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Barraft's Photo Press, Ltd. 

R. D. B. 's 

D i A ' 7 ' 

1887 1914 


First Published. April, 1930 
New Impression, June 1930 

Printed in Great Britain 

at the Windmill Press, Kingswood. 



Facing Pag* 

R. D. BLUMENFELD Frontispiece 








Page 99: For October 1900 read October 1902. This entry 
should have followed that for June 24th, 1902, on 
page 194. 

Also page 99 line 23 : for eight read ten. 


JL HE extracts from my Diary, which 1 pre- 
sent herewith, range across twenty-seven years 
from the date of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee 
in 1887 to August 4, 1914, the day on which 
War was declared between Great Britain and 

The time which I have chosen for extracts 
marks a notable period when vast changes took 
place in every phase of life. It encompasses the 
beginning in this country of the telephone age, 
the typewriter, the motor car, and wireless. The 
Victorian era was more closely akin to the century 
that had gone before than to the one that was to 
follow. London presented a daily pageant, and 
the contrasts between rich and poor, the great 
folk of Society and politics and the " classes " 
were distinct and unmistakable. 

I have found it necessary here and there to 
delete passages, since many of my contem- 
poraries of thirty and forty years ago are still 
flourishing, and some people have prejudices 
about being quoted in print. Also for the sake of 
lucidity, particularly to the present generation, 


I have here and there " edited " my notes. I may 
add that I made entries in my book nightly for 
years, no matter how late or how fatigued I was ; 
until it became a routine of life which it was 
difficult to break. Indeed, it was only due to a 
long sojourn in a nursing home in 1922 that I 
gave up my Diary. 

The quotations in this volume are ended in 
August, 1914. I thought it best to leave the War 
period to others or else to postpone it for a later 


London, January, 1930. 


R.D.B. 9 s DIARY 

Tuesday, June 21, 1887. 

Wonderful day for Queen Victoria's Golden 
Jubilee celebration. I spent most of last night 
wandering through the streets to observe the 
decorations and preliminary illuminations. The 
gas-lit streets looked brilliant. Holborn, which 
with great enterprise, has electric street lighting, 
particularly attractive ; walked from the Inns of 
Court Hotel in Holborn at eight o'clock this 
morning in order to take up my place in the 
window at the foot of Haymarket, opposite Her 
Majesty's Opera House [now Carlton Hotel], 
but the crowd was so dense that I could get no 
further than Waterloo Place, facing my window, 
and there I was stuck in the heat until long be- 
yond noon after the procession had passed. I 
climbed up the statue of King George, but could 
not maintain myself and came down. But I got 
a good view of most of the procession. The 
Queen's face was hidden from me by a sun- 
shade. The crowd round me seemed to be much 
interested in a dour-faced, heavily-kilted royal 
gillie, who sat behind. He looked unperturbed 
and rather grim. A good many onlookers mis- 
took him for the famous John Brown, but he died 
some years ago. 


I thought the German Crown Prince 
[Emperor Frederick], in his silver helmet and 
shining cuirass, the most striking figure in the 
procession. The young Princes, Edward [Duke 
of Clarence] and George [King George V.], were 
a popular feature in their naval uniforms. It 
was my first glimpse of some of the Ministers. I 
had never seen Lord Herschell, the Lord Chan- 
cellor, Lord Randolph Churchill, Lord Knuts- 
ford, Mr. Matthews, the Home Secretary, nor 
Lord Spencer, who is generally known as the Red 
Earl by virtue of his enormous red beard. 

In the crowd beside me stood George Giddens, 
an actor who is appearing at the Criterion Theatre 
with Mr. Charles Wyndham in David Garrick. 
He knew every one in the procession, and I was 
not obliged to refer to my programme sheet. 
Giddens had been invited to sit in a window of 
the Opera House, but could not reach it. I 
recognized one of the lucky ones in a window 
of the steamship office where I had also taken a 
place. This fortunate one who had come earlier 
was Mr. James G. Elaine, the American Secre- 
tary of State, the famous " plumed knight," who 
would have been President but for the disastrous 
phrase: "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion," 
which an ardent supporter of his launched 
against the Democratic Party, and so lost the 
Roman Catholic vote to Mr. Elaine. 

I drove round London to-night in a curricle 
with Walter Winans inspecting the fireworks. I 

JUNE, 1887 

have never seen so many people ; certainly never 
so many drunken ones. 

Wednesday, June 22, 1887. 

" Buffalo Bill " Cody is showing his Wild West 
at Earl's Court. He is living in rooms at 86, 
Regent Street, over Hope Brothers' shop, and 
there he finds himself embarrassed by an over- 
whelming mass of flowers which come hourly 
from hosts of female admirers. He has had an 
astonishing success, both " artistically " and 
socially, and can now wear evening dress and 
adjust a white tie with as much skill as he could 
skin a buffalo calf twenty years ago. He is 
possessed of a sense of humour too, and laughs 
at himself as well as at the snobs who are attracted 
by his titles and his prairie hair. 

His mantel-shelf is covered with invitations to 
" Colonel the Honourable W. F. Cody." Little 
do they know that the highest Army rank he ever 
held was that of scout-sergeant, and that the 
" colonel " was bestowed on him by the Governor 
of Nebraska when he made Bill a member of his 
local staff: while the " honourable " comes from 
his term as member of the Nebraska State Legis- 
lature, which is something like the Essex County 
Council. They all take the title of " honourable." 
Bill is modest and unassuming. He told me to- 
day: "Pve been readin* about Bret Harte and 
Tom Thumb the dwarf, how they were lionised 



here for a while, but only while there was excite- 
ment about 'em ; so I'm taking no chances." 

Am asked to dine and sleep to-night at the 
house of Mr. William Saunders, M.P., chairman 
of the Central News. He lives near Croydon. 
Rather an erratic old gentleman but most con- 
siderate, for he writes to me : "I warn you that 
if you are a smoker you will not be able to in- 
dulge, for I do not permit smoking either in my 
house or in my garden ; and likewise water is our 
only beverage." I am not much of a smoker or 
drinker, but I think I shall go instead to see Nellie 
Farren in Monte Cristo at the Gaiety. 

Ordered two suits of clothes to-day at Hoare's, 
in High Holborn; rather extravagant in having 
an extra pair of trousers for each, since they cost 
i los. a pair, but considering that they would 
charge three times that in New York I am 
justified. Nelson, in Hanover Street, is charging 
me nine guineas for an evening suit, presumably, 
I suppose, because he displays a sign indicating 
that he was coat-maker to his Majesty Louis 
Napoleon when he was a refugee in London in 
the 'forties. 

I think it a strange habit for business men of 
all ranks to knock off at eleven o'clock in the 
morning and go out to a public-house for a drink. 
I notice this particularly in the City in the neigh- 
bourhood of the Bank. Champagne at sixpence a 
glass appears to be the favourite tipple. 

Henry Irving has sent me a box for to-morrow 

JUNE, 1887 

night at the Lyceum, where he is appearing with 
Ellen Terry in Much Ado About Nothing. 

Had lunch to-day with Sir William Pearce, the 
shipbuilder who built the giant Oregon for the 
Guion Line, and when they could not pay handed 
her over to the Cunard, under whose flag she went 
down off the American coast run into by some 
unknown sailing ship. Sir William is a believer 
in big ships. He thinks the 10,000 tons of the 
Majestic and Teutonic, now building, will be 
greatly exceeded, so that we may expect passenger 
ships of at least 20,000 tons, with a speed of 
twenty-one knots ; electric light throughout, and 
even lifts to carry passengers between decks. A 
visionary old gentleman. 

Thursday, June 23, 1887. 

Archibald Forbes, the war correspondent 
whose method of transmitting information re- 
volutionised the reporting of important events 
abroad, took me under his wing to-day, and 
asked me to meet Charles Stewart Parnell, the 
Irish agitator. We lunched at Forbes* house 
somewhere off Regent's Park. Parnell is best 
described as a silent, enigmatic, unhappy, 
emotionless misogynist. He spoke very little 
during luncheon, ate sparingly, drank nothing. 
Forbes was telling some vivid stories of his 
experiences in the Russo-Turkish War, and once 


or twice ParnelPs eyes lighted up, and he showed 
keen interest. 

Forbes was talking about the Ku Klux Klan, 
and essayed to compare them with the Irish 
Moonlighters ; but Parnell disagreed vehemently ; 
said the Moonlighters were unorganised, sporadic, 
irresponsible, whereas the Ku Klux were well led, 
and with a purpose. He questioned me closely 
about the Irish " patriots " whom I had worked 
with in New York newspapers J. I. C. Clarke, 
John Boyle O'Reilly, James Clancy, John Devoy, 
O'Donovan Rossa and Tynan, the famous 
Number One of the Phoenix Park murders. 
Parnell showed little difficulty in disguising his 
contempt for Tynan's claims as an A.i assassin. 
" Tynan," said Parnell, " was never a murderer, 
nor was he even a willing accomplice, I am sure. 
In the first place, he was just a poor, unimportant 
commercial traveller with no political affiliations ; 
and, secondly, from all accounts, which you 
appear to substantiate from your own acquaint- 
ance, he hadn't the courage of a slug. No, I think 
the gang just used him as a carrier of the knives 
without his knowledge, and now he is successfully 
making a hero of himself with a certain section of 
the Irish people. . . ." Parnell asked me to go 
and see him. 

I had my first experience of Hades to-day, and 
if the real thing is to be like that I shall never 
again do anything wrong. I got into the Under- 
ground railway at Baker Street after leaving 


JUNE, 1887 

Archibald Forbes' house. I wanted to go to 
Moorgate Street in the City. It was very warm 
for London, at least. The compartment in which 
I sat was filled with passengers who were smoking 
pipes, as is the British habit, and as the smoke 
and sulphur from the engine fill the tunnel, all 
the windows have to be closed. The atmosphere 
was a mixture of sulphur, coal dust and foul 
fumes from the oil lamp above; so that by the 
time we reached Moorgate Street I was near dead 
of asphyxiation and heat. I should think these 
Underground railways must soon be discon- 
tinued, for they are a menace to health. A few 
minutes earlier can be no consideration, since 
hansom cabs and omnibuses, carried by the 
swiftest horses I have seen anywhere, do the work 
most satisfactorily. 

Dined at the Savage Club, in Savoy Yard, 
with Harold Frederic, who persists in predicting 
a world war, and George du Maurier, the Punch 
artist [father of Sir Gerald and author of Trilby], 
who is also a lecturer. Much amused by the con- 
versation of an old actor named Odell, who 
appears to be the permanent attraction of this 
interesting club. 

Across the road, in the Gaiety bar, I indulged 
in the fashionable pastime of discussing world 
affairs over the marble-topped counter with one 
of the twenty duchesses who act as barmaids. 
This particular Juno tells me that her father is a 
clerk in a City shipping office ; that he has been 



employed there thirty years, and his pay is thirty 
shillings a week! He has brought up five 
daughters and one son, and they now all con- 
tribute something to the family, though only the 
son lives at home. The four girls "live in" 
where they work. Two are barmaids and two are 
shop girls, and the combined weekly earnings of 
the four is 2 6s. The brother is a clerk in a 
shipping office, and receives 2 is. a week, out of 
which he has to buy his top-hats and black coats. 
These people mystify me. " Living in," by the 
way, appears to be general here. All the men and 
women employed in the shops live on the premises. 

Friday, June 24, 1887. 

I wrote to Mr. Gladstone on the off-chance of 
obtaining an interview. He is keen on publicity 
in the American Press on account of their sym- 
pathetic attitude towards his Irish policy. To- 
day I have received a post-card written by him 
at Hawarden, his country home near Chester, 
asking me to go down there one day next week, 
Tuesday, if possible, and remain overnight. Am 
looking forward to that. George W. Smalley, the 
doyen of correspondents here, congratulates me 
on having " drawn the old man," who is usually 
most elusive. 

Everybody here appears to be wildly excited 
over the experiences of a certain Miss Cass, a 
simple seamstress, who went for a walk in Regent 


JUNE, 1887 

Street and was arrested and locked up by a 
policeman on the charge of annoying men. It 
appears that Miss Cass is as pure as the driven 
snow, and the newspapers, particularly the Pall 
Mall Gazette, are highly and morally indignant. 
Mr. Matthews, the Home Secretary [afterwards 
Viscount Llandaff], is becoming involved, and 
London's hitherto impeccable police are being 
severely criticised. 

The police, by the way, are really wonderful, in 
spite of their ridiculous peg-top trousers and 
heavy frock coats. How they can perform loyal 
service on I 55. a week goes beyond me. 

After lunch I went for a walk with Sir John 
Puleston, M.P., in St. James's Park, which is a 
most fascinating place. In front of us near Bird- 
cage Walk, about twenty yards away, was a 
young woman most fashionably dressed. She 
was leading one of those silly clipped black 
poodles, and was mincing her way along when 
suddenly and most appropriately in Birdcage 
Walk her bustle, shaped like a bird-cage, came 
rattling down from out of her voluminous skirts. 
She never deigned to turn, but walked on. 
Innocently and stupidly in spite of Sir John's 
restraining hand, I ran on, picked up the contrap- 
tion, came upon the owner, and proffered it to her, 
but she turned on me furiously and said : " Not 
mine !" and walked on. I shall know better next 

Came home late after an evening at the Argyll 



Music Hall in Piccadilly [present site of Troca- 
dero Restaurant], where I heard a singer poke 
fun at the German princes who marry into the 
British Royal Family. Most of the artists 
appear to make their appeal with songs about 
" booze " or how they beat "the old woman," 
presumably the wife. The best part of the show 
was the chairman, who sits below the stage, 
announces the performers, pounds his gavel for 
order, and consumes endless and various drinks 
at the expense of people in the audience who like 
to let their friends see that they know the 

It was very warm in the theatre. I asked for 
a long drink of lemonade, which here is called 
" lemon squash." The waiter brought it, luke- 
warm. "Will you get me some ice, please?" I 
asked. "Get you what, sir?" he asked in turn. 
"Ice." "Why?" "To make this stuff drink- 
able." And then he burst into laughter. " We 
don't keep it," he said indulgently. I cannot 
understand how these people exist without ice. I 
have not seen even a chip of it since I landed. As 
for ice cream, they barely know what it is except 
at expensive restaurants. The poor only get ale 
and winkles. 

Saturday, June 25, 1887. 

Harry Eversfield; the young actor [he married 
Eve Boucicault, daughter of old Dion, and 


JUNE, 1887 

formerly the wife of John Clayton, the owner of 
the Court Theatre], came along to the Inns of 
Court Hotel to-day, accompanied by another 
actor named Chevalier, who is in Toole's 
Theatre, in King William Street, Strand. They 
wanted me to go with them to a shrimp tea at the 
Ship Hotel, Greenwich, a famous resort. You go 
by the penny boat from the Temple, alongside the 
new Embankment. But I could not go with them 
because I had promised to go to tea at the Rev. 
Mr. Haweis' house, Cheyne Walk. Chevalier is 
an interesting man, and much too talented to 
stick behind in a stock company at a few pounds 
a week. He has composed a number of Cockney 
songs, and sang several of them for me. One of 
them, " Mrs. 'Enery 'Awkins," ought to be pub- 
lished, and I urged him to do so, but he seems to 
be a backward, modest sort of creature, and will 
probably always keep his light under a bushel.* 
The Rev. Mr. Haweis lives in a fine Queen 
Anne house boasting a pair of exquisite iron 
gates. The house is supposed to be haunted by 
the ghost of Queen Caroline, or some such person. 
I did not have the courage to inquire, but my 
cabby called my attention to the left window 
from the front door. There is a staircase on either 
side of the door leading to the first floor. . You 
cannot go up the left one after a certain hour at 
night. Something unseen pushes you back. The 

* This was the great Albert Chevalier, whose Cockney 
songs af erwards became world famous. 


RJ)3.'s DIARY 

curtains and blinds of this big window are never 
drawn, and so on. One day I shall look into this. 
Mr. Haweis, who is a famous pulpit orator and 
pamphleteer, had a little party of people, much 
too intellectual for my conversational powers. I 
expected to be drawn into a discussion on Church 
politics, but all I could gather was that Lord 
Lome [afterwards Duke of Argyll and husband 
of Princess Louise] should not have fallen off his 
horse in the Jubilee procession; that the great 
MacDermott has received as much as 10,000 
for singing the song, " We don't want to fight, 
but by Jingo, if we do, we've got the ships, we've 
got the men, weVe got the money, too," and that 
a well-dressed young woman was seen last week 
smoking a cigarette. . . . Anyhow, I was con- 
siderably elated at my good fortune in being in 
this atmosphere redolent of literary history; for 
next door or two George Eliot used to live, and 
Rossetti and Swinburne lived in Cheyne Walk, 
too, while round the corner, a hundred yards or 
so off, the master of them all, old Carlyle, only 
recently stamped and raved at the world's 

And so, as another diarist used to say, to bed, 
or rather to Bloomsbury, where on Monday I 
propose to move into lodgings in Montague 
Street, opposite the British Museum. I am to 
have a bedroom, a sitting-room, breakfast, " and 
use of bath if vacant," all in for 2 a week. 


JUNE, 1887 

Sunday, June 26, 1887. 

A remarkable and enjoyable experience to-day 
such as could only be found in this delightful 
summer country. John Moore, the head of the 
Central News, gave a river party, and had asked 
most of the members of his staff, their wives, and 
some friends. Included in the latter were Arthur 
Brisbane [now the highest salaried journalist in 
the world, something like 75,000 a year], 
" Jack " Wright, the inventor of the " ticker " * 
which prints news in column form instead of 
elongated tape, myself and Mr. Carey, a cousin 
of Brisbane's. We met at Paddington at 10 a.m. 
Never have I seen anything like it. There must 
have been at least 5,000 people on the platforms 
waiting for trains. All of them, men and women, 
in white, and all wearing " boaters " [straw 
hats], and every woman carrying a coloured sun- 
shade. I am told this scene is presented every 
Saturday and Sunday from eight until noon. We 
got out at Maidenhead, and there took a large 

* The Wright ticker came about in this way. John 
Moore said one day that the single tape machine was a 
nuisance. If someone could invent a column printer it 
would prove a blessing. Wright, who had been a colleague 
of Edison, said, " I think I can do it. What's it worth?" 
" Oh, about 300," answered Moore. Some time later 
Wright came along with his little model, and Moore gave 
him 300, which, if it had been to-day, would have been 
more like 30,000. 



steam launch and went up the river as far as the 
Duke of Westminster's picturesque estate, called 
Cliveden [now Viscount Aster's], where we were 
especially permitted to land and picnic. The river 
was crowded with rowing boats and punts, and 
for long distances the banks were lined with 
house-boats, blooming with flowers. The house- 
boats appear to be the special summer resort of 
the well-to-do, who live on them throughout the 
summer. What struck me particularly was the 
athletic prowess of so many young women, who 
were astonishingly adept at rowing and punting, 
and seemed to be quite capable of handling their 
boats as well as the men. That I take it is the 
reason why English girls are so fresh com- 
plexioned and free in their movements. It is a 
fact that you see fewer white-lipped and waxen- 
cheeked girls than anywhere else, in spite of tight- 
lacing, which is as prevalent here as in France or 
the United States. But the women play tennis 
and go for long walks. They are not restricted by 
convention as in other countries. 

Got back in time to go and hear Mr. Spurgeon 
preach. He was not a novelty to me, for I have 
long been familiar with the robustious style of 
Henry Ward Beecher and De Witt Talmage. 
There was an enormous congregation of Sunday- 
dothed people, and Mr. Spurgeon held them as 
by a string. He spoke of the tendency towards 
self-indulgence on the part of the people, and 
pleaded for more effort on the part of the " haves " 

JUNE, 1887 

for the salvation of the " have nots." When we 
came out of the great tabernacle we stood for five 
minutes at the corner and watched a pleasant 
Sunday evening bout at fisticuffs between a 
couple of well-soused natives, with a good ring 
of encouraging onlookers and a couple of police- 
men to see fair play. 

Rather surprised this evening to have a call 
just before turning in from Jeff Colbourne, a 
famous New York confidence man whom I used 
to see in the haunts of the wicked in my report- 
ing days. He wants me to vouch before the 
United States authorities in Great St. Helens that 
to my knowledge he has led a straight and 
virtuous life for the past four years. I might be 
able to make that declaration, since to "my 
knowledge " I do not know where he has been. I 
asked him what he is doing here. " Selling silver 
mines in Nebraska," he said, with just the 
suspicion of a wink. " But there's no silver in 
Nebraska," I said. "Oh, yes, there is in my 
Nebraska," and he took from his pocket a beauti- 
ful map dotted with red, which are presumably 
silver mines for sale to the gullible Briton. 
"But," I expostulated, "this is just common 
swindling. These are ' salted ' mines. How can 
you expect me to vouch for you at the Consulate 
with this going on?" " Oh, well," he said, " I'm 
only doing what hundreds of respectable firms 
are trying to do. If we can't find silver mines for 
*em they'll demand ' salted ' ones. They simply 



must have 'em, and since .they will throw away 
their money, why can't I have some of it?" He 
went away shaking his head at my stupidity.* 

Monday, June 27, 1887. 

Had the extreme felicity to-day of meeting a 
youth who is fast becoming world famous, young 
Mr. Benzon, " the Jubilee Plunger." He has just 
reached his twenty-first year and has come into a 
fortune said to be 300,000, presumably all in 
cash, for he is throwing it about recklessly. At 
this rate it will not last many years. [Actually 
one year.] He is a decent youngster, with no 
experience and not much brain, and he seems to 
want to cut a dash racing, four-in-hand, late 
suppers, cards, and so on. Consequently he is 
always surrounded by a gang of harpies who are 
having a profitable season. I was introduced to 
the Jubilee Plunger at the Criterion by old 
"Pony" Moore, of Moore and Burgess* 
Minstrels. Benzon had just concluded a bet of 
1,000 to 100 on Charlie Mitchell, the prize- 
fighter [Moore's son-in-law] against John L. 
Sullivan in the fight which is to take place in 
France in the near future.t 

*Jeff got two years in October, 1887, for selling a 
mythical steamship to a man at Birkenhead. 

f The battle which took place at Chantilly in the follow- 
ing March lasted 3 hours and 1 1 minutes for 39 rounds, 
and ended in a draw. 


Ky courtesy of T/it- Graphic 

H.M. QUEEN VICTORIA in June 1887 when she celebrated her 

JUNE, 1887 

I was puzzled a good deal to-day, not being 
conversant with custom, to see in this morning's 
Standard that "the Archbishop of Canterbury 
and Mrs. Benson " had been spending a week-end 
together at Bournemouth* It shocked me to read 
this barefaced announcement until I was told 
that the Archbishop's name is also Benson. 

Lunched to-day at Hampstead with Walter 
Besant, the author, whose books appear to have a 
greater sale than those of any other British 
author, with perhaps the exception of Charles 
Reade and R. D. Blackmore, author of Lorna 
Doone. Mr. Besant astonished me by telling me 
that the novel The Golden Butterfly, which he 
and the late Mr. Rice wrote in partnership, did 
not have so great a sale as the later book, The 
World Went Very Well Then, and that the 
American circulation of the latter was greater 
than the British. The trouble in this country is 
that average people do not buy books, but sub- 
scribe to the pernicious library system. They 
seem to be prepared to wait weeks for their turn 
at a new volume. 

There was present at luncheon a tall, extremely 
well-dressed young man, with whom I returned 
to town in a hansom cab. I noticed that part of 
his forehead was very much sunburned, but one 
part, from the hair to the nose above the right 
eye, was of a different colour. This is "the 
swagger mark " indicating the soldier. It comes 
from the pill-box, which protects only a small 


RJ)3.'s DIARY 

portion of the head and forehead from the sun ; 
a much-coveted distinction. On the way he told 
me that he is a private in the 2nd Life Guards, 
and that "the gentlemen of the Guards " are 
permitted to go out off duty in mufti if they so 
desire. A large number of these Guardsmen, 
however, prefer to go out in uniform, shell jacket, 
very tight overalls, and pill-box askew on head, 
ready to be hired for afternoon or evening by 
nursemaids to " walk out." There is a regular, 
fixed tariff. Household Cavalry for afternoon 
out in Park, half-a-crown and beer. Brigade of 
Foot Guards, eighteen-pence and beer. Royal 
Horse Artillery, two shillings. Other services, a 
shilling. The fact that there is a big demand is 
shown by the large number of females at barrack 
gates early in the afternoon and evening waiting 
to engage escorts. 

Wednesday, June 29, 1887. 

I spent from five o'clock until seven this 
evening watching the spectacle of London society 
airing itself in Hyde Park. There can be no more 
wonderful sight anywhere. Certainly there is no 
place on this earth where there can be seen at one 
time so many gorgeous equipages, such beautiful 
horses, and such a display of elegance. Queen 
Victoria, who is said not to like London, and is 
therefore seldom seen in the capital, has been out 
every day of this momentous week. She drove 


JUNE, 1887 

into the Park at a quarter-past five all trlffic 
being waved to one side in a great C-springed 
landau with outriders and gentlemen riding 
alongside. Shortly after she was followed by the 
Princess of Wales [Alexandra] a most beautiful 
woman whose great popularity with the people, 
especially the women, is in no doubt. There were 
hundreds of carriages, landaus, barouches, 
victorias, curricles and private hansoms, and 
such horses ! The powdered and bewigged foot- 
men in front and behind the vehicles, the red, 
blue and yellow plush of breeches, the silk stock- 
ings of the flunkeys, the flashing buckles just 
like a fairy tale. The great thing to do, if you 
are a " blood " and in the swim, is to lean over 
the iron rails and be recognised by milady as 
equipage after equipage rolls by in lordly 
grandeur. There was not a shabby-looking turn- 
out to be seen. It is one of the worst of social 
misdemeanours to send a carriage and pair into 
the Park indifferently accoutred. 

Frederick Wicks, of The Times, has invented 
a machine which casts and sets type. It is not 
the first of its kind nor the last, but I doubt if 
type-setting by machinery will ever be as efficient 
or indispensable as hand setting. Wicks says 
The Times are to adopt his system. They already 
have a machine called the Kastenbein, which sets 
typefounders' type, but I doubt if it is a great 
success. I have often had conversations in 
America with Mergenthaler [inventor of the 



Linotype] who is optimistic about his casting 
and setting machine, but, like all inventors, every 
goose to him represents a swan. I went with 
Wicks to The Times works to-day and Mr. 
Wright, the printer, showed us round the sub- 
terranean workshops where they actually make 
the great Walter press. Indeed, The Times is a 
self-contained affair. It is a curiously consti- 
tuted business, split up into dozens of family 
shares based on legacies, so that nothing can ever 
break the control of the property by the Walter 

Harry Gillig, who manages a travellers' ex- 
change, told me to-night that there have never 
been so many well-to-do visitors in London, due 
no doubt to the Jubilee festivities. The fashion- 
able hotels such as Long's [Berkeley Square], 
Brown's [Dover Street], the Bath [Piccadilly 
and Arlington Street], and the St. James' [now 
Berkeley] are all crowded, and you cannot get a 
suite under 2 a day. 

Thursday, June 30, 1887. 

There was a large dinner this evening at the 
Grand Hotel in aid of a charity for widows and 
orphans, and the presiding officer was the Duke 

* The Times was purchased by Lord NorthcliflFc in 
19089 and by Major Astor, M.P., in 1922, but the present 
head of the Walter family remains chairman of the com- 


JUNE, 1887 

of Cambridge, an amiable, side-whiskered old 
gentleman with just the nicest touch of a German 
accent. He is first cousin of Queen Victoria, 
and missed being King George of England by a 
few weeks i.e., if the Duke and Duchess of Kent 
had not come here post-haste from Hanover the 
young Princess might not have been born here, 
and so her cousin, the child of the Duke of Cam- 
bridge, would have succeeded his uncle, William 
IV. So they rewarded his Royal Highness with 
a good life-long post as Commander-in-Chief of 
the British Army [they deposed him in 1899], 
and although he is somewhat of a martinet and 
exceedingly old-fashioned, he is generally popular 
in the Army in spite of the fact that the wits 
insist that he carried an umbrella during the rainy 
season in the Crimea Campaign. 

Before making his somewhat perfunctory 
speech asking the guests present to subscribe to 
the charity in question, the Duke appeared to be 
impatient to reach the speaking stage, and kept 
turning to the red-coated master of ceremonies 
all the time making violent gestures. I learned 
afterwards that he was anxious to push the pro- 
ceedings towards the smoking and not the speak- 
ing stage. Presently the red-coated master 
leaned over the royal shoulder and then, calling 
for order, bowed low as H.R.H. rose ponderously 
and gave the customary toasts, " Her Gracious 
Majesty the Queen," " The Prince and Princess 
of Wales and the other members of the Royal 



Family/ 1 and then, in a changed tone, like the 
rasping call of a sergeant-major, "Gentlemen, 
you may smoke !" Then he lit an enormous cigar 
and looked round and beamed. 

The next most important guest was the Right 
Hon. George Joachim Goschen, M.P., Chancellor 
of the Exchequer [later Viscount Goschen], a 
tall, bent, scholarly looking man with a poor 
voice and indifferent oratory. They say he is a 
genius at figures, and he ought to be, since he was 
specially picked from a great city house of finance. 
He, too, has German connections, for the firm of 
Fruehling and Goeschen, of Hamburg, is world- 
famous. I was talking to a man beside me, and 
he told me that practically every big financial 
firm in the City of London is either of German 
extraction or has close German blood relations, 
just as in former days all the financial business 
was done by the Lombardy merchants, who came 
from Italy and started business in Lombard 
Street, where their quaint signs representing 
birds, fishes, stars, moons, boars, and stags, still 
swing over the doorways. 

I met a most interesting man who lives at New- 
castle, a printer in a large way, named Read or 
Reid. He had with him a Scottish friend, a man 
named Rawson, who asked me to go with him to- 
morrow to see him play in a match at the game 
of golf, at Wimbledon. I have never seen it 
played, and shall go. Rawson tells me that most 
everybody in Scotland plays golf except on 


JUNE-JULY, 1887 

Sundays, when they all go to the kirk and that 
it is the most absorbing, most exciting, most con- 
centrating, and most healthful pastime ever 
known; to all of which I lent a respectful but 
doubting ear, and through my mind there kept 
running the retort " Rubbidge I" If it is such a 
wonderful game why is it that only the Scots play 
it? From his description it appears that you 
strike a ball a long way and then walk after it and 
do it again. 

July, 25, 1887. 

Off Queenstown, Ireland. I am writing on 
board the Guion liner Wisconsin, 4,000 tons, 
Captain Bentley. The purser, Albert Brandt, a 
jovial comedian, has just been playing the banjo 
to me in his cabin and singing " Gathering the 
Myrtle with Mary Mary of Sweet Dunloe." 
The ship is packed. We have just taken on 450 
odd shock-haired, tousled Irish colleens, who are 
going to America to become cooks, housemaids, 
nurses, policemen's wives, and senators' spouses. 
They are packed away forward on shelves, on 
their own bedding, five or six deep, one shelf atop 
of the other, and "when the breeze begins to 
blow " Heaven help them ! for Brandt says that in 
bad weather the hatches are put on, and some- 
times no whiff of fresh air penetrates to the steer- 
age for many days. But they are a hardy lot, in- 
ured to a rough life, and will get through all right. 

RJ)3.'s DIARY 

There is only one deck on which to walk. The 
classes, first, second, and steerage, are divided by 
a rope stretched across the deck, the first class at 
the stern. There is no ladies 9 cabin or boudoir. 
The ladies may sit, six at a time, in the upper 
companion-way leading to the saloon. The smok- 
ing-room is a ten by twelve deckhouse, holding 
four green baize-topped tables, with a horsehair 
upholstered bench running round the four sides. 
Smelly, swinging oil lamps. Cabins situated on 
each side of saloon, which is very narrow, with 
two long bench-like refectory tables. The food is 
good and wholesome, without frills. All first- 
class passengers look like tramps, for it is 
customary to wear your shabbiest clothes at sea. 
There is no sartorial ceremony. I am told that in 
some of the ships going to India they dress for 

My neighbours in the next cabin are two iron- 
grey men, one of them all doubled up with 
rheumatism, unable to walk, who were brought 
on board by four detectives, who did not leave 
until the vessel blew the last signal. The two men 
are the world-famous Bidwell brothers, the most 
formidable and ingenious bank swindlers ever 
known. These two young Americans, one of 
them, Austin, who is now a cripple for life, was 
only twenty-seven years of age when, at the head 
of a clever and daring gang, they came to Europe 
in 1873 and began operations, choosing the Bank 
of England for victim. Austin Bidwell, the 

JULY, 1887 

master forger, had plotted a crime that involved 
no less than 100,000,000. The gang was re* 
sourceful and well financed. They had already 
secured a large sum from the bank by dint of 
Austin's forgeries, but in the end, after a sensa- 
tional chase, they were captured, and Austin and 
his brother were sentenced to prison for life. They 
were released early yesterday morning after 
having served fourteen years. Both are prema- 
turely old. I talked with Austin this morning, 
huddled up in his steamer chair, a pathetic old 
man of forty-one, who has taken refuge in re- 
ligion. He told me that for years he lay in a dark, 
sweating, damp cell at Dartmoor. 

" You cannot imagine the hell of prison life/ 1 
he said. " Never a smile, never a kind word, 
never anything but dark, foggy, miserable cold 
stone walls and food that revolts. When the 
doctors finally said that I must be removed or die, 
the warder reported it to the Home Secretary, 
who sent specially to examine me, and here is the 
result. I am discharged, but I can never come to 
England again ; nor do I want to." 

Bidwell then handed me a long poem, covering 
seven or eight pages of foolscap. He wrote it in 
prison, " I wrote one like that every week," he 
said, " until my hands became crippled. But if 
I had not written so much I think Pd have gone 


The brother has not spoken a word since they 
came on board. 


All the officers of this ship, with the exception 
of Mr. Jones, the third mate, and Mr. Brandt, 
are over sixty-five years of age. The first officer 
is over seventy, and the chief engineer, Mr. Alex- 
ander, a tall, bearded Scot, is seventy-two. They 
are all old-time sailors, and prefer the ship to be 
going under full sail rather than rely on her 

I went aloft with the 'bosun coming down 
channel and spent an hour with the look-out men 
in the crow's nest. 

There is now a hiatus of three years, during 
which the writer pursued his calling as a jour- 
nalist in the employ of the " New York Herald." 
He made many journeys and returned to Eng- 
land for a fortnight in 1889, but this visit was 
purely on holiday, and produced only the usual 
holiday diary notes. His experiences as a 
special correspondent in war and peace during 
those three years are subjects for discussion else- 

The Diary is resumed in September, 1890, 
when the diarist, who had been promoted to the 
editorship of the New York " Evening Telegram" 
the " Herald's " evening edition, was sitting in his 
office at Broadway and Ann Streets. He had just 
signed a renewal lease for three years for his 
apartments "up town" at Thirty-third Street 
and Broadway, when a cablegram from Mr. 
James Gordon Bennett, the famous " Com- 


JULY, 1887. SEPTEMBER 1890 

modore" informed Mm of a change in plans 
which would completely alter his life. 

Saturday, September 13, 1890. 

At sea on board La Champagne, bound from 
New York to Havre. . , . 

I had no sooner signed the lease for my rooms 
at the Alpine apartment house yesterday, when 
Jimmy Williams, the negro, brought me a cable 
from the Commodore thus : 

"Hand over to Howland. Sail to-morrow 
French line prepared not to return for at least a 
year. Want you to take charge London. 

So here I am, bound for France, blindfolded, 
so to speak. What to do with my rooms I do not 
know. I shall ask Dunlevy, who has Hyde and 
Behman's Theatre at Thirty-fifth Street and 
Broadway, to look after it ; or Richard Harding 
Davis, whose lease will be up next month and may 
thus care to take over mine. He has suddenly 
emerged from a cub reporter to the writer of 
acceptable short stories, and he ought to do quite 
well. It was just like the Commodore to disrupt 
me without notice. He dotes on that sort of thing, 
and I suspect he knew that I was renewing my 
lease, and so, impishly, interfered by cable. He 
did the same thing with James Creelman last 



year. Also when Nordhoff, our Washington 
correspondent, had completed the purchase of his 
house in New York, because he was to be pro- 
moted to the editorship at headquarters, the Com- 
modore ordered him back to Washington, and 
then retired him on condition of his going to Cali- 
fornia to live. I am sorry, too, to leave my 
Evening Telegram, which has been doing very 
well lately, with a circulation of 70,000, and 
practically no loss. If I had made a profit the 
Commodore would have deposed me, but I 
mustn't make the loss too conspicuous. Albert 
Fox, our efficient advertising manager, saw to 

This French ship is totally different in its 
personnel from that of the British vessels. The 
sailors do not seem to be so alert. Early this 
morning when a strong gale was blowing it still 
is the mainsail was ripped clean in two and 
flapped most dangerously for a long time. The 
way these sailors went at it make me think that 
their hearts weren't in their jobs. 

Most of the passengers are French, Cuban, 
Mexican, or Brazilian, many of them revolution- 
aries who have left their country for their 
country's good. They all make for Paris. Very 
few Americans or British. One Englishman is on 
board, dressed in baggy knee breeches, such as one 
will occasionally see in England in the country. 
He is quite unconcerned about his incongruous 



The purser has introduced me to a new drink 
called Martini cocktail, which he mixes in his 
cabin at noon, before luncheon. It is made of a 
mixture of gin and French vermouth and a dash 
of Angostura bitters ; most alluring and certainly 
a better drink than the dreadful wormwood stuff 
called absinthe, which they sip all day long in 
the smoking room. I am told that this absinthe 
habit is responsible for much crime and lunacy 
throughout France [now forbidden by law]. 

At luncheon and dinner every saloon passenger 
is presented with a bottle of red or white wine, 
according to desire. 

We could not drop our pilot off Sandy Hook, 
after reaching the open sea ; weather too bad. The 
little pilot schooner stood almost on her head 
while she was waiting for us to send the pilot back 
to her, but the captain would not let him go, and 
so to Havre he goes with us. His name is Corcoran. 
He is a typical Yankee sailor man, hating the 
French and their ways, distressed beyond words 
that his supply of chewing tobacco will only last 
another day, and unhappy to think that he will 
be unable to communicate with his family for 
another three weeks. 

The pilot schooners remain at sea for a couple 
of weeks at a time, taking on and putting off 
pilots. They are small, swift sailers, but hide- 
ously uncomfortable and wet but the men earn 
as much as 100 dollars a week sometimes. 



Pans, Monday, September 22, 1890. 

I arrived here last night after a terrible cross- 
ing. Had to go to bed at once, and tossed about 
all night. Am staying in a little hotel called 
Louis le Grand, just off the Avenue de 1'Opera. 
Just had a most excellent luncheon at Bignon's, 
which, with Tortoni and the Cafe de Paris, shares 
the honours of the city. Esc argots (snails), of 
course, and moules mariniere. I saw a man 
drinking Munich beer, which is something to be 
remarked upon, because the French still bar 
everything German, after their defeat of twenty 
years ago. There was a riot a few weeks ago at 
the Opera House, when they attempted to put on 
an opera of Wagner. Whether it was because of 
its German origin or because Wagner opera is 
provocative and not yet understood, I cannot say. 
Charles Inman Barnard, who is the Commodore's 
secretary, says there is a restaurant close by in 
the Avenue de TOpera, where I can get German 
beer, but they call it Viennese. 

I made my duty call on the Commodore, at 120, 
Avenue des Champs Elysees, where he lives. He 
kept me waiting as I expected he would for 
nearly two hours, and then sent Charles Chris- 
tiansen out to ask me to come to-morrow. 
Christiansen is the efficient major-domo-secre- 
tary-manager, whose father was a boatswain in 
his master's yacht, Namouna. The Commodore 
took the boy, educated him, and brought him to 



Paris. He is very efficient, but leads a hectic life. 

Paris looks most gay and lively. On the 
Avenue I saw, for the first time, a bicycle fitted 
with airblown tyres, the invention of an Irishman 
named Dunlop. They say that the buoyancy and 
resilience obtained from the use of this modern 
invention will make bicycling not only more 
pleasurable as a pastime, for they are proof 
against bumping, but that greatly increased speed 
will be obtained. To me these hugely inflated 
rims look hideous and cumbersome. Besides, 
when they receive a cut and the air is deflated, 
they become quite useless for a long time. Mean- 
while the solid-tyred machine, with its immunity 
from deflation, once more illustrates the story of 
the hare and the tortoise. 

At the Moulin Rouge to-night a rather rough- 
and-ready sensational dance and variety hall 
I met the great Paulus, the music-hall singer 
whose rendering of a popular song nearly had the 
effect of making another Napoleon of the great 
General Boulanger, whose white horse and white 
plume were so familiar in Paris a year ago. 
Boulanger was the popular hero. If he had not 
preferred to keep tryst with a lady at Clermont 
Ferrand, where he commanded, rather than come 
to Paris, where the conspirators were waiting for 
him to declare a coup d'etat, he might now be 
Emperor at Versailles. [Instead he had to fly to 
London and seek death in 1891 at Brussels, on 
the grave of his loved one.] 



Paulus, who is the highest paid music-hall 
artist in France, told me that his Boulanger song 
drove the people wild with enthusiasm, but that 
the general was really made of poor stuff, and 
could never have emulated Napoleon. 

" He was too vain, too sentimental, too theat- 
rical," he said. " He thought more of his lady 
love and his beard and his white horse and his 
great sash than he did of political strategy, and 
so he had to go under, poor chap. But he came 
within an ace of it, and we might to-day again be 
an empire." 

Sad story. 

Tuesday, September 23, 1890. 

Called this morning at Champs Elysees to see 
Mr. Bennett. He sent word I was to come again 

Wednesday, September 24, 1890. 

Called at Champs Elysees. Same reply, 
" Come again to-morrow." 

Thursday, September 25, 1890. 

Called at Champs Elysees. Commodore 
greeted me effusively, and invited me to drive to 
Poissy for breakfast in his four-in-hand. He 
drove all the way down. Detaille, the famous 



war painter, sat beside me; Charles Inman 
Barnard, Mr. Tiffany, and some three or four 
strange English and American tourists who were 
passengers. On the way back the Commodore 
handed the reins to Fownes, the professional 
whip, and asked me to sit inside with him and 
talk business, but he talked mostly about other 
things all the way back to Paris, He asked me 
to call on him at 9,30 to-morrow morning. The 
only reference to business during the journey was 
a remark about Joseph Pulitzer, whose World in 
New York has been making a lot of noise and 
money. " Poor, misguided, selfish vulgarian. 
Can't last," was all he would say. " He is going 
to put up a skyscraper of fourteen or fifteen 
storeys. We'll put up one of two floors, just to 
show how it should be done." 

Friday, September 25, 1890. 

I called at Champs Elysees, and was shown 
into the Commodore's room by Mme. Leon, the 
housekeeper. The Commodore was drinking his 
morning coffee. He had a couple of Pekinese 
spaniels on his knees, and was apparently in a 
good temper. 

" Please go to London to-day," he said. " I've 
lost 1,000 a week now for over a year on that 
silly London edition, and I have ordered them to 
stop it. I want you to conduct the funeral, so 
to speak. Send all the Americans home and give 



the British proper compensation for the loss of 
their positions. They have a funny habit over 
there of claiming compensation whenever they 
lose their jobs. But don't worry me about details. 
There is still time to save the Sunday edition, and 
if you see fit you may continue it. But don't con- 
sult me. It's your responsibility. If you go on 
with it and lose a lot of money I will hold it 
against you. If you make a lot of money I'll give 
you a third of the profits but you'll not make it. 
There is a lot of machinery at no, Strand, where 
we have been printing the paper, and you will 
have to get rid of it as best you can. But what- 
ever you do don't worry about it. I hate the very 
name of London now." 

Then the Commodore picked up his Pekinese 
dogs, gave me a nod, said, " Good luck," and left 
the room. He is a strange, fascinating, enig- 
matical figure. If he had not been born rich and 
had to earn his living he would have been the 
world's greatest journalist. But he has been 
hopelessly spoiled for many years, and is now 
just like an Eastern potentate. His word is law. 

London, Monday, September 28, 1890. 

Had a terrible Channel crossing on Friday, on 
board the Petrel. [A side-wheeled, tiny ship, and 
very fast.] The hour's crossing from Calais to 
Dover was so tempestuous that no one could stay 
on deck; and down below life was not attractive. 



It shook me up to such an extent that the moment 
I reached London I went to bed and remained 
till Saturday noon. Then went to the Strand 
office of the New York Herald and surveyed the 
wreckage of the late daily. Among the mourners 
I found the editorial department comprised of 
Louis Jennings, M.P. for Stockport, A. Oakey 
Hall, former mayor of New York, John Russell 
Young, recently Minister to Peking, and Joseph 
Hatton, the author of the amazing book, By 
Order of the Czar. They were not very gloomy, 
since they had expected the collapse from day to 
day; so we all adjourned to Simpson's coffee 
house, close by, and had mid-day punch. 

I have decided to keep the Sunday edition 
going, and propose to introduce a novelty or two ; 
such as a racing competition and a prize for the 
reader who gives the best solution in football. 
Also, I think a novelty will be a whole page for 
children. There has been a children's corner up 
to now, and I shall enlarge it to a page. 

A good deal of trouble this afternoon with 
people who say they have been wrongfully dis- 
missed : that one month is inadequate. One man 
in the advertising department says he is entitled 
to six months, because he was once addressed as 
the manager of the department, and that 
managers are entitled to six months. As he only 
got 3 a week, I did not mind giving him 78, 
and he was most profuse in his gratitude. 

I have taken rooms at a house in Torrington 


Square, quite presentable, sunny and well 
furnished. The place is run by a man who, I take 
it from his accent, is a Viennese. 

Friday, October j, 1890. 

I only stayed a few days at my lodgings in 
Torrington Square. It was quite a nice place, 
but on the third morning the proprietor came and 
sat with me while I was having my morning 
coffee, and told me that his profession was that 
of " official embalmer " to most of the foreign 
embassies and legations. Whenever a well-to-do 
foreigner dies in London my landlord is called 
in to embalm him. That was too much for me. 
For some reason my coffee took on the composi- 
tion of embalming fluid, and on the next night 
I had a dreadful nightmare, in which I was being 
scientifically embalmed. So on the following 
morning I paid up and came to live in Duke 
Street, St. James'. I have a comfortable sitting- 
room, a bedroom, a real bathroom not a port- 
able bath and valeting, all in, for 2 los. a 

I do not find many places to dine. There is 
the Cafe Royal, in Regent Street, a first-class 
restaurant much frequented by French refugees ; 
Verrey's, a bit more sedate; Scott's, at the top of 
the Haymarket ; the St. James', given over to the 
jeunesse doree; and Simpson's, in the Strand. 
You cannot get a meal anywhere after ten o'clock 


OCTOBER, 1890 

at night, except at old Dolaro's supper dub, in 
Percy Street, off the Tottenham Court Road, 
where the prices are high and no change is given. 
Selina Dolaro, his wife, who used to be a comic 
opera singer, is the chief barkeeper. 

You can also get a fair meal at the Continental 
Hotel, at the foot of Regent Street, but it isn't a 
very ideal place. If an average Londoner has a 
visiting friend, he either takes him to his house 
for lunch or dinner, or to his club. The clubs 
are usually crowded at seven, the dinner hour, 
during the season. Just now they are deserted, 
for 90 per cent of the members are on the moors 
in the North, shooting grouse and partridges. 

It is good to be in London again. I love to 
sit on the top of an omnibus watching the vista of 
black silk hats, like dark poppy fields. You can 
no more separate a Londoner from his top hat 
and his shiny black brief bag, which every self- 
respecting Briton carries to and from his office, 
than you can separate the Ethiopian from his 

Had lunch at Groom's, in Fleet Street to-day, 
with Mr. Cock, Q.C., a famous lawyer. Groom's 
is a funny narrow little shop frequented mostly 
by lawyers from the adjoining Temple. You get 
an excellent chop for a very small sum. We 
walked up Chancery Lane and met Mr. George 
Lewis, [the first baronet], the solicitor who 
handles all the celebrated social cases: a shrewd 
quick-witted little man of the world. We talked 



about the Maybrick husband-poisoning case of 
last year. Mr. Cock thinks she is innocent, and 
that Mr. Justice Stephen, who sentenced her at 
Liverpool Assizes, should not have been per- 
mitted to remain on the bench, since he was him- 
self half insane. Lewis agreed in the latter point, 
but said he thinks, and so does Sir Charles 
Russell, who conducted the case for Mrs. May- 
brick, that she will soon be released from Woking 
Prison, where she now lies. Her mother, the 
Baroness de Roques, has succeeded in securing 
an influential petition for pardon, which Colonel 
Robert T. Lincoln, the United States Minister 
here [son of Abraham Lincoln], has presented to 
the Home Secretary.* 

Saturday, October 10, 1890. 

The Sunday edition which I retained is doing 
fairly well, with only a slight loss, and that is due 
to the heavy charges which the Commodore puts 
on the paper, with his special fads and " personal 
friend " salaries. I have made a contract with 
Henry Burt, the managing director of Wyman & 
Sons, printers, in Fetter Lane, to print the paper, 
so that we shall no longer require our somewhat 
old-fashioned plant at no, Strand, and I have 
sold the two Victory presses, as they stand, to Mr. 

* Mrs. Maybrick was not released until 1904, after hav- 
ing served fifteen years* She then went back to the United 


OCTOBER, 1890 

Horatio Bottomley, a city accountant, who is 
acting as receiver for the Hansard Union, a great 
amalgamation of printing houses, which came to 
grief. Bottomley is an energetic young man, who, 
I learn, has got control of Galignani's Messenger, 
the Paris daily, which is on its last legs. 

Marcus Mayer, still associated with Mme* 
Patti, in spite of her retirement, came up to-day 
to invite me to Craig-y-Nos Castle, in Wales, 
where Patti lives a semi-retired life. She has 
practically completed the building of her private 
theatre on the estate, and proposes to open it in 
great state. Signer Nicolini, her husband, was 
with Mayer, glad, apparently, to come up to town 
and civilisation for a bit. It is obvious that the 
British country life is not congenial to this cosmo- 
politan Italian. 

Called this afternoon on Henry M. Stanley, the 
explorer, who rests between his lecture tours. He 
has taken a house in Richmond Terrace, and will 
no doubt make it a perfect museum of African 
treasures. They say that since his marriage with 
Dorothy Tennant, the painter, he has become 
more and more isolated, and sees few of his former 
friends. I did not, however, find him in the least 
aloof, but I suppose that is because we are both 
Herald colleagues. He is chafing considerably 
under the criticisms levelled at him by the families 
of Major Barttelot and Mr. Jamieson, who were 
officers of the Stanley Expedition rearguard and 
were both murdered by natives on the Congo. 



Stanley said to me: " If they don't stop talking 
against me Pll tell the truth about the rearguard, 
and that will not be pleasant hearing for the 
families of Barttelot and Jamieson." 

Strange to say, on coming away, I ran into 
Herbert Ward, who was one of Stanley's junior 
officers. He is a nephew of Roland Ward, the 
taxidermist in Piccadilly, and he is incidentally 
a considerable painter and writer. He gave me 
an inkling of what Stanley is likely to say about 
Jamieson and Barttelot, and I gather from young 
Ward's manner that his sympathies are entirely 
with the dead men. Somehow the great explorer 
does not seem to have brought home the love and 
affection of his subordinates, though they all 
admit his greatness. Ward told me that the 
world can have no conception of the vastness of 
Central Africa, which was crossed by the Stanley 
Expedition. There are millions of black people 
who know nothing of civilisation; great rivers 
and mountains unknown, and he tells of a 
waterfall which is as great, if not greater, than 

My old friend, Mme. Blavatsky, the theoso- 
phist, sent me a note from the Avenue Road, near 
Regent's Park, and asked me to go and have a 
cup of tea with her. So I went. She says the 

* Later on, goaded by these criticisms, Stanley charged 
the two young men with having encouraged cannibalism. 
These charges made Stanley unpopular, and he lost his seat 
in the House of Commons, 



Theosophist movement, which is run by Colonel 
Olcott, the American, and Mrs. Annie Besant, 
will in due course swamp all other religions, sects 
and movements. 

The old lady was dressed in a loose wrapper, 
and she had a great Indian shawl round her 
shoulders. A large copper lamp glowed on the 
table, although it was still light, and the floor 
was littered with papers, photographs, em- 
broidery, and tea things. 

Monday, November io> iSpo. 

This has been a considerable holiday, for it is 
Lord Mayor's Day, and all London gave itself 
up to the celebration. There was a procession 
from the Mansion House down Fleet Street and 
Charing Cross to Trafalgar Square, and then 
back along the Embankment, a wonderful circus- 
like pageant, particularly attractive this year, be- 
cause one of the Sheriffs in the Lord Mayor's 
entourage is Augustus Harris, the manager of the 
Drury Lane Theatre, and he, with his stage 
manager, Arthur Collins, has made the historic 
procession more theatrical than it has ever been. 
" Gus " Harris, in his green and gold carriage 
of state, was wildly cheered all along the route, 
for he is immensely popular. The Lord Mayor, 
Mr. Alderman Savory, is a wholesale chemist, I 
believe. He looked very fine in the great golden 
coach drawn by magnificent horses, and driven 

41 *> 


by an enormously fat coachman in gorgeous 
livery, all gold and satin and pink silk. 

The aftermath of the show was a fine harvest 
of drunkenness. The Strand at eight o'clock 
to-night was agog with a milling stew of so-called 
merrymakers, which means that there was 
general license and intoxication. The " donah " 
girls from the shops and factories, all dressed up 
in great hats, bobbing with so-called ostrich 
feathers, find great amusement in assailing inno- 
cent passers-by with jets of water from little 
leaden squirts. It is wisest to appear to like it. 

I spent part of the evening at a theatre, the 
Grand, at Islington, to hear a famous comedian 
called Arthur Roberts in " The Man With the 
Magic Eye." He is really very funny and appears 
to have a clientele which follows him round 
London, from one theatre to the other. His great 
claim on popularity is no doubt his faculty of 
spontaneous allusion to topical subjects. The 
Cass case, which is still uppermost in the public 
mind, gave him no end of subject for witticism. 

D'Oyly Carte, the owner of the Savoy Theatre, 
which Gilbert and Sullivan have made famous, 
and incidentally manager of the Savoy Hotel, on 
the Embankment, wants me to go and live there 
instead of staying in Duke Street, St. James*. I 
can have similar accommodation, bedroom, bath, 
sitting-room, and valeting for 2 xos. a week. 
He says he is finding difficulty in inducing people 
to patronise the ; hotel. The restaurant is cer- 


NO? EMBER, 1890 

tainly not popular, but that is due, perhaps, to 
the failure of Londoners to adopt the Continental 
habit of dining at hotels and restaurants. At 
present the Savoy is given over to people from 
abroad, and they are not many. Carte says that 
if he had his way he would cut a way through, 
so that the Savoy could be entered from the 
Strand very much like Jabez Balfour's Hotel 
Cecil, which stands up at the end of the little 
road called Cecil Street. That, I hear, is to be 
pulled down and turned over to the hotel. 

I had a long and rather heated discussion this 
afternoon with Sir Julian Goldsmid, who lives in 
a beautiful house in Piccadilly [now the Splen- 
dide Hotel] on the subject of a tunnel under the 
Channel. Sir Julian is a director of the Brighton 
Railway. He thinks a tunnel would be ruinous 
to Great Britain. We could be invaded at any 
moment. " If Napoleon had been fortunate to 
have a tunnel at his disposal he would not have 
died at St. Helena." 

" No," answered Mr. Montagu Williams, the 
famous Q.C., who was one of the party. " No. 
He would have died in the tunnel." 

Friday, November 14, 1890. 

This has been an exciting week of alarms. The 
Baring failure has produced sensation after sensa- 
tion and, but for the prompt action of the Bank 
of England, there would certainly have been a 



financial panic of the first order. When the news 
of the collapse trickled out the newspapers found 
much difficulty in learning the true position, and 
this seemingly short-sighted policy had the effect 
of spreading greater alarm and suspicion than 
the facts warranted. It was hoped that the Bank 
of England might intervene and help to save the 
situation, but the Bank was silent. I suggested 
to Mr. Walter, at The Times office, that they 
should send their financial editor to see the 
Governor of the Bank and get a statement, but 
was told that if the Bank had anything to say 
they would undoubtedly issue an official pro- 
nouncement. So I went myself. 

Unfortunately I was what was called "im- 
properly dressed." I have not conformed to the 
rule that in order to have the entree in the City 
one must wear a silk hat and a frock coat. I have 
been disporting myself in a bowler hat and 
tweeds, while I still further trangress by wear- 
ing light flannel shirts instead of white linen. It 
is something of a fad to be wearing these loose 
garments, but I am pleasing myself, and not 
Dame Fashion. I frequently notice that my 
loose-fronted shirt is the object of comment 
among people, who think that one is uncivilised 
unless the manly bosom is adorned with a stiff 
white shirt. So I presented myself at the Bank 
and, handing in my card, asked to see the 
Governor, Mr. Lidderdale. A functionary in a 
frock coat, who took my card, scrutinised me 



suspiciously, boggled at my tweed suit and brown 
shoes and my outrageous shirt, and then turned 
on his heel to fetch a colleague, also in a frock 
coat. He, too, looked puzzled, but I insisted, and 
finally they took in my card. In two minutes out 
burst the Governor himself. 

" You are the very man we want to see. We 
have been discussing the form of statement which 
can be sent broadcast. Will you help us ?" 

I was taken by him to the Governor's room, 
and there we concocted a statement, which re- 
assured the world, to the effect that the Bank 
of England had come to the rescue. 

I took the statement to Baron Herbert de 
Reuter at Reuters', in Old Jewry, gave a copy 
to Mr. McLean, of the American Associated 
Press, another to John Moore, at the Central 
News, a fourth to Mr. Robbins, at the Press 
Association (who had already got it from 
Reuters' when I arrived), and a fifth I handed 
to Mr. Moberly Bell, at The Times office, and 
lost nothing in telling him how The Times could 
have had the " exclusive " instead of leaving it 
to the New York Herald to get all the credit. 

Incidentally Mr. Lidderdale was considerably 
perplexed when he first talked things over. I 
noticed that he frequently honoured me with 
side-glances and every now and then looked at 
my card, presumably to reassure himself as to my 
status as London correspondent of one of the 
world's greatest newspapers. Finally, when we 



had concluded the important document, which 
was to prevent a financial panic, he looked up and 

"Tell me, how old are you?" I said: 
" Twenty-five." " And you are the head of the 
New York Herald's London staff?" I yielded 
assent to the impeachment. " Dear me," mused 
the Governor of the great bank, " You are very 
young to have so much responsibility." 

To-night when I saw Mr. Walter at The Times 
he congratulated me on having secured the Bank 
statement, and incidentally he expressed surprise 
at my youth. I reminded him of Delane, who 
was editor of The Times, aged twenty-five. 
" Oh yes," retorted Mr. Walter, " I know that, 
but there was only one Delane !" 

Saturday, February, 18, 1891. 

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find 
variety in restaurants at night. There are only 
three or four to choose from. So a few of us 
Thomas Fielders, Captain Montagu Armstrong, 
Romeo Johnson, of the U.S. Consulate, Henry 
Lee, lessee of the Avenue Theatre, and myself 
have taken 34, Grosvenor Road, in Westminster, 
next to the Millbank Prison, the place from which 
they used to ship the miscreants on board the 
Thames to Botany Bay. It is a row of new 
houses, and you have to pass through a road of 
slum houses in front of Smith Square and 



Grosvenor Road. The house, which is beauti- 
fully fitted out, belongs to a solicitor named 
Wilkins, and he has let it to us furnished at seven 
guineas a week. We have engaged a housekeeper 
and staff. Turner, my servant, is to be the butler, 
and we take possession to-morrow, so that we 
shall have a family group with a dinner party 
every night. Henry Lee assumes the responsi- 
bility for the house, and we pay him six guineas 
each per week extra for wines and cigars. Lee 
has just produced Monte Cristo at the Avenue 
Theatre, with Charles Warner and Emily 
Milward in the leading roles. 

Loie Fuller, who used to play in Charlie Hoyt's 
comedy companies in America, came to see me 
this afternoon. She is very hard up, but plucky. 
George Edwardes has given her a small dancing 
part at the Gaiety, really out of the kindness of 
his heart, and she gets about 3 a week for that. 
She and her mother are living in a small room at 
the top of the Victoria Hotel, where, again out of 
kindness of heart, she is permitted to do her own 
cooking. Loie tells me that she is designing a new 
dance with the aid of electric lights, which may 
be a novelty if anyone will take it.* 

Went this afternoon with Paleologue, the artist, 
and his wife to buy her a fur coat. We found one 
at the London Fur Stores in Regent Street, a long, 
beautiful sealskin coat, for which " Pal " had to 

* Loie Fuller became an enormous success and made a 
great deal of money with her flame dance. 



pay 80, which, considering you could buy them 
three or four years ago for a third of the price, is 
pretty high. There were some mink coats for 
40, also very dear. Sealskin being, of course/ 
all the fashion now, demands these silly, out- 
rageous prices. 

The fur man told me that prices would go still 
higher to 100 and more, but I can't believe that 
anyone but an idiot would pay 100 for any kind 
of a coat, even though he be hopelessly in love. 

Colonel Howard Vincent, M.P., sat beside me 
in the Underground to-day from Westminster to 
Blackfriars, and explained to me his attempt 
yesterday in the House to focus attention on the 
importance of liaison between the Home Govern- 
ment and the self-governing colonies, such as 
Australia, Canada and South Africa. He moved 
that these colonies should be asked to confer with 
the Imperial Government on the question of the 
development of inter-Empire trade. Vincent is 
not a great orator, though he is an effective and 
energetic speaker, but he says he made no impres- 
sion. " The trouble is," he said, " that most of 
our men in Parliament are noodles, who do not 
know where and what the colonies are. Any- 
how, they moved the previous question, and I lost. 
But they'll have to invite them in some day or 
lose 'em." 

Sir Arthur Sullivan has asked me to go next 
Saturday to the first night of a new operetta, The 
Gondoliers^ which he and Gilbert have written for 


the Savoy. He is most prolific, for on the same 
night he puts on at Cbvent Garden The Golden 
Legend and at the New Royal English Opera 
House [now the Palace Theatre] the English 
grand opera Ivanhoe. Sullivan apparently pins 
his faith to The Gondoliers. Eugene Oudin, the 
tenor, who has married Marion Manola, the 
soprano, tells me that he has been engaged to play 
Ivanhoe. Others in the cast will be Ben Davies, 
Norman Salmond, Esther Palliser, Miss Mac- 
kintosh, and John O'Mara. It will be a great 
experiment, and I imagine it will finally establish 
English opera on the grand scale similar to the 

Wednesday, April 23, 

I spent a dull, late afternoon in the House of 
Commons listening to Mr. Goschen expounding 
the Budget. The only life in the proceedings was 
infused by Sir William Harcourt, a large, over- 
weighted, double-chinned gentleman who is said 
to be a direct descendant of Plantagenet. Looks 
pontifical but not royal. He charged the Chan- 
cellor with having befuddled the country's 
finances. Mr. Goschen estimates the ensuing 
expenditure at 88,319,000, which is half a 
million over the previous year, and the revenue 
at 90,430,000, showing a surplus of 1,986,000. 

* It was what the French call a succes d 9 e$time t but the 
Royal English Opera House became a music-hall. 



He expects 13,750,000 from the sixpenny in- 
come tax.* 

I was even more interested in the census of 
figures of the United Kingdom which has been 
laid before the Commons. The total population 
of England and Wales on the night of April 5 
was 29,001,018, an increase of over 3,000,000 in 
ten years. There are sixty-two towns with popula- 
tions of over 50,000, Population of: 

London 4,211,086 

Liverpool 5i7>95* 

Manchester 5O5>343 

Birmingham 429,171 

It is interesting to see that women are coming 
more and more into active industry and com- 
merce. For instance, in the City the number of 
women engaged during the day was 50,416, 
against 44,179 in 1811. As many as 52,413 
persons entered the City via Liverpool Street 
Station on the day of the census. 

Before going to the Commons I went for an 
hour to the Vaudeville Theatre to see Elizabeth 
Robin's and Marion Lea's production of Ibsen's 
Hedda Goblet. Both above ladies with Charles 
Sugden, Scott Buist, and Mr. Elwood presented 
a fine performance of a gloomy subject. They 
are doing these matinees so well that they propose 
putting it on at night. In the audience with me 

*The estimated expenditure for 1928-29 was 
760,322,000, the revenue 760,322,000. The income 
tax now produces 232,900,000. 


APRIL, 1891 

was Henry Lee, who is lessee of the Avenue 
Theatre [Playhouse]. He says he proposes next 
week to put on a parody of Ibsen called Heredity, 
with W. H. Vernon and Fanny Brough; also 
Robert Buchanan's The Gifted Lady. I do not 
think 'twill last long, for Lee is financially un- 
stable, as I know to my cost, and the actors want 
to be paid.* 

On my way home I called on Sir Richard 
Quain, the famous physician, who is now an 
octogenarian. Queen Victoria made him a 
baronet this year. He told me that he had a 
rough time with the authorities, who wanted to 
charge him 300 for his baronet's patent. " So 
after a long wrangle," said Sir Richard, " which 
went on by letter for weeks, her Majesty wrote to 
me that it was most unseemly for me to quarrel 
with the officials, who were only doing their duty 
in trying to collect the fees usual on such occa- 
sions. Whereupon I wrote to her Majesty like this : 

" 'Madam, I did not ask you to make me a 
baronet. You did it without even consulting my 
convenience. I am an old man and need no such 
gew-gaws. I'm deeply obliged to your Majesty' 
you see she and I are close friends, so I can say 
what I like within reason ' I'm deeply obliged 
to your Majesty, but if you want me to shine as 
a baronet you oughtn't to make me pay for what 
I didn't seek/ 

* A true prophecy. Lee's management lasted only a few 
weeks more* 



"Well," and here Sir Richard chuckled, 
* would ye believe it. Her Majesty paid it her- 
self, but not without telling me that I ought to be 
ashamed of myself ; which I wasn't." 

Paris, Saturday, December 26, 1891. 

Commodore had me over from London yester- 
day. I went by Club Train [the Club train left 
Charing Cross at 3 p.m.], and enjoyed talking 
with the conductor, Mr. Snow [now general 
manager, Sleeping Car Company, Cockspur 
Street], Also on the train were Harry Marks, 
who founded the Financial News, and Davison 
Dalziel, who runs a news agency [later Lord 
Dalziel of Wooler], Commodore saw me early 
this morning at 120, Avenue des Champs Elysees, 
and explained to me that since Pulitzer of the 
World is putting up a great skyscraper of sixteen 
or seventeen storeys, he proposes to put up one 
of two storeys. "We'll show them," he said, 
" that we need not let offices in order to pay for 
our building." He then told me that he had taken 
a thirty years' ground lease of a plot at Broad- 
way and 34th-3$th Street: that he had asked 
Stanford White, the architect [he was shot and 
killed by Harry Thaw], to come over and find a 
Renaissance building in Italy to copy from, and 
*I was to go with 

* We eventually selected the Town Hall of Verona, of 
which the famous Herald building became a copy, 


I expostulated. I pointed out firstly that 34th 
Street was too far from the centre of things* It 
was like putting our present printing plant in the 
Rue du Commerce out to the Etoile or from Fetter 
Lane in London to the Marble Arch much too 
far from the heart of things. Secondly, I do not 
think the wholesale news dealers will care to go 
so far up-town to collect their papers, and we will 
have difficulty with telegraph and telephone lines 
so far away. Finally, I emphasised the fact that 
thirty years was no time in the life of a news- 
paper, and that 1921, when the lease falls in and 
the property reverts to the owners, is really not 
so far off. 

The Commodore listened patiently enough, for 
him, and then said : " Never mind about all that, 
Blumenfeld. Thirty years from now the Herald 
will be in Harlem (five miles beyond) and 111 be 
in hell ; so what do we care?" 

Then he dismissed me and told me to go back 
to London and see George Lewis and get him to 
draw up a paper which would make Reick in 
New York and myself each a one-third share- 
holder in the Herald. I started to thank him, 
and just as I got to the door he called me back 
and said: 

"And, by the way, reduce your salary by 
10 a week for having tried to tell me my 

* I only paid attention to his money whims when on 
similar occasions he asked me to raise my salary. 



Saturday, April p, 1892. 

Usual scenes in town to-night after Oxford and 
Cambridge Boat Race, in which Oxford won by 
two and a half lengths, the fastest time on record. 
Empire, Alhambra, Trocadero, and Tivoli music- 
halls jammed with rollicking semi-riotous mobs 
of students. The Strand at 9 p.m. was pande- 

Witnessed a curious, somewhat antiquated 
scene in the smoking-room of the Victoria Hotel 
at four this afternoon. I was sitting with Frank 
Marshall White, William Bacon, Edwin Cleary 
and Edwin Fox when Captain Harry Vane 
Milbanke, heir to Sir John Milbanke, came in 
and spoke to Fox. Both Milbanke and Fox were 
formerly in the Life Guards. It appears that 
Milbanke was carrying a challenge to a duel to 
Fox from Mr. Hallett Borrowe, and it all arose 
out of the indiscreet remarks of Colonel Tom 
Ochiltree, the famous swashbuckler. Ochiltree 
had told Frank White that a jury of honour in 
Paris, composed of the Due de Morny, Milbanke 
and Edwin Fox, had decided not to permit 
Borrowe to accept a challenge from one Coleman 
Drayton, on the ground that Drayton was not 
entitled to the satisfaction which a gentleman 
could demand. Frank White, who is the London 
correspondent of the New York Sun, had cabled 
this information, derived from Colonel Ochiltree. 
It was a big sensation in New York, where the 


APRIL, 1892 

principals belong to Ward MacAllistcr f s 400. 
Borrowe resented the breach of confidence by Fox 
in having told Ochiltree in the first place, and so 
challenged him to-day. Fox is a great giant of a 
man, who has had all sorts of adventures all over 
the world. Milbanke is a beau sabreur who has 
fought many duels. He was to be the heir to the 
Duke of Cleveland's millions, but he made an un- 
fortunate marriage in Paris, and so lost it. But 
he is rich. Should have lived in cavalier times. 
He is a most charming companion, is said to be a 
deadly shot and a magnificent swordsman. I 
have asked Cleary to keep in touch with these 
people, for they are just romantic enough and 
daring enough and gallant enough to go in for a 
duel. Will Bacon, who says he will be Fox's 
second if they fight, does not think they will. He 
said, with a yawn, " I've gone through these 
alarms several times. At present I'm much more 
interested in the reduction of this week's Bank 
rate from 2 l /2 to 2 per cent., because that will 
give me some more credit at the bank." 

Turned in at Romano's for a few minutes to- 
night and saw the Marquis of Aylesbury, who 
usually wears coster clothes, with his wife, Dolly 
Tester, the Brighton barmaid, Charlie Mitchell, 
the pugilist, Abingdon Baird, the Scottish iron- 
master who dispenses largesse with a lavish hand, 
"Teddy" Bayley, and several convivial spirits 
dispensing vociferous hospitality to all who 
entered. Those who refused to drink were 



playfully tripped up on the sawdust-covered 

Brussels, Sunday, April 24, 1892. 

Exciting times. The duel between Edwin Fox 
and Hallett Borrowe actually took place yester- 
day noon on the sand dunes of Nieuport Bains, 
near Ostend, and after two shots both were still 
alive. Harry Vane Milbanke acted as second for 
Borrowe, and I performed the task for Fox. 
Duelling pistols .45 calibre, firing on the count of 
" Three " at twelve paces. 

I had a great hide-and-seek game for nearly 
forty-eight hours before I finally got firmly into 
the event. Edwin Cleary had been keeping me 
posted in London for days on the movements of 
the principals. I knew that Fox, who is a friend 
of King Leopold of Belgium, had arranged to 
have the fight here, and that in the case of 
serious result the party would be protected by 
the police. 

On Friday afternoon Cleary told me in London 
that Borrowe and Milbanke had left for Brussels 
via Ostend in the morning, and that Fox, Bacon 
and Frank White were going via Harwich that 
night. So I arranged that Cleary and I should 
travel to Antwerp with them. On the boat across 
I disclosed myself to Fox. He was furious, for 
he wanted to score off the Herald and give the 
Sun man an exclusive report, because he dislikes 


APRIL, 1892 

the Commodore. I " squared " him eventually by 
giving him an order on the Paris office for 200. 
If he met disaster at Borrowers hands the 200 
was to be paid to a nominee whose name was given 
to me. One condition I made was that I should 
witness the fight. But at Antwerp Fox repented 
and gave me the slip, leaving me, as he thought, 
securely and innocently behind at the Hotel St. 
Antoine while he and the others went off to 
Brussels. But I saw them go and followed them 
at midnight to the Grand Hotel, Brussels. There 
I thought it better to attach myself to Milbanke 
and Borrowe. 

Early on Saturday morning we all left by train 
for Ostend, the two parties not on speaking terms. 
The police along the route knew all about us and 
saluted respectfully. At Ostend we were met by 
two barouches and were driven out to Nieuport 
Bains, a distance of about five miles. We went 
to the Prevost Hotel, and the principals and 
seconds changed into frock coats and top hats. 
The local doctor with a box of instruments under 
his arm joined us. The local gendarme kept the 
handful of excited villagers at one end of the 
street. They all knew why we were there. Then 
at eleven o'clock the party sat down to a hearty 
breakfast of steak and onions and champagne 
all at the same table. At twelve we sallied out 
into the broiling noonday sun, the doctor leading, 
then Cleary, Fox, Milbanke, Borrowe, Frank 
White, myself, and, rather shakily, Bacon, far be- 


RJ)3.'s DIARY 

hind. The sun and the champagne and the thirty- 
four hours of excitement had affected him so that 
on the way to the dunes he resigned as second 
and became a mere onlooker. I was selected to 
second for Fox. 

The sand dunes, where we pitched, were like 
deep bowls. The sun poured straight down on 
the white sand and blinded us a good deal. Bacon 
went to sleep on the ground. White, Cleary and 
the doctor got out of reach, as they thought, and 
sat on the rim of the dune above us. Milbanke 
and I loaded the beautiful pistols and, rammed 
down the charges. The order was twelve paces, 
side sighting to fire on the order " One, two, 
three," and firing between " two and three." 

Fox's first shot, aimed high, whistled between 
Cleary and the doctor above, and they quickly 
disappeared from sight on the other side of the 
rim. I went up to Fox, and he asked for a 
cigarette. Borrowers bullet had torn the nap of 
his buttoned frock coat, just scraping across. He 
began to smoke, as cool as a duck. We loaded and 
fired again. No result. The blinding sun on the 
sand made it difficult for the men to see clearly. 
Milbanke said that was enough, since honour was 
satisfied. I suggested reconciliation, but they 
both rejected that, and so the two parties 
broke up. Most of them took the steamer for 

I went with Milbanke to Brussels to the Grand 
Hotel, and as I had not enough money to pay for 



the cablegram I was sending, Milbanke lent me 
a thousand francs, although he objects to news* 

Friday, December 13, 1892. 

Funny incident this afternoon in St. James's 
Square. I got a cablegram from Clancy, the 
foreign editor in New York, asking me to try and 
get some information from the Foreign Office 
about a report of a proposed naval demonstration 
in Egypt in order to impress the Khedive. The 
cablegram added : " Interview Gladstone, if 
possible." I knew, of course, that the P.M. 
would not be interviewed, so I determined on the 
next course namely, to send a good informative 
message about the British Fleet, its armaments, 
foot-seconds sort of statistics. 

There is a good naval library at the Junior 
Travellers' Club in St. James's Square [now the 
Sports Club], and thither I repaired to make up 
my despatch. 

Just as I came out of Charles Street into St. 
James's Square I spied the Prime Minister walk- 
ing round by the iron railings opposite, apparently 
bent on an after-lunch walk. He had a big grey 

* Captain Milbanke fought a duel in Germany with an 
officer shortly afterwards, and was badly wounded. He 
died at Davos that year. Fox was drowned in Australia; 
Cleary, White and Bacon are dead. Borrowe distinguished 
himself in the Cuban War. I think he is still alive. I hope 
the Belgian doctor still flourishes. 


.'s DIARY 

shawl over his shoulders, and appeared to be talk- 
ing to himself. The usual Scotland Yard 
"shadow" was not there, so I concluded the 
P.M, was only out for a few minutes. But it 
appeared to me to be providential, and so, since 
Mr. Gladstone knows me well and is always most 
friendly to me, I stepped across, and, raising my 
silk hat, said: 

" Good-day, Prime Minister. I " 

" Go away," said the P.M., without looking up, 
and walked on. I stepped alongside, and said: 

"But, Mr. Gladstone, you don't appear to 
know me. I am Blumenfeld, of the New York 
Herald, and I would like " 

The old man stood still and glared like a 
ferocious lion. 

"Go away, I tell you," he added. "I 
don't know you. Don't bother me," and 
stumped on. 

The old apple woman sitting beside her basket 
opposite the Duke of Norfolk's house jeered at 
me. A cabman on his hansom cracked his whip 
at me; and I sneaked across to the club. I am 
sure that to-morrow I shall have a post-card from 
the P.M. asking me to overlook it. [I never 
got it.] 

I went to Bond Street Police Court this morn- 
ing with Arthur Pearson to hear Sir John Bridge, 
the chief magistrate, pronounce missing word 
competitions as illegal. This will be a blow not 
only to Pearson, who invented these competitions, 


By courtesy of The Graphic 
MR. GLADSTONE listening for the numbers of a division on 

DECEMBER, 1892. 1893-1897 

but also to the Harmsworth brothers [Northcliff e 
and Rothermere] and George Newnes, who all 
base their fortunes on this style of weekly circula- 
tion getting. Pearson says at one time the replies 
came in so thick and fast with shilling postal 
orders enclosed that it was impossible to keep con- 
trol. Office boys were found with their pockets 
stuffed with postal orders. Those that were 
crossed they shoved down the drains and choked 
them up. Pearson says that the Harmsworths 
must be making 50,000 a year clear. Three or 
four years ago they were poor. 

Willie Walrond tells me to-night he under- 
stands that Jabez Balfour, the head of the great 
Liberator Company, has resigned his seat owing 
to the charges of fraud that are being levelled 
against him and his colleagues. I met Balfour 
some months ago. He looked to me like a smug 
customer, and I shall not be surprised if he runs 
away before they have the law on him. The ruin 
that has been brought on thousands of poor people 
who have lost their savings in Balfour's com- 
panies is incalculable.* 


In January, 1893, the Diarist was suddenly 
ordered to New York by Mr. James Gordon 
Bennett to take charge of the construction of the 

* Balfour subsequently absconded, but was captured in 
South America, and went to prison for a long term. 


RJ)3.'s DIARY 

new Renaissance building and to assume the 
duties of business manager, with which he was 
wholly unfamiliar, since he was a journalist un- 
trained to business methods. A year in Amenta 
brought the completion of the building, after 
which, desiring to live in England, he returned 
here to form a company to manufacture type- 
setting machines, which were just then coming 
into use. But in spite of the absorption due to the 
claims of a great manufacturing business, his 
heart was in journalism, and for six years he con- 
tributed to many papers and frequently acted as 
a special correspondent. 

Thus, for instance, the opening of the Kiel 
Canal, in which there was an interview with the 
All Highest on board the Imperial yacht in June, 
*895> the funeral of President Carnot, for the 
New York "American"; Mr. Hiram Maxim's 
flying machine at Bexley; a trip with Beerbohm 
Tree to Balmoral to do a special performance 
of "The Ballad Monger" and "The Red 

It is deemed unnecessary to give many details 
from the Diary from 1894 to 1899. It was not a 
transition period, and the Diarist was not so much 
in touch with the great world as he was during his 
journalistic days before and after. 
Only here and there in the Diary are there 
entries which indicate the manners, modes and 
customs, such, for instance, as an entry in June, 
i8p6, when it was fashionable for society to go 

bicycling and breakfasting in Batter sea Park in 
the mornings. Here is a specimen: 

June 16. I went across Albert Bridge from 
Cheyne Court at 9.45. The Park road was 
already full of bicyclists, and many were 
already having coffee and rolls. I rode for a 
while with General [afterwards Field-Marshal] 
Sir Evelyn Wood and Sir Francis Jeune, the 
divorce judge [Lord St. Helier], Colonel 
Brabazon [Major-General Sir John], Mr. 
Claude Lowther, Mr. Sidney Greville, Lady 
Sykes [Jessica], who rides a horse better than 
she does a bicycle, Mrs. Brown Potter, the 
actress, Lady Essex, Princess Dolgorouki, Mr. 
Lewis Waller, the actor, and so on. Mr. Henry 
Chaplin stood on the sidewalk looking on. He 
told me he prefers to ride an i8-hand high horse 
that hasn't got wobbly wheels. 

In June, 1896, there was also a visit to Tun- 
bridge Wells to inspect a number of horseless 
carriages (motor-cars] which were put on exhibi- 
tion by the Mayor, Sir David Salomons. The new 
invention was generally derided. Besides, the law 
required that a man with a red flag should always 
precede a mechanically driven vehicle on the road. 

In August, 1896, there is an entry of a conversa- 
tion with Li Hung Chang, the famous statesman, 
at the Chinese Legation in Portland Place, where 
he was staying. Here is the entry: 



Sir Halliday MacCartney arranged an inter- 
view for me with Li Hung Chang. It lasted 
twenty minutes. The old man was gorgeously 
dressed in sky blue. He eyed me quizzically 
for a time and then asked quickly, hardly 
giving me time to answer : " How old are you? 
How much money have you got? How much 
do you earn? Phew ! [or words to that effect] 
that's a lot of money ! Are you married ? How 
man y children? How old is your father? Your 
mother? Do you live in a house with a garden? 
How many servants do you keep? Do you 
smoke 1" and so on. He simply would not get 
down to business, and I could get nothing from 
him on the Shimoniseki (Japanese) peace 
treaty. A weird old bird. They say he is 
worth over 30,000,000. 

On June 12, 1897, there is an entry : 

I witnessed Queen Victoria's progress in her 
Diamond Jubilee Procession from Buckingham 
Palace to St. Paul's, via South London. I saw 
the return journey pass Chancery Lane and 
Fleet* Street from a window in a stationer's 
shop. Colonel Jack Cowans in Rifleman's 
Uniform [Lieut.-General Sir John S. Cowans, 
war-time Quartermaster - General] led the 
military, which was composed of a fine selec- 
tion of British, Indian, and other troops from 
the Seven Seas ; Prime Ministers from a dozen 


1893-1897 JUNE, 1896 

colonies ; the German Emperor and all sorts of 
potentates ; but I liked best the popular figure 
of Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, V.C., on his 
white charger. He got almost as many cheers 
as the Queen. 

* * * * * 

Tuesday, June 2, 1896. 

For some time past I have been receiving letters 
and telegrams from Joseph Pulitzer, the blind 
proprietor of the New York World, suggesting 
that I should join his staff in an executive 
capacity. I have constantly turned down these 
invitations, because I am not enamoured of the 
style of journalism represented by the Pulitzer 
school. Mr. Carvalho, who is Mr. Pulitzer's 
principal aide and an old colleague of mine, states 
that I can have the choice of Managing Editor- 
ship of the Morning World or the Evening World, 
or charge of the Post-Despatch in St. Louis. Still 
I remain outside. Finally, since Mr. Ballard 
Smith, the London correspondent, is on the point 
of retiring, Mr. Pulitzer asks me to take up that 
post. I got a note yesterday from Mr. Butes, the 
efficient English secretary, asking me to lunch to- 
day at Moray Lodge, Campden Hill, where 
" J. P." has entrenched himself with his secre- 
tariat, which includes Dr. Hosmer, formerly 
Editor of the Herald, and David Graham Phillips 
[subsequently assassinated in Gramercy Park, 
New York, by a madman]. I went to lunch. 



"J.P.," Dr. Hosmer, Phillips, Sam Williams, 
and myself. " J. P." very petulant because Dr. 
Hosmer refused him permission to eat certain 
dishes. I sat next to him, and he pelted me with 
questions. Talk ranged from metaphysics to 
spiritualism, murder trials and police reporting. 
A man with a most astonishing range of conversa- 
tion. Tall, cadaverous, reddish beard, and hair 
growing grey, piercing but dead eyes, long bony 
hands : a fascinating yet terrifying figure. He is 
not quite blind, but cannot see to read even with 
the most powerful glasses. 

After lunch " J. P." took me for a drive in a 
Victoria. We drove through Kensington to 
Chelsea, over Chelsea Bridge to Battersea Park. 
All the way he was bombarding me with ques- 
tions about the Herald's interior mechanism, 
its personalities, its office politics, its revenues, 
and so on; and throughout I attempted to 
dodge him. He was obviously bent on getting 
inside information, and I was bent on not 
telling him, even though I am no longer a 
Herald man. Eventually, after we had driven 
round the park five or six times we came 
back into Chelsea. 

" You are not very communicative," said Mr. 
Pulitzer. "I expect when youVe joined the 
World you will be more so. Now when will you 
be ready to take over Mr. Ballard Smith's duties 
as London correspondent?" 

" Excuse me, Mr. Pulitzer," I retorted. " I 

JUNE, i896-OCTOBER> 1900 

have never said I would join your staff. I do not 
want to do so." 

"Why not, please?" I could see his colour 

" Because I choose not to be on the World? I 
answered. " At least not at present." 

" J. P." did a characteristic thing. He sat up 
straight in the Victoria, lifted his stick, poked the 
coachman in the back, and said : 

" Stop, please. This gentleman is getting out 

So, at the corner of the King's Road I got out 
and took a hansom : and that's how I didn't join 
the World* 

October i, igoo. 

Lord Salisbury has no qualms about the elec- 
tion. I saw his great, bulky, stooping form 
coming down Birdcage Walk, his beard rather 
unkempt and his great hat obviously in need of 
a brushing. When he saw me he stopped and 
waved his old umbrella. "Did you see what 
Campbell-Bannerman has said about a Liberal 
victory in the offing?" he said. " He isn't usually 
so foolhardy. We are going to have a great 
majority. I see that Arthur Balfour and Asquith 
and Brodrick have all been eulogising Lord 
Roberts. So they should. He is a great man, 

* Two days later came a letter from " J. P." saying that 
as Mr. Ballard Smith was now not leaving there was no 
vacancy for me on the World. 



but they might have added that he and the soldiers 
have caused the election ; not I." 

I saw Claude Hay, brother of Lord Kinnoull, 
in Dover Street sitting in a large motor-car with 
a tonneau body. He informs me he is off to 
Leicestershire to help a friend in the election, and 
has adopted this novel vehicle as a method of 
taking people to the polls. A motor-car maker 
tells me that he will not be surprised if motor- 
cars are used in future as much as horses. The 
Daily Express has issued a warning on the 
dangers of motoring, for these machines are not 
to be handled on a casual acquaintance. The man 
who is taking a precious load of voters to the poll 
in support of a candidate ought to be above 
suspicion as to sobriety and skill in working the 

The wedding of Miss Constance Gore-Booth, 
daughter of the late Sir Henry Gore-Booth, to 
Count Casimir de Markieviecz, of Poland, at 
Marylebone Church, was picturesque. The bride- 
groom wore full Russian Court dress, and as he 
speaks no English, the bride translated the re- 
sponses into Russian for him. She is a clever 
but rather erratic girl who prefers to talk Irish 

Lady Londonderry, who is still a great beauty, 
came to town to-day from Wynyard. She told 
me that she has heard that Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt 
has just presented his daughter, the Duchess of 
Marlborough, with a cheque for 500,000 dollars 


OCTOBER, 1900 

to celebrate the safe return of the duke from the 
war. The new house in Curzon Street which the 
duchess is building will soon be finished. Lady 
Lu everyone speaks of her thus said, with an 
assumed appearance of ruefulness : " I suppose 
when the palace is finished my position as hostess 
will be challenged." I doubt that. Lady L.'s 
position as leader of society will probably never 
be taken by anyone. 

Beerbohm Tree sends me a note asking if I will 
not aid in asking ladies to take off their large 
picture hats in the theatre. " They won't mind, 
I am sure," he adds. " Women don't mind much 
nowadays anyhow what they do in public. Look 
at them smoking cigarettes in restaurants !" I do 
not find smoking general among women. It is 
confined to three kinds, the " smart set," bachelor 
girls, and actresses. Mr. Burbidge, of Harrods, 
told me the other day that one of his girls was dis- 
missed from Harrods for smoking. 

I looked in at the Empire last night and saw 
some Boer War pictures on the bioscope. They 
were very lifelike, and almost free from flicker, 
which usually makes these moving pictures so 

October 2, 1900. 

Sir John Blundell Maple, of Tottenham Court 
Road, is not at all pleased at getting in for 
Dulwich without a contest in the general election. 



He asserted to me to-day that he had been spoil- 
ing for a fight. He had got his familiar fine four- 
in-hand all ready to tour the constituency, and I 
presume one of his reasons for wanting to face 
his electors was that if they questioned him as to 
his voting last session he would be ready to 
" furnish " explanations. 

Lord Carnavon is becoming a public nuisance 
as a motor scorcher. He was summoned again 
to-day. Clouds of dust as high as the neighbour- 
ing trees, said the police witnesses, rose up 
as his car whizzed along the road. By careful 
timing and measurements the superintendent 
calculated the rate of speed at a mile in two and 
a half minutes, or twenty-four miles an hour! 

Frank Butler, the hon. secretary of the Auto- 
mobile Club in Piccadilly, is very angry with the 
police. They haled him before the New Romney 
magistrates yesterday for scorching in his new 
Panhard at eighteen miles per hour; but he got 

At the War Office they say that Lieutenant 
Claude Lowther, of the Cumberland Yeomanry, 
has been recommended for the V.C. for a gallant 
action in Natal ; but I do not think he will get it, 
for Sir Redvers Buller had a series of rows with 
Sir Charles Warren, the ex-Commissioner of 
Police, who commanded under Buller, and who 
recommended Lowther, and Buller does not agree 
with Warren's ideas on most subjects. Young 
Mr. Lowther has, I hear, Parliamentary aspira- 


OCTOBER, 1900 

tions, and he should have little difficulty in get* 
ting one of the Lowther seats in Cumberland. 

Sir Evelyn Wood, the Adjutant-General, who 
grows more deaf every day, showed me a sample 
of the new bearskin hat of the newly formed Irish 
Guards. It has a big blue plume. The regiment 
is to be called the 4th Guards Regiment of the 
Household Brigade. 

When I left the War Office Sir Evelyn came out 
of the door with me and whispered that Mr. 
Brodrick, the War Secretary [now Earl of 
Midleton], was not at all agreeable to the visits 
of myself and one or two other editors to the 
Adjutant-General's office. In fact, he was arrang- 
ing to put in a sort of super-Press agent to whom 
all journalists will have to go in future. Sir 
Evelyn thinks it will be Colonel Edward Ward 
[late Sir Edward], the man who fed Ladysmith 
during the siege and whom Lord Roberts 
eulogised as "the best supply officer since 
Moses." Sir Evelyn says Ward, who is a hand- 
some, suave and tactful man, will probably soon 
succeed Sir Ralph Knox as permanent secretary. 
[He succeeded in 1901.] 

The Countess of Warwick writes to me 
from Scotland that she declines any longer 
to be numbered among the Tory electioneering 
workers. She tells her friends that she wants no 
more party politics. 

Ladies who persist in riding bicycles in long 
skirts must expect to get hurt. I saw a hand- 


some Junoesque figure to-day [Mrs. Sands], 
dressed in laces and flounces, riding on a bicycle 
in Sloane Street. Her skirt became entangled 
and she came down with a crash. My tailor tells 
me that women flatly refuse to wear short skirts 
for fear of exposing their legs. 

October 3, IQOO. 

Young Wertheimer, the talented son of Ascher 
Wertheimer, the art dealer of Bond Street, had a 
Lucullan dinner at his rooms at the Albany last 
night all men. Johannes Wolff, the Belgian 
violinist, Sarasate, Labouchere, straight from the 
election, young Lord Rosslyn, home from Pretoria 
after writing a book about it ; George Wyndham, 
statesman, Guardsmen, poet ; " Dolly " Teck, 
brother of the Duchess of York who will one day 
be Queen ; F. W. Pomeroy, who will one day be 
a sculptor R.A. ; Whistler, looking very fierce, and 
Sargent, the painter. I drove home to Chelsea 
with Sargent in a hansom, and he told me that 
he had not read a newspaper for six months. 
After dinner, old Ascher, who was beaming, came 
round and handed us each an enormous cigar, 
which must have cost him quite two shillings 

Henry Arthur Jones came down this afternoon 

to tell me that he has hit on a title for his new 

play. It is Mrs. Dane's Defence. They have 

been making a lot of publicity about this secret. 


OCTOBER, 1900 

Mr. Wyndham, Mary Moore, and Lena Ashwell 
all have fine parts, Jones continues to be the 
leading dramatist. 

People are complaining that the markets are 
overcharging. I went into Smithfield this morn- 
ing. They were asking four shillings for long- 
tailed pheasants, which is sixpence more than a 
year ago, but the market people say there are 
reasons. No doubt. We also hear of higher rents. 
Digby, the house-agent, told me that there is a 
good demand for seven-roomed flats at Ravens- 
court Park, electric light, all improvements, 
tennis, no taxes, at 50 to 80 a year. He 
showed me a sketch of a well-appointed six-room 
villa at Edmonton at ten shillings a week. I call 
that reasonable. 

I had a whole hour with old Sir Hiram Maxim 
at lunch to-day at the Cafe Royal. The old man 
drank water and ate some sort of fancy bread that 
he had in a paper bag. Every now and then he 
would suck away at a glass contraption which he 
called his anti-asthma pipe. He said he had spent 
17,000 in trying to make a flying machine, but 
the thing no sooner rose from the ground than it 
fell down. As for navigable balloons, he agrees 
with the late Duke of Argyll that man can never 
overcome the natural laws that condemn all 
buoyant bodies to an inertia that makes them use- 
less. He does not think Count Zeppelin will have 
much success with his forthcoming experiments. 
Maxim gets pink in the face when you mention 



his brother Hudson. " He never invented any- 
thing/* says the great man, " except a new powder 
which blew his arm off. He's trading on my 


October 5, igoo. 

I went yesterday to Bermondsey to hear young 
Winston Churchill speak after his Tory victory 
at Oldham. He spoke in support of Harry Cust, 
late editor of the Pall Mall. Churchill is tall and 
slight, with brown curly hair, and a boyish face. 
He simply radiates self-confidence. He began in 
the true Randolphian style, and at once started 
to lecture his audience, which was inclined to be 
enthusiastic. He likened the Liberal Party to the 
hornet; with the head biting the tail, and the tail 
stinging the head. The brains of the Liberal 
Party were all in the tail. He was getting on 
quite nicely in a speech, half his father and half 
debating society, when a woman interrupted him, 
and he lost his temper. Then he said he never 
was in favour of women's suffrage, and the 
woman's questions proved that women should 
not be entrusted with the vote. Someone booed 
him, and he again lost his temper, talked about 
" Yahoos," and said it was more dangerous to 
face pro-Boers than Boers. Mr. Churchill will, 
In time, acquire the habit of disarming inter- 
rupters with a smile. He is still new at the game, 
but from what I saw of him I think he will never 


OCTOBER, 1900 

be content to be a back-bencher. 

These Post Office people are very conservative. 
I heard Sir William Preece, the chief engineer of 
the Post Office, deliver himself to-day of an un- 
equivocal statement that " wireless telegraphy is 
not, and cannot be, a commercial success." In 
spite of the delicate and interesting experiments 
of young Marconi, who is half Italian and half 
Irish, Preece held that wireless telegraphy 
cannot supersede the present wire system. " It 
may be used under exceptional circumstances 
by the Army and Navy, but commercially it is 

Major Arthur Griffiths, who has been governor 
of Wormwood Scrubs, came down to tell me the 
news of Pall Mall. He knows all the Army 
secrets, and has a lot of information, both social 
and political, while his wife, Kate Reilly, the 
Mayfair dressmaker, keeps him in touch with 
affairs feminine. He says that Lieut.-Colonel 
Plumer, of Rhodesian fame, is to be made a 
brigadier-general in to-night's Gazette. " But," 
says Griffiths, " since he is an infantryman and 
not in the hierarchy he'll go no further.' 

Lord Iveagh, the great Irish brewer, is 
authority for the statement that women clerks 
in offices are a great success. He recently tried 
the experiment of employing lady clerks on the 
staff of the Guinness Brewery, mostly daughters 
of employees, and there has been not a single 


October 6, igoo. 

General election and shooting season have 
combined to keep people out of town more than 
usual at this time of year. But Bond Street is 
beginning to fill again. Gilbert Parker, the 
novelist, whom I met in Bond Street, had just 
come up after winning Gravesend for the Tories. 
He defeated young Hildebrand Harmsworth, 
Alfred's brother, who had high hopes of success. 
Mr. Parker [now the Rt. Hon. Sir Gilbert Parker, 
Bart.] is quite the most immaculately dressed 
man in town. He now affects a beard and wears 
soft silk shirts, even in that temple of sartorial 
perfection, the House of Commons. I hear his 
book royalties are 7,000 a year, and perhaps 

The Liberals are terribly upset at the defeat of 
Captain Hedworth Lambton, who did such fine 
work with the naval brigade at Ladysmith. New- 
castle has rejected him in spite of his fine war 
service; but then " Khaki " wins anything now. 
Captain Lambton wanted very much to go into 
Parliament, but he will probably have to be con- 
tent to go to sea again and wait until he retires 
as a rear-admiral or the war is forgotten, when, I 
am told, he proposes to try again.* 

* He did try again as a Unionist in 1916, and succeeded; 
and died in 1929 as Admiral of the Fleet Sir Hedworth 

OCTOBER, 1900 

Yerkes, the projector of the new Charing Cross, 
Euston, and Hampstead electric underground, 
for which he has a charter, said to me that in 
spite of the opposition which he meets at every 
turn he proposes to go through with it. He has 
secured the backing of some large American 
financiers to the extent of 30,000,000, and he 
predicted to me that a generation hence London 
will be completely transformed ; that people will 
think nothing of living twenty or more miles from 
town, owing to electrified trains. He also thinks 
that the horse omnibus is doomed. Twenty 
years hence, he says, there will be no horse omni- 
buses in London. Although he is a very shrewd 
man, I think he is a good deal of a dreamer. 
Yerkes also told me that he had just purchased 
a Velasquez for his private gallery. He buys 
paintings without regard to cost. I drove from 
Westminster with him in his private hansom. 

One of the Bass people whom I met this 
morning gave me the interesting information 
that breweries are enormously on the decrease. 
Twenty years ago, in 1880, there were 22,000 
brewers; now they number 7,000. In 1882 
there were 110,000 private brewers; now there 
are only 13,000. "Death by strangulation 
through the * Tied ' system " is the verdict. 

Hichens, the manager of the Empire, told roe 
that the music-halls are going to 
continue to put on short plays. " 
Tivoli," he said, " always crowded 

77 ff/V R NA 


stick to their last. This week they have on the 
bill such favourites as Vesta Tilley, Vesta 
Victoria, Dan Leno, R. G. Knowles, George 
Robey, and Harry Lauder. No plays for them." 
At lunch to-day, Romano, the restaurant man, 
said that claret is becoming almost as cheap as 
beer. There has been a great vintage of red wines 
in France, and Romano says all sorts of people 
are beginning to drink wine. He asserts, too, that 
sherry is going out rapidly and port as an after- 
dinner drink is becoming more general. My 
lunch of four courses, with a bottle of Pommard 
there were two of us cost ten shillings ; which 
for Romano's is not very dear. 

October 7, igoo. 

Quite a fair assemblage of people in the Church 
parade in the Row to-day, in spite of the cold 
wind. Lord William Beresford, V.C., with his 
rich American wife, who was Mrs. Hammersley 
and afterwards Duchess of Marlborough [step- 
mother of the present duke], explained the 
reasons for the failure of his fine colt Volodyovski. 
He had some fine offers for it, particularly from 
James R. Keene, the father of Foxhall Keene, 
the young polo player, who comes to London from 
New York every season. 

A good many politicians in the Park home from 
the elections. Mitchell-Thomson [father of the 
recent Postmaster-General] introduced me to 


OCTOBER, 1900 

Mr. A. B. Law [Bonar Law], the new MJP. for 
the Blackfriars Division of Glasgow, a Canadian 
who is in the metal business in Scotland, He says 
this is his first plunge into political life. A quiet, 
unassuming man, with no trace of a Transatlantic 
accent. Mitchell-Thomson says he is a mountain 
of common sense, with an uncanny genius for 
facts and figures, and that he is a most convincing 

Mrs. Williamson, who edits the Onlooker, a 
society gossip paper, had all the women in the 
Row staring at her. She had some sort of con- 
traption hooked to her skirt to hold it up, thus 
freeing her hands. She explained that the 
necessity for holding up the present-day long 
skirts affected the wrist. " I know many women," 
she said, " who suffer from * skirt wrist.' " 

The CJ.D. people are busy trying to unearth 
the gang who gild sixpences to look like half- 
sovereigns. There has been a flood of them. 
Inspector Froest, who was in the Park, showed 
me a handful of them, and Pinkerton, the 
American detective, who is here, thinks he knows 
the criminals. Half-sovereigns are becoming un- 
popular. Only the other night I gave a cabman 
two sixpences for his fare from Waterloo Place 
to Fleet Street, and I found later that one of them 
was half a sovereign. This is a common error 
when it is dark. 

Mark Twain, who has been living at Dollis 
Hill for some months, sails this week for New 


RJ) .'s DIARY 

York. He was buying books at Hatchard's 
yesterday, and entertained me with yarns for 
twenty' minutes. " I always like to spend time 
in bookshops/' he said, " because it reminds me 
of my folly in having tried to be a publisher. I 
lost 20,000 in Webster and Co., and that 
was a good but costly lesson. I went com- 
pletely broke/' 

He said that the most interesting thing he had 
found here was that English lumbago was no 
different from American lumbago. Also that 
English green cigars are a delusion and a snare. 
" I once smoked a piece of bamboo from an old 
umbrella rib," he said. " Same thing as English 
green cigars/' 

October 8, 1900. 

Swift MacNeill, the pro-Boer, is in again for 
South Donegal; Lloyd George, ditto, has in- 
creased his small majority at Carnarvon by 102. 
He is thirty-seven years old, but as he is all nerves 
and jumps, I doubt if he will stand the racket of 
Parliamentary life for long. He has already been 
eight years at Westminster, and as he is a 
turbulent sort of person he is sure to wear him- 
self out soon. 

Joe Lyons, who got Salmon and Gluckstein to 
embark on his catering business, which is now an 
undoubted success, has asked me to lunch with 
him at the opening of the new palatial restaurant 


OCTOBER, 1900 

which his firm has built in Throgmorton Street, 
by the Stock Exchange. He says you will get a 
cut off the joint for tenpence the same as at any 
other City restaurant. Joe spends his time 
between discussing new palaces and painting 
landscapes. He might have become an R.A. 

The Secretary of the Board of Trade, Mr. 
Llewellyn Smith, is responsible for the state- 
ment to-day that the rise in miners' wages is 
phenomenal. They have gone up in the past eight 
months of this year more than twice as much as in 
the whole of last year. Iron and steel, too, are 
booming, and wages are going up. But there 
cannot always be such a great demand for coal, 
and when the wages come down there must be 

The Rothschild goat which ambles up and 
down Piccadilly every afternoon from Seamore 
Place to Stratford Street nearly came to grief 
to-day. An omnibus horse slipped on the pave- 
ment and went down. The goat shied away and 
was nearly run over by a passing hansom. The 
omnibus-driver said he wouldn't have hurt the 
goat for worlds since it might affect the annual 
New Year's gift of a brace of pheasants which 
Leopold Rothschild sends to every driver and 

The Rothschild goat is becoming as familiar to 
London as the chinaware parrot in the window 
of the Baroness Burdett Coutts at Stratford 
Street; and apropos of this I note that the 



baroness, who ia just eighty-six this week, is said 
to have given away a million to charity. Her 
husband, who was Ashmead-Bartlett, son of a 
Princeton, New Jersey, professor, and brother of 
Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett [father of the present 
Ellis], acted originally as her almoner. Then she 
married him ; and Queen Victoria, her old friend, 
was very angry because of the disparity in ages. 
The baroness was about sixty-five when she was 

Mr. Paul Vogel, the secretary of the Waiters' 
Union, came down to see me to explain that the 
agitation by the waiters in Trafalgar Square was 
justified. They have to work from 100 to 115 
hours a week "for disgraceful wages, and are 
generally treated like dogs." They have also to 
hand over a proportion of their tips to the pro- 
prietors. Of course, he said, there are exceptions. 
The meeting was addressed by the inevitable 
Tom Mann, the publican, who urged them 
to combine "for the international solidarity 
of labour." 

October 9, 1900. 

One of the reporters who went to Marlborough 
House this morning for the departure of the 
Prince of Wales for Newmarket says that H.R.H. 
looked very tired and old. He wore a remarkable 
suit of tweeds and a flaming scarf. He walked out 
of the gate, shook hands with a police inspector, 
and then crossed with "Monty" Guest, his 


OCTOBER, 1900 

friend, to the Marlborough Club. Then he came 
out and entered a brougham and drove off to the 
station with Commander Seymour Fortescue. 
The Prince has been visiting Queen Victoria at 
Balmoral, and shooting with Lord Glenesk, of 
the Morning Post, at Glenmuick, where some of 
the guests were Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace, 
Lady Kilmorey, Mrs. Hope Vere, Mr. Arnold 
Morley, Mrs. George Keppel, and the Grand 
Duke Michael and Countess Torby. 

I had a call from Charles Frohman, the 
theatrical impresario, who will soon own half 
the theatres in New York and London. He 
always comes to see me when he is in London, 
and we talk over the old days when he was an 
advance agent for Haverly's Minstrels in America 
years ago. I first saw him sticking bills on the 
wall of my father's newspaper building some- 
where in the 'seventies.* 

The luckiest man in London is "Tommy 
Dewar" [now Lord Dewar], who has won St. 
George Vin-the-East by a record majority, and all 
through a horse. He has told me the secret. He 
had not a chance when he was adopted on short 
notice. Straus, the Liberal candidate, wagered 
him four to one on himself. One day last week 
a deputation of four men, representing Tower 
Hamlets costers, waited on Dewar. They were 
all dressed up in their best clothes, covered from 

* Frohman was drowned in the Lusit&nia disaster in 



head to foot with pearlies. They were not 
interested in aliens or deceased wife's sisters, but 
wanted to know if Dewar's horse, Forfarshire, 
had a chance to win a good race at New- 
market. Dewar, being a Scot, was wary. He 
lectured them on gambling, but they persisted. 
Finally, in desperation, he gave way, and, pledg- 
ing them to secrecy, tipped Forfarshire to win. 
The next day his agent said that the whole con- 
stituency was on Forfarshire. The costers had 
spread the tip, and Dewar was in despair. He 
was not at all sure of the horse, and if he lost, his 
chances of election were worse than ever. Finally, 
on Thursday, after a fever of anxiety Dewar 
was afraid to open the telegram the horse won 
by four lengths, and on Saturday Mr. Thomas 
Dewar was enthusiastically elected. 

The publishers say that Mr. Kipling's new 
book, which is to be called Kim of the Rishti, will 
run to a full 100,000 words, which will make a 
good, thick book. It ought to settle the question 
whether Kipling is capable of writing other than 
short stories, since many think that Captains 
Courageous was not a good test. His father, 
Lockwood Kipling, has done the illustrations as 

Very warm to-day; like midsummer. The 

^thermometer outside my window at noon was 

seventy-five in the shade, I remember nothing 

like this in London for years. All the shop 

windows are full of winter furs. 


OCTOBER, 1900 

October 10, /poo. 

Six of the Hanoverian cream horses which pull 
Her Majesty's State coach were out in the Mall 
this morning drawing a brake. They had their 
out-riders up, and were evidently practising for 
the reception which Queen Victoria proposes to 
give to the City Imperial Volunteers on their re- 
turn from South Africa in ten days. The Queen 
is coming back to town for a few days. She dis- 
likes London and Buckingham Palace, which is 
becoming very shabby. I am told that Ministers 
in attendance at Balmoral have been put to some 
heavy cross-examination by Her Majesty on the 
question of Kruger's escape from the Transvaal. 
The old Boer is sure to have a triumphant recep- 
tion in France this month. 

Prison management is becoming enlightened. 
Mr. Troup, at the Home Office, told me to-day 
that convicts are now permitted to retain photo- 
graphs of their relatives in their cells. 

A strange luncheon party at the Constitutional 
Club to-day. Alfred Jones, the Liverpool ship- 
owner (Elder Dempster), had his weekly 
assembly of all sorts, about a dozen, each in a 
different line of business, and he switched off 
from one to the other on completely different 
subjects with great facility. He told us that in 
future everybody would have to eat bananas, for 
he has arranged to run fast steamers to and from 



Jamaica, and they will come back packed with 
bananas. "Fm going to have them sold off 
barrows," says Jones, " and people will become 
accustomed to them. It will be a bad day for the 
little Canary Islands bananas, which now come 
wrapped in cotton wool, and are only seen in shop 
windows and at dinner parties." 

My tailor, old X , in Hanover Square, had 

the telephone put in last week. So to-day I gave 
him a great shock. I rang him up and asked him 
to send me my bill. " I hope there's nothing 
wrong," he faltered. " Nothing," I said, " except 
that you have not sent me my bill for a year, and 
I want to settle up." " But, sir," he pleaded, 

" I'm sure " I hung up the receiver. It 

must have worried him terribly, for he came 
down to Fleet Street this afternoon, looking like 
a duke, and begged me to tell him what was 
wrong, and he hoped I was not leaving him. I 
could not satisfy him that all I wanted was my 
bill. He went away quite unhappy at my 
idiosyncrasy. He can do with long credits, for 
he charges six guineas for a lounge suit 
and thirty-five shillings for extra trousers; 
which, even for Hanover Square, is none 
too cheap. 

October 12, ipoo. 

I had lunch to-day in Berkeley Square at Alfred 
Harmsworth's [afterwards Viscount Northcliffe]. 


OCTOBER, 1900 

Mr. Joseph Choate, the American Ambassador, 
was there, and we discussed rich men. He said 
Andrew Carnegie was worth probably from 
15,000,000 to 20,000,000, and Rockefeller, 
of the Standard Oil, probably as much. Harms- 
worth thought the Czar of Russia was richer, and 
he believed Cecil Rhodes would one day be the 
greatest Croesus of all, since his development of 
the great territories in Africa was bound to pour 
millions into his pocket no matter how extrava- 
gant he might be. Hugh Spottiswoode, the 
Queen's printer, who was also present, said 
Morrison, the City financier, an unknown man, 
whose liame was unfamiliar to all of us, was 
probably! richer in solid money than any of these. 
[Morrisdn eventually left ten millions.] Kennedy 
Jones, wiio is a partner of Harmsworth's, and 
whom I Inew in 1890 as a poor reporter, on very 
small par, stated that in his opinion Whitaker 
Wright, the great company promoter, was likely 
to prove wealthier than all the others.* 

One of the actresses at the Criterion last night 
wore a pan: of white stockings in the new fashion 
which the French have been vainly attempting to 
establish this year. Women tell me they will 
never givefup black stockings, which suit them so 
well. Thly do not mind the open-work or the 
daintily epbroidered black, preferably silk, but 

* Wright! was a bankrupt within a couple of years, and 
committed stncide in court aftdr being sentenced to penal 


RJ)3.'s DIARY 

black it must be unless it be brown, and then only 
with tan shoes. 

Captain "Tucker" Gray, of the Syth (Royal 
Irish Fusiliers) , who is an adjutant of Volunteers 
[now Territorials] at Hounslow, came in to see 
me at home this morning, minus his moustache* 
I expressed surprise at an Army officer in this 
disguise, and he showed me a letter from his 
brigadier calling attention to the breach of the 
rule which requires moustaches to be worn. The 
brigadier added : " I don't think it is nice for 

officers to go about looking like acto 
has started growing it again, unlike 

*." He 

" Roddy " Owen, who won the Grand I fational. 
Owen shaved his moustache, and was ore ered not 

to appear again moustacheless on parad 

next day he rode out in front of his i 

so the 


decorated with an enormous false red dbustache 
like a fox's brush. 

At the Cafe Royal the old lady is talking about 
removing the red plush lounges and replacing 
them with chairs; which will be baa, for the 
charm of this place has been its foreign aspect. 
One misses the French refugees, suth as old 
Henri Rochefort, who used to come* in every 
afternoon and write his leader for Ulntransi- 
geant, and then send it across the street to be 

telegraphed to Paris. When M. Nicol 


there was always a coterie of celebrities like Oscar 
Wilde, Whistler, Sir Arthur Sullivan, aid George 
Augustus Sala. I was discussing this to [-day with 


OCTOBER, 1900 

Charlie Mitchell, whose fight with John L. 
Sullivan I witnessed at Chantilly a dozen years 
ago. He and Eugene Stratton, the minstrel who 
sings negro songs across the way in Prince's Hall, 
at Moore and Burgess' Minstrels (his real name 
is Ruhlman), were sipping absinthe and lament- 
ing the falling away of the literary and artistic 
element from the red benches ! Stratton says that 
"Pony" Moore, the old minstrel, is now over 
eighty, but is still hearty in the Finchley Road, 
where he keeps a private bar in his house free to 
all visitors. 

October 13, igoo. 

On the box seat of a Hampstead-bound Atlas 
omnibus to-day the old driver was lamenting the 
fact that so many good horses have been taken 
away for the war, and that there is no joy in 
driving the indifferent cattle which now draw the 
omnibuses. He says his regular box seat 
customers, who pay a tip of a shilling a week for 
a reserved seat beside him, are falling away. The 
young men prefer bicycles nowadays, or hansoms, 
and the old men do not like climbing up and down 
now that the omnibuses are so much larger. 

The result of Captain Elliot Cairnes' exposures 
of the ignorance of Army officers in the profession 
of arms, which has been so apparent in South 
Africa, is found in the new order, which provides 
more educational work and less play on the part 



of officers. The whole system is to be revised, and 
there will be some drastic weeding out of incom- 
petents. The War Office in Pall Mall is, I hear, 
soon to be torn down, and will remove to the new 
building in Whitehall. [The Automobile Club 
stands there now.] Sir Ralph Knox told me to- 
day that they are now devoting themselves 
seriously to the practical consideration of the use 
of auto-cars in warfare. Lord Roberts is behind 
this from his experience in South Africa. 

I had a note to-day from my old chief, James 
Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, asking 
me to meet him at the St. James's Hotel [now 
Berkeley], So I went to see him. He was 
enthusiastic about a new yacht of 1,500 tons, 
which is to put the proposed new yacht of Joseph 
Pulitzer in the shade. Anything that Pulitzer, of 
the World, does, stirs Bennett to rivalry. Bennett 
is going to have all his lights in the form of owls' 
heads (his motto is " La nuit porte conseil " the 
night brings counsel), and there will be a sea- 
going cow. He also said that he had ordered a 
5O-horse-power Napier automobile, and that 
Charles Rolls, S. F, Edge, Lord Carnarvon, Mark 
Mayhew, and Count Zborowski [the elder] had 
done likewise. What they will do with these 
monsters in England I do not know, for they will 
not be permitted to go beyond the twelve-mile 

I asked Moss, the music-hall impresario, if it 
was true that he is heading a group of managers 


OCTOBER, 1900 

to check the high salaries now demanded by 
music-hall stars. He denied it, and said that 
though salaries were too high they have to be paid. 
Ada Reeve, for instance, receives as much as 
150 a week. 

October 14, IQOO. 

The fashion writers in the office are agitated 
about the suggestion that women's skirts should 
be shorter. They have gone about interviewing 
the managers of the great shops, and they are all 
against it. I have received a note from Paquin 
on this subject to the effect that short skirts are 
" ungraceful and unbecoming, and so distinctly 
inconvenient." He says that the skirt two inches 
off the ground is all right for dry weather, as it 
leaves both hands free, but not so in muddy 
weather. Dare to leave it alone and it hangs full 
and heavy at the back, gathers in all the rain and 
mud, sweeping wet and uncomfortable round the 
ankles. Attempt to hold it up and it is too short 
to reach with any comfort, and becomes most 
tiring with the twist and drag of it, whereas a 
really long skirt is lightly thrown over the wrist 
or arm, and gives no further trouble. The short 
skirt, to be safely left alone in muddy weather, 
says this fashion dictator, needs to be at least 
six inches off the ground ; and who dares to wear 

At the Savoy to-day little Tod Sloan, the 


American jockey, who introduced the new style 
of crouching in the saddle, had a large luncheon 
party of all sorts. He deports himself like a 
plutocrat, which he probably is, for he has made 
a great deal of money, most of which, I am told, 
he puts away. These American jockeys, Sloan 
and John and Lester Reiff, manage to lead most 
of their British colleagues in winning mounts. 

The German newspapers continue to fan the 
anti-British flame in Berlin. Every surrender 
of five or six Yeomanry is heralded as a great 
Boer victory, and the newspaper offices, where 
war bulletins are displayed, have great cheering 
crowds in front of their windows. I asked Baron 
Eckhardstein, the counsellor of the German 
Embassy, to-day, why their newspapers carry on 
this pernicious propaganda. He said it was diffi- 
cult to stop it; that the Emperor was most 
friendly, and that, after all, reports of pro-Boer 
feeling in Germany were exaggerated. From 
what I know of the iron hand of the German 
Government on its Press, I am not convinced by 
the baron's explanation. He was rather nervous 
about it, and appeared to be anxious to show that 
Germany was really pro-British, which she is not. 

Housewives are complaining that the General 
Election is interfering with game shooting so 
much that game has become dear. Grouse and 
partridge are four shillings a brace, old birds 
2s. 6d. a brace, widgeon cost is. 6d. apiece, and 
wild duck is. 9d. to 2s. Fish, however, is quite 


OCTOBER, 1900 

cheap. Fine soles are is. 4cL a pound, cod and 
haddock 6d. Tomatoes are 4<i. a pound. 

Dr. Conan Doyle, who has done fine work with 
the ambulances in South Africa, is consumed 
with wrath at his defeat in the Edinburgh elec- 
tion. He was going strong when some Radical 
enemy put out a poster saying that " Conan 
Doyle is a Roman Catholic and a Jesuit. He 
wants to undermine the Church of Scotland." 
That did it. 

October 15, 1900. 

As I came through the Temple this afternoon 
I met Mr. Haldane, Q.C., who has just been re- 
turned as a Liberal for Haddingtonshire. He was 
described yesterday by a fellow-barrister as " that 
distressingly respectable young man from Scot- 
land." He is said to be a most effective pleader 
at the Parliamentary bar, but there is too much 
of the dry-as-dust lawyer about him ever to make 
him popular as a politician. [The late Viscount 
Haldane, ex-Lord Chancellor.] 

The gossips say that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, 
"Black Michael," is about to retire from the 
Cabinet. He has been a great success as Chan- 
cellor, but his eyesight is troubling him and his 
temper is becoming worse than ever. I had occa- 
sion to go to him with a delegation some months 
ago, and he treated us like boys and interrupted 
every one with a short and sharp: "Well, get 



on with it," or * I know all about that. Go on/' 
The old Duchess of Devonshire, the " double 
duchess/ 1 who is a most assiduous whist player, 
is ill again, and I have arranged to have her 
obituary notice brought up to date in case of 
emergency. She has come to Devonshire House 
from the country. She is a wonderful old woman, 
who rules her set with a heavy hand. With Lady 
Londonderry, the Duchess of Portland and the 
Marchioness of Lansdowne, she has led social 
England without question. Sir Henry Calcraft, 
who ran the Board of Trade for years as per- 
manent secretary, told me that he knew her well 
when she first came to London some forty years 
ago as the beautiful and accomplished, but poor, 
daughter of Count von Alten, a Hanoverian 
soldier who was attached to one of the German 
legations here. When she married Lord Mande- 
ville, afterwards Duke of Manchester, she was 
one of the most popular girls in London. She 
married her second duke, still a bachelor, about 
nine years ago, after a devoted friendship cover- 
ing a period of many years since they were young. 
London keeps on growing. To-day's figures of 
population are surprising. The Metropolis has 
4,210,000 people, which is almost a million more 
than ten years ago. The expansion to the north 
" and west is rapid. New streets everywhere. The 
Cricklewood neighbourhood, for instance, will 
soon lose its sylvan aspect. You cannot now ride 
cross country at Finchley with any ease. Every- 


OCTOBER, 1900 

body wants to come to London; and little 
wonder, since the rural districts are all more or 
less dead, with no prospect of revival. 

A characteristic note from Charles Warner v 
who never appears to grow older, thus : " Come 
down this week to the Britannia Theatre, Hoxton, 
and see your old friend Charles Warner, the cele- 
brated actor, in his so many thousandth appear- 
ance as Coupeau in Charles Readers Moral 
Drama ' Drink/ with all the original effects, fight 
with real water, realistic scaffold accident, etc. 
And we conclude with 'Slasher and Crasher, 1 
which will amuse you. George Alexander and W. 
H. Vernon both came one day last week. I let 
myself go for them and they both say they were 

October 16, igoo. 

Alfred Harmsworth [afterwards Viscount 
Northcliffe] came into my room at the Daily 
Mail office a couple of days ago [this was before 
I came to the Daily Express] and said : " There 
is nothing I would like better in all the world 
than to obtain control of The Times. I do not 
think they are getting on too well over there, and 
they might like to sell. If I went to them they 
would at once refuse me. Will you make them 
an offer instead? You know the Walters, and 
they may care to deal with you. Pve got a 
million pounds in Consols, and I authorise you 


.'s DIARY 

to play up to that sum. It will be a great coup 
if you can get it." So I went to Printing House 
Square and saw Mr. Godfrey Walter, with whom 
I had done considerable business in the past in 
the way of new typesetting machinery, and with- 
out beating about the bush made him an offer for 
control of The Times. He looked, and was sur- 
prised. I told him to consult his brother Arthur, 
the senior member of the family, and he agreed 
to let me know. As I went out he said somewhat 
naively: "You are now associated with Harms- 
worth, aren't you?" I did not deny the soft im- 
peachment. This afternoon I received a nice 
note from Mr. Godfrey Walter, saying he had dis- 
cussed the matter of my visit in the proper 
quarter, and he regretted, etcetera. Alfred 
Harmsworth is disappointed, but he says: 
" Never mind. We'll get it sooner or later." * 

My cab came down on the slippery pavement 
of St. James* Street to-day, and I cut my hand 
in the broken glass of the front. This street is 
perhaps the most dangerous in London, for it is 
very steep, and when it rains there is no foothold 
for the poor horses. Old cabmen avoid it when 
they can. The trouble is accentuated by the fact 
that the street is only sanded occasionally when 
there are royal processions or outings. Otherwise, 

* He actually acquired control in 1908, after Arthur 
Pearson's disastrous " deal," which was ruined at the last 
moment by the intervention of Moberley Bell, the manager 
of The Times. 


OCTOBER, 1900 

unlike the other main thoroughfares, no sand or 
gravel is ever spread on its slippery surface. Sir 
Eyre Massey Shaw, the ex-chief of the Fire 
Brigade" Oh, Captain Shaw," of the "cold 
cascade " vide, Gilbert and Sullivan had a bad 
tumble in a hansom on Saturday in front of 
Boodle's. Fortunately the window was up, or he 
would have been badly cut. 

October 17, igoo. 

Mr. W. T. Stead came back from Paris to-day, 
and called to say that he had been terribly 
maligned in a flood of letters and postcards from 
people who protest against his utterances at a 
peace meeting in Paris, where he is reported to 
have said that he was ashamed of being an Eng- 
lishman. He was particularly hurt at a remark of 
Sir John Gorst's, that most Englishmen were of a 
similar opinion since they, too, were ashamed 
that he was an Englishman. Stead was buzzing 
away with a full-speed-ahead idea of a newspaper 
which he would like to found with the object of 
combating militarism, and to have all the nations 
united on this policy. But he is afraid the blood 
lust in nations is too strong for him. A most 
amiable idealist. 

Clement Scott, autocrat of the theatres for a 
generation, the man who has made and unmade 
theatrical reputations with a few lines in the 
Daily Telegraph, showed me the prospectus for 



his new paper, which he has registered at Somer- 
set House as " Free Lance, Limited." The capital 
is 50,000, which shows that Scott means busi- 
ness. He proposes to buy the best talent, and 
from what I know of this energetic man he will 
make deep inroads in the circulations of Truth 
and Vanity Fair and the World. It will probably 
be a great and lasting success. 41 

Wilson Barrett, the actor, who has a voice like 
an oboe, was in town to-day, after a strenuous 
week at Nottingham, where, he says, the gallery 
annoyed him every night with cat-calls. He was 
playing "Quo Vadis." On Saturday night, he 
says, he went before the curtain and gave 
Nottingham a bit of his mind. He told the audi- 
ence that Nottingham was a byword with great 
artists like himself, owing to the incessant inter- 
ruptions. " The next time I go to Nottingham," 
he says, " I shall play behind a net like the late 
James Owen O'Connor, the Shakespearean 
actor/ and so avoid the inevitable shower of 
oranges and eggs." 

A strange sight at the corner of Piccadilly and 
Bond Street. There, before all the world, was 
"Joe" Chamberlain leaning out of a hansom, 
talking to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the 
Liberal leader. " C.-B." was shaking his well- 
-dressed sides with laughter, and the Colonial 
Secretary actually smiled. A week ago they were 
fighting each other in the election like wild cats. 

+Fre* Lance did not last many months before it expired, 

OCTOBER, 1900 

There is not much to laugh about in " C.-B/s " 
camp. So far the new House of Commons has 
334 Conservatives and sixty-seven Irish Union- 
ists, as against 187 Liberals, seventy-three 
Nationalists, and nine Parnellites, which makes 
a substantial Government majority of 132. 
Liberals are trying a new tack. Mr. R. W. Perks, 
the solicitor [afterward Sir Robert Perks, " Im- 
perial Perks "], is forming a new Imperial Liberal 
party, and he has roped in Lord Rosebery, Sir 
Edward Grey, Mr. Asquith, and Sir Henry 

October 19, 1900. 

Coming through Nevilles Court to Shoe Lane 
after lunch I was stopped by Keir Hardie, the ex- 
miner M.P., who lives in the little lane now 
hallowed by memories of Lovelace and Sir Walter 
Raleigh. Hardie said : " Come in, I want to show 
you a great curiosity." In his nearby rooms 
the little man produced a paper box from which 
he drew a dingy old tweed fore-and-aft hat. 
" There," he said, holding it up, " That hat ought 
to be put away in the South Kensington Museum. 
It is famous. It's the hat I wore eight years ago, 
when I first entered the House of Commons. As 
I walked in, the whole mass of fine old English 
gentlemen in frock coats and silk hats rose up and 
yelled at me. One of them reached out to tear 
the hat from my head, but I held on in spite of 



them. It was the first time the House had been 
desecrated sartorially like that. But times are 
changing. I have since seen Lor-r-d R-r-r-obert 
Cecil come into the House in a shabby old soft 
hat much less attractive than my old deer- 
stalker." Keir Hardie is a strange little, vain 
little, honest fanatic, and he has great hopes of 
his Independent Labour Party's future. 

Supper last night in Beerbohm Tree's room at 
the top of Her Majesty's Theatre, in celebration 
of the successful rehearsals of Stephen Phillips' 
" Herod," which promises to be a theatrical sensa- 
tion at the end of this month. Tree in great anec- 
dotal form. Miss Bateman, Miss Eleanor Cal- 
houn, Miss Maude Jeffreys, and C. W. Somerset, 
who have parts, were there; also Alfred Roths- 
child, Paul M. Potter, who adapted " Trilby " for 
the stage, and Clyde Fitch, the American play- 
wright. Stephen Phillips, who was an actor, 
promises to become the great stage poet of this 

The Humanitarian League have been sending 
appeals to the newspapers to-day asking support 
for their campaign against the Royal Buck- 
hounds. They are going to call on Lord Salis- 
bury this week and ask him to abolish them. It 
looks as if this ancient pack will have to go, sooner 
-or later, though Queen Victoria stoutly declines 
to interfere. But no successor has been appointed 

* He died some years later at Brighton, in poor and tragic 


OCTOBER, 1900 

to Lord Coventry as master. The Buckhounds 
have existed since 1366. The mastership used 
to be hereditary. It was held for nearly 250 years 
by the family of Brocas, who came from France, 
and they finally sold it to Sir Lewis Watson, 
afterwards Lord Rockingham. One of the prin- 
cipal duties of the mastership is to allocate tickets 
for the royal enclosure at Ascot. The Humani- 
tarian people say that this could just as well be 
done by the Lord Chamberlain's department and 
that it is not enough excuse for the torture of 
stags in Windsor Park.* 

October 20, 1900. 

Colonel French [afterwards Earl of Ypres] 
who is looked upon as the most energetic cavalry 
leader in existence a fitting successor to Sheri- 
dan and Longstreet has now been gazetted a 
major-general in the Army. He is a local 
lieutenant-general in South Africa. His rise to 
fame is phenomenal. Few people know him in 
Pall Mall, but the cavalrymen all swear by him as 
a dare-devil, hard-riding, hard-swearing soldier, 
with views of his own. The elusive De Wet paid 
him a high tribute the other day, when he 
said he always looks to his next day's fodder 

*The Royal Buckhounds, which hunted in Windsor 
Great Park, were abolished in 1901, after Queen Victoria's 
death. Lord Coventry, who is still alive, was the last 



supply when French is about. I hear there is 
friction between French and Kitchener and that 
Lord Roberts is inclined to side against the hero 
of Khartoum. I heard to-day at the War Office 
that there is no truth in the story that Lord 
Roberts has refused to come home to be Com- 
mander-in-Chief unless he has a free hand. He 
has made no conditions. There is also a strong 
report that the old Duke of Cambridge, who was 
deposed by Lord Wolseley five years ago, is try- 
ing to have a finger in the pie again. 

Telephone message from Oscar Hammerstein, 
the American opera house builder, wanting a 
reporter to interview him on the opera. He says 
he has just seen Patti and offered her a fabulous 
sum for another the hundredth farewell tour, 
but the old lady is too comfortable at Craig-y- 
Nos, her Welsh castle, to risk anything like a pro- 
tracted tour. She says she is tired of " Home, 
Sweet Home," which she invariably has to sing 
as an encore; had to sing it again in London this 
week. Hammerstein told me yesterday of his 
Manhatton Opera House venture in 34th Street, 
New York, which began with opera, changed over 
to drama with Mrs. Bernard Beere in " As in a 
Looking Glass," and ended as a music hall and 
drinking place. " First," he said, " it was Meyer- 
beer. No good. Then it was Bernard Beere. 
'Also no good. Now it is Lager Beer. Great 
success !" 

At Charbonnel's in Bond Street, where 


OCTOBER, 1900 

young people go to drink chocolate, I saw old Sir 
Tatton Sykes with his famous spouse* He was, 
as usual, bundled up with three greatcoats and a 
muffler^ although it was not cold, and the ener- 
getic Jessica, by way of contrast, was content with 
a big ostrich feather boa over her tightly laced 
"tailor-made" costume. Her sylph-like waist 
must be the envy of many young girls. The old 
baronet has written a book called Sidelights on 
the War, and her ladyship whispers aside that he 
knows more about yearlings he breeds blood- 
stock at Sledmere than warfare although he 
was once a cavalry officer. Sir Tatton owns about 
37,000 acres in Yorkshire, and he says that in 
another generation land will not be worth owning. 

October 21, 1900. 

Eliza Carter, one of the " flower girls " who has 
sat by the fountain in the middle of Piccadilly 
Circus for many years, has written a letter to 
Lord Warwick asking him to give her the name of 
a good solicitor. Lord Warwick has bought a 
button-hole from her daily for a long time, and 
this is her excuse for writing. A man stopped at 
the fountain on Friday and asked her if she was 
Eliza Carter, and she did not deny it. " Well," 
he said, " your uncle has died in Texas and has 
left you a million dollars (' I think he said 
dollars, 9 adds Eliza, 'but he may have said 
pounds ') . Give me five pounds,** he says, " and 


RJ)Jf. 9 s DIARY 

I will collect the will for you." Then Eliza con- 
tinues : " I would not trouble your lordship, but 
the man showed me a paper all covered with 
sealing-wax and ribbons, and my name in red ink 
in big letters and all, and my uncle's name, but 
I did not know I had him. I have seen too much 
in Piccadilly in my time to lose my head even over 
a million, so if your lordship will help me to a 
good solicitor 111 be obliged to your lordship." 

At the Savage Club I heard two new views of 
London. Louis Becke, the novelist of the Pacific 
Ocean, said he felt more lost and lonely in London 
than he ever did on the loneliest of South Sea 
Islands, and George Ade, the author of Fables in 
Slang, asserted that Cockney English was the 
most expressive, the most musical and the most 
attractively slangy of all the slangy languages in 
the world. " How many languages do you 
know?" asked Weedon Grossmith, the painter- 
actor: " None," answered Ade. 

Mr. Dowie, the American evangelist, tells his 
audiences that London is the wickedest city the 
world has ever known, and that it becomes more 
ribald and drunken every day. He knows nothing 
about it. I have frequently noticed that London 
improves year by year. It is a perfect fairyland 
compared with ten years ago. I remember when 
Tottenham Court Road and the Strand were im- 
possible after eight p.m. I walked with D'Oyly 
Carte from the Grand Hotel at Charing Cross at 
nine o'clock last night (Saturday), as far as 


OCTOBER, igoo 

Savoy Hill, always the worst part of the Strand. 
We counted only nine men and five women who 
were unsteady with drink, and in not one in- 
stance were we molested; which shows that 
London is improving instead of going backward. 
Sir Thomas Lipton proposes to have a second 
try for the America Cup with his yacht Sham- 
rock. I saw him in the Park to-day with Arbuckle, 
the American coffee and sugar king. Lipton said 
Shamrock was " hoodooed " by the Americans. 
" They put something in the water so that I could 
not win." "What was it, please?" asked 
Arbuckle. "The Columbia" answered Sir 
Thomas, always ready with his little joke. 

October 22, igoo. 

These cold nights are bad for the outsleepers 
on the Embankment. There are not enough 
benches to accommodate the large number of 
homeless, shivering people. I stopped my cab 
on my way home early this morning to observe 
a Salvation Army official who was distributing 
soup tickets. He told me that his average dis- 
tribution of tickets on his beat from Blackfriars 
to Westminster is 200 tickets between midnight 
and two o'clock, and there is a fair sprinkling of 
women and children. They would have a 
terrible time bad enough as it is but for the 
Salvation Army. I do not gain much favour 
when I proclaim, as I often do, that General 


.'; DIARY 

Booth is one of the greatest men of the Victorian 

Carl Haag, the old water-colour painter, who 
taught Queen Victoria and has made a fortune 
from his art, informs me that he is going to return 
to Germany, which he left many years ago, and 
proposes to end his days in a restored castle on 
the Rhine. He intends, however, to continue 
sending his pictures for exhibition at the Water 
Colour Society. Haag says that in his view the 
vogue of water colours has temporarily, at least, 
come to an end. The new type of houses which 
are now being built do not lend themselves to 
mural embellishment, and the rich City mer- 
chants who for the past forty years have patron- 
ised water-colour art so that it has become as 
fine as that of the Georgian oil painters, are going 
in for portraits and coloured mezzotints. " But," 
he says, " fifty years or so from now the Victorian 
water colours of to-day will be in great demand, 
and the possessors of Herkomers, MacWhirters, 
Danbys, David Coxs, and Tophams will receive 
great fortunes for their specimens. They are a 
splendid ' lock-up.' " 

Charles Wyndham, the actor, and his brother- 
in-law Bronson Howard, the playwright, who 
wrote Brighton, The Henrietta, and Shenandoah, 
were in fine form anecdotally between the acts 
last night at Wyndham's Theatre. I urged 
Wyndham to write his experiences as a surgeon 
in the Northern Army during the American 


OCTOBER, zpoo 

Civil War in the 'sixties. He told of a surgeon 
who had an original way of performing opera- 
tions. There were no anaesthetics. If it was a bad 
case requiring a quiet patient, the gentle surgeon 
just hit the victim a tap on the head with an iron 
bar, knocked him senseless, and then proceeded 
to cut off his arm or his leg. Sometimes the shock 
was fatal, but the inventive surgeon maintained 
that it was generally successful and much kinder, 
and the operation was more easily conducted. 

October 23, igoo. 

There is a good opportunity for police inter- 
ference in Holywell Street, that dingy old Eliza- 
bethan thoroughfare with its overhanging fronts, 
which runs from St. Clement Danes at the Law 
Courts, with Wych Street, into the slum district 
of the Bill Sikes country. I came through there 
to-day as far as the old Globe Theatre at New- 
castle Street, and its shop windows were besieged 
by a crowd of clerks in their mid-day rest hour. 
These windows and front shelves are packed with 
vicious and gaudy literature, and other material, 
whose sort is hardly to be matched in the lowest 
quarters of Paris. If it were not for the further 
advertisement which this noxious old street were 
to receive, and thus increase its clientele, I should 
expose it in print. There are also one or two 
shops with good old books. Colonel Howard 
Vincent, who was head of the C.I.D. at Scotland 



Yard, says they once tried to clean out the vicious 
stands, but never succeeded, and now they have 
given it up because they hope that when the 
County Council gets to work on its improvements 
between the Strand and Holborn, Holywell Street 
and Wych Street must necessarily be included. 
Norman Shaw, the architect, told me the other 
day that he had been consulted on the scheme. 
He wants to make a great boulevard and base it 
on an ornamental circle opposite Somerset 
House, but he does not think it will ever come 
to pass.* 

Musical comedy has, doubtless, come to stay 
for a long time, and melodrama, which has now 
reigned for a generation or two, must take a back 
seat. Here is George Edwardes announcing the 
anniversary of San Toy at the Gaiety. Who 
would have dreamed of such a thing ten years 
ago ! Edwardes believes that " San Toy " is a 
lucky name. He has named one of his racehorses 
after it, and I was glad to hear to-day that the 
piece has also brought a great deal of money to 
Edward Morton, its talented author, t 

The syndicate of London dealers who, through 
M. Duprez, paid 13,200 to Prince Chigi, of 
Rome, for the famous Botticelli picture of the 
Virgin and Child got their prize away just in 

* This was the inception of the present Aldwych. 

f Morton's son, J. B. Morton, is an equally talented 
writer, now on the staff as " Beachcomber " of the Daily 


OCTOBER, 1900 

time. The Italian Government, which prohibits 
the sale of old masters, was caught napping, but 
I am informed that Prince Chigi is to be prose- 
cuted, and if the facts are as stated, he will not 
only be minus his Botticelli, but the 13,200 as 

I have just noticed a new form of night adver- 
tisement. It consists of boards with prepared 
surfaces, capable of conducting an electric 
current. You can arrange any number of letters, 
attached to the current, and spell out words. 
They will be useful in front of theatres for, say 
" House Full " and other announcements, and the 
idea has great possibilities. 

October 24, 1900. 

Rapid changes are coming over London. By 
and by there will be no private residences in 
Piccadilly, where once there were only residences. 
The transfer of the Isthmian Club from Walsing- 
ham House, opposite Devonshire House, to the 
fine bow-fronted residence of the late Sir Julian 
Goldsmid, next to the St. James* Club, marks 
another loss of a private mansion. Further up a 
new imperial service club is soon to occupy No. 
1 10. It has exchanged all the fine old Georgian 
mahogany furniture with Maple's for modern 
chests and chairs. If " Old Q." (Queensberry) 
were alive now he would bemoan the coming 
destruction of his favourite balcony, from which 


.** DIARY 

he used to ogle the ladies. The Bath Hotel, be- 
loved of county families, will soon be coming 
down, and with it will disappear the nightly 
candles and the tin baths that are carried into 
bedrooms every morning. There is presently to 
be a new hotel [the Ritz] to cover the site of the 
Bath and Walsingham House. 

There was a card of invitation this morning 
for the Automobile Club's run from London to 
Southsea, on November 10. It promises to be a 
momentous affair. Over twenty-five vehicles 
have already been entered. Every effort, say the 
managers, will be made to ensure an orderly pro- 
cession, and no car will be permitted to pass the 
pilot between London and the south side of Esher 
Hill. The cars will enter Portsmouth in line. 
Several manufacturing firms are offering seats at 
a reasonable price, so that those who would like 
to experience the joys of motoring for the first 
time may have an excellent opportunity. 

Julian Ralph, the famous war correspondent, 
entertained us in the office to-day with his recent 
experiences in Africa. He said : " If you see dust 
on the veldt it's smoke ; if you see smoke it's dust ; 
if you see smoke low down and high up it's a 
farm well on fire, so you need not hurry; there 
is no chance of loot. ... If you see a galloping 
Boer, it's nothing. You never see Boers and they 
don't gallop. If a trooper brings you specimens 
of Boer dum-dum ballets that he has picked up 
on the veldt, don't pay any attention. They are 


OCTOBER, /poo 

probably used up soda-water Sparklets left behind 
by one of our officers' messes/ 9 

Had a note this evening from Maida Vale that 
Robert Buchanan has had a paralytic stroke and 
is not expected to live. I suppose the old play- 
wright's quarrel with Mrs. Langtry over his play 
"Marie Antoinette," which she bought from him 
has upset him, since she has now commissioned 
a Frenchman to write one on the same subject 
for production at her Imperial Theatre, West- 
minster. [Now the site of the Wesleyan Central 

October 26, 1900. 

Poor old Sims Reeves is dead at last. The 
news came in this afternoon and we shall never 
again hear him sing " Come into the Garden, 
Maud." I heard him sing it a year or so ago at an 
Empire matinee. His fine tenor voice was a voice 
no longer, but he got a great ovation. He began 
over sixty years ago. Old Colonel Mapleson once 
told me that as far back as 1847 he heard Reeves 
sing Edgardo in Lucia di Lammermoor, "and 
believe me or not, I was so affected that I cried." 
I was not quite sure how he meant this, but there 
is no doubt that Sims Reeves was the greatest 
ballad singer of this century. He had a Civil List 
pension of 100, and a new wife whom he 
married five years ago, at the age of seventy- 
seven. He was taken ill in a provincial hotel. A 



young girl came in to nurse him, and out of grati- 
tude he married her. 

Shopkeepers in the Burlington Arcade are 
again complaining about the obstruction caused 
at the Piccadilly entrance by the young bloods 
from Tufnell Park and Acton and Tooting Bee, 
who congregate there after five o'clock in the 
afternoon, all dressed up in frock coats, highly 
polished hats and lavender gloves. They stand 
tightly wedged together leaning on their gold and 
silver-mounted sticks, looking bored and imagine 
that they give the impression to passers-by that 
they are all heirs to peerages and great estates and 
are just out for an airing. This afternoon I saw 
young X., one of our clerks, in the languid 
group. Now I know why he is always so anxious 
to get away before five. A strange fad. 

One of Jabez Balfour's white elephants, the 
Hotel Cecil, which he built with Liberator money, 
is justifying itself by making profits. I have just 
had the company's annual report. When the new 
Strand front is finished it will be one of the finest 
hotels in Europe. The new front will cost 
400,000, and it will replace a lot of ramshackle 
houses that used to cluster round what, until 
recently, was Cecil Street. 

" Jack " Joel, one of the Barnato firm, made a 
bet of 25 recently that Mr. George Howard, a 
stockbroker, weighing ijst. 7lb., would carry Mr. 
Douglas MacRae, a City journalist, weighing 
1 3 St., one hundred yards in Throgmorton Street. 


OCTOBER, 1900 

There was, however, such a crowd that the effort 
was abandoned, but Mr. Joel gave a consolation 
dinner at the Carlton Hotel last night, the like 
of which has not been served in London since the 
famous Phillips dinner at the Savoy, when the 
fruit was served direct from' the trees and the bill 
was 15 per plate. Mr. Joel's was, I hear, 10 

October 27, 1900. 

Mr. Chamberlain has gone for a Mediterranean 
cruise, accompanied by his son Austen, who is a 
Civil Lord at the Admiralty. They will arrive 
to-day at Marseilles, to go aboard H.M.S. Casar. 
By a strange coincidence, Oom Paul Kruger is 
expected to arrive there to-day on board the 
Dutch cruiser Gelderland after his flight from 
Pretoria. It would be funny if the two protagon- 
ists met on " neutral " ground. 

Poor old General George Cox, who walks about 
London with nothing to do, is a fine example of 
how the War Office muddled things when the war 
began. He was a most efficient soldier in com- 
mand of the troops in Natal, and for three years 
exercised them and manoeuvred them over all the 
ground where the first fighting occurred. He 
knew every yard of the Elandslaagte-Spion-Kop- 
Ladysmith country. A week before war broke 
out he was relieved " on account of age " he is 
a little over sixty-one and was ordered home with 
his staff ! Strangers took his place and Lady* 



smith was bottled up. Not once has General Cox 
been sent for to go to Pall Mall to be consulted 
and yet he knew all about the country in which so 
many disasters have occurred in the past ten 

Enormous crowds in the streets all day expect- 
ing the arrival of the City Imperial Volunteers, 
(C.I.V.), on their return from the war, but they 
were doomed to disappointment, for the Aurania 
has been detained by fog and did not arrive at 
Southampton. Much disappointment because 
the Queen has not come to London from Bal- 
moral to greet them. 

I was nearly suffocated to-day in an Inner 
Circle steam train between Sloane Square and 
the Temple. The carriage was filled with sul- 
phurous smoke and my fellow-passengers in the 
packed compartment coughed incessantly. Some 
day the electrification plans of this stuffy line may 
be completed, but in the meantime the smoke 
nuisance is most trying. 

Lord Rosebery, of whom it was said that he 
has three great achievements to his credit the 
Derby, the Premiership, and the richest bride 
announces his withdrawal from the Turf. One of 
his horses, Caterham Lad, sold at Newmarket 
yesterday for 1,200 guineas and others fetched 
from 260 guineas upward. The total was 7,295 
guineas. Lord Rosebery is busy these days ex- 
horting Londoners to vote in the borough elec- 
tion. He wants the factories to be removed from 


OCTOBER, 1900 

London and the workers taken with them. 

My market report shows that provender is 
fairly cheap. Pheasants are 6s. a brace, hares 45., 
larks 2s. a dozen, good soles lod. a lb., turbot and 
brill 6d. 

October 28, /poo. 

The Aurania did not arrive at Southampton 
with the popular C.I.V.'s until late in the after- 
noon and so the troops remain on board over 
Sunday, much to the disappointment of their 
friends. Colonel Mackinnon, their commander 
[the late Gen. Sir Henry Mackinnon], says they 
could have gone into Plymouth if they had known 
that London was waiting for them with a great 
reception, and so could have reached here in time, 
but, of course, they were out of touch with land. 
The procession will therefore take place to- 
morrow. There has been no such excitement 
since Mafeking Day last spring. 

I had a call in the morning from Mr. W. 
Broderick Cloete, the landed proprietor and 
racing man, who is mixed up with South African 
affairs. He is keen to start a daily paper with 
the avowed object of promoting the expansion of 
the Empire, and he wanted my advice and co- 
operation. " How much money are you prepared 
to lose?" I asked. " Lose ?" he cried. "Nothing. 
It would be a great success at once.' 1 I explained 
that it would not be safe to begin without a capital 
of at least 300,000. "Well," he replied, 



" Harmsworth says he only put down 10,000 
for the Daily Mail four years ago, and I under- 
stand Arthur Pearson is already making money 
on the Daily Express, so why couldn't I do the 
same?" I smiled at this, for Pearson is reported 
to have lost 2,000 a week since he started the 
Daily Express last April. Cloete was most per- 
sistent and rather vexed at my refusal to change 
my views, particularly after I showed him that 
all the Unionist papers are strongly imperialistic 
and there is no room for another morning 

John Strange Winter (Mrs. Stannard), the 
talented lady who wrote " Booties' Baby," enter- 
tained me for a quarter of an hour on the sub- 
ject of women's coiffures most interesting. She 
says the toupee, or transformation has come to 
stay. No more disarranged curls, no more frowsy 
fringes at the damp seaside, and no more lace 
caps for ladies past fifty. A duplicate transfor- 
mation makes it possible to dress the hair in two 
minutes. I learned with astonishment that some 
women pay as much as thirty pounds for an 
artistic addition, but that you can get a nice one 
for from three to five guineas. Also women who 
suffer from neuralgia and they nearly all do, 
owing, I think, to tight lacing derive great 
benefit from the transformation; at least Mrs. 
Stannard says so. 

A plumber's assistant came yesterday morning 
to repair a leaking drain pipe. I noticed that he 


OCTOBER, 1900 

smoked many cigarettes. I mentioned this later 
to Mayo Gunn, who was manager of the St. 
James's Gazette, but has now joined his relatives, 
the Wills, of Bristol, in the tobacco business. He 
says working men are taking more and more to 
cigarettes, which are so much cheaper since the 
introduction of machinery. A man named Bern- 
hard Baron [late head of Carreras] brought over 
a machine a few years ago and he turns out 
thousands per hour. He is likely to make a 

October 29, igoo. 

The scenes in the streets to-day when the 
C.I.V.'s marched through the town were astound- 
ing. Mile upon mile of cheering crowds. Hooli- 
ganism everywhere. Police arrangements hope- 
less. Two killed and thirteen injured in the 
crush. Hundreds of lost children. The Prince of 
Wales [Edward VII.] waved his hat at the 
soldiers from Marlborough House. Lord 
Wolseley read them a welcoming message from 
the Queen at the H.A.C. barracks, but before they 
got there the crowd repeatedly broke up the mili- 
tary formation. The Lord Mayor made them all 
Freemen of the City. There never was a more 
mismanaged public procession. London has 
gone mad again, and to-night there have been the 
usual scenes in the streets with four-wheelers 
packed in and out with rollicking youth. 



Accidents due to horses shying at motor cars 
are far too frequent. Many motorists refrain 
from slowing down or stopping their engines 
when they approach horses on the road. If this 
precaution were more generally observed there 
would be fewer accidents. I have just been told 
of a fatality of this sort on the Brighton Road, 
in which a woman was killed in a runaway. Sir 
Walter Gilbey, who drives about the Essex roads 
in the Stansted district in a phaeton, with out- 
riders, complains bitterly that his horses run 
great risks whenever a motor comes along. He 
never drives on the main Cambridge road now for 
fear of meeting a motor car. 

I have just finished reading The World's Great 
Snare, by Mr. E. Phillips Oppenheim, a fine study 
of stirring times in the Far West. This young 
author is fast coming forward as a writer of life 
in the mining camps. 

A narrow escape to-day while crossing Traf al 
gar Square from being run down by a bicyclist 
" scorcher." The police appear to be incapable 
of putting an end to this dangerous habit and 
when the culprits are caught they appear to get 
off too lightly. Sir Albert de Rutzen, at Bow 
Street, is one of the few magistrates with a proper 
sense of punishment fitting the crime. He lets 
them have it strong. 

The Rev* J. M. Bacon, the most daring oi 


OCTOBER, 1900 

ised for aerial transport, but he thinks little of 
Count Zeppelin's experiments in the air. In hb 
view internal combustion engines are not power- 
ful enough to do the work. 

October 30, 1900. 

Andrew Carnegie is in town from his Scottish 
castle for a few days. I went shopping with him 
to day. He wanted some handkerchiefs and a 
couple of neckties. When we came out he said 
that London's shopping methods are all wrong. 
"Just look at the jumble in the windows," he 
said. " So much stuff that you cannot take it all 
in. And when you go into a shop they treat you 
most indifferently. You are scowled at if you 
ask for goods out of the ordinary, and you are 
made to feel uncomfortable if you do not buy. 
These shop people drive away more people than 
they attract. That's all wrong. Pd like to own a 
big draper's shop in Regent Street. I'd show 
'em !" He recurred to this grievance throughout 
the hour that I was with him. " What London 
wants," he said, " is a good shaking up." Then 
he went away to think about giving away some 
more millions. 

Three notable deaths to record. "Bill" 
Yardley, the cricketer and critic, who appears in 
late years to have fallen on evil days ; Professor 
Max Muller, the Oriental scholar of Oxford and 
friend of Lord Salisbury; and Prince Christian 



Victor of Schleswig-Holstein, grandson of the 
Queen, who died of enteric in a military hospital 
at Pretoria, aged thirty-three. Prince Christian 
was popular in the Army. The tradespeople will 
make their usual complaint against the inevitable 
mourning order which puts society in black for 
another term. Queen Victoria insists on Court 
mourning for all her relatives, and since she is 
related to most of the reigning houses this comes 
pretty hard on our fashion providers. 

John Morley, who was once editor of the Pall 
Mall, proposes to do a Life of Gladstone which, 
he says, will be better than his Cromwell. He 
thinks a journalist's life is to be preferred to any 
other. He came into the Savoy to-day accom- 
panied by his secretary, and gave me what he said 
was Dion Boucicault's advice to journalists from 
his experience as a popular playwright. Bouci- 
cault's views are that there are three guiding 
principles in stagecraft and journalism which, if 
followed, cannot fail to be successful. They are : 
(i) Money; (2) Love; (3) Stomach. Money 
interests everybody. Love comes to everybody, 
and includes envy, hatred, jealousy, loyalty, 
honour, and all the other human and spiritual 
attributes. Stomach takes in everything that is 

I find that if I wish to lay my hands on any 
one who is prominent in public or social life I 
have to send to the Princes' Skating Rink in 
Rnightsbridge. " Meet me at Princes' " is be- 


OCTOBER, tgoo 

coming as familiar as " Meet me at Jimmy's * 
used to be. The skating vogue, now that it is 
too cool to lounge in the Park, is quite the thing. 

October 31, ipoo. 

Lunch to-day in Ridgemount Gardens with 
Joseph Hatton, perhaps the most prolific writer of 
the past twenty years. Only last week he finished 
a book called In Male Attire. W. S. Gilbert was 
there, and he talked a lot about his experiences 
as a clerk in the Privy Council office forty years 
ago and his unfulfilled ambitions at the Ban He 
thinks Edward Carson [now Lord Carson], who 
has made a great position at the English Bar 
since his daring prosecution of Oscar Wilde, is 
perhaps the most successful man in the Law 
Courts to-day, run close by Rufus Isaacs [now 
Lord Reading], who began life before the mast. 
Gilbert has made a great deal of money out of 
his partnership with Sir Arthur Sullivan, and, like 
most successful men, he ate sparingly and spoke 
a good deal about his digestion, which I imagine 
worries him a lot. Most humorists seem to be 
thus afflicted. 

I understand that owing to the terrible confu- 
sion at the London docks, which are administered 
by forty different authorities, the Royal Commis- 
sion, which has been sitting on this muddle, has 
decided to recommend a single body to take con- 



troL London has lost a great deal of business 
owing to this dock confusion. 

Horace Fletcher, the man who is mostly 
responsible for the infliction of Japanese fans and 
other cheap Oriental gewgaws on Europe and 
America, has developed a new one. Like Luigi 
Cornaro, the Italian nonagenarian, he has found 
youth by chewing every morsel of food until it 
is no longer chewable, and this has reduced 
Fletcher from fifteen stone to ten stone in weight, 
and given him the strength and endurance of a 
young giant. A year ago he was just a fat, flabby, 
helpless invalid, and we had to assist him into a 
four-wheeler. Now he rides a bicycle before 
breakfast for twenty miles and never tires. He 
came in to see me this evening. Wants me to 
go to the Paris Exhibition with him, thence to 
Avignon, Mimes, and Aries, and bicycle from 
there via Marseilles along the Riviera to Genoa 
and Venice, where he contemplates buying a 
palace on the Grand Canal. I shall probably go. 

To-day marks the end of all the old London 
vestries, and the new borough councils, with their 
mayors and maces and councillors come into 
being. Town hall, not vestry hall, in future, and 
thirty-odd mayors in procession to represent 
Greater London. Westminster is now one of the 
world's greatest cities, but none of them will com- 
pare with the splendours of the old City of 
London, which goes on feasting and wining in its 
ancient company halls as it has for centuries. 



November 2, igoo. 

The news is out, and official, that Lord Lans- 
downe is to succeed Lord Salisbury at the Foreign 
Office. This will provoke a protest from many 
quarters. Opinion is divided on his capacity, 
particularly since he has not been a great success 
at the War Office, where in present circumstances 
no one could succeed. Sir William Harcourt, 
who is nothing if not caustic, says that the reason 
Lord Lansdowne is to go to the Foreign Office, 
is because he speaks good French and he leaves 
the War Office because he does not speak the 
Dutch Taal. Lord Selborne goes to the Admir- 
alty and Mr. C. T. Ritchie to the Home Office. 
Black Michael (Sir M. Hicks Beach) will remain 
at the Treasury, and George Wyndham goes to 
Ireland. This young Guardsman poet has come 
on very fast of late. 

The old story of lawyers being careless in the 
making of their wills is illustrated in the last 
testament of Lord Russell, of Killowen, the late 
Lord Chief Justice, who left nearly 150,000, but 
omitted to initial the codicil ; and he was usually 
an extremely careful man in such matters. It is 
a coincidence, to-day, that with the publication 
of Lord Russell's will comes the sale of Parnell's 
estate in Ireland, thus once more bringing before 
the public two great figures in the famous Times 
forgery case. 



Old Bullivant, the silk hat ironer at Carter's* 
in Fleet Street, took a day off yesterday, because 
it was his birthday. Otherwise, he says, he has 
not had a holiday for years. He went to Lincoln 
and Bennett's, in Piccadilly, and spent most of 
the time watching the hat ironer there, and he 
tells me he has gained a few new ideas. He says, 
too, that silk hats are now more worn than ever, 
and that it is a delight to polish the fashionable 
hats that cost I, as against the cheap stuff that 
the clerks buy in the City at los. The nap doesn't 

Some people carry their prejudices rather far. 
I sent a reporter to-day to see a City banker on 
an important matter. He saw him, but also sent 
me a note he is a personal friend suggesting 
that in future I might like to take into considera- 
tion the fact that reporters should conform to 
custom by coming into the City attired in a 
manner more in keeping with the dignity of their 
calling; meaning that they should not wear 
bowler hats and brown boots. I have taken the 
hint and issued an order in accordance with this 

November j, 1900. 

Lady Charles Beresford, who knows everything 
and everybody, told me to-day that the recent 
naval battle in the Mediterrranean manoeuvres, 
between the rival squadrons of Lord Charles and 



Sir J. Fisher [afterwards Lord Fisher of Kilver- 
stone] has left a legacy of considerable bad blood, 
with no end of recrimination and an official in- 
tervention by the Admiralty, which declines to 
permit the two admirals to carry their quarrel 
to the state of a public inquiry. Lady Charles 
also told me a great secret which everybody 
knows namely, that the Marchioness of Bute, 
with her children, has gone to the Holy Land to 
bury her late husband's heart on the Mount of 
Olives. This was Lord Bute's wish ; so her gold- 
smiths have made a beautiful golden casket, in 
which the heart is deposited, and Lady Bute has 
carried it all the way to Jerusalem, never losing 
sight of the precious casket. 

I have to-day received a telegram which I shall 
keep as a curiosity. It is a wireless message sent 
to me from the Belgian cross-Channel steamer 
Princess Clementine, between Dover and Ostend. 
The steamer had a wireless instrument fitted on 
deck, and left this morning to carry out the ex- 
periment which marks a new era in communica- 
tion at sea. The British postal authorities are, 
of course, taking the usual attitude of a mixture 
of aloofness and opposition. The Marconi people 
wanted permission to put up a tower at Dover, 
but this was withheld, and so the message which 
came to-day had to come through Belgium. It 
was flashed from the steamer to Lapanne. Thence 
it was sent by land telegraph to Brussels and then 
by land and cable to London. The Post Office 


RX>3.'s DIARY 

attitude reminds me of their decision ten years 
ago when Mr. William Russell inaugurated the 
messenger call-boy service. That was considered 
to be an infringement of the Postmaster-Generars 
monopoly, and Russell had to pay tribute of a 
penny for every messenger call. This Marconi 
experiment to-day was important. It is not diffi- 
cult to envisage the possibilities of the new system 
of communication. Mr. Marconi predicts a wide 
range of ocean telegraphy, even beyond the 
present jo-mile limit, and we are thus encouraged 
to believe that many disasters at sea will be pre- 

Edna May, the toast of young London for 
several years, telephoned this afternoon that 
Charles Frohman has asked her to return to New 
York at once to appear in a new comedy. She 
has made a wonderful success. When she 
came here in The Belle of New York she 
had little experience beyond the second row 
of the chorus, from which George Lederer 
selected her. I know of no quicker rise in a 
short time, except that of May Yohe, in her 
Honey, my Honey. 

The municipal elections have proved a great 
success for the Conservatives, who call themselves 
Moderates. Their figures are 825, as against 455 
Progressives and 82 Independents. The fight was 
against Radicalism and extravagance. Reckless 
expenditure always occurs when the Radicals 
have control of other people's money. 



November 4, ipoo. 

Mr. Lee, the Court veiler, of Wigmore Street, 
showed me some of his pet creations in veils for 
women. He was just packing up a new set for 
the Empress of Russia, a special design of plain, 
clear, net, with a chenille spotted edge and worked 
by hand. English princesses prefer a clear net 
with small evenly set spots. This spotting is be- 
coming popular. The spots are hand-sewn, and 
Mr. Lee showed me a lot of girls sewing them on. 
He is especially proud of his popular "Nell 
Gwynne " veil, which has only two black velvet 
" beauty spots ." 

" Monty " Guest, the Prince of Wales's con- 
fidant, came down for a Sunday chat. He says 
H.R.H. is anxious to let us know that he has 
private information that neither the Kaiser nor 
the French President intends to give Kruger a 
reception, and that the Kaiser does not even 
intend to see him. The situation with the Kaiser 
is rather delicate. If we admonish him too much 
he may throw discretion to the winds and re- 
ceive Kruger merely from pique. Guest did not 
say so in so many words, but I imagine H.R.H. 
has been exchanging some rather intimate home 
truths with his fiery nephew. I think Mr. Guest's 
visit had a good deal of diplomacy in it, and that 
he is paving the way to an easier reception for the 
Kaiser on his threatened visit to his august grand- 


mother at Windsor. Germans have been making 
a lot of anti-British capital out of the divorce suit 
which the Princess Aribert of Anhalt (Queen 
Victoria's granddaughter) has instituted. The 
German Court says she is ultra-English in her 
ideas of freedom, but they admit that Prince 
Aribert is inconsiderate and extravagant. 

A letter last night from a farmer, who lives near 
my week-end cottage in Essex, complaining that 
I am spoiling the labour market by overpaying 
my man-of-all-work, who has been heretofore 
rated as a farm labourer. I pay him eighteen 
shillings a week, which is more than the regular 
wage of farm labourers in the district, but then 
he looks after the garden and airs the cottage. 
I am trying to buy the place, but since it is copy- 
hold and not freehold, there are great difficulties. 
The superior landlord, the agent, the solicitor, all 
have to be compensated, so that the fines for en- 
franchisement come to a tidy-proportion of the 
purchase price. Land, however, is worth only 
about 7 per acre, and the total will not be great. 
The present rental for ten acres, with house, is 
about '28 per year. The copyholder, whose 
tenant I am, pays to the overlord, who happens 
to be Lady Warwick, an annual fine of a sheep ; 
at least, he is supposed to render this tribute. 

November 5, 1900. 

There is to be a determined onslaught on the 


principle of income tax in the next session by a 
number of back benchers, among them that effec- 
tive stump orator, Mr. George Doughty, of 
Grimsby. He told me to-day that the tax [8d. in 
the ] weights too heavily on people with moder- 
ate incomes, and that it constitutes a hindrance 
to trade. He saw the Chancellor about it one day 
last week, and " Black Michael " retorted char- 
acteristically : "You ought to be damned glad it 
isn't tenpence in the pound !" The Revenue 
people have recently made it rather unpleasant 
for people who are a year behind in their pay- 

The motor-car built for the Prince of Wales 
was being driven all the way to Sandringham 
on Saturday, and at Finchley one of its tyres 
collapsed. The driver, wearing the royal uni- 
form, had the car hauled to a local cycle 
shop, where it was repaired, and the journey 

That irrepressible letter writer, Mr. Algernon 
Ashton, who never fails to put forward a new 
topic for public discussion, or discover a decayed 
tombstone, sends me a line asking for publicity 
on the subject of Bulwer Lytton's birthplace, at 
31, Baker Street. He wants the Society of Arts 
to put up a tablet in commemoration. 

Mr. Hanbury looks like going to the Treasury 
as Financial Secretary. He is very rich, but an 
ambitious politician. He told me the other day of 
a coal mine he is a coalowner in Wales, which 



pays 130 per cent., and another in Northumber- 
land paying 105 per cent., which shows that coal 
mining is a fine thing. Hanbury also told me 
the secret of Lord Beauchamp's resignation of the 
governorship of New South Wales. When Lord 
Hopetoun was made Governor-General of the 
new Commonwealth, Sir William Lyne, the 
Premier of N.S.W., told Lord Beauchamp that 
the people expected him to give up Government 
House in the new Governor-General's favour. 
There is as yet no provision for a Commonwealth 
palace, but Lord Beauchamp declined. He 
offered, however, to entertain the Earl of Hope- 
toun and staff at Government House at his own 
expense. " Bill " Lyne would not have this, so 
Lord Beauchamp made up his mind to resign, 
and he is coming home. 

I held the stake to-day, 5 a-side, in a wager 
between Monsieur Van Branteghem, that strange 
little Belgian diplomat-financier, who wears a 
golden bracelet, a gold-rimmed monocle, and an 
enormous gold watch chain, and Marcus Mayer, 
who was Patti's manager for many years. The 
bet was that Van Branteghem could walk all the 
way on the kerb side of Regent Street from 
Verrey's to Piccadilly and that he would not have 
more than three mud splashes from passing 
horses 1 hoofs on his collar. When we reached 
Swan and Edgar's corner the little Belgian had 
five blobs on his high collar and three for luck 
on his face. 



To-day was Guy Fawkes* Day. I have never 
seen so many guys in the streets. 

November 6, igoo. 

I hear authoritatively that Lord Stanley, M.P. 
[now Lord Derby], is to have office as Financial 
Secretary to the War Office, and that his appoint- 
ment is to be made in a day or two. He has been 
a most zealous and rather rigid Press censor in 
South Africa, and some of the correspondents 
have complained bitterly of his official attitude, 
though personally he is always amiable. Being 
the son of the Earl of Derby, he is naturally in 
the running for preferment. I hear, too, that 
Lord Salisbury has offered the Local Government 
Board to Mr. Walter Long, now President of the 
Board of Agriculture, of whom it is said that when 
the Prime Minister met him recently and shook 
hands, Lord Salisbury turned afterwards to Mr. 
Arthur Balfour and asked, " Who is that rather 
pleasant man?" Mr. Balfour is even more 
absent-minded than his distinguished uncle, and 
he is reported to have said, " I know his face very 
well, but I cannot remember his name. But I 
think he is one of your Ministers. " Rather rough 
on the man who stamped out rabies from these 

The Home Office appears to be alarmed about 
our rapid consumption of coal. The report they 
send down to-day states that we are producing 



twice as much as we did thirty years ago and five 
times more than fifty years ago. The total output 
for last year was more than 220 millions of tons. 
There will be a serious coal famine soon within 
the lives of the present generation unless we exer- 
cise economy. 

Colonel "Bill" Carington [Equerry to the 
Queen], at the Cafe Royal to-day, stated that 
when the Duke and Duchess of York [King 
George and Queen Mary] go on their Australian 
tour early in the year they will sail in a mail 
steamer, and not on board a man-of-war. The 
Australian liners are growing in size ; one or two 
of ten or twelve thousand tons. Mail steamers 
generally are becoming larger. The Germans are 
talking of a ship of 30,000 tons, which beats the 
Oceanic and the Celtic. They register about 
20,000 tons or so, which is double the size of ten 
years ago. 

Mrs. Rendle and Miss Tattershall write from 
Baker Street that they have opened a new tea 
room, in which there are to be found lady pro- 
prietors, lady waitresses in pretty frocks, and 
ladies to bake the cakes, pastries, and scones, and 
where the walls are decorated with attractive 
pictures and hangings, and so on. The new 
woman progresses. 

November 7, igoo. 

James McNeil Whistler was over from Paris 


to-day and holding forth as usual. His latest 
grievance is that Yerkes proposes to put up a 
gigantic power house in Chelsea for the electrifica- 
tion of the Underground, and as it is to have 
enormous chimneys towering far into the sky, it 
will completely ruin the bend of the Thames made 
famous by Turner. " They ought to be drawn 
and quartered/' says the author of The Gentle 
Art of Making Enemies. Whistler had on a soft 
hat, and for once he had discarded his flowing 
tie. " I used to wear the tie," he said, " when 
there were artists in the world. There are none 

Considerable agitation among City councillors 
and tradesmen, led by Lord Mayor-elect Green, 
against the congestion of street traffic, particu- 
larly in the mornings, when the main thorough- 
fares are packed with heavy goods vans that 
block up the roadways and make progress diffi- 
cult. Mr. Deputy Weingott, who is active in the 
protest, said to-day that if this congestion of 
traffic continues London will be impossible in five 
years. It is obvious that this will be the case un- 
less the authorities provide one or two new streets 
leading to and from the City. 

An amusing half-hour with Jim O'Kelly, M.P., 
the most romantic figure in Parliament. He 
stuck to Parnell to the last, and told me many 
humorous stories of Parnell's iron hand and the 
humility of the otherwise turbulent Home Rule 
members whenever they were in his presence. 


O'Kelly's experiences in the Carlist revolution 
and in the Franco-Prussian War are described by 
him in a masterly way; and his story of how he 
ensured the safety of the Empress of Mexico on 
her flight from the rebels who executed her 
husband, Maximilian, would read like a romance 
by Dumas. 

The Law Society is agitated about the increase 
of defalcations among solicitors who make free 
with their clients' money. The arrest of Ben- 
jamin Lake, ex-chairman of the Society's Dis- 
cipline Committee, who is involved in enormous 
losses, has brought the matter to a climax, and 
there will probably be new legislation. The 
worst feature of these many defalcations is that 
so many trust funds of infants are involved, and 
some method must be devised, preferably under 
Government control, to protect them. The temp- 
tations to otherwise responsible men are very 
great. Unlucky speculation appears to be the 
principal cause of ruin. 

November p, 1900. 

The new Lord Mayor, with his show, had the 
day to himself. It was partly military and partly 
Drury Lane. I liked the keepers of the Epping 
Forest in their uniforms, and the crowd was en- 
thusiastic over the 4in. gun of the cruiser Power- 
ful (imitation it was), which Captain Percy 
Scott's sailors carried to Ladysmith on the im- 


provised gun carriage. At the Law Courts Lord 
Alverstone (Sir Richard Webster) the new Lord 
Chief Justice, did the honours, with Justices 
Mathew, Grantham, Wills, and Kennedy. I went 
to the Guildhall Banquet to-night. Lord Salis- 
bury was a trifle sarcastic about the " Concert of 
Europe," which, he said, " preserves peace and at 
the same time defers for a considerable period 
the solution of any problem in hand." Mr. 
Goschen spoke for the last time as First Lord of 
the Admiralty, and I thought he looked, pathetic- 
ally tired and old. He was characteristically 
gracious in his reference to his young successor, 
Lord Selborne, who blushed like a maiden of 

Mr. Soulsby, the Lord Mayor's private secre- 
tary, who passes on from one chief magistrate to 
the other, told me to-night that the pay of the 
City Police is to be increased. They are in future 
to have 275. a week. 

I hear from Mr. Alfred Beit, the diamond 
millionaire, that the story of his engagement to 
Mrs. Adolph Ladenburg, of New York, is un- 
founded. The story has been going the rounds. 
Mrs. Ladenburg's husband, the head of the great 
firm of Ladenburg, Thalmann, and Co., was lost 
overboard on a voyage from Nassau to New York 
some years ago. His great fortune was left to his 
widow, death being assumed, but I have heard 
that she declares she will never remarry until she 
is absolutely certain that he is no longer alive. 


Sir George Lewis, the solicitor [grandfather of 
the present Sir George], said to-day that with 
the advent of Mr. Ritchie at the Home Office 
the friends of Mrs. Maybrick, who poisoned her 
husband, hope to secure her release from her life 
sentence. She has now served about ten years. 
Sir Matthew White Ridley was emphatic in his 
refusal to pardon her, although Mrs, Maybrick's 
mother, the Baroness de Roques, bombarded him 
incessantly with petitions and applications. For 
a time she came every morning to the Home 

Old Charles Morton, the manager of the Palace 
Theatre, is authority for the statement that the 
best marriage agencies in London are the long 
bars of the St. James and the Criterion, where 
the Junoesque barmaids are constantly resigning 
to enter the matrimonial stakes. The young men 
home from the Colonies are the principal suitors. 

November 10, ipoo. 

I bought a couple of aquatints of London of 
the period of William IV., by Boys, in an old 
shop behind the Royal Academy, yesterday after- 
noon. These very fine prints are becoming rare. 
As I stood in the doorway talking with the pro- 
prietor, Sam Lewis, the famous moneylender, 
came along. His office is close by. He stopped 
and I asked him about the new Moneylenders 
Act. Was it satisfactory and workable? " Cer- 



tainly," he said. " There will be less fraud, now 
that moneylenders have to register and disclose 
their real names. It is no easy business, either. 
Moneylenders are more sinned against than sin- 
ning, but I am dead against Shylocks. No one 
ever accused me of being a Shylock, and I have 
about a million out on loan throughout the year. 
I never foreclose on a really honest man if I can 
help it * 

Everybody is talking about the arrest of a man 
named Bennett on the charge of murdering his 
wife, known as " Mrs. Hood," who was found 
strangled with a bootlace on Yarmouth beach 
some months ago. The affair looked like going 
down in criminal history as the Yarmouth 
mystery. It is remarkable to note that people of 
all grades of society are more interested in crime 
mystery particularly the murder of a woman 
than in any other topic. 

I am writing this note in the train from Calais 
to Paris, whither I am bound on the proposed 
bicycle tour with Horace Fletcher, whose objec- 
tive is Venice via the Riviera. I am not sure 
whether I shall go all the way, but certainly to 
Marseilles, where I may run across Oom Paul 
Kruger and our old friend Dr. Leyds. The 
steamer from Dover was crowded with passengers, 
and I met many people I know Harry Marks, of 
the Financial News, Davison Dalziel, of DalziePs 

* Sam Lewis left the bulk of his enormous fortune to 



News Agency, who is now interested in great 
enterprises, including motor-cars ; Horace Sedger, 
the theatrical manager, and the Chevalier Scovel, 
the 75 a week tenor who married Peggy Roose- 
velt; Geraldine Ullmar, the comic opera star; 
Lady de Grey going to Paris to see Bernhardt in 
L'Aiglon; Sir A. Hardinge [now Lord Hard- 
inge of Penshurst], who has just been appointed 
Minister to Persia ; the Marquis de Leuville, that 
strange pomatumed, raven-locked poet of St. 
Martin's Lane; Francisco Tamagno, the Turin 
tenor who gets 100 a night and lives on garlic 
and sausages ; Prince Victor Napoleon, with his 
enormous moustache; Val Prinsep, R.A., Sir 
Patteson Nickalls, father of the rowing family, 
and Maurice Grau, the operatic manager. A 
notable list. The Cyclists' Touring Club have 
given us some invaluable information and advice 
about hotels abroad. They have an admirable 
system which enables them to tell you at a glance 
which is a good place to stay in and which to 

The writer of the Diary went abroad on 
November 10, 1900, and as his holiday activities 
on the Continent have no real interest, the Diary, 
therefore, does not resume until December, 

+ * * + * 

December /, 1001. 


from his command in the Army on account of his 
much discussed speech on South Africa grows 
apace. To-day, being Sunday, I went first to Hyde 
Park and heard an orator tell a crowd of many 
thousands that Sir Redvers Buller is a national 
hero who has been sacrificed by the mandarins of 
the War Office. Loud cheers. In Clapham 
Common there was another great demonstration 
which demanded Buller's reinstatement. All 
over the country they are making speeches. Sir 
Edgar Vincent, M.P. [Viscount D'Abernon], and 
Mr. Duke, K.C., M.P. [Lord Merrivale], are 
telling the west country people that they must 
stand by their great man. Buller has retired to 
his home at Crediton. The soldiers all swear by 
him as the man who fed his army as no man ever 
fed troops before. As for his military qualifica- 
tions the soldiers all say that he isn't a Napo- 

There is a great hullabaloo about the 
Censor's latest refusal to license Mr. G. B. 
Shaw's play, Mrs. Warren's Profession, which 
he wrote some years ago and cannot obtain 
permission to produce publicly. "Handsome 
Jack" Barnes, who has read it, tells me 
that it is " very French," and that if it sees 
the light the playgoers of a future generation 
will be justified in saying that the stage of 
to-day was exceedingly daring. John Hare 
says it is merely "life," and he cannot see 
why the Stage Society may produce it this month, 


R>3.'* DIARY 

while the Censor keeps the general public away.* 
Mr. George Gray Ward, the head of the Com- 
mercial Cable Company, arrived yesterday from 
New York in the Teutonic. He came to lunch, 
and was not in the least alarmed about the sugges- 
tion that Marconi's invention may in time super- 
sede ocean cables. " We are not at all apprehen- 
sive," he said. " It may become useful enough 
for short-distance work, but we are going on lay- 
ing cables." Ward began life in London as a tele- 
graph clerk. Now he is head of the great cable 
company, and, I believe, a rich man ; but he says 
there are more chances of gaining riches in 
London ; which is something novel nowadays, for 
everyone is bleating about England being " on 
her last legs, unable to last another ten years," 
and so on. 

Mrs. Arthur Griffiths, who is Kate Reilly, the 
dressmaker of fashion, is my authority for stat- 
ing that women's fashions will undergo a great 
change. The long bell-shaped frocks will be less 
voluminous, and laced boots are to go. Also 
evening gowns are to be heavily embellished 
with ostrich plumes. Evening gowns are be- 
coming more expensive, in the neighbourhood 
of 15. 

* Mrs . Warren*s Profession was produced at the Regent 
Theatre in 1926, after thirty years of prohibition. Com- 
pared with some of our modern English productions it is 
milk and water; the sort of thing our young people would 
describe as " rather dull" 



December 2, /poo. 

I had a letter this morning from M. Baudin, 
Minister of Public Works in Paris. He pro- 
pounds a wonderful scheme. He wants to pro- 
mote submarine cross-Channel boats to do away 
with sea-sickness. His idea is to have electric 
cables between Calais and Dover, on which 
under-sea vessels carrying two hundred pas- 
sengers are to be suspended like tramcars on the 
roads. In case of accident the boats can rise to 
the surface and propel themselves with their own 
electric power. " Five years from now," says M. 
Baudin, " there will be no cross-Channel 

Mayo Gunn, who used to be manager of the 
St. James's Gazette, under Mr.Steinkopf,but who 
is now connected with the Wills tobacco firm (the 
Wills are his uncles), sends me the latest broad- 
side against the American tobacco invasion. It is 
issued by the new Imperial Tobacco Company, 
and says : " Americans whose markets are closed 
by prohibitive tariffs against British goods have 
declared their intention of monopolising the 
tobacco trade in this country. It is for the British 
public to decide whether British Labour, Capital, 
and Trade are to be subordinate to the American 
system of Trust, Monopoly, and all that is im- 
plied therein." 

Mayo Gunn adds that the Americans will 


never be permitted to establish their trusts in 

I spent last night at Finchley as the guest of 
Kennedy Jones in his fine new house, which was 
Sam Waring's special exhibit at the Paris Exhibi- 
tion last year. It is filled with all sorts of wonder- 
ful improvements and inventions, including a 
marvellous gramophone, which is quite free from 
irksome scraping sounds. Finchley is only a few 
miles out, but it might be far in the country, with 
its expanse of fields and meadows. We came back 
this morning in K J.'s big new autocar of fifteen 
horse-power. It goes uphill almost as easily as 
on the flat. It is a great change in K J.'s circum- 

I remember him eight or nine years ago, when 
he was a reporter on T. P. O'Connor's evening 
paper^ the Sun. Then he was prosperous on seven 
or eight pounds a week. He joined Alfred 
Harmsworth, and now he has an income of at 
least 25,000 a year. 

I met young Santos Dumont, the clever Brazi- 
lian inventor of the flying machine, with Mrs. 
Arthur Stannard (" Booties' Baby ") to-day. He 
says there must be a lot of development and much 
disappointment before people will be able to use 
flying machines if ever, but he means to persist. 
He speaks English fluently, and appears to be a 
modest young man, quite unaffected by all the 
adulation that has been heaped on him, particu- 
larly by the women of France and England. He 



talks quite modestly of his wonderful feat in fly- 
ing round the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as if it were 
an everyday occurrence like driving in a hansom 

December 5, 

Sir Francis Jeune [President of the Admiralty 
and Divorce Division, afterwards Lord St. Hilier] 
was ambling along in Carey Street, behind the 
Law Courts, as I came down there. He was in a 
grim humour. " I don't know," he said " that I 
wouldn't prefer to come up in this street (where 
the bankrupts go for examination) than to be put 
through a grilling in the Divorce Court at the 
hands of Bargrave Deane. I have just finished a 
dreadful day, and the air in those rooms is over- 
powering. I go through a Black Hole of Calcutta 
experience every day. It is enough to sour a 
saint/' A most kindly old man, certainly one of 
the saintliest I know. He keeps fit by riding his 
bicycle. The favourite jest in the suburbs is, I 
hear: " I think I shall have to tell Sir Francis 
about you." 

Commodity prices have not changed much. In 
this bitter weather I have had to order in some 
household coal at 19$. 6d. a ton. Provision 
markets are what they call " steady "Scotch 
salmon is 2s., soles is. to is. 2d., plaice 5$. to 6s. 
per stone, whitebait is. per quart, Yorkshire fowls 
2s. 6d., Surrey 2s. 6d. to 35., Irish is. 6d. to is. 9d. 


I went last night to see Marie Tempest in 
Becky Sharpe at the Prince of Wales'. She has 
become the complete actress a great change since 
I first saw her a dozen or more years ago in The 
Red Hussar, as a musical comedy star. She 
does not look a day older than she did then, and 
is just as vivacious. 

Seymour Bell, who represents the London 
Chamber of Commerce in America, tells me that 
Americans are beginning to drink Scotch whisky, 
and that it will soon be a popular beverage. They 
call it " High Ball," and drink it with ice and 
soda. He also says that unless we begin to adopt 
labour-saving devices in England the Americans 
will soon beat us in manufacturing. 

All the experts are beginning to agree that the 
omnibus, if not exactly doomed to extinction, has 
a dubious future. Mr. Clifton Robinson, who is 
strong on private tramways, and Mr. John Benn 
[Sir John] of the County Council, are firm in this 
belief. Mr. Yerkes thinks that when the Metro- 
politan and District are fully electrified, the omni- 
buses will have a bad time. This belief is re- 
flected, too, in the market position of the omnibus 
company. A year ago the London General 
Company's shares were 216. To-day they are 
100. The 6 shares of the Road Car Company 
stood a year ago at ioj4. Now they are 4j^. The 
Stock Exchange, at any rate, is taking no 

I wonder why people do not use autocars more 


for commercial purposes? Newspapers, for in- 
stance, ought to utilise them more. When I was 
in Paris last week I went to the office of Le 
Journal, and there they have installed twenty- 
five autocars for the delivery of their papers. That 
is an enormous number, but they seem to have 
made a success of it. 

December 4, IQOI. 

Hector MacDonald has been giving me a 
good deal of trouble. [Major-General Sir Hector 
MacDonald, a famous and popular soldier who 
started life as a draper's assistant, committed 
suicide in Paris some years later.] It appears 
that the MacDonalds of the Empire subscribed 
a large sum to provide their hero with a sword 
of honour to commemorate his famous tactical 
movement at the battle of Omdurman. The 
sword was made by an Edinburgh goldsmith 
named MacDonald. The secretary of the com- 
mittee which ordered the sword, also a Mac- 
Donald, told me that when the sword was de- 
livered to Sir Hector at Capetown during the 
present campaign [Boer War] it was found that 
it was merely a cheap so-called tailor's sword, and 
not the bejewelled work of art that had cost so 
much money. We printed this as illustrating a 
piece of Scotch economy relying on the appar- 
ently unquestionable authority of the official 
MacDonald. But the Edinburgh jeweller, a man 


of integrity and good character, sued for 
damages. We could not prove our case. Sir 
Hector is off chasing De Wet with his Highland 
Brigade, and is unapproachable and so we 
agree to pay 800 in full liquidation without 
going to trial. 

I had a prolonged chat with an omnibus driver 
all the way to the City from Sloane Square. The 
old man must be over seventy, but looks quite 
young. They now have a 'Busmen's Union, and 
they are beginning to agitate for a day off now 
and then without being fined for it. They work 
365 days a year, and think that too much. Be- 
sides, the pay is bad never above 2 a week, 
including extras. Out of this rents have to be paid 
at an average of 75. 6d. a week, and food, so that 
there is not much over for beer. 

Mr. Alpheus Cleophas Morton, M.P., came 
into the office to enlist my interest against the 
purchase of the National Telephone Company by 
the Government for something like < 8,000,000. 
He talked fiercely for half an hour, and at the end 
of that time I could not understand if he was for 
or against the scheme. Anyhow, I see little chance 
for the company, for Lord Londonderry, the 
P.M.G., declines to permit them to lay any more 
wires underground, and since they are not per- 
mitted to string them on poles, their usefulness 
for future development is clearly at an end. The 
Government will surely make a hash of the tele- 
phones if they are taken over. 



A dreadful scene this afternoon in Bedford 
Street, near the Strand. Two drunken viragos 
fighting; one of them handicapped by having an 
infant in her arms. A couple of dozen loafers 
cheering them, and a policeman who stood by 
only interfered when one of the women showed 
" claret " on the nose. No use remonstrating. 
The police know how to handle these people. 
When it was over they all adjourned to the beer- 
house at the corner. 

December 6, ipoi. 

Maude Garland, the statesque Juno who used 
to stir the hearts of our young Guardsmen at the 
Gaiety, had a bad fall in the Park this morning, 
and was taken into St. George's Hospital severely 
bruised. She was ambling along the Row where 
there was an unexpected fusillade of shots, which 
sent her hired hack skeltering and displaying un- 
wonted alacrity like a buckjumper, and she came 
down in a heap. It seems that " George Ranger " 
(the Duke of Cambridge), who is the autocrat of 
the Park, has decreed that there are too many 
wild ducks, which are corrupting the manners of 
the tame ones, and so every morning he organises 
a battue. The result is recorded across the way 
at St. George's, where the equestrian casualties 
are deposited. Someone suggested to the Duke 
yesterday that the ducks might more easily be 
snared. His reply, as usual, was vigorous. 


Teixeira de Mattos, the Dutch translator, took 
me to-day to Pembroke Gardens to see Samuel 
Smiles, the author of Self -Help. I thought he had 
died years and years ago. He is, in fact, nearly 
ninety years old, and very feeble. The old gentle- 
man is more proud of the fact that he was once 
secretary of the South-Eastern Railway than of 
his literary efforts. He told me that he began 
life as a medical man in Scotland, but could not 
make a living, so he became editor of the Leeds 
Times, and then a railwayman. He thinks 
George and Robert Stephenson were extra- 
ordinary men. Also James Nasmyth ; and he is 
sure that women in England have more freedom 
now than they have ever had. A kindly old 
gentleman with a sense of humour.* 

His Majesty the King came back from his 
Sandringham shooting party to-day. I saw him 
in his carriage driving down Pall Mall with his 
customary big cigar in his lips. He had with him 
Herr von Pfyffer, his German secretary, which 
leads one to believe that His Majesty is preparing 
himself for a visit either to or from his much- 
beloved nephew, the German Kaiser. The latter 
always tries to speak English with his august 
uncle and King Edward, who for some reason or 
other has never taken William to his bosom in- 
variably retaliates in German. 

Further down the street I ran into General 
k Kelly-Kenny, one of the heroes of the Boer War. 

* Samuel Smiles died in 1904. 


He has just come home. He thinks the war is 
likely to last several years longer. " It wouldn't 
last a month/ 1 he said, " if some of these poli- 
ticians like Campbell-Bannerman and 'Bob* 
Reid [Lord Loreburn] and Lloyd George were 
not so indiscreet in making pro-Boer speeches." 

At lunch to-day at the Cafe Royal there was 
John Philip Sousa, the conductor of the famous 
American band. He has just been playing before 
the King and Queen at Sandringham. He says 
the thing that struck him most was the sim- 
plicity of it all. He expected to see crowns and 
coronets and tiaras all over the place. Instead of 
that " the King came in from shooting looking 
just like any old farmer in Kentucky. What did 
he like best in our programme? Well, I think he 
was divided between ' Swanee River ' and ' Rule 
Britannia !' He's very musical." 

December 7, 1901. 

George Lewis, the lawyer, tells me that 
Whitaker Wright is to come up for public exami- 
nation at the Bankruptcy Court next month to 
explain the collapse of the British America 
Corporation, the London and Globe, and the dis- 
appearance of the immense profits made in the Le 
Roi No. 2 " deal." The disappearance of a 
capital of 1,500,000 in one company, which now 
has only 157 left, will be another question to 
answer. Rufus Isaacs [Lord Reading] will prob- 



ably cross-examine him, and if he does it will be 
a duel of wits, for Wright is a wizard with figures, 
and the great lawyer knows the Stock Exchange 
in and out. Meanwhile, Whitaker Wright con- 
tinues to live at Lea Park, in Surrey, with its 
wonderful artificially made lake over the smok- 
ing-room. His town house in Park Lane, next to 
Lord Londonderry's house, is still open. The 
Marquis of Dufferin, ex-Viceroy of India, who 
was one of Wright's " shop window " directors, 
has lost a vast sum in these City enterprises. He 
has, I hear, retired to Clandeboye, terribly upset 
at the collapse.* 

The new Aero Club is very active, and proposes 
to make ballooning a popular pastime. This 
morning I met the Hon. Charlie Rolls, insepar- 
able from his autocar, on his way to the Crystal 
Palace, where he is to fly this afternoon. He tells 
me that the club proposes to organise a series of 
balloon flights next spring, and to offer some big 
prizes. Later in the day I had a call from the 
Rev. J. M. Bacon, the little parson aeronaut a 
sky pilot in more senses than one who lives at 
Newbury. He wants to do some night ascents 
and photograph St. Paul's dome by moonlight. 
" I was stepping into the car of my balloon the 
other day," he said, " when a man who evidently 
doesn't like me came along and stopped. He 

* Whitaker Wright committed suicide in the Law Courts 
two years later, after being sentenced to seven years* im- 
prisonment for fraud. 



pointed at me and said to a man with him : ' Look 
at one gasbag about to carry another/ I turned 
round and nearly forgot my cloth. What I meant 
to say was c You can go to hell.' I checked my- 
self and merely glared. 'All right,' he cried. 
* Don't explode. Your balloon will do that for 
you soon enough.' " 

Mr. Rolls told me that the Automobile Club 
are going to propose that they will no longer 
oppose the compulsory fixing of identification 
numbers or letters on autocars provided that the 
absurd twelve mile limit is abolished and the 
speed limit is left open, so that people may only 
be prosecuted when they drive dangerously. 
They are much cheered by Mr. Henry Chaplin's 
[Viscount Chaplin] public statement that in his 
opinion twenty-five miles per hour is not an ex- 
cessive speed, and it is not dangerous provided 
brakes are sound and drivers are safe. The prin- 
cipal danger, to my mind, is still the difficulty of 
controlling restive horses, particularly on coun- 
try roads, when swift moving autocars approach. 

Potter, the bootmaker in Regent Street, near 
Portland Place, is dead, and I hear his business is 
closed. I have alternated between him and the 
old shop in the arcade of Her Majesty's Opera 
House in Pall Mall [Carlton Hotel]. Latterly 
I find that manyj>eople are taking to ready-made 
boots on the American plan. They are quite 
cheap, from 155. to < I per pair, against the hand- 
made price of i 155., but in the end I think the 


ready-made boot is dearer. Also it is not always 
made of real leather. 

December 8, 1901. 

There have been some fine medieval scenes in 
the House of Lords before the Court of Claims, 
and also some fine fees for the lawyers. Mr. G. 
Sotheron-Estcourt claims, as owner of the manor 
of Shipton Moyne, to be Chief Larderer to His 
Majesty; the Earl of Denbigh demands his right 
to be present at the Coronation as Grand Carver; 
Sir W. Anstruther as Hereditary Grand Carver 
of Scotland; Lieut.-Colonel Lambert as the 
Waterer, and the Marquis of Ormonde as the 
Chief Butler of Ireland. Miss Wilshere desires 
to serve the King on Coronation Day with the 
first silver cup, but most of this was ruled out for 
the very good reason that there is to be no Corona- 
tion banquet. 

There is a great fight on for the office of 
Hereditary Lord Great Chamberlain between the 
Earl of Ancaster, the Marquis of Cholmondeley, 
Earl Carrington, and the Duke of Atholl. But 
they will have to go before the House of Lords 
Committee of Privileges. 

Lord Robert Cecil, K.C., tells me that he 
has been briefed to appear on behalf of Mr. 
Scrymgeour, who is competing with Lord Lauder- 
dale to bear the standard of Scotland. The fight 
goes back to 1670. The Duke of Newcastle claims 



to " support the right arm of His Majesty while 
he is holding the sceptre," and he has won against 
Lord Shrewsbury. 

I hear Mr. Haldane, K.C. [Viscount Haldane], 
who is leader of the House of Lords Bar, has been 
briefed heavily on behalf of the Lord Chamber- 
lain contestants. 

For the second time this week I have, inadvert- 
ently, given a hansom cabman half a sovereign 
instead of sixpence. I have done it before; so 
have most people who do not carry a sovereign 
case and persist in mixing up all their currency 
in their pockets gold, silver, and bronze. I can 
generally distinguish a sovereign in the dark, but 
the half coin is too near the sixpence in form and 
feel. Some day perhaps we shall have a change. 
Lord Rowton, who, as Monty Corry, was 
Disraeli's private secretary and projected the 
Rowton Houses, told me some time ago that he 
had proposed to "Black Michael" that half- 
sovereigns should have a hole in them, like 
Chinese cash, in order to distinguish them, but 
Sir Michael laughed at him. 

I had to go and see Lord Rothschild this morn- 
ing at his office in St. Swithin's Lane. Walter 
Long had warned me that if I wanted to succeed 
in my errand [it had something to do with a 
political meeting] I would do well to make a mis- 
statement of fact on which he could correct me. 
The first thing the benevolent-looking old gentle- 
man said was : " What do you think of the Liberal 



chances for the next election?" "Oh," I said 
airily, " I think they have a very good chance of 
success." I knew they hadn't a dog's chance. 
" How are they going to do it?" I replied that 
I thought Campbell Banner-man's pro-Boer 
speeches had put him out of court as leader, and 
that either Harcourt or Asquith would succeed 
him and be successful. Lord Rothschild sat bolt 
upright. Then, calling to his brother Alfred, who 
sat at a little table at the end of the big room, 
he cried out : " Listen to this pundit. He doesn't 
know what he is talking about. C.-B. remains 
leader and he will lead them to defeat. Mark my 
words." He was immensely pleased and shook 
me warmly by the hand and granted my re- 

December Q, 1901. 

Dined on Saturday night at the Mansion House 
with Sir Joseph Dimsdale, the Lord Mayor and 
junior M.P. for the City. He is a great swell in 
the City and no end of a past grand officer of 
Freemasons, and as the Coronation will come in 
his term he reasonably expects to be more than 
the knight he now is. He will certainly be made 
a baronet and since he will have to carry the 
crystal sceptre of the City before His Majesty 
during the coronation ceremony, he will not 
escape the Victorian Order. [He got it, a 
K.C.V.O., and a baronetcy in 1902}. Last night 



was Sir Joseph's first free evening since he be- 
came Lord Mayor a month ago. He has to go to 
a City dinner every evening. 

Lunched at Mr. Henry Lucy's (Toby M.P.) 
Mr. Choate, the American Ambassador, Earl 
Cawdor, chairman of the Great Western Railway 
[afterwards First Lord of the Admiralty], 
Marion Crawford, the author, Sydney Whitman, 
the correspondent, Sir Michael Hicks Beach, 
(" Black Michael,") the Chancellor of the Ex- 
chequer, who is selling his country place in Wilt- 
shire to the State for 100,000, to be added to the 
Salisbury Plain camp; several ladies and Sir 
Charles Dilke, who sat next to me and told me 
some interesting stories about gardening and 
fruit culture. He is a most versatile man and it is 
undoubted that if his career had not been so ruth- 
lessly checked he would in time have reached the 
highest post in political life. 

At Charing Cross this morning I was nearly 
run down by Lady Charles Beresford's brougham. 
She said she was off to Rome, where she has taken 
a flat for the winter. With her was her sister, 
Mrs. Gerald Paget, and they were disputing as 
usual, about Woman's Rights. Mrs. Paget is 
" advanced " (under the tutelage of Sarah 
Grand) and Lady Charles an out-and-out Tory, 
who says all political women should be banished. 
Lady Charles is like a Frenchwoman, in that she 
is most generous in the use of rouge. Lord 
Charles, who is second in command in the Medi- 


terranean on board the Ramillies, will soon be 
coming home. There is talk of putting him up 
for Parliament in Hampstead. He is anxious 
to come back and have another go at " My Lords 
of the Admiralty." 

Arthur Collins told me that the pantomime at 
Drury Lane this season is going to beat the record 
for gorgeousness. He had devised a wonderful 
dragon with electric eyes and steam pipes inside, 
but has had to give it up because the contraption 
gets so hot inside that the workmen who operate 
it go frantic with terror and rage. At a dress 
rehearsal yesterday, just as a singer was in the 
middle of a sentimental song and the dragon up- 
stage was twisting its eyes, the whole theatre was 
startled with :" Oh .... murder ! 'Ow long is 
this d . . . tJhinggoin'onburnin'meup?" They 
are afraid to risk it on the first night. 

December 10, igoi. 

I remember going to Vienna about ten years 
ago to be shocked at the sight of several women 
smoking cigars. We appear to be progressing to- 
wards that end here. After dinner last night at 
the Carlton I saw four women in the lounge 
smoking cigarettes quite unconcernedly. One of 
them had a golden case, and she was what is called 
a chain smoker. Dr. Gunton, who was with me, 
told me that most women now smoke at home. 
"That's what makes them so nervy," he said, 



" but when I tax them with over-smoking they 
nearly always deny it." 

In the new Kingsway street, which will one day 
be a splendid avenue, I bought this morning a 
fine Queen Anne walnut table, with drawers, all 
in excellent state, for i los. Also a pair of 
exquisitely-made Queen Anne-style Sheffield 
plate candelabra for 2, and a mahogany knife- 
box for ten shillings. They were all worth much 
more. The dealer wanted to press on me a dozen 
linen-fold oak panels for 3, but though they 
were quite genuine, and in good condition, I 
declined, because I can get all I want in Essex 
for half the money. 

" B.P." [General Baden-Powell] is tired of the 
adulation which he gets wherever he goes. He 
says he still cannot go to a theatre or public place 
without being cheered at and mobbed. The hero 
of Mafeking is going back to Africa this month 
to take charge of a new force of Colonial police. 
There will be 20,000 men and 30,000 horses to 
cover a territory of 200,000 square miles in the 
Transvaal and Orange River Colony. The late 
Queen Victoria never forgave him for having 
sketched his own portrait on the emergency 
stamps which he devised for Mafeking during the 

The revival of lolanthe, after nineteen 
years, has brought Mr. W. S. Gilbert from his 
retirement at Harrow, to superintend the re- 
hearsals. He is very sad about it all, for both Sir 


Arthur Sullivan and D'Oyly Carte have died in 
the past year or so, and he misses all the old faces. 
George Grossmith [father of the present G.G.] is 
now an entertainer, Jessie Bond, the original 
" lolanthe," has retired ; Miss Fortescue, whose 
fairyness in the piece inflamed the passion of a 
real and not a fairy peer, and won her damages 
for breach of promise, devotes herself to a 
superior art; and Rutland Barrington is singing 
at Daly's. Gilbert is very critical of the new 

I saw a large hatchment with a great coat-of- 
arms over the portico of a house in Grosvenor 
Square to-day, the first for some years, to indicate 
the death of the owner. This fashion of display- 
ing mourning seems to go more and more into 

December u, 

I took half an hour after dinner last night, on 
my way to the office, and looked in at the Royal 
Aquarium to watch the big ping-pong tourna- 
ment. There was a crowd around the eight 
tables. Some of the play was shocking. I could 
have done better on a kitchen table. The best 
work was done by Roper Barrett, the tennis 
player, who defeated Launceston Elliott. Mr. T. 
Jeffries was eventually declared the winner over 
all. The Aquarium was terribly cold and 
draughty in this dreadful wintry weather. Two 



rival ping-pong associations are now in full 
swing, and it threatens to become one of the 
national pastimes.* 

Commander Kelly, of the United States Navy, 
came to see me to-day, and told me about the new 
Holland submersible destroyer Fulton, in which 
he went down off Long Island and remained 
under water for fifteen hours. English and 
French boats of this description have been sub- 
merged for various hours, but none so long as 
this, so far the severest test. The crew slept, ate, 
and played cards, and on coming up said they had 
been in no way inconvenienced by the battle of 
the elements which had been raging above. Com- 
mander Kelly thinks that in ten years there will 
be no surface ships of war on the water. 

I lunched to-day with Charles Frohman, and 
he informed me that in his opinion England 
would always be the supply depot for American 
theatres. "You see," he said, "our American 
young men will not go in for authorship because 
they can do better in commerce. When a young 
man of talent comes out of Yale or Harvard he 
is at once snapped up by Wall Street with a good 
salary, and he has no inclination to risk failure 
and possible penury. It is different here. I 
simply have to come to London for plays, and I 
think it will always be so." Frohman is interested 
in Bluebell in Fairyland, which is playing at the 

*The Royal Aquarium was in Westminster, now the 
great Wesleyan hall. 



Vaudeville with Seymour Hicks and Ellaline 
Terriss in the cast, and he thinks that Hicks is 
the most intelligent actor on the English stage 
to-day. " Some day," he says, " Hicks will make 
a hit as Hamlet." The great little man and I 
talked reminiscently of the days long ago when I 
first met him as an advance agent for Haverley's 

Now that straw has been removed from the 
floors of our omnibuses, the London General 
Company has decided to pursue its onward 
march. I came down to Fleet Street to-night in 
an omnibus brilliantly lighted by an acetylene 
lamp, so strong that one could almost read with 
it. The conductor told me that all the cars are 
to be lighted with acetylene. 

December 13, 1901. 

A letter to-day from John Redmond, in New 
York, where he proposes to embark for home this 
week. Says he has been promised a goodly sum 
for the Irish Party, though his visit was not 
primarily financial. He complains that the 
collections are becoming attenuated owing to the 
fact that the Irish servant girls, who used to con- 
tribute regularly every week throughout the 
country, are not so much interested as they were 
ten years ago. Even the Irish music-hall actor, 
who was such a great propagandist with his senti- 

* Charles Frohman was drowned in the Lusitania. 
1 60 


mental songs about " the dear old country " is 
becoming scarce and not so popular. " We had a 
meeting the other evening at the Cooper Union 
Hall," writes John Redmond, " and the audience 
sang * Kathleen Mavourneen.' Only a few of 
them seemed to know the words, which shows a 
great change." 

Lady Londonderry does not like the photo- 
graph of her which one of the illustrated papers 
printed this week. She thinks a photograph 
should be really life-like if it is to be useful, and 
she has sent me one (with a characteristic note) 
which I think will not come under such criticism. 
Her daughter, Lady Helen Stewart, is to marry 
young Lord Stavordale, heir to Lord Ilchester, 
next month, and it will be the wedding of the 
year, for she is not only a great figure among the 
younger women of society, but she will one day, 
in due course, become mistress of Holland House 
and its great traditions. I presume the wedding 
will be at St. George's, Hanover Square, since 
that is now the most fashionable church in town. 

I bought some Christmas champagne at Berry 
Brothers to-day. The duty has gone up from 6s. 
to 7s. 6d. [it is 155. now in 1930], and prices look 
to me much too high even for a luxury beverage. 
The best Clicquot, Heidsieck, Moet Chandon, 
and so on are fetching about 935. There are 
various less fashionable brands at about 855., and 
this is a fair advance on six or seven years ago. 
Russia and the United States are yearly taking 



more and more of the French sweet champagnes, 
and if prices continue to rise here I shall 
not be surprised to see the wine go out of use 
altogether. Burgundies and clarets are much 
more popular. 

Christmas trade is not very good, I am told. 
The majority of the stuff one sees in the shops 
is of cheap foreign manufacture, mostly German. 
People are going about saying they will not buy 
German goods because of the violent anti-English 
pro-Boer attitude of the Germans, but they buy 
German goods just the same. There is not much 
to choose between the Germans and the French in 
the matter of pro-Boerism. Harry Marks, of the 
Financial News, told me yesterday that he was 
several times grossly insulted in the streets of 
Paris. "A bas les Anglais" and "Rosbif" 
appear to be favourite terms of endearment on 
the boulevards. 

December 14, ipoi. 

Captain Nicholas, who is in charge of the royal 
mews at Buckingham Palace, showed me over the 
place. The long line of loose boxes, filled with 
the famous Hanoverian creams which draw the 
State carriages, made a most impressive spectacle. 
The horses are tended with great care, and are 
exercised daily by the small regiment of grooms 
who are employed at the mews all the year round. 
The creams trace their ancestry to the first four 



that were brought over from Hanover by King 
George I., and no other breed has been employed 
in State processions. 

"What about the automobile?" I asked 
Captain Nicholas. 

" Not a chance," he replied. " These creams 
will be employed by the Kings of England so long 
as there are kings." * 

Max O'Rell, otherwise Paul Blouet, who is on 
a lecturing tour in the United States, has sent me 
a copy of his latest book, Her Royal Highness 
Woman, with a characteristic note, to the effect 
that " it is the best book I have ever written." He 
has sent me every first copy of his many books, 
and always with the same modest description. I 
have often asked him to write his experiences as 
a French prisoner at Sedan and of his part in the 
Commune fighting, but he prefers to devote him- 
self to John Bull and his people. More money 
in it. 

Phil May is talking of producing a weekly 
illustrated paper on the lines of Punch. He is 
encouraged thereto by the success of his Annual. 
He will have to be careful not to meet the fate 
of his colleague, Harry Furniss, who deserted 
Punch to found Lika Joko, and made a dismal 
failure. Besides, I do not think May is now 
physically strong enough to go through the strain 
of founding a weekly. Furniss told me the other 
day that in spite of his great success on Punch, 

* The creams are no longer in the mews. 1930. 


George du Maurier never received more than 
i ,000 a year, and had to make up the rest by 
lecturing; which was not much. Affluence only 
came to du Maurier eight or nine years ago 
with Trilby and Peter Ibbetson. The Harpers 
paid him the enormous sum of 10,000 on 
the delivery of the MSS. of the latter in- 
different story. 

Had a call to-day from Michael Maybrick, the 
famous baritone, who said he had received a 
piteous letter from the old Baroness de Roques, 
Mrs. Maybrick's mother, asking him to help 
her in her appeal for her daughter's release 
from prison! Mrs. Maybrick, his sister-in-law 
[sentenced for life for the poisoning of her 
husband, was released in 1904], has been in 
Woking and St. Albans prisons for sixteen years, 
and her mother has spent her fortune in attempt- 
ing to obtain her freedom. 

December 75, 

Harry Cust, Schomberg McDonnell (Lord 
Salisbury's secretary), and I lunched at the Cafe 
Royal. We were discussing the abomination of 
mud splashes to which pedestrians are subjected 
from horses' hoofs in the streets. We finally 
came to a wager. Each of us was to walk a certain 
distance and the one who came back without a 
spot of mud on his collar was to have I from 
the other two. If two were free, the remaining 



third would have to pay each I, and if all were 
free, the bet was off. We were to return at once 
by cab to the Cafe Royal and compare results. 
Each man was to walk close to the kerb and not 
try to dodge mud splashes ; Cust to Hyde Park 
Corner and along Piccadilly ; McDonnell to the 
Haymarket and the Strand to Wellington Street, 
and I to Oxford Circus. 

I had not gone two hundred yards when I 
received a great blob of mud on my neck and 
collar and so did not consider it worth while going 
on, and returned. Within ten minutes Cust and 
McDonnell also came back, each fully decorated 
with mud splashes. All bets off! 

My hansom cab-driver who calls for me every 
morning at two o'clock after we have sent the 
paper to press informed me this morning that his 
brother, who is also a cabman, is taking lessons 
in automobile driving in the hope that some day 
he will be able to drive a horseless cab. I told 
him it would be a good idea if he, too, took lessons, 
but he shouted through the opening at the top 
that he wasn't going to waste his money on such 

" Them automobiles," he said, " are all right 
as playthings, but you can't depend on 'em. Be- 
sides, they are dangerous and you can't guarantee 
getting your fare to the place he wants to reach. 
You'll never beat my old 'orse." 

I wonder if he is right. You don't always reach 
your destination by motor, but I do not think the 



hansom cab has much to brag about on the score 
of safety, especially on a slippery road. 

Arthur Lawrence, the editor of Cecil Harms- 
worth's Liberal Review, has sent me a cheque for 
10 for my article on my week-end cottage 
experiences in Essex ; which is considered fair pay 
for 3,000 words. A good many amateur writers 
are breaking into the pages of the reviews these 
days, and that keeps the prices down, for these 
amateurs are quite pleased to see their effusions 
in print without emolument. Harper's Magazine 
has sent me a cheque for 20 for an article on 
the 100 Years 5 War in Achin. That is somewhat 
nearer the market value, but I notice that in 
America also there is a tendency occasionally to 
go outside the ranks of the professional writers. 
Julian Ralph, the war correspondent states that 
on several occasions Harper's have paid him as 
high as 100 for an article, but he has had to 
carry his own expenses in such cases. 

December i6 y IQOI. 

A neat little egg-box came to me to-day. It 
contained a dozen nice brown eggs, on top of 
which was a card : " Compliments of the season 
from Dan Leno." Few people know that this most 
popular of all comedians is an agriculturalist as 
well ! He has a " farm " of an acre or so back of 
his house in Clapham Park, and there he grows 
cabbages and potatoes, poultry, butter, eggs, and 



so on. He is probably the highest paid funny 
man in the world. 

My friend X , who took part in the march 

on Peking against the Boxers, has come back, and 
has presented me with a magnificent Japanese 
sword, with jewelled hilt and wonderfully 
fashioned scabbard. It was a present from one 
of the Japanese Mikados to the Son of Heaven, 
and X. says he bought it for next to nothing at 
auction from a Russian soldier who had looted 
it from the palace. I have noticed for some time 
in Bond Street windows a varied collection of jade 
ornaments, silken gowns, and exquisite carvings, 
all of it part of the international army's loot. The 
rifling of the Chinese treasure house a collection 
of works of art that has occupied the labours of 
centuries reflects no credit on our civilisation; 
but I am always glad to hear that the British were 
not to the forefront in looting. 

The big storm that has now passed was the 
worst for a quarter of a century. Many places 
have been isolated for two or three days. Never 
have so many telegraph lines been down, and, as 
for snow, the usual " oldest inhabitant " tales 
are prevalent in the north. The land lines have 
been so disrupted that on Saturday the cables to 
America were held up, and there were rumours in 
New York that London was in the throes of a 

I met > to-day for the first time Mrs. Glyn 
(Elinor Glyn), the much-talked-of Essex society 



woman whose Visits of Elizabeth have created so 
much interest in and out of London. I saw her 
first at Mrs. Arthur Paget's Charity Tableaux at 
Her Majesty's Theatre. She is a striking figure, 
and is full of new ideas on literature, and so full 
of energy that nothing will deter her from finding 
expression for them. 

At dinner last night I met Mr. F. C. Burnand, 
who was for so many years editor of Punch. He 
had been connected with the paper for over forty 
years. We talked of pantomimes which are just 
now in full preparation, and he says it is hard 
work writing them. He is joint author of this 
year's effort at Drury Lane. He is an inveterate 
punster. While at Eton he explained his un- 
willingness to play football because he was " more 
shinned against than sinning." Later in a con- 
versation with Cardinal Manning he said he was 
inclined to the stage rather than the Church as a 
vocation. The Cardinal retorted : " You might as 
well say that to be a cobbler is a vocation." 
Burnand answered quickly: "In that case I 
should still have the cure of soles." He told me 
that his Black-Eyed Susan had a record run of 
800 nights, and in his seventy years of life he has 
perpetrated over 100 plays. 

December 77, 

1 have had some correspondence recently with 
Mr. Clemens (Mark Twain), who writes to me 



from Hartford, in Connecticut, that he has had an 
interesting controversy with the great Professor 
Virchow, who lives in Berlin. When Mr. Clemens 
was in London a little while ago he lived in 
Tedworth Square, Chelsea, where I used to go 
occasionally to play a game of pool with him. He 
was then deeply interested in an Austrian food 
preparation. With the late John M. Bergheim, 
the Galician oil engineer, he formed the Plasmon 
Company. Mark Twain said he was going to re- 
cover the fortune he lost in his book-publishing 
venture. He began to bombard the scientists of 
Europe with letters on the subject of food values, 
metabolism, and so on. The Virchow correspond- 
ence went on over a period of years. Now Mark 
Twain writes : 

" I have had a stunner from Virchow on what 
he calls Cellular Chirography. I have never seen 
so many long words. They twirl and twist like 
a cowboy's lariat. I have responded to-day by 
sending him a copy of my new book, The Man 
that Corrupted Hadleyburg. Let him chew on 
that awhile." 

The police are very active now in suppressing 
omnibus racing, which is becoming dangerous. I 
was on a Road Car omnibus to-day in Whitehall. 
A London General Company omnibus pulled up 
alongside. Next came a pirate. They all started 
at once, and the drivers lashed the horses into a 
gallop, the while the vehicles rocked like boats. 
The passengers got excited, and one man's top hat 



blew off. When we got to Trafalgar Square the 
Road Car was leading by a length, and the pirate, 
with his starved horses, was one hundred yards 
behind. The new rate of a penny from Charing 
Cross to the Bank seems to act as a magnet to 
the former point, and the rivals take great risks 
in getting there first. 

Mr. Pirrie [Lord Pirrie], of Harland and 
Wolff's shipbuilding yard, gave me to-day a 
pamphlet about liquid fuel for steamships. He 
thinks highly of it, and says that if proper supplies 
of oil could be arranged he sees no reason why 
coal bunkers should not be discarded. He told 
me that Sir Marcus Samuel [Lord Bearsted] 
and Sir Fortescue Flannery, M.P., the marine 
engineer, have almost convinced him, but he is 
not yet sure what effect the proposed fuel will 
have on the speed of liners. 

Charles Balch, the manager of the Absent- 
Minded Beggar Fund, which has been raised by 
public subscription for the benefit of the soldiers 
in the Boer War, has asked me to go down to 
Alton to inspect the new buildings, which have 
cost a mint of money. They have taken over 
100,000. Mrs. Brown Potter's nightly recita- 
tion of Kipling's Cook's Son, Duke's Son has been 
the greatest money-getter for the fund. She re- 
cited last night at the Hotel Cecil, and filled two 
soap boxes with sovereigns and half-sovereigns. 



December /<?, IQOI. 

Of all the hundreds of men about town whom 
one meets there are few more picturesque than 
old Captain Blyth, who talked for a few minutes 
in Piccadilly this afternoon. He is always 
immaculate. His hat is shiny, his boots are 
shiny, and his spirit scintillates. He told me of 
the good old days in the early sixties when he 
drove a coach from London to Reading as an 
amateur whip, and of the people whom he used to 
drive. Captain Blyth is the hero of a great story 
that is told of him. Once he was having his hat 
ironed in a hat-shop in St. James's Street. A 
certain Archbishop of Canterbury entered and, 
taking the bare-headed Captain Blyth for a shop- 
man, handed him his shovel hat and said : " Have 
you got a hat like that?" 

"No, I haven't," answered Blyth, to the 
surprise and horror of the archbishop, " and if 
I had I'm damned if I'd put the pesky thing on 
my head !" 

Lord Rosebery has come out of his lone furrow 
at last and made a speech at Chesterfield, which 
looks like a bid for the resumption of Liberal 
leadership. The Liberals are terribly puzzled 
because it was an old-time Whig speech almost 
designed to drag Joseph Chamberlain and the 
Duke of Devonshire away from the Liberal- 
Unionists into a resurrected Whig organisation. 
But while Lord Rosebery is threatening to make 



six more important speeches it does not look like 
much more than speechifying. " C. B." is re- 
ported to have said that Rosebery is too rich and 
intellectual to be much of a danger to the 
Unionists, and too indeterminate to be of much 
use to the Liberals. 

Billington, the hangman, is dead. He was 
something of a character, and he took great pride 
in his " profession," but he had to hang Patrick 
McKenna at Manchester a fortnight ago, and 
that upset him, for McKenna was a bosom friend 
and townsman of his at Bolton. Billington's 
complaint recently was that the authorities do 
not seem to appreciate the importance of the 
hangman as they formerly did. He used to get 
oysters and champagne for breakfast before 
executions. Now this has been reduced to bacon 
and eggs and tea; but the fee of 10 remains. 
Billington always maintained that Dr. Neill 
Cream, the notorious woman poisoner, was 
" Jack the Ripper." On the scaffold Cream 

suddenly called out: " I am Jack ." Before 

he could get any further Billington pulled 
the bolt and Cream was no more. Billington, 
however, was convinced that had he waited a 
second longer the words "the Ripper" would 
have been uttered. The mutilation of the White- 
chapel victims was undoubtedly done by a hand 
skilled in surgery, and the murders ceased after 
Cream's arrest. 



December 20, igoi. 

Everybody is discussing the affair at Birming- 
ham where a crowd of 40,000 people surrounded 
the town hall and wrecked all its windows because 
Mr. Lloyd George, M.P., was trying to make a 
pro-Boer speech. Lloyd George was finally 
smuggled out. Disguised as a policeman he 
marched out with a file of constables, and police- 
man 8/D, greatly daring, followed in the M.P/s 
clothes. Lloyd George fell out of the ranks at the 
word of command and got his clothes back later. 
He puts it all down to the Chamberlain party 
which rules Birmingham, and will not hear any 
side but their own. The uproar at the town hall 
was terrific, and the place looks like a ruined 

The new hotel in Piccadilly, which Mr. Sherry 
was reported to have in contemplation on the site 
of Walsingham House [now the Ritz] is not to be 
built after all. Lord Walsingham sent down a 
letter to-night saying there is no truth in the re- 
port, and that Walsingham House is not to be 
sold. Mr. Harris, of the Carlton, says there are 
enough first-class hotels in London to meet all 
demands, but judging by the requests for rooms 
for next year's coronation, this does not appear 
to be correct. 

Moberly Bell (manager of The Times) told 
me to-night not for publication that old de 
Blowitz, the famous Paris correspondent, is 



coming to the end of his tether. He is rather 
feeble now and somewhat exigeant as well. They 
have had in training a young American, named 
Fullerton, who, Moberly Bell thinks, will be able 
to take de Blowitz's place soon. To my mind the 
Paris correspondence of The Times has not been 
as good lately as that of the otherwise heavy Daily 
News, whose correspondent, Mrs. Crawford, 
appears to lead a long way. 

Mr. Gladstone used to say that while de 
Blowitz was pontifical and only occasionally 
newsy and Mrs. Crawford entertaining and 
modern and represented his Liberal view- 
point he was yet far more impressed with 
the daily despatches of Mr. Farman of the 

Business seems to be encroaching everywhere. 
Victoria Street, which is taken up entirely with 
residential flats, is being commercialised. Here 
and there the ground floors are being taken up 
by shops. They say that the American Legation, 
which has been in Victoria Street for years, is 
likely not to renew its lease on expiry. That, too, 
I suppose, will be turned into a shop some day. 
Somehow or other residential flats do not flourish 
in England as they do elsewhere. The English- 
man prefers his house and his garden. Besides, 

*The old Standard in 1901 was noted for its foreign 
despatches, and the Daily News was not then reduced in 
price and form. Mr. Farman was the father of the motor 
and flying machine Farman Brothers. 



flats, if they are at all good, are dearer than 

December 21, 1901. 

A call this afternoon from Mr. " Monty " 
Guest, who had a considerable bundle of Court 
gossip. We talked about the coming Honours 
List, and he says there has been a good deal of 
nonsensical gossip about two rumoured peerages 

for two eminent financiers, Sir E and Sir 

T , but there is nothing in it. I ventured the 

remark that if Whitaker Wright had not come a 
cropper he would have had a good chance for an 
honour of some sort, but he would not agree. The 
young King of Spain, whose coronation is to take 
place early in the year, is to have a signal honour ; 
also the Czar, who, so they say, is so much like his 
cousin the Prince of Wales [King George V.] that 
they might easily be mistaken one for the other. 

The King and Queen will soon move to 
Buckingham Palace, and when they vacate 
Marlborough House the Prince and Princess of 
Wales will transfer to the latter place from York 

I have seen the completed plans for the new 
processional road in the Mall, with a picture of 
the Arch through which traffic is to pass in and 
out of Charing Cross. It will be a great improve- 
ment, and when the Mall is widened and made 
presentable and Buckingham Palace is finally re- 


faced the road should be worth while. 

Labouchere has been libelling John Kensit, the 
Church reformer, by saying of him in Truth that 
he is " a publisher of a class of literature which, 
under the guise of demonstrating its sectarian 
rancour, obviously appeals simply to the depraved 
appetite of pruriency." These long words have 
upset Kensit, especially as they constitute com- 
ment on a libel suit which he is bringing against 
another paper. He tried for an injunction to-day 
and failed. Very angry. This, too, on the top of 
a row in an Essex church on Sunday when John 
K denounced a too ritualistic vicar for wear- 
ing gorgeous vestments, swinging incense, elevat- 
ing the Host and lighting great altar candles. The 
vicar was a former middle-weight boxer and did 
not hesitate to " brawl " in a sense more literal 
than that applied to the term in ecclesiastical 

circles ; and John K came off second best. 

He is a sincere, honest and most energetic 

I went to the Savage Club on Saturday night. 
Took with me Sir Evelyn Wood, who is soon to 
be a Field-Marshal, and is to command the great 
new training camp on Salisbury Plain when the 
war is over. We were entertained, as usual, by 
Mr. Odell, the old actor, who seems to go on for 
ever singing "Harvest Home"; and Charles 
Collette, who was once a Guardsman, but is now 

* Mr. Kensit was killed at Liverpool in 1902 by a stone 
thrown at him by someone in a crowd. 



a drawing-room and music-hall entertainer. 

Between the acts at Daly's Theatre last night, 
where Ada Reeve is the new San Toy, George 
Edwardes outlined to me a scheme for a musical 
setting of Bret Harte's Luck of Roaring Camp, 
which he thinks might go well if Morton and 
Monckton put their hands to it in collaboration. 
I asked him why he does not get Bret Harte him- 
self to lend a hand. Edwardes did not know that 
he has been living in England for years. He is 
down at Camberley, none too well, and Edwardes 
said he would write to him and, if necessary, go 
down and see him. 

December 22, ipoi. 

Richard Croker, the Tammany " Boss," has 
returned from New York after a most crushing 
defeat at the polls, in which the Reformers once 
more take control of the city, only to lose it again 
in a year or two, for Tammany always bobs up 
again stronger than before. I saw the Boss at 
the Savoy this afternoon, and renewed an old 
acquaintance, for I knew him when he was plain 
" Hickory-Faced Dick," with a place far down in 
the Tammany hierarchy. He says he has finished 
with politics, intends to give up his racing stables 
in England, and train solely in Ireland. He is a 
taciturn, rather surly, extremely domineering old 
man, with a natural capacity for managing men, 
and with not much refinement of manner. He 



was once a brakesman on a railway, but that is 
many years ago, and since he left off work he has 
accumulated a vast fortune. 

That versatile writer Julia Frankau [mother of 
Gilbert Frankau], who, as " Frank Danby," has 
gained an international reputation as a novelist, 
has sent me her latest literary effort. It is a book 
on prints which, I feel certain, will one day be 
regarded as authoritative and valuable to collec- 
tors. It is wonderfully illustrated with eighteenth 
century colour prints ; a fine series of essays on 
stipple engravings and their work in colour. Mrs. 
Frankau, with her talented sister, Mrs. Aria and 
their brilliant brother "Jimmy" Davis, the 
librettist of so many Gaiety successes, represents 
a remarkable family. 

Madame Patti sang at the Albert Hall last 
night. I did not go, but saw her later at her hotel. 
It was one of her now familiar " farewell " appear- 
ances, and she laughed gaily when I reminded her 
of a conversation at her castle, Craig-y-nos, in 
Wales, ten years ago, when she vowed that she 
had made her irrevocably final, farewell appear- 
ance. Patti said last night: "I had to sing 
'Home, Sweet Home/ of course, at the end. 
They never let me off without it and do you 
know I forgot the words! I got to 'Midst 
pleasures and palaces,' and could not for the 
world think of the line, so I just mumbled it." 
She was full of praise of a young pianist called 
William Backhaus, who played last night. 


I have just seen the drawings of the new 
postage stamp to take the place of those bearing 
the likeness of Queen Victoria. The portrait of 
King Edward is excellent, and the design classical 
and pleasing. The penny stamp is to be red and 
the halfpenny green. Mr. Henniker-Heaton, 
M.P., the postal reformer, is agitating for the 
penny stamp to be made general, particularly to 
the Colonies and to the United States. Twopence 
halfpenny is too much, and blocks communica- 
tion overseas. 

Every omnibus to-day has been sporting the 
Rothschild blue and gold racing colours in cele- 
bration of Mr. Leopold Rothschild's annual gift 
of a brace of pheasants for each driver and con- 
ductor. One driver had a set of yard-long ribbons 
on his whip, as well as rosettes on the bridles. 
Between four and five thousand birds were 
despatched from Gunnersbury Park for this 

December 23, igoi. 

I never knew until to-day that the father of 
Mrs. Craigie (John Oliver Hobbes), the famous 
writer, is Mr. John Morgan Richards, the leading 
man of the American colony in England. Mr. 
Richards has an elaborate office at Holborn 
Viaduct, where he is the head of a great pill dis- 
tributing business, which spends large sums in 
advertising every year. He has been in England 


over a quarter of a century without losing his 
American accent. England, next to America, is 
the greatest pill swallower in the world, and that, 
I learn, is the result of the Education Act of the 
'seventies, by which the whole population became 
enabled to read advertisements. 

I looked in at Bow Street, where Goudie, the 
bank clerk, with " Dick " Burge, the pugilist, and 
a couple of racing men, are up for the Liverpool 
bank frauds, which have created such a sensation. 
A great battery of legal guns already on the case, 
led by " Charlie " Gill, for the Crown. Goudie is 
defended by his fellow townsman, young Mr. 
Smith [Lord Birkenhead], who, I am told, 
recently distinguished himself in the Guinea Gold 
litigation. Mr. Smith had an enviable university 
career, and I judge from his manner that he has 
not forgotten it. He is a handsome, tall, athletic- 
looking young man. I did not hear him speak, 
but I am told he has a most attractive voice and a 
most picturesque vocabulary. We hear, of course, 
the usual prophecies about him Prime Minister, 
Lord Chancellor, and so on; the thing that is 
always said about promising youngsters. But 
young Mr. Smith is not even in Parliament yet, 
and he has no family connections to push him on. 

The King, in his capacity of leading the 
fashion, has given an order for a new all-British 
automobile of nearly double the horse-power of 
his present carriage, in which he has travelled 
more than once between Marlborough House and 

1 80 


Windsor as fast as it is done by train. The new 
carriage, which is to be made by Daimler, is to 
hold six people, with room beside the driver for 
a footman. It is to be of the double phaeton type, 
and will cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of 

Another of Queen Victoria's regulations is to go 
by the board. Drawing-rooms are to be turned 
into Courts, which are to be held at Buckingham 
Palace in the evening in future, and presentations 
will take place there in the old manner. The 
number and dates of these new Courts has not yet 
been fixed. 

December 24, 

Mr. James Gordon Bennett, the proprietor of 
the New York Herald, writes to me from the Villa 
Namouna at Beaulieu that he has sent Sidney 
Whitman, the correspondent, to Germany, to 
write a series of articles about Germany's aspira- 
tions as a world dominator. " I have picked out 
Whitman," he writes, "because he is familiar, 
from personal contact, with Bismarck's policy, 
which was imperialistic for Continental purposes ; 
but this young man now on the throne has gone 
beyond that. His idea is to conquer the world 
and make us all his vassals. I don't like it, and I 
am going to stop him." Mr. Bennett is himself 
an autocrat, as I know from my own experience, 
and he cannot contemplate another in competi- 



tion, even though he be an anointed emperor. 

Women are not to have the monopoly of corsets 
in future. In order to enjoy the proper fit of a 
frock coat a man should have a snug waist, and 
so the tailors are making propaganda for the 
coming era of corsets for men. My tailor sent 
down a sample for me to inspect to-day, but I did 
not view the thing with enthusiasm; nor do I 
think that most men of common sense beyond the 
Johnnies of Piccadilly and Bond Street will have 
anything to do with them. 

Something ought to be done by the authorities 
to wipe out the scandal of the homeless people 
who are forced to sleep out on these wintry nights. 
I walked home along the Embankment this 
morning at two o'clock with Byron Curtis, editor 
of the Standard. Every bench from Blackfriars 
to Westminster Bridge was filled with shivering 
people, all huddled up men, women, and 
children. The Salvation Army people were out 
giving away hot broth, but even this was merely 
a temporary palliative against the bitter night. 
At Charing Cross we encountered a man with his 
wife and two tiny children. They had come to 
town from Reading to look for work. The man 
had lost his few shillings, and they were stranded. 
We took them to Charing Cross Station, got them 
a hot meal, and beds for the night. This unem- 
ployment question is really a great problem. I 
talked with Mr. Chamberlain about it the other 
day, and he repeated his known sentiments about 


our Free Trade policy being to blame for loss of 
work. If foreign goods were taxed the British 
workman would have a chance. 

This being the day before Christmas has 
brought out everybody for final shopping, I went 
in a hansom along Regent Street and down 
Tottenham Court Road, where most of the 
shoppers congregate. Maple's and Shoolbred's 
great establishments were packed with people, 
and all the furniture shops in Tottenham Court 
Road were thronged. I notice this year a rever- 
sion to mahogany rather than the machine- 
carved (made in Holland) black oak, with ornate 
sideboards. The mahogany furniture must be in 
the Chippendale style, which is now so popular. 
The black oak is disappearing into the wood- 
sheds, for its quality has not been equal to the 
strain of half a dozen years. Bond Street, on the 
way back, was less crowded. Luxury-buying is 
less apparent this year. Everybody is buying 
gramophones and ping-pong sets. 

December 28, igoi. 

I hear through Dr. Jim [Sir Starr Jameson] 
that Cecil Rhodes has bought Dalham Hall, near 
Newmarket, which he proposes to make his per- 
manent English home. Rhodes has never seen 
the place. He had a look at some photographs, 
which he liked, and a glance at the game book, 
which showed that they shot nearly 1,700 



partridges in the first four days of this season, 
and so he characteristically instructed his agents 
to purchase the place . Whether he will ever go 
there to live is another matter. Dr. Jim thinks he 
is much too restless to do that. 

An American business man who came to 
London a few days before Christmas to do a 
rapid deal came in to see me to-day to tell me 
his story of woe. He has been unable to do busi- 
ness for a week because Christmas intervened. 
" This long break in England," he said, " will one 
day be the undoing of this country. Wherever I 
go I find the doors locked. Why not have your 
Christmas and be done with it? Why make it a 
prolonged loaf? If your trade gets badly hurt one 
day you may put the damage down to this foolish 
Christmas lay-off." He vowed that if this goes 
on England will be off the map in twenty years. 

A New Year's present came to me to-day in the 
form of an exquisitely painted water-colour 
sketch with a charming note from the painter, 
who is none other than our old friend Joe Lyons, 
better known to the world as a dispenser of tea 
and buns. The demands of a great business 
career have interfered with a promising artistic 
career, for it is certain that if Joe Lyons had not 
met Mr. Montague Gluckstein he would either 
have become a famous painter or writer, for he 
paints and writes with equal facility, as is 
illustrated by his plays written in conjunction 
with Cecil Raleigh and his generally praised 



pictures at various exhibitions. There must be at 
least fifty Lyons tea shops in London to-day, 
which is remarkable, for ten years ago there were 
few bright and attractive places where one could 
go for light refreshment.* 

When the Baroness de Bazus called to-day, 
and put on her card " Just for a chat," I did not 
recognise her as Mrs. Frank Leslie, the widow of 
the originator of American illustrated journalism. 
She still owns Leslie's Weekly, which made a 
great fortune in the Civil War, and left her a com- 
petency after her husband's death fifteen years 
ago. She has now reverted to her father's 
ancestral title of Baron de Bazus, conferred by 
St. Louis. Madame remained an hour, and 
talked on every world subject. Also she stated 
emphatically that she never intended to marry 
the Marquis de Leuville, the minor poet of 
London's first nights, whose glossy curls were so 
much in evidence up to a few years ago. Some- 
one says that " de Leuville " was only a poetic 
fancy; that his real name was Brown or 
Tompkins, and that he once painted eyes for a 
living at Madame Tussaud's Waxworks. But 
that's scandal! 

December 29, 1901. 

A long dissertation to-day on " Indeterminable 
Equations " propounded by my old friend Lo 

* In 1930 Lyons' have about 200 rV ops in London. 


Feng-Luh, who was for so long private secretary 
to Li Hung-Chang, and is now Chinese Minister 
in London. Lo is the most erudite, the most per- 
sistent, and the most exacting arguer I have ever 
met. He is a scholar to his finger-tips, and some- 
times fails to hide his irritation with us ignorant 
Western barbarians. He told me to-day that 
when he travelled with Li Hung-Chang they spent 
every spare minute in philosophical argument. 
The old man thought Western " civilisation " was 
interesting and amusing, but he was sure it could 
never last because of the lack of thought. 
" Making wheels go round," he used to say, " is 
diverting, but it does not improve the mind." Lo 
told me that he is soon to go to Russia as 
Minister, but he prefers Portland Place to the 
Nevsky Prospekt. 

The story that the Marquis of Salisbury is to 
be made a duke in this New Year's Honours List 
is so persistent and vouched for by so many 
people who ought to know, that I am almost 
giving it credence. I am quite sure, however, 
that Lord Salisbury himself is quite indifferent, 
and if the honour is to be conferred it must be 
because the King is desirous of showing that he 
appreciates his great gifts in spite of the consider- 
able opposition which the Prime Minister has 
offered from time to time to royal suggestions. 
Lord Salisbury is recovering from his recent ill- 
ness, and is likely to make an important speech 
when the House meets in a couple of weeks. He 



is preparing it now. Anyone who believes that 
all his fine speeches are impromptu makes a mis- 
take. He is most meticulous in preparation. His 
speeches are often drafted beforehand and the 
impromptus are not omitted. One afternoon 
when he was entering the House of Lords he in- 
advertently dropped his notes. A friend picked 
them up a few minutes later, and glancing at them 
found that they began thus : 

"My lords, when I entered this House this 
afternoon, nothing was further from my thoughts 
than to address your lordships." 

The fire brigade came dashing down the Strand 
at Wellington Street to-day with the usual wild 
cries of " Hi ! yi ! hi ! yi !" which always creates a 
sensation in the streets. One of the engine horses 
came down on the slippery pavement, but the men 
had the team going in an incredibly short time. 
The suggestion so often made that the firemen 
should abandon their wild and alarming cries and 
substitute a gong is bitterly opposed by the fire- 
men. They have always yelled " Hi ! yi !" and 
they always will do so. 

Watts Dunton, the " shadow " of Algernon 
Swinburne, came along with a new essay which 
he thinks should stir the world. I could not make 
out whether he or Swinburne wrote it, and 
possibly it is a piece of joint authorship ; some- 
thing akin to a companion piece of Rosamund 
Queen of the Lombards. They hold a sort of 
weekly Poet's Court down at " The Pines " in 



Putney, with Swinburne on. a dais usually sur- 
rounded by a lot of admiring dames of the Swin- 
burne cult, draped in Liberty clothes and all in 
rapture-like attention while the great man pours 
forth words of Putney wisdom. 

December 30, 1901. 

Romano, of the restaurant, in discussing with 
me the menus of French, Italian, and English 
restaurants, said that personally he preferred an 
English chop to the best culinary creation imagin- 
able. He was reluctant in admitting the genius 
of Joseph, the great French chef, who died yester- 
day in Paris. Joseph was born in Birmingham, 
and he knew his way equally with beef and 
ortolans. But in order to maintain his position 
he had to be Monsieur Joseph. If he had been 
plain Mr. Joseph, Romano, for one, is sure that 
Mr. Vanderbilt would not have taken him to New 
York to act as his chef for the unheard-of salary 
of 2,000 a year. Romano was bemoaning the 
decline of the picturesque clientele which this 
establishment used to boast. No more Duke 
of Manchester, the famous " Kim " ; gone is the 
Marquis of Ailesbury, who dressed and talked 
like a coster; ditto the sprightly " Dolly " Tester, 
of the halls, and only the memory of the large 
sums spent on festival occasions recalls the golden 
days and nights of Mr. Abington Baird, the 
millionaire who had so much money that his 



purse seemed to be inexhaustible. Only the 
Knights of the Round Table who write the Pink 
'Un seem to be left over from that remarkable 
gathering of eight or ten years ago. 

I have been asked by Mr. Martin Knockolds, 
of Saffron Walden, to go down to Newmarket 
next Saturday to shoot hares, and I have been 
impelled to decline. I went last year, and it was 
too much for me. There must have been thirty 
guns, mostly neighbouring farmers, and literally 
hundreds of hares were driven down the wide 
fields and shot. I have never seen anything like it 
in the form of wholesale slaughter, and do not 
want to again. It takes a large number of beaters 
to do the work, and as they cost 2s. 6d. a day the 
expense of such a shoot is considerable.* 

Someone tells me that Mr. Ritchie, who is still 
Home Secretary, and does not like it, is likely to 
be "translated" to the Upper House. For a 
business man who has never been a real politician 
he seems to have done quite well for himself, since 
all the best posts are generally reserved for men 
of family. 

The Turkish Ambassador has had his State 
carriage redecorated. It is a most gorgeous affair, 
all yellow and gold and shining metal, almost 
equal in splendour to the State coach in which the 
Austrian Ambassador takes the air on ceremonial 
occasion. I saw the carriage come out of 
Bryanston Square, where the Embassy is housed, 

* The cost of beaters in 1930 is ys, 6d. a day. 


and it was a most striking affair, to which the 
Pasha inside added picturesque effect. The 
Ambassadors are beginning to vie with the great 
duchesses in their State turnouts. 

December 31, 1901. 

The wise men of the War Office have decided 
that the whole Army is to be decorated with the 
ridiculous Brodrick cap, in which the Guards 
have been made to look so silly for the past year. 
Lord Roberts is said to be responsible. Mr. 
Brodrick [Earl of Midleton, then War Secretary] 
repudiates all responsibility, although the country 
has fastened him with the name. It is certain that 
the Brodrick cap has retarded recruiting just as 
it is sure that whenever the red coat is discarded 
for something less showy the recruits will hold 
back. A Guards officer told me the other day 
that the unpopularity of the Brodrick may be 
gauged by the drop in the rate which nursemaids 
have hitherto paid the well-turned-out privates 
for an afternoon's walking-out. The pill box and 
the monkey jacket of the Household Cavalry still 
fetch half a crown an afternoon with beer, but the 
Foot Guards' Brodrick marks a distinct bear 
movement down to is. 6d. a day. 

It is not often that one sees three British field- 
marshals walking side by side. Just outside 
Marlborough House to-day I met the Duke of 
Cambridge, Lord Roberts, and Prince Edward of 



Saxe-Weimar. Prince Edward looks rather aged 
now, but he is still active, and has lately been 
doing much entertaining at his house in Portland 
Place. They say he has been a most efficient 
soldier, but that does not mitigate his guilt in 
being the first man to breed the Dachshund in 

Rider Haggard dined with me to-night, and we 
discussed the affairs of the world during the past 
year. He is, of course, full of his " Back to the 
Land " ideas, and visualises England in the next 
generation as a happy, contented nation of small 
agriculturists on the Danish system. He is full 
of hopes on this subject. All he wants is a con- 
certed governmental onward movement, which, 
he fears, is retarded by the great landed interests. 
For the rest we talked of the year which will be 
dead in a few hours as having made great history. 
Queen Victoria's death alone will ever mark 1901 
in the story of the nation. With her departed, 
perhaps, the most glorious era of English history. 
The end of the Boer War, which was so con- 
fidently assumed with the fall of Pretoria, is not 
yet, and De Wet keeps a great army always on 
the alert. Lord Kitchener does not expect it to 
be over for many months. Trade has been only 
fair. We are on the eve of great electrification 
movements. The automobile has come to stay, 
and there are even some people who predict that 
in another generation our traffic will be horseless, 
and that the horse will disappear like the great 



auk. Women are coming more and more in 
competition with men in business, and even well- 
to-do girls are devoting themselves to callings 
other than nursing. As I write the crowds are 
passing down Fleet Street towards St. PauPs for 
the usual Hogmanay jubilation at midnight. 
There are hundreds of Scotsmen on Ludgate Hill, 
all singing " Auld Lang Syne " in various dialects 
that suggest any place between Wick and 

Saturday, January 18, 1902. 

I came down by train from Harrow this morn- 
ing with Sir Ernest Cassel, who has a house at 
Stanmore. He is enormously rich, and was, I 
believe, the son of a Frankfort banker, and he 
made a great fortune in Egypt. He is a British 
subject now, very taciturn, but kindly, though he 
appears to be stern. From some remarks he made 
I became convinced that he was the anonymous 
donor of the 200,000 gift to the King, which 
His Majesty determines to devote to the building 
of sanatoria for consumptive patients. The 
anonymity was rather puzzling to the newspapers 
when it was announced, and I think it was only 
by accident that I found it out. I taxed Sir 
Ernest with it, and his denial was most blunder- 
ing, and not at all assuring. He has a great idea 
to establish a vast clinic for the study of tuber- 
culosis. He spoke of it as if he had a vision, and 



his face lighted up in the most wonderful way. 
He is also greatly interested in the discovery of 
a cure for cancer, and as he is fabulously rich he 
will probably very soon be handing over money 
for this purpose. 

Sir Ernest told me that he had just received 
word that Cecil Rhodes is ill in South Africa, and 
that he is not likely to live. 

Rhodes has chosen a place in the hills, some- 
where in Rhodesia, where he intends to be buried. 
Dr. " Jim " told me some time ago of this curious 

Cassel also showed me a letter from Lord 
Kitchener, in which he stated that the Boers are 
now beginning to surrender, and are giving up 
arms willingly and asking for peace. It looks now 
as if the war in South Africa is at last actually 

Tuesday, June 24, 1902. 

I was brought out of bed early this morning, 
and informed that King Edward was dying after 
an operation. I went straight to Buckingham 
Palace, and there met Arthur Pearson and Alfred 
Harmsworth, who were there ahead of me, waiting 
for information, having been bidden to the Palace 
for this purpose. The general public at that 
moment knew nothing of it. It appears that the 

* Rhodes died several months later and was buried in the 
Matoppo Hills. 



King became suddenly ill last night, and Lord 
Lister, Sir Francis Laking, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir 
Thomas Barlow, and Sir Frederick Treves were 
called in. Sir Frederick Treves performed the 
operation for what they call perityphilitis. I have 
never heard of it. Harms worth says it is just 
plain appendicitis. This means that the corona- 
tion festivities will have to be postponed. There 
is consternation everywhere, as His Majesty is not 
out of danger. 

I am told that one man in St. Paul's Church- 
yard, who had let out a grand stand for the 
public to see the coronation procession, has lost 

Tuesday, June 23, ipoj. 

Arthur Pearson aroused me from heavy 
slumber at 11.30 this morning. (I had been at 
the Daily Express office until 2.30.) He was 
greatly agitated; had just come from Joseph 
Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, who had 
sent for him to discuss his new Tariff Reform 
proposals. Pearson did not, of course, know that 
Mr. H. W. Wilson, of the Daily Mail, with his 
brother, Mr. J. B. Wilson, of the Daily Express, 
and myself had manoeuvred this interview be- 
tween the Colonial Secretary and the hesitant 
newspaper proprietor. The interview was 

* The coronation was postponed, owing to the King's 
illness, and took place on August 9. 


JUNE, 1903 

arranged through another Wilson, who was 
Joe's secretary. 

Mr. Chamberlain has not until now been able 
to secure the support of a single London daily, 
and we, who are ardent Tariff Reformers, felt that 
it was time to see to the support of his plans, 
particularly since Alfred Harmsworth thunders 
away about " stomach taxes." We knew that if 
Joe once succeeded in talking to Pearson we 
would win. Pearson said to me : 

"Get up. We are going to do big things. 
You chaps have had your way, and I have 
promised Mr. Chamberlain the support of the 
Daily Express." 

So I got up, and after hurried preparations for 
the day went to the Daily Express offices to help 
in the preparation of a pronouncement to the 
effect that the paper would in future advocate Mr. 
Chamberlain's policy. 

Later I went to the Colonial Office and saw Mr. 
Chamberlain, who told me that he had arranged 
to have a meeting of Unionist members of Parlia- 
ment. The leaders of this meeting are Mr. 
Edward Goulding (now Lord Wargrave), Sir 
Alexander Henderson (now Lord Faringdon), 
Arthur Griffiths Boscawen (now Sir Arthur) , Mr. 
H. E. Duke (now Lord Merivale), Mr. Arthur 
Lee (now Lord Lee of Fareham), the Hon. M. 
White Ridley (late Viscount Ridley) . Sir Herbert 
Maxwell is to be in the chair. 

I am convinced that we are entering on a hectic 


era of political controversy, but I think that very 
soon now, owing to the state of the country, Tariff 
Reform must prevail.* 

After all this excitement, I decided it would 
be opportune to take an evening off and get 
some mental recreation, so I went to see Ellen 
Terry in Much Ado About Nothing at the 
Imperial Theatre in Westminster. She is begin- 
ning to forget her lines, but glosses it over with 
great charm by talking to the audience about it, 
and they sympathise with her. Then she goes on, 
having caught up the gap. 

Wednesday, March 24., 1904. 

Spent an hour in the House of Commons to 
hear speaker after speaker expend energy on 
denunciation of the plan to carry London County 
Council trams across Westminster Bridge and 
along the Embankment. There has for some time 
been a determined policy on the part of the 
London County Council to push its public- 
owned tram system in every direction in spite of 
the fact that, firstly, trams are immobile and 
therefore obstructive. More so now, since it is be- 
coming increasingly apparent that swift-moving 

* The outcome of the meeting was the foundation of 
the Tariff Reform League, with Mr. Pearson as chairman 
of the executive. It was on this occasion that Mr. Cham- 
berlain referred to Mr. Pearson as the "greatest hustler 
on record." 



motor traffic must be the transportation method 
of the future. Secondly, corporation owned 
trams like most other publicly owned pro- 
perties do not pay. But the main opposition to 
the scheme was the threat to ruin the Embank- 
ment by laying down rails and making half of the 
road useless for general traffic. The opposition in 
the House of Commons was of such a nature that 
it now seems improbable that the trams from 
Blackfriars Road will ever be able to go across 
Westminster Bridge via the Embankment.* 
I had a good look at King Edward yesterday 
when he drove up to open the new wing of the 
Law Society's building in Chancery Lane. He 
was in morning dress ; wore a black overcoat and 
black gloves. I thought he looked old and tired ; 
and there is not much to wonder at in that, for he 
has been kept on the go every day for weeks. 
Royalty does not lay itself open to the charge of 
laissez faire. I take it the black gloves were worn 
in mourning for the old Duke of Cambridge, who 
was buried yesterday. 

Thursday, November 3. 

Arthur Pearson came into my room this after- 
noon and said that he had purchased the Standard 
and Evening Standard from the Johnstone family 
for 700,000. Pearson is heavily backed by men 
of wealth. The Standard, which up to three years 

* Trams be^^n to run on the Embankment in 1906. 


ago, was one of the most prosperous papers in the 
world, has lost readers and support owing to its 
policy of Free Trade. I went with Pearson over 
the establishment in Shoe Lane to-night and 
found it archaic and ill-equipped for the produc- 
tion of a first-class newspaper. There are men 
there who have drawn salaries for years without 
doing an adequate day's work. 

Tuesday, July 4, 1905. 

I went to the Independence Day banquet 
of the American Society to hear the new U.S. 
Ambassador make his maiden speech in London. 
Mr. Whitelaw Reid will have to do a great deal of 
practising if he desires ever to match his predeces- 
sor, Mr. J. H. Choate, who has just returned to 
America. I thought his speech exceedingly dull, 
which is strange, because Mr. Reid as editor of 
the New York Tribune was never dull and never 
appeared to want for the right word. But editors 
are, as a rule, indifferent speakers. I did not think 
such a lot either of Lord Lansdowne's speech. 
The Foreign Secretary was in a happy enough 
mood, but he is one of those cold-blooded, never- 
warming statesmen whose precise pronunciation, 
even in a humorous strain, gives out the sugges- 
tion of melancholy. After dinner I talked with 
Lord Lansdowne about the report that Mr. Reid 
had taken Lansdowne House in Berkeley Square 
for his London residence, but his lordship denied 


JULY, 1905 

that. He said he had heard that the Ambassador 
was taking Dorchester House in Park Lane, the 
place where the Shah's son lived so gloriously 
about ten years ago. The house has not been 
permanently occupied for years since Captain 
Holford's father died. As for Lansdowne House, 
Lord Lansdowne said he could not understand 
how such a rumour got about. 

" Of course," he added, " I shall never let the 
house outside our family. We require it our- 
selves." * 

On my way home I stepped into the United 
Services Club (the senior) in Pall Mall, to see 
Frank Wright, and at that late hour ran into 
Lord Roberts, who had been lecturing somewhere 
to-night to officers on Imperial Defence. The old 
hero is all alive with his subject. "We have 
learned nothing from the Boer War," he said. 
" Mark my word, if we do not prepare properly 
for war we shall be crushed at any moment." 

It was fairly late after leaving the club, so I 
walked across the street and went up to see 
Beerbohm Tree in the "tower" of his theatre. 
He was having supper with a small party. 
General Brabazon, whose evening clothes are 
the most splendid in existence, Claude Lowther, 
who outshines the sartorial general, and " Sandy " 
Dingwall, of New York. Tree says that the 

* Lansdowne House was occupied by Mr. Selfridge for 
about five years. It is about to become a club. Dorchester 
House has already disappeared. 



theatre will go under if the Kinematograph plays 
are improved, as they threaten to be. 

Tuesday, October 23, 1906. 

Witnessed a strange scene in the House of 
Commons this afternoon. About four o'clock 
there was a rush of women into the outer lobby. 
They attempted to hold a meeting, and for more 
than a quarter of an hour there was a desperate 
fight between the police and the women, who were 
led by little Mrs. Pankhurst, Miss Annie Kenney, 
and Miss Billington. These are the same women 
who created a scene some months ago. 

Eventually they were cleared from the House 
of Commons, after reinforcements of police had 
been brought up. There was a good deal of rough 
treatment and considerable horse-play, but the 
frail women could not resist the stronger police- 
men. Nevertheless, a good many police were 
scratched and torn. 

Ten of the viragos were taken to the police 
station, and were charged with rioting in the 
House of Commons. I suppose to-day they will 
be taken to prison, where they will, of course, 
threaten to go on hunger strike. 

Why they should go on in this fashion remains 
a mystery, because they know that the House of 
Commons will not give women votes if it can 
help it. 

Mr. Burns, of the Cunard Line, showed me to- 


By courtesy of The Grufriii 

Suffragettes at the Albert Hall: Miss Or, STON, armed with 

a dog whip, being violently ejected from a meeting addressed 


OCTOBER, 1906. JANUARY, 1907 

day some photographs of the decorations in the 
new liner Lusitania, which was recently launched. 
She is the largest ship afloat, and it will take the 
Germans many years to overtake her. The luxury 
in this ship is indescribable. Suites of rooms as 
munificent as they are in first-class hotels. She 
will carry a crew of a thousand men.* 

Monday, January 14, 1907. 

Just home from the Hotel Cecil where there 
was a banquet to W. S. Gilbert, the librettist, to 
celebrate the revival of Gilbert and Sullivan 
operas at the Savoy. Gilbert made a speech 
which was quite felicitous, and he was generous to 
his partner, Sullivan, in saying that but for Sulli- 
van his own name would by now have been for- 
gotten. I sat next to Charles Santley, whose 
jubilee as a singer is to be celebrated in a month 
or so at the Albert Hall. From what I hear he is 
to be knighted on that occasion. To listen to 
Gilbert no one would ever suspect him to be the 
possessor of a wit that is irresistible. He looks, 
talks, and acts like a dyspeptic, which I believe 
he is. Anyhow, people who come in contact with 
him on short acquaintance, say he is exceedingly 
irascible. I cannot maintain that myself, for on 
two or three occasions when I have met him he 
has been quite affable and not in the least acid. 

* The Lusltania was torpedoed in the Irish Channel by 
a submarine in 1915, with appalling loss of life. 

20 1 


I bought enough cloth to-day from W. Bill, in 
Great Portland Street, to fit me out for years, and 
shall now have to extend the experiment by find- 
ing a tailor to turn the stuff into clothes. I pur- 
chased ten yards of Irish frieze at 35. a yard. It 
will make a good suit and an ulster. Also six 
yards of " Saxony " tweeds at 8s. a yard, very 
solid, and half a dozen Irish hand-knitted socks 
at is. 6d. a pair, and some shooting stockings at 
35. gd. per pair; which I consider considerably 
cheaper than in most places. 

I talked with Mr. E. H. Holden, M.P., this 
afternoon. He is Managing Director of the 
London City and Midland Bank down in Thread- 
needle Street. He made my head swim with 
figures. Their capital is over 3,000,000, their 
reserve fund likewise, and the deposits are 
51,000,000. They have 450 branches. 

" Of course," said Mr. Holden, " that is nothing 
compared to some of the other banks, such as the 
National Provincial, which has a paid-up capital 
of 15,0x50,000, and the Metropolitan, which has 
7,500,000, or Parr's Bank with 8,000,000." 
Then he surprised me by saying that the Union 
of London and Smith's Bank has 22,000,000 
subscribed capital.* 

* The issued capital of the Midland Bank to-day is 
40,689,218, and the paid-up capital 13,432,958, author- 
ised 45,200,000. The authorised capital of Lloyd's Bank 
is 74,000,000. 



February /, 1908. 

The great sensation of the day is the dismissal 
of Sir Arthur Vicars from the post of Ulster King 
of Arms. The Commission of Inquiry into the 
theft of the jewels of the Order of St. Patrick from 
Dublin Castle last July charge Sir Arthur with 
want of proper care in the custody of the strong- 
room keys. There will, of course, be a dead set 
against poor Mr. Birrell, the Secretary for 
Ireland. He is beset on all sides. Captain Craig 
[now Lord Craigavon], who is an Ulster M.P., 
tells me to-night that he will ask Mr. Birrell in 
the House on Tuesday in whose keeping the 
jewels were during the time they were mislaid. 
There is something most mysterious about the 
loss of these jewels, and, of course, the circum- 
stantial rumours about highly-placed people that 
have been going about are as thrilling as any in- 
cident in a shilling shocker. I think this Crown 
Jewel mystery will go down in history as a 
romance of the Edwardian era. 

I called on the " Pink-Un " in the Unionist 
Chief Whip's office [Sir Alexander Acland-Hood, 
afterwards Lord St. Audries]. He was very red 
in the face, redder than usual, because of the 
charges of corruption among Worcester electors 
which have unseated Mr. George Henry William- 
son. The Pink-Un was vehement in his remarks, 
and said that only a few voters had been guilty 
of corruption and the innocent electors were 



suffering disfranchisement through them. " We 
are becoming a nation of priggish noodles/' said 
the irate colonel. " If a candidate or his agent 
just smile on a baby nowadays he is looked upon 
as a criminal. Give me the good old days of a 
hundred years ago." 

I hear there has been a fearful row among the 
young women of Swan and Edgar's staff because 
the firm had decided on abolishing the living-in 
system, and that in future their women employees 
should live at home or in lodgings. There has 
been something like a strike against this new- 
fangled innovation. 

Mrs. Pankhurst's violent suffragists continue 
to make themselves objectionable. The four 
women who invaded Mr. Asquith's premises in 
Cavendish Square with the double object of 
" securing a vote and punishing base ingrati- 
tude," were sentenced to prison yesterday by Mr. 
Plowden. Another lot of three were sent up for 
six weeks by Mr. Curtis Bennett [father of Sir 
Henry Curtis Bennett]. It is generally believed 
that Mrs. Pankhurst's objectionable tactics will 
lead to nothing, and that the women will never 
get the vote by such methods. 

Sir John Fisher, the admiral [the late Lord 
Fisher of Kilverstone], asked me to lunch to-day 
to meet Admiral von Eiserdecker, Vice-Admiral 
von Miiller, and Rear-Admiral von Giilich, of 
the Imperial German Navy. In a covering note 
Sir John said : " Come and meet these chaps and 



see the sort of men we'll have to whip some day." 
And then, characteristically, he added: "Burn 

February 2, 1908. 

I met Rudyard Kipling with his cousin, Stanley 
Baldwin, the young ironmaster from the West 
Country, who hopes one day to get into Parlia- 
ment like his father before him. He stood for 
Kidderminster a couple of years ago as a Unionist 
against Banard, the sitting member. He is rather 
shy and not at all politician-like in his manner, 
and I do not suppose he will ever do more than 
follow his leaders if he ever gets in. But I should 
call him a pleasant, cultured, conscientious, but 
badly dressed man, without much desire to sit in 
the limelight ; also, he has a sense of humour, and 
when he smiles it lights up a face that is rugged 
and interesting. 

Lord Claud Hamilton, the chairman of the 
Great Eastern Railway, whom I met in the Park 
to-day, is most pessimistic about the future of the 
railways in this country. He attributes much of 
the falling off of revenue to the growing competi- 
tion of tramways and motor vehicles. The 
suburban traffic of his line, for instance, has 
dropped by 36,000 and the passenger reduction 
by over 4,000,000. The time will come, he thinks, 
when most people will go to and from their work 
by motors or trams, though I cannot see how 



this can be done in view of the narrow and con- 
gested roads, which were not built for motor 
traffic. Judging by the constant motor break- 
downs I should say that Lord Claud is unduly 

A few yards on I met Fred Kottman, an old 
friend, who has become a successful house agent. 
He was once a bareback rider in a circus, and 
afterwards painted the waxworks at Madame 
Tussaud's. At one time, too, he was associated 
with the so-called Marquis de Leuville, with 
whom he shared the reputation of being able to 
write love lyrics with great rapidity, usually on 
his shirt cuffs. Kottman say he has just dis- 
posed of a number of houses in Bow, lease thirty- 
five years, price 275, with ground rent half a 
crown per annum. Several in Putney with eighty 
years to run, in what he calls " a select neighbour- 
hood," price 315 and ground rent of 6. He 
does not think that flats will ever replace houses, 
particularly now, when communication is becom- 
ing so much more efficient. 

The new meter for sixpenny hansoms has come 
into use. I am informed that several hundred 
hansoms have been fitted with them. I took one 
at Hyde Park Corner and drove to Charing 
Cross. Gave the driver a penny for his tip, and 
to my surprise he said, " Thank you, sir !" the 
usual formula, as we all know it, being, " Can you 
spare it, sir?" I imagine the sixpenny cab, which 
has already been nicknamed " tannercab," will be 



a great success, and that the horse vehicle may 
now be assured a permanency. 

February 4, 1908. 

The assassination of the King and Crown 
Prince of Portugal on Saturday has created a 
great sensation here. The Court goes into a 
month's mourning, and the first Court of the 
season has been postponed. King Carlos was a 
favourite in London. I have often seen him walk- 
ing unattended in Bond Street and Piccadilly. 
He firmly refused the attentions of Scotland 
Yard, always believing himself to be as safe in 
London as any ordinary person. The Portuguese 
charge d'affaires here says that Senhor Franco, 
the Dictator-Premier, with the young King 
Manuel and the Queen Mother would succeed in 
squashing any republican tendencies that might 
be manifested. Later in the afternoon I saw 
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the Prime 
Minister, and Lord Tweedmouth on their way 
to Buckingham Palace, where the King received 
them. The Prince of Wales [now King George 
V] joined them there. 

The slump in water colours is shown by the 
prices which collectors are now paying. There 
was a sale to-day at Christie's and a number of 
the late Edwin Long's famous works went at 
ridiculous prices. Fifteen pictures fetched 
1001. Twenty-five years ago one of them, 



" The Babylonian Marriage Market," was sold 
for 6,300 guineas, and "The Suppliant" for 
4,100 guineas. The highest price at to-day's sale 
was 420 guineas for an enormous canvas depict- 
ing the finding of Moses in the bulrushes. I pre- 
dict that fifty years hence all of these first-class 
Victorian water colour paintings will be fetching 
enormous prices. 

Some months ago, in Paris, M. Gastinne- 
Renette, the French gun-maker, gave me a little 
target, which was a carton shot by King Carlos 
recently while in Paris. It proves him to have been 
equal to his great reputation as a revolver shot. 
The carton here reproduced was made with a 
revolver by the King at a distance 
of twenty-seven yards. He fired 
twelve shots in fifteen seconds. 

Lord Justice Vaughan Wil- 
liams has taken to a motor-car ! 
He has discarded his old 
brougham; which means a great deal for the 
march of progress. 

I met Mrs. Compton Keats to-day. She has 
made a success of a novel profession. She teaches 
housewives how to keep lamps sweet and clean 
and how to prevent lamp chimneys from smoking. 

February 6, 1908. 

Encountered the Marquis de Soveral (" The 
Blue Monkey") straight from Lisbon, charged 



with a personal message from the widowed Queen 
of Portugal to King Edward VIII. M. de Soveral 
was in Lisbon when the King and Crown Prince 
were killed last week. He says there is not the 
slightest chance of a successful republican up- 
heaval, and is full of praise of young King 
Manuel's natural abilities. He is in deep mourn- 
ing, having for once discarded his immaculate 
spats and white gloves. 

I remember some twelve years ago meeting Mr. 
Bernhard Baron, just after he had come to 
London to dispose of a cigarette-making machine 
of his own invention. Later he acquired an 
interest in the Carreras tobacconist shop which 
had received much publicity through J. M. 
Barriers My Lady Nicotine. Baron has pushed 
this business vigorously in the past four or five 
years. I saw him again to-day after he had 
declared an interim dividend at the rate of 5 per 
cent per annum. The shares stand at about i6s., 
and Payton, of Tobacco, tells me they are good 
for a much higher figure.* 

Some of the County Council members are 
thinking of making war on the growing habit of 
showing electric signs at night. There are three 
or four on the Embankment which cry out in the 
night, and here and there in the Strand they dis- 
figure the darkness; so that they will probably 
be prohibited, and London will be spared the 

* In 1930 the Carreras A Ordinary shares are quoted at 
over 9, and Mr. Baron died last year a multi-millionaire. 



freak advertisements which have made New York 
so amazingly hideous. 

I was complaining to-day to Frank Munsey, 
the great American publisher, about the dearness 
of prices here as compared with ten years ago. He 
laughingly picked up a copy of the Daily Express 
and began to read from the small advertisements : 
" A dainty hamper of fish direct from Grimsby, 
six pounds, 2s.; Russian furs, rich dark sable, 
brown, seven feet long, duchess stole, deep shaped 
collar, handsomely trimmed tails and large 
granny muff to match, satin lined, I2s. 6d.; 
enormous fatted fowls direct from farm at Attle- 
boro', ss. a couple; gentleman must sell his 
beautiful drawing-room suite, 655. ; beautiful and 
durable silk umbrellas, 2s. 6d.," and so on. 
" There's your refutation," said Munsey. " Eng- 
land is the cheapest and the easiest and the freest 
country in the world." 

Mrs. Langtry's theatre, the Imperial, which 
was built for her on the site of the old Aquarium 
in Westminster [now the Wesleyan Central Hall] 
does not seem to be wanted by anyone. It cost 
a great deal of money, and it was withdrawn from 
auction to-day at 85,000. I understand that 
"Imperial" Perks [Sir Robert Perks, M.P.], 
who is the leader of the Wesleyans, wants the site 
for a great Wesleyan Cathedral, which will put in 
the shade Westminster Abbey across the way. 



February 7, 

I had lunch to-day at Stafford House, the Duke 
of Sutherland's palace in St. James* [now the 
London Museum], with the Right Hon. Henry 
Chaplin, M.P. [the late Viscount Chaplin]. The 
old gentleman, who has a suite of rooms in the 
house of his ducal brother-in-law, wanted to talk 
about a tax on foreign bacon, eggs, and cheese, 
but all during lunch he discoursed on the Cesare- 
witch, the Lincoln, and the Grand National, with 
here and there an anecdote about some splendid 
run with the Quorn or the Pytchley. He said he 
was not feeling very well ; completely off his appe- 
tite. As he said this he had his second helping 
of a heaped-up plate of roast goose, after a plenti- 
ful dish of fried sole. After the goose there was 
just a soup f on of cold tongue and ham, and then 
came a beautifully done souffle. Cheese, of course. 
Nor was it a teetotal meal. There was some 
brown sherry, some exquisite Burgundy, and a 
few rounds of port, with brandy to seal the per- 
fection of the repast. " You see," said the Squire, 
" one can't eat very much in town. I never really 
have an appetite until I've come in from a day's 

In the Lobby of the House of Commons this 
evening they were discussing a speech just made 
by Mr. Bottomley, who made the novel sugges- 
tion that all racing bets should be taxed. Mr. 
Asquith warded him off by saying that the sub- 



ject involves a far-reaching question which he 
" cannot discuss within the limits of a Parliamen- 
tary answer." The State can hardly undertake to 
tax transactions which are considered by law to 
be illegal. 

Beerbohm Tree told me to-day that he experi- 
enced a sudden loss of memory at His Majesty's 
last night in The Mystery of Edwin Drood. He 
was standing in the middle of the stage and had 
started a long speech. " Instead of my own part," 
he said, " I was thinking of Locke's ' Beloved 
Vagabond/ which we are producing this week, 
and unconsciously I began to speak a line which 
belonged to that play. I just caught myself in 
time, and hitched on to Edwin Drood again with- 
out appearing to have upset the meaning. That's 
art, my boy," 

Melville Stone, the veteran of the Associated 
Press of America, asked me to-day to make a note 
of the fact that if wireless communication ever 
becomes commercially successful, which he 
doubts owing to the absence of secrecy, it will 
have a distinctive name such as Teleography or 
Etherography. He is a great visionary. " I can 
foresee the time," he said with glowing eyes, 
" when people far apart will carry on conversation 
without the use of wires ; even as far off as Paris 
or Brussels. Of course, that is a long way off; 
but it is among the possibilities." 

I went into the just-opened Waldorf Hotel in 
the new Kingsway. It marks a wonderful step 



forward. The? dining-room is 300 feet long and 
there is the largest palm room in the world. No 
doubt the Americans will flock to it this summer. 
This hotel is certainly up to the times, for in the 
palm room I saw three women calmly smoking 
cigarettes and drinking cocktails, without men to 
accompany them. Some of Mrs. Pankhurst's 
legionaries, I presume. 

February 8, 1908. 

I am told that Brighton is regaining its place 
as the most fashionable resort in England. I met 
Admiral Lord Charles Beresford to-day after his 
return from Brighton, where he has been taking 
the air. He says the King and Queen Alexandra 
are going there next week. We talked about the 
Navy, and he was not particularly complimentary 
about Sir John Fisher, his old rival. Indeed, 
according to Lord Charles, the Navy is being 
reduced to scrap. " If we ever have a war," 
he said, "we'll be driven into harbour even 
by the Portuguese, because we are discarding 
all our best fighting material." And so 

Had a narrow escape from being knocked down 
in Whitehall this afternoon by Miss Meresia 
Nevill, the daughter of Lady Dorothy. She drives 
about rather swiftly in her high cart. The vehicle 
is rubber tyred, and so you can hardly hear it 
coming round corners. I think now that there is 


R>.B.'s DIARY 

more danger from horse-drawn carriages than 
from motor-cars. 

I went last night to Harlow, in Essex, to " dine 
and sleep/' at the house of Field-Marshal Sir 
Evelyn Wood. A goodly party present. After 
dinner the F.M. kept me back and began to tell 
me some of his experiences in Ashanti, in Egypt, 
and in the Transvaal ; when he had Paul Kruger 
in the hollow of his hand and was prevented from 
crushing the Boers by a telegram from Mr. Glad- 
stone. He is very diffuse and very deaf, but 
always comes back to the point. I never uttered 
a word. Useless, too, for he would not have heard 
me; so I sat silently and listened with interest 
to one of the most remarkable soldiers of our 
time. Finally Sir Evelyn looked up and cried, 
" Gracious me ! It is twelve o'clock. I had no 
idea we had been talking so long." Then he put 
his hand on my shoulder and said : " You know I 
like you because you are so interesting." 

After a fitful existence of two years the Tribune, 
the great hope of the Liberal Party, has suspended 
publication, and must now be numbered as one of 
the outstanding journalistic failures of our time. 
Mr. Franklin Thomasson, M.P., the young 
millionaire from the north, has lost 400,000 in 
the venture. It was quite a good paper, and it 
had an excellent and enthusiastic staff of young 
Liberals ; but it was too political and too didactic 
to prevent the steady and disheartening drain of 
money week by week. 



I have from Charles Garvice his secret of suc- 
cess in the making of a popular novel designed 
to cause every cook and housemaid in Europe and 
America to weep copiously. He says : " First take 
a wicked Earl ; then an innocent village maiden ; 
next some irate parents, a background of soldiers 
and sailors, a family solicitor and an elopement 
scene; a church door; snow falling, detectives, 
and finally Villainy defeated and Virtue trium- 
phant. There's a firm in New York who would 
take one of these novels a week if I could furnish 
it. But, alas ! I can only do about six a year !" 
Garvice has the widest circulation of any story- 
teller in the United States, and though he is an 
Englishman he has only recently gained a footing 

February p, ipo8 

First night of A Woman of Kronstadt at 
the Garrick last night. I have never known such 
enthusiasm ; not so much for the play, but for the 
costumes. The women in the audience were 
fairly overcome. I asked Miss Gladys Unger, 
who sat next to me, to describe to me Miss 
Latimer's costume in the first act. Miss Unger 
was so excited over it that I could not follow her 
description, and so she said she would put it on 
paper and let me have it to-day. It is so mysteri- 
ous to me that I put it down for future reference. 
Here it is : " Gown of warm red face cloth draped 
in latest Princess style. Corsage bordered with 


elaborate trimming of heavy chenille embroidery, 
opening over a vest of ecru tucked net. The 
rucked sleeves are made of net to match. With 
the gown Miss Latimer wore a magnificent coat 
of red chiffon velvet with large sable cuffs and 
collar, and lined with fur. She also wore a sable 
toque and an enormous sable muff." 

Mostyn Piggott, who was with me at the 
Garrick, got into a little difficulty with the escort 
of a lady in front of us. She was in evening dress, 
but wore a large picture hat, and appeared to be 
disinclined to remove it ; so that at first Mostyn 
could not see the stage. He leaned over and asked 
her to remove the hat, which she did only after 
considerable demur and some rather exaggerated 
exchange of compliments. The escort then took 
a hand, and, turning round, said: " You are very 
impolite, sir!" Mostyn answered sweetly: "You 
are, of course, a nice little gentleman." The lady 
said : " Shut up, 'Enry," and we had peace. 

At Oddenino's, after the play, I saw Henniker- 
Heaton, M.P., the great postal reformer, full of 
indignation against Mr. Buxton, the Postmaster- 
General [Lord Buxton], who refuses point blank 
to consider penny postage to the United States. 
Henniker-Heaton is convinced that if the 2j^d. 
rate were reduced our business with the United 
States would be largely increased. 

Bonar Law, M.P., the Glasgow iron merchant, 
who knows all about British trade and never fails 
to give a reminder of it to Lloyd George, the Presi- 



dent of the Board of Trade, told me to-day that in 
his opinion we have come to an end of the great 
trade boom, which has brought in a good deal of 
prosperity in recent years. The imports, prin- 
cipally of raw materials, are down by 7 per cent., 
and the exports are down by 2 per cent. The 
figures are: 


Jan., 1907 .. .. 60,534,846 
Jan., 1908 .. .. 56,368,358 

Decrease . . . . 4,166,488 


Jan., 1907 .. .. 43,863,883 
Jan., 1908 . . . . 41,006,976 

Decrease .. .. 2,856,907 

Bonar Law told me that he had just been up 
to see Joe Chamberlain at Prince's Gardens. He 
is still very ill, but overjoyed at the great victory 
of Mr. Edward Goulding [Lord Wargrave] at 
Worcester on Friday. Joe thinks this victory is 
an infallible sign of the times, and that it portends 
a walk-over for Tariff Reform. Bonar is not so 

February 10, 1908. 

We are becoming somewhat negligent in dress. 
Down in the City to-day, where I talked with 



the Hon. Claude Hay, M.P., I noticed that he 
wore a soft collar, such as golfing men often wear, 
and brown boots. Also, he had no gloves. Many 
men, more than usual, go about the City in bowler 
hats nowadays, which shows the trend of the 

On the other hand, as if to accentuate the differ- 
ence, I had a call in the afternoon from Major- 
General Brabazon, the King's friend, who com- 
manded at Pretoria during the late Boer war 
" Bwab " was dressed to perfection, a wonder- 
fully curved and polished top hat, a four-in-hand 
tie, long frock coat, with a lurid silk handkerchief 
protruding at least six inches from the pocket, as 
is his wont, and most immaculate white gloves. 
The gallant old general brushes his moustachios 
like the German Kaiser, and thinks the young 
men of to-day are " simply tewwible " in their 
neglect of sartorial adornment. 

Mr. W. T. Stead is resting for a moment from 
the effects of newly-launched publications. He 
told me to-day that his dearest wish at the 
moment is to appear as Oliver Cromwell in the 
forthcoming London pageant. " Cromwell/ 7 says 
Stead, " was a man after my heart, and I would 
even go to the extent of shaving off my beard for 
the honour of personating that greatest of 
Englishmen." * 

Went to see the Sicilian players to-night in 
Mafia at the Shaftesbury. All the social rage. 

* Mr. Stead was drowned in the Titanic disaster in 1912. 


I have never run through such a gamut of 
emotions. Signor Grasso and Signer Aguglia 
cycloned, stormed, hissed, wailed, wept, laughed, 
shouted, and stilettoed for two and a half hours, 
and the rest of the company aided and abetted 
with voice, hands, teeth, and feet. A whirling 
vortex of excitement. Everyone, audience as well 
as players, went home thoroughly exhausted. 

Further political talk is about Mr. Willett's 
perennial and never-succeeding Daylight Saving 
proposal, which is to come up again as a hardy 
annual this week. The agricultural M.P.'s say that 
even if it is passed it will not succeed, because 
the farmers will not go against nature. 

Lord Carrington [Marquis of Lincolnshire] has 
put his foot in it politically by declaring that 
labourers and chainmen employed on London's 
ordnance survey are sufficiently well paid at i8s. 
a week. A man thus employed came into see me 
this afternoon to protest. He said it was not pos- 
sible to make ends meet under i 2s. a week, 
considering that rooms are hard to get and rents 
are going up by shillings. " And I'm not extrava- 
gant/' he said, " I assure you." 

February il, 1908. 

This is the era of young men. I was told in 
the House the other day that young Mr. F. E. 
Smith, M.P. [Earl of Birkenhead] was soon to be 
made a K.C. I did not believe it, because he has 



only been at the Bar nine years. Yet here to- 
night I see that he is in the new list of K.C.'s. 
Other new King's counsel are Mr. John Simon, 
M.P., Mr. Hemmerde, M.P., Mr. Bailhache, and 
Mr. Frank Russell, the latter a son of the late 
Lord Chief Justice. I have been watching the 
careers of the three first named. They ran neck- 
and-neck, and one wonders which of them will 
be Lord Chancellor first. They have all been 
going ahead very fast, but I am not so sure that 
taking silk will not prove somewhat of a stumb- 
ling block.* 

I shall not be able in future in the spring and 
summer months to go down to the Temple from 
Chelsea on board my beloved Thames steamers, 
for the County Council has to-day decided either 
to scrap the boats or to sell them to the highest 
bidder. Thus another bit of the picturesque life 
of the Thames goes overboard. The Council has 
lost an average of 50,000 a year on them. I 
think the fares were too high for popularity, and 
there were not enough boats. They ought to have 
run at five-minute headway, like omnibuses. 

Another little war is brewing, and the soldiers 
are all agog about an expedition which is to sally 
forth in India, under General Willcocks. They 
start from Rawalpindi about 7,000 strong, includ- 
ing the Gay Gordons and the pampered loth 

* Mr. F. E. Smith became Lord Chancellor j Mr. Simon, 
Attorney-General; Mr. Hemmerde, Recorder of Liver- 
pool, and Messrs. Bailhache and Russell, Judges. 



Hussars ; and they go out against some Afridis 
called Zakka Khels, who have been border raid- 
ing. Mr. John Morley, at the India Office, was 
busy to-day giving orders, much against his 
peace-loving grain, but the soldiers say it will 
provide a fine test of Lord Kitchener's new Army 
organisation in India. Anyhow, every soldier 
whom I met to-night has been exerting his utmost 
to get a staff job in the new enterprise. 

A note at the office from Charles Frohman, 
asking me to do something for an out-of-work 
author who wants to write some articles. Froh- 
man spends a lot of time doing things like this. 
I have known him since he posted bills for a 
travelling show Haverley's Minstrels many 
years ago. He says incidentally that Brewster's 
Millions, which has had such success at Hicks' 
Theatre, in Shaftesbury Avenue, is to come off. 
" I thought," he adds, " that it was going to run 
for ever." 

February 75, 1908. 

Lord Marcus Beresford came down from 
Wolferton this afternoon and told me all about 
Persimmon, the King's famous Derby winner, 
who met with a bad accident a few weeks ago. 
The horse, he said, had to be put in slings in a 
box specially erected for him. Lord Marcus, who 
is the King's racing manager, says he does not 
think any human being was ever more anxiously 



waited on than this most popular of Turf 

Now that slumming in the East End is no 
longer fashionable among ladies of Society, the 
new idea is to bring the East End to the West, 
so that problems of poverty may be studied in 
Mayf air without the attendant inconvenience of 
going to Stepney. Mrs. Carl Meyer [the late 
Adele Lady Meyer], wife of the financier, has 
sent me an invitation to a course of lectures and 
poverty demonstrations at her house in Stratton 
Street. Mrs. Meyer, who is a most thorough 
social reformer, secured women like Mrs. Edwin 
Gray, president of the National Union of Women 
Workers, Miss Ravenhill, hygiene lecturer of 
King's College, Miss MacArthur, Women's Trade 
Union League, and Miss Hinton Smith, to lecture 
to the marchionesses and countesses on social 
problems. Most useful. 

The unexpected death of Mr. Alfred Baldwin, 
M.P., chairman of the Great Western Railway, 
creates a vacancy in the Bewdley Division of 
Worcestershire, and the Central Office tell me it 
will probably be filled without a contest by Mr. 
Baldwin's son, Stanley, whom I met the other 
day with his cousin, Rudyard Kipling. The late 
M.P. was a brother-in-law of Sir Edward Burne- 
Jones, the painter, of Sir Edward Poynter, 
president of the Royal Academy, and Mr. 
Lockwood Kipling, the artist father of Rudyard 



The Germans are " mapping out " East Anglia 
for future reference. I learned to-night that 
several mysterious strangers one of whom I 
have met near my own place in north-west Essex 
have been bicycling and driving and photo- 
graphing all over the county, particularly along 
the coast, making sketches and taking notes. 
Looks like a staff ride. The War Office has been 
told about these activities. Every time a report 
is made the spying ceases mysteriously, and then 
a week or two later it begins again. There is little 
doubt that the German Army is well represented 
in East Anglia ; but every time I call attention 
to their spy system I am assailed by the Radicals 
and called a mischief-maker. 

There was a fairly substantial case of spying 
several years ago. A German who spent most 
of his time bicycling about, lost a note-book, and 
it was eventually handed over to the police. The 
book contained full details of haystacks and barns 
between Dunmow and Clacton. It was sent to 
the military authorities, and the undoubted spy 
was merely warned to be more careful ! 

February 16, 1908. 

I met Mr. Cody, the aeronaut, at Charing 
Cross on my way down. He is engaged, with 
Colonel Capper in building a new airship for the 
Army. Says it will be larger than the damaged 
Nulli Secundus, and that it will attain a speed of 



forty miles an hour. We chatted about his be- 
ginnings as an aeronaut. He came to England 
ten years ago as a Wild West showman; made 
himself up to look like " Buffalo Bill " Cody; to 
the accompaniment of long hair, sombrero, 
lariats, revolvers, mustangs, red Indians, and all. 
Then he took to kite flying for amusement, and 
became an expert; so that in due course the 
British Government picked him up and set him 
up as such at Farnborough, with a salary of 
1,000 a year. He has cut off his flowing locks, 
and now he looks merely like an expert and not a 

I saw Queen Alexandra in the afternoon driv- 
ing down the Mall in an open carriage, no doubt 
owing to the extraordinarily warm weather. She 
is one of the most remarkably well preserved 
women I have ever seen. There was the usual 
crowd of admiring women at the gates of the 

There was a meeting in my room at the Daily 
Express offices this morning for the purpose of 
co-ordinating the opposition to Socialist teach- 
ing. The idea is to form a society to be called 
the Anti-Socialist Union. Its object is to collect 
facts and figures and train public speakers to 
counteract the fallacious statements so per- 
sistently put about by Socialist writers and 
speakers, particularly those who speak in parks 
and open spaces. There is no organisation at 

* S. F. Cody was killed in an aeroplane accident in 1913. 


present to take up this important work. Those 
present at the meeting were Mr. Claude Lowther, 
Mr. Harry Cust, Lord Abinger, Mr. Wilfrid 
Ashley, M.P., Captain Jessel [Lord Jessel], Mr. 
W. H. Mallock, and myself. Mr. Mallock, who is 
the foremost authority on the subject, is to be the 
first secretary of the Union, and Mr. F. E. Smith, 
K.C., M.P. [Earl of Birkenhead], is to address 
the first public meeting at the Caxton Hall. 

Mr. A. J. Wilson, who knows all about cycling, 
says there is going to be a boom in tricycles this 
year. The Humbers, for instance, are making a 
tricycle which is only a little heavier than an 
ordinary bicycle, and it is expected that elderly 
people who do not like either motor-cars or 
bicycles, will take to the new tricycle as a means 
of obtaining exercise. The roads are full enough 
already of all sorts of new-fangled traffic without 
this added infliction. 

February 17, 1908. 

Sam Evans, now metamorphosed into Sir 
Samuel, took over his post of Solicitor-General 
to-day, much to the envy of other Liberal lawyers 
in the House, for the Solicitor earns something 
like 15,000 a year. I wrote him a note of con- 
gratulation to the House of Commons, and he 
answered characteristically: "I would rather 
have your job than mine, because my employers 
are more exacting. Besides, I may lose it at any 



moment through no fault of my own."* 

Edwin Cleary, the never-faltering impressario, 
traveller, actor, contractor, correspondent, and 
general favourite, was entertaining a. party of 
friends with some of his astonishing experiences 
to-day. He is off to America to-morrow in search 
of adventure, with half a dozen new patents in 
his bag. He proposes to go by way of Glasgow 
to New York, since the fare first class is only 
12 IDS., whereas one cannot go from London, 
Liverpool, or Southampton for much less than 
20 first class. t 

At Romano's at lunch I met Jimmy Welch, the 
actor, who has been ill and out of the cast of 
When Knights Were Bold, at Wyndham's. 
Welch was contemptuous about kinematograph 
shows, which appear to be frightening other 
theatrical folk. He does not think they can ever 
compete with the legitimate stage, and that in 
any case the music-hall has nothing to fear from 
moving pictures as a means of a full-programme 
entertainment. The music-hall, he says, will 
absorb the moving picture, and in the meantime 
the variety stage will be improved by the absorp- 
tion of legitimate actors. In confirmation, he 
pointed to the fact that Constance Collier, so well 
known in connection with Beerbohm Tree's pro- 

* Sir Samuel became President of the Probate and 
Divorce Division in 1910, and died in 1918. 

t The minimum fare for first-class ships in 1930 is about 



ductions, is to go to the Empire next week, and 
that Ruth Vincent is leaving the regular stage for 
a turn at the Palace. 

Coming home along the Embankment at mid- 
night, with Arthur Pearson, from Blackfriars as 
far as Northumberland Avenue, we counted 
fifteen homeless couples, evidently married out- 
of-works. Three of them had children with them, 
and of these two were barefooted ; which was un- 
usual even in this haunt of the unfortunate. The 
Salvation. Army people were handing out hot soup 
to the miserable folk. This midnight poverty of 
London is one of the most pathetic sights of the 

More new fashions. Shearn, the florist, in- 
forms me that imitation blossoms made of 
feathers are now worn for hat trimmings. 
Rosettes of Parma violets, of imitation ostrich 
feathers, are favourite. He showed me a large 
black " crinoline " picture hat, made to order. 
Round the crown swept a fine long feather made 
of imitation flowers. 

Pruger, the manager of the Savoy, says that it 
is only in the past ten years that English men and 
women have thought of going to hotel restaurants 
to dine. When he first came to London only 
foreigners went to the hotels for entertainment 
and food. The " natives " either entertained their 
friends at home or at clubs. As for ladies, there 
were only half a dozen places, such as the 
Cafe Royal, Scott's, Verrey's, the Amphitron, 


Prince's Willis', or Simpson's in the Strand. 

Wednesday, January 27, igog 

I went to the first night of An Englishman's 
Home to-night. A great patriotic play which is 
certain to rouse controversy. The author's name 
is not given, but I know him to be Captain Guy 
du Maurier, son of the author of Trilby and 
brother of Gerald du Maurier, the actor. He is 
an officer on the active list in the Royal Fusiliers, 
and, of course, he cannot permit his name to 
appear. The plot of the play is along the lines 
of Lord Roberts' preaching against unprepared- 

In the lobby of the theatre I met Lord Charles 
Beresford, who tells me that he will have to retire 
from the command of the Channel Fleet next 
month. He was not very complimentary about 
his rival, Admiral Fisher, who, he says, is doing 
everything in his power to wreck the British 

" Mark my word," said Lord Charles, " if we 
ever go to war with Germany, and Fisher remains 
as First Sea Lord and has anything to do with the 
disposition of the Fleet, we will suffer disaster." 

Tuesday, August 25, 1909 
Had a visit this evening from Lieutenant 

* Colonel du Maurier was killed in France in the Great 


AUGUST, 1909 

Ernest Shackleton, the explorer, who has just re- 
turned from the Antarctic. He is anxious that the 
Government or some private person should give 
him money enough to go on another expedition, 
and thinks that 20,000 would be sufficient. 
Shackleton thinks there is much more to be got 
out of an expedition of this sort than can be had 
from financing, say, these spectacular attempts at 
flying the Channel by flying machine. Only 
to-day, for instance, Monsieur Paulhan flew 
eighty-two miles continuously, which shows that 
the flying machine is no longer a toy in the hands 
of an expert; but what is the use of expending 
large sums of these trans-Channel flights which 
always come to grief, except in proper hands? 

Thus, last week M. Bleriot flew the Channel in 
half an hour thirty-three minutes to be exact. 
Mr. H. Latham has tried it twice and failed. The 
first time he fell into the sea and was rescued by 
following vessels. I agree with Shackleton that 
these things represent a foolish waste of money. 
Besides, flying across the Channel means nothing 
after you have done it. You can't carry goods or 

Monday, August 29, 1909 

Sir George Arthur came in and showed me a 
letter which he had just received from Lord 
Kitchener. He writes that he has been going 
about with Maxwell [Sir John] and Birdwood 


R.D3.'s DIARY 

[the Soul of Anzac] to look for a house. " I must 
have somewhere to lay my head." As to employ- 
ment, he adds, " I am only a ' Has Been/ and I 
am afraid there is nothing for me in England. 
Yours ever, K." I wrote a line to Sir Arthur 
Bigge [Lord Stamfordham],and started an agita- 
tion for K/s employment.* 

Then went to the Admiralty to see Sir W. 
Grahame Greene, the Permanent Secretary, and 
asked him to issue some sort of official statement 
about the two British officers, Brandon and 
Trench, whom the Germans have locked up as 
British spies. One of them is R.N. and the other 
a Marine. We refrained from printing their 
names last night, but it would be wise for the 
Admiralty to tell the public that these men are 
not spies. Greene professes never to have heard 
of them, and referred me to the Foreign Office. 
I said it was no business of mine to clear up their 
muddles for them, and went away. But I went 
to the F.O. They were very polite, but very 
nervous. No one wants to know anything about 
the officers.f 

I dined this evening at the Travellers' with 
Major-General the Hon. Julian Byng, who is my 
usual Sunday morning walking companion over 

* The King sent for Kitchener to go to see him at 
Balmoral, and he was soon after employed. 

f The Germans sentenced them to four years' imprison- 
ment on flimsy evidence, and they were not released until a 
couple of years later. 


The Evolution of Speed: a sketch made in 1910 on Barnes 

Bridge when MR. GRAHAM-WHITE appeared in full flight, for 

the first time 

AUGUST, 1909. JUNE, 1911 

the ploughed fields of Essex, when we discuss 
Conscription, Clausewitz, Stonewall Jackson, 
Boy Scouts, and Woman's Suffrage. He com- 
mands the East Anglian Territorial Division ; one 
of the youngest and wisest generals in the Army. 
He ought to go a long way. 

I have lately been receiving some intensely 
abusive letters from a rabid Socialist named 
Ervine, who writes me long missives which, if 
true, make me out to be one of the worst men 
alive. His English is, anyhow, most vigorous and 
vivid and picturesque, and I finally wrote and 
asked him to come and call on me. I wanted to 
see what sort of crabbed, bitter, disappointed old 
man I had to deal with. At first he demurred ; 
said that, "true to type," I would have him 
assaulted by my hired ruffians. But at last he 
agreed. He came this afternoon. Instead of a 
wild-eyed bomb-thrower, there came into my 
room a charming Irish youth with curly reddish 
hair, a winning smile and a shy manner. His 
name is St. John Ervine; he comes from Ulster, 
and he has literary aspirations. He was practis- 
ing on me. 

Monday, June 10, 1911. 

Coronation Day on Thursday of this week and 
Honours List sent out to newspapers this even- 
ing. This always gives me opportunity of being 
first to send messages of congratulation to any 



friends who happen to be in the list. They do 
not understand how it is that they receive my 
telegram simultaneously with the announcement 
in the morning papers ; ignorant of the fact that I 
have twelve hours' start of the public. So to-night 
I had occasion to send a message to young Max 
Aitken, who came over here from Canada last 
autumn, won a sensational parliamentary victory 
at Ashton-under-Lyne within a few months of his 
arrival, and now becomes a knight, all in record 
time. He shows a natural aptitude for politics 
and newspapers, and insists that he and I are 
going to do big things together. 

I remember meeting him for the first time last 
September, at a luncheon given by Edward 
Goulding and several others to Arthur Balfour 
and Bonar Law. He told me then that he pro- 
posed winning a difficult seat, and I did not 
believe he would do it.* 

Thursday, June 22, 1911. 

This was Coronation Day. I reached the 
Abbey at seven o'clock this morning and found 
my place high up in the Triforium, from which 
there was a splendid view, I sat entranced 
throughout the morning until two o'clock. It 
was the most wonderful sight of my life. Pageant 
after pageant, picture after picture unrolling 

* He not only won a difficult seat but became a baronet, 
a cabinet minister and Lord Beaverbrook in a few years. 


JUNE, 1911 

before our eyes. I do not think it is possible to 
put one's emotions into words. The vast area 
covered with gorgeous costumes, colours, flowers, 
blazoned on all sides, procession on procession all 
culminating in the wonderful coronation scenes. 
I think the thing which impressed me most was 
when the young Prince of Wales appeared before 
his royal father to do obeisance as those before 
him had done. The young prince stepped for- 
ward and bowed low before his father. Sweeping 
his robes of the Garter to each side as he advanced 
up the steps of the throne, he knelt down and 

" I, Edward Prince of Wales, do become your 
liege man of life and limb and of earthly 
worship ; and faith and truth I will bear unto 
you, to live and die against all manner of folks. 
So help me God." 

The boy touched the royal crown with his fore- 
finger and then kissed the King on the left cheek. 
Custom prescribes this. But as he got up the 
parent reached out his hand and drew his son to 
him and kissed him ; and the boy, overcome for 
the moment, kissed the King's hand and hurried 
away. Just a simple English boy. 

In the evening I went to the Native Exhibition 
at the White City, but there was such a crowd it 
was almost impossible to move, so I came away. 



Friday, March 29, 1912. 

A letter from Rudyard Kipling about the 
future, in which he says : " This summer, if I live, 
sees me clear of coal, and five years will see one- 
third of England equally clear. In ten years the 
miners will work 'with but after' jewellers and 
engravers." From which I take it that the 
Electric Age will be all prevailing in 1922. 

Winston Churchill rang me up to explain his 
policy of holding up the Budget by 6,500,000, 
as he knows that Germany proposes to expand 
her fleet, and that we must be ready to meet that 
expansion. It is curious how all these people are 
harping on the same subject. 

Came up in the same train as the Countess of 
Warwick, who was travelling third class! The 
world is indeed changing. 

Tuesday, May 7, 1912. 

Lunching to-day with three or four people, in- 
cluding Sir Edward Carson [Lord Carson], and, 
talking about Asquith's proposal to make 100 
Liberal peers if Home Rule Bill is defeated. 
Carson said he had been dining with an August 
Personage, who said : " I think, Sir Edward, it is 
too bad that certain members of the House of 
Commons should show so much animosity to- 
wards individuals. There, for instance, some one 
said rude things to the great and good man, 

Mr. ." 


MAY, JULY, igi2 

" Well," said Carson in reply, " your great and 

good Mr. is a downright scamp and a vicious 

and dirty liar." Carson also said how he had 
encountered the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Alver- 
stone, who said to him in connection with the 
Die-Hard business : " Carson, I'm ashamed of 

" ' Well, chief/ Oi said to him, ' it's manny a 
toime OiVe been ashamed of you, too !' " Carson 
tells me he is sacrificing 20,000 a year at the 
Bar to look after the Ulster campaign. 

Tuesday, July 9, 1912. 

Wonderful Naval Review at Spithead to-day. 
Over 300 ships in the fleet. I went in the 
Admiralty yacht Enchantress as guest of Winston 
Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty. Many 
people of note on board, including the Prime 
Minister and Mrs. Asquith, Admirals Beatty and 
Troubridge, General Sir John French, and Sir 
Ernest Cassel. When the fleet passed out, 
Winston, on the bridge, took the salute, which 
some of the naval folk on board said he should 
not have done. 

Came home in the evening in a special train 
with General Sir John French, who was quite 
garrulous, and soon got on his pet aversion, 
Kitchener. French suffers from some slight, 
imaginary or otherwise, suffered at Lord K/s 
hands in the Boer War. He told me how once, 



when public opinion in South Africa seemed to 
be against him, Lord K. had come to him 
and went and " carried on " like a young school- 
girl, great big chap that he was. French said 
further : 

" Lord Roberts is a kindly gentleman, but he 
did no good in South Africa. I had the Boers in 
the hollow of my hand on two occasions, and each 
time * Bobs ' stopped me and let them slip away. 
I could have ended the war long before." 

French ambled on like this all the way to 
London, and if a stranger had heard him, not 
knowing him to be a gallant, chivalrous and 
brilliant leader, he would have been put down as 
a village gossip. 

Saturday, July 27, 1912. 

A great Unionist demonstration at Blenheim, 
the Duke of Maryborough's seat in Oxfordshire. 
About 15,000 people gathered in the open before 
the great palace to hear Bonar Law, the new 
leader, and F. E. Smith. I am remaining in the 
house party, which includes the Duke and 
Duchess of Norfolk, Viscount Churchill, Lord 
Balcarres, Harry Lawson [Viscount Burnham], 
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, Edward Goulding 
[Lord Wargrave], Bonar Law, Carson, James 
Campbell [Lord Glenavy], Lady Sarah Wilson, 
Lord and Lady Midleton. Sitting in the hall 
after the speeches Bonar said to " F. E.," with a 



twinkle in his eye : " I've got some bad news for 
you, *F. E.' I'm getting to be quite fond of 

F. E. smilingly retorted: " That's all right. I 
can afford to wait." 

Monday, September 16, 1912. 

When I came down from Cumberland recently 
on the Great North Road I appeared to encounter 
an enormous number of cheap foreign cars, so I 
determined to see if we could not establish the 
popularity of British-made cars over the machines 
produced by foreign countries. I gave a luncheon 
at the Ritz Hotel to representatives of seventeen 
British automobile manufacturing companies, 
with Lord Montague in the chair. Among others 
present were Mr. S. F. Edge, Mr. Charles Jarrott, 
Mr. W. M. Letts, Sir Charles Friswell, Mr. J. 
Thorneycroft, Mr. Sidney Straker, Mr. F. 
Lanchester, Mr. Holt Thomas, and Mr. Thornton 
Rutter. There were many speeches, and the result 
of this gathering was the determination to form a 
5,000,000 company in the United States this 
would be called a " trust " to fight the foreign 
automobile invasion. It is proposed to manufac- 
ture a machine that will be nearly as cheap and 
quite as good as some said better than the 
American product. 

A letter was read from the Duke of West- 
minster, in which he said that the invasion of the 



American cars " threaten to deprive thousands of 
English workers of employment, and the way out 
is to start a vigorous campaign throughout the 
country to advance the cause of British Imperial 
preference." * 

Tuesday, February 25, 1913. 

Someone, somewhere, has started a story about 
mysterious airships which fly over the country at 
night. No one has yet seen them, but people at 
various points along the East and South coasts 
profess to have heard them. The Army authori- 
ties put no credence in them, but in a chat I had 
to-day with Colonel Marker, Coldstream Guards, 
he said it would not be surprising if the Germans 
were making secret night passages with the secret 
airships. They have been carrying out staff rides 
on the East coast for years without hindrance. 
Why not air rides ? On the other hand, one could 
see as well as hear them, and no one has yet seen 

Sunday, April 13, 1913. 

Supper at H. G. Wells's in Easton Park. H. G. 
gave a most interesting dissertation on politics. 
His belief is that the Liberal Party is more dead 

* I gave them the best champagne, which probably 
accounts for the 5,060,000 company that never came into 



than the Tory Party, and that both are dead 
beyond recall. 

Thursday, April 24, 1913. 

Lunching to-day at the club, Sir J. Henniker 
Heaton, the postal reformer, said : " Within three 
years there will leave daily from the G.P.O. air- 
ships for Bombay, Cairo, Paris, Berlin and so on." 
He prefers penny postage to a Channel tunnel ; 
more useful. 

Wednesday, September 3, 1913. 

The Kabaka (King of Buganda), a pleasant 
white-robed young black potentate from Africa, 
came to the Daily Express offices at eleven o'clock 
this evening with four of his chiefs and a British 
officer in attendance. I showed them round, and 
was as much interested in their exhibitions of 
surprise as they were at what they saw. One of 
the chiefs described the office as " a storehouse of 
knowledge." I think he must have been primed 
to say that, for whenever he came within whisper- 
ing distance of me he said : " Storehouse of Know- 
ledge." Otherwise he spoke no English. The 
Kabaka is seventeen years old and a Christian. 

At lunch to-day with Bertrand Stewart, a 
yeomanry officer who had just been released by 
the Germans after two years of really brutal im- 
prisonment on the charge of espionage. They had 



him in solitary confinement for weeks, and his 
imprisonment was due wholly to political reasons. 
The Government here were supine. Never made 
the slightest attempt to have him released for fear 
of offending the dear All Highest. [Captain 
Stewart, on General Allenby's staff, was killed 
shortly after the outbreak of the Great War.] 


The year 1914 began with evil portents. The 
situation in Ireland had reached its climax, and 
the fear of civil war dominated all conversation. 
Sir Edward Carson stood out as the most formid- 
able person in the Empire. One-half of the people 
looked upon him as a sinister figure; the other 
worshipped him. In the North of Ireland crowds 
followed him muttering prayers for his preserva- 
tion; women kissed his hand and held children up 
for him to touch them against illness. The Great 
War to break out this year was only spoken of as 
a possibility of the dim future and then only by 
the so-called "Scaremongers" who sought pre- 
paredness, the Diarist, among them. Society was 
having a good time. Here is an extract under date 
of Saturday, March 14: 

Sir Edward Carson came down to Dunmow 
to stay with me for the week-end. We stopped 
for a few minutes in the High Street. Instantly 

ipi4. MARCH, 1914 

the car was surrounded. " God bless you, sir," 
" God give you strength," and so on from all 
sides. Carson says that Asquith would like to 
get out of his difficulties if he could, but circum- 
stances are against him. 

They have got the names of twenty-eight 
leaders to be arrested at a favourable moment. 
That would mean instant war. " The fact is," 
he says, " I am so much concerned about the 
pressure which is being put on us by the 
Government that I am seriously thinking of 
calling out our Ulster Army." 

Friday y March 20, 1914. 

Carson walked out of the House of Commons 
yesterday " to go to my people " in Ulster. Mean- 
while there are rumours that troops have been 
ordered to Ulster from the South of Ireland, and 
that a number of officers have resigned since they 
refuse to take part in a civil war. Late to-night 
we learn that the entire Third Cavalry Brigade at 
the Curragh, commanded by Major-General 
Hubert Gough, has refused to move. The officers 
were given their choice of going or being dis- 
missed, and they chose the latter. This dishes 

Sunday, March 22, 1914. 

Came up to town. Things most exciting. 


General Henry Wilson, Director of Military 
Operations, told me the entire Army Council were 
threatening to resign if pressure was not taken off 
Gough and he and his officers restored. I went to 
the War Office. The place was seething with 
excitement. Saw General French, who resigns 
and does not resign. He does not know what to 
do. " Jack " Seeley, the War Minister, will be- 
come the scapegoat. Opposition leaders, Bonar 
Law, Lansdowne, Devonshire, Salisbury, have 
been in consultation all the morning at Lans- 
downe House. 

Monday, March 23, 1914. 

Asquith tells The Times that it was not meant 
seriously and so on. Arthur Paget, C.-in-C. 
Ireland, is now becoming the Government's 
scapegoat, but his brother Almeric [Lord Queen- 
borough] tells me the general will hit back if 
they try to implicate him. Meanwhile Seely 
announces in the House that Gough and his 
officers have been ordered to resume. 

" Misunderstandings, etc." I met Colonel 
John Gough, Hubert's twin brother, who in- 
formed me that they had got a written under- 
taking from Jack Seely and General Ewart that 
troops would not be used against Ulster. Lloyd 
George is furious. General French and General 
Ewart keep on resigning, though all the Cabinet 
Ministers deny it in turn. All topsy-turvy. But 



to-night Seely has actually gone and French has 
definitely resigned again. Carson over in Ireland 
drilling his troops with wooden guns. 

By April the Ulster Army was an effective force 
and was regularly receiving arms through the 
process of gun running. On Saturday, April n, 
there is an entry. 

Arrived in Belfast this morning and watched 
a regiment of volunteers under Colonel E. L. E. 
Malone, a regular officer, drill in the grounds of 
Belfast Castle. They were splendid material. 
Went on to Lady Masserene's house party at 
Antrim Castle. Large party assembled for 
lunch from Mount Stewart, Lord and Lady 
Midleton, Mr. Wilfrid Ashley, M.P., Mr. 
Edmund Gosse, the Bishop of Down, Colonel 
Racket Pain, Colonel Sharman - Crawford, 
the Duchess of Montrose, Sir R. Hermon- 
Hodge [Lord Wyfold], Captain Craig [Lord 
Craigavon], Ronald McNeill [Lord Cushendun], 
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gwynne. All assembled to 
witness a presentation of colours to the South 
Antrim regiment, of which Arthur Pakenham is 
colonel and Wilfrid Ashley adjutant. 

Tuesday, April 14, 1914. 

At Clandeboye, Lord Dufferin's place, to 
attend a review of half a dozen Ulster regiments. 
Very fine military display. It now seems certain 
that these people mean to fight. 



On Saturday, April 25, the country was startled 
by the report of a wholesale gun running exploit 
which took place in Ulster. The whole volunteer 
force took part. They " ran in " 30,000 rifles and 
over 3,000,000 rounds. Police and military help- 
less. That finally established the Ulster force as 
a strong card in future negotiations, for it was 
rifles and guns that were lacking up to now. " We 
can now hope for decent peace terms" says the 
Diary, " and so avoid the dread civil war which 
has been hanging over the two countries." 

The outcome was a Home Rule conference 
between both sides. It took place at Bucking- 
ham Palace, and went on for weeks. In June the 
bomb that killed the Austrian heir to the throne 
and his wife at Sarajevo was the first act of the 
Great War. We in England knew it not, and 
cared not. Ulster was more important. On 
Sunday, June 28, there is a note in the Diary: 

H. G. Wells came over to tea. While we were 
talking news came that Austria's Crown Prince 
and his wife have been assassinated by a Servian. 
That will mean war. Wells says it will mean 
more than that. It will set the world alight. I 
don't see why the world should fight over the act 
of a lunatic. 

Ulster still uppermost. Many lunches and 
dinners. Covenanters 9 Clubs, Women's Com- 
mittees, Collections, and fervent oratory. General 


APRIL, JULY, 1914 

gaiety as well, and women beginning to go to 
prize fights such as that between Bombardier 
Wells and Colin Bell and Carpentier and " Gun- 
boat " Smith. On Thursday, July 16, the Diary 

Sat with Lord Rosebery, his son, Neil Primrose 
and Max Aitken. Lord Rosebery not much im- 
pressed with the unskilfulness of "Gunboat," 
who was disqualified for striking Carpentier while 
he was half-way on the floor. 

Friday, July 24, 1914. 

Ulster situation terribly gloomy. Conference 
likely to be ineffective, and we are getting closer 
to civil war. Dinner to-night at Mrs. Rupert 
Beckett's, where all present seemed to reflect the 
situation in their talk. Continental affairs not 
discussed, although Austria will probably declare 
war on Servia to-morrow. At dinner there were 
Bonar Law, Carson with Miss Frewen, whom he 
is to marry, F. E. Smith and Lady Smith, Lord 
and Lady Londonderry, Ronald McNeill, Mr. 
and Mrs. Rochfort Maguire, Mrs. Ralph Sneyd, 
and the Duchess of Westminster. Civil war in- 
evitable, they all say. " A fortnight from now," 
says Maguire, " and we'll all be in the middle of 
it unless a miracle intervenes." 

Sunday, July 26, 1914. 

Collision in Dublin between Scottish Borderers 


and a mob over gun-running. Four killed, seventy 
wounded. This puts the lid on ! 

On the Continent things were seething. On 
Tuesday, July 28, panics everywhere. Austria, 
France, Germany, and Russia getting ready. 
Belgrade evacuated. In England the Home Rule 
Amending Bill was put down for passage on the 
following Thursday. Newspaper circulations 
were rising, but advertising going to bits. 

Wednesday, July 29, 1914.. 

Mr. Selfridge came down to see me at night to 
hear the latest news. He did not think the 
Germans would care to go to war. " They can't 
stand it financially," he said ; " they wouldn't last 
till Christmas." I retorted that, nevertheless, we 
were beginning to take notice, and had got so far 
that we are not printing the movements of the 
Army and Navy units. 

Thursday, July 30, 1914. 

Belgrade on fire. Tension. Many failures. 
Asquith announces a truce on Home Rule owing 
to the situation. " Britain's united front and so 
on." Liberal clamour to keep clear. We are 
urging the Government not to let France down. 


JULY .AUGUST \ 1914 

Friday, July 31, 1914. 

T. P. O'Connor asked me in the morning to see 
Carson and get him to offer " a golden bridge " 
on which he and Redmond could meet. I went 
to Carson in Eaton Place at 1 1.30. He was in bed 
with a headache. " The only golden bridge I'll 
offer," he said, " is give me a clean cut of Ulster." 

Drew my salary in gold for this month and 
then changed it again to paper. Will not do to 
hoard gold now. 

Saturday, August i, 1914. 

Went down home to Easton with our Daily 
Express cricket eleven to play Easton Lodge. We 
were beaten. After match we learned that 
Germany had declared war on Russia and had 
marched into Luxemburg, thus violating her 
treaty engagements. If this country does not 
stand up for Right and Honour she will be for 
ever damned. 

Sunday, August 2, 1914. 

Had a visit this morning from Herr Kurt 
Buetow, the German tutor to Mr. H. G. Wells's 
two boys. [This is the famous German tutor in 
Mr. Britling Sees It Through.'] He came to bid 
us good-bye, since he has been called home to 
Germany to take his place in the Army. He was 



very stiff and formal and polite, but evidently 
sorry to leave England. 

Came up to town early. In St. James's Park, 
just below the German Embassy, I met Prince 
Lichnowski, the German Ambassador, looking 
terribly sad. " I am afraid we can do no more," 
he said. " I have just seen Sir Edward Grey, and 
you are likely to take sides with the French." 

Moratorium to be declared to-morrow. No 
debt settlements. So there'll be no money panics. 

Monday, August 3, 1914 

Sir E. Grey leaves no doubt as to British 
course. Declares in Commons that he will fight 
if the French coast is harried. Mobilisation 
decided on. Crowds in streets, and the Germans 
are on the Belgian Frontier. 

Tuesday, August 4, 1914. 

Ultimatum sent to Germany to respect Belgian 
neutrality. It expires at midnight. Declined ; so 
there is nothing for it. At midnight Great Britain 
declared war on Germany. 

We are in it! How long?