are 
simply  mischievous  boys,  compared  with 
Bruce  Gordon  as  the  infamous  Frank 
Nitti  on  ABC-TV's  The  Untouchablesl  As 
"the  enforcer"  of  the  Capone  era,  Nitti 
wears  a  frightening  scowl,  a  tight  double- 
breasted  striped  suit,  and  a  well-deserved 
reputation  for  sadism.  His  various  busi- 
ness interests  involve  dope  trafficking, 
bootleg  whiskey,  the  proprietorship  of 
speakeasies  and  bawdy  houses. 

When  he  clumps  toward  his  chair  at 
the  head  of  the  conference  table,  his  con- 
federates in  mayhem  are  apt  to  rise  in- 
stinctively. "Let's  keep  on  the  good  side 
of  him,"  they  motion  to  each  other  fur- 
tively. "If  he  didn't  enjoy  his  breakfast 
this  morning,  who  knows  which  one  of  us 
is  liable  to  be  taken  suddenly  killed?" 

Gordon-Nitti's  stock  in  trade — and  no 
other  current  heel  can  come  close  to  ap- 
proximating it— is  The  Threat.  Using 
little  more  than  an  ominous  frown  and  a 
rumbling  voice  he  threatens  better  than  any 
screen  blackguard  of  the  past  or  present. 

After  all,  Al  Capone  wouldn't  pick  just 
anyone  to  serve  as  ace  lieutenant.  As  a 
result,  he  is  the  meanest  man  ever  to  cross 
the  television  screen. 

So  effective  is  Gordon's  interpretation 
of  unbridled  nastiness  that  a  large  chunk 
of  the  viewing  public  sees  him  as  Nitti 
and  assumes  that  Nitti  is  Gordon.  An 
appreciable  amount  of  his  fan  mail  proves 
it,  and  those  letters  run  from  blasts  to 

There  is  the  group  which  excoriates 
him  for  not  keeping  better  company  ("Al- 
though you  do  or  order  ruthless  things, 
I  can  tell  that  your  heart's  not  in  it.  I'm 
sure  it's  all  the  result  of  an  unhappy  child- 
hood, but  let  me  assure  you,  as  one  who 
knows,  that  it's  never  too  late  to  change. 
Rid  yourself  of  your  unsavory  friends, 
choose  wholesome  companions,  and  the 
future  will  take  care  of  itself."). 

There  is  the  lunatic  fringe  which  ap- 
plauds his  nine-to-five  brutality  ("You 
don't  take  no  lip  from  nobody")  and 
wants  to  learn  how  to  become  more  like 
"him."  And  then  there  are  the  out-and- 
out  mash  notes — which  bewilder  Bruce 
Gordon  most.  "Every  once  in  a  while," 
he  says,  "I  receive  letters  from  women 
who  are  obviously  demented.  They  refer 
to  the  way  I  holler  and  handle  myself  in 
situations,  and  they  end  up  with  some- 
thing idiotic,  like  T  could  go  for  you.' 
Fortunately,  my  wife  is  good-natured!" 
(Continued  on  next  page) 

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It  may  come  as  a  shattering  blow,  to 
at  least  some  of  these  correspondents,  to 
learn  that  Bruce  Gordon  himself  is  about 
as  savage  as  Heidi.  He  used  to  sing  in 
church  choirs,  has  never  laid  a  glove  on 
his  family,  and  devotes  a  lot  of  his  free 
time  to  caring  for  and  feeding  the  birds 
and  animals  his  elder  son  insists  on  bring- 
ing home. 

"I'm  appalled,  though  I  suppose  I 
shouldn't  be  too  surprised,  that  the  lay- 
man finds  it  hard  to  differentiate  between 
the  actor  and  the  part  he  plays,"  says  this 
extremely  genial  six-footer.  "I'm  not  talk- 
ing about  the  times  I  go  shopping  at  the 
market  and  the  guys  raise  their  hands 
and  gag  it  up  with  things  like,  'All  right, 
Nitti,  don't  shoot!'  That's  to  be  expected 
and  I  appreciate  the  recognition,  naturally. 

"What  never  fails  to  startle  me,  though, 
are  the  questions  by  people  I'm  not  con- 
vinced are  altogether  kidding.  They'll 
ask,  'How  does  it  feel  to  handle  a  tommy- 
gun?'  Now  that's  unanswerable,  of  course. 
I  shouldn't  let  it  bother  me.  I  guess  ac- 
tors have  faced  that  since  there've  been 

The  185-pound,  hazel-eyed,  dark-com- 
plexioned Gordon  is — despite  those  al- 
most apoplectic  fits  which  Netti  pitches 
on  TV — a  veteran  performer  bothered  by 
almost  nothing.  A  bricklayer's  son,  he  was 
born  forty  years  ago  in  Fitchburg,  Massa- 
chusetts, the  second  of  .three  sons.  In 
search  of  jobs  during  the  most  critical 
years  of  the  Depression,  their  father  moved 
them  and  their  mother  to  New  Jersey  and 
eventually  to  Brooklyn,  where  Bruce  grew 

"We  were  poor,"  he  recalls,  "but  then 
everyone  was  poor.  The  difference  be- 
tween us  and  some  others  was  that  we  had 
all  the  fun  there  was  to  be  found,  and 
we  never  let  our  spirits  sag." 

Bruce  announced  early  that  he  wanted 
to  develop  into  an  opera  singer — a  deci- 
sion which  infuriated  his  father  perhaps  as 
much  is  it  will  perplex  those  fans  who 
view  their  Gordon-Nitti  as  a  faultlessly 
manicured  gorilla.  The  Gordons  were 
working  people,  and  a  son  who  wanted 
to  enter  show  business  was  almost  as 
shameful  as  one  who  wanted  to  join 
Capone's  mob.  Absolutely  no,  warned 
Gordon  Senior. 

"It  was  my  mother  who  encouraged  me," 
Bruce  confides.  "Once  I  had  the  bee  in 
my  bonnet,  it  stayed  there.  I  sang  in  glee 
clubs  and  church  choirs,  usually  on  week- 
ends while  I  was  in  high  school.  Was  I  a 
good  singer?  Well,  let's  say  I  wasn't  on 
my  way  towards  greatness.  I  knew  when 
to  quit.  But,  by  then,  I  had  both  feet  in 
show  business,  and  I  gravitated  toward  the 

The  theater,  in  the  middle  1930s, 
wasn't  wringing  its  hands  desperately  for 
inexperienced  actors.  Gordon  considered 
himself  lucky  to  land  a  job  as  an  usher 
at  the  legendary  Palace  Theater  in  Man- 
hattan. Incorrigibly  optimistic,  he  was 
positive  the  breaks  would  come  by  an 
amalgam    of   ambition,    boundless   energy, 

and  an  ability  to  be  at  the  right  place  at 
the  right  time. 

When  he  wasn't  at  work,  he  read  inces- 
santly, taught  himself  to  be  indifferent  to 
anything  he  couldn't  afford — including 
food — and  made  the  casting  office  rounds 
with  another  impoverished  hopeful.  Eddie 
Albert.  Through  the  Palace's  chief  usher- 
ette, he  met  her  brother,  still  another  hun- 
gry and  unemployed  actor  named  Barry 
Sullivan.  It  could  hardly  have  occurred  to 
any  of  these  three  young  men  that  their 
reaching  stardom  was  only  a  short  matter 
of  time. 

Gordon  finally  made  his  debut  in  the 
legitimate  theater  in  no  less  than  a  Max 
Reinhardt  play.  "It  was  called  'The  Eter- 
nal Road,'  and  I  was  one  of  one  hundred 
extras.  We  had  eight  or  nine  complete 
changes  of  body  makeup  during  every 
performance.  For  all  that,  we  earned  a 
munificent  $14.85  a  week.  And  we  had  a 

Eventually,  he  was  given  speaking  parts 
in  considerably  less  populated  plays  in 
New  York — until  the  outbreak  of  World 
War  II.  "After  I  was  shoved  out  into  the 
cruel  world  by  the  Navy,"  he  remembers, 
grinning,  "I  was  fastidiously  unemployed, 
but  I  was  back  in  Manhattan.  At  about 
that  time,  I  met  Jane  Farrar,  a  marvelous 
singer  and  actress  who'd  just  returned  to 
town  from  Hollywood.  She'd  had  an  ex- 
tensive musical  education,  subsequent  to 
drama  study  at  Northwestern  and  the 
Goodman  Theater  in  Chicago.  She 
bought  the  lunches." 

And  she  married  Bruce  Gordon.  "Now," 
he  adds,  "I  buy  breakfasts,  lunches  and 
dinners — not  to  mention  a  few  other  odds 
and  ends." 

Except  for  his  Navy  hitch.  Bruce  worked 
steadily  on  the  stage  from  1937  to  1954, 
happily  sandwiching  Shakespeare  in  be- 
tween appearing  opposite  Helen  Hayes 
and  Katharine  Cornell.  Soon  known  as  a 
"pro" — a  versatile  actor  who  is  a  quick 
study,  can  take  direction  easily,  and  can 
always  be  guaranteed  to  give  more  than  is 
expected  of  him — he  was  a  natural  for 
television  and  became  its  busiest  actor.  (In 
his  hundreds  of  roles  on  TV  dramatic 
shows  prior  to  The  Untouchables,  he's 
been  everything  from  an  apologetic  milk- 
toast  to  a  literate  and  sensitive  lover.) 

It  was  while  Bruce  was  acting  in  a 
coast-to-coast  series  called  Men  Of  Prey, 
filmed  in  New  York,  that  he  came  to  the 
attention  of  the  Hollywood  caliphs.  A 
long-distance  call  asked  him  if  he'd  like 
to  try  California:  "That  was  just  about 
when  live  television  was  on  its  last  legs  in 
the  East.  The  offer  was  good,  and  I  fig- 
ured I  didn't  have  much  to  lose,  so  I  said 
'Sure.'  " 

In  Hollywood,  there  were  a  few  movies 
— "The  Buccaneer,"  among  them — and  a 
fresh  batch  of  TV  jobs.  ("I  was  the  gen- 
tlest soul  on  earth  in  Have  Gun — Will 
Travel  and  Hotel  De  Paree,  and  on  the 
Jane  Wyman  Theater  and  plenty  more.") 

Then,  less  than  three  years  ago.  Desilu 
Productions   decided    to    film    a    two-part 

drama  about  Eliot  Ness,  a  U.S.  federal 
agent  who  was  actively  instrumental  in 
bringing  the  late  and  unlamented  Al  Ca- 
pone  to  justice.  Desi  Arnaz  chose  the 
title,  The  Untouchables,  and  hired  Robert 
Stack  to  portray  Ness.  To  play  Frank 
Nitti — the  most  mercenary  of  Capone 
henchmen — he  selected  New  York  actor 
Bruce  Gordon.  The  two-parter  was  pro- 
duced on  TV.  received  a  good  audience 
response  and  excellent  critical  notices,  and 
sold  its  product.    That  seemed  to  be  that. 

But  there  was  an  abrupt  eruption. 
Weeks  after  The  Untouchables  was  sup- 
posed to  be  laid  to  rest,  there  was  still  a 
clamor  for  it.  The  Untouchables  had  been, 
according  to  every  known  poll,  the  most 
carefully  watched  two-parter  of  the  sea- 
son. The  mandarins  got  together  in  ex- 
ecutive session  and  it  was  agreed  that  the 
show  might  well  be  sold  as  a  season's 
package.  And  into  the  package  went  Bruce 
Gordon,  who  had  scared  the  tar  out  of 
viewers  as  Frank  Nitti,  the  bootleg  era's 
most  violent  emissary  of  evil. 

The  Untouchables  is  now  in  its  third 
season  on  ABC-TV.  Last  year,  most  Amer- 
ican newspapers  reported  the  same  basic 
item :  "John  Kennedy.  Dwight  Eisenhower, 
and  Harry  Truman  have  one  thing  in  com- 

HOPE      ^7st^  CHEST 

National  Multiple  Sclerosis  Society 

mon.  They  all  reserve  Thursday  evenings 
for  The  Untouchables."  They — along  with 
millions  of  others. 

Like  every  other  actor  who  takes  his 
work  seriously.  Gordon  has  normal  qualms 
about  being  associated  with  a  single  part, 
no  matter  how  meaty  and  rewarding.  "Call 
it  a  paradox."  he  states.  "Nitti  was  an 
out-and-out  bum  who  died  an  ignoble 
death.  He  was  a  scurvy  character  with 
absolutely  no  redeeming  features — yet  he's 
been  instrumental  in  furthering  my  career. 
It's  a  paradox  I  find  hard  to  reconcile. 
But.  with  the  mixed  blessings,  I'm  not 

Aware  that  the  series  eventually  will 
end,  Bruce  is  doing  his  best  to  seek  out 
something  new.  preferably  in  the  theater. 
He  strongly  believes  that  an  actor  should 
return  to  the  stage  often,  if  only  for  a 
refresher.  A  play,  which  will  meet  a  live 
audience,  can  bask  in  three  or  four  weeks 
of  carefully,  leisurely  rehearsal.  A  televi- 
sion show  such  as  The  Untouchables  re- 
quires roughly  sixty-five  hours  a  week  for 
both  preparation  and  shooting.  "It's  im- 
possible," Bruce  contends,  "to  get  a  part 
suitably  organized  in  any  depth,  in  three 
to  five  days." 

In  the  meantime  he  is.  by  his  own  ad- 
mission, a  happy  man.  The  Gordons  live 
in  Northridge,  California,  with  their  two 
boys.  "Vincent,"  he  says  proudly,  "is 
thirteen.  He  wants  to  go  off  alone  into 
the  Matto  Grosso  and  study  insect  life 
and  mammalia.  The  way  the  world  is 
going,  I  hope  he  makes  it.  Brian,  who's 
eight,  wants  to  blast  off  for  the  moon  and 
beyond.  The  way  the  world  is  going,  I 
hope  he  makes  it!" 

Their  house  is  built  in  the  French  pro- 
vincial farm-house  style  which,  as  he 
grins,  "in  Southern  California  can  mean 
just  about  anything  and  usually  does.  The 
interior  was  beautifully  done  in  Early 
American  by  my  wife.  I'm  not  being 
careful  when  I  say  that.    It  really  is." 

Away  from  the  studio.  Bruce  likes  to 
stay  close  to  home.  Asked  his  outside  in- 
terests, he  reports,  "  'Outside'  is  very 
well  put.  I  spend  all  my  free  time  out- 
side, filling  up  dog  holes  and  replacing 
fence  boards  they  knocked  loose.  We 
have  three  French  poodles,  one  Labrador 
retriever  who  wandered  in  about  two  years 
ago  and  won't  go  near  the  pool,  and  one 
Great  Dane  puppy  who  weighs  in  now  at 
160  pounds.  He's  very  ferocious  looking, 
but  he  spends  all  his  free  time  smelling 

"My  other  job  is  to  feed  and  take  care 
of  the  various  small  animal  and  bird  life 
Vince  is  interested  in.  while  he's  at  school. 
Right  now,  there's  one  broken-winged 
crow — his  name  is  'Quincy  T.  Blackbird' 
— and  one  ground  squirrel  and  one  rat 
that  live  in  the  same  cage.  Most  recently, 
we've  acquired  a  baby  gray  squirrel  Vince 
found  at  the  bottom  of  a  tree.  After  a 
month  of  warm  milk  and  Pablum,  it's  get- 
ting fat  and  sassy." 

As  the  most  striking  exemplar  of  TV 
violence  and  as  the  father  of  two  growing 
sons  who  doubtless  are  as  impressionable 
as  all  other  youngsters.  Gordon  is  not 
unconscious  of  the  fact  that  the  show  on 
which  he  appears  has  come  in  for  its  share 
of  criticism.  He  and  Jane  are  strict  par- 
ents— they  won't  permit  Brian  to  view  it — 
and  he's  convinced  that  all  parents  must 
bear  the  responsibility  of  what  their  chil- 
dren may  see  on  the  screen. 

He  can  recall  the  Saturday  afternoons 
of  his  own  childhood,  when  he  sat  in 
darkened  movie  houses  and  watched  the 
Robinsons,  Cagneys  and  Rafts  display  far 
more  intricate  violence  than  is  evidenced 
today.  "I  don't  know  that  seeing  them  and 
what  they  did  made  any  appreciable  dif- 
ference in  the  way  we  grew  emotionally," 
he  declares,  but  he's  quick  to  call  that 
declaration  no  excuse:  "Certainly,  dis- 
cretion should  be  used.  But  you  just  about 
never  hear  of  juvenile  delinquents  who 
were  properly  patrolled  by  their  parents." 

Frank  Nitti  is  seldom  discussed  in  the 
Gordon  home.  But  he  can't  entirely  be 
avoided:  "Not  long  ago,"  says  Bruce,  "my 
boys  came  home  a  little  late  for  dinner 
and  I  got  tough.  They  retaliated  by  ask- 
ing, 'Do  you  have  to  be  Frank  Nitti  at 
home,  too?'  " 

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On  the  Wagon— Off  the  Wagon? 

(Continued  from  page  25) 
Unfortunately,  there  is  a  lack  of  a  dra- 
matic proving-ground  in  America  today. 
Everything  having  to  do  with  show  busi- 
ness is  too  expensive  nowadays  for  a 
novice  to  get  the  experience  that  would 
make  it  possible  for  him  to  develop.  .  .  . 
So,  along  came  Wagon  Train  when  I 
needed  it  most.  A  series  demands  an 
actor's  exertion  five  days  each  week; 
it  provides  opportunity  for  him  to  try 
different  techniques,  and  it  subjects 
him  to  pressures." 

One  of  the  pressures  (of  which  Bob 
no  longer  speaks)  was  the  antagonism 
of  the  late  Ward  Bond.  People  who 
worked  in  the  series  say  that  differences 
of  opinion  between  the  two  men  were 
inevitable.  Bond  was  primarily  a  foot- 
ball player  who  had  drifted  into  the 
bare-knuckle  school  of  one-dimensional 
characterization.  He  was  a  great  guy, 
but  his  approach  to  acting  was  physical 
and  he  had  only  profane  disdain  for  a 
player  who  approached  a  role  with 
cerebral  questions  such  as:  "What  is 
my  motivation  for  this  scene?"  or 
"What  new  dimension  of  character  is 
explored  in  this  sequence?"  Bond  was 
as  uncomplicated  as  a  boxing  glove; 
Horton  is  as  complex  as  an  intercon- 
tinental ballistic  missile. 

Bob  says,  "I  began  to  believe  that  I 
had  realized  the  greatest  potential  of 
the  McCullough  character  during  the 
second  week  of  Wagon  Train's  second 
year — that's  quite  a  while  ago.  During 
that  week  and  the  next,  through  eight 
or  ten  segments,  I  had  a  chance  to  play 
melodrama — I  was  about  one-third  of 
a  stunt  man  in  one  chapter  .  .  .  fights, 
flights  by  night,  really  rough  work  .  .  . 
I  had  a  chance  to  do  a  comedy  show, 
a  suspense  bit,  and  a  sensitive  segment 
in  which  Flint  McCullough  established 
communication  with  a  little  girl,  treat- 
ing her  as  a  person,  not  as  a  small, 
poorly-trained  animal.  .  .  . 

"If  the  first  year's  segments  could  be 
shown  in  anthology,  followed  by  the 
fifth  year's  chapters,  I  think  the  con- 
trast would  demonstrate  that  I  have 
matured  as  a  human  being,  and  that  the 
character  of  Flint  McCullough  matured 
as  we  went  along.  Neither  of  us  is  the 
same  man  he  was  in  the  beginning." 

Bob's  serious  approach  to  any  job  is 
indicated  by  the  work  he  did  on  that 
first  year's  segments.  He  discovered  that 
each  chapter,  written  by  a  different 
author  with  a  divergent  slant  on  the 
personality  of  Flint  McCullough,  por- 
trayed the  scout  in  a  new  way.  For 
cohesion's  sake,  Bob  invented  a  back- 
ground and  character  structure  for 
Flint,  and  wrote  a  manual  which  has 
since  guided  writers  for  the  series.  Not 
every  writer  was  grateful  for  the  help; 
there  was  some  grumbling,  but  Bob  is 
not  a  man  who  gives  up  when  he  knows 
he's  right. 

Apparently  there  was  some  dissen- 
sion on  Wagon  Train  because  Bob  re- 
fused to  allow  Flint  McCullough  to 
"become  a  costume."  The  TV  industry 
is  blood  brother  of  film  manufacturing, 
and  both  branches  of  the  family  go  for 
gimmicks.  The  striped  vest,  the  hog's- 
leg  firearm,  the  white  hat  for  good  guys 
and  the  black  horse  for  varmints,  the 
ruffled  shirt  and  the  swallow-tailed  coat 
— all  have  been  employed  to  "establish" 
a  character. 

An  exception  was  McCullough.  Bob 
played  him  as  an  individual  who  modi- 
fied his  garb  with  the  season  and  the 
weather;  he  wore  a  slicker  in  the  rain, 
a  sheepskin-lined  leather  jacket  during 
a  snowstorm;  he  wore  chaps  when  the 
trail  led  through  deep  undergrowth,  and 
he  wore  levis  when  Wagon  Train  moved 
across  the  prairie. 

The  result  of  Bob's  sticking  to  the 
concept  of  an  actor  playing  a  part 
(rather  than  a  costume  indicating  char- 
acter) has  been  that  "people,  having 
seen  me  each  week — but  not  forever 
the  same — have  wanted  to  see  me  func- 
tion in  other  areas.  Still,  I  have  never 
capitalized  on  Wagon  Train.  For  in- 
stance, when  I  appeared  as  Sky  Master- 
son  in  a  1959  summer  production  of 
'Guys  and  Dolls,'  I  was  billed  as  Robert 
Horton  and  no  mention  was  made  of 
my  TV  role.  The  same  is  true  of  my 
summer  1960  appearance  in  'Briga- 
doon.'  " 

When  Hollywood  people,  landlocked 
before  TV  sets,  heard  about  Bob's  suc- 
cess in  "Guys  and  Dolls"  and  "Briga- 
doon,"  they  asked,  "What's  Horton,  an 
ace  oater,  doing  with  the  song-and- 
dance  bit?"  Actually,  it  was  all  part  of 
getting  off  the  Wagon.  Bob  had  started 
vocal  training  when  the  series  was  less 
than  a  year  old.  He  says,  "I've  never 
wanted  to  be  a  'safe'  actor.  Many  peo- 
ple are  content  to  continue  the  thing 
that  brought  success.  They  are  unwill- 
ing to  change  their  style,  try  something 
new,  extend  themselves  in  an  unex- 
plored direction. 

"Sure — I'll  admit  that  testing  a  new 
boundary  is  like  giving  birth.  You  have 
to  expect  to  suffer  the  pains  and  anx- 
ieties of  any  genesis.  However,  once 
you've  gone  through  the  pangs  of  pro- 
duction, you  feel  as  a  new  mother  must 
feel  when  her  child  is  placed  in  her 
arms."  And  he  adds,  "To  be  afraid  of 
failing  is  human  and  natural;  to  be 
afraid  to  try — even  though  you  realize 
that  you  may  fail — is  the  greatest  pos- 
sible sin  against  oneself." 

Carping  critics  might  say  it's  just 
dandy  for  the  perennially  successful  to 
spout  philosophy,  but  that  would  be  an 
injustice  to  Bob.  He  is  no  stranger  to 
falling  on  his  face.  In  1960,  he  returned 
to  England  for  his  second  singing  tour. 
His  1959  personal  appearance  had  been 
received   with   laudatory  notices;    how- 

ever,  in  1960,  he  caught  cold  during  a 
week's  layover  in  New  York,  and  was 
unable  to  rehearse.  His  Atlantic  cross- 
ing was  storm-tossed,  and  the  plane  was 
so  late  in  landing  that  he  had  to  go 
directly  from  airport  to  theater. 

As  he  says,  "You  can't  stand  up  in 
front  of  an  audience  and  explain,  'I'm 
sorry,  but  I've  had  a  cold  for  a  week. 
Also  I'm  tired,  so  I'll  appreciate  your 
making  allowances.'  "  Instead,  he  sang 
"Time  After  Time,"  "Just  In  Time," 
and  "So  In  Love,"  to  the  best  of  his 
ability,  circumstances  considered. 

The  press  ignored  the  circumstances 
and  treated  Mr.  Horton  to  a  royal  grill- 
ing. Doggedly.  Bob  continued  his  tour. 
He  conquered  his  cold,  sharpened  his 
technique,  and  gradually  won  his  audi- 
ences. By  the  time  he  reached  Liverpool, 
he  was  sending  home  rave  notices. 

He  wrote  to  Marilyn  Bradley  (whom 
he  married  on  December  31.  1960)  :  "I 

have  learned  a  useful  term  from  my 
business  manager:  Quid  pro  quo.  It 
means  giving  a  fair  return  for  a  fair 
output.  In  my  case,  exchanging  enter- 
tainment for  the  time  and  money  of  an 
audience.  I  take  this  obligation  very 

How  will  this  quid  pro  quo  ideal  be 
solidified  in  action? 

Bob  was  offered  the  starring  role  in 
each  of  two  different  Broadway-bound 
musicals  before  he  finished  the  final 
segment  of  his  Wagon  Train  stint.  He 
intends  to  accept  whichever  role  offers 
the  greatest  challenge.  He  says,  "I 
want  to  become  as  much  a  fixture  on 
Broadway,  in  the  musical  theater,  as  I 
have  become  a  fixture  in  television." 

Everyone  who  knows  him  well  be- 
lieves that  Bob.  having  unhitched  his 
star  from  the  Wagon,  is  about  to  lasso 
a  rocket  to  the  moon. 

We'll  keep  you  posted. 

"Kiss  Me  Sexy!    Kiss  Me  Sexy!" 

(Continued  from  page  21) 
worked  in  a  logging  camp  in  Oregon  for 
a  year.  While  he  was  in  service,  based 
for  a  time  at  Fort  Ord.  he  used  a  three- 
day  pass  to  make  a  flying  trip  to  Seattle 
to  visit  relatives.  On  the  way  home 
through  a  stormy  Sunday  night.  Clint  and 
the  Navy  patrol-plane  pilot  rode  the  air- 
craft into  the  sea ;  Clint — who  had  been 
teaching  a  course  in  survival  techniques — 
took  an  involuntary  postgraduate  course. 
He  swam  four  miles  to  shore. 

During  this  same  general  period.  Clint 
was  making  good  use  of  his  free  time  by 
working  in  a  nearby  tavern  ...  as  a  bounc- 
er. He  had  little  trouble,  because — like 
Gable,  Tracy,  and  Stewart — he  was  as 
popular  with  members  of  his  own  sex  as 
he  was  with  the  gals.  "I've  always  been 
lucky,"  he  shrugs,  "always  had  a  lot  of 
friends.  And.  if  Will  Rogers  will  excuse 
me,  I've  never  met   a  girl  I  didn't  like." 

This  geniality  might  have  had  no  par- 
ticular result,  except  total  acceptance 
within  his  own  small  circle,  if  Clint  had 
taken  up  life  as  a  businessman  in  some 
middling-sized  U.S.  city.  That  it  was 
Clint's  destiny  to  become  famous,  to  be 
recognizable  almost  anywhere  in  Amer- 
ica and  around  the  globe,  has  resulted  in 
some  fascinating  problems. 

People  who  traveled  with  Clint  on  his 
personal  appearance  junkets  last  summer 
say  that,  by  the  time  he  returned  to  Cali- 
fornia, Clint  was  baffled,  flattered,  and 
"shook."  Pleased,  you  understand — but 
perplexed  .  .  .  and  wary. 

It  started  as  he  walked  through  a  hotel 

bby  the  first  evening  of  the  trip.  A 
crush  of  teenagers  had  assembled  spon- 
taneously, upon  hearing  that  Clint  East- 
wood was  to  appear  on  a  local  deejay 
show.  As  Clint  made  his  way  along  the 
living  corridor,  hands  reached  out  to 
stroke  him.  They  caressed  his  shoulders, 
his   muscular    back,   his   biceps,   his   hair. 

Once  in  the  car,  Clint  turned  to  one 
of  his  companions  and  blurted,  "Now  I 
know  how  a  Collie  pup  feels  at  a  Sun- 
day-school picnic."  His  companion  grinned 
wickedly  and  cracked.  "More  like  a  stal- 
lion at  a  horse  show.     Whoa,  boy." 

The  next  morning,  as  Clint  was  having 
breakfast  in  the  hotel  dining  room,  a 
dimpled,  brown-eyed  waitress  passed  Clint 
a  note.  It  supplied  her  name  and  address 
and  continued.  "Will  you  please  send  me 
an  autographed  photograph?  I'd  like  the 
picture  to  show  a  front  shot  of  you  in 
bathing  trunks  just  after  you've  been 
swimming.  And  I'd  rather  have  a  color 
picture  instead  of  black  and  white." 

When  the  Rawhide  troupe  went  on  lo- 
cation last  fall,  the  unit  manager  chose 
an  area  which  has  remained  largely  un- 
changed since  the  1870s.  A  ghost  town. 
still  in  excellent  repair,  is  conveniently 
situated  among  rocks  and  crags  .  .  .  how- 
ever, a  short  distance  away,  there  is  a 
thriving  settlement  with  an  excellent  mo- 
tel, bar,  bowling  alley,   supermarket. 

The  bartender  told  Clint:  "Civilization? 
Sure,  we've  got  it  to  a  degree,  but  look 
out  for  the  women  in  this  town.  We 
ought  to  rename  this  place  Frantic  City. 
F'rinstance,  the  redhead  at  the  other  end 
of  the  bar  wants  to  buy  you  a  drink." 

"She  wants  to  buy  me  a  drink?"  Clint 
echoed.  "Thanks,  but  I'll  buy  mine  and 
one  for  her — if  she'll  stay  at  her  end  of 
the  bar.  I've  been  on  horseback  all  day 
and  I'm  too  tired  to  talk." 

Conversation  may  not  have  been  prin- 
cipally on  the  mind  of  the  lady  who  lifted 
her  glass  in  salute  to  Clint  .  .  .  but  she 
must  have  been  the  only  silent  type  in 
town.  Clint  went  to  his  cottage  at  9:30 
p.m.  At  9:31  p.m.,  the  telephone  rang. 
Clint's  roommate  (one  of  the  technicians 
for  Rawhide)  answered.  Cooed  a  dulcet 
voice:  "Clint,  you  don't  know  me.  but  I'm 
a   devoted    fan   of  yours.     I   thought   you 

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might  be  lonesome,  so  I  called  to  invite 
you  to  come  up  to  my  house  for  cake  and 

"This  isn't  Clint.  I  don't  know  where 
he  is.  Will  /  do  instead?"  asked  the  tech- 
nician, eager  to  be  helpful.  Slam!  went 
the  telephone.  Sometimes  a  Good  Samari- 
tan is  not  appreciated. 

From  that  moment  until  after  mid- 
night, the  telephone  rang  every  five  or 
ten  minutes.  The  technician  told  Clint 
the  next  morning,  "I  didn't  do  myself  a 
bit  of  good — and  there  you  lay,  sleeping 
as  if  the  telephone  had  never  been  in- 

At  the  end  of  the  week,  location  shoot- 
ing completed,  Clint  decided  to  make  a 
quick  trip  to  San  Francisco  to  join  his 
wife  Maggie  and  visit  Maggie's  parents. 
As  he  strode  through  International  Air- 
port, looking  around  for  the  blonde  and 
beautiful  girl  of  his  dreams,  Clint  real- 
ized that  he  was  not  alone.  A  statuesque 
doll  was  keeping  step  with  him.  When 
he  slowed  his  pace,  she  slowed  hers;  when 
he  speeded  to  a  near-sprint,  she  matched 
his  stride. 

So  he  stopped.  She  stopped,  turning 
to  face  him.  "I've  been  pretending  that 
we're  married,"  she  said.  "I'm  five  feet, 
ten  inches  tall  in  flats,  so  it's  almost  im- 
possible for  me  to  find  a  guy  who  makes 
me  feel  slight  and  feminine,  but  you  do. 
And  how  you  do.  You're  the  perfect  sex 
symbol.  Are  you  and  your  wife  getting 
along  okay,  or  is  there  a  chance  for  me?" 

From  a  distance  of  thirty  feet  came  a 
joyous  cry:  "Clint!" 

"Maggie!"  yelled  Clint,  taking  his  wife 
into  his  arms — and  adding,  "I've  never 
been  so  happy  to  see  anybody  in  my  life." 

Neither  of  the  Eastwoods  was  much 
surprised,  a  few  days  later,  to  read  a  line 
in  one  of  the  movie  columns  to  the  effect 
that  "a  northern  informant  says  that  Clint 
and  Maggie  Eastwood  are  breaking  up." 

Not  even  in  Hollywood  is  a  good  man 

safe.  Clint  and  Maggie  had  a  ball  at  a 
big  party,  one  evening,  but  were  a  little 
amazed  to  read  subsequent  reports  of  the 
gala.  One  account  said  that  Clint  and  a 
celebrated  glamour  girl  had  "danced 
every  dance  together  and  had  eyes  for  no 
one  else."  As  Clint  remarked  to  Maggie, 
"Dancing  every  dance  would  have  been  a 
good  idea — except  that  we've  been  work- 
ing twelve  hours  a  day  for  the  past  two 
weeks,  and  you  couldn't  coax  me  off  that 

Maggie  merely  grinned.  She  knows  her 
lad.  She  is  convinced  that — in  addition 
to  the  obvious  sex  appeal  which  comes 
off  the  picture  tube — there  is  a  paramount 
quality  in  the  Eastwood  makeup  which 
gives  him  his  terrific  impact:  Integrity. 
A  word  one  doesn't  hear  often  these  days. 
A  rare  and  wonderful  word  which  stands 
beside  that  other  bulwark  word,  love,  to 
give  a  wife  a  sense  of  security. 

And  a  good  thing,  too  .  .  .  because,  the 
other  day,  Clint  made  a  personal  appear- 
ance at  the  opening  of  a  new  shoe  store 
in  a  city  which  shall  remain  nameless. 
In  the  midst  of  a  brief  program,  there 
came  an  interruption.  She  was  about  six- 
teen with  a  gorgeous  head  of  curly  brown 
hair,  eyelashes  to  shame  a  Jersey  cow,  and 
a  marvelous  profile  all  the  way  down. 
Hurling  herself  at  Clint,  she  pressed 
against  his  chest  and  encircled  his  body 
with  strong  young  arms.  Tipping  back 
her  head,  she  begged,  "Kiss  me  sexy! 
Please — kiss  me  sexy,  Clint!" 

Clint  looked  around  wildly,  calling  to 
an  associate,  "Come  take  her  away  from 
me."  As  the  girl  was  disentangled,  Clint 
proved  himself  to  be  the  Western-type 
Beau  Brummel  expected  by  his  fans.  To 
save  face  for  the  girl,  he  said,  "You  see, 
lady,  my  will   power  is  weak." 

He  added  to  an  associate,  as  he  re- 
treated to  the  dressing  room:  "And  if 
anybody  wants  me,  just  say  I  went  that- 

There'll  Be  Some  Changes  Made 

(Continued  from  page  58) 
Washington's  Birthday  of  that  year,  Sara 
Karr,  feminine  lead  of  The  Edge  Of 
Night,  breathed  her  last  right  on  camera. 
She  was  run  down  by  an  automobile  while 
saving    her    baby    daughter. 

The  network's  switchboards  across  the 
country  were  tied  up  for  hours  with  calls 
from  bewildered,  unbelieving  and  out- 
raged viewers.  The  mail  was  unprece- 
dented in  both  tone  and  volume.  Teal 
Ames,  who  had  played  Sara  from  the 
show's  beginning  on  April  7,  1956,  simply 
"wanted  out"  and  had  given  notice  some 
months  before. 

"We  just  couldn't  stick  a  new  face  in 
there  and  call  her  Sara,"  the  producer 
explained.  "Teal  was  too  closely  identi- 
fied with  the  part.  It  was  different  in  radio 
— an  actress  only  had  to  sound  like  her 
predecessor.  We  couldn't  have  Sara  go 
off  somewhere  to  visit  and  leave  her  fam- 

ily. That  was  out  of  character  for  the  kind 
of  wife  she  was.  So  we  did  what  we  had 
to."  But  nothing  like  it  had  every  hap- 
pened before,  in  full  sight  of  an  estimated 
ten  million  viewers.  It  made  daytime  serial 

Incidentally.  Teal  Ames  has  left  act- 
ing, at  least  for  now,  and  is  on  the  West 
Coast  with  a  group  of  people  interested 
in  a  new  philosophy  of  living.  "Teal  cares 
more  about  soul  development  than  fame," 
one  of  her  closest  friends  has  commented. 

When — eight  months  later,  on  October 
10 — Mike  Karr  departed  the  same  show, 
because  John  Larkin  who  played  him 
sought  greener  fields  in  Hollywood,  the 
effect  was  anti-climactic.  John's  leaving 
should  have  blown  up  a  much  greater 
storm  than  Teal's.  The  Edge  Of  Night, 
unlike  other  serials,  is  the  kind  of  action 
drama  which  puts  the  main  emphasis  on 
the  male  lead,  and  both  men  and   ivomen 

thought  he  was  just  great.  But  the  show 
had  learned  its  lesson.  Karr  departed  for 
the  state  capital  to  assist  with  the  Gov- 
ernor's crime  commission,  and  there  was 
a  last  lovely  scene  when  Mike  and  his 
two-year-old  Laurie  Ann  (played  by  Lar- 
kin's  real  daughter,  Victoria)  said  good- 
bye to  the  family  for  a  while.  The  way 
was  thus  left  open  for  Mike  to  return 
any  day — as  indeed  he  may. 

One  discerning  viewer,  noting  that  Lar- 
kin  was  in  the  show  less  and  less  during 
last  fall,  asked  us  pointblank  if  he  "was 
going  to  do  a  Teal  Ames  and  leave." 
Proving  that  the  real  fans  of  the  serials 
grow  alert  to  the  small  signs  of  big  events 
to  come. 

Impending  cast  changes  are  usually  "top 
secret,"  known  only  to  those  who  must 
be  told.  There  was  a  leading  male  actor 
who  had  become  so  independent  that  the 
producers  worried.  What  if  he  walked  off 
one  day  and  left  them  without  a  hero? 
They  searched  for  a  "younger  brother" 
type  with  the  same  appeal  to  feminine 
viewers — and  succeeded  admirably.  The 
new  man  was  gradually  built  up,  not  as 
a  threat  to  the  older  actor,  but  as  "an 
ace  in  the  hole"  for  the  guardians  of  the 
show's  popularity. 

A  young  actress  in  a  pivotal  part  on 
another  serial  was  warned  for  six  months 
that  she  should  lose  weight.  In  real  life, 
she  was  described  admiringly  as  "well 
stacked,"  but  the  ten  pounds  that  TV 
cameras  add  seemed  even  more  on  her. 
She  didn't — or  couldn't — make  it.  And 
now  a  slimmer  girl  plays  her  part. 

Sometimes  it's  something  as  prosaic  as 
"contract  trouble"  which  puts  a  new  face 
up  there  on  your  set  where  a  familiar 
old  one  has  greeted  you.  Failing  to  come 
to  terms  at  renewal  time  made  Rod  Hen- 
drickson  withdraw,  last  summer,  as  the 
beloved  newspaper  editor,  Ben  Fraser,  in 
From  These  Roots.  And  his  departure 
seems  now  a  prophetic  piece  of  bad  luck, 
since  the  series  itself  was  removed  from 
the  scene  completely  on  January  2  of  this 
year.  (Its  replacement:  Our  Five  Daugh- 
ters, about  which  we'll  be  telling  you  in 
a  later  story.) 

Sometimes  changes  come  about  because 
of  love  and  marriage.  When  Wendy  Drew 
met  the  man  of  her  dreams,  married,  and 
left  the  role  of  Ellen  in  As  The  World 
Turns,  Patricia  Bruder  was  carefully  se- 
lected. In  the  script,  Ellen  went  on  a  trip 
for  a  short  time.  However,  Patsy  looks 
quite  a  bit  like  Wendy,  and  the  fans  now 
gladly  accept  the  new  Ellen. 

Sometimes  an  actor  leaves  a  show,  and 
wants  to  come  back.  Lynn  Loring,  who 
created  the  role  of  Patti  on  Search  For 
Tomorrow  when  she  was  nine — and  then 
grew  up  with  the  part — decided  to  leave, 
last  summer,  at  eighteen.  She  still  loved 
the  role  and  the  show,  but  there  was  the 
kind  of  offer  from  Hollywood  no  young 
actress  could  turn  down. 

She  flew  out  from  New  York  to  do  the 
usual  hair  and  wardrobe  tests.  Result: 
Diminutive  Lynn,  with  the  serenely  lovely 

face,  was  found  to  photograph  far  too 
young  for  the  romantic  lead  she  was  sup- 
posed to  play  in  a  Disney  feature  film. 
"I  looked  fourteen,"  she  wailed.  Lynn  will 
no  doubt  be  playing  Patti  again. 

On  The  Secret  Storm,  fans  may  often 
wonder  about  Haila  Stoddard,  who  has 
had  a  long  run  as  Pauline  Fuller.  Haila's 
part  has  been  written  out  for  some  time 
now,  because  of  her  dual  activities  as  a 
producer  and  actress.  She  is  half  of  the 
production  team  for  Noel  Coward's  cur- 
rent Broadway  hit  musical,  "Sail  Away," 
and  always  has  at  least  a  finger  in  some 
Broadway  or  off-Broadway  show. 

Actors  are  often  written  out  temporarily, 
during  stage  rehearsals  and  road  tours 
preliminary  to  the  Broadway  opening — 
written  in  again  as  their  time  permits, 
when  the  show  gets  going — or  welcomed 
back  into  the  fold  when  the  show  flops. 

Sometimes  the  going  gets  rather  rough. 
When  William  Prince  began  the  part  of 
Dr.  Jerry  Malone  in  Young  Dr.  Malone, 
he  was  in  the  midst  of  the  tryout  tour  of 
the  Broadway  play,  "The  Third  Best 
Sport,"  opposite  Celeste  Holm.  His  life 
was  a  series  of  quick  trips  to  New  York 
to  rehearse  the  TV  show,  and  back  to 
Washington — and  later,  Philadelphia — to 
carry  out  his  stage  commitment. 

There  was  another  notable  innovation 
in  recent  months  in  the  serials.  The  Bright- 
er Day,  formerly  done  live  from  New  York, 
moved  bag-and-baggage  to  Hollywood, 
where  it  is  now  taped.  Many  cast  mem- 
bers were  asked  to  accompany  the  show 
out  West.  Blair  Davies  and  Mona  Bruns, 
playing  Rev.  Richard  Dennis  and  his  sis- 
ter, Aunt  Emily,  were  two  key  people 
who  went  along.  But  some  performers 
had  other  commitments  in  and  around 
New  York,  and  some  were  loathe  to  leave 
the  East  for  personal  reasons. 

Nancy  Malone,  who  had  played  Babbie 
for  some  time,  was  one  who  didn't  make 
the  trip.  She  appears  regularly  in  the  New 
York-based  Naked  City,  likes  to  stay  near 
Broadway.  She  soon  found  herself  happily 
ensconced  as  Robin  in  The  Guiding  Light, 
a  part  filled  at  various  times  by  various 
other  actresses.  Now  it  has  been  expanded 
for  Nancy  and,  if  she  stays  in  it  long 
enough,  it  may  be  another  one  of  those 
roles  where  it  becomes  harder  and  harder 
to  "stick  in  a  new  face." 

When  Audrey  Peters  took  over  from 
Bonnie  Bartlett  as  Vanessa  in  Love  Of 
Life,  it  just  happened  to  be  Vanessa's 
wedding  day.  Ron  Tomme,  who  plays 
Bruce  Sterling,  found  himself  engaged  to 
one  girl  on  Friday  and  marrying  another 
one  on  Monday !  Sometime  later,  Lee  Law- 
son  took  over  the  part  of  Sterling's  daugh- 
ter Barbara  from  Nina  Reader,  with  hardly 
a  hitch  in  the  proceedings. 

Because,  as  every  devoted  viewer  knows, 
performers  may  come  and  go.  Characters 
disappear  and  reappear.  Sometimes  with 
the  same  face,  sometimes  not  at  all  the 
same.  But  the  stories  go  on  and  on.  As  a 
famous  dramatist  once  wisely  said — "The 
play's  the  thing." 



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A  Bonus  for  Lady  Sports  Fans 

(Continued  from  page  44) 
he  entered  the  field  of  radio  and  television. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  Palmer — who  is  now 
seen  and  heard  each  Saturday  afternoon 
on  NBC's  on-the-spot  telecast  of  National 
Basketball  Association  games,  plus  other 
network  sports  specials — actually  had  his 
start  in  Hollywood. 

He  was  born  there,  the  son  of  Maurice 
"Lefty"  Flynn,  an  All-America  football 
player  at  Yale  who  became  a  silent-movie 
star.  "Most  of  my  dad's  pictures  were 
Westerns,"  says  Palmer.  "He'd  have  been 
a  sensation  on  television." 

It  was  in  Hollywood  that  Bud  became 
interested  in  basketball.  "I  was  about  six 
years  old,  and  there  was  a  backboard  in 
the  public  school  yard.  It  was  only  natural 
that  I  would  start  throwing  the  ball 

W^hen  he  was  nine,  Bud's  mother  Blanche 
— who  now  lives  in  Princeton,  New 
Jersey — took  him  and  his  sister  Barbara 
to  Europe  for  four  years.  "I  went  to  school 
in  Switzerland,  and  forgot  all  about  bas- 
ketball. My  sports  interests  there  were  in 
skiing,  soccer,  hockey  and  rowing.  Some 
of  the  knowledge  I  gained  then,  about  these 
sports,  is  paying  off  for  me  in  a  big  way 
now  when  I  do  my  sports  specials." 

Palmer  returned  to  the  U.S.  when  he 
was  fourteen  and  entered  Phillips  Exeter 
Academy  in  New  Hampshire.  "It  was  there 
that  I  became  a  man,"  he  laughs.  "When 
I  entered  Exeter,  I  was  five-feet-three  and 
weighed  103  pounds.  When  I  left,  four 
years  later,  I  was  six-feet-four  and 
weighed  184." 

The  next  stop  was  Princeton  University, 
where  Palmer  was  an  Ail-American  in 
three  sports — basketball,  lacrosse  and 
soccer — and  was  voted  the  best  athlete  in 
his  class.  "While  I  was  at  Princeton,  I 
planned  on  eventually  entering  the  diplo- 
matic service.  Becoming  a  television  an- 
nouncer or  even  a  professional  athlete, 
was  something  I  had  never  even  con- 

After  graduation,  he  entered  the  Naval 
Air  Corps,  and  was  discharged  in  early 
1946  as  a  Lieutenant,  Junior  Grade.  "Al- 
though I  became  a  pilot,"  says  Bud,  "most 
of  my  Naval  career  was  spent  on  the  bas- 
ketball court.  This  wasn't  necessarily  by 
choice — the  Navy  has  a  way  of  telling  you 
what  to  do. 

"I  remember  one  day  when  500  of  us 
reported  to  the  Chapel  Hill,  North  Caro- 
lina Pre-Flight  School  at  5 :30  in  the  morn- 
ing. There  was  the  usual  formation,  then 
ten  of  us  were  told  to  remain  behind  when 
the  others  were  dismissed.  We  were  or- 
dered to  report  to  the  gymnasium,  where 
we  scrimmaged  all  day  and  played  our 
first  game  as  'the  Chapel  Hill  team'  that 
T  Shortly  after  his  discharge,  Bud  attend- 
J[  ed  a  National  Basketball  Association  game 
at  Madison  Square  Garden.  "As  I  sat 
there,"  he  recalls,  "it  suddenly  dawned  on 

me  that  the  players  I  was  watching  were 
fellows  I  played  with  or  against  in  the 
Ivy  League  or  in  the  Navy. 

"The  next  day,  I  went  to  see  Ned  Irish, 
the  boss-man  of  the  New  York  Knicker- 
bockers, and  told  him  I'd  like  to  play  pro 
ball.  Ned  phoned  Joe  Lapchick,  the  coach 
at  St.  John's,  who  remembered  me  from 
my  Princeton  days  and  recommended  me. 
Mr.  Irish  offered  me  a  contract."  Palmer 
joined  the  Knicks  for  the  1946-47  season 
and  remained  with  them  for  three  years, 
captaining  the  team  for  the  last  two. 

"While  I  was  playing  pro  basketball," 
he  says,  "I  began  to  think  about  the  future 
and  what  I  wanted  to  do  in  life.  I  thought 
some  of  becoming  a  coach,  but  I  changed 
my  mind  when  I  saw  what  was  happening 
to  Joe  Lapchick,  who  left  St.  John's  and 
was  coaching  the  Knicks.  Joe  went  through 
murder  on  the  bench.  His  health  suffered. 
He  began  trying  to  read  newspapers  in  the 
dark.  I  didn't  want  that  to  happen  to  me. 

"During  my  last  season  with  the  Knicks, 
I  got  into  television,  indirectly.  I  began 
selling  films — old  movies — to  TV  stations 
in  the  various  cities  we  visited.  They  were 
horrible  movies.  Twenty-five  of  them  were 
Westerns  which  could  have  been  cut  up 
and  made  into  forty-five  films  without  any- 
one knowing  the  difference." 

Following  the  1948-49  basketball  season. 
Bud  made  his  debut  as  a  TV  performer.  "I 
was  a  big  man  on  daytime  kiddie  shows  in 
New  York,"  he  grins.  "I  appeared  regularly 
on  two  programs — Kids  A.C.  and  Gobo's 
Circus.  On  the  latter  show,  I  was  'Palmo 
the  Magician.'  There  are  still  people  who 
remember  that  show  and  call  me  'Palmo.' 
I  was  the  world's  worst  magician.  I  couldn't 
even  fool  the  kids  in  the  studio  audience!" 

His  sports-announcing  career  began  in 
1949,  when  he  joined  Marty  Glickman  in 
broadcasting  the  Knickerbocker  games  on 
radio  Station  WMGM  in  New  York.  In  the 
years  since  then,  he  has  been  one  of  radio- 
TV's  busiest  sportscasters  and  has  telecast 
a  wider  variety  of  sports  than  any  other 
network  announcer. 

It's  a  challenge,"  says  Bud,  "when 
I'm  assigned  to  televise  a  sport  few  people 
know  anything  about — the  lesser-known 
sports,  such  as  tennis,  rodeos,  ice  skat- 
ing, rowing.  There  is  no  precedent  to 
follow.  You  make  your  own  rules.  It's 
not  like  baseball,  football  or  basketball, 
where  camera  techniques  have  been  per- 

Palmer  considers  radio  to  be  more  diffi- 
cult for  a  sports  announcer  than  television. 
"Of  course,"  he  admits,  "you  can  get  away 
with  more  on  radio  than  you  can  on  TV, 
where  the  audience  can  see  for  itself  what 
is  going  on.  I've  learned  that  you  can 
never  get  into  trouble  on  TV  by  talking 
too  little.  When  in  doubt,  I  keep  my  big 
mouth  shut.  On  the  other  hand,  on  ra- 
dio you  have  to  talk  constantly." 

Bud  admits  that  he  has  had  a  lot  of 
breaks,   but   points    out   that,   when    they 

came  along,  he  was  ready  for  them. 
"That's  the  secret  of  success  in  any 
business.  You  can't  sit  home  and  wait 
for  a  break  to  happen.  You  have  to  go 
out  and  look  for  it. 

"When  an  opening  came  along,  several 
years  ago,  for  someone  to  broadcast  the 
play-by-play  of  the  Rangers'  hockey  games 
here  in  New  York,  I  went  to  see  Ned  Irish 
again  and  asked  for  the  job.  He  said, 
'But,  Bud,  you've  never  had  any  experi- 
ence broadcasting  hockey.'  I  told  him 
that,  if  he  gave  me  the  job,  I'd  be  ready. 

During  the  training  season  that  year, 
I  spent  six  weeks  in  Canada,  at  my  own 
expense,  learning  everything  I  could  about 
hockey  and  doing  the  play-by-play  on  a 
tape  recorder.  When  the  season  started, 
I  wasn't  doing  my  first  game.  I'd  already 
done  about  fifty  on  the  tape.  That's  what 
I  mean  about  making  your  own  breaks, 
and  being  ready  for  them." 

He  considers  the  United  States — U.S.S.R. 
hockey  game  in  the  1960  Olympics  his 
greatest  thrill  as  an  announcer.  "It  was 
the  first  time  the  U.S.  ever  won  an  Olym- 
pic Gold  Medal  in  hockey,"  Bud  notes. 
"And  the  natural  rivalry  between  the  U.S. 
and  Russia  built  up  a  tension  so  thick 
you  could  have  cut  it  with  a  knife." 

His  most  embarrassing  moment  on  TV 
came  at  the  start  of  an  NBC  bowling  show 
— when  he  introduced  himself  by  saying. 
"Hi,  everybody,  I'm  Tom  Hennesey!"  As 
he  explains,  "Hennesey  was  a  bowler  on 
the  program — I  don't  understand  why  I 
used  his  name  as  mine.  It  just  came 
out.  It  broke  me  up  and  I  laughed  all 
during  the  show." 

Bud  and  his  wife  Daisy — whom  he  met 
on  a  blind  date — share  an  enthusiasm  for 
sports,  are  active  participants  in  tennis, 
golf,  water  skiing  and  skin  diving.  They 
live  in  an  attractive  Park  Avenue  duplex 
with  their  two  daughters  Betty,  11,  and 
Gene,  2,  and  son  John,  4. 

But,  while  the  children  do  watch  Bud 
on  TV,  he's  not  their  favorite  performer. 
"My  daughter  Gene  prefers  Popeye.  And 
John  frequently  tells  me.  T  like  to  watch 
you,  Dad,  but  I  like  Yogi  Bear  better'!" 

Nevertheless,  Bud  foresees  a  tremen- 
dous future  for  sports  on  television.  "TV 
has  come  a  long  way,  but  there  is  still 
lots  of  room  for  improvement,  especially 
in  respect  to  human  interest.  The  visual 
impression  on  TV  is  much  stronger  than 
the  audio  impression.  People  would  rather 
see  it  than  have  you  talk  about  it. 

"I've  heard  lecturers  talk  for  two  hours 
about  a  subject — and  gained  less  than 
from  seeing  a  five-minute  film  on  the  same 
subject.  That's  something  we  have  to  re- 
member in  television.  We  should  let  the 
cameras  do  the  work.  That's  what  tele- 
vision is  all  about." 

And  when  the  cameras  are  on  Bud 
Palmer  himself,  even  the  least  sports- 
minded  ladies  have  something  to  cheer 
about ! 


FEBRUARY   1962 

Don  Mills 
Music  Editor 


•  There's  a  new  twist  in  the  music 
business  now.  as  almost  everybody 
knows.  The  phenomenal  success  of  the 
new  dance  fad  (among  the  more 
athletic  members  of  society)  has 
brought  renewed  interest  from  adults 
in  single  (or  45  RPM  records) — and 
perhaps  greater  understanding  of 
today's  popular  music.  Most  important, 
the  new  twisters  are  finding  that  this 
so-called   "teen-age"  music  is  fun! 

Record  companies  are  diligently  try- 
ing to  supply  the  demand  for  twist 
music.  In  fact,  nearly  every  pop  record 
that  includes  drums,  guitar  and  saxo- 
phone is  called  a  twist.  The  original 
and  best-selling  twist  is  the  Chubby 
Checker  version  on  Parkway,  which  is 
combined  with  his  other  twist  singles 
in  an  LP  called  "Your  Twistin'  Party" 
(Parkway  7007).  Chubby  is  undoubt- 
edly the  hottest  property  around  right 
now.  (See  him  demonstrating  the  Twist 
on  page  36.)  And  he  stands  to  profit 
mightily  from  the  happy  accident  that 
gave  impetus  to  the  Twist  craze. 

Another  artist  whose  future  is  secure 
is  Joey  Dee,  who  happened  to  be  on 
the  spot  at  New  York's  Peppermint 
Lounge  when  Society  paid  its  visit. 
Roulette  outbid  the  other  record  firms 
for  his  services  and  immediately  re- 
leased "Doin'  the  Twist  at  the  Pepper- 
mint Lounge"  (Roulette  25166). 

As  soon  as  publicity  on  the  Twist 
broke  in  national  magazines,  record 
company  executives  rushed  about  with 
contracts  and  pen  in  hand,  looking  for 
any  artists  remotely  connected  with  the 
Peppermint  Lounge.  Scepter  Records 
discovered  they  had  had  Joey  Dee 
under  contract  for  a  while,  so  they 
immediately  rushed  into  production  an 
LP  of  material  previously  recorded, 
titling  it  "Joey  Dee  and  the  Pepper- 
mint Twisters"   (Scepter  503). 

Other  Twist  LP's  rushed  onto  the 
scene  include  "Do  the  Twist  With  Ray 
Charles"  (Atlantic  8054),  "It's  Twistin' 
Time,"  (Capitol  1578)  with  George 
Hudson  and  the  Kings  of  Twist,  "Twist 
With  the  Ventures"  (Dolton  2010), 
"Arthur  Murray's  Music  for  Dancing 
the  Twist"  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2492), 
"Society  Dances  the  Twist,"  Lester 
Lanin  and  His  Orchestra  (Epic  3825). 

Both  principals  in  the  Twist  rage, 
Chubby  Checker  and  Joey  Dee.  are 
working  on  motion  pictures  featuring 
the  Twist.  Paramount  has  just  released 
"Hey,  Let's  Twist,"  starring  Joey  Dee 
and  the  Starliters,  which  will  tell 
the  story  of  the  Peppermint  Lounge 
and  the  start  of  the  Twist  craze. 
Chubby  is  now  in  London  filming  "It's 
Trad,  Dad,"  a  British-American  release 
marking  his  film  debut. 

Single  records  with  twist  in  the  title 
keep  coming  in  a  never-ending  flow. 
Probably  the  most  far-fetched  tie-in  is 
Elvis'  new  "Rock-A-Hula  Baby,"  which 
Victor  is  calling  a  "Twist  Special." 
Few  others  of  the  50  or  more  released 
so  far  seem  to  have  a  chance.  And 
what  ever  happened  to  Hank  Ballard, 
who  merely  wrote  the  original  Twist 
and  first  released  it?  Well,  at  least. he'll 
get  royalties. 



Broadway  Shows  on  Record 




•  How  to  succeed  in  business  without 
really  trying?  Simple.  Any  record 
industry  tycoon  worth  his  secretary's 
typewriter  knows  the  answer,  and  so 
does  his  secretary.  Record  a  Broadway 

These  sentiments  come  direct  from 
the  publicity  department  of  RCA 
Victor  which — as  the  largest  company 
in  the  record  business — should  know. 
Further  qualification:  Producer  of 
Broadway's  new  smash  musical  comedy, 
"How  to  Succeed  in  Business  Without 
Really  Trying." 

Of  course,  it  would  be  unfair  to  say 
there's  no  effort  involved  in  recording 
a  Broadway  hit.  First  off,  you've  got  to 
find  a  Broadway  hit,  then  make  sure 
you've  the  right  to  record  it.  The 
major  record  companies  have  found 
they  have  a  better  chance  of  getting 
recording  rights  if  they  happen  to  have 
money  invested  in  the "  show.  Victor, 
Columbia,  Capitol  and  a  few  others 
have  been  doing  just  that. 

Columbia's  $300,000  investment  in 
"My  Fair  Lady"  brought  the  biggest 
returns  ever.  Victor  has  the  feeling  that 
its  "How  to  Succeed  .  .  ."  could  be  just 
as  big.  Columbia's  "Kean,"  starring 
Alfred  Drake,  is  forecast  as  another 
blockbuster.  Capitol's  big  entry  this 
season  is  Noel  Coward's  "Sail  Away," 
starring  Elaine  Stritch. 

Here's  a  run-down  of  the  new  Broad- 
way show  albums  most  likely  to  suc- 
ceed: "How  to  Succeed  In  Business 
Without  Really  Trying"  (RCA  Victor 
LOC-1066) — Far  and  away  the  biggest 
hit  this   season,   this  riotous   satire  of 

big  business,  starring  Robert  Morse 
and  Rudy  Vallee,  has  a  sparkling  score 
by  Frank  Loesser  and  a  wondrously 
funny  script,  due  mostly  to  Broadway's 
famed  show  doctor,  Abe  Burrows.  The 
show  is  based  on  Shepherd  Mead's 
book  of  advice  for  lazy  junior  execu- 
tives. The  most  enduring  tune  in  the 
show:  "The  Company  Way." 

"Sail  Away"  (Capitol  WAO  1643) 
— Noel  Coward's  attempt  at  an  Ameri- 
can musical  comedy  may  be  entertain- 
ing theater  but  is  not  enthralling 
music.  Star  Elaine  Stritch  does  the  one 
standout  number  in  this  satire  on 
traveling  Americans:  "Why  Do  the 
Wrong  People  Travel?" 

"Kean"  (Columbia  KOL  5720/stereo 
KOS  2120)— Alfred  Drake  has  a 
magnificent  romp  in  this  lavish  produc- 
tion that  recounts  the  adventures  of  a 
swashbuckling  Shakespearean  actor. 
Some  critics  believe  it  has  a  "My  Fair 
Lady"  success  potential.  The  bubbling, 

tuneful  score  includes  at  least  one 
show-stopper:  "The  Fog  and  the  Grog." 

"Milk  and  Honey"  (RCA  Victor 
LOC  1065) — The  sure  voices  of  Robert 
Weede  and  Mimi  Benzell  make  this 
one  of  the  major  musicals  of  the 
season,  and  Molly  Picon  is  charming 
as  a  husband-seeking  widow.  She  stops 
the  show  with  "Hymn  to  Hymie."  Most 
memorable  tune:   "Milk   and   Honey." 

"Let  It  Ride"  (RCA  Victor  LOC 
1064) — George  Gobel  and  Sam  Levene 
starred  in  this  remake  of  a  sturdy  plot 
which,  in  its  first  musical  version,  fea- 
tured   Eddie    Cantor    as    "Mr.    Banjo 

Eyes."  It  is  the  hilarious  tale  of  a 
meek  office  worker  who  can  mirac- 
ulously pick  the  winning  horse  every 
time.  "Let  It  Ride"  tells  the  old  story 
with  a  new  musical  score  by  old  pros 
Jay  Livingston  and  Ray  Evans. 
Brightest  tune:  The  title  song  "Let  It 
Ride."  The  rousing  show-stopper,  "Just 
an  Honest  Mistake." 

Other  Broadway  shows  scheduled  for 
the  original  cast  LP  treatment  include 
"Subways  Are  for  Sleeping,"  "The 
Gay  Life,"  "Oliver,"  "I  Can  Get  It 
For  You  Wholesale,"  "New  Faces," 
"A  Funny  Thing  Happened  On  the 
i  Way  to  the  Forum,"  and  "Barnum" — 
certainly   a  bumper  crop. 

In  addition,  Capitol  has  released  an 
original  cast  LP  of  a  show  that  folded 
after  a  brief  run.  "Kwamina,"  a  musi- 
cal set  in  South  Africa,  starred  Sally 
Ann  Howes,  with  music  by  veteran 
composer  Richard  Adler.  Capitol 
reasons  that  the  show  did  not  fail  on 
Broadway  because  of  the  music,  "and 
music  is  precisely  what  you  get  in  an 
original  cast  LP." 

Record  dealers  say  Broadway  show 
albums  are  among  their  top  sellers. 
Here  are  10  still  in  great  demand: 

Camelot  (Columbia  KOL  5620), 
The  Sound  of  Music  (Columbia  KOL 
5450),  West  Side  Story  (Columbia  OL 
5230),  Carnival  (MGM  3946),  South 
Pacific  (Columbia  OL  4180),  My  Fair 
Lady  (Columbia  OL  5090),  Music  Man 
(Capitol  WAO  990),  Fiorello  (Capitol 
WAO  1321),  Unsinkable  Molly  Brown 
(Capitol  WAO  1509),  and  Gypsy 
(Columbia  OL  5420). 


•  The  success  of  Judy  Garland's 
Carnegie  Hall  LP  (Capitol  BO  1569) 
has  prompted  both  Decca  and  MGM  to 
re-release  some  of  her  vintage  record- 
ings that  have  been  gathering  dust  in 
their  vaults.  These  are  "The  Magic  of 
Judy  Garland"  (Decca  4199)  and  "The 
Judy  Garland  Story"  (MGM  3989) .  The 
MGM  album  includes  songs  from  six 
of  her  musicals  for  Metro.  Judyphiles 
will  want  both  of  these  albums. 

Art  Linkletter,  the  genial  host  of 
long-running  TV  shows  featuring  party 
games,  now  has  his  first  LP  for  Capitol, 
titled  "Let's  Play  Games  With  Art  Link- 
letter"  (Capitol  1644).  Nine  games  are 
on  the  disc,  including  a  series  of 
"sound"  games,  where  the  listener  must 
identify  hard-to-recognize  everyday 
noises,  famous  voices  and  offbeat 

John   D.   Loudermillc 

As  if  the  baker's  dozen  or  more  of 
Mitch  Miller  Sing-Along  LP's  were 
not  enough,  Columbia  has  issued  two 
more,  this  time  featuring  two  of  Mitch's 
lovely  soloists,  Diana  Trask  (Colum- 
bia 1705)  and  Leslie  Uggams  (Co- 
lumbia 1706).  Before  you  buy  your 
next  Sing-Along  album,  give  these  two 
a  listen;  we  think  you'll  find  them  as 
exciting  as  the  regular  series. 

Or  if  you  prefer,  you  can  be  the  first 
in  your  block  with  an  English  Sing- 
Along  LP,  as  recorded  in  London  by 
Capitol,  titled  "An  English  Music  Hall" 
(Capitol  T10273).  There's  uninhibited 
fun  ana  gaiety  here. 

For  several  years  now  they've  been 
saying  "big  bands  are  coming  back," 
but  there  was  little  to  back  up  this  state- 
ment. But  now,  Si  Zentner's  "Up  a 
Lazy  River"  is  high  in  popularity,  the 
first  straight  big  band  arrangement  to 
sell  as  a  single  in  many  years.  It  was 
taken  from  an  LP  called  "Big  Band 
Hits"  (Liberty  3197)  and  released  as 
a  single. 

It's  well  known  in  the  trade  that  suc- 
cessful song  writers  are  also  frustrated 
performers,  and  this  month  two  top 
writers  came  from  behind  their  song 
sheets  and  tape  recorders  to  record  their 
own  LP's.  Barry  Mann  hit  with  his 
second  single  for  ABC-Paramount, 
"Who  Put  the  Bomp  (In  the  Bomp, 
Bomp,  Bomp)"  and  it's  the  title  of  his 
new  LP  (ABC  399),  consisting  of  his 
own  compositions,  such  as  "I  Love  How 
You  Love  Me,"  "The  Way  of  a  Clown," 
and  "Bless  You."  From  Nashville  comes 
the  talent  of  John  D.  Loudermilk 
singing  his  own  tunes,  including  the 
hit  single  and  LP  title,  "Language  of 
Love"  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2434).  John 
is  the  creative  spark  behind  such  tunes 
as  "Ebony  Eyes,"  "Stayin'  In,"  and 
"Sad  Movies." 

Leroy  Van  Dyke 

Speaking  of  country-Western  music, 
it's  also  given  us  Jimmy  Dean's  "Big 
Bad  John,"  a  No.  1  hit,  Bobby  Ed- 
ward's "You're  the  Reason,"  on  Crest, 
Sue  Thompson's  "Sad  Movies  (Make 
Me  Cry)"  on  Hickory,  and  Patsy 
Cline's  "Crazy"  on  Decca.  The  latest 
to  join  this  roster  is  Leroy  Van  Dyke, 
whose  Mercury  recording  of  "Walk  On 
By"  is  rapidly  moving  toward  No.  1. 
Leroy's  first  LP  will  be  out  soon. 





UP  'N'  COMER: 

Bobby  Vee 

•  One  of  the  fast  rising  young  per- 
sonalities today  is  Bobby  Vee,  whose 
fifth  LP,  "Take  Good  Care  Of  My 
Baby,"  (Liberty  3211),  has  just  been 
released.  The  LP  includes  his  two-side 
hit,  "Run  to  Him"  and  "Walkin'  With 
My   Angel." 

Eighteen  -  year  -  old  Bobby  (Real 
name:  Bob  Velline)  was  born  in  North 
Dakota.  Three  years  ago,  he  formed  a 
group  with  his  brother  Bill  and  two 
other  boys,  Jim  Stillman  and  Bob 
Korum,  calling  themselves  Bobby  Vee 
and  the  Shadows.  They  did  not  make 
much  progress  in  their  career  until 
tragedy  gave  them  their  opportunity. 
When  Buddy  Holly  and  Ritchie  Valens 
were  killed  in  a  plane  crash,  Bobby' 
and  the  group  were  asked  to  fill  in. 
Not  long  after,  they  came  to  the  atten- 
tion of  Liberty  Records,  through  Snuff 
Garrett,  one  of  Liberty's  A&R  men, 
who'd  been  a  friend  of  Buddy  Holly. 

Garrett  heard  Bobby's  first  record, 
"Suzie  Baby,"  on  an  unknown  label  and 
thought  at  the  time  that  he  sang  with 
the  same  "feeling"  as  Holly. 

"Devil  or  Angel,"  Bobby's  first  record 
for  Liberty,  became  the  number  one 
disc  in  the  country,  closely  followed 
by  a  second  smash  hit,  "Rubber  Ball." 

Bobby's  now  doing  a  single  act,  and 
all  his  records  seem  to  have  that  magic 
ingredient  which  makes  a  hit.  And 
young  Bobby  will  need  that  magic 
ingredient  to  help  him  during  the 
transition  from  a  teen  to  an  adult  per- 
sonality. The  ballad  "Run  To  Him"  is 
a  step  in  the  right  direction. 


-^-Hottest  LP!  I  Remember  Tommy,  Frank  Sinatra  (Reprise) — A 
nostalgia-filled  package  for  Frank's  fans,  old  and  new. 

On  the  Record's  monthly  survey  of  the  hottest  new  LP's 
and  singles  lists  those  records  showing  the  strongest  sales 
in  retail  stores,  based  on  reports  from  manufacturers, 
distributors,  trade  publications — including  Bill  Gavin 
Record  Reports,  Billboard  Music  Week,  Cashbox,  and 


Blue  Hawaii,  Elvis  Presley  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2426)— The  songs  from 
Elvis's  movie,  sung  with  his  usual  enthusiasm. 

Behind  The  Button-Down  Mind,  Bob  Newhart  (Warner  Bros.  1417) 
— More  "What-if"  situations  from  the  comedian  in  need  of  an  encore  (see 
page  102.). 

Never  On  Sunday,  Connie  Francis  (MGM  3965) — Connie  sings  movie 
themes  with  spirit. 

Breakfast  At  Tiffany's,  Henry  Mancini  (RCA  Victor  2362)— Music 
from  the  hit  movie. 

West  Side  Story,  Original  Cast  (Columbia  OL  5230),  Movie  Sound 
Track  (Columbia  OL  5670),  Stan  Kenton  (Capitol  1609),  Ferrante 
&  Teicher  (United  Artists  3166).  The  big  hit  musical  of  the  season. 
The  Twist,  Chubby  Checker  (Parkway  7001) — The  music  to  twist  your 
sacroiliac  by. 

Your  Twist  Party,  Chubby  Checker  (Parkway  7007)— A  collection  of 
all  the  twists  by  the  king  of  the  Twist  himself. 

King  Of  Kings,  Movie  Sound  Track  (MGM  1E2) — Inspiring  musical 
score  of  the  Biblical  epic. 

Milk  And  Honey,  Original  Cast  (RCA  Victor  LOC  1065)— A  beautiful 
production  starring  Robert  Weede,  Mimi  Benzell  and  Molly  Picon. 
Mexico,  Bob  Moore   (Monument  4005) — Bright  sounds  from  South  of 
the  Border. 

Golden  Waltzes,  Billy  Vaughn  (Dot  3280)— For  those  who  have  yet  to 
discover  the  Twist. 

Doin'  The  Twist  At  The  Peppermint  Lounge,  Joey  Dee  &  The  Star- 
liters  (Roulette  25166) — Here's  the  group  that  created  the  national  stir, 
twistin'  up  a  storm. 

Chubby  Checker— Bobby  Rydell   (Cameo  1013) — Two  teen  favorites 
doing  bright,  up-tempo  material  that  is  gassing  their  fans. 
Clap  Hands,  Here  Comes  Charlie,  Ella  Fitzgerald  (Verve  4053)  — 
Ella  swinging  effortlessly  through  standards  and  jazz  themes. 
Do  The  Twist  With  Ray  Charles  (Atlantic  8054)— Old  favorites,  with 
the  Twist  beat,  in  a  new  collection. 

Runaround  Sue,  Dion  (Laurie  2009) — Collection.  Dion's  most  mature 
effort  so  far. 


^Hottest  Single!  The  Lion  Sleeps  Tonight,  The  Tokens  (RCA 
Victor) — Based  on  the  old  folk  tune  "Wimoweh,"  this  version  has 
a  captivating  sound. 

-The  magic  touch  applied  to  an 
-This  top-selling  Western  hit 


Run  To  Him,  Bobby  Vee   (Liberty) 
up-tempo  ballad. 

Walk  On  By,  Leroy  Van  Dyke  ( Mercury )- 
has  wide  appeal. 

Tonight,  Ferrante  &  Teicher  (United  Artists) — From  the  hit  Broadway- 
Hollywood  musical. 

Happy  Birthday,  Sweet  Sixteen,  Neil  Sedaka  (RCA  Victor) — A  happy 
sound  for  the  teens. 

When  I  Fall  In  Love,  The  Lettermen  (Capitol) — A  smooth  follow-up 
to  their  first  hit,  "The  Way  You  Look  Tonight." 

'Til,  The  Angels  (Caprice) — An  unusual  blend  of  voices  on  a  recurring 

Funny  How  Time  Slips  Away,  Jimmy  Elledge  (RCA  Victor) — A  beau- 
tiful ballad  sung  with  warmth  and  understanding. 

Well  I  Told  You,  The  Chantells  (Carlton) — Excellent  answer  to  Ray 
Charles'  recent  hit. 

The  Twist,  Chubby  Checker  (Parkway) — The  original  and  big-selling 

Moon  River,  Jerry  Butler  (Vee  Jay),  Henry  Mancini  (RCA  Victor)  — 
Two  records.  From  the  movie  "Breakfast  At  Tiffany's." 
Let  There  Be  Drums,  Sandy  Nelson  (Imperial) — A  driving  beat  and 
infectious  arrangement. 

The  Peppermint  Twist,  Joey  Dee  &  The  Starliters   (Roulette) — Na- 
tional publicity  helped  this  group  from  the  Peppermint  Lounge. 
There's  No  Other  (Like  My  Baby),  The  Crystals  (Philles)— This 
group  sounds  like  the  Shirelles. 

Rock-Hula  Baby,  Elvis  Presley  (RCA  Victor)— A  twist  sound  from  his 
movie  "Blue  Hawaii." 


Just  Out  Of  Reach,  Solomon  Burke  (Atlantic). 

Gypsy  Woman,  The  Impressions  (ABC). 

Up  A  Lazy  River,  Si  Zentner  (Liberty). 

When  The  Boy  In  Your  Arms,  Connie  Francis  (MGM). 

If  You  Gotta  Make  a  Fool  of  Somebody,  James  Ray  (Caprice). 

Turn  Around,  Look  At  Me,  Glen  Campbell  (Crest). 

Johnny  Will,  Pat  Boone  (Dot). 

Unchain  My  Heart,  Ray  Charles  (ABC). 

Dear  Lady  Twist,  U.S.  Bonds  (Legrand). 

Hey!  Little  Girl,  Del  Shannon  (Big  Top). 

Maria,  Roger  Williams  (Kapp). 

Let's  Twist  Again,  Chubby  Checker  (Parkway). 

Revenge,  Brook  Benton  (Mercury). 

The  Majestic,  Dion  (Laurie). 

Little  Altar  Boy,  Vic  Dana  (Dolton). 


The  Lettermen 

•  Of  the  three  boys  that  make  up  the 
new  vocal  group,  The  Lettermen,  only 
Jim  Pike  is  a  genuine .  letterman — he 
excelled  in  football  at  Idaho  Falls 
High  School.  The  others  are  Robert 
Engemann,  who  was  a  missionary  for 
two  years  and  now  is  an  elder  in  the 
Mormon  Church,  though  he's  only  26, 
and  Tony  Butola,  a  veteran  night  club 
and  studio  singer,  who  is  proud  of 
being  one  of  the  few  full-blooded 
Croatians  in  the  world  (Croatia  is  now 
a  part  of  Yugoslavia). 

The  boys'  first  big  record  was  "The 
Way  You  Look  Tonight,"  which  intro- 
duced their  distinctive  blending  of 
mellow  voice  tones.  Their  new  Capitol 
record,  "When  I  Fall  In  Love,"  is  also 
well  on  its  way  toward  Hitsville. 

Before  organizing  the  trio  last  year, 
Tony  had  been  a  member  of  other 
groups  dating  back  to  the  famed 
Mitchell  Boys  Choir.  Robert  had  ap- 
peared with  Lawrence  Welk.  And  Jim 
had  appeared  in  the  Louis  Prima-Keely 
Smith  show  at  Hollywood's  Moulin 

Bob  and  Jim  met  at  Brigham  Young 
University  in  Utah,  where  they  sang 
with  groups  appearing  locally.  A  year 
ago  in  Los  Angeles  they  met  Tony  and 
decided  to  try  their  luck  together.  Tony 
had  already  had  some  success  with  a 
group  he  organized  in  1957,  the  Four- 
most,  with  which  Connie  Stevens  got 
her  start. 

Tony,  whose  hobby  is  song  writing, 
was  born  in  Sharon,  Pennsylvania.  He 
is  21.  Jim  is  originally  from  St.  Louis. 
Missouri,  and  he,  like  Bob,  is  26.  Bob, 
the  only  married  member  of  the  trio, 
is  a  native  of  Highland  Park,  Michigan. 

The  smooth  blend  of  sounds  the  boys 
have  achieved  certainly  contradicts 
their  diverse  backgrounds.  With  hit 
potential  assured,  they  may  be  making 
close  harmony  for  quite  a  while  ahead. 


Your   Monthly   ON    RECORD   Guide 


•••Broadway  Swings  Again,  Jo- 
nah Jones  (Capitol  1641) — Jonah's 
swinging  trumpet  takes  the  melodic 
line  of  12  hit  Broadway  show  tunes  to 
continue  his  successful  formula  of 
bright  arrangements  of  show  tunes, 
mostly  from  the  current  season,  includ- 
ing "If  Ever  I  Would  Leave  You"  (Cam- 
elot) ,  "The  Sound  Of  Music,"  "Together 
Wherever  We  Go"  (Gypsy),  and  "Til 
Tomorrow"    ( Fiorello ! ) . 



••••Clap  Hands,  Here  Comes 
Charlie!,  Ella  Fitzgerald  (Verve  4053) 
— Another  album  by  Ella  is  always  an 
event.  Particularly  notable  in  this  ef- 
fort are  three  tunes  most  known  as 
instrumental  jazz  compositions:  Lester 
Young's  "Clap  Hands,  Here  Comes 
Charlie ! "  Thelonius  Monk's  "  'Round 
Midnight,"  and  Dizzy  Gillespie's  "Night 
In  Tunisia." 

•••The  Best  of  Steve  Lawrence 

(ABC  392)— Steve  is  one  of  the  few 
"quality"  vocalists  to  sell  single  records 
and  still  maintain  a  warm,  easy-going 
style.  Included  among  expertly  done 
ballads  are  two  of  his  hits  for  ABC, 
"Footsteps,"  and  "Pretty  Blue  Eyes." 

**• America's  Biggest-Selling  Pi- 
anist, Floyd  Cramer  (RCA  Victor 
LPM  2466) — The  highly  distinctive  pi- 
ano style  of  Floyd  Cramer  is  heard 
here  on  his  hit  single,  "Your  Last  Good- 
bye," and  11  others.  His  method  of  slur- 

ring the  notes  came,  he  says,  from  hear- 
ing old-style  Southern  steel  guitarists. 
He  calls  it  "a  lonesome  country  sound," 
which  might  help  explain  the  brash 
claim  of  the  title. 


••••Love  Tide,  Nelson  Riddle 
(Capitol  1571) — Superb  mood  pieces 
from  one  of  the  most  talented  composer- 
arrangers.  This  collection  of  lush  and 
lovely  orchestrations  is  a  fitting  sequel 
to  his  highly  successful  "Sea  of  Dreams" 
LP  of  several  years  ago. 

•••Kern  and  Porter  Favorites, 

Morton  Gould  (RCA  Victor  LM  2559) 
— The  Gould  touch  on  such  Kern  and 
Porter  melodies  as  "The  Way  You  Look 
Tonight,"  "I  Get  A  Kick  Out  Of  You," 
and  "What  Is  This  Thing  Called  Love," 
make  pleasant  background  listening. 

•••More  Music  For  Dining,  Mela- 
chrino  Strings  (RCA  Victor  LPM  2412) 
— The  unobtrusive  arrangements  of  the 
Melachrino  Strings  are  perfect  for  set- 
ting the  romantic  mood  for  that  special 
tete-a-tete.  Included  are  such  flowing 
melodies  as  "You  Are  Too  Beautiful" 
and  "L' Amour  Tou jours  L'Amour." 


••••The  Incomparable  Bjoer- 
ling,  Jussi  Bjoerling  (RCA  Victor  LM 
2570) — Culled  from  recordings  made 
during  the  last  three  years  of  his  life, 

this  LP  is  an  excellent  sampling  of  Mr. 
Bjoerling's  art.  He  died  last  year  at  the 
height  of  his  career.  He  is  heard  here 
in  12  arias  from  standard  Italian  tenor 

•••Concerto  For  Organ,  Strings 
And  Timpani  (Poulenc)  &  Jeu  de 
Cartes  (Stravinsky),  Charles  Munch 
and  the  Boston  Symphony  Orchestra 
(RCA  Victor  LM  2567)— Stravinsky's 
delightful  "Game  Of  Cards"  is  given  a 
spirited  reading  here.  Currently  it  is  the 
only  recording  available.  Originally 
composed  as  a  ballet  score,  it  is  capa- 
ble of  standing  on  its  own.  The  Poulenc 
concerto  is  handled  effectively  by  organ 
soloist  Berj  Zamkochian,  but  the  main 
interest  here  is  in  the  Stravinsky  side 
of  the  record. 

••••Chopin     Concerto     No.     1, 

Artur  Rubenstein,  soloist  (RCA  Victor 
LM  2575) — Chopin's  greatest  interpre- 
ter has  essayed  a  new  recording  of  the 
E  Minor  Concerto,  this  time  with  the 
New  Symphony  Orchestra  of  London, 
Stanislaw  Skrowaczewski  conducting. 
Release  of  this  recording  coincides  with 
a  series  of  ten  Carnegie  Hall  concerts 
given  by  Artur  Rubenstein  at  the  end 
of  1961. 

••••Malaguena,  Carlos  Montoya 
(RCA  Victor  LPM  2380)— Flamenco 
guitar  and  Carlos  Montoya  are  almost 
synonymous,  and  in  this  new  collection 
Montoya  proves  again  his  virtuosity  in 
capturing  the  Gypsy  spirit  of  these 
Spanish  folk  tunes. 



tllKfl  KKfUtttrex 



******  an  eat! 


-M<   IT'S    YOUR    MONEY 

••••Cesar    Franck    Symphony, 

Pierre  Monteux  conducting  the  Chicago 
Symphony  Orchestra  (RCA  Victor  LM 
2514) — The  D  Minor,  Franck's  one 
symphony,  is  given  the  majestic  and 
regal  treatment  it  deserves  by  Monteux. 


•••••Time  Further  Out,  Dave 
Brubeck  (Columbia  1690) — Here's  a 
minor  classic  for  Brubeck  fans.  This 
album  takes  as  its  point  of  departure  a 
jazz  interpretation  of  an  abstract  paint- 
ing by  Miro.  But  more  specifically,  it 
is  an  exercise  in  treating  the  blues  with 
unusual  (and  one  might  even  say  off- 
beat) time  signatures,  such  as  5/4  and 
9/8  time.  The  intricate  rhythmic  varia- 
tions are  deftly  handled. 

••••The  Essential  Count  Basie, 

(Verve  8407) — Count  Basie  has  en- 
dured when  most  big  bands  gave  it  up 
as  a  lost  cause,  and  he  and  The  Duke 
(see  below)  remain  as  today's  giants 
of  big-band  jazz.  This  LP  shows  the 
Basie  band  off  to  good  advantage  as 
they  do  some  of  their  early  classics, 
such  as  "Jumping  at  the  Woodside"  and 
the  great  "One  O'Clock  Jump." 

••••The  Indispensable  Duke  El- 
lington, (RCA  Victor  LPM  6009)  — 
This  rwo-LP  set  is  a  mu6t  for  Ellington 
fans,  containing  some  of  Duke's  most 
memorable  takes  for  Victor  during  the 
years  1940-46,  that  is,  the  pre-LP  era. 
Along  with  the  predictable  inclusions, 
such  as  "Don't  Get  Around  Much  Any- 

more," "Carnegie  Blues,"  "Sophisti- 
cated Lady,"  and  "Mood  Indigo,"  there 
are  surprises,  such  as  two  piano-bass 
duets  with  famed  bassist  Jimmy  Blan- 
ton,  who  died  before  his  full  potential 
could  be  realized.  This  is  exciting  El- 
lingtonia  and  not  to  be  missed. 

••••Never  On  Sunday,  Ramsey 
Lewis  (Argo  686) — The  Ramsey  Lewis 
Trio  has  been  achieving  a  particularly 
felicitous  cohesion  of  sound  on  recent 
recording  dates,  and  nowhere  is  this 
more  true  than  on  this  LP.  Every  track 
here,  from  an  exciting  arrangement  of 
"Never  On  Sunday"  to  the  hit  jazz  ver- 
sion of  "Waterboy"  and  the  Gershwin 
classic  "I  Got  Plenty  Of  Nothing,"  is 
easy  listening. 


••Flower  Drum  Song,  Sound  Track 
(Decca  9098) — The  main  trouble  with 
this  movie  version  soundtrack  of  the 
Broadway  musical  hit  is  that  it  lacks 
theatricality.  Perhaps  what's  missing  is 
that  special  timbre  of  the  theater  pit 
band.  Also  missing  is  the  exciting,  vi- 
brant vocal  gymnastics  of  Pat  Suzuki. 
Nancy  Kwan's  voice  sounds  too  thin 
and  unsure  to  carry  even  the  ballads, 
notably  the  beautiful  "Sunday,"  much 
less  to  get  across  the  piquant  and  saucy 
"I  Enjoy  Being  a  Girl."  You  would  be 
advised  to  stick  with  the  original  Broad- 
way cast  as  recorded  on  Columbia  OL 


••••Chubby  Checker  &  Bobby 
Rydell,  (Cameo  1013)— This  pair  of 
show-wise  teenagers  put  on  a  perform- 
ance that  keeps  moving  from  beginning 
to  end,  a  pro  job  in  every  respect,  and 
one  that  will  provide  lots  of  excitement 
for  teen  listeners  and  a  few  hip  oldsters 
as  well.  Certainly  this  is  a  standout  LP 
in  its  class.  Chubby  and  Bobby  have 
long  been  friends  and  had  long  wanted 
to  do  a  record  together.  Their  clown- 
ing around  in  a  recording  studio  one 
day  gave  the  first  idea  for  the  album. 
The  infectious  fun  the  boys  were  hav- 
ing spread  to  musicians  and  engineers 
alike.  The  result  was  an  unusual  "fun" 
recording.  High  spot  is  a  medley  of 
"Your  Hits  and  Mine,"  with  Bobby  do- 
ing Chubby's  Twist  among  other  favor- 
ites like  "Side  by  Side,"  and  "My  Baby 
Cares  for  Me." 


•••Jose  Jimenez  In  Orbit /Bill 
Dana  On  Earth,  (Kapp  1257)— As  a 
follow-up  to  his  highly  successful  Astro- 
naut LP,  Bill  Dana  has  his  pathetic 
Jose  in  orbit,  with  expected  comedy 
results.  Although,  in  essence,  it's  a 
stretched-out  running  gag,  the  situation 
is  still  good  for  some  chuckles  and  guf- 
faws. The  other  side  shows  Bill  Dana 
doing  more  down-to-earth  impressions 
and  characterizations,  culled  from  his 
night  club  act.  Dana's  writing  partner 
Don  Hinkley  acts  as  straight  man  on 
the  set. 






the  Many -Sided  Mind 
of  Bob  Newhart 

•  Bob  Newhart  is  referred  to  by  his 
record  company,  Warner  Bros.,  as  "the 
world's  best  seller  of  comedy  albums." 
He  is  the  only  comedian  who  got  his 
start  as  a  record  artist  before  branch- 
ing out  to  other  facets  of  show  business. 
And  now  he  is  the  only  recording 
comedian  with  his  own  television  show. 
These  are  reasons  enough  for  taking  a 
close  look  "Behind  The  Button-Down 
Mind  Of  Bob  Newhart"  (Warner  Bros. 

On  the  face  of  it,  Bob  Newhart  is  a 
shining  example  of  the  successful  "New 
Wave"  comedians,  a  group  which  in- 
cludes Shelley  Berman,  Mort  Sahl, 
Lennie  Bruce  and  newcomer  Dick 
Gregory.  Mike  Nichols  and  Elaine  May 
qualify,  too,  and  Jonathan  Winters, 
Bill  Dana,  Charles  Manna,  Carl  Reiner 
and  Mel  Brooks.  Stan  Freberg  is  un- 
doubtedly the  most  talented  of  the  lot. 
And,  for  specialized  or  regional  ma- 
terial, include  Brother  Dave  Gardner, 
Rusty  Warren,  Wood  Woodbury  and 
Moms  Mabley. 

Most   of   these   comedians   sold   sur- 

prising numbers  of  records  last  year, 
which  could  point  up  the '  fact  that 
Americans  are  in  dire  need  of  a  laugh 
or  two.  Certainly  radio  and  television 
no  longer  supply  many  of  those  laughs. 
In  fact,  radio  has  reversed  the  situa- 
tion, now  depending  on  records  to 
supply  them  with  comedy  material 
(with  disc  jockeys  often  complaining 
that  comedy  LPs  contain  too  much 
"blue"  material  for  the  air).  Television, 
of  course,  some  time  ago  abandoned  its 
comedians,  or  gave  them  bland  situa- 
tion comedies  to  wallow  in.  The  notable 
exception  is  Jack  Paar,  who  has  done 
more  than  anyone  to  give  the  "New 
Wave"  comedians  a  chance  to  be  heard 
— and  to  plug  their  records.  And  on 
television  we  now  have  Bob  Newhart. 
How  will  he  make  out? 

There  is  a  familiar,  anguished  cry 
in  show  business,  "What  do  we  do  for 
an  encore?"  From  where  we  sit  in 
front  of  the  television  set  it  would  seem 
that  Bob  Newhart  is  desperately  trying 
to   find    the    answer   to    that    question. 

His    first     LP,     "The     Button-Down 

Mind  Of  Bob  Newhart"  (Warner  Bros. 
1379),  which  catapulted  him  into  the 
spotlight,  is  undoubtedly  a  pure  gem 
of  classic  American  comedy.  Try,  if 
you  will,  to  improve  on  Newhart's 
sketch  about  the  Commander  of  the 
U.S.S.  Codfish  talking  to  his  men.  The 
sketch  covering  the  television  rehearsal 
of  the  Khrushchev  landing  is  superb 
topical  humor.  And  the  sketch  about 
the  driving  instructor  might  well  be 
come  a  necessary  part  of  high-school 
audio-visual  education  in  the  future. 
Newhart  is  rightly  celebrated  for  that 
first  LP,  but  .  .  .  "What  do  we  do  for 
an  encore?" 

Record  retailers  will  tell  you  that 
seldom  does  a  second  record  by  a 
comedian  sell  as  well  as  the  first  one. 
Chalk  it  up  to  the  novelty  wearing  off. 
Or,  more  frequently,  a  plain  lack  of 
good  follow-up  material.  Certainly  the 
Newhart  legend  has  been  kept  alive 
better  than  most.  But  with  a  weekly 
television  show  eating  up  material, 
Newhart  is  bound  to  be  looking  harder 
and  harder  for  that  "Encore." 




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MARCH,   1962 


VOL.  57,  NO.  4 


Jack  Paar  17     "Slander!"   Pat  Greaves 

Vincent    Edwards  18     A  Cure  for  What  Ails  Every  Woman Erika  Maxson 

Dwayne  Hickman  22     "I'm  the  Oldest  Man  on  TV" Jane  Ardmore 

Fabian  24     If  You  Think  Fabian  Is  Only  Kidding Eunice  Field 

Jo  Ann  Castle  26  Lose  Pounds  Before  You  Lose  Him ! . . . .  Fredda  Balling 

George  Maharis  30  The  Upside  Down  World  of  George  Maharis .  .  Tony  Wall 

Jack  Benny  33     A  Valentine  From  His  Friends Charlie  Manna 

Lawford-Sinatra  36  Are  Peter  and  the  Wolf  Hurting  the  Kennedys? 

Bob  Lardine 

Shore-Montgomery  38  The  Woman  Who  Broke  Up  Dinah's  Home.  .Jim  Hoffman 

Bert  Parks  44     This  Is  the  Way  the  Bert  Bounces Frances  Kish 

Lome  Greene  46     The  Best  Kept  Secret  in  Hollywood Irene  Storm 

The  Lennon  Sisters  48  You  Think  You've  Got  Troubles! .  .Isabelle  "Sis"  Lennon 

Bob  Cummings  50  Bob  Talks  Back  to  the  U.S.  Government. .  .Kathleen  Post 

Our  Five  Daughters  52  Is  There  Room  in  Your  Heart  for  a  New  Family? 

John  H.  Glenn  Jr.  55     Do  You  Know  This  Man? John  R.  Pascal 


9  Johnny  Carson's  Corner 

9  There's  a  World  of  Music 

11  The  Listening  Post 

12  Album  Reviews 

14  Top  50  Records 

14  Jimmy  Dean:  Here  to  Stay! 

15  Joey  Dee:  Up  'n'  Comer 

16  Twist  Again 


4    What's  New  From  Coast  to  Coast.  .Eunice  Field 

8     Information  Booth  74     New  Patterns  for  You 

82     Vote  for  Your  Favorites !       92     New  Designs  for  Living 


Millard  Hansen     59  One  for  the  Road  (WCFL) 

Duane  Ellett     60  "Floppy"  and  the  Small  Fry  (WHO-TV) 

62  Memoirs  of  the  Movies 

Jack  Denton     64  A  "Live"  Wire  (WLW-C) 

JACK  J.  PODELL,  Editor-in-Chief 

EUNICE  FIELD,  West  Coast  Editor 
TERESA  BUXTON,  Managing  Editor 
LORRAINE  BIEAR,  Associate  Editor 
ANITA  ZATT,  Assistant  to  Editor 


JACK  ZASORIN,  Art  Director 
FRANCES  MALY,  Associate  Art  Director 
PAT  BYRNE,  Art  Assistant 
BARBARA  MARCO,  Beauty  Editor 


TV  Radio  Mirror  is  published  monthly  by  Macfadden  Publications,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Executive,  Adver- 
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Vice  President-General  Manager;  Robert  L.  Young,  Vice  President;  S.  N.  Himmelman,  Vice  President;  Lee  B. 
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Subscription  Rates:  In  the  U.S.,  its  possessions  and  Canada,  one  year,  $3.00;  two  years,  $5;  three  years,  $7.50. 
All  other  countries,  $5.50  per  year.  Change  of  Address:  6  weeks'  notice  essential.  Send  your  old  as  well  as  your 
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Sammy  and  Dino:  Shoot  for  laughs 

Altar-egos:  Andy  Williams,  Claudine — Doug  McClure,  Barbara. 

Gitte   Henning   goes    to   Fabe's    head. 


Connie  Stevens  made  the  clubs  in  N.Y.C.  with 
elder  rock  V  roll  statesman  Elvis  Presley,  then 
returned  to  Hollywood  to  start  a  romance  with,  of 
all  people,  Glenn  Ford!  They  even  hosted  a  holi- 
day party  together.  .  .  .  Lovely  Shirley  Jones, 
after  recovering  from  motherhood,  will  star  in  TV 
version  of  "Brigadoon."  .  .  .  It's  not  Hugh  Downs 
but  Johnny  Carson  who  will  move  into  Jack  Paar's 
show — if,  that  is,  Johnny  can  buy  his  way  out  of  his 
present  contract.  .  .  .  NBC  mighty  proud  of  its 
adaptation  of  the  wonderful  comedy,  "Arsenic  and 
Old  Lace."  Set  for  February  5th,  starring  Boris 
Karloff,  with  Dorothy  Stickney  as  one  of  the 
endearing  but  poisonous  sisters.  .  .  .  Carol  Lynley 
makes  the  TV  scene  in  a  maternity  dress  on  Feb- 
ruary 6th.  (Her  baby's  due  any  date  after  that.) 
Along  with  Cara  Williams,  Dick  Van  Dyke  and 
Dan  Blocker,  she  will  be  featured  in  "The  Ameri- 
can Family,"  comedy  skits  starring  Henry  Fonda. 
The  show  will  make  laughs  about  our  national  pre- 
occupation with  statistics. 

Gardner  McKay  may  have  lost  his  best  girl, 


New  York  fans  crowded  around  Connie  Stevens.  So  did  Elvis — until  crowded  out  by  Glenn  Ford! 

Dolores  Hawkins,  but  he's  found  a  former  one, 
Greta  Chi.  Does  Greta  know  about  Gardner's 
New  Year's  resolution — to  definitely  get  married 
this  year?  .  .  .  Bob  Newhart  romancing  a  N.Y. 
model.  .  .  .  Phil  Silvers  makes  the  news  the  hard 
way — with  an  infected  toe.  .  .  .  Jim  Arness  not 
too  lonely  since  his  marital  split.  The  "Kitty"  in 
his  private  life  is  Nora  Evans.  ...  If  Father  Of  The 
Bride  comes  back  next  season,  which  is  far  from 

a  certainty,  they  will  add  a  baby  to  the  cast. 
Couldn't  do  it  this  season.  A  series  takes  only  six 
months  to  make  and  nature  can't  be  rushed.  .  .  . 

Abbe  Lane  still  suing  NBC  for  an  ankle  injury 
incurred  four  years  ago,  but  the  funniest  legal 
wrangle  of  the  season  concerns  the  same  net- 
work and  one  of  Hollywood's  most  famous  movie 
queens,  Sylvia  Sidney.  She  charges  that  the 
network,  in  advertising  a  Bobby  Darin  show, 
(Please  turn  the  page) 

Who's   doing   the   Twist?    Everybody!   Above,    Cora    Williams.    Below, 
Cesar  Romero  with  Mrs.   Ray  Stark   (she's  Fanny  Brice's  daughter). 


WHAT8    NjW 




referred  to  her  as  the  leader  of  an  "all- 
mother"  harmonica  band  and  that  she 
would  appear  as  such  in  the  show.  She 
didn't  and  claims  she  never  had  any 
intention  of  doing  so.  .  .  .  Stay  home 
the  night  of  February  11th.  CBS-TV 
starts  off  the  evening  with  an  hour 
musical,  "The  Broadway  of  Lerner  and 
Loewe,"  starring  Julie  Andrews,  Rich- 
ard Burton.  Robert  Goulet,  Maurice 
Chevalier,  Stanley  Holloway  and,  of 
course,  Alan  Lerner  and  Frederick 
Loewe.  This  is  followed  by  Theater 
'62  offering  a  TV  adaptation  of  the 
exciting  movie,  "Spellbound."  .  .  . 
Side  comment:  Lerner  and  Loewe  now 
split  as  a  team  and  this  may  be  the  last 
chance  of  seeing  them  together.  Another 
curious  sidenote:  Although  the  Lerner 
and  Loewe  Broadway  shows,  the  last 
two,  have  been  backed  by  CBS-TV  to 
their  profit,  the  TV  show  goes  to  NBC. 

Jane  Fonda  returns  to  Manhattan 
in  April  to  do  a  Broadway  show,  which 
will  make  Tony  Perkins  happy.  .  .  . 
Clu  Gulager  observes,  "It's  amazing 
how  many  things  a  girl  can  do  without 
before  she's  married."  .  .  .  Bus  Stop 
appears  doomed  so  perhaps  Rock  Hud- 
son is  merely  consoling  Marilyn  Max- 
well. All  this  talk  of  a  serious  romance 
is  pure  nonsense.  Absolutely.  .  .  .  The 
19-year-old  beauty  Patty  Harmon, 
hostess  on  the  new  Groucho  Marx  show, 
had  a  funny  thing  happen  to  her  on 
the  way  to  the  studio.  She  lost  her  real 
first  name,  Joy.  Sponsor  Lever  Brothers 
didn't  like  her  bearing  the  name  of  a 
Procter  &  Gamble  "child." 

Bobby  Rydell  twists  with  caution. 
Having  more  bad  luck  these  days  with 
minor  injuries.  After  a  picture  session 
in  Central  Park,  he  rushed  to  the  doc- 
tor's. Got  bit  by  a  squirrel.  Next  time 
he'll  bring  his  own  nuts.  .  .  .  Miss  Show- 
Business  finally  makes  the  scene  Feb- 
ruary 25th.  Judy  Garland,  who  hasn't 
been  seen  on  TV  since  1956,  comes  on 
with  a  big  variety,  assisted  by  Frank 
Sinatra  and  Dean  Martin.  Kay 
Thompson  will  be  creative  consultant. 

Robert  Young  gains  a  son  when 
daughter  Barbara  marries  Tom  Beebe 
this  June.  .  .  .  Rod  Serling  planning 
a  movie  version  of  Twilight  Zone.  .  .  . 
Legit  composer  Gian-Carlo  Menotti 
will  be  among  those  paying  tribute  to 
Louis  Armstrong  on  the  forthcoming 
Ed  Sullivan  special.  Menotti  was  by  the 
great  jazzman's  side  in  Rome  when 
Louis  nearly  died.  .  .  .  Explanation  of 
Pat  Boone's  scarcity  on  the  TV  scene 
explained  by  his  asking  price  for  a  guest 
appearance:  $30,000.  But  Pat  has 
caught  himself  a  plum  in  the  upcoming 

New  York  wants  Edie  Adams,  but 
so  does  Ernie  Kovacs — close  to  him  ! 

film  "Maria."  Nancy  Kwan  will  be 
his  leading  lady.  .  .  .  Ricky  Powell. 
son  of  Dick,  has  turned  over  his  earn- 
ings for  working  on  daddy's  show  to 
the  John  Thomas  Dyes  School,  burned 
to  the  ground  during  the  Bel  Air  fire. 
.  Dick  Powell,  himself,  turning 
philosophical.  He  notes  that  he  doesn't 
like  to  watch  his  old  movies  on  TV. 
commenting,  "I  was  never  that  young 
or  thin." 

When  Cain's  Hundred  was  set  till 
spring,  its  star,  Mark  Richman,  cele- 
brated by  going  to  a  Chinese  restau- 
rant. He  bit  into  a  fortune  cookie,  lost 

half  a  tooth  and  repairs  came  to 
The  message  in  the  cookie?  "You 
have  expensive  tastes."  .  .  .  Imported 
for  "Two  Weeks  in  Another  Town," 
Italian  dish  Rossana  Schiaflnno 
wore  a  full-length  chinchilla  for  the 
"West  Side  Story"  premiere  while  her 
date,  Dick  Chamberlain,  sported  a 
fancy-Dan  tux.  Coming  out  of  the 
theater,  Dick  was  rushed  by  seven  teen 
girls.  Afraid  he  might  lose  his  tux  to 
the  souvenir-collectors,  he  ran  faster 
than  Dr.  Kildare  in  an  emergency.  .  .  . 
They  want  Edie  Adams  in  New  York 
for  the  Today  show,  but  it's  a  mighty 
long  commute  from  her  Hollywood 
home  with  Ernie  Kovacs. 

CBS  bulging  with  mail  protesting  the 
coming  departure  of  Dennis  Weaver. 
Dennis  slated  for  his  own  hour  musical- 
variety  series  in  the  fall.  So  far,  no 
word  on  whether  Marshal  Dillon  will 
get  a  new  deputy  or  try  to  make  it 
without.  .  .  .  Canny  as  well  as  bonny, 
Myrna  Fahey  put  down  her  ticker- 
tape  long  enough  to  buy  a  15-unit  apart- 
ment house.  She  did  it  up  pink  and 
will  manage.  .  .  .  For  Goodness  Sake: 
Why  is  it  so  much  more  enjoyable  to 
be  bad?  When  Eliot  Ness  (Bob 
Stack)  turned  hood  in  a  recent  Un- 
touchables, he  took  wife  Rosemarie  out 
on  the  town  to  celebrate  .  .  .  and  Barry 
Sullivan  got  jealous  and  demanded  a 
reprieve  from  his  goodie  role  in  Tall 
Man  in  order  to  play  a  baddie  in  Tar- 
get: The  Corruptors.  (P.S.  NBC 
wouldn't  give  it  to  him ! )  And  Jeff 
Morrow,  hero  of  Union  Pacific,  chimes 
in  with  this  "for  instance."  A  kid  came 
running  to  his  pal's  shouting,  "I  got 
a  whole  box  of  bombers  for  Christmas." 
Said  a  pal,  "Gee,  now  you  can  bomb  the 
Russians!"  Yelled  the  kid  ecstatically, 
"Russians,  nothin'  .  .  .  now  I  can  bomb 
evvybody ! " 

Since  the  start  of  Dobie  Gillis, 
Dwayne  Hickman  and  Tuesday 
Weld  were  said  to  be  feuding.  So  how 
come  those  dinner  dates  in  dim  dine- 
and-dance  spots?  And  how  come,  when 
Dwayne  came  down  with  the  virus, 
Tuesday  was  on  hand  to  soothe  the 
fevered  brow  on  Mondays,  Wednesdays 
and  Fridays?  .  .  .  Mourns  Brett  Hal- 
sey,  "I  got  to  be  a  success!"  And  let's 
face  it,  he  has  got  to,  what  with  alimony 
to  two  ex-wives,  plus  support  for  three 
kiddies,  and  a  yen  to  get  hitched  again 
to  Debbie  Loew,  ex  of  Tyrone  Power 
and  Nico  Minardos.  .  .  .  Well,  well, 
well!  With  the  help  of  a  forked  willow 
branch,  Barton  MacLane  is  said  to 
have  brought  in  (Continued  on  page  71) 


Midol  acts  three  ways  to  bring 
relief  from  menstrual  suffering. 
It  relieves  cramps,  eases  head- 
ache and  it  chases  the  "blues". 
Sally  now  takes  Midol  at  the  , 
V*  first  sign  of  menstrual  distress.  tS 


'  FREE!    Frank,   revealing    24-page    book  ^ 

explaining    menstruation.    Write    Box    280, 

New  York  18,  N.  Y.  (Sent  in  plain  wrapper.) 

V  : 

Anne  Francis 



Mary  Murphy 

All  About  Anne 

Please  tell  me  what  you  can  about 
the  actress  Anne  Francis. 

P.K.,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Though  pretty;  blue-eyed,  blonde 
Anne  Francis  looks  as  sweet  and  whole- 
some as  the  girl  next  door,  her  on- 
screen roles — both  in  movies  and  on  TV 
— have  been  anything  but  that.  She  has 
played  a  delinquent  teenager,  an  al- 
coholic mistress,  a  gun  moll,  a  woman 
of  intrigue,  and  a  prostitute.  As  a  mat- 
ter of  fact,  she  herself  says:  "I've 
played  a  prostitute  three  times  and, 
each  time,  my  career  has  picked  up 
noticeably."  Anne  has  no  objection  to 
playing  nice-girl  roles,  however,  and 
has  done  such  on  many  TV  shows,  in- 
cluding Twilight  Zone,  Wagon  Train, 
and  The  New  Breed.  ...  A  native  of 
Ossining,  New  York,  she  began  her 
career  as  a  child  model.  By  the  time 
she  was  seven,  she  was  a  regular  on 
radio  and,  at  11,  appeared  on  Broad- 
way. .  .  .  The  actress  married  Bamlet  L. 
Price  Jr.,  a  producer  of  documentary 
films,  in  1952  and  divorced  him  in  1955. 
She  is  now  married  to  Dr.  R.  D.  Abel- 
off,  a  Los  Angeles  dentist. 

Too  Much  Mike 

Dear  Editors: 

How  come  all  we  ever  read  about  is 
Michael  Landon?  Not  that  I  don't  like 
him,  I  do  very  much,  but  I  also  like  the 
other  three  on  Bonanza  and  would  like 
to  read  something  about  them  for  a 

M.A.P.,  Palmyra,  N.J. 

You're  in  luck.  Just  turn  to  page  46. 

Some  Quickies 

/  would  like  to  know  if  Lawrence 
Tierney  and  Scott  Brady  are  the  sarrie 

J.A.E.,  Pontiac,  III. 

Scott  and  Lawrence  are  brothers. 

Please  tell  me  if  Mitch  Miller  is 
married  and  to  whom? 

M.L.R.,  Norman,  Oklahoma 

Mitch  has  been  conducting  a  marital 
duet  with  Frances  Alexander  for  25 
years. — Ed. 

/  know  that  George  Sanders  and  Tom 
Conway  are  brothers,  but  which  one 
uses  the  real  surname? 

M.C.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

George  uses  the  real  family  name. — 

Please  tell  me  how  old  James  Mc- 
Arthur  is. 

V.H.,  Trotwood,  Ohio 

James  is  twenty-three  years  old. — Ed. 

Can  you  please  tell  me  where  and 
when  Lee  Patterson  was  born? 

N.M.B.,  Erie,  Pa. 

Lee  was  born  March  31,  1929,  in 
Vancouver,   B.C.,   Canada. — Ed. 

Meet  Mary 

What  can  you  tell  me  about  the 
actress  Mary  Murphy? 

J.  A.  Z.,  Little  Rock,  Arkansas 

Believe  it  or  not,  pretty  and  vivacious 
Mary  Murphy  was  discovered  for  the 
movies  while  eating  lunch  at  a  Holly- 

wood drugstore  counter!  This  hap- 
pened while  Mary  was  on  a  lunch  break 
from  an  exclusive  Beverly  Hills  de- 
partment store.  Not  long  after,  she 
made  her  debut  in  a  Bob  Hope  picture, 
and  has  gone  on,  since  then,  to  nu- 
merous roles  in  practically  every  tele- 
vision series  and  a  regular  one  on  CBS- 
TV's  The  Investigators.  ...  A  blue- 
eyed  brunette,  Mary  has  two  ambitions 
— to  do  a  Broadway  play  and  "to  see 
the  rest  of  the  world  I  haven't  seen." 
She  likes  ice  skating,  horseback  riding, 
tennis,  swimming,  abstract  painting 
(water  colors  and  oils)  and  reading. 
.  .  .  Mary  received  an  annulment  of  her 
marriage  to  TV  actor  Dale  Robertson, 
whom  she  married  on  June  3,  1956. 

Calling  All  Fans 

The  following  fan  clubs  invite  new 
members.  If  you  are  interested,  write 
to  address  given — not  to  TV  Radio 

Shelley  Fabares  Fan  Club,  Madeline 
Bennett,  2832  Orange  Ave.,  La  Cres- 
centa,  California. 

Norma  Zimmer  Fan  Club,  Frances 
Young,  1604  E.  Susquehanna  St.,  Allen- 
town,  Pa. 

Crosby  Brothers  Fan  Club,  Priscilla 
Koernig,  349  Banks  St.,  San  Francisco 
10,  Calif. 

Mark  Richman  Fan  Club,  Louis  Kief, 
39165  L'Anse  Creuse,  Mt.  Clemens, 

Write  to  Information  Booth,  TV  Radio  Mirror, 
205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.Y.  We  regret 
we  cannot  answer  or  return  unpublished  letters. 


MARCH    1962 

Don  Mills 
Music  Editor 


•  Music  travels  fast — and  far — these 
days.  The  Twist  is  just  as  big  in  France 
now  as  in  the  United  States  .  .  .  Ray 
Charles  is  France's  best  selling  jazz 
artist  .  .  .  Yves  Montand  now  has  his 
own  show  on  Broadway  and  a  batch 
of  highly  popular  LPs  .  .  .  One  of  the 
biggest  hits  last  year  was  "Calcutta" 
.  .  .  Another  big  one  was  "Wooden 
Heart,"  first  a  hit  in  Germany  .  .  .  Bob 
Moore's  "Mexico"  is  a  top  favorite  .  .  . 
Connie  Francis  last  year  had  the  num- 
ber one  record  in  five  or  six  different 
countries  ...  So  did  Ricky  Nelson  and 
Paul  Anka  .  .  .  The  story  of  the  hit 
Broadway  musical  "Milk  and  Honey" 
takes  place  in  Israel  .  .  .  Record  com- 
panies are  sending  their  talent  scouts  on 
world,  or  at  least  European,  tours  .  .  . 
Now  in  England's  top  10  are  Elvis  Pres- 
ley, Bobby  Vee,  Dave  Brubeck  and 
Jimmy  Dean. 

These  facts  all  point  up  the  increas- 
ing global  aspect  of  the  music  business. 
It  certainly  will  affect  the  kind  of  music 
you  will  be  hearing  in  the  years  to  come. 
As  record  companies  become  more  con- 
scious of  the  world  market  for  Ameri- 
can records  and  the  tit-for-tat  popularity 
of  foreign  artists  here,  they'll  release 
more  and  more  "global  flavored"  music. 

Here  is  the  way  one  record  company 
capsules  its  world-wide  strategy:  "The 
rest  of  the  world  is  just  as  important 
to  us  as  our  own  country  and  we  are 
doing  everything  we  can  to  maximize 
the  overseas  market. 

"We  are  working  with  our  artists," 
says  an  official  of  Reprise  Records,  "so 
that  they  will  cut  tracks  in  many  lan- 
guages to  ensure  easy  world  distribu- 
tion. Our  comedians  are  being  asked  to 
record  material  of  universal  signifi- 

Frank  Sinatra,  who  owns  the  Reprise 
label,  is  planning  a  television  spectac- 
ular filmed  in  London,  but  designed 
for  world  screening.  Affiliates  of  Re- 
prise in  different  countries  will  help 
(Please   turn   the   page) 




•  Around  the  TV  and  record  world — 
and  probably  around  yours,  too — the 
cliches  fly  through  the  air  as  though 
they  were  on  a  regular  schedule  and 
jet-propelled.  For  instance,  you  haven't 
seen  a  gent  for  a  couple  of  years,  and 
you  never  did  know  him  very  well. 
Suddenly,  you  meet  again.  The  first 
thing  he  says  is,  "How's  it  going?" 
You  don't  know  exactly  what  it  he's 
talking  about,  so  you  half-smile  and 
say,  "Fine."  He  follows  with  "That's 
good."  Momentous  information  has 
been  exchanged  ...  or  has  it?  All 
these  phrases  are  so  meaningless,  but 
the  one  that  fractures  me  no  little  is 
the  man  who  backs  up  his  opinion 
with,  "You  know  what  they  say."  Who 
they  are  nobody  knows — or  cares. 

Oscar  Wilde  once  said,  "Whenever 
people  talk  to  me  about  the  weather,  I 
always  feel  certain  that  they  mean 
something  else."  He  must  have  had  a 

certain  TV  producer  in  mind  when  he 
wrote  that.  You  can  come  in  from  the 
street  in  20°  weather,  your  eyes  red, 
your  nose  running,  and  that  shaking 
you're  doing  is  not  the  Twist.  This 
creative  genius  hits  you  with  the  ques- 
tion, "Is  it  cold  enough  for  you?" 

It  should  put  the  lid  on  cliches  to 
remember  what  happened  to  another 
Oscar — this  one  named  Levant.  He  was 
greeted  with  "You  look  wonderful." 
Oscar  had  had  a  recent  look  in  the 
mirror,  to  confirm  the  way  he  felt. 
"What  do  you  mean,  I  look  wonderful," 
he  growled.  "I  feel  terrible;  I  haven't 
slept  in  days;  I  ache  all  over  and  my 
doctor  has  me  on  three  kinds  of  seda- 
tion."  His   friend   fled  into   the   night. 

All  of  which  goes  to  say:  Unless 
you're  on  a  psychiatrist's  couch  at  the 
time,  don't  take  a  cliche  lying  down! 

As  the  cliche  goes,  we're  happy  to 
say  Johnny  will  be  with  us  every  month! 


There's  A  World  Of  Music 

{Continued  from  page  9) 

pick  their  top  local  artists  to  be  in- 
cluded in  the  film.  Sinatra  is  also  plan- 
ning to  release  an  LP  of  "Great  Songs 
from  Great  Britain." 

Chubby  Checker  has  been  busy  re- 
recording  the  Twist  in  different  lan- 
guages for  overseas  distribution,  a  fact 
that  may  point  to  a  future  state  when 
record  talent  men  will  ask  a  potential 
artist  if  he's  multi-lingual  before  they 
ask  if  he  can  sing. 

Mercury  Records,  which  is  now 
owned  by  a  European  firm,  Philips,  has 
sent  three  artist-and-repertoire  men  on 
European  tours  in  recent  months.  One 
of  the  artists  they  are  considering  is 
Johnny  Halliday,  top  rock  'n'  roll  singer 
in  France  and  sometimes  called  "the 

Ave  a  go  wiv  the  Busker; 


A  "different"  musical  experience,  to  say 
trie  lesfit 

tol T  10287)— This  LP  offers  tradition- 
al Japanese  instruments  such  as  the 
samisen  and  the  koto  blending  with 
modern  orchestral  arrangements  of 
melodies  that  are  part  of  Japan's  long 

LPM-2267)— Though  she  released  this 
LP  over  a  year  ago,  this  talented  singer 
from  Johannesburg  is  still  the  greatest 
interpreter  of  South  African  music.  In- 
troduced to  this  country  by  Harry  Bela- 
fonte,  she  is  now  a  star  in  her  own  right. 

KOREN  (Capitol  T  10294)— This  cho- 

French  Elvis  Presley."  Mercury  says  it 
plans  to  keep  its  A&R  men  up-to-date 
on  foreign  music  trends  by  allowing 
them  to  view  the  situation  first  hand. 

Reasons  for  the  widening  market 
for  American  recording  artists  are 
many.  Here  are  some:  More  G.I.s  and 
American  tourists  are  in  Europe,  and 
the  Armed  Forces  Radio  Network  airs 
much  popular  American  music,  with 
an  estimated  audience  of  nearly  50 
million.  (And  Soviet  Russia  now  beams 
a  nightly  radio  show  on  AFN's  fre- 
quency after  it  signs  off,  playing  Ameri- 
can records  mixed  in  with  propaganda 
information    from    "Moscow    Molly.") 

American  movies  are  now  given 
world-wide  distribution.  Elvis  Presley's 
"Blue  Hawaii"  movie  is  being  eagerly 
awaited  in  most  foreign  countries  and, 
meanwhile,  sales  of  his  "Blue  Hawaii" 

LP.  from  Norway  to  Australia,  are 

More  -artists  are  making  regional  or 
world-wide  tours.  Bobby  Rydell  is  cur- 
rently on  a  tour  of  the  Far  East  and 
recently  was  scheduled  to  play  in 
Hong  Kong,  one  of  the  few  American 
artists  to  do  so  for  quite  a  while. 

Record  firms  are  not  overlooking  our 
taste  for  music  of  many  lands.  Capitol 
and  RCA  Victor  have  regular  series  of 
international  music.  Smaller  labels  have 
found  it  profitable  to  concentrate  on  the 
music  of  one  country.  Monitor  Records 
has  a  fine  catalogue  of  Russian  folk 
music  and  some  classical  artists,  and 
Fiesta  Records  has  a  well-received 
series  featuring  different  countries,  such 
as  "I  Remember  Greece,"  "I  Remember 
France,"  etc.  In  fact,  most  record  firms 
are  trying  to  include  foreign  music  of 
one  kind  or  another  in  their  list  of 
available  LPs. 

Of  the  new  releases,  here  are  some 
that  give  you  an  idea  of  how  easy  it 
is  to  travel  via  music: 

renos  (Capitol  T  10301) — subtitled 
"Andalusian  Classics  by  Spanish  Gyp- 
sies Recorded  in  Barcelona,"  this  LP 
presents  the  authentic  Spanish  gypsy 
music  we  know  as  flamenco.  All  the  ex- 
citement and  color  of  a  gay  fiesta  is 

(RCA  Victor  FPM  104)— The  Buskers 
are  Cockney  street  singers  and  musi- 
cians, and  their  distinctive  songs,  some 
bawdy,  some  sentimental,  are  still  in- 
telligible to  the  average  American  ear. 

rus  of  about  two  dozen  singers,  ranging 
in  age  from  15  to  25,  are  non-profes- 
sionals who  get  together  for  the  joy  of 
singing.  Their  youthful,  vibrant  voices 
present  some  of  the  lilting,  traditional 
songs  of  Sweden,  melodies  that  can  be 
hummed  in  any  language. 

(Capitol  T  10273)— This  one  goes  back 
to  London  of  an  earlier  day,  with  daffy 
ditties  and  beery  ballads  warbled  by 
six  soloists,  Four  Singing  Waiters,  plus 
a  medley  rendered  by  the  full  com- 
pany! You're  invited  to  join  in,  just 
as  granddaddy  did.  Sort  of  a  "sing- 
along"  of  the  gaslit  era? 

There's  no  limit  to  how  far  you  can 
travel  by  armchair  and  hi-fi  in  the 
world  of  music.  Who  knows,  records 
might  eventually  replace  travel  folders 
for  armchair  globe-trotters. 



Good    news!    Judy   does    it   again. 

Broadway  shows  are  better — or 
at  least  more  popular — than  ever  this 
year.  The  original  cast  albums,  of 
course,  are  almost  guaranteed  best  sell- 
ers. But  this  year  many  record  firms 
are  also  producing  popular  instrumen- 
tal or  jazz  versions  of  the  hit  Broad- 
way musicals.  "How  to  Succeed  in 
Business  Without  Really  Trying"  is 
given  the  big  band  treatment  by  Ray 
Ellis  for  RCA  Victor,  and  a  jazz  ver- 
sion by  the  Gary  McFarland  orchestra 
on  Verve.  Stan  Kenton's  version  of 
"West  Side  Story"  on  Capitol  is  already 
a  hit  LP.  "Kwamina,"  which  folded 
shortly  after  it  opened,  has  been  jazz- 
styled  by  Billy  Taylor  on  Mercury,  and 
similar   treatment   has    been    given   to 

"Milk  and  Honey"  by  Charlie  Shavers 
and  Wild  Bill  Davis  on  Everest.  The 
"Subways  Are  for  Sleeping"  score  by 
Jule  Styne  has  been  jazzed  up  by  Dave 
Gruson  on  Columbia,  and  the  McGuire 
Sisters  have  a  pop  treatment  on  Coral. 

Les  Paul  and  Mary  Ford,  the  popular 
guitar-vocal  team,  have  a  new  LP  in 
the  works  for  Columbia  titled  "Kinda 
Dreamy."  Les  and  Mary  have  been  play- 
ing one-nighters  for  the  last  five  months 
in  the  Midwest  at  rodeos  and  fairs. 
When  they  checked  into  San  Francis- 
co's Fairmont  Hotel  for  an  engagement, 
their  three-year-old  daughter  Colleen 
looked  in  awe  around  the  plush  hotel 
lobby,  finally  said:  "Where're  all  the 

Capitol  is  not  resting  on  Judy  Gar- 
land's laurels.  They've  just  released  a 
follow-up  to  her  smash  "Judy  at  Car- 
negie Hall." 

Keeping  the  record  straight:  Bobby 
Darin  and  Sandra  Dee  said  all  along — 
for  nine  straight  months — that  they'd 
have  a  boy,  and  sure  enough  they  did. 
Named  him  Dodd  Mitchell.  Bobby's  also 
got  a  new  hit  single,  called  "Multipli- 
cation." .  .  .  Shortly  after  ABC-Para- 
mount released  "The  Best  of  Andy 
Williams,"  French  dancer  Claudine 
Longet  married  all  of  him  .  .  . 

Al   Hirt   is   not   only   arranging   the 

theme  song  "Al  Di  La"  for  Warner 
Bros.'  movie,  "Lovers  Must  Learn," 
but  also  co-starring  with  Troy  Dona- 
hue and  Suzanne  Pleshette. 

Ground  swells  indicate  that  the  next 
dance  craze  for  the  younger  set — now 
that  the  Twist  has  been  taken  over  by 
adults — will  be  the  Surfer's  Stomp. 

Newcomer  Timi  Yuro  appeared  with 
Frank  Sinatra  on  his  recent  Australian 
tour.  .  .  .  Look  for  the  next  big  pop 
movie  theme  to  be  "Tender  Is  the 
Night" — over  six  different  versions  have 
been  recorded. 

Singles  records  are  staying  around 
longer  than  they  used  to.  Not  long  ago, 
six  weeks  was  about  the  life  of  a  pop 

Patti  Page  is  still  a  rage — two  ways. 

Music's  easy  for  Les  Paul,  Mary  Ford,  but  a  child's  question  stumps  'em. 

tune,  but  now  12  to  16  weeks  seems 
average.  Chubby's  "Twist"  currently 
has  been  on  the  charts  longest — 30 

Patti  Page,  who  hasn't  had  a  pop 
hit  for  a  spell,  is  pretty  sure  of  a  big 
one  in  her  current  "Go  On  Home"  for 
Mercury.  And  yet,  in  her  second  movie 
assignment,  "Boy's  Night  Out"  for 
MGM,  she  plays  a  straight  dramatic 
role.  .  .  .  Dodie  Stevens  has  a  role  in 
Allied  Artists'  "Reprieve,"  starring  Ben 
Gazzara,  Sammy  Davis  Jr.,  and  Rod 
Steiger.  .  .  .  Elvis'  next  one  is  "Kid 
Galahad"  for  United  Artists. 



\Touir  Monthly   ON    RECORD  Guide? 


•••Andy  Williams'  Best  (Cadence 
3054) — This  is  just  what  the  title  says 
— a  collection  of  Andy's  best  sellers. 
And  an  impressive  group  of  songs  it  is. 
Andy  shows  again  on  this  set  that  he's 
one  of  the  most  accomplished  pop  sing- 
ers around,  appealing  to  both  the  teen 
set  and  adults.  Included  are  "Canadian 
Sunset,"  "The  Bilbao  Song,"  "Butter- 
fly," "Are  You  Sincere,"  "The  Ha- 
waiian Wedding  Song,"  and  seven 


•••The  World  Of  Dorothy  Park- 
er (Verve  15029)— Those  who  have 
not  read  any  of  Dorothy  Parker's  in- 
cisive poems,  phrases  of  dazzling  wit, 
or  short  stories  full  of  compassion  and 
le  mot  juste  should  hurry  to  the  nearest 
bookstore,  and  those  who  have  not 
heard  her  doing  these  things  should 
hurry  to  the  nearest  record  store.  Par- 
ticularly delightful  is  her  reading  of  an 
Esquire  book  review  of  Zsa  Zsa  Gabor's 
as-told-to  autobiography.  A  gem. 


•••Events  &  N.Y.  Export:  Op. 
Jazz,  from  Jerome  Robbins'  "Ballets: 

U.S.A."  (Robert  Prince,  composer) 
(RCA  Victor  LPM-2435 ) —Ballet,  and 
particularly  jazz  ballet,  has  become 
quite    popular    in    the    last    few    years, 

thanks  mainly  to  television.  Foremost 
of  the  TV  choreographers  is  Jerome 
Robbins,  who  has  staged  some  of  the 
biggest  and  best  productions  in  show 
business,  including  "West  Side  Story," 
TV's  "Peter  Pan,"  and  the  Ethel  Mer- 
man—Mary Martin  TV  spectacular  of 
several  years  ago.  The  development  of 
jazz  ballet,  mostly  on  TV,  has  produced 
a  new  music  to  go  along  with  it.  These 
two  exciting  examples  of  it,  composed 
by  Robert  Prince,  for  Robbins'  perma- 
nent ballet  company,  are  what  could  be 
called  pictorial  music:  it's  easy  to  im- 
agine choreography  to  accompany  the 
music.  This  is  contemporary  music,  as 
current  as  today's  newspaper.  In  fact, 
Prince  says  of  "Events"  that  it  de- 
picts the  fantastic  confusion  the  ordi- 
nary day  holds  for  everyone,  "the  total 
effect  is  that  of  reading  the  morning 


•••Closeup  Ir.  Swing,  Erroll  Gar- 
ner (ABC-Paramount  395)— Often  re- 
ferred to  as  an  individualist  in  jazz. 
Erroll  Garner  displays  here  the  reason 
for  this  estimate.  His  creative  genius 
is  poured  into  every  improvisation,  mak- 
ing of  simple  melody  like  "All  of  Me'* 
or  "I'm  in  the  Mood  for  Love"  an  ex- 
tended variation  on  the  theme  that  is 
akin  to  a  symphonic  suite.  And  yet,  as 
the  title  suggests,  he  swings.  Two  of  his 
own  compositions  are  included  here, 
plus  eight  well-known  standards.  Each, 
in  his  hands,  gains  a  special  life  of  its 



••El  Cid,  Miklos  Rosza  (MGM 
E-3977) — All  the  pageantry  and  splen- 
dor of  the  film,  which  deals  with  a 
medieval  Spanish  hero,  has  been  cap- 
tured in  this  superior  musical  score, 
composed  and  conducted  by  Miklos 
Rozsa,  whose  score  for  "Ben  Hur"  won 
an  Academy  Award.  He  is  also  repre- 
sented musically  on  local  screens  by 
"King  of  Kings,"  thus  qualifying  as  an 
epic  expert. 


•••Bob  Gibson  And  Bob  Camp 
At  The  Gate  Of  Horn  (Electra  207) 
— All  kinds  of  wonderfully  strange  and 
nutty  things  seem  to  happen  in  base- 
ment night  clubs,  and  many  of  our  new 
artists,  such  as  Mort  Sahl  and  the  King- 
ston Trio,  have  come  from  these  show 
business  incubators.  Bob  Gibson  has 
been  gathering  a  loyal  following  for  the 
past  few  years  with  his  unusual  mate- 
rial, and  here,  with  Bob  Camp  at  the 
original  Gate  of  Horn  (which  humorist 
Shel  Silverstein  delineates  riotously  in 
the  liner  notes),  Gibson  keeps  the  audi- 
ence laughing  with  some  deliciously 
pungent  satire,  of  folk  singing  as  well 
as  other  aspects  of  our  culture.  "The 
Thinking  Man"  alone  is  worth  the  price 
of  the  album. 

•••Martha  Schlamme  In  Con- 
cert (MGM  E-3978)— Such  a  versatile, 
and  talented  artist  as  Martha  Schlamme 
is  a    joy  to  hear.  Though  she  is  here 


-MC-M<   GREAT! 

~K  tlTS   YOUR    MONEY" 

catalogued  as  a  folk  singer,  her  appeal 
is  much  wider  in  scope — in  fact,  inter- 
national. She  goes  far  beyond  the  aver- 
age folk  singer  in  range  and  appeal  of 
her  material,  and  reworks  every  song, 
be  it  a  song  of  war  sung  in  French, 
Yiddish,  or  Russian,  or  a  love  ballad 
of  a  girl  entranced  by  the  Russian  cav- 
alry or  of  a  girl  who  waters  her  garden 
with  wine.  Her  sense  of  the  dramatic, 
that  is,  her  concern  for  the  meaning  of 
her  songs,  indeed  puts  her  in  a  cate- 
gory all  her  own.  And  her  choice  of 
material  from  many  lands  tends  to 
prove  once  again,  in  song,  that  men  and 
women  have  the  same  concerns — love 
and  death — the  world  over. 

•Connie  Francis  Sings  Folk  Song 
Favorites  (MGM  E-3969)— This  set  of 
tried  and  true  folk  cliches  will  probably 
appeal  to  Connie  Francis  fans,  but  folk 
music  fans  shoirld  look  elsewhere  for  a 
chance  to  broaden  their  musical  hori- 
zons. Selections  range  from  the  trite 
"Oh  Suzanna"  to  the  shop-worn  "On 
Top  of  Old  Smokey." 


••The  Spectacular  Sound  Of  Sou- 

sa,  Paul  Lavalle  (MGM  E-3976)— La- 
valle  has  become  known  as  the  band- 
master of  America,  and  his  faithful 
treatment  of  Sousa's  most  stirring  march 
tunes  will  be  a  treat  for  "march  around 
the  breakfast  table"  fans.  The  recording 
is  high  quality  and  the  coloration  of 
the  brass  comes  through  loud  and  clear. 


•••Keyboard  Giants  Of  The 
Past,  various  artists  (RCA  Victor  LM- 
2585) — Victor  has  dug  into  its  vaults 
and  come  up  with  a  collection  of  its 
great  pianists,  ranging  from  Paderew- 
ski,  recorded  in  1923,  to  William  Kapell. 
1951.  It's  rewarding  to  be  able  to  com- 
pare the  styles  of  these  giants  of  the  past 
on  one  recording.  Included  are  three 
selections  that  have  not  been  available 
before  on  LP — de  Pachmann  recording 
Chopin's  "Impromptu  in  F-Sharp": 
Harold  Bauer  and  Ossip  Gabrilowitsch. 
Arensky's  "Waltz";  and  Mischa  Levit- 
zki  performing  his  own  "Arabesque  Val- 
sante."  A  superior  collection  for  piano- 

•••The  Incomparable  Birgit  Nils- 
son  (RCA  Victor  LM-2578)— This  is 
the  first  time  Madame  Nilsson  has  re- 
corded a  song  recital  and  the  results 
are  excellent.  She  has  chosen  songs  of 
Schubert,  Wagner,  Strauss,  Sibelius  and 
Grieg,  including  his  famous  "I  Love 
Thee,"  to  which  she  seems  to  bring  a 
new  dimension. 


••.  .  .  And  Now  About  Mr.  Ava- 
loh,  Frankie  Avalon  (Chancellor  5022) 
— 21-year-old  Frankie  has  progressed  in 
his  career  and  in  his  singing  compe- 
tence to  be  put  into  the  Popular,  rather 
than  Teen  category.  But  certainly  the 
bulk  of  his  fans  are  still  in  the  younger 
set.  He  projects  a  nice  warm  quality 
here,  singing  with  a  showmanship  ac- 


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quired  by  working  before  night-club 
audiences.  His  voice  does  not  yet  have 
the  power  or  certainty  needed  to  carry 
some  of  the  notes,  but  this  he  may  im- 
prove upon  with  time. 

••Johnny  Tillotson's  Best  (Ca- 
dence 3052) — Johnny  has  had  several 
big  singles  hits  and  this,  his  first  LP. 
should  have  great  appeal  for  his  teen- 
age fans.  He  sings  with  a  clean-cul 
quality  that's  refreshing. 

••Bobby  Vee  (Liberty  3211)  — 
Bobby  is  in  top  form  on  this  set.  He 
sings  his  recent  "Run  to  Him,"  "Walk- 
in'  With  My  Angel,"  and  the  smash 
"Take  Good  Care  of  My  Baby."  He  has 
a  new  sureness  of  tone  and  phrasing 
here  that  shows  he's  gaining  pro 

••$1,000,000  Worth  of  Twang, 
Vol.  II,  Dwayne  Eddy  (Jamie  70-3021) 
— Dwayne's  first  volume  with  this  title 
proved  highly  successful  and  this 
second  set  is  his  best  yet.  He  strides 
right  into  some  of  his  previous  singles 
with  his  driving  guitar  and  rhythm  sec- 
tion. Included  are  "Pepe,"  "Drivin' 
Home"  and  "Gidget  Goes  Hawaiian." 

••This  is  Vic  Dana,  (Dolton  2013) 
— As  soon  as  Vic's  debut  single,  "Little 
Altar  Boy,"  started  to  catch  hold,  Dol- 
ton issued  this  first  LP,  a  collection  of 
ballads  done  with  tenderness  and 
surprising  vocal  control.  Though  this 
LP  is  perhaps  premature,  Vic  Dana  has 
a  future  and  will  be  heard  from  again. 




Jimmy  Dean 

•  Jimmy  Dean's  biggest  hit  to  date  has 
been  "Big  Bad  John,"  which  estab- 
lishes him  once  and  for  all  as  a  pop 
singer  to  be  reckoned  with.  Previously 
he  had  some  success  for  Columbia  Rec- 
ords in  the  country  music  field. 

Born  32  years  ago  on  a  farm  outside 
Plainview,  Texas,  Jimmy  began  his 
musical  career  at  the  age  of  10,  first 
learning  to  play  piano,  then  mastering 
the  accordion  and  guitar.  His  musical 
career  started  when  he  was  in  the  Air 
Force,  filling  in  as  replacement  with  a 
group  of  service  buddies  who  called 
themselves  the  Tennessee  Haymakers 
and  sang  country  songs  during  off-duty 
hours  in  Washington,  D.  C,  base  bars 
for  $5  a  night. 

In  1952  he  was  hired  to  perform  for 
U.  S.  troops  in  the  Caribbean,  after 
which  he  returned  to  Washington  for 
appearances  on  radio  and  TV.  In  1957 
he  had  a  network  TV  show  on  CBS. 

But  his  emergence  as  a  pop  singer 
four  years  later  is  due  partly  to  the 
fact  that  the  record  buying  public  is 
now  accepting  more  country-Western 
artists.  His  Columbia  LP,  titled  "Big 
Bad  John,"  has  proven  to  be  a  big  seller. 
Jimmy's  most  recent  single  release  is 
an  unusual  recitation  which  he  wrote, 
addressed  to  "Dear  Ivan."  Emotion- 
packed  and  in  a  patriotic  vein,  this 
looks  like  another  solid  seller  for  Jimmy. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  Jimmy  Dean, 
after  a  musical  career  that  spans  21 
years,  has  finally  found  his  public. 

mm.  Cm  W4F  W^  mm  !■#' 

^Hottest  LPs!  The  Twist,  with  a  wide  choice  of  LPs  on  the 
market.  Most  notable  are:  The  Twist,  Chubby  Checker  (Parkway 
7001).  Your  Twist  Party,  Checker  (Parkway  7007),  Doin'  the  Twist 
at  the  Peppermint  Lounge,  Joey  Dee  &  His  Starliters  (Roulette 
25166),  For  Twisters  Only,  Checker  (Parkway  7002),  Do  the  Twist 
With  Ray  Charles  (Atlantic  8054).  (Also  see  page  16.) 

On  the  Record's  monthly  survey  of  the  hottest  new  LPs 
and  singles  lists  those  records  showing  the  strongest  sales 
in  retail  stores,  based  on  reports  from  manufacturers, 
distributors,  trade  publications — including  Bill  Gavin 
Record  Reports,  Billboard  Music  Week,  Cashbox,  and 


West  Side  Story,  Sound  Track  (Columbia  OL  5670)— Music  of  the 
film  version  of  this  outstanding  Broadway  musical  continues  to  enthrall. 
Milk  and  Honey,  Original  Cast  (RCA  Victor  LOC  1065)— This  melo- 
dious story  of  American  widows  in  Israel,  the  land  of  milk  and  honey, 
stars  Robert  Weede  and  Mimi  Benzel. 

How  to  Succeed  in  Business  Without  Really  Trying,  Original 
Cast  (RCA  Victor  LOC  1066) — Robert  Morse  stars  in  this  tuneful  spoof 
of  big  business. 

Chubby  Checker— Bobby  Rydell  (Cameo  1013) — Two  of  show  busi- 
ness' hottest  new  artists  team  up  in  a  pro  session  that  moves  along  at  a 
brisk  pace,  showing  off  their  versatility  and  spontaneous  good  humor. 
Sail  Away,  Original  Cast  (Capitol  WAO  1643) — Noel  Coward's  magic 
touch  has  produced  a  musical  that  sails  along  as  long  as  Elaine  Stritch 
is  on  stage. 

Joan  Baez,  Vol.  II  (Vanguard  9094) — A  soft  but  lyrical  voice  gives  full 
meaning  to  some  less  popularized  folk  ballads. 

West  Side  Story,  Stan  Kenton  (Capitol  1609) — An  exciting  Afro-Cuban 
jazz  version  by  the  master  of  progressive  sounds. 

King  of  Kings,  Original  Movie  Music  (MGM  1E2) — The  musical  score 
of  the  Biblical  epic  as  composed  and  conducted  by  Miklos  Rozsa. 
Brothers  Four  Song  Book  (Columbia  CL  1697) — A  bright  and  happy 
sing-along  with  the  quartet  pulling  some  old  chestnuts  out  of  the  fire. 
Best  of  the  Dukes  of  Dixieland  (Audio  Fidelity  1956)— All  the 
familiar  Dixie  tunes  are  here,  served  up  in  rousing  fashion  by  this  un- 
inhibited group. 

Ella  in  Hollywood,  Ella  Fitzgerald  (Verve  4052) — Her  unassailable 
work  is  highly  evident  on  this  session  which  brings  the  art  of  singing  to  a 
point  close  to  perfection. 

Let  There  Be  Drums,  Sandy  Nelson  (Imperial  9159)— This  21-year-old 
drummer,  now  with  a  current  hit  single,  treats  the  drum  like  a  musical 
instrument  that  sings  with  emotion. 

Flower  Drum  Song,  Sound  Track  (Decca  9098) — Music  from  the  movie 
version,  a  pale  copy  of  the  original  Broadway  show,  but  still  full  of  the 
same  delightful  melodies. 

Kean,  Original  Cast  (Columbia  KOL  5720) — The  hit  Broadway  show 
with  Alfred  Drake  starring  in  a  tour  de  force  role  as  the  famed  swash- 
buckling British  actor. 

Time  Further  Out,  Dave  Brubeck  (Columbia  CL  1690) — An  excellent 
followup  to  his  hit  LP,  "Time  Out,"  with  lots  of  surprises  in  store  for 
finger-snappers  and  toe-tappers. 



•  Hottest  Single!  CAN'T  HELP  FALLING  IN  LOVE,  ROCK- 
A-HULA  BABY,  Elvis  Presley  (RCA  Victor)—  From  his  movie  "Blue 
Hawaii"  come  these  two  top  sides,  the  first  a  moving  ballad,  and 
the  second  an  up-tempo  "twist." 


The  Lion  Sleeps  Tonight,  The  Tokens  (RCA  Victor)— The  Wimoweh 
folk  ballad  in  modern  dress  has  universal  appeal,  one  of  Victor's  biggest 
sellers  in  quite  a  while. 

Baby  It's  You,  The  Shirelles  (Scepter) — This  group's  best  effort  in  the 
rhythm-blues  field  since  "Tonight's  the  Night." 

Peppermint  Twist,  Joey  Dee  &  the  Starliters  (Roulette) — Here's  the 
group  from  the  Peppermint  Lounge,  riding  the  crest  of  a  national  pub- 
licity wave. 

When  the  Boy  in  Your  Arms,  Connie  Francis  (MGM) — Another 
warm  vocal  by  this  popular  stylist. 

Unchain  My  Heart,  Ray  Charles  (ABC) — Ray  has  another  hit,  singing 
in  his  inimitable  soulful  way. 

Revenge,  Brook  Benton  (Mercury) — Brook  has  a  liquid,  flowing  way 
with  a  song. 

The  Wanderer/The  Majestic,  Dion   (Laurie) — A  two-sided  hit  for 
this  teen  artist  who's  gained  stature  since  he  went  on  his  own. 
When  I  Fall  in  Love,  The  Lettermen  (Capitol) — A  sound  followup  to 
their  first  smash,  "The  Way  You  Look  Tonight." 

Jambalaya,  Fats  Domino  (Imperial) — This  oldie  gets  good  treatment 
in  Fats'  hands. 

Multiplication/Irresistible  You,  Bobby  Darin  (Atco) — He's  in  the 
groove  for  a  two-sided  hit. 

Pocketful  of  Miracles,  Frank  Sinatra  (Reprise) — A  delightful  song  in 
the  tradition  of  Frank's  charming  "High  Hopes." 

Turn  On  Your  Love  Light,  Bobby  Bland  (Duke) — A  great  shouting 
blues  delivered  a  la  Ray  Charles. 

Dear  Lady  Twist,  Gary  U.  S.  Bonds  (Legrand) — Another  version  of 
the  twist,  served  up  by  this  popular  teen  artist. 

Small  Sad  Sam,  Phil  McLean  (Versatile) — A  very  funny  take-off  from 
Jimmy  Dean's  "Big  Bad  John." 


I  Know,  Barbara  George  (AFO). 

Funny  How  Time  Slips  Away,  Jimmy  Elledge  (RCA  Victor). 

Poor  Fool,  Ike  &  Tina  Turner  (Sue). 

If  You  Gotta  Make  A  Fool  of  Somebody,  James  Ray  (Caprice). 

Norman,  Sue  Thompson  (Hickory). 

A  Little  Bitty  Tear,  Burl  Ives  (Decca) . 

Twist-Her,  Bill  Black's  Combo  (Hi) . 

Flying  Circle,  Frank  Slay  (Swan). 

Letter  Full  of  Tears,  Gladys  Knight  (Fury). 

Do-Re-Mi,  Lee  Dorsey,  (Fury). 

Go  On  Home,  Patti  Page  (Mercury). 

And  Then  Came  Love,  Ed  Townsend  (Challenge). 

Dear  Ivan,  Jimmy  Dean  (Columbia). 

Happy  Jose,  Dave  Appel  (Cameo),  Jack  Ross  (Dot). 

I'm  Blue,  The  Ikettes  (Atco). 

Your  Ma  Said  You  Cried  in  Your  Sleep  Last  Night,  Kenny  Dino 


Surfer's  Stomp,  The  Mar-Kets  (Union). 

Percolator,  Billy  Joe  &  the  Checkmates  (Dore). 

I  Told  the  Brook,  Marty  Robbins  (Columbia). 

Shimmy  Shimmy  Walk,  The  Megatons  (Dodge). 

UP  'N'  COMER: 

Joey  Dee 

•  Joey  Dee's  rapid  rise  to  stardom  is 
due  to  a  Twist  of  fate.  It's  well-known 
to  most  by  now  that  Joey  Dee  and  His 
Starliters  is  the  group  from  the  Pep- 
permint Lounge  in  New  York,  where 
the  Twist  craze  got  its  start. 

Dee  was  born  in  1940  in  Passaic. 
N.  J.  He  has  five  sisters  and  three 
brothers  ranging  in  age  from  17  to  42. 
His  group,  the  Starliters,  consists  of 
Carlton  Latimor,  organist,  age  22;  Wil- 
lie Davis,  drummer,  21 ;  and  Larry  Ver- 
nieri  and  David  Brigati,  both  21  and 
singers  and  dancers.  They've  been  to- 
gether for  three  years,  with  one  year  at 
the  Peppermint  Lounge. 

Signed  with  Roulette  immediately 
after  national  publicity  broke  around 
them,  the  group  now  has  a  top  Twist 
single,  and  their  LP,  "Doing  the  Twist 
at  the  Peppermint  Lounge."  is  also  high 
in  popularity. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  year,  their 
first  feature  film  was  released,  "Hey. 
Let's  Twist,"  which  tells  the  story  of 
how  the  fad  started. 

Two  more  films  are  set  for  Paramount 
and  a  national  tour  will  keep  the  boys 
busy  until  they  return  to  the  Pepper- 
mint Lounge. 

The  21-year-old  singer  also  has  an 
LP  released  on  the  Scepter  label,  which 
ties  in  the  Twist  phenomenon.  Dee  was 
under  contract  to  Scepter  before  the 
Twist  was  discovered  by  Cafe  Society. 

Although  there  has  been  much  com- 
petition from  all  sides  to  cash  in  on  the 
dance  fad,  Joey  Dee  and  Chubby  Check- 
er seem  to  share  the  lead — though  the 
whisper  at  the  Peppermint  Lounge  is 
that  they  don't  really  like  sharing  it.  It's 
a  close  rivalry  that's  making  for  hot 




•  If  two  heads  are  better  than  one, 
two  top  recording  stars  are  also  better 
than  one.  This  was  the  thinking  of 
Cameo-Parkway  Records  when  they 
decided  to  get  their  two  star  performers 
together  in  a  studio  to  cut  an  LP, 
"Your  Hits  and  Mine"   (Cameo  1013). 

The  timing  was  perfect.  Bobby  Ry- 
dell,  who  for  a  long  time  has  been  a 
leen-age  favorite,  was  being  recognized 
as  a  bright  new  talent  for  television  and 
night  clubs.  He  had  appeared  on  the 
Jack  Benny  and  Red  Skelton  shows, 
with  other  shows  in  the  offing,  and  had 
appeared  with  George  Burns  in  his 
night  club  act,  and  broken"  in  his  own 
act  at  New  York's  Copacabana. 

Chubby  Checker,  who  entered  show 
business  imitating  an  established  star, 
Fats  Domino  (in  fact,  patterning  his 
■stage  name  after  him),  had  just  found 
himself  the  center  of  the  biggest  pub- 
licity break  of  his  or  nearly  any  other 
performer's  career.  When  the  Twist 
caught  the  fancy  of  Cafe  Society,  Chub- 
by's  two-year-old  recording  of  it  had  al- 
ready enjoyed  better-than-average  suc- 
cess with  the  teen  set  and  there  still 
seemed  to  be  continuing  interest  in  his 

three  Twist  LPs.  Almost  overnight  (in 
show  business  terms)  Chubby's  Twist 
records  were  the  most  sought  after 
records  around. 

Teaming  two  artists  on  one  record 
does  not  insure  success.  Bobby  Darin 
and  Johnny  Mercer  tried  a  short  time 
ago  and  nothing  happened.  But  Chubby 
and  Bobby,  in  addition  to  having  talent, 
are  both  "hot  properties." 

The  spontaneous  kicks  these  boys  get 
working  together  is  what  makes  their 
joint  effort  such  a  delight.  The  LP  is 
fast-paced,  highly  entertaining  and 
humorous.  The  two  young  performers 
obviously  had  a  ball  recording  it,  as 
they  poke  fun  at  each  other,  imitate 
each  other's  styles  and  deliver  some 
fresh  and  inventive  special  material 
that  should  win  them  new  adult  fans. 

For  these  reasons,  it  is  no  wonder 
that  their  album  has  become  one  of 
the  hottest  LPs  in  record  shops  and 
a  favorite  with  radio  disc  jockeys. 

This  LP  also  points  to  a  trend.  Ex- 
pect a  lot  of  other  record  artists  to  join 
forces  in  coming  months.  The  success 
of  Bobby  and  Chubby  has  not  gone  un- 
noticed in  the  waxworks. 


•  Since  the  Twist  still  dominates  the 
pop  music  scene,  we'd  better  bring  our- 
selves up  to  date  on  the  latest  develop- 

Foremost  is  the  fact  that  Hollywood 
jumped  into  the  act,  with  at  least  three 
movie  firms  racing  to  see  who  could  get 
out  the  first  movie  about  the  Twist. 
Just  under  the  wire  was  "The  Conti- 
nental Twist,"  starring  Louis  Prima  and 
June  Wilkinson.  Paramount's  "Hey, 
Let's  Twist,"  with  Joey  Dee  and  the 
Starliters,  made  it  in  time  to  catch  the 
New  Year  coming  in.  "Twist  Around 
the  Clock,"  with  Chubby  Checker, 
seems  in  no  danger  of  losing  at  the 
box  office,  even  though  it  lost  the  race. 

Night  clubs  throughout  the  country, 
whose  owners  enviously  studied  photos 
of  the  standing-room-only  crowds  at  the 
Peppermint  Lounge,  have  quickly 
turned  to  the  Twist  for  their  salvation. 
Reports  from  all  parts  indicate  that 
Twistin'  clubs  are  doing  their  best 
business  in  years — by  firing  their  ex- 
pensive name  acts,  and  hiring  less  ex- 
pensive and  usually  unknown  rock  'n' 
roll  combos  to  supply  dance  music. 

And  the  record  firms  have  not  been 
idle.  The  initial  rush  of  Twist  LPs  was 
only  the  beginning.  Atco  Records  has 
released  "Twist  with,  Bobby  Darin'" 
(Atco  138),  and  the  Bill  Black  combo 
has  "Let's  Twist  Her"  (Hi  12006). 
There's  also  "Look  Who's  Twistin' 
.  .  .  Everybody!"  by  Oliver  and  the 
Twisters  (Colpix  423),  "Dancing  the 
Big  Twist"  by  the  Ray  Bryant  combo 
(Columbia  1746),  Louis  Prima's  "Doin' 
the  Twist"  (Dot  3410),  "Let's  Do  the 
Twist  for  Adults"  by  Danny  Davis  and 
the  Titans  (MGM  3997),  "Meyer  Davis 
Plays  the  Twist"  (Cameo  1014),  and 
"Twist  with  Steve  Alaimo"  (Checker 

Among  all  the  others,  one  came  up 
with  an  ingenious  "twist,"  called  "Dixie- 
land With  a  Twist"  by  the  Carpetbag- 
gers (Chancellor  5023).  Surprisingly 
enough,  there's  a  refreshing,  swinging 
sound  with  lots  going  on,  carried  off 
with  good  humor. 

And  we  can't  finish  this  brief  survey 
without  mentioning  the  courageous  at- 
tempt of  Coral  Records  to  buck  the 
trend  with  what  should  be  nominated 
as  the  album  most  unlikely  to  succeed 
— "Dance  Along  to  Strict  Tempos  Ap- 
proved by  the  U.  S.  Ballroom  Council," 
Jack  Hensen  and  Ork.  (Coral  75-7387). 




Pupi  Campo 

It  was  a  mild  mid-October  day  and  the  afternoon  sun  filtered  through  the 
open  courtroom  window,  touching  the  judge's  black  robes,  lighting  the  "In 
God  We  Trust"  motto  inscribed  on  the  wall— and  (Continued  on  page  1Z) 


a  Cure  for 

Dr.  Ben  Casey  played  by  Vince  Edwards: 

Without  a  script,  he  may  not  know  a  scalpel  from  a  forceps, 
but  he  makes  a  woman  happy  to  open  her  mouth  and  say 
"Ah!"  Vincent  Edwards  ("I  hate  to  be  called  Vince  but  there's 
nothing  I  can  do  about  it")  is  no  bland,  featureless  performer 
destined  for  screaming  and  fainting  and  grabbing  by  the 
pony-tail  set.  This  is  a  man  for  a  full-blooded  woman — and 
even  other  men  like  him  for  it. 

He's  not  too  young:  Thirty-ish.  He  can  act,  has  twelve  years 
of  professional  experience  to  prove  it.  He's  a  well-muscled 
athlete  of  six-feet-two.  He  weighs  195  pounds.  In  swimming 
trunks  (his  favorite  attire),  Vince  displays  a  chest  like  a 
bearskin  rug.  An  intense  young  man  with  the  direct  gaze  of 
a  neon  sign  underneath  heavy  brows,  Vince  is  handsome  in 
a  kind  of  homely  way — or  vice  versa.  His  nose,  slightly 
dented,  has  a  noticeable  hump  in  the  middle  and  suggests 
familiarity  with  the  boxing  ring.  Luckily,  his  ears  haven't 
suffered  the  cauliflower  fate. 

There  are  those  who  say  that  Vince's  rugged  masculinity 
gives  him  the  look  of  a  younger  and  darker  Burt  Lancaster. 
Abner  Greshler,  Vince's  agent,  agrees:  "Hal  Wallis  brought 
Vince  out  to  the  Coast  as  a  sort  of  threat  or  to  annoy  Burt 
a  little,  since  both  are  similar  types."  (Please  turn  the  page) 

For  this,  you  need  a  medical 
degree?  Betty e  Ackerman  and 
Vince  display  natural  talent 
as  doctors  on  TV's  Ben  Casey. 


What  Ails  Every  Woman 

19      i 

a  Cure  for  What  Ails  Every  Worn 


•»■■«■•«     ■ 

Get  plenty  of  rest. . . 

■         :■ 

Actually,  the  reticent,  rather  mysterious  Mr.  Ed- 
wards is  no  copy  of  anyone.  He's  himself.  There's 
an  electrifying  quality  about  this  man  who  looks 
more  Greek  than  Italian,  a  magnetism  based  on 
virility   rather   than   little-boy-lost   appeal. 

He  is  definitely  not  lost. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  brightest,  most  prom- 
ising year  of  his  life,  he  is  the  same  man  he 
always  was — a  self-confessed  "loner."  But,  of 
course,  since  that  Monday  night  last  October  when 
he  strode  into  view  in  Dr.  Casey's  side-buttoned 
white  jacket — top  button  carefully  unbuttoned, 
ballpoints  lined  up  in  breast  pocket,  stethoscope 
bulging    at   the    hip —    {Continued    on    page    81 I 

good  food.. 






• . ..» 







#  /i#/e  exercise... 

Vinte  Edwards  and  Sherry  Nelson 

/*9fe  of  loving  care 


a  to  for  What  Ails  Every  Woman       __ 






:     I     ' 




-...  ■«■  ■ 



Get  plenty  of' rest... 

Actually,  the  reticent,  ratlier  mysterious  Mr.  Ed- 
wards is  no  copy  of  anyone.  He's  himself.  There's 
an  electrifying  quality  ahout  this  man  who  looks 
more  Greek  than  Italian,  a  magnetism  hased  on 
virilit)    lather   than    littlc-liov-lost    appeal. 

He  is  definitely  not  lost, 

At  the  beginning  of  the  brightest,  most  prom- 
ising year  of  his  life,  he  is  the  same  man  he 
always  was— a  self-confessed  "loner."  But.  of 
course,  since  that  Monday  night  last  October  when 
he  strode  into  view  in  Dr.  Casey's  side-buttoned 
white  jacket— lop  button  carefully  unbuttoned, 
ballpoints  lined  up  in  breast  pocket,  stethoscope 
bulging    at   the   hip  -    [Continued   on   page   81 I 


Vine.  Edward,  and  Slurry  Nation 

good  food... 

lots  of  loving  care 


Dwayne  Hickman  says:  I  ACT  17... 

I  AM  27 


FEEL  like  a  hundred... 

So  would  you  if  you'd  been  through  what  I  have! 

There  are  thirty-three  different  models  of  Dobie 
Gillis  shirts  (Montgomery  Ward,  Sears,  and 
Penney 's)  but  Dwayne  Hickman  shakes  his  head 
at  all  of  them.  None  is  quite  right  with  an  ascot. 
And  if  you  don't  think  ascots  are  important,  then, 
unlike  Dwayne,  you've  never  gone  two  years  be- 
tween love  affairs.  If  you  had,  you'd  know,  like 
Dwayne,  that  anything  is  worth  trying — at  least 

Anyway,  Dwayne  isn't  even  counting  shirts; 
he's  counting  half-hours— five  years  of  them  on 
The  Bob  Cummings  Show,  three  years  of  them 
as  star  of  Dobie  Gillis.  What's  more,  there's  a 
year's  worth  of  half-hours  to  go  on  his  contract. 
And  if  things  go  well — with  Dwayne's  luck,  how 
could  they  do  anything  else — who  knows  how 
much  longer  than  that?  Dwayne  broods  on  it  and 

"My  fans  think  of  me  as  young  and  full  of 
bounce,"  he  says.  "The  fact  is,  I'm  cranky,  care- 
worn and  exhausted.  I  never  even  wanted  to  be 
on  television,  and  now  when  I  count  the  half- 
hours  on  the  screen,  I'm  the  oldest  man  on  TV." 
Then  he  gives  you  (Continued  on  page  68) 

I'm  the 

man  on 





no  MB.  AS  B1U  A  SURPRISE 




The  first  hint  that  the  end  was 
near  came  when  it  seemed  Fabian 
had  lost  his  voice.  His  manager, 
Bob  Marcucci,  was  having  the  same 
trouble.  At  any  rate,  neither  would 
talk  .  .  .  and  no  one  could  blame 
them.  It  was  a  hard  thing  to  say 
and,  when  the  announcement  final- 
ly came,  it  was  as  though  both  had 
choked  on  the  words.  There  was 
just  the  bare  statement  of  fact — 
it  was  all  over  between  Fabian  and 
Bob;  they  had  definitely  split. 

Why?  As  we  questioned  both 
camps,  we  found  an  aura  of  pain- 
ful sadness  that  begged  silently  for 
sympathy  and  understanding.  Fa- 
bian and  Bob  have  both  been  deep- 
ly hurt. 

This  is  not  just  an  everyday 
business  farewell,  and  it  adds  up 
to  more  than  just  a  cool  handshake 
and  the  shreds  of  a  contract  blown 
every  which  way  by  the  winds. 
From  the  very  start,  this  was  not 
the  usual  partnership  between  per- 
former and  manager.  Between  Fa- 
bian and  Bob  Marcucci,  there  was 
none  of  those  brisk,  computer-like 
wheelings  and  dealings  where  a 
•lynx-eyed  front  man  milks  a  hot 
property  for  their  mutual  profit — 
and  there  (Continued  on  page  77  I 


El  ' 






The  first  hint  that  the  end  was 
near  came  when  it  seemed  Fabian 
had  lost  his  voice.  His  manager. 
Bob  Marcucci,  was  having  the  same 
trouble.  At  any  rate,  neither  would 
talk  ...  and  no  one  could  blame 
them.  It  was  a  hard  thing  to  say 
and,  when  the  announcement  final- 
ly came,  it  was  as  though  both  had 
choked  on  the  words.  There  was 
just  the  bare  statement  of  fact- 
it  was  all  over  between  Fabian  and 
Bob;  they  had  definitely  split. 

Why?  As  we  questioned  both 
camps,  we  found  an  aura  of  pain- 
ful sadness  that  begged  silently  for 
sympathy  and  understanding.  Fa- 
bian and  Bob  have  both  been  deep- 
ly hurt. 

This   is   not  just   an   everyday 
business  farewell,  and  it  adds  up 
to  more  than  just  a  cool  handshake 
and  the  shreds  of  a  contract  blown 
every  which   way   by  the   winds. 
From  the  very  start,  this  was  not 
the  usual  partnership  between  per- 
former and  manager.  Between  Fa- 
bian and  Bob  Marcucci,  there  was 
none  of  those  brisk,  computer-like 
wheelings  and   dealings  where  a 
•lynx-eyed  front  man  milks  a  hot 
property  for  their  mutual  profit — 
and  there  (Continued  on  page  77) 



Jo  Ann  Castle's  advice  to  wives  who  want  love 

Jo  Ann  Castle  couldn't  believe  her  ears.  She  had  been 
a  bride  for  exactly  two  weeks,  yet  here  was  her  brand-new 
husband  telling  her  off!  Of  course,  he  was  a  camera  en- 
gineer for  ABC-TV  and  presumably  knew  all  about 
photographic  angles — but  did  that  give  him  the  right  to 
say  such  things  about  her  curves? 

Dean  Hall  was  saying,  in  loving  but  positive  tones, 
"Honey,  now  that  we're  married,  you're  going  to  have 
to  reduce.  You're  twenty  pounds  too  heavy." 

Jo  Ann  listened,  open-mouthed.  He  went  on,  "It  isn't 
good  for  you  physically  or  professionally.  Here's  the  card 
of  a  man  who's  done  wonders  for  some  people  at  the 
station.  I  want  you  to  call  him.  Now." 

Meekly,  she  took  the  card,  phoned  Dr.  Douglas  Chad- 
ney's  office — and  made  an  appointment  for  that  very 
afternoon.  "Good  girl,"  said  Dean.  He  added,  with  a 
grin,  "In  a  way,  it's  all  my  fault,  I  guess." 

And,  in  a  way,  it  was. 

Jo  Ann's  weight  problem  started  in  the  late  summer 
of  1960.  Until  that  time,  both  her  prospects  and  her  person 
had  been  in  great  shape.  For  a  year,  she'd  been  a  regular 
on  Lawrence  Welk's  enormously   (Please  turn  the  page) 








It  was  Dean  Hall's  idea  his  wife  should  reduce  .  .  .  Jo  Anns  idea  that  working  on  the  new  home  could  help  take  off  weight. 

Hip,  hip,  away!  A  new  and  slenderizing  slant  on  housework. 

This  chimney-sweep  looks  for  glamour,  not  soot. 

The  Halls  find  that  measuring  windows  takes  off  more  inches  than  the  Twist. 

Ballet  for  one  window-cleaner. 

popular  Saturday  show  on  ABC-TV,  playing  honky-tonk  piano  and  appear- 
ing in  production  numbers.  She  had  acquired  a  sharp  wardrobe  and  was 
buying  a  red  Jaguar.  At  twenty-one,  she  was  lovely  to  look  at,  delightful  to 
listen  to,  refreshing  to  know.  Professionally,  she  was  successful.  Socially,  her 
crowd  of  boyfriends  was  as  thick  as  Los  Angeles  traffic. 

Then,  one  brilliant  September  day,  Jo  Ann  and  several  other  members  of 
the  Welk  "stock  company"  strolled  over  to  the  studio  cafe  for  a  cup  of 
coffee.  A  cameraman  from  ABC-TV  stopped  at  Jo   (Continued  on  page  79) 

i  i 

Down  with  pounds — though  Jo  Ann  recommends  a  larger  brush  for  stairs. 

Bending  over  backward  can  help! 


George  Maharis  regarded  his  dark,  hard-skinned  hands  much  as 
though  he  were  seeing  them  for  the  first  time.  He  turned  the  palms 
up  and  studied  them  for  another  moment.  "My  hands  lie  about  me," 
he  said  quietly.  "I  mean,  they  lie  about  my  insides." 

He  looked  back  at  his  hands.  "You  know,  people  judge  you  by 
your  hands,"  he  said.  "They  set  you  up  as  this  kind  or  that  kind  of 
person.  I  never  do  that.  I  won't  make  the  same  mistake  about  others 
that  they  do  about  me.  Most  people  peg  me  wrong.  But,  from  what 
they  have  to  look  at,  I  don't  blame  them. 

"I  was  meant  to  be  another  kind  of  guy,  but  I  have  to  live  a  dif- 
ferent outer  image.  I'm  just  beginning  to  realize  that.  People  say 
I'm  direct.  I  want  to  be  tactful.  People  say  I'm  tough.  I  want  to  be 
tender.  People  say  I'm  a  diamond  in  the  rough."  He  laughed.  "You 
know— I'd  like  to  be  a  diamond  in  the  smooth?" 

He  stared  out  the  window.  "Not  long  ago,  I  met  a  girl  who  turned 
me  inside  out.  All  I  had  to  do  was  look  at  her  and  my  heart  pounded 
and  my  mind  felt  like  it  was  on  a  merry-go-round. 

"She  wasn't  Hollywood-beautiful,  but  she  was  more  attractive  to 
me  than  most  of  the  glamour  girls.  I  wanted  to  know  her,  to  under- 
stand her.  The  thought  even  entered  my  mind  that  I  could  love  her. 
I  wanted  to  touch  her  and  feel  her  warmth  and  get  that  great  elec- 
tricity. Yet  I  wanted  her  to  feel  the  same  way.  That  half-a-love-is- 
better-than-none   baloney   is    not    for   me.    (Please  turn  the  page) 






George  laughs — 
with  Dad  and  Mom 
— but  says  that's 
fatal  when  making 
love  to  a  girl! 



Anyhow,"  George  remembers,  "I  played  it  cool.  I 
knew  what  she  expected  of  me.  The  rough,  tough, 
fast-working  bachelor  who's  out  to  make  it  with 
every  girl  he  meets — and  the  more  he  can  make  in  a 
week,  the  better.  I  surprised  her,  I  thought.  I  took  it 
easy  after  I  met  her.  I  touched  her  and  got  the  volt- 
age. I  put  my  arms  around  her  and  felt  her  body. 
That's  a  great  moment,  isn't  it?  When  a  girl  you're 
crazy  about  responds. 

"Things  went  along  pretty  well,  but  our  emotions 
were  building.  Every  time  we  dated,  it  became  more 
and  more  difficult  to  keep  our  heads.  Finally,  one 
evening,  we  both  realized — without  saying  a  word — 
that  we  could  stand  it  no  longer.  She  invited  me  to 
her  apartment.  My  heart  almost  jumped  out  of  my 
chest  and  my  head  was  reeling.  She  smiled  at  me  as 
she  opened  the  door.  We  went  in. 

"The  first  thing  that  hit  me  was  the  white  carpet, 
wall-to-wall,  in  every  room.  Every  square,  inch  of  that 
apartment  floor  was  white!  I  flipped. 

"I  said,  T  want  to  take  off  my  shoes.  Okay?'  She 
said  okay.  I  walked  around  and  trotted  from  one 
room  to  another  in  my  bare  feet.  It  was  the  most  lux- 
urious sensation  I've  ever  experienced  with  a  girl. 

"Then  I  said,  'You  know,  it's  like  walking  around 
on  a  hundred  dead  polar  bears.'  She  looked  at  me  as 
though  I  had  said  something  dirty.  'Get  out!'  she 
hollered.  'Get  out  of  this  apartment!  Get  out!' 

"She  picked  up  my  socks  and  shoes,  shoved  them 
at  me  and  pushed  me  out  the  door  and  locked  it.  And 

in  the  silence  that  followed  the  slam,  I  heard  her — 
very  faintly — crying."  Maharis  paused  and  shrugged 
in  a  confusion  that  still  bugged  him.  "Can  you  imag- 
ine that?"  he  asked.  "The  only  thing  I  can  figure  out 
is  that  she  loved  polar  bears! 

"Maybe  my  mistake  was  being  flippant.  I  guess  the 
worst  thing  you  can  do  with  a  girl,  when  her  emo- 
tions are  aroused,  is  to  be  funny.  It  ruins  everything 
— instantly.  Perhaps  if  I  had  said  that  the  white  car- 
pet made  me  feel  I  was  walking  on  clouds  in  a 
beautiful  dream,  there  might  have  been  a  different 
story  to  tell.  .  .  .  What  I  mean  is  that,  so  often,  when 
you  try  to  be  honest,  you  get  in  trouble — or  lose  a 

"Hell,  I  started  in  show  business  by  being  a  wise 
guy.  I  wanted  to  be  a  singer  then.  I  walked  the  streets 
of  New  York,  auditioning  for  managers  who  ignored 
me  after  the  first  note.  I  had  a  voice  like  steel. 

"One  tired  afternoon,  I  went  to  a  theater  where 
they  were  trying  out  male  singers  for  the  chorus  in  a 
musical.  I  sang  a  few  bars,  as  everyone  else  did.  The 
guy  who  was  listening  turned  me  down  without  even 
looking  up.  He  said,  'Sorry — next.' 

"I  hung  around  anyhow.  About  forty-five  minutes 
later,  he  stood  up  and  said,  'Now  all  of  you  who  were 
accepted,  step  forward.'  You  guessed  it — I  stepped 
forward  and  got  a  job." 

The  confusion  which  Maharis  admits  suffering  is  a 
bewilderment  only  George  himself  imagines.  His  fans 
consider  him  one  of  the   (Continued  on  page  88) 


aX^Ientrne  for JadcBeiW 




















I  wort  tell  you  how  much  this  Valentine  cost 
juu,  you  re  worth  every  penny! 


•  •  uwucu  d  nne.' 

erses  you  read  here  are  Veafly  all  mine 
For  flowery  phrases  r*  ,itt,e  ^    m,"e- 


Jw  r'»gW  ear  »  ^q*. 


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CD        43        '"M 

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Are  Peter  &The  Wolf 

.^'~  k  Hurting  The  Kennedys* 

Above:  Pres.  and  Mrs.  John  F.  Kennedy  in  the  open 
air.  Below:  Clan  leader  Frank  Sinatra  and  Peter 
Lawford — J.F.K.'s    brother-in-law — in    night    club. 

■J  m 

No  memo  has  been  issued  on 
White  House  stationery.  No 
edict  has  been  promulgated. 
No  secret  conferences  have 
been  held  in  smoke-filled  rooms. 
No  cabinet  meetings  have  been 

But  one  thing  is  certain. 

Somehow,  somewhere,  some 
time  ago,  the  Clan  led  by  foot- 
loose and  fancy-free  Frank 
Sinatra  received  an  informal 
request  from  the  nation's  capi- 
tal. It  was:  To  avoid  making 
big,  black  headlines  which 
might   in   any  way  reflect  on 

{Continued  on  page  90  ) 









It  started  Innocently. . . 
no  one  could  have 
guessed  it  would 
end  in  heartbreak 
and  headlines. 

For  the  real  story 

behihd  the  breakup,' 

please  turn  the  page  m 


Madlyn  Rhue 

After  18  happy  years,  George  was  suddenly  linked  with  other  women 


George  was  a  very  devoted 
husband  in  the  early  years. 

In  1954,  Jody  was  adopted  into 
the  seemingly   enchanted  circle. 

It  had  been 
a  good  life . . . 

a  good  love . . . 

//  should  have 
lasted  forever 

A  story  you  wouldn't  expect .  .  .  one  to  read  after  a 
bone-tiring  day  . . .  when  even  a  bed  looks  too  hard ! 

They  call  him  Perpetual  Motion.  The  Dynamo.  Mr.  Energy.  The 
Atomic  Blast.  Mr.  Nuclear  Fission.  But  it  all  adds  up  to  the  same 
thing.  Put  him  in  front  of  a  camera  and  mike,  or  on  a  stage — 
TV,  radio,  Broadway,  Atlantic  City,  Miami  Beach,  anywhere 
— and  it's  go,  go,  go!  The  man  seems  tireless.  The  round  black 
eyes  throw  off  sparks.  The  dark  head  tosses.  The  arms  circle 
constantly.  The  feet  are  never  still. 

Yet  the  odd  thing  about  Bert  Parks  is  that,  at  heart,  he's  no 
exhibitionist.  At  a  party,  he  can  be  the  quietest  man  in  the  room. 
He  sits  on  the  sidelines  and  watches,  enjoying  what  the  other 
fellow  is  doing.  Even  Bert's  laughter  (Continued  on  page  83) 


Tbis  is  Mu 



Lome  Greene  and  his  bride 
drink  a   honeymoon   toast. 


'        *"■'..•■- 

Shhhhh!  We  re  Married 

The  whole  town  buzzed.  Until  the  very  moment  Lome  Greene  and  Nancy  Anne  Deale  applied  for 
their  b'cense  in  Santa  Monica  last  December,  Hollywood  hipsters  hadn't  even  known  that  the 
46-year-old  star  of  Bonanza  was  romantically  interested  in  the  pretty  28-year-old  actress. 
Now,  suddenly,  it  was  being  whispered  that  they'd  been  deeply  in  love  for  at  least  two 
years,  and  planning  their  wedding  for  months.  Why  all  the  secrecy?  Was  it  the 
difference  in  age?  After  all,  that  wasn't  as  great  as  in  some  other  highly  pub- 
licized filmland  marriages,  such  as  Debbie  Reynolds  and  Harry  Karl! 
Was  it  the  failure  of  Lome's  earlier  marriage,  back  in  To- 
ronto?   But  that —    {Continued  on   page  89) 



Shhhhh!  Were  Married 

The  whole  town  buzzed.  Until  the  vprv  ™„„     *  i 

46.y„,old  s,„  of  Bon™.  w„  ZT^  ^^  T       "''  ""  '""  ""'  "» 

g      Alter  all,  that  wasn  t  as  great  as  ,n  some  other  highly  pub- 
hczed  filmland  marriages,  such  as  Debbie  Reynolds  and  Harry  Karl- 
Was  it  the  failure  of  Lome's  earlier  marriage,  back  in  To- 
ronto?   But  that-    (Continued  on  page  89) 


Lome  Greene  and  his  bride 
drink  a  honeymoon  toast. 


From  left:  On  couch— Kathy,  Peggy,  "Sis"  and  Chris,  Bill  and  Annie,  Mimi,  "DeeDee,"  Janet.  Floor— Joey,  Billy,  Danny,  Pat. 

Homework  for  everybody!   Sis  even  finds  time  to  help  the   singing  Lennon  Sisters  (Peggy,  Kathy,  Janet)   with  their  clothes. 


Well,  read  my  story — I  keep  house 

for  more  people  than  I  can  keep 
track  of  •  by  I  sa  belle  "Sis"  Lennon 

Just  let  me  list  the  members  of  our  family: 
Bill  Lennon,  father  of  eleven.  Isabelle  Lennon — 
I'm  usually  called  "Sis" — mother  of  eleven.  (We 
have  had  twelve  children,  but  Mary,  born  in  1948, 
died  as  an  infant.)  Diane,  called  "DeeDee,"  now 
married  to  Richard  Gass;  Peggy,  born  in  April, 
1941;  Kathy— August,  1943;  Janet— June,  1946; 
Danny — February,  1950;  Pat — November,  1951; 
Bill  Jr.— July,  1954;  Mimi— October,  1955;  Joey- 
May,  1957;  Anne — January,  1959;  and  Chris — 
March,  1960. 

DeeDee  and  her  husband  have  their  own  home  but, 
happily  for  us,  seem  to  be  in  and  out  of  our  house 
almost  as  much  as  the  unmarried  children.  "Ex 
officio"  members  of  our  household  include  Kay 
Esser,  who  is  in  charge  of  the  girls'  wardrobe  for 
The  Lawrence  Welk  Show,  {Continued  on  page  84) 

With  the  second  shift  off  to  school,  Si6  settles  down  to  her   chores — with   the  "assistance"  of   strictly   non-orphan   Annie. 



Bob  Cummings  has  been  blasted  in  recent  headlines  which  have  nothing  to  do 
with  Hollywood  stardom.  The  stories  themselves  report  the  U.S.  Government's 
seizure  of  certain  vitamin-mineral  products  and  sales  promotion  material,  on 
charges  of  misrepresentation  in  the  prevention  or  treatment  of  disease.  But  the 
big  type  has  focused  on  Bob,  as  an  officer  of  the  parent  company  and  as  author 
of  "Stay  Young  and  Vital."  We  are  proud  that  Bob  has  chosen  TV  Radio 
Mirror  to  present  his  side  of  the  controversy. — The  Editors 

"I've  never  felt  so  hurt — they've  hit  me  where  I  live."  Bob  Cummings'  still 
young  and  vital  features  were  creased  with  distress  as  he  spoke.  His  open  hand 
lay  across  the  newspaper  story  about  a  Government  crackdown  against  one  of 
the  distributors  for  Nutri-Bio  Corporation.  Bob,  as  vice-president  of  the  com- 
pany, had  been  singled  out  in  all  the  headlines  dealing  with  the  allegations 
of  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration  that  the  food  supplements  were  being 
promoted  with  false  claims. 

"Look  here,"  he  said,  "I've  spent  almost  a  lifetime  building  up  my  credit 
with  the  American  people.  If  I've  had  any  success  at  all,  it's  because  they  like 
me,  because  they  believe  in  me.  And  up  to  now,  they've  had  no  reason  to  doubt 
that  the  word  of  Bob  Cummings  was  as  good  as  gold.  (Continued  on  page  65) 






TaLIs  wl 


Bob  Cummings  has  been  blasted  in  recent  headlines  which  have  nothing  to  do 
with  Hollywood  stardom.  The  stories  themselves  report  the  U.S.  Government's 
seizure  of  certain  vitamin-mineral  products  and  sales  promotion  material,  on 
charges  of  misrepresentation  in  the  prevention  or  treatment  of  disease.  But  the 
big  type  has  focused  on  Bob,  as  an  officer  of  the  parent  company  and  as  author 
of  "Stay  Young  and  Vital."  We  are  proud  that  Bob  has  chosen  TV  Radio 
Mirror  to  present  his  side  of  the  controversy.— The  Editors 
"I've  never  felt  so  hurt-they've  hit  me  where  I  live."  Bob  Cummings'  still 
young  and  vital  features  were  creased  with  distress  as  he  spoke.  His  open  hand 
lay  across  the  newspaper  story  about  a  Government  crackdown  against  one  of 
the  distributors  for  Nutri-Bio  Corporation.  Bob,  as  vice-president  of  the  com- 
pany,  had  been  singled  out  in  all  the  headlines  dealing  with  the  allegations 
of  the  Food  and  Drug  Administration  that  the  food  supplements  were  being 
promoted  with  false  claims. 

"Look  here"  he  said,  "I've  ,pe„,  ,lmost  .  lifetime  um 
w„h  he  Ame„c„,  pe„p,e.  „  ,Ve  had  any  TOS  „  all,  it,  hJK  ££ 

w„,d  of  Boh  C,„„„„gs  „a«  as  good  „  g„ld.  {Cmbmed  „„  page  a) 



*  • 




You  never  know  what  love  can  do,  but  when  you  welcome  Our  Five  8 



*  ^F* 

Like  many  sisters  throughout  the  land,  the 
five  in  this  new  TV  family  are  as  different 
from  each  other  as  night  and  day.  Completely 
individual,  unlike  in  looks,  temperament  and 
talents,  as  well  as  age!  But  they  are  bound 
together  by  that  strongest  of  ties :  Love.  Their 
mutual  devotion — even  in  the  midst  of  those 
personal  disagreements  which  can  sometimes 
split  even  the  closest  family — helps  them  to 
surmount  all  problems.  And  problems,  of 
course,  are  inevitable  ...  in  a  TV  daytime 
drama,  as  in  life  itself.  But,  first,  we'd  better 
introduce  you  to  the  Lee  family,  as  seen  on 
Our  Five  Daughters  over  NBC-TV,  Monday 

through  Friday,  3:30  to  4  P.M.  EST.  From 
left  to  right,  they  are:  Mary,  27;  Barbara, 
25;  their  mother  Helen  and  father  Jim; 
Anne,  16;  Marjorie,  18;  and  Jane,  23.  .  .  . 
Anne  is  still  in  high  school,  struggling  with 
typical  teen-age  problems  in  class,  at  home, 
and  in  her  budding  social  life.  Marjorie  is 
already  the  cute  coquette,  popular  with  boys, 
aware  that  she  can  have  what  she  wants  from 
life  by  using  her  charm.  Jane  is  the  serious 
one,  the  family  "brain,"  who  has  no  time  for 
boyfriends  and  only  one  goal:  To  hang  up 
her  shingle,  now  that  she  has  her  law  de- 
gree. Barbara  is  her  (Please  turn  the  page) 

daughters  into  your  home  and  life,  you'll  be  a  lot  closer  to  finding  out 



You  never  know  what  love  con  do,  but  when  you  welcome  Our  W 

Like  many  sisters  throughout  the  land,  the 
five  in  this  new  TV  family  are  as  different 
from  each  other  as  night  and  day.  Completely 
individual,  unlike  in  looks,  temperament  and 
talents,  as  well  as  age!  But  they  are  bound 
together  by  that  strongest  of  ties:  Love.  Their 
mutual  devotion — even  in  the  midst  of  those 
personal  disagreements  which  can  sometimes 
split  even  the  closest  family — helps  them  to 
surmount  all  problems.  And  problems,  of 
course,  are  inevitable  ...  in  a  TV  daytime 
drama,  as  in  life  itself.  But,  first,  we'd  better 
introduce  you  to  the  Lee  family,  as  seen  on 
Our  Five  Daughters  over  NBC-TV,  Monday 

through  Friday,  S:M)  to  4  P.M.  EST.  From 
left  to  right,  they  are:  Mary,  27;  Barbara, 
25;  their  mother  Helen  and  father  Jim; 
Anne,  16;  Marjorie,  18;  and  Jane,  23.  .  .  . 
Anne  is  still  in  high  school,  struggling  with 
typical  teen-age  problems  in  class,  at  home, 
and  in  her  budding  social  life.  Marjorie  is 
already  the  cute  coquette,  popular  with  hoys, 
aware  that  she  can  have  what  she  wants  from 
life  by  using  her  charm.  Jane  is  the  serious 
one,  the  family  "brain,"  who  has  no  time  for 
boyfriends  and  only  one  goal:  To  hang  up 
her  shingle,  now  that  she  has  her  law  de- 
cree. Barbara  is  her  (Please  turn  the  page) 

daughters  into  your  home  and  life,  you  V  be  a  lot  closer  to  finding  out 




mother's  image — solid  and  reliable;  she  has  good 
sense,  good  looks,  a  good  job  and  excellent  marriage 
prospects!  Mary,  the  eldest,  is  the  only  Lee  girl 
who's  married  .  .  .  thus  far.  Her  husband  is  Don 
Weldon,  a  young  advertising  executive,  and  they're 
looking  forward  to  the  arrival  of  their  first  child. 
Getting  together  a  cast  with  such  divergent  tastes 
and  interests  was  a  Herculean  task  for  all  connected 
with  the  new  serial  drama.  Our  Five  Daughters  was 
months  in  the  making,  before  it  replaced  From  These 
Roots  on  the  network.  Actually,  it's  been  a  full  two 

Helen  and  Jim  Lee:  Realism  and  romance  are 
blended  in  their  TV  lives — as  in  your  oivn. 

years  since  the  idea  first  struck  sparks.  Created  by 
Robert  Aaron — who  directs  NBC-TV's  daytime  pro- 
graming— Daughters  was  turned  over  to  producer 
Eugene  Burr  and  director  Paul  Lammers,  both  of 
whom  worked  on  its  dramatic  predecessor. 

Burr  explains:  "I  usually  fight  'type  casting'  like 
mad.  But  it's  a  fact  of  TV  life  that,  in  a  serial,  you 
have  to  bow  to  it,  to  a  certain  extent.  In  day  after 

day  appearances,  even  the  best  actor  cannot  help 
but  let  his  own  personality  come  through.  On  a  single 
show,  he  may  achieve  a  great  characterization  com- 
pletely different  from  his  own  personality.  But  just 
let  him  try  that,  on  a  daily  serial  which  may  run 
for  years,  and  bits  and  pieces  of  himself  are  bound 
to  show.  So  we  chose  our  people  carefully." 

With  this  in  mind,  it's  intriguing  to  follow  those 
chosen,  as  their  own  lives  and  temperaments  become 
interwoven  with  a  fresh,  exciting  story,  day  after 
day.  Some  are  familiar  faces;  others  may  be  new 
to  daytime  audiences.  For  the  record,  here  is  the 
roll  call:  Jacquie  Courtney  as  Anne  .  .  .  Iris  Joyce 
as  Marjorie  .  .  .  Nuella  Dierking  as  Jane  .  .  .  Patricia 
Allison  as  Barbara  .  .  .  Wynne  Miller  as  Mary. 

And,  if  you  think  their  TV  mother,  Helen  Lee, 
looks  loveliest  of  all,  you  have  an  eye  for  beauty 
and  a  memory  for  movies  of  yesteryear  .  .  .  she's 
silent-film  queen  Esther  Ralston!  Father,  too,  will  be 
recognized  by  Broadway  playgoers  and  TV  viewers 
.  .  .  truck-dispatcher  Jim  is  handsome  Michael  Keene. 
Rounding  out  a  distinguished  roster  are  Robert  W. 
Stewart  (previously  seen  on  From  These  Roots)  as 
Uncle  Charlie,  and  Ben  Hayes  as  Mary's  husband. 

All  together,  and  with  the  many  characters  who 
inevitably  touch  their  lives,  they  act  out  a  story 
producer  Burr  believes  will  be  a  welcome  departure 
from  what  he  considers  the  two  basic  types  of  serial 
so  far:  "We  are  trying  to  go  up  the  middle  .  .  . 
between  the  saccharine  and  the  melodramatic.  There's 
a  place  for  all,  but  it's  this  third  type  we  want  to 
do  in  Our  Five  Daughters.  We're  going  after  reality." 
He  reminded  us  that,  in  the  opening  episode,  Jim 
met  with  an  accident  which  incapacitated  him.  "This 
is  the  thing  every  woman  within  a  certain  income 
bracket  fears  every  day  of  her  life,  consciously  or 
unconsciously.  She  asks  herself,  What  will  we  do 
if  this  family's  husband  and  father  gets  hurt  or  ill? 
She  can  sympathize,  identify,  and  understand.  She 
can  see  something  of  herself  in  Helen's  situation." 
Identification,  entertainment,  quality.  Add  to  these 
a  storyline  which  can  dart  in  any  direction  in  which 
five  lively  sisters  are  apt  to  steer  it,  and  Our  Five 
Daughters  is  bound  to  find   a  place  in   your  heart. 


This  man's  story  is  one  youll  want  to  tell  your  grandchildren... 
It  began  four  years  ago.  on  television. ..Do  you  remember? 

the  page) 

He's  John  Glenn: 

You  saw  him  on  the  television  screen,  over  four 
years  ago.  Now,  after  a  long  and  rather  busy  inter- 
val, he's  back  on  video  with  a  different  sort  of  act. 
You  might  even  call  it  a  spectacular. 

The  ruggedly  handsome  face  and  boyish  smile  of 
Marine  Lt.  Col.  John  Hershel  Glenn  has  become  a 
familiar  sight  to  tens  of  millions  of  TV  viewers  in 
recent  days — as  America's  first  pioneer  to  orbit  into 
outer  space  and  around  the  earth.  Today  and  for  a 
good  many  tomorrows  to  come,  he  will  continue  to 
outshine  all  the  Matt  Dillons  and  Paladins  and  other 
dramatic  heroes  who  grace  or  disgrace  the  nation's 
50,000,000  television  screens  weekly,  nightly,  and 

The  greatest  test  of  all:  John  in  the  cockpit  of 
a  Mercury  spacecraft — just  where  he  wanted  to  be. 

Sharing  John's  TV  jackpot:  Eddie  Bodges— who 
went  on  to  win  his  own  youthful  kind  of  fame. 


The  Man  Who  Hit  The  Jackpot  -Twice 

John's  family  in  his  Arlington    (Va.)   home:   Left  to   right — father-in-law,  Dr.  H.   W.  Castor;   John's  wife 
Anna;  Mrs.  Castor;  daughter  Lyn;  son  David;  John  himself;  his  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  H.  Glenn  Sr. 

sometimes  hourly.  They  are  make-believe.  Glenn  is 
real.  His  historic  feat  does  more  than  bring  vicari- 
ous thrills  to  men  and  boys  who'll  never  out-draw 
the  evil  rustler  or  crack  open  an  international  dope 
ring.  Glenn's  fantastic  flight  fires  the  imagination 
and  reaches  deep  into  the  human  soul  to  stir  and 
gladden  the  heart. 

And  yet,  through  it  all,  through  all  the  days  of 
unimaginable  significance,  John  Glenn  remained 
John  Glenn:  Diffident,  endearingly  modest,  somehow 

boyish  in  the  way  he  seemed  to  convey  his  astonish- 
ment and  delight  at  the  greatness  that  has  befallen 
him.  But,  of  course,  beyond  that  is  the  image  he  will 
always  project  of  confidence  and  strength.  The 
Astronaut  is,  perhaps  more  than  anyone  else  right 
now,  the  embodiment  of  America's  vast,  deep  in- 
vulnerable might. 

Col.  Glenn's  test  role,  as  you've  seen  it  on  televi- 
sion, has  been  far  different  from  his  earlier  visit  to 
the   land   of  the   cathodes.    {Please  turn  the  page) 


He's  John  Glenn:  The  Man  Who  Hit  The  Jackpot  -Twice 


Cudgel  your  memory  a  bit  and  see  if  you  can  con- 
jure up  the  picture  of  a  younger,  a  trifle  more  playful 
Marine  officer  who,  back  in  1957,  laughed  and  hi- 
jinxed  his  way  into  millions  of  homes  from  the  stage 
of  the  once  highly  popular  TV  program,  Name  That 

In  his  orbital  feat,  Glenn  shared  the  television  screen 
with  the  hellish  green  and  red  flames  of  a  mighty 
Atlas  Missile. 

In  Name  That  Tune,  Glenn,  then  a  Marine  Major, 
shared  it  with  the  green  of  the  good  old  American 
currency  and  the  red  of  the  flaming,  tousled  hair  of  a 
young  boy  named  Eddie  Hodges. 

Urging  them  on  in  Name  That  Tune,  joking  with 
them,  laughing  and  occasionally  singing  with  them, 
was  that  program's  emcee,  comedian  George  de  Witt. 

Nearly  four  and  a  half  years  have 
elapsed  since  Glenn's  performance 
on  that  happy-go-lucky  big-money 
prize  show,  and  a  good  deal  has 
happened  to  all  the  principals  in- 
volved since  then.    As  we  shall  see. 

Name  That  Tune  was  one  of  the 
most  popular  of  all  the  big  give- 
away shows.  And  Marine  Major 
John  Glenn  was  one  of  Tune's  most 
charming,  delightful  contestants. 

His  appearance  on  the  show — he 
premiered  on  it  in  September,  1957 — was  no  accident. 
Two  months  earlier,  Glenn  had  become  the  first  man 
to  span  the  entire  continent  by  jet  at  supersonic  speed. 
On  July  16,  1957,  he'd  pushed  his  sleek,  needle-nosed 
Navy  F8U  Crusader  from  Los  Angeles  to  Brooklyn 
in  the  breathtaking  speed  of  three  hours  and  twenty- 
three  minutes.  It  was  a  dazzling  achievement,  and 
the  newspapers  and  a  few  TV  news  shows  were  quick 
to  leap  at  the  opportunity  of  interviewing  America's 
latest  Jet  Age  giant.  And  Glenn  made  a  fine  impres- 
sion, from  the  start. 

While  observing  one  of  these  TV  interviews  one 
day  late  in  July,  Harry  Salter  (then  producer  of  Name 
That  Tune  and  now  producer  of  today's  Yours  For 
A  Song)  concluded  that  Glenn  had  that  mysterious, 
elusive  personality  ingredient  called  "projection,"  and 

TV's  proud  to  have 
had  a  hand  in  Col. 
Glenn's  career  .  .  . 
proud  to  share  in 
his  epochal   flight 

decided  to  rope  the  dashing  air  hero  for  Tune.  A  staff 
member  journeyed  to  New  Concord,  Ohio,  where 
Glenn  was  then  staying,  learned  that  Glenn  had  the 
musical  knowledge  and  background  to  qualify  as  a 
contestant  and,  when  the  Major  agreed,  promptly 
signed  him  up. 

Now  enter  Eddie  Hodges.  Earlier,  in  Name  That 
Tune's  eternal  hunt  for  new  faces,  another  staff  man 
literally  bumped  into  young  Eddie  while  he  was  walk- 
ing along  a  New  York  City  street  with  his  father  and 
grandfather.  The  staffer  got  talking  to  Eddie,  was 
captured  by  his  sprightliness,  his  buoyant  personality 
and  his  quick  sidewalk  wit.  (Example:  "Where'd  you 
get  that  red  hair?"  Answer:  "It  came  with  my  head.") 
He  quickly,  right  there  on  the  spot,  asked  Eddie  to 
become  a  contestant  on  the  show. 

Eddie's  appearance  on  Name  Tha' 
Tune  dovetailed  with  John  Glenn's. 
Under  the  show's  format,  a  stage 
contestant  was  asked  to  "name  a 
tune"  sent  in  by  someone  else.  In 
this  case,  the  someone  else  was 
Major  Glenn.  Eddie  instantly  rec- 
ognized the  tune — "South  America, 
Take  It  Away" — and,  accordingly, 
Eddie  and  Glenn  became  partners 
in  the  big  drive  for  the  top  money 
of  $26,000. 
Anyone  who  saw  the  two  of  them,  the  Marine  hero 
and  the  goggle-eyed  young  urchin  fresh  from  the 
streets  of  New  York,  can  scarcely  forget  their  high 
good  humor,  their  brow-furrowing  search  for  the  right 
answers,  their  jokes,  their  bantering  with  George  de 
Witt,  and  always,  at  least  once  during  each  appear- 
ance, a  duet — Glenn  with  his  booming  baritone  voice, 
Eddie  with  his  piping  boy's  soprano.  Occasionally, 
George,  unable  to  constrain  himself,  joined  in  the 
singing,  too. 

On  five  separate  Tuesday  nights,  Eddie  Hodges 
teamed  up  with  the  handsome  Marine  Major  (whom 
he  was  by  now  unabashedly  hero-worshipping)  and, 
each  time,  they  reached  the  nightly  jackpot  of  $5,000. 
At  the  end  of  the  five  weeks,  they  had  won  $26,000 — 
five  $5,000  prizes,  plus  the     {Continued  on  page  70) 



Turnabout  is  fair  play — wife  Vivian 
helps  with  disc  choosing  so  Millard 
lends  helping  (?)   hand  in  kitchen. 


Meet  Millard  Hansen,  who  "drives"  his  listeners  home  each  weekday  evening,  via  WCFL 

■  As  a  child,  Millard  Hansen  would  talk  to  a  doorknob 
.  .  .  pretending  it  was  a  microphone.  Today,  that  door- 
knob has  become  a  real  mike  .  .  .  one  which  thousands  of 
Chicagoans  are  tuned  to  every  day  as  Millard  does  his 
4  to  7  p.m.  Road  Show.  Having  been  through  his  own 
share  of  traffic  jams,  Millard  knows  driving  home  after  a 
hard  day's  work  can  be  a  nerve-wrenching  experience.  So 
the  youthful  deejay  gears  his  program  especially  to  home- 
bound  motorists  with  music,  up-to-the-minute  news, 
weather  and  traffic  reports  all  cleverly  woven  together  with 
lots  of  bright  patter.  .  .  .  Soon  after  Millard  outgrew  his 
doorknob-talking-to  stage,  he  was  ready  to  plunge  into 
broadcasting  for  real.  A  local  station  (WHFC)  in  Cicero, 
Illinois,  presented  a  daily  high-school  program  and  Millard 

was  soon  writing,  directing,  producing  and  acting  in  it.  He 
then  went  on  to  jobs  at  other  Illinois  stations,  eventually 
joining  up  with  WCFL.  .  .  .  Married  since  last  May,  Millard 
and  his  pretty  brunette  wife  Vivian  share  a  small  apartment 
furnished  in  Danish  decor.  Vivian  works  as  a  supervisor  for 
the  telephone  company  but  always  has  plenty  of  time 
to  help  Millard  choose  records  for  his  show.  Both  dislike 
rock  'n'  roll,  preferring  music  by  the  big  bands,  old  favor- 
ites and  standard  tunes.  In  return  for  her  aid,  Millard 
lends  a  helping  hand  with  the  dishes  and  other  household 
chores.  But,  says  Vivian  with  a  grin,  "He's  a  better 
deejay  than  he  is  a  housekeeper!"  Ask  one  of  Millard's 
many  listeners  and  they'll  tell  you  that's  just  how  they 
like  it.    How  else   could  they  be   driving  home   on   air? 



VJMrMr  x 

and  tlie  Small  Fry 


Duane's  wood-carving  session  brings  forth  both  ad- 
miration  and  a  little  wifely   kibitzing  front   Lois. 

A  cute  little  puppet  keeps  the  kids  smil- 
ing .  .  .  with  a  helping  "hand"  from 
Duane  Ellett  of  WHO-TV  in  Des  Moines 

"W  really  feel  sorry  for  the  guy  who  does  not  enjoy  his 
J|  work,"  says  Duane  Ellett,  a  fellow  who  really  does 
enjoy  his  work  for  WHO-TV  and  Radio  in  Des  Moines, 
Iowa.  When  confronted  with  the  fact  that  he  does  five 
morning  shows  a  week,  brings  the  kiddies  seven  television 
shows  a  week  and  has  a  deejay  show  Monday  through 
Friday — all  afternoon  long — he  simply  says,  "I  enjoy  it  a 
great  deal."  ...  All  but  three  of  Duane's  thirty-eight  years 
were  spent  in  the  Des  Moines  area,  the  last  fifteen  of  them 
with  WHO.  "We  are  one  big  happy  family  here  at  Central 
Broadcasting,  and  I  am  proud  to  be  a  member  of  it,"  says 

Junior  musicale  is  presided  over  by  dad  Duane  as   Dan,  Barbara  and  small  Kathy  make  with  the  beat. 

Duane.  Speaking  of  happy  families,  he  has  one  at  home, 
too.  His  charming  wife  Lois  naturally  has  plenty  to  do, 
keeping  three  healthy  children  in  line.  Their  thirteen-year- 
old  son  Dan  is  the  baseball  fan.  Nine-year-old  Barbara  is 
the  musician,  while  two-year-old  Kathy  is  the  "trouble- 
maker— according  to  Duane.  .  .  .  Duane  has  had  a  varied 
career  in  radio  and  television,  starting  as  a  staff  announcer 
while  attending  Drake  University  in  Des  Moines.  From  this, 
he  progressed  to  deejay  shows,  singing  with  WHO's  staff 
orchestra,  doing  Western  ballads  on  the  WHO  Barn  Dance 
Frolic — with  a  dash  of  writing,  sportscasting,  news  report- 

ing— and  then,  with  the  advent  of  television,  ventriloquism. 
Talented  at  woodcarving,  Duane  created  a  little  wooden 
hand  puppet,  or  hand  "puppy,"  and  named  it  "Floppy." 
Couple  Floppy  with  the  best  in  animated  cartoons,  and 
small  wonder  the  small  fry  refuse  to  watch  anything  else! 
.  .  .  Duane's  hobbies  encompass  camping,  outdoor  cooking, 
woodcarving,  and  antique  cars.  His  advice  to  young  people 
would  be  to  get  all  the  education  possible  and  then — "Find 
a  job  that  is  at  least  related  to  the  work  which  you  really 
enjoy."  Duane  Ellett  is  happy,  walking,  talking  proof  of  the 
wisdom    of    that    pleasant    and    practical    philosophy. 





Everyone  loves  to  reminisce  .  .  .  and  people  in  the  movie 
industry  are  no  exception.  So  listen,  as  they  recall  the 
excitement,  the  razzle-dazzle  and  thrills  of  days  gone  by 

Bronco  Billy  Anderson,  the  screen's  first  cowboy,  relates  how  he  played  six 
parts  in  "The  Great  Train  Robbery" — none  of  them  on  a  horse  .  .  . 
ADan  Jones  recalls  how  he  almost  "became"  Nelson  Eddy  .  .  .  and  Roddy  Mc- 
Dowall  reflects  on  the  problems  of  being  a  child  star.  .  .  .  All  these  colorful 
anecdotes  are  a  part  of  Memoirs  Of  The  Movies,  a  series  of  sixteen  broadcasts 
being  presented  by  the  Westinghouse  Broadcasting  Company  in  cooperation 
with  the  Oral  History  Research  Project  of  Columbia  University.  Based  on  first- 
person  recollections  of  movie  greats,  the  series  is  the  first  in  a  continuing 
project  built  around  actual  voices  of  people  who  participated  in  the  activity  or 
event  under  study.  Some  of  these  personalities  have  since  passed  from  the  scene, 
but  their  voices  live  on  to  tell  the  story  of  happiness  and  heartache  that  was — 
and    is — Hollywood.    U.S.A.    It's    an    exciting    story    you    won't    want    to    miss. 



Popular   singer   Roberta   Sherwood    brought 
music,  sparkling  conversation  to  Jack's  show. 

Everything  about  Jack  Denton  s 
WLW-C  show  is  live — the  audi- 
ence, the  band,  the  guests.  But 
the  liveliest  of  all  is  Jack  himself! 

Lovely   Gloria   Swanson   and  Jack   discuss   every- 
thing  from    show    business    to    styles    to   finance. 


■  Ask  WLW-C's  Jack  Denton  what  made  him  go  into 
broadcasting,  and  he  says  with  a  grin,  "Hunger."  Actually, 
it  was  a  desire  to  get  off  the  road  ...  he  had,  for  many 
years,  been  playing  night  clubs  and  summer-stock  shows. 
A  chance  visit  to  his  hometown  of  Aurora,  Illinois,  was 
the  beginning.  A  friend  of  Jack's  told  him  of  a  new  show 
which  was  starting  on  WLW-C  in  Columbus  and  Jack 
decided  to  audition.  He  got  the  job,  and  has  been  be- 
coming more  and  more  popular  with  viewers  since  his 
daily  9  to  10:30  a.m.  show  began  in  October.  .  .  .  Jack 
likes  to  say  he  started  in  show  business  at  the  bottom  .  .  . 
of  a  pole.  At  the  age  of  sixteen,  he  joined  a  Midwest 
traveling  carnival  as  low  man  in  a  perch-pole  act.  Soon 
after,  he  entered  an  amateur  show,  using  Milton  Berle's 
jokes.  Berle  happened  to  be  playing  the  same  theater  and 
was  a  bit  surprised  to  find  someone  stealing  his  material. 

He  soon  thought  of  a  way  to  stop  it.  Two  years  later,  he 
hired  Jack  as  his  writer.  From  there,  Jack  went  on  to 
become  a  night-club  entertainer  .  .  .  this  time  using  his 
own  jokes!  .  .  .  "In  case  anyone  is  curious,"  smiles  Jack, 
"I'm  a  bachelor.  That's  a  guy  who  only  has  to  fix  one 
breakfast  in  the  morning."  Jack  makes  said  breakfast  in 
an  apartment  which  is  located  near  the  studio.  When  not 
so  occupied,  he  likes  swimming,  reading,  and  playing 
his  bongo  drums.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  Jack  is  so  fond  of 
the  latter,  he  carries  the  drums  around  in  his  car  so  he 
can  be  ready  to  play  at  drop  of  a  downbeat.  .  .  .  Jack  an- 
swers all  letters  himself.  The  reason?  Says  Jack,  "I  re- 
member writing  fan  letters  to  radio  stars  when  I  was  a 
small  boy.  To  this  day,  I  can  remember  those  who  an- 
swered and  those  who  didn't.  I'd  like  to  be  remembered 
as  one  who  did." 


Bob  Cummings 

(Continued  from  page  50) 
Now,  we  have  more  than  75,000  dis- 
tributors who  operate  for  us  under  a 
contract  that  states  clearly  what  they 
may  and  may  not  do  in  selling  our 
products.  One  distributor — mind  you, 
one  out  of  75,000 — goes  astray.  Wham- 
mo!  The  entire  company — all  our  prod- 
ucts, everything  we're  trying  to  do  to 
improve  the  eating  habits  and  health 
of  the  country — is  thrown  under  a 
cloud.  And  my  name  is  splashed  about 
in  black  ink  as  though  I  personally  had 
broken  the  rules  of  the  Food  and  Drug 
Administration.  Perhaps  it's  true  that 
this  distributor  made  misleading  claims 
for  the  products.  But  aren't  the  head- 
lines which  link  me  to  the  violations 
equally  misleading  and  harmful?" 

An  investigation  of  the  facts  seems 
to  support  Cummings  in  his  feeling  of 
indignation.  For  example,  one  thing  not 
included  in  the  stories  about  the  crack- 
down was  Bob's  first  reaction  to  the 
investigation.  It  was  a  loud  and  hearty 
"I'm  for  it!"  He  then  went  on  to  de- 
clare that  he  was  speaking  first  as  a 
citizen,  and  second  as  an  official  of 
Nutri-Bio.  "To  me — and  this  is  a  pas- 
sion that  goes  back  to  my  childhood — 
nothing's  so  important  as  the  health 
and  progress  of  our  people.  That's  why 
I  sincerely  welcome  the  action  of  the 
F.D.A.  I'm  glad  to  see  they  are  on  their 
toes,  watching  over  the  interests  of  the 
consumers.  I  can't  speak,  of  course,  for 
all  our  distributors  scattered  over  the 
land.  But,  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge, 
Nutri-Bio  has  always  tried  to  meet  the 
requirements  of  the  F.D.A.  What's 
more,  as  long  as  I'm  connected  with  the 
firm,  it  always  will." 

Although  the  charges  leveled  against 
the  Washington,  D.C.  distributor  mark 
the  third  complaint  made  against  Nutri- 
Bio  in  the  four  years  it  has  been  in 
business,  this  would  appear  to  be  a 
good  record  as  compared  with  other 
companies  in  the  same  line.  Bob 
phrases  it:  "We're  not  perfect  and  we 
don't  claim  to  be.  We've  never  said  our 
products  are  miracle  drugs  or  can  over- 
turn the  laws  of  nature.  While  we  screen 
each  distributor  carefully,  there  are 
simply  too  many  for  us  to  guarantee 
them  all,  absolutely  and  forever." 

Along  with  the  charges  of  making 
false  and  improper  claims  for  the  vita- 
min and  mineral  products,  the  F.D.A. 
claims  that  Bob's  best-selling  book, 
"Stay  Young  and  Vital,"  was  being 
used  in  pushing  sales.  "This,"  argues 
Bob,  "can't  be  put  on  me,  can  it?  Using 
the  book  for  this  purpose  is  strictly 
against  company  rules  and  this  fellow 
in  Washington  must  have  known  that. 
Besides,  my  book  was  written  long  be- 
fore I  became  a  vice-president  of  Nutri- 

Bob's  usual  air  of  radiant  good  cheer 
was  not  in  evidence.  He  tried  to  smile, 
but  his  face  stubbornly  refused  to  re- 
lax its  troubled  frown.  "What's  being 
overlooked  in  all  this  hullabaloo  is  the 
fact  that,  long  before  the  book  or  my 
position  at  Nutri-Bio,  my  greatest  con- 
cern in  life  was  the  subject  of  diet, 
exercise  and  health.  It  has  been  a  more 

Let's  talk  frankly  about 


Day  before  yesterday,  many  women  hes- 
itated to  talk  about  the  douche  even  to 
their  best  friends,  let  alone  to  a  doctor 
or  druggist. 

Today,  thank  goodness,  women  are 
beginning  to  discuss  these  things  freely 
and  openly.  But  — even  now  — many 
women  don't  realize  what  is  involved  in 
treating  "the  delicate  zone." 

They  don't  ask.  Nobody  tells  them. 
So  they  use  homemade  solutions  which 
may  not  be  completely  effective,  or  some 
antiseptics  which  may  be  harsh  or  in- 

It's  time  to  talk  frankly  about  inter- 
nal cleanliness. 

Here  are  the  facts:  tissues  in  "the  deli- 
cate zone"  are  very  tender.  Odors  are 
very  persistent.  Your  comfort  and  well- 
being  demand  a  special  preparation  for 
the  douche.  Today  there  is  such  a  prep- 

This  preparation  is  far  more  effective 

in  antiseptic  and  germicidal  action  than 
old-fashioned  homemade  solutions.  It  is 
far  safer  to  delicate  tissues  than  other 
liquid  antiseptics  for  the  douche.  It 
cleanses,  freshens,  eliminates  odor, 
guards  against  chafing,  relaxes  and  pro- 
motes confidence. 

This  is  modern  woman's  way  to  inter- 
nal cleanliness.  It  is  the  personal  antisep- 
tic for  women,  made  specifically  for  "the 
delicate  zone."  It  is  called  Zonite®.  Com- 
plete instructions  for  use  come  in  every 
package.  In  cases  of  persistent  discharge, 
women  are  advised  to  see 
their  doctors. 

Millions  of  women  al- 
ready consider  Zonite  as 
important  a  part  of  their 
grooming  as 

their  bath. 
You  owe  it 
to  yourself 
to  try  Zonite. 

*•  Guaranteed  by  <> 
.Good  Housekeeping 



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By  ALLAN       ., 

(please  print) 


.  Zone Stale  I 









\J  l— L. 




intense  hobby  with  me  than  flying,  and 
I've  given  as  much  thought  and  study 
to  it  as  to  my  career  in  show  business." 

This  claim  can  easily  be  validated. 
Bob's  great  interest  in  this  field  stems 
from  his  father,  Dr.  Charles  Clarence 
Cummings,  M.D.,  and  his  mother,  the 
Reverend  Ruth  Cummings.  It  is  a  mat- 
ter of  record  that  the  senior  Cum- 
mingses  were  pioneer  campaigners  for 
vitamins  long  before  the  use  of  this 
food  supplement  became  fashionable 
and  mass-production  set  in.  In  those 
days,  Bob's  parents  actually  manufac- 
tured their  own  vitamins. 

One  of  the  maxims  of  this  family 
was:  You  are  what  you  eat.  And  both 
parents  reflected  the  wisdom  of  this 
teaching.  Bob's  lovely  wife  Mary,  head 
of  the  home  planning  division  for  Nutri- 
Bio,  recalls  that  his  mother,  at  the  age 
of  seventy-five,  was  only  slightly  gray 
and  still  had  her  own  teeth. 

Unlike  many  food  and  diet  faddists. 
Bob  does  not  over-simplify  his  message. 
He  does  not  claim  that  this  vitamin  or 
that  mineral  or  this  exercise  or  that 
menu  will  produce  results  akin  to  re- 
juvenation. Nowhere  does  he  advise: 
"Follow  my  routine  and  all  your  aches 
and  ills  will  vanish,  you'll  be  popular 
with  the  opposite  sex,  and  you'll  get 
promotions  on  your  job."  What  he  does 
have  to  say  adds  up  to  practical  horse- 
sense:  "Exercise,  fresh  air,  sunshine  .  .  . 
things  that  cost  you  absolutely  nothing 
.  .  .  are  all  very  important.  I  wish 
people  could  be  educated  on  the  sub- 
ject of  health  as  they  are  on  the  makeup 
of  the  atom  or  the  political  situation. 

"This  country  has  gone  vitamin- 
happy  to  a  dangerous  extent.  People 
tell  each  other,  'You  know,  I'm  taking 
a  more  potent  pill  than  yours.'  The 
other  will  answer,  'Oh,  yeah?  Maybe  I 
better  switch  to  your  brand.'  What  they 
fail  to  understand  is  that,  unless  it's 
the  vitamins  a  person's  body  needs,  and 
it's  taken  in  the  right  amounts,  the  in- 
take may  be  useless — in  rare  cases. 
harmful.  Once  people  compared  oper- 
ations. Now,  it's  food  supplements." 

Generally,  Bob  prefers  the  term 
"food  supplement"  to  vitamin.  That  is 
what  the  pills  and  capsules  represent 
to  him.  And  his  face  gets  red  when  he 
gets  on  the  subject  of  food  fads.  It  is 
his  boast  that  he  has  never  gone  in  for 
a  fad  of  any  kind. 

"The  protein  tablets  and  organic 
vitamin-minerals  I  take  daily,"  he 
points  out,  "are  -merely  additions  to  my 
regular  diet  to  round  out  the  nutrition 
I  need  for  an  active,  busy  life.  A  fan 
once  wrote  me  asking,  'Is  it  true  you 
eat  only  pills?'  My  return  letter  gave 
her  my  word  that  all  the  Cummings 
family  sit  down  to  regular,  balanced 
meals  of  meat,  vegetables  and  fruit. 
Mary  does  work  out  menus  to  cover  the 
elements  needed  for  good  health.  But. 
in  spite  of  our  care  in  diets  and  menus, 
the  pressures  of  modern  living  often 
force  us  to  eat  on  the  run,  which  inter- 
feres with  proper  digestion.  As  a  re- 
sult, we  lose  vitamins.  That's  where  the 
pills  and  capsules  come  in  as  supple- 
ments to  the  regular  diet." 

It  has  also  been  stressed  by  Bob. 
many  times,  that  food  alone,  however 
scientifically     prepared     and     supple- 

mented,  can  never  replace  an  overall 
program  for  health.  Nutri-Bio,  he 
claims,  set  out  to  preach  the  doctrine 
of  good  health  habits  in  every  aspect. 
Mary  and  Bob  are  apparently  dedi- 
cated to  this  cause.  In  times  past,  they 
set  up  foundations  to  research  natural 
food  products  and  their  importance. 

"People  have  sometimes  laughed  at 
my  preoccupation  with  the  care  and  de- 
velopment of  our  national  health,"  Bob 
says.  "Now  President  Kennedy  has 
come  out  emphatically  on  the  need  for 
building  our  physical  standards.  Presi- 
dent Eisenhower  was  also  deeply  in- 
terested in  this  field.  I  think  a  lot  of 
people  must  have  been  appalled  to 
learn  that,  of  200,000  students  who  were 
put  through  certain  tests  set  by  the 
Government,  about  half  flunked  out. 
Many  schools  are  putting  a  new  stress 
on  the  value  of  eating  and  exercising 
properly,  on  sufficient  sleep,  and  the 
arts  of  relaxing.  If  each  individual 
found  a  health  program  suited  to  his 
ability  and  needs,  and  followed  it 
scrupulously,  the  entire  health  level  of 
the  nation  would  rise." 

When  Mary  married  Bob  in  1945. 
she  became  intere  !  in  food  supple- 
ments and  began  to  adopt  a  better  regu- 
lated health-building  routine.  "I  was 
an  actress  before  I  got  married,"  she 
explains,  "so,  naturally,  I  knew  my 
number-one  asset  was  my  appearance, 
energy  and  drive.  Even  before  I  met 
Bob,  I  was  already  trying  to  eat  sensi- 
bly, but  I  made  many  mistakes.  From 
Bob,  I  learned  a  great  deal  about  nu- 
trition. And  I've  never  felt  that  keeping 
fit  was  a  boring  or  irksome  duty.  It  has 
become  one  of  the  joys  of  living." 

Bob  and  Mary  have  backed  the  pro- 
gram known  as  "Meals  For  Millions" 
and  similar  plans  designed  to  bring 
food  supplements  to  less-favored  areas 
of  the  world.  It  has  seemed  to  them 
one  of  the  more  intelligent  ways  to 
foster  good  will  along  with  good  health. 

So  much  do  the  Cummings  believe  in 
their  products  that  Nutri-Bio  has  been 
sponsoring  Love  That  Bob,  re-runs  of 
an  earlier  Bob  Cummings  Show,  on 
ABC-TV.  Now  the  firm  is  sponsoring 
his  new  Bob  Cummings  Show  on  CBS- 
TV,  with  Mary — and,  at  times,  their 
five   children — doing   the   commercials. 

"I  can't  make  my  position  any  clearer 
than  that,  can  I?"  Bob  demands.  "I  be- 
lieve in  the  product,  I  believe  in  the 
show,  I  believe  that  good  health  insures 
the  safety  and  future  of  our  country, 
and  I  believe  in  positive  thinking  on 
this  and  other  subjects.  Those  who 
know  me  will  ignore  any  story  linking 
me  to  the  F.D.A.  charges.  Bob  Cum- 
mings is  an  individual,  like  John  Jones 
or  Bill  Smith.  He  is  not  75,000  dis- 
tributors who  are  also  individuals,  with 
individual  inclinations  to  do  right  or 

"I'm  proud  that  my  name  has  meant 
something,  up  to  now,  in  the  field  of 
keeping  young  and  vital.  I  want  to  take 
all  this  unfair  publicity  as  good- 
naturedly  as  possible.  But  I'm  serving 
warning:  This  is  a  thing  touching  on 
my  integrity.  I'll  fight  to  preserve  my 
reputation,  to  get  the  truth  before  the 
public,  and  to  save  my  show." 

— Kathleen  Post 


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"I'm  the  Oldest  Man  on  TV" 

(Continued  from  page  22) 
that  wonderful  grin  of  his,  which  is 
young  and  full  of  bounce.  It's  true 
Dwayne  never  wanted  to  be  an  actor. 
It's  true  he  considers  himself  a  "grass- 
roots American"  and  something  of  a 
dud;  but  he  looks  very  debonair  in 
ascot  and  tweed  jacket  at  the  wheel 
of  his  T-bird,  and  he's  dreaming  of 
"a  suave  new  phase  in  which  I'll  have 
a  lot  more  ascots  and  striped  blazers 
and  black  slacks — without  a  belt,  of 
course — a  wardrobe  to  match  that 
Rolls-Royce  with  the  license  DH1,  like 
Cary  Grant's  CGI  and  Frank  Sinatra's 
FS2.  I  don't  know  what  the  1  and  2 
mean,  unless  they  indicate  the  line-up 
of  cars  in  the  garage,  but  I  like  the 
idea.  I  like  the  idea  of  several  dinner 
jackets  and  of  writing  home  from 
Cannes  and  Monte  Carlo:  'Having  a 
wonderful  time  and,  yes,  I  might  be 
induced — maybe — to  make  another  pic- 
ture next  year.'  " 

Also  on  this  dream  trip,  he's  plan- 
ning to  chase  girls — real  girls,  not 
actresses — all  over  the  world.  A  weekly 
show  leaves  little  time  for  social  life, 
and  Dwayne  has  had  to  solve  this  prob- 
lem by  dating  the  girls  who  show  up 
on  the  series  each  week — Dobie's  major 
interest  being  girls.  Dwayne  meets  his 
new  date  Wednesdays  at  rehearsal, 
dates  her  by  Friday  and  drops  her  by 
Sunday,  because  there's  always  a  new 
name  on  the  call  sheet,  and  hopefully, 
she  might  turn  out  to  be  different. 

The  trouble  with  actresses 

"Actresses,"  he  says,  "are  an  in- 
credible breed.  Fun  is  out  of  the 
question.  One  beauty  wants  to  talk 
profoundly  about  the  Protestant  Refor- 
mation. Another  wants  to  be  taken  to 
some  little  one-act  plays.  They  think 
it's  kind  of  chic  to  be  a  part-time  art 
lover  or  social  worker,  probably  to  dis- 
guise the  fact  that  they're  totally  in- 
volved with  their  careers. 

"They  don't  make  good  dates  be- 
cause they're  not  interested  in  you; 
they'd  be  terrible  wives;  their  constant 
aim  is  to  go  somewhere  to  be  seen. 
I'm  seen  thirty  minutes  every  week 
on  190  outlets  over  the  CBS  network! 
I  like  to  drive  along  the  ocean  or  go 
to  the  park,  visit  the  zoo,  see  a  ball 
game.  Can  you  imagine  taking  one  of 
Dobie's  girls  to  the  ball  game? 

"I  haven't  fallen  in  love  for  a  long 
time.  There  was  Dorothy  Provine,  but 
that  was  two  years  ago  and  even  that 
wasn't  like  the  love  I  knew  when  I 
was  nineteen.  I  was  madly  in  love  then, 
with  a  plain,  ordinary  nice  girl,  who 
came  from  Marymount  to  the  dance  at 
our  school.  I  was  a  poor  dancer  and  I 
could  think  of  nothing  to  say,  but  I 
loved  her.  I  saw  her  a  few  weeks  back 
in  a  coffee  house,  wearing  long  black 
stockings  and  a  sort  of  anarchy  suit. 
I  tell  you,  I  ran.  Like  Dobie,  I  don't 
have  a  girl — and  like  Dobie,  I'm  always 
T       looking." 

g  The  one  girl  he  understands  is  his 

sister    Deirdre,    twenty-one,    who    was 

just  graduated  from  Immaculate  Heart 

Convent  and  is  planning  to  get  married. 

"We've  been  a  very  close  family, 
actually,  all  of  us  individualists,  all 
different,  but  we  like  to  be  together. 
I  have  my  own  apartment  but  I 
wouldn't  be  caught  dead  cooking,  so 
I  go  home  for  breakfast  and  dinner. 
My  mother  says  I'm  home  more  now 
than  when  I  lived  there  and,  of  course, 
one  of  my  closest  friends  is  my  brother 
Darryl,  even  though  he's  now  married. 

"It  was  Darryl  who  was  the  cause 
of  it  all — show  business,  I  mean.  He 
was  taking  a  dancing  lesson  one  day 
(he  must  have  been  five  or  six)  when 
a  movie  studio  hired  a  whole  bunch 
of  youngsters  from  the  dancing  school 
for  Bing  Crosby's  'The  Star  Maker.' 
Darryl  got  a  pretty  good  part  in  that 
film  and  went  on  from  there. 

"Then,  when  he  began  to  graduate 
to  adolescent  parts,  I  took  over  on  the 
juvenile  parts.  At  ten,  I  made  my  debut 
as  Claudette  Colbert's  son  in  'The 
Secret  Heart.'  I  played  in  'The  Happy 
Years,'  and  in  'The  Boy  With  Green 
Hair,'  and  with  Bob  Cummings  in 
'Montana  Mike.'  I  was  never  a  very 
good  child  actor — I  couldn't  create  an- 
other character,  as  Darryl  could.  But 
parts  were  offered  and  the  money  was 

"No  one  in  our  family  took  it  very 
big.  My  mother,  of  course,  had  to  go 
with  us  to  the  studio — she  spoke  the 
language — but  my  dad  never  really 
knew  we  were  actors.  He's  still  pretty 
vague  about  it.  He's  an  insurance 
broker  and  he's  crazy  abouj  cars;  he 
has  a  '53  De  Soto  he's  depreciating 
over  a  ten-year  period.  Dad's  the  nut- 
tiest of  the  bunch — he  thinks  acting 
is  sort  of  like  loafing.  .  .  .  Then  I  grew 
out  of  kid  parts  and  went  on  to  Cathe- 
dral High  and  then  to  Loyola  Univer- 
sity, a  Jesuit  school. 

"I  was  majoring  in  economics,  plan- 
ning to  be  a  professor  or  an  economist. 
I  was  also  crazy  about  Victorian  litera- 
ture. Around  school,  they  figured  I  was 
pretty  square.  I  pledged  Alpha  Delta 
Gamma,  but  I'd  be  studying  and  miss 
the  meetings.  Besides,  I  wouldn't  carry 
cigarettes  around  for  the  upper  class- 
men or  call  them  'sir.'  Pretty  soon, 
they  threw  me  out  for  not  conforming. 
That  was  fine.  I  had  plenty  to  do.  I 
played  a  lot  of  tennis  and  some  golf. 
Saturdays,  I  worked  as  cashier  in  a 
car  wash,  ten  dollars  a  Saturday. 

"The  man  who  runs  this  place  is  an 
old  friend  of  my  family,  and  I  still 
go  there  every  week  and  get  my 
car  washed.  Today,  when  I  was  there, 
he  told  me  I  ought  to  come  back  and 
work  at  the  old  job.  'People  think  all 
actors  are  stuffed  shirts,'  he  said.  'If 
they  could  see  you  working  around 
here  on  Saturdays,  they'd  know  you 
aren't  a  stuffed  shirt.  In  a  few  Satur- 
days, you  could  change  public  opinion 
in  the  whole  Glendale  area!'  He  said 
he'd  pay  me  a  dollar-twenty  an  hour 
and  I  was  tempted.  But  I  had  to  turn 
him  down.  I  spend  my  Saturdays  study- 
ing script." 

Dwayne  had  completed  his  first  year 
at   Loyola  when   a  leftover  agent  from 

his  childhood  suggested  he  go  over  to 
see  Bob  Cummings.  Cummings  was 
looking  for  a  young  kid  for  his  show. 
"I  wasn't  so  hot  about  the  idea,  but 
it  was  summer  and  I  didn't  have  a  job. 
The  next  thing  I  knew,  I  was  making 
a  pilot.  And  I'd  no  sooner  started  back 
to  school  than  the  series  was  sold." 

For  a  while,  Dwayne  was  able  to  do 
both,  work  on  the  show  and  keep  up 
his  grades.  He  maintained  a  B  average, 
was  on  the  Dean's  list,  and  kept  in 
touch  with  his  school  friends  who  had 
gone  into  the  Air  Corps.  Dwayne 
wanted  to  go,  too,  but  asthma,  which 
he's  had  since  childhood,  keeps  him  4-F. 

He  had  one  three-unit  course  which 
met  Monday,  Wednesday  and  Friday 
and,  unfortunately,  the  series  shot  on 
Wednesday  and  Friday.  After  a  while, 
the  two  jobs  became  impossible.  Oc- 
casionally, he's  wished  he  were  back 
at  Loyola  and,  last  year,  he  threatened 
to  leave  Dobie  and  do  just  that.  The 
reason?  The  bleached  crewcut  with 
which  he  was  sentenced  when  he  took 
on  the  role. 

"I've  never  found  out  whose  idea 
that  was,"  Dwayne  says,  "but  someone 
thought  bleaching  my  hair  would  make 
me  look  different  than  I'd  looked  on 
the  Cummings  show  and  also  it  would 
make  me  look  younger.  It  made  me 
look  older  and  strictly  a  freak.  I  have 
a  dark  complexion  and  dark  eyebrows, 
my  eyes  are  sort  of  green  and  the  white 
hair  was  shocking.  On  screen,  I  faded 
into  the  background.  Off  screen,  I  wore 
a  hat.  That  thatch  could  have  ruined 
my  career. 

"Last  year,  when  I  took  my  stand 
against  the  bleach  job,  the  agency  peo- 
ple were  in  a  panic.  They  said  it  would 
ruin  the  image,  how  could  we  explain 
it?  I  told  them  I  wasn't  going  to  ex- 
plain it,  I'd  just  as  soon  go  back  to 
college.  So,  last  year,  on  the  show,  the 
hair  was  sort  of  brown.  This  year  it's 
black  as  it  is.  And,  so  far,  nobody  in 
the  viewing  audience  has  said  one 

Dobie  grows  older,  too 

The  hair  isn't  the  only  change.  When 
the  series  started  three  years  ago, 
Dobie  was  seventeen  (Dwayne,  twenty- 
four),  a  scatter-brained  kid  who  stole 
money  from  his  dad's  cash  register, 
never  thought  of  a  job — thought,  in- 
deed, only  of  girls.  With  Dwayne  press- 
ing, his  producers  have  allowed  him 
to  mature  five  years  in  three  and  the 
character  has  come  a  little  closer  to 
the  actor  who  plays  it.  To  remain  vital, 
Dwayne  points  out,  a  series  must  be 
ever  changing,  like  life. 

But  the  fact  remains  that  the  series 
has  forced  the  actor  into  the  role  of 
comedian,  when  he  wants  to  do  serious 
acting,  and  TV  methods  outrage  his 
sense  of  perfectionism.  It  hurts  to  spend 
ten  minutes  filming  a  tough  scene  he'd 
like  to  rehearse  for  two  hours.  It  hurts 
when  critics  pan  the  show.  Sometimes 
he  feels  that  critics  only  like  shows 
with  low  ratings:  "The  critics  seem 
to   think   these   must   be   great  artistic 

triumphs  which  the  public  hasn't  brains 
enough  to  dig.  Maybe  they're  right. 
Dobie  originally  was  a  brilliant  satire 
with  social  implications  like  'Alice  in 
Wonderland.'  Nobody  got  the  satire, 
and  the  show  slid  into  the  family 

"Of  course,  you  should  never  let 
critics  worry  you.  When  I  was  a  little 
kid,  I  did  a  play  at  Pasadena  Play- 
house, prior  to  a  possible  opening  on 
Broadway — 'This  Proud  Young  World,' 
with  an  all-juvenile  cast.  Reviewer 
Frank  Eng  praised  the  play,  he  said 
Darryl  was  excellent.  On  the  contrary, 
he  said,  his  brother  Dwayne  was  as 
inept  as  Darryl  was  outstanding,  that 
I'd  given  an  unbelievably  poor  per- 
formance. This  was  the  second  night 
of  the  show,  the  night  after  the  open- 
ing. I  needed  all  the  encouragement 
I  could  get.  I  read  this  review,  folded 
the  paper  and  went  out  on  stage.  Later, 
I  made  up  my  mind  not  to  pay  any 
attention  to  reviews — you  know,  of  all 
the  people  in  the  play,  Darryl  and  I 
are  the  only  ones  still  working? 

"There  is  a  big  turnover  in  show 
business,  especially  in  series  TV,  which 
is  a  grind.  You  must  produce  a  feature 
a  week  for  the  amount  of  money  al- 
lowed. A  volume  business.  We  make 
it  as  good  as  we  can.  So  far  as  I'm 
concerned,  the  weekly  series  will  even- 
tually go  down  the  drain  because  it 
doesn't  have  that  much  scope — you 
can't  make  thirty-six  great  half-hours. 
You're  trapped." 

Plenty  of  other  series  stars  have  felt 
trapped,  too,  but  most  actors  playing 
an  established  character — such  as  Wy- 
att  Earp,  or  Perry  Mason,  or  Paladin 
— just  naturally  exploit  that  character 
and  become  identified  with  it.  Dwayne, 
who  is  interested  in  Victorian  litera- 
ture, in  art,  music  and  sports,  wouldn't 
be  found  dead  exploiting  Dobie  and 
is  always  faintly  embarrassed  when 
anyone  identifies  him. 

"I'm  not  a  teenager  anymore,"  he 
protests.  "By  the  time  you  get  to  be 
a  success  in  this  business,  you've  out- 
grown what  you've  achieved  the  suc- 
cess doing.  A  successful  juvenile  is  too 
old  for  juvenilia.  Ditto  the  leading 
man."  Yet  the  question  remains:  What 
will  he  do  when  they  start  wooing  him 
for  another  contract? 

"There  are  naturally  inducements 
they  give  people  who  stick  with  a  show 
five  or  six  years — strong  inducements," 
he  reflects.  "Richard  Boone  .  .  .  Ray- 
mond Burr  ...  I  don't  know  if  I'd 
be  strong  enough  to  resist.  You  get 
hungry  three  times  a  day,  you  have 
to  provide  for  your  old  age,  and  I'm 
a  worrier.  I  hope  I  can  remind  myself 
that  three  years  of  a  successful  series 
have  done  for  an  actor  all  they  can 
do  .  .  .  that  an  actor's  sense  of  security 
comes  from  something  superbly  done 
.  .  .  that,  from  here  on,  it's  financial 
gravy  but  it's  not  getting  me  into  seri- 
ous adult  acting  where  I  want  to  be." 

If  Dwayne  listens  to  those  arguments, 

we'll    understand.    Two    years    without 

love   is    long    enough.    It's    enough    to 

make  any  man— or  woman — feel  old. 

—Jane  Ardmore 

Dobie    Gillis    is    seen    over    CBS-TV, 
Tuesdays  at  8:30  P.M.  E.S.T. 



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Do  You  Know  This  Man? 

(Continued  from  page  58) 
initial  $1,000  they  were  given  to  "bet" 
with — and  Eddie  and  the  Major  split 
their  winnings. 

All  in  all,  they'd  put  on  a  terrific 
show  for  the  viewing  millions  and  their 
brief  interlude  was  fun   for   everyone. 

A  lot — an  awful  lot — has  happened 
since  then. 

Little  Eddie  Hodges,  who  sang  and 
joked  and  laughed  his  way  into  the 
hearts  of  so  many  Americans  at  home, 
inevitably  drew  the  attention  of  the 
star-makers  on  Broadway.  Shortly  after 
his  departure  from  Name  That  Tune, 
he  was  auditioned  for  a  role  in  the 
smash  Broadway  musical  "The  Music 
Man."  He  won  the  role  handily  and 
established  himself  as  a  genuinely  com- 
petent young  actor. 

Later,  Eddie  went  on  to  star  in  TV 
specials,  made  his  motion  picture  debut 
with  Frank  Sinatra  and.  still  later,  re- 
turned to  Broadway.  At  the  moment. 
Eddie — no  longer  the  young,  wide-eyed 
tad  of  a  boy  but  a  sprouting  teenager — 
is  continuing  his  schooling,  but  there 
is  little  doubt  a  huge  and  successful 
career  lies  ahead  of  him. 

Name  That  Tune  itself  continued  its 
climb  in  the  ratings  and  was  at  the 
zenith  of  its  massive  popularity  when 
the  appalling  quiz  show  scandals  broke 
across  the  nation's  headlines  and  it — 
along  with  every  other  big  giveaway 
show — was  hastily  yanked  from  the  air. 

As  for  George  de  Witt,  the  veteran 
comic  entertainer  had  little  trouble  in 
finding  a  new  TV  berth,  and,  before 
long,  was  back  in  his  emcee  role,  guid- 
ing the  newly  created  Be  Our  Guest 
show  along  the  airlengths.  But  trouble 
continued  to  plague  him.  Before  long, 
he  became  embroiled  in  a  public  head- 
line-grabbing battle  with  the  beautiful 
Mary  Ann  Mobley,  who — fresh  from  her 
triumph  as  Miss  America  of  1959 — had 
joined  the  program  as  its  featured 

In  a  show  of  tears,  in  which  she  ac- 
cused George  of  issuing  an  "it's  Mary 
Ann  or  me"  ultimatum,  the  Mississippi 
belle  quit.  Less  than  twenty-four  hours 
later,  George  himself  gave  seven  weeks' 
notice  that  he,  too,  was  through.  The 
show,  he  said,  had  no  format.  And  be- 
sides,   he    couldn't    seem    to    get    along 

with  the  show's  producers.  Since  then 
— by  now  it  was  the  spring  of  1960 — 
George  de  Witt  has  had  no  show  of  his 
own  and  has  devoted  himself  almost  ex- 
clusively to  night-club  acts,  mostly  in 
Florida  and  New  York. 

And  John  Hershel  Glenn? 

John  Glenn,  as  perhaps  every  literate 
person  in  the  world  knows  today,  went 
on  to  heights  hardly  dreamed  of  a 
generation  ago  and  unmatched  by  any 
other  American  today. 

In  the  years  since  1957,  the  doughty 
Marine  Astronaut  soared  to  fantastic 
fame,  far  and  away  eclipsing  everyone 
else  who  shared  those  lighter  moments 
with  him  on  Name  That  Tune. 

It  wasn't  easy. 

Soon  after  his  epochal,  record-shat- 
tering jet  flight  from  Los  Angeles  to 
Brooklyn,  John  Glenn  joined  with 
thousands  of  other  pilots  in  the  gruel- 
ing competition  to  be  named  one  of 
America's  famed  Project  Mercury 
Astronauts.  It  was  a  little  harder  for 
Glenn  than  for  most  of  the  others.  He 
was  then  thirty-six  years  old  and  re- 
garded as  something  of  an  old-timer — 
too  old  for  the  body-torturing  training 
program  he  would  have  to  endure. 

Glenn  soon  proved  them  wrong. 
Along  with  six  others,  he  became  a 
part  of  the  country's  vaunted  Astro- 
naut team  and  plunged  into  the  long, 
tedious  rigors  of  nreparation  for  an 
orbital  flight  around  the  earth. 

Most  of  the  tests  would  terrify  an 
ordinary  man.  One  involved  lying  on  a 
couch  in  a  Rube  Goldberg-ish  centrifu- 
gal machine  that  spun,  tossed,  somer- 
saulted and  pitched  its  prisoner  at 
blindingly  dizzy  speeds.  The  battering, 
teeth-chattering  ordeal,  aimed  at  simu- 
lating conditions  of  rocketing  through 
the  vast  sea  of  space,  managed,  of 
course,  to  shake  Glenn  thoroughly.  But 
it  otherwise  left  him  in  fine  fettle. 

Nor  was  he  fazed  by  the  seemingly 
endless  hazards  of  practicing  split- 
second  escapes  through  the  narrow 
portholes  of  dummy  space  capsules 
bobbing  precariously  in  the  ocean. 

These  were  only  some  of  the  tests. 
There  were  others.  He  soared  into  the 
heavens  with  the  other  Astronauts 
aboard  C-131  transport  planes  that 
would  suddenly  dive,  pull  up  jarringly 





•  The  Quiz  Contestant 
Who  Got  Away  With  It 

•  A  new  twist  on  the  Twist 

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and  dive  yet  again  to  float  the  astro- 
nauts in  midair  at  zero  gravity  to  test 
their  reactions  to   weightlessness. 

Through  all  of  these,  through  every 
devastating  test,  Glenn — and  the  others 
— emerged  with  flying  colors. 

But  then,  of  course,  everything  be- 
hind him  had  honed  him  for  the  ordeals 
he  was  then  facing. 

Here  was  a  man  who  had  flown  59 
fighter  bomber  missions  in  the  Pacific 
during  World  War  II  and  earned  three 
Distinguished  Flying  Crosses. 

When  the  Korean  War  came,  he  was 
back  in  the  thick  of  the  fighting  again, 
flying  100  missions.  At  war's  end,  he 
had  won  an  incredible  17  Air  Medals 
and  two  more  DFCs. 

After  the  war,  Glenn  turned  to  test 
piloting,  and  that,  in  turn,  led  him 
down  the  path  to  Project  Mercury. 

Trim  and  leathery-tough — standing 
five-foot-ten  and  running  at  least  two 
miles  every  morning  to  keep  at  his  best 
weight  of  180  pounds — John  Glenn  him- 
self has  always  attributed  his  daunt- 
less and  icy  calm,  in  the  shadow  of 
death,  to  faith  and  understanding. 

He  is  not  afraid,  he  told  close  friends, 
because  he  understands,  and  when  he 
does  not  understand,  he  finds  out.  For 
example.  Col.  Glenn — ever' a  strong  re- 
ligious man — early  in  his  Astronaut 
career,  went  to  his  Presbyterian  min- 
ister to  find  out  whether  it  was  ethically 
right  to  tamper  with  the  outer  reaches 
of  space.  Only  when  he  was  assured  he 
was  not  offending  God,  did  he  continue. 

As  Project  Mercury  rolled  along, 
there  were  moments  when  the  public, 
if  not  Glenn  himself,  felt  somewhat 
frustrated  for  him. 

Virtually  every  reporter  who  covered 
the  Astronauts'  training  came  away  with 
the  impression  that  Col.  John  Glenn 
was  the  "pappy"  of  the  seven-man  team. 
A  favorite  description  was  that  he  was 
the  "leader  among  equals."  Everyone 
was  sure  that,  when  America  launched 
its  first  sub-orbital  flight  down  the 
South  Atlantic  range,  Col.  Glenn  would 
be  aboard  the  rocket.  Instead,  it  was 
Navy  Commander  Alan  Shepard  Jr. 
Then  came  the  second  sub-orbital  flight, 
and  again  all  eyes  turned  to  John  Glenn. 
And  again,  he  was  denied.  This  time, 
the  Astronaut  was  Capt.  Virgil  Grissom. 

Since  the  Russians  had  sent  two  "cos- 
monauts" around  the  planet — Major 
Yuri  Gagarin,  who  orbited  the  earth 
once,  and  Major  Gherman  S.  Titov,  who 
made  the  fabulous  flight  17  times — they 
were  beginning  to  say  of  Glenn,  "al- 
ways the  bridesmaid,  never  the  bride." 

But  John  Glenn  never  lost  faith  in 
himself  or  sight  of  the  larger  goals, 
and  neither  did  his  family.  His  wife 
Anna,  a  childhood  sweetheart  whom  he 
had  met  in  his  hometown  of  New  Con- 
cord, Ohio — at  the  tender  age  of  six — 
and  his  two  children,  John  David,  15. 
and  Carolyn  Ann,  13. 

Time  flew  and  John  Glenn's  day  of 
greatness  finally  came,  and,  with  a 
mighty,  flaming  roar,  he  zoomed  into 
the  firmament. 

Into  the  bright  blue  heavens  above. 

Into  history.  — John  R.  Pascal 




(Continued  from  page  7) 
an  artesian  well  on  his  Double  Rain- 
bow Ranch.  .  .  .  Ernie  Kovacs  landed 
on  his  cigar  while  doing  the  Twist  at 
the  "West  Side  Story"  preem  party. 
.  .  .  Are  the  great  talents  of  Sam  Jaff e 
being  wasted  in  Ben  Casey?  .  .  .  Joan 
Crawford's  life  set  for  April  airing. 

What's  this  about  Connie  Stevens 
being  bugged  by  Warner's  young 
Kathy  Bennett  doing  a  ditto  on  her 
ponytail?  Purrs  Connie,  "No  one  can 
make  it  in  show  business  by  being  a 
carbon  copy."  Sasses  Kathy,  "I've  been 
wearing  a  ponytail  since  I  was  five." 
Now,  girls,  no  hair-pulling! 

MGM  cocky  over  their  upcoming 
series  Zero  One.  Take  Kildare,  say  they, 
and  double  it  in  spades!  .  .  .  Chuck 
Connors  and  wife  have  put  the  "No 
Trespass"  sign  on  their  private  lives. 
"We're  trying  to  work  out  our  differ- 
ences," says  Connors,  "but  it's  strictly 
between  the  two  of  us."  Sadly,  it's  now 
between  the  two  of  them  and  a  judge. 
The  divorce  papers  have  been  filed.  .  .  .. 
Has  the  leader  of  the  clan  flipped  his 
hair-piece  over  that  Roaring  20's  piece 
of  work?  And  vice-versa?  .  .  .  It's 
still  "no  marriage"  for  Troy  Dona- 
hue and  Suzanne  Pleshette  but  it's 
"still  marriage"  for  Colleen  and 
Jimmie  Rodgers.  Ty  Hardin  can't 
be  serious  when  he  says,  "Perhaps 
Ann-Margret  and  I  are  getting  too 
serious."  Everyone  knows  the  Swedish 
doll,  a  strong  contender  for  the  Mary 
Martin  role  in  "Sound  of  Music," 
doesn't  believe  in  "steadying."  To  cap 
it,  she's  been  dating  financier  Bert 
Sugarman,  and  since  she  dyed  her  hair 
red,  the  family  icebox  has  been  raided 
night  after  night  by  other  late  dates. 
Question,  please:  Why  do  her  eyes  light 
up  when  you  say  "Avalon"? 

Fabian's  beard  for  "Mr.  Hobbs 
Takes  a  Vacation"  is  a  phony.  Scared 
the  fuzz'd  play  "hob"  with  his  love- 
life,  which  (at  present)  includes  Kathy 
Kirsch,  Kitty  Reagan  and  back-home 
beauty,  Barbara  Magnelius.  .  .  .  B'nai 
B'rith's  "Man  of  Year" — Dick  Boone, 
who  also  cops  a  special  award  for  toil- 
ing on  behalf  of  the  50th  anniversary 
of  Navy  Avy-ashon.  .  .  .  Gardner  Mc- 
Kay's dog-pal,  "Pussycat,"  finally  made 
the  scene  in  Adventures  In  Paradise. 
So  help  us  Hannah,  Gard  framed  the 
call  sheet,  which  said  pigs,  cows  and 
chicks  must  be  on  set  at  6  a.m.  sharp, 
but  Pussycat  could  breeze  in  at  7 ! 

Dinah  Shore  keeping  herself  too 
busy  for  regrets.  She's  got  herself  con- 
tinually booked  into  clubs,  first  the 
Eden  Roc  in  Miami  and  then  the 
Riviera  Hotel  in  Las  Vegas.  She  will 
film  her  May  TV  show  at  the  Riviera. 
...  If  you  notice,  actors  don't  knock 
TV.  Video  accounts  for  the  bread  and 
butter  of  well  over  fifty  percent.  .  .  . 
The  word  is  that  Frankie  Sinatra  Jr. 
(Continued  on  page  72) 

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(Continued  from  page  71) 
(there  really  is  one),  now  at  U.S.C.,  is 
about  to  stretch  his  wings  and  this  will 
confuse  the  entertainment  scene  no  end. 
.  .  .  Wrapping  up  the  Sinatra  news,  son- 
in-law  Tommy  Sands  has  been  signed 
to  come  back  again  and  again  to  the 
Como  show  on  NBC,  and  over  at  CBS 
they  are  talking  about  starring  Tommy 
in  a  series  to  be  titled  Young  Man  In  A 

Robert  Wagner  putting  a  lot  of 
space  between  himself  and  his  heart- 
aches. May  make  his  permanent  home 
in  Rome.  .  .  .  But  Efrem  Zimbalist 
Jr.  likes  convenience.  His  ex-wife, 
Stephanie,  lives  just  down  the  street 
and  this  makes  it  easy  to  visit  with  the 
children.  . . .  ABC  strong  on  Leave  It  To 
Beaver.  Has  already  ordered  39  new 
episodes  for  next  year.  .  .  .  Fred  Mac- 
Murray  is  now  twice  a  grandfather. 
.  .  .  Peter  Lind  Hayes  leaves  the 
family  hearth  on  March  4th  to  narrate 
an  NBC  special,  "Regards  to  George 
M.  Cohan."  So  far  the  talents  of 
Dorothy  Loudon  and  Danny  Mehan 
have  been  contracted.  Steve  Allen, 
man  without  a  network,  now  occupying 
himself  with  a  Broadway  musical.  .  .  . 
Ingrid  Bergman  has  signed  with  CBS 
to  do  a  dramatic  show  next  season.  Gets 

At  La  Scala  Restaurant,  David 
Hedison  thought  he  spied  Ina  Balin, 
crept  up  behind  the  girl  and  gave  her 
a  resounding  buss.  The  object  of  this 
attention  was  not  Ina.  It  happened  to 
be  Madlyn  Rhue.  After  Dave  made 
his  apologies,  he  asked  for  her  phone 
number  and  got  it.  Madlyn  shrugged, 
"I'm  not  sure  whether  it  was  a  mistake 
or  a  new  approach  .  .  .  but  I  had  to 
admit,  it  was  effective." 

When  Rose  Marie  was  Baby  Rose 
Marie,  she  wore  a  big  bow  in  her  hair 
and  it  started  a  style  trend  of  "Rose 
Marie  ribbons."  Now  that  she's  on 
The  Dick  Van  Dyke  Show,  she  wears  a 
tiny  bow  and  that  has  started  a  new 
line  of  velvet  hair  bows.  .  .  .  Pardon 
her  Hungarian,  says  Zsa  Zsa  Gabor, 
mulling  over  a  night-club  act,  but  she 
wants  to  be  more  than  a  "glamour 
girl."  "I  vood  like  to  sing,  and  dance 
and  do  zee  whole  shmear." 

Gene  Barry  wants  more  entertain- 
ers to  go  abroad  and  says  they  should 
do  it  at  scale  rates,  for  international 
goodwill.  Gene,  whose  Bat  Masterson 
is  large  in  South  America,  has  been 
tapped  for  the  "Distinguished  Oversea- 
manship"  medal  by  the  Brazil  Herald, 
the  first  time  a  Yanqui  has  so  been 
honored.  .  .  .  Sighted  on  the  set  of  The 
Outlaws:  A  sign  reading,  "There  Are 
No  Outlaws,  Only  Misdirected  Cow- 
boys!" .  .  .  Jane  Morgan's  reason  for 
haunting  the  Perry  Como  set:  He 
makes  me  cry!  Perry  Como's  reason  for 
liking  her  visits:  She  makes  me  laugh. 
.  .  .  Margaret  O'Brien  spotted  for  the 
first  time  in  eleven  years  on  her  old 
stamping  grounds  at  MGM,  doing  a  Dr. 
Kildare.  .  .  .  Steve  McNally  worrying 
over  20-year-old  son,  Horace.  "He  sold 
his  first  script  and  it  makes  a  woman 
out  to  be  the  heavy.  Does  this  mean  he's 
carrying  the  torch  for  some  gal?" 

Jack  Lemmon  still  anxious  to  do  a 
TV  special  but  no  sponsor  interest.  .  .  . 

Bob  Hope  remains  the  king  of  ratings 
for  the  second  year.  Last  season  he  held 
three  top  ratings  and  is  about  to  set  as 
high  a  mark  this  season.  In  his  first 
production,  he  captured  54  percent  of 
the  audience — more  than  NBC's  rival 
networks  had  combined.  .  .  .  Natalie 
Wood,  always  a  strong-minded  lass, 
seems  to  have  lost  her  mind  as  well  as 
heart  to  Warren  Beatty.  He's  advis- 
ing her  on  business  matters  and  she  in 
turn  is  giving  her  business  associates  a 
tough  time.  .  .  .  Look  for  a  big  look  at 
Sophia  Loren  on  NBC — they  are  pre- 
paring a  full  hour  of  candid  shots  on 
her  personal  life.  .  .  .  Mitch  Miller 
gave  Gloria  Lambert  a  new  contract, 
making  her  a  regular  for  the  rest  of  the 
season.  .  .  .  Max  Liebman  has  prom- 
ised CBS-TV  a  smasheroo  of  a  comedy 
series  next  year  with  a  far-out  format. 
Each  week  he  will  parody  some  well- 
known  tale  such  as  the  story  of  Robin 
Hood  or  Frankenstein.  .  .  .  Hugh 
O'Brian  may  confound  his  public  and 
turn  up  in  a  comedy  series. 

The  young  actress  to  keep  an  eye  on 
is  Dorothy  Hackett,  who  turned  up 
this  season  in  Ben  Casey,  Twilight  Zone, 
Gunsmoke,  The  New  Breed  and  The 
Defenders.  She  played  roles  ranging 
from  a  Mexican  dope  fiend  to  the 
sophisticated  wife  of  a  drama  critic. 
This  is  the  same  gal  who  won  three 
major  critic  awards  last  year  in  an  off- 
Broadway  play,  "Call  Me  By  My  Right- 
ful Name,"  and  then  turned  down  the 
chance  to  play  in  the  movie  version.  A 
slender  gal  with  burnt  almond  eyes, 
she  says,  "I'm  choosey  about  movies  but 
TV  you  do  for  a  living  and  don't  have 
to  be  choosey."  .  .  .  Arthur  Godfrey 
being  paged  for  a  new  show  titled 

Joan  Patrick,  TV  and  movie  star- 
let, almost  lost  her  ever-lovin'  life  when 
her  car  skidded  on  muddy  Wonderland 
Drive.  A  gallant  motorist  pulled  up, 
carried  her  through  the  mud  to  his  car 
and  drove  her  to  safety.  When  she  asked 
for  his  name,  while  offering  her  thank- 
yous,  the  gallant  said,  "Oh,  no,  no  pub- 
licity. My  wife  simply  would  never 
understand."  .  .  .  John  Forsythe,  the 
unusual  show-biz  dad,  not  holding  out 
the  helping  hand  of  nepotism  to  his  20- 
year-old  son  Dall,  now  working  at  the 
Charles  Theater  in  Boston.  "Make  it  on 
your  own  or  no  dice,"  says  John,  to 
which  the  offspring  adds,  "Amen!" 

Gertrude  Berg's  "Jahfa  Produc- 
tions" due  for  a  name  change.  It's 
derived  from  the  names  of  five  grand- 
children, Joshua,  Annie,  Henry,  Frank 
and  Adam.  But  daughter  is  expecting 
again.  .  .  .  Meanwhile:  No  twins  (as 
were  once  predicted!)  for  the  Roger 
Smiths.  But  it's  a  boy — named  Dallas 
for  Roger's  dad.  .  .  .  Julie  London 
and  Bobby  Troup  will  give  her  two 
daughters  a  baby  brother  or  sister  in 
late  April.  .  .  .  Ziva  Rodann  and 
George  Montgomery  still  dating. 
.  .  .  The  old  Four  Star  Playhouse  is 
heading  for  a  revival.  Charles  Boyer 
and  David  Niven  will  share  the 
honors  with  two  female  stars.  .  .  .  The 
Twist  new?  'Tain't  so,  says  Yoga 
authority  Richard  Hittleman.  "It's 
a  basic  Yoga  position  dating  back  more 
than    a   thousand   years."     That's   all! 


(Continued  from  page  17) 
the  defendant  who  sat  in  the  witness 
chair.  The  New  York  County  Supreme 
Court  was  a  little  more  crowded  than 
usual  this  day,  but  much  quieter. 
There  were  no  coughs,  no  whispers; 
nothing  that  would  make  the  spec- 
tators miss  any  of  the  testimony,  any 
gesture  of  the  defendant.  This  was 
their  chance,  they  knew,  to  see  what 
the  King  of  the  Night  People  was  really 

For  this  was  the  trial  of  Jack  Paar; 
the  $300,000  suit  for  "slander"  which 
had  been  brought  against  him  by  Pupi 

Pupi  was  in  the  courtroom,  too, 
watching  Jack.  Watching  and  remem- 
bering and  hardly  believing  that  some- 
thing begun  in  1955  was  finally  to  be 
resolved  after  six  years. 

It  had  all  started  so  simply,  Pupi  re- 
membered. Jack  was  then  starring  on 
CBS-TV's  Morning  Show  and  Pupi  was 
the  bandleader.  In  fact,  everything  was 
going  so  well  then  that  Pupi  simply 
couldn't  imagine  having  a  care  in  the 

He  wasn't  only  a  bandleader.  It  was 
while  working  with  Pupi  that  Jack 
first  got  the  idea  of  chatting  with  the 
cast,  as  a  panel,  with  which  he's  had 
such  success  on  his  nightly  NBC-TV 
Jack  Paar  Show.  Pupi's  Cuban  accent 
and  the  way  he'd  occasionally  trip  over 
English  had  been  a  perfect  ploy  for 
Jack's  humor.  Newspaper  reviewers 
saw  the  show  and  praised  Pupi.  as  well 
as  Jack. 

Pupi  was  going  far,  everybody  in 
show  business  said.  So  far.  in  fact,  that 
Jack  raised  his  salary  from  $275  a 
week  to  $833. 

But — even  better  than  Pupi's  suc- 
cess— he  was  also  in  love.  His  girl  was 
Betty  Clooney,  sister  of  Rosemary 
and  singer  on  the  show. 

And  that's  when  all  the  bad  things 

Betty  went  home  to  California  on 
vacation  and  singer-comedienne  Edie 
Adams  was  hired  as  her  temporary  re- 
placement. One  day,  while  Betty  was 
still  away,  Jack  told  Pupi  he  wanted 
to  see  him.  "I'm  letting  Betty  go,"  he 
said.  "I  want  you  to  be  the  first  one  to 

"But  why?"  Pupi  asked.  "Every- 
thing was  going  so  well!" 

"Look,  Pupi,  I  don't  want  any  ro- 
mance on  the  show.  And  Edie's  more 
versatile.  She  can  sing,  she  does  com- 
edy ...  she  stays,"  Jack  told  him. 

After  Betty  was  dropped.  Pupi  got 
more  and  more  unhappy.  He  told 
friends:  "Everything  was  going  okay 
until  we  told  him  we  were  going  to- 
gether. And  the  way  he  let  her  go. 
After  working  for  him  a  year,  he 
couldn't  even  tell  Betty  himself.  He 
had  to  have  his  producer  fire  her." 

When  Jack  heard  Pupi's  complaints, 
he  again  told  Pupi  he  wanted  to  see 
him.  "I  know  you  think  I  fired  Betty 
because  you're  going  with  her,"  he  said. 
"But  that's  not  true.  I've  told  you,  Edie 
is  more  versatile  and  that's  what  the 
show  needs.  Maybe  it  was  cruel.   But 

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is  there  ever  a  nice  way  of  giving  any- 
one notice? 

"If  you  had  gotten  married,  one  of 
you  would  have  had  to  go,  anyhow.  I 
don't  want  married  couples  on  this 

Six  weeks  later,  Pupi  was  fired. 
The  shows  were  getting  too  crowded 
with  guest  stars,  Jack  told  him.  Maybe 
they  could  use  Pupi  once  or  twice  a 
week  as  a  regular  guest,  rather  than  as 
a  regular  member.  But  the  shows  were 
just  getting  too  crowded. 

"And,  Pupi,"  Jack  said,  "if  reporters 
ask  you  what  happened,  just  tell  them 
you  want  to  spend  more  time  with  the 

What  do  you  do  with  a  thing  like 
this,  Pupi  wondered.  Do  you  keep  quiet 
and  be  a  good  guy  and  maybe  he'll 
take  you  back?  Or  do  you  do  what  you 
feel  like  doing — get  mad,  let  everybody 

Pupi  got  mad.  He  told  friends  he  was 
fired  because  he  was  going  to  marry 
Betty.  He  said  he  knew,  when  she  was 
let  go,  that  he'd  be  next. 

"Oh,  no,"  Jack  said.  "It's  purely  a 
matter  of  talent.  We  can't  find  any- 
thing for  the  boy  to  do.  I  told  him  I 
didn't  want  to  continue  him  on  the 
show  at  the  high  salary  he  was  getting. 
I  have  to  be  forced  to  say  this,  but 
neither  Betty  nor  Pupi  are  top-flight 

A  few  nights  later,  Pupi  and  his 
band  were  playing  for  a  party  at  the 
swank  Colony  restaurant  in  New  York. 
Columnist  Earl  Wilson  asked  Pupi 
what  had  happened  with  Jack.  And 
Pupi  told  his  side.  Then  a  reporter 
was  sent  to  check  with  Jack — and  Jack, 
as  Pupi  later  said,  "went  wild."  He 
told  Pupi,  "Why  did  you  do  this  to  me? 
You'll  be  sorry!" 

Jack  then  told  the  reporter  Pupi 
couldn't  sing,  couldn't  dance  and  had 
no  talent.  "I  couldn't  use  him  on  the 
live  show  as  a  bandleader.  He  couldn't 
read  music  or  lead  a  band  on  TV.  Once 
he's  out  there,  he  doesn't  know  what 
to  do." 

Pupi  sued.  .  .  . 

Now,  six  years  later,  in  the  court- 
room, Pupi  heard  an  attorney  ques- 
tion Jack:  "What  would  you  say  was 
Mr.  Campo's  talent?  What  was  his 

"As  I  recall,"  Jack  answered,  "it 
was  waving  his  hips  in  front  of  the 

"Mr.  Paar,  are  you  a  comedian?" 

"I  have  been  called  a  comedian  in 
the  Congress  of  the  United  States." 

"Now,  Mr.  Paar,  did  you  reach  the 
conclusion  that  Mr.  Campo  couldn't 

"I  wouldn't  hire  him  as  a  singer." 
Jack  paused  then  and  smiled,  adding: 
"But  you  cheer  for  a  guy  who  tries." 

"Did  you  reach  the  conclusion  that 
Mr.  Campo  couldn't  dance?" 

"Not  as  a  solo  performer." 

Couldn't  dance,  Pupi  thought.  / 
came  to  this  country  just  because  I 
could  dance.  That  was  back  in  1940. 
in  his  native  Cuba.  He'd  already  been 
in  some  movies  and  night  clubs  in 
Havana  when  an  American  press  agent 
saw  him.  The  funny  thing  was,  he 
wasn't  even  working  the  night  he  was 

"discovered"— he  was  just  a  guest  at 
a  party,  dancing  with  his  date.  Next 
thing  he  knew,  he  was  in  New  York. 

Of  course,  he'd  had  plenty  of  experi- 
ence— he'd  been  in  show  business 
since  he  was  seventeen.  But.  even  so. 
he'd  never  expected  things  to  go  so 
well  for  him  in  America.  With  his 
band,  he  worked  in  most  of  the  top 
night  clubs.  He  played  the  Paramount 
and  the  Capitol  theaters  in  New  York. 
And  television — he  was  on  the  Jack 
Carter  show  and  the  old  Milton  Berle 
show  and  so  many  others. 

Even  Dean  Martin  and  Jerry  Lewis, 
when  they  first  became  a  team,  had 
wanted  him  in  their  act.  They  said 
they'd  make  it  a  trio.  But  Pupi  said 
no.  He  was  doing  fine.  He  thought  he 
was  too  big  for  them. 

He  was  playing  at  Bill  Miller's 
Riviera  (then  one  of  the  East  Coast's 
flossier  night  clubs)  when  Jack  saw 
him.  This  was  one  job  he  wouldn't  say 
no  to.  This  one  was  going  to  insure  his 
future.  .   .  . 

The  present:   No  future? 

Jack  was  still  on  the  witness  stand 
and  Pupi  heard  the  attorney  asking 
him,  "Was  the  romance  between  Betty 
and  Pupi  good  for  the  show?" 

"Yes,"  Jack  answered.  "I  had  no 
objection  to  their  getting  married.  All 
the  world  loves  a  lover.  But  being 
married  and  being  on  the  show,  that's 
a  whole  new  argument.  That's  not  the 
way  to  run  a  TV  show — or  a  depart- 
ment store,  you  know." 

The  lawyer  waited  for  the  specta- 
tors' laughter  to  clear  away,  then 
asked,  "You've  been  around  show  busi- 
ness for  a  long  time?  For  an  extensive 

"What   do   you   mean,   'extensive?' ' 

"For  about  twenty-eight  years.  Mr. 

"Yes,"  Jack  said.  "About  that,  with 
ups  and  downs." 

"Do  you  know  any  married  coupler 
in  show  business?" 

"Such  as?"  Jack  asked. 

"Burns  and  Allen,  Mr.  Paar?" 

"But" — Jack  was  very  excited  now 
— "but  they  control  their  own  show!" 

"And  how  about  Lucille  Ball  and 
Desi   Arnaz?"   the   lawyer   asked. 

Very  animated,  shooting  out  his  left 
hand  to  make  his  point,  Jack  told  him : 
"See  .  .  .  there  .  .  .  you  proved  my 
point.   They're   divorced!" 

Divorced,  Pupi  thought.  We'll  never 
get  divorced.  Our  marriage  is  the  only 
good  thing  that  came  out  of  this. 

Betty  would  always  stay  by  him. 
Pupi  knew  that.  She  had  proved  it 
when  she  married  him  four  months 
after  he  was  dropped  from  the  Paar 
show.  Jobs  were  already  beginning  to 
get  scarce,  but  that  couldn't  stop  her 
from  becoming  his  wife.  Or  from 
having  his  children.  Carlos,  Carrie  and 
Cathy  Ann.  Three  little  funny  com- 
binations of  her  Irish  and  his  Cuban 
ancestry.  And  they  were  all  happy,  too. 
Except  for  this  thing. 

He  wished  he  didn't  have  to  sue  Jack. 
But  he  had  decided  long  ago  that  he 
had  to.  "After  all,"  he  had  reasoned, 
"it    was    terrible   things   he    said    about 

me.  When  a  big  person  like  that,  some- 
one you've  worked  for,  says  you  have 
no  talent,  who'll  hire  you?" 

Nobody,  Pupi  had  found  out.  Since 
the  day  Jack  made  those  statements, 
he  hadn't  had  a  single  television  offer. 
"I'll  take  anything  anyone  offers  me," 
he  said.  He  took  some  night-club 
bookings  with  his  band.  His  salary 
was  cut  to  half  what  it  used  to  be, 
before  all  this  happened. 

That's  why  he  was  here  today,  in 
court  .  .  .  because,  if  it  was  proved 
Jack  slandered  him,  maybe  he'd  get 
more  work.  Maybe  his  "reputation" 
would  be  restored.  .  .  . 

"After  Betty  left  the  show,"  Jack 
was  testifying,  "we  could  not  convince 
Pupi  that  she  was  let  go  because  Edith 
Adams  was  better  for  the  show.  Pupi's 
actions  became  more  offensive,  more 
obscene.  He  began  heckling  his  own 
people,  the  people  he  worked  with." 

"Did  Mr.  Campo  have  talent?"  the 
lawyer    questioned. 

With  a  wry  look  and  a  wrinkled 
forehead,  Jack  thought  for  a  moment: 
"Talent  is  a  very  loose  word." 

"Well,  was  Pupi  a  talented  TV  per- 

"A  TV  personality,  not  a  performer," 
Jack  answered. 

/  was  always  a  performer  before, 
Pupi  told  himself.  Before  all  this.  Now 
I  get  one  job,  then  I  wait  months  for 
the  next  one.  And  no  television.  With 
three  children,  you  need  TV  work. 
That  added  income  is  very  important. 
We  spend  what  I  make.  There's  no 
money  to  save. 

"But  it's  not  just  the  money,"  Pupi 
had  explained.  "It's  a  blow  to  your 
ego,  you  know?  You  want  to  run  away. 
That's  what  we  did.  We  moved  to 
Florida,  bought  a  home  there,  got  as 
far  away  from  all  this  as  we  could." 

He  had  come  back  for  the  trial.  .  .  . 

Suddenly,  the  judge  turned  to  Jack. 
"You  may  go,  Mr.  Paar." 

"You  mean  it's  all  over?"  Jack  asked. 

"Yes,  it's  all  over." 

"You  mean,"  Jack  said,  "that's  all 
there  is  to  it?" 


"Gee,"  Jack  grinned,  "that's  not  the 
way  Perry  Mason  does  it." 

Jack  Paar's  day  in  court  was  ended. 
The  jury  subsequently  found  a  $15,000 
verdict  against  him.  They  probably 
reasoned  that — if  it  were  true  that  Pupi 
had  no  talent — Jack  would  have  fired 
him  sooner,  instead  of  keeping  him  on 
the  show  for  a  year  and  a  half.  Jack 
may  appeal  the  verdict  .  .  .  but.  at 
least  for  now,  he  was  off  the  stand. 

It  was  almost  four  o'clock.  Jack  had 
to  hurry  to  a  rehearsal  of  his  show.  He 
walked  over  to  the  bench  and  picked  up 
his  double-zippered,  tan  leather  brief- 
case. It's  a  big  case.  On  one  side,  the 
golden  letters  "NBC"  are  engraved. 
On  the  other  side  is  the  network's 
multi-colored  peacock  symbol — the  sign 
of  "living  color."  Surrounded  by  his 
wife  Miriam  and  his  lawyers.  Jack 
Paar  carried  his  briefcase  out  of  the 
courtroom  into  the  street.  .  .  . 

And  Pupi  Campo?  He  went  home  to 
wait  for  television  bookings.  As  of  this 
writing,   none  had  yet  come. 

— Pat  Greaves 


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Behind  the  Break-up: 

The  Pictures 

That  Shook  Hollywood 


He  brought  shame  to  the  D.A.'s  wife  .  .  .  murdered  an  old 
shopkeeper  .  .  .  viciously  stabbed  his  idealistic  lawyer. 
Who?  Fabian,  that's  who!  In  the  Bus  Stop  episode,  last 
December,  called  "A  Lion  Walks  Among  Us"  (originally, 
"Told  by  an  Idiot"— till  ABC-TV  decided  that  was  just 
too  much).  Though  it  was  a  violently  dramatic  role  any 
seasoned  actor  would  love,  many  viewers  objected  to  see- 
ing their  favorite  teenager  as  a  psycho.  So,  apparently, 
did  Bob  Marcucci — who  thought  he'd  raised  his  boy  to  be 
a  singer.  Was  it  these  TV  scenes  that  exploded  the  bomb 
between  the  Fabulous  Fabian  and  his  discoverer-manager? 

If  You  Think  Fabian  Is  Only  Kidding 

(Continued  from  page  25) 
the  togetherness  ends.  These  two  were 
like  father  and  son — closer,  in  fact, 
because  there  was  not  the  distance  of 
age.  Perhaps  big  brother  and  kid 
brother  would  be  more  exact. 

How  then,  could  this  rift  happen? 
Their  friends,  and  people  who  have 
worked  with  them  professionally,  claim 
no  one  thing  is  to  blame.  They  know 
it  would  take  more  than  one  blow-off 
to  break  these  two  up.  For  the  real 
story  behind  this  split,  we  must  go  back 
four  years  to  a  casual  meeting  that  was 
to  change  two  lives  forever. 

Bob  Marcucci  had  been  visiting 
friends  in  Philadelphia.  Looking  over 
at  the  steps  next  door,  he  noticed  a 
fifteen-year-old  who  seemed  bowed  with 
the  burdens  of  the  world.  Something 
about  the  boy  hit  Bob.  He  crossed  over 
and  began  talking  to  the  boy,  who  told 
him  his  name  was  Fabian  Forte.  The 
more  he  talked  to  him,  the  more  in- 
trigued he  became.  "What's  wrong?" 
he  asked  finally.  "Why  are  you  so 

"My  father's  in  the  hospital  with  a 
heart  attack,"  Fabian  answered  simply. 

"I'm  sorry,"  Marcucci  said.  He  talked 
to  the  boy  for  a  while,  trying  to  take 
his  mind  off  his  troubles.  Before  leav- 
ing, he  asked  the  big  question,  "Can 
you  sing — are  you  interested  in  being 
a  singer?" 

The  boy  looked  shocked.  "I  can't 
sing,"  Fabian  told  him  candidly.  "All  I 
can  think  about  right  now  is  my  father." 

He  couldn't  sing,  but— 

In  spite  of  Fabian's  answer,  Marcucci 
was  sure  he  had  what  it  would  take. 
When  Domenic  Forte,  the  father,  came 
home  from  the  hospital,  Marcucci  ap- 
proached him  and  the  family.  At  first 
they  were  skeptical.  Even  though  Bob 
had  been  introduced  to  them  by  their 
good  friends  and  neighbors,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  John  Palmieri,  they  weren't  sure 
they  could  trust  his  judgment.  They 
didn't  want  their  boy  to  be  hurt  going 
after  something  he  couldn't  get.  And 
why  should  they  believe  he  could  make 
it  as  a  singer?  He  made  fine  grades  in 
other  subjects  but  he  had  flunked  out 
for  the  school  chorus.  It  finally  took 
Bob's  uncle,  Benny  Oquita,  to  convince 
the  Fortes.  "Bob  will  be  a  father,  a 
brother  and  a  friend  as  well  as  a  guide 
for  your  boy,"  he  told  them.  "Before 
you  know  it,  Fabian  will  be  a  big 
star  .  .  ." 

It  was  no  idle  boast.  Marcucci  has 
the  gift  of  star-making — and  also  of 
friendships.  He  meant  every  promise 
he  made  to  the  Fortes. 

His  management  of  Frankie  Avalon 
(who  is,  of  course,  the  third  man — 
the  one  at  the  right! — in  the  striking 
picture  which  opens  this  story)  was 
already  a  dramatic  proof  of  his 
abilities.  Now  he  took  Fabian  Forte  in 
hand.  With  the  help  of  his  partner, 
Peter  DeAngelis,  Marcucci  worked  tire- 
lessly to  teach  him  to  control  his  voice 
and  bring  out  every  originality  of  man- 
ner and  style.  Later  they  sent  him  into 

New  York  for  lessons  from  a  top  vocal 

Fabian  became,  in  a  sense,  the  crea- 
tion of  Bob  Marcucci.  It  was  Marcucci 
who  decided  he  use  the  single  name, 
Fabian.  "More  intriguing,"  he  said. 
Marcucci  selected  the  clothes  Fabe  was 
to  wear,  the  songs  he  would  sing,  the 
places  where  he  would  be  seen.  Down 
to  the  last  detail,  Marcucci  studied  and 
acted  to  further  the  boy's  career.  Fabe 
never  complained.  He  was  grateful  to 
Bob  and  he  always  spoke  loyally  of  his 
mentor  and  friend.  "Bob  knows  what's 
best  for  me,"  he  often  declared.  "I 
never  even  dreamed  of  being  a  profes- 
sional singer  until  he  came  along  and 
said,  'You  can  do  it.'  Bob  knows  what 
the  score  is,  and  I'm  all  for  him  .  .  ." 

Soon  Fabe  was  cutting  records  for 
Chancellor,  the  Marcucci-DeAngelis 
company.  When  "I'm  a  Man"  was  re- 
leased, disc  jockeys  agreed  it  had  the 
makings  of  a  hit.  Thousands  of  teen-age 
girls  rushed  to  the  stores  to  buy  it.  The 
voice  of  Fabian  was  heard  throughout 
the  land.  Marcucci  shrewdly  booked 
him  on  the  Dick  Clark  show,  and  ar- 
ranged for  a  series  of  record  hops.  A 
careful  blueprint  to  stardom  was  being 
followed.  "Turn  Me  Loose"  brought 
Fabian  his  first  million-sale  "gold 
record"  and  glowing  receptions  every- 
where he  stopped  on  a  cross-country 
tour.  By  1959,  less  than  a  year  after  he 
auditioned  for  Marcucci,  Fabian  was 
number-one  with  the  fans  and  they  had 
begun  to  refer  to  him  as  "the  fabulous 

All  this  while,  Marcucci  was  doing 
more  than  managing  Fabian.  True  to 
his  promise  to  the  Fortes,  he  kept  a 
sharp,  affectionate  eye  on  the  lad.  A  boy 
of  16,  he  reasoned,  could  hardly  be  left 
to  make  his  own  decisions.  So  Bob  made 
them  for  him.  Unlike  other  young  stars, 
Fabian  traveled  with  no  personal  en- 
tourage. Rick  Nelson,  for  instance,  al- 
ways had  a  couple  of  buddies  along 
when  he  went  on  the  road.  And  Elvis 
Presley  took  several  pals  with  him. 
Fabe,  however,  was  completely  de- 
pendent on  Bob's  companionship.  And 
Bob  sent  almost  daily  reports  to  the 
Fortes,  who  were  naturally  anxious 
about  their  son.  It  was  good  to  know 
the  youngster  had  a  devoted  friend  who 
would  protect  him  from  infatuated 
young  girls  (Bob  was  ever  the  watchful 
chaperone  on  Fabe's  dates)  and  see  to 
it  that  he  ate  properly  and  got  enough 
rest  and  recreation.  Fabe's  mother  often 
demanded  of  her  son,  "Are  you  giving 
Bob  any  trouble?"  All  seemed  perfectly 
harmonious  in  the  Marcucci-Forte 

Then  Fabian  went  to  Hollywood  to 
make  his  first  movie,  "Hound  Dog 
Man."  A  tough  schedule  of  work  was 
before  him.  His  life  amid  the  glamour 
of  the  movies  was  full  of  details,  ten- 
sions and  responsibilities,  few  of  them 
amusing  or  exciting.  On  occasion,  he 
dated  pert  Annette  Funicello  or  Judy 
Harriet,  a  starlet,  but  always  under  the 
close  supervision  of  Bob.  Hollywood 
reporters,  experienced  in  the  foibles 
of  human  nature,  especially  when  it  is 

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involved  in  show  business,  were  quick 
to  make  mental  notes  of  this.  They 
noticed,  too,  the  way  Fabian  would 
glance  at  Bob  for  help  when  anyone 
asked  him  a  direct  question.  How  long 
could  this  last,  they  wondered?  What 
happens  when  this  kid  begins  to  grow 
up  and  feel  his  oats?  But  then,  seeing 
the  bond  of  genuine  affection  between 
these  two,  they  shrugged  off  the  ques- 

By  late  1960,  the  growing  business 
of  Chancellor  Records  was  weighing 
heavy  on  Bob  Marcucci.  He  had  less 
time  to  go  on  the  road  with  his  talented 
young  charge.  Finally  he  found  it 
necessary  to  ask  Tom  Marotta,  formerly 
in  the  promotion  department  of  the 
record  company,  to  travel  with  Fabian. 
Looking  back,  this  innocent  move  seems 
to  take  on  a  new  significance.  The  open- 
ing wedge,  purely  in  the  interest  of 
business,  had  come.  Fabian  was  no 
longer  quite  as  dependent  on  Bob  as 
before.  Marotta  was  now  at  his  side 
when  he  made  "Love  in  a  Goldfish 
Bowl"  for  Paramount,  and  it  was  Ma- 
rotta who  accompanied  Fabe  to  Holly- 
wood for  the  filming  of  "A  Summer 
World,"  a  movie  that  somehow  never 
got  off  the  ground. 

Beginning  of  a  rebellion 

Fabian  blew  his  stack  when  the  film 
was  abandoned.  Twentieth  Century-Fox 
claimed  they  were  having  casting  prob- 
lems— possibly  true,  since  Bradford 
Dillman  took  a  suspension  rather  than 
play,  as  he  put  it,  "second  fiddle  to 
Fabian."  But  Fabe  took  the  press  by 
surprise  when  he  reared  up  and 
heatedly  said,  "I  can't  see  why  I  was 
brought  out  here  to  sit  around  for  five 
weeks  and  do  nothing."  Reporters,  used 
to  having  Fabian  turn  to  Marcucci  to 
answer  any  questions,  now  listened 
open-mouthed  as  he  went  on,  "and  I'm 
not  impressed  with  the  argument  that  I 
haven't  been  wasting  my  time  because 
I've  been  studying  drama  and  practic- 
ing horseback  riding.  That  won't  do  me 
any  good  with  the  fans.  They  can  make 
you  or  break  you  and  I'm  not  about  to 
stay  idle  while  other  singers  go  before 
the  public  to  make  sure  they're  not 
forgotten  .  .  ." 

This  was  Fabian's  first  dissent,  his 
first  criticism  of  the  way  his  affairs 
were  being  handled.  Marcucci  and 
company  took  serious  note  of  it.  Could 
it  be  that  the  very  closeness,  the  very 
intimacy,  of  Bob's  big-brotherly  man- 
agement was  now  proving  burdensome 
to  the  young  star?  Was  the  fledgling 
growing  eager  to  try  his  own  wings? 
"How  do  you  go  about  meeting  girls 
in  this  town  .  .  .  girls  that  are  just  girls 
and  don't  spend  the  evening  talking 
shop?"  Fabe  complained  to  one  re- 
porter. Was  Marcucci's  policy  begin- 
ning to  seem  like  "all  work  and  no 
play"  to  a  young  man  filled  with  vi- 
tality and  the  desire  for  adventure? 

Perhaps  the  answer  to  all  these  ques- 
tions is  in  the  fact  that  Fabian  was  now 
18  and,  at  18,  a  young  man  is  not  the 
t       same  as  at  15.  Perhaps  Fabe,  the  eldest 
J       of  three  Forte  sons,  and  always  adviser 
to    his   younger    brothers,    felt    himself 
"too  grown  up"  for  what  has  often  been 

jokingly  referred  to  as  Bob's  "mother- 
hen"  attitude  toward  him.  Or  can  it  be 
that  Fabian,  dissatisfied  with  the  box- 
office  returns  on  "Hound  Dog  Man" 
and  "North  to  Alaska,"  and  only  slight- 
ly mollified  by  the  improvement  in 
"High  Time"  and  "Love  in  a  Goldfish 
Bowl,"  had  come  to  the  conclusion  that 
he  ought  to  be  allowed  a  larger  vote 
in  the  decisions  affecting  his  career? 
A  close  associate  told  TV  Radio  Mir- 
ror, "Fabe's  gone  on  record  .  .  .  from 
now  on,  what  he  doesn't  want  to  do. 
he  just  won't." 

Fabian  "wanted"  to  do  the  role  of 
the  teen  killer  in  the  segment  of  Bus 
Stop  that  recently  churned  up  a  storm 
such  as  television  hasn't  seen  in  many 
a  moon.  He  was  cast  as  a  hymn-singing 
psychopath  who  made  passes  at  a  mar- 
ried woman  and  went  on  to  brutally  rob 
and  kill  an  elderly  shopkeeper.  Critics 
yelped  that  the  public  image  of  Fabe 
as  a  clean-cut  all-American  boy  had 
been  ruined,  and  though  many  viewers 
praised  the  performance,  there  was  an 
alarming  number  of  letters  protesting 
in  horror  and  dismay.  Some  fifteen 
ABC-affiliated  stations  bluntly  refused 
to  run  the  segment.  Among  the  areas 
most  incensed  was  Fabe's  hometown  of 
Philadelphia.  The  response  of  the  pub- 
lic could  scarcely  be  called  a  block- 
buster success.  On  the  other  hand,  pro- 
ducer Robert  Blees  trumpeted  the  claim 
that  Fabian  deserved  an  Emmy  for  his 

The  Forte  family,  unable  to  view  the 
show  in  their  Berlin,  New  Jersey  home 
— which  gets  its  television  via  Phila- 
delphia channels — traveled  to  New 
York  to  catch  it.  In  a  solid  phalanx, 
they  supported  his  courage  in  taking 
the  part  and  his  artistry  in  doing  it. 
Fabian  found  himself  getting  serious 
attention  for  the  first  time  from  Holly- 
wood personalities  of  stature.  Ida  Lu- 
pino  and  Howard  Duff  sent  him  a  wire, 
with  Ida  adding  that  she  hoped  for  the 
pleasure  of  directing  him  some  time. 
Dean  Martin's  comment  was,  "Just 
don't  crowd  the  field — there's  enough 
Italian  actors  around,"  while  Milton 
Berle  wired,  "Here  I  was  up  for  an 
Emmy"— for  "Doyle  Against  the 
House"  on  the  Dick  Powell  Theater — 
"and  you  had  to  come  along." 

"For  the  first  time,"  Fabe  confided 
later,  "I  feel  like  an  actor.  I  want  to 
keep  studying,  to  learn  more.  I  don't 
want  to  develop  into  a  heavy,  but  I  do 
want  variety  in  roles.  That's  the  only 
way  I  can  prove  myself  as  an  actor." 

Apparently,  Fabian  has  done  just 
that — because,  after  viewing  the  Bus 
Stop  segment  when  it  was  completed, 
some  six  months  before  it  was  aired. 
Darryl  Zanuck  cast  him  in  a  dramatic 
role  in  "The  Longest  Day,"  his  epic 
movie  on  the  Normandy  invasion. 

When  the  smoke  of  the  Bus  Stop 
battle  cleared,  two  things  emerged 
clearly.  Fabian's  appearance  had  given 
the  show  its  highest  rating  of  the  sea- 
son— and  Bob  Marcucci's  opinion  was 
a  matter  of  mystery. 

Rumors  of  a  split  had  been  whis- 
pered even  before  the  show.  Now,  Bob's 
silence  seemed  to  confirm  them.  As 
Fabe  turned  more  and  more  to  acting, 
the  split  widened.  After  all.  Marcucci 

makes  his  home  in  Philadelphia;  most 
of  his  income  is  from  Chancellor  Rec- 
ords, located  there.  Most  movie  and  TV 
acting  jobs  are  on  the  West  Coast.  If 
Fabian  carried  out  his  plan,  which 
would  mean  spending  most  of  his  time 
in  Hollywood,  this  would  pose  a  dis- 
agreeable problem  of  commuting  for 
Bob.  Most  of  all,  he  must  feel  some 
chagrin  that  the  youngster  he  discov- 
ered and  trained  as  a  singer  now  wants 
to  make  the  music  business  only  a 
second-string  to  his  bow.  To  Marcucci 
there  is  nothing  as  exciting  or  im- 
portant as  the  making  of  records.  And 
while  he  has  always  encouraged  both 
Fabe  and  Frankie  Avalon  to  take  on 
"occasional"  acting  roles,  it  was  mainly 
to  build  them  up  as  record  stars. 

Apparently,  Frankie  Avalon,  after 
five  years  with  Bob,  is  still  happy.  He 
recently  signed  a  new  contract  with 
Marcucci — and  since  he  is  now  over  21. 
he  made  the  decision,  not  his  parents. 
But  Frankie,  from  the  beginning,  was 
never  as  completely  under  Bob's  wing 
as  was  his  friend  Fabian.  He  was  older 
and  had  already  wet  his  feet  in  show 
business  when  Marcucci  signed  him. 
He  didn't  need  the  attention  and  train- 
ing of  the  completely-inexperienced 
Fabian.  Frankie  was  in  Hollywood 
when  Fabian  arrived  to  begin  20th- 
Fox's  "Mr.  Hobbs  Takes  a  Vacation," 
but  he  is  keeping  as  quiet  as  Bob  about 
the  break-up.  After  all,  both  are  his 
friends  and  he  wouldn't  want  to  take 
sides.  Frankie  and  Fabe  had  lunch  to- 
gether at  the  studio — but  Fabian  did 
not  visit  the  rented  house  Frankie  and 
Bob  Marcucci  were  sharing. 

The  end— and  another  beginning? 

Whatever  the  cause  of  the  estrange- 
ment— whether  the  "creation"  rebelled 
against  his  creator,  or  the  creator  grew 
disenchanted  with  his  "creation,"  the 
long  hand-in-hand  climb  to  fame  and 
fortune  is  over.  Up  or  down,  in  the  fu- 
ture each  will  do  it  on  his  own. 

The  announcement  of  the  split-up 
came  from  the  Marcucci-Fabian  press 
agent,  via  a  two-sentence  statement  to 
the  Hollywood  trade  papers  stating: 
"Actor-singer  Fabian  and  his  manager 
Robert  Marcucci  have  amicably  ter- 
minated their  association  .  .  ."  There 
have  been  further  reports  in  the  press 
that  the  parting  was  an  entirely  friendly 
one — but  none  of  the  quotes  has  come 
directly  from  the  two  people  involved. 

Both  Fabian  and  Bob  have  kept  their 
silence; — as  if  it's  still  too  soon  to  talk 
about  how  much  each  is  hurt  by  this 
lost  friendship.  Bob  has  indicated  he 
will  devote  more  time  than  ever  to 
Chancellor  Records — and  developing 
new  talent.  Fabian  says  that  Tom 
Marotta  will  remain  with  him  as  his 
road  manager. 

That's  all  they'll  say,  as  they  turn 
from  each  other  and  begin  to  follow 
separate  paths.  To  friends  of  both,  it 
seems  like  two  brothers,  ripped  apart 
by  some  family  difference,  searching 
for  something  to  take  the  place  of  their 
old  warm  good-fellowship.  Perhaps  only 
this  search  for  something  else  will  bring 
their  paths  together  again. 

— Eunice  Field 

Lose  Pounds  Before  You  Lose  Him! 

(Continued  from  page  29) 
Ann's  table  and  told  a  yarn  about  the 
day's  funniest  live-show  snafu.  Then  he 
moved  on  to  another  table  and  set  that 
group  to  laughing.  He  was  blondish  and 
rangy,  with  the  map  of  Ireland  stamped 
on  his  cheerful  face. 

Jo  Ann  watched  him.  "He's  fun."  she 
said.  "What's  his  name?" 

"Dean  Hall,"  she  was  told.  "A  great 
guy  and  a  terrific  man  behind  the 

Jo  Ann  liked  his  blue  eyes,  the  set  of 
his  well-thatched  head,  the  jaunty  way 
he  walked.  She  didn't  know  how  or 
when,  but  somehow  she  thought,  /'//  be 
seeing  him  again. 

The  following  Sunday  afternoon,  she 
left  the  studio  earlier  than  usual  and 
walked  slowly  toward  the  parking  lot, 
indulging  in  a  mood.  The  late  sunlight 
slanted  over  the  baked  buildings,  and 
softened  asphalt  moved  like  velvet  un- 
derfoot. Her  parents  and  her  sister  had 
driven  to  San  Diego  for  the  weekend, 
so  they  weren't  expected  home  until 
late  that  evening.  Jo  Ann  was  without 
plans,  at  loose  ends  in  a  world  that 
seemed  vast  and  hot  and  lonely. 

"So  .  .  .  where  are  you  going?"  asked 
Dean  Hall,  falling  into  step  beside  her. 
She  told  him,  "Home,  I  guess,"  and 
started  a  conversation  about  that  week's 
Welk  show.  It  was  good  to  talk  shop 
with  someone  who  understood  show 
business,  yet  who  was  not  a  performer 
and  thus  could  project  a  fresh  view- 

After  a  few  moments,  Dean  said, 
"Let's  get  out  of  this  blazing  sun.  How 
about  having  a  Coke  with  me  ...  or 
maybe  dinner,  since  your  family's  out 
of  town."  So  they  had  dinner  at  Samoa 
House,  one  of  the  most  delightful  of 
South  Seas  restaurants,  and  afterward 
they  saw  "The  Apartment."  Later,  in 
the  moonlight,  they  sat  in  the  car  in 
front  of  Jo  Ann's  home  and  discussed 
life  .  .  .  and  music  .  .  .  and  the  mysteries 
of  "timing"  in  a  career.  .  .  . 

During  the  following  week,  they  had 
two  dates.  During  the  second  week. 
three.  Naturally,  they  saw  each  other 
daily  at  the  broadcasting  station.  When 
Jo  Ann  was  free  for  twenty  or  thirty 
minutes,  she  would  visit  Dean's  set.  Be- 
cause it  is  always  easiest  to  instruct  the 
mind  where  the  heart's  involved,  Jo  Ann 
began  to  learn  something  of  the  tech- 
nique employed  on  the  side  of  the 
camera  opposite  where  she  usually 
stood.  She  was  fascinated. 

In  the  evenings,  she  and  Dean  some- 
limes  talked  about  his  work,  sometimes 
about  hers,  as  they  lingered  over  din- 
ner. Occasionally,  they  saw  a  movie. 
More  often,  they  sat  on  the  living-room 
floor  and  listened  to  recordings  played 
on  Jo  Ann's  hi-fi. 

That  October  was  the  loveliest  Jo  Ann 
had  ever  known.  She  awakened  in  the 
morning,  smiling  as  if  her  dreams  had 
been  filled  with  a  golden  secret.  In  the 
noonday  sun,  she  stood  tall  and  weight- 
less, buoyant  as  a  feather.  At  night,  the 
world  was  a  welter  of  late-blooming 
jasmine,  the  very  perfume  of  love. 

Jo  Ann   made   no  attempt   to  analyze 

her  bliss.  And  she  made  no  attempt  to 
hide  it;  secrecy  would  have  been  in- 
effective, in  any  case.  The  Arabs  have 
a  proverb:  Three  things  there  are  that 
cannot  be  hidden — love,  smoke,  and  a 
man  riding  on  a  camel. 

Her  parents  decided,  in  November. 
that  Jo  Ann  was  seeing  too  much  of 
Dean  Hall.  She  should,  they  advised 
her,  have  dates  with  other  men.  She  was 
too  young  to  be  serious,  and  her  career 
was  flourishing  too  well  to  be  jeop- 
ardized. She  should  be  using  her  time 
for  piano  and  accordion  practice,  for 
vocal  lessons  and  dancing  instruction. 
There  was  too  much  to  be  done,  for  her 
to  be  mooning  over  a  man.  They  voiced 
no  criticism  of  Dean  Hall.  He,  as  an 
individual,  was  not  the  point  of  ob- 
jection. Interference  with  Jo  Ann's 
career  was. 

Jo  Ann  tried  to  be  a  dutiful  daugh- 
ter. She  and  her  mother  had  always 
been  devoted,  so  it  was  natural  for  Jo 
Ann  to  take  her  mother's  counsel  seri- 
ously. She  tried  to  concentrate  on  her 
piano.  But,  after  a  few  moments,  she 
would  stroll  to  the  refrigerator  to  find 
a  soft  drink  ...  or  a  bit  of  leftover 
roast  ...  or  a  dish  of  pudding. 

She  would  awaken  in  the  night,  tor- 
mented by  a  misery  that  was  easily 
translated  into  hunger,  and  briefly 
stilled  by  a  three-decker  sandwich.  Be- 
tween meals,  she  ate  candy  bars,  potato 
chips,  and  an  occasional  pizza.  When 
co-workers  noticed  her  expanding  curves 
and  kidded  her  about  them,  Jo  Ann 
said,  "I'm  the  jolly,  fat  type.  I  live  to 
eat.  I've  never  met  a  food  I  didn't  like, 
or  one  that  didn't  like  me." 

But  Jo  Ann's  jollity,  like  that  of  many 
heavy  people,  was  a  pose.  She  was  real- 
ly wretched.  She  hated  the  new  clothing 
she  had  to  buy,  and  she  was  ashamed  oi 
her  appetite.  She  longed  for  the  golden 
hours  of  October — spent  with  Dean.  She 
saw  him  nearly  every  day  at  the  studio, 
but  both  were  busy  during  working 
hours;  there  was  little  time  for  talk,  no 
opportunity  to  be  alone  at  leisure. 

Several  times,  she  managed  to  have 
secret  dates  with  Dean.  But  their  very 
secrecy,  the  sense  of  hiding,  and  the 
need  to  lie  about  the  evening  when  she 
returned  home,  robbed  the  dates  of  joy 
during  their  occurring  and  of  thrill  in 
their  remembering. 

She  talked  it  over  with  her  best  friend, 
Joyce  Wolters,  who  said,  "Don't  you 
know  what's  giving  you  a  bad  time? 
You're  in  love.  So  is  Dean.  No  one 
could  see  you  two  together  without 
realizing   it." 

Jo  Ann  explained  that  her  family 
thought  she  was  too  young  to  know  her 
own  mind,  that  she  shouldn't  marry  for 
at  least  two  more  years.  Joyce  laughed, 
noting  that  some  families  would  insist 
that  a  woman  of  thirty-five  was  too 
young  to  marry.  "Some  families  are 
possessive,"  she  pointed  out.  "After  all, 
you're  not  a  giddy,  light-headed  flirt; 
you're  steady,  sensible,  and  twenty-one. 
I  think  you  should  make  up  your  own 
mind  .  .  .  and  no,  you  can't  order  an- 
other  sandwich." 

That   evening,   in   a    restaurant   hung 

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For  a  slim,  trim  figure  like  Jo  Ann  Castle's,  try  this  model-tested  beauty  diet  from 
Eileen  Ford,  head  of  the  famous  Ford  Model  Agency  in  New  York.  For  years, 
Eileen  Ford  has  been  chief  beauty  adviser  to  some  of  the  world's  most  lovely 
women.  She  has  helped  hundreds  of  women  to  be  more  beautiful  than  they  ever 
dreamed  they  could  be.  Proof  of  the  success  of  this  diet  can  be  seen  on  magazine 
covers  across-country.  Be  sure  to  check  with  your  doctor  first.  Then,  try  it  .  .  .  and 
stick  to  it  .  .  .  you'll  be  on  your  way  to  a  glamorous  figure  in  no  time  flat ! 

Eileen  Ford's  "Model"  Diet 

CALORIE  COUNT:  900-1200  A  DAY 


Choice  of:  Grapefruit  juice y2  cup,  unsweetened,  50  calories 

Half  grapefruit x/2  small,  50 

»      Half  cantaloupe V2  medium,  25 

Medium  piece  of  watermelon 100 

One  or  two  boiled  or  poached  eggs 75  or  150 

Black   coffee   with    sugar   substitute 0 

(Liquid  sugar  substitutes  can  be  used  on  grapefruit) 

Minimum  calories:  100;  maximum:  250 



Choice  of  broiled  hamburger  or  two  hard  boiled  eggs 150  calories 

Raw  tomato  and   raw  carrot 25  each 

Glass  of  fortified  skim  milk 1  cup,  85 

(Fresh  ground  pepper  for  seasoning  to  cut  down  on  water-retentive  salt) 

Calories:   285 


Choice  of  tomato  or  other  vegetable  juice, 

grapefruit  juice  or  tomato  soup juices,  25;  soup,  50  calories 

Choice  of  broiled  steak,  liver,  iamb  chop, 

chicken,  fish  or  hamburger, 

roast  leg  of  lamb,  beef  or  chicken medium  serving,  about  400 


Choice  of  spinach,  stringbeans,  tomatoes, 

carrots  or  cabbage  (without  butter) medium  serving,  about  25 


Lettuce  with  lemon  and  fresh  ground  pepper 

or  wine  vinegar  and  light  oil 30  to  50  calories 


Choice  of  half  grapefruit,  medium  piece  of  watermelon 

or  half  cantaloupe 25  to  100  calories 

Black  coffee 0 

Minimum:   505;   maximum:   625 


1.  Eat  the  best  cuts  of  meat  and  the  freshest  fruits  and  vegetables;  they're  more  nutritious 
and  much  more  appetizing.  2.  Never  let  yourself  get  hungry.  Keep  snacks  handy:  Carrots, 
celery,  watercress,  cucumbers.  Hunger  pangs  are  unnecessary  and  dangerous  for  your  will 
power.  3.  Eat  small  amounts  of  food  at  a  time  to  "shrink  your  stomach."  Five  small  meals 
a  day  are  better  than  one  enormous  one.  4.  Use  a  pepper  mill  or  lemon  juice  to  give  your 
food  accent.  Salt  helps  your  body  retain  water  and  therefore  weight.  5.  Avoid  crash  diets. 
They  are  dangerous  and  lead  to  gorging.  6.  Stand  in  front  of  your  mirror,  stripped  down 
every  day.  Take  a  deep  breath  and  stand  straight  and  tell  yourself  that  you  are  thinner, 
even  if  it's  an  eighth  of  a  pound.  Believe  it  and  it  will  come  true.  7.  Once  you  have  lost 
the  weight,  don't  go  back  to  your  old  eating  habits.  You  need  less  food  to  keep  your  lighter 
body  going,  so  eat  less  than  you  used  to  or  you'll  gain  the  weight  right  back. 

with  holly  and  tinsel,  while  Christmas 
carols  supplied  background  music,  Jo 
Ann  had  dinner  with  Dean.  Searching 
his  eyes,  she  asked,  "Do  you  want  to 
marry  me?" 

"More  than  anything  I've  ever  wanted 
in  my  life,"  he  answered  solemnly. 

And  so  they  were  married  on  Sunday, 
January  8,  1961.  Jo  Ann  appeared  with 
the  Lawrence  Welk  band  at  the  Aragon 
Ballroom  until  two  that  morning,  then 
she  changed  into  traveling  clothes,  and 
she  and  Dean  set  out  for  Las  Vegas. 

In  Dean's  excitement,  he  had  forgot- 
ten to  fill  the  car  with  gas.  They  were 
halfway  across  the  desert  before  he 
noticed  that  they  were  running  on  the 
fumes  of  jet  aircraft  passing  overhead. 
They  passed  a  dozen  filling  stations — 
all  closed. 

"Fine  way  to  start  married  life,"  Dean 
gloomed.  "Walking  five  miles,  or  maybe 
fifteen,  for  a  can  of  gasoline  .  .  .  I'm 
sorry,  honey." 

"There's  a  station — right  there,  at  the 
bottom  of  the  hill.  Someone's  around 
there,  because  there's  smoke  coming 
from  the  living  quarters  in  back."  Jo 
Ann  crossed  her  fingers. 

The  car,  its  fuel  gauge  knocking  the 
"E,"  rolled  downhill  and  into  the  sta- 
tion, coughing  its  last  as  it  stopped  be- 
side a  pump.  While  the  tank  was  being 
filled,  Jo  Ann  dropped  a  quarter  into 
one  of  Nevada's  ubiquitous  slot  ma- 
chines (nearly  every  filling  station  has 
at  least  one)   and  hit  the  jackpot. 

"See — we're  shot  with  luck!"  she 
jubilated.  "Two  good  breaks  in  ten 
minutes  .  .  .  how  can  we  lose?" 

The  ceremony  was  performed  at  three 
o'clock  that  afternoon,  with  Joyce 
Wolters  and  Stanley  Skoff  serving  as 
attendants.  Jo  Ann  wore  a  short  jade- 
green  satin  afternoon  dress,  princess 
style,  with  a  square  neckline  and  three- 
quarter  sleeves.  Her  hat  was  white, 
and  so  was  her  orchid  corsage. 

Afterward,  she  telephoned  her  mother 
with  the  news.  It  proved  to  be  a  stormy 
conversation,  which  sent  Jo  Ann  to  her 
wedding  dinner — famished.  "I'm  going 
to  go  on  a  diet  tomorrow,"  she  an- 
nounced, tying  into  a  fourteen-ounce 
steak  and  a  baked  potato.  She  had  said 
it  before  ...  in  her  honest  heart,  she 
admitted  that  she  might  say  it  again, 
many  times  .  .  .  without  results. 

She  reckoned  without  her  brave  new 
husband.  Two  weeks  later,  she  was  in 
the  office  of  Dr.  Chadney,  who  checked 
her  pulse,  respiration,  and  blood  pres- 
sure, and  ordered  certain  additional 
laboratory  tests  to  be  made.  Next,  he 
gave  her  a  prescription  for  medication 
to  be  taken  three  times  daily,  thirty 
minutes  before  meals. 

He  warned  her,  "Tonight,  you  won't 
be  able  to  eat  dinner.  You  won't  be 
hungry;  but  you'll  have  a  sense  of  com- 
fortable well-being,  as  if  you'd  just  en- 
joyed a  banquet." 

He  was  right. 

He  also  gave  Jo  Ann  a  calorie  chart 
to  memorize  as  fully  as  possible,  and 
he  laid  down  three  irrevocable  rules: 
No  refrigerator-raiding  at  any  time. 
No  alcoholic  beverages,  ever.  Conscien- 
tious taking  of  the  vitamins  he  pre- 

It  was  unnecessary   for  the  doctor  to 

prescribe  a  course  of  exercise  because 
she  was  already  so  active,  dancing,  play- 
ing honky-tonk  piano  and  working  on 
a  big  TV  show  (not  to  mention  her  work 
as  a  happy  homemaker,  which  Jo  Ann — 
with  typical  energy — has  turned  into  a 
regimen  for  trimming  off  unwanted 
inches ! ) . 

During  the  first  three  months  of  Jo 
Ann's  medication,  she  reported  to  the 
doctor  each  week:  after  that,  she  re- 
ported every  two  weeks.  Ten  months 
after  starting  her  diet,  her  weight  was 
down  to  125  pounds  (from  152),  and 
she  was  working  to  shed  five  more. 

At  this  writing,  she  still  requires 
some  medication  and  her  caloric  intake 
must  be  kept  under  1200  per  day.  But 

she  now  wears  a  size-12  dress,  a  size-11 
belt — and,  for  the  first  time  in  her  life, 
she  can  wear  capris.  In  fact,  she  has 
gone  all  out  for  vivid  playtime  outfits. 

"Good  girl,"  said  Dean,  when  Jo  Ann 
followed  his  advice  so  promptly — swal- 
lowing her  pride,  instead  of  gulping 
down  a  soda  to  soothe  the  hurt  his  can- 
did words  had  caused. 

"Glamour  girl,"  he  can  say  now.  She's 
obviously  not  going  to  lose  his  love. 

And,  in  a  way,  that's  his  fault,  too! 
— Fredda  Dudley  Balling 

Jo  Ann  Castle  is  seen  and  heard  on  The 
Lawrence  Welk  Show — ABC-TV,  Sat., 
9  to  10  P.M.  EST.  Other  Welk  programs 
are  heard  over  ABC  Radio;  see  papers. 

A  Cure  For  What  Ails  Every  Woman 

(Continued  from  page  20) 
there  have  naturally  been  changes  in 
his  life.  For  one  thing,  he  now  finds  it 
almost  impossible  to  be  alone  and  un- 
recognized in  a  crowd,  a  side-effect  of 
his  success.  But  perhaps  the  biggest 
change  is  his  own  attitude  toward  this. 
He  no  longer  has  to  be  alone,  no  longer 
has  to  prove  that  he  can  go  it  alone. 
And  Vince  has  been  trying  to  prove  this 
from  the  day  he  was  born. 

He  was  born  on  July  9,  1931,  in  the 
tough  Brownsville  section  of  Brooklyn. 
But  not  even  his  birthday  was  his  alone. 
He  shared  it  with  his  twin  brother, 
Anthony.  Although  Vince  and  Anthony 
were  not  identical  twins,  his  parents — 
Julia  and  Vincent  Zoino — naturally 
tended  to  think  of  them  together,  as  if 
neither  had  a  separate  identity.  And 
this  bothered  Vince.  It  bothered  him  so 
much  that  it  has  colored  his  whole  way 
of  life.  He  set  out  to  show  he  was  "dif- 
ferent," and  it  didn't  seem  to  matter  to 
him  how  he  achieved  this. 

In  his  own  words,  Vince  sums  it  up 
this  way:  "I  was  always  the  oddball. 
My  dad  got  his  gray  hairs  from  me.  He 
used  to  ask,  'What's  with  this  kid,  any- 
way? Something  funny  about  him — 
never  mixes  with  the  others  in  the 
family.'  Ours,  like  most  Italian  families, 
was  a  close-knit  one.  I  tried,  but  I 
couldn't  help  being  an  oddball.  My 
twin  brother  Tony  doesn't  look  any- 
thing like  me.  He's  red-haired,  like  my 
mother — resembles  Danny  Kaye.  I  had 
little  to  do  with  him  as  a  kid,  and 
haven't  seen  him  now  for  ten  years. 
Tony's  in  business.  I  guess  I  was  just 
a  young  Ben  Casey.  I  severed  the  um- 
bilical cord  for  good  at  sixteen  when 
I  left  home  for  Ohio  State." 

What  Vince  does  not  say  is  that, 
forced  to  share  everything  in  a  family 
of  nine — including  his  own  birthday — 
finding  he  could  not  conform  to  the 
rigid  togetherness  his  folks  expected, 
he  decided  to  share  nothing  of  himself, 
until  he  had  proved  he  could  stand 
alone,  until  he  was  accepted  for  him- 
self. But  first  he  had  to  find  out  what  he 
really  was. 

He  did  this,  according  to  John  Cas- 
savetes —  distinguished  actor-director 
and  friend  of  Vince's  since  they  were 
student  actors — by  dipping  into  differ- 

ent kinds  of  social  life,  by  passing 
through  various  phases  during  his 
twelve  years  in  Hollywood. 

"Vincent  raced  motorcycles  at  one 
time,"  Cassavetes  recalls,  "but  he  was 
never  a  kook.  A  very  green  kid  when 
he  came  out,  Vincent  went  through  vari- 
ous cycles — the  Elia  Kazan  cycle,  the 
Sinatra  set,  night-club  comics,  a  few 
fringe  Hollywood  sets.  He  did  this 
merely  because  he  wanted  to  learn  as 
much  as  he  could  from  many  different 
groups,  not  because  he  longed  to  be  a 
hanger-on.  Today,  he  counts  among  his 
good  friends  Sammy  Davis  Jr.,  fighter- 
comic  Maxie  Rosenbloom,  Jerry  Lewis 
and  Rocky  Marciano.  I've  known  Vin- 
cent a  long  time,  and  yet  I  really  don't 
know  much  about  his  life.  Vincent  is 
the  reticent  type.  In  a  way,  he's  some- 
what of  a  mystery  man  who  keeps  his 
phone  number  and  address  to  himself." 

This  last  statement  is  further  borne 
out  by  Abby  Greshler,  Vince's  agent 
for  the  last  six  months.  Abby  had 
known  Vince  for  years,  and  yet  he 
never  knew  where  to  find  Vince.  That 
wasn't  a  problem  until  Jim  Mosher 
(who  made  the  outstanding  Medic  a  few 
years  back)  was  looking  for  someone 
to  play  Dr.  Ben  Casey. 

"Mosher  had  already  tested  sixty 
leading  men  without  finding  what  he 
wanted,"  says  Greshler.  "I  read  the 
script,  saw  that  Casey  couldn't  be  a 
pretty  boy,  but  must  be  real  masculine 
and  a  real  actor.  Suddenly,  I  got  a  flash 
and  knew  that  Vincent  Edwards  was 
exactly  the  ticket.  Luckily,  the  Ben 
Casey  producers  had  the  film  on  Henry 
Fonda's  Deputy  series  in  which  Vince 
did  a  superb  job  as  a  frontier  doctor. 
That  did  it!  They  wanted  to  see  him 
quick,  like  yesterday.  No  wonder  Vince 
says:  'Fate  had  a  lot  to  do  with  me 
getting  Casey.' 

"But  for  me  remained  the  problem  of 
finding  Vince,  whom  I  hadn't  yet 
signed.  He  was  then  in  his  motorcycle- 
racing  period,  you  know,  the  Brando 
bit — a  kind  of  near-beatnik  character 
with  the  boots,  leather  jacket,  unruly 
hair — the  whole  thing.  And  unlike  any 
other  client,  Vince  hadn't  given  me  his 
phone  number.  When  I'd  asked  him,  he 
said,  'Don't  call  me;  I'll  call  you.'  I 
can't  figure  this  guy  out.  He  was  in  his 




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hiding-from-people  period,  and  I  had 
to  find  him,  but  quick!  So  I  even  hired 
a  private  detective  who,  believe  it  or 
not,  found  him  under  a  car  out  at  the 
Ascot  Car  Races  in  the  Crater  Bowl, 
near  Malibu  Beach.  There  was  Vince 
ready  to  race  his  motorbike,  but  stop- 
ping to  work  on  a  pal's  Maserati!" 

And  so  Vince  Edwards  became  Dr. 
Ben  Casey,  but  even  that  he  didn't  talk 
about.  "I  had  to  draw  out  of  him  that 
he  was  signed  for  the  Ben  Casey  series," 
Cassavetes  remembers.  "We'd  talked  a 
Jong  time  when  I  asked  him,  'Vince, 
what  are  you  up  to  now?'  'Oh,  I'm  start- 
ing a  TV  series,'  he  said,  as  a  throw- 
away  line.  And,  later,  when  critics  gave 
him  bravos  for  his  portrayal  of  the 
doctor,  I  called  to  congratulate  him. 
Vincent  was  grateful,  but  he  quickly 
changed  the  subject.  He's  a  loner," 
Cassavetes  concludes.  "The  last  of  the 
real  individualists,  a  man  who  stands 

This  has  held  true  in  the  romance 
department  so  far,  too.  In  a  town  where 
it  is  almost  a  cult  to  marry  early  and 
often,  Vince  has  adroitly  managed  to 
retain  his  single  status.  As  Vince  puts 
it,  "Twice  I  got  to  the  track,  but  was 
gate-shy.  I  had  two  starts,  but  didn't 
finish."  Translated,  this  means  Vince 
was  engaged  twice  and  dis-engaged 
both  times.  "They're  both  happily  mar- 
ried now.  One  was  Jackie  Loughery, 
now  Mrs.  Jack  Webb,  the  other  a  dan- 
cer, Betty  Uittey." 

But  now  that  he  is  on  the  road  to 
finding  himself,  Vince  maintains  he  is 
looking  forward  to  marriage,  though  his 
tremendously  full  schedule  makes  even 
dating  difficult. 

"There's  never  been  a  better  inven- 
tion than  women,"  says  Vince,  his 
hazel-green  eyes  mirthful.  "I've  thought 
so  since  I  was  around  ten.  Before  that, 
I  must  confess  that,  for  a  long  time,  I 
thought  girls  were  just  'soft  boys.'  Then 
I  met  a  pair  of  twins,  Tu-Tu  and  Anna, 
who  were  really  the  'girls  next  door,' 
and  I  got  a  big  crush  on  both  of  them. 

"But  marriage — well,  marriage  means 
to  me  supporting  a  wife  and  children. 
I  haven't  married  before  this  because  of 
my  precarious  financial  state." 

And  he  hasn't  married  before  this 
because  he  wasn't  ready  yet  to  share  his 
identity — not  really.  It  has  taken  him 
all  this  time,  all  these  years  to  prove  he 
wasn't  just  a  half  of  a  combination — a 
twin — but  a  person  in  his  own  right. 

He  began  proving  this  back  when  he 
attended  East  New  York  High,  where 
he  was  captain  of  the  swimming  team 
(later  New  York  State  champion),  then 
transferred  to  Thomas  Jefferson,  where 
he  was  a  track  star  good  enough  to  be 
offered  an  athletic  scholarship  to  Ohio 
State  University.  Without  this  scholar- 
ship, he  would  not  have  been  able  to 
go  to  college. 

"We  weren't  exactly  poverty-strick- 
en," says  Vince,  "but  there  was  never 
enough  money  for  a  big  family,  and  I 
had  to  make  my  way  on  my  own.  I  had 
no  teen  life  because  I  had  to  work  all 
the  time — as  a  life  guard  at  Coney  Is- 
land, even  swinging  a  pick  on  the  sub- 
way for  a  while — anything  I  could  get, 
though  I  begrudged  every  minute  away 
from  the  pool  and  gym.  Days,  I  went 
to  vocational  school.  Nights,  I  studied 
academic  subjects  to  prepare  for  col- 
lege. We  had  no  hot-rods  in  my  neigh- 

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Name    Age    



borhood.  Kids  like  me  didn't  have  cars 
for  joy-riding.  We  thought  that  was  for 
sissies.  And,  of  course,  in  high  school 
I  had  no  interest  in  acting.  That  would 
have  been  for  sissies,  too.  That  came 
later  at  Ohio  State. 

"When  I  finally  did  decide  to  become 
an  actor,  my  father  didn't  really  ob- 
ject. He  said :  'Okay,  so  you're  an  actor. 
But  when  do  you  go  to  work?' ' 

The  hungry  Mr.  Edwards  went  to 
work  first  as  a  chorus  boy  in  "High 
Button  Shoes"  on  Broadway  at  $85  a 
week.  When  he  had  no  work,  or  as 
Vince  puts  it,  "Until  two  years  ago, 
when  things  began  to  break  for  me,  my 
b6st  friend  was  always  that  unsung 
hero  of  actors — the  state  unemployment 
director.  Every  Wednesday,  I'd  stop 
searching  for  an  acting  job  long  enough 
to  collect  the  'Big  55' — my  unemploy- 
ment money.  Like  a  lot  of  guys,  I 
learned  how  to  spread  it  as  thin  as 
the  ham  in  a  drugstore  sandwich." 

After  "High  Button  Shoes,"  and  in 
between  bouts  with  the  unemployment 
director,  Vince  began  landing  good 
roles  in  major  TV  plays,  on  both  coasts, 
and  in  major  motion  pictures  such  as 
"Serenade,"  with  Mario  Lanza,  and 
"The  Three  Faces  of  Eve,"  with  Joanne 
Woodward.  He  was  also  in  a  number 
of  low-budget  crime  pictures,  among 
them  "City  of  Fear"  and  "Murder  By 
Contract."  These  films,  according  to 
Arthur  Knight,  in  Saturday  Review. 
were  great — ".  .  .  the  sleepers  of  the 

When  Vince  read  that,  he  says,  "I 
felt  ten  feet  tall." 

But  Greshler,  Vince's  agent,  thought 
they  were  nothing.  "He  played  his 
share  of  cop  killers  and  other  bad  guys, 
because  he  looked  as  if  he  could  take 
care  of  himself,"  Greshler  muses.  "It 
got  so  that  I  knew  if  he  ever  got  a  call 
for  a  role  in  a  Biblical  epic,  he'd  be 
wanted  for  Judas.  Vince  was  practically 
signed  for  the  lead  in  87th  Precinct, 
but  luckily  for  him,  that  didn't  work 
out.  And  he  got  Casey." 

Yes,  Vince  got  Casey,  and  through 
that  show,  he  has  discovered  that  no 
one  has  to  stand  alone.  Even  the  dedi- 
cated Dr.  Ben  Casey  has  to  rely  on  his 
colleagues  for  help.  Everyone  from  the 
lab  technician  who  tests  for  blood 
types  to  the  anaesthetist  who  elim- 
inates a  patient's  pain,  is  a  necessary 
part  in  a  doctor's  life.  Seeing  this  on 
the  set,  Vince  has  begun  applying  it  in 
his  own  life. 

He  has  been  dating  a  pretty  blonde 
receptionist  who,  surprisingly  enough, 
works  for  two  doctors  who  are  her 
brothers-in-law.  Sherry  Nelson,  the 
widow  of  a  jockey,  is  twenty-two,  a 
sweet,  quiet-spoken  girl  who  is  a  fine 
musician.  She  plays  the  violin  in  the 
Burbank  Symphony  and  met  Vince  two 
years  ago  at  a  sports  event.  Will  this 
friendship  progress  to  marriage?  No 
one,  not  even  Vince  and  Sherry,  knows 
yet.  But  it  is  safe  to  say  that  now, 
more  than  at  any  other  time  in  his  life, 
Vince  is  ready  to  give  up  being  a 
loner.  He  is,  at  last,  ready  to  share 
himself.  — Erika  Maxson 

Vincent  Edwards  is  Ben  Casey  on 
ABC-TV,   Mon.,   10  to   11   P.M.   EST. 

This  Is  the  Way  the  Bert  Bounces 

(Continued  from  page  44) 
isn't  the  raucous  kind.  Just  an  appre- 
ciative,     "yeh-that's-funny"      kind     of 

At  home,  Parks  gets  his  exercise 
cutting  the  grass  in  summer,  doing  odd 
jobs  around  the  house  all  year  'round 
— although,  long  since,  he  could  afford 
plenty  of  help  outside  and  in.  He  is  no 
great  sports  enthusiast.  Tennis  and  golf 
he  can  take,  or  leave,  though  he  does 
like  them.  His  evenings  are  more  often 
quiet  than  not.  "I  don't  need  something 
going  on  around  me  every  minute  to  be 
happy,"  he  says. 

Now  in  his  thirtieth  year  in  broad- 
casting— both  radio  and  TV,  of  course 
— the  list  of  Bert's  shows  is  staggering. 
Beginning  as  an  announcer  over  the 
hometown  radio  station  in  Atlanta, 
Georgia,  at  seventeen;  going  on  to 
bigger  and  better  jobs  in  New  York, 
two  years  later.  He  was  straight  man 
and  singer  with  The  Eddie  Cantor 
Show  on  radio,  a  few  years  later  still — 
the  Big  Chance.  He  didn't  flunk  it.  It 
has  been  go,   go,  go!    ever   since. 

His  newest  TV  show,  Yours  For  A 
Song,  came  in  the  middle  of  a  four- 
week  run  of  "The  Music  Man,"  at  New 
Jersey's  Paper  Mill  Playhouse.  He 
starred  on  Broadway  in  the  show, 
played  300  performances.  "Probably  the 
most  difficult  part  ever  created  for  one 
man,"  he  says.  "And  I  would  like  to 
do  another.  When  people  come  in  and 
pay  their  money  to  see  you,  that's  the 
test.  That's  gratifying." 

Yours  For  A  Song  went  on  the  ABC- 
TV  network  two  months  ahead  of  the 
scheduled  date,  first  as  a  half-hour 
nighttime  show  on  Tuesday,  starting 
last  November,  then  quickly  expanding 
to  include  a  daily  half-hour  in  Decem- 
ber. The  format  is  fairly  simple.  A  pair 
of  contestants  match  their  knowledge 
of  popular  songs,  old  and  new. 

The  orchestra  plays,  Bert  helps  a  con- 
testant sing  the  lyrics  flashed  on  a 
screen — but  certain  words  are  omitted 
for  the  contestant  to  fill  in,  for  a  cash 
award.  At  the  conclusion  of  each  round, 
the  one  who  wins  the  most  money  meets 
a  new  challenger.  And  so  it  goes.  Bert 
plays  it  for  laughs  and  fun,  keeping 
contestants     contented — and     in     line. 

"I  watched  the  daytime  shows  and 
what  I  missed  was  music,  especially 
singing,"  Parks  says.  "Lots  of  games, 
but  little  music.  I  like  to  hear  singing 
— and  I  like  to  sing.  This  was  for  me. 
But  I  wasn't  expecting  to  get  started  all 
of  a  sudden." 

The  beginnings  were  frantic.  There 
he  was,  still  playing  the  brassy  Harold 
Hill  in  "The  Music  Man"  across  the 
Hudson  in  New  Jersey.  There  were  the 
first  tapes  of  the  nighttime  TV  show  to 
be  made,  immediately  followed  by  five- 
a-week  for  the  pending  daytime  show. 
For  the  first  time,  the  "indestructible" 
Bert  Parks  almost  lost  the  title.  He  got 
a  checkup,  took  a  short  vacation,  came 
back  like  a  space  capsule  rocketing  to 
the  recovery  rendezvous  in  the  Pacific. 

How  does  he  really  do  it  all,  all  the 
time?  Why  does  he  continue  to  work  so 
hard,  after  a  list  of  shows  as  long  as 

your  arm?  Going  back  from  his  latest 
before  this  'one  on  TV,  Masquerade 
Party,  the  roster  includes  Break  The 
Bank  (eleven  years,  all  told,  on  that!), 
County  Fair,  Bert  Parks'  Bandstand, 
The  Big  Payoff,  Double  Or  Nothing, 
Balance  Your  Budget,  Bid  W  Buy, 
Giant  Step,  Two  In  Love,  The  Bert 
Parks  Show. 

And  the  most  famous  of  them  all. 
Stop  The  Music — the  one  that  edged 
the  fabulous  Fred  Allen  off  the  air  by 
sheer  magnitude  of  its  giveaways  and 
the  dynamics  of  Quizmaster  Parks.  The 
jackpot  went  up  as  high  as  $30,000  for 
one  night's  loot — unheard  of  in  those 
days,  and  no  mean  amount  even  in 
these.  He  was  involved  in  the  Miss 
America  pageants  (and  still  is),  in 
commercials,  benefits,  and  all  the  usual 
extras  asked  of  all  performers. 

Conceivably  he  could  work  less,  pro- 
vide less  for  the  Income  Tax  Bureau's 
cut,  if  he  wanted  to.  His  answer  to 
this?  "I  get  restless  if  I  don't  have 
enough  to  do.  I  have  to  keep  busy.  I 
like  to  spend  a  lot  of  energy  on  some- 
thing I  like." 

How  does  he  keep  the  supply  of 
energy  flowing? 

"How  does  any  busy  person  keep 
going?  You  pace  yourself,  get  rid  of  a 
sense  of  urgency,  don't  let  others  dis- 
turb you.  People  around  me  try  to 
hurry  me.  'You  must  do  this  today.' 
But  why  does  everything  have  to  be 
done  today?  Why  can't  some  things  be 
left  until  tomorrow? 

"Maybe  they'll  go  better  and  easier 
and  quicker  tomorrow,"  Bert  shrugs 
lightly.  "You  have  to  control  your  own 
time  and  only  do  as  much  as  you  can 
without  strain.  A  good  day's  work 
should  leave  you  feeling  stimulated — 
not  battered  and  beat." 

Bert  has  a  theory  that  fatigue  is  far 
more  mental  than  physical.  Made  up 
of  little  worries  and  frustrations,  things 
you  don't  get  solved  or  finished.  "You 
don't  get  tired  from  the  hard  job  you 
do  well — or,  for  that  matter,  from  any 
work  you  really  enjoy." 

He  detests  post-mortems.  "I  used  to 
go  back  over  every  detail  of  a  show. 
Worry  how  it  could  have  been  done 
better,  reproach  myself  for  every  flaw. 
I  tore  myself  apart.  You  can,  in  this 
business.  Now  I  never  rehash.  I  can 
thank  my  wife,  Annette,  for  helping 
in  this. 

"When  I  talk  to  Annette  about  any- 
thing— business,  home  or  family  situa- 
tions— we  get  done  with  it.  She  never 
starts  harking  back  to  it,  as  some  wives 
do.  When  I  have  finished  a  perform- 
ance at  the  studio,  I  leave.  If  something 
should  be  discussed,  that's  okay.  But  no 
going  over  and  over  what's  finished  and 
done!  Tensions  build  up,  when  you 
keep  revolving  a  thing  in  your  mind." 

The  people  who  tell  him  he  ought  to 
be  tired  make  him  tired.  If  Bert  has 
heard  it  once,  he  has  heard  it  a  thou- 
sand times:  "Don't  you  just  collapse 
from  fatigue  at  the  end  of  the  day?" 

His    answer:    "I    don't,    unless    you 
remind  me  how  tired  I  should  be." 
(Please  turn  the  page) 

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Annette  protects  him  from  too  many 
social  pressures.  She  has  always  kept 
the  kids  out  of  his  way  when  he  came 
home  beat,  but  now  they're  quite  grown 
up.  The  twins,  Joel  and  Jeffrey,  will 
be  sixteen  next  summer.  Annette  Jr.  will 
be  thirteen  in  March.  They  have  a  lively 
social  life,  but  their  parents  are  more 

"Too  little  time,"  Bert  says.  "We 
have  friends — but  not  business  contacts. 
None  of  that  what-can-he-do-for-me 
company.  We  barely  have  enough  time 
for  the  people  who  really  mean  some- 
thing to  us.  When  we  can  get  together 
with  them,  that's  our  fun." 

Parks  works  well  under  pressure,  even 
though  he  avoids  it  at  home.  He's  a 
quick  study,  needs  little  rehearsal — 
Yours  For  A  Song  isn't  that  type  of 
show,  anyhow,  except  for  camera-and- 
lights  rehearsals.  He's  good  at  ad-lib, 
isn't  ashamed  of  being  a  little  corny  at 

times  and  more  than  a  little  folksy. 
"People  identify  with  us  as  friends. 
Isn't  that  what  a  show  like  this  is 

A  static  show  bores  him,  makes  him 
more  restless.  His  repartee  is  rapid,  his 
manner  informal.  His  stock  in  trade  is 
in  being  extemporaneous,  fast,  and  as 
funny  as  he  can  be  on  quick  notice. 
He  gets  interested  in  the  guests— ap- 
parently, even  the  dullest  ones.  Perhaps 
that's  because  they  present  the  greatest 

It  all  looks  easier  from  the  outside 
than  from  the  inside,  trying  to  break 
through  on  good  days  and  bad,  with 
good  guests  and  awful  ones.  With  Bert's 
long  background  of  experience,  he 
could  chuck  it  all  and  go  into  produc- 
tion or  the  executive  end  of  the  busi- 
ness. Or  he  could  work  less,  take  more 
vacations,  take  it  easier. 

The  idea   doesn't   interest   him. 

"This  is  what  I  like  to  do.  And  if  you 
want  to  be  a  performer,  you  have  to 
participate  actively  in  it.  It's  a  pro- 
fession that  is  changing  all  the  time, 
and  you  have  to  build  up  new  things 
with  which  you  can  be  identified.  With 
each  new  project,  you  work  out  a  new 
routine  for  yourself.  You  begin  to  find 
the  shortcuts,  the  ways  to  make  it 
easier.  You  put  on  those  extra  spurts 
when  it's  necessary  to  get  things  done. 

"That's  all  there  is  to  it.  That  .  .  . 
and  no  over-dramatizing  of  yourself, 
your  job,  or  your  importance." 

This  is  the  way  Bert  Parks  bounces. 
And  he  gets  more  bounce  to  the  energy- 
ounce  than  almost  anyone  else  in  the 
business.  — The  End 

Bert  Parks  stars  in  Yours  For  A  Song, 
as  seen  on  ABC-TV,  Tues.,  at  9:30  P.M. 
EST,  and  Mon.-through-Fri.,  at  11:30 
A.M.    (in  all  areas). 

You  Think  You've  Got  Troubles! 

(Continued  from  page  49) 
and  Madolin  Wilson,  who  is  our  secre- 
tary-accountant and  head  of  the  Fan 
Club.  And — except  on  Sunday,  when 
we  ad-lib  meals — Clara  Theophile  pre- 
sides over  our  kitchen.  (There's  a  good 
deal  of  free-enterprise  eating  when 
Clara  isn't  around  to  guard  the  re- 
frigerator! ) 

Also  present,  at  some  time  during 
each  day,  are  several  of  the  more  than 
fifty  Lennon  cousins  who  live  in  the 
Venice   area. 

Our  house  itself — the  building — is 
quite  different  from  that  regarded  as 
typically  Californian.  Occupying  a 
large  corner  lot  on  a  quiet  street,  its 
exterior  is  white  frame  and  its  entrance 
walk  is  bordered  by  tree  roses.  The 
interior  consists  of  a  huge  cement  base- 
ment, above  which  there  are  three 

The  first  floor  is  divided  into  a  large 
living  room  with  a  hearty  fireplace, 
an  enormous  dining  room  which  is 
also  used  as  part-time  office  by  Kay 
and  Madolin,  a  large  kitchen  with  a 
many-windowed  breakfast  area,  and  a 
service  porch  in  which  the  washer  and 
drier  seldom  know  an  hour  of  unem- 

When  Clara  tells  me  in  triumph,  as 
she  is  leaving  for  the  day,  "I  finished 
every  bit  of  the  laundry,"  we  look  at 
each  other  and  shake  our  heads  in 
amazement.  It  simply  doesn't  seem 

On  the  combined  second  and  third 
floors  there  are  six  bedrooms  and  one 
huge  bathroom  which  has  been 
subdivided  into  three  areas:  One  con- 
tains the  tub  with  overhead  shower, 
one  contains  the  commode,  and  the 
third — usually  filled  with  a  snowflurry 
of  toothpaste,  combs  and  towels — con- 
tains two  companion  sinks. 

Bill  and  I  occupy  one  bedroom. 
Peggy  and  baby  Chris  are  roommates, 
Annie  and  Mimi  share  a  room,  Kathy 
and  Janet  live  together,  and  the  boys' 
dormitory  houses  Joey,  Bill  Jr.,  Pat 
t  and  Danny.  The  sixth  bedroom  is  oc- 
R  cupied  by  my  mother,  who  visits  us 
often;  when  she  is  away,  the  children 
draw  straws  for  the  privilege  of  sleep- 

ing in  Nana's  bed. 

Behind  the  house,  in  a  large  fenced 
yard,  several  structures  have  been 
built  for  the  accommodation  of  Life 
a  la  Lennon.  Most  used  is  a  covered 
lanai  (or  terrace)  equipped  with  a 
long  picnic  table  and  two  benches,  a 
Coke  bar,  and  a  juke-box.  On  Diane's 
wedding  day,  after  the  formal  recep- 
tion was  over,  about  150  people  came 
here  to  the  house  and  settled  in  the 

We  had  a  perfectly  wonderful  time 
dancing,  singing,  and  enjoying  our- 
selves generally.  We  were  only  sorry 
that  Diane  and  Dick  had  gone  away 
on  their  honeymoon,  because  they 
would  have  enjoyed  it,  too!  (As  a 
matter  of  fact,  when  DeeDee  listened 
to  our  rhapsodic  description  of  the 
party,  she  was  downright  exasperated 
over  missing  it.  Can't  wait  until  one 
of  the  other  girls  gets  married.) 

South  of  the  lanai  is  a  grounded 
trailer  in  which  the  Lennon  Sisters' 
professional  files  are  kept,  and  beyond 
that  is  a  little-girl-sized  playhouse  used 
mainly  as  a  fortress  by  Annie  and 
Mimi  against  the  Skinned  Knee  Indian 
tribe  represented  by  Joey,  Bill  Jr.,  Pat 
and  Danny. 

Opposite  the  playhouse  is  the  boys' 
club  room,  the  decor  of  which  has 
been  achieved  by  mingling  football 
helmets,  shoulder  pads,  baseball  pen- 
nants, South  Sea  matting,  cartoons  cut 
from  magazines,  and  such. 

The  "Doughboy"  swimming  pool  is 
surrounded  by  a  six-foot  fence, 
breeched  only  by  a  padlocked  gate 
whose  key  is  hidden  in  a  secret  place 
known  only  to  family  members  over 
fifteen  years  of  age.  Anyone  who  un- 
locks the  gate  automatically  becomes 
responsible  for  the  welfare  of  every- 
one   who    goes    swimming. 

At  the  extreme  back  of  the  lot  is 
the  clubroom  for  the  older  girls :  Peggy, 
Kathy,  Janet,  and  Janet's  best  friend, 
Joanie  Esser,  who  is  an  honorary  mem- 
ber of  the  Lennon  family.  Storage 
cabinets  line  one  long  wall  of  this 
room.  Half  of  the  cabinets  are  taken 
up  for  wardrobe  space  in  which  the 
Lennon    costumes    for    The    Lawrence 

Welk  Show  can  be  hung  (recently, 
we  suffered  a  crisis  when  thirty  new 
dresses  had  to  be  stored). 

The  other  half  is  divided  into  shelf 
sections  to  accommodate  the  Lennon 
collection  of  single  and  album  record- 
ings, and  the  clubroom  furnishings  in- 
clude a  huge  sofa-bed,  a  television  set, 
a  record  player,  several  slipper  chairs, 
and  a  telephone. 

That's  our  plant  layout.  This  is  the 
way  it  operates. 

Morning  starts  at  6:45,  when  I 
arise,  dress  quickly  and  prepare  break- 
fast (usually  French  toast,  hot  cereal 
and  milk)  for  high-school  Janet,  who 
leaves  the  house  by  7:15. 

By  that  time,  Kathy  and  Peggy  (al- 
ready through  high  school)  are  ready 
to  help  wash,  dress,  feed,  and  dis- 
patch to  St.  Mark's  school  (a  block 
from  our  home)  the  second  shift,  con- 
sisting of  Danny,  Pat,  Bill  Jr.,  and 

By  the  time  the  schoolers  have  left 
the  house,  the  young  fry — represented 
by  Joey,  Annie  and  Chris — are  ready 
to  locust  a  path  through  anything  left 

Sunday  mornings,  after  nine-o'clock 
church  services,  are  gala.  Menu  con- 
sists of  pancakes,  heated  cinnamon 
rolls,  raisin  toast  .  .  .  and  sour-dough 
French  bread  for  particular  Annie, 
now  three.  Served  with  this  variety  of 
breadstuffs  are  several  kinds  of  fresh 
and  stewed  fruits,  eggs  in  each  cus- 
tomer's favorite  version,  and  milk,  milk, 

During  his  early  days  as  a  father, 
Bill  was  (as  most  people  know)  a  milk- 
man. Naturally,  it  gives  him  a  patriotic 
thrill  to  be  the  best  customer  of  our 
present  milkman.  We  buy  sixteen 
quarts  a  day! 

Dinner,  at  night,  is  aimed  at  six — 
but  the  truth  is  that,  if  the  entire 
family  should  ever  happen  to  convene 
on  the  dot,  some  evening,  I  guess  I'd 
faint.  Each  of  the  children  has  some 
outside  activity,  so  a  cafeteria  system 
is  the  only  arrangement  that  makes 
sense   for   us. 

The  menu  always  encompasses  a 
sturdy  meat  course,  two  vegetables,  a 

green  salad,  and  some  sort  of  mass- 
produced  and  nutritive  dessert.  I  try  to 
steer  my  trenchermen  toward  fruit, 
but  they  gravitate  toward  puddings  or 
the  cookie  jar. 

Marketing  for  a  family  that  varies 
in  size  from  twelve  to  thirty  (depend- 
ing on  the  drop-in  trade)  would  give 
an  army  mess  sergeant  a  neurosis,  I'm 
convinced,  but  I  just  do  the  best  I  can 
and  keep  a  stock  of  instant-combustion 
frozen  foods  on  hand.  I  buy  fresh 
fruits  and  vegetables  every  day,  shop 
for  staples  every  other  day. 

I  don't  even  try  to  make  grocery  lists. 
I  go  to  the  market  and  simply  load  a 
basket.  Usually,  I  have  an  idea  of  the 
shortages  in  our  pantry.  I  think :  There 
are  only  two  packages  of  spaghetti 
left,  so  we'll  need  more.  Better  pick  up 
half-a-dozen  packages  of  macaroni. 
Better  order  a  case  of  peaches.  Mmm 
— a  new  kind  of  bread.  Better  try  three 
or  four  loaves.  Always,  several  different 
kinds  of  bread!  As  for  the  rest,  I  just 
buy  some  of  everything  in  sight — 
ground  round  steak,  potatoes,  lettuce, 
romaine,  celery,  tomatoes,  apples, 
other   fruits  in   season. 

If  still  more  is  needed — since  we 
never  know  how  many  will  be  present 
for  any  given  meal — there's  always 
someone  who  can  pop  into  a  car  and 
fetch  it  from  one  of  the  four  super- 
markets within  five  blocks  of  our  home. 
Peggy  and  Kathy  both  drive.  The  maid 
has  her  car.  Bill  does  miscellaneous 
errands,  and  so  do  Kay  and  Madolin. 
In  a  pinch,  one  of  the  "walking"  mem- 
bers of  the  family  can  be  dispatched 
for  a  pound  of  butter  or  five  dozen 

Our  bedtime  routine  starts  at  seven 
in  the  evening.  We  run  our  family 
through  the  shower  like  cars  through 
a  washrack.  In  summer,  the  system  is 
simplified  by  sending  the  boys  to  the 
"convenience"  shower  in  the  basement, 
but  it's  too  cold  in  winter. 

This  may  sound  all  too  chaotic,  but 
by  the  time  I  had  had  five  youngsters, 
I  realized  that  no  day  could  ever  be 
planned.  Whenever  I  tried  to  run  the 
house  on  a  timetable,  somebody  came 
down  with  measles,  mumps,  chicken 
pox  or  a  cold,  and  the  plans  had  to  be 
scrapped.  If  you  let  it  upset  you,  you'd 
lose  your  mind.  I  just  say  to  myself, 
Well,  I'm  not  going  to  be  able  to  do 
what  I  had  hoped  to  accomplish  today. 
Maybe   tomorrow  will   be   simpler. 

In  one  respect,  order  has  been  es- 
tablished on  a  permanent  basis — thanks 
to  no  planning  on  our  part.  Each  of 
our  eleven  children  was  born  in  a 
different  month  of  the  year,  an  arrange- 
ment that  supplies  one — but  only  one 
— birthday  celebration  each  month.  I 
shop  all  year  for  birthdays  and  for 
Christmas,  wrapping  and  storing  as  I 
make  purchases.  Sometimes  I  forget 
what  I've  bought,  but  not  often.  I 
seem  to  have  a  built-in  filing  system 
with  a  mental  pigeon-hole  for  the  wants 
and  needs  of  each  child. 

Working  in  a  dental  appointment 
for  each  child  every  six  months  would 
baffle  the  author  of  a  railroad  time- 
table, but — with  the  marvelous  help 
of  Madolin  Wilson — I  have  mastered 
the  Order  of  the  Molars.  However,  I've 

given  up  trying  to  keep  track  of  which 
child  needs  what  shot,  when.  I've 
turned  over  the  problem  to  our  family 
doctor,  who  makes  regular  house  calls. 

Annie,  our  three-year-old,  has  caught 
onto  this  doctor  bit.  She  likes  to  open 
the  door  for  guests,  but  when  she  sees 
that  the  caller  is  her  doctor  (and  her 
godfather),  she  demands,  "Me  day  for 

If  the  doctor  says,  "Not  today, 
Annie,"  the  medical  man  is  treated  to 
a  sugary  smile  and  ushered  into  the 
house.  If  the  doctor  remains  prudently 
silent  or  merely  nods,  Anne  decamps. 
This  seems  to  be  a  gag,  because — when 
she  is  caught — she  submits  docilely 
to  treatment. 

In  any  family  there  are  moments  of 
disagreement,  but  we  think  we  have 
hit  upon  an  ideal  procedure.  The  eldest 
child  present,  when  hostilities  break 
out,  is  responsible  for  arbitrating  in- 
stantly and  fairly.  If  the  problem  can't 
be  solved  by  the  eldest  witness,  it  is 
taken  up  with  Daddy  as  soon  as  pos- 
sible. His  ruling  is  final. 

Luckily,  disputes  are  rare.  As  each 
new  child  has  come  along,  he  or  she 
has  been  taken  in  as  a  gift  from 
Heaven,  and  loved  devotedly.  Every- 
one belongs  to  everyone  else.  Diane 
often  comes  to  our  house  in  the  morn- 
ing and  says,  "May  I  take  Annie  for 
the  day?"  Or  Chris.  Or  Joey.  One  day 
last  week,  Peggy  and  Kathy  took  all 
three  of  the  little  ones  and  spent  the 
day  at  Diane's  home.  They  rearranged 
the  furniture  in  Diane's  bedroom,  and 
came  home  so  full  of  news  that  all  six 
were  talking  at  once.  When  Chris  de- 
cided he  was  hungry,  in  the  midst  of 
the  reports,  he  shouted  lustily  at  Dee- 
Dee  to  get  his  bottle.  Me,  he  ignored 

The  clothing  budget  for  a  big  family 
is  always  a  major  headache.  We've 
solved  it,  as  nearly  as  possible,  by 
making  the  hand-me-down  process 
painless.  When  an  older  child  gets  a 
new  dress,  coat,  sweater,  or  pair  of 
levis,  a  point  is  made  of  praising  the 
purchase  and  saying  to  all  those  po- 
tentially in  line  for  the  garment, 
"Aren't  you  glad  that  when  Janet  out- 
grows that,  you'll  get  to  wear  it?" 

Annie  has  now  grown  into  a  yellow 
print  dress  which  has  belonged  to  both 
Janet  and  Mimi,  and  she  holds  the 
gown  in  esteem  so  great  that  she  has 
to  be  talked  out  of  wearing  it  on  a 
twenty-four-hour    basis. 

In  final  analysis,  I  think  the  first 
secret  in  managing  a  large  family  is 
to  live  each  day  for  itself  as  fully  as 
possible,  thinking:  How  lucky  we  are, 
instead  of  How  am  I  ever  going  to  get 
around  to  dusting! 

The  second  secret — and  the  most 
important  one — is  to  live  for  each 
other,  and  to  live  for  God.  In  a  God- 
living,  God-loving  household,  the  future 
takes  care  of  itself.  — The  End 

The  Lennon  Sisters — Peggy,  Kathy 
and  Janet — sing  on  The  Lawrence 
Welk  Show,  as  seen  over  ABC-TV, 
Sat.,  9  to  10  P.M.  EST.  Other  Welk 
programs  are  heard  over  ABC  Radio; 
see  newspapers  for  time  in  your  area. 
(Blouses  worn  by  the  Lennon  Sisters 
on  our  cover  are  from  Ship  'n  Shore.) 



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The  Woman  Who  Broke  Up  Dinah  Shore's  Home 


(Continued  from  page  43) 
and    George    had    left    Hollywood,    re- 
portedly   for    New    York,    the    papers 
were  filled  with  additional  statements. 

Dinah's  attorney  announced:  "Miss 
Shore  will  file  for  divorce  on  very  gen- 
eral grounds.  No  specific  acts  will  be 
alleged.  They  have  remained  on  very 
friendly  terms." 

It  was  disclosed  that  Dinah  expected 
to  win  custody  of  the  children,  but,  as 
a  friend  of  both  Dinah  and  George  as- 
serted, "George  can  have  both  of  them 
any  time  he  wants  them,  of  course.  This 
isn't  an  ordinary  divorce." 

But  the  most  typical  comment  was 
the  one  made  by  one  of  the  guest  per- 
formers who'd  appeared  on  Dinah's  last 
show  before  the  divorce  announcement 
was  released.  "This  is  the  wildest  sur- 
prise," he  said.  "There  was  just  no 
indication  at  all."  In  the  days  that  fol- 
lowed, his  reaction  was  echoed  by 
people  throughout  America. 

How  did  it  all  happen? 

In  the  wake  of  the  official  announce- 
ments and  the  general  public  surprise 
came  a  flood  of  rumor,  gossip  and 
speculation  from  Hollywood  second- 
guessers.  Their  explanations  of  how 
and  why  Dinah  and  George's  "perfect" 
marriage  had  gone  up  in  smoke  boiled 
down  to  four  main  charges: 

Dinah  was  spending  too  much  time 
being  the  big  television  star  and  had 
neglected  George; 

George  couldn't  stand  the  fact  that 
his  career  was  going  nowhere  while 
Dinah  was  more  successful  than  ever; 

Dinah  and  George  had  been  "incom- 
patible from  almost  the  beginning  of 
their  marriage"  but  had  stayed  to- 
gether because  of  their  mutual  love  for 
the  children; 

George  had  been  linked  with  other 
women — the  names  most  frequently 
mentioned  were  Ziva  Rodann,  Diane 
McBain  and  Madlyn  Rhue — and  Dinah 
was  fed  up  and  couldn't  take  it  any 

The  third  charge — "incompatibility 
from  almost  the  beginning" — was  silly 
on  the  face  of  it,  but  that  didn't  stop 
the  rumormongers  from  making  and 
spreading  it,  just  the  same. 

First  of  all,  the  Montgomerys  had 
been  married  five  years  before  Missy 
was  born,  and  eleven  years  before  they 
adopted  Jody  in  his  infancy,  so  the 
children  couldn't  have  kept  them  to- 
gether in  those  early  years! 

Secondly,  the  know-it-alls  had  been 
predicting  their  divorce  almost  before 
Dinah's  and  George's  signatures  had 
dried  on  their  marriage  license  back 
on  December  5,  1943.  Even  at  that  time 
one  gossip  columnist  went  so  far  as  to 
declare  in  print:  "On  their  way  back 
from  their  Montana  honeymoon,  George 
Montgomery  and  Dinah  Shore  will  stop 
at  Reno  to  break  it  up." 

What  gave  rise  to  this  "incompati- 
bility" notion  in  the  first  place? 

Well,  Hollywood  sophisticates  just 
couldn't  figure  out  what  George  could 
see  in  Dinah  or  why  lie  would  want  to 

marry  her.  He  wasn't  an  established 
star  when  he  first  met  her — he'd  just 
made  a  few  run-of-the-mill  Westerns — 
but,  with  a  powerful  physique  and 
rugged  good  looks  that  had  columnists 
calling  him  "the  second  Clark  Gable," 
his  career  was  very  promising  indeed. 

Sure,  the  Eddie  Cantor  radio  show 
had  made  Dinah  a  most  popular  singer, 
but  her  hair  was  kind  of  stringy,  and 
she  had  buck  teeth  and,  all  in  all,  she 
was  sort  of  plain. 

Not  the  kind  of  girl  a  fellow  who 
had  dated  Linda  Darnell,  Ginger  Rog- 
ers, Lana  Turner,  Ann  Rutherford  and 
Marlene  Dietrich  would  fall  for.  Not 
the  kind  of  girl  a  fellow  would  turn  to 
when  he  was  already  engaged  to  Hedy 

But  the  know-it-alls  didn't  know  a 
few  essential  things. 

They  didn't  really  know  George. 

They  didn't  really  know  Dinah. 

They  didn't  really  know  the  power 
of  love. 

It  was  back  in  the  early  '40s  that 
Dinah  fell  in  love  with  George  Mont- 
gomery. She'd  been  making  a  personal 
appearance  in  Atlantic  City,  and  one 
day  she  and  her  girl  friend  went  to  a 
movie.  Dinah  promptly  fell  fast  asleep. 

She  woke  up  just  in  time  to  see 
George  Montgomery's  face  in  a  close-up 
on  the  screen. 

She  gasped.  Then  she  nudged  her 
friend  and  said,  "Where  has  he  been  all 
my  life?  That's  the  man  I'm  going  to 

Her  friend  laughed  and  said,  "Stop 
dreaming  and  go  back  to  sleep." 

Subsequently,  Dinah  learned  that 
George  was  rumored  to  be  engaged  to 
Hedy  Lamarr.  "I  felt  sorry  for  her," 
Dinah  recalled  later,  "because  I  knew 
/  was  going  to  marry  him." 

Dinah's  determination,  and  a  little 
tricky  help  by  Fate,  made  her  dream 
come  true.  In  1943,  she  was  singing  for 
servicemen  at  the  U.S.O.  Hollywood 
Canteen,  but  she  hadn't  forgotten 
George.  She  couldn't  forget  him,  even 
though  she'd  only  seen  him  once,  and 
then  on  the  screen.  And  she  confided  to 
some  girl  friends  who  shared  a  Holly- 
wood apartment  with  her  that  she  was 
in  love  with  him. 

In  her  own  words,  Dinah  related 
what  happened  next.  "I  was  getting 
ready  to  go  to  the  Canteen  one  night 
when  I  suddenly  had  the  feeling  I  was 
going  to  meet  George  that  night,"  she 
told  a  reporter. 

"Sure  enough,  I  did.  He  asked  me 
for  a  date.  After  that  night,  we  never 
had  a  date  with  anyone  else. 

"I  took  him  right  home  to  prove  to 
my  roommates  that  my  intuition  was 
working  right  and  that  meeting  George 
Montgomery  was  not  just  a  dream,  as 
they  had  insisted." 

George  called  on  her  the  next  morn- 
ing, Sunday,  after  taking  his  mother  to 
church.  And  he  brought  Dinah  a  bunch 
of  violets. 

It  was  easy  to  see  why  Dinah  had 
fallen  for  George.  She'd  been  an  out- 
sider all  her  life:  As  a  child  she'd  been 
skinny     "Fannye"     Shore,     a     member 

of  the  only  Jewish  family  in  the  town 
of  Winchester,  Tennessee — population, 
2,500 — and  the  victim  of  anti-Semitic 
taunts;  as  she  grew  up  she  was 
teased  about  her  gimpy  leg,  the  after- 
math of  a  polio  attack  when  she 
was  18  months  old;  as  an  adolescent 
with  a  long,  thin  face  topped  by 
straight,  brown  curls  that  looked  "like 
they  were  ironed,"  and  a  scrawny  body, 
she  felt  positively  ugly  in  comparison 
to  her  beautiful  mother  ("I  had  only  to 
look  in  the  mirror  to  know  I  wasn't 
pretty,"  she  recalled  later)  ;  as  a  young 
woman,  when  she  went  to  New  York  to 
try  to  become  a  singer,  she  felt  guilty. 
("Daddy  thought  that  what  I  was  try- 
ing to  do  was  disgraceful.  To  him,  only 
brazen  women  were  in  show  business.") 

With  a  background  like  that,  is  it 
any  wonder  she  said,  "I  had  to  be 
loved,"  and  that  George  Montgomery 
was  the  man  she  chose? 

But  what  about  George?  Why  did 
this  200-pound,  six-foot-two  ladies'  man 
choose  her? 

Despite  his  attractiveness  to  women, 
George  was  bashful  and  shy,  and  just 
didn't  feel  at  home  with  super-glamour 
girls.  That  bunch  of  violets  he  brought 
to  Dinah  the  day  after  they  first  met— 
that  was  the  tip-off.  He  was  a  shy, 
romantic  guy  looking  for  an  old-fash- 
ioned girl. 

His  own  words  explain  how  he  felt 
when  he  met  Dinah:  "What  attracted 
me  to  Dinah  was  the  same  quality  I 
saw  in  my  mother;  she  was  so  gen- 

And  so  they  were  married. 

Marriages  are  made  of  this 

Their  "incompatibility"  survived  a 
honeymoon  on  George's  sister's  Mon- 
tana ranch  during  which  George  worked 
from  sunrise  to  sundown  in  the  fields 
helping  get  in  the  hay  and  during 
which  Dinah  had  to  wake  up  each  day 
before  dawn  to  cook  breakfast  for  four- 
teen hungry  farmhands. 

Their  marriage  survived  her  burning 
good  steaks  until  they  tasted  like 
charred  leather  and  her  habit  of  just 
dropping  her  clothes  on  the  floor 
wherever  she  happened  to  change. 

Their  marriage  survived  and  pros- 
pered and  was  blessed  with  children: 
Melissa  Ann  ("Missy"),  born  in  1948, 
and  John  David  ("Jody").  adopted  in 

So  much  for  the  charge  that  Dinah 
and  George  "had  been  incompatible 
from  almost  the  beginning,"  but  how 
about  the  accusation  that  Dinah  spent 
too  much  time  being  the  big  television 
star  and  had  neglected  George? 

This  being  a  wife  and  a  celebrity, 
too,  was  a  problem.  But  Dinah  faced  it 
squarely.  "My  biggest  fear,"  she  ad- 
mitted, "is  that  with  my  work  I'm 
taking  something  away  from  George 
and  the  children." 

But  she  worked  out  what  seemed  to 
be  a  practical  solution. 

In  words,  she  put  it  this  way :  "George 
and  I  have  a  sort  of  unspoken  but 
clearly  understood  agreement  of  what's 

important  in  our  lives.  There's  no  ques- 
tion about  it.  To  us,  our  children  and 
ourselves  come  first.  George  and  I  love 
show  business,  but  we  know  our  ca- 
reers in  it  can't  last  forever.  I'm  much 
more  interested  in  the  success  and 
durability  of  my  life  as  Mrs.  George 
Montgomery  than  my  career  as  Dinah 

In  actions,  she  made  sure  that  she 
spent  all  possible  time  with  her  hus- 
band and  children,  and  hardly  let  a 
day  go  by  that  she  didn't  drive  home 
from  the  studio  to  have  dinner  with  the 
family — even  if  she  then  had  to  drive 
back  to  the  studio  for  more  work. 

A  much  more  serious  problem  in  the 
Montgomerys'  marriage  was  summed 
up  in  the  speculation  that  "George 
couldn't  stand  the  fact  that  his  career 
was  going  nowhere  while  Dinah  was 
more  successful  than  ever." 

George  seemed  to  be  content  in  tak- 
ing a  back  seat  while  his  wife  was  in 
the  career-driver's  seat.  He  seemed  to 
be  content  with  puttering  around  in  his 
basement  workshop  making  furniture, 
a  hobby  that  suddenly  blossomed  out 
into  a  successful  business.  He  seemed 
to  be  satisfied  in  just  making  an  occa- 
sional picture — actually,  about  fifty  pic- 
tures in  which  he  always  saved  the  old 
homestead  or  captured  the  rustlers. 

But  it  couldn't  have  been  easy,  some- 
times, to  hear  himself  referred  to  as 
"Dinah  Shore's  husband"  or  to  re- 
member that  he'd  once  been  heralded 
as  "a  star  of  today  and  a  movie  great 
of  tomorrow." 

Not  that  Dinah  didn't  try  to  involve 
him  in  her  own  career  and  success;  she 
did.  She  consulted  him  every  point 
along  the  way,  she  asked  for  and  de- 
pended upon  his  candid  and  honest  re- 
actions to  her  performances.  She  often 
had  him  as  a  guest  on  her  Chevy  Show. 
As  the  years  went  by,  the  transforma- 
tion of  "plain  'Fannye'  Shore"  into 
"glamorous  Dinah  Shore"  was  almost 
miraculous.  In  1955  and  1956,  she  re- 
ceived Emmy  awards  for  being  the  best 
female  singer,  and  in  1957,  1958  and 
1959,  she  was  given  the  same  prized 
statuettes  for  being  television's  out- 
standing female  personality.  During  the 
past  twelve  months,  she  was  awarded 
fifteen  top  honors,  including  a  citation 
by  the  Gallup  poll  as  "one  of  the  ten 
most  admired  women  in  the  world,"  a 
distinction  shared  with  such  ladies  as 
Helen  Keller  and  Eleanor  Roosevelt. 

But  George — rankling,  according  to 
some  of  his  friends,  at  just  being  "Mr. 
Shore" — tried  to  revive  his  own  stagnant 
career  by  starring  in  ■  a  TV  show, 
Cimarron  City.  The  show  was  neither 
successful  nor  unsuccessful,  neither 
praised  nor  panned.  It  just  stumbled 
along  and  then  folded. 

Of  course,  it  was  a  shock  to  Dinah 
when  the  Chevrolet  people  didn't  re- 
new her  own  contract  after  five  long 
and  profitable  years.  It  was  a  shock 
and  yet  it  was  also  a  blessing  in  dis- 
guise. Now  she  could  cut  down  her 
shows  from  twenty  to  ten  a  year,  now 
she  could  see  more  of  George  and  the 

"The  kids  are  getting  bigger,  and 
now,  for  the  first  time,  I  get  home  when 
they're  getting  home  from  school,"  she 

said.  "You  know,  you  can  drive  your- 
self crazy  trying  not  to  let  your  show 
interfere  with  your  family.  Actually,  1 
wanted  to  cut  down  to  only  two  shows 
this  year,  but  I  didn't  quite  make  it." 

She  said  something  else,  too,  in  a 
kind  of  desperation  that  came  from  the 
heart  of  a  woman  who  realized  her  mar- 
riage was  shaky:  "The  only  thing  I 
want  most  out  of  life  is  to  be  a  good 
wife  and  mother.  If  I  accomplish  that 
goal,  it  will  be  there  long  after  the 
spotlights  and  the  microphones  are 

But  something  else  was  happening  to 
Dinah's  marriage,  too,  something  that 
a  cut-down  TV  schedule  and  more  time 
at  home  with  the  family  couldn't  help. 
George  was  being  seen  in  the  company 
of  "other"  women. 

Rumors  about  that  had  started  more 
than  two  years  ago,  but  then  they  were 
shrugged  off  as  being  "silly."  After  all, 
Hollywood  is  the  "biggest  small  town 
of  them  all,"  where  if  a  man  has  lunch 
with  a  woman,  the  columnists  record 
it  the  following  day;  and  if  a  man 
kisses  a  woman  on  the  cheek  or  holds 
her  arm  while  crossing  the  street,  every- 
one is  convinced  they're  having  an 

George  was  trying  to  start  all  over 
again  as  a  producer-director-actor,  so  it 
was  natural  that  he  be  seen  in  the 
company  of  pretty  actresses.  George 
was  trying  to  learn  the  techniques  of 
being  a  director,  so  it  made  sense  that 
he'd  hang  around  the  sets  of  Hawaiian 
Eye,  77  Sunset  Strip,  Maverick,  and 
SurfSide  6.  It  was  on  the  set  of  the 
latter  show  that  the  rumors  started 
flying  about  George  and  Diane  McBain. 
"He  couldn't  keep  his  eyes  off  her," 
one  of  the  crew  members  confided. 
"The  two  spent  a  lot  of  time  together 
talking.  It  was  kept  very  hush-hush, 
naturally,  as  he  was  a  married  man." 
Diane  insists  there  was  no  romantic 
attachment  between  her  and  George, 
yet  one  of  her  close  friends  claims  that 
they  did  date  and  that  he  (the  friend) 
had  the  two  of  them  up  for  dinner  one 
night  at  his  apartment. 

The  relationship — if  one  existed — 
was  just  a  passing  one.  "She  wouldn't 
have  given  him  a  second  look,"  one 
friend  says,  "if  she  thought  that  his 
marriage  was  a  happy  one.  Yet  George, 
in  the  Philippines,  made  it  clear  that 
he  and  Dinah  were  headed  for  a  divorce 

The  Philippines — when  George  went 
there  to  make  two  pictures,  the  rumors 
began  in  earnest,  except  that  they  in- 
volved another  "other"  woman,  sexy 
Israeli  actress  Ziva  Rodann. 

On  the  day  after  Christmas  two  years 
ago,  George  took  off  for  the  Philippines 
for  location  shots.  He  stayed  six 

On  her  Christmas  show  that  year, 
Dinah  had  Missy  as  her  guest.  The 
appearance  of  daughter  and  mother  to- 
gether on  the  program  helped  to  foster 
the  image  of  Dinah  as  a  devoted  wife 
and  mother  who  considered  show  busi- 
ness just  a  sideline. 

But  George  was  far  away. 
Today,  some  people  even  go  so  far 
as    to    claim    that    her    sponsors,    last 
season,    insisted    that    Dinah    preserve 

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Zino  pads 

the  illusion  that  everything  was  going 
well  with  her  marriage,  because  they 
were  afraid  that  she'd  lose  popularity 
if  the  truth  were  to  leak  out. 

What  was  the  "truth"? 

Well,  for  one  thing,  George  was  be- 
ing linked  romantically  with  seductive 
Ziva  Rodann,  his  co-star  in  "Samar," 
one  of  the  two  films  he  was  making. 
Once,  while  George  and  Ziva  were  eat- 
ing lunch  together  in  a  Hong  Kong 
hotel,  they  were  interrupted  by  Italian 
Prince  Raimondo  Orsini,  one  of  the 
actress's  admirers,  who  in  a  fit  of 
jealousy  challenged  George  to  a  duel. 
The  whole  incident  was  smoothed  over 
with  apologies  by  Orsini  and  a  "think 
nothing  of  it"  by  George,  but  it  did 
force  Ziva  to  make  a  statement. 

"My  relationship  with  George  Mont- 
gomery was  strictly  on  a  business 
basis,"  she  said.  "He's  a  married  man — 
and  happily  married  to  Dinah  Shore." 

On  another  occasion,  when  asked  how 
Dinah  liked  the  idea  of  her  playing 
love  scenes  opposite  George  in  "Samar," 
Ziva  answered :  "She  was  as  nice  as  one 
could  possibly  be.  I  met  her  at  her 
house  in  Hollywood,  and  she  said, 
'You'd  make  a  wonderful  Ana.'  That's 
the  part  I  play.  You  could  hardly  ask 
anybody  to  be  kinder  than  that." 

When  Ziva  and  George  returned  to 
the  United  States  after  three  months  in 
the  Philippines,  she  insisted,  "We  were 
only  good  friends,"  but  admitted  that, 
when  she'd  lunched  with  him  in  New 
York  a  week  before,  "George  seemed 
to  know  something  was  going  to  hap- 

pen" to  his  marriage — although,  she 
added,  referring  to  the  divorce  an- 
nouncement, "I  never  expected  this." 

Then,  at  the  end  of  the  interview,  Ziva 
asserted:  "It's  true  I  want  a  husband 
.  .  .  but  only  mine  .  .  .  nobody  else's — 
so  I  wouldn't  be  interested  in  Dinah's." 

It  is  true,  however,  that,  since  her  re- 
turn from  the  Philippines,  Ziva  has 
started  turning  down  dates  with  Holly- 
wood's eligible  bachelors  and  has  bro- 
ken off  with  one  of  her  steadies,  at- 
torney Dan  Busby. 

What  this  indicates  about  Ziva  and 
George — if  anything — only  time  will 

At  one  time,  George  was  also  said  to 
be  interested  in  newcomer  Madlyn  Rhue 
and  was  seen  on  the  lot  while  she  was 
filming  "A  Majority  of  One,"  but  if 
Madlyn  returned  his  interest,  she  cer- 
tainly doesn't  now.  For  the  past  few 
months,  she's  been  going  steady  with 
Bill  Dana  of  the  Steve  Allen  Show. 

"Other"  women?  Career  competi- 
tion? Neglect?  Incompatibility?  What- 
ever the  reason  or  reasons,  Dinah  did 
the  best  she  could  to  keep  from  break- 
ing up  her  home. 

As  one  of  her  intimate  friends  says, 
"Marriage  was  so  sacred  to  Dinah  she 
could  have  made  such  a  decision  only 
after  a  lot  of  soul-searching.  This  di- 
vorce was  building  up  and  building  up. 
It  wasn't  done  impulsively,  but  only 
after  long  deliberation  and  attempts  by 
her  to  work  out  their  differences." 

Another  person  close  to  Dinah  adds, 
"I  believe  Dinah  got  up  enough  nerve 

to  ask  George  for  the  divorce  after 
Rosemary  Clooney  and  Jose  Ferrer 
called  it  quits.  The  Ferrers  were  an 
image  of  a  perfectly  matched  couple. 
Yet,  when  they  separated,  there  were 
no  serious  repercussions." 

This  same  friend,  when  asked  if 
George  was  surprised  and  shocked  by 
Dinah's  decision,  answered,  "Yes,"  but 
adds,  "George,  like  Jose  Ferrer,  prob- 
ably felt  that  it  could  never  happen. 
However,  living  as  strangers  under  the 
same  roof — the  few  times  when  they 
were  under  the  same  roof — as  George 
and  Dinah  have  been  doing  for  the  past 
year,  became  unbearable." 

Today,  when  more  than  thirty-five 
million  Americans  turn  on  their  TV 
sets,  they  still  see  Dinah  Shore  pranc- 
ing, and  dancing  and  smiling.  Before 
she  met  George  Montgomery,  she  said, 
"I  had  to  be  loved."  But  at  the  same 
time  she  said  something  else,  too:  "I 
had  to  win  everybody's  affection." 

Dinah  won  everybody  else's  love,  but 
in  doing  it,  she  lost  George's.  Who  was 
the  woman  who  broke  up  her  home? 
Tragically,  it  was  Dinah  herself.  Not 
Dinah  the  wife  and  mother,  but  Dinah 
the  woman  forced  into  the  many  roles 
that  go  into  being  a  television  star. 
Too  many  demands  were  made  on  her; 
too  many  people — from  the  sponsors 
to  the  stagehands — depended  on  her. 
Somewhere,  somehow,  in  spite  of  every- 
thing she  did  to  prevent  it,  Dinah's 
worst  fear — that  her  work  would  take 
something  away  from  her  husband — 
came  sadly  true.      — James  Hoffman 

The  Upside  Down  World  of  George  Maharis 

(Continued  from  page  32) 
most  personally  sure-footed  TV  stars  to 
come  across  the  tube  in  the  last  decade. 
He  is  one  of  the  few  male  video  lumin- 
aries who  have  almost  as  many  men  fans 
as  women.  From  men,  he  draws  not 
only  admiration  but  respect.  Millions  of 
men  admire  and  envy  male  stars — 
few  respect  them. 

This  unusual  fact  prompts  an  ex- 
amination of  one  of  the  least  known 
aspects  of  Maharis'  turned-around  pop- 
ularity. It  is  not  easy  to  explain,  but 
an  understanding  of  it  gives  George  a 
prowess  and  stature  that  are  unique. 

Week  after  week,  Maharis  portrays  a 
tough,  two-fisted  roamer  whose  straight 
talk  gets  him  in  and  out  of  trouble.  His 
capers  with  Martin  Milner  on  Route 
66  are,  of  course,  fictional.  For  years, 
John  Wayne  and  Robert  Mitchum  por- 
trayed the  same  kind  of  hard-headed, 
fist-swinging  heroes  in  their  pictures — 
also  fictional. 

Yet  the  private  lives  of  Wayne  and 
Mitchum  were  plagued  by  anonymous 
challengers  who  stopped  them  on  the 
street,  in  bars,  any  place,  to  pose  the 
question:  "I  seen  you  in  the  movies, 
Mitchum,  let's  see  how  tough  you  really 
are!"  That's  how  the  fights  started.  It 
got  so  that  Mitchum,  in  particular, 
could  not  appear  in  public  without 
T  having  a  half-drunken  glory-seeker  walk 
R       up  and  dare  him  to  fight. 

It  does  not  happen  with  Maharis.  To 
date,  he  has  never  been  so  challenged — 
88  s 

even  though  he  is  both  shorter  and 
lighter  in  weight  than  these  giants  of 
the  screen.  But  Maharis  doesn't  think 
he  is  left  alone  solely  because  of  "re- 

"Maybe,"  he  said,  "it's  because  it's 
easy  to  see  that  I  don't  like  trouble- 
makers but  that  I'd  never  walk  away 
from  one.  Bullies  can  sense  I  wouldn't 
try  to  pacify  them  or  any  man  who  is 
looking  for  a  fight.  I  know  twenty  men 
I'd  never,  but  never,  pick  on — for  the 
simple  reason  that  I  know  they'd  tear 
into  me  with  everything  they  had.  We 
don't  always  expect  to  win  the  fight, 
but  we  are  certainly  going  to  raise  a 
fat  lip  or  two  before  we  go  down! 

"You've  heard  of  a  'sore  loser.'  Well, 
the  man  who  drops  any  of  the  guys  I'm 
talking  about  will  be  a  sore  winner — 
and  I  mean  sore — all  over.  The  point 
is  that  a  man  who  starts  fights  is  either 
a  bully  or  he  hopes  that  the  'big  name' 
will  back  down  for  fear  of  bad  publicity. 
And  I've  had  it  with  bullies,   anyhow. 

"It  may  be,  too,  that  I'm  not  tall 
enough  to  pick  on.  Even  nature  turned 
me  around! 

"When  I  was  a  kid,  I  always  re- 
sented the  proportions  of  my  body.  I 
had  short  legs.  I  wanted  long  legs. 
Everybody  in  the  neighborhood  had 
long  legs.  And — as  any  guy  brought 
up  in  New  York  City  knows — if  you've 
got  short  legs  as  a  kid,  you  soon  learn 
to  protect  yourself  against  the  long 

"I  feel  better  about  it  now.  I  still 
don't  like  the  way  I  look.  I  never  have. 
My  eyes  squint  up  when  I  smile  and  I 
look  Oriental — and  they  are  too  nice  a 
race  of  people  to  have  to  explain  me! 
So,  although  I  don't  look  like  Rock 
Hudson,  I  don't  worry  about  it.  I  de- 
cided: To  hell  with  comparing  myself. 

"I  am  what  I  am  and  I'm  just  going 
to  have  to  get  along  with  what  I've 
got.  The  only  time  I  feel  peculiar  is 
when  I'm  in  a  room  full  of  handsome 
men.  They  wear  their  damn'  suits  so 
well.  I  feel  like  a  truck  driver  who 
hasn't  changed  from  his  work  clothes. 
I  get  next  to  some  of  those  guys  who 
are  six  foot  and  better  and  I  experience 
awkwardness.  I  want  to  hit  them  a 
couple  of  times  for  looking  exactly 
the  way  I  want  to  look."  He  grinned. 
"They  could  at  least  sit  down  and  give 
me  a  chance! 

"You  see,  everything  in  my  life  is 
turned  around,  just  the  opposite  of  what 
I  want." 

Does  that  mean  he's  unhappy  with 
success?  "Hell,  no!  But  remember — 
success  of  the  kind  I  have  is  profes- 
sional. I  have  more  money,  more 
friends,  more  of  everything,  but  suc- 
cess is  never  a  cure-all  for  what  ails 
a  guy  inside.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  the 
biggest  surprise  success  gives  you  is  a 
more  acute  sense  of  your  deficiencies. 

"When  I  was  working  in  a  grocery 
store,  a  few  years  back,  stealing  food 
for  lunch,  it  didn't  make  a  damn'  bit 

of  difference  whether  I  was  tall,  short, 
skinny,  smart  or  stupid.  When  you're 
hungry,  you  have  no  use  for  morals, 
principles,  ideals  or  any  of  that  jazz. 
You're  hungry  and  your  stomach  is 
screaming  for  food.  You  have  to  sur- 
vive. And,  besides  the  hunger,  there  is 
the  panic  of  desperation.  A  hungry  man 
is  a  dangerous  man.  I  know  it  all  too 

"I  didn't  want  to  steal  food.  I  used 
to  look  at  a  can  of  mushrooms  in  my 
hand  and  want  to  drop  it  like  a  hot 
potato.  Because  that  hand  and  that  can 
said,  Maharis,  you're  a  thief!  You 
insult  yourself,  your  parents  and  every 
single  person  in  the  world  who  loves 
you,  when  you  steal.  It's  no  good,  and 
it's  a  terrible  memory  to  carry. 

"You  see,  it  is  worse  now  than  it 
was  then.  It's  a  hangover  of  guilt  and 
it  kills  you,  almost.  I've  paid  for  that 
food  a  thousand  times,"  he  said,  his 
face  a  study  in  shame  and  remorse, 
"with  a  miserable  memory." 

Perhaps,  a  woman  would  someday 
ease,  not  only  the  memories,  but  his 
imagined  shortcomings? 

He  nodded.  "You  may  be  right.  But 
it  looks  like  love  is  away  in  a  trunk 
until  I  unpack  Route  66.  I'm  a  profes- 
sional fly-by-night.  The  kind  of  women 
who  attract  me  don't  want  a  guy  who 
is  in  Pittsburgh  on  Monday,  and  Miami 
on  Wednesday,  and  God-knows-where 
on  Sunday.  I  can't  offer  that  kind  of  life 
to  a  woman — especially  the  woman  I 

"That  brings  up  another  odd  side  of 
that  turned-around  world  of  mine.  I've 
always   heard   about   the   one    girl    for 

the  one  man.  It  may  sound  foolish  and 
it  might  suggest  that  I'm  a  little  too 
eager  to  love,  but  I've  seen  fifty  girls 
I  could  love.  I  mean  love.  The  works. 
Engagement,  marriage,  kids,  a  good  life, 
everything.  I  think  it's  nonsense  for  a 
man  to  feel  that  there's  only  one  girl. 
I've  seen  too  many  delicious  American 
girls,  to  go  for  that  noise. 

"Oh,  I  date.  But  most  of  my  little 
affairs  end  up  like  the  dead-polar-bear 
caper.  The  girls  I  date  don't  expect 
anything  permanent  from  me.  No  illu- 
sions. It's  a  cold  and  unrewarding  kind 
of  honesty  between  a  guy  and  a  girl, 
but  it's  better  than  kidding  ourselves." 

Maharis  stared  out  the  window  again 
and  shook  his  head  slightly,  as  though 
contemplating  something  or  someone 
very  special.  "It'll  happen  to  me,  I 
hope,"  he  murmured.  "God,  wouldn't 
it  be  disaster  if  it  didn't?  It's  got  to! 

"No,  it'll  happen.  And  when  it  does," 
he  smiled,  "I'll  make  it  worthwhile  for 
both  of  us.  I  don't  know  where  or  how. 
But  I'll  know  and  I'll  kiss  her  with  a 
hungry  mouth  and  the  whole  world  will 
stop  turning  just  for  an  instant — just 
for  us. 

"That's  the  moment  when  my  whole 
life  will  change  and  go  the  other  way. 
Because,  until  now,  life  has  given  me 
everything.  I'd  like  to  start  giving  a 
little  of  it  back." 

A  thought  came  to  him.  "I  just  hope 
she  doesn't  judge  me  by  my  hands!" 
he  said.  — The  End 

George  Maharis  is  Buz  Murdock  on 
Route  66,  seen  over  CBS-TV,  Fri.,  from 
8:30  to  9:30  P.M.  EST. 

The  Best  Kept  Secret  in  Hollywood 

(Continued  from  page  47) 
said  the  few  who  really  knew  anything 
about  Lome's  private  life — had  been 
over,  years  ago  .  .  .  surely  the  scars 
had  healed  by  now!  Perhaps  there'd 
been  a  hitch  in  Lome's  divorce?  Or 
violent  objections  from  his  twin  chil- 
dren, now  seventeen  years  old? 

There  had  to  be  compelling  reasons 
for  all  the  hush-hush,  but  the  answers 
weren't  easy  to  find.  And  Hollywood 
loves  a  mystery  only  when  its  sharp- 
eyed,  sharp-tongued  ferrets  have  a  track 
to  sure-fire  clues.  The  inside  dope?  It 
took  unusually  long  to  gather  together 
the  tidbits: 

Nancy  had  been  a  teen-aged  student 
in  the  Toronto  Academy  of  Radio  Arts 
which  Lome  founded  after  World  War 
//....  They  had  been  in  New  York  at 
the  same  time,  when  Lome  co-starred 
on  Broadway  and  Nancy  continued  her 
acting  studies  in  that  city.  .  .  .  When 
Lome  went  on  to  Hollywood  and  TV 
fame,  Nancy  had  followed  not  long 
after,  to  make  a  movie.  .  .  .  In  fact, 
she'd  appeared  with  him  in  one  of  the 
first  Bonanza  episodes.  .  .  . 

All  very  tantalizing,  but  only  frag- 
ments which  didn't  begin  to  explain 
why  Hollywood — the  town  that  can 
concoct  imaginary  romances  between 
couples  who  haven't  even  met — had 
failed  to  recognize  a  very  genuine  one 
right  under  its  nose.  Above  all,  the  few 

tidbits  they  knew  didn't  reveal  how 
Lome  Greene  had  turned  the  neatest 
trick  in  filmdom:  Concealing  all  his 
romantic  plans  until  the  very  moment 
he  and  Nancy  got  their  marriage  li- 
cense ! 

That  had  been  the  tip-off.  The  first 
slip  in  Lome's  and  Nancy's  well-laid 
plans — though  they'd  been  so  sure  that 
no  one  would  find  out  a  thing  until 
after  they  were  married,  perhaps  even 
on  their  honeymoon.  They  chose  a  quiet 
December  afternoon,  when  everyone 
else  was  either  working  or  shopping 
frantically  for  Christmas,  to  slip  off  to 
the  seaside  town  of  Santa  Monica  for 
their  license.  No  one,  they  felt,  would 
recognize  "Hollywood"  in  these  two 
sedate  citizens  clad  in  everyday  clothes. 

Lome,  of  course,  had  removed  all 
traces  of  greasepaint,  though  he'd  been 
filming  a  Bonanza  episode,  just  that 
morning,  in  full  Ben  Cartwright  regalia. 
He  hadn't  given  even  an  inkling  of  his 
plans  to  Dan  Blocker  or  Michael  Lan- 
don  or  Pernell  Roberts,  who  co-star  as 
his  sons  in  the  TV  series.  He  was  going 
to  tell  them  after  the  private  marriage 
ceremony  he  and  Nancy  had  arranged 
for  the  following  Sunday  in  a  rabbi's 

All  that  had  to  be  changed,  after 
"Ben  Cartwright"  was  recognized  and 
the  news  of  his  impending  marriage  hit 
the  headlines.  The  ceremony  was  still 


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a  private  one,  with  only  producer  David 
Dortort  and  his  wife  in  attendance. 
However,  it  was  followed  by  a  big  re- 
ception— with  all  the  Bonanza  gang  on 
hand — in  the  new  home  Lome  had 
bought  in  Encino,  a  few  months  before. 

So  the  whole  town's  still  buzzing, 
wondering  how  and  why  this  true  love 
story  was  kept  secret  from  them  for  so 
long.  To  get  the  real  answer,  they'd 
have  to  travel  back  in  time  and  space. 
More  than  a  decade  ago,  in  Toronto, 
where  Lome — once  a  $10-a-week  ad 
agency  employe — faced  what  looked 
like  a  bright  future  as  one  of  Canada's 
top  radio  announcers.  He  had  a  lovely 
wife  and  adorable  twin  children,  a  boy 
named  Charles  and  a  girl  named  Linda. 

One  of  his  pet  projects  was  the  estab- 
lishment of  the  Academy  of  Radio  Arts 
in  Toronto.  And  one  of  his  students 
there  was  Nancy  Anne  Deale.  He 
recognized  her  talent,  she  idolized  her 
teacher — then  recognized  as  one  of  the 
best  in  Canada — but  the  interest  was 
purely  academic.  It  was  only  by  acci- 
dent that  they  ran  into  each  other  again 
in  New  York,  where  Lome  was  play- 
ing the  lead  opposite  Katharine  Cornell 
in  "The  Prescott  Proposals,"  and  Nancy 
had  enrolled  at  the  Neighborhood  Play- 
house School  of  the  Theater. 

Their  paths  didn't  cross  again  until 
both   were    in    Hollywood.       By    then, 

Lome  was  highly  successful  in  both 
movies  and  television,  and  Nancy  her- 
self had  come  far  as  a  dramatic  actress. 
Her  talent  had  also  been  recognized  by 
John  Cassavetes,  one  of  her  stage  men- 
tors, who  cast  her  in  his  motion  pic- 
ture, "Shadows."  And,  in  1959,  she  ap- 
peared in  an  episode  of  Bonanza.  (For 
those  who  like  to  study  the  archives, 
note  that  Nancy  uses  the  name  of  Lisa 
Cummings  and  that  she  played  the 
role  of  Bila  in  "The  Story  of  Ruth.") 

During  these  active  years,  Lome's 
marriage  became  a  mirage.  Not  because 
of  another  woman,  but  because  of  a 
combination  of  troubles  created  mainly 
by  distance — Lome  was  in  Hollywood 
and  his  wife  remained  in  Canada.  Two 
years  ago,  Lome  and  Nancy  realized 
they  were  in  love. 

But  it  wasn't  until  last  year  that  the 
divorce  agreement  was  worked  out. 

And  thereby  hangs  the  reason  for  all 
the  mystery  about  Lome's  second  mar- 
riage. He  was  thinking  of  his  children. 

Lome  has  always  been  a  very  devoted 
family  man.  Even  after  his  marriage 
first  went  on  the  rocks,  he  kept  in  close 
contact  with  Charles  and  Linda,  spent 
many  a  sleepless  weekend  on  planes 
flying  to  and  from  Canada  just  so  he 
could  spend  a  few  hours  with  the  twins. 

Now  he  confides  to  a  very  close 
friend:  "Nancy  and  I  had  been  plan- 

ning our  marriage  for  some  time,  and 
worked  out  all  the  details.  However, 
because  of  my  schedule,  one  detail 
couldn't  be  attended  to — a  very  impor- 
tant one.  I  wanted  personally  to  tell 
my  children,  who  are  seventeen  now, 
that  I  was  getting  married  again.  I 
wanted  to  explain  it  to  them  like  a 
father  should." 

Lome  had  planned  to  meet  his  chil- 
dren in  New  York  to  tell  them,  but  the 
carefully  guarded  news  got  out  before 
he  had  a  chance  to  tell  the  twins  about 
their  "other  mother"  with  all  the  hon- 
esty and  wisdom  of  Ben  Cartwright 

There  was  a  lot  to  tell,  all  of  it  good. 
Nancy  Anne  Deale  is  quite  a  woman. 
Attractive  and  shapely,  she  says  that 
age  makes  no  difference  in  marriage, 
believes  that  love  is  the  one  prerequisite 
to  a  happy  home.  She's  never  been 
married  before,  looks  forward  to  run- 
ning a  home,  and  both  Lome  and 
Nancy  want  to  have  a  family  all  their 

Lome   can   now  tell  Hollywood:    "I 

never   get  to   win   a   girl   on   Bonanza 

— but,  this  time,  I  had  better  luck!" 

— Irene  Storm 

Lome  Greene  stars  in  Bonanza,  as 
colorcast  over  NBC-TV,  Sun.,  9  to  10 
P.M.  EST,  sponsored  by  Chevrolet. 

Are  Peter  and  The  Wolf  Hurting  the  Kennedys? 

(Continued  from  page  37) 
John  P.  Kennedy,  the  President  of  the 
United  States. 

The  President  is  undoubtedly  grate- 
ful for  the  Clan's  past  efforts  in  his  be- 
half. Spurred  on  by  fellow-member 
Peter  Lawford — Kennedy's  own  broth- 
er-in-law— they  went  all  out,  during  the 
political  conventions,  to  get  him  nomi- 
nated. They  didn't  spare  themselves, 
fighting  to  get  him  elected.  And,  even 
after  he  became  President,  they  didn't 
stop.  They  pooled  their  talents  and  re- 
sources to  throw  a  benefit  party  which 
raised  two  million  dollars  and  helped 
pull  the  Democratic  Party  out  of  debt. 
However,  Kennedy  is  the  leader  of 
the  free  world  and  must  be  sure  nothing 
happens  to  detract  from  that  image.  He 
certainly  can't  afford  friendships  which 
later  can  be  used  against  him  political- 
ly. He  genuinely  admires  and  respects 
the  enormously  talented  people  in  the 
Clan,  but  any  reoccurence  of  their 
famed  hijinks  and  didoes  could  be  a 
handicap  to  him. 

Edward  R.  Murrow,  head  of  the  U.  S. 
Information  Agency  and  one  of  Ken- 
nedy's closest  aides,  has  asked  Holly- 
wood to  project  a  better  image  of  the 
United  States.  Is  this  policy  really 
helped  when  brother-in-law  Peter  plays 
a  dissolute  Washington  Senator  in  the 
new  movie,  "Advise  and  Consent,"  or 
goes  to  Europe  to  play  a  gangster  role 
in  his  next  film? 

There  have  been  rumors  that  Lawford 

was   withdrawing    from    the    Clan,    by 

t       White  House  request.  It  was  noted  that, 

I       for  the  first  time,  prankish  Peter  did  not 

join  in  the  much-publicized  razzing  with 

which  the  Clan  greeted  Eddie  Fisher's 


opening  night  in  Las  Vegas.  There  were 
also  rumors  of  friction  between  Peter 
and  The  Wolf — Lawford  and  Sinatra 

"Friction?  Nothing  like  that!"  Pete 
told  columnist  Earl  Wilson,  by  phone 
from  Santa  Monica.  "Hell,  I  was  down 
at  Frank's  place  in  Palm  Springs  for 
three  days  afterward!" 

As  for  pressure  on  Sinatra  from 
Washington,  a  New  York  Herald  Trib- 
une correspondent  recently  noted  that 
Frankie  was  interrupted  during  a  maga- 
zine interview,  by  a  "White  House"  call. 
The  performer  answered,  "Hi,  Prez" — 
then  told  the  interviewer,  immediately 
afterward,  that  Kennedy  wished  to 
"avoid  publicity  about  his  personal 

Something  seems  to  have  sobered 
Frankie  during  the  past  year.  Just  a 
couple  of  months  ago,  a  small  mob  of 
one  hundred  newsmen,  photographers 
and  TV  reporters  waited  apprehensively 
at  the  Sydney,  Australia  airport  for  the 
crooner's  plane  to  land.  At  best,  they 
expected  the  brush-off  treatment,  but 
they  were  fully  prepared  for  a  typical 
Sinatra  blast. 

Instead,  Frank  greeted  them  all  with 
a  smile,  while  holding  tightly  to  pretty 
actress  Dorothy  Provine's  hand.  And,  as 
they  looked  at  him  in  amazement,  the 
"new"  Sinatra  said :  "Please,  don't  refer 
to  me  as  'cranky  Frankie'  anymore.  I'm 
more  mellow  these  days.  I  guess  there 
was  a  time  when  some  newspapermen  in 
New  York  and  elsewhere  got  under  my 
skin,  but  you  can  quote  me  as  saying 
I'm  not  an  enemy  of  the  press  anymore. 
Now  I'm  ready  to  answer  all  questions. 
Fire  away." 

Among  all  those  newsmen,  not  one 
had  the  courage  to  ask  him  the  burning 
question  of  the  day:  Had  there  been 
any  official  appeal  from  the  White 
House  for  the  Clan  to  behave  itself  lest 
it  cause  the  President  any  embarrass- 
ment? Perhaps  no  one  thought  of  ask- 
ing the  query,  or  perhaps  someone 
feared  offending  Frankie  Boy  and  ruin- 
ing his  exceptional  good  humor. 

However,  one  enterprising  scribe  did 
shoot  the  loaded  question  at  Peter  Law- 
ford during  a  Clan  gathering  in  Wash- 
ington, where  the  actor  was  filming 
"Advise  and  Consent."  Pete  looked  sur- 
prised for  a  moment,  then  blurted  out: 
"Nonsense!  I  happen  to  know  that  the 
President  thinks  a  lot  of  Frank.  He  was 
effusive  in  his  praise  of  him  after  Frank 
staged  the  Inaugural  Ball.  Of  course, 
they  like  each  other.  What  the  hell's 
wrong  with  that?" 

If  indeed  no  Presidential  pressure  has 
been  exerted,  then  each  and  every  mem- 
ber of  the  Clan  deserves  a  gold  star  for 
exercising  considerable  self-discipline. 
Peter  himself  set  the  standard  for  the 
group's  behavior  when  he  ordained  that 
he  wouldn't  tolerate  any  Kennedy  in-law 
jokes  on  any  TV  shows  for  which  he 
was  booked. 

"The  Garry  Moore  programs  I've 
done  had  no  reference  to  Kennedy  or 
the  Presidency,"  Pete  notes.  "And  the 
Jack  Benny  show  I  did  failed  to  contain 
a  single  sketch  regarding  my  relation- 
ship with  the  President.  If  anything  like 
that  did  occur,  I  would  have  vetoed  it." 

Pete — or  "Peter  Pentagon,"  as  he  is 
fondly  referred  to  by  the  Clan — is  still 
shook  up  by  the  fact  he  is  J.F.K.'s 
brother-in-law.  "It's  an  awesome  kind  of 

feeling  when  I  realize  that  the  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States  is  my  brother- 
in-law,"  he  says.  "Sometimes,  I  stop 
dead  in  my  tracks  and  say:  Can  it  be? 
Or,  gee,  I  know  him!  He's  related  to 

The  ironic  side  of  this  relationship  is 
that,  prior  to  Kennedy's  election,  Law- 
ford  was  much  the  bigger  celebrity. 
Kennedy  was  just  another  Senator,  and 
not  a  very  famous  one,  at  that.  Millions 
of  movie  fans  recognized  the  British- 
born  Lawford  at  a  glance,  but  the 
Massachusetts  politico  could  have 
passed  unnoticed  in  a  crowd.  Now,  of 
course,  the  situation  is  different. 

The  lanky  thirty-eight-year-old  actor 
dismisses  any  notion  that  Kennedy's  as- 
cendancy to  the  highest  office  in  the 
land  affected  his  career.  "I'm  a  little 
more  newsworthy,"  he  says.  "That's 
about  all.  I  think  my  career  got  a  big 
boost  when  I  did  'Exodus.'  I'm  delight- 
ed that  it  happened  long  before  he  be- 
came President." 

Lawford  also  shrugs  off  the  notion 
that  Kennedy  is  displeased  when  he 
takes  a  role  which  might  hold  this 
country  up  to  criticism.  In  "Advise  and 
Consent,"  for  instance,  Pete  portrays  a 
playboy  Senator  whom  foreign  audi- 
ences might  logically  accept  as  truly 
representative  of  our  government. 

"Obviously,"  says  Pete,  "if  the  Presi- 
dent had  asked  me  not  to  take  the  part, 
I  wouldn't  have.  But  it  should  be  equal- 
ly obvious  that  he  wouldn't  have  said 
anything  to  me  about  it,  because  the 
fact  that  I  was  offered  such  a  role 
couldn't  reflect  on  the  President.  He's 
bright  enough  to  see  that.  He's  also  too 
busy  to  be  concerned  about  trivialities 
like  that." 

Pete  doesn't  think  he's  changed  at  all 
since  his  brother-in-law  took  residency 
in  the  White  House.  His  friends  are 
quick  to  agree.  Top  comedienne  Carol 
Burnett,  of  The  Garry  Moore  Show, 
claims  he's  still  a  "dear  nut."  Says  she: 
"I  was  very  much  in  awe  of  Pete  when 
I  first  met  him.  I  expected  him  to  be 
conceited,  but  actually  he's  a  little  shy. 
He  holds  himself  in.  But  we  had  a  ball 
together.  He  got  along  with  everyone — 
and,  as  you  know,  our  gang  is  as  far  re- 
moved from  the  Clan  as  you  can  get. 

"No  one  kidded  him  about  the  White 
House,"  Carol  notes.  "You  can  run  that 
kind  of  thing  right  into  the  ground.  The 
last  time  he  was  on  the  show,  he  kidded 
around  something  awful.  Right  in  the 
middle  of  my  number,  he  jumped  on  the 
stage  and  kissed  me.  Imagine!  I  was 
kissed  by  Peter  Lawford!" 

As  Carol  points  out,  no  one  thinks  it's 
quite  cricket  to  kid  about  the  White 
House.  But  before  Kennedy  was  elected, 
the  jokes  flew  like  guided  missiles. 
When  he  arrived  in  Las  Vegas  early  in 
his  Presidential  climb,  he  roared  with 
laughter  as  Joey  Bishop  said  to  him, 
from  the  stage  of  a  night  club:  "If  you 
get  in,  Frank  Sinatra  has  to  be  Ambas- 
sador to  Italy  and  Sammy  Davis  Jr.  to 
Israel.  I  don't  want  too  much  for  myself 
— just  don't  let  me  get  drafted  again!" 

Kennedy  always  has  appreciated 
good,  lively  humor.  When  he  was  a 
bachelor  Senator  in  Hollywood,  every- 
one considered  the  handsome  New  Eng- 
lander  a  "hip  guy."  Actress  Arlene 
Dahl,  who  dated  Kennedy  quite  a  bit  in 

those  days,  told  this  reporter  in  an  ex- 
clusive interview :  "Jack  made  a  big  hit 
in  Hollywood.  He  was  extremely  intelli- 
gent and  idealistic.  He  had  some  won- 
derful ideas  about  South  America,  I  re- 
member. I  thought  of  him  as  a  bashful 
boy  with  cheek.  He  never  talked  about 
any  Presidential  ambitions." 

Even  today,  J.F.K.  takes  an  avid  in- 
terest in  the  entertainment  world.  He 
and  his  wife  often  have  new  movies  sent 
to  them  for  private  screening,  such  as 
"Flower  Drum  Song."  When  he  is  in 
New  York  and  has  available  time,  he 
makes  it  a  point  to  see  a  Broadway 
play.  And  it's  not  unlikely  that,  when 
the  President  and  his  brother-in-law, 
Pete,  get  on  the  golf  course,  they  chat 
occasionally  about  show  business. 

It  may  be  that  it  was  on  the  links, 
too,  that  the  subject  of  a  subdued  Clan 
was  mentioned.  But  Lawford  denies  this 
vehemently.  "I'll  tell  you  what  happens 
when  we  play  golf,"  says  Pete.  "I  have 
to  wear  shoes.  After  all,  he  is  the  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States." 

The  very  mention  of  the  word  Clan 
irritates  Pete,  anyhow.  "Actually,"  he 
says,  "it's  just  a  group  of  people  who 
have  known  each  other  for  years  and 
like  each  other.  We  like  to  get  together 
and  that's  all.  I've  known  Frank  seven- 
teen years,  Dean  about  ten.  This  is  just 
a  group  of  friends — like  you.  might 

The  group  of  people  comprising  the 
Clan  today  includes  Sinatra,  Lawford, 
Sammy  Davis  Jr.,  Dean  Martin,  Joey 
Bishop,  Shirley  MacLaine,  Keely  Smith, 
Natalie  Wood  and  Milton  Berle.  Many 
celebs  such  as  Sal  Mineo  and  Bobby 
Rydell  would  like  to  become  "mem- 
bers," but  realize  they  are  too  young — 
or  simply  not  wanted. 

As  of  this  writing,  no  member  of  the 
Clan  has  got  out  of  line  where  he'd 
cause  Kennedy  any  misgivings.  At  least, 
their  behavior  to  date  has  detracted  not 
one  atom  from  Kennedy's  popularity. 
According  to  a  recent  Gallup  poll,  the 
President's  policies  are  deemed  perfect 
by  75  percent  of  the  American  people. 

The  biggest  detractors  of  the  Clan 
seem  to  be  Republicans — which  figures. 
After  all,  every  member  of  the  Clan  is  a 
lifetime  Democrat.  It  might  be  a  good 
idea  if  the  G.O.P.  formed  a  Clan  of  its 
own  for  the  next  Presidential  campaign. 

Arlene  Dahl  may  have  been  thinking 
along  these  same  lines  when  she  re- 
vealed that  she  voted  for  Nixon  in  the 
'60  race.  "I  felt  sorry  for  Nixon.  It 
seemed  all  the  stars  had  come  out  for 
Kennedy,"  she  says.  "It  was  unfair.  I 
know  Jack  didn't  mind  me  not  voting 
for  him — he  always  liked  a  challenge. 
But  his  sister  Pat  has  been  cool  to  me 
ever  since." 

There's  no  doubt  that  Pat  Lawford  is 
a  loyal  sister  to  the  President — or  that 
she's  married  to  a  loyal  man.  When 
wags  refer  to  Messrs.  Lawford  and 
Sinatra  as  "Peter  and  The  Wolf," 
they're  really  drawing  a  sharp  distinc- 
tion between  Pat's  devoted  husband  and 
the  ever-dating  Frankie.  They're  also 
drawing  attention  to  the  close  relation- 
ship between  the  Clan  of  Hollywood 
and  the  family  in  the  White  House. 

Is  this  politics?  Or  just  natural  hu- 
man interest  in  some  of  the  world's 
most  famous  names?      — Bob  Lardine 

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APRIL,  1962 

Ernie  Kovacs 

Ed  Sullivan 

Michael  Landon 

Richard  Chamberlain 

Vincent  Edwards 

Jimmy   Durante 

Barbara  Stanwyck 

Raymond  Burr 

Richard  Boone 

Herb  Saxton 

Robert  Horton 

Quiz   Scandals 

Frank  Sinatra 

Jacqueline  Kennedy 

Judy  Garland 

Bud  Collyer 

Connie  Stevens 

Glenn  Ford 

John  Ashley 


VOL.  57,  NO.  5 


10    "Every  Day  Was  Velvet" Hal  Humphrey 

21  "I  Can  Never  Make  Up  with  Jack  Paar" Jim  Morse 

22  "Our  Black  Market  Baby" Nancy  Anderson 

24   Battle  of  the  Bedside  Manner! Tricia  Hurst 

28   Heart  to  Heart  and  Nose  to  Nose Maxine  Block 

30  Is  It  Friendship  or  Is  It  .  .  ? Eunice  Field 

32  So  Ugly  He's  Beautiful! George  Carpozi  Jr. 

34  Is  TV's  Money  Man  Looking  for  You? Bill  Kelsay 

36  "Marilyn  Boils  My  Bear" Charlotte  Dinter 

38  The  Winner  Who  Got  Away  With  It John  R.  Pascal 

42  Wedding  Bells  Go  Ringadingding Walter  Winchell 

44  What  TV  Is  Doing  to  Jackie  and  Her  Children 

Dr.  Robert  L.  Wolk  and  Arthur  Henley 

47  Judy:  The  Myth  and  the  Mother Lynn  Jackson 

50  Thou  Shalt  Not  Fear  (first  reprint  from  his  new  book) 

52  A  New  Twist  on  the  Twist 

54  A  New  Twist  on  Love Jim  Gregory 

56  How  Much  Should  a  Husband  Tell? John  Ashley 


13  Johnny  Carson's  Corner 

13  Save  Our  Songs 

14  Album  Reviews 
18  Top  Ten  Singles 

18  A  Life  in  Song  (Garland) 

19  Lunch  With  Dion 

19  Pieces  of  Eights 

20  Music-Makers  in  the  News 


3  Information   Booth  68     Photographers'  Credits 

4  What's  New  From  Coast  to  Coast Eunice  Field 


Soupy  Sales  61 

Bob  Hill  62 

Rae  Deane  64 

Richard  Grossenheider  66 

JACK  J.  PODELL.  Editor-in-Chief 

EUNICE  FIELD,  West  Coast  Editor 
TERESA  BUXTON,  Managing  Editor 
LORRAINE  BIEAR,  Associate  Editor 
ANITA  ZATT,  Assistant  to  Editor 

It's  Happy  Time  (ABC-TV) 
Breakfast  with  Bob  (WANE-TV) 
"Kidult"  Kapers  (WJRT-TV) 
The  Wild  Ones  (KMOX-TV) 


JACK  ZASORIN,  Art  Director 
FRANCES  MALY,  Associate  Art  Director 
PAT  BYRNE,  Art  Assistant 
BARBARA  MARCO,  Beauty  Editor 


TV  Radio  Mirror  is  published  monthly  by  Macfadden  Publications,  Inc.,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Executive,  Adver- 
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j*  v  •''-'iiiyr'Htgnnf&rwHi* 


^.^c  «.«-««,  BA««^y^.-»  »  v  »rf~ *?' *» 


Wanted:  Five  "Characters" 

Z?ear  Editor: 

I  would  like  to  know  why  such  a  fine 
program  as  From  These  Roots  was 
taken  off  the  air.  The  skit  replacing  it 
is  so  inferior  that  it  isn't  worth  watch- 
ing. I  tried  to  get  interested  but  every 
day  it  was  like  a  broken  record  repeat- 
ing the  same  theme — Daddy  is  in  the 
hospital  and  there  isn't  any  money  and 
there  isn't  any  money  and  there  isn't 
any  money  and  on  and  on.  The  girls 
are  foolish  and  immature.  Why  not  put 
girls  with  character  before  the  public? 
I  know  that  you  aren't  responsible,  but 
I  just  wanted  to  tell  my  opinion  to  some- 
one. Thanks  for  listening. 

G.C.,  Howell,  Mich. 

'International"  Breed 

/  would  like  to  know  something  about 
Greg  Roman  of  The  New  Breed. 

C.M.B.,  Lima,  Ohio 

Greg  Roman  might  be  called  an 
"international"  personality.  His  name 
sounds  Italian.  On  ABC-TV's  The  New 
Breed,  he  plays  a  Mexican-American. 
His  parents  are  Turkish-Armenian.  He 
was  born  in  Canada.  Today  he  lives  in 
California.  But,  no  matter  what  his 
inter-nationality,  one  thing  is  sure,  his 
acting  ability  is  such  that  any  country 
would  be  happy  to  claim  him.  .  .  .  Dark- 
haired,  dark-eyed  Greg  began  his  career 
in  his  native  Canada  appearing  in  little- 
theater  groups.  From  there  he  went  on 
to  a  Hollywood  theater  workshop,  to 
Broadway,  to  road  companies,  to  movies, 
and  eventually  to  TV.  ...  It  was  while 
Greg  was  studying  acting  with  Broad- 
way director  Frank  Corsaro  that  he 
met  his  actress-wife  Donna  Drew.  They 
were  married  April  4,  1958,  and  now 

Greg  Roman 

conduct  an  experimental  workshop  for 
actors,  writers  and  directors  in  Hol- 
lywood.— Ed. 

Some  Quickies 

Please  tell  me  where  and  when 
George  Nader  was  born. 

R.W.A.,  Eastside,  Oregon 

He  was  born  in  Hollywood  on  October 
19,  1921.— Ed. 

Could  you  please  tell  me  if  Shirley 
Temple  Black  has  been  married  more 
than  once  and  how  old  she  is? 

B.C.,  Lincoln,  Nebraska 

Shirley  was  married  once  before,  to 
John  Agar.  She  is  32. — Ed. 

/  would  like  to  know  if  Lee  Marvin 
and  Tony  Marvin  are  related? 

I.D.,  Genoa,  Colorado 
They  are  not  related. — Ed. 

Calling  All  Fans 

The  following  fan  clubs  invite  new 
members.  If  you  are  interested,  write 
to  address  given — not  to  TV  Radio 

Jimmy  Dean  Fan  Club,  Patricia  Idol, 
1626  Monroe  St.,  N.W.,  Washington  10, 

Steve  Lawrence  and  Eydie  Gorme 
Fan  Club,  Linda  Bienvenue,  165  Phil- 
lip St.,  Attleboro,  Mass. 

Steve  London  Fan  Club,  Julie  Ve- 
reecke,  2051  Second  Ave.,  New  York 
29,  N.Y. 

Jane  Morgan  Fan  Club,  Sue  Kelly, 
3415  King  Edward  Ave.,  Montreal  28, 

Write  to  Information  Booth,  TV  Radio  Mirror, 
205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.Y.  We  regret 
we  cannot  answer  or  return  unpublished  letters. 

I  was  too 
to  try  it 

I  couldn't  imagine  the  difference  Tampax 

might  make ! 

I  put  up  with  the  other  way  for  years! 

And  was  miserable! 

When  I  finally  tried  Tampax®,  I  found  it 

to  be  so  easy,  so  cool,  so  clean,  so  fresh, 

so  invisible,  so  everything. 

I  wonder  how  I  ever  existed  without  it. 

I  was 
afraid  to  try  it 

I  couldn't  face  the  thought  of  internal 


Millions  of  girls  may  have  used  billions  of 

Tampax,  but  I  was  the  hold-out. 

So  I  put  up  with  odor  problems,  disposal 

problems,  carrying    problems.    All    the 

embarrassment ! 

Until  one  day  I  woke  up ! 

Why  on  earth  did  I  endure  years  of 


Tampax  is  so  much  nicer,  there's  just  no 



Palmer,  Mass. 

Three's  a  Coward:  While  making 
"Rome  Adventure,"  director  Delmer 
Daves  took  a  drive  with  Troy  Donahue 
and  Suzanne  Pleshette.  Eager  to 
show  off  his  new  Vespi,  Troy  whirled  at 
top  speed  around  wicked  curves,  up 
and  down  hills  and  finally  came  to  a 
tire-smoking  stop,  inches  from  a  stone 
wall.  Suzanne,  indignant,  threw  a  slap 
in  Troy's  direction  but  it  hit  Daves  in- 
stead. Bitter  words  were  traded  and 
Daves  ducked  repeatedly.  But  on  the 
trip  home,  Troy's  arm  was  about  Suz- 
anne's shoulder  and  she  slept  blissfully 
on  his.  Next  day,  Troy  asked  the  direc- 
tor along  for  another  drive.  Daves 
turned  pale.  "You  go  on  alone.  You 
two  deserve  each  other — that  was  the 
hardest-hitting  scene  you've  ever  done!" 

Sfop!  Look! 

Slaxt  jieaduAa-'KaW/ 

TV  ttoJdD  /^LAAjCK, 
bhlMOS  t|DM. 


Deborah    Walley    an- 
nounced   plans    to 
wed  John  Ashley  in 
the    summer.    .    .    . 
Cindy     Robbins    and 
Jack     Haley     Jr.     have 
definitely  discovered  each 
other.   .    .   .   and    Molly   Bee 
"flits"  from  Ron  Ely  (now  in 
the  service)  to  Australian 
beau  Digby  Wolfe,  who 
also    has    an    eye    for 
Helen  O'Connell.  .  .  . 
Anna   Capri,    new 
Warner  starlet,  is  see- 
ing   a     lot    of    Bobby 
Burgess,     Welk    dancer. 

TV  fans  are  beginning  to  make  them- 
selves heard.  Soon  after  The  Law  And 
Mr.  Jones  was  cancelled,  half  a  million 
cards,  wires  and  letters  were  flooding 
ABC-TV.  Even  the  Bar  Association  of 
seven  states  joined  in  the  hue  and  cry. 
Now  belatedly  the  network  announces 
that  the  show  will  return  April  19.  Says 
its  popular  star,  James  Whitmore,  "It 
just  proves  that  the  individual  viewer 
can  have  control  over  what  he  has  to 
see."  It's  a  pity  the  public  couldn't 
do  the  same  for  The  Westerner  and 
other  fine  shows  cancelled  for  no  good 
reason — but  maybe  Mr.  Jones  has 
started  a  trend.  The  networks  are  be- 
ing inundated  with  protests  of  TV 
"specials,"  which  fans  contend  aren't 
T    "special"   at  all — just   run-of-the-mill. 

Party  of  the  Month:  Ron  Harper's 

birthday  cake  had  87  candles — not  for 
his  age,  of  course,  but  in  honor  of 
87th  Precinct,  in  which  he  co-stars.  He 
made  chili  for  over  60  guests,  but  his 
actor-pal  Mike  Carr  sent  Ron  a  case 
of  canned  chili  to  be  on  the  safe  side. 
Ron  gave  lessons  in  the  "Holly-Golly," 
another  of  the  Twist  improvisations, 
and  Mario  Thomas  and  Peter  Falk 
were  judged  best.  Sarah  Marshall 
and  Karl  Held,  a  long-time  twosome, 
were  cooing  as  usual  and  seemed  not 
the  least  concerned  that  Karl's  option 
for  Perry  Mason  had  just  been  dropped. 
"It  was  great  fun,"  said  Ron,  "but  as  a 
Hollywood  party  it  was  a  bust.  Nobody 
got  tossed  in  the  pool  and  nobody 
even   socked   somebody  else's  beau." 

Almost  everybody  who 
is    anybody    showed 
up  for  "The  Major- 
ity of  One"  premiere. 
Star  Rosalind  Russell  is 
a  10-to-l  favorite  to  grab 
this  year's  Oscar.  .  .  .  Bob 
Crosby's  Cathy,   now  wed  to 
Texas  oilman   E.   F.  Gilbert, 
has  retired  completely,  she 
reports,  and  is  on  expect- 
ant mother.  .  .  .  Annette 
eft  for  Italy  this  month 
v,     to  star  in  "Escapade 
in  Florence,"  and  will 
be  gone  five  months. 
Her  family  is  flying  over 
for   the    Easter   vacation. 

And  Ty  Hardin  remains  the  town's 
Number  One  "Roving  Bachelor  at 
Large" — with  a  new  girl  on  his  arm 
almost  every  night.  Ty's  blond  hair 
was  darkened  for  his  role  in  The  Chap- 
man Report,  in  which  he  plays  a  brawny 
football  player.  Director  George  Cu- 
kor  felt  Ty's  natural  hair  made  him 
photograph  "too  handsomely."  .  .  . 
Walt  Disney's  Mickey  Mouse  Club 
returns  soon  via  re-runs  on  ABC-TV. . .  . 
Martin  Gabel  plays  Hercule  Poirot  in 
new    MGM    Agatha    Christie    series. 

It's  Good  To  Be  Bad:  So  says  Dan 
Duryea,  who  has  made  a  career  of 
playing  villains.  For  actors  who  want 
to  be  heavies,  Dan  has  this  tip:  "First 
thing,  kick  a  dog.  Step  number  two, 
slap  a  dame.  You  will  then  receive 
10,000  letters  yelling  about  what  a  rat 
you  are.  After  that,  you'll  be  remem- 
bered every  time  they're  casting  a 
villain."  .  .  .  Myrna  Fancy's  skating 
and  skiing  antics  are  giving  producers 
of  Father  Of  The  Bride  cold  feet. 
They've  ordered  her  to  "cease  and 
desist"  before  she  has  a  bad  spill  and 
puts  their  shooting  schedule  in  deep 
freeze.  And  Bob  Conrad  failed  to  get 
his  "flying"  orders.  Warner  Bros,  told 
the  "Hawaiian  Eye"  he  was  grounded 
— had  to  give  up  plans  to  buy  a  plane. 

Quip-Quack:  A  visitor  on  the  "Kid 
Galahad"  set  observed  Elvis  Presley 
showing  Anita  Wood  around.  Sez  he, 
"Elvis,  there  are  two  things  I  envy — 
your  list  of  phone  numbers  and  your 
stamina."  .  .  .  Molly  Berg  misses  New 
York.  Her  rented  mansion  on  the  West 
Coast,  she  says,  is  "elegant  but  lone- 
some. If  I  open  a  window  to  yoohoo, 
all  I  get  back  is  an  echo."  .  .  .  Since 
she  was  named  Honorary  Mayor  of 
Reseda,  Calif.,  Amanda  Blake,  Gun- 
smoke's  Kitty,  has  decided  to  move 
into  the  town.  "You  heard  of  absentee 
landlords,"  she  says.  "Well,  I  don't 
want  to  be  an  absentee  mayor."  .  .  . 
Chirps  Rita  Moreno,  "If  women  writers 
were  more  feminine,  women  actresses 
would  have  better  parts." 

Troy  and   Suzanne.   Cozy — or  not? 

As  Vanessa,  queen  of  the  TV  daytime 
serial,  Love  Of  Life,  Peggy  McCay 
suffered  every  conceivable  anguish. 
When  fourteen  femme  fans  named 
their  daughters  after  Vanessa,  Peggy 
sent  each  baby  a  doll — until  one  fan 
returned  the  doll  and  asked  her  to  pay 
for  the  birth  of  her  baby!  Said  Peggy's 
Room  For  One  More  co-star  Andrew 
Duggan:  "I'll  bet  that  hurt!"  .  .  .  Per- 
sonal Obit:  Lunching  with  lovable 
Ernie  Kovacs  a  few  days  before  his 
tragic  death,  I  asked  why  he  made  a 
career  of  zany,  unpredictable  things. 
Ernie's  answer:  "For  the  same  reason  a 
guest  does  a  handstand  as  he  is  leav- 
ing. He  wants  to  be  remembered  after 
he's  gone."  .  .  .  You'll  be  remembered, 
Ernie,  but  not  just  for  that. 

7m>     r 

Bob  Barker  was  preparing  a  pretty 
German  miss  for  her  appearance  on 
Truth  Or  Consequences.  "Frankly," 
he  said,  "you  must  expect  anything  to 
happen  to  you  on  this  show."  "Oh, 
that's  okay,"  she  smiled.  "I'm  not  mar- 
ried." .  .  .  Heard  on  the  set  of  new 
Warner  series  Lone  Sierra:  "That 
dance  of  Evan  McCord  and  Kathy 
Bennett?  We're  calling  it  The  Pretzel' 
— sort  of  a  hard  Twist."  .  .  .  Peter 
Brown  says  he  saw  a  young  woman 
driving  a  flashy  car  in  Las  Vegas  with  a 
sign  on  the  back  of  the  car  reading, 
"Just  Single!"  No,  he  didn't  follow — 
most  of  his  time  these  days  is  spent 
with  Maurine  Dawson.  Peter  is  very 
anxious  to  give  marriage  another  try. 

Broadway  lark  Julie  Andrews  and 
funny  gal  Carol  Burnett  team  for  a 
black-tie   night  at  Carnegie  Hall  this 

month Pat  Boone  tells  of  meeting 

a  young  starlet  who,  when  asked  how 
she  felt  about  Red  China,  replied: 
"Oh,  it's  just  fine,  as  long  as  it  doesn't 
clash  with  the  tablecloth!"  .  .  .  Mario 
Thomas,  who  loves  animals,  had  a 
field  day  during  shooting  of  a  recent 
Joey  Bishop  Show  segment  calling  for 
a  Great  Dane,  French  Poodle,  Chihua- 
hua, and  two  Siamese  cats.  Just  to 
liven  things  up,  Mario  brought  her 
own  pet  Boxer  "Bunny"  to  the  studio. 
For  once  the  usually  glib-tongued  Joey 
was  "out-voiced"  and  left  at  a  com- 
plete loss  for  words.  Mario  left,  too — 
for  N.  Y.,  to  hunt  for  a  Broadway  play. 


Teasin'  Ty  with  Carolyn  Lasater. 

New:  Peter  Brown,  Maurine  Dawson. 

Connie  Francis,  signed  by  MGM  to  a 
four-year  disc  and  film  pact,  is  the 
only  artist  in  the  record  business  who 
has  had  17  consecutive  hits  in  the  past 
two  years,  eight  of  which  zoomed  over 
the  million  mark.  ...  Is  Ronnie  Reagan 
going  the  extremist  route  as  an  act  of 
revenge  against  the  Kennedys  for  their 
blasting  of  G-E?  .  .  .  Ground-breaking 
for  the  $4  million  Motion  Picture  and 
Television  Museum  takes  place  in  June. 
.  .  .  House-hunting  Mark  Richman  re- 
ports California  real  estate  agents 
have  a  real  sense  of  humor.  On  the 
lawn  of  one  for-sale  estate  he  saw  this 
sign:  "The  magnificent  trees  on  this 
property  contain  all  the  chlorophyll 
you'll  ever  need  for  healthful   living!" 

Oscar  winner  Charlton  Heston  will 
be  the  late  Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt's 
"voice"  when  ABC-TV  presents  its 
series  on  the  F.D.R.  era  in  the  fall.  .  .  . 
Guy  Stockwell  spent  eight  weeks  at 
Hollywood's  Coronet  Theater  deciding 
whether  it  pays  to  be  or  not  to  be  Ham- 
let. He'd  like  to  do  a  Broadway  play. 
. . .  Starlet  Dawn  Gray  swam  in  a  huge 
glass  of  champagne  at  ceremonies 
opening  the  mammoth  Wilshire  Boule- 
vard Barrington  Plaza  Housing  Devel- 
opment. .  . .  We  know  what  a  "shotgun 
wedding"  is.  So  now  we're  learning 
what  a  "rifleman  divorce"  comes  to.  It 
comes  to  $2,350  a  month  alimony  from 
Chuck  Connors  to  the  erstwhile  Mis- 
sus. The  real,  tragic  cost:  They  have 
four  children.  (Continued  on  page  8) 

Who's  that  with... 







- 1'^ 

Who  else  but  Arthur  Godfrey.  And  you— if 
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Find  your  radio  station  listed  on  the  right.  Tune 
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discover  lots  of  good  reasons  to  stay  with  it! 




:       j4>r--    .:._. 


CBS  RADIO  STATIONS:  Alabama  Birmingham  WATV,  Gadsden  WAAX,  Mobile  WKRG,  Montgomery  WCOV,  Selma  WGWC  Ariaona  Phoenix  KOOL,  Tucson  KOLO  Arkansas  El  Dorado  KELO,  Fort  Smith  KFPW,  Hot  Springs 
KAAB,  Little  Rock  KTHS  California  Bakersfield  KERN,  Chico  KHSL,  Eureka  KINS,  Fresno  KFRE,  Los  Angeles  KNX,  Modesto  KBEE,  Palm  Springs  KCMJ,  Redding  KVCV,  Sacramento  KFBK,  San  Diego  KFMB,  San 
Francisco  KCBS  Colorado  Colorado  Springs  KVOR,  Oenver  KLZ,  Grand  Junction  KREX  Connecticut  Hartford-Manchester  WINF,  Waterbury  WBRY  District  of  Columbia  Washington  WTOP  Florida  Fort  Myers  WINK,  Jack- 
sonville  WMBR,  Miami  WKAT,  Orlando  WDBO,  Pensacola  WDEB,  St.  Augustine  WFOY,  Sarasota  WSPB,  Tallahassee  WTNT,  Tampa  WDAE,  West  Palm  Beach  WJNO  Georgia  Albany  WGPC,  Athens  WGAU,  Atlanta 
WYZE,  Augusta  WRDW,  Columbus  WRBL,  Gainesville  WGGA,  Macon  WMAZ,  Rome  WRGA,  Savannah  WTOC.  Thomasville  WPAX  Idaho  Boise  KBOI,  Idaho  Falls  KID  Illinois  Champaign  WDWS,  Chicago  WBBM,  Danville 
WDAN,  Decatur  WSOY,  Peoria  WMBD,  Ouincy  WTAD,  Rock  Island  WHBF,  Springfield  WTAX  Indiana  Anderson  WHBU,  Fort  Wayne  WANE,  Indianapolis  WISH,  Kokomo  WIOU,  Marion  WMRI,  Muncie  WLBC,  South  Bend 
WSBT,  Terre  Haute  WTHI  low.  Cedar  Rapids  WMT,  Des  Moines  KRNT,  Mason  City  KGLO,  Ottumwa  KBIZ  Kansas  Topeka  WIBW,  Wichita  KFH  Kentucky  Ashland  WCMI,  Hopkinsville  WHOP,  Lexington  WVLK,  Louisville 
WKYW,  Owensboro  WOMI,  Paducah  WPAO  Louisiana  New  Orleans  WWL,  Shreveport  KCIJ  Maine  Portland  WGAN  Maryland  Baltimore  WCBM,  Cumberland  WCUM,  Frederick  WFMD,  Hagerstown  WARK  Massachusetts 
Boston  WEEI,  Pittsfield  WBRK,  Springfield  WMAS,  Worcester  WNEB  Michigan  Adrian  WABJ,  Bad  Axe  WLEW,  Grand  Rapids  WJEF,  Kalamazoo  WKZO,  Lansing  WJIM,  Port  Huron  WHLS,  Saginaw  WSGW  Minnesota  Duluth 
KDAL,  Minneapolis  WCCO  Mississippi  Meridian  WCOC  Missouri  Joplin  KODE,  Kansas  City  KCMO,  St  Louis  KMOX,  Springfield  KTTS  Montana  Billings  KOOK,  Butte  KBOW,  Great  Falls  KFBB,  Missoula  KGVO  Nebraska 
Omaha  WOW,  Scottsbluff  KOLT  Nevada  Las  Vegas  KLAS  New  Hampshire  Keene  WKNE,  Laconia  WEMJ  Ne»  Jersey  Atlantic  City  WFPG  Near  Mexico  Albuquerque  KGGM,  Santa  Fe  KVSF  Neat  York  Albany  WROW,  Bing- 
hamton  WNBF,  Buffalo  WBEN,  Elmira  WELM,  Gloversville  WENT,  Ithaca  WHCU,  Kingston  WKNY,  New  York  WCBS,  Pittsburgh  WEAV,  Rochester  WHEC,  Syracuse  WHEN,  Utica  WIBX,  Watertown  WWNY  North  Carolina 
Asheville  WWNC,  Charlotte  WBT,  Durham  WDNC,  Fayetteville  WFAI,  Greensboro  WBIG,  Greenville  WGTC  North  Dakota  Grand  Forks'  KILO  Ohio  Akron  WADC,  Cincinnati  WKRC,  Cleveland  WGAR,  Columbus  WBNS, 
Oayton  WHIO,  Portsmouth  WPAY,  Youngstown  WKBN  Oklahoma  Tulsa  KRMG  Oregon  Eugene  KERG,  Klamath  Falls  KFLW,  Medford  KYJC,  Portland  KOIN,  Roseb'urg  KRNR  Pennsylvania  Altoona  WVAM,  DuBois  WCED, 
Erie  WLEU,  Harrisburg  WHP,  Indiana  WDAD,  Johnstown  WARD,  Philadelphia  WCAU,  Pittsburgh-McKeesport  WEDO,  Reading  WHUM,  Scranton  WGBI,  State  College  WRSC,  Sunbury  WKOK,  Uniontown  WMBS,  Williamsport 
WWPA  Rhode  Island  Providence  WEAN  South  Carolina  Anderson  WAIM,  Charleston  WCSC,  Columbia-Cayce  WCAY,  Greenville  WMRB,  Spartanburg  WSPA  South  Dakota  Rapid  City  KOTA,  Yankton  WWAX  Tennessee  Chat- 
tanooga WDOD,  Cookeville  WHUB,  Johnson  City  WJCW,  Knoxville  WNOX,  Memphis  WREC.  Nashville  WLAC  Tolas  Austin  KTBC,  Corpus  Christ!  KSIX,  Dallas  KRLD,  El  Paso  KJZZ.  Harlirgen  KGBT,  Houston  KTRH,  Lubbock 
KFYO,  San  Antonio  KENS,  Texarkana  KOSY,  Wichita  Falls  KWFT  Utah  Cedar  City  KSUB,  Salt  Lake  City  KSL  Vermont  Barre  WSNO,  Brattleboro  WKVT  Virginia  Norfolk  WTAR,  Richmond  WRNL,  Roanoke  WDBJ  Washington 
Seattle  KIRO,  Spokane  KGA  West  Virginia  Beck  ley  WJLS,  Charleston  WCHS,  Fairmont  WMMN,  Parkersburg  WPAR,  Wheeling  WWVA  Wisconsin  Green  Bay  WBAY,  Madison  WKOW,  Milwaukee  WMIL  Wf  easing  Casper  KTWO. 

The  CBS  Radio  Network 

Aladdin,  popular  violinist-singer-comic 
on  the  Welk  Show,  collects  languages 
the  way  some  people  collect  stamps. 
Versed  in  eleven  languages  and  twenty 
dialects,  he  is  now  studying  Arabic. 
.  .  .  Was  that  Carol  Lawrence  win- 
dow-shopping on  57th  with  Robert 
Goulet?  .  .  .  Las  Vegas  comics  report 
that  the  town  getting  the  biggest  hand 
and  biggest  laugh  at  the  mere  mention 
is:  Of  course,  Brooklyn!  And  naturally 
the  state  that  gets  the  most  applause 
is  Texas.  There  are  always  a  few  Lone- 
Star-Staters  in  the  crowd.  .  .  .  Are  the 
"art  houses"  about  to  switch  to  com- 
mercial films  now  that  so  many  old 
movie  theaters  are  surrendering  to  TV? 
.  .  .  Tennessee  Ernie  returns  to  ABC- 
TV,  April  Fool's  Day-plus-one! 

Flick  Off  the  Old  Flack:  A  friend  asked 
Stephen  Franken  (Chatsworth  Osborne 
Jr.  of  the  Dobie  Gillis  show)  why  he 
didn't  get  his  press  agent  dad  Jerry 
Franken  to  publicize  him.  Shrugged 
Steve:  "Doctors  don't  operate  on  mem- 
bers of  their  own  families.  Besides, 
when  it  comes  to  publicity,  Dad  likes 
strangers  for  clients — strangers  that 
pay!''  .  .  .  Thought  for  the  Day:  "De- 
fender" E.G.  Marshall  drives  a  car 
but  only  when  absolutely  necessary. 
"Every  time  I  get  behind  the  wheel," 
says  Marshall,  "I  recall  a  sign  I  saw  on 
a  truck  the  day  I  took  my  first  driving 
lesson.  It  warned:  This  truck  has  been 
in  eight  accidents  and  hasn't  lost  one 
yet.  Be  careful,  brother.'  I  can  only 
tell  you  today — 'Sister,  I  am!'  " 

A  Reel  Life  Character:  If  ever  it 
comes  to  a  pinch,  Mel  Prestidge,  who 
plays  Lt.  Danny  Quon  on  Hawaiian 
Eye,  can  actually  pull  rank.  When  not 
at  Warner  Bros.,  he's  on  duty  as  a  Los 
Angeles  deputy  sheriff — if  he  draws, 
fellas,  the  shooting  won't  be  just  on 
film.  .'.  .  "Ben-Hur"  continues  to  gar- 
ner awards.  Latest  is  "Best  Foreign 
Actor  of  I960"  to  Charlton  Heston, 
courtesy  of  Circulo  De  Escritores  Cine- 
matograficos  of  Madrid.  .  .  .  NBC-TV's 
DuPont  Show  Of  The  Week  will  present 
"Biography  of  a  Movie" — starring 
Ski-Nose  and  Der  Bingle  and  based 
on  "Road  to  Hong  Kong."  .  .  .  Joan 
Fontaine  occupies  Hugh  O'Brian's 
Calif,  home  while  he's  in  New  York  and 
she's  doing  a  Dick  Powell  Show. 

)))))     r 

Mm     r 

Champ  of  the  fast-draw  gals  is 
Mary  Astor,  taught  by  cowboy  Ben 
Cooper.  The  actress'  third  book,  "The 
Image  of  Kate,"  hits  the  stores  this 
month.  .  .  .  Poncie  Ponce  plans  to  open 
his  own  night  club.  Poncie's  nickname 
is  "Businessman"  since  he's  been  col- 
lecting so  much  loot  from  his  Karate 
schools.  He  looks  so  young  on  TV,  few 
fans  realize  that  he  is  the  father  of 
three  children.  .  .  .  The  Hex  With  Sex: 
A  bald  pate  proved  "it"  for  Yul  Bryn- 
ner.  A  skinny  frame  spelled  "SA"  for 
Frank  Sinatra.  Being  oversized  meant 
"sex-cess"  for  James  Arness  and  Dan 
Blocker.  So  why  are  so  many  perfectly 
proportioned,  hairy  and  handsome 
young  actors  out  of  work?  Eh? 

Continued  from  page  5 

The  Twist  on  Her  Mind:  Ann  B.  Davis' 

new  TV  series,  R.B.  And  Myrnalene, 

will  see  her  making  like  a  secretary 
again.  But  instead  of  the  tight  bun  she 
wore  on  the  old  Bob  Cummings  show, 
she'll  swank  about  the  office  with  a 
braid.  .  .  .  First  project  for  Brian  Kelly's 
new  Kel-Mar  Productions  is  a  pilot  for 
a  High  Sierra  Snow  Lodge  series.  .  .  . 
Patti  Page  wants  to  be  forgotten — 
that  is,  as  a  singer.  Winding  up  her  stint 
at  the  Las  Vegas  Dunes,  Patti  an- 
nounced she's  signed  Audrey  Thomas 
to  script  an  original  screenplay,  "Ten- 
nessee Waltz,"  titled  after  Patti's  big- 
gest disc  click.  Says  she,  "I  hope  1962 
is  the  year  I'll  be  cast  solely  as  an  ac- 
tress, without  even  one  number  to  sing." 

■^   (((((         "^- 

<-m        <■ 


>     ///// 

When  Grant  Williams  of  Hawaiian 
Eye  came  down  with  a  "sloppy  cold," 
he  was  nursed  by  lovely  Leslie  Par- 
rish.  A  week  later,  Leslie  had  to  have 
a  wisdom  tooth  out  and  Grant  took 
over  the  job  of  nursing  her.  .  .  .  The 
circle  is  completed.  "Marty,"  which 
bowed  on  TV  ten  years  ago,  then  went 
on  to  movie  fame,  now  returns  to  tele- 
vision. ABC  will  launch  a  Sunday  night 
series  of  two-hour  film  programs  April 
8,  with  15  top  United  Artists  pictures, 
including  "Marty,"  "The  Pride  and  the 
Passion,"  "Witness  for  the  Prosecu- 
tion." .  .  .  Ex-Champagne  Lady  Alice 
Lon,  who  has  lived  in  Dallas  since 
J  she  left  the  Welk  show  in  1959.  wed 
R  airlines  pilot  George  W.  Bowling. 
They'll  make  their  home  in  Texas. 

Let  George  Do  It:  Since  helping 
Bobby  Darin,  Joanie  Sommers  and 
Ann-Margret  up  the  ladder,  George 
Burns  has  become  a  target  for  every 
stage-struck  kid.  While  planing  to  Las 
Vegas  for  the  Darin  opening  at  the 
Flamingo,  George  was  served  coffee 
by  a  striking  young  stewardess.  "Want 
to  get  into  show  biz?"  he  asked.  The 
girl  nodded,  too  excited  to  speak. 
"Okay,"  said  George,  "this  is  an  audi- 
tion. Kick  the  back  of  your  head  and 
say  cheese."  . . .  Such  sexcitement.  They 
closed  the  Cain's  Hundred  set  at  MGM 
because  the  skimpy-clad  cuties  were 
putting  on  too  much  of  a  show.  .  .  . 
Doris  Day's  been  given  ultimatum — 
camouflage  freckles  on-screen  or  be 
picketed  by  American  beauticians! 

It  Still  Spells  Ali-money:  When 
Brod  Crawford  got  his  license  to 
wed  Joan  Tabor  in  Las  Vegas,  he 
listed  as  grounds  for  his  first  divorce, 
"I  was  impossible."  The  clerk  ex'd  this 
out  and  penciled  in  "mental  cruelty." 
.  .  .  Steve  Allen,  the  irrepressible, 
signed  to  write  the  score  for  musical 
about  red-hot  Sophie  Tucker.... Nick 
The  Rebel  Adams  to  give  May  lecture 
on  acting  at  University  of  South  Caro- 
lina. .  .  .  Molly  Bee  signed  five-year 
Liberty  Records  pact,  slated  to  do 
"The  Molly  Bee  Story"  for  Star  Route. 
.  .  .  Walt  Disney  planning  feature 
starring  "Ceffie,"  the  white  mule  who 
got  so  many  guffaws  in  "Sergeants  3." 
.  .  .  Andy  Williams  signed  Leslie 
Uggams  for  his  May  4  spec. 

Fiddle-faddle:  The  death  of  Fritz 
Kreisler,  world-famed  violinist,  recalls 
the  joke  he  once  told  about  himself. 
Someone  he  met  asked,  "What  do  you 
do?"  Kreisler  replied,  "I  scratch  a 
little."  Quoth  the  other,  "And  from 
that  you  make  a  living?"  ...  Is  Kathy 
Nolan  about  to  quit  The  Real  McCoys 
for  life  as  a  London  lady,  or  is  Sir 
Matthew  Wellington  only  blowing 
bubbles?  .  .  .  Currently  drawing  the 
crap-shooters  from  the  tables  at  the 
Sahara  in  Las  Vegas  are  The  Modern- 
aires  with  Ray  Eberle  and  Tex  Bene- 
ke's  band.  They  add  up  to  nostalgic 
memories .  Says  Dick  Boone,  "Fitz- 
gerald once  wrote  that  four  A.M.  was 
the  "midnight  of  the  soul."  What  hour 
would  be  the  dawn?" 

Ron   Harper,   host;  Cindy  Robbins,   guest. 

Chat  for  Frankie,   Mary   Livingstone. 

JJJJJ     r 

»»J    r  jjjjJ    r  jw    ? 

■>      *»->.      m->* 

Heard  Around:  Dodie  Stevens  and 
John  Saxon  have  stars  in  their  eyes.  .  .  . 
Why   hulabaloo   over   Warren    Beatty 

turning  down  role  of  President  Kennedy 
in  "Pt  109"?  It's  still  a  free  country. 
Besides — could  be  Worren  was  afraid 
he  "couldn't  cut  the  mustard."  But  this 
ain't  the  best  passport  into  "the  clan." 
.  .  .  Drifting  off:  Will  his  new  songstress 
— Nica  Ventura — replace  Keely  Smith 
in  Louis  Prima's  aching  heart?  .  .  .  Did 
Rocky  Cooper  pull  the  rug  from  under 
news  commentator  Les  Lampson's  ro- 
ho-mance  with  daughter  Maria?  .  .  . 
Will  Newton  Minow's  razz  and  Robert 
Sarnoff's  sass,  at  probe  of  TV  sex  and 
violence,  end  in  a  television  self-cen- 
soring code  like  the  movies'? 

Mrs.  T.,   Danny   T. — and  Jerry   Lewis. 

Brod  Crawford  and   bride  Joan  Tabor. 

<-m     +-m 

-<-«*      ■+-**      *-m      -+-m      -<-«*      ■<- 

«<-«£       -<- 

Beat  me,  Daddy:  Cyd  Charisse  in- 
sisted on  a  realistic  pummeling  from 
Kirk  Douglas  in  "Two  Weeks  in  An- 
other Town."  Having  given  her  all  for 
art,  she  took  to  bed  till  the  aches  were 
eased.  .  .  .  Don  Everly  wed  long-time 
girlfriend  Venetia  Stevenson  in  San 
Diego,  after  graduating  from  Marine 
boot  camp.  Venetia  will  forsake  act- 
ing and  live  wherever  Don  is  stationed. 
. . .  Horace  Heidt  Junior  has  whipped 
together  a  swinging  combo  that's  play- 
ing the  school  circuit  in  San  Fernando 
Valley.  .  .  .  Sez  Dick  Powell:  "I 
wanted  to  aim  'higher'  once.  After  all 
those  years  in  musicals,  I  decided  to  be 
an  actor.  I  wanted  to  be  a  regular  Paul 
Muni.  Now  look  at  me."  A  lot  of  folks 
do,  Dick,  and  they  like  what  they  see. 


Dick  Chamberlain  and  Sharon  Hugueny. 

Meet  the  missus,  grins  Poncie  Ponce. 

"Every  Day  Was  Velvet" 


The  death  of  Ernie  Kovacs  cut  loose  volumes  of  reports 
about  his  baronial  manner  of  living.  He  paid  a  cook 
$1,000  a  month.  He  smoked  20  cigars  a  day  at  $2  apiece. 
He  collected  guns,  armor  and  Rolls-Royces. 

He  tossed  big  all-night  and  next-day  poker  games,  and 
maintained  a  turntable  in  his  driveway  for  pointing  guests 
homeward  in  their  own  garish  cars. 

They  referred  to  him  as  the  zany  Hungarian  who  had 
his  private  steam  room  and  a  communications  system 
throughout  his  Beverly  Hills  abode  which  could  reach 
him  in  the  remotest  bathroom. 

When  Ernie's  friends  were  interviewed,  they  told  of 
his  love  of  living,  the  unselfishness  and  humor  of  the 
man.  "A  lovely  and  dear  man,"  said  his  friend  Jack 
Lemmon,  and  similar  sentiments  were  echoed  by  Frank 
Sinatra,  Dean  Martin  and  Kim  Novak. 

It  would  be  a  shame,  however,  if  the  memory  people 
carry  of  Ernie  was  no  more  complete  than  that.  He  was 
a  character,  all  right,  and  all  of  the  nice  things  his  friends 
mention,  but  he  was  much  more.  During  the  past  several 
years,  I  had  the  opportunity  to  observe  Ernie  Kovacs 
quite  closely  and  become  his  friend.  Let  me  fill  in  a  few 
blanks,  before  it  is  too  late. 

With  the  possible  exception  of  the  late  Fred  Allen,  no 
comedian  worked  harder  or  more  devotedly  at  his  craft 
than  Ernie.  Like  Fred,  he  pre-   {Please  turn  the  page) 

This  is  a  tribute  to  a  man 
we'll  all  miss — badly.  But  it  is 
not  a  sad  story.  Instead,  this 
is  Ernie  Kovacs — the  way  he'd 
want  you  to  remember  him 


"Every  Day  Was  Velvet" 

The  death  of  Ernie  Kovacs  cut  loose  volumes  of  reports 
about  his  baronial  manner  of  living.  He  paid  a  cook 
$1,000  a  month.  He  smoked  20  cigars  a  day  at  $2  apiece, 
lie  collected  guns,  junior  and  Rolls-Royces. 

lie  tossed  lug  all-night  and  next-day  poker  games,  and 
maintained  a  turntable  in  his  driveway  for  pointing  guests 
I ward  in  their  nun  garish  cars. 

They  referred  to  him  as  the  zanj  Hungarian  who  had 
Ins  private  Bteam  room  and  a  communications  system 
throughout  his  Beverly   Hills  abode  which  could  reach 

liim  in  the  remotest  bathroom. 

When  Ernie's  friends  were  interviewed,  they  told  of 
his  lo\c  of  living,  th<'  unselfishness  and  humor  of  the 
man.  "A  lovely  and  dear  man,"  said  his  friend  Jack 
Lemmon,  and  similar  sentiments  were  echoed  by  Frank 
Sinatra.  Dean  Martin  and  kirn  Novak. 

[I  would  be  a  shame,  however,  if  the  memory  people 

oarr>  "'  Ernie  was  ""  re  complete  than  that.  He  was 

a  character,  all  right,  and  aU  of  the  nice  things  his  friends 
mention,  but  he  was  much  more.  During  the  past  several 
N'';""'  '  had  ll"'  opportunity  to  observe  Ernie  Kovacs 
quite  closelj  and  become  his  friend.  Lei  me  fill  in  a  few 
blanks,  before  it  is  too  late. 

With  the  possible  exception  of  the  late  Fred  Allen,  no 
comedian  worked  hardei  or  more  devotedlj  at  his  craft 
"»»"  Emie.  l.ikc  Fred,  he  pre-   [PUase  turn  the  page) 

This  is  a  tribute  to  a  man 
we'll  all  miss — badly.  But  it  is 
not  a  sad  story.  Instead,  this 
is  Ernie  Kovacs — the  way  he'd 
want  you  to  remember  him 


-     0' 

NflC*  mt  M  M 

Every  Day  Was  Velvet" 


ferred  to  create  his  own  ideas  and  ma- 
terial, and  he  put  in  long,  exhaustive 
hours  at  it.  It  was  an  uncompromising 
labor.  If  his  creative  motors  were  turn- 
ing over  properly,  Ernie  might  knock 
out  his  ideas  for  a  30-minute  show  in 
30  minutes.  Other  times,  he  would  be 
at  one  idea  for  days  before  he  felt  it 
was  right. 

After  sessions  like  this,  Ernie  had 
very  little  tolerance  for  TV  executives 
who  felt  compelled  to  fly-speck  his  ef- 
forts without  even  attempting  to  find 
out  what  he  was  trying  to  do. 

"I  get  tired  of  fighting  the  'Don't- 
you-think?'  boys,"  said  Ernie.  "You 
work  and  sweat  to  bring  something  dif- 
ferent to  a  show,  and  then  during  the 
dress  rehearsal  these  guys  pop  up 
and  begin  by  saying,  'Don't  you  think 
it  would  be  better  if.  .  .  .'" 

He  was  never  afraid  to  incur  the 
ill-will  of  those  who  were  in  a  position 
to  damage  his  career.  A  career,  to 
Ernie,  was  secondary  to  satisfying  him- 
self, no  matter  how  high  the  price. 

It  wasn't  that  Ernie  believed  he  was 
a  genius,  and  everyone  else  in  the  busi- 
ness was  a  dummkopf.  He  accepted 
qualified  criticism  as  graciously  as  any- 
body, and  realized  that  not  all  of  his 
creations  were  polished  gems. 

One  of  Ernie's  favorite  characteriza- 
tions on  his  ABC-TV  shows  was  "Percy 
Dovetonsils,"  the  fellow  who  detested 
coming  to  grips  with  the  world  and 
preferred  reading  poetry.  Ernie  once 
described  him  as  "a  beautiful  soul  who 
hasn't  quite  made  it  over  the  line  into 
this  rude,  virile  world." 

I'm  sure  that  one  reason  for  Percy's 
being  a  favorite  of  Ernie's  was  other 
comics'  inability  to  copy  him.  Ernie's 
inventiveness  was  often  (and  still  is) 
certified  by  the  fact  that  his  contem- 
poraries were  not  above  purloining 
whole  bits  of  business  from  him,  and 
branding  them   as  their  own. 

Ernie  liked  to  be  outspoken,  and  he 
no  doubt  enjoyed  the  shock  he  created 
with  this  almost  bullish  and  supposedly 
outgoing  attitude  toward  the  world. 
Blended  into  this  side  of  his  person- 
ality, however,  was  not  only  a  sensi- 
tivity to  people  but  an  almost  tender 
side  to  the  man  himself. 

The  reports  about  Ernie's  mode  of 
living  were  essentially  true.  He  loved 
to  live  it  up  big,  not  to  be  ostentatious 
— he  never  advertised  it.  He  never  em- 
ployed a   personal   press   agent. 

Money,  to  Ernie,  wasn't  a  form  of 
security.  It  was  simply  something  civil- 
ization told  him  he  must  have  in  cer- 
tain quantities  when  the  bill-collectors 
came  around.  It  wasn't  likely  to  spoil 
Ernie.  He  never  kept  the  stuff  around 
long  enough  to  feel  tainted. 

Much  of  Ernie's  lust  for  living — $2 
cigars,  the  finest  liquors,  gambling, 
traveling,  fine  clothes,  mansions,  cars 
— could  be  traced  to  an  experience  that 
almost  took  his  life. 

When    he    was    19    and   working    in 


summer  stock  in  Brattleboro,  Vermont, 
he  let  himself  run  down.  Playing  cards 
all  night,  not  having  enough  money  to 
eat  well,  low  resistance,  led  to  double 
pneumonia  and  pleurisy  and  he  was 
carted  off  to  the  New  York  City  charity 
hospital  on  Welfare  Island.  After  three 
months,  he  was  transferred  to  a  New 
Jersey  charity  hospital,  since  he  was 
originally  a  Jersey  resident. 

Every  week,  the  doctor  would  jab  a 
needle  through  his  ribs  to  drain  the 
liquid.  And  the  next  day — "I  could 
hear  the  liquid  sloshing  around  me 
inside,  again.  And  then  I'd  have  to  lie 
in  bed,  staring  at  the  ceiling." 

At  a  time  of  life  when  a  young  man 
should  be  chasing  girls  and  dreaming 
big  dreams,  Ernie  was  cooped  up  in 
a  dreary  hospital,  a  recipient  of  state 
charity.  And  all  around  him  was 

"It  was  depressing,"  he  recalled.  "In 
the  summer,  you  could  hear  the  con- 
vertibles taking  the  fellows  and  their 
girls  to  the  beach.  So  I  decided  to  get 
out,  too.  I'd  climb  out  the  window  and 
meet  my  father  outside,  and  he'd  give 
me  a  shotgun  and  I'd  go  hunting  for 
rabbits  in  the  woods  nearby.  At  other 
times,  I  had  a  girl  friend  who'd  meet 
me  outside  the  grounds  and  take  me 
out  for  a  ride  and  coffee." 

World   of   shadows 

He  couldn't  keep  still;  he  refused 
to  knuckle  down  to  the  inevitability  of 
death.  So  he  ran  a  poker  game  in  the 
bathroom.  He  started  a  checker  tour- 
nament and  everybody  got  so  excited, 
the  doctor  ordered  it  stopped.  He  ran 
a  hospital  newspaper,  did  it  all  himself. 
"Everybody  got  thinner  and  thinner 
and  died,"  he  once  said.  "So  I  ate 
everything  in  sight,  and  kept  my  weight 

He  took  advantage  of  a  bad  situation 
by  improving  his  mind.  He  read  one 
book  each  day,  while  at  the  same  time 
wearing  headphones  to  listen  to  classi- 
cal music  on  the  radio. 

He  also  entered  contests,  sending  in 
jingles  and  slogans.  He  finally  won 
$65,  gave  it  to  his  mother  (who  was 
estranged  from  his  father)  and  she 
bought  an  old  model-A  Ford  to  drive 
in  to  see  him. 

His  zest  for  life  apparently  was  in- 
herited, and  as  he  lay  in  bed,  fight- 
ing for  his  existence,  he  vowed  that 
if  he  ever  got  out  alive,  he'd  make 
every  minute  count. 

One  day  he  made  up  his  mind  that 
he  had  no  future  in  the  hospital.  He 
had  been  hospitalized  for  18  months, 
and  enough  was  enough!  He  notified 
the  astonished  doctors  that  he  was 
leaving.  They  warned  him  that,  if  he 
walked  out,  he  wouldn't  live  three  full 
days.  Ernie  vowed,  "I'd  rather  die  on 
my  feet  in  three  days  than  die  on  my 
back  in  three  years!" 

He  walked  out  jauntily,  joined  his 


mother  in  Trenton,  New  Jersey.  She 
rented  a  small  store,  and  hung  a  cur- 
tain. In  front  of  the  curtain,  she  sold 
house  dresses  for  $2.  In  back  of  the 
curtain,  they  slept  on  the  floor. 

He  got  a  job  directing  a  local-talent 
show,  although  he  still  had  a  tempera- 
ture of  102.  For  more  than  a  year,  he 
worked  on  this  show,  getting  no  salary, 
but  being  happy — and  simply  ignoring 
the  fever. 

When  friends  urged  him  to  go  back 
to  the  hospital,  he  refused.  "Every  day 
I'm  on  my  feet  is  velvet  .  .  .  pure  vel- 
vet! By  all  odds,  I  should  be  dead 
by  now." 

Regaining  his  health,  he  went  on 
through  life  like  that:  Every  day  was 
velvet ! 

The  one  element  not  mentioned  in 
Ernie's  life  here,  so  far,  is  his  family 
— his  talented  wife,  Edie  Adams,  and 
daughters  Betty,  14,  Kippie,  13,  and 
Mia  Susan,  2Y2. 

Ernie  frequently  used  to  stomp 
around  his  canyon  manse  shouting  re- 
belliously  about  being  "surrounded  by 
females."  (His  mother  lived  with  him, 
too.)  He  ranted  about  the  inefficiency 
of  the  household  help,  performed  like 
a  bear  with  a  sore  tail  whenever  the 
phone  rang  and  it  wasn't  for  him. 

This,  coupled  with  his  24-hour  card 
games,  might  lead  other  women  to 
wonder  how  Edie  could  put  up  with 
such  pandemonium.  It  never  occurred 
to  Edie  that  she  was  "putting  up"  with 
anything.  Edie  has  done  such  wifely 
things  as  commuting  to  California  each 
weekend  by  plane  to  spend  eleven 
hours  with  Ernie,  while  she  was  co- 
starring  in  Broadway's  "Li'l  Abner." 

At  a  party  one  night  in  New  York, 
Edie  dropped  a  cigar  from  her  purse. 
A  friend  asked  if  she  had  taken  up 
the  habit!  "No,"  said  Edie,  "but  I 
miss  Ernie  so,  that  it  helps  every  once 
in  a  while  to  caress  this  cigar  and 
smell  its  fragrance." 

What  Ernie  had  which  most  Holly- 
woodites  don't  have  was  a  sense  of 
humor  about  himself  and  his  family. 
Were  he  to  read  anything  so  personal 
as  this  piece,  he  would  laugh  his  most 
maniacal  laugh,  and  toss  out  several 
explosive  Anglo-Saxon  words  to  label  it. 

Going  to  Ernie's  home  for  an  inter- 
view was  always  difficult.  "Aw,  let's 
talk  about  something  pleasant,"  Ernie 
would  say.  "Who  wants  to  read  about 
me  or  television?  And  if  you  put  both 
in  the  same  column,  you're  really 

So,  you  would  sit  and  swap  stories 
and  get  a  lift  from  listening  to  Ernie's 
matchless  descriptions  of  his  travails 
as  a  man  trying  to  put  laughter  on  a 
paying  basis  in  TV. 

Ernie  was  writing  three  books,  the 
last  time  we  visited.  The  titles  were 
"Nuclear  Fission  at  Home,"  "John  Has 
Fungus"  and  "How  to  Rob  Small 
Stores."  I  only  hope  he  got  to  finish 
them.  — The   End 


APRIL   1962 

Bobby  Scott 
Music  Editor 


The  Twist  has  moved  in  on  the  music 
scene,  but  another  wind  is  beginning  to 
blow.  It  is,  at  present,  not  of  hurricane 
dimension,  but  it  is  building,  and  since 
most  of  you  probably  know  about  the 
Twist,  let  me  tell  you  of  this  new  turn. 

Last  year,  we  saw  the  arrival  of  a 
folk  artist  who  captivated  the  country. 
Joan  Baez,  Vanguard  recording  artist, 
experienced  huge  sales  on  her  first  two 
albums.  We  also  saw  the  Kingston  Trio 
arrive,  then  the  Limeliters.  Last  Fall 
saw  the  return  of  the  great  folk  singer 
Josh  White.  (This  time  he  incorporated 
his  children  in  his  act.) 

Among  this  month's  records,  the 
Twist  albums  were  out-numbered  two  to 
one  by  folk  or  folk-derived  pop  albums. 
In  this  issue,  you'll  see  reviews  of  Jo 
Stafford,  Hank  Williams,  a  newcomer 
Walter  Forbes,  a  romantic  country 
string  album  and  the  Limeliters. 

I  think  we'll  be  getting  more,  too. 
Verve  Records  informs  me  that  they  will 
shortly  release  two  more  albums  of  Big 
Bill  Broonzy.  A  young  trio,  Peter,  Paul 
and  Mary,  seem  to  be  just  coming  in 
view.  They  have  been  doing  very  well 
at  the  Blue  Angel  in  New  York. 

What  seems  to  be  behind  this,  is  the 
desire  of  American  people  to  recognize 
and  endorse  their  folk  music  as  some- 
thing that  is  needed  culturally. 

In  the  past,  only  smaller,  independent 
labels  like  Riverside,  Vanguard,  Eleck- 
tra  and  others  bore  the  burden  of  keep- 
ing folk  music  alive.  Of  course,  the 
major  labels  have  always  dabbled  a  bit, 
but  nothing  to  constitute  a  shot  in  the 
arm.  But  now  the  worm  turns.  There 
is  an  awful  lot  of  action  going  on,  and 
justly  so. 

For  the  first  time  in  a  long  while,  we 
have  no  dearth  of  very  high  level  young 
folk  artists,  which  is  an  indication  of 
the   growing  concern   with   folk   music. 

I  can  assure  you  though  without  your 
endorsement,  purchases  and  support, 
the  whole  movement,  with  its  very  fine 
(Continued  on  page  20) 




•  We  haven't  had  a  hit  song  about  dogs 
in  some  time,  but  despite  this, 
several  months  ago  the  City  of  New 
York  experimented  with  a  novel  idea. 
Some  nameless  genius  decided  what  the 
canine  population  sorely  needed  were 
comfort  stations.  How  the  need  was 
determined  eludes  me.  I  personally 
know  three  dogs  in  my  apartment  build- 
ing that  were  not  questioned  at  all. 
Nevertheless,  the  city  proceeded  to  erect 
a  test  comfort  station,  a  neat  arrange- 
ment of  white  sand  and  a  fire  hydrant, 
enclosed  by  a  small  screen.  The  screen, 
I  assume,  was  to  spare  the  dogs  any 
undue  embarrassment.  As  they  say  at 
Cape  Canaveral: — "It  did  not  go  ac- 
cording to  plan."  Actually,  dogs  went 
two  or  three  blocks  out  of  their  way 
to  avoid  it.  I  don't  know  the  final  dis- 
position of  the  comfort  stations — I  be- 
lieve they  were  torn  down  to  make  room 
for  some  slums. 

Actually,  the  venture  was  doomed 
from  the  start.  The  dogs  already  have 
the  largest  comfort  station  in  town — 
the  area  from  5th  Avenue  to  the  East 
River — and  believe  me,  the  dogs  do  not 
avoid  this  area.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  I 
have  the  suspicion  dogs  come  from  as 
far  away  as  Newark  to  use  the  facili- 
ties. If  you  doubt  me,  try  walking  to 
work  some  morning  from  First  Avenue. 
I  have  a  hunch  this  was  the  beginning 
of  the  Twist. 

Now,  I  like  dogs  generally — I  have 
had  many  of  them.  The  first  one  was 
named  Tanton — just  a  mutt.  I  never 
liked  pedigrees.  I  can't  see  owning  a 
dog  with  a  better  blood  line  than  I 
have.  Tanton  was  a  cross  between  a 
Great  Dane  and  a  Collie.  He  grew  like 
crab  grass.  We  finally  had  to  get  rid 
of  Tanton.  One  day  he  ate  the  City 
Council.  The  second  dog  I  owned  dur- 
(Continued  on  page  20) 



Your  Monthly   ON   RECORD  Guide 

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••The  Lettermen,  A  Song  for  Young 
Love  (Capitol) — This  marks  the  debut 
of  three  young  fellows  who  just  hardly 
can  sustain  an  album's  worth  of  music. 
They  get  a  rather  nice  blend,  although 
they  still  have  a  way  to  go.  The  style 
of  the  group  begins  to  wear  on  this  re- 
viewer half-way  thru  the  second  side. 
The  format  of  young  love  seems  not  a 
bad  idea,  but  it  might  have  been  a 
better  package,  had  they  turned  the 
boys  loose,  a  little.  They  certainly  do 
some  tunes  gracefully.  I'd  watch  for  the 
following  album.  The  tunes  include 
"I'll  Be  Seeing  You,"  "Smile,"  "When 
I  Fall  in  Love,"  "Dreamer,"  "The  Way 
You  Look  Tonight"  and  others. 

•••Sing  Out!,  The  Limeliters 
(RCA  Victor) — This  is  a  very  enter- 
taining album.  These  lads  pump  it  out, 
injecting  humor  where  they  can.  The 
track  "Joy  in  the  Land"  highlights  one 
side.  The  whole  album  has  the  profes- 
sional stamp  upon  it.  Listen  for  the 
touching  "Everywhere  I  Look  This 
Mornin',"  also  the  surprisingly  Latin 
"Golden  Bell"  and  "Wayfarin'  Stran- 
ger," which  is  given  the  solo  voice  treat- 
ment. Lots  of  entertainment  here. 

••Horn  A-Plenty,  Al  Hirt-Billy  May 
Orch.  (RCA  Victor)— For  all  lovers  of 
the  big  pulsing  band  and  Al  Hirt's  ex- 
citing and  lyric  trumpet,  here's  your 
cup  of  tea.   Billy  May  has  turned  in 

some  beautiful  arrangements,  and  the 
band  is  first-rate.  All  this  and  the 
bearded  wonder's  biting  trumpet.  "Holi- 
day for  Trumpet,"  "Easy  Street,"  "Till 
There  Was  You"  and  a  host  of  swingers. 
Very  nicely  done. 

•••This  Heart  Of  Mine,  Carol 
Lawrence  (Choreo) — A  sparkling  and 
sophisticated  group  of  tunes,  beautifully 
arranged  and  sung  delightfully  by  Miss 
Lawrence.  She  is,  I'm  confident,  one  of 
the  few  Broadway-type  singers  who  will 
make  a  dent  in  the  popular  circles.  Her 
readings,  though  at  times  over  dramatic, 
are  good.  She  has  the  capacity  to  swing, 

The  scope  of  the  tunes  proves  out 
how  much  she  is  capable  of  doing.  The 
touching  "The  Year  Turns  'Round,"  the 
different,  Carmichael  tune,  "I  Get 
Along  Without  You  Very  Well"  and  the 
title  song.  Dick  Hazard  and  Harry  Betts 
deserve  much  credit  for  the  back- 
grounds, all  of  which  maintain  a  strong 
level.  For  those  who  like  productions, 
large  in  size,  investigate  this  album. 

••Linger  Awhile  With  Vic  Da- 
mone  (Capitol) — A  very  settled  pack- 
age. He's  one  of  the  better  voices  you'll 
hear,  but  there  is  a  lot  this  album  could 
have  achieved  and  didn't.  Nice  warm  ar- 
rangements, fair  readings  of  the  lyrics, 
but  that  "exciting  it"  isn't  in  evidence. 
There  are  moments,  but  it's  common 
knowledge  how  wonderful  Vic  can  be. 
E  for  effort. 

••The  Classic  Delia,  Delia  Reese 
(RCA  Victor) — A  compilation  of  tunes 
adapted  from  classical  themes.  Included 
is  the  hit  Puccini  theme,  "Don't  You 
Know."  Delia  belts  them  out  in  her  own 
inimitable  way,  with  some  fine  backing 
from  Glenn  Osser  and  orchestra.  Her 
readings  have  never  thrilled  this  re- 
viewer, as  they  rely  more  on  Delia's 
style  than  on  the  message  of  the  lyric. 
At  any  rate,  for  those  who  dig  the  style, 
it's  a  goodie. 


•••FOCUS,  Stan  Getz— Comp.  by 
Eddie  Sauter — Cond.  by  Hershy  Kay 
(Verve) — Here,  the  most  popular  jazz 
tenor  saxophonist  in  the  last  ten  years 
turns  in  another  monumental  perform- 
ance. This  time  we  hear  him  in  a  setting 
of  strings,  plus  the  extended  modern 
compositions  of  veteran  writer  Eddie 
Sauter.  He  covers  every  mood.  Beauti- 
ful lyric  playing  on  the  slow  "I  Remem- 
ber When"  which  sort  of  just  sits  as  he 
glides.  Chugging  along  in  the  "Night 
Rider."  He  seems  to  enter  a  completely 
new  area  with  this  album,  one  of  much 
greater  dimension.  Eddie  Sauter  string 
writing  is  not  lush  or  sectional.  It's 
more  like  linear  chamber  music  writing, 
the  qualities  of  each  piece,  are  developed 
to  the  utmost.  Many  stars  for  this  won- 
derful excursion  into  some  new  areas 
for  jazz.  This  is  music  to  listen  to  and 
listen  to  and  listen.  .  .  . 



H<  IT'S    YOUR    MONEY 

•••Mel  Torme-My  Kind  Of  Mu- 
sic (Verve) — It's  a  real  velvet  delight 
when  Torme  sings  his  own  material. 
This  album's  chock  full  of  the  best 
Torme-written  tunes  such  as:  "Born 
To  Be  Blue,"  "County  Fair,"  "A  Stran- 
ger in  Town"  and  the  classic  "Christ- 
mas Song."  (Which  ironically  was 
made  a  hit  by  Nat  Cole.)  Mel's  singing 
is  better  than  ever.  The  arrangements 
are  well  fitting.  This  album  was  re- 
corded in  England  where  Mel  seems  to 
be  just  about  the  hottest.  After  hearing 
"County  Fair"  again  I  can  tell  you  it's 
as  beautiful  as  ever.  It's  this  reviewer's 
humble  opinion  that  Torme  tunes  are  as 
important  as  his  finely  polished  reso- 
nant voice.  I  could  listen  to  five  albums 
like  this. 

••••Very  Tall,  The  Oscar  Peterson 
Trio  along  with  Milt  Jackson  (Verve) 
— Four  bigger  jazz  talents  you  will  not 
find!  This  album  is  very  tall  and  wide. 
Oscar's  piano-playing,  always  full  of 
energy  and  drive,  deviates  to  Milt's 
rather  pointed  and  subtle  path  for 
several  incredibly  relaxed  tunes,  "Green 
Dolphin  Street"  and  Milt's  beguiling 
"Heart  Strings."  Oscar's  left  hand 
creates  the  hacking  sound  in  "Work 
Song"  as  Ray  Brown  and  Ed  Thigpen 
romp  behind  the  proceedings.  I  find 
Milt  to  be  very  comfortable  and  creative 
in  the  setting  of  Oscar's  trio.  In  fact,  he 
appears  much  more  relaxed  with  them 

than  he  generally  does  with  his  steady 
group,  the  Modern  Jazz  Quartet.  These 
are  two  of  the  few  great  improvisers 
left.  Fresh  and  invigorating,  heartily 


•••Combo!,  Henry  Mancini  (RCA 
Victor) — A  well  organized  jazz  group, 
integrating  some  good  solos  by  the 
talented  Art  Pepper  on  clarinet,  Pete 
Condoli  on  trumpet  and  Johnny  Wil- 
liams on  piano  and  harpsichord. 
Mancini's  arrangements,  which  are 
underwritten  to  leave  room  for  the  jazz 
blowing,  are  all  top  level.  Very  inter- 
esting are  "Swing  Lightly,"  "Moanin'," 
the  new  jazz  classic,  and  "Everybody 
Blow."    For   buffs,   it's   recommended. 


••••The   Essential   Art   Tatum 

(Verve) — This  brings  back  many  mem- 
ories for  me  personally.  I  can  remember 
being  in  California  during  1955,  just 
ready  to  get  a  flight  back  to  New  York, 
when  I  passed  a  jazz  club  on  Hollywood 
Blvd.  and  saw  a  sign  stating  Tatum 
would  be  opening  there  that  night.  Well, 
I  can  tell  you  I  stayed  three  extra  days 
and  spent  them  draped  over  a  table  tak- 
ing in  what  I  still  consider  the  only 
absolute  marvel  of  the  jazz  piano.  Ta- 
tum will  last  a  long,  long  time.  Not 
even  on  the  horizon  is  there  a  pianist 
half  as  facile.  All  one  has  to  do  is  ask 
Oscar  Peterson  or  Billy  Taylor,  John 

Lewis  or  any  of  the  piano  talents  about 
Tatum  and  then  prepare  to  have  your 
ear  bent  for  hours. 

Tatum  is  a  legend,  and  it's  a  pleas- 
ure to  see  Verve's  Essential  Series  bring 
some  of  the  best  interpretations  from 
their  original  Tatum  Series,  which  in 
itself  was  marvelous,  into  this  album. 

I  remember  while  I  was  working  with 
Gene  Krupa,  he  related  to  me  how,  even 
though  Tatum  only  had  a  bit  of  vision 
left  in  one  eye,  it  was  impossible  to 
sneak  things  over  on  him,  such  as  cheat- 
ing at  cards  and  other  playful  things. 
Well,  you  can  believe  it.  He  rarely  ever 
leaves  a  rock  unturned  musically.  He 
sifts  everything  out  of  a  piece.  Listen 
to  "Elegy."  He  does  everything  but  play 
it  backwards. 

Every  track  in  this  album  is  a  joy. 
"Willow,  Weep  for  Me"  is  done  up  in 
all  shades.  Yes,  and  the  shadow  of 
Tatum  permeates  everything.  On  a  few 
tunes  you'll  find  the  tenor  saxophone 
of  another  big  talent,  Ben  Webster.  The 
runs,  the  striding  left  hand  out  of  the 
past,  the  warmth  and  the  humor  of 
Tatum  are  all  here. 

If  you  are  a  casual  jazz  fan  and  a 
lover  of  fine  pianists,  I,  without  re- 
luctance, recommend  this  without  res- 
ervation. You  jazz  fans  need  no  intro- 
duction to  the  thirty  fingers  of  Art 
Tatum.  For  record  libraries,  a  must ! ! ! 

P.S.  (Art  Tatum  passed  away  in 
1956,  but  lives  through  the  remarkable 
medium  of  the  phonograph  recording. 
Consider  yourself  lucky  to  be  able  to 
hear  him.  I  do.) 


Your  Monthly   ON    RECORD   Guide* 


****The  Story-Teller,  a  session 
with  Charles  Laugh  ton  (Capitol)  (2 
LPs) — This  album,  I  honestly  feel,  no 
one  should  be  without.  After  so  much 
sick  humor,  endlessly  chattering  come- 
dians cornering  the  spoken  word  mar- 
ket, this  is  a  potful  of  fresh  air.  Mr. 
Laughton's  materials  are  all  worth 
hearing  about.  His  light  vignettes  about 
The  Goldsteins  and  Margaret  O'Brien, 
excerpts  from  Jack  Kerouac's  "Dhar- 
raa  Bums"  and  Shakespeare's  "Caesar," 
some  barbs  from  "Major  Barbara"  by 
Bernard  Shaw  and  "The  Phaedrus"  by 
Plato  are  some  of  the  gems.  His  voice 
becomes  an  instrument,  the  shadings, 
the  resonant  chest  sound,  the  quiet 
laughter  that  sneaks  into  phrases,  like  a 
phantom  unseen,  unheard,  but  felt 
strongly.  His  absorption  with  righting 
some  wrongs,  defending  modern  paint- 
ing, sculpture  and  writing,  not  with 
rhetoric,  but  simplicity,  should  just  not 
be  missed.  This  cannot  be  recom- 
mended too  strongly.  A  dramatic  giant, 
reading  and  interpreting  the  works  of 
geniuses,  with  a  dash  of  lightness  and 
pixie-ish  story-telling,  with  depth  and 
profundity,  humor,  truth,  theater  and  a 
large  dose  of  Laughton's  love  for  com- 
municating the  joy  of  living.  Go  out 
and  get  this  one!  (The  cover  and  jacket 
with  album  notes  by  Mr.  Laughton,  plus 
two  drawings  from  his  collection,  on  .he 
inside  cover,  are  added  pluses.  Very 
good  taste,  indeed.) 


****On  Stage!  Recorded  Live! 

Hank  Williams  (MGM  Records)— 
The  great  Hank  Williams,  who  passed 
away  in  1953  at  the  age  of  29  years, 
was  certainly  a  legend  in  his  own  time. 
As  a  songwriter,  you'll  remember  his 
"Cold,  Cold  Heart."  There  were  many 
more  hits,  too.  He  seemed  to  stretch  out 
all  over.  His  talent  and  name  seem 
synonymous  with  country  music. 

When  Hank  passed  away,  the  entire 
South  took  a  day  to  mourn.  People 
didn't  even  work  in  some  cases.  This  cer- 
tainly showed  how  much  he  meant  to  his 
fans  and  admirers.  MGM  Pictures  have 

been  trying  to  start  the  filming  of  "The 
Hank  Williams  Story."  Elvis  Presley 
has  even  been  mentioned  for  the  lead 
part.  Let's  hope,  before  not  too  long, 
we'll  be  able  to  enjoy,  on  the  screen, 
the  life  of  the  great  Hank  Williams! 

This  album's  value  lies  in  the  fact 
that  it's  live.  No  different  takes  to 
choose  from  but  one:  The  performance. 
This  album,  like  the  MGM  Garland  al- 
bum, has  historic  value.  It  also  has  a 
good  deal  of  talk  by  Williams,  pre- 
serving his  speaking  voice  for  pos- 

For  the  country  fans,  this  is  a  must. 
For  those  who  missed  this  chap's  tal- 
ent when  he  lived,  you  might  take  a 
look-listen ! 

***Rakhel— Songs  of  Israel  (Mon- 
itor)— A  very  interesting  journey, 
musically,  to  the  ancient  land.  Its  scope, 
from  the  enchantingly  modal  "Gazi 
Lee"  (Don't  Drive  My  Lamb)  to  the 
ever-rejoicing  "Hava  Nagila,"  is  quite 
broad.  Rakhel  (a  rather  stunning 
beauty,  judging  from  the  cover)  is  cer- 
tainly a  talented  young  lady.  She 
strides  through  the  material,  with  much 
passion  and  a  flair  for  vocal  gesture. 
The  real  sleeper  on  the  album,  not  of 
course  to  slight  Rakhel,  is  the  seven- 
man  ensemble  and  the  arrangements, 
which  create  vividly  the  Mid-Eastern 
locale.  Considering  the  level  of  folk 
albums,  this  certainly  is  above  aver- 
age. Care  to  join  the  pilgrimage? 

****Jo  Stafford  Sings  American 
Folk  Songs,  Orch.  Cond.  Paul  Weston 
(Capitol) — Well!  This  is  absolutely 
enchanting.  No  reservations  about  Miss 
Stafford.  This  is  a  compilation  of  the 
finest  ballads  of  the  Southern  Appa- 
lachians, or  hill  music,  as  it  were.  Jo's 
ability  to  sing  folk  is  huge.  She  reads 
so  well,  keeps  the  vibrato  to  a  mini- 
mum, and  deliberates  over  each  touch- 
ing phrase.  I  cannot  recommend  this 
strongly  enough.  The  tunes  include 
"Barbara  Allen,"  "Black  is  the  Color," 
the  very  warming  "Red  Rosey  Bush" 
and  "Poor  Wayfaring  Stranger,"  also 
the  playful  "Sourwood  Mountain," 
"Single  Girl"  and  "Cripple  Creek." 
Bravos  for  all  concerned.  Don't  leave 
this  one  in  the  store,  it  belongs  with 
the  best  in  your  collection. 


*-M(-K   GREAT! 

-K-K    f=AIR    SOUNDS 
-+C  IT'S    VOUff    MONEY 

****Ballads  and  Bluegrass,  Wal- 
ter Forbes  (RCA  Victor) — Good  news! 
Roots  seem  to  be  in  order  these  days, 
and  this  young  fella  knows  very  well 
how  to  dig!  I  continue  to  be  amazed  at 
the  quality  of  our  young  folk  singers. 
Walter  Forbes'  talent,  although  ground- 
ed in  folk,  will  make  a  dent  in  ihe 
"pop"  market.  He's  full  of  fire!  His 
lyric  reading  is  excellent,  his  choice  of 
tunes  fits  his  present  capacities.  (The 
album  notes  contain  no  mention  of  the 
wonderful  Blue  Ridge  band  or  the 
voices  who  join  Walter  intermittently.) 
This  is  a  young  lad  to  watch! 


****Gabriel  Faure— Complete 
Works  For  Piano  Vol.  I,  Grant 
Johannesen  (Golden  Crest) — This  dou- 
ble jacketed,  twin  pack  is  certainly  a 
refreshing  breath  of  French  piano 
music.  Contents  range  through  several 
periods  of  Faure's  creative  musical  life. 
The  eight  short  pieces  Op.  84,  nine  pre- 
ludes Op.  103,  several  impromptus  and 
barcarolles,  a  nocturne  here,  a  valse 
there,  all  make  the  dip  into  the  fountain 
of  Faure's  genius  an  enriching  experi- 
ence. The  fine  Grant  Johannesen 
appears  throughout  the  four  sides  en- 
tirely sympathetic  to  Faure's  compelling 
need  for  shadings.  As  the  master  him- 
self was  a  gifted  pianist  and  organist, 
the  pieces  lie  beautifully  for  the  instru- 
ment. Golden  Crest  and  Mr.  Johanne- 
sen can  well  be  pleased  with  their  Vol. 

I  of  Faure  Piano  Music.  The  quality  of 
the  recorded  sound  is  not  as  first  rate 
as  the  choice  of  material  and  perform- 
ance. Still,  plenty  here  merits  attention. 

***Johannes  Brahms— Short 
Piano  Pieces,  Miklos  Schwalb,  piano 
(Golden  Crest)  (2  LPs) — Again  Gold- 
en Crest  comes  up  with  a  twin  album 
pack  of  interesting,  not  often  heard 
piano  music  of  the  classical-romantic 
giant,  Johannes  Brahms.  As  with  the 
Faure  package,  I  think  this  is  an  intro- 
duction of  the  proper  dimension  for  peo- 
ple not  so  inclined  to  listen  to  classical 
music.  The  pieces  played  here  are  of 
short  lengths,  and  so  people  who  feel 
larger  works  are  sometimes  hard  to 
understand,  because  of  their  breadth, 
can  easily  enter  and  see  the  form  of  these 
shorter  works.  Miklos  Schwalb  runs  the 
gamut  of  expression  here.  The  heroic, 
militantly  played  Rhapsodie  in  E-flat 
Minor  Op.  119  and  transparent,  lulling 
Intermezzo  in  A-flat  Op.  76  are  only  two 
of  the  gems  you'll  find  here.  With 
all  credit  to  Mr.  Schwalb,  I  think  this 
package  stands  on  the  pieces.  A  good 
newcomer  to  all  record  libraries. 


•^■^■^Capitol  Records  has  just  brought 
out  three,  sort  of,  mood  albums  all  in- 
tent upon  the  most  relaxed  reactions 
from  the  listener.  It  could  aptly  be 
called  "easy  music." 

Night  Fall — On  this  one,  Carmen 
Dragon  and  the  Capitol  Symphony  Or- 

chestra glide  smoothly  thru  a  set  of  "To 
Sleep"  music.  Highlighted  are  nine 
orchestral  vignettes,  Brahms'  "Lulla- 
bye,"  Ravel's  "Pavane."  All  low-keyed 
and  subtle. 

Billy  Leibert's  gentle  Romantic 
Country  Strings  quietly  takes  you  into 
folk  country.  Country  tunes,  standards 
that  is,  are  brushed  off  and  presented  in 
a  very  unassuming  manner. 

Alfred  Newman's  movie  "Themes" 
is  the  most  interesting,  runs  through 
such  goodies  as  "Laura,"  "Invitation," 
"Tammy,"  "Again,"  "Love  Is  a  Many- 
Splendored  Thing,"  "The  Bad  and  the 
Beautiful,"  "Pinky"  and  others.  Jazz 
saxophonist-bandleader  Benny  Carter 
is  responsible  for  the  charm  in  some  of 
the  arrangements.  A  good  performance, 
a  good  buy. 


•*"fr*The  Original  Soundtrack 
From  "Summer  And  Smoke,"  Elmer 
Bernstein  (RCA  Victor) — For  those 
people  who  would  like  to  be  reminded 
of  the  stunning  performance  turned  in 
by  Geraldine  Page  and  Laurence  Har- 
vey, this  is  the  way.  The  music,  though 
terse,  as  most  movie  music  must  be,  is 
quite  enjoyable  as  a  separate  entity.  It 
covers  a  wide  range  of  moods,  but  con- 
stantly brings  the  touch  of  tragedy  so 
inherent  in  the  Tennessee  Williams 
play.  Elmer  ("Man  With  the  Golden 
Arm")  Bernstein  again  rates  kudos. 




1)  Chip,  Chip,  Gene  McDaniels  (Liberty  1344) — Very  strong,  should  climb. 

2)  Open,  Buddy  Knox  (Liberty  1355) — A  strong  contender. 

3)  Tomorrow's  Clown,  Bill  Giant  (MGM  13054)— Watch  this  one. 

4)  Do-Re-Mi,  Lee  Dorsey  (Fury  F2011)— A  sleeper. 

5)  Daddy  Knows  Best,  Carlo  Gerace  (Chancellor  C1093)— With  a  little 
help,  this  could  be  in  the  money. 

6)  Motorcycle,  Tico  and  the  Triumphs  (Amy) — This  may  be  the  sleeper. 

7)  I'm  Going  But  I'll  Be  Back;  Sugar  Babe,  Buster  Brown  (Fire)— A 
very  strong  coupling  could  do  it. 

8)  Kansas  City  Twist,  Harrison  (Fury-Wilbert  Harrison) — This  might  do 
it,  with  some  help. 

9)  Hip  Twist,  Shirley  Scott  (Prestige) — Good  for  the  juke  box! 

10)  Struttin'n  Twistin',  Roosevelt  Grier  (Liberty) — This  could  sneak  up. 


••••The   Judy   Garland   Story, 

Vol.  II  (M-G-M)— What  you  have 
here  is  just  about  the  biggest  talent 
in  the  entertainment  business,  roaring 
along  as  usual.  This  is  an  historically 
valuable  album.  It  covers  things  Judy 
did  in  pictures,  dating  back  to  1938. 
The  legendary  "You  Made  Me  Love 
You"  from  "Broadway  Melody"  which 
has  the  famous  "Dear  Mr.  Gable" 
verse.  You'll  go  through  a  few  songs 
from  the  Andy  Hardy  movies,  then 
move  on  to  her  big  one,  "The  Trolley 
Song" — these  tracks,  incidentally,  are 
from  the  movie  score — from  "Meet  Me 
In  St.  Louis."  From  "St.  Louis,"  there 
is  also  "The  Boy  Next  Door."  An  in- 
teresting version  of  "You  Can't  Get  a 
Man  With  a  Gun"  from  "Annie  Get 
Your  Gun" — which  movie  Judy,  in  1950, 
was  not  quite  well  enough  to  make,  but 
she  did  record  part  of  the  score  in 
anticipation  of  doing  the  film.  And  of 
course,  this  group  would  be  incom- 
plete  without   the   monumental   "Over 

the  Rainbow"  from  "The  Wizard  of 

It  was  a  pleasure  to  listen  to  this 
album  in  order  to  review  it.  Judy  affects 
this  reviewer  like  he'd  been  hit  with  a 
bomb.  For  people  building  a  library  of 
the  important  records  made,  this  should 
definitely  be  included. 

Much  credit  to  MGM  Records,  for 
repackaging  these  gems  of  show  busi- 
ness' "Golden  Girl." 



Several  weeks  ago,  I  had  the  pleasure 
of  taking  my  midday  repast  with  one  of 
the    industry's    brightest    young    stars. 

Riding  quite  high  on  the  nationwide 
best-seller  list  with  "The  Wanderer," 
Dion  remains  unassuming.  We  chatted 
about  some  of  his  new  recordings, 
which  as  of  yet  are  not  released,  and 
about  the  music  and  entertainment 
business  in  general. 

We  touched  many  things,  one  of 
which  was  arranged  music  as  opposed 
to  the  "let's  get  a  band  of  good  players 
together  and  see  what  comes  out."  He 
felt  strongly  about  an  arrangement 
constricting  and  defeating  his  natural- 
ism. Again,  of  course,  bearing  in  mind 
who  may  have  written  the  arrange- 
ment, and  what  the  tune  itself  requires. 
His  point  was,  that  in  light  of  how  dif- 
ficult it  can  be  to  get  an  air  of  excite- 
ment going  in  a  studio,  the  chances  of 
four  or  five  men,  who  play  together 
constantly,  getting  that  feeling,  are 
much  greater  than  assembling  twenty 
men  who  may  not  have  ever  played 
together  before.  This,  of  course,  re- 
lates particularly  to  making  single  rec- 
ords of  the  hit  variety.  Of  course,  when 
planning  an  album  of  standards,  other 
things  enter  in  which  often  require  a 
large  ensemble  and  arrangements. 

We  reflected  on  some  of  the  block- 
busters in  the  business.  He  spoke  very 
strongly  about  the  marvelous  perform- 
ing qualities  of  Sammy  Davis,  Bobby 
Darin  and  Harry  Belafonte.  I'm  sure 
we'd  have  gotten  to  more  had  not  the 
afternoon  been  slipping  away  from  us. 

I  enjoyed  talking  to  such  a  bright 
young  man,  striving'  to  always  improve 
and  get  the  best  out  of  himself  and,  at 
the  same  time,  to  keep  his  ears  wide 
open  to  what  is  going  on  around  him. 

*-A"*Run  Around  Sue,  Dion  (Laurie 
LLp/2009)—  Well,  here  is  a  kick  for 
all  the  kids !  Dion  shouting  out  some  of 
the  big  ones.  "The  Wanderer,"  "Dream 
Lover,"  "Take  Good  Care  of  My  Baby" 
and  the  title  song,  all  cooking  in  his 
walkin'  groove.  The  ballads  "Life  Is 
But  a  Dream"  and  "Runaway  Girl"  are 
done  warmly.  The  band  is  hollerin' 
right  along.  This  album  should  do  well. 


•  Roulette  just  released  two  albums  by  the  Barry  Sisters.  One  called  "Sha- 
lom" bringing  us  certainly  some  of  the  best  versions  of  Jewish  songs  heard  in  a 
while.  "Exodus"  is  the  big  one.  Also  some  standard  material  in  an  album  entitled 
"We  Belong  Together."  Both  very  pro  .  .  .  MGM  has  done  up  the  music  of 
Jerome  Kern.  Big  band,  strings  and  Kern's  best  tunes.  For  the  Mood  People  . . . 
Gene  Krupa's  band  wails  right  through  "Classics  in  Percussion"  on  Verve, 
"American  Bolero"  being  the  high  spot.  .  .  .  Incidentally,  last  month  a  recording 
session  was  planned  for  Gene  and  Buddy  Rich  to  do,  but  Buddy  got  held  up  in 
Vegas,  so  Gene  had  to  solo-it. 

The  "Subways  Are  For  Sleeping"  score  has  been  released  in  a  jazz  version  by 
Dave  Grusin  on  Epic.  .  .  .  On  the  serious  side  are  two  duet  albums  released  by 
Angel  and  Columbia.  De  Los  Angeles  and  Fischer-Dieskau  sing  lieder  on 
Angel,  and  Richard  Tucker  and  Eileen  Farrell  sing  duets  from  Verdi's 
operas.  .  .  .  Roulette  has  just  put  out  the  sound  track  of  the  "Hey,  Let's  Twist" 
movie.  Joey  Dee's  band  doing  the  shouting.  ...  An  album  of  John  Coltrane's 
saxophone-playing  recently  released  on  Prestige  along  with  an  album  by  Mose 
Allison. . . .  Timi  Yuro's  "Soul"  album  on  Liberty  loaded  with  standards. .  . . 
Joe  Basile's  Parisian  sounds  on  Audio  Fidelity  is  good  mood  package. 



Save  Our  Songs 

(Continued  from  page  13) 

talents,  will  slide  once  again  into  the 

I'd  just  like  to  leave  you  this  closing 
thought.  Bill  Broonzy  left  America  and 
went  to  Europe  and  was  one  of  the  big- 
gest acts  there.  It  would  be  a  shame  if 
Americans  left  it,  once  again,  to  Europe 
to  support  its  best  folk  artists.  You 
know  it's  our  heritage.  Let's  help  it  and 
enjoy  it! 

Johnny  Carson's  Corner 

(Continued  from  page  13) 

ing  the  war.  The  price  of  meat  was  so 
high  I  had  to  put  him  up  on  blocks 
for  the  duration. 

Before  I  put  the  cover  on  the  type- 
writer, I  think  I'd  like  to  lighten  the 
situation  by  passing  along  an  anecdote 
involving  a  couple  of  dogs.  It  seems 
a  gent  brought  a  vicious  looking  Bull- 
dog into  a  local  pub.  He  growled  and 
snarled  and  made  it  known  to  one  and 
all  that  he  was  a  rough,  tough  woofer, 
who  advertised  that  his  bite  was  going 
to  be  worse  than  his  bark.  As  I  got  it. 
sitting  in  the  corner  was  a  lethargic 
looking,  unkempt  yellow  dog.  The  Bull- 
dog spied  him  and  went  into  a  rage  as 
ambitious,  overgrown  pups  sometimes 
do  when  they  cast  an  eye  on  another 
animal.  The  bartender,  recognizing 
trouble,  pleaded  with  the  gent  in  no 
uncertain  terms:  "Get  that  dog  out  of 
here.  I  don't  want  a  fight  in  my  place." 

Well,  the  inevitable  happened.  The 
Bulldog  broke  away  from  his  leash  and. 
fangs  bared,  headed  straight  for  the 
half-sleeping  yellow  dog  in  the  corner. 
Friends,  it  was  all  over  in  a  minute. 
The  yellow  dog  opened  his  mouth  wide, 
clamped  down  on  the  charging  over- 
zealous  Bulldog  and,  well,  it  was  no 

The  Bull  was  stretched  out  with  all 
the  fight  gone.  The  owner  stood  there 
with  a  look  of  amazement  on  his  face. 

"I  don't  understand  this,"  he  said 
to  the  bartender,  "A  minute  ago  that 
dog  was  sleeping;  my  dog  rushed  him 
and — look  what  happened.  What  breed 
is  he,  anyway?" 

"Darned  if  I  know,"  said  the  bar- 
tender. "All  I  can  tell  you  is  that  they 
brought  him  over  from  Africa  and  you 
should  have  seen  him  before  I  shaved 
that  big  head  of  hair  off  his  face." 

Carson  stars  in  Who  Do  You  Trust,  as 
seen  on  ABC-TV,  M-F,  3:30  P.M.  EST. 

Bill    Taggart    at    benefit    for    Tex    Wil- 
liams— whose   home    burned    in    Bel-Air. 

Liberace    "warmed"    his    new    house    more 
gently — with    Linkletter,    Bergen,    Durante. 


Shelley  Fabares  and  Paul  Petersen  of  The 
Donna  Reed  show  wax  musical  for  Colpix. 

Young  fans  got  quite  a  turn  when  Troy  Donahue  and  Connie  Stevens  "twisted" 
during  whirlwind  tour  of  N.  Y.  movie  houses.  Feature  pic?  Why,  "Susan  Slade"! 


Ed  Sullivan  breaks  his  silence: 

Thousands  have  written 

asking  me  to  reconcile  with  Paar. 

My  answer  is: 

Once  he  was  mv  friend. 

He  will  not  be  my  friend  again. 
Once  I  could  count  on  him. 
Now  I  only  count  him  out. 
Even  if  I  wanted  to . . . 




(Continued  on  page  68 ) 




""Were  we  wrong 

to  take 

a  black  market 




The  headlines  struck  Mike  Landon  with  the  sickening  force  of  a  blow  in  the  stomach. 
From  the  line  of  heavy  black  type  marching  across  the  page,  fifteen  letters  stood  out, 
burned  like  the  Scarlet  A.  They  spelled  "Black   Market  Baby." 

Mike  wadded  up  the  paper  and  flung  it  in  the  wastebasket,  as  though  it  were 
something  unclean.  But  even  with  the  paper  crumpled  and  hidden,  he  could  still  see 
the  sensational  headlines,  "Doctor  Charged  With  Black  Market  Baby  Sales." 

"Black  Market  Baby!"  Mike  spat  out  the  words  under  his  breath.  "What  do  you 
mean,  'Black  Market  Baby'?"  he  thought.  "Babies  that  have  been  given  to  parents  who 
love  them?  Babies  that  are  giving  joy  to  parents  who  otherwise  would  be  childless?" 

Like  a  man  hypnotized,  like  a  man  under  irresistible  compulsion,  Mike  retrieved 
the  paper  from  the  basket  and  smoothed  it  on  the  table.  Angrily  he  read  the  story. 

The  doctor  who  was  accused  was  a  man  whom  he  liked  and  who  had  done  him  an 
incomparable  favor.  One  of  the  babies  that  the  doctor  had  placed  with  parents  hunger- 
ing to  love  it  was  Mike's  and  Dodie's  adopted  son,  Josh. 

Mike  and  Dodie  had  wanted  a  baby  so  badly  and  so  long.  (Continued  on  page  70) 


Were  we  wrong 
to  take 
a  black  market 


For  Mike,  TVs  Bonanza  had  been 
lucky  indeed.  All  happiness  seemed 
within  their  grasp.  And  then 

The  headlines  struck  Mike  Landon  with  the  sickening  force  of  a  blow  in  the  stomach. 
From  the  line  of  heavy  black  type  marching  across  the  page,  fifteen  letters  stood  out, 
burned  like  the  Scarlet  A.  They  spelled  "Black   Market  Baby." 

Mike  wadded  up  the  paper  and  flung  it  in  the  wastebasket,  as  though  it  were 
something  unclean.  But  even  with  the  paper  crumpled  and  hidden,  he  could  still  see 
the  sensational  headlines,  "Doctor  Charged  With  Black  Market  Baby  Sales." 

"Black  Market  Baby!"  Mike  spat  out  the  words  under  his  breath.  "What  do  you 
mean,  'Black  Market  Baby'?"  he  thought.  "Babies  that  have  been  given  to  parents  who 
love  them?  Babies  that  are  giving  joy  to  parents  who  otherwise  would  be  childless?" 

Like  a  man  hypnotized,  like  a  man  under  irresistible  compulsion,  Mike  retrieved 
the  paper  from  the  basket  and  smoothed  it  on  the  table.  Angrily  he  read  the  story. 

The  doctor  who  was  accused  was  a  man  whom  he  liked  and  who  had  done  him  an 
incomparable  favor.  One  of  the  babies  that  the  doctor  had  placed  with  parents  hunger- 
ing to  love  it  was  Mike's  and  Dodie's  adopted  son,  Josh. 

Mike  and  Dodie  had  wanted  a  baby  so  badly  and  so  long.  (Continued  on  page  70) 





(Please  turn  the  page) 



Casey's  a  surgeon  with  a  wallop. 

Some  patients  just  don't  know 
what's  best  for  them.  Like  the 
women  who  are  always  watching 
Dr.  Kildare  when,  really,  Ben 
Casey  would  be  better  for  their 
ills.  Or  vice  versa! 

Both  fine  doctors  but  so  dis- 
tinctly different.  Both  young  and 
handsome,  both  possessing  that 
secret  ingredient  which  is  more 
exhilarating  than  any  "wonder 
drug":  Sheer  sex  appeal.  But  their 
approach  and  treatment  are  almost 
exact  opposites.  And,  after  all, 
everyone  knows  the  best  doctor  is 
the  one  that  suits  your  personality. 

So  just  flip  the  dial  and  choose 
your  side  in  the  battle  of  the  bed- 
side manner.  .  .  . 

In  Observation  Room  A,  we 
have  a  typical  Dr.  Kildare  viewer 
and  would-be  patient.  Here's  a 
lady  looking  for  someone  to  moth- 
er or  fall  in  love  with.  She  may 
not  succeed,  but  she's  going  to 
come  away  with  the  lovely,  warm 
feeling  that  Kildare  is  such  a 
sweet,  understanding  young  man. 
Boyishly  enthusiastic,  exuding  a 
general  air  of  doing  his  very  best, 




he  is  the  American  woman's  dream 
of  the  boy  next  door  who  needs 
to  be  taken  care  of — by  the  right 

Where  else  can  you  find  a  boy- 
next-door  who  needs  you  and  who 
can  also  remove  a  kidney  stone? 

Under  the  influence  of  his  sym- 
pathetic smile  and  earnest  man- 
ner, any  girl  could  enter  the  hos- 
pital just  to  visit  a  friend — and 
come  out  minus  her  appendix. 
Kildare  not  only  gives  a  female  the 
will  to  live.  He  instills  in  her  the 
desire  to  get  up  and  run — after 

Unless,  of  course,  she's  already 
chosen  another  TV  medico! 

In  Observation  Room  B,  for  in- 
stance, we  have  an  ardent  and 
faithful  fan  of  Ben  Casey — that 
doctor  who  is  so  strong,  silent,  and 
dedicated  to  the  point  of  trying  to 
push  the  germs  away  with  brute 
force.  You  just  know  Ben  worked 
his  way  through  med  school. 

There  is  no  boyish  grin  here,  no 
light-hearted  approach  to  that  corn 
on  your  big  toe.  Any  other  doctor 
might    (Continued   on   page  82) 

Jlmwmx/  [y vmmLl 

U       o 



4?     * 





"I    can't   talk    about    it," 
Jimmy      Durante      told      me, 
breathless  as  a  young  man  in  love 
for  the  first  time  .  .  .  then  proved — just 
like  anyone  head-over -heels  in  love  at  any  age 
— that  he  couldn't  stop  talking  about  it!  The  object 
of  his  affections?  A  mite  of  a  baby  girl  with  a  bit  of  a 
nose  which  is  only  a  minnow  alongside  the  whale  of  Jimmy's 
world-famous  "schnozzola"  .  .  .  though  it's  obvious  that  every 
tiny  feature  is  engraved  larger  than  life  in  his  big,  generous  heart. 
Adopted  or  no,  little  Cecilia  Alicia  is  the  first  child  for  both  Jimmy  and 

Margie  Durante  .  .  .  the  crowning  jewel  that  became  the  best  of  all  anniversary 
presents  last  December — just  a  year  after  their  long-awaited  marriage.  Jimmy 
told  us  all  about  it,  in  an  exclusive  interview,  as  we  chatted  one  late  afternoon  in 
his  pearl-gray  house  behind  the  sculptured  lawn  on  a  quiet,  tree-shaded  street  in  Beverly 
Hills  .  .  .  told  us  of  the  joy  that  has  come  to  the  Durantes  with  the  arrival  of  Cecilia 
Alicia  .  .  .  and  of  the  ever-present  fear  that  she  might  be  taken  away  from  them  someday 
.  .  .  the  still-unresolved  question  of  their  eligibility  as  adopted  parents — because  of  age.  Margie 
is  now  41,  and  Jimmy  .  .  .  well,  Jimmy  not  only  was  a  widower  (following  a  happy  though 
childless  marriage)   before  he  ever  met  Margie,  but  had  embarked  on  his  fantastically  successful 
career  almost  a  dozen  years  before  she  was  born!  And  adoption  agencies  seem  to  frown  upon 
any  prospective  parents  past  the  first  flush  of  youth  .  .  .  That's  why  Jimmy  hesitates  to  talk  of  this 
new  love  that  has  entered  his  life.  "Ya  see,"  he  explained  in  his  grammar-fracturing  gravel  voice, 
'it's  better  to  keep  numb — 'cause  we  don't  wanta  upset  the  apple-pie  cart  by  sayin'  too  much  right 
now  .  .  .  like  how  old  the  baby  is,  where  we  got  him — -I  mean  her.  I  can't  get  used  to  sayin'  'her' 
because,  for  so  long,  I  been  thinking  we'd  get  a  boy.  A  girl  is  just  as  welcome,"  he  added  with  a 
blissful  beam,  "long  as  we  got  a  healthy  baby.   That  we  did.  What  a  pair  of  lungs!"  .  .  .  Hopefully 
the  Durantes  have  already  initiated  adoption  proceedings  through  a  private  agency.  And,   a 
week  after  her  arrival,  the  pretty,  red-haired,  brown-eyed  infant  was  christened  at  St. 
\^^\  Victor    Catholic    Church — Cecilia,    for    Margie's   mother,    and    Alicia,    just    be-  ^ 

\^^  cause  they  like  the  name.  The  ceremony  was  conducted  by  the  same  ^^JL.  4. 

priest  who  baptized  Mrs.  Durante  as  a  convert  to  Roman  ^^_   ^^^r 

^  Catholicism    a    year    ago.    "The    baby    was    as  ^^^^^^^M   * 

^rW    ^  good      {Continued  on  page   74)  jf  M        ■     ▼ 

VE  to  ^ 


Is  it  friendship 
or  is  it, . .  ? 

You'd  think  it  was  qncof  the  rare  and  perishable  orchids  that 
Raymond  Burr  makes  a  habit  of  growing — that's  how  carefully 
the  reports  of  a  budding  romance  between  the  scholarly  Perry 
Mason  of  television  and  the  ever-glamorous  movie  queen,  Bar- 
bara Stanwyck,  are  being  handled  by  those  who  love  to  play 
Hollywood's  most  popular  parlor  game:  "Is  it  or  is  it  not  love?" 
Why  this  delicate  approach  in  a  town  where  few  secrets  are  kept 
and  most  rumors  blown  up  to  brutal  proportions?  The  answer  is 
simple.  There  are  few  performers  who  hold  the  respect,  admira- 
tion and  affection  of  the  public  "Missy"  and  Ray  Burr  do.  It  is 
obvious  that  if  real  love  has  come  to  theni,  it  would  not  be  a  light 
or  casual  thing.  Both  are  intelligent^  mature  and  possessed  of 
depthless  pools  of  sensitivity.  Each  has  known  unhappiness  and 
has  paid  the  inevitable  price  for  fame.  .  .  .  This  is  why  nobody 
with  any  knowledge  of  Ray  or  Barbara  expects  them  to  admit 
to  more  than  friendship  until  they  are  absolutely  certain  in  their 
own  hearts  that  love  and  marriage  is  their  mutual  path  to  happi- 
ness. At  the  moment,  they  meet  such  questions  with  the  secret, 
happy  smile  of  a  collector  who  has  just  acquired  a  precious 
Tang  vase.  They  have  no  intention  of  sharing  their  delight  with 
anybody.  Thus  an  eager  town  is  asking  this  hopeful  question: 
Will  the  wonderful  friendship  between  these  two  blossom  into 
the  most  popular  love  affair  Hollywood  has  known  in  years? 
While  the  town  asked,  TV  Radio  Mirror  went  after  the  answer. 
This  is  what  we  found  out:  {Continued  on  page  72) 


Is  it  friend sh 
or  is  it. . .  ? 

You'd  think  it  was  one-  of  the  rare  and  perishable  orchids  that 
Raymond  Burr  makes  a  habit  of  growing — that's  how  carefully 
the  reports  of  a  budding  romance  between  the  scholarly  Perry 
Mason  of  television  and  the  ever-glamorous  movie  queen,  Bar- 
bara Stanwyck,  are  being  handled  by  those  who  love  to  play 
Hollywood's  most  popular  parlor  game:  "Is  it  or  is  it  not  love?" 
Why  this  delicate  approach  in  a  town  where  few  secrets  are  kept 
and  most  rumors  blown  up  to  brutal  proportions?  The  answer  is 
simple.  There  are  few  performers  who  hold  the  respect,  admira- 
tion and  affection  of  the  public  "Missy"  and  Ray  Burr  do.  It  is 
obvious  that  if  real  love  has  come  to  them,  it  would  not  be  a  light 
or  casual  thing.  Both  are  intelligent  mature  and  possessed  of 
depthless  pools  of  sensitivity.  Each  has  known  unhappiness  and 
has  paid  the  inevitable  price  for  fame.  .  .  .  This  is  why  nobody 
with  any  knowledge  of  Ray  or  Barbara  expects  them  to  admit 
to  more  than  friendship  until  they  are  absolutely  certain  in  their 
own  hearts  that  love  and  marriage  is  their  mutual  path  to  happi- 
ness. At  the  moment,  they  meet  such  questions  with  the  secret, 
happy  smile  of  a  collector  who  has  just  acquired  a  precious 
Tang  vase.  They  have  no  intention  of  sharing  their  delight  with 
anybody.  Thus  an  eager  town  is  asking  this  hopeful  question: 
Will  the  wonderful  friendship  between  these  two  blossom  into 
the  most  popular  love  affair  Hollywood  has  known  in  years? 
While  the  town  asked,  TV  Radio  Mirror  went  after  the  answer 
This  is  what  we  found  out:  (Continued  on  page  72) 



"Paladin  would  never  beat  a  woman — at  least,  not  on  film.  And  neither  would 
I  .  .  ."  Richard  Boone  screwed  up  his  mobile  face  so  the  lines  in  the  forehead 
etched  deep  channels,  as  he  expressed  a  conviction  long  in  doubt  among  his 
millions  of  fans  in  videoland. 

"But,"  your  reporter  asked,  "isn't  it  hard  to  woo  and  win  a  woman  without 
being  tough  about  it?  Everyone  who's  ever  interviewed  you  has  said  you  are 
rugged,  swarthy,  but  homely — although  interesting.  How  do  you  become  so 
attractive  to  the  fair  sex?" 

Boone's  blue  eyes  narrowed  to  slits,  as  though  he  were  playing  the  restless, 
cultured  gunslinger  of  Have  Gun — Will  Travel,  who  had  just  encountered  a  foe. 
He  stood  tall,  all  six-foot-three  of  him,  but  somehow  he  seemed  crouched  like  an 
animal  ready  to  spring. 

"I  guess  he's  attractive  to  women  because  he's  so  formidable,  yet  so  gentle 
at  the  same  time,"  Boone  reported  in  his  booming  basso,  running  his  hand  through 
his  dark,  unruly  hair.  He  was  speaking  of  Paladin,  the  Western  hero  he  has  im- 
mortalized on  CBS-TV,  but  there  was  no  doubt  that  Boone  equates  Boone  to 
television's  most  gallant  and  adventurous  character.  After  five  years  of  living, 
breathing  and  being  Paladin,  it's  not  likely  a  man  would  not  absorb  some  of  the 
traits  of  that  vigorous  daredevil — nor  that  he  would  not  give  Paladin  some  of 
himself,  too — shaping  Paladin  to  Richard  Boone's  own  character. 

Even  in  his  eighteenth-floor  suite  in  New  York  City's  Essex  House,  overlooking 
Central  Park,  Richard  Boone  was  still  that  Western  hombre  in  the  figurative 
armor  of  a  dashing  knight.  Standing  in  his  silk  dressing  gown,  which  flapped  open 
at  the  neck,  Boone  looked  as  Paladin  does  in  his  San  Francisco  hotel  room,  before 
setting  out  on  his  travels.  Your  reporter  felt  just  like  a  client  who  had  come  to 
hire  Paladin  and  send  him  off  on  another  hair-raising  (Continued  on  page  90) 



•  m._ 









"It!s  like  being  a  bounty  hunter  in  the  old  days,"  says  Herb  Saxton.  "He  did  what  law 
enforcement  officers  couldn't  do.  He  had  no  constituted  authority,  just  tracked  down 
wanted  men  for  the  reward.  I  seek  out  people  for  the  same  reason — the  loot  involved!" 
But  there's  one  big  difference.  Herb's  "wanted"  men  (and  women)  are  very  happy  to  be 
found.  Wouldn't  you  be,  if  you  knew  the  "loot"  he  mentions  might  be  yours? 
And  it  could  well  be,  if  your  name  is  among  those  listed  in  this  story! 
Herb  traces  unknown  or  missing  heirs — the  successful  results  of 
his  exciting  pursuit  have  been  seen  on  Art  Linkletter's  House 
Party  at  least  five  times  in  the  past  year.  The  year  hefore, 
there  were  eleven  lucky  "wanted"  people  facing  those 
CBS-TV  cameras.  Next  year — who  knows?  "It's  always 
a  gamble,"  says  Herb.  "You  never  know  what  the  out- 
come's going  to  be.  I  carry  an  active  file  of  500  cases 
all  the  time,  and  I  close  an  average  of  about  ten  a  year. 
Not  all  of  these — in  fact,  only  a  few — are  available  or 
suitable  to  bring  on  TV.  Another  (Continued  on  page  83) 







"It!s  like  being  a  bounty  hunter  in  the  old  days,"  says  Herb  Saxton.  "He  did  what  law 
enforcement  officers  couldn't  do.  He  had  no  constituted  authority,  just  tracked  down 
wanted  men  for  the  reward.  I  seek  out  people  for  the  same  reason — the  loot  involved!" 
But  there's  one  big  difference.  Herb's  "wanted"  men  (and  women)  are  very  happy  to  be 
found.  Wouldn't  you  be,  if  you  knew  the  "loot"  he  mentions  might  be  yours? 
And  it  could  well  be,  if  your  name  is  among  those  listed  in  this  story! 
Herb  traces  unknown  or  missing  heirs — the  successful  results  of 
his  exciting  pursuit  have  been  seen  on  Art  Linkletter's  House 
Party  at  least  five  times  in  the  past  year.  The  year  before, 
there  were  eleven  lucky  "wanted"  people  facing  those 
CBS-TV  cameras.  Next  year — who  knows?  "It's  always 
a  gamble,"  says  Herb.  "You  never  know  what  the  out- 
come's going  to  be.  I  carry  an  active  file  of  500  cases 
all  the  time,  and  I  close  an  average  of  about  ten  a  year. 
Not  all  of  these— in  fact,  only  a  few— are  available  or 
itable  to  bring  on  TV.  Another  (Continued  on  page  83) 









MflwV  fe&  Mt/  IW 

If  it's  been  a  while 

since  your  husband  looked 

at  you  the  way  Bob  Horton's 

looking  at  his  wife, 

this  story  tells  how  to  put 

the  gleam  back  in  his  eye 


"I've  already  had  two  unsuccessful  marriages.'"  said  Robert 
Horton.  "Marilyn  has  had  one.  But  this  one  is  going  to  work — 
because  our  relationship  is  the  best  possible  one  for  a  man  and 
a  woman.  I  am  the  head  of  the  house,  the  breadwinner.  I  go 
out  in  the  morning,  as  it  were,  to  club  the  bear  tbat  will  feed 
my  family.  I  say  to  my  wife,  'Lady,  don't  tell  me  what  kind  of 
bear  to  get,  or  when  or  how  to  get  it.'  That's  not  her  role.  Her 
role  is  to  cook  what  I  bring  home. 

"Our  marriage  works  because  Marilyn  boils  my  bear." 

He  said  it  out  loud — for  publication.  And  right  in  front  of 
his  wife.   She  never  blinked  an  eye. 

The  idea  of  Bob's  being  absolute  monarch  of  their  home,  the 
maker  of  ninety -eight  percent  of  the  decisions  in  their  lives,  is 
not  new  to  Marilyn  Horton.  It  was  not  an  unpleasant  shock 
that  occurred  when  the  honeymoon  was  over.  From  the  begin- 
ning, Bob  was  mercilessly  honest  with  her. 

Soon  after  they  met  in  Ohio,  in  a  production  of  "Guys  and 
Dolls,"  Bob  was  telling  her  that  he  loved  her — but  that  he 
had  no  intention  of  marrying  her.  She  was  the  woman  he 
wanted  to  be  with,  but  he  would  not  give  up  his  career  in 
Hollywood  to  follow  her  home  to  New  York,  If  she  wanted  to 
be  near  him,  she  would  have  to  leave  her  family  and  friends, 
live  in  a  strange  city  three  thousand  miles  from  home — and 
never,  never  forget  that  they  could  never  be  married. 

She  found  out  that  Bob  had  changed  his  mind  only  when 
she  heard  their  engagement  being  announced  at  a  party.  She 
learned  her  wedding  date  less  than  twenty-four  hours  before 
the  ceremony  took  place — and  the   (Continued  on  page  87) 


|^Hhl9  h  WKjm 




u.     ■ '  ■  *■ 

■  '"■'I         r      '  1 

Three  Years  Aftefr  The  Quiz  Scandal: 


»J?fend  how? 


And  so  the  saga  of  the  great  television  quiz  shows  of  the  50s  has 
come  to  an  end.  .  .  .  Now— here  in  this  year  of  1962 — after  more 
than  three  years,  the  sordid  mess  that  became  one  of  the  most 
sensational  scandals  ever  to  scream  its  message  of  crumbling 
morality  across  the  black  banners  of  the  nation's  press  .  .  .  now 
the  sad,  sad  tale  is  over.  It  has  become  a  part  of  history.  Justice 
has  been  served.  Or  has  it?  Has  it  really?   (Please  turn  the  page) 

^     II 

Who  got  caught? 
Who  got  away  with  it? 


On  January  17th,  a  handful  of  the  glittering  cast  of 
characters  in  the  fantastic  duplicity  that  fooled  tens  of 
millions  of  Americans  appeared  remorseful  and  contrite 
in  the  echoing  halls  of  Special  Sessions  Court  in  New 
York  City  and  pleaded  guilty  to  charges  of  second- 
degree  perjury.  Here  was  the  gaunt,  ascetic  Charles  Van 
Doren,  the  once  pixieish  but  now  demure  Elfrida  Von 
Nardroff.  Here  was  the  brilliant  psychologist  David 
Mayer,  the  quiet  music  teacher  Paul  Bain.  Here  were  a 
housewife,    a    businessman,    a    student — ten    in    all — 

But  in  the  larger  sense,  the  question  again  begs  an 
answer.  Out  of  the  tawdriness  of  the  whole  TV  scandal, 
has  justice  truly  been  served? 

What  has  happened  to  the  lives  of  the  twenty  con- 
testants who  finally  admitted  their  part  in  the  "fix"?  Has 
there  been  any  real  change  for  them?  And  what  of  the 
uncounted  number  of  contestants  who  similarly  took 
part  in  the  national  disgrace  and  who,  incredibly,  got 
away  with  it? 

Have  they  all  got  off  scot-free? 

Gino    Prato — the    shoe- 
maker who  loved  opera. 

Teddy  Nadler — who  won 
a     total     of     $264,000. 

Myrt       Power — "grand- 
ma" knew  her  baseball! 

Herb      Stempel: — who 
made   charges  of  "fix." 

admitting  they  had  lied  to  a  Grand  Jury  when  they  said 
they  had  received  no  help  in  answering  the  brain- 
numbing  questions  on  such  fabulous  shows  as  Twenty- 
One  and  Tic  Tac  Dough. 

Their  court-administered  punishment  is,  of  course, 
known  by  now.  They  drew  suspended  sentences.  They 
were  rebuked  by  Justice  Edward  A.  Breslin,  but  they 
were  given  no  jail  terms,  no  $500  fine.  The  judge  even 
spared  them  the  pains  of  probation.  Their  long  humilia- 
tion, he  said,  had  been  punishment  enough.  And  they 
went  free. 

They  had,  of  course,  faced  up  to  their  wrongdoing 
and  been  prepared  for  the  worst.  It  was  the  law's  will 
that  their  penalty  be  lenient, 

Perhaps,  in  the  search  for  an  answer,  it  would  be  best 
to  focus  on  one  contestant  and  one  alone,  for  the 
moment,  and  follow  that  person's  voyage  through  the 
harrows  of  the  TV  scandal  and  its  bitter  aftermath. 

Consider,  then,  Elfrida  Von  Nardroff,  the  biggest  of 
the  money  winners  among  those  who  pleaded  guilty  on 
that  blustery  January  day  in  Special  Sessions  Court. 

The  moment  the  black  truth  about  the  television 
riggings  exploded  into  the  open,  Elfrida  went  into  a 
self-imposed,  unhappy  exile. 

Today,  the  ebullient  Elfrida  of  the  quick,  wide  smile 
that  endeared  her  to  so  many  millions  as  she  frowned, 
worried  and  play-acted  her  way  to  a  staggering  $220,500 
pot  of  gold  on  the  now  defunct  Twenty-One  program — 




today,  Elfrida  still  dwells  in  the  chill  remoteness  of  that 
unhappy  exile. 

,  Life  goes  on  and  Elfrida  lives  it,  but  there  is  a  distor- 
tion, a  refraction,  as  though  her  existence  is  now  the 
somewhat  askew  reflection  of  life  as  it  is  seen  through  a 
monster  prism. 

What  does  life  hold  for  Elfrida  Von  Nardroff?  How 
has  the  scandal  affected  her? 

Today,  Elfrida  is  back  at  work.  She  still  lives  in  New 
York  City.  She  has  resumed  her  studies  in  college.  She 

true  that  before  her  conquest  of  Twenty-One  she  was 
simply  another  career  girl,  facing  the  workaday  world 
each  day  along  with  millions  of  others  across  the  land. 

That  is  approximately  what  she  has  returned  to  today 
— except,  of  course,  that  in  the  tainted  interim  she  be- 
came a  wealthy  person. 

So,  too,  with  Charles  Van  Doren,  the  handsome, 
cultured  Columbia  University  professor  who  admitted 
in  tears  that  his  $129,000  performance  on  Twenty-One 
was   a   sham   from   beginning   to   end.    So,   too,   with 

Elfrida    Von    Nardroff— 
$220,500 — and    no    joy? 

Henry  Bloomgarden — in 
a   N.  Y.   police  station. 

Vivienne   Nearing — lady 
lawyer  in   wrong  court? 

Charles  Van  Doren— an 
isolation-booth      ordeal. 

still  has  her  old  friends.  She  has  met  some  new  ones. 
But  her  life  is  still  highly  secretive.  She  has  changed 
her  address  and  only  her  family,  her  employer  and 
closest  friends  know  where  she  lives.  Her  name  appears 
in  no  telephone  directory.  She  is,  in  a  sense,  still  hiding. 

Years  have  elapsed  since  the  great  pink-champagne 
bubble  burst,  the  TV  quiz  shows  were  exposed  for  what 
they  really  were,  and  a  whole  pantheon  of  heroes  and 
heroines  came  tumbling  down  in  disgrace. 

Now  we  are  in  1962.  And  in  one  sense,  everything 
has  happened  to  those  fallen  idols  .  .  .  and  in  another, 
nothing  at  all. 

Because  if  it's  true  that  Elfrida  Von  Nardroff  ascended 
to  dizzying  heights  of  wealth  and  notoriety,  it  is  equally 

Vivienne  Nearing  and  the  others  charged  with  perjury 
whose  winnings  may  have  been  smaller,  but  no  cleaner. 
And  so,  too,  for  the  hundred  or  so  others  who  took  part 
in  the  rigged  programs  but  got  away  with  it.  They  all, 
after  blazing  their  way  into  the  public's  view  and  living 
their  brief  moments  of  fame,  drifted  back  to  their  old 
way  of  life. 

For  some,  the  transition  was  wrenching  and  painful 
because — unlike  the  great  majority  of  others  who  were 
in  on  the  "fix" — they  became  involved  in  criminal 
charges  with  all  the  attendant  publicity  and  headline 
humiliation.  Among  the  last  to  receive  suspended  sen- 
tences this  January — aside  from  Elfrida,  Van  Doren, 
Mayer  and  Bain — were  Henry  (Continued  on  page  80) 


Don't  pick  a  wedding  gift  for  Juliet  Prowse  and   Frank  Sinatra  till  you  read  this  story 




In  a  way,  the  plot  of  Frank 
Sinatra's  life  has  been  more 
dramatic  than  any  of  his  films. 
For  many  years  the  lights  flashed 
and  bells  rang.  Life  was  a  song 
for  Frank.  .  .  .  Suddenly  the 
melody  ended.  The  music  was 
replaced  by  the  harsh  sounds  of 
failure.  His  record  sales  dived. 
His  flickers  were  box  office  flopa- 
lpozas.  He  was  broke.  The  govern- 
ment sued  him  for  $110,000  in 
back  taxes.  He  was  the  target  of 
withering  criticism  in  and  out  of 
the  press.  As  the  final  indignity, 
his  agents  dropped  him.  .  .  .  The 
only  one  who  refused  to  panic  or 
surrender  was  Sinatra.  Out  of  the 
darkness  came  the  indomitable 
spark — and  a  star  blazed  again. 
.  .  .  The  turning  point,  of  course, 
was  the  role  of  Maggio  in  "From 
Here  to  Eternity." 

Sinatra  primed  his  resurgence 
with  a  true  fighter's  instinct.  In 
recalling  the  dark  days,  he  has 
stated:  "One  morning  I  woke  up 
and  decided  that  this  kind  of 
thing  has  got  to  stop.  The  facts 
weren't  (Continued  on  page   92) 

™£x<f>D .  &i!**rmk 


Don't  pick  a  wedding  gift  for  Juliet  Prome  and  Fran 

k  Sinatra  till  you  read  this  story 


I"   a   way,   llu-  plot   „f   F,a„k 
Sinatra's    life    has     been     more 
dramatic  than  an)  of  his  film*. 
Formanj  years  the  lights  flashed 
and  bells  rang.  Life  was  a  song 
for    Frank.  .  .  .  Sudden!)     the 
melod)   ended.  The  music  was 
replaced  bj  the  harsh  sounds  oi 
failure.  His  record  sales  dived. 
Mis  flickers  were  box  office  flops 
Iposas.  He  was  broke.  The  govern- 
ment sued  him   for  SIK).(HM)  in 
back  taxes,  He  was  the  target  oJ 
withering  criticism  in  and  out  ..f 
the  press.  As  the  final  indignit) 

his  agents  dropped  him.  .  .       II,, 

onlj  one  who  refused  to  panic  oi 
surrender  was  Sinatra.  Out  of  the 
darkness  came  the  indomitable 
spark  and  a  star  blazed  again, 
.  .  .  Tlie  turning  point,  of  course, 
was  the  role  ■  •!  Maggio  in  "From 
Here  to  Eternity." 
Sinatra  primed  his  resurgence 

with  a   true  lighters   Instinct    In 

'"  ailing  the  dark  days,  he  has 

slated:  "One  in. lining  I  woke  up 
and  deeided  that  this  kind  ,,l 
thing  linn  got  I,,  itop.  The  facta 
weren't  [Continued  on  page  "2i 






Dr.  Robert  L.  Wolk,  member  of  the 
American  Psychological  Association 
and  noted  private  practitioner  in 
psychotherapy,  is  a  consultant  to  the 
New  York  City  Court  of  Special  Ses- 
sions, clinics  and  humanitarian  or- 
ganizations. Arthur  Henley,  TV-radio 
writer-producer  and  creator  of  the 
program  Make  Up  Your  Mind,  has 
done  many  articles  and  college  lec- 
tures on  psychology.  Together,  they 
form  a  highly  skilled  "team"  TV 
Radio  Mirror  has  asked  to  analyze 
a  special  problem  of  concern  to  all 
Americans.   (Please  turn  the  page) 

by  Dr.  ROBERT  WOLK 


It's  a  big  world  to  John  Jr.  and  Caroline. 


The  camera  still  pursues 
the  Kennedys,  from  the 
White  House  to  their  sum- 
mer home  in  Hyannis  Port. 


The  camera  still  pursues 
the  Kennedys,  from  the 
White  House  to  their  sum- 
mer home  in  Hyannis  Port. 





*      - 


\  ..<  - 


Dr.  Robert  L.  Wolk,  member  of  the 
American  Psychological  Association 
and  noted  private  practitioner  in 
psychotherapy,  is  a  consultant  to  the 
New  York  City  Court  of  Special  Ses- 
sions, clinics  and  humanitarian  or- 
ganizations. Arthur  Henley,  TV-radio 
writer-producer  and  creator  of  the 
program  Make  Up  Your  Mind,  has 
done  many  articles  and  college  lec- 
tures on  psychology.  Together,  they 
form  a  highly  skilled  "team"  TV 
Radio  Mirror  has  asked  to  analyze 
a  special  problem  of  concern  to  all 
Americans.   (Please  turn  the  page) 

by  Dr.  ROBERT  WOLK 

It's  a  big  world  to  John  Jr.  and  Caroline. 



Can  closeness  of  the  family  group  make  up 
for  lack  of  privacy  in  the  Kennedys'  lives? 


Every  boy  wants  to  be  President  and 
every  girl  would  like  to  be  First  Lady. 
But  would  you  really  like  to  live  in  the 
White  House  and  bring  up  your  own 
little  boy  and  girl  in  the  full  glare  of 
TV,  with  cameras  ever  ready  to  focus 
on  each  fumbling  step,  each  childish 
gesture?  It's  a  serious  problem — as 
John  and  Jackie  Kennedy  well  know! 
How  can  they  shield  young  Caroline  and 
John  Jr.  from  the  millions  of  eyes 
watching  them?  What  can  they  do  to 
keep  them  from  growing  up  as  show- 
offs  .  .  .  angry  rebels  .  .  .  or  perhaps 
inhibited  youngsters  who  too  readily 
play  second-fiddle  to  their  celebrated 
parents?  All  thinking  Americans  share 
their  concern  and  ask  the  same  search- 
ing questions — questions  which  we'll  try 
to  answer  here  (Continued  on  page  76) 


The  Myth  and  the  Mother 

Judy  is  an  exclamation  point.  ...  A  star ...  a  zest  ...  an  excitement 
...  a  heart  stopper ...  a  blues  bringer.  All  these  things  and  more.  .  .  . 
She's  Judy  Garland,  a  myth  in  her  own  time. 

She's  on  stage  now;  the  white  spotlight  fixed  on  her  too-round  face, 
her  too-heavy  makeup.  Her  voice  is  shaky  at  times,  almost  tremulous, 
and  then  big,  blaring,  brassy.  Yet  to  the  audience  each  note  is  person- 
ally touching. 

She's  been  lonely,  she's  been  lost,  she's  still  reaching  out  for  the  end 
of  the  rainbow.  She  knows  what  each  person  in  the  audience  feels.  At 
the  end  of  each  song,  the  audience,  in  a  religious-like  fervor,  applauds, 
cries  and  shouts:  "We  love  you,  Judy!  We  love  you." 

It's  as  if  they're  saying:  "If  you  can  go  through  so  much  trouble 
and  still  survive,  why  then,  oh,  why  can't  we?" 

That's  what  made  her  a  myth  in  her  own  time. 

But  Judy  Garland  is  also  a  mother.  And  her  life  (Continued  on  page  85) 


At  home  or  away  from  home,  Judy,  Liza,  Lorna  and  foe  stay  together. 
Judy   shares    all   their   interests,    but    refuses    to    be   a   "stage   mother." 

At  a  recent  party,  Judy  and  the  kids 
pose  for  a  formal  family  portrait  .  .  . 

.  .  .  Then  Liza  and  Judy  peeked  at  the 
cake.    They    looked,    but    didn't    eat. 


We  proudly  present  the  first  reprint  from  Bud  Collyer's  new  book 

Excerpts  reprinted  from  "Thou  Shalt  Not  Fear," 
by  Bud  Collyer,  by  permission  of  the  publishers. 
Copyright  ©  MCMLXII  by  Fleming  H.  Revell  Co. 

Ihat  can  we  do  to  wipe  away  those  fears 
That  strive  so  hard  to  claim  us  for  their  own? 
What  can  we  do  when  walking  through  the  years 
To  make  us  know  none  goes  his  way  alone? 

A  New  York  Corporation  advertises 

That  it  has  many  shapes  and  many  sizes, 

Some  concrete  and  some  steel,  some  underground, 

Some  that  are  square  and  some  that  are  quite  round, 

All  equally  protective  for  the  day 

The  nuclear  bomb  should  chance  to  come  our  way 

They'll  build  it  for  you — one  room, 

two  or  three — 
Depending  on  the  size,  the  cost  will  be 
From  high  to  inexpensive,  all  depending 
On  just  how  much  you  think 

you  should  be  spending!  .  .  . 

Meanwhile,  what  course  of  action  should  we  take 

When  fear  knocks  at  our  doors?  What  can  we  say? 

How  will  we  find  the  fortitude  to  shake 

The  paralyzing  bonds  of  fear  away? 

I've  heard  it  said,  when  fear  knocks  at  the  door 

Send  faith  to  answer  it,  and  you  will  find 

That  there  is  no  one  there;  and  what  is  more 

That  we  are  all  particularly  blind, 

For  faith  is  always  there  for  you  and  me, 

It's  just  our  own  unwillingness  to  see! 

V  II  ne  hgnts  are  burning  mighty  late  these  days 
|«UqTo  chase  the  shadows  from  the  laboratories, 
As  scientists  discover  all  the  ways 
To  help  us  put  an  end  to  all  our  worries 
With  instant  death!  It  comes  in  many  sizes 
With  many  different  names!  It  advertises 
If  you'll  just  put  your  trust  in  God  aside 
And  let  the  manufacturer  provide 
Some  powdered  faith  to  spread  upon  your  bread 
You'll  love  their  product — 

even  though  you're  dead! 
Just  think  of  all  the  man-hours  spent  today 
In  dreaming  up  new  measures  of  destruction! 
If  we  should  take  one-twenty-fifth  away 
And  concentrate  it  on  a  new  construction 
Of  love  and  deep  concern  for  all  mankind, 
Regardless  of  the  color,  race,  or  creed, 
With  just  that  tiny  effort  we  would  .find 
That  we  can  use  our  every  thought  and  deed 



an  inspiring  message  you  wouldn't  expect,  in  ringing  phrases  you  won't  soon  forget 

In  building  for  the  Lord  our  God!  We'd  see 

His  blueprints  clearly  showing  how  to  build 

The  right  kind  of  a  life  for  you  and  me; 

A  life  of  action,  every  moment  filled 

With  things  to  do  for  others!  Every  line 

Will  show  the  way  so  clearly  no  mistakes, 

No  errors  can  be  made,  save  yours  and  mine 

If  we  should  trust  our  future  to  the  fakes, 

The  charlatans,  inhabiters  of  Hell 

Who  try  to  make  us  join  the  growing  band 

By  shouting,  "Come  on  in,  the  fire's  swell! 

This  is  a  real  hot  buy!  The  Promised  Land 

Is  nothing  but  a  promise!  Settle  here! 

We'll  build  to  suit!  Just  tell  us  your  desire! 

Our  price  is  not  too  cheap,  but  not  too  dear! 

We  build  with  Grade- A  brimstone!  Take  a  flier!" 

Iod  is  a  quiet  builder.  All  creation 
Attests  to  this.  And  when  the  Lord  God  looks 
And  sees  that  it  is  good,  then  every  nation 
That  seeks  to  write  its  name  in  history  books 
Must  know  this  is  the  building  each  must  buy 
To  mount  a  wakeful  watch  and  be  secure 
In  knowing  it  shall  live  and  never  die, 
In  knowing  young  and  old  and  rich  and  poor 
Stand  before  Jesus  in  the  selfsame  light 
That  led  Him  down  the  throughway  To  the  cross, 
That  ended  for  all  time  the  dark  of  night 
By  light  of  truth!  It  seemed  like  such  a  loss 
To  those  who  walked  with  Him,  to  whom  He  said, 
"O  ye  of  little  faith!  Your  Father  knows 
Your  needs!  Why  are  ye  fearful?  Do  not  dread 
The  storms  of  life!  Stand  up  against  the  blows, 
O  ye  of  little  faith!"  Stand  up  with  God! 
And  find  out  what  it  is  to  know  no  fear.  .  .  . 

We've  come  to  pretty  passes  in  our  time 
But  none  to  match  the  one  we're  in  today 
Which  sees  us  blinded  by  the  dust  and  grime 
Of  insecurity  and  fear!  Our  way 
To  that  bright  goal  we  called  our  destiny, 
To  lead  all  men  to  freedom  and  to  love, 
Seems  to  be  blocked,  because  we  will  not  see 
The  light  that  shines  so  brightly  from  above, 
Steady  and  strong  and  piercing  through  the  clouds 
Which  Communism  uses  to  confuse 
And  to  confound  the  frightened, 
brain -washed  crowds 

Who  only  seek  a  doctrine  they  can  use 

To  bring  some  order  to  their  headlong  flight 

Out  of  confusion  to  eternal  night! 

But  we  can,  /'/  we  will,  so  clearly  see 

The  light  beyond,  over,  above  the  dark, 

Which  breaks  through  every  bond  and  sets  men  free! 

And  even  where  the  Reds  had  made  their  mark 

Across  the  freedom  of  the  human  race 

There  is  a  price  once  paid  for  all  men's  souls.  .  .  . 

JUTS emember  the  old  game  of  "Put  and  Take"? 

HAS  Let's  play  it  once  again  for  Jesus'  sake! 

Remember  you  must  "put"  before  you  "take" 

The  future  of  our  world  to  be  the  stake! 

Remember  to  be  loved  you  must  first  love 

Another  as  yourself,  or  life  will  be 

All  empty  days  of  fear  which  never  move 

And  never  make  much  sense  for  you  and  me. 

Remember  to  be  hated  you  must  hate! 

Such  poison  as  can  fill  the  human  brain 

Seems  to  make  a  mockery  of  fate 

And  turn  the  wheels  of  warfare  once  again! 

Remember  to  be  served  you  must  first  serve! 

First  reach  into  a  life  that's  not  your  own, 

Bring  warmth  and  comfort  to  a  shattered  nerve — 

You'll  know  the  love  that  never  lives  alone! 

Remember  you  must  give  before  you  get! 

Give  freely  of  yourself  when  there  is  need ! 

Follow  Jesus  everywhere;  and  yet 

Where  there  are  cowards,  be  prepared  to  lead ! 

Remember  you  must  seek  before  you  find 
All  that  there  is  in  life  worth  looking  for 
Which  brings  the  love  of  heart  and  soul  and  mind 
Which  knows  and  fills  our  every  need  and  more! 
Remember,  put  your  faith  in  God,  and  take 
The  only  stand  to  lead  the  world  to  peace — 
Stand  steadfast  as  a  Christian  for  Christ's  sake! 
And  hate  and  greed  and  sin  and  war  must  cease! 

Have  faith  in  God!  Do  not  have  faith  in  fear! 
Add  this  commandment  to  the  list  of  ten! 
Let  the  commandment  be:  "Thou  shalt  not  fear!" 
And  when  vou've  said  it  once,  say  it  again! 
"Fear  not,  for  I  am  with  you!"  saith  the  Lord. 
What  better  place  for  faith  than  in  God's  Word? 
Christ  died  and  rose  again  to  make  it  clear 
To  all  men  of  all  times:  "Thou  shalt  not  fear!" 







Bob  Conrad  goes 
choo-choo  for  Cha  Cha 
and  an  unexpectedly 
upswept-hairdo  Connie  - 
in  a  high-Sierra 
version  of  The  Twist. 


a  new! wist  on  the  1  wist.. 

Ty  Hardin  gets  the  message:  "Do  the  basic  twist.  Left  hip  forward,  right  back — reverse.  Do  it  side-to-side 

once  in  each  direction.   Then   go  into  a   cha-cha — three   small  steps  to  the  right,  three  small  steps  to  the  left. 

Lively  as  the  "Cricket*"  she  plays  on  Hawaiian  Eye,  Connie's  in  on  everything  new  and 
exciting.  Naturally,  she  was  there  when  Margarita  Sierra — "Cha  Cha"  of  SurfSide  6 — 
taught  Hollywood  a  new  dance!  Above:  Your  own  picture-lesson  in  "The  Cha  Cha  Twist." 

(For  more  news  about  Connie,  please  turn  the  page) 


»  •  •  • 


Tm  not  hiding  anything' 



in  this  interview! 

a  new 

•  Everyone's  been  talking  about  Connie 
Stevens'  dates  with  Glenn  Ford.  Every- 
one but  Connie  herself — till  she  gave 
TV  Radio  Mirror  this  exclusive  inter- 
view. Then  she  talked  freely  and  frankly 
to  reporter  Jim  Gregory,  just  as  she  was 
leaving  for  a  week  in  Paris  as  Glenn's 
guest  at  the  premiere  of  his  MGM 
movie,  "The  Four  Horsemen  of  the 
Apocalypse."  Result?  An  unusual  self- 
portrait  of  an  attractive  girl  and 
her  attitude  toward  a  much-discussed 

Reporter :  Fans  often  seem  to  think  you 
should  go  with  somebody  your  own  age 
level.  Do  you  think  they  might  criticize 
you  for  dating  somebody  older? 
Connie:    Yes,   I   thought   I   might.   But 
it  didn't  worry   me.   Mr.   Ford   has   an 
irreproachable  reputation,  and  I'm  lucky 
that  way,  too.   No   one's  had  anything 
terrible  to  say  ...  yet!    (Laughing) 
Reporter :  Let  me  ask  you  this — because 
I  do  feel  I  know  you.  Do  you  think,  as  a 
Catholic,    you    might    be   criticized    for 
dating  someone  who's  been  divorced? 
Connie:  I  haven't  known  Mr.  Ford  that 
long,   it's   not   as  serious   as  the   busy- 
bodies  make  it  out.  So  I  haven't  delved 
into  all  that.  But  I  don't  think  so. 
Reporter:   Do  you  think  the  publicity 
has  built  it  up  to  some  degree? 
Connie:    {Calmly)    Sure.  It's  a  shock. 
Reporter:  You  mean  the  May-Septem- 
ber angle  is  a  shock  to  people? 
Connie:  I  don't  know  what  that  is. 
Reporter:  Well,  the  idea  that  he's  older 
than  you  are. 

Connie:  Gee!  He's  not  that  much  older. 
I've  never  heard  of  that  before — never. 

wist  on  mj 



But  I  think  it's  shocked  quite  a  few 
people  in  the  press.  Because  he's  a  very 
conservative  and  well-known  actor  and 
I'm  kind  of  the  young  Iowa  type  of  kid, 
in  the  rock  V  roll  age — which  I'm  not, 
really,  but  it's  that  kind  of  thing.  It's 
almost  like  Ingrid  Bergman  and 
I  laughing )  — Frankie  Avalon. 
Reporter:  Or  vice  versa,  shall  we  say? 
Or  we  might  say  .  .  .  Bing  Crosby  and 
Kathy  Grant!  But,  seriously,  there's  one 
thing  I've  noticed  about  you.  You  have 
such  a  good  relationship  with  your 
father.  Do  you  think  that  has  made  you 
feel  it  wasn't  so  unusual  to  date  some- 
body older? 

Connie:  It's  not  unusual  at  all!  Mr. 
Ford  is  a  friend  of  the  family,  besides 
being  my  friend.  My  father  likes  him 
very  much,  and  he's  met  my  whole 
family,  I've  met  his,  and — there's  just 
no  problem,  that's  all. 
Reporter:  I  know  Mr.  Ford  and~he's 
very  nice.  I  can  see  why  you  like  him. 
Connie:  He's  a  gentleman.  You  don't 
find  very  many  of  those! 
Reporter:  Would  you  say  "especially 
in  Hollywood"? 

Connie:  Yes.  And  that's  why  Mr.  Ford 
is  refreshing. 

Reporter:  Do  you  ever  feel  at  a  loss — 
conversationally — with  Mr.  Ford? 
Connie:  Me  at  a  loss?  (Both  laugh) 
Reporter:     Do     you    think— and     you 
don't  have  to  answer  this — do  you  think 
there's  a  possibility  you  might  get  en- 
gaged to  Glenn   Ford   in   the   near — or 
let's  say  foreseeable — future? 
Connie:    You    said    I    don't    have    to 
answer  that  one.  — The  End 

Does  difference  in  age  matter?  Connie's  23,  Glenn  almost  46. 












They  started  to  elope,  then  decided  to 
wait  and  have  a  real  wedding.  John  Ash- 
ley was  grateful  for  the  extra  time.  His 
TV  show  Straightaway  was  going  well;  so 

was  Debbie's  career  as  the  movies'  new 
"Gidget."  But  one  thing  still  shadowed 
their  happiness — John's  past.  Before  it 
was  too  late,  he  had  to  tell  her  everything. 

(For  Johns  own  story,  turn  the  page) 




They  started  to  elope,  then  decided  to  was  Debbie's  career  as  the  movies'  new 
wait  and  have  a  real  wedding.  John  Ash-  "Gidget."  But  one  thing  still  shadowed 
ley  was  grateful  for  the  extra  time.  His  their  happiness— John's  past.  Before  it 
TV  show  Straightaway  was  going  well;  so      was  too  late,  he  had  to  tell  her  everything. 

(Pot  lohn't  o«n  aary,  turn  the  page) 









yillL  \J  ' 



John  Ashley  never  told  this  story  before.  It  could 

have  shocked  a  young  girl  like  Debbie.  Instead,  his  words 

made  her  proud  she  had  chosen  to  marry  this  boy.  You'll  see  why 

I  do  not  know  who  I  am. 

I  came  from  the  body  of  a  woman  I  have 
never  known.  I  do  not  know  whether  she  is 
alive  or  dead.  ...  I  hope  she  loved  my  father. 
I  hope  he  loved  her.  I  hope — because  I  don't 
know.  ...  I  care — but  not  very  much.  They 
never  married. 

I  was  born,  anonymously,  in  a  large  Mid- 
western city  in  1936,  but  I  grew  up  in  Tulsa, 

From  here,  I  can  only  tell  the  story  the  way 
I  lived  it,  beginning  with  the  first  misty  memory 
of  my  life. 

My  father  is  a  doctor  and  the  most  wonder- 
ful man  I've  ever  known.  I'm  not  saying  that 
because  he's  my  father — he  isn't. 

My  mother  is  all  the  essence  of  goodness  and 
love  God  could  put  in  a  woman.  I  don't  say 
that  because  she  is  my  mother — she  isn't. 

I  have  a  sister.  I  remember  her  coming  to 

the  house  in  my  mother's  arms  and  my  father 
cooing  over  her  as  if  she  was  the  only  baby  in 
the  world.  But  I  was  terribly  disappointed  that 
she  was  so  small.  I  was  five  and  more  inter- 
ested in  someone  my  own  size. 

My  sister  is  a  quiet,  lovely  young  married 
woman  today.  If  I'd  known  then  what  I  know 
now,  she  would  have  been  the  best  friend  I  had 
as  a  boy.  But  I  didn't  know  and  she  didn't 
know.  So  what  I  might  have  had  with  her  is 
gone  beyond  recapture.  Lost  in  the  days  of  my 
bewilderment  and  conceit  and  cocksureness.  It 
was  not  until  I  discovered  that  my  sister  was 
not  my  sister  that  I  finally  understood. 

My  father  was  not  a  rich  doctor,  but  we  had 
few  financial  worries  and  he  lived  for  his 
family.  He  had  only  to  suspect  that  we  wanted 
something  and  it  was  ours.  I  had  a  great  boy- 
hood— with  parents  who  lavished  love  on  me, 
yet  tried  not  to  spoil    {Continued  on  page  60) 


John  had  everything:  Birthday  cakes,  a  fond 
mother,  pets,  a  fine  home,  nurse,  and  a  baby 
sister,  fishing  trips  with  Dad  and  a  car  of 
his  own.  Then,  at  17.  he  learned  the  truth! 







John  Ashley  never  told  this  story  before.  It  could 

have  shocked  a  young  girl  like  Debbie.  Instead,  his  words 

made  her  proud  she  had  chosen  to  marry  this  boy.  You'll  see  why 

I  do  not  know  who  I  am. 

I  came  from  the  body  of  a  woman  I  have 
never  known.  I  do  not  know  whether  she  is 
alive  or  dead.  ...  I  hope  she  loved  my  father. 
I  hope  he  loved  her.  I  hope — because  I  don't 
know.  ...  I  care — but  not  very  much.  They 
nevei  married. 

I  was  born,  anonymously,  in  a  large  Mid- 
western city  in  1936.  but  I  grew  up  in  Tulsa. 

From  here,  I  can  only  tell  the  story  the  way 
I  lived  it.  beginning  with  the  first  misty  memory 
of  my  life. 

My  father  is  a  doctor  and  the  most  wonder- 
ful man  I've  ever  known.  I'm  not  saying  that 
because  he's  m\  father— he  isn't 

My  mother  is  all  the  essence  of  goodness  and 
love  God  could  put  in  a  woman.  I  don't  say 
that  because  she  is  my  mother — she  isn't. 

I  have  a  sister.  I   remember  her  coming  to 


the  house  in  my  mother's  arms  and  my  father 
cooing  over  her  as  if  she  was  the  only  baby  in 
the  world.  But  I  was  terribly  disappointed  that 
she  was  so  small.  I  was  five  and  more  inter- 
ested in  someone  my  own  size. 

My  sister  is  a  quiet,  lovely  young  married 
woman  today.  If  I'd  known  then  what  I  know 
now,  she  would  have  been  the  best  friend  I  had 
as  a  boy.  But  I  didn't  know  and  she  didn't 
know.  So  what  I  might  have  had  with  her  is 
gone  beyond  recapture.  Lost  in  the  days  of  my 
bewilderment  and  conceit  and  cocksureness.  It 
was  not  until  I  discovered  that  my  sister  was 
not  my  sister  that  I  finally  understood. 

My  father  was  not  a  rich  doctor,  but  we  had 
few  financial  worries  and  he  lived  for  his 
family.  He  had  only  to  suspect  that  we  wanted 
something  and  it  was  ours.  I  had  a  great  boy- 
hood—with parents  who  lavished  love  on  me, 
>et  tried  not  to  spoil    {Continued  on  page  60) 

John  had  everything:  Birthday  cakes,  a  fond 

mother,  Vetl,  a  fine  home,  nurse,  mid  a  hriby 
lister,  filhing  trips  with  Dad  and  a  car  of 
hit  own.  Then,  at  17.  he  learned  the  truth.' 

How  Much  Should  a  Husband  Tell  His  Wife? 

(Continued  from  page  58) 
me.  If  I  needed  it,  I  got  a  licking — but 
my  father  would  brace  himself  for  it 
like  an  operation  he  hated  to  perform. 
There  were  times  we  didn't  see  my 
busy  father  for  days,  but  then  he'd 
make  it  up,  spending  three  or  four 
days  straight  with  us.  And  every 
summer,  our  family  went  to  Canada, 
we  camped  under  the  tall  trees,  we 
fished  and  cooked  our  food. 

No  angel,  this  kid  .  .  . 

Yet,  for  all  that  love  and  companion- 
ship, I  could  be  a  pretty  vicious  kid.  I 
could  always  think  up  something  to 
make  my  kid  sister  cry.  And  if  my 
mother  punished  me,  I'd  sneak  into 
her  closet  and  tear  one  of  her  dresses. 
Once  I  said,  "I  hate  you!  I  wish  you 
weren't  my  mother!" 

I  will  never  forget  the  look  of  sear- 
ing agony  on  her  face.  She  bowed  her 
head  and  began  to  cry.  I  hate  to  admit 
it,  but  I  was  glad  I  had  hurt  her.  It 
was  years  before  I  found  out  how  much 
I'd  hurt  her. 

I  developed  into  what  most  people 
call  a  bright  youngster.  A  little  too 
bright.  One  day  I  broke  a  toy.  I  flung 
it  against  the  wall,  screaming  a  bad 
word.  Mother  came  running.  "Where 
did  you  hear  such  a  word?"  she  asked. 
I  refused  to  answer  and  she  sent  me  to 
my  room.  "When  your  father  comes 
home  you'd  better  be  ready  to  answer 
him,"  she  warned. 

Soon  as  she  went  out,  I  began  to 
laugh.  I  knew  where  I'd  heard  the 
words.  A  few  nights  before,  my  father 
rmd  turned  off  the  radio  just  before  a 
certain  politician  was  to  make  a  speech. 

"I'm  not  listening  to  that  !" 

I  heard  him  exclaim.  But  I  never  did 
tell  him  how  I  learned  the  word. 

If  I  was  a  menace  in  some  respects, 
I  wasn't  incorrigible  all  the  time.  As  I 
look  back,  I  realize  that  everything  was 
pretty  much  peaches-and-cream  for  me. 
In  my  teens,  they  got  even  better — 
clothes,  parties,  friends,  girls.  And,  at 
sixteen,  a  car.  All  I  had  to  do  was  ask 
for  it  and  promise  to  drive  carefully. 

In  those  years,  I  came  even  closer  to 
my  parents.  They  were  wonderful  to 
me,  they  never  pushed,  they  simply 
explained  right  from  wrong.  "The  rest 
is  up  to  you,"  they  said.  When  the 
mysteries  of  my  body — and  girls' 
bodies — began  to  confuse  me,  I  could 
go  to  my  father.  Calmly,  with  dignity, 
he  discussed  the  physiological  and 
moral  aspects  of  approaching  adult- 
hood. And  he  told  me  I  had  no  right 
to  be  intimate  with  a  girl. 

My  father  wanted  only  my  happiness, 
at  any  sacrifice  to  him.  When  he 
learned  how  I  longed  to  attend  the  high 
school  where  my  friends  were — but  we 
lived  outside  the  zone — he  talked  it 
over  with  my  mother.  Suddenly,  we 
moved.  Mom  went  through  the  labori- 
ous task  of  packing  to  leave  the  house 
she  and  Dad  loved,  and  unpacking  in 
a  strange  house.  Dad  went  to  the  ex- 
pense of  moving  his  laboratory.  He  in- 
gQ        convenienced  his  patients  and  himself, 

just  to  make  me  happy  at  Will  Rogers 

It  was  my  father's  dream,  since  my 
childhood,  that  I  study  medicine.  He 
was  a  third-generation  physician.  And 
his  wonderful,  serious  eyes  used  to 
light  up  at  the  thought  of  the  pleasure 
he'd  have,  the  day  I  became  an  M.D. 

When  I  was  younger,  I  was  left- 
handed.  Dad  taught  me  to  switch. 
"You've  got  to  learn,  son,"  he'd  say. 
"There's  no  such  thing  as  instruments 
for  left-handed  surgeons."  I  learned. 
It  was  a  job  to  use  my  right  hand,  it 
annoyed  me.  But  Dad  taught  me. 

I  remember  we  had  a  big  four-poster 
bed,  and  every  day  we'd  go  up  there. 
He'd  bring  along  a  length  of  surgical 
gut,  and  he'd  teach  me  to  tie  surgical 
knots  with  one  hand  around  a  bed-post. 
I  learned  to  enjoy  those  sessions  and 
that's  a  tribute  to  my  father's  gentle- 
ness, understanding  and  hope  for  me. 

High  school  was  a  breeze.  As  I  look 
back  now,  I  can  see  it's  the  greatest 
time  of  your  life.  Your  parents  look 
after  you,  they  feed  you,  clothe  you, 
give  you  money.  All  you  have  to  do  is 
exist.  I  did  a  pretty  good  job  of  that. 

Senior  year,  I  went  eyeball-crazy 
over  a  girl  who  was  considered  the  class 
beauty.  One  day,  a  buddy  of  mine 
stopped  me.  He  was  waving  a  letter 
and  laughing.  "Your  little  mouse  wrote 
my  little  mouse  that  you're  her  big 

I  was  vain  enough  to  read  it.  "He's 
really  a  doll,"  my  girl  wrote  about  me. 
"I'm  really  in  love  with  him." 

And  then  came  the  line  that  changed 
my  life:  "It  doesn't  make  the  least  bit 
of  difference  to  me  that  he's  adopted." 

Adopted?  Who's  adopted?  She  must 
be  more  of  a  kook  than  I  figured.  I 
wouldn't  think  about  it  anymore.  But, 
driving  home,  the  word  kept  bugging 
me.  "Adopted."  Ridiculous!  Still,  it 
wouldn't  go  away.  That  night,  just 
before  supper,  I  told  Mom  about  the 
letter.  I  knew  it  was  silly — people  were 
always  saying,  "By  gosh,  Doc,  that  boy 
of  yours  is  a  chip  off  the  old  block. 
He's  the  spittin'  image  .  .  ."  My  sister 
even  looked  like  me. 

But  the  greatest  cause  for  my  think- 
ing it  was  all  nonsense  was  my  cocki- 
ness. I  was  squared  away  in  Tulsa. 
I  had  it  made.  I  was  in.  I  was  set.  Man, 
I  had  everything.  I  was  the  kid  with 
the   fast   car   and    all   the   rest   of   it. 

What  was  all  this  adoption  jazz? 

I  wasn't  ready  for  Mom's  answer.  I 
wanted  her  to  laugh  and  tell  me  that 
girl  was  off  her  rocker.  Instead,  Mother 
looked  at  me.  In  her  eyes  was  all  the 
loneliness  and  yearning  the  world  had 
suffered  since  it  began.  Softly,  she 
asked,  "Would  it  make  any  difference 
if  you  were,  John?"  I  know  now  that 
the  question  almost  tore  her  heart  out. 

In  a  flash  it  happened  to  me.  Panic. 
Screaming  up  from  my  guts,  to  my 
stomach,  through  my  chest,  up  to  my 
neck,  into  my  face  and  my  brain.  For 
one  hideous  second,  I  thought  I  was 
going   to   explode. 

Somehow  I  answered  her  question. 
"No.  it  wouldn't  make  any  difference," 

I  said,  barely  able  to  utter  the  words. 
"But  I  want  to  know." 

My  mother  lied  to  me  for  the  first 
time  in  her  life.  She  had  to. 

"No,  honey,"  she  said,  "of  course  not. 
No  boy  could  look  more  like  his  dad 
than  you  do." 

As  crazy  as  my  heart  was  beating,  I 
knew  she  was  lying.  And  Mom  knew 
I  knew  it. 

When  my  father  came  home  and  we 
sat  down  to  dinner,  I  knew  Mom  had 
told  him.  There  wasn't  a  word  spoken. 
We  ate  in  dead  silence. 

When  he  finished,  Dad  said,  "John, 
I'd  like  to  speak  to  you."  He  motioned 
me  to  the  study.  When  we  closed  the 
door  I  looked  at  him  as  though  I  had 
never  seen  him  before  in  my  life. 

Then  he  told  me.  He  tried  to  tell  me, 
I  guess,  the  way  every  foster  father 
tries  to  tell  an  adopted  son  the  truth. 

"John,"  he  said,  "shortly  after  your 
mother  and  I  were  married,  we  learned 
that  we  could  not  have  children.  It  was 
one  of  the  most  terrible  shocks  we  have 
ever  shared.  We  longed  for  a  son  and 
daughter.  We  decided  to  adopt.  I  can't 
tell  you  how  long  we  searched,  the 
heartaches,    the    disappointments. 

"We  didn't  ask  for  the  healthiest 
child  nor  the  best  looking,  but  we  did 
want  a  baby  that  would  be  the  nearest 
thing  to  what  we  felt  our  own  would 
be  like.  We  picked  you  from  hundreds 
o\f  babies,  John,  because  we  couldn't 
help  loving  you  more  than  the  rest. 
Believe  me,  there  is  no  difference,  it's 
exactly  like  you  are  our  own  chi — " 

And  then  I  did  explode! 

Who  are  my  parents? 

"Love!"  I  yelled  at  him.  "Love! 
Don't  say  it!  How  could  you,  when  you 
didn't  think  enough  of  me  to  tell  me 
the  truth?  You've  lied  and  deceived 
me  every  minute  of  my  life!  Why  didn't 
you  tell  me?  Why?  Why?"  I  screamed 
it  at  my  father's  bowed  head. 

"When  you  love  somebody  as  we 
love  you,  John,"  he  said,  "you're 
afraid.  .  .  ." 

"But  for  the  love  of  Heaven,"  I 
yelled,  "you  lived  with  me!  For  seven- 
teen years!  You  know  me  and  you  say 
you  loved  me  and  yet  you  didn't  have 
the  confidence  in  me  to  know  it 
wouldn't  make  any  difference!  God- 
dammit, I  don't  care  that  I'm  adopted. 
Why  didn't  you  trust  me?  Why  couldn't 
you  be  honest?  I've  looked  up  to  you 
all  my  life  and  now  I  find  I  have  a 
fake  father!   That's  what  kills  me!" 

He  shook  his  head  slowly.  "I  couldn't 
know  you  that  well,  John.  I  wanted  to, 
but  no  man  can  see  what's  in  another 
man's  mind.  You're  young,  you're  im- 
pressionable, we  didn't  want  to  take 
a  chance  of  losing  you.  Or  your  sister." 

"Great,"  I  cried.  "That's  just  great! 
Now  I  don't  even  have  a  sister.  Who 
is  she?  Where  did  she  come  from? 
What's  her  name?  What's  my  name?" 
And  the  bitter  truth  hit  me  again.  "You 
said  we're  a  family — but  we're  stran- 
gers! Who  are  my  real  mother  and 
father?"     (Continued    on    page    67) 

Mr**                                                   TISSff 

1mm.  '\^m^   .wv-v* 

^•^W-  -.1                "'*S 

RP"   ;V- 

jj^jrv^^  '             M\    ■- 

i.^1  HMIH 

^K                                                         fll 

JF/ierc  ABC-TV's  lovable 
comic  Soupy  Sales  gets  a  pie 
in  the  face,  he  doesn't 
think  it's  violent!  He — and 
his  viewers — just  say: 


■  You'd  think  the  local  bakers  would  be  delighted  with 
Soupy  Sales.  Soupy  should  be  loved  by  the  oven  boys  for 
his  consumption  of  custard  pies — a  minimum  of  four  a  day 
for  seven  years!  But  the  sad  truth  has  finally  leaked  out. 
The  pies-in-the-face  Soupy  takes  on  television  are  made 
of  shaving  cream  piled  high  in  a  pie  crust.  "I  discovered 
some  time  ago,"  Soupy  explains,  "that  whipped  cream 
sours  under  the  lights  and  the  smell  doesn't  exactly  make 
you  appealing  to  others.  So,  shaving  cream  was  the  answer. 
It  wipes  off  easily.  Of  course,  I've  got  to  keep  my  mouth 
and  eyes  closed,  but  that's  become  an  automatic  reflex 
with  me."  But  Sales  isn't  a  total  loss  to  the  pastrymen, 
anyway.  "I  really  do  dig  pies,"  he  says.  "I'm  hooked  on 
them  and  eat  at  least  a  full  one  a  day."  .  .  .  Soupy — 
whose  daily  comedy  routine  includes  comic  puppet  make- 
believe  and  comedy  situations — was  born  Milton  Hines  in 
Franklinton,  North  Carolina,  35  years  ago.  The  history 
of  the  name  dates  back  to  his  childhood  when  schoolmates 
hung  the  tag  of  "Soup  Hines"  on  him.  ("Sales"  was  just 
pulled  out  of  the  air  because  it  went  well  with  "Soupy.") 
Soupy's  family  moved  to  Huntington,  West  Virginia,  when 
he  was  eight  and  that's  where  he  first  decided  he  wanted 
to  be  an  actor.  He  played  the  role  of  "Peter  Rabbit"  in 
a  school  play — and  was  bitten  by  the  show-business  bug. 
From  that  point  on  he  volunteered  for  all  the  school  theater 
activities.  After  graduation  from  high  school  and  Marshall 

College,  where  he  majored  in  journalism,  Soupy  went  into 
night-club  work  as  an  emcee,  "You  know,"  he  explains, 
"the  kind  who  sprinkles  the  introductions  with  jokes,  which 
usually  aren't  too  funny."  He  had  broken  into  radio  while 
in  college,  broadcasting  a  Man  On  The  Campus  show  three 
times  a  week  for  WHTN,  and  felt  that  radio  was  what  he 
wanted  to  aim  for.  In  1950,  Soupy  started  as  a  deejay  in 
Huntington,  later  went  on  to  Cincinnati,  Cleveland  and 
Detroit,  where  he  scored  big  with  his  Breakfast  Time  With 
Soupy  Sales.  His  success  in  the  Michigan  city  led  to  his 
being  selected  as  a  summer  replacement  for  ABC-TV's 
Kukla,  Fran  And  Ollie  in  1955.  His  Lunch  With  Soupy 
Sales  was  seen  network  for  several  years,  then  dropped 
in  1961,  shortly  after  he  moved  his  activities  to  Hollywood, 
where  his  show  is  seen  Monday  through  Friday,  5:30  to 
6  p.m.  But  his  fans  flooded  ABC-TV  with  letters  after  his 
national  show  was  cancelled,  so  Soupy  has  now  returned 
to  the  network  and  is  seen  Fridays  at  7:30  p.m.  (EST). 
...  A  few  years  back,  there  were  some  protests  from 
viewers  that  Soupy's  television  antics  were  too  violent. 
Soupy  ignored  them.  "As  the  father  of  two  sons — Tony, 
10,  and  Hunt,  8 — I'd  never  do  anything  on  my  show  that 
I  wouldn't  want  them  to  watch.  All  I  can  say  is  that  if 
it's  violent,  it's  a  happy  and  funny  violence.  And,  if  the 
worst  type  of  violence  television  were  to  show  is  a  pie- 
in-the-face,  then  the  medium  could  be   proud." 


Kreakfast  with  Hob 

Wild  games,  unusual  contests  and  hilarious  stunts  are  all  part  of  Bob's  fast-paced  morning  show. 



TV  viewers  in  Fort  Wayne 
have  two  "musts"  for  morning 
— their  steaming  coffee  and 
Bob  Hill  on  WANE-TV 

Bob  Hill  did  his  first  "broadcast" 
from  under  a  table!  And  he  and 
his  audience  never  quite  got  over  it. 
Luckily  for  Bob,  it  changed  the  course 
of  his  life  and  it's  one  of  the  reasons 
why  he  is  such  a  successful  broadcaster 
today.  Here's  how  it  all  happened:  Dur- 
ing World  War  II,  Bob  was  stationed  in 
Chicago  to  learn  the  wiring  of  coastal 
guns.  One  assignment  was  to  build  a 
small  radio  set.  Hill  finished  his  before 
the  rest  of  the  class,  crawled  under  a 
table  and  began  a  play-by-play  descrip- 
tion of  the  World  Series.  The  entire 
class  stopped  working  and  listened  for 
ten  minutes,  until  one  of  them  noticed 
the  absence  of  crowd  noises.  The  in- 
structor was  more  interested  than  an- 
noyed. Said  he,  "If  you  can  keep  an 
audience  interested  for  that  length  of 
time,  you  should  go  into  the  announcing 
business."  Today,  Bob  is  keeping  a 
much  larger  audience  interested  for  a 
much  longer  time,  with  his  popular  daily 
TV  show  Breakfast  In  Fort  Wayne  and 
a  daily  radio  show.  .  .  .  Bob  seems  to 
have  made  most  of  the  big  decisions  of 
his  life  ...  on  the  floor!  The  first  (as 
was  mentioned  previously)  concerned  his 
career.  The  second,  made  even  earlier, 
concerned  his  wife.  Bob  was  attending 
a  high-school  dance  and  started  to  walk 
across  the  gym  floor.  He  slipped,  and  slid 
to  a  position  at  the  feet  of  a  very  at- 
tractive young  girl.  He  asked  her  to 
dance,  and  literally  fell  "head-over-heels" 
in  love  with  her.  Says  Bob,  "We've  been 
married  for  twenty  years  and  I  know 
now  that,  in  this  case,  a  first  impression 
was  the  best  one  I  ever  had."  .  .  .  To- 
day, the  Hills,  whose  family  now  includes 
daughter  Pam,  9,  and  a  bowl  of  gold- 
fish, live  in  a  ranch-type  house  in  the 
suburbs  of  Fort  Wayne.  Bob  likes  to 
play  golf  ("I'm  not  very  good  at  it"), 
swim,  go  boating,  and  take  pictures  with 
his  movie  camera  ("I'm  just  an  amateur 
but  I  love  to  take  pictures  of  my 
family").  He's  off  the  floor  now! 

The  Hills — Bob,  wife  Molly,  Pam — are  close-knit  family,  enjoy  home  life. 


Rae  Deane  and  her  "pals"  happily  entertain 
for  both  kid  and  adult  viewers  of  WJRT-TV 

Fred  Flintstone  (above)  is  welcome  visitor 
to  the  show,  which  is  planned  (right)  by 
Rae,  Frank  Deal  and  director  Bruce  Ruhlen. 


Bachelor-girl  Rae  finds  that  painting  relaxes  her. 

At  home,  Frank  enjoys  listening  to  his  hi-fi  albums. 

Her  pet  chow  "Koko"  is  always  ready  for  a  romp. 

Five  mornings  a  week  on  WJRT,  in  Flint,  Michigan, 
a  wholesome-looking  honey-blonde  steps  before  the  TV 
cameras  with  a  cast  of  delighted  puppet  characters  led 
by  Montgomery  the  lion,  Dilly  the  sole  remaining  "mahat- 
mashoo,"  Sonia  the  witch,  Percy  Quincy  the  dragon,  and 
Herschel  the  lion.  .  .  .  Rae  Deane  Turnage,  the  program's 
hostess,  is  a  Flint  schoolteacher  who  entered  television 
last  September.  It  was  her  first  experience  in  broadcasting, 
but  her  teaching  experience  and  familiarity  with  children's 
songs  and  stories  provided  an  ideal  background.  Behind 
the  puppets  on  the  show  is  the  valuable  second  half  of 
Rae  Deane  And  Friends,  puppeteer  Frank  Deal,  who  also 
doubles  in  brass  on  other  station  assignments.  The  meet- 
ing of  these  two  personalities  has  resulted  in  a  charming 
program  which  has  been  described  as  "kidult" — the  com- 
bination of  children's  characters  who  sometimes  engage 
in  dialogues  of  adult  humor,  allowing  the  group  to  play 
"over  the  shoulder"  to  the  parents  watching.  .  .  .  Although 
Rae  is  essentially  a  television  novice,  puppeteer  Deal  has 
been  in  TV  since  1955.  At  that  time,  he  was  starving  in 
New  York  after  three  years  of  trying  for  steady  work  as 
an   actor.   He   did   work   some  off-Broadway   plays,   includ- 

ing a  major  role  in  "Hippolytus,"  but  had  to  pick  up  odd 
jobs  where  he  could  find  them.  In  1955,  he  decided  to 
enter  TV.  He  held  reservations  about  the  medium,  thought 
it  non-creative  and  bland,  and  entered  it  solely  for  the 
security.  Since  then,  however,  Deal  has  found  it  creative, 
and  a  challenge  for  his  talent  as  an  adroit  puppeteer.  Frank 
enjoys  skiing,  but  has  other  interests  to  occupy  his  mind. 
At  home,  in  his  compact  bachelor's  efficiency  apartment, 
he  does  little  cooking  (except  for  sauerbraten,  which  he 
loves).  He  often  relaxes  with  hi-fi,  books,  and  painting. 
.  .  .  Off  camera,  Rae  lives  in  a  modern  house  containing 
colonial  and  provincial  furniture,  including  several  pieces 
she  made  herself.  She  lives  alone,  sharing  the  house  with 
her  pet  chow  "Koko."  Although  she  doesn't  cook  extensive 
meals,  she  enjoys  preparing  two  favorites — pineapple  up- 
side-down cake  and  terriyaki  steaks.  The  latter  is  a  dish 
she  enjoyed  while  teaching  school  in  Hawaii  during  1956. 
When  she  isn't  at  home,  she's  probably  on  a  neighboring 
ski  slope,  or  working  with  Flint's  community  theater.  She 
acts  as  secretary  for  the  group  and  has  directed  the  music 
for  their  production  of  "Damn  Yankees."  She  also  teaches 
piano    and   speech   correction   in   the   Flint    school   system. 



Grossenheider  discusses  wild  ducks  with  Pat  Fontaine. 

A  little  on  the  "wild"  side  himself,  KMOX-TV's 
Richard  Grossenheider  understands  animals 

He  works  on  a  "diorama"  for  a  museum. 


■  "There  must  be  something  of  the  wild  animal  in  him  .  .  .  something 
very  sensitive  to  sounds,  something  keenly  aware  of  passing  shadows, 
something  ever  on  the  alert  for  signs  and  warnings  .  .  .  How  else  could 
he  understand  animals  so  well?"  The  above  is  a  description  of  Richard 
Grossenheider,  who  appears  each  Saturday  afternoon  on  KMOX-TV's 
Wildlife,  serving  as  a  sort  of  "talking-book-of-knowledge"  on  the  world 
of  animal  life,  in  answer  to  questions  posed  by  the  program's  hostess 
Pat  Fontaine.  .  .  .  Richard,  an  artist-naturalist-photographer,  has 
been  interested  in  animals  ever  since  he  was  old  enough  to  turn  the 
pages  of  wildlife  books  and  pester  his  parents  with  questions  about 
them.  He  pursued  his  studies  on  zoology,  mammalogy  and  related 
subjects  through  college,  until  World  War  II  cut  short  his  education. 
Even  then,  he  put  his  free  time  to  good  use.  While  others  were 
off  on  a  pass  to  the  local  big  cities,  Richard  used  the  hours  to  study  the 
local  tropical  plants  and  animals.  ...  A  great  believer  in  the 
preservation  of  wildlife,  Richard  says,  "All  forms  of  wildlife  and 
plantlife  are  important  to  our  American  heritage,  contributing  a 
wealth  of  knowledge  to  our  standard  of  living  and  happiness.  We  must 
live  in  harmony  with  our  natural  surroundings,  because  they  enrich 
our  lives.  And,"  he  adds  thoughtfully,  "conversation  and  conservation 
go  hand  in  hand."  Richard  himself  is  an  expert  at  both. 

How  Much  Should  a  Husband  Tell  His  Wife? 

(Continued  from  page  60) 

He  shook  his  head  again.  "I  don't 
know,"  he  said.  "We  were  never  told. 
It  didn't  make-  any  difference  to  us." 

"Well,  dammit,  it  makes  a  difference 
to  me!  I  want  to  know  who  I  am!" 

Silence  fell,  like  an  iron  cloak. 

"Why  did  my  mother  give  me 
away?"  I  wanted  to  know.  "What  hap- 
pened? Tell  me!   What  happened?" 

Dad  looked  me  square  in  the  eye. 
"Your  parents  had  to  give  you  up  be- 
cause they  weren't  married." 

That  was  the  final  shock.  I  was 
numb.  AH  I  wanted  was  to  dig  a  hole 
in  the  earth  and  crawl  in  it  and  die. 
Born  out  of  wedlock!  The  unwanted 
hangover,  the  living  and  breathing  em- 
barrassment to  a  man  and  a  woman 
who  didn't  even  have  the  courage  to 
accept  their   penance — me. 

I  looked  up  now  at  my  foster  father, 
and  even  in  my  trance  I  saw  the  near- 
unbearable  pain  that  was  butchering 
his  insides.  He  looked  a  thousand 
years  old. 

The  time  of  despair 

I  stood  up.  "Thanks,"  I  said. 
"Thanks  for  telling  me  what  I  really 
am."  I  walked  out  of  the  study  and 
up  to  my  room. 

There's  an  old  saying:  The  bigger 
they  are,  the  harder  they  fall.  I'd  been 
playing  life  high,  wide  and  handsome 
— the  big  shot!  A  swinger  with  the 
girls,  a  school  athlete  with  the  big 
letter  on  my  sweater,  money  in  my 
pocket,  a  beautiful  home,  the  works. 
As  I  said,  I  had  it  made. 

Then,  in  one  instant,  I  didn't  have 

I  didn't  go  to  school.  I  ate  my  meals 
in  silence.  Days,  I  went  from  one  movie 
house  to  the  other;  nights,  I  stayed  in 
my  room  and  mourned  the  terrible 
thing  that  had  happened  to  me.  To  me 
— never  before  to  anyone  else! 

On  the  third  or  fourth  day,  I  met 
my  best  friend.  I  told  him  the  whole 
story.  Remember,  we  had  been  in- 
separable. He'd  slept  at  my  house,  I'd 
slept  at  his. 

"Oh,  I  knew  you  were  adopted, 
John,"  he  said  casually.  "We  all  did." 

It  was  as  though  he'd  hit  me  with 
a  sledge  hammer.  Even  my  best  friend 
knew!  I  was  so  dizzy  I  had  to  sit  down. 
Eddie  put  his  hand  on  my  arm.  "Jeez, 
Johnnie,  it  doesn't  make  any  difference 
with  the  guys.  You  got  to  know  that. 
If  it  did—" 

I  jumped  up  and  knocked  his  hand 
away.  "What  a  jerk  I've  been,"  I  said 
bitterly.  "The  prize  dummy  of  Tulsa." 
I  walked  away  without  looking  back. 

For  days  after  that,  I  drowned  a 
thousand  times  in  the  pool  of  misery. 

The  most  terrible  part  was  looking 
at  the  desolate,  tormented  faces  of  my 
parents.  I  tried,  but  I  couldn't  bring 
myself  to  call  them  Mom  and  Dad.  I 
just  couldn't  say  the  words.  I  didn't 
know  what  the  hell  to  call  them. 

As  I  look  back,  I  know  they  were 
the  ones  hurt  most.  I  was  just  feeling 
sorry  for  myself.  My  father  was  right, 

I  was  too  impressionable.  But,  at  the 
time,  I  thought  I  was  going  crazy.  I 
felt  as  if  I  were  a  freak  with  two  heads, 
and  everyone  was  looking  at  me  and 
laughing.  I  felt  like  human  rubbish — 
unwanted — retrieved  by  two  people 
only  because  they  couldn't  have  a 
child  of  their  own. 

At  night,  I'd  sit  in  my  room  and 
stare  at  the  walls  and  at  the  things  I 
had  collected  all  the  years  I  thought 
I  was  somebody.  Pictures,  party  sou- 
venirs, my  kid  toys,  my.  books — and  a 
board  of  neatly  tied  surgical  knots. 

Everything  I  once  loved  I  now 
despised.  Phonies,  fakers,  liars,  de- 
ceivers! All  the  words  of  hate  and 
despair  screeched  in  my  head  till  I'd 
get  sick  to  my  stomach  and  throw  up. 
I  couldn't  live  with  them  anymore,  and 
I   couldn't  live   with   myself. 

I  tried  to  imagine  what  my  real 
mother  and  father  looked  like.  If  I 
had  their  images,  I  could  hate  them 
more.  If  I  ever  met  them — ! 

One  night,  toward  the  end  of  the 
second  week,  I  went  to  sleep  so  ex- 
hausted from  hating  that  I  hoped  I'd 
never  wake  up. 

Something  happened  that  night.  I 
don't  know  whether  I  woke  up  in  the 
darkness  and  thought  consciously,  or 
whether  it  was  a  dream.  .  .  .  But  from 
somewhere,  deep  down,  I  saw  Mom 
and  Dad  from  as  far  back  as  I  could 

I  saw  them  and  heard  them  .  .  .  the 
kind  warm  voice  of  my  father  saying, 
"With  your  right  hand,  son,  with  your 
right  hand"  .  .  .  the  quiet,  resolute 
expression  on  his  face  as  he  spanked 
me  when  I  was  a  kid  .  .  .  the  sound  of 
his  pleasant  laughter  when  we  fished, 
or  the  happy  roar  of  his  voice  at  a 
baseball  game  when  we'd  jump  up  at 
a  home  run. 

And  my  mother's  gentleness  as  she 
tucked  me  in  bed  ...  the  reluctance 
in  her  voice  when  she  had  to  inform 
my  father  that  I'd  misbehaved  that 
day  .  .  .  the  sweetness  of  the  songs  she 
used  to  sing  .  .  .  the  loving  tenderness 
of  her  lips  on  my  cheek  when  she  kissed 
me  goodnight. 

It  was  like  watching  a  parade  of  all 
the  ways  they  had  loved  me.  .  .  .  They 
had  made  over  their  lives  to  us— my 
sister  and  me.  .  .  .  There  was  no  pos- 
sible way  they  could  have  been  better 
parents.  .  .  .  Just  taking  me  into  their 
home  was  more  than  my  real  parents 
had  been  willing  to  do.  l 

It  was  then  that  I  realized  what  a 
fool  I  was.  The  torment  and  anguish 
of  the  past  two  weeks  was  of  my  own 
making,  not  theirs.  I  was  a  dummy,  all 
right — but  not  for  the  right  reasons. 

And  in  a  curious  way  I  saw  some- 
thing else,  something  above  and  beyond 
the  comprehension  of  any  natural  child 
of  a  man  and  a  woman:  I  would  never, 
for  as  long  as  I  lived,  ever  have  to 
wonder  whether  I  was  wanted  by  Mom 
and  Dad.  They  had  searched  for  me 
and  found  me.  They  wanted  and  needed 
me  even  before  they  ever  saw  me.  And 
that  love  had  never  faltered. 

To  this  day,  I  don't  know  whether 

my  odd  awakening  came  in  hours  or 
in  an  instant.  But  in  the  morning,  I 
felt  marvelous.  All  my  hate  and  de- 
spair and  self-pity  had  vanished. 

I  came  downstairs,  put  my  arms 
around  my  mother,  kissed  her  a  "Good 
morning,  Mom,"  as  though  nothing 
had  ever  happened. 

She  didn't  cry.  But  the  sun  came  up 
in  her  face.  And  we  both  knew  that 
the  long,  dark  night  was  over. 

My  father  came  in  and  I  said,  "Hi, 
Dad."  He  stopped  in  the  doorway  with 
the  happiest  panic  I've  ever  seen  on 
the  face  of  a  living  person.  He  put  his 
arm  around  me  and  said,  "Hi,  son." 
And  how  the  hell  we  ever  kept  from 
bawling  like  a  couple  of  children,  I'll 
never   know. 

Then  my  sister  walked  in.  She  had 
taken  the  news  of  her  adoption  better 
than  I  ever  did.  That  morning,  all  I 
could  think  of  was  how  badly  I  had 
treated  her. 

She  stood  there  for  a  moment,  sens- 
ing that  something  had  happened.  I 
said,  "C'mon  over  and  sit  next  to  your 

Breakfast  was  a  banquet  that  morn- 
ing. Simple,  but  a  banquet.  And  that's 
the  way  it's  been  since.  The  four  of 
us.  As  happy  a  family  as  God  ever  put 

Do  I  want  to  know  my  natural 
parents?  No.  Or,  more  accurately,  it 
doesn't  matter.  If  my  real  mother  were 
to  walk  in,  I'd  be  interested,  but  there'd 
be  no  love.  She  would  only  satisfy  my 
curiosity,  and  if  she  went  away  again, 
I'd  never  miss  her.  The  same  goes  for 
the  man  she  once  loved. 

They  brought  me  into  the  world.  But 
they  left  me  and  there  is  no  going  back. 
I  have  made  no  attempt  to  find  them 
and  I  never  will. 

These  are  my  parents  .  .  . 

My  father  is  a  doctor  in  Tulsa.  And 
my  mother  is  his  wife.  He  is  seventy- 
one  now,  and  she  is  sixty-eight. 

For  the  rest  of  their  lives,  they  shall 
have  all  the  love  and  attention  I  can 
give  them. 

I  admire  and  respect  my  parents 
more  than  words  can  say.  And  my  grati- 
tude for  what  they  have  given  and 
taught  me  is  too  great  for  expression. 

No  boy,  no  man,  could  ever  have 
had  more.  If  I  lived  to  be  a  hundred, 
I  could  never  give  them  as  much  as 
they  gave  me. 

I  am  grown-up  now.  When  I  go  home 
and  get  off  the  plane,  I  can't  control 
my  eagerness  to  put  my  arms  around 
them  both.  I  embrace  my  mother  as 
all  loving  sons  should. 

And  my  father?  I  walk  right  up  and 
kiss  him  on  the  mouth. 

I'm  not  the  least  bit  ashamed  to  do 

The  hell  with  the  handshake. 

He's  my  father  and  I  love  him. 
— John  Ashley,  as  told  to  Tony  Wall 

John  Ashley  is  co-starred  as  Clipper      R 
Hamilton  in  Straightaway,  as  seen  on 
ABC-TV,  Wednesdays,  at  8  P.M.  EST. 

"I  Can  Never  Make  Up  with  Jack  Paar" 

(Continued  from  page  21) 

A  year  ago,  Ed  Sullivan  called  Jack 
Paar  a  "welsher"  and  then  vowed  to 
say  nothing  more  about  their  feud.  To- 
day, because  of  two  new  developments, 
Ed  is  breaking  his  silence  for  the  first 
time  with  this  exclusive  interview  to  TV 
Radio  Mirror. 

"There  will  never  be  a  reconciliation 
between  Jack  and  me,"  Sullivan  says, 
"we'll  never  be  friends  again. 

"I'm  not  as  angry  as  I  was  then.  Time 
will  cool  you  off.  But  one  thing  is  cer- 
tain, when  Jack  let  out  with  that  display 
the  night  I  refused  to  debate,  he  fin- 
ished us." 

The  new  developments  are  these :  One 
of  TV's  hot  rumors  has  been  that  when 
Jack  retires  from  his  nightly  show  he's 
slated  to  take  over  the  hour  opposite 
Sullivan's  program.  The  reasoning  be- 
hind this  prospect  is  reported  to  be  that 
it  would  give  incentive  to  Paar  and 
would  also  permit  a  running  battle  with 
Sullivan  which  would  bolster  Paar's 

And  the  other  reason  Sullivan  decided 
to  speak  out  was  when  Paar  added  fuel 
to  the  feud's  fires  by  sending  a  "special" 
Christmas  message  to  Ed. 

"I  want  to  send  special  Christmas 
greetings  to  Ed  Sullivan,  Dorothy  Kil- 
gallen,  Walter  Winchell  and  Irv  Kup- 
cinet,"  Jack  said.  They'd  all  been  sub- 
jects of  his  ire  during  the  year. 

"What  about  Jack  Benny?"  someone 
on  the  panel  asked. 

"Oh,  Benny  is  a  friend  of  mine," 
said  Jack,  "I  don't  have  to  send  'special' 
greetings  to  him." 

It  started  over  money 

The  feud,  in  case  anyone  has  managed 
to  forget,  all  began  early  last  March 
when  a  syndicated  television  columnist 
reported  that  Sullivan  had  notified  the 
major  talent  agencies  that,  henceforth, 
any  performer  appearing  on  Paar's  late- 
at-night  NBC  program  for  the  "scale" 
of  $320  would  not  be  entitled  to  more 
than  that  amount  on  his  own  CBS  Sun- 
day night  show — a  show  which  fre- 
quently pays  up  to  $7,500  for  a  guest 

Sullivan's  temper  had  been  triggered 
by  Paar's  on-camera  boasting  that  big- 
name  guests  appeared  on  his  program 
for  $320  after  receiving  checks  in  four 
figures  from  Sullivan. 

As  Sullivan  explained  at  the  time: 
"I  was  in  the  odd  position  of  being  in- 
dicted right  in  front  of  the  network  as 
a  dope." 

Paar  exploded  and  pleaded  his  case 
before  his  audience,  almost  with  tears  in 
his  eyes.  His  show,  he  said,  was  a  late- 
night,  low-budget  production  that 
couldn't  pay  the  money  Ed  shells  out 
each  week.  He  challenged  Sullivan  to 
a  rating  contest;  Ed  countered  by  chal- 
lenging Paar  to  a  debate. 

The  debate  never  came  off.  Ed 
vetoed  it  because  Paar,  according  to 
T  Sullivan,  had  "welshed."  Paar  appar- 
p  ently  backed  down  on  a  format  that 
called  only  for  debate — a  simple  ex- 
change of  arguments  and  rebuttals  on 

their  personal  differences  about  pay 
scales  for  entertainers.  Jack  wanted  to 
have  the  debate  followed  by  a  general 
discussion  between  himself  and  Ed. 

"That  could  have  been  murder  on 
Paar's  program,"  Ed  said.  "I  wanted 
to  talk  about  the  issues  and  only  the 
issues.  I  intended  to  make  my  point 
and  underscore  it.  I  wanted  to  appeal  to 
the  intellect  of  the  audience." 

When  the  debate  failed  to  materialize, 
Paar  blew  off  steam  for  forty-five  min- 
utes on  his  own  show,  calling  Sullivan 
at  the  very  end  "a  liar." 

Misuse  and  abuse? 

Sullivan  ended  his  participation  in 
the  verbal  exchange  by  saying:  "This 
controversy  is  clearly  a  misuse  and 
abuse  of  the  airwaves  and  has  become 
objectionable  to  the  public.  I  will  have 
nothing  more  to  say  on  the  subject." 

Since  the  heat  of  the  March  insults, 
little  has  been  said.  Until  Ed  consented 
to  be  interviewed  by  TV  Radio  Mir- 
ror .  .  . 

When  this  reporter  recently  visited 
Sullivan  in  his  mid-Manhattan  offices, 
his  first  question  was:  "Do  you  mind 
talking  about  Jack  Paar?  Have  you 
patched  up  your  differences?" 

Sullivan,  who  had  been  slouching  in 
a  chair,  was  immediately  on  the  alert. 

"The  answer  to  both  questions  is  no," 
he  said. 

"Has  anything  happened  in  the  past 
year  that  would  make  you  change  your 
opinion  of  Jack?"  we  asked. 

"No,"  Ed  said,  "nothing.  We  haven't 
spoken  to  each  other  in  a  year,  so  noth- 
ing could  happen."  (Sullivan's  last  pub- 
lished opinion  of  Paar  was  that  he  was 
"an  intemperate  name  caller  who  con- 
tinually and  wilfully  distorts  the  true 
issues  of  an  argument.") 

"Okay,  Ed,"  we  said,  "so  all  this 
happened  last  year.  And  you  say  noth- 
ing's changed.  Don't  you  suppose 
there's  a  chance — an  outside  chance — 
that  you  and  Jack  could  kiss  and  make 

Ed  screwed  up  his  face.  "I've  had 
arguments  with  a  lot  of  people  over  the 
years.  As  a  columnist  on  the  Daily 
News,  I've  been  engaged  in  some  pretty 
stiff  battles.  I've  made  enemies  but  I've 
also  made  friends.  And  when  there's 
been  a  falling  out  with  some  of  these 
people  over  the  years,  time  has  tended 



Michael  London  and  family  by  Topix;  Richard 
Chamberlain  color  by  Del  Hayden  of  Vista; 
Vincent  Edwards  black-and-white  by  Globe; 
Jimmy  Durante  and  baby  color  by  Bill  Kobrin; 
Richard  Boone  color  by  Dick  Miller;  Bob  and 
Marilyn  Horton  color  by  Bernard;  Ernie  Kovacs 
by  Don  Ornitz;  Frank  Sinatra  and  Juliet  Prows* 
by  Pictorial  Parade;  John  Ashley  and  Deborah 
Walley  by  Ron  Joy  of  fix;  President  Kennedy 
and  family  by  Ted  Palumbaum  of  Pix;  Judy 
Garland  by  Gene  Daniels  of  Black  Star;  Twist 
Party  with  Connie  Stevens  by  Globe. 

to  heal  the  rift.  Eventually  we've  gotten 
back  together.  At  least  in  most  cases 
this  holds  true. 

"Perhaps  it's  different  when  two  close 
friends  split.  I  hold  to  the  opinion  that 
once  such  a  break-up  occurs,  between 
two  close  friends,  there  is  no  reconcili- 

"At  least  I  know  there'll  be  none  be- 
tween Jack  Paar  and  myself  .  .  ." 

From  the  tone  of  his  voice  when  he 
referred  to  Paar  once  being  a  "close 
friend,"  it  was  apparent  that  Sullivan 
still  feels  a  deep  hurt  over  the  turn  of 

It  was  as  if  he  were  saying — in  an- 
swer to  my  question,  and  to  the  thou- 
sands who  had  written  to  him:  "Once 
Paar  was  my  friend;  he  will  not  be  my 
friend  again.  Once  I  could  count  on 
him;   now  I  only  count  him  out." 

Five  years  ago,  when  Paar  was  fired 
by  CBS,  it  was  Sullivan  who  paid  him 
$5,000  a  show  for  as  many  appearances 
as  he  wished  to  make  on  his  Sunday 
night  vaudeville.  These  appearances 
later  led — either  directly  or  indirectly — 
to  Paar  being  hired  by  NBC  to  take  over 
the  Tonight  show. 

Asked  to  comment  on  his  relationship 
with  Paar  during  this  period,  Sullivan 
replied,  "I'd  rather  not.  It  would  be 
misinterpreted.  What  I  did  ...  I  did  . .  . 
because  we  were  friends.  I  thought  we 
had  a  sound  and  lasting  friendship.  I 
was  wrong." 

"Paar  would  be  tough" 

"What  about  Paar's  rumored  new 
show  opposite  you?  Does  it  worry  you?" 

"Certainly  I  worry,"  Ed  said.  "The 
longer  I'm  on  the  air,  the  greater  the 
worry.  Paar  would  be  tough  competi- 
tion. But  I've  had  tough  competition 

"After  fourteen  years,  I  wish  they'd 
stop  throwing  blockbusters  at  me.  I 
wish  the  rival  networks  would  pick  out 
real  soft  programs  to  oppose  me,  so  I 
could  sit  back  and  relax  for  a  while. 

"When  I  started  my  program  fourteen 
years  ago,  they  said  it  would  never  sur- 
vive. Well,  I'm  there  in  front  of  the 
cameras  every  Sunday  night. 

"First  they  put  the  Comedy  Hour 
against  me.  That  was  a  real  blockbuster, 
with  rotating  stars  such  as  Jimmy  Dur- 
ante, Eddie  Cantor,  and  Martin  and 
Lewis.  Then  it  was  Steve  Allen.  Now 
it's  Walt  Disney.  But  my  ratings  are 
as  good  as  ever. 

"I'm  still  at  the  old  stand,  ready  to 
face  the  next  challenger.  So,  if  it's 
Paar,  I'm  ready.  In  fact,  with  my  pro- 
gram— which  is  entertainment — having 
Paar  on  the  opposite  channel  might 
even  help  me. 

"I  just  love  to  meet  those  block- 
busters head-on." 

And  there  you  are.  Ed  Sullivan  still 
wants  no  part  of  Jack  Paar.  Except, 
maybe,  a  rating  battle.       — Jim  Morse 

The  Ed  Sullivan  Show  is  seen  on  CBS- 
TV,  Sun.,  at  8  P.M.  EST.  The  Jack 
Paar  Show,  on  NBC-TV,  Mon.  through 
Fri.,   beginning   at    11:15    P.M.    EST. 

H.HT  ojunewum 

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"Were  We  Wrong  to  Take  a  Black  Market  Baby  ?" 

(Continued  from  page  23) 
Hopefully  they  had  visited  state  agen- 
cies, and  sadly  they  had  come  away — 
until  a  doctor  had  worked  a  miracle. 

"There's  something  so  wrong  with 
the  system,"  Mike  thought.  "Very,  very 
wrong.  .  .  .  Sure,  it's  wrong  to  sell  a 
baby  like  so  many  pounds  of  hambur- 
ger, just  as  it  is  wrong  to  sell  any 
human  being.  But  this  man  has  brought 
people  happiness.  .  .  .  'Black  Market 
Baby' — words — a  catch  phrase  that's 
a  natural  for  a  headline.  But  what  does 
it  make  me?  What  does  it  make  my 

When  Mike  and  Dodie  eloped,  they 
were  so  much  in  love,  so  excited  at 
their  own  daring,  they  never  even 
thought  about  distant  problems  which 
seemed  irrelevant  in  the  ecstasy  of  the 
moment.  Problems  like:  How  would 
they  pay  the  bills?  How  would  they 
feel  if  they  learned  they  could  have  no 

Dodie  already  had  a  son,  a  little  boy 
born  a  month  after  her  first  husband 
died.  Because  she  had  been  married 
and  had  been  supporting  herself  and 
her  child,  she  felt  that  she  was  more 
mature  than  Mike.  He  was  only  19 
then,  and  she  was  so  afraid  he  didn't 
really  know  what  he  was  doing,  she  had 
almost  called  the  wedding  off. 

As  it  was,  Mike  had  broken  with  his 
family  because  of  Dodie.  His  parents 
had  warned  him,  over  and  over,  that 
he  was  too  young  to  be  so  seriously 
interested  in  a  girl.  Finally,  in  a  tem- 
per, he  stormed  away  from  a  scene  and 
out  of  the  house.  He  rushed  to  Dodie 
and  told  her,  "I  only  want  you.  Please 
marry  me." 

"There's  nothing  I'd  rather  do," 
Dodie  had  told  him  quietly,  "but  I 
couldn't  bear  to  ruin  your  life.  Mike, 
dear,  you're  just  a  boy.  I'm  going  away 
for  a  while,  and,  while  I'm  gone,  think 
carefully  about  the  responsibilities 
you've  asked  to  assume. 

"When  I  come  back,  if  you  still  want 
to  marry  me,  meet  me  at  the  airport. 
I'll  wire  when  I'll  be  in.  If  you  don't 
want  to  marry  me,  just  don't  show  up. 
I  think  my  heart  might  break,  but  it 
would  certainly  break  if  we  were  to 
marry  and — in  a  year  or  two — you  were 

That's  how  it  was.  Dodie  went  away, 
and  Mike  was  as  restless  as  a  caged 
animal.  Then,  when  she  returned,  he 
was  late  to  the  airport  to  meet  her 
because  of  a  flat  tire.  But  she  was  still 
waiting  when  he  got  there,  and  the  look 
in  her  eyes  told  him  that  she  would 
have  waited  for  him  forever. 

"Dodie,"  was  all  Mike  could  say  just 
then.  Later,  on  the  way  to  Mexico,  he 
told  her  over  and  over,  "There's  noth- 
ing else  in  the  world  I  really  want,  so 
long  as  I  have  you." 

All  that  I  want  is  you  . .  . 

For     the     first     several,     wonderful 

months    of    their    marriage,    this    was 

T       entirely  true.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  Mike 

)[       actually  had  very  little  except  Dodie — ■ 

no  money,  no  steady  job  and  no  pro- 

fessional    prospects.    He    loved   Mark, 

Dodie's  son,  but  the  fulfillment  of  his 
days  was  Dodie.  With  her  beside  him, 
nothing  was  wanting. 

He  was  more  sure  than  ever  that 
Dodie  was  all  he'd  ever  need,  the  day 
he  knew  that  she  was  going  to  die.  All 
her  reassurances,  before  she  had  been 
wheeled  into  the  operating  room, 
couldn't  dispel  the  awful  surety  that 
she  was  leaving  him  forever. 

Dodie  had  been  a  nurse  before  they 
married,  and,  when  they  learned  that 
she  needed  an  operation,  she  had  been 
as  cheerfully  reasonable  with  Mike  as 
she  might  have  been  with  a  difficult 
patient.  "Don't  worry  about  anything," 
she  had  told  him,  pressing  her  cheek 
against  his.  "I  know  better  than  you 
that  I'll  be  fine." 

But,  before  Dodie  went  to  the  hos- 
pital, she  had  made  a  request  which 
redoubled  all  his  fears :  "Mike,  darling, 
if  anything  should  happen  to  me  .  .  . 
please,  I'd  like  for  you  to  adopt  Mark." 

The  words  chilled  Mike  like  a 
plunge  into  ice  water.  Of  course,  he'd 
want  to  adopt  Mark.  His  love  for  his 
young  stepson  had  been  increasing 
every  day.  "You  two  are  more  alike 
than  Mark  and  I  are,"  Dodie  had 
fondly  told  them,  every  time  her  men 
were  particularly  sweet  or  particularly 

But  how  could  he  exist  at  all,  without 
Dodie?  He  looked  at  the  little  boy 
already  asleep  and  wondered  whether 
Mark  would  miss  his  mother  half  so 
much  as  Mike  would  miss  his  wife. 

On  the  day  Dodie  went  to  the  hos- 
pital, Mike  felt  that  he  had  already 
lost  her  on  this  earth.  "Oh,  God,"  he 
prayed,  "if  I  can  only  keep  her,  I  won't 
want  anything  else,  ever." 

While  she  was  in  the  operating  room, 
he  felt  as  though  he  were. dying,  too. 
The  world  around  him  was  unreal — 
meaningless — and  when  a  solemn-faced 
doctor  came  out  to  speak  to  him,  the 
world  came  to  an  end. 

Unmistakably,  the  expression  on  the 
doctor's  face  meant  tragic  news.  "Mr. 
Landon,"  he  said,  "I'm  sorry  to  have 
to  tell  you  this." 

Mike  licked  his  lips.  He  fought  a 
ridiculous  impulse  to  lean  over  and  put 
his  head  between  his  knees.  Didn't  that 
prevent  fainting,  help  you  cling  to  your 

"I  did  everything  possible,"  said  the 
doctor,  "but  your  wife — " 

Here  it  comes,  Mike  thought.  /  knew 
it — then  he  heard  the  incredible  words: 
"Your  wife,"  the  doctor  was  saying, 
"can  never  have  another  child." 

Mike  began  to  laugh  wildly.  He 
clapped  the  doctor  on  the  shoulder  and 
pumped  his  hand  up  and  down. 

"How  can  I  thank  you  enough?"  he 
asked  insanely.  He  was  trying  to  thank 
the  doctor  for  not  saying  those  terrible 
words,  Your  wife  is  dead. 

Later,  though,  when  he  told  Dodie 
about  the  scene,  she  laughed  as  hard 
as  her  stitches  would  permit.  "That 
doctor  must  think  you  are  terrible!  I 
know  he  believes  you  hate  children,  you 

"Children,"  Mike  scoffed.  "Who 
wants  children,  as  long  as  I  have  you?" 

But  as  months  passed,  as  Mike  be- 
came established  as  an  actor,  he  and 
Dodie  and  Mark,  too,  discovered  that 
the  Landon  family  did  want  more 
children — lots  of  them. 

How  about  adoption? 

"Honey,  I'm  so  sorry,"  Dodie  told 

He  pulled  her  onto  his  lap.  He  was 
filled  with  gratitude  and  tenderness. 
"Nobody,"  Mike  said  honestly,  "could 
ever  have  given  me  as  much  as  you 

Thinking  back  to  the  days  before 
Dodie's  operation,  Mike  remembered 
that  she  had  asked  him  to  adopt  Mark 
if  she  should  die.  She  must  have  known 
he'd  be  a  good  father. 

She  had  lived,  and  he  had  adopted 
Mark,  just  the  same,  because  by  then 
Mark  was  already  completely  his  own 
in  every  sense  except  the  legal  one. 
"Remember,  Mrs.  Landon,"  the  judge 
had  reminded  Dodie,  "that — although 
this  boy  was  born  to  you — after  the 
adoption,  he  will  be  as  much  Mr.  Lan- 
don's  as  he  is  yours." 

"He's  that  already,"  Dodie  had 
answered  unhesitatingly. 

Mike  knew  from  experience  that  love, 
not  a  transmittal  of  genes,  makes  a  man 
a  father.  He  wasn't  sure  when  he  first 
realized  how  badly  he  wanted  to  adopt 
another  son,  but  the  knowledge  that 
they  must  have  a  second  child  seemed 
to  come  to  Mike  and  Dodie  simul- 
taneously. When  one  of  them  mentioned 
it,  the  other  already  knew  what  was 
about  to  be  said. 

"Let's  have  another  boy,"  Mike 
planned.  "I  like  boys.  Then  we'll  have 
a  girl." 

"Come  off  it,"  Dodie  chided.  "Why 
do  the  boys  get  such  priority?" 

"The  boys  must  be  the  oldest,"  Mike 
explained.  "My  sister  is  older  than  I 
am,  and  it's  rough  on  a  boy  to  have  an 
older  sister.  I  know.  In  fact,  let's  have 
two  more  boys  and  then  a  girl.  Right?" 

"Right!"  Dodie  laughed. 

Although  Mike  wasn't  as  big  a  star 
then  as  he  is  today,  he  had  an  adequate 
income.  He  was  saving  money,  thanks 
to  a  manager,  and  he  could  give  a  child 
financial  security,  as  well  as  the  more 
important  security  bred  of  love. 

He  and  Dodie  were  young,  both  now 
in  good  health,  and  so  it  was  with  ex- 
pectations of  a  reasonably  short  wait 
for  a  baby  that  they  applied  to  an 
adoption  agency. 

"I  wasn't  this  scared  before  I  had 
Mark,"  Dodie  confided. 

"Don't  be  scared,"  Mike  said.  "I  hate 
to  brag,  but  we  are  ideal  parents. 
Doesn't  Mark  have  pets?  Don't  I  go  to 
the  P.T.A.?  What  more  could  a  social 
worker  want  in  screening  prospective 

He  was  half  teasing,  but  half  serious. 
His  boasts  were  anchored  in  fact. 

Mike  and  Dodie  filled  out  papers  and 
papers.  They  were  interviewed  and 
interviewed,  and  they  were  then  sent 
home  to  wait.  Nothing  happened. 

"It  can't  be  much  longer,"  the  Lan- 
dons  told  each  other. 

But,  one  day,  Mike's  patience 
cracked.  "Next  time  we  answer  ques- 
tions,  I'm    going   to    ask    questions   of 

my  own 

Next  time,  facing  a  case  worker 
across  a  sterile  desk,  Mike  asked  point- 
blank:  "Are  we  ever  going  to  get  a 
baby?  We  seem  to  be  having  more 
trouble  than  most  couples.  What's  the 

A  question  of  religion 

The  social  worker  twirled  his  pencil 
on  its  point  and  hesitated,  obviously 
trying  to  think  of  the  best  way  to  state 
facts.  "Mr.  Landon,"  he  said  at  last,  "I 
shall  be  quite  frank,  because  you 
appear  to  be  intelligent.  The  problem 
is  your  religion.  You're  Jewish,  and 
you'll  have  to  wait  until  we  can  find  a 
Jewish  baby." 

"We'll  have  to  do  what?"  Mike 
yelled,  standing  up.  "Wait  until  you've 
found  a  Jewish  baby?  Do  you  know 
haw  long  that  will  be.  It  will  be  for- 
ever. As  you  made  such  a  point  of  men- 
tioning, I  am  Jewish,  so  I  know  what  I 
am  talking  about!  Jewish  families  are 
big,  affectionate  families.  Jewish  people 
don't  desert  their  kids,  no  matter  how 
hard  times  get. 

"They  are  crazy  about  them.  They 
don't  leave  them  on  door  steps  or  in 
the  back  seats  of  cars.  And,  if  a  Jewish 
couple  is  killed  in  a  wreck  or  some- 
thing, dozens  of  grandparents,  aunts, 
uncles  and  cousins  are  eager  to  take 
the  children. 

"Have   you   ever   really   known    any 

Jewish  people,  or  am  I  the  first  one 
you've  met?" 

Mike  was  steaming.  Dodie  futilely 
tugged  at  his  sleeve,  trying  to  calm  him. 
"Hush,"  she  whispered.  "We'll  never 
get  a  baby  this  way." 

But  Mike  kept  going. 

"And  another  thing,"  he  said,  "how 
come  we  can  only  adopt  a  Jewish 
baby?  Will  we  love  that  kind  more 
than  some  other?  Will  it  love  us  more? 
Do  you  think  we'll  only  be  kind  to  a 
child  whose  mother  was  of  my  faith? 

"I  don't  know  about  you,  but  I  can 
love  a  Catholic  baby  or  even  an  atheist 
baby.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  I  never  knew 
that  a  baby  was  born  with  its  religion 
built-in — like  the  size  its  feet  will 
eventually  be!" 

The  agency  representative  was  mak- 
ing hasty  notes,  as  Mike  talked,  and 
occasionally  shaking  his  head.  Un- 
fortunately, Mr.  Landon  was  less  stable 
than  he  had  thought.  Very  unfortunate. 
Such  a  nice-looking  couple,  too. 

As  Mike  and  Dodie  left  the  office, 
Mike  was  penitent.  "Oh,  honey,  I'm 
sorry.  I've  really  fixed  it  so  we'll  never 
get  a  baby!" 

"Maybe,"  Dodie  said,  with  the  first 
note  of  wistfulness  creeping  into  her 
voice,  "we  weren't  intended  to  have 
more  children.  But  it's  hard  to 
accept.  .  .  ." 

"Yes,"  Mike  agreed  solemnly.  "It's 

They  almost  gave  up  hope — but  not 

"I'm  going  to  talk  with  everyone  I 
know,"   Dodie  said,  "and  see  whether 

someone  can  help  us.  I  was  a  nurse,  so 
I  know  doctors,  and  I  worked  for  a 
while  in  a  lawyer's  office,  so  I  know 
some  attorneys.  Somebody,  somewhere, 
may  know  of  a  baby  that  would  just 
adore  to  be  our  little  boy." 

One  day,  Mike  was  on  the  set  and 
looked  around  to  see  Dodie  running 
toward  him.  Since  she  seldom  inter- 
rupted his  work,  he  knew  something 
really  urgent  had  brought  her  to  Para- 
mount. As  she  neared  him,  Mike  saw 
that  she  was  crying  and — since  Dodie 
seldom  cried — her  tears  were  all  the 
more  alarming. 

"Mike,  oh,  Mike,"  she  sobbed.  She 
fell  into  his  arms  shaking  uncontrol- 

"What's  wrong,  Dodie?  What's  hap- 
pened?" Something  must  be  wrong 
with  Mark,  Mike  thought,  and  he  began 
to  tremble,  too.  Nothing  else  could  tear 
Dodie  apart  like  this. 

Softly,  he  smoothed  her  hair.  "Honey, 
tell  me." 

Miracle  in  a  black  market? 

"Mike,"  Dodie  sniffed,  dabbing  at 
her  eyes,  "it's  a  miracle.  We've  just 
had  a  baby." 

Sure  enough,  through  Dodie's  legal 
and  medical  connections,  she  had 
reached  a  doctor  who  knew  of  an 
adoptable  baby.  That  very  day,  the 
doctor  said,  they  could  go  to  the  hos- 
pital and  get  it. 

Mike,  to  his  amazement,  found  that 
he  was  as  weak  and  overwrought  as  his 
wife.  He  would  never  be  able  to  drive 

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a  car  through  afternoon  traffic,  so  he 
called  to  a  friend  and  happily  babbled 
his  request. 

"Take  me  to  the  hospital,"  he  said. 
"I'm  becoming  a  father." 

Staring  through  the  plate-glass  win- 
dow at  a  nursery  full  of  babies,  Mike 
felt  like  a  kid  in  a  candy  store.  They 
were  all  so  cute — and  not  one  of  them 
seemed  concerned  about  Mike's  reli- 
gious faith. 

One  near  the  back  of  the  room  was 
the  prettiest  of  all.  "If  we  could  just 
get  a  baby  like  that  one,"  Mike  said, 

pointing,  "it  would  be  great.  He's  a 

The  doctor's  miracle  was  even  more 
complete  than  Dodie  had  imagined — 
because  the  beautiful  baby  at  the  back 
of  the  nursery  was  the  one  that  was 
brought  out  to  them. 

Mike  paid  some  legal  and  medical 
fees — but  no  more,  he  reasoned,  than 
he  would  have  paid  if  the  child  had 
been  born  to  Dodie.  And  no  price  was 
too  high  to  pay  for  a  son. 

Now,  the  words  "Black  Market 
Baby"  made  him  sick. 

Suppose  his  son  had  been  left  in  an 
institution  because  of  some  techni- 
cality !  Call  it  what  you  like,  the  miracle 
had  brought  the  baby  to  him,  and  a 
miracle  like  that  couldn't  really  be 

Come  to  think  of  it,  what  could  be 
wrong — what  stigma  could  possibly  be 
attached  to  a  child  who  means  as  much 
as  Josh  to  Mike  and  Dodie? 

— Nancy  Anderson 

Mike  co-stars  in  Bonanza,  colorcast  on 
NBC-TV,  Sun.,  from  9  to  10  P.M.  EST. 

Is  It  Friendship  or  Is  It  . 

{Continued  from  page  30) 

In  an  exclusive  interview  with  Burr, 
we  tried  to  pin  down  some  definite  ad- 
mission of  a  serious  romance.  His  an- 
swers did  point  to  more  than  the  usual 
casual  Hollywood  "friendship"  where 
an  actor  and  actress  are  in  secret  ca- 
hoots to  date  and  be  seen  on  the  town 
purely  for  purposes  of  attracting  pho- 
tographers and  roving  reporters.  Here 
are  a  few  samples  of  how  the  tables 
were  turned  on  Perry  Mason  Burr, 
when  we  put  him  in  the  witness  box. 

Question:  How  did  you  first  meet 
Barbara  Stanwyck? 

Answer:  We  were  cast  as  co-stars  in 
a  radio  show,  and  after  taking  one  look 
at  her,  I  forgot  my  lines.  We  first  met 
socially  at  a  dinner  party  given  by 
Helen  Ferguson,  one-time  movie  star 
and  now  a  leading  publicist.  From  all 
I've  been  told  it  was  a  lavish,  delight- 
ful, memorable  party.  But  all  I  remem- 
ber of  the  evening  is  Miss  Stanwyck. 
And  how  lovely  she  looked  in  that  pink 
gown  .  .  . 

Question:  What  qualities  most  at- 
tract you  to  a  woman? 

Answer:  The  qualities  possessed  by 
Barbara  Stanwyck. 

Question:  Could  you  give  a  "for  in- 

Answer:  I  can  give  some.  It  wo'uld 
take  too  long  to  give  all.  Her  forthright- 
ness,  her  complete  awareness  of  every- 
thing within  sight  or  sound,  her 
absolute  professionalism  in  her  work, 
her  talent  and  dedication  to  the  job  at 
hand,  her  perception  of  the  needs  and 
wants  of  her  fellow  workers  and  her 
kindness  to  them,  her  absolute  honesty 
with  herself  and  those  around  her,  her 
charm,  her  brains,  her  humor  and, 
above  all,  her  supreme  and  unsurpassed 
femininity  .  .  . 

Question:  Do  you  see  her  often? 

Answer:  I  can  see  what  you're  lead- 
ing up  to.  Well,  I  don't  see  her  often 
enough.  She  has  a  rigorous  schedule  of 
work  and  so  have  I.  Our  routines  are  so 
carefully  timed  that,  as  a  result,  we 
have  to  forego  some  of  the  best  things 
in  life.  The  future  may  give  us  more  op- 
portunity to  be  together. 

Question:  To  get  off  the  subject  a 
moment,  you're  an  art  collector  and  it's 
known  you  have  a  real  passion  for 
painting  and  sculpture.  Does  Miss 
t       Stanwyck    share    that    interest?    What 


Answer:  I'd  say  our  interests  in  art 
run    parallel.    We    both   enjoy    a   very 

broad  spectrum  of  Old  Masters  and  con- 
temporary— even  experimental — work. 

Question:  What  other  interests  do 
you  share? 

Answer:  Music,  theater,  literature, 
politics,  dancing,  good  food,  the  out? 
doors,  boating,  fishing,  horses. 

Question:  How  do  you  account  for 
Miss  Stanwyck's  long  hold  on  the  affec- 
tion of  the  public? 

Answer:  Well,  there  are  the  qualities 
of  character  that  I  outlined  before.  But 
aside  from  her  great  talent  and  dedica- 
tion, any  man,  woman  or  child  watch- 
ing a  Stanwyck  performance  senses  at 
once  the  unforced  sincerity  and  truth- 
fulness of  her  interpretations.  On  or  off 
screen,  she  is  a  magnificent  human  be- 
ing ..  . 

Question:  Do  you  feel  you  might 
marry  again,  and  what  would  you  want 
from  it  if  you  took  the  step  again? 

Answer:  So  at  last  we  come  to  the 
big  question  you've  been  leading  up  to. 
Well,  ■  I'm  not  going  to  relate  this  di- 
rectly to  Barbara  Stanwyck.  But  I  will 
say  that  I  do  hope  to  marry  again. 
When  I  do,  I'd  hope  to  get  from  it  what 
I  always  desired — the  opportunity  to 
love  someone  and  be  loved  in  return. 

Question:  One  last  question.  When 
Perry  Mason  leaves  the  air  eventually, 
what  are  your  plans? 

Answer:  I'd  like  a  good  solid  two 
weeks'  vacation.  After  that,  I  have  no 
concrete  plans  just  yet.  But  projecting 
myself  into  the  future  for  a  moment,  I 
wouldn't  ask  anything  better  than  to  do 
a  couple  of  shows  a  year  with  Barbara 
Stanwyck — and  that  goes  for  the  next 
fifty  years.  I  view  that  prospect  as  a 
most  agreeable  future. 

Barbara's  side  of  it 

Inasmuch  as  Missy  Stanwyck,  always 
reticent,  was  in  the  hospital  with  a  case 
of  virus  pneumonia  at  this  time,  a  thor- 
ough interview  with  her  was  impossible. 
Burr,  however,  had  been  a  regular  bed- 
side visitor — especially  considering  the 
pressure  on  his  time — and  he  sent  loads 
of  flowers. 

And  Barbara  did  say:  "In  the  past 
I've  said  that  Hollywood  is  essentially 
a  lonely  town  and  stardom  makes  it 
even  lonelier.  I  still  believe  that's  true. 
But  it  does  help  to  have  a  friend  as 
dear  and  devoted  as  Ray  Burr."  Would 
she  go  so  far  as  to  suggest  that  such  a 
friendship  could  ripen  into  love?  With 
her  celebrated   candor,  she  replied   at 

once,  "I'd  suggest  nothing  of  the  sort. 
I've  always  believed  that  the  words 
friend  and  love  are  taken  too  lightly.  I 
don't  take  my  friendship  with  Ray 
lightly  and  that's  all  I  care  to  suggest. 
Let  me  say  that  when  you  are  walled  off 
for  the  time  being,  as  I  am  now,  from 
your  friends  and  dear  ones,  any  town, 
not  just  Hollywood,  seems  the  loneliest 
place  on  earth.  Work  is  another  such 
wall.  It  brings  people  together  some- 
times. It  did  Ray  and  myself.  But  it 
also  divides  with  respect  to  time  and 
opportunity  for  seeing  friends  and  ex- 
change of  experiences  .  .  ." 

When  we  asked  her  what  she  ad- 
mired in  Raymond  Burr,  her  answer 
was  less  evasive  and  more  to  the  point. 
"Who  wouldn't  admire  a  man  of  his 
calibre?  He's  fascinating,  a  man  who 
mingles  an  exquisite  sense  of  humor 
with  great  knowledge  both  of  books 
and  current  events.  And  his  humanity! 
His  consideration!  Last  year  when  we 
were  both  up  for  Emmys,  he  took  me  to 
the  Awards  affair.  On  the  way  he  bet 
me  a  dollar  that  I'd  win.  His  concern 
was  completely  for  me,  to  calm  my 
nerves  and  give  me  confidence.  You 
know  he  won  an  Emmy,  too,  that  night, 
but  from  his  actions  when  I  won,  you'd 
think  that  was  the  sole  reason  for  his 
being  there.  His  many  acts  of  kindness 
have  been  told  before.  They're,  well 
known,  not  through  his  lips.  Charity, 
good  causes,  he's  always  ready  to  do  his 
share.  When  Bill  Talman  got  into  trou- 
ble with  the  network,  it  was  Ray  who 
went  to  bat  for  him  and  recovered  his 
job.  This  is  a  man  with  a  great  heart, 
a  great  talent,  and  an  instinct  for  good- 
ness that  is  not  as  stylish  nowadays  as 
it  should  be,  I'm  afraid  .  .  ." 

When  we  told  her  that  Burr  had  de- 
clared that  he'd  like  to  do  shows  with 
her  for  the  next  fifty  years,  Barbara 
smiled  enigmatically.  "I'm  not  a  teen- 
ager, you  know.  I  don't  think  I  ought  to 
look  forward  to  fifty  years  of  anything 
.  .  .  but  I  do  hope,  I  do  believe  that  my 
friendship  with  Ray  will  last  as  long  as 
I  do." 

For  those  who  would  like  a  blunt, 
straight  yes  or  no  as  to  whether  a  pos- 
sible marriage  is  brewing,  this  must  be 
said  in  explanation.  The  tragic  mar- 
riages of  both  Ray  and  Missy,  which 
might  have  wrecked  the  lives  of  weaker 
characters,  cause  them  to  proceed  with 
caution  along  a  path  strewn  so  plenti- 
fully with  the  broken  marriages  of  show 
business.  Burr's  first  wife,  British-born 

Annette  Sutherland,  died  in  the  same 
plane  crash  that  killed  Leslie  Howard 
in  1943.  A  son  by  that  marriage,  Mi- 
chael Evan,  died  of  leukemia  when  he 
was  only  ten.  Burr,  in  his  loneliness 
and  sorrow,  married  Isabella  Ward  in 
1947,  but  they  were  soon  divorced. 
In  1950,  he  tried  again,  this  time  with 
Laura  Morgan.  They  were  preparing 
for  a  honeymoon,  unfortunately  post- 
poned several  times,  when  she  took 
sick.  It  was  cancer,  and  death  came 
again  into  Burr's  life. 

Barbara,  on  her  side,  was  an  orphan 
who  fought  her  way  to  young  woman- 
hood in  Brooklyn,  lacking  the  love  and 
protection  of  a  mother  and  father.  She 
was  only  too  eager  for  someone  of  her 
own  to  love,  someone  who  would  cher- 
ish her,  when  she  met  Frank  Fay.  Fay 
was  one  of  Broadway's  brightest  stars, 
while  Barbara  was  still  in  her  teens  but 
rising  rapidly  in  show  business.  He  was 
her  first,  her  greatest  love,  but  the  mar- 
riage was  a  disaster.  Perhaps  because 
Barbara's  career  was  taking  a  meteoric 
turn  in  films  while  Frank's  had  sadly 
declined,  a  bitterness  arose,  wholly  on 
his  side.  That  she  tried,  in  spite  of  hu- 
miliations and  rebuffs,  to  keep  the  flame 
alive,  has  been  testified  to  by  mutual 
friends.  The  divorce  was  inevitable. 
Barbara  suffered,  but  suffering  lent  her 
panther-like  grace  and  a  new  dignity. 
Then  Robert  Taylor  hove  into  sight  on 
her  horizon.  She  fell  in  love  again  and 
they  were  married.  It  could  not  have 
been  too  happy  a  time  for  her.  She 
speaks  even  less  about  Bob  than  she 
will  about  Frank. 

One  ironic  aspect  of  this  Burr-Stan- 
wyck "friendship"  is  based  on  a  dis- 
parity in  their  ages.  Ray  is  several 
years  younger  than  Barbara.  Although 
the  vast  majority  of  people  are  all  for 
him,  a  very  few  have  also  spoken  about 
the  inadvisability  of  such  a  relation- 
ship, if  or  when  it  grows  more  serious. 
"He's  too  young  for  her,"  they  whisper. 
In  this  connection,  it  might  be  well  to 
recall  that  when  Burr  was  dating  Na- 
talie Wood  in  1955,  this  same  group 
commented  then,  "He's  too  old  for 
her  .  .  ."  Burr  laughs  contemptuously 
at  both  opinions.  His  attitude  then  was, 
"Natalie's  very  mature  for  her  age," 
And  now,  "Nobody's  as  young  as  Bar- 
bara Stanwyck  .  .  ." 

Perhaps  the  best  way  to  sum  up  this 
"maybe  romance"  is  to  quote  an  elder 
statesman  and  seasoned  observer  of 
Hollywood.  Prefering  to  remain  anony- 
mous because  of  his  "respect  for  both 
of  these  fine  performers,"  he  made  this 
wry  comment: 

"Burr  and  Stanwyck  are  aware  of  the 
old  axiom  of  the  art  world,  'Never  tam- 
per with  a  masterpiece  .  .  .  you  can 
only  harm  it.'  I  think  that's  the  reason 
for  their  posture  of  defense  against  a 
world  that,  in  all  eagerness  for  their 
happiness,  would  like  to  force  an  ad- 
mission of  love  from  them.  If  there  is 
love  budding  or  coming  to  flower  be- 
tween these  two  great  artists  and  won- 
derful human  beings,  they  are  going  to 
guard  it  jealously  and  are  not  likely  to 
risk  it  by  exposing  it  to  a  premature 
frost."  — Eunice  Field 

Burr  stars  as  Perry  Mason,  CBS-TV, 
Sat.,    from    7:30    to    8:30    P.M.    EST. 




In  the  operating  room  they  were  doctor  and  nurse,  part  of  a 
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Heart  to  Heart  and  Nose  to  Nose 

(Continued  from  page  28) 
as  gold  at  the  chris'nin,"  Jimmy 
chuckled,  frugally  lighting  his  inch- 
long  cigar  stub,  "but  on  the  church  steps 
beforehand  she  made  like  a  high  so- 
prano. .  .  .  We'll  give  her  a  good  home. 
The  baby's  mother  wants  us  to  have 
her.  But,"  he  sighed  philosophically, 
"the  adoption  is  in  the  hands  of  the 
good  Lord." 

The  quiet  home  where  we  talked 
seemed  the  least  likely  of  places  to  find 
the  piano-breaking,  ex-speakeasy  and 
night-club  veteran  entertainer.  Actually, 
Jimmy  Durante  commutes  every  day 
between  two  houses — the  Beverly  Hills 
daytime  "office-house"  and  another  high 
in  the  Hollywood  Hills.  Marriage  has 
caused  complications  in  his  real-estate 
holdings.  It  appears  that  Margie  refuses 
to  give  up  the  elegant  hilltop  modern 
house,  off  the  Sunset  Strip,  which 
Jimmy  bought  for  her  a  few  years  ago. 

He,  however,  is  reluctant  to  leave  his 
bachelor  home,  the  sedate,  shingled 
ranch-type  residence  where  he  has  lived 
since  1945.  "Jimmy  holds  onto  it,"  says 
a  pal,  "because  he  likes  the  shower 
bath."  But  the  Schnoz  complains  in 
mock  anger,  "I'm  the  only  husband  in 
California  who  is  keeping  his-and-hers 
houses  and  swimming  pools!  One  of  us 
has  got  to  move — but  Margie  says  it 
won't  be  her." 

We  sat  in  the  Early-American  break- 
fast room,  just  off  an  immaculate 
kitchen.  "It's  a  good  thing  we  got  two 
houses,  really,"  Jimmy  conceded,  with 
a  roguish  wink.  "Can  you  imagine  a 
baby  sleeping  here?"  He  nodded  toward 
the  living  room,  where  a  three-ring  cir- 
cus appeared  to  be  in  progress.  Jimmy 
had  been  rehearsing  for  "Jumbo"  at 
MGM  and  then  rushed  home  to  rehearse 
for  The  Ed  Sullivan  Show.  Writers, 
arrangers,  musicians,  press  agents  and 
assorted  CBS  personnel  were  part  of 
the  mob  scene  which  always  surrounds 
the  beloved  comedian.  The  rest  of  his 
show-business  family  appeared  on  the 
rough  edge  of  exhaustion,  but  Durante 
was  scarcely  winded. 

New  life  in  the  act 

"Jimmy  the'  Well-Dressed  Man"— 
attired  in  baggy  slacks  and  a  neat  navy- 
blue  Italian  sweater — executed  a  gay 
buck-and-wing  as  he  joined  me,  then  sat 
down  to  talk.  A  tiny  man  with  a  wisp 
of  gray  hair  decorating  his  skull,  youth- 
ful blue  eyes  and  a  ready  smile  which 
express  the  essential  kindness  of  his 
nature,  he  told  of  the  changes  in  his  and 
Margie's  routine  since  the  baby  came. 
He  spoke  touchingly  of  the  miracle  of 
a  new  life  and  the  tenderness  he  and 
Marge  felt  for  this  tiny  addition  to  their 

But,  being  Durante,  he  couldn't  re- 
frain from  having  his  little  joke.  "I  tell 
ya,  it's  moider!"  he  cried,  with  a  raspy 
chuckle,  his  arms  outstretched.  "I'm  a 
noivous  wretch.  We  didn't  have  a  thing 
t  ready.  Margie  rushes  me  out  to  the 
J{  drugstore  with  a  list  an  arm  long. 
'Didn't  I  tell  you  Johnson's  baby  erl?' 
she  cries.  'Erl  is  erl,'  I  says,  but  back  I 

goes.  I  tell  ya,  it's  not  our  house  any- 
more. With  diapers.  And  bottles.  And 
sterilizers.  And  2  a.m.  feedings.  I  can't 
smoke  my  cigars  anywhere  near  the 
baby;  I  can't  keep  'em  in  the  ice  box, 
neither.  No  pyanna  playin',  no  noise. 
No  racing  forms  in  the  nursery.  Why? 
Germs!  That's  why.  .  .  .  Marge  and  Dr. 
Zoll  is  in  charge;  I  don't  say  a  woid." 
Suddenly,  the  parakeet  behind  Jimmy 
fluttered  and  cried  out,  "I  gotta  millyan 
of  'em."  Jimmy  greeted  the  interruption 
with  an  indignant  stare  and  shouted 
hoarsely,  "Everybody  wantsa  get  inna 
da  act."  The  bird  subsided  and  Jimmy 
continued  with  his  recollections  of  the 
first  time  little  Cecilia,  in  a  new  environ- 
ment, cried  all  night  and  he  walked  the 
floor  with  her.  It  was  a  convulsing  story, 
complete  with  Jimmy's  marvelous  sound 
effects  of  a  crying  baby.  But,  along 
about  3  a.m.,  when  the  baby  added 
some  new  sounds  to  her  wailing,  Margie 
had  become  frightened. 

A  mortifyin'  crisis 

"She  tells  me,  'Ya  gotta  call  the  doc- 
tor,' "  explained  Jimmy.  "I  was  ashamed 
to  wake  him  but  finally  I  did,  begging 
him  to  come  right  over.  Immediately 
the  baby  quieted  down  and  I  phoned, 
saying,  'Doc,  you  don't  hafta  come.'  But 
Dr.  Zoll  says,  T  got  my  pants'  on.'  So  I 
says,  'Take  off  da  pants.'  Back  and  fort' 
we  go,  till  he  agrees  to  go  back  to  sleep. 
Then,  the  baby  starts  that  'chu,  chu, 
chu'  sound  again.  I  was  mortified.  I 
don't  drink,  but  I  had  to  take  a  coupla 
sherries.  Next  morning,  Dr.  Zoll  comes 
and  he  finds  nuttin'  wrong — just  like  he 

But  Durante  can  be  a  serious  man  off 
stage,  when  the  occasion  calls  for  it. 
In  detailing  what  Cecilia  means  to  him, 
he  forgot  his  cyclonic  nonsense.  He 
worried  that  people  might  think  he  was 
using  the  baby  for  a  publicity  gimmick 
or  as  merely  another  hobby,  like  his 
addiction  to  horse  races  and  wagering 
a  buck  now  and  then  at  Las  Vegas.  He 
talked  of  his  pleasure  in  watching  how 
naturally  Marge  handled  the  infant, 
even  though  the  whole  experience  is  a 
new  one  to  her. 

"The  main  thing  is  not  to  sped  a 
baby,"  Schnozzola  declared.  "You  can't 
give  a  child  too  much  love,  but  you  can 
give  him  so  many  things  that  he  never 
learns  to  go  out  for  what  he  wants.  In 
my  day,  we  were  willing  to  work.  We 
started  performing  in  beer  parlors,  in 
burlesque,  on  street  corners.  Anywhere 
people  would  listen  to  us.  I  got  my  pro- 
fessional start  at  seventeen,  playing 
piano  for  $25  a  week,  in  1910.  They 
kept  me  at  that  piano  like  I  was  chained 
to  it,"  Jimmy  chuckled.  "One  night  I 
got  up  for  a  coupla  minutes  to  go  to 
the  washroom  and  the  manager  comes 
over  to  me  and  says,  'What  are  you 
tryin'  to  do — take  advantage?'" 

Jimmy  spoke  of  his  own  brothers  and 
sisters,  now  departed,  of  his  nephews 
and  nieces  who  are  bringing  up  their 
children.  "I  help  out  where  it  is 
needed,"  Jimmy  declared,  "and  they 
can  always  count  on  me.  I  could  pay  off 

their  mortgages,  but  it  wouldn't  be 
good  for  them."  Jimmy  is  known  as 
one  of  the  softest  touches  in  show 
business.  He  never  turns  his  back  on  a 
sad  story  and  he  does  enormous  works 
of  unpublicized  charity.  Much  of  this 
stems  from  his  strong  religious  beliefs. 
A  devout  Catholic  who  never  missss 
Mass,  he  always  visits  the  grave  of  his 
late  wife,  Jeanne,  after  church  on  Sun- 
days, though  she  passed  away  eighteen 
years  ago. 

The  gentle  clown  has  always  had  a 
soft  place  in  his  heart  for  children,  too, 
whether  relatives  or  the  offspring  of 
friends.  Vivacious,  pretty  Margie  re- 
calls an  incident  that  happened  some 
years  ago.  "We  were  visiting  some 
friends  at  Del  Mar  and  the  conversation 
centered  on  babies.  Our  friends,  expect- 
ing a  new  arrival,  were  jokingly  be- 
moaning the  future — the  2  a.m.  feedings 
and  the  necessity  for  waking  up  early 
each  morning.  'Well,  if  you  don't  want 
that  baby,'  I  said,  needling  them,  'I'll 
take  it.' 

"  'Yeah,  that's  right,'  Jimmy  chimed 
in,  'we'll  take  it.'  Our  host  reminded 
Jimmy  that  you  had  to  be  married  be- 
fore you  could  adopt  a  child.  'Well, 
we're  gonna  get  married,  ain't  we?' 
Jimmy  asked,  looking  at  me.  It  was  the 
nicest  proposal  I  ever  had!  Naturally, 
when  Jimmy  told  the  press,  I  was 
delighted,  except  for  one  omission — he 
didn't  mention  the  date  of  marriage. 
That  was  back  in  1950."  At  Christmas 
time,  he  presented  Margie  with  a  ring 
set  with  two  diamonds.  When  she  asked 
him  coyly  if  that  meant  they  were  en- 
gaged, Durante  teased,  "Whatza  matter, 
doesn't  it  fit  on  your  pinky?" 

The  long,  long  bridal  path 

Six  years  later,  Jimmy  finally  mus- 
tered the  courage  to  announce  that  they 
would  be  married  the  following  year. 
The  betrothal  stretched  out  over  the 
next  four  years,  though  Jimmy  placed 
a  huge  diamond  on  Margie's  correct 
finger.  When  finally — on  December  14, 
1960 — the  lovable  little  man  said  "I  do" 
to  his  pretty,  redheaded  fiancee,  it  cul- 
minated one  of  the  longest  and  truest 
love  stories  of  the  theatrical  world. 
They'd  met  at  the  Copacabana  in  New 
York  in  1944,  when  Jimmy  was  the 
world-famous  star  of  the  show  and 
young  Margie  was  a  combination 
switchboard  operator  and  hat-check 

Later,  in  Hollywood,  Margie  acted  in 
a  few  TV  plays  and  movies.  An  attrac- 
tive and  witty  woman,  she  could  have 
had  many  suitors.  But  there  was  never 
anyone  but  the  Schnoz  for  her — 
though  it  wasn't  altogether  a  peaceful 
romance!  Like  most  sweethearts,  they 
battled  and  made  up,  then  battled 
again.  Naturally,  there  was  much  specu- 
lation as  to  why  the  marriage  didn't  take 
place  years  ago.  Some  friends  main- 
tained that  Jimmy,  following  the  death 
of  his  first  wife,  believed  he  was  meant 
to  live  out  his  days  as  a  bachelor. 

According  to  Margie,  though,  Jimmy 
was  "afraid  of  marriage.  He'd  become 


so  set  in  his  bachelor  habits,  he  quaked 
at  the  thought  of  someone  tossing  his 
cigars  out  of  the  refrigerator  or  laying 
down  the  law  when  he  scattered  racing 
forms  all  over  the  living-room  couch." 
After  they'd  been  (as  Jimmy  put  it) 
"gonna  together"  for  years,  Margie 
decided  the  time  had  come  for  direct 
action.  "When  are  we  going  to  get 
married?"  she  asked.  "Married?" 
Jimmy  cried,  pretending  to  be  shocked. 
"Why,  we  hardly  know  each  other." 

When  Jimmy  speaks  of  his  headline- 
making  marriage,  he  can  be  as  senti- 
mental as  a  Lawrence  Welk  bubble, 
though  his  natural  wit  keeps  popping 
the  cork,  too.  Asked  how  he  liked 
married  life,  Durante  wobbled  his  head, 
chewed  hard  on  his  stub  of  cigar, 
flapped  his  arms  like  a  pelican  and 
sneered:  "Hah!  Married  life  is  a  lot 
of  boidens.  Let  me  tell  you  about  that 
day  Margie  and  me  tied  the  knot.  There 
was  such  interest  in  us  that  I  was  plain 
flapperplastered.  Why,  when  I  got  to  the 
church  and  saw  that  mob  and  those 
photographers  and  newsreel  men  and 
reporters,  for  a  minute  I  thought  I  was 

"Cooshlaff?"  I  echoed,  perplexed. 

"Yeah,  you  know,  the  Primer  of 

Jimmy  leaned  back  reflectively  in  his 
chair,  toyed  with  a  spoon  on  the  bright 
red  place  mat,  and  a  faraway  look  came 
in  his  eyes.  "It's  been  a  wonderful  year 
— this  first  year  of  marriage — and  now, 
with  a  cute  little  baby  girl,  it's  even 
more  perfect.  Everywhere  my  little  gang 
and  I  performed,  the  audience  was  great. 
St.  Louis,  Vegas,  Miami,  Tahoe,  New 
York — everywhere  ...  I  took  along 
thirteen  pals.  I  woulda  brought  more, 
only  I  was  still  on  my  honeymoon,"  he 
ended  with  mock  coyness. 

Everyone  but  Pierre 

It's  been  a  long,  happy  honeymoon 
for  Margie,  too.  "It's  been  great — every 
step  of  the  way,"  she  confided.  "Since 
Cecilia  came,  Jimmy  has  been  on  Cloud 
Five.  That  guy — he's  in  a  dream.  He's 
even  a  better  pop  than  I  thought  he'd 
be,  so  gentle,  so  proud.  We've  both 
always  wanted  a  baby  and  we're  so 
happy.  All  but  our  French  poodle, 
'Pierre,'  who's  very  jealous.  He  held 
first  place  before  the  baby  came.  But 
I'm  sure  he'll  change." 

Mrs.  Durante  admitted  she  had 
helped  a  cousin  take  care  of  her  own 
recent  baby,  to  get  practice  in  caring 
for  the  new  little  Durante.  She  was 
given  all  kinds  of  advice  from  their 
close  circle  of  friends — many  of  whom 
had  no  children  of  their  own.  As  soon 
as  Jimmy's  longtime  pals  heard  of  the 
new  arrival,  they  sent  Cecilia  every 
kind  of  toy  ranging  from  dolls  to  swings 
to  tricycles.  "Ain't  she  cute?"  Jimmy 
asked  everyone  proudly.  "Look  at  those 
big  brown  eyes  and  that  red  hair!  She 
looks  like  me  when  I  was  a  baby — all 
except  for  the  nose.  .  .  ." 

Before  I  left,  I  asked  Jimmy  if  he 
thought  the  nose  would  grow.  His 
answer  was  to  crinkle  up  his  face  in  a 
big  wink.  After  all,  we  both  knew:  A 
nose  by  any  other  size  would  smell  as 
sweet.  — The  End 

Debbie  Talks! 

In  a  candid  interview,  Debbie  Reynolds  talks  about  her 
life — past,  present,  and  future.  She  reveals  all  about 
her  role  as  the  wife  of  Harry  Karl,  her  problems  with 
her  children,  her  hopes  for  the  future,  the  importance 
religion  has  played  in  her  life,  and  more.  Don't  miss  it . . . 

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What  TV  Is  Doing  to  Jackie  and  Her  Children 

(Continued  from  page  46) 
by  applying  sound  psychological  prin- 
ciples to  the  Kennedys'  attitudes,  their 
own  backgrounds,  and  the  demonstrable 
effects  of  similar  spotlights  on  the 
children  of  other  famous  parents. 

This  psychological  interpretation  and 
analysis  will  be  in  italics — like  this. 

It's  well-known  that  Jackie  Kennedy 
is  keenly  aware  of  the  importance  of 
being  a  good  mother.  "If  you  bungle 
raising  your  children,"  she  has  said, 
"I  don't  think  whatever  else  you  do 
well  matters  very  much." 

Strong  words  from  a  highly  sensitive, 
intelligent  young  woman  who  writes, 
paints,  and  speaks  several  languages 
fluently!  But  there's  obviously  much 
more  to  our  First  Lady  than  a  sophis- 
ticated glamour-girl.  "I'm  an  old- 
fashioned  wife,"  she  insists.  "Keeping 
house  is  a  joy  to  me.  One  of  my 
greatest  pleasures  is  to  see  that  every- 
one else  is  happy  in  it." 

Unfortunately,  in  Jackie's  case,  the 
house  she  "keeps"  is  the  White  House, 
which  belongs  to  all  Americans  and  is 
toured  by  thousands  every  year.  In 
fact,  not  long  before  you  read  this, 
Jackie  herself  conducted  a  guided  tour 
of  her  home — the  nation's  home — be- 
fore the  cameras,  to  be  telecast  from 
coast  to  coast.  What  kind  of  roots  can 
a  child  develop  in  a  home  that  is  a 
national  monument? 

What  privacy  means 

The  White  House  is  a  big  place  and 
the  Kennedy  family  most  certainly 
restrict  tourists  from  their  private 
quarters.  As  for  the  rest  of  the  house— 
with  all  the  coming  and  going,  it's 
doubtful  that  the  children  truly  con- 
sider it  part  of  their  home.  But  the  lawn 
and  other  areas  are  more  public  than 
private.  It  would  be  only  natural  for 
the  children  to  wonder  why  strangers 
stop  to  stare  and  perhaps  point  to  them 
or  call  out  their  names.  "Privacy"  must 
come  to  mean  something  different  to 
Caroline  and  John  Jr.  from  what  it 
does  to  the  usual  child.  These  two  are 
special — "curiosities,"  in  fact. 

On  a  deeper  level,  moments  of  abso- 
lute privacy  allow  a  child  opportunity 
for  fantasy — the  kind  of  daydreaming 
that  exercises  their  imagination,  pro- 
vides an  outlet  for  their  emotions — and 
for  experimenting  with  "forbidden" 
things:  Looking  in  drawers,  opening 
closets,  discovering  their  own  bodies. 
Every  child  needs  such  freedom. 

But  the  White  House  is  full  of  State 
secrets,  as  well  as  family  confidences, 
which   must    be   protected   from   little 
blabbermouthes.    And  surely  there  are 
maids,  nurses  and  Secret  Service  men 
constantly  hovering  about.  In  addition, 
children   of   such   a   prominent   family 
must  of  necessity  turn  happy,  shining 
faces  to  the  world,  behaving  like  neither 
cry-babies  nor  temperamental  "brats." 
Restricting   such   normal   expression 
forces    maturity    on    a    youngster    too 
T       50ore,    substituting    precociousness    and 
^       frustration.     So    circumstances    beyond 
her    control   impose    extraordinary    de- 
mands   on    Jackie,    as    a    mother,    and 

require  extreme  devotion  and  attention 
to  offset  the  children's  lack  of  privacy. 

Jackie  herself  grew  up  in  difficult 
circumstances.  Her  parents,  to  whom 
she  was  greatly  attached,  were  sep- 
arated. She  missed  her  father  keenly 
and  visited  him  often  until  his  un- 
timely death  shortly  after  her  own  mar- 
riage. Perhaps  this  is  why  she  has  re- 
marked about  her  own  husband,  "Even 
if  he  is  President  ...  we  must  have 
some  time  with  him." 

This,  of  course,  is  more  easily  said 
than  done.  President  Kennedy  is  prob- 
ably faced  with  more  urgent  problems 
today  than  any  other  President.  How 
can  he  have  time  for  his  children? 

When  Caroline  reached  the  age  of 
four  and  John  Jr.  became  one  year  old, 
a  joint  birthday  celebration  was  held 
at  the  White  House.  No  doubt  Daddy 
wanted  very  much  to  be  on  hand,  but 
the  Associated  Press  reported  only  that 
"the  President  was  lured  from  his  office 
and  world  busirTess  for  a  brief  look  at 
the  festivities." 

Every  child  needs  a  father  as  well  as 
a  mother.  Bringing  up  children  prop- 
erly becomes  a  problem  even  in  ordi- 
nary homes  where  the  father  has  a  job 
that  keeps  him  away  a  good  deal. 

Among  celebrities,  the  lack  of  a 
father's  attention — whether  because  of 
work  or  a  broken  marriage — has  prob- 
ably contributed  to  youngsters  growing 
up  as  "problem  children"  who  were 
not  able  to  cope  successfully  with  life. 
Headlines  have  been  filled  with  the 
names  of  the  late  Diana  Barymore, 
Lana  Turner's  daughter  XHheryl  Crane, 
Sarah  Churchill,  and  the  late  comedian 
Bob  Burns'  daughter  Barbara,  who  re- 
cently committed  suicide,  leaving  be- 
hind a  poignant  note:  "All  I  ever 
wanted  was  your  love." 

It  seems  likely  that  Jackie's  concept 
of  "an  old-fashioned  wife"  may  be 
related  to  her  own  unhappy  childhood 
and  the  breakup  of  her  family.  The 
notion  of  being  "old-fashioned"  has 
a  lot  in  common  with  the  modern 
notion  of  "togetherness."  Sincerity  and 
desire,  however,  may  not  be  enough. 
Jackie  has  to  share  the  President  with 
the  world.  She  cannot  interfere  with 
his  preoccupation  with  world  affairs 
and,  at  the  same  time,  she  must  keep 
his  image  alive  for  the  children. 

But  it  can  be  done.  Those  families 
which  haven't  succeeded  usually  had 
the  mother,  as  well  as  the  father,  "ab- 
sent"— emotionally,  if  not  literally. 
Show-business  children  who  turn  out 
badly  had  been,  in  most  cases,  aban- 
doned to  an  endless  parade  of  nurse- 
maids— substitute  parents — and  could 
not  identify  with  a  loving  mother  or 
father.  They  felt  forced  to  gain  their 
parents'  attention  in  unusual  ways. 
Theatrical  people  are  often,  by  the  very 
nature  of  their  calling,  egotistical,  ego- 
centric and  exhibitionistic,  motivated 
by  a  drive  that  transcends  family. 

Most  of  these  unfortunate  young 
people  were  reared  without  real  roots 
in  a  strong  family  group.  Their  parents 
were  either  too  preoccupied  or  had  no 
attachment  to  each  other.  Disregard  for 
moral  standards,  as  in  the  tragic  case 

of  Cheryl  Crane,  must  inevitably  lead 
to  rebellion  and  a  life  of  confusion. 

Even  the  busiest  famous  parents  may 
truly  love  their  children,  but  their  abil- 
ity to  express  such  love  can  be  inhibited 
by  their  own  ego,  preoccupation  with 
their  career,  and  the  different  standards 
of  their  profession — which  are  not  the 
standards  of  the  children,  as  taught 
them  in  school  or  through  religious 
training.  This  may  have  intensified  the 
feeling  of  not  being  loved  in  a  sensi- 
tive girl  like  Barbara  Burns. 

When  a  little  girl  is  exposed  to  her 
dad's  importance,  she  may  shrug  it  off 
or  giggle  about  it.  On  seeing  her  daddy 
on  TV  the  first  time,  little  Caroline  is 
reported  to  have  run  to  the  set,  pressed 
her  hand  against  the  image  of  her 
father's  face  and  chuckled,  "Silly 
daddy!"  She  certainly  didn't  seem  to 
be  overly  impressed  by  his  importance. 

But  perhaps  she  is  beginning  to  be 
impressed.  After  her  baby  brother  was 
born,  she  loved  to  push  John  Jr.  about 
in  his  carriage  and  introduce  him  to 
visitors  by  saying,  "Meet-  the  Presi- 
dent's son" — adding  proudly,  "I'm  his 
older  sister." 

Though  Caroline,  at  her  age,  couldn't 
truly  recognize  the  eminence  of  her 
position  as  the  President's  daughter, 
she  could  feel  that  she  is  "somebody 
special."  However,  her  remark  might 
be  even  more  of  a  clue  to  the  Presi- 
dent's desire  for  a  son.  The  Kennedy 
family  has  been  rather  partial  to  male 

Caroline  may  have  sensed  something 
of  this  in  her  acknowledgement  of  John 
Jr.  as  "the  President's  son"  and  herself 
as  his  "older  sister."  Junior  is  not  her 
brother  so  much  as  he  is  her  father's 
son.  This  could  be  indicative  of  an 
approaching  "sibling  rivalry" — so  often 
found  among  brothers  and  sisters — for 
which  the  Kennedys  must  be  prepared. 

The  danger  of  spoiling 

Jackie's  press  secretary,  Miss  Pamela 
Turner,  has  said  that  the  First  Lady 
is  reluctant  to  let  Caroline  see  news- 
paper pictures  of  herself  because  "she 
feels  Caroline  is  too  young  to  under- 
stand why  her  picture  is  in  the  papers 
and  she  wants  to  keep  her  from  being 
spoiled  by  it." 

But  Caroline  has  shown  some  interest 
in  getting  into  publicity  shots.  When 
press  photographers  were  trying  to  get 
a  shot  of  her  mother  by  herself,  Caro- 
line insisted  on  being  photographed, 
too.  When  her  father  was  holding  a 
press  conference,  she  strolled  boldly 
among  the  reporters,  tugged  at  her 
dad's  trousers  and  demanded  that  he 
help  her  put  on  her  mother's  shoes, 
which  she  held  in  her  hand. 

Such  eagerness  for  attention  by  a 
small  child  would  simply  be  consid- 
ered cute  in  most  families.  But,  in  a 
famous  family,  every  such  "cute"  in- 
cident has  a  way  of  becoming  greatly 

There  is  no  great  cause  for  concern 
in  what  Caroline  did  here.  It's  perfectly 
normal  for  a  child  to  want  to  be  part 
of  the   excitement  around  her   and  to 

bid  for  some  of  the  attention.  Most 
children  like  to  show  off  a  bit  when 
guests  visit  their  home — and  Caroline, 
of  course,  was  using  a  bit  of  "black- 
mail" on  her  dad  by  demanding  his 
attention  in  front  of  the  press! 

She  knew  he  wouldn't  dare  bawl  her 
out,  with  so  many  strangers  present. 
Children  have  a  great  deal  more  in- 
sight than  parents  usually  give  them 
credit  for.  Caroline's  cockiness,  on  this 
occasion,  is  actually  a  pretty  good  in- 
dication of  the  warm  affection  between 
the  President  and  his  daughter. 

Caroline's  mother  is  so  frequently 
photographed  not  simply  because  she's 
the  President's  wife,  but  also  because 
she  is  a  strikingly  beautiful  woman. 
Any  beautiful  mother  poses  potential 
growing-up  problems  for  her  daughter, 
even  if  she's  a  "nobody."  When  she's 
America's  First  Lady — and  constantly 
in  the  spotlight — her  daughter  is  apt 
to  suffer  even  more  from  the  inevitable 
comparisons.  If  she  doesn't  match  up, 
she  could  grow  into  womanhood  with 
a  terrible  sense  of  inferiority. 

The  same  possibility  exists  for  the 
boy  whose  father  is  tops  in  his  field — 
and,  in  John  Jr.'s  case,  who's  more 
important  than  his  dad?  Unfortunately, 
there  is  a  peculiarly  American  notion 
that  the  child  must  be  better  than  his  or 
her  parents.  This  sometimes  drives 
youngsters  of  famous  parents  to  un- 
realistic limits  in  order  to  "prove" 

Nobody  knows  for  sure  what  made 
Charles  Van  Doren  resort  to  duplicity 
to  win  fame  and  fortune  on  a  TV  quiz 
show,  but  it's  interesting  to  recall  that 
his  father  has  long  been  one  of 
America's  most  distinguished  literary 
personalities — while  Charles  was  em- 
ployed in  relative  anonymity  as  an 
assistant  professor  at  Columbia  Uni- 
versity, at  the  time. 

Jack  Linkletter,  successful  son  of 
famed  TV  personality  Art  Linkletter, 
has  admitted  that  his  famous  birthright 
helped  him  get  started  in  show  busi- 
ness, but  that  it  also  made  him  espe- 
cially vulnerable  to  criticism.  He  re- 
calls that  his  younger  brother  Robert 
once  remarked,  "I  wish  my  name 
wasn't  Linkletter"— because  he'd  been 
accused  of  getting  a  job  on  the  strength 
of  his  father's  name. 

Although  any  youngster  who  com- 
plains about  his  famous  name  can  use 
another  for  his  own  professional  pur- 
poses, such  deviousness  can  easily 
create  a  greater  handicap  than  trying 
to  prove  his  right  to  the  family  name. 
In  Charles  Van  Doren's  case,  he  may 
have  felt  the  need  to  compete  with  his 
father  for  notoriety  even  more  than  for 
the  money  involved.  His  desire  to  make 
his  family  "proud"  of  him  may  have 
helped  him  overlook  the  need  to  meas- 
ure up  to  their  standards  of  .morality. 

Sometimes,  too,  a  boy's  need  to  do 
something  "big" — in  order  to  prove 
he's  "somebody" — creates  the  kind  of 
rebellious  spirit  that  causes  him  to 
debase  his  father's  image  to  prove 
himself  "better."  It's  a  way  of  getting 
back  at  his  famous  name.  Actors' 
children  often  have  an  especially  dif- 
ficult time,  distinguishing  between  the 
real  parent  and  the  image  on  stage  or 
screen,  where  the  parent  may  portray 


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a  product  of 

murderers,    bogeymen    or    sex    fiends. 

John  Jr.  has  no  such  problem,  how- 
ever. He  will  know  that  his  father  was 
President,  elected  by  the  people.  If 
he  is  reared  with  love  and  enjoys  a 
good  relationship  with  his  dad,  he  will 
want  to  do  his  best  to  be  like  him,  not 
compete  with  him. 

The  same  holds  true  for  Caroline, 
ivho  can  strive  to  emulate  her  mother 
on  levels  other  than  physical  beauty. 
Jackie  has  many  varied  fine  qualities 
ivith  which  Caroline  can  identify.  If, 
on  the  other  hand,  Jackie  were  not 
truly  the  poised,  charming,  warm  per- 
son she  is  projected  to  be,  Caroline 
could  become  confused  as  to  her  real 
personality.  In  other  words,  if  the 
public  image  doesn't  coincide  with  the 
real  Jackie,  Caroline  could  model  her- 
self after  a  false  ideal  based  on  the 
power  of  the  Presidential  office  and 
the  Kennedy  fortune  and  grow  up  into 
an  insufferably  egotistical  woman! 

Fortunately,  however,  as  the  famous 
author  Aldous  Huxley  has  remarked, 
"Children  are  remarkable  for  their  in- 
telligence and  ardor,  for  their  curiosity, 
their  intolerance  of  shams,  the  clarity 
and  ruthlessness  of  their  vision." 

Everything  points  to  the  fact  that 
our  First  Lady  is  truly  genuine  in  her 
demonstrations  of  feeling  for  her  family 
and  that  she  is  happily  endowed  with 
a  fine  intuitive  feeling  for  a  child's 
world.  Speaking .  of  the  difficulties  in 
bringing  up  the  young,  she  has  said, 
"The  personality  of  the  child  seems  to 
guide  you.  .  .  .  Children  have  imagina- 
tion, a  quality  that  seems  to  flicker 
out  in  so  many  adults.  That  is  why  it 
is  such  a  joy  to  be  with  children." 

True  to  her  convictions,  Jackie  has 
been  most  imaginative  in  her  play  with 
her  children.  "Let's  go  out  and  kiss 
the  wind"  is  her  way  of  asking  Caroline 
to  come  outside  to  play. 

Huxley's  remark  is  highly  appropri- 
ate. If  Caroline  and  John  Jr.  grow  up 
to  view  themselves  in  realistic  terms, 
the  negative  factors  of  being  raised  in 
a  famous  family  will  not  influence  their 

Jackie's  sensitivity  can  be  enchant- 
ing to  a  little  girl  like  Caroline.  Poetic 
imagination  on  the  part  of  a  parent 
can  deeply  enrich  a  child's  life  and 
make  childhood  the  beautiful  process 
it  ought  to  be,  instead  of  the  material- 
istic stage  it  becomes  in  the  lives  of 
most  youngsters.  It  isn't  new  and  bet- 
ter toys  that  make  childhood  memo- 
rable and  healthy,  but  love  and  laughter 
and  soaring  imagination  that  make  it 

There  are  real  dangers,  though,  in 
being  a  President's  child.  Not  long 
ago,  the  American  people  heard  rumors 
of  a  plot  to  kidnap  Caroline,  which  led 
to  an  immediate  ban  on  photographers 
and  reporters  and  the  sharp  curtailment 
of  her  play  activities  on  the  White 
House  lawn. 

It's  interesting  to  note  that  Margaret 
Truman  was  the  intended  victim  of  an 
unsuccessful  kidnap  plot  when  she  was 
a  small  child.  Yet — despite  this  un- 
happy incident  and  the  fact  that  she  is 
J  an  only  child — she  thrived  admirably, 
r  became  a  well-adjusted,  mature  young 
woman,  and  is  now  a  happy  wife  and 
„o    mother.     Incidentally,    although    Mar- 

garet's dad  was  one  of  our  most  out- 
spoken Presidents,  her  mother  was  a 
quiet  woman  who  remained  in  the  back- 

Jackie  is  more  of  a  personality,  with 
ideas  all  her  own.  Queried  about  the 
risks  her  children  run,  in  playing  by 
themselves,  she  has  remarked,  "I  don't 
want  them  to  be  brought  up  by  nurses 
and  Secret  Service  men.  I  will  make 
every  effort  to  be  with  them  even  more 

//  Jackie  can  replace  the  nurses  and 
Secret  Service  men,  it  will  be  a  good 
thing  for  the  children,  because  of  the 
need  for  privacy,  as  mentioned  previ- 
ously. But  kidnapping — a  threat  to 
the  children  of  all  famous  people — is 
an  even  greater  menace  to  our  Presi- 
dent's family.  Any  criminal  who  would 
take  such  risks  must  assuredly  be 
mentally  ill,  perhaps  the  dangerously 
irresponsible  type  who  will  attempt 
such  a  deed  only  out  of  an  unconscious 
desire  to  be  caught  and  punished! 

This  threat  alone  is  enough  to  make 
the  children  aware  that  they  are  "dif- 
ferent." Perhaps,  as  with  Margaret 
Truman,  the  daughter  might  be  less 
affected  than  a  son.  Since  the  woman's 
role  in  our  society  is  to  complement 
the  man's,  daughters  often  can  adjust 
better  by  competing  less  with  their  fa- 
mous fathers— and  feeling  more  pro- 
tected in  the  face  of  such  threats  as 


It's  interesting  to  note,  however,  that 
Margaret  Truman — in  marrying  a  man 
who  is  at  the  top  of  his  field,  journal- 
ism— persisted,  so  to  speak,  in  model- 
ing her  husband  after  the  strong,  out- 
spoken, famous  personality  of  her 
father.  So,  in  spite  of  all  Jackie's  own 
efforts,  it  may  still  be  the  President 
who  will  in  the  long  run  forecast  the 
destiny  of  both  Caroline  and  John  Jr. 

Many  times,  famous  parents  have 
been  accused  of  exploiting  their  chil- 
dren. Criticism  has  been  leveled  at 
many  stars  who  have  proudly  permitted 
their  youngsters  to  make  personal  ap- 
pearances with  them — and  also  at  for- 
mer vice-president  Richard  M.  Nixon, 
for  allowing  his  daughters  to  share  the 
spotlight  with  him  on  TV.  Following 
this  exposure,  many  people  wondered 
how  the  girls  adjusted,  personality- 
wise,  when  their  father  suddenly  lost 
status  as  a  celebrity. 

Even  a  President  cannot  remain  at 
the  White  House  indefinitely.  And  no 
matter  what  he  may  do  afterward,  he 
will  never  stand  in  the  same  spotlight 
as  before — which  is  all  the  more  reason 
why  the  Kennedys  have  tried  to  spare 
Caroline  from  facing  the  cameras.  "If 
she    is    in    the    papers    all    the   time," 

Jackie  once  told  the  press,  "that  will 
affect  her  classmates,  and  they  will 
treat  her  differently." 

She  wants  her  children  to  be  ac- 
cepted by  their  friends,  to  be  treated 
as  an  equal.  "We  always  treat  her  the 
same,"  she's  commented  about  Caro- 
line, "but  it  is  how  other  people  treat 
her  because  they  have  read  about 
her.  .  .  ."  That's  what  worries  her. 

Jackie  shows  admirable  good  sense 
in  trying  to  keep  her  children  from 
being  exploited.  But  their  friends 
must,  of  necessity,  be  restricted  to  very 
special  youngsters.  There  is  a  possi- 
bility here  that  Caroline  and  John  Jr. 
might  doubt  their  abilities  to  make 
friends  for  themselves  on  the  basis  of 
their  own  personalities,  rather  than  be- 
cause of  their  position. 

Jackie's  problem  is  to  make  her 
children  realize  that  they  are  different 
because  of  the  role  their  family  occu- 
pies, not  because  of  anything  unique 
about  themselves.  The  fact  that  the 
Presidency  is  a  temporary  position 
makes  the  problem  even  more  difficult. 
It  is  not  the  same  as  Nixon's  prob- 
lem, however,  because  Nixon  failed  to 
achieve  that  office,  while  Kennedy  suc- 

Caroline  and  John  Jr.  will  have  to 
adjust  to  making  their  way  in  later 
life  strictly  on  their  own,  without  hang- 
ing on  to  the  coat-tails  of  their  parents. 
Reluctance    to    exhibit    them    now    is 

pretty  good  insurance. 

Some  kids  have  been  carried  away 
by  the  fame  of  their  fathers.  Bing 
Crosby  confessed  to  having  made  a  few 
mistakes  raising  his  sons,  but  vowed 
not  to  repeat  the  error  with  his  young 

Evangelist  Billy  Graham's  daughter 
Bunny  once  became  so  impressed  with 
her  proud  parentage  that  she  tried  to 
turn  it  to  a  profit,  and  began  charging 
photographers  a  few  pennies  to  snap 
her  picture.  When  her  dad  found  out 
about  it,  he  laid  down  the  law. 

It's  one  thing  to  want  this  or  that 
for  one's  children,  quite  another  to 
really  do  something  to  bring  it  about. 
John  Kennedy  himself  is  the  son  of  a 
famous  father — but  Joe  Kennedy  was 
not  in  the  limelight  of  television.  The 
President,  on  the  other  hand,  is  shared 
by  millions  of  admirers  who  respond 
to  him  emotionally,  so  his  children 
must  share  their  dad  with  everybody 

Although  Caroline  and  John  Jr.  have 
to  "share"  their  father  with  the  rest 
of  America,  the  fact  that  they  belong 
to  a  close-knit  group — the  famous  Ken- 
nedy "clan" — makes  it  possible  for 
them  to  identify  with  all  the  family, 
rather  than  just  their  mother  and  dad. 
However,  it  seems  inevitable  that  see- 
ing their  father  given  such  prominence 
on  TV,  or  in  published  photographs, 
will  cause  them  to  wonder  why,  if  their 
dad  is  so  big  and  important,  he  can't 
^rush  off  these  people  and  find  more 
time  for  them!  This  is  why  Jackie  must 
somehow  make  them  understand  the 
reality  of  their  father's  position. 

Some  famous  citizens  wake  up  to  the 
needs  of  their  children  too  late,  as  may 
have  been  the  case  with  Bing  Crosby. 
Others,  like  Billy  Graham,  perhaps, 
may  take  too  much  for  granted  until 

something  happens  to  force  them  to 
correct  matters. 

In  situations  where  the  egotism  of 
famous  parents  makes  them  unwilling 
to  share  the  spotlight  with  their  chil- 
dren, the  youngsters  will  be  better  off 
for  it — unless  the  relationship  is  so 
weak  that  they  are  made  to  feel  re- 
jected. The  Kennedy  children  have 
certainly  not  been  rejected,  and  have 
not  been  held  out  of  the  spotlight  for 
egotistical  reasons. 

It  is  simply  that  modern  mothers  are 
more  aware  than  mothers  of  yesteryear 
and  Jackie  is  more  aivare  than  most. 

TV  or  not  TV? 

Nobody  knows  how  much  TV  the 
Kennedy  kids  watch.  But  the  Presi- 
dent's own  emissary,  chairman  Newton 
F.  Minow  of  the  F.C.C.,  has  deplored 
the  effects  upon  youngsters  of  too  much 
television.  And  the  National  Congress 
of  Parents  and  Teachers  has  publicly 
stated,  "Rarely,  most  rarely,  does  any 
program  on  television  open  the  audi- 
ence's eyes  to  the  capacity  for  greatness 
that  lies  hidden  in  every  human  being." 

Caroline's  and  John  Jr.'s  dad  is  the 
author  of  an  inspiring  book  titled  "Pro- 
files of  Courage" — specifically  describ- 
ing the  greatness  that  lies  dormant  in 
human  beings— so  it's  a  safe  bet  that 
TV  viewing  for  the  Kennedy  kids  is 
pretty  much  restricted.  No  doubt,  the 
President  himself  has  the  last  word. 

Jackie  has  said,  "As  long  as  the 
father  is  the  figure  of  authority,  and 
the  mother  provides  love  and  guidance, 
children  have  a  pretty  good  chance  of 
turning  out  all  right.  The  family  is  the 
prime  unit  of  society.  Unless  its  ties 
are  loosened,  children  can  be  properly 

Well,  Caroline  will  be  five,  before 
this  year  is  out,  and  John  Jr.  will  be 
two.  Dr.  Sigmund  Freud,  the  father  of 
psychoanalysis,  has  said  that  once  a 
child  reaches  the  age  of  five,  her  char- 
acter is  established.  If  this  observation 
is  true,  then  Caroline's  ultimate  per- 
sonality is  all  but  finalized — while  John 
Jr.  may  reach  this  magic  age  believing 
his  father  has  always  been  President. 

The  Freudian  concept  of  "person- 
ality" depends  on  the  nature  of  the 
relationship  between  parents  and  child, 
not  on  the  amount  of  time  they  spend 
with  each  other.  So  it  is  within  the 
power  of  Jackie  and  the  President  to 
make  such  relationships  meaningful 
and  healthy. 

Exposure  to  TV  is  usually  harmful 
only  to  children  who  are  basically  dis- 
turbed. (There  is  violence  even  in 
fairy  tales.)  Over-exposure  to  almost 
anything  can  affect  a  child,  and  over- 
exposure to  commercial  pressures  to 
buy-this  and  buy-that  can  create  prob- 
lems, too.  The  answer  lies  in  prepar- 
ing the  child  emotionally  beforehand. 
And  Jackie's  notions  on  family  living 
seem  to  be  in  the  best  interests  of  her 
children — or  anybody  else's. 

Numerous  offspring  of  famous  people 
have  survived  their  birthright.  In  poli- 
tics, Robert  Wagner  followed  in  his 
father's  profession  to  become  thrice- 
elected  mayor  of  New  York  City.  Pretty 
Jane  Fonda  survived  being  reared  in  a 
theatrical    family    and    is   now    making 

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her  own  success  in  her  famous  dad's 
profession.  William  Randolph  Hearst 
Jr.  overcame  the  disadvantages  of  hav- 
ing a  controversially  celebrated  father 
and  made  his  wealth  work  for  him  in 
the  field  of  journalism.  Ozzie  and  Har- 
riet Nelson  are  the  proud  parents  of 
two  happy  and  gifted  sons.  And  some 
strange  topsy-turvey  things  have  hap- 
pened, too — such  as  a  bricklayer's 
daughter   named    Grace   Kelly    marry- 

ing an  honest-to-goodness  Prince,  while 
an  honest-to-goodness  Princess  named 
Margaret  married  a  photographer. 

Fame  and  fortune  aren't  anywhere 
as  important  as  family  ideals,  and 
Jackie  and  the  President  seem  to  have 
a  good,  solid,  wholesome  store  of  those. 
So,  TV  or  no  TV,  the  future  looks 
bright  for  Caroline  and  John  Jr. — and 
the  President  and  his  First  Lady  have 
the    satisfaction    of    knowing    that    the 

good  wishes  of  the  American  people 
are  with  them  in  their  special  prob- 
lems as  parents.  — The  End 

Do  you  have  a  problem  concerning  your 
marriage,  or  your  children,  for  which 
you'd  like  expert  advice?  Write  us — 
enclosing  this  box — and  we'll  see  what 
we  can  do  about  publishing  the  answers 
for  you!  Address:  TV  Radio  Mirror, 
205  East  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.Y. 


Where  Are  the  Big  Winners  Now? 

(Continued  from  page  41) 
Bloomgarden,  Mrs.  Terry  Curtis,  Mor- 
ton Harelik,  Richard  Klein,  Mrs.  Ruth 
Klein,   Mrs.  Patricia  Nance,  Mrs.  Pa- 
tricia Sullivan  and  Neil  S.  Wolf. 

It  might  be  sensible  to  sketch  in 
here  a  little  of  the  background  of  the 
quiz  shows  and  recollect  for  you  just 
why  so  many  big-money  winners  had 
to  testify  before  a  Grand  Jury. 

The  year  1958  was  the  salad  year  of 
the  Fort  Knox  brand  of  quiz-show  pro- 
graming. Twenty-One,  Tic  Tac  Dough, 
The  $64,000  Question,  The  $64,000 
Challenge,  Name  That  Tune,  were  all 
riding  the  crest  of  a  fabulous,  furious 
wave  that  swept  into  four  out  of  every 
five  homes  weekly  and  transfixed  view- 
ers with  the  apparently  stupefying 
knowledge  and  intelligence  displayed 
by  the  glib,  bright-eyed  contestants. 

No  type  of  program  existed  before 
and  none  has  come  along  since — not 
even  the  Western — that  so  thoroughly 
captured  and  enthralled  the  viewer. 
The  quiz  show  had  all  the  ingredients. 

The  formula  was  perfect.  It  blended 
the  mysticism  that  always  attaches 
itself  to  big  money  with  the  universally 
shared  excitement  of  gambling.  It  ex- 
ploited the  common  American  trait  of 
cheering  for  the  underdog — in  this 
case,  the  nervous  contestant  who,  alone 
in  the  isolation  booth,  pitted  his  im- 
perfect mind  against  all  the  atlases 
and  encyclopedias  ever  printed.  It 
offered  the  home  viewer  the  vicarious 
thrill  of  "guessing  along"  with  the  con- 
testant. And  maybe  most  important  of 
all,  it  gave  the  audience  a  cast  of  believ- 
able heroes  and  heroines,  not  high- 
salaried  actors,  but  men  and  women 
figuratively  plucked  off  the  streets  and 
offered  this  once-in-a-lifetime  chance  to 
hit  it  big. 

Beginning  of  the  "fix" 

The  quiz  show  had  all  the  elements 
— for  the  viewer.  But  it  lacked  one 
essential  for  the  people  producing  the. 
programs  and  putting  them  on  the  air. 
The  shows  lacked  stability.  There  was 
no  control.  They  were  too  unpredict- 
able. Their  greatest  appeal  was  Big 
Money.  And  the  natural  chances  of 
a  contestant  reaching  the  hypnotic 
figures  of  $50,000,  $100,000  or  $200,000, 
no  matter  how  brilliant  and  informed, 
were  infinitesimally  rare. 

The  answer  was  obvious.   The  only 

T       thing   to  do  was  to  arrange  things   so 

»       that  the  contestants — not  all,  but  many 

— "cooperated."  As  it  came  out  later,  in 

testimony  before  the  Grand  Jury  and  a 


Congressional  sub-committee,  the  shows 
were  rigged  in  a  number  of  ways.  One 
was  what  came  to  be  termed  the  "direct 
approach."  The  contestant  was  simply 
given  the  answers  ahead  of  time. 

Another  was  the  "playback,"  in 
which  the  contestants  went  through 
lengthy  preliminary  questioning  to 
determine  their  strengths  and  weak- 
nesses. If  a  contestant  was  found  to 
be  particularly  well  informed  on  his- 
tory, for  example,  he'd  be  fed  virtually 
nothing  but  historical  questions — as 
long  as  the  manipulators  wanted  him 
on  the  show.  When  they  wanted  him  off, 
he'd  be  given  questions  he'd  demon- 
strated  his  greatest  weakness   in. 

Still  another  device  for  rigging  the 
shows  was  the  "warmup,"  in  which 
contestants  were  "tested"  with  questions 
or  tunes,  one  or  more  of  which  would 
be  later  used  in  the  actual  contest. 

Just  as  powerfully  urgent  as  the 
need  for  "control"  was  the  necessity 
for  bringing  in  attractive  contestants. 
It  was  a  delicately  selective  process. 
The  contestant  had  to  be  someone 
"ordinary,"  and  yet  possess  the  quali- 
ties that  would  make  him  or  her  some- 
how respected  and  admired.  Hence 
Charles  Van  Doren.  Hence  Elfrida  Von 

Enter  Elfrida 

Since  the  competition  among  the 
different  quiz  shows  for  landing  just 
the  right  kind  of  contestant  was  fierce, 
signing  Van  Doren  was  a  major  ac- 
complishment for  Twenty-One.  But  Van 
Doren,  shy,  boyishly  good-looking,  scion 
of  a  remarkable  literary  family,  was 
deliberately  sought  out. 

Not  so  with  Elfrida.  Almost  the  em- 
bodiment of  the  bright,  scrubbed,  all- 
American  girl,  Elfrida  came  into  the 
purview  of  the  Twenty-One  talent 
scouts  almost  by  accident.  At  the  time, 
she  was  working  as  the  $6,000-a-year 
personnel  director  for  the  American 
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Account- 
ants in  New  York  City,  and  studying 
abnormal  psychology  part  time  at 
Columbia  University.  A  telephone  call 
came  to  her,  one  morning  at  work, 
from  Leslie  York  of  Barry  and  Enright 
Productions,  Inc.,  producers  of  Twenty- 
One  and  Tic  Tac  Dough. 

"I  can't  say  this  news  excited  me." 
Elfrida  confessed  later.  "I  hadn't  heard 
of  either  program.  Although  my  room- 
mate, an  anthropologist,  and  I  had  a 
TV  set,  it  stood  in  four-legged  silence 
like  the  remains  of  a  long-dead  dino- 
saur. I  hardly  knew  how  to  turn  it  on 

— and  I  am  positive  I  didn't  know 
Charles  Van  Doren  from  Rip  Van 

"  'We  are  looking  for  bright  con- 
testants for  our  two  shows,'  Leslie  told 
me.  'Perhaps  if  you  contacted  some  of 
your  staff  members  you  might  help  us 
find  a  few.'  " 

Instead,  Elfrida  said,  she  was  urged 
by  her  roommate,  Mariam  Kreiselman, 
to  try  her  hand  at  it  herself,  and  on 
April  19th,  1958,  as  Elfrida  put  it,  "I 
called  Leslie  York  at  Barry  and  Enright 
Productions  and  sheepishly  admitted 
that  I'd  like  to  try  out  myself." 

Elfrida  passed  with  flying  colors  and 
was  on  her  way  to  fame,  fortune  and — 
when  the  bubble  burst  later — disgrace. 

While  nothing  will  happen  to  Elfrida 
for  her  role  in  the  quiz  show  scandal, 
the  most  ironic  part  of  the  entire 
shabby  episode  was  that  neither  she 
nor  Van  Doren,  nor  any  of  the  twenty 
defendants  charged  with  perjury  by 
the  Grand  Jury,  need  have  been! 

As  Assistant  District  Attorney  Joseph 
Stone  explained  it:  "We  weren't  in- 
vestigating the  contestants.  They  were 
never  targets  of  our  inquiry.  We  were 
simply  trying  to  find  out  if  a  crime  had 
been  committed  by  someone — by  the 
producers,  maybe,  or  the  networks. 

"We  called  in  well  over  one  hundred 
contestants,  but  unfortunately  very  few 
of  them  told  the  truth  when  they  first 
appeared  before  the  Grand  Jury.  If 
they  had,  none  of  them  would  have 
gotten  into  trouble.  We  weren't  after 

"The  ones  who  told  us  the  truth  were 
dismissed  after  their  testimony  was 
taken,  including  the  ones  who  admitted 
they'd  been  given  answers  ahead  of 

"That's  the  great  tragedy  of  this 
whole  thing.  All  we  wanted  was  the 
truth.  As  it  turned  out,  we  found  that 
no  crime  had  been  committed.  Nothing 
in  any  contract  or  legal  document  said' 
that  the  quiz  shows  had  represented 
themselves  as  bona  fide  contests — al- 
though that  certainly  was  the  impres- 
sion they  sought  to  convey. 

"But  the  only  criminal  charges 
growing  out  of  the  scandals  were  the 
perjury  charges  against  twenty  con- 
testants— although  Congress,  as  a  result 
of  our  investigation  and  its  own,  later 
passed  a  law  specifically  making  it  a 
federal  crime  to  rig  TV  shows." 

The  one  who  didn't  get  away 

Elfrida's  attorney,  Stanley  H.  Lowell 
of    Manhattan,     has    said:     "Elfrida's 

trouble  was  that,  in  the  end,  she  finally 
did  tell  the  truth.  There  were  more 
than  a  hundred  contestants  who  came 
in  and  lied  to  the  first  Grand  Jury,  but 
only  twenty  of  them  volunteered  to 
appear  before  the  second  Grand  Jury 
and  admit  they'd  been  in  on  the  rigging. 
The  others  just  thumbed  their  noses 
at  the  District  Attorney  and  wouldn't 
appear.  And  what  happens?  They  get 
away  with  it,  but  the  ones  courageous 
enough  to  face  perjury  charges  and 
public  humiliation  become  criminals." 

In  the  beginning  actually,  all  the 
defendants  pleaded  innocent  to  the 
charges  through  an  agreement  with  the 
District  Attorney's  office  that  one  of 
them  would  go  on  trial  in  a  case  to  test 
the  legality  of  the  Grand  Jury's  find- 
ings. The  full  report  of  those  findings 
has  never  been  made  public. 

As  it  turned  out,  however,  no  one 
went  on  trial.  The  charges  against  one 
of  the  defendants  were  dismissed.  Seven 
others  pleaded  guilty  almost  immedi- 
ately and  drew  suspended  sentences. 
Assistant  District  Attorney  Stone  had 
previously  made  it  clear  he  would  not 
recommend  jail  terms  for  the  guilty, 
saying:  "There  are  punishments  much, 
much  worse  than  jail." 

Untouched  by  the  "fix" 

Some  of  the  big  money  winners  were 
untouched  and  unscathed  by  the  scan- 
dals— Teddy  Nadler,  for  example,  the 
$70-a-week  St.  Louis  Government  clerk 
who  won  $264,000  on  The  $64,000  Ques- 
tion and  The  $64$00  Challenge  but 
who  later  failed  an  examination  for  a 
$13-a-day  census  taker's  job;  Dr.  Joyce 
Brothers,  the  lovely  blonde  psycholo- 
gist who  won  $134,000  on  Question  and 
Challenge  with  her  amazing  knowledge 
of  boxing  and  then  went  on  to  estab- 
lish herself  as  a  television  personality 
with  her  own  shows;  even  Marine  Lt. 
Col.  John  H.  Glenn,  the  Project  Mer- 
cury Astronaut  who  earlier  shared  a 
$26,000  jackpot  on  Name  That  Tune. 

For  them,  and  for  all  the  contestants 
who  had  no  part  in  the  scandal,  there 
is  no  need  for  punishment. 

For  the  others,  only  each  in  his 
conscience  can  ever  know. 

But  one  thing  is  certain.  Whether 
they  feel  repentant  or  not,  they  have 
gone  on  with  their  lives  pretty  much 
as  before. 

There  is  Elfrida  Von  Nardroff.  back 
at  work  and  school  .  .  .  Charles  Van 
Doren  who,  since  his  days  as  a  con- 
testant, married,  gained  a  $50,000-a- 
year  job  on  NBC's  Today  show,  lost 
it  when  he  admitted  his  guilt,  and  later 
turning  to  writing  books  (under  a 
pseudonym)  .  .  .  Vivienne  Nearing, 
the  attorney,  who  has  resumed  law 
practice  and  against  whom  the  Bar  As- 
sociation has  taken  no  action  .  .  . 
Henry  Bloomgarden,  the  $98,000  win- 
ner on  Twenty-One  who  continued  to 
make  his  living  at  public  relations  .  .  . 
Dr.  Michael  Truppin,  the  physician, 
back  in  practice  .  .  .  David  Mayer,  the 
psychologist,  back  in  practice  .  .  .  and 
so  on  .  .  .  and  on  .  .  .  and  on  .  .  . 

For  all  of  them,  everything  has  hap- 
pened— and  nothing  at  all. 

— John  R.  Pascal 

Let's  talk  frankly  about 


Day  before  yesterday,  many  women  hes- 
itated to  talk  about  the  douche  even  to 
their  best  friends,  let  alone  to  a  doctor 
or  druggist. 

Today,  thank  goodness,  women  are 
beginning  to  discuss  these  things  freely 
and  openly.  But  — even  now  — many 
women  don't  realize  what  is  involved  in 
treating  "the  delicate  zone." 

They  don't  ask.  Nobody  tells  them. 
So  they  use  homemade  solutions  which 
may  not  be  completely  effective,  or  some 
antiseptics  which  may  be  harsh  or  in- 

It's  time  to  talk  frankly  about  inter- 
nal cleanliness. 

Here  are  the  facts:  tissues  in  "the  deli- 
cate zone"  are  very  tender.  Odors  are 
very  persistent.  Your  comfort  and  well- 
being  demand  a  special  preparation  for 
the  douche.  Today  there  is  such  a  prep- 

This  preparation  is  far  more  effective 

in  antiseptic  and  germicidal  action  than 
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liquid  antiseptics  for  the  douche.  It 
cleanses,  freshens,  eliminates  odor, 
guards  against  chafing,  relaxes  and  pro- 
motes confidence. 

This  is  modern  woman's  way  to  inter- 
nal cleanliness.  It  is  the  personal  antisep- 
tic for  women,  made  specifically  for  "the 
delicate  zone."  It  is  called  Zonite®.  Com- 
plete instructions  for  use  come  in  every 
package.  In  cases  of  persistent  discharge, 
women  are  advised  to  see 
their  doctors. 

Millions  of  women  al- 
ready consider  Zonite  as 
important  a  part  of  their 
grooming  as 

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You  owe  it 
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to  try  Zonite. 

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Songwriters,  with  publisher  contacts, 
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Battle  of  the  Bedside  Manner! 

(Continued  from  page  27) 
most  likely  recommend  a  new  pair  of 
shoes,  or  if  you're  wearing  a  new  pair, 
an  old  pair.  But  not  Ben  Casey.  With 
Casey — it's  surgery  every  time. 

Here  is  a  man  whose  life  is  consumed 
with  the  desire  to  save  mankind  from 
inevitable  physical  malfunction;  this  is 
his  life,  his  vision,  his  aim.  The  only 
hand-holding  he  can  be  accused  of  is 
when  a  nurse  passes  him  a  scalpel  or 
suture  in  the  operating  room — and  then 
he's  wearing  rubber  gloves. 

If  the  camera  ever  caught  him  in  an 
offguard  embrace  with  an  especially 
desirable  female,  a  close-up  would 
prove  beyond  a  doubt  he  was  sneakily 
examining  her  tonsils  or  trying  to  ascer- 
tain her  particular  pulse  rate  and 
pituitary  function. 

Dr.  Ben  Casey  is  interested  in  keeping 
you  alive,  not  seeing  you  "live  it  up," 
and  when  you  come  out  of  the  anesthetic 
don't  expect  him  to  be  hanging  around 
your  room  to  hold  your  hand  and  ad- 
mire your  new  pink  bed  jacket.  He's 
got  fifteen  more  cases  to  see  on  his 
rounds  that  morning,  and  he  hasn't  even 
had  his  first  cup  of  coffee. 

If  Dr.  Kildare  is  the  boy  next  door 
we  all  want  to  take  care  of,  Dr.  Ben 
Casey  is  the  man  we  darn  well  want  to 
take  care  of  us.  Why?  Because  he's  so 
doggoned  one-track  minded,  so  dedi- 
cated to  his  work,  so  wrapped  up  in 
everyone,  that  he's  a  challenge. 

Such  are  the  two  opposing  personali- 
ties of  Dr.  Kildare  and  Ben  Casey.  Their 
attitudes   are   different   but   are   they? 

Diagnosing  the  difference 

In  reality,  in  background,  Dick 
Chamberlain  and  Vincent  Edwards  are 
wards  apart  and  it  would  seem  that  all 
they  have  in  common  is  their  love  of 
sports  and  the  fact  they  are  actors,  both 
getting  famous  playing  TV  doctors. 

Dick,  raised  on  the  West  Coast,  the 
son  of  a  prosperous  furniture  manu- 
facturer, didn't  exactly  wallow  in  the 
lap  of  luxury,  but  he  did  have  all  the 
advantages  of  an  upper  middle-class 
youngster.  Although  somewhat  shy,  he 
knew  where  he  stood  both  with  his 
family  and  his  friends  and  he  fitted  into 
a  pattern  and  organized  way  of  life. 
He  knew  who  he  was  and  where  he 
belonged.  With  years,  he  also  knew  he 
would  find  out  what  he  wanted  to  do 
with  his  own  life.  In  other  words,  Dick 
Chamberlain  was  secure  as  a  patient  in 
the  hands  of  a  whole  team  of  specialists. 
On  the  other  hand,  Vincent  Edwards 
was  born  in  the  tough  Brownsville  sec- 
tion of  Brooklyn,  New  York.  His 
parents,  Julia  and  Vincent  Zoino,  set 
the  pattern  for  a  close-knit  family,  but 
its  very  closeness  gave  Vince  a  feeling 
of  insecurity.  In  a  family  of  nine,  the 
young  Vince  wasn't  sure  who  he  was. 
And  being  a  twin  only  confused  matters. 
Both  he  and  his  brother,  Tony,  were 
treated  exactly  alike,  as  if  there  was  no 

T       such  thing  as  an  individual  personality. 

^       This  was  to  change  the  entire  structure 

of  Vince's  life  and  future. 

Where  Dick  Chamberlain  knew  who 

he  was,  young  Vince  Zoino,  later  to 
become  Vincent  Edwards,  desperately 
needed  identification.  He  had  to  prove, 
both  to  himself  and  to  others,  that  he 
was  different  from  his  twin  brother  and, 
for  that  matter,  from  anyone  else. 

While  young  Dick  Chamberlain  was 
attending  high  school  he  found  his  shy- 
ness, which  could  easily  have  been  a 
liability,  an  asset.  Unlike  many  of  his 
male  classmates  who  came  on  like 
gangbusters,  Dick's  quiet  and  thought- 
ful ways  made  him  popular  enough  to 
be  elected  a  class  officer  and  he  was 
voted  "most  sophisticated,"  "most  re- 
served" and  "most  courteous."  Dick 
loved  sports  and  loved  life.  In  his  own 
reserved  way,  he  was  very  much  a  part 
of  the  school  dances,  parties  and  fun. 

When  he  went  on  to  Pomona  College 
from  Beverly  Hills  High  School,  he 
majored  in  painting.  But  when  he  dis- 
covered there  was  a  world  called  "act- 
ing," all  else  was  forgotten  and,  from 
that  moment  on,  it  was  his  life.  Dick 
had  found  what  he  wanted  to  do;  he 
had  always  known  he  would.  It  was  just 
a  matter  of  time.  Having  always  known 
himself,  there  had  never  been  any  doubt 
that  "self"  would  find  its  outlet. 

Dick  Chamberlain  was  not  suffering 
the  growing  pains  of  the  future  Vincent 

Attending  the  East  New  York  High, 
Vince  was  trying  to  prove  to  himself  he 
was  someone  in  his  own  right  by  excel- 
ling in  everything  he  did.  He  became 
captain  of  the  swimming  team  and  later 
copped  the  coveted  New  York  swim- 
ming championship.  When  he  trans- 
ferred to  Thomas  Jefferson  High,  he 
took  on  the  role  of  track  star  and,  later, 
because  of  this,  Ohio  State  University 
offered  him  an  athletic  scholarship. 
Without  it,  he  would  never  have  been 
able  to  go  to  college.  He  had  made  it 
possible  for  himself — proving  .  .  . 
proving  «  .  .  proving. 

When  Dick  Chamberlain  finished  his 
two-year  hitch  with  the  peacetime  Army 
in  Korea,  he  headed  straight  into  the 
life  he'd  planned.  Any  money  he  could 
make  doing  occasional  television  roles 
went  to  dramatic  and  singing  lessons. 

Vince's  summers  and  free  time  were 
spent  in  picking  up  any  odd  job  he 
could  find.  He  needed  every  penny  just 
to  stay  in  college — even  on  a  scholar- 
ship. He  did  everything  from  being  a 
life  guarcHat  Coney  Island  to  swinging 
a  pick  on  the  subways.  Like  Chamber- 
lain, he  discovered  acting  in  college, 
but  discovering  it  and  making  a  living 
at  it  are  two  different  things,  as  Vince 
found  out  the  hard  way.  How  lean  the 
years  were,  and  how  long  it  was  between 
meals,  before  he  got  a  job  as  a  chorus 
boy  in  "High  Button  Shoes"  on  Broad- 
way, are  things  Vincent  Edwards  rarely 
talks  about.  Slowly  and  surely  he  began 
to  get  good  roles  both  in  television  and 
motion  pictures,  and  as  this  was  taking 
place,  something  else  also  began  to 
happen.  Not  to  Vince  Edwards,  but  to 
Vincent  Zoino.  The  identity  he  had  been 
searching  for,  the  person  who  had 
slumbered  inside  of  him  since  boyhood 
and  whom  he  had  always  known  to  be 

there,  began  to -take  a  definite  form  and 
shape.  The  boy  who  had  been  just  one- 
half  of  a  pair  of  twins  became  a  man 
who  was  like  no  one  but  himself. 

He  had  accomplished  it  all  on  his 
own  and  proven  once  and  for  all,  both 
to  his  family  and,  most  important,  to 
himself,  that  he  was  a  person  in  his  own 

Where  Vince  had  spent  years  in  find- 
ing this  out,  or  in  verifying  what  he 
knew  was  the  truth,  Dick  had  been  born 
with  it  and  quietly  and  steadily,  in  the 
shy  way  that  always  was  his  trademark, 
progressed  toward  his  goal. 

As  fate  would  have  it 

It  is  somewhat  ironic  that  two  such 
different  human  beings,  who  might  not 
have  understood  one  another's  motiva- 
tions or  desires  a  few  short  years  ago, 
should  find  themselves  on  top  of  the 
heap  at  the  same  time  and,  as  fate 
would  have  it,  competing  with  one 
another  on  television. 

Knowing  and  realizing  the  difference 
in  the  two  men,  one  wonders  if  it  would 
be  possible  for  them  to  step  into  each 
other's  shoes.  Both  are  professional 
actors,  this  they  have  proven.  But 
would  the  Dr.  Kildare  we  see  on  the 
screen  be  the  same  doctor  if  Vince 
Edwards  were  playing  him?  And  with 
Dick  Chamberlain  in  the  role  of  Ben 
Casey,  wouldn't  the  character  take  on 
an  entirely  new  dimension? 

No,  it  is  no  accident  of  casting,  no 
mere  coincidence  that  Dick  Chamber- 
lain was  chosen  to  play  the  typical 
young  American  doctor.  He  is  the  typi- 
cal young  American.  In  Dr.  Kildare  we 
find  the  image  of  the  family  doctor.  We 
know  what  he  will  do  because  he  is 
familiar.  He's  the  boy  next  door — he's 
Dick  Chamberlain. 

But  in  Ben  Casey  there  could  be  little 
doubt  that  here  was  a  role  for  a 
different  kind  of  man.  A  man  who  has 
searched  and  who,  perhaps,  will  never 
stop  searching.  A  man  who  is  not  con- 
tent to  accept  life  as  it  appears — a  doc- 
tor and  an  actor  who  have  much  in 
common.  Dr.  Ben  Casey  who  is  dedi- 
cated to  man,  and  actor  Vincent  Ed- 
wards who  is  just  as  dedicated  to  finding 
out  who  that  man  is. 

Dick  Chamberlain  is  the  hometown 
doctor  and  boy-next-door  whom  women, 
since  Eve  had  the  world's  first  head- 
ache, have  had  the  urge  to  protect  and 
take  care  of.  Vincent  Edwards  is  the 
big  city  doctor  who,  in  learning  to  take 
care  of  others  and  having  learned  to 
take  care  of  himself,  pr-esents  the 
knight  in  armor  who  one  shining  day 
will  take  very  good  care  of  the  woman 
of  his  choice — when  eventually  he 
makes  that  choice. 

Each  plays  the  role  he  has  unknow- 
ingly rehearsed  for  a  lifetime.  They 
might  try  to  step  into  each  other's  shoes 
— but  if  they  did,  the  shoes  would  most 
certainly  pinch.  — Tricia  Hurst. 

Ben  Casey  is  seen  over  ABC-TV,  Mon., 
at  10  P.M.  EST.  Dr.  Kildare  is  seen 
over  NBC-TV,  Thurs.,  8:30  P.M.  EST. 

TV's  Moneyman 

(Continued  from  page  35) 
aspect  which  makes  it  a  complex  and 
varied  business  is  that  you  are  dealing 
in  a  commodity  which  can  bring  out 
the  baseness  in  a  person,  if  any  exists. 
You're  dealing  in  money.  Some  people 
love  you,  and  some  people  would  like 
to  cut  your  throat — even  the  ones  who 
get  the  money." 

Herb  doesn't  recommend  his  profes- 
sion to  anyone  not  interested  in  work- 
ing eighteen  hours  a  day,  seven  days 
a  week.  Or  to  anyone  who  cannot  sub- 
sist for  a  year  or  two  without  income. 
He  hit  one  dry  spell  that  lasted  four 
years,  seven  months  and  four  days — 
more  than  four  years  in  which  he  did 
nothing  but  work  and  spend  money, 
without  taking  in  a  penny.  Of  course, 
there  was  another  time  Avhen  he  got  a 
check  for  $90,000  all  in  one  nice,  big, 
lump  sum. 

"I've  never  believed  in  this  business 
of  security,  anyway,"  says  Herb.  "To 
me,  the  finest  security  in  the  world  is 
just  being  here.  I'm  living  on  borrowed 
time,  because  I  took  a  gamble." 

During  World  War  I,  when  he  was 
in  U.S.  Naval  Intelligence,  assigned  to 
the  Adriatic  Fleet,  a  shell  burst  knocked 
Herb  off  a  gun  turret,  onto  his  head. 
"On  August  20th,  1919,  a  board  of 
the  finest  doctors  in  the  U.S.  Navy 
told  me  I  couldn't  live  more  than  90 
days  without  surgery — and  the  proba- 
bilities of  surgery  being  successful 
weren't  too  good,  either.  There  was  an 
excellent  chance  I  would  die  on  the 
table.  Or  that  I'd  be  an  imbecile,  if  I 
survived.  I  told  them  I  thought  I'd  gam- 
ble on  the  90  days,  thank  you. 

"All  I  can  say,  is  I've  had  a  lot  of 
fun  in  those  90  days!" 

The  original  ambition  of  Herb  Sax- 
ton,  son  of  a  Minnesota  lawyer,  was  to 
be  another  Clarence  Darrow.  After  he 
got  his  degree,  he  discovered  the  prac- 
tice of  criminal  law  was  not  a- particu- 
larly lucrative  one — but  the  excitement 
of  marshaling  evidence  appealed  to 
him.  After  discharge  from  the  Navy, 
he  entered  into  the  highly  specialized 
field  of  patents,  copyrights  and  trade- 
marks. He  also  took  a  full  course  in 
criminal  law  at  the  Institute  of  Applied 
Science,  which  later  commissioned  him 
to  write  a  textbook,  "Secret  Intelligence 
Service,"  for  use  in  its  classrooms. 

$5  billion— and  no  claimers! 

"One  thing  led  to  another,"  says 
Saxton,  "until  I  finally  decided  the 
most  money  was  in  probate  matters 
where  the  heirs  were  either  missing  or 
unknown.  A  conservative  estimate  by 
experts  in  Washington  sets  a  figure  of 
5  billion  dollars  annually  that  'escheats' 
to  state  governments  because  no  one 
claims  it.  That's  96  million  dollars  a 
week.  It's  there.  You  can  go  after  it. 

"You  can  also  go  a  little  berserk 
— spend  a  lot  of  money  and  come  up 
with  a  big  fat  zero — because  the  gam- 
ble is  always  there,  too.  That's  the  in- 
triguing part.  Meanwhile,  another  thing 
that  appeals  to  me  is  that  I  work  for 
no   one.   Because  of  my  peculiar  per- 


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sonality,  I  don't  like  to  be  dictated  to, 
told  what  I  have  to  do,  can't  do  or 
must   do." 

People  write  from  all  over  the  world 
asking  how  to  get  into  this  business 
of  finding  lost  but  wealthy  heirs.  Herb 
tells  them  it's  very  simple  to  begin. 
He  gets  all  his  leads  from  public  rec- 
ords— newspapers  and  court  documents. 
More  than  200  probate  matters  are 
calendared  each  court  day  in  Los  An- 
geles alone,  and  a  goodly  portion  of 
them    are   escheat    prospects. 

The  most  important  thing  is  knowing 
how  and  where  to  develop  your  basic 
entree  into  the  estate,  but  the  methods 
he  uses  in  that  development  fall  into 
the  "trade  secret"  classification.  How- 
ever, of  one  thing  you  may  be  sure: 
If  Herb  Saxton  ever  calls  on  you  and 
says,  "I  have  reason  to  believe  you 
are  an  heir  to  an  unclaimed  estate," 
you  can  be  reasonably  certain  you  are 
the  right  one,  and  that  your  claim 
can  be  proved.  He  has  spent  literally 
thousands    of    dollars     and    countless 

hours  of  research,  only  to  discover 
there  was  no  possible  way  of  legally 
proving  a  prospective  heir's  identity, 
so  he  doesn't  even  tell  him  about  it. 

"The  average  American,"  Herb 
points  out,  "doesn't  know  anything 
about  his  family  tree.  The  majority 
don't  know  for  certain  the  maiden 
name  of  their  own  mother,  let  alone 
their  grandparents  or  greataunts.  Not 
long  ago,  a  girl  came  to  me  and  said 
she  would  like  to  know  who  her  father 
is.  She  had  been  reared  with  the  under- 
standing that  the  man  to  whom  her 
mother  was  married  was  her  natural 
father.  But  he  wasn't,  and  had  never 
legally  adopted  her. 

"This  didn't  come  out  until  the  step- 
father died,  leaving  a  moderate  estate 
to  his  three  'daughters.'  The  girl 
couldn't  find  her  birth  certificate  and 
her  mother  finally  told  her  the  truth. 
Ordinarily,  I  don't  set  out  to  find  a 
man  who  has  disappeared.  But,  since 
I  had  three  other  cases  in  the  same 
Midwestern   state,   I   told   the   girl   I'd 



The  persons  whose  names  appear  here,  or  their  next  of  kin,  in  any  degree, 
should  make  their  whereabouts  known  immediately.  There  is  a  substantial 
sum  of  money  held  in  trust  in  each  case.  All  that  is  required  is  to  prove 
identity  and  claim  it.  Funds  in  these  cases  are  held  for  the  lawful  claimants 
only  for  a  short  statutory  period.  Failure  to  file  a  claim  within  the  statutory 
period  is  fatal.  Therefore,  time  is  of  the  essence.  Contact  Herb  Saxton,  of 
Art  Linkletter's  House  Party,  CBS  Television  City,  Hollywood  36,  Calif. 

BARKS,  Howard.  Born  in  Ohio.  Married  Ina  Dease.  Last  known  address: 
420  North  Oakley  Street,  Saginaw,  Michigan. 

BENJAMIN,  Deste,  and  her  brothers,  Jonathan  and  Mushy,  were  born  in 
Ourmia,  Persia,  the  children  of  Yonan  and  Asmar  Benjamin.  Their  last 
known  addresses  are:  Deste,  25  Clinton  Street,  Yonkers,  N.  Y.;  Jonathan, 
164  Dearborn  Avenue,  Chicago,  III.;  and  Mushy,  146  East  32nd  Street, 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

BLACK,  Marie  M.  Born  in  the  state  of  Washington  on  4-15-1901.  Last 
heard  from  in  Seattle,  Washington. 

CALL,  Elekonida.  Born  in  Russia  on  5-12-1897.  Married  a  man  whose  first 
name  was  Alexis.  Last  heard  from  in  Omaha,  Nebr. 

JOHNSON,  Frances.  Born  in  Minnesota.  Maiden  name  was  Exner.  Last 
heard  from  in  Brook  Park,  Minn. 

JOHNSON,  W.  C.  Born  in  Arkansas  in  1899.  Last  known  address:  411  Adair 
Street,  Dallas,  Texas. 

KRAUSSLICH,  Edna.  Born  in  Chicago,  III.,  only  child  of  Emile  Leonard  and 
Elizabeth  Krausslich.  Last  heard  from  in  Chicago. 

KRIEGER,  Albert.  Born  in  Germany  on  7-26-1881.  Last  heard  from  in 
Washington,  Pa. 

LEONARD,  Elmer  C.  Born  in  Minnesota  on  4-4-1871.  Last  heard  from  in 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

MERCKEL,  Fred.  Born  in  Centerville,  Ohio,  son  of  Charles  and  Mary  Merck- 
el.  Last  known  address:  R.F.D^,  Merry  Hill,  Paso  Robles,  Calif. 

NIEMANN,  Bruno.  Born  in  Russia  on  8-22-1880,  son  of  Christian  and 
Rose  Niemann.  Last  heard  from  in  Milwaukee,  Wise. 

PURDIE,  Isabella.  Born  in  Australia,  daughter  of  Robert  A.  and  Mary 
(O'Hear)  Purdie.  Last  heard  from  in  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

SCHAFFER,  Rose  A.  Born  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  2-22-1908,  youngest  child 
of  John  and  Margaret  (Mclntyre)  Schaffer.  Last  heard  from  in  Long  Beach, 

SPANNER,  Alice  L.  Born  in  Russia,  daughter  of  Morris  and  Bertha  Spanner. 
Last  heard  from  in  New  Orleans,  La. 

WALSH,  Anna.  Born  in  Sweden.  Maiden  name  Johnson.  Married  to  William 
Frank  Walsh.  Last  heard  from  in  Barre,  Vt. 

try  to  locate  her  real  father  while  I 
was  there.  It  so  happened,  her  father 
had  moved  to  this  state  after  her  moth- 
er divorced  him,  had  married  a  child- 
less widow  with  nothing  but  money, 
and  became  very  prosperous.  They  had 
no  children,  his  second  wife  prede- 
ceased him  and  left  her  entire  estate 
to  him. 

"In  all  these  years,  he  hadn't  men- 
tioned his  previous  marriage  or  his 
daughter  to  anyone  and,  when  he  died, 
there  was  no  will.  When  I  came  on 
the  scene,  I  discovered  the  girl  was 
the  legal  heir  to  an  estate  of  $102,000 
— except  for  one  thing.  The  statute  of 
limitations  had  run  out  just  four 
months  previously  and  she  got  nothing, 
either  from  her  natural  father  or  her 
stepfather.  All  her  mother  could  say 
was,  'If  I  had  only  known!' 

The  case  of  the  illegitimate  child 

"People  unthinkingly  do  great  harm 
to  their  children.  I  run  into  many, 
many  pathetic  cases  resulting  from 
children  being  born  out  of  wedlock, 
for  example.  Such  a  child  is  the  natu- 
ral heir  of  the  mother — but  not  of  the 
father,  unless  he  legitimates  the  child, 
either  in  writing  or  by  certain  acts  of 
legitimation.  In  such  cases,  the  mother, 
especially  if  she's  married  to  someone 
else,  often  gets  to  thinking,  Gee!  Sup- 
pose someone  sees  this!  She  then  de- 
stroys the  paper — and,  with  it,  her 
child's  birthright." 

Because  of  his  appearances  on  House 
Party,  Herb  gets  thousands  of  requests 
to  search  for  someone  who  has  dropped 
from  sight.  To  all  of  them,  he  offers 
a  courteous  but  firm  no.  "I  learned  my 
lesson  many,  many  years  ago.  The  wife 
had  never  remarried  after  her  husband 
disappeared.  The  children  were  grown, 
married,  had  children  of  their  own  and 
now  wanted  the  grandfather  to  come 
back  to  see  them.  Being  a  big  country 
bumpkin,  or  maybe  a  little  sentimental, 
I  told  these  people  I'd  try  to  find  him 
as  a  side  job,  as  I  went  along. 

"Through  one  of  those  quirks  that 
keep  this  business  so  interesting,"  Herb  • 
recalls,  "I  found  this  fellow  quite  sud- 
denly, within  a  brief  time.  He  had 
nothing  to  conceal,  so  I  went  to  him 
and  explained  the  situation,  saying  his 
family  was  most  anxious  for  the  grand- 
children to  know  him.  All  he  said  was, 
'I'll  hunt  you  down  and  shoot  you 
like  a  dog  if  you  ever  let  them  know 
where  I  am!'  " 

Today,  with  our  living  becoming 
more  and  more  regimented,  and  with 
the  transportation  and  communications 
problems  reduced  to  almost  nothing, 
it  becomes  increasingly  difficult  to  drop 
willfully  from  sight — though  it  can 
still  be  done,  according  to  Herb. 

"What  makes  it  difficult,"  he  says, 
"is  that  we  are  registered  for  so  many 
things  these  days — Social  Security,  the 
draft,  and  so  on.  And  almost  every- 
thing is  being  done  on  credit,  where 
they  have  central  credit  bodies  keeping 
tabs  on  everything  you  do  throughout 
the  nation.  All  this,  of  course,  makes 
my  job  easier." 

About  60  percent  of  that  job  is  re- 
search, mostly  in  libraries,  newspaper 

offices  and  halls  of  records.  After  the 
documenting  comes  what  Herb  calls 
the  "sneaky"  part — contacting  the  heir 
through  subterfuge.  This  is  necessary 
to  develop  and  verify  facts  he  has  un- 
covered, for  court  presentation. 

The  other  40  percent  of  the  job  is 
daydreaming.  "You  figure  out  what 
could  have  happened.  You  say  to  your- 
self, Now,  why  would  this  person  have 
done  such-and-so  instead  of  so-and- 
such?  You  try  to  reconstruct  a  man's 
life,  what  he  did  and  why  he  did  it. 
You  try  to  outwit  him.  And,  many 
times,  you  come  up  with  the  right 

This  daydreaming  can  take  place 
anytime,  anywhere — when  Herb  wakes 
up  in  the  middle  of  the  night,  lolling 
beside  the  pool  of  his  Hollywood 
apartment,  on  a  short  vacation  in  Palm 
Springs,  on  a  jet  to  New  York  or 
Europe.  "I'm  pretty  much  on  the  go. 
I  have  to  keep  working  because  of 
the  high  fatality  rate  in  this  business. 
Time  is  always  working  against  you. 

"Fortunately,"  Herb  adds,  "people 
being  what  they  are,  there  will  always 

be  plenty  of  business!  But  you  almost 
have  to  have  'second  sight'  to  know 
which  cases  are  promising  and  which 
ones  will  lead  you  to  a  blank  wall. 
Eighty-seven  percent  of  the  American 
people  die  intestate,  without  making 
a  will — although  this  is  a  privilege  for 
which  people  have  fought  and  died. 
For  many  centuries,  no  matter  what 
property  you  acquired  during  your 
lifetime,  you  could  not  leave  it  to  any- 
body— it  automatically  reverted  to  the 

"A  will  is  something  everyone  should 
make,"  Herb  Saxton  emphasizes,  "but 
even  more  important  is  a  family  tree. 
If  you  have  a  good  family  tree,  you 
might  be  able  to  pick  up  loot  all  over 
the  country.  It's  always  wise  to  know 
where  good  old  Uncle  Charlie  is,  and 
how  he's  doing.  You  could  be  the  sole 
heir  to  his  estate — even  if  he  never 
heard  of  you!"     .  — Bill  Kelsay 

Art  Linkletter's  House  Party  is  seen 
over  CBS-TV,  Mon.  through  Fri.,  at 
2:30  P.M.  EST— heard  on  CBS  Radio, 
Mon.  through  Fri.,  at  10:10  A.M.  EST. 

Judy:  The  Myth  and  the  Mother 

(Continued  from  page  49) 
with    its    problems    and    triumphs    has 
taught  her  special  things  about  being  a 

Because  her  career  and  her  children 
have  always  been  her  deepest  concerns, 
Judy's  lesson  in  motherhood  really 
began  thirty-five  years  ago.  That  was 
when  she  was  four  years  old  and 
crashed  her  family's  vaudeville  act.  She 
ran  onto  the  stage  and  sang  an  unre- 
hearsed number  which  brought  down 
the  house.  After  that  she  became  a  reg- 
ular member  of  the  Gumm  family  act. 

Judy's  talent  became  more  and  more 
obvious  until  finally  she  was  spotted  by 
an  MGM  talent  scout,  and  signed  to  a 
movie  contract.  She  was  rushed  into 
dancing  lessons,  acting  lessons — and 
reducing  sprees.  Always  on  the  heavy 
side,  Judy  was  forbidden  to  eat  any- 
thing more  than  a  cup  of  broth  for 
lunch.  To  this  day,  MGM's  files  are 
filled  with  memos  to  the  then  powerful 
studio  head,  Louis  B.  Mayer,  which 
read  like  this:  "Garland  kid  sneaked  a 
chocolate  bar  onto  the  set  today."  Then 
Mayer  would  call  her  to  his  office  and 
read  her  out.  "You  look  like  a  mon- 
ster," he  used  to  say.  The  harder  Judy 
worked  and  dieted,  the  more  popular 
she  got.  Finally,  she  got  her  biggest 
break  in  "The  Wizard  of  Oz." 

Most  people  who  saw  "The  Wizard'' 
have  a  permanent  image  of  Judy,  look- 
ing younger  than  she  really  was,  skip- 
ping across  a  fairy  tale  to  the  Emerald 
City  of  Oz.  For  the  public,  she  became 
"Dorothy,"  the  gingham-clad  sweet- 
heart of  makebelieve. 

The  road  to  Oz  was  paved  with  yellow 
bricks,  but  the  powers  of  Hollywood 
and  Judy  Garland's  mother  thought 
they  were  bricks  of  gold.  Judy,  as  a 
child,  was  a  natural  moneymaker  and 
meal  ticket.  Not  only  the  fans,  but 
everyone  around  Judy  tried  to  lock  her 

in  a  nightmare  of  eternal  childhood. 
When  she  started  looking  older,  her 
mother  popped  her  into  tight  corsets, 
and  dressed  her  like  a  little  girl.  The 
pressures  on  Judy  grew  and  grew. 

Her  busy  vaudeville  days  of  travel- 
ing had  limited  her  contact  with  chil- 
dren her  own  age,  and  now  her  busy 
movie  schedule  made  it  necessary  for 
her  to  attend  the  studio  schools  where 
she  associated  with  other  "child  stars," 
most  of  them  as  lonely  and  confused  as 
she  was.  Judy's  widowed  mother  de- 
voted all  her  time  to  managing  Judy's 
career,  and  the  film  moguls  who  worked 
with  the  girl,  in  spite  of  their  paternal 
strictness,  never  gave  her  the  love  and 
understanding  she  had  lost  when  her 
own  father  passed  away.  To  everyone, 
Judy  was  a  success,  but  she  never  knew 
if  anyone  loved  her  for  herself,  or  only 
the  image  they  had  created. 

The  pace  continued.  Judy  played 
Mickey  Rooney's  girlfriend  in  the 
Andy  Hardy  series,  and  the  pictures 
such  as  "Meet  Me  in  St.  Louis"  in  which 
she  made  a  transition  into  more  adult 
musical  and  dramatic  roles. 

At  nineteen,  Judy  Garland  was  still 
insecure,  and  maybe  a  little  bit  "in  love 
with  love."  She  married  a  young  com- 
poser, David  Rose.  Some  said  that  the 
match  had  been  all  but  arranged  by  her 
overzealous  publicity  men,  and  others 
felt  that  Judy  was  simply  trying  to 
escape  from  her  overbearing  "stage 
mama."  Whatever  the  reasons,  the  mar- 
riage was  unsuccessful  and  ended  in 
divorce.  Shortly  afterward,  Judy  tied 
the  knot  with  director  Vincente  Min- 
nelli.  On  March  12,  1946,  Liza  was 
born  to  the  Minnellis,  but  parenthood 
was  not  enough  to  save  the  crumbling 
marriage.  Judy  felt  the  responsibility  of 
motherhood  keenly,  and  was  awarded 
custody  of  the  child.  Still,  she  was  un- 
equipped for  her  role  as  an  adult.  The 


For  ad  rates,  write  PCD 

549  W.  Washington 

Chicago  6 

OF  INTEREST  TO  WOMEN    (P.W.— Apr.'62) 

BEAUTY  DEMONSTRATORS— TO  $5.00  hour  demonstrat- 
ing  Famous  Hollywood  Cosmetics,  your  neighborhood.  For 
free  samples,  details,  write  Studio  Girl,  Dept.  1624C,  Glen- 
dale,  California.  "Canadians:  850  La  Fleur,  Montreal." 
$25-$50  WEEKLY  possible,  rewriting  news  items,  Jokes 
Poems,  Recipes  for  publishers.  Some  worth  $10  each.  Details 
Free.  Service,  81-FW,  Knickerbocker  Station,  New  York  City. 
$300  PAID  FOR  Your  Child's  Picture  by  advertisers.  Send 
small  photo.  (All  ages).  Returned.  Print  child's,  parent's  name, 
address.  Spothte,  1611-P4  LaBrea,  Hollywood,  California 
SECOND  INCOME  FROM  Oil  Can  End  Your  Toill  Free 
Book  and  Oilfield  Mapsl  National  Petroleum,  Panamerican 
Building,  Miami  32,  Florida. 

DRESSES  24c;  SHOES  39c;  Men's  suits  $4.95;  trousers 
$1.20.  Better  used  clothing.  Free  catalog.  Transworld,  164-A 
Christopher,  Brooklyn  12,  N.Y. 

MAKE  $25-$50  week,  clipping  newspaper  items  for  publishers. 
Some  clippings  worth  $5  each.  Particulars  Free.  National. 
81 -WM,  Knickerbocker  Station,  New  York  City. 

STOP  THROWING  AWAY  Boxtopsl  They're  worth  moneyl 
Some,  25cl  Inquire:  "Boxtops-BH",  Cedar  Hill,  Texas. 

HOMEWORK.    TYPING.    $20-$70   weekly.    Details   Free. 
Crystalco  28-TWM2,  Millburn,  New  Jersey. 

WOMEN  WANTED  TO  Assemble  Jewelry  At  Home.  Starco, 
60  W.  Hays,  Banning,  California. 

EARN  UP  TO  $2.00  hour  sewing  babywearl  Free  Details. 
Cuties,  Warsaw  1,  Indiana. 

HOME  TYPING!  $65  week  possible!  Details,  $1.  Simone. 
709  Webster,  New  Rochelle  PW-2,  N.Y. 

EARN  $50.00  FAST,  Sewing  Aprons.  Details  Free.  Redykuf  s, 
Loganville,  Wisconsin. 

$25.00  WEEKLY  MAKING  Flowers,  Jewelry.  Catalog  10c. 
Flocraft,  Farrell  49,  Penna. 


ATTEND  BUSINESS  SCHOOL  at  home!  Save  time  and 
expense  of  attending  classes,  prepare  for  secretarial  career 
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Write  for  catalog.  Wayne  School,  417  S.  Dearborn,  Dept. 
04-514,  Chicago  5,  III. 

COMPLETE  YOUR  HIGH  School  at  home  in  spare  time  with 
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at  58th,  Chicago  37,  Illinois. 

FINISH  HIGH  SCHOOL— Make  More  Money  High  school 
graduates  earn  more  money,  get  better  jobs.  Finish  school  at 
home,  in  spare  time.  Personal  help.  Famous  school.  Write 
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Chicago  5,  Illinois., 

HIGH  SCHOOL  DIPLOMA  at  home.  Licensed  teachers. 
Approved  materials.  Southern  States  Academy,  Station  E-i, 
Atlanta,  Georgia. 

MEDICAL  SECRETARY,  10  Weeks,  Home  Study.  Boston 
Institute  of  Medical  Secretaries,  725X  Boylston  Street, 
Boston,  Massachusetts. 


BORROW  $100  TO  $1,000  By  Mail.  Quick,  Easy,  Private. 
No  Co-Signers.  Repay  in  24  small  monthly  payments.  For  the 
amount  you  want  write  today  to  Dial  Finance  Co.,  410  Kil- 
patrick  Bldg.,  Dept.  D-57,  Omaha  2,  Nebraska. 

MAIL  LOANS — Borrow  amount  needed  for  any  purpose. 
Repay  24  monthly  payments.  Confidential.  World  Finance  Co., 
Dept.  32-A,  620  Symes  Bldg.,  Denver  2,  Colorado. 

NEW1  BORROW  $800.  Anywhere.  Increased  Loan  Limit.  Air 
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ment  63-E,  Louisville,  Kentucky. 


60%  PROFIT  COSMETICS  $25  day  up.  Hire  others.  Sam- 
ples, details.  Studio  Girl — Hollywood,  Glendale,  California, 
Dept.  1624H.  Canadians:  850  LaFleur,  Montreal. 

EARN  EXTRA  MONEY  selling  Advertising  Book  Matches. 
Free  sample  kit  furnished.  Matchcorp,  Dept  WP-42,  Chicago 

32,  Illinois. 


MAKE  BIG  MONEY  invisibly  mending  damaged  garments 
at  home.  Details  Free.  Fabricon,  1589  Howard,  Chicago  26. 
EARN  $3.00  HOUR— home  sparetime.  Easy  Pump  Lamps 
assembling,  No  canvassing.  Write:  Ougor,  Caldwell  33,  Ark. 


TERRIFIC  STAMP  BARGAINI  Israel-lceland-San  Marion— 
plus  triangle  set — plus  Antiqua-Borneo-Virgin-Scouts-Congo- 
Russia— Plus  large  stamp  book— all  four  offers  free— Send 
10c  for  mailing  cost.  Empire  Stamp  Corporation,  Dept.  PC, 

Toronto,  Canada. 


POEMS  WANTEDl  BEST  songs  recorded  Free  with  7-piece 
orchestra.  Melodies  written.  Send  poems,  free  examination. 

Songmakers,  1472-Y  Broadway,  New  York  36. 

POEMS  NEEDED  IMMEDIATELY  for  Songs  and  Records. 
Our  offer  is  best.  Rush  Poems.  Songcrafters,  6145-A  Acklen 

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POEMS  WANTED  FOR  musical  setting  and  recording.  Send 
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New  York. 


LOSE  WEIGHT  EASILY  without  regaining.  No  Diets-Drugs- 
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^J^nlfl^J      For  musical  setting  ..  .send 
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fairy  tale  had  to  end,  and  Judy  hadn  t 
learned  to  cope  with  her  real  problems. 
She  buckled  under  the  strain  of  her 
movie  commitments  and  often  failed  to 
appear  on  the  set.  When  she  did  appear, 
there  were  frequent  tantrums.  As  a  last 
resort,  the  studio  cancelled  her  contract, 
leaving  Judy  in  a  hopeless  mess.  An 
attempt  at  suicide  was  more  in  the  long 
string  of  failures. 

She  knew  she  had  to  keep  trying,  she 
had  to  regain  the  confidence  that  had 
vanished,  and  she  had  to  grow  up.  She 
needed  help,  and  a  new  way  of  looking 
at  life. 

Someone  gave  a  party,  and  Judy  was 
invited.  One  of  the  other  guests  was  a 
big  solid  man  named  Luft.  Sid  Luft. 
When  Judy  met  him,  something  clicked. 
He  was  different  from  most  of  Judy's 
friends;  there  was  nothing  phony  about 
him.  When  he  and  Judy  went  to  a  ballet 
which  bored  him,  he  fell  asleep.  She 
was  amazed  and  charmed  by  his  natural- 
ness. As  the  friendship  blossomed,  Sid 
recognized  some  qualities  in  Judy  which 
had  long  been  hidden,  and  he  drew  them 
out.  She  started  to  come  out  of  her  shell 
and  find  fun  in  life.  And  a  year  after 
they  met,  Sid  and  Judy's  friendship, 
which  had  become  a  romance,  grew  into 
marriage.  In  1951,  Judy  was  traveling 
the  path  toward  maturity. 

But  the  road  to  maturity  is  a  rocky 

Sid  decided  it  was  time  for  Judy  to 
make  a  movie  comeback,  and  picked  a 
remake  of  "A  Star  Is  Born"  for  her  to 
star  in.  Luft  was  made  producer  of  the 
film  as  an  insurance  against  the  fabled 
Garland  latenesses  and  tantrums.  Un- 
fortunately, the  insurance  policy  didn't 
pay  off. 

Judy  was  absolutely  terrified  of  mak- 
ing another  movie;  she  didn't  think  the 
public  would  still  accept  her,  she  didn't 
think  she  was  pretty  enough  for  the 
relentless  camera  eye.  She  began  de- 
veloping chronic  sore  throats,  throwing 
nervous  scenes,  making  late  appear- 
ances (if  she'd  show  up  at  all)  and, 
finally,  insisted  on  filming  only  at  night. 
The  big  scene  in  the  movie,  where  she 
sings  "Born  in  a  Trunk,"  took  one 
month  to  film,  working  every  night  from 
6  p.m.  to  2  a.m.  Obviously  the  movie 
cost  a  fortune  and  everyone  in  Holly- 
wood was  surprised  that  it  was  ever 
actually  completed. 

But  when  it  opened,  Judy  was  a 
smash  all  over  again. 

She  was  nominated  for  an  Academy 
Award  and  on  the  night  of  Hollywood's 
big  event  she  was  expecting  an  event 
of  her  own.  She  was  in  the  hospital 
awaiting  the  imminent  arrival  of  her 
second  child  by  Luft. 

"All  of  a  sudden,"  she  recalls,  "the 
room  was  filled  with  cameramen  shout- 
ing and  pushing  and  those  big,  hot 
lights.  I  said  to  them,  'Does  this  mean 
I've  won?'  But  they  just  wanted  to  be 
around  'in  case.'  With  all  the  noise,  I 
thought  I  was  going  to  give  birth  right 

Judy  didn't  win;  Grace  Kelly  did. 
But  Judy  said:  "It  really  didn't  matter. 
I  was  happy  just  having  the  baby." 

Then,  it  was  five  long  years — years 
of  trouble,  exhaustion,  bouts  with  taxes, 
lawsuits    and    serious    illnesses — until 

Judy  began  to  come  to  terms  with  her- 

In  spite  of  her  spectacular  setbacks, 
she  couldn't  give  up  her  career  and  she 
was  crushed  when  she  realized  that  pro- 
ducers wouldn't  take  a  chance  on  put- 
ting her  in  a  movie.  She  tortured  her 
body  with  diet  capsules  and  tranquil- 
lizers, with  pills  to  keep  her  awake  and 
pills  to  put  her  to  sleep.  But  she  still 
didn't  get  any  movie  work. 

Finally,  she  got  sick.  After  months  of 
convalescence  from  a  severe  bout  with 
hepatitis,  her  doctors  told  her  she  had 
to  stop  working. 

A  lesson  learned 

The  Lufts  moved  to  England  and 
there  something  very  important  hap- 
pened. From  these  traditionally  cold 
people,  Judy  received  a  warmth  and 
acceptance  she  had  never  expected  to 
be  given  again.  Slowly,  she  realized  that 
nobody  really  minded  how  she  looked. 
Plump  or  slim,  it  was  Judy  Garland 
herself  that  audiences  loved.  She  gave 
up  her  strenuous  diets  and  stopped 
worrying  about  the  eternal  image  she 
felt  compelled  to  present.  She  hired 
new  managers  to  guide  her  career  and 
slowly  started  working  until  she  built 
up  to  a  series  of  unrivalled  smash  con- 
certs. She  was  signed  to  make  her  first 
movie  in  years — a  dramatic  part  in 
"Judgment  at  Nuremberg" — and  was  a 
critical  success.  But  with  all  her  profes- 
sional success,  Judy  was  in  for  some 
more  personal  trouble.  She  and  Luft 
separated.  It  was  almost  as  if  Judy 
couldn't  accept  being  free  of  problems. 
Suddenly  her  records  were  big  sellers 
again,  her  appearances  were  jammed 
and  she  was  offered  another  movie, 
Stanley  Kramer's  "A  Child  Is  Waiting." 
That  was  when  she  realized  that  any 
success  couldn't  mean  as  much  as  her 
family  and  her  marriage. 

Judy  and  Sid  are  now  reunited  and 
it  looks  like  they'll  stay  that  way.  The 
lesson  that  began  thirty-five  years  ago 
is  now  finally  at  an  end.  Judy  now 
knows  what  kind  of  wife  and  mother 
she  wants  to  be. 

She  understands  now  that  marriage 
is  not  a  fairy  tale,  and  Sid  Luft  is  not 
a  "Wizard  of  Oz."  But  he  is  a  good  and 
patient  man  who  loves  Judy  and  the 
children.  And  she  loves  him  and  needs 
him  and  knows  that  he'll  always  be 
there.  Surely  her  children,  who've  al- 
ways been  very  close  to  Judy,  are  even 
happier  and  more  secure  since  Judy's 
new  attitudes. 

And  the  children  come  first.  Sixteen- 
year-old  Liza  with  her  slender  dark 
beauty,  rather  quiet,  and  easily  hurt, 
wanting  to  go  into  show  business  .  .  . 
Lorna,  the  rugged  individualist,  bounc- 
ing and  energetic  .  .  .  Joseph,  the  hand- 
some little  boy,  sunny  and  funny.  The 
youngsters  seem  to  be  full  of  talents, 
but  Judy  will  never  be  a  stage  mama, 
will  never  push  them  ahead  too  soon; 
she  knows  how  empty  childhood  can 
be  without  a  home,  friends,  and  the 
security  of  family  life. 

Being  a  mother,  Judy  will  share  the 
problems  of  helping  her  son  and  daugh- 
ters to  grow  into  adults.  She  can  offer 
her  advice  and  guidance,  but  must  not 
overprotect  or  boss  them.  She  sees  that 

Liza  is  rapidly  becoming  a  young  lady. 

Though  she  looks  like  a  poised  young 
woman,  she  and  Judy  realize  that  just- 
turned-sixteen  is  still  very  young.  Fore- 
warned by  Judy's  too-early  fame,  they 
have  agreed  that  Liza  should  finish 
school  and  not  rush  the  career.  But  Liza 
knows  what  she  wants  and  is  busily 
preparing  herself  to  be  an  entertainer. 
She  studies  dance  and  practices  long 
hours,  and  whenever  there  is  a  chance, 
she  acts  in  her  school  plays  and  pro- 
grams (which  her  mother  always  at- 

Last  summer  Liza  had  her  first  chance 
to  really  become  a  professional.  She 
was  invited  to  join  a  summer  stock  com- 
pany in  Massachusetts.  Judy  rented  a 
home  in  nearby  Hyannis  Port,  and  Liza 
went  to  work. 

It  was  very  touching  to  see  Liza  on- 
stage— looking  so  much  like  her  mother 
and  being  so  talented — like  her  mother. 
If  anyone   in   the    audience   pretended 

that  this  was  the  young  Judy  Garland 
all  over  again,  you  couldn't  really  blame 
him.  And  Judy  must  know  that  feeling 
and  must  try  very  hard  to  resist  it. 
Because  she  doesn't  want  her  daughter 
to  live  the  life  she  led. 

The  most  important  thing  Judy  wants 
to  give  Liza  is  to  teach  her  a  basic 
lesson  which  can  cause  so  much  pain  if 
it  is  not  clearly  understood.  A  lesson 
which  everyone  who  has  loved  and  ad- 
mired Judy  sincerely  prays  she  has 
finally  learned. 

"Liza,  always  be  proud  to  be  your- 
self. No  matter  what  role  you  may  play, 
or  what  people  may  demand  of  you,  you 
must  never  lose  touch  with  who  and 
what  you  are  inside."  And  perhaps, 
looking  back  over  where  she  went  wrong 
in  her  own  life,  Judy  might  want  to  add : 
"Whatever  anyone  else  tells  you,  what 
ever  happens,  be  yourself." 

It  is  advice  any  mother  might  give  her 
daughter.  — Lynn  Jackson 

"Marilyn  Boils  My  Bear" 

(Continued  from  page  36) 
only  reason  Bob  told  her  then  was  that 
the  news  had  already  leaked  to  a  news- 
paper. And,  afterwards,  she  was  in- 
formed that  if  she  ever  wanted  to 
resume  her  career,  it  was  fine  with  Bob. 
They'd  simply  get  a  divorce,  and  see 
each  other  on  dates ! 

To  most  women,  it  would  seem  that 
Marilyn  Horton  has  given  up  a  good 
deal,  even  in  exchange  for  one  of  the 
most  desirable  men  around.  Does  it 
seem  that  way  to  her? 

She  shook  her  head  firmly.  "I've  given 
up  nothing.  Bob  is  the  strongest  man 
I've  ever  known.  He  should  make  the 
decisions.  He  makes  marvelous  deci- 

Bob  nodded,  seriously.  "When  I  start 
making  bad  ones,  that  will  be  the  time 
to  question  them." 

They  sat  side  by  side  on  a  soft,  deep 
sofa,  discussing  it.  The  living  room  of 
their  home  is  large  and  comfortable, 
furnished  mostly  with  pieces  Bob  owned 
before  he  and  Marilyn  met.  At  their  feet, 
a  huge  Great  Dane  (chosen  in  England 
by  Bob)  shifted  on  its  haunches.  Soon, 
Marilyn  would  go  into  the  kitchen  and 
— while  Bob  studied  his  lines  for  the 
next  day's  work — prepare  dinner.  When 
dinner  was  ready,  she  would  serve  it; 
when  they  finished  eating,  she  would 
clear  the  table  and  do  the  dishes.  The 
next  day,  if  there  were  vacuuming  to 
be  done  or  the  floors  needed  washing, 
Marilyn  would  do  them,  for  the  Hortons 
have  no  maid.  If  they  went  out  to 
dinner,  she'd  probably  wear  a  dress  Bob 
had  chosen  and  spend  the  evening  with 
people  who  were  Bob's  friends  before 
he  met  Marilyn. 

It  is  not  a  marriage  that  would  suit 
everyone.  But  the  Hortons  glow  with 
happiness.  So  sure  are  they  that  they 
have  found  the  secret  of  successful 
marriage,  one  would  think  they  had 
tried  and  tested  it  for  years.  But,  in  fact, 
it  is  a  way  of  life  which  is  new  to  them 

"When   I   was   married    for   the   first 

time,"  Bob  Horton  reminisced — actu- 
ally, he  was  referring  to  his  second 
marriage  (the  first  was  quickly  annulled 
in  his  teens) — "I  had  no  idea  of  what 
a  marriage  should  be.  I  was  a  baby  both 
in  years  and  understanding.  I  had  the 
idea  that,  when  I  got  married,  I'd  move 
out  of  my  parents'  house  into  a  home  of 
my  own  and  thus  leave  all  my  problems 
behind.  I  remember  my  mother  giving 
me  a  very  good,  very  beautiful  piece  of 
advice.  She  said,  'A  girl  loves  and 
cherishes  her  honeymoon  all  her  life. 
Be  kind  to  her.'  I  took  the  advice — as 
far  as  it  went.  My  wife  and  I  had  a 
lovely  honeymoon. 

"But  I  didn't  understand  that  one  had 
to  go  on  being  kind  and  tender  when 
the  honeymoon  was  over.  I  had  the 
right  idea,  in  a  way — I  knew  even  then 
that,  as  a  man,  I  should  be  the  final 
authority  in  my  home — but  I  didn't 
know  how  to  go  about  it.  I  suppose  I 
had  constantly  before  me  the  example 
of  my  father,  who  tends  to  be  very 
arbitrary :  'I'm  the  father,  so  I  make  the 
decisions.'  I  took  that  attitude  also.  I 
didn't  talk  our  problems  over  thoroughly 
with  my  wife;  I  wasn't  tolerant  of  her 
needs.  As  a  result,  I  made  a  number  of 
bad  decisions.  The  marriage  didn't 

"I've  learned  a  lot  since  then.  I'll 
give  you  an  example.  Recently  I  had  to 
make  a  quick  trip  East,  on  business. 
Marilyn  wanted  to  come." 

"Wanted!"  Marilyn  interrupted.  "I 
was  dying  to  go.  I  hadn't  been  East  in 
two  years." 

"I  felt  she  shouldn't  come.  It  would 
be  expensive,  and  it  would  complicate  a 
purely  business  trip  with  all  the  para- 
phernalia of  a  vacation — seeing  friends, 
going  out,  and  so  on.  We  discussed  it — " 

"We  discussed  it  vehemently"  Mari- 
lyn put  in. 

"And  I  decided  that  Marilyn  should 
stay  home.  So  of  course  she  did.  But 
on  the  airplane  going  East,  I  began  to 
think  it  over  again.  I  realized  that — 
although   I   was  right   in   terms  of  the 

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trip  itself — in  terms  of  our  relationship, 
it  would  be  better  if  I  changed  my  mind. 
So  I  did.  I  called  her  long-distance — " 
"And  I  was  packed  and  ready  to 
leave  in  ten  minutes,"  Marilyn  said, 
giving  her  husband  a  contented  smile. 
"I'd  been  having  dinner  with  a  friend 
and  she'd  just  told  me,  'After  all,  Mari- 
lyn, you've  been  married  nearly  a  year. 
Face  it,  the  honeymoon  is  over.'  Then 
Bob  called,  and  I  knew  it  wasn't  over, 
after  all." 

Let's  fight-a  little 

She  snuggled  down  against  the  pil- 
lows. "It  isn't  just  that  Bob  takes  my 
wishes  into  account  before  he  makes  his 
decision.  He  encourages  me  to  fight  for 
what  I  want!  Before  I  met  him,  I  never 
knew  how  to  fight.  In  my  first  marriage, 
there  were  no  quarrels  at  all.  I  suppose 
it  looked  ideal.  My  husband  was  very 
kind,  a  really  lovely  man. 

"But  he  wanted  me  to  be  a  little  girl 
—a  happy,  indulged  one,  I  admit,  but 
a  child  who  never  grew  up.  We  never 
talked  about  our  problems,  much  less 
fought  about  them.  Instead,  we  went 
along,  all  polite  and  shiny  on  the  sur- 
face, until  one  day  everything  erupted. 
In  our  entire  marriage  we  had  exactly 
two  arguments — and  the  second  one 
ended  in  divorce.  With  Bob,  I  know 
from  experience  that  our  marriage  can 
stand  the  strain  of  a  good  fight." 

"We  knew  each  other  sixteen  months 
before  we  were  married,"  Bob  agreed, 
"and  it  wasn't  all  rosy.  I  wasn't  Prince 
Charming  all  that  time.  I'm  moody  and 

"Not  as  moody  as  you  used  to  be," 
Marilyn  purred. 

"Because  I'm  happier.  But  still,  I'm 
no  angel.  And  yet — all  that  time,  Mari- 
lyn was  always  my  friend.  She  opened 
new  doors  in  my  eyes.  I  saw  that  she 
was  always  on  my  side.  Never  against 
me."  He  pointed  to  the  piano  across  the 
room.  "Maybe  it's  easy  to  walk  from 
here  to  there.  But  if,  for  some  reason,  I 
think  it's  hard,  then  it  is  hard — for  me, 
anyway.  I  need  a  woman  who'll  help 
me  get  there.  If  she's  not  with  me,  if 
she  pulls  another  way,  I  may  never  get 
there  at  all." 

He  reflected.  "In  my  second  mar- 
riage"— to  Barbara  Ruick — "there  were 
problems  stemming  from  circumstances 
we  couldn't  really  help.  When  we  mar- 
ried, we  were  both  bright  young  stars 
on  the  way  up,  under  contract  to  MGM 
— we  met  starring  in  a  picture  together. 
But  after  we  got  married,  Barbara  was 
dropped  and,  a  year  later,  I  was,  too. 
She  began  to  build  another  career  in 
TV,  but  I  was  stalemated  for  a  long 

"Remember,  I  base  my  authority  in 
my  home  on  the  fact  that  I'm  the  bread- 
winner, the  bear-clubber — but  suddenly, 
I  wasn't.  I  was  just  a  young  man  having 
a  hard  time  getting  a  job.  Neither  of  us 
could  stand  the  pressure."  He  smiled 
ruefully.  "I  guess  my  first  marriage 
failed  because  I  clubbed  the  bear  the 
wrong  way — and  my  second,  because 
circumstances  prevented  me  from 
clubbing  it  at  all.  This  time,  I'm  in  a 
better  position  to  make  decisions  and 
make  them  right." 

"And  it  would  be  ridiculous  for  me  to 
question  them,"  Marilyn  said.  "Bob 
makes  wonderful  decisions.  I'd  say  he's 
absolutely  right  ninety-eight  percent  of 
the  time." 

"I  try  to  make  use  of  Marilyn's 
wisdom  as  well  as  my  own,"  Bob  said. 
"I've  learned  a  lot  from  her.  For 
example,  one  of  my  failings  is  that  I 
take  first  impressions  too  seriously — " 

"And  they're  never  right,"  Marilyn 
said  wickedly.  "My  first  impression  of 
Bob  was  that  he  was  the  handsomest, 
sexiest  man  I'd  ever  seen — '-' 

"And  mine  of  you  was  that  you  had 
a  great  shape  in  tights!  But  that's  not 
what  I  mean.  I'm  thinking  about  the 
time  when  I  was  doing  a  stage  play  and, 
the  first  day  of  rehearsal,  the  director 
insisted  on  treating  me  like  some  boob 
from  TV-land  who  naturally  knew 
nothing  about  theater  or  singing.  By 
that  evening,  I  had  told  Marilyn,  'I'm 
going  to  have  trouble  with  that  man,  so 
I  might  as  well  have  it  now.'  And  she 
said,  'Wait  a  day.  Give  him  a  chance  to 
change  his  mind.'  And,  by  God,  she 
was  right.  The  next  day  the  director  and 
I  managed  to  make  contact  with  each 
other  and  there  was  no  trouble  at  all. 

"She's  taught  me  to  be  tolerant.  And 
it's  made  life  a  lot  easier."  His  long 
arms  reached  out  across  the  length  of 
the  couch  and  pulled  Marilyn  to  him. 
He  kissed  her  soundly.  "I'm  glad  I 
married  you,"  he  said. 

"And  to  think  how  close  you  came 
not  to!"  Marilyn  teased. 

Bob  Horton  sighed.  "When  I  met 
Marilyn,  I  intended  never  to  get  mar- 
ried again.  I'd  had  it.  I  figured  that, 
even  at  best,  marriage  bred  complac- 
ency, especially  in  women.  American 
women,  I've  learned  painfully,  are  bred 
to  please  men  so  that  they'll  be  desired 
and  married — but,  as  soon  as  they 
achieve  that  goal,  they  quit  trying.  I 
held  Marilyn  in  respect  and  admiration 
from  the  start,  but  I  didn't  want  to 
marry  her." 

"And  he  told  me  so." 

"It  sounded  terrible,"  Bob  continued, 
"but  I  was  honest.  I  told  her  I  did  want 
to  see  her  often,  to  be  with  her,  to 
explore  the  possibilities  of  a  relation- 
ship that  might  be  good  for  us  both — ■ 
but  I  wouldn't  get  married.  And  of 
course  I  wouldn't  give  up  my  career  to 
go  to  New  York,  where  she  lived.  So 
all  I  could  propose  was  that  she  leave 
her  family,  her  friends  and  her  career, 
move  to  a  strange  city  where  she  knew 
no  one  but  me,  and  live  alone  in  some 
tiny  apartment  just  so  that  we  could 
date  when  I  had  the  time — without  any 
hope  of  anything  better. 

"She  astonished  me.  She  came. 

"That  was  when  I  began  to  realize 
how  extraordinary  she  is.  Despite  all 
those  barriers,  she  was  ready  to  be 
loyal  to  me  and  to  her  feeling  for  me. 
She  never  tried  to  hide  it." 

"Hide  it?"  Marilyn  exclaimed.  "I 
talked  marriage,  marriage,  marriage 
all  the  time!" 

"But  when  I  kept  saying  I  wasn't 
interested,  she  didn't  desert  me.  I  began 
to  realize  that  I  had  found  someone 
who  would  literally  go  to  hell  and  back 
with  me — and  manage  to  smile  all  the 
way.  Where  can  you  find  that  kind  of 

loyalty?  But  I  still  wasn't  sure  that 
either  of  us  ought  to  attempt  another 

"Then  I  had  to  leave  Hollywood  to  go 
on  tour.  I  was  away  for  some  time.  Let's 
be  honest.  An  actor  meets  plenty  of 
temptation  when  he's  away  from  home. 
Women  are  interested  in  him.  In  the 
past,  I'd  been  interested  in  them,  too. 
This  time,  to  my  surprise,  I  found  I 
wasn't  the  slightest  bit  interested.  There 
was  no  formal  tie  to  hold  me  back — not 
even  a  promise  to  Marilyn.  Yet  I  hadn't 
the  least  desire  to  be  with  another 

"It  made  me  realize  how  tremendous- 
ly important  this  relationship — despite 
all  the  conditions  I'd  set  up — had  be- 
come to  me.  I  had  to  ask  myself  wheth- 
er I  was  willing  to  let  it  stagnate  and 
probably  deteriorate — or  take  the  next 
step,  which  was  marriage." 

"But  of  course,"  Marilyn  picked  up 
the  thread,  "he  never  mentioned  a  word 
of  this  to  me.  I  guess  he  didn't  have  to. 
He  knew  how  /  felt,  so  it  was  up  to  Lim 
to  decide.  But  I  was  completely  in  the 
dark,  still  talking  marriage  and  getting 
no  answer.  Well,  around  Christmas,  Bob 
decided  to  give  a  big  cocktail  party — 
about  a  hundred  guests — and  asked  me 
to  be  his  hostess.  The  night  of  the  party 
we  were  having  a  wonderful  time,  when 
all  of  a  sudden  a  friend  of  ours  got  up 
and  started  ringing  this  ship's  bell  Bob 
had  on  the  mantel!  It  made  a  terrific 
racket,  and  everyone  stopped  talking. 

"I  ran  over  to  Bob  and  said,  'Stop 
him,  he  must  be  drunk!'  He  said,  'Shsh! 
Listen.'  So  I  stopped  fussing  and 
listened  while  this  man  announced  that 
the  party  was  in  honor  of  Bob's  and  my 
engagement!  I  nearly  fainted.  People 
came  over  to  congratulate  us  and  when 
they  took  a  look  at  my  face,  they  said, 
'Didn't  you  know?' " 

Marriage  is  such  a  surprise! 

Bob  laughed.  "It  was  nothing  com- 
pared to  the  look  on  your  face  two 
weeks  later,  when  I  told  you  we  were 
actually  getting  married.  We'd  planned 
to  go  to  Vegas  with  some  friends  for 
New  Year's  Eve.  Then  it  occurred  to  me 
that  New  Year's  Day  would  be  a  very 
good  time  for  us  to  marry.  We'd  both 
been  disillusioned  about  marriage  in  the 
past;  now  we  were  going  to  start  over, 
start  afresh — and  New  Year's  Day 
seemed  exactly  the  right  time  for  that. 
I  called  the  Sands  Hotel  in  Vegas  and 
told  them  to  make  the  arrangements — 
in  darkest  secrecy.  Everything  was  all 
set  up — " 

"Bob  had  even  picked  the  dress  I  was 
to  wear!  A  beautiful  lace  dress  he  had 
bought  me  as  a  present.  I'd  wanted  to 
wear  it  to  that  party,  the  one  that 
turned  out  to  be  our  engagement  party. 
But  he  said  no,  save  it  for  Las  Vegas. 
So  I  did,  but  I  never  suspected — " 

"And  you  never  would  have,  either," 
Bob  said  ruefully,  "if  some  damn  fool 
hadn't  spilled  the  beans  to  a  newspaper. 
After  that,  I  figured  I'd  better  tell  Mari- 
lyn before  she  read  it  in  a  column! 

"We  were  at  my  place.  Marilyn  had 
been  helping  me  pack,  and  we  stopped 
for  a  drink.  We  were  sitting  on  the 
couch — " 

"And  I  had  my  mouth  full  of  soda 
crackers — " 

"And  I  said,  'By  the  way,  how  would 
you  like  to  get  married  tomorrow  after- 
noon around  four-thirty?' " 

"And  I  choked  and  coughed  soda 
crackers  all  over  Bob!" 

"And  I  wiped  myself  off  and  said, 
'Forget  it,  I  changed  my  mind!'  " 

"But  we  got  married  anyway,  and  I've 
never  been  happier  in  my  life.  I'd  much 
rather  be  a  wife — a  real  wife — than  a 
career  woman  or  a  pampered  little  girl. 
And  that  includes  doing  a  wife's  work." 
She  looked  thoughtfully  around  the 
room.  "People  wonder  why  we  don't 
have  a  maid.  We  can  afford  it.  Well,  we 
did  have  help  in  the  house,  at  first.  We 
had  a  couple  to  clean  and  serve  and  so 
on.  Then  something  happened  and  they 
left.  I  started  taking  complete  charge 
myself.  And  it  turned  out  to  be  tre- 
mendously satisfying. 

"I  became  a  good  cook — a  really  good 
cook — and  of  course  one  usually  enjoys 
doing  what  one  does  well.  I  found  that 
Bob  took  tremendous  pride  in  the  way 
the  house  looked  when  I  had  done  it  all 
myself.  And  actually  it  isn't  as  much 
work  as  it  seems,  even  though  the  place 
is  fairly  large.  I  have  mechanical  helps 
like  the  dishwasher.  And  I  don't  have 
the- problem  most  women — even  women 
with  full-time  maids — have  to  contend 
with:  I  don't  have  to  pick  up  after  Bob. 
He  never  leaves  a  thing  out  of  place — " 

"Except  my  shoes,"  Bob  put  in. 

Marilyn  turned  purple.  "Oh,  don't" 
she  begged.  "I  still  feel  terrible  about 
that.  Once,  without  any  ulterior  motive, 
meaning  it  as  a  compliment,  I  said  to 
Bob,  'You  know,  you're  the  neatest  man, 
you  never  leave  anything  around  except 
your  shoes!'  And  he  thought  I  was 
criticizing  him — " 

"You  were  quite  right,"  Bob  inserted. 

"And  he  never  left  another  shoe  in 
the  wrong  place.  I  felt  like  a  positive 
nag!  Anyway,  it  hasn't  proved  to  be  a 
burden,  taking  care  of  the  house.  But 
if  it  had,  I'd  be  doing  it  for  the  simple 
reason  that  Bob  is  much  happier  with- 
out servants.  He  has  a  very  strong 
instinct  for  privacy." 

"That's  true,"  Bob  agreed.  "At  the 
studio,  I  spend  most  of  my  lunchtimes 
alone.  I  eat  in  my  dressing  room  with 
the  phonograph  on.  Sometimes  I  think. 
Sometimes  I  just  sit  and  let  the  peaceful 
hour  relax  my  tensions.  Not  everyone 
understands  this. 

"Even  Marilyn  is  upset  by  my  wanting 
to  be  alone  sometimes.  On  a  Saturday 
morning,  I  may  tell  her,  'Honey,  I  have 
a  lot  of  little  things  to  do  today  and  I'd 
rather  do  them  by  myself.'  I  know  she'd 
rather  come  with  me.  She  is  alone  when 
I'm  away  or  at  work,  and  she  doesn't 
enjoy  privacy.  But  it  is  essential  for  me. 
I  must  be  alone  from  time  to  time." 

"And  so  he  should  be,"  Marilyn  caid 
quietly.  "I  chose  to  marry  Bob.  If  I 
weren't  prepared  to  give  him  the  kind  of 
life  he  needs  and  wants,  and  to  be 
happy  doing  it,  I'd  have  no  right  to  be 
his  wife.  It's  unfortunate  that  most 
women  don't  understand  how  satisfying 
this  kind  of  relationship  can  be.  Maybe 
that's  why  they  do  terrible  things  to 
themselves  and  to  their  marriages." 

"Men  are  at  fault,  too,"  Bob  pointed 

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out.  "They  become  weak.  No  woman  can 
admire  a  weak  man.  She  ends  up  des- 
troying him  or  divorcing  him — or  both. 
I  know.  I've  had  considerable  experience 
with  women.  That's  why  I'm  so  sure 
that  Marilyn  and  I  are  creating  a  good 
relationship,  a  really  strong  marriage — 
one  that  nothing  from  the  outside  can 
destroy.  If  I  should  find  myself  out  of 
work  again  someday,  I  know  she  would 
feel  sure  that  I  would  continue  to  take 
care  of  her — and  her  faith  would  help 
me  to  find  my  next  job.  There  would  be 
no  danger  to  us.  This  marriage  is  going 
to  last." 

He  reached  down  and  scratched  the 
dog  behind  the  ear.  The  Great  Dane 
stood  up,  grumbling  in  his  throat.  "He's 
hungry,"  Bob  said,  "and  so  am  I." 

Marilyn  got  to  her  feet.  She  reached 
down  to  the  coffee  table  and  picked  up 
Bob's  script.  "Here,"  she  said,  handing 
it  to  him.  "Have  fun."  She  smiled  con- 

"Excuse  me,"  she  said.  "I  have  to  go 
boil  a  bear."  — The  End 

Robert  Horton  co-stars  as  Scout  Flint 
McCullough  on  Wagon  Train,  seen  over 
NBC-TV,  Wed.,  7:30  to  8:30  P.M.  EST. 

Richard  Boone:  So  Ugly  He's  Beautiful! 

{Continued  from  page  32) 
errand  of  mercy  and  justice,  rather 
than  to  find  out  what  makes  Richard 
Boon  tick — and  tick  so  well,  espe- 
cially with  women  who  are  wild  about 

"Women,"  said  Boone,  "like  the  kind 
of  man  Paladin  was.  In  his  day,  a  man's 
word  was  good.  It  had  to  be.  That's 
what  women  like.  Nowadays,  under  the 
pressures  of  advertising  and  scores  of 
other  influences,  we  live  in  a  world  of 
half-truths.  The  slight  exaggeration  is 
the  accepted  way.  There  is  no  insist- 
ence anymore  on  absolute  truth. 

"In  the  19th-century  West,  there  was 
less  room  for  compromise.  In  that  way, 
Paladin  personifies  a  great  deal  of 
what  men  are  not,  today.  Paladin  can 
also  make  Greek  fire  or  souffle — he's 
a  sort  of  miracle  man  .  .  ." 

"Something  like  Richard  Boone," 
your  reporter  interrupted. 

Boone  shook  his  head  firmly.  "That 
isn't  so,  I  can't  make  Greek  fire  nor 
souffle.  My  background  involves  a  hun- 
dred different  jobs,  and  continually 
sticking  my  nose  into  things  out  of 
plain  curiosity  .  .  ." 

Boone's  eight-year-old  son  suddenly 
barged  into  the  living  room  to  ask  his 
father  a  homework  question.  "Yes, 
Peter,  you  drop  the  'e'  in  'wiring'," 
replied  Boone  taking  the  boy  gently 
and  ushering  him  back  to  the  bedroom 
to  join  his  mother — Boone's  third  wife, 
Claire.  "We  keep  him  out  of  print," 
he  smiled.  "He  got  his  picture  pub- 
lished one  time  and  it  went  to  his  head. 

"The  truth  of  it  is,"  Boone  continued, 
with  the  thread  of  the  conversation 
that  "had  been  cut  short  briefly  by 
Peter's  entrance,  "Paladin — the  man 
called  'Paladin' — is  the  result  of  an 
inexcusable  mistake.  It  had  to  be 
something  terrible  to  make  a  man 
spend  his  life  enforcing  morality;  to 
become  a  medieval  knight  wearing  six- 
guns.  .  .  .  But  I've  probably  made  a  lot 
more  inexcusable  mistakes  than  Pal- 
adin ever  did." 

However  many  mistakes  Richard 
Boone  may  have  made,  you  might  say 
he  was  born  with  the  inherited  right 
to  be  the  Western  hero  he  is  today. 
This  Boone  is  a  genuine  descendant  of 
the  fabled  Daniel,  the  Kentucky  trail- 
blazer — an  asset  which  his  press  agents 
have  never  failed  to  exploit. 

Richard   was   born    forty-three   years 

ago  in  Los  Angeles,  one  of  three  chil- 
dren, the  son  of  Kirk  Boone,  an  at- 
torney and  chief  counsel  of  the  General 
Petroleum  Company  in  Los  Angeles. 
(Dick's  grandfather,  Bower  Boone,  was 
perhaps  the  most  colorful  of  all  old 
Dan'l's  descendants — a  San  Francisco 
gold  miner,  racehorse  owner,  and  flam- 
boyant dresser.) 

As  a  child,  Dick  was  already  intense 
and  sensitive  and  impulsive,  just  as 
he  is  today.  He  had  a  rebelliousness 
about  him,  too,  as  evidenced  during 
his  primary  schooling  at  the  Army  and 
Navy  Academy  in  San  Diego.  One  day 
in  Latin  class,  he  got  up  from. his  desk, 
walked  to  the  window,  and  clambered 
out.  "I  was  just  bored  with  the  sub- 
ject," Dick  explained. 

As  a  teenager,  he  was  even  more 
of  an  extrovert.  Once,  when  police  im- 
pounded his  car  along  with  those  of 
friends  who  had  parked  them  illegally 
at  a  track  meet  in  Modesto,  Dick 
rounded  up  a  hundred  youths  and 
staged  a  march  on  the  city  hall.  "Good 
thing  my  father  was  a  lawyer,"  he 
quips.  "He  knew  how  to  bail  me  out." 

His  father  wanted  Dick  to  be  a  law- 
yer, too,  but  young  Boone  had  a  mind 
of  his  own.  He  enrolled  at  Stanford 
University  as  a  liberal-arts  major,  with 
emphasis  on  drama.  "It  wasn't  that  I 
didn't  admire  and  respect  my  father — I 
just  didn't  want  to.  be  a  lawyer." 

Two  notable  events  occurred  in  col- 
lege. The  first  was  his  decision  to  take 
up  boxing — for  two  years,  1936  and 
1937,  Dick  held  the  light-heavyweight 
championship  at  Stanford.  The  second 
punched  him  right  out  of  school — and 
it  had  nothing  to  do  with  boxing. 

It  started  as  a  gag  dreamed  up  by 
Dick  and  his  Theta  Xi  fraternity 
brothers,  who  painstakingly  assembled 
a  life-sized  dummy  shaped  out  of  bottles 
and  rags,  daubed  it  with  ketchup,  and 
laid  it  out  on  the  street.  The  first  car 
that  came  along  did  the  expected:  It 
ran  over  the  dummy. 

The  muffled  crunching  of  the  glass 
was  utterly  realistic,  surpassed  only  by 
the  scream  of  horror  and  shock  bel- 
lowed by  the  deep-voiced  Boone  as  he 
ran  out,  crying,  "You've  run  over  him 
.  .  .  Look  at  him  .  .  .  Oh!  Oh!  You've 
killed  my  poor  brother!" 

The  driver  of  the  car  was  a  woman, 
and  she  leaped  out  in  such  haste  to  ex- 
amine  the   "victim"   that   she   sprained 

her  ankle.  Boone  might  have  got  away 
with  the  gag — and  the  dean  might 
never  have  suggested  that  Dick  bow 
out  of  Stanford — but  there  was  hardly 
an  alternative  in  this  case. 

The  driver  was  Mrs.  Herbert  Hoover ! 

For  a  brief  time,  Boone  worked  as 
a  roustabout  in  the  California  oil  fields, 
while  attending  night  courses  at  the 
Art  Students  League  in  Los  Angeles. 
His  interests  turned  briefly  to  art,  and 
this  led  him  to  a  meeting  with  a  blonde 
painter  named  Jane  Hopper.  He  mar- 
ried Jane,  but  his  efforts  with  brush 
and  canvas  didn't  pan  out,  so  he  toiled 
spasmodically  as  a  bricklayer,  a  bar- 
tender, a  bouncer. 

It  was  a  difficult  life.  The  marriage 
became  difficult,  too,  and  ended  in 

When  World  War  II  began,  Dick  en- 
listed in  the  Navy.  He  spent  a  large 
portion  of  his  tour  in  the  Pacific  as 
an  aerial  gunner  in  a  torpedo  squadron 
aboard  three  aircraft  carriers.  "We 
were  torpedoed  on  the  Intrepid,  bombed 
on  the  Enterprise,  and  kamikazed  on 
the  Hancock,"  he  recalled.  "I  was  lucky 
to  get  back." 

As  a  civilian  again,  in  January,  1946, 
Boone  decided  that  he  would  try  ear- 
nestly in  the  field  he  loved  best — acting. 
With  the  G.I.  Bill  paying  his  tuition,  he 
enrolled  in  New  York  City's  Neighbor- 
hood Playhouse  to  learn  the  finer  con- 
cepts of  method  acting.  -Another  stu- 
dent at  the  time  was  Marlon  Brando. 

Dick  lived  in  Greenwich  Village,  in 
true  Bohemian  style.  "One  night  it  got 
very  cold  in  the  flat.  I  couldn't  take  it 
any  longer,  and  that's  what  I  told  the 
police.  I  had  to  have  some  heat,'  so 
that's  why  I  burned  the  landlady's 
furniture  in  the  fireplace  .  .  ." 

After  graduation,  Dick  worked  in 
the  Saratoga,  New  York  Playhouse, 
then  won  parts  in  Broadway  and  off- 
Broadway  shows.  His  first  important 
assignment  was  in  John  Gielgud's 
Broadway  production  of  "Medea" — but 
he  quit  in  a  huff  when  they  failed  to 
give  him  the  lead  after  Gielgud  left. 

The  perils  of  peace 

Boone  went  into  a  Shakespeare  com- 
pany in  1948,  playing  a  minor  Scottish 
nobleman  in  "Macbeth" — but  he  didn't 
make  it  on  opening  night.  He  was  fired 
during  a  dress  rehearsal  after  a  hassle 
with  the  star,  Michael  Redgrave.  "I 
got  a  kick  out  of  something  Redgrave 
did,  and  howled  away.  But  he  didn't 
think  it  was  funny.  He  threatened  to 
punch  me.  That  made  me  laugh  all 
the  louder. 

"I  didn't  get  punched.  But  that 
wound  me  up  in  dramatic  acting  for  a 

He  joined  a  dance  company,  but  it 
was  Boone's  booming  voice  that  blasted 
him  back  into  business.  Within  a  year, 
he  was  doing  TV  announcements  for 
CBS  in  New  York.  And  it  was  his 
voice  that  helped  get  him  his  break  in 
movies.  It  happened  at  the  Actors 
Studio,  where  Boone  had  enrolled  after 
a  very  brief  marriage  to  flamehaired 
singer  Mimi  Kelly. 

"A  student  actress  was  to  do  a  screen 
test  for  20th  Century-Fox  and  she  asked 

me  to  read  some  lines  from  Tennessee 
Williams'  'The  Glass  Menagerie.'  A 
month  or  so  later,  Elia  Kazan  told  me 
they  wanted  me  in  Hollywood.  I 
couldn't  believe  him  when  he  said 
director  Lewis  Milestone  liked  my  voice 
as  it  came  over  in  the  actress's  test !  He 
hadn't  even  seen"  my  face.  But  that  was 
solved  with  a  photograph  we  sent  him." 

Boone  was  promptly  hired,  on  the 
added  strength  of  his  rugged  kisser, 
and  wound  up  with  a  seven-year  con- 
tract which  eventually  blew  up  with 
an  epic  bang.  It  seems  the  studio  wanted 
him  to  double  up,  while  playing  Pon- 
tius Pilate  in  "The  Robe,"  by  doing 
another  role  in  a  second  film.  Boone's 
blithe  disregard  of  authority  and  his 
innate  pugnaciousness  combined  into  a 
volatile  mixture  that  exploded  on  the 
set.  He  not  only  refused — he  walked 
out,  right  in  the  middle  of  production. 

"I  closed  them  down,"  laughed 
Boone.  "I  just  took  a  walk." 

When  threats  to  sue  him  failed, 
pleading  succeeded,  and  he  returned 
to  finish  "The  Robe."  But  to  his  cha- 
grin, Boone  found  himself  the  object 
of  retribution  in  subsequent  assign- 
ments to  lesser  films. 

"Kangaroo"  was  one  of  these  and 
that  took  Boone  to  Sydney,  Australia 
— a  trip  he's  never  regretted.  "That's 
where  I  met  Claire.  Her  name  then  was 
Claire  McAloon  and  she  was  a  ballet 
dancer.  She  dropped  in  to  visit  director 
Milestone  and  his  wife,  and  we  met." 

Claire,  a  petite  four-feet-eight,  was 
once  quoted  on  how  Dick  won  her:  "He 
took  my  hand,  looked  me  in  the  eye, 
and  we  were,  married  as  soon  as  we 
returned  to  the  States." 

"Just  the  way  Paladin  would  have 
done  it,"  your  reporter  observed. 

A  smile  curled  on  Boone's  face.  "You 
said  it,  I  didn't!" 

Two  more  years  of  movies,  and  the 
year  was  1953 — a  very  fateful  one  for 
Richard  Allen  Boone.  Jim  Moser,  who'd 
been  writing  for  Dragnet,  had  just  done 
a  script  for  a  new  TV  series  that  was 
to  be  called  The  Doctor  and  asked  if 
Dick  would  like  to  play  the  lead.  Boone 
went  into  the  new  project  with  enthusi- 
asm, but  it  didn't  get  off  the  ground 
until  1955.  What  matters  is  that  it  did. 

The  show  went  on  the  air  as  Medic, 
and  it  stayed  on  for  two  fabulously 
successful  years.  Boone,  as  the  intensely 
dedicated  Dr.  Styner,  won  two  "Emmy" 
nominations  for  his  acting — and  also  a 
legion  of  intensely  dedicated  fans  who 
wrote  to  him  by  the  thousands,  seeking 
medical  advice.  "I  didn't  have  engage- 
ments. I  had  appointments.  People 
wrote  in  pleading  for  my  diagnosis  of 
their  ailments." 

Those  who  didn't  write  for  medical 
guidance  penned  letters  to  Boone  say- 
ing he  had  "such  an  interesting  face."^ 
Cracked  Boone :  "With  a  face  like  mine, 
I  could  never  have  gained  the  recogni- 
tion in  movies  the  way  I  have  in  tele- 
vision." (Sometimes  viewers  found  Styn- 
er's  face  too  stern.  Then  Dick's  stock 
reply  was:  "When  you  have  less  than 
thirty  minutes  to  cure  leprosy,  there's 
no  time  for  humor!") 

His  practice  in  Medic  came  to  an 
end  in  1957,  when  he  traded  his  stetho- 
scope for  six-guns.  "I  had  to  give  up 




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J  91 

Dr.  Styner's  role,"  said  Boone,  "because 
I  was  afraid  of  being  type-cast." 

Everyone  knows  what  a  success  Boone 
has  made  of  Have  Gun — Will  Travel, 
now  in  its  fifth  year.  Here,,  too,  he's 
in  danger  of  running  into  type-casting, 
but  he's  been  fending  off  the  curse  by 
playing  a  variety  of  dramatic  roles  on 
TV  and  the  Broadway  stage,  where  he 
appeared  in  Norman  Corwin's  "The 
Rivalry."  The  latter  switch — from  Pal- 
adin to  a  young,  beardless  Abe  Lincoln 
in  the  great  debates  with  Stephen  Doug- 
las— was  quite  a  leap.  Yet  he  made  it 
to  the  resounding  plaudits  of  the  critics. 

It  is  to  television,  however,  that  Dick 
owes  most  of  his  financial  success.  Out 
of  Have  Gun — Will  Travel,  he  is  re- 
puted to  make  upwards  of  $150,000  a 
year.  He  pulls  down  $15,000  for  any 
single  in-person  appearance — and  there 
are  plenty  of  these. 

At  home,  in  Mandeville  Canyon,  Cali- 

fornia, Boone  lives  like  '  a  modern-day 
Paladin,  in  the  elegant  style  familiar  to 
viewers  who  see  him  in  his  lavish  19th- 
century  hotel  suite.  His  home  is  a 
small-scale  palace  in  which  he  and 
Claire  have  surrounded  themselves  with 
antiques  and  fine  paintings.  His  neigh- 
bors include  the  Dick  Powells,  Robert 
Mitchums,  and  Richard  Widmarks. 
The  house  is  situated  on  a  small  hill 
behind  a  white  latticed  antique  gate. 
Inside,  the  appointments  include  a 
gold-trimmed,  marble-topped  Louis 
XV  console  table  which  doubles  as  a 
bar,  and  an  antique  piano  whose 
decorations  consist  of  carved  chi- 

When  Paladin-Boone  takes  his  bath, 
he  does  it  in  a  style  which  probably 
no  man  has  ever  matched.  He  is  sur- 
rounded by  stained-glass  windows, 
Oriental  rugs,  gold  fixtures,  and  a  huge 
bathtub  made  of  gold-filled  tile! 

Today,  Boone  not  only  plays  in  the 
role  of  Paladin,  but  also  directs  about 
every  fifth  production.  He  has  his  sights 
on  higher  goals  in  the  future.  For  now, 
however,  the  big  question  concerns 
Paladin's  coming  year.  "If  I  do  another 
season,"  said  Boone,  "the  last  show 
will  be  the  story  of  how  Paladin  be- 
came what  he  is." 

And  what  is  Paladin  really? 

Quoting  from  a  letter  typical  of  the 
4,000  or  more  he  receives  each  month: 
"You  are  a  true  man  who  goes  after 
what  he  wants  and  gets  it.  You  make 
me  feel  your  strength.  You  give  me 
security.  I  think  you  are  so  masculine, 
yet  so  tender  and  kind." 

Is  it  any  wonder  Paladin  would 
never  beat   a  woman? 

— George  Carpozi  Jr. 

Boone  stars  in  Have  Gun — Will  Travel, 
seen  on  CBS-TV,  Sat.,  9:30  P.M.  EST. 

Wedding  Bells  Go  Ringadingding 


(Continued  from  page  43) 
pleasant  but  I've  always  known  how  to 
face  facts.  I  went  into  training  the  same 
way  a  prize  fighter  would."  .  .  .  He 
played  Maggio  for  a  mere  $8,000.  With- 
in a  few  months  after  the  film  was 
released  Sinatra  was  flying  high  again. 
His  voice  returned  with  all  of  its  creamy 
warmth.  His  record  sales  zoomed.  Dur- 
ing the  next  three  years  Sinatra's  gross 
income  averaged  $4  million  annually. 
He  became  the  highest  paid  performer 
in  show  business  history. 

In  detailing  the  rags-to-riches  story, 
Sinatra  observed :  "I'm  not  much  on  the 
philosophical  stuff.  People  often  remark 
that  I'm  pretty  lucky.  I  don't  think  luck, 
as  such,  has  much  to  do  with  it.  You've 
got  to  have  something  more  substantial. 
The  competition  is  too  fierce.  Luck  is 
only  important  insofar  as  getting  a 
chance  to  sell  yourself  at  the  right 
moment.  After  that,  you've  got  to  have 
talent  and  learn  how  to  use  it.  It's  very 
difficult  for  me  to  describe  how  I  feel 
about  it  all.  I'm  older  now  and  I  have  a 
better  appreciation  of  the  realities." 

Of  course,  Sinatra  was  lucky.  He  was 
lucky  enough  to  have  talent.  And  he  was 
fortunate  enough  to  have  the  spunk 
which  enables  champions  to  be  at  their 
best  when  obstacles  are  most  formidable. 

As  Juliet  evidently  knows,  Sinatra  is 
no  stereotyped  Romeo.  He  is  a  charmer, 
but  he  is  also  unpredictable.  One  of  his 
former  flames  confessed:  "You  have  to 
take  Frankie  as  he  is.  When  you  invite 
him  to  a  party,  he  may  be  an  hour  late 
or  he  may  not  show  up  at  all.  He  gets 
involved  and  forgets  even  to  telephone." 
.  .  .  An  actress  who  co-starred  with  him 
in  a  film  later  sighed:  "I  think  Frank 
treats  a  woman  the  way  she  deserves.  He 
makes  you  feel  like  a  woman."  .  .  . 
Sinatra  is  also  extremely  generous  with 
those  who  excite  his  pitapats.  He  is  said 
to  have  showered  one  actress  with  $100,- 
000  worth  of  gifts  in  six  months.  Another 
actress  has  declared:  "When  Frank 
looks  at  you,  a  well  of  affection  sud- 
denly springs  up  and  suddenly  it's  a 

In  Sinatra's  lexicon,  "a  gasser  applies 
to  a  person  who's  a  big-leaguer,  the 
best ;  he  can  hit  the  ball  right  out  of  the 
park."  The  opposite  of  a  gasser  is  a 
nowhere,  "a  bunter;  he  can  never  get  to 
first  base."  ...  As  a  fighter  in  many 
fields  of  endeavor,  Sinatra  is  a  gasser. 
He  has  long  had  a  mighty  aversion  to 
injustice  in  any  form.  One  of  his  friends 
has  noted :  "Frank  bleeds  for  the  under- 
dog because  he  feels  like  one.  Don't  ask 
me  why."  In  fighting  bigotry,  for 
example,  he  has  been  quick  to  take 
action.  He  once  slugged  a  waiter  who 
refused  to  serve  a  Negro.  Another  time 
he  belted  a  guy  out  with  a  left  hook  and 
a  right  cross  for  an  anti-Semitic  remark. 

The  public's  fascination  with  Sinatra 
has  almost  the  unbearable  wonder  of  a 
child  with  his  first  toy.  Consequently, 
millions  of  words  have  been  published  in 
an  effort  to  explain  him.  The  truth  is, 
however,  that  Frank  himself  is  con- 
fused. As  he  admits:  "I  do  know  it's 
terribly  difficult  to  remain  completely 
stable  when  you  suddenly  zoom  from  no 
place  to  where  you're  constantly  sur- 
rounded by  people  pushing  you  in 
several  directions.  The  money  is  always 
there  when  you  want  it,  although  you 
really  don't  know  how  much  is  there. 
Soon  you  get  confused  and  don't  care." 

Strangely,  Sinatra  is  gnawed  by  a 
sense  of  insecurity.  And  he  reacts  to  the 
most  common  of  anxieties  in  the  darn- 
dest  manner.  He  once  noted:  "Every 
time  I  felt  insecure,  I  used  to  go  out  and 
buy  ten  more  suits." 

His  sense  of  insecurity  is  probably 
rooted  in  youthful  ghosts.  As  a  young- 
ster, he  existed  in  a  jungle  neighborhood 
where  survival  depended  on  being  wary 
of  the  wild  life.  Sinatra  says:  "If  it 
hadn't  been  for  my  interest  in  music,  I'd 
probably  have  ended  in  a  life  of  crime." 
. . .  The  web  of  circumstances  that  moved 
him  to  the  world  of  music  had  a  momen- 
tous moment.  It  happened  in  a  Hoboken 
roadhouse  where  he  sang,  waited  on 
tables  and  swept  the  floor — all  for  the 
princely  sum  of  $15  weekly.  One  evening 
Harry  James  dropped  in,  heard  Sinatra 

sing,  and  offered  him  a  job  with  his 
band.  Six  months  later,  Tommy  Dorsey 
purchased  Sinatra's  contract  from 
James  for  a  mere  $115. 

Certainly  Sinatra  is  cocky.  It  is  well 
known  that  he  is  a  fighter.  One  of  his 
friends  has  pointed  out  that  "Frank  is  a 
tiger.  He'll  fight  anything.  He'll  fight 
the  whole  world."  And  yet,  he  has  a 
streak  of  humility.  It  was  exemplified  by 
his  reaction  to  witnessing  his  old  films  on 
teevee :  "It's  a  little  frightening,  and  no 
kidding,  to  see  yourself  as  you  were  ten 
years  ago.  I'd  like  to  buy  back  all  the 
negatives  of  my  old  pictures.  I  don't 
think  it's  fair  to  the  artist  for  the  public 
to  be  reminded  of  mistakes  he  made  on 
the  way  up.  It's  bad  enough  to  have  to 
live  down  the  ones  you  make  today." 

This  column  has  often  reported  that 
Sinatra  doesn't  believe  he  fights  the 
press.  He  thinks  the  press  fights  him. 
It  is  difficult  to  detect  the  original  cause 
of  this  hostility.  Nevertheless,  it  has  been 
enduring  as  the  cold  war.  In  all  fairness 
it  should  be  recorded  that  Sinatra  has 
occasionally  been  brutalized  by  scandal 
magazines  and  victimized  by  slanted 
stories.  And  it  is  equally  true  that  many 
newsmen  have  been  kind  to  him — in- 
scribed his  many  personal  attributes  and\ 
showered  him  with  valentines  for  his 
artistry.  Like  all  people,  Sinatra  remem- 
bers the  Bumps  but  forgets  the  Caresses. 

The  ability  to  put  magic  in  a  ballad  is 
one  of  Sinatra's  great  gifts.  Many  a 
romance  has  been  encouraged  by  his 
vibrations.  Curiously,  the  man  who  sings 
of  moonlight  and  roses,  blue  skies  and 
stars,  has  found  romance  full  of  thunder 
and  lightning.  The  Sinatra  love  affairs 
have  been  recorded  in  full — in  news- 
papers, periodicals  and  books.  Gener- 
ally, they  have  had  a  rocket-like  quality : 
Bright,  brief  and  fiery.  We  trust  his 
marriage  with  Juliet  Prowse  will  be  as 
warm  and  lasting  as  sunshine.  In  the 
final  analysis  the  most  a  man  can  achieve 
is  to  gain  the  enduring  love  of  the  woman 
he  loves.  So  here's  hoping  their  wedding 
bells  will  always  continue  clanging  with 
a  happy  ringadingding!        — The  End 


The  drug  store  in  your  town  or  neighborhood  is  very  likely  both  owned  and  managed  by  a  registered 
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community.  His  hopes  and  his  future  are  tied  to  yours.  These  are  some  of  the  reasons  why  your  money 
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DUSTING  POWDER.  Fragrant  Lavender  Dust- 
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Glamorous  black,  blue,  green  or  brown.  75* 
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STATIONERY.  White  Vellum  or  "Beauty 
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FILLER  PAPER.  5  or  3-hole  style 50* 

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REX-RAY   HAIR   DRYER.   With   hot  and  cold 

air  switch;  removable  stand $5.95 

tipped;  black  or  bronze.  60,  25*.  20,  10* 
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ber: 35*,  23*.  Plastic  combs 25*,  10* 

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SANITARY  NAPKINS.  Box  of  40 $1.39 

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ing Syringe,  $3.89.  Fountain  Syringe,  $3.89. 
Combination  Syringe  and  Hot  Water  Bottle, 
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Retail  products 
are  sold  only  at 
Rexall  stores. 
Ask  for  the  Rexall 
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with  this  sign. 


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This  advertisement  is  run  on  behalf  of  10,000 
independent  druggists  who  recommend  and 
feature  products  of  the  Rexall  Drug  Company, 
Prices  subject  to  Federal  Excise  Tax  where 
applicable.  Right  reserved  to  limit  quantities. 
Rexall   Drug  Company,   Los  Angeles  54,  Calif. 





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May,  1962 

David  Susskind 

Connie  Stevens 

Brett  Halsey 

Troy  Donahue 

Groucho  Marx 

The  Lennon  Sisters 

Polly  Bergen 

Vincent  Edwards 

Hollywood  Bombings 

Richard  Chamberlain 

James  Arness 

Jan  Murray 

Leonard  Bernstein 

Duane  Eddy 

Frank  Sinatra 


Vol.  57,  No.  6 


10   The  Case  for  Pay-TV Jim  Morse 

22   The  Twelve  Men  Who  Got  Away Maxine  Block 

26   My  Son  Was  Denied  a  Father Brett  Halsey 

28   What's  in  a  Name? Jim  Gregory 

30    The  Truth  About  My  Daddy Melinda  Marx 

32    Is  It  Bad  to  Be  Too  Good? Eunice  Field 

38   You,  Too,  Can  Be  More  Beautiful a  Book  Bonus 

40   Vince  and  Those  Wedding  Bells! Sherry  Nelson 

44   Adolph  Hitler  Is  Not  Dead James  Hoffman 

46   Report  on  How  He  Operates Carol  McKinnie,  R.N. 

50    His  Children,  His  Second  Marriage Kathleen  Post 

54    Nothing  Like  a  Higher  Education Lawrence  Atkin 

57   Whatever  You  Do,  Don't  Laugh Jae  Lyle 

60    The  Private  Life  of  a  Bridegroom. Irene  Storm 

92    The  Best  Wedding  I  Never  Went  To Bob  Lardine 


13  Music  Makers  in  the  News      17     Pieces  of  Eight 

14  Album  Reviews  18     Sing  Along  With  Mitch  Miller 

17    Top  Ten  Singles  20    An  All-Time  Great  (Meade  Lux  Lewis) 

20    Who  Is  Bobby? 


3     Information  Booth 
6    What's  New 
12     Ed  Sullivan 

74     Your  Monthly  Ballot 
76     New  Designs  for  Living 
78     New  Patterns  for  You 


Joel  Sebastian  63  Just  Ask  Joel  (WXYZ) 

Joe  Patrick  64  The  Man  Who  "Interviewed"  a  Lion  (KMTV) 

George  Nader  66  The  Case  of  the  "Souped-Up"  Detective 

Page  Morton  68  A  Melody  for  Every  Mood 

JACK  J.  PODELL.  Editor-in-Chief 

EUNICE  FIELD,  West  Coast  Editor 
TERESA  BUXTON,  Managing  Editor 
LORRAINE  BIEAR,  Associate  Editor 
ANITA  ZATT,  Assistant  to  Editor 

CLAIRE  S  A  FRAN,  Editor 

JACK  ZASORIN,  Art  Director 
FRANCES  MALY,  Associate  Art  Director 
PAT  BYRNE,  Art  Assistant 
BARBARA  MARCO,  Beauty  Editor 

TV  Radio  Mirror  is  published  monthly  by  Macfadden-Bartell  Corporation,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Executive,  Adver- 
tising and  Editorial  Offices  at  205  East  42nd  St.,  New  York  17.  N.  Y.  Editorial  branch  office,  434  North  Rodeo 
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Vice  President-General  Manager;  Robert  L.  Young,  Vice  President;  S.  N.  Himmelman,  Vice  President;  Lee  B. 
Bartell,  Secretary.  Advertising  offices  also  In  Chicago  and  San  Francisco. 

Subscription  Rates:  In  the  U.S.,  its  possessions  and  Canada,  one  year,  $3.00;  two  years,  $5;  three  years,  $7.50. 
All  other  counties,  $5.50  per  year.  Change  of  Address:  6  weeks'  notice  essential.  Send  your  old  as  well  as  your 
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Foreign  editions  handled  through  Macfadden  Publications  International  Corp.,  205  East  42nd  Street,  New  York 
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Second-class  postage  paid  at  New  York,  N.  Y.,  and  other  additional  post  offices.  Authorized  as  second-class 
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w ..:% 




**<"*  **»*■**»«-, 






Some  Quickies 

Is  it  true  that  Maynard  and  Zelda  of 
the  "Dobie  Gillis"  show  are  married  to 
each  other? 

D.H.,  Duluth,  Minn. 

Bob  Denver  (Maynard)  is  married  to 
a  girl  named  Maggie;  Sheila  James 
(Zelda)  is  still  looking. — Ed. 

Could  you  tell  me  when  and  where 
the  Everly  Brothers  were  born? 

A.K.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

They  were  born  in  a  small  town 
called  Brownie,  Kentucky — Don  on 
February  1,  1937;  Phil  on  January  19, 
1939.— Ed. 

What  is  the  birthplace  of  Leslie  Niel- 

K.W.,  Rochester,  Mich. 
Regina,  Saskatchewan,  Canada. — Ed. 

(smri)  A  Princeton  Policeman 

Please  tell  me  something  about  the 
actor  Ron  Harper. 

M.P.B.,  Kew  Gardens,  N.  Y. 

While  handsome  Ron  Harper  was  at- 
tending Princeton  University  (from 
which  he  was  graduated  in  1956),  he 
majored  in  international  politics.  But 
according  to  the  tall,  good-looking  blond 
actor,  that  was  "just  in  case."  His  real 
interest  was  drama  and  had  been  ever 
since  he  had  played  the  Christ  Child  in 
a  church  play,  in  his  native  Turtle 
Creek,  Pennsylvania.  .  .  .  While  at 
Princeton,  Ron  had  spent  two  seasons 
in  summer  stock  and  had  performed 
briefly  on  Broadway  in  "A  Palm  Tree 
in  a  Rose  Garden."  .  .  .  After  a  hitch 
in  the  Navy,  the  actor  played  on  Broad- 
way in  "Night  Circus"  and  understudied 
Paul  Newman  in  "Sweet  Bird  of  Youth," 
which  he  later  played  in  on  the  road. 
The  road  led  to  Hollywood  and  several 
movie  and  TV  roles.  After  appearing  in 
"Splendor  in  the  Grass"  with  Natalie 
Wood,  Ron  guested  on  such  TV  shows 
as  "Wagon  Train,"  "Thriller"  and  "The 
Tall  Man,"  before  becoming  one  of  the 
stars  of  NBC-TV's  "87th  Precinct."  .  .  . 

■  «■*■»«* 

Bon  Harp*" 

Harper  now  lives  in  Hollywood  and 
spends  his  spare  moments  dabbling  in 
oil  painting,  playing  piano  and  tennis. 

mavS)  Correction,  Please 

Dear  Editors: 

In  the  December  issue  of  your  maga- 
zine, the  article  entitled  "The  Daring 
Young  Men  on  the  Flying  TV"  had 
Brian  Kelly  romping  through  the  gov- 
ernor's mansion.  Unfortunately,  the 
state  of  Michigan  has  not  seen  fit  to 
build  a  mansion.  The  governor  lives  in 
a  hotel. 

R.A.,  Lexington,  Ky. 

To,  Charlie  Manna  (author  of  the 
"Valentine  for  Jack  Benny"  poems 
which  appeared  in  the  March  issue  of 
TV  Radio  Mirror)  : 
Dear  Mr.  Manna,  in  all  due  respect: 
Your   poems    for   TV   Radio    Mirror 

aren't  correct, 
For  your  spelling  is  very  flimsy, 
There's  only  one  "1"  in  Gisele  Mac- 


J.S.  Jr.,  Circleville,  Ohio 

Do  I  lose  my  poetic  license? — Chas. 

(fMAvf)    Calling  All  Fans 

The  following  fan  clubs  invite  new 
members.  If  you  are  interested,  write  to 
address  given — not  to  TV  Radio  Mir- 

Larry  Hagman  Fan  Club,  Ilene  Fein- 
berg,  271  Amherst  St.,  Brooklyn  35, 
New  York. 

Bobby  Crawford  Jr.  Fan  Club,  Lynn 
Carrigan,  1943  Joseph  Court,  Decatur, 

Robert  Goulet  Fan  Club,  Barbara 
Duson,  30  South  Drive,  St.  Catharines, 
Ontario,  Canada. 

WNEW  Fan  Club,  J.  T.  Kamens, 
1375  Grand  Concourse,  New  York  32, 
New  York. 

Write  to  Information  Booth,  TV  Radio  Mirror, 
205  E.  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.  Y.  We  regret 
we  cannot  answer  or  return  unpublished  letters. 



The  big  dictionary 
on  her  head  defines 
poise  as  self-posses- 
sion in  meeting  em- 
barrassing situa- 

But  self-possession 
is  a  lot  easier  if  the 
embarrassing  situa- 
tions never  arise. 


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tanooga WOOD,  Cookevllle  WHUB,  Johnson  City  WJCW,  Knoxvllle  WNOX,  Memphis  WREC,  Nashville  WLAC  Texas  Austin  KTBC,  Corpus  Christ!  KSIX,  Dallas  KRLD,  El  Paso  KIZZ,  Harlingen  KGBT,  Houston  KTRH,  Lubbock 
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Seattle  KIRO,  Spokane  KGA  West  Virglnie  Beckley  WJLS,  Charleston  WCHS,  Fairmont  WMMN,  Petersburg  WPAR,  Wheeling  WWVA  Wisconsin  Green  Bay  WBAV,  Madison  WKOW,  Milwaukee  WMIL  Wyoming  Casper  KTWO. 

Romance  Rumblings:  Vagrant 
thought:  Could  it  be  that  what  swinger 
Sinatra  really  wants  is  a  swinging 
door  which  swings  only  the  route  he's 
going?  .  .  .  Asa  Maynor's  engage- 
ment to  Edd  Byrnes  was  announced 
in  the  society  pages,  not  (as  usual)  in 
a  gossip  column.  Edd  bought  her  gilt- 
edged  stocks  in  place  of  a  ring — at  her 
suggestion.  But  Asa  doesn't  need  a 
flashing  bauble  to  prove  Edd's  love. 
The  gleam  in  his  eye  is  brighter  than 
the  10-carat  rock  Frankie  insisted  that 
Juiiet  Prowse  keep,  marriage  or  no! 
.  .  .  Fiance  Burt  Sugarman  not  wild 
about  his  Ann-Margret  being  photo'd 
in  zero,  plus  one  towel.  But  "Secret 
Admirer"  has  offered  $100  for  the 
towel — just    the    single,    lucky    towel. 

Sfcp!  lodd 

ail  ikt  ^euis  --flkfcH 


m->     »->      m->- 

Field's    Choice:    Best 
Show  of  the  Year — 
TV  and  radio's  cov- 
erage   of    our    first 
man    in    orbit!    Best 
performance  —  John 
Glenn    before    the    foot- 
lights of  the  universe!  .   .  . 
Louis   Prima,   sans   Keely 
Smith    and    sans    his    new 
songbird,   Nico  Ventura, 
has  signed  for  a  half- 
million  deal  with  the 
Las    Vegas    Sahara 
and  is  looking  for  a 
pretty  to  replace  the 
two  that  flew.  Anybody 
want  to  get  into  the  act? 

Springawingding:  Stupendous  will 
be  the  "salute  to  spring"  set  for  April 
17th,  when  Chrysler  goes  with  its 
"Rockefeller  Center  Revue."  This  will 
be  one  of  five  big  specials  the  auto- 
makers plan.  Singing,  cavorting  and 
making  merry  for  the  viewers  will  be 
Robert  Goulet,  Carol  Lawrence 
and  Nancy  Walker.  Robert  and 
Carol  are  an  off-stage  team,  too, 
these  days.  .  .  .  Picasso's  "double- 
images"  are  leaving  a  backwash  on  TV. 
In  recent  weeks,  Chuck  Connors, 
Paul  Fix  and  Larry  Dobkin  all  did 
both  hero  and  villain  roles  over  ABC- 
TV.  ..  .  And  Sammy  Davis  Jr.,  with 
his  great  gifts  in  song,  dance  and 
emoting,  seems  on  the  way  to  "inte- 
grate" television  all  by  his  lonesome. 

Day  of  Daze:  Peter  Breck,  who  rode 
the  TV  range  in  "Black  Saddle"  and 
just  starred  in  "Lad:  A  Dog,"  woke 
one  morning  and  went  for  the  mail. 
He  still  hasn't  come  to!  The  deluge 
showed  that  Warners  had  picked  up 
his  option  with  a  hike  in  pay — his  wife, 
Diane,  a  dancer,  landed  a  nitery  en- 
gagement— his  four  German  shepherds 
had  been  hired  for  a  "SurfSide  6" 
segment — and  his  pet  crow,  "James," 
was  to  be  starred  in  the  film-life  of 
Edgar  Allan  Poe.  .  .  .  Ann  Sothern  is 
a  shrewdie.  Though  Desilu  owned  half 
her  last  series,  she  negotiated  syndica- 
tion rights  and  sold  them  to  Ziv  for  a 
bundle.  Ann's  contemplating  a  ques- 
tion -  answer  audience  -  participation 
show  with  her  pretty  daughter,  Tish. 

7777)      r 

The    shark    may    have 
pretty    teeth,    dear, 
but  Jayne  Mansfield 
couldn't     care     less. 
After    her    ordeal    by 
water    in    the    Bahamas, 
where  she  and  her  husband, 
Mickey  Hargitay,  nearly  lost 
their   lives,    she    is   throwing 
the   sea    a    fish.    She    can- 
celed a  trip  aboard  the 
m^      U.S.S.    Acapidco    and 
says,    "I    use   a    shark 
repellent  these  days 
when    I    step    into    a 
bathtub!"  Jayne  may 
have   lost   confidence — 
never  her  sense  of  humor! 

Having  worked  as  a  pianist,  insurance 
salesman,  dance  instructor,  gas  heater 
cleaner,  silverer  and  house-painter, 
Jack  Bailey  wound  up  as  king  to  the 
ladies  of  ABC-TV's  "Queen  for  a  Day." 
...  On  the  other  hand,  Johnny  Car- 
son— slated  to  replace  Jack  Paar 
on  "Tonight"  next  fall — began  as  a 
teen-aged  magician  and  ventriloquist. 
Johnny  decided  to  go  in  for  something 
else  when  he  overheard  a  chick  chirp, 
"Isn't  he  marvelous?  You  can't  tell 
which    dummy    is    talking    to    which!" 

Bats  in  the  Bells  Free:  The  world- 
famed  Wiere  Brothers  really  wild, 
a  la  The  Three  Stooges,  in  "Oh, 
Those  Bells!"— new  CBS-TV  laugh  riot 
— though  their  slapstick  never  gets 
quite  so  slap-happy. . . .  Edna  Skinner 
(Kay  Addison  on  "Mr.  Ed")  awarded 
trophy  by  Newport  Harbor  Yacht 
Club.  She  caught  a  3 1 -pound  albacore! 
.  .  .  A  fan  rushed  up  to  Vince  Ed- 
wards, while  he  was  doing  a  personal 
appearance  in  Phoenix,  and  gurgled: 
"Oh,  I  so  love  your  hospital,  Dr.  Caseyl 
Everyone  jumps  to  help  the  incoming 
patient  and  nobody  even  asks,  'Are 
you  insured?'  or  'Can  you  pay?'  "... 
Summer  TV  alerted  by  rumors  Princess 
Grace  and  Prince  Rainier  will  live 
it  up  here  in  Hollywood  for  a  month. 

Tqle  of  a  Waggish  Dog:  Cute 
Shelley  Fabares  has  a  toy  French 
poodle  that's  just  full  of  tricks.  A 
friend  watched  the  pooch  bring  in  the 
morning  paper.  "Does  she  read  it, 
too?"  she  joked.  "Unh-unh,"  Shel  shook 
her  head.  "She  listens  to  the  radio  for 
news."  . . .  Doug  McClure,  who  pulled 
an  Edd  Byrnes  and  walked  off 
"Checkmate,"  has  come  up  with  an 
idea  for  a  Hollywood  Actors'  Club 
with  its  own  theater,  restaurant,  gym 
and  pool.  It  will  be  professional  head- 
quarters for  deserving  young  thespians, 
and  it's  got  the  backing  of  John 
Saxon,  Jim  Garner,  Burt  Lancaster 
and  Mark  Goddard.  .  .  .  Yippee  for 
Dale  Evans  and  Roy  Rogers,  ridin' 
back  to  TV  with  a  new  series  this  fall! 

New   trails   for   the   Roy   Rogers'? 

Favors  from  Favor:  In  Japan,  they 
don't  know  from  Eric  Fleming.  They 
know  Gil  Favor,  the  part  he  plays,  and 
"Rawhide"  is  their  number-one  choice. 
So,  when  Eric  went  to  Japan,  he  wore 
only  cowboy  costumes  to  please  his 
fans — and  gave  miniature  silver  spurs, 
instead  of  the  usual  photos.  .  .  .  Was 
that  Don  Barry  and  son  double-dating 
at  The  Luau?  Other  twosomes  spotted 
were  Gardner  McKay  and  Greta 
Chi,  Barry  Sullivan  and  Carol  Ohm- 
art,  and  John  Ireland  with  Daphne 
Cameron.  Next  eve,  Greta  showed  up 
at  the  same  night-spot  with  Bob 
Logan,  who  is  on  his  way  to  becoming 
Hollywood's  most  popular  young  bach- 
elor— as  well  as  being  one  of  the 
best  Twisters  you'll   see   in  this  town. 


George  Maharis  bugging  the  "Route 
66"  producers  with  arbitrary  changing 
of  dialogue.  Meanwhile,  co-star  Mar- 
tin Milner's  fan  mail  rising.  .  .  .  Dinah 
Shore's  "one-woman"  show  beams  June 
1st.  She'll  break  in  new  material  at 
Las  Vegas'  Riviera  in  March.  .  .  .  Tom 
Bosley,  Broadway's  Fiorello,  flew  West 
for  two  days  to  guest  in  "The  Law  and 
Mr.  Jones" — then  back  to  be  hitched 
to  Jean  Eliot,  dancer  he  met  in  "Fio- 
rello!" .  .  .  Dave  Garroway,  who  quit 
commercial  TV  last  May  after  his 
wife's  death,  will  do  an  educational 
teleseries  titled  "Exploring  the  Uni- 
verse." Dave  taught  astronomy  at  Har- 
vard University  before  entering  show 
business  and  becoming  a  star  himself. 

Greta    (with   Gard)    gets  around! 

The  Rains  Came:  And  how!  The  tor- 
rents caused  slides  of  mud  down  many 
a  star's  backyard.  Richard  Boone  and 
Harry  Morgan  personally  battled  a 
surge  of  mud  that  poured  down  Man- 
deville  Canyon.  There  were  truly  tragic 
events,  as  when  the  one-time  wife  of 
radio's  Walter  O'Keefe  was  drowned. 
There  were  also  comic  episodes — as 
when  a  young  lady's  car  stalled  near 
Sinatra's  home.  Holding  her  skirt  high, 
she  kept  wading  back  and  forth  from 
her  car  to  the  roadside.  A  policeman 
came  to  the  rescue.  Said  the  miss,  "I 
was  hoping  someone  would  notice  my 
plight."  Quoth  the  law,  "Well,  it's  the 
prettiest  pair  of  plights  I  ever  did  see!" 
(Frankie     shoulda     caught    this     show.) 

All  for  Her  Ca-rear:  The  influence 
of  doctor  shows  has  spread  even  into 
the  TV  horse  opries.  Gloria  Talbott, 
riding  the  range  in  a  recent  "Gun- 
smoke,"  fell  from  her  horse.  "You 
hurt?"  Jim  Arness  asked  anxiously, 
as  he  came  running  to  help  her  up. 
"Nope,"  smiled  Gloria,  "I  landed  on 
my  gluteus  maximus."  .  .  .  Nick  Den- 
nis, the  orderly  on  "Ben  Casey,"  is  a 
name-dropper  for  real.  In  the  show, 
he's  called  Nick  Kanavaras — which 
happens  to  be  his  true  name,  from  the 
original  Greek!  .  .  .  For  Julia  Meade 
it's  goodbye,  TV  ("The  Ed  Sullivan 
Show") — hello,  movies  ("Zotz") — and 
a  happy  family  reunion  with  husband 
Rudd  Worsham  and  daughter  Caro- 
line   (see  plane-arrival   pic  at  right). 

Hw    mama'i   o    moWe    actress    now. 

Roger  Moore  took  a  leaf  out  of  the 
old  saw,  "The  coward  dies  a  thousand 
deaths,  the  brave  man  dies  but  once." 
Told  to  dye  his  blond  hair  black  for 
a  role  in  "Operation  Seville,"  Roger 
did.  But,  on  arrival  in  Madrid,  he  was 
told  to  dye  back  to  blond.  Payoff 
came  when  they  asked  him  to  go  black 
again!  He  refused — and  thus  wil!  be 
the  first  blond  Spanish  nobleman  in 
movie  lore.  .  .  .  What  do  Hollywood 
psychiatrists  gab  about  over  cocktails? 
Stars!  But  without  "name-dropping"! 
(Though  what  names  they  could  drop!) 
Like  so:  "Zis  case  asks  me,  'Doctor,  I 
want  to  forget  sex  and  do  films  with 
a  new  twist  and  an  uplift — '  So  I  told 
her,  'Doing  ze  twist  mit  an  uplift,  zat 
is  also  sex.'  "  (Please  turn  the  page) 

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lems . . .  and  this  was  so  easy  and 
so  fast ...  3  inches  off  her  thighs 
. . .  and  lost  6  lbs.  Thank  you  again 
for  helping  my  daughter  become  a 
happier  person.'" 

"My  hips  were  38"  and  my  thighs 
24".  Now  I  am  36"  and  21"  says 
Mrs.  M.,  of  Columbus,  Miss." 


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Block  Buster!  Dan  (300-pound) 
Blocker  is  nursing  a  broken  collar- 
bone— and  co-star  Pernell  Roberts, 

a  strained  neck — as  a  result  of  their 
fall  in  a  chase  scene  of  "Bonanza." 
.  .  .  While  presenting  an  award  at 
the  American  Cinema  Editors'  shin- 
dig, Sammy  Tong  of  "Bachelor  Fa- 
ther" found  his  mike  had  gone  dead. 
Quoth  the  lovable  character  actor: 
"I  haven't  got  a  Chinaman's  chance!" 
...  A  letter  was  delivered  to  Tony 
Curtis  addressed  simply  "Tony — 
Hollywood,  Cal."  Tony  confessed, 
"I'm  afraid  to  open  it.  What  if  it  was 
meant  for  Tony  Martin — or  worse, 
Toni  Arden?"  ...  And  talking  of 
Tonys,  is  Mamie  Van  Doren  kaput 
with  Tony  Santora — or  isn't  she? 

t»»    r  Mm    r 

^  WM>      V  \NNNN      ^ 

^T  ))}))     r  /MM     r 

Wedding  Belles:  Vivian  Vance  and 
new  breadwinner,  John  Dodd,  house- 
guested  with  Lucille  Ball  and  her 
brand-new  Gary  Morton.  Much 
"girl  talk"  by  both  brides.  Lucy  mod- 
eled her  wedding  gown  for  Viv — 
who  says  she's  in  no  hurry  to  do  any- 
thing but  loaf  and  watch  her  residu- 
als roll  into  the  mailbox.  .  .  .  Viv's 
"ex,"  Philip  Ober  (Judge  Hardy  in 
the  new  "Andy  Hardy"  series),  re- 
cently did  it  again,  too — with  Jane 
Westover,  of  NBC's  Hollywood 
Press  Dept.  They're  pictured  at  right, 
just  after  the  ceremony,  for  which 
Ralph  Bellamy  was  best  man.  (Viv's 
former  TV  "husband" — Bill  Frawley 
— is  still  acting  in  "My  Three  Sons.") 

The  New  and  the  Old:  Looks  like 
Art  Linkletter  and  Ralph  Edwards 

will  have  to  move  over  for  teeveer 
Monte  Hall.  The  emcee  of  "Video 
Village"  (CBS-TV)  has  pushed  his 
way  info  production-packaging  with 
"Your  First  Impression"  (NBC-TV) 
and  is  talking  partnership  with  Mike 
Todd  Jr.  re:  half-a-dozen  new  panel 
shows.  "If  we  land  one  on  ABC," 
chortles  Monte,  "we'll  have  the  Big 
Three  covered."  .  .  .  Dennis  James, 
"Impression"  regular,  is  probably 
TV's  first  stellar  commentator.  "Way 
back  in  1938,  he  did  wrestling  bouts, 
with  commentary  aimed  at  the  ladies. 
.  .  .  Youngest  ever  to  pass  the  Red 
Cross  beginner's  swim  test  is  Der 
Bangle's  Mary  Frances — gust  two. 

Just  like  a  press  agent's  dream? 

<-m      <-m      <-m      <-« 

Apesville:  ABC-TV  has  put  out  a 
listing  of  stars  and  their  hometowns. 
Thus:  Connie  Stevens,  Vincent 
Edwards,  Chuck  Connors — Brook- 
lyn; John  Russell,  Cynthia  Pepper, 
Gigi  Perreau — Los  Angeles.  But  the 
Marquis  Chimps,  Charlie,  Enoch 
and  Candy,  are  listed  simply  as  be- 
ing from  "somewhere  in  Equatorial 
Africa."  .  .  .  Gale  Gordon  signed 
up  as  the  new  victim  of  "Dennis  the 
Menace,"  to  fill  the  gap  created  by 
the  death  of  Joseph  [Mr.  Wilson) 
Kearns.  He'll  play  Wilson's  brother. 
.  .  .  Next  season's  "Gunsmoke"  will 
have  even  more  big-name  guest  stars 
— among  them,  Jim  Arness's  broth- 
er, Peter  Graves.  They've  never 
faced  the  camera  together  before. 

The  Gospel  Truth:  After  a  season 
playing  God  in  "Gideon,"  on  Broad- 
way, Fredric  March  sighs,  "If  every 
person  were  forced  to  play  God  one 
night,  how  few  would  be  the  scoffers 
who  say,  'If  I  were  God — '  ".  .  .  . 
Jackie  Gleason's  full-moon  face 
will  beam  again  on  TV  this  fall,  with 
an  hour-long  series  Saturday  nights. 
Jackie  and  staff  are  already  working 
on  the  show,  down  Florida  way.  .  .  . 
Red  Nichols'  fortieth  year  of  baton- 
ing getting  huzzahs  from  everyone 
who  is  anyone  in  music.  .  .  .  Having 
wound  up  his  pilot  of  NBC's  "The 
Kentucky  Kid,"  boisterous  Jack  Car- 
son flew  to  Hawaii — not  to  snooze, 
but  to  laugh  and  labor  anew.  .  .  . 
Joanie  Sommers'  ulcer  kicking  up. 

Making  a  Hard  Four:  Veteran  ac- 
tor Jerome  Cowan,  on  set  of  "Tar- 
get: The  Corruptors,"  said  he  went 
through  three  rapid-fire  flops  in  mar- 
riage before  hitting  the  jackpot — 
he's  celebrating  his  34th  happy  wed- 
ding anniversary.  .  .  .  While  on  the 
numbers  game:  Michalina,  of  "Yours 
for  a  Song,"  goes  for  seven.  She's 
been  in  the  U.S.  seven  years,  speaks 
seven  languages  and  wears  a  size  7 
dress — which  any  male  can  tell  you  is 
very  lucky  indeed.  .  .  .  Perry  Como 
has  a  second  generation  to  sing  lul- 
labies to— courtesy  of  son  Ronnie 
and  his  bride  Melanie.  Born  the  last 
day  of  February,  the  wee  girl  also 
honors  both  paternal  grandparents  in 
her  name:  Melanie  Perri  Roselle. 

Teen-stars   like   autographs,   too! 

■<-w     <-m     <-m     +-&■ 

Hollywood's  most  promising  "pups" 
had  their  day  when  the  Spotlighters 
— an  organization  of  actors,  writers, 
directors — presented  their  second  an- 
nual Teen-Star  Awards.  This  year, 
Noreen  Corcoran  (of  "Bachelor 
Father")  and  Johnny  Crawford 
(of  "The  Rifleman")  took  top  honors. 
Among  the  youthful  talents  "putting 
on  the  dog"  at  Sportsman's  Lodge 
were  Shelley  Fabares  (last  year's 
femme  winner,  pictured  here  with 
Johnny  Crawford),  tiny  but  oft-hon- 
ored Jay  North  ("Dennis  the  Men- 
ace"), Paul  Petersen,  Tony  Dow 
— plus  assorted  friends  and  relations. 
.  .  .  Meanwhile,  young  Molly  Bee 
has  shed  her  husband  and  hit  the 
road  with  a  new,  sophisticated  act. 

"Menace"  and  mama  Dorothy  North. 

<-m         <-W;         -<-€£         <- 

Quick  Takes:  "Our  Man  Higgins," 
half-hour  comedy  about  suburban  hi- 
jinks  and  an  inherited  butler,  slated 
by  ABC-TV  for  fall. . . .  Carol  Chan- 
ning  doing  a  Gracie  Allen  with 
Grade's  own  George  Burns.  .  .  . 
Joey  Dee  and  The  Starliters  to 
France  to  film  "Le  Twist."  .  .  .  Dan- 
ny Thomas's  Mario  to  strawhat 
"Sunday  in  New  York"  on  East  Coast 
in  June. . .  .  Donald  May  to  be  next 
TV  medico?  He's  been  spotted  at 
local  hospitals  observing  operations. 
.  .  .  Whose  little  old  precious  Mom 
from  Quincy,  Mass.,  tried  to  sweep 
out  cables  and  light  equipment, 
scolding,  "How  can  anyone  act  in 
this  mess?"  None  other  than  Bill 
(Jimenez)  Dana's  75-dear-old  Mom! 

The  new  "Dark-Eyes"  is  not  new  ...  it  is  28 
years  old  .  .  .  but  there  are  new  features.  An 
added  adherence-to-hair  quality  for  easier, 
quicker  application  —  "Dark-Eyes"  now  goes 
or  in  the  wink  of  an  eyelash!  And  two  super- 
soft  brushes  now  perform  the  "Dark-Eyes" 
beauty  miracle  for  you  —  so  simply,  so 
neatly,  so  pleasantly! 


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"Dark-Eyes"  REALLY  IS  Swimproof!  Soap- 
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Water  makes  mascara  run,  but  "Dark-Eyes" 
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STAYS  ON  for  four  to  five  weeks  until  lashes 
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doesn't  coat  .  .  .  gives  your  eyes  a  nat- 
ural, refined  looking,  BORN  BEAUTIFUL 
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Completely  SAFE,  use  with  confidence — 
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jet  black,  rich  brown,  light  brown. 
'(for  the  hairj  to  which  applied) 


What  will  Pay-TV  mean  to  you?  Should  you  welcome  it ...  or  walk  away  from  it?  In  an  exclusive 

David  Susskind  repeated  the  blunt 
question  in  a  semi-bark:  "What  do  I 
think  of  Pay -TV?  It  can't  come  soon 
enough  for  me. 

"Progress  is  always  tough,"  he  said, 
"and  make  no  mistake  about  it,  Pay- 
TV,  or  subscription  TV,  or  whatever 
it's  called,  will  be  progress.  It  will  open 
up  a  completely  new  development. 

"Progress  is  always  stymied  by  the 
reactionaries — not  only  in  politics,  but 
everywhere.  They  resent  the  20th  cen- 
tury. There  are  certain  reactionaries  in 
this  country  who  are  fighting  to  delay 
progress  in  the  form  of  Pay-TV. 
They're  just  whistling  in  the  dark,  for 
it  will  come. 

"First  of  all,  let's  clear  up  one  major 
misconception.  Many  people  fear  that 
when  Pay-TV  is  a  reality,  so-called 
'free'  television — commercial  television, 
as  we  know  it  today — will  disappear. 
This  is  nonsense. 

"There  will  always  be  commercial 
television,  with  its  frequent  announce- 
ments about  two  out  of  three  doctor? 
endorsing  such-and-such  a  product 
and  its  pap  about  deodorants. 

"I  don't  want  to  be  unfair  about  this. 
Commercial  television  is  improving, 
due  to  an  aroused  conscience  on  the 
part  of  the  networks  and  sponsors  and 
advertising  agencies  to  do  a  better  job. 
This  has  been  brought  about  by  the 
Congressional  and  F.C.C.  hearings  and 
the  avalanche  of  critical  protests. 

"The  top  TV  brass  has  decided  that 

commercial  television  can  be,  must  be 

and  will  be  better.  I  look  for  a  big 

improvement  in  programing  this  fall. 

T        "This  improvement  will  be  notice- 

r    able   in   the   entertainment   shows,   as 

well  as  in  the  news  and  public  service 




programs.  TV  will  no  longer  be  domi- 
nated by  Westerns  and  mysteries. 
There'll  be  a  better  balance  of  drama, 
comedy,  music,  mystery,  etc. 

"The  network  chiefs  have  learned 
the  mistake  of  following  a  trend.  I 
doubt  that  we'll  see  the  day  again  when 
TV  is  crowded  with  26  Westerns  and 
19  private-eye  shows. 

"The  new  programing,  which  I  hope 
we  will  see  this  fall,  will  be  custom- 
made,  not  off-the-rack  stuff.  In  other 

words,  there'll  be  more  Tiffany  and 
less  Woolworth's. 

"However,  even  with  this  improve- 
ment, commercial  television  can  never 
offer  the  type  of  programing  that  Pay- 
TV  will  eventually  provide. 

"Pay-TV  will  be  a  new  kind  of  tele- 
vision. The  public  won't  pay  to  see 
what  it  has  previously  been  able  to  see 
for  free.  About  the  only  things  cur- 
rently on  commercial  TV  that  I  believe 
will  be  switched  to  Pay-TV  are  events 
like  the  World  Series  and  champion- 
ship fights.  Baseball  fans  will  be  glad 
to  pay  a  dollar  to  see  a  World  Series 
game  on  their  TV  set,  if  only  because 
they  don't  have  to  watch  all  those  ball- 
players shaving  every  ten  minutes. 

"Yes,  Pay-TV  will  have  to  be  special- 
ly designed  and  exciting.  There  will  be 
movies  made  especially  for  TV,  Broad- 
way plays  and  concerts.  There  will  be 
greater  versatility.  Pay-TV  will  have  to 
command  attention  as  well  as  cash. 

"And,  most  important,  perhaps, 
Pay-TV  will  have  something  to  offer 
the  great  minority  of  people  who  aren't 
satisfied  with  a  steady  diet  of  West- 
erns. Here's  an  example  of  what  I 
mean:  If  a  top  Broadway  show  was 
available  on  Pay-TV,  I'm  sure  there 
are  at  least  six  million  people  in  this 
country  who  would  be  willing  to  pay 
$1  to  see  it.  This  would  be  a  huge, 
profitable  success.  At  the  same  time, 
an  audience  of  six  million  for  com- 
mercial-TV is  considered  a  flop. 

"A  lecture  by  Robert  Frost  on  com- 
mercial television  would  get  a  disas- 
trous rating.  On  Pay-TV,  it  would  be 
profitable,  for  there  are  at  least  several 
million  people  who  would  consider  it 
a  privilege  to  be  able  to  pay  $1  to  hear 

no-holds-barred  interview,  producer  Susskind  tells    why  it  can't  come  soon  enough  for  him! 

him.  The  same  thing  applies  to  a  tele- 
cast of  an  opera.  It  would  be  a  fiasco 
on  commercial  TV,  but  profitable  on 

"  'Raisin  in  the  Sun,'  the  Broadway 
hit  which  I  produced  as  a  movie,  will 
be  lucky  to  break  even  at  the  box 
office.  It  was  a  critical  success,  but  not 
a  commercial  success.  I'm  certain  it 
would  have  been  profitable  on  Pay-TV. 

"I'm  also  looking  forward  to  Pay-TV 
because  it  will  enable  us  all  to  have 
happier  eardrums.  We  won't  have  to 
listen  to  the  hucksters,  the  pitchmen 
with  all  their  nonsensical  pap  about 
toothpaste  and  hair  lotions. 

"The  opponents  of  Pay-TV,  of 
course,  are  the  theater  owners,  the 
operators  of  commercial  broadcasting 
stations  and  the  networks.  All  of  these 
vested  interests  want  to  keep  the  status 

"Some  of  them  even  refer  to  Pay-TV 
as  being  un-American.  This  is  pure 

"No  one  is  going  to  be  forced  to  pay. 
It  will  be  completely  voluntary.  Free- 
dom of  choice  is  certainly  in  the  Amer- 
ican tradition. 

"When  you  come  right  down  to  it, 
commercial  television  isn't  actually 
free  television.  When  you  buy  a  tube 
of  toothpaste,  three  or  four  cents  of 
the  purchase  price  is  earmarked  for 
advertising.  The  same  holds  true  for 
cars,  cigarettes  or  any  other  product. 
The  public  is  paying,  indirectly,  for 
what  it  sees  on  commercial  TV. 

"Pay-TV  will  offer  the  public  a 
choice  of  programing. 

"And,  as  I  said,  commercial  TV  will 
still  be  with  us.  The  two  forms  of  tele- 
vision will  exist  side  by  side.  While 





commercial  TV  is  showing  an  eighth 
re-run  of  'Wagon  Train,'  Pay-TV  will 
be  offering  a  new  Lerner  and  Lowe 
musical,  a  new  Billy  Wilder  movie,  or 
the  Metropolitan  Opera. 

"Pay-TV  will  upgrade  the  whole 
medium.  Competition  always  improves 

"It's  been  said  that  the  American 
people  don't  want  culture.  This  is  asi- 
nine. Perhaps  the  masses  would  prefer 
a  Western  to  a  Leonard  Bernstein  con- 

cert, but  there  are  sufficient  millions 
who  would  be  willing  to  pay  to  see  and 
hear  a  Bernstein  concert  on  Pay-TV. 

"Television  is  habit-forming.  The 
first  year  'Playhouse  90'  was  on  the  air, 
we  had  low  ratings.  The  second  year, 
they  improved.  By  the  third  year,  peo- 
ple were  used  to  the  fact  that  we  were 
on,  and,  the  fourth  year,  we  had  big 

"Quality,  to  be  popular,  must  be  seen 
with  the  same  frequency  as  the  'noth- 
ing' shows.  If  Bernstein  was  on  com- 
mercial TV  every  week,  his  programs 
would  have  higher  ratings. 

"The  public,  I  sincerely  believe,  has 
a  deep  thirst  for  knowledge  and  cul- 
ture, although  culture  is  considered  a 
dirty  word  in  some  circles.  Pay-TV  will 
be  able  to  answer  this  need. 

"As  for  me,  I  have  no  immediate 
plans  to  enter  Pay-TV,  although  I  am 
fascinated  by  the  prospects.  My  'Open 
End'  program  is  for  commercial  TV 
only.  As  I  said,  people  can't  be  ex- 
pected to  pay  to  see  something  they're 
used  to  seeing  at  no  cost. 

"There  are  now  several  forms  of 
Pay-TV  being  introduced.  They  all 
have  merit.  The  F.C.C.  will  eventually 
decide  which  is  best  for  the  public.  It 
may  be  a  combination  of  several  ideas. 

"The  opponents  of  Pay-TV  are  ex- 
tremely effective  and  vocal.  They  are 
working  hard  to  delay  Pay-TV,  tossing 
up  road  blocks  where  and  when  they  can. 

"However,  Pay-TV  will  come,  and 
when  it  does,  the  public  will  be  the 

"It's  a  small  point,  perhaps,  but  I'm 
looking  forward  to  the  day  when  I 
don't  have  to  be  afflicted  with  what  two 
out  of  three  doctors  recommend." 



White  House  trying  to  solve 
problem  presented  by  femme 
tourists'  spiked  heels,  which 
are  lacerating  White  House 
floors.  .  .  .  Jim  Arness  and 
Barbara  Terry  something  new. 
.  .  .  Annette  Funicello  and 
Bob  Logan  Twisting  at  Arthur 
Murray's.  .  .  .  Rosemary  Clooney,  closest  friend  of 
the  Bing  Crosbys,  comforting  Lindsay  Crosby  on  the 
death  of  his  baby  son,  born  prematurely  on  the 
Coast.  .  .  .  Shirley  Booth's  escort,  Casey  Adams.  .  .  . 
Robbin  Bain  became  Mrs.  Arno  Schefler.  .  .  .  Ron- 
nie Burns  prefers  Sherry  Jackson. 

If  anyone  had  suggested  to  Jack  Benny,  when  he 
was  taking  violin  lessons  in  Waukegan,  that  the  day 
would  come  when  he  and  his  fiddle  would  raise 
more  than  $2  million  for  charities  and  orchestra 
pension  funds,  Benny  would  have  thought  he  was 

talking  to  a  lunatic.  If  anyone  had  predicted,  when 
Jack  was  in  vaudeville,  that  years  later  he  would 
play  a  concert  with  a  former  President,  Benny 
would  have  broken  off  the  conversation  with  an  ob- 
vious nut.  But  all  these  things  have  come  to  pass. 
Recently,  when  Benny  was  in  London,  he  received 
a  phone  call  from  famous  violinist  Isaac  Stern. 
"Jack,  the  city  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  says  it  can  raise 
$1  million  if  you  play  a  concert  up  there  with  me. 
You  see,"  added  Stern  laughing,  "if  I  played  a  con- 
cert there,  we  would  only  charge  $5  a  seat.  We've 
got  to  have  a  really  bad  violinist  like  you  to  charge 
$100  a  seat." 

TV  audiences  will  miss  the  late  Joe  Kearns, 
whose  delightful  characterizations  of  Mr.  Wilson 
meant  so  much  to  the  "Dennis  the  Menace"  show. 
.  .  .  Judy  Garland's  Liza  dating  Tommy  Cooper.  .  .  . 
The  Art  Linkletters'  granddaughter  was  named 
Laura  Ann.  .  .  .  (Continued  on  page  73) 


Some  say  he's  "devastated"  by  his  broken  engagement,  but  Sinatra   hardiy  looks  it  as  he  clowns  with  Dino,  shows  a  shoe-shine  boy  how-to. 

Music -Makers  in  the  News 

Three  singers  turned  actors,  Fabian,   Paul  Anka  and  Tommy  Sands, 
take  time  out  for  chess — believe  it  or  not! — on  "The  Longest  Day." 

For  the  longest  time,  Hollywood's  been  betting  against  them,  but  Edd 
Byrnes   and   Asa    Maynor  say  they're   engaged,   will   definitely  wed. 



Voc##-  Afontfilv   ON    RECORD   Guide? 



***Sincerely — Brenda  Lee  (Dec- 
ca) — This  little  chick  sure  can  sing 
'em!  This  package  is  full  of  standards 
treated  warmly.  Brenda's  blues-type 
phrasing  does  throw  me  from  time  to 
time.  She  clips  the  words  rather  fre- 
quently, which  obviously  means  this  is 
what  she  is  shooting  for.  I  think  with  a 
shade  less  clipping  the  readings  would 
go  down  easier.  But  this  I  mean  with 
no  malice.  I  think  she's  a  wonder! 
There  is  no  doubt  she'll  be  one  of  the 
biggest  performers  in  a  few  years.  The 
earmarks  are  there.  Some  of  the  tunes 
included  are  "Lazy  River,"  which  is 
very  strong,  "Talk  of  the  Town,"  "I 
Miss  You  So,"  "I'll  Be  Seeing  You," 
and  a  tasty  version  of  "You've  Got  Me 
Crying  Again."  All   first-rate.    Cheers! 

**Paul  Anka-Diana  (ABC-Para- 
mount)— Not  a  bad  package  by  this 
talented  young  man,  but  it  leaves  a  bit 
to  be  desired.  The  tunes  have  been  as- 
sembled from  different  previously  re- 
leased albums.  "Swanee"  and  "Sing, 
Sing,  Sing"  are  from  the  album  "Anka 
at  the  Copa,"  and  are  live  performances. 
Both  exciting.  Some  other  good  per- 
formances in  the  album  are  "C'est  Si 
Bon,"  "I  Can't  Give  You  Anything  But 
Love"  and  the  charming  "Pigalle."  Paul 
should  be  watched.  He's  making  the 
transition  to  the  adult  market,  and  do- 
ing quite  well  at  it. 

****Jo-Ann  Campbell— Twistin' 
and  Listenin'  (ABC-Paramount)  — 
Well,  this  ought  to  be  one  of  the  big 
party  records  for  the  kids.  Plenty  of 
Twisting  music  and  ballads,  plus  the 
lovely  and  energetic  Miss  Campbell 
shoutin'  'em  out!  "Dance  With  Me 
Henry"  and  "Willie  and  the  Hand  Jive" 
are  blockbusters!  Jo-ann  certainly  can 
make  the  most  out  of  this  kind  of 
groove.  The  music  behind  pulses  and 
grinds.  I  think  I  detect  the  presence  of 
that  "Boss"  tenor  player,  King  Curtis. 
Everything  here  happens!  It  might  not 
move  some  of  you  "stick-in-the-mud" 
adults,  but  the  kids  will  love  it !  Jo- Ann 
will  break  them  up  on  this  record,  just 
the  way  she  does  on  her  p,a.  tours. 

"A"A"A'*Dino!— Italian  Love  Songs- 
Dean  Martin  (Capitol) — A  beautifully 
paced  collection  of  the  more  lovely 
Italian  songs  plus  Dino's  croonin' 
make  this  album  a  sure  winner.  All 
the  tunes  get  the  most  relaxed  treat- 
ment. And  believe  me,  there  is  no  one 
in  the  business  as  relaxed  as  Dino!  He 
reads  like  the  pro  that  he  is,  injecting 
little  colorings  on  certain  words  and 
using  his  slight  drawl  to  advantage 
when  tying  words,  legato-style,  together. 
The  arrangements  by  Gus  Levene  are 
sympathetic  and  warming.  It's  a  goodie ! 
For  easy  and  enchanting  listening,  visit 
"The  Boot"  with  Dino!  I  promise  you, 
it's  a  trip  you'll  enjoy.  Just  close  your 
eyes  and  you're  there. 


***Billy  Eckstine  and  Quincy 
Jones  At  Basin  Street  East  (Mer- 
cury)— It  certainly  is  great  to  see  the 
great  Mr.  "B"  back  in  action.  It's  been 
a  while  since  he's  made  this  kind  of 
recording.  He  pumps  and  drives 
through  "All  Right,  Okay,  You  Win," 
sings  an  Ellington  medley  like  he  wrote 
the  tunes  himself,  and  tops  it  all  off 
with  a  fine,  folk-quality  version  of 
"Work  Song."  Quincy  Jones  and  the 
band  hold  up  their  end,  too!  It's  great 
to  have  two  big  talents  on  one  record. 
If  for  geographical  reasons  you  didn't 
see  these  block-busters  at  Basin  Street 
East,  pick  this  up!  A  good  share  of  the 
excitement  is  contained  therein.  Recom- 
mended. And  a  hearty  welcome  home  to 
Mr.  B.  HeVreally  been  missed  on  the 

***Errol     Garner-Plays     Misty 

(Mercury)— The  Imp  is  chirpin'!  Errol 
shouts  through  a  set  of  standard  tunes. 
Exhilarating,  like  bubbles  in  cham- 
pagne, his  fingers  and  hands  bounce. 
Certainly  one  of  the  finest  pianists  to 
come  out  of  jazz,  Errol  has  bridged  the 
gap  to  the  general  public.  He  sets  the 
mood  with  his  own  composition,  "Misty," 
deviates  occasionally  just  to  pace  things, 
but  remains  relaxed  and  always  com- 
fortable. Anyone  will  enjoy  Errol.  Be- 
lieve me,  no  one  enjoys  playing  and 
performing  more  than  he  does  and  it 
shows!  Recommended  for  listening  to 
again  and  again. 

*-MC-fc   a RE AT J 

-K  IT'S    YOUR    MONEY 

•••The  Kingston  Trio-"College 
Concert"  ( Capitol )  — Three  pros ! 
That's  what  they  are!  Ramblin'  and 
scramblin'  thru  some  nice  material. 
Paced  well.  It's  quite  obvious  these 
chaps  have  that  rapport.  They  blend 
well  and  feel  time  in  a  swinging  man- 
ner. "Where  Have  All  the  Flowers 
Gone,"  "Oh,  Miss  Mary"  and  "Little 
Light"  appear  the  strong  ones.  An  add- 
ed plus — the  chunkin'  guitar  playing. 
All  I  can  say  is  it  sounds  easy  as  the 
dickens  for  them! 

•••Tower  of  Strength — Gene  Mc- 
Daniels  (Liberty) — It's  hard  to  give  a 
big  shout  for  this  album  as  it's  very  un- 
evenly paced.  No  doubt  that  Mr.  Mc- 
Daniels  can  holler  with  the  best  of 
them,  but  here,  there's  not  enough  of 
his  best.  "Tall  Oak  Tree"  along  with  "A 
Tear"  and  the  title  song  are  the  strong 
ones.  A  talented  young  man  like  Mc- 
Daniels — incidentally  he's  riding  a  hit, 
"Chip,  Chip" — should  get  a  better  shot 
than  this.  The  stars  are  for  Gene,  not 
the  material. 


••••We  Three  Kings— Roland 
Kirk  (Mercury) — Relatively  speaking, 
Roland  Kirk  is  a  new  Jazz  voice.  He  has 
been  around  on  the  scene  a  very  short 
time.  (In  fact,  this  may  be  his  first  re- 
corded effort  on  his  own.)    Kirk,  who 

is  blind,  is  the  first  person  I've  ever 
seen  play  three  saxophones  at  once! 
And  he  plays!  A  deeply-rooted  blues- 
type  player,  Roland  also  has  a  rather 
interesting  method  of  expression,  in 
that  he  sings  while  playing  flute.  This 
in  itself  is  not  unique  except  Roland 
almost  gets  some  words  and  feelings 
into  it.  He  has  a  first-rate  rhythm  sec- 
tion here.  Hank  Jones  on  piano,  split- 
ting with  Richard  Wyands,  and  Charlie 
Persip  and  Art  Davis,  drums  and  bass 
respectively.  Included  is  the  title  tune, 
a  moving  new  version  of  "We  Three 
Kings,"  Roland's  blues  story-telling, 
flute-sing  style  on  "You  Did  It,  You  Did 
It,"  "Sack  Full  of  Soul,"  "My  Delight," 
several  other  Kirk  originals,  plus  some 
standards.  There  are  also  some  bits  of 
whistle-playing  here!  I  know  it  sounds 
absurd,  but  it  happens!   Much  swing! 

•••Drown     in     My     Tears — Don 

Shirley  (Cadence) — Don  Shirley  is 
certainly  one  of  the  finest  pianists  you'll 
hear  today.  This  reviewer,  with  all  Shir- 
ley's prowess  considered,  never  thought 
much  of  Shirley  as  a  jazz  artist.  But 
with  this  album  I'm  happy  to  say  he 
seems  to  have  jumped  into  the  main- 
stream! Plenty  of  folk-root  quality, 
overtones  of  gospel  church  music  (uti- 
lizing the  organ  and  piano)  and  a 
rather  pointed  rhythmical  attitude  sug- 
gest he  is  coming  to  the  core  of  what 
is  jazz!  He  swings  rather  easily  and 
maturely.    The    tunes    are    done    with 

only  the  vitals  worked  with.  They're 
lean  and  pointed  interpretations.  The 
tunes  are  all  down  home  vehicles. 
"Georgia,"  "One  for  My  Baby,"  "Hap- 
piness Is  a  Thing  Called  Joe,"  the 
album  title  tune,  "Drown  in  My  Tears," 
Shirley's  shouting  original  "Amen," 
and  several  more  standards.  Much 
credit  to  the  boys  backing  Don  up.  Ken 
Fricker  on  bass,  Teddy  Sommer  on 
drums,  Don  Anderson  and  Juri  Taht, 
the  cellists.  Cadence  can  be  proud  of 
the  package.  (A  very  warm  photo 
of  Don  on  the  cover.)    Look  into  this. 

•••A  Cozy  Conception  of  Car- 
men— Cozy  Cole  (Charlie  Parker  Rec- 
ords)— A  rather  interesting  version  of 
Bizet's  opera  score,  "Carmen."  It  won't 
tear  plaster  off  the  wall,  but  it 
bubbles !  Cozy,  one  heck  of  an  oldtimer, 
hasn't  remained  among  his  past  laurels! 
He's  as  fresh  today!  The  band  he  as- 
sembled here  is  a  good  one,  including 
such  talents  as  Jerome  Richardson  on 
the  baritone  saxophone,  the  wonderful 
bassist,  Milt  Hinton,  and  the  very  able 
Phil  Krauss  on  the  percussion  side.  If 
you  like  the  "Carmen"  music  and  can 
imagine  it  cooking  along,  tune  in!  The 
highlights  are:  Cozy's  drumming  on 
"Gypsy  Song,"  the  pumping  baritone 
sax  solo  on  "Castanet  Dance"  by  Rich- 
ardson, the  "Seguidilla"  arrangement 
and  the  "Flower  Song"  done  with  a 
flugelhorn  playing  the  melody.  All  in 
all,   "Carmen"    comes   across   Coze-ly! 



Voi#f~  Monthly   ON    RECORD   Guide 


••••The  Original  Sound  Track 
of  "The  Wizard  of  Oz"— Judy  Gar- 
land, Ray  Bolger,  Bert  Lahr,  Jack 
Haley  and  Frank  Morgan  (MGM)  — 
A  better  album  for  tunes,  performers, 
fantasy,  and  sheer  enjoyment  won't  be 
found  very  easily  to  stand  next  to  this 
one.  It  brought  back  to  me  a  host  of 
memories.  The  joy  of  first  seeing  the 
movie  years  ago,  Judy's  marvelous  sing- 
ing, Bert  Lahr's  fantastic  performance 
of  the  "tail-between-his-legs"  lion  with 
that  incurable  case  of  cowardice. 
Haley's  minus-a-heart  tinman,  Bolger's 
brainless  scarecrow  and  the  incredible 
wizard,  fraudulent  as  the  dickens, 
played  so  unforgettably  by  the  late, 
great  Frank  Morgan. 

What  a  cast!  This  album  brings  it  all 
to  life.  Not  only  are  the  beautiful 
Harold  Arlen  tunes  such  as  "Over  the 
Rainbow,"  "The  Witch  Is  Dead"  and 
"We're  off  to  See  the  Wizard"  included, 
but  there  is  a  great  deal  of  dialogue 
holding  the  strands  of  the  story  to- 
gether which  makes,  as  entertainment, 
much  more  of  the  whole  package.  I  can- 
not recommend  this  album  to  you  too 

If  you've  got  youngsters  or  oldsters 
around  the  house,  this  is  like  a  magic 
pudding  that  nary  a  nose  will  be  turned 
up  at.  It's  worth  your  money!  Have 
fun!  Just  follow  the  yellow  brick  road 
to  your  nearest  record  store. 


••••Down  Home — Chet  Atkins 
(RCA  Victor) — Well,  this  is  a  quiet, 
unassuming,  relaxed  and  charming 
four-star  effort.  Certainly  one  of  the 
ablest  guitarists  you'll  find  anywhere. 
Chet  Atkins  also  has  that  magic  in- 
gredient: Taste!  These  tunes  and  in- 
terpretations will  grow  on  you.  Chet 
never  lets  things  get  away  from  him. 
His  playing,  though  he  doesn't  show- 
boat, is  on  a  very  high  level.  The  in- 
troduction on  "Never  on  Sunday"  alone, 
though  it  sounds  easy,  is  anything  but. 
It  calls  for  someone  who  can  use  his 
fingers,  not  his  hands! 

The  playing  is  great  throughout  both 
sides.  The  rest  of  the  group  is  not  listed 
on  the  album,  but  they  deserve  much 
credit  for  the  great  complement  they 
give  Chet.  (The  alto-saxophone  player 
and  harmonica  player  stand  out.)  If 
you  relish  fine  musicianship,  folky 
wisps,  swing  and  the  maturest  delivery, 
come  on  "Down  Home"  with  Mr.  Atkins. 


••••Josh  White  At  Town  Hail- 
In  Live  Concert  (Mercury) — In  last 
month's  article  on  folk  music,  I  men- 
tioned the  re-appearance  of  Josh  White 
on  the  music  scene,  this  time  using  his 
son  and  daughter  in  the  act.  I  have  a 
minor  confession  to  make.  Your  review- 

er played  piano  at  this  concert,  which 
was  recorded,  but  let  no  eyebrows  raise. 
This  review  will  confine  itself  to  what 
Josh  and  family  did  at  this  concert. 
Believe  me,  it  was  a  pleasure  to  be  there 
and  hear  them.  Josh's  resonant  baritone 
voice,  his  biting  folk-style  guitar,  Josh 
Jr.'s  more  ballad-ic  style,  both  offset 
each  other,  and  daughter  Beverly  nearly 
ran  off  with  the  show.  They  drive  out! 

Josh  Sr.,  with  "Outskirts  of  Town" 
and  "Hard  Time  Blues,"  lets  you  know 
how  it  feels  to  be  down  and  out.  Josh 
Jr.'s  version  of  Woody  Guthrie's  monu- 
mental comment  on  the  migrant-work- 
er's life,  "Pastures  of  Plenty,"  will  hit 
your  stomach  and  your  heart.  Beverly 
does  "Rising  Sun"  with  sympathy. 

All  in  all,  they're  a  powerhouse  of 
entertainment.  Recommended  highly. 


•••Stan  Freberg-Face  The  Fun- 
nies—  (Capitol) — It's  hard  for  anyone 
not  be  touched  by  Freberg's  humor. 
He's  absolute  murder!  This  album  is 
excerpts  from  a  previously  released 
two-pack  called  "The  Best  of  the  Stan 
Freberg  Shows."  It's  chock  full  of 
beauts!  His  rag  of  censors,  "Elderly 
Man  River,"  the  panel  of  experts,  "Face 
the  Funnies"  and  that  monument  to  the 
games  of  chance  and  night  club  owners. 
"Incident  at  Los  Voraces."  It's  high- 
powered  comment,  from  The  Bomb  to 
"Bang  Gunleigh,  U.S.  Marshall  Field" 
and   back.  It's  all   belly-whoppers! 



-fc-K   FAIR   SOUNDS 
^C  #T*«    YOUR    MONEY 


****Brahms— Concerto  No.  1  In 
D  Minor,  Op.  15,  For  Piano  and 
Orch. — Claudio  Arrau,  piano,  and  Carlo 
Maria  Guilini,  cond.  (Angel  Records) 
— This  masterpiece — which  was  hissed 
at  when  Brahms  himself  performed  it  in 
1859 — has  become  a  basic  part  of  the 
polished  pianist's  repertoire.  And  justly 
so;  it  is  immense.  It's  early  Brahms, 
greatly  saddened  by  the  tragic  death 
of  his  mentor,  Schumann.  It's  the 
melancholy  Brahms,  but  refreshingly 
moving.  Always  lean  in  structure,  rarely 
over-abundant,  in  his  under-the-thumb 
way  of  controlling  his  materials.  Char- 
acteristically heroic  tragedy,  this  piece 
does  not  become  weighted  with  super- 
fluous nonsense  like  the  compositions 
of  some  of  Brahms'  Romantic  contem- 
poraries, who  shall  remain  nameless. 
One  listens  to  the  first  movement  and 
wonders  where  can  he  go  from  this 
height?  But  he  continues  on! 

Arrau,  Guilini  and  Angel  are  to  be 
congratulated  on  this  package,  but 
Brahms,  the  timelessness  of  his  struc- 
tures and  the  size  of  his  heart  are  the 
reasons  for  the  stars.  Recommended. 

***Debussy— Nocturnes,  Ravel— 
Daphnis  and  Chloe— Suite  No.  2 — 

Paul  Paray  cond.  Detroit  Symph.  Orch.. 
Wayne  State  Univ.  Women's  Glee  Club. 
Malcolm  Johns,  cond.  (Mercury  Rec- 
ords)— Two  giants  of  Impressionism. 
French  or  otherwise,  are  presented  here. 
The  pieces,  composed  around  the  turn 
of  the  century,  still  remain  fresh. 
Debussy's  "Festivals.  Clouds  and  Si- 
rens" are  done  sympathetically  by 
Paray,  a  Frenchman  and  composer  him- 
self. The  Glee  Club's  assist  on  "Sirens" 
does  them  credit.  The  Ravel  "Daphnis 
and  Chloe"  may  possibly  be  his  best 
work  for  orchestra.  The  interpretation 
is  good,  but  the  string  section,  at  times, 
is  weak.  The  sound  (this  reviewer  hear- 
ing the  stereo  version)  is  marvelous! 
In  "Daphnis"  the  opening  section 
"Dawn"  is  all  but  embracing.  The  morn- 
ing is  radiant.  Ravel  is  unsurpassed  in 
bringing  this  kind  of  moments  to  light. 
Again,  the  sound  is  wonderful. 


1 )  Mama,    Don't    You   Hit   That    Boy/It's   Just   Not   That    Easy, 

Lenny  Welch  (Cadence) — A  very  strong  coupling  of  good  material.  I  think 
"Mama"  may  be  the  one,  but  both  are  strong.  Look  for  this  one. 

2)  Young  World,  Rick  Nelson  (Imperial)— This  looks  like  another 
hig  one!   Good  tune,  good  performance!   The  kids  will  make  this  one  a  hit. 

3)  You're  the  One/Turn  on  Your  Love  Light,  Bobby  Bland  (Dukei 
— The  ballad,  "You're  the  One,"  is  the  one  to  watch.  A  very  Ray  Charles- 
ish  performance  turned  in  by  Bobby.  The  flip  is  good  but  not  as  strong. 

4)  All  This  For  Sally,  Mark  Dinning  (MGM)— This  tune  will  be  a 
strong  contender  for  honors.  Mark  Dinning  does  a  good  job  talking  it  out ! 
The  flip-side,  "The  Pickup,"  could  mean  something.  Not  probable,  though. 

5)  Can't  Stay  Away  From  You,  Tarheel  Slim  and  Little  Ann  (Fire)  — 
This  might  be  a  sleeper.  Cute  idea  lyrically.  Little  Ann,  it  appears,  should 
have  an  "-ies"  on  her  name.  There  are  a  few  ladies  chirping  here.  Very  down- 
home  feeling. 

6)  I  Just  Want  to  Make  Love  to  You,  Charlie  McCoy  (Cadence)  — 
This  fella  can  shout!  The  tune  could  be  stronger,  but  the  hit  chart  is  always 
touch  and  go.  Could  be.  .  .  . 

7)  Give  a  Little  Love/Tell  Me  Where,  Kenneth  Deal  (Peacock)  — 
Watch  this  one!  It  could  sneak  up  there  with  a  little  play.  "Give  a  Little 
Love"  is  the  stronger.  "Tell  Me  Where"  (did  you  learn  to  kiss  like  this — to 
finish  the  line)  is  also  reasonably  strong. 

8)  How  Long  Can  This  Go  On,  Little  Junior  Parker  (Duke) — This 
could  get  under  the  wire.  Junior  turns  in  a  vigorous  performance.  He  also 
wrote  the  tune.  Flip  side,  some  sad  blues  not  too  much  to  talk  about.  Maybe? 

9)  The  Wonderful  World  of  the  Young,  Andy  Wililams — Arr.  and  cond. 
Bob  Mersey  (Columbia) — A  nice  "Young-at-Heart"  styled  tune,  good  arrange- 
ment, Andy's  resonant  pipes.  I  wonder  if  it's  just  a  little  too  smart  an  article. 
Well,  there's  many  ways  to  skin  a  cat!  Bob  Mersey's  arrangements  are  warm. 

10)  The  White  Cliffs  of  Dover/Just  Words,  The  Versailles—  (Peacock) 
— Well,  if  you  are  familiar  with  "The  White  Cliffs  of  Dover"  you'll  find  it  hard 
to  rocognize  here!  But  this  has  that  strange,  vocal  quartet — lead  singer  style 
sound  that  could  happen.  The  flipside  isn't  much.  You  can  never  tell  on  this 
kind  of  a  record. 


•  MGM  released  the  wonderful  sound  track  of  "The  Four  Horsemen  of  the 
Apocalypse"  by  Andre  Previn.  The  composer  conducted.  .  .  .  RCA-Camden 
$1.98  line  was  fattened  up  by  a  couple  of  mood-type  things,  "Living  Voices" 
and  the  "Living  Strings,  Plus  Two  Pianos."  The  latter  including  many  of 
the  great  melodies.  .  .  .  Victor  also  released  a  new  Latin  album  by  mood 
master,  Esquivel.  .  .  .  Lena  Home's  "On  The  Blue  Side."  a  new  album  on 
Victor,  should  do  well. 

Leroy  Holmes'  latest  effort  on  MGM.  "Movie  Themes  for  Teens,"  has  a 
remarkably  beautiful  still-life  photo  for  its  cover.  The  music's  tops!  .  .  . 
Connie  Francis  invaded  the  Twist  market  with  her  new  album,  "Do  the 
Twist,"  on  MGM.  .  .  .  Fats  Domino  is  also  Twistin'  on  his  new  disc.  Imperial 
released  it.  .  .  .  Oscar  Peterson  has  recorded  the  score  of  "West  Side  Story," 
soon  to  be  released.  .  .  .  Jackie  Paris  has  recorded  a  new  album  for  ABC- 
Paramount's  jazz  arm.  Impulse  Records.  Jackie  recently  married  the  very 
popular  Canadian  singer  Ann  Marie  Moss.  She'll  record  shortly  for  Columbia. 



^  v."  e^"    ,»=  \es-     .    v  t»a' 







•  So  many  of  you  have  written  to  us  asking  that  question.  You've 
written,  too,  to  say  how  much  you  like  the  way  he's  handling  the 
On  The  Record  section — it's  "livelier"  .  .  .  "more  fun"  .  .  .  "full  of 
savvy."  Of  course,  some  of  you  have  also  written  to  say  you  hate  it — 
that  you  can't  afford  to  buy  all  the  records  he  makes  you  yearn  for. 
We  can't  blame  you ;  Bobby  has  a  way  of  making  you  run,  not  walk 
to  the  nearest  record  store.  Here  then  is  your  introduction  to  the  man 
who  keeps  us  humming. 

Still  in  his  twenties,  Bobby's  been  around  the  music  biz  almost 
as  long  as  that  other  landmark,  the  Brill  Building.  He  began  as 
a  teenager,  playing  piano  in  some  of  the  top  jazz  bands  in  the 
country.  Since  then,  he  has  produced  so  many  different  kinds  of 
music  that  there  are  people  who  think  he's  a  quartet.  As  a  jazz 
pianist,  he  played  with  Gene  Krupa,  and  also  headed  his  own  group 
at  Birdland,  Basin  Street,  The  Composer,  The  Waldorf  Astoria,  the 
Crescendo  and  other  top  spots  around  the  country.  As  a  rock  'n'  roll 
singer,  you  may  remember  his  hit  record,  "Chain  Gang."  He  com- 
posed the  score  for  "A  Taste  of  Honey"  on  Broadway  and  "Dinny 
and  the  Witches,"  off-Broadway.  In  classical  music,  he  has  written 
several  suites  for  orchestra,  piano  music  and  also  a  folk  opera. 
"Amarantha."  He  has  arranged  for  Bobby  Darin  (his  big  hit  "Bill 
Bailey").  Dick  Haymes.  Harry  Belafonte,  Sara  Vaughan,  Larry 
Elgart,  Jackie  Paris  and  Betty  Madigan.  He  has  appeared  on  such 
TV  shows  as  The  Steve  Allen  Show  and  the  Timex  Jazz  Show  and 
has  himself  recorded  for  half  a  dozen  of  the  best  labels.  All  of  this 
activity  naturally  keeps  him  on  the  Sinatra-slender  side. 

Bobby  is  married  ("She  has  a  fantastic  ear")  and  has  a  daughter 
("She's  in  the  terrible  two's").  We  feel  lucky  to  be  the  third  woman 
in  his  life.  Clmrf.  Sajfran,  Editor 


•  Last  month's  issue  contained  a  re- 
view of  an  Art  Tatum  album.  In  that 
review  I  reflected  on  Tatum's  influence 
on  jazz  pianists,  myself  included. 

Well,  recently  another  pianist  of  long- 
standing value  came  to  town.  My  wife 
and  myself  both  decided  to  see  him  as 
he  does  not  travel  very  much  and 
works  sporadically.  We  jumped  in  a 
cab  and  went  to  The  Embers  on  the 
East  Side  of  Manhattan  to  see  and  hear 
the  veteran  jazz  player,  Meade  Lux 
Lewis.  And  what  a  delight  it  was! 

We  went  in,  sort  of  nostalgically  in- 
dulging ourselves,  but  came  out  with 
the  realization  that  talent  needs  no 
nostalgia*.  His  playing  was  so  refresh- 
ing that  one  would  hardly  believe  him 
to  have  been  around  so  long.  To  give 
you  an-idea,  his  playing  is  thought  of 
generally  as  being  in  the  period  of 
James  P.  Johnson  and  Albert  Amnions. 
the  boogie-woogie  exponents.  But  we 
found  him  not  dated  at  all. 

His  set  ran  thru  some  boogie-woogie, 
an  exciting  version  qf  "I  Cover  the 
Waterfront"  and  several  wonderful 
things  which  I  assume  are  original 
tunes.  It  is  easy  to  see  where  many 
pianists  today  have  gained  something 
from  his  influence  on  the  jazz- piano. 

His  drummer,  Sonny  Greer — another 
timeless  creature,  who,  as  I  recall, 
played  drums  with  Duke  Ellington's 
orchestra  dating  as  far  back  as  1925!  — 
has  the  same  vitality  as  Meade  Lux. 

It's  kind  of  fantastic  to  think  of  these 
old  gents,  easily  pushing  sixty,  or  there- 
abouts, pumping  out  music  to  the  tune 
of  six-hour  nights,  six  days  a  week!  And 

I  don't  know  offhand  if  Meade  Lux 
has  been  recorded  in  the  last  couple 
of  years,  but  he  should  be.  (Although 
I  remember  seeing  some  archive-type 
recordings,  old  ones  that  is,  publicized.) 
If  you're  interested,  I  suggest  you  ask 
at  your   favorite  record   shop. 

In  our  haste  to  discover  new  people. 
we  ofttimes  neglect  artists  like  Meade 
Lux  Lewis.  The  tragedy  is,  that  we 
break  the  chain  leading  back  and  there- 
fore cannot  enjoy  discovering  the  influ- 
ences of  the  newer  people,  and  disable 
the  older  artists,  to  the  point  where  they 
can  no  longer  be  usefully  influential. 

The  biggest  plus,  for  artists  like 
Meade  Lux,  is  that  you  hear  the  cre- 
ator of  a  musical  style,  and  even  if  you 
should  not  like  it,  rest  assured  no  imi- 
tator will  get  that  exact  sound!  And 
that  is  a  great  distinction. 

Modess . . .  .^eea^^^ 

MODESS      NAPKINS     •     MODESS     TAMPONS     •     MODESS      BELTS 



1  Gary  Vinson 

2  Vic  Damone 

3  Dwayne  Hickman 

4  Earl  Holliman 

5  Ray  Foster 

6  Gary  Clarke 

7  Robert  Fuller 

8  John  Ashley 

9  Kenny  Miller 

10  Peter  Brown 

11  Troy  Donahue 

12  Doug  McClure 


!we5ewhogot  «nw 



Four  years  ago,  Connie  Stevens  was  so  broke  she  had  to 
ask  Marianne  Gaba  and  Kenny  Miller  to  move  in  with  her 
to  share  expenses.  ("We  more  or  less  starved  together.") 
Last  year,  Connie  bought  herself  a  new  $70,000  contem- 
porary ranch  house  in  fashionable  Beverly  Glen.  Asked 
why,  at  23,  she  obligated  herself  to  such  an  extent, 
Connie  twinkled:  "I  want  to  live  like  a  star  though 
I'm  not  in  that  bracket  .  .  .  After  all,  how  would  it  look 
if  Cary  Grant  came  to  call  and  found  me  living  in  a  Skid 
Row  shack,  wearing  a  beat-up  sweatshirt  and  blue 
jeans?"  .  .  .  Shortly  thereafter,  Miss  Stevens — Cricket 
Blake  of  TV's  "Hawaiian  Eye"  and  acclaimed  movie  star 
of  "Parrish"  and  "Susan  Slade" — became  restive.  She 
coveted  still  another  status  symbol  and  bought  it:  A 
$7,000  powder-blue  (to  match  her  eyes) 
Cadillac  convertible  with 
white  top, 

'Only  the  top  stars  are  al- 
lowed to  park  their  cars  in  the  center  of  the 
Warner  lot,"  she  explained  proudly.  "And  mine  is  among 
them.  A  gal's  got  to  have  certain  things — the  right  kind 
of  car,  home,  wardrobe,  as  well  (Continued  on  page  74) 










mm  t  tt  f  i 






Just  pictures  of  Christian  ...  the  only  glimpse  I 
had  of  the  child  born  to  Luciana  Paluzzi  and  me. 




June  13,  1960,  a  cablegram  was  handed  to  me  on  the  set  of  "Follow 
the  Sun,"  at  20th  Century-Fox.  Its  message  was  brief,  its  impact  ex- 
hilarating: "Christian  born  today.  Weight  eight  pounds,  nine  ounces. 
Looks  fine."  It  was  signed  Luciana  Paluzzi. 

Somewhere  in  Rome,  my  son  was  breathing  the  first  air  of  life.  I 
couldn't  have  been  more  happy,  more  proud.  I  had  an  urge  to  take  the 
first  jet  to  Italy.  Then  reality  blurred  any  such  notion. 

Only  three  months  previously,  my  marriage  to  Luciana  blew  up  in 
one  ugly  scene.  Our  love  turned  bitter.  I  blame  (Continued  on  page  87) 



Just  pictures  of  Christian  ...  the  only  glimpse  I 
had  of  the  child  born  to  Luciana  Paluzzi  and  me 




June  13,  1960,  a  cablegram  was  handed  to  me  on  the  set  of  "Follow 
the  Sun,"  at  20th  Century-Fox.  Its  message  was  brief,  its  impact  ex- 
hilarating: "Christian  born  today.  Weight  eight  pounds,  nine  ounces. 
Looks  fine."  It  was  signed  Luciana  Paluzzi. 

Somewhere  in  Rome,  my  son  was  breathing  the  first  air  of  life.  I 
couldn't  have  been  more  happy,  more  proud.  I  had  an  urge  to  take  the 
first  jet  to  Italy.  Then  reality  blurred  any  such  notion. 

Only  three  months  previously,  my  marriage  to  Luciana  blew  up  in 
one  ugly  scene.  Our  love  turned  bitter.  I  blame  (Continued  on  page  87) 






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What's  in  a  name?  You'd  be  surprised ! 

He  was  born  Merle  Johnson  Jr.,  but  can  you  just  imagine 
fans  shouting  "We  want  Merle"?  The  name's  been  changed 
and,  along  the  way,  so  has  Troy.  To  find  out  how  much, 
TV  Radio  Mirror  writer  James  Gregory  tried  a  "name-drop- 
ping" experiment  — one  letter  at  a  time.  He  asked  Troy  to 
tell  him  what  words  each  letter  in  his  name  reminded  him 
of —and  what  these  words  meant  to  him.  It's  a  new,  parlor 
version  of  the  old  psychologists'  word-association  test— to 
be  played  only  with  people  you'd  trust  your  deepest,  dark- 
est secrets  to. 

The  results  of  Troy's  test  are  printed  here.  After  you 
finish  examining  them,  why  not  try  experimenting  with  your 
own  name— if  you  dare! . .  JQ"Tenderness.  Love.  Two  peo- 
ple touching,"  he  said.  "Eternity.  Lasting.  Unfortunately, 
it's  a  kind  of  love  I've  never  given  or  received. 

"Terror.  Nightmare.  Something  you  can't  put  your  fin- 
ger on.  The  mind  doing  all  sorts  of  strange  things,  painting 
weird  pictures.  I  used  to  have  a  recurring  nightmare  that 
gave  me  the  feeling  of  impending  doom,  yet  I  didn't  know 
what  the  doom  was.  It  was  the  feeling     ( Continued  onpagrw* 


The  Truth.  Abou 


Occasionally,  when  I  meet  a  new  girl  at 
school,  she  asks  me,  "What  is  it  like  to  be 
Groucho  Marx's  daughter?" 

I  never  know  quite  what  to  say;  I  don't 
think  the  girl  would  ask  that  question  un- 
less she  thought  my  father  was  somehow 
different  from  other  fathers.  All  I  know  is 
that  other  fathers  may  be  stockbrokers,  or 
doctors,  or  lawyers,  but  if  they  are  loving, 
kind,  generous,  protective  and  wise  fathers — 
then  they  are  really  no  different  from  mine. 
Except  that  my  father  is  funny.  He's  funny 
professionally,  and  he's  funny  personally. 

(He  just  came  sailing  into  the  room  with 
his  face  covered  by  white  shaving  powder. 
"How  about  me?"  he  wanted  to  know.  "How 
do  you  like  my  clown  make-up?"  Then  out 
he  went  without  waiting  for  an  answer.) 

However,  my  father  is  far  more  than 
somebody  to  make  you  laugh. 

He  is  somebody  who  can  teach  you  to 
face  emergencies  as  you  are  growing  up. 

When  I  was  nine,  Daddy  decided  that  it 
was  time  I  had  a  pet.  He  wanted  me  to  learn 
to  be  responsible,  to  take  care  of  something 
small  and  helpless — like,  for  instance,  a  cat. 
So  he  bought  "Suki,  the  First,"  at  the  City 
Pound.  Suki  was  black  with  green  eyes,  and 
he  had  a  playful   (Continued  on  page  84) 



My  Daddy 








Eden  and  Melinda  have  learned 
that  the  only  way  to  live  with  a 
funny  man  like  Groucho  Marx  is 
to  take  him  seriously  —  always! 


The  TruthNAbout 

My  Daddy  ^onuoth 

Occasionally,  when  I  meet  a  new  girl  at 
school,  she  asks  me,  "What  is  it  like  to  be 
Groucho  Marx's  daughter?" 

I  never  know  quite  what  to  say;  I  don't 
think  the  girl  would  ask  that  question  un- 
less she  thought  my  father  was  somehow 
different  from  other  fathers.  All  I  know  is 
that  other  fathers  may  be  stockbrokers,  or 
doctors,  or  lawyers,  but  if  they  are  loving, 
kind,  generous,  protective  and  wise  fathers — 
then  they  are  really  no  different  from  mine. 
Except  that  my  father  is  funny.  He's  funny 
professionally,  and  he's  funny  personally. 

(He  just  came  sailing  into  the  room  with 
his  face  covered  by  white  shaving  powder. 
"How  about  me?"  he  wanted  to  know.  "How 
do  you  like  my  clown  make-up?"  Then  out 
he  went  without  waiting  for  an  answer.) 

However,  my  father  is  far  more  than 
somebody  to  make  you  laugh. 

He  is  somebody  who  can  teach  you  to 
face  emergencies  as  you  are  growing  up. 

When  I  was  nine,  Daddy  decided  that  it 
was  time  I  had  a  pet.  He  wanted  me  to  learn 
to  be  responsible,  to  take  care  of  something 
small  and  helpless — like,  for  instance,  a  cat. 
So  he  bought  "Suki,  the  First,"  at  the  City 
Pound.  Suki  was  black  with  green  eyes,  and 
he  had  a  playful   {Continued  on  page  84) 






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■WW:        ^'^Vv"^v'  •■                     ' 

.    B| 

lr^«  1  J;  Ik 


1                                                                                                              19.                 "Ik 


Whether  you're  a  motheyr  daughter,  you'll  want  to  read  this  story.  Here's  what 
the  boys  who  date  the  Lelinon  Sisters  say  about  them— after  they  say  goodnight 

Whether  you're  a  mother  daughter,  you'll  wan 

the  boys  who  date  the  Lelinon  Sisters  say  abou 

Is  it  bad  to  be  too  good? 


Certainly  nobody's  nicer  than  the  Lennon 
sisters.  But  how  do  the  boys  they  date  feel 
about  that?  Do  they  think  there's  such  a  thing 
as  being  too  nice?  Do  they  ever  drive  away 
from  the  Lennons'  door  muttering  that  next 
time  .  .  .  there'll  be  no  next  time? 

We  wondered,  and  then  we  asked  three 
boys  who  go  out  with  Lennon  girls.  Kathy  and 
Peggy  (eighteen  and  twenty-one)  have  been 
dating  on  their  own  ever  since  they  passed 
sixteen.  But  Janet  has  not  yet  reached  the 
"permissive"  state  of  being  allowed  to  single. 
She  dates  either  with  her  sisters  or  other  groups. 

One  Sunday  at  the  Lennon  family's  Malibu 
beach  house,  Kathy  was  with  Ken  DelConte,  a 
University  of  Southern  California  junior — a  half- 
back; Peggy  was  with  Tom  Trbovich,  who  works 
as  a  draftsman  with  the  aim  of  entering  U.S.C. 
next  semester  for  engineering;  and  Janet's 
companion  was  Terry  McGee,  who's  taking  pre- 
dentistry  at  U.S.C,  where  he  rooms  with  Ken. 
Terry  and  Tom  went  to  school  with  Kathy  and 
Peggy,  and  Ken  was  introduced  to  the  Lennon 
family  more  than  a  year  ago.  Like  most  of  the 
boys  who  call  on  the  Lennon  girls,  they  have 
come  to  know  the  entire  family  quite  well.  In 
fact,  the  very  boys  to  answer  the  question:  Is 
it  bad  to  be  too  good? 

"What's  the  attraction  in  a  date  with  these 
girls?"  echoed  Ken— Kathy's  halfback.  "Well, 
first  of  all,  they  have  fun  and  let  you  have  fun 
— without  pushing  it.  You  hardly  notice  you're 
having  a  swell  time,  but  when  you  think  back, 
you  realize  it  was  the  girls  who  did  it.  With 
some  girls  I've  stood  on  my  head  to  give  them 
the  greatest  day  of  their  lives.  And  at  the  end 
they  expect  me  to  thank  them.  Which,  of  course, 
is  only  right.  But  the  Lennon  girls  don't  wait  on 
such  things.  After  a  date  they  will  shake  your 
hand  and  say,  Thank  (Continued  on  page  36) 

Ken  asks,   "Is   this   how   nice   girls   catch  a 
man?"    From    left — Peggy,    Janet,    Kathy. 


Which  kind  of  girl  would  boys  drop  after  one  date — 
Kathy  or  the  wilder  type?  It's  up  to  Ken  and  Tom. 

11:;  *£:& 

Football  for  girls   is  either  good  clean   fun  or   unladylike 
roughhousing — it  all  depends  on  how  you  play  a  boy's  game. 

Is  it  bad  to  be  too  good? 


Certainly  nobody's  nicer  than  the  Lennon 
sisters.  But  how  do  the  boys  they  date  feel 
about  that?  Do  they  think  there's  such  a  thing 
as  being  too  nice?  Do  they  ever  drive  away 
from  the  Lennons'  door  muttering  that  next 
time  .  .  .  there'll  be  no  next  time? 

We  wondered,  and  then  we  asked  three 
boys  who  go  out  with  Lennon  girls.  Kathy  and 
Peggy  (eighteen  and  twenty-one)  have  been 
dating  on  their  own  ever  since  they  passed 
sixteen.  But  Janet  has  not  yet  reached  the 
"permissive"  state  of  being  allowed  to  single. 
She  dates  either  with  her  sisters  or  other  groups. 
One  Sunday  at  the  Lennon  family's  Malibu 
beach  house,  Kathy  was  with  Ken  DelConte,  a 
University  of  Southern  California  junior — a  half- 
back; Peggy  was  with  Tom  Trbovich,  who  works 
as  a  draftsman  with  the  aim  of  entering  U.S.C. 
next  semester  for  engineering;  and  Janet's 
companion  was  Terry  McGee,  who's  taking  pre- 
dentistry  at  U.S.C,  where  he  rooms  with  Ken. 
Terry  and  Tom  went  to  school  with  Kathy  and 
Peggy,  and  Ken  was  introduced  to  the  Lennon 
family  more  than  a  year  ago.  Like  most  of  the 
boys  who  call  on  the  Lennon  girls,  they  have 
come  to  know  the  entire  family  quite  well.  In 
fact,  the  very  boys  to  answer  the  question:  Is 
it  bad  to  be  too  good? 

"What's  the  attraction  in  a  date  with  these 
girls?"  echoed  Ken— Kathy's  halfback.  "Well, 
first  of  all,  they  have  fun  and  let  you  have  fun 
— without  pushing  it.  You  hardly  notice  you're 
having  a  swell  time,  but  when  you  think  back, 
you  realize  it  was  the  girls  who  did  it.  With 
some  girls  I've  stood  on  my  head  to  give  them 
the  greatest  day  of  their  lives.  And  at  the  end 
they  expect  me  to  thank  them.  Which,  of  course, 
is  only  right.  But  the  Lennon  girls  don't  wait  on 
such  things.  After  a  date  they  will  shake  your 
hand  and  say,  Thank  (Continued  on  page  36) 

Is  it  bad  to  be  too  good? 

^*T»  rt  ■«  t-i  -ml  s\s4 


Imagine — Janet  and  Terry,  the  two  youngest 
in  the  crowd,  hanging  around  the  punchbowl! 

And  Kathy,  who's  old  enough  to  know  better, 
in  a  poolroom!  Or  is  that  the  family  table? 

Oh,  this  modern  generation!  Peggy  and  Tom 
beat  out  those  wild  rhythms  on  the  bongos. 

you  for  being  so  nice.  Honestly,  that  sets  you  up 
more  than  another  girl's  kiss.  These  are  the  great- 
est gals  I've  ever  met. 

"I'm  not  saying  that  I,  or  any  other  fellow,  likes 
a  too-goodie  who's  afraid  she'll  crack  her  face  if 
she  smiles.  But  Kathy — she's  cute  and  lively  and 


good-natured.  You  take  her  somewhere,  you  know 
she'll  act  right.  There  are  things  she  doesn't  do — 
like  the  Twist.  On  the  other  hand,  she's  not  likely 
to  act  catty  or  snippy.  And  she'll  never  forget  who 
brought  her  to  the  party.  That  goes  a  long  way 
with  a  fellow,"  Ken  assured  us  warmly. 

"A  girl  has  to  go  far  these  days  to  stay  pop- 
ular with  the  boys,  but  by  'going  for*  I  don't  mean 
sex  Or  a  lot  of  cheap  horseplay,  either.  I  mean 
she  has  to  give  some  thought  and  consideration  to 
the  boy  she's  with  and  his  friends — and  even  if 
she  is  something  of  a  {Continued  on  page  91 ) 


Is  it  had  to  be  too  good? 


Imagine — Janet  and  Terry,  the  two  youngest 
iii  the  crowd,  hanging  around  the  punchbowl! 

And  Kathy,  who's  old  enough  to  know  better, 
in  a  poolroom!  Or  is  that  the  family  table? 

Oh,  this  modern  generation!  Peggy  and  Tom 
beat  out  those  wild  rhythms  on  the  bongos. 


you  for  being  so  nice.  Honestly,  that  sets  you  UP 
more  than  another  girl's  kiss.  These  are  the  gre° 
est  gals  I've  ever  met. 

"I'm  not  saying  that  I,  or  any  other  fellow,  l*« 
a  too-goodie  who's  afraid  she'll  crack  her  face 
she  smiles.  But  Kathy — she's  cute  and  lively  al 

9<>od-nafured.  You  take  her  somewhere,  you  know 
**»e'l|  act  right.  There  an  things  she  doesn't  do— 
•'•»  *e  Twist.  On  the  other  hand,  she's  not  likely 
to  act  catty  or  snippy.  And  she'll  never  forget  who 
•bought  her  to  the  party.  That  goes  a  long  way 
*•*  a  fellow,"  Ken  assured  us  warmly. 

"A  girl  has  to  go  far  these  days  to  stay  pop- 
ular with  the  boys,  but  by  'going  for*  I  don't  mean 
sex  Or  a  lot  of  cheap  horseplay,  either.  I  mean 
she  has  to  give  some  thought  and  consideration  to 
the  boy  she's  with  and  his  friends — and  even  if 
she  is  something  of  a  (Continued  on  page  91 ) 


The  Polly  Bergen 

I    want    to    tell    you 
something  about 
professional  make- 
up techniques, 
not   because   I 
think  they  ought 
to  be  slavishly 
followed    for 
everyday  wear, 
but  because  they 
use  fundamental 
principles  that  ap- 
ply to  good  make- 
up, no  matter  how 
much  or  how  little  you 
use.   If  I   had  to   sum 
them  up  in  a  few  words, 
they    would    be    blending, 
sliadowing   and   emphasizing. 
And  the  key  to  success  in  all 
make-up — patience.  Dave 
Lawrence    (Society   of 
Make-up  Artists,  who  has 
done   my   TV   make-ups   since 
I  started  on  television)  has  helped 
to  teach  me  the  value  of  these  traits. 
.  .  .  Blending  takes  time,  and  every  step 
in  putting  on  a  good  make-up  must  be  care- 
fully  blended  with  the  step  before  it.  There 
must   be   no   sharp   separations   or   visible   de- 
marcations  of  any   kind   on   your   face.   Rouge 
must  never  be  distinguishable  as  a  separate  area 
of  color.  Dave  places  a  small  amount  of  cake 
rouge  on  the  highpoint  of  my  cheekbone,  then 
blends  it  back  up  towards  my  ear  with  a  very 

Book  of  Beauty 

fine    soft    sable    brush 
using  tiny  circular 
motions.  .  .  .  Begin 
by  putting  so  little 
rouge  on  your 
cheekbone — j  ust 
at  the  very  top 
of  it— that  you 
can  barely  see 
it  ...  by  the 
time  you   are 
through  rouging, 
it  should  still  be 
impossible  for  any- 
one to  tell  if  you've 
used    it.    .    .    .    The 
medicated    foundation 
stick  must  be  used  care- 
fully. Applied  properly  un- 
der the  eyes  or  in  any  in- 
dentations or  sunken-in 
areas    (such    as    the 
two  little  lines  that  start 
at  the  sides  of  your  nose  or 
those  at  the  corners  of  your  mouth  I 
it  successfully  de-emphasizes  these 
sharp  lines  but  must  then  be  well-blended 
into  the  rest  of  the  base.  .  .  .  Shadowing 
is  one  of  the  most  important  techniques  of 
theatrical  make-up.   Today   some   of   the   big 
make-up    houses    are    featuring    darker    bases 
to  be  used  for  the  same  kind  of  "corrective 
shadowing"  (not  eye  shadow)   for  streetwear 
that  we  use  for  professional  purposes.  Skill- 
ful shadowing  can  actually  change  the  shape 


a  TV  Radio  Mirror 

of  a  face.  When  making 
me   up  for  television, 
Dave  often  shadows 
directly  under  my 
cheekbone  with  a 
very  dark  brown 
stick  shadow  (not 
the  sort  they  are 
making  for  gen- 
eral use)   and 
blends  this  from 
under  the  cheek- 
bone towards  the 
corner  of  my  mouth 
and    then    back   to- 
wards the  jawbone. 
This  slims  down  my  face 
and   emphasizes   my    own 
natural  hollows.   All  non- 
character  female  make-ups  use 
dark  shadow  under  the  jaw- 
bone going  from  one  ear 
to    the    other    to    eliminate 
any  suggestion  of  a  double  chin. 
.   .   .   The  principle   of  shadowing 
is  simple.  Light  brings  a  thing  forward 
and  gives  it  emphasis.  Shadow   (or  dark) 
de-emphasizes.  Practice  will  do  it  for  you  .  .  . 
you  too  can  have  those  wonderful  exotic  hol- 
lows models  have;  you  can  squelch  that  double 
chin  and  flatten  a  protruding  brow.  .  .  .  The 
opposite  of  shadowing  is  highlighting.     High- 
lighting preparations  are  also  being  sold  today 
for  popular  use.  I've  mentioned  the  medicated 
stick.  Then  there's  a  liquid  or  cream  base- 

Bonus  for  You 

type    substance    about 
three  shades  lighter 
than   your   make-up 
base   which   can 
serve  to  raise  the 
indentations  of 
your  temples, 
your  perhaps  too 
sunken-in  cheeks, 
the    under-eye 
hollows.  By  put- 
ting  a   line   of 
highlight    down 
your    nose    you 
can  make  it  seem 
straighter  than  it  is, 
just  by  shadowing  un- 
der  it    you   can    cut   its 
length.    But   lightening   de- 
mands   very   careful    blend- 
ing to   be   sure  that   no 
color  separations  exist 
at  all.  .  .  .  Highlighting  is 
done,  of  course,  for  emphasis 
— applied  to  the  feature  or  fea- 
tures you  choose  to  bring  forward. 
.  .  .  There  are  three  different  types  of 
base  to  choose  from.  You  can  use  a  lotion 
or   liquid-tinted-base,   a   cream   base,   or  a 
pancake  type  make-up.  The  right  base  for 
you   must   be   determined    by    the    quality    of 
your  skin.  Dry  skins  need  a  cream  base  but 
can  use  a  liquid  base  if  it  has  added  lubri- 
cants. Cake  make-up  is  in  general  quite  dry- 
ing to  the  skin  and  (Continued  on  page  80) 

From  the  book,  "The  Polly  Bergen  Book  of 
Beauty,  Fashion  and  Charm,"  by  Polly  Bergen. 
Copyright    ©     1962     by     Prentice-Hall,    Inc. 






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at  our  apartment,  thinking  I  could 
still  get  out  of  the  dinner  date  if  I 
didn't  care  for  his  appearance  on 
second  look. 

I  was  telephoning  when  Vince  ar- 
rived, so  Mother  let  him  in.  He  was 
standing  in  the  doorway  between 
entry  and  living  room  when  I  emerged 
from  the  bedroom.  I  stopped  in  my 
tracks,  amazed.  Somehow,  in  the  vast 
outdoors,  I  had  acquired  no  compre- 
hension of  the  size  of  the  man.  He 
made  our  doorway  seem  totally  in- 
adequate; he  dwarfed  the  modern 
furnishings  in  the  room. 

He  is  six  feet,  two  inches  tall  and 
usually  weighs  around  210  pounds. 
He  has  shoulders  like  the  side  view 
of  a  tank  and,  at  that  particular  time, 
was  wearing  his  hair  rather  long,  a 
style  that  gave  him  the  great  head  of 
a  St.  Bernard.  He  explained  his  mane 
by  saying  that  he  had  just  finished  a 
segment  of  "The  Deputy"  in  which 
he  had  played  a  frontier  doctor. 

If  I  had  caught  a  glimpse  of  him, 
passing  on  the  street,  exactly  as  he 
appeared  that  Sunday  afternoon,  I 
would  have  judged  him  to  be  a  young 
attorney  of  early  and  exceptional  suc- 
cess. Or  possibly  a  corporation  officer. 
Perhaps  a  Madison  Avenue  type  in 
his  well-tailored  dark  blue  suit,  his 
white  shirt  and  conservative  tie;   or 


even  a  quiet,  dedicated  young  neuro- 
surgeon. Not  an  actor! 

After  Vince  had  talked  to  my 
mother  and  me  for  about  thirty  min- 
utes, Mother  said  she  had  a  bridge 
date  with  friends.  She  had  given  me 
the  hod;  it  was  okay  to  have  dinner 
with  Vince. 

That  evening,  we  went  to  the  Villa 
Capri,  where  Vince  ordered  the  most 
terrific  Italian  dinner  I  had  ever 
tasted.  Afterward  we  went  to  The 
Little  Club  to  hear  a  singer  about 
whom  I'd  heard  favorably. 

It's  been  more  or  less  like  that  ever 
since.  We  get  together  when  Vince  is 
able  to  spare  the  time.  He  usually  asks 
me  if  I  have  a  preference  as  to  where 
we'll  go;  usually,  Heave  it  to  him.  He 
really  knows  his  way  around  this 

I  soon  discovered  that  Vince  is  a 
gourmet.  He  knows  Cantonese  cook- 
ery, Japanese  foods,  Hawaiian  foods, 
the  French  cuisine,  and,  natch,  the 
best  of  Italian  dishes.  He  likes  to  take 
a  group  out  to  dinner  and  order  the 
menu  from  hors  d'oeuvres  to  dessert 
— a  treat,  I  promise  you.  I  had  spent 
my  life  as  a  roast-beef-and-baked- 
potato  addict,  so  an  entire  gastro- 
nomic world  has  now  opened  for  my 
astonished  palate. 

Vince's    (Continued  on   page  86) 



What  Hollywood  Says  About 

Vince  Edwards  and 

Those  Wedding  Bells! 

Sherry  Nelson's  exclusive  story  for 
TV  Radio  Mirror  gives  an  interest- 
ing picture  of  her  dates  with  Vince 
Edwards — and  an  honest  one  .  .  . 
insofar  as  either  of  these  attractive 
people  is  talking!  Hollywood,  how- 
ever— wise  in  the  ways  of  true  ro- 
mance, away  from  the  klieg  lights  and 
headlines — would  like  to  add  some 
details.  They've  watched  other  long 
courtships,  heard  the  denials  of  "any- 
thing serious."  They  listened,  more  or 
less  politely,  as  Debbie  Reynolds  and 
Harry  Karl  denied  their  romance — 
right  up  to  the  altar.  They  heard 
Lucille  Ball  and  Gary  Morton  insist 
they  were  "nothing  but  good  friends" 
— and  wished  them  well,  a  good  deal 
less  cynically,  when  the  wedding  took 
place!  They  had  lots  of  fun  with  the 
off-again,  on-again  rumors  about 
Doug  McCIure  and  Barbara  Luna — 
and  only  smiled  with  satisfaction  at 
their  "surprise"  elopement.  In  all 
these  cases  (and  many  more  in  which 
the  Hollywood  grapevine  has  proved 
amazingly  accurate  I ,  they  predicted 
the  actual  course  true  love  will  take. 
Their  consensus:  Vince  Edwards  will 
hear  those  wedding  bells  with  Sherry 
much  sooner  than  either  will  admit! 

Headed  for  the  bridal  path?  Hollywood's  betting  on  Vince  and  the  widowed  Sherry. 



The  nightmare  week  when  Hollywood  discovered: 






; ••:'-.  ^  •  v" 

-  .-  / 




TV  motion-picture  star  Marsha  Hunt  — sitting  next  to  the  Rev.  John  G. 
Simmons,  pastor  of  North  Hollywood  St.  Matthew's  Lutheran  Church,  on 
the  platform  of  Temple  Sinai  of  West  Los  Angeles  —  looked  up  curiously 
as  the  Rev.  Brooks  R.  Walker,  pastor  of  the  Emerson  Unitarian  Church  of 
Canoga  Park,  abruptly  stopped  answering  questions  from  the  audience . . . 
excused  himself  by  saying  that  he  had  to  make  a  very  important  phone  call 
. . .  and  hurried  to  the  back  of  the  hall.  Almost  before  she  had  time  to 
speculate  on  what  kind  of  call  could  be  important  enough  to  interrupt 
this  American  Jewish  Congress  panel  discussion  on  "The  Extreme  Right  — 
Threat  to  Democracy?". . .  the  minister  returned.  Ashen-faced  and  with  a 
slight  quaver  in  his  voice,  Rev.  Walker  told  his  listeners,  "I'm  sorry 
to  leave  you.  My  house  has  been  bombed..  Thank  heavens,  my  wife  and 
children  are  all  right."... A  few  days  later,  the  telephone  rang  in  the 
San  Fernando  Valley  home  of  actor  Robert  Ryan,  and  the  maid,  Willie  Smith, 
answered  it.  A  man's  voice  issued  a  grim  warning:  If  Ryan  participated 
in  a  scheduled  series  of  radio  broadcasts  over  FM  (Continued  on  page  70 ) 

*'        Si 


1— -4  »• 


*  **? 


The  nightmare  week  when  Hollywood  discovered: 







*  mis  ^ 




TV  motion-picture  star  Marsha  Hunt -sitting  next  to  the  Rev.  John  G. 
Simmons,  pastor  of  North  Hollywood  St.  Matthew's  Lutheran  Church,  on 
the  platform  of  Temple  Sinai  of  West  Los  Angeles  -  looked  up  curiously 
as  the  Rev.  Brooks  R.  Walker,  pastor  of  the  Emerson  Unitarian  Church  of 
Canoga  Park,  abruptly  stopped  answering  questions  from  the  audience . . . 
excused  himself  by  saying  that  he  had  to  make  a  very  important  phone  call 
...  and  hurried  to  the  back  of  the  hall.  Almost  before  she  had  time  to 
speculate  on  what  kind  of  call  could  be  important  enough  to  interrupt 
this  American  Jewish  Congress  panel  discussion  on  "The  Extreme  Right— 
Threat  to  Democracy?".  . .  the  minister  returned.  Ashen-faced  and  with  a 
slight  quaver  in  his  voice,  Rev.  Walker  told  his  listeners,  "I'm  sorry 
to  leave  you.  My  house  has  been  bombed.  Thank  heavens,  my  wife  and 
children  are  all  right."... A  few  days  later,  the  telephone  rang  in  the 
San  Fernando  Valley  home  of  actor  Robert  Ryan,  and  the  maid,  Willie  Smith, 
answered  it.  A  man's  voice  issued  a  grim  warning:  If  Ryan  participated 
in  a  scheduled  series  of  radio  broadcasts  over  FM  (Continued  on  page  70 ) 

>      i   V      V 

.  *.  .»"/* 


Please  somebody,  hand  me  the  tranquilizers.  I'm  soaring. 
At  twenty-three,  I  suppose  I  should  treat  my  day  with 
Dr.  Kildare  with  poise  and  nonchalance,  but  I  admit 
it  was  a  real  thrill,  every  minute  of  it.  When  Dick 
Chamberlain  and  MGM,  by  courtesy  of  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  invited  me  to  see  how  Dick  operates,  it  didn't 
take  me  long  to  say  "Yes" — no  longer  than  it  would  to 
stick  a  thermometer  under  a  patient's  tongue.  ...  It 
isn't  just  that  I  love  the  show.  Most  nurses,  doctors  and 
hospital  attendants  do,  I'm  sure.  And  as  for  me,  unless 
I'm  on  duty  Thursdays  at  8:30  P.M.,  no  date  can  drag 
me  from  my  TV  set.  At  U.C.L.A.  Medical  Center,  where 
I  work  in  Metabolic  Research,  we  often  discuss 
both  Dr.  Kildare  and  his  rival, 
Dr.  Ben  Casey.  I  won't  try  to 
make  comparisons;  I'm  no 
critic,  and  both  appeal  in 
entirely  different  ways  to 
people  in  the  medical  profes- 
sion. .  .  .  Let  me  say,  before 
I  go  any  further,  that  I'd  al- 
ready had  the  great  pleasure  of 
meeting  Dr.  Gillespie — I  mean 
Raymond  Massey — a  very  brief 
meeting  during  the  Christmas 
holidays  when  we  both  happened 
to  be  vacationing  in  Phoenix, 
Arizona.  I'd  always  admired  Mr. 
Massey  as  an  actor,  and  I  think  he 
has  that  special  delicate  and  subtle 
expertness  of  a  brain  surgeon.  I've 
often  thought  that  his  interpretations 
of  people  and  their  motives,  and  what 
makes  them  tick,  took  quite  a  little 
brain  surgery  on  his  part.  Anyway,  you 
don't  have  to  exchange  more  than  a 
couple  of  sentences  to  know  that  he  is  a 
person  to  respect  and  remember.  .  .  . 
Meeting  Dick  Cham-  (Please  turn  the  page) 


He's  an  intern  now,  but  my  prognosis  is  that  he  could  be  a  heart  specialist.  Just  look  what  he  did  to  mine! 

by  CAROL  McKIIWIE,  R.I¥. 

Please  somebody,  hand  me  the  tranquilizers.  I'm  soaring. 
At  twenty-three,  I  suppose  I  should  treat  my  day  with 
Dr.  Kildare  with  poise  and  nonchalance,  but  I  admit 
it  was  a  real  thrill,  every  minute  of  it.  When  Dick 
Chamberlain  and  MGM,  by  courtesy  of  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  invited  me  to  see  how  Dick  operates,  it  didn't 
take  me  long  to  say  "Yes" — no  longer  than  it  would  to 
stick  a  thermometer  under  a  patient's  tongue.  ...  It 
isn't  just  that  I  love  the  show.  Most  nurses,  doctors  and 
hospital  attendants  do,  I'm  sure.  And  as  for  me,  unless 
I'm  on  duty  Thursdays  at  8:30  p.m.,  no  date  can  drag 
me  from  my  TV  set.  At  U.C.L.A.  Medical  Center,  where 
I  work  in  Metabolic  Research,  we  often  discuss 
both  Dr.  Kildare  and  his  rival, 

Dr.  Ben  Casey.  I  won't  try  to 

make  comparisons;  I'm  no 

critic,  and  both  appeal  in 

entirely    different    ways    to 

people  in  the  medical  profes- 
sion. .  .  .  Let  me  say,  before 

I  go  any  further,  that  I'd  al- 
ready had  the  great  pleasure  of 

meeting   Dr.   Gillespie— I   mean 

Raymond  Massey — a  very  brief 

meeting    during    the    Christmas 

holidays  when  we  both  happened 

to    be     vacationing     in     Phoenix, 

Arizona.    I'd    always   admired   Mr. 

Massey  as  an  actor,  and  I  think  he 

has  that  special  delicate  and  subtle 

expertness   of  a  brain   surgeon.   I've 

often  thought  that  his  interpretations 

of  people  and  their  motives,  and  what 

makes   them    tick,    took    quite    a    little 

brain  surgery  on  his  part.  Anyway,  you 

don't    have    to    exchange    more    than    a 

couple  of  sentences  to  know  that  he  is  a 

person    to    respect    and    remember. 

Meeting  Dick  Cham-  (Please  turn  the  page) 


He's  an  intern  now,  but  my  prognosis  is  that  he  could  be  a  heart  specialist.  Just  look  what  he  did  to  mine!  ^ 

His  bedside  manner  is  a  miracle  cure- 


berlain  was  something  else  again. 
For  one  thing,  he's  young  (my 
own  age)  and  not  so  awesome  as 
Mr.  Massey.  Naturally  I  viewed 
him  as  I  would  any  young  hand- 
some intern  assigned  to  the  Cen- 
ter. Oh-oh!  I  can  hear  the  girls 
who  read  this,  saying,  "Sex  rears 
its  fascinating  head."  Well,  for 
the  benefit  of  my  friends  and  co- 
workers, I  did  find  him  attractive 
and  winning.  And  I  admit,  I  gave 
him  and  everything  on  the  set  the 
big  eye.  .  .  .  That  sound  stage 
stopped  me  in  my  tracks.  It  had 
a  certain  familiar  feel  about  it, 
and  at  first  I  couldn't  tell  why. 
Naturally  I  expected  to  see  a  hos- 
pital setting,  and  most  hospitals 
look  alike.  But  this  was  the  sort 
of  familiarity  that  makes  you 
wonder,   (Continued  on  page    72) 

The  chart  says  fast  pulse;  I'd  say  a  case  on  Dick! 


berlain  was  something  else  again. 
For  one  thing,  he's  young  (my 
own  age)  and  not  so  awesome  as 
Mr.  Massey.  Naturally  I  viewed 
him  as  I  would  any  young  hand- 
some intern  assigned  to  the  Cen- 
ter. Oh-oh!  I  can  hear  the  girls 
who  read  this,  saying,  "Sex  rears 
its  fascinating  head."  Well,  for 
the  benefit  of  my  friends  and  co- 
workers, I  did  find  him  attractive 
and  winning.  And  I  admit,  1  gave 
him  and  everything  on  the  set  the 
big  eye.  .  .  .  That  sound  stage 
stopped  me  in  my  tracks.  It  had 
a  certain  familiar  feel  about  it, 
and  at  first  I  couldn't  tell  why- 
Naturally  I  expected  to  see  a  hos- 
pital setting,  and  most  hospitals 
look  alike.  But  this  was  the  sort 

of    familiarity    that    makes    yo" 

wonder,   (Continued  on  page 










SJ*  :# 




The  big  man  filled  the  kitchen.  It  wasn't  that 
the  room  was  small,  it  was  just  that  he  was  so  big. 
And  before  you  noticed  the  tiny  housekeeper  at 
his  side,  or  the  children  running  around — or  be- 
fore you  could  even  smell  the  bacon  that  he  him- 
self was  frying  in  the  hissing  pan — the  first  thing 
you  noticed  was  his  bigness. 

And  then  the  next  thing  you  saw,  which  over- 
came everything  else,  was  the  love  between  this 
man  and  his  children. 

The  man  was  Jim  Arness  and  this  is  the  story 
of  the  difficult  decision  that  faces  him. 

After  the  blaring  headlines  that  accompanied 
the  breakup  of  his  marriage,  Jim  drew  a  pro- 
tective curtain  of  silence  around  his  three  chil- 
dren. In  these  pictures,  he  lifts  that  curtain  for 
the  first  time.  TV  Radio  Mirror  is  proud  to  be 
the  first  magazine  to  photograph  Jim  and  his 
children  since  the  breakup — and  the  very  first 
ever  to  show  his  ranch-hideaway. 

In  an  exclusive  interview,  Jim  broke  his  si- 
lence, too.  "All  I  can  say  is,  there  are  no  mar- 
riage plans  in  my  future  as  of  now,"  he  told  us. 
"How  could  there  be  when  I'm  still  only  legally 
separated?  Besides,  I  certainly  have  no  time 
right  now  for  courting  and  serious  dating.  But, 
as  I  have  said  before,  it's  wrong  for  parents 
to  map  out  their  children's  lives.  I'd  like  to  add, 
it's  equally  wrong  to  let  children  map  out  their 
parents'  lives.  I  don't  honestly  feel  my  obliga- 
tions to  my  kids  would  suffer  if  I  remarried. 
They're  not  that  small  anymore  and  I'd  still  give 
them  all  the  time  I  could.  Not  only  that — in  less 
than  ten  years,  they'll  probably  be  contemplat- 
ing marriage  themselves  .  .  ." 

The  weekend  these  pictures  were  taken  was  typ- 
ical. Jim  and  the  children  were  at  the  ranch.  He 
was  at  the  stove  making  the  (Please  turn  the  page) 









The  big  man  filled  the  kitchen.  It  wasn't  that 
the  room  was  small,  it  was  just  that  he  was  so  big. 
And  before  you  noticed  the  tiny  housekeeper  at 
his  side,  or  the  children  running  around — or  be- 
fore you  could  even  smell  the  bacon  that  he  him- 
self was  frying  in  the  hissing  pan— the  first  thing 
you  noticed  was  his  bigness. 

And  then  the  next  thing  you  saw,  which  over- 
came everything  else,  was  the  love  between  this 
man  and  his  children. 

The  man  was  Jim  Arness  and  this  is  the  story 
of  the  difficult  decision  that  faces  him. 

After  the  blaring  headlines  that  accompanied 
the  breakup  of  his  marriage,  Jim  drew  a  pro- 
tective curtain  of  silence  around  his  three  chil- 
dren. In  these  pictures,  he  lifts  that  curtain  for 
the  first  time.  TV  Radio  Mirror  is  proud  to  be 
the  first  magazine  to  photograph  Jim  and  his 
children  since  the  breakup — and  the  very  first 
ever  to  show  his  ranch-hideaway. 

In  an  exclusive  interview,  Jim  broke  his  si- 
lence, too.  "All  I  can  say  is,  there  are  no  mar- 
riage plans  in  my  future  as  of  now,"  he  told  us. 
"How  could  there  be  when  I'm  still  only  legally 
separated?  Besides,  I  certainly  have  no  time 
right  now  for  courting  and  serious  dating.  But, 
as  I  have  said  before,  it's  wrong  for  parents 
to  map  out  their  children's  lives.  I'd  like  to  add, 
it's  equally  wrong  to  let  children  map  out  their 
parents'  lives.  I  don't  honestly  feel  my  obliga- 
tions to  my  kids  would  suffer  if  I  remarried. 
They're  not  that  small  anymore  and  I'd  still  give 
them  all  the  time  I  could.  Not  only  that— in  less 
than  ten  years,  they'll  probably  be  contemplat- 
ing  marriage  themselves  .  .  ." 

The  weekend  these  pictures  were  taken  was  typ- 
ical. Jim  and  the  children  were  at  the  ranch.  He 
at  the  stove  making  the  (Please  turn  the  page ) 



ft         31**    INr          'Sly 

Li&e  any  father,  Jim   enjoys  sharing 
his  he-man's  world  with  his  son  Rolf. 

Outdoors,    the    sense    of   Jim's    bigness 
is  lessened,   but   not   the  sense  of  love. 



bacon  and  eggs.  Jim  placed  the  food  on 
the  table  and  watched  his  three  hungry 
children  dig  in.  Craig,  15,  not  feeling  well 
that  day,  just  picked  at  his  food.  (Later, 
Craig  had  to  be  sent  to  his  room  because 
he  was  ill.)  Jenny  Lee,  11  and  very  femi- 
nine, ate  delicately.  And  Rolf,  9,  gobbled 
his  breakfast  voraciously. 

"Hey,"  Jim  told  him,  his  voice  gentle, 

"take  it  easy  there.  Don't  eat  so  much." 
Rolf  looked  at  Jim  and  put  down  his 
fork.  It  was  a  reproach,  but  an  affectionate 
one.  Nothing  that  even  the  most  sensitive 
nine-year-old  could  be  offended  at.  His 
father,  he  knew,  believed  in  moderation 
in  all  things — even  eating.  And  he  didn't 
want  to  disappoint  his  father.  The  two 
enjoy    a    very    close     (Continued  on  page  82) 

His  moments  with  Jenny  Lee  and  Rolf  are  precious  to  Jim  and — except  for  these  exclusive  pictures — private. 





^.  .> 





**"-  ■'■"- 

•  ->• 








Like  any  father,  Jim  enjoys  sharing 
his  he-man's  world  with  his  son  Rolf. 

Outdoors,    the    sense    of   Jim's    bigness 
is  lessened,  but  not  the  sense  of  love. 


bacon  and  eggs.  Jim  placed  the  food  on 
the  table  and  watched  his  three  hungry 
children  dig  in.  Craig,  15,  not  feeling  well 
that  day,  just  picked  at  his  food.  (Later, 
Craig  had  to  be  sent  to  his  room  because 
he  was  ill.)  Jenny  Lee,  11  and  very  femi- 
nine, ate  delicately.  And  Rolf,  9,  gobbled 
his  breakfast  voraciously. 

"Hey,"  Jim  told  him,  his  voice  gentle, 

"take  it  easy  there.  Don't  eat  so  much." 
Rolf  looked  at  Jim  and  put  down  his 
fork.  It  was  a  reproach,  but  an  affectionate 
one.  Nothing  that  even  the  most  sensitive 
nine-year-old  could  be  offended  at.  His 
father,  he  knew,  believed  in  moderation 
in  all  things— even  eating.  And  he  didn't 
want  to  disappoint  his  father.  The  two 
enjoy    a    very    close     {Continued  on  page  82) 

His  moments  with  Jenny  Lee  and  Rolf  are  precious  to  Jim  and— except  for  these  exclusive  pictures— private. 


jan  murray:  There's  Nothing 

Jan  Murray  walked  on  stage  and  sat  down.  He  pressed  his  hands 
against  his  legs  in  an  effort  to  keep  his  composure.  He  didn't 
have  stage  fright — he'd  learned  to  control  that  dozens  of  years 
and  hundreds  of  performances  ago.  What  he  felt  on  this  partic- 
ular morning  and  on  this  particular  stage  was  much  different — 
and  much  deeper  than  opening-night  jitters.  He  was  sitting  on 
stage  in  the  DeWitt  Clinton  High  School  auditorium  and  about 
to  receive  an  honorary  diploma.  As  the  student  body  filed  into 
the  auditorium  and  took  their  places  in  the  rows  and  rows  of 
seats,  he  tried  to  imagine  their  thoughts.  Young  faces,  bright 
eyes.  But  did  they  know  what  life  was  all  about?  Did  they  know 
how  lucky  they  were  to  be  graduating?  And  could  they  possibly 
know  how  much  this  day,  this  moment  meant  to  him?  They  rose 
to  sing  "The  Star  Spangled  Banner."  He  mouthed  the  words, 
but  he  couldn't  keep  his  thoughts  from  (Please  turn  the  page) 


You  sure  get  to  the  bottom  of  things! 

Like  a 













Jan  Murray  walked  on  stage  and  sat  down.  He  pressed  his  hands 
against  his  legs  in  an  effort  to  keep  his  composure.  He  didn't 
have  stage  fright— he'd  learned  to  control  that  dozens  of  years 
and  hundreds  of  performances  ago.  What  he  felt  on  this  partic- 
ular morning  and  on  this  particular  stage  was  much  different — 
and  much  deeper  than  opening-night  jitters.  He  was  sitting  on 
stage  in  the  DeWitt  Clinton  High  School  auditorium  and  about 
to  receive  an  honorary  diploma.  As  the  student  body  filed  into 
the  auditorium  and  took  their  places  in  the  rows  and  rows  of 
seats,  he  tried  to  imagine  their  thoughts.  Young  faces,  bright 
eyes.  But  did  they  know  what  life  was  all  about?  Did  they  know- 
how  lucky  they  were  to  be  graduating?  And  could  they  possibly 
know  how  much  this  day,  this  moment  meant  to  him?  They  rose 
to  sing  "The  Star  Spangled  Banner."  He  mouthed  the  words, 
but  he  couldn't  keep  his  thoughts  from  (Please  turn  the  page) 

You  sure  get  to  the  bottom  of  things! 

Like  a 




There's  Nothing  Like  a 


drifting  backward  .  .  .  backward  in 
time.  To  the  day  more  than  thirty 
years  ago  when  he  had  left  this  same 
school — but  without  a  diploma.  Odd. 
He  had  had  no  regrets  that  day — 
his  mother  was  ill,  his  family  was 
badly  in  need  of  money,  of  course 
he  would  leave  school  to  get  a  job. 
It  had  made  so  much  sense  then.  It 
had  seemed  so  right,  and,  besides,  he 
had  been  so  ambitious,  so  filled  with 
big  dreams. 

The  students  were  seated,  and  the 
principal  walked  to  the  podium  to 
introduce  the  Reverend  Jerome  Mur- 
phy, who  was  to  give  the  benediction. 
Jan  bowed  his  head  and  half-listened 
to  the  Reverend's  words.  Again,  his 
thoughts  wandered.  .  . .  Soon  it  would 
be  his  turn  to  stand  at  the  podium 
and  address  the  graduates.  What 
could  he  say  to  them  to  make  them 
truly  understand  how  important  this 
day  was  for  them?  He  knew  what  it 
meant  because  he  could  never  forget 
how  many  doors  had  closed  in  his 
face  when  prospective  employers 
found  out  that  he  had  left  school 
before  receiving  his  diploma.  He 
leaned  back  in  his  chair  and  smiled 
a  little  to  himself  as  he  remembered 
what  big  ideas  he  had  had  for  such 
a  young  kid.  It  had  never  occurred 
to  him  on  the  day  he  walked  out  the 
side  door  of  Clinton  for  the  last  time 
that  the  only  job  he  could  get  would 
be  in  a  button  factory — for  seven 
dollars  a  week.  And  after  that  a  job 
in  a  doll  factory — for  nine  dollars 
a  week.  And  then  two  dollars  a  week, 
plus  room  and  board,   as  social  di- 



Finally  a  graduate — not  yet  a  teacher!  Jan 
enjoys  quiet  in  the  classroom,  as  well  as 
hurly-burly  in  the  gym  (on  preceding  page). 

DeWitt  Clinton  High  School  has  changed — 
but  not  two  of  Murray's  favorite  teachers: 
Max  Sherrin,  left;  Abraham  Feibusch,  right. 

Principal  Walter  J.  Degnan  is  proud  of  a 
star  pupil..  Jan  and  his  wife  Toni  are  proud 
of  that  diploma — only  thirty-one  years  late! 

rector  in  a  New  York  State  resort. 

The  class  orator  was  speaking  now. 
Full  of  assurance,  full  of  ambition 
and  zeal.  That  kid  would  make  it. 
Of  course,  he'd  made  it,  too,  finally. 
But  not  in  the  same  way  that  this 
kid  would  make  it.  Not  the  sensible 
way  or  the  easy  way.  He  had  had  to 
have  every  hope  and  dream  crushed 
before  he  was  able  to  really  make 
a  place  for  himself  in  a  society  that 
makes  certain  demands  and  sets  down 
certain  unalterable  rules  for  those 
who  wish  to  live  within  its  bounds. 
One  very  important  rule  is:  Get  an 
education,  learn  what  life  is  all  about 
before  you  jump  in — there's  a  pretty 
strong  current  to  buck,  especially  if 
you  haven't  learned  to  swim.  That's 
what  he  swore  he  would  try  to  tell  his 
son  .  .  .  that's  why  he  went  to  his 
son's  crib  soon  after  he  was  born 
and  said,  "Warren,  my  boy,  you're 
going  to  have  it  a  lot  easier  than 
your  old  man.  You'll  have  all  the 
material  things  I  can  give  you — but 
you'll  have  something  more — you'll 
have  a  strong  foundation.  You'll 
have  an  education.  You'll  have  all 
the  advantages  in  life  that  I  couldn't 
get.  You'll  learn  what  I've  learned, 
but  you'll  learn  it  the  easy  way." 

The  class  rose  and  recited  the 
graduates'  pledge.  .  .  .  "We,  the  grad- 
uates of  DeWitt  Clinton  High  School, 
grateful  for  the  opportunity.  .  .  ." 

Grateful.  Oh,  how  right  to  be  grate- 
ful. And  how  grateful  he  was,  how 
honored  to  be  receiving  his  diploma 
today  along  with  all  those  wonderful 
kids   who    (Continued  on  page    83) 







They  laughed  when  Lenny  sat  down  at  the 
piano.  They  laughed  at  Lenny — who,  at  ten, 
was  (as  he  himself  recalls  today)  "a  seared, 
sickly,  skinny  kid"  suffering  from  hay  fever, 
asthma  and  rose  fever. 

They  laughed  at  the  piano — a  hand-me- 
down,  battered  upright  from  his  Aunt  Clara. 
And  they  laughed  at  his  "playing" — banging 
at  keys,  plunking  out  notes  which  he  couldn't 
even  name,  in  an  "awful"  rendition  of  some- 
thing he  insisted  was  "Blue  Skies/' 

They  laughed,  but  Lenny  persisted.  De- 
spite his  father's  objections  (where  will  fool- 
ing around  on  a  piano  ever  get  you?),  "he 
wrapped  himself  around  music  like  a  gar- 
ment," to  quote  his  (Continued  on  page  77) 


of  a  Bridegroom 

Can't   seem   to   concentrate   on    shaving    ...         or  dressing.  Wonder   how    Miriam    feels?  Maybe   her  call?    No — it's   Bobby  Darin. 

Never  knew  studs  could   be  so   stubborn!         Good    of   Dick   Clark   to    be    my   "best    man."         Well,    I    made    it!    But    where's    Miriam? 

For  every  bride  who's  ever 
had  nervous  second  thoughts, 
here  is  Duane  Eddy's 
story  of  what  a  man 
feels  on  his  wedding  day 

■k«ervous?  Who's  nervous?"  said  Duane  Eddy,  as  he 
■^  turned  on  the  heat  in  his  room — instead  of  the  air- 
conditioning.  Hot  in  here,  he  thought.  But  any  man's 
bound  to  feel  warm  and — well,  excited — on  his  wedding 
day.  Particularly  if  he's  only  23  and  already  a  one-time 
loser  at  matrimony.  .  .  .  "No,"  he  insisted,  "I'm  not  afraid 
— but  only  because  it  is  Miriam  . . ."  ( Please  turn  the  page ) 


The  Private  Life  of  a  Bridegroom 


Frankly,  he'd  never  expected  to  get 
married  again.  But  falling  in  love 
with  Miriam  Johnson  had  changed 
his  whole  feeling  about  the  future. 
Suddenly,  it  seemed  like  nothing  .  .  . 
the  hit  records  that  started  it  all,  the 
movies  ("A  Thunder  of  Drums"  for 
MGM),  TV  (drama  on  "Have  Gun- 
Will  Travel,"  as  well  as  songs  on  va- 
riety shows  like  Dick  Clark's)  .  .  . 
unless  she's  at  my  side  seeing  it 
through  with  me. 

Duane  felt  his  chin.  Smooth  enough, 
even  for  a  bridegroom?  Razor  in 
hand,  he  thought  of  Miriam.  Funny, 
how  the  two  of  them  had  grown  up 
just  a  few  miles  apart . .  .  she  in  Mesa, 
Arizona,  he  in  Phoenix  .  .  .  but  they'd 
never  met,  until  both  had  become 
professional  singers.  She  was  looking 
for  a  recording  contract  and  he — four 
years  older  and  already  a  record-pro- 
ducer— was  looking  for  talent.  He'd 
produced  two  of  her  records.  .  .  . 

Absently,  he  looked  at  the  three 
different  ties  he'd  bought,  to  see 
which  would  look  best  with  his  new 
pleated     (Continued    on    page     79) 

Our  most  solemn  moment  with  Rev.  Ralph  K.  Kofoed  of  First  Methodist  Church. 

And  now  a  kiss  tor  the  new  Mrs.  Eddy! 

We  leave  the  chapel  in  Vegas — as  one. 

Dick's  a  great  adviser  at  cake-cutting. 





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Troy  Donahue  is  smiling,  talkative  guest. 

0        A  popular  guy  with  teenagers,  Joel  emcees  a  local  dance  for  them. 

Around  Detroit,  teenagers  know  WXYZ  deejay  Sebastian 
can  do  more  for  them   than  just  keep   things  spinning! 

When  a  Detroit  teenager  has  a  problem  (and  what  teenager  hasn't, 
at  one  time  or  another),  he  or  she  says  to  himself,  I'll  just  ask  Joel. 
They  know  that  Joel  Sebastian  lends  them  a  sympathetic  ear  and 
does  his  utmost  to  help,  because  this  WXYZ  deejay  believes  that 
his  work  goes  beyond  just  spinning  records.  "I  feel  that  a  person 
in  my  position  should  give  youth  guidance  as  well  as  entertainment," 
says  he  with  a  quiet  smile.  .  .  .  Even  as  a  child,  Joel  had  ambitions 
to  be  a  broadcaster.  At  the  age  of  8,  he  was  already  listening  to 
radio  announcers,  hoping  he  would  someday  be  behind  a  micro- 
phone himself.  His  chance  came  sooner  than  he  thought.  While  at 
the  University  of  Michigan,  he  had  a  chance  to  audition  for  a  job 
at  WHRV  in  Ann  Arbor.  He  got  the  job  and  later  went  on  to  work 
at  other  stations  before  joining  WXYZ.  .  .  .  While  still  a  student, 
Joel  got  a  part  in  a  school  play,  "Elizabeth  the  Queen."  By  the 
third  act,  Elizabeth  had  Essex'  head  and  the  young  lady  playing 
the  part  had  Joel's  heart.  They  are  now  married  and  have  a  son. 

Family  time — Joel  with 


When  it  comes  to  sportscasting,  KMTV's  Joe  Patrick  is  quite  a  cool  cat  himself 

Joe  Patrick  is  the  kind  of  husband 
most  wives  would  give  their  right 
arm  for.  Why?  Because  he  says 
whatever  success  he's  enjoyed  in 
broadcasting  he  owes  to  his  wife 
Evelyn.  In  the  early  years  of  their 
marriage,  Joe  would  practice  read- 
ing commercials  into  a  wire  recorder 
and  Evelyn  would  criticize  the  play- 
backs. "We  had  some  awful  argu- 
ments then."  says  Joe  with  a  smile, 

"but  now  I  realize  how  right  she 
was.  It  was  this  practice  that  taught 
me  the  difference  between  reading 
and  talking,  and  gave  me  the  tech- 
nique necessary  for  all  the  special 
events  and  sports  work  I  do  now." 
.  .  .  Said  sports  work  is  done  for 
KMTV  in  Omaha,  where  Joe  acts  as 
sports  director  and  sportscaster  on 
a  daily  show.  ...  The  hardships  Joe 
had  to  go  through  to  become  a  broad- 

caster are  nothing  compared  to  what 
he  had  to  do  to  get  a  first  date  with 
Evelyn.  He  jumped  out  of  a  burning 
plane!  When  Joe  was  flying  with  the 
Air  National  Guard  in  Iowa,  he  met 
Evelyn,  who  worked  in  an  office  with 
one  of  Joe's  fellow  pilots.  Joe  tried 
to  date  her  without  success.  After  he 
parachuted  from  his  burning  plane, 
Evelyn  read  a  newspaper  interview 
about  him  and  decided  he  might  be 

Phillip,  8,  enjoys  helping  mom 
Evelyn  and  dad  Joe  pick  rec- 
ords. But  baby  David  figures 
he'll  just  relax  and  enjoy  it. 

interesting  to  date,  after  all.  They 
were  married  three  years  later.  To- 
day— together  with  their  two  sons, 
Phillip  and  David — they  live  in  a 
tri-level  contemporary  house  fur- 
nished in  Oriental  decor.  ...  To  get 
back  to  the  lion:  Storz  Brewing  Co., 
sponsor  of  Joe's  show,  bought  the 
lion  for  the  Omaha  zoo  and  Joe  had 
him  as  a  guest  on  his  show.  The  ani- 
mal's reaction?  A  roar  of  approval! 


Handsome  George  Nader  packs  a  lot  of 

power  in  Screen  Gems'  exciting 

action  series,  "Shannon"! 

One  of  Hollywood's  most 
eligible  bachelors,  George 
dates  (below  with  actress 
Kathie  Browne) ,  swims,  and 
weight-lifts    for     relaxation. 

"If  I  had  my  life  to  live  over  again,"  says  George  Nader,  "I'd  start 
working  on  acting  right  from  the  beginning.  Even  though  I  was  born 
right  in  the  shadow  of  Hollywood — in  Pasadena — I  never  even  thought  of 
becoming  an  actor  until  I  went  to  Occidental  College.  Then  I  joined  the 
dramatic  club,  for  no  particular  reason  except  I  felt  I  should  have  a  campus 
hobby."  .  .  .  But  there  was  no  opportunity  for  George  to  continue  his  dramatic 
studies  until  he  was  discharged  from  the  Navy  and  enrolled  at  the  Pasadena 
Playhouse.  Three  years  later,  he  began  knocking  on  Hollywood  doors.  Eventual- 
ly, a  role  opposite  Loretta  Young  on  her  TV  series  brought  so  much  fan  mail,  he 
was  signed  for  six  more  stories,  then  signed  by  Universal-International.  Twenty-one 
movies  and  two  TV  series  later,  George  was  offered  the  lead  in  "Shannon,"  by 
Screen  Gems.  He  appears  as  Joe  Shannon,  an  investigator  for  an  insurance  and 
bonding  company  in  the  transportation  field,  who  performs  his  chores  in  a  trick 
"miracle-eye"  car,  heated  with  a  "souped-up"  high-power  engine  that  carries  an  assort- 
ment of  detection  gimmicks  such  as  camera  gear,  tape  recorder,  radio-telephone,  hidden 
microphone,  and  a  secret  compartment  housing  a  .38  pistol.  "You  might  say  I'm  a  scien- 
tific detective,"  Nader  explains,  "and,  with  all  the  equipment,  I'm  difficult  to  shake,  once  I'm 
on  a  hijacker's  trail.  We  shoot  a  great  deal  on  location  and  that  I  like,  since  there's  nothing  I 
enjoy  more  than  traveling.  I  saw  the  Orient  and  Europe  before  I  really  saw  America  and  I'm 
glad  it  happened  that  way.  I  think  it  is  necessary  to  see  the  world  before  one  can  really  appre- 
ciate what's  in  our  own  country."  (And  maybe  to  learn  what  your  hometown  can  do  for  you?) 

Handsome  George  Nader  packs  a  lot  of 

power  in  Screen  Gems'  exciting 

action  series,  "Shannon' 

One  of  Hollywood's  most 
eligible  bachelors,  George 
dates  (below  tvith  actress 
Kathie  Browne),  swims,  and 
weight-lifts    for    relaxation. 

"If  I  had  my  life  to  live  over  again,"  says  George  Nader,  "I'd  start 
working  on  acting  right  from  the  beginning.  Even  though  I  was  born 
right  in  the  shadow  of  Hollywood — in  Pasadena — I  never  even  thought  of 
becoming  an  actor  until  I  went  to  Occidental  College.  Then  I  joined  the 
dramatic  club,  for  no  particular  reason  except  I  felt  I  should  have  a  campus 
hobby."  . . .  But  there  was  no  opportunity  for  George  to  continue  his  dramatic 
studies  until  he  was  discharged  from  the  Navy  and  enrolled  at  the  Pasadena 
Playhouse.  Three  years  later,  he  began  knocking  on  Hollywood  doors.  Eventual- 
ly, a  role  opposite  Loretta  Young  on  her  TV  series  brought  so  much  fan  mail,  he 
was  signed  for  six  more  stories,  then  signed  by  Universal-International.  Twenty-one 
movies  and  two  TV  series  later,  George  was  offered  the  lead  in  "Shannon,"  by 
Screen  Gems.  He  appears  as  Joe  Shannon,  an  investigator  for  an  insurance  and 
bonding  company  in  the  transportation  field,  who  performs  his  chores  in  a  trick 
"miracle-eye"  car,  heated  with  a  "souped-up"  high-power  engine  that  an  assort- 
ment of  detection  gimmicks  such  as  camera  gear,  tape  recorder,  rad.o-telephone,  h.dden 
microphone,  and  a  secret  compartment  housing  a  .38  pistol.  "You  might  say  1  m  a  seen 
tific  detective,"  Nader  explains,  "and,  with  all  the  equipment,  I  m  difficult  to  shake,  once  I  > 
on  a  hijacker's  trail.  We  Loot  a  great  deal  on  location  and  that    hke  ,„ce  thereto  hing^ 
enjoy  more  than  traveling.  I  saw  the  Orient  and  Europe  before  Irea  1>    a* An er  c and  I  m 
glad  it  happened  that  way  I  think  it  is  necessary  to  see  the  world  bef ore  one  can  real  y  app e 
ciate  what's  in  our  own  country."  (And  maybe  to  learn  what  your  hometown  can  do        >ou 

Page  Morton  is  a  gal  with  music  in  her  heart  and  lovelight  in  her  eyes 


Page  Morton  is  a  rarity:  One,  because  she  is  among  the  few  ballad  singers  to 
emerge  as  a  star  in  a  field  dominated  by  rock  V  roll,  by  passing  up  all 
temptation  to  sing  in  the  rock  'n'  roll  vein.  Two,  because  her  story 
is  one  with  Cinderella  overtones.  Two  years  ago,  Page  was  one  of 
the  young,  talented,  hopeful  but  yet  undiscovered  performers. 
Today,  she's  the  star  of  radio's  "Page  Morton  Show"  and 
has  a  fast-selling  LP,  "May  You  Always."  .  .  .  Chicago- 
born,  New  York  reared,  Page  was  surrounded  by  music 
as  a  girl.  She  learned  to  play  the  piano  from  her  mother. 
Singing   just    "came    natcherly"    and    Page    frequently 
entertained  her  parents'  friends  and  her  school  com- 
panions with  song-and-dance   recitals.    .    .    .   She  had 
no  difficulty   landing  her   first   radio   job.   Says  she. 
"I  walked  into  New  York's  Station  WINS  and  asked 
the   manager  to  listen.   I   guess   he   was   taken   aback 
by   my   direct   approach — anyway,   he   granted    an    au- 
dition and,  the  next  day,  I  made  my  debut  in  a  15-minute 
show."  However,  despite  the  fact  that  Page  was  always 
working,   she   remained — in   her   own   words — "America's 
busiest   unknown    performer,"    until    1960.    Guy    Lombardo 
happened  to  drop  in   at  a  club  where  she  was  performing. 
He  approached  and  asked  if  he  could  talk  to  her.  He'd  been 

signed  by  the  Chock  Full  0'  Nuts  Coffee  people  to  star  with  his  ToP  circle— Xavier  Cugat.  Lower  one— 

orchestra  on   a  New  Year's  Eve  TV  show.   Would  Page  consider         doing  a  commercial  with  Jimmy  Durante. 
being   a  guest   star?    "Consider   it?    I   was   so   thrilled,   I   must  have 
stuttered  for  5  minutes  before  saying  'yes!'  "  Several  weeks  later,  Lombardo 
was  asked  by  Chock  Full  O'  Nuts  to  recommend  a  singer  for  a  radio  series. 
He  named  Page  .  .  .  She's  not  married  but  may  be  when  you  read  this.  "His 
name's    Bill,"    she    says     with    a    spring    look    in    her    eyes.    "He's    wonderful!" 


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(Continued  from  page  45) 
Station  KPFK,  "something  might  hap- 
pen .  .  .  the  same  thing  that  happened 
to  those  two  ministers.  .  .  ."  Earlier 
— when  the  station  had  first  announced 
it  planned  to  broadcast  a  week-long 
group  of  "readings"  from  the  extreme 
right-wing  John  Birch  Society's  own 
Blue  Book  of  operations — three  callers 
on  three  separate  days  had  phoned  the 
radio  studio  with  the  same  threatening 
message:  "If  you  Commies  broadcast 
the  Blue  Book  we're  going  to  bomb  you 
out  of  business!" 

In  the  space  of  one  short  week,  seven 
prominent  personalities  in  the  enter- 
tainment world  made  the  same  startling 
discovery :  Contrary  to  all  claims,  Adolf 
Hitler  did  not  really  die  in  Berlin,  back 
in  April  of  1945.  The  spirit  of  Hitler 
and  the  violent  hatred  he  unleashed  on 
the  world  was  still  very  much  alive, 
in  America — in  Los  Angeles — today. 

The  seven  stars — Mary  Carver, 
Marsha  Hunt,  Ross  Martin  (formerly 
the  TV  sidekick,  Andamo,  of  "Mr. 
Lucky"),  Rita  Moreno,  John  Raitt, 
Robert  Ryan  and  Larry  Thorp — were 
victims  of  the  techniques  and  tactics 
of  Hitlerism:  Name-calling  and  per- 
sonal vilification,  racial  and  religious 
hatred,  anonymous  threats  and  contin- 
ued harassment,  violence  and  the  prom- 
ise of  violence. 

Racial  and  religious  hatred.  When 
the  audience  arrived  at  the  temple  for 
the  panel  discussion  of  the  "extreme 
right,"  they  found  leaflets  strewn  on 
the  lawn,  containing  a  Star  of  David, 
the  United  Nations  insignia,  a  hammer- 
and-sickle,  and  the  assertion,  "Know 
Your  Enemy."  As  is  usual  with  "hate" 
groups,  the  authors  did  not  identify 

Violence  and  the  threat  of  violence. 
When  Rev.  Walker  phoned  his  home 
in  the  middle  of  the  panel  discussion, 
he  had  just  finished  telling  his  listeners, 
"We've  got  to  try  to  understand  these 
people.  We  must  respect  their  right, 
even  if  they  don't  always  respect  ours." 

Then,  from  his  wife,  he  learned  the 
frightening  news:  She  had  been  feeding 
their  five-month-old  child,  Robert,  in 
the  kitchen  when  a  bomb  suddenly  ex- 
ploded. The  other  son,  John,  4 — sleep- 
ing in  a  rear  bedroom — woke  up 
screaming.  Fragments  of  the  bomb 
pierced  Robert's  unoccupied  crib.  Mi- 
raculously, neither  she  nor  the  two  boys 
were  injured. 

Five  feet  from  death 

As  soon  as  Rev.  Walker  reported 
the  bombing,  Rev.  Simmons  also  rushed 
to  call  home.  His  house  had  been 
bombed,  too. 

His  wife  had  also  been  in  the  kitch- 
en— and  a  fragment  from  the  bomb 
missed  her  by  only  a  few  feet.  "I 
dropped  to  the  floor  and  crawled  to 
the  telephone  to  call  police,"  she  said. 
Also  at  home  at  the  time  were  the 
Simmons's  three  children:  John,  17, 
Virginia,  15,  and  James,  9.  John  said 
he  saw  a  long,  black  sedan  drive  slowly 
past  the  house  shortly  before  the  bomb 

exploded,    but    there   were    few    clues. 

Visibly  disturbed  by  the  news,  Rev. 
Simmons  told  reporters,  "It  was  a  big 
bomb.  It  blew  out  our  front  windows, 
punctured  holes  in  the  ceiling,  rico- 
cheted through  the  house,  blew  debris 
a  block  and  a  half  away.  My  son  John 
thought  it  was  a  real  bombing  and  told 
everyone  to  get  on  the  floor.  .  .  . 

"The  reason  they  didn't  get  Marsha," 
said  the  minister,  "is  that  they  couldn't 
find  her.  She's  married  and  they  didn't 
know  her  married  name,  and  she  doesn't 
give  out  her  telephone  number." 

Anonymous  threats  and  continual 
harassment.  The  unidentified  men  who 
threatened  Station  KPFK-FM  and 
Robert  Ryan's  family  with  bombing, 
if  the  broadcasts  about  the  John  Birch 
Society  went  on  the  air,  did  not,  of 
course,  have  the  courage  to  give  their 
names.  But  they  did  use  the  smear  word 
"Commies,"  and  their  threat  was  direct 
and   frightening. 

It  just  so  happened  that  Robert  Ryan 
was  not  in  the  United  States  that  after- 
noon when  the  "we'll  bomb  you"  call 
was  received  at  his  home.  He  had  taped 
his  part  of  the  program  beforehand 
and  was  in  France,  on  location  for  "The 
Longest  Day."  When  Mrs.  Ryan  tele- 
phoned to  tell  him  about  the  threaten- 
ing call,  he  said  he  would  fly  home  im- 
mediately! "Don't  be  ridiculous,"  his 
wife  replied.  "Don't  come  home.  We're 
all  right." 

Name-calling  and  personal  vilifica- 
tion. Whoever  hurled  the  bombs  and 
threatened  to  hurl  them  (because  of 
prompt  police  action  and  protection, 
there  were  no  explosions  at  either  the 
studio  or  the  Ryans')  did  so  after 
previous  threats  and  attempts  at  char- 
acter assassination  had  failed. 

There  is  no  evidence  that  members 
of  the  John  Birch  Society  made  the 
threatening  phone  calls  or  actually 
hurled  the  crude  explosives  (made  out 
of  odds  and  ends  from  auto-wrecking 
yards  and  sporting- goods  stores)  or 
wrote  and  dropped  the  hate-leaflets  on 
the  temple  lawn.  But  the  Hitlerian  tech- 
niques and  tactics  are  those  in  which 
Birchers  are  experts. 

The  "Commie"  smear 

First  comes  character  assassination. 
John  Birch,  for  instance,  made  the  out- 
rageous, outlandish  statement  (in  his 
302-page  tract  called  "The  Politi- 
cian") :  "I  personally  believe  [John 
Foster]  Dulles  to  be  a  Communist 
agent.  .  .  .  The  chances  are  very  strong 
that    Milton    Eisenhower    is    actually 


Richard  Chamberlain  color  by  Frank 
Bez;  Connie  Stevens— Glenn  Ford  color 
by  Pictorial  Parade;  Troy  Donahue  color 
by  Del  Hayden  of  Topix;  Brett  Halsey 
by  Bill  Kobrin;  Groucho  and  family  by 
Globe;  Lennon  Sisters  color  and  black- 
and-white  by  John  Hamilton;  Vincent 
Edwards  and  Sherry  Nelson  by  Bill 
Kobrin;  Richard  Chamberlain  by  John 
Hamilton;  James  Arness  and  family  by 
Dennis  Cameron  of  Pix,  Inc.;  Jan  Mur- 
ray by  Don  Snyder;  Duane  Eddy  by 
Garrett-Howard,  Inc. 

Dwight  Eisenhower's  superior  and  boss 
within  the  Communist  Party.  .  .  .  There 
is  only  one  possible  word  to  describe 
[Eisenhower's]  purpose  and  actions. 
That  word  is  treason."  Birch  also 
branded  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  as  an 
unconscious  tool  of  Communism — and 
Harry  S.  Truman  as  a  conscious  one. 

It  doesn't  seem  far-fetched,  then,  that 
the  followers  and  disciples  of  such  a 
man  would  call  anyone  who  stood  up 
against  them  "Commies" — whether 
their  opponents  be  ministers  or  actors 
or  studio  officials — or  that  they  would 
link  the  United  Nations  to  Communists 
and  to  Jews. 

But  sometimes  character  assassina- 
tion doesn't  work.  Sometimes  the  people 
involved  do  have  character  and  refuse 
to  allow  themselves  to  be  assassinated 
by  nasty  names  and  untrue  labels.  Then 
the  extremists  on  the  lunatic  fringe  re- 
sort to  direct  action:  Bombing. 

Resort  to  violence 

Not  that  John  Birch  had  ever  called 
for  the  use  of  bombs;  but  he  did  say 
(in  his  "Bulletin")  :  "It  is  one  of  our 
many  sorrows  that,  in  fighting  the  evil 
forces  which  now  threaten  our  civiliza- 
tion, for  us  to  be  too  civilized  is  unques- 
tionably to  be  defeated."  The  Com- 
munists, he  continued,  want  us  to  be 
"too  gentle,  too  respectable  .  .  .  [but] 
this  is  not  a  cream-puff  war  .  .  .  and 
we  do  mean  business  every  step  of  the 

Bombs  are  certainly  not  cream-puffs! 

However,  in  trying  to  silence  those 
who  believe  in  orderly  process  and  dis- 
cussion instead  of  name-calling — who 
identify  themselves  publicly  instead  of 
hiding  behind  anonymous  phone  calls, 
leaflets  and  bombs— the  hate-mongers 
greatly  underestimated  the  courage  and 
dedication  to  democracy  of  the  men 
and  women  they  were  trying  to  scare 
into  silence. 

Marsha  Hunt  characterized  the 
bomber  as  probably  being  "some  poor 
soul  who  imagines  he  loves  America." 
Marsha,  who  is  president  of  the  San 
Fernando  Chapter  of  the  American 
Association  for  the  United  Nations — 
whose  Los  Angeles  headquarters  had 
previously  been  the  scene  of  another 
bombing  attempt,  though  the  explosive 
failed  to  go  off — said  further,  "We  were 
defending  their  [the  right-wingers'] 
right  of  free  speech  at  the  same  time 
they  were  bombing  our  homes. 

"I  am  not  an  expert  on  things  politi- 
cal, but  I  am  devoted  to  the  U.N.  and 
if  these  bombings  are  the  work  of  ex- 
treme rightist  groups,  they  are  the 
enemy.  I  will  continue  to  speak  out." 

Threats  of  bombings  and  reprisals 
didn't  scare  Rita  Moreno,  either,  and 
she  taped  her  portion  of  the  programs 
on  the  Birch  Society  after  Bob  Ryan's 
wife  had  been  threatened.  "I'm  plan- 
ning to  stay  away  from  the  windows! 
You  might  say  I  feel  rather  strongly 
about  the  Birch  Society.  And  I'm  glad 
to  see  that  they've  shown  their  hand, 
because  those  people  who  called  are 

"On  top  of  everything,"  she  added 
with  a  chuckle,  "you  should  try  to 
read  the  Blue  Book — the  grammar  is 

No,  Rita  didn't  panic,  nor  did  the 
others  who  had  taped  their  readings, 
either  before  or  after  the  threatening 
phone  calls. 

They  wouldn't  give  up 

Bob  Ryan — six-feet-three  and  190 
pounds  of  muscle — isn't  one  to  knuckle 
under  easily.  An  undefeated  intercol- 
legiate heavyweight  boxing  champion 
at  Dartmouth  and  a  judo  instructor  in 
the  Marine  Corps  during  World  War 
II,  he  has  stuck  his  neck  out  politically, 
too,  as  co-chairman  of  the  Los  Angeles 
Committee  for  a  Sane  Nuclear  Policy. 
He  likes  to  fight  fair  and  in  the  open, 
but  does  not  run  from  an  enemy  who 
is  afraid  to  show  himself! 

Handsome  John  Raitt  is  himself  no 
slouch  when  it  comes  to  courage.  A 
football  player  and  shot-putter  in  col- 
lege, he  was  once  chosen  as  a  member 
of  the  United  States  Olympic  team.  A 
devout  Quaker,  he  kept  faith  with  his 
religion — despite  personal  attacks — by 
registering  as  a  conscientious  objector 
during  World  War  II. 

Ross  Martin  is  so  tough  physically 
that,  when  he  was  acting  in  "Mr. 
Lucky"  on  TV,  stunt-supervisor  Dick 
Crockett  allowed  him  to  do  all  his  own 
stunt  work.  Strong  in  body  and  deter- 
mined in  mind,  Ross  could  not  be 

Nor  could  the  ministers  whose  homes 
were  bombed.  Rev.  Simmons — who  had 
made  plans,  long  before  the  explosions, 
to  become  administrator  of  a  hospital 
— delivered  his  farewell  sermon  on 
schedule.  He  could  have  ducked  the 
bombing  issue  completely,  but  he  chose 
to  meet  it  head-on. 

"I  have  always  been  a  controversial 
person,"  he  told  his  parishioners.  "I 
have  always  been  in  hot  water,  but  I 
know  of  no  other  way  to  keep  clean." 
Gazing  directly  at  his  wife  and  chil- 
dren, seated  in  a  front  row,  Rev.  Sim- 
mons said  that  he  and  his  family  love 
life  "but  will  not  be  terrorized  into 
silence.  The  issues  of  life  in  freedom 
are  at  stake." 

Rev.  Walker  also  delivered  his  sched- 
uled sermon  on  "Communist  Totalitar- 
ianism" at  his  church — and  thanked 
the  congregation  for  the  concern  and 
help  given  him  and  his  family  after 
the  bombing. 

What  liberty  means 

Community  support  for  the  calmness, 
courage  and  good  sense  shown  by  both 
the  ministers  and  the  stars  was  quick 
in  coming.  A  statement  was  issued  and 
circulated  among  civic  organizations, 
religious  groups,  public  officials  and 
leading  citizens  of  the  Valley — under 
the  sponsorship  of  Rabbi  Morton  A. 
Bauman,  of  Temple  Beth  Hillel,  North 
Hollywood;  the  Rev.  Arthur  F.  Dahl- 
berg,  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church 
of  San  Fernando;  and  the  Rev.  M.  G. 
Van  Dyke,  pastor  of  the  Pacoima  Con- 
gregational Church — which  read,  in 

"We  Condemn: 

"Those  who  use  disagreement  as  li- 
cense to  impugn  the  loyalty  and  patri- 
otism of  others. 

"Those  who  measure  love  of  country 
by  the  intensity  of  hatred  for  other  men 
and  other  beliefs. 

"Those  who  destroy  reputations  and 
livelihoods  as  a  political  tactic. 

"Those  who  harass  by  telephone  or 
by  disrupting  public  meetings  in  order 
to  silence  or  intimidate  their  opposition. 

"Those  who  would  do  injury  to  per- 
sons or  property  in  order  to  effect  politi- 
cal change. 

"By  these  acts,  men  violate  our  most 
basic  beliefs  in  the  sacred  dignity  of 
the  individual  and  his  right  to  seek 
a  better  way  through  the  uses  of  rea- 
son and  justice." 

Less  formal,  but  perhaps  even  more 
graphic,  were  the  words  spoken  by 
John  Wayne  to  Bob  Ryan  in  Paris,  on 
"The  Longest  Day"  set.  Long  John  and 

Big  Bob  have  been  political  opponents 
in  Hollywood  for  years — John  is  a  lead- 
er of  the  conservative  group,  and  Bob 
is  a  spokesman  for  the  liberal  forces. 
But  when  John  heard  of  the  threat 
against  Ryan's  home  and  family,  he 
said  to  Bob  (according  to  Hollywood 
columnist  Army  Archerd)  :  "I  wish  I 
were  back  home — I'd  like  to  stand 
guard  in  front  of  your  house.  And  if 
I  caught  anyone  trying  anything  funny, 
I'd  knock  a  few  heads  together." 

Bob  just  couldn't  find  the  words  to 
thank  John  .  .  .  but  maybe  he  didn't 
have  to.  Judge  Learned  Hand  had  said 
them  years  ago — in  ringing  phrases 
both  John  and  Bob  probably  know  by 
heart:  "Liberty  lies  in  the  hearts  of 
men  and  women;  when  it  dies  there,  no 
constitution,  no  law,  no  court  can  save 
it."  — James  Hoffman 

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(Continued  from  page  49) 
'"Have    I    ever    been     here     before?" 
Finally,  Dick  said,  "You  look  puzzled. 
.  .  .  Anything  wrong?" 

I  shook  my  head,  then  took  a  guess. 
"Your  hospital  .  .  .  was  it  modeled  after 
some  particular  place?" 

A  mischievous  grin  came  over  Dick's 
face.  "Can't  you  guess?" 

I  took  a  more  careful  look.  "It's 
U.C.L.A.  Medical  Center,  isn't  it?" 
Talk  about  authenticity!  It  was  real  as 
a  hypo  in  the  arm.  .  .  . 

Oh  yes,  about  acting.  Never  again 
will  I  consider  acting  or  any  aspect  of 
making  a  film  or  TV  show  easy.  All 
you  have  to  do  is  watch  Dick  do  a  scene 
and  you  realize  this  is  no  cinch.  He  was 
going  at  it  so  hard,  and  the  scene  was 
so  complex,  I  began  to  be  afraid  I 
wouldn't  get  a  chance  to  ask  half  the 
questions  in  my  mind.  Finally,  there 
was  a  lunch  break  and  we  went  down  to 
the  commissary.  But  even  then,  we  were 
under  pressure,  because  they  were 
taking  pictures  of  us. 

I  found  it  pretty  flustering,  but  Dick, 
like  a  good  trouper,  kept  smiling  and 
never  lost  his  air  of  friendliness 
throughout  the  proceedings.  "Who'll 
split  a  steak  and  a  bowl  of  spaghetti 
with  me?"  he  asked.  Believe  me,  I 
didn't  wait  to  be  nudged!  "I  will,"  I 
volunteered.  We  then  held  a  short  con- 
sultation— doctor  and  nurse  style — and 
came  up  with  the  marvelous  discovery 
that  we  both  liked  steak  done  the  same 
way,  closer  to  rare  than  medium. 

"Who's  Ben  Casey?" 

Before  I  get  ahead  of  my  story,  I'd 
like  to  give  a  sample  of  Dick's  courtesy. 
Just  after  we  met,  the  photographer 
asked  us  to  pose  for  a  few  shots.  Dick 
immediately  asked  me  whether  I  was 
ready  or  wished  to  touch  up  my  make- 
up. I  told  him  I  would  like  to  give  my 
face  a  once-over.  Darned  if  he  didn't 
escort  me  to  the  long  dressing  table 
where  the  girls  get  prettied  up  before 
going  before  the  cameras. 

He  watched  me  for  a  second,  an 
amused  grin  on  his  face.  "Do  you  fuss 
over  your  lipstick  that  way  at  the  hos- 
pital?" he  teased.  With  all  the  dignity 
f  could  command,  I  said,  "No,  not 
usually."  He  saw  I  was  standing  on  my 
professional  grounds,  and  he  said  quick- 
ly. "I  was  kidding,  Carol  .  .  .  but  really, 
why  shouldn't  a  nurse  fix  up  and  look 
her  best?  It's  good  for  a  patient's 

Obviously,  Dick  is  a  great  kidder  and 
extremely  easy-going.  I  thought  I'd  give 
him  a  taste  of  his  own  medicine,  so  I 
teased  right  back.  "You're  more  my 
type  than  Ben  Casey"  I  said.  He  gave 
me  a  completely  blank  dead-pan  look 
and  asked  innocently,  "Who's  Ben 

Now  that  doctor  shows  have  become 
so  popular,  I've  been  asked  many  times 
how  "Dr.  Kildare"  stacks  up.  Does  he 
act  like  a  real  intern?  Look  like  one? 
Are  the  hospital  procedures  accurate 
and  convincing  to  people  in  the  pro- 
fession?     People   say.   "Carol,   do   you 

catch     any    embarrassing    blunders?" 

The  answer  to  the  first  three  is  a  re- 
sounding yes.  The  answer  to  the  last 
question  is  yes-and-no.  I  am  very  com- 
fortable, almost  as  though  I  were  part 
of  the  action,  when  I  watch  Dr.  Kildare 
go  about  his  duties.  And  I  am  not  em- 
barrassed by  blunders,  although  there 
are  small  things  that  vary  from  usual 
routine.  I  can  see  that  these  are  nec- 
essary for  dramatic  emphasis. 

I'd  also  like  to  qualify  my  "yes"  on 
Dick's  resemblance  to  the  interns  I  have 
met.  Wouldn't  it  be  just  heavenly  for 
nurses  if  all  our  interns  looked  like 
Dick  Chamberlain?  The  sad  fact  is. 
they  don't.  Many  interns  are  attractive 
and  charming,  by  the  usual  standards. 
But,  of  course,  a  Dick  Chamberlain  gets 
where  he  is  by  being  something  more 
than  the  usual  run  of  males.  Dick's 
good  looks  are  part  of  his  success. 

Moreover,  in  the  show,  he  is  repre- 
sented as  being  the  cream  of  the  intern 
crop,  and  he  is  treated  with  special  con- 
sideration by  the  venerable  Dr.  Gil- 
lespie. So  it  would  be  carping  at  a  minor 
point  to  insist  that  he  is  too  handsome 
to  look  like  an  intern.  I  myself  don't 
find  him  so. 

While  on  the  subject  of  fault-finding, 
I  must  confess  I  didn't  go  for  the  first 
episode,  because  it  showed  him  going  to 
lunch  at  a  cafe  across  from  the  hospital 
wearing  a  stethoscope  around  his  neck. 
That  was  a  glaring  oversight,  but  there 
aren't  many  such  in  the  episodes  I've 

What  most  people  seem  to  find 
hardest  to  swallow,  with  regard  to  "Dr. 
Kildare,"  is  the  way  an  intern  gets  him- 
self so  involved  with  so  many  personal 
problems  of  hospital  patients.  Well,  my 
experience  is  that  this  is  not  as  incred- 
ible as  it  may  seem. 


The     UNITED  )  Way 

At  U.C.L.A.,  for  instance,  interns  get 
plenty  of  chance  to  study  patients  be- 
cause the  practicing  doctor  is  usually  at 
the  hospital  only  for  brief  checkups, 
and  the  resident  doesn't  have  enough 
time  to  handle  each  case  on  a  personal 
basis.  He  is  busy  most  of  the  time  with 
emergencies  and  seriously  ill  patients. 

I'm  glad  the  show  doesn't  patronize 
its  viewers.  I've  heard  medical  terms 
like  "EKG"  and  "PBC"  used  without 
adding  an  explanation.  In  other  words, 
the  terms  are  used  as  they  would  be  in 
a  hospital,  forgetting  the  audience,  and 
this  adds  to  the  enjoyment  of  the  audi- 
ence, I  feel.  I  also  like  the  "Dr.  Kil- 
dare" show  because  he  is  warm  and 
sympathetic — as  a  doctor  should  be — 
and  he  makes  mistakes,  as  a  human 
being  is  bound  to. 

I've  been  asked  whether  nurses  ac- 
tually have  coffee  with  doctors  and 
whether  they  are  on  a  first-name  basis. 
This  is  true  to  life  and  merely  part  of 
the  friendships  that  develop  when  peo- 
ple work  together. 

In  case  anyone's  interested  in  my 
credentials,  I'm  a  native  of  California 
and  I  trained  for  nursing  at  Columbia 
Presbyterian  Hospital  School  of  Nurs- 
ing in  New  York  City,  after  my  father 
was  transferred  to  the  East  about  ten 
years  ago.  None  of  it  was  as  glamorous 
— or  as  bad — as  TV  and  the  movies 
sometimes  make  it  seem.  There  are 
plenty  of  dirty  jobs  and  a  lot  of  hard 
discipline,  but  the  other  side  of  the  coin 
is  always  before  you. 

Love  in  the  corridors 

Nursing  offers  an  insight  into  life. 
You  get  to  meet  all  kinds  of  people  at 
moments  of  crisis  in  their  lives.  You  see 
how  they  act  under  stress.  They  may  be 
wealthy,  polished,  profane,  humorous, 
patient  or  nasty  .  .  .  it's  up  to  you  to 
help  ease  their  pain  and  give  them  com- 
fort and  hope.  I  will  admit  the  spoiled 
and  nasty  ones  sometimes  make  you 
wish  you  were  not  only  a  nurse  but  a 
judo  artist  as  well!  Still,  no  matter 
what  your  inner  feelings  are,  you  must 
try  to  do  your  duty,  and  that  is  a  source 
of  great  satisfaction  even  on  the 
toughest  case. 

Finally,  I  understand  there  is  an  im- 
pression that  a  lot  of  boy-girl  stuff  goes 
on  in  the  sterile  corridors  of  a  hospital. 
That,  my  friends,  is  nonsense.  There 
just  isn't  time  for  smooching,  and  cor- 
ridors are  public  places  with  people 
coming  and  going  all  the  time.  The 
men  in  medicine  are  not  overly  roman- 
tic, I  have  found,  mainly  because  they 
carry  such  responsibilities  on  their 
shoulders  the  moment  they  walk  into  a 
hospital.  They're  not  looking  for  mat- 
rimonial prospects  there. 

Most  would  prefer  to  date  girls  with 
no  association  with  pills,  drugs,  anes- 
thetics or  scalpels.  They  seem  to  prefer 
girls  who  wouldn't  know  a  biopsy  bottle 
from  a  pint  of  Arpege.  Nurses  usually 
feel  the  same  way.  They  want  to  get 
away  from  talking  shop.  And  knowing 
the  hours  a  doctor  must  give  to  his  pro- 
fession, most  nurses  think  three  times 
before  considering  marriage  with  an 

I  had  a  real  fear  when  I  went  to  my 
appointment  at  the  studio.  I  was  afraid 
I  might  get  giggly  when  the  photogra- 
pher began  shooting.  Well,  I'm  afraid 
I  did.  I  giggled — but  everyone,  includ- 
ing Dick,  laughed  with  me.  I  hope  I 
didn't  disgrace  the  staff  at  U.C.LIA.  The 
big  difference  between  a  TV  hospital 
and  a  real  one  is  that  the  former  is  con- 
cerned with  saving  time,  because  it 
saves  money — while  the  latter  is  con- 
cerned with  saving  time,  because  it 
saves  lives. 

Dick  wouldn't  have  made  a  good 
doctor.  That's  my  opinion,  come  what 
may.  He  told  me  he  hated  studying, 
long  hours  at  school  and  team  sports. 
But  I'm  sure  he  would  have  had  the 
most  beautiful  bedside  manner.  If  I 
were  really  sick,  I'd  rather  have  a  doc- 
tor of  the  type  that  Richard  Boone  used 
to  play  in  "Medic."  But  if  I  were  fak- 
ing, I'd  just  love  Dick  Chamberlain  to 
come  and  listen  to  my  pulse.  .  .  . 

— The  End 

Your  appointment  with  Dr.  Kildare  is 
Thursdays,  8:30  P.M.  EST,  on  NBC-TV. 


(Continued  from  page  12) 
The  Jack  Carters  expecting.  .  .  .  Keely 
Smith's  brother  and  Kathy  Nolan  seri- 
ous. .  .  .  Martha  Raye  and  Ken  Tobey 
an  item.  .  .  .  Dean  Martin's  son,  Craig, 
back  from  Germany  in  May  for  month's 
furlough.  .  .  .  Roger  Moores  acting  like 
Mavericks.  .  .  .  Buddy  Lester's  grand- 
child named  Kent.  .  .  .  Arnold  Grant, 
famed  lawyer,  weds  stunning  Bess 
Myerson  in  June.  .  .  .  Jim  Hill  escorting 
Helen  O'Connell. 

The  most  fabulous  part  of  the  story 
of  the  Broadway  hit,  "How  to  Succeed 
in  Business  Without  Really  Trying," 
is  Rudy  Vallee,  who  scored  first  on  the 
Broadway  musical  stage  in  the  1932 
edition  of  George  White's  "Scandals." 
In  that  hit  of  30  years  ago  were  Willie 
and  Eugene  Howard,  Ethel  Merman, 
Ray  Bolger,  Joan  Abbott,  Barbara 
Blair,  Alice  Faye,  Ross  MacLean,  the 
Gale  Sisters,  the  Loomis  Twins  and 
Ethel  Barrymore  Colt  .  .  .  And  now 
Rudy  Vallee  is  back  again  on  Broadway 
bigger  than  ever.  It  was  touch  and  go 
whether  or  not  Vallee  would  arrive  on 
Broadway  with  the  show  destined  to  be 
a  smash  hit.  The  producers  were  going 
to  drop  Rudy  in  Philadelphia.  Luckily, 
they  didn't! 

E.  Presley  dating  Joannie  Sommers. 
Elaine  May  becomes  Mrs.  Sheldon 
Harnick  in  May.  .  .  .  Red  Buttons  con- 
soled by  Eve  Talbert.  .  .  .  Tom  Poston 
and  Susan  Stein  an  item.  .  .  .  Ann 
Sothern's  lass,  Tish,  with  Tom  Skou- 
ras.  .  .  .  The  Jack  (CBS)  Sterlings  ex- 
pecting. .  .  .  Cara  Williams  and  Asher 
Dann  big  deal.  .  .  .  Monty  Woolley  com- 
pleting his  memoirs.  .  .  .  The  Pupi 
(Betty  Clooney)  Campos  expect  a  July 
stork.  .  .  .  George  Jessel's  grandson 
named  George.  .  .  .  Sarah  Churchill 
and  Morrison  Walzer  serious. 

At  84,  free  of  aches  or  pains  and  in- 
different to  New  York's  weather,  Carl 
Sandburg  still  is  regarding  the  world 
with  undisguised  delight.  For  two  days, 
he  was  with  us  on  our  stage  at  the 
old  Hammerstein  Theater,  and  every- 
thing delighted  him. 

Sandburg,  Lincoln's  biographer,  is  a 
vaudeville  buff.  "I  go  back  to  the  two- 
a-day  at  the  old  Majestic  Theater,  in 
Chicago.  I  knew  every  act  that  played 
that  circuit.  We  writers  have  a  whole 
book  in  which  to  catch  your  interest — 
vaudeville  actors  had  to  do  it  quick." 
He  signed  an  autograph  for  one  of  the 
stage  crew.  "The  theater  was  the  only 
relief  for  President  Lincoln.  Mostly,  he 
saw  Shakespearean  plays." 

He  leaned  over  to  me:  "You  know, 
Lincoln's  mother  couldn't  write — signed 
an  X  for  her  name.  My  father  couldn't 
write,  either.  Curious*  isn't  it,  that  the 
son  of  a  father  who  couldn't  write  has 
written  perhaps  half  a  million  words 
about  the  son  of  a  mother  who  couldn't 
write."  — The  End 

Watch  for  Ed  Sullivan's  inside  news — 
published  by  permission  of  the  Chicago 
Tribune-New  York  News  Syndicate  Inc. 
— in  TV  Radio  Mirror  every  month. 
See  "The  Ed  Sullivan  Show,"  on  the 
CBS-TV  network,  Sundays,  8  P.M.  EST. 


Let's  talk  frankly  about 


Day  before  yesterday,  many  women  hes- 
itated to  talk  about  the  douche  even  to 
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or  druggist. 

Today,  thank  goodness,  women  are 
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They  don't  ask.  Nobody  tells  them. 
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may  not  be  completely  effective,  or  some 
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It's  time  to  talk  frankly  about  inter- 
nal cleanliness. 

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motes confidence. 

This  is  modern  woman's  way  to  inter- 
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(Continued  from  page  24) 
as  cute  little  ways — to  get  the  guys  to 
notice  her.  I  mean,  she  gets  lost  in  the 
swim  otherwise,  doesn't  she?" 

Still,  ambitious  little  Connie  wasn't 
quite  content.  She  decided  that  her 
Grade  A  position  on  the  Warner  lot 
entitled  her  to  a  Grade  A  studio  dress- 
ing room.  Being  Connie,  and  a  spend- 
thrift with  her  tongue,  she  let  fly  a 
few  thousand  well  chosen  words  on  the 
subject.  In  addition,  she  looked  wistful, 
teased,  and  even  twisted  her  producer's 
arm.  She  got  her  way. 

To  date,  Connie  hasn't  received  a 
visit  from  super-sophisticate,  fiftyish 
Cary  Grant  at  either  her  plush  home 
or  new  dressing  room.  But  she's  done 
almost  as  well,  having  snared  a  highly 
eligible  man  of  the  world,  actor  Glenn 

Star-struck  by  big  stars,  awed  by 
glittering  names,  preferably  male, 
Connie  was  overwhelmed  at  her  latest 
catch.  So  overwhelmed,  indeed,  that 
she  threw  her  Emily  Post  etiquette  book 
out  of  the  window  and  departed  for  a 
sudden  "unplanned"  fling  (some  called 
it  a  romantic  interlude)  to  Paris  with 
Glenn,  her  latest  infatuation.  It  didn't 
matter  that  he  was  divorced,  exactly 
twice  her  age  and  father  of  an  eighteen- 
year-old  son.  But  it  did  matter  to  Connie 
when  blazing  headlines  here  and  abroad 
were  followed  by  a  buzz  of  gossip  and 
lifted  eyebrows. 

The  lovable  little  blue-eyed  blonde, 
part  Italian,  Irish,  English  and  Mohican 

Indian,  had  become  in  three  short  years 
the  All-American  Dream — the  darling 
of  the  ponytail  set,  who  modeled  them- 
selves on  their  idol.  They  promptly 
filled  the  mail  bags  with  critical  letters 
on  ruled  notebook  paper.  Their  mothers 
were  equally  critical.  So  were  the 
Brothers  Warner.  What  Elvis  Presley 
and  Hope  Lange  thought,  isn't  known. 
Elvis  had  been  Connie's  pre-Ford  in- 
fatuation and  lovely  Hope  was  Glenn's 
last  "great  love." 

Glenn  vs.  Elvis 

It's  not  easy,  at  any  given  moment, 
to  specify  who  is  Connie  Stevens'  "great 
love."  Before  Christmas  she  allowed 
that  "Elvis  is  just  the  most  magnifi- 
cent!" A  fortnight  earlier,  after  several 
dates  in  Manhattan  with  handsome 
"Camelot"  star  Robert  Goulet,  Connie 
said  the  same  thing  about  him.  Maga- 
zine editors,  forgetting  momentarily 
that  Connie  admits  to  "zillions  of 
crushes,"  believed  she  was  really  en- 
amored of  Elvis  and  were  caught  with 
their  headlines  down  long  after  Connie 
and  Glenn  Ford  were  "a  thing." 

It's  true,  Connie  was  "honey-chiling" 
around  with  01'  Swivel  Hips  when  Del- 
mer  Daves — who  directed  both  Connie 
and  Glenn  in  several  films — invited 
them  to  a  party.  "It's  time  you  met," 
Daves  said  as  he  introduced  them. 
Glenn  turned  his  charming  little  twisted 
grin  in  her  direction  and  looked  deeply 
into  Connie's  little-girl  eyes,  suddenly 
as  demure  as  a  pre-teener's  at  her  first 
dance.  "I've  never  seen  exuberant 
Connie  so  much  under  wraps,"  Daves 
remarked  at  the  time.  "Evidently  she 

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hadn't  met  many  men  as  charmingly 
sophisticated  as  Glenn  before." 

Next  night  Glenn  phoned,  asked 
Connie  to  dine  the  following  evening. 
Breathing  deeply,  Connie  remembered 
the  first  rule  of  her  "How  to  Land  a 
Guy  Campaign,"  and  murmured,  "I'm 
so  sorry  but  I'm  busy."  "Wednesday, 
then?"  Glenn  asked.  "I've  a  date," 
sighed  Connie.  "What  night  aren't  you 
busy?"  Glenn  persisted.  "Thursday, 
I'm  free,"  she  murmured  softly. 

At  Au  Petit  Jean's,  Glenn's  and 
Connie's  first  date  was  the  longest 
dining  session  in  town.  They  arrived 
before  eight  and  at  midnight  were  still 
at  a  secluded  table  for  two.  A  free- 
wheeling talker  who  is  voluble  on  any 
occasion  and  often  on  no  occasion, 
Connie  bubbled  on  in  her  inimitable 
style  and  obviously  charmed  her  usually 
moody  and  taciturn  escort. 

For  a  number  of  weeks,  Connie  was 
unavailable  to  Elvis,  to  Ralph  Taeger, 
to  all  the  lads  she'd  been  seeing  in  her 
constant,  almost  feverish  nightly  dating 
schedule.  Connie  hugged  her  secret  to 
herself.  Glenn  Ford!  Indeed,  the  plump 
Concetta  Ann  Ingolia — the  youngster 
who  had  a  masterful  way  with  a  pool 
cue,  acquired  in  pool  halls  in  her 
grimy  Brooklyn  switchblade  district, 
— had  arrived.  At  a  gay,  crowded 
Christmas  party  in  Connie's  home, 
Glenn  was  guest  of  honor. 

Early  in  January,  he  phoned,  casually 
asked:  "How  about  dinner  and  a  movie 
a  week  from  tonight?"  "I'd  love  it," 
Connie  trilled.  "Perhaps  I'd  better 
explain,"  Glenn  continued.  "The  dinner 
is  to  be  in  Paris,  at  Maxim's,  and  the 
movie  is  a  premiere  there  of  my  new 
film,  'The  Four  Horsemen  of  the 
Apocalypse.'  How  does  that  strike  you? 
Okay?"      , 

"Okay  and  okay,"  Connie  cried  in 
her  funny  little-girl  voice.  "It's  fan- 
tastic! Oh  .  .  .  I'll  have  to  ask  the 
studio  .  .  ." 

"No,"  said  the  studio  firmly.  "Yes." 
flared  Connie,  just  as  firmly.  It  was 
whispered  that  finally  Glenn  arranged 
for  a  publicity  bigwig  at  MGM  to  talk 
Jack  Warner  into  agreeing  to  the  un- 
conventional trip. 

Connie  vs.  Everybody 

Home  after  fourteen  "deliriously 
happy"  days,  Cinderella  Connie  stepped 
from  her  pumpkin  coach  jet  plane  into 
a  hornet's  nest  of  trouble  and  illness. 
"The  press  misinterpreted  the  trip," 
she  wailed.  "It  wasn't  romance — just 
friendship,  to  help  Glenn  with  his  pic- 
ture. We  didn't  go  skiing  in  Switzer- 
land or  traveling  around  as  the  papers 
reported.  Finding  myself  a  target  for 
unkind  gossip  took  away  a  lot  of  the 
pleasure,  particularly  since  I  knew  I 
was  innocent.  Anyway,  Glenn  Ford 
was — and  is,  always — a  perfect,  per- 
fect gentleman.  And  you  can't  hardly 
find  that  kind  anymore,"  she  broke 
into  a  giggle.  But  her  anger  mounted 
again  as  she  explained  how  she  was 
suspended  and  taken  off  salary  by  her 
studio.  According  to  Connie,  her  sus- 
pension had  nothing  to  do  with  the 
Paris  escapade.  She'd  been  asked  to 
do  a  very  well-paid  TV  spectacular 
with     Robert     Goulet     and     also     an 


ejghteen-day  personal  appearance  tour 
for  which  she  was  offered  $22,000. 
Though  the  studio  would  have  received 
half  of  the  sum,  they  refused  per- 
mission. "We  both  said  things  we  didn't 
mean,"  Connie  explained,  contritely. 
"You  know,  I've  got  a  kind  of  Italian 
temper  that  flares  up  like  a  rocket. 
When  I  think  I'm  right,  I  don't  care 
how  powerful  my  opponent  is." 

There's  a  kind  of  single-mindedness 
and  iron  drive  behind  Connie's  curious 
child-like  facade.  But  she  found  her- 
self unevenly  matched  against  the 
might  of  a  great  studio.  And  she  did 
care.  Suddenly  she  went  into  a  tail- 
spin,  bursting  with  all  kinds  of  pres- 
sures. Her  doctor  put  her  in  Glendale 
Sanitarium  for  a  week  to  fight  off  a 
virus  and  to  "get  away  from  the  in- 
cessantly ringing  phone."  A  week  later, 
a  wan  and  pale  Connie  returned  to 
work  and  found  her  Cricket  sequence 
taken  over  by  a  new  character,  June 
Bug,  in  TV's  "Hawaiian  Eye." 

And  what  about  her  romance  with 
Glenn  Ford?  It  would  take  an  I.B.M. 
computer  to  tabulate  all  the  Boys  Who 
Got  Away  from  Connie  Stevens  during 
the  past  three  years.  Is  Glenn  Ford  the 
man  who's  here  to  stay? 

A  Ford  in  Connie's  future? 

Some  members  of  the  Hollywood 
grapevine,  peering  into  their  crystal 
balls,  do  not  see  a  Ford  in  Connie's 
future  anymore  than  they  glimpsed  one 
in  Hope  Lange's.  One  romance  prophet 
declared:  "Connie  has  a  heart  that 
cannot  help  but  love.  That's  why  she's 
had  a  succession  of  quickly-flaming, 
quickly-burned-out  romances.  Yet  with 
each  she's  assailed  by  doubts.  Deeply 
insecure,  she  gains  a  kind  of  reassur- 
ance from  knowing  the  'right'  people. 
Glenn  is  definitely  'right.'  As  for 
Connie,  she's  as  glamour-struck  as  a 
Main  Street  kid  and  quite  possibly  she 
can  hardly  believe  that  a  man  of  Glenn's 
importance  and  wealth  is  really  in- 
terested in  her.  This  adoration  piques 
Glenn's  interest,  naturally,  but  he's  a 
wily  fish  when  it  comes  to  the  marriage 
bait.  He's  told  his  buddies  that  he's 
walked  down  the  aisle  and  up  to  the 
preacher  for  the  last  time,  with  Eleanor 

"It's  true  that  taciturn  Glenn  is  mar- 
riage shy,"  admitted  another  romance 
specialist.  "But  so  was  Sinatra,  and 
look  what  happened  to  him?  Glenn  is 
building  a  fourteen-room  mansion  com- 
plete with  gym  and  steam  bath,  racks 
for  his  huge  collection  of  pipes  and 
space  for  his  10,000  record  albums. 
He  calls  it  a  bachelor's  paradise,  but 
I  wonder?  That's  not  to  say  that  Connie 
Stevens  will  be  the  one  to  share  it 
with  him.  There  are  some  strange  as- 
pects to  this  sudden,  out-of-left-field 
romance  between  the  young,  ebullient 
Connie  and  the  middle-aged,  dour 
Glenn.  For  one  thing,  Connie,  so  free  to 
discuss  her  various  loves,  has  button- 
holed her  pretty  little  mouth  ('Mar- 
riage?' 'Ridiculous.'  'Are  you  in  love 
with  Glenn?'  'No  comment.').  Yet 
Glenn,  who  refuses  to  discuss  his 
divorce  froin  Eleanor,  and  his  friend- 
ship with  Debbie  Reynolds  and  Hope 
Lange,   has    been    a    veritable    magpie 

with  the  magazine  magpies.  Suddenly 
Delmer  Daves  was  off  to  New  York  to 
scout  stories  for  the  new  romantic  duo 
— Connie  and  Glenn.  Is  there  a  slight 
odor  of  publicity  about  the  whole 
thing?  Did  Connie  agree  to  the  Paris 
jaunt  because  she,  too,  is  intensely  am- 
bitious? Those  are  good  questions. 
Certainly  Glenn  had  nothing  to  worry 
about  over  that  well-publicized  Paris 
fling;  he's  a  bachelor  whom  no  gossip 
can  harm.  For  Connie  Stevens,  who  can 
be  rendered  desolate  by  one  cross  word, 
this  episode  may  prove  to  be  a  pretty 
devastating  experience." 

The  handwriting  on  the  wail 

Is  Glenn  the  man  to  bring  Connie 
lasting  love?  Will  he  make  up  for  all 
the  Boys  Who  Got  Away?  It  doesn't 
appear  likely.  They  attracted  the  lens 
lads  at  premieres  and  the  Golden  Globe 
Award  nominations  party;  he  bought 
Connie  a  painting  by  a  noted  San 
Francisco  artist,  Ruth  Dicker;  he  sat 
for  two  days  setside  during  the  making 
of  a  "Hawaiian  Eye"  segment.  Yet 
next  day  he  was  back  lunching  with 
his  old  love,  Hope  Lange,  a  little  later 
dated  an  airline  hostess,  then  Diane 
McBain,  and  glamorous  Joan  Fontaine. 
Glenn  filled  Connie's  hospital  room 
with  flowers,  drove  her  home  at  the 
end  of  her  stay,  then  dined  with  Hope 
the  same  evening  at  Perino's  to  discuss 
the  film  they'll  make  together  in  Europe 
in  the  spring. 

Possibly,  easily-hurt  Connie  began  to 
understand  the  handwriting  on  the  wall. 
Was  it  wise  to  "go  steady"  with  a 
charmer  who  diversified  his  own 
dating?  She  went  out  to  dinner  with 
Michael  Dante;  later,  with  John 
Gabriel  she  sat  dispiritedly  by  as  others 
did  the  Twist,  saying,  "I'm  much  too 
upset  to  do  it." 

Was  she  upset  by  Glenn  or  her  studio, 
with  whom,  by  then,  she'd  achieved  an 
uneasy  peace?  Certainly,  if  opposites 
attract,  Glenn  and  Connie  are  a  prime 
example,  just  as  Glenn  and  his  ex-wife 
Ellie  were.  Like  Connie,  Eleanor  is  a 
warm,  voluble,  affectionate  personality. 
Glenn  is  an  introverted,  cautious, 
drivingly-ambitious  man  whose  Welsh 
heritage  gives  him  rapid  changes  of 
mood.  Frequently,  these  moods  produce 
seeming  tactlessness,  loneliness,  ag- 
gressiveness, unrest — the  natural  at- 
tributes of  a  withdrawn,  aloof  charac- 
ter. "Sometimes,"  Ellie  revealed, 
"Glenn  didn't  say  more  than  ten  words 
a  night."  From  the  start  of  their  mar- 
riage there  were  hush-hush  rumors  of 
Glenn's  roving  eye  as  a  major  source 
of  trouble,  also  his  thriftiness  and  the 
feeling  that  Glenn  has  never  freed  him- 
self from  his  mother's  apron  strings. 

It  would  seem  that  harum-scarum 
Connie,  who  is  always  so  untidy,  un- 
punctual,  a  night  person  happiest  in 
a  crowd,  would  be  better  suited  to  her 
late  sweetie-poo,  Elvis.  The  theme  song 
of  both  is  "Money  Burns  a  Hole  in  my 
Pocket."  But  Sir  Swivel,  all  shook  up 
over  a  broken  date,  became  another  in 
Connie's  Boys  Who  Got  Away  parade. 
In  fact,  they  almost  didn't  get  together. 
When  a  columnist  wrote,  "It's  six  to 
two  and  even  that  El's  in  a  flap  over 
Connie   Stevens,"   she   was   questioned 


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by  a  reporter.  Connie's  snapper  was: 
"Elvis  Who?"  Evidently,  Presley's 
publicity  lads  hadn't  checked  with 
Connie's.  But  since  Elvis  was  a  "big" 
name,  the  hotly-ambitious  little  blonde 
soon  began  swinging  with  the  rumors. 
As  she  once  explained,  somewhat  sadly, 
"Well,  a  gal  who  hopes  to  make  the  big 
time  has  got  to  be  seen  around  with 
the  right  people  and  photographed." 

Dating  a  rock  'n'  roller  who  must 
avoid  mobs  wasn't  much  fun  for  Connie. 
as  Tuesday  Weld  discovered  earlier.  It 
meant  sneaking  into  movies  or  tearing 
a  pizza  in  the  privacy  of  Elvis'  rented 
Bel  Air  mansion.  And  when  reporters 
raised  eyebrows  while  Connie  visited 
Elvis  on  location  one  weekend  in  Idyl- 
wild,  near  Palm  Springs,  Connie  was 
visibly  upset.  "My  sister-in-law  was 
along,"  she  explained,  "and  I  was 
visiting  my  friend  Michael  Dante  as 
much  as  Elvis." 

Connie  began  to  divide  her  time  with 
Vic  Damone  (she  even  flew  up  to  spend 
a  weekend  with  him  in  Las  Vegas  when 
he  sang  there)  and  with  Scott  Brady. 
Both  of  these  wolves-about-town  are 
rather  controversial  figures  in  Holly- 
wood. Soon  the  title  "playgirl"  began 
to  be  used  for  the  girl  whose  four-year 
romance  with  her  great  love,  Gary 
Clarke,  ended  because  she  couldn't 
figure  out  how  to  blend  both  a  bur- 
geoning career  and  marriage  into  a 
recipe  for  happiness. 

Marriage  is  a  strong  need  for  Connie. 
Still,  tongue  in  cheek,  she  once  con- 
fided: "Oh.  sure  I've  got  a  few  boy 
chums — a  few  thousand!  I  like  men, 
period.  I  began  dating  at  twelve  and 
while  I  got  no  better  than  C's  in  math 
and  history,  I  always  got  A's  in  boys." 
It's  true  that  males,  both  young  and 
old,  are  drawn  to  Connie  as  if  by  a 
magnet.  There's  something  very  special 
about  her  baby  voice,  her  warm,  won- 
derful smile,  her  wide-eyed  innocence, 
her  need  to  be  loved,  her  built-in 

Still,  she  dislikes  the  playgirl  tag 
she's  seemingly  earned.  "I'll  admit," 
she  confessed,  "my  constant  changing 
of  companions  may  confuse  some 
people  and  make  me  appear  fickle,  but 
actually  they're  just  friendships  that  I 
cherish.  I  intend  to  hold  on  to  them, 
despite  any  remarks,  spoken  or 

Torn  between  her  consuming  ambi- 
tion for  a  top  career  and  her  deep  de- 
sire for  marriage  and  babies,  Connie 
Stevens  is  today  an  unhappy,  unfulfilled 
girl.  Recently,  she  recorded  a  haunting 
lullaby  for  which  she  wrote  the  lyrics. 
And  she  speaks  of  "a  wonderful  idea 
I  have  for  a  wedding  ring — dull  antique 
gold,  a  solid  band  with  two  guards  of 
gold  and  cultured  pearls." 

Will  Glenn  Ford  be  the  man  to  place 
that  distinctive  ring  on  Connie's  finger? 
And  will  he  be  the  father  of  a  child  to 
whom  she  can  sing  her  own  special 
lullaby?  Or  will  there  be  dozens  and 
dozens  of  additional  Boys  Who  Got 
Away  before  Connie  finds  the  one  man 
who  will  be  the  answer  to  her  dreams? 
At  this  time,  it's  safe  to  say  that  even 
Connie  doesn't  know. — Maxine  Block 

"Hawaiian  Eye"  is  seen  over  ABC-TV. 
Wednesday,   from  9  to   10  P.M.   EST. 


(Continued  from  page  59) 
mother's  memories  of  her  son's  falling 
in  love  and  going  steady  with  music. 

His  father  didn't  stand  in  the  way 
of  Lenny's  taking  $l-an-hour  (later,  $3- 
an-hour)  lessons  from  a  neighborhood 
teacher,  and  he  even  went  so  far  as  to 
buy  him  a  Chickering  grand  when  the 
boy  was  twelve.  But  as  a  Russian- 
Jewish  immigrant  who  had  come  up  the 
hard  way — starting  as  a  dollar-a-day 
fish  scaler  and  later  building  a  pros- 
perous business  selling  beauty-parlor 
and  barber-shop  supplies  in  Boston — 
Samuel  Bernstein  didn't  feel  that  piano- 
playing  was  a  fitting  or  stable  way  for 
his  son  to  make  money. 

Today,  Lenny's  father  says,  "What  I 
did  was  try  to  stop  him  from  making 
his  livelihood  at  music.  My  grandfather 
was  a  trained  rabbi,  but  he  earned  his 
living  as  a  blacksmith.  My  father  was 
the  same.  I  did  not  want  to  break  this 
tradition.  Also,  I  felt  Lenny  could  make 
a  better  living  in  business. 

"You  know,  every  genius  had  a  handi- 
cap. Beethoven  was  deaf.  Chopin  had 
tuberculosis.  Well,  someday  I  suppose 
the  books  will  say,  'Lenny  Bernstein 
had  a  father.' " 

Despite  his  father's  opposition,  Lenny 
spent  more  and  more  time  at  the  piano. 
For  a  change  of  pace,  he  read  the  scores 
of  symphonies  and  operas  as  other  kids 
read  comic  books.  He  was  definitely 
hooked.  By  the  time  he  was  thirteen, 
they  didn't  laugh  when  he  sat  down  at 
the   piano. 

For  one  thing,  he  was  no  longer 
skinny  and  sickly.  Music  had  brought 
about  a  first  miracle  for  Lenny.  He  had 
put  on  weight,  developed  a  muscular 
body;  except  for  his  asthma,  he  was 
extremely  healthy.  For  another,  he 
could  play  beautifully — not  just  music 
that  others  had  written,  but  tunes  he 
made  up  himself. 

Before  he  took  up  the  piano,  Lenny 
had  been  a  complete  failure  as  an 
athlete.  "I  remember  being  attacked  by 
a  bully  when  I  was  just  a  kid,  maybe 
because  I  was  Jewish,"  he  recalls.  "I 
couldn't  fight  back."  At  thirteen,  Len- 
ny still  didn't  know  how  to  fight,  but 
he  didn't  have  to.  His  physique  was 
such  that  nobody  picked  on  him. 

A  year  or  two  later,  he  began  study- 
ing with  a  new  teacher,  Helen  Coates 
(now  his  secretary).  He'd  made  up  his 
mind:  Music  was  going  to  be  his  life. 
Words  and  music,  music  and  words 
were  involved  in  everything  he  did.  His 
sister  Shirley  recalls,  "He  would  take 
out  operas  from  the  public  library,  and 
we'd  learn  them  together.  'Boheme,' 
'Aida,'  'Butterfly.'  He  sang  all  the  boys' 
parts,  I  sang  all  the  girls'  parts,  and 
we  were  both  the  chorus." 

Lenny  began  to  compose  popular 
songs  himself,  both  words  and  music. 
One  of  his  efforts — the  last  verse  of 
which  is  reprinted  at  the  beginning  of 
this  article — should  have  devastated  a 
blue-eyed  beauty  named  Elaine,  to 
whom  Lenny  dedicated  it.  Instead,  it 
charmed  her — which  just  proves  that 
the  young  musician  was  also  develop- 
ing a  different  kind  of  appeal. 

At  Harvard,  from  1935  to  1939,  Lenny 
Bernstein  monopolized  every  musical 
activity  there.  "Hell,"  recalls  a  fel- 
low student,  "let  an  organ-grinder  walk 
into  the  Yard,  and  Lenny  would  start 
cueing  him  from  a  window!" 

Lenny's  greatest  triumph  at  college 
was  putting  on  a  production  of  Marc 
Blitzstein's  operetta,  "The  Cradle  Will 
Rock" — not  only  because  he  directed, 
acted  in  it  and  played  the  piano,  but 
also  because  he  was  able  to  cast  his 
sister,  then  fifteen,  in  the  key  role  of 
The  Prostitute.  (Says  Shirley,  "My  par- 
ents knew  nothing  about  the  kind  of 
girl  I  was  playing  until  the  curtain  went 

It  was  at  Harvard  that  the  second 
musical  miracle  happened  to  Lenny. 

Just  before  midyear  exams,  a  casual 
acquaintance  invited  him  to  a  party 
in  Brookline.  Lenny  was  taking  a  girl 
to  the  Boston  Symphony  (guest  con- 
ductor: Dimitri  Mitropoulos)  but  po- 
litely agreed  to  drop  in  afterward,  "if 
possible."  As  luck  would  have  it,  they 
did  drop  in — but  only  because  Lenny's 
car  ran  out  of  gas,  just  around  the 
corner  from  the  party. 

And  there  another  casual  friend  told 
him  that  the  Harvard  Hellenic  Society 
was  holding  a  reception  for  Mitrop- 
oulos the  following  afternoon. 

A  chain  of  chance 

Lenny  spent  most  of  that  next  day 
(Sunday)  with  his  family,  but  decided 
to  return  to  Harvard  early  to  cram  for 
his  exams.  His  mother  slipped  a  fur 
coat  over  her  housedress  and  began 
driving  him  back  to  Eliot  House. 

Then — in  Bernstein's  own  words — 
there  occurred  "a  great  chain  of  fortui- 
tous circumstances  that  still  strikes  me 
as  ver-ry   occult." 

Mrs.  Bernstein  made  a  wrong  turn 
in  the  labyrinth  of  Cambridge  streets 
and,  suddenly,  they  were  right  in  front 
of  Phillips  Brooks  House,  where  the 
reception  was  being  held.  On  the  spur 
of  the  moment,  they  went  in. 

The  atmosphere  was  gloomy  and, 
standing  in  the  receiving  line,  Mitrop- 
oulos looked  as  if  he  wished  he  could 
bolt  out  of  the  place.  But — when  Len- 
ny's turn  came  to  shake  the  great 
maestro's  hand — the  miracle  happened. 

"He  singled  me  out  of  that  long  line," 
Bernstein  remembers,  "and  sat  down 
and  talked  to  me.  He  asked  what  I  was 
doing.  I  said  I  was  a  musician.  He  in- 
vited me  to  all  his  rehearsals  at  the 
Boston  Symphony.  I'd  never  been  at 
a  rehearsal  before,  and  I  was  absolutely 

Enthralled  and  inspired  by  Mitrop- 
oulos to  be  a  great  musician  (in  just 
what  area  of  music,  he  wasn't  at  all 
sure),  Lenny  graduated  from  Harvard 
cum  laude  in  musica  and,  with  diploma 
and  letters  of  recommendation  in  hand, 
headed  for  New  York. 

"I'll  never  forget  that  summer,"  Bern- 
stein says.  "There  I  was  in  the  fabled 
city.  It's  such  a  magic  name  to  a  Bos- 
tonian.  All  the  Fifth  Avenue  buses  had 
'Welcome  to  New  York'  signs  on  them. 
I  watched  them  go  by.  There  was  just 
no  place  for  me.  I  went  to  those  beau- 
tiful open-air  concerts  at  Lewisohn 
Stadium.   If  anybody  had   told   me  I'd 


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conduct  there  someday,  I  would  have 
laughed  in  his  face.  I  could  barely  af- 
ford the  cheapest  seat  'way  up  on  some 
stone  step.  Finally  I  went  back  to  Bos- 
ton with  my  tail  between  my  legs." 

For  a  while,  Lenny  even  considered 
forgetting  music  altogether  and  joining 
his  father  in  the  Samuel  J.  Bernstein 
Hair  Supplies  Co. 

He  was  saved  by  the  third  miracle. 

Again,  Lenny  met  Mitropoulos,  and 
again  the  maestro  inspired  him.  Be  a 
conductor,  and  study  at  Curtis  in  Phila- 
delphia, Mitropoulos  advised.  So,  for 
two  years,  Bernstein  studied  conduct- 
ing there  with  Fritz  Reiner. 

Hard  as  he  worked  to  learn  his  craft, 
Lenny  didn't  neglect  his  social  life — 
as  one  friend  recalls :  "On  Sunday  after- 
noons, a  bunch  of  us  used  to  go  to  the 
apartment  of  a  couple  of  weird  girls — 
I  guess  they  were  painters — who  wore 
sandals  and  Mexican  jewelry,  and 
sometimes  combed  their  hair.  They  had 
a  big  studio  in  front,  with  a  piano, 
and  a  little  bedroom,  with  a  radio. 

"We'd  sit  in  the  studio  and  drink 
beer,  and  the  Philharmonic  would  be 
playing  in  the  bedroom.  When,  say,  an 
oboe  passage  was  due  on  the  radio, 
whoever  was  studying  oboe  would  go 
into  the  bedroom  and  listen  to  it.  Then 
he'd  come  back  and  tell  the  violist, 
'You're  on,  kid,'  and  the  violist  would 
go  back  and  listen  to  his  private  sec- 
tion. Meanwhile,  the  oboist  would  tell 
everyone  what  a  rotten  first  oboe  the 
Philharmonic  had. 

"That's  how  it  went  all  afternoon ;  no 
one  ever  heard  a  complete  piece  and 
no  one  ever  liked  anything  he  did  hear. 
And  in  the  middle  of  all  this,  Lenny 
would  be  sitting  at  the  piano,  playing 
and  singing,  over  and  over,  and  over,  a 
parody  of  a  popular  song  that  he'd  writ- 
ten the  words  and  music  for,  and  laugh- 
ing heartily  at  his  own  wit." 

After  Lenny  left  Curtis,  there  was 
no  longer  much  for  him  to  laugh  about. 
He  opened  a  piano  school  in  Boston, 
but  there  were  no  pupils.  He  decided 
to  go  to  New  York,  but  his  friend,  con- 
ductor Serge  Koussevitzsky — with  whom 
he'd  studied  at  Tanglewood  in  the  Berk- 
shires,  one  summer — urged  him  to  stay 
put  where  he  was.  "Something  vill  hap- 
pen," Koussy  promised  him,  but  noth- 
ing did. 

Koussevitzsky  gave  him  all  possible 
encouragement,  but  the  one  thing  he 
could  not  stand  was  Lenny's  name.  "Vid 
that  name,  you  vill  get  novhere,"  he 
warned  his  student.  "It  is  a  name  for 
a  truck,  not  for  music." 

Lenny    was    getting    nowhere — fast. 

He  worked  for  a  pop-music  publisher 
at  $25  a  week,  transcribing  music  and 
turning  out  arrangements  under  the 
name  of  Lenny  Amber.  He  tried  to  en- 
list in  the  Army,  but  was  turned  down 
because  of  asthma. 

At  this  lowest  point  in  Leonard  Bern- 
stein's life,  Artur  Rodzinski,  the  newly 
appointed  director  of  the  New  York 
Philharmonic,  was  looking  for  an  as- 
sistant conductor.  He  remembered  hav- 
ing been  impressed  when  he  watched 
Lenny  conduct  at  Tanglewood,  and  an 
interview  was  arranged.  On  his  twenty- 
fifth  birthday,  Lenny  was  hired  as  the 
assistant  conductor  of  the  Philharmonic. 

And  on  November  14,  1943,  the  fourth 

miracle  happened  to  Leonard  Bernstein. 

Bruno  Walter,  the  distinguished  guest 
conductor,  was  scheduled  to  lead  the 
Philharmonic  that  Sunday  afternoon. 
Early  in  the  morning,  Lenny  (suffering 
from  a  hangover — he'd  been  at  a  party 
until  4  a.m.)  was  awakened  by  a  phone 
call  from  Bruno  Zirato,  the  orchestra's 
associate  manager.  Walter  was  too  ill 
to  conduct  that  afternoon.  Lenny  would 
have  to  go  on  instead. 

At  11  a.m.,  Lenny  called  his  father, 
who  happened  to  be  in  New  York.  "Are 
you  going  home  this  afternoon?" 

"Yes,  of  course,"  replied  his  father. 

"No,  you're  not,"  Bernstein  said. 
"You  remember  me  telling  you  Friday 
that  you  would  have  to  wait  ten  years 
to  see  me  conducting  the  Philhar- 

"Certainly   I    remember." 

"Well,"  Lenny  crowed,  "you're  going 
to  see  me  conducting  the  Philharmonic 
this  afternoon." 

Wearing  his  best  (and  only)  gray 
flannel  suit — he  didn't  own  the  standard 
striped  pants — and  bolstered  up  by 
many  cups  of  Nedick's  coffee,  Lenny 
Bernstein  conducted  the  Philharmonic. 
And,  a  little  more  than  three  hours 
after  he  first  stepped  up  to  the  podi- 
um, he  was  almost  deafened  by  the 

The  New  York  Daily  News  compared 
his  feat  that  afternoon  to  "a  shoestring 
catch  in  center  field.  Make  it  and  you're 
a  hero.  Muff  it  and  you're  a  dope.  Bern- 
stein made  it." 

Lenny  had  created  the  fourth  miracle 
for  himself.  The  fifth  took  place  almost 
four  years  later,  to  the  day — when  he 
was  appointed  musical  director  of  the 

The  "athletic"  director 

The  reaction  to  his  appointment  was 
generally  favorable,  but  there  were 
some,  like  the  handsome  old  gentleman 
who  had  occupied  the  same  box  at 
Carnegie  Hall  for  years,  who  were 
frankly  skeptical.  "Bernstein?  Bern- 
stein!" he  hissed,  at  hearing  the  news. 
"Why  not  Barnum  &  Bailey?" 

This  comment  might  have  referred 
to  Bernstein's  many  talents,  as  varied 
as  a  five-ring  circus:  Bernstein,  the 
conductor.  Bernstein,  the  pianist. 
Bernstein,  the  teacher.  Bernstein,  the 
composer.  Bernstein,  the  Broadway 
showman — the  only  symphony  conduc- 
tor who  ever  wrote  a  song  called 
"Wrong  Note  Rag"! 

Or  the  old  gentleman's  remark  might 
have  been  triggered  by  Lenny's  un- 
orthodox conducting  technique:  His 
way  of  getting  through  to  his  orchestra 
players  with  gestures  and  gyrations  of 
every  part  of  his  body.  ("Dustiest  con- 
certs I've  ever  sung  at,"  said  one  so- 
prano wryly,  after  Lenny  had  stamped 
stage  dust  up  into  her  face  as  she  per- 
formed. And  composer  -  critic  Virgil 
Thomson  nicknamed  him  "our  musi- 
cal Dick  Tracy,"  reacting  in  amaze- 
ment to  the  fashion  in  which  Lenny, 
when  conducting,  "shagged,  shimmied, 
and,  believe  it  or  not,  bumped") 

Today,  Bernstein  still  schedules  mod- 
ern composers  along  with  the  standard 
favorites — and  conducts  both  magnifi- 
cently— but  he  has  settled  down  on  the 

podium  and  no  longer  "bumps."  Old- 
timers  have  accepted  him,  both  in  Car- 
negie Hall  and  the  Philharmonic  con- 
certs over  CBS  Radio,  though  they  may 
wince  a  bit,  when  they  switch  on  CBS- 
TV  and  hear  Lenny  compare  a  Bach 
fugue  to  an  Erector  set,  or  point  out 
that  Ravel's  "Bolero"  is  a  "high-class 
hootchy-kootchy  dance" ! 

The  sixth  miracle  in  Lenny  Bern- 
stein's life  is  easy  to  date:  September 
9,  1951 — when  he  married  Felicia 
Montealegre.  But  there's  something 
miraculous  about  their  entire  courtship 
and  marriage. 

When  Felicia  first  arrived  in  the 
United  States  from  her  native  Chile,  a 
friend  of  hers  announced  out  of  the 
blue,  "There's  someone  you  should 
marry — Leonard  Bernstein." 

This  was  absurd,  of  course.  Felicia 
didn't  know  Leonard  Bernstein,  hardly 
realized  who  he  was.  Besides,  she  wasn't 
interested  in  marrying  anybody.  She 
wanted  a  career,  and  .  .  .  and  then  she 
met  Lenny! 

On  her  birthday,  she  went  to  a  City 
Center  concert  and  saw  Lenny  conduct- 
ing. "She's  right,"  Felicia  said  to  her- 
self, recalling  what  her  friend  had  said. 

After  the  concert,  there  was  a  party 
out  at  Douglaston.  On  the  train  ride 
out,  Felicia  turned  to  her  escort  for 
the  evening,  pianist  Claudio  Arrau,  and 
to  other  friends,  and  announced  that 
she  was  going  to  marry  Lenny. 

They  laughed. 

Felicia  persisted,  "You'll  see." 

When  she  was  introduced  to  Lenny, 
she  was,  as  she  says,  "bowled  over — 
completely  bowled  over.  It  was  such  a 


(Continued  from  page  62) 
shirt.  One-half  of  his  mind  decided  on 
the  "collegiate"  style,  while  the  other 
half  remembered.  ...  It  had  been  eigh- 
teen months  before  they  started  dating. 
/  asked  her  to  go  to  the  movies  and, 
after  that,  we  never  had  eyes  for  any- 
one else.  I  knew  she  was  for  me.  Within 
three  months,  he  had  proposed. 

Miriam  didn't  play  coy.  I  never  ex- 
pected her  to.  Few  girls  can  match  her 
intelligence — that's  how  I  knew  she  was 
the  girl  for  me.  Sure,  I  dig  the  fact  that 
she's  cute  and  curvy,  but  that's  not 
enough  to  build  a  lasting  marriage  on. 
Miriam's  observant,  aware  of  others 
about  her,  and  completely  unselfish.  .  .  . 

He  fumbled  the  studs,  mussing  his 
new  shirt,  and  wondered  if  Miriam  was 
having  trouble,  too,  with  her  wedding 
gown.  Dressing  for  me — just  as  I'm 
dressing  for  her.  As  though  I  didn't 
think  she's  the  most  beautiful  girl  in 
the  world,  in  a  plain  shirtwaist  dress. 

He  grinned  as  he  fingered  the  new 
silk  gabardine  tux  with  its  red  silk 
lining.  The  only  thing  they'd  ever  really 
argued  about  was  the  time  women  spent 
on  primping!  How  could  they  stay  so 
long  in  a  beauty  parlor?  He  really  blew 
up  once,  when  she  was  late  for  a  date 
because  of  a  faulty  hair-dryer. 

And  now  he  himself  was  fussing  like 
a — well,   like   a   bridegroom.   He   won- 

mixture  of  things.  It's  very  rare  that 
people  see  and  meet  someone  with 
whom  they  feel  they  are  destined  to 
share  a  life  together. 

"The  incredible  thing  was  that  he  felt 
the  same  way  about  me  as  soon  as  we 
were  introduced.  He  took  me  home  that 
night.  I  was  living  in  Greenwich  Vil- 
lage, in  one  of  those  'My  Sister  Eileen' 
basement  apartments.  I  had  no  phone. 

"Lenny  was  going  to  Rochester  for 
a  concert.  He'd  send  me  a  telegram 
saying,  'Phone  me.'  Then  I'd  rush  out, 
call  him  up  and  get  Helen  Coates,  his 
secretary,  who'd  say  he  couldn't  be  dis- 
turbed. She'd  never  believe  me  when 
I  said  he'd  tpld  me  to  call.  And  I  was 
very  proud.  So  it  was  nip-and-tuck  for 
a  while." 

In  the  beginning  of  1947,  their  en- 
gagement was  announced.  By  the  end 
of  the  same  year,  it  was  broken. 

They  didn't  get  together  again  until 
1951,  but  this  time  the  engagement 

About  their  marriage  ceremony,  an 
Orthodox  Jewish  service  conducted  by 
two  rabbis  and  a  cantor,  Felicia,  who 
had  been  brought  up  as  a  Catholic,  ob- 
served recently,  "Really,  God  is  One." 

Today,  the  Bernsteins — with  two  chil- 
dren, ten-year-old  daughter  Jamie  and 
six-year-old  son  Serge,  and  a  third  re- 
portedly on  the  way — share  the  every- 
day, ordinary  miracle  of  family  life  and 
love.  .  .  . 

They  laughed  when  Lenny  first  sat 
down  at  the  piano.  Now,  thirty-three 
years  later,  they  jump  to  their  feet,  clap 
and  cheer  and  shout  as  soon  as  he  steps 
out  on  the  stage.  — Jae  Lyle 

dered  what  people  would  think,  if  they 
could  see  that  red  lining!  He  and 
Miriam  had  already  startled  some  folks 
by  having  breakfast  together  on  their 
wedding  day.  Didn't  they  know  there's 
an  old  superstition  that  a  bridegroom 
isn't  supposed  to  see  his  bride  before 
the  ceremony?  We  didn't  know.  And 
we're  not  superstitious,  anyway.  You 
can't  start  a  marriage  with  that.  Love, 
respect  and  understanding  are  the  im- 
portant things.  They  are  real. 

Suddenly,  all  nervousness  was  gone. 
Even  a  two-hour  delay  in  the  ceremony 
— because  the  plane  carrying  Miriam's 
sisters  was  late  arriving  in  Las  Vegas — 
couldn't  disturb  his  feeling  of  confi- 
dence. Duane  relaxed  completely  at  the 
reception  in  the  Tropicana.  How  great 
it  was  that  Dick  Clark — who  had  intro- 
duced them  both  to  TV  audiences  on  his 
show — had  been  able  to  come  to  Vegas 
as  his  best  man!  How  lovely  Miriam 
looked  in  her  long  satin  dress! 

"The  most  important  thing,"  he  told 
TV  Radio  Mirror,  "is  that  we  have 
very  clear  communication.  She  wants  to 
continue  her  career,  and  that's  all 
right  with  me.  We  rehearse  together. 
We  give  each  other  honest,  solid  criti- 
cism. We  plan  to  cut  an  album  together 
soon.  Whenever  practical,  she'll  tour 
with  me  and  be  part  of  the  act." 

"We  want  to  build  a  happy,  worth- 
while life  together,"  Miriam  chimed 
in.  "We  want  a  family,  and  I  think 
two  children  would  be  just  fine!" 

— Irene  Storm 

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(Continued  from  page  39) 
only  women  whose  skins  have  a  lot 
of  natural  lubrication  should  use  it  for 
everyday  wear.  ...  A  tinted  liquid 
base  can  give  a  cleaner,  evener  tex- 
ture to  the  skin  than  any  other  type.  It 
should  be  applied  smoothly  over  the  face 
and  throat  with  your  fingertips.  Use  a 
very  gentle  touch  and  work  small  circles 
in  upward  motion.  When  the  base  is 
completely  dry,  dust  your  skin  with 
a  soft,  almost  dry  sponge  or  a  cotton 
ball  puff.  Finish  with  powder  if  you 
want  to,  but  if  you  intend  to  use  rouge 
(of  the  cake  or  cream  variety),  wait 
to  powder  afterwards.  .  .  .  Cream  bases 
come  in  stick  or  compact  form.  They 
serve  as  lubrication.  Apply  your  cream, 
again  using  your  fingertips  in  upward 
motions,  in  a  very  thin  film  over  your 
face  and  throat.  .  .  .  Cake  make-up 
is,  in  general,  not  a  good  everyday 
make-up.  It's  drying  to  the  skin  and 
under  strong  daylight  usually  looks 
obviously  like  make-up.  Pancake  can 
be  a  fine  complement  to  a  suntan  on 
occasion,  and  it's  good  for  evening 
wear.  Use  a  damp  sponge  to  put  cake 
make-up  on  and  be  sure  you've  worked 
it  well  under  your  jaw  and  into  your 
hairline.  .  .  .  Medicated  stick  is  used 
to  cover  up  blemishes  or  any  irregu- 
larities of  tone  on  your  face,  but  should 
not  be  confused  with  foundation.  It 
is  also  to  be  used  wherever  shadows 
are  deep.  Lighten  those  areas  prior  to 
putting  on  base.  And  most  women  will 
find  that  this  under-eye  place  can  use 
some  highlighting.  Be  sure  you  never 
overlighten  your  undereye  hollow.  It 
will  give  the  whole  thing  away. 

I  apply  medicated  stick  under  my 
eyes  and  on  any  blemishes  I  may  have, 
and  during  the  winter  this  is  the  only 
foundation  I  use  at  home  or  for  local 
errands  ...  if  I  see  my  own  color 
is  poor,  I  may  add  a  small  amount  of 
liquid  rouge,  then  some  powder.  My 
everyday  make-up  includes  foundation, 
powder,  lipstick,  eyeliner,  mascara  and 
eyebrow  pencil.  But  for  dressier  oc- 
casions, about  the  only  difference  I 
make  is  to  go  a  bit  heavier  on  the  eye 


The  lines  behind  your  lashes  can  be 
the  most  important  bit  of  make-up  you 
put  on  your  face.  To  draw  a  straight 
smooth  line  so  close  to  the  lashline  as 
to  be  almost  indistinguishable  from  it 
is  not  easy,  but  can  be  learned. 

Begin  by  closing  the  eye  you're  go- 
ing to  draw  on.  Have  a  good  clean 
mirror  in  your  left  hand,  while  your 
right  one  holds  the  eyeline  pencil  with 
its  soft  sharp  point.  Leaning  your  right 
elbow  on  the  table  or  on  any  flat  sur- 
face, while  you  work,  is  good  support 
for  your  pencil  hand.  Now  begin  your 
upper  eyeline  from  where  the  tear 
duct  begins  and  slowly  draw  your  line 
back  to  the  outer  corner  and  slightly 
J  beyond  that  to  lengthen  the  eye  and 
R  indicate  the  sweep  of  your  far  upper 
lashes.  If  the  line  seems  too  light,   go 

Black  eyeliner  well  put  on  is  fine 
for  dark-haired  women.  But  women  with 
light  brown,  blonde,  or  red  hair  should, 
I  think,  stick  to  a  dark  brown  pencil, 
at  least  for  daytime  wear. 

There  are  some  women  whose  eyes 
are  not  made  for  eyeliner,  or  at  least 
demand  exceptionally  careful  use  of 
it.  In  a  deepset  eye,  you  should  never 
put  eyeliner  all  the  way  up  into  the 
inside  corner  next  to  your  nose — it 
will  deepen  the  hollow.  Extend  the  line 
from  the  middle  of  the  eye  outwards 
only,  and  this  will  appear  to  cut  the 

Eye   shadow 

Eye  shadow  is  also  a  peril  for  the 
woman  with  deepset  eyes.  She  must 
be  specially  sure  that  she  puts  her 
shadow  heaviest  close  to  the  lash  line 
and  then  extends  it  outwards,  never 
bringing  it  all  the  way  in  towards 
the  nose. 


Certainly  if  you  are  going  to  wear 
eyeliner  or  any  other  eye  make-up  you 
should,  unless  your  own  lashes  are  very 
thick  and  dark  naturally,  complete  the 
effect  with  mascara.  (You  can  stimu- 
late your  lashes  to  grow  and  thicken 
by  putting  vaseline  on  them  when  you 
go  to  bed.  A  protein-rich  diet  helps 
them,  too.)  Mascara  and  eyeliner  are 
really  go-togethers  .  .  .  mascara  with- 
out the  emphasis  the  eyeline  gives  it 
is  only  half  effective. 

Mascara  should  take  longer  to  put 
on  than  any  other  part  of  a  woman's 
make-up.  Leave  a  good  ten  minutes  for 
the  mascara  operation,  at  least  until 
you've  mastered  it.  I  still  prefer  the 
old-fashioned  cake  mascara  to  the  mas- 
cara that  comes  in  tubes  or  bottles. 
Here's  the  way  I've  found  mascara  can 
do  the  most  for  your  eyes. 

Wet  your  brush,  then  take  off  the 
excess  water  with  a  little  tissue  till  your 
brush  is  almost  dry — then  rub  the 
brush  over  the  cake  mascara,  remove 
any  excess  mascara  again  with  the  tis- 


over  it  again. 

sue  so  that  you  are  beginning  with 
an  almost  dry  brush.  Now,  with  the 
almost-dry  brush,  flick  your  lashes 
upwards  carefully  to  avoid  your  eye. 
Then,  while  that  eye  is  drying,  go  to 
the  other  eye  and  do  the  same  thing. 
This  process  should  take  many  appli- 
cations before  you  get  the  effect  you 
want.  And  even  after  you've  finished, 
and  your  lashes  are  all  dry,  you  will 
notice  that  there  is  still  a  certain 
amount  of  sticking  together  of  the 
lashes.  At  this  point,  take  a  second 
mascara  brush  which  you  will  have  cut 
jagged  with  a  small  scissors  so  that 
there  are  long  bristles  and  short  ones, 
and  use  it  dry  to  separate  the  lashes. 
Now,  look!  Aren't  your  eyes  beautiful? 

Don't  browbeat  your  brows 

Just  what  should  an  eyebrow  look 
like?  There's  a  test  professional  make- 
up men  use  to  determine  the  exact 
length  your  eyebrow  should  be  in  re- 
lation to  your  eye  ...  it  should  begin 
at  a  point  that  is  directly  in  line  with 
your  tear  duct,  and  most  eyebrows  do 
(see  illustration,  a — b).  It's  the  outer 
end  of  your  eyebrow  that  you  have  to 
think  about  (c — d) .  Take  an  ordinary 
pencil  and  rest  one  end  of  it  against 
your  nostril;  then  extend  the  pencil 
on  a  diagonal  to  the  corner  of  your 
eye,  forming  more  or  less  a  45°  angle 
(e — /).  The  point  of  the  pencil  will 
be  indicating  exactly  where  your  eye- 
brow should  finish.  Now  divide  your 
eye  into  quarters,  beginning  at  the 
corner  close  to  your  nose,  and  try  and 
have  an  eyebrow  whose  highest  point 
corresponds  to  the  three-quarter  mark 
(generally  just  above  the  outer  side 
of  your  iris)  of  your  eye. 

How  much  of  your  eyebrow  to  tweeze 
or  whether  you  will  need  to  tweeze  it 
at  all  will  depend  on  your  taste  in 
brows.  I  tweeze  my  eyebrows  very  little 
because  I  like  a  natural  look.  Besides, 
the  slightly  bushy  eyebrow  is  a  la  mode 
today.  Still,  you  may  prefer  a  thinner 
brow  than  the  one  you  have.  Or,  you 
may  have  eyebrow  hairs  that  grow 
out  and  onto  the  rim  of  your  nose, 
far  out  to  the  sides  or  below  your 
natural  brow.  Make  for  the  tweezers. 
But  never  never  tweeze  above  your  eye- 
brow. Always  try  to  leave  the  base  of 
your  own  eyebrow  where  it  was.  And 
never  overtweeze.  You  can  always 
tweeze  more — you  can't  so  easily  re- 
place them. 

Tweezing  is  very  much  easier,  you'll 
discover,  and  less  likely  to  leave  red 
irritated  marks  if  you  apply  a  small 
amount  of  cold  cream  or  any  skin 
cream  beforehand.  Then  remove  one 
hair  at  a  time  by  pulling  quickly  and 
cleanly  in  the  same  direction  as  the 
hair  grows.  Be  sure  you  take  out  only 
the  hairs  you  want  to.  After  you've 
drawn  your  final  brow  you  can  clean 
up  whatever  additional  unwanted  hairs 
you  please. 

Brow  pencils 

No  woman,  as  far  as  I'm  concerned, 
should  ever  use  black  pencil  on  her 
eyebrows.  I  don't  care  if  her  eyebrows 
are  coal-black  to  begin  with.  My  eye- 
brows  are  naturally  very   dark   and  I 


searched  for  a  natural  color  eyebrow 
pencil  for  years.  To  me  black  looked 
terrible.  And  the  darker  the  pencil  the 
more  careful  you  must  be  in  coloring 
your  eyebrows. 

No  matter  what  kind  of  pencil  you 
use  for  your  brows,  or  what  kind  of 
eyeliner,  be  sure  they  are  kept  very 
sharp.  You  can  do  this  by  using  a 
single-edged  razor  blade.  You  can  re- 
tain the  sharpness  of  this  point  if, 
after  each  use,  you  will  slide  the  point 
over  the  flat  surface  of  an  emery  board 
several  times. 

Draw  your  brow  in  very  lightly  until 
you  are  sure  you  are  making  the  shape 
you  want.  Observe  the  effect  carefully. 
Then,  still  with  a  very  delicate  touch, 
fill  in  the  rest  of  the  brow  with  small 
light  lines  .  .  .  each  hair  in  your  eye- 
brow is  a  certain  length  and  each  stroke 
you  use  should  be  just  that  long.  To 
encourage  and  keep  your  eyebrow  the 
shape  you  like,  brush  the  eyebrow  hairs 
at  least  once  a  day  into  that  shape.  I 
find  a  baby's  toothbrush  is  ideal  for 
this,  though  an  extra  mascara  brush 
will  certainly  do. 

Make  a  pretty  mouth 

Here's  how.  Become  proficient  with 
your  lipstick  brush.  Be  sure  you  have 
a  good  one.  Sable  brushes  with  strong 
wooden  bases  are  excellent.  Sit  your- 
self down  in  good  light  (daylight  is 
ideal),  in  front  of  a  three-way  mirror. 
If  you  don't  have  a  three-way  mirror, 
you  must  have  one  clear  hand  mirror 
and  one  stationary  mirror.  Now,  care- 
fully examine  your  unmade-up  mouth 
to  see  exactly  how  and  where  your 
mouth's  expression  is  formed.  If  your 
mouth  turns  down,  try  turning  it  up 
this  way:  Apply  a  small  amount  of  lip- 
stick in  the  center  of  your  lower  lip. 
Now  press  your  lips  together  so  the 
bottom  imprint  is  on  the  top  lip  as 
well.  With  the  lipstick  that  is  on  your 
mouth  take  the  lipstick  brush  and  be- 
gin working  very  lightly  to  sketch  the 
shape  of  your  own  mouth,  almost.  Do 
not  draw  your  upper  lips  out  to  their 
full  corners,  which  is  where  the  down- 
turn is  formed.  Leave  the  last  quarter 

or  eighteenth  of  an  inch  of  your  mouth 
bare.  On  the  other  hand,  bring  the 
bottom  lip  out  not  only  to  its  own  full 
limits  but  draw  them  out  and  upwards 
slightly  beyond  that  and  you  will  see 
your  mouth  seem  to  turn  up  in  a  natu- 
ral manner. 

You  may  not  succeed  in  doing  this 
exactly  right  the  first  time  you  try. 
You'll  have  to  develop  a  very  delicate 
brush  hand.  One  way  to  do  this  is 
to  be  sure  you  give  the  hand  that  holds 
the  lipstick  brush  enough  support.  This 
can  be  done  by  leaning  your  elbows 
on  your  make-up  table  letting  one  hand 
support  the  chin,  while  the  hand  hold- 
ing the  brush  does  the  work.  Just  as 
important  is  that  you  become  observant 
to  tiny  lines  and  shapes  and  forms  and 
the  effects  they  have  on  your  whole 
face.  In  that  way,  bit  by  bit,  you  will 
see  how  small  alterations  can  make  the 
most  amazing  changes  in  your  expres- 
sion, in  your  beauty,  without  seeming 
in  any  way  artificial  or  obvious. 

Here  are  some  other  changes  you 
can  bring  about,  once  you  become  adept 
with  the  lipstick  brush.  If  you  think 
your  mouth  is  too  thin,  extend  your 
upper  lip  very  slightly  above  its  own 
true  Upline,  and  outline  the  lower  lip 
in  the  same  way.  Using  a  slightly 
darker-toned  lipstick  for  the  outline  is 
the  best  way  to  get  a  uniformly  colored 
mouth.  Is  your  mouth  too  wide?  Keep 
a  bit  inside  your  natural  lipline  and 
apply  your  lipstick  somewhat  more 
heavily  in  the  center.  Curving  the  up- 
per lip  slightly  at  the  corners  of  the 
mouth  will  cut  your  lips'  width  as  well. 
You  can  extend  a  mouth  that's  too 
narrow  .  .  .  use  a  slightly  darker-toned 
lipstick  to  give  the  illusion  that  the 
outer  section  is  all  part  of  your  lip. 
Thick  lips  (considered  highly  beauti- 
ful in  many  parts  of  the  world)  can 
be  made  to  seem  thinner  if  you  a) 
apply  your  lipstick  slightly  within  your 
natural  lipline,  and  b)  counteract  the 
middle  thickness  by  extending  the  cor- 
ners of  your  mouth  a  bit. 

I  guess  it's  pretty  apparent  by  now 
that  I  believe  in  the  lipstick  brush.  In 
fact,  I  don't  think  you  can  make  a 
really  neat  lip  line  without  one.  A  lip- 
stick brush  allows  you  to  control  the 
amount  of  lipstick  you  apply.  A  thin 
coat  of  foundation  and  powder  placed 
under  your  lipstick  will  keep  it  dry 
and  long-lasting.  After  you're  through 
putting  your  lipstick  on,  apply  another 
thin  coat  of  powder  and  then  blot  your 
mouth  with  tissue.  Smile  at  yourself 
in  the  mirror  to  be  sure  you  have  no 
lipstick  marks  on  your  teeth  and  that 
the  lipstick  is  really  even  all  over. 

Does  it  all  sound  like  a  lot  of  un- 
necessary work?  Remember,  beauty 
should  seem  simple  and  accidental,  but 
rarely  is.  It  has  to  be  worked  at,  as 
any  artist  can  tell  you.  And  I  think 
a  woman  must  learn  to  think  like  an 
artist  if  she  wants  to  make  herself 
beautiful.  Because  the  woman  who  uses 
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(Continued  from  page  53) 
relationship.  All  too  often,  when  a  cou- 
ple breaks  up,  one  parent  gains  custody 
of  the  children  while  the  other  gradu- 
ally becomes  a  stranger  to  them.  The 
bitterness  and  misunderstandings,  be- 
fore and  after  the  separation,  cast  a 
bleak  shadow  over  the  children.  They 
grow  unhappy,  insecure  and  sometimes 
rebellious.  In  Hollywood,  where  this  has 
often  been  the  case,  unfortunately,  it 
is  a  welcome  change  to  observe  the  tact 
and  restraint  of  both  Jim  and  Virginia 
Arness  in  their  handling  of  their  legal 
separation  and  arrangements  involving 
the  children:  Craig,  15,  Jenny  Lee,  11, 
and  Rolf,  9. 

For  one  thing,  whenever  humanly 
possible  Jim  exercises  his  visiting  rights. 
It  is  one  of  the  great  "musts"  of  his 
current  life  to  spend  each  Wednesday 
night  at  the  Hollywood  home  Virginia 
makes  for  them,  and  to  take  them  out 
for  weekends  to  his  big  Simi  Valley 
Ranch,  which  is  managed  by  his  father, 
the  children's  grandfather.  There,  they 
go  horseback  riding,  fishing,  swimming, 
and  in  deer  season,  hunting.  They  are 
constantly  in  Jim's  range  of  vision  on 
these  outings,  and  he  drops  the  role 
of  tough,  taciturn  Marshal  Dillon  to 
become  the  patient,  sympathetic  and  in- 
structive father. 

I'll  be  there  .  .  . 

"It  may  be  only  part-time  in  the  flesh, 
in  being  present  every  day,  but  I'm  a 
full-time  father  all  the  same,"  he  told 
us.  "My  thoughts  are  never  far  away 
from  them.  I'm  on  the  phone  regularly 
and  they  know  their  father  is  with  them, 
whether  he's  on  the  scene  or  not.  When 
you  get  right  down  to  it,  how  much 
time  does  the  average  father  have  to 
spend  with  his  kids?  Most,  like  me, 
work  an  eight-  or  nine-hour  day,  come 
home  fairly  tuckered  out,  and  by  then 
the  kids  are  busy  with  schoolwork  and 
getting  ready  for  bed.  The  important 
thing,  it  seems  to  me,  is  not  the  length 
of  time  you're  with  them  that  counts, 
it's  the  quality  of  what  you  put  into 
the  relationship.  My  children  know  that 
in  any  crisis,  in  any  big  decision,  I'm 
at  their  call.  I'll  be  there  when  needed. 
Nothing  like  that  has  yet  come  up,  but 
I'm  confident  if  it  did,  Virginia  would 
lose  no  time  in  bringing  me  into  the 
picture.  She  understands  the  need  of 
children,  especially  from  broken  homes, 
to  know  they  have  not  lost  their  father. 
It  is  our  pride  that  we  have  never  let 
the  differences  between  us  affect  the 
lives  of  our  children." 

The  three  Arness  youngsters  spent 
Christmas  vacation  with  their  dad,  ski- 
ing at  Sun  Valley.  In  March,  when  he 
wangled  some  time  off  from  "Gun- 
smoke,"  he  decided  to  take  the  children 
out  of  school  for  an  extra  week  of 
skiing.  "A  few  days  away  from  books 
and  classrooms,"  he  explains,  "is  not 
likely  to  do  any  damage  .  .  .  especially 
when  it  means  the  chance  to  spend 
the  time  with  a  part-time  father  who  is 
trying  to  do  a  full-time  job  of  father- 
ing. We  had  lots  of  fun  together  and 

got  to  know  each  other  better  than 
before.  We  were  very  close  when  the 
vacation  came  to  an  end,  and  the  kids 
hit  their  books  harder  and  with  more 
enthusiasm  than  ever." 

Jim  points  out  that  many  homes  that 
never  were  troubled  by  separations  or 
divorces  are  still  the  breeding  ground 
for  spoiled,  emotionally  upset  children. 
"I'm  the  type  who'd  like  to  spoil  my 
kids  and  I  might  do  it  if  I  didn't  exert 
control  over  myself.  I  don't  want  them 
to  fall  into  the  habit  of  self-pity  and 
expect  to  be  bribed  with  all  sorts  of 
gifts  to  make  up  for  their  broken  home. 
They  get  regular  allowances  and  they 
are  expected  to  stay  within  those  limits. 
Their  mother  and  I  don't  compete  for 
their  affections.  We  back  each  other  up 
in  the  matter  of  what  they  deserve  and 
what  they  are  to  get.  If  there's  some- 
thing special  they've  set  their  hearts 
on,  why  sure,  we  give  them  a  chance 
to  earn  the  money  for  it,  working  at 
home  or  on  the  ranch.  In  any  case,  they 
have  certain  chores  to  do,  like  most 
other  kids. 

"Basically  we  are  in  agreement.  They 
attend  public  school,  though  I've  been 
considering  a  private  school  for  Craig, 
the  eldest.  This  would  be  in  his  last 
two  years  of  high  school,  and  if  it 
worked  out  well,  we  could  do  the  same 
with  the  other  two.  For  early  educa- 
tion, however,  I'm  for  the  public 
schools.  I  feel  it  gives  more  chance 
for  adjustment  to  the  problems  of  so- 
ciety which  they  will  have  to  meet  later 
on.  Private  schools,  at  too  early  an  age, 
sometimes  have  the  effect  of  making 
children  feel  set  apart  from  other  kids. 
It  can  foster  a  mistaken  notion  of  self- 
importance,  sometimes  going  into  snob- 
bery. When  Craig  is  older,  he'll  realize 
that  a  private  school  is  for  educational, 
not  social  reasons." 

Jim  does  not  believe  in  physical  pun- 
ishment for  children — not  for  his,  any- 
way. If  they  are  disobedient,  they  are 
deprived  of  some  privilege.  That,  he 
says,  usually  drives  the  point  home.  The 
effect  lasts  longer.  "A  spanking  may 
hurt,  but  it's  my  observation  that  the 
lesson  vanishes  with  the  hurt.  Not  get- 
ting a  particular  treat  or  toy  they  dearly 
wanted  is  something  they  think  about 
for  a  long  time." 

As  a  rule,  Jim  doesn't  feel  that  nor- 
mal children  make  a  practice  of  over- 
stepping themselves  or  harassing  their 
parents.  But  the  rules  must  be  laid  down 
from  the  beginning  and  they  must  be 
rigorously  stuck  to.  "If  kids  feel  there 
are  exceptions  to  this  rule  and  that 
one,  they  will  soon  live  by  the  excep- 
tions rather  than  the  rules.  I  don't  ask 
of  my  kids  that  they  be  perfect  or  excel 
in  this  activity  or  that.  I  want  them  to 
be  normal,  well-adjusted,  happy  kids, 
and  I'm  not  looking  for  geniuses  or 

"When  they  grow  up,  I  want  them 
to  be  decent  and  as  happy  as  life  per- 
mits. Frankly,  I  feel  it's  one  of  the 
worst  things  a  parent  can  do — to  spread 
his  kids'  lives  out  like  a  blueprint  and 
say,  'This  is  what  you  must  do  and 
how  .  .  .'  I  want  to  encourage  my  kids 
to  find  out  what  they  want  to  do  and 
whether  they're  really  suited  for  it.  My 
contribution  at  present  is  to  make  them 
understand  that,  unless  a  person  finds 

a  great  fulfillment  in  his  job,  the  money 
he  makes  is  not  worthwhile.  How  can 
kids  in  their  teens  be  expected  to  know 
what  they  ought  to  shoot  for?  It's  a 
long  life,  and  you  don't  have  to  fly  to 
your  destination  the  day  you  leave 
school.  Why  not  let  a  boy  goof  around 
for  a  couple  of  years  until  he  discovers 
himself,  his  abilities  and  his  real  inter- 
ests? Aptitude  tests  are  okay,  but  just 
because  it  may  show  you  have  the  gifts 
for  becoming  a  scientist  doesn't  mean 
you'd  be  happy  in  that  profession.  Only 
experience  can  teach  you  that. 

"When  I  got  out  of  the  Army,  I  goofed 
around  for  a  while  as  a  laborer,  sales- 
man, carpenter  and  radio  announcer. 
It  took  time  before  I  settled  on  being 
an  actor." 

One  of  the  Arness  children,  Craig, 
has  come  up  with  an  idea  on  his  own. 
He  wants  to  travel  around  the  country 
with  a  couple  of  pals  next  summer. 
"Well,  that's  all  right  with  me,"  com- 
ments Jim,  "as  long  as  he  saves  up 
some  of  his  own  money  to  partially 
finance  the  trip.  I'll  make  the  difference 
up.  He'll  be  sixteen  by  then,  and  I  know 
the  question  of  getting  his  own  car  will 
come  up.  I'll  probably  get  him  one,  but 
I'm  not  worried  about  his  driving.  I've 


(Continued  from  page  56) 
had  worked  hard  and  earned  the  right 
to  this  very  special  moment. 

Now,  after  the  graduates  hcd  filed 
out  of  the  auditorium,  to  the  familiar 
strains  of  "Pomp  and  Circumstance," 
Jan  and  his  lovely  wife  Toni  were  free 
to  wander  the  halls  of  DeWitt  Clinton, 
re-living  the  scenes  of  the  past.  The 
classrooms,  empty  and  silent  now,  ex- 
cept for  ghosts  from  the  past,  when 
Jan  himself  had  been  a  student  there. 

The  faces  of  old  friends  filled  his 
imagination,  the  sounds  of  the  school 
room  came  back  over  the  years.  In  the 
gym  where  once  he  had  played  basket- 
ball, he  paused.  How  things  certainly 
have  changed  for  me!  Then  a  skinny 
kid,  already  shooting  up  toward  six- 
feet-two.  Now  full-grown  and  filled  out 
with  solid  muscle. 

A  physical-culture  enthusiast,  Jan  to- 
day has  a  fully  equipped  gym  in  the 
basement  of  his  own  home  and  is  expert 
on  the  bars,  trampoline  and  other  ap- 
purtenances of  a  modern  gymnasium. 
"The  full  man,  sound  in  mind  and 
body" — he  couldn't  remember  what 
teacher  had  first  spoken  that  phrase. 

With  Jan  and  Toni  on  their  visit  in 
the  school  was  Walter  Degnan,  princi- 
pal of  Clinton.  To  Jan's  remark  that  he 
had  been  a  "terrible"  student,  Mr.  Deg- 
nan replied  that  Jan  had  been  average — 
sometimes  better  than  average — that, 
considering  the  problems  he  and  his 
family  had  had  to  face,  this  was  a  good 
record  indeed. 

"No,  that's  just  what  I  mean,"  Jan 
said.  "I've  never  been  satisfied  with 
just  being  average." 

Those  who  know  Jan  professionally, 
as  one  of  the  real  troupers  in  television 
— as  well  as  night  clubs,  movies  and 

had  all  three  practice  driving  on  two 
miles  of  ranch  road,  and  they're  pretty 
adept  at  it  now.  Many  teen-age  kids 
are  fast  and  reckless  with  cars  because 
it's  like  a  new  toy  to  them.  If  they've 
been  taught  early,  and  properly,  and 
had  good  driving  examples  set  by  their 
parents,  they  will  grow  up  as  mature 
people  behind  the  wheel." 

Jim  grew  silent  and  stared  for  a 
moment  at  his  hands.  Usually,  he's  a 
man  of  few  words  and  he  seemed  sud- 
denly embarrassed,  as  if  he  thought 
perhaps  he  had  said  too  much.  Yet  he 
was  like  any  father,  proud  of  his  chil- 
dren  and   full   of   stories   about  them. 

We  had  come  to  Jim  Arness  to  track 
down  a  rumor,  to  trace  a  whisper  that 
he  was  turning  his  back  on  any  second 
marriage  because  he  felt  he  would  hurt 
his  children.  Yet  Jim  had  made  his 
answer  clear.  There  was  no  need  to 
choose  between  his  children  and  a  sec- 
ond marriage.  There  was  only  the  need 
for  wisdom  and  for  love — and  he  had 
plenty  of  both.  — Kathleen  Post 

"Gunsmoke"  is  seen  over  CBS-TV,  Sat., 
10  to  11  P.M.  EST.  "Marshal  Dillon" 
(half-hour  re-runs  of  "Gunsmoke")  is 
seen  on  CBS-TV,  Tues.,  7 :30  P.M.  EST. 

theater — know  how  true  this  is.  Even 
now,  striving  for  further  development, 
Jan  is  keeping  up  his  studies  at  drama 
classes.  There's  no  doubt  of  his  acting 
ability,  in  the  minds  of  those  who've 
seen  him  guest-starring  on  such  varied 
shows  as  "Dr.  Kildare"  and  "Car  54, 
Where  Are  You?"  Even  hard-to-please 
critics  have  been  impressed! 

If  the  graduation  itself  was  one  of 
the  greatest  thrills  in  Jan  Murray's 
life,  his  leisurely  stroll  through  the 
halls  of  his  old  school  was  almost  as 
great.  Along  the  way,  he  met  two  of 
his  former  teachers — Abraham  Fei- 
busch,  of  the  department  of  Social 
Studies,  and  Max  Sherrin,  instructor  in 
science — and  they  reminisced. 

They  recalled  Jan  as  a  good,  if  prank- 
ish student.  It  had  come  as  no  surprise 
to  them  that  he  had  been  named  "Class 
Comedian"  in  his  last — his  sophomore 
— year  of  school! 

When  the  fateful  visit  was  over,  Jan 
left  his  alma  mater  filled  with  memo- 
ries and  emotions  he  had  not  known 
existed  for  years.  Behind  him  were  the 
days  of  trial  and  learning — learning 
that,  in  many  ways,  had  just  begun 
when  he  left  school.  The  day  had  been 
long  in  coming,  but  it  was  a  day  to  be 
remembered  forever. 

Jan's  high-school  days  were  over — 
thirty-one  years  after  he'd  left — and 
complete  in  every  detail.  As  he'd  told 
Toni  that  morning,  half-laughing  and 
half-wistful,  he  was  getting  everything 
but  the  Prom!  How  Toni  managed  it, 
on  such  short  notice,  he'll  never  know. 
But  she  gathered  all  his  dancingest 
friends  together  and,  that  night,  Jan 
had  his  Prom. 

A  new  twist?  You  bet!  It  was  at  the 
Peppermint  Lounge. 

— Lawrence  Atkin 

"The  Jan  Murray  Show"  is  seen  over 
NBC-TV,  M-F,  2  to  2:30  P.M.  EST. 


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(Continued  from  page  30) 
disposition.  He  would  chase  shadows 
on  the  floor,  he  climbed  curtains  (not 
a  popular  sport  in  my  mother's 
opinion),  and  he  mauled  our  French 
poodles,  who  ignored  him. 

Now  the  sad  music  begins.  We  dis- 
covered that  Suki  was  sick;  the  vet 
said  he  had  an  ailment  that  couldn't 
be  cured,  so  it  would  be  humane  to 
free  him  from  misery. 

I  was  heartsick,  but  Daddy  said,  "All 
cats  have  nine  lives;  Suki's  only  used 
up  one.  so  if  we  hurry  to  the  Pound. 
I  think  we'll  find  him  right  there,  start- 
ing Life  Number  Two." 

Sure  enough,  they  had  a  black  kitten 
with  green  eyes.  We  took  him  home 
and  named  him  "Suki,  the  Second."  He 
was  even  cuter  than  Suki,  the  First, 
but  somehow  I  couldn't  overcome  my 
fear  that  something  would  happen  to 
him.  After  all,  once  you've  lost  the  first 
of  a  cat's  nine  lives,  you  cherish  the 
other  eight  with  a  hoarder's  care. 

One  morning  I  was  getting  ready  to 
go  to  school  when  Daddy  came  into 
my  room,  put  his  arms  around  me  and 
said,  "I'm  sorry  about  this.  I  wish  I 
could  make  it  easy  for  you,  but  there's 
no  easy  way  to  do  it.  Suki  just  ran 
into  the  street  and  was  killed  by  a 

I  burst  into  tears.  I  cried  and  cried 
and  cried.  I  said  I  wanted  to  die,  too. 

Daddy  let  me  sob  my  heart  out,  then 
he  said,  "There  will  be  many  times  in 
your  life  when  you  will  suffer  loss.  It 
is  right  to  cry,  but  remember  this: 
After  you  have  cried,  you  must  wash 
your  face,  comb  your  hair  and  go  on 
with  your  work  in  the  world.  Right  now 
your  work  is  going  to  school.  Are  you 

When  I  came  home  that  night,  there 
in  the  basket  was  "Suki,  the  Third." 

Suki  III  was  a  natural-born  wall 
climber.  He  preferred  the  grasscloth  in 
our  entry  for  his  calisthenics,  and 
thought  nothing  of  clawing  his  way  to 
the  ceiling  several  times  a  day.  Every 
time  he  did  it,  Daddy  would  go  into 
his  crouch,  squeeze  his  eyebrows  to- 
gether and  grit.  "I  hate  cats."  Suki  III 
just  grinned.  He  understood  Daddy. 

When  I  came  home  from  school  one 
day.  I  found  that  Suki  had  disappeared. 
Daddy  said  he  wouldn't  be  able  to  eat 
dinner  unless  he  could  hear  "that  cat" 
trying  to  tear  down  the  house,  so  he 
took  me  in  the  car  and  we  drove  for 
miles  around  the  streets  of  Beverly 
Hills.  I  called.  "Suki,  Suki,  here  Suki." 
and  Daddy  kept  yelling,  "I  hate  cats." 
but  we  never  found  my  third  Suki. 

"Here's  another  thing  you  must  learn 
and  always  remember,"  Daddy  said. 
"You  have  to  keep  trying  in  this  world.'" 

So  now  we  have  a  tiger-striped  kitten 
that  I  love  more  than  any  of  the  others. 
Thinking  that  Suki  might  be  an  unlucky 
name  for  a  cat,  I  named  the  new  kitten 
Lambert.  Lambert  is  about  four  inches 
high  and  half  a  cat  long,  including  his 
tail,  but  he's  as  lively — according  to 
Daddy — as  a  swarm  of  hungry  locusts. 
Daddy  yells.  "I  hate  Lambert,"  but 
Lambert    is   not   fooled:    he   climbs   all 

over  Daddy  whether  Daddy  is  sitting, 
standing,  or  lying  down. 

(Daddy  just  came  slinking  into  the 
room  wearing  a  black  beret  and  carry- 
ing an  artificial  tulip.  He  didn't  say  a 
word;  he  just  slid  in,  circled  and  tip- 
toed out  again.) 

My  father  has  further  abilities  that 
make  him  a  good  parent:  He  believes 
in  teaching  you  to  be  self-reliant. 

A  few  years  ago,  our  class  decided 
to  put  on  a  talent  show.  I  was  assigned 
to  work  out  a  satire  on  the  behavior 
of  certain  types  of  autograph  seekers. 
(Ninety  percent  of  those  who  ask  for 
autographs  are  well-mannered;  they 
are  respected  and  appreciated  by  peo- 
ple in  show  business.  But  there  are 
some  problem  people.  They  are  the  ones 
we  wanted  to  satirize  in  the  skit.) 

Naturally  I  went  to  my  father  and 
asked  him  to  help  me. 

He  rested  his  hand  on  my  shoulder 
and  said,  "Now  what  would  you  learn 
about  writing  a  skit  if  /  wrote  it  for 
you?  Tell  you  what:  You  figure  out 
your  own  satire;  when  you're  through. 
I'll  look  it  over  .  .  .  and  correct  the 

The  kids  laughed 

And  that's  exactly  what  he  did.  But 
.  .  .  when  the  kids  laughed  at  the  fin- 
ished satire,  I  was  glad  that  it  was 
something  the  committee  and  I  had 
worked  out  for  ourselves,  not  something 
we  had  borrowed  from  a  professional. 

Not  only  can  Daddy  help  you  to  be- 
come self-reliant,  he  can  understand 
your  problems  when  a  task  turns  out 
to  be  a  little  beyond  you. 

Last  year  I  registered  to  take  Ger- 
man. Daddy  speaks  some  German,  so 
I  thought  it  would  be  fun  for  us  to  share 
that  knowledge. 

Well!  German  is  a  difficult  language. 
I  don't  really  see  how  Germans  ever 
learn  to  speak  it  in  their  own  country, 
especially  since  they  have  to  make  a 
try  at  it  when  they  are  also  learning  to 
walk.  The  combination  would  discour- 
age Einstein. 

Daddy  tried  to  help  me,  but  he  was 
as  baffled  by  the  grammar  as  I  was. 
Mopping  his  forehead  with  his  handker- 
chief, he  said,  "Honey,  this  course  is 
too  tough  for  us."  So  I  dropped  Ger- 
man, but  we  have  an  agreement  that 
when  we're  in  Germany,  at  some  fu- 
ture time.  I'll  trv  again.  And  so  will 

(Daddy  just  walked  through  the  room 
wearing  a  flat-topped  cowboy  hat,  a 
checkered  kerchief  around  his  neck,  a 
black  sweater,  bathing  trunks  and 
sneakers.  Over  his  shoulder  he  was 
carrying  a  tennis  racket.) 

Another  great  thing  about  Daddy,  in 
addition  to  his  crazy  sense  of  humor. 
is  that  he  can  make  you  think. 

I  was  only  about  four  years  old  when 
I  went  running  to  the  kitchen  one 
morning  to  get  acquainted  with  our  new 
cook.  Until  that  time  our  cooks  had 
been  German  or  Swedish  or  Swiss,  but 
I  had  heard  someone  say  that  we  were 
very  lucky  to  have  secured  a  Negro 
cook.  I  had  never  heard  the  word  be- 
fore, so  it  had  no  meaning  for  me. 

I  pushed  open  the  kitchen  door, 
stared  at  the  lady  with  the  big  brown 

eyes  and  the  smiling  face,  and  raced 
back  to  the  living  room  to  tell  Daddy, 
"She's  blackl" 

"Of  course  she's  black,"  he  shrugged. 
"Her  great-grandparents  were  born  in 
Africa,  where  all  native  people  were 
originally  black.  Come  along;  I  want 
to  show  you  something." 

We  went  to  the  library,  where  Daddy 
lifted  down  a  big  globe  for  me  to  hold. 
He  explained  that  it  was  a  picture  of 
the  world,  and  he  showed  me  where 
we  lived.  Then  he  pointed  out  Japan  and 
China,  and  said  that  people  living  in 
that  part  of  the  world  were  born  with 
amber  complexions;  he  showed  me  the 
islands  in  the  Pacific  and  told  me  that 
people  born  in  those  areas  had  brown 
skins;  next,  he  showed  me  Africa.  I 
was  impressed  by  the  size  of  the  con- 
tinent and  I  realized  how  many,  many 
black-skinned  people  were  born  there. 

I  was  really  a  very  small  girl,  but 
I  remember  how  excited  I  was.  I  said. 
"Some  day,  will  you  take  me  to  see  all 
the  different  people  in  the  world?" 

Daddy  said  he  would,  but  it  wouldn't 
be  absolutely  necessary.  He  said  that 
one  of  the  most  wonderful  things  about 




the  United  States  was  that  right  here 
in  our  own  country,  we  had  people 
from  everywhere  on  earth,  having  every 
shade  of  human   complexion! 

I  was  filled  with  awe  and  delight, 
as  he  had  meant  me  to  be.  From  that 
day  on,  people  of  all  races  have  seemed 
like  cousins  to  me.  I  study  their  faces, 
and  remember  the  places  on  the  globe 
from  which  their  grandparents,  or 
great-grandparents,  or  even  great-great- 
great-grandparents  have  come,  and  I  am 
overwhelmed  by  the  magic  of  it  all. 

(Daddy  just  made  a  tour  of  the  room, 
dressed  in  khakis,  a  polo  shirt,  a  serape 
and  a  black  flamenco  hat.) 

Sometimes  I  think  the  best  thing 
about  my  daddy  is  that  he  can  give 
you  an  awareness  of  love.  I  think  most 
children  take  it  for  granted  that  their 
parents  love  them,  but  it  is  nice  to  be 
shown  in  big  and  little  ways  that  you 
are  important  in  your  family.  My  daddy 
never  forgets  to  do  that. 

I  remember  one  time  he  went  to  New 
York  and  was  gone  two  weeks.  I  had 
wanted  to  go  along,  but  of  course  there 
was  the  problem  of  school.  When  my 
mother  and  I  went  to  the  plane  to  meet 

him,  I  could  scarcely  wait  for  him  to 
come  down  the  ramp. 

"I  thought  of  you  every  single  day 
while  I  was  gone,"  he  told  me.  "And, 
incidentally,  I  brought  you  a  present 
from  New  York.  It  will  be  on  your  bed 
when  you  come  home  from  school 

The  "present"  was  one  of  the  pret- 
tiest school  dresses  I  have  ever  seen; 
I  was  allowed  to  wear  it  the  next  day. 

But  that  was  not  the  end  of  the 
surprises.  The  following  day  I  found 
a  second  new  dress  on  my  bed.  I  really 

To  make  a  long  story  short,  Daddy 
brought  back  fourteen  dresses  for  me, 
to  show  that  he  had  thought  of  me  every 
day  while  he  was  away. 

One  day  I  was  in  his  office  (not  at 
the  studio,  at  home)  when  he  fished 
some  papers  from  his  file  and  asked, 
"Ever  see  these  before?" 

I  could  scarcely  believe  my  eyes.  He 
had  saved  dozens  of  my  kindergarten 
finger  paintings,  in  addition  to  art  work 
I  had  done  all  through  grade  school. 

I  said.  "Oh,  Daddy — why  save  those 
old  things?" 

He  said,  "Because  my  daughter  did 
them.  There's  no  better  reason  in  the 
world  for  saving  anything." 

Sometimes  he  plays  tricks  on  me,  but 
always  out  of  love — never  out  of  pure 

Like  the  telephone  bit.  Usually  he 
calls  me  just  before  going  on  the  air, 
but  sometimes  there  is  too  much  to  do, 
so  he  calls  me  immediately  afterward. 
On  one  occasion  he  had  been  unable 
to  call  me  beforehand,  and  he  knew  he 
wouldn't  be  able  to  afterward,  so  he 
placed  a  call  to  me  in  the  midst  of  the 
program  and  had  my  responses  broad- 
cast so  the  studio  audience  could  hear 

When  he  said,  "I  stopped  the  pro- 
gram long  enough  to  talk  to  you,"  I 
said  something  like,  "Of  course,  of 
course,  of  course.  Daddy."  I  didn't  take 
him  seriously.  He  asked  me  several 
other  questions,  and  I  gave  pretty 
square  answers.  Then  he  told  me  to  kiss 
the  cat  goodnight  and  he  would  see  me 
in  the  morning. 

When  I  was  assured,  the  following 
day,  that  I  had  been  on  the  air,  I  was 
shocked  and  embarrassed,  but  I  learned 
a  lesson :  If  your  daddy  is  a  professional 
humorist,  you  have  to  take  him  seriously 
all  the  time.  Unless  you  can  look  di- 
rectly into  his  eyes  .  .  .  they  tip  off 
his  kidding. 

Of  course,  the  loveliest  love  present 
— the  tangible  kind — that  I've  ever  had 
from  Daddy  is  the  silver  gray  Mercury 
with  red  upholstery  that  he  gave  me  as 
soon  as  I  was  issued  a  learner's  driving 
permit.  I  won't  be  able  to  drive  it  alone 
until  after  my  birthday  in  August,  but 
when  that  happy  day  comes  I'm  going 
to  love  feeling  a  little  bit  grown-up.  I'm 
going  to  do  my  best  to  prove  to  Daddy 
that  he  and  Mother  have  done  a  good 
job  with  me. 

I  think  that  tells  what  it's  like  to  be 
Groucho  Marx's  daughter:  Packaged  in 
one  word,  it's  wonderful. 

— as  told  to  Fredda  Balling 

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(Continued  from  page  42) 
enthusiasm  about  foods  is  actually  a 
corollary  to  his  interest  in  physical  fit- 
ness. In  spite  of  his  heavy  film  schedule, 
he  manages  to  work  out  regularly  at 
Vic  Tanny's  gym.  After  all,  Vince 
spent  two  years  at  Ohio  State  Univer- 
sity on  an  athletic  scholarship,  then 
transferred  to  the  University  of  Hono- 
lulu. He  was  the  only  Occidental  on  the 
swimming  team,  but  he  tans  so  fast  and 
so  effectively  that  he  soon  looked  like 
a  native  Hawaiian. 

I  love  to  hear  him  talk  about  The 
Islands.  When  he  lets  himself  daydream 
far,  far  out,  he  plans  a  glamour-filled 
holiday:  In  this  fantasy,  he  charters  a 
jet  and  flies  a  group  of  friends  to  Hono- 
lulu, where  everyone  stays  at  The  Royal 
Hawaiian  Hotel . .  .  but  seldom  uses  the 
rooms  except  for  a  change  of  clothing. 
For  a  week,  this  house  party  on  wings 
swims,  goes  surfing,  joins  in  out-rigger 
canoe  races,  attends  luaus,  goes  to 
Japanese  tea  houses,  dances  in  the  moon- 
light. .  .  .  "I'll  be  able  to  do  it  some- 
day," Vince  says,  coming  to  earth  with 
a  grin.  "Just  you  wait  and  see." 

I  believe  him. 

The  above  report  should  give  the 
impression  that  Vince  is  a  generous 
man.  He  is.  Generous  and  thoughtful  in 
every  respect,  particularly  in  his  gift- 

On  our  second  date,  he  brought  me  a 
three-yard  length  of  cashmere  that  he 
had  brought  back  from  Hong  Kong.  He 
said,  "When  I  bought  it,  I  planned  to 
have  a  sports  jacket  tailored,  but  I 
knew  after  our  Sunday-night  date  that 
I  wanted  to  give  it  to  you.  You'll  look 
wonderful  in  that  shade  of  gray  with 
the  shadow  overplaid." 

For  Christmas,  1960,  he  gave  me  a 
terrific  pullover  sweater.  Ordinarily  I 
wear  conservative  colors,  but  Vince 
spotted  this  number  in  a  window — 
black,  with  narrow  stripes  of  turquoise, 
lavender  and  gold — and  he  told  me, 
"You  wear  so  much  black,  it  seems  to 
me  this  would  look  great  with  all  your 
sports  things." 

All  my  fault? 

On  Christmas  Day,  1961,  I  found  a 
note  from  Vince  in  my  Christmas  card. 
He  had  ordered  an  Aquascutum  rain- 
coat from  London  for  me.  Naturally,  I 
flipped.  The  raincoat  finally  arrived  on 
February  5 — and  on  February  7,  Cali- 
fornia was  treated  to  a  five-day  cloud- 
burst. Vince  maintains  that  it  was  all 
my  fault  for  wishing  so  hard  for  rain. 

Some  of  Vince's  gifts,  nice  as  they 
are,  have  the  nature  of  a  translated 
grin.  For  instance,  when  I  had  to  have 
all  four  of  my  wisdom  teeth  extracted 
at  the  same  time,  Vince  showed  up  at 
the  house  bearing  words  of  sympathy 
.  .  .  and  a  three-pound  box  of  choco- 
lates ! 

In  many  ways,  Vince  is  the  most  con- 
servative and  conventional  man  I  have 
ever  known.  He  has  definite  ideas  as  to 
the  appearance  of  the  girl  he  is  dating. 
I  remember  that,  after  I  had  had  five  or 
six   dates  with   Vince,   I   rushed   to   a 

beauty  shop  and  had  myself  done  over 
...  as  I  imagine  many  girls  in  the  same 
spot  do.  I  had  my  simple  upswept  pony- 
tail  turned  into  a  swirling  beehive.  Also, 
I  bought  a  new  beige  lace  and  brown 
satin  dress  that  I  thought  represented 
the  ultimate  in  chic.  I  could  scarcely 
wait  for  Vince  to  arrive  that  evening. 

He  looked  me  over  carefully,  and 
complimented  me  on  my  hair  and  my 
gown.  However  ...  he  kept  strolling 
around,  delaying  our  departure  for  the 
home  of  the  Greshlers,  where  we  were 
to  have  dinner.  Finally  he  said — look- 
ing like  Dr.  Casey  prescribing  a  serious 
operation — "Would  you  mind  recomb- 
ing  your  hair  into  the  usual  ponytail? 
And  would  you  be  annoyed  if  I  asked 
you  to  wear  that  wonderful  black 

That  "wonderful  black  dress"  (and 
I've  worn  it  at  least  twenty  times  since) 
is  chiffon  over  satin.  It  has  a  rather 
high  boat-neck,  long  transparent 
sleeves,  a  snug  bodice  and  a  very  full 

Naturally,  I  redid  my  hair  and 
changed  into  the  chiffon.  What's  the 
fun  of  a  date  if  you  feel  your  escort  is 
vaguely  uncomfortable  because  of  your 

Since  I'm  blonde,  I've  always  worn 
a  great  deal  of  pink,  but  Vince  doesn't 
care  for  the  color  on  me.  He  prefers 
that  I  wear  only  powder  blue,  beige,  or 
black.  I  must  say  his  taste  is  good, 
because  I've  had  more  compliments  on 
my  appearance  and  wardrobe  during 
the  past  two  years  than  I've  ever  had 

Why  resist? 

I  realize  that  some  girls  would  resist 
Vince's  firm  ideas,  but  I  believe  a  girl 
should  dress  to  please  the  man  she's 
dating.  It  would  be  silly  to  permit  a 
trivial  thing  like  choice  of  wardrobe  to 
create  a  disturbance  between  two 

Particularly  in  view  of  Vince's  easy- 
going, undemanding  nature. 

Not  that  he  lacks  a  temper,  you 
understand.  He  can  get  as  wrought  up 
about  injustice,  general  stupidity,  or 
wild  selfishness  in  traffic,  as  the  next 
man.  On  occasion,  he  blows  up  like  a 
volcano.  But  when  it's  over,  it's  over — 
and,  twenty  minutes  later,  it  would  be 
hard  for  him  to  remember  why  he  had 
been  so  exasperated.  He  is  incapable  of 
holding  a  grudge  or  planning  revenge. 

Perhaps  one  of  his  most  attractive 
traits  is  his  modesty.  He  still  can't 
believe  that  he  has  been  accepted  as  the 
dedicated,  dynamic,  toughly  tender  Dr. 
Ben  Casey.  He  is  sharply  critical  of  the 
work  of  Vincent  Edwards,  actor,  and 
constantly  strives  for  a  more  sensitive, 
more  perceptive,  more  authentic  por- 
trayal of  the  talented  neurosurgeon. 

Vince  is  unabashedly  pleased  when 
doctors,  seeing  him  in  restaurants,  go 
out  of  their  way  to  tell  him  that  he  is 
doing  a  fine  job  for  the  medical  pro- 
fession and  that  they  are  grateful  to  the 
producers,  directors,  writers,  and  actors 
responsible  for  the  series. 

And,  when  girls  approach  him  with 
worshipful  eyes  and  long-drawn  sighs, 
he  accepts  their  admiration  with  under- 

standing  and  humility.  He  tells  me, 
"Their  admiration  is  not  intended  for 
me,  but  for  Dr.  Ben  Casey.  I  never 
forget  that  fact  for  a  moment." 

His  modesty  also  applies  to  material 
possessions.  Until  a  few  months  ago,  he 
drove  a  car  that  shivered  with  fright 
every  time  it  passed  a  paint  and  body 
shop.  Its  mileage  meter  must  have 
clocked  a  million  miles;  it  had  rattles 
and  squeaks  enough  to  turn  a  haunted 
house  silent  with  envy. 

I  finally  talked  him  into  buying  a 
black  Lincoln  Continental.  However, 
when  we  had  to  attend  a  premiere  a 
few  weeks  after  Vince  had  taken 
delivery  on  the  car,  he  parked  it  several 
blocks  away  from  the  theater  in  prefer- 
ence to  driving  grandly  up  to  the 
entrance.  We  walked  to  the  red  carpet, 
as  we  had  always  done  during  the  days 
when  Vince  was  driving  his  Old  Broken 

Something  to  explain 

All  of  which  should  explain  why  I 
think  Vince  is  one  of  the  nicest  human 
beings  I  have  ever  met ;  he's  a  pleasant, 
thoughtful  companion,  a  loyal  friend, 
and  a  highly  talented  workman  in  a 
difficult,  demanding  field. 

But  there's  something  else  I  should 
also  explain,  considering  a  recent 
incident  at  a  night  club.  As  I  was 
freshening  my  lipstick  in  the  powder 
room,  a  wonderfully  pretty  girl  came 
up  to  me  and  said  with  sighs  and  rolling 
eyes,  "Man,  how  I  dig  those  crazy 
diseases  since  I've  been  watching  Vin- 
cent Edwards  in  'Ben  Casey'!  I'd  as 
soon  spend  the  rest  of  my  life  in  a 
hospital,  just  to  be  near  him.  I  think 


{Continued  from  page  27) 
my  mother-in-law  for  this,  and  no  one 
else.  Luciana's  mother,  who  speaks 
little  English,  followed  her  to  this 
country  and,  even  after  our  marriage, 
held  a  domineering  influence  over  her. 

I  passed  this  off,  at  first,  as  only 
natural.  Luciana  is  an  only  child  and 
her  parents  parted  shortly  after  she  was 
born.  The  mother's  world  became  Luci- 
ana's world. 

Luciana  and  I  were  happy,  ecstati- 
cally so,  those  first  few  months.  How- 
ever, my  mother-in-law,  Mrs.  Maria 
Paoluzzi,  who  lived  only  a  few  blocks 
away,  kept  interfering.  She'd  tell  Luci- 
ana what  to  do.  She  even  tried  to  tell 
me.  This  was  too  much.  I  couldn't  be 
master  in  my  own  home,  the  way  things 
were  going. 

One  day,  I  made  up  my  mind.  Luciana 
and  her  mother  were  sitting  in  the  house 
when  I  came  home.  We  got  into  a  big 
argument.  I  finally  told  Luciana  that 
either  her  mother  got  out  of  our  liv  s 
or  we  were  finished.  I  even  ordered  the 
mother  to  leave.  Luciana  packed  her 
bags  and  left  with  her — ending  our 

I  never  heard  from  my  wife  again 
until  the  day  she  sent  me  word,  some 
three  months  later,  that  we  had  a  son. 

you're  the  luckiest  girl  in  the  world  to 
be  his  one-and-only." 

I  murmured  something  about  Vince 
being  a  wonderful  person,  and  escaped 
to  the  table  where  Vince,  Vi  and  Abner 
Greshler,  and  Minette  and  Bennie  Gold- 
berg were  waiting  for  me.  But,  it  later 
occurred  to  me  that  there  were  a  num- 
ber of  misunderstandings  about  Vincent 
Edwards  which  I  might  be  able  to  dis- 

First  of  all:  I'm  not  Vince's  one-and- 
only.  We  aren't  engaged,  we've  never 
discussed  marriage,  and  our  relation- 
ship may  never  progress  beyond  its 
present  happy-hearted,  undemanding, 
mutually  understanding  status. 

I  am  a  widow.  My  husband  and  I 
— both  just  eighteen — were  married 
two  weeks  after  we  were  graduated 
from  Burbank  High  School  in  1955.  Six 
months  later,  he  was  killed  in  an 
accident.  I  live  comfortably  with  my 
mother  and  my  kooky  French  poodle, 
"Ciro."  I  am  in  no  hurry  to  remarry. 

As  for  Vince:  He  scarcely  has  time 
to  eat  three  meals  a  day,  to  say  nothing 
of  carrying  on  a  heavy  courtship  or 
trying  to  maintain  a  marriage.  What  he 
needs,  at  this  particular  period  in  his 
professional  life,  is  a  girl  chum  who 
has  no  commitments,  makes  no  de- 
mands, loves  life  and  laughter,  and 
finds  happiness  in  each  day  for  that 
day's  sake.  That's  where  I  fit  into  the 
picture.  I'm  a  friend,  and — I  hope — a 
loyal  and  helpful  one. 

I  imagine  millions  of  girls  will  be 
happy  to  hear  this. 

— as  told  to  Fredda  Balling 

"Ben  Casey"  works  his  medical  miracles 
on  ABC-TV,  Mon.,  10  to  11  P.M.  EST. 

Through  mutual  friends,  however,  came 
reports  that  Luciana  and  her  mother 
had  returned  home  to  Rome  perma- 

I  wrote  letters  to  her.  They  went  un- 
answered. Furthermore  came  the  shock- 
ing news  that,  when  the  baby  was  born, 
she  would  refuse  to  let  me  see  the  child ! 
I  couldn't,  I  didn't  want  to  believe  this : 
A  mother  denying  the  father  his  moral 
rights.  Yet  it  was  obvious  she  meant  it. 
She  had  written  a  friend  that,  if  I  made 
a  move  to  come  to  Italy,  she  would  leave 
the  country  with  the  baby  and  live  in 

These  were  the  grim  thoughts,  that 
day  in  June.  The  possibility  that  I  would 
never  see  the  boy  ...  I  could  visualize 
Christian  being  reared  as  an  Italian. 
Speaking  only  Italian,  and  not  knowing 
a  father.  Believe  me,  I  have  nothing 
against  Italians  (I  loved  one),  but  it 
would  be  criminally  unjust  to  the  boy 
if  he  were  denied  his  rights.  Since  I'm 
an  American  citizen  and  Luciana 
Italian,  the  boy  has  dual  citizenship. 
This  means  that,  in  his  teens,  he  can 
decide  between  being  a  citizen  of  either 
country.  Knowing  Luciana's  mother,  I 
believed  he'd  probably  never  be  given 
this  right. 

There  was  little  I  could  do  to  bring 
the  boy  back.  Our  courts  don't  have 
jurisdiction  over  such  matters  in  Italy. 
As  long  as  Luciana  stayed  abroad, 
I  was  helpless.  (Please  turn  the  page) 


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!  City- 

In  August,  her  agent  called  me. 
Luciana  had  sent  some  pictures  of 
Christian.  I  rushed  over  to  his  office. 
Since  my  son  was  born  a  stranger  to 
me,  I  had  no  idea  what  or  whom  he 
would  look  like.  I  grabbed  the  snapshots 
eagerly,  hungrily.  The  baby — although 
I'm  definitely  prejudiced — was  even 
more  beautiful  than  I  ever  could  have 
imagined.  One  photo,  particularly,  made 
me  swell  with  pride.  He  was  grinning 
from  ear  to  ear. 

As  far  as  his  looking  like  either 
Luciana  or  myself,  I  couldn't  tell.  AH 
babies  at  that  age  usually  look  more 
like  each  other  than  any  grownup. 

The  snapshots  revealed  my  son  to  me 
for  the  first  time.  I  kept  remarking, 
while  thumbing  through  the  pictures, 
"He's  big  and  beautiful." 

I  have  two  other  children  by  my  first 
marriage,  and  have  remained  very 
devoted  to  them,  as  a  father  should  be. 
I  see  the  children — Charles.  6.  and 
Tracy,  5 — at  least  once  a  week. 

Divorce  is  never  easy! 

Although  Luciana  was  determined  to 
keep  Christian  from  me,  I  was  just  as 
determined  not  to  let  her.  I  knew  she 
would  have  to  return  to  this  country 
someday.  She  was  no  longer  under  con- 
tract to  the  studio.  Yet,  if  she  was  going 
to  divorce  me,  she  couldn't  do  it  in 
Italy,  because  divorce  isn't  recognized 

In  fact,  Luciana  couldn't  legally  file 
in  California,  since  she  isn't  a  resident. 
I  agreed  to  file — if  she  would  bring  the 
child  over  and  sign  a  property  settle- 
ment. I  wrote  her  my  offer.  Still  no 
reply.  But  I  kept  hearing  from  her 
friends  that  she  was  planning  to  divorce 

Days,  weeks  and  months  of  anxiety 
passed.  Fortunately,  working  long  and 
rewarding  hours  on  the  television  series 
helped  pass  the  time.  I  was  usually  out 
of  bed  before  dawn  and  at  the  studio 
until  after  dark.  I  tried  to  forget  the 
bitter  past.  I  started  dating,  and  dis- 
covered Debbie  Power  Loew.  She's  a 
swell  girl  and  a  lot  of  fun  to  be  with, 
although  there  is  nothing  serious  be- 
tween us  at  this  time. 

Then  it  happened,  as  I  knew  it  would. 
Last  fall,  Luciana  returned  to  Holly- 
wood. She  was  at  the  Beverly  Hills  Hotel 
for  a  week  before  anyone  knew  she  was 
back  in  town.  It  was  a  newspaper 
columnist  who  told  me. 

Much  to  my  dismay,  Luciana  didn't 
bring  Christian — she  left  him  with  her 
mother  in  Rome.  Luciana  engaged  an 
attorney,  and  the  bitterness  of  our 
marriage  was  rekindled.  One  night. 
Debbie  and  I  accidentally  bumped  into 
her  in  a  Beverly  Hills  restaurant. 
Luciana  was  dining  with  David  Hedison. 
an  actor  friend  of  mine. 

This  was  the  first  time  we  had  met 
since  she  stormed  out  of  my  life. 

We  did  a  lot  of  talking  that  night. 
The  bitterness  seemed  to  disappear.  We 
even  worked  out  a  property  settlement 
and  I  agreed  to  file  for  the  divorce. 
Luciana  then  would  cross-file  and. 
legally,  she  could  be  awarded  the 

However,  the  next  day,  my  attorney 
informed  me  that  Luciana  had  changed 

her  mind.  Her  legal  representative 
apparently  advised  her  against  the 
settlement.  It  made  me  furious  when  she 
told  a  friend  that  she  planned  "to  take 
me  for  everything,  including  the  shirts 
in  my  closet." 

The  bitterness  and  all  its  ramifica- 
tions exploded.  I  was  more  determined 
than  ever  to  fight  for  my  rights — and. 
above  all,  fight  for  my  son.  I  filed  for 
divorce  in  November  and  asked  for 
complete  custody  of  Christian.  I  charged 
— and,  I  believe,  justly  so — that  Luci- 
ana's  mother  is  not  fit  to  take  care  of 
my  son.  She  would  dominate  his  life 
just  as  she  has  Luciana's. 

My  confidence  was  never  higher, 
when  we  both  appeared  in  court  in 
Santa  Monica  on  December  14.  Luciana 
was  seeking  nearly  $2,000  a  month  in 
alimony  and  support  payments.  I  was 
battling  for  a  son  I'd  never  seen.  I  was 
confident  because  I  knew  I  was  100 
percent  right.  No  court  in  the  land 
would  ever  deny  a  father  his  son. 

The  testimony  Luciana  gave  was  quite 
sensational,  yet  full  of  half-truths.  She 
testified  I  struck  her  mother  on  the  day 
I  ordered  my  mother-in-law  out  of  my 
life.  She  testified  that  I  unnerved  her 
so,  she  had  climbed  a  60-foot  water 
tower  in  despair. 

My  "day  in  court" 

Cross-examination,  however,  brought 
out  the  real  facts.  I  never  laid  a  hand 
on  the  mother.  Luciana  did  climb  the 
tower — but  I  didn't  drive  her  to  it.  And 
I  don't  believe  she  intended  taking  her 
life,  simply  figuring  in  a  childish  way 
that  she  would  get  attention. 

My  testimony  was  backed  by  wit- 
nesses. Luciana's  hinged  on  what  her 
mother  had  told  her.  She  claimed  I  was 
making  $50,000  a  year.  This  is  true, 
although  she  neglected  to  point  out  that 
I  was  paying  support  for  two  other 
children,  in  addition  to  making  the 
many  payments  that  go  along  with  being 
an  actor. 

My  confidence  and  the  long  months  of 
waiting  were  rewarded  when  Judge 
Roger  Alton  Pfaff  handed  down  his 
decision.  The  most  important  facet  of  it 
was  ordering  Luciana  to  return  my  son 
to  this  country.  She  was  berated  for 
denying  me  access  to  the  boy.  Judge 
Pfaff  ruled  that  Christian  must  be  in 
Hollywood  by  January  1st. 

Luciana  was  awarded  $200  monthly 
support  for  Christian  and  $400  a  month 
alimony.  This  was  a  sharply  reduced 
sum  from  what  she  had  asked.  Further- 
more, Luciana  was  warned  that  she 
would  receive  nothing  unless  Christian 
was  brought  back  to  see  his  father. 

Justice,  as  I  knew  it  would,  decided 
in  my  favor.  I  was  never  more  apprecia- 
tive in  my  life.  The  judge  also  suggested 
that  we  see  a  court  conciliator.  He 
apparently  was  overly  optimistic  that 
we  could  patch  things  up.  However,  I 
seriously  doubt  if  a  conciliation  court 
could  bring  us  back  together. 

January  first  came.  I  was  jubilant 
with  anticipation.  I  could  hardly  wait 
to  hold  my  son  in  my  arms. 

I  expected  the  telephone  to  ring  any 
minute.  The  call  to  inform  me  that 
Luciana  and  the  baby  had  arrived. 
There   was   no   such   call.   I   began   to 

worry.  Maybe  Luciana  was  planning  to 
defy  the  court  order  to  return  Christian, 
or  maybe  there  had  been  an  accident. 

Both  Luciana's  and  my  attorney  had 
received  no  word  from  her.  The  week 
passed.  Still  no  word.  I  became  bitter. 
Was  she  trying  to  keep  him  away  from 
me  forever? 

Two  weeks  went  by.  Finally,  Luciana 
told  her  attorney  that  she  was  having 
passport  problems.  She  explained  that, 
as  soon  as  she  cleared  up  the  red  tape, 
she  would  return.  A  few  days  later,  she 
did  arrive. 

I  rushed  over  to  the  home  she  had 
rented  and  was  met  by  a  nurse.  The 
nurse  took  me  into  a  bedroom.  There  in 
a  crib  was  my  son.  He  was  playing  with 
a  blue  rattle.  He  was  smiling,  laughing. 
I  picked  him  up  gently,  almost  afraid 
he  would  break!  His  eyes  seemed  to 
sparkle  and  his  tiny  face  broke  into  a 
broad  grin.  It  was  almost  like  he  knew 
he  belonged  to  me,  even  though  I  had 
never  seen  him  before.  He  was  all  and 
more  than  I  had  hoped  for  in  a  son. 

The  next  day,  I  brought  my  other 
two  children  over  to  meet  their  new 
stepbrother.  They  were  delighted.  I 
visit  Christian  at  least  once  a  week  and 
sometimes  more.  As  far  as  the  future  of 
Luciana  and  myself,  the  property 
settlement    has    been    signed.    Nothing 


(Continued  from  page  28) 
you  might  get  if  you  saw  a  kid  falling 
through  the  ice  and  drowning,  though 
I  didn't  actually  see  that  in  the  dream. 
I  had  that  nightmare  often,  until  I  was 
twelve  years  old.  I  haven't  had  it  since. 

"Triumph.  Success.  Work.  Acting. 
Me.  I  feel  I've  been  very  fortunate,  and 
the  cards  have  fallen  my  way.  Up  till 
now,  at  least,  I've  been  triumphant. 
This  is  egoism,  I  know,  but  that's  what 
triumph  reminds  me  of.  After  all,  an 
actor  needs  his  ego — for  the  days  when 
there  isn't  any  triumph.  .  .  . 

"Television.  'Surf Side  6.'  What  is  it? 
It's  a  houseboat.  An  address.  It's  Lee 
Patterson,  Van  Williams,  Diane  Mc- 
Bain,  Margarita  Sierra  and  me.  TV  is 
a  necessary  evil  in  my  life,  but  you  can't 
knock  it;  it's  advanced  my  career  a 
lot.  I  imagine  I'll  be  doing  it  for  an- 
other year,  at  least,  then  I'll  concentrate 
on  movies. 

"Touchdown.  I  hurt  my  back,  my  kid- 
neys and  my  knee  playing  football  as 
a  kid.  I  still  have  problems  with  my 
knee — and,  because  of  it,  with  my  back. 
All  the  ligaments  were  torn  out  in  my 
knee,  and  now  I  try  to  take  the  strain 
off  it  and  replace  it  with  my  back, 
which  gives  me  back  trouble,  along 
with  the  sore  knee. 

"Troy.  Let's  not  forget  that!  I  like 
the  name.  It's  symbolic  of  my  success, 
of  the  astounding  feeling  that  comes 
over  me  once  in  a  while  when  I  realize 
it's  like  the  hand  of  God  reaching  down 
and  then,  out  of  millions  and  millions 
of  people,  picking  one  person.  To  think 
it's  happening  to  me  is  amazing.  I  don't 
really  know  if  there's  a  reason  for  it. 
Sometimes  I  wonder.  .  .  ." 

short  of  a  miracle  could  bring  us  back 
together.  It's  better  this  way. 

In  my  eyes,  the  marriage  is  over.  We 
tried  marriage  counseling  when  we  first 
started  having  trouble.  Luciana  wouldn't 
bring  herself  to  believe  that  the  root  of 
our  troubles  was  her  mother.  Even  when 
the  counselor  told  her  that,  unless  she 
broke  away  from  the  parental  influence, 
the  marriage  was  doomed. 

And  we  had  tried  giving  our  marriage 
another  chance.  It  was  while  we  were 
playing  husband  and  wife  in  "Return 
to  Peyton  Place."  The  reconciliation 
came  to  a  quick  and  decisive  end,  the 
day  Luciana  chose  to  leave  my  house 
and  live  with  her  mother. 

I  don't  hold  any  ill  will  or  bitterness 
toward  Luciana.  I  had  filed  for  custody 
of  Christian,  but  now  that  I'll  be  able 
to  see  him  weekly,  there  is  no  need  for 
such  action.  In  my  opinion,  Luciana 
will  be  a  good  mother  to  him.  It  was  the 
idea  of  having  my  mother-in-law  care 
for  Christian  that  I  wasn't  going  to  stand 
for,  and  didn't. 

Someday,  perhaps,  Luciana  will 
understand.  Understand  and  be  grateful 
that  our  son  wasn't  denied  his  father — 
forever.     — as  told  to  Dean  Gautschy 

Brett  is  Paul  in  "Follow  the  Sun," 
ABC-TV,  Sun.,  7:30  to  8:30  P.M.  EST. 

gffil  "Regrets.  Girls.  I  regret  I  haven't 
■Hi  been  able  to  work  out  better  re- 
lationships with  them. 

"Rome.  Working  in  'Rome  Adven- 
ture.' Clothes!  I  bought  shoes,  socks, 
suits,  jackets,  pants,  sweaters  and 
gloves  in  Rome.  Half  of  them  were 
stolen  from  me  after  I  returned  to 
California,  when  my  car  was  robbed 
in  front  of  my  house.  But  the  best  thing 
about  Rome  was  the  Italian  people,  who 
were  so  friendly  to  me. 

"Relatives.  I've  never  been  very  close 
to  my  relatives — except,  of  course,  for 
my  mother,  sister  and  grandmother, 
with  whom  I  lived,  and  my  father,  who 
died  when  I  was  a  teenager. 

"Romance.  Suzanne  Pleshette.  I  like 
her  a  lot,  and  we  go  everywhere  to- 
gether: Department  stores,  grocery 
stores,  movie  theaters,  friends'  houses. 
We  also  like  to  go  for  drives  together 
in  my  car.  Suzanne  is  the  most  unusual 
and  intelligent  girl  I've  ever  known. 
We  hardly  ever  have  formal  dates.  I'll 
just  call  her  up  and  say,  'Well,  where 
are  we  going  tonight?'  or  'Can  I  take 
you  shopping?'  I  love  being  with  her." 

Q  "Omens.  I'm  superstitious  about 
everything.  The  worst  omen,  as 
far  as  I'm  concerned,  is  knocking  on 
wood.  I  think  it  brings  bad  instead  of 
good  luck.  But  I  won't  tell  you  why — 
it's  too  bad  to  tell! 

"Ocean.  Love.  I  love  the  ocean — 
swimming  in  it,  sailing  on  it.  When  I 
was  a  kid,  I  spent  all  my  summers  by 
the  ocean.  I  had  my  own  sailboat — 
in  fact,  two  of  them,  at  different  times: 
the  Falcon  and  the  Shore  Bird.  I  used 
to  sail  on  Great  South  Bay,  near  my 
home  on  Long  Island.  One  bad  mem- 
ory: I  nearly  drowned  in  the  ocean 
when  I  was  beaned  by  a  surfboard. 

"Opposites.    They    attract.    I    like    a 

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girl  who  tends  to  be  my  opposite — in 
looks  and  in  the  way  she  thinks.  Oppo- 
sites  can  be  complementary  and  stimu- 
late each  other  toward  new  viewpoints, 
new  ideas." 

"Youth.  I  love  youth — and  natu- 
rally I  don't  like  to  think  about 
losing  it.  We  all  want  to  stay  young 
and  active.  But  I  hope  I'll  be  ready  to 
face  anything  that  comes. 

"Yesterday.  I  always  tend  to  put 
things  off,  and  before  I  know  it,  yes- 
terday has  become  today.  I'm  trying 
to  do  something  about  this  fault  of  pro- 
crastination, which  I  consider  my  worst 

"Yes.  The  word  is  affirmative,  hon- 
est, open.  I  believe  I  have  an  affirma- 
tive 'yes'  attitude  toward  life." 

pj  "Dates.  Girls.  I  get  tired  of  dat- 
■""  ing  if  it  falls  into  a  routine  pat- 
tern. I'm  always  looking  for  something 
new  to  do.  But  with  Suzanne,  even  the 
routine  kind  of  thing  can  seem  new. 
I'll  call  her  up  and  say,  'What  are  we 
going  to  do  tonight?  See  a  movie?'  And 
she  may  say,  'No,  I  don't  feel  like  it. 
How'd  you  like  to  come  over  here,  and 
I'll  fix  dinner?  Then  we  can  stay  home 
and  watch  TV.'  I'll  say,  'Okay.  Great!' 
We  both  like  to  watch  'Ben  Casey.'  We 
prefer  not  to  watch  programs  that  either 
of  us  is  on.  We  don't  enjoy  them,  be- 
cause we've  already  worked  on  them. 

"Delightful.  My  sister.  She's  the  most 
delightful  person  in  the  world. 

"Donahue.  Again,  I  like  the  name  be- 
cause of  the  pleasant  associations  it 
has  for  me,  the  way  it's  tied  up  with 
my  career.  It's  an  Irish  name  and  I'm 
not  Irish — but  it  makes  me  feel  more 
Irish.  As  somebody  once  said,  I  have 
the  luck  of  the  Irish  and  they  have 

FJI  "Oscar.  Of  course  I'd  like  to  win 
™~  an  Oscar.  It's  a  great  accomplish- 
ment and  a  real  honor,  and  if  it  never 
happens,  I'll  regret  it.  But  maybe  I  can 
have  happiness  in  other  ways. 

"Omissions.  I  want  no  omissions  in 
my  life — omissions  are  out.  I  want  to 
live  every  moment,  and  omit  nothing!" 

E5J  "Neighbors.  The  people  next  door. 
■■"  I  wonder  what  they  think  of  me. 
It's  very  important  to  me  to  have  them 
like  me.  I'm  friendly  with  the  people 
who  live  around  me — we  play  badmin- 
ton, baseball  and  other  games  together. 
"Normal.  People  ask  me  if  I  wish 
I  could  live  a  'normal'  life  again.  Well, 
as  far  as  I'm  concerned,  whatever  hap- 
pens is  normal.  It  would  be  abnormal 
for  me  right  now  not  to  live  the  kind 
of  life  I'm  living.  It's  a  life  I'm  enjoy- 
ing very  much,  incidentally.  However, 
see  'A'  right  below!" 

I^f  "Amusements.  Parks.  I  like  to  go 
■*"  to  them,  but  the  last  time  I  could 
go  to  one  without  being  mobbed  was 
about  forty  years  ago.  I  do  miss  them 
now  that  it's  so  hard  for  me  to  go. 
But  one  day  soon  I'm  going  to  go  with 
a  disguise,  and  that  will  be  fun. 

"Accident.  Malibu  Canyon,  1956.  I 
was  cut  up  and  lost  a  screen  test  at 
Columbia  because  of  that  automobile 
accident,  but  it  changed  my  whole  life. 

If  the  accident  hadn't  happened,  maybe 
I  wouldn't  be  where  I  am  today. 

"Acting.  Improvement.  I'm  always 
working  on  it." 

"Heaven.  Hell.  You  can't  have 
one  without  the  other.  I  do  be- 
lieve in  the  God-fearing  part  of  re- 
ligion. I  think  there's  someone  we 
should  look  up  to  and  be  afraid  of,  and 
I  feel  we  have  to  act  accordingly,  as 
the  Bible  tells  us  to.  If  we  don't,  God 
will  punish  us.  But  it  also  works  the 
other  way.  I  feel  that  God  commends 
us  for  the  good  we  do,  and  gives  us 
all  sorts  of  bonuses  when  we  accom- 
plish something  worthwhile,  something 
that's  of  value  to  humanity.  No,  there 
can't  be  a  Heaven  without  a  Hell.  After 
all — how  can  you  know  something's 
hot  if  you've  never  felt  anything  cold? 

"Hero.  Worship.  Movie  stars  get  a 
lot  of  hero  worship.  Personally  I'd  rath- 
er be  thought  of  as  a  friend  rather  than 
somebody's  hero. 

"Handicap.  Problem.  Yes,  I  have 
handicaps:  Problems  which  take  up 
too  much  of  my  time  and  energy,  so 
that  I  cannot  apply  myself  in  my  work 
— or  even  in  my  play — as  much  as  I 
could.  Actually,  I  think  each  of  us  is 
his  own  biggest  problem. 

"Hamburgers.  Ketchup  and  onions. 
That's  how  I  like  'em.  I  have  hamburg- 
ers on  just  about  every  date.  Of  course, 
that's  after  Cyrano's  or  some  other  nice 
place.  .  .  . 

"Henry.  Henry  Willson,  my  agent. 
Henry  is  not  only  my  agent;  he's  my 
manager,  my  friend,  my  companion.  It's 
almost  a  fatherly  relationship.  He's 
stuck  with  me  through  the  bad  spots 
in  my  career  and  has  advised  me  wisely 
all  along.  He  thought  up  the  name 
we're  talking  about:  Troy  Donahue. 
You  see,  we  were  at  a  birthday  party  for 
Rock  Hudson,  and  a  lot  of  Henry's 
clients  and  other  friends  were  there — 
people  like  Lana  Turner  and  Jennifer 
Jones.  And  Henry  suddenly  decided, 
'Well,  we're  going  to  give  Merle  a  new 
name.'  And  everybody  started  kidding 
around  and  saying,  'How  about  Crash 
Helmet  or  Pebble  Beach?'  They  were 
all  coming  up  with  these  funny  names. 
But  Henry  sort  of  ignored  them,  as  if 
they  were  making  light  of  what  he  was 
trying  to  do.  And  suddenly  he  said, 
'Ummm — Helen  of  Troy.  Paris.  No. 
Ummm — Troy.  Troy.  Troy.  Uh — Troy 
Donahue!  That's  it.  Troy  Donahue.' 
And  everybody  said,  'Yeah.  Yeah,  that's 
good.'  So  I  said  goodbye  to  'Merle 
Johnson.'  That  was  in  1956,  and  it  was 
the  start  of  everything  for  me." 

Ell  "Universal.  That  was  the  studio 
™™  that  gave  me  my  first  opportunity 
and  my  first  contract.  I  started  at  $125 
a  week,  but  by  the  time  I'd  get  my 
check  I  would  have  borrowed  most  of 
it.  I  used  to  borrow  on  my  salary  all 
the  time.  I  have  one  paycheck  framed 
that  was  for  40  cents! 

"Unhappiness.  Happiness.  Here 
again,  you  have  to  have  two  poles.  To 
know  happiness,  you  have  to  experience 
some  unhappiness.  My  father's  death 
brought  me  perhaps  my  greatest  un- 
happiness. But,  all  in  all,  I've  had  a 
pretty  happy  life. 

"Urges.   Temptations.   Some  tempta- 

tions  are  relaxing  and  profitable,  but 
some  can  be  detrimental  or  even  dis- 
astrous. I  try  to  control  those  urges 
and  stay  away  from  them.  It  would 
appear  I  haven't  had  too  much  suc- 
cess at  times,  because  of  the  way  the 
wrong  things  I've  done  have  been 
played  up.  But  I  think  I'm  ahead  on 
my  batting  average,  as  far  as  staying 
away  from  most  of  the  disastrous  things. 
I'm  learning  all  the  time  to  control 
myself,  and  I  think  that's  one  of  the 


(Continued  from  page  37) 
celebrity,  to  concentrate  on  making  her 
date  look  good.  Not  posing  and  primp- 
ing and  acting  the  prima  donna." 

Peggy's  date,  Trobo,  said,  "People 
have  too  many  theories  about  the  young- 
er generation,  quote,  unquote.  They 
imagine  all  we're  after  is  a  wild  time. 
But  I  can  think  of  dozens  of  fellows 
who'd  be  proud  and  tickled  pink  to 
get  invited  home  by  one  of  these  Lennon 
girls.  And  the  reason  why,  you  can  sum 
up  in  a  word — love.  You  feel  it  when 
you  come  in  the  door.  The  parents,  the 
kids,  they  all  radiate  real  affection  for 
each  other  and  let  you  share  in  it. 

"I  once  read  in  a  lovelorn  column 
where  a  girl  complained  she  had  to 
'smooch,  drink  and  go  in  for  rough- 
house'  to  keep  her  boy  friends.  Right 
away  I  thought  of  the  Lennon  girls  and 
I  said  to  myself,  'This  kid  ought  to 
spend  a  day  with  them  and  she'd  find 
out  how  mixed-up  she  is.'  Listen,  I  was 
a  classmate  of  Peggy's  and  I  know — 
these  girls  have  high  standards  and  still 
they're  in  great  demand.  And  it's  not 
because  they  happen  to  be  singers  with 
the  Welk  band  and  get  their  pretty 
faces  on  magazine  covers.  It's  because 
they're  so  emotionally  mature  and 
healthy,  you  can't  be  in  their  company 
ten  minutes  without  feeling  clean  and 
healthy  too.  Maybe  you've  only  gone 
roller  skating  or  watched  TV,  but  you've 
enjoyed  every  minute.  And  you've  got 
no  hangover  of  guilt  afterward,  like 
after  some  dates. 

"Last  year,  Ken  and  I  got  to  talking 
about  dates,  and  Ken  asked  me  who 
won  my  popularity  prize.  I  said  right 
off,  'The  Lennon  sisters.'  He  said,  'You 
mean  all  of  them?'  I  told  him,  'You 
don't  have  to  date  them  all  at  once. 
But  you  know  something?  You  wouldn't 
be  sorry  if  you  did.'  Next  thing  I  knew, 
Terry  and  I  were  taking  him  to  meet 
the  Lennon  family. 

"On  the  way,  he  said,  'Hey,  fellows, 
this  isn't  the  way  to  Bel-Air.'  When  we 
reached  the  house,  which  is  homey  and 
rambling,  on  a  quiet,  average  street, 
Ken  took  a  good  look  and  a  deep  breath. 
He  said,  'I'm  beginning  to  get  your 
message,  fellows.' 

"Last  Christmas  we  brought  all  the 
Lennons,  from  Peggy  down  to  baby 
Chris,  U.S.C.  sweatshirts.  The  next  day 
we  dropped  by,  they  were  all  lined  up 
to  greet  us  in  the  shirts,  and  Mrs.  Len- 
non gave  us  Polaroid  pictures  they'd 
taken  of  them  all,  wearing  our  gifts! 

"No,  I'm  not  getting  serious  about 
Peggy   or   Kathy.    I'm    in   no    position 

signs  of  maturing,  in  anybody's  life." 

|j|  "Excitement.  All  life  is  exciting  to 
^^  me.  Finding  new  friends,  new 
scripts,  new  co-stars,  new  directors,  all 
this  is  exciting. 

"Epitaph.  I  know  what  I  want  my 
epitaph  to  say.  Just  three  words:  'Born 
and  Lived.'  "  —The  End 

Trov  is  Sandy  Winfield  in  "SurfSide 
6,"  ABC-TV,  Mon.,  9  to  10  P.M.  EST. 

just  yet  to  be  serious  about  anyone.  I 
have  to  finish  college  and  then  I'll  prob- 
ably be  in  service  for  a  while.  But 
when  I  do  feel  ready  for  marriage  I'll 
consider  myself  lucky  to  find  a  girl  on 
the  pattern  of  the  Lennon  sisters.  I'll 
always  be  grateful  to  them  for  having 
taught  me  how  to  have  a  good  time 
with  a  girl  and  still  keep  my  respect 
for  her  and  myself." 

Terry  McGee,  who  has  known  the 
Lennons  for  five  years,  asked,  "Who 
could  resist  them?  They're  not  just  cute 
and  pretty.  There's  something  in  them 
that  appeals  to  the  best  instincts  you've 
got.  Maybe  some  girls  feel  they  have 
to  go  too  far  to  hold  a  date's  interest. 
But  it  could  be  that  he  senses  what's 
in  their  minds  and  reacts  to  what  he 
thinks  they  expect.  With  the  Lennon 
girls,  it's  different.  Somehow — not  even 
consciously — they  get  across  the  idea 
that  they  expect  a  good  time  in  a  clean, 
sensible  way — and  nothing  else. 

"But  they  don't  sit  back  and  say, 
'Amuse  me.'  They  contribute.  They  help 
create  an  atmosphere  of  fun  and  har- 
mony. You  don't  have  to  drive  up  in  a 
flashy  car.  You  don't  have  to  spend 
your  bankroll.  But  you  do  have  to  act 
like  you  know  the  value  of  a  nice  girl 
and  how  to  behave  with  her  and  her 
family.  Once  that's  established,  you  can 
go  as  far  as  you  like  in  the  way  of  good 
clean  fun,  keeping  inside  the  limits 
of  good  taste  and  consideration. 

"The  quality  that  impresses  me  most 
is  their  responsibility.  If  it's  a  question 
of  a  date  or  sitting  home  with  the  kids, 
they'll  give  you  a  choice  of  taking  a 
raincheck  on  the  date  or  coming  out 
to  the  house  and  spending  the  everfing 
there.  Sometimes  they  take  the  kids 
with  them  on  our  outings. 

"Another  thing:  You  never  have  to 
worry  about  a  Lennon  girl  doing  okay 
in  your  crowd.  They're  straight-arrow 
girls,  you  know  where  you  stand  with 
them.  They  are  always  in  control  of  a 
situation  and  yet  I've  never  heard  any- 
one say  they  are  poor  sports.  I've  also 
never  heard  them  called  'square.'  And 
I  don't  think  they'd  care  if  someone  did. 
They're  not  forcing  anyone  to  date 
them  or  come  to  their  home.  But  I 
know  a  lot  of  fellows  who'd  be  mighty 
happy  to  be  invited  there. 

"Because  word  has  got  round — 
when  you  leave  them  at  the  door,  you 
feel  doggone  pleased  with  them  .  .  . 
and  yourself  .  .  .  and  the  world  in 
general."  — Eunice   Field 

The  Lennon  Sisters  sing  on  "The  Law- 
rence Welk  Show,"  seen  on  ABC-TV, 
Sat.,  from  9  to  10  P.M.  EST.  Other 
Welk  programs  are  heard  on  ABC 
Radio;   see  local  newspapers  for  time. 

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Anyone  want  to  buy  a  tuxedo  cheap?  .  .  .  It's  prac- 
tically brand-new,  and  never  been  used.  Just  slightly 
altered.  Other  than  that,  the  tux  is  in  exactly  the  same 
condition  as  when  I  purchased  it  to  attend  the  Frank 
Sinatra — Juliet  Prowse  wedding.  Of  course,  I  don't  have 
to  remind  you  how  that  broke  up. 

Away  back  on  January  9th,  it  seemed  that  the  two 
lovebirds  really  meant  it.  That  ten-carat  ring  Frank 
gave  her  wasn't  made  out  of  glass,  you  know.  I  had 
interviewed  Juliet  only  two  weeks  before  the  wedding 
announcement,  so  I  felt  sui-  she  would  invite  me  to  the 
rites.  We  got  along  especially  well,  and  Juliet  promised 
I  would  be  in  attendance  if  and 
when  she  ever  got  hitched. 

Well,  as  soon  as  I  heard  the 
news,  I  raced  to  a  nearby  men's 
store  and  hurriedly  bought  a  tux. 
I  didn't  want  to  be  caught  short, 
and  I  was  anxiously  looking  for- 
ward to  kissing  the  lovely  bride. 
I  was  convinced  the  wedding 
would  take  place  any  minute  since 
Frank  had  said:  "Whenever  Juliet 
sets  the  day  will  be  okay  by  me." 
I  knew  the  long-limbed  dancer 
had  been  waiting  for  Frank  to 
pop  the  question,  so  I  figured  she 
would  whisper  to  Frankie  Boy 
something  like:  "How  about  this 
Sunday,  honey?"  But  that  was 
my  mistake.  She  was  in  no  rush. 
And  that  was  her  mistake.  Maybe 
they'd  be  wed  now  if  she  had  been. 

I  was  still  checking  my  mail- 
box religiously  for  a  wedding- 
invitation  when,  four  days  later, 
Juliet  phoned  her  parents  in  South 
Africa  to  tell  them  the  momen- 
tous day  would  be  sometime  in 
June.  I  must  admit  I  was  disap- 
pointed. The  tux  was  just  sitting 
there  in  the  closet  with  no  place 
to  go.  I  tried  it  on  just  to  see  how 
dashing  a  figure  I'd  cut  when  I 
noticed  one  sleeve  longer  than 
the  other.  With  the  wedding  still 
months  away,  I  figured  I  had 
plenty  of  time  to  worry  about  that. 

Two  weeks  later,  I  learned  that 
Juliet  was  planning  a  trip  to  South  Africa.  Maybe  she'd 
marry  Frankie  before  departing,  I  fretted.  I  had  to  get 
that  tux  fixed!  I  rushed  the  jacket  to  a  tailor,  explaining 
how  I  wanted  it  altered.  The  tailor  assured  me  he'd 
work  after  hours  in  order  to  have  it  for  me  on  time.  And 
he  was  as  good  as  his  word,  except  for  the  fact  he  made 
one  horrible  mistake.  In  his  haste,  the  tailor  had  length- 
ened the  wrong  sleeve.  If  Juliet  decided  to  marry  Frankie 
the  next  day,  I'd  be  disgraced. 

Then  Juliet  revealed  she  and  Frankie  were  having  a 
disagreement.  He  wanted  her  to  abandon  her  career 
after  marriage,  and  she  insisted  on  continuing  with  it. 
Juliet  pointed  out  that  she  felt  they  would  iron  out  this 
little  disagreement  and  that  the  marriage  would  still 
take  place  in  June. 



Juliet  Prowse  —  Frank  Sinatra 


I  sighed  with  relief,  brought  the  tux  back  to  the  tailor 
and  told  him  to  mend  his  ways. 

It  was  around  this  time  that  I  began  reading  disquiet- 
ing reports  about  the  forthcoming  marriage.  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  for  instance,  had  an  article  entitled:  "Wedding 
Bells  Go  Ring-a-Ding-Ding — Maybe."  In  addition  to  this 
skepticism,  I  heard  that  Broadway  bookies  were  betting 
3  to  1  that  the  wedding  would  never  come  off.  And  there 
were  no  takers!  The  talk  around  the  Great  White  Way 
was  that  Frank  had  announced  the  wedding  just  to  help 
Juliet's  career  along.  He  never  would  go  through  with 
it,  the  wise  guys  insisted.  I  was  just  beginning  to  believe 
that  maybe  they  were  right  when 
two  things  happened. 

In  London,  Juliet  was  telling 
reporters,  on  January  29th,  that 
she  definitely  would  marry  her 
lover  boy  in  May.  When  she  ar- 
rived at  her  parents'  home  in 
Johannesburg,  South  Africa,  the 
next  day,  she  excitedly  told  them 
that  she  had  changed  her  mind. 
The  wedding  would  be  in  April. 
It  seemed  she  could  hardly  wait. 
And  to  top  it  all  off,  my  tailor 
proudly  phoned  me  to  say  the  tux 
was  now  in  perfect  condition.  I 
felt  this  was  a  significant  omen. 
The  next  week,  Juliet  held  a 
press  conference  in  London.  She 
confided  to  reporters  that  she 
now  intended  to  marry  Frankie 
in  March!  I  secretly  felt  that  she 
would  say  "I  do!"  as  soon  as  she 
returned  to  the  States.  My  sus- 
picions were  heightened  when  on 
the  succeeding  day,  February  11th, 
Frankie  announced  that  he  hoped 
to  marry  his  beloved  before  start- 
ing a  tour  with  a  benefit  show 
for  charities  to  help  children.  The 
tour  was  supposed  to  commence 
at  the  end  of  February!  I  smiled. 
But  the  next  day,  Juliet  arrived 
in  this  country  and  again  told 
reporters  the  wedding  wouldn't 
be  until  June,  when  her  parents 
would  come  over  for  the  big 
event.  There  was  one  ominous 
note.  Frank  didn't  meet  her  at  the  airport. 

I  forgot  about  the  wedding  for  a  while  and  concentrated 
on  other  things,  like  paying  the  rent,  then  on  February 
21st  I  saw  an  item  that  Juliet  visited  Frank  at  his  home 
late  at  night.  There  seemed  to  be  a  flurry  of  excitement 
connected  with  the  visit.  I  had  a  feeling  this  was  it! 
Well,  the  following  day  was  it.  I  couldn't  have  been 
more  wrong.  Frankie  and  Juliet  broke  the  news  that  they 
couldn't  resolve  their  differences  over  the  dancer  con- 
tinuing her  career  and  there  wouldn't  be  any  wedding. 
Alone  in  my  room,  I've  been  trying  to  puzzle  out  if 
Sinatra  slyly  thought  up  the  whole  idea  as  a  grand  public- 
ity scheme  for  Juliet.  And  maybe  for  the  men's  wear  in- 
dustry, too.  .  .  .  Oh,  well,  maybe  Connie  Stevens  and  Glenn 
Ford  will  ask  me  to  their  wedding.  — Bob  Lardine 

W  O    MIE  W  TYPE  8 








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1ADIO  If  jUJLllU-VUl. 

JUNE,  1962 

Edward  Byrnes 

The  Clergy  Speaks 

The  Lennon  Sisters 

Vincent  Edwards 

Bobby  Darin 

Astronaut  Carpenter 

Prize    Contest 

Girl  Singers 

Dick  Clark 

Loretta   Martin 

Joey  Bishop 


Allen  Ludden 

Donna  Reed 

Connie    Francis 

Gertrude  Berg 

The  Kennedys 

Danny  Thomas 



VOL.  58,  NO.  1 


6    The  Girl  Who  Wouldn't  Say  Yes Dean  Gautschy 

17    Is  the  Twist  Immoral? Helen  Martin 

20    My  First  Year  of  Marriage Dianne  Lennon 

24    How  Vince  Treats  His  Mother George  Carpozi  Jr. 

28  "The  Baby  Looks  Just  Like  Bobby". ..  .says  Sandra  Dee 

30    Your  Husband  Is  Next Chrys  Haranis 

32  How  to  Win  a  "Bullwinkle"  Party  for  Yourself! 

35    The  Jinxed  Love  Song Nancy  Anderson 

38    The  Girl  Dick  Wants  to  Marry Paul  Denis 

38    What  Dick's  Friends  Say  About  Her Irene  Storm 

40    That  Nice  Boy  Next  Door Ed  DeBlasio 

42    The  Women  Who  Wait ^ Ev  Devlin 

46    "You're  No  Bud  Collyer.  Dad!" Helen  Bolstad 

48  What  Mothers  Are  the  Last  to  Know.  ..  .Shelley  Fabares 

50    "I  Want  My  Family  to  Live" Lawrence  Atkin 

54    What  You  Don't  Learn  in  College Gertrude  Berg 

56    Insider's  Guide  to  the  White  House Art  Buchwald 

58    Roasts  and  Toasts  from  His  "Friends" Cindy  Adams 

78   The  "Ben  Casey"  Fad Norma  Risman 


9  ^  Johnny  Carson's  Corner 

9     Record  Care 
10     Music  for  Your  Child 
10     Jackie  Paris 

11  Tops  in  Singles 

11  Bing  Crosby 

12  Album  Reviews 

16  Ed  Sullivan's  World 


1     New  Patterns  for  You 
4     What's  New  from  Coast  to  Coast. 
68     Photographers'  Credits 


Information  Booth 
.  .    ....  Eunice  Field 

New  Designs  for  Living 



Bill  Gladden  61 

Macdonald  Carey  62 

Joe  Longstreth  64 

Frank  Dreighton  66 

Five  for  the  Road  (WAVE-TV) 
Carey  Flips!   ("Lock-Up") 
Variety  Is  the  Spice   (WLW-D) 
Mr.  Versatility  (WNDU-TV) 

JACK  J.  PODELL,  Editorial  Director 

EUNICE  FIELD,  West  Coast  Editor 
TERESA  BUXTON,  Managing  Editor 
LORRAINE  BIEAR,  Associate  Editor 
ANITA  ZATT,  Assistant  to  Editor 


JACK  ZASORIN,  Art  Director 
FRANCES  MALV,   Associate  Art  Director 
PAT  BYRNE,  Art  Assistant 
BARBARA  MARCO,  Beauty  Editor 


TV  Radio  Mirror  is  published  monthly  by  Macfadden-Bartell  Corporation,  New  York,  N.  Y,  Executive,  Adver- 
tising and  Editorial  Offices  at  205  East  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.  Y.  Editorial  branch  office,  434  North  Rodeo 
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President;  Frederick  A.  Klein,  Executive  Vice  President  for  Publishing-General  Manager;  Robert  L.  Young,  Vice 
President;  Sol  N.  Himmelman,  Vice  President;  Melvin  M.  Bartell,  Secretary.  Advertising  offices  also  in  Chicago 
and  San  Francisco. 

Subscription  Rates:  In  the  U.S.,  its  possessions  and  Canada,  one  year,  $3.00;  two  years,  $5;  three  years,  $7.50. 
All  other  countries,  $5.50  per  year.  Change  of  Address:  6  weeks'  notice  essential.  Send  your  old  as  well  as  your 
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m  U.S.  Patent  Office.  Printed  in  U.S.A.  Member  of  Macfadden  Women's  Group. 


$  h 

She's  a  Rare  One 

Please  tell  me  something  about  the 
actress  Mary  Jayne  Saunders. 

D.M.G.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Cute,  pert  and  blonde  Mary  Jayne 
Saunders  is  a  rare  Californian  .  .  .  she's 
a  native  daughter,  a  seventh-gener- 
ation descendant  of  the  Couverbious 
family,  prominent  California  landown- 
ers. .  .  .  The  nineteen-year-old  starlet 
has  been  in  show  business  most  of  her 
young  life  .  .  .  she  made  her  debut  in 
motion  pictures  at  the  age  of  five  op- 
posite Bob  Hope  in  "Sorrowful  Jones," 
which  was  a  remake  of  Shirley  Temple's 
famous  "Little  Miss  Marker."  .  .  .  Mary 
Jayne  has  been  performing  ever  since 
and  now  has  a  running  part  in  "Tales 

of  Wells  Fargo,"  on  TV She  likes 

riding,  swimming,  sailing,  painting. 

fe  JUN.  fel 

Our  Readers  Say 

Dear  Editors: 

I  just  finished  reading  your  recent  ar- 
ticle on  Mike  London's  black  market 
baby.  Mike  wonders  if  he  did  the  right 
thing.  He  did.  He  and  Dodie  are  giving 
love  to  a  baby  who  might  not  other- 
wise know  what  it  is  to  have  a  family 
of  his  own.  I  know  because  I  grew  up 
in  an  orphanage,  and,  besides,  am  un- 
able to  have  any  children  of  my  own. 
We  have  been  waiting  three  years  now 
to  adopt  one.  Perhaps  someday  we  will 
be  as  lucky  as  Mike.  Please  give  him 
our  best  wishes.  He  is  a  nice  boy  and 
should  be  happy  always. 

A.C.,  Greensburg,  Pa. 

An  Open  Letter  to  the  Four  Big 
Men  of  "Bonanza": 

/  have  just  been  sitting  here  reading 
about  you  fellows  in  TV  Radio  Mirror. 
Honestly,  I  get  such  a  thrill  out  of  you 
guys.  You  see,  I  live  alone  and  TV  is 

Mary  ]ayne 


so  much  company.  I  can  just  look  at 
you  fellows  and  think  of  some  funny 
thing  you  did  and  laugh  to  myself.  If 
only  you  fellows  knew  how  much  en- 
joyment folks  get  out  of  you  four.  Don't 
know  if  you  will  ever  read  this  but,  if 
you  do,  please  remember,  "You  are  all 
the  greatest!" 

Mom  Dyerly,  Bur  bank,  Calif. 

IZ  JUN.  Zl 

Calling  All  Fans 

The  following  fan  clubs  invite  new 
members.  If  you  are  interested,  write  to 
address  given — not  to  TV  Radio  Mirror. 

Brenda  Lee  Fan  Club,  Brenda  Ra- 
metta,  43  N.  Spring  St.,  Meriden,  Conn. 

Jayne  Mansfield  and  Mickey  Hargi- 
tay  Fan  Club,  Frank  Soukup,  2239  N. 
Clifton  Ave.,  Chicago  14,  111. 

Johnny  Crawford  Fan  Club,  Elaine 
Mueller,  827  "L"  St.,  Renton  2,  Wash. 

Art  James  Fan  Club,  Richard  D. 
Rapiti,  440  Stockton  Ave.,  Roselle, 

Robert  Horton  Fan  Club,  Evelyn 
Plummer,  270  Millard  Ave.,  N.  Tarry- 
town,  N.  Y. 

Soupy  Sales  and  Friends,  Karen 
Huffman,  4300  Heather  Road,  Long 
Beach  8,  Calif. 


I*  JUN.  Zl 


In  your  article,  "Adolph  Hitler  Is 
Not  Dead,"  you  quoted  John  Birch.  Is 
this  right?  I  thought  John  Birch  had 
died  during  the  war. 

J.P.,  Gaffney,  S.  C. 

We  apologize  for  the  error.  The  line 
should  have  read  Robert  Welch  of  the 
John  Birch  Society. — Ed. 

Write  to  Information  Booth,  TV  Radio  Mirror, 
205  £.  42nd  St.,  New  York  17,  N.  Y.  We  regret 
we  cannot  answer  or  return  unpublished  letters. 


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"Dark-Eyes"  REALLY  IS  Swimproof!  Soap- 
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Water  makes  mascara  run,  but  "Dark-Eyes" 
will  not  run  nor  smudge.  Ends  all  the  bother 
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STAYS  ON  for  four  to  five  weeks  until  lashes 
and  brows  are  normally  replaced  by  new 
hairs.  "Dark-Eyes"  permanently  colors  .  .  . 
doesn't  coat  .  .  .  gives  your  eyes  a  nat- 
ural, refined  looking,  BORN  BEAUTIFUL 
loveliness.  NEVER  sticky,  heavy,  obviously 
"made  up"  .  .  .  ALWAYS  soft,  dark,  luxuri- 
ant ...  all  day,  all  night,  'round  the  clock! 
Completely  SAFE,  use  with  confidence — 
contains  no  aniline  dye.  Three  shades  .  .  . 
jet  black,  rich  brown,  light  brown. 
'(for  the  hairs  to  which  applied) 

S"*"  ■#* 

Enuff  Awready!  TV  villain  Bernie 
Fein  walked  into  Tang's  and  saw  Bob 
Stack  dining  with  wife  Rosemary. ' 
"Listen,"  Bernie  told  the  hostess,  "put 
a  screen  around  my  table.  That  Eliot 
Ness  has  rubbed  me  out  six  times  and 
I've  had  it."  .  .  .  Mark  Richman  re- 
ports that  a  Broadway  actor  came  to 
see  him  in  Hollywood,  asking  for  ad- 
vice on  breaking  into  TV.  "The  tech- 
nique's different,"  Mark  said.  "Have 
you  ever  acted  without  an  audience?" 
Popped  the  actor,  "What  do  you  think 
brought  me  out  here?"  . . .  Jay  North, 
whose  ego  grew  with  his  size,  may  be 
replaced  by  Paul  O'Keefe  of  B'way's 
"Sail  Away."  . . .  Ty  Hardin,  Sharon 
Hugueny,  Ann-Margret — "eternal" 
triangle  moving   in  a  familiar  circle. 

Sfop!  Looki 


7m>     r 

Since  his  parting  from 
Dinah  Shore,  George 
Montgomery     is 

keener  than  ever  on 
making    furniture. 
While    "doing"    Glenn 
Ford's  home,  does  he  stop 
to  wonder:  //  only  the  pieces 
of  a  marriage  could  be  fitted 
together  again  so  artisti- 
cally? .  .  .  Clu  Gulager 
— who  got  the  rep  of  a 
kook,  due  to  gadding 
about   in    his    "Tall 
Man"  boots  and  hat 
— is  trying  to  recre- 
ate his  image  .  .  .by 
dressing    to    the    nines. 

Spilling  The  Beans:  Shirley  Booth 

—who,  as  NBC-TV's  "Hazel,"  whips 
up  mouth-watering  dishes — has  come 
clean.  She  admits,  "I  can't  even  plan 
meals,  let  alone  cook  'em."  The  coun- 
try's best-loved  maid  says  that,  for  the 
past  18  years,  all  her  meals  at  home 
have  been  prepared  by  her  maid.  .  .  . 
In  recognition  of  his  skill  at  the  key- 
board, Pianist  Roger  Williams  has 
been  made  honorary  chief  of  the  Hopi 
Indians.  From  now  on,  call  him  "Chief 
88  Tom  Toms."  . . .  Lovely  Dana  Wyn- 
ter  is  a  "Wagon  Train"  fan.  Driving 
home  from  a  shopping  tour,  Dana  and 
her  chauffeur,  Jack  Norton,  decided 
to  write  one.  So-ho!  Their  script,  "The 
Lisa  Raincloud  Story,"  has  been  bought 
for   the    show — and    Dana   stars    in    it. 

The  Hero:  In  MGM's  "Captain  Sin- 
bad,"  Guy  Williams  fights  a  fire- 
throwing  monster,  a  flock  of  giant 
birds,  a  half-bull,  half-man  Thing,  py- 
thons and  soldier  ants.  Day  after  he 
read  the  script,  Guy  stepped  out  for 
his  paper,  heard  a  dog  bark — and 
jumped  out  of  his  ever-lovin'  skin!  .  .  . 
Don  Rickles  and  Kay  Starr,  who 
made  the  fur  fly,  purring  at  each  other 
at  Las  Vegas  Sahara  .  .  .  Chad  Ever- 
ett finally  made  his  songwriting  hobby 
pay  off — he  sold  two  to  Keely  Smith. 

What  Every  Home  Don't  Nee 
Jolly  Jackie  Gleason  gifted  his  pals 
with  a  trick  doorbell.  When  rung  three 
times,  it  yells  back  in  Jackie's  voice, 
"Pow — right  in  the  kisser!"  .  .  .  Tarzan 
No.  12  is  Jock  Mahoney,  of  recent 
"Yancy  Derringer"  fame.  "At  42," 
winks  Jock,  "I  lack  some  of  the  muscu- 
lar swing,  but  I  do  have  one  requisite 
for  the  job:  My  new  home  is  in — I  kid 
you  not — the  town  of  Tarzana!"  .  .  . 
Walt  Brennan,  in  his  sixth  year  as 
Grampa  of  "The  Real  McCoys,"  will 
only  make  13  episodes.  "My  wife 
Ruthie  and  I  want  to  take  a  nice,  lei- 
surely trip  by  that  new-fangled  horse- 
less carriage.  I'm  told  there's  plenty 
of  country  beyond  these  here  hills,  and 
we  want  to  see  it."  But  we  want  him. 


Question    Mark:   That 
hum    passing    over 
the    tables    at   the 
Motion  Picture  Pro- 
ducers Awards  dinner 
— in  honor  of  Bob  Hope 
— was    not    because    of 
J.F.K.'s    phone    call    to    Ski- 
Nose.    It   was   guest   asking 
guest  how  come  Bing  Cros- 
by  wasn't   there?    .    .    . 
Laraine  Day  (who  was 
Lew  Ayres'  girl  in  the 
first    "Dr.     Kildare") 
hankers  to  do  a  guest 
shot   on    the    new   TV 
series    "for   sentimental 
reasons."  Hope  she  does! 

■<-m      -<-m      <-4K 

Marry-ment:  On  their  29th  anniver- 
sary, Robert  Young  and  the  missus 
dined  at  Chasen's.  There  they  saw  Ray 
Milland,  wife  Mai,  son   David,   22, 

and  daughter  Victoria,  1 7,  practicing 
togetherness  in  honor  of  David's  birth- 
day. Just  then,  the  long-married  Alice 
Faye  and  Phil  Harris — out  of  retire- 
ment, now  that  their  two  girls  are 
grown — were  seated.  Said  Bob,  "They 
talk  about  Hollywood  divorces — but 
here  are  three  couples  whose  wedded 
bliss  has  lasted."  Twinkled  Mrs.  Mil- 
land,  "Yes,  but  that's  because  we  wives 
made  the  home  our  full-time  careers." 
Alice  shrieked  in  dismay,  "Oh,  but  I've 
just  done  a  part  in  'State  Fair' — do  you 
think  the  honeymoon  has  gone  phfft 
for  Phil  and  me?"  Quite  a  honeymoon! 

Sick  and  Snicker!  Comics  get  their 
best  yaks  these  days  with  gags  about 
TV's  M.D.  cycle.  Chirps  Pat  Carroll, 
"If  this  keeps  up,  cowboys  will  toss 
prescriptions  instead  of  silver  dollars 
on  the  bar,  and  sport  stethoscopes  in- 
stead of  six-guns.  The  old  line,  'Get 
the  marshal,  this  man  is  dead'  will  be- 
come 'Call  Dr.  Knish,  this  guy's 
D.O.A.'  "...  And  talking  about  mar- 
shals, Alf  Hitchcock's  in  dutch  with 
Marshal  Dillon — of  the  U.S.  Fish  and 
Wildlife,  that  is.  Dillon  told  Hitch  he'd 
netted  more  seagulls  than  permitted 
for  his  new  film,  "The  Birds."  The 
Master  of  Murder  shrugged  and  set 
the  overload  of  gulls  free.  Watching 
them  wing  upward,  he  sighed,  "Now  I 
know  the  sky  is  really  for  the  birds." 

"M.D."  Edwards  with  his  Sherry. 

A  friend  he  hadn't  seen  in  20  years 
rushed  up  to  Cary  Grant  at  a  cock- 
tail party.  "Gosh,  you  haven't  changed 
a  bit,"  the  friend  gasped — "must  be 
success  and  clean  living!"  "Yes,"  said 
Cary,  "and  these  dim  lights."  ...  In 
the  coming  "Adam  Fable"  series, 
Lloyd  ("Sea  Hunt")  Bridges  adds  to 
the  unemployment  woes  of  actors.  He 
plays  both  a  reporter  and  the  various 
men  whose  stories  he's  after.  .  .  .  Hav- 
ing made  more  TV  commercials  than 
anybody,  Carol  Byron  got  two  acting 
breaks — "Oh,  Those  Bells!"  and  "Win- 
dow on  Main  Street."  Both  shows  can- 
celled, Carol  wept,  "Back  to  the  push- 
cart!" ...  Is  Edd  Byrnes  trying  to 
beat  Vince  Edwards  to  a  case  of 
Hollywood's  "most  over-active  ego"? 

vwv.     v 

Jury's  Still  Out:  Groucho  Marx,  a  wit- 
ness in  the  $1.5  million  plagiarism  suit 
brought  against  "Who  Was  That  Lady 
I  Saw  You  With  Last  Night,"  leered  at 
the  panel  of  two  men  and  ten  women 
and  quipped,  "I  say  lock  the  jury  up, 
and  me  with  them — this  looks  like  a 
sexy  crowd,  if  I  ever  saw  one."  .  .  . 
"Cheyenne"  hero  Clint  Walker  has 
gone  through  phases  of  prospecting, 
motor  biking,  shark  fishing,  camping, 
water  skiing,  skeet  shooting,  and  now 
his  new  passion  is  snow  skiing.  "It's  the 
most  exciting,"  says  Clint.  "Especially 
the  way  I  do  it — on  my  ear."  ...  As 
Marty  Milner's  role  on  "Route  66" 
grows  smaller,  his  family  grows  larger. 
The    latest    addition    is    baby    Stuart. 

Jhe  Milners  named  him  "Stuart." 

Making  The  Scene:  TV  documentaries 
soaring!  Recent  clicks  include  "To 
Breathe  Free"  (a  Hong  Kong  Baptist 
clinic  for  refugees);  "Emergency  Squad" 
(operations  of  the  N.Y.  Police  Dept.); 
"The  General"  (about  Douglas  Mac- 
Arthur);  and  "The  White  House  Tour" 
(Jackie  Kennedy).  .  .  .  Those  new  par- 
ents, Bobby  Darin  and  Sandra  Dee — 
smooching  again  in  "If  A  Man  An- 
swers"— are  gaga  over  their  tiny  goo- 
goo.  On  the  set,  strumming  wildly  on 
his  new  electric  guitar,  Bobby  chuckled, 
"I'd  rather  fondle  little  Dodd  ...  but 
the  music  that  comes  out  of  that  baby, 
when  I  do,  would  scare  the  blue  suede 
shoes  off  Elvis!"  .  .  .  Did  the  Mike  Lan- 
dons'  Swedish  maid  cause  the  break? 

>     //((/ 
^     ^Sr 

Peak  price  for  any  TV  performer,  so 
far,  goes  to  Lucille  Ball  for  the  37 
segments  of  her  new  series  .  .  .  Red 
Skelton  goes  60-minutes  in  his  12th 
year  on  TV.  .  .  .  Don  Murray  seen 
picketing  against  the  execution  of  cop- 
killer  Henry  Lane  as  "being  against 
the  teachings  of  Jesus."  .  .  .  One  man 
who  won't  "travel  light"  is  Paul 
Picerni  of  "The  Untouchables."  With 
him,  to  Blighty,  go  his  wife  and  eight 
young  'uns.  ...  A  300-room  hotel  in 
Beverly  Hills  will  be  good  news  to  all 
dreaming  of  a  trip  to  movietown.  It 
will  be  built  by  the  owners  of  The  Fab- 
ulous Flamingo  of  Las  Vegas  and 
will  be  called  the  Beverly-Flamingo. 
(Natch.)  The  top  floor  will  have  one 
suite  going  at  a  mere  $475  per  day! 

Ball,   Morton,   Berle—boffola! 

After  a  two-year  romance  on  "Hen- 
nesey,"  Jackie  Cooper  polished  up 
the  buttons  of  his  summer  dress  uni- 
form to  marry  nurse  Abby  Dalton — 
whose  uniform  for  the  occasion  was  a 
flowing  Neiman-Marcus  creation  in  an- 
tique ivory.  As  a  gag,  Abby's  real-life 
hubby,  Jack  Smith,  and  Jackie's  true 
wife,  Barbara,  sat  in  the  chapel  with 
the  other  extras.  The  wedding  marked 
"finis"  to  this  part  of  the  series,  and 
next  year  will  show  the  Navy  doc  and 
bride  housekeeping.  How  about  a 
baby?  "That,"  chortled  Jackie,  "will 
be  the  third-year  finale."  ...  Is  Frank 
Sinatra  about  to  become  a  grand- 
father??? .  .  .  Chill  suggestion  for 
pseudo-suicides:  A  night  viewing  the 
lonely,    haunting,   frank   "The   Night." 

Only  eighteen  people  sat,  reverently  silent,  inside  the 
spacious  All  Saints  Episcopal  Church  in  Beverly  Hills.  It 
was  3:15  on  the  smog-free  and  cloudless  Sunday  afternoon 
of  March  25th.  Only  two  days  before,  rain  had  pelted 
Southern  California.  This  day,  however,  the  temperature 
rose  to  the  80s. 

The  freeways  were  jammed  with  Sunday  drivers  head- 
ing for  the  beach.  Others  sought  relief  from  the  first  hot 
day  of  the  year  in  the  nearby  mountains.  Inside  the 
church,  the  small  group  waited  in  anticipation.  Several  of 
the  guests  eagerly  stretched  their  necks  to  peek  down 
the  long  aisle. 

Then  it  happened.  The 
walls  vibrated  with  the 
first  chords  of  the  wed- 
ding march  played  on  the 
organ.  The  wedding  party 
slowly  approached  the 
altar.  The  music  stopped. 
Angelic  stillness  took 

The  groom  appeared 
uneasy.  Perhaps  he  wasn't 
used  to  the  starched  white 
collar  and  the  confines  of 
the  neatly-pressed  dark 
suit  he  was  wearing.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  bride 
was  the  picture  of  tran- 
quility. Her  cheeks  glowed 
radiantly  with  happiness, 
her  eyes  sparkled  happily. 
The  awkward  silence  was 
broken.  The  Rev.  H.  Her- 
bert    Smith     faced     the 

young  couple  and  systematically  yet  sincerely  spoke  the 
solemn  words  that  would  unite  Edward  (Kookie)  Byrnes 
and  Asa  Maynor  in  holy  matrimony. 

The  ceremony  was  over  in  a  few  minutes.  It  seemed 
all  too  short  to  the  bride,  who  seemed  to  consume  each 
word.  Edd,  though,  fidgeted  uneasily  at  times.  Yet  when 
Rev.  Smith  asked  him  to  repeat  the  several  words  in  the 
vows,  he  did,  looking  lovingly  into  the  eyes  of  Asa. 

Roger  Smith,  the  best  man,  offered  congratulations 
first.  Efrem  Zimbalist  Jr.  and  Louis  Quinn  followed. 
There  were  tears.  Asa's  mother  dabbed  her  eyes  with  a 
handkerchief.  Asa's  two  younger  sisters,  Lee  and  Marsha, 
also  wept. 

Thusly  Edward  Byrnes  and  Asa  Maynor  were  mar- 
ried. The  event  was  quiet  and  simple.  The  only  excite- 
ment generated  came  from  TV  fans  outside,  who  stood 
for  hours  just  for  a  glance  at  the  newly  weds.  Kookie  had 
planned  the  affair  to  be  simple.  Unfortunately,  in  plan- 
ning a  shock-proof  wedding,  he  didn't  make  many  friends 
and  probably  even  lost  a  few.  Only  eighteen  guests  had 
been  invited.  Most  photographers  were  barred. 

This  was  the  way  the  junior  detective  on  "77  Sunset 
Strip"    wanted    it— perhaps    because    he    was    against    a 

Edd  Byrnes 

The  Girl  Who 

Wouldn  V 
Say  Yes 

church  wedding,  to  begin  with.  If  Edd  had  his  way,  the 
vows  would  have  been  repeated  in  a  less  formal  place,  Las 
Vegas  or  in  the  offices  of  a  jurist.  Obviously,  Edd  didn't 
get  his  way.  Asa  wanted  something  to  cherish  for  a  life- 
time; memories  of  the  church,  the  ceremony,  the  way 
Eddie  looked.  She  wanted  to  give  her  mother  something 
to  remember,  too.  After  all,  she  was  the  first  of  the  daugh- 
ters to  take  the  steps  down  the  aisle.  Edd  graciously  con- 
sented to  his  bride's  wishes. 

Even  when  they  decided  to  announce  their  engagement 
the  first  of  the  year,  it  was  done  in  a  "proper"  way.  An 

announcement  was  care- 
fully worded  by  Asa  her- 
self and  sent  to  the  so- 
ciety sections  of  the  Los 
Angeles  Herald-Examiner 
and  Times.  And  a  copy 
was  mailed  to  her  home- 
town paper  in  the  South. 
Ironically,  since  no  men- 
tion was  made  of  Edd  be- 
ing a  television  star  or 
Asa  an  actress,  the  story 
got  little  play.  The  Her- 
ald-Examiner overlooked 
it  entirely.  The  Times  bur- 
ied it  at  the  bottom  of  a 
page.  Asa  and  Edd  didn't 
care.  She  had  completed 
her  obligation  of  pro- 

Some  of  their  friends 
believe  that  the  reason 
Asa  was  so  adamant 
about  having  a  church 
wedding  was  because  the  pair  already  had  wed  the  way 
Edd  preferred  it.  This  ceremony,  the  friends  speculate, 
took  place  when  Edd  and  Asa  drove  down  to  Acapulco, 
Mexico,  for  Christmas.  "I  just  don't  believe,"  one  of  Asa's 
friends  told  me,  "that  Asa  would  drive  down  to  Mexico 
unless  she  knew  they  were  to  be  married  there." 

Both  Edd  and  Asa  deny  any  ceremony  took  place.  How- 
ever, they  were  gone  three  weeks,  giving  them  plenty  of 
time  for  a  marriage  and  even  honeymoon.  "They  sure 
appeared  married,"  a  friend  who  saw  them  on  the  trip 
South  of  the  Border  commented.  "I  don't  know  why  they 
wanted  to  keep  it  a  secret." 

Edd  even  got  in  hot  water  because  of  the  trip.  His 
studio,  Warner  Brothers,  briefly  put  him  on  suspension. 
They  had  only  given  him  two  weeks  off,  but  he  took  the 
third.  It  resulted  in  the  studio  having  to  write  Edd  out  of 
one  of  the  shows  he  was  scheduled  to  film,  but  didn't  show 
up  in  time  to  do. 

The  romance  of  Edd  and  Asa  spanned  more  than  two 
years.  Asa  became  known  as  "the  girl  who  wouldn't  say 
yes."  Last  summer  Edd  gave  a  story  to  a  gossip  columnist 
that  the  marriage  would  take  place  before  the  first  of  the 
year.  It  didn't. 

"I  haven't  said  yes  yet."  Asa  told  reporters,  when  asked 
about  Edd's  statement. 

It  was  no  secret  that  Edd  fell  madly  and  immediately  in 
love  with  Asa.  He  dated  no  one  else  since  shortly  after  he 
met  her.  This  meeting  took  place  ironically  because  he 
had  been  dating  another,  Diane  Jergens.  Edd  and  Diane 
drifted  apart  and  he  became  intrigued  with  one  of  her  girl- 
friends, Asa  Maynor.  Edd  even  played  cupid  during  this 
period.  He  introduced  Diane  to  Peter  Brown.  The  two 
married.  (Unfortunately,  it  didn't  last.) 

Why  couldn't  Edd,  who  possessed  stardom  and  wealth, 
persuade  Asa  to  say  yes  last  year?  Didn't  she  love  him? 

The  Southern  beauty,  like  hundreds  of  other  girls  wind- 
ing their  way  to  Hollywood,  became  obsessed  with  one  de- 
sire: To  become  a  movie  star.  This  becomes  a  full-time 

desire.  Many  feel  that  Asa  wanted  to  wait  until  she  became 
established  in  motion  pictures  and  television.  Although  the 
24-year-old  actress  possesses  the  talent,  her  ambition  has 
yet  to  become  a  reality. 

Perhaps  she  realized  that  Edd  might  tire  of  proposing 
one  day.  And  that  day  wasn't  too  far  off.  As  for  loving 
Kookie,  she  couldn't  be  any  more  deeply  in  love  with  him. 
True,  she  didn't  fall  as  hard  as  he  did  in  those  first  few 
months  of  going  steady.  Edd's  approach,  however,  achieved 
its  purpose.  He  showered  her  with  affection.  They  seldom 
went  to  night  clubs.  They  enjoyed  the  tranquility  of  lis- 
tening to  records  for  hours  at  Edd's  place  or  a  drive  to 
Malibu  highlighted  by  a  stop  at  a  hot-dog  stand  for  re- 

When  Asa  went  to  Hawaii  last  fall,  Edd  (Turn  the  page) 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edd  Byrnes:  Exclusive  wedding  pictures! 

Just  as  Asa  dreamed:  A  ceremony  in  All  Saints  Episcopal  Church,  Beverly  Hills,  the  Rev.  H.  Herbert  Smith  officiating. 

almost  went  out  of  his  mind  with  loneliness.  He  called  her 
every  day.  He  counted  the  minutes  before  her  return.  Asa 
too  must  have  been  lonely.  It  was  when  she  returned  that 
her  "Yes"  thrilled  Edd's  heart.  She  wanted  to  be  a  June 
bride.  June  was  months  away.  Edd  had  waited  for  two 
years,  and  didn't  relish  the  thought  of  waiting  again. 

Mysteriously,  it  leaked  out  that  Edd  was  driving  to 
Mexico  for  the  Christmas  holidays.  To  add  to  the  mystery, 
it  was  learned  Asa  would  accompany  him.  Immediately, 
the  two  were  queried  about  eloping.  They  vehemently 
denied  it. 

What  really  happened  on  that  trip,  only  they  know. 
However,  one  of  Edd's  buddies  speculates  this  way: 

"Asa  probably  agreed  to  the  elopement  only   if  there 

would  be  a  church  wedding  later  to  please  her  mother. 
The  two  probably  married  in  one  of  those  border  towns 
where  the  ceremony  takes  three  minutes.  Then  they  con- 
tinued on  to  Acapulco  as  man  and  wife.  They  continued 
the  pretense  by  living  under  separate  roofs  when  they  re- 

Maybe  this  explains  why  Edd  was  so  overwrought  the 
days  prior  to  the  church  ceremony.  Was  the  pressure  of 
keeping  the  secret  too  much?  He  refused  to  talk  about  Asa 
at  the  studio,  becoming  angry  if  someone  mentioned  her 
name  to  him.  His  friends  felt  hurt,  yet  remained  under- 

Three  days  before  the  wedding,  Edd  received  time  off 
from  filming  the  show  to  apply  (Continued  on  page  93) 

Sisters  Marsha  and  Lee  were  Asa's  bridesmaids;  Louis  Quinn,  Ef  Zimbalist  and  Roger  Smith  stood  by  their  TV  co-star,  Edd. 


JUNE   1962 

Bobby  Scott 
Music  Editor 


The  care  of  records — an  awful  lot 
has  been  written  about  this  subject, 
most  of  it  informative,  some  of  it 
ridiculous.  I  would  like  to  add  some- 
thing to  this  bulk.  First,  the  thing  to 
be  most  careful  of  is  the  stacking  or 
storing  of  records.  They  should  be 
stacked  vertically.  One  album  on  top 
of  another  will  eventually  warp  and 
ruin,  by  the  weighting-down  of  the  re- 
cordings. Be  careful  about  leaving  them 
out  of  the  jackets  long  enough  to  collect 
dust  and  grit.  If  you  then  put  them  in 
a  stack  and  play  them  automatically, 
they'll  rub  and  ruin.  Watch  the  heating 
devices  when  you  move  records  around. 
I'm  sure  everybody  has  lost  an  album 
this  way.  If  your  set  is  a  component  set, 
be  very  careful  not  to  put  or  place  rec- 
ords on  or  near  your  amplifier,  as  the 
heat  that  is  thrown  off  may  warm  them. 
Another  important,  but  rarely  thought 
about  fact  is  that  by  using  the  auto- 
matic arm  in  your  set,  you  may  bruise 
your  recordings.  I  would  suggest  you 
set  the  arm  on  the  record  manually. 
Also,  playing  recordings  individually 
instead  of  in  stacks,  where  they  will 
rub  together,  will  save  your  records. 

Last  but  not  least,  in  this  heyday  of 
recordings,  when  a  great  many  record 
shops  are  no  longer  just  shops,  but 
huge  outlets,  where  at  times  and  at  cer- 
tain places  it  is  impossible  to  hear  an 
album  before  buying  it,  beware  of  the 
beckoning,  siren-like  covers.  Album 
jackets  have  become  works  of  art  in 
some  cases,  but  what  may  please  the 
eye,  may  not  soothe  the  ear!  In  fact, 
this  reviewer  has  received  many  al- 
bums with  astoundingly  beautiful  cov- 
ers and  incredibly  bad  music  inside 
them.  For  what  it's  worth,  listen  to  the 
radio  before  going  off  and  buying, 
watch  reviews,  play  the  record,  if  you 
can,  before  buying  it. 

Some  months  ago,  I  ran  across  the 
following  word  in  a  newspaper  article — 
"neuclomitaphobia."  It  is  not  yet  to  be 
found  in  the  dictionary.  It's  a  new 
word  meaning  "an  unnatural  fear  of 
radioactive  fallout."  This  joins  a  list 
of  hundreds  of  phobias  that  plague 
ordinary  man.  The  average  person  has 
at  least  two  or  three — acrophobia  (fear 
of  high  places) ,  claustrophobia  (fear  of 
closed  places),  etc.  Not  me.  I  have  at 
least  a  dozen  phobias,  including  pho- 
phobia,  a  fear  of  phobias.  I'm  not  sure 
that  psychiatrists  have  recognized  all 
of  my  phobias,  but  I  have.  And  I  don't 
intend  to  give  them  up! 

My  latest  phobia  is  calophobia,  a 
fear  of  being  sat  on  by  Elsa  Maxwell. 
This  is  an  extreme  case,  I'll  admit,  but 
something  I  have  to  live  with.  My  first 
real  phobia  started  as  a  child.  Lacto- 
phobia,  a  fear  of  being  mistaken  for 

Shirley  Temple.  My  mother  couldn't 
bear  to  cut  off  my  long  curls,  and  I 
believe  I  was  eight  years  old  when  she 
finally  took  me  to  the  barber.  The 
barber  was  amazed  when  he  found  I 
was  a  boy.  But  not  half  as  amazed  as 
Robert  Reckert,  who  had  been  carry- 
ing'my  books  home  from  school!  Since 
that  time,  I  no  longer  suffer  from  lacto- 
phobia,  but  I  do  have  nomdephobia, 
which  is  a  fear  of  people  named  Rob- 
ert Reckert. 

Going  through  a  certain  age  period 
has  always  given  me  several  new 
phobias.  When  I  was  twelve,  I  had  a 
severe  case  of  graphobia.  That  is  a 
fear  of  backing  into  pencil  sharpeners. 
That  was  brought  about  during  a  game 
of  blind  man's  bluff,  when  I  lost  my 
sense  of  direction  and  backed  into  a 
wall  to  which  was  affixed  a  pencil 
sharpener.     {Please    turn    the    page) 


Johnny  Carson's  Corner 

(Continued  from  page  9) 

Some  phobias  stay  with  you  for  life. 
Like  remitophobia,  which  is  a  fear 
that  my  TV  Radio  Mirror  subscription 
will  run  out  and  they  won't  let  me  re- 
new. Modern  society  is  responsible  for 
burdening  people  with  new  phobias. 
Like  antiphobia,  which  is  a  fear  of- 
going  into  the  Chase  Manhattan  Bank 
and  finding  you  haven't  a  friend  there. 

The  consensus  among  doctors  is  that 
as  you  grow  older,  you  tend  to  have 
fewer  phobias.  As  soon  as  I  heard  that, 
I  contracted  medophobia,  which  is  a 
disbelief  of  doctors  who  say  things  like 
that.  I  belong  to  the  Phobia  of  the 
Month  Club.  For  example,  I  have  al- 
ways suffered  from  patrophobia,  which 
is  a  fear  of  headwaiters.  A  cold  im- 
personal stare  from  a  headwaiter  can 
turn  me  into  six  feet  of  tapioca.  To 
begin  with,  any  good  headwaiter  can 
speak  a  couple  of  languages,  usually 
French  and  Italian.  He  is  also  usually 
better  attired  than  I.  To  further  my 
agony,  he  brings  me  the  wine  list.  He 
might  as  well  bring  me  the  Dead  Sea 
Scrolls.  I  once  casually  pointed  to  some- 
thing on  the  list  and  said,  "Bring  me 
that."  It  turned  out  to  be  the  restaurant 
owner's  name. 

So  much  for  patrophobia,  a  fear  of 
another  human  being.  I  also  have 
phobias  of  inanimate  objects,  namely 
mildephobia,  a  fear  of  wire  coathangers. 
I  believe  wire  coathangers  were  sent 
here  from  another  planet  to  take  over 
the  earth.  They  are  the  most  frustrat- 
ing and  uncontrollable  objects  in  ex- 
istence. I  dread  the  moment  when  my 
clothes  are  returned  from  the  cleaners. 
Those  little  wire  hangers  have  man- 
aged to  become  intertwined,  and  just 
trying  to  get  them  all  facing  in  the 
same  direction  so  you  can  hang  them 
in  the  closet  is  man's  severest  test.  If 
one  is  turned  around  and  you  attempt 
to  straighten  it,  the  top  snaps  off  in 
your  hand.  I  also  firmly  believe  that 
they  breed  at  night  in  the  privacy  of 
the  closet.  I  have  personally  made  a 
count  before  retiring,  and  the  next 
morning  I  found  27  new  hangers.  And 
just  try  throwing  them  away.  It's  like 
trying  to  kill  a  snake.  I've  found  the 
only  solution  is  to  seal  up  the  closet. 

These  are  just  a  few  of  the  more 
prominent  phobias  I  have.  I  still  haven't 
mentioned  lectaphobia,  which  is  a  fear 
of  falling  into  a  Con  Edison  excavation. 
Or  brutophobia,  a  fear  of  finding  out 
that  Smokey  the  Bear  is  a  Communist. 
Or  even  infiniphobia,  not  knowing  how 
to  end  a  written  article.  It  often  seems 
that  .  .  . 

J       Johnny  stars  in  Who  Do  You  Trust,  as 
I       seen  on  ABC-TV.  M-F,  3:30  P.M.  EDT. 





A  great  many  parents  are  concerned 
with  developing  and  instilling  music 
into  the  lives  of  their  youngsters,  but 
are  at  a  bit  of  a  loss  as  to  how  to  go 
about  it. 

One  of  the  first  steps  is  to  place  at 
the  child's  disposal  recordings  of  a 
wide  variety.  (I'm  referring  to  small 
children  of  age  two  to  about  ten  years, 
thereafter  they  assume  certain  responsi- 
bilities themselves.)  The  child,  no 
doubt,  will  find  something  that  will 
fascinate.  Young  children  generally 
lean  toward  highly  rhythmical  music. 
This,  of  course,  does  not  mean  that  just 
jazz  or  rock  'n'  roll  is  the  only  answer. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  a  good  deal  of  folk 
music  and  classical  music  is  rhythm- 
ically pointed.  Generally,  the  child  be- 
comes engrossed  with  one  piece.  This 
is  where  the  adult's  patience  sometimes 
goes  amiss.  The  youngster  will  want  to 
hear  it  over  and  over  again.  They  are 
rarely  ever,  at  an  early  age,  ready  to 
absorb  as  quickly  as  you  are.  Let  them 
hear  it  as  much  as  they  want  to.  They'll 
let  you  know  when  they've  learned  it, 
so  to  speak. 

Most  of  the  children  I've  come  in 
contact  with  generally  love  a  good 
story,  so  acquire  some  ballet  music, 
particularly  works  with  programs  that 
youngsters  would  be  interested  in  hear- 
ing about.  The  "Nutcracker  Suite"  is 
one  that  comes  to  my  mind.  Folk  songs 
appear  to  delight  kids,  too,  particularly 
nonsense  songs.  These  use  sounds  some- 
times instead  of  words  and  usually  have 
a  simple  repetitive  melody. 

One  important  factor  is:  Never  push 
your  taste  on  children,  even  though 
their  choice  of  music  disturbs  you. 
That's  why  volume  knobs  are  on  sets. 
I'm  sure  at  a  reasonable  level  the  sound 
of  the  phono  won't  disturb  you  very 

Sometimes,  kids  will  feel  compelled 
to  do  a  dance  to  certain  music.  (I,  my- 
self, encourage  my  daughter  to  dance 
when  the  bug  bites  her.)  This  is  a  very 
strong  indication  of  their  delight  with 
the  piece  that  is  moving  them  to  dance. 
Investigate  the  piece  and  find  out  what 
its  make-up  is,  the  composer,  the  kind 
of  orch,  the  tempo,  fast  or  slow,  the 
type  of  music,  etc.  From  there,  you'll 
at  least  have  some  idea  of  the  leanings 
of  your  child.  You'll  be  well  on  the  way 
to  teaching  him  how  to  live  in  the  won- 
derful world  of  music. 


•  Jackie  Paris  has  never  been  treated 
kindly  by  the  Fates.  Though  he  has 
been  around  show  business  for  several 
years,  he's  remained  a  singer's  singer. 
The  reasons  are  many.  For  one  thing 
Jackie  has  been  considered  just  a  jazz 
singer.  His  recordings  in  the  past  have 
always  been  directed  to  a  small  group 
of  jazz  followers.  But  I'm  happy  a  good 
deal  of  the  bumps  are  behind  him  now. 
He's  a  seasoned  performer  now,  a 
darn  good  hoofer,  a  chap  in  possession 
of  a  musical  conception  that  has  made 
its  full  turn  and  completed  itself. 

A  mature,  fully  developed  talent  is 
Jackie  Paris,  now.  And  ABC-Para- 
mount's  jazz  arm,  Impulse  Records,  is 
right  behind  him.  Your  reviewer  had 
the  extreme  pleasure  of  arranging  and 
conducting  and  in  some  cases  compos- 

For   a    long    time,    Jackie    (left)    has    been    a    singer 


ing  for  Jackie's  first  album  for  Impulse. 
Jackie  opened  some  new  areas  for  him- 
self with  this  album.  Folk  material, 
some  standard  ballads,  swinging  tunes 
and  some  beautiful  ad-lib  singing  with 
his  own  unique  brand  of  guitar  ac- 
companiment. Jackie  ran  the  gamut 

Those  readers  who  are  familiar  with 
Jackie's  past  performances  will  certain- 
ly be  surprised  at  his  development.  He 
has  always  been  a  good  singer,  but 
now  he  is  so  singular  that  it's  amazing. 
Well,  look  for  Jackie's  recorded  efforts 
this  year.  You'll  find  him  fresh  and  in- 
vigorating. In  these  times,  when  we're 
saturated  with  so  much  nonsense  and 
"things"  that  are  passed  off  as  music, 
I'm  happy  to  see  the  re-birth  of  Jackie 
Paris,  and  proud  to  have  been  in  on  it. 

inger — on  his  new  albums,   he's  everybody's  singer! 


1)  Uptown,  The  Crystals  (Phillies) 
— An  exceedingly  strong  tune^  full  of 
social  overtones,  but  strongly  written, 
strongly  performed.  Look  out  for  this 
one.     - 

2)  Lipstick  Traces,  Benny  Spellman 
(Minit) — A  very  strong  contender  for 
honors.  Benny  belts  it  out.  This  could 
find  favor  among  the  kids. 

3)  Laughin'  The  Blues,  Sheb 
Wooley  (MGM)— Here's  our  Pete 
Nolan  from  "Rawhide"  again.  Always 
to  be  watched,  Sheb  will  sneak  up  on 
you.  This  tune  has  that  flavor. 

4)  It  Ain't  As  Easy  As  That/Good- 
Night,  Irene,  Hoagy  Lands  (MGM)  — 
Hoagy  may  land  up  in  the  winner's 
circle  with  "It  Ain't  As  Easy."  The 
flip  side  is  strong  too!  "Irene,"  the  way 
it  is  done,  could  shake  up  some  sales. 
Look  out! 

5)  The  Big  Draft,  The  Four  Preps 
(Capitol) — Although  this  record  is 
directed  to  your  funny-bone  with  an 
assist  from  the  "Impressions"  dept.,  it 
could  mean  something.  The  flip,  "Suzy 
Cockroach,"  is  an  elbow  in  the  ribs  sort 
of  thing.  Talented  bunch  of  kids! 

6)  Who  Will  The  Next  Fool  Be, 

Bobby  Bland  (Duke)— Well,  this 
should  mean  something!  This  chap  has 
professional  stamped  all  over  him.  It 
might  not  be  what  everyone  wants  to 
hear,  but  I'll  stick  with  Bobby's  shout- 
ing all  the  way.  He's  a  new  rival  for  Ray 
Charles  to  contend  with.  Maybe  too 
musical,  but  I  hope  not. 

7)  No  Strings,  Vic  Damone  (Capi- 
tol)— This  is  the  title  tune  from  the 
Broadway  musical  by  Richard  Rodgers. 
I  can  still  remember  Vic's  big  one  "On 
The  Street  Where  You  Live"  from 
"Fair  Lady."  You  never  can  tell.  At 
any  rate,  it  is  something  to  listen  and 
watch  for. 

8)  Forever,  The  Fabulous  Four 
(Chancellor) — Here's  a  hard  riding 
entry.  It  might  do  it.  This  may  move 
the  kids  right  down  to  the  record  shop. 

9)  The  Right  Thing  To  Say,  Nat 
"King"  Cole  (Capitol)— Well,  here's 
the  sleeper!  Nat  has  a  way  of  getting 
these  lightly  moving  ballads  up  the  hit 
charts.  It  covers  all  areas.  Nat  turns 
in  a  beautiful  performance,  as  he  always 
does.  The  flip-side,  "Look  No  Further," 
from  "No  Strings,"  is  a  twenty-to-oner. 
Watch  the  first  side. 

10)  Runaway,  Lawrence  Welk  (Dot) 
— I  haven't  the  remotest  idea  of  how 
bandleader  Welk  makes  records  like 
this!  Well,  however  he's  done  it,  it's 
been  done.  Could  be  a  big  one.  It  cer- 
tainly isn't  Mickey  Mouse  like  those 
band  arrangements.  This  is  vital.  .  .  . 



Bing's  Hollywood  (Decca,  Fifteen 
Albums) — March  '62  was  Bing  Crosby 
month  at  Decca  and  one  heck-of-a- 
month  it  was.  Decca  released  Fifteen 
Albums,  with  one  hundred  and  eighty- 
three  tunes  from  forty-two  movies! 
Brother,  that's  a  compilation! 

It  would  appear  that  no  stone  was 
left  unturned.  My  sampler's  one  side 
sees  "Der  Bingle"  lose  that  tenor  range 
he  started  with  and  descend  into  that 
"Boo-Boo"  baritone.  Some  of  the  early 
tracks  may  not  move  those  who  cannot 
relate  to  that  period,  but  there  is  still 
plenty  here  that  easily  hurdles  such 
obstacles.  "Blue  Skies"  is  certainly  one 
of  the  highlights  on  the  sampler.  The 
reading  is  beautiful,  and  Bing's  reso- 
nant, relaxed  warbling  is  incredible! 
The  touching  Burke  and  Van  Heusen 
tune,  "But  Beautiful,"  holds  up  fan- 
tastically. You'll  find  Bing  side  by  side 
with  some  talented  ladies,  too.  Mary 
Martin,  Mitzi  Gaynor,  the  Andrews 
Sisters,  Jane  Wyman  and  others. 

I'm  sure  that  this  series  will  cause 
much  reflection.  The  arrangements,  the 
tunes  and  the  performances  seem  in- 
stilled with  the  color  of  the  times,  their 
times.  Crosby,  certainly  the  most  in- 
destructible song  and  dance  man  ever, 
is  worthy  of  this  kind  of  a  testimonial, 
as  he  changes,  chameleon-like,  with  the 
times.  The  early  tracks  bring  back 
the  essence  of  those  times,  faintly  rem- 
iniscent of  Arthur  Tracy,  the  Street 
Singer.  The  grander,  dramatic-type  bal- 
lad then  gives  way  to  the  spare,  straight 
from  the  heart,  unburdened  interpreta- 
tions of  more  recent  times. 

I  can  say  with  assurance  that  this 
series  does  cover  Bing's  movie  career 

So  if  you  want  some  gems  in  your 
collection  to  invoke  some  movie-house 
memories,  check  this  group  out.  Twen- 
ty-five years  in  the  limelight  could 
murder  many  a  talent,  but  not  Crosby! 

Song  and  dance,  dramatic  leads,  TV, 
radio,  the  screen,  clubs,  you  name  it, 
he's  done  it!  Bing  has  carved  his  spot 
well,  in  our  popular  musical  heritage. 




Johnny   Carson's   Corner 

(Continued  from  page  9) 

Some  phobias  stay  with  you  for  life. 
Like  remitophobia.  which  is  a  fear 
that  my  TV  Radio  Mirror  subscription 
will  run  out  and  they  won't  let  me  re- 
new. Modern  society  is  responsible  for 
burdening  people  with  new  phobias. 
Like  antiphobia.  which  is  a  fear  of  ■ 
going  into  the  Chase  Manhattan  Bank 
and  finding  you  haven't  a  friend  there. 

The  consensus  among  doctors  is  that 
as  you  grow  older,  you  tend  to  have 
fewer  phobias.  As  soon  as  I  heard  that, 
I  contracted  medophobia,  which  is  a 
disbelief  of  doctors  who  say  things  like 
that.  I  belong  to  the  Phobia  of  the 
Month  Club.  For  example,  I  have  al- 
ways suffered  from  patrophobia,  which 
is  a  fear  of  headwaiters.  A  cold  im- 
personal stare  from  a  headwaiter  can 
turn  me  into  six  feet  of  tapioca.  To 
begin  with,  any  good  headwaiter  can 
speak  a  couple  of  languages,  usually 
French  and  Italian.  He  is  also  usually 
better  attired  than  I.  To  further  my 
agony,  he  brings  me  the  wine  list.  He 
might  as  well  bring  me  the  Dead  Sea 
Scrolls.  I  once  casually  pointed  to  some- 
thing on  the  list  and  said.  "Bring  me 
that."  It  turned  out  to  be  the  restaurant 
owner's  name. 

So  much  for  patrophobia,  a  fear  of 
another  human  being.  I  also  have 
phobias  of  inanimate  objects,  namely 
mildephobia,  a  fear  of  wire  coathangers. 
I  believe  wire  coathangers  were  sent 
here  from  another  planet  to  take  over 
the  earth.  They  are  the  most  frustrat- 
ing and  uncontrollable  objects  in  ex- 
istence. I  dread  the  moment  when  my 
clothes  are  returned  from  the  cleaners. 
Those  little  wire  hangers  have  man- 
aged to  become  intertwined,  and  just 
trying  to  get  them  all  facing  in  the 
same  direction  so  you  can  hang  them 
in  the  closet  is  man's  severest  test.  If 
one  is  turned  around  and  you  attempt 
to  straighten  it,  the  top  snaps  off  in 
your  hand.  I  also  firmly  believe  that 
they  breed  at  night  in  the  privacy  of 
the  closet.  I  have  personally  made  a 
count  before  retiring,  and  the  next 
morning  I  found  27  new  hangers.  And 
just  try  throwing  them  away.  It's  like 
trying  to  kill  a  snake.  I've  found  the 
only  solution  is  to  seal  up  the  closet. 

These  are  just  a  few  of  the  more 
prominent  phobias  I  have.  I  still  haven't 
mentioned  lectaphobia,  which  is  a  fear 
of  falling  into  a  Con  Edison  excavation. 
Or  brutophobia.  a  fear  of  finding  out 
that  Smokey  the  Bear  is  a  Communist. 
Or  even  infini  phobia,  not  knowing  how 
to  end  a  written  article.  It  often  seems 
that  .  .  . 

Johnny  stars  in  Who  Do  You  Trust,  as 
seen  on  ABC-TV.  M-F,  3:30  P.M.  EDT. 




A  great  many  parents  are  concerned 
with  developing  and  instilling  music 
into  the  lives  of  their  youngsters,  but 
are  at  a  bit  of  a  loss  as  to  how  to  go 
about  it. 

One  of  the  first  steps  is  to  place  at 
the  child's  disposal  recordings  of  a 
wide  variety.  (I'm  referring  to  small 
children  of  age  two  to  about  ten  years, 
thereafter  they  assume  certain  responsi- 
bilities themselves.)  The  child,  no 
doubt,  will  find  something  that  will 
fascinate.  Young  children  generally 
lean  toward  highly  rhythmical  music. 
This,  of  course,  does  not  mean  that  just 
jazz  or  rock  'n'  roll  is  the  only  answer. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  a  good  deal  of  folk 
music  and  classical  music  is  rhythm- 
ically pointed.  Generally,  the  child  be- 
comes engrossed  with  one  piece.  This 
is  where  the  adult's  patience  sometimes 
goes  amiss.  The  youngster  will  want  to 
hear  it  over  and  over  again.  They  are 
rarely  ever,  at  an  early  age,  ready  to 
absorb  as  quickly  as  you  are.  Let  them 
hear  it  as  much  as  they  want  to.  They'll 
let  you  know  when  they've  learned  it, 
so  to  speak. 

Most  of  the  children  I've  come  in 
contact  with  generally  love  a  good 
story,  so  acquire  some  ballet  music, 
particularly  works  with  programs  that 
youngsters  would  be  interested  in  hear- 
ing about.  The  "Nutcracker  Suite"  is 
one  that  comes  to  my  mind.  Folk  songs 
appear  to  delight  kids,  too,  particularly 
nonsense  songs.  These  use  sounds  some- 
times instead  of  words  and  usually  have 
a  simple  repetitive  melody. 

One  important  factor  is:  Never  push 
your  taste  on  children,  even  though 
their  choice  of  music  disturbs  you. 
That's  why  volume  knobs  are  on  sets. 
I'm  sure  at  a  reasonable  level  the  sound 
of  the  phono  won't  disturb  you  very 

Sometimes,  kids  will  feel  compelled 
to  do  a  dance  to  certain  music.  (I,  my- 
self, encourage  my  daughter  to  dance 
when  the  bug  bites  her.)  This  is  a  very 
strong  indication  of  their  delight  with 
the  piece  that  is  moving  them  to  dance. 
Investigate  the  piece  and  find  out  what 
its  make-up  is,  the  composer,  the  kind 
of  orch,  the  tempo,  fast  or  slow,  the 
type  of  music,  etc.  From  there,  you'll 
at  least  have  some  idea  of  the  leanings 
of  your  child.  You'll  be  well  on  the  way 
to  teaching  him  how  to  live  in  the  won- 
derful world  of  music. 


•  Jackie  Paris  has  never  been  treated 
kindly  by  the  Fates.  Though  he  has 
been  around  show  business  for  several 
years,  he's  remained  a  singer's  singer. 
The  reasons  are  many.  For  one  thing 
Jackie  has  been  considered  just  a  jazz 
singer.  His  recordings  in  the  past  have 
always  been  directed  to  a  small  group 
of  jazz  followers.  But  I'm  happy  a  good 
deal  of  the  bumps  are  behind  him  now. 
He's  a  seasoned  performer  now,  a 
darn  good  hoofer,  a  chap  in  possession 
of  a  musical  conception  that  has  made 
its  full  turn  and  completed  itself. 

A  mature,  fully  developed  talent  is 
Jackie  Paris,  now.  And  ABC-Para- 
mount's  jazz  arm,  Impulse  Records,  is 
right  behind  him.  Your  reviewer  had 
the  extreme  pleasure  of  arranging  and 
conducting  and  in  some  cases  compos- 


ing  for  Jackie's  first  album  for  Impulse. 
Jackie  opened  some  new  areas  for  him- 
self with  this  album.  Folk  material, 
some  standard  ballads,  swinging  tunes 
and  some  beautiful  ad-lib  singing  with 
his  own  unique  brand  of  guitar  ac- 
companiment. Jackie  ran  the  gamut 

Those  readers  who  are  familiar  with 
Jackie's  past  performances  will  certain- 
ly be  surprised  at  his  development.  He 
has  always  been  a  good  singer,  but 
now  he  is  so  singular  that  it's  amazing. 
Well,  look  for  Jackie's  recorded  efforts 
this  year.  You'll  find  him  fresh  and  in- 
vigorating. In  these  times,  when  we're 
saturated  with  so  much  nonsense  and 
"things"  that  are  passed  off  as  music, 
I'm  happy  to  see  the  re-birth  of  Jackie 
Paris,  and  proud  to  have  been  in  on  it. 

Fn.  -   I—      i-  ii.      ii   r.i    i         l  _    tinner's    I       Sln9er — on  his  new  albums,   he's  everybody's  singer 

ror  a   long   time,   Jackie    (left)    has   been   a   singe'  / 


1)  Uptown,  The  Crystals  (Phillies) 
—An  exceedingly  strong  tune,  full  of 
social  overtones,  but  strongly  written 
strongly  performed.  Look  out  for  this 

2)  Lipstick  Traces,  Benny  Spellman 
(Minit)— A  very  strong  contender  for 
honors.  Benny  belts  it  out.  This  could 
find  favor  among  the  kids. 

3)  Laughin'  The  Blues,  Sheb 
Wooley  (MGM)— Here's  our  Pete 
Nolan  from  "Rawhide"  again.  Always 
to  be  watched,  Sheb  will  sneak  up  on 
you.  This  tune  has  that  flavor. 

4)  It  Ain't  As  Easy  As  That/Good- 
Night,  Irene,  Hoagy  Lands  (MGM)  — 
Hoagy  may  land  up  in  the  winner's 
circle  with  "It  Ain't  As  Easy."  The 
flip  side  is  strong  too!  "Irene,"  the  way 
it  is  done,  could  shake  up  some  sales. 
Look  out! 

5)  The  Big  Draft,  The  Four  Preps 
(Capitol) — Although  this  record  is 
directed  to  your  funny-bone  with  an 
assist  from  the  "Impressions"  dept.,  it 
could  mean  something.  The  flip,  "Suzy 
Cockroach,"  is  an  elbow  in  the  ribs  sort 
of  thing.  Talented  bunch  of  kids! 

6)  Who  Will  The  Next  Fool  Be, 
Bobby  Bland  (Duke)— Well,  this 
should  mean  something!  This  chap  has 
professional  stamped  all  over  him.  It 
might  not  be  what  everyone  wants  to 
hear,  but  I'll  stick  with  Bobby's  shout- 
ing all  the  way.  He's  a  new  rival  for  Ray 
Charles  to  contend  with.  Maybe  too 
musical,  but  I  hope  not. 

7)  No  Strings,  Vic  Damone  (Capi- 
tol)— This  is  the  title  tune  from  the 
Broadway  musical  by  Richard  Rodgers. 
I  can  still  remember  Vic's  big  one  "On 
The  Street  Where  You  Live"  from 
"Fair  Lady."  You  never  can  tell.  At 
any  rate,  it  is  something  to  listen  and 
watch  for. 

8)  Forever,  The  Fabulous  Four 
(Chancellor)— Here's  a  hard  riding 
entry.  It  might  do  it.  This  may  move 
the  kids  right  down  to  the  record  shop. 

9)  The  Right  Thing  To  Say,  Nat 
"King"  Cole  (Capitol)— Well,  heres 
the  sleeper!  Nat  has  a  way  of  getting 
these  lightly  moving  ballads  up  the  hit 
charts.  It  covers  all  areas.  Nat  turns 
in  a  beautiful  performance,  as  he  always 
does.  The  flip-side,  "Look  No  Further, 
from  "No  Strings,"  is  a  twenty-to-oner. 
Watch  the  first  side. 

10)  Runaway,  Lawrence  Welk  ( Dot) 
_     haven't  the  remotest  idea  of  low 

hSa^angeS  This  is  vital.  .  .  . 


Bing's  Hollywood  (Decca,  Fifteen 
Albums)— March  '62  was  Bing  Croab) 
month  at  Decca  and  one  heck-of-a- 
month  it  was.  Decca  released  Fifteen 
Albums,  with  one  hundred  and  eighty- 
three  tunes  from  forty-two  movies! 
Brother,  that's  a  compilation! 

It  would  appear  that  no  stone  was 
left  unturned.  My  sampler's  one  side 
sees  "Der  Bingle"  lose  that  tenor  range 
he  started  with  and  descend  into  that 
"Boo-Boo"  baritone.  Some  of  the  early 
tracks  may  not  move  those  who  cannot 
relate  to  that  period,  but  there  is  hi  ill 
plenty  here  that  easily  hurdles  such 
obstacles.  "Blue  Skies"  is  certainly  one 
of  the  highlights  on  the  sampler.  The 
reading  is  beautiful,  and  Bing's  reso- 
nant, relaxed  warbling  is  incredible! 
The  touching  Burke  and  Van  Heusen 
tune,  "But  Beautiful,"  holds  up  fan- 
tastically. You'll  find  Bing  side  by  side 
with  some  talented  ladies,  too.  Mary 
Martin,  Mitzi  Gaynor,  the  Andrews 
Sisters,  Jane  Wyman  and  others. 

I'm  sure  that  this  series  will  cause 
much  reflection.  The  arrangements,  the 
tunes  and  the  performances  seem  in- 
stilled with  the  color  of  the  times,  their 
times.  Crosby,  certainly  the  most  in- 
destructible song  and  dance  man  ever, 
is  worthy  of  this  kind  of  a  testimonial, 
as  he  changes,  chameleon-like,  with  the 
times.  The  early  tracks  bring  back 
the  essence  of  those  times,  faintly  rem- 
iniscent of  Arthur  Tracy,  the  Street 
Singer.  The  grander,  dramatic-type  bal- 
lad then  gives  way  to  the  spare,  straight 
from  the  heart,  unburdened  interpreta- 
tions of  more  recent  times. 

I  can  say  with  assurance  that  this 
series  does  cover  Bing's  movie  career 

So  if  you  want  some  gems  in  your 
collection  to  invoke  some  movie-house 
memories,  check  this  group  out.  Twen- 
ty-five years  in  the  limelight  could 
murder  many  a  talent,  but  not  Crosby ! 

Song  and  dance,  dramatic  leads,  TV, 
radio,  the  screen,  clubs,  you  name  it, 
he's  done  it!  Bing  has  carved  his  spot      j 
ivell,  in  our  popular  musical  heritage.    ,  R 


Voc#f-  Monthly   ON    RECORD   Guide 



••••Point  of  No  Return,  Frank 
Sinatra,  Arr.  and  Cond.  by  Alex  Stor- 
dahl  (Capitol) — Before  I  write  one  line 
of  this  review,  let  me  say  that  if  Si- 
natra ever  suffers  by  comparison,  it's 
only  with  Sinatra.  That  said,  now  about 
the  album.  The  essence  of  the  album  is 
the  glance  back  over  the  shoulder  into 
the  past  moments  of  love  and  the  bitter- 
sweet truth  inherent  in  the  album  title, 
"Point   of  No   Return." 

Sinatra,  the  most  capable  conjurer 
of  imagery,  is  magnificently  melancholy 
on  most  of  the  tracks.  He  eases  through 
the  tough  things.  "When  the  "World  Was 
Young,"  the  beautiful  Johnny  Mercer 
tune,  gets  one  heck-of-a-treatment.  It's 
incredibly  read!  But  on  "These  Foolish 
Things"  we  find  The  Voice  singing  and 
reading  at  a  very  low  level.  (I  hasten  to 
add,  for  Sinatra!)  He  sort  of  "La-De- 
Da's"  it.  "I'll  Be  Seeing  You"  is  pretty 
much  unrealized  until  the  last  singing 
entrance  after  the  orchestra  plays, 
where  Sinatra  saves  the  whole  tune  with 
a  blast  of  warmth.  The  arrangements, 
though  not  disconcerting,  are  not  very 
stimulating  to  this  reviewer.  (Herein 
may  possibly  sit  the  reason  for  some 
strange  Sinatra  moments). 

I  could  take  ten  pages  to  write  about 
how  good  the  rest  of  the  album  is.  But 
I'm  sure  you,  the  readers,  need  no  ad- 
jectives from  me  about  The  Voice. 

Included  are  "September  Song" 
(with  the  verse),  "I'll  See  You  Agpin," 
"Memories  of  You,"  "Somewhere  Along 
the  Way,"  "It's  a  Blue  World,"  "I'll 
Remember  April"  and  "There  Will 
Never  Be  Another  You."  I  leave  the 
rest  to  your  imagination.  When,  and  if, 
you  purchase  this  album,  you'll  gra- 
ciously be  touched  by  another  teardrop 
off  the  cheek  of  the  Master.  Highly 

•••Pearl  Bailey+Louis  Bellson 
=Happy  Sounds  (Roulette)— Don't 
ever  let  anybody  tell  you  Pearl  Bailey 
isn't  one  of  the  great  singers,  because 
she  is!  She's  a  complete  talent.  No 
edges,  nothing  missing,  nothing  needed. 
Relaxed  to  the  point  of  absurdity.  Her 
voice,  as  an  instrument,  is  a  marvel. 
Her  time  conception  is  on  a  par  with 

■  .  '■  ■■.■.'■■'■■   ■       ■  ■  ■- 





j  Doris  m  \fwm  j{  assm  rami] 

any  "jazz"  singer.  Only  Pear  lie  Mae 
doesn't  make  a  career  out  of  it.  The 
readings  here  are  the  most  professional. 
She  tells  the  story. 

You'll  find  out  about  "The  Feeling'' 
in  "That  Certain  Feeling,"  the  humor 
in  "Just  You,  Just  Me,"  the  serious 
Pearl,  talking  of  love  in  the  lovely  "I'm 
Glad  There  Is  You."  Louis'  sides  are 
nice,  but  hardly  earth-shattering.  (They 

are  certainly  arranged  nicely.)  Four 
stars  for  Pearl  and  Louis,  three  stars  for 
the  album. 

••Duet,  Doris  Day  and  Andre  Previn 
Trio  (Columbia) — Very  few  singers 
could  sustain  an  album  like  this.  Un- 
fortunately, Miss  Day  is  not  one  of 
them.  Previn's  backing  is  competent, 
but  conservative.  The  readings  by  Miss 
Day  miss  the  bullseye  by  a  quarter  of 
a  mile.  The  over-deliberate  phrasing, 
the  constant  production  of  round  tones 
(even  where  the  lyric  calls  for  throw- 
away  s)  keeps  the  action  on  one  level. 
The  mood  seems  broken,  happily  for 
this  reviewer,  in  the  pulsing  Previn 
tune,  "Control  Yourself." 

The  tunes  are  all  first-rate:  "No- 
body's Heart,"  "My  One  and  Only 
Love"  (which  incidentally  has  Previn's 
piano  swinging  to  advantage  in  his 
solo),  "Wait  Till  You  See  Him,"  the 
Rodgers  and  Hart  gem,  and  some  other 

The  Trio  was  not  utilized  much, 
which  seems  strange.  A  singer  like  Miss 
Day,  who  is  not  pointedly  rhythmical, 
needs  punctuation  to  relieve  the  float- 
ing-like feeling  of  her  readings  and 
phrasing.  Well,  if  you're  a  Doris  Day 
fan,  this  may  be  a  departure  from  her 
usually  large-orchestra  type  record- 
ings, and  on  that  value  may  mean  some- 
thing to  you.  I  wish  it  were  a  4-star 
album,  as  both  Miss  Day  and  Previn 
are  favorites  of  this  reviewer,  but  it 

•••The  Best  of  Basie  (Roulette) 
— A  thoroughly  enjoyable  visit  to 
Basie's  wine  cellar  *o  find  the  vintage 
tunes  and  reconstruct  the  thread  of 
biography  of  Red  Bank,  New  Jersey's 
contribution  to  the  big  band  jazz  his- 
tory. It's  all  Basie's  show  in  the  compo- 
sition department.  The  tunes  bridge  the 
period  of  1938-44.  These  are  not  the 
original  recordings,  but  they  stand  up 
to  a  comparison  wonderfully  well.  The 
sound  of  modern  records  and  the  tech- 
nique of  making  them  is  the  plus  of  this 
album.  Old  Basic  buffs  will,  of  course, 
shout  about  the  missing  giants.  There 
is  no  Lester  Young  on  "Blue  and  Senti- 
mental" or  "Every  Tub."  No  Buck 
Clayton  or  Harry  Edison,  no  Jo  Jones. 



****   GREAT! 

-K  IT'S    YOUR    MONEY 

But  these  chaps  in  the  newer  Basie 
bands  take  no  back  seat.  Joe  Newman 
and  Thad  Jones  are  certainly  talented 
trumpeters.  Joe  Williams  covers  beau- 
tifully the  Jimmy  Rushing  classics. 
Frank  Foster  and  Frank  Wess  can  kick 
in  and  out  with  the  best! 

An  interesting  thing  to  do,  if  you're 
an  experimenter,  is  get  the  old  record- 
ings and  these  new  ones  and  see  what 
you  find  in  the  comparison.  (No  doubt, 
you'll  probably  find  they  both  merit 
attention.)  For  history,  for  big  band 
fans  and  dancers,  for  jazz  lovers,  this 
is  a  goodie.  Recommended. 

•••Italiano !  Frankie  Avalon 
(Chancellor) — An  exceedingly  relaxed 
package  by  one  of  the  leaders  of 
the  younger  set  of  singers.  Frankie 
does  a  wonderful  job  of  handling  this 
material,  which  is  made  up  of  some 
Italian  and  Italian-English  songs.  He 
reads  them  very  well,  instilling  them 
with  that  certain  quality  that  evokes 
warm,  sunny  days  and  cool  and  fra- 
grant nights.  He  shies  away  from  put- 
ting his  heart  in  his  hand  and  belting 
them  out  in  a  maudlin  and  c-ver-drama- 
tic  fashion.  Instead  he  projects  a  subtle 
feeling.  (If  anything  is  excessive,  it's 
simplicity.)  He  does  a  few  tunes  with 
obvious  modernity.  "Zingarella"  gets 
a  smooth  swinging  treatment.  Frank 
Hunter's  arrangement  punctuates 
Frankie's  phrasing  beautifully.  "Tor- 
nerai"  swings  too,  but  has  added  color. 
(The  use  of  mandolin  and,  I  believe,  a 
harpsichord).  All  in  all,  it's  an  album 
Frankie  can  be  proud  of.  He  continues 
to  grow  larger  as  a  talent  with  each 
succeeding  album.  The  cover,  for  you 
Avalon  fans,  is  a  portrait  of  Frankie 
sitting  in  a  Hollywood  restaurant.  An 
Italian  one,  of  course! 

•••The  Hits  of  Woody  Herman 

( Capitol v  The  Star  Line) — I  see  Capi- 
tol is  now  in  rhe  process  of  what,  at 
Verve  Records,  is  now  called  "The  Es- 
sential Series."  Capitol's  answer  is 
The  Star  Line,  and  this  Woody  Herman 
album  is  one  of  them.  It  is  a  compila- 
tion bridging  a  few  periods.  "Lemon- 
Drop"  and  "Early  Autumn"  are  earlier 
Herman     jazz     classics,     written     by 


George  Wallington  and  Ralph  Burns, 
respectively.  They  feature  talents  like 
Shorty  Rogers,  Terry  Gibbs,  Serge 
Chaloff  and  Stan  Getz.  They  still  rank 
among  this  reviewer's  favorite  jazz  re- 
cordings. "Woodchopper's  Ball"  sees  a 
later  band.  Richie  Kamuca  and  Bill 
Perkins,  I  believe,  handling  the  tenor 
Woody  always  manages  to  find  the 

young  players  in  each  new  generation. 
Rarely  ever  has  he,  or  his  bands,  turned 
in  anything  but  first-rate  performances. 
This  album  is  no  exception.  If  you 
don't  have  these  in  your  collection 
you've  missed  a  little  big  band  history. 
A  good  package  of  vintage  wailers. 

••Modern  Sounds  in  Country  and 
Western  Music,  Ray  Charles  (ABC- 
Paramount) — I  can't  help  thinking, 
listening  to  this  album,  what  a  waste 
of  talent.  Ray  Charles,  to  this  reviewer's 
knowledge,  has  always  put  his  stamp  of 
believability  on  his  efforts.  Well,  it's 
not  in  evidence  here.  The  tunes  are  all 
good  country  tunes,  but  outside  of 
Ray's  groove.  I've  always  delighted  in 
Ray's  bringing  together  fundamental 
material  and  a  sophisticated  attitude 
and  conversely,  sophisticated  material 
with  a  fundamental  and  "other-side-of- 
town"  type  attitudes.  Here  the  material 
seems  so  stylistically  written,  that  one 
must  do  it  country  or  not  do  it  at  all. 
I  admire  the  courageous  attempt.  But 
Ray  is  loaded  with  talent,  his  own 
brand  of  individuality,  and  that's  where 
the  idea-men  should  sink  the  shaft. 
Blues,  country  blues,  of  the  John  Lee 
Hooker  variety,  in  this  reviewer's  hum- 
ble opinion,  would  open  an  area  to  Ray 
that  could  stand  development,  to  the 
tune  of  strings,  arrangements  and 
voices.  It's  all  too  prosaic.  Ray  Charles 
is  one  of  my  favorite  talents  and  I  dis- 
like rating  this  one.  Four  stars  for  Ray, 
two  for  the  album. 

••••You're  Mine  You,  Sarah 
Vaughn,  Arranged  and  Cond.  by 
Quincy  Jones  (Roulette) — The  com- 
bination of  Sassy  and  Quincy  Jones  is 
murder!  This  album  is  surely  the  best 
of  the  "Divine"  Sarah  in  a  while.  The 
choice  of  the  material,  the  sound  of  the 
album,  the  wonderful  and  sympathetic 
arrangements  of  Quincy  Jones  and 
Sarah's  soaring  excursions  are  all  first- 
rate.  The  version  of  Bernstein's  "Maria" 
from  "West  Side  Story"  is  one  of  the 
best  I've  heard.  Sarah  confidently  glides 
through  "Green  Dolphin  Street,"  "In- 
vitation," the  beautiful  "In  Other 
Words,"  and  a  couple  of  recently  Si- 
natra-made standards  ("Witchcraft" 
and  "Second  Time  Around").  The  pac- 



Vocjf-  Monthly   ON    RECORD  Guide* 


ing  on  the  album  is  good.  Textures 
change  throughout,  thanks  to  Quincy's 
variations  in  the  instrumental  make-up 
of  the  orchestra.  When  the  material 
calls  for  the  warmth  of  strings,  there 
they  be.  The  blanket-like  effect  of  a 
choir  of  horns,  the  bite  of  a  big  band, 
the  brass  mutes  mixed  with  little  per- 
cussive sounds  from  the  rhythm  sec- 
tion, give  a  spectrum  of  color. 

Sarah  sits  right  on  top  of  every- 
thing, warbling,  sighing,  ornamentally 
finding  new  ways  to  say  old  things. 
This  album  will  find  a  place  in  my  col- 
lection along  with  the  best. 

•••First  Time!— The  Count  M-3ts 
The  Duke,  The  Duke  Ellington  and 
Count  Basie  Orchestra  (Columbia)  — 
I'll  bet  you  think  that  two  bands  play- 
ing in  one  studio  can  get  pretty  fouled 
up.  But  where  others  may  fail,  Bacie 
and  Ellington  take  the  challenge,  hoist 
up  the  wailing  flag  and  commence  to 
shout.  Both  bands  are  loaded  with 
talent.  Ray  Nance,  Cat  Anderson,  Jim- 
my Hamilton,  Lawrence  Brown,  Frank 
Wess,  the  wonderful  Thad  Jones  from 
the  Basie  team,  Freddie  Green's  vital 
pulse,  Sammy  Woodyard  and  Sonny 
Payne  bringing  up  the  rear  with  gusto. 
All  these  cats,  plus  the  writing  of  Basie, 
Duke,  Billy  Strayhorn,  Frank  Wess  :  id 
Thad  Jones.  The  tracks  are  all  free- 
wheeling. The  writing  leaves  many  holes 
for  the  soloists  to  use.  Thad  Jones'  "To 
You"  is  a  beautiful  example  of  this 
chap's  writing  ability.  A  warm,  en- 
chanting ballad.  Duke's  "Battle  Royal" 
gets  the  action  started.  (Its  coda 
utilizes  the  fourteen  brass  assembled 
to  shout  nobly.)  The  album  includes 
the  trademarks  of  Duke  and  Count, 
"Take  the  'A'  Train"  and  "Jumpin'  at 
the  Woodside."  The  latter  bringing  this 
courtly  occasion  to  a  screaming  end. 
All  in  all,  a  very  good  package  for 
band-lovers,  buffs  and  anybody  who 
needs  to  tap  their  foot  and  wiggle  their 
toes.  Recommended. 


••••Hymns  and  Songs  of  Broth- 
erhood, The  Mormon  Tabernacle  Choir 
(Columbia)— Here's  an  album  worth 
every  penny  spent  on  it.  The  human 

voice,  the  most  beautiful  of  all  musical 
instruments,  is  the  winner  here.  The 
Mormon  Choir  is  certainly  one  of  the 
best  groups  in  the  world.  They  blend 
beautifully  and  have  an  unusually  large 
dynamic  range.  The  material  is  all  first- 
rate.  Joseph  Wagner's  "Ballad  of  Broth- 
erhood" is  the  highlight.  Here  the  Choir 

starts  at  the  softest  level  and  builds 
beautifully  to  a  triumphant  close.  The 
lyrics  are  somewhat  borrowed  from 
Walt  Whitman's  "Leaves  of  Grass."  It 
flows  with  major  and  minor  sevenths 
and  ninths  liberally  sprinkled  through- 

Another  gem,  also  using  a  Whitman 
text,  is  Gustav  Hoist's  "Two  Veterans," 
a  rather  biting  dirge,  expressing  the 
passing  of  war  and  death.  The  strident 
harmonies,  the  wonderful  trumpet-like 
sounds  all  paint  this  scene  strongly. 
Also  included  is  a  "Song  of  Thanks- 
giving" by  England's  late,  great  mas- 
ter, Vaughan  Williams;  "The  Pilgrims 
Chorus,"  out  of  "Tannhauser"  by  Rich- 
ard Wagner;  and  the  monument  to 
brotherhood,  Jean  Sibelius'  "Onward, 
Ye  Peoples."  The  performances  are  all 
on  the  highest  level.  For  those  who  de- 
light in  the  human  voice,  the  words  of 
sages  and  the  inspiring  creations  of 
musical  genius,  see  about  this  album. 


•••Soul  Trombone,  Curtis  Fuller 
and  the  Jazz  Clan  (Impulse) — It  is  al- 
ways a  pleasure  to  hear  a  fine,  mod- 
ern jazz-playing  trombonist.  It  seems 
strange,  but,  comparatively  speaking, 
they  are  few.  J.J.  Johnson,  Bob  Brook- 
meyer,  Jimmie  Cleveland,  and  then 
who?  Well,  Curtis  certainly  stands 
alongside  these  chaps.  Largely  influ- 
enced, and  admittedly  so,  by  J.J.,  Curtis 
is  still  Curtis.  This  album  also  finds 
him  writing.  (Half  of  the  tunes  are 

The  trombone,  though  an  inherently 
cumbersome  instrument  to  get  around 
on,  presents  no  problem  at  all  to  Mr. 
Fuller.  He  moves  rapidly,  smoothly, 
playing  the  ballads  warmly  and  the 
swingers  in  a  pecking,  short  staccato- 
type  style.  His  "Clan,"  as  it's  called, 
includes  several  young  talents.  Freddie 
Hubbard  is  heard  on  trumpet,  with 
Cedar  Walton,  G.  T.  Hogan  and  Jimmie 
Merritt  making  up  the  rhythm  section. 
Another  underrated  and  talented  play- 
er, saxophonist  Jimmy  Heath,  is  also  a 
big  plus  here.  The  tunes  include  "Wee 
Small  Hours,"  "Dear  Old  Stockholm," 
"The  Breeze  and  I"  and  Curtis'  orig- 
inals    "The     Clan,"     "Newdles"     and 


-K  IT'S    YOUR    MONEY 

"Ladies,  Night."  This  is  a  fella  to  watch. 
Curtis  has  been  developing  steadily 
towards  becoming  a  major  jazz  voice, 
and,  unlike  a  few  of  his  contemporaries, 
he  has  no  excesses.  He's  concentrated. 
A  very  good  package.  Good  writing, 
good  playing. 

••••Statements,  Milt  Jackson 
Quartet  (Impulse) — Like  last  month, 
this  month  finds  in  my  hands,  once 
again,  another  expression  of  the  always 
fertile  heart  and  mind  of  Milt  Jackson. 
Last  month  found  him  with  the  Oscar 
Peterson  Trio  on  Verve,  but  this  time 
it's  all  his  show.  Complemented  by 
three,  better  you  couldn't  find,  ex- 
tremely large  talents.  The  indestructi- 
ble Hank  Jones  at  the  piano  with  Paul 
Chambers  and  Connie  Kay,  bass  and 
drums  respectively.  As  might  well  be 
imagined  by  Jackson  fans,  most  of  the 
material  is,  structurally,  blues.  And 
there  is  no  one  like  Milt  in  this  area. 
So  far  as  swing  is  concerned,  be  as- 
sured it's  here!  Milt,  being  certainly 
one  of  the  very  few  great  jazz  impro- 
visers,  is  always  a  must  for  jazz  li- 
braries. He  holds  one  great  distinction: 
I've  never  heard  of  any  critic  or  musi- 
cian ever  expressing  any  views  except 
of  the  highest  esteem  for  Milt's  talent 
and  output,  which  incidentally  is  like 
Gibraltar  in  the  stormy  jazz  seas  where 
so  many  players  have  their  heads 
dunked  periodically.  Milt  always  is  con- 
sistent. "Statements"  can  be  added  to 
the  list  of  gems  he's  brought  to  life. 


•••Standing    Room    Only!    The 

Highwaymen  (United  Artists) — Here 
are  five  versatile,  talented,  college 
chaps  who  do  a  better  than  average 
job  of  bringing  something  fresh  into 
the  world  of  small,  male,  folk-style 
singing  groups.  The  tunes  in  the  album 
run  the  gamut.  Things  like  "Cotton 
Fields,"  "Black-eyed  Suzie,"  the  touch- 
ing Christmas  carol  of  American  origin, 
"Rise  Up  Shepherd,"  the  Hebridean  sea 
song,  "The  Great  Silkie"  (which,  inci- 
dentally, finds  leader,  Dave  Fisher, 
playing  a  recorder),  the  very  Scottish 
"Calton  Weaver"  and  a  very  tasty  ver- 

sion of  "Wildwood  Flower." 

The  boys  sing  wonderfully  well  to- 
gether, and  play  well  together,  too! 
(The  lead  tenor  does  a  beautiful  job 
on  "Silkie.")  The  most  interesting  thing 
about  the  group  is  that  most  of  them 
hail  from  cities,  but  their  rhyhmical 
conception  proves  out  the  theory  that 

;•■:"■  ■  ■  .  Jp\|&fj  ■■■■■■■ 



HIGH  <"'"'    1'    "       ^       '  W£'M»D 

folk  music,  once  thought  to  be  a  re- 
gional thing,  is  permeating  every  nook 
and  cranny  of  the  country.  (Strange, 
that  such  a  great  resurgence  of  folk 
music  should  be  going  on  in  such  a 
place  as  Greenwich  Village,  N.  Y.  in 
full  sight  of  concrete,  steel  and  glass! ) 
If  you're  not  familiar  with  the  High- 
waymen, pick  up  on  them.  I  think  you'll 
enjoy  them.  I  did. 


•••Great  Themes  From  Hit 
Films,  Enoch  Light  and  His  Orchestra 
(Command,  stereo) — As  mood  albums 
go,  this  is  a  lot  better  than  most.  Un- 
fortunately, for  this  reviewer,  the  ma- 
terial doesn't  hold  up,  in  some  cases, 
to  the  arrangements  and  performance 
level.  I  hasten  to  add  that  the  things 
that  are  good  are  very  good.  The  sound, 
the  separation  of  the  channels,  the 
package,  are  all  first-rate. 

Side  two  is  strong  with  themes  like 
"The  Hustler,"  "Exodus,"  "The  Four 
Horsemen,"  and  "Tonight"  from  "West 
Side  Story."  The  arrangements,  craftily 
constructed  by  Lew  Davies,  are  spar- 
kling with  color  and  vitality.  Where  the 
theme  is  first-rate,  Lew  meets  the  occa- 
sion, but  "La  Dolce  Vita,"  "Tender 
Is  the  Night"  and  "Satan  Never  Sleeps" 
cannot  be  helped  by  any  efforts.  They 
are  second-rate.  But,  much  credit  for 
fine  arranging,  first-rate  playing,  and 
the  marvelously  recorded  sound.  The 
real  bub  is  Hollywood-made!  Recom- 
mended for  audiophiles,  lovers  and  "sit- 
and-relax"  listeners. 

•••50  Guitars  Go  South  of  the 
Border,  Tommy  Garrett  (Liberty)  — 
This,  for  what  it  obviously  sets  out  to 
do,  is  a  good,  relaxed  article.  Nothing 
to  get  upset  over,  but  that's  not  its 
intent.  A  lazy  Southern  journey,  with 
the  music  of  Latin  nights,  sprinkled 
with  dashes  of  dance  music,  some  love 
song9  filled  with  guitar  tremolos  and 
the  wonderfully  produced  sound  of  the 
album  are  the  pluses!  The  playing  is 
first-rate,  the  arrangements  Latino.  If 
this  is  your  cup  of  tea,  buy  some 
castinets  and  then  see  about  getting  this 
album  for  your  collection. 



More  frightening  than  "The 
Untouchables"  or  Fabian  in 
"Bus  Stop"  was  the  sickening 
beating  administered  to  Benny 
Paret  by  Emile  Griffith  at 
Madison  Square  Garden.  If 
this  doesn't  badly  damage 
professional  boxing  or  TV 
coverage  of  it,  nothing  will! 
Despite  the  fact  that  anyone 
could  tell  that  the  pitifully 
limp  Paret  was  desperately 
hurt,  the  announcer  assured 
the  TV  audience  that  they 
would  replay,  on  tape,  the 
beating  that  felled  Paret! 
Back  in  1933,  I  saw  Ernie 
Schaaf  mortally  hurt  in  Gar- 
den ring  but  this  one,  in  TV 
close-up,  was  even  more  hor- 
rifying. .  .  .  Betsy  Palmer 
Merendino  named  the  baby 
Melissa.  .  .  .  Elaine  May 
and  Sheldon  Harnick  honey- 
moon bound.  .  .  .  Did  Sen. 
Barry  Goldwater  say:  "The 
only  thing  worse  than  being 
right  in  Washington,  is  to  be 
a  Protestant"?  .  .  .  Bob  New- 
hart  and  Ginny  Quinn  a  two- 
some   .    .    .    When    his    TV 

director,  Dave  Geisel,  wed  Kip 
Hamilton,  sister  of  his  pro- 
ducer, Joe  Hamilton,  Garry 
Moore  treated  them  to  an  Aca- 
pulco  honeymoon.  .  .  .  Clifford 
Odets  and  Rocky  Cooper, 
Gary's  widow,  a  twosome.  .  .  . 
Fernando  Lamas  to  wed 
Esther  Williams.  .  .  .  Joey 
Bishop  TV  show  due  for  a 
complete  staff  shakeup.  .  .  . 
George  Montgomery  dating 
Geraldine  Page.  .  .  .  500 
Indian  cleaners  scrubbed 
Taj  Mahal  and  tended  the 
gardens  before  Jackie's 
visit.  .  .  .  David  May  to 
marry  Andra  Martin.  .  .  . 
Hedda  Hopper's  next  book, 
"The  Whole  Truth— Nothing 
But,"  for  Doubleday.  .  .  . 
Vince  ("Ben  Casey")  Ed- 
wards prefers  Sherry  Nelson. 
.  .  .  Benny  Goodman  need  have 
no  fear  that  Russian  audiences 
won't  enjoy  American  jazz. 
When  our  show  was  in  Russia, 
accordionist  Dick  Contino 
stopped  every  show  with  his 
jazz  pyrotechnics,  every  night 
for  four  weeks.  .  .  .  Desi  Arnaz 

and  Connie  Kermuth  at 
Chateau  Madrid.  .  .  .  Joanne 
Dru  to  wed  George  Pierose. 
...  A  newspaper  interviewer, 
probably  with  tongue  in 
cheek,  quoted  Princess  Rad- 
ziwill:  "I  shrank  from  the 
knowledge  that  my  sister's 
husband  had  been  elected 
President  of  the  U.  S.  It  took 
me  some  time  but  I've  finally 
learned  to  live  with  it."  Prov- 
ing that  the  princess  is  a 
good,  brave  girl — and  most 
every  girl  in  the  world  would 
like  to  adjust  herself  to  the 
same  problem.  .  .  .  The 
John  Barrymores  Jr.  expect 
ing.  .  .  .  Sebastian  ("Check 
mate")  Cabot's  lass,  Annette 
to  wed  Dave  Bradley.  . 
Daughter  for  the  Barry  Coes. 
.  .  .  Jimmy  Durante's  baby 
adoption  approved  by  the 
court.  .  .  .  Dean  Martin  won 
a  belly  laugh  from  Sinatra 
when  Dean  told  a  newspaper- 
woman what  had  busted  up 
the  Sinatra-Prowse  engage- 
ment: "She  insisted  that 
Frank    give    up    his    career." 

.  .  .  The  Leonard  Bernsteins 
named  the  baby  Nina.  .  .  . 
Dick  Powell — June  Allyson 
reconciliation  iced?  .  .  . 
Frankie  Avalon  and  Dodi 
Stevens  in  tune.  .  .  .  Nancy 
(CBS-TV)  Hanschman  and 
C.  Wyatt  Dickerson  honey- 
mooning. ...  Bob  Hope's 
Linda  prefers  Dr.  Donald 
Nelson.  .  .  .  Danny  Thomas' 
lass,  Mario,  and  Paul  von 
Schreiber  altar-bound.  .  .  . 
Loretta  Young's  son,  Chris, 
dating  Bee  Maguire.  .  .  .  Ray 
Milland's  son,  Danny,  and 
Stefanie  Powers  an  item.  .  .  . 
Mrs.  Red  Buttons  getting  a 
Mexican  divorce.  .  .  .  Shari 
Lewis  Tarcher  stork  due 
in  July.  .  .  .  Arthur  Murray 
celebrates  50th  ann'y  in  June 
as  dance  maestro.  .  .  .  Marilyn 
Maxwell  a  Latin  Quarter  click. 

Read  Sullivan  here  each  month 
—as  published  by  permission 
of  the  Chicago  Tribune-New 
York  News  Syndicate  Inc.  See 
"The  Ed  Sullivan  Show,"  over 
CBS-TV,  Sun.,  at  8  p.m.  EDT. 


a  MINISTER.  PRIEST  and  RABBI  discuss: 

Ann-Margret  and  Peter  Mann 

Van  Zanten  of  the  Riverdale  Presbyterian 
Church,  New  York,  says:  "The  Twist  is  a 
very  athletic  dance  that  provides  exercise 
for  energetic  young  people.  A  couple  of  hours 
of  the  Twist  ought  to  exhaust  them  sufficiently 
so  they  can  go  to  sleep  easily.  Therefore,  the 
Twist  may  well  be  a  factor  in  the  harmless 
discharge  of  excessive  energy. 

"The  Twist  is  certainly  not  as  provocative 
as  the  old  time  cheek-to-cheek  walk-around- 
the-dance-floor  that  was  once  called  dancing. 

"We  have  a  Teen  Age  Canteen  in  our 
church,  and  I've  seen  our  teenagers  do  the 
Twist.  It  seems  to  be  a  form  of  Danish  gym- 
nastics. They  hop  around  and  jump  and 
twist.  I  see  nothing  offensive  about  the  way 
they  do  it.  Perhaps  a  forty-year-old  person 
may  do  the  Twist  offensively;  but  not  the 
teenagers  I  know. 

"The  more  athletic  the  dance,  the  better 
for  young  people  and  the  more  dangerous  for 
older  people. 

"I  think  that  the  quality  of  a  dance  is  in 
the  intention  behind  it.  If  the  dance  is  a 
primitive  fertility  rite  by  Indians,  then  it 
would  probably  end  up  in  a  brawl.  But  if  the 
dance  is  to  express  exuberant  spirits  and  to 
enjoy  life,  then  it's  fine.  It's  a  creative  force. 
It's  a  harmless  way  of  letting  off  steam. 

"After  all,  even  eating — if  you're  a  glut- 
ton— can  be  a  mess.  It's  a  matter  of  degree, 
of  good  taste,  of  sweet  reasonableness. 

"Unwholesome  youngsters  doing  the  Twist 
can  make  the  dance  unwholesome.  But  danc- 
ing for  the  sake  of  a  good  time  will  be  whole- 
some. It's  not  the  dance,  but  the  people 
who  dance. 

"Motivation  is  important.  Why  are  they 
dancing?  If  they  are  dancing  for  fun,  then 
they  will  have  fun.  If  they  are  dancing  for 
a  bacchanal  debauch,  then  they  will  achieve 
that.  It's  like  the  theater;  it  can  uplift  or 
downgrade  you. 

"If  the  music  for  the  Twist  does  not  burst 
your  eardrums,  then  it  probably  will  not  do 

any  damage.  If  we  adults  oppose  the  Twist, 
then  we  make  it  more  attractive  to  some 
youngsters.  They  go  for  anything  that's 
banned.  So  I'd  say,  leave  it  alone." 

A  RABBI  SPEAKS  OUT:  Rabbi  David 
Wolf  Silverman  of  the  Conservative  Syna- 
gogue of  Riverdale  (New  York),  says:  "There 
are  more  important  things  to  worry  about 
than  the  Twist.  But  I  am  told  that  this  new 
dance  has  been  banned  by  clergy  in  other 
cities;  so  now  the  Twist  has  become  a  re- 
ligious issue. 

"I'd  rather  ban  the  H  bomb  than  the  Twist. 

"I  don't  think  of  the  Twist  as  anything 
more  than  the  current  dance  fad.  Each  gen- 
eration has  its  dance  fads,  and  if  we  ban 
the  Twist  then  we  should  have  banned  the 
jitterbug  and  rock  'n'  roll,  and  all  the  other 
dances-of-the-moment.  These  dances  are  mere- 
ly ephemera  that  are  cast  up  on  the  social 
scene  through  the  years. 

"We  lower  ourselves  when  we  preoccupy 
ourselves  with  evaluating  and  banning  the 
Twist.  The  best  energies  of  religion  should  be 
devoted  to  considerations  of  national  mo- 
rality, of  how  our  children  will  carry  over 
attitudes  of  rectitude  into  their  adult  lives, 
and  how  we  can  work  for  a  peaceful  world. 

"Now  I  don't  think  the  Twist  is  particularly 
graceful.  It  is  at  best  awkward,  and  at  its 
worst  repulsive.  If  I  thought  dancing  the  Twist 
was  stimulating  immorality,  then  I  might 
have  second  thoughts  on  the  subject.  The  re- 
lationship between  dancing  and  sexual  im- 
morality is  quite  ambiguous.  But  I  haven't 
seen  any  evidence  that  dancers  of  the  Twist 
were  working  up  their  passions.  The  dance 
seems  to  leave  its  practitioners  physically 

"Certainly  the  Twist  offends  me;  but  it 
offends  my  esthetic  sense  rather  than  outrages 
my  moral  concern. 

"I  think  we  will  survive  the  Twist.  In  time, 
it  will  pass  on  to  the  limbo  of  forgotten  dances 
like  the  Black  Bottom  {Continued  on  page  72) 

Van  Zanten  of  the  Riverdale  Presbyterian 
Church,  New  York,  says:  "The  Twist  is  a 
very  athletic  dance  that  provides  exercise 
for  energetic  young  people.  A  couple  of  hours 
of  the  Twist  ought  to  exhaust  them  sufficiently 
so  they  can  go  to  sleep  easily.  Therefore,  the 
Twist  may  well  be  a  factor  in  the  harmless 
discharge  of  excessive  energy. 

"The  Twist  is  certainly  not  as  provocative 
as  the  old  time  cheek-to-cheek  walk-around- 
the-dance-floor  that  was  once  called  dancing. 
"We  have  a  Teen  Age  Canteen  in  our 
church,  and  I've  seen  our  teenagers  do  the 
Twist.  It  seems  to  be  a  form  of  Danish  gym- 
nastics. They  hop  around  and  jump  and 
twist.  I  see  nothing  offensive  about  the  way 
they  do  it.  Perhaps  a  forty-year-old  person 
may  do  the  Twist  offensively;  but  not  the 
teenagers  I  know. 

"The  more  athletic  the  dance,  the  better 
for  young  people  and  the  more  dangerous  for 
older  people. 

"I  think  that  the  quality  of  a  dance  is  in 
the  intention  behind  it.  If  the  dance  is  a 
primitive  fertility  rite  by  Indians,  then  it 
would  probably  end  up  in  a  brawl.  But  if  the 
dance  is  to  express  exuberant  spirits  and  to 
enjoy  life,  then  it's  fine.  It's  a  creative  force. 
It's  a  harmless  way  of  letting  off  steam. 

"After  all,  even  eating — if  you're  a  glut- 
ton— can  be  a  mess.  It's  a  matter  of  degree, 
of  good  taste,  of  sweet  reasonableness. 

"Unwholesome  youngsters  doing  the  Twist 
can  make  the  dance  unwholesome.  But  danc- 
ing for  the  sake  of  a  good  time  will  be  whole- 
some. It's  not  the  dance,  but  the  people 
who  dance. 

"Motivation  is  important.  Why  are  they 
dancing?  If  they  are  dancing  for  fun,  then 
they  will  have  fun.  If  they  are  dancing  for 
a  bacchanal  debauch,  then  they  will  achieve 
that.  It's  like  the  theater;  it  can  uplift  or 
downgrade  you. 

"If  the  music  for  the  Twist  does  not  burst 
your  eardrums,  then  it  probably  will  not  do 

any  damage.  If  we  adults  oppose  the  Twist, 
then  we  make  it  more  attractive  to  some 
youngsters.  They  go  for  anything  that's 
banned.  So  I'd  say,  leave  it  alone." 

A  RABBI  SPEAKS  OUT:  Rabbi  David 
Wolf  Silverman  of  the  Conservative  Syna- 
gogue of  Riverdale  (New  York),  says:  "There 
are  more  important  things  to  worry  about 
than  the  Twist.  But  I  am  told  that  this  new 
dance  has  been  banned  by  clergy  in  other 
cities;  so  now  the  Twist  has  become  a  re- 
ligious issue. 

"I'd  rather  ban  the  H  bomb  than  the  Twist. 

"I  don't  think  of  the  Twist  as  anything 
more  than  the  current  dance  fad.  Each  gen- 
eration has  its  dance  fads,  and  if  we  ban 
the  Twist  then  we  should  have  banned  the 
jitterbug  and  rock  V  roll,  and  all  the  other 
dances-of-the-moment.  These  dances  are  mere- 
ly ephemera  that  are  cast  up  on  the  social 
scene  through  the  years. 

"We  lower  ourselves  when  we  preoccupy 
ourselves  with  evaluating  and  banning  the 
Twist.  The  best  energies  of  religion  should  be 
devoted  to  considerations  of  national  mo- 
rality, of  how  our  children  will  carry  over 
attitudes  of  rectitude  into  their  adult  lives, 
and  how  we  can  work  for  a  peaceful  world. 

"Now  I  don't  think  the  Twist  is  particularly 
graceful.  It  is  at  best  awkward,  and  at  its 
worst  repulsive.  If  I  thought  dancing  the  Twist 
was  stimulating  immorality,  then  I  might 
have  second  thoughts  on  the  subject.  The  re- 
lationship between  dancing  and  sexual  im- 
morality is  quite  ambiguous.  But  I  haven't 
seen  any  evidence  that  dancers  of  the  Twist 
were  working  up  their  passions.  The  dance 
seems  to  leave  its  practitioners  physically 

"Certainly  the  Twist  offends  me;  but  it 
offends  my  esthetic  sense  rather  than  outrages 
my  moral  concern. 

"I  think  we  will  survive  the  Twist.  In  time, 
it  will  pass  on  to  the  limbo  of  forgotten  dances 
like  the  Black  Bottom  (Continued  on  page  72) 

0)  >• 

III  ii 

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gets7  ™§ir  wm  ©^  Ea^EKDZ^© 

When  I  think  of  my  first  year  of  marriage, 
it  almost  seems  like  a  riddle.  You  know,  one 
of  those  riddles  where  you  put  the  parts  to- 
gether and  then  tell  yourself,  "See  how  well 
it  all  fits!"  It  was  quite  a  year,  any  way  I 
look  at  it. 

What's  the  connection  between  a  bread  box 
I  bought  myself  and  a  green  sheath  that  was 
bought  for  me  ...  or  a  fight  that  never  hap- 
pened and  a  nose  operation  that  did?  The 
answer,  of  course,  is  that  all  these  things,  in 
one  way  or  the  other,  were  part  of  my  first 
exciting  and  Unforgettable  year  as  Mrs.  Rich- 
ard Gass. 

Now,  I  don't  mean  that  other  people  would 
find  these  things  unusual  or  exciting.  Every^ 
one  has  his  or  her  idea  of  what's  important 
or  enjoyable.  And  I  don't  mean  to  say  that 
it  was  a  year  of  all  smooth  sailing  and  no 
bumps.  But  these  only  made  us  even  more 
thankful  for  all  the  real  good  luck  and  fine 
times  we've  had  together. 

It's  almost  unbelievable  how  many  wedding 
gifts  we  got.  A  lot  of  them  came  from  people 
we'd  never  met,  people  who  only  knew  me 
through  "The  Lawrence  Welk  Show"  on  TV. 
For  instance,  a  Mrs.  Gillander  of  Sacramento, 
who  lost  her  two  sons  and  a  daughter  in  the 
war,  sent  us  a  tablecloth.  Just  lovely.  I  was 
amazed  at  the  work  she  had  put  in  it.  We 
got  all  kinds  of  milk  glass,  linens,  silver.  How 
can  I  ever  forget  all  the  people  who  put  so 
much  thoughtfulness  and  friendliness  into  these 
gifts?  The  mother  of  a  priest  who  is  a  friend 
of  ours  framed  our  wedding  invitation  and 

surrounded  it  with  tiny  imitation  lilies  of  the 
valley.  Dick  and  I  would  like  to  do  the  same 
with  our  marriage  certificate. 

Rut  this  is  the  oddest  thing:  With  all  the 
marvelous  practical  gifts  we  got,  only  two 
things  were  left  for  us  to  buy  ourselves — an 
ironing  board  and  a  bread  box.  So  that  takes 
care  of  the  first  item  in  my  riddle. 

People  have  written  asking  about  our  house. 
I  once  told  how  Dick  had  bought  it  from  his 
parents.  It  was  the  house  he  grew  up  in.  And 
also  how  he'd  spent  so  much  time  and  work 
making  it  ready  for  us  to  move  into.  Well, 
there's  much  we  want  to  do  yet,  but  I've  told 
Dick  I  would  rather  have  him  do  it  slowly, 
a  little  at  a  time,  than  spend  all  his  weekends 
working.  We  have  completed  the  living  room, 
dining  room,  kitchen  and  bedroom.  Dick  re- 
finished  some  lovely  old  pieces  of  furniture 
which  were  gifts  from  friends. 

In  the  back  yard  is  a  studio  apartment 
where  Dick  and  his  brothers  used  to  sleep 
when  the  Gass  family  was  growing  so  fast 
they  "outgrew"  the  house.  Dick  now  uses  it 
as  a  workshop.  He  plans  on  paneling  half 
the  living  room1 — and  staining  and  cutting  the 
wood  himself.  The  only  part  of  that  room 
that  hasn't  been  painted  is  around  the  fire- 
place. While  we  were  on  vacation  last  year, 
Mommy  and  Dad  had  all-new  stone  and  a 
mantel  put  'in.  Dick  says  there's  no  sense  in 
painting,  since  he'll  be  paneling  soon. 

We  just  finished  the  other  bedroom,  which 
will  be  our  nursery.  While  it's  true  that  we 
have  no  baby  of  our  (Continued  on  page  68) 

fcy  mmm mmm 


Why  are  they  warning 
the  press:  Keep  away 
from  Vince  Edwards' 
mother?  In  an  exclusive 
interview  TV  RADIO 
MIRROR  gets  at  the 

truth  behind  the  rumors 

(Please  turn  the  page) 


They're  separated  now,  but  Vince 
Edwards'  mother  has  a  scrapbook 
of  special  memories  of  her  son 

What  is  the  big  mystery  about  Vince  Edwards? 

Why  are  the  people  around  him  trying  to  keep  reporters  away 
from  his  mother? 

What  are  they  afraid  she'll  say  about  her  son? 

Is  there  a  feud  between  Vince  and  his  mother? 

What  is  the  truth? 

TV  Radio  Mirror  assigned  me  to  find  the  answers  to  these 
persistent  questions  and  to  a  series  of  rumors  that  have  sur- 
rounded Vince  Edwards  ever  since  he  first  started  operating 
as  "Ben  Casey." 

It  was  easy.  I  found  Vince's  mother,  Mrs.  Julia  Zoino,  just 
where  she  was  supposed  to  be,  where  she  has  been  all  her  life — 
in  the  East  New  York  section  of  Brooklyn.  It's  an  old  neighbor- 
hood, living  somewhat  in  the  fading  glory  of  another  era,  but 
it's  still  home  to  Mrs.  Zoino,  just  as  it  once  was  home  to  Vincent. 
This  was  where  he  was  born,  grew  up,  went  to  school,  and 
lived  until  Hollywood  finally  beckoned  and  took  him  away  to  a 
fame  undreamed  of  in  childhood.   (Continued   on   page    89) 



J.  Brooklyn  P.S.  155:  Vince  (circle)  and  twin  brother  Bobby  (next  to  last,  same 
row).  2.  "Always  big  boys"  says  their  mom,  "but  so  different!"  3.  Bobby  was  a 
light  redhead,  Vince  auburn.  4.  With  their  "oldest"  niece  (now  grown  up  and  wed). 
5.  Vince  at  East  New  York  Vocational  High — a  champ  swimmer.  6.  And  a  graduate 
on  his  way!  7.  Model  young  man  posing  for  funds  to  study  acting.  8.  "Greek  god" 
doing  summer  stock  in  Rhode  Island.  9.  At  last,  that  first  step  to  film  fame — 
bleached  blond  for  title  role  in  "Mr.  Universe,"  with  Slapsie  Maxie  Rosenbloom. 


They're  separated  now,  but  Vince 
Edwards'  mother  has  a  scrapbook 
of  special  memories  of  her  son 

What  is  the  big  mystery  about  Vince  Edwards? 

Why  are  the  people  around  him  trying  to  keep  reporters  away 
from  his  mother? 

What  are  they  afraid  she'll  say  about  her  son? 

Is  there  a  feud  between  Vince  and  his  mother? 

What  is  the  truth? 

TV  Radio  Mirror  assigned  me  to  find  the  answers  to  these 
persistent  questions  and  to  a  series  of  rumors  that  have  sur- 
rounded Vince  Edwards  ever  since  he  first  started  operating 
as  "Ben  Casey." 

It  was  easy.  I  found  Vince's  mother,  Mrs.  Julia  Zoino,  just 
where  she  was  supposed  to  be,  where  she  has  been  all  her  life — 
in  the  East  New  York  section  of  Brooklyn.  It's  an  old  neighbor- 
hood, living  somewhat  in  the  fading  glory  of  another  era,  but 
it's  still  home  to  Mrs.  Zoino,  just  as  it  once  was  home  to  Vincent. 

This  was  where  he  was  born,  grew  up,  went  to  school,  and 
lived  until  Hollywood  finally  beckoned  and  took  him  away  to  a 
fame  undreamed   of  in   childhood.    (Continued   on   page    89) 



e  e  ^ 


,,       „c    i«.  Vince  (circle)  and  twin  brother  Bobby  (next  to  last,  same 
Brooklyn  P.S.  ™-  "       '       lhgir  mom>  -but  s0  different!"  3.  Bobby  was  a 
row).  2.  "Always  big    oy^,  ^   ^  ^  "oldest"  niece  (now  grown  up  and  wed), 
light  redhead,  Vince  auur  . ■    ■  ^A-a  champ  swimmer.  6.  And  a  graduate 

5.  Vince  at  East  N™*0*'""  posing  for  funds  to  study  acting.  8.  "Greek  god- 
on  his  way!  7.  Model r%T,]% *  !  At  last,  that  first  step  to  film  fame- 

doing  summer  stock  m  «  Universe,"  with  Slapsie  Maxie  Rosenbloom. 

bleached  blond /or  title  role  m    H. 


►  -U 

Sandra  SZJ  ee's  own  nursery  story: 


W  m    •* 



Sandra*^/  ee's  own  nursery  story: 






"I  only  wish  I  could  go  with  him." 
Mrs.  Rene  Carpenter  smiled  bravely 
as  she  spoke.  She  knew  the  odds,  the 
risks,  the  dangers  involved,  now  that 
her  husband  had  been  chosen  to  fol- 
low John  H.  Glenn  into  space. 

The  thirty-two-year-old  wife  of 
Commander  Malcolm  S.  (Scott)  Car- 
penter took  the  news  of  her  husband's 

What  s  it  like 

unexpected  nomination  for  America's 
next  three-orbit  shot  with  calm  and 
confidence.  There  was  no  real  sur- 
prise. She  had  been  expecting  this 
moment  from  the  day  she  first  learned 
that  Scott  had  been  chosen,  with 
six  others,  to  be  his  country's  first 
men  in  space. 

That  was  in  the  spring  of  1959. 

*+         *% 

Today  as  she  looks  back  over  that 
time,  Rene  Carpenter  has  much  to 
be  proud  of,  much  to  remember, 
much  that  is  still  to  be  faced. 

I'm  very  pleased,"  she  says,  know- 
ing that  her  thirty-six-year-old  hus- 
band carries  one  of  America's  great- 
est hopes  in  the  race  for  space. 
She  knows,  too,  what  lies  ahead — 

when  you  re  toh 

the  inherent  danger  that  stems  from 
possible  failure  of  any  one  of  hun- 
dreds of  thousands  of  intricate  parts 
in  the  Mercury-Atlas  rocket  and  cap- 
sule. "I'm  not  worried,"  she  says 
with  composure.  But  Rene  Carpenter, 
a  sensible  and  very  pretty  woman, 
knows  enough  about  her  husband's 
mission  to  [Continued  on  page    86) 

Three  men — Alan  Shepard,  Gus  Gris- 
som,  John  Glenn — dared  the  un- 
known, and  returned  safely  to  loving 
arms.  Now  a  fourth  is  counting-down. 

The  moon  once  meant  romance,  now  means  danger  to  (left   to  right)  Louise  Shepard,  Rene  Carpenter,  Jo  Schirra,  Margie 






Slayton,  Annie  Glenn,  Bette  Grissom,  Trudy  Cooper. 


"I  only  wish  I  could  go  with  him." 
Mrs.  Rene  Carpenter  smiled  bravely 
as  she  spoke.  She  knew  the  odds,  the 
risks,  the  dangers  involved,  now  that 
her  husband  had  been  chosen  to  fol- 
low John  H.  Glenn  into  space. 

The  thirty-two-year-old  wife  of 
Commander  Malcolm  S.  (Scott)  Car- 
penter took  the  news  of  her  husband's 

What  s  it  like 

unexpected  nomination  for  America's 
next  three-orbit  shot  with  calm  and 
confidence.  There  was  no  real  sur- 
prise. She  had  been  expecting  this 
moment  from  the  day  she  first  learned 
that  Scott  had  been  chosen,  with 
six  others,  to  be  his  country's  first 
men  in  space. 

That  was  in  the  spring  of  1959. 

Today  as  she  looks  back  over  that 
time,  Rene  Carpenter  has  much  to 
be  proud  of,  much  to  remember 
much  that  is  still  to  be  faced. 

"I'm  very  pleased,"  she  says,  know- 
ing that  her  thirty-six-year-old  hus- 
band carries  one  of  America's  great- 
est hopes  in  the  race  for  space. 

She  knows,  too,  what  lies  ahead— 

when  you  re  tola 

the  inherent  danger  that  stems  from 
possible  failure  of  any  one  of  hun- 
dreds of  thousands  of  intricate  parts 
in  the  Mercury-Atlas  rocket  and  cap- 
sule. "I'm  not  worried,"  she  says 
with  composure.  But  Rene  Carpenter, 
a  sensible  and  very  pretty  woman, 
knows  enough  about  her  husband's 
mission  to  [Continued  on  page  86) 

Three  men — Alan  Shepard,  Gus  Oris- 
som,  John  Glenn — dared  the  un- 
known, and  returned  safely  to  loving 
arms.  Now  a  fourth  is  counting-down. 




*     < 

The  moon  once  meant  romance,  now  means  danger  to  (left   to  riehiirT^^T^^^^r  ^TT,  i/. 

/'  to  right)  Louise  Shepard,  Rene  Carpenter,  Jo  Schirra,  M<M 



aYton,  Annie  Glenn,  Bette  Grissom,  Trudy  Cooper. 


Scott  Carpenter 

Who's  Missing  From  This 


1.  You  can  be  the  host  or  hostess  of  the  year  in  your 
own  town!  Here  is  your  chance  to  have  a  fabulous,  all- 
expenses-paid,  Hollywood-type  party  thrown  for  you  and 
up  to  100  (count  'em,  100!)  of  your  very  dearest  friends 
or  whomever.  That's  right.  TV  Radio  Mirror  has  arranged 
with  "The  Bullwinkle  Show"  (seen  Sundays  on  NBC-TV) 
to  toss  an  event  in  your  honor  that  will  be  the  talk  of  your 
community  (and  maybe  the  nation!!?)  for  months  to 
come — including  Bullwinkle  himself,  a  top-flight  orchestra 
for  dancing  and  such,  tempting  foods,  lavish  decorations, 
souvenirs,  hats,  balloons  and  a  host  of  other  extras,  in- 
cluding the  hired  help  and  the  ballroom! 

2.  All  you  have  to  do  is  to  answer  the  questions  on 
page  34.  Remember,  there  are  no  right  or  wrong  answers 
— we  just  want  to  know  about  you  so  we  can  make  our 
magazine  better  than  ever.  Then  complete  the  winning 

sentence  in  25  words  or  less — telling  why  you  would  like 
to  win  a  Bullwinkle  Party.  (Wouldn't  everybody?)  Orig- 
inality of  thought  will  be  the  most  important  factor  in 
judging.  Coupon  space  on  page  34  must  be  used;  your 
entry  can  be  typed  or  written  in  ink  or  pencil. 

3.  This  contest  is  not  open  to  Perle  Mesta,  Porfirio  Rubi- 
rosa,  the  Plaza  Hotel  or  any  employee  of  Macfadden-Bartell 
Corp.  and  their  families. 

4.  Mail  your  entry  to  Bullwinkle  Party  Contest,  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  P.O.  Box  3469,  Grand  Central  Sta.,  New  York  17, 
N.  Y.  Entries  must  be  postmarked  no  later  than  May  30th, 
1962,  and  be  received  in  this  office  no  later  than  June  10th, 
1962.  The  editors  of  TV  Radio  Mirror  are  the  judges  of 
this  contest  and  their  decision  is  final.  All  entries  become 
the  property  of  Macfadden-Bartell  Corp.  and  none  will  be 
returned.  In  case  of  tie,  duplicate  parties  will  be  tossed. 


Picture???  You  Are!!! 



OBCttEST*^  m 








a  igP     pec°r9; 




Who's  Missing  From 


1.  You  can  be  the  host  or  hostess  of  the  year  in  your 
own  town!  Here  is  your  chance  to  have  a  fabulous,  all- 
expenses-paid,  Hollywood-type  party  thrown  for  you  and 
up  to  100  (count  'em,  100! )  of  your  very  dearest  friends 
or  whomever.  That's  right.  TV  Radio  Mirror  has  arranged 
with  "The  Bullwinkle  Show"  (seen  Sundays  on  NBC-TV ) 
to  to9s  an  event  in  your  honor  that  will  be  the  talk  of  your 
community  (and  maybe  the  nation!!?)  for  months  to 
come — including  Bullwinkle  himself,  a  top-flight  orchestra 
for  dancing  and  such,  tempting  foods,  lavish  decorations, 
souvenirs,  hats,  balloons  and  a  host  of  other  extras,  in- 
cluding the  hired  help  and  the  ballroom! 

2.  All  you  have  to  do  is  to  answer  the  questions  on 
page  34.  Remember,  there  are  no  right  or  wrong  answers 
—we  just  want  to  know  about  you  so  we  can  make  our 
magazine  better  than  ever.   Then  complete  the  winning 

sentence  in  25  words  or  less — telling  why  you  would  like 
to  win  a  Bullwinkle  Party.  (Wouldn't  everybody?)  Orig- 
inality of  thought  will  be  the  most  important  factor  in 
judging.  Coupon  space  on  page  34  must  be  used;  your 
entry  can  be  typed  or  written  in  ink  or  pencil. 

3.  This  contest  is  not  open  to  Perle  Mesta,  Porfirio  Rubi- 
rosa,  the  Plaza  Hotel  or  any  employee  of  Macfadden-Bartell 
Corp.  and  their  families. 

4.  Mail  your  entry  to  Bullwinkle  Party  Contest,  TV  Radio 
Mirror,  P.O.  Box  3469,  Grand  Central  Sta.,  New  York  17, 
N.  Y.  Entries  must  be  postmarked  no  later  than  May  30th. 
1962,  and  be  received  in  this  office  no  later  than  June  10th, 
1962.  The  editors  of  TV  Radio  Mirror  are  the  judges  of 
this  contest  and  their  decision  is  final.  All  entries  become 
the  property  of  Macfadden-Bartell  Corp.  and  none  will  be 
returned.  In  case  of  tie,  duplicate  parties  will  be  tossed. 


???  You  Are!!! 




Tell  (Is  About  Yourself 

(Remember:  There  are  no  right  or  wrong  answers,  and  wild  horses  couldn't  drag  this  information 
from  us.  We  just  want  to  know  it  so  we  can  bring  you  a  bigger  and  better  magazine  each  month.) 

My  name  is:. 
I  live  at: 


The  type  of  television  show  I  personally  like  the  most  is  (please  check  only  one): 

D  Western  □  Quiz  and  panel  q  Daytime  drama  serial 

□  Drama  Q  News  and  special  events  □  police  and  crime 
n  Cartoons                         □  Situation  comedy  rj  Adventure 

□  Comedy  D  Musical  variety  rj  other: 

(please  specify) 
The  three  shows  I   personally  like  most  are  (please  list  in  the  order  in  which  you  like  them): 
My  favorite  show: 

My  next  to  favorite  show:. 
My  third  to  favorite  show:. 

The  man  I  personally  like  most  on  TV  is:. 
The  woman  I  personally  like  most  on  TV  is:. 

The  story  or  feature  I  read  first  in  this  issue  is: 
The  story  or  feature  I  read  last  in  this  issue  is:. 

The  type  of  music  I  personally  like  the  most  is  (please  check  only  one): 

O  Popular — orchestra 
□  Popular — vocal 
O  Blues 
O  Jazz 

n  Show  tunes 
D  Classical — symphonic 
n  Classical — opera 
D  Chamber  music 

O  Folk  songs 
□  Other 



Is  there  a  record  player  in  your  home?         □  Yes         □  No 
If  YES,  is  it  stereo?         □  Yes         D  No        Q  Don't  know 
Do  you  personally  buy  records  to  listen  to  yourself?         □  Yes 
Is  there  a  color  TV  set  in  your  home?        Q  Yes         □  No 
How  many  people,  including  yourself,  live  in  your  household? 

(please  specify) 
D  Don't  like  music 

O  No 

What  business  or  industry  does  the  head  of  your  household  work  in?_ 
What  kind  of  work  does  he  (she)  do  there? 

Did  someone  in  your  household  buy  this  issue  on  a  newsstand?     □  Yes    □  No     □  Don't  know 

Your  Winning  Sentence: 

I  would  like  to  have  a  Bull  winkle  Party  thrown  for  me  because:- 

(complete  in  25  words  or  less) 



Bullwinkle  Party  Contest 
TV  Radio  Mirror 
P.O.  Box  3469 
Grand  Central  Station 
New  York  17,  N.  Y. 


Dinah  Shore 

Keely  Smith 


Judy  Garland 


Doris  Dav 

Peggy  Lee 

Rosemary  Clooney 

Why  do  the  women  who 

sing  about  love  so  often  end  up  without  it? 

(Please  turn  the  page) 

birds.  The  not  very  accurate  head- 
line, in  type  two  inches  high,  told 
the  world  that  Dinah  Shore  and 
George  Montgomery  were  through. 
It  wasn't  very  accurate,  because 
Dinah  certainly  hadn't  found  mar- 
riage "for  the  birds."  The  failure  of 
her  own  was  doubly  grievous,  be- 
cause she  still  believed  so  strongly 
in  the  institution. 

Dinah,  the  girl  who  so  often  told 
America  goodnight  with  a  TV  kiss, 
had  given  her  last  goodnight  kiss 
to  her  handsome  cowboy  husband. 
Yet  her  wedding  ring  stayed  on  its 
finger  and  she  still  preferred  to  be 
called  Mrs.  Montgomery. 

The  breakup  was  no  great  sur- 
prise to  close  friends  of  the  Mont- 
gomerys,  but  it  came  as  a  shocker 
to  everybody  else.  "Not  Dinah,  too?" 
said  her  fans,  shaking  their  heads 
in  stunned  disbelief.  "If  any  singer's 
marriage  could  last,  surely  hers 
could!  What  a  pity!"  they  sighed. 
"Why  is  it  women  singers  can't  stay 

Why,  indeed!  So  many  women 
start  out  singing  love  songs  and  end 
up  singing  the  blues.  So  few  thrushes 
have  found  the  bluebird  of  happiness 
settling  in  their  nests.  During  1961, 
Keely  Smith  broke  up  a  sensation- 
ally successful  night-club  team  to 
divorce  her  lively  Italian  partner, 
Louis  Prima.  .  .  .  Rosemary  Clooney 
dropped  Jose  Ferrer,  ending  an  eight- 
year  marriage  that  had  been  an  al- 
most continuous  pregnancy.  ...  As 
recently  as  last  January,  Rhonda 
Fleming — who  sings,  although  she 
is  primarily  an  actress — visited  the 
Santa  Monica  courtroom  of  Judge 
Allen  T.  Lynch  for  the  purpose  of 
shucking  a  husband.  .  .  . 

"Haven't  I  seen  you  before?"  the 
judge  inquired. 

He  had.  In  1958,  Judge  Lynch 
had  severed  the  red-headed  beauty's 
ties  to  husband  Lew  Morrill.  Second 
time  around,  Rhonda  was  divorcing 
actor  Lang  Jeffries  after  one  year, 
four    months    and    sixteen    days    of 

matrimony  by  actual  calendar  count. 
As  this  is  written,  Judy  Garland 
and  Sid  Luft  are  a  tender  twosome, 
but  nobody  is  placing  bets  on  how 
long  the  arrangement  will  last.  Judy 
has  made  more  comebacks  as  Mrs. 
Luft  than  she  has  as  a  singer.  And, 
before  she  and  Sid  wed  ten  years 

ago,  she  had  already  gone  through 
two  divorces. 

Even  so,  Judy  has  been  luckier 
in  love  than  Peggy  Lee.  Peg,  who 
has  everything  that  should  keep  a 
husband  content  (including  money), 
has  divorced  three  and,  as  of  this 
minute,   is   doing   a   single   routine. 

Doris  Day  herself,  though  happily 
married  for  almost  eleven  years  to 
Marty  Melcher,  lost  two  previous 
husbands — including  one  who  told 
her  bluntly  to  "get  lost." 

(Peggy  Lee,  incidentally,  got  this 
same  word  from  her  first  husband, 
according  to  the  testimony  at  the 
divorce  hearing.) 

Why  don't  women  singers  stay 
married?   Why  the  divorces? 

Well,  why  do  other  people  get  di- 
vorces? To  a  certain  extent,  the  rea- 
sons for  marital  crackups  among  the 
songstresses  are  the  same  as  among 
other  segments  of  the  populace:  Quar- 
rels about  money  .  .  .  other  women, 
other  men  .  .  .  too  few  mutual  friends 
.  .  .  too  much  liquor.  Singers  have 
given  all  these  reasons  for  splits. 

Further,  songstresses'  marriages 
are  subject  to  show-business  stresses. 
A  singer  works  odd  hours,  is  away 
from  home  for  long  periods,  must 
stick  to  nerve-fraying  diets,  and, 
often,  competes  with  her  husband 

Any  man  who  competes  with  his 
wife,  hoes  a  hard  row.  The  fact  that 
George  Montgomery  and  Dinah 
Shore  remained  married  for  eighteen 
years  is  a  tribute  to  George's  char- 
acter and  common  sense.  No  matter 
how  hard  Dinah  tried  to  be  a  good 
wife,  her  husband's  lot  wasn't  an 
easy  one. 

"I  had  dates  in  high  school  and 
college,"    Dinah   said   once,    "but   I 


was  never  a  great  beauty  or  the 
most  popular  girl  in  town,  and  when 
a  man  as  wonderful  and  handsome 
and  good  as  George  asked  me  to 
marry  him,  it  was  too  good  to  be 
true.  I  couldn't  believe  I'd  been  so 

Dinah  wasn't  exaggerating.  When 
she  and  George  married,  she  was 
very  much  in  love.  Trouble  was  born 
when  Dinah,  through  her  long  as- 
sociation with  Chevrolet,  became 
America's  singing  sweetheart.  Her 
soft,  easy  style  was  everybody's  fa- 
vorite. ...  Although  her  person- 
ality had  never  come  through  on 
the  movie  screen  and  her  pictures 
had  been  flops,  she  took  to  televi- 
sion like  a  duck  to  water.  She  not 
only  sang,  she  quipped,  danced  and 
clowned.  On  the  TV  screen,  she 

And"  the  public,  watching  Dinah 
shine,  forgot  that  George  was  a  suc- 
cessful furniture  designer,  a  canny 
businessman  and  an  actor  who 
worked  pretty  regularly  and  didn't 
need  his  wife's  fame  or  money. 
George  may  have  forgotten  these 
things  himself,  finally — and  if  he  did, 
at  that  moment  his  marriage  was 

George's  furniture  designs  pro- 
duced income  but  no  fan  mail.  His 
pictures,  the  kind  he'd  always  made, 
were  mostly  routine  Westerns  no- 
body would  ever  consider  for  an 
Academy  Award.  On  the  other  hand, 
George's  pictures  were  the  meat-and- 
potatoes  of  the  movie  industry,  the 
low-budget  productions  indispensable 
to  the  Saturday  matinee  trade  and 
for  use  as  the  bottom  half  of  a  double- 
feature  bill.  .  .  .  Also — unlike  some 
of  the  high-cost,  three-hour-long  ex- 
travaganzas  that  have   won   critical 

raves — George's  movies  made  money. 
Still,  nobody  could  dodge  the  fact 
that  Dinah  was  the  star  of  the  family. 
On  Sundays,  while  she  was  rehears- 
ing in  the  big  NBC  studio  in  Bur- 
bank,  George  served  as  baby-sitter. 
Because  Dinah  loved  to  have  her 
family  with  her  all  the  time,  George 

For  the  first  time 

a  true  /record  of 

the  blues  that  girl 

singers  murmur  m 

the  lonely  night! 
Harmony  in  public, 
a  crashing  finale 
in  private  life . . . 

must  their  search 

for  romance  always 

end  in  divorce  ?  ?  ? 

would  bring  the  kids  to  the  studio 
and  keep  them  out  of  mischief  while 
Mrs.  Montgomery  worked  her  head 

From  time  to  time,  she'd  take  a 
break  and  give  George  a  kiss.  The 
kiss  was  a  genuine  expression  of 
affection    and    apology.    Sometimes, 

as  she  talked  with  a  writer  or  pub- 
licist, she'd  glance  across  at  George, 
cheerfully  baby-sitting,  and  her  eyes 
would  say,  "I'm  so  sorry." 

For  two  years  before  the  separa- 
tion, George  had  grown  restive.  He'd 
made  a  picture  in  the  Pacific  that 
had  taken  him  away  from  home  for 
months.  Maybe  Dinah  had  hoped 
that  giving  up  the  weekly  television 
show  would  help,  but  it  didn't.  Too 
many  things  had  gone  wrong  for 
too  long.  The  goodlooking  cowboy 
and  the  soft-voiced  Southern  girl, 
who  had  loved  him  so,  were  through. 

Rosemary  Clooney's  career  was  a 
problem,  too,  but  so  was  her  hus- 
band's. Their  case,  however,  wasn't 
much  like  the  Montgomerys'.  Rosie 
actually  wanted  to  quit  work.  She 
would  have  loved  to  stay  at  home 
and  tend  to  the  children  and  bake 
rolls  and  work  cross-stitch. 

Jose  Ferrer,  by  temperament,  was 
the  star  of  that  family.  Unfortunately, 
the  public  didn't  always  realize  that 
he  was,  and  for  monthsr-while  Rose- 
mary was  star  of  a  television  show 
— Jose  was  sitting  at  home  twiddling 
his  thumbs,  because  nobody  had 
hired  him  for  a  picture. 

He  tried  an  opera  in  Arizona,  but 
it  didn't  go  well.  Most  of  the  time 
he  did  very  little  except  behave  like 
a  star  and  spend  money — Rosie's. 

Actually,  Joe  is  one  of  those  rare 
persons  to  whom  money  truly  means 
nothing.  He's  so  totally  unconscious 
of  it  that  he  spends  it  free-handedly, 
even  when  he's  not  earning  any. 

If  Joe  had  been  a  quiet,  steady 
furniture  designer  and  a  B-grade 
movie  cowboy,  bringing  in  a  nice, 
healthy  paycheck  at  regular  intervals, 
Rosemary  would  have  quit  work  in 
a  minute    (Continued  on  page    87) 



I  want  a  girl  who  is  willing  to  share  the  bad  as  well 
as  the  good  things  of  marriage.  It's  something  I 
missed  before,"  Dick  Clark  told  us.  "I  want  her 
to  share  my  interests,  both  business  and  social.  This 
is  important.  For  instance,  if  I  ran  into  a  skier,  I 
couldn't  share  her  enthusiasm,  because  I  don't  like 
snow  and  I  don't  like  skiing.  ...  I  want  a  girl 
who  is  honest.  Not  just  honest  morally  and  finan- 
cially, but  honest  in  the  sense  of  being  truthful  about 
herself — being   the    same    outside    as   she    is    inside, 
being  the  same  in  private  as  she  is  in  public.  I  want 
a  completely  honest  person,  not  a  two-sided  person.  .  .  . 
When  I  was  a  kid,  I  was  attracted  to  pretty  girls.  All  boys 
are.  They  all  start  with  the  idea  that  the  prettiest  girl  is  the 
most  exciting.  .  .  .  Then,  when  I  was  seventeen,  I  made  my 
first  great  discovery  about  girls!    (Continued  on  facing  page 


Her  name's  Loretta — Loretta  Martin.  If  you  ask — and  even 
if  you  don't — Dick's  friends  will  tell  you  she's  going  to 
be  the  next  Mrs.  Dick  Clark.  You  don't  believe  it?  Well, 
neither  did  they — at  first.  As  they  say,  "We  were  almost 
fooled,  ourselves,  until  that  (Continued  on  facing  page) 



I  dated  a  girl  much  taller  than  I  and  twice  my  weight. 
We  were  an  incongruous  couple,  no  doubt,  but  I  en- 
joyed her  company.  I  realized  that  it's  not  the  girl's 
good   looks,   but   her   personality   and   charm   that 
count  .  .  .  When  you're  a  kid,  there's  'status'  in 
dating  the  most  gorgeous  girl  in  school.  Good  looks 
start  things;  they  attract.  But  they  don't  hold  you, 
if  there's  little  behind  the  good  looks.  As  you  get 
older,  good  looks  diminish  in  value;   they   are  no 
longer  the  first  thing  you  seek  in  a  girl  .  .  .   I'm 
thirty -two  now,  and  it  would  be  difficult  for  me  to 
fall  in  love  with  a  teenager,  much  as  I  like  them!   I 
think  a  girl  about  thirty  is  at  her  best,  emotionally  and 
physically.  She  couldn't  be  too  naive  and  she  shouldn't  be 
too  cynical,  by  that  age.  However,  if  I  had  to  choose  between 
a  naive  girl  and  a  sophisticated  one,   (Continued  on  page    80) 



night  at  Jo-Ann  Campbell's  party,  when  Dick  and  Loretta  sat 

in  a  corner  holding  hands  like  they  were  alone  in   a  twin 

space-capsule!"  .  .  .  But  that's  getting  ahead  of  the  real 

story.  You'll  want  to  know  more  about  the  girl  in  the  case 

— you  haven't  met  Loretta,  have  (Continued  on  page    83) 


What  Ever  Happened  To 


That  Nice  Boy  Next  Door? 

Which  is  the  real  Joey  Bishop?  Only  his  family  and  his 
hometown  friends  know  for  sure— and  now  they're  telling ! 

It  was  a  mansion.  Beautiful.  And  we 
couldn't  help  saying  so :  "Great  place 
you've  got  here,  Joey."  Joey  Bishop 
sat  back  in  the  big  chair.  As  he  did, 
he  looked  around  the  huge  living 
room,  his  eyes  stopping  momentarily 
on  the  sad  Modigliani  redhead  that 
hung  on  a  wall  a  couple  of  dozen 
yards  away.  He  smiled  a  little.  "Lis- 
ten," he  said.  "This  is  Beverly  Hills. 
This  place  is  rented.  This  is  a  part 
of  me — but  it's  not  all  of  me.  You 
really  want  to  find  out  about  me? 
Then  you  should  go  back  to  when 
I  was  a  kid.  I  lived  in  South  Phila- 
delphia. That's  a  big  section  that 
some  people  will  call  a  slum.  But  my 
definition  of  it  is:  A  very  wealthy 
community  without  money.  It's  got  all 
the  things  you  can  buy  with  money — 
friends,  neighbors,  hospitable  people 
— but  with  no  charge. 

"And  who  needed  money  back 
then,  in  the  late  Twenties,  the  Thir- 
ties? If  you  wanted  sun,  you  could 
sit  outside  on  the  steps  and  get  the 
same  as  in  Florida.  When  it  snowed, 
you  didn't  {Continued  on  page   93) 


*\  v'V. 






What's  it  like  to  live  with  history?   To  share 
your  own  man  with  the  whole  world's  headlines  ? 


The  assignment:  Interview  Mrs.  Chet 
Huntley  in  New  York.  Fly  to  Washington 
for  talk  with  Mrs.  David  Brinkley.  Ask 
both  women  same  questions.  Get  straight 
reactions  on  their  husbands,  their  lives  as 
wives  who  wait,  etc. 

The  women:  In  New  York — Tipton 
Stringer  Huntley  (nickname,  "Tippy"). 
Thirty-one  years  old  (Chet's  fifty-one). 
Married  Chet  three  years  ago,  following 
his  divorce  from  Ingrid  Rolin  (whom 
he'd  met  in  college  and  by  whom  he  has 
two  daughters,  twenty-two  and  nineteen). 
Tippy  is  tall.  Thin.  Friendly.  Soft-spoken. 
Beautiful  smile.  Lovely  strawberry  blonde 
hair.  She  and  Chet  live  in  Upper  East  Side 
brownstone  (three  floors,  seven  rooms). 
She  runs  the  house  without  help.  Runs  it 
beautifully.  Serves  coffee  and  chocolate- 
chip  cookies  as  we  talk.  She  says,  "I'm 
very  fond  of  the  Brinkleys.  Once,  before  I 
met  Chet,  they  took  me  to  a  place  down  at 
the  end  of  M  Street,  {Please  turn  the  page) 






at's  it  like  to  live  with  history?  To  share 
your  own  man  with  the  whole  world's  headlines? 


The  assignment:  Interview  Mrs.  Chet 
Huntley  in  New  York.  Fly  to  Washington 
for  talk  with  Mrs.  David  Brinkley.  Ask 
both  women  same  questions.  Get  straight 
reactions  on  their  husbands,  their  lives  as 
wives  who  wait,  etc. 

The    women:    In    New    York — Tipton 
Stringer   Huntley    (nickname,   "Tippy"). 
Thirty-one  years  old    (Chefs  fifty-one). 
Married  Chet  three  years  ago,  following 
his   divorce  from   Ingrid   Rolin    (whom 
he'd  met  in  college  and  by  whom  he  has 
two  daughters,  twenty-two  and  nineteen). 
Tippy  is  tall.  Thin.  Friendly.  Soft-spoken. 
Beautiful  smile.  Lovely  strawberry  blonde 
hair.  She  and  Chet  live  in  Upper  East  Side 
brownstone  (three  floors,  seven  rooms). 
She  runs  the  house  without  help.  Runs  it 
beautifully.  Serves  coffee  and  chocolate- 
chip  cookies  as  we  talk.  She  says,  "I'm 
very  fond  of  the  Brinkleys.  Once,  before  I 
met  Chet,  they  took  me  to  a  place  down  at 
the  end  of  M  Street,  (Please  turn  the  page) 




to  hear  Dixieland  jazz — which 
David  loves.  Please  give  Ann  my 
best!"  ...  In  Washington,  Ann 
Fischer  Brinkley  (friends  call  her 
"Ann,"  not  "Annie").  Younger 
looking  than  her  age — late  thirties 
(David  is  forty-one).  Married  to 
David  for  sixteen  years.  Ann  is 
short.  Attractive.  Pleasant.  Brown- 
eyed.  Brown-haired.  A  chic  woman 
who  prefers  slacks  and  sweaters  at 
home  ("when  nobody's  dropping 
in — which  is  rare").  She  and 
David  live  in  a  twelve-room  house 
in  the  fox-hunting  country  of 
Potomac,  Maryland,  some  forty 
miles  from  Washington.  Beautiful 
place  with  magnificent  view  ("it's 
a  shame — but  we've  got  to  sell  it 
and  get  closer  to  the  city").  Busy 
place  (three  sons,  a  full-time  maid, 
a  parttime  maid,  a  dog  named 
"Tawny,"  two  Siamese  cats,  "Vic- 
toria Regina"  and  "Prince  Al- 
bert"). Ann  serves  Cokes  as  we 
talk.  Says  of  Tippy  Huntley,  "Such 
a  wonderful  girl.  We  had  great 
fun  together  during  the  political 
conventions.  In  Los  Angeles,  all 
we  did  was  sit  around  the  pool 
all  day.  In  Las  Vegas,  we  did 
what  everybody  else  does  in  Las 
Vegas — and  we  even  won  a  little." 
Question:  What  were  you  like 
before  you  met  your  husband? 
Ann  Brinkley:  They  used  to  say 
I  was  the  serious  type.  I  don't 
know.  I  liked  to  read.  And  I  was 
fascinated  by  Washington,  where  I 
was  born.  I  always  wanted  to  be  a 
newspaper  woman.  I  worked  for 

After  their  "nightmare"  honeymoon,  Tippy  changed — for  Chet. 


the  United  Press  for  a  while — at 
forty  dollars  a  week.  And  then  I 
heard  about  an  opening  at  NBC — 
at  better  pay. 

Tippy  Huntley :  I  was  the  typical 
bachelor  career-girl.  My  last  show, 
as  TV  weather  girl  at  Station  WRC 
in  Washington,  was  at  11:30  and  I 
didn't  get  home  till  midnight.  Next 
morning,  I'd  get  up  late.  I  ate  out 
most  of  the  time — restaurants, 
other  people's  houses.  My  life  has 
changed  180  degrees  since  then. 
Especially,  getting  up  in  the 
morning ! 

Question:  How  did  you  meet? 
Ann:  When  I  applied  for  that  job 
at  NBC,  there  was  David — in  all 
his  tall,  thin  glory — in  charge  of 
the  newsroom.  He  .  asked  a  few 
questions  and  hired  me.  One  ques- 
tion was,  "Is  sixty  dollars  a  week 
sufficient,  Miss  Fischer?"  I  said, 
"Yes  .  .  .  sure  .  .  .  fine,  Mr.  Brink- 
ley."  Later,  I  found  out  he  could 
have  gone  up  to  sixty-si*  dollars 
— sometimes  I  don't  let  David 
forget  that!  But  it  didn't  really 
matter.  We  met  in  June.  We  were 
engaged  in  July.  I  stayed  on  the 
job  through  August.  I  quit  in 
September — company  rule  then 
was  no  husbands-and-wives  at 
NBC.  And  we  were  married  in  Oc- 
tober. So  David,  you  could  say, 
had  cheated  me  out  of  twenty-four 
dollars.  But  it  was  worth  it! 
Tippy:  I  guess  you  could  call  my 
meeting  with  Chet  the  first  elec- 
tronic romance  in  history.  At 
WRC  in  (Continued  on  page  72) 

Ann  and  son  John  snatch  precious  moments  at  David's  office. 




Allen  Ludden's  an  expert  on  young  people, 

They  sat  shoulder  to  shoulder,  father  and  son  rocking 
a  little  as  the  commuters'  train  jogged  its  way  out  of 
Manhattan  and  emerged  on  Long  Island.  The  conductor 
smiled  in  recognition  as  he  punched  their  tickets. 
Allen  Ludden's  face  was  already  well-known  as  a  big 
man  on  the  TV  campus,  as  moderator  of  Sunday's  pop- 
ular "G-E  College  Bowl."  Months  later,  the  crew-cut  and 
the  horn-rimmed  glasses  would  be  even  more  familiar  as 
host  of  "Password" — new  this  season,  but  so  successful 
it  had  to  add  a  Tuesday-night  booking  to  its  full  week- 
day schedule,  in  mid-term. 

Yet  it  would  never  have  happened  if  Allen  had  lis- 
tened to  his  thirteen-year-old  son  that  day  on  the  train. 

"We  were  vacationing  on  Fire  Island,"  Allen  told 
when  Goodson-Todman  Productions  summoned  me 
to  audition  for  a  new  game-show.  When  I  went  into 
town,  I  took  David  with  me.  He's  an  astute  critic — 
in  fact,  his  viewpoint  is  so  professional  it's  almost 

On  the  way  back  on  the  train,  after  the  audition, 
Allen  asked  David,  "What  do  you  think  of  it?" 

The  boy's  eyes  brightened.  "It's  got  more  to  it  than 
any  other  daytime  show  I've  seen." 

"How  did  I  do?"  Allen  ventured  to  ask. 

David  weighed  his  words.  "You  were  great,  but—" 

"But    what?"    Allen    persisted,    as    David    paused. 

ut  he  was  stumped  when  his  own  son  said : 

The  young  man  squirmed,  then  squared  his  shoulders 
and  gave  it  to  his  father  straight.  "I  don't  think  you'll 
get  it,"  he  said  judiciously.  "You're  not  the  type.  You're 
no  Bud  Collyer!" 

Allen  chuckles  as  he  tells  this  story  on  himself. 
"David  was  thinking  of  my  friend  Bud's  'Beat  the 
Clock'  and,  in  that  respect,  his  judgment  was  right. 
I  would  be  lost  on  that  kind  of  show.  Fortunately, 
that  wasn't  what  the  producers  had  in  mind." 

As  viewers  now  know,  "Password"  is  essentially  a 
crossword  puzzle  dramatized.  Each  of  two  teams  has  a 
celebrity  and  a  partner  not  in  show  business,  chosen 
from  the  audience.  The  one  receiving  the  "password" 
must  communicate  it  to  the  other  by  one-word  clues. 
It's  fast,  it's  informative — and  it's  fun. 

For  such  a  battle  of  wits,  Allen  Ludden  is  the 
ideal  umpire.  His  professional  and  private  lives  are 
both  dedicated  to  the  principle  that  it's  fun  to  be 
bright.  "The  brain  is  a  muscle,"  he  says.  "We  should 
exercise  it  more."  He's  pleased  because  home  viewers 
write  that  they  play  the  game  right  along  with  the 
studio  contestants.  "We  want  to  entertain,  of  course, 
but  it's  great  if  we  also  stimulate  thinking.  This  is 
vitality  and  participation  in  life." 

Allen  himself  exudes  vitality.  His  blond-gray  crew- 
cut  bristles.  He  moves  briskly,  (Continued  on  page  82) 


Allen  Ludden's  an  expert  on  young 


They  sat  shoulder  to  shoulder,  father  and  son  rocking 
a  little  as  the  commuters'  train  jogged  its  way  out  of 
Manhattan  and  emerged  on  Long  Island.  The  conductor 
smiled  in  recognition  as  he  punched  their  tickets. 
Allen  Ludden's  face  was  already  well-known  as  a  big 
man  on  the  TV  campus,  as  moderator  of  Sunday's  pop- 
ular "G-E  College  Bowl."  Months  later,  the  crew-cut  and 
the  horn-rimmed  glasses  would  be  even  more  familiar  as 
host  of  "Password" — new  this  season,  but  so  successful 
it  had  to  add  a  Tuesday-night  booking  to  its  full  week- 
day schedule,  in  mid-term. 

Yet  it  would  never  have  happened  if  Allen  had  lis- 
tened to  his  thirteen-year-old  son  that  day  on  the  train. 

"We  were  vacationing  on  Fire  Island,"  Allen  told 
us,  "when  Goodson-Todman  Productions  summoned  me 
to  audition  for  a  new  game-show.  When  I  went  into 
town,  I  took  David  with  me.  He's  an  astute  critic— 
in  fact,  his  viewpoint  is  so  professional  it's  almost 

On  the  way  back  on  the  train,  after  the  audition, 
Allen  asked  David,  "What  do  you  think  of  it?" 

The  boy's  eyes  brightened.  "It's  got  more  to  it  than 
any  other  daytime  show  I've  seen." 

"How  did  I  do?"  Allen  ventured  to  ask. 

David  weighed  his  words.  "You  were  great,  but— 

"But    what?"    Allen    persisted,    as    David    paused. 

but  he  was  stumped  when  his  own  son  said: 

The  young  man  squirmed,  then  squared  his  shoulders 
and  gave  it  to  his  father  straight.  "I  don't  think  you'll 
get  it,"  he  said  judiciously.  "You're  not  the  type.  You're 
no  Bud  Collyer!" 

Allen  chuckles  as  he  tells  this  story  on  himself. 
"David  was  thinking  of  my  friend  Bud's  'Beat  the 
Clock'  and,  in  that  respect,  his  judgment  was  right. 
I  would  be  lost  on  that  kind  of  show.  Fortunately, 
that  wasn't  what  the  producers  had  in  mind." 

As  viewers  now  know,  "Password"  is  essentially  a 
crossword  puzzle  dramatized.  Each  of  two  teams  has  a 
celebrity  and  a  partner  not  in  show  business,  chosen 
from  the  audience.  The  one  receiving  the  "password" 
must  communicate  it  to  the  other  by  one-word  clues. 
It's  fast,  it's  informative — and  it's  fun. 

For  such  a  battle  of  wits,  Allen  Ludden  is  the 
ideal  umpire.  His  professional  and  private  Hves  are 
both  dedicated  to  the  principle  that  it's  fun  to  be 
bright.  "The  brain  is  a  muscle,"  he  says.  "We  should 
exercise  it  more."  He's  pleased  because  home  viewers 
write  that  they  play  the  game  right  along  with  the 
studio  contestants.  "We  want  to  entertain,  of  course, 
but  it's  great  if  we  also  stimulate  thinking.  This  is 
vitality  and  participation  in  life." 

Allen  himself  exudes  vitality.  His  blond-gray  crew- 
cut  bristles.  He  moves  briskly,  (Continued  on  page  82) 





Actually,  there  isn't  anything  I  couldn't  talk  to  my  mother  about.  At  my  age,  there 
aren't  any  deep,  dark  secrets  you'd  rather  die  than  let  your  family  know  about!  But 
things  do  come  up,  even  at  eighteen,  that  you  find  it  hard  to  mention.  When  you're 
around  your  family  as  much  as  I  am  with  mine,  and  when  you're  that  close,  they 
don't  always  notice  sudden  changes  of  mood.  That's  when  someone  like  Donna  Reed 
is  so  nice  to  be  near.  .  .  .1  talk  about  Miss  Reed  so  often  and  so  enthusiastically 
that  some  of  my  friends  have  started  calling  her  "Shelley's  other  mother,"  or 
"Shelley's  Dear  Abby."  I  remember  when  I  had  a  crush  on  a  boy.  I  was  convinced 
it  was  the  absolute  end  of  my  life  if  he  didn't  feel  the  same  about  me.  When  I  felt 
it  wasn't  happening,  I  was  miserable.  I  managed  to  hide  it  from  my  family — but, 
during  rehearsals,  Miss  Reed  saw  something  was  bothering  me.  .  .  .  Let  me  say  right 

off  that,  as  warm  and  sympathetic 
a  person  as  she  is,  Miss  Reed  would 
never  pry  into  anyone's  private  busi- 
ness. She  didn't  ask  one  question. 
Instead,  she  sat  down  near  me  and 
casually  went  into  a  story  of  how 
things  had  been  with  her  at  my  age. 
.  . .  Before  going  any  further,  let  me 
say  one  thing.  If  I  should  look  in  a 
magic  mirror  and  ask,  "Who's  the 
luckiest  girl  of  all?" — I'm  sure  it 
would  answer,  "Your  Shelley  Fab- 
ares."  And  it's  so  true.  Just  look  at 
the  facts.  I'm  still  in  my  teens  and 
already  I  have  a  steady  acting  job 
on  a  popular  TV  show.  I've  had  the 
chance  to  observe  a  great  star,  my  aunt,  Nanette  Fabray,  since  I  was  a  child.  I  have 
a  mother,  father  and  older  sister  who  are  always  trying  to  raise  my  spirits  and  give 
me  encouragement.  And  finally,  for  four  years,  I've  been  able  to  study,  from  a  front- 
row  seat,  one  of  the  best  actresses  and  most  remarkable  women  in  the  world,  an 
Oscar  winner — my  TV  mother,  Donna  Reed.  What  more  could  any  young  actress 
want  for  a  starter?  .  .  .  Anyway,  to  get  back  to  Miss  Reed's  story  of  her  teens.  She 
told  me  that  she  had  been  mad  about  a  certain  boy.  There  seemed  nobody  in  the 
whole  world  to  equal  him  for  looks,  charm  and  intelligence.  Then,  one  day,  she 
discovered  he  was  seriously  dating  another  girl.  She  was  crushed.  "Shelley,"  she 
told  me,  "at  the  time,  I  thought  I'd  never  get  over  it!  But  like  everything  else  in 
life  it  passed.  .  .  ."  Suddenly,  my  own  trouble  began    (Continued  on  page    91) 





No  matter  how  close  they  think  they  are,  there  are  things  a  girl  can't 
tell  her  own  mother  .  .  .  times  when  she  needs  a  friend  like  Donna  Reed 






th,  perhaps  yo»'U  *&ee 

^  Francis^  Pe       r  eYioulo 

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'"""  ^Pe— -ey< 

yott'U  agree 


this  que*' 


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0{  doing  80IU 


Vee-Form  by  Modess 

anatomicaHy  shaped 


(mnk  Francis 


Reporter:  Was  there  anything  that 
happened  which  got  you  to  really  go 
out  and  do  something? 
Connie :  When  you  travel  around  as 
I  have  .  .  .  when  I  was  in  Germany, 
for  instance,  everybody  seemed  to 
agree  it  was  a  very  remote  possibility 
that  we  would  ever  use  the  bomb  on 
the  Russians  and  remote  that  they 
would  use  it — they'd  rather  just 
threaten  with  it,  get  what  they  want 
through  fear.  But  the  experts  seem 
to  think  that,  by  the  end  of  1962, 
Red  China  may  have  the  bomb,  too 
— and  they  might  use  it. 
Reporter:  This  was  on  your  trip  to 
Berlin,  just  two  or  three  months  ago, 
when  you  went  over  to  do  "The  Ed 
Sullivan  Show"? 

Connie:  Yes.  People  over  there  are 
very  conscious  of  the  threat,  and 
they've  been  doing  things  about  it. 
Most  Americans,  thank  God,  didn't 
have  to  experience  war  as  they  did 
— getting  bombed — our  own  homes, 
everything  around  us!  We  seem  to 
take  the  attitude  that  it  won't  ever 
happen  to  us.  .  .  . 
Reporter:  The  "It  Can't  Happen 
Here"  sort  of  thing? 
Connie:  It  can!  And  we  should  be 
doing  something  about  it,  too.  When 
I  got  back,  I  sent  to  the  United 
States  Office  of  Civil  Defense,  in 
Detroit,  for  pamphlets  and  informa- 
tion. I  talked  to  some  people  about 
it,  asked  if  there  was  anything  that 
had  been  tested  for  this  sort  of  thing. 
They  told  me  about  a  shelter  which 
had  been  tested  at  Yucca  Flats, 
New  Mexico,  and  recommended  a 
maker  here  in  New  Jersey. 
Reporter:  Do  your  neighbors  know 
about  your  shelter? 
Connie:  The  whole  town  knows 
about  it!  The  director  of  Civil  De- 
fense was  here  to  inspect  it  for  safety 
and  everything.  And,  in  case  of  an 
attack,  we'd  invite  people  nearby  to 
bring  small  children  and  infants — 
as  many  as  we  can  take. 
Reporter:  There  are  four  grownups 
in  your  own  family.  How  big  is  the 

Connie:  It's  designed  to  hold  six 
adults — a  few  more,  if  necessary. 
The  National  Survival  Corporation 
built  it  for  us.  Nationally,  I  be- 
lieve it's    (Continued   on  page  85) 

Tie  'Round 
Belt  Set 

ONLY  *j00 

from  Modess 

Widen  your  wardrobe  and  whittle  your 
waist  with  the  most  colorful  belts  that 
ever  crossed  it.  The  belts  look  just  like 
leather  and  the  coins  are  solid  brass. 
They  come  in  sets  of  three  fashion  colors. 
Buy  more  than  one  set— and  mix-match 
them.  Each  set  of  three  is  just  $1.00 
with  an  end  flap  from  new  Vee-Form»  by 
Modess®  or  any  other  Modess  product. 

12  3  4  S  6 

Fashion,  Box  67-25,  Milltown,  New  Jersey. 

Please  send  me  the  belt  set  (or  sets)  I  have  circled.  I  enclose  $1.00  (cash,  check 

or  money  order)  and  one  Modess  box  flap  for  each  set. 







Good  only  in  U.S.A.  Void  in  any  area  where  restricted  by  law.  Offer  expires  December  31,  1963. 

Gertrude  Berg's 





What  they  Don't  teach  you 

Acting:  My  first  love.  Writ- 
ing is  something  I  love,  too, 
but  writing  is  a  lonesome  business, 
while  acting  is  with  people  .  .  . 
the  people  you  are  involved  with 
on  stage  .  .  .  the  people  you  are 
involved  with  in  the  audience. 
How  did  I  start  to  become  an  ac- 
tress? In  bad  weather,  I  enter- 
tained the  guests  at  my  father's 
hotel,  Fleischmann's  in  the  Cats- 
kills.  If  it  rained,  everyone  went 
home.  If  they  went  home,  it  was 
a  financial  catastrophe.  So  I  be- 
came a  fortune  teller.  I  read  palms 
and  told  all.  It  was  wonderful  to 
entertain  people.  It  still  is.  Peo- 
ple know  me  as  an  old  friend.  How 
could  I  not  love  acting?  And  how 
could  I  play  a  character  who  was 
not  warm?  I  could  act  a  cold 
woman  but  people  would  not  be 
entertained.  After  all  this  time, 
what  they  see  on  the  screen  is  more 
than  a  character. 

Busy:  Which  is  what  I  am, 
what  I've  always  been. 
There  was  only  one  time  of  my 
life  that  wasn't  crammed  with  ac- 
tion and  that  was  the  first  three 
years  of  our  married  life.  My  hus- 
band had  been  appointed  chief 
technologist  on  a  sugar  plantation 
in  Louisiana  and  his  days  were 
crammed  with  activity.  But  mine 
weren't.  I  read.  I  read  like  crazy. 

in  school -even  in  college 

I  was  so  busy  reading  that  these 
became  the  formative  years  of  my 
life  intellectually.  Then  we  came 
back  to  New  York — the  sugar  re- 
finery in  Louisiana  had  burned 
down.  We  were  back  in  a  fast 
tempo  of  living,  we  had  two  chil- 
dren and  I  was  writing  my  head 
off  on  radio  scripts.  Once  we  got 
a  sponsor  and  went  on  six  times 
a  week,  every  moment  of  my  day 
had  to  count  I  had  a  script  to 
turn  out  daily  .  .  .  and  two  chil- 
dren to  whom  I  wouldn't  be  less 
than  Mama  .  .  .  and  a  husband, 
life  with  whom  I  valued.  I'm  busy 
today  but  I  want  still  a  full  life 
and  a  varied  life;  I  don't  want  to 
miss  a  thing.  And  when  I  go  to 
Elizabeth  Arden  and  the  girls  tell 
me  of  women  who  spend  the  whole 
day  there,  slowly  going  through 
the  routine  from  pedicure  to  mas- 
sage, prolonging  it  because  they 
have  nothing  else  to  do — I  feel 
sorry  for  them.  Nothing  to  do? 
I'd  give  anything  for  ten  more 
hours  in  every  day! 

Children:  This  is  what  there 
has  been  time  for — my  chil- 
dren Cherney  and  Harriet.  God 
bless  them.  Like  every  mother,  to 
me  it  is  a  miracle  to  have  watched 
them  grow.  In  their  very  sleep, 
they  grew  and  they're  still  grow- 
ing.    (Continued    on    page  76) 


Washington  is  the  most  social  con- 
scious city  in  the  world  and  your 
status  in  the  nation's  capital  de- 
pends on  where  you  have  been  invited 
to  cocktails  or  dinner  and  by  whom. 
Since  the  Kennedys  came  to  Wash- 
ington, the  only  important  social  ac- 
tivity anyone  is  interested  in  has  to 
do  with  the  White  House  and  a  whole 
new  set  of  rules  has  been  instituted. 

This  is  how  it  goes. 

If  you're  invited  for  a  state  dinner 
at  the  White  House  to  hear  Pablo 
Casals,  you  get  four  points. 

If  you're  invited  to  a  private  din- 
ner at  the  White  House  and  asked 
to  stay  for  the  evening,  you  get  six 
points.  If  you're  asked  to  come  in 
after  dinner  for  dancing,  three  points, 
but  you  get  an  extra  point  if  it  turns 
into  a  Twist  party. 

If  the  President  dances  with  your 
wife  or  if  you  dance  with  Mrs.  Ken- 
nedy, you  automatically  get  twenty 

The  only  way  you  can  get  more 
points  than  this  is  if  your  child  is 
invited  to  a  birthday  party  for  Caro- 
line. You  get  twenty-five  points  for 
this  and  an  extra  five  points  if  your 
kid  is  also  in  Caroline's  dancing  class. 

President  Kennedy  has  been  re- 
sponsible for  some  radical  changes  in 
Washington's  social  playing  fields. 
Previous  to  his  Administration  the 
highest  honor  you  could  receive  in 
Washington  was  to  be  invited  to  the 
White  House  for  dinner.  But  now 
if  the  President  comes  to  your  house 
it  counts  more.  You  get  ten  points 
if  he  accepts  an  invitation  before- 
hand, and  fifteen  if  he  drops  in  un- 

Being  invited  to  the  Vice-Presi- 
dent's house  does  not  have  the  point 
value  you  would  think  it  would.  The 
Vice-President  entertains  so  much 
and  shows  up  at  so  many  parties  that 



What  You 
Didn't  See 

it's  only  worth  two  points.  As  a  mat- 
ter of  fact,  most  people  automatically 
start  off  with  two  points,  thanks  to 
Lady  Bird's  fame  as  a  hostess. 

After  President  Kennedy,  the  most 
sought  after  invitations  are  those 
given  by  Robert  and  Ethel  Kennedy. 
You  get  ten  points  if  you're  invited 
to  their  house,  and  seven  extra  if 
you're  thrown  in  the  swimming  pool 
with  your  clothes  on. 

Dinner  with  any  of  the  other  Ken- 
nedys is  worth  eight  points  unless 
you  play  touch  football,  at  which 
point  you're  entitled  to  another  three 
or  the  equivalent  of  a  free  kick. 

In  this  Administration,  Cabinet 
ministers'  dinners  are  only  worth  one 
point,  unless  a  member  of  the  Ken- 
nedy family  is  present,  when  you  get 
a  bonus  of  one-half  point. 

Ambassadors  used  to  rate  very 
high  in  Washington,  but  now  there 
are  so  many  of  them  here  it  doesn't 
really  mean  much.  You  could  get 
a  point  if  you  were  invited  to  British 
Ambassador  Ormsby-Fore's  residence 
and  possibly  a  point  if  you  were 
asked  to  French  Ambassador  Herve 
Alphand's  house,  but  the  scorers  are 
reluctant  to  give  anything  for  any 
of  the  other  ambassadors,  with  one 

If  you  go  to  a  Washington  restau- 
rant with  an  ambassador  from  one 
of  the  African  countries  and  you  get 
served,  you  get  fifty  points. 

Since  the  year  has  hardly  started, 
no  one  knows  who  will  wind  up  with 
the  highest  score  at  the  end  of  the 
year.  Leading  so  far  is  a  close  friend 
of  Mr.  Kennedy's  who  was  in  the 
South  Pacific  with  him  during  the 
war,  went  to  Harvard  and  just  gave 
a  dining  room  set  to  the  White  House 
that  once  belonged  to  Rutherford  B. 
Hayes.  — The  End 

©  1962,  New  York  Herald  Tribune  Inc. 


The  time:  Sunday  night  from  6:30  until  'way  past  Cinderella  and  Cindy's 
bedtime.  The  dinner  itself,  from  priestly  invocation  to  rabbinical  benediction, 
ran  about  five  hours. 

The  scene:  The  Grand  Ballroom  of  the  Waldorf  Astoria  Hotel.  About 
1100  of  the  most  important  Anybodies  who  were  Anybody.  Obviously, 
everybody  there  was  Somebody,  because  no  Nobody  could  afford  the  $50 
per  plate  ticket. 

The  action:  An  entertainment  industry  tribute  to  Danny  Thomas.  Spon- 
sored by  the  Jewish  Theatrical  Guild,  it  was  commemorating  Danny's 
humanitarian  work  on  behalf  of  all  causes  and  particularly  the  money  he's 
raised  to  establish  the  St.  Jude  Hospital,  named  after  his  patron  saint  and 
recently  opened  in  Memphis. 

With  Friends  Like  Mine, 

The  four-tiered  dais  ("If  it  went  up  any  higher,  Jolson  would  be  here," 
someone  cracked)  seated  seventy  people  and  segued  from  the  venerable 
to  the  adorable,  from  Supreme  Court  Justice  William  0.  Douglas  with  all 
his  dignity  to  Eva  Gabor  with  all  her  diamonds.  It  was  bounded  on  both 
sides,  like  bookends,  by  bearded  Mitch  Miller  and  singer  Earl  Wrightson 
who  also  sports  a  chin  doily.  Speakers  were  asked  to  drone  only  two  minutes. 

Who  Needs  Enemies? 

Glamour  girls  like  Barbara  Britton,  Roberta  Peters,  Ina  Balin  were  asked 
to  bow  only  two  minutes.  As  they  pointed  out,  even  had  Lincoln  stuttered, 
his  Gettysburg  Address  wouldn't  have  run  longer — so  who  needs  more? 

There  was  just  sufficient  time  between  the  melted  ice  cream  and  the  luke- 
warm speeches  for  Zsa  Zsa  to  make  a  tour  around  the  front  half  of  the 
ballroom.  She  wore  a  very  tight,  gorgeous,  full-length,  'way-off-the-shoulder 
rose  gown.  Glamorous  Zsa,  who  had  more  flesh  outside  the  brocade  than  in, 
looks  to  be  about  a  size-12.  The  gown  figured  to  be  about  a  size-10. 

As  she  seated  herself,  someone  introduced  someone  who  introduced  George 

Jessel  as  "the  man  whom  F.D.R.  christened  the  Toastmaster  General  of  the 

T  United  States."  (Please  turn  the  page) 



Danny  Thomas  thought  they'd 
come  to  praise  him  —  but 
he  was  in  for  a  big  surprise! 


With  Friends  Like  Mine,  Who  Needs  Enemies? 



This  prompted  Mrs.  Earl  Wilson,  my  table-mate,  to  hiss: 
"That's  a  bloody  lie.  Earl  gave  him  that  name."  To  which 
Earl  hissed  back:  "Ssssssssshhhhh,  honey."  Then,  and  a  lot 
louder:  "But  you're  one  hundred  percent  right!" 

After  his  flowery  introduction,  which  resembled  a  eulogy, 
Jessel  commented,  "Thank  you  very  much.  For  a  minute  I 
thought  I  was  dead."  Continuing  in  the  Broadway  tra- 
dition where  comedians  come  to  bury  Caesar  not  to  praise 
him,  he  referred  to  Danny  as  "a  former  halvah  salesman 
who  made  good."  In  introducing  Mrs.  Thomas,  the  multiple- 
married  emcee  said,  "Behind  every  man  there's  a  woman. 
Would  that  this  hall  were  larger,  so  I  could  have  all  the 
women  here  who  were  once  behind  me." 

The  Guest  of  Honor  thought  this  so  funny  that  he  began 
to  pound  the  table.  Milton  Berle,  seated  on  the  other  side 
of  Jessel,  had  previously  only  grinned,  but  suddenly  thought 
better  of  it.  He  began  to  thwack  the  table,  too. 

Johnny  Carson  was  greeted  as  one  of  the  few  young 
comedians  who  doesn't  do  sick  humor.  "These  sick  humor- 
ists," continued  Jessel, 
"never  say  anything  that 
will  make  any  mother 
laugh — except,  maybe,  Bev- 
erly Aadland's." 

On  this  touching  note, 
Carson  arose,  surveyed  Joey 
Bishop,  Joey  Adams,  Berle, 
Jessel,  Carter,  Murray, 
then :  "Y'know,  it  ain't  easy 
being  a  minority  comedian. 
.  .  .  Frankly,  tonight  I  feel 
like  a  Gentile  Red  But- 
tons." After  several  more 
jokes,  none  of  which  ap- 
plied to  Danny,  he  sat 

On  the  Red  Buttons  line, 
Danny  whooped  loudly  with 
hysteria.  I  think,  mainly  to 
let  Carson  know  he  was 

"I'm  not  the  slightest  bit 
envious  of  these  new  com- 
ics," whined  Jessel  about 
Carson,  "fact  is,  I'm  not 
jealous  about  any  new- 
comers whether  it's  Phil 
Anka,  Harry  Boone  or  Shirley  Berman. 
waiting  for  his  laugh. 

"Unfortunately,  Jayne  Mansfield— the  heroine  of  that 
recent  sea  saga — couldn't  be  here  this  evening  because  she's 
doing  a  television  show  tonight  called  'To  Tell  the  Truth.' 
.  .  .  And  Bobby  Kennedy  would've  been  here,  but  his  mother 
wouldn't  let  him  stay  up  this  late.  .  .  .  And  Jack  Paar 
had  to  cancel  out  because  this  is  the  day  he's  throwing 
his  press  party  for  Dorothy  Kilgallen.  .  .  .  And  ex-Vice- 
President  Nixon  couldn't  come  to  honor  Danny  because 
he's  home.  He's  still  counting.  .  .  ."  So  spake  Joey  Adams, 
and— 150  laughs  and  15  minutes  later— he  reluctantly  tore 
himself  away  from  the  mike. 

"Very  good,  Joey,"  chirped  Jessel.  "And  thanks  for  stick- 
ing within  the  two  minutes." 

He  welcomed  the  McGuire  Sisters,  who  are  currently 
blonde  and  who  sang  "Danny  Boy."  Celebrities  like  Floyd 
Patterson,  Henry  J.  Kaiser,  some  assorted  ambassadors  from 
Korea,  Luxembourg  and  Nigeria,  were  pointed  out  in  the 
audience.  One  ambassador  bowed  low  just  as  a  lone,  tall 
busboy  picked  that  moment  to  cross  the  room.  Nobody'  ever 
did  see  the  poor  ambassador. 

u  Dais-guests    introduced    for    a    bow    were    Robert    Morse 
who  is  starring  in  'How  to  Succeed  in  Business  Without 

Danny  and  his  wife  at  the  opening  of  his  St.  Jude  Hospital 

Jessel    paused, 

Whatever-it-is' — it's  too  long  a  title,  Bobby,  it'll  never  be 
a  hit"  .  .  .  Zig  Zag  Gabor  "who,  as  we  all  know,  is  re- 
luctant to  speak"  .  .  .  and  sister  Eva  who  blazed  like 
Chicago  during  that  fire,  in  gold  sequins  and  blue-white 

These  big  charity  dinners  are  getting  so  expensive  that 
soon  even  the  guest  of  honor  won't  be  able  to  afford  to 
go.  Besides  the  ticket,  you  have  to  pay  for  all  liquid  re- 
freshment. Then,  the  women  must  be  outfitted. "  The  wife 
of  the  up-and-comer  has  to  look  well,  to  show  all  those  who 
never  thought  her  husband  would  make  it.  The  has-been's 
wife  doesn't  want  to  show  he's  slipping,  so  she  needs  new 
trappings.  And  the  TV  star's  missus  can't  look  shabby 
compared  to  the  wives  of  lesser  luminaries,  so  she  gets 
something  fantastic  with  maybe  her  husband's  rating  em- 
broidered in  sequins  on  the  belt  or  something. 

And  then  there's  the  cost  of  new  material.  Comedians 
can't  use  the  same  jokes  they  used  at  someone  else's  dinner 
the  year  before.  With  everybody  who's  important  present, 

they  slave  harder  for  free 
than  they  ever  did  for 

The  biggest  show  is  in 
studying  these  comics  be- 
fore they're  introduced. 
Each  is  tensed,  waiting  for 
his  name  to  be  called. 
Comes  the  gong,  he  clutches 
his  prepared  ad-libs  and 
trudges  the  last  mile  to 
the  microphone,  wondering 
what  he  needed  this  whole 
benefit  for.  His  ulcers  itch, 
his  managers  worry,  his 
wife's  in  a  sweat,  and  he's 

Before  Ted  Lewis's  clar- 
inet solo  .  .  .  and  after 
Peter  Lind  Hayes  and  Mary 
Healy's  gag  about  Sinatra 
thinking  that  Quemoy,  Mat- 
su  and  the  Pescadores  were 
Italian  musicians  .  .  .  Jack 
Carter  did  his  turn.  Danny 
fell  forward  in  his  chair 
in  sheer  hysteria.  Not  to 
be  upstaged,  Berle  toppled 
backward.  Next,  Joey  Bishop,  whose  program  is  a  Danny 
Thomas  production,  said  Danny  also  created  Andy  Giffith's 
show,  Dick  Van  Dyke's,  and  he  publicly  wanted  to  thank 
his  boss  for  giving  him  everything  he  has  today — "ulcers, 
insomnia,  rating  worries,  heart  trouble." 

Following  Justice  Douglas,  who  claimed  he  was  the  only 
speaker  there  without  a  writer  .  .  .  and  Milton  Berle,  who 
said,  "When  I  first  saw  Danny  work  many  years  ago,  I 
knew  he  had  something — and  I  wrote  it  down"  .  .  .  Danny 
stood  up.  This  night,  he'd  received  a  lot  of  riobing,  ac- 
cepted many  plaques  and  scrolls,  and  collected  some 
$75,000  for  his  hospital.  After  a  standing  ovation,  he  said 
quietly,  "This  is  really  quite  a  tribute  to  a  Toledo  kid  who 
came  from  such  a  rough  neighborhood  that  everyone  on 
our  block  was  given  the  opportunity  to  die  in  the  electric 
chair.  My  ego  has  certainly  been  fed  tonight,  but  the  Bible 
says,  'For  he  who  exalts  himself  shall  be  humbled.' 

"Tonight,  I  don't  know  how  to  express  my  gratitude. 
When  you  realize  that  you  say  'thank  you'  when  someone 
lights  your  cigarette,  you  get  an  idea  of  how  inadequate 
that  phrase  is.  But  I  wish  to  say — in  all  humility — and 
with  much  gratitude — I  thank  you,  my  friends." — The  End 

Danny   Thomas  is   seen   on   CBS-TV,   Mon.,   9  P.M.    EDT. 

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ffow  to  "gladden"  commuter  hearts: 
Just  tune  in  Bill,  of  Louisville! 

Skyway's   one   way  to   beat  traffic,   says  Bill. 

Traveling  is  something  the  whole  Gladden  family  knows  first- 
hand: Bill  and  his  Dorothy,  their  Mike,  Cynthia  and  Richard. 

Not  long  ago,  a  farmer  along  the  Dixie  High- 
way near  Louisville,  Kentucky,  noticed  that 
the  fence  around  his  chicken  farm  had  broken 
and  several  hundred  prize  hens  were  out 
and  near  the  road.  He  rushed  to  the  phone  and 
called — not  the  police  or  fire  department — 
but  WAVE-TV  and  Radio's  Bill  Gladden.  Why? 
Because  Bill  has  one  of  Louisville's  most  pop- 
ular deejay  shows,  heard  daily  from  3  to  6 
P.M.,  on  which  he  features  traffic  reports  for 
homebound  commuters.  Bill  quickly  warned 
motorists  and  many  of  them  stopped  to  help 

the  farmer  collect  his  brood.  Bill's  reward 
was  a  flood  of  gratitude  from  one  farmer 
in  the  form  of  several  golden-fried  chickens 
for  Bill's  family — which  includes  wife  Dorothy ; 
Mike,  19,  and  a  college  student;  Cynthia,  16; 
and  Richard,  10.  ...  "I  fulfilled  a  lifelong  am- 
bition to  fly,  a  few  years  ago,  when  I  finally 
had  time  to  take  lessons  and  get  my  pilot's 
license,"  says  Bill.  "Now  the  whole  family 
goes  along  with  me  on  flying  jaunts  to  scenic 
spots  in  Kentucky."  Whether  on-air  or  in-air, 
Bill   Gladden   is   quite    a    traveling   man! 


V  m 




A  Macdonald  performing  Japanese  karate??? 
It's  not  the  only  new  twist  this  famous  star  gives  to  his  role  in  "Lock-Up"! 

"Acting  is  a  business  where  you  never  stop  learning 
and  you  never  know  enough — and  that's  the  main 
reason  I  enjoy  it  so  much,"  says  Macdonald  Carey, 
star  of  the  syndicated  series  "Lock-Up."  Take  any 
weekday  now,  for  instance,  when  "Mac"  isn't  doing 
a  TV  guest  shot.  Mornings  he  has  a  dancing  lesson, 
followed  by  a  session  with  his  voice  coach  and,  three 
afternoons  a  week,  a  workout  with  Ed  Parker,  one 
of  the  country's  top  karate  experts.  "I  first  took  up 
karate  when  I  started  filming  'Lock-Up,'  "  the  brown- 
eyed  actor  explains.  "I  already  knew  some  judo — 
and  planned  to  use  it  in  the  series — when  a  news- 
paperman suggested,  during  an  interview,  I  go  with 
him  to  Ed  Parker's  studio.  I  did,  and  was  hooked 
immediately.  Not  only  did  I  use  karate  in  several 
scripts,  but  I  found  it  to  be  a  great  physical  condi- 
tioner. It's  particularly  great  for  developing  muscle 
coordination."  Carey  is  a  great  believer  in  keeping 
one's  body  and  mind  in  top  shape.  He  plays  tennis 
each  weekend  with  such  friends  as  Howard  Duff  and 
Walter  Pidgeon;  takes  his  six  children  horseback 
riding;  and  at  home  enjoys  such  family  sports  as 
swimming,  badminton,  basketball,  trampoline,  trapeze 
and  volley  ball.  Their  backyard  gymnasium  is  also 
equipped  with  punching  bags  and  weights.  .  .  .  The 
Careys — Mac;  wife  Betty,  with  whom  he  recently 
celebrated  a  21st  anniversary;  daughters  Lynn,  15, 
Elizabeth,  12,  Theresa,  9;  and  sons  Stevens,  11, 
Edward,  8,  and  Paul,  6 — live  in  a  two-story  home 

in  Beverly  Hills  in  what  Mac  describes  as  English- 
Normandy  architecture.  The  place,  Mac  chuckles,  is 
in  constant  bedlam  because  all  six  children  are  study- 
ing piano.  "We're  a  family  of  hams,"  he  admits,  "and 
all  the  children  have  dramatic  aspirations.  I'd  be 
perfectly  happy  if  they  decided  to  be  actors.  Why 
not?  The  profession  has  been  good  to  me.  But  I'd 
want  them  to  be  prepared  for  any  job  they  selected." 
In  "Lock-Up,"  Mac  plays  the  role  of  a  real-life  person, 
Herbert  Maris — a  corporation  lawyer  turned  claims 
investigator.  Maris  himself  had  occasion  to  use  judo 
in  his  work,  and  that's  why  Mac  took  it  up.  "Karate 
is  fairly  new  in  the  United  States,"  says  Mac,  "but 
interest  in  it  is  spreading  rapidly.  There  are  now 
schools  in  almost  every  major  city.  The  important 
thing  to  remember  always,  of  course,  is  that  karate 
is  not  to  be  used  carelessly,  as  it  can  kill  or  per- 
manently injure  your  opponent.  Most  instructors 
won't  take  pupils  who,  they  feel,  are  quick-tempered 
or  want  to  learn  for  the  wrong  reasons.  It  is  an  art 
of  self-defense  and  not  meant  to  be  used  for  dishonest 
purposes."  Carey's  three  boys  are  learning  judo  and 
karate  from  him  and  Mac  likes  to  tell  the  story  of 
one  of  his  sons  who — at  the  age  of  six — was  allowed 
to  "throw"  his  dad,  after  learning  the  skill  from  his 
parent.  When  Carey  went  flying  over  his  son's 
shoulder,  the  boy — amazed  at  the  success  of  his  feat 
— ran  to  his  mother  and  whispered  in  disbelief,  "I 
threw  the  whole  father!" 



"Be  interested,"  says  WLW-D's 

Joe  Longstreth,  "and  you  can 
scarcely  fail  to  be  interesting!" 

mimis  rusm . . 

If  Joe  Longstreth  turned  up  one  day  as  the  hero  of  a  work 
of  fiction,  everyone  from  the  publisher  to  the  readers 
would  accuse  the  author  of  having  an  over-active  imagina- 
tion. Yet  Joe's  life  reads  just  like  a  fantastic  fiction  story, 
and  his  TV  show — seen  Monday  through  Friday  at  10:15 
A.M.,  over  WLW-D,  in  Dayton,  Ohio— is  filled  with  just 
such  unusual  and  exciting  bill-of-fare  as  harp  playing  or 
a  demonstration  of  karate.  ...  He  has  shown  a  gourmet 
club  how  to  prepare  roast  pig.  While  he  told  the  story  of 
Ichabod  Crane,  he  transformed  himself  with  makeup,  on 
camera,  into  the  character.  He  has  given  a  demonstration 
on  how  to  train  a  lion  cub.    He  has  interviewed  his  child- 

hood friend,  Phyllis  Diller.  He  has  done  musical  vignettes 
on  Chopin  and  Bach,  and,  for  Christmas,  he  wrote  special 
carols  which  he  played  on  the  harp.  If  variety  is  the  spice 
of  television,  Joe  has  a  cupboard  of  condiments.  .  .  . 
A  few  years  ago,  Joe  purchased  an  old  homestead  near 
his  hometown  of  Richmond,  Indiana,  and  moved  back 
lock,  stock  and  spices.  It  was  not  long  before  Joe  had  re- 
modeled the  home,  displaying  many  of  his  collected  art 
objects,  and  landscaped  the  grounds  to  include  many 
wooded  areas  and  flower  gardens.  He  began  conducting 
tours  of  the  grounds,  pointing  out  his  four  miles  of  rose 
hedge,  which  he  planted  himself,  using  20,000  multiflora 

Comedienne   Phyllis   Diller   adds    spice — and   laughter — to 
any  show,  and  her  childhood-friend  Joe's  is  no  exception. 

rose  bushes,  and  such  horticultural  secrets  as  the  mating 
habits  of  holly  plants.  Joe's  52  acres  are  planted  mostly  in 
hay  and  corn,  but  he  has  an  unusual  vegetable  garden,  the 
produce  of  which  he  shares,  much  to  their  delight,  with  the 
WLW-D  staff  members.  .  .  .  Typical  of  the  reaction  to  Joe's 
programs  are  the  comments  of  a  lady  who  met  him  in  the 
supermarket.  "I  saw  your  program  about  Beethoven,  Joe. 
I  always  thought  his  music  was  highbrow,  but  after  I'd 
heard  you  talk  about  him  and  play  some  of  his  music,  I 
understand  him  better."  A  truck  driver  recently  wrote  Joe 
asking  for  some  of  his  recipes:  "The  variety  of  subjects  is 
the  thing  that  keeps  me  tuning  in  for  more." 

Meanwhile,  back  at  the  farm,  Joe  lifts 
that  bale  and  makes  "heavenly"  music. 




TJie  Sheriff  of  Swamp  Hollow  is  a  man  of  many  disguises — 
the  most  fascinating  of  which  is  Frank  Dreighton  himself! 


The  Dreightons— Frank  and  Rita,  Michael,  Sean,  Timothy. 

"You've  got  to  be  versatile  or  it's  just  no  fun  being  in 
show  business!"  These  are  the  words  of  Frank  Dreighton 
— announcer,  emcee,  comic,  producer  and  writer  at 
WNDU-TV,  South  Bend— Elkhart,  Indiana.  One  look  at 
Dreighton's  schedule  would  seem  to  indicate  that  he's 
having  a  tremendous  amount  of  "fun"  being  in  the  busi- 
ness. Not  only  do  his  talents  spread  over  daily  newscasts 
and  weather  shows  but  also  a  daily  children's  show  and 
local  interview  show.  To  provide  comic  relief,  Frank 
has  developed  thirty-five  different  characterizations.  Four 
years  ago,  he  went  to  South  Bend  to  have  lunch  with 
a  friend  who  had  moved  from  Chicago,  and,  while  tour- 
ing the  campus  of  Notre  Dame,  decided  that  it  would 
be  an  ideal  community  in  which  to  live  and  work.  .  .  . 
At  that  time,  the  Dreightons  consisted  of  Frank  and 
Rita  and  two  boys,  Sean  Francis  and  Timothy  Patrick. 
Three  years  ago,  Michael  Terence  was  born.  "So  far,  we 
have  a  quarterback  and  two  halfbacks  that  we're  look- 
ing forward  to  seeing  play  for  Notre  Dame,"  say  Frank 
and  Rita,  "and  who  knows,  we  might  round  out  that 
backfield  with  a  fullback,  one  of  these  days!" 

$15,000  CONTEST! 



Starting  with  the  Uuly  issue. 
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(Continued  from  page  22) 
own  yet,  the  room  doesn't  go  empty. 
The  little  ones  in  both  our  families  love 
to  take  turns  coming  over  for  naps,  or 
to  spend  the  night.  It's  the  change  they 
like,  being  children.  We  have  Dick's  old 
crib  in  there — a  gift  from  his  mom.  It's 
the  lovely,  old-fashioned,  spindled  ma- 
ple kind,  and  my  baby  brother,  Chris, 
sleeps  in  it  when  I  baby-sit  with  him. 

Little  Stevie  Smith  also  sleeps  in  it. 
Steven  Donald  is  Dick's  nephew,  the 
son  of  Patsy,  his  sister.  Pat  married  his 
best  friend,  Don  Smith,  a  short  time 
after  we  got  married — Pat  wore  my 
gown  and  I  was  so  happy  to  see  it  going 
down  the  aisle  again,  instead  of  just 
lying  around  in  mothballs! 

No  year  of  marriage — especially,  no 
first  year — would  be  complete  without 
its  funny  side.  And  quite  a  lot  of  funny 
things  did  happen  to  us.  There  was  the 
trip  to  Honolulu  as  guests  of  the  Mat- 
son  Line.  They  needed  a  young  couple 
to  appear  in  a  film,  so  we  got  the  trip 
for  free.  I'd  been  to  Honolulu  with  the 
Welk  show  before  this,  and  I  talked 
about  how  beautiful  it  was  till  Dick  got 
all  excited  about  making  the  trip  with 

Naturally,  when  this  chance  came, 
and  only  a  few  months  after  the  wed- 
ding, it  was  like  a  second  honeymoon. 
For  weeks,  we  talked  of  nothing  but 
how  romantic  everything  would  be.  And 
it  really  was.  Except  for  one  thing:  We 
both  got  seasick  on  the  trip! 

If  it  hadn't  struck  us  as  so  funny,  I 
guess  we'd  have  felt  let-down.  But  after 
two  days  we  were  both  fine,  and  the  rest 
of  the  voyage  was  just  perfect.  I  wish 
both  of  our  parents  could  take  the 
cruise  sometime.  I'm  sure  they'd  love 
Hawaii.  In  fact,  I  wish  just  everyone 
could  make  the  trip. 

Our  first  fight? 

I  guess  most  brides  are  always  asked, 
sooner  or  later,  "Have  you  had  your 
first  big  fight  yet?"  Daddy  simply  loves 
to  tease  me  about  this.  When  I  say, 
"What  would  Dick  and  I  have  to  fight 
about?"  he  shakes  his  head  and  says 
kiddingly,  "Boy,  when  you  do  have  one, 
it  will  probably  be  a  pip." 

Well,  we  haven't  really  had  a  fight, 
but  I  must  admit  that  we  came  pretty 
close  on  one  or  two  occasions.  Like  the 
time  I  brought  home  a  plaid  cotton 
jacket.  It  is  very  colorful,  I  must  admit, 
but  also  very  practical,  since  I  can  wear 
it  with  so  many  things.  Dick's  comment, 
when  he  got  a  look  at  it,  was,  "I  like 
stained-glass  windows,  but  not  on  you." 

I  didn't  exactly  appreciate  that  senti- 
ment, let's  face  it.  But  a  second  later,  he 
began  to  laugh.  "Deed,"  he  said — that's 
his  pet  name  for  me — "once  you  put  it 
on,  I  know  I'll  like  it."  That  got  me 
laughing,  too.  I've  been  told  that's  the 
best  way  to  avoid  a  quarrel:  Show  a 
sense  of  humor  at  the  right  time  and 
laugh  together,  even  if  it's  at  your  own 

Generally,  I'd  say  Dick  and  I  have 
the  same  taste.  But  I  can  tell  if  he  isn't 

happy  with  something.  Like  my  hair. 
He  likes  it  pony-tail  style.  A  few  times, 
I've  worn  it  loose,  over  my  ears.  And, 
each  time,  he  says  off-handedly,  "It's  all 
right,  if  you  want  to  look  like  an  old- 
maid  schoolteacher  ..."  I  realize  he 
doesn't  have  anything  against  either  old 
maids  or  schoolteachers — it's  just  an 
expression.  But  I  got  the  message! 

I  have  a  pair  of  large  pearl  earrings. 
I  like  them.  But  when  Dick  saw  them  on 
me,  he  said,  "Haven't  you  got  a  smaller 
pair?"  I  drew  myself  up  and  said,  "I'm 
sorry  you  think  they  look  terrible."  He 
kissed  me  and  answered,  "I'd  never  say 
that.  It's  just  that  I'm  partial  to  the 
daintier  kind."  (This  Christmas,  his 
parents  gave  me  a  lovely  smaller  pair, 
so  maybe  he  dropped  them  a  little 

He  surprised  me  recently  with  a  gift 
I'll  always  remember.  It  was  my  birth- 
day and  he  said  he  was  going  to  buy 
me  a  dress.  Naturally,  I  thought  I'd  be 
going  along  with  him  to  pick  it  out. 
But,  when  we  got  into  the  car,  all  he 
said  was,  "Well,  whose  house  is  it,  your 
mom's  or  mine?"  I  was  so  disappointed. 
"Just  drive  me  to  my  mom's." 


Lennon  Sisters,  cover  color  by  Frank 
Bez;  Edd  Byrnes  and  Asa  Maynor  by 
Globe;  Ann-Margret  and  Peter  Mann 
by  Win  Muldrow;  Lennon  Sisters  color 
and  black-and-white  by  Frank  Bez; 
Vince  Edwards  color  by  Bill  Kobrin; 
Astronauts  and  wives  by  U.P.I.;  Dick 
Clark  by  Jack  Stager;  Joey  Bishop  by 
Bill  Kobrin;  Chet  Huntley  by  Jack 
Stager;  David  Brinkley  by  Halstead  of 
Black  Star;  Allen  Ludden  and  son  by 
CBS;  Shelley  Fabares  and  Donna  Reed 
color  by  Globe;  Connie  Francis  and 
family  by  N.  Y.  Daily  News;  Gertrude 
Berg  by  Biff  Kobrin;  Jackie  Kennedy 
color  by  U.P.I. 

That's  how  I  went  home  to  mother  for 
the  first  time — but  not  as  a  crying  bride, 
just  one  who  was  dying  of  curiosity. 
When  Dick  got  there  later  with  the  gift, 
it  was  a  beautiful,  bright  green  sheath! 
I'd  wanted  something  like  that  for  the 
longest  time. 

Although  Dick  and  I  are  great  for 
"togetherness,"  we  draw  the  line  at  one 
thing — his  teaching  me  to  drive.  I  do 
have  to  learn,  since  it  seems  foolish  to 
have  to  rely  on  family  and  friends  for 
the  usual  shopping.  And,  in  an  emer- 
gency, I  might  have  to  rely  on  a  taxi  or 
bus.  But  Dick  agrees  with  Daddy — who 
says  that  a  man  has  to  be  brave  indeed, 
to  let  his  wife  take  over  the  steering 
wheel ! 

As  for  teaching,  Daddy  says  no  hus- 
band has  the  patience  to  teach  his  own 
wife,  and  I  agree  with  that  one  hundred 
percent.  So  I  told  Daddy,  "Okay,  then 
you  teach  me."  And  he  threw  up  his 
hands  and  said,  "I  knew  it  would  come 
to  that!"  Anyway,  I  don't  intend  to  in- 
vite Dick  out  driving  until  I'm  expert 
behind  the  wheel.  Every  couple  may 
have  to  go  through  their  first  big  fight, 
but  I'm  not  going  out  looking  for  it. 

One  question  that  comes  up  some- 
times, with  young  newlyweds,  is  the 
problem  of  in-laws.  Well,  this  is  one 
problem   we   don't   have.   First   of   all, 

there's  no  competition  between  our  fam- 
ilies. Both  have  been  friends  a  long 
time,  and  there  has  always  been  a  good 
deal  of  visiting  and  going  places  to- 
gether. We  live  just  three  blocks  from 
Mom  and  Dad,  and  Dick's  parents 
live  halfway  in-between,  which  makes 
everything  convenient.  It  means  we  can 
check  on  each  other's  schedules,  like 
for  holidays  or  outings,  and  work  out 
arrangements  that  are  agreeable  to  all 
of  us. 

Mother  and  Dad  Gass  had  us  over 
Christmas  Eve  and  opened  their  pres- 
ents then  and,  the  next  day,  we  went 
to  my  folks'  to  be  on  hand  for  the  fun 
there.  On  Thanksgiving,  Dick  and  I 
were  more  stuffed  than  the  turkey — be- 
cause we  ate  first  at  his  folks',  and  then 
again  with  mine! 

We  haven't  done  much  big  entertain- 
ing in  our  own  home  yet,  but  we  do 
hope  to  have  the  annual  Lennon  party 
for  the  grown-ups  here  next  Christmas. 

This  is  just  for  the  aunts  and  uncles 
— with  the  kids  tucked  safely  in  bed  at 
their  homes.  Years  ago,  the  children 
joined  in,  too,  but  now  there  are  just 
too  many!  The  fiftieth  Lennon  grand- 
child was  born  last  year,  when  one  of 
my  aunts  had  her  twelfth.  To  have  the 
kids  over  too  would  require  a  ball  park, 
I'm  afraid. 

Who's  the  boss? 

I'm  often  asked  whether  I  miss  show 
business  and  what  I  do  with  my  time, 
now  that  I'm  a  housewife.  Please  be- 
lieve me,  I'm  not  a  bit  bored  and  I'm 
busy  most  of  the  time.  Dick  leaves  at 
seven  each  morning  and  I'm  up  with 
him,  so  we  can  have  breakfast  together. 
After  that,  I  get  on  with  the  chores, 
making  the  bed,  straightening  up,  wash- 
ing dishes,  and  so  on. 

Later,  I  may  walk  over  to  Mom's  or 
to  Mother  Gass's  and  visit.  When 
Peggy,  Janet  and  Kathy  are  on  tour,  I 
spend  a  good  part  of  the  day  helping 
take  care  of  Joey,  Anne  and  Chris. 
Annie,  who's  three,  and  Joey,  now  al- 
most five,  feel  very  important  coming 
to  visit  big  sis  DeeDee's  house.  And  I 
must  admit  I  feel  very  important,  being 
mistress  of  my  own  home  and  welcom- 
ing my  guests,  big  or  small. 

I've  taken  up  sewing  in  a  big  way. 
For  Christmas,  I  made  high-necked 
ruffled  nighties  and  doll  clothes  for  the 
girls  in  both  our  families.  I've  also 
made  myself  a  dress  and  matching 
shirts  for  Dick  and  me. 

While  there  never  has  been  any  ques- 
tion about  who's  boss  of  the  family  (it's 
Dick,  need  I  say?),  we  talk  over  every- 
thing of  interest  and  importance  to  our 
life  together.  In  both  our  families,  the 
men  are  head  of  the  house,  but  the 
women  take  responsibility  for  handling 
household  funds  and  paying  bills.  I 
automatically  took  that  job  over,  too, 
when  we  were  married.  And,  of  course, 
I  do  all  the  other  things  the  average 
housewife  does — plan  menus,  polish  our 
silver,  shop,  do  the  laundry. 

We  usually  eat  early,  right  after  Dick 
comes  home.  He  gets  off  at  four-thirty, 
so  we  manage  to  be  through  dinner  by 
six.  That  leaves  our  evenings  free  to 
watch  television,  visit  the  folks,  or  go 
bowling.  Last  summer,  Dick  belonged 

to  one  of  the  telephone  company's 
bowling  leagues.  All  the  wives  and  chil- 
dren went  along  to  watch  the  contests. 
It  was  a  lot  of  fun  and  Dick  plans  to  do 
it  again  this  summer. 

We  try  to  do  most  things  family-style. 
Dick  doesn't  "go  out  with  the  boys" 
unless  it's  one  of  those  nights  when  I 
go  to  a  bridal  or  baby  shower.  That's 
not  as  once-in-a-while  as  you  might 
think!  There's  one  or  the  other  going 
on  among  our  friends  pretty  often. 
Three  nights  a  month,  Dick  spends  at 
the  Army  Reserve  Training  Center  and 
I  have  to  confess  that  those  are  long, 
lonely  nights  for  me.  I  work  especially 
hard  then  to  fill  in  the  gap  left  by  my 
absent  husband.  Nothing  remarkable — 
mostly  sewing,  baking,  visiting  or  read- 

Oh,  before  I  forget.  I  have  been 
asked  about  my  cooking.  Of  course,  I 
knew  how  to  cook  when  I  got  married, 
but  preparing  food  for  thirteen  people 
is  much  different  from  doing  it  for  two ! 
The  first  time  I  made  mashed  potatoes, 
Dick  .said  there  was  enough  to  feed  six 
people.  I  go  in  for  simple  dishes  be- 
cause those  are  the  kind  Dick  prefers. 
And  a  wife  usually  cooks  to  suit  her 

One  of  Dick's  favorites  is  liver  and 
that's  something  I  still  haven't  learned 
to  like.  I  never  did.  But  when  Dick  and 
I  got  engaged,  I  made  up  my  mind  I 
would  try  harder  to  eat  it.  Well,  after 
months  of  trying  it  and  gagging  each 
time,  I  finally  realized  that  being  a  good 
wife  doesn't  mean  you  have  to  like 
everything  your  husband  likes.  Now, 
whenever  I  make  liver  for  Dick,  I  cook 
a  hamburger  for  myself. 

A  short  time  ago,  Dick  had  to  have 
an  operation  on  his  nose  for  a  deviated 
septum.  It's  not  serious,  but  it  was  my 
first  big  worry  over  him.  And  let  me 
tell  you,  I  worried.  I  worried  so  much 
that  Dick's  dad  finally  said,  "Look  here, 
there's  nothing  to  fret  about — except 
maybe  that  you'll  spoil  him.  I  don't 
know  who  fusses  over  Dick  more,  you  or 
his  mother!" 

Of  course,  he  was  only  kidding,  be- 
cause he  comes  in  for  his  share  of  pam- 
pering, too.  Besides,  I  believe  in  spoil- 
ing a  husband.  No  matter  what  obliga- 
tions a  woman  has,  or  how  many  chil- 
dren to  care  for,  she  should  never  forget 
that  her  husband  comes  first  and  that  he 
will  always  be  her  biggest  baby. 

When  it  comes  right  down  to  it,  I 
suppose  there  are  people  who  will  feel 
that  my  first  year  of  marriage  was  fairly 
run-of-the-mill  stuff.  Well,  there  are  in- 
dividuals who  live  out  great  adventures. 
They  go  to  wars,  they  climb  mountains, 
they  sail  the  seas  in  home-made  schoon- 
ers, they  hunt  wild  game  in  Africa.  Dick 
and  I  are  the  kind  of  people  who  live 
their  adventures  in  the  quiet,  simple, 
workaday  atmosphere  of  home,  family 
and  friends. 

For  us,  there  couldn't  ever  be  any- 
thing as  exciting  as  our  first  year  as 
man  and  wife.  The  tensions  and  glam- 
our of  show  business?  To  me,  they  don't 
compare  with  the  glamour  of  kissing 
Dick  goodbye  in  the  morning  in  our 
own  doorway — or  the  excitement  of  see- 
ing him  come  up  the  steps  after  work. 

When  our  first  anniversary  arrived, 
and    our    mailbox    was    bulging    with 

cards  from  fans  and  well-wishers,  that 
was  more  thrilling  than  going  over 
Niagara  in  a  barrel.  I'll  never  forget 
the  warmth  and  kindness  of  those  who 
remembered  that  day  and  went  to  the 
trouble  of  letting  us  know  it. 

Somehow,  my  first  year  as  a  "missus" 
has  gone  as  quick  as  a  wink.  Days, 
weeks,  months  have  rushed  by.  It  seems 
to  me  I  once  read  that  time  is  a  funny 
thing.  When  you're  with  your  loved  one, 
an  hour  seems  like  a  second.  When 
you're  in  pain,  a  second  seems  like  an 
hour.  Well,  Dick  and  I  are  evidently 
wonderfully  happy — because  a  whole 
year  has  slipped  by,  and  it's  just  like 

Can  it  be  over  a  year  since  Daddy 
took  me  down  the  aisle?  He'd  been  ill 
and  was  still  recuperating.  When  the 

music  of  the  wedding  march  began,  he 
said  "Well,  honey  .  .  .  here  we  go."  I 
really  don't  know  who  was  holding  up 
whom,  we  were  both  so  shaky! 

Daddy's  fine  now,  and  it  gives  me  the 
most  marvelous  feeling  of  happiness  to 
hear  him  say,  "DeeDee,  I  hope  to  live 
on  and  on  .  .  .  because  I  want  to  see  you 
and  Dick  as  an  old  married  couple  with 
a  fine  family  of  your  own." 

To  that,  Dick  and  I  add — as  humbly 

as  we  know  how — our  own  silent  prayer. 

— The  End 

The  Lennon  Sisters  sing  on  "The  Law- 
rence Welk  Show,"  seen  on  ABC-TV, 
Sat.,  from  9  to  10  P.M.  EDT.  Other 
Welk  programs  are  heard  on  ABC 
Radio;  see  local  papers  for  time.  (The 
girls'  striped  blouses  by  Ship'n  Shore.) 


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The  CBS  Radio  Network 

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£  KlioT't  KENS'  ™a""""  K0SY'  W'chi,a  Fal"  KnFJ  U"h  ^  S"?  "TwMMN P.*XrWATwh«^WWVAW1~«-I.G,«n  Bay  WBAY,M.dl.onWKOW,Ml^k« 

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The  CBS  Radio  Network 


(Continued  from  page  18) 
and  the  Shimmy  and  the  Conga.  While 
the  Twist  is  with  us,  I  don't  think  it 
will  corrupt  those  who  dance  it.  It  may 
sprain  a  few  backs  and  make  most 
people  look  ridiculous;  but  that's  all." 

The  Catholic  View:  Although  the 
Catholic  Church  has  not  taken  a  posi- 
tion on  the  Twist  nationally,  some  bish- 
ops and  priests  have  come  out  in  op- 

In  Buffalo,  New  York,  an  aide  of  the 
Most  Rev.  Joseph  A.  Burke,  bishop  of 
the  diocese,  issued  a  memorandum  to 
the  eight  counties  covered  by  the  dio- 
cese— banning  the  Twist — on  January 
27th.  The  dance  was  banned  in  Catholic 
schools,  parishes  and  Catholic  organiza- 
tions "for  a  number  of  reasons,  not  the 
least  of  which  is  the  development  in 
pupils  of  a  proper  sense  of  decorum  and 
good  taste." 

In  Boston,  Auxiliary  Bishop  T.  J. 
Riley  declared,  in  January,  that  some 
modern  dances  "seem  to  have  been  in- 
vented entirely  for  the  purpose  of 
arousing  sexual  excitement,  and  to  have 
little  or  no  value  as  media  for  helpful 
physical  exercise  or  legitimate  artistic 

Writing  in  The  Pilot,  official  news- 
weekly  of  the  Boston  Archdiocese,  Bish- 
op Riley  made  no  direct  reference  to 
the  Twist  but,  according  to  a  report  in 
The  Tablet,  Catholic  newspaper  in 
Brooklyn,  "his  commentary  could  be 
interpreted  as  a  condemnation  of  the 
bizarre  form  involving  gyrations  of  the 

The  bishop  stressed  that  dancing  "in 
itself"  is  not  morally  wrong,  but  that  it 
might  involve  "moral  dangers." 

He  noted  that  dancing  as  a  form  of 
physical  exercise  or  artistic  expression 
"must  respect  the  limitations  of  moral 
law,  particularly  those  imposed  by  the 
virtues  of  temperance  and  chastity." 
For  young  people  especially,  the  bishop 
indicated,  the  serious  problems  relating 
to  dancing  arise  from  the  occasion  it 
affords  for  exciting  sexual  interests. 
This  general  principle,  he  observed,  is 
applicable  to  "certain  forms  of  dancing, 
especially  those  of  recent  origin." 

In  Barre,  Vermont,  the  director  of 
Marion  High  School  (Catholic)  banned 
the  Twist  as  "dishonest  and  dirty." 

In  New  York,  a  spokesman  for  the 
archdiocese  said  the  church  prefers  not 
to  take  a  position  on  the  Twist.  "There 
are  times  when  the  best  public  relations 
is  to  say  nothing,"  he  commented.  "Any- 
way, in  six  months,  the  Twist  will  be 

Officials  of  the  Catholic  Youth   Or- 

ganization, which  sponsors  many  teen 
church  dances,  refused  to  be  quoted. 
One  official  pointed  out,  however,  that 
"they  dance  the  Twist  at  church  dances, 
and  some  have  Twist  contests." 

A  Psychiatrist  Speaks   Out:   A 

New  York  leader  in  this  field  says, 
"There's  nothing  sick  or  immoral  about 
the  Twist.  In  fact,  to  do  the  Twist, 
you've  got  to  be  quite  healthy;  it  re- 
quires  considerable   physical    stamina. 

"It  is  danced  by  people  who  are  ex- 
uberant, physically  and  emotionally.  It 
suggests  a  certain  joy  of  life — yes, 
even  a  lust  for  life.  Since  the  bodies 
do  not  touch  during  the  dance,  it's 
less  sexually  exciting  than  those  slow 
cheek-to-cheek,  body-to-body  'fox  trots' 
popular  years  ago. 

"Those  denouncing  it  are  usually  old- 
er people,  and  they  are  continuing  the 
tradition  of  Age  suspecting  all  mani- 
festations of  animal  spirits  in  the 
Young.  Those  who  are  ashamed  of  their 
own  physical  desires  are  usually  quick 
to  attack  those  who  enjoy  sensuality. 

"These  are  uncertain  times  when 
young  people  wonder  when  and  if  the 
H-bomb  will  drop  on  them,  and  when 
they  hate  to  face  the  future.  The  only 
thing  they  are  sure  of  is  the  present 
and  they  ought  to  have  a  right  to  have 
as  much  innocent  fun  as  they  can." 

— Helen  Martin 


(Continued  from  page  45) 
Washington— and  at  WNBC  in  New 
York — they  have  this  open  line  for  re- 
hearsal purposes.  The  guys  in  New 
York  can  see  and  talk  to  the  guys  in 
Washington.  Sometimes,  instead  of  just 
hanging  around  waiting  for  my  weath- 
ercast,  I  used  to  talk  to  some  of  the 
audio  men  in  New  York.  "How's  the 
weather  up  there?  How's  your  wife? 
I'm  sorry  to  hear  your  little  boy  has  the 
whooping  cough."  That  sort  of  thing. 
.  .  .  Then,  one  night,  just  before  the 
Huntley-Brinkley  show  went  on  the  air, 
one  of  the  audio  men  said,  "Tippy, 
there's  a  fellow  here  who  wants  to  say 
hello."  Suddenly.  I  saw  Chet's  face  on 
the  monitor,  smiling  at  me — all  the  way 
from  New  York.  He  said  hello.  I  said 
hello.  He  said  he'd  seen  my  weather- 
cast  and  had  liked  it.  I  thanked  him. 
He  said  something  then  about  phon- 
ing me  after  the  show,  and  was  it  all 
right?  I  thought  I  was  hearing  things, 
but  I  managed  to  say  yes.  Sure  enough, 
the  phone  did  ring  about  half-an-hour 
later,  and  it  was  Chet — he  was  com- 
ing to  Washington  on  business,  in  a 
few  days,  and  would  I  have  dinner  with 
him  one  evening.  Would  I? 

Question:   How  did  David  and  Chet 
court  you? 

Ann  Brinkley:  David  took  me  to  din- 
T  ner  our  first  date.  He  took  me  to  dinner 
y  our  second  date.  He  took  me  to  dinner 
R       our  third.  Then  we  got  engaged.  Our 

fourth  date  was  dinner — at  my  house 
72     Tippy  Huntley:   Chet  and  I  talked. 

We  talked  and  talked  and  talked.  At 
restaurants.  At  parties.  In  cabs.  Every- 
where. Chet  talked  to  me  on  any  sub- 
ject, and  he  made  me  feel  oh-so-very 
intelligent!  He  has  this  interest  in  peo- 
ple, and  he  never,  never  talks  down  to 
anyone.  And  he  is  so  youthful  in  his  en- 
thusiasm. There's  an  age  difference  be- 
tween us,  of  course.  But  Chet  is  the 
original  young-in-heart.  ...  I  remem- 
ber, at  the  time,  I  had  a  few  ingrown 
ideas  on  certain  subjects.  While  I  knew 
Chet  disagreed  with  me,  he  never 
pushed  his  own  ideas,  never  made  me 
feel  wrong.  The  feeling-wrong  part 
came  later — when  I  was  by  myself, 
thinking  of  what  we  had  discussed. 
That  first  night  we  met  and  talked,  I 
felt  that  if,  by  some  circumstance,  I  was 
never  to  see  him  again — at  least  for 
these  few  nice  hours,  I  had  been  with 
somebody  very  special. 

Question:  How  did  they  propose? 
Ann:  We  were  in  a  canoe — believe  it 
or  not.  It  was  a  June  evening.  A  lovely 
evening.  We  were  on  our  way  to  the 
Mall,  and  a  river  concert,  when  sudden- 
ly David  popped  the  question.  I  popped 
my  answer  right  back  at  him.  It  was 
the  most  romantic  night  and  setting 

Tippy:  I  honestly  don't  remember 
Chet's  actual  proposal.  I  guess  after  a 
while  we  both  j-ust  knew  that  we  were  in 
love  and  would  get  married.  I  remem- 
ber being  alone  one  night  and  sitting 
watching  him  on  TV  and  thinking, 
"I  love  you,  Chet  Huntley."  I  guess 
that's  the  first  time  /  knew.  And  the 
first  night  he  said  that  he  cared  for 
me — well,  all  I  can  say  is  that  I'd 
never  thought  about  marriage  before 
this,    about    being    in    love,    about    all 

these  lovely  things  .  .  .  but  I  guess 
that's  when  the  career  girl — ahem — 
knew  that  she  had  had  it.  ...  I  do 
remember  our  engagement  party.  It 
was  a  small  affair.  In  Washington. 
David  and  Ann  were  there,  of  course. 
It  had  been  a  secret  up  to  this  time 
— nobody  knew  our  plans,  but  nobody. 
And  then,  at  about  eleven  o'clock,  Chet 
stood  up  and  said  to  the  group,  "I'd 
like  to  make  an  announcement."  Every- 
one else  stopped  talking,  and  waited. 
But  Chet — !  I  thought  of  him  talk- 
ing every  night  to  fifty  million  people, 
so  calmly  .  .  .  and  now  here  he  was, 
in  a  room  filled  with  no  more  than 
a  dozen  people,  not  able  to  say  a  word! 
Finally,  however,  he  looked  down  at 
me.  He  cleared  his  throat.  He  smiled. 
And  he  said  it:  "Tippy  and  I — we're 

Question :  What  were  things  like  when 
you  were  first  married? 
Ann:  We  had  fun.  David  was  earning 
eighty  dollars  a  week  back  then,  and  I 
went  out  and  got  a  job  with  another 
news  service — back  to  forty  dollars  a 
week.  We  lived  in  his  old  apartment, 
right  in  the  heart  of  Washington,  a  very 
nice  apartment  over  on  Woodleigh 
Road — living  room,  dining  room,  one 
bedroom,  bath.  We  paid  a  hundred 
dollars  a  month,  and  people  used  to 
hint  that  was  just  a  little  extravagant 
for  a  couple  starting  out.  But  we  loved 
the  place  and  just  enjoyed  ourselves. 
We  went  to  the  movies  a  lot.  We  went 
to  concerts  and  small  parties.  We 
talked  about  having  a  family  someday, 
but  that  day — it  turned  out — was  to  be 
seven  years  away.  So,  while  we  waited, 
we  enjoyed  ourselves.  We  had  lots  more 
time  together,  back  then.  David  worked. 

I  worked.  But  the  evenings  were  always 
ours.  There  was  none  of  this  business 
of  coming  home  at  eight  o'clock — on 
a  slow  night — as  David  does  now.  .  .  . 
Yes,  those  were  nice  days.  I  think  back 
on  them  as  the  longest  and  nicest 
honeymoon  on  record. 
Tippy:  My  first  adjustment  was  to 
New  York  and  the  weather  here.  It  was 
winter  when  I  first  came.  And  the 
weather  surprised  me — it  seems  much 
colder  than  Washington.  My  second 
adjustment  was  learning  to  get  up 
early.  And  with  Chet — early  is  early. 
.  .  .  Chet,  you  see,  loves  fishing.  Soon 
after  we  were  married,  we  went  to  visit 
his  folks  in  Montana.  It  was  late  May 
when  we  got  there.  It  was  5  a.m.,  that 
first  morning,  when  Chet  shrugged  me 
and  said,  "Come  on,  Tip,  let's  go  to  the 
lake  and  see  how  they're  biting."  I 
thought  I  was  having  a  nightmare.  It's 
38  degrees  in  Montana  at  5  a.m.  in 
May,  and  there  I  was,  lying  under  three 
or  four  blankets,  groggy,  asking, 
;'What?  Who's  biting?  Where's  the  bit- 
ing?" Like  all  men,  Chet  can  be  very 
dominating  at  times  and,  in  his  most 
dominating  tone,  he  said,  "The  fish — 
now  come  on ! "  .  .  .  Back  in  New  York, 
a  few  weeks  later,  I  thought  to  myself, 
"Thank  goodness,  that's  over  with.  Now 
I  can  return  to  my  old  ways."  For  a 
few  nights,  I  stayed  up  late,  'way  after 
Chet — who  had  to  get  up  early  the  next 
morning.  But  then,  one  night,  I 
to  myself,  "This  is  ridiculous,  Tipton." 
And  I  crawled  into  bed  alongside  Chet, 
was  amazed  to  find  myself  falling  asleep 
at  such  an  ungodly  hour.  And  I've  been 
going  to  bed  early — and  happily — ever 

Question:  What  is  your  husband's 
most  attractive  quality? 
Ann:  His  sense  of  humor.  It  isn't  any- 
thing particularly  funny  that  David 
says;  it's  just  that  he  treats  life  and 
people  with  a  marvelous  sense  of  fun. 
I've  seen  him  around  the  house  with  the 
children,  the  four  of  them  alone  in  a 
room — David  talking  with  them,  very 
straight-faced,  and  the  children  roaring 
with  laughter.  I've  seen  him  in  a  room- 
ful of  friends,  everybody  just  breaking 
up  at  his  remarks. .  . .  He  causes  humor, 
too,  in  other  people.  Like  me.  For  in- 
stance, David  has  always  kind  of 
laughed  about  bronzed  baby-shoes.  He's 
not  exactly  a  sentimentalist.  He's  not 
one  for  occasions.  A  few  days  before 
last  Father's  Day,  I  heard  him  tell  the 
boys  it  was  silly  for  them  to  buy  him  a 
present,  he  didn't  want  anything.  So  I 
decided  that  /  would  get  him  something. 
I  went  straight  to  his  closet,  got  a  shoe 
from  his  oldest  pair,  drove  into  Wash- 
ington and  had  it  bronzed.  On  Father's 
Day  morning,  when  he  opened  the  pack- 
age— that  big  wrinkled  shoe  looked  so 
shiny,  so  silly! — well,  it  was  David  who 
did  the  laughing,  for  a  change. 
Tippy:  Chet's  kindness,  his  considera- 
tion. Chet  is  basically  a  gregarious  per- 
son. He  wants  to  do  anything  he  can  for 
other  people.  I've  seen  him,  with  near- 
strangers,  buying  them  a  cup  of  coffee 
and  sitting  and  talking.  Chet  likes  to 
talk.  He's  just  one  of  that  species.  .  .  . 
Unfortunately,  speech-making  is  part  of 
talking.  And  the  requests  Chet  gets  to 




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TRUE  STORY  Magazine 




make  speeches — well,  it's  just  in- 
credible. But  he  doesn't  want  to  hurt 
anybody.  Somehow  he  finds  a  good 
cause  in  everything.  And  so  he's  always 
off  to  some  function,  to  talk  to  this 
group  or  that.  It's  terribly  tiring.  Be- 
tween his  work  schedule  and  these 
extras,  he  comes  home  completely 
wrung  out  sometimes.  But  at  least  now 
— unlike  before — we  have  our  week- 
ends off  .  .  .  completely,  Saturday  and 
Sunday,  all  to  ourselves!  That's  a  help. 

Question:  What's  a  typical  weekend 
at  your  house? 

Ann:  There's  no  such  thing  as  a  typi- 
cal weekend — a  typical  anything — with 
the  Brinkleys.  We  might  stay  home.  We 
might  have  a  party.  Or  go  to  the 
movies.  Or  go  bowling.  Or  we  might  go 
to  the  races;  David  and  I  love  this.  He 
figures  the  odds  and  wins.  I  figure  the 
odds  and  lose.  So  we  come  out  pretty 
even.  .  .  .  We  like,  of  course,  to  do 
things  with  the  children.  We're  always 
saying  how  we  don't  approve  of  "to- 
getherness"-— David  has  even  coined  the 
word  "awayness,"  as  being  preferable. 
But,  to  be  honest,  we  spend  an  awful 
lot  of  time  together  with  the  boys. 
When  it's  nice  weather,  we  all  go  be- 
hind the  house;  fishing  in  the  river  or 
walking  on  the  towpath  along  the  old 
C.  &  0.  Canal.  There's  a  little  lock 
house  not  far  away  that  rents  canoes, 
and  sometimes  we  go  there.  .  .  .  David 
once  said  that  his  idea  of  a  successful 
weekend  was  to  go  without  shaving.  I 
don't  remember  the  last  time  he  could ! 
Tippy:  Till  recently,  we  never  had  a 
typical  weekend.  We'd  always  make 
plans  to  do  something  different — go 
fishing,  visit  friends,  go  driving.  We 
were  off  so  much  and  so  often  that  it 
seemed  as  if  we  were  searching  for  some- 
thing. Well,  just  a  few  months  ago,  we 
found  it.  In  New  Jersey.  A  farm.  ...  A 
farm?  It's  more  like  a  little  country!  It's 
got  I  don't  know  how  many  acres  of 
farm  land.  It's  got  sheds,  a  barn,  a  silo, 
and  even  a  factory — which  was  once 
used  to  make  water-tight  doors  for  ships 
— possibly  we'll  turn  it  into  a  small 
movie  studio.  The  farm  has  the  most 
beautiful  house — huge — with  ten  rooms 
and  nine-foot-long  fireplaces.  The  first 
room  was  built  in  1619.  The  other  rooms 
came  later,  added  on  one-at-a-time.  .  .  . 
To  be  frank  with  you,  I  didn't  quite  take 
to  the  place  so  much,  that  first  time  we 
saw  it.  I  mean,  I  thought  it  was  so  big. 
And  I  thought  to  myself,  "Tipton  Hunt- 
ley, born  and  raised  in  Evanston, 
Illinois — what  in  the  world  are  you 
going  to  be  doing  on  a  farm?  Even 
only  on  weekends?"  .  .  .  Well,  I  knew 
the  final  decision  was  up  to  Chet.  And 
I  must  admit  Chet  had  me  confused, 
that  first  hour  or  so,  as  we  were  shown 
around  the  place.  He  was  utterly  silent ; 
his  face  was  utterly  poker.  I  knew  that 
he  was  a  farmboy  at  heart — his  father 
had  been  one  of  the  original  Montana 
homesteaders,  and  Chet  had  grown  up 
with  space,  with  cows  and  chickens, 
grass,  hay,  tractors,  all  that — but  I 
just  didn't  know  what  was  going  on  in 
y  his  mind.  And  then,  suddenly,  at  one 
R  point,  he  looked  at  me  and  asked, 
"What  do  you  think  of  it,  Tip?"  I  said, 
"It's  very  nice,  Chet."  He   smiled.   It 

was  all  he  needed.  He  turned  to  the 
man  who  was  showing  us  around  and 
said.  "I  think  you've  got  a  sale."  As 
Chet  explained  to  me  later,  "I  didn't 
want  to  influence  you  one  way  or  an- 
other, in  case  you  didn't  like  it,  Tip." 
.  .  .  I'm  so  glad  now  that  we  bought  it. 

Question:  How  do  you  pass  your  time 
during  the  week? 

Ann:  I  have  three  sons.  Enough  said? 
Children  are  a  job  with  mothers  the 
world  over,  and  mine  are  no  exception. 
They're  pretty  wonderful  boys,  though. 
David  and  I  are  very  proud  of  them. 
.  .  .  Alan,  the  oldest — he's  eleven — is 
his  father  exactly.  In  almost  every  way. 
He  has  the  same  mind,  the  same  sense 
of  humor.  He  takes  a  tremendous  in- 
terest in  current  affairs  and  news.  I 
might  say,  a  loud  interest.  He  talks  so 
much  at  night  during  his  daddy's  and 
Uncle  Chet's  newscast — questions,  ques- 
tions, so  many  questions — that  I  barely 



in  Action 






May  20-27,  1962 

have  a  chance  to  hear  the  program. 
.  .  .  Joel  is  in  the  middle.  He's 
eight.  He's  the  one  who  gets  things 
stirred  up  all  the  time.  He  goes  through 
every  day  as  either  a  devil  or  an  angel. 
One  night,  I  was  so  worked  up  about 
something  he'd  done  that  I  said  to  him, 
"Joel,  you've  been  just  terrible  today. 
Some  days  you're  terrible  and  some 
days  you're  an  angel.  I  just  don't 
understand."  He  looked  at  me,  shocked, 
and  said,  "Mother — name  one  day  I've 
been  an  angel!"  ...  I  still  think  of 
John  as  the  baby,  even  though  he'll 
soon  be  six.  He's  a  typical  little  boy, 
with  the  wildest  imagination.  When  he 
was  going  to  nursery  school — just  a 
tiny  thing — he'd  say,  "Mommy  .  .  . 
Daddy  ...  I  played  football  today  and 
made  twenty  touchdowns!"  Another 
time,  he  went  to  a  farm  across  the 
street  and  subdued  a  bull — only  there's 
no  farm  across  the  street,  and  no  bull. 
Currently,  he's  a  highway  patrolman. 
He  hands  ont  tickets  to  "speeders." 
Tippy:  I  do  lots  of  things  when  Chet's 
away  at  work  .  .  .  most  of  it  out  of  the 

house — luncheons,  teas,  charity  work. 
But  when  I  am  home,  I  sew.  I  had  an 
-operation  about  a  year  ago.  A  couple  of 
weeks  before  that,  Chet  had  seen  me 
sew  something  by  hand — and,  as  a 
"thank  you  for  not  being  too  sick" 
present,  he  bought  me  a  sewing 
machine  when  I  got  out  of  the  hospital. 
...  I  didn't  think  I'd  use  it  much,  at 
first.  But  then  we  took  a  trip  to  Spain 
last  March  and  Chet  had  bought  me  a 
spring  coat  for  the  trip — gold  with 
white-and-black  plaid  borders,  a  beauti- 
ful coat.  I  didn't  dare  ask  for  more 
money  to  get  a  dress  to  go  with  it.  So 
I  made  the  dress — black  shantung. 
Since  then,  I've  gotten  the  bug.  I've 
made  all  the  draperies  in  the  living 
room  and  dining  room.  I've  made  the 
covers  for  these  chairs.  I've  gone  hog- 
wild  domestic. 

Question:  Who  are  your  friends — the 
people  you  see  the  most? 
Ann:  David  and  I  have  a  great  many 
friends.  We  enjoy  being  with  people, 
and  listening.  We  go  to  people's  houses, 
they  come  here.  Our  favorite  is  Sunday 
brunch  right  here  at  home.  It's  like  a 
picnic.  We  serve  Bloody  Marys,  whisky 
sours  and  salted  mackerel.  Occasionally 
I  whip  up  a  big  egg  casserole.  Some- 
times I  make  David's  all-time  favorite 
dish — but  only  for  him,  since  most 
other  people  can't  stand  it — it's 
creamed  chipped  beef  with  jelly  and 
cream  cheese !  .  .  .  Who's  liable  to  show 
up  at  our  house?  Well,  last  week  we 
had  quite  a  crowd — Attorney  General 
Bob  Kennedy  and  his  Ethel,  Secretary 
of  Commerce  Hodges,  Senator  Eugene 
McCarthy,  a  few  newspapermen  and 
their  wives.  It  was  great  fun. 
Tippy:  Among  our  dearest  friends  are 
a  couple  named  Hank  and  Diane 
Hunter.  Hank's  in  advertising.  He  and 
Chet  knew  one  another  as  bachelors. 
We  love  to  play  bridge  together  or  get 
together  in  the  kitchen,  peek  into  the 
refrigerator  and  think  up  wild  recipes. 
Also,  Chet  and  I  love  our  next-door 
neighbors — on  both  sides,  mind  you. 
Nancy  and  Herb  Salkin  live  to  our  left. 
Nancy's  in  the  color  field  at  NBC  and 
her  husband  is  an  artist.  They're  a 
young  couple  with  an  adorable  new 
baby.  Delightful  people.  .  .  .  Mary  and 
Don  Wollett  live  to  the  other  side  of  us. 
They're  both  lawyers.  Don,  it  turns 
out,  taught  for  a  while  at  Chet's  alma 
mater,  the  University  of  Washington 
(the  state,  that  is).  And  with  Chet 
such  a  bug  on  college  football — do  you 
know  he  can  still  tell  you  the  height 
and  weight  of  anyone  who  ever  played 
for  Washington? — it  was  kind  of 
natural  that  he  and  Don  should  have 
gotten  together.  And,  of  course,  Chet 
and  Don  both  like  their  martinis. 

Question:  What's  it  like,  being  the 
wife  of  a  celebrity? 

Ann:  Washington  is  so  full  of  so-called 
"important"  people  that  nobody  pays 
much  attention  here.  When  David  and 
I  go  to  the  movies,  maybe  a  few  people 
will  stare.  Maybe  one  person  will  even 
come  over  and  say,  "I  enjoy  your  show." 
But  it's  really  quite  different  when  we 
leave  and  go  out  of  town,  to  a  smaller 
city.  The  people  are  much  different  in 

those  places.  Much  friendlier.  .  .  .  Being 
married  to  a  well-known  person  in 
Washington  does  mean  one  thing, 
though.  You're  constantly  invited  to 
parties.  By  necessity,  David  and  I  have 
to  turn  down  four  out  of  every  five  in- 
vitations we  receive.  We'd  be  together 
if  we  went  to  all  the  parties,  true;  but 
we'd  never  have  a  chance  to  talk  to 
each  other.  .  .  .  Anyway,  David  de- 
spises big  parties.  They're  crowded,  hot, 
smoky.  It's  quite  a  chore  for  him  to  go. 
Tippy:  It  can  get  hectic  here  in  New 
York.  Basically,  Chet  and  I  don't  like 
the  parties  that  are  too  big.  But  then, 
again,  who  does?  On  one  hand,  they 
seem  to  be  a  necessity  in  the  business; 
on  the  other,  they're  a  strain  on  'most 
everybody  concerned. 

Question:  What  do  you  do  when  the 
pace  gets  too  hectic? 
Ann :  I  pick  up  a  book  and  read.  David 
either  puts  on  music  .  .  .  progressive 
jazz — he's  a  real  Stan  Kenton  fan  .  .  . 
or  else  he  goes  down  to  his  workshop 
and  makes  things.  He  built  that  buffet 
in  the  dining  room.  And  two  tables.  All 
the  bookshelves  in  the  library.  If  we 
had  a  family  crest,  I'm  sure  the  design 
would  include  a  screwdriver.  David 
even  keeps  one  in  his  office  desk. 
Tippy:  I  park  myself  at  my  sewing 
machine.  Chet  sits  nearby  and  catches 
up  on  his  reading. 

Question:  What  do  you  most  look  for- 
ward to  with  your  husbands? 
Ann:  A  vacation!  A  real  vacation. 
We've  gone  away  lots,  these  past  few 
years  .  .  .  Cocoa  Beach,  Austria,  Hong 
Kong,  all  over  .  .  .  but  it's  always  work 
for  David — hard  work.  I'd  love  to  go 
away  alone  with  him,  just  the  two  of  us 
and  the  boys.  For  three  weeks,  say.  With 
no  TV  cameras,  no  speeches,  no  any- 
thing but  relaxation.  .  .  .  David  says 
maybe  in  five  years.  I  wonder  about 
that.  But,  believe  me,  I'm  really  not 
complaining.  The  Lord  has  been  very 
good  to  us. 

Tippy:  More  than  anything,  I'd  like  to 
see  Chet  work  a  little  less — cut  down  on 
the  extras,  I  mean — so  he  can  enjoy 
himself  more.  And  so  I  can  see  more  of 
him.  Now  that  we  have  our  beautiful 
farm,  I  think  things  are  going  to  be 
better.  .  .  .  We  have  such  lovely  plans 
for  the  coming  summer.  By  that  time, 
we  hope  to  have  the  main  house  fully 
furnished — at  least,  the  bedrooms. 
Chet's  daughter  Missy  is  going  to  come 
for  a  while;  she  attends  the  University 
of  Oregon  and  will  be  on  vacation.  And 
his  older  daughter,  Sherry,  will  be 
coming  and  will  bring  Chet's  grandson, 
Rik  ...  or  should  I  say  grandchildren 
— because  Sherry's  expecting  another 
baby  soon!  And  we  look  forward  so 
to  this.  Chet's  already  started  buying 
presents  for  the  kids — one  thing  after 
another  after  another.  Don't  you  think 
that  it  sounds  like  just  a  wonderful 
summer  .  .  .  for  all  of  us? 

— Ev   Devlin 

All  on  NBC-TV:  "The  Huntley-Brink- 
ley  Report,"  Mon.-Fri.,  6 :45  P.M.  "Chet 
Huntley  Reporting,"  Fri.,  10.30  P.M. 
"David  Brinkley's  Journal,"  Wed.,  at 
10:30  P.M.  (All  times  given  are  EDT.) 

Room    9P62-121  S.  Wabash,  Chicago  3,  III. 







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(Continued  from  page  55) 
Cherney  started  as  a  composer  and  his 
music  sounded  fine  to  me — he  couldn't 
make  a  living  devoting  himself  to  the 
eleventh,  or  is  it  the  twelfth  tone?  So 
gradually  he  tried  writing.  He's  been 
out  here  working  with  me.  We  wrote  the 
pilot  of  "The  Gertrude  Berg  Show"  to- 
gether, then  he  wrote  twelve  episodes 
for  the  series.  He  also  wrote  my  book, 
"Molly  and  Me,"  every  word  of  it. 
We're  more  than  parent  and  son,  we're 
good  friends.  He's  the  one  person  in  the 
world  who  can  voice  exactly  what  I 

Harriet  is  an  excellent  writer,  too. 
I'm  always  after  her  to  go  back  to 
school  and  get  her  Ph.D.  "From  the 
Dean's  List  to  the  kitchen,"  I  tell  her. 
She  was  on  the  Dean's  List  at  Barnard, 
then  she  worked  for  a  magazine,  she 
made  trips  to  Europe,  interviewed  Aly 
Khan  and  Picasso,  then  went  to  work 
writing  for  Tex  and  Jinx.  She  married 
and  has  four  children.  Frankie,  the 
little  one,  is  two-and-a-half  now,  and 
she  says  when  he  goes  to  school,  she's 
going  back  to  school,  too. 

J  arling:  My  name  for  everyone  I  like. 

Cat  humble  pie:  It  happens  to  every- 
one, darling.  When  it  happens  to 
me,  my  ego — which  is  very  good-sized 
when  all  is  going  well — does  an  abso- 
lute tailspin.  My  husband  tells  me  to 
take  stock  of  myself  and  count  up  all 
the  good  days  and  the  good  things  that 
have  happened  and  I  do,  but  I  still  feel 
terrible.  Like  the  time  Pepsodent  can- 
celed the  show.  We'd  been  on  for  three 
years  and  had  an  audience  of  millions. 
Pepsodent  was  running  a  premium  of- 
fer ;  for  one  label  from  their  mouthwash 
and  ten  cents  they'd  send  a  Beetleware 
glass.  So  many  coupons  came  flooding 
in,  the  company  was  five  months  behind 
filling  the  orders.  And  then  we  got 
canceled!  They  said  it  was  a  matter  of 
shortages — they  could  no  longer  get  the 
material  to  make  the  glass!  What  you 
have  to  do  is  not  eat  humble  pie  too 
long.  You  have  to  gather  up  your  beaten 
ego  and  fight  back.  You  have  to  have 
faith  in  yourself,  in  your  idea,  in  life. 
If  you  don't,  no  one  else  will.  Proof 
of  it? 

Family:  There  is  nothing  like  a  big 
family.  The  best  time  of  day  is 
when  you  get  a  big  family  sitting 
around  the  table,  eating  dinner  and 
schmoosing.  When  I  was  a  child,  we 
went  to  my  grandmother's  every  Friday 
night.  Bubeshu's.  There  were  my  grand- 
parents and  my  great  grandmother  and 
uncles,  aunts  and  cousins,  a  sense  of 
warmth  and  security  and  love.  Darling, 
it  was  such  joy.  That's  why  I  have  the 
Seder  Service  every  year  at  Passover.  I 
want  my  grandchildren  to  have  that 
same  sense.  This  year,  I  was  working  in 
Hollywood  but  I  flew  to  New  York  for 
Passover.  Ahead  of  time  I  called  the 
butcher,  called  the  cook,  called  the 
florist,  so  that  when  I  got  there,  it  was 

all  ready.  The  whole  family  came,  forty 
in  all.  There  was  one  year  I  had 
seventy-five.  That  time,  I  took  an  empty 
apartment  in  the  building  and  had  a 
prop  man  fix  it  up  with  curtains  and 
carpets,  pictures — you'd  never  know  it 
wasn't  my  apartment.  I  love  a  big 

#"*  randchildren :  Five  of  them.  Adam, 
Vsix,  is  my  son's  little  boy.  Frankie, 
two-and-a-half,  Henry,  four-and-a-half, 
Anne,  six,  and  Joshua,  eight,  are  my 
daughter's  four  little  bandits.  Three  of 
them  I  had  with  me  this  summer, 
Henry,  Anne  and  Joshua  from  Nyack 
(and  Adam  was  in  town  with  his  par- 
ents). They  came  out  by  plane  and 
there  were  trips  to  Disneyland,  but  for 
the  most  part  they  were  happiest  at 
home  with  the  swimming  pool.  It  was 
wonderful.  I  couldn't  make  spaghetti 
sauce  as  good  as  their  mama's,  they 
said,  but  Joshua  was  crazy  about  my 
egg  and  jelly  omelet.  You  know  how  it 
is  with  children — no,  no,  no.  I  invented 
a  song  that  went  "No,  no,  no"  and  they 
echoed  it  like  an  anvil  chorus.  Now 
when  we  talk  on  the  phone,  they  all 
sing  "No,  no,  no."  I  miss  them,  darling. 

home:  The  first  house  I  remember 
was  an  East  Harlem  apartment  on 
the  fourth  floor  of  a  walk-up.  Maybe 
you'd  call  it  a  tenement.  To  us,  it  was 
a  three-ring  circus.  Everything  and  any- 
thing was  going  on  in  that  building — 
divorce,  marriage,  stomach  trouble, 
bankruptcy,  measles  and  mothers-in- 
law — we  heard  it  all  by  tuning  in  on 
the  dumbwaiter  shaft.  You  opened  the 
door  of  the  shaft  and  listened  in  on 
history.  My  father  loved  that  dumb- 
waiter (so  did  I),  he  only  gave  it  up 
when  radio  came  in.  With  radio  he  got 
better  coverage,  but  not  any  juicier. 
Hardships  everyone  in  the  building  had, 
I  guess.  But  if  we  had  them  in  our  flat, 
nobody  told  me.  It  was  all  love  and 
affection,  and  if  my  father  didn't  have 
a  genuine  business  at  first,  it  was  in- 
teresting while  he  tried  out  one  after 
another  and  finally  decided  on  first  the 
restaurant  business,  then  the  hotel 

1  :  Am  still  in  the  business. 

Joke:  Always  I  have  been  laughing 
with  people — not  at  them.  The 
people  I've  written  about  and  the  char- 
acters I've  acted  have  been  like  real- 
life  people  with  funny  but  human  prob- 
lems. Sometimes  the  problems  are  real- 
ly very  serious  problems,  but  there  is 
an  implicit  humor  even  with  Mrs. 
Jacoby  who  has  lost  a  son  in  the  war 
and  is  anti-Japanese.  When  we  were 
rehearsing  "Majority  of  One,"  I  re- 
member one  scene  where  I  have  come 
to  the  Japanese  gentleman's  home  to 
dinner  and  have  been  dressed  by  his 
attendants  in  a  complete  Japanese  re- 
galia. I  tried  and  tried  but  the  lines 
written  for  me  just  wouldn't  come  off. 
Finally  director  Dore  Schary  said, 
"Very  well,  Gertrude,  if  you  were  writ- 
ing the  play,  what  would  you  write  for 
this  scene?"  I  put  myself  in  Mrs. 
Jacoby's  place,  shrugged  my  shoulders, 
glanced  at  Sir  Cedric  Hardwicke  and 

said,  "Mme.  Butterfly?"  Dore  Schary 
laughed  and  Sir  Cedric  laughed  and 
that's  how  the  scene  went.  The  first  per- 
son you  have  to  make  a  joke  with  is 

Mr  replach: 

For  Filling 

I  lb.  soup  meat  ground 

Add  1  small  onion  cut  fine  and 

browned  in  chicken  fat. 
Add  1  raw  egg. 
Season  well  with  salt  and  pepper. 

For  Noodle  Dough 

%  cup  flour 
1  egg 

Y2  teaspoon  salt 

Mix  together  and  roll  dough  thin. 

Cut  into  IV2  inch  squares. 

Place  teaspoon  full  of  meat  mix- 
ture on  each  noodle  square, 
cover  with  another  noodle 
square  and  meld  dough 

Drop  filled  squares  in  boiling 
salted  water  and  boil  for  ten 

Drain,  serve  in  a  rich  beef  broth. 

Rich  broth  and  kreplach.  Don't  I  look 
it?  I  love  good  food.  A  great  cook  I'm 
not,  but  my  grandmother  and  my  moth- 
er were  great  cooks  and  I  have  their 
recipes  and  a  good  cook  in  my  kitchen. 
Myself,  I  cook  very  simply.  Luckily, 
with  my  husband,  that  has  been  okay. 
Everything's  okay  with  him,  he's  a 
cheering  section,  a  morale  builder, 
which  leads  me  right  into  the  next 
letter  of  my  personal  alphabet. 

Iove  and  Lewis:  I  was  thirteen,  a 
very  advanced  thirteen,  when  I  met 
Lewis  Berg.  He  was  a  guest  at  our 
hotel,  a  twenty-three-year-old  graduate 
chemical  engineer  on  a  two-week  vaca- 
tion. He  had  an  English  accent  and  I 
loved  to  listen  to  him  speak.  He  said 
"whilst"  and  "hence"  like  a  Waverly 
novel.  I  was  in  love.  I  told  my  own  for- 
tune and  it  concerned  an  engineer,  but 
at  the  end  of  two  weeks,  he  went  away 
and  I  didn't  see  him  again  for  four 
years.  Now  I  am  seventeen  and  Lewis 
Berg  comes  back  to  the  hotel.  He's 
come  back  to  see  how  I  grew  up  and 
he's  disappointed.  "You're  very  pretty, 
Tillie,"  he  says,  "but  you've  done  noth- 
ing with  your  mind.  And  it's  a  good 
mind."  You  can  imagine,  darling,  I 
started  doing  something  with  my  mind 
at  once.  Filling  it.  He  helped  me.  "Give 
me  a  little  time,"  he  said,  "and  I'll  help 
you  be  the  woman  you  want  to  be."  We 
read  books  aloud,  went  to  operas,  mu- 
seums, lectures,  the  theater.  I  started 
taking  classes  at  Columbia.  Lew  and  I 
were  married  when  I  was  nineteen. 


arriage :  I  wasn't  ever  a  career  girl. 
I  was  always  first  and  foremost  a 
woman  with  a  life  to  live,  and  I've 
been  one  of  the  fortunate  ones  of  this 
world.  First  a  wonderful  childhood, 
then  a  wonderful  marriage,  and  from 
that  marriage  a  sense  of  strength  and 
the  incentive  to  use  whatever  talents  I 
had,    express    them    and    express    me. 

Sometimes  it's  hard  to  tell  where  I  end 
and  Molly,  the  character  I've  played  so 
long,  begins.  We're  both  married,  we 
are  mamas,  we  take  life  as  it  comes 
along.  I  wrote  down  for  Molly  to  say 
all  that  I  believed  of  life,  how  it  should 
be.  The  interesting  thing,  Molly  has  had 
a  big  influence  on  me.  Only  the  other 
day,  for  example,  I  got  this  telephone 
call  from  another  relative,  a  way-out 
relative  I  don't  hear  from  once  a  year. 
She  needs  money.  For  a  minute  I'm  fed 
up  and  impatient.  You  can  get  fed  up, 
you  know,  the  same  old  story.  .  .  .  And 
then  I  think,  "Molly  wouldn't  do  that. 
Molly  says  that  charity  begins  at  home 
but  it  doesn't  stop  there,"  and  I  change 
the  tone  of  my  voice  and  start  reacting 
like  Molly. 


few  York:  That's  my  oyster.  It  was 
Grandpa's  oyster,  too,  my  grandpa, 
Mordecai  Edelstein.  He  always  acted  as 
if  he  was  the  original  settler.  He'd  come 
as  an  immigrant  to  Castle  Garden  at  the 
foot  of  the  Battery  and  fallen  in  love 
with  New  York  on  first  sight.  Under 
one  roof,  a  hall  packed  with  people.  It 
looked  like  the  seven  wonders  of  the 
world.  Fifth  Avenue,  Times  Square,  still 
look  this  way  to  me.  I  love  all  the  vari- 
ety of  people  and  opinions.  I  used  to  be 
at  Columbus  Circle  all  the  time.  We 
lived  at  Central  Park  West  and  I'd  walk 
over  to  Columbus  Circle  and  listen  to 
the  conversations,  moving  slowly  from 
group  to  group,  the  free-for-alls,  the 
arguments.  .  .  .  Here  in  Los  Angeles 
I  go  down  to  Pershing  Square  for  the 
same  reason.  Without  people,  I  get 
stale.  I  want  to  look  and  listen  to  people 
who  live  in  apartments  that  cost  thirty  a 
month,  not  three  hundred.  This  week, 
I'm  going  to  a  tent  meeting;  I've  been 
looking  up  tent  meetings  so  I  can  see 
people.  Out  here  there  is  scenery  but 
how  many  mountains  can  you  see?  I 
get  back  to  New  York  and  I  walk  the 
streets  and  rub  elbows  with  all  kinds  of 

Qrganized:  Every  woman  has  to  be 
— and  I'm  not  talking  about  unions. 
You  have  to  organize  your  time  and 
your  energy.  Beside  my  bed  was  a 
thermos  of  coffee  and  some  crackers; 
I'd  have  coffee  and  crackers  when  I 
woke  up  and  start  right  in  working.  I 
wouldn't  even  leave  the  room  because 
there  would  be  distractions.  I  just  woke 
up  and  put  on  a  robe  and  started  writ- 
ing. By  the  time  the  children  were 
ready  for  school,  my  writing  was  some- 
times finished  for  the  day.  I  went  to  the 
studio  and  didn't  have  to  worry  about 
unfinished  business.  My  business  was 
finished.  I  was  free  to  give  complete 
attention  to  the  next  project  and  the 
same  after  work.  All  business  was  for- 
gotten. Our  house  was  for  our  life,  our 
friends  and  family.  No  business  ever 
came  into  that  home.  That  was  where 
I  was  Mama.  I  kept  the  two  things 
separate,  a  time  for  each. 

If  you  are  not  frantic,  you  have  time 
for  everything.  This  is  something  I 
learned  to  start  with  from  my  grand- 
mother, Bubeshu,  I  called  her.  And 
what  she  did  on  a  Friday  alone  was 
something  at  which  to  marvel.  A  tiny, 
frail  woman,  how  she  could  do  all  that 
cooking  and  cleaning  for  Friday  night! 

Let's  talk  frankly  about 


Day  before  yesterday,  many  women  hes- 
itated to  talk  about  the  douche  even  to 
their  best  friends,  let  alone  to  a  doctor 
or  druggist. 

Today,  thank  goodness,  women  are 
beginning  to  discuss  these  things  freely 
and  openly.  But  — even  now  — many 
women  don't  realize  what  is  involved  in 
treating  "the  delicate  zone." 

They  don't  ask.  Nobody  tells  them. 
So  they  use  homemade  solutions  which 
may  not  be  completely  effective,  or  some 
antiseptics  which  may  be  harsh  or  in- 

It's  time  to  talk  frankly  about  inter- 
nal cleanliness. 

Here  are  the  facts:  tissues  in  "the  deli- 
cate zone"  are  very  tender.  Odors  are 
very  persistent.  Your  comfort  and  well- 
being  demand  a  special  preparation  for 
the  douche.  Today  there  is  such  a  prep- 

This  preparation  is  far  more  effective 

in  antiseptic  and  germicidal  action  than 
old-fashioned  homemade  solutions.  It  is 
far  safer  to  delicate  tissues  than  other 
liquid  antiseptics  for  the  douche.  It 
cleanses,  freshens,  eliminates  odor, 
guards  against  chafing,  relaxes  and  pro- 
motes confidence. 

This  is  modern  woman's  way  to  inter- 
nal cleanliness.  It  is  the  personal  antisep- 
tic for  women,  made  specifically  for  "the 
delicate  zone."  It  is  called  Zonite®.  Com- 
plete instructions  for  use  come  in  every 
package.  In  cases  of  persistent  discharge, 
women  are  advised  to  see 
their  doctors. 

Millions  of  women  al- 
ready consider  Zonite  as 
important  a  part  of  their 
grooming  as 
their  bath. 
You  owe  it 
to    yourself 
to  try  Zonite. 

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Dbe  Blues 

Oh,  doctor  — what  a  terrific 
fashion  tonic!!  And  the 
whole  country's  taking  it 
—  like  mad!  The  gals 
have  borrowed  the  medic 
shirt   right  off  Ben 
Casey's  back  — and  but- 
toned down  the  cutest 
cure-all  for  wardrobe  dol- 
drums: doctor's  blouses, 
jackets  and  sweaters 
with  pep  a-plenty. 

Recommended  dosage: 
Take  1  or  more  —  any 
time  of  day  —  to  top 
skirts,  pants  or  bath- 
ing suits.  Polish  off 
with  a  jangle  of 
Casey  -  inspired 

Michalina  Martel 
-of  ABC's  "Yours 
For   A    Song" — 
swoons   over   her 
Ben  Casey  Originals.. 

Dacron/cotton  blouse,  3.98  —  Rhoda 
Lee.  Orion  sweater,  5.98  and  checked 
cotton  jacket,  4.98 -Sally  Gee.  Brace- 
lets, 1.00  apiece-Gerald  Sears.  For  fur- 
ther information,  write  Dept.  BC,  TV 
Radio  Mirror,  205  E.  42  St.,  N.Y.  N.Y 

:  '■■<■ 

Only  when  I  stayed  home  from  school 
and  watched  her  did  I  begin  to  get  the 
idea — it  was  a  matter  of  continuous 
calm,  unhurried,  well-organized  hard 

Olay:  Hard.  I  work  hard,  and  play 
■^  hard.  And  to  me  play  is  many 
things.  To  have  people  at  the  house  .  .  . 
good  conversation  .  .  .  good  books  .  .  . 
browsing  around  New  York  ...  the 
theater  ...  I  can  sit  in  the  dress  depart- 
ment of  any  store  and  have  a  marvelous 
time.  "What  interests  me  is — people,  and 
anywhere  and  everywhere  I  can  see 
them  in  action  is  fun. 

Ouamt:  I  ain't. 

fj  eality:  Many  times  I  have  been 
■*■  asked  where  my  real  world  ends 
and  my  makebelieve  world  begins.  As  I 
explain,  it  laps  over,  into  a  make- 
believe  character  comes  something, 
many  things,  real.  But  one's  sense  of 
reality  is  another  thing.  No  matter  who 
you  are,  you  must  know  what  is  real, 
what  is  right,  what  is  important,  and 
perhaps  in  show  business,  one's  per- 
spective is  even  more  necessary.  If  you 
plan  to  survive.  I'm  lucky  because  I 
grew  up  in  a  family  where  first  things 
came  first.  Love  Came  first.  Family  came 
first.  And  show  business  or  no  show 
business,  success  or  no  success,  the 
same  thing  holds  true  now.  I've  known 
many  glamorous  and  lovely  stars  who 
ended  up  with  their  scrapbooks  and  a 
lonely  heart.  Please  God  it  can  never 
happen  to  me.  First,  above  all,  no  mat- 
ter what  goes  on  at  the  studio,  I  am 
myself  ...  a  woman  .  ..  .  Mama. 

Oir  Cedric  Hardwicke:  It  was  when 
^*I  heard  he  was  going  to  play  the 
Japanese  industrialist  in  "A  Majority 
of  One"  that  I  said  yes  to  the  part  of 
Mrs.  Jacoby.  Sir  Cedric  is  an  extraor- 
dinary actor  and  if  I  was  going  to  be 
on  Broadway,  I  was  going  to  be  in 
excellent  company.  I  was — also  on  TV. 
He's  been  playing  the  professor  with 
impeccable  manners  with  whom  I  was 
studying  on  "The  Gertrude  Berg  Show." 
I'll  never  forget  the  first  day  we  met 
on  stage,  for  the  first  terrible  reading 
of  the  play.  He  spoke  his  lines,  fiddled 
with  his  glasses,  adjusted  his  tie — just 
as  you  saw  him  on  stage — and  with 
every  line  became  more  and  more  the 
Japanese  industrialist.  By  the  second 
day  I  was  asking  myself  how  a  Japa- 
nese man  could  speak  English  so  well. 
Working  with  him  is  a  privilege.  He 
has  the  discipline  of  a  fine  artist,  the 
pride  .  .  .  but  he  also  has  sensitivity 
and  a  delightful  sense  of  humor. 

"Tried  and  True:  Fanny  Merril  is  my 
^  secretary-friend-business  associate- 
alter  ego.  She  knows  more  about  me 
than  I  know  about  me,  and  she  should. 
We've  been  together  for  thirty-two  years 
through  thick  and  thin.  It  isn't  always 
easy  to  be  with  me.  It's  not  that  I'm 
temperamental,  it's  that  this  is  a  pres- 
sure business  and  every  thirteen  weeks 
there's  a  cancellation  clause  to  consider. 
I  don't  care  who  you  are;,  you  consider 
it.  The  first  week  is  great,  the  first  week 
is  wonderful  and  after  that,  darling,  you 

start  worrying.  Fanny  has  philosophy. 
Molly  has  philosophy.  We  needed  all 
of  it.  She  is  also  a  calm,  serene  woman 
with  an  incredible  memory.  She  never 
forgets  a  name,  an  appointment  or  a 
phone  number  unless  it's  someone  she 
doesn't  like.  She  never  forgets  a  recipe 
unless  ditto.  Her  memory  has  to  be 
good,  she  has  a  filing  system  that  would 
confound  Sherlock  Holmes  and  the 
F.B.I. — little  pieces  of  paper  stuffed 
into  a  clasp  envelope.  And  how  does 
she  find  something?  She  empties  the 
envelope  upside  down  and  hunts!  Luck- 
ily, she  doesn't  need  the  envelope,  she 
knows.  Luckily,  I  know  Fanny. 

Use:  Everything  is  what  I've  used, 
everything  I've  ever  known,  every- 
thing I've  ever  learned.  That's  why  I 
have  to  keep  on  learning,  watching 
people,  understanding  people.  Produc- 
ers kid  me ;  they  say  I'm  always  putting 
raisins  in  the  cake  and  sometimes 
they're  scared  to  death  of  those  raisins. 
Like  Sir  Cedric  showing  up  in  the 
series  time  after  time  with  a  button 
missing  which  I  sew  on.  But  all  the 
raisins  are  bits  of  business  I've  seen 
somewhere  and  now  use  for  charac- 
terization. To  me  this  is  what  life  is 
about,  to  use.  For  a  character  like  Jake 
Goldberg,  for  example,  I  used  my 
Grandfather  Harris.  But  also  I  used 
touches  of  my  own  father,  his  stubborn- 
ness, his  ability  to  go  from  mood  to 
mood  without  explanation  or  reason, 
and  there  were  touches  also  of  my  hus- 
band Lew,  who  is  so  correct  in  his  deal- 
ings with  everyone  and  so  kind  that 
anyone  he  likes  can  take  advantage 
of  him.  People  he  doesn't  like — it 
takes  them  a  little  longer. 

«? acation :  You  really  enjoy  one  when 
■  you've  earned  it.  Mr.  Berg  and  I 
went  to  Europe  five  years  ago,  it  was  our 
first  vacation  after  twenty  years.  I'd 
just  received  a  check  from  NBC  and 
the  TV  "Goldberg"  series  had  just 
ended.  We  had  five  months,  driving  all 
through  Europe,  every  day  a  treasure. 
And  again,  before  "A  Majority  of  One" 
began  its  roadshow  ...  we  had  another 
five  weeks  in  Europe.  My  husband  is 
his  own  boss,  he's  a  sugar  technologist 
and  a  consultant  engineer,  and  he  has 
worked  very  hard  but  now,  when  we 
have  a  chance,  he  arranges  his  time 
to  coincide  with  mine  and  off  we  go. 

■  mrestchester:  I've  written  fifteen  mil- 
*■  lion  words  but  W  should  stand 
for  Westchester  because  we  have  a 
home  there  where  we've  all  been  very 
happy.  There  are  twenty-seven  acres 
and  a  lake  and  a  brook  and  a  green- 
house. We  saw  the  house  first  when 
we  drove  out  to  visit  a  friend  and 
couldn't  find  him.  What  we  found  was 
this  house,  it  was  for  sale,  but  it  was 
too  big  and  we  forgot  about  it.  A  month 
later  we  drove  out  again.  For  five  years 
we'd  wanted  a  home  in  the  country 
and  here  was  this  beautiful  thing  at 
a  ridiculous  price.  These  were  the  de- 
pressed years,  the  bank  held  the  house 
and  they  wanted  to  get  rid  of  it.  When 
we  went  through,  and  walked  into  the 
little  laundry  house,  I  saw  a  box  of 
Ivory  Flakes.  ,  .  .  Procter  &  Gamble. 

^W^WJfet  nation's    ! 
eading  figure  authority,  says . . . 


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MISS  EILEEN  FEATHER    Box  679,  Dept.  RT-2 
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They  were  my  sponsors  for  ten  happy 
and  agreeable  years,  so  it  was  a  good 
luck  omen.  We  bought  the  house.  And 
what  joy  we've  had.  We  stuffed  the 
place  Fridays  to  Mondays  so  that  it 
looked  like  my  father's  hotel.  Some- 
times the  overflow  had  to  go  out  to  the 

w-ray:  That's  what  the  camera  is. 
Not  just  a  photograph  but  an 
X-ray  machine.  On  stage,  you  can  fool 
the  public,  you  can  create  an  illusion, 
but  the  camera  photographs  right  into 
a  person,  even  more  so  on  TV  because 
the  medium  is  more  intimate,  there 
is  less  scenery.  First  when  I  was  on 
radio,  it  seemed  lonely,  just  four  of 
us  sitting  in  a  little  room  with  a  mike. 
Then  when  fan  mail  began  coming  in, 
and  we  realized  there  was  an  audience 
out  there,  the  mike  became  like  a  tele- 
phone .  .  .  you  were  talking  to  someone. 
The  characters  grew  and  developed 
because  I  was  aware  of  someone  on 
the  other  end  of  that  phone.  Many 
actresses  I  know  are  very  glamorous 
and  how  they  look  is  important  on 
screen.  With  me,  even  more  important 
is  how  I  feel.  This  is  where  you  can't 
fool  the  audience.  You  have  many  ac- 
tors with  good  voices  and  accents  as 
charming  as  that  of  Maurice  Chevalier. 
But  with  Chevalier  it  is  more  than  a 
face  or  a  voice,  it  is  a  veritable  em- 
brace. The  X-ray  shows  a  heart. 

y  ellow :  Yellow  is  my  favorite  color, 
the  color  of  my  kitchen  in  West- 
chester, the  color  of  my  kitchen  in  our 

New  York  apartment.  As  a  matter  of 
fact,  when  we  first  went  into  that  apart- 
ment, the  living  room  was  yellow,  every- 
thing, drapes,  carpets.  .  .  .  Interior 
decorating  is  my  second  love,  right  after 
show  business.  I'm  planning  to  dec- 
orate that  living  room  in  yellow  again 
one  day  (it's  green  right  now  and  I 
don't  like  it) .  Yellow  and  apricot  next 

•j  est :  I  enjoy  everything.  I  can't  help 
it.  I  always  have.  Every  single  stage 
of  life  has  seemed  the  best,  the  most 
rewarding,  the  most  exciting.  And  now 
this.  This  is  such  a  comfortable  age 
I'm  at  now.  Sometimes  I  can't  believe 
it.  Just  a  moment  ago,  my  daughter 
and  son  were  babies  and  I  was  playing 
Indian  with  them  under  a  table  (for 
a  teepee)  while  I  waited  anxiously  for 
some  word  from  NBC  to  whom  I'd  sent 
my  first  "Goldberg"  script.  I  have  to 
stop  and  remember  I'm  a  grandmother, 
but  I  like  it.  I  can  go,  come  and  do 
as  I  please — I've  climbed  those  moun- 
tains, faced  those  auditions.  Today  I'm 
like  a  girl  pursued  by  lovers.  Producers 
they  are  instead  of  lovers.  Producers 
offering  parts.  I  couldn't  say  yes  be- 
cause I  was  busy  with  Mrs.  G.  going 
to  college.  But  it's  lovely  to  be  asked. 
It's  lovely  to  be  busy.  If  I  could  stay 
this  way  for  another  ten  years,  I  might 
be  ready  to  retire.  I'd  take  the  dentures 
if  need  be.  I've  been  blessed  in  this 
life,  doing  what  I  love  to  do,  and  being, 
in  the  first  place,  part  of  a  family  for 
whom  zest  was  a  kevnote.  a  way  of  life. 
— End  of  Gertrude  Berg's  alphabet 




(Continued  from  page  39) 
I'd  pick  naivete,  any  time.  Sophistica- 
tion, carried  too  far,  can  be  a  sign  of 
boredom.  Some  girls  have  been  around 
too  long,  and  that's  sad.  I  was  watch- 
ing two  of  them  in  a  restaurant,  the 
other  day."  Dick  told  us,  "they  weren't 
enjoying  each  other's  company  at  all 
— too  busy  trying  to  impress  each  other 
about  their  money  and  their  conquests 
and  their  braininess. 

"Of  course,  I  can't  stand  a  stupid 
girl,  either.  I  like  a  bright  person,  and 
I'd  prefer  her  to  be  an  extrovert — 
perhaps  because  I'm  basically  an  in- 
trovert. I'd  like  the  girl  I  marry  to  be 
happy  with  my  friends — I  have  such 
a  big  circle  of  friends,  she  surely  ought 
to  like  some  of  them!  I'd  be  afraid  of 
a  girl  who  is  hostile  or  suspicious  of  my 

"But,  I  don't  like  a  loud  or  highly- 
opinionated  or  compulsive-talker  type. 
The  bubbly-gushy  girls  who  can't  stop 
talking  are  not  for  me.  If  I  have  to 
choose  between  the  yakkity-yak  girl 
and  the  reticent  non-talker,  I'll  take 
the  non-talker.  I  know  girls  who  think 
they've  got  to  keep  talking  all  the 
time.  I'd  like  to  feel  that  a  girl  is 
comfortable  enough  with  me  so  she 
can  relax  and  say  nothing  when  she 
feels  like  it.  I'd  like  to  feel  /  can  lapse 
into  silence,  too — if  I'm  in  the  mood — 
without  worrying  that  she'll  misunder- 
stand my  silence  for  boredom. 

"I  like  a  girl  I  can  trust  and  be  suf- 
ficiently comfortable  with  so  I  can  talk 
about  anything  that's  on  my  mind.  I 
want  to  be  able  to  communicate  with 
her.  I  don't  Want  to  have  to  worry  about 
avoiding  sensitive  subjects.  Between  a 
mature  man  and  a  mature  woman, 
there  should  be  no  forbidden  subjects. 
Too,  I'd  like  to  feel  I  can  argue  with- 
out ruining  our  relationship.  A  good 
argument  can  clear  the  air  and  head 
off  a  misunderstanding.  I  want  to  feel 
I  can  argue  and  she'll  know  I  still  have 
respect  for  her." 

Dick  wants  to  make  it  clear  he's 
not  disillusioned  because  his  first  mar- 
riage failed.  "I  think  it  was  Tennyson 
who  said  'Marriages  are  made  in  heav- 
en,' but  I  don't  agree  with  him.  Mar- 
riages are  made  by  mature  men  and 
mature  women — and  I  hope  that,  to- 
day, I  am  mature  enough  to  do  my 
share  to  make  a  marriage  work. 

"I  believe  in  marriage  to  which  each 
person  brings  love,  not  fears  and  am- 
bitions. I  believe  in  marriage  where 
both  partners  are  equal  and  respect 
each  other's  individuality.  Marriage 
should  be  a  partnership,  based  on 
mutual  trust.  Neither  man  nor  woman 
should  use  it  for  neurotic  needs.  They 
should  respect  each  other's  dignity  and 

When  the  divorce  from  Barbara  be- 
came final,  last  November,  the  Phila- 
delphia newspapers  ran  Dick's  address 
— and,  for  days,  his  phone  and  his  mail 
v  were  overwhelmed  with  proposals.  "I 
„  got  some  wild  mail,"  Dick  grins.  "Pro- 
posals of  marriage,  and  urgent  mes- 
sages  telling  me,  'I'll  be  over  tonight!'  " 

To  those  who've  tried  their  hand  at 
matchmaking,  Dick  explains,  "I  don't 
really  have  a  favorite  physical  type.  It 
doesn't  matter  whether  a  girl's  tall  or 
short,  or  thin  or  fat.  I  like  to  look  at 
a  gorgeous  girl,"  he  admits,  "but  I'm 
not  sure  about  marrying  her.  I  can't 
help  but  wonder  if  her  beauty  made 
it  unnecessary  for  her  to  develop  her 
mind  and  her  talents.  I  prefer  a  talented 
girl  because — if  she's  not  an  egomaniac 
— she's  more  likely  to  be  curious  and 

Dick  points  out  he  isn't  looking  for 
perfection — or  a  combination  of  all 
the  virtues.  "I  was  complimented,  of 
course,  when  a  certain  girl  flipped  for 
me!  She  was  nice,  wholesome,  intel- 
ligent, reasonable — and  quite  goody- 
goody.  She  didn't  smoke  or  drink  or 
use  cuss-words.  But,  instead  of  being 
fascinated,  I  found  myself  backing 
away.  I  guess  it's  the  male  ego  to  want 
to  feel  he  can  add  something  to  a  fe- 
male's personality.  Besides — if  she's 
so  perfect — there's  no  challenge!" 

But  Dick's  "male  ego"  doesn't  ex- 
tend to  being  over-protective,  either. 
"I  don't  like  the  type  of  girl  you  have 
to  take  by  the  hand,  stay  at  her  side, 
and  feel  guilty  about  leaving  her  for 
a  moment.  I  prefer  the  girl  I  can  take 
to  a  party,  wander  away — knowing  she 
can  take  care  of  herself — and  come 
back  and  find  her  cheerful  and  calm. 
The  too-possessive  and  too-dependent 
types  are  not  for  me!" 

On  second  thought,  there  is  a  type 
of  looks  Dick  does  not  go  for:  The  girl 
with  too  much  makeup  on.  "I  like  to 
stare  at  an  exotic  girl — the  Cleopatra 
look,  the  heavily  penciled  eyebrows, 
the  dark  eyeshadow,  the  much-covered 


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frozen-face  look.  But  I  get  over  the 
fascination  quickly! 

"In  fact,  it  annoys  me  when  a  natu- 
rally attractive  girl  avoids  going  out- 
doors— fishing  or  swimming — because 
it  will  muss  up  her  hair  or  reveal  her 
freckles.  I  like  to  go  deep-sea  fishing. 
But  I  rarely  can  find  girls  who'll  go 
fishing  with  me,  because  they're  afraid 
they'll  look  messy  in  shorts  or  dun- 
garees. They're  afraid  of  wind-blown 
hair  and  sunburn.  I  prefer  a  girl  who's 
not  a  fanatic  about  her  looks;  who 
knows  she's  attractive,  and  can  relax. 
Beauty  comes  from  within,  anyway. 

"I  want  a  girl,"  he  emphasizes, 
"who'll  be  happy  being  Mrs.  Dick 
Clark,  housewife.  She  could  be  a  'work- 
ing wife,'  for  a  short  while.  But  I  would 
not  want  her  to  work  all  her  life — - 
because  that  would  preclude  having  a 
sizable  family.  For  me,  having  chil- 
dren is  a  vital  part  of  married  life. 

"I  hope  she  won't  be  one  of  those 
girls  who  apologize  for  being  a  house- 
wife!   I'm    one    of   those    fellows   who 

believe  it  can  be  exciting,  creative, 
and  very  rewarding  life-work.  A  house- 
wife should  be  dissatisfied  enough  to 
want  to  improve — but  satisfied  enough 
to  be  happy.  For  both  the  husband  and 
the  wife,  a  career  ought  to  be  a  way 
of  making  money,  not  a  way  of  life. 
The  real  living  is  at  home. 

"Before  I  forget  it,"  Dick  adds,  sig- 
nificantly, "I  am,  of  course,  avoiding  the 
girl  who  is  interested  in  me  because 
of  what  I  can  do  for  her  career.  This 
kind  of  'friendship'  cannot  get  far.  Like 
any  man,  I  want  to  be  liked  for  myself, 
not  for  my  position  in  TV  and  music!" 

Would  he  be  shocked  at  a  girl  who 
proposed  marriage? 

"No,"  says  Dick.  "Sometimes  a  fel- 
low is  so  shy,  the  girl  has  to  take  the 
initiative.  There's  nothing  wrong  with 
that.  For  myself,  I  know  I'm  not  a 
swinging  guy.  I  don't  go  around  daz- 
zling girls  and  calling  them  'darling.' 
I'm  slow,  cautious,  hesitant,  shy. 

"On  the  other  hand,  I  don't  want 
the  pushy,  over-ambitious  type  of  girl 
who  wants  to  be  the  power  behind  the 
throne — the  female  who  wants  to  fulfill 
her  ambitions  through  the  male,  who 
seeks  power  through  the  husband.  She 
exerts  the  kind  of  pressure  that  kills 
a  man's  love.  It's  a  tragedy." 

Dick  hopes  to  do  better  with  his  sec- 
ond marriage  than  his  first — because 
"I  hope  today  that  I  have  good  judg- 
ment!" Turning  to  the  practical  side, 
he  observes:  "If  a  girl  doesn't  know 
how  to  cook,  she  should  be  willing  at 
least  to  learn.  Cooking  is  important, 
because  a  man  and  wife  practically  live 
in  the  kitchen.  If  I  ever  build  a  new 
house,  I'm  going  to  have  a  huge  kitchen- 
dining-room-fireplace  area.  Most  of  the 
fun  in  a  house  is  around  the  food — 
getting  it  ready,  eating  it,  chatting, 
clearing  the  dishes,  sitting  around  the 
dining  table. 

"I've  traveled  a  lot  and  have  gone 
to  night  clubs  and  premieres,  so — to  me 
— a  nice  time  can  be  had,  just  sitting 
around  doing  nothing.  Just  watching 
TV  or  reading,  relaxed,  is  very  satis- 
fying— and  the  girl  I  marry  must  under- 
stand this.  Just  doing  nothing  is  a 
luxury,  for  me.  The  girl  I  marry  should 
know  in  advance  that  I'm  not  going  to 
rush  her  out  to  night  clubs  all  the 
time,  and  that  quiet  things  like  a 
movie,  or  a  drive,  or  sipping  coffee,  are 
the  things  that  will  give  me  much 

What  qualities  does  he  think  will 
finally   "catch"  him? 

"No  one  quality  catches  a  man,"  he 
says  seriously.  "It's  a  combination  of 
qualities.  For  me,  the  girl  would  have 
to  be  understanding,  sincere,  relaxing, 
loving,  intelligent  ...  I  guess  these 
are  the  most  important  qualities." 

Closing  his  eyes,  he  tried  to  recall 
something  Robert  Louis  Stevenson  once 
wrote.  "I  think  he  said,  'The  best 
things  are  nearest:  Breath  in  your  nos- 
trils, light  in  your  eyes,  flowers  at  your 
feet,  duties  at  your  hand,  the  path  of 
God  just  before  you  .  .  .' 

"And  I  would  add,  'the  love  of  your 

mate.'  With  love,  you  have  everything." 

— Paul  Denis 

Dick  sparks  "American  Bandstand,"  on 
ABC-TV,  M-F,  4  to  4:50  P.M.  EDT. 


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(Continued  from  page  47) 
with  full  coordination.   His  alert  eyes 
follow  any  activity  near  him,  revealing 
his  keen  interest  in  people. 

Admittedly  an  egghead,  Allen  is 
also  an  egghead  who  swings.  As 
moderator  of  "College  Bowl,"  he  some- 
times amplifies  the  answers  to  the  most 
recondite  questions.  On  "Password," 
he  sometimes  volunteers  information  in 
a   lighter   vein. 

He  can  talk  jazz  with  the  most  far- 
out  musician,  but  has  an  abiding  dis- 
like for  the  beatnik.  "I  think  it's  pre- 
posterous that  they  have  taken  to  them- 
selves the  word  'hip,'  "  he  points  out. 
"They're  not  hip  at  all.  They're  square. 
They  contribute  nothing.  I  think  the 
time  has  come  when  we  should  stop  be- 
laboring the  idea  that  they  typify 
today's  young  people.  I'm  tired  of  see- 
ing us  celebrate  the  negative.  This 
nation  was  built  on  constructive  ideals 
and  ideas,  and  there's  more  need  for 
such   work   and   attitudes   than    ever." 

His  is  a  pioneer's  attitude  and  he 
holds  it  by  birthright — the  Aliens  and 
the  Ellsworths  and  the  Luddens  have 
settled  many  a  frontier.  Born  Allen 
Ellsworth  some  forty  years  ago  at 
Mineral  Point,  Wisconsin,  he  was 
reared  as  Allen  Ludden:  "My  father 
died  during  World  War  I.  His  best 
friend.  Homer  Ludden,  came  back  from 
France  and  married  my  mother,  whose 
maiden  name  was  Liela  Allen.  In  our 
small  town,  it  was  simpler  for  me  to 
be  known  by  his  surname.  I  never 
wanted  to  change  back.  I  was  a  much- 
cherished  child  and  grandchild  in  the 
Ludden  family." 

Allen  was  nine  when  Homer  Ludden. 

a  public  utilities  company  manager, 
moved  his  family  to  Corpus  Christi, 
Texas.  There  the  girl  who  first  caught 
Allen's  adolescent  eye  was  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Ameta  McGloin — who  now 
is  the  city's  postmistress.  "Margaret 
and  her  mother  gave  me  a  surprise 
party  on  my  fifteenth  birthday,"  he 

The  two  young  people  later  married 
■ — on  October  11,  1943 — but  there  were 
many  scholastic,  military  and  profes- 
sional achievements  for  Allen,  in  the 
intervening  years.  He  took  his  B.A. 
and  M.A.  in  English  from  the  Univer- 
sity of  Texas.  He  taught  at  Austin  High 
School  and  the  University  of  Texas. 

Interested  in  dramatics,  he  directed 
the  Austin  Little  Theater  and,  during 
vacations,  worked  in  Theater  Guild- 
sponsored  stock  companies  in  Westport, 
Connecticut,  and  Princeton,  New  Jersey. 
He  got  his  first  radio  credits  during  a 
brief  stint  at  Station  KEYS,  in  Corpus 

Entering  the  Army  in  1942,  Allen 
achieved  captain's  rank  and  won  the 
Bronze  Star,  before  being  assigned  to 
the  entertainment  unit  headed  by  Major 
Maurice  Evans.  The  unit's  best  known 
production  was  "The  G.I.  Hamlet," 
which  toured  Pacific  bases.  When 
Evans  returned  to  the  States,  Allen 
replaced  him  and  produced  some  forty 
Army  shows.  "I've  never  had  so  much 
authority  before  nor  since,"  he  says. 
"Maurice  Evans  knew  how  to  command, 
and  I  had  to  step  into  his  shoes!" 

After  the  war,  Ludden  rejoined  Evans 
as  personal  manager  and  advance  man 
for  a  national  tour  of  "Hamlet."  One 
event  had  a  crucial  effect  on  his  career: 
"Maurice  Evans  was  scheduled  to  speak 
at  a  high-school  assembly.  He  couldn't 
keep  the  date  and  I  replaced  him.  I  got 
up   on   that   platform   waving  my   Phi 

David  may  speak  of  Dad  like  a  veteran  critic,  but  Allen's  own  comments 
on  his  son—and  his  daughters  Martha  and  Sarah—are  nothing  but  raves! 

Beta  Kappa  key  and  feeling  quite 
superior.  I  didn't  feel  superior  after 
those  kids  started  asking  questions! 
They  were  sharper  than  any  adult 
group  I  had  ever  addressed." 

Before  the  tour  ended,  he  had  spoken 
before  five  hundred  high  schools  and 
developed  an  enduring  interest  in 
young  people.  He  originated  his  first 
show  for  them  while  at  WTIC,  Hart- 
ford, Connecticut.  "Mind  Your  Man- 
ners," a  teen-age  discussion  program, 
later  went  network  and  won  both  Pea- 
body  and  Ohio  State   awards. 

In  1953,  he  moved  to  New  York  NBC, 
where  he  became  moderator  for  the 
radio  forerunner  of  "G-E  College 
Bowl,"  and  was  on  "Monitor,"  "Week- 
day" and  "Dancetime."  He  has  also 
written  four  books:  "Plain  Talk  About 
College,"  "Plain  Talk  for  Women 
Under  21,"  "Plain  Talk  for  Men  Under 
21,"  and  "Roger  Thomas,  Actor." 

There  are  now  three  children  in  the 
Ludden  family:  David  (who  was  born 
the  week  Allen's  first  show  went  net- 
work) and  his  younger  sisters,  Martha 
and  Sarah.  Asked  what  interests  them, 
Allen  grins.  "Everything!  They  are 
all  very  alert,  intelligent  and  gregarious 

To  illustrate,  he  tells  about  last 
summer,  when  the  family  moved  (from 
Briar  cliff  Manor,  New  York)  to  the 
house  they'd  just  bought  at  Dobbs 
Ferry.  "We  settled  in,  just  before  school 
started,  and  they  had  little  time  to 
get  acquainted.  Margaret  and  I  re- 
garded it  as  a  good  adjustment  to  their 
new  community  when  Sarah  was  elected 
president  of  her  Brownie  troop  and 
Martha  was  chosen  an  alternate  dele- 
gate to  the  student  council.  But  it  was 
David  who  really  floored  us. 

"He'd  been  class  president  at  Briar- 
cliff,  and — to  his  complete  surprise — 
someone  nominated  'David  Looden'  for 
president  at  Dobbs  Ferry.  He  declined 
with  thanks.  It  must  have  been  quite 
a  speech — he  pointed  out  that  he  had 
been  in  the  school  only  five  days,  that 
the  person  who  nominated  him  knew 
so  little  about  him  he  even  mispro- 
nounced his  name,  and  that  he  thought 
the  interests  of  the  class  could  better 
be  served  by  someone  more  familiar 
with  the  school.  I  think  that  young  man 
is  going  to  take  after  his  mother's 
family  and  be  a  politician!" 

Suburban  living  and  his  increased 
show  schedule  have  presented  certain 
conflicts.  "For  the  first  time  in  my  life," 
Allen  says,  "I've  considered  hiring  a 
chauffeur!  Driving  three  children  to 
Scout  meetings,  music  lessons,  dancing 
lessons — and  parties — has  kept  me  be- 
hind the  wheel  of  that  car  from  Friday 
afternoon  until  Sunday  morning,  when 

1  go  back  into  New  York  for  'College 
Bowl.' " 

His  brow  furrows,  as  if  he  were  men- 
tally sorting  out  the  next  weekend's 
schedule.  Then  he  beams,  with  the  warm 
smile  that  lights  up  living  rooms  across 
the  land.  "But  I  don't  really  mind! 
Kids  are  such  a  lovely  problem." 

— Helen  Bolstad 

Match  wits  with  Allen  on  CBS-TV: 
"G-E  College  Bowl,"  Sun.,  5:30  P.M. 
EDT — "Password,"  Mon.  through  Fri., 

2  P.M.  EDT,  and  Tues.,  8  P.M.  EDT. 


(Continued  from  page  39) 
you?  Well,  she's  blonde  and  blue-eyed 
and  cuddly — about  five  feet  tall,  and 
a  gorgeous  figure — in  fact,  she  reminds 
a  lot  of  people  of  Dick's  first  wife  .  .  . 
except  for  being  six  years  younger 
.  .  .  but  more  about  that,  later.  The 
thing  is,  Loretta's  not  only  attractive 
but  simply  shot  with  luck!  What  else 
could  you  call  it,  when  a  green-as-a- 
cloverleaf  secretary  comes  to  New  York 
and  lands  nothing  but  glamour-jobs 
in  and  around  show  business? 

Of  course,  that's  how  she  met  Dick 
and  how  she  came  to  be  Jo-Ann  Camp- 
bell's roommate  .  .  .  but  let's  get  the 
sequence  straight :  Loretta's  first  Broad- 
way-type job  was  as  Conway  Twitty's 
secretary.  Then  she  went  to  work  for 
his  manager — Don  Seat,  that  is — and 
when  Don  took  on  Jo-Ann  Campbell  as 
his  client,  Loretta  got  to  be  one  of  her 
bosom-est  friends.  Real  buddies,  we 
mean.  When  Jo-Ann  went  on  tour  last 
summer,  she  asked  Loretta  to  come 
along  as  her  companion-secretary. 

That's  how  the  rocket  was  launched 
that  led  to  the  big  romance.  Jo-Ann 
worked  the  Sands  Hotel  in  Las  Vegas 
(where  Loretta  made  such  new  friends 
as  Connie  Stevens  and  Kenny  Miller; 
Kenny  also  became  Don  Seat's  client, 
which  kept  it  all  nice  and  cozy — in  the 
family,  you  might  say).  They  zig- 
zagged around,  from  the  Bolero  Motel, 
in  Wildwood,  New  Jersey,  to  the 
Michigan  State  Fair  at  Detroit  .  .  . 
and  that's  where  Jo-Ann  sang  on  Dick 
Clark's   show.  And  Loretta  met  Dick. 

It  was  all  so  casual — then.  Remem- 
ber, this  was  late  last  August,  early 
September  .  .  .  about  three  months 
before  Dick's  divorce  came  through. 
But  people  were  already  talking.  You 
know  how  some  of  his  fans  felt,  when 
their  ail-American  boy's  "perfect  mar- 
riage" went  boom!  And  Dick  didn't 
even  try  to  explain.  He's  not  the  type 
to  blast  off  in  public,  or  carry  a  torch 
brighter  than  all  Times  Square.  But 
his  friends  sure  knew  how  much  he 
missed  both  Barbara  and  little  Dickie. 
And  let's  face  it  .  .  .  he's  just  not  the 
breed  of  publicity-hound  to  smack  his 
lips  over  seeing  his  name  in  the  gossip 
columns.  Even  if  it  were  true. 

Only  last  June,  Dorothy  Kilgallen 
had  written,  for  all  the  world  to  see: 
"Dick  Clark's  friends  are  betting  he 
won't  remain  long  in  the  bachelor 
state  after  his  pending  divorce  becomes 
final.  They  think  the  Girl  Most  Likely 
to  Succeed  as  the  next  Mrs.  Clark  is 
singer  Connie  Francis ;  the  popular  disc 
jockey  'sparked'  to  her  when  he  did 
a  TV  show  at  her  home  some  months 

And,  the  very  next  day,  Ed  Sulli- 
van's column  noted:  "Dick  Clark  pre- 
fers a  cute  recording  star." 

Items  like  that  upset  Dick,  natch. 
And,  being  the  gentlemanly  nice-guy 
he  is,  he  was  particularly  unsettled  by 
the  Connie  Francis  gossip.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  he  called  Connie  up,  personally, 
just  to  make  sure  she  understood  he 
had    nothing    to    do   with    such   things 

getting  into  print!  He  felt  pretty 
strongly  about  its  being  unfair  to  link 
a  decent,  single  girl  like  Connie  to  a 
man  who  was  still  legally  married. 

You  can  bet  your  latest  Twist  disc, 
he  was  still  feeling  the  same  way  when 
he  took  Jo-Ann  and  Loretta  out  to 
dinner  in  Detroit.  And  Jo-Ann — being 
in  show  business  and  everything — 
thought  nothing  of  it  when  Dick  took 
Loretta  out  the  next  night,  too.  Alone. 

Like  most  of  Dick's  friends,  she  was 
glad  to  see  him  making  the  rounds  at 
all.  Everyone  knew  he'd  almost  literally 
crash-dived,  back  in  February,  when 
Barbara  told  him  she  wanted  a  divorce. 
And  how  earnestly  he'd  begged  her 
to  reconsider — "at  least  for  the  sake 
of  the  child."  But  probably  only  Dick 
himself  will  ever  know  how  hard  he 
hit  rockbottom,  emotionally,  that  day 
in  April  when  they  signed  the  divorce 
application  and  financial  settlement. 

As  in  a  dream 


Loretta,  of  course,  wasn't  in  on  any 
of  this.  She  must  have  been  thrilled, 
though,  when  Dick  asked  to  see  her 
again.  (Wouldn't  you  be?)  A  young 
notebook-scribbler  from  Canada  .  .  . 
and  a  genuine  TV  matinee  idol — hand- 
some, rich  and  about  to  become  most 
elegible!  Of  course,  he  wasn't  free  yet 
.  .  .  but  none  of  it  had  been  his  fault, 
really.  How  Loretta  feels  about  divorce, 
in  general,  she  hasn't  said.  Not  the 
talkative  type,  anyway,  and  maybe 
something  sensitive  in  her  responded 
to  Dick's  deep-rooted  need  for  privacy 
and  quiet.  How  else  could  she  keep 
from  bragging  (just  a  teensy  bit)  about 
their  dates,  all  this  time? 

She'd  have  a  lot  to  tell,  if  she  would. 
From  Detroit,  Dick  returned  to  Phila- 
delphia, Loretta  went  back  to  New  York 
— this  time,  as  Jo-Ann's  roommate.  (Jo- 
Ann  was  alone  again  .  .  .  you  know, 
she  bought  her  parents  a  home  down 
in  Jacksonville,  Florida.)  But  Jo-Ann 
and  Conway  Twitty  and  Kenny  Miller 
went  to  Canada  to  work  on  a  movie.  So, 
naturally,  Loretta  was  glad  to  accept 
Dick's  invitation  to  come  to  Atlantic 
City,  when  he  went  there  for  the  Miss 
America   pageant. 

All  sweet  and  simple  as  a  Lawrence 
Welk  record,  so  far.  She  stayed  at  a 
friend's  house,  he  checked  into  a  hotel. 
He  went  about  his  business,  she  accom- 
panied him  practically  everywhere — 
staying  in  the  background  when  re- 
porters or  photographers  came  around. 
Not  that  Dick  felt  he  had  anything  to 
hide,  you  understand.  It  was  Loretta 
who  faded  into  the  shadows  .  .  .  and 
Dick  who  coaxed  her,  on  at  least  one 
occasion,  to  stay  and  "smile  for  the 

Well,  as  we  told  you,  in  all  the  flood- 
lights of  show  biz,  their  best  friends 
hadn't  seen  a  thing — until  the  night  of 
October  5th,  when  Jo-Ann  gave  that 
famous  party.  By  this  time,  both  she 
and  Kenny  Miller  were  back  in  New 
York,  and  the  celebration  was  for  his 
twenty-fourth  birthday.  (Birthdays  are 
quite  a  thing,  in  the  Clark-Martin  saga 
...  as  you'll  soon  see.) 

Of  course,  roommate  Loretta  was 
co-hostess — a  warm,  bright  dream  in  a 
snug  red   sweater.  And  the   guest  list 



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was  in  Technicolor,  plus  stereophonic 
sound.  Singers  Neil  Sedaka,  Tina  Robin 
and  Tony  Orlando,  deejay  Scott  Muni, 
writer  Joyce  Becker,  Joey  Dee  and  the 
Starliters  and  many  more  .  .  .  but  you 
can  guess  whom  Loretta  waited  to  see! 

Dick  didn't  arrive  until  11 :30.  Of 
course,  he'd  driven  all  the  way  from 
Philly,  through  rain  and  storm  and 
dark  of  night  .  .  .  but  it  was  the  rest 
of  his  alibi  that  really  nipped  his 
friends.  He'd  been  doing  some  last- 
minute  shopping.  It  didn't  seem  likely 
that  even  a  plan-ahead  guy  like  Dick 
would  be  playing  Santa's  little  helper 
almost  three  months  before  Christmas 
.  .  .  and  after-dark  was  no  time  to  be 
running  around,  trying  to  replace  some 
prized  household  possession — like  a 
favorite  bed-pillow — your  ex-wife  "for- 
got" to  leave  behind! 

But  our  little  Loretta  got  the  answer 
.  .  .  though  it  was  a  surprise  to  her, 
too.  Dick  told  her  he  knew  how  much 
she  liked  silver,  so  he'd  been  tearing 
around  trying  to  find  a  jewelry  store 
that  was  open  after-hours.  No  dice.  So 
he  brought  her  a  gift  from  the  only 
place  that  wasn't  closed  ...  a  silver 
compass — from  a  hardware  store. 
(Diamonds  aren't  always  a  girl's  best 
friend,  particularly  when  she'd  rather 
have  the  man  himself!) 

By  this  time,  the  whole  party  finally 
registered  that  this  was  rrromance. 
They  were  happy  to  see  Dick  coming 
out  of  his  shell,  at  last,  joining  in  their 
games,  laughing  at  jokes,  his  "old  self" 
again.  And  some  were  glad,  some 
weren't — isn't  that  always  the  way? — 
to  see  Dick  and  Loretta  holding  hands, 
occasionally  whispering  to  each  other, 
and  always  that  special  look  when  their 
eyes  met  head-on.   .   .  . 

A  chain  of  memories 

The  celebration  trickled  out  at  7 
a.m.  And,  next  day,  Dorothy  Kil- 
gallen's  column  noted  that  Dick  had 
found  himself  a  new  girl.  This  upset 
Loretta  more  than  you  might  think! 
But  if  she  shed  any  tears  in  secret, 
they  must  have  dried  in  the  gleam  of 
Dick's  present.  He  finally  found  just 
what  he  wanted:  A  silver  bracelet  with 
miniature  charms,  each  with  its  own 
special  significance — a  record — a  map 
.  .  .  you  can  fill  in  the  list  from  your 
own  courtin'  days. 

And,  by  November,  you  could  see 
these  two  going  almost  anywhere  to- 
gether. At  the  Copacabana  in  New 
York,  to  hear  Steve  Lawrence  and 
Eydie  Gorme.  Backstage  in  Trenton, 
New  Jersey,  when  Dick  was  doing  a 
show  there  with  Jo-Ann.  And  after 
that  show,  the  real  snapper — now  hear 
this! — to  Philadelphia  .  .  .  where  they 
took  his  son  Dickie  to  the  park  and  the 

Still  think  it  isn't  serious? 

Well,  after  they  took  Dickie  back  to 
his  mother,  the  two  went  on  to  dinner 
at  the  home  of  a  doctor  friend  of  Dick's. 
Then  on  to  see  a  show  in  its  pre-Broad- 
way  tryout.  That  night,  Loretta  stayed 
at  the  home  of  Dick's  road  manager — 
Ed  McAdam  and  his  wife.  This  little 
girl  had  had  a  busy  day. 

The  end  of  November  is  a  time 
neither    of    them    is    likely    to    forget. 

Dick's  divorce  became  final  on  the  21st 
.  .  .  the  end  of  his  eight-year  marriage 
to  Barbara,  the  end  of  any  lingering 
hopes  he  might  once  have  had  for  a 
reconciliation.  A  week  later,  Dick  in- 
vited his  closest  friends  to  come-on-a  his 
house — the  one  he'd  built  for  Barbara 
and  his  little  boy — to  celebrate  his 
thirty-second  birthday  .  .  .  Loretta, 
quite  naturally,  helped  out  as  hostess — 
and  as  stand-in  mother  for  the  smallest 
guest,   Master   Dickie   Clark! 

Of  course,  there's  no  such  word  as 
"inseparable"  in  this  business  ...  as 
Dick  and  Barbara  found  out.  Par- 
ticularly when  you  work  as  hard  as  he 
does  (though  you've  probably  heard 
the  rumors  that  his  "American  Band- 
stand" may  be  cut  down  from  fifty 
minutes  daily  to  a  half  hour,  next  fall 
— which  might  leave  more  time  to 
spend  with  a  wife ) .  But  he  and  Loretta 
have  been  managing  pretty  well. 

When  they  couldn't  spend  Christmas 
together,  because  Dick  was  booked  in 
Miami  Beach,  he  called  her  two  or 
three  times  a  day.  And  she  stopped 
dating  other  men,  while  he  was  away 
...  if  you  saw  her  without  him,  that 
time  at  the  Peppermint  Lounge,  it 
was  only  because  she  was  there  to  see 
the  Twist  with  Jo-Ann  and  Kenny. 

All  winter  long,  when  he  wasn't  "on 
the  road,"  he  was  making  that  tiring 
two-hour  drive  to  New  York  four  or 
five  times  a  week,  to  take  in  a  show 
with  Loretta  or  just  sit  around  the 
apartment  while  she  and  Jo-Ann  cooked 
up  one  of  those  little  somethings  only 
single  girls  can  dream  up  for  gentle- 
man callers.  When  Dick  was  best  man 
at  Duane  Eddy's  wedding  in  Las  Vegas, 
February  4th,  Loretta  went  along- 
fading  into  the  background,  as  usual, 
when  the  flash-bulbs  popped. 

Will  the  next  wedding  they  go  to  be 
their  own?  Or  is  this  just  a  "rebound 
romance"?  Any  girl  might  wonder — 
just  as  his  fans  do,  when  they  see  Dick 
constantly  surrounded  by  pretty  song- 
birds and  actresses  who  want  to  get 
on  his  show  or  into  his  next  movie  (or 
perhaps  even  the  home  he  once  built 
for  Barbara?)  .  .  .  particularly,  if  she 
should  overhear  one  group  of  his  friends 
insisting,  "This  is  it  for  Dick — he's 
found  the  Right  Girl"  .  .  .  and  another 
pooh-poohing,  "This  is  Dick's  first 
romance  since  the  divorce — it  doesn't 
have  to  lead  to  marriage.  They  may 
cool  off  in  time." 

Loretta  might  be  even  more  confused, 
hearing  what  they  have  to  say  about 
herself,  in  person:  "Loretta's  not  a 
professional  beauty,  but  she's  clean- 
cut  and  fresh,  with  a  creamy  com- 
plexion and  a  voluptuous  figure — 
though  she  doesn't  wear  clothes  to 
accentuate  it."  .  .  .  On  the  other  hand 
(or  torso)  :  "Loretta  has  a  terrific  body 
and,  when  she  wants  to  show  it,  she 
does — with  clinging  dresses  or  slacks 
and  sweaters!" 

Confidentially,  most  of  the  girls — in- 
side show  biz  and  out — agree  that 
Loretta  could  hold  her  own  against 
any  professional.  Give  a  listen  to  this: 
"Loretta  doesn't  come  on  too  strong. 
She's  easy  to  take,  perfect  for  a  guy 
who's  been  rejected — as  Dick  was  by 
Barbara.  She  fits  his  moods  nicely,  is 
whatever   he   wants   her   to   be   at   the 

moment."  Or  this:  "They  harmonize. 
She's  good  for  Dick  because  she  cares 
for  him,  and  he  knows  it.  After  all, 
she's  not  a  singer,  and  he  knows  she 
doesn't  need  him  for  her  career.  Fur- 
thermore, she's  not  a  party  girl.  She 
goes  happily  wherever  he  wants  her 
to  go." 

But  it  isn't  all  lollipops  and  roses 
for  Dick  and  Loretta.  There  are  those 
who  plug  for  their  romance,  and  those 
who  downgrade  it  .  .  .  all  because  of 
the  self-same  psychological  theory: 
That  men  who  re-marry  have  a  tend- 
ency to  seek  out  a  girl  in  the  image 
of  the  first  wife.  You've  seen  that 
theory  work — and  you've  seen  it  back- 
fire, too!  Just  ask  yourself:  Is  Loretta 
too  much  like  Barbara?  Or  does  the 
similarity   help,   more   than   it  harms? 

If  Dick  hasn't  noticed  the  resem- 
blance, you  could  tick  it  off  for  him. 
point  by  point — though  not  necessarily 
to  his  face:  Petite  and  shapely  Loretta 
could  almost  be  a  pocket-size  version  of 


(Continued  from  page  53) 
called  the  "J-T  Survival  Shelter"  and 
costs  about  $3,000.   Daddy,  tell  Larry 
how  our  shelter  was  built. 
Mr.  F. :  Well,  they  dug  a  hole  in  our 
backyard  about  sixteen  feet  wide  and 
fourteen  feet  deep — 
Connie:    It's    connected    through    the 
foundation  to  our  basement- 
Mr.    F. :    A    prefabricated    fiber-glass 
dome  was  lowered  into  it  and  the  whole 
thing  filled  around  with  reinforced  con- 
crete, about  twelve  inches  thick,  topped 
off  with  two  or  three  feet  of  earth.  In- 
side, it's  about  nine  by  ten   feet   and 
about   six-and-a-half  feet  high.  It  has 
vents,   intake   and   exhaust,   of  course. 
And  the  people  who  made  it  stocked  it. 
Reporter:    When   you   say   "stocked," 
what  do  you  mean? 
Mr.  F.:  Fresh  water  .  .  .  canned  food 
...  a  chemical  toilet. 
Connie:  Say,  Daddy,  I  just  thought  of 
something!   How  about  heat?  Won't  it 
get  cold  in  wintertime? 
Mr.  F.:  We'll  have  a  portable  heater. 
Canned  heat,  most  likely. 
Reporter:  How  does  your  wife,  Con- 
nie's  mother,   feel   about   the   shelter? 
Is  there  any  truth  to  what  I  hear,  that 
she  doesn't  want  anything  to  do  with 
it,  or  won't  go  near  it? 
Mr.  F.:  No,  she  likes  it.  Maybe  she 
doesn't  like  the  idea  of  having  to  have 
it,    but    she    knows    that    it    might    be 
necessary.  I  can  tell  you,  it's  a  great 
comfort,  just  knowing  it's  there.  A  very 
great  sense  of  security. 
Connie:  Most  people  don't  expect  the 
bomb  to  be  used.  Maybe  they're  right. 
Let's   hope    so.   But   right   near   us   is 
Newark — did  you  know  it's  the  num- 
ber two  target  in  this  country? 
Mr.  F.:   With  the  storage  tanks,  the 
port,  railroads  and  everything! 
Connie:  Naturally,  Washington  is  num- 
ber one.  But  Newark — not  New  York — 
is  number  two.   So  how  can   we  take 
Mr.  F. :  People  over  here  often  say  it's 

tall  and  shapely  Barbara.  Barbara  was 
a  blue-eyed  brownette  who  turned 
blonde.  Loretta  is  a  blue-eyed  blonde. 
Both  have  avoided  flamboyant  clothes 
and  makeup.  Neither  likes  being  photo- 
graphed. Both  are  quiet  in  public, 
seemingly  preferring  the  family  fire- 
side to  a  ringside  seat  in  the  spotlight. 

But  talk  as  you  will,  no  woman  is 
ever  going  to  find  any  too-striking 
similarity  between  the  doll  a  guy  mar- 
ried eight  years  ago — after  seven  years 
of  courtship — and  the  doll  he  met  last 
summer.  (Ask  any  wife  who,  unlike 
Barbara,  lost  a  guy  she  didn't  want  to 
divorce! )  Reminding  a  man  of  the 
first  girl  he  ever  loved  and  married 
isn't  the  worst  beginning  for  a  brand- 
new  life  together  .  .  .  and  being  six 
years  younger  doesn't  hurt,  either. 

Besides,  when  you  see  that  light  in 
Loretta's  eyes  .  .  .  and  that  answering 
flash  from  Dick's  .  .  .  well,  you  can 
almost  hear  "Lohengrin"  warming  up 
on  the  organ!  - — Irene  Storm 

a  waste  of  money  to  build  a  shelter, 
that  there'd  be  "nothing  left"  after  an 
attack.  That's  defeatist. 
Connie:  You  have  fifteen  minutes  to 
get  shelter,  from  the  time  a  bomber  is 
spotted  over  Greenland.  For  an  hour 
after  the  bomb  drops,  even  if  you're 
pretty  close,  you  are  safe  from  radia- 
tion— so  long  as  you  aren't  affected  by 
the  direct  blast.  This  really  means  you 
have  over  an  hour  to  do  something  to 
protect  yourself. 

Mr.  F. :  They  tell  me,  "Why  spend  that 
money  on  a  shelter?  I'd  rather  buy  a 
car!"  I  think  you  should  do  something 
to  protect  yourself  and  your  family. 
Build  a  shelter,  if  you  can  afford  it. 
Reporter:  TV  Radio  Mirror  thought 
it  might  be  a  good  idea  for  me  to  ask 
around  and  see  what  some  of  your 
neighbors  think  of  the  shelter  idea. 
Connie:  Sure,  go  ahead.  But,  if  any- 
body says  anything  bad — gee,  tell  me! 
— Lawrence  Atkin 

What  the  Neighbors  Say: 

Many  people,  like  Connie  and  her 
family,  believe  in  being  prepared 
against  any  possible  chance  of 
bombing  or  fallout.  Others  express 
themselves  in  such  phrases  as: 
"Peace  is  the  only  shelter."  Connie's 
Bloomfield  neighbors  have  divided 
opinions,  too — as  shown  by  these 
typical  reactions  from  two  who  live 
very  near  her  own  New  Jersey  home. 

Said  Donn  Kayle,  15:  "If  the  Rus- 
sians use  the  bomb — or  if  we  do — 
what's  the  use  of  having  a  shelter? 
The  world's  pretty  much  coming  to 
an  end,  anyway.  You  go  into  the 
thing,  maybe  you  survive  to  come 
out — but  what's  there?" 

Said  Mrs.  Emma  Parrillo,  wife  of 
Dr.  Anthony  Parrillo:  "My  husband 
and  I  have  been  talking  about  the 
possibility  of  getting  a  fallout  shelter 
ourselves.  We  think  it's  a  good  idea!" 

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(Continued  from  page  30) 
be   more   than    slightly    concerned.    "I 
realize  there  is  danger  in  any  project 
like  this,"  she  admits  quietly. 

Rene  Carpenter  has  always  known 
the  moment  would  come  when  her  hus- 
band would  rocket  off  into  the  unknown 
void  of  space.  She  has  been  preparing 
herself  ior  that  moment  for  a  long  time. 
And  yet  it  had  come  so  much  sooner 
than  she  had  expected.  And  so  sud- 

Donald  K.  Slayton  had  been  sup- 
posed to  take  this  space  shot.  It  was  all 
set:  The  announcements  had  been 
made.  And  then,  unexpectedly,  he  had 
been  withdrawn  because  of  heart  pal- 

Until  that  moment,  Scott  had  been 
the  "forgotten  man"  in  the  hoopla  over 
our  manned  orbital  flights. 

During  the  hectic  days,  weeks  and 
months  of  preparation  for  Lieutenant 
Colonel  Glenn's  pioneeer  journey 
around  the  globe,  Scott  had  to  prepare 
himself  for  that  flight  just  as  hard  as 
John  Glenn.  He  had  to  do  all  Glenn 
did  in  readying  up  for  the  flight — 
because  he  was  the  back-up  pilot. 

Up  until  the  moment  before  blast-off, 
Mrs.  Carpenter  sat  home  in  Garden 
Grove,  California,  waiting  and  wonder- 
ing if  her  man  would  suddenly  be  sub- 
stituted for  his  fellow  Astronaut.  There 
was  no  way  she  could  know  for  certain. 
There  was  no  way  anyone  could  know 
for  certain,  until  that  critical  period 
beginning  at  2:20  a.m.  when  Col. 
Glenn  was  awakened  by  Dr.  William  K. 

The  scene  was  the  blue-walled  room 
which  Glenn  and  Carpenter  shared  as 
sleeping  quarters.  It's  on  the  second 
deck  of  the  hangar  near  the  launching 
pad.  Both  men  had  retired  early.  When 
Carpenter  hit  the  sack,  he  could  not 
foresee  what  was  ahead  for  him.  It 
would  depend  on  how  well  Glenn's 
physical  check-up  went.  He  would  have 
to   be  in  perfect   shape.   And  he  was. 

And  so  Glenn  donned  his  20-pound 
space  suit,  his  silver-topped  gloves  that 
were  zippered  to  the  arms  of  the  suit  to 
seal  it,  a  pair  of  dust-resistant  galoshes 
over  his  silver  boots — and  he  was 
dressed  for  his  journey. 

Yet,  even  after  entering  the  capsule, 
the  possibility  of  a  hitch  continued  to 
surround  the  entire  operation.  There 
was,  of  course,  the  fickle  weather  which 
could  change  suddenly,  as  it  had  so 
many  times  previously,  holding  up  the 
shot  for  weeks.  There  was,  too,  the 
possibility  that  some  malfunction  might 
occur  in  the  mechanical  equipment  and 
cause  a  delay.  Lastly — and  most  impor- 
tantly for  Scott  (and  Mrs.  Carpenter) 
— the  chance  that  the  delicate  instru- 
ments recording  Glenn's  heartbeat, 
respiration  and  other  physical  condi- 
tions might  indicate  a  critical  change 
that  would  make  it  inadvisable,  if  not 
impossible,  for  Glenn  to  go.  Then  it 
would  be  Carpenter  into  the  capsule. 

As  we  all  know,  Glenn  did  go.  Car- 
penter stayed  earthbound. 

But    it    wasn't    easy    on    Mrs.    Car- 

penter. The  silent  tension  built  up  to  a 
crescendo  as  the  countdown  proceeded 
to  the  final  seconds. 

Mrs.  Carpenter  and  the  children — 
Mark  Scott,  12;  Robyn  Jay,  10;  Kristen 
Elaine,  6,  and  Candace  Noxon,  5 — sat 
tensely  in  front  of  their  television  set 
at  home.  No  doubt  in  Mrs.  Carpenter's 
mind  now,  that  Glenn  was  going  to  ride 
that  rocket  into  fame.  Yet  there  was 
always  that  remote  possibility.  .  .  . 
Something  might  go  wrong. 

Finally,  the  voice  of  the  controller 
came  over  the  television  in  the  Car- 
penter home — "Three,  two,  one,  igni- 
tion, lift!" 

The  huge  white  Atlas  coughed  a 
massive  cloud  of  fire  and  smoke  and 
struggled  off  its  pad.  As  it  rose  into  the 
clouds  and  roared  deafeningly  into 
space,  Mrs.  Carpenter,  who  had  been 
looking  silently  at  the  screen,  mur- 
mured a  prayerful   "thank  God." 

And  now  her  prayers  were  for 
Colonel  Glenn,  as  were  the  entire  free 

With  that  first  pioneering  venture  by 
an  American  Astronaut  down  in  history, 
a  second  citizen  of  the  United  States  has 
been  readied  for  the  next  phase  in  our 
calculated  drive  to  conquer  the  heavens. 

Commander  Carpenter  is  that  man. 
As  this  is  written,  he  has  already  begun 
to  retrace  every  step  that  Glenn  himself 
took.  As  this  is  written,  no  one  knows 
where  those  steps  will  lead  him. 

Carpenter  is  familiar  with  the  entire 
sequence  of  getting  to  the  ready  point 
because  of  his  role  as  back-up  pilot. 
But  this  time,  as  he  is  awakened  in  the 
blue-walled  room  in  the  hangar,  he 
will  know  this  one  is  for  real. 

Is  he  ready  for  it? 

No  one  says  he  is  with  more  certainty 
than  his  wife.  She  knows  what  Scott 
has  gone  through  to  prepare  for  this 
venture.  She  knows  what  it  means  to 

"Scott  has  that  desire  to  be  a 
pioneer,"  she  says  with  a  deep  pride 
that  comes  from  knowing  her  husband 
is  one  of  the  chosen  first  to  make  space 
history  for  Uncle  Sam. 

"He  feels  he  was  born  for  space," 
she  repeats  after  Scott. 

As  for  having  any  qualms  about 
sharing  Scott  with  the  great,  unknown 
void  that  is  space,  she  will  admit  to 
none.  Mrs.  Carpenter  insists  her  hus- 
band is  up  to  the  assignment.  He  has 
been  preparing  for  it  for  years — long 
before  he  was  selected  for  Project 

Scott,  who  was  born  May  1st,  1925, 
in  Boulder,  Colorado,  qualifies  for  his 
spaceman's  role  because,  among  other 
things,  he  is  in  the  pink  of  condition. 
This  stems  from  the  fact  that  he  was 
always  athletically  inclined.  In  high 
school  and  at  Colorado  College  and  the 
University  of  Colorado,  he  participated 
in  a  variety  of  sports.  His  favorites  were 
tumbling,   gymnastics  and   skiing. 

Mrs.  Carpenter — who  is  the  former 
Rene  Louise  Price,  a  hometown  girl 
from  Boulder — has  watched  her  hus- 
band preparing  himself  for  his  date 
with  destiny  through  all  the  years  of 
their  marriage.  They  were  wed  before 
Scott  joined  the  Navy  in  1950.  She 
watched  him  leave  for  duty  in  Korea 
as    a    pilot    on    anti-submarine    patrol, 

shipping  surveillance  and  aerial  mining 
activities.  Their  first  child,  Mark  Scott, 
was  then  a  baby  in  his  mother's  arms. 

Soon  after  Robyn  Jay  was  born,  his 
father  entered  the  Navy  Test  Pilot 
School  at  the  Naval  Air  Test  Center 
in  Patuxent  River,  Maryland.  When 
Kristen  Elaine  came  along,  her  daddy 
was  being  carefully  watched  by  his 
superiors  as  a  promising  young  officer 
who  would  someday  fit  into  the  vitally 
important  space  program  that  America 
would  soon   embark   on. 

He  was  assigned  to  the  Electronics 
Test  Division  of  the  Naval  Air  Test 
Center,  then  attended  the  Navy's 
General  Line  School  at  Monterey, 
California,  and  the  Naval  Air  Intelli- 
gence School  in  Washington. 

Just  after  their  last  child,  Candace 
Noxon,  was  born,  Carpenter  was  off 
for  duty  on  the  anti-submarine  aircraft 
carrier  Hornet,  as  air  intelligence 

All  the  time,  however,  when  Car- 
penter was  home,  his  main  objective 
was  to  make  up  with  his  family  for  the 
time  he  was  away.  He  took  his  boys 
hunting  with  him,  teaching  them  the 
skill  of  landing  their  prey,  not  with  a 
rifle  or  shotgun,  but  with  bow  and 
arrow.  They  also  went  skin-diving  to- 
gether, even  skiing. 

Mrs.  Carpenter's  joy  at  these  re- 
unions of  father  and  sons  was  bound- 
less, for  the  times  when  Scott  was  away 
on  duty  were  too  often  too  long.  But 
whenever  he  could  be  with  his  family, 
he  was  there — with  Rene  and  the 

"He  is  a  great  family  man,"  Mrs. 
Carpenter  boasts  with  pride.  You  can 
see.  the  way  she  says  it,  that  she  means 
it  in  all  its  true  meaning. 

As  much  as  duty  had  kept  Scott 
from  his  family  before  that  fateful 
day  in  1959  when  he  was  named  an 
Astronaut,  the  rigors  and  demands  of 
training  in  his  new  role  as  one  of 
America's  seven  spacemen  far  exceeded 
all  previous  calls.  This  was  a  deadly 
serious  business  in  which  he  was  com- 


(Continued  from  page  37) 
and  settled  down  with  the  cherubic  chil- 
dren  (all  named  for  angels). 

However,  the  breakup  of  the  Ferrer 
marriage  wasn't  altogether  Jose's  fault. 
It  was  the  fault  of  a  prankish  fate  which 
had  wedded  two  people  whose  back- 
grounds, attitudes  and  ambitions  were 
too  different. 

Rosie  grew  up  in  modest — almost 
meager — circumstances.  She  was  a  nice, 
quiet  girl  whose  ambition  was  to  have 
a  husband  and  a  house  full  of  young- 
sters. Jose  was  the  son  of  wealthy 
parents.  He  had  been  educated  in  Swit- 
zerland and  at  Princeton.  He  could 
speak  five  languages  and  had  starred 
in  theaters  in  New  York,  London  and 

His  movie,  "Moulin  Rouge,"  had  won 
an  Academy  Award.  The  same  year, 
his  Broadway  play,  "The  Shrike,"  won 

mitted  to  undergo  the  most  intensive 
training  any  human  had  ever  known  or 

Just  as  she  waits  now  for  Scott  to 
go  into  space  and  for  his  safe  return, 
Rene  Carpenter  waited  then  for  word 
that  Scott  had  passed  the  rigid  testing 
to  become  an  Astronaut.  At  the  time, 
Scott  was  on  duty  in  the  Pacific. 

So  great  was  Mrs.  Carpenter's 
anxiety  over  the  message  that  her  hus- 
band was  picked,  that  she  telephoned 
Washington  to  volunteer  for  her  hus- 
band. Whatever  agonies  of  waiting  and 
uncertainty  lay  ahead  for  her,  she  knew 
how  eager  he  was  to  get  into  the  space 
program.  She  didn't  want  anything  to 
stand  in  Scott's  way. 

"It's  what  he's  cut  out  to  do,"  Mrs. 
Carpenter  says  quietly. 
And  she's  right,  too. 
Scott  Carpenter,  a  taciturn  man  with 
a  wry  but  ready  smile,  a  quick  and 
sharp  mind,  a  well-developed  and  res- 
ponsive body,  is  about  as  close  as  any- 
one is  to  being  the  perfect  specimen 
in  the  age  of  the  spaceman. 

No  one  has  more  confidence  in  Scott 
Carpenter  than  his  wife. 

"Scott  has  been  well-trained  for  his 
job,"  she  says.  "He  knows  what  he's 
doing.  I  think  he's  the  best  man  they 
could  have  selected." 

Is  Mrs.  Carpenter  worried  even  now 
when  the  moment  approaches,  when  all 
the  preparations  of  space  science  flood 
over  into  the  high  drama  of  the  im- 
pending  blast-off? 

"He  told  me  and  the  family  not  to 
worry,"  Mrs.  Carpenter  declares. 
"It's  what  he's  cut  out  to  do  .  .  ." 
And  despite  the  odds,  the  risks,  the 
dangers  that  face  her  husband,  Mrs. 
Carpenter  will  watch  her  husband's 
launch  into  space  with  a  bravery  that 
matches  his. 

She  is  an  Astronaut's  wife. 
She  knows  her   husband   has   taken 
the  dare  of  the  future.  She  knows  that 
she   can   only  wait — and   pray — as   he 
carves  his  destiny  in  space. 

— Chrys  Haranis 

the  prize  as  the  best  play  of  the  year 
and  he  was  named  the  best  actor  and 
director  on  Broadway. 

One  circumstance  bothered  Rosie 
particularly:  She  had  never  been  mar- 
ried before  she  met  Joe.  He  had  been 
married  twice — and  was,  in  truth,  still 
married  to  his  second  wife  when  he 
became  interested  in  Rosemary.  Rose- 
mary wasn't  entirely  comfortable  when 
she  thought  of  these  things.  Could  Joe 
ever  give  all  of  his  heart  to  just  one 
woman?  Would  he  someday  find  her 

Somehow,  after  his  marriage  to  her, 
his  career  began  to  sag.  Besides,  an 
artist  to  his  very  soul,  he  was  irresist- 
ibly drawn  to  the  beautiful — and  this 
continued  to  include  beautiful  women. 
He  may  not  have  been  unfaithful,  but 
he  was  a  flirt. 

Finally,  after  eight  years,  Rosemary 
had  had  enough.  Ironically,  the  mar- 
riage ended  just  as  Jose's  success  as 
a  director  resumed.  Stories  about  his 
interest  in  other  women — drifting  back 
from  Texas,  where  he  was  working  with 


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the  "State  Fair"  company — rang  the 
death  knell  for  the  Clooney-Ferrer 

Jose,  in  his  temperamental  heart,  is 
still  making  noises  like  a  man  in  love 
with  his  ex-wife.  He's  mad  about  his 
children.  But  Rosie,  who'd  been  tor- 
tured past  endurance  by  the  impulsive 
antics  of  her  spouse,  has  ignored  his 
efforts  at  reconciliation. 

Is  she  still  nagged  by  memories  of 
those  rumors  from  Texas? 

Talk  of  a  triangle  also  dogged  the 
demise  of  Keely  Smith's  marriage  to 
Louis  Prima  .  .  .  but  if  their  loving 
duet  became  a  trio,  the  third  party 
was  no  soprano!  Keely,  before  the 
break,  frankly  dated  other  men.  At 
Eddie  Fisher's  opening  at  the  Cocoa- 
nut  Grove — long  before  she  left  Louie 
— she  told  a  reporter,  "Louie  and  I 
have  an  agreement  that  we  can  date 

The  quarter-Cherokee  songbird  first 
met  the  impassioned  Italian  in  1948 
at  Virginia  Beach,  where  he  was  au- 
ditioning girl  singers.  One  of  those 
hopefuls  was  sixteen-year-old  Dorothy 
Keely,  whose  large,  dark  eyes  and 
straight  black  hair  bespoke  her  Indian 
ancestry.  Louie  hired  Dorothy  Keely 
and  they  made  such  beautiful  music 
together  that,  in  due  course,  they  were 

Louie  had  been  a  very  big  name  in 
the  band  business  in  the  '30s,  but  had 
fallen  on  hard  times.  In  the  '40s,  he 
had  recouped — but  not  to  the  pinnacle 
he  reached  after  teaming  with  his 
youthful  bride.  Their  first  appearance 
in  Las  Vegas  as  a  team,  in  1953,  was 
not  a  tremendous  success.  They  re- 
treated to  New  Orleans  for  a  time,  tried 
Las  Vegas  again  in  1954 — where,  at  the 
Sahara  Lounge,  the  Prima-Smith  com- 
bination was  a  smash. 

Keely  gives  her  age  as  twenty-nine, 
to  Louie's  forty-seven.  She  has  always 
been  keenly  conscious  of  the  age  dif- 
ference and  innocently  pleased  by  at- 
tentions of  younger  men.  While  married 
to  Louie,  she  kept  occasional  company 
with  Frank  Sinatra  (not  one  of  the 
younger  men)  and  with  Bob  Fuller, 
Kathy  Nolan's  one-time  "steady." 

The  Prima-Smith  act  followed  a  for- 
mat which  cast  Louie  as  a  frantic  fellow 
gently  spoofed  by  a  teasing  but  ador- 
ing wife.  However,  when  the  duo  made 
their  final  appearance  at  the  Cocoanut 
Grove,  Los  Angeles  critics  noted  that 
Keely's  look  of  love  was  gone,  and  the 
gestures  of  derision,  once  made  in  fun, 
looked  for-real. 

"I  actually  never  thought  it  would 
happen,"  the  former  Mrs.  Prima  said, 
announcing  her  divorce.  "Everything 
was  friendly  and  fair."  In  her  divorce 
action,  she  charged  "cruelty" — but  de- 
scribed it  as  "entirely  mental." 

Peggy  Lee  has  had  just  the  very 
worst  luck  imaginable  with  husbands 
—all  three  of  them.  Peg's  first  mar- 
riage soured  in  1951,  when  she  divorced 
musician  Dave  Barbour.  She  charged 
mental  cruelty  and  confided  to  the 
judge:  "When  we  were  together  at  the 
Waldorf-Astoria  Hotel  in  New  York, 
he  told  me  he  wanted  his  freedom,  be- 
cause he  no  longer  loved  me." 

She  and  Barbour  had  literally  made 
beautiful   music   together,    turning   out 

such  tunes  as  "It's  a  Great  Day/'  a 
song  that  set  Peggy  on  the  path  to 
the  big-time. 

In  1953,  Peggy  married  actor  Brad 
Dexter  in  the  tent-covered  garden  of 
her  West  Los  Angeles  home.  Dr.  Ernest 
Holmes,  founder  of  the  Institute  of  Re- 
ligious  Science,  performed  the  cere- 
mony— but  it  didn't  take.  In  nine 
months,  Peggy  told  the  world  she'd  had 
enough  of  Brad,  because  he  was  rude 
to  her  friends,  interfered  with  her  ca- 
reer, and  objected  to  her  traveling. 

She  unburdened  herself  to  the  same 
Judge  Lynch  who  recently  heard  Rhon- 
da Fleming  say  some  hard  things  about 
Lang  Jeffries.  Both  ladies  told  the 
judge  that  their  husbands  wouldn't 
work,  Peggy  claiming  that  Brad  had 
been  employed  only  three  weeks  dur- 
ing their  marriage. 

He  hadn't  been  offered  roles  equal 
to  his  talents,  he  had  explained  to  the 
little  woman.  Or,  at  least,  that's  how 
she  explained  it  in  court. 

Peggy's  final  bid  for  marital  bliss 
collapsed  in  September,  1958,  when  she 
sued  actor  Dewey  Martin  for  divorce. 
Martin,  she  testified,  subjected  her  to 
vile  language  and  tirades. 

Apparently,  Miss  Lee's  husbands 
have  lacked  the  stamina  and  stability 
of  George  Montgomery.  Being  married 
to  a  brilliantly  successful  woman  brings 
out  the  worst  in  some  men. 

Two  men,  however,  may  have  found 
the  secret  for  staying  married  to  popu- 
lar vocalists — and  the  two  have  more 
in  common  than  singing  wives. 

One  is  Sid  Luft,  husband  of  Judy 
Garland.  The  other  is  Marty  Melcher, 
married  to  Doris  Day.  Each  is  his 
bride's  third  husband.  Each  is  also  her 
manager,  and  each  is  a  shrewd,  force- 
ful cookie  who  doesn't  take  back-talk. 

Neither  competes  for  the  show-busi- 
ness limelight,  and,  if  the  little  lady 
has  to  travel,  the  man  of  the  house  is 
apt  to  go  with  her.  Each  has  made 
his  wife  his  business. 

Sid  Luft  and  Judy  were  married  after 
she  had  divorced  Dave  Rose  and  Vin- 
cente  Minnelli.  In  some  circles,  Luft  has 
gotten  a  bad  name  because  of  his  heavy- 
handed  treatment  of  the  missus.  It  is 
reported  that  he  slapped  her  to  get 
her  on  stage  for  a  promised  appearance. 

On  the  other  hand,  Luft's  methods, 
though  rough,  have  done  a  lot  for  Judy 
professionally.  During  their  marriage, 
she's  battled  overweight  and  alcohol 
and  has  been,  by  turns,  sick,  hysterical 
and  intoxicated.  Her  husband  is  cred- 
ited with  slimming  her  down  for  the 
famous  comeback  at  the  Palace.  He 
steered  her  through  the  new  film  ver- 
sion of  "A  Star  Is  Born"  and — after 
repeated  set-backs — has  brought  her 
now  to  the  very  top  of  the  popularity 

Luft  may  not  be  easy  to  live  with 
sometimes,  but  neither  is  Judy.  If  he  has 
pushed  her  around,  he  has,  at  least, 
pushed  her  in  the  right  direction. 

Even  so,  their  next  breakup  could 
be  their  final  one. 

Marty  Melcher  married  Doris  Day 
on  her  birthday  in  1951,  when  both 
her  career  and  her  spirits  were  drag- 
ging. The  wedding  day  was  scarcely 
romantic.  En  route  to  their  nuptials, 
Doris    stopped    off   to    pick    up    fabric 

to  cover  a  chair  and  went  back  to  her 
house  for  a  sandwich,  according  to 
newspaper  accounts.  After  the  rites,  she 
and  Melcher  went  back  to  her  house, 
slipped  into  something  comfortable  and 
settled  down  to  read  the  paper  and 
watch  TV. 

They  left  for  a  honeymoon  only  after 
Doris's  mother  kept  nagging. 

Doris  had  been  married,  when  she 
was  quite  young,  to  Albert  Paul  Jordan. 
The  marriage  didn't  work.  In  1946, 
she  married  George  Weidler,  a  saxo- 
phonist, and  that  didn't  work,  either. 
Doris  tried  hard  to  make  the  match 
succeed.  She  filed  for  divorce  in  1948 
— but  didn't  pursue  the  matter,  she 
told  reporters,  because  she  wanted  to 
be  sure  divorce  was  inevitable. 

A  year  later,  she  was  sure.  In  her  own 
words,  she  and  Weidler  "had  spats." 
While  she  was  working  in  New  York, 
he  wrote  her  that  she'd  better  stay 
there  and  keep  her  tilted  nose  to  the 

Doris — who  told  the  press  that  Weid- 
ler was  "really  a  very  nice  man" — took 
ill  and  went  to  her  mother's  in  Cincin- 
nati. Later,  she  was  encouraged  to  be- 
lieve that  her  husband  missed  her,  so 
she  hurried  to  the  West  Coast.  But  the 
welcome  she  got  was  a  cool  one. 


(Continued  from  page  26) 

Mrs.  Zoino  is  a  pleasant,  gray-haired 
woman  in  her  sixties,  a  widow,  very 
alert  and,  above  all,  independent  and 

Proud,  most  of  all,  because  she  has 
a  son  like  Vince  Edwards  to  talk  about. 
"I  just  can't  tell  you  how  proud  I  am 
of  him  .  .  .  he's  a  son  that  any  mother 
would  love  to  have  .  .  .just  look  at 
him,  doesn't  he  look  like  a  real  doctor?" 

Mrs.  Zoino  spoke  in  a  voice  of  love, 
from  the  heart,  as  only  a  mother  can 
about  a  son  who  has  made  her  happy 
that  she  brought  him  into  this  world. 
She  was  talking  about  the  very  same 
Vincent  Edwards  whom  the  rumor 
mongers  would  have  you  believe  was 
at  odds  with  his  mother. 

"Ask  me  anything  about  Vincent," 
Mrs.  Zoino  said  to  me.  "I'll  tell  you 
anything  you  want  to  know — all  of  it 
is  good.  That's  the  kind  of  boy  he  was 
and  the  kind  of  man  he  is.  Good." 

Mrs.  Zoino  is  filled  with  pride  about 
her  son's  achievements  as  an  actor, 
and  especially  of  his  role  in  "Ben 
Casey,"  portraying  a  young,  idealistic 
neurosurgeon  in  a  big  city  hospital. 

I  took  her  up  on  her  offer  to  answer 
anything.  "Let's  go  back  to  the  be- 
ginning, Mrs.  Zoino,"  I  said.  "Did  Vince 
ever  show  tendencies  of  wanting  to 
be  a  doctor?" 

She  laughed.  "No.  Ever  since  he  was 
a  little  boy,  Vince  always  said  he  wanted 
show  business.  We  used  to  kid  him 
about  it.  Especially  his  father,  who 
would  say,  'How  do  you  think  you  will 
eat  if  you  go  into  that  business?' 

"The  others  would  chide  him  in  other 
ways,  when  he'd  rave  about  how  great 
he    thought    show    business   was.    'Oh, 

Weidler  met  her  at  the  station,  an- 
nounced, "It's  all  over,"  tucked  her  into 
a  taxi  and  told  her  to  go  see  her  man- 
ager. Finally  divorcing  the  saxophonist 
in  May,  1949,  Doris  sighed,  "Somehow 
we  couldn't  make  a  go  of  it." 

Doris's  marriage  to  Melcher  did  won- 
ders for  her.  She,  who  had  worried 
about  her  health  and  her  future, 
bloomed  into  a  positive-thinking,  happy 
woman.  Less  than  a  year  after  her  third 
marriage,  she  hit  the  list  of  Hollywood's 
top  money-makers. 

She  and  Melcher  have  more  than  a 
marriage  to  share.  They  are  a  pair  of 
smart  business  people  with  mutual  fi- 
nancial interests.  They  don't  compete. 
Melcher  doesn't  sing,  like  Louis  Prima, 
and  he  doesn't  act,  like  Jose  Ferrer. 
He's  a  canny  manager  and  producer. 
Melcher  isn't  handsome  like  George 
Montgomery,  but  he  has  a  forceful,  at- 
tractive personality. 

Nobody  thinks  of  Marty  Melcher  as 
"Mr.  Doris  Day." 

Why  can't  women  singers  stay  mar- 
ried? Because  it  takes  a  remarkable 
man  to  be  the  husband  of  a  successful 
songstress — to  be  a  successful  husband, 
that  is. 

There  just  aren't  enough  Marty  Mel- 
chers  to  go  around. — Nancy  Anderson 

boy,  what  an  actor!'  we'd  always  say. 
He  knew  we  were  kidding  him.  It  was 
just  kidding  in  a  nice  way — we  didn't 
do  it  to  discourage  him.  Actually,  he 
was  too  young  for  show  business  then. 
He  had  many  other  interests  to  keep 
him  occupied." 

"What  were  some  of  his  childhood 

"I  think  his  primary  interest  in  his 
youth  was  his  studies,"  she  answered. 
"Believe  it  or  not,  he  was  a  very  un- 
usual boy — always  with  a  book.  I  used 
to  wonder  why  the  other  twin  never 
studied  as  Vince  did  .  .  ." 

"The  other  twin?" 

"Yes,  Vince  has  a  twin  brother — his 
name  is  Anthony  Robert  Zoino.  He's 
a  bus  driver  with  the  New  York  City 
Transit  Authority.  Both  boys  are  the 
same  build — about  6-feet-3,  and  about 
200  pounds.  But  they  don't  look  alike. 
They're  completely  different  personali- 
ties. They've  been  different  in  that  re- 
spect ever  since  childhood.  Vince  was 
more  studious  and  had  a  more  serious 
nature.  He  never  smiled  much — and 
still  doesn't." 

"Why  was  he  so  serious?" 

"I'm  not  a  psychiatrist,  so  I  can't 
psychoanalyze  him  to  give  you  the 
'deep-rooted'  reasons,"  she  twinkled. 
"But,  as  his  mother,  I  just  found  him 
to  be  that  way  since  he  was  a  youngster. 
Everything  he  did  was  a  serious  under- 
taking. When  he  went  to  East  New  York 
Vocational  High  School,  he  came  home 
with  excellent  grades.  He  was  very 
interested  then  in  mechanical  and  aero- 
nautical subjects.  He  talked  about  driv- 
ing racing  cars  and  flying  planes. 

"For  a  while,  I  thought  he  might  be- 
come a  pilot.  He  started  model-airplane 
building  as  a  hobby,  and  the  house  was 
filled  with  bamboo  and  glue.  But  even- 
tually, when  he  grew  older,  he  became 
interested    in    sports.    There    was    one 



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sport  that  held  him  completely  in  its 
grip.  That  was  swimming.  Boy.  what 
a  swimmer  he  was!  A  champion!" 

Mrs.  Zoino  couldn't  recall  what 
championships  he'd  won.  but  she  knew 
he  had  a  lot  of  medals  to  show  for 
his  efforts.  Actually,  a  look  at  the  rec- 
ords shows  that  Vince  was  a  member 
of  the  1947-48  national  swimming  team 
in  the  backstroke  division,  and  also  a 
New  York  State  champ.  He  also  com- 
peted for  two  years  as  a  member  of 
Ohio  State  University's  swimming  team, 
and  for  another  year  with  the  Universi- 
ty of  Hawaii,  where  the  school's  world- 
famous  coach,  Soichi  Sakamoto,  took 
him  under  his  wing  and  trained  him. 

"When  did  you  realize  Vince  was  a 
good  swimmer?"  I  asked  Mrs.  Zoino. 

"When  he  saved  a  man's  life."  she 
said,  revealing  a  never-before-told  facet 
of  Vince  Edwards'  life.  "It  happened 
when  he  was  about  nineteen.  He  was 
working  as  a  lifeguard  at  the  Cypress 
Pool  in  Coney  Island.  A  small  plane 
fell  into  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  just  off 
the  shore.  Vince  swam  out,  pulled  the 
pilot  out  of  the  plane,  and  swam  back 
to  shore  with  him." 

"Vince  must  have  been  a  very  strong 
boy  then!" 

"Oh,  yes,"  she  beamed.  "He  has  a 
wonderful  physique,  which  he  devel- 
oped over  many  years.  He's  been  work- 
ing out  at  the  Y.M.C.A.  all  his  life. 
That's  why  he  has  so  many  muscles — 
from  weight-lifting.  He  would  go  to 
the  'Y,'  after  school  and  on  weekends, 
and  work,  work,  work.  Most  of  it  was 
with  the  barbells." 

Physical  education— and  how! 

I  told  Mrs.  Zoino  I  had  read  some- 
where that  Vince's  physique  helped  him 
win  his  first  major  role  in  movies,  back 
in  1951.  The  film  was  "Mr.  Universe." 
and  it  starred  such  names  as  Jack  Car- 
son, Janis  Paige,  Bert  Lahr,  Slapsie 
Maxie   Rosenbloom. 

"Yes,"  Mrs.  Zoino  recalled.  "They 
were  looking  for  the  man  to  be  'Mr. 
Universe'  himself,  and  the  studio  had 
conducted  a  dramatic  four-month 
search.  I  believe  they  tried  out  some- 
thing like  500  actors,  wrestlers,  ath- 
letes, and  professional  strongmen  for 
the  job!    Then  they  discovered  Vince. 

"He  was  working  on  a  road  gang  with 
the  Long  Island  Rail  Road  at  the  time 
— although  he  had  been  going  to  acting 
school,  too.  The  job  was  something  he 
took,  over  the  summer,  to  help  pay  for 
the  acting  lessons.  They  tried  him  out 
for  the  part,  and  that  was  it.  He  had  it." 

I  read  her  a  paragraph  from  a  news- 
paper story  published  when  the  picture 
opened,  describing  her  son :  "And  what 
a  man!  He  is  6  feet  3  inches  tall,  has 
a  chest  expansion  of  54  inches,  weight 
210,  he  can  hurl  a  man  15  feet  through 
the  air,  can  swim  100  yards  under- 
water, and  can  lift  the  front  end  of  a 

"Yes,  that  was  Vince,"  she  glowed 
with  satisfaction.  "And  so  far  as  I  know 
— I  haven't  seen  him  in  two  years,  be- 
cause he's  been  so  busy  in  Hollywood 
— that  is  still  how  Vince  is.  Very  big 
and  very  strong.  And  not  an  ounce  of 
excess  fat  on  him  anywhere." 

"What   about   his   eating  habits?"   I 

asked.  "Is  he  really  a  food  faddist,  as 
some  reports  indicate?" 

"Oh,  he  was  always  conscious  about 
his  diet,"  his  mother  recalled.  "He  was 
very  careful  about  what  he  would  eat. 
I  imagine  he  was  a  faddist.  He  be- 
lieved in  eating  organically  grown  foods 
and  I  couldn't  change  his  eating  habits, 
no  matter  how  hard  I  tried.  'Mom,'  he 
would  say,  'this  is  what  makes  me  big 
and  gives  me  strength.'  Then  he'd  dig 
into  a  plate  of  spinach  and  broccoli 
which  came  from  the  special  store 
where  that  kind  of  food  is  sold." 

Mrs.  Zoino  explained  that  organ- 
ically-grown foods  "come  right  from 
the  earth  without  the  help  of  chemicals 
in  their  growth.  Some  people  are  nuts 
on  that  kind  of  thing." 

I  told  Mrs.  Zoino  that  was  precisely 
what  Vince  had  called  himself  on  the 
subject.  "I  am,"  he  confessed,  in  his 
biographical  sketch  for  ABC,  "a  nut 
on  one  subject  .  .  .  the  benefits  of  or- 
ganically-grown  foods!" 

"Well,"  Mrs.  Zoino  laughed,  "if 
Vince  said  it,  I  guess  it's  all  right.  But 
I  don't  think  he's  a  nut  about  any- 
thing. I  just  believe  he  is  a  strong- 
willed,  determined  young  man  who  set 
a  goal  for  himself  and  worked  hard." 

"Let's  talk  about  the  girls  in  Vince's 
life,"  I  suggested.  "What  do  you  know 
about  them?" 

"Oh,  girls"  she  laughed  again.  "They 
were  always  chasing  Vince.  from  as 
far  back  as  I  can  remember.  He  had 
an  awful  time  trying  to  shake  them 
loose.  They  were  always  after  him,  call- 
ing him  up,  writing  letters  .  .  ." 

"You  mean,  even  before  he  became 
a  movie  and  television  star?" 

"Even  in  high  school.  But  more  so, 
after  he  went  to  college — and  still  more, 
after  he  began  dramatic  studies." 

"Did  he  ever  bring  girls  home?" 

"Yes,  he  brought  some  girls  home, 
but  he  wasn't  serious  about  any  of  them. 
They  were  just  dates."  After  Vince  was 
launched  in  his  film  and  TV  career,  she 
noted,  he  continued  to  bring  home  a 
date  occasionally.  But  none  of  the  girls 
he  introduced  to  his  mother  was  an 
actress.  "I  guess  maybe  he  didn't  take 
to  actresses,"  Mrs.  Zoino  chuckled. 

Then,  becoming  serious  for  a  mo- 
ment, she  offered  her  impression  of 
why  her  son  had  not  been  caught  up 
in  any  romantic  maelstrom.  "Vince 
never  got  serious  with  girls  and  never 
let  them  bother  him,  because  his  career 
came  first.  I  used  to  ask  him  sometimes, 
'Vince,  why  don't  you  get  married  to 
a  nice  girl?'  But  he'd  say  to  me,  'Sorry. 
Mom,  that  marriage  stuff  isn't  for  me. 
My  career  comes  first.  I've  got  to  make 
it  big  in  the  acting  world,  and  I  can't 
do  it  with  a  leash  around  my  neck.'  " 

Mrs.  Zoino  said  Vince  made  his  first 
move  toward  the  stage  and  acting,  when 
he  enrolled  with  a  private  tutor  for 
singing  lessons.  "He  came  home  one 
day,  after  he'd  been  taking  lessons  for 
a  few  months,  and  said  to  me,  'Mom, 
I've  decided — I'm  going  to  be  an  actor.' 
Up  until  then,  it  seemed  he  might  be 
satisfied  just  to  take  up  singing,  be- 
cause he  had  a  very  fine  voice. 

"After  that,  there  was  no  stopping 
him.  He  enrolled  in  the  American  Acad- 
emy of  Dramatic  Arts.  To  give  you 
an    idea    of   what    talent    he    was    sur- 

rounded  by  at  the  school,  I  can  re- 
member that  some  of  his  classmates 
were  Grace  Kelly,  Anne  Bancroft  and 
John  Cassavetes." 

The  big  thrill  in  her  life,  said  Mrs. 
Zoino,  came  when  Vince  returned  from 
class  one  evening  and  shouted,  'Mom, 
the  dean  of  the  Academy  says  I  have 
all  the  qualities  of  an  actor!'  It's  been 
a  life  of  excitement  ever  since,"  she 
mused.  "All  that  remained  then  was 
for  Vince  to  make  the  grade — and  he 
has.  It  makes  me  so  happy." 

There  were  times,  though,  when  Mrs. 
Zoino  wondered  out  loud  about  Vince's 
direction  in  films  after  he  went  to  Holly- 
wood. And  she  never  hesitated  to  coun- 
sel her  son.  "All  he  seemed  to  do  were 
crime  movies — gangster  stuff.  I  didn't 
like  that.  I  told  him  finally,  'Vince. 
television  is  a  big  thing.  Millions  of 
people  sit  home  and  watch  it.  That's 
where  you  should  be.'  But  Vince  didn't 
seem   so  sure  at  the  time." 

At  the  time,  Vince  Edwards  had  made 
reasonable  progress.  First,  he  had 
played  a  small  part  in  "High  Button 
Shoes"  on  Broadway  and  toured  with 
the  road  company  of  "Come  Back,  Little 
Sheba,"  then  moved  to  Hollywood  for 
the  crime  roles.  His  screen  credits  in- 
cluded "Three  Faces  of  Eve,"  "The 
Night  Holds  Terror,"  "City  of  Fear," 
"Murder  by  Contract,"  and  "The  Kill- 

He  even  tried  to  be  a  rock  'n'  roll 
singer  and  made  a  number  of  record- 
ings, none  very  successful — although 
Vince  has  a  good  baritone  voice.  TV 
fans  heard  it  for  themselves,  when  he 
guested  on  "The  Dinah  Shore  Show" 
this  season  and  also  demonstrated  his 
dancing  talents. 

Acting,  however,  has  always  been  his 
forte.  In  films,  on  stage,  in  TV — and, 
most  spectacularly,  in  "Ben  Casey." 

"It  was  the  greatest  thrill  in  my  life 
when  Vince  told  me  he  had  signed  to 
star  in  the  'Ben  Casey'  series,"  his 
mother  told  me.  "At  last,  he  had  a  show 
of  his  own — and  he  was  on  his  own. 
A  mother  couldn't  ask  for  anything 
more,  could  she?" 

The   question   made   me   wonder.   It 


(Continued  from  page  48) 
pouring  out.  I  was  telling  her  all  I'd 
been  trying  to  hide.  How  I  felt  about 
the  boy,  my  hurt,  my  loss  of  confidence. 
She  listened  quietly  to  it  all.  "I  know 
it  would  be  foolish  to  say.  'Put  him  out 
of  your  mind,  my  dear,' "  she  said. 
"Things  are  not  that  easy — especially 
for  intense  young  girls.  But  you  might 
consider  that  perhaps  it  just  wasn't 
meant  to  be.  Fate  probably  has  a  lovely 
surprise  in  store  for  you  ...  a  boy 
who's  even  nicer  than  this  one.  I  know, 
honey,  because  that's  how  it  was  with 
me.  I  had  a  few  smashups,  too,  at  your 

When  I  left  her,  I  felt  much  better. 
I  rushed  home  after  rehearsal  and  said 
to  my  mother  and  sister  "Smokey"  (so- 
called  because  of  the  color  of  her  eyes 
— her  real  name  is  Nanette,  after  our 

made  me  ask:  "Mrs.  Zoino,  how  long 
has  it  been  since  you've  seen  your 

She  didn't  need  time  to  think.  "It's 
been  three  years  since  he's  been  home," 
she  said,  as  if  she'd  kept  a  daily  log 
of  the  time  Vince  had  been  away.  Then, 
quickly,  she  pointed  out:  "Remember, 
he's  been  very  busy  with  his  career — 
but  he  has  never  once  forgotten  me. 
He  has  never  been  out  of  touch.  He 
calls  me  at  least  once  a  week,  and  he 
keeps  begging  me,  'Mom,  please  come 
out  to  California   and  see  me.' 

"One  of  these  days,  I'm  going  to  take 
him  up  and  go  out  there  for  a  visit. 
I've  never  been  in  Hollywood  and  this 
will  be  my  opportunity  both  to  see  the 
film  capital  of  the  world  and  my  won- 
derful son  .  .  ." 

I  warned  Mrs.  .Zoino  the  next  ques- 
tion would  be  very  personal  indeed: 
Does  Vince  send  money  to  his  mother? 

"Let  me  say  this,"  she  answered.  "I've 
got  four  living  children — there  were 
seven.  The  oldest  was  Carl  and  he  died 
of  illness  when  he  was  thirty-two.  The 
second  was  Mary,  and  she  died  when 
she  was  forty-two.  Mary  Helen  died 
when  only  two. 

"Now,  about  the  living  ones:  They 
are  Vince  and  his  twin,  whom  we  call 
Bobby;  my  daughter,  Mrs.  Nancy  Al- 
banese;  and  my  other  son,  Joseph. 
With  the  exception  of  Vince,  they  all 
live  near  me  and  we  see  each  other 
all  the  time.  I'm  a  grandmother,  too, 
and  I  am  thrilled  to  see  the  children. 
So  I'm  never  lonely. 

"But  that  doesn't  answer  your  ques- 
tion— does  Vince  send  me  money?  I'm 
going  to  answer  it  this  way:  Vince  is 
an  angel.  He's  a  son  who  would  make 
any  mother  proud  to  say  that  he's  her 
boy.  I  hope  that  is  a  satisfactory 
answer   .   .  ." 

Obviously,  the  rumors  which  have 
been  circulating  about  a  feud  between 
Mrs.  Zoino  and  Vince  are  exactly  that: 
Rumors.  No  mother  could  be  prouder 
of  her  son.  — George  Carpozi  Jr. 

Vince  Edwards  stars  in  "Ben  Casey," 
ABC-TV.   Mon.,   10  to   11  P.M.  EDT. 

aunt)  :  "I  kept  something  from  you." 
And  then  I  told  them  everything.  My 
mother  smiled  and  said,  "You're  very 
lucky  to  have  someone  like  Miss  Reed 
to  confide  in."  I  kissed  her  and  an- 
swered, "I'm  lucky  to  have  you." 

It  was  Miss  Reed  who  once  told  me, 
"Shelley  dear,  great  good  luck  is  noth- 
ing to  brag  about.  It's  something  you 
must  apologize  for  to  people  less  for- 
tunate than  you  ..."  I  know  she  means 
that.  It's  no  secret  how  happy  she  is  as 
Mrs.  Tony  Owen  and  that  she  considers 
herself  one  of  the  luckiest  women  in  the 
world.  And  I  do  feel  that  way  myself, 
in  my  heart.  I  know  of  so  many  talented 
young  people  in  the  arts  who  deserve 
the  breaks  but  have  not  yet  had  them. 
I  mightn't  be  quite  so  chipper  today  if 
Miss  Reed  and  Tony  Owen  hadn't 
picked  me  for  their  show.  But  it  isn't 
just  that,  I'm  so  grateful  for.  It's  her 
friendship,  interest  and  advice. 

Another  thing  I've  consulted  Miss 
Reed  about  is  the  matter  of  clothes.  Al- 
though my  own  mother  is  always  neatly 

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■    r\ansn«;   (  itw      (i    Mo 

dressed — it's  always  the  other  women's 
outfits  I  envy.  I  went  through  a  period 
of  wanting  to  be  more  sophisticated 
than  I  am,  and  I  wanted  to  dress  the 
part.  This  was  especially  true  after  I 
hit  sixteen. 

I  remember  when  I  was  picked  as  a 
"Deb  Star"  in  1960.  Mom  and  I  went 
looking  for  a  suitable  gown.  Miss  Reed 
was  going  to  approve  it,  because  I  was 
representing  Screen  Gems  at  the  ball. 
I  had  my  eye  on  one  number  that  was, 
as  I  look  back  on  it,  perfect  for  the  oc- 
casion— if  I  had  been  twenty-one.  Mom 
ruled  it  out  in  favor  of  another  which 
was  equally  gorgeous,  but  not  quite  so 
sleek.  It  was  white,  with  an  arc  neck- 
line and  full  skirt,  strapless,  with  an 
inset  of  sequins. 

We  sent  them  to  the  studio  and  I 
modeled  them.  Miss  Reed  picked  the 
one  with  the  full  skirt.  I  admitted  to 
her  later  that  I  really  preferred  it,  too, 
but  that  I'd  picked  the  other  one  be- 
cause I  felt  it  was  sort  of  a  "coming- 
out"  gown — a  declaration  of  independ- 
ence for  my  sixteenth  birthday.  She  just 
smiled  and  said,  "I  know.  I  did  the 
same  thing  once.  But,  in  this  case,  that 
dress  had  you  coming  out  too  much  too 

Well,  the  gown  we  selected  was  a 
real  hit,  I'll  tell  you!  But,  to  get  back 
to  the  point:  I  think  many  teenagers 
are  inclined  to  consult  other  women  in 
the  matter  of  clothes,  simply  because 
they  have  the  feeling  their  mother  would 
rather  keep  them  in  kid  styles  as  long 
as  possible — though  this  isn't  true,  in 
my  case.  My  mother  has  always  en- 
couraged me  to  select  my  own  wardrobe 
and  since  that  one  incident  I've  tried  to 
stick  to  clothes  suitable  for  my  age. 

From  Miss  Reed  I  learned  something 
else  about  clothes:  Wear  those  you  are 
comfortable  in!  I  recall  having  on  a 
dress  once  that  just  wasn't  "me."  I'm 
afraid  I  actually  squirmed  in  it.  Miss 
Reed  noticed  it  in  rehearsals  and  said, 
"I  don't  think  you  feel  comfortable  in 
that  dress  do  you,  Shelley?"  I  admitted 
I  didn't,  so — instead  of  shooting  the 
scene  right  away — she  went  with  me  to 
the  wardrobe  department  and  we  spent 
an  hour  looking  for  a  skirt  and  sweater 
outfit  that  felt  just  right!  Believe  me, 
there  aren't  very  many  stars  of  a  show 
who  would  take  time  out  like  that.  But 
then,  the  thing  that's  always  impressed 
me  most  about  Miss  Reed  is  her  thought- 
fulness  of  others. 

For  my  fifteenth  birthday,  the  whole 
troupe  chipped  in  and  gave  me  "Coco," 
a  toy  French  poodle.  It's  true  that  Coco 
was  a  gift  from  the  entire  cast  and 
crew — but  if  Miss  Reed  hadn't  been  en- 
thusiastic about  the  idea,  then  time  just 
wouldn't  have  been  taken  out  for  the 
presentation.  But  she's  that  way.  She 
is  the  star  of  the  show  but  she  never 
"reminds"  us  of  it.  She  makes  everyone 
else  feel  important. 

And  that's  something  else  I've 
learned  from  her:  That  being  a  star 
isn't  as  vital  as  being  a  woman.  She 
once  explained  it  to  me  by  saying,  "You 
know,  Shelley,  stardom  can  be  a  fleet- 
ing thing.  But  you  are  a  woman  or  a 
man  all  your  life  because,  even  as  a 
child,  you  are  preparing  for  it." 

Miss  Reed  also  feels  the  way  my  own 
mother  does  toward  marriage :  The  man 

must  be  boss.  Of  course,  when  you  have 
wonderful  men  like  my  father  and  Tony 
Owen  as  husbands,  such  a  statement  is 
easy  to  make.  But  she  made  me  actually 
understand  the  importance  of  it  one  day 
when  we  saw  a  headline  about  a  Holly- 
wood divorce. 

The  woman,  who  is  a  star,  said  some 
terrible  things  about  her  about-to-be 
"ex"-husband,  who  was  also  the  father 
of  her  children.  Miss  Reed  remarked, 
"She  obviously  never  had  any  respect 
for  him.  And  without  respect,  there 
can't  be  real  love.  A  man  must  always 
be  head  of  the  household — and  his  wife 
must  make  him  feel  he  is.  The  most 
important  thing  in  life,  to  a  woman, 
should  always  be  her  marriage." 

That  kind  of  made  me  take  notice, 
because  I  guess  I'd  always  just  sort  of 
taken  my  parents'  happy  marriage  for 
granted.  Then  I  began  thinking  and 
realized  they  are  happy — not  just  be- 
cause they're  wonderful  people — but  be- 
cause they  work  at  making  each  other 
happy.  That  day,  I  realized  just  how 
great  my  parents  are — and  also  that, 
while  getting  married  is  easy,  staying 
that  way  isn't. 

Divorce  is  against  my  religion.  I  want 
to  marry  only  when  I'm  absolutely  sure 
I've  found  the  right  man.  And  I've  al- 
ways felt  that  marriage  will  be  the  most 
important  thing  in  my  life.  But  some- 
times I  guess  you  have  to  get  a  jolt,  by 
reading  about  the  unhappiness  of 
others,  before  you  really  understand 
that  a  marriage  isn't  as  easy  to  keep 
happy  as  it  looks  from  the  outside. 

There  are  a  lot  of  other  things  in 
which  Miss  Reed  has  been  an  example 
for  me,  but  I  think  the  most  significant 
is  her  ability  to  be  a  good  mother  and  a 
good  actress  at  the  same  time.  She's 
been  able  to  give  her  children  a  won- 
derful sense  of  security.  Yet,  at  the 
same  time,  they  are  completely  unim- 
pressed by  the  fact  that  their  mother  is 
a  star. 

For  instance,  Miss  Reed  recently  got 
a  Rolls-Royce  as  a  gift  from  her  hus- 
band. The  first  time  her  twelve-year-old 
son  Timothy  was  riding  in  it,  he  ducked 
down  when  they  were  approaching  his 
school.  He  was  afraid  a  classmate  might 
see  him  and  kid  him  about  his  "airs." 
You  see,  money,  fame  and  "status"  just 
don't  mean  that  much  to  the  Owenses, 
and  that's  a  pretty  healthy  sign.  It's 
also  a  good  point  for  others  to  take 
note  of.  I  know  I  have. 

As  I  said,  up  till  now,  my  life  has 
been  a  very  happy  sequence  of  events. 
I'm  deeply  appreciative  of  my  good 
luck.  When  I  try  to  look  into  the  future, 
to  see  what  the  coming  years  may  bring, 
naturally  I  hope  that  my  good  luck  will 
go  on.  I  imagine  there  will  be  bad 
times,  as  well  as  good  ones — because, 
as  Miss  Reed  says,  "Nature  often  strikes 
a  balance." 

All  I  can  say  is,  if  I  turn  out  as  good 
a  person  as  my  mother,  as  talented  a 
performer  as  my  aunt,  and  as  happy  a 
woman  as  Miss  Reed  is — in  both  her 
family  life  and  her  career — then,  with 
all  the  sincerity  that's  in  me,  I  will  feel 
as  I  do  today:  Lucky  beyond  any  girl's 
wildest  dream!  — The  End 

"The  Donna  Reed  Show"  is  seen  over 
ABC-TV,  Thursdays,  at  8  P.M..  EDT. 


(Continued  from  page  8) 
for  a  marriage  license  in  Santa  Monica. 
What  transpired  didn't  win  him  any 
friends.  Someone  tipped  off  the  photog- 
raphers (probably  the  studio)  about 
the  time  Edd  and  Asa  would  be  at  the 
marriage  license  bureau.  Naturally,  the 
photogs  were  waiting  when  Edd  and 
Asa  stepped  out  of  the  car.  This  an- 
gered Edd  to  such  an  extent  that  he 
shouted  at  the  journalists  to  stay  away. 
One  brave  photog  stepped  up  with 
camera  posed.  Edd  cursed  him,  shaking 
his  fist  a  la  Frank  Sinatra. 

Then,  belligerently,  Edd  grabbed 
Asa's  hand  and  they  ran  out  of  the 
license  bureau.  Two  marshals  finally 
maintained  order,  and  the  pair  re- 
turned five  minutes  later  to  obtain  the 
license.  The  28-year-old  actor  certainly 
didn't  win  any  friends  that  day.  Perhaps 
it  was  revenge  that  led  one  newspaper 
to  publish  a  photograph  taken  after 
the  church  service  of  the  newlyweds 
showing  Edd  with  his  eyes  half  closed. 

Following  the  services,  the  eighteen 
guests  adjourned  to  La  Scala,  a  popu- 
lar celebrity  hangout  in  Beverly  Hills. 

There  the  newlyweds  were  toasted  with 
champagne  and  pizza.  Edd  appeared 
more  relaxed  at  the  small  reception. 
The  pressure  was  off.  Asa  had  accom- 
plished what  she  felt  was  proper,  a 
church  wedding.  Edd  had  acquired  what 
he  had  sought  for  many  a  month,  Asa 
Maynor  as  his  first  and  only  bride. 

Since  Edd  had  to  report  back  to 
work  the  next  day,  the  two  had  to 
postpone  an  "official"  honeymoon.  They 
drove  to  Edd's  home  following  the  re- 
ception. It  is  the  same  place  Edd  bought 
more  than  a  year  ago  in  the  hills.  It's 
big  enough  for  two,  but  if  any  little 
Byrneses  come  along,  they'll  have  to 
find  a  place  with  a  nursery. 

Both  want  children,  but  not  right 
away.  As  far  as  Asa's  dreams  of  be- 
coming a  star,  they  have  been  replaced 
with  reality.  Although  she  will  continue 
to  be  an  actress,  being  Mrs.  Edward 
Byrnes  now  comes  first.  Whether  this 
will  work  out,  only  the  two  can  deter- 
mine. They  fully  know  the  odds  against 
an  actress  and  actor  marrying  in  real 
life.  Yet,  if  Edd  were  a  betting  man, 
he  would  have  long  ago  given  up  the 
idea  of  marrying  Asa  when  she  rejected 
all  of  his  proposals! — Dean  Gautschy 

Edd  is  Kookie  in  "77  Sunset  Strip," 
on  ABC-TV,  Fri.,  9  to  10  P.M.  EDT. 


(Continued  from  page  41) 
go  skiing — you  bellyflopped,  and  it  was 
just  as  good.  When  it  got  hot,  who 
needed  beach  clubs?  You  turned  on 
the  fire  hydrants.  It  was  a  real  resort, 
South  Philly.  .  .  . 

"We  lived  basically  on  Snyder  Ave- 
nue, my  family  and  me.  The  family, 
by  the  way,  consists  of  me — once 
Josele,  now  Joey — the  youngest;  my 
mother  Annie,  now  Hannah;  my  father 
Jacob,  now  Jack;  my  brother  Moishe, 
now  Morris;  my  sister  Clara,  now 
Claire;  my  brother  Howard — now  Fred- 
die— also  known  as  Pat  from  the  days 
when  he  was  the  only  Jew  in  the  neigh- 
borhood who  used  to  play  with  the 
Irish  kids  from  Mt.   Carmel. 

"Anyway — about  Snyder  Avenue.  It 
seems  that,  in  those  days,  every  time 
you  moved  you  got  the  first  month's 
rent  free.  So  we  moved  quite  a  bit. 
In  1940,  we  moved  to  Moyamensing 
and  Mercy  Avenues.  That's  where  my 
pop  has  had  his  bicycle  repair  store 
all  these  years.  That's  where  my  folks 
still  live.  My  mom's  always  home.  You 
should  drop  by,  some  day  when  you're 
in  the  East.  She's  the  real  talker  of 
the  family.  .  .  ." 

She  sits  under  a  plaque  that  reads: 
"To  Joey  Bishop's  mother — from  The 
Philadelphia  Jewish  Times."  Mrs.  Annie 
"Hannah"  Gottlieb.  In  her  early  seven- 
ties. But  spry.  Spry,  despite  the  fact 
that  her  left  leg  was  amputated  re- 
cently, because  of  a  bad  diabetic  con- 
dition. She  smiles  constantly,  laughs 
a  lot,  admits  she  forgets  names  easily, 
so  she   calls   everyone   "darling"   .   .   . 

"My  Joey,  darling?  He's  always  tell- 

ing people  he  gets  his  sense  of  humor 
most  from  me.  He  thinks  I'm  always 
saying  funny  things.  Like  one  time  it 
was  a  hurricane  here  in  Philadelphia 
and  he  telephoned  me  from  California 
and  I  said  to  him,  'I'm  sorry,  Joey.  I 
can't  talk  to  you  now.  It's  storming 
outside  and  the  phones  aren't  work- 
ing!" He  thought  that  was  a  very  funny 

"He  doesn't  know  how  much  he 
makes  me  laugh,  too.  He's  on  television 
and  I  watch.  It's  like  having  him  back 
home  again  when  he  was  a  boy,  when 
he  was  always  saying  those  funny 
things  .  .  . 

"When  he  comes  home  to  Philadel- 
phia, he  always  stays  here.  See  down 
the  hall — that  door?  That's  his  old 
room.  The  same  room  where  he  stays 
now.  When  he  was  small,  Joey  and 
his  brothers  used  to  share  the  room. 
There  were  two  beds  and  three  broth- 
ers. I  used  to  feel  bad  sometimes  that 
there  weren't  three  beds — especially 
one  for  Joey,  who  was  the  youngest.  But 
he  used  to  say  it  was  fun,  that  one 
night  he  could  sleep  with  one  brother 
and  one  night  with  another  brother 
and  that  he  liked  this — it  didn't  get  him 
stagnated  from  sleeping  in  one  bed 
only,  and  with  only  one  brother  .  .  . 

"We  weren't  wealthy  people,  as  you 
can  see,  darling.  Back  in  those  days, 
our  only  hope  was  to  have  enough 
money  for  the  table.  Fortunately,  we 
always  just  about  did.  Not  that  Joey 
was  a  big  eater.  He  doesn't  eat  soups 
and  those  good  Jewish  meals.  He  eats 
milk  and  cupcakes,  mostly.  Still.  No 
wonder  he's  so  thin  as  a  rail  .  .  .  but 
who  cares  if  he's  thin — except  a  moth- 
er? I  mean,  I'm  proud  of  him,  thin 
or  no  thin.  And  that's  all  that's  im- 
portant .  .  . 

"My    proudest    moments    of    Joey? 


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One  was  his  bar-mitzvah,  of  course.  At 
the  synagogue  over  on  Fourth  Street. 
It  wasn't  a  fancy  event.  Nothing  like 
what  we  had  for  Joey's  son  last  year. 
Oy,  you  should  have  seen  that  for  an 
affair!  Such  important  people.  Such  a 
spread  of  delicacies.  But  Joey's  bar- 
mitzvah— that  was  beautiful,  too.  We 
only  had  some  schnapps  and  some 
cakes  at  the  event.  But  Joey  looked 
so  handsome.  And  he  still  wears  his 
bar-mitzvah  ring  all  the  time,  did  you 
know  that?  Even  when  he's  on  TV,  you 
can  see  the  ring  .  .  . 

"The  other  proudest  moment?  When 
I  saw  a  picture  of  him  in  the  news- 
papers, shaking  President  Kennedy's 
hand  last  year  at  the  Inauguration.  Aft- 
er all,  what  an  event  this  was!  .  .  . 
Historical.  And  you  could  see  the  ex- 
pression of  the  event  on  Joey's  face. 

"Third?  Every  time  I  see  him  on  TV, 
I'm  proud!  Every  time  I  think  of  him, 
I'm  proud.  He's  a  good  son,  a  very 
good  son.  They  are  all  good,  my  chil- 
dren. They  should  only  have  for  what 
to  live  all  their  lives.  .  .  ." 

"South  Philly,"  Joey  went  on,  "It  was 
— and  I  guess  it  still  is — a  melting  pot. 
It  had  Italians  and  Negroes  and  Polish 
and  Irish  and  German  and  Jews.  Most 
people  there  were  poor.  But  one  distinc- 
tion about  the  neighborhood — and  this 
is  where  I  think  it  was  different  from 
New  York's  lower  East  Side,  say — was 
that  everybody  lived  in  small  houses 
and  took  pride  in  those  houses. 

"They  were  two-story  houses,  mostly. 
An  indication  of  wealth  was,  after  a 
while,  building  your  own  porch  on  the 
front  of  the  house.  Then  came  an  awn- 
ing. Boy,  that  was  getting  somewhere. 
Then  came  a  monogram  on  your  awn- 
ing. You  had  it  made  then! 

"Jokes  aside,  it's  the  people  that 
make  a  neighborhood.  And  South  Philly 
had  people  in  it  who  went  on  to  make 
names  for  themselves.  There  was  this 
Italian  kid  with  the  great  big  voice; 
he  lived  on  Eighth  and  Christian.  His 
name  was  Mario  Cocozza  then,  but  he 
became  Mario  Lanza.  And  then  there 
was  the  kid,  Edwin  Fisher.  He's  young- 
er than  I  am,  but  I  remember  him.  His 
folks  owned  a  candy  store  on  Fourth 
and  Whitman — I'd  peddle  papers  out- 
side the  store  in  the  summertime.  And 
I  remember  Eddie  ...  a  skinny  kid, 
curly  hair,  nice  smile.  Always  singing 
for  everybody. 

"There  were  other  kids  from  the 
neighborhood  who  became  newspaper- 
men, lawyers,  accountants.  There  were 
a  few  who,  I  understand,  turned  out 
not  so  good.  There  were  all  kinds  of 
people.  Tall,  short,  dumb,  smart.  As  I 
think  back,  I  think  that  the  smartest 
of  them  all  was  Dr.  Muldawer.  A  real 
philosopher.  A  brilliant  man.  .  .  ." 

Dr.  Isaac  Muldawer.  Seventy-eight 
years  old.  A  small  and  distinguished 
looking  man  who  still  maintains  his  of- 
fice in  a  small  red-brick  house  on  Fourth 
Street,  in  the  heart  of  the  old  neighbor- 
hood.   Soft-spoken.    Thoughtful.    .    .    . 

"Joey  Gottlieb — or  Bishop,  as  he  now 
calls  himself — was  an  ordinary  child 
in  the  beginning.  Rather  small.  Rather 
active.  And  of  very  poor  people.  Later, 
as  he  grew  up,  he  was  a  mixer  of  the 
first  order.  He  was  ahvays  ivith  groups, 
playing    baseball,    boxing,    all    manner 

of  games  and  sports,  even  in  this  neigh- 
borhood where  there  were  very  few 
recreating  places  at  the  time.  He  was 
very  respectful  to  me. 

"I  used  to  take  care  of  all  the  family 
back  then.  I  even  took  care  of  Joey's 
son,  Larry,  after  he  was  born.  Recently, 
my  wife  and  I  were  invited  to  attend 
Larry's  bar-mitzvah.  In  New  Jersey. 
There,  Joey  and  his  brothers  reminisced 
with  me  about  the  old  days.  They  all 
talked  about  how  old  Dr.  Muldawer  oft- 
en never  took  money  for  visits,  because 
money  was  so  scarce.  It  was  kind  of 
them  to  remember.  But  what  else  was 
to  be  done?  People  were  sick  back 
then,  just  as  now — and  they  had  to  be 

"No,  I  never  remember  Joey  as  be- 
ing particularly  humorous.  With  me,  as 
I  say,  he  was  always  just  respectful 
and  didn't  tell  many  jokes.  But  I  do 
remember  that,  during  the  war,  I 
walked  into  a  neighborhood  candy  store 
and  one  of  Joey's  friends  was  reading 
a  letter  from  him  aloud  and  everyone 
was  laughing.  Of  course,  it  was  not 
written  in  the  classical  tradition  of  Eng- 
lish because  Joey  was  not  brought  up 
in  that  way.  But  it  had  a  great  deal 
of  common  sense.  And  humor. 

"When  he  re-appeared  from  the 
Army,  I  remember,  he  re-appeared  with 
a  wife.  And  Joey,  I  will  tell  you,  is 
married  to  a  girl  who  is  out  of  this 
world.  Her  name  is  Sylvia.  I  believe 
she  is  fr&m  Chicago.  The  reason  I 
call  her  out-of-this-world  is  that  she 
put  up  with  a  young  man  who  was 
starting  out  as  an  entertainer  at  a  time 
when  things  were  very  bad  for  them 
financially.  He  and  Sylvia  lived  in  a 
third-floor  apartment.  They  had  their 
baby  about  a  year  after  their  marriage. 

"What  I  observed  about  Sylvia,  at 
this  time,  was  that  she  never  seemed 
to  mind  that  her  husband  had  to  work 
such  odd  hours  at  his  night-club  jobs 
.  .  .  that,  in  spite  of  the  limited  income, 
she  showed  a  gread  deal  of  decorative 
ability  with  their  little  apartment.  She 
made  those  rooms  really  sparkle — nice 
lamps,  lovely  curtains,  everything  clean. 
And  she  was  immensely  devoted  to 
Joey's  family  and  was  always  what  you 
would  call  a  sincerely  wonderful 

"What  do  I  like  best  about  Joey? 
The  fact  that  he  is  a  boy  who  remem- 
bers his  boyhood.  Not  everyone,  espe- 
cially  one   who   has   learned   'how   to 


behave'  from  the  world,  so  to  speak 
.  .  .  and  the  world,  it  teaches  such 
bad  things  to  people,  especially  to  ac- 
tors— who  are  like  gypsies,  basically — 
they  constantly  move,  oftentimes  not 
in  particularly  decent  circles  .  .  .  but 
the  thing  about  Joey  is  that  he  put  his 
foot  down  at  the  beginning  and  he 
seems  to  have  learned  only  the  good 
things  from   the  world. 

"He  does  not  forget.  He  comes  home 
from  time  to  time.  He  visits  his  old 
friends.  His  immediate  family  relation- 
ships mean  everything  to  him.  He  is  a 
particularly  good  son.  He  is  a  splendid 
husband.  You  hear  many  things,  in  my 
profession,  about  many  married  cou- 
ples. But  I  have  never  heard  anything 
the  least  bit  derogatory  about  the  re- 
lationship between  Joey  and  his  Sylvia. 
They  are  lucky  people.  They  are  nice 
people.  .  .  ." 

The  first  one  who  understood 

"I  was  educated  in  South  Philly," 
Joey  recalled.  "By  education,  I  don't 
mean  spelling  and  arithmetic.  But  I  do 
mean  understanding,  from  teachers  who 
cared.  One  teacher  I  remember  was  a 
Miss  Sterling.  Over  at  the  Benjamin 
Rush  School — Fifth  and  Snyder.  I  was 
in  the  fourth  grade,  at  the  time.  One 
day,  she  said  to  me  that  I  was  her 
star  pupil  and,  for  that,  she  gave  me 
a  'school  companion' — what,  I  guess, 
most  kids  call  a  pencil  box — and  a  pass 
to  the  Stanley  Theater  to  see  Bebe 
Daniels  in  a  movie.  Miss  Sterling,  bless 
her,  was  the  first  one  who  understood, 
cared.  There  were  a  few  others.  .  .  ." 

Johnnie  "Sailor"  Barron.  In  his  late 
thirties.  Johnny,  his  wife  and  five  young 
children  live  directly  across  from  Joey's 
parents.  They  are  good  friends  of  Mom 
and  Pop  Gottlieb.  Johnny — a  shipper 
for  an  industrial  alcohol  firm — is  also 
president  of  the  First  Joey  Bishop  Fan 
Club  of  Philadelphia.  Also,  "a  self- 
taught  reader  of  the  works  of  Plato 
and  Aristotle."  While  oldest  son  Ed- 
ivard  runs  upstairs  to  fetch  the  scrap- 
books  his  da<l  has  kept  on  Joey,  Johnny 
Barron  talks  about  the  comedian. 
Proudly.  Very  proudly.  As  one  might 
talk  about  a  brother  who  had  gone 
away  years  ago,  and  made  good — 

"/  can  testify,  having  once  seen  Joey's 
school  records,  and  having  talked  at 
length  with  his  parents,  that  his  grades 
were  of  the  utmost.  He  was,  in  other 
words,  a  very  smart  youth.  But  the 
main  education  he  obtained,  I  believe, 
came  from  his  mother  and  his  father. 
Mom,  Pop  and  I  have  had  many  talks 
about  Joey  and  his  background,  and 
I  can  tell  you  that  they  must  have  added 
a  great  deal  of  humor  to  the  poverty 
they  underwent.  Also  a  great  deal  of 

"Take  Pop  Gottlieb — who  is  eighty- 
one  now,  but  still  a  fine  and  active 
gentleman.  I  remember  him  telling  me, 
not  long  ago,  the  story  of  a  Christmas 
when  he  was  working  for  the  Budd 
Manufacturing  Company.  It  seems  that 
for  Christmas  that  year,  the  boss  of 
Budd  offered  his  employees  either  a 
twenty-pound  turkey  or  a  set  of  tickets 
to  a  show.  Of  course,  all  families  could 
use  a  free  turkey  .  .  .  but,  a  few  days 
before,    Pop    had    heard   Joey — just   a 

boy  then — say  how  he  wished  some- 
day he  could  see  a  real  live  stage  show. 

"Pop  decided  to  heck  with  the  turkey, 
that  he  would  take  Joey  to  the  show 
instead.  As  Pop  related  to  me,  'My  Joey 
was  so  excited  that  I  thought  he  was 
going  to  fall  out  of  the  balcony.  I  actu- 
ally had  to  hold  him  by  the  pants.  But 
it  was  an  exciting  evening.  Because  I 
have  the  feeling  that  was  the  evening 
Joey  really  decided  he  wanted  to  get 
into  show  business.  And  what  was  more 
important?  His  future?  Or  that  turkey 
we  might  have  had  for  one  day  of  our 
lives?' "... 

"When  I  started  in  show  business," 
Joey  said,  "it  was  in  the  general  Phila- 
delphia— Pennsylvania  mountains  area. 
What  jobs  back  then!  One  of  the  first 
was  in  the  mountains  with  a  comedy 
trio.  We  got — for  the  whole  season,  from 
Memorial  Day  to  Labor  Day — exactly 
$25  a  week.  For  the  whole  three  of  us. 
And  for  that,  we  had  to  entertain  every 
night — and,  by  day,  go  mountain  climb- 
ing with  all  the  fat  broads  who  decided 
they  wanted  to  hike  with  male  com- 
pany. .  .  ." 

Leo  Schwartz.  Forty-two — Joey's  age. 
A  former  prizefighter,  now  foreman  of 
a  South  Philadelphia  chair  renting  com- 
pany, was  in  Joey's  class  in  junior 
high  school.  Remembers  Joey's  earliest 
years  in  show  business — 

"He  was  with  a  group  that  called 
themselves  The  Bishops  back  then.  The 
Bishops  wasn't  well  known,  but  it  was 
one  of  the  greatest  acts  you  ever  want 
to  see.  Joey  was  the  lead  comic.  Dry 
humor.  And  with  heart.  Same  as  now. 
Very  dry.  But  he  could  bust  you  up 
ten  times  more  than  all  the  other  comics 
who  were  knocking  themselves  out  do- 
ing falls  and  practically  killing  them- 
selves to  get  a  laugh. 

"We  all  thought  The  Bishops  were 
really  going  to  go  places  as  an  act. 
But  the  whole  thing  busted  up  when 
one  of  the  fellows  got  sick.  I  forget 
his  name,  but  he  was  a  kid — only  in  his 
early  twenties.  And  he  came  down  with 
the  multiple  sclerosis.  It  was  a  shame, 
the  way  it  happened  to  him.  He  just 
couldn't  move  anymore.  He  laid  in  bed 
for  a  couple  of  years.  Joey  would  al- 
ways go  by  to  see  him,  to  visit  him. 
And  then  one  day  this  fellow  died. 
And  the  act  just  seemed  to  break  up, 
everybody  going  his  own  way. 

"Joey  felt  terrible  when  the  act  broke 
up  and  he  had  to  go  his  own  way.  He 
took  the  name  Bishop  out  of  respect 
and  memory  to  the  act.  'If  I  ever  get 
anyplace,'  he  once  said,  'The  Bishops 
will  somehow  be  with  me.'  See  the  kind 
of  guy  he  is?  I  mean,  I  think  that's 
a  good  example  of  his  heart.  .  .  ." 

"I  really  started  in  show  business," 
Joey  said,  "after  I  got  out  of  the  Serv- 
ice. Before  that,  I  was  never  really  sure 
that  the  business  was  really  for  me. 
Before  that,  I  thought  one  minute,  I'll 
do  it — and  the  next  minute,  I  won't. 
I  guess  it  was  a  confusing  period  for 
most  young  fellows — 1939,  '40,  '41. 

"The  only  thing  I  wasn't  confused 
about  was  that  I  used  to  like  to  have 
a  good  time.  Like  going  out  with  girls. 
And  that  cost  money — even  if  you  spent 
a  whole  buck  on  a  Saturday  night,  still 
a  buck  was  money  and  I  had  to  work 
for  it.  After  high  school.  I  worked  in 


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Send  orders  fin  coin)  to:  TV  Radio  Mirror. 
Needlecraft  Service.  P.O.  Box  137,  Old  Chel- 
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Pop's  bicycle  store  for  a  while.  I  was 
a  salesman  for  a  while.  I  did  quite  a 
few  things.  But  I  guess  the  longest  job 
I  held — about  a  year — was  as  sandwich 
man  at  Allen's  Luncheonette,  over  near 
the   Einstein   Hospital.   .   .   ." 

Abie  Allen.  His  luncheonette  is  big- 
ger now  than  back  in  Joey's  time,  and 
busy.  It's  nearly  noon  when  we  talk 
to  him.  He's  got  a  lot  of  work  to  do 
before  the  people  start  pouring  in.  But 
you  say,  "Joey  Bishop,"  and  Abie  shrugs 
like  to-hell-with-work.  He  sits  down  at 
a  table  in  the  back,  sips  from  a  cup 
of  coffee — 

"The  first  thing  I  remember  about 
Joey?  I  knew  his  mother  and  she  came 
in  here  one  day  and  she  said,  'Will 
you  please  give  my  son  a  job?  He's 
nineteen.  He  wants  to  be  an  actor.  He 
doesn't  want  to  work.'  .  .  .  Did  I  think 
he'd  be  an  actor  eventually?  Not  only 
did  I  think  that,  but  I  was  present  at 
his  first  what-I-call  dramatic  rehearsal! 

"My  brother  Iz  came  into  the  lunch- 
eonette one  day.  He  looks  at  the  counter 
and  he  sees  no  Joey.  'Where's  Joey?' 
he  asks.  The  other  people  who  were 
working  said  they'd  seen  him  a  little 
while  earlier  but  that  he  just  disap- 
peared. So,  on  a  hunch,  Iz  went  and 
banged  on  the  bathroom  door.  Then 
he  heard  a  moan  from  inside  the  bath- 
room. He  got  frightened  and  he  broke 
the  door  in.  And  what  does  he  see? 
There's  Joey  stretched  out  on  the  floor, 
seemingly  unconscious.  Iz  started  to 
slap  him.  Joey  sort  of  awakened. 
'What's  wrong?'  Iz  asked.  Joey  said,  7 
don't  know.  I  don't  feel  so  good.  I 
guess  I  sort  of  fainted.' 

"So  Iz  drives  him  right  over  to  the 
doctor's — Muldawer.  The  doctor  ex- 
amines him.  He  says,  7  can  find  noth- 
ing wrong  with  the  boy  except  that  he 
may  be  exhausted.'  So  my  brother  takes 
Joey  home.  I'm  with  them  by  this  time 
— having  heard  about  what's  going  on 
— and  I  help  take  Joey  home,  too.  At 
the  house,  Iz  and  I  apologize  to  Mrs. 
Gottlieb.  We  say,  'We  didn't  realize  we 
were  working  Joey  so  hard.' 

"So  what  happens  the  next  day? 
Joey,  he's  basically  a  very  honest  fel- 
low. The  next  day,  he  comes  back  to 
work  and  he  calls  me  and  my  brother 
over  and  he  says,  'Abie  .  .  .  Iz  .  .  . 
I  gotta  tell  you  something.  The  night 
before  last,  I  was  out  on  a  date.  I  got 
home  about  four  in  the  morning.  When 
I  got  to  work,  I  couldn't  keep  my  eyes 
open.  So  I  went  into  the  bathroom, 
I  lay  on  the  floor  and  I  went  to  sleep. 
That's  what  I  was  doing  when  you 
found  me — sleeping.  The  only  reason 
I  put  on  the  act  was  because  I  was 
scared  you'd  fire  me' 

"That  Joey!  You  know  one  thing 
about  him?  He's  just  the  same  today 
as  he  always  was.  There  is  today  ab- 
solutely no  difference  in  his  character, 
his  habits,  his  personality,  than  there 
was  back  twenty  years  ago.  Just  last 
year,  he  was  here  in  Philly.  He  came 
by  the  luncheonette.  I  was  upstairs  tak- 
ing a  nap.  But  that  didn't  stop  Joey. 

"He  came  into  my  room.  He  grabbed 
hold  of  me.  He  started  to  shrug  me. 
And  I  hear  someone  saying:  'Come  on, 
Abie,  the  place  downstairs  is  jammed 
and  I'm  by  myself  and  Benny  didn't 
show  up' — and  so  on,  and  so  on.  For 

a  moment  there,  in  my  grogginess,  I 
thought  I  was  going  back  twenty  years. 
But  then  I  opened  my  eyes.  And  there's 
Joey  standing  over  me.  The  big  star. 
Twenty  years  later.  Just  laughing  and 
laughing  away.  .  .  ." 

"I  think,"  Joey  told  me,  "that  the 
best  thing  I  can  say  about  my  childhood 
was  that  I  was  brought  up  around  good 
people.  When  I'm  in  the  East,  of  course, 
I  always  go  home  to  see  Mom  and  Pop 
and  the  family.  But  I  go  to  see  the  other 
people  I  knew  back  then,  too.  What's 
the  difference  going  back  as  a  celebrity  ? 
The  difference  is  that  when  you're 
broke  and  walking  down  the  street, 
the  neighbors  close  the  windows.  When 
you're  not  broke,  everyone  runs  out 
and  says,  'Joey,  I  told  you.  I  told  you 
you'd  make  it.'  Me,  personally,  I  don't 
remember  such  faith  .  .  .  but  I'm  only 
making  with  the  jokes  again! 

"The  fact  is  that  these  people  did 
have  faith.  That's  the  point.  And  you 
don't  forget  the  faith  they  had.  Dr. 
Muldawer.  Abie  and  Iz  Allen.  Lots  of 
people.  They  all  had  faith.  Benny  Rud- 
man — the  barber.  When  I  was  down 
and  out  and  had  a  job  coming  up  on 
a  Saturday  night,  he'd  call  me  into  his 
store  and  say,  'Come  on,  Joey,  I'll 
give  you  a  haircut  for  free.  I  like  you 
a  little,  yeah.  But  I'm  more  interested 
that  you  look  good  when  you're  on  the 
stage  and  don't  go  giving  South  Phila- 
delphia a  bad  name.'  That  was  faith. 
Old  Benny  had  faith.  And  old  Mr. 
Kopisar,  the  tailor,  who  lived  right 
across  the  street  from  us — who  still  has 
his  place  there — he  had  faith  in 
me.  .  .  ." 

Nathan  Kopisar.  Elderly.  A  tiny  man. 
Pale.  Gentle.  Sad-eyed.  When  we  walk 
into  his  store,  he  stops  what  I.  :'s  do- 
ing— pressing,  with  a  big  black  hand 
iron,  a  little  boy's  trousers — 

"Such  a  boy  that  Joey  was.  Such  a 
man  he  is  today.  When  he  comes  by 
the  neighborhood,  he  buys  all  the  chil- 
dren ice  cream.  He  was  very  smart — 
a  very  smart  boy  as  a  child.  He  knew 
that  he  would  be  a  big  somebody  some- 
day. He  used  to  say,  'Sometime,  Mr. 
Kopisar,  I'll  be  an  actor  and  I'll  be  on 
the  stage  and  in  the  movies  and  on 
radio.'  He  didn't  know  about  television 
then,  of  course.  He  used  to  be  a  good 
friend  to  my  son,  who  has  passed  away. 
Joey  was  never  a  show-off.  He  was 
happy.  He  was  neat,  too,  like  the  whole 
family.  They  didn't  have  many  clothes, 
the  Gottliebs — but  what  they  had,  they 
always  kept  dry-cleaned  and  pressed. 
By  me  .  .  . 

"My  daughter,  she  passed  away  re- 
cently. She  knew  Joey.  She  liked  him, 
just  like  everybody  else  did.  1  wonder 
if  he  knows  about  her  passing  away? 
Maybe  you  shouldn't  tell  him.  But  then 
again,  why  not?  It  happened.  -Like 
everything  in  life  must  happen.  And 
maybe  if  Joey  knows,  the  next  time  he 
comes  to  Philadelphia,  he'll  make  sure 
to  drop  by  here.  And  see  Mr.  Kopisar. 
And  cheer  me  up.  Like  he  always 
cheers  everybody  up,  all  over  the  world. 
.  .  .  Isn't  that  right,  about  Joey?  He's 
a  very  cheering  person?" 

— Ed  DeBlasio 

"The  Joey  Bishop  Show"  cheers  every- 
body, NBC-TV,  Wed.,  8:30  P.M.  EDT. 

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