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THE  HECORDEH    -   1895-1920 
Toronto  Bible  College 



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School  and  Offices:  110  College  St.,  Toronto. 


PRICE  :    5    CENTS    PER    ANNUM. 

Vol.  XIII. 

TORONTO,  JUNE,  1907. 

[Nos.  3  &.  4. 

A^erpbers  of  Corporzition* 

Kkv.  Kl.MdKK  HaHKIS.  I>.I).,  I'll. siili  tit. 

Hotlu'diMi.  \\'iiliiier  Uuml,  Toronto. 
Kkv.  H.  1'.  Mackav,  I ).!»..  \ 

Toronto.    >  I'icr-Prciulcnts. 
.1.  1».  Nasmitii,  Toronto,      f 
Jos.   N.  SiiK.v.sTONK,   TiTiininri: 

4(1  WalniiT  Koiul.  Tonmlo. 
Kkv.  W M.  .'^rKWAKT.  D.l).,  Smrtiiri/, 

Via  St.  Geoige  St..  Toronto. 
Kkv.  Joii.n'  MrXicoi.,  B.I)..  Priiiri/xil, 

IKJColk'trc  St.,  Toii.rilo. 

.Ja.mes  .\cTf).N.  Toronto. 
!•:.  Hooi'KK.  M.I>..  Toronto. 
U.  KiiJidiK,  Toronto. 
Ki.iAs  KoiJKKS,  Toronto. 


Rkv.  John  McXicni.,  RI). 
Kkv.  W.m.  .Stkwakt.  D.I). 
I{i:v.  Ki.MoKi;  Hakuis.  D.I). 

I'KOK.  H.  r.  Tl{A<  V,   I'll.]). 
A.  ('.  (lAKHKI.KIN,  D.D. 

Kkv.  H.  W.  Fico.^t. 

KXAMI.VKKS   KOK   I!)(Ki-07. 

IJkv.  T.  C.  DKsHAituKs.  M..\. 
Kkv.  W.  II.  HiscK-s.  LL.»{. 
Kkv.  T.  H.  IIvdk.  yi..\. 
Kkv.  H.  .M.  I'ai{S(i.\s.  D.D. 
Kkv.  F.  S.  \<>.n'.  .M.A. 
!.<!.•<  Anmk  Hi  K.\s.  ,-J.s-.sw<.  Sir.  ami  Lihriirioii. 

General  Council. 


.liiMiK  .\ki>a(;ii. 
Belleville  .- 

Kev.  K.  \\a!.L.\CK. 


(".  Cook. 

Frank  M.  Fo.stkk. 


.IriKiK  Kkv.voi.i).'*. 

GALT  ; 
K.  <i.  STUflllKH.S. 

Qermantown.  Pa. 
Kk\.  H.  W. 


K.  M.  Honso.v. 

HA¥II  ton  : 

Kkv.  F-uki)  K.  Howrrr. 
Kingston  .■ 

li.  W.  KOBKRTSO.V. 


Kkv.  (i.  J.  Hi.xiioi'.  D.D. 

Montreal  .■ 
Oko.  Haglk. 

The  names  of  other 
ires  are  yet  to  be  added 

Ki:v.  Tiio.s.  A.  l{oi)(iKK. 

PAR'S  ! 

Joii.N'  Pkn.m.w. 

St.  Catharines  .- 
Geo.  W.  Hodhetts. 

Stratford  .■ 
Dr \( •  A .V  s rK \v a kt. 

Toronto  : 
Dk.Ki) ft.  Hai  iiwi.N. 
Tikis.  S.  C'oi.k. 
c.  .m.  coi' 
Kkv.  T.  f.  DksUahuks. 
J.  W.  Fr.AVKi.i.K. 

.1.  .1.  (iAUTSIluHK. 

<  '.  S.  (i/.uw  SKI. 

\V.  II.  lIciWITT.  .M.D. 

Kkv.  T.  It.  Hvi.K. 

.Icm.V  Mai  KAV. 

Kkv.  D.  .M.Tavisii, 


(IIKSTKI!  I).  Ma.s.SEV. 
(i.  H.  Mkaiiow.s. 
Kkv.  H.  M.  I'ar«o.vs. 

F.  M.  Pratt. 

W.  .J.  KoMKRTSON. 
HaKRV  L.  SlAltK.  ' 

friends  in  iin|)ortant  i-en- 
to  the  General  Council. 

Oik  Design.— The  pri'eat  d*'si^,ni  (.f  Hi.- 
ScJKxiI  is  the  ti-aiiiinj,'  of  coiisi-ciatt-d 
iiicii  and  woiiicii  foiClii-istian  .stTvicf  at 
lutiiic  and  ahr<»ad. 

Co.NTUiiUTTio.Ns.^^Any  friends  d.-sir- 
iiiK  to  liavc  fcll()"\\slii|)  in  tli.-  work  mav 
send  their  conliil^rfTkyi^  to  the  Ti-ra.s- 
nrer.  •'•  N.  SJicnsloMfrivsrf..  40  Walnn-r 
Koad.  Toi-onto.  or  t<i  any  oftic-cr  of  tin- 

The  Thirteenth  Session. 

The  [ucscnt  doid»](' inindu'i-of  tin-  Hk- 
(OKDKU  contains  tlir  icpoit.s  of  tlic 
tiiiil»'«Mith  .session  of  the  Toronto  Hilije 
'I'rainiiiK  Sdiool.  It  will  In-  .st-en  that 
llu'  institntion  continncs  to  prosper 
under  the  (guidance  and  Messinj^  of  (iod. 
The  past  year  is  considered  to  have  Iwi-n 
on<' of  tin-  most  sncct'.ssfid  in  its  history. 
We  trust  our  friends  will  join  us  in 
thanksgiving  for  the  hie.ssings  of  the 
j)ast,  and  in  earnest  prayer  for  the  work 
of  the  future.  Wt-  hope  also  that  they 
will  coniint'iid  the  School  to  «)th«'rs  who 
may  not  know  of  the  chara<ter  an<l 
purpose  of  its  work. 

nil-;    ItKCOHDER. 

The  Closing  Exercises. 

Tlif 'riiirtct'iitli  Session  of  IlicScliool 
\v;i>  ln-ou^ht  to  ail  I'lid  witli  tlif  usual 
i-losiiijr  cxciciscs  on  Friday,  April  2()th, 
1S)(>7.  In  till-  inorninjj  the  stiultMits  met 
for  tlu'ir  linal  dfvotional  service.  In  the 
afternoon  at  I  o'clock  was  held  the 
Annual  Meeting  of  tlu'  Hoard  of  Incoi" 
li«)iiiti(»n  and  tlu*  (Jeneral  Coiuicil.  when 
the  various  reports  of  the  yearwi-re  prt-- 
sentt'd  and  plans  for  the  future  work  of 
the  School  were  considered.  At  the  of  this  meeting  th^^eiuhers  pic- 
sent  jidjourned  to  the  ReadiniX  Room, 
where,  on  the  kind  invitation  of  the 
President,  they  had  dinner  toK»'tlu'r. 

The  puhlic  meeting  ill  the  eveninjj:  was 
attended  by  a  large  gathering  of  the 
friends  of  .the  School,  which  occupied 
every  part  of  the  Assembly  Hall.  The 
Rev.  F.  S.  Weston  conducted  the  open- 
ing devotional  exercises;  and  the  Chair- 
man, Dr.  Harris,  gave  a  summary  of  the 
main  featiues  of  the  work  of  the  session, 
i-efeiring  espenjally  to  the  increased  in- 
tei-est  in  the  Day  Classes,  and  the  good 
work  done  by  the  students  in  their  mis- 
sion study  classes.  The  graduating 
class  was  represented  on  the  piogramme 
by  two  of  its  menibeis.  Mr.  Percival 
Loney  gave  an  earnest  on  the 
death  of  our  Lord,  representing  it  as 
"The  Darkest  Hour  in  Hi.story."  Miss 
Flora  .).  Ray  ga\  e  a  very  ai)propriate 
valedictory,  in  which  she  i>ortrayed  with 
true  appreciation  the  real  characteris- 
tics of  the  student  life  of  the  School. 
Tlie  Diplonuis  and  Certificates  weri'  then 
I)resented  as  follows  :  Eleven  students 
received  Diplomas  for  having  satisfac- 
torily completed  the  two  year.s' 
in  the  Day  Classes,  viz.:  Annie 
Rartlett,  .Jennie  Dale,  Clara  S.  Donnn, 
Sarah  Flasletl.  .Mary  R.  McCormick, 
Flora  .1.  Ray,  Fmily  M.  Tyler,  ami 
Messrs.  R.  E.  Jones,  P.  R.  Loney,  S.  C. 
Rutledge  and  (ieorge  TesUn-.  Two 
former  graduates.  Miss  M.  (J.  Le.s.slieand 
Mr.  H.  L.  Troyer,  received  special  dip- 
lomas for  an  additional  year  of  post- 
graduate study.  Five  .students  received 
certificates  for  the  three  years'  course  in 
th«'  Evening,  viz.:  M. 
Jennings,  M.  I.  McCauley,  (i.  .Smith  and 
E.  St.  John,  and  Mr.  Frank  West  lake. 

A  few  fai'cwell  words  were  then  spoken 
to  these  stvidenls  by  the  Piincipal,  who 
urged  them  "to  follow  on  to  know  the 

The  two  main  addresses  of  tin'  evening 
were  delivered  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  McTavish 
of  Toronto,  and  the  Rev.  .To.seph  Sulli- 
van of  Rrantford.  Dr.  McTavish  made 
an  earnest  ai)peal  for  consecrated  ser- 
vice, and  Mr.  Sullivan  gave  a  .stirring 
address  on  the  importance  of  Bible 
study,  and  thus  a  most  ijiteresting  meet- 
ing was  bi'ought  to  a'. 

The  one  regret  felt  during  the  proceed- 
ings of  the  day  Wiis  cjiused  by  the 
absence  of  the  revei-ed  and  beloved  Di'. 
Stewart.  As  explained  in  another  pai't 
of  this  paper,  he  had  been  taken  ill  just 
befoie  the  close  of  the  session,  and  was 
unable  to  attx'nd  tiny  of  the  meetings  of 
this  day.  His  presence  was  especially 
mi.s.sed  from  the  platform  at  the  closing 
meeting,  for  every  year  since  the  begin- 
ning of  the  School  he. had  presented  the 
graduating  class  and  addres.sed  them  in 
))aiting  words  of  counsel. 

Report  ot  the  Principal. 

In  icviewing  the  past  session,  the  first 
note  must  be  one  of  thanksgiving.  For 
although  the  work  has  been  carried  on 
at  some  disadvantage  on  account  of  the 
illness  and  ab.sence  of  the  President  for 
a  great  part  of  the  time,  yet  it  nuiy  be 
truly  said  that  under  the  good  hand  of 
(iod  the  Hible  Training  School  closes 
to-day  a  very  successful  year. 

enr()l:\U':nt  .vnd  .xttendance. 

The  number  of  students  enrolled  dur- 
ing the  year  in  the  Day  Classes  was  Iki 
(SI  men  and  35  women),  representing  12 
denominations.  This  nund)er  is  the 
same  as  last  year  and  indicates  no  in- 
crease. Tin'  average  attendance,  how- 
ever, which  is  a  truer  test  of  the  jnogi-ess 
of  tin-  School,  shows  a  marked  advance. 
The  daily  attendance  of  .students  taking 
the  regular  course  during  the  latter  half 
of  the  session  was  largei-  than  at  any 
previous  ])eriod  in  the  history  of  the 

The  number  eiuolled  in  the  three 
evening  classes  was  240  (73  men  and  167 

THK  l{IO(  (HU»EH. 

wotin'ii).    with    an    av«'iiijrt'    Mdciulancc  KXVMIN  \TH>N> 

alxnit  tlic  same  .IS  last  vt-ar. 


'rill'  result    of    till'  <'xaiiiiiial  iuiis    lu-lil 

,^      .         ,,  ,  .      ,.  ,,  •  "II  til. •  i.-^iilar  class  w. Ilk  that  lias  tliiis 

DiiriiiLr  tin-  cai'lv  part    ol    thr  sfssiuu,  ,  ,11,,  ... 

,.      ,,        .     .         ,  .•.,      ,,      ,       ,.  ,,       ,  Ix-i-n  mitliiifd  has  Imtii   \<TV  ^'latifviiii;. 

Dr.  Harns  taueht  thr  lionk  of   hxudiis.  ,,  ,         ,  ,,     ,  .        ',     ,      ,  " 

,      ,,.     ,  ,,    ....     .,     .,     .    ...  ,  It  lias  siiiiw  11  tliat  on  till' wluilr  till- stu- 

th»' I'Mst  Kpistif  to  the  (  onnthians.  and  1.1  ■  ,.,.  ,',..,,., 

^,.     ,.  ... ,        ,,    ,       ^,    .   ..        .    .         ,  «i«'nts    have    Ik-«-ii  dili^jnit    anil    laithfiil 

.Stiulu's    ot    the    llolv    .Sniiit.   i^iviiiK    to  :      ,1     •        ,      ■•  ,.       .,    ,„      .   , 

•,      '  ,        ,v  '"  tl>»-ir  stiiilics.      1)1-.   .M.Tavish.   in    rc- 

rafh    sill)  t'ct     oiu'    a    wct-k.      Dr.  ...  ,  .  ,  „,, 

^    :        ,,e  1  •     .     .1  1  poit  iiiK  on  his  work,  .says:  '-Till- ii'siijts 

Stewart    taiii^iit  four  subjects  through-  ,^,,  ..       ,.  ,     ,  i    •     1      1    .1 

'^   ,  ,  .   ,    ,  .,,     .  '•"  t''^'  ^vholl•  art'  koimI.  imlrcd.  tin-  iiia- 

oiit  the  vcar.  alioiit  which  he  will  j^ivc  a  .      .,,.    ,.  ,,  ,  .,  ,,      . 

'^  jorityot  th«' papers  I  consuler  exceHent. 

IHMsonal  report.  ,j.,,,.,,,.  ^^..,^  ^.,.,,,.,.,111,.  „,,  i,„,.||ij,,.„t  ^^..^sp 

HesHles    this,   classes    were    held    once  .,•    <  1  1  •      .  "1    *i 

,     .       ,,.,  ,.      ,    ,  ,         .  <'■    'he    siilt|«'et,  ami    the    answers  were 

clearly  expres.sed.' 

each  week  in  Int roiUictioii  (in- 
chuling  the  Canon  and  the  Inspiration 
of  the  Scriptures,  and  the  (Jeo^:raphy  of  spKciAr,  (i.assks. 
Palestine),  in  Studies  of  the  Parables  of  xiie  in  vocal  niiisjc  has  been  car- 
oiir  Lord,  and  in  practical  studies  of  ,.jj.jI  ,„,  .^^.^■^^^  „,„i,.,.  i|„.  h-adership  of 
Hoiniletics  and  methods  of  personal  Mr.  A.  T.  C'riiiKan.  Mus.  Bac.,  whore- 
work  :  while  every  day  throuKhoiit  tlie  p,„.ts  that  the  stmh-nts  haveihme  better 
session  a  class  was  conducteil  in  the  con-  ^vork  this  year  tlian  ever  before, 
seeutive  study  of  the  Old  Testament  'I'l^,  generous  help  received  from  the 
iM.ok.s.  For  part  of  the  sessiim  addi-  d,,(tors  has  been  continued.  'I'liive 
tional  classes  were  held  for  those  who  medical  couises  of  -ri-,.;,i  \;,Iii.'  uci-c 
desired  teach  in  K' in  Knglish  and  in  New  ^.,^1.,,  ,hniiiK  the  winter.  Dr.  K.  V. 
Testament  Greek.  Howie  lectured  on  "Diseases  and  their 
evenim;  classes.  Treatment'":  Dr.  \V.  H.  Howitt  on 
The  Evening  students  also  have  had  a  --Triipical  Medicine" ;  and  Dr.  K.  Hooper 
variety  of  subjects.  In  the  early  jiait  ,„,  ••Obstetrics"  to  a  special  class  of 
of  the  .sessiim  Dr.  Harris  took  them  women  students.  The  iniportan<e  of 
through  the  main  part  of  the  Honk  of  this  in.striiction,  especially  for  intending 
Kxodnsand  into  the  .study  of  the  Holy  missionai-ies.  cannot  be  oveiestimat«'«l  : 
Spirit,  teaching  twice  each  week  ;  while  and  the  thanks  of  the  School  are  due  to 
Dr.  Tracy  of  the  University  of  Toronto  ,„„.  medical  brethren  who  have  .so  liU-r- 
gave  a  valuable  series  of  lectures  on  the  aHy  giv,.,,  ,,f  ih,.ii-  time  for  this 
Principles    of  Teaching.      In    the    latter 

,       ,.   .,                  .          ,,            n        M    T    ,.■    1  Pl'ULIC   LECTIHES. 
part  ot   the  .session    Itev.    Dr.    .Mc  lavish 

and   Kev.  T.   B.   Hyde,  who    kiiully  un-  In  pnr.snanee  of  the  resolution  ado])ted 

dertook    to  sujijily   Dr.    Harris's    classes  by  the  ("oimcil  a  year  ago.  t  wo  promin- 

diiring  his  absence,  gave  two  inti-resting  cut    Bible  students  were  secured   to  de- 

;iiid    profitable   of  study.       Dr.  liver   public   lecturt-s  during    the    year. 

.McTavish  lectured  every  Tuesday  even-  At  the  opening  of  the  session  in  Septeni- 

ing   on    the   Life  and    Writings   of   the  Ijer,  Mr.  A.  t'.  Gaebelein,  of  New  Y«»rk, 

Ajiostle    Paul,     and     .Mr.     Hyde     every  gave  twos<'riesof  instriictiveexpositions 

Thursday  evening  on  the    Holy   Spirit.  on    the    Book    of    Itevelation    and     the 

In  addition  to  these  classes,  the  evening  Epistle  to  the  Colossians.      In  .lanuary, 

students  followed  a  course  of  stuilies  in  the  Hev.  W.  H.  Frost,  of  Philadelphia, 

the  Paraliles  throughout   the  whole  si's-  gave    {wtt   .uhlresses  on    the    important 

sion.  and  a  spe<-ial  coursi'  of  Bililc  ( )iil-  and      timely      themes,      the     Deity     of 

lines  during  the  latter  part  of  it.  Christ    and    the    .Vtoiieim'iit.    and    two 

The  Fi-iday  evening  for  .Sund.iy  practical  and  impi-e.ssive  Bible  K«*a<lings 

School   Teachei-s  has    been    maintained  on     Dedication    and    Con.secration.     In 

with  encouraging  inten'st.     Forthepast  this  connection    may  l>e  mentioneil  aii- 

two  years  this  class  has  Ix'en  continued  other  series  of  illuminating  Bible  Bead- 

for  a  month  after  th«' close  of  the  regular  ings  by  the  Hev.  Dr.   A.  .1.  F'rost  of  the 

session  of  the  School.  Nortliwesti-m    Bible    Training    School. 


Afinnrnpolis.  who  visitod  thi*  School  in 

tli<'  fiirly  i>ail  of  the  sosioii. 

si'iu  lAi.  \  isirous. 

i)\iiinjx  th<'  tlu-  stndcnls  l\avc 
hf«'n  favored  from  tiinc  to  time  willi 
visits  and  aihlrrssi's  from  a  mmilM'r  of 
inissionarit's  and  Christian  h>adtMs  rr- 
Uri'sciitinf?  various  aspects  of  the  great 
«-ause  of  C'lirist  tiiroughovit  the  worhl. 
A  munber  of  these  may  he  mentioned. 
Two  of  our  own  graduates,  Mr.  C'has. 
AVaiUU'll.  who  has  been  hiboring  among 
the  Soudan  tribes  on  the  Niger,  and  Mr. 
E.  L\  Austin,  who  has  recently  been  ap- 
pointed the  first  Canadian  missionary 
to  a  newly  opened  mission  field  in  Peru  ; 
Mr.  I).  K.  Hoste.  (ieneral  Director  of  the 
China  Inland  Mission:  Mr.  Albert  Head, 
Chairman  of  the  Keswick  Covmcil  of 
England,  who  represented  also  the  South 
African  General  Mission  ;  Mr.  J.  N.  Far- 
([idiar.  General  Secretary  of  the  Calcutta 
Y.M.C.A. ;  Dr.  H.  Grattau  Guinness  of 
the  Regions  Beyond  Missionary  Union; 
Rev.  H.  W.  Pope  of  the  Northfield  Exten- 
sion Movement ;  Rev.  H.  F.  Laflamme  of 
India  :  Rev.  J.  L.  Muriay  of  the  Student 
Vohuiteer  Movement  for  Foreign  Mis- 
sions ;  Dr.'H.  Karl  Kunnn  of  the  Soudan 
Unitt'd  Mission  Rev.  W.  E.  Hassard 
of  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Society ; 
and  Rev.  H.  R.  Home  of  the  Upper 
Canada  Tract  and  Book  Society. 


A  considera '  le  addition  has  been  made 
t<i  tlif  Library.  Through  the  kindness 
of  Dr.  Harris  we  have  been  enabled  to 
purchase  a  large  munber  of  new  and 
important  books,  especially  Biblical  and 
missionary  works  of  refei-ence.  In  ad- 
dition to  this  \\v  would  gratefully  ac- 
knowledge a  valuable  donation  of  l»ooks 
fronj  Mr.  .1.  D.  Nasmith.  Tluoe  are  now 
altog«'tlier  1.2(HI  vohunes  in  the  Lilnary. 

During  the  Chiistmas  vacation  llu' 
Library  was  overhauled,  a  new  cata- 
logue was  pi-epared,  and  the  books  were 
classiti«'<l  and  arranged  upon  the  shelves 
in  sections  marked  in  such  a  way  as  to 
guide  the  stiuh'Ut.s  in  their  \ise  of  them. 

The  reading  room  has  Iwen  kept  well 
supplied  with  current  religious  ])eriodi- 
<-als.     We  are  again  inilebted  for  this  to 

the  liberality  of  Mrs.  T.  M.  Harris.  We 
desire  also  to  thank  the  Presbyterian 
Board  of  S.  S.  Publications  for  their 
kindness  in  voluntarily  sending  one  of 
their  weekly  pui)cis  for  the  rcgidar  use 
of  the  reading  room. 


A  word  should  be  said  abovit  the  prac- 
tical work  and  sjiiritual  lite  of  the  stu- 
dent l)(i(l\'.  Tile  two  depai'tments  of 
piactical  work  carried  on  are  repre- 
sented by  the  Evangelistic  Band  and  the 
Missionary  Society.  The  Evangelistic 
Band  has  conducted  Gospel  meetiTigs 
every  week  in  one  <jf  the  Missions  of  the 
city,  besides  assisting  in  many  other 
services.  This  work  has  pi-oved  of  great 
value  as  a  tiaining  for  the  students 
themselves,  and  has  been  blessed  in  the 
conversion  of  many  lives  to  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ. 

The  Missionary  Society  has  been  very 
active  in  fostering  the  missionary  spirit 
and  in  furtlu-ring  the  systematic  study 
of  missions  jiniong  the  students.  A 
I)ublic  meeting,  esi)ecially  intended  for 
reaching  young  people  with  the  mission- 
aiy  appeal,  was  held  under  its  auspices, 
and  was  accomjianied  with  every  mark 
of  success  and  blessing.  While  all  the 
students  take  an  active  interest  in  both 
the  missionary  and  the  evangelistic 
work,  theie  aie  fifteen  who  are  volun- 
teers for  foreign  missions. 

In  order  to  unify  the  various  parts  of 
the  life  and  work  of  the  School,  a  repre- 
sentative Conunittee  was  apjiointed  by 
the  students  at  the  beginning  of  the 
session  to  act  with  the  Piincipal  in  all 
matteis  relating  to  the  student  body  as 
a  whole.  This  simple  organization  has 
pi-oved  satisfactory,  and  is  intended  to 
be  continued  from  year  to  year. 

A  beautiful  spirit  of  harmony  and 
Christian  fcllowshii)  has  charactt^-ized 
the  life  of  the  School.  Early  in  the 
session  an  unusually  deep  spii-it  of  prayer 
maidfested  itself,  the  effect  of  which  was 
continued  throughout  the  year.  The 
Tuesday  morning  devotional  service 
CDUtinues  to  be  a  soiuce  of  helpfulness 
to  the  si)iritual  life  of  the  students.  On 
the   whole,    the  uninterrupted    blessing 

THE  UKi(>i;i.|  IJ 

that  has  rostrd  np<in  tho  life  ntid  wm*k 
of  tlir  School  tluou^litnil  tlir  yrar  is 
I'jiusj'  for  drrp  ^^  it  uilf  and  t  liaiiks^i\  - 
inn  '"  t""d. 

I{(-^l>.Tlt"iilly   siihiniK.-il. 

.lOMN    .MtMCOL. 

lii.-^-~iii^.  Hc»\V«'Vi-l  iiia\  Im-,  It  iiar< 
Ik'cii  a  dfli^lit  to  nu-  in  tliis  sci-\  icr  iif 
Sccrt'tary  during  the  past  si-ssimi  to  do 
what  I  can  to  make  imi-  Institution  still 

nioic  ii-ct'id  an<l  >nccc>stiil. 

Report  of  Rev.  Dr.  Stewart. 

Duiiiij;  this  session  of  iSMMi-dT,  I  ha\f 
iM'on  enabled,  without  the  loss  of  a  .sinj^Ie 
hour,  to  attend  to  my  duties  iu  tin-  liihle 
Training  School,  it  is  with  gratitude 
to  (Jod  for  His  goodness  that  this  record 
is  UKide.  My  work  has  been  the  instruc- 
tion of  the  Day  Classes  in  Bible  Doc- 
trint's,  in  the  Life  and  Ministry  of  I'aid. 
in  Hil>le  Headings,  and  in  the  interpre- 
tation of  DitWeult  Pas.siiges  in  the  Nt'W 
Testament.  In  the  absence  of  Dr.  Har- 
ris, I  also  gave  to  the  EvcMiing  Classes 
foin- lectin-es  on  Methods  of  Bible  Study. 
The  conduct  of  the  students  has  bet'U 
exemplaiy,  their  inteiest  in  the  studies 
has  been  marked  and  the  progress  made 
by  them  has  been  (juite  gratifying.  It 
has  been  a  gi-eat  joy  to  me  to  gather 
with  these  yoinig  Christians 
ai'oinid  the  \\'oixl  «)f  God  day  by  day,  in 
honest,  patient  and  prayerful  .study. 

I  have  had  continuous  duties  to 
perform  as  Secietary  of  the  School. 
Fii-st  of  all,  there  is  the  W(fik  incident  to 
the  .iniMial  meeting,  and  the  nu'etings 
of  the  Board  of  Incorporation.  Then 
there  is  a  large  correspondence  re<|uired 
in  reminding  the  fri«'nds  of  the  School 
of  its  ne»'ds,  and  in  seeking  to  secure 
new  friends,  who  will  have  fellow.ship 
with  us  in  providing  for  its  mainteii- 
jinci'.  There  ar»'  also  not  a  few  letters 
from  former  stu«h'nts  at  home  and 
abroad  whieh  nuist  receive,  as  indeed 
they  de.seivt'.  kind  and  sym|>athetic 
answei-s.  Then  last  of  all.  there  are  not 
only  numei-ous  re<piests  for  information 
al»out  the  School  from  int«'nding  stu- 
ih'Uts,  but  als(»  for  advic«'  alHiut  Bilile 
study  and  Bible  <hfliculties.  to  .dl  of 
which  prompt  replies  must  Ik'  s«'nt.  In- 
deed I  have  frequently  considere*!  of 
Iat«' wlietlu-r  the  inauguration  of  somejj 
c«)rrespondence  classes  in  important 
lines  of  Bible  study  might  not   jtrove  a 

Dr.  Stewart's  Health. 

On  the  morning  of  the  day  after  he 
wiote  his  short  r»'port  of  service  fur  tin- 
past  year.  Dr.  St4'wart  was  .seized  with 
a  light  paralytic  sti-oke.  which  affected 
his  left  si<h',  and  from  which  he  has  with 
the  blessing  of  (iod  In-en  gra<lnally  re- 
covering. He  is  now  .ible  to  walk  aiiout 
with  condort,  and  attend  to  ordinary 
dutii's.  While  it  would  be  unwise  for 
him  to  a.ssume  the  steady  lalnii-s  of  past 
sessions,  he  yet  hopes  to  continue  his 
work  as  Secretary  of  the  Sch(»ol.  anil 
render  such  otlier  .service  as  the  l.K»rd 
will.  In  the  meantime  the  Board  of 
Incorj)oralion  an<l  .i  Connnitt«'e  of  the 
(leneral  Coimcil  are  making  the  Im*s1  ar- 
rang«'ments  they  can  for  the  etiicient 
instruction  of  all  the  of  the 

Encouraging  Testimonies. 

I-'rom  the  Hev.  T.  B.  Hyde,  who  gavi- 
a  much  apprc-ciated  course  of  lectures 
last  term,  we  have  re<«'ived  the  follow- 
ing note  in  regard  to  tin-  u  ork  of  the 
class  : 

"I  enjoyed  my  evenings  with  the  stu- 
«h*nts.  and  their  papers  on  the  whole  in- 
dicate tliat  they  got  hold  of  the  std»ject 
very  well.  Some  <>f  tin-  papers  an-  iv- 
markal>ly  full,  and  obtained  fidl  marks." 

We  miss«'d  fi-oni  the  recent  annual 
meeting  of  the  Board  .-tnd  Council  one 
of  our  fiist  helpers  in  the  work,  the  Ilev. 
Di-.  H.  M.  I'ai-sons.  who  wrot«'  as  fol- 

"  I  regret  very  nnich  that  on  account 
of  aiisen<'e  from  the  city  I  shall  not  Im* 
able  to  In'  present  .'it  your  annual  meet- 
ing. I  regret  als(»  to  miss  the  closing 
exi-rcises  of  the  Schoid.  \\  hich  I  always 
enjoy.  I  appreciate  gi<'atly  the  Hue 
eviden<e  always  given  of  tlie  thorough 
work  done  in  the  coui-se  of  biblical  study 
'presclilM'il  to  your  stUilellts." 



T\n'  vs\vruw{\  ('()!ifj:rc^:atinnal  pastor 
at  Kronif.  Out.,  tlu'  l{<v.  W.  H.  L.  Mar- 
shall, who  is  a  txiadiiatc  of  the  School, 
as  is  also  his  wife,  in  si'iuliiifj:  a  recent 
donation,  said  in  hislettei-: 

••  I  am  k1'>'1  to  know  thai  tlic  Mihlc 
Traininji  School,  to  which  .Mrs.  M.  and 
nivself  owe  a  jj^reat  (h-al,  is  getting  along 
so  well,  antl  trust  that  it  may  continue 
to  he  hlessed  and  used  of  ticxl  even  in  a 
greater  measmt'.  When  one  gets  out 
into  tlie  world  and  comes  in  contact 
with  so  nnich  'advanced  thought  '  and 
radical  speculation,  he  feels  prol'oundly 
grateful  that  he  has  had  such  a  thorough 
training  in  tlu-  old  orthodoxy  as  the 
School  gives."" 

A  Missionary  Designation. 

.\  farewell  meeting  to  hid  God-speed 
to  Mr.  E.  C  Austin,  on  the  eve  of  his 
departure  for  Peru,  was  held  in  the 
Guild  Hall  on  Thursday  evening,  the 
Oth  of  May.  Tlie  chair  was  occupied  hy 
Mr.  J.  K.  Macdonald.  The  Rev.  T.  B. 
Hyde,  Mr.  Austin's  pa.stor,  delivered 
the  parting  address  to  the  missionary, 
and  the  Rev.  Dr.  Harris  ottered  the 
dedication  piayer.  Brief  addresses  were 
also  given  hy  the  Rev.  Dr.  Gilray,  cxnd 
hy  the  Rev.  George  Snnth,  the  Secretary 
of  the  South  American  Branch  of  the 
Regions  Beyond  Missionary  Union, 
under  whose  auspices  Mr.  Austin's  work 
will  he  cairied  on.  In  a  few  appropriate 
words  Ml-.  Austin  told- of  the  influences 
in  his  life  which  led  him  to  heconie  in- 
terested in  foreign  missions  and  espec- 
ially in  South  AuH'rica  ;  aiul  he  spoke 
particidarly  of  the  very  great  hlessing 
an<l  value  of  the  two  years'  he 
had  taken  in  the  Bihle  Training  School. 
He  expected  to  sail  from  New  Vork  on 
the  2oth  of  April. 

I.     (iive    th«>    different     forms    of    the 

"(Jreat  Commission,"  showing  the 

order  of  thought. 
.").     .State  definitely  the  oltice  and  work 

of  the  Evangelist. 
(5.      I'oiiit  out  some  of  the  methods 

of  Soul-winning. 

7.  (iive  a  di'finition  of  Death,  and  also 
a  list  of  the  phi-ases  used  in  Scrip- 
ture to  explain  it. 

S.  Explain  the  following  terms  used  in 
the  Revised  Version  :  Sheol. 
Hades,  Paradise,  Gehenna,  and 
"The  Second  Death." 

9.  State  the  contrast  between  the  pre- 

sent and  the  Resurrection  body. 

10.  Name    five    chief    purposes    of    our 

Lord's  Second  Coming. 

Bible  Doctrines. 
Rkv.  W'm.  STKWAirr.    D.D. 

1.  l-'xplain   the    call   to    Salvation    and 

the  call  to  .Seivice. 

2.  W'lilt-    a    mile    on    the    !>ordshi|)    of 

:{.      Indicate    fully    tlu'   objects   and    in- 
fluence of  the  Chi-istian's  hope. 

The  Minor  Prophets. 
Rev.  J.  McNicoL,  B.D. 

1.  Tell  what  yon  know  of  the  prophets 

Amos,  Micah,  Zephaniah,  Zechar- 

2.  Give     an    outline    of    the    Book    of 

Hosea,  and  write  a  brief  note  ex- 
plaining its  main  theme. 

3.  Show  how   .Tonah    is   (1)   a   type   of 

Isiael  and  also  (2)  a  type  of  Christ. 

4.  State   the   subject  and   the  leading 

idea    of    each    of    the    following 
])r()))hecies  :   .loel,   Nahmn,  Olwidi-     j 
ah,  llahakkuk,  Haggai. 

").  What  facts  in  the  life  of  C-hi-ist  are 
foretold  by  the  minor  prophets  ? 

(i.  Name  the  books  from  which  the  fol- 
lowing (piotaticms  are  taken,  and 
state  how  they  are  used  in  the 
New  Testiiment  : 

(1)  "I  desire  mercy  and  not  sac- 


(2)  "  I    will  pour  out  n)y  Spirit 

upon  all  flesh." 

(3)  "'i'he    just    shall    live    hy   lii^ 

(I)     "  Behold  I  send  my  messengn 
and  he  shall  prepare    the 
way  befoi-e  me." 

THE   KKC()1{I)K|{. 


Treasurer's   Report. 

Tlir  Trcasiurr,  Mf.  Slniisloiw.  pitsfnliil   tin-   lullnw  iii^,'  slahiiniil    of   |{«T»i|>t.s 
and  Disliursi-nii'iits  lor  llu-  yiar  iiuiin^'  April  2<illi,  1!H»7  : 

ui;(  Kii'Ts, 

Bnlancr  on  liatul         ---;..  $I(t7  72 

Gifts :{.  tS(l  7;') 

Iiu-iilciital  Ffcs I2<J  (H» 

Spi'cial  2S(I  (Kl 

Collections INMM 

$4 ,:«.-)  17 


Paid  Piiiicipal.  Instnictors  anil  Ass't  Secy       -     $^.114  A'l 

"     (ti-ovhuI  Kent "     -  2S(l  (H» 

'*     Caiftakfi' ISS  (M) 

'*     (-\)ai              ;i27  (K) 

"     Lijjlit  and  Watt-r           -         -         .         .         .  (J7  22 

••     T('lfi)honf I.")  IMI 

••      Printing  ("atalogu*-,  HKCoKDKifs.  etc.,  and 

Advertising             .....  ((72;") 

••      Postap- :^7  IK 

"     Taxes .">«  71) 

"     Repairs S  ")") 

••     Sundries 2;")  iXJ 

"      IMiotographs 50  (M) 

$l.2!«»   IS 

Palance  on  iiaiid     ....  $85  W) 

Tlie  Ht])ort  was  received  witli  expri'ssions  of  sat  i>ta(t  ion  and  gral  it  ndr.  and 
the  iM'st  thanks  of  the  Council  and  Hoard  were  given  to  .Mr.  Shen.->tone  for  his 
faithful  iind  eflicient  services. 

Day   Classes. 

Tlu"  following  is  a  list  of  Students  eniolled   in  the  Day  Classes  for  the  S«-ssion 

Mrs.  .\iiislii-.  Toronto. 

Mis.s  .1.  .^.  .Xndri-sori,  Toronto. 

Mr.  W.  .1.  Hcrtnim.  Toronto. 

Mr.  \V.  A.  H«  St.  CollinKwiKHl. 

Jlis>  M.  1{.  Uoycr.  Utrlin. 

Mr.  Ilt'nry  Urcginan.  Toronto. 

Miss  K.  liniltii-r,  Toronto. 

Miss  N.  C'liiiip,  Liinililon  Mills. 

Mr.  A.  I).  CariH-ntcr.  .\lil)(>tt's  (  ornirs.  l^ic 

Mr.  .1.  A.  Clarke.  Woodslook. 

Mr.  J.  U.  Colxr.  Mcspclcr. 

Miss  .1.  I)alf.  Toionto. 

Mr.  W.  Dijrliv.  Toronto. 

MissC.  nomni.  .Msfeldt. 

Mr.  A.  Duir.  Toronto. 

Miss  H.  K.  M.  Fcnstad.  »oston.  Mass. 

Mr.  \V.  Forj,'ii-.  Toronto. 

Miss  M.  1{al)><Min\.  I»roniore. 

Mi.ssS.  Haslctt.  I«<lfa-t.  In-lan.l. 

Mr.  .1.  C.  Hobson.  Cuclph. 

Miss  N.  lIouUlinK.  -Mount  I'loasant. 

Miss  .\.  K.  Hoiistr.  HiifTalo,  .\.V. 

•Miss  U.  Huj;j,'itt.  Victoria.  H.C.  A.  .lack.  Toroi  to. 

Mis.s  \j.  .lavkfs.  Toronto. 

Miss  K.  .laojTcr.  (icrinany. 

Mr.  K.  K.  .Jones,  Toronto. 

Mr.  .J.  Kent,  Torr)nto. 

^Il•s.  Kerr.  Torftnto. 

Mis.s  M.  (;.  Lesslie.  Toronto. 

Mi.s.s  M.  Lewis,  Toronto. 

Mr.  J.  L.  Lister,  Toronto. 

Mr.  P.  U.  l>oney.  Toronto. 

.Mrs.  Lont,'ley.  Tororito. 

Mr.  .M.  Love.  Toronto. 

Miss  Marconi.  Tonnito. 

Mr.  Ma  Won.  China. 

Miss  M.  H.  Mi-Corniack.  .\rllinr.  Out. 

Mis.s.\.  .McFarlanii,  Midland. 

Mi-s.  McNiiol.  Toronto. 

Miss  M.  North,  Ton)nto. 

Hev.  (!.  Ornian.  ."^nssex.  .\.H. 

Mr.  W.  I'irie.  Ta\  istcM-k. 

.Miss. I.  .\.  I'lannt.  Kenfrew. 

Mr.  K.  I'orler.  (ila.-.jfow.  .'<<'olland. 

Mr.  I.  .).  Hansom,  .\liilene.  Kunstus. 

Miss  F.  .L  Itav.  Toronto. 

Miss  M.  A.  K.  Holders.  Toronto. 

.Mr.  .S.  C.  Kntledjfe,  Holt. 

Miss  L.  Seitrrist.  ."^hallow  Ijtke. 

.Miss  L.  Sharpe.  (iiielph. 

MissJL  .-^lade.  Toronto. 

Mr.  F.  X.  Stanley.  Toronto. 

.Mr.  I  .Sternall.  Chippewa  Hill. 

Mr.  H.  .sternall.  Chippewa  Hill. 

Mr.  .J.  McK.  .stinson.  Toronto. 

Mrs.  Sullivan.  Toronto. 

Mr.  (J.  Tester.  Mount  Forest. 

Mr.  H.  L.  Tniyer.  Toronto. 

Mis.^  K.  M.  Tvler.  Toronto. 

Mr.  .1.  It.  W.ilker.  Hamilton. 

Mr.  .1.  <  .  \Valli«.  I'ort  (  arliiiK. 

Miss  M.  K.  ^\■allis,  Port  (  arlin»f. 

Miss  I.  \Vea\cr.  Torotito. 

Mr.  .1.  West.  Toronto. 

Mr.  C.  Wrijrht,  Toronto. 


Evening  Classes. 

Tilt"  fi)lliiwiii,LC  is  a  list  of  Stiidt-iits  in  tlu'  Kvciiing  Classes,  who  have  passed  one 
or  move  of  the  written  examinations  of  the  session.  Tlu'  total  einohuent of  all 
the  I'lv.'nini;-  Sln.leiits  was  210: 

Mi--  I.  Allan. 
Mi—  K.  Mfulialy. 
Mr.  A.  K.  Hijr^'ar. 
Mi—  M.  Hilling. 
>ii—  C.  Hiiiit. 
Mi—  M.  O.  MMrlci;rli. 
yir.  .1.  (.'aiiUMiiii. 
^iiss  A.  Carniicluu'l. 
Miss  M.  Carter. 
Mr.  It.  H.  (lark. 
Miss  K.  Collins. 
Mis-  K.  «>.  Cmlcr. 
Mr.  C.  S.  Dalf. 
Mr.  \V.  I»if,'»>.v. 
Miss  M.  Dnltns. 
Miss  A.  Klliott. 

Mr.  C.  M.  I'airlielii. 

Miss  K.  KraiiRT. 

Mr.  A.  K.  .Shcpard. 

Mr.  C.  niinin^'. 

;Miss ,).  Lonplmrst. 

MissT.  (J.  Sleep. 

Miss  L.  (Janliner.  T.  Mcyuarrie. 

.Miss(;.  Smith. 

Mi-sC.  (Jay. 

Miss  H.  Xcwsonio. 

Miss  K.  K.  Si)ra>,Mie. 

.Mr.  1".  C.  (Jcrrcd. 

Miss(i.  I'attor.son. 

Mr.  ('.  W.  TavU.r. 

Miss.s.  (ioldrintr. 

Mr.  II.  .S.  I'atton. 

MissM.  Tavlor. 

Miss  K.  M.  (iray. 

^liss  K.  Peacock. 

Miss  .M.Toms. 

Miss  II.  (iicK'iry. 

Miss  I.  I'earce. 

Mr.  C.  Walker. 

Mr.  .1.  II.  Ilall.  K.   I'hylli.s. 

Miss  I,.  Watson. 

Mr.  F.  Hancock. 

Mr.  W.  I'oynts. 

Miss  A.  .1.  Wat.son. 

Miss  M    Ilcwel.son. 

Mr.  W.  G.  Price. 

:\Ir.  F   Wcstlake. 

Mr.  A.  Hutrlios.  M.  Robertson. 

Miss.  .M.E.  Whiteford 

Miss  K.  M.  Hutchison. 

Mr.  I).  Paunilly. 

Miss  H.  Williani.s. 

Miss  M.  Hiitty.  F.  .Scabrook. 

Mr.  E.  .1.  Wood. 

Miss  I,.  \V.  Inirie. 

Miss  K.  St.  John. 

Miss  M.  .Icnning's. 

Miss  J.  Sharpc. 


Mn.  (iKoiUiK  Tkstki!  has  ^one  to 
Kn^land,  and  has  ottered  his  seiviees  to 
the  Fiii'iids"  Forei^ni  .Mi.ssionary  Society. 

The  slndents  who  are  remaining  in 
the  city  during  the  summer  months  are 
holding  a  prayer  meeting  in  the  School 
evei-y  Tuesday  evening. 

Three  students  are  engaged  in  work 
in  Home  Mi.ssion  fields.  Mr.  A.  D. 
Carpenter  is  at  Man.sonville,  Que.  ;  Mr. 
Win.  Dighy  at  Belle  Kwart,  Out.  ;  and 
Mr.  J.  C.  Hobson  at  Nortli  Hatley,  Que. 

Two  of  our  students  are  engaged  in 
colportage  work  during  the  vacati(m. 
.Mr.  H.  K.  Jones  is  lahoring  imder  the 
Upper  Canada  Bihle  Society,  and  Mr. 
Reubi-n  Sternall  under  the  Ci)per  C'ana- 
da  Tract  and  Book  Society. 

The  next  session  of  the  Toronto  Bible 
Training  Sch(»ol  will  oi)en  (l).V.)'on 
Tu.-sday,  Sept.  ITth,  at  10  a.m.  It  is 
very  imi)ortant  that  all  stu<lents.  espec- 
ially  entering  the  S«'hool  for  the 
first  lime,  slioidcl  In-  present  at  tlie 
begiiming  of  the  session. 

The  valedictoiy  address  given  by  Miss 
Hay  at  the  dosing  meeting  of  the  .ses- 
sion has  been  nut  in  printed  form  for 
distribution.  'I  his  has  been  done  at  the 
reipu'st  of  many  friends  who  appre- 
ciated its  value'as  a  representation  of 
the  atmosphere  of  the  life  of  the  School, 
and  jvs  a  testimony  to  the  influence 
winch  the  School  exerts  ui)oii  its 

The  students  of  the  Bii)le  Training 
School  take  an  active  and  practical  in- 
terest in  both  Home  and  Foreign  Mi.s- 
sions.  The  amovmt  of  $84.10  was  con- 
tributed during  the  past  session  as  a 
missionary  offering  from  the  School. 
This  was  divided  between  the  King  St. 
Mission  in  Toronto,  with  which  the 
Kvangelistic  Band  was  clo.sely  associate<l 
during  the  winter,  and  the  work  in 
Peru,  undei-  Ihi'  Kegions  Beyond  Mis- 
sionary Union,  which  is  being  under- 
taken by  Mr.  E.  C'.  Au.stiu. 

Receipts  for  General  Fund. 

The  following  are  the  amounts  re- 
ceived from  Feb.  loth  to  Api-il  lJ)th, 
1907  : 

No.  120 S2o  00 






12()  Kt  IHt 

127 .5  (K) 

12S 7.5  0(1 

12!l 10  00 

;{  00 

10  IK) 

5  00 

1  00 

:?  IM) 



i:«..  . 



m  .... 
i:«)  .  .. 





Ill     25  00 

n-J     250  00 

14.3 20  00 

114 50  00 

5  00 
2  Wl 
.3  00 
5  00 
2.50  (Kl 
25  00 
2  (N) 
5  (M) 
2  (JO 
5  00 
5  00 


145 ?15  (H) 

14fi 10  (M) 

147 5  (K) 

148 5  00 

149 2  00 

15(J .  25  00 

151 2.5  00 

152 2  (K) 

15:J 4  (10 

154 25  00 

155 2  (K) 

15(> 10(10 

1.57 5  (Kt 

158 25(H) 

15!)  KXI  (K) 

UH) 5  (K) 

Kit 2  00 

U)2 5  00 

IKi 50  00 

161 2  00 

KiT 2  00 

im 2  00 

l(i7 10  (X) 

1(» 1(K)  00 

1(59 40  00 

Previously  ackno\vled>j:ed 

81279  00 
2,201  75 

Total  for  the  year $3,480  75 

Joseph  N.  Shenstoxe,  Treas. 


