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Full text of "Record of the descendents of John and Elizabeth Bull, early settlers in Pennsylvania"

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U.  S.  Xavy   (Retired) 



OK  iiif: 





Collected  and  Arranged  by 



U.  S.   Navy,  Retired 

Published  by 

San  Francisco,  California 
January    1919 

TlilE  NSW  YeSC 



;.rL**N    F  •  y  ^J  BATI»K8. 

R  I^Mi  L 


'I'llc    ,|CC(illl|i;ill\  illM'     |i;il;C.s     fnl'lll     ,1     l('cnr,|     of    ;|     fjimilv     wIlOHP 

lic-ids  srillcd  ill  ;i  new  locnlilN.  f.-ii-  tVoiii  the  IjiihI  of  tlwir  hirtli. 
Jiiul  ;irt('i'  ;i  life  of  ;ii'li\ity,  died  ;il  llicir  <'li(>scii  lioiiif.  In-inir 
buried  in  llic  \  :\n\  ol'  ;i  cliiircli  csl.ililislicd  liy  llicir  iiri<_'-hli(»rs  iitid 
t]i('tus('l\-cs.  'riicii'  L;r;i\('s  were  iiiiloinwn  ;inil  iiiiiiotcd  foe  ;i  cm- 
liiry,  and  it  lias  only  hccn  lliroiiuli  scacrli  nl'  Dflicial  records  that 
llic  identity  (d'  .loliii  and  Klizahelli  iJiill.  and  iliat  of  their  imme- 
diate descendants,  lia\'e  lieen  alisolntely  (h'teniiiiird. 

Some  luaiudies  ol'  the  faiiiily  liaxc  had  tlieii-  lines  pai'tiall.v 
worked  out  and  |)n1  into  print,  and  wherexcr  these  lists  have  b«MMi 
availahh',  they  have  been  used  to  strengthen  the  foundations  of 
this  reeoi'd  ;  and  many  niembers  of  the  family,  far  and  \\ide,  have 
shown  ui'eat  interest  in  its  pi-oiiress,  su])pl\iiii;  missini;-  links,  data, 
and  pliotograj)hs :  for  all  of  which  due  credit  was  and  is  thaid<fully 
jiiven.  It  is  to  be  reiiretted  that  several  who  expressed  such  inter- 
est liav(^  not  lived  to  see  the  work"  aeeoinplishe<l  :  but  it  is  submitted 
that  these  jiaiics  may  be  of  \aliie  in  the  years  to  come,  that  the 
memories  of  those  \\ho  ha\e  <j:om'  will  l;e  bettei'  kept  in  miuil  and 
not  forgotten. 

.I.V.AM'.S  II.  I'dld.. 

San  Francisco.  California, 
January  First,  Nineteen  llundrt'd  and  Nineteen. 


FJrst   Generation 

T.  .loliii    Hull.    lioMi    ill    lliTI,    iii.iii'ii'd    I'Ji/.jilii't  li 

She  \\;is  lioni  in  lIlTll  ;iiiil  dicil  Nnvciiilicr  7,  IT^Iti.  He 
(liiil  ill  XoNi'iiilicr.  17-")ii.  l!(>1li  ;iii'  liiiiinl  in  lli.-  f|iiii-cli. 
yjird  ol'  SI.  .l.iiiH's  l"'|)isc()|);il  ('liiin'li  ;il  IC\;iiisliiir'u'.  Morjt- 
Ljoiiu'ry  ('oiiiilN.   I 'riiiis\l\;iiii;i. 

'i'hc  iiImcis  (if  liirtli  ul'  .liiliii  iiiiil  j'iliziilii'lh  I'.iill  liiivi-  not  hpcn  (Icier- 
iliiiii'd  Mini  notliiii^'  i.s  kiiinvti  of  llii'iii  jiiior  In  llir  iliili-  of  .hiiiiiary  \'J,  1717, 
wlicii  Mil  .'m'l'i'iMiii'iil  wiis  ni.'HJi-  l)v  liiin  for  the  tniiisfi-r  of  liinil  in  I,owit 
I'rovidciicc  'rowiislii)),  l'liilii(lcl|iliiii  (now  Moiil  iroiiicry )  County,  I'l-nnftylviinlit. 
'riiis  hind  wMs  on  Sliippiick  Crcrk,  ii  lnvncli  of  I'crkionii'M  ( 'ri-rk,  and  a  pan 
111'  llic  (iiii;iiiiil  WMniiiil  111'  l'',d\v:ird  l.ancs  (sec  Miniili-  Hook  It).  Tlir"  farm 
III'  .liihn  liiill  iul.iiiinrd  ijial  of  Ilrnry  Pawlini;,  who  niovi-il  from  Kiiii;Hlon, 
.\'r\\  ^'lll■^.  ill  ITLlll,  occiiii.\  iiij;-  hiiid  (ihlaincd  in  Ihr  oriL'ituil  \v:irrant  from 
\\'illi.iiii  rniii.  '1  lie  will  (if  .lolm  Itull  i.s  recorded  in  Will  I'.nok  K,  paK'" 
111,  Xii.  (i;i(l.  ai  the  City  Hall  of  I'hihidclnhia.  Pennsylvania,  and  namcM  hi.s 
wife  and  eliildien.  It  wms  signed  Oetoher  .'lO,  IT.'SU,  and  was  proved  Xo- 
vemlier  L'4,    IT.'iii.  « 

The    giMvesfonc    of    .Inliii     Hull    is    marked    as    fidlowis  :      "Here-  lyelh    the 

Body    of    .lohii    ]5iill    who    died    Xoveiiilier    IT.'Ki.      .Vi;erl    111:    y(>ars."  .\iul    that 

of    Klizabeth    ISiill    h:is    the    inseript  ion  :      "lleri'    lyelh    the    body    of  Kli/.alieth 

Bull    who    d.\ed    .Xov.    .\e   Tlh    17."!i;.      Aued    l!(l   years." 

Second  Generation 

!l-l      (MiiMrcii  of  .folin  . •111(1   Kli/nhdli   (- )    Hull.      I. 

;i  'riioiiiMs,  born  in  1705,  inarriod  Eli;:<iltrt  li  Addjims. 
d;iuj4'h1or  of  Kicliard  ciiul  Alite  (OiJtleiigraetl'j  Adilanis,* 
born  betwtM'i!  1704-1714 11 1- 1 

He  lived  in  \\ Hiersler  Township,  row  part  of  Philadelphia  as  (U'seril)i>tl 
in  his  will  dated  Marih  II.  17-l."i,  and  recorded  in  Will  Hook  G.  pago  lIMi, 
Xo.  SliS,  at  the  City  Hall.  Philadelphia.  Pennsylvania.  lie  is  on  record  of 
St.  .lames  (^hiirch.  EvanslmrK,  Pennsylvania,  as  a  veslr.\inan  in  17.'>S.  lie 
died  March  21,  1747,  and  is  liuried  in  the  churchyard  of  .St.  .lames  Kpisropal 
(lunch.   Perkiomen.   now   Evansliurg,   ^lontgomery   County.   Pennsylvania. 

Elizalielh  fAddaius)  Hull  married  April  1  "<,  IT.'il.  Thiunas  Rossittr  at 
Christ  Chuicii.  Philadelphia,  Pennyslvania.  In  I  he  records  of  her  son. 
General  .John  Hull,  it  is  stated.  ''She  was  livini;  with  a  son  ami  daughter 
■."!iOin  Colonel  Bull  went  down  to  visit  sometimes,  and  from  which  place 
David  (son  of  ]5en,ianiin)  Rittenhoiise  brought  the  news  on  his  return  to 
NorthumberUind.' '  She  died  in  her  '.17th  year  in  April,  probably  about  ISn.'i. 
In  a  letter  from  Mrs.  Kebeeoa  (Bull)  Boyd  to  her  sister,  Mrs.  Maria  Louisa 
(Bnll)  Nourse  (the  date  is  not  noted  but  probably  was  between  ISn:',  and 
ISIO.  and  tbe  place  at  which  it  was  written  was  undoubtedly  Xorthuniberland. 
Pennsylvania,  as  General  John  Bnll  was  then  living  at  the  home  of  his  daugh- 
ter, Airs.  Boyd),  it  is  stated:  "By  David's  retiirn  we  learned  that  our 
respected  grandmother  left  this  world  in  April:  her  illness  was  very  short  and 
she  was  (uiite  sensible  nntil  the  last  few  minutes.  The  day  before  she  died 
she  mentioned  to  her  son  and  daughter  that  she  had  distinctly  heard  three 
little  taps  on  the  head  of  her  bed,   and  on  that   hour  the  next   day  she  would 

*Herman  Opdengraeff,  born  Xovember  2l>,  l.'iS.").  at  Aldskirk,  died  Deceu'.ber  27.  1»5-I2, 
lived  at  Crefield.  delegate  at  Dortrecht,  married  Gretze  (or  Gret/.en)  Petzers:  she  died  .I.-in- 
uary  7,  IM'A.  Their  son  was  Isaac  Opdengraefl',  born  February  2S,  Hilt>,  died  .lanuary  17.  li>7!». 
(There  were  sixteeti  other  childieii.)  His  grandson  was  Abraham  (IpdengraetT.  born  lll^. 
died  171(1-17.".1,  and  who  married  'J'ritze  C'alherina.  ('I'here  were  also  Dick.  Herman,  and 
Maigarelha. )  Their  dangluer  was  Alite  Ol)dengraeff.  who  married  Hichard  .\ddams.  There 
were  also  Isaac,   -Jacob,   and   Margufet. 



depart,  as  her  father  had  heard  the  same,  and  she  believed  it  a  token  for  her 
to  be  prepared.  At  the  hour  mentioned  she  expired.  She  was  in  her  ninety- 
seventh  year.  Papa  seems  to  mourn  her  death  very  much.  He  had  been 
talking  of  paying  her  a  visit  this  summer.  He  often  mentioned  how  highly 
gratified  she  was  in  seeing  him  the  last  time  he  was  down."  As  no  mention 
is  made  of  Thomas  Eossiter,  it  is  probable  that  he  had  been  deceased  some 
years.  He  is  recorded  as  having  bought  in  1761  in  Xew  Providence  Town- 
ship 172  acres  of  land  from  the  Pennsylvania  Land  Companv.  The  1790 
census  mentions  a  Thomas  Eossiter,  Jr.,  of  Charlestown  Township,  Cbester 
Countv,    Pennsvlvania. 



(Page      7) 

b       Elizabeth, 

No  record  of  her  has  been  found,  except  in  the  mention  made  in  the 
wills  of  her  father  and  of  her  brother  William.  In  the  latter  she  is  named 
as  Elizabeth  Betson,  and  it  is  supposed  that  she  married  James  Betson.  In 
the  codicil  of  William's  will  provision  is  made  for  her  support,  but  it  is  not 
known  how  long  such  had  to  be  supplied.  Her  husband  may  have  been  the 
James  Betson  who  with  Richard  Bull  witnessed  the  will  of  Richard  Addams 
in  1747  or  '48,  or  he  may  have  been  the  Thomas  Betson,  Jr.,  whose  father 
died  in  17.16  or  '37.  As  only  one  man  named  Betson  appears  in  the  Penn- 
sylvania census  for  170O,   it  is  probable  that  Elizabeth  had  no  children. 

'I'lih;     i:ri,L    i'amilv 

(•  l»  icli;M'(  I,  Imni  ill  1711.  iii;iiTir(|  I'll  i/.;il)i-|  h  I ';i\vliiij;. 
(I;iii<_;lil  IT  (if  Mniry  .-iihI  -l.-icomy  n  I  ic  iKiiiisti  I '.-i  wlinj;  ;* 
Ixii'ii  ill  Kiiiustoii.  Niw  ^■()^k,  ;iiii|  l);i|)t  i/.cd  IIktc  Miici-li 
L'L*,  171!':  coiiiiii'.'-  willi  lin-  I'iiIIht  ;iii<|  liis  r.'iiiiily  in  ITl'H 
lo  I  *ci-ki(iiiii'ii,  iinw  ill  Mniil'joiiici  y  ('oiiiity.  I'ciiiisylv;iiiiii. 
I\ich;ir(l  r>iill  ilird  in  ( 'inn  ln'i'Li  ik  I .  now  Trrrv'  ('niiiity. 
I'('iiiisyl\;iiii;i.  Ajnil  11,  17'.i't,  .ind  is  liiii'ird  in  tin- 
('(■iiiclcry  known  ;is  "l!iiirs  Mill  ( i  r;i\cy;ifd, "  in-.n-  hou- 
iii'lly's  Mill,  in  li.-iccoon  \';illc\'.  'I'Ih'  ^imxcsIoiic  i.s  innrkril 
■'III  .Mciiioi-y  oi'  l»icli;ird  I'-nll  who  i Irpji rtcd  lliis  lilV  .\|>ri! 
lllli  17l'll  .\'_;('<|  Sf)  yc;ii-s"".  .\i>\l  lo  liis  '_M-;i\i'  is  ;i  stoin- 
on  wliirli  Ihc  iiisiTi|it  ion  is  worn  ;iw;i\'.  .'iiid  is  sii|i|)osf(|  to 
lie  tli;i1  for  Ids  wilV.  liis  ur;i\('  is  siiiToiindiMl  \>y  tliosf  (»f 
sevcrjil  of  his  children  ;iiid  L;r;i  iidi'liihlrrn.  init  no  loi|i_''i- 
;iro  ;iiiy  of  his  ii;iinc  lixiiii;'  in   tin-  iiriMhliorhood I  II  "J 

ICiclinrd  Hull  tiisl  sell  led  im  llic  pioiiiTl  .v  li'It  In  hiiii  b.V  liin  fntlii-r  ■- 
will  in  Ticdyft'iii  'riiwnslilp,  ('licsli'i  <  omii.v.  i'cniisvlv.'miii.  He  is  n-rnnlcil 
MS  vcsti-yiiiMii  of  St.  .liuix's  {'Inircli,  Vi'il<i(iii  cii.  in  17^11.  Tn  lTt!(»  lie  imil 
his  wife  Klizjihoth  sold  lliis  fiiiiii  (sec  Deed  liouk  II  H,  piiKi'  l^\  Chi-stiT 
Oovinty  Kccords,  at  West  (licstcr,  I'cmisylv.-iiiiM  ),  mid  IkmicIu  a  farm  of  i;.'il 
aciX'S  for  (;."►!)  pounds  in  Whit(dand  Township,  ("hi'stcr  County  (sci-  Dt-i'd 
Hook  T,  page  ."!):!,  Chester  County  Kccords,  at  West  Chester,  I'ennsylviiniu). 
This  farm  they  lived  on  until  177ri.  when  they  sold  it  in  two  parts,  one  to 
Kzekial  Leonard,  and  the  other  to  their  son,  John  IJull  (Deed  ISook  T,  Vol. 
1!<,  pafie  ."llMi,  and  Deed  T5ook  II,  \'ol.  2,  pa;;e  ll!(!,  Chester  County  Records. 
at  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania).  During  their  residence  in  Whiteland  TowM- 
shi]),  he  is  ni.nied  on  the  church  records  of  St.  Peter's  K])isco])al  Church  in 
Chester  Valley  as  vestryman,  from  17(1.".  to  1771.  The  last  mention  is 
made  of  his  Iiaving  subscribed  7(1  jjounds  in  177-''>  for  building  of  pews  in  tho 

*Henry  Pawlinf?  of  Padsbury,  England  (authority:  Mrs.  Katherine  Wallace  Kitfs  of 
Darby,  Pennsylvania,  who  claims  to  have  obtained  it  from  the  land  jrrants  in  Philadelphia 
(ounty)  was  a  soldier  in  the  Duke  of  York's  Expedition  in  1(i(i4,  which  was  under  the  corn- 
niaiul  of  Colonel  IJichard  Nichols.  (See  Pennsylvania  Archives,  Series  l'.  Vol.  V,  pa!;e  A'M.) 
Fort  Anil  and  tlu^  Dutch  settlements  of  the  Manhattans  were  surrendered  by  Governor  Stuy- 
vesant  on  the  27th  of  August,  KltU  (see  Histories  of  New  York  by  William  Smith,  page  '.ii; 
Hrodhead's,  page  7;il>  of  Vol.  I;  and  by  Mary  L.  Hooth.  pa^e  !•!<>).  In  Hrodhead's  History  are 
lo  be  found  items  concerning  the  services  of  Henry  Pawling  other  than  that  of  a  soldier,  as 
follows:  appointed  November  0,  KUi.S,  to  lay  out  lots  in  the  town  of  Ksopus  to  induce  soUliers 
to  remain.  On  page  I.'iCi  of  Vol.  II  is  to  be  found  a  description  of  the  orguni>.atii>n  of  the 
villages  of  Marbleton.  Hurley,  and  Wiltyck,  and  of  the  change  of  Ksopus  to  Kingston,  by  a 
comniission  of  which  he  was  a  member;  also  of  his  being  on  a  commission  which  granted  land 
to  discliarged  soldiers,  March  17-.">(l,  l(i7S.  He  was  discharged  on  the  disbanding  of  the  gar- 
rison April  l.">,  1()7S,  by  Colonel  Francis  Lovelace,  who  had  su<-ceeded  to  the  <'ominand  at 
New  York  three  years  before,  and  was  commission(>d  '■Cai>tain  of  the  foot  company  listed  and 
to  he  listed  in  towns  of  Marbleton  and  Hurley  and  Wiltyck  at  Ksopus"  (see  Vol.  XXII.  page 
mo,  of  New  York  Colonial  Manuscripts,  at  the  New  York  State  Library).  He  is  also  men- 
tioned as  in  command  of  foot  company  in  report  of  New  York  State  Historian  (ISiK'i),  Colonial 
Series,  Vol.  I,  page  S7r).  He  settled  at  Jlarbleton,  now  in  I'Ister  County,  New  York,  takins 
np  land  there;  all  records  later  are  to  be  found  there.  In  l(i7()  he  joined  in  a  petition  for  a 
minister  at  Ksopus  to  ))reacli  both  ''Inglish  and  Duche."  He  was  api»>inte(l  High  SheritT  of 
lister  County  in  1(!S4,  becoming  a  member  of  the  (Tovernor's  Council  and  Collector  of  Taxes 
for  the  county.  A  patent  of  land  is  recorded  to  him  in  L'lster  (ounty,  October  L'li,  Hi"*!.  He 
also  made  a  purchase  of  7(100  acres  in  Ihichess  County,  New  York,  known  as  the  Pawling 
purchase.  He  had  a  grant  of  land  in  Philadelphia  County,  Pennsylvania  (see  Pennsylvania 
Archives,  Vol.  XIX,  pages  20.".  and  .'.10).  He  married  November  ",.  ItutJ,  in  Ulster  bounty. 
New  York,  N'oeltje  Roosa,  daughter  of  Heymans  and  Wintie  (.\rens)  Roosa.  The  record  »f 
the  family  is  to  be  found  in  the  old  Dutch  Church,  Kingston,  New  York  (see  records  pub 
lished  and  translated  by  Chaplain  R.  R.  Hoes,  U.  S.  N.).  Of  the  eight  children,  Henry  was 
tile   seventh. 

Henry  Pawling,  baptized  KIIIO;  married  .lune  20,  171.''i,  .Tacomyntie  Kunst.  He  was  a  fool 
soldier  with  Captain  William  Nottingham  in  171.").  He  moved  with  his  family  to  Pennsyl- 
vania and  settled  on  liis  father's  grant,  bought  frmn  William  Penn  in  ItiSl,  and  adjoining  the 
land  of  his  brother  .I(din.  This  land  w'as  at  the  junction  of  Perkiomen  Creek  witli  the  Schuyl- 
kill River.  He  was  iirominently  connected  with  St.  .I;inies  (  liurch  and  is  buried  in  the  church- 
yard, having  died  August  'AO,  17.'!!).  He  left  no  will;  his  widow  and  his  son  Henry  were 
appointed  administrators;  inventory  on  file  in  Philadelphia.  His  third  child  was  EIi'''"^b, 
who   was   baptized  March  22,   171!).   at  Kingston.   New  York. 

10  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

gallery  of  the  church.  Soon  after  this  he  joined  his  sons,  Henry  and  William, 
in  Raccoon  Valley,  C>umberland  County,  where  he  bought  a  tract  of  land 
(see  Deed  Book  C  C.  page  353,  Cumtoerland  County  Records,  Carlisle,  Penn- 
sylvania), and  built  a  log  house  on  the  property.  This  was  standing  until 
1903,  when  it  was  pulled  down.  Richard  Bull's  will  is  on  record  in  Will 
Book-69- 7-141,  at  the  Court  House,  Carlisle,  Pennsylvania.  No  record  of 
Elizabeth  Bull  is  found  after  her  signature  to  the  deed  in  1775,  except  in  the 
family  legends  of  Perry  County. 

''Bull's  Hill  graveyard  has  been  a  burying  place  for  more  than  100 
years,"  quoting  from  the  History  of  Juniata  and  Susqiiehanna  Valleys. 
''The  first  grave  in  the  yard  was  that  of  a  man  who,  in  crossing  the  Tuscarora 
Mountain  north  of  the  graveyard  on  the  Indian  path,  was  frozen  to  death. 
Some  of  the  graves  were  covered  with  stones,  which  was  done  to  keep  the 
wolves  from  digging  up  the  corpses.  The  oldest  tombstone  bears  the  date  of 
1783,   erected  to   Mathew  London. ' ' 

cl  Dorothy,  born  in  1716.  died  unmarried  August  19, 

She  is  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  -James  Episcopal  Church,  at  Evans- 
burg,   Montgomery  County,   Pennsylvania. 

e  William  (no  record  of  birth),  married  June  17,  1747, 
Martha  Thompson,  only  daughter  of  Archibald  and  Re- 
becca Thompson.  He  died  in  1787.  The  date  of  her  death 
is  unknown.  The  family  records  were  destroyed  by  fire 
about  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century.  The  last  known 
mention  of  her  is  October  24,  1759,  in  a  letter  of  that  date 
from  Captain  John  Bull  to  his  wife... III-3 

William  Bull  bought  land  first  in  Philadelphia,  now  Montgomery  County, 
as  recorded  in  Deed  Book  H.7,  page  121,  April  13,  175fi,  Hall  of  Records, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania;  and  again  in  1775,  as  recorded  at  Norristown, 
Pennsylvania,  in  Deed  Book  2,  page  29.  His  will  is  on  record  at  Norris- 
town in  Will  Book  1.  page  127,  dated  February  10,  1783.  and  proved  Novem- 
ber 9,  1787.  Archbald  Thompson  was  born  in  1678  and  died  in  1746.  Rebecca 
Thompson  was  born  in  1685  and  died  in  1748. 

f  John  Joseph,  born  May  27,  1721,  in  Perkiomen.  now 
^lontgomery  County,  Pennsylvania ;  died  at  New  Salem, 
Ohio,  September  4,  1788. 

In  1742  he  went  to  Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania,  and  Joined  the  Moravians, 
becoming  a  missionary  to  the  Indians  in  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio.  In  1746  he 
is  said  to  have  married  a  converted  Indian  squaw,  and  to  have  had  two  chil- 
dren, one  of  whom,  a  son.  was  murdered  by  the  white  settlers  on  the  Mus- 
kingum River  in  Ohio.  The  history  of  the  events  preceding  and  following  the 
establishment  of  the  Moravian  settlement  at  Salem,  amongst  the  Tuscarawas 
Indians,  is  full  of  interesting  incidents,  now  known  only  to  those  who  have 
made  the  subject  a  study.  Richard  Bull  of  North  Carolina  is  said  to  have  had 
letters  from  his  brother  in  Ohio,  who  held  a  territorial  appointment,  but  these 
letters  were  destroyed  in  Tennessee  during  the  Civil  War. 

Third  Generation 

III-l     Children    of     Thomas    and    Elizabeth     (Addams)     Bull. 


a  John,  born  June  1.  1731,  married  August  13,  1752, 
Mary  Phillips,  whose  parents,  after  emigrating  from 
Wales,  settled  in  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  She  was 
born  in  1730,  and  died  at  her  home  in  Northumberland, 
Pennsylvania,  February  23,  1811.  He  died  August  9, 
1824,  at  Northumberland,  where  both  are  buried IV-1 


r.rij.    I'A.MiLV 


.liiliii  liiill  wiis  Icl'l  |)i(>|)(ity  l)y  liiH  riitlirr'N  will  iind  livi-<l  in  l.iiiifrirk 
I'liu  iislii|i,  now  ill  Mi)nlK<>nii'ry  ('iiiiiity,  I'cniiNylviiiiiti.  Ili-  lnniKlit  a  Inrgf 
Iriicl  of  ImihI  of  .M.">  iic'i'i'K,  iiii'liKliiiu  mill,  fnriii  liiiililiiiKN  iiiul  tin*  iiilniiil  of 
HihIiihIocs  ill  liir  Siluiylkill  Uivrr,  piiyiii);  for  nil  ICiUO  |ioiiiii|m.  On  iIun  triirt 
llir  iHiMiii  c  li\  of  N'liriislowii  is  siliiiiloil.  I>iiriiii;  ilii'  iii'cn|iiition  of  Ihii  ni-r 
lion  li\  (lir  :iiiii\  of  (iciii'i'iil  Howe  in  llic  Wiir  of  llic  Kcvoliil ion,  tin-  farm 
liousi'  wiis  ociupii'd  liy  (iiiionil  llowr  Ji.s  IiIm  Iiiii(I((|iiiiIitm,  iinil  on  lln-  ilfparl- 
lire  of  tile  Uritisli,  llir  l>iiililin;;s  wcri'  liiirnnl.  In  ITTT  llic  |il'o|ii'rty  wiih  Hold 
lo  licv.  W.  Siiiilli  of  riiiliiili'Ipliiii  for  CuiKi  poiinilH.  Thr  iJitiIm  of  piinliaiii' 
1111(1  Niilc  of  lliis  proprrly  iiii'  lo  ho  foiinil  in  liii'  City  Hull,  riiilailclphia. 
■loliii  Hull  lioii^rlil  mill  sold  oilier  piiris  of  property  in  I'liiliiilrlphia  roiinty, 
lull    (lid    not    live   on    iiny    of    llii'iii.      On    his   orit;iniil    fnriii    the   City   of    Norrin- 

town  was  laid  out    in    ITHI  mid   liiiilt   upon,   the   place  liceoniini;  ll iiiitity  Ni-nt 

of  M  iMitiroiiiery  County  forined  liy  the  Sliilc  I.eKiHiatiirc  on  part  of  I'liilndi-I- 
plii.i  (  (iiiiity.  He  received  as  indeiiiiiity  for  the  of  property  diirlni; 
Hritish  occupal  imi.  llie  siini  of  'JHSII  pniiiids,  the  .minie  lieini;  iippropriiited  liy 
act  of  Coiit;ress.  In  ITn.')  (leiieial  .loliii  Hull  moved  with  his  fiiniily  to  N'orlh- 
iinilierland,  reiiiisy Ivaiiia,  where'  lie  li.iil  pnrchaseil  property,  iind  rcxidi-d  there 
thirlxnine   years   until    his   death. 

On  .Iniie  II.  I  T.'tl.  he  was  a  captain  in  the  Coloiiiiil  l''iirce.H  in  coinniiind  of 
Fori  .\lleii.  Weesport,  Carlion  County,  I'eiinsylvania  ( coininis.Hion  from 
(^iieen  .\iine):  .iiiil  in  llie  same  year  accompanied  the  Korlie.H  K.xpedition  lo 
Korl  OuiineMie.  perforniiiif;  iiuportiint  service  in  neKotiation.H  with  th<' 
Indians.  .\  coiniiiission  dated  Ajiril  L".».  IT.V.t,  as  caplaiii  of  His  Mnjenty'ii 
'I'liird  llallalion,  Pennsylvania  lvei;iment,  is  in  the  possession  of  oiip  of  hJR 
dcscendanls.  In  ITliO  ho  is  I'ecorded  as  a  vestryman  at  Hi.  .lames  Kpisciipnl 
(^luircli,  I'erkioinen,  near  Kvansluir;;.  In  1771  he  was  a  .liistice  of  the  I'eace 
in  the  Township  of  Limerick.  .inly  Ij.'l,  177.""i,  he  liecamc  a  memher  of  III- 
Coininittee  of  Safety.  Xovenilier  iTi,  177.'>,  he  was  (dee|e(l  (  olonid  of  the  First 
Pennsylvania  Battalion,  Conlinental  Army.  On  .laiiuiiry  I'D,  17711.  he  resigned 
this  commission  on  tindinir  that  his  officers  were  not  loyal  to  him  (see 
Ppnnsylvania  .\i(hives ) .  .lamiary  '2.  1777,  he  was  one  of  the  commissioners 
that  negotiated  a  treaty  with  the  Indians  at  F.aston,  Pennsylvania.  Me  was 
stipei'iiitendent  of  the  I'ulilic  Works  at  HillinKf^poi't  until  May  -.  1777.  when 
he  was  cunnnissioned  Colonel  of  the  Pennsylvania  .State  Heciment  of  Fool. 
Ill  May,  1777,  he  was  relieved  of  this  command,  and  on  .lune  17.  1777,  was 
made  Ad,iutiint  General  of  the  State  of  Pennsylvania.  Me  held  this  until  the 
caiiture  of  General  Irvine  by  the  British,  when  he  was  ordered  to  command 
the  Second  Brigade  of  Division  under  command  of  General  Armstroiis.  In 
177S  he  was  engaged  in  erecting  batteries  at  Billingsport  and  in  putting 
chevasses  in  the  river  Delaware.  His  activities  continued  until  the  end  of 
the  war.  He  wa.s  Master  of  IMasonie  Lodge  that  was  attended  by  General 
^Vashington  when  at  A'alley  Foi'ge.  It  is  recorded  at  Masonic  Temple,  Philn- 
deliihia,  that  lie  was  INIaster  of  Lodge  S.  In  1S(1.")  he  was  member  of  State 
Legislature  from  Northumberland.  In  l.'^OS  he  was  a  candidate  f^u-  .•l.etii.n 
to  Congress,   but  was  defeated  by   Colonel  George  Smith.* 

1)  Ami.  I'.orii  .\iiiiiis1  ■_*.').  17''4,  in  I'frkionirii  Town- 
sliip  (how  of  .Moiittioiiu'ry  County  U  I'tMinsylvjiniii.  mar- 
ried Henry  Xewlierry.  son  of  .lolin  .-inil  I^■llekll;l  i-laeohs) 
Newberry:  horn  in  Skippaek  Tow  iislii|)  (now  in  .Moiil- 
gonierv  County),  l^eniisylvania,  in  1T'_*4  ami  died  in  same 
May  4.  1781).    Slie  died  in  Skippaek  Township  July  :U,  1812..  .IV-2 

In  the  history  of  Montgomery  in  the  early  days  of  the  colony,  the  New- 
berry name  is  prominent.  .Tohn  N'ewberry,  born  in  lli77,  probably  came  fron 
the  ]\Lissaehuselts  colony,  althcnigh  there  is  no  record  to  absolntidy  jirove  it. 
He  settled  in  .Skijipack  Township  and  irarried  at  (Mirist  Church,  Philadelphia. 
•July  2.".  17(>'.>,  Rebekha  .lacobs.  only  daughter  of  .John  .lacobs  of  Skippack 
Township.      She  was   liorn   in    lliS.">  and   died   March   oO,    17ti2.      She   is    buried 

*See  appendix  for  liistorv  Ijv   ^[l■s.   Anita  Xewcomb   MeGee.   s.  g.  graiuUlaushter  of  General 



beside  lier  husband,  who  died  in  Skippack  Township,  August  30,  1759,  at 
St.  James'  Churchyard,  Perkiomen,  now  Evansburg,  Montgomery  County, 
Pennsylvania.  John  Jacobs  some  years  after  the  marriage  of  his  daughter, 
left  the  Episcopal  Church  and  became  a  Friend,  and  was  a  member  of  the 
Providence  Meeting.  He  had  one  son,  John,  Jr.,  who  was  the  great  grand- 
father of  Ann  Jacobs,  who  married  Kev.  Levi  Bull,  IV-4-e.  Henry  and  Ann 
Newberry  are  both  buried  in  the  chiirchyard  of  St.  James  Church.  In  1790 
it  is  recorded  that  Ann  Newberry  and  Henry  (probably  her  son)  occupied 
pew  No.  11  at  St.  James. 



(Page  7) 

c     Margaret,  no  record. 

d  Catherine,  born  June,  1738,  died  January,  1758. 
Buried  in  churchyard  of  St.  James  Episcopal  Church, 
Evansburg,   ^Montgomery   County,   Pennsylvania. 

e  AVilliam,  date  of  birth  unknown,  married  ^Margaret 
Hunter,  daughter  of  John  and  Ann  (Parry)  Hunter.  Jr., 
of  Whiteland  Township,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  No 

Only  record  is  given  in  administration  book.  Vol.  2,  page  368,  West- 
chester, Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  Margaret  Bull's  will.  May  24,  1789, 
granting  all  property  to  husband,  William  Bull.  They  lived  in  East  White- 
land   Township,    Chester   County,    Pennsylvania. 

f  Thomas,  born  in  1746,  married  April  2-t,  1771,  at 
Christ   Church,   Philadelphia,  Sarah   Gronow    (or   Grono), 

rWK     I '.11, 1,     I'WllhY  13 

who  Wiis  Ihc  (l;i  iiL'lilcr  of  ('ulijiitl  .loliii  ;iiiil  I '.at  lislii-ha 
( i\I()l'^"<lli  )  <ir<iiin\\.  lii.i  irird  ill  ('lirist  ('liiii-cli,  i'liil;i<lrl- 
|ilii;i.  \'(>\('iiilici'  17,  17  11,  and  i;ra  m  lilail^'liti'i-  of  I.i-wiH 
(Jroiiow.  who  ciiiiLii'ali'd  I'luin  (  i  laiiiofLra  ii.sliiri'  in  Wales 
and  sclllcd  ill  ( 'hcstrf  ('oiiiily,  rriiiisyK  aiiia.  Sin-  was 
honi  ill  17">1  and  dird  .Mandi  117,  1>'L!7,  Shi-  is  l)iii-i>d  in 
Ihc  chiindiyai-d  ol'  Si.  rdcr's  i;|ii.sro|)a  1  ('liiirrli.  Mast 
Whilcland  'rowiislii|),  ('lirslcf  ('oiinl.v.  Pennsylvania  I  \'    ; 

'riiiiiiias  r.iill  M  rvi  il  in  llir  lllli  I'liiiisy  Ivaniii  I{4'i;iiiii'iit,  Culuiirl  .InHiuli 
HiiriMci-,  ill  Ihc  Ivcvoluliiiruny  War.  ( '(iiimiisHiniiiMl  IhI  l.iiMiliMuiiii,  Kcliriinry 
1."i,  ITTT  (  Pi'iuisylvniiiii  .\rcliivi'.s,  \'iil.  Ill,  Fifth  Srrir.M,  piiKi-  Iti.'i  tn  piiift- 
11)1),  ri'iiin  ( 'iiiMbc'i'liiiiil  Cciuiit.v;  Ciiplain- LiciitiMiiiiit,  AiikiinI  I,  ITTT,  arwl  ('ap- 
l.iiri,  Ndvi'iiilirf,  1777.  Til  Niivi'iiilii'r,  177S,  was  ilclaclii'il  for  ri'<Tiiitini{  h<tv 
ire.     Ill  iriiini  i>\'  SiNtli   It ciiiiii nit ,   17^1,  is  atjaiii  nami'il    afliT  which  nil  rprord 

(iT     llilll     slll|l^^, 

Tri-l?      Childivii  of  L'ichai'd   and    K\\/.:\\u-\\\      I'awliii-      I'.iill.      ||    1-,.. 

a  Thoiiias,  hoi'ii  .May  28,  1744,  married  (1)  b'ehriiary 
2S,  1771,  Ann  Iliiiiler,  boni  1741!,  dan«;liter  of  .lohn  and 
Ann    i^  Parry)    llimler.*     She  died  Au.uiisl   ;')],   lsl7 I  \'-4 

:\rarriod  (2)  in  181!),  .Mrs,  Lydia  ("i-o\vell  of  Cape  :N[ay. 
New  Jersey,  Slie  died  tiiei-e  in  1842,  lier  wid  liein'/  i-e<ris- 
tered  Ihere  thai  year,  lie  died  -Inly  IM,  18:;7,  and  is  hiir- 
ied  with  his  lirst  wife  in  the  ehurehyai'd  of  St.  .Mary's 
Episcopal  Cluireh  in  Wai'wiek,  Chester  County,  Peinisyl- 

TlniniMs  Jliili  Icai'iicd  llw  inidc  of  stuiii'  iiia.-ioii  and  as.sistt'd  in  Ihc  t-rer- 
tion  of  many  stone  buildiiijis  in  Chester  County,  several  of  which  an-  still 
standing.  After  his  first  marriage,  he  l)ecaine  the  manager  of  Warwick 
Furnace,  then  owned  by  Potts  i^-  Kutter.  It  was  here  that  cannon  and  shot 
were  cast  for  the  (Continental  armies.  Early  in  the  devolution  he  assisted  in 
the  organization  of  the  Chester  County  battalion  of  .\ssociators  of  the  ""  Flying 
Camp''  and  was  commissioned  Lieutenant  Colonel  in  August,  17715.  Colonel 
AVilliam  Montgomery  was  ordered  to  command  l)ut  never  reported.  The  bat- 
talion was  marched  by  Lieutenant  Coloiud  Thomas  Bull  to  the  N'orlh  Kiver, 
and  was  pljiced  in  position  at  Fort  Wasliinirtoii  where  the  force  was  surrend- 
ered  by    Colonel   Magaw    Xovemlur    Id,     [""li.    to    the    British.      .^    full    account 

*John  Hunter,  tanner  of  Whiteland  Township,  Chester  County,  was  the  son  of  John  Hunter. 
born  in  1(!t>7  in  tlie  north  of  Kngland,  a  son  of  a  prominent  churchnum  who  moved  to  Kath- 
burn.  County  of  Wicklow',  Ireland,  after  the  accession  of  King  .lames,  .ddin  became  nn  e.xten- 
sive  grazier  and  married  Margaret  Albin  of  Ireland  in  1('>0:>,  The  wedding  ring  is  still  pre- 
served in  the  family,  J  le  joined  tlie  Protestant  army  with  his  friend  Anthony  Wayne,  and  they 
both  fought  at  the  liattle  of  the  Boyne.  A  daughter  who  married  William  Hill  tirst  came  li> 
America,  and  some  time  after  .Tohn  Hunter  emigrated  with  the  rest  of  his  family.  He  bought 
a  farm  in  Xcwton  Township,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania,  the  deed  of  which  is  recorded  at 
West  Cliester,  Pennsylvania,  under  date  of  172:1.  The  Hunter  family  are  buried  at  .St.  David's 
Episcopal  Church  at  Radnor,  Pennsylvania,  .lohn  Hunter,  .Tr.,  nnirried  .\nn  Parry,  daui;hter  of 
Llewellyn  and  Mary  (Thomas)  Parry  of  Whiteland  Township,  (hester  County.  Llewellyn 
Parry  was  liorn  in  Wales  and  Mary  Thomas  was  the  daughter  of  Hichard  A.  P.  Thomas,  who 
came  over  in  1(1S:'>  with  his  son  Richard,  in  tlie  '■Morning  .Star,"  from  Whitford  Came.  County 
of  Flint,  Wales,  and  took  up  a  large  tract  of  land,  some  of  which  is  still  owned  and  occupied  by 
descendants  of   the   same   name. 

■■From  good  authority"  (quoted  frimi  t;ilbert  Cope  of  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania),  "It 
would  api>ear  that  three  brothers,  Peter,  .Ndin,  and  tieorge  Hunter,  came  from  H-elaiul.  From 
Tridand  I  obtained  the  statement  that  Peter  Hunter,  son  of  John  and  .\nne,  born  Ittth  of  '2iul 
mo,  IC).")!;,  at  East  Collingforth  in  tlie  parish  of  Owen,  Yorkshire,  came  into  Ireland  the  year  fol- 
lowing and  took  to  wife  .lane  Lee,  born  14th  of  4th  mo.  III."!,'!,  daughter  of  Richard  Lee.  on  the 
tith  of  nth  mo.  1()7!).  This  Peter  Hunter  became  a  Friend  or  Quaker,  and  the  above  is  from 
their  records,  I  have  a  copy  of  the  certificate  which  he  brought  from  Friends  in  the  County 
Wicklow  in  171tj.  His  brother  .Tohn  came  about  1721*.  was  born  about  ir.07,  and  w>^  il.,,nt  •_':: 
years  old  at  the  date  of  the  Battle  of  the  Boyne." 

14  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

of  his  service  is  given  in  his  application  for  pension  September  8,  1832,  on 
file  in  the  Pension  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  He  was  a  prisoner  in  the  hands 
of  the  British  until  exchanged  about  May  1st,  1778,  reaching  his  home  May 
12th.  He  then  resumed  his  position  at  Warwick  Furnace,  but  kept  up  his 
service  in  the  Pennsylvania  Militia,  and  it  is  recorded  that  he  was  Colonel 
of  Light  Horse,  Second  Battalion,  Chester  County  Militia  Volunteers  in  1781. 
(Pennsylvania  Archives.)  He  purchased  a  large  farm  on  French  Creek  and 
built  there  a  fine  stone  mansion,  farm  house,  barns,  grist  and  saw  mills.  In 
1780  he  was  appointed  Commissioner  to  determine  site  of  County  Seat.  He 
was  elected  a  delegate  to  the  Pennsylvania  Convention  to  ratify  the  Federal 
Constitution  in  1787,  and  was  a  member  of  the  State  Constitutional  Conven- 
tion in  1789-90.  He  was  chosen  a  Presidential  Elector  in  1792,  and  was  the' 
representative  of  Chester  County  in  the  Legislature  from  1792  to  1801.  In 
1832  his  application  for  pension,  according  to  the  law  made  by  Congress  June 
7,  1832,  was  granted,  and  he  drew  same  for  five  years.  He  was  principal 
owner  of  Joanna  Furnace  at  the  time  of  his  death.  He  was  a  vestryman  of 
St.  Peters  Church,  Chester  Valley,  several  years,  and  was  one  of  the  principal 
subscribers  in  the  eraction  of  St.  Mary's  Church,  Warwick,  about  one  mile 
distant  from  his  home. 

b  Henry,  born  in  1749,  in  Chester  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania, married  Grace  Brown,  daughter  of  Robert  Brown, 
who  had  also  moved  from  Chester  County* lY-S 

Henry  Bull  died  October  29,  1816,  and  Grace  Bull  died  November  4,  1838. 

Both  are  buried  in  Bull's  Hill  graveyard,  near  Donnelly's  Mill,  Perry 
County,  Pennsylvania.  Henry  Bull  went  from  Chester  County  to  Raccoon  Val- 
ley, and  settled  on  land  warranted  to  him  August  18,  1767.  It  is  said  that 
when  he  first  went  to  the  land  and  commenced  to  clear  it,  his  father  was 
with  him,  and  that  they  were  driven  off  by  the  Indians.  They  returned  to 
Chester  County.  Henry  then  made  another  attempt  and  remained.  He  built 
a  stone  grist  and  saw  mill,  and  afterwards  built  a  fine  stone  dwelling,  which 
was  finished  in  1813.  Both  are  still  standing  and  are  known  as  Donnelly's 
Mill  and  house.  During  the  Revolutionary  War,  Henry  Bull  was  listed  in  the 
3rd  Company,  Captain  David  Marshall,  date  of  1780,  of  the  5th  Battalion, 
Cumberland  County  Militia,  commanded  by  Lieutenant  Colonel  Mitchell.  (See 
Pennsylvania  Archives,  Vol.  VI,   Fifth   Series,   page  344.) 

c  John,  born  in  1750  in  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania, 
married  Sarah  Meredith,  daughter  of  David  and  Elenor 
(Rush)  Meredith  of  Whiteland  Township,  Chester  County. 
She  died  in  York  County,  Pennsylvania,  in  1817,  and  he 
died  there  the  same  year _ _ IV-G 

John  Bull  bought  100  acres  of  his  father's  farm  in  Whiteland  Township, 
Chester  County,  April  25,  1775,  for  300  pounds.  He  sold  this,  moved  to  York 
County,  Pennsylvania,  bought  254  acres  of  land  in  Dover  Township,  and  built 
a  home.  He  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  in  York  County  and  became  a  man  of 
prominence.  He  is  on  record  (see  Pennsylvania  Archives.  Vol.  V,  Fifth 
Series,  pages  693  to  6S4)  as  having  been  listed  as  First  Lieutenant  in  Captain 
Evan  Anderson's  Comisany  of  North  Goshen  and  West  Whiteland  (Chester 
County,    Pennsylvania)     Militia    from    17S0    to    1782. 


*Robert  Brown  emigrated  from  England  in  17-10  and  settled  in  Chester  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania. About  1760  he  moved  to  Cumberland  (now  Perry  County)  and  took  up  land  on  Buffalo 
Creek.     He  had  eight   children.      Colonel  William  Brown  of  the  war  of  1812  was  his  grandson.. 

'I  111';    I'.ii.i.    iWMii.v  \:, 

'rile    will    (if    .Idliii     Hull    rrcurdid    iii    nl'    |)ip\ir      I  <>%\  n    ri  i  p.      ,  in 

Ihc  (illicc  1)1'  Kinisli'i-  (if  Wills,   Viiik,   I'i'iiiisylviiiilii,   in   Will   !»•  .  il 

.liil.N    l.'l,    ISIT,   iiiiil   rci'di'di'il    AiiKiisl    L'.'!,    I.SI7:    iiiiiih'k   mihi    IIi>  ; i.itil 

|ii'(i|i<'i't.v ),   will'  .Siiriili,   iliiiiL;lili'i'   I'^II/.iiIh'IIi,   hoiih   Klijiili,   .liilin  nliil   Kiikn.  Thn 
sdiis    I'IHjmIi   mill   .liiliii   will'   luiini'il   iis  i'MtiiIiiih. 

Till'  will  n(  l>,i\iil  Ml  iiililli  of  WrNi  Wliilrliiiiil  'I'liwiiHliiii  ('lii»ili-r  Coiltlty, 
is  ri'i'onlcil  in  W  ill  I'.iml.  I).  |i,ii;i'  L')!,  olVici'  "f  lirdiil'T  of  WilU,  Wcul  Chfii- 
tcr,  I'ciiiisvlv.iiiiii,  |iiiivi'il  I  )irriiilii'i'  iL',  I7.".">.  iiiiiik'm:  Kli'iior,  wif>',  iiihI  rhil- 
drcn  Ami,  Ksllirr,  1  liiiuiali,  Diiiiicl,  (iciiruc,  .Siirnh  (wifr  of  .loliii  Mull).  Mtiiili 
and  Alicf.  I'^mtiiIois  :  liiiitlu'i's  in  l;i w  'riioniiiH  iiiiil  Williiiiii  (inrrplt 
iii'sscs   wci'd   William    .Mi'ii'dil  li   anil    llriii'y    Allirrtiui. 

Sarah  (K'lisli)  M  milil  li,  i;i'aiiilniiit  her  of  Siirali  (  .Mcri'ililli )  Hull,  wnn  Ihi* 
;rii'at    K''aii(l(laii;;lili'r    of   .luliii    Kiisli,    who    was    also    iiiiri'stor    of    l)r.    Iti't'l  iiiiiii 


(I        I»('l)fcc;i,     liol'll     ill     !7-iL'. 

As  sill'  is  nol  li'i'Mt  ioiU'il  in  Ihr  will  of  liiT  falluT,  it  is  prohalili'  thnt  nhp 
was  not  llii'ii  liviiin'.  The  will  nii'nlions  a  uranilson  ''l)aviil  Marffly' ',  ho 
named  in  llii'  iiip>.  'I'liis  was  iiossilily  her  son  and  that  thi-  niimi'  wnit  MiTi'- 
ditll,    liciiif;'   an    crnii-   nf    the   cupyist. 

('  Ji'iiiiiii;!  Mir  .I;ii(iiiiyii1  ic.  ;is  ii;iiiir(|  in  lii'f  t'al  lit-r'.s 
will),  lioni  ill  ( 'licstcr  ( 'iiiiiily,  I 'niiisy  l\  ;iiii;i,  in  17.')().  Slic 
is  known  1o  h;i\<'  limi  livinv;'  in  IcS^J.";.  and  is  said  Id  liavf 
lived  to  an  aur  hi'twccii  !1()  aii<l  !'•"). 

It  was  known  in  J'cnnsylvania  I  hat  she  had  K""*'  to  \orth  Carolina  with 
her  brother  Richard,  after  the  Revidut ionary  War,  and  all  trare  of  Imth  had 
been  lost.  In  her  father's  will  it  is  stated  ''To  .lacomyntii-  Kichardson  '.'•'< 
])onnds  gold  or  silver  when  she  comes  after  it."'  As  she  married  a  Kichard- 
son this  must  have  been  known  to  her  father. 

Richard  A.  Chapman,  living  at  Sherman,  Te.\as,  states  he  remembers 
that  in  his  youth,  his  great  Annt  .Temima  visited  at  his  father's  house  nt 
(Jallatin,  Tennessee,  with  hei'  husband.  Mr.  Richardson;  that  they  lived  ni'ar 
the  Mamniolli  Cave,  Kentucky,  where  he  got  (Hit  and  sold  s,dn>etre.  Me  has 
also  said  that  the  ha])l)ers  which  Richardson  used  for  dripping  the  dry  dirt  of 
the  cave  for  boiling  out  the  saltpetre,  were  still  there  and  marked  with  his 
name,  and  that  the  cart  tracks  were  still  visible.  The  spring  from  which  he 
obtained  water  still  goes  by  the  name  of  Kichardson  Spring.  They  had  no 
children  as  far  as  is  known,  and  no  one  in  the  neighborhood  has  any  knowl- 
edge of  any  matters  concerning  persons  of  their  name. 

r  liicliard,  liorii  S('|)triiil)ri'  lM  .  17."7.  in  Clu'stcr  Coiiiily. 
Pennsylvania,  inarricd  in  Nortli  ('aiolina,  ScptniiltiT  11. 
1788,  Aim  Aiidci'soii,  l;orn  in  Xoi'lli  Caroliiia  .Inly  >,  17tt2. 
and  died  a1  (iallatin.  'rtMincsscc.  -Iniir  1,  1841.  lie  dii'd 
at  Clallalin  Aug-nst  'M).  1840.  Her  inotlicr's  niaidi'ii  nanu' 
was    Mabin i^  -7 

They  are  both  buried  in  the  cemetery  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee.  Uichard 
Bull  was  in  Pennsylvania  until  after  the  Kevolutionary  War.  for  he  was  listed 
as  a  private  in  the  Company  of  West  Whiteland  and  Xorth  Goshen  of  Captain 
Evan  Anderson,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  Militia.  (See  Pennsylvania 
Archives,  Vol.  \,  Fifth  Series,  pages  .">!>»>  to  (!."')4.) 

It  was  current  in  the  family  in  Pennsylvania,  that  Richard  .-ind  his  sister 
.Temima  had  gone  to  Xorth  Carolina  in  ITS."),  but  all  trace  had  been  lost  of 
them.  It  has  been  found  that  they  went  to  Nortli  Carolina  and  settled  nt 
Ilillsboro  in  Orange  County.  .Jemima  married  a  Kichardson  and  the.v  went 
to  Kentucky.  Richard  remained  tliere  until  some  time  between  ISIMl  and  ISiM 
he  moved  with  his  family  to  (iallatin.  Tennessee,  where  he  lived  for  about 
forty  years  until  his  death. 

Richard  A.  (Tiapman.  now  living  at  Sherman.  Texas,  Hearing  his  eighty- 
ninth  birthday,  has  descrilied  his  grandfather  Richard  Mull,  whom  he  remem- 
))ers  well,  as  six  feet  tall  and  weighing  about  l.^O  to  ->'U  pininds.  stout  and 
musctilar,  very  lively  and  full  of  .iokes  and  fun,  which  he  enjoyed  more  than 
accumulating  property.  lie  also  remenibeis  that  his  grandfather  told  him 
that  his  mother's  name  was  Paulding.  (The  name  of  Pawling  has  fretiviently 
been  changed  to  Paulding.)  :Mr.  Chapman  has  said  that  his  grandfather 
lived  at  Ilillsboro,  Orange  County,  Xorth  Carolina,  and  was  very  fond  of 
horses,  having  established  there  the  first   race  track  in  the  state. 




Chester  Valley,  Pennsylvania 


(Page     14) 

g  AVilliam.  born  in  1758  in  Chester  County,  married 
Sarah  Darlington,  who  was  born  in  1765  and  died  July 
23,  1848.  He  died  March  23,  1828.  Both  are  buried  in 
the  Bull's  Hill  graveyard  near  Donnelly's  Mill,  Perry 
County,   Pennsylvania  _____ __ IV-8 

William  Bull  went  with  his  father  in  1775  to  Raccoon  Valley,  Cumber- 
land County,  and  took  up  land  there.  He  served  as  a  private  in  Captain 
David  Marshall's  Company  of  the  5th  Battalion,  Cumberland  County  Militia, 
commanded  by  Lieutenant  Colonel  Mitchell.  ( Pennsylvania  Archives,  Vol. 
VI,  Fifth  Series,  page  347.) 

III-3     Children  of  William  and  Martha  (Thompson)  Bull.    Il-l-e 

a  Eebecca,  born  in  Providence  Township,  Philadelphia 
County,  in  1751,  married  December  26,  1769,  Henry 
Augustus  Pawling,  born  September  25,  1746,  son  of  Henry 
Augustus  and  Eleanor  (Thomas)  Pawling.*  She  died 
March  24,  1804.    He  died  October  23,  1822 IV-9 

Henry  A.  Pawling  was  prominent  in  the  early  affairs  of  Norristown, 
Pennsylvania.  He  is  recorded  as  being  a  member  of  the  commission  to  erect 
the  County  Court  House  in  1784.  and  as  being  Associate  County  Judge  in 
1789.     The  dates  given  are  from  the  Pawling  family  Bible. 

*Henry  Augustus  Pawling,  Sr.,  was  born  -June  20,  1714,  and  died  September  24,  1792. 
Eleanor  Thomas  was  born  February  22,  1715,  and  died  June  26,  1778.  He  was  son  of  Henry 
Pawling  and  was  brother  of  Elizabeth  Pawling,  who  married  Richard  Bull  II-l-c.  See  footnote, 
page  2. 

Till-:      lU    1.1,     I'A.MII.Y  17 

li  I'll  i/;ilM'l  li.  liniM  .Inly  ]:!,  I7r»:{,  iii;i  rrird  .l;iiiiiary, 
177:1,  ( 'lii-isl(ipliri'  Slii;irt,  iHini  in  17lL'  ;il  (ir;i.'.-  Mill.  |',.-|. 
t';,  li-cl;iii(l,  of  Scdtcli  Irish  |i;i  iriil  ;i<_^-.  Ilr  iln-d  May 
l!7.  17!»!l.  Shi'  (lir,|  ;ii  |'liil;i(lrlplii;i  .\|.nl  II.  !>:;>.  I'.otli 
jii'c  lmrii'(l  ill  llic  rhiirrliyjird  nf  the  Nnn-iloiivillr  |'i-fsl»y- 
tcrinii     ('liiiirh,     Moiil 'joiiury     ('oiiiily.     1 'niiisyK  ;iiii;i.    the 

IIJIIIICS    .'lllil    (hlli'S    ol     IhiIIi    on    one    stoiir  I  \'    jii 

(. 'hrist(i|)lici'    .Stiiall     Wiis    in    \\\r    r.iili.sli    Arin.v    ln-foii'    iiuiiiiiu    In    Aiii' 
Tr(>    inul    liis    ln-dtlii'f,     Dr.     llcm-.v    Sluart.     Irft     tlirir    homi-    in-iir    tlu'    <>i. 
Cnusi'way   and    cini^xrati'd    to    .\iiicTii-M    in    177",    liK'ntintt   m-nr   Norrilnn.      (  hii-. 
t()i)lii'r   Slu.irl    sciviil    ill   lln'  (  (Hil  ini'iilal     \rin.v   iinil   wtis   iin   iiiliinali'   fmnil   >>f 
(it'iu'val   (uMirfic   Wasliiiiirldii.      Ilis   cKimiiissiiHis   wni'   cliiti'd   ii.h    fll|lll»-^:     <'<■: 
tain  ."illi    I'riinsylvaiiia    Hallaruiii,  .lannar.v   .'i,    177t>;    Majnr.   Miiiiif,   .Si'PIi-miIm  ;        ■ 
1771);    Major,  ."ili    i'l'iiiisylvania    Line   Ki-i;iiii('nt,   .\|nil    I".    17HII,      lli-  wiih   ' 
pii.sdMcr    nl     111!'    raplurr    dl     I'orl     WaHllinKton     .S'livi-inluT     l<>,     t77t>.    ami 
cxcliaiificil    in  .1  .iiiiia  !> .    1777.      lie  was  al    llw  lialllcs  of   I.oni;   tsland  ami    " 
nidiith,  and  is  Irciiiii'iU  l.v  nicntidiH'd  as  Indni;  in  (ii'iu'ral   WaHliinKton'n  nrn 
the   Orderly    liddk  of  tlii"    1st    Ki'diinciil,    Pfiinsylvania    l.iiu-,    in   l.innN    •1'. 
sylvania  in  tho  Ucvoliit  ion' ' .      lie  rclnrncd  to  liis  honu-  .Iiiniiury   I",   17X1,  aft>r 
tlu>  ri'diiction  of  the  army.      Ilis  lirollicr.   Dr.   lli'nry  Stiiiirt,  dird  of  frviT  after 
the    battle    of    the    Brandywine.      They    were    of    the    Stuarts    of    Tyrone,    nnci 
descended  fronv  Sir  William  Stuart,   hero   of  the   siege  of  Dewy,   for  which   h»> 
received   ''large  grant   of  land  in  County  of  Kosconinion' '.      See   ''The  .St\inrtH 
of  Castle  Stuart,"   by  Canon  Stuart,   in  Genealogical   Library  in  Boston,    Mas- 

e     ^Fai'V,  no  record,  died   iiiiiiuirricd. 

Fourth   Generation 

IV-1     Childivii  of  Joiui   ;iiid   .Mary    i  Phillips)    Uiill.      lll-l-a. 

a  Elizabeth,  horn  ahont  l~'h\  married  Deeeniber  llti. 
1770.  Benjamin  Kittenhouse,  born  September- Dei-ember. 
1741,  son  of  ^Matbias  Kittenhoiise.  who  bad  a  fai'in  at  Xor- 
riton.  iSbe  died  in  17IIM  and  he  died  August  -W,  ISJ."), 
both  being  bui'ied  in  llie  chiirfhyard  at  St.  .lames  Chui-eli, 
Evansburg.  MonlLjoiiiery  ('oiiiity.  I'eiin.sylvania.  Their 
grave  is  nmnarked.  luil  ils  position  is  recorded    .  \'-l 

Beii,ianiin  Kittenhouse  was  an  instrun:ent  and  dock  maker  and  was  a.-.s  >• 
ciated  in  business  with  his  In-other  David,  the  noted  astronomer.  Their 
father,  Mathias,  was  born  in  170.".  and  died  in  177!>;  and  their  grandfather. 
Nicolas,  had  "a  paper  mill  at  Germautown,  being  the  son  of  William  Kitten- 
house,  the  original  settler,  a  paper  maker  of  Hroich.  born  llU4  and  died  at 
Ko.xburrough,  Philadelphia,  in  17IIS.  Hroich  is  opposite  Miilheim  am  Khur. 
Germany.  From  there  William  went  to  Amsterdam  for  his  ]>apers.  beforp 
leaving  for  America.  Renjamin  Kittenhouse  was  very  active  aiul  proinineni 
in  the  affairs  of  the  Pennsylvania  Colony  early  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  and 
during  the  war  was  Superintendent  of  the  Gun  Lock  Manufactory  of  Penn- 
sylvania. He  assisted  his  brother  David  in  making  a  survey  of  the  country 
about  Norristown.  He  was  elected  member  of  the  American  Philosophical 
Society  in  17S0.  He  was  chosen  member  of  the  State  Assembly  of  Pennsyl- 
vania for  the  years  17S4,  85,  SO  and  S7.  the  legislature  then  being  of  one 
house  alone.  In  17!U  he  was  commisioned  by  Governor  Mitflin,  one  of  the 
Associate  -Tudges  of  Montgomery  County.  He  was  a  very  active  man  late  in 
life,  and  at  the  age  of  S4  walked  six  miles  before  breakfast.  .V  clock  which  he 
made  is  owned  by  James  Hall  Kittenhouse  of  Scranton,  Pennsylvania,  Vll-lJ-h. 

*The   S'tuart    Bible   and   family   records   were   destroyed   by   tire   about    the   end   of   the   ISth 

18  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  Anna  or  Animus,  born  in  1760,  married  February 
10,  1781,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Sturgess  in  Bethsday,  Virginia, 
John  Smith  of  Shooters  Hill,  Middlesex  County,  Virginia, 
born  May  7,  1750.  He  died  March  3,  1836.  She  died  Sep- 
tember 15,  1831 V-2 

John  Smith  was  the  son  of  John  and  Mary  (Jaquelin)  Smith,  who  were 
married  at  James  Town,  Virginia,  November  17,  1737,  by  the  Rev.  William 
Dawson.  Copy  of  leaf  from  the  Bible  in  Appendix.  In  consequence 
of  the  sale  of  the  Smith  family  estates  to  pay  for  Speaker  Robinson's  defalca- 
tion, on  whose  bond  their  father  had  been,  John  Smith  and  his  brother 
Edward  removed  from  ''Fleet's  Bay''  in  Northumberland  County,  Virginia, 
to  Frederick  County  in  177o.  John  Smith  settled  at  "Hackwood''  and 
Edward  Smith  at  "Smithfleld",  near  Winchester.  A  portion  of  this  defalca- 
tion was  recovered  in  1839  and  divided  among  the  heirs.  John  Smith  was, 
immediately  after  change  of  residence,  commissioned  by  the  Governor,  one  of 
the  ''King's  Justices''  and  the  next  year  was  promoted  to  the  post  of 
County  Lieutenant,  which  made  him  not  only  a  justice  but  gave  command 
over  the  County  Militia,  then  very  large.  In  1774  he  took  part  in  Dunmore's 
War  against  the  Indians.  On  January  8,  1776,  he  was  commissioned  Colonel 
by  the  Committee  of  Safety,  Colony  of  Virginia,  and  saw  service  under 
Generals  Daniel  Morgan  and  Muhlenberg.  On  March  6,  1777,  he  was  com- 
missioned County  Lieutenant  by  Governor  Patrick  Henry,  and  had  charge  of 
the  raising  and  equipment  of  forces,  and  of  purchase  of  supplies  at  Win- 
chester. He  was  again  commissioned  County  Lieutenant  by  Governor  Patrick 
Henry  April  1,  1784.  He  was  made  Lieutenant  Colonel  Commandant  March  6, 
1793',  of  the  31st  and  32nd  Regiments  by  Governor  Henry  Lee ;  Brigadier 
General,  December  21,  1801,  by  Governor  James  Monroe;  and  Major  General, 
■January  6,  1811,  by  Governor  Monroe.  He  was  a  member  of  Congress  1801 
to  1815.  Republican  opposed  to  Federal,  and  was  a  member  of  the  Virginia 
House  of  Delegates  in  1820.  In  conformity  with  the  Act  of  Congress  of  -June 
7,  1832,  he  was  granted  a  pension  of  six  hundred  dollars  per  year,  the  order 
being  signed  by  Lewis  Cass,  Secretary  of  War,  March  13,  183.5.  The  house  at 
Hackwood  was  built  by  Animus  Smith  in  1795. 

In  the  Pension  Office  Washington,  the  records  are  under  the  name  of 
''.John  Smith  of  Virginia,  S-6114''. 

c  Ezekial  William,  born  1761.  Graduated  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania  as  M.  D.  in  1781.  Is  stated  by 
Heitman  in  "Officers  of  the  Revolutionary  War"  to  have 
been  surgeon's  mate  of  Hartley's  Connecticut  Regiment 
in  1777 ;  resigned  February  13,  1778 ;  served  subsequently 
as  surgeon's  mate  and  surgeon  in  Hospital  Department. 
In  Vol.  Ill,  Fifth  Series,  page  610,  Pennsylvania  Archives, 
he  is  also  named  as  assistant  surgeon  at  Reading.  He 
was  appointed  hospital  surgeon  in  Rifle  Regiment  August 
9,  1813,  confirmed  by  U.  S.  Senate  March  21,  1814. 
Signed  by  Madison  and  Monroe  in  1815.  He  died  unmar- 
ried in  1820. 

d  Maria  Louisa,  born  Januar.y  25,  1765,  married  April 
22,  1784,  Joseph  Nourse,  born  in  London  July  16,  1754, 
son  of  James  and  Sarah  (Fonace)  Nourse.  and  died  near 
Georgetown,  D.  C,  September  1,  1841.  She  died  March, 
1850    - -- - V-3 

.Toseph  Nourse  emigrated  to  Am.erica  with  his  father's  family  in  1769 
and  settled  in  Virginia.  He  entered  the  Revolutionary  Army  as  Military  Sec- 
retary to  Charles  Lee  in  177(1  He  was  clerk  and  paymaster  of  the  Board  of 
War,  1777-1781,  and  later  Auditor  General.  He  was  the  first  Register  of  the 
Treasury  of  the  United  States,  holding  that  office  48  years,  1781  to  1829,  when 
he  was  told  by  President  Jackson  to  go  home  and  rest.  He  was  Vice- 
President  of  the  American  Bible  Society  for  25  years.  He  resided  until  ISOO 
at  Bullskin,  then  in  Virginia,  now  in  Fayette  County,  Pennsylvania.  His 
home  was  necessarily  moved  with  the  U.  S.  Government,  but  after  it  came  to 
Washington  to  stay,  he  bought  an  estate  north  of  Georgetown,  called  it  Mt. 
Alban,  where  he  lived  until  his  death.  The  Protestant  Episcopal  cathedral  of 
St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul  is  now  being  built  on  this  property. 




(■  l»cl)ci'c;i,  Ixirii  III  17<i/,  iii.i  fried  .M;i\  l:i,  ITlll,  .lllllll 
lloyil  ol'  Null  li  iiiiiIhiI,!  ih  I,  I 'riiiis\  I  \  ,iiii;i,  son  of  .lulin  ;itli| 
S;ir;ih    idr    Niirrc-     I'.nsd.    Iidi-ii    in    ('lii'strf   ('oiintN'     I'cnn- 

s>  I  \  ;i  iii;i.    I'  rhrii;i  i  y   J. 
;iii(l  slic  (lied   ill    1s:;l' 


lie  died   l''el.rn;irv   ]:{.  ls;{l, 

.Idliii    Kc>\il    wii.s    sdii    III'    .lllllll    Itoyil.    Iiiirti    in    ITI!>   itml    ilicil    in    I7T'>,    who 
iniirrii'il    in    17  11'   Surah   ilr   \'arri'    (  Imin   in    I7'_'l,   diiMJ    in    I>Mt.'!),   of  n    lliii;ii>-tiof 
fiiinilv.     ill'  imiivimI  til   N'mtliiunlifiliinil,    I'l'iinsylvanlii,  wlicrt-  lie  wii»  it  nn''' 
anil    liail    a    niill    I'm'    inaiiii  rarlnii'   of    pnlasli    at    thr    iiionlh    of   <'liiliNiii|iia    < 
in   pai'l  ni'i'slii|i   with   ('iilinii'l    William    Wilson.      Ili-   was   a|>|ii>inlcrl   MiTond 
t('nai\t    in   tlii'    iL'lli   Kruinii'iit    I'l'iiiisy Ivania   ('ontinriital    Line,   OcIoImt   |ti,    I. 
First    Lii'UliMiant ,    May,     1777.    anil    Captain,    Kfliruai  y,     17^1.       ||i-    xvi 
battle    111'     Wliili-     riain.s,     Oitnlirr    L'S,     I77ti;     at     tin-     liatllr    of    (i.i 
()i-|(iIht    I,    I7T7;    :ii    ili.'   I.mmI f,,-,  ,..| .  i.  m,..     -.;..,.i  .,,,1,..,     it      1777 

TTOrSK    (U'     (ti|.(>M-.l.     llliiM\>    l;l   I.I. 
III-L'  a 

(Pajr.'     r.i) 

V   \ 

Piiiiit.  .Inly  ICi.  1770,  lioinu-  one  of  tlu>  party  I'omposintj  tlio  ""Forlorn  Hope" 
led  liy  Antliimy  Wayne,  who  met  within  tlie  Fort;  was  at  West  Point,  and  on 
Octolier  L',  17.'^'ii,  saw  Andre  executed  at  Tappan.  He  was  in  all  the  important 
eiiKaseiiients  of  the  Continental  .\rmy  with  the  British  to  17S1.  In  May,  17.*<1. 
when  inanhinir  across  the  mountains  with  liis  men,  he  was  tnken  in  innbush 
and  made  prisoner  by  the  Indians.  A  chief,  whom  he  knew,  saved  his  life  liy 
raisin;;  his  eyes  and  pointing-  heavenward,  saying.  ""The  (Jreat  Spirit  protects 
hini''.  He  was  led  to  Canada  and  confined  on  an  island  in  the  St.  Lawrence 
until  the  spring  of  17Sl',  when  he  was  exchanged,  returnins:  to  Philatlelphia 
liy  water.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Society  of  the  t'incinnati  and  was  one  of 
the  few  otTicers  who  enjoyed  the  provisions  of  the  .\ct  of  Congress  of  May. 
182S.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Supreme  Kxecutive  I'onncil  of  I'eiinsylvania 
before  the  ndoptinn  of  the  present  constitution  of  the  Slate,  and  was  a  dele- 
gate  to   the   cuuvention   which   ratified   it    in    1 7S7.      He   was   chosen   elector   for 

20  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

tlie  President  and  Vice-President  in  1792  and  had  the  honor  of  voting  for 
George  Washington  and  John  Adams.  He  was  appointed  by  President  Wash- 
ington, Internal  Revenue  Inspector  of  Pennsylvania,  and  was  Register  and 
Recorder  of  Xorthumberland  County,  Pennsylvania.  His  brothers,  Thomas, 
born  1752,  and  William,  born  1775,  were  both  killed  in  the  Revolutionary 
War.    See  Annals  of  Luzerne  County,  by  Pearce,  and  Lossing's  History,  Vol.  2. 

f  Sarah  Harriet,  born  1771,  married  (1)  Josiah. 
Haines,  son  of  Reuben  Haines,  Sr.,  of  Philadelphia, 
brewer,  born  in  1773  and  died  May  31,  1795.  His  will 
was  dated  May  27,  1795,  and  proved  June  20,  1795 V-5 

Married  (2)  Benjamin  Flower  Young',  M.  D.,  son  of 
William  and  Rebecca  (Flower)  Young.    He  died  in  1805 V-6 

Married  (3)  in  1817,  William  Lloyd,  who  died  in  1829. 
She  died  August  5,  1821.    Xo  issue. 

IV-2     Children  of  Henry  and  Ann    (Bull)    Newberry.     Ill-l-b. 

a  Henry,  Jr.,  born  1755,  married  Elizabeth  Hawk- 
hurst.    He  died  181:1. 

b  Israel,  born  1757,  married  Sibilla  (or  Isabella) 
Pennebacker.    He  died  1828. 

c  Jemimah.  born  1760,  on  plantation  in  Skippack 
Township,  married  1784,  Samuel  Skeen  of  Lower  Provi- 
dence Township  (then  Philadelphia  CountjO,  son  of 
James  and  Barbara  Skeen ;  born  in  1746  and  died  in 
Pottsgrove  Township.  Montgomery  County,  October  3, 
1813.  ^She  died  October  5,  1832,  in  Pottsgrove  Township V-7 

Samuel  Skeen  was  Lieutenant  in  .3rd  Company  of  Militia  of  5th  Battalion 
of  Philadelphia  County,  commanded  by  Colonel  John  Bull  in  the  War  of  the 
Revolution  (Pennsylvania  Archives,  Vol.  13,  Second  Series).  Samuel  and 
Jemimah  Skeen  lived  in  Lower  Providence  Township  until  1806,  when  they 
moved  to  Pottsgrove  Township,  where  he  died.  She  died  on  the  farm  of  one 
of  her  sons  on  east  bank  of  the  Schuylkill  River,  a  few  miles  south  of  Potts- 
town.  Samuel  and  Jemimah  Skeen  are  buried  in  St.  James'  churchyard. 
James  Skeen  was  from  England.  Barbara  Skeen  was  born  in  1730  and  died 
March  10,  1803,   and  is  buried  beside  her  husband  in   St.  James'    churchyard. 

d     Mary,  married Davis,  a  sea  captain. 

e     Ann  - - - -- - V-8 

Records  are  uncertain  as  to  whether  Mary  or  Ann  Newberry  married 
Captain  Davis. 

After  death  of  Captain  Davis,  the  widow  married  an  Englishman,  and 
•went  west  to  Ohio.  A  daughter,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Switzer,  visited  in  Pennsyl- 
vania in  18G3,   but  all  trace  has  been  lost. 

The  records  of  St.  James  Church  show  that  a  certain  Ann  Newberry  mar- 
ried May  20,  1803,  John  Low.  Nothing  further  is  known  as  to  the  parties 

f      Thomas,  born  1772. 

g  John,  born  1774,  married  Sarah  Gordon.  He  died  in 

h  Rebekah,  born  1778,  married  Abraham  Skeen.  She 
died  1857. 

He  and  David  Thomas  had  pew  No.  11  at  St.  James  in  1790. 

Till-:      lill.I,      l-AMil.-j  2, 

i      I'lli/.iliilli,    lioiii  .    inarriril    h.ivi.l    'I'lionins     Shi- 

died    17:)7. 

lV-',i      ( 'hildi-cii  dl'  Tli()iii;is  ;iiid  S;ii';di    '  (  i  nuiuw  -    hull        |||    |    ' 

;i      -lohii    (iroiiDW,    Impi-ii     April    L!(i.     17«_'.     in.ini.-.|    .1 
ii;iry  ti,    ISIIO.  S;ii';di    ^'oiiiil;,   who   \\;is  liorn    .\[ir'il   L'L',    I. 

;illd     died      l''clini,l|-\      l^li,      ISI'.T.         Mr     diril      .M;i|-r||      1.;       l-,|t, 

l>()tli    ;ir<'    Itiiricd    in    llic    di  iirdi  v;ird    oT   Si.    I'rlcr's    Kpi.s- 

(•(»|>;d  ("liiircli,   K;isl,  Whitcluiul,  Clirstcr  Coimty.  I'ciin.syl 

\;iiii;i      *  \    If 

•  Inliii    (;.    r.ull    \v;is    iiiDriiirii'iil    in    pcililii-s,    imil    In    cliurfli    work.      Ho 

ni"iiiiicr    111'    the    Sl.-ilc    l.inisliiliiiT    in     ISIlT   |S(l!)   ^ni'l     Islo,    iiriil    v   ■' • 

immI    u.iidcn    nf    SI.     I'i'Iit's    ('Ii;|]c1i    from     IMll    to    |H.';i.   '   lie    «  , 

I'lMins.N  1\  ,ini;i    U'cuinnni    in    ihi'    W.-ir   ol'    ISll!.      Owiiij;    to    tile    fri.  :    1    ...,  .,;, 

I'iilhrr  1(1  Cmn-.-ii  Anlln.n.v  Wiiyiic  lie  wciil  In  Kric.  ri'imsylviiiiiii.  iiiiil 'l.roiiitl'u 
the  rrnmins  n I'  (;rnir:il  W'liyiii'  in  his  s;h1(IIc  bites  to  Kiiil'iior,  wtiiTc  lhi>y  iin- 
II""  I'uriril  in  llu'  cliiifcliyiifd  of  St.  Diivid's  Cliiii-cli.  'I'lw  sworil  of  Ofncral 
\\':i.\nr   is    ill    llic   possession   of  ji   (Icsci'tidiint   of  .lolin    (Jfonow    Mull. 

I)  M;iry,  Itoni  l'\'lti-ii;ii'y  L'ti.  1771.  iii.irrird  .\|;irc||  -JO. 
17!)4,  ;il  l'hil;ul('l])ln;i.  Ikicluinj  lioltinsoii.  wlio  was  lior-ii 
in  Fchriuiry,  1770,  and  died  I  )t'(M'iul)<'i-.  ]  si'S.  Sin-  dii'il 
Sei)t('inl)('f  1,  1(S.')7.  IJotli  arc  Ijiii-icd  in  ihc  i-Iiiii'cli_\  ard  ..f 
Trinity  Episcopal  Chnrch,  iSixtii  Avcinic,  l'iltsl»iir'_di. 
Pennsylvania     \'  ]n 

M.ny  Bull,  nftcf  iiiiirfiage  to  Richiird  Robinson,  rode  on  liorsehjick  acro-.s 
tile  Alli'jihiuiy  Mountains  to  Pittsburgh,  iiceonipuiiied  l)y  an  old  slave  who  hiid 
refused  to  be  liberated,  and  to  leave  her.  This  slave,  Aaron,  had  been  in  the 
family  for  years,  and  had  acted  as  guard  over  it  when  its  head  had  been  in 
the   army   of  the  Revolutinn. 

Richard  Robinson  Wiis  af  one  time  a  resident  of  (liester  Valley,  Ppnn- 
sylvaiii.i,  as  the  records  of  St.  Peter's  Church  show  his  occuptition  of  pew  17 
in   I7!i4.     Tt  may  have  been  his   father's. 

c  Isalielhi,  horn  Ocloher  11.  177li.  iii;iiried  .\pi'il  L'."?, 
1801.  ( 'I'oiiiwell  Pearce,  son  of  ('I'oiiiwel!  and  .Marvr<ii"t't 
I't'ai'cc,  hoi-n  An^nst  18.  1772,  and  died  April  L\  1S.')L>.  Slu- 
died  Mareli  80,  1807.  Both  are  buried  in  tlie  cliurcliyard  of 
St.  Peter's  Episeoi^al  Chnreli,  East  Whiteland,  Cliester 
(  \ninty.   PcnnsylNania   \'  1 1 

Cromwell  Pearce  was  Colonel  of  the  l.'>'tli  V.  S.  Regiment  of  Tiifaiitry  in 
the  War  of  1S12.     He  was  also   lUgh  Sheriff  and   .\ssociate  .hid;;,'  of  Cliester 

( 'ouiity. 

d  Sarah,  hoi-n  An.unst  "22.  1780.  died  Fel)i-iiar\-  2ti. 
1887,  lunnarried.  l^nried  in  the  chureliyard  of  St.  Petei-'s 
Cliureh,  East  AVhitehuid,  Cliester  County.   Peinisylvania. 

IV-4     Cliihlren  of  Thomas  and  Ann   iTTiinten   I'.ull.      III-_',i. 

a  Elizabeth,  horn  Deceiiiher  11'.  1771.  married  I)fi-rni- 
l)er  23,  17!)0.  John  Siiiilh.  son  of  b'ohert  and  .Mai-i:aret 
(Vaughaii)  Smith,  liorn  Auiiust  8,  17ii2.  and  died  April  2. 
1815.  She  died  March  28,  1885.  I'.oth  ai'c  buried  in  tho 
churchyard  of  St.  .Marx's  h'piscopal  Ciiui'eli  in  \Var\vicI<. 
Chester  County.   Pc!iiisyl\ania \ -12 

22  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

John  Smith  was  an  iron  master.  They  first  lived  at  Dale  Forge  in  Berks 
County  and  afterwards  at  Joanna  Furnace.  The  parents  of  John  Smith: 
Robert  Smith  was  of  West  Nantmeal  Township,  Chester  County,  and  was  one 
of  the  original  purchasers  of  Joanna  Furnace  and  of  the  large  woodland  dis- 
trict of  6tlO0  acres  in  Lancaster  County ;  Margaret  Vaughan  was  of  the  Red 
Lion  Uwehlan  Township,   Chester   County. 

b  Mary,  born  July  10,  1774,  married  Alexander  Co- 
bean,  who  died  April  23,  1823.  She  died  November  7, 
1798    .- - - __ V-13 

They  lived  at  Gettysburg,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  President  of  the  Gettys- 
burg Bank  and  of  the  Gettysburg  Turnpike  Company. 

c  Ann,  born  February  11,  1776,  married  June  14,  1796, 
at  St.  James  Church,  Perkiomen,  Waters  Dewees  of  Tre- 
dyffin  Township,  Chester  County,  son  of  William  and 
Sarah  (Potts)  Dewees,  born  November  23,  1776,  and  died 
November  28,  1859.     She  died  March  21,  1850........ V-14 

Waters  Dewees  devoted  the  greater  part  of  his  life  to  the  development  of 
the  iron  industry  in  Pennsylvania.  He  owned  the  Oley  Iron  Works  and  the 
Catawissa  Iron  Furnaces  in  Northumberland  County.  About  1840  he  moved  to 
Chester  County,  where  he  owned  and  resided  at  the  Marsh  Hotel  property  in 
East  ^'autmeal  Township.  Colonel  William  Dewees,  his  father,  owned  Valley 
Forge  and  lived  there  during  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  (William  Dewees) 
made  his  will  November  22,  1774,  one  of  the  witnesses  being  Richard  Bull. 

d  Martha,  born  February  20,  1779,  married  (1) 
August  4.  1799.  James  H.  JMcClintock.  son  of  Alexander 
and  Sarah  (May)  McClintock  of  Chester  County,  Penn- 
svlvania,  born  November  1,  1776,  and  died  March  17, 
1811 V-15 

Alexander  McClintock  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Brandywine  in  the 
Revolutionary  War. 

Married  (2)  March  20,  1812,  Judge  Samuel  Sliafer,  who 
was  born  March  30,  1790,  and  died  April  26,  1856.  She 
died  March  12,  1850.  Both  buried  in  the  churchyard  of 
St.  Mary's  Church.  Warwick,  Chester  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania.    See  appendix y-16 

2.  Sarah,  born  Februarv  20,  1779,  died  unmarried, 
September  19,  1817. 

e  Levi,  born  November  14,  1789.  married  March  31, 
1808,  Ann  Jacobs,  daughter  of  Cyrus  and  Margaret 
(Old)  Jacobs  of  Whitehall,  Lancaster  Countv.  Pennsyl- 
vania, born  I\Iarch  15,  1789,  and  died  July  10,  1858.  He 
died  August  2.  1859.  Both  are  buried  in  the  churchyard 
of  St.  ]\Iary's  Episcopal  Church,  Warwick,  Chester 
County,    Pennsylvania V-17 

Levi  Bull  was  born  at  Warwick  Furnace,  Chester  County.  Graduated 
from  Dickinson  College,  in  his  seventeenth  year,  in  October,  1798.  He 
received  degree  of  D.D.  from  Dickinson  College,  and  on  .July  5,  1844,  from 
Alleghany  College.  He  studied  law  under  James  Hopkins,  Esq.,  of  Lancaster, 
and  while  there  was  taken  very  ill,  and  his  life  despaired  of.  On  recovery 
his  attention  was  turned  to  the  ministry,  possibly  from  the  fact  that  his 
mother  had  prayed  constantly  before  his  birth  that  her  unborn  child  should 
be  a  boy,  promising  if  granted  that  she  would  influence  him  toward  the  min- 
istry. He  studied  under  the  Rev.  Dr.  Nathan  Grier  and  Bishop  William 
White.     He  was  ordained  Deacon  at  Christ  Church,  Philadelphif>,  February  10, 

TIM':     I'.ll.l,     IW.MII.V  23 

;illlcs    IIllllliT,     Inini     I")rci'llllicl'    Ml,     1  7>^L',    i|lr,|     <)ct()- 
luT     17,     171)7. 

li'  .M;ir,L;;ir('tt;i.  horn  l-'chninry  (I,  17S7.  iiiiirrird  .|;imcs 
01(1  .I;ic()l)s.  son  of  ('ynis  jiiid  Mai'iiai'ct  (()l(l)  .Jacohs. 
hoiMi  Octolx'f  :!(l,  17S4.  and  died  Xovembci-  '2').  1818.  Sli.- 
died  .May  17.  1818.  Both  are  huried  in  the  ciun-chyard  of 
Banuor  ('liiii-ch.  ( Miurchtowii,  !>aii('astri'  ('ouiity.  rfiins\|- 
vaiiia.  Ilie  i)lace  near  where  they  hail  lived 

TV-')     ("hil.livii  of  irciiiN-  and   Orjic,.   rP.i-.nvn  i   l'>idl.      Ill-l'-h. 


a  Elizabeth.  I»nni  I^'chniai-y  "-'n,  1/^1.  niarrirl  in  HM:!. 
James  Beatty  V-l«> 

Lived   lit    D'n-ksonbursr,   Pennsylvania. 

t)  Kohert.  bom  Deeendjer  ID,  1762.  killed  at  Chip- 
pewa July  5,  1814. 

Hubert  Bull  is  recorf'ed  as  having  been  baptized  at  St.  .Tame.s'  Churt-h. 
Lancaster,  October  15,  1T!)1'.  He  was  ijeutenant  Colonel  of  Colonel  Kenton's 
Regiment  of  the  Pennsylvania  Militia,  called  out  by  Governor  Snyder  to  pro- 
tect the  northwestern  frontier.  At  the  battle  of  Cliippewa,  Lieutenant  Colonel 
Bull  was  talvcn  prisonei-  by  the  Indians,  who  shot  and  scalped  him  and  tlirew 
his  body  into  the  brush.  It  was  afterwards  recovered  by  his  cousin,  .John 
Bull,  wiio  had  not  been  in  the  battle,  luit  at  the  rear  with  the  sick  of  flic 
regiment.     See  appendix. 

c  Jemima,  horn  May  24.  17S7,  l);ipti/.eil  at  St.  .Iaiii<'>< 
Chnreh,  T.,aiK'aster,  Peiiii.sylvaiiia,  Oetoher  !•').  17!I'J,  iiiai"- 
ried  Fraiieis  Jordan,  son  of  Francis  and  Cathfriiu'  (  Kt-n- 
dall)  Jordan,  born  in  1787  and  died  in  184.').  She  difd 
July  6,  1830 V-2() 

They   lived   in    Me.xico,    Pennsylvania.      Both   are   buried   at    Mifflin,    Penn- 
sylvania.     Francis   .Jordan.    Sr.,    was   born    in    17.'>.">'  and    married    Catherine    Ken- 
dall  Deccnibcr  L't!,   IS."!).      They   both  died   in   1S04. 

d  ^lartha.  born  July  11.  1789.  baptized  at  St.  Jaiiii-s 
Episeo})al  ('hureh.  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania.  (October  1">. 
1792:  married   William   liohci'ts.  who  was  born  in'ar  Pliila- 

*William    Roberts    first    married    Mary    Peacock    and    had    thrpp    ohildrpn :    .T 
August   :!!(.    lSl(t,   married    Mary   .Tane  "Wilson,    died   .lulv    11.    ls:!l!.    and    buried   ai 
cemetery,    Winneijago.    Illinois:    Rebecca    .lane,    who    n;arried    David    Patterson:    ai- 
niarried    (1)    Koliert   Elliott.     The  parents  of  William  Roberts  were  Edward  and  Alii-e   (Kambo) 
Roberts,  who  were  licensed  to  niarrv   in   ITliS. 



delphia  1783.  He  is  a  descendant  of  the  early  Welsh 
settlers.  ]\Iartha  and  William  Roberts  lived  at  Eckesburg 
and  Petersburg,  Pennsylvania.  He  held  federal  and 
county  offices  while  living  in  Perry  County.  She  died 
September  12,  1864,  buried  at  Middle  Creek  Cemetery. 
Winnebago,  Illinois.  He  died  June  27,  1849,  buried  at 
Manor  Hill,  Huntingdon  County,  Pennsylvania y-21 

e     Rebecca,  born  March  14,  1792,  baptized  at  St.  James 
Church,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania,  October  15,  1772,  mar- 
ried John  Okesen,  born  in  1783  at  Peru,  Pennsylvania-.. Y-22 


Perry  County,  Pennsylvania 


(Page     14) 

f     Eleanor,  born  ]March  4,  1795,  died  unmarried  ]\Iarch 
15,  1845. 

She  is  buried  at   Manor  Hill,  Huntingdon  County,   Pennsylvania. 

IV-6     Children  of  John  and  Sarah   (Meredith)   Bull.         III-2-c. 

a     Richard,  liorn  August  31,  1774,  married  Polly  Hoff- 
man   '. .....V-23 

They  lived  in  Dover  Township,  York  County,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Anna,  born  August  7,  1776. 

Tllh:      HI   1,1,     I'AMILY 


r     Tli(iiii;is,  Imii-ii  I  )iriiiil)ci'  1:5.  177*>,  i\\ri\  .Imp-   I,  17."^1. 
(I      I'll  i/.;i  Im'I  h,   lidiii    I  )icriiiliri-    1:;,    IT*^!',   flii'd   iititriart'i<'<l 

Sr|)1cllll>cr   II,    1S,",I). 

sill'   IN  liiiiiid   ,ii    (^iiiiUi'l's  Climrli,    ^■|.^k   Couiily,   I'i'iinHylvnnin. 

(•  l']li.j;ili.  Iioni  <)c|(iliir  l'l*,  ]~s-2.  iii;irriiM|  l,yili;i  K.inn 
of  |)()\('i-.  rcmisyh  ;iiii;i.  wIid  \\;is  Itoi-ii  .|;iiiiiai\v  li.'».  ITI'I, 
iiiid  <lic«l   Dccciiilicf  .!.  IslT).     lie  difd  ill  ISJT V  •_' I 

'I'lii-y   i[Vf   liiiiicil    III   (^iiii'krl 's  Cliiirch.    Yni'k   ('(iiintv,    I'rnnnylvnni.i 


iri-L'  i> 

(2s'()\v  DoniU'lly's   Mill) 
(Page     14) 

t'     John,    l)()rii    Xovt'iiihcr    '2'2.    1784,    married    C'atlioriiic 
Brenner,  who  died  in  1868.    He  died  September  25,  1863 V-'J') 

They    lived    in   Dover   Towiisliip.    York    County.    Pennsylvania.      He    was   a 

g     Koss.  l)orn  Ft'hniar\'  L'tl.  17S7:  died  in  infancy. 

h     (Jeorge.  horn  Scpiciiihcr 'Jl*.  1789. 

i  Hoss,  horn  Scptriiihcr  '2-.  17li:l.  iiiarrif(l  Klizal>eth 
McGrew,  who  was  born  .Ianuar\-  Id,  17117.  and  dii'd  -Inly 
17,  1843.     He  died  in  1857 '. V-i'ti 

He  was  a   noted  physician.     They   are   both   buried   at   Quiokel's   Church, 
York  County,   Pennsylvania.     The  old  home  whii-h  Dr.   Ross  Hull  built   in  the 

26  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

early  part  of  the  19th  Century  was  a  fine  specimen  of  architecture,  and  is 
situated  near  the  Bull  road  in  Dover  Township,  York  County,  Pennsylvania, 
two  miles  from  the  home  built  by  his  father  in  1794.  Many  of  the  McGrew 
family  were  artists. 

IV-7     Children  of  Richard  and  Ann   (Anderson)   Bull.     III-2-f. 

a  Jane,  born  August  17.  1789,  in  North  Carolina :  mar- 
ried October  30,  1811,  Samuel  Anderson  in  Tennessee — ..V-27 

Married  (2)  Benjamin  Wilson  of  Perry  County,  Mis- 
souri   .._ ._ _. _. V-28 

Benjamin  Wilson's  brother  was  the  grandfather  of  Woodrow  Wilson, 
President  of  the  United  States — 191.3-1917,  1917 — .  Benjamin  and  Jane  Wilson 
are  buried  in  Apple  Creek  churchyard,   Pocahontas,  Missouri. 

b  Mary,  born  April  13,  1791,  in  North  Carolina,  died 
unmarried  August  18,  1808,  in  Tennessee. 

c  Elizabeth,  born  December  26,  1793,  in  North  Caro- 
lina, married  April  4,  1816,  Thomas  Addison  Wilson,  who 
was  born  July  2,  1788,  and  died  January  24,  1857.  She 
died  October  3,  1872 V-29 

They  first  lived  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee,  but  moved  in  1819  to  Jackson, 
Missouri,  and  settled  in  Shawneetown,  where  both  died.  They  are  buried  at 
Apple  Creek  Church,  Pocahontas,  Missouri. 

d  William  Anderson,  born  December  27,  1795,  in 
North  Carolina,  married  (1)  September  21,  1820,- Mary  A. 
Anderson,  who  was  born  July  12,  1793.  They  moved  to 
Perry  County,  ^Missouri.    She  died  December  10,  1820. 

Married  (2)  October  21,  1824,  Eachel  W.  Wallace,  who 
was  born  IMarcli  26,  1801,  and  died  June  1,  1872.  He  died 
July  8,  1867 V-30 

They    lived    at    Appleton    and   Brazeau,    Missouri. 

e  Margaret,  born  March  25,  1798,  in  North  Carolina, 
married  January  17,  1823,  William  Chapman,  wlio  was 
born  in  Prince  Edward's  County,  Virginia.  June  26.  ]792, 
and  died  in  1842  of  typhoid  fever  at  Springfield,  Mis- 
souri    „  ...V-31 

f  Eichard  Alexander,  born  May  10,  1800,  in  North 
Carolina,  died  unmarried  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee,  July  26. 

He  was  a  lawyer,  practicing  at  Franklin,  Tennessee,  where  he  lived  and 
where  he  was  a  great  favorite. 

g  Rebecca  Ann.  born  in  North  Carolina,  July  11,  1802, 
married  August  7.  1827,  Ben.jamin  Chapman,  who  was 
born  in  Prince  Edward  County,  Virginia,  July  13,  1789, 
and  who  died  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee,  December  4.  1861. 
She  died  January  9,  1849 V-32 

He  was  brother  of  William  Chapman,  VI-7-e. 

IV-8     Children  of  William  and  Sarah  (Darlington)  Bull.    III-2-g. 

a  Richard,  born  July  8,  1785,  baptized  October  15, 
1792,  at  St.  James  Church,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania,  mar- 

'nil-:    111  1,1,    |-\.\iii.\  27 

I'ictl    S;ir;ili    ('l;irk,    who   wjis   l)()i-ii    .\|.ril    1.    17st»,  ami   iIiimI 
October  1.),  islT.     llc<liiM|  .XovniilitT  J4.  IS'W  V.:j:j 

'I'lii'V    iiKixnl    I.I   Mild    siiiliil   III    Wiirsiiw.    Iiiiliiiiiii. 

li  .M.iry,  Ihiiii  ITSll.  lui  pi  i/i-d  ()ctiil)cr  !.'».  ITirj.  at  St. 
.Iniiics  ('liiiicli,  l,;iiic;istcr.  rniiisy  I  \  ;iiii;i,  iii;in-|r,|  ('liarli-s 
Orwiiii     \'-:{4 

.\n    luillicr    record    (if    thriii    liiis    bpcn    i)l)tnlncrl.      Ttlpy    nro    Mnid 

livrd    :il    I'lliiiit:!.    N'l'W    Yurk. 

('  I<]li/.;il»c1h.  lioi-ii  .M;iivh  .!!.  1 TSS.  hapli/cd  ( )i-t(>lt.'i-  l.t. 
17!l'_'.  ;it  SI.  .|;iiiics  ('hiiivli,  I  ,;iiir;  rr.  I 'riiiisylvaiiia,  iiiar- 
I'icil  Th(>iii;is  I ).  (  ioi'ildii,  w  ho  w  ;is  I  Mini  (  Irlolicp  (i.  IT^S.  atnl 
•  licil    l-'chniiii'v  -Jl',   IsTl.     Sh,.  ,|ir,|   AiiLi'iist   !».   1^71  V-'.^'i 

'\'\u'\     Ncil    \i,    Norili     \\.i,si,i,     I  iiili.iii.i,    whcir    llii-\     -.I'ltli-d    lunl    hv.-.l 

<1  <ir;ir('.  I)()i-ii  April  1*1.  IT!)!),  hapti/cd  Octohcr  1."). 
17!)2.  al  St.  .lames  ('hiii'eli.  I,aiie;ister,  I 'etiiisylvaiiia.  mar- 
ried A|)i-il  21,  1818,  Samuel  Willis,  who  was  l)orii  Oetold-r 
2."),  1788,  son  of  Isaac  Willis  of  i'ejiii  To\viislii|).  I'ei-ry 
rounty.  I'eiiiisylvauia.  She  died  .March  22,  18:>1.  lie 
died    in    1841) ..V-:J6 

'J'liey  livod  on  a  farm  Jiear  Duncanion,  Pennsylvania.  Roth  are  Imried  nt 
the   cemetery  of  the   Old   Presbyterian   {.hurch,   .Inniata    Hridu'e,    Pennsylvania. 

e  John,  horn  -Inly  12,  171>2,  hapti/.ed  (  )ctol)er  1-'),  17'.'2. 
at  St.  James  Church,  Laucasler.  I'ennsyK  aiiia.  mai'fied  De- 
ceiiiher  Ki,  181(),  Jane  Linn,  who  was  horn  .\pi-il  11,  17!)t). 
She  died  December  15,  184li.  ami  is  Imried  in  tin-  Uull'.s 
Hill  graveyard  at  Donnelly "s  .Mill,  I'en'y  Coiini.w  I'eimsyl- 
vaiiia.     Tie  died  Septeml)er  !),  18t)2.  at  Byron,   Illinois V-M 

.Tohn  Hull  was  in  the  resinient  of  Colonel  Fenton  in  the  War  of  1S5I1'.  and 
is  mentioned  as  lieing;  on  attendance  of  the  sick  at  tin-  time  of  the  battle  of 
Chippewa,  when  his  cousin,  I,ieutenant  Colonel  Rohert  liull.  was  killed.  .Fohn 
Bull  left  Pennsylvania  in  Ajjril,  IS.'l,  with  nine  of  his  children,  and  went 
west,  .iourneyinp:  by  the  Pennsylvania  Canal  to  PittshurKh,  thi'iice  hy  steamer 
■'Federal  .Vrch''  to  St.  I.,ouis.  JMissouri,  thence  hy  steamer  "■Martha"  to 
Savanna,  Illinois,  and  from  there  across  country  with  teams  to  IJyroii.  Ogle 
County,  Illinois.  The  other  child.  Xancy,  her  husband.  Thomas  Meredith,  and 
four  children,  moved  (Uit  to  Illinois  in  1  S."i.">.  .\ll  the  descendants  of  .lohn  Hull 
live    in    the   West. 

f  Sarah,  born  in  17!'ii.  manied  l-"iancis  Jordan,  his 
second  wife  (the  first  wife  ha\inii'  been  her  cousin.  Jemima 
liull.  IV-5-e).  He  was  born  in  17S7  and  died  in  1^4."i. 
She  died  in  Se])teniber.  18r)t),  a.u'cd  (id  x'ears  S  months \'-3S 

Hoth   are  buried  at    Mifflin.    Pennsylvania. 

g     Jemima,  born  in  17!M),  died  unmarried. 

Lived  ,it  home  in  Tuscarora  Township.  Perry  County,  ami  at  lier  sister's 
home    (Mrs.    Xeilson's).   where   she   dieil. 

li      Anna,  born  1801,  married   IJobert   Adams. 

Lived  at   Xcwville,   Pennsylvania.      Xo   other   record. 

See   appendix   V-39 

i  Rebecca  Darlington,  born  August  11,  1803.  married 
February  9.  182.").  William  Xeilson.  who  was  boi-n  March 
21,  1791)",  and  who  di.M  October  2:!.  1872.  She  died  Maivii 
21,  1891  V-40 

Thev   lived  nX   X'ew  Bloomfield.   Pennsvlvania. 

28  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IV-9     Children  of  Henry  A.  and  Rebecca  (Bull)  Pawling.    III-3-a. 

a     AYilliam,  born  September  17,  1771,  died  May  31,  1776. 

b     1.     Henry  Frederick,  born  July  25,  1773',  died  May 

26,  1776. 

2.  Levi,  born  July  25,  1773,  married  October  17,  1801, 
by  the  Eeverend  Henry  A.  Muhlenberg  (brother-in-law), 
Mary  Elizabeth  Heister,  daughter  of  General  Joseph  and 
Elizabeth  (AVitman)   Heister.  born  in  1778  and  died  July 

27,  1826.    He  died  September  7,  1845.     Both  are  buried  in 
churchyard  of  St.  John's  Episcopal  Church,  Pennsylvania....Y-41 

They  lived  at  Iv'orristown,  Pennsylvania.  Levi  Pawling  studied  law  and 
was  admitted  to  the  Norristown  bar  in  179o.  He  was  a  member  of  Congress 
from  Montgomery  County,  1817-1819.  He  was  Burgess  of  the  Borough  and 
member  of  Borough  Council  several  times.  He  was  also  President  of  Mont- 
gomery County  Bank.* 

c  William,  born  August  13,  1776,  married  Rebecca  But- 
ler.   He  died  July  19,  1843....__ __ ___ ....._ ._ _ V-42 

d  Eleanor,  born  January  11,  1779  (another  account 
gave  her  name  as  Elinor,  born  September  25,  1779),  mar- 
ried February  28,  1799,  James  Milnor.  youngest  son  of 
William  and  Anna  (Breintnall)  ]\Iilnor.  born  June  20, 
1773,  and  died  April  16,  1844.     She  died  January  5,  1864 V-43 

.James  Milnor  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  His  parents  were 
of  the  Society  of  Friends  and  were  descended  from  families  who  had  settled 
in  New  .Jersey.  The  name  was  changed  from  Milner.  He  attended  the  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania,  which  afterward  gave  him  the  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Divinity.  He  studied  law  under  Messrs.  Howell  and  Rawle,  and  was  admitted 
to  the  Norristown  bar  in  May,  1794.  He  was  a  prominent  Mason  and  in  18134 
was  elected  Grand  Master  of  the  Grand  Lodge  of  Pennsylvania,  holding  the 
office  several  years.  On  his  retirement  he  was  presented  with  a  handsome 
jewel,  which  is  still  retained  in  the  possession  of  the  family.  During  the  ter- 
rible epidemic  of  yellow  fever  in  1798,  he  resided  in  Xorristown.  He  was 
married  at  St.  .James  Church,  Perkiomen  (now  Evansburg)  to  Eleanor  Pawl- 
ing, when  by  reason  of  his  wife  not  being  a  Quaker,  he  was  officially  dropped 
from  the  Society  of  Friends.  After  his  return  to  Philadelphia  he  again  took 
up  the  practice  of  law  until  1810,  when  he  was  elected  to  Congress,  where  he 
served  until  March  4,  181-5.  Immediately  after  that  date  he  took  up  the  study 
of  the  ministry  of  the  Protestant  Eijiscopal  Church  and  nn  August  14,  1814, 
was  ordained  Deacon  by  the  Right  Reverend  William  White  in  St.  James 
Cliurch,  Philadelphia.  On  August  27,  181.5,  he  was  admitted  by  Bishop  White 
in  St.  .James  Cburch  to  the  Order  of  Presbyters.  On  June  20,  1816,  he 
accepted  the  call  to  St.  George's  Church,  New  York  City,  where  he  remained 
in  active  work  until  his  death. 

.    e     Henry  Augustus,  born  September  25.  1780.  died  un- 
married May  10,  1823. 

He  was  found  dead  in  roadway;   cause  of  death  unknown. 

IV-10     Children   of    Christopher   and   Elizabeth    (Bull)    Stuart. 


a  Martha,  born  February  17,  1774.  married  February 
8,  1800,  at  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Abington,  Pennsyl- 
vania, John  Patterson  of  Norristown,  Pennsylvania,  born 

*6eneral  Joseph  Heister,  born  in  Bern  Township  of  Berks  County,  Pennsylvania,  November 
18,  17.52,  was  the  son  of  .John  Emig  Heister,  who  was  born  in  Germany  in  17.37,  and  Mary 
Barbara  Epler.  General  Heister  was  Governor  of  Pennsylvania,  1820-182.3.  He  died  in  1832. 
His  wife  was  Elizabeth  Witman,  daughter  of  Adam  Witman.  General  Heister  was  a  prominent 
soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 

'nil':      I  Ml.  I,      KAMII.V  23 

llr;ir    iM'ir.lsl,    ill     Ihf    Xullh    of     I  rrl;i  m  | ,    in     ITtlS.    ;|||||    iii(.(|    at 

I'liiliidclplii,!    .\ii«;iisl    I'D,    ls:,ii.     sh.-  ,|i,.,|   ;,t    l'hila<li-l(.liia 
DcccmlxT  1^11,   ISIS |.j 

'I'lic  ,iiiccsi(iis  111'  .liilin  T'attci'Hiiii  wen-  of  tliiil  Inr^p  bod 
"li".  ill  llic  liiiii-  c>r  ( ■ri)tn\vi-ll,  crossi'il  from  Si-ollimd  into  n  r 
iinrlli    (.1    I  iiImihI.      Ill'   WHS   iif   the   \'oiiiii;    Ircliind   piirly  and   ll^ 

I'Xicill     uilh    llir    liiidc'is    of    llif    vciMi'Ml.       Ill'    niiiit'    lo    thin    con 

sprinjc  of   ITlMi  uiili   Williiiiii   llcMdoison.     'I'licy   liroiiulit    Ii-IIitm  of   i 

lo    Clirisloplicr    Sliiiirl.       In    ISIC;    .((dm     I'lil  li'V.son    iiiovi'd    with    In-    riiiriil>     to 

I'liiliidc'lpliiii,   where  he  curried   on   the  liusiness  of  u   inerchiitit.      lie  renide.l   for 

many    veins   in    Fourth    Street    near   \'ine,    where   he   died.      He   Ih    hiiried 

his  wife   (imd  iinniairied  sons  .lames,  Chrisloplier  and   William)    in  the 

y.ird    of    the    old    I'lesbyleriiiii    Clmreh    at     Xorriloii.      ('hristopher    Htiiatl    ,iii.t 

wile,    and    William    Unll    anil    wife,    are    also    hurled    there.       lie    wan    a    rnnti    of 

(liiiil   ways  and  methodic  haliils.      Kearcd   in   the  Calvinist  ic  faith  of  hi 

tors,    he    was    an    earnest    I'resliylerian,    ••ind    hesi<les    possessed    the    pr 

characteristics   of   the   Sc<itcli-Irish    people,    a    shrewd    intelligence,   and   ..    „    ... 

and    really   wit.      There   is   no   record    or   tradition   that    any   of   hiH   nonr   fnmil)' 

connection   precoded   or  followed   him    to   this  country. 

1)  I']l  i/,;il)('t  li.  Iiuni  ill  .\iiuiist.  177."),  iii;irriri|  ;il  .^1. 
.Ijiincs  C'luircli.  Pcrkioincii.  .I;iiiii;ii\'  IS.  17li7.  \Villi;i(ii 
Ih'iulci'soii.  wlio  was  boni  near  I'.dl'ast.  Ii-claml,  NoVfiii- 
Inn-.  12,  1774,  and  died  in  July,  ISL").  Siiu  died  St-ptein- 
1)01-  24.   1849 V-45 

William  Henderson  was  an  Ensisn  in  the  British  .Vrniy.  He  sold  his  com- 
mission and  came  to  this  country  in  17!)(>  with  -lohn   Patterson. 

Fifth    Generation 

V-1     (Miil(]r('ii    of   rx'tijaniiii    and    Eli.';abct1i    (  Bull  i    TJittt' 


a  David,  horn  August  25,  1776,  married  April  8.  1801, 
by  the  Reverend  Slater  Clay  at  St.  James,  Perkiomen 
(near  Evansburg),  Sarah  Hughes,  daughter  of  Isaac  and 
Hannah  (Ilolstein)  Hughes,  born  Febniaiy  22,  1778 VI-l 

He  was  captain  of  Xorthumberland  Troop,  comprisins  all  the  companies 
of  that  region,  and  went  out  to  (piell  the  Whiskey  Kehellion.  Isaac  Ihighes 
was  wealthy  and  a  patriot,  and  his  home,  '"Walnut  Grove,''  at  Bridgeport, 
Pennsylvania,  was  for  a  time  the  headciuartevs  of  General  Washington. 

b  Mary,  born  September  2,  1779,  married  -June  21. 
1800.  ^lieliael  Xourse.  who  was  born  September  1,  177S. 
and  died  at  AVashington.  D.  C,  December  G,  1860.  Slie 
died  February  17,  1867... V 1-2 

Michael  Xourse  was  born  on  his  father's  place  called  Piedmont  near 
Cliarles  Town,  now  W'est  Virginia.  He  was  descended  from  a  long  line  of 
English  country  gentlemen,  and  was  the  youngest  of  a  family  of  twenty-one, 
of  whom  the  oldest  was  Joseph,  husband  of  IV-l-d.  He  was  colonel  of  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia   Militia  in  the  War  of  1812. 

c  John  Bull,  born  on  or  before  1783,  and  died  after 
1813.     He  married  a  Aliss  Beverly  of  Virginia \'I-3 

All  record  has  been  lost. 

d  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  ^Nfa.v  10,  1784.  was  ap- 
pointed midsliipman  in  l'.  S.  Xavy  .Tanuar.v  2.  1804.  Was 
on  board  the  V.  S.  S.  '■Constellation"  in  the  tleet  sent  to 
the  siege  of  Tripoli.  He  died  of  yellow  fever  on  the  voy- 
age to  Algiers,  September  12.  180-i,  and  was  l)uried  at  sea. 

30  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e  Elizabeth,  born  August  28,  1788,  died  August  20, 

Is  buried  in  a   small  cemetery  near  Eagleville,   Pennsylvania. 

V-2       Children  of  John  and  Anna   (Bull)   Smith.  IV-l-b 

a  ]\Iartha  Maria,  born  January  23,  1782,  married  July 
21,  1800,  William  Davison,  son  of  John  Davison*  of  Phila- 
delphia, born  in  1768  and  died  September  3,  1822.  She 
died  November  1,  1815 - VI-4 

William  Davison  moved  in  early  life  from  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  to 
Winchester,  Virginia,  where  he  lived  until  his  death.  He  was  a  merchant. 
Postmaster,  and  U.  S'.  Government  Collector;  was  known  as  Major  Davison. 
He  accumulated  considerable  property.  His  wife  met  with  her  death  from  an 
accident.  She  had  gone  to  her  father's  on  horseback  to  assist  in  the  prepara- 
tions there  for  the  wedding  of  her  youngest  sister,  and  started  back  to  Win- 
chester in  the  afternoon.  She  had  nearly  reached  town  when  a  shower  of  rain 
came  up,  and  when  she  attempted  to  raise  her  umbrella,  the  horse  took  fright 
and  started  to  run  at  a  furious  rate,  throwing  her  to  the  ground  and  giving 
her  a  vicious  kick.  She  survived  until  the  next  day.  She  is  said  to  have  been 
a  woman  of  unusual  loveliness  and  manners. 

b  Eliza  Barnwell,  born  February  10,  1784,  married 
October  15,  1808,  Robert  ]\Iills,  who  was  born  in  Charles- 
ton, South  Carolina,  August  12,  1781,  and  died  March  3, 
1855.     She  died  in  1863 _ -- VI-5 

Robert  Mills  studied  architecture  under  Benjamin  H.  Latrobe,  and 
designed  several  buildings  in  Pennsylvania,  among  them  the  fireproof  wings  of 
Independence  Hall,  Philadelphia,  the  capitol  at  Harrisburg  (since  burned), 
and  the  single  arch  bridge  across  the  Schuylkill  at  Philadelphia.  He  also 
designed  several  U.  S.  Custom  Houses  and  Marine  Hospitals.  In  1820  he 
returned  to  South  Carolina  and  was  State  Architect.  In  1830  he  was 
appointed  U.  S.  Architect  and  moved  to  Washington,  D.  C,  where  he  lived 
until  his  death.  He  supervised  the  building  of  the  Post  Office,  Patent  Office, 
and  Treasury  Buildings.  He  made  the  original  design  for  the  Washington 
Monument  at  Washington,  which  was  afterwards  built  in  a  modified  form, 
his  plan  at  the  base  being  eliminated.  He  designed  and  supervised  the  build- 
ing of  the  Washington  Monument  at  Baltimore.  He  did  not  live  to  see  the 
work  at  Washington  completed.  He  published  several  works  on  professional 

c  John  Augustine,  born  January  30,  1786,  died  unmar- 
ried in  1806,  being  killed  by  a  wagon  passing  over  him. 

d  Edward  Jaquelin,  born  December  30,  1787,  died  in 

e  Augustine  Charles,  born  April  5,  1789.  married  Octo- 
ber 30,  1811,  Elizabeth  Dangerfield  JMagill,  daughter  of 
Major  Charles  ]\Iagill  of  Revolutionary  Army  fame,  and 
Mary  Buckner  Thurston  (daughter  of  Charles  Wynne 
Thurston  of  the  Revolutionary  Army).  She  was  born 
August  23,  1796.  and  died  December  31.  1860.  He  died 
July  26,  1843.  Both  are  buried  in  Mt.  Hebron  Cemetery, 
Winchester,   Virginia - - VI-6 

Augustine  Charles  Smith  graduated  from  William  &  Mary  College  with 
degrees  of  B.  L.  and  B.  A.  in  1811.  In  the  War  of  1812  he  volunteered  and 
was  commissioned  Major  in  the  U.  S.  Army.  He  was  in  command  at  Craney 
Island,  Virginia,  and  afterwards  distinguished  hiirself  at  the  battle  of  Blad- 
ensburg,  under  General  Winder,  and  had  a  horse  killed  under  him.  He  was 
then  commissioned  by  President  Madison  with  ''the  advice  and  consent  of  the 

*.John    Davison   was    a    cornet    in    the    British    Army    and    his    wife    was    Sarah    Armstrong, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Armstrong  of  the  British  Army. 

INK      III    1,1,      I'AMIl.V  31 

Si'iiiilc"    ill   IMI,   I  .iiiili'imiil   t'cili.iiil  (if  ilir   IJili    t  .   ,s'.   Iiifiiiiii)    I;.  .rid 

liitrr  I'liNi'  to  llii'  I'liiiU   (if  ( 'iildiii'l.      At   till'  I'liiHi'  III  till'  wiir  lii'  wii«  «« 

Mii.jiir   111'   ."list    I  nriiiilry.    wliicli   he   ifsiijiii'il.      \\v   wiii   ii    liiwyiT   l>  in 

iiiul   priirliii'il   liiw   In   W  iiiclii'.slcr,   \'iri;iiiiii,   until    IS.",li.   wlii-n  lii<  Iim  i  nf 

WiiiclirstiT    Arailiiiix .       I.mIit,    iiii    iktiiiiiiI    of    ill    lii'iillli.    tir    wi'lil    t..    '  la. 

Siiiilli  ('iiiolinii,  wliiTi-  lir  WMH  in  rliinitr  of  u  Vniiiii;  l.iiilii'ii'  A'-nilrriiy,  tiul 
wliili'  IlliTc  lie  iillriulcil  till'  scssidiis  of  tin-  V'irifiiiin  l,i'i;i<i|iiliiri-,  to  whirh  hr 
wns   I'liTlcd    :\   <li'l(';rii  I  c.      Sc'i>  ii  |)piii(l  i  \  . 

f      rcyton    I'lill,   honi    in    ITIM.   ilird    iiiiiii;ii-iiiil    v,,,..,,,',    ISO!). 

I'l'vlnn  Hull  Sniitli  alliiiilcii  W'illijiiM  \'  Miiry  <'iilli'i;i'  mill  t;rnilii(ilfil  in 
ISIIS.  Ilr  (ipincd  ii  liiw  oHicc  in  W  inclii'sl  ii-.  \' i  ii;iniii,  with  .limi-ph  lloltiii-ii. 
llnviiif;  :i  dispiilc,  uliirh  lliry  linjilly  scttird,  an  iiiiiiy  olTiiiT  prrmMit  >'liiiinr<l 
thill  llicy  liad  viuhilcd  llir  ''('ndi'  of  Honor".  llolinrs  rliiilli'ni;i-il  Hinitli,  who 
iicccptcd.  'I'licy  foMKlit  with  pistols  jit  Slicpjirdstnwn  and  Sinitli  wiin  killi'd. 
This  was  oiic  of  the  three  fiuiicuis  duels  eaiised  the  eiiartiiienl  of  llie  law 
aSJlinst  (liudliiiir.  (See  deseiipl  ion  in  '  '  \'i  ii;inia  I'aniilies' ',  hv  LoiiiHe  l'i-f|iiiil 
dii   Hellet.    Vol.    ITl,   puire  1  ."i.  ) 

Ii'  Ivlw.ird  .l;i<|iicliii;i  llaiiics,  lioi-ii  I  )('c»'|iiImt  :!(l.  ITIK?. 
mnrrii'il  (1)  .\()\fiiil»rr  (>.  ISl."),  (icoror  Williimi  M  m-iluck 
ol"   I^'rcdci'ick   Coiiiity.    .M;ii'yl;iii(i....  \' I  7 

lie  died.  M;in-icd  {'2]  in  1827  .lames  Madison  Daniil. 
who  was  honi  in  ISO,")  and  died  in  1S7S.  She  died  at  .hfk- 
sonvillc,  Florida,  Maivli  10.  lS7i' VI-8 

li  l\ol)('rt  Mackey,  i)orn  in  17!M),  (]icd  yoiincr. 
i  .lolin  l>nll  Davison,  horn  Dcccmhci'  S.  1S02.  inai-ricd 
May  '"),  ]S'M,  Elizal)etli  Peyton,  iZ'raiKhhuiu'htei-  of  (lener-al 
Daniel  Morji'an  of  Revolutionary  War  ranic  Ilr  died  at 
TTannihal,  Missouri,  in  18;W,  and  she  died  in  1^!M  at 
Washington,  1).  ('..  where  she  livi-d  after  her  husi)aiurs 
death     ! VI-0 

.l(din  Hull  |)avis(in  Siuilh  \v;is  ;i  hiwyer  and  was  espefin'.l.v  cifti'd  ns  n 
nuisiciau.  and  a  po(>t.  haviuj;'  the  noui  de  )duuie  of  ''Fergus''.  He  wns 
Colonel  of  the  l\et;iinent  of  Militia  of  Fredeviek  County.  Virsiniii,  then  em- 
bracing; Shenandoah,  Warm,  Clarke  and  .Tett'erson  Counties.  While  in  this 
serviee  he  announced  hiiiiself  a  candidate  for  the  State  I.eicishitnre.  His 
leginient  attended  tlie  polls  in  a  body  and  every  man  voted  for  him,  he  bpinK 
elected  by  an  overwhelmiiif;  ma.iority.  He  was  member  of  the  House  of  Dele- 
gates several  terms,  and  later  moved  to  Hannibal,  Jlissouri.  He  was  famil- 
iarly  kiKiwn  as  .loliu   Bull    ''Devil''    Smith. 

V-'-]       Children  of  Joseph  and  .AFaria  L.  (BiiHi  Xoiirse.     I\'-l-d. 

a  Anna  INIaria  Josepha,  liorn  A|>ril  10,  17S.").  died 
June  25,  1808, 

b  Charles  Jose]ilnis.  born  in  17Sn,  married  .May  1'.  ISlli. 
Rebecca  ^[on-is,  who  was  born  lu'ar  Philadelphia.  Pennsyl- 
vania, September  6,  1793,  and  died  Februarv  4.  ISS.').  ilr 
died  March  19,  1851 Vl-lt> 

Cliarles  .Tosephus  Nouise  was  sent  to  Kngland  in  ISlX'S  by  Pri'sidenl 
Madison  as  bearer  of  dispatches.  In  l.^^O!)  he  was  commissioned  Seeonil 
Lieutenant  U.  S'.  Army:  August  D?,  ISl.".,  was  made  t'aptain  by  Hrevet  :  lSl-< 
was  made  Ma,inr  by  Brevet  and  Assistant  Ad,iutant  (ieneral:  .hine  17,  ISIti, 
was  commissioned  Captain:  ISK!  was  made  .\ssistant  .Vdjiitant  (ienenil.  For 
several  years  he  served  in  the  Second  .\rlillery.  February  !>>,  ISJ",  he 
resigned  fr(nn  the  .\rmy  and  was  made  chief  clerk  of  the  War  Depiirtment, 
which  position  he  held  Until  ISL'O.  He  lived  at  the  "Highlands".  District 
of  Columbia.  Rebecca  Morris  was  the  daughter  of  .Vnthony  and  Mary  (  Pem- 
lierton)    Morris. 

c  Rebecca  Louisa,  born  XoviMiiber,  17112,  died  in  in- 

32  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d  Joseph  Augustus,  born  July  10,  1797,  died  July  26, 

e  Joseph  John  Washington,  born  October  21,  1800,  died 
July  21,  1802. 

V-4       Children  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Bull)  Boyd.     IV-l-e. 

a  Sarah  Haines,  born  April  9,  1796,  married  Septem- 
ber 10,  1822,  Rev.  William  Richmond  Smith,  who  was 
born  at  Wilmington,  Delaware,  July  1,  1798,  and  died  at 
Northumberland,  Pennsylvania,  September  18,  1849.  She 
died  at  Peoria,  Illinois,  June  7,  1866 VI-11 

Rev.  William  Richmond  Smith  had  charge  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  at 
Sunbury,  Pennsylvania.     After  his  death  Mrs.  Smith  moved  to  Peoria,  Illinois. 

b  Anima  Smith,  born  February  8,  1798,  died  November 
24,  1804. 

c  Mary  Phillips,  born  November  24,  1799,  died  De- 
cember 7,  1801. 

d  Elizabeth  Rittenhouse,  born  September  20,  1801, 
married  September  6,  1826,  Dr.  Henry  Kent  Lathy,  son  of 
William  K.  and  Mary  Lathy  of  Pennsylvania ;  born  in 
1802  and  died  April  18,  1864,  of  smallpox.  Is  buried  at 
Upper  Alton,  Illinois - VI-12 

Dr.  Henry  Kent  Lathy  graduated  at  Girard  College,  Philadelphia,  Penn- 
sylvania, with  degree  of  M.  D.,  and  practiced  medicine  at  Alton,  Illinois. 

e  John  Benjamin,  born  January  11,  1804,  died  unmar- 
ried August  1,  1845. 

.John  Benjamin  Boyd  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Sun- 
bury,   Pennsylvania,  but  never  practiced. 

f  William  Thomas,  born  November  25,  1805,  married 
in  1833  Katherine  Grace  Slater.  He  died  January  8, 
1848 VL13 

g  Maria  Josepha,  born  September  16,  1808,  married 
November  28,  1832,  Samuel  Freeman  Headley,  son  of  Dr. 
Samuel  and  Ann  (Fairchild)  Headley,  born  at  Litchfield, 
Otsego  County,  New  York,  January  20,  1808,  and  died 
July  24,  1869.    She  died  May  28,  1893 _...... ....VI-14 

Samuel  Freeman  Headley  graduated  from  Union  College  in  1831.  He 
studied  law  and  practiced  in  Luzerne,  Columbia  and  Northumberland  Counties, 
Pennsylvania,  until  1854,  when  he  moved  to  Morristown,  New  Jersey,  and 
became    Superintendent    of    Construction    of    the    Morris    and    Essex    Railroad. 

V-5       Children  of  Josiah  and  Sarah  H.   (Bull)   Haines.     IV-l-f. 

a  John  Smith,  born  February  15,  1793,  died  unmar- 
ried October  24,  1819. 

John  Smith  Haines  graduated  at,  and  was  valedictorian  of  class  of, 
Princeton  College  in  1812. 

b     Samuel  Morris,  born  July  2,  1794,  died  July  18,  1794.  -c 

'I'lll':     I'.ILL     |-A.\1II.V  33 

\'-<'         Cliililivii     (if     r.ciij.iiiiiii     !•'.     ;iii(l     S;ir;ili     ||.     (  I'.iill   I  (ainf*«) 
Voiiii^-.  I\'    l-f 

ii  •l(isc[iliiiir  ( ',1  idliiic  Hull.  Iioiii  ill  jsiH),  iiijii-ri.ij  jn 
1S22  .l()S('|)li  K'olx-rt  Noiirsr,  s(»ii  ol'  K'nltcri  Noursr  aiul 
<;r;iii(ls()ii   of  .I.miih's    .\(iui-sr;    honi    in    I,(ii,mii    ('miiity,    K.-ii- 

lllcky.  lit'      (lied      ;il       Xoll  llllllll)cfl;ili(|,      I 'r  ll  lisvl  Vil  lliii.      ill 

.M;ii'ch.    ls;!l.      She   died   .l;iiiii;iry    (i.    ISSI),   ;it    .\oi-f IiiiiiiImt- 

ii'hi '. vr.i5 

11<>  \v!is  ch'rk  in  llic  Hctristcr's  Oflficp  of  the  Tronsiiry  r)'-|>;iii  i?i.  m,  li.-J. 
iNUTi,  wlii'ii  his  uncli-  .losi'ph  Xdiirsi'  wiis  IJcuistiT.  In'  IHIT  hi-  moved  In 
\(>i-tliuinl)i'rl!iii(l  to  care  for  tlio  i;ro|)frty  of  his  wife,  who  wiiit  hfirciiN  to  Iho 
Jlopt'fii'kl  iiiul  Valley  farms  in  N'ovthnniherliind  County,   I'ennHyU-anin. 

1)      Son.   (lied   iiiiiii;ii'i-i('(l. 

\'-7        ('hiidi'di  of  Saimicl  .-iiid  •lfiiiiiii;i    (  Xcwhrri'V)   Skfi'ii. 


There  seems  to  lie  no  record  oliijiiiiable  of  tin-  family  in  which  there  is 
said  to  have  heen  tluee  sons  and  thiee  daughters,  except  of  the  latter,  one  of 
whom  is  known. 

;i  Eleanor,  l)()i'!i  August  L").  17II4,  in  Lown-  I'rovidfiiee 
Township,  Montiioniery  County,  Pennsylvania:  iiuiri-ifd 
Jacob  llatlield,  who  was  l)oi*n  ^larcli  (i.  17SS.  and  dit-d 
]May  21,  1884.  in  Pottsgrove  Township,  .Monlironifry 
County.  She  died  June  25,  18.")7.  in  Pottss:rove  Town- 
ship ." ^ vi-in 

V-8       Children  of  Captain  and  ]\Iary  (Newberry)  Davis,  IV-2-d, 
or  children  of  Captain  and  Ann  (Newberry)  Davis.    IV-2-e. 

a  Henrietta,  born  in  1707,  married  July  1.  1822,  Alex- 
ander Ottinger,  son  of  AVilliani  and  .Martlia  ( IIubl)s) 
Ottinger  of  Chestnut  Hill,  Pennsylvania,  born  November 
7.  1785,  and  died  November  24,  1862.  She  died  Novem- 
ber  6,   1885 Vl-17 

Alexander  and  Henrietta  Ottinger  are  buried  in  Ivy  Cemetery.  Mt.  Aircy, 


V-9       Children  of  John  G.  and  Sarah  (Young)  Bull.     l\'-:5-a. 

a  Isabella,  born  October  11.  1800.  marrietl  November 
14,  1822,  John  Elliott,  Jr..  who  was  born  June  11,  17l);J. 
and  died  in  1868.    She  died  December  14,  1826 VI-18 

They  lived  at  the  '"King  of  Prussia'  in  Montgomery  County,  Pennsyl- 

b     Susan,  born  :\Iay  14.  180:1  died  September  :?0.  180:J. 

e     Mary,  born  December  81.  18(U.  tlied  June  H',  180!). 

d  Lewis  Gronow,  born  July  27.  1806,  married  in  1834 
Sarah  Eush  ]\Ieredith.  who  was  born  ^lay  10.  180(5.  and 
died  September  8,  1886.  He  died  December  2ti.  181 18,  uiu\ 
both  are  buried  in  the  cluirchyard  of  St.  Peter's  Episcopal 
Church,  East  Whiteland  Township.  Chester  County.  Penn- 
sylvania     Vl-19 

The  name  of  Lewis  Gronow  Bull  appears  on  the  records  of  St.  Peter's 
Church  as  Warden  and  Vestryman  from  1833  to  1843. 





(Page     14) 

e  Georo'e  M.,  born  December  15.  1808.  died  August  27, 

f  Elizabeth,  born  January  31,  1811,  married  jMarch  18, 
1829,  AYilliam  Henr5^  who  was  born  in  1800  and  died  in 
1878.     She  died  in  August.  1887. 

g  Sarah  Anna,  born  September  27,  1813.  died  Septem- 
ber 1,  1814. 

h  Sarah,  born  Jul}^  18,  1815.  married  Mordecai  Steph- 
ens. She  died  July  13,  1880.  and  is  buried  in  the  Epis- 
copal Cemetery  at  Phoenixville,  Pennsylvania VI-20 

i  Anna  S..  born  October  8,  1817,  married  Henry  de 
Witt  Clinton  Pawling  (V-41-g),  who  was  born  in  1819  and 
who  died  in  1893.    She  died  in  1862 -.....- VI-21 

Henry  deWitt  Clinton  Pawling  was  appointed  assistant  surgeon,  U.  S. 
Navv,  April  4,  ISol.  Resigned  December  1,  1834.  He  served  on  board  the 
U.  S.  S.  Potomac,  1832-1834. 

■i'lIK      I'.l    1,1,      r'AMii.v  35 


J  -liiliii  <ii-(ni()\\,  -Ir.,  hnin  |''il.iii;iry  2J),  IH'JU,  tnarrii-t] 
Aii'4('liiiii  Sl.iiilcy.  Ilr  iIk'iI  .|;iiiii;iry  111.  1H7H,  ami  in  l»iir- 
ii'il  ill  SI.  I'clrr's  ( 'hiirrh.  wliil,.  .she  i.s  hiirinl  at  Lowrr 
Mri'ioii    r.,i|)    ( 'liiiirli.    iicir    llryii    ,M;i\vf,    I'mnsylvariia. 

No   issue. 

I<       I'lliiclilic.     IkiI'M      \()\('|iiI)c|'     ■_'!',      !>■_'■_',     iii;tf|-if(|     .ImIim 

.\(l;iiiis,    who    \\;is   li(irii    in    iMl]    ;iii,|    i|i,-,|    t)r\,,\„-r   "J.    I.s7:{. 

She   (lied    Octdhrr    IJ.    ISSO \  i   SJ. 

■  Iiilin  :iimI  I'linrlinr  I  Hull  I  .\<limis  iirt'  l)iirii'(I  in  th<?  chun'hynril  of  ih. 
I'lcsliylcri.iii    (liiiicli,    I't-.iv  idiiici.  'r(i\vii.slii|).    |).-liiwiirc   (.'oiinty,    I'l'iinNytvanla, 

^'-l•'      ('liildivn   of    U'iclijird   ;in(l    .M;iry    illiill)    li'oliinsoii.      l\'-:Mi. 
;i      ( Ifot'uc,    IK)    i'(M'()r(  1. 

(JcovKc  Uiibin.xoii  is  liiiriiil  in  cliui-cliyiird  cpf  Trinity  Kpixropiil  Clmrrh, 
Tittsbiinrh.    PcniisylviiiiiM.      I);itcs   im    .stone   wciin    iiwiiy.    Only   niiirkit    tii-Hi<|i-<i 

li.'iiiii'    lire    I'\'li.    (I.         .'Hi. 

1)  S;ir;ili  l'>iill.  I)orn  Xovi'ttibci'  '2'>  IT!"",  dinl  ()i-f(»l,..c 
:},  1817. 

Siirah   B.   Robinsdii   is  Iniritd    in   cliiiicliyiird   dt'   'I'rinity   Kpiscoidij   Cliurrh, 

Tittslmi'^'li.    ToTinsylv:ini,-i. 

('     .loliu  (Ji'oiiow.  no  record. 

•Idlni  (;.  Kdbinson  is  buried  in  churchyanl  of  'I'rinity  f'-piscopnl  Church, 
rittsbnrsli.  ri'iuisylv;ini;i.  Datos  on  stone  worn  ,-iway.'  ."!l  is  all  that  id 
legible  besides  name. 

(1      ElizjibeHi.   I)()ni    .M;iy  :?,    ISl);}.   mnrrii'd    (])    Jolm    .Mr- 

(^uislioii    \'\--2:'> 

Married  (2)  Thomas  Cochran.     She  died  July  8.  1800 VI--_'4 

.lohn  McQuistion  and  Elizabeth  C'ocluan  aie  luiried  in  Alleghany  Ceme- 
tery.   Pittsbni'sh,    Pennsylvania. 

e  Anna  Doll)y,  Iwrii  in  181)4,  mai-ried  I)a\id  (lilleaiid. 
wlu)  was  horn  in  1804  and  died  .\o\-eiiiher  7.  1866.  Slie 
died  in  April,  1893 VI-2:^ 

David  and   .Viina   I).  Gilleand  are  buried  at   Bakerstown,   Pennsylvania. 

f     Jane,  horn  July  27,  1809,  died  Septeinher  16.  1809. 

-lane  Hobinson  is  buried  in  tbe  chuicbyard  of  'I'linity  F2piscopal  t'hureh. 
PittsljurKh,  Pennsylvania. 

g  Susan  Isabella,  horn  Octoher  20.  iSin.  married  in 
1829  Christian  ^leehling',  son  ol'  .laeoh  and  Mary  '  Dunn) 
^rechliiiii'  of  Butler  County,  rennsylvaiiia,  l)orii  .lainiary 
1,  1807,  and  died  September  9.  1889.  She  died  Deeeniher 
3,  1890 VI-26 

Christian  and   S'usan   1.    Mecliliny'  are   l>\iried   at    I'.utler.   Pei\nsylvanin. 

li  Lewis  (Jronow,  horn  in  ISl.").  die(l  near  Meni|>ius, 
Tennessee,  in  March.  1847,  unmarried. 

I.,ewis  G.  Robinson  is  buried  in  ehurchyard  of  Trinity  Ki)iscopal  i^hurrh. 
PittsburKh,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  sergeant  of  the  I)ii(|Uesne  Grays  in  the 
Mexican  War,   and   died   when   returning  home   in   service. 

i  Richard  Pierce,  horn  in  ISlli.  married  .Mai'y  Kllis 
Grep-ory,  daughter  of  ('ai)tain  and  .Mar\'  Kllis  (ireirory  of 
]\larhlehead,  .Ma.ssachusetts,  horn  in  1821.  lie  tlied  No- 
vember 30,  1865,  and  she  died  .lanuary  10.  1873.  l)oth  at 
San  Francisco,   California VI-27 

36  THE     BULL     FAMILY       • 

Richard  P.  and  Mary  B.  Robinson  are  buried  in  Woodlawn  Cemetery, 
San  Francisco,  California.  He  is  said  to  have  gone  to  the  Pacific  Coast  as 
master's  mate  of  U.  S.  S.  "Vincennes",  but  no  record  can  be  found  at  the 
Navy  Department  of  his  service  in  that  vessel. 

V-11     Children  of  Cromwell  and  Isabella  (Bull)  Pearce.     IV-3-c. 
a     Lewis  Gronow. 

A  son  of  Lewis  Gronow  Pearce  lives  in  Philadelphia,  but  no  information 
could  be  obtained. 

V-12     Children  of  John  and  Elizabeth   (Bull)   Smith.     IV-4-a. 

a  Ann  Hunter,  born  September  1,  1791,  married  De- 
cember 6,  1811,  James  A.  Richards,  who  was  born  May 
27,  1782,  and  died  September  21.  1828.  She  died  April 
25,  1857.    They  lived  at  Joanna  Furnace,  Pennsylvania VI-28 

b  Thomas  Bull,  born  April  17,  1793,  married  Septem- 
ber 29,  1816,  Annetta  Old.  who  was  born  December  17, 
1793,  and  died  May  21,  1846.  They  lived  at  Joanna  Fur- 
nace     _ - - - VI-29 

Thomas  B.  and  Annetta  Smith  are  buried  in  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's 
Episcopal  Church,   Warwick,   Chester   County,   Pennsylvania. 

c  Sarah  Bull,  born  October  7,  1795,  married  June  2, 
1814,  Jacob  Deoser,  who  was  born  January  3,  1787,  and 
died  September  4.  1823.  She  died  November  15,  1845. 
They  lived  at  Dale  Forge,  Pennsylvania.. VI-30 

Jacob  Leoser  was  educated  for  a  physician,  but  gave  up  practice  to 
manage  his  father-in-law's  iron  business  at  Dale  Forge. 

d  Mary  Cobean,  born  September  17,  1798,  died  March 
5,  1835,  unmarried. 

Mary  C.  Smith  is  buried  in  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal  Church, 
Warwick,   Pennsylvania. 

e  Margaretta  Vaughan,  born  July  3,  1800.  married 
January  14,  1820,  William  Darling,  son  of  Eliakim  and 
Ruth  (Buck)  Darling,  born  at  Bucksport,  ]\Iaine,  Novem- 
ber 10,  1796,  and  died  September  20,  1871.  She  died  ]\Iay 
5,  1877.     They  lived  at  Reading.  Pennsylvania VI-31 

William  Darling  studied  law  and  practiced  in  Reading,  Pennsylvania;  was 
appointed  Associate  Judge  in  1830,  resigned  in  1839.  (See  Buck's  Genealogy, 
page  70.) 

f  Elizabeth  Bull,  born  February  10,  1803,  married  Jan- 
uary 14,  1820,  Joseph  O'Brien.  Lived  in  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania.    She  died  June  1,  1834.  in  London.  England. .VI-32 

Elizabeth  B.  O'Brien  is  buried  in  Kensal  Green  Cemetery,  London, 

g  Levi  Bull,  born  February  8,  1806,  married  April  10, 
1827,  Emily  Hannah  Badger,  daughter  of  Stephen  and 
Hannah  (Buck)  Badger  of  Bucksport.  Maine,  born  Jan- 
uary 1,  1807,  and  died  December  16,  1882.  He  died 
August  8,  1876.    They  lived  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania VI-33 

Levi  Bull  Smith  graduated  from  Princeton  College  in  1824  and  studied 
law  at  Litchfield,  Connecticut.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of  Berks  County. 
Pennsylvania,  at  Reading,  January  10,  1827.  Afterwards  was  engaged  in  the 
iron  business  with  his  brother-in-law,  .Judge  William  Darling.  He  was  organ- 
izer of  First  National  Bank  of  Reading,  and  its  first  president.  ( See  Gen- 
ealogy of  Buck  Family,  by  Mrs.  Elizabeth  S.  Richards.) 


■nil':    I'.ri.L    iv\.\iii,v  37 

li      .Idliii    \';iimli,iii,    lidiii     April    -JX^    ISOS,    nijirrird    ()\ 

>^r\>\r\\\\),-V    ].    IS.II,    .\|;ii-y    Sliiilli    M  ;i  isllji  1 1 ,      \()   isHlli-. 

Al.iiri.Ml  (2)  .liiiii'  I,  1n|i;,  \'iruMiii;i  l';irl<fr.  \\r  dicil 
Au-usl   i!:..  1848 ^i..,l 

Inliii     \  .uiKliiin    Siiiitli    Knnluiitcd    from    Princoton    VnUt'go    t<  n.l 

iHld-WMnls    fioni    the    lliiivcisily    of    I'ciiiisy Iviiiiia    Mcdii-iil    Sihoul, 

M|i|Kiinti'(l    Assisdiiil    Sm-f; i   in    ilip   1'.   S.    N'livy  .fuiif  L'T,    IMltt,   mid   |. 

lo   SurKciin,    Kcliiiuii-y   !.'().    ls;;s.      His   siTvicc    li'cord    iM   iim    fo|liiw«:    I--     ' 

ciiiist  <i{  Alricji;    ls:!l,   I'.  S.  S.   "('onslidliiliim"  ;    Is.';:,',   Naviil   I  loHfitnl.    '■ 

is;;.".  IS.:  I,     r,    S.    S.     ••rnilcd    Slnlrs";     l.S:;.".,    wiiiliiii;    i.rdiTs:     Is.;': 

.■irid    U'l'ci'ivini;   Sliip   ;il    I'.nsldii;    I.S.'IT,    (T.    s.    S.    ' "  Uidpliin' '  •    I.V.M 

r.    S.    S.    ••V:iiidiilia"  ;         \S-HK    Icivi';    1,H.4I,    Ifr.-riviMu'   Slii'p   iit    ji...   .,,,      ,.,. 

lS4:i,    V.   S.   S.    ••Fiiiifi(d<l"  ;    ISHI.V)."),   wiiilini:  (ii<I.t.s  mid    .N'liviil    I  toipitiil  at 

Port    Million:    ISIC-ISIS,    WMilint;'   ordirs   :in(l    IJir.iv  ini;   .Sliin   m    |'..,hIoii 

i  Siisjiii  (I'l'icr,  lioni  M;ir<-h  .'.l,  1  si  1 ,  m.-in-inl  -Inly  ].'», 
lS4l>.  lu'V.  (Jcorj^c  1  Jin'ckcr.  who  diid  siii|i|riil\-  .lunr  ", 
1S47.     Slu'  (lit'd  August  li!),  1847 \'I-:{r> 

liiv.   (Jcoryc  HinckiT  Wiis  tiir  rector  of  tlic   Kpiscopiil  Church  nl   Fln^lii' 
liOiiS    Ishiiid,    where    they    lived.      'I'liey    are    l)U|-ied    in    llie    (diurrhyard 
^liiry'.s    Kpiscopiil   Church   iit    Wiivwii'k,    I'ennsylviiniii. 

j  Jane  Corrcy.  horn  Aiignsi  22.  ISl:;.  mjirrifil  .|;iiiii;ii-y 
0.  1840,  (ioodloc  IhirixT  Rowiiiaii,  who  \\;is  Ihm'ii  .Vpril  :i. 
1804.  jiiul  died  -January  '■]().  1874.  She  dird  Anuiist  1. 
1877.  They  lived  at  Brownsville,  near  Piltsltury:li,  I'mti- 
sylvania \'  I  .:J6 

V-13     Children  ol"  Alexander  and  Mary  (Bull)   Col)eaii.      l\'-4-l.. 

a  William  Sterling,  no  hirtli  record,  married  Mary  .Mr- 
Farland  of  ("arlisle.  Pennsylvania.  lie  died  in  Voi-k. 
Pennsylvania,  in  1860.    No  issue. 

Williiim   S.    Cobeiin   was   cn>^hior  of   C'iirlisle  Biiiik. 

b  Thomas,  no  birth  record,  was  a  physieian.  and  died 
unmarried  in  1830. 

e     Samuel,  no  birth  record,  died  uninarried  in  18:>2. 
Y-14     Children  of  Waters  and  Ann  (Buih    Dewees.     IV-4-e. 

a  Sarah  C.  born  ^Farch  24, 1797,  married  "William  Clin- 
g'an,  son  of  William  Clingan.  a  native  of  Ireland.  Liveil  at 
Hopewell  Furnaee.  I^erks  County.   Pennsylvania VI-37 

b     ^lary  Ann.  born  November  !).  17!I8.  died  uimiai-ried. 

c  Elizabeth  T..  born  December  31.  17!)!).  married  Dilh-r 
Baker  Ferree,  son  of  David  Ferree  of  Sadsbury  Township. 
Chester  County.  Pennsylvania,  born  Juik^  2().  177ti.  and 
died  in  December.  1865 \*l-.'i8 

d  Mary  Louise,  born  June  27,  1802.  married  Dr.  Sam- 
uel ]McLean  of  Philadelphia.  Penns.vlvania \'!-3!) 

e  Ann  Hunter,  born  A]u-il  8.  1804.  married  Februai-y 
22.  1825,  by  the  :\layor  of  Pliiladeli)liia.  Penn.sylvania. 
Alan  Wood,  son  of  James  and  Lucy  iTlioiuasi  Wood,  l»orn 
December  25,  1800,  and  died  November  24,  1881 VL40 

Alan  Wood  was  a  niemlier  of  Society  of  Friends  iind  by  roason  of  mar- 
riage was  dropped,  but  afterwards  reinstated.  He  was  in  the  iron  business  at 
'Wilmington,  Delaware,  and  Conshohocken.  rennsylvania.  His  father.  .lames 
AVood,  was  born  in  1771  and  died  in  ISll. 

38  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f     Margaret,  born  September  24,  1806,  died  unmarried. 

g  George  Washington,  born  October  20,  1808,  married 
(1)  Amelia  V.  Snyder,  who  was  born  May  13,  1812,  and 
died  September  30,  1843 _ .._ ._ VI-41 

Married  (2)  January  8,  1846,  Louisa  Brooke  Holstein, 
daughter  of  George  W.  and  Elizabeth  Wayne  (Hayman) 
Holstein,  born  May  23,  1814,  and  died  January  24,  1904 VI-42 

Amelia  V.  Dewees  is  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal 
Church,  Warwick,  Pennsylvania.  Louisa  B.  Dewees  is  buried  at  Christ 
Swedes'   Church,  Swedesburg,  Pennsylvania. 

h  Rachel  Bartholomew,  born  November  28.  1810.  at 
Laurel,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania,  married  February 
24,  1831,  Leonard  Frescoln  Roberts,  son  of  Thomas  and 
Mary  Roberts  of  East  Nantmeal  Township,  Chester  County, 
Pennsylvania,  born  February  18,  1807,  and  died  at  Balti- 
more, I\Iaryland,  December  21,  1887.  She  died  August  17, 
1890,  at  Beach  Haven,  New  Jersey VI-43 

Leonard  F.  Roberts  lived  on  the  original  tract  of  land  on  which  his  father 
built,  and  which  was  first  owned  by  three  brothers,  .James  and  John  having 
deeded  their  share  to  Thomas.  Thomas  Roberts  was  born  February  27,  1741, 
and  died  December  11,  1816,  and  Mary  Roberts  was  born  February  17,  1785, 
and  died  May  20,  1870.  Leonard  F.  Roberts  sold  the  old  place  in  his  later 
years  and  moved  to  Baltimore,  Maryland,  where  he  died. 

i  Thomas  Bull,  born  in  West  Nantmeal  Township,  Ches- 
ter County,  Pennsylvania,  May  23,  1813,  married  in  1835 
Elizabeth  Hause,  who  was  born  November  3.  1816,  daughter 
of  Jacob  Hause.  also  of  Chester  County,  and  died  October 
2,  1900.    He  died  March  5,  1876.... VI-44 

Thomas  B.  Dewees  lived  near  CTiester  Springs,  one-fourth  mile  from 
Vincent  Baptist  Church,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  .Jacob  Hause  owned 
and  kept  a  general  store  at  '"The  Marsh'',  known  far  and  wide  as  ''Hause's 
Store'',  carried  on  today  by  his  grandson,  Henry  Hause. 

j     Levi  Bull,  born  April  27,  1815,  died  unmarried. 

k     William  Bull,  born  December  3,  1816,  died  unmarried. 

1     Edward  Bull,  born  April  13,  1818,  died  unmarried. 

V-15     Children   of   James   H.    and   Martha    (Bull)    McClintock. 

a     Thomas  Bull,  born  June  6,  1804,  died  July  6,  1804. 
b     Sarah  May,  born  September  16,  1805,  died  December 
1,  1807. 

c  Ann  Hunter,  born  June  4,  1808,  married  August  2, 
1831.  by  the  Rev.  Levi  Bull  (her  uncle),  Joseph  Neide.  She 
died  July  17,  1834 VI-45 

V-16     Children  of  Judge  Samuel  and  Martha  (McClintock-Bull) 
Shafer.  IV-4-d 

a  Rebecca,  born  May  5,  1813,  married  February  9,  1837, 
Joseph  Neide,  who  died  in  November,  1878.  She  died  De- 
cember 29,  1891 VI-46 

•Joseph   Neide   lived   in   Pottstown,   Pennsylvania. 

'11 1 1';    III  I.I,    I'  \\i  ii.v  1 

I)  l"]li/.;iliilli.  In. Ill  (),|(,li,r  |,  l,s|ii,  niarrir.l  .Iiiru?  Vi. 
1S;>!».  ;it  CoMiiiiy,  Clirstcr  ( 'uiinty,  I'miisylviiiiiii.  I»y  tin' 
''•'\'-  '-''^i  null.  Addison  M.iy.  yoiint^'fst  sou  of  Uolii-rt  and 
'»idli  ij'dlls)  Al.iy  of  ('()\ciiti-y  'rouiiship.  Iioni  I  ).-<-riiil»,T 
IS,  lSll.;iiid  died  III   Wcsl   ('hcslcr,  I'-imsylvaiiia.  .laiiiuiry 

cS.    1S!)L>.       She   die, I    ;il     Wrst    ('licstrr.    I '.  ■!!  IIS  V I  va  Ilia      .\|.ril    8 

1«'^  '..VI.47 

\'l'li^"ii     iiii'l     Kli/.!il)ctli     May    arc    luirird    at     Oaklunil    fVin.t-rv      U'...i 
Clii'Mii-,    I'liiMsylvMiiiii.      Owiii;;  |i>   tin-  dcalli   i.f   liotli   liix   |>»ri'Mlii 
Addisiiii    .May   spent    the  cMily   years   nf   his   life   in   'rajlint   <  iitinty,    M 
Ihc    JKinsi'    dl'    his    sister,    who    was    the    wife    of    Saimiel    Slrven'»,    iii>\ 
M.ii  >  l.ind.       Il(>    ;;radii:iled    a1     .lelfeisoii    ('olle^fe,    ( 'aiilioiihliuri;,     l"i>nii- 
and   sliidii'd    law   .at    West    Chester   in   liis   native   cdiintv.       lie   praeiicMd   lu^    i.r.. 
lessiim    in    .Xorrislown    until    lS(!t».       In    l,Si;i)    h,.    Mii.v'ed    tn    W.-t    CheitiT    nnil 
lived    |h,ie   until    his    <li>ath.       lie    tilled    inanv    positiens   of    pnldie   mill    nrivati- 


Sar.-ili.  Iku'ii  Octolicr  .">.  ls]!l,  di,.d  .liiiic  l'l',  1S-J(). 

d  Marllia.  Iioni  .laiiiia  i-\-  S,  iSiM  dird  l'"cliniarv  •':{ 
ISlil.  ■  ■     "  ' 

e     T.cvi  l>iill.  horn  AFiirdi  ."),  lS2-_'.  dird  I-'diniary  18,  1S24. 

V-17     Cliildrfii  of  J.evi  and  Ann  i^Jarotjs;   iJiill.  IV-4-.- 

a  ]\raviiaivtta  Jacohs.  ])orn  ^Fai-cli  27.  1SI)!».  marrictl  St'|)- 
tem])er  li,  1827,  Kin'.  John  IJakcr  Ch'insoii.  1).  1).,  who  wa.s 
horn  Au.o'ust  8.  T8(»:?,  and  died  Kchniai'v  :-},  ISfH.  She  dird 
a1  ('hi>'iii(iii1,  Delaware.  I^'ehriiary  2.").  ls:!^  \'l-48 

h  Thomas  Kenipis.  l)orti  .Inly  23,  1810,  married  i  1  i  at 
(ie1tyslmr<i\  Pennsylvania.  March  20.  183!).  Sarah  Smith 
Shower,  who  was  horn  Jannary  19,  1810.  and  dietl  .Mav  Id. 
1852 ■  .        Vl.4f) 

:\[arricd  (2)  Septeml)er  27.  18.")!i.  at  I'liilath-lphia.  I'eiiii- 
sylvania.  -lulia  Hannali  lleiiderson.  daii.s:liter  of  Tlioma.s 
and  Julia  (Scat-'er)  Henderson,  horn  -January  2-").  1S2:1.  ami 
died  Decemhev  8,  1907.     He  died  May  2;».  18!)3 Vl-.IO 

Thomas  K.  Bull,  Sarah  S.  Bull,  aud  .lulia  II.  Bull  are  buriptl  in  the 
elunehyard  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal  Chur(di,  Warwick,  Penn.sylvanin.  lit-  wnS 
popularly  known  as  Colonel  Bull,  but  what  was  the  orisin  of  th»>  title  is  not 
now  known,  but  it  is  supposed  to  have  orisinatod  with  his  followini:  his  fcranil- 
father  in  the  old  house  built  by  the  Calonel  after  the  Kevolutionary  \Yar. 
This  house  is  now  the  residence  of  the  daughter  of  Thomas  K.  Bull.  He  was 
a  gentleman  farmer  aud  first  lived  on  one  of  the  farms  owned  by  his  parents, 
until  their  death,  when  he  bought  the  original  place,  where  he  lived  until  he 
died.  He  occupied  a  prominent  position  in  the  afl'airs  of  Chester  County. 
especially  in  his  own  neighborhood.  He  was  a  graduate  of  Dickinson  ColleKe 
in  l.S;U  and  lie  was  three  times  elected  to  the  State  Legislature,  1!*4(J,  l.>447. 

c  Caroline  .Tacol)s,  l)orn  Au^mist  :'>.  1^11.  married  De- 
cember 28.  1837,  llannltoii  Alricks.  son  of  -lames  ami  .Mar- 
tha (Hamilton)  Ah-icks:  horn  June  1.  180(!.  ami  di<'d  -Iiilv 
16,  1893.    She  died  February  28,  1885 VI-:>1 

Hamilton  and  Caroline  Alricks  are  buried  in  the  Harrisbiirf:  Cemrtery. 
Hai'risburg,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  a  member  of  the  bar  at  Harrisbnrff. 
wliere   he   lived    and    practiced    law.      He    was   prominent    in    politics   and    was 

elected   to  the  Legislature  in  lfi~S. 

40  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d  Ann  Hunter,  born  July  1,  1813,  married  February  25, 
1838,  Robert  S.  Potts.    She  died  July  15,  1847 __ V-52 

Ann  H.  Potts  is  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal 
Church,  Warwick,  Pennsylvania.  They  lived  at  Martic  Furnace  in  Lancaster 

e  Cyrus  Jacobs,  born  June  6,  1815,  married  February 
11,  1845,  Mary  Ann  I\IcClure,  who  was  born  July  19,  1822. 
He  died  December  4,  1874 __ YI-53 

They  lived  on  a  farm  near  Morgantovi^n  in  Lancaster  County,  and  after- 
wards in  Philadelphia. 

f  James  Hunter,  born  March  16,  1817,  married  October 
10,  1848.  ]\Iary  Augusta  SheafP,  daughter  of  John  Van 
Wyck  and  Elizabeth  (Waddell)  Sheaff,  born  December  22, 
1818.  and  died  December  24,  1893.    He  died  May  4,  1904 VI-54 

-James  H.  and  Mary  A.  Bull  are  buried  in  Oakland  Cemetery,  West 
Chester,  Pennsylvania.  She  was  descended  from  Cornelius  Barentse  Van 
Wyck,  who  acquired  title  to  land  at  Flatbush,  Long  Island,  in  1677.  James 
Hunter  Bull  graduated  at  Kenyon  College,  Gambler,  Ohio,  studied  law  in  Car- 
lisle, Pennsylvania,  and  entered  the  bar  of  Chester  County  at  West  Chester 
on  September  1.5,  1840.  In  184.3  he  left  on  a  trip  down  the  Mississippi  to 
Xew  Orleans.  Here  he  was  commissioned  by  the  government  to  carry  des- 
patches to  the  American  Minister  to  Mexico,  and  traveled  on  the  IT.  S.  S. 
''Princeton''  to  Vera  Cruz  and  delivered  the  despatches  at  Mexico  City.  He 
was  there  when  the  first  outbreak  occurred  of  Santa  Ana,  in  Texas.  Becom- 
ing versed  in  the  Spanish  language  he  left  on  horseback  for  Guaymas  on  the 
west  coast,  where  he  found  Dr.  Biddle,  to  whom  he  had  letters  of  introduc- 
tion. He  remained  at  Guaymas  some  little  time,  until  a  vessel  was  to  leave 
for  the  coast  of  what  is  now  California.  He  left  on  this  sailing  vessel  and 
landed  at  the  Mission  of  San  Juan  Capistrano,  which  is  about  eighty  miles 
north  of  the  present  San  Diego.  Here  he  remained  several  months  at  the 
ranch  of  Don  Juan  Foster,  who  was  the  owner  of  extensive  property,  and 
whose  descendants  still  are  prominent  in  that  vicinity.  Dressing  as  such  and 
speaking  Spanish,  he  was  taken  for  a  native  Mexican,  and  had  no  trouble  in 
going  about  the  country.  Saying  good-bye  to  Don  .Juan  Foster,  he  left  on 
horseback  for  the  north.  At  Los  Angeles  Mission  he  found  General  Fremont 
with  his  small  force  of  soldiers,  and  when  the  General  learned  that  he  was  an 
American,  tried  to  induce  him  to  join  his  force,  but  he  declined  and  kept  on 
northward.  He  spoke  of  having  stopped  at  the  Missions  of  Santa  Barbara 
and  Monterey,  finally  ending  his  long  ride  at  Yerba  Buena,  now  San  Fran- 
cisco. It  was  then  a  cluster,  as  he  aftei'wards  described  it,  of  half  a  dozen 
shanties  around  the  Mission.  While  there  he  went  up  to  Fort  S'utter,  where 
he  took  part  in  a  battle  which  occurred  with  the  Indians.  At  Yerba  Buena, 
after  this,  he  made  preparations  to  cross  the  plains,  assembling  a  number  of 
fine  horses  and  mules  and  engaging  a  native  Mexican  to  accompany  him.  He 
little  knew  what  he  would  have  to  encounter,  for  besides  suffering  from  the 
want  of  water  in  those  arid  deserts,  the  wolves  cut  the  leather  ropes  with 
which  his  fine  horses  were  tethered,  and  the  Mexican  deserted  him.  Finally 
he  had  almost  given  out  from  want  of  water,  when  he  saw  a  house  in  the  dis- 
tance, and  his  life  was  spared.  He  reached  St.  Louis  with  only  one  mule. 
His  family  had  given  him  up  as  dead,  not  having  heard  from  him  in  three 
years,  and  on  his  way  to  his  father's  house,  a  brother  who  happened  to  be  on 
the  railroad  train  could  not  believe  that  it  was  he  who  came  up  and  called 
him  by  name.  He  afterwards  settled  in  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  where  he 
practiced  law.  He  was  later  County  District  Attornev  and  Chief  ISurgess  of 
the  Borough,  and  during  the  Civil  War  was  LTnited  States  Marshal.  At  the 
time  of  his  death  he  was  the  oldest  member  of  the  bar  of  Cliester  County,  and 
was  said  to  have  been  the  oldest  practicing  attorney  in  the  LTnited  States. 

g  Levi  George,  born  in  Wilmington,  Delaware,  January 
8,  1818,  married  April  12,  1842,  Rachel  H.  Davies.  He  died 
October  20,  1842 _ ...._. VI-55 

Levi   B.   Bull   is   buried   in   the   churchyard   of  Bangor   Episcopal   Church, 
Churchtown.   Lancaster   County,   Pennsylvania. 

h  AVilliam  Meade,  born  June  24.  1820,  married  Feb- 
ruary 2.  1846,  Sarah  Roberts  Thomas,  born  May  9,  1823, 
and  died  March  6,  1878.    He  died  in  1883 VI-56 

William  M.  Bull  was  admitted  to  the  Chester  Countv  bar  at  West   Clies- 
ter,  Pennsylvania,  June  12,  1843,   and  practiced  law  in  Philadelphia. 

'I'lIM     i:i   1,1,     I'AMll.V  41 

i      l']li/,;i  .l;ic()|js,  lioni  Sc|iiciiiln  T  .;i.   1>_'|.  iliftl  .Jiilv  17, 

is  I  I,  iiiiiii,-]  |-|-ii'i  I, 

.i  * 'oli'iii.-ii:  .l;ii'()li.s.  I)()rii  l''i>lini;ii-y  In  I  S2^J,  iiiarrn-<l 
.l.iiiiiaiy  L',  IS  ID,  Anna  1"'.  Davics.     lir  ili.-<i  April  :{(),  1M57,.    \  I  .,7 

"'"''•I'l'iii  •!■  I'lill  i'^  liMiicd  ill  (lie  I'liiii'rIiMii'il  of  Ml.  Miiry'n  Kpinrorial 
Cliiinli,     Wiirwirli.     rciiiisy  l\  ii  rii,-i. 

k  li.vdia  liOiiisa.  Iioi-n  .laiiiiaix'  I'l,  1 S '_».")  dinl  I)i'i-ciiiI»»t 
:),  1S44. 

I  ('lai'a  ,Mai'y,  liorn  -laniiar.\-  iMi,  iSi'T.  iriarrir<l  .May  :{, 
1847,  William  Alexander  Sniilli,  wIhi  di>'d  m  |!i||.  .Sh,. 
die(|  .Januai'.v  7,  1857 \'I-.'>S 

Williiiiii  A.  Smilh  WHS  11  ))r()iiiiMciit  liiiiikcr  iiiul  lirnkor  in  N>w  York  <  irv, 
iiiid  wiis  111  (iiir  lime  clminnim  of  the  New  'N'oi-k  Sloi-k  K,\i'liani;c.  At  ihi-  tiriii- 
of  liis  (Iciilli  h,.  u;is  the  oldest  ini'iiiIxT  of  tile  I'^xclinnui',  llr  wiiH  cldHcly  roll- 
niHtcd    with    I  In.   .ifriiirs   of   the   Kpi.seopiil   Cliiirch,    and   with    thoHo  of   the   hoii- 

pitiils  iiiicl   (iilirr  ilmritiible   institutions  of  New   York   Cily. 

m  .Martha  S.,  lH)i'n  .Vpril  Ki,  182!),  dird  Sriitrinher  3 

11  TTenr.v  TTeliev,  born  ^Fareli  2r;,  IS:];],  married  .fuiie  11. 
18()7,  Eiinna  Henderson,  who  was  horn  Septeiiiher  14.  ls:i."(. 
and  died  :\[ay  23,  1874.     He  died  Feliruary  1.  187!) VI-59 

IFeni-y  H.  and  Enniia  linll  are  buried  in  Woodlawn  Cemetery,  Philadelphia, 
He  was  a  stock  broker  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  Durinc  the  Civil  War 
he  was  in  the  Home  Guard  Regiment  of  Cavalry,  as  a  eaptain  of  troop, 

o  Samuel  Octavins,  horn  Deeemlx-r  27,  18:U.  married 
November  13,  1878,  llannanetta  S.  Niehols.  who  wa.s  liorn 
August  30,  1859.    He  died  January  26,  1!)04 VI-60 

Samuel  O,  Bull  is  buried  in  the  ehurehyard  of  St.  Mary's  Kpisropul 
Church,  Warwick,  Pennsylvania,  He  enlisted  in  ISdl  as  a  private  in  Com- 
pany C,  4th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantry,  at  Pottstown.  under 
Captain  .Tohn  R,  Brooke,  Was  mustered  out  on  expiration  of  enlistment 
-July  27.  ISCil,  Enrolled  as  captain  of  Company  A,  ."•.'ird  Regiment.  Pennsyl- 
vania Volunteer  Infantry,  August  10.  l.viil,  for  three  years.  Promoted  to 
Ma.ior  .Tune  1',  18(12.  Promoted  to  Lieutenant  Colonel  May  17.  1S(W.  and  to 
Colonel  September  IS,  I.SIU,  Was  discharged  on  e.\piration"  of  service  .Vovem- 
ber  1,  1.'-{(i4,  He  served  with  the  army  of  the  Potomac  and  with  the  army  of 
the  Virginia  throughout  the  war.  and  was  Provost  Jlarshal  of  the  I'nd  Corp.t 
of  Major  General  Hancock,  After  the  Civil  War  he  was  in  various  lines  of 
business,  finally  going  into  farming  at  Albany,  Texas,  where  he  also  served 
as  U,  S,  Mai-shal,  The  last  days  of  his  life  were  spent  in  his  native  country, 
Chester  County,   Pennsylvania, 

V-18     Children  of  James  0.  and  Maryaretta  (,l>iill;  daeohs.  l\'-4-<,'. 

a  Ann  Hunter,  born  at  Federal  Hall,  Lancaster  rounty. 
Pennsylvania,  July  3.  1808,  married  February  14.  1S33, 
Rev.  Thomas  Creigh.  Slie  died  October  16,  183.1."  at  Carlisle. 
Pennsylvania.     He  was  born  at  Carlisle  in  1812 VI-<)1 

Rev,  Thomas  Creigh  was  a  clergyman  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church. 
and  was  rector  of  the  church  at   Mercersburg.   Pennsylvania, 

b  Cyrus  Hamilton,  born  .\ii^ust  4,  ISO!),  married  (1) 
Anna  ^F.  Stevens,  no  issue. 

Married  (2)  IMiss  :\rakall.  He  died  September  14.  18:?6. 
at  Carlisle,  Pennsylvania,  at  the  home  of  his  brother 
Thomas  '. VI-«>2 

Cyrus  H,   Jacobs  was  a  clergyman   in   the   Protestant    Episcopal  Church. 

42  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Thomas  Bull,  born  August  15,  1812,  married  (1)  De- 
cember 15,  1831,  by  Rev.  Thomas  Creigh,  Mary  Creigh, 
daughter  of  Dr.  John  Creigh  of  Carlisle.  She  died  March 
4,  1837.  at  Carlisle,  Pennsylvania,  at  the  home  of  her  father.. ..VI-63 

Married  (2)  May  3,  1838.  Mary  Elliott,  second  daughter 
of  Commodore  Jesse  Duncan  Elliott,*  by  the  Rev.  Patrick 
Henry  Greenleaf  at  Carlisle.  Pennsylvania.  She  was  born 
at  Norfolk.  Virginia,  and  died  at  West  Chester,  Pennsyl- 
vania, December  17,  1869.  He  died  January  3,  1888,  at 
Lancaster,  Pennsylvania  _._. .._ VI-64 

Thomas  B.  and  Mary  -Jacobs  are  buried  in  Oakland  Cemetery,  West 
Chester,   Pennsylvania. 

d  James  Hunter,  born  in  1814,  married  Ruth  A.  John- 
son.   Lived  at  Churchtown,  Pennsylvania.    No  issue. 

V-19     Children  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Bull)   Beatty.    IV-5-a. 

a  ]\Iargaret.  born  in  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  Sep- 
tember 18,  1804,  married  September  17,  1826,  John  W.  Bos- 
serman,  son  of  Phillip  Bosserman  of  Adams  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, born  in  1803  and  died  November  11,  1852.  She 
died  March  18,  1843,  in  Perry  County , VL65 

Johji  W.  and  Margaret  Bosserman  are  buried  at  Newport,  Pennsylvania, 
where  they  had  lived.  John  W.  Bosserman  was  the  grandson  of  Michael 
Bosserman,  who  came  from  Holland  in  1743. 

b  ]\Iartha,  born  in  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  March 
26,  1807.  married  by  Rev.  Timothy  Alden,  June  14,  1841, 
Thomas  L.  B.  McClure.  who  was  born  in  Ireland  in  July, 
1792,  and  died  August  28,  1866.    She  died  October  26,  1886....yi-66 

They  lived  at  Dicksonburg,  Pennsylvania. 

c  Henry  Bull,  born  August  28,  1809.  married  (1) 
August  2.  1856,  Sarah  A.  Wallace- -.. VI-67 

Married  (2)  in  1869,  Anna  C.  Callom.    No  issue. 

Another  authority  gives  the  name  as  Anna  MeFadden. 
Henry  B.  Beatty  lived  at  Sugartown,  Pennsylvania. 

*Born  in  Maryland,  .July  14,  1782.  Died  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  December  10,  184.5.  Buried 
at  Philadelphia.  (Some  biographies  give  1785  and  others  1789;  two  give  1782  as  date  of  his 
birth. ) 

Appointed  Midshipman  April  2,  1804;  Lieutenant,  April  2.3,  1810;  Master  Commandant 
(Commander),  -July  23,   1813;   Captain,  March  27,  1823. 

Made  his  first  cruise  to  the  Mediterranean  in  the  ''Essex''.  .June,  1807,  was  on  the 
"Chesapeake"  when  she  was  attacked  by  H.  B.  M.  S.  "Essex".  September,  1812,  was  in 
squadron  of  Commodore  Chauncey  on  the  Great  Lakes.  October  8,  1812,  captured,  on  Lake 
Erie,  the  British  vessels  "Detroit"  and  "Caledonia";  for  which  he  received  the  thanks  of 
Congress  and  a  sword.  The  "Caledonia"  was  taken  into  the  U.  S.  Navy,  the  "Detroit" 
(formerly  the  "Adams",  built  by  the  U.  S.  Army  for  their  use  on  the  lakes)  was  completely 
destroyed.  Displaved  consjiicuous  gallantry  at  the  capture  of  York,  Upper  Canada,  April  27, 

In  the  battle  of  Lake  Erie,  commanded  the  "Niagara,"  September  10,  1813,  until  Perry 
went  aboard  that  ship,  then  took  command  of  the  smaller  ships  of  the  squadron,  and  was 
commended  by  Perry  for  his  gallantry.  Awarded  a  gold  medal  by  Congress.  Succeeded  Com- 
modore Perry  in  command  of  the  Lake  Erie  Squadron  and  Station.  1814-1815  in  Commodore 
Chauncey' s  squadron  on  Lake  Ontario.  Early  in  the  spring  of  1815  sailed  for  the  Mediter- 
ranean, for  operations  against  Algiers.  1817-1824  was  one  of  the  commissioners  to  select  sites 
on  the  coast  of  North  Carolina  for  naval  stations,  lighthouses  and  fortifications.  1825-1827 
commanding  the  XJ.  S.  S.  "Cyane",  Brazil  Station.  1825-1831  commanding  West  India 
Squadron.  1832-1833  commanding  Navy  Yard,  Boston,  Mass.  1835-1837  commanding  Mediter- 
ranean Squadron.     1843-1845  commanding  Navy  Yard,   Philadelphia. 


rill';    i;i  i,L    i'amilv  43 

il  (Jr;icc  I'.iill,  Ikiiii  Sc|itiiiili,.r  H,  IHll,  iiiafrirrl  |)i>c(>iil- 
licr  7.  ls:!l,  Diiiiicl  ('lusi'.  wliu  \\;i.s  horn  .Inly  2A,  iHOi),  an«l 
(lied  .Inly   l.").   ISS7.     She  (Ii.mI  .Inly   17,  liHHt." VI-HH 

l>:ini(l    ;iimI    (Hacc    <'l(isi'    mi'    l.micrl    iil     nii  irnoiiMtiliri;,    PxnnRylvaiM  > 

('  l']l(;in(>r  linll.  In. in  .\l;ii'cli  ."{(I.  1^1  I.  iMnl  nniiiaiTi«-«|  at 
]\lillint;l()n,  llluiois.  .March   1!).  1!)()4. 

I'llrii  mil'    r>('Mtly    is    )>inic'(l    ;il     M  illiiiu'luri.    Illiiinis. 

r      Mli/.ahct  11.    hoi'n    Alardi    I'll,    jsjc.    niai-rinl    h'rhi-uary 
1(),    1S4"_*.    h'rccdoni    Lord,    horn    in    l^h;   and    dird    m    I'liil 
She  died   An^'Ust  S,   ISSII \' I -UI) 

'I'licx     li\('(l    :il    ( 'diini'ii  111  s\  i  111',     ri'iiiisylviiiiiii 

<i'      IJoxana.  horn    April    !!•,    Is]!),   marrii'd    ^li    XoVfinhcr 

24,  1S4'_'.  .lohn   i'ln^lrlianpt,  wliodinl   Man'li  7.   l-^lh  \'l-7() 
.Married  (2)  Sei)t('nih(M' :!,  hsr)S,  Willi.-nn  j,    h',  .Iomcs.  who 

dietl   April   27,    18i)2.      She   di.'d    Dn-rnihrr   :;i.    HMi'       Xo 

'I'lu'V    lived    :it    S':iii(l\vi('li.    niiiuiis. 

Il  William  Harrison,  horn  .\ni;nst  !•,  l^L'l.  in  I'l-rry 
County,  i'eiuisylvania,  inari'icd  .Mar\-  Deyo.  horn  May  IS. 
1827,  dauji'hter  ot"  Ralph  and  Tahitlia  ilJarncsi  Di-yo  of 
New  Jersey.  lie  died  .Mar(di  21,  ISilM.  She  died  Ft4»i-uary 
12,    1892..." \'l  71 

Wiliiiim     IT.     ;iii(l     Mni'v     Bcntty     ;ire     l)urio(l     at     DicksDiilnirs.     Crawfonl 
t'ouuty,    PcimsylvaTiia. 

i  Catherine,  born  Octohcr  2!),  1S24,  niai'ricd  (1)  Dcct-in- 
ber  25,  1845,  Lewis  Bearss.    No  issue. 

IMarricd  (2)  James  Dickson.  No  issue.  Sli."  di.'d  .\pi-il 
19,  1901. 

Catherine  Dickson  is  buried  at   San  Bernardino,  California. 

Y-20     Children  of  Francis  and -Temima  (BuHi  -Toi-thin.     H'-.l-e. 

a  Robert  l>ull,  ])orn  .Tanuary  24,  ISl  1,  mari'ird  1  Mar- 
tha Thompson  ^  1  i2 

Tiivcd  at   lola,   Kansas. 

Married  (2)  September  U,  lS;Ui.  Kuieline  Ci'ossrtt,  horn 
December  9,  1817,  and  died  August  15,  1892.  lb-  di.M  K-l- 
ruaiy  22.   1876 \I-7:i 

b     Caroline,  born  in  181:?,  mai'ried  (1)  Hugh  MrClcary     Vl-74 

Ijived  at   Mexico,   Pennsylvania. 

^Married  (2)  John  Kitner  Smith  at  Newport,  Pnuisyl- 
vania,  in  1837.  He  was  born  in  1809  and  died  in  is7!i.  She 
was  his  second  wife.    She  died  in  1848 V  1-75 

,Tohn  K.   and   Caroline   Sniitli   are  buried  at    MitTlin,   rennsylvania. 

c  Samuel,  born  ]Mar('h  4,  1815,  marriiHl  Hehecra  Ann 
Jones,  who  was  born  January  14.  1811,  ;in<l  died  November 

25,  1880.    He  died  March  25,  1875 VI-7G 

They  lived  at  Mexico,  rennsylvania. 

44  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d  Lewis,  born  September  23,  1818,  raarried  December 
31,  1840.  Isabella  Y.  Martin,  who  was  born  February  19, 
1819,  and  died  March  29,  1886.    He  died  September  3,  i906....yi-77 

They  lived  at  Delijhi,  Indiana,  where  he  was  a  dentist,  having  gained  his 
experience  by  practical  work  before  dental  colleges  were  in  existence. 

e  Henry  Bull,  born  March  4,  1825,  died  unmarried  Sep- 
tember 20,  1847. 

Henry  B.  -Jordan  enlisted  in  service  of  the  United  States  November  27, 
1846,  and  was  wounded  at  the  battle  of  Molino  del  Rey,  September  17,  1817, 
dying  three  days  later. 

f  Jeremiah,  born  July  1,  1830,  married  December  1, 
1868,  Ellen  I.  Linn,  who  was  born  February  26,  1842,  and 
died  May  12,  1906.    He  died  August  8,  1908 VI-78 

They  lived  at  Bridgewater,   South  Dakota. 

V-21     Children  of  William  and  Martha  (Bull)  Roberts.    IY-5-d. 

a  Henry  Bull,  born  October  28,  1820,  at  Donnelly's  :\Iill, 
Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  married  February  4.  1864, 
Nancy  Jane  Meredith,  daughter  of  Samuel  Black*  and  ^lar- 
garet  (Donnellv)  Meredith,  who  was  born  at  Donnelly's 
Mill  January  7,  1845.    He  died  July  28,  1887 VI-79 

Henry  B.  Roberts  is  buried  at  Middle  Creek  Cemetery,  Winnebago, 
Illinois.  Henry  Bull  Roberts,  when  a  young  man  in  Pennsylvania,  engaged  in 
farming  and  teaching:  also  started  in  the  mercantile  business,  but  in  1819 
came  to  the  Middle  West.  He  was  the  pioneer  of  the  family  in  this  region, 
having  ridden  a  horse  from  Pennsylvania  to  Illinois.  Mrs.  Roberts  lives  in 
Chicago,   Illinois. 

b  Edward  Rambo,  born  January  2,  1823,  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, married  November,  1852,  Ann  Hamer,  who  was  born 
at  Petersburg,  Pennsvlvania,  November  26.  1833,  and  died 
July  12,  1908.    He  died  March  27,  1898 yL80 

Edward  R.  and  Ann  Roberts  are  buried  at  Winnebago,  Illinois.  They 
lived  at  Elida,  Illinois. 

c  Mary  Peacock,  born  June  23,  1828.  in  Pennsylvania, 
married  A.  Clark  Myton,  who  died  in  1886.  She  died  March 
10,  1916.    No  issue. 

A.  Clark  Myton  is  buried  at  Los  Angeles,  California.  Mary  P.  Myton  is 
buried  in  Middle  Creek  Cemetery,  Winnebago,  Illinois. 

Y-22     Children  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Bull)  Okeson.    IV-5-e. 

a     Martha  Bull,  born  in  1813,  married  Thomas  Arbuckle. 
•  No  issue. 

Lived  at  McCullough's  Mills,   Pennsylvania. 

b     Ellen,  born  in  1815,  married  David  Cox.    No  issue. 

Lived  at  McCullough's  Mills,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Samuel,  born  in  1821,  married  (1)  Maria  Shoop. yi-81 

Lived  at  Marble,   Pennsylvania. 

Married  (2)  Eleanor  McClintock  (widow).    No  issue. 

*Son  of  David  Meredith  and  .Jane  Black,  listed  in  "Thos.  Robinson  and  His  Descendants", 
by  Rev.  Thos.  Hastings  Robinson,  1902.  Also  listed  in  'Tamilv  Memorial  of  Robinson.  McCord 
and  Blaine  Families",  by  T.  H.  R.,  1867. 

( I 

'rill-;    HI  1,1,    ivwiii.Y  4S 

lirliciM';i  .1.,  Ixini  .\|iiil  II,  IsJi).  iiiiirfii'd  in  IH.')", 
.I;iiiifs  |)i\('ii,  wild  ilnil  Si'|  i|  rinlirr  (i,  Issj.  Slir  dii-d  St*!)* 
I.'hiIh'I'  1^."),   nil:: VT«2 

riicy    livril    III    Sliiulc  (iHl>,    I'l'iiiiHylviinia. 

V-L»:{       Cliildivii  of   IJirh.inl  ,111,1    r,,ll>    .  ||,,trn,;i||  ,    |'.,|||.       |\'ti;,. 

a  -loliii  N.,  Ihiim  ill  islii,  111,1  iiii-d  ( 'at  lii-r-iiif  Sliaf|»,  who 
was  l)<)i'ii  .March  7,  liSl4,  and  dit-d  i'"eljnmry  (>,  l!>()4.  Ho 
died  da  Hilary  2.  LSSS VI-83 

'I'liiy  li\icl  III    l)(ivir,   ^■|M■ii   CiMiriiy,   I'cnriHylviiiiiii,  wlirrr  )u>  mncl«  potlnry 

iiiid   liiiil   II    rmni.      lie   WHS    i  riliTi'sli'<l    in    the   ' '  I'liflfrKrouiiil    li'i'' ■'■■-mg 

Ihr    Civil    Wiir. 

Ii  IioImtI,  lioi'ii  ill  1S1"_',  ni.'irrii'il  Siis;iii  .lai'k.Mni.  .\o  j.s- 

Tliry    lixi'cl   iit     1  lunti'vsvilli'.    Missouri. 

C      I^'raiik.  lioni  in  ISI.").  m.-n'rird  ('arolini'  Ma'-llnini  \'I-.H4 

Tlu-y   livcil   III    Dcm'air,   Oliii>. 

d     William,  born  in  1818,  dictl  in  Alabama. 

Hi-  was  a   traveling  salpsman. 

e  ]\lary.  l)()rii  in  ISill.  niai'rird  (Jeor^c  Kiinklr.  who  was 
born  in  181(i \'l-85 

They  lived  at   Manchester,   Pennsylvania. 

V-24     Childivn  of  Elijali  and  Lydi.-i  iK;iiin)   I'.iill.  IX'-tl-e 

a      Anna,  born  in  IS'ib.  inari'icd  .bilin  Stair VI-86 

They   lived  at   Ilummelstown,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Ennnaline,  born  in  1826,  married  dolui  (IrinMii.  .son  ot" 
John  and  i>arbara  Grinnn,  whose  ancestors  weiv  from  Ger- 
many   VI-87 

They   lived   at   Strinestown,   York   County.   Pennsylvania. 

A'^-25     Children  of  John  antl  Catlicritie  (  Hreiiiu-r  I   IJnIl.         IV-ti-f 

a     Levi,  born  in  1820,  mafricd  Kli./.abrtli  .Mrl.  <j:ar Vl-SS 

They  lived  at  Landesville,   Pennsylvania. 

b     1.     Sarah.  l)orn  in  1826,  married  Mirli;i<-I  M;ie!lit.rii       VI-SO 

They  lived  at   ^lanehester,   Pennsylvania. 

2.     Elijah,  born  in  1826,  married  Klizab.'tii  Ileekmaii   VI-OO 

They  lived  at  Lexington,   Pennsylvania. 

c.  Elizabeth,  born  in  18:?0  in  ronewaji:o  Townshi|).  York 
County,  Pennsylvania,  married  Sanuiel  SchaetVei-,  who  was 
born  in  Windsor  Township,  York  Couidy.  in  183') VI-Dl 

They   lived   in   Weiglestown,    Pennsylvania. 

d  Ann,  born  in  IS:?."),  man-ied  Henry  S.  Wilt,  who  was 
born  in  Dover  Township,  York  County,  in  1800.  She  died 
in  1911 VI-92 

They    lived    at    ."iP',    West    Philadel|)hia    Street,    York.    Pennsylvania. 

e  Lydia,  born  in  18:^!)  in  Conewaii'o  Township.  York 
Countv,  died  unmarried  in  i;)l)4. 



V-26     Children  of  Dr.  Ross  and  Elizabeth  (McGrew)  Bull.  IV-6-i 

a     Jane,  born  in  1819.  married  Michael  Quickel,  who  was 
born  in  1821  and  died  in  1890 VI-93 

They  lived  in  York  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  is  buried  in  the  church- 
yard of  Salem  Church,  Dover  Township,  and  she  is  buried  at  Lock's  School- 
house  graveyard. 



(Page    14) 

b  Sarah,  born  November  7,  1821,  married  Solomon  Eu- 
pert.    She  died  June  4,  1844. 

They  lived  in  York  County,   Pennsylvania. 

c  Elizabeth,  born  June  6,  1823,  married  John  H. 
Hoover,  who  was  born  September  28,  1827,  and  died  July 
27,  1860.     She  died  January  3,  1898 _ VI-94 

d    William  B.,  born  October  19,  1825,  married  December 

Till';     1111,1,     lAMII.V  47 

17,  1H4S,    l';i\ir;i    Iv   Sliirhls,   uti.i  u;is  Imni    .\|.ril   Vi,  182H. 

;iii(l  (lic<|  .l.iiiiiiiiT   1."),   1IM7.     Ilf  (li.'il  .Inly  L':!.  I'M  '.  Vl-I),'* 

'riii'\     lixiii    ;i  I     I;  i-iiMi  If:i  I  ,    liMliitia,    wlii-rr    )if    ^v,ii   ,t    furinrt 

r  .M;iri;i.  Ixini  •l,iiiii;i  r.\'  H,  Isi'.s.  iiuirr-it-d  Lewis  limly 
Miller,  son  n\'  S,iiiiii(l  imkI   Lydiii    -  l>'ii(lyi    Miller-.  Iiofii  .May 

r_',     1S:!1,    :ill(|    (lied    .|,lllll;i|-y     >,     ISlKi.        She    died     Sr|.|eri|ll.T 

24.    1S!);{ '. \  I-:m, 

'liny    livid   111    I  .I'wisliiirj;,   Yiirk  CoiUll.v,   wIhti-  he  owivl    ■  ,,,     ,.i,,i    ,„,.  , 

niovril    111   >  ink,    l'rinis.\  Iviinia.* 

r  K'('l>('cc;i.  Iioni  ()ci()l)ir  ■_',  ls:;-_'.  <lird  iiiiiii;in-ird  .March 
17.    1!M)1. 

,'>lLr     li\ril    Ml     ^■|Pl■k.     I 'rimsj  lviini:i.    iiiiil     is    ini'iit  inm  il     ..        .         « ..tul.-i -^i  II - 
iiiti'iTsl  inn-   woman  '  ' . 

<X      (it'OfLi'c.  liorii  ill  I^^-'k).  iii;i  rrird    l>';iidic|    lluiriiiiiM. 

■|'hi>     li\  III    at    (   laik.    (ihiii. 

li      I'jstlicf    Ami,    hoi'ii    ill    1841,    iiiairicd    ClafU    Wil.sun 
She  (lied  ill   1!)11 \'l-97 

'rhr.\    livi'il   al    Mrrlianicsbuvf;,    I'cniis.vlvjiiiiii. 

V-27      Cliildrcii  of  Samuel  and  -laiic   (l')iill)    Aiidcfson.  !\'-7-a 

a  Tlioinas  Wilson,  born  September  2(i,  lsl4.  married 
Octolier  4,  1886,  ('oliiml)ia  fM(d^\'rran)  Kimlisli.  Me  di.M 
in  Ked  l^iver  County,  Texas,  Auyust  15,  181)1) \'l-9S 

'riiiinias  W.  Anderson  wns  ii  mini.ster  of  the  Missionary  Church. 
Ho  p  10 ached  a  iiiunber  of  .veais  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri,  until  he  moved 
to  Texas  in  1S.")2.  and  preached  in  Ked  Kiver  County  thirtysi.\  years.  He  wus 
at   one  church   twenty   years. 

1)  ^rai'^aret  Amanda,  born  August  .'),  18:11,  marrieil  in 
188!).  doliii  Wilson.     She  died  in  18.")!) VI-0!) 

'I'liey  livetl   at   Cape   Girardeau,    Missouri. 

V-28     Children  of  Beniamin  and  Jane    (  Hull-Anderson  i    Wilson. 


a  William  Berry,  horn  daiiuary  14.  18:!1,  married  Sep- 
tember 15,  1853,  Ann  Eliza  dudeii.  lie  died  Octolier  is. 
1900 VI-KKt 

William  B.  Wilson  was  a  physician  and  lived  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri. 

b  D.  Oreen,  born  October  8,  1888.  married  ^Tay  4,  1871. 
Mary  S.  Yeai-in,  who  was  born  Xovemlier  1!),  18.")1,  and  died 
April   15,   18!)0 \l  KH 

He  was  a  lawyer,  and  was  .iud^c  of  County  Court.  Lived  at  Bloouitield, 
Stoddard  County,   Missouri. 

*,Sainuel  Miller  (born  in  ISOS.  died  in  ISS(l)  was  the  son  of  .Tohn  Miller  (born  March  12. 
17."!))  and  firandson  of  Andrew  Miller  (born  in  IT.'U  and  died  in  I"!).".),  who  was  n  .soldier  in 
tlie  Revolutionai-y  War.  S'ee  Pennsylvania  Arcliives.  Sixth  Series.  Vol  \1.  Spangler's  .Vnn.nN. 
and  Gibson's  York  County  History.  Dorothea  was  the  wife  of  .Vndrew  Miller:  niid  the  wife 
of  .lohn  Miller  was  .Taiie  Kanisey.  of  wluun  it  was  said,  •'She  could  speak  Knelish  only".  Her 
father  was  proniiiieiit  in  the  Kevolutionary  War;  she  was  born  .lanuary  '^J.  177-1,  and  died 
October  :^7,    1S4:',. 

48  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Y-29     Children   of    Thomas   A.    and   Elizabeth    (Bull)    Wilson. 


a  Alphonzo,  born  January  17,  1817.  married  August  31, 
1837,  Almedia  Wilson,  who  was  born  in  Kentucky  August 
27,  1822,  and  died  August  21,  1891 VI-102 

Alphonzo  and  Almedia  Wilson  are  both  buried  at  the  cemetery  of  Apple 
Creek  Church,  near  Pocahontas,  Missouri. 

b  Mary  Ann,  born  August  28.  1818,  at  Gallatin,  Ten- 
nessee, married  October  31,  1837,  Ezekial  McNeely  of  Jack- 
son. Missouri,  son  of  Adam  and  Lettie  (Kilpatrick)  Mc- 
Neely of  Mooresville,  North  Carolina VI-103 

Both  are  buried  at  Old  Centre  Church  there.  Adam  McNeely  was  born 
July  8,  1804,  and  died  March  5,  1885.  Lettie  McNeely  died  at  Jackson,  Mis- 
souri, August  30,  1901.  Ezekial  McNeely  first  married  in  1829  Martha  Cress- 
well  of  Mooresville,  North  Carolina,  and  moved  to  Perry  County,  Missouri, 
where  she  died  about  18-32.  Mary  Ann  Wilson  moved  in  1819  from  Gallatin, 
Tennessee,  to  Shawneetown,  Missouri,  where  her  parents  died. 

Ezekial  and  Mary  A.  McK'eely  are  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  Apple  Creek 
Church,   near  Pocahontas,   Missouri. 

c  Elizabeth  Jane,  born  September  29,  1820,  married 
September  30.  1841,  George  Short,  who  was  born  in  1816 
and  died  in  1894.     She  died  in  1864_.... VI-104 

They  lived  in  Fruitland,   Missouri. 

d  Michael  Alexander,  born  February  22.  1823.  married 
December  17,  1846,  Dovey  Ann  McLain,  daughter  of  Joseph 
and  Jennie  McLain  of  North  Carolina,  died  April  15,  1865. 
He  died  October  11,  1855 VI-105 

Michael  A.  Wilson  is  buried  at  Bloomfleld,  Missouri.  He  was  a  farmer. 
Dovey  A.  Wilson  is  buried  at  Appleton,  Missouri. 

e  Margaret  Rebecca,  born  December  2,  1825,  died  Sep- 
tember 28,  1828. 

f  Thomas  Addison,  born  April  13,  1828,  married  April 
7,  1853,  Minerva  Russel.  who  was  born  January  14.  1827, 
and  died  January  14,  1910.    He  died  December  8,  1906 .VI-106 

Thomas  A.  and  Minerva  Wilson  are  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  Apple 
Creek  Church,  near  Pocahontas,  Missouri.  They  lived  near  Shawneetown, 
Missouri,  where  he  was  a  farmer. 

g  Theresa  Caroline,  born  January  23,  1831,  married  in 
1849  Uriel  ]Monroe  Howard,  who  was  born  in  1829  and  died 
in  1863.     She  died  in  1863 ____ __ VI-107 

h  Richard  Anderson,  born  March  20,  1833,  married  Sep- 
tember 6,  1853,  Catherine  E.  Knox.  He  died  March  20, 
1884    - VI-108 

They  lived  at  Brazeau,   Missouri. 

i  Rachel  Surrilda,  born  September  2,  1836,  married  (1) 
in  1855  Newton  Hughey - -— VI-109 

Married  (2)  in  1865  George  Clodfelter  of  Huntsville, 
Alabama.     She  died  in  1874 ___ ___ VI-110 

Rachel  S.  Clodfelter  is  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  Apple  Creek  Church, 
near  Pocahontas,  Missouri.  The  parents  of  George  Clodfelter  came  from  Ger- 
many.    He  was  merchant   and  manufacturer  at  Birmingham,   Alabama. 

Till-:     111  l,L     I'W.MILV  49 

j     liil.N'  ( "<iliiiiilii;i,   lioiii    Aiitrnsi    lT),    ls:{!>,   iii}irrii'«l   (1) 

ill    IS")!    ('ic.'l'o    ll(i\\;ii(|    (if    (  )kl;il:()in;i  Vf   ]]] 

.Miirricd   (  Ll )   in  isiir),  .lolm  ('jiiviii  Ailiims \' I   \\2 

Cicrio    lldWiird   wns    kill.d   at    tin-   liattlr  (if    Pilot    K  ,,,,1,   |t|   tllo  Tivit   War 
V-;{0        ("hildlVII    dl'    \V.     Andrrsdli    ;ill(|     l.'.-irhrl     \V.     i   \V;ilhir,.,     I'.iill. 


a  ]\I;ii'\'  .Iniif,  l)()iii  Sc|ilciiilHr  1,  1  s •_'•").  ilir.l  .liilv  1*0 

I)  Ani;iii(l;i  Ann.  horn  Sc|)tciiil)ir  17.  1s-J7.  nmrrifd 
()('l()i)cr  ;U),  184."),   \Villi;ini    I'..    I'';ii'r;ii'.      Slir  ilinl    Ail"iisf   .'> 


'I'wd  sons  and   (iauiililcr  said   Id   liavc   licni   liviiii;,   Imt    no   r<Tor(l   ha*  hten 

I'dii  nd. 

('  l*]liz;il)('1li,  Itoni  August  L'li.  ISl'D,  nuii-ricd  (  )c|(il)|.r  ;{0. 
184.").  .Innics  A.   Wood. 

Xo   rccdi'd   has   ln'i'ii   fdunil   of  tliis   family. 

d  William  Andovson,  Jr.,  ])oni  .Mandi  17.  1s:!l',  niarrii-d 
December  27.  18.''):5.  .Margaret  Liu-kcy.     lie  di.'d  in  1!»12       \'lll:; 

e  James  .\..  l)oni  .July  11,  18;)4.  ma rricd  .M;iy  •_':;.  ImII. 
Amanda  Ilnghey,  who  died  Sci)f(iiihi'i-  7.  l!i]").  l|,.  difd 
July  8,  1880 ! Vlll  1 

V-81     Children    ol"     William    and     Margaret     (Bulls     ('iia|nnan. 

a     James  Alexander,  horn  in  Rnnnier  County,  'rcnnrsst'e, 
November  6,  1823,  died  in  Springliehh  .Missouri.  Julv  :iO, 

V-32     Children  of  Benjamin  and  Kebeeea   A.    (Bull)    Chapman. 


a     Richard  Alexander,  horn  November  29,  1820.  married 

at  Gallatin.  Tennessee,  April  30.  1857.  Mar\'  ^'i\•ian  I-'ry  of 

"Wineliester.     Clarke    Connty.    Kcntiickx'.     who     was    Ixirn 

August  20.  1837 ' ' \'  l-li:^ 

They  lived  in  Sumner  County,  Tennessee,  until  l.Sdi;^  when  thoy  inovpil  to 
Sherman,  Texas,  where  Richard  A.  Cliapmau  ensraged  in  business.  They  live 
at  l.')01  E.  Lamar  Street,  Sherman.     See  .Vppendix. 

1)  AVilliam  Anderson,  born  August  2.  18:^2.  married 
February  Ifi.  1858,  ^Mildred  Fry.  who  was  l)orn  Octolx-r  lH. 
1831,  in  Clarke  County,  Kentucky,  and  died  Dcccmhcr  2. 
1881.  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee.  11. ■  di.MJ  F<'l.rnary  27,  lOlt;       \\-]\r, 

c  James  Pauldinu',  horn  Mav  3,  1835,  died  Octohft-  It!. 

V-33     Children  of  Richard  and  Sarah  (Clark)  liiill.  IV-8-a 

a     AVilliam  D..  born  in  1S12,  iiiarrif.l     1      Druxilla  Mix   Vr-n7 

They  lived  at  Montieello,  Kansas. 

Married  (2)  Susan  B.  Brown,     lb'  died  in  1875 Vl-llS 

50  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b     Lizanna,  born  in  1813,  died  in  1892,  unmarried. 

She  lived  in  North  Webster,   Indiana. 

c  Emeline.  born  February  23,  1815,  married  March  23, 
1837,  by  Eev.  Jones  at  Washington  Township,  Kosciusko 
County,  Indiana,  Joel  Vanderford.  She  died  November 
12,  1891 __... VI-119 

They  lived  at  Wolf  Lake,   Indiana. 

d  Sarah  E.,  born  in  1816,  married  AV.  Harrison  Nutter. 
She  died  in  1881..... VI-120 

They  lived  in  Knoxville,   Iowa. 

e  Robert  Henry,  born  May  9,  1818,  married  in  1850. 
Maria  Greider,  born  September  15,  1828,  in  Cumberland 
Count5^  Pennsylvania,  and  died  in  Noble  County,  Indiana, 
February  12,  1912.  He  died  in  Noble  Countv,  March  10. 
1858    ..-.-- - ......L.... .....VI-121 

They    lived    at    AVihnoth,    Indiana.      After    his    death    she    lived    with    her 
daughter,  Mrs.  L.  H.  Upson,  for  thirty-eight  years. 

f  Margaret  S.,  born  in  1819,  married  James  L.  Fordyce. 
She  died  in  1893 VI-122 

They  lived  at  Forest  Grove,  Oregon. 

g     Alexander  C,  born  in  1821,  died  in  1848,  unmarried. 

He  lived  in  Xorth  Webster,  Indiana. 

h  John  AL.  born  in  1822,  married  Sarah  Holcomb.  He 
died  in  1861..L. VI-123 

They  lived  at  Forest  Grove,  Oregon. 

i  Joseph  Brady,  born  June  19,  1824,  married  Septem- 
ber 19,  1854,  Anna  Greider,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Eliza- 
beth (Howenstine)  Greider  of  Cumberland  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, born  August  5,  1831,  and  died  May  28,  1905.  He 
died  at  Camp  Piatt,  AVest  Virginia,  July  31,  1865. VI-124 

.Joseph  Brady  Bull  served  in  the  Civil  War  in  Company  B  of  the  1.52nd 
Kegiment,  Indiana  Volunteer  Infantry.  He  enlisted  at  Kendallsville,  Indiana, 
as  a  private  February  14,  186.5,  and  died  at  Camp  Piatt.  (Certificate  of  the 
Adjutant  General  of  Indiana,  February  ?,,  1917.)  They  lived  at  Wilmot, 
Indiana.  .John  Greider,  V-.S.S-j,  Maria  Greider,  V-33-e,  and  Anna  were  brother 
and  sisters. 

j  Rebecca  Jane,  born  April  20,  1826,  married  February 
19,  1855.  John  Greider,  who  was  born  October  20,  1829,  and 
died  June  11,  1904.     She  died  February  1,  1895 VI-125 

.John  and  Rebecca  J.  Greider  are  buried  at  Oak  Grove,  Warsaw,  Indiana. 
They  lived  at  Wilmot,   Indiana. 

V-34     Children  of  Charles  and  Mary  (Bull)  Or  wan.  IA^-8-b 

a     Sarah,  no  record ;  married  a  Holliday. 

Lived  in  Canada. 

b     Charles,  no  record. 

c     Mary,  no  record;  married  a  Blackburn. 

Lived  at  Elmira,  New  York. 

'11  IK      111    I.I,      I'AMIl.Y  51 

y -'A')      ("liildl'cn     <il'     'I'     |)      ,iimI      111  :/.;ilirl  li      i  I'lill  )      <ior<loll. 


a      .l(t;iiiii;i     (  di'   -I  cm  iin;i  '  .    l)(>ni    .liiiic-    "_'!>.    IH'J').    married 

May    l!l,    ISliO,    Nincrnt     1,'nliisnii.    sun    uT    'rinntiiis    I),    ami 

l*]li/,ali('l  li    Ivohisoii    (>r    Kiisciiiskd   (diiiity,    I  ii(li;iii;i,    liorn    m 

iSOd,  and  di.'d  in   ISIII).     She  died   April    l.'.,   IST'J  \\   IJ>i 

'I'llc.N      llVill     .11      Nnllh     Wi'lisliT,      I  liill,'i  ll.'i.         \\,-     WHS    11     flirilHT. 

Y-'M't      Children  ol'Sanind   and   Cracc    i  r.ull  i    Willis.  \\'s.,\ 

a      William   I'.iill.  liorn   Au-iist    I.'),   I>r.). 

S;ii(l    1(1    Ikivc    iiKHTird,    wife's    lirsl    ri;i Kllcii,    Jiiiil    In    linvi-   lliiil    lwi>   »nn», 

;inil    Id    liiivc    lii'i'ii    a    ('(jnU'iiclor   iit    (ImIi'Iki.    Mliiinis,    mid    Ht.    I.ouix,    MiKHiiuri, 

.\(i    I  face   ciiuld    l.r    I'ound. 

I)  -lames  Dillavan.  liorn  Ah'jhsI  "JS.  1S22.  inari-ifd  (]) 
Fi'hi'uai-y  17,  1840,  Mary  lliintcr  of  Millcrslown.  Pennsyl- 
vania,  who  was  born  Noveinhci-  :!,   \H'2'I.  and  died    I) -ni- 

hcr   IMI.    1862 \'i  1_'7 

Man-icd  (2)  l^riscilla  Steele.  dau<,']der  of  .Taeuli  and 
Sarah  J.  Steele,  horn  Auj^jiist  27,  1S2S,  and  died  .lannarv 
5,  1899.    No  issue.     He  died  May  20,  188G. 

.laniis  I).,  Mary,  niul  Priscilla  Willis  arc  Imricd  in  tlif  ct'iiU'tiT}  of  the 
(lid  I'lt'shytorian  Cluirrh  at  .luiiiata  Bridge,  I'l'iiiisylvaniii.  Tlii'v  liviwl  im  a 
la  nil   near  Concannon,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Eieliavd  (^iinnnins,  horn  June  1!>,  182.'). 

d     Sarah  Darliniiion,  horn  ()i-tol)ei-  12.  IS: 

e  1.  Rohert  Nelson  liuU,  horn  .Mareh  12.  1>:11,  mari-ied 
(1)  November  28,  1850.  Susanna  Kistler,  of  .\hi-a- 
ham  and  Jane  Kistler,  born  Septemher  12.  1>-11.  and  died 
•lannaiy  16,  1859 \'l  12^^ 

.Married  (2)  Rebecca  Drunigold.  dangliter  of  Samuel  and 
Rebecca  Drunmold,  born  August  27,  1841,  and  dieil  Feb- 
ruary 21,   1903 VI-129 

'riicy    lived    in    X(^\v    nioomfuMd    and    in    Penn    Township.    Perry    County, 


2.  Eli.'.abeth.  born  ^Farch  12,  ISll,  died  unmarried  at 
North  Webster,  Indiana,  in  1881. 

Klizabeth  Willis  was  raised  t'r(nn  infancy  by  an  uncle  aiul  aunt.  Thomas 
D.  and  Klizabeth  Gordoii,  going:  with  tliein  le  liidi.ina.  Her  mother  died  when 
she  and   her  brother  were   ten  days   old. 

Y-o7      C'liildreu  of  John  and -lane  (  Linn  I    liull.  IV-8-e 

a  Nancy  K.,  born  September  12.  1S17.  married  January 
30,  1845,  Thomas  Robinson  ^leredith.  who  horn  Sep- 
tember 20,  1815,  and  died  January  31.  18S1.  Sh.'  died 
Oetober  17,   1881 \'1130 

They  lived  at  Hyron.  Illinois,  going  there  from  Perry  I'ouiity.  I'onnsyl- 
vania,    in    l.'^."i."). 

b  (iraee,  horn  Mareh  H,  ISIH,  m.-ii'ried  in  Kebniary. 
1851.  John  llench,  born  in  I'erry  Comity.  Pennsylvania,  in 
1822,  and  died  at  l^yroii,  Illinois,  in  1895,  She  ilieil  No 
vember  18,  1891 ' VI-l:n 

They  lived  at  Byron.  Illinois,  where  they  arrived  May  :!.  l.'Cil,  goinj:  from 
Perry   County,    Pennsylvania. 

52  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Margaret  Anna,  born  November  20',  1820,  married  in 
1849,  William  Robinson  Hench,  born  in  Perry  County, 
Pennsylvania,  September  17,  1815,  and  died  at  Seward, 
Illinois,  October  6,  1868.    She  died  in  1870 _ ._. ....yi-132 

They   lived   at    S'eward,    Illinois,    to   -which    state   they   moved    from   Perry 
County,  Pennsylvania,   in  1851. 

d  Sarah  Darlington,  born  January  6,  1823,  died  unmar- 
ried March  12,  1892. 

Lived  at  Byron,  Illinois. 

e  William  Kincaid,  born  November  5,  1821,  died  Octo- 
ber 16,  1839. 

William    K.    Bull    is    buried    at    Bull's    Hill    graveyard,    Donnelly's    Mill, 
Perry  County,   Pennsylvania. 

f  Martha  Linn,  born  September  5,  1826,  died  June  14, 

Martha    L.    Bull    is    buried    Et    Bull's    Hill    graveyard,    Donnelly's    Mill, 
Perry   County,   Pennsylvania. 

g  Robert  H.,  born  July  12,  1828,  married  January  13, 
1868,  Ruth  Sargent,  who  was  born  August  12,  1833.  He 
died  December  25,  1875_ _ _ ......VI-133 

They  lived  in  Byron,  Illinois. 

h  Rebecca  Neilson,  born  April  30,  1830.  married  in  Jan- 
uary, 1854,  John  Kosier,  who  was  born  June  29,  1830 ....VI-134 

They  lived  in  Byron,  Illinois. 

i  Matthew  P.,  born  August  9,  1832,  married  December 
14,  1873,  ]\Iary  Elizabeth  Linn,  who  was  born  ]March  14, 
1845.     He  died  October  13,  1913 __-yL135 

They  lived  at  Rockford,  Illinois. 

j  Jemima  Jane,  born  July  17,  1835,  married  October 
6,  1858,  James  ]\Iilligan,  who  was  born  February  23,  1827, 
and  died  March  11,  1905.    She  died  January  12,  1903 VI-136 

They- lived  at  Mason  City,  Iowa. 

k  Elizabeth  Gordon,  born  April  14,  1837,  died  unmar- 
ried October  8,  1912. 

She  lived  at  Kockford,  Illinois. 

1  Ellen  Martha,  born  November  2,  1839,  married  in 
June,  1865,  Albert  Byington,  who  was  born  in  1831.  She 
died  September  6,  1880 ..VL137 

They  lived  at  Rockford,   Illinois.     He  was  living  recently  with  son,   Fred 
.Jackson  Byington,   at  Escanaba,   Michigan. 

V-38     Children  of  Francis  and  Sarah  (Bull)  Jordan.  IV-8-f 

a  Jemima,  born  in  Mexico,  Pennsylvania,  October  17, 
1832,  married  September  26,  1878,  AA" illiam  Plank,  who  was 
born  in  Adams  County,  Pennsylvania,  November  14.  1818, 
and  died  February  19,  1890.  She  died  at  Delphi,  Indiana, 
February  11,  1916.    No  issue. 

They  are  buried  In  the  Plank  cemetery  at  Deer  Creek,  Pennsylvania. 

b  ]\Iartha,  born  in  Alexico,  Pennsylvania,  May  2,  1836, 

Lives   at  oo22  Haverford   Street,   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

Till';    r.i  I.I,    i-.\.\iii,v  j3 

»'  Willijiiii  I'.iill,  Ihii-ii  in  Mt-xicd,  ri-niisvlvania.  Frh- 
I'lijiry  14,  ls:;s.  inniiicd  in  tiir  'I'lisi-arora  V'alh-y,  I'mnsyl- 
\ani;i.  ( )<'l(tl)rr  !),  ]S\-2,  Nancy  S|iar-ks  Amlt-rson.  ilaiiuliNT 
of  'I'lioiiias  Wilson  anil  Nancy  Sparks  i<^ni(ini  Amlcrsoti. 
Iioni  .Inly  4,   ls|l,      ||,.  <|ir.|  Ortol.ii-   1  |.   I'li:,  \' I   )  > 

W  illiani     !'..    ,liil'<liiii     u:is     in     llic     nlTiii'     nf     of     llic     Sir 
W'ilii.iiiiNpni  I    Divisiiiii  of   llic   I'l'iinsylviiniii    l{ailriiii<l,   in   v 
liii'U    I'nr   lil'ly    yriil's,    lit    the   liini'   of   jiis   ilriilll.       lie    wiih   i;ri!it|^     I,. 
I'l'llnws.   Mild   Ills   fiiiirrfil   wiis   liiv;ri'ly   ill  Ifiidi'd    liy    railroad   ini-n    ff 
purls  of  tlio  coinpiitiy 's   lines,   and   liy   his   fidlow   rilizcnn.      Mf   ■■  mi 

inncli   honor   in   Wildwood   ('cinrtrry   at    Williiiiiisport,    roniiiyl  ,fi. 

of   his   i-csidcncf.      Mrs.   .Ionian,   who   siirvivi'd   hini,    Ik   living   n,     ,,  .,,,   |..rrl. 

The    following    is    the    record    of    service    in    the    I'eiinMylvHtiin    Knilnmil: 
Kntered   service  at    MilVlin,    Pennsylvania,    May    1,    ]H7A',,   in   capacity   of   clerk; 
July  1,   ISti.'i,   was  promoted   to  position   of  enuine   repairer;    March,    !»«!«•,    wa« 
transferred  to  PIrie,  Pennsylvania,  as  storekeeper;  Septernlier,   |M»!.S,   »•«,  trir.v 
ferred    to    Kenova,    Pennsylvania,    in   charKe   of   oil    refinery    |ilant  ;    .Mii 
was   iironioted   to  shop  clerk   at    samp  place;   Oclolier   1,    IHM;.'.   wan   trai 
to    Willi.unsport,    Pennsylvania,    as    motive    power   clerk,    which    plate   he    In  Ul 
until   retired   on  pension  March   1,   ]!)(IS.  havinii  served  41'  yearM. 

V-39      CMiililivn  <.r  IJolicn   ;iii(|   .\iina    iliiilh    .\.laiiis.  I\'-s.|| 

a     Tlionias  C,  burn  iu  1829.  iiian-it'd  (Ij  .Marj,'a!vt  Siiv- 

der    '. '..VM39 

]\Iarried  (2)  M.J.dcdily.    Xo  issue.    • 

Lived  at  Greenwich,  Ohio. 

h  S^arn  rivaee.  boi-n  Xoveinhci-  23.  1831,  married  .\ii< 
12.  IS.'l.  William  Hamilton  Craiii,  wlio  dii'd  March  7,  1^7"). 
She  died  Sr|i1cmliiT  l!l.  1!I15 VI-140 

They  lived  at   Carlisle  Springs,   Pennsylvania. 

c     Margaret,  born  in  1834,  died  unmarried. 

Lived  at  Haberly,   Pennsylvania. 

d     Jemima,  ])orn  in  183().  married   .Moses  Connor ^'I-l  11 

Lived  at  Newberg,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Susan,  born  in  1838,  married  TTarry  (".  Uarr \'I-142 

Lived  at  Greencastle.   Pennsylvania. 

f     Rebeeca.  boi'ii  in  1S40.  died  uninarried. 

Lived  at   Xewville,   Pennsylvania. 

V-40     Children    of    William    and    Kebeeea    D.     (BulH     Xeilsoti. 


a  Eleanor  K..  born  Deeemlier  20.  182B,  marrit^l  October 
1.  1846.  Iie\'.  Sanuiel  AV,  Seibert,  who  was  born  Ai)ril  1. 
1824.  She  died  Jnne  16,  1905 VI-143 

They  lived   at    Newport,    Pennsylvania. 

Y-41     Children   of   Levi    and    .AT.    Elizabeth    (Ileister)    Pawliuir. 


a  Elizabt'tli,  l)orn  in  1806,  married  Thoma.s  .son  of 
Judge  John  and  Mary  (Jenkins)  Ross,  born  at  Easton. 
Pennsylvania.  Deeember  3.  1806.  and  died  July  1.  1865*... .VM44 

*.John  Ross,  of  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  was  l)orn  .lune  '24.  1T."7.  ami  died  Octohvr  li*'. 
1822,  was  son  of  Thomas  Ross  of  Salsbury.  Bucks  County.  Preached  nniong  Kriciids.  Mary 
Jenkins  was  of  Jenkinstown,  born  January  :'.l.   170.'!.  died  October  S,   1S.'>2. 

54  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  Joseph  Heister,  born  in  1809,  died  July  9,  1847,  un- 

Joseph  H.  Pawling  was  appointed  cadet  at  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy, 
West  Point,  New  York,  July  1,  1825.  He  graduated  July  1,  1829,  and  was 
made  Brevet  Second  Lieutenant  of  the  1st  U.  S.  Infantry.  He  was  on  frontier 
duty  in  1829  and  ISS'O  at  Fort  Crawford,  Wisconsin.  He  resigned  November 
■30,  1830.  He  studied  law  and  was  counsellor  at  law  at  Doylestown,  Pennsyl- 
vania, 18J2  and  184.3.  He  was  clerk  in  War  Department,  Washington,  D.  C, 
1843-1847.     Died  July  9,  1847,  at  Doylestown,  Pennsylvania,   aged  37. 

c  James  M.,  born  in  1811,  married  Lydia  Collins  AVood, 
who  had  lived  in  Reading,  Pennsylvania,  from  childhood 
with  an  uncle,  Alark  John  Biddle.  He  died  November  3. 
1838.     She  died  December  3,  1881 .VI-145 

James  M.  Pawling  is  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  John's  Episcopal 
Church,  Norristown,  Pennsylvania.     He  was  a  lawyer. 

d  Rebecca,  born  in  1815,  married  March  4.  1851,  Henry 
Friedley  (second  wife),  born  in  Norristown.  Pennsylvania, 
February  4,  1815,  and  died  January  11,  1894.  She  died  No- 
vember 30,  185L....._._ - ..- - VI-146 

He  was  born  February  4,  1816,  son  of  Henry  Friedley  of  Norristown, 
Pennsylvania.  He  died  January  11,  1894,  and  they  are  buried  in  the  church- 
yard of  St.  John's,  Norristown,  Pennsylvania.     He  was  a  lawyer. 

e  Ellen,  born  in  Norristown  in  1816,  married  June  11, 
1845,  in  Norristown,  Pennsylvania,  Henry  Friedley 
(V-47-d)  (first  wife).  She  died  February  6,  1850,  sud- 
denly, being  found  dead  in  bed - VI-147 

Henry,  Ellen  and  Rebecca  Friedley  are  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St. 
.John's  Episcopal  Church,  Norristown,  Pennsylvania.  They  lived  at  31  West 
Main  Street,  Norristown. 

f  Mary,  born  November  4.  1819,  married  April  4,  1846, 
Sylvester  Norton  Rich,  son  of  Lester  and  Maria  (Ingham) 
Rich  of  Hilltown.  Bucks  County,  Pennsylvania,  born 
August  12,  1812,  and  died  October  12,  1893.  She  died 
October  31,  1895 - - VI-148 

They  lived  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  a  lawyer  and  prac- 
ticed law.  He  was  in  the  Emergency  Corps  to  protect  Harrisburg  in  the  Civil 
War.  They  are  buried  in  the  Odd  Fellows'  Cemetery  at  Philadelphia,  Penn- 

g  Henry  deWitt  Clinton,  born  in  1819,  married  Anna 
S.  Bull  (V-9-i).  daughter  of  John  G.  and  Sarah  (Young) 
Bull,  born  October  8,  1917,  and  died  in  1862.  He  died  in 
1893 - -- - - -VI-149 

Henry  deW.  C.  Pawling  graduated  as  M.  D.  at  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  was  assistant  surgeon  (See  V-9-i)  U.  S.  Navy.  After  resignation 
from  the  Navy  he  lived  in  Norristown,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  practiced  medi- 
cine until  his  death. 

V-42     Children    of    William    and    Rebecca     (Butler)     Pawling. 


a     Henry,  born  October  8.  1824,  died  unmarried. 

b     Thomas  B.,  born  December  15,  1825,  died  unmarried. 

c     Albert,  born  January  17,  1828.  died  unmarried. 

'I'llh:      I'.ri.l,     I'AMII.V  55 

\'-l;!      ( 'liililrcii  dl'  .l;iiiii's  ;ini|    I'llcjiiior     rawliii^)   Miliinr.    IV'-9-«|. 

;i       W  ill  i;i  in    II  in  \-y, 

1)  ('h.'irlcs  I'ldw  ;ii(  1.  Ihhii  Auirnsl  I'l  I  s-Jii,  iiiiirrii-i|  in 
Newark,  Nrw  .Icrsiy.  Susan  l']li,:a  Sirplifiis,  \vli(»  was  Imrii 
.\lar<'li  <i.  lS"_'-">.  and  was  the  (laiit,'litrr  of  .lolin  llrnrv  ami 
l.ydia    llayncs    (  I'lly  )    Stciilims.      Slir  dinl   .limr    Is,    ]>){)] 

lie    dlrd     Ml     Maivh.     1S77        VM.V) 

'I'licy    livcil    111    Nru    \  t,[U    (   ilv. 

Y-U      (diildivii  ol'  .Inliii  and    Martha    iStnai-ti    I'af  trrsoii     I  \'   lU-a 

a  -hunt's,  honi  .laiiiiaiw-  !•.  Isii].  ijird  Man-li  1(».  IsSl, 

.Iiiiiics  I'allcrsdii  is  luiiiid  in  llir  cliiircliyii  I'd  of  tin-  I'ri'iliytrrinn  f'hiirrh, 
Xiiiiil  ciii\  illi',    M(iiilyniiici-.\    ('uiiiii>.    I'liiMsy  Ivniiiii. 

1)     Cliristoplicr    Stuafl.    Itoni    Marrli    l'.    l^^n:'.,    di.'d    I  ).• 
eeiiiber  12,  182(5,  iiiiniarriid. 

Cliristoijher  S.  Patterson  is  liuried  in  the  churchyard  of  the  I'rcMhytiTinn 
Church,  Norritonvillc,  Montsonicry  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  .t 
Trinceton  College  in   1S20,   was  an  attorney  al    law. 

('     AVilliain   Orv.   Itorn   Scplcnilti't'  :>,   1.^0."),   dii'd    .\iiuMist 

28,  1828. 

"William  ().  Patterson  is  liuiied  in  the  churchyard  of  ilic»yt«'rian 
Clnirch.   Xorritonville,    .Montn-oinery   County,    Pennsylvania. 

d  Joseph,  Imni  Fcbnuiry  2,  1808,  inarricd  .Man-h  2:'., 
1887,  Jane  Cuylci-.  daimliter  of  IJcv.  ( 'oi'in-liiis  ( '.  ('nyiiT, 
1).  1)..  of  Phiiadelitliia.  She  died  S.'|>tenilier  28.  18«i.").  II.- 
died  Septeuiher  25,   1887 V  I  l''l 

Joseph  Patterson  was  a   and   b.iiiker  in   Philadelphia. 

e  John  Thompson,  horn  Aui^itst  2(i.  isli',  nian-ied  (1) 
ill  1838,  Fannie  A.  Jenks,  daughlei-  of  •lonatliaii  Jeiiks  of 
J'Jiihidelphia,  horn  in  181i).  and  died  .January  1.  l^o.")    .      \'|-1.'.2 

^larried  (2)  nnknown,  and  issue  unknown.  II-'  died  in 

f  Edward,  horn  ^Mareii  (i.  18l;>,  married  .Viitrust  24, 
1832,  ^Martina  (r.  Talinadii'e.  dauiiiiter  of  Tliomas  (loyiie 
Tahnadiic  of  Somerset  ('oiint.v.  New  -Jersey,  i)orn  in  1810 
and  died  Deeember  14,  1882.     He  diet!  Xovemher  (i.  18:)»i....V  l-i:)3 

Edward  Patterson  graduated  at  Kutgers  College  in  IS::::  and  was  an  attor- 
ney at  law. 

g  Ilenry  Stuart,  horn  .Vuuiist  1.'),  181.").  married  .\|)i-il 
30,  1846,  Elizaheth  hummis  Bonsall,  daii-riiter  of  ll.-nry 
Lummis  Bonsai!  of  IMiiladelpliia.  lie  died  Noveml>er  •;. 
1856    - V 1-154 

Henry  S.  Patterson  graduated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvnnitt  in  ISTtti. 
He  was  a  physician  and  professor  of  the  Medical  School  of  the  I'niversity  of 


V-45     Children  of  William  and   l-llizah^'t h   v^tnart  <    Henderson. 


a  Elizaht4li  Phillipson.  horn  -Inn.'  ^.  17!'!l.  died  Fel»- 
ruarv  8.  1800. 

56  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  Christopher  Stuart,  born  January  28,  1801,  lost  at  sea 
about  1820. 

c  Mary  Ann,  born  July  31,  1802,  died  February  13, 

d     William,  born  May  18,  1805,  died  August  28,  1840. 

e  John  Graff,  born  November  9,  1808,  married  ^lay  18, 
1810,  Phebe  Ann  Ashbridge,  born  November  28,  1813,  near 
AVest  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  and  died  March  28,  1891.  He 
died  September  22,  1883 - VI-155 

Jolin  G.  Henderson  was  a  merchant  and  lived  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsyl- 

f  Martha  Patterson,  born  October  3,  1811,  died  in  De- 
cember, 1890,  unmarried. 

Sixth   Generation 

VI-1     Children    of    David    and    Sarah    (Hughes)     Rittenhouse. 


a  Hannah  Hughes,  born  about  1802,  married  October 
13,  1858,  Judge  Alexander  Jordan  of  Sunbury,  Pennsyl- 
vania, who  died  October  5,  1878.  She  died  July  21,  1895. 
No  issue. 

Alexander  .Jordan  T\'as  District  Judge  S3  years. 

b  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  in  Milton,  Pennsylvania, 
August  7,  1805,  married  (1)  in  1829,  Isobel  Laurie,  daugh- 
ter of  James  Laurie,  a  Scotch  Presbyterian  clergyman  of 
Washington,  D.   C - - --- VII-1 

Married  (2)  October  15,  1835,  Henrietta  Waring  David- 
son, daughter  of  James  Davidson,  cashier  of  Metropolitan 
Bank,  Washington,  D.  C.  born  March  31,  1916.  He  died 
in  1883  : -- VII-2 

Benjamin  Franklin  Rittenhouse  was  appointed  clerk  in  the  Treasury 
Department,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  -June,  1819,  when  he  was  not  quite  four- 
teen years  old,  and  continued  in  office  (with  the  exception  of  a  short  time, 
having  resigned  his  position)  until  188.3,  the  year  of  his  death.  Part  of  the 
time  he  was  chief  clerk  of  the  Register's  Bureau.  He  was  appointed  by 
.Joseph  Xourse,  the  first  Register  of  the  Treasury,  who  had  married  his  great 
aunt,  Maria  Bull,  and  who  had  been  made  Register  by  President  Washington. 
It  was  at  Dr.  Laurie's  house  in  Washington  that  the  original  manuscript  of 
th.e  "Lay  of  the  Last  Minstrel''  was  burned  during  a  fire  there.  Isobel 
Laurie  was  a  first  cousin  to  Sir  Walter  S'cott. 

c  Mary  Eli.zabeth,  married  November  1,  1837,  Abraham 
Brewer  Shuman  of  Maryland.  He  died  April  10,  1851,  in 
the  City  of  David,  Chiriqui,  New  Granada.  She  died 
March  20,  1890 _..VIL3 

d  Emily  Josepha,  married  Rev.  David  Hull,  D.  D.,  of 
Milton,  Pennsylvania,  son  of  William  and  Hannah  (]Marr) 
Hull* - - - -.-- VII-4 

*Rev.  Benjamin  Hull  came  to  America  from  England  in  1640.  His  grandson  Benjamin, 
born  in  17.50,  was  the  grandfather  of  Rev.  David  Hull.  William  Hull,  his  father,  was  born 
July  17,  1771.  The  brothers  and  sisters  of  Rev.  David  Hull  were  Tom,  Price,  and  Alec,  Hannah 
M.  married  a   Slater,  and  Susan  M.  married  a  McCarty. 

'I'lIK      I'.l    1.1,      I'A.MII.V  57 

I'     ( 'li.irli's    lldwiii,    iii;irrir(|    Scptrtuhcr    H.    I  *>  tl .    Sarah 

Miilil(l;i,  (l;iii'^lilcr  of  S;iiiiiir|  ;iii(|  l.ydiji   (  .\i'\vIm)I.|  i    Wliitall 

of  (  Icorj^clowii,  IJ.  C;.       Ill'  died  uhout  l.S.SO.     Sll<-di'd 

l^O,    1S!)12    VI  f. 5 

(li.irlis    iMlwiii    K'ii  ii'mIkhinc    wimi    im    ( ii-iii'k;<-i<>\vii    fiiur    ycnr*    afivr    ' 

liiiilhii-,     lirMJjiiiiiii     !■'.    Killfiilii>',    went     Id    WiiMliiiiKloii.       Ili-    I..-. 

(lent     of    tile    CliiiMiliiT    (if    ('(iiimii'iTc,    (ii>(ii'i;i-lii\vii,     iiliil    iiIkii    i,t     ■ 
Ikuisc  of   KiltcTil sc.    h'owliT  ,V   ( 'o.   of   WiiHliiiiKtori.     Siiimii'l   Wlir 

W.'l>;     .11      •  •  Ucllr\  111'  ',     (;l■^|■^'(■llp^vll,     wllirll     oil     Ili.H    lll'llltl     Wt'Ht     tO    hlM    fl«UK>ller, 

S;i  riih    .M  .    Kill  cnliiniM', 

I  •Inliii  1 1  iiii'lics,  liiini  in  1  S'J.'),  iiKiiTii'd  in  Si-pfi-nilMT, 
1S47.  .I;iii('  L.  Siiiiontiiii,  (hiiii^lilcr  nf  lion.  W.  I,.  Siiiioritoii, 
M.  I).,  of  I  loliiicslicrg,  rcniisyl\iini;i.  lie  dii-d  in  Noveiii- 
hrv.    ISf)!} VII-O 

•  loliii  lliifilics  Uilli'iilidiisc  WHS  ■,\  (•Ic|-;;yiii;in  of  llir  ('re)il>)'(t<rinn  Churrh. 
Si'o  A|i|)('iulix. 

g'      (Foiii' cliildi'cn  died  in  inr;inc\-;  im  rci-itcd.) 

\l-'2      Childi'fii     ol'     Miclijicl     ;ind     .\l;ii'\'     '  !>  it  tciili(iiisr       Xoiirsi-. 


a  Elizaliclli  liiltcnlionsc.  iMirn  .);iniiai-\'  •"'.  l^ni'.  dird 
.I;iini;ii'y  ;!0,   1S02. 

b  John  Kitteiiliouse.  lioi-ii  Scpli'inhri-  1,  Iso:!.  iiuiiTifd 
(1)  .luiic  13,  lS2i\  Elizal)idli  Skinnn-.  djiii.trldrf  i^\'  lu'V. 
leliahod  L.  Skimicr  of  Wasliiiiiitou.  I).  (,'..  liorn  in  Nuftli 
Coventry,  Connecticut.  ()ctol)er  24,  1803,  died  at  Washini:- 
1on.  1).  C.  September  6,  1829 \'ll  7 

^AFarried  (2)  November  17.  1830,  Lncreliji  Colt  Skinnn- 
(sister  of  first  wife),  boi'n  March  18,  181)7.  and  dirij  at 
AVashington.  I).  C,  January  25,  1872.  lie  died  April  7, 
1871,  at  Washington,  D.  C VII-8 

c  James.  ])orn  April  30.  180.").  mairird  Octobei-  1.  1^2!>. 
Sarali  North  Harvey,  daughter  of  Samuel  Harvey  of  .\lil- 
roy.  Pennsylvania,  born  Alav  18.  1810.  and  dird  Frbriiarv 
15,  1871 ' ■     \'[I-!» 

James    Nourse    was    a    clcrtryniiin    of    tlic    Presbyterinn    Churrh. 

d  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  April  15,  1807.  marrird 
January  3.  1832.  Jose])liiu('  Stansbur\'.  who  was  boi-n  De- 
cember 10.  1813.  and  died  September  27.  18t)5.  He  died  at 
Key  West.  Florida,  of  yellow  fever.  May  1!),  1836 VII-10 

Boii.ianiin  Franklin  Xonrse  graduated  as  B.  A.  in  ISl'.'i  ut  .lelTerson  Col- 
lege, and  as  M.  D.  at  the  Mediral  Society,  Washington,  D.  C.  in  ISl';).  Was 
appointed  Acting  Assistant  Surgeon,  U.  S.  Navy. 

e  ^rary  P]iillii)s.  lioru  April  12.  1809,  died  XoviMubn-  M. 
1844.  unnuirried. 

f  Sarah  Harriet,  born  -January  2i'.  L^^ll.  married  in 
1833.  George  W.  Stettiniiis.  son  of  Sam  F>ndredy  and  Mary 
Ann  (Hornaliowitz)  Stettiniiis,  born  March  18,  ISjO.  Sh.- 
died  June  10.  1839 VI  I-ll 

After  death  of  Sarah  TT.  Stettinius.  George  W.  Stettinius  married  Caro- 
line licland   and   had   two   daughters. 

58  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

g  William,  born  October  23,  1812,  married  September 
15,  1840,  Isabella  Lucretia  Bond  of  Abington,  Maryland, 
born  December  19,  1821.    He  died  March  2,  1892 VII-12 

li  Anna  Josepha,  born  October  21,  1814,  married  Octo- 
ber 4,  1837,  Assistant  Surgeon  Charles  Augustus  Hassler, 
TJ.  S.  Navy,  who  was  born  February  2,  1810,  and  who  was 
drowned  November  27,  1846,  near  Fisher's  Island,  Long 
Island  Sound,  in  the  wreck  of  the  Steamer  Atlantic.  She 
died  June  17,  1885_._ _ __ _ _.. VII-13 

Charles  Augustus  Hassler  graduated  as  A.  B.  from  Rutgers  College,  and 
as-  A.  M.  and  M.  D.  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  Was  appointed  from 
New  York,  Assistant  Surgeon,  U.  S.  Navv,  November  4,  18-3'4;  Past  Assistant 
Surgeon,  .Julv  12,  18-39;  Surgeon,  .July  22,  1,S44.  Served  as  follows:  18.'54-183o 
U.  S.  S.  "Vandalia";  18.38-18.39,  on  waiting  orders;  1840-1841,  Navy  Yard, 
Washington,  D.  C. ;  1812,  U.  S.  S.  "Delaware";  184.3,  on  leave;  1844,  IJ.  S.  S. 
"Decatur";   1845,  U.  S.   S.   "Falmouth"   in  the  Mexican  War. 

i  Charles  Howard,  born  December  1,  1816,  married  (1) 
October  14,  1841,  Maria  Robertson  of  Rockville,  Maryland, 
who  died  November  11,  1847.___ __VII-14 

]\Iarried  (2)  March  5,  1849,  Elizabeth  Jane  (Henderson) 
Peter,  widow  of  John  Park  Custis  Peter  of  Washington, 
D.  C.  She  was  born  in  1811  and  died  April  20,  1877.  He 
died  July  12,  1876 :- VII-15 

Charles  Howard  Nourse  graduated  from  .Jefferson  College  in  1835.  During 
the  Civil  War  he  was  arrested  as  a  spy,  but  was  released.  Elizabeth  Jane 
Henderson  was  the  daughter  of  the  Henderson  who  'was  a  professor  at 
William  and  Mary  College,  and  who  had  been  a  member  of  the  House  of 
Burgesses  of  Virginia ;  and  of  Elizabeth  Hamilton,  daughter  of  Earl  Robert 
Hamilton,  Duke  of  Black  Hall,  Scotland,  direct  descendant  of  Robert  the 

j  Joseph  Everett,  born  near  Washington,  D.  C,  April 
17,  1819,  married  December  12,  1841,  Sarah  Wright  of 
Georgetown,  D.  C,  who  was  born  August  21,  1821,  and  died 
June  1,  1892.  He  died  October  8,  1889,  at  Washington, 
D.  C -. - --- -VII-16 

.Joseph  Everett  N'ourse  graduated  at  .Jefferson  College  in  1837;  was  prin- 
cipal of  Rittenhouse  Academy,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  in  1840:  was  pro- 
fessor of  Ethics  and  English  studies  at  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  18.i0-1864; 
was  commissioned  Professor  of  Mathematics  in  the  U.  S.  Navy  in  1864;  was 
on  duty  at  the  Naval  Observatory,  186.5-1880.  He  was  licensed  to  preach  in 
the  Presbyterian  Church  in  1849  and  held  services  at  Fort  Adams,  Rhode 
Island,  during  the  Civil  War,  also  later  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  in 
Virginia.  He  was  the  U.  S.  renresentative  at  the  International  Geographic 
Congress  at  Paris,  France,  in  1875.     He  published  several  professional  books. 

k  David  Boyd,  born  October  29,  1820,  died  October  15, 

1  Henry  Michael,  born  September  25,  1824,  married 
September,  1846,  Cora  Stansbury.  who  was  born  August 
8,  1826,  and  died  December  8,  1879.  He  died  October  16, 
1868  - .- -: VII-17 

Henry  Michael  Nourse  gi'aduated  at  Yale  Colleg-e  and  at  Yale  Law  School. 
Practiced  law  at  Lafayette,  Indiana,  where  they  lived. 

m     (Three  children  died  in  infancy,  unnamed.) 

'nil'.      I!l    I.I,      I' AM  II. Y 


VI-;;    ciiihiivii  of  -lohii  i;.  an.i 

(licvcrlv  I    Uitti'iilioiiM'. 

;i      .(dim    l'.c\ci'l\-,    (lied    ,il    the    \;iv;il    Asylum,    IMiila<|.-l 
|)lii;i,  .l;iiiii;iiv   L'L'.    1 S74,   iimii;iiTici|. 

■  I"Imi    r.r\iil>    K'll  I  riilidiisc   vviis  II  |)|>i  il  n  I  I'll   ii   |)tirsrf   ill   ihi'    r,    S  :'■, 

-I.    ISjU.   anil   idiiuiiissioiii'il    I'ii y    IHnrlor   .\liirrh  .'!,    |M"1.      Iti>  wiio  rt-lit' 
aiMivr   sri\iiT    ( )i'liilirr    l.'i,    I  ST  I .       His   siTviri'   wiin    iim    folliiwh:    IHIOIHI.     ,. 
• 'OiiKiin' ',   Mirvc.v  of  'raiiipa    lla.v,    l''liiriiln  ;    IHtl  IHI",    I'.   .S.   S.    "I.t-vnitt'    ••» 
till'   I'liritir;    1,S-1S- IS.'id,    Nav.v   Yiiril,    I'riisari.lii,    Klmiilii ;    l>C.I   IN.'iL',    I',   M.   Mloop 

iif    Will-    ' 'Allian.v",     11 r    Siiuailron  :     Is.'iCi  IS.'iM,    |l.    S.    Mtcatii    Kricntc    "Man 

.hirintii' ',     .M  I'dili'rraiir.Mii     Si|iia(lrnii  ;     ls.V.»  INt'ill,     ,Navy     Yiird,     MoKtuii ;     IWll. 

spi'i'ial  (liil.x  :    ISCL'  ISC  I.    iiis| linn   ilul.v.    Navy   Yiird,    I'lilliiili'lpliiii ;    |MU'|M!«'^ 

Floct    I'liyiiiiisiiT,    I'aiiiic-  Siiiiad  i  on :    IS(i71.H(i'.),   InspiTior  iif   I'roviNionii,   Sary 
Yard,  Boston. 

(iKXKKAL  .lOllX   SMIl'll 

(PMSe     IS) 

VI-4     Children   of    William 

and    Marllia    .M.     (Siiiitln     Davison. 


1S(»1.    ilinl     .VuuMlst     1, 

a     Anna   Augusta,  liorn   A|u-il   7, 

b  John  Sniitli  Hull.  \)ov\i  DimtiuIxt  >.  l>u:^.  hapti/fil 
July  21.  1808,  married  in  lS2i;,  .Mary  Kltiiiirc  Hit.',  daiiirh- 
ter  of  ]\[ajor  Isaac  and  .\nn  'runslall  Mani'X'  llitc  of 
"Belle  Grove."    lie  died  in  1874 VIIH 

.John  Smith  ]5nll  Davison  atttMidod  Wiiichi'stov  .Vraileiny.  wh»>rp  hp  was 
prepared  for  college,  and  at  the  atre  of  1!>  entered  William  and  Msiry  C"»IIogi>. 
He  was  called  home  after  being  there  a  year,  liy  the  deatli  of  bis  father,  the 
care  of  the  family  reciuirins'  him.  lie  studied  law  witli  the  tirin  of  Tiirker  i^- 
Holmes  at  AVineliester  and  entered  the  bar  in  ISl'."!.  In  1S:.".»  he  moved  to  .i 
farm  named  ''The  Forest"  on  the  Shenandoah  Kiver,  a  traet  of  ltNH>  aeres, 
which  Ma.ior  Isaac  Hite  Siive  to  liis  daughter  on  her  marriage.  Il  was  pan  of 
the  original  tract  called  the  Y'ostHite  (iraiit.  He  was  .lustiee  of  the  Peaco 
from  ISl'O  to  the  time  of  his  death,  except  during  the  Civil  War:  was  High 
Sheriff  in  IStO  to  IS.".!  :  and  was  in  the  State  Legislature  lS::t;.l,>s;7  1S42-1S4:{. 

60  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Edward  Jaquelin,  born  at  Ambler  Hill,  May  24,  1805, 
baptized  July  21,  1805,  married  February  11,  1835,  Eleanor 
Conway  Baldwin,  daughter  of  Dr.  Cornelius  C.  (Sr.)  and 
Nelly  Conway  (Hite)  Baldwin,  born  March  31,  1810,  and 
died  August  10,  1849.    He  died  September  1,  1848 _ VII-19 

Edward  Jaquelin  Davison,  after  several  years  residence  at  Cedar  Grove, 
moved  to  Cole  County,  Missouri,  and  lived  on  a  farm.  Both  died  at  .Jefferson 
City,   Missouri. 

d  Maria  Louisa,  born  May  1,  1808,  baptized  July  21, 
1808,  married  in  1838  or  1839,  Isaac  Fontaine  Hite,  who 
was  born  May  7,  1807,  and  died  in  1887.  She  died  March 
24,  1889 VII-20 

e  William  Armstrong,  born  at  '^ Ambler  Hall,"  Win- 
chester, Virginia,  August  20,  1810,  baptized  July  21,  1811, 
married  August  29,  1838,  Ann  Alexander  Caldwell,  daugh- 
ter of  Judge  Alexander  and  Eliza  Jane  (Halstead)  Cald- 
well of  Wheeling,  now  AVest  Virginia,  born  June  2,  1813, 
died  November  29,  1899.    He  died  January  6,  1871.. VII-21 

William  Armstrong  Davison  was  educated  in  Virginia  and  graduated  as 
M.  D.  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  in  1S34.  He  practiced  medicine 
and  was  a  druggist  at  Winchester,  Virginia.  In  1840  he  moved  with  his  family 
in  company  with  his  iDrother,  Alexander  McDonald  Davison,  to  .Jefferson  City, 
Missouri,  where  both  practiced  medicine  for  several  years.  William  H.  Davi- 
son bought  large  farms  in  Cole  and  Saline  Counties,  Missouri,  and  for  some 
time  lived  in  Saline  County,  but  before  his  death  returned  to  Jefferson  City, 
where  he  and  his  wife  both  died.  .Judge  Alexander  Caldwell,  born  November 
1,  1774,  was  judge  of  the  United  States  Court  at  Wheeling,  and  died  there  in 
1837.     Eliza  .Jane  Halstead  was  a  native  of  Perth  Amboy,  Iv'ew  Jersey. 

f  Sarah  Jaquelin,  born  March  29,  1812,  baptized  July 
21,  1812,  died  November  29,  1812,  at  Winchester,  Virginia. 

g  Alexander  Macdonald,  born  December  28,  1813.  bap- 
tized July  21,  1814,  married  (1)  in  1838.  Matilda  Madison 
Hite,  who  was  born  in  1819  and  died  October  2,  1853 VII-22 

Married  (2)  December  12,  1855,  Mary  Catherine  Powell, 
daughter  of  Thomas  William  and  Clarissa  (Chesley)  Powell, 
born  in  1830.    He  died  March  5,  1889. ..VII-23 

Alexander  Macdonald  Davison  moved  to  Jefferson  City,  Missouri,  in  1856, 
and  from  there  to  Saline  County,  Missouri,  in  1857,  returning  to  .Jefferson 
City  in  1868.  Thomas  William  Powell  died  in  Henderson  County,  Kentucky, 
Januarv  6,  1853.  Clarissa  Chesley  Powell  died  in  Saline  County,  Missouri, 
in  1867.* 

VI-5     Children  of  Robert  and  Eliza  B.  (Smith)  Mills.     V-2-b. 

a  Sarah  Zane,  born  August  27,  1811,  married  May  16, 
1835,  John  Evans,  M.  D.,  of  New  Hampshire,  who  was  born 
February  14,  1812,  and  died  April  13,  1861.  She  died  at 
Longview,  Texas,  September  26,  1894 ....VII-24 

John  Evans  was  the  son  of  Judge  Richard  Evans  of  the  Supreme  Court  of 
New  Hampshire,  born  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.  He  graduated  at  Bowdoin  Col- 
lege, Massachusetts.  He  received  the  degree  of  M.  D.  from  St.  Louis  Medical 
College.  He  was  on  survey  of  Wisconsin,  Minnesota,  Iowa  and  N'ebraska  with 
Dr.    David    Dale    Owen,     as    physician    and    geologist.       He     discovered    and 

*After  the  death  of  Mrs.  William  Davison,   the  children  were  placed  in  care  of  the  grand- 
mother, except  Maria  Louisa,  who  went  to  her  aunt  at  Frederick,  Maryland. 

'nil-:    I'.ri.h    i-.\.\iii,y  61 

(Icscrilii'il   (li'positH  (if   rosHilN   in   llii<   lliid   l.iiiiils  cif   N'i-lirn«kn,      Aft>'  >« 

ill   chiirKt'   "I    (icdliiKii'iil   Survey    in   Oiti;ipii   iitiil    WiiMliinulnn,   nml   lu  ,.      'If 

VMS    ffcdloKisI     I'f    ihc    ( 'liii'ii|iii     l':.\|iriliiioii,     iHtliiiiiiN    of    I'nriniiiB.  Lived    at 

hontjvicw,    'I'cMis,    ulii'i'c   liK   (lii'd. 

I)  .l;i(|iii'liii  Siiiilli.  Im)|-ii  ill  I  "^  1  I ,  iii.'irrii'd  St-plftiilM-r 
17.  1S:{;5.  I"](l\\;ii'(l  .\l;i\iMs  riiiillilon  ol'  \' ir|/iiii;i,  who  wan 
lioni  M;iy  '_'4,  1S();1.  ;iihI  ilird  in  ( )cl<)licf.  ]S')H.  Sin-  iWn] 
ill   IS.")!).      \()  issue. 

0  ]\T;ify  rowcll,  lioni  •l;>  11,  l"^lt),  iii;ii-|-ir(|  Apiil 
2.'),  IS;?.").  ;il  W'nsliiimloii.  I ).  ( '..  .\  1c\,iiiiI<t  I  )iiiiit  i-y.  son  of 
.\ii(]i'i';i  ;iii(l  .M.-iriniiiic  ('clcstc  i|)r;ii'S'  himitfy.  l)oi-ii  in 
New  Orlcjiiis,  L()iiisi;iii;i,  l-'clifiin  i\-  (i.  ISD.").  ;iiii|  ilit-d  tln-n- 
.lanuiiry  'M),  1888.    She  died  duly  1.').  18!)4.  at  .X.-w  Orlraii.s  Vn-2r, 

.Mixaiiilir  Diinitry  Ki'ii'liii'tivl  frdiii  (iOorK<'l(iwii,  I).  ('.,  Ciilli-i;"',  nrid  in 
ISliT  it'iciv cil  (Ic^rrcc  of  IJi.D.  fioiii  siiiiH-.  He  wiis  tlir  tirst  Kii--Ii~li  .ililor  of 
the    New    Orleiiiis    Bee;     first     Stiite    Siiperinteii<lciil    of    I'nlili  ion    of 

LouisiiUiii  :   in  lS'."i!>  wiis  ;ii)i)ointe(l   Minister  of  the  United  Sliil'  '        Hi  Kicn 

and  NiearjiKUii,  resisninj;  on  tlic  (HilbreMk  of  secession  liy  Loiii^imiu ;  wim 
Assistant  Postmaster  nf  I  he  ronfederacy  at  Hicdiinoiid,  Viririnln.  Ilr 
was  buried  from  the  C'hnrcli  of  the  Tmniaeulato  Conception  at  New  OrleanN. 
Ijouisiana.  .\ndrea  Diniitry  was  a  native  of  the  Ishind  of  Hydra  in  tho 
Grecian   .\r(diii)eUiKo. 

d     A  SOU.  uiiuauifd   (stilllioi'ii  ) .   I  )rcriiiliir  II.   1^17. 

e  Anna  Siiiitli,  born  in  18111,  nianicd  iu  1^-').').  l-'oi-tu- 
natus  Cosby  of  Philadelphia.  She  died  duur  :;(i.  isiij.  N,, 

f  Jo]iu  S^mith.  boni  Septeiubcr  1:'..  ISi'i).  died  duly  IJ. 

g     Virginia,  l)orn  in  182(i,  died  in  1844. 

VI-G     Children  of  An^nstine  C.  and  Fdizabcth  I).  ^  .Mauiil  /  Smith. 


a  Marv  Thurston,  l)orn  August  21,  1812.  died  dun.-  28. 

b  Anne  Magill,  born  Febi-uary  l-"^,  1814.  died  August 
25,  1815. 

c  John  Augustine,  born  Scpteiiihci'  7.  ISI.").  died  uimiar- 
ried  June  7,  1875. 

John  Augustine  Smith  graduated  in  medicine  at  Philadelphia  Medical 
School  and  practiced  medicine  at  Morgan  City.  Louisiana.  Ho  was  on  n  Sun- 
day   School    excursion    in    Vermillion   Bay,    and    was   either  pushed   ofT   or    fell 

into  the  water  and  was  drowned. 

d  Maria  Davison,  born  February  4.  1817,  dii-d  Junr  2ti. 

e  Elizabeth  Augusta,  born  Xoveiiibcr  4.  1818.  inarri.'il 
September  27.  18:'>8.  at  Coluiiibia.  South  Carolina.  Cor- 
nelius Haldwin  llite,  horn  March  21.  1818.  and  di.-d  No- 
vember 25,  1841.    She  died  :\rareh  20.  1900 VI 1-26 

Cornelius  Baldwin  Hite  graduated  at  the  University  of  Virsinin  I.nw 
School  and  practiced  law.  He  was  Captain  of  the  Volunteer  Compsinv  of 
riflemen,  in  Frederick  County,  Virginia.  "While  hunting  and  when  olirabinff 
over  a  fence,  his  gun  was  accidentally  discliarged  and  kille<l  liini. 

f  Josepha  Xourse.  born  :\rareh  iM).  1820.  marrietl  April 
11,  1844.  Leonard  FUiiiaker  Swartzwehler  of  rennsylvania. 

62  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

who  died  in  1865  of  grief  and  privation  after  close  of  Civil 
War.    She  died  February  14,  1895 _ VII-27 

He  was  a  hardware  merchant  at  Winchester,  Virginia. 

g     Sidney  Frances,  born  September  25,  1821,  died  young. 

h  Rebecca  Boyd,  born  December  21,  1822,  married  Octo- 
ber 24.  1850,  John  Marshall  of  Virginia,  son  of  James 
Markham  and  Hester  (Morris)  Marshall,  born  June  27, 
1804,  and  died  September  18,  1855 .VII-28 

John  Marshall  was  appointed  Midshipman  in  the  U.  S'.  Navy  January  1, 
1818,  Lieutenant,  March  .3,  1827.  Resigned  September  18,  ia38.  He  served 
as  follows:  1819-1821,  U.  S.  S.  "Guerrieve"  ;  1822-1824,  U.  S.  S  "Frank- 
lin"; 1825,  on  leave;  1826,  Navy  Yard,  Norfolk,  Virginia;  1827,  on  waiting 
orders  and  leave;  18.31-18.33,  U.  S.  S.  "Concord";  18.34-1837,  on  waiting 
orders.  After  his  resignation  he  settled  in  Bdgemont,  Virginia,  where  he 
was  known  as  "Navy  John".  He  is  buried  at  Leeds  Churchyard,  Parquier 
County,  Virginia.  In  1916  Rebecca  Boyd  Marshall  was  living  at  Maysville, 
Kentucky,     v 

i  Mary  Ann,  born  July  19,  1824,  married  October  1, 
1856,  Dr.  Adam  Clarke  Swartzwelder  of  Lancaster,  Penn- 
sylvania. She  died  in  1876  at  Waco,  Texas,  and  is  buried 
there VII-29 

Adam  Clarke  Swartzwelder  was  in  the  Federal  Army  during  the  Civil 
War.     He  settled  on  a  plantation  named  "Boscobel". 

j  Charles  Magill,  born  January  10,  1826,  married  Kath- 
erine  Stirling  of  Franklin,  Louisiana.  He  died  November 
7,  1901,  at  Franklin,  Louisiana...... VII-30 

Cliarles  Magill  Smith  graduated  from  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Sur- 
geons at  Philadelphia,  and  practiced  medicine  at  Franklin,  Louisiana,  until  his 
death.     He  was  a  surgeon  in  the  Confederate  Army  during  the  Civil  War. 

k  Augustine  Jaquelin,  born  May  2,  1828,  married  at 
Falling  Spring,  Virginia,  December  4,  1855,  Elizabeth  Bad- 
inger  Morgan,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Jaquelin 
(Smith)  Morgan,  born  August  3,  1827,  and  died  May  20, 
1902.    He  died  September  5,  1903 VII-31 

Augustine  Jaquelin  Smith  was  a  Major  in  the  Quartermaster's  Depart- 
ment of  the  Confederate  Army  until  the  surrender  of  Appomatox.  He  after- 
wards received  the  degree  of  LL.D.  from  a  college  in  Texas.  He  was  presi- 
dent of  the  Maryland  Agricultural  College. 

1  Anna  Jaquelin,  born  August  3,  1831,  married  Colo- 
nel William  Augustine  ^Morgan  of  the  1st  Virginia  Cav- 
alry, son  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Jaquelin  (Smith)  Morgan, 
born  March  30,  1831.  and  died  February  14,  1899.  She 
died  in  1874 VII-32 

William  Augustine  Morgan  commanded  a  troop  of  cavalry  at  the  out- 
break of  the  Civil  War  and  afterwards  commanded  the  regiment.  He  was  of 
fine  personal  appearance,  "A  good,  brave  and  determined  officer,  respected  by 
his  men  and  loved  by  his  fellow  officers,  he  went  through  the  Civil  War". 
There  hangs  on  the  wall  of  the  house  of  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Henry  Clay 
Getzendammer,  at  Charles  Town,  West  Virginia,  a  canteen  which  C'olonel 
Morgan  carried  through  four  hundred  battles  and  skirmishes  in  the  Civil 
War,  once  said  to  have  contained  a  drink  called  "Old  Rebel's  Apple  .Jack". 
See  Appendix. 

m  Maria  Louisa  Hite,  born  February  4,  1833,  married 
in  1857,  George  W.  Jackson  of  Ironton,  Ohio.  She  died  in 
1863 VII-33 

Till';      l!l   I.L     I'AMII.V  63 

II  A  n-liil>;il(l  Mjiuill.  Imiiii  .\l;iy  17.  is:},').  inarr-ii-i|  |)f>cciii- 
licr  1I>,  1S(17,  ill  Wiiiilicsiri-.  \'ir^Miiiii.  Mjiry  I'.ollinu'  Mm*- 
(litli,  (laii^liliT  ol'  l>r\  \\illi:iiii  ( 'lii|-l<.s(iii  Mini  I'ofulloiita.H 
(  Holliiij^)   .Mcivdiih.  I).  I)  VI[-:U 

Ai-cliiliuM  i\Iii«:ill  Siiiilli.  i;ni<liiiili-.l  M.  A.  iit  llic  I'lilviTnily  of  VtrKinla. 
w.iN  iuliiit;  <'iii>l,iiii  (if  'riii>oi.Mii|)liiiMl  I'liiKiiiiiTH  ill  ilir  ('oiifi-di'rnlr  Amiy  ;  wa* 
riiundi'r    dl'    SlifMiiiidiiiili     \'iilli>.v    A<M(lriii.v    iit     WiiirlicNtcr,    VirKinin,    and    wa« 

liriiicipiil   of   llic    I'diiiilc    liislilulc   ^il    W'iiiclii'slcr. 

o  All'rcd.i  Ann  Tiickir,  Imhii  I  )irciiilMT  17.  \<\~.  iiihi*- 
ricd  ;i1  ('hrisi  ('hiirch.  Wiisliiip^loii.  |).  ( '.,  I  )t'c»-iiiltfr  l!>, 
1S()7,  ( icor^c  W.  .I;i('ks(»ii  (si'i-uihI  w  ilC.  , -111(1  sister  ut"  his  first 
wife)    (  \'l-(;-iii)    \'ll    :'. 

\'i-7  ( 'liil(li-('ii  of  (Icor^'c  AV.  .-md  Mdw.ird  .1.  II.  SiiuiIm  .Mur- 
dock.  V-2-}; 

ii      (iroriic  Potts,  liorii  in  iSlli,  dird  in   1^72. 

1)  Joliii  Sniilli,  Itoni  in  ISlS,  m.-irrird  in  l^^tl'.  I'lnima 
AViilliicc,  djiii^lilcr  of  Andrew  Wiillace  of  ( 'nliiinlii;!.  South 
Caroliiiii.  horn  in  lSl'L\  and  died  in  1SS7.     ili'  died  in  IS.'O    V[[-.'Wi 

YT-S  (  Miildrcn  of  .lames  M.  and  i'Mward  -1.  II.  i  Smit  li  Mnrdoek  j 
Daniel.  ^--S 

a  Kiclun-d  Potts,  lioi'ii  Auiiiisl  lit.  1,S2S,  married  '1) 
Octolter  1,  1S")S,  Isolx'l  Mai\y  Feniaiide/.  who  was  horn  No- 
vember 2,  lS8(i.  and  died  October  12,  1866 \'l  I-:{7 

Married  (2)  March  19,  1868.  Evelvii  -lane  Kernandez, 
horn  March  2,  1846,  died  July  20,  187!).     No  issue. 

Married  (8)  Anpmst  4.  188(1.  Ella  (i.  Christopher.  Itoi-n 
:\[ay  10,  1860.  He'died  April  16.  l!)!.").  She  is  still  liviu},'. 
No  issue. 

Kicliai'il  Tdtts  Daniel  was  li(iru  in  Culuiiiliia,  S.  C,  l)ut  moved  to  Florida 
with  his  ])aieiits  in  the  year  1S47.  After  Kratluatiiii:  in  niediciiif  nt  the  ("ni- 
versity  of  Pennsylvania  he  entered  the  Ignited  States  Navy  in  1S.'"(4  ns  ii.Hsist- 
ant  surgeon  of  the  sloop  of  war  ''San  .lacinto'',  and  was  in  the  N'livy  for  more 
than  five  years,  ernisins  aronnd  the  world.  He  was  ahoard  the  l'.  S.  war 
vessel  whieh  took  Connnissioner  Townsend  Harris  to  .lajian  to  ri>nsuininat«> 
the  treaty  negotiated  hy  Commodore  Perry  with  that  eoiintry.  opeiiiiis  up  its 
ports  to  the  commerce  of  the  world,  and  more  especially  with  the  rnitod 
States  of  America. 

He  spent  some  time  in  China,  .lapan.  India,  Ceylon,  and  the  I'hilii'i>iii>-< 
and  could  converse  interestingly  and  intelligently  regarding  those  c 
Returning  to  Florida  shortly  before  the  Civil  War,  at  its  oiitlireak  he 
his  services  to  his  State,  and  enlisted  in  the  Confederate  Army  ns  sursrtMi  "t 
the  Eighth  Florida  Regiment,  He  served  throughout  the  four  years  of  the 
war,  and  was  with  Lee's  army  at  the  final  surrender  at  .Vppomatox.  .Vfter 
the  surrender  he  spent  several  years  in  Urazil.  making  a  special  study  of 
fevers  peculiar  to  tropical  countries.  Later  on  he  resumed  the  pructice  of  hi« 
profession  in  .Tacksonville,  Florida,  and  soon  ac(|«ired  a  large  practice,  in 
which  he  continued  for  more  than  forty  years  in  that  community. 

During  the  yellow  fever  epidemic  of  ISSS,  ])r.  DHiiiel  reniiiined  at  his  post 
of  duty,  and  gave  the  liest  that  was  in  him,  to  alleviate  the  sufferines  of 
hundreds  of  the  unfortunate  victims  of  that  dreadful  scourge.  At  the  chise  of 
the  epidemic,  when  the  first  State  Hoard  of  Health  was  organized,  Dr.  I>aniel 
became  its  first  president,  and  held  that  otVice  for  a  niimber  of  years.  He 
served  as  president  and  also  as  chief  of  statV  of  St.  Luke's  Hi>spilnl.  .Farkson- 
ville.  Florida,  and  also  as  president  of  the  Florida  Medical  .\s-.oci;itioii.  and 
Dnval  County  Medical  Society,  for  several  years,  and  was  honorary  president 
of  each  of  said  bodies  at  the  time  of  his  death.  .\t  this  time  he  was  also 
senior  warden  of  St.  John's  Episcopal  Church,  .fncksonville.  Florida,  whieh 
position  he  had   held    for  many   years.      He   was  also  Coinninnder  of   K.   K. 

64  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Camp  Xo.  58,  Confederate  A^eterans,  having  been  reelected  to  this  office  many 
times.  Dr.  Darnel's  life  was  an  unusually  long  one.  and  was  one  of  unselfish 
and  unremitting  service  to  his  fellow  men. 

Dr.  Daniel's  father  was  descended  from  an  old  South  Carolina  familv  one 
of  his  ancestors,  Governor  Robert  Daniel,  being  one  of  the  colonial  governors 
of  that  State.  His  mother  was  a  member  of  the  old  and  well-known  Smith 
family  of  Virginia,  and  was  descended  also  from  the  French  familv  of  La 
Roche  Jaquelin. 

b  James  Jaquelin,  born  August  14,  1832,  married  May 
22,  1860,  Emily  Isobel  L  'Engie,  who  was  born  November  7, 
1842,  and  died  June  13,  1915.    He  died  October  2,  1888... VII-38 

c  "\\"illiam  Augustine,  born  September  18,  1834,  married 
December  16,  1864,  Anna  Margaret  L  'Engle.  who  was  born 
June  16,  1848,  and  died  February  10.  1901.  He  died  April 
7,  1909.    No  issue. 

d  Sarah  Cornelia,  born  December  18,  1836,  married  ]^Iay 
15,  1861,  John  Claudius  L 'Engle.  who  was  born  October 
22,  1840,  and  died  September  9.  1914.  She  died  October 
13.  1901 .: VII.40 

VI-9     Children  of  John  B.  D.  and  Elizabeth   (Peyton)    Smith. 

a     Son,  died  in  infancy. 

VI-10     Children  of  Charles  J.  and  Eebecca  (Morris)  Xourse.  V-3-b 

a  Mary  Josepha,  born  October  16,  1817,  died  unmarried 
March,  1908. 

b  Caroline  Eebecca,  born  June  13.  1819,  married  Feb- 
ruary 2.  1848,  Bladen  Dulaney.  She  died  July  27,  1893,  at 
Mount  Alban,  D.  C VII-41 

Bladen  Dulaney,  born  in  Virginia.  August  16,  1793,  was  appointed  Mid- 
shipman in  the  U.  S.  Navy  from  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mav  18,  180fl.  Com- 
missioned Commander,  March  5,  1831,  and  Captain,  September  8,  1S41.  He 
died  at  Mount  Alban,  Washington,  D.  C,  December  26,  1856.  His  service  was 
as  follows:  1814,  U.  S.  S.  "Lawrence"  and  Lake  Erie  Station;  1815,  U.  S.  S. 
'•Spitfire";  1817,  U.  S.  S.  "Independence";  1819,  U.  S.  S.  "Guerriere"; 
1826,  17.  S.  _S.  "Brandywine"  ;  1827,  on  waiting  orders;  1828,  U.  S'.  S. 
"-Java":  1829-1836,  on  leave  and  waiting  orders;  1844,  commanding  Receiv- 
ing Ship  at  ^'ew  York;  1.845,  on  waiting  orders;  1846,  IT.  S.  S.  "Cumber- 
land"; 1847-1851,  on  waiting  orders.  The  U.  S.  S.  "Cumberland"  was  flag- 
ship of  Commodore  Conner  at  the  commencement  of  the  Mexican  War,  while 
Captain  Dulaney  commanded  her. 

c  Louisa,  born  September  29,  1820.  married  October  6, 
1846.  Charles  Weyman  Forrest,  who  was  born  March  18, 
1802,  and  died  January  31,  1883.    She  died  June  12,  1851....VII-42 

Charles  W.  Forrest  was  a  clerk  in  the  Treasury  Department  from  date 
of  appointment  by  President  Andrew  -Jackson  until  his  death. 

d     John,  born  October  25,  1821,  died  August  11,  1822. 

e  Rosa  Morris,  born  October  10,  1823,  died  unmarried 
in  1903. 

f  Charles  Joseph,  born  June  23,  1825,  married  (1)  in 
1849,  ]\Iargaret  Kemble  of  New  York,  who  died  December 
12.  1883 VII-43 

Married  (2)  August  12,  1885,  Anne  Carroll  Simpson  of 
Smithfield,  Isle  of  Wight  County,  Virginia.  He  died  in 
1906  ....VII-44 

'I'm:    I'.riJ,    i''.\.Mii,v  g- 

iX        i'h(,rlir      I 'I'lllijrrldli      ANtiris,      linril      I  ).-rrri|l>.T     K,      I82fi 

(lifil   iiiiiii.-irriril,   .\|;irr|i    l:i,   is.")!). 

Il        .Ijllllrs    r.liril,    h(ini    ScplrilllnT    I  -> ,     ]  ^2H. 

,,       "'•  ''^'"',  ■''   \\  '  "' I'i'iiii,  Ciisiiiiiiva  l'...sici|-ri,-.>,  Kiiri|iii,.r  Cmtuiy,  Virilnis 

ill'    ",is   il   cl.rk    III    the    Win-   l)c|mil  iiiciit,    VViiHliiiii;t..ii,    |H.'i;- IN.VS. 

i      l"]li/;il)('l  II,  lioiii  .l.iiiii.iiy  ].;.  l^:;i.  iii;in-i«(|  Xovmilirr 
l-">.  IS..!).  ('Ii.irlcs  (';irroll  Siimiis.  uIki  \\;i.s  lioni  in  StalVonl 
("oiiiily.  \'ir<4iiii;i.  .Mjiivli  :',[),  1824,  and  dird  in  (ujorK^'towii 
J).  C,  DccciuIht  18,  1884 VrF-l.') 

Cliinlis   (arrdll    Siiiiiiis    wiis   a    clerk    in    the    llciillli   OfTicu   nt    W 
l>.   <'..  .illir   llic  (  ivil   Will-  until  liis  (leiitli.      He  wiis   Ix.rn  in,   iipp.. 
iind   a   cilizcn   n(    \i  i  ;;iiii,i.      M  idshipniim    U.  H.   .Niivv,  !l     l>-  d 

Miilsliiimiaii,   .Inly   L',    isj.",:    .M.islcr,   .lnnimry   1.".,    l.shl;    Mftiirnnnl  1' 

IN.M:    (lisniissiil,    April   I'l*.    ISIil.     His   rcsiKniilinn  iil    tin.   I.rciikini;  hi- 

Civil   War  was  nut   acccplcd.      His  service  was  as   fnllows:    IHIO  IM  '^ 

■•  I'oloniac",    Brazil   Slatinn:    IM.'i-l.SM,    l'.   S.   S.    "Triixtiin"     special   -• 
1S-I.-1,    Xaval    Schodl,    J'hila(lelplii;i  ;     ISKI-ISIS,    IT.    H.    S.    ' '  Mariiin" ',    c 
Africa:    1 S^ !  »•  1  ,S.">0,   Coast    Snrve.v   dul.v,    I'acific   I'nast  ;    IMol- m.'.!',    {'.   S.   >•■ 
••Mjissachusetts",    Pacific    coast;    l.S.-.;!-l,S.-|4,    Xav.v    Yard,    WasiuMKloii.    I'     ' 
1N.i.>,     Xaval     Rendezvous,     Philadelphia;     l.»«'."(i- l.STi",     coniiiiandiiii;     I'      >      .-i 
•Utdeaso",    special   service;    IST.S,    U.    S.    steam    frii;ate    ' '  .Mcrriinac" ','    Purine  ion;    IS.i!)^  V ,   S.   steam   frigate    "  AFinnesota ",   Kast    India   .S.|iiadr..n;    I.S«M|. 
ISC.l,    Xavy    Yard,    Washington.      Confederate    service    as    follows:      Appoint..*! 
from    Yirsinia,    Lieutenant    Yirsinia    Xav.v;    .Tune    lo.;].    First    liifuti-nniit 
C.  S.  Nav.v;   October  2."!,  1S(12,  First  Lieutenant  to  rank   from   October  2,    lS»;i»; 
June  2,   1.SC.4,   First   Lieutenant   Provisional    Xjivy   to   rank   from   .liine  2.    ISJU; 
l.St.l,  Xavy  Yard,  Xorfolk,  and  Potomac  Kiver  defenses,  Sli'am.T  .St.   Xicholas- 
L'<C>2,    C.    a.    S'.    Yirsinia,    took   part    in   battle   in   IFampton    Koads,    March   S,    't^ 
1Sli2:     October    2."..     C.     S.     S.     ••Florida";     ^f<(■,n,    Ordnance    Foundrv.     Seimn, 
Alabama;    1S(;;M,S(i4,    C.    S.    S.    "Raltic"  ;    LStU,    comiiiandinc  C.    S.    S.    "Xash- 
ville",    Mobile    S(iuadron ;    ].S(i.5,    JLiy   4,    surrendered;    May    ]'>,    ISC.'.,    parobcl. 

.i     TToiu'ietta  Cordelia,  boni  NoYemhcr  21.  ^A■V^.  dii-d  iiii- 

iiijirricd  in  November,  1870. 

k  Israel  Pem])ei'1oii.  horn  Ano'iist  17,  18:?(i,  tlicd  uiiiiuii-- 
ried  July  28,  1861.  of  a  wound  ;it  the  l.;ittlr  of  I'.iiil  K'lin, 

He  was  in  the  Confederate  States  Army. 

Children   of   AVilliam   R.    and    Sarah    II.    il!t»Yd/    Smith. 


a  Marv  Eliza,  born  ^larcli  21),  1S27.  inarrinl  in  I'l-oria, 
Illinois,  June  29,  1864,  Sainiicl  .Ma.xnaid  (iiiest.  son  of 
Charles  and  Cornelia  Ciuesl  of  l)r\tii\  .\lii-hi«ran.  boi-n  in 
Erie,  Pennsylvania,  Oetol)er  18,  18;;:),  di.-d  August,  I'JlG, 
at  Danville.  Illinois.    She  died  January  27.  I!tl2 '. VII-4(> 

Samuel  ^Faynard  Guest  enlisted  April  2;'.,  IStU,  in  72nd  Ulinois  Volunlper 
Infantry,  •'Chicago  Board  of  Trade  Refriment'',  and  served  until  the  closo  of 
the  Civil  War;  was  1st  Lieutenant  of  TOth  V.  S.  Colored  Infantry,  nnti  wn» 
Regimental  Ad.jutaiit  on  duty  in  Louisiana  under  General  .Ins.  Stiu-ktun. 
Mary  Eliza  Smith  was  a  nurse  at  the  Union  Hospital,  Memphis,>«>. 
during  the  Civil  War,  and  was  closely  identified  with  •'.Mother  Uii-kerdiko" 
in  the  (xayosa   and  other  hospitals.     He  is  buried   at    Uanville,   Illinois. 

b  John  Boyd,  born  at  Sunbury,  Pennsylvania.  Septem- 
ber 15,  1829,  married  September  1.  1864.  Lueetta  Howell, 
born  April  20,  1840,  at  Peoria.  Illinois.  \\r  dicil  at  Fn-sno, 
California,  December  20.  189:>.  She  dii'd  at  Fresno,  Mav 
19,   1917  VI 1-47 

.John  Boyd  S'mith  graduated  from  Tjafnyette  College  with  honor  in  1S40. 
He  moved  with  his  famil.v  to  Fresno,  California,  from  Peoria.  Illinois.  He 
and  his  wife  are  both  buried  in  Peoria. 

66  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Rebecca  Boyd,  boru  November  3,  1831,  in  Suubury, 
Pennsylvania,  died  at  Clinton,  Wisconsin,  March  15,  1911, 

d  Elizabeth  Lathy,  born  November  16,  1834,  in  Sun- 
bnry,  Pennsylvania,  died  February  22,  1916,  unmarried. 

e  Anne  Haines,  born  May  12,  1837,  lives  at  Clinton, 

VI-12     Children  of  Dr.  Henry  K.  and  Elizabeth  Pt.  (Boyd)  Lathy. 

a  John  Boyd,  born  July  4,  1827,  married  January  10, 
1864,  Isabelle  Fenton,  daughter  of  Charles  Jennings  and 
Sarah  A.  (Montgomery)  Fenton  of  Conneaut.  Ohio,  born 
March  4,  1846.  He  died  May  31,  1901,  at  Upper  Alton, 
Illinois - VII-48 

.John  Boyd  Latliy  is  buried  at  Upper  Alton,  Illinois.  Isabelle  Lathy  is 
living  in  Pasadena,   California. 

b  William  Kent,  died  at  the  age  of  18  while  at  Shurtliff 
College,  Upper  Alton,  Illinois. 

c     Henry  Godman,  died  at  the  age  of  2  years. 

VI-13     Children  of  William  T.  and  Katherine  G.  (Slater)  Boyd. 

a     Rebecca, 
b     Reuben  H. 

c  Josephine  Headley,  married  Henry  Reilly  of  Alton, 

They  have  lived  at  Waikiki,  Honolulu. 

cl     James  Slater. 

e     Mary,  married  Charles  Taggart.    Both  dead. 

f     1.     John,  died  at  San  Diego,  California,  in  1907. 

2.     AVilliam  Thomas,  died  at  Peoria,  Illinois,  in  1914..VII-49 

Mrs.  W.  T.  Boyd,  who  lives  in  Peoria,  Illinois,  has  the  Bull-Boyd  Bible 
which  was  given  to  her  by  her  sister,  Mrs.  Reilly:  letters  from  Tom  Paine 
to  a  Bull;  the  cup  and  ladle  that  belonged  to  E.  W.  Bull;  and  a  horn  cup. 
She  also  has  letters  from  Mrs.  Rebecca   (Boyd)    Bull. 

VI-14     Children  of  Samuel  F.  and  Maria  J.    (Boyd)    Headley. 


a  John  Boyd,  born  February  22,  1834,  married  Septem- 
ber 16,  1857,  Helen  Alason  Thomas,  who  was  born  October 
22,  1833,  and  died  February  6,  1907.  He  died  August  6, 
1870 VII-50 

.John  Boyd  Headley,  born  at  Berwick,  Pennsylvania,  moved  to  Morris- 
town,  New  .jersey,  in  18.54.  Was  Superintendent  of  Construction  of  the 
Erie  Railroad  and  afterwards  was  Freight  Agent  of  the  Erie  Railroad  at  New 
York.  In  1860  he  moved  to  Peoria,  Illinois,  and  engaged  in  banking  business. 
In  1862  he  returned  to  Morristown  and  in  partnership  with  Hon.  William  P. 
Steele  of  Somerville,  entered  the  banking  business  in  New  York.  In  1866  he 
retired  from  business  and  engaged  himself  in  the  improvement  of  a  large 
farm  in  the  vicinity  of  Morristown.  In  1867  was  appointed  Collector  of  In- 
ternal Revenue,  which  he  held  until  his  death,  which  occurred  in  a  railway 
accident  on  .Vugust  6,  1870,  at  Jessy's  Run  on  the  Chesapeake  and  Ohio  Rail- 
road, when  on  his  way  to  Virginia  Springs. 

'I' ill:      r.ll.l,      I'AMII.Y 


I'  r>rii.i;iiiiiii  l''r.inkliii,  Imrii  ;il  I '.cru  ick,  I 'rmisylvariia. 
M;iy  L':>.  is:;ii,  iii,irrir,|  M.iy  L>(i,  ls:,7.  K'osiiiji  .1,  .\|.-(  JMldrirk^ 
who  \\;i,s  horn  in  New  ^dik  ('ily  Aii^misI  L'S,  l,s:5(i.  ||.-<|ii-ii 
at  Mon-islow  n.  New  -li'isc.v .  I  )i'('«'iiiht'r  11,  1S77 N'II-.'jI 

Kiisiii.i   .1.    Mcidlry    li\,s   .11     I    Cniii-I    Street,    Morristowti,    Vnw  .ItTm-y. 

(•  ]OIi/.;ihfl  h  llo\-(l  (known  ;is  I'.cssic  Moyd  ,  hoi-n  Mav 
l!l.  1S4"_',  married  (li  I  )cccnihci'  L'l,  isi;].  .lanit-s  N'irfoV 
I'x'nHcy,  who  was  horn  at  lirooklyn,  Xrw  ^'ot•k.  I  )fcfiiiltcr 
14,  1S:>T,  and  died  al  Aloiristowii.  New  .In-sry.  Oi-lohrc  :{. 
l^^l '  \  1 1  32 

.Mai'i'icd  (-2)  Jnnc  2S.  ISS:^  S;,ylrs  Jrnks  liouvn.  who 
was  hoi'n  al  Scipio.  Cayn^a  County,  .New  ^'ork.  Octohn- 
17.  1S1;>,  and  died  at  Washington.  1).  (".,  Dccrinhcr  l(i.  IS,^!). 
She  (lied  Xoveiiiber  25.  1!)04. 

■  huncs  Victor  Hi'iitlcy  was  :i  li<'\it  ma  iK  in  tlir  l.'iih  .\r\v  .l.^rsfy  Volun- 
lc<'rs    in    tli(>    Civil    War. 

Sayli's  Jenks  Kowcn  was  Cicrii  I'.  .S.  Treasury  Department,  WnshinKton, 
1).  ('.,  1845-184.^;  Commissioner  of  Poliee,  1).  C.,  ISCl,  iiiiil  Disliursinu'  Offieer 
I'oi-  the  V.  S.  Senate;  Collector  of  Internal  Kevemie,  District  of  ('<iluinbia, 
1.SC.L',  and  Postmaster,  WashinRton,  D.  C,  18ti:?.  He  was  elected  Mavi.r  of 
AVasliinRton  l.Sli.S  and  served  two  years.  He  was  the  first  to  esliiblish  public 
schools  for  colored  children  in  the  city  of  Washington,  and  drew  \i|)  ordi- 
nances which  afterwards  beciime  laws.  The  city  authorities  refusiiiR  to  obey 
the  act  of  Congress  re(|uirinfc  them  to  pay  a  share  of  this  school  fund,  Howen 
sustained  them  from  his  own  private  means,  for  nearly  a  year,  expending 
over  .HL'e.oilo  (if  his  own  money.  He  was  a  regent  of  the  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion, and  a  | Inopist,  greatly  interested  in  the  amelioration  of  the  colored 

(I     Annie,  Ikii'ii  March  2."),  184r),  died  Kelifnary  24.  ls.')4. 

e     Charles,  born  January  25,   1850,   died    Kehruarv    l-'! 

YI-15     Children    of   Joseph    Tl.    and    Josephine    C.    B.    (Youii};) 
Nourse.  \'-ti-a 

a     Eli.zabetli.  born  in  July  or  August.  1823,  died  in  1^58, 

Elizabeth  Xourse  was  scholar  of  hish  ordci-. 

b     Josephine,  died  on  Easter  Siinda.\-.   1872.  uninai-ried. 
c     Harriet,  dicnl  in  1851,  uiiiiian-ie(L 

Vl-in  Children  of  Jacob  and  ?]leanor  (Skeen)  Hatfield.  V-7-a 
a  I\a('liel,  born  Xovember  21,  1814.  in  Liiueriek  Town- 
ship,  Montgomery  County,  l*ennsylvaiiia.  married  Charles 
William  Kuhnle,  born  January  27,  1814.  at  Somei-sheim. 
Germany,  and  died  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  Deeem- 
ber  n.  1887.    She  died  at  Phiia.ltdi.hia  September  l(i.  l:)(>2   \'ll-5;j 

A^T-17      Children   of   Alexander  and    Henrietta    i^  Davis)    Ottiuirer. 

a     James  Smith,  born  Mareh   1:!.  1>24,  married  I'aroliiie 
Hinkle,  daughter  of  Garrett  and  Eli/ai)eth  llinkle  of  Chest- 
nut Hill,  Pennsylvania,  born    k'ebruar\'  4.   182t).  and  died 
December  10.  lf)()2.     He  died  January  10,  1!102.     No  issue. 

•lames    Sniitli    and    {\iroline    Ottinger    are    buried    in    Ivy    Hill    t  cini'tery. 
Monnt   Airey,   Pennsylvania.      He   was   a   builder. 

68  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b     Anna  Maria,  born  August  20,  1826,  married  March . 
5.  1846,  Charles  Huston,  son  of  Alexander  and  Sarah  Hus- 
ton of  Chestnut  Hill,  Pennsylvania,  born  October  10,  1820, 
and  died  October  15,  1860.    She  died  September  7,  1914.....-VII-54 

Charles    and   Ansa   M.   Huston   are   buried   in   Ivy   Hill    Cemetery,    Mount 
Airey,     Pennsylvania. 

c     John,  born  May  19,  1828,  died  in  infancy. 

d  Amanda  Fitz-AUan,  born  September  14,  1830,  mar- 
ried Franklin  Levering  Smith,  born  December  20,  1821,  and 
died  April  4,  1898.    She  died  December  19,  1899.    No  issue. 

Franklin  Levering   and  Amanda  Fitz-Allan  S'mith  are  buried  in  Ivy  Hill 
Cemetery,  Mount  Airey,  Pennsylvania. 

e  Anna  Matilda,  born  September  18,  1834,  died  unmar- 
ried. . 

VI-18     Children  of  John  and  Isabella  (Bull)  Elliott,  Jr.        V-9-a 

a  Sophia,  born  December  23,  1823,  married  August  4, 
1845,  Harvey  Shaw,  who  died  October  12,  1888.  She  died 
January  7,  i899....__ - _.....VII-55 

b  Charles  Jolly,  born  March  18,  1825,  married  April  11, 
1850,  Rebecca  Roberts  Thomas,  who  was  born  July  31,  1827, 
and  died  January  16,  1904.    He  died  February  24,  1861_._...VII-56 

VI-19     Children  of  Lewis  G.  and  Sarah  R.  (Meredith)  Bull.  V-9-d 

a  Isabella,  born  February  14,  1828,  married  James  A. 
Darling,  who  died  August  26,  1893.  She  died  May  31, 
1905 -- - VII-57 

James  A.    and  Isabella   Darling   are   both  buried  at   Mount   Moriah   ceme- 
tery, at  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

b     Sarah  Mary  Rush. 

c  William  Meredith,  born  February  17,  1840,  married 
Ella  Maty  Shipps,  who  was  born  February  16,  1860,  and 
died  September  10,  1915.    He  died  June  7,  1907.... VII-58 

William    M.    and    Ella    M.    Bull    are    both    buried    at    Harleigh    Cemetery, 
Camden,    Kew  Jersey. 

d  Lewis  Gronow  III,  born  June  27,  1843,  died  November 
4,  1881. 

Aa-20     Children  of  :Mordecai  and  Sarah  (Bull)  Stephens.    V-9-h 

a  Emetine,  died  July  22,  1916. 

b  Isabella  H. 

c  Abiah. 

d  Jeannette. 

e  Sarah  Bull,  married Beerbower VII-59 

Lives  in  Elizabeth,   New  Jersey. 

■nil';      lil    I.I,      I'AMILV  gg 

Vl-L'I       ( 'hi  1(1  ivii  of  Dr.   Ilriiry  ,|rW.  C.  ;iii,|   Aiiiijk  S.   M'.iill  .    Tiiwl- 
iii,^;'.  \'.«l.i 

.•I      Amii;i   I  lull,  iii.irricd   !•".  1  l.slun  Tu.lil,     I '.otii  <|. •,•!•! 

Tlii'V    li\i(l   :i(    I'lirl    Isniiirdy,    I 'ciiimy Iviiiiiii,   iiriir   V'alli-y   Koriti'.      Hhi>  wnn 

'li^   '^'•'' I    "ill'.      A    son    l.y    wife,   ('liiirirK    M.   'I'mld,   Ih   liviliK   ut    Kinjc  of 

I'ru^siii.    .MoiilydiniM-y    (luiiily.    I'cnri.sylviiiiiii. 

1>     Xalliiiii.  (lied  ill  iSTl^.  \v;i.s  a  physician. 

\\':iK   Killi'd    ill   ;iii    :iiTiil.  Ill    willi    :i    I'li iiM way    ImrKi'. 

!■  iiosc  .M  iili  Ii'Ii1ici\l;-.  ilicil  II  iini;i  ri'ii'i  I. 

'I  llciiry.   iii;irric(l    ('l;ir;i    SI  iii'_:l  ii  IV.   il.niM-litrr  ut'   W,    |I. 

and  .Mary  (Kno.xj  Siiniiliirr.     Ilr  wasa  |iliysici;in. 

(■  (;('()r,uc  Watci's.  died  .Juiu-  21,  11)15. 

l.ivrd    ai    llir    K'iiiL;-    n(    Pnissiii,    IMdnlfrdiil'Ty    f'iiMli(>,     I'mnsv  Ivania 

I'      Mlliii,  iiiafi'icd  Georg-e  Scliall. 

(Tcuifrt'    ScliiiU    wa.s   killed    in    a    lailioail    ac(i<liiit.      Kllcii    Scliall    is    livini; 
ill   Xorristowii.     \o  issue. 

ii'      K\;\.  dii'(|   iiiiiiian'icd. 

Ii      .Ma\'.  iiiiiiiarrii'd.  Ii\cs  in  Xon-istown,  Pennsylvania. 

\'r-'22     Children  of  John  and   l*]iucliiie   (Bull;    Adams.  \'-lt-k 

a     Charles  Elliott,  died  in  1!)07 Vil-fJO 

b     Emma,  horn  1858,  died  in  1859. 

VI-28     Children  of  John  and  P]lizal)e1li    (Robinson)    .McQiiistion. 


a  Richard  Robinson,  born  A  Fay  1.  1825,  married  (1) 
Se])tember  30.  1847,  Elixabetii  Newell,  who  was  born  in 
1823,  and  died  July  25,  1854 V|[-t;i 

Married  (2)  Elizabeth  Barr,  who  died  October  31.  18%. 
He  died  August  31,  1905 V1I-H2  . 

Tiichaid    Ro1)iiisnn.    Elizabetli    (Xewell),    and    Eliznlieth    (Barr)    McQiiis- 
tiiiii  are  buried  in   Uniondale  Oeuiotery,  PittsburKh.   Pennsylvania. 

1)  Joseph  Lewis,  born  June  7.  1S27.  mari'ii'd  .Maivh  29. 
1849.  ^Fary  Jane  Hall,  who  was  horn  Jannarv  2ii.  1^21'.  and 
died  June  10,  1905.     He  died  April  2,  18!)4.! \ll-li3 

Josepli   L.   and   .Tane   McQuistion   are  buried  at   Irwin,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-24     Children    of    Tiionuis    and    Eli.;ai)eth    t  IJoliinson-.Mei^iiiis- 
tion)   Cochran.  \'-lii-d 

a  George  Rolnnson.  horn  in  IMiller  County.  I'eiin.syl- 
vania,  February  14,  1834,  luanied  in  Alle<:hany  County. 
Penn.sylvania,  December  25,  1885.  Eliza  Forsytli.  who  was 
born  at  Brush  Cr(M^k.  in  Butler  County.  Beiuisylvania.  July 
28,  1828,  and  died  in  Alleghany  Counlv  January  24.  1910. 
He  died  August  22,  1897 VII-64 

George   R.    and   Eliza    Cm  lira n    are   buried    at    I'liiondale    Cemetery.    Pitts- 
burgh, Pennsylvania. 



1)  Alarv  Ann,  married  William  Johnson.  She  died 
August  22,  1897 - ---VII-65 

Williiim    and    Mary    A.    Johnson    were    buried    in    Uniondale    Cemetery, 
Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania. 

c     Susan  A.,  married  William  Wilson.    No  issue. 

(1     Sydney. 

e  James,  born  October  9,  1838,  married  September  13, 
1860,  ^Margaret  McCully,  daughter  of  John  and  Elizabeth 
:^IcCully  of  London,  England,  born  January  6,  1841,  and 
died  January  21,  1892.    He  died  November  25,  1914 ...VII-66 

.Tanies   and    Margaret    Cochran   are   buried   in   Uniondale    Cemetery,    Pitts- 
burgh, Pennsylvania. 



(Page     18) 



of   David   and   Anna   D.    (Robinson)    Gilleand. 


a  Xaiicy  (iutlirie,  born  July  16,  1847,  married  February 
5,  1867,  James  Sample  Crawford,  who  was  born  February 
22,  1845,  and  died  July  6,  1915.   She  died  October  26,  1909..VII-67 

VI-26     Cliildren  of  Christian  and  Susan  I.  (Robinson)  Mechling. 


a  Iiii'luD'd  Rol)inson,  born  February  14,  1830,  married 
Sarah  Jane  Aslicraft,  who  was  born  March  25,  1844,  and 
died  December  1,  1914.    He  died  April  14,  1896 ...VII-68 

b  Mai-y,  liDi'ii  November  11,  1831,  died  February  14, 

Till':      I'.ILI,      KAMII.V  71 

(•  ( ';it  hcriiii'  r.iil'liiiLildii,  Ihii'ii  I  )cci'|iiIht  (1.  ls;;:',_  luiirrii'il 
I\irkl;iii(l  Sl;ilrr.     Slicdicd  Sr|.1ciiilicr  l.'i,   l!in!l. 

(I  I  Iciij.-iiiiiii  I'^r.-iiikl  ill.  lioni  .\l,in-li  l-l.  ls:',(i.  iii;in'ic(| 
.l;iiiii;ii'\'  17,  ISliT.  Ldiiisii  llcfsli,  (|;iii'_;hlcr  of  .loliii  ;iii(| 
.M;ii'tli;i  Iv  (Wilsdii)  llcrsli  ol'  ( "Icarlii'ld  ('oiiiily,  1 'riiiis,^!- 
vniiiji.     She  \\;is  horn  -liiiic  :*>.  1850 \'ll-<i!) 

Ilciijiiinin  \'\  ;\I('cliliiiK  "'^i^^  i"  lln'  l'(ilir;il  Aniiy  iliirin^'  the  f'ivi!  War. 
lie   is   M    retired    I'MViner. 

e  Anil  l''li/;il)('1  li.  Imni  l''clini;iry  1.  IS.'IS  nijirrird  .|n-,r|i|i 
Elds.     She  (lied  .M;i.v  17.  l!ni ' Vn-7i) 

f  Sidney  .Ijiiic.  horn  April  24,  1S40,  nijirrird  I'jitrick 
(irahnin  Martin,  son  of  'i'hoiiias  and  Kosaiiiia  ((iraiuun) 
:\rartiii.     She  died  May  l(i.  liUl. Vll  71 

ji'     .laroh.  hoi-n  Aimiist  14.  1842,  died  May  I'li,  18H:3. 

.l;ieol>  M  cell  line:  enlisti'd  at  Hiitler,  Pennsylvania,  as  a  i)rivate  in  Company 
n,  TStli  IJesinient,  Pennsylvania  Ydlunteer  Infantry,  September  17,  ISfil; 
and  died  at  Mui  freesboro,  'J'ennessee,  during  service.  He  is  buried  in  the 
Xational    Cemetery   at   Stone   River,   Tennes.see. 

h  Henry  George,  horn  l^'chruary  8.  184.').  marrii'd 
]\[aria    :\roody    V 11-72 

He   was    in    the   Federal    Army   during   Civil    War. 

i  Lewis  Robinson,  born  April  (i,  1847.  inai-riml  Marv 
Cricks  VIT-7:? 

j     Phillip.  Iiorn  June  8,  1840.  died  November  Ki.  1840. 

k  Tlioiiias,  born  (^ctolx'r  27,  1850,  died  November  18. 

1  Oriushy  CJreti-g,  horn  April  4.  1858.  married  -lauiiary  1. 
1895,  Annetta  Staley,  dano'hter  of  William  and  Eliza  Staley 
of  Butler  Count.v,  Pennsylvania,  l)orn  -hine  20.  1855 YII-74 

He   is  a   steel   worker  at   Butler.   Penns.xlvania. 

m  William  Wallace,  born  November  14,  1855.  married 
July  17.  1876.  :\rary  Winner,  daughter  of  15.  S.  and  Sarah 
(Scott)  Winner  of  Pennsvhania  and  New  -lersey.  horn 
IMarch   18.    1856.. .." V 1 1-75 

"\Villiam   "\ValIaci>   Mechlina'  is   in   the   iron   and   steel   business. 

VI-27     Children  of  Kichard  P.  and  Marv  K.  (Cregorv)  Hohinson. 


a  Ricluird  Gregory,  liorn  in  Xew  York  City,  August  4, 
1843,  married  in  San  Francisco,  California.  July  26.  1868, 
Jeannette  Eveleth.  daughter  of  Dwight  and  Sarah  Eveleth 
of  San  Francisco  (who  came  from  Massachusetts),  born 
March   81,    1848 '. YII-76 

Richard  Gregory  Robinson  came  in  l,"*."i4  with  mother  and  brother,  via 
the  Isthmus  to  San  Francisco.  He  is  a  retired  Marine  Kngineer,  and  lives 
with  liis  wife  and  daughter  at  2711  Octavia  Street,  San  Francisco.  He  was 
for  years  in  the  Pacific  Coast  Steamship  Service,  and  in  the  China  Service 
of   the   Pacific   ;\Iail    .Steamship   Company. 

b  Gregory  Ellis,  born  in  New  York  City  October  81, 
1845.  married  November  20.  1890,  in  San  Francisco,  Cali- 
fornia, INIargaret  Allen  Hinckley,  daughter  of  'SI.  F.  and 

72  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

llnmiali   (Milxard)    Hinckley   (who  came  from  Maine  and 
Marl)leliead,  Massachusetts),  born  October  18,  1847 VII-77 

Gregory  E.   and  Margaret  A.  Robinson  live  in  San  Francisco,   California. 

c     ]\Iary,  born  and  died  at  Pittsburg,  Pennsylvania, 
d     Sidney  Ormsby,  born  January,  1857,  married  Mary 
Daley.    He"died  March  21,  1882....... VII-78 

Sidney    Ormsby   Robinson    is    buried    at   Woodlawn    Cemetery,    S'an   Fran- 
cisco,   California.     He  was   a   painter   by   trade. 

e  ]\Iargaret  Sarah  Lear,  born  June  27,  1863,  married 
July  26,  1884,  AA^illiam  J.  Denicke.    No  issue. 

Th(>y   live  in   Oakland,    California. 

\'I-2S.     C'liildren  of  James  A.  and  Anna  H.    (Smith)   Richards. 


a  Sarah  Smith,  born  March  2,  1813,  died  August  10, 

b  John  Smith,  born  February  5,  1815,  married  (1)  Octo- 
Wi-  1,  1839,  Nancy  O'Brien,  who  was  born  April  21,  1817, 
and  died  May  27,  1843 ' VII-79 

Married  -(2)  December  29,  1857,  Julia  Van  Ness  AVilliams, 
wlio  Avas  born  July  25,  1827,  daughter  of  Dr.  Cornelius 
Williams  of  Hudson,  New  York,  and  Catalina  Van  Ness  of 
Duchess  County,  New^  York,  and  died  May  25,  1872.  He 
died  August  25,  1872 VII-80 

c  Elizabeth  Bull,  born  November  14,  1817,  died  unmar- 
ried April  25,  1857. 

Elizabeth  Bull  Richards  died  when  nursing-  with  her  mother  at  the  bed- 
side of  .John  S.  Richards,  her  mother  dying  the  same  day. 

d  AVilliam  Miller,  born  January  2.  1819,  died  unmarried 
Alay  23,  1842. 

e  Thomas  Smith,  born  December  16,  1821,  married  in 
1848.  Louisa  Haven  Sheafe.    He  died  October  24,  1895 VII-81 

They   lived  at   Bunker   Hill,   Illinois. 

f     Levi  Smith,  born  January  5,  1825,  died  July  5,  1825. 

g  James  Armstrong,  born  July  6,  1826,  married  Feb- 
ruary 13,  1855,  Margaret  E.  Wright.    He  died  July  5.  1890..VII-82 

They  lived   at   Coatesville,   Pennsylvania. 

h  Josepli  O'Brien,  born  May  27,  1829,  married  in  1859, 
Isadore  Reese.    He  died  April  12,  1902....' ...VII-83 

Thoy   lived   at   St.  Louis,   Missouri. 

\' 1-2:1     ( 'liil.lrcn  of  Tliomas  B.  and  Annetta  (Old)  Smith.     V-12-b 
a     John    Howard,    born    at    Joanna    Furnace,    Chester 
County,  Pennsylvania,  July  29,  1817,  died  unmarried  Sep- 
tember 5,  1847,  at  the  hospital,  Salmadina,  Mexico. 

John  Howard  Smith  graduated  at  Kenyon  College,  A.  B.,  and  at  the 
L  niversity  of  Pennsylvania,  M.  D.  He  was  appointed  Assistant  Surgeon  in 
o.;  io.o^'^t'-  *''  ~'^'  ^^"'^>  commissioned  Passed  Assistant  Surgeon  November 
-J  ]^4.,.  His  service  was  as  follows:  1838-1839  Brazil  Station;  1840  U.  S.  S. 
Independence,  Coast  of  Brazil;  1841  U.  S.  S.  "Columbus";  Receiving 
^  E  i!'  .?'ii'^'""=  1842-1843  U.  S.  S'.  "Delaware,"  Brazil  Station;  1844 
Ti"  ■  .  I ''""sy'ynia.  '  Receiving  Ship  at  Norfolk;  1S45  in  charge  of  Naval 
HospHHl.  lort  Mahon,  Spain;  1846  on  waiting  orders;  1847  U.  S.  S.  "Prince- 
Ion,       Home  Squiidron,   Gulf  of  Mexico,   Mexican  War 

'nil';    r.rij.    1•'AMIL^'  73 

1)  Ilorjicc.  horn  -Inly  S,  ISII),  iii;i  I'ricd  NonciiiIkt  17, 
IS-Ki,   .\iiii;i    M.iri.i    Niclidls,   lioni   .liil.\-   s.    Im'l'.   ;i|    Orwi^rs- 

l)!!!"^'.    I 'clIIISV  1\  ,1  lli.l.    <'lll(l    (lied     I  )iM'(llll)i'|-    lii.    ISlT.      Ili'    ili<'il 

July  8,    \SS2 \ll->i 

llorMci'  Smith   pviiduiitcd   at   Keiiyon   OoIIpkc   A.   B.,   read   law  and   adiiiit- 

tod  to  till'  bar  at  Kcadiiif;,  Tciinsylvaiiia,  I'racticcd  law  at  I'ottsvillc, 
Pennsylvania,  until  IS.'iO,  when  he  was  appniiilid  Cnnsiil  at  Oporto,  I'orliieal. 
lie  canic  lionic  in  1N.">U  and  died  at  Kcailiiii;.  Anna  Maria  Nichols  was  thi! 
daufilitcr  of  h'rancis  Bonde  Nichols,  a  rciitid  army  oIliccT,  and  his  wife, 
Anna    Maria    Niclmls. 

e  Vinoeiil  Henry,  horn  •liil.\'  '■)].  1s-Jl>.  ni;i!'riril  |)('('ciii- 
Iht  4.  IS.")!.  .Mary  ('".  Siiiilh.     I  I'c  dir.l  Aii-usi  l'!I.  1S68 VII-85 

They   lived   in   Philadelphia,    l'enns\l\ania. 

d     Tlimnas  TTcni-y.  horn  0('tol)er  1,  1824,  dii'd  in  infancy. 

VI-30     Chihlrcii  of  Jacob  and  Sarah  r>.  (  Sniit In  Lcoscr.         V-12-c 

a  John  Smith,  born  September  28,  1816,  died  iinniarried 
February  12,  1848. 

.Idhn  Smith  fjeoser  was  badly  injured  in  a  railroad  accident,  and  fell 
dead   when  helping  others. 

b  Thomas  Smith,  born  iSlay  27,  1818,  married  Novem- 
ber 7.  1838,  ]\rary  TliUeo-as  Eheem,  born  Auoust  28.  1817. 
died  March  8,  1887.    lie  died  September  12,  1841) VI 1-86 

Thomas  Smith  Leoser  was  captain  of  2nd  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  in 
the  Mexican  War. 

c  Elizabeth  Stringer,  born  ]\Iay  29.  1820.  aiul  dietl  un- 
married April  11,  18-1:9. 

Elizabeth  Stringer  Leoser  was  noted  for  her  beauty.  She  lived  at 
Reading,   Pennsylvania. 

d  Annetta  Old,  born  September  4,  1823.  died  unmarried 
July  11,  1838. 

VI-31     Children  of  William  and  Maruari'tta  V.   (Smith)   Darling. 

a     Mary  Smith,  born  January  18,  1821.  married  Decem- 
ber 11.  1846.  Rev.  Samuel  AVih-ox.     She  died  February  4. 
1895    ■ ..._ VII-87 

They  lived   at   Oswego,   New  York. 

b  Henry,  born  December  27,  1823,  married  (1)  Sei)tciii- 
ber  1,  1845,  Julia  Strono-.  who  was  born  .March  3.  1826.  and 
died  June  26.  1851.    No  issue. 

:\rarried  (2)  Ophelia  0.  Wells,  dauo-hfop  of  Eiehard  T. 
AVells  of  Hudson,  New  York.  She  was  l)orn  in  New  York 
City  April  27.  1853.    He  died  April  20,  1901 VII-88 

Henry  Darling  graduated  from  Amherst  College  in  1S42;  from  Union 
Theological  S'eminarv,  1S42-4.') :  from  Auburn  Theological  Seminarv,  1,S4."?- 
1845.  He  received  D.  D.  from  Union  College  in  IStW,  I.I..  D.  from  La- 
fayette College  in  1881,  and  LL.  D.  from  Hamilton  College  in  1881. 
He  was  pastor  of  the  church  at  Hudson,  New  York  (where  he  was  ordained 
and  installed);  of  Clinton  Street  Cliurch.  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania:  and 
of  the  Fourth  Presbyterian  Church  at  Albany,  New  York.  He  was  President 
of  Hamilton  College,  Permanent  Clerk  and  ^Moderator  of  the  General  .Vs- 
sembly  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  and  was  the  author  of  uuiny  works  and 

74  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

(•  Thomas  Smith,  born  December  7,  1825.  married  April 
17  1854  S.  Augusta  Taylor,  who  died  at  Heading,  Penn- 
sylvania, May  1.  1897.    He  died  August  30,  1863..._ VII-89 

d  ]^Iargaretta,  born  January  5,  1828,  died  unmarried 
^lay  16.  1900. 

e  William  Howard,  born  October  17,  1829.  died  March 
19,  1832. 

f  Edward  Payson,  born  November  10,  1831,  married 
September  29,  1858,  Emily  Hollenbeck  Rutter,  daughter  of 
Nathaniel  and  ]Mary  Ann  (Cist)  Rutter  of  Wilkesbarre, 
Pennsvlvania.  born  December  16,  1833,  and  died  January 
22,  1882.    He  died  October  19,  1889__ _. .._. VII-90 

Edward  Payson  Darling  graduated  from  Amherst  College,  A.  B.,  in  1851, 
studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania,  in  1853. 
He  was  a  prominent  lawyer  and  was  associated  with  his  brother,  John 
Vaughan  Darling,  at  Wilkesbarre,  Pennsylvania.  They  were  greatly  sought 
for  in  the  administration  of  estates,  and  they  had  the  business  of  many  cor- 

g  Emily  Howard,  born  December  17,  1833,  died  Novem- 
ber 12.  1835. 

h  Eli./abeth  Smith,  born  January  19,  1836,  married 
September  23,  1858,  "William  A.  Drown,  Jr.,  born  in  Phila- 
delphia, Pennsylvania,  January  16,  1836,  and  died  Decem- 
ber 21,  1890.     (Her  middle  name  also  given  as  O'Brien) VII-91 

William  A.  Drown,  Jr.,  was  manufacturer  of  umbrellas  and  jjarasols. 
They  lived  at  Oak  Lane  until  1867,  and  th«n  moved  to  Welden,  Montgomery 
County,   Pennsylvania. 

i  "  Susan  Jane,  born  July  20,  1838,  died  March  30,  1839. 

j  Frances  Caroline,  born  March  12,  1840,  died  August 
14,  1843. 

k  Valeria,  born  January  31,  1842,  died  February  3, 

1  John  Vaughan,  born  July  24.  1844,  married  October 
9.  1872.  Alice  Mary  McClintock,  daughter  of  Andrew  T. 
and  Augusta  Bradley  (Cist)  McClintock  of  Wilkesbarre, 
PiMinsylvania.  born  January  31.  1848,  and  died  October  14, 
1900.    He  died  November  10,  1892.    No  issue. 

John  Vaughan  studied  law  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania,  in  1805.  He  was  a  member  of  firm  of  Henry  &  Darling.  He 
was  a  frequent  contributor  to  magazines,  and  for  five  years  was  Assistant 
Editor  of  the  Xorth  American  Review.  In  1874  he  moved  to  Wilkesbarre, 
Pennsylvania,   and  joined  his  brother,   Edward   Payson  Darling,   in  law  busi- 

VI-32     Children  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  B.    (Smith)    O'Brien. 

a     David,  no  record. 

b  Annetta  Smith,  born  September  15.  1823,  married 
March  30.  1847,  George  F.  Dunning.  She  died  April  19, 
1852 VII-92 

They  lived  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  After  her  death  he  lived  in 
Farmington,   Connecticut. 

Till':      HI   I.I,      KA.MILY  7o 

('     Jnscpli.   IK)   rciMird. 
(I       l'lli/,;il)cl  li,  IK)   icciird. 

(■  h'niiK'is  \';ilcri;i.  iii;iiTir<  |  in  1  >.">  1  I,' icliji  n  |  I  )iiiiiiiiij^. 
She  (lic(|  ill  .l;i  iiii;ii'y,   IS.'di.      No  issue. 

\l-:VA  Cliildivii  of  Levi  I'.,  iiiid  I'liiiily  il.  i  r.;id'^cr  iSnulli.  \'  1  l'-j^ 
■•1  \';di'ri;i.  Iioni  .M;ircli  11,  IS'JS,  nijin-ifd  .limr  Ii',  IS");'). 
AVilli;ini  Ilirsirr  (dyiiicr.  son  of  l']d\\;ird  TilLiliiiiiiii  kikI 
M;iri;i  ( 'at  lici'inc  (lliinlcri  ('lyiiici-.  Ihuii  iir;ir  .M((i-t,'aii- 
towii.  ill  Cacniarvc'ii  Tow  iishi|i,  I'x'rks  ('oiiiity.  I'ciiiisyl- 
vaiiia,  ()i-lol)cr  !>,  1820,  and  dird  duly  L'(i.  1883.  Slir  died 
Au^iisl   17.  l!t(il VII-!i:5 

Uo  was  pi'oiiiiiu'iit  ill  the  iron  Imsincss,  liiiving  the  Oley  nnfl  Mount 
LauiH'l  Furnncc'.'i,  forming  tlic  ('lyincr  Iron  ConiiiJiriy.  He  was  also  President 
of  the  Temple  Iron  Coni|)any,  and  was  President  of  the  First  National  IJank 
of   Ueadinf;,   I'ennsylvania. 

1)  Kli/.al)('tli  FraiKM's,  honi  .Mardi  1!).  18:^0,  inai-ricd  -lan- 
iiary  1").  18G8,  Rev.  Ellis  donis  Ikicliards,  who  was  l)orii  at 
LlaiKdiyclan  on  Lake  Biila  in  Wales,  lie  died  .March  -?.">, 
1872.  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania.   She  died  .\uuust  2.  li)12....VII-0-4 

lOllis  .Tones  Hiehards  catne  to  this  eountry  a.s  a  cdiild.  He  graduated  from 
l'rin<('ton  (^ollege  in  1S."!4  and  later  from  Princeton  Theological  Seminary. 
He  was  pastor  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  at  Reading  from  October, 
IS-Ki,  until  his  death.  Elizabeth  Frances  Richards  was  devoted  to  charities 
which  occupied  much  of  her  time,  the  balance  of  which  was  spent  in  the  com- 
l)letion  of  the  Genealogy  of  the  Buck  family,  published  after  her  death  under 
her   name. 

c  Bentley  Howard,  born  December  6,  1832,  at  Mt.  Airey. 
Berks  County,  Pennsylvania,  died  Jannary  l!l.  lIHil).  un- 

Bentley  Howard  Smith  graduated  at  .\mherst  College  in  IS.'il.  At  the 
outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  he  was  enlisted  as  a  corporal  in  Company  A, 
14th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  on  April  27,  18G1,  for  three  months. 
Before  disciiarge  he  was  promoted  to  First  Lieutenant  of  Company  K.  In 
June,  1S(>.">,  he  raised  a  company  in  the  42nd  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Militia, 
and  was  appointed  Major,  serving  as  such  fifty  days  when  discharged.  He 
was  afterwards  interested  in  the  iron  business,  at  .Toanna  Furnace  and  with 
the   Teiiiiile  Iron   Works  Co. 

d  AVilliam  Darling,  born  .Mareli  12.  1835,  died  July  30, 

Lived  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  Itorii  at  .loanna  Furnace,  and 
was  graduated  at  Willistown  Seminary,  Fiast  Hampton,  Massachusetts.  In 
1S()3  he  organized  CVunpany  I)  of  42nd  Pennsylvania  Militia  Regiment,  serv- 
ing si.xty  days.  He  was  afterwards  interested  with  his  lirothers  in  the  iron 
business,  was  an  adjuster  in  the  Xaval  Office  of  the  Custom  House  at  Phila- 
deliihia,  Pennsylvania,  from  ISlil  to  lS(i.">,  and  was  Deputy  Collector  and 
Auditor  of  Customs  from  lS7t>  to  IS.SS.  He  was  prominently  connected  with 
charitable  institutions,  and  held  many  offices  of  trust  in  Keading,  Pennsyl- 

e  1.  Levi  lleber,  born  Oetober  18.  1837,  married  -lan- 
iiarv,  17.  18()8,  Ella  .Jennie  (irubb.  lie  died  Aumist  -"i. 
1898    - Vn-95 

They  lived  at  .Toanna  Furnace.  He  was  born  there.  On  August  10. 
1802,  he  was  mustered  into  service  as  Capt.iin  of  Company  A,  128th  Regi- 
ment, Pennsylvania  Infantry,  for  nine  months.  He  was  at  the  battles  of 
South  Mountain  and  .Vntietam,  September  14-17,  18(i2.  He  was  promoted 
to  Lieutenant-Colonel  at  Stafford  Court  House  February  1,  180:).  At  the 
battle  of  Chancellorville,  he  was  taken  prisoner  in  the  trenches  and  was  sent 
to  Libbey  Prison.  .Shortly  afterw.nds  he  was  released  on  parole,  and  was 
on  .Tune  '■!.  ISO.",,  honorably  discharged  from  the  service.  He  was  promi- 
nently coniie<-ted  with  many  important  institutions.  She  is  living  at  Phila- 
delphia,  Pennsylvania. 

-g  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

2.     Emily  Anuetta,  born  October  18,  1837,  died  unmar- 
ried January  2,  1916. 

She  lived  at  Reading,   Pennsylvania. 

f     :Mary  Badger,  born  March  19,  1810,  died  unmarried 
May  22.  1861. 

She  lived  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania. 

g     Horace  Vauglian,  born  August  20,  1842,  died  unmar- 
ried July  23,  1878^. 

He   lived  at  Reading,   Pennsylvania. 

li     Thomas  Stanley,  born  January  25,  1845,  died  unmar- 
ried November  25,  1887. 

He  lived  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  born  at  Joanna  Furnace, 
Berks  County,  Pennsvlvania.  He  graduated  in  1865  at  Amherst  College, 
and  in  1868  at  Jefferson  Medical  School.  He  studied  for  a  year  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Leipsig.  He  vs^as  appointed  in  1875  as  lecturer  of  physical  diag- 
nosis "at  Jefferson  Medical  School,  resigning  in  1877.  Then  he  practiced 
medicine  until  his  death  at  Reading,   Pennsylvania. 

1  Edward  Hunter,  born  April  17,  1847,  died  January 
19,  1863. 

VI-34     Children  of  John  V.  and  Virginia  (Parker)  Smith.  Y-12-h 

a  Foxhall  Parker,  born  February  14,  1847,  died  Jan- 
uary 19,  1863. 

He  was  horn  in  Massachusetts  and  was  appointed  from  Virginia,  Sep- 
tember 20,  1S62,  a  midshipman  at  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  Newport, 
Rhode   Island.     He   died   while   at   the   Academy. 

VI-35     Children    of    George    and    Susan    G.    (Smith)    Burcker. 


a  Levi  Smith,  born  April  21,  1841,  died  December  29, 

b     James  Milnor,  died  in  infancy. 

YI-36     Children  of  Goodloe  H.  and  Jane  C.   (Smith)   Bowman. 


a  Isabella  Lowry,  born  February  25,  1842,  married  Jan- 
uary 12,  1881,  Christopher  Leoser.  She  died  September  23, 
1892.    No  issue. 

1i  James  Lowry,  born  August  25,  1845,  died  unmarried 
M;iiv|,  2,  1896. 

(•  .John  Howard,  born  October  23,  1848,  married  No- 
vember 21.  1872,  Caroline  Snowden  Jacobs,  who  was  born 
December  7,  1848.    He  died  February  9,  1911_ VII-96 

(1     Anne  Sweitzer,  born  March,  1852. 

e  AVilliam  Robert,  born  August  17,  1854,  married  (1) 
April  24,  1878,  Emma  Maria  Winne,  who  was  born  Feb- 
ruary 9,  1855,  and  died  June  11,  1904 VII-97 

^lari-ied  (2)  Luella  Goodspeed,  who  was  born  October 
13,  1862. 

Tiii':    I'.ri.i,    l••\Mll,^■  77 

\'l-;!7       ('hildl'cli     of     \\'illi;ilii     ;iliil     S;i|-;ili     ( '.     (  1  )c\V('i'.s;     ('litiUMM. 

\'  14-a 

;i  .\l;irl  li;i.  lioni  .liil\-  :'.l,  ISIT.  iii;iri-ii'i  |  .\|;iy  S,  l,s:;s,  |)r. 
John  Aiiilrrsoii  Aldrrisun  of  I  ,;iiii';istri'  ('oiinly.  I'riiiisyl- 
Viiiii;!.  lioni  .laiiiiiiry  ;!1,  iSl  1,  ;iim1  ilicd  .Inly  I'li,  lijlj-i.  She 
(lied    An.iiiisl    l(i.    ISSL'  \'li  :is 

.liiliii  ,\iiclri-Min  ;iiiil  Miii'tlui  Mon'isnii  .'i  it  liuricil  :ii  I''m(;i;'s  MiiMor 
CiMiicI  I  r.\ .  (Iii'slcr  ('iiuiily,  i 'cmisylvimiii.  lie  ;xia<lu:i  1  iil  nuiii  .IctTcrsnn  Col- 
U'Ki'  ill  I'^-'T  imd  liilcr  troiii  tlic  I'nivcrsil  y  "f  I'riuisy Iviiiiia  willi  dt-Krcc  of 
M.  1).  lie  \v;is  clcclcd  iis  Mi'iiihcr  of  llmisc  ol'  Itciiri'scntal  ivcs  of  I'liitcfl 
Sliitcs  (  (iTi;;rcsN  in  IS."!  I'or  llii'  Si'ssion  of  ISTil'  mill  IS.".'!.  He  was  DriiK 
Tiispccltii-  of  r.  S.  Cusloins  uiidiT  I'rcsidciit  UiicliniiMii.  llf  livrd  (it  rochrari- 
villi'.    Clu'sliT    (  'iMinl  \. 

1)  (Muirlcs  Millcf.  Iioni  M.iivh  S,  iSi'il,  ni;irrir,|  .M;in-Ii 
U,  184:?,  Mari.-i  T.  nrnnkf.  wIk.  \v;is  horn  Mnivh  li'.  1S2(). 
jind  died  M;iy  17.  l!M)4.     llcdi.'d  Ahiivli  I'T.  isT-') \'ll-!'!i 

'I'ilcy    livi'd    ill     1 1  n|ii\\  I'll    l''ui'iiacc',    I'.ci  ks    ('diiiily,    I 'iniisy  Ivaiiia. 

e  AVilliani  \\'.,  horn  .Mai'eli  2,  1822.  died  F('hniai-\-  7, 

He  is  liuricd  in  tlic  cliurcliv  ard  of  St.  Mary's  Epi.scojial  Cliiiri-li.  War- 
wick,   Pennsylvania. 

d     Tl'ioinas  Dewees. 

e  Annie  .1..  horn  soon  at'tcf  licr  ra1lici''s  (h-ath.  mai'ried 
William  AVood  Vir-loO 

'I'lii'v    livi'd    in    l'liiladrli>liia. 

VI-38     C'hildivn  of  Dillt-i-  li.  and   Klizabctli  T.   (^Dewees)   Fcfiv.'. 

a     ^Faiy  Elizabeth,  born  in  1822,  Samuel  Dennis  Mr('lrl- 
land.     She  died  in  1855.    No  issue. 

They  lived  near  Parkslnirg,  Pennsylvania.  They  are  Iniried  in  the 
Churchyard  of  Octarara  Presbyterian  Cluirch. 

b  George  Clemson,  born  Oetober  1,  1825,  married  Re- 
becca Zook.     He  died  May  2,  1879 VII-101 

They   lived   at    Parkslnirs,    Pennsylvania. 

c  David  Dewees,  born  Se])temb('r  9,  1826,  married  Jan- 
nary  ;31.  1860,  ^Fary  Rebecca  Hutchinson,  daughter  of  Mos- 
ley  and  Elizabeth  B.  (Hall)  Hutchinson,  born  April  24. 
1825,  died  March  10.  1901.    He  died  .May  20.  1869 Vir-1()2 

They  lived  at  Parksburs;,  Pennsylvania,  lie  is  buried  at  Lancaster, 
Pennsylvania,   and  she  is   buried   at   C'ayug;a,   New  York. 

d     Alan  Wood,  born  in  1828,  died  in  1852. 

He  was  a  wonderful   cornet   player. 

e  Thomas  Waters,  born  February  5,  18:35,  married  Octo- 
ber 12,  1865,  Emily  Cleaver  Bartholomew,  daughter  of  Ed- 
ward and  Emily  (Cleaver)  Bartholomew,  l)orn  at  IMiila- 
delphia,  Pennsylvania,  February  16,  1842 VTT-10:^> 

They  lived  at  Yorklyn,  Delaware,  for  thirty-eight  years,  and  then  moved 
to  Wilmington,  where  they  now  live. 

f     Frederic  Baker,  born  .Taimnry  8.  1840. 

Lives  at   Wilmington,  -Delaware. 

*Dr.  -Tohn  A.  Morrison  married  a  second  time.   Sarah  Bovd,   and  thev  had  one  son.   George 
B.,   born   July   19,   1850,   and   died  December  22,   1S5S. 

78  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VI-39     Cliildreu  of  Dr.  Samuel  and  Mary  L.  (Dewees)  McLean. 


a  Anna  Jane.  l3orn  in  1823,  married  Thomas  S.  Stew- 
art   : - - - VII-104 

Lived  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

h     George  F.,  born  in  1826,  married  (1)  Anna  Herons..-VII-105 
^Married  (2)  Lydia  G.  Veasey.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  Merehantville,   Pennsylvania. 

e     John,  born  in  1830,  married  Harriet  C.  Calvert VII-106 

They  lived  at   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

YI-10     Children  of  Alan  and  Ann  H.  (Dewees)  "Wood.  V-14-e 

a  Waters  Dewees,  born  April  17,  1826,  married  (1) 
March  16,  1848,  Louisa  Rosalind  Howard  Gilpin  of  Wil- 
mington. Delaware,  daughter  of  Richard  B.  and  Anna  (Por- 
ter) Gilpin,  born  November  5,  1829,  and  died  May  19, 
1883    - - - : VII-107 

Married  (2)  ]\Iay  23,  1889,  Gertrude  St.  John.  He  died 
January  2,  1899 '. .-- -- VIL108 

They    lived    at     Pittsburgh,     Pennsylvania.       He    was     in    iron    business 
with   his   father-in-law,   Richard  B.    Gilpin. 

b  Thomas  Dewees,  born  December  12,  1827,  married 
October  9,  1850,  Maria  Flagg.    He  died  May  28,  1880 VII-109 

They  lived  at   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

c     Infant,  unnamed. 

d  James  D.,  born  April  11,  1831,  married  August  6, 
1854,  Laura  Gilpin.    He  died  March  27,  1864... VII-110 

They  lived   at   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

e  Alan,  born  August  6,  1834.  married  October  24,  1861, 
Mary  H.  Yerkes.    No  issue. 

He   was    in    iron   business    at    Conshohoeken,    Pennsylvania.      They    lived 
in  Philadelphia. 

f  George  W.,  born  March  20,  1837,  died  February  24, 

g  Howard,  born  February  8,  1846,  married  January  28, 
1869.  Mary  Canby  Biddle,  born  December  17,  1849,  died 
.T;imKiry  16.  1897.    He  died  in  1912... VILllI 

VI-41     Children  of   George  AV.   and  Amelia    (Snyder)    Dewees. 


a  Anna  ]Maria,  born  November  26,  1829,  married  Jesse 
Eastburn.     No  issue. 

They  lived  at  Bridgeport,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Daniel  Udru,  born  January  4,  1832,  married  Emma  A. 
Raysor.     He  died  February  13,  1910 VII-112. 

They  lived   at   Brenford,  Delaware. 

'I'lir:    iiri.i.    i' am  i  i.'i'  7;< 

(•  Tlioiiijis  Hull,  li(ii-ii  .Jiil\'  ti,  l>s;M,  iiiari'itul  Mary  Voiiii'j-. 
lie  (lic.l  .Inly:).  ISSii   " \' I  I    11:; 

'I'Ikiiiims  I!.  |)ruiM's  crilisli'd  in  llir  I'.  S.  Ai'iny  lis  a  [iriviilc,  Iktiiiik! 
(•(ir|)()riil,  M'l'Ki'iiiil ,  anil  Isl  siTyraTil  ol'  ('oiripany  li,  lliid  I'.  S.  l)rii(;iiiiiiH, 
I'roni  JNIarch  !t,  IH.")S,  to  Xdvi'iiihiT  -,  ISUI.  Ilc>  wiis  iiuHlf  SfcomI  hii'iitriDint 
SccciikI  Cavnlry,  OcIoIxt  L'I.  IKCI:  |''irM  I  .icutcTijiiil  .Inly  17.  I.Sf.l';  l{ci;i- 
incnliil  Ailjulaiil  .lul.\  I,  IMi.'i,  id  March  (i,  IMCili;  lii'iiiiiiciilaj  (^iia  rliTtiiiistcr 
March  »'i.  IMii;.  In  -Inly  lu,  Isr.C;  Captain  .Inly  1(>,  ISI'ii;;  .Majnr,  .\inlh  Cav- 
alry, Oclcilicr  US,  issl  :  he  icicivcil  liicvcl  CaptHin  .Innc  '.»,  ISli.",,  for  uallatil 
and    nuTilornnis    service    in    Ihr    liatlli'   of    licvcrly    l''o?'d,    \'ir(;inia. 

(I  S;ir;ili  ( '.,  Inirii  Aiiuiisl  III,  iSlKi,  mnn-ird  .\  li'\;i  tidrr 
Kennedy \' I  1   1  1  1 

■|'li(\     li\('d    at    KcniH'dysvillc,    iM.aryland. 

VI-42      ('liildiTii  of  (It'orui'  W.  ;ind    Loiiis.-i    1'..    illolslrin)    Dcwccs. 


;i       I']\;i    Aiii('li;i.  Imm'ii   An<ins1    !!•,  1S41). 

she    li\i's    at    Norristdwn,    l'cnns.\  Iva  nia. 

1)  Isiiac  llolstcin.  horn  April  1."),  18.'):}.  inan-icd  .Jiiiif  ].'). 
1S!)"J,  ()li\i;i  ( '.  liCilyai'd,  dniiiilitei'  of  Deiiiiison  and  ()livi;i 
(Hall)   Lcdy.ird  of  Montgomery,  Alabama \' 11-11.") 

They   live   at    M  (intK'inicvy,    Alahania. 

c     ^lary  lluiihes,  boni  October  29,  1856. 

She  livfs   at    Xurristown,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-4:3     Children  of  Leoiuird  F.  and  Rachel  B.  (Dewees)  Roberts. 


a  Thomas,  born  March  27,  1832,  in  East  Xantmeal 
Township,  Chester  Connty.  Penns.vlvania,  mai'ried  June  •">, 
1858,  Elizabeth  Hill  Hissell,  daiightei-  of  Israel  Morey  and 
Angusta  Turner  (JNIeade)  Bissell,  boi'ii  at  Cincinnati.  Ohio. 
Jannary  4,  1836 V 1 1  -1 1  (i 

Thoy  live  at  Kivciton,  >,'e\v  .Jersey.  He  was  engiised  in  the  commis- 
sion business  in  I'liihuUdjihia,  now  retired.  She  was  descended  from  .Tolin 
Bissell,  who  settled  at  \\'insldw,  C'diineeticnt,  in  1(>-lll,  and  William  Meade, 
early  settler  in  Virginia. 

b  Anna  Hunter,  born  August  16,  1835,  married  Septem- 
ber 20,  1855.  Dr.  Charles  Edward  Coates.  son  of  Dr.  -lessi^ 
and  .Martha  Wells  (Pennock)  Coates.  born  October  10,  1821). 
died  March  26,  1001.    She  died  I\Iarch  14,  1908 VI 1-117 

They   lived  at   Baltinidrc,    Maryland,   where  he  practiced  medicine. 

c  Mary  Frescoln,  born  October  9,  1838,  married  Feb- 
ruary 2,  1865,  John  S.  Tyson.    She  died  October  23,  1902.. .A'  1 1-118 

They  lived  at  Baltimore,  Maryland,  where  he  practiced  law.  He  was 
lost    in   a    storm   when   luintins   dncks. 

d     Waters  Dewees,  born  December  13,  1840. 

Enlisted  at  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania,  as  a  ijrivate  in  Conijiany  C,  4th 
Reaiment,  Pennsylvania  Yolnnteer  Infantry,  for  three  months,  and  was  dis- 
charged .Inly  27,  ISCil,  on  expiration  of  enlistment.  Re-enlisted  in  Company 
B,  11th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Cavalry,  for  three  years  on  the  lOth  of 
August,  IStil,  and  was  appointed  First  Lieutenant.  He  was  wounded  in  action 
at  Keani.s  Station,  Virginia,  .Tune  UII,  ISIU,  was  made  prisoner  and  died  at 
Petersburg,  Virginia,   in  the  hands  of  the  enemy,  .July  0,  IStH. 




,  Hamiali  Louisa,  born  December  30,  1842,  married  De- 
eember  '^4  1863,  John  R.  Brooke,  who  was  born  July  21, 
1838.    She  died  October  22,  1867 - VII-119 

John  B.  Brooke  was  appointed  Captain  in  4th™ent  Pennsylvania 
Volunteer  Infantry,  April  20,  1861,  and  served  until  July  27  1861.  He 
was  made  Colonel  "of  53rd  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantr5^  Sep- 
tember IS,  1861:  was  made  Brigadier  General  of  Volunteers  May  12,  1864, 
for  distinguished  services  at  battles  of  Old  Wilderness  and  S-pot^sylvama 
Court  HoiTse,  Virginia;  and  Brevet  Major  General  of  Volunteers  August  1, 
1864  for  meritorious  services  at  the  battles  of  Tolopotomy  and  Cold  Harbor 
Virc'inia  He  resigned  February  1,  1866.  He  was  commissioned  Lieutenant 
Colonel  of  the  37th  U.  S.  Infantry  July  28,  1866.  He  was  made  Brevet  Colo- 
nel (Regular  Annv)  March  2,  1867,  for  gallant  and  meritorious  service 
at  the  battle  of  Gettvsburg,  and  Brevet  Brigadier  General  on  same  date  for 
same  service  at  Spottsylvania  Court  House.  He  was  commissioned  Colonel 
of  the  13th  U  S.  Infantrv  March  20.  1879,  and  transferred  to  the  3rd  U.  S. 
Infantrv  .June  14  1879.  He  was  commissioned  Brigadier  General  April  b, 
1,888  and  Major  General  May  22,  1897.  He  was  in  command  of  Division  of 
U  S  troops  sent  to  Porto  Rico  in  1898,  was  Military  Governor  of  Havana, 
Cuba,-  1898-1899,  and  in  command  of  Eastern  Division  of  U.  S.  Army  19O0- 
1902.'    He  was  retired  from  active  service  July  21,  1902. 

f  Levi  Bull,  born  March  17,  1845,  died  unmarried  July, 

g  Ella  Frances,  born  March  27,  1854,  married  December 
19, 1872,  Professor  Harry  C.  White  of  Baltimore,  :\raryland. 
She  died  January  13,  1913,  at  Athens,  Georgia.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  Athens,  Georgia. 

VI-44     Children  of  Thomas  B.  and  Elizabeth   (Hause)   Dewees. 


a  Ann  Hause,  born  December  8,  1836,  married  April  1, 
1873,  William  Leonard.    He  died  IMarch  20,  1898.    No  issue. 

She  lived  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Jacob  Hause,  born  February  5,  1837,  in  West  Nant- 
meal  Township,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania,  married  De- 
cember 13,  1866,  Sarah  Stiteler,  who  was  born  in  1842  and 
died  April  23,  1912 __ - - - — Vn-120 

He  lives  and  has  a  large  farm  in  West  Vincent  Township,  Chester 
Countv,  Pennsvlvania,  and  another  large  farm  in  Uwchlan  Township,  having 
a  large  dairy  business.  He  was  in  the  Federal  Army  during  the  Civil  War, 
enlisting  September  11,  1862,  in  the  12th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteer 
Infantry,  at  Harrisburg.  Pennsylvania,  and  served  until  discharged  Septem- 
ber 27,"  186.5,  at  Harrisburg. 

c  Hannah  Louisa,  born  October  24,  1839,  died  January 
26,  1840. 

She  is  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Mary's  Episcopal  Church,  War- 
wick, Pennsylvania. 

d  Sarah  Clingan,  born  November  27,  1840,  married 
Reuben  Preston  Mosteller,  who  was  born  February,  1841....VII-121 

They  live  at  Chester  Springs,  West  Pikeland  Township,  Chester  County, 
Pennsylvania,  where  he  has  a  large  farm. 

e  Thomas  Bull,  born  January  28.  1844,  married  (1)  No- 
vember 1,  1865,  Hannah  L.  Templin.  She  died  October  1, 

:\rarried  (2)  February  26,  1885.  Ida  L.  Knerr  of  West 
YiiK'fnt  Township,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania,  born 
September  19,  1857 - -- VII-122: 

They  lived  at  Birchrunville,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  born 
and  raised  on  his  father's  farm  in  West  Nantmeal  Township,  Chester  County, 

Till';      I'A'IA.     I'A.MIhV  81 

and  at  Iciidi'd  scliiml  at  l''i'rclaMd  Scniiiiar.v,  and  at  'rri'ciniiuiit,  NorriHiowii, 
li'avitiK  till'  lallir  In  enlist  in  ('(iinpan.v  I'",  I'JtIi  Ui'kimk'MI,  I't-nnHylvania  Vol- 
iiiclrii-  I  nr.iril  I  y.  I  )n  Mari'h  10,  IHtil,  was  inadf  l''  l.iciiti'nant,  'l.'jlh  [J, 
S.  Inlanlry.  lie  was  discliai'tccd  Dccciiilicf  1!),  lH(ir>.  During  tin-  war  he  wiiH 
ill  scvi'ral  hat  lies.  Al'tiT  liis  discliarn''  l"'  I'liKatrcil  in  liiiHincNK  in  ISirr-liniii- 
villi",  wlu'ic  he  was  iioslniaslcr  ten  years.  In  IHH!)  he  moved  to  I'lioeiiixville, 
where  he  eiitra^red  in  liardwar<'  Imsiiiess,  and  in  marble  and  Kraiiile  workK. 
April  1.  IHilT,  \\f  returned  to  Uirchriiiiville  and  hiiilt  a  creaiiiery,  a  storir  and 
a   piil>lii'   hall.      lie  was  a(;ain    ajipointed   iiostm.-isti'r  in    1h;i-i. 

r     .loliii   Ihiusc,  horn  -iiinc  12,  184"),  died   April    l'_'.   I>«"t7. 
^      Kliiiir;i.    Itoni    .\I;iy    1l'.    ISJT.    ninrrird    I  )icciiil)rr    11, 

1881,  fJolm  l);i\is.  who  \\;is  horn  .|;iiiii;iry  'J.4.  ls;{(i,  jiml  ilinl 
June  S^   IDO;} ' \' I  1-123 

I'.lniira    Davi.s    lives    at    (J7:i    Preston    Street.    Thiladel])Iiia,    Pennsylvania. 
.Inliii   Davis  was  for  many  y(>ars  eiiKatird   in   the  ni;inu  l';ii|  ore  of  Saratoga  chips. 

h     Willi;mi  AVaters,  honi  May  7,  184!i.  died . 

i     dcssc  llaiiso.  ])oni  .May  4,  1851,  inarricd  Soptcinhcr  1I>. 

1882,  Kiimia  \'irgiiiia  Xicliuls.  lie  died  June  8,  18IJ;J.  Xu 

j     Howard  AVood.  horn  l■^■hl•ua^y  11,  1853,  died . 

k     Henry  Clay.  ])orn  September  23,  1854,  married  Jan- 
uary 9,  1884,  Annie  M.  Young-,  who  was  born  June  9,  1863.. VI 1-124 

They    live    at    Ansehua,    Chester    County,    Pennsylvania,    where    he    has    a 

1     Ida,  born  January  10.  1857,  married  AVilliaiii  Yeagei'. 
horn  February  8,  1857 ;...VII-125 

VI-45     Children    of   Josepli    and    Ann    II.    (AleClintoek)    Xeide. 

a     Infant,  died  unnamed. 


A^I-46     Children  of  Joseph  and  Rebeeea  (Shafer)  Xeide.     V-l()-a 

a  Horace,  liorn  December  21,  1837.  married  Alary  Jones, 
lie  died  in  Philadelphia  December  3,  1915 \"II-126 

Horace  Neide  was  commissioned  a  Second  Lieutenant  of  the  2nd  Penn- 
sylvania Reserve  Infantry,  May  27,  IStJl,  and  served  in  the  army  of  the 
Potomac  and  the  army  of  the  Virginia,  risinis  to  the  rank  of  Lieutenant 
Colonel.  He  was  taken  prisoner  and  paroled  in  18G2,  exclian^ed  in  Aufrust, 
18()2.  He  was  mustered  out  in  .laiiuary,  ISfiT.  He  was  commissioned  F-irst 
Lieiitenant  of  44tli  T^.  S.  Infantry,  .Taiuiary  10.  1867:  was  iinassisned  in 
18f)9:  assigned  to  4th  U.  S.  Infantry  in  December,  1870,  and  promoted  to 
Captain  in  April,  1880.  He  retired  from  active  service  April  4.  1893.  with 
the  rank  of  Ma.ior.  He  received  the  following;  brevets  for  gallant  and  meritori- 
ous services:  Captain,  U.  S.  A.,  for  hattle  of  Guines  !^^ll.  Virginia:  Major, 
U.  S.  A.,  for  battle  of  Glendale.  Virginia :  Colonel  of  Volunteers  for  the 
battles  of  Glendale,  Mechanicsburg,  Guines  Mill  and  Charles  City  Cross  Roads, 
Virginia:  and  Brigadier  General  of  Volunteers  for  the  same  battles  and  for 
the  war.  During  the  war  he  received  a  gunshot  wound  in  the  left  arm.  After 
the  war  he  served  in  frontier  duly  at  Forts  Ijaramie,  Bridger,  Sanders  and 
Fetterman,   Wyoming. 

b  Carrol,  born  September  12.  1840,  at  Pottstown.  Penn- 
sylvania, married  February  20.  1884,  at  Philadelphia,  Flor- 
ence Harding.  He  died  Xovember  24,  1911,  at  Piiihulel- 
phia.    No  issue. 

c     Samuel,  died  in  infancy. 

d     Alice,  died  unmarried  May  21.  1915. 

e     ]\Iartha  Shafer. 

S2  '  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f  Ann  Hunter,  born  February  25,  1848,  at  Pottstown, 
Pennsylvania,  married  October  21,  1891,  Thomas  Cupner 
Steele!  who  died  in  1912.    She  died  September  29,  1910 .VII-127 

They  lived  at  Pottstown,   and  are  buried  there. 

g     Sarah,  married  Alfred  Brooke VII-128 

h  Bayard,  born  June  18,  1856,  married  Margaret  Quin- 
ter.  daua-hter  of  George  and  Margaret  (Francis)  Quinter, 
born  June  7,  1860 - -- ....VII-129 

They  live  in  Pottstovini,   Pennsylvania. 

i  Ersldne,  born  March  20,  1858,  at  Pottstown,  Pennsyl- 
vania, married  (1)  June  7,  1881,  Lidie  Butler,  daughter  of 
William  and  ^lary  (Wylie)  Butler  of  Lewistown,  Pennsyl- 
vania, born  June  -4,  1857,  died  March  1,  1903,  in  San  Fran- 
cisco.  California  .- VII-130 

^larried  (2)  IMarch  29.  1911,  at  San  Francisco.  Califor- 
nia. Elizabeth  Forrest,  daughter  of  George  and  Julia 
(Kraemer)  Forrest  of  Lewisburg,  Pennsylvania,  born  De- 
cember 20,  1865. 

He  was  for  a  number  of  years  in  the  Pay  O'orijs  and  Pay  Department  of 
the  Quartermaster's  Corps,  U.  S.  Army.  June  3,  1916,  was  appointed  Second 
I>ieutenant   in  Quarter  Master  Corps.     Promoted  to   Captain  Q.   M.   C. 

VI-17     Children  of  Addison  and  Elizabeth  (Shafer)  I\Iay.  V-16-b 

a  Martha  Ellen,  born  March  22,  1840,  in  Coventryville, 
Chester  County.  Pennsylvania,  married  May  27,  1869,  Dr. 
Joseph  Trimble  Eothrock,  son  of  Dr.  Abraham  and  Phebe 
B.  Eothrock  of  iMcVaytown.  Mifflin  County,  Pennsylvania, 
born  April  3,  1839.    She  died  May  10,  1917 VII-131 

They  lived  at  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  where  she  died,  and  where 
she  is  buried  at  Oakland  Cemetery.  She  was  a  prominent  member  of  society 
in  philanthropic  work,  commencing  early  in  her  life  with  the  work  for  the 
comfort  of  soldiers  in  the  Civil  War.  She  was  closely  identified  with  the 
affairs  of  Holy  Trinity  Episcopal  Church,  was  one  of  the  Governing  Board  of 
the  Public  Library,  was  a  founder  of  the  Century  Club,  and  was  prominent  in 
local  matters  connected  with  the  Society  of  the  Daughters  of  the  American 
Revolution.  Dr.  Joseph  T.  Rothrock  graduated  B.  S.  at  Harvard  College  in 
1864,  and  M.  D.  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  in  1868.  He  enlisted  as 
a  private  in  Company  D  of  131st  Pennsylvania  Regiment  of  Volunteer  Infan- 
try, in  1863,  for  nine  months.  He  was  severelj'  wounded  in  the  thigh  at  the 
battle  of  Fredericksburg.  December,  1863.  He  was  commissioned  a  captain 
in  the  20th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Cavalry,  assigned  to  Company  E  and 
served  si.\  months.  He  was  a  member  of  exploring  expedition  to  British 
Columbia  in  186.5  to  1866.  He  practiced  medicine  at  Wilkesbarre,  Pennsyl- 
vania. 1870-1873.  From  1873-187.5,  he  was  surgeon  of  the  W^heeler  Survey- 
ing ?3xpedifion  in  Western  Territories.  He  was  elected  to  the  chair  of  Botany 
at  the  T'niversity  of  Pennsylvania  in  1877;  was  made  secretary  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania Forestry  Association  in  1896;  was  appointed  commissioner  of  For- 
estry, Department  of  Agriculture  in  1897,  and  was  State  Commissioner  of 
Forestry  in  Pennsylvania  until  1904.  He  became  much  interested  in  the 
camps  for  the  outdoor  life  of  consumptives,  and  personally  established  that  at 
South  >[ountain,  Franklin  Countj^  Pennsylvania.  He  is  the  author  of  several 
scientific  works. 

VT-l'-i     Children  of  John  B.  and  Margaretta  J.   (Bull)   Clemson. 

n     Infant,  born  June  11,  1828.  died  in  infancy. 
1)     Lf'vi  Bnll.  born  June  4.  1829,  died  August  13,  1831. 

'I'llI']      I  Ml.  I,      h'A.MILY  83 

('  l']li/.;iltrt  li,  lioni  .liiiic  Lis,  1S:;(),  iii;i  rriii  1  l''i'lii'ii;i  r\'  7, 
1854,  l''islicr  ll;i/.;ir(l  wlio  l.oni  OctoKn-  11.  HiJ!).  himI 
(lied   Aii<i-list   LT),   ISSS.      She  dhd    1  )(r,inlH|-  L'S.   1!»()8 \' I  1    I:!!' 

il  Ami  P.iill.  l>(>rii  .liiiK'  IS.  1S;5L>.  iiijinicd  1  i  April  liS, 
185!),  Ooorj^'c  lijir.'iycltc  W.ishiii^lon  (if  lljirrwood.  West 
\'ir^iiii;i,  w  Iki  died   l''clii-ii;i  r.\'  7,   1s7l1 \'|[   lo'J 

M;iri'it'd  (1^)  I  )('('cinl)cr  S.  1S71I,  Linin'l  Slinusliy  IiohiTts. 
She  died  duiic  'JI>,  1!)14.     No  issue. 

(ii'cirn'i'  I -;i  I'a.NcI  1 1'  \\'iisliin;;icin  .iiid  Aim  (Hull  W'a.sliiiintiiri  )  IJiilxTls  an- 
buiiiHl  lit  iijuut'l  ilill  ('cnu'ti'r.v,  l'liiliiil(l|)lii:i.  I'i'Miinv Ivaiiia.  (icur),'!'  L.  Wanh- 
iiiKtoii  was  the  iimst  iliriTt  liviiifi  rrpic'scntalivc  of  (icncral  Ocoi-K"-  WashiiiK- 
tnn.  li.v  ri'iison  of  wliich  tlic  fainoiis  iiifdiils  of  the  (it'iirral  were  inhrritcd  hy 
him,  Owiiitr  to  the  loss  of  nil  liis  iiiTsoiial  piopi-rty  l)y  the  conditions  con- 
iifi'ti'd  with  tho  Civil  War.  hi'  was  ohlii^iil  to  disposi'  of  thi'si'  nirdals  to 
soi'ii'tii's  of  New  York  and  I'hijiidi'lphia.  whi'ri'  thry  arc  placed  on  view  in 
prominent  collections.  Ohliircd  to  leave  his  home,  he  resided  with  his  father- 
in-law  at  t'layniont,  Delaware.  The  description  of  his  liome  may  he  of  interest 
in  connection  with  his  family  history,  botli  of  which  are  to  he  found  in  the 
libraries  throughout  the  country. 

e  Thoiiins  (iroon.  horn  Xovoinliov  19.  ^^'■V^.  iiinrricd  Sep- 
teiuber  ID,  18G7,  Sarali  Frances  Ogden,  who  died  June  27, 
1888    VII-134 

lie  was  a  clersyman  of  the  Episcopal  Church,  and  was  rector  of  the 
clmrcli  at  Waddins'ton,  New  York.  They  are  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St. 
David's   Church.   Radnor,   Pennsylvania. 

r  Miwy  Martha  Sherwood,  horn  ^hin-li  ■J7.  is.!."),  died 
uniiiarried  Xoveniher  21,  1!)()8. 

She  is   liuried  at  Laurel    Hill  Cemetery.   Phihideljihia.   Pennsylvania. 

g  Cyrus  Jacobs.  l)oni  Xoveniher  l!'.  1S:!I).  died  Jjuuiary 
7,  1838. 

VI-49     Cliihlren   of   Thomas   K.    and    Sarah    S.    fSliower^    Bull. 


a  ]Margaretta  (deinson,  liorn  December  IS,  1839,  died 
September  22,  1844. 

Buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  jNIary's  Episcopal  Church,  Warwick. 
Chester   Count.v,    Pennsylvania. 

b  Emma  Louisa,  born  September  17,  1841,  dird  uniiiar- 

Buried  in   the  churchyard  of   St,   ^Mary's   Episcopal   Church, 

c  Charlotte  McClellan,  born  Sei)tember  2G,  1843,  die.l 
September  16,  1844. 

Buried  in  the  churcli.\  aid   of  .St,    Mary"s   Episcopal   Church, 

d  Elliza  Jacobs.  l)orn  -liiiie  17.  1845.  died  unmarried  .Inly 
6,  1886. 

Buried  in  the  church.vaid   of  St,    Mary"s   Episcopal   (^luirch. 

e     Sarah  Smith,  born  .lime  2(5,  1847.  died  June  30,  1851. 

Buried   in  the   churchyard   of   St,    Mary's   Eiiiscopal   Church, 

f     Levi,  born  August  18,  1850,  died  June  26,  1851. 

Buried   in   the  church.vard   of  St,   Jlary's   Episcopal   Church, 

g  Edward  Sliower.  Ixu'ii  Mav  4.  1S52.  died  Auizust  19. 

Buried  in  the  churcliyard  of  .St,   Mary's  Episcopal  Church. 

jj4  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VI-50     Chiklreii  of  Thomas  K.  and  Julia  H.   (Henderson)  Bull. 

a     Infant,  stillborn,  September  4.  1860. 
b     Caroline  Jacobs,  born  March  7,  1863. 

She  lives  on  and  owns  the  old  homestead  Imilt  by  her  great  grandfather, 
Colonel  Thomas  Bull,  after  the  close  of  the  Revolutionary  War,  in  East 
Xantmeal   Township.   Chester  County,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Ann  Hunter,  born  April  19,  1865,  died  March  26,  1880. 

VI-.ll     Children  of  Hamilton  and  Caroline  J.  (Bull)  Alricks. 

a  Anne  Bull,  born  October  6,  1838,  married  at  Harris- 
burg.  Pennsylvania,  June  8,  1864,  Benjamin  Law  Forster, 
son  of  General  John  and  Margaret  (Law)  Forster,  born  - 
Auo-ust  29.  1834,  and  died  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
February  5,  1918.    She  died  April  26,  1888...-_ VIL135 

John  L.  Forster  was  educated  at  Harrisburg.  He  practiced  law  at  Har- 
isburg,  and  was  at  one  time  in  the   State  Attorney  General's  office. 

b  ]\Iartha,  born  May  24,  1840,  died  unmarried  January 
10.  1866. 

c  Caroline  Jacobs,  born  May  12,  1842,  died  October  2, 

d  Levi  Bull,  born  August  15.  1843,  married  (1)  October 
1.  1872,  Anna  Henderson  (VI-155-d),  daughter  of  John  G. 
and  Phoebe  A.  (Ashbridge)  Henderson,  born  November 
29,  1847,  died  August  1,  1880.. -- --- Vn-136 

^Married  (2)  Emilie  S.  Fisher.  No  issue.  He  died  Feb- 
ruary 18,  1911. 

Levi  B.  Alricks  and  Anna  H.  Alricks  are  buried  in  Harrisburg  Cemetery, 
Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania.     Emelie  S.   Alricks  lives  in  Harrisburg. 

e  Eliza  Jane,  born  September  19,  1846,  died  September 
28,  1849. 

YI-52     Children  of  Robert  S.  and  Ann  H.  (Bull)  Potts.    V-17-d 
a     Howard,  born  March  3,  1841,  died  at  St.  Paul,  Minne- 
sota. March  25.  1895. 

He  is  buried  at  Pottstown,  Penaisylvania. 

\'l -.'):]     Children  of  Cyrus  J.  and  Mary  A.  (McClure)  Bull.  V-17-e 
a     Levi  George,  born  in  1846. 

Lives  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Joseph  McClure,  born  in  1848,  died  unmarried  in 

c  Florence,  l)orn  in  1853,  married  April  17,  1884,  Hor- 
ace Augustus  Willits,  son  of  Alfred  and  Annie  0.  Willits, 
died  April  15.  1888.    No  issue. 

Shf  lives  in  Germantown,  Pennsylvania. 

d  Edward  Coleman,  born  October  5,  1859,  married  (1) 
1887,  ^lary  A.  Willis,  who  was  born  in  1862  and  died  Octo- 
ber 10.   1904 yiI-137 

:\Iarried  (2)  1910,  Mrs.  Addie  Carter. 

They  live   in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

'I'lll':     III   1,1.     I'WIII.V  85 

Vl-r)4      Cliildivii  of  .liinics  A.  ;iii(l   .\l;iry  A.   (Sli.'.-ilVi    hull.    \'-lT-f 

;i  K\\  .ilictli  Shciir.  Ih,iii  -Inly  IS.  IS.')!!,  .|ir.|  .Inly  IS, 

I)     .hiiiics   llciii'.w  Ikhii  . I  Mill'   I'l,   Is.")!',  iii.-irrinl   .M;in-li  .">, 
1S7S.   at    'I'l'iiiit.N'    I']|msc()|i;iI    ( 'hiii'di,   Saiila    l>arl>ara,    ('ali- 
lofnia.  Ii.\'  the  K'cv.  llohai'l  ('iiclwoud.  Kal  hciiiir  Whit  tr|.si-.\' 
'I'illiiian,  (laii.ulilcf  dl"  . lames  W.  and  Mai'liia   Ann      ('onant 
Tillnian.  t)()rii  al    Ddroil.   Alirlii-an \'l  1-1:58 

.l;iiiirs  llriii-.\  IJull  \\;is  ii | >|i()i n I (  (I  ,-i  in i (Isliipmnn  at  the  U.  S.  Naval 
Aciidi'iii.N',  .lul.\-  -'),  18()(i,  K''ii<hi;ilinK  .Innc  7,  IMTO.  He  wns  in  active  service 
until  .lul.v  1.  I!tll7,  when  he  Wiis  retired  witli  the  rank  of  Coininiidore,  hy 
rciiscm  of  nieilical  recoi-d,  liavin;;  li;id  a  severe  accident  June  9,  1901,  when  on 
dul.\  al  Ihe  Pan  Aniei'ican  Exposil  ion,  HulT.-ilo,  New  York,  falliiiK  forty  feet 
from  tiio  dome  of  the  (Jovernment   IJuildiiiK  to  Ihe  roof." 

He  was  commissioned  Knsifin  July  15,  1871:  Master,  October  .3,  1874; 
Lieutenant.  April  27,  1881:  Lieutenant  Commander,  March  :!,  1899:  Com- 
mander, September  22,  1901:  Cai)taiii,  May  LMi.  190(i;  Commodore,  June  ;!0, 
1907.  His  service  was  as  follows:  1870-1871,  U.  S.  S.  •■Guard",  on  Fishing 
Hanks  S(|uadron  and  Darien  Interoceanic  Canal  Survey:  1871-1872,  I'.  S.  S. 
■'Wyoming",  and  V.  S.  Flagship  "Worcester"  of  Xorth  Atlantic  Squadron: 
1872-1873,  Nicaragua  Interoceanic  Canal  Survev  Expedition;  187.3-187t), 
r.  S.  S.  "Lackawanna",  U.  S.  S.  "Yantic",  and  U.  S.  S.  "Saco"  in 
Asiatic  Station:  lS7(i-lST!>.  on  coast  survey  duty  in  the  steamer  "Mc.Vrthur" 
on  the  coast  of  Southern  California,  sounding  the  Santa  Barbara  Channel  and 
the  coast  line  ad.iacent  thereto:  1879,  Torpedo  Station  at  Newport,  Rhode 
Island;  1879,  U.  S.  S.  ■Wachusett"  in  attempt  to  steam  up  the  Mississippi 
River;  1879-1880,  Receiving  Ship  "Franklin"  at  Norfolk.  Virginia:  1880- 
1882,  U.  S.  S.  "Powhatan"  on  special  service;  1882-1885,  Instructor  in 
Ordnance  and  Gunnery  at  the  V.  S.  Naval  Academy;  1884,  U.  S.  S.  "Dale" 
on  practice  cruise:  l.'^.'i.'-lSSti,  U.  S.  S.  "Mohican"  of  Pacific  Station:  isx"- 
IS.'S!),  U.  S.  S.  •■Marion"  and  U.  S.  S'.  "Monocacy"  on  Asiatic  Station:  1S0O- 
1S!):!,  N'aval  Station,  New  London,  Connecticut:  1.S02,  attendance  on  War  Col- 
lege, Newport.  Rhode  Island;  189.3-1894.  U.  S,  S.  '•Alliance"  of  Pacific  Sta- 
tion; 1894-1895.  U.  S.  S.  "Montgomery"  on  special  service,  making  tests  of 
Alabama  coal;  1895-1897,  Pensacola  Navy  Y'ard;  1896,  attendance  on  War 
College,  Newport,  Rhode  Ishuid;  1897-1898.  executive  officer,  V.  S.  S.  "New- 
port" on  Nicaragua  Interoceanic  Canal  Survey;  and  on  the  blockade  of 
Havana  during  the  Spanish-American  War  in  the  Squadron  of  Rear  Admiral 
AVilliam  T.  Sampson,  U.  S.  N. ;  189S.  Receiving  Ship  "•Richmond"  at  Navy 
Yard.  Philadelphia;  1898-1899,  executive  officer.  U.  S.  S.  ••Petrel"  in  the 
Squadron  of  Admiral  George  Dewey.  U.  S.  N..  being  at  the  capture  of  Ho  Ho 
and  (\'bu  during  the  insurrection  in  the  Philippines,  and  personally  hoisting 
the  American  flag  on  the  port  at  Celiu.  Febrnar-  2"J.  1899;  1899-1900.  U.  S. 
S.  "^Monterey"  in  Squadron  of  Rear  .\dmiral  John  C.  Watson  in  ^lanila  Bay 
during  the  Philippine  insurrection;  1900,  U.  S.  S.  "Newark",  flagship  of 
Rear  Admiral  Louis  Kempfl":  1900,  U.  .S.  S.  "Dixie"  returning  to  I'nited 
States:  1900-1902,  Hydrographic  Insi)ector  and  Recruiting  Officer  at  ButTalo, 
New  Y'ork:  1902,  Naval  Hospital  at  Brooklyn,  New  York,  for  treatment:  1902- 
1904,  Light  House  Inspector  of  7th  (Florida)  District:  1904,  Navy  Yard, 
Mare  Island,  California:  1904-1905,  commanding  U.  S.  S.  "'Solace"  on  special 
duty:  190G.  inspection  duty.  Navy  Yard.  Norfolk.  Virginia:  190ti,  attendance 
on  War  College.  Newport,  Rhode  Island:  1907,  Commandant  of  Naval  Train- 
ing Station,  San  Francisco,  California,  and  in  command  of  V.  S.  S.  "  "Pensa- 
cola". He  was  given  service  medals  for  the  "West  Indian  campaign.  1898", 
and  the  "Philippine  campaign,  1899-19(t:^' '.  He  was  President  of  the  Florida 
Society  of  the  Sons  of  the  American  Revolution  ;  member  of  the  Society  of 
Foreign  Wars;  and  member  of  the  Societ.v  of  "Sons  of  Revolution''.  After 
retirement   from  active   service,   he  has  lived   at  Santa  Barbara.   California. 

h  Yaii  "\Yyek  Sheaff,  ])orn  April  4,  1854,  married  Jan- 
uary 5.  1898.  Elizalietli  Tia])p.  dauo'liter  of  Bariiot  TJ.  and 
Ellen  Eapp,  horn  at  Philadelphia,  l^eniisvlvaiiia,  Jiil\-  2!i. 
1869.    lie  died  August  16,  1898.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  West  Chester.  Pennsylvania,  and  she  now  lives  in  Phila- 
delphia.     He  is  buried  at   Oakland   (\>metery.  West   Chester.   Pennsylvania. 

e  Goold  Iloyt.  horn  May  V2.  18.')6.  uiarriiHl  April  22. 
1885,  ^Margaret  Adelaide  ^laeonih,  daughter  of  Chief  En- 

86  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

gineer    (U.    S.   Navy)    David   B.    and   Augusta   Hartwell 
(Pope)  Macomb,  born  July  16,  1865 VII-139 

Goold  Hoyt  Bull  was  appointed  Cadet  Engineer  after  successful  com- 
petitive examination,  to  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  October  1,  1874,  and 
graduated  in  June  1878.  He  was  commissioned  Assistant  Engineer  June  20, 
ISSO,  and  resigned  June  29,  1889.  His  service  was  as  follows:  1880-1881, 
U.  S.  S.  "Trenton"  on  European  Station;  1882-18S4,  U.  S.  S.  "Powhatan" 
on  special  service:  1886-1887,  on  special  duty,  University  of  Pennsylvania; 
188S-1880,  U.  S.  S.  "Trenton".  After  resigning  from  the  U.  S.  Navy  he 
was  Construction  Engineer  at  Boston,  Massachusetts.  During  the  Spanish 
War  he  was  an  Acting  Chief  Engineer  in  the  U.  S.  Navy,  and  was  Chief 
Engineer  of  IT.  S.  S.  "Prairie"  in  the  Porto  Rico  campaign.  Was  given 
service  medal  for  "Porto  Rico  campaign,  1898".  After  his  discharge  from 
service  he  was  appointed  Professor  of  Marine  Engineering  at  Webbs  Academy, 
The  Bron.x,  New  York  City.  After  the  opening  of  the  war  with  Germany  he 
was  assigned  to  inspection  duty  at  New  York  on  engines  of  submarine 
chasers.  On  January  4,  1918,  was  commissioned  Lieutenant  Commander  in 
the  U.  S.  Fleet  Naval  Reserve,  and  assigned  to  inspection  duty  at  Erie,  Penn- 
sylvania, on  machinery  for  torpedo  destroyers  296-335.  He  owns  a  home  in 
The   Bronx,   New  York   City. 

d    Anne  Jacobs,  born  December  23,  1857. 
e     Reginald  Heber,  born  August  18,  1860,  died  August 
11,  1863. 

YI-55     Children  of  Levi  G.  and  Rachel  H.  (Davies)  Bull.  VI-17-g 

a  Levi  George,  Jr.,  born  February  7,  1843,  died  March 
11,  1844. 

Buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Bangor  Eijiscopal  Church,  at  Churchtown, 
Lancaster  County,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-56     Children  of  William  M.  and  Sarah  R.    (Thomas)    Bull. 

V-17-h     ■ 

a  Richard  Thomas,  born  November  9,  1846,  died  July 
11,  1847. 

b  William  Levi,  born  July  10,  1848,  married  September 
29,  1903,  Jean  Alice  (Christie)  Chandler,  daughter  of  John 
and  Sara  Kaye  (Hardman)  Christie,  born  at  Troy,  New 
York,  August  4,  1866.    No  issue. 

William  Levi  Bull  graduated  A.  B.  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania 
in  1868.  Studied  law  with  AVilliam  Henry  Rawle  of  Philadelphia,  later 
entered  the  Theological  School  of  Protestant  Episcopal  Church,  and  graduated 
there  in  1874,  and  was  ordained  priest  on  Ascension  Day,  1874.  He  was 
deeply  interested  in  Home  Missions  and  for  several  years  occupied  his  time 
in  visits  to  prisons  and  asylums.  1898-1904  he  was'  General  Missionary  of 
the  Diocese  of  Spokane,  Washington,  and  from  1906-1909  was  Arch  Deacon 
of  Missionary  Diocese  of  Salt  Lake,  Utah.  Jean  Alice  Christie  graduated  as 
A.  B.  at  the  University  of  Vermont  in  1886,  receiving  the  degree  of  M.  A.  in 
1916.  She  married  George  Garvin  Chandler  January  19.  1887,  and  he  died 
October  16,  1894,  leaving  three  children,  John,  born  February  18,  1889; 
George  Garvin,  Jr.,  born  August  23,  1890,  and  Jean  Kaye,  born  October  29, 
1894.  After  his  death  she  studied  medici'ie  and  graduated  at  Hahnman 
College  as  M.  D.  in  1897.  She  practiced  medicine  until  her  second  marriage. 
Her  parents:  John  Christie  was  born  in  Glasgow,  Scotland,  February  24,  1828, 
and  Sara  Kaye  Hardman  was  born  in  Cheatle  Parish,  near  '  Stockport, 
Cheshire,   England,   July  21,    1836. 

c  Sarah  Thomas,  born  July  28.  1850,  married  December 
11.  1878,  Rev.  Langdon  Chevis  Stewartson,  who  was  born 
Xoveinber  10,  1850.    She  died  March  13,  1879.    No  issue. 

'I  .\ niic,  born  February  13,  1852,  died  unmarried  March 
26,  1895. 

e     Lydia  Thomas,  born  May  16,  1858,  died  June  15,  1858. 

TIM';      I'.l    I.I.      I'AMII.V 


VI-.")?      ( 'hil(lrcii(>r  ( '()li'iii;iii  .1.  ;iiiil  .\iii:;i   I''.  '  I  );i\ics     I'.iill.    \'    I  7  J 

,-i       I  II  r.'i  III . 

I)      l.l,'\\cll;in    l';irry,  iIkmI   hi   IS.")!!. 
('      l'](l\\  ;i  vA   I  );i\ics,  died   in   1S.')'_'. 

(1      .\iiii;i    \';ilrri;i.   lioni    in    IS.").'),    iii;i  rrin  I    Sc|ilriiil)ir    ]"_', 
1S77.  \V;invii  (  )lis  S|icncfr  (.r   I 'hil;i(  |rl  plii;i \' I  I   Ui> 

Shr    li\r^    in    riii  ladrlph  j.i. 

('      I.oiiisa  Ik,,  horn  in  1  S.")7. 


(Pasre    IS) 

VI-oS     Children  of  William  A.  aiul  (Mara  M.  (  Huin  Sniitli.  V-17-1 

a  Ivohcrt  llobart.  boi'ii  l-'chniai'v  '2-.  1848.  niai'i'icd  il^ 
July  5,  187o,  Dinah  Dunn  ol'  ('hcltcnliani,  England \'Ii-141 

Married  (2)  May  8.  li)OH,  Marion  llobart  Ilunofrrford, 
daughter  of  Charles  and  Enu'line  Amanda  iXims)  llnnufr- 
ford  of  West  Deertield,  ^lassaehusetts VI  1-14:1 

Robert  Hobavt  Smith  gi-iuluiitcd  B.  A.  at  Trinity  College  in  1869.  He 
was  in  business  of  banker  and  broker,  in  partnersliip  with  his  father.  After 
27  years  he  retired  from  business.  .Vfter  liis  second  marriage  his  wife  hav- 
ing one  strain  of  llobart  blood,  and  liimself  two  strains,  a  kinsman  of  the 
name  having  expressed  tlie  wisli  that  lie  should  adopt  the  surname  of  llobart. 
on  the  first  of  June,  191'J.  by  ,ividieial  decree,  he  assumed  the  additional 
name  of  Hobart.      They   live  at   Hobart,   Delaware  County,   Xew   York. 

8g  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

h     Levi  Bull,  bom  June  DH,  1850,  died  January  22,  1855. 

c  Clara  Hunter,  born  December  25,  1852,  married  Octo- 
ber 19.  1881.  Eev.  Langdon  Clievis  Stewartson  (second  wife, 
see  YI-56-c). 

He  was  President  of  Hobart  College,  Geneva,  New  York,  and  after 
retirement  has  lived  at  Greenwich,  Connecticut,  where  he  has  been  rector  of 
the  Episcopal  Church. 

d     :\rary  Potts,  born  April  12,  1855,  died  April  30,  1856. 

VI-59     Children   of   Henry   H.    and   Emma    (Henderson)    Bull. 


a  Octavius,  born  March  27,  1868,  died  unmarried  Octo- 
ber 14.  1900. 

Buried  in  "Woodlawn  Cemetery,   Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Heber  Levi,  born  February  7,  1871,  died  unmarried 
February  9,  1891. 

Buried  at  Albany,  Texas. 

VI-60     Children  of  Octavius  and  Hannannetta    (Nichols)    Bull. 


a  Francis  Nichols,  born  April  6,  1880,  in  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania,  married  at  Baraboo,  Wisconsin,  February  26, 
1907,  Anna  Cecilia  Powers,  daughter  of  William  and  Ellen 
(O'Reily)  Powers,  born  at  Corpus  Christie,  Texas,  April 
2,  1879  - - VII-143 

He  enlisted  in  Troop  K  of  the  11th  U.  S.  Cavalry  January  16,  1902, 
serving  over  two  years  in  the  Philippines  at  the  close  of  the  insurrection. 
He  was  discharged  January  15,  1905,  and  re-enlisted  the  next  day.  He  was 
recommended  for  a  commission  but  was  not  appointed.  He  was  commissioned 
Second  Lieutenant  of  the  Texas  National  Guard  April  22,  1914,  and  while  in 
service  organized  a  Machine  Gun's  crew  at  Dallas,  Texas.  He  has  since  his 
resignation  from  the  National  Guard,  August  27,  1915,  lived  at  Dallas,  Texas. 
After  the  commencement  of  the  war  with  Germany,  he  attended  the  Training 
Camp  at  Leon  Springs,  Texas,  and  at  its  close  was  appointed  a  Captain  of 
Infantry,  O.  R.  C.  He  reported  for  duty  at  Camp  Travis  August  29,  1917, 
and  was  transferred  to  Camp  Kearny,  where  he  was  made  instructor  of  the 
National  Guard,  later  becoming  Personal  Officer.  On  January  1,  1918,  he  was 
detailed  for  duty  as  Machine  Gun  Instructor  at  Camp  Lewis.  After  five  weeks 
service  he  was  ordered  to  Monterey,  California,  to  assist  in  the  organization 
of  the  301st  Cavalry,  and  in  May,  1918,  received  a  commission  as  Captain  of 
Cavalry.  The  regiment  has  since  been  transferred  to  the  Field  Artillery,  as 
the  46'th,  and  is  now  at  Fort  Sill,  Oklahoma,  School  of  Fire,  the  officers' 
commissions  having  been  changed  to  those  of  Field  Artillery. 

b  Emma  Louise,  born  January  27,  1882,  married  Sep- 
tember 15,  1909,  Dr.  Joseph  Ignatius  O'Farrell  of  Buenos 
Aires,  Argentine  — VII-144 

They  live  in  Buenos  Aires. 

e  Sue  Dorothee,  born  November  27.  1882,  married  June 
19.  1915,  James  Rayner  Hurford VII-145 

^'L(il     Children  of  Rev.  Thomas  and  Ann  H.    (Jacobs)    Creigh. 


a     Tliomas,  no  record,  died  unmarried, 
b     James  Jacobs,  born  in  Mercersberg,  Pennsylvania,  No- 
vember 25,  1835,  married  in  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania, 

Till':      I'.ILL      I' AM  II. Y  89 

.liiiic  <i.  ISIIT).  I'jiiiii;i  ('(illdii  r.;irlH'r.  Ikiiii  in  ( 'oliiiiilii;!. 
riMiiisyK  ;iiii;i.  Aiiuiisl  (1.  1S:!lI,  :iii<|  dii-d  ;i1  West.  (Micstcr 
.I;iiiii;ir\-  :>.    I!M_'.      Ilr,|hd    tlinv    l'';i  i\-    1.    l!Hi!)  \'II-Utj 

\'l-(iL'      Cliililivii   of  ( 'ynis    ll.;iii(| K\l;ilwilli    .I;m-,,I,s.     \'-1>-I. 

Two  cliiltlri'ii.  MO  I'l'coi'd,  Kolli  dird   in   infiiiii'V. 

VI-6;5      ('Inldrcn     of     Tlionnis     15,     ;ind     .\l;ir\-     ^  ( 'fri'^^h  i     .l;icf)l)s. 


a  .Tolin  ("rci^li,  hoi'ii  Scplcinbrf  1:!.  IS:',:^.  liaptizcd  l)y 
Rev.  Levi  I'.iill.  I).  I).,  Novcnilicr  lo,  iSo'.i,  died  Aiiji;ust 
21,  is:?.").  ;d   ( 'ai'lislc,   I'('nns\-I\ania. 

h  -lanirs  ('x'lMis.  horn  -luni'  1.').  ]H'>-[,  dic(|  .)mI\-  lM.  1S:54, 
at  Carlisle.  I'cnnsyUania. 

YI-G4     Childrrii    oT    Thomas     15.    and     Alarv     (p:iliott)     Jafobs. 


a  Jesse  Elliott,  boni  .March  1!),  1839,  at  Carlisle,  Penn- 
sylvania, niairied  November  28,  1872,  Margaret  Dwight 
Rcll  of  Allculumy,  TiMinsylvaiiia.  TTc  died  Octobrn-  IH, 
lUOU,  at  Ijalliniore,  ^Maryland.     No  issLie. 

He  is  buried  in  Oakland  Cemetery,  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania.  She  is 
living  in  Baltimore,  Maryland.  lie  was  captain's  clerk  of  the  U.  S.  S.  "Wyo- 
ming" on  a  cruise  in  the  Pacific,  IS.'K-tHl.  He  was  appointed  Captain  and 
Assistant  Ad.iutant  (ieneral  of  Volunteers  .Tuly  17,  1862.  serving  on  the  statf 
of  (ionoral  Washington  Elliott  in  (ieneral  Thomas'  army,  and  was  honorably 
discharged  September  1st,  1806.  See  record  at  I'.  S.  Pension  Office,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  He  was  General  Agent  of  the  Xew  York  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany.    He  was  a  member  of  the  Loyal  Legion. 

b  Cyrus  Hamilton,  born  at  I  lam  pi  on.  Lancaster  County, 
Pennsylvania,  July  8,  1842,  dic.l  April  26,  1863. 

Was  in  the  Federal  Army  during  tlie  Civil  War,  in  (^)mi)any  B,  7"3nd 
Regiment,  Ulinois  Volunteer  Infantr.v.  and  died  on  board  the  Hospital  Ship 
Nashville,  at  Milliken's  Bend.  He  was  buried  at  Milliken's  Bend,  Ijouisiana, 
but  afterwards  the  remains  were  interred  at  Oakland  Cemetery,  West  Chester, 

c  Fanny  ^Margaret,  born  .June  30,  1844,  at  Hampton. 
Lancaster  County,  Pennsylvania. 

.She  is  living  at  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania. 

d  Tbomas  Bull,  born  ^lareh  24,  184(),  at  Hampton,  and 
died  November  Ki,  1S.')1,  at  West  Chester. 

e     Hilary  Duncan,  born  .Ma.\'  2(1,  ISM), 

She  is  living  at  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania. 

f  AVilliam  Vaughan,  born  June  ID,  1853,  married  No- 
veinlx'i-  ID.  1800.  ^lary  AVhi])]iU'  of  AVinona,  Minnesota, 
daughter  of  William  Jay  and  Cornelia  (Foster)  Whipple, 
born  July  9,  1871 .'. VII-147 

They  live  at   (ilencoe,   Illinois. 

g  Elizabeth  Et'vinus.  born  Fel)ruar.v  8,  18.")6,  dietl 
August  26,  1896,  at  Thoiiiasville,  (ieorgia. 

She  is  buried  in   Oakland  Cemetery,  West  Chester,   Pennsylvania. 

90  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

\'l-6d     Children  of  John  W.  and  Margaret  (Beatty)  Bosserman. 


a  Elmira  Jane,  born  September  14,  1828,  married 
Amos  C.  Clemson,  who  was  born  October  12,  1815,  and  died 
July  10,  1888.    She  died  September  12,  1915 VII-148 

They  lived  at  Newport,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Amos  J.,  born  January  1,  1831,  married  February  12, 
1856,  Phoebe  A.  Pratt,  who  was  born  August  4,  1836.  He 
died  at  Long  Point,  Illinois,  February  1,  1887 VII-149 

They  lived  at  Long  Point,  Illinois. 

c  Ephraim,  born  in  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  in 
1838,  married  Mary  A.  Simmons _. ....VII-150 

They  lived  at   Ottawa,   Illinois. 

VI-66     Children  of  Thomas  L.  B.  and  Martha  (Beatty)  McClure. 


a  Elizabeth,  born  April  20,  1832,  married  by  Eev. 
George  W.  Lahuiser,  December  23,  1851,  Pattison  Jolly, 
born  December  23,  1832,  in  Ireland.  She  died  July  5, 
1914    ______ VII-151 

They  lived  at  Dicksonburg,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Mary,  born  March  9,  1836,  died  unmarried  June  21, 


c     Grace,  born  December  13,  1838,  died  April  15,  1841. 

d  Martha,  born  March  28,  1841,  died  September  24, 

e     Elmira,  born  January  17,  1847,  unmarried. 

f     George  Birch,  born  February  7,  1849,  unmarried. 

VT-67     Children  of  Henry  B.  and  Sarah  A.    (Wallace)    Beatty. 


a  Belinda,  born  September  3,  1838,  married  in  1857, 
Joseph  Larimer,  who  died  January  23,  1878.  She  died 
April  21,   1903 VII-152 

They  lived  at  Saegertown,  Pennsylvania. 

b  James  Wallace,  born  October  25,  1840,  married  De- 
cember 30,  1864,  Adeline  Smith,  who  died  September  29, 
1905.    He  died  November  18,  1907 ¥11-153 

They  lived  at  Meadville,  Pennsylvania. 

c  John  Henry,  born  September  17,  1842,  at  ^Meadville, 
Pennsylvania,  married  October  10,  1872,  at  Saegertown, 
Mriry  Elizabeth  Smith,  who  was  born  December  14,  1843....VII-154 

They  lived  at   Cambridge,  Massachusetts. 

d  Calvin  Rush,  born  September  25,  1845,  married  Sep- 
teml)er  24,  1872,  Ida  Kliimph,  who  died  September  29,  1905. 
He  died  June  30,  1905...... VII-155 

They  lived  at  Greenville,  Pennsylvania. 

Till':     l'.ri,L     I'WMILV  91 

(>  \\'illi;iiii  liolirrls.  honi  Sr])triiiliir  l!1.  1^17,  ;il  l)ir|<- 
s()iiliiir<^-.  ( 'I'.-iw  I'oi'd  ('oiiiity.  rfiiiis.\'l\';iiii;i.  iri;i  rricil  .liim-  1"_'. 
1ST:!,  MiiruJii'ct  t;i  I']ll;i  Smitli  ol'  Stmirli.-iiii.  .Mjissai-liiisftts. 
who  \v;is  honi  Miiv  D,  ISH),  at   Alcai l\  1 1 lr,  rciinsyl vaiiia       ... VI  I-l.")(i 

'rll.\       llX.'d      ,'ll       liclst.lM.      M.'ISSill-llllsl-lls. 

r      1  Iciii'iclla    \\'..   burn    Sc|i|ciiilic|-  -I.    1S.')().   niai'i'iril   Si-p 
tcinlxT  L'.  ISiiS,  Alai'ioii  Miiiiiini.  who  died  Mai'ch  2.  l!)l)ti      \'II   I'l" 

Tlii'V    li\i(l    ill    S.-icLTi-rliiwii.    !'riiiis>  I  VMiMM.    wliiTc   .sill'    is   still    liviiiL'. 

o'  Aih'Ha  15..  lioni  l-'chnia  ry  I'l.  is,'),'),  married  Or], ,}),■]■ 
•2-2,  1S7;5.  Charles  K.  lliinler.'who  die.!  .Xueust  2:',.  liM:'.. 
She  died  Septcinhcr  1»),   lSS(j \'il-l.')S 

riiry    livrd    at    S,-ici:cl-tn\vii.    I'ciiiisylvailill. 

Vl-()8      ('hihii'eii  of  Daniel  and  (Iraee  W.   iUealls'i    ('lose.     \'-ll)-(| 

a  Mai'lha.  liorii  Deceiiiher  2'-].  lS:>Ll,  itiarrii'tl  N'ovemhei' 
6,  1862,  dohii  McCluiv,  who  was  Imi'ii  .May  14.  lsl;j,  ami 
diedJuly  1!».  ISSl.     She  died  Mareh  L'4.   \'.)\\ \'If-ir,!» 

Tlic.v   lived  at   llariiioiisliui'K'.    l\'mi.s.\lvaiiia. 

b  James  B.,  born  July  16,  18:?7,  married  Septeiuher  13, 
1864,  Mary  Elizabeth  ^leClure,  who  was  born  September 
16,  1848,  ami  died  Seplemher  22,  11)10.  He  die<l  Sep- 
tember 26,  1907.     Xo  issu(\ 

They  lived   at    1  lai'inonsburs,   Pt'mi.sylvaiiia. 

c  William  J.,  born  March  24,  1848,  man-ietl  -In tie  1."). 
1871,  Liz-xie  Melntosli,  who  was  born  in  184.").  and  diet!  in 
1911.     He  died  Ansjnst  6,  1899 VII-160 

They  lived  at   Harmon sbuvE:,   Pennsylvania. 

d  jMargaret,  born  April  16,  1846,  died  Deeemiter  2."). 

e  Cvmaiitbia.  born  January  12,  1848,  died  DenMnber  1. 

f  Daniel  Wilfred,  born  April  28.  1851.  died  March  21, 

VI-69     Children  of  Freedom  and  Elizabeth  (Beatty)  Lord.   V-19-f 

a  Eleanor  L.,  born  February  18.  1842.  married  Myron 
Ransom.    She  died  August  24,  1907 VII-161 

They  lived  near  C'onneautville,  Pennsylvania,  and  he  is  still  living  there, 
having  married  October,  1012,  Mary  Lord  Ltictis.  He  has  large  farm  in 
Spring  Township,    Crawford  County. 

b  George  Bancroft.  l)orn  February  18.  1845,  married 
December  81.  1868.  Delia  M(d)owell.  who  was  born  January 
14,  1848,  He  died  :\Iav  28,  1906,  at  Independence.  Kan- 
sas    - VII-162 

They  lived  at  Franklin.  Pennsylvania.  She  lives  in  Bartlesville,  Oklahoma. 

c  Francis  L.,  born  June  1.  1847.  in  Crawford  County. 
Pennsylvania,  married  Fel»i'uar.\-  20.  1870,  Caroline  L.  Ster- 
ling, who  was  born  December  15,  1850.  Tie  died  August 
5,  1915 -.-- VlI-168 

Thev  lived  at  Conneantville.  Pennsylvania,  where  she  is  still  living. 

92  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d     Henry,  born  in  1849,  died  unmarried. 

e  Grace  S.,  born  in  Conneautville,  Crawford  County, 
Pennsylvania.  June  28,  1851,  married  at  Conneautville 
August  1,  1877,  Joseph  Daniel  Howard,  who  was  born  Sep- 
tember 7,  1842,  at  Aurora.  New  York.  She  died  September 
5,  1911,  at  Tavares,  Florida - VII-164 

They  lived  at  Ardmore,  Oklahoma.     She  is  buried  in  Rynd  Farm,  Venango 
County,  Pennsylvania.     He  is  living  at  Ardmore. 

f     Ida  May,  born  in  1854,  died  unmarried  in  1890. 

She  lived  at  South  Oil  City,   Pennsylvania. 

g     Lizzie,  born  in  1856,  died  unmarried. 

VI-70     Children   of   John   and   Roxanna    (Beatty)    Englehaupt. 


a  Margaret  B.,  born  August  13,  1843,  married  Darius 
Smith ......VII-165 

She  lives  at  Sandwich,   Illinois.     Further  information  requested,   Isut  not 

VI-71     Children  of  AVilliam  H.  and  Mary  (Deyo)  Beatty.    V-19-h 

a  Luther  C,  born  in  1845,  married  May  1,  1895,  Mabel 
Ladd,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Amelia  A.  (deMaas)  Ladd, 
born  January  1,  1855.    He  died  April,  1917.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  lola,   Kansas. 

b  Sadie  J.,  born  September  23,  1849,  married  (1)  July 
23,  1898,  Frank  Fancher,  who  died  July  24,  1902,  killed  by 
accident.    No  issue. 

^Married  (2)  February  5,  1903,  Joseph  B.  Furman,  born 
July  9,  1846.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Springfield,  Missou.ri. 

A'I-72     Children  of  Robert  B.  and  Martha   (Thompson)   Jordan. 

a     Child  died  when  six  months  of  age. 

VI-73     Children  of  Robert  B.  and  Emeline    (Crossett)    Jordan. 


a  Caroline  Jane,  born  at  Newport,  Pennsylvania,  June 
8.  1837,  married  at  Tola,  Allen  County,  Kansas,  June  27, 
1858,  Francis  Marion  Power,  who  was  born  at  Anderson- 
ville,  Indiana,  ]\Iarch  2,  1831,  and  died  at  Archer  City, 
Texas.    She  died  there  February  11,  1916 : ..VII-166 

He  wa.s  a  hanker  and  stockman  at  Archer  City,  Texas. 

b  Amos,  born  November  2,  1839,  died  unmarried  Sep- 
tember 21,  1863. 

He   was   in   the   Federal   Army   during   the    Civil   War,    and   died   when   in 

c  Kijiiicis.  horn  June  21,  1842,  and  died  unmarried 
February  6,  1863. 

He  was  in  Home  Guard  during  the  Civil  War,  and  died  when  in  service. 

'nil']    i;i  i.i,    KAMI  I,  V  0:5 

,1      .Iriiiiin;i,   lioni   <  >,-|i)l)cr  .").    1  S  IT!,  d  i.-d   .1 1 1  ii.-    II.    1  S4H. 

,.  ].  U'oIm'I'I  I'.iiII,  Ihmii  M.iivli  L'l,  islll.  iiKin-ir.l  Ali^r 
Olivrr    \'l  '   "•" 

L'.  Siiniiicl  (iiinll.  lioni  Mnrdi  L'l.  1S4!).  innrricd  M- 
OclolxT  L*!'.  iSTl'.  .Iciniie  DciiiaiTc,  wliu  di<j'l  Novi-iiili'T  in. 
18S(i,  ill  lolii.  K.iiisMS \'ii-n;8 

IMjifricd  ( ■_* )  -luiic  11).  ISDI).  Drhor.-di  lirnwii.  wim  dud 
Jul.v  24,  1S!)!I.  ;d    lol.i,   K;iiis;is \'ll-ltil) 

■|'lir\-    liviMl    ;il     lnl,i,     KiiiiMis, 

r  lj;iiir;i  ("ccili;!,  boni  .M;i.\-  l'.'.  1^')-.  iii;iiTird  d;i  iiii;i  I'.v 
1,  18()!l,  -loliii  ().  \V.  ll()\\;ir<i.  wild  \\;is  Kdrii  XovrinlM-r  II. 
1S4!),  ;iiid  .lird   .Viiuiisl.   IHK;    \'ll-l<<) 

Mrs.    Howard   is   lixinu-   iil    ImIh,    Kansas. 

o-     Infant,  born  and  difil  OctolxT  !•.  IS.")?. 

YI-7-1:     Children    oi'     Hugh    and    rai'oliiu'     ^Jordan,)     McClcaiy. 

a  Jane,  born  in  18:33.  married  October  28.  1857,  Jolin 
TIatcli  Uaines,  son  of  Kb(Miezer  and  Rosamond  (Johnson) 
Haines,  born  at  Portsmouth,  New  llami)shire.  and  died  at 
Providence,  Rhode  Island,  September  2,  188!).  She  died  at 
r>n\\ry.  Pennsylvania,  -la unary  7,  1907 YIT-171 

They  ure  buried  at  Forest  iiills  Cemetery  at  Boston,  IMnssacIuisetts.  He 
was  early  in  life  superintendent  of  an  iron  works  in  Pennsylvania,  and  after- 
wards was  engaged  in  the  petroleum  l)usiness.  They  lived  in  Dorchester  and 
Boston,   Massachusetts. 

VI-75  Children  of  John  K.  and  Caroline  (Jordan-MeCleary) 
Smith.  V-20J) 

a     Son,  born  in  1838,  died  in  infancy. 

b  jNlartha  R.,  born  in  February,  1839,  married  in  18G9. 
George   II.   Brewster VII-172 

They  lived  in  Mankato,   ]\Iinnesota. 

c  INIary  A.,  born  June  18,  1841,  at  Newport.  P.miusvI- 
vania,  married  OctobiM-  (i,  1864,  at  Ilarrisburg.  Pennsyl- 
vania, Reuben  (iardncr,  who  was  born  at  Newport  Novem- 
ber 4,  1834,  son  of  John  and  Hlizabeth  (Sliatto)  (Gardner, 
and  died  at  Seattle,  Washington,  Sei^tember  2.1.  1903 VII-173 

Reuben  Gardner  was  living  at  Newport.  Pennsylvania,  al  the  outbreak 
of  the  Civil  War.  and  enlisted  .\pril  20.  lS(il,  in  the  2nd  Regiment.  Pennsyl- 
vania Volunteer  Infantry,  for  three  months.  At  the  expiration  of  this  enlist- 
ment he  was  in  July  26.  18(il,  discharged.  On  August  20.  18(>1.  he  re-en- 
listed in  Company  H,  47th  Regiment.  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantry,  and 
was  given  the  rank  of  Sergeant.  On  October  20.  18ti3.  having  enlisted  in  the 
Veteran  Volunteer  Infantry,  he  was  discharged  from  the  4Tth  Regiment. 
September  14,  1864,  he  was  made  First  Lieutenant,  and  in  January  2.").  186.5, 
was  promoted  to  Captain.  He  was  discharged  at  Charleston.  Sv)uth  Carolina. 
December  25,  1865,  and  mustered  out  at  Philadelphia.  January  12,  1866.  He 
was  wounded  in  the  thigh  at  Pocotaligo  Bridge.  South  Carolina,  and  again  in 
the  hand  and  breast  in  the  Red  River  campaign.  After  the  war  he  went  to 
Seattle  and  was  in  the  Post  Oflice  Department  there.     He  was  buried  there  by 

*John  K.  Gardner,  born  in  1811,  and  died  1844,  was  the  son  of  William  and  Catherine 
(Richwine)  Gardner.  William  died  .Vpril  8,  1848,  aged  85,  and  Catherine  (Richwine)  Gard- 
ner died  August  (!,  1850,  aged  80.  She  was  of  French  descent  and  taught  French  at  Newport. 
Elizabeth  Shatto  was  born  in  1811,  and  died  September  16,   1882. 

94  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

the  Grand  Army  of  the  Eepublic,  Odd  Fellows  and  Post  Office  employees. 
Mary  A.  Gardner  lives  in  Seattle,  where  she  has  been  active  in  war  Avork. 
She  "is  Past  National  Chaplain  of  the  Woman's  Relief  Corps,  aiixiliary  to  the 
Grand  Army  of  the  Republic*  ;  member  of  Order  of  the  Eastern  Star,  and  of 
the  National  Association  of  Patriotic  Instructors,  and  has  been  busy  with  Red 
Cross  work. 

VI-7G     Children   of   Samuel   and   Rebecca   A.    (Jones)    Jordan. 


a  1.  Sarah  J.,  born  February  8,  1841.  married  August 
1.  1861,  Daniel  H.  Buckwalter,  who  was  born  August  9, 
1840,  and  died  June  18,  1915.    She  died  July  15,  1914 VII-174 

They  lived  in  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

2.  Caroline,  born  February  8,  1841,  married  George  S. 
Emerich   _._ - YII-175 

They  lived  at  Mexico,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Amos  Gibson,  born  in  1844,  married  Martha  AVhar- 
ton    __ ..VII-176 

They  lived  at  Logansport,  Indiana. 

e  Elizabeth  E..  born  October  12.  1846,  married  Samuel 
Roth  Deckard,  who  was  born  March  14,  1844,  and  died 
June  7,  1915... .- _ .VII-177 

d  Anna  ]\Iary,  born  in  1850,  married  Jerome  K.  Kerch- 
ner    .__ VII-178 

e     Two  children  died  in  infancy. 

"^'1-77     Cliildreii  of  Dr.  Lewis  and  Isabella  Y.   (Martin)  Jordan. 

a     Sarah   E.,  born  October  11,   1841,  married  July  5, 

1864,  Dr.  John  Wirt,  born  in  1820,  and  died  in  1893.     She 

died  April  21,  1870 ..VII-179 

He   was    graduated    at    the    Eclectic    College,    Cincinnati,    Ohio,    and    they 
lived  at  Delphi,  Indiana. 

b     Clara  Jane  Blanchard,  born  November  20,  1853. 

Lives  at  Delphi,  Indiana. 

VT-78     Children  of  Jeremiah  and  Ellen  I.  (Linn)  Jordan.  V-20-f 

a  Grace  Linn,  born  July  21,  1872,  married  December 
30.  1891,  Clarke  E.  Twanley,  who  was  born  September  25, 

1865,  and  died  November  24,  1910 ....VII-180 

They  lived  at  Alexandria,   South  Dakota. 

b     ^].  Lillian,  born  November  9,  1873,  died  in  infancy. 

c  L  :\Icirtha  Edith,  born  June,  1875,  died  April  4,  1909. 
2.  ^Margaret  Eva,  born  June.  1875,  married  June  30, 
1803.  Cliarles  Benjamin  Gipson,  who  was  born  November 
IT,   1870 _.. ...VII-181 

They  lived  at  Alexandria,  South  Dakota. 

d  1.  IMary  Caroline,  born  April  23,  1877,  married 
October  9,  1906,  John  Twanley,  who  was  born  April  30, 
1867    _ Vn-182 

They  lived  at  Alexandria,  South  Dakota. 

'rill']    I'.rij,    I'wiiLV  05 

L*.      W.  Lewis,  lidiii  Api'il  ■_'.').  1S77,  (lird   in  inl'.-inry. 
e     Willi.-iiii   Linn,  lioi-n  July  L'l,   L^T!',  nnnuirriril. 

Hi'    lives    ill    A  lr\,iiiili  ill.    Smilh    l)iil<ola. 

t'      ('li;ii'li's   Lnicrson,   lioi'n  .hiiin;ii'\'  "J.   ]SS], 

Mr    li\('s    III     A  lr\;iiiilri;i,    Si.iilh    liiikuiii. 

\'I-7ll      ('liildrcn  (if   llcni-N'    I'.,  iind    .\;ini'\-  -L    i. Meredith  i    Ivdiierts. 


n  ^Ijiltic.  liofu  Xovcmlx'i'  '_'().  ISi;.").  ;il  \Vinneli;iM().  Illi- 
nois, died  April   10,  1SS:}. 

Slu'    is    liinird    III     Miilillr    Ci k    ('riinlrry.    W  i  n  nrliii  i.'(i. 

1)  Jessie  Meredilh,  liorn  l''el>i'u;i  ry  L'O,  ISiiS,  ;it  W'inne- 
1);i^'().  Illinois,  iiKii'i'ied  ()clolier  S.  L'^IKI,  ('liarles  I'Mwnrd 
Moi'se,  son  of  Williaiii  ;iiid  X;ine\'  (  M;it  I  hew  s  i  .Mnrse,  diecl 
]\ray  19.   189J) ' \' 1 1-183 

Jessie  Meredith  Roberts  graduated  from  Rookford.  Illinois,  Female  Sem- 
inary. (Miarles  Kdward  Morse  frraduatod  at  Oberlin  ('(illcyc,  .\.  I'.  She  lives 
in  Chicago,   Illinois.      He  is  buried  at   Winnebatro. 

c  Blanche,  horn  a1  Winnebaj^o,  Illinois.  May  "in.  1878, 
married  February  19,  1896,  Dennis  AVasmus  Grippen,  Jr.. 
son  of  Dennis  Wasmns  and  AFar.u'aret  fAVallaee)  (irippeii. 
born  Fel)riiary  15,  1876.  at  AViiiiiel)ay,(),  Illinois \MI-184 

The.v  live  at  Mason  City,  Iowm.  Dennis  Wasmus  Grippen,  Sr.,  was  First 
Lieutenant   of    14fith   Regiment,    niinois    N'lilunteer   Infantry   in    the   Civil   AVar. 

d  Samuel  Henry,  born  Febi'uary  1,  1883.  at  AYinnebair'o. 
Illinois,  married  June  15.  1912.  Katbarine  Sberwood  AFar- 
ble,  wbo  was  born  at  Canton.  Obio.  April  8.  1891.  dan.iibter 
of  Onilford  Lionel  Alarble  and  Lenore  Katharine  Sber- 
wood    .VIl-185 

Grand  davighter  of  Colonel  .lohn  M.  C.  Marble,  also  grand  daughter  of 
Kate  Brownlee  Sherwood,*  author,  and  General  Isaac  R.  Sherwood,  breveted 
Brigadier  General  for  "'gallant  and  meritorious  services''  in  the  Civil  War: 
.iudge,  editor.  Secretary  of  State  of  Ohio  (18(i9-7:!).  now  Congressman  from 
Toledo  (Ohio)  District  (8th  term).  Samuel  Henry  Roberts  educated  at  the 
University  of  Michigan  and  graduated  with  A.  B.,  190.">.  and  LL.  B.  1907. 
National  president.  Phi  Alpha  Delta  Law  Fraternity,  1910.  Other  similar 
activities  listed  in  Levere's  ''Leading  Greeks''.  Corporation  lawyer,  John 
V.   Farwell  Company,   Chicago,    Illinois.      Lives  at   Wilmette,   Illinois. 

e     Etbel.  born  December  30.  1885,  at  AVinnebago.  Illinois. 

She  attended  Fairmont  Seminary,  Washington,  D.  C.  She  lives  in  Chi- 
cago,  Illinois. 

VI-80     Children  of  Edward  IJ.  and  Ann  (  1  lamer  >  Kob.'rts.   V-'Jl-b 

a  AVilliaiu  llaiuer.  l)orn  September  1.  1853.  in  Ihiiitiiiii'- 
don  County.  Pennsylvania,  married  October.  1881.  Anna 
Powell,  danu'liter  of  Lewis  and  .Mary  M.  (llallowell)  Pow- 
ell of  Winnebapo.  Illinois.  He  died  June  "23,  188().  Xo 

They  lived  at  Fecatoncia.  IlUnois,  where  he  ])racticcil  medicine,  having 
graduated  at   Chicago   Medical   College.     He  is   buried  at   Winnebago,   Illinois. 

*Grand   daughter  ot   Alexander   Brownlee.    Laird   of  Torfoot. 

96  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  Alfred  Thomas,  born  August  4,  1855,  in  Huntingdon 
County.  Pennsylvania,  married  May  4,  1876,  Nellie  Smith, 
daughter  of  Frank  Adams  and  Sarah  (Brown)  Smith,  born 
October  5.  1852,  at  Byron,  Ogle  County,  Illinois- VII-186 

They  live  at  Lons:  Beach,  California. 

c  Mary  Peacock,  born  November  18.  1859,  at  Elida, 
Illinois,  married  October  4,  1887,  John  Elmer  Compton, 
son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Stewart)  Compton  of  Burritt 
Township.  Winnebago  County,  Illinois,  born  May  19,  1857. 
She  died  March  17,  1902 VII-187 

She  is  buried  at  Winnebago,  Illinois.     He  was  again  married  February  2, 
1905,  to  Mary  Elizabeth  Tuttle,  of  Winnebago. 

d  Edward,  born  April  30,  1869,  at  Elida,  Illinois,  mar- 
ried October  6,  1898,  Leonora  ^I.  ^Miller,  daughter  of  Carl 
and  Katherine  (Jones)  Miller,  born  April  1,  1866,  at 
White  Rock,  Ogle  County,  Illinois.__.___ .......VII-188 

VI-81     Children  of  Samuel  and  Maria  (Shoop)  Okeson.    V-22-c 

They  live  at  Rockford,  Illinois. 

a  Mattie,  born  in  1861,  married  John  Williams.  She 
died  in  1914 ___ __ - : VII-189 

They  lived   at  Marble,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-S2     Children    of    James    and    Rebecca    J.     (Okeson)    Diven. 


a  Mary  Ellen,  born  August  24,  1858,  married  Charles 
Silverthorn.    She  died  June  10,  1883 - VII-190 

b     Tirza  B.,  born  July  21,  1860. 
c     George  jMcClellan,  born  February  22,  1863. 
d     William  H.,  born  November  23,  1865,  married  1890 
Alice  Cornelius  _- - VII-191 

They  lived  at  Shade  Gap,  Pennsylvania. 

e  Albertson  0.,  born  March  10,  1869,  married  Minnie  0. 
Wagoner.     No  issue. 

VI-83     Children  of  John  N.  and  Catherine  (Sharp)  Bull.  V-23-a 

a  Eliza  Ann,  born  in  1836,  married  Daniel  Fackler, 
born  in  1829,  died  in  1894.    She  died  in  1898 VII-192 

They   lived   in   West   Manchester   Township,    York   County,    Pennsylvania, 
and  were  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Neiman's  Church. 

b  Henry  J.,  born  in  1840,  died  January  8,  1884,  unmar- 

c  ^Mathilda,  born  in  1841,  married  Henry  Burns,  born 
in  1842  and  died  in  1913.    She  died  in  1912.. ....VII-193 

They  lived  at  York,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-84     CJiildren  of  Frank  and  Caroline  (Maelhorn)  Bull.  V-23-c 
a     AVilliam. 

He  lived  at  Degraff,  Ohio,  where  he  was  a  druggist.     He  was  killed  by 
accident  while  hunting. 

Till';    I'.iij,    i''A,\iii,^- 


I)      .\l;iilli;i.  ni;in-ici|  lloiils    \' I  I    |1»4 

(•     ('.iddic    i^Ciiroliiic; ,  lioni    in    1  ,sr)8,  nmiTicd  Zacluifijis 
MvMs \'ll-l!):j 

■rhr\      li\r(l     .'il      I'.cllrl' .•lilM'.     dllio. 

(i      Kll.-i. 
(■      •Iciiiiic. 

\'r-Sr)      ( 'hildrrii  ol'  ( IcofL;'"  ;iiiil  Mnry   illiilh    K'linklc.  \' -2'.'-i' 

;i      U'olicrl     L.,    horn    in     ls:!l).    nuirricd    Siisiiii     M.     I)ir|<, 

l)oi'ii  ill  is;!4 \ll-i:)o 

'I'liiy    lived   lit    I  Inrtfovd   City,    liHli;inn. 



(Piise     IS) 

b     Auios,  born  in   184 1,  married  Alice   11  inkle,  daiigliter 
of  Asher  Hinkle  of  Emigsville,  I*ennsylvaiiia \'l  1-196 

c     William,  born  in  1S4;>,  mai-ried  Theresa  (^wen. 

They  lived  at  Manchester,   Pennsylvania. 

d     Sarah,  born  in  1845,  married  Zaeharias  flyers ^'ll-l!)7 

They  lived  at   No.   105  Doiislas   Street,   Freeport,   niinois. 

VI-8G     Children  of  .John  and  Anna    iliiilh   Slair.  V-:24a 

a     Lydia,  married  Josiah  Eshenour. V11-1'J8 

They  lived  near  Harrisburg,   Pennsylvania. 

b     William    V 1 1-199 

e     John. 

Said  to   have  two   daughters. 

d     Eli. 

He   lived   at   IMeehanicsburg,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Daniel,  married  Harriet  Yetter VlT-l'OO 

They  lived  at  Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania.     Said  to  have  two  danghters. 

gg  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f     Jacob. 

g     Emma,  married Eshenoiir.. VII-201 

They  lived  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania. 

li     Samuel,  died  young. 

VI-S7     Children  of  John  and  Emmaline  (Bull)   Grimm.    V-24-b 

a     ]\Iar.y  Jane,   born   in   1850',   married   Emanuel   Bair, 
born  in  1846.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  Mt.  Wolf,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Amanda,  born  in  1862.  married  Theodore  Gross,  son  of 
Samuel  and  Catherine  (Wents)  Gross,  born  in  1864  and 
died  June  30,  1908 -- VII-202. 

He  graduated  at  the  State  Xormal  School,  Millerstown,  Pennsylvania,  and 
taught  school  in  York  County.  The  Gross  family  were  of  the  early  settlers 
in  York  County,   and  figured  prominently  in  Colonial  history. 

VI-88     Children  of  Levi  and  Elizabeth   (Metzgar)   Bull.    V-25-a 
a     Jacob  ]M.,  born  in  1853.  married  Eliza  Maye.    No  issue. 

They  lived   at  Columbia,   Pennsylvania. 

b     John  M.  B.,  born  in  1855,  married  Ellie  Arnold.    No 

They  lived  at  Columbia,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Emma,  born  in  1858,  married  Jacob  ]\I.  jNIarsekman. 
d     Henry,  born  in  1865,  married  H.  Alice  Goodman. 

VI-89     Children  of  Michael  and  Sarah  (Bull)  Maelhorn.    V-25-b 

a     John,  born  in  1848,  married  Anne  Rhodes VII-203 

They  lived  at  York  Haven,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Levi  Bull,  born  in  1849,  married  Emma  Rhodes VII-205 

They  lived  at  Mt.  Wolf,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Elizabeth,  born  in  1850. 

She  lived  at  Manchester,   Pennsylvania. 

d     AVilliam  B.,  born  in  1853,  married  Mary  A.  Metzgar..VII-205 

They  lived  at  Selinya,   Pennsylvania. 

6  Jacob  B.,  born  IMay  27.  1854,  married  Amanda  Shepp, 
daughter  of  John  and  Fielta  (Sultzberger)  Shepp  of  May- 
town,  Lancaster  County,  Pennsylvania,  born  January  10, 
1855 VII-206 

They  lived  at  Mt.  Wolf,  Pennsylvania. 

f  Andrew  B.,  born  in  1855,  married  Caroline  Hart- 
man .......VII-207 

They  lived  at  York  Haven,  Pennsylvania. 

g     Leah,  born  in  1858,  married  William  Richcreek VII-208 

They  lived  at  York,  Pennsylvania. 

h     Anna,  born  in  1862,  married  Benjamin  Myers VII-209 

They  live  on   George  Street,   North  York,  Pennsylvania. 

Till';     I!  I   1,1,     I'AMILV  99 

\' 1-1)0      (1iil(li-cii  (.r  Mlij.-ih  ;iimI   l':ii/,;il)rtli   <  I  I  cckiii;]  n  ,    I'.ull.    \'--_'.')-|, 
<i      .\iiii;i   I'...  honi  ill   iSlii'.  iiiiirricd   K'oIxtI   ( 'hi  w  son. 

'rili'\     III     l\|ili  I  :i  t  ,1,     1  .,1  nr:i  nI  .■!     ('olllil,\.     I 'ill  li  s.\  I  \  ii  li  ill . 

1)      1.      .Milloii,  lioni   ill   ISIK;, 
L*.      Lizzie,  lioni    in    iSlKi. 

She    livril    in     I 'li  i  liidrl  pli  i  .i.     I 'en  nsy  I  VM  n  i.'i . 

(•      Mjiry,  liorn  in   IS(ll). 
(I      Willijiiii,  born  in   187)5. 

I.i\ril   al    M|ili  i:il  ,1.    I  ..'i  iicMStcr   ('(lUnly,    I 'ciinsy  i  va  iii;i. 

0      Kllic,   lioni    ill    IS?."). 

She   lived  al    I  Ml  i  la  drl  |ili  ia ,    I 'I'liiis  yl  vania. 

\'I-!)1       Cliildivn  of  S;iiiiiirl  , -111(1   Ml  iz;i  lirt  h    (I'.iill)   Sli.-irlTiT.    X'-^.l-c 

;i  Adjiiii,  hoMi  April  1-").  1858,  at  Wi'igleslow  n,  I'ciinsyl- 
vaiiia.  iiiai'i'it'd  .lane  Sliact'f'cr.  , 

Tlley    livi'il    al     I  ,iiL;aiisvill(>,    Pi'imsylvaiiia. 

b     Clai'a  A.,  born  DccciiibtM'  f).  1859. 

c  Catherine  K.,  boni  March  27,  18G1,  niiinicd  William 
11.    Wriolr. 

d  Alice  ]\I.,  born  Scptciiibcr  '2.  18(i"_',  married  l^'i'ankliii 
E.    Miseiihart   VI 1-210 

They  lived  at  Yoi'k,   Pennsylvania. 

e  John  F.,  born  October  10,  18(i8.  married  Delila  Reeser. 
l)orn  in  1866..... VI [-211 

They  lived   at   Rollo,   Pennsylvania. 

f     Emma  E.,  born  May  2,  1865. 

g  William  II.,  born  August  26,  1866.  married  Ida  Ul)- 
lander.    He  died  January  3,  1918 \'1 1-212 

They  lived  at  York,  Pennsylvania. 

h  ]\Iary  J.,  liorn  November  1-4,  1867,  mar]'i(>d  Walter  J. 
Arndt.     She  died  March  7,  1916..! Vll-21:^ 

They  lived  at  York,  Pennsylvania. 

i  Constantine  Jacob,  born  December  26,  1869.  mnrried 
Cletes  Alice   Schriver VI 1-214 

j  Flora  J.,  born  April  3,  1871,  married  TIarrv  E.  Turn- 
bull [ VI 1-215 

k  Solomon  M..  born  September  26,  1872.  married  1-hiima 
J.  Arnold. 

1  ^Maggie  ^I.,  born  Julv  1,  1874.  married  Amos  li. 
Schaetfer  ^ ".... VI 1-216 

They  live  on  AVest  Philadelphia  Street,   York,   Pennsylvania. 

Vl-92     Children  of  Henry  S.  and   Ann   (l^uin    Will.  V-25-d 

a     Clarence  B.,  born  in  1858,  married  Cora  Tolman \'n-217 

They   lived   at   Mitehel,    South   Dakota. 

b     Ileynian,  died. 


100  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VI-93     Children  of  Michael  and  Jane  (Bull)  Quickel.  V-26-a 

a  Eliza,  born  December  15,  1849,  married  (1)  John 
Hammett.    No  issue. 

Married  (2)  David  Hursh,  who  died  December  28,  1911. 
Xo  issue. 

b     John,  married  Elizabeth  Benedict... VII-218 

They  lived  at  Berlin,  Adams  County,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Edward,  married  Mary  Swartz. 

They  lived  at  Mexico,   Pennsylvania. 

d     Sarah,  died  in  childhood. 
VI-91     Children  of  John  H.  and  Elizabeth  (Bull)  Hoover.  V-26-c 

a  Kate,  born  April  17,  1851,  married  September  16, 
1877,  Samuel  A¥.  Hykes,  farmer,  born  August  11,  1857....VII-219 

b  Augustus  D.,  born  in  1855,  married  Carrie  Shettle, 
who  was  born  January  1,  1851,  and  died  January  1,  1915..VII-220 

They  lived  at  Zion's  View,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was  a  farmer;  later 
moved  to  York,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  was   a   dealer  in  tobacco. 

c  Rebecca  A.,  born  March  25,  1856,  married  Philip 
Shindle  Quickel,  who  was  born  January  31,  1857 VII-221 

He  was  a  farmer,  son  of  Gideon  and  Susan  (Shindle)  Quickel,  and 
grandson  of  Michael  (Crone)  Quickel.  His  great  grandfather  was  a  Colonel 
in  the  Revolutionary  War  and  was  uncle  to  Dr.  Smuckei',  one  of  the  founders 
of  the  Lutheran  Church  west  of  the  Susquehaulia,  and  a  minister  of  note  in 
early  history  of  York   County,   Pennsylvania. 

VI-95     Children  of  AA^illiam  B.  and  Elvira  E.    (Shields)    Bull. 

a     Esther  A.,  born  September  30,  1849,  married  Novem- 
ber 2,  1884,  Smith  Newall,  who  was  born  December  5,  1847, 
and  died  February  9,  1914 ......VII-222 

He  was  a  farmer  near  Rensalear,  Indiana. 

b  William  Ross,  born  October  7,  1851,  married  Novem- 
ber 17,  1881,  Miriam  English,  who  was  born  November  17, 
1853,  and  died  October  24,  1915. 

They  lived  at  Rensalear,   Indiana. 

c  Sarah  Catherine,  born  March  6,  1854,  married  Henry 
A.  Barkley,  who  was  born  in  1848.  She  died  April  15, 
1910 VII-223 

He  was  a  farmer  near  Rensalear,   Indiana. 

d  Emma  Frances,  liorn  June  9,  1857,  married  in  1877 
Jasper  Wright.    She  died  June  8,  1888....^ VII-224 

They  lived  at  Mt.  Ayer,   Indiana. 

e     John  Morgan,  born  in  1858,  married  Libby  F.  Hall....VII-225 

They  lived  at  Elmo,  Missouri. 

f  Lillie  May,  born  August  25,  1860,  married  Charles  C. 
Carter ....yiI-226 

They  lived  at  Silver  Lake,  Indiana. 

g  Louis  Andred,  born  September  7,  1866,  died  in  1893, 

TWi:      I'.ri.L      KAMILV  101 

ll  I(l;i  \'i()l;i.  Imni  AilLiilst  Ki,  lS(i!l.  djiil  Ailj^llst  In. 
181)0,   iiiiiii;irric(|. 

\'I-!)(i      Cliil.livii   ol'    Lewis    Iv*.   ;iihI    .M;iri;i       niilli    Millrr.        \'-L'(i-,. 

;i       .\iiii;i     I']l  i/.iilict  ll,    lioni    Sc|)t('iiilii'l'    L'^I,     IS.")."),    iii;i  rricil 

IhiiTV  ( 'fcilzinaii  Zciulcr.  who  \\;is  Ixii'ii  April  L'T.  18.")4-,  riinl 

(lied  .lull.'   IL',    iSllil.      She  <li.Ml    Novcliili.T  :^1.    IIMII)  \l  1-1^1^7 

Ihirry  ('.  /('if;li'r  was  (lcsci>iiili'<l  rroiii  urn-  nf  llir  I'lirlicst  York  f'oiinty 
l';iniilics  llml  lit;niT<l  |iri)iniiiriil  iy  in  its  liUlory  iliiriiit;  llii'  l<i-vip|iitii)niii'y  W'lir. 
and   hitiT. 

1)  W'illiniii  lli'iii-y.  lioni  Sc|itciiil)cr  1  s.  1S,")7,  iiuii'fird  Ky 
liu!  llvw  Alcxjiiidci'  (I'olwald.  •Iiiiic  ;ll).  ISSI,  Sarah  -laiir 
Yost,  (lauylitcr  of  Ahi-aliain  and  Alarv  Kuiin  Yost,  honi 
]\Iay  121.  1858 ! 1 V 11-228 

Thoy  live  in  York,  Penii.s.vlv!ini!i,  where  he  is  senior  nieml)er  of  W.  H. 
Miller  &  Son,  shoe  firm,  niul  is  eonneeled  witli  various  otlier  business  inter- 
ests. She  is  !i  graiul  daugliter  of  .lolm  and  Salome  (ShaetVer)  KiniK;  a 
great  granddaufrhter  of  .Tacob  and  Catherine  (Bollinger)  Kniig;  a  great  great 
granddaughter  of  Valentine  and  Harbara  (Sunper)  Emig;  and  is  a  descend- 
ant of  .lohn  and  Eva  (Si)angler)  Emig.  Eva  Si)angler's  grandfather,  f.asper, 
was  1)0111  May  2(>,  171.",  at  Weyler  under  Steinsbach,  County  of  Ililsbach  in 
the  Palatinate  on  the  Uhine  (now  in  Baden).  The  Yosts,  S'unpers,  Emigs 
and  Spanglers  were  among  the  earliest  settlers  in  York  County,  owning 
niagniticeut  farms.  The  Yosts  came  from  Switzerland  and  were  Jloravians. 
(See  Spangler  Annals.) 

c  John  Ross,  born  October  21,  1860.  died  .January  1. 

VI-97     Children    of    Chirk    and    Esther    Ann     (Biilli     Wilson. 


a  ]\Iary,  married  William  Shade  of  Harri.sbiirp-.  Pcnii- 
sylvania    ' VII-22!) 

b  Mathilda,  married  •  John  Smith  of  ^[eehanicsbur"'. 
Pennsylvania     VII-280 

e     William,  married  Alice  Crumblinof VIT-231 


d     Annie,  married  Alexander  Bollinger VII-232 

e     Elizabeth,  died  unmarried. 

VI-98     Children  of  Thomas  W.  and  Columbia    (.McFerron-Knii- 
lish)  Anderson.  \'-27 

a     Amanda  B.,  born  in  lS;i7.  died  in  1S31). 

b  Elizabeth  J.,  born  October  12,  183!i,  married  (1)  in 
1856  Judge  J.  R.  Woolten,  who  died  in  1864.. VII-233 

^larried  (2)  in  1867  William  Edward  Conlv.  who  died  in 
1887.     She  died  IMay  28,  188!) VlI-231 

William   Edward   Conly  was   a   farmer.      They  were   esteemed   members   of 
the  Baptist   Church   and   of  the   community   in  which   they   lived. 

e  Samuel  Joseph,  born  Sei>tcmber  4.  1841.  married  (l") 
July  25,  1866,  Mattie  L.  Conly.  who  died  in  April,  isyo. 
and  was  the  daughter  of  Elizabeth  I^ell  Conly \'l  1-235 

]\rarried  (2)  November  15,  1871.  Virginia  Irene  Lacy, 
daughter  of  II.  ]\I.  and  Harriet  (Bramer)  Lacy,  who  came 

202  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

from  Virginia  and  Alabama,  respectively.     She  was  born 

May  9,  1856.     He  died  March  15,  1907 VII-236 

Samuel  Joseph  Anderson  served  four  years  during  the  Civil  War.  He 
was  born  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri,  and  went  to  Texas  with  his  father's 
family  in  18.53.  He  was  educated  at  the  Boston  High  School  in  Bowie, 
Texas,  and  prepared  for  the  ministry  at  the  Baptist  Institute  at  Lattonia, 
Texas.'  In  1860  he  entered  the  ministry  and  was  licensed,  but  not  ordained 
to  preach.  Then  it  was  he  entered  the  Confederate  army  and  served  as  a 
courier  for  General  Dick  Taylor  in  the  Red  River  campaign.  When  that  was 
ended  he  joined  Forrest's  Cavalry,  where  he  served  until  taken  prisoner. 
After  the  war  he  returned  to  the  work  in  the  ministry.  He  was  a  devoted 
pastor  in  several  churches  in  Texas.  He  was  the  founder  of  Burleson  Col- 
lege in  Greenville,  Texas,  and  was  its  president  for  three  years.  Was  cor- 
responding secretary  of  the  Baptist  Missionary  Association  of  Texas,  several 
years;  associate  editor  of  the  Baptist  paper  several  years;  and  he  received 
the  degree  of  D.  D.  from  Baylor  University  at  Waco,  Texas.  He  was  greatly 
beloved  by  all  who  knew  him,  and  his  memory  was  eulogized  by  many.  She 
is   living  at   Jefferson,   Texas. 

d     Richard  Alexander,  born  in  1843,  died  unmarried  in 


e     James  Carey,  born  and  died  in  1845. 

A  Sarah  Ann,  born  August  12,  1846,  married  January 
30,  1867,  John  Brown  Statler,  son  of  John  and  Martha 
Statler,  from  Missouri,  born  July  21,  1840.  She  died 
June  9,  1894  -... - .: _...VIT-237 

.John  Brown  Statler  is  a  retired  merchant.  He  saw  service  in  the  Civil 
War  from  1861  to  1865.     She  is  buried  at  Pilot  Point,   Texas. 

g  Jasin  McFerron,  born  in  1849,  married  in  1875  Sadie 
E.  AVilliams,  born  in  1850 _...__ _ VII-238 

h  Columbia  Adelia,  born  September  5,  1852,  married 
December  15,  1872,  Bob  Smith  Pope,  son  of  Cullen  and 
Temperance  Pope  of  Jefferson,  Texas,  born  November  1, 
1845    _ - ...VII-239 

He  was  a  confederate  soldier  for  three  years  in  the  Civil  War.  Is  a 
farmer  at  Annona,  Texas,  Route  2.  He  lost  his  arm  in  1881,  but  was  able  to 
continue  work  and  do  well,  supporting  comfortably  a  large  family. 

i  Thomas  Wilson,  Jr.,  born  October  25,  1855,  married 
January  9,  1882,  Emma  Williams,  daughter  of  A.  J.  Will- 
iams of  Texas,  born  January  16,  1860,  and  died  May  5, 
1896.    He  died  December  4,  1908_._ .......VII-240 

He  was  a  prominent  business  man,  and  they  were  active  members  of  the 
Missionary  Baptist  Church. 

YI-99     Children  of  John  and  Margaret  A.    (Anderson)   Wilson. 


a  Sarah  Jane,  born  May  24,  1843,  married  ]\Iarch  5, 
1865,  Julius  M.  Snider ......VII-241 

b  AVilliam  Thomas,  born  July  4,  1849,  married  Feb- 
ruary 9,  1874,  Bernice  Limbaugh.  He  died  January  13, 
1908 VII-242 

They  lived  at   Cape  Girardeau,   Missouri. 

c  Virginia  Ann,  born  October  4,  1851,  married  August 
4,  1869,  Frederick  Schatte,  son  of  Charles  L.  and  

Till':      I'.ll.l,      KA.MILV  103 

(liCJidtTi  Schallc  of  (';i|ic  (  i  ir;i  m  li'.iii.  .M  issoii  i-i.  Iiiini  -liiii- 
ii.-iry  1,  IS  lit.  Me  iliid  ;it  Los  A  ii^tIcs.  ( ';ilir(inii;i,  .\()\riii- 
Ixi-!),  lSi>7  \'ll  i^i:; 

Slic    livis    in    l.iis    AiiKi'lcs,    Ciili  foriiiii. 

lie    is    liuricd   ;il    Los   .\iik>'1<'^.    < ':i  lifni-niii. 

(i  Adcljiidc  IsjkIoi'c.  Iiorri  Mjirdi  1.'!.  1S.')|.  iii;irrif(I 
N;i1  Imiiicl  ('ool';  b'risscll  of  ( ';i|ic  ( 1  ir;ii'(lc;iii,  .Missouri  \' I  I  l!  H 

e     Kdwiii,  no  rt'cord.     Studied  nicdicinc.     All   1i;iit  lost. 

VI-1()()      Cliildivii  of   \)v.   \Villi;iiii    !'..   ;iiid    Ann    Iv    -.liidsoin    Wil- 
son. \'-"_'S-a 

;i  Clijirlcs  Oreeiu*,  horn  Anu'nst  IS.  18r)4,  iii;ii'i-ifd  Xo- 
V('nd)tT  2."},  187G,  Ennna  ^Vnianda  Williams.  lit-  died 
Angust  1!).  18!10 VII -1^4:^ 

1)  Ellen,  hoi'n  Auji'nsl  11.  IS.")!!,  inarrifd  .Xovcniix'i-  .3, 
1880,  Alexander  Ilaui'illon  .Miller '. VII-24G 

c  Joseph  ]\raple.  born  Ang'nst  10,  1864,  niai'riecl  .luiir  11*. 
1894,  Grace  Semie  VI 1-247 

d  John  Draper,  horn  Fel)i-iiarv  12,  187.'i.  nmi-ried  June 
5,  11)01,  Emma  Brucker \'il-248 

YI-101     Children   of  Jndge   D.    Greene   ;ind    :\rarv   S.    (Yeadn) 
Wilson.  V-28Ji 

a  Benjamin,  born  April  3,  1873. 

h  William,  horn  Jannary  8,  1877. 

c  John,  born  August  9,  1885. 

d  :\radge.  born  :\rareh  24,  1888. 

VI-102     Children   of   Alphonso   and    Aliiirdia    (Wilson)    Wilson. 


a  Gilbert  Lafayette,  born  September  30,  1842.  maiTied 
in  18H8.  Susan  Elizabeth  Colyei',  daughter  of  -lames 
Franklin  and  Adelina  (Dunlop)  Colver.  born  Xovember 
15,  1842,  died  January  31.  1894.    He  died  April  11,  1872...A^II-249 

They    lived   at    Cape   Giiardean,    Missouri.      .Tames   F.   and   Adelina    Colver 
are  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  Apple  Creek  Church,  near  Pocahontas,   ilissouri. 

b  Archibald  Alexander,  l)orn  Xo\'ember  l(i.  1844.  mar- 
ried January  6,  1870,  ^Tary  Alice  Hansel,  born  Jiilv  4. 
1851,  died  February  3,  1904.     He  died  December  3,  1913...A'n-250 

They   lived    at    Pocahontas,    Missouri,    and   are   buried    in    the   conietei'v   of 
Apple  Creek   Church. 

c     Thomas  M.,  born  1840.  died  in  1848. 

d  Sarah  Elizabeth,  born  April  3.  1848,  married  Jan- 
uary 17,  1867,  James  W.  Colver,  son  of  Franklin  and 
Sallie  Colyer,  born  :\larch  29,  1844.  died  January  5,  1904. 
She  died  at  Pasadena,  California.  December  17,  1914 VII-251 

1U4  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e     Martha  Theresa,  born  in  1849,  married   (1)    Henry 

Clouse  - - VII-252 

^Married  (2)  Dr.  A.  M.  Ehnore.    No  issue. 

She   lives   at   Dallas,    Texas. 

f  Lily  Virginia,  born  February  4,  1852,  married  Sep- 
tember 9,  1875,  Campbell  0.  Turner,  son  of  David  and 
Anna  Turner  of  Pike  County,  Missouri,  born  November 
10,  1852  ._ - - - ---VII-253 

They   live  in  Hollywood,   California. 

g  Shaby  Ann,  born  January  23,  1854,  married  Septem- 
ber 4,  1877,  Austin  Lunsford  Hines,  born  August  18,  1838, 
and  died  February  17,  1912.    She  died  August  28,  1908....VII-254 

They  lived  at  Pasadena,   California. 

h  Surrilda  Jane,  born  January  30,  1858,  married  in 
1903,  Lauehlan  Donaldson  in  Tiftonville,  Tennessee.  She 
died  at  San  Diego,  California,  ]\Iareh  1,  1917.    No  issue. 

She  is  buried  in  Mountain  View  Cemetery,  Pasadena. 

i  Susan  ^Minerva,  born  May  5,  1860,  married  February 
27,  1900.  John  Walter  Chambers  of  Alabama.    No  issue. 

They  live  at   San  Diego,   California. 

j  Edward,  born  in  1862,  married  December  16,  1885, 
at  Pilot  Point,  Texas,  Bennie  Harrison,  born  May  18,  1865_.VII-255 

They  live  at  Denton,  Texas. 

VI-103     Children  of   Ezekial   and  Mary  A.    (AVilson)    McNeely. 


a  Martha  Elizabeth,  born  1840,  married  1857,  John 
W.  Knox : ._ .-.- VII-256 

They  lived  at  Cape  Girardeau,   Missouri,  and  at  Jackson,   Missouri. 

b  Sarah  Caroline,  born  in  1841.  Lives  at  Jackson,  Mis- 

c  Lettie  Columbia,  born  in  1844,  married  in  1867, 
Thomas  Swan.     She  died  in  1869. 

She  is  buried  at  Brazeau,  Missouri.  They  lived  in  Perry  County, 

d  Rebecca  Jane,  born  in  1847,  married  in  1869  Otho 
Price  _ .__... - - VII-257 

They  lived  at  Brazeau,   Perry  County,   Missouri. 

e  Laura,  born  in  1849,  married  in  1870,  David  Edward 
Hope,  who  was  born  in  1842.  She  died  in  1878.  He  mar- 
ried the  third  time,  Fannie  Long.   He  died  in  1893 -- ¥11-258 

They  lived  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri.  He  was  a  merchant.  Elizabeth 
F.  Howard  (VI-107-b)  was  his  first  wife.  Laura  McNeely  was  his  second  wife. 
He  wns  son  of  David  C.  and  Narcissa  (Harris)  Hope  from  North  Carolina. 
He  is  buried  at  the  cemetery  of  Apple  Creek  Church,  near  Pocahontas, 

f  Nancy  Julia,  born  February  11,  1852,  married  Decem- 
ber 25,  1877,  James  "William  Brantley,  son  of  James  and 
Jane  (]McNeely)  Brantley  of  Mooresville,  North  Carolina, 
born  September  9,  1849,  and  died  April  10,  1890 VII-259 

He  was  a  farmer,  and  he  is  buried  at  Farmington,  Missouri.  She  is  living 
in   St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

'I'llh;      I'.ILI.     I-'A.MILY  105 

^'      I'liiiiii;!  Siirril(l;i,  liorii   in    IS.')."), 

sill'    lives   jil    .l.'icKsdii,    Missiiiui. 

Ii  Tliomiis  I<]iiji:('ii(',  horn  .M;iy  Id.  ls.")!l.  ;il  A  lli  iiliiir<,', 
.Missouri.  ni;i  rricd  .linic  11,  ISIHI,  .M.illir  (';irr  .lolinson  ;it 
Colli'^f  Hill,  .Mississi[)|)i.  She  was  lioni  -July  '^,  167G,  and 
(lied  .Inly  ;!(),   IDKi Yll-'2m 

lie  lives  ill  .hieksim,  Missouri,  iiiul  she  i.s  Imried  there.  He  Kriidniiled  at 
Missouri  Sliile  Xoriiuil  Scluxil  with  decrees  nf  Hiielielor  of  S<'ieiit  i(ir'  l)idiic- 
tics,  1111(1  .M.  .S'.  1)..  inid  from  Missouri  Sl.ile  l'niversit,v  with  det'ree.s  of  A.M. 
and  A.M.  He  is  ii  school  teiicher.  She  was  the  dauKhter  of  Heiijaiiiiii  (). 
1111(1  Miirthii  lOliziilieth  (l.ucke.v)  .lolinson.  The  latter  was  from  Kowuri 
Coiiiit.v,  .Xortli  Carolina,  and  is  still  liviiif;  at  Oxford,  AHssissiijpi.  He  wus 
a    fanner. 

VT-KU     (Miildivii    of    (Icoriiv   and    Elizalid  li    .1.    '  Wilson  i    Short. 

a  Martha  Caroliiic.  horn  in  KS-1^>.  married  in  18(J(>  lioh- 
crt   \V.  McXocly.     She  died  in  187;^ Vll-Jtll 

h  'riioinas  Wilson,  born  in  184().  married  in  ISliS  .Marv 
S.  CJillsland.     lie  died  in  1!)14 VlI-262 

e  John  Xewton,  hoi'ii  in  184!».  married  in  ISTil  .Mice 
Short,     lie  died  in  HUT Vll-2ti:{ 

d  Margaret  Emeline,  born  in  1852.  died  unmai'ried  in 

e  Elizal)etli  Effiie,  born  in  18G0.  married  in  1887.  Robert 
Andrew  Caldwell  VII-264 

The.v    live   at    Friiitland,    Missouri. 

YI-105     Cliildren  of  :\liehael  A.  and  Dovey  A.  (MeLain)  Wilson. 


a  Otho,  born  November  8,  184S.  marri(>d  :\ray  :31.  1870. 
Cora  C.  .MeXeely.     lie  died  January  2.  1S82 " \' 11-203 

b  James  Anderson,  born  July  26,  1850,  died  ucmarried 
February  22,  1873. 

e  Laura,  born  June  20,  1852,  married  in  1872  William 
Ruff    Vll-2(in 

They   live   at   .Tackson,   JHssouri. 

d  Thomas  IMarion,  l)orn  Octobei-  11.  IS.")."),  married  .lan- 
uary  12,  1883,  Nora  Davenport,  dauiiiiter  of  Joseph  and 
Jane  Davenport  of  North  Carolina,  horn  October  18,  18(^0. 
He  died  May  18,  11)00 Vll-2t)7 

He  was  a  school  teacher.  He  was  buried  at  Oklahoma.  He  had  college 
degree  of  Bachelor  of  Scientific  Didactics.  She  married  asraiii  and  is  now 
Mrs.   Jacob  Doyle,   of   Cape   Girardeau,   Missouri. 

VI-lOG     Children  of  Thomas  A.   and   Minerva    (Russel)    Wilson. 


a  Elizabeth  Sojihia,  born  February  15,  1854.  married 
Mareh  26,  1874,  Edgar  Lowrie  Hope,  son  of  David  C.  and 
Nareissa  Hope  of  North  Carolina,  born  January  28.  1848..„VII-268 

They  live  at  Puxico,  Missouri,  where  he  is  a  merchant. 

-,Q6  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

h  :\Iary  Emily,  born  July  12,  1855,  married  April  25, 
1876,  EliAbernathy,  son  of  Baltic  and  Delilah  C.  (Mc- 
Comijs)  Abernathy,  born  October  15,  1846. _..... - VII-269 

He  is  a   graduate  of  St.  Mary's  Seminary,   at  Perry ville,   Missouri.     They 
live  at  Jackson.   Missouri. 

c  Surrilda,  born  June  29,  1857,  married  March  25, 
1875,  David  B.  Seibert..- .- - -VII-270 

They  live  at   St.  Louis,   Missouri. 

d     infant,  born  January  7,  1859,  died  February  14,  1859. 

e  Thomas  Elliott,  born  January  22,  1861,  married  Octo- 
ber 25,  1893,  Beulah  Harris,  daughter  of  Dr.  Edward  R. 
and  Annie  E.  Harris  of  Cape  Girardeau,  :Missouri,  born 
August  31,  1872  .__ - -- - -- -- VII-271 

He  is  a  farmer  near  Jackson,  Missouri. 

VI-107  Children  of  U.  Monroe  and  Theresa  C.  (Wilson)  How- 
ard. ^'-29-g 

a  Cora  C,  born  in  1850,  married  in  1886  Oliver  S. 
Harris,  who  was  born  in  1842  and  died  in  1887 VII-272 

b  Elizabeth  F.,  born  in  1853,  married  in  1869,  David 
Edward  Hope,  who  was  born  in  1842  and  died  in  1893. 
(See  VI-103-e.)     She  died  in  1870. 

Elizaheth  F.  Howard  was  his  first- wife,  Laura  McNeely  (VI-103-e)  was 
his  second  wife  and  Fannie  Long  was  his  third  wife.  They  lived  at  Cape 
Girardeau,    Missouri. 

c     Flora  Octavia,  born  in  1858.  married  in  1883,  Thomas 

Drum,  who  was  born  in  1854 — VII-273 

d     Effie,  born  and  died  in  1862. 

V 1-108     Children  of  Richard  A.  and  Catherine  E.  (Knox)  AVilson. 


a  Robert  Pinkney,  born  March  29,  1857.  married  Lillian 
Seibert.    He  died  January  30,  1896. - _.....-VII-274 

VM09     Children  of  Newton  and  Rachel   S.    (Wilson)    Hughey. 


a     Henry,  born  in  1856  and  died  in  1867. 

VI-110     Cliiklren    of    George    and    Rachel    S.    (Wilson-Hughey) 
Clodfelter.  V-29-i 

a  ]\Iinnie  Ann,  born  ^larch  20,  1866,  married  April  21, 
1^s5.  AVilliam  Addison  Morton,  son  of  William  Pinckney 
and  Eliza  ]\Iorton  of  Pocahontas,  Missouri _... ..VII-275 

They  live  in  Birmingham,  Alabama,  and  his  business   is  that   of  a  travel- 
ing salesman. 

b     Charles,  died  in  1889. 

Vl-111      Children   of  Cicero  A.  and  Lily  C.    (AVilson)    Howard. 

a     Iva.  born  in  1857,  married  in  1878,  John  Robb _....VII-276 

They  live  in  Hayti,  Missouri. 

TIIH     I'.l   1,1.     lAMILY  107 

\'I-11'_'      (Miil.hvii    (.1'    -loliii    ('.    ,iih1     I/iI\-    <".     I  Wilson  II()w;ii-il  I 
Ad.-iins.  \'  -!'-.i 

;i  Itiirii. 
I)  Lulu. 
C  I.llll.l. 
(1      IJusli. 

C        (  i  1 1  i  1 1 1 . 

VI-ll:?     Childivii    (.f   Willi.-iiii    A.,   Ji'..   nnd    M;ii'<^-:itv1    (Liickfy) 
I5ull.  V-:5()-(l 

;i       l);i\i(l,   luiiri'ifd   Nellie  (iilisoii. 

I)      Annie. 

C      Cl'illenden. 

\'l-114      Children    of    .lames    A.    and     Amanda     ^llnulieV)     i'.ull. 

a     Tiillie  A.,  horn  ^[arch  4,  1862.  married  -Toluison  Evans. 
1)     -lolm    W..   Iiorn  Jainiarv  1:^,   1858,  mai'i-ied    .Mai'\'   F. 

Vl-llT)     Childi'eii   of  Kieliard   A.  and    .Marv   V.    (Fry)    Chapman. 

a     James   Edwin,   horn    May   5.    1858.    mai-ried    dune   4-. 
1897,  Helen  Smith,  l)orn  at  Austin,  Texas.     No  issue. 

Tlu'V  live  at   Slieriuan,   Texas. 

b  Kieliard  Alexander.  l)orii  .January  81,  18()l),  marritnl 
December  l-l,  1892,  Nora  Mayfield,  who  was  born  at  Over- 
ton. Texas.     No  issue. 

They  live  at  Sherman,  Texas. 

c  Rebecca  Lucille,  bom  A[)rii  ItJ,  1S(J2,  married  .June 
14,  1888.  Allison  Mayfield \'iI--_'77 

They   live   at    Overton,    Texas. 

d  Susan  Frv.  born  Xov(>mb(>r  28.  IStiT.  died  -lanuary 
28,  18G8. 

e     Georg'e  l^'ry.  horn  May  li',  1870. 

He  lives  at   Sherman,   Texas. 

f     Mamie  Elizalieth.  born  Ai)ril  8,  1878. 

She  lives   at   Sherman,  Texas. 

Vl-116     Cbildreii   of  William   A.   and    .Mildred    iFrv)    Chapman. 


a  Ann  Eliza,  horn  May  2().  1859,  died  Deeemht'r  18, 

1)  ]\lartlia  Clifton,  born  Jannary  8.  1861,  mai-ried  Feb- 
ruary 21,  1894,  Charles  Edwai'd  I^owell.  She  died  Auunist 
6,  1895.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  (4allatin,  Tennessee. 

c  William  AUic,  born  October  9.  1862,  died  April  18, 

108  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d  John  Fry,  born  April  14,  1866,  married  June  14, 
1899,  Jane  Cantrell  ...._. - - VII-278 

They  live  on  the  Cantrell  Farm,   Gallatin,  Tennessee. 

e  Amanda  Estill,  born  May  11,  1869.  married  Septem- 
ber 12,  1894,  Harvey  Davis  Henley VII-279 

They  live  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee. 

f     Sally  Mary,  born  October  29,  1873. 
VI-117     Children  of  William  D.  and  Druxilla  (Mix)  Bull.  Yl-3;3-a 
a     Emma,  no  date  record,  married  Richard  Moore. 

Lived   at   Lafayette,   Indiana. 

b     Eben,  no  date  record,  died  unmarried. 

He  is  said  to  have  served  in  Civil  War — nothing  is  on  file  at  Adjutant 
General's  Office,  Indianapolis. 

c     William  A.,  no  date  record,  died  unmarried. 

Served  in  the  Civil  War,  enlisted  in  Company  D,  1.52nd  Regiment,  In- 
diana Volunteer  Infantry,  February  9,  1865,  as  private  for  one  year.  Pro- 
moted to  Corporal  February  25,  1865,  mustered  out  at  Charles  To-wn,  West 
Virginia,  August  .30,  1865.  From  certificate  of  Adjutant  General  Indiana, 
February   3,   1917. 

VI-118     Children  of  AA^illiam  D.   and   Susan  B.    (Brown)    Bull. 

a     Frank,  no  date  record,  died  unmarried, 
b     Anne,  no  date  record,  died  unmarried. 

VI-119     Children  of  Joel  and  Emeline  (Bull)  Vanderford.   Y-SS-c 

a  Sally  Ann,  born  May  16,  1838,  married  (1)  April  9, 
1866,  Crichfield  Goodwin,  who  died  in  1869.... VII-280 

He  served  in  army  during  Civil  War. 

:\rarried  (2)  in  1889  AVilliam  Tyler,  who  died  March  1, 
1910.    She  died  July  11,  1915.    Xo  issue. 

b  Eliza  Una,  born  July  30,  1840,  in  Ross  County,  Ohio, 
married  October  6.  1861,  Thomas  Smith  in  Noble  County, 
Indiana.    She  died  in  1916.. VII-281 

They   lived  in  Voble  County,   Indiana. 

c  Richard  Clark,  born  in  Noble  County,  Indiana,  Jan- 
uary 17.  1843.  married  August  30,  1866,  Eliza  McCutch- 
eon ..VII-282 

He  served  during  the  Civil  War.  He  enlisted  as  a  private  at  Keu- 
dallsville,  Indiana,  February  14,  186.5,  in  Company  F,  1.52nd  Regiment,  In- 
diana Volunteer  Infantry,  for  one  year.  Promoted  to  Sergeant  March  6, 
18tJ.j,  mustered  out  at  Charlestown,  West  Virginia,  August  30,  1865.  They 
live  at   Spokane,   Washington. 

d  Alary,  born  in  Noble  County,  Indiana,  November  7, 
1844.  married  (1)  July  9,  1865,  S.  A.  Covell.    No  issue. 

Alarried  (2)  October  30,  1886,  Daniel  Morris  of  Kos- 
ciusko County.  Indiana.  She  died  November  12,  1891.  No 

They  lived  at  Kimmell,  Indiana,  and  she  is  buried  there. 

e  AVilliam  Comer,  born  in  Noble  County,  Indiana, 
Alarch  26,  1847,  married  (1)   February  12,  1868,  Alary  E. 

Till':    I'.rij,    I'AMii.v  lu'j 

( 'iitsliji  w  ,     who    (lied     \()\ciiilicr    !•.     ID-H.     in     Ijim'oIii.     Nr- 

lir;isk;i,  :iii<l    \\;is  luiriiMl   ;il    K  ini  iin'l  I.    |ihIi;iii;i  N'II-'J"^."! 

M.-irricd     (  L' I     . I;i  iiii;i  ry     1,     l!Mtl.     Mrs.     Lydiii     I'.r;i(  l.-ii    of 

Howe,   I  iiili;iii;i.     She  ( lied  . I  ;iim;i  ry  1^.').   11)17.     No  issue. 

Ilr  siivi'il  (liiiiiiLr  ilii'  (ivil  W;ir.  I''.iilisl('<l  iis  a  private  in  diinpany  F, 
I.'iL'ihI  Kiniiiitiil.  \  uliiiiicci-  1  nr.itil  ry.  mI  Kriidallsvilli',  Tiirliatia,  Frbriiary  l!l), 
lsi;."i.  lor  iiMc  vrar.  .M  iislcrcil  (iiil  May  !.'(■>,  ISti.'i,  al  l''rc(li'rifk.  Marylaiiil,  by 
V.  (».  77.  ('.  S',  .\.  <i.  ().  I.Kti.'i.  .V(l.iulant  (icricral's  ( 'crt  ilicatr,  Iiiiliaiia.  Ki-liru- 
ary   .'I.    Ilil7.      lie   is   liviiiir  at    Kiiniiicll,    Indiana. 

t"  Xaiicir  .l;iiic.  lioni  M;irc|i  ]'2.  l^^.")!,  died  Si'|)lrinlii'r  :>, 
18.")  1. 

<;•  -loliii  i"'i'cuiuid.  Iioi'ii  Sc|ilcinlnT  lii.  ls.')t;.  djrd  -Inly 
30,  1878. 

He    was   il inw  ind    in    ilir   (  iilunii'l    Kivrr,    iifar   Chicago,    Illinois. 

Vl-ll'd      Childivii   (.r    \V.    ll;irris(.ii   ;iiid    S;ir;di    i:.      I'-idl)    Xiittcr. 

;i      l''i';iiicis. 
1)      IJliodcsia. 
e     Einiiin. 
d     :\I;iry. 
e     Eli.v.a. 

Notliini;-   UiKiwn   of   tlifni   liy   rrlalivfs   sincp   l.'^SI. 

VI-121      CMdIdivii  of  1v'(.Im'1-1   II.  and  .Maria   ((Jrrid.MM    iJiill.  V-33-e. 

a  1.  llciii-y  Ivicliard,  honi  Mjirdi  "Jli,  1803,  married 
January  21.  11)08,  Emma  Rank,  dau^lilcr  of  t'liarles  and 
Frederioa  Rank,  from  Germany.    No  issue. 

He  changed  his  name  to  Buell.  They  have  lived  at  121ti  Xoble  Street, 
El  Paso,   Texas.     He  is  a  telegraph  operator  and  railroad  agent. 

2.  Sarali  Eli/.alx'tli.  born  ^Tarcli  26,  1853.  married  De- 
cember 23.  1871,  Edwin  Harvey  Tpson,  son  of  William 
Henry  and  Lucy  (Eaii'les)  Fpson  of  Delaware  and  Genesee 
Counties,  New  York,  liorn  .May  1,  1851 VII-284 

They  live  at  Ubee,  Huntingdon  Couniy.  Indiana.  He  is  a  brother  of 
William  "Wallace  Upson,   "\'I-lL'4-a. 

VI-122     Children  of  James  L.  and  .Maruaivt  S.   (Bull)   Fordvce. 

a     :\rary  E.,  born  in  1830.  married  William  J.  Strieby....Vn-28ri 

They  lived  at  Wooster,  Indiana. 

b     Sarah,  born  in  1841,  married  Sainnal  Hendricks Vn-286 

They    lived    at    Piereetown,    Indiana. 

c     James  IT.,  born  in  184."),  married  ]\Iary  Bennett VTT-28T 

He  was  in  U.  S.  .Vrmy  durins  Civil  War.  They  lived  at  Whiting. 

d  Lydia,  born  November  1,  1847.  married  (1)  Autrust 
29,  1876.  Josiah  Newman,  who  was  born  November  28, 
1833,  and  died  April  6.  1906. 

Married  (2)  October  28,  1911,  John  S.  Ronewitz,  son  of 
Lawrence  and  Elizabeth  (Siesi'fried)  Bonewitz  of  AVayne 
County,  Ohio,  born  January  12.  1840 VI1-2SS 

Josiah  Newman  is  buried  in  Cemetery  at  Mentone,  Indiana. 

110  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e     E.  Viola,  born  in  1856,  married  Wesley  P.  Downs VII-289 

They   lived  at   Piercetown,   Indiana. 

f  Eobert  W.,  born  in  1862,  lived  at  Arkadelphia,  Ar- 

VI-123     Children  of  John  M.  and  Sarah  (Holcomb)  Bull.  V-33-h 

a     Emma  S. 
b     Horace  E. 

All  trace  of  these  was  lost  after  18G1  when  they  were  at  Forest  Grove, 

VI-124     Children  of  Joseph  B.  and  Anna  (Greider)  Bull.  V-33-i 

a  Emma  Elverda,  born  September  10,  1855,  married 
September  14,  1873,  William  Wallace  Upson,  son  of  Will- 
iam Henry  and  Lucy  (Eagles)  Upson,  who  came  from 
New  York VII-29(> 

They   lived   at    Pierceton,    Indiana.      He    is    a    brother    of    Edwin    Harvey 
ITpson,  VI-121-a. 

b  Sylvester  Greider,  born  September  12,  1857,  married 
June  1,  1887,  Blanche  Stearns,  who  was  born  January  25, 
1866,  daughter  of  Sheldon  V.  and  Mary  (Monroe)  Stearns, 
from  Pennsylvania  ....- VII-291 

They  live  at  Arlington,  Washington.     At  the  request  of  the  father,  -Joseph 
B.  Bull,  all  the  sons  changed  their  name  by  decree  of  court  to  Buell. 

c  Edith  Elizabeth,  born  August  19,  1859,  married  Sep- 
tember 6,  1884,  Adam  Franklin  Fidler,  son  of  John  A.  and 
Margaret  (Fancil)  Fidler,  born  May  19,  1857._ VII-293 

They   live    at    Cromwell,    Indiana. 

d  Fremont  Cameron,  born  November  18,  1861,  married 
October  31,  1886,  Julia  Etta  Kindle,  born  October  28,  1867, 
daughter  of  James  and  Julia  (Garber)  Kindle,  from 
Ohio    ..__ ...VII-294 

They   live   at   Pierceton,    Indiana.     He   changed  his   name   to   Buell   at  the 
request  of  his  father. 

e     Justus  Joseph,  born  May  20,  1864. 

He    lives    at    Pierceton,    Indiana.      He    changed    his    name    to    Buell    at 
request  of  father. 

VI-125     Children  of  John  and  Rebecca  J.  (Bull)  Greider.  V-22-j 

a  Alexander  Owen,  born  March  6,  1856.  married  August 
20,  1892,  Mary  Charlotte  Clark,  born  January  17,  1874, 
daughter  of  George  and  Eleanor  Clark,  who  went  from 
Virginia  to  Indiana VII-295 

They  live  at  Elkhart,   Indiana. 

b  Elizabeth,  born  September  5,  1858,  married  Septem- 
ber 27,  1883,  Aaron  Starner,  who  was  born  June  27,  1855, 
and  was  the  son  of  George  and  Anna  Starner  of  Massilon, 
Ohio VII-296 

They   live   at   Warsaw,   Indiana. 

e     Henry  Lee,  born  May  1,  1860,  unmarried. 

He  lives   at   Pierceton,   Indiana. 

Till':      I'.ILL      I'WIII-Y 


(I  ,\l;iry,  lidfii  Sriilriiiliri'  11,  iSfiL',  iiiJirficil  .l;iiiii;i  ry  I'l. 
18<S(),  .)<)shii;i  \\',ii-i'i'ii  Mdorr,  horn  Aipjiisl  L' 1 .  iSlil,  son  of 
.loliii  Moon-,  11(1111  Wiliiiiiii^ldii.  I  )(l;i\\  ;i  IT.  ;iiii|  Lin-y 
UMilchcll  )   Moore.  Iioiii  ( 'li;iiii|i;iuiic  ('oiiiity,  Ohio \' I 

'I'licx'    live    :it     l,ii,'iiiiic|-,     I  ml  i.i  n:i. 

0     -loscpli   \\'.,  Iiorii   ill    1S()4. 

II, ■    li\.s    :il     W  nllr\,     Idiillo 

r     l.jiiiil)  A.,  l)oi'n  ill   lS(i7. 

sill'   livi'S   ill    ricri-ctiiii.    IimMiiiki. 

I   !'!)■ 

LEWIS    OliONOW    111   l.L 

V  ll-cl 

(Page    ■•!:!) 

VI-12()      ('liildrcii    of     \'iiicriit     ;iii(l     -loniiiin     ilionloin     Tio])isoii. 


a  'riioiiins  \V..  horn  .M;irch  1.  ISlil.  luarfird  in  ISS;]. 
Adella  Jones.  (lau*ihter  of  Andrew  -loiics  of  New  Paris.  In- 
diana,    lie  (lied  Septemher  iT).  ISSii.     She  died  in  1!)05 VII-29S 

lie   was   a   lariiuT  cil'    Xortli    WeUsliT,    Iiiiliaiia.   ami   botli   are   buried   there. 

h  Sabin  V..  liorn  Ma.v  IB.  18f)8.  niaiTied  Xovem]>or  11, 
1885,  Jjnlu  Hrennenian,  dauu'iiter  of  Al)faliain  ami  Jane 
Brennenian  of  ('haiiii)aune  Count  v.  Ohio.  She  was  born 
May  2,  1864  " VTT-2!)0 

He  was  travi'ling  salesman  forincrly  with  Deerins  Harvester  Co.  and  In- 
ternational Tlarvi'ster  Company;  also  was  in  hardware  business  at  Lees- 
burs:.    Indiana,    and    later   has   been    cnLrairi'd    in    farniiiisr. 

VI-127      Children  of -lames  D.  and  Mary  (llunten   WiMis.    V -M-h 

a  AYilliam  Hunter,  horn  -luly  2:^.  1S4T,  married  [1) 
Elizabeth  Barriek,  born  Februarv  10.  18.")(),  dieil  February 
21,  1874  XII-300 

212  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IMarried  (2)  December  13,  1882,  Mary  Hench,  daughter    . 
of  William   C.   and  Matilda    (Williams)    Hench  of  Perry 
County,  Pennsylvania,  born  December  31,  1862__ VII-301 

William  H.  Willis  enlisted  February  22,  1864,  from  Perry  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, in  Company  C,  21st  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Cavalry, 
which  was  in  the  2n'd  Brigade  of  Fifth  Army  Corps,  Army  of  the  Potomac 
and  Army  of  the  Virginia,  until  close  of  Civil  War.  He  was  in  all  the 
battles  during  that  period  until  the  surrender  at  Appomattox  Court  House, 
April  5,  1S65.  He  was  honorably  discharged  at  Lynchburg,  Virginia,  July  8, 
1865.  He  has  lived  on  farm  near  Duncannon,  Pennsylvania.  Elizabeth  (Bar- 
rick)  Willis  is  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  the  Old  Presbyterian  Church,  near 
Juniata  Bridge,  Perry  County,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Dillavan  Fernandez,  born  October  7,  1848,  died  Octo- 
ber 25,  1863. 

He  is  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  the  Old  Presbyterian  Church  near  Juniata 
Bridge,  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Alfonzo  Theopolis,  born  July  29,  1851,  died  February 

27,  1870. 

He  is  buried  in  the  cemetery  of  the  Old  Presbyterian  Church  near 
Juniata   Bridge,    Perry    County,    Pennsylvania. 

d  Tortuga  Aurora,  born  April  2,  1854,  in  Penn  Town- 
ship, Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  married  November  25, 
1897,  Bessie  jNIaud  Pair,  born  October  12,  1876,  daughter 
of  Jeremiah  Bair  of  Howe  Township,  Perry  County.  She 
died  March  24,  1914,  at  Forest  City,  Iowa VII-302 

He  lives  at  Forest  City,  Iowa,  and  she  is  buried  in  Madison  Cemetery 

e     Samuel  Cloid,  born  May  11,  1857,  died  May  13,  1857. 

f  Adolphus  Arthur,  born  in  Penn  Township,  Perry 
County,  Pennsylvania,  July  2,  1858,  married  February  24, 
1887,  Sarah  Elizabeth  Morit.'^.  born  in  Howe  Township, 
Perrv  County,  January  25,  1865,  daughter  of  AVilliam  H. 
Moritz  ; - -- VII-303 

They  moved  from  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania,  to  Forest  City,  Winnebago 
County,   Iowa,  where  he  is  now  engaged  in  farming. 

YI-128     Children  of  Robert  N.  and  Susannah   (Kistler)   AA^illis. 


a  AA^illiam  Alelanthon,  born  September  27,  1851,  mar- 
ried in  1875  Etta  Garret,  born  in  1856,  daughter  of  Andrew 
and  Alinerva  Garret- - VII-304 

They  live  at  Buda,  Illinois. 

b     Jacob  Dillavan,  born  November  25,  1853,  died  March 

28,  1886. 

He  was  killed  on  duty  in  railroad  yard  at  Los  Angeles,  California,  and  is 
buried  in  the  Masonic  Cemetery,  at  that  place. 

c  Elizabeth  Jane,  born  September  7,  1855,  married  No- 
vember 6,  1879,  Dr.  James  Calvin  Hall,  born  October  11, 
1852,  son  of  Rev.  B.  F.  and  Mary  Anna  Hall.  He  died  sud- 
denly February  11,  1903 VII-305 

He  graduated  at  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons,  Baltimore, 
Maryland,  in  1870.  He  was  leading  physician  at  Millerstown,  Pennsylvania, 
wb<T<-  hi-  (]]<■(].   ;ind  where  Elizabeth  J.    (Willis)    Hall  now  lives. 


'I'liK    111  1,1,    i''.\.\iii,v  ii:{ 

\'l-lL'll      Childivii  ol'   K'ohci't    N,  ;iihl    l.'rli, ■(■,•,•!    i  I  )nii,iL'uM  i    Willis. 

a  S.'iiiiiK'l  l*](l\\;ii'(l,  lioni  Oclohrc  '_*!),  1S(!1.  died  M;iy  <!, 
18!)4,  umiijii'i'icd. 

W'ms  Uilli'il  li>  l<ii,'  r.illin::  ,'iiiil  sliikinir  (in  lii'.id.  uIhmi  faslcniiii;  cliiiin 
mHl<'f  u'.-incin.      Itiiiicil   ill    ('ii|i|ili'   (ri'fU,   ('(iliiriidii. 

I)  h'(»l)cr1  Milton,  born  Mjirdi  L'1,  iSdS,  inurricd  Xovuiii- 
hci'.  IS!!.").  K.-itic  IMaxwcll,  who  <lird  m   llKKi \'II-:!i)ti 

I  \v    li\  I'll    :il    l'!\  ;iiis,    (  'iilnriidn. 

I'  (irace  Kliioi'a,  honi  Scplniilici'  II.  IST".  inai-rifd  So- 
\'t'iiil)('f  12"),  1S!)1.  (Miarlcs  Ivlward  1  Icrnhrisrl,  Itocii  \)i'rfU]- 
ber  18,  18()4,  son  of  William  and   l''annir  I '.crnlicisci VII-:507 

They  live  at   Greon    I'aik,    l'riinsylviitii;i. 

d  ^lary  TJi'bccca,  Ixii'n  .laniiai'V  l20.  IST-"',  died  .Vpfil  1^0. 

VI-130     Childivii  of  Thomas  K.  and   Xaiicy  K.   (P.ull)    .M.-ivditli. 

a  John  Calvin,  l)oi'ii  Jnly  18,  1856,  man'icd  February 
10,  1876,  Lizzie  Taggart.     He  <licd  :\Iay  26,  1897 .'VII-308 

They  lived  at   Winnebago,  Illinois. 

b  David  Black,  l)orn  November  8,  18-47,  married  No- 
vember 28,  1892.  Isabella  Smith  Love VII-309 

Lives  in  Byron  Township,   Ogle  County,   Illinois. 

c  Jane  ^Tartha,  born  February  22.  1851,  died  unmarried 
December  5,  1915. 

She  lived  at  Rockford,   Illinois. 

d  Sarah  Grace,  born  November  1,  1852. 

Lives  at   Ivockford,   Illinois,   nnni.'UTicd. 

VI-131     Children  of  John  and   (irace    (Bull)    Hench.         V-37-b 

a  AVilliam  Ross,  born  June  13,  1852,  inarricd  (1)  De- 
cember 15,  1877,  Sarah  J.  Taylor,  who  was  hoiai  in  l'-^'^. 
and  died  in  1879 .' Xil-UO 

I\rarried  (2)  September  3,  1882,  Eudora  Elizabeth  :\rur- 
phy,  who  was  born  Fcbniary  18,  1859 VII-311 

He  studied  for  the  ministr.v  and  was  licensed  to  preach  in  the  Presby- 
terian Church.  Has  been  teaching;  in  schools  near  Dundee.  Illinois,  where 
they  live. 

b  Jane  Linn,  ])orn  Januarv  9,  1854.  tlicd  unmarried 
May  12.  1903. 

She   lived   at   Byron,   Illinois. 

c  John  Bull,  born  November  13.  1855.  married  Novem- 
ber 29,  1883.  Helen  Bebb.  born  Marcli  29.  1860 VII-312 

They   lived   at    Hinsdale,    Illinois,    where   he    is   a    practicing  physician. 

d  Robert  Ilenrv.  born  November  2it.  1S57.  maiTied  -laii- 
iiary  14,  1892.  Ida  Kindle Vri-313 

They   live   at    Appleton,    Wisconsin. 

e     Thomas  ^leredith,  born  January  10,  1860. 

He    lives    at    Byron,    Illinois. 

114  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f  Sarah  Bull,  born  February  13,  1862,  married  Decem- 
ber 28,  1892,  William  Wright.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Sewavt,  Winnebago  County,  Illinois. 

g  Abraham  Lincoln,  born  May  29,  1865,  married  Jan- 
uary 19,  1894,  Fannie  Wright.    No  issue. 

They   live  at  Egan,   Ogle   Connty,   Illinois. 

VI-13-^     Children  of  William  R.  and  Margaret  A.   (Bull)  Hench. 


a     Robert  Henry,  born  in  1851,  married  Viola  Jones VII-314 

They  live   at   Aurelia,   Iowa. 

b  Hannah  Jane,  born  in  1853,  married  John  Hogbin. 
She  died  in  1893......_..- - - - - - VII-315 

They  lived  at   Addison,  ^'ebraska. 

c     John  Bull,  born  in  1855,  died  unmarried  in  1874. 
d     George  P.,  born  September  28,  1856,  died  unmarried 
November  9,  1910. 

e     William  R.,  born  in  1858,  married  Carrie  Bradbury..VII-316 

They  lived  at   Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

f  Daniel  M.,  born  December  29,  1859,  married  (1)  De- 
cember 24,  1883.  Mary  M.  Neville,  born  May  25,  1855,  died 
July  31,  1885,  in  Buchanan  County,  Tennessee ¥11-317 

Married  (2)  December  14,  1887,  May  I.  Frizzle,  born 
^larch  10,  1862,  in  Lee  County,  Illinois,  and  died  in  Wright 
County,  June  1,  1899 - - - VII-318 

]^Iarried  (3)  in  Wright  County,  Iowa,  June  29,  1909, 
Ellen  Llazen,  born  February  29,  1868,  in  Benton  County, 

They  live  at  Winterset,   Iowa. 

g  James  Linn,  born  in  1862,  married  Ann  Halsey,  no 

They  live   at  Eockford,   Illinois. 

\' 1-133     Children  of  Robert  H.  and  Ruth  (Sargent)  Bull.  V-37-g 
a     Ella  Jane,  born  January  22,  1872. 

She  lives   at  602  Woodlawn  Avenue,   Rockford,  Illinois. 

VI-134     Children   of   John    S.    and   Rebecca   N.    (Bull)    Rosier. 


a  Frances  Marion,  born  February  27,  1855,  died  un- 
married July  8,  1886. 

b  Charles  Bissell,  born  May  21,  1857,  married  Decem- 
ber 12,  Alice  Amelia  Fisher,  born  October  20,  1856 VII-319 

V 1-135     Children  of  Mathew  P.  and  Mary  E.  (Linn)  Bull.  V-37-i 

a  .Tohii  Linn,  born  September  7,  1874,  died  August  20, 

■I'lii';    i;i  i.L    I'AAi  II. V  115 

I)  M;i  I'l;;i  rd  Isaln'l,  Imii'ii  l''i'l)rii,i  i-y  lM,  l"^7fi.  iii;i  iti<-i  | 
S('i)tciiil)ci-  I'd.  IIMIL!.  \lr\.  U'lcli.-ird  Artliiir  Alorlry,  wIid  u;is 
l)()l'll    I  )cc('iiil)rl'  L'l ,    1S.")S,    ill    (liihilKi.   (',iii;Mla \'II-:')L'I) 

'r\ir\     li\  <■    .It     Corkidrd.     lllirinis. 

(•  KNtlicrlii  .Ijiiic,  lioni  .Inly  L'T,  isTS,  iii,iiTii-(|  .jolm  (i;ii-- 
l-cll.       She    (lied    X(i\ciiiltiT    L'l,    l!)ln.    ;il     Los    A  iii;r|rs.    Cjiii- 

roniiji.     NO  issue. 

(I  1.  .M;iry  K'ulh,  iMirii  April  1^1.  I>s|.  nuirrifil  Scp- 
tciiilii'i'  L'O,  11)11.  ( 'lijiiiiiccy  U'iiy  llopkiiis,  who  wjis  liiitn  Xo- 
vciiihcr  {■>.    1878 '. '. \'I  \  -VI] 

'I'licv    li\i'   ;il    I'liidii   Si)riiif;s,    New   Viii'U. 

'_*.  .M;irtli;i  Xiincy.  horn  Api'il  1^4.  iSSl.  nwniiid  .Inly 
l(i,  1!»1L',  Charles  lleiii-y  .Maiisficld,  horn  Aii-iisl  S.  1  ss4...  .'V I  1-;!l'l' 

'I'licy    livr   :il    I'liidii    Springs,    New    VnrU. 

e     (Irace  Grant,  honi  .Inly  1!'.  ISS.l. 

Slu'   lives  at  Koikroril,   llliiuii.s. 

A"T-1."1()     riiildreii    of    -Tames    and    .Teiiiiuia    -T.     (Bull)     Millii:-an. 


n  ^Fatliew  Hull,  horn  .lnl\'  11.  LSoO,  iiiai'ried  Sei)tein- 
l)ei'  l.'i.  1SS;5,  Jeiniie  riiillips,  horn  October  22,  iS.j.'j.  Slie 
died  -lanuary  23,  1!)!.").     No  issue. 

The.v   lived  at    Crockstowii,   Minnesota. 

h  Elmer  Ellsworth,  horn  X'ovemher  1.  18fiO.  married 
Maroaret  liarron.    He  died  May  12,  11)13 \'ll-323 

They  lived  at   Salt   Lake,   T'tah. 

c  John  Bull,  born  September  27,  1862,  at  Winnebago, 
Illinois,  married  Ida  Ellen  Biglow  of  Oshkosh.  Wiseonsin. 
born  February  ti,  18()!) '^ Vll-324 

They   live   at    Salt   Lake   City,   Utah. 

d  Martha  Bull,  born  AFareli  27,  186I-,  married  :\rarch  28, 
1888,  Frank  Habeoek.  born  at  Scott.  ('oni-tlan<lt  Coiiiity. 
New  York,  Xoveml)er  11,  1853.  lie  tlied  Xo\enilier  2. 
1913 \' 11-325 

She  lives  at  Mason  City,   Iowa. 

e  Thomas  ^leredith.  born  .lul.v  11.  18Hfi.  married  De- 
cember 28.  181)7.  A.  May  Whiting'  of  Salt  Lake  City. 
Utah,  who  was  born  November  17,  1875,  at  (iunnison. 
Utah VII-326 

They  live  at    Seattle,  Washiniiton.  K.  11.  0,  Box  20. 

f     Rebecca  Elizabeth,  born  Fet)ruary  15,  1868. 

Slie    lives    at    Mason    City,    Iowa. 

g  Joseph  Braddock,  born  August  1.  187i).  married  (1) 
Florence  Spalding.    Slu^  died . 

^Tarried  (2)  February  21.  1911,  at  Superior.  Wisconsin, 
Nellie  Elizabeth  Youngman.  who  was  born  at  Sparta.  Wis- 
consin. June  16,  1880.     Xo  issue. 

The.v  live   at   Rainy  River,   Ont.'irio,   C,-inada. 


h  AYilliam  Porter,  born  August  15,  1872,  married  June 
30  1897,  Katherine  A.  Oakins.  who  was  born  at  Northfield, 
Minnesota,  April  21,  1877 -...- - VII-327 

They  live  at  Tiiitie,   Utah. 

i  Elnora  Emma,  born  November  28,  1874,  died  May  15, 

She   was  unmarried  and  lived   at   Minneapolis,   Minnesota. 

i  Grace  Garfield,  born  October  9,  1876,  married  (1)  A. 
Sauzer    - - - - VII-328 

Married  (2)  Lloyd  Seager. 

Was  living  at  Buffalo,   New  York. 

VI-187     Children   of   Albert   and   Ellen   Martha    (Bull)    Bying- 
ton.  V-37-1 

a     Glenn  Maurice,  born  December  12,  1869. 

He  lives  at  Rochelle,   Illinois. 

h  Dean  A.,  born  February  8,  1871.  married  Flora  Heif- 

They  live  at  Aurora,  Illinois. 

c  Fred  Jackson,  born  September  12,  1876,  married  July 
30,  1902,  Edith  C.  Zalesky,  who  was  born  October  11, 
1876    ....;. - -- - -- VII-329 

He  is  division  superintendent  of  Chicago  &  Northwestern  Railroad  at 
Escanaba,   Michigan. 

VI-138  Children  of  William  B.  and  Nancy  S.  (Anderson)  Jor- 
dan. V-38-c 
a  Harry  Francis,  born  at  Patterson,  Pennsylvania, 
August  22,  1863,  married  October  20,  1900,  Bertha  Annie 
Smith  at  Renova.  Pennsylvania.  She  was  born  February 
14,  1875.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Williamsport,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  in  the  employ  of 
the  Pennsylvania  Railroad,  having  succeeded  to  the  place  long  held  by  his 

b  Nellie  Forrest,  born  August  18,  1865,  at  Patterson, 

Lives   in   Williamsport,    Pennsylvania. 

c  Martha  Lettie,  born  February  1,  1868,  at  Erie,  Penn- 
sylvania, died  April  10,  1872. 

d  Katherine  Anderson,  born  December  23,  1869,  at  Re- 
nova,  Pennsylvania,  married  September  2,  1890,  at  Elmira, 
New  York,  Paul  P.  Gauthier,  who  was  born  at  Montreal, 
Canada,  in  1862 VII-330 

They   live   at  Williamsport,   Pennsylvania. 

e  Thomas  Barnett  Lewis,  born  October  19,  1872,  at  Re- 
nova,  Pennsylvania,  married  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
June  5.  1005,  ^lary  Florence  Davenport  of  Holly,  Philadel- 
])liia.  J^'unsylvania,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Ann  (Pat- 
ter.son)  Davenport,  born  June  27,  1880.    No  issue. 

He  is  a  physician  at  Cape  Charles,  Virginia,  and  is  a  graduate  of  the 
Tniversity  of  Pennsylvania,  with  degree  of  M.  D.  .lohn  Davenport  came 
from   Macclesfield,   England,   and   Mary   Ann  Patterson  was   of   Philadelphia. 

Tin;    iMi.L    i-A.\iii,v  117 

r       \\'illi,-ini    r>illl.  .Ir.,  Iiiini    l''cl  iiii;i  ry  l!7,   1<S7.").  ;it    Iii'Mi)\;i, 

rciiiisyK  ;iiii;i,    iii.-irricd    Ahin-li     II,    ISII".    ( ';i  lol  iiir    I'.-iiiliiic 

IjJIIiiiii   ;M    l']liiiir;i,   \'r\\    ^'()|■k.     She  \\;is;i  (liiiiL;liliT  ol'  Am- 

hrosi'  ;ili(l    l']iiiiii;i    KilL;i'iii;i    i  l'";ilpiri    L:iiiiiii   ;iihI    \\;is  Imfii   ;it 

W;i1s()lil(i\\  II,   I 'ciiiisy  l\  ;iiii;i.  ()i-|((licr  11,    1^7  1.      NO  issue. 

'I'Ikn  live  ill  \\illi:mispnri,  l'cinis,vlvii  iiiii,  LMI  West  l''(Mirlli  Htri'i-t.  lie 
is  in  till'  riii|ilii,\  III'  the  l'l'^M^.^'lv,'llU!l  KMilnmil.  ill'  liiis  liccn  I'liiiiii'i'li'd  with 
tile  I'cmis.vlvjiiiiji  liiiilriiiid  siiici'  Oclolici'  1,  IS!):!,  Imviiii;  ciitfrcil  tin-  hitvIi-c 
IIS  iiicssctitrcf,  1111(1  now  liiilds  till'  iiiisitiiin  of  Assistant  Chief  'ri'iiiis|iorliitiiiM 
Clerk  in  the  olTice  of  tlie  (  Siiperinteiuleiil  of  the  Ceiitriil  (irand 
Division.  'I'liis  depii  linniil  ronlroU  all  inatteis  of  freight  and  passeiitter 
trall'ie.  Ambrose  1/aiiini  was  of  Milton.  I'l'iinsy Ivaiiia,  and  l')iniiia  Kiii;enia 
Valier   was   of   Derinot,    I'eiinsylvania. 

<i'  St;iiil(',\'  Li\iii<4sl(»ii.  liuni  -Inly  L*7.  lS7iS.  ;it  Ifi'iioVM. 
I'fiiiis.vlv;iiii;i.  iii;irrii'(l  K;illir\ii  Kmiicfs  .Miller  ;it  ('oniiii^. 
New  'N'tM'k.  (l.iiiLiliter  (if  .\  111  li(iii,\'  ;iii(l  .M;ir,\'  '  I  liiwkiii.s) 
Miller,  Ik. I'll  ;il   i^ilsloii.  I 'eiiiisy  I  \  ;'i  iiiii.  -Inly  :;'l,  1883 VII-331 

He  is  1).  1).  S.,  praetieing  at  Seattle,  WashiiiEton,  office  in  the  Cohh 
BiiikliiiK,  and  is  a  ^jradnate  of  the  t'lii versit.v  of  Peniis,vlvaiiia.  with  degree 
of  D.  D.  S.  Anllinn.v  Miller  was  of  liall  iinnri',  Mai-.\lanil,  and  Mary  Hawkins 
was   from    Rnuhiiul. 

Ii  ('li;irles,  horn  Septemlier  "Jl,  ISSO,  ;it  lu'iiovji,  I'eiiii- 
sylvaiiia,  died  Deceiiiher  20,  1887. 

i     Eli>ca])etli  Putt,  born  January  8,  1886. 

Tiives  at,  Pennsylvania,  and  is  in  the  employ  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania   Kailriiad. 

VI-139     Children  of  Thomas  C.  and  Margaret   (Snyder)   Adams. 

a     Anna,  married  -Tolin  E.  Ritchie  (second  wife).     Xo  is- 
sue.   No  date  record. 

b  Mary  J.,  married  -John  E.  Ritchie  (first  wife).  Xo 
issue.    X'o  date  record. 

VI-140     Children  of  William  H.  and  Sarah  G.   (Adams)    Crain. 


a     Anna  Adams,  born  ^NFarch  2'^,  1853.  married  .lolin  T. 

Connoi'.    who    died    Oeloher    15.    1912.      She    died    Deeeiiihei- 

2,  1887  VI 1-332 

1)  Alfred  Herman,  born  December  18,  1854.  married 
Apri  3,  1894,  Emma  Myers,  who  died  August  5,  1917 \'ll-3:':', 

They   lived   at    Carlisle   Springs,    Pennsylvania. 

c  Charles  Edward,  l)()rn  Kehruary  1.  1857.  died  uiniiar- 
ried  December  27,  1895. 

He   lived   at  Jersey  City,   Xew  .Tersey. 

d  Florence  Elizabeth,  born  July  27.  ISliii.  married  De- 
cember 25,  1SS3,  Walter  Lee  (larlaiid.  lie  died  dune  12. 
1895 VII-334 

He  was  killed  in  an  aceideiit  of  horse  running;  away.  Slie  lives  at  Car- 
lisle,   Pennsylvania. 

e  ^lary  Ellen,  born  XovtMubei-  11.  ISfifi,  married  Jan- 
uary 1,  1895,  Harry  Woolf.    She  ilied  June  10.  1897 VIl-335 

They   lived   at    Halfonr,    Pennsylvania. 

j^jg  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VI-141     Children  of  Moses  and  Jemima  (Adams)  Connor.  V-39-d 
a     Birdie  Dole,  born  in  1872. 

YI-142     Children  of  Harry  C.  and  Susan  (Adams)  Barr.   V-39-e 

a    Eobert  B.,  born  in  1868,  married  Eva  Manchester....VII-336 

They  lived  at   Colfax,   Washington. 

b     Grace,  born  in  1869,  married  Asa  J.  Johnston.     No 

They  lived  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

c  Hobart,  born  in  1871. 

d  Henry  Clay,  born  in  1873. 

e  Anna  A.,  born  in  1875. 

f  Ira  C,  born  in  1877. 

g  Harvey  S.,  born  in  1879. 

h  Lillie  W.,  born  in  1882. 

i  May  D.,  born  in  1885. 

VT-143     Children  of  Rev.  Samuel  "W.  and  Eleanor  K.   (Xeilson) 
Seibert.  V-40-a 

a  William  Xeilson,  born  May  28,  1848,  married  June  9, 
1870,  Elizabeth  A.  Heiges,  who  was  born  April  4,  1849. 
He  died  suddenly  at  Duncannon,  Pennsylvania,  February 
11.  1918 ^'11-337 

They  lived  at  Xew  Bloomfield,  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  Avas 
admitted  to  the  bar  of  Perry  County,  August,  1869,  and  practiced  at  his 
home  town.  He  was  elected  president  of  the  41st  Judicial  District,  Perry 
and  Juniata  Counties,  for  the  ten-year  term  beginning  January  1st,  1912.  He 
was  ruling  elder  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  a  place  he  had  held  for  thirty- 
five  years.     He  was  director  of  the  First  National  Bank  at   Newport. 

b  James  L..  born  October  16,  1851,  married  November 
1,  1873,  T.  Eliza  Bolich.  daughter  of  Charles  and  Susan 
Bolich  of  Mt.  Carmel,  Northumberland  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania, born  October  2,  1853.    No  issue  living. 

Thev  live  at  Bellefonte,  Pennsylvania.  He  graduated  M.  D.  at  the  Uni- 
versitv  of  Pennsvlvania  in  188.3,  and  practices  medicine  at  Bellefonte.  He  is 
phvsician  and  chief  of  stafif  of  the  Bellefonte  Hospital.  Fellow  of  American 
Medical  Association,  acting  medical  inspector  of  Centre  County,  Pennsyl- 

c     Virginia  R.,  born  in  1856,  died  unmarried  in  1897. 
d     Charles,  born  in  1866,  died  in  1875. 

VI-] 44     Children    of    Thomas    and    Elizabeth    (Pawling)    Ptoss. 


a     John,  died  in  infancy. 

b     Helen. 

c  Henry  Pawling,  born  at  Doylestown,  Pennsylvania. 
December  16,  1836,  married  (1)  June.  1865,  May  Clifton  of 
Prinr-eton,  New  Jersey,  who  died  November  26,  1873 VII-338 

TIIK      IMLI,      I' AM  1 1,  Y  1  I'.l 

.M;irric(|     i  "J  i     .\(i\  ciiilicr    17,    1  >^7."i,    Miiiily    Shci'uood    in- 
luiiii^'  (if    r>n)()kl\ii,   Nrw    ^'(iik,   who   \\;is   lioiii  .l;iiiii;iry    10, 

Tlicx  lived  lit  Xdi  risliiu  II.  rciuisjlviiiihi.  lie  K'i"liiiilc(l  H.  A.  iil  I'riiice- 
Inn.  in  1  ^"m.  whs  .in(l:;i'  nl'  llie  Ciiiirl  nt'  (  nirinion  I'lriiH  of  MnnlijoiiHTy 
Cinmt.v  in  ISTl.  Wiis  i:iniliil,il  e  for  (idvi'iridi',  iiriti  fur  Sii|)ii'iiii'  Coiirl  .IiiiIkc, 
botii    times    ilefeale<l.    llii'    latter    llirnni;li    tile    lilunili-i'   iif    frieiiils. 

(I      .M;ii'.\',  (lic(|  iiiiiii;i  rricil. 

('     (Icor^c,  iiijiri'ii'il    Mllcii   riiipps \'l  [-:'''(> 

\'1-14."')      ( 'hildrt'ii    of   .l;iiiifs    .M.   ;iii(i    L\ili;i    ( '.    (Wood)     I'awlitit,'. 

;i  l^'jiniiic.  iii;i  fried  .luiif  I'l.  ]>'!-.  |)r.  IJolirrt  Shoi'iiwikcf 
Dana  of  Morrisxilli'.  IJiicUs  ('oiinly.  rciiiis\l\aiiia.  son  of 
Robert  Sylvester  and  I-ili/.aln'i  h  iHrowni  |)aiia  of  Wilkcs- 
harrc.  rciinsvlvania,  lioni  .Xoxfiiiln  r  111.  IS:;;!,  and  dii-d 
Fehi-uary  1,  1915 V 1 1-;54() 

He  graduated  from  college  in  March,  lSr»7,  as  surgeon  and  M.  I).  Was 
surgeon  of  the  KlTth  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  from  September,  lS(i2.  to 
ISi!.'),  one  year  being  in  the  ilth  Army  Corps  staff.  He  is  buried  in  Green- 
wood  cemetery.   Trenton.    Xew   Jersey. 

1)     Levi,  died  yoiuig. 

He  was  drowned  in  the  llndson   Kiver.   Xew  York,  when  on  a  boat  ins  trip. 

\'1-1-K)      Children    ol'    lleiirv    and    IJebecea     (I'awliimi     l-'riedlev. 

a     Ellen    Pawling',    boi'n    Xoveniber    30,    1851.    inarried 
Charles  W.  French,  who  was  l)orii  October  31,  1841),  and 
(lied  April  11.  181)5..._ -- VII-341 

VI-147     Children  of  Henry  and  Klleii  (Pawling)  Friedley.  V-41-e 

a  Rebecca  Pawling.  l)orn  at  Xori'istown.  Pennsylvania. 
June  27.  184(i.  married  at  Xorristown.  Aj)ril  8,  1872,  .John 
J.  Corson,  who  was  l)orn  .lannar.x'  5.  1840,  at  Areola  Statem, 
Perkiomen,  Montgomery  County.  Peiinsyhania.  and  died 
December  2,  1911. " VlI-342 

They   lived    at    Xorristown,   where   she   is   now   living. 

b  Henry,  born  duly  28,  1848.  married  (1)  ^Nlamie  Clif- 
ton.    N^o  issue. 

^larried  (2)  .\ovenil)er  17.  18>5.  Kmily  Sherwootl  (Ge- 
nuing)   Ross,  widow  of  .ludge  ITeni-y  Poss V 11-343 

^Married  (3)  Mabel  Morse,  who  was  born  Janiiar.N-  10, 

They    lived    at     Xorristown.    reiinsy Iva nia. 

VI-148     Clnldren    of    Svlvester    N.    and    .Mary    vl'awling)    Rich. 

a     George   Pawling,   born    February    20.    1847,    married 
February  28,  1883,  Georgine  Clarke,  daughter  of  Samuel 
and    :\rary    :\[argaret    (Rogers)    Clarke    of    I'hiladelphia,^ 
Pennsylvania  ^  11-344 

They  live  at  ."i.".l'l  Knox  Street.  Geriiiantown.  Pennsylvania.  He  is  a 
lawyer,   practicing   in   Philadelphia. 

]oo  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  Alice  Everton,  born  January  6,  1849,  died  January 
30.  1865. 

c  Ellen  Pawling,  born  June  19,  1850,  died  January  7, 

d  Laura  Augusta,  born  February  10^  1852,  died  Jan- 
uary 12,  1865. 

e     Frances  Carroll,  born  March  23,  1855. 

Entered  the  sisterhood  and  is  a  nun  at  Brooklyn,   New  York. 

f  Henry  Gilmore,  born  April  30,  1861,  died  December 
11,  1865. 

g     Clara  Dalton,  born  April  13,  1868. 

Lives   in   Philadelphia,    Pennsylvania. 

YI-149     Children  of  Henry  deW.  C.  and  Anna  S.  (Bull)  Pawling. 

V-141-g.     See  VI-21 

VI-150     Children  of  Charles  E.  and  Susan  E.  (Stephens)  Milnor. 


a  Eleanor,  born  February  20,  1850-,  married  September 
4.  1873,  Lieutenant  Commander  Caspar  Frederick  Good- 
rich, who  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  January  7,  1847.  She 
died  May  29,  1908 _ VII-345 

She  is  buried  at  All  Saints  Memorial  Church,  Is'avesink,  New  Jersey. 
Caspar  Frederick  Goodrich  was  appointed  Midshipman  from  Connecticut, 
December  10,  1861;  Master,  December  1,  1866;  Lieutenant,  March  12,  1868; 
Lieutenant  Commander,  March  26,  1869;  Commander,  September  27,  1869; 
Captain,  September  16,  1897;  Rear  Admiral,  February  17,  1904;  retired, 
.January  7,  1909.  Served:  European  Station,  "Colorado"  and  "Frolic", 
1865-1868;  South  Atlantic  Station,  "Portsmouth"  and  "Lancaster"; 
1868-1871;  Naval  Academy,  1871-1873;  Asiatic  Station,  "Tennessee"  and 
"Kearsarge",  1876-1878;  Torpedo  S'tation,  Newport,  R.  I.;  European  Sta- 
tion, "Lancaster",  1881-1884  (naval  attache,  staff  of  Sir  Garnett  Wolseley, 
Tel-el-Kebir  campaign,  1882)  ;  Inspector  Ordnance  and  Board  of  Fortifica- 
tions, 1884-1886;  Torpedo  S'tation,  1886-1.8.S9 :  commanding  "Constellation", 
1891-1893;  commanding  "Concord",  1893-1895;  Lecturer,  Naval  War  College, 
1896-1897;  President,  Naval  War  College,  1897-1898;  Gold  Medalist,  Naval 
Institiite,  1898;  Spanish-American  War,  1898,  established  Coast  Signal  Serv- 
ice; commanding  "St.  Louis;  1899,  North  Atlantic  Squadron,  commanding 
"^'ewark"  ;  1900,  Pacific  Squadron,  commanding  "Iowa";  1901,  Naval 
War  College;  1902-1903,  Philadelphia  Navy  Yard,  commanding  "Richmond" 
and  "Minneapolis";  1904,  Commandant,  Navy  Yard,  Portsmouth,  N.  H. ; 
1905-1906,  commanding  Pacific  Station;  1907,  special  duty.  Navy  Depart- 
ment;   1908-1909,    Commandant,    N'avy  Yard,   New  York. 

b  Susan  Vincent,  married  Emslie  JNIorven  Gillet.  She 
died  in  1912 _ _. ....Vn-346 

c     Jeannette  Stephens,  died  in  1912. 

d     Alice. 

e     John  Stephens. 

VI-lol      Childroii  of  Joseph  and  Jane  (Cuyler)  Patterson.  V-44-d 

a  Cln-istopher  Stuart,  born  June  24,  1842,  married 
October  10,  1867,  Ellen  Stuart,  daughter  of  George  H. 
Stuart  of  Philadelphia.    She  died  August  15,  1915 ......VII-347 

He  graduated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  1860,  and  entered  the 
Philadelphia  bar.  He  was  Dean  of  the  Law  School  of  the  university,  1888 
to  1896.     During  the  Civil  War  he  was  in  Landis  Artillery  Company  and  was 

Till';    i;ii,i,    i\\Mii,v  121 

\\(iiumI((I  ill  llir  ( ill  I  ysluir;;  ciiiiiliii  ii;ii.  In  IK!l."i  lie  ri'liiid  fnnii  tlii'  priirtic-c 
of  liiw  mill  biTiniii'  |ii'(iiiiiiii'iit  in  i;i'iii'i'iil  piililii'  iil1'air><.  Ili-  wiin  ihi-  aiittuir  of 
ScViTiil    pi'iil'cssiiiniil    plililiriil  ioiiK,    iinil    uiih    ii    ini'liiliii'    of    mcviTiiI    Korlcl  !»••(. 

Ii  I"]lr;iiiiir  ('iiylrr.  lioin  Api'il  ]."),  Isll.  iii;iiTii-<l  -linn- 
n.  ISIIT).  I'liiLi'i'iir  l']llii'()|t  (if  1 '..I  It  iiiioiT,  .M;iryl;iii(|,  who  dii-d 
June  ■-•.   1!)()S. 

Ill'  u:i^  i;i|il:iiii  in  llu'  Isi  K'l'i^i niiMil  nl'  I*.  S.  VoluntfcrH  in  llic  Spnnish- 
AiiiiTiraii    \\;ir    ill    llir    I'oii.i    l;iin   ciiinpaiK'i-      Hhc   livrs   in    I'liilatldphia. 

('  (Jrjicc  Lcslir.  lioni  -himuii'v  11.  1^47.  iiuuTird  |)c- 
('(■liihi'i-  l'T.  ISTT.  .loliii  ('l,ii'l<i'  Sims  ol'  I 'liiliidclpliiii.  I'fiiii- 
sylv;iiii;i,   who  dinl  .l;iiiii;ir\-  (1.    l!!lll      VII-348 

ill'  was  sccri'tary  nf  llic  l'i'iiiis\  ivaiii.i  Ka  ilni.-Kl,  Slu'  lives  at  Chestnut 
Hill,     I'hiladollihia.    Trniisylvania. 

d  Throih)!'!'  ('iiyh-r.  honi  I  )ri-riiilHT  l'l'.  isjll.  tiijirrii'd 
:May  !),  1878,  FraiR-es  Hissdl,  (hiutihln-  of  l^rv.  S.  I',,  S.  I'.is- 
S(>I1  oF  Xorwalk,  Connocticut VI I-;U!» 

riicy   live   in    Philadi'liiliia.    I'rnnsylvania,    where   he   praeticed    law. 

VI-1."')2     ("liildrcn  of  -John  T.  and  Fannie  A.    fJciiks)    Pattorson. 


a  llcnr.v  Stuart.  l)oi-ii  1^'chi-iiary  18,  1840,  died  St^p- 
teml)ov,  1854. 

1)  l']li/aht'th  .JcnUs,  honi  Aiiii'iist  7,  184l'.  iiiarriiMl  .Mav 
17,  1862,  Charles  II.  .Iciiks  (a  cousin) 'VII-350 

c     John  Joseph,  hoi'ii  .March  .'iO.  184."). 

d  James  Edward,  born  September  26,  1848,  died  in  1887 
at  ^remphis,  Tennessee,  unmarried. 

VI-15:^     Children  of  Edward  and  .Martina  (1.  (Talmadge)  Patter- 
son. V-44-t 

a  ]\rartlia  Stuart.  Iiorn  .Mai-ch  26,  1835.  married  .luiie 
7,  1855,  TiolxM't  ^liles  Iiot)iiison  of  Jenkinlowu.  I'eiinsyl- 
vania \'il-;]51 

1)  Thomas  G.,  born  March  12.  1837,  married  at  Los  An- 
geles, California,  September  24,  1863,  Annetti  Di  Costa 
Crane,  daughter  of  John  \V.  Crane  of  I^rooklvn,  New 
York    [ VII-352 

c  Edward,  born  ^Farch  6.  1839.  married  September  24, 
1865,  Isabella  Liddon  Coxe.  thiughter  of  Abraliam  Coxe, 
M.  D.,  of  New  York  City.    She  died  Jnne  1,  1907 VII-353 

He  was  a  lawyer  in  New  York  City..  Was  jiuljre  of  the  S'liprenie  Court 
of  the  State  of  Xew  York  from  .Tamiary,  ISSS.  to  lilOO.  when  retired  for  age. 
Was  presiding  ,iudge  of  Appellate  Division.  First  Department.  He  received 
the    degree    of    LL.D.    from    Columliia,    Williams,    and    Hobart    Colleges. 

d  John  II.,  born  February  111,  1843,  married  (1)  De- 
cember 27,  1871,  at  Fort  Tot  ten.  Dakota,  .Mary  Eli.-.abeth 
Forbes,  daughter  of  William  II.  Forbes  of  St.  Paul,  Miinie- 
sota.  She  died  at  Camp  Supplv,  Indian  Territory,  March 
24,  1883  ' ■ VII-354 

122  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Married  (2)  Grace  Hallam  Learned,  daughter  of  Hon. 
William  Learned  of  Albany,  New  York. 

He  was  commissioned  First  Lieutenant  of  the  11th  U.  S.  Infantry,  May 
14,  18G1:  Brevet  Captain,  October  1,  1864;  Captain  20th  Infantry,  .July  28, 
1886:  Major  ."rd  Infantry,  May  19,  1891;  Lieutenant  Colonel  1st  Infantry, 
.Tanuary  21,  189.3;  and  transferred  to  22nd  Infantry.  Wounded  at  the  battle 
of  El  Caney,  Santiago  de  Cuba,  Cuban  campaign,  in  the  War  with  Spain; 
Colonel  2(lth  Infantry,  September  28,  1898;  Brigadier  General  of  Volunteers 
to  November  30,  1898;  Brigadier  General,  .January  18,  1899;  was  retired 
from  active  service,  after  .30  years  service,  on  account  of  wound.  He  was 
awarded  in  1897  a  Medal  of  Honor  for  gallantry  performed  at  the  battle  of 
the  Wilderness  in  1864.  He  has  also  the  Service  Medal  for  the  Cuban 
campaign  in   the   Spanish-American  War.     They   live  at  Albany,   New  York. 

e  Valentine  Mott,  born  February  14,  1847,  married 
June  8.  1878,  Florence  Hart,  daughter  of  Thompson  D. 
Hart  of  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  He  died  at  Denver, 
Colorado,  March,   1900 -.-VII-355 

Thompson  D.  Hart  was  Lieutenant  Colonel  of  the  104th  Regiment, 
Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantry,   in  the  Civil  War. 

f  Martina  Talmadge,  born  November  8,  1849,  married 
October  17.  1875,  Rufus  Henry  Sanford  of  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania - -- VII-356 

VI-154     Children  of  Henry  S.  and  Elizabeth  L.  (Bonsall)  Patter- 
son. V-44-g 

a  Carrie  Bartram,  born  July  23,  1847,  married  Novem- 
ber 11,  1869,  Thomas  Mitchell  Newbold  of  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania.    She  died  September  30,  1915 ...VII-357 

b  Joseph  Henry,  born  October  3,  1848,  died  April  10, 

c     Harriet  Kelly,  born  October  3,  1850. 

Lives  in  New  York  State. 

VI-155     Children  of  John  G.  and  Phoebe  A.  (Ashbridge)  Hender- 
son. V-45-e 

a  Elizabeth  Stuart,  born  January  21,  1842,  married 
June  2,  1864,  James  William  Cromwell,  son  of  William  and 
Caroline  Cromwell  of  New  York ...._ ....VII-358 

They  live   at   Summit,   New  Jersey. 

b     ^lary  Ann,  born  March  7,  1844,  died  August  9,  1845. 

c     Crittenden,  born  June  7,  1846,  died  July  12.  1847. 

d  Anna,  born  November  20,  1847,  married  October  1, 
1872,  Levi  Bull  Alricks  (VI-51-d)  (VII-136).  He  died 
February  18,  1911.  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania.  She  died 
August  1.  1880,  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania VII-359 

e  William  H.,  born  August  19,  1849,  married  November 
n .   1881,  Emma  Boyd _ VII-360 

They   live   at   11.30  Front    Street,    Harrisburg,    Pennsylvania. 

f  Frank,  born  October  15,  1851.  married  August  31, 
1875,  IMartha  Hershaw  of  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania.    He  died  November  10,  1904.    No  issue. 

Till';      r.I'M,     I'AMILY  123 

Seventh    Generation 

\' 1  I    1      ('liildrcii    uT    r.cii.i.-iniiii     K.    ;mmI     Isolid     <  1  ,;iii  rii' )     Iiitli-n- 
hdlisr.  \'l-l-l) 

;i  l"]li/.;ilM-lli  Scoll.  iiiiiri'ir.l  .|;iiiii;ii'>-  :'.().  IS,")!.  William 
llciiry  l^itzliuiili  (liirlf\-  of  I'ofllaiid.  Maiin',  who  was  hofii 
ill  1S:;()  a-id  (lii'd  .luly  7,  lS(i(i.     Sh.'  died  -liily  -J.'),  isDii         \'lll-l 

llr   u,is   li>    priirrssimi   n   biwyer. 

1)      Sai'ali   I'lniily.  iiiniia  rricd. 

Shr    li\  I'd    ill    W'asliiiiKi "".    I '     ' 

(■  Isolicl  Ijaui'ic.  lioni  -laiiiiarx'  17.  IS-'l'I,  iiiari-ird  Mai'fli 
1.";.  IS.l;!.  .Idscph  llar\r\-  Ndnrsr  (\'II-!);m.  who  was  liofii 
-Julv  7.  1S:;(I.  and  died  .liiiir  •J"-',  ISDI.  She  died  Aiiuiist  .'>. 
1904  VI II-- 

VII-2      (diildivii   of   Bc'iijaiuiii   V.  and    Ilniri.-tla    W.    (Davidson) 
Rittfiiliouse.  \'I-M. 

a  ]\Iary  Davidson,  born  in  Wasliin<i'ton.  T).  C..  mar- 
ried in  (Icoro-etown,  D.  C,  Xovenihcr  7,  18()<l.  Alcxandt-r 
^Miller  Woods,  son  of  Rev.  James  Sterrett  and  .Maiiaimc 
(Witherspoon)  Woods,  lioni  a1  Lcwiston.  IN'iinsylvania, 
Julv  31.  1831.  He  died  at  Malionoy  City,  l\ninsylvaiiia. 
November  1!).  1897.  She  died  at  W^ashington,  D.  C,  De- 
cember 22,   191(3 VIII-3 

He  was  a  Prosbytorinn  minister  aiul  li:i(l  a  cluirch  at  Mahonoy  City.  She 
was  buried  at  I.ewiston,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  a  grandson  of  Rev.  .John 
"Witherspoon,   one  of  the  signers  of  the   Declaration  of  Independence. 

b  llciirit'tta  Warinsi^,  married  ^lay  (k  18r)7.  Captain 
Thomas  Wilson,  U.  S.  Armv,  who  died  in  1901.  She  died 
in  1907  VII 1-4 

He  was  appointed  Cadet  to  V.  S.  Military  Academy,  West  Point.  July  1, 
1S40,  and  graduated  in  the  famous  class  of  ■■.":'.",  whose  motto  was  ' 'We  ^sep- 
arate for  service".  He  was  commissioned  Second  I,ieutenant  of  the  tith  V.  S. 
Infantrv,  .lulv  1,  ISr^V;  transferred  to  the  ."ith  Infantry,  October  LM"..  lS.'i4 : 
made  First  Lieutenant  ."th  Infantry,  .Vpril  1,  1S.">7;  Captain.  Commissary  of 
Subsistence,  October  L'.'i,  ]SI>1  ;  Lieutenant  Colonel,  Commissary  of  Subsistence, 
December  L>(>,  l,S(!:l;  Brevet  Colonel  of  Volunteers,  August  1,  1S(>4.  for  faithful 
and  meritorious  service  in  the  field;  Brevet  Brigadier  General  of  Volunteers 
for  faithful  and  meritorious  service  in  the  war,  March  i:>,  lS(i.">:  and  on  the 
same  date,  for  same  service,  Brevets  U.  S.  Army,  of  Major,  Lieutenant 
Colonel.  Colonel,  and  Brigadier  General.  He  was  relieved  as  Lieutenant 
Colonel.  Commissarv  of  Subsistence,  August  1.  ISlT. ;  was  commissioned  Major, 
Conimissarv  of  Subsistence,  October  2\).  1S.S2;  Lieutenant  Colonel.  Assistant 
Commissary  General  of  Subsistence,  August  1,  1S02;  Colonel,  Assistant  Coni- 
missarv General  of  Subsistence.  .Tune  1.  ISOti.  IJetired  from  active  service, 
.Tune  10,  L'^Od.  His  service  was  as  follows:  On  frontier  duty.  Fort  Ridgely. 
Minnesota,  1S.":1:  Fort  Snelling.  Minnesota,  IS.'i.'MS.".-! :  Fort  Ridgely,  1S.">4: 
Jefferson  Barracks,  Missiniri,  1S.")4;  frontier  duty,  Ringgold  Barracks.  Texas, 
lS.")4-lS."ili;  Florida  hostilities  against  the  Seminole  Indians.  IS.'ilMS.'.T :  Coast 
Survey,  Mav  2."),  L*!."?,  to  April  l."i,  L««(U ;  Headquarters  Guard  to  General  in 
Chief.' Washington,  D.  C  to  July,  ISlil  :  Acting  Assistant  Adiutant  General, 
defenses  of  Washington,  D.  C,  July  L".,  IStil,  to  October  2r>,  IStU  :  Commissai-v 
of  Subsistence  at  Annapolis,  Maryland,  from  October  l!(>.  1S<>L  to^Iay.  L*^')-. 
providing  stores  for  (ieneral  Burnside's  expedition  to  Xorth  Carolina:  in  Vir- 
ginia Peninsular  campaign.  May  to  .Vugust,  ISCli:  in  the  Maryland  <-amp;iii:ii. 
September  to  Xovember,  IStii:  at  the  battle  of  .\ntiet:im,  September  IT.  lSli2: 
on  the  Rappahannock.  November.  ISlii;.  to  June.  ISt^:;:  in  the  defenses  of 
Washington.  I).  C,  June  to  December,  1S(i:!;  Chief  of  the  Commissariat  of  the 
Army  of  the  Potomac,  Richmond  campaign,  December  21),  ISti."!,  to  June  0, 
180.")^  being  on  the  staff  of  the  commanding  general  of  the  Army  until  capitu- 

124  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

lation  at  Appomatox,  April  9,  1865;  Depot  of  Commissary  of  Subsistence,  Bal- 
timore. Maryland,  August,  1865,  to  July  31,  1872;  leave  of  absence,  August  10 
to  October  1'2,  1872;  Cbief  of  Commissariat  Department  of  California,  Decem- 
ber 12,  1S72,  to  March  23,  1876;  leave  of  absence,  October  22,  1875,  to  January 
22,  lS7(i;  Chief  of  Commissariat  of  Department  of  Arizona,  April  8,  1876,  to 
February  21,  1877;  office  of  the  Commissary  General,  Washington,  March  12 
to  April  23.  _1877;  Purchasing  and  Depot  Commissary,  Boston,  Massachusetts, 
April  25,  18(7,  to  April  23,  1878;  same  at  Washington,  D.  C,  April  25,  1878, 
to  July  30,  1879;  Chief  Commissary  of  Subsistence,  Purchasing  and  Depot 
Commissary  at  Omaha,  Nebraska,  Department  of  the  Platte,  to  October  1, 
l.S'«3;  same  at  San  Antonio,  Texas,  October  8,  1883,  to  October  7,  1884;  same 
at  Fort  LeaveuAvorth,  Department  of  Missouri,  October  22,  1884,  to  November 
7,  1SS7;  Purchasing  and  Depot  Commissary  at  Chicago,  Illinois,  November  8, 
1887*,  until  retired  from  active  service. 

c  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  in  Berwick,  Columbia 
County,  Pennsylvania,  December  15,  1839,  married  (1) 
I\Iarch  4,  1868,  at  Brooklyn,  New  York,  Elizabeth  Shapter, 
who  was  born  at  Brooklyn,  New  York,  August  30,  1842,  and 
died  at  AA^ashington,  D.  C,  July  30,  1904. VIII-5 

^larried  (2)  February  5,  1910,  at  Frankford,  Pennsyl- 
vania, Emily  K.  Rowland.  He  died  at  Frankford  March 
6,  1915.    No  issue. 

He  was  appointed  Second  Lieutenant  of  5th  U.  S.  Artillery,  May  14,  1861, 
from  the  District  of  Columbia ;  made  First  Lieutenant  of  5th  Artillery,  July 
13,  1862;  Brevet  Captain  for  gallant  service  at  Bethesda  Church  and  during 
the  campaign  before  Richmond,  on  August  1,  1864;  Brevet  Major  for  good 
cond'jct  and  meritorious  service  during  the  war,  in  March  13.  1865;  appointed 
Captain  of  20th  U.  S.  Infantry,  .July  28,  1866,  declined:  appointed  Captain  of 
5th  Artillery,  January  5,  1870;  graduated  at  Artillery  School,  1869;  promoted 
to  Ma.ior,  April  23,  1904;  retired  from  active  service  October  7,  1874.  He  was 
at  the  battle  of  Gettysburg,  and  was  badly  wounded  at  Petersburg,  June  9, 

d  David,  married  "May  24,  1887,  Alary  Tilghman  Earle. 
She  died  in  1889.  He  died  January  29,  1917,  at  AA^ashing- 
ton,  D.  C. 

He  was  receiving  teller  at  Riggs  Bank,  ^Vashington,  D.   C. 

e  Clementine  Crawford,  born  December  9,  1844,  mar- 
ried Alay  28,  1868,  Richard  Samuel  Thomas  Cissel,  who  was 
born  Alarch  23,  1824,  and  died  at  Elizabeth,  New  Jersey, 
Alay  2,  1905.. yill.6 

She  is  living  at  Elizabeth,  Is'ew  Jersey. 

f  James  Delozier,  born  August  8,  1846,  married  Alay  10, 
1882,  Dolores  Casillas  of  Arizona,  who  was  born  September 
12.  1849.    He  died  at  Florence,  Arizona,  November  4,  1887..VIII-7 

She  is  living  at  Los  Angeles,  California. 

g     Helen  Alurray,  unmarried. 

h  James  E[all.  born  in  AVashington,  D.  C,  February  13, 
1851,  married  (1)  April  10,  1878.  Ida  Cole,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Leonard  Cole,  born  at  Siddonsburg,  Pennsylvania, 
May  12,  1848,  and  died  April  20,  1893 .VIII-8 

Alarried  (2)  September  3,  1907,  Alary  Chapman  Palmer. 

He  erraduafed  from  Lafayette  College  in  1872,  and  received  L.  C.  R.  from 
1  ennsylvania  State  College  in  1907,  and  K.  D.  R.  from  same  in  1912.  He  was 
civil  and  mining  engineer  at  Seranton,   Pennsylvania. 

i  Charles  Edward,  married  in  1880'  Helen  S.  Good  of 
AVashington.   D.   C VIII-9 

.i     Job  11  D..  died  in  infancy. 

'riih;    r.ii.i.    i'a.milv  12') 

VlI-."{      ( 'liildrcii  of  .\lii-,-ili;iiii   I'.,  iiiid   .\l;ir\    Iv      li  il  t  mlioils*' )   Sliii- 
iii;iii.  \'-]-c 

;i  S;ii';ili,   dinl    In    iiil'iiiicy. 

I)  I  );i\i(l,  (lic(|  uiiiii.-iri'icd. 

(■  Helen    M.,  (lied    h'eliiii.i  ry   1  I.   iSfW;. 

d  l']iiiily  Aiiiiii,  iiiiiiuiri'icd. 

she     li\is     in     I 'hil.lilrlliili.i,     l'rlllls\  h  .1  lli;i. 

('      Mary    U'il  leiihdiise.   iiiini.-iri'ied. 

Shr   lives    in    I'll  i  l;i  (Iclph  i.i,    rrniisylvailia. 

r     diaries  iv.  <lied  May  '20.  isr.f). 

YII-4     Children  of  K*e\.  I)a\id  and   J-jiiiU-  .).   '  Kit  leiihoiise)   Hull. 


a  William  Tiittenliouse.  hoi'ii  l^'ehi'iiary  7,  1S:5().  mai-ried 
Jcnislia  M.  Willard.    lie  dii'd  July  15,  liio;^ Vill-lO 

They   lived   at    \Villi:inispovt.   l'pnns\lvani.T. 

1)  Jost'i)ii  Framptoii.  liorn  .June  1:!,  1S;!1I.  inai'ried  Mary 
Elizabeth  Mehaffey VIlI-ll 

VII-5     Children  of  Charles   K.  and   Sai'ah   M.    (Whitall  i    Uitlen- 
house.  Vl-l-e 

a  Fannie,  horn  July  27,  18-4'2.  mai'ried  October  27.  b"-!t)4. 
Thomas  Hyde,  son  of  Anthony  and  Anna  Maria  (Smith) 
Hyde VI 11-12 

b     Sarah  Louisa,  unmarried. 

c  ]\lary  Xewbold.  born  October  28.  1847,  married  Octo- 
ber 28,  1868,  Leonard  Gunnell,  who  died  February  18,  1872. 
She  died  November,  1905 VI  [1-13 

d  Sanniel  AVhitall.  born  October  10.  1850,  married  Sej)- 
tembci'  80,  1874,  Cai'oline  Reed  Lockwood.  dau^i'litei'  of 
(ieneral  Henry  Ilayes  Lockwood.  Pi'ofessoi'  V.  S.  .\a\y, 
and  Anna  Booth  of  Delaware.  She  was  horn  \ovemI)er  11. 
1856  - VI 1 1-14 

e     Charles  Edwin,  died  in  foui'teenth  year. 

f     Anna,  died  in  infancy. 

g     Emily,  unmarried. 

VII-6     Children  of  Rev.  John  H.  and  Jane  L.  (Simonton)  Ritten- 

house.  ^'^-^-f 

a  Martha  Louisa,  born  Se]>tem])er  8,  1848,  married  .lune 
13,  1871,  Joshua  Williams,  who  was  born  April  3,  1843. 
She  died  May  11,  1907 VIII-15 

He  was  a  hai'dware  nuTchaiit  at   Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

b  Cliarles  Edwin,  born  April  8,  1850.  married  Decem- 
ber 24,  1883,  Grace  Ilubbell,  who  was  born  July  11.  1860....VIII-16 

He  was  president  of  the  People's  Bank  at  St.  Paul,  Minnesota. 



c  'SlRvy  Frances,  born  in  Washingtonville,  Pennsyl- 
vania. October  10.  1853,  married  in  St.  Paul,  ^Minnesota, 
:\rav  5.  1875,  David  Hale  Lambie,  who  was  born  at  Hamil- 
ton, New  York,  June  i,  1845 _.....VIII-17 

He  is  a  real  estate  dealer  in  Great  Falls,  Montana. 

VII-7     Children  of   John   R.   and   Elizabeth    (Skinner)    Nourse. 


a  Mary  Frances,  born  July  1-4,  1827,  married  (1)  Sep- 
tember 24,  1855,  Matthew  Smythe,  Presbyterian  clergyman, 
born  in  Ireland,  died  at  Centreville,  Iowa,  August  11,  1859. 
No  issue. 



(Page    21) 

Married  (2)  March,  1860,  Adam  Clark  McCaffrey,  who 
died  December  31,  1862.    She  died - VIII-18 

He  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Murfreesboro,   Tennessee.     After  1862  she 
was  employed  in  the  Treasury  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 

b  John  Frederick,  born  August  20,  1829,  died  July  30, 

VII-8     Cliiklren  of  John  Ft.  and  Lucretia  C.   (Skinner)   Nourse. 


a  Elizabeth  Hannah,  born  November  23,  1831,  died  Jan- 
uary 14,  1833. 

b  Anna  Josepha,  born  February  28,  1834,  married  Feb- 
ruary 15,  1872,  Richard  Henry  Hall  of  Baltimore,  Mary- 

'rill'l      I'.ri.l,      I'AMII.Y  127 

hiiid,  lioi'ii  M;ir<'h  :!l,  1S:M,  ;iii(l  (\\<;\  . 1  ;i  iiii;i  ry   ].').   l^DT.     Slir 
(lied    I  )cccinlicr,    IIM  I.      No   issue. 

I  I  r    u'.-is    .-I    1  i;i\  el  I  ni;    .•lu'riil , 

('  ll;iiiii;ili  l']liz;il)r|  li,  Imi'ii  Sc|  il  ciiilni-  .>.  ISiifi.  dird 
Aii!4iisl    1.").  is  IT). 

(1  llclcii  Lurrcliii,  honi  I  )ircinli(i-  •'>.  ls:^s,  mjn'ri'-d 
.1  line  2.  1851),  Willi;!  Ill  'riioinpsdii  of  .Monl  iT;d,  (  ';iii;ii|;i.  Iioiii 
.Imic  14.  IS:^:^  iiiid  died  duly  S.i,  l.S!)(i.     No  issue. 

He   uiis   li.v   lr:i(li'  n    |ilimilicr  mihI    lived   ill    Sji^'o.    .\I,ii-\  j.i  ml.      lli-   was  vict;- 
l)rcsi(lciil   (if   the   Mctroixilitim    Hiiiik,   \V:islii  ll^'l  on,    I).   ('. 
She    is    livini;'    lit     Silver    S|ii-iiii;s,    .\Iiiryl;iii(l. 

e  Sjirali  Lord.  Itorii  .Viiynist  '51,  1841,  iiinrrird  Srptrin- 
l)er  18,  18()().  Hleetus  .\l.i.j;ili  l'r;itt  of  ();d<  II  ill.  Cn-ni 
Count\'.  Xcw  York,  honi  SeplcniluM'  1.  is.'lii.  jiiid  <lii'i|  ()c1o- 
ber  2'^  lillO VIlI-lU 

The.v  lived  lit  Minneapolis,  Minnesota,  where  he  was  a  lawyer  and  real 
estate  a^eiit.  He  Rraduated  at  Yale  as  A.  B.  in  ISti.".  and  received  LL.  K.  from 
Cdhiniliia  I'liiversit.v  in  IS":'..  Me  was  a  Captain  in  the  ('.  S'.  Army  during  the 
Civil   War,   and   was  a   clerk   in  the   War   Deiiartment,    Washiiisrtnii,    T).   C,    ISti." 

to  i,s,s:i 

f  Ada  Caroline,  born  April  27,  1844,  die(l  .Xun-ust  !), 

g  Edward  ^lieiiael,  born  January  H,  1847,  married  No- 
vember 18.  1872,  Julia  ^Nloore,  who  was  born  August  11. 
1847.  and  died  December  6,  1886 YIII-20 

He  was  a  real  estate  agent  at  WashiiiKton,  T).  C. 

VTI-n     Children  of  Eev.  James  and  Sarah  X.   ( ITarvey)  Xourse. 


a  JoseiJi  ITarvey,  born  July  7,  18:^0.  married  ^lardi  \'). 
1858.  Isobel  Laiiri(>  Uittenhouse  (XTl-l-et.  born  .lanuar.v 
17,  1838,  and  died  August  5,  li)()4.     lie  died  dune  20.  1891..Vni-21 

They  lived  at  I'ayfield,  Wisconsin,  where  he  was  a  merchant.  They  were 
second  cousins. 

b  p]li/,al)etli  Rooker,  honi  dune  8,  1882,  married  Novem- 
ber 3, 1853,  John  Wilson  Nairn.    She  died  October  7,  18fil.A^III-22 

He  was  a  druggist  at  ^\'asllington,  I).  C.  He  married  twice  after  her 

c  INIary  Anna,  liorii  December  25,  1888,  died  Se[)tember 
5,  1844. 

d  ]\Iargaret  Baxter  Maelay.  born  Deeeiiibrr  11.  1835, 
married  ^lay  30,  1861,  l\ev.  Hoijerl  .Ma.vne  Patterson,  who 
was  born  July  17,  1882.  She  died  Deeeiid)er  6.  1862.  No 

He  was  a  Preshytcrian  clergyman,  editor  of  the  Preshyterian  Journal, 
author  of  several  books:  and  was  ])astor  of  the  Great  Valley  Presl)yterian 
Church,  Cliester  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  received  the  degree  of  D.  D.  from 
Princeton  and   1,T,.   U.   from    Lafayette. 

e  Sarah  Harriet,  born  Ocfolier  28,  1887,  marrii'd  .Ma.v 
19,  1863,  John  P.  Taylor  of  .Milroy,  Pennsyh  ania.  who  was 

128  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

bom  June  6,  1827,  and  died  July  4,  1914.    She  died  Decem- 
ber 25,  1870.    No  issue. 

They  lived  at  Milroy,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  a  son  of  -John  and  Elizalseth 
(Mcilanigle)  Taylor  of  Reedsville,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  appointed  First 
Lieutenant  of  Company  C,  1st  Pennsylvania  Reserve  Cavalry,  August  6,  1861, 
and  was  promoted  through  grades  to  Brevet  Brigadier  General  in  1864;  was 
mustered  out,  September  9,  1864;  was  wounded  at  the  battle  of  Cedar  Moun- 
tain: was  prominent  in  the  "Grand  Army  of  the  Republic";  and  was  presi- 
dent of  the  Pennsylvania  Commission  on  Gettysburg  monuments. 

f  James  Michael,  born  May  14,  1840,  married  May  18, 
1865,  Sarah  Frances  Blackmail,  daughter  of  David  Somers 
and  Abigail  Hugg  (Doughty)  Blackman  of  Port  Republic 
of  New  Jersey,  born  February  3,  1844.  She  died  at  Alex- 
andria, Virginia,  June  19,  1914 __ .__ VIII-23 

He  is  a  Presbyterian  clergyman  at  Vienna,  Fairfax  County,  Virginia.  Pie 
graduated  at  Princeton  Theological  Seminary,  April,  1865.  She  was  promi- 
nent in  church  and  social  circles,  being  interested  in  the  work  for  uplifting 
the  public  mind.  She  was  an  active  member  of  the  Daughters  of  the  Amer- 
ican Revolution. 

g  Eva  Maria,  born  November  28,  1841,  married  March 
11,  1863,  James  Penrose  Burchfield,  M.  D.,  who  was  born 
at  Huntingdon,  Pennsylvania,  June  23.  1834,  and  died  at 
]\Iilroy,  Pennsylvania,  November  8,  1904.  She  died  Decem- 
ber 26,  1864.._.. __ _ ___; VIII-24 

He  entered  the  army  as  Assistant  Surgeon  of  the  .o.'ird  Regiment,  Penn- 
sylvania Volunteer  Infantry,  in  1861,  and  was  promoted  to  Surgeon,  83rd 
Regiment,  April  .3,  1863.  Later  was  made  Corps  Surgeon  and  Chief  of  Staff. 
Mustered  out,  .June  28,  1885.  After  the  war  he  practiced  medicine  at  Clear- 
field, Pennsylvania. 

h  John  Thomas,  born  February  24,  1845.  married  July 
7,  1871,  Eleanor  Maclay  Pomeroy,  daughter  of  Joseph  Pom- 
eroy  of  Academia,  Pennsylvania,  born  February  15,  1848, 
and  died  July  20,  1891 ._ _ __ VIII-25 

He  graduated  from  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  Law  School,  June, 
1SF^8,  practiced  law  at  Philadelphia,  and  at  Parkersburg,  West  Virginia.  He 
moved  to  California  in  1886  and  settled  at  Santa  Ana,  where  he  was  Post- 
master, April  .30,  1890,  to  June  30,  1894.  He  now  lives  in  San  Francisco.  He 
was  in  the  13th  and  30th  Regiments  of  Pennsylvania  Cavalry  during  the  Civil 
War;  mustered  out  July  27,  1865.  He  was  the  first  Military  Postmaster  at 
Fayetteville,  North  Carolina. 

i  'Mary  Rittenhouse,  born  September  25,  1847,  died 
July  18,  1864. 

j  Ann  Caroline,  born  June  9,  1854,  married  October  26, 
1880,  Isaiah  George  Marks,  who  was  born  October  26, 
1850 Vin-26 

They  live  at  Chico,  California,  where  he  is  an  insurance  agent  and  justice 
of  the  peace. 

VII-10     Children  of  Benjamin  F.   and  Josephine    (Stansbury) 
Nourse.  VI-2-d 

a  Emma  Josepha,  born  November  15,  1832,  married  De- 
cember 7,  1852,  Cornelius  Stribling,  who  was  born  March 
27,  1831,  and  died  December  15,  1875,  son  of  Rear  Admiral 
Cornelius  K.  Stribling,  U.  S.  Navy,  and  Helen  M.  (Payne) 
Stribling  VIII-27 

Till':     I'.ri.l,     FAMILY  129 

I)  Siisjiii  S1;iiisImi  ry,  lioi'ii  \(i\ciiilicr  ].;,  ls;|.  iii;i  rrifd 
(1)  July  L'7.  IS.");'),  .|;ic(ili  W.ilkiiis  W'iii.-ins.  who  \v;i.s  linrii 
l"'rl)ni;ify  7.   iSl'l,  ;iii(|  die, I  .Iiil\-  Jl).   IS;');") \'III-L'8 

Aliii-ricd   (  lV)  -loliii  iJiirroiij^lis. 

.liiciili  W.'ilkiiis  Wiii.-ins  i;r;i(lii.-itc(l  ii  t  I'rincci  iin  'riiiMiloijiciil  SiMii  in.i  r  \  in 
IS.'iL',    ;iiiil    was   :i    i'liM-i;\  iiiiiii    in   llic    I'lcsh  y(  i-ri:i  ii   ('liiirrli. 

VIL-U      Cliildi'fii  oT  (icorj^c  W.  ;iii(l  S;ii-;ih  II,  i  NOiirsc;  Sid  t  iniiis. 


ii  (icoi'Li'c  \\'illi;iin,  Imm-ii  .\|iril  :i(),  ls:',l,  iii;i  rriiMJ  (li 
IMary  Sarah  Fovil.  \\  Iki  \\;is  JKirii  in  18:W  am!  who  i\\r,\  April 
8,  1S7L'.  ill  Illinois. 

.\(i    I'liiiliir    ri'iiiid    ciuild    lie    O'.-ii-i'il. 

VIT-12     Chihlrcii    ol"    Williinii    and     ls;d)fll;i    L.     (iWmd)     Xoiu-sc. 


a  Emily  Joseplia,  lioni  July  2,  1841,  married  (1)  Sep- 
teml)cr  4,  18()(),  Alexander  Somei'ville  Steuart,  who  was  born 
in  18;?<)  and  died  -luly  :},  ISlif) \'ilI-29 

lie  was  a   I'aiicli   anil  stiK'k   (iwiut  at    Xiilrcs,  Texas. 

Married  (2)  Deceiiiher  l(j,  1868,  William  Augustus  Meloy 
at  Wasliin^'ton,  D.  C.     lie  was  born  August  26,  1832 .VIir-30 

lie  was  graduated  from  \:>lr  in  IS.'iT  with  A.  M.  and  received  A.  R.  in 
iSM.  Was  a  law.ver  and  admitted  to  practice  before  the  Supreme  Court  in 
]Nt;i';   was  a   nieniher  of  the   Mar.vland  House  of  Delegates,   ].SS!>-1S!»1. 

b  William  llond,  born  Deeeiiiber  11.  1843.  married  Sep- 
tember 21.  1875,  Rosa  nazellun-st  Kaymond,  daughter  of 
Samuel  and  ^lary  A.  Raymontl  of  Abington,  Maryland, 
born  June.  1853 ." '. [ VIlI-31 

He  was  a  farmer  near  Suit  land.   Trince  George  County,   Maryland. 

c  Edward  Fell,  born  Xox'eiiiber  11,  1847.  died  August 
12,  1848. 

d  Anna  Isabella,  born  Xoveiiiber  2,  1S52,  married  Oeto- 
ber  11,  1870,  at  Washington  1).  ('.,  Samuel  Henrv  :\Ielov. 
who  was  born  Septem1)er  8,  1840 ! .".VIII-32 

He  was  a  farmer  living  near  Forestville,  Prince  George  County,  Maryland. 

e  ]Mary  Wilson,  born  ^Fareh  22,  1858.  mari'ied  Decem- 
ber 23,  1879.  Thomas  Bowie  Hrookes  of  Uladensburg,  Mary- 
land  ^V 1 1 1-33 

He  was  a  wholesale  merchant  of  notions  and  dry  goods  at  Baltimore, 

f  Alice  Stanley,  born  Jauuarv  28.  1860,  died  August 
28,  1860. 

VII-13     Children  of  Charles  A.  and   .\nna  -1.    (^Xourse)   llassler. 


a  Charles  W^illiam,  born  at  Washington,  D.  C,  July  16, 
1838,  married  ]\lay  17,  1866,  Clara  Brace  Smith  of  Brook- 

130  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

lyu.  New  York,  who  was  born  July  9,  1841,  and  died  in 
June,  1914.  He  died  in  East  Winsted,  Connecticut,  Feb- 
ruary 19,  1888 - - VIII-34 

They  lived  in  Xew  York  City.  He  graduated  from  Columljia  College  with 
degree  of  A.  B.  in  1869,  and  received  A.  M.  in  1875;  received  degree  of  LL.  B. 
in  187(5  from  Columbia  University.  He  was  appointed  Assistant  Paymaster  in 
the  U.  S'.  Xavv,  August  29,  1861,  from  Virginia;  commissioned  Paymaster, 
April  14,  1862."  Resigned  February  9.  1870.  He  served  in  U.  S.  S.  "Oneida" 
from  1862  to  1864.  and  from  1865  to  1866  in  U.  S.  S.  "Vermont".'  After  res- 
ignation from  the  U.  S.  Navy  he  studied  law  in  New  York  City,  and  was  a 
lawyer  and  broker  at  that  place  until  his  death. 

b  'Mary  Caroline,  born  June  16,  1840,  married  August 
4,  1863,  Simon  Newcomb,  who  was  born  March  12,  1835,  at 
AYallace.  Nova  Scotia,  and  who  came  to  the  United  States  in 
1853.  He  died  in  Washington,  D.  C,  July  11,  1909.  She  is 
living  in  Washington - VIII-85 

He  was  appointed  computer  in  the  Nautical  Almanac  Office  in  Washing- 
ton,  D.  C,  in  1857.  He  entered  the  Lawrence  Scientific  School  and  graduated 
in  1858.  In  1861  he  was  appointed  Professor  of  Mathematics  in  the  U.  S. 
Navy,  and  was  ordered  to  duty  at  the  Naval  Observatory.  He  superintended 
the  erection  of  the  26-inch  Equatorial,  in  1860;  he  visited  the  Saskatchewan 
region  and  observed  the  eclipse  of  the  sun;  in  1874  was  at  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope  to  observe  the  transit  of  Venus ;  in  1882  he  observed  the  eclipse  of  the 
sun  at  Gibraltar,  Spain  ;  after  1884  he  was  in  charge  of  the  Iv'autical  Almanac 
Office  at  Washington,  D.  C.  He  published  many  valuable  professional  books. 
He  received  LL.  D.  from  Columbia  University  in  1874;  M.  M.  and  Ph.  D.  from 
Leyden,  Gennany,  on  its  .lOOth  anniversary;  Ph.  D.  from  Heidelberg,  Ger- 
many, on  its  500th  anniversary  in  1886;  medal  from  the  Royal  Astronomical 
Society  of  London  in  1876;  the  Huygens  gold  medal  in  1887;  and  the  Russian 
government  placed  his  picture  in  Pulkowa  Observatory  as  one  of  the  famous 
astronomers.  He  was  a  member  of  a  number  of  foreign  and  home  societies  in 
astronomy  and  science;  was  Professor  Emeritus  of  Mathematics  and  Astron- 
omy at  the  Johns  Hopkins  University,  and  Research  Associate  of  the  Carnegie 

c  Anita  Rosalie,  born  May  13,  1842,  died  December  17, 

d  Ferdinand  Augustus,  born  March  6,  1844.  at  the 
Xaval  Hospital,  Norfolk,  Virginia,  married  (1)  May  14, 
1868,  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  Annie  Kate  Burnett, 
who  was  born  there  May  27,  1846,  and  died  November  9, 
1878 VIII-36 

]\Iarried  (2)  June  27,  1882,  at  Santa  Ana,  California, 
Elizabeth  Emily  Hall,  daughter  of  Owen  Buell  and  Emily 
Maria  (Potter)  Hall,  born  at  Batavia,  Illinois,  January  28, 
1865 ..VIII-37 

He  was  a  page  in  the  U.  S.  Senate  from  1856  to  1862.  He  received  the 
degree  of  M.  D.  from  the  LTniversity  of  Pennsylvania  in  1866,  and  Ph.  D.  in 
1872.  He  was  Professor  of  Materia  Medica  at  Lincoln  University,  Oxford, 
Pennsylvania,  in  1873,  and  practiced  medicine  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
and  Washington,  D.  C,  until  1881,  when  he  moved  to  Santa  Ana.  California, 
buying  property  there.  He  has  been  author  of  several  professional  works,  and 
is  a  member  of  several  scientific  societies.  Elizabeth  Emily  (Hall)  Hassler 
has  written  a  number  of  humorous  sketches  under  nom  de  plume  of  "Cousin 

YIl-14     Children  of  Charles  H.  and  ]\Iaria   (Robertson)  Nourse. 

VI-2-i  _ 
a     Charles  Howard,  born  July  26,  1844,  married  June  15, 
1871,  Alice  Darby,  who  was  born  October  15,  1845 VIII-38 

He  is  a  physician   at  Darnestown,   Montgomery   County,   Maryland. 

b  Harriet  Robertson,  born  September  22,  1846,  died 
July  14,  1847. 

■I' 1 1 1']      r.riJ,     KAMll.V  i;',I 

VJl-l.")      Cliil.livii    (if    Cliiirlrs    II.    iu\i\     l';ii   ;ilirtli    .1.       I  I  .-n,  Irrsoii- 
I  'del'  i     Xdll  l-sc.  \'  I  -ll-i 

;i  Miiry  K  il  tt'iilmiisc.  liuni  -Inly  (i.  lsr>i!,  111,1  i-riii|  ()c|(iln'i- 
I'll.   ]S(II),  ()||i()  .\l;i<_;rii(|rr  A 1 1 1 1  ic;i,sl  rr,   who   \\;is  liorii   n.-liilM-r 

lii.  ]XV.\ \lll-;5:) 

III'    icccivcil    ilic   di'Krco!   of   M.    I),    from   the   Miiryliind    IJnivcrHity   in    IStiri. 

lie   li:is   |ii-ai-|  ircil    iiu'diciiic   in   Wn.sliiriyldn,    I).    ('. 

1)  Lucy  I  lolcoinhc.  honi  Allans!  ]S,  ]S'>\,  died  .\|iiil  l!4, 

VII-]()      ( Miildrcii    of    -loscpli     Iv    jiikI     S;ii';i1i     i  \Vtii;lit  i     Xoiirsc. 


a  ]\rarv  Alice,  Ixn-ii  OcIoImm-  L'O,  1S4'J.  died  Ai)ril  Llo, 

b  Annie  W'i'ilihl,  horn  .lune  "_',  18-1:5,  inan'ie(|  duly  ID, 
1866,  Ricliai'd  Despard  I)o(l<i'(',  who  was  born  at  Xew  York 
City  lSei)tenihei-  (i.  18:}!),  and  died  Abiivh  5,  1!)14.  She  died 
IMareli  VA.  1870...._ VIII-40 

Ho  fiiiiiliiatcd  at  Kcnsclncr  Polytoi-hnic  CollcRe,  Troy,  New  York,  in  ISliO; 
was  a])i)(iint('d  'I'liird  Assistant  Engineer  in  tlic  I'.  S.  Navy,  July  122,  IStii; 
commissioned  Second  Assistant  Engineer,  Fel)ruary  1"),  1,S(!4;  resigned  .lune  1, 
18IJ8.  His  service  was  as  follows:  ]S02-l,S(i;!,  U.'S.  S.  -'.Tuniata";  1S(>4,  on 
waiting  orders;  18(i."i-lS(J7,  U.  S.  S.  Naval  Academy;  18(>S,  Bureau  of  Steam 
Engineering,  Navy  Deiiartment.  Washington.  D.  C.  He,  after  resigning,  lived 
in  Brooklyn,  New  Yoi'k,  and  was  ('ugaged  in  civil  engineering  work.  He  was 
treasure!-  of  the  Home  Benefit  .Vssociation. 

c  Sarab  TTassler,  born  ^Tareb  2,  1847,  married  Septem- 
ber lo,  1871.  Cornelius  Stille  Ramsburg,  wlio  was  born 
August  2,  1839.    She  died  November,  1887. VIII-41 

He  was  a  stock  broker,   and  th(\v  livcil  at   Georgetown,   I).  C. 

d  ^lary  Ritteiibouse,  born  .Mareli  28,  184i).  died  Decem- 
l)er  17,  1849. 

e  INIaria  -loseplia.  boi'ii  September  22,  185o.  died  April 
5,  1854. 

f     Charles    -Joseph,    born    December  15,    1S54.    married 

June  2(5,   1879,   Emily  Louise  ITomans  of  Brooklyn,  Xew 

York,  who  was  born  October  4.   1856.  He  died  July  23. 
1880:    No  issue. 

He  graduated  from  Eafayette  in  1.S74  as  A.  B.  and  frcnn  Columhia  Uni- 
versity as  M.  J),  in  ]S7ti.  He  was  ai)i)oint('d  Assistant  Surgeon,  U.  S.  Navy, 
June  1,  187fi,  and  died  in  service.  From  1S7r>  to  1S77  was  at  the  Naval  Hos- 
pital, Chelsea,  Massachusetts,  and  in  1S7".I  was  in  the  V.  S.  Coast  Survey 
Steamer   "Blake". 

g     Anna  Jan(\  born  AFay  24,  1856. 

h     Frank,  born  duly  29,  1858,  died  Odoher  7.  1865. 

i  Plenry  Duniont,  born  June  30,  1863.  nuirried  .\iimmt 
24,  1-889,  Sarah  Agnes  Peter  at  Darnestown.  Aiar\dand. 
He  died  September  15,  1870 ....Vni-42 

He  graduated  as  M.  1).  at  Columbia  University  in  1S.S7,  and  lived  at 
Georgetown,  D.  C. 

132  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-17     Children  of  Henry  M.   and   Cora    (Stansbury)    Nourse. 


a  Henry  Stansbury,  born  August  3,  1847,  married  April 
25,  1871,  Victoria  ]Monroe  of  Pompton,  New  Jersey,  who 
was  born  June  6,  1846 _......-._..- - VIII-43 

He  enlisted  in  Comjiany  F,  72nd  Indiana  Volunteer  Infantry,  February, 
1SG4,  and  was  mustered  out  May,  1865.  He  was  in  the  U.  S".  Coast  Survey 
in  February  and  March,  1868,  and  afterwards  was  engaged  in  railroad  sur- 
veys until  injured  in  1872.  He  then  took  up  literary  and  art  work,  first 
becoming  librarian  of  Harlem  New  York  Library,  and  later  director  of 
School  of  Design,  State  Normal  and  Training  School,  at  Potsdam,  New  A^ork. 
He  had  his  name  changed  by  decree  of  court  to  N'orse. 

b     Laura  Hagner,  born  in  1849,  died  in  1885. 

She  was  drowned  in  the  Ohio  River  near  Louisville,   Kentucky. 

c     John,  died  in  infancy. 

d  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  March  27,  1853,  married 
May  3,  1871,  Harriet  de  Bow,  who  was  born  August  25, 
1854 —- --- -- VIII-44 

They  moved  to  New  Orleans,  Louisiana,  in  1885. 

e     Emma,  died  in  infancy. 

f     Cora,  born  in  1867,  died  in  1881. 

g  Anna  St.  Clair,  born  June,  1866,  married  November, 
1884,  John  Barbour  Mendenhall,  who  was  born  February  5, 
1866  _ _ - - VIII-45 

He  was  telegraph  operator  at  Cape  Cliarles,  Virginia. 

YII-18     Children  of  John  S.  B.  and  Mary  E.    (Hite)   Davison. 


a     Anna  Maria,  born  October  16,  1827,  married  at  "The 

Forest"  October  16,  1849,  Robert  Henry  Turner,  son  of 

Colonel  Robert  and  Lucy  Green   (Long)   Turner  of  Front 

Royal,  Warren  County,  Virginia,  born  in  1827 VIII-46 

He  studied  and  practiced  law,  and  was  the  representative  of  Warren 
County  in  the  State  Convention  which  jjassed  the  resolution  of  secession  of 
Virginia  in  1860.  He  enlisted  as  a  private  in  the  Confederate  Army  and  was 
soon  commissioned  a  lieutenant,  finally  reaching  the  rank  of  major,  and  serv- 
ing on  the  staff  of  General  Montgomery  Corse  until  the  surrender  at  Appo- 
matox.  He  was  made  judge  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  Warren  County  in  1869, 
remaining  in  that  position  until  -January  1,   1895. 

b     Sarah  Jaquelin,  born  September  12,  1829. 

After  the  Civil  War  and  after  the  death  of  her  father,  she  became  a  mis- 
sionary, and  in  1880  took  charge  of  the  "Mary  Baldwin  Memorial  School"  at 
Jaffa  in  the  Palestine.      (See  Mission  Life  in  Greece  and  Palestine.) 

c     Virginia  Augusta,  born  July  10,  1835,  died  in  1878. 

(1  John  Smith,  born  October  10,  1837,  married  December 
12,  1871,  Mary  Elizabeth  Bowman,  daughter  of  Captain 
Isaac  and  Eleanor  Briscoe  (Hite)  Bowman  of  Mount  Pleas- 
ant, Virginia _ Vni-47 

e  Louise  Fontaine,  born  October  10,  1839,  married  at 
"The  Forest"  January  28,  1862,  Rev.  Robert  M.  Baker,  son 
of  Jacob  and  Catherine  (Street)  Baker  of  Winchester,- Vir- 
ginia.   He  died  in  1884... VIIL48 

He  graduated  at  Yale  College  in  1856.  and  studied  for  the  m.inistry  at  the 
Protestant    Episcopal    Seminary,    Alexandria,    Virginia.      He   was    ordained    by 

Till':      i:i   LI.     I'AMII.V  i;{3 

HislKip  .liiliii  .liiliiis  III  Isriil.  Ill'  wiiH  il|i|iiiiiili'il  rliii|iliiiii  nil  tlif  .sliilf  of  Miijor 
(iriiciiil  iMiMilnoiiii'iy  (  diM'  ill  l.Slil,  iiiHJ  srrvcd  until  dii'  curl  nf  iln-  (,ivil 
\\':ir.  lie  l.ihT  lillcil  Ihc  <'liiirclic,s  of  Front  Itoviil,  \'ii'i,'iiiiii,  I  .oiiisvilli-.  Ki-ii- 
(ucU\.   :iii(l   (uacT   (  li  ii  nil,   ( icorKi'liivvn,    1).   ('. 

r      \V;ilktM-  .Miiiiry.  horn  .Inly  L>;;.  ls|l.  ilinl  in  is,")."), 
ii'      licssic  IJird.  lioni  Aii;,iiist,  17,  1844. 

Alter  llic  Civil  sh.'  Ihi-.-uic  ,'i  iiiissioniiry  iinil  liilcr  for  (iftirn  W'.n  s 
\vi\s  in  cliiir^ic  nl'  llir  ■'.iiiliii  .IdIiiis  IiiMniuiry  iiiid  llnspiliil '  ' .  Af  li'rwnrd.s  slii- 
Wiis    in   cluiriic   111'   llii'    'St      Anilrcu's    lloini'",    K'iclinioiKJ,    Viiiriiiiii. 

li      (  onicli;i  Mile,  horn  Ahiy  •_'().  lS4(i.  dird  in  Isiii'. 

i  \\'illi;iiii  A  niisl  roiiL;',  honi  Sc|itciiihrr  !),  Isjs.  m.-n-rird 
Siindi  \l.  Wnlsoii.  djiu^lilcr  of  Sjiiiiiicl  liiii'^uohl  \\';itsoii  of 
(JrtM'iiNinc.  Son  Hi  Cjiroliiic \'1II-4!J 

llr  ^I'ailiKilcd  ill  incdiiiiic  al  llic  Medical  S(dl(iol  of  tllP  T^'nivprsUv  of 
Marx- la  lid  at  Hall  iniore,  in  1S77,  and  lived  at  Middlcliiwn,  Frcdrrick  Ci.iinty, 
Viriiiiiia,   at'ler  .lannary,    1S7S. 

j     Miivy  Elliiiiiv,  born  in  IS.IO. 

A  Tier  the  Civil  War  sho  boc-inu'  a  niissioiinvy  and  went  with  her  sister. 
Sarah  .la(|nelin.  to  daft'n  in  the  Palestine,  where  she  was  assistant  at  the  "Mary 
Haldwin  Memorial  Sehool".  Keturninpr  to  the  I'liited  States  she  studied  for 
deaconess  at  tjie  Protestant  Ki)iscopal  Training  Scdiool  at  Philadelphia,  Penn- 
sylvania, and  was  •■ordered"  liy  Bishop  Whittaker  in  IS!)."'..  S'he  was  assismpd 
to  Grace  Church,  Philadeljihia.  as  assistant  to  Kev.  Dr.  Stone,  where  she  was 
greatly  loved  and  honored  in  lier  work.  In  1S08  she  was  called  to  St. 
Andrew's  Church  at  Kichniond,  Virginia. 

k  Alexander  iNEeDonald,  lioi-n  July,  1852.  married  Jnnc. 
1877,  at  IMoiint  Calvaiy  Chnrch,  Front  "Royal.  Viruinia, 
Hester  ^Morris  ^Farsliall,  daiiii'hter  of  Captain  James  .Morris 
Marshall  of  "Happy  Creek,"  Warren  County,  Virginia VnT-HO 

She  was  sister  of  Cliarles  Coates  Worth  ;Marshall. 

VII-19     Children  of  Edward  J.  and  Eleanor  C.  (Baldwin)   Davi- 
son. VI-4-e 

a  Eleanoi'  Cornelia,  horn  •January  15.  183G,  married  De- 
cem1)er  5,  1855,  John  H.  Pedigo  of  ^lartinsville.  Yiro-inia. 
horn  in  1823 ^ VTTT-51 

h  ^Farv  Baldwin,  horn  Novemher  30,  1837.  died  Xovcm- 
her  9,  1846. 

c  Edward  Jaquelin.  horn  Julv  25,  1842,  died  January. 

d  AVilliani  Sinilli,  horn  Oetohei- 4.  1845,  married  Aiiii'ust 
29,  1876,  Anna  ^laria  Davison  (VII-21-f).  born  November, 
1848.  He  died  at  Walla  Walla.  AYashington.  Xovemlier  28. 
1904 VIIT-52 

They  were  first  cousins.  He  entered  the  Southern  army  (Virginia)  at 
about  the  age  of  eighteen,  where  he  served  under  General  F.ivl\-.  Fought  in 
the  battles  of  Bull  Run,  Cedar  Creek.  He  was  wounded  in  the  btittle  of 
Fisher's  Mill,  and  as  a  result  lost  his  right  arm.  Was  hnioralily  discliarged. 
Atteiuled  Baltin'ore  Conimercial  (\illege.  and  later  taught  sch;;ol.  Went  to 
Jefferson  City.  ^Missouri,  about  the  year  ISlili.  Served  as  city  clerk  while 
studying  law.  Was  admitted  to  the  Missouri  bar.  .Tuly  .S.  ISTU.  Was  elected 
prosecuting  attorney  of  Cole  County,  Missouri,  and  served  for  two  terms. 
Was  appointed  .iudge  of  the  County  Court  of  Cole  Countv,  Missouri,  by  Gov- 
ernor David  R.  Francis,  to  fill  a  vacancv.  and  later  was  elected  indge.  serving 
a  full  term.  :Moved  to  Walla  Walla,  Washington,  iti  .August.  IS'.i:'..  where  he 
practiced  law  until  about  two  years  before  his  death.  She  is  living  at  Walla 

J34  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e     Edmonia  Louise,  born  October  15.  1848,  died  in  1876. 

She  became  a  missionary  at  Athens,  Greece,  where  she  died  and  was 

VII-20     Children  of  Isaac  F.  and  Maria  L.  (Davison)  Hite.  VI-4-d 

a  Anna  Jaquelin,  born  1831,  married  John  Wright, 
who  is  dead-— — - VIII-53 

She  is  living  at  the  old  home  in  Middletown,  Frederick  County,  Virginia. 

b  Isaac  Fontaine,  Jr.,  born  in  1841.  He  was  killed  in 
January.  1865,  at  the  capture  of  Beverly,  AVest  Virginia, 
by  the  Confederate  troops. 

He  Tvas  a  member  of  Company  D,  6th  Virginia  Cavalry,  Army  of  Xorthern 

VII-21     Children  of  William  A.  and  Ann  A.  (Caldwell)  Davison. 


a     Elizabeth  Alexander,  born  in  1839,  died  in  July,  1840. 

b  Louisa  Hite,  born  in  August.  1840.  married  April  18, 
1871,  Dr.  Alexander  Monroe  Powell  of  Collinsville.  Illinois, 
son  of  Captain  Thomas  and  Clarissa  (Cheslev)  Powell  of 
Kentucky _ VIII-54 

He  graduated  at  the  Medical  College  of  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  in  1860,  and 
was  a  widower,  his  first  wife  having  been  Ann  Maury  Davison.      (VII-22-a.) 

c  Alexander  Caldwell,  born  August  12,  1842,  at  Jeffer- 
son City,  Missouri,  married  December  80,-1869,  at  Jeff'erson 
City,  Sarah  Caroline  (Pelot)  Eppes,  daughter  of  Charles 
Aloore  and  Margaret  Ann  (Ford)  Pelot,  born  on  the  planta- 
tion of  her  father,  "Whitlich,"  Abbeville  District,  South 
Carolina,  J\Iay  13,  1840,  and  died  at  Jefferson  City,  Mis- 
souri. October  13,  1909.  He  died  at  the  same  place  October 
12,   1908...... Vin-55 

He  lived  for  several  years  in  his  youth  with  his  aunt,  Mrs.  Charles 
Xeave,  at  Clifton,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where  he  attended  Mr.  Brook's  Seminary 
until  lS.o9.  In  1860  he  began  the  study  of  medicine  at  the  Medical  College  in 
St.  Louis,  Missouri.  At  Ihe  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  in  1861  he  joined, 
near  Miami,  Missouri,  Williams'  Regiment  of  General  .Jo  Shelby's  Brigade, 
and  served  as  surgeon  during  the  entire  war.  .Ifter  the  war  he  completed  his 
studies  at  St.  Louis  and  graduated  from  the  Medical  College  in  1867.  For  the 
following  year  he  was  associated  with  Dr.  E.  H.  Gregory  of  St.  Louis,  at  S't. 
Luke's  Hospital.  He  then  returned  to  .Jefferson  City,  where  he  practiced  as 
a  physician  and  surgeon. 

Sarah  Caroline  (Pelot-Eppes)  Davison  was  the  widow  of  John  Wales 
Eppes,  a  great  grandson  of  Thomas  .Jefferson.  They  were  married  at  Cokes- 
bury,  South  Carolina,  September  29.  18.59,  and  had  one  daughter.  Margaret 
.Julia  Eppes.  born  November  1.  1861.  Charles  Moore  Pelot  was  born  April  24, 
1791,  and  died  December  7,  186.S,  and  was  a  descendant  of  the  two  Colonial 
Governors  Moore  of  South  Carolina. 

Margaret  Ann  Ford  was  born  January  .3,  1795,  and  died  September  2, 
184."'..  The  Pelots  were  descendants  of  the  Iluguenots  who  came  to  South  Caro- 
lina in  169.").  The  mother  of  Charles  Moore  Pelot  was  Mary  Postell,  daughter 
of  Colonel  .James  Postell,  of  South  Carolina,  who  served  in  the  War  of  the 
Revolution  under  General  Francis  Marion.  Sarah  Caroline  Pelot  finished  her 
education  at  Miss  Willard's  Seminary,  Troy,  New  York.  She,  with  her  hus- 
band and  family,  left  South  Carolina  during  the  reconstruction  period  and 
made  their  home  in  Saline  County,  Missouri. 

( ( 

d     Emma  AA^ashington,  born  in  July,  1844,  married  at 
Hackwood,"  A'irginia,  April  29,  1873,  AVilliam  Howard 

Till':      I'.ri.l.     I'A.MILY  135 

Dnvis  of  .Icircrsoii   ('ity.   Missouri,   w  hit   \\;is  Imni  ;it    liidi- 
iiioiid,  N'iftiiiiia,  July  2fS,  1845,  luid  died  at  Jtdi'ci'soii  City 

ill  ISO:?  VIII-:^ii 

'I'lu-y   livfd   nil   II    farm   r.illiil    '    I  larkwood ' ',   (wii  iiiili-s    finm   .IflTcrKoii   City. 

I'  .Ja(|U('liii  Smith,  lioni  in  Miirdi,  Isjd.  man'ifd  .Mai'v 
Cannon  of  Saline  (  'onnly,  .M  issonri.     No  issue. 

r  Anna  .Maria,  hoi'u  in  .\oveinl»er,  ls4S.  inar-i'ied  Autrust 
'2U,  187(i,  William  Smith  Davison  (  \' I  l-l!»-d  i.  hoi-n  Octoltec 
4,  1845.  and  died  .\ovend)er  28,  lf)ll4,  at  Walla  Walla.  Wasli- 
illp:toii.      See  \'  1  1  I -.")■_>. 

They  were   cousins.      Slie  lives  at    Walla   Walla.    Washineton. 

fr  AVilliain  Afnedonald.  horn  .Ianiia)'y.  1 '-!."')0.  uiai'ried 
Sallie  (Iriflilh. 

h  Edward  llalstcad,  horn  -July.  ISoii.  married  Fanny 

i  Mary  .Matilda,  horn  .\o\'emher.  ls.")4.  married  in  d'race 
Church,  Jefferson  City.  ^Missouri.  .Ma.v  26.  1885.  Heii.iamiii 
"William  (lall.x'  of  the  O.i'ai  Valle.v,  Ventura  Connt.v,  Califor- 
nia, who  was  hor)i  Julv  20,  1852,  and  died  Xoveni])er  25. 
1893  !. VIII-57 

VII-22     Children  of  Dr.  Alexander  AF.  and   Matilda   :\r.    (llite) 
Davison.  '  VI-4-tr 

a  Ann  Alaiiry.  born  April  25,  1840,  married  June  21. 
1860.  Dr.  Alexander  AFonroe  Powell,  son  of  Captain  Thomas 
and  Clarissa  (Chesle.y)  Powell  of  Kentuekv.  She  died 
:\lareh  3,  1870 '.. ^ VIII-58 

His  second  wife  was   FiOiiisa   Hite  Davison    (VII-21-I)). 

h  Maedonald  Alexaiidi'r.  horn  .March  23.  1843,  died  No- 
vember 1.  1849. 

e  John  Smith.  Jr..  horn  October  31.  1845.  died  unmar- 
ried in  1909. 

d  CorneFins  llite.  born  -liilv  8,  1848,  died  Januarv  10, 

He  errew  up  iiiiusually  bright  and  intelligent  and  living  on  a  farm,  was 
fond  of  hunting  and  fisliing.  Possessor  of  a  handsome  gnn.  which  was  searched 
for  by  the  Federal  soldiers.  He  was  so  indignant  with  them  that  he  ran 
away  from  home  and  .iomed  Slielby's  Brigade  of  the  Confederate  Army.  In 
the  terrible  march  they  made  to  Texas,  when  there  was  nothing  to  eat  but 
parched  corn,  he  went  with  the  many  who  succumbed  to  hunger  and  disease. 
He  died  at  Myrtle  Springs,  Texas,  but  his  grave  was  not  marked. 

e  William  Arinstron<i'.  born  in  Jefferson  City,  [Missouri, 
Oetol)er  12,  1851,  married  September  15,  1875,  Anna  Xixon 
Kimbrough,  wlio  was  liorn  A]U'il  29,  1855.  Tie  died  at  Big 
Pine,  Inyo  County,  CaFifornia.  February  5,  1907.    Xo  issue. 

He  graduated  at  the  ^fedical  School.  St.   Louis.   Missouri.   March   1.'!.   1^7:'.. 
They  lived  at  Big  Pine,  Inyo  County,   California,  where  she  still   resides. 

136  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f  Louisa  Fontaine,  l3orn  January  7,  1853,  married  June 
8.  1875.  Colonel  ^lack  Jeremiah  Learning,  born  at  La  Porte, 
Indiana.  February  15,  1842,  and  died  at  Great  Falls,  Mon- 
tana, August  8,  1893.; -- - -- - VIII-59 

He  studied  law  at  Wheaton  College,  near  Chicago,  Illinois,  and  finished 
at  the  Law  School  of  Albany,  New  York.  He  practiced  first  at  Jefferson  City, 
Missouri,  and  was  elected  prosecuting  attorney  for  two  successive  terms,  in 
Cole  County,  Missouri.  He  subsequently  practiced  in  Denver,  Colorado,  and 
later  moved  to  California.  In  1883  he  opened  a  law  office  at  Fort  Benton, 
Montana,  where  his  time  was  divided  between  the  practice  of  law  and  the 
industry  of  stock  raising  up  to  1891,  when  he  moved  to  Great  Falls,  Montana. 
He  enlisted  early  in  the  Civil  War  in  the  First  Board  of  Trade  Regiment  from 
Chicago,  Illinois,  and  was  later  commissioned  Ma.ior  of  the  1.3th  Cavalry  at 
Fort  Pillow.  Before  his  discharge  he  attained  the  rank  of  Colonel.  At  Fort 
Pillow  he  was  badly  wounded  in  the  side,  and  this  eventually  caused  his  death. 
His  first  marriage  was  to  Maria  Louisa  Buck,  whose  children  were  Herbert, 
born  April  29,  1866;  and  Nellie,  born  .June  24,  1868,  and  married  to  Fred  C. 
Church,   living  in  Jefferson  City,  Missouri. 

VII-23     Children  of  Dr.  Alexander  M.  and  Mary  C.    (Powell) 
Davison.  VI-4-g 

a  Livingston  Edward,  born  September  23,  1856,  mar- 
ried February  7,  1878.  Martha  L.  Powell,  daughter  of  Dr. 
Bruce  E.  and  Martha  (Hicks)  Powell.    He  died'in  1901 _VIII-60 

They  were  first  cousins. 

'  b     Edward  Jaquelin,  born  November  23,  1857,  married 

Maude  E.  Guilford.    No  issue. 

They  live  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  where  he  has  a  large  business  in 
commercial  photography. 

c  Alexander  Macdonald,  born  September  24,  1859,  died 
June  6,  1860. 

d  Kate  Madison,  born  February  27,  1861,  married  April 
28,  1880,  Jesse  Ward  Henry,  son  of  Judge  W.  Henry  of  the 
Supreme  Court  of  Missouri VIII-61 

e  Margaret  Chesley,  born  February  25,  1863,  married 
January  9,  1884,  Frank  Obear YIII-62 

They  live  in  St.  Louis,   Missouri. 

f  Maria  Augusta,  born  September  20,  1865,  married 
December  16,  1885,  Henry  Clay  Lambert.. VIII-63 

They  live  in  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  where  he  is  cashier  of  the  American 

g  Sarah  Emma,  born  November  25,  1867,  married  in 
1895,  John  M.  Nuckols,  leading  newspaperman  of  St.  Louis, 
Avho  died  in  1898. 

She  lives  in  .Jefferson  City,   Missouri. 

VII-24     Children  of  John  and  Sarah  Z.  (Mills)  Evans.        VI-5-a 

a     Robert  Mills,  born  May  2,  1836,  died  May  23,  1836. 

b  Richard  Joseph,  born  in  Washington,  D.  C,  July  14, 
1837,  married  February  4,  1861,  Mary  Anais  Denise  La- 
garde,  daughter  of  John  B.  and  Athenais  (Dimitry)  La- 
garde  of  New  Orleans,  Louisiana ..VIII-64 

He  entered  the  U.  S'.  Coast  Survey  as  aide  in  185.5.  Moved  to  New 
Orleans  in  1S.-.9  and  taught  school.  He  was  in  the  Confederate  Volunteers, 
three  months  men,    and  took  part   in  the  battle   of   Shiloh,    Companv   C,    Cres- 

'I'lll':      IMIJ.      FAMILY  ]?,7 

cent  KcKiiiiiiil ,  Aiiiiy  (if  'rcMiiics.sci'.  AfliT  llic  Civil  War  he  whm  with  various 
riiilriiads  in  lln'  Soiilli  as  const  nirl  ion  anil  I'i'Hiili'iil  t'liKini-i-r,  and  for  ii  tiini> 
was  coiinc'ctcd  with  the  liiiriviu  of  Sicain  Knuinfcriiit;  of  the  Navy  l)i-parl- 
incnt.  His  last  railronrl  service  was  with  the  (iulf,  West  'I'exas  and  I'acidi- 
lkailroa<l,  as  picsidrMl,  cliiel  eiii,'inecr  and  manager,  now  part  of  the  Santa  I'l: 

c  -loliii  •l;ii|iiil  ill,  liorii  N()\  riiilnf  Lll),  ISJS,  iiijirrii'd  .);iii- 
ii;ir\'  111,  1S74,  Isjilicl  lii\iii<^st()ii  Uhinkiiuiii.  (l;mL;lilcr  of 
Michel  Anio  , •111(1  .l.iiic  lk'V(.'i-ly  (Craw  rord)  Ijlaiikiiian.  \\i- 
(lied  .Januaiy  17,  1S77 \llI-(»;> 

He  was  lost  in  tlie  I'.  S.  S.  '■lluidn''.  .l.i  nii.i  r>  17,  INTH.  He  was  .scrv- 
int;  on   hoard   iis   !i    diMuu-lil  siti.i  n. 

d     Vir^'iiiia  .Mills,  liorn  Octol.ff  IS,  \SV.K 

Slir    livi'd    at    ][yatlsvillc.    .\Ia  r.\  lainl. 

VII-25     Cliildivii   of    Professor   AI.'.xaiid.T  and    .Mary    1'.    (.Mills) 
Dimitry.  VI-5-e 

a  John  Bull  Sinilli.  horn  in  W'ashinuion.  1).  C,  Decem- 
ber 27,  1835,  married  February  7.  1S71.  Adeline  Stuart  of 
]\Iississippi.    lie  died  Sei)tenii)er  tj.  1!)()1.    No  issue. 

He  was  educated  at  College  Hill  near  Kayniond,  Mississippi;  was  Sec- 
retary of  Jjegation  when  his  father  was  Minister  to  Costa  liica  ;  was  a 
soldier  in  tlie  .\rmy  of  tlie  Tennessee,  and  afterwards  was  chief  clerk  in  the 
Post  Office  Department  of  the  Confederate  States.  From  1S74  to  ]S7(!  he 
was  Professor  of  English  and  French  at  the  Collegio  C'aldas  at  Baranquilla, 
United  S'tates  of  Colombia.  He  was  dramatic  and  literary  critic  of  the  New 
Orleans  Times,  and  from  ISSl  to  ISKil  was  on  the  editorial  staff  of  the  New 
York   ilail   and   Express.      He   was   author  of   several   books. 

b  Charles  Pattoii,  born  July  81,  1837,  married  June  1, 
1871,  Anne  Elizabeth  Johnston,  daughter  of  Rebecca  John- 
ston of  Alexandria,  Virginia,  who  died  in  August,  1880 VIIT-fi6 

He  lives  in  New  Orleans,  Louisiana.  He  graduated  at  Georgetown  Col- 
lege as  A.  M.  in  ISti".  He  served  as  a  private  soldier  in  the  Confederate 
Army  during  the  Civil  War,  and  afterwards  was  on  newspaper  work  in  dif- 
ferent cities.     Is  the  author  of  several  novels. 

c  Eliza  Virginia  ]\[ills,  born  Sei)tember  2,  1839,  inari'ied 
December  31.  1856,  Enoch  Fenwick  Ruth  of  Washington, 
D.  C.    She  died  September  22,  1891 VIII-67 

d  ]\Iary  Elizabeth  Lynn,  born  August  15,  1841.  married 
December  8,  1862,  Colin  ^IcRae  Sclpli  of  New  Orleans, 
Louisiana.    She  died  June  14,  1891 VIIT-68 

He  was  a   practicing  lawyer  in  New  Orleans. 

e  Alexander  Godgrand,  born  October  10.  1S43,  died 
September  19,  1864. 

He  was  in  the  18th  Virginia  Cavalry,  Confederate  States  Army,  and  was 
killed  at   the  battle  near  Germantown,   Maryland. 

f  ^Matilda  Fortier,  born  August  17,  1846.  married  Julv 
31,  1873,  William  de  Vere  :\liller.  Tie  died  in  New  Orleans, 
Louisiana VIII-69 

g     Robert  ]\Iills,  born  October  6,  1847,  and  died  same  day. 

h  RobtM't  Andrea,  born  Se]itember  14,  1848.  married 
Februarv  7.  1894,  Augusta  XortJeet  :\Iills.  He  died  October 
19.  1904.    Xo  issue. 

He  was  liuht  keeper  at  Round  Island  Light  House,  Mississippi  Sound. 
She  was  the  widow  of  Dr.  James  B.  Mills  of  Mississippi. 

138  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

i     Thomas  Dabney,  born  March  11,  1850,  married  De-      • 
cember   31,    1882,   Anne   Therese   Snee   of   Bayou    Goula, 
Louisiana   VIII-70 

j  Ernest  Alexander  Lagarde,  born  May  5,  1857,  married 
at  Christ  Church,  New  Orleans,  Louisiana,  by  Bishop  Ses- 
sums,  June  20,  1906,  Maude  Lindsay  Smith,  daughter  of  the 
late  Colesworth  Pinkney  Smith,  Chief  Justice  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  Mississippi. 

VII-26     Children  of  Cornelius  B.  and  Elizabeth  A.  (Smith)  Hite. 


a     Isaac,  born  December  26,  1839,  died  in  infancy. 

b  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  January  25,  1841,  married  in 
1858,  Thomas  T.  Fauntleroy,  son  of  Colonel  T.  T.  Fauntle- 
roy,  1st  U.  S.  Dragoons,  and  Ann  (Magill)  Fauntleroy VIII-71 

Slie  has  lived  in  St.  Louis  since  his  death.  He  was  judge  of  the  Court 
of  Appeals  of  Virginia,  and  they  then  lived  at  Winchester  and  Richmond, 

c  Cornelius  Benjamin,  Jr.,  born  August  6,  1842.  married 
(1)  November  29,  1871,  Margaret  Lewis  Marshall,  daughter 
of  Fielding  Lewis  and  Rebecca  (Coke)  Marshall,  born  May 
17,  1846,  and  died  July  2,  1899,  at  Portsmouth,  Virginia... .VIII-72 

Married  (2)  August  21,  1915,  Mary  Newton  Grimshaw. 

He  was  in  Company  D,  "Clarke's  Company",  of  the  6th  Regiment, 
C.  S.  A.,  during  the  Civil  War.  Margaret  Lewis  Marshall  was  great  grand- 
daughter of  Chief  Justice  Marshall  of  the  LT.  S.  Supreme  Court,  and  her 
grandfather,  Richard  Coke,  was  Congressman  from  Williamsburg.  After  the 
Civil  War,  Cornelius  B.  Hite,  .Jr.,  was  in  the  Pension  Bureau  in  Washing- 
ton, and  later  was  in  the  real  estate  and  insurance  business. 

YII-27     Children  of  Leonard  E.  and  Josepha.N.  (Smith)  Swartz- 

welder.  VI-6-f 

a     Elizabeth   Smith,  born  December   23,   1844,   married 

Rev.  William  Meredith  of  Winchester,  Virginia.     Both  are 

dead.    No  issue. 

He  was  of  the  Episcopal  Church.  Both  are  buried  at  Mt.  Hebron 
cemetery,   Winchester,  Virginia. 

b     Leonard  Ellmaker,  born  in  June,  1846,  died  in  1863. 

He  was  killed  in  the  battle  of  Treviban  Station,  in-  Virginia,  during  the 
Civil  War. 

c     Josepha  Nourse,  died  unmarried  April  2,  1888. 
d     Alice  Cary,  died  in  infancy,  August  26.  1862. 
e     jNIaria  Louisa,  died  in  infancy. 

f     Ada  Clarke,  married  December  21,  1886,  Walter  Le- 
Fevre,  son  of  Rev.  Mr.  LeFevre  of  Baltimore,  Maryland.... VIII-73 

He  received  degrees  of  Ph.  D.  from  Berlin  and  Heidelberg.  They  lived 
in  Austin,  Te.xas.  He  was  Associate  Professor  of  Political  Science  and  Phi- 
losophy, University  of  Texas. 

g  Augusta  Jaquelin,  l)orn  in  1861,  married  November 
19,  1885,  John  Scott  of  Virginia -.._ _ VIII-74 

They  live  in  Waco,   Texas. 

h  :Mary,  married  William  Tidball  of  Winchester,  Vir- 
ginia     VIII-75 

They   live   in   Fort   Worth,   Texas. 

Til  !•:    I'.riJ.    I'  \  \i  ll.^'  i;!0 

\'ll-li8      Cliildi-i'ii    (iT    -Idliii    ;iiiil     l>'rlicci-;i     r,.     iSiiiilln     .\l;i  rsliall. 


;i      llcslcr    .Morris.    Iidrii    -Inly    Llil.    IS.'):'..    ;it     I'ldj^cwoi-lli, 

Fjir(|iii{'i'  ( 'oil Illy.  \'  i  riiini.-i.  iii;irric(|  ( )c1olirr  "js,  1  ssd,  ,|;iiii,.s 

I'cyloii   .M;irsli;ill.  .son  of  (  'li;irlrs  .M;i!-sli;iM  of  .Mjisoii  (  'oiitity. 

Kciil  ii('k\',  lioni  ill  IS-IS.     She  (lied  in  111(17).     No  issue. 

I)  -lolin  A  iii;iisl  inc.  horn  Si'plcinlicr  .),  1^.).),  niiirricd 
OcloltiT  1,  1888,  dcssic   1\  ii'k|»;il  ricl<  of  \' i  I'uiii  i;i      \' I  I  I  Tii 

lie  sluilit'd  nl  llir  I  iiixnsily  nl'  \' i  it;i  ni.i.  :i  iid  t;i'ii(lliiiti'(l  lliorc,  .Fllly  li, 
ISTI.  lie  sludii'd  l:i\\  iiiid  iidinillrd  Id  tin'  at  Ikiimc,  May,  IH".*^.  \\v 
wriit  Id  Sail  liakr  (  ily  .■irid  cnlciiMl  llic  linn  nl'  Hiiinrl  t,  Marsliall  &  Mradlcy, 
lie  was  a|)i>oiii((Ml  li\  1 'irsidrii I  (  lixilaiid  .indue  "i  llii'  District  Court.  IIi' 
rcsisiii'd  iMi  accdUiil  nl'  ill  lii'.-illh  and  has  since  |-esiirned  |)T-acl  ice.  'I'llcy  live 
at    Sail     Lake    (  'il,\-. 


Adiipled  Sim,  Charles  Kicliard,  died  rrniu  llie  ki(d<  of  ;i  horse,  Sepleniln-r 
10,    IS!):!. 


Add|iied   son,    .Mdi-ris  Orr,   Iiorn    May,    1.*!1<). 

Vll-2i)  Childivn  of  Dr.  Adam  ('.  and  .Mary  A.  (Sinillij  Swai-tx- 
wcldcr.  VI-6-i 

a     Eli/al)('tli.  horn  July  18,  1854,  died  April  .l.  lS:)(i. 

1)     :\lary,  born  September  1.  1857.  died  October  2!),  1864. 

(•     .\da,  born  November  2,  1859.  died  October  14,  1864. 

d     Joseplia,  born  January  20,  1861,  died.  Augnst  9.  1861. 

e  INIaude,  born  January  17,  1868,  married  Novenibtr  lH. 
1885,  Theodore  Stark  West,  son  of  James  Camden  and 
Mary  (Stark)  West  of  Columbia,  South  Carolina VI 11-77 

They   live   in  Waco.   Texas. 

f     Frida.  born  -Inly  14,  1867.  died  October  11,  1867. 

VlI-:30  Cbildi-cn  of  Dr.  Charles  ^l.  and  Katherine  (Stirling) 
Smith.  VI-6-j 

Louis  Stirling,  married  October  1,  1891,  Addie  Coke..VT  11-78 



Thfy   live  at    Dallas,    Texas.      Slie   is   a    niece   of   Senator   (^oke   of   Texas. 

b  John  Augustine,  Jr.,  marrieil  l)eceml)er  22,  1897,  Eula 
Hare   - VIII-79 

They  live  at  Xew  Orleans,  Louisiana,  where  he  is  connected  with  the 
Board   of  Trade. 

c     Charles  JMagill,  died  young. 

d     Katherine  Stirling,  died  young. 

e  August int^  Jaquelin,  niai-ried  ^Farie  Boulaine.  daugh- 
ter of  the  late  Dominguez  lioulaine  of  Xew  Orleans,  Louis- 
iana   : ..viii-80 

Tie  is  a  prominent  surgeon  at  Franklin,  TiOnisiana,  and  did  great  service 
in  stamping  out   yellow  fever  at   Vera   Cruz,   Mexico. 

f  Charles  Magill.  bom  Xovciiibrr  26,  1S75.  died  August 
27.  1900.  unmarried. 

He  graduated  at  tlie  Maryland  .Vgricull  ural  College,  at  the  age  of  l.'i. 
Attended  Washington  High  Scho(d  and  graduated  when  10,  and  studied  law 
at  Columbia  University  and  George  Washington  Law  School,  graduating  with 
highest  honors.  He  was  for  several  years  secretary  to  .Instice  E.  D.  White  of 
the  U.   S.   Supreme  Court. 

140  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

g  Archibald  ^Magill,  born  February  10,  1877,  married 
November  16,  1905.  ]\Iary  Boiling  Turner,  daughter  of 
Eobert  Fauntleroy  and  Pocahontas  (]\leredith)  Turner  of 
' '  The  Plains, ' '  Virginia.. ....VIII-81 

They  live  in  New  Orleans,  Louisiana.  He  is  a  certified  public  account- 
ant. He  was  Supervisor  of  Public  Documents,  State  of  Louisiana,  1008  to 
1012.     He  is  president  of  the  Society  of  Louisiana   Public  Accountants. 

VII-31     Children  of  Augustine  J.   and  Elizabeth  B.    (Morgan) 
Smith.  VI-6-k 

a  Augustine  Jaquelin,  Jr.,  born  January  22,  1856,  mar- 
ried j\Iay  21,  1890,  Mary  Augusta  Robbins,  daughter  of 
Stephen  Robbins  of  Augusta,  Georgia.  He  died  at  Alex- 
andria, Virginia,  May  30,  1918.  Funeral  services  were  held 
by  Bishop  Harding  at  the  Cathedral  of  S.S.  Peter  and  Paul, 
Bethlehem  Chapel,  Washington,  D.  C,  June  4,  1918.  He 
Avas  buried  in  Oak  Hill  Cemetery. 

He  was  a  graduate  of  Shenandoah  Valley  Academy,  .Johns  Hopkins  Uni- 
versity of  Baltimore,  Maryland,  and  of  the  Virginia  Protestant  Episcopal 
Seminary  at  Alexandria,  Virginia.  He  was  ordained  deacon  by  Bishop 
Whittle  in  1882,  and  made  priest  by  Bishop  Peterkin  in  188.3.  He  was  rector 
of  a  number  of  churches,  and  was  last  rector  of  the  Episcopal  Church  of 
Poolesville,   Maryland. 

b  William  Morgan,  born  January  13,  1859,  at  Win- 
chester, Virginia,  married  'Slaj  17,  1913,  Ann  Stanton  ]\Iur- 
phy.  .  No  issue. 

He  graduated  in  1880  at  the  Medical  School  of  the  University  of  Mary- 
land, and  took  post-graduate  courses  at  Berlin,  Vienna  and  London.  He 
settled  at  Alexandria,  Virginia,  in  1881,  and  has  practiced  there  ever  since. 
He  was  appointed  surgeon  of  the  .Srd  Virginia  Volunteer  Regiment  in  the 
Spanish-American  War,  and  has  been  Battalion  Commander  of  the  TOth- 
Eegiment,  Virginia  National  Guard.  He  is  postmaster  of  Alexandria,  sur- 
geon for  the  Southern  Railway  Company,  and  surgeon  for  the  Washington 
Railway  Company.  He  is  president  of  the  Virginia  State  Board  of  Health, 
president  of  the  Medical  Society  of  Virginia,  a  member  of  the  Southern 
TJailway  Surgeons  American  Association,  a  life  member  of  the  Masonic 
Lodge  of  Virginia,  a  Past  Grand  Master  of  George  Washington  Lodge,  a 
Knight  Templar,   a  Shriner,  and  an  Elk. 

c  Elizabeth  Magill,  born  June  17,  1861,  married  in  1890 
Edward  Robinson  Todd,  son  of  Rev.  John  Todd  of  Mary- 
land.   He  died  in  1896 ._ VIII-82 

They  lived  in  Washington,  D.  C,  where  he  was  connected  with  the 
National   Museum   and   Smithsonian   Institution. 

d  ]\Iary  Jaquelin,  born  February  27,  1864,  married 
June  17,  1913.  Richard  Bowen  Daniel  (VII-37-a),  son  of 
Richard  P.  and  Isobel  M.  (Fernandez)  Daniel  of  Jackson- 
ville, Florida,  born  November  15,  1862.    No  issue. 

They  have  been  living  in  Denver,  Colorado.  He  was  educated  in  Vir- 
ginia and  trained  as  an  expert  accountant,  being  for  several  years  connected 
with  the  .Jacksonville,  Florida,  Bank.  Later  he  has  been  in  charge  of  lumber 
and  cattle  interests  in  Colorado. 

e  Augusta  Louisa,  born  September  27,  1879,  married 
November  15,  1899,  Elon  St.  Clair  Hobbs  of  New  York 
City VIII-83 

They  live  at  Fordham,  New  York  City,  where  he  is  a  lawyer  of  several 
years  practice.     He  is  a   graduate  of  St.  Johns  College,  Annapolis,   Maryland. 

TllK     I'.ri.I,     I" AM  1 1, V 

1  J 

Vll-;5"i      Cliildr.-ii    (if   ('c)loiifl    \\'illi;iiii    A.    .iihI    .\iiii;i    -1.      Smitli) 

;i       (  'liild,  iHini.  (1  In  I  in  III  t';iiicy. 

li      Aimiist  iiic  ( 'linrlrs.  honi  Aii-^iisl.   1  s.'s.'),  niiirrinl   l''riiii- 

OOS    lilissci    llowlrV   of    W'ilirlicslcl-.    \' i  I'^i  11  i;i . 
Tlu'.v    li\c   .11    Slii|ilic'i'ilst<)\vii.    \\  iNl    Nir^'ini.i. 

('      iMiii'V    Auii'iisln.    iiKirricd    1S7S.    ( '.    iJdrsrS'    Tyson    of 
Frederick.  M;il'\'l;iii(l.     She  d  ied  .1  iiiie  7.  ISTI*.     No  issue, 
d       Mli.;;il»etli   .M;i>_;il  1.  died  ii  iiiii;i  frie(  I    I  )eeeiiil)e|-  (i.  1  Slid. 

KEV.   LEVI    liULL,   D.   D. 


(Page    22) 

e  Anna  Jiuiuelin,  married  Henry  L'lay  Get/endannuer 
of  Charles  Town,  West  Virginia,  whose  parents  were  from 
Pennsylvania  VIII-8-1 

He  giacluated  with  the  degree  of  A.  B.  at  Washington  and  Lee  Uni- 
versity. He  practices  law  at  Charles  Town,  where  they  live.  He  has  been 
elected  to  the  S'tate  Senate  several  tin-es,  and  was  Captain  of  Company  11 
of  the  2nd  West  Virginia  Volunteer  Infantry  in  the  Spanish-American  War. 
He  was   at   one  time   cashier   of   the   National   City   Bank   of   Charles  Town. 

f  AYilliam  Augustine,  married  (1)  Anna  Means  of  Kan- 
sas  City  VIII-85 

Married  (2). 

g  Daniel  ITenry,  horn  in  West  Virginia.  Dei-emher  18, 
1870,  married  Isabella  Booker. 

They  live  at  Amehia  Court  House.  X'irsinia.  He  was  appointed  Assistant 
Surgeon  in  U.  S.  Navy,  November  27,  ISllli,  commissioned  Past  Assistant  Sur- 
geon, November  27,   ISOO,  and  retired  'from  active  duty  for  incapacity  incident 

142  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

to  the  service,  March  9,  1904.  He  served  as  follows;  1897,  at  the  laboratory, 
Xavv  Yard,  New  York;  U.  S.  S.  "Cincinnati",  1898;  U.  S.  S.  "Iris",  1899; 
U.  S.  S.  "Vermont",  1900;  U.  S.  S.  "Philadelphia",  1901-1902.  Treatment 
at  hospital,  Mare  Island,  California,  1903. 

li  Archibald  Magill  Smith,  married  Sarah  Shepherd  of 
Shepherdstown,  AVest  Virginia - VIII-86 

They  live  at  Charles  Town,  West  Virginia. 

VII-33     Children  of  George  W.  and  Maria  L.  H.   (Smith)  Jack- 
son. VI-6-m 

a     Elizabeth, 
b     Mary. 
c     Louisa. 

All  died  in  childhood  and  are  Iniried  at  Ironton,  Ohio. 

VII-34     Children    of    Archibald   M.    and   Mary   B.    (Meredith) 
Smith.  VI-6-n 

a  Elizabeth  ]\Ieredith,  born  May  31,  1869,  married  Feb- 
ruary 24,  1892,  Walter  Joseph  Suthon  of  Franklin,  Louis- 
iana"  --... VIII-87 

He  graduated  at  Oxford  University,  Mississippi,  and  with  B.  L.  at  Tulane 
University,  New  Orleans,  Louisiana.  He  was  District  Attorney  of  St.  Mary's 
and  Terre  Benne  Parishes,  Louisiana,  and  is  now  a  sugar  planter  at  Houma, 

b  "William  Meredith,  born  December  1,  1870,  married 
Eliza  Clarkson  Marshall  of  Markham,  Virginia. 

They  live  at  Markham,  Farquier  County,  Virginia,  where  he  is  a  farmer. 
She  is  a  direct  descendant  of  Chief  Justice  John  Marshall. 

c  Archibald  Magill,  born  December  28,  1872,  died 
March  24,  1875. 

d  John  Augustine,  born  February  3,  1875,  married  De- 
cember 3,  1902,  Alice  Virginia  Hagley  of  Charles  Town, 
West  Virginia - -- VIII-88 

He  is  a  farmer  living  near  Charles  Town. 

e  Pocahontas  Boiling,  born  June  28,  1877,  married 
George  Carroll  Todd  of  Isle  of  Wight  County,  Virginia.... VIII-89 

He  is  a  graduate  B.  L.  of  Columbia  College,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  is 
First  Assistant  Attorney  General  of  the  United  States,  at  Washington,  D.  C 

f  Reuben  Boiling,  born  October  10,  1879,  died  March 
30,  1881. 

g  Mary  Thurston,  born  March  10,  1882,  married  Sep- 
tember 16,  1903,  Jean  Louis  Caillonet  of  Houma,  Louis- 
iana'  VIII-90 

He  is  a  graduate  of  Tulane  University,  New  Orleans,  Louisiana,  and  is 
now  a  sugar  planter  at  Houma,  Louisiana. 

h  Reuby  Jaquelin,  born  July  21,  1884,  married  April 
22,  1913,  Tliomas  Massie  Boyd  of  Bryant,  Virginia Vin-91 

He  is  an  orchardist  at  Bryant,  Virginia. 

i     Charles  Magill,  born  December  11,  1886. 

He  is  a  civil  engineer,  living  at  Amarilla,  Texas,  where  he  is  computer  for 
the  Santa  Fe  Railway. 

'rill':    111  LL    I'AMii.v  1 1:{ 

VII-S")      ( 'hihliTii  iif  (i(oi\L;c   W.  ;iii(l   Alfred;!    A.  '1'.    iSiiiillii   .l;irk- 

Sdll.  \'  I     li   () 

n  .M;ir\-  |);irlc\',  iii.ii'ricd  |)r.  Wiillrf  Lrc  Austin  ol' 
'r.'\;is         .' ' \lll  !»2 

li  Alfi'cdji  Aim  'riickci'.  iiijifficd  Api'il  '2\.  IfKfJ.  .hiiiirs 
Lewis  .\I;irsli;dl  ol'  roi-lsiiKiiil  li.  \' iiM;ini;i,  son  of  U'irli;ii-d 
('okc   ;iMd    ( 'id  lirrihi'    i  Wilson  i    .\l;irsli;d  I . 

Mr     is     Krt'iit     ui'iinImiii     c,I'     (  hiri     .lii^iii-.'     .I.iliri     M.-irshnll     of     lli.'     t'.     H, 
Siiprciiii'  Coiii't. 

VII-8()      Ciiildi't'ii    of    .lohn    S.    ,'ind     I'jniii;!     i  Widlaec  i     Mnrdock. 


;i  Sai'.-di  d;i(|iirliii.  Iioni  in  South  (';irolin;i  in  l"^lo,  iii;ir- 
I'ifd  (1)  .M;iy  iS,  ISiili,  \\'illi;ini  'Townsend  Adams,  wliodi'd 
in  .lanuaiy,'  187:5 \'lll-!j;} 

^Mai-ried  1^2)  in  1874  William  Wallace  of  Colunihiu,  South 
Carolina    V 1  il-:(4 

b     Eleanor  Tolls.  ])()i-n  in  South  Carolina  in  184(i. 

e  Ennua  Jane,  horn  in  i'doi-ida  in  1848,  inai'rifd  in  ls7i) 
Josei)li    Warren    Seott Vni-U5 

d  Lilv  Dell,  horn  in  Florida  in  1853,  married  in  1880 
.lames   .r.    Crosswell VIII-OB 

Mrs.   Crosswell  lives   in  Fayettevillc.   North   Carolina. 

e     John  Wallace,  born  in  Florida   in   18r)t).  marrii'd   in 

1879  Josephine  Brand  of  St.  Augustine,  Florida VIII-97 

f     Alexina  Evans.  l)orn  in  hdoi'ida  in  18.')!).  died  in  l^I'l. 

VII-37  Children  of  Kiehard  P.  and  lsoi)el  M.  (Fernande.^.) 
Daniel.  \'I-8-a 

a  Eichard  Bowen,  born  Xovember  15.  1852.  married 
(1)  .laniiary  20,  1800.  Anna  Hardy  Bell \'iII-08 

Married  (2)  June  17,  lObi,  Mary  Jaquelin  Smith 
(VII-31-d),  daughter  of  Augustine  -1.  and  HIizaheth  15. 
(^lorgan)  Smith,  born  Februai-y  27.  18(i4. 

See  A'lI-Ml-d  for  personal  reeord. 

VII-38      Children   of  James  J.   and    I'hnilv   I.    (L 'Fugle)    Daniel. 


a  Susan  Fatio,  born  Mareh  1:5.  ISlil,  married  .May  5. 
1884,  Arthur  ^Merrill  Knigiit.  horn  Novemi)er  l(i,  1850.  Sju' 
died  April  :^0.  1010 ^ V 111-09 

b  Cornelia  Coodrich.  born  August  13,  1863,  marrieil 
April  10.  1802,  llerliert  Lamson,  born  February  20.  1870. 
died  Xoveml)er  10.  1894 VIII-100 

c     James  Jacpielin,  born  June  :'.  1805.  died  July  2.  1883. 

d  Mar.v  Fmil.v,  born  Scptemhci'  4.  IStil'.  married  June 
23.  1003.  Mathew  llawes  Houghton,  born  July  21.  1800. 
No  issue. 

e     Evelyn  Isobel,  born  September  20.  1871. 

144  THE,   BULL    FAMILY 

f  Ilenrv  Augustine,  born  November  20,  1874,  married 
February  11,  1908,  Lovela  Mallard,  born  July  24,  1880.  No 

g  Anna  Madeline,  born  November  18,  1876,  married 
June  3,  1902,  Franklin  Harper  Elmore,  born  April  1,  1869. 
She  died  May  7,  1909 ____ _ VIII-101 

li  Richard  Potts,  born  July  13,  1880,  married  June  10, 
1911,  Mary  Goff  Palmer,  born  August  20,  1871 VIII-102 

VII-40     Children  of  John  C.  and  Sarah  C.    (Daniel)    L'Engle. 


a  Claudia  Cornelia,  born  May  22,  1865,  married  Septem- 
ber 25,  1889.  Charles  Sullivan  Adams,  born  June  20'  1862. 
She  died  February  10,  1895.    No  issue. 

b  Rosa  Madeline,  born  April  14,  1868,  died  June  10- 

c     Edward  Jaquelin,  born  November  2,  1870. 

d  John  Claudius,  born  May  9,  1873,  died  December  25, 

e     Mary  Evelyn,  born  June  22,  1875. 

YII-41     Children  of  Bladen  and  Caroline  R.   (Nourse)  Dulaney. 


a  Caroline  Rebecca,  born  Mav  25,  1845,  died  October 
18,  1846. 

b  Phoebe  Pemberton,  born  February  1,  1850,  married 
October.  1883,  Thomas  John  Chew  of  "Cleveland,"  Prince 
William  County,  Virginia.  (Second  wife.)  He  was  born 
April  18,  1845.    She  died  December  22,  1883.    No  issue. 

c  Rosa  Morris  Romilly,  born  May  25,  1852,  married  May 
17,  1872,  Thomas  John  Chew  (first  wife) .  She  died  in  April 
1879 .-- -- _._.VIII-103 

VII-42     Children  of  Charles  W.  and  Louisa   (Nourse)    Forrest. 


a  Rebecca  Morris,  born  August  19,  1847,  died  March, 

b  Elizabeth,  born  December  7,  1849,  died  unmarried 
February  11,  1879. 

c  Louisa  Rebecca  Nourse,  born  June  9,  1851,  married 
October  6,  1897,  Colonel  John  Bratton  Erwin  of  South 
Carolina,  born  October  12,  1832.  She  died  February  25, 
1916.  at  A¥ashington,  D.  C.    No  issue. 

They  lived  in  Washington,  B.  C. 

Yn-43     Cldldren  of  Charles  J.  and  Margaret   (Kemble)  Nourse. 


a     Charles  Joseph,  born  May  1,  1854,  married  April  14, 

1887.  Julia  Livingston  Peabody,  daughter  of  Judge  Charles 

and  Julia   (Livingston)   Peabody,  born  February  4,  1853. 

He  died  in  November,  1907 Vin-104 

They  lived  in  >>'ew  York  City,  where  she  still  resides. 

'iiii';    r.i  i.L    I'AM  ii-Y  1  jr, 

VII-44      C'liiMi-i'ii  (if  ( 'li;irl(',s  .1.  ;iii(I    Aiiiir  ( '.    i  Simpson)    Xoili'Sf. 

n      Amic  (^onstniicc.  boi-ii  I )(  rciiilin- S.  ISSfl. 
I)      M;ii\v  I*ciiil)iM-|()ii.  Ix.iii  .Inly  iL'.  ls:)(». 
(•     W.-iltrr  i;iii-l(.ii,  horn  April  l!:;.  1S!):{. 
(1      Chai'lotlc  St.  (Joorgr,  l»orn  I  )(TrMii.<T  L'O,  ls!»4. 

VIT-4r)      (Miildrcn  of  (Mi;ii-lcs  C   ;iii(l    I'-Ii/.;iI)t'11i    ('Xoursc)    Simins. 


a     Cliarlcs  Noiii'sc.  liofii  .Ma\'   1.   IS.VI:,  niarrifil   (l)  Junt! 

25,  1880,  C'atliri'in.'  Klla   r.unV.u-lis VIII-105 

Married  (2)  Laura  Coylc.     No  issue. 

b  Ri('hai-(1  Douglas,  l)()i'ii  .Mar.'li  2!i,  1868,  inarrir,!  I!in2 
Emily  Dunlop  Vll  I-lOG 

Lives  in  Washington,  D.  C. 

VII-46     riiildn'u   of   Samuel   M.   and    :\rarv   E.    ('Smith)    Guest. 


a  Sara  Eiehmond,  l)orn  in  Mempliis,  Tennessee.  October 
7,  1866,  married  November  26,  1890.  Charles  (I.  Hamilton, 
son  of  eTames  T.  and  Jane  Elizabeth  Ilamilton,  ])orn  October 

26,  1857  - VTTI-in7 

Tht'v  live  at  South  Hadley,  Massachusetts,  where  he  is  a  farmer.  James 
T.  Hamilton  was  from  Norwich,  Connecticut,  and  .Jane  Elizabeth  Hamilton 
was   from   Ogden,    New  York. 

YII-17     Children    of    John    B.    and    Lneetta     (Howell)     Smith. 


a  Bovd,  born  ^Nlarcli  23,  1866.  married  in  1895.  Melissa 
Cnllom  " VIII-108 

b  Sarah  Harriet,  born  at  Peoria,  Illinois.  August  8, 
1868,  married  June  21,  1894,  AVilliain  Edward  Stone  II  of 
Peoria,  who  was  son  of  AVilliam  JMlward  and  (iertrude  V. 
(Gerstoff)  Stone,  and  who  was  born  December  80,  1861... \'l  11-109 

They  live  at  121  Flora   Avenue,    Peoria,   niinois. 

c  Archibald  Alexander,  born  at  Peoria,  Illinois,  Novem- 
ber 11,  1870,  died  at  Fresno.  California.  January  17.  1899. 

d  Lewis  Howell,  born  at  Peoria.  Illinois,  November  3, 
1872,  married  at  Georgetown,  El  Dorado  County.  Califor- 
nia. April  20.  1899.  :\Iaude  Evelyn  Sliepherd.  daughter  of 
Benjamin  Franklin  and  Fannie  Shepherd,  born  Februarv 
9,   1873   VIILllO 

He  attended  high  school  at  Peoria,  Illinois;  moved  to  California  .Tuly  14, 
1S89;  graduated  at  Stanford  University.  May  !!'.>,  ISO.'i,  receiving  tirst  law 
diploma  issued  there:  was  city  attorney  of  Fresno.  1S071S!)0  and  lOl.'MOlT: 
president  of  Fresno  Cliamber  of  Commerce,   1004.     They  are  living  in  Fresno. 

e  Elsie  Latimer,  born  August  15,  1878,  at  Peoria.  Illi- 
nois, married  ^lay  25,  1915,  Jay  Allen  Fiske  of  San  Fran- 

146  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

cisco,  California,  son  of  John  Dewey  and  Amanda  Jean 
(Newman)  Fiske  from  Tarrytown,  New  York,  born  Octo- 
ber 27,  1882 - ._..VIII-111 

They  live  in  San  Francisco,  California,  where  he  is  in  business. 

f  Marion  Lucette,  born  July  3,  1880,  died  November 
30,  1885. 

She    is    buried    at    Peoria,    Illinois. 

VII-IS     Children    of    John    B.    and    Isabelle    (Fenton)     Lathy. 

a     Henry  Kent,  born  September  21,  1864,  married  Achsa 
Maud  Barnwell  of  Fresno,  California _ .VIII-112 

He  graduated  at  a  business  college  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri.  They  live 
near  Fresno,   California,  where  he  has  a  large  raisin  ranch. 

b  Sarah  Fenton,  born  December  4,  1867,  married  De- 
cember 4,  1901,  George  B.  McClelland,  from  Liberty,  Mis- 

He  graduated  at  Columbia  University,  and  is  Professor  of  Manual  Train- 
ing at  Pasadena,  California,  where  they  live.     No  issue. 

c  Carl  Boyd,  born  September  10,  1882,  married  July  20, 
1911.  Edna  "Worden,  daughter  of  Dr.  Frank  Worden  of  Al- 
ton, Illinois  -- - - __....VIII-113 

He  attended  Shurtleff  College  in  Alton,  Illinois,  Washington  University  of 
S't.  Louis,  Missouri,  and  Michiajan  University  at  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan.  He  is 
a   civil  engineer  at  Houston,   Texas. 

Yn-49     Children  of  William  T.  (II)  and Boyd.      VI-13-f 

a     William  Thomas  III,  born  May  23,  1885. 

Appointed  Midshipman  at  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  Mary- 
land, in  1904:  graduated  in  190.8;  resigned  from  the  Navy,  March  17,  1911, 
and  was  appointed  Second  Lieutenant  in  the  U.  S'.  Coast  Artillery,  August  12, 
1911;  promoted  to  First  Lieutenant  in  1915,  and  to  Captain  in  1918. 

VII-50     Children  of  John  B.  and  Helen  M.   (Thomas)   Headley. 

a     Annie  Latona,  born  September  30,  1858,  died  January 
3,  1857. 

b  William  Thomas,  born  May  29,  1860,  married  Novem- 
ber 22,  1882,  Kate  P.  Freeze ...._VIII-114 

c     John  Boyd,  born  ]May  1,  1864,  died  December  28,  1866. 
d     Helen  Thomas,  born  March  27,  1867,  unmarried. 

YII-51     Children  of  Benjamin  F.  and  Rosina  J.    (McGoldrick) 
Headley.  YI-14-b 

a  ]\Iary  Elizabeth,  born  at  Morristown,  New  Jersey,  No- 
vember 7,  1859. 

b  ]\Iaria  Josepha,  born  in  Morristown,  New  Jersey,  Octo- 
ber 31,  1861. 

c  Frank  IMcGoldriek,  born  at  Newark,  New  Jersey, 
April  21,  1866,  married  Leah  Miller  of  Dayton,  Ohio.  No 

d  John  Boyd,  born  at  Harveyville,  Pennsylvania, 
August  5,  1870. 

Till':    r.ri.i,    I'',\.\iilv  147 

VII-')!*      Cliildrcii  ol'  .Iniiics   \'.  ;iii(l    Ml  i/;i  lirl  h    |;.      llrjMll.-yi    I'.nit- 
l,.y.  \'l    1  I  '• 

;i      ( 'h;ii-li'S    llcjidli'V,    lioni    A|inl     II),    lS(i|,    m.i  rrird    No- 
VciiilxM- ■_';>,  1S(S7,  Siisiiii   l']li/,;ilir|  li  (';ikc,  wlio  \\;is  liorii  Sfp 
tcnilici'    10.    1S(i7 \'l  I  I    11.". 

I)  Ucssic  Txtyd,  boni  Au<;iist  IR.  iSHn.  ui;ifficd  Octolicr 
28,  1885,  Tlii'otlorr  Ijw  i'arsoiis  Multonl,  wImi  \\;is  lioni  in 
18(50 \'  II I  - 1  1 1; 

('  .|(»sr|)li;i  lioyd.  lioni  l''rlirii;i  ry  Id,  1^71.  iii;in-ii'd  Xo- 
vcinlxT  ;5,  1SI)4,  W'illiiiiii  Ki'cdcrick  Ihdl'oid  tindsoii,  son  of 
Fii'dci'ick  llalt'oi'd  (.'odsoii  (»!'  ('lapliain  Manor  lloiisr.  Lon^ 
don,  Kn^'laiid,  born  1  here  Scplcnd)!!- •">,  lS(i8 \' II  I   117 

III'  ciilislcd  .■iiicl  scrvid  lis  ii  piiviilr  .inil  r(ii|iiii-:i  I  in  Triir)))  H,  Isf  Cavalry, 
I'niin  April  IS,  IS'.t!,  In  .lul,\  17,  |s',i|.  |lr  was  ap|)iiiMtc<l  First  F^iciitenant, 
.'iritU  U.  S,  N'liliiiilcci-  Iiil'aiitiy,  from  Nrassacliusclts,  .Inly  .1,  IStlil.  Honorably 
ninstci'cd  luit  May  2,  11M11,  and  ii|)l)oint('d  First  Ijiciitcnant,  Kith  I'.  S.  Cavalry, 
from  February  11,  1!M)1.  I'romotcd  (o  Captain  of  (avalry,  Mardi  11.  Iflll. 
Transferred  to  the  Sth  Cavalry,  March  1,  l!ti:!;  a(l,iutant  of  ref;iiiieMt,  Uerem- 
her  S,  101."!,  Promoted  to  Ma.jor  and  to  Lieutenant  Colonel  in  the  Xalional 
Army,  and  assigned  to  duty  at  Heme,  Switzerland,  UllS,  in  intelliirenre  work 
relative   to   pi'isoners.      Promoted   to   Colonel,    October  '2'.).    ^'^^S., 

d  Tlelen  Louise,  boni  December  7,  1874,  married  .May 
19.  1898,  Jolni  Charles  Lewis,  who  was  born  November  26. 
1871  \' 1 1 1-118 

He  is  president  of  the  Ijewis  Fuel  Company  of  Baltimore,  Maryland, 
where  they  live. 

VII-53     Children  of  Charles  W.  and   K'achel    (Hatfield)    Kiilmle. 

a  INIary  Anna,  born  Xovember  5,  1837,  in  Last  Han- 
over Townshi]),  Lebanon  County.  Pennsylvania,  married 
•John  Adam  Loger,  who  was  liorn  June  8.  1833,  in  Douglass 
Township,  Montgomery  ('Ount.v.  Peiinsyhania.  and  died  at 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  March  28.  ]!)():!.  Sh,.  dird 
August  7,  1!)()4,  at  l'hiladeli)hia VI 11-119 

Yn-54     (diildreii   of   Charles   and    .\niia    ^1.    (Oltinger)    Huston. 


a  Mary  P^lma,  born  December  2.  184t),  married  Lemuel 
Zell  Shermer,  son  of  William  and  Maria  Sliermer  of  Mount 
Airy,  Pennsylvania,  born  December  16,  1845 VIII-120 

b     Charles.  Ji'..  born  Au.unst  3,  1852.  died  in  infancy. 

c  Henrietta  Ottinger,  born  October  2,  1855.  married 
April  7,  1876.  John  James  Macfarlane,  son  of  David  and 
Catherine  Macfarlane  of  Chestnut  Hill.  IMiiladclpliia,  Penn- 
sylvania, born  June  5,  1826 Vni-121 

VII-55     Children  of  Harvey  and  Soi)liia  (Hlliotti  Sbaw,     Vl-18-a 

a     Isabella,  born  ^lay  31,  1846,  unmai-ried. 

b  John  Elliott,  born  February  27.  1848.  married  June 
30,  1880,  Clara  :\lcCarter,  who  was  l)orn  .March  19.  1855. 
He  died  May  25,  1905 VIII-122 

148  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-56     Children  of  Charles  J.  and  Kebecca  R.  (Thomas)  Elliott. 


a  Charles  John,  horn  June  9,  1854,  died  unmarried 
May,  1875. 

b     Mary  Jones,  born  October  21,  1860. 

YII-o7     Children    of    James    A.    and    Isabella    (Bull)    Darling. 


a  Lewis,  born  in  1869,  married  Lillian  Shaw.  He  died 
June  21,  1901  ....- VIII-123 

YII-58     Children  of  William  M.   and   Ella  M.    (Shipps)    Bull. 


a     Lewis   Gronow  IV,  born  October  25,   1884,  married 
March  31,  1907,  Edna  Rebecca  Buck,  born  November  28,     ' 
1887,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Rebecca  Buck  of  Colestown, 
New  Jersey VIII-124 

b  William  Meredith,  Jr.,  born  November  26,  1888,  mar- 
ried October  6,  1915,  Mildred  Gladys  Whitmore,  born  Sep- 
tember 21,  1892. 

c  Elsie  Marie  Isabella,  born  March  19,  1892.  married 
October  2,  1912,  Clarence  Bennett,  son  of  Alphonza  and 
]Mary  Bennett  of  Cape  J\Iay,  New  Jersey,  born  April  4, 


VII-59     Children  of  and  Sallie  B.    (Stephens)    Beer- 
bower.  VI-20-e 

a     Eleanor. 

YII-60     Children  of  Charles  E.  and Adams.        yi-22-a 

a     Donald,  died  in  1912. 

VII-61     Children  of  Richard  R.  and  Elizabeth  (Newell)  McQuis- 
tion.  VI-23-a 

a  Mary  Jane,  born  December  26,  1848,  married  Decem- 
ber 26,  1867,  John  J.  B.  Fink,  who  was  born  August  5, 
1837 VIII-125 

They  live  in  Tulsa,  Oklahoma. 

b  Albert  Barnes,  born  July  3,  1850,  married  September 
3,  1876.  Fidelia  ^Morrison,  who  was  born  July  8,  1846,  and 
died  December  16,  1913 _ __ VIII-126 

c  Joseph  Lewis,  born  April  19,  1852,  died  October  12, 

d     Susannah  Hall,  born  July  15,  1854,  died  in  infancy. 

Tl  I  i;      I'.l    1,1,      !■■  \  Ml  l,\'  I  I'.) 

A'lI-li'J        CllildlVll     <il'     l,'irli;ir,|      l:.     ;ill(|      I'l  I  i /.;i  1  ir  t  1 1      i|',;ilT'      .\|r(^llis- 

a  Laura  I'.aiT,  iii;i  rrird  William  ll(iir\'  W'isr,  who  ua.s 
boni  .\l;i\'  .").  IS  IT),  al   Maiislidil,  (lliio.     No  i.ssiii-. 

'I'hiy  livi'  Ml  Oil  <'ily,  I'cimsy lv,uii;i.  lie  ciilisli'd  Si'iili'inlicr  1,  IMIil,  sm 
liiivali'  ill  (  iiinpiiiiy  K,  .'II-'ikI  Kcfiimriil,  ((liio  N'oluiiti'cr  I  iifiiiil  ry,  lii-coriiini; 
( 'oiliDiiil  ill  ISli:;,  S<'r;;ciiMt,  .Inly  HI,  ISI!;',;  Scrond  Licillcliaiit,  ,\|(fil  <(,  ISCil, 
1111(1  ('iii)liiin,  Xovi'iiiliiT  IS,  LSI'il;  liii.illy  (lischii  rm'd  git  Liniisvilli',  Kent  iicky. 
.Inly  L'l!,  l.sii,",  ,ci  (11(1  111'  will'.  Ifis  st'i-vicc  wiis  at  MrDdwcll,  VirKiiiiii;  (  ruMH 
Keys,  Vii'«iiii;i.  ;iii(l  I  hi  ipcr's  Ferry,  A'irK'i'iii.  wlii'i'c  Iw  was  lakt'ii  prisoni-r. 
lie  was  jiai'dlcd  allcr  Iwo  days  and  was  at  I'arolc  Caini),  ChicaKo,  IlliiiolK, 
iiiilil  ('X(diaiii;i'(l  .laniiai\-  1,  I.Sli:!.  'I'lu'  rcitiiiiciit  was  then  sent  to  join  (icncral 
(iranl's  (■(umnand  on  llic  ,M  ississipjii,  and  was  at  "N'icksliiir^,  Atliintii,  r)ii  th<! 
•'Miircli  to  llic  .Sea'',  and  tinally  al  llic  sniTcndcr  of  (icncral  .Irdiiistnnc  at 
T\al('ii;li,  Xoiili  (*,i  nilina,  in  ISI'.".  llr  was  jiriKadc  Inspi-ctor  on  the  stalT  of 
liriiiiidicr  (icncral    I'..    1''.    I'olls,    liist    two  months  in   service. 

1)  lOdwiird  Everett,  lioni  ;it  (V)iilt(>r,  Peniisylv;iiii;i,  Sep- 
1eiiil»cr,  1860,  married  .hiiiiijiry  1.'),  1S84.  Ethel  \Villiains....\'I  I  I-Il'7 

e  Jxiehard  Eobiiisoii,  horn  ;it  Coulter,  Penusylvani.i. 
Seiit(Mnl)er  21,  18()."),  married  Septeml)er  1,  1889.  Maud 
I'liillips,  who  \v;is  l)orii  ;it  iManchoster,  England.  Miindi  21. 
18()8.  daughter  of  AViiiiiim  Perry  and  10iiiiii;i  Siitlon 
INiillips  ' \'  1 1 1-128 

VII-6:5     Children   of   Joseph   L.    jiiid    AFjiry   J.    (Hall)    ]MeQuis- 
tion.  VI-23-1) 

a     INIargaret  Jane,  horn  .lulv  22,  1852,  marrii'd  Walter 

Sergeant  ": ' VITr-12!) 

h     IMary  Ellis,  horn  August  15,  1854. 

c  Sidney  Ormshy.  horn  July  17,  1859.  niiirried  Oetoher 
28,  1879,  Kieluird  Hartie,  who  was  born  Deeemher  6,  1851). 
and  died  August  21,  1909 VI 1 1-130 

He   was   a    large   paper   mamifacturer,    a   business   now    carried   on   by   his 
sons.      ?Ie   is   buried   at   Homewood   cemetery,    Pittsburgh,    Pennsylvania.      She 

lives  at    Tittsliiirsli. 

VII-6-1:     Children   o£   George    \l.   Jind    VAiza    (Forsj^th)    Cochran, 


a  James  Taylor,  horn  on  Steul)envilh'  Pike,  Alleghany 
County,  Pennsylvania,  ^rareh  4.  1857.  nuirried  in  Alle- 
ghany, Pennsylvania,  August  17,  1882.  Xaney  Jane  Porter, 
who  was  horn  at  Beaver,  Pennsylvania,  Oetoher  28.  1852..VIII-131 

b  INIargaret  Jane,  l)orn  in  Sharpshurg,  Pennsylv;iiii;i, 
October  21,  1859,  died  unmarried  in  .\llegli;in\-  County. 
Pennsylvania,  November  21,  191(i. 

pjuricd   in  Uniondale   cemetery,   Pittsburjjli.   Pennsylvania. 

c  Elizabeth  Eobinson.  l)orn  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsyl- 
vania, June  21.  18()2, 

d  George  IIam])ton.  l)oni  in  AMeghany.  April  12.  1S))7. 
died  there  November  4,  1872. 

P.uried   in  Uniondale  cemetery,   Pittsburgh,   Pennsylvania. 

150  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YII-65     Children  of  AA^illiam  and  Mary  A.   (Cochran)   Johnson. 


a  Susan  Arabel. 

b  Thomas  Cochran. 

c  John. 

d  Mand  Cramer. 

e  William. 

f  Bertha,  married AYitzall. 

VII-66     Children  of  James  and  Margaret    (McCully)    Cochran. 


a     Floretta  Elizabeth,  born  February  22,  1868,  married 

July  9,  1889,  James  H.  Gestler,  who  was  born  September 

1,   i860  ...._... - - - _.__.VIII-132 

b     Clara  Jane,  born  March  31,  1870,  unmarried, 
c     Elma  Arabell.  born  October  27,  1874,  died  May  16, 

d     Harry  Milton,  born  November  10,  1877,  unmarried. 

A^II-67     Children  of  James  S.  and  Nancy  G.    (Gilleand)    Craw- 
ford.                                                                                  Aa-25-a 
a     Harry  Gilleand,  born  March  14,  1868,  married  Feb- 
ruary 18,  1897,  Addie  Scott.. VIII-133 

b     Lydia  Elizabeth,  born  December  4,  1869. 
c     John,  born  May  15,  1872,  died  July  2,  1872. 
d     James  Graham,  born  January  12,  1884. 

VII-68  Children  of  Richard  E.  and  Sarah  J.  (Ashcraft)  Mech- 
ling.  VI-26-a 

a  Ormsby  Wallace,  born  September  29,  1864,  mar^ 
ried VIII-134 

b  Christian  D.,  born  January  13,  1867,  died  October  23. 
1897 VIII-135 

c  Amanda  Minerva,  born  July  11,  1872,  died  May  18. 
1911,  married Crook...... VIII-136 

d     John  Henry,  born  May  20.  1877.  married VIII-137 

e  Emma  Janetta,  married  Howard  Irwin  of  Clearfield, 
Pennsyvania VIII-138 

f     Iva  Arnold,  born  February  7,  1881. 

g     Annie  Laura,  born  February  19,  1884. 

YTT-69     Children  of  Benjamin  F.  and  Louisa  (Hersh)  Mechling. 

a     Isabella    Alartha,    l)orn    January    16,    1868,    married 
April  1,  1896,  Charles  Ilindman.    No  issue. 

b  ]\Iary  Alice,  born  March  10,  1870,  died  February  8, 

c  Anna  Florence,  born  April  28,  1872,  married  July  24, 
1889,  George  S.  Bagett,  died  March  10,  1905 ...'....VIIL139 

Til  10    liii.i,    i'wiii.v  ir,i 

(I  I'linilx'  l>(iliri-ts.  horn  .\l;i\  II.  1.S7I.  iii;i  rrifd  .M;iy  ]s. 
18!)S,  Willi.iiii  r.   L.iliiiicr  "       X'lIIUO 

f  -lohii  ( 'li  I'ist  i;i  II.  Iiofii  -liiiir  !2'^.  iSIT'i.  iii;i  frin  |  .\iiii;i 
]  li'iisliT.      .\()   issue. 

r  ll;ir\('y  .l.-iroh.  Iioni  .\(i\riiil)i  r  .">,  ISTS,  iiwin-ird  .Xpril 
7.   liKi:!.   AhiKi   (iciT.-ird '. \' I  I  I   111 

^  1  it'll  ininiii  liiilici't.  lioni  .I;iiiii;if\'  21.  ISSl.  (linl  .\I;ifr|i 
18,  ISSl.' 

h      'rii()iii;is  1,1'slic.  li(ini    I  )('ci'iiil)iT  •".!.   iss:;.  niiirricil    l)i'- 

(••■IIiImt  I'l.    ]!)(•:!.   Siirll;i    .\l;iru';Hvl    Slr;iii]      \' I  I  I    ]  [-J. 

i  liiii'll;!  -l.-iiir.  iHini  \\;\y  '21.  Is'^ti,  ni.-irrii'd  M;iri-li  "J'^. 
IIKMI,  .l.-inics  L.   Dcnlc.w     Shr  di.'d  OdolxT  iT).   I'Jlti \'1II-U:{ 

j  Williniii  llriiry  1  l;i  rrisdii,  liorii  .\ii'_;iis1  4,  1888,  mai"- 
rit'd  .l;iiiii;iry  L'D.  liidS.  (icrtrudr   .M  iiivhl;iiid VI 11-144 

k  (iracc  l^li./a.  born  .hil\'  '2.  ISIM).  niaiTii'd  Octol)!')-  ]2. 
1!)11.  Harry  Euiivuc  Hall,  hoi'ii  Ortohci- :](),  1888 \'lll-14r) 

1      Wallace  Fiuinklin.  born  -janiiai-v  8,  1803. 

VIT-70     Children  of  Joseph  and  Ann  E.  (^Feehlino-)  Kkis.   VT-2fi-e 

a  iMiiina  -lane,  l)orn  -liiiic  17,  18.18.  iiian-ic(l  I  ).'rciiibiT 
6,  1877.  Eli  (ii])son Vlll-U(i 

h     James  Bhd-cely. 

e  Kiehard  ^leehliiig',  born  Aut;iLsl  2o,  lSi)2,  married 
August  20,  1891,  Anna  :\[.  Fowler.. VI 1 1- 147 

d  Annie  Elizabeth,  born  October  28,  1865,  married  No- 
vember 11.  1014,  Adam  ^liningcM".    No  issue. 

e  Susan  I.,  born  September  27,  18G7,  married  (ieorge 
W.  Gibson  VI 1 1-148 

f     John  Alexander. 

g  Sidney  Ellis,  born  January  (I.  1871,  married  Novem- 
ber 27,  180i2.  J.  C.  Fowlei- ' VIil-140 

h     Charles  Franklin. 

i     Georg-e  Thomas. 

.i     Joseph  Levi. 

k     Lewis  Lemon. 

1     Samuel  ^Martin. 

VII-71     Cliildren  of  P.  Graham  and  Sidney  J.  ('^leddinu-'*  ^lartin. 


a  Lewis  Louden,  died  .Mav  23,  1011,  at  Younestown. 

1)  ^Morah  Ellis,  1)orn  Febi'uaiy  27,  18(id.  at  liiitlrr,  Penn- 
sylvania, married  September  23,  1883.  Sanuud  Erwin  Ryan, 
since  deceased.    Xo  issue. 

He  was  on  the  st;iae.  Slie  is  authnvess  of  many  popular  novels.  '"In 
Love's  Domain".  ■•Told  in  the  Hills*'.  •'For  the  Soul  of  Rafael".  •'The 
House  of  Dawn",  and  many  others.  She  lives  in  Xew  York  (Mty  and  Fayette, 

152  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-72     Children  of  Henry   G.   and  Maria    (Moody)    Mechling. 


Said  to  have  three  children.     No  record  ohtained. 

TII-73     Children   of   Lewis   K.    and   'Mary    (Cricks)    Mechling. 


Said  to  have  seven  cliildren.     Xo  record  obtained. 

VII-74     Children  of  Ormsbv  G.  and  Annetta  (Staley)  ]\Iechling. 


a     Vallie  E..  born  February  14,  1897. 
b     Porter,  born  April  3,  1899. 

YII-75     Children  of  William  W.  and  Mary  (Winner)  Mechling. 


a  Oliver  Ormsby,  born  April  18,  1877,  married  August 
14,  1907,  Ella  May  Eankin,  daughter  of  Joseph  Huston 
and  Anna  (Conaway)  Eankin  of  ]\Iillsboro  and  Frederick- 
toTTn,  Pennsylvania,  born  July  7,  1878.    No  issue. 

He  is  a  machinist.  He  "was  Sergeant  of  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Infantry, 
mustered  in  at  Mt.  Gretna,  Pennsylvania,  May  12,  1898,  and  mustered  out, 
February  28,  1899,  at  S'ummerville,  South  Carolina. 

b  Bessie  Pearl,  born  October  27,  1878.  married  June  12, 
1907,  Dr.  Thomas  George  Greig,  son  of  Walter  and  Mar- 
garet Greig,  who  were  from  Scotland;  born  March  14, 
1882  ■ .__._ VIII-150 

He  graduated  at  Pennsvlvania  State  Normal  School  in  1897  with  degree 
of  B.  E. 

c  John  Walter,  born  January  3,  1881,  died  July  17, 

d  Thomas  Blair,  born  November  15,  1885,  died  Decem- 
ber 18,  1903. 

e  Wallace  Frankling,  born  November  29,  1893,  died 
October  16,  1918,  at  Fort  Leavenworth.  Kansas. 

He  graduated  in  the  Agricultural  Department  of  the   Pennsylvania   State  ' 

College  in  1917.  He  enlisted  in  the  Training  Detachment  at  Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania,  .July  1,  1918;  was  transferred  to  Spring  Garden  Institute, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  and  later  was  sent  to  the  6lh  Training  Battalion, 

Signal  Corps,  U.  S.  Army,  at  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kansas.     He  was  promoted  to 

Corporal.     Died  at  Fort  Leavenworth,  October  16,  1918. 

VII-76     Children  of  Richard  G.  and  Jeannette  (Eveleth)  Robin- 
son. '  YI-27-a 

a  ]\Iary  Jeannette,  born  in  San  Francisco,  California, 
June  21,  1869.  died  there  June  25,  1869. 

Buried  at  Woodlawn  cemetery,   San  Francisco,   California. 

h  Grace  Agnes,  born  June  20,  1870,  at  San  Francisco, 

She  lives  with  her  parents  in  San  Francisco,  California. 

c  Richard  Gregory,  Jr.,  "born  June  30.  1872,  at  San 
Francisco,    California,   married   November   24,    1904.    Lou 

'I'lIK      111    1,1,      I'WIILV  1.-3 

.M;mI(I  ( 'rdrki'l  I ,  (|;i  iil;IiI  cr  i>\'  (  rior'jr  .\\ci-y  ;iiii|  -losii-  M;iii(| 
(Mills)  ('rockcit  I'loni  Xoi'l  lipoi-l .  Ahiiiir.  Imrii  ( )ct()l)iT  "_'0, 
ISST).      No    issue. 

lie    is    II    ni.irlric   ciiKi Mi'iT,    .-iiul    liny    live   .il    Scaltli',    \V;isliiiii;|r>n. 

(I  Siirjili  I*]li/,;ilirtli.  Iioiii  .\|)iil  21.  1S74.  ;if  S;iii  l'"i;ui- 
cisco,  ( ';ili  lOnii;!.  iii;ii')'ir(|  April  111,  l!Hii',  .|()sc|»li  (lr((ri_f(. 
Co.x.  son  ol'  (  icoi'uc  ;iii(l  l"'rc(|crii'k;i  ('ox.  troiii  l']ii'jl;iii'l  :iiii| 
CJci'inaiiy,  hoi'ii  .MniTli  (i,  iSiiT.     NO  issinv 

'riicy   live   in   ( );il<l,'i  ml,    ( '.i  11  rnriii;i. 

e  l<'r;iiik  .los('|ili,  horn  -iunr  II,  l^^l,  ;it  S;in  h'r;i iirisco, 
('iilil'onii;i.  died  niniiiirricd  p'ciiriniry  L'T.   l!il  [. 

VII-77      ('hildrcii    of    ( ii-cti-ory    Iv    ;ind    .M;ir,u;ii-c1     .\.       IliiM'kli'y) 
lu)l»inson.  \'I-LI7-I> 

;i      LcKoy,  l.oi-n  M;iy  1!).  188.").  died  April  -J.l^  1888. 

VII-78     Cliildrcn  oi' SidncN'  OniisliN' ;ind  .M;ii-v  (Dalcv)   Kohinsnn. 


a     Sidiu'V  ()rnisl)y. 

VIT-7n     (Miildr.Mi    of  Jolin    S.    and    Nancy    (O'J^.ricn)    Ridianls. 


a  Annclta  0'J>i'ien,  born  .Januai-y  (i,  1841,  died  Decem- 
ber 6,  1845. 

b  1.  Jcsepli  Edmund,  born  ]\Iay  25.  1843.  died  Septem- 
ber 24,  1843. 

2.  Nancy  Valeria,  born  May  25,  1843,  died  October  9, 

VII-80     Children  of  John  S.  and  -Julia  V.  N.   (Williams)  Rich- 
ards. VI-28-b 

a  Ann  Elizabeth,  born  -lanuary  8,  18()0,  married  No- 
vember 29,  1881.  John  W.  Tavlor,  who  was  born  Februarv 
17,  1842  '. VIII-151 

b  John  Howard,  born  Jannarv  3,  1861,  died  Jnlv  18, 

c  AVarren  TVoodward.  born  April  3.  1862.  man-ied 
Ang'ust  16,  1903,  Fannie  (Benson)  Kops,  chiuiiliter  of  .James 
and  Caroline  (Lyon)  Benson,  l)orn  in  New  York  City.  No 

d     Bentley  Smith,  born  Mny  2,  1865.  died  Auo-nst  4.  1870. 

e  John  Smitli,  liorn  October  16.  1869,  married  Februarv 
17,  1891,  Anna  Zook YIII-152 

Tlu'V  live  ill  New  York  City. 

VII-81     Children  of  Thomas  S.  and  Louisa  IE.  (Sheafe)  Richards. 

a     INIarv  Tlaven.  born  .\pril  4.   1849.  married  June  3(\ 
1873,  Alfred  Wilson  Lawton VlII-153 

They  live  nt  H;ickensack,  Xew  .Jersey. 

154  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b  A¥illiam  Miller,  born  June  3,  1851,  married  December 
20,  1880,  Julia  Florence  Ryon.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Leadville,  Colorado. 

c  Anne  Hunter,'  born  July  18,  1853,  died  unmarried 
August  28,  1885. 

d  Charles  Slieafe,  born  November  5,  1854,  married  July 
6,  1887,  Jessie  M.  Pierce.    He  died  March  2,  1904.    No  issue. 

e  Thomas  Howell,  born  July  4,  1856,  married  (1)  Octo- 
ber 26.  1878,  Sallie  Jameson  Boclley._.___ VIII-154 

Married  (2)  June  4,  1901,  Amy  Turtlee  Westerfelt VIII-155 

They  live  at  Hackensack,  New  Jersey. 

f  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  February  3,  1859,  married 
January  17,  1884,  Henry  M.  Hook .__....VIII-156 

Editor   of   paper    for   Immigration,    and    capitalist,    Bureau    of    South    and 
Southwest.     They  live  at  Hackensack,  Iv'ew  Jersey. 

g  Margaretta  Sheafe,  born  August  7,  1862,  died  Sep- 
tember 29,  1866. 

VII-82     Children  of  James  A.  and  Margaret  E.   (Wright)  Rich- 
ards. VI-28-g 
a     Louden  Wright,  born  January  26,  1856,  unmarried. 

Lives  at  Hathaway  Place,  Lebanon,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Bentley  Smith,  born  November  3,  1857,  died  March 
15,  1858. 

c     Emily  Smith,  born  April  29,  1862,  unmarried. 

She  lives  at  Lebanon,  Pennsylvania. 

d     Margaret  Wright,  born  July  5,  1871,  unmarried. 

She  lives  at  Lebanon,   Pennsylvania. 

VII-83.     Children  of  Joseph  O'B.  and  Isadore  (Reese)  Richards. 


a  William  Pollock,  born  September  12,  1869,  married 
■     June  9,  1897,  Elizabeth  F.  Lammeroux.    He  died  in  1913. 

b  Emily  Smith,  born  September  14,  1871,  died  in  in- 

c  Anna  May,  born  May  24,  1873,  married  February  27, 
1894,  Horace  ECill  Coleman.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  S't.  Louis,  Missouri. 

VII-84     Children    of   Horace    and    Anna    I\I.    (Nichols)    Smith. 


a     Frank  H.,  born  December  6,  1847. 

Both  of  his  parents  died  before  he  was  five  years  old,   and  he  was  taken 
in  fharse  by  his  uncles.     Disappeared  in  1858  and  never  heard  from. 

VII-85     Children  of  Vincent  H.   and  Mary  C.    (Smith)    Smith. 


a  Annetta  Old,  born  September  1,  1852,  died  May  4, 

Till';     lill.L     I'AMILV  155 

1)  Aiiiir  l,iiiiis;i.  lidi'ii  .\imiis1  :{,  IS.")!,  di'il  .hminiry  ]'■',, 

(•      Miwy  Cjillicriiic.  born   l''cl»ni;irv  Ll  1 .   ls.')(i. 

Slir    livTs    .'il    rliil:i(li'l|ilii:i.    I'l'iirisy  1\  iiiii.i. 

A'll-S()      ( 'hil(li-cii    (if   'riioiiiiis    S.    ;iii<l    .\l;ir\-    II.    iKIicciii;    l>c().sc|-. 


;i  ( 'h;ifli'.s  Ali'lviiiLihl ,  liofii  in  li'r.-n  1  i  iii;'.  1 'i-iilisyl  \;i  iii;i, 
Au,l;iis1  4,  1S:11I,  inniTird  (  1  i  Sc|)|ciiiiiri-  1  1,  1  S(i(i,  ( Jcor^'ijin;! 
Close  Sinilli.  honi  April  -Jd,  isli'.  died  Mjirdi   I.  1S7S X'!!!-!.')? 

.M.-il'ricd  (1^)  .liiiH'  LIT,  ISSS.  .Iuli;i  lldi'ii  lu-pplicl', 
(lauglilcr  of  (!('or<i't'  St'hastinn  Ii('|)|>licr  of  I'liiladclpliia, 
Ponnsylx  aiiia.  liorii  Noxcinlici'  L'S.  1S47.  Ilr  dicil  l-'rli- 
ruary"  l^o.   1S9G VII 1-158 

Tlicy  lived  in  New  York  City.  ITo  was  appoiiitod  f'adot  at  thp  U.  S. 
Military  Ac-adcmy,  West  Point,  July  1.  IS.'iT,  and  <;raduati'd  .hily  1,  l.S»;i  ;  wa.s 
appointed  Seeond  Lieutenant  of  the  Second  I'nited  .States  DraKoons;  served 
in  the  Army  of  the  Potomac,  and  was  taken  prisoner  at  Trebilyan  Station, 
Virginia,  June,  ISM.  lie  was  exchanged.  January  IS,  1S(!5,  and  was  made 
Provost  Marshal  of  the  Army  of  the  Slicna  ndciiili.  Resigned  October  19,  18(!5, 
having  then  the  rank  of  Colonel. 

h  (Mii'istoplier,  born  September  9,  1840.  mai-ried  Jan- 
uary 12.  1878,  Bella  L.  Bowman.   Tie  died  Deeemhei-  0.  ISOl. 

Thoy   lived   in   Reading,    Pennsylvania. 

c  Sidney  Harvey,  born  ]May  1,  1842,  married  .laiiuary 
12,  1865,  :\rorton  C.  Mcllvaine VIII-159 

He  was  in  the  iron  business,  and  they  lived  in  Reading,  Pennsylvania. 

d     Thomas  Smith,  born  October  22,  1843.  died  February 

15,  1840. 

VII-87     riiildr.m    of    Samuel    and    :\Iarv    S.    rDarlino;^    AVilcox. 


a  William  Darliiio-,  liorii  October  7.  1847.  married  Anna 
Ilolling'sworth  Fairhnnli.  horn  Auuiist  ">i>.  1S4.").  ijied  .laiiu- 
ary 12.  1889. 

b     Maro'aretta  Vauglian.  born  Jnne  3,  1849. 

c     llenrv  Darlinu'.  born   April   2t).  1851,  died  February 

16,  1859. 

d     Samuel,  born  January  16.  1S54,  died  May  16.  1864. 

VII-88     Children  of  llenrv  and  Oi-lielia  O.  (  Wells)  Darliim'. 


a     William.  1)orii  Mnn-h  15,  1854.  died  .May  ;».  1S54. 

b     Richard  Wells,  born  March  23.  1855.  unmarried. 

He  is  a  graduate  of  Amherst.  ISTC),  and  of  tile  l>aw  School.  Albany,  New 
York.     Practices  law  and  lives   in  Hrooklyn,   New  York. 

c     Jennie.  l)orn  .lanuary  li.   1S57.  married   December  30. 
1884,  Frederic  A.  S|)ickerman. 
d     ]\rary.  born  June  22.  1858. 
e     Margaretta  Vatmhan.  horn  Fehi-nary  1.  1860. 

156  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

f  Heury,  Ji"-,  ^orn  March  21,  1862,  married  Alice 
]\Iooiiey,  daughter  of  Thomas  N.  Mooney  of  Chicago,  Illi- 
nois, horn  ill  1871.    He  died  April  27,  1893.    No  issue. 

He  ^vas  a  graduate  of  Amherst,  1885,  and  practiced  law  at  Utica,  New- 

g     Anna  Monell,  born  June  17,  1863. 

h     Elizabeth  Fobes,  born  January  20,  1865. 

i  Howard,  born  December  26,  1866,  died  January  3, 

j  Fannie  Collier,  born  November  7,  1868,  married  Sep- 
tember 27,  1900.  Rev.  Edward  Niles,  son  of  Rev.  Henry  E. 
Niles,  D.  D.,  of  York,  Pennsylvania — ...VIII-160 

He  is  a  clergyman  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  and  is  pastor  of  South 
Bushwick  Reformed   Church.     They  live  in  Brooklyn,  New  York. 

k     Florence,  born  December  24,  1869. 

YII-89     Children  of  Thomas  S.  and  S.  Augusta  (Taylor)  Darling. 


a     Fannie,  born  February  6,  1855,  married  September  6, 

1877,  George  W.  Filbert - VIII-161 

b     Julia,  born  July  31,  1856. 

c     William,  born  October  24,  1860. 

All   live   at  Reading,    Pennsylvania. 

VII-90     Children  of  Edward  P.  and  Emily  H.  (Rutter)  Darling. 


a  Mary  Rutter,  born  December  2,  1860,  married  Novem- 
ber 28,  1892,  William  Thomas  Smedley,  son  of  Peter  and 
Amy  Smedley  of  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania VIII-162 

They  live  at  Lawrence  Park,  Bronxville,  New  York.  He  studied  art  in 
Paris  and  is  a  portrait  painter.  He  was  for  years  well  known  in  the  illustra- 
tions for  Harper's  periodicals,   and  other  puhlications. 

b  Thomas,  born  May  29,  1863,  married  June  3,  1902, 
Emma   Childs  McClintock VIII-163 

They  live  in  Wilkesbarre,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  a  lawyer  of  the  firm 
of  Woodward,  Darling  and  W"    Iward. 

c  Emily  Cist,  born  February  23,  1868,  married  April  25, 
1900,   Arthur    Hillman VIII-164 

They  live  at  Wilkesbarre,   Pennsylvania,   where  he  practices  law. 

d     Infant,  unnamed,  born  and  died  July  14,  1871. 

VII-01     Chiklren    of   AA^illiam    A.    and    Elizabeth    S.    (Darling) 
Drown,  Jr.  VI-31-h 

a     :\Iary  Darling,  born  July  21,  1859,  died  May  22,  1862. 

b     Edward  Darling,  born  October  1,  1861,  unmarried. 

Graduated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  Was  engaged  in  business 
with  his  father,  and  later  took  up  that  of  horticulture.  Lives  at  Weldon, 
Montgomery  County,  Pennsylvania. 

c  William  Messenger,  born  November  22,  1863,  died 
August  9,  1864. 

'niM    I ; I  1,1,    I'A  \i  1 1,^  157 

(I  Tlidinas  I  );i  rliii'j'.  Ikh'ii  •Iiiim'  'J ! ,  Isil.").  dii-d  .Inly  1:;, 

Ill'  ui;i(lu;i  I  I'll  willi  ilrfifi'i'  (if  li.  S.  ^1 1  llic  I'niviTsil  y  of  f 'I'riiiNylviiliiii 
ill  |SS7.  .'iiiil  Willi  Iv  M  .  ill  I  SSS.  Ill'  UMs  ,1  rlll'lllisi  ill  till'  l''.lli;ill'  'rllnlllNiill 
linn   ( 'oiiiii.i  ii,\  ,    ,'il    I '.r.iililnik,    rniiis^  Iv.i  hill . 

('  .M;ir,u;ircl  I  ;i  I  ),i  I'liiii;'.  Imimi  ()cl()lii'r  17.  isiii;.  nuiiiiiil 
October  'M.    ISS!),    l-^'.-iiicis    .\  lc\;iiii  I.t    I'li.'Ips.    Ii(.ni    .M;i\-    I. 

isri'!) ...Niiin,:^ 

'riicy  livii  111  AVilkcsliiiiTc,  I'l'iinsylviiiiiii.  Wo  is  in  \h<'  hnrilwnre  huMineitg 
in    Zili.i    r.c'niii'll    iV    Compiiiiy,    now    I'lnlps,    Siriiw    \-    ( 'oiMp.i  n>-.       IIi'    tri'mlinitifd 

nl    W'l'sli'v.-i  n    I '  nivcrsity,    M  iilillclou  n,   ( 'iiiuhm-I  iciil . 

t"  V;niL;li;iii  I  );irliiiu',  liorii  April  111,  ISIiS.  dinl  .M;iri-li 
25,  1S71. 

llr   u;is  n   niriiilHT  of   llii'  rhi^s  of    1  SSS  ;i  t    llii'   I'ni  \  iTsit  >'  of   I'l'iHisylvaniii. 

li'  I*!;ii/.;il)i'l  li  I  );irliii'_;-,  lioni  .l;i  iim;i  r\'  111,  l.sTl.  iii.-irricd 
A|)ril  8,  18I)(),  Zil);i  lictiiii'tl  IMidjis.  luini  1  )cci'iiil>ri'  7. 
1870 VlIMfili 

Ho    sriidiiatcd    ;it    Yulo    with    (Icrvpo    of    A.    15.    in    1S0.5.      Thoy    live    at 

P.iiiu'lKiniton,    Now   York,    wlicro    lir    is    coiil  roller   of   the    Socni'ity    Miitiiiil    Lifo 
Insuranco  Company. 

li     Emily  J);irliiiii',  l)oi'ii  October  4,  1874,  iiiiiii;iiTi(Ml. 

¥11-92     Child ivii  of  (Jooi-ov  F.  nnd  Annotta  S.   (O'Bi-icin    Dnn- 
iiiiiiz'  Vl-:;2-l) 

a  .Mary  Klizabetli,  born  February  7,  1842,  married  -Jcjlui 
E.  Dow,  who  was  born  August  6,  1842,  died  .May  25,  1898..VIII-1G7 

Slie  lives  at  Briar  Crook  Manor,  New  York,  where  she  has  a  school  for 
young  ladie.s,  having  formerly  been  with  Miss  Porter  at  Farmington,  Con- 

b     Annetta  O'Brien,  born  May  18,  1844. 

Lived  at  New  Canaan,   Connecticut. 

c     Frances  Valeria,  born  June  10,  1847. 

Lived  at  Farmington,   Connecticut. 

VII-93     Cbildren  of  William   11.   ami   Valeria    (Smith)    Clvmei-. 


a  Emily  Smith,  born  July  16,  1856,  died  September  18, 
1904,  unmarried. 

Lived  at  Heading,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Edward  Tilghman,  born  August  8,  1857.  married 
August  5,  1896,  Ada  Burno.    She  died  -June  15,  1907 VlIl-lOS 

They  lived  at  Overbrook,  Pennsylvania.  Ho  was  an  iron  master.  Had 
charge  of  blast  furnaces  at  Allentown,  and  of  the  Hethlehem  Iron  Company  at 
Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania. 

c  AVilliam  lliester,  born  .March  28,  1860.  died  unmar- 
ried, June  5,  1914. 

He  lived  at  Heading,  Pennsylvania.  Was  an  iron  master  and  was  manager 
of  Empire  Steel  Company  at  Tipton,  Pennsylvania,  and  of  Henry  Clay  Furnace 
at  Reading,   Pennsylvania. 

d  Levi  Smith,  born  April  2,  1863,  married  June  1 1 ,  1891. 
Clara   :\Iatilda    IJiegel VIII-169 

Thoy  live  at  Riegolsvillo,  whore  ho  has  a  knitting  mill  and  stock  farm. 
He  was   an   iron   master. 

158  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e  Valeria  Elizabeth,  born  April  29,  1865,  married  June 
21.  1899.  Dr.  Samuel  Smith  Hill _ VIII-170 

They   live  at  Wernersville,    Pennsylvania,    where   he   is   superintendent   of 
the  Pennsylvania  S'tate  Insane  Asylum. 

f  Frederick  Hiester,  born  May  2,  1869,  married  October 
27.  1910,  Elsie  Ellsworth  Bachman,  who  was  born  March 
7,  1882  _..._._ - VIII-171 

He   graduated  with   degree   of   M.   E.    at   Lafayette   College,    and  has   been 
chemist  at  iron  works  in  Pennsylvania  and  Tennessee. 

YII-91     Children  of  Ellis  J.  and  Elizabeth  F.  (Smith)  Richards. 


a  Jane  Ellis,  born  April  8,  1870,  died  May  28,  1899, 

VII-95     Children   of   Levi   H.    and    E.    Jennie    (Grubb)    Smith. 


a  Clement  Grubb,  born  March  10,  1870,  married  June 
5,  1906,  Edith  "Watts  Comstock.  He  died  March  11,  1910..VIII-172 

He   graduated   at  Yale   and   was   a    specialist   in   examination   of   iron   ore. 
They   lived   at  Mount   Hope   and   Philadelphia,    Pennsylvania. 

b  Heber  Levi,  born  July  10,  1873,  married  June  6, 
1903,  Nelly  Oliver  Baer,  daughter  of  George  Baer,  president 
of  the  Reading  Company. 

They  live  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Mary  Grubb,  born  July  15,  1875,  unmarried. 

She  lives  at  home  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

d  Daisy  Emily,  born  August  19,  1878,  married  April  19, 
1902,  William  Stuart  Morris,  son  of  Dr.  Cheston  Morris....VIII-173 

They  live  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

e  Stanley  McDonald,  born  August  31,  1883,  married  No- 
vember 12,  1914,  Caroline  Franklin. 

He    graduated    at   Yale   University  _  in    190-5.      They    live    in    Philadelphia, 

f    W^illiam  Howard,  born  July  12,  1886. 

YII-96     Children  of  John  Howard  and  Caroline  S.  (Jacobs)  Bow- 
man. YI-36-C 

a  Jane  Vaughan,  born  September  12,  1873,  married 
October  18,  1910,  William  Frederick  AVise,  son  of  Joseph 
and  Sarah  (Stockdale)  Wise  of  Washington  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, born  November  3,  1859 ..._ _ VIII-174 

They  lived  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Goodloe  Harper,  born  January  7,  1875,  died  January 
25,  1894. 

c  Ann  Jacobs,  born  September  13,  1876,  married  No- 
vember 23,  1905,  Robert  Tindle  jNIcElroy,  son  of  Edward 
Francis  and  Katherine  Elvira  McElroy  of  Pittsburgh, 
Pennsylvania,  born  May  7,  1871,  and  died  May  20,  1912. 

They  lived  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

'I'lll']      IMI.l,      I'A.MILV  ]',[> 

(I  .M;ii'i;;in'l  I ;!  \';i  ul;Ii;i  n.  Imni  MjiitIi  (I.  ]s^l),  in;i  ri-in] 
June  1!*,  1!)()l!,  L'irhind  Ned  Voiiiit;-  of  .\l  iiiiii;i|)((lis,  Miiiiic- 
sntn,  son  of  llciiiy  Ahisoii  ;iii(l  l>(isr  N'onii'.;-  of  St.  ( 'luifli's. 

Tliry    li\i'    ;il    L'HIT    Isiihtmiii    ,\vriiui',     .M  i  n  nc,-i  |iolis,     .M  i  iiiif.s(»tll. 

(■      ls;il>cll;i    L()\\r\',   horn   -lunc    JS,    1S,S2. 

\'ll-!)7      ( 'hil(li-cn  ol'  \\'illi;ini  l>.;in(l   l''iiini;i  .M .   'Winnri    I'lowinjin. 


;i  -hinc  ('oiTcN'.  Iiofn  Sc|ilcnil)iT  "_!.").  issn,  nuirriiM  |  .M;iy 
'JO,  1!)():).  Il;in»l<l  N'crnct  llnlc  dI'  .Mjison  ('ity.  Inwji,  son  of 
fJaiucs  and  .lanr  Iv  ulc. 

Tllcy    live   at    Mason   Cil.N',    lown. 

b     (;ra<'('  Winnc,  hoi-ii  FcbiMiafv  20.  1885. 

(•  Annie  llafpcr.  Iiofn  .laniiary  ll',  ISSD.  died  March 
<J,   lS8iJ. 

VII-98     Children  of  Dr.  John  A.  and  :\rartha  (Clingan)  :yrorrison. 


a  AYilliam  Clinj^'an,  l)oi-n  July  2,  1840,  married  (1)  Xo- 
Yenihei-  15,  18()(),  Cordelia  Walker,  dau^'hter  of  Ijewis  and 
Elizabeth  (Woodruff)  Walker  of  Coehranville,  Chester 
County,  Pennsylvania.     She  died  December  1:5,  1877 VI11-1(5 

Married  (2)  i\Iay  17,  1882.  Sara  Johnson,  dau<>'liter  of 
Jesse  and  Marp-aret-  (Snead)  Johnson  of  Coehranville,  born 
]\Iareli  15,  1854.    lie  died  February  18,  1884.    Xo  issue. 

They  lived  at  Coehranville,  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania.  He  is  burii'd 
at  FiiRss  Minor  cemetery.  He  grafUinted  at  the  Medical  .School  of  the  Penn- 
sylvania University.  He  vi^as  commissioned  Assistant  Surgeon,  U.  S.  Army, 
August  1st,  lS{iL>,  from  Cliester  (^ounty,  Pennsylvania,  and  served  in  the  Civil 
War  with  the  !)Tth  Kegiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers.  Resigned  and  honor- 
ably discharged  from  the  service  of  the  United  States,  .January  1,  lSi;.">,  by 
S.  O.  '-'tS')  of  l)ei)t.  of  Virginia  and  North  Carolina,  Army  of  the  .lames,  dated 
Decenib(>r  .'!,   Is(i4. 

1)  Thomas  Alexander,  born  June  12,  1843,  dietl  Sei»teiu- 
ber  20.  1862. 

He  enlisted  as  a  juivate  .Vugust  21.  1SC.2,  in  Company  C,  llSth  Pennsyl- 
vania Volunteer  Infantry,  "Corn  K.\change  Regiirent",  under  Colonel  Prevost. 
He   was    killed    at    the   Itattle    of   Shepardstown.    Virginia,    September   21),    lSli2. 

VII-99     Children  of  Dr.  Charles  M.  and  .Maria  T.  (Brooke)  Clin- 
gan.  VI-37J) 

a  Clement  Brooke,  l)orn  in  1  )eceiiil)fr,  184'>,  married 
Anne  Thomas.    He  died  in  1874.     No  issue. 

They  lived  in   Philadelphia. 

b  Charles  Brooke,  born  Au^'ust  17.  1851.  married  Jan- 
uarv  13,  1875,  Kosalind  Wood  (Vll-110-a).  lie  died  Oeto- 
ber  4,  1903 VI 1 1-1 7(^ 

Thev  lived  at  Birdslioro,   Pennsylvania. 

160  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Alan  Hunter,  born  March  5,  1857,  died  unmarried 
March  18,  1905,  at  Birdsboro,  Pennsylvania. 

d  Anne  Louise,  born  March  12,  1864,  married  October 
12,  1887,  Edward  Brooke,  son  of  George  and  Mary  Baldwin 
(Irwin)  Brooke,  born  June  4,  1863,  at  Birdsboro,  Pennsyl- 
vania   ...- - VIII-177 

VII-100     Children   of  William   and  Anne   J.    (Clingan)    Wood. 

a     Sarah  Ann,  born  September  11,  1846,  in  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania,  unmarried. 

Lives  in  Pliiladelpliia. 

b  Charles  Miller,  born  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
February  2,  1854,  unmarried. 

Lives  in  Philadelphia. 

YII-101     Children  of   George   C.   and   Rebecca    (Zook)    Ferree. 

a     Alan  AVood,  born  in  1855. 

VII-102     Children  of  D.  Dewees  and  Mary  R.  (Hutchinson)  Fer- 
ree.                                                                                    VI-38-C 
a     William  Dewees,  born  June  13,  1863,  married  Septem- 
ber 6,  1889,  Margaret  Halpin,  daughter  of  Thomas  and 
Mary  Halpin,  born  May  5,  1871 VIII-178 

They  live  on  the  Hutchinson  Farms,   Cayuga,  K'ew  York. 

b  Eugene  Hutchinson,  born  March  17,  1866,  married 
May  6,  1890,  Marian  E.  Coapman,  daughter  of  Daniel  and 
Elsie  Coapman,  born  March  17,  1867.  She  died  December 
23,  1895  -- - -. -- VIII-179 

He  lives  at  Lockfort,  New  York,  where  he  is  president  of  a  manufactory 
of  leather  and  metal  specialties.     He  graduated  at  Cornell  University  in  1891. 

VII-103  Children  of  Thomas  W.  and  Emily  C.  (Bartholomew) 
Ferree.  VI-38-e 
a  Edward  Bartholomew,  born  October  23,  1866,  married 
at  Wilmington,  Delaware,  December  15,  1890,  Anna  Jen- 
ness,  daughter  of  Hiram  David  and  Sarah  Rebecca  Jenness 
of  AVoodlawn,  Cecil  County,  Maryland,  born  in  1861 .VIII-180 

They  live  at  Cedars,  Delaware. 

b     Emily  Cleaver,  born  January  18,  1868. 

Lives  at  home,  Wilmington,   Delaware. 

c  Howard  Garrett,  born  May  26,  1873,  married  Decem- 
ber 19,  1902,  Rachel  Jane  Mackey,  daughter  of  Robert  and 
Sarah  Alackey  of  Fair  Hill,  Cecil  County,  Maryland,  born 
July  24,  1876 ' ...VIII-181 

d  Adda  Mabel,  born  July  8,  1877,  married  October  3, 
1900,  Harry  Gibson  Fisher,  at  Hockessin,  Delaware,  by 
Rev.  John  D.  Blake.    No  issue.    She  died  June  21,  1906. 

e  Diller  Dewees,  born  January  18,  1885,  died  unmarried 
September  14,  1913. 

Till':      IMIJ,     h'.\.\lll,V  161 

VII-KM       ( 'hiMl-i'li   of  Tll()lii;is  S.   .-iimI     \iiii;i.|.    '  M  r  |  ,, -i  n  .    SI  cWji  f| . 

11      'riioitijis  Sclliy,  horn  in   IS.').'*. 

I.i\rs   in    1 'liilailrlpli  in,    Ten  lis  v  Iv.'i  ii  in  . 

^'Il-1<'">      ( 'liililirii    (if    (I'cdi-H'c    1<\    .-ind    .\nn;i     'Ilrcons)     M''I,r;in. 
;i      Alici;i  l^\,  \h)v\]  in  IS.")?,  ni;ii'i-ir(|  .|.  Str\\;irt   llruwn. 

Tlii'V    li\C(l    ill     .\llri;li,-i  ny,    I 'cniisy  I  Vii  ni.-i . 

Vll-KHi      C'liililrcn    of   -lohn    .-ind    Il.-irrict    C    ( ( 'iiivcrl  j    .\li-Lc;in. 
;i      \Villi;ini    1 1.,  Iioni   in   IS,")!!. 

VlI-lOT      Cliildivn    ol'    Waters   D.    mid    L.    T>(»s;dind    II.      (iilpinj 
Wood.  \'I-4i)-a 

;i  Jiiciiard  liil[)in,  l)orii  in  1840,  marrird  .Mollic  Mrl'luT- 
son   VIII-182 

They  lived  iit  rittsljiirsli,   Pi'iuisylvMiiin. 

b     Alan,  horn  in  IcSaO.  married  (1)   Annie  Knox VIH-ISS 

:^^arriod    (2)    Frances   A.    Carrier \MII-184 

e  Lanra  (lil]>in.  liorn  in  IS'V^.  married  Deeemher  o.  187;!, 
Persifor  Frazer  Sinitli.  born  April  1,  184U,  at  West  Cliester. 
Pennsylvania.     Both  died  in  1918 VIII-186 

They  lived  at  Alleghany,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  in  the  service  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  until  1SS0,  when  he  was  superintendent  of  the  Bedford 
division.  From  ISSO  to  inon  he  was  president  of  the  Wellsville  Steel  and 
PlateC'onipany,  of  Wellsville,  Ohio,  and  since  lOttO  has  been  manager  of  the 
American  Sheet   Steel  and  Tin  Plate  Company. 

d  Thomas  Dewees,  born  at  ^NleKeesport,  PcMinsylvania. 
in    1857.  married    (1)    Oilberta   Kline \'lll-18ti 

^larried  (2)  April  27.  188(i.  ^Fary  ^Moorliead  Craige. 
danghter  of  John  Lindsay  and  Elizabeth  (Heberton) 
Craige,  born  September  18,  1865 V 111-187 

They  have  lived  at  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania:  Santa  Barbara,  California, 
where  he  was  Mayor  of  the  city,  and  at  Bryn  Mawv,  Pennsylvania.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  firm  of  Alan  Wood  Iron  and  Steel  Company,  of  Conshohockon, 

e  Annie  Hunter,  born  in  1866,  marritMl  Joseph  Tl.  Dil- 
worth  \'  1 11-188 

They  have  lived  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  and  in  New  York  City. 

f  Nellie  Foster,  born  in  1867.  married  Thomas  Me- 
Kee VIII-189 

They  lived  at  Alleghany,  Pennsylvania. 

g     George,  born  in  1871,  married  Jessie  Daily V 11 1-190 

VII-IOS     Children  of  Winters  D.  and  (iertrude  (St.  John)  AVood. 

a     Gertrude  Dewees,  born  in  1893. 

162  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-109     Children   of    Thomas   D.    and   Maria    (Flagg)    Wood. 


a  William  B.,  born  in  1851,  married  Catherine  Stew- 
art  - ---- - - VIII-191 

They  lived  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Aleen,  born  October  15,  1863.  married  October  15, 
1882,  George  W.  P.  Coates  (VII-117-a).  She  died  Decem- 
ber 12,  1883. 

YII-110     Children  of  James  D.  and  Laura  (Gilpin)  Wood.  VI-40d 

a     Rosalind,  married  Charles  B.  Clinghan  (VII-99-b)..VIII-177 
b     Hunter. 

VII-111     Children   of   Howard   and   Mary    C.    (Biddle)    Wood. 


a  Biddle,  born  December  22,  1869. 

b  Helen  Biddle,  born  December  22,  1872. 

c  Alan  III.  born  March  1,  1875. 

d  Howard,  Jr.,  born  September  20.  1876. 

e  Clement  Biddle,  born  July  13,  1878. 

f  Owen  Biddle,  born  March  4,  1880,  died  February  24, 

g  Rachel  Biddle,  born  January  29,  1882. 

h  Marion  Biddle,  born  August  13,  1884. 

i  Dorothy,  born  January  24,  1887,  died  April  9,  1887. 

VII-112     Children  of  Daniel  U.  and  Emma  A.  (Raysor)  Dewees. 


a     George  0.,  born  in  1860,  married  Jennie  Barnes VIII-193 

They  lived  at  Branford,  Delawai'e. 

b     Jacob  H.,  born  in  1869. 
c     William  H.,  born  in  1872. 

VII-113     Children  of  Ma.jor  Thomas  B.  and  ]\Iary   (Young)  De- 
wees.  VI-41-C 

a  Louisa  S.,  born  at  Fort  Laramie,  AVyoming,  May  27, 
1867,  married  September  2,  1894,  Walter  L.  Finley  of  the 
XJ.  S.  Army,  son  of  Surgeon  General  Alexander  Finley, 
\J.  S.  Army,  and  Elizabeth  Moore  of  Philadelphia.  He  was 
born  January  1,  1857,  and  died  December  14,  1914,  at 
Walter  Reed  Hospital,  Washington,  D.   C : ...VIII-193 

He  was  appointed  cadet  to  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  from 
Pennsylvania,  .Tuly  ],  1875,  and  graduated  -June  IS.  1879.  He  was  commis- 
sioned Second  Lieutenant,  0th  U.  S.  Cavalrv,  .June  18,  1879;  First  Lieutenant, 
l»th  Cavalry,  October  2.5,  1883;  Captain,  9th  Cavalrv,  April  22,  1891;  Major, 
11th  Cavalry,  February,  1901;  Assistant  Adjutant  General,  December  2,  1902; 
transferred  to  the  9th  Cavalry,  December  8,  1900:  Lieutenant  Colonel,  1.3th 
Cavalry.  April  18,  1907;  Colonel  of  Cavalrv,  April  11,  1911;  and  assigned  as 
Colonel  of  the  1st  Cavalry,  August  29,  1912. 

THK    nii.L    FAMILY  k;:; 

\'  I  I  -  1  1  I        ('llildrcll     (if     A  lc\,lll(|iT     iilid     S;il;ill     ('.      i   I  )r\Vc('S  l      l\i-|l- 

iicly.  \'l    II  .1 

;i       Will  i;iiii. 

\'ll-lir)      ('liildi-cii   (tf    ls;i;ic    II.   ;iii(|    ()|i\i;i    ( '.    i  Led  vjifd  i    I  )c\vrcs. 


;i  Lcdy.ird  llolslrin.  Iioiii  in  |S!i:;.  nui n-icd  in  Sc|>lcni- 
Ix'i',  IIM."),  S;idic  li.-ii'ni'tt  of  .M()nl'_;()nii'ry.  A  l;di;iiii;i. 

\'ll-ll(l      Childfcn  of  'riioinns  ;ind    Ml  i/.;d)i't  h   II.   lUis.sdli    K'ohcrfs. 


a  (icof^c  Wood  I'lLsscll.  horn  .Mjin-li  "_*.  is.'i'.).  ni;irrifd 
FchiMiary    10,    lS8(i,    .Mary    l•^lst.•r    l-"rot  hini;haiii \'III   l!i| 

The.v   live  at  Iviverton,   \ew  Jersey. 

h  Waters  Dewees.  horn  ^Fay  !•>.  ISI)."),  marrird  .May  7. 
1895.  Kale  Palmer  Clianiberlaiii  at  (Ireat  Yarmouth,  Kn^-- 
land   VIir-U)5 

lie  is  rector  of  St.  .Tohn's  Church,  East  Boston,  Massachusetts,  where 
tliey  live.  He  is  a  clergyman  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church.  Made 
deacon  by  Bishop  Paddock,  in  St.  .Tohn's  Memorial  Chapel,  Cambridge,  Massa- 
chusetts, .hnie  20,  ISSS,  and  was  ordained  to  the  priesthood  in  St.  .Tohn's 
Cburcli,   .Taniaica    Plain,   Boston,   .Tune   ."i,    ISS!). 

e     May,  born  'Slay  1,  18()7,  dietl  in  infancy. 
d     Augusta    ]\[eade,    liorn    Deeeniber    1.    1869,    maiiicd 
-Vpril   L'l).   1892.   Tlu'odor.'   W.    Reatli   \'III-196 

Tlicy    live   in    Philadelijhia.    Pennsylvania. 

e     Thomas,  born  July  81,  1871.  died  in  int'anc\'. 
f     Thomas,  Jr.,  born  June  14,  187-').  married  December 
4,  1911,  Evelyn  Chew  of  Washington,  D.  C. 

VTl-117     Children   of    Dr.    Charh's    E.   and    .\niia    II.    .  IJoberts> 
Coates.  VI-4:M) 

a      (ieorge  William  I'eiinoek.  born  Mav  8.  1857,  married 
(1)  Oetober  15.  1882.  Aleen  Wood  (VII-109Ji),  born  Octo- 
ber 15,  1868,  aiul  died  D.H-ember  12,  1888 Vll!-l!)7 

Married  (2)  .\i)ril  15,  ISDl,  I-;d\\in  (ii-aliam.  boiwi  Drto- 
ber  10,  1862 VIIl-198 

They   live    at    Abilene,    Texas,    where   he    is    a    broker   in    farm    and    ranch 

loans,   and  is  a   large  ranch  owner  and  stock  raisei-. 

b  Leonard  Roberts,  born  December  25,  1858.  married 
June  24,  1889,  Janev  J.  Roarman.  born  November  25, 
1872  ■ [ - VIII-199 

He  is  a  physician  and  has  lived  at   Laurel,   Maryland. 

c  Dewees  Roberts,  horn  October  81.  18(U,  died  Septem- 
ber 16,  1865. 

d  Charles  Edward,  dr.,  born  .\imust  18.  1866.  married 
June  26,  1901,  Ollie  Maiirin.  born  -Inly  28,  1882 VIII-200 

They  live  at  Baton  Kougo.  Louisiana,  wliere  he  is  Professor  of  Chem- 
istry at  the  University  of  Louisiana.     He  has  the  degree  of   Ph.  D. 

164  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e  Maiy  Louisa,  l3orn  June  3,  1868,  married  October  31, 
1889,  John  Augustine  Benedict,  who  died  ]May  23,  1899. 
She  died  January  8,  1903 —- - VIII-201 

They  lived  at  Athens,  Georgia. 

f  Jesse,  born  February  7,  1870,  married  January  1, 
1898,  Mary  Miller  Merritt.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Lynn,  Massachusetts.  He  is  a  Major  in  the  Aviation  Service, 
U.  S'.  Army,  with  the  American  Expeditionary  Force  in  France. 

g  Eachel  Anna,  born  January  20,  1872,  married  June 
2.  1897,  Dr.  Frank  ]\Iartin  of  Baltimore,  Maryland.  She 
died  November  6,  1913.    No  issue. 

She  is  huried  at  Baltimore.  He  is  a  physician  and  surgeon  of  great 
prominence,  in  practice  in  Baltimore. 

VII-118     Children  of  John  S.   and  Mary  F.    (Roberts)    Tyson. 


a     ]\lary,  died  in  infancy. 

VII-119     Children  of  John  R.  and  H.  Louisa  (Roberts)   Brooke. 


a  "William  H.,  born  November  22,  1864,  married  Alma 
Ogden  of  San  Antonio,  Texas.-- - : ' - -.VIIL202 

He  was  appointed  Second  Lieutenant  of  the  4th  U.  S.  Infantry  in  1891, 
from  Pennsylvania;  First  Lieutenant,  4th  Infantry,  April  26,- 18.98;  Captain, 
.3.5th  Volunteer  Infantry,  July  .5,  1899;  Major,  46th  Volunteer  Infantry, 
August  6,  1889;  transferred  as  First  Lieutenant  to  the  Loth  Infantry,  Novem- 
ber 21,  1899;  Captain,  1.5th  Infantry,  FelDruary  2,  1901;  Quartermaster  detail, 
August  9,  1907;  .30th  Infantry,  August  9,  1911;"  Major  of  Infantry,  January  11, 
1914;  transferred  to  the  21st  Infantry,  October  21.  1914;  Lieutenant  Colonel, 
Infantrv:  Colonel,  Infantrv,  jSTational  Army,  1917;  returned  to  Lieutenant 
Colonel,  Infantry,  .July,  1918. 

b     Louis,  born  in  1867. 

VII-120     Children  of   Jacob   H.   and   Sarah    (Stiteler)    Dewees. 


a  Howard,  born  December  2,  1868,  married  February 
19,  1896.  j\Iary  Elizabeth  Stiteler,  who  was  born  July  29, 
1874  — .__ VIII-203 

They  live  near  Chester  Springs,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Rosalind  "Wood,  born  April  13,  1871,  married  James 
B.  Mosteller,  who  was  born  August  9,  1867 VIII-204 

They  live  near  Chester  Springs,  Pennsylvania. 

c  George  Stiteler,  born  January  27,  1873,  married  No- 
vember 26,  1910,  Clara  Elizabeth  Bailey,  daughter  of  James 
B.  and  ]\L  Jane  Bailey  of  W^est  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  born 
December  27,  1879 ...........VIII-205 

He  attended  the  State  Normal  School,  and  graduated  at  the  Law  School  of 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  1879.  He  practices  law  in  West  Chester, 
Pennsylvania,  where  they  live.  He  was  elected  County  Controller  of  Chester 
County,   Pennsylvania,   for  a  term  of  four  years  from  January,   1918. 

Vn-121     Children  of  Reuben  P.   and  Sarah  C.    (Dewees)    ]\Ios- 
teller.  YI-44-d 

a  Laura  Gilpin,  born  November  29,  1866,  died  Feb- 
ruary 15,  1872. 

'I' III';    I '.I  1,1,    i''\\iii,v 


li      ll(ir;iiT.    Iidrii    Sc|  i|  ciiilHr   L'h.    ISiiH.    m.-i  rrii'i  I    .\i|;i    Sfi- 
l.'ln-  \-|||  •_'!)»; 

('      Dcwccs,    honi     .\l,i>'     111.     IST;').    iii;i  rrird     l^'lornn-c     .\ 
I  l;ilT\\  w  ho  \v;is  lidi-ii    .\l;nv|i    1.'),   lS7(i \'IIIl'II7 

(I      .\l;ir\-     Mll.i.    luiiii    Ahirdi     1^.    l^TS,    iMJirrii'il    .M;iy     t. 
1!)()4.  I'lliiicrS.  Alillcf.  honi    I,   IS?.')  '     \' I  I  I  L»()H 

\'11-1i1l'       ( 'llildrcll    (»!'    'riioiiiiis    W.    ;iihl     |i|;i     I,.        Kii.rr       |).-\\ri'S. 

;i       .M;il)cl    Iv,   lioni    April   7.    iSSi;.   iiKirrird   S;iiiiiic|    i.o^nii 
S^luinriiium.   honi   October   11.    1885 \'lll  -JO!) 

Tlli'V    live   III     .M  iiisliiillldii.    I  li'lii  u  lire. 





1    f  ^^   ^  '    • 



n     ^        ^n..              M 

^K~  . 

^m  y.r>«-  ^^  -;  r^  ^ 


A.\'\   (JACOBS)   niM. 

(Page    I'l') 

h     Walter  Roseo,  l)oni  April  4.  1888,  dit'il  Scptmiltcr  Id. 

c     Emma  M.,  bom  Scpteinlirr  17.  18!!1). 
d     Ella  Davis,  boi-ii  1)c(mmii1..m-  :?.  18;)2. 
e     Clara  Knerr,  honi  .liiiu'  :>.  IS!),!, 
f     Howard  Knerr,  lioni  Deeeiidier  '■].  l!)i'2. 

VII-123     ChiUlreii  of  .lolm  and   Kliuira   t  1  )e\ve!'s )   Davis.    Vl-44-g 
a     Ennna,    Ixn-n   .June   6.    ISSl.    mairieil   September   lo, 
1909,  Charles  Mott VIII-210 

b     Thomas  Dewei  s.   lorn    Deeeiuhi  !•   14.   18So.  tiled  -lulv 
14,  1884. 

166  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YII-12-1:     Children  of  Henry  C.  and  Annie  M.   (Young)  Dewees. 


a     Hilda  May,  born  May  26,  1886,  died  June  6,  1886. 

b  ^largaret  Young,  born  October  4,  1888,  married  Octo- 
ber 20,  1909,  Oscar  M.  Lumis-- _ VIII-211 

c     J.  Hause,  born  September  19,  1890. 

d     Ida  Elizabeth,  born  November  17.  1896. 

e     H.  Herbert,  born  March  18,  1902. 

YII-125     Children  of  William  and  Ida  (Dewees)  Yeager.   VI-44-1 
a     Thomas  Homer,  born  August  8,  1880. 

He  is  in  the  United  States  Coast  Guard  Service,  Second  Lieutenant  of 
Engineers,   and  was   stationed  in  the  Steamer  Manning  at  Astoria,   Oregon. 

b     William  Leonard,  born  August  11,  1889. 
c     Waters  Dewees,  born  August  8,  1894. 

YII-126     Children  of  Horace  and  Mary  M.  (Jones)  Xeide.  VI-46-a 
a     Blanche  E. 

VII-127     Children  of  Thomas  C.   and  Ann  H.    (Xeide)    Steele. 


a  Rebecca  Neide.born  at  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania,  De- 
cember 26,  1892,  married  at  AA^hitford.  Pennsylvania,  Sep- 
tember 16,  1916,  Thomas  Weston  Hearne. 

A' J 1-128     Children  of  Alfred  and  Sarah  (Neide)  Brooke.  Aa-46-g 

a  Elsa  Neide,  married  May  21,  1914,  Lieutenant  Walter 
Pridgen.  1st  IT.  S.  Infantry,  at  St.  David's  Church.  Radnor. 
Pennsylvania.     He  was  born  in  North   Carolina  June   6, 


He  was  appointed  cadet  to  the  IT.  S'.  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  June 
11,  1001,  and  graduated  June  13,  1905;  commissioned- Second  Lieutenant  sfime 
date,  22nd  Infantry;  transferred  to  the  1st  Infantry,  June  28,  IflOo;  First 
Lieutenant,  1st  Infantry,  March  12.  1911;  Captain,  July  1,  1916;  Major, 
National  Army;   Lieutenant   Colonel,   November,   1918. 

A^II-129     Children  of  Bayard  and  Margaret  (Quinter)  Neide. 


a  Laura  Gertrude,  born  August  11,  1878,  married  June 
25.  1904,  Harvey  B.  Prizer. 

They  live  at  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Annie,  born  August  6,  1880. 
c     George  AVilliam,  born  November  17,  1882. 
d     Alargaret  Rebecca,  born  September  15,  1886,  married 
June  25.  1908.  Lloyd  Snyder.    She  died  July  26,  1915. 

They  lived  at  Muncie,   Indiana. 

6     Helen  Alice,  born  April  14,  1899. 

'I'm-;      IMI.L     lAAllL^-  1»]7 

VII-1."?<)       ChildlTii   (if    I'lfskiiic  ;iii(l    l.idir    '  I '.lit  I.t  ,    Sr\,\r.      \'\    I'i  j 
;i       Wilson   I'.iillcr.  Ih,i-ii   Aii^iisl   L'!),   iSDi'. 

Mr  L;r:Hlii:il.Ml  ;ii  L.limli  I  iii\,i  il>  in  I'.ll.'i.  Hi-  is  i'iii|ilo.\  id  Willi  |-'iilli-r 
I'lnni  iii'cliiii;    < 'mil  |i:i  iiy    ;il    ( 'ii  I  ;i  s;i  u'Hii ,    I'm  iisy  I VM  iiiii. 

Vll-l;n  Cliildivii  ol'  Dr.  Joseph  T.  ;iii<l  .\l;iilli;i  Iv  (May.  I.'otli- 
i-ock.  \'  I  IT  ;i 
;i  Addison  M.-iy.  horn  M;iy  iL'.  isTii,  ;il  W'rst  ('h-sli-r. 
IN'Hiisyl  v;ini;i,  iii;i  rricd  in  l!l(ll  hdorcin'i'  I'lllis.  (hiiii^htcr  ol' 
Kdwarcl  aiul  Haidu'l  (^Siiulh;  VAlis  ol'  Diihliii  ('uuiity,  irc- 
hind   ". VIII-212 

lie  i;r,i<iu,-il  ril  in  issii  I'rdiii  llir  Srinicil  ni'  r,i(il(it;y  ill  the  University  of 
I'l'iin.svlviiinii.  iind  llicn  sluilicd  in  llic  Mcdicai  ScIhhiI.  i-crcivintf  the  (letrce  of 
M.  D.  ill  1S",K!.  ]lf  Wiis  resident  physici.iii  iil  Si.  .Iiiseph's  llospiliil,  I'hihidel- 
pliiii.  for  fifteen  inontlis,  jiiid  tlien  went  to  (io(diiiKeii,  (ieriiiaiiy.  wliere  lie 
studied  several  months.  Tlienee  he  went  to  I'liris,  reiiiMinini;  fifteen  inonths 
studying  in  special  branehes  of  medicine,  and  Ixmiij;  e.vtreiiiis  in  the  Hospital 
St.  Lazare.  Keturninp;  to  America  he  settled  in  Wilkestiarre,  Pennsylvania, 
where  he  was  until  he  enlisted  in  I.SIKS  in  the  Uth  IveKiment,  Pennsylvania 
Volunteer  Infantry.  While  at  the  encampment  at  (Chattanooga  he  contracted 
typhoid  fever  atid  was  seriously  ill.  lie  remained  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
In  1!H»4  he  took  charge  of  a  tulierculosis  camp  at  Mount  Alto,  Pennsylvania, 
and  remained  there  until  1!)1(»,  when  he  took  charge  of  a  new  institution, 
which  he  had  ])lanne(l,  at  Ueading,  Pennsylvania,  for  the  care  of  tuberculosis 
patients,  '''riie  Xavesiiik  Mountain  Sanil  aiium ' '.  and  he  is  still  there.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Reading,  the  I'ennsylvania,  and  the  American  Medical  .Soci- 
eties, and  he  has  published  in  various,  .journals,  articles  on  the  open-air 
treatment  of  tuberculosis.  He  was  appointed  Captain  in  the  Medical  Corp.s, 
U.  S.  Army,  August  S,  li)l.S,  and  was  with  Medical  Replacement  \o.  2.',  Amer  - 
ican  Expeditionary  Force  in  France.  He  was  later  in  the  :!(i<lth  Regiment  of 
Infantry  and  distin>;iiishecl  liiniself  in  tlie  Meuse-Argonne  fight,  receiving  the 
following  letter: 

.".('(ith   Infantry,  American  K.   F..  llth   Xovember,   lOl.S. 
From:     Commanding  Officer  ."llidth  Infantry. 
To:   Captain  Addison  Af.   Rothrock,   M.   C, 
Sub.iect  :   Conduct  of  Officers  in  Recent   Oflfensive. 

1.  I  desire  to  conve.v  my  congratulations  to  you  on  the  efficient  and  cour- 
ageous manner  in  which  you  performed  your  duties  as  Battalion  Surgeon  in 
the  operations  of  this  regiment  on  November  1st  and  llnd. 

2.  Under  the  most  trying  circumstances,  and  subjected  for  a  long  period 
of  time  to  heavy  machine  gun  and  shell  fire,  you  carried  on  your  work  in  such 
an  efficient  manner  that  a  large  part  of  the  success  gained  by  the  regiment 
was  due  to  your  courage,-  energy  and  aggressiveness. 

3.  I  assure  you  of  my  continued  interest   in  your  military  career. 

Signed,     H.   C.   PRICE, 

Colonel  ;ifiOth  Infantry, 


h  TTciiiy  Abraluuii,  horn  OctolxM-  "24,  1872.  at  AVilkcs- 
barre,  Pennsylvania,  married  June  7,  181)8.  at  Biiighaiuton. 
New  York,  Eleanor  Cleves VIIT-21:i 

They  live  at  West  Chester,  Pennsylvania.  He  graduated  from  the  School 
of  Biology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  in  ISOI.  and  then  studied  in  the 
Medical  School,  graduating  with  the  degree  of  M.  D.  in  IS'.I.".  He  was  resident 
physician  of  the  Wilkesliarre,  Pennsylvania,  Hospital,  which  was  founded  by 
his  father,  for  one  year,  then  went  to  Paris,  France,  where  he  studied  under 
specialists  in  diseases  of  the  eye  and  nerves.  Returning  home  he  settled  in 
West  Chester,  Pennsylvania,  and  has  made  a  specialty  of  eye  diseases.  He  is 
a  member  of  the  Chester  County,  the  Pennsylvania,  and  the  American  Medical 
Societies,  and  is  oculist  for  the  Chester  County  Hospital.  Was  made  Assistant 
Surgeon,  U.  S.  Army,  with  rank  of  Captain,  August  S,  lillS,  and  is  stationed 
at  Fort  Oglethorpe,   Georgia. 

c     Howard  Gray,  born   in   West   Cheslrr.    I'ennsylvania. 
Septem})er  5,  1874,  died  September  4.  1877. 
d      Elizabelh  Ma.v,  niiinaiTied. 
e     :\Iar1lia  Mav,  died  in  inraiicy.  Man-h  2!).  1883. 

168  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-lo2     Children  of  Fisher  and  Elizabeth    (Clemson)    Hazard. 


a  j\Iary  Fullerton,  born  February  20,  1855,  married 
October  21,  1880,  John  R.  Leisinring,  who  was  born  May  11, 
1852,  and  died  January  13,  1909 _ _ .....VIII-214 

They  lived  at  Hazleton,   Pennsylvania. 

b  John  Clemson,  born  April  9,  1856,  married  December 
19,  1883,  Mary  Alice  Breinig,  who,  was  born  December  19, 
1862  -.- - .......VIII-215 

They  live  at  Fort  McCoy,  Florida. 

c  Elizabeth,  born  March  28,  1858,  married  October  15, 
1879,  Charles  F.  Graef,  who  was  born  April  19,  1856,  and 
died  March  10,  1900.    SE|rdied-  March  15,  1887... VIII-216 

d     Erskine  (1),  born  July  2,  1860,  died  August  7,  1861. 

e  Erskine  (2),  born  November  17,  1862,  married  IMarch 
18,  1909,  Myrtle  Thomas,  who  was  born  August  17,  1879. 

They  live  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

f     Ethel,  born  February  6,  1873,  unmarried. 

Lives  in  her  old  home  at  Mauch  Chunk,  Pennsylvania. 

VII-133     Children  of  George  L.  and  Ann  B.    (Clemson)    Wash- 
ington. '  VI-48-d 
a     i\Iargaretta,  born  in  1860,  died  January  11,  1917,  at 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

b     John  Clemson,  born  in  1865,  died  young. 
c     ]\Iartha,  born  in  1867. 

She  lives  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

d  Anne  Harewood,  born  in  1869,  married  June  6,  1906, 
Edwin  Fairfax  Naulty -.. - -.- VIII-217 

They  live  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

e     ElLiabeth  Fisher,  born  in  1871. 

STie  lives  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

Note — ^The    above    living    members    of    the    family    are    recognized    as    the 
nearest  relatives  of  the  present  generation  to   General  George  Washington. 

VII-134     Children  of  Rev.  Thomas  C.  and  S.  Frances    (Ogden) 
Clemson.  VI-48-e 

a  Gertrude  Gouveneur,  born  in  1868,  married  Louis 
Lawrence  Smith  ....._. VIII-218 

They  live  at   Strafford,   Pennsylvania. 

b     Ludlow  Ogden. 

c     ^Margarita  Helen,  born  in  1874. 

YII-135     Children  of  Benjamin  L.  and  Anne  B.   (Alricks)   Fors- 

ter.  VI-51-a 

a     Caroline  Alricks,  born  June  20,  1865,  married  at  Har- 

risburg,  Pennsylvania,  December  29,  1891,  William  Rolhion 

Duncan  of  AVilmington,  Delaware,  born  August  6,  1852....VIII-219 

Lived  at  Chesterton,  Maryland,  but  moved  in  1917  to  Philadelphia,  Penn- 

b     John  Douglas,  born  October  12,  1866. 

Is  a  civil  engineer  and  forester,  now  at  work  in  Porto  Rico. 

Reference  Page  169-VII-138  B 

Feb.    11,    1919 
FEOM    Commanding    General 

TO  Director  of  Aircraft  Production,  Washington,  D.  C. 

SUBJECT:    Eecommendation   for   Distinguished   Service   Medal. 

1.  In  accordance  with  the  Act  of  Congress,  approved  July  9,  1918,  as 
published  in  Bulletin  No.  43,  War  Department,  1918,  it  is  recommended  that  a 
Distinguished  Service  Medal  be  awarded  Lieutenant-Colonel  Henry  T.  Bull, 
Air   Service,   AP. 

2.  This  officer  was  on  duty  with  the  Division  from  March  23,  1918,  to 
August  17,  1918,  his  responsibilities  were  very  great  at  all  times  and  his  conduct 
throughout    his    service    has    been    honorable. 

3.  Colonel  Bull,  one  of  the  few  regular  officers  of  this  Division,  was  placed 
in  command  of  the  Grays  Harbor  and  Willapa  Bay  District,  which  included  all 
operations  bordering  on  the  Pacific  Ocean,  north  of  the  Columbia  River  and 
south  of  Tacoma.  This  was  one  of  the  largest  and  most  important  districts  oper- 
ated by  this  Division.  Colonel  Bull  had  command  of  the  military  personnel 
in  this  District  which  numbered  approximately  4000  men.  They  were  engaged 
in  railroad  construction,  truck  road  building,  riving  and  logging  and  were  scat- 
tered in  isolated  districts  in  the  heart  of  the  forest.  Under  great  difficulties, 
Colonel  Bull  maintained  a  high  esprit  de  corps  and  state  of  discipline  among 
his  officers  and  men  and  obtained,  through  his  personality,  administrative  and 
ceaseless  vigilance,  the  maximum  amount  of  work  from  his  command.  Colonel 
Bull's  command  stood  out  as  one  of  the  best  disciplined  and  most  efficient 
organizations  of  the  Division.  His  services,  which  entailed  the  responsibility 
of  producing  in  a  minimum  time  a  maximum  amount  of  lumber,  were  performed 
in    a    distinguished   manner. 

4.  The  above  service  was  rendered  at  a  time  when  the  Division  was  being 
organized  from  raw  recruits  and  untrained  officers,  for  the  purpose  of  securing 
a  1500%  increase  in  production  of  airplane  lumber.  The  operations  of  the 
Division  involved  constant  and  intimate  relations  with  150,000  civilian  lumber- 
men and  over  500  lumber  mill  and  logging  camp  operations,  over  a  mountainous 
country  500  miles  long,  in  which  the  Division  was  scattered  in  234  different 
camps  and  stations,  constructing  railways,  mills,  etc.,  in  a  climate  with  an 
annual  rainfall  averaging  over  eight  feet.  Through  the  exceptional  and  con- 
spicuously meritorious  service  of  such  men,  the  war  period  was  passed  without 
a  single  case  of  friction  with  civilian  or  civil  authority  and  the  mission  of 
the  Division  was  accomplished  in  spite  of  continuous  I.  W.  W.  agitation  and 
pro-enemy  propaganda. 

5.  I  have  had  approximately  30,000  officers  and  men  under  my  command 
during  the  past  fifteen  months  and  of  them  am  recommending  a  total  of  twenty 
for  this  recognition  of  service.  I  sincerely  believe  in  their  award  and  regard 
it  a.s  a  necessary  mark  of  aiDpreciation  from  our  government  if,  in  its  next 
emergency,  we  are  to  look  for  the  same  quality  of  service  to  the  rear  of  active 
operations  as  we  have  had  in  this  one,  and  a  service  which  is  so  vital,  and  to  my 
own  knowledge,  more  heartbreaking  than  anything  man  is  called  upon  to  endure. 


Brigadier  General,  U.  S.  Army, 


Till':    r.ri.L    fa.mii^v  169 

Yll-l;ili      ( 'liilili't'ii     (if     liC\i     <'iiiil     .\iiii;i     I  I  Irtidi-rsiiri  '      Alrii'ks. 

\ii  :;:.:»,  \i  :)i  .1,  xi-ir),')..! 

;i      -Idliii    I  l;i  III  il  loll.  Iiiini    AiiliiisI    :!.    ISJ;}. 

Is    iillnnicy  ;il    law    at     II  a  riisljii  i'lT.    I'l'rinsy  Iviiniii. 

\'Il-l;}7      Chil.livM    (.r    I'Mwnrd    ('.    ;iihI    .\1;ii-v    A.    'Willie       I'.iill. 

\' I -:).!.  I 

;i      Jessie  A  iiii;i.  lioni   in   1  SSf). 

1»  Noniiaii  l"](l\\  ;ir(l.  Imh-ii  in  1S!I(),  nuirried  in  1I»1:I 
Helen  Justin  \'lll  JJD 

VTT-1;]S      (Miildreii  of  J.-iniesir.  ;ind  ]\;inwi-ine  W.  ('TiIIi.i;in  ^    I'.iill. 


a  James  Arniila^e,  born  at  Santa  Jjai'bafa.  Calilornia, 
November  19,  1878. 

After  ntteiulance  jit  the  Washington  Hijjh  ScIkkiI,  h(>  entered  the  Univer- 
sity of  the  South,  Smviinee,  Tennessee,  from  which  lie  graduated  with  the 
decree  of  A.  ]i.  in  1!MM).  While  there  he  was  a  n;eniber  of  the  Niearagua 
t'anal  Survey  in  IMIT  and  ISilS.  He  was  inspector  at  the  Pan-American 
Exi)osition  at  liutTalo  in  llMIl,  and  was  supervisor  of  San  Fernando  Province 
in  the  Philippine  Islands  in  llHIli  and  irxi;;.  He  was  appointed  an  Assistant 
I'aymaster  in  the  U.  S.  Navy,  May  '29.  KMk",,  from  California;  Past  Assistant 
Paymaster,  Feljruary  15,  P.KI.',  and  Paymaster,  July  1.  1!>14.  He  resigned 
from  the  N'avy,  August  .'i'l,  l!tir>,  when  of  the  grade  of  lieutenant  Commander. 
His  service  was  as  follows:  IIMI."!  to  l!H>i;.  on  the  Asiatic  Station:  I'.KiT  to  liMfcS. 
at  the  Navy  Yard,  Pensacohi.  Florida;  IIIIH)  to  I'.lll,  Asiatic  Station:  1!»1L'  to 
1i)l."),  Receiving  Ship  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  On  March  :!,  lf>17.  he 
was  commissioned  Paymaster  in  the  U.  S.  Naval  Reserve,  with  the  rank  of 
lieutenant  Commander,  and  assigned  to  duty  at  the  Philadelphia  Navy  Yard. 
In  November,  P.>17,  he  was  assigned  to  duty  at  the  Naval  Supply  Depot,  Base 
•  !,  being  ordered  as  Assistant  Naval  Attache  to  the  legation  in  London.  Dur- 
ing the  period  he  was  out  of  the  naval  service  from  -\ugust,  1!H.~>,  to  March, 
P.nT,  he  was  in  the  firm  of  Leonard  Snyder.  l>nn(l  bi-okers.  New  York,  and 
manager   of   the   Philadelphia   branch. 

b  Heniy  Tilo-lim;iii.  ])oni  May  28.  1880,  at  West  Ches- 
ter, Pennsylvania,  married  A|)i'il  .").  1!)04.  ;i1  \V;isliinuton. 
D.  C,  Sally  Franklin  AVainwriglit,  daughter  of  Dallas  and 
Eose  (Kendig)  AVainwrio-ht .'. VIlI-i'i'l 

He  was  in  attendance  at  the  Harvard  Scientific-  School  at  Cambridge. 
Massachusetts,  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Spanish-.Vmerican  \\'ar,  and  enlisted  as 
a  private,  first  class,  in  the  1st  U.  S.  Volunteer  Knsineers.  .Tune  27.  ^Si)>^.  The 
regiment  went  to  Porto  Rico  and  served  through  the  campaign.  He  was  hon- 
orably discharged  October  l.S,  ISO.S.  For  this  service  he  received  the  Porto 
Rico  Campaign  medal.  He  again  entered  the  Harvard  Scientific  School, 
later  transferred  to  the  University  of  the  South  at  Suwauee.  Tennessee,  and 
graduated  there  with  the  degree  of  C.  E.  in  inOL  He  was  appointed  a 
Second  Lieutenant  of  the  l.'lth  l^.  S.  Cavalry  from  New  York,  dating  from 
February  2.  11101  :  commissioned  First  I.,ieutenant  of  the  itth  Cavalry.  October 
."i.  iniO;  transferred  to  the  l.'lth  Cavalry,  November  2!l.  lillH;  assigned  to 
duty  as  head  of  the  Department  of  ililitary  Science  and  Tactics  at  Cornell 
University,  December  2S,  1912,  which  place  he  filled  until  November  L  1!H.">. 
During  this  period  the  new  .Vrmory  at  Cornell  was  planned  by  him.  authorized 
l)y  the  Legislature,  and  l)uilt  under  his  supervision.  During  this  period  also, 
in  I'M'i.  he  was  instructor  at  the  Plattsburg  Camp  of  business  men.  He  was 
assigned  to  the  5th  Cavalry  and  with  it  did  service  in  Me.xico.  that  regiment 
being  in  the  force  under  the  command  of  Major  General  Pershing.  He  was 
promoted  to  Captain  of  Cavalry,  .Tuly  L  lOKi,  and  assigned  to  the  17th  Cav- 
alry, a  new  regiment  formed  and  organized  at  Fort  Bliss,  El  Paso.  Texas. 
He  was  detached  from  the  17th  Cavalry  and  ordered  as  Afilitarv  Instructor  of 
Cavalry  at  Fort  Ben.i.imin  Harrison,  Indiana,  May  — ,  1!>17.  Detached  from 
this  duty  in  September.  1017,  be  was  ordered  to  Camp  Pike,  Arkansas,  and 
couimissioned  Ma.ior  in  the  National  .\iniy.  Five  days  after  arrival  at  Camp 
Pike  he  was  ordered  to  ^Vashington  to  duty  in  the  .Vviation  (non-tlying)  sec- 
tion of  the  Signal  Corps,  and  commissioned  Ma.iiir,  and  then  Lieutenant 
Colonel.  All  three  latter  commissions  bear  the  same  date.  August  .">.  1017. 
After   being   on   duty   at   Washington   in   the   personnel    office   of   the   Aviation 

170  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Section  of  the  Signal  Corps  until  April  — ,  1918,  he  was  ordered  to  duty  in 
command  of  the  S'pruce  Production  Division  of  the  Signal  Corps  of  Grays 
Harbor  and  Willipa  Bay,  State  of  Washington.  Detached  from  this  duty, 
August  18,  1918,  he  joined  the  T2nd  Regiment  of  Infantry  at  Camp  Meade, 
Maryland,  as  Lieutenant  Colonel.  On  October  28  he  was  commissioned  Colonel 
of  Infantry  and  assigned  to  duty  as  Train  Commander  of  the  11th  Division. 
For  service  in  Mexico  he  received  the  Service  Medal  authorized  by  Congress. 
He  is  a  graduate  of  the  Cavalry  School  in  1912.  He  is  also  entitled  to  wear 
the  Sharpshooter's  and  Pistol   Marksmanship  badges  of  the  Army. 

c  Martha  Conant.  born  September  1,  1882,  at  AA'est 
Chester.  Pennsylvania,  died  December  30,  1885,  at  Oakland, 

She  is  buried  at  Detroit,   Michigan. 

d  Elizabeth  Siirth,  born  March  22,  1888,  at  Yokohama, 
Japan,  died  January  29,  1890,  at  Omaha,  Nebraska. 

She  is  buried  at  Detroit,   Michigan. 

e  Wilfrid  Douglas,  born  May  27,  1890,  at  New  London, 

He  was  educated  at  the  Thacher  School,  Ojai,  California,  and  at  La  Villa, 
Lausanne,  Switzerland,  where  he  was,  during  his  last  term  there,  captain  of 
the  school.  On  return  to  the  United  States  he  took  a  special  course  in  inter- 
mational  law  and  diplomacy  at  the  George  Washington  L^niversity,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C  He  was  afterwards  in  business  in  the  employ  of  F.  F.  G.  Harj^er  & 
Co.,  custom  house  brokers,  at  San  Francisco,  California.  While  there  he 
attended  the  Military  Training  Camp  at  Monterey,  California,  during  the 
summer  of  1916.  In  May,  1917,  he  applied  for  service  in  the  American  Field 
Ambulance  Service  in  France,  and  was  accepted.  He  sailed  from  Ivew  Yort, 
.luly  2.3,  1917,  in  the  steamer  Rochambeau,  of  the  French  line,  and  on  arrival 
was  assigned  to  Section  12.  On  duty  near  Epernay,  France,  when  the  Amer- 
ican Field  Ambulance  Service  was  taken  over  by  the  U.  S.  Army,  he  was 
enlisted  as  a  private  on  S'eptember  11,  1917,  and  was  in  October  named  as  a 
first-class  private.  In  May,  1918,  Section  630  (which  was  the  name  changed 
from  Section  12),  received  the  commendation  of  the  Chief  Surgeon  of  the  XXXth 
Division,  French  Army,  which  that  section  operated  with,  as  follows:  ''Order 
K'o.  15.  The  American  Conductors  of  S.  S.  V-630,  commanded  by  Lieut. 
Pouselle  and  Lieut.  Rogers,  have  given  proof  of  an  admirable  sangfroid  and  a 
courage  above  all  praise  assuring  night  and  day  from  two  first  line  posts  on 
unprotected  (or  exposed)  and  terribly  bombarded  roads,  an  extremely  perilous 
service.  Three  cars  have  been  nearly  destroyed  by  shells.  The  Medecin 
Divisionaire  congratulates  and  thanks  greatly  Lts.  Pouselle  and  Rogers  and 
their  conductors.  Signed  by  Medecin  Divisionaire  of  XXXth  Livision."  On 
May  30,  1918,  he  was  decorated  by  the  French  authorities  with  the  "Croix 
de  Guerre"  in  accordance  with  the  following  citation: 
"7eme  Regiment   d'Infanterie. 


de  rOrdre   du  Regiment   No.  255. 
du  8  Mai  1918. 

Le  Lieut.   Colonel  Bouret,   cdt  le  7eme  R.  I.   cite  a  I'ordre  du  Regiment. 

W.  D.  Bull  de  la  Section  auto  Americaine  630: 
Automobiliste   Americaine   A  montre   le   plus   grand   devoument    en    continuant 
seul   son  service,    alors   que   son   camarade   venait   d'etre   tue.     A  maintes   fois 
brave  la  mort,  on  assurant  le  transport  les  blesses  au  milieu  des  plus  violentes 

Le  Lieut. -Colonel  Bouret  cdt  le  7eme  R.  I. 

SIGNS:         BOURET.* 

In  connection  with  the  above  it  must  be  recorded  that  he  returned  to  iKe 
field  and  recovered  the  body  of  his  comrade,  whose  death  is  mentioned  in  the 
above  citation. 

On  October  22,  1918,  he  was  commissioned  First  Lieutenant  in  the  Intelli- 
gence Department,  U.  S.  Army,  and  was  detailed  as  assistant  military  attache 
at  the  American  Legation,  Berne,  Switzerland.  He  has  since  received  the 
Division  Citation  for  bravery  in  service. 

*The  regimental  citation  conveys  a  bronze  star  with  the  Croix  de  Guerre,  and  the  Divisional 
Citation  adds  a  silver  star. 

Kff.;ftjiice  VII-13«<;.     I'att.!  170 

cri'ATION  A   L'ORDIiMv 

Ordro  (JciieraU;  No.  \)'j  dii  KJ  .Mai  1'J18. 

Le  General  Ciudt  la  131e  I).  T.  Cite  a  I'oidiv  dc  la  DIVISION. 

Le  eonducteur  BULL  Wilfrid  Mle  9797. 

Conducteur  Aniericain  de  la  S.  S.  U./630. 

"Condueteur  d'lm  sang  froid  &  d'une  intrepidite  remarquables 

et  toujours  pret  a  se  devouer. " 

Le  General  Chavet  Cdt  la  131e  D.  T. 
C.  J.  Chavet. 

'riih:    I'.i  1,1,    KA.Mii.v  171 

r      .M;ir'_;vi-y    l-'.-i  n  |ii  li;i  i-,    ,il    ih.-    .\;i\;i|    Shilion.    New 

I'liiiddii.    ( 'oiiiicci  irii  I .    iii;i  M'icil     III    Trimly    ('Inu'cli.    Sjititji 

l>;irli;ir;i.    I)y    I5isli()|)    .loscjili     II.    .lolinsoii,    .\|»iil    tl.    l!t|'). 

( 'li('f\t'f     llci'hcrl     .\c\\li;ill.    son     of     ( 'linrlcs    ;iii(|     |-'r-;iiiccs 

S;ii;ill    I  \V;itl-issj    Xcwiljill   of  .);iluil  ic;i    I'lji  in,  J 'K.stoii.    .\I;iss;i- 

rlilisctls   \' I  I  I   22- 

Tlicy  live  lit  Chcstiiul  Hill,  Hostoii,  Miissncluisctts.  Kcbruai-.v  II.  lill.S,  hi- 
WHS  coiiiniissiiiiifd  FiiNl  I,ii'iilcn;iiit  in  .Vviiitioii,  .Vdii-Klyitic  Ht-cticm.  SiKiml 
Corps,  and  iissi(;iicd  to  duty  iit  Washington,  I).  C.  lie  has  also  hn-n  on  duly. 
iinassiKncd,    in   tlie  otTicc  of   thi-   Assistant    Sfcrctary  of   War. 

\'I1-1M!)      Cliildivn  ol'  (ioold   II.  ;iii(|   .\l;if^;nvt    A.   (Mjicoml.,    |5iil|. 


ii  .Mai'^ai'ft  .\(|cl;ii(li'.  hocn  1  )rcciiil)iM'  L'l.  l>S(i.  i\\i;\ 
Aiiiiust  -Jii.   1S87. 

1>  David  Maconili.  bofn  Januaiy  2S,  ISSS.  niai-i-ird  No- 
vi'iiihi'i-  14.  VJU,  Helen  .Marg-aret  Smith VI 11-22:'. 

Ijivt's  in  the  Bronx,  New  York  City.  He  has  been  ga.s  engineer  with  thf 
Metropolitan  Gas  Company  of  New  York  City.  He  was  appointed  Captain  of 
Knuiiicers.  U.  S.  Army,  September  24,  I'.tlS,  and  is  with  the  .Vmerican  K.xpedi- 
tionary   Force   in   France. 

e  Dorotliy  Sheaff.  born  Aucrust  !).  18Si).  niarrii-d  .linic 
6,  1912,  Dr.  -lojiii  I'aul  Siinnions,  who  was  horn  Oi-tohrf 
15.   1880  VI 1 1-224 

?Ie  is  professor  at   New  York  Cnllefre.  where  they   live. 

d  Mildred  Worthington,  horn  January  6.  18!)2.  tnai-ried 
April  2!).  1915.  Lientenant  David  Irviii  llfdri.-k.  I'.  S. 
Navy,  who  was  horn  in  Ohio.  Deeemher  81,  1886 VI 1 1-225 

He  was  appointed  ;^^idsllipnlan  at  the  Naval  .\cademy.  .Vnnapoli.s.  Mary- 
land, .Tuly  2J,  1!K».">:  graduated  June  .">.  T.XI'.t:  commissioned  Knsign  .Tune  h, 
lull;  commissioned  Lieutenant  (.junior  grade)  .lune  .">.  ]'.I14;  Lieutenant. 
.Tune  .■>,  1!>17.  He  was  promoted  to  Lieutenant  Commander  (temporary),  1!»1S. 
His  service  has  been  as  follows:  I'.tKt-l'.Ill,  Atlantic  Fleet  in  V.  S.  Iiattleship 
•"New  Hampshire";  l!»ll-l!»l:!,  Bureau  of  Ordnance.  Navy  Department.  Wash- 
ington. D.  C.  ;  l'.>i:;-T.)14.  torpedo  destroyers  •Walke"  and  ••Benham";  1!>1.'>- 
mii;.   naval  gun  factory,   Washington,   D.  C.     War  service  on  convoy  duty. 

e     Marjori(>  Macomh.  l)orn  Decciiihci-  24,  1895. 
f     lioold  Xornian.  born  Deeeiuher  15.  1898. 

Appointed  to  the  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,   Marvland,  as  a  Midshipman, 

Septeml)er  .'U).  imO. 

VII-140     Cliildivn  of   Warren   O.  and    .\iiiir   V.    (Rulh    Sponoer. 

a     Harry  Riitler.  horn  .liinc  27.  1878. 

YII-141     Children  of  Robert  II.  and  Dinah    Dunn)  Smith.   VI-58-a 
a      liobei't   William   llobart.  born   Mai-di  :>i'.   1^7t). 

VII-142     Children  of  Robert  II.  S.  and  .Marion  II.  *  lluiiirerford) 
llobart.  VI-58-a 

a     Robert    llobart    Dull    Wingfiehl.    born    Februarv    8. 

b     Dorothy  Marion  Clare,  born  April  17,  1913. 

172  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-143     Children  of  Francis  N.  and  Anna  C.    (Powers)    Bull. 

a     Francis  Cecil,  born  at  Madison,  Wisconsin,  February 
5,  1908. 

b  Girl,  unnamed,  born  and  died  June,  1910,  at  Denver, 

VII-144     Children  of  Dr.  Jose  I.  and  Emma  L.  (Bull)  O'Farrell. 


a  Dorothee  Silvia,  born  January  11,  1911,  at  Buenos 
Aires,  Argentine  Republic,  South  America. 

YII-l-lo     Children   of   James   R.    and    Sue   D.    (Bull)    Hurford. 

;       VI-6D-C 

a     James  Rayner,  Jr.,  born  April  6,  1916. 

VII-146     Children   of   Rev.    James   J.    and   Emma    C.    (Barber^i 
Creigh.  VI-61-b 

a  Mary  Dunbar,  born  December  17,  1866,  at  West  Ches- 
ter, Pennsylvania,  married  November  14,  1898,  at  A¥est 
Chester,  Willis  Hatfield  Hazard,  born  at  West  Chester, 
Pennsylvania,  July  27,  1866.._ VIII-226 

He  is  engaged  in  special  insurance  worli  and  has  cliarge  of  a  departn^'ent 
in  New  England  Insurance  Company  at  Boston,  Massacliusetts,  where  tliey 
live.  His  parents  were  Willis  Pope  Hazard,  who  was  born  at  Huntsville,  Ala- 
bama, in  1825,  died  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  February  18,  1913,  and 
Susan  Robinson  Gilpin,  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1825,  and  died  at  West  Ches- 
ter, June  19,  1906.     They  were  married  November  14,  1850. 

VII- 147     Children  of  William  V.   and  Mary   (Whipple)    Jacobs. 


a  Jesse  Elliott,  born  I\Iarch  14,  1892,  married  Feb- 
ruary 1,  1917,  Mildred  Muir. 

b     AAHiipple,  born  February  7,  1897. 

c     Katharine,  born  February  18,  1899. 

YII-148     Children  of  Amos  C.  and  Elmira  J.  (Bosserman)  Clem- 
son.  VI-65-a 

a  Arabella  C,  born  August  24,  1847,  married  October 
16,  1867,  William  H.  Morrow,  born  February  14,  1842.  He 
died  February  19,  1888... VIII-227 

She  lives  at  Southington,  Connecticut,  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  L.  F. 
Requa,  -Jr. 

William  H.  Morrow  lived  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  where  he. was  in 
business.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he  was  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Baldwin 
Locomotive  Works. 

b  Lloyd  Colder,  born  January  20,  1849,  married  No- 
vember 24,  1872,  Anna  Laura  Nixdorf,  born  June  7. 
1856 VIII-228 

They  live  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania.  He  is  superintendent  of  motive 
power  of  the  central  division  of  the  Pennsylvania  Railroad,  headquarters  at 
Altoona,  having  been  with  the  company  since  1870. 

Till';    I'.i  i,L    Kwiii.v  17:; 

\'||-ir)     Cliildivii  dl'  AiiK.s  .1.  ;iihl  I'liorl.r    \.  il'iiitl,   l;'nii;m. 


;i  W'illiiir  'riiorni',  lidni  ;il  ( ';i  I'ldoii.  \'rln'iisl<;i.  .M;iy  II, 
IS.";?,  iii;irri('(l  Scptfiiiliri-  1.').  ISSI,  Siis;iii  .\iii;iihI;i  I'liillips, 
(Inimhlcr  ol"  •hiiiics  iJo.xd  iiiid  S;ir;ili  !  Miillips  ol'  TjiIiIi'  Ii'n'k. 
X('l)i';iskii,  lioni  ()cl()licr  :ll.  iSliO.  ;it  \\'iii(iii;i.  llliii()\.  Ih- 
.li,Ml  Drc.^nilici'  S.  1,S8!) \'III-229 

Slir    lives   al    Ijni'dlii,    .\('lii';isl<ii .      TTc   is   Imrii'd    :il    I.nii:;    I'lPinl,    llhnoi-,. 

1)     .Icssic,  l)()rn  .liiiiiuiry  'J.   IS.")!),  nuin-ird   Xovcinlx-i-  24. 

1881,  William    Iv    -lacksoii,    who    was    horn    NovpiiiIu'I-    4. 

185!)  - \' 1 1 1-230 

They   live  iit   riirnillirMi,   I^rissiiuri. 

e     Frank,  born   Auii'nst  -i,  ISIiO.   niarrird    I). inhn-  -Jl. 

1882.  Flora    Carh^on,    dau^-lilci-    ol'    l!cii.ja;iiiii    and    -Lim" 
(Sillik)  Carlclon.  horn  Octohcr  80,  1862 VIII-2:n 

'Pliey  live  iit  Los  Anjielcs,  Ciilildniia.      Hi'iijiiiiiin  C'arleton   ( ISl.i-inO." )    was 
burn   ill    Koiit,    KnKlii'ul,   ;ui(l  Jane  SiUik    ( 1S1'L'-1S!>1 )    was   from   Ciiniida. 

d     .lohii  W..  I)oi'n  in  1862,  died . 

e  Ross,  born  January  14.  1868,  at  Grand  TJidge.  La  Salle 
ConntY.  Illinois,  inarri(Ml  October  27.  181)2.  at  Duburjiic. 
Iowa,  by  Ivev.  AValkcr  of  the  Kpisropal  Cluirch.  Mlbi 
Blanclic  Cox.  Iioi'ii  .lanuary  (i.  ISiil,  at   l)idMH|iic.  l()wa....Vni-232 

'rhi\\'   live  :it   'Wirliita.   Kansas. 

VII-150     Children  of  Ephraiin  and  .Mary  .\.   (Simmons)   Bosser- 
man.  VI-6r)-c 

a     Cieorge  W.,  born  in  1860. 

He  lived  at  Ottawa,  Illinciis. 

b  ( 'laricc.  born  in  1864. 
('   ( 'older  v..   horn  in  1867. 
d  Lester,  born  in  1871. 

lie  lived  at   Ottawa.  Illinois, 

e     Dora,  born  in  1874,  iiuirrifd  Sctli  A.  Lalrome. 

They  lived  at  Ottawa.  Illinois. 

A^I-lf)!     Children   of  Pattison   and    Hlizalx'th    (MeCliin-*    -lolly. 


a  ]Maa:dalen('.  horn  Septfiubfr  2.  1860,  died  unmarricil 
]\L^rcli  19.  1012. 

b     ^Martha,  boi-n  January  D,  1862.  unmari-ied. 

e  James  Warner,  born  .July  4.  1868.  married  i)y  lu-v. 
Jordan,  June  22,  1898,  .Maude  Shaw,  who  was  born  Novem- 
ber 13.  1871 VIII-283 

d     Elizabeth,  l)orn  June  12.  1865.  unmarried. 

e     Katlierine.  l)orn  November  25,  1S67.  unmarried. 

f     ^Tary,  born  ^lairh  17.  L861).  unmarried. 

u-  Elinor  Elniii-a.  liorn  Xovcmhcr  24.  1870.  mai-ried  by 
Rev  1).  E.  S.  Perrv  S,.pt,.nilM"r  5.  1895.  Frank  C.  Stan- 
ley  ■ VIlI-284 

They  live  at  Riverside,  California. 

174  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YII-152     Children   of  Joseph   and  Belinda    (Beatty)    Larimer. 


a     Edwin  M.,  born  April  11,  1858,  died  unmarried  April 

23,  1888. 

He  was  a  physician. 

VII-153     Children  of  James  W.   and  Adeline    (Smith)    Beattr. 

a     William  Rush,  born  May  17,  1872,  married  October 
14,  1903,  Elizabeth  Mae  Michaelis. 

They  live  at  Meadville,  Pennsylvania. 

YII-154     Children  of  John  H.  and  Mary  E.  (Smith)  Beatty. 


a  Earle  Hastings,  born  November  10,  1871,  at  Green- 
ville, Pennsvlvauia,  married  June  16,  1905,  Bertha  Lin- 
wood  Rich.l , - VIII-235 

b  Fred  Fairchild,  born  June  9,  1874,  at  Meadville, 
Pennsvlvauia,  married  June  18,  1907.  Marv  Carr  Sinclair 
of  Winthrop,  Maine.    He  died  September  29,  1914 ...VIII-236 

TH-155     Children  of  Calvin  R.  and  Ida  (Klumph)  Beattv. 


a     Lester  Roy,  born  July  14,  1873. 

b  Sarah  Anna,  born  February  9,  1876,  died  November 
29,  1889. 

c     Laura  Hayes,  born  November  14,  1878. 

d  Calvin  Rush,  Jr.,  born  September  15,  1881,  died  Julv 
31,  1913. 

YIL156     Children  of  William  R.   and  Margaretta   E.    (Smith) 
Beatty.  VI-67-e 

a  Raymond  Wallace,  born  April  30,  1874,  died  July  6, 
1887,  drowned. 

Vn-157     Children     of    Marion    and    Henrietta    W.     (Beatty) 
Minium.  VI-67-f 

a     Henry  Clyde,  born  January-  1,  1870,  unmarried. 

b     John  C,  born  December  25,  1871,  unmarried. 

YII-158     Children  of  Charles  E.  and  Adella  B.  (Beatty)  Hunter. 

a     Roy  Henry,  born  September  29,  1874,  unmarried. 

He  lives  in  Alaska,  where  he  has  been  for  fourteen  years  in  the  govern- 
ment service. 

b  Winnifred,  born  October  17,  1875,  married  Septem- 
ber 10,  1895,  William  Cochran,  who  was  born  September 
10,  1874,  and  died  June  13,  1906 __....yiII-237 

They  lived   at   Saegerstown,   Pennsylvania.     He   was  the  son   of  John  and 
Caroline   Cochran. 

'I"  III':      llll.l,      K\\!II,V  17.-, 

\'ll-l.")|l      ( 'hildi'cti   (•!'  -loliii  ;iimI    .\I  ;i  rl  Ii;i    (('lose      .\l  (•< 'I  ii  r-r. 

\l   t;^  ;i 

a  Aniiji  (i.,  Ihini  ()ct()licf  ;!  Isd;;,  died  l''rl(ni;ii-\  7 

1)        -Idllll      l'>.,     hiini     •lllllf     Ii,      ]SS(i,      lii;i  |-|-ic(  I      I  )ccc|ii  her      1  "> . 

ISSI),  ,liili;i  A.  Ihiwkc,  wild  \\;is  liorti  AiiliiisI    lii.  l>ii!)        \' I  1 1  -J.'.^ 

'I'lii'N     livi'    III    (  oiiiiiM  III     I.iiIm'.     I'l-iiiKsU  vaiiia. 

(■  .M;ir\-  1)..  horn  -Inly  'ifi,  18()8.  iii;i  iricd  .lnl.\  17,  l^lHt, 
Willi.-iiii  TrW  Siiiitli,  \\\\i)  \v;is  hoiii  .M;i\   :;,  isiii^'  \'l  1 1  •_':;!) 

'liny    live    al    (  oiiiira  ill  \  i  llr,    I'l'iilisjiviiii  in. 

tl  \Villi;mi  \'.,  hoi'ii  I  )('('('iid)('i-  ]'■'>.  Is7(>,  nuirrii'd  .liiiir 
1(),  1S97,  Kli/.jilx'tli  Siiiitli.  w  lu)  \v;is  horn  .)iil\  L'l),  1.S72.  H,. 
died   I<\'hniai'y  L'S.  l!)(l(l. 

A'll-ltid     Chihlrcn   of   Willi.iiii  .1.   .iiid    I.iz/i<"    f:\rcIiitoslit    Dose. 


a     Geoi-gifi,  hoi-u  in  iS74,  dicil  in  .May,  lUll. 

Yir-liil      ('hildi'cii  of  .M\i'on  and   l''dcaiii>r  L.   (  Lord  i    luinsoin. 


a  ^lyra,  born  in  1868.  inai'ficd  ("licstci-  Parry  of  Xortli 
Carolina.     Xo  issue. 

They  live  at   West   Lilierty.  Iowa. 

b  Abbie,  boi'ii  in  1865,  iiiari'icd  Professoi-  K.  T. 
]\rason.    She  died VrTT-240 

The.v    lived    at    Coniieautville.    Pennsylvania. 

c     Henry  0.,  horn  in  ISliS,   married  ("anic   i\ii-r.\-.     N'o 

They  live  at   Atalissa.    Tnwa. 

d  Jessie  Annie,  hoi-n  ncai-  Atlantie.  Penn.sylvania. 
January  15,  1870.  inariicd  Au.mist  10.  18!)8,  Clyde  Fetter- 
man,  son  of  Trail  and  .Mary  Ellen  Fettennan  :  horn  No- 
veinher  28,  186!',  near  ( "onncaiitNillc.  Pcnnsylx  ania.  No 

The,v  live  at   f'onneantvilli'.   Pennsylvania. 

e      I-{o])ert   Freeihnu.   horn    l-'i'hiMiarx-   2!'.    1S72.    mai'ried 

Mareh  28.  1892,   at   Westtichl,   N.-w   York,  by   Rev.  S.   1). 

Prather,    Carrie    Bnrditdv,    dauLthtcr    of    David    I^^-anklyn 

and  Carrie   (Berdick)    liurdiek ;  horn   Frhruary    17.   1S74, 

,at  Conneautville.  I'cnnsylvania \M 1 1-241 

The.v  live  at   Connfautvillr.    I'rnns,\  Ivania. 

f  Mabel,  born  ^lareh  26.  1875,  dird  Septi-inhcr  80, 

i»'     Lney  T..  l)orn  in  1874.  married  Harry  Burkliardt. 

Lives  at  Erie,   Pennsylvania. 

Ji     Mary  Elva,  born  in  1877.  married  ^lyron  Po.\"le. 

They  live  at  Atalissa,   Iowa. 

176  THE     BULL    FAMILY 

i  Henrietta,  born  in  1880,  married  Fred  Bendure. 
She  died  September  11,  1910. 

They  lived  at  Erie,  Pennsylvania. 

j     Genie  F.,  born  in  1883,  married  Frank  Timberlake. 

They  live  at  West  Liberty,  Iowa. 

k  Ida  Gabrielle,  born  January  12,  1886,  at  Conneaut- 
ville,  Crawford  County,  Pennsylvania,  married  at  Erie, 
Pennsylvania,  August  1,  1907,  Myron  Christian  Hahn.  who 
was  born  May  25,  1886,  at  Gerard,  Erie  County,  Pennsyl- 
vania, son  of  Ernest  and  Elizabeth  (Peters)  Hahn VIII-242 

YII-162     Children  of   George  B.   and  Delia    (McDowell)    Lord. 


a  Henry  Merrill,  born  January  17,  1871,  died  December 
26,  1895. 

b  Bessie  Mabel,  born  May  16,  1873,  married  January 
26,  1899,  Harry  B.  Snow VIII-243 

They  live  at  Oil  City,  Pennsylvania. 

c  George  Clyde,  born  January  7,  1879,  married  in  In- 
dependence, Kansas,  July  11,  1908,  Frances  Emma 
Moore    ..._  .VIII-244 

d  Harold  Owen,  born  January  23,  1881,  died  March  13, 

e  Delia  Estelle,  born  June  3,  1887,  married  May  22, 
1912,  Fernand  S.  de  Costar. 

YII-163     Children  of  Francis  L.  and  Caroline  L.  Sterling  Lord. 


a  Seldon  E.,  born  December  25,  1870,  married  May, 
1908,  Inez  Kennedy. 

They  live  at  Hiram,   Ohio. 

b  Raymond  Sterling,  born  April  16,  1873,  married  July 
5,  1899,  Carrie  L.  Paul - - VIII-245 

They  lived  at  Point  Centre,  Pennsylvania. 

c  Ethel  P.,  born  August  10,  1875.  married  July.  1892, 
Charles  Lord  Walton  __.. ..._VIII-246 

They  lived  at  Centre  Station,  Pennsylvania. 

d  Emily  Grace,  born  December  15,  1879.  married  No- 
vember 9,  1900,  Charles  0.  McDowell -....-- .....¥111-247 

e  Donna  de  Ette,  born  February  16,  1882,  married 
October,  1905,  Jesse  G.  Smith .VIII-248 

f  Frances  Cleveland,  born  March  18,  1886,  married  No- 
vember 11,  1915,  Merle  L.  Bradley .*• 

g     Howard  F.,  born  May  11,  1890,  died  October  4,  1911. 

'I'lll']      I'.ll.l,      l-.WIll.V  ] 

I  I 

N'll-ltil      ( 'liililnii   ol'  .loscjili    I).   iiii<|    (ifiicc   S.    (  l.ord  I    1  low , -I  I'll. 

\'l  (,!i  ,■ 

;i  l'](lilli  .Mildred.  Ikimi  AipjiisI  II.  Is7l),  ;ii  K'ynd  l'';inii, 
\';iii;iii<j;()  Coiiiits.  rciiiisyl  Y;iiii;i.  iii;i  iricil  ;il  l.'ynd  l'';inii 
^\|»i'il  ;5().  1I)(>."5.  doliii  l''f;iiikliii  L;i\\  rciicc,  ulio  u;is  Iimi-ii  ;iI 
Einlciiloii,   l'ciiii.s_\l\  ;iiii;i,   I  )ccciiit)t'r  27,  1S77 N'IIIlM!' 

'J'licy    live   :il    .\  i-<liii(ir('.    ( )N  hilMuii.i. 

1»      Il;in-y,  honi  .M;iy  IS,  1881,  dird  .lim,.  •_'.;,  ISHI. 

I'.iiiicil    ;il     l;\ii(l    I'.iiiii,    \'rii:i  ii^ii    Ciiuiily,    I 'rniiN  \  l\  ;i  iii.-i . 

('  Mi\\)v\  .\dcli;i,  lioi'ii  .M;iy  (i,  ISS!',,  jd  Ii'yml  l-';ii'iii.  \';m- 
an^'o  Couiily,  l'ciiiisyl\;iin;i,  iiuii'ficd  id   l']iisti.s.  l-'lofidu. 

'J'lii'V   live  ;il    l.iiulsuy,   C'ali  I'drni;!. 

VII-lGf)     Cdiildreii    oL'    Darius    and    AIarj;arL't    ['>.     (  10ii^dcliaii|)t  > 
Siuith.  VI-7(»-a 

a  Allen  E.,  born  in  1861,  iiiari'icd  Tillic  llciTiiij,n-r.  lie 

'I'licy   lived  :it   Genessee,   Illinois.     Children  living. 

I)     Tidward  J.,  born  in  1863,  niarrifnl.     No  issue. 

'I'licy    live   in   Montana. 

c     Laura  15.,  born  in  1865,  married. 

Plas  a  child  named  Grace. 

d  Edith  (iarrett,  born  in  l.S()7.  married  (Jcorge  1'.  Dick- 
son, who  is  dead. 

They   lived  at   South  Oil  City,   Pennsylvania. 

e     Garrett  W.,  born  in  1868,  married. 

f     William  Harry,  born  in  1S71,  married.     Xo  issue. 

VII-166     Children    of    Francis    .M.    and    Caroline    •!.      Jordan ) 
Power.  \'l-7;^a 

a  h]l\ira  lOiiieliiie,  boi'ii  -June  iMi,  1860,  at  lola.  Kansas, 

b  Howard  Lincoln,  born  September  6,  1862,  at  Tola. 
Kansas,  married  May  li).  18!)0.  Sadie  Cox  of  Rrower.  Oi-e- 
gon.     He  died  October  23.  1908.  at  Marlin,  Texas V 111-230 

He  was  a  physician  at   Bridal   A'eil,   Oregon. 

c  Francis  Clarion,  boi'ii  -Inly  1!),  1864.  at  lola.  Kansas, 

d  ITarve.v  Allen,  born  Jannarv  11,  1868.  at  Tola.  Kan- 
sas, married  at  Archer  City.  Texas,  February  18.  li)00. 
Lena  Leota  Wolf,  avIio  was  I)orn  dune  15,  1880.*. VIII-251 

'riie\-   live  at    .\irher  City,   Te.xas. 

e  Maude  Pearl,  born  January  7.  1877.  at  Tola.  Kansas, 
married  at  Archer  City,  Texas.  December  25.  181)8,  All)crt 
Sydney  Fonville  .'. VIII-252 

Thev  live  at  Wichita  Falls,  Te.xas. 

]^7S  •  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-167     Children  of  Eobert  B.  and  Alice  (Oliver)  Jordan. 


a     Leona.  born  in  1898. 
h     James,  born  in  1900. 
c     Racliel,  born  in  1910. 

VII-168     Children  of  Samuel  G.  and  Jennie   (Demaree)  Jordan. 


a  Ernest  Allison,  born  August  4,  1872,  married  Decem- 
ber 7,  1905,  Louise  Sargeant.   He  died  October  1,  1910....VIII-253 

He  was  in  the  service  of  the  Los  Angeles  Times  at  Los  Angeles,  Cali- 
fornia, and  was  killed  when  the  building  was  partially  destroyed  by  dynamite 
by  the  agents  of  the  labor  unions. 

b  Clara  Belle,  born  February  11,  1876.  married  August 
19,  1896,  Gilbert  Breckenridge VIII-25-1 

They  live  at  Orosi.   California. 

c  Francis  Burton,  born  April  15,  1878,  married  October 
21.  1903,  Marie  Hawk.: - VIII-255 

They  live  at  Tulsa,  Oklahoma. 

d  Samuel  Harvey,  born  August  16,  1880,  married  July 
25,  1904,  Grace  Jones - - - - -VIII-2r.(l 

They  live  at  Modesto,   California. 

VII-169     Children  of  Samuel  G.  and  Deborah   (Brown)  Jordan. 


a     Lewis,  died  in  infancy. 

b  Albert  Wilson,  born  December  7.  1894,  at  Sand 
Springs,  Oklahoma. 

c  Roscoe  Esmond,  born  January  20,  1896,  at  Orosi, 

d  Olin,  born  January  7,  1898.  at  Sand  Springs,  Okla- 

VII-170     Children  of  John  0.  W.  and  Laura  C.  (Jordan)  Howard. 


a     Infant,  died  at  birth. 

b  Elvira  Loretta,  born  October  18,  1872,  married  (1) 
September,  1890,  Rev.  George  B.  Knake.  He  died  in 
1892 - .-.- - - VIII-257 

Married  (2)  June  29,  1896,  Corwin  P.  Day...- __.VIII-258 

They  live  at  Colony,  Kansas. 

c  Cliffie  Leona.  born  January  26,  1875,  married  August 
31,  1893,  John  H.  Chilcote..: - VIII-259 

They  live  at  Carlyle,  Kansas. 

d     Infant,  died  at  birth. 

e  Caroline  Jane,  born  September  15.  1878,  married 
May  15,  1901,  Lewis  Mogel -... VIII-260 

f  Samuel  ^lorton.  born  July  2,  1880,  died  January  10, 

'I' UK     111   1,1,     I'WIILV  179 

H'  Os^'ood  Iniliiil,  horn  ()rl()l)(i-  >.  Iss].  nijirrifd  .\i-llif 
I'uZvrs \'III  2«;i 

li  I'x'ssic  M;ic.  iMini  I  )i'i-ciiilicr  .'>.  lss;i.  iii;i  i-fi'-il  K.-li- 
IMIJII'V  1,  11)11,  ll;iir\  (ii'icoc.  She  died  Nov  rinlMi-  •_'•_'.  IDll. 
No  issue. 

i       -lollll     K(t\',     l)()lli     S('lit(iiil>(i-     L'7.     iSS,'),     iiniirird      id;i 
MlllIlM  .'. '....-  \lll  li(ili 

\'ll-171       ( Miildi'cii    ol'    -lohii     II.    ;iiii|    •l.iiic     i  .Mr( '|r;ii'\-        Ihiincs. 


a  C'li;ii-lrs  Sidcrs.  lioMi  .\ii^iist  I'l.  l^.')!!,  ;il  r.r;iiiy's 
Bend.  rciiiis\l\;iiii;i.  iiiiiiTird  .M;iy  i' 1 .  1S!)().  Mlrjiiior  .\''\- 
iiijin  of  r>iillci',  l'ciiiis\l\;iiii;i  V^lll-2»):{ 

'I'lii'.v    livi'   iit    liutlcr,    rciinsy lv:iMi:i. 

1)  Francis  Mnrcli,  born  Mardi  iT),  iSlll.  died  ;it  Kort 
Wortli,  Texas,  uniiiiii'ricd,  .liiiic  1.  inOf). 

lie  studied  at  Boston,  Miissiicliiist'tts,  and  received  the  Kold  medal  of  the 
Clianniii};  Hall  .Association.  He  graduated  at  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of 
TechiioloKy  in  1S.S:{.  He  was  vice-president  of  the  Kort  Worth  and  Dallas 
Klectric  Kailroad  at  the  time  of  his  death.  He  is  Ijuried  in  Forest  Hill  ceme- 
tery,  Boston,   Massachusetts. 

e  Alon/,0  Jolinson,  born  July  22,  1865,  niarrii'd  .luiif 
29,  18!)9.  Belle  Bronson  of  Elyria,  Ohio. 

He  was  a  graduate  of  the  Massachusetts  Instittite  of  Technology.  He  was 
auditor  of  the  Dominion  Sfeel  and  Iron  Company  of  Sydney,   N'ova   Sioti.i. 

VIT-172     riiildren  of  Oeoro-e  TT.  ;iiid  :\r,ir1li:i  K.  (Smitli  '  liivw.ster. 


a     Carrie  A.,  unmarried. 

She  lives  at  Mankato,   Minnesota. 

b     George  S.,  died  in  iid'jincy. 
c     Grace  M..  uiniwirried. 

Slie   lives   at    Mankato.    .Minnesota. 

yiI-178     Cliildren   of   Keubcn    and    M;ir\-    .\.    iSniitli      ( i.-irdiifi-. 


a     Edward  Everett,  born  October  lo.  18()7.  umnafrifil. 

He  lives  at   Metalcnc',    Wasliiimi  (Hi. 

1)  Harvey  LeKoy,  boi'ii  Au<4ust  2;!.  1S71,  in.inird  .No- 
vember 6,  1900,  Sarah  Mary  Finlay.  lie  die.l  May  4.  1!»08. 
No  issue. 

e  Frank  Worth,  born  at  Tviver  Falls,  Wisconsin.  Feb- 
ruary 20,  1878,  married  at  Seattle.  AVashiiiirton,  June  8. 
1910,  Myrtle  Irene  Paul,  dauiihter  of  Charles  Caleb  and 
Caroline  Marie  (Rosenstihl )   Paul,  born  .Inly  27.  1887*....VIir-2ti4 

They  live  at  Seattle,  Washington. 

*Caleb  Charles  Paul,  son  of  C.  ( '.  Patil.  was  born  at  Cooperstown.  Xew  York.  December  S. 
1S.")0,  married  January  1,  1S77.  Caroline  Maria  Kosenslihl  at  Zena,  Nebraska.  .She  was  born 
December  17,  185."),  at  Fettermont,   Viiginia. 





(Page    22) 

y  11-174     Children  of  Daniel  H.  and  Sarah  J.    (Jordan)   Buck- 
waiter.  VI-76-a 

a  Bessie  A.,  born  April  23,  1862,  married  December 
27,  1882,  Orlando  S.  Roberts.. - ..VIII-265 

They  live  at  Havre,  Montana. 

b  Rebecca  J.,  born  November  19,  1864,  married  Feb- 
ruary 3.  1883,  William  W.  Crawford..... ...yiII-266 

They  live  at  Vancouver,  British  Columbia. 

c     ]\Iathew,  born  in  July,  1865,  died  in  1866. 

d  ]Mollie  B.,  born  January  13,  1867,  married  December 
21,  1893,  Russell  A.  Anderson,  who  was  born  February  23, 
1865 - - - ...VIII-267 

They  live  at  Eden  Prairie,  Minnesota. 

e  Harrie  S.,  born  March  11,  1869,  married  June  30, 
1898,  Nettie .    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Minneapolis,  Minnesota. 

f  Carrie  Belle,  born  November  23,  1870,  married  Sep- 
tember 24,  1889,  Thomas  Neil  Vessey,  who  was  born  June 
10,1864..: - ...VIII-268 

They  live  at  Vancouver,  Washington. 

Till':    I'.rij,    I'AMii.v  181 

n-  ()r\illc  I"'..  Imni  .liiiiii;irv  7,  I'^T-l.  iii;i  i-ricil  Aiilmi^I  I. 
1S!)S.  Crliii    I '.I  net  I     \l  I  l-2<;!) 

Ill'   spi'lls   11,'iiri'    I '.iiiikw'.'i  ll  IT,    ;iM(l    llii'v    li\i'   ill    M  iiini'ii|i(iliH,    MitiiioHotn, 

li  1.  Sjiriili  .Iniic,  lioni  ;it  Sliippiiw.  Wisconsin.  N'ovcm- 
I)(T  .'),  lS7(i,  iii;in-i«Ml  h\'l)ni;ii-y  I!).  IS!).").  Srlli  I'rtn-  Collirlli. 
who  lioi'ii  ;il    W'.'irnii,  Wisconsin.   Dcccniltcr  ](),  lsT:i    \' I  I  i  L'T" 

'I'liry    livr    ,-1 1     \\;ii-|i'ii.    W  isriiiisi  ii, 

l2.      I'.crl.  i)orn  Xo\-cniI)cf  .">,  iSTi;,  died  .Inly  .'>.  !s77. 

A'II-17.")      ('iiildrcii  ol'  (icoi'u'c  S.  .-ind  ('.iroliiic   i.lord;iiii    I'lnicrirli. 

\'I  7li;i 
;i      Mollic,  horn  in  1S7:).  niiii-ricd  (icorj^c  1\.  liodj,MTs        \' 11  I  L'71 

'I'lii'v   live  lit   Port  Ro.N'.il,  .liiiii;i(ii    County,   Pennsylvania. 

1)     (ieorg'e.  Ixu-n  in  ISIili. 

lie   livrd   :i  t    niiHiniiiiiji  (in.    Illinois. 

Vri-1  7(>     ( 'hihli'cii  (ti'  .\inos  {',.  and  Midi  ic  i  AVharlon  i  .lor(K-in. 


a     Flora  A.,  born  in  ISti!).  married  Caleb  li.  lianta. 

They  live  :it  Lognnsport,   Indiana. 

1)     Carrie  B..  l)orn  in  1871.  married  Charles  C.  Kistler. 

Thoy  lived  at  Riiyal  Centi-c,  Indiana. 

c     A.  Grace,  horn  in  1873,  married  Otto  L.  Fultz. 

They  lived  at  Lcisansport,  Indiana. 

d     Pearl,  born  in  1879. 

VlI-177      Children    of    Sanniel    Iv.    and    Elizabeth     ]•].     (Joi'dant 
Deckard.  VI-7tJ-e 

a  TTarrv  Jordan.  l>orn  .Vpril  10,  1860.  nianicd  Septem- 
ber 19,  1889,  Margaret  A.  Murray,  born  :\larcli  •_'7.  I^C^   \'Ill--_'72 

They  live  at   jNlarysviUe,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Nila  Clarion,  born  Aiig-nst  31,  1871.  married  Septem- 
ber 8,  1889,  .John  X.  K'oiish,    She  died   Kcbniary  ll'.  lUlii    \'ilI--J73 

c     Infant,  boi'ii  in  .\pril,  1S73,  died  in  infancy, 
d     Eebekah  North,  boi-n  .Iniie  '20.  1874.  mai'ried  Sc|>tciii- 
ber  27.  1892,  Wilson  W.  Kitlcr V 11 1  271 

VI-178     Children  of  •Icronic    1\.   and    .\inic  ^\ .    i'-T(n-datr    Kerch- 
iier.  \  l-7t)-d 

a  Edii'ar.  born  in  1871.  married  Minnie  McDonnell. 

1)  Sallie  B. 

e  Eebeeea,  boi-n  in  1S77. 

d  Harry,  born  in  187!'. 

e  ^Minnie,  born  in  1886. 

YII-179     Children  of    Dr.   .John   and    Sarah    K.    (.lordain    Wirt. 


a     Francis  Jordan,  born  -Inly  14,  1865. 

182  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

A'II-180     Children  of  Clarke  E.  and  Grace  L.  (Jordan)  Twanley. 


a     Floyd  John,  born  September  17,  1892. 

b  Oliva  LaVerne,  born  July  10,  1894,  married  June  15, 
1915,  Victor  Leland  ]\Iaydin. 

c  Anna  Gertrude,  born  September  5,  1896,  married  Feb- 
ruary 3,  1916,  Ray  John  Kaskie. 

d     Eva  Mildred,  born  April  27,  1898. 

e     Clifford  Hume,  born  February  19,  1900. 

f     Harold  Jordan,  born  March  9,  1902. 

g  Edith  Ruth,  born  March  31.  1904.  died  October  31, 

h     Mary  Irene,  born  November  28,  1909. 

VII-181     Children  of  Charles  B.  and  M.  Eva  (Jordan)  Gipson. 

a     Charles  Linn,  born  March  8,  1896. 
b     Walter  Ben,  born  October  6,  1897. 
c     John  Claude,  born  July  4,  1899. 
d     Theodore,  born  October  19,  1901. 
e     Ralph  Jordan,  born  July  10,  1903. 
f     Herbert  Leslie,  born  April  8,  1905. 
g     Wellington,  born  July  10,  1906. 
h     ]\Iarv  Eleanor,  born  September  29.  1910. 
i     Charles,  born  October  29,  1912. 

YII-182     Children    of    John    and   Mary    C.    (Jordan)    Twanley. 


a  Grace  Esther,  born  November  5,  1907. 

b  Belle  Ethel,  born  August  26,  1909,  died  in  infancy. 

c  Florence,  born  January  11,  1911,  died  in  infancy. 

d  John  Hume,  born  February  1,  1912. 

e  Blanche  LaVerne,  born  January  1.  1914. 

f  Alta.  born  March  5,  1916. 

VII-183     Children  of  Charles  E.  and  Jessie  M.  (Roberts)  Morse. 


a  Helen  Roberts,  born  December  4,  1892,  at  Indianap- 
olis, Indiana. 

She    grarluated   with,    the    degree    of    A.    B.    in   191.")   at    the    University    of 
Michigan.     She  lives  at  Niles,  Michigan,   and  Chicago,   Illinois. 

b  Mildred  Meredith,  born  November  12,  1895,  at  Indian- 
apolis, Indiana. 

She  graduated  I'nth  the  deeree  of  A.  B.  at  the  University  of  Michigan  in 
1017.     She  lives  in  Chicago,  Illinois. 

VII-184     Children  of  Demus  W.  and  Blanche  (Roberts)  Grippen. 


a  Bruce  Roberts,  born  October  30,  1900,  at  Winnebago, 

He  lives  at   Mason  City,  Iowa. 

'I'llh;      111    1,1,      lAMII.V  183 

li  ('h.ii'Ics  Mcndil  h.  hofii  Xovniihci-  In,  r.ti)7,  ;it  Mjison 
('ity,  l()\\;i. 

V  K'o^vr  \V;ill;icr.  liorii  .\l;iy  L'L'.  lUln,  ;it  .\I;is<)ii  ( 'itv. 

il  |)cimis  W'jisimis  III.  horn  I  )r('ciiilicr  ■_'!.  I'.ill,  ;il 
..Mjisoii  (  'il  \  ,    low  ;i. 

\  [\   !>«.")      Children    of    Sjinnicl     II.    ;iii<l     K;it  luirim-    S.     (  .MnrMr  i 

Roberts.  Vl-7!t-.l 

a.      SticfWdod.  Iioni  .M.ircli  "_'t.   l!il.!.  ;it  < 'hicji'jn.   Illiimis. 

li      Sjimiii'l  .M (■  red i t  II.  Itnni  (  )i-|  oIiit  L'.  1  !»1 ."),  ;it    Mx-jiriston. 


Vll-lSli      (diildivii  (d'  .Mtivd  T.  iiiid   Xcllir  .Siiiiili      l:.d..Tts. 

a     Frank    Mdwanl,    lioru    May    S,    1S77,    at    \\'inni'l)a'_'o. 
Illinois,  died  .luly  12,  1877. 

He  is  buried  iit   Winnebagi).   Illiiidis. 

h  St(dla  Claudino.  l)orn  Jniic  S.  187S.  at  Winni'l.airi). 
Illinois,  niai'ricd  Xovctnhcr  14.  IDOO,  (icoryc  l^"'()rl»cs  Piiinn. 
son  of  William  and  -liilia  (Jarvis)  l>nnn;  hoi'ii  Api'ij  ".Iii. 
1879.  at  Byron.  Illinois VlII-L'7r) 

Thoy  livofl  at    P>.\r(in.   Illinois. 

e  Henry  Brown.  l)orn  Annnst  15.  188ii,  at  l-lliila.  Illi- 
nois, married  February  1.1.  lilld.  Fditli  Iluidrr.  daughter  of 
Hon.  David  and  Sarah  ((Junsaulus)  Hunter;  born  July  "J!*, 
1884,  in  Guilford  Township.  AViiniebairo  County,  Illinois  .\' 1 1 1--!7») 

Tht'V    lived    at    Rockfoid.    Uliiinis.       linn.     David    Hunter    was    niany    year> 
a  representative  in  the  Tllinois  letcislature. 

d  William  Homer,  born  S(^])tcnd»cr  iNi.  188;^,  at  Hlida, 
Illinois,  married  IMaiiche  Wriulit.  daiiLihter  of  .Tolin  and 
]\Iary  (Ilomei-)  Wrig-ht.  born  Aiii^nst  :!1.  ISSl.  at  Wiinie- 
bago,  Illinois  VII  I-l'77 

They   live   in  .loliet.   Ulinois. 

e  Lena  IJelle.  born  Xo\fmbrr  li>.  188(),  at  Klida. 

She   lives   at    Luns   Beaeh.    (  aliforuia. 

f     1.     Harry  Cl.vde,  born  .May  7.  188!).  at  Klida.  Illinois. 

He   has    enlisted    in    Company    'S.\.    Coast    .\rtillery.    stationed    at    Fort    Mr- 
Arthur,   San  Pedro.   Califorria. 

2.     Thomas  CliU'ord.  born  May  7.  1889.  at  Klida,  Illi- 
•      nois. 

lie  lives  at    l,on<;   Beach.   California. 

g  1.  Fred  AVliite.  born  February  1.').  ls!»2.  at  Klida. 
Illinois,  married  •Inne  2.  11117.  Cora  Lewis  X'iducr  of  Los 
Angeles,  California,  daughter  of  Samuel  aiul  !May  t  Wash- 
burn) Vidger.  born  at  Fargo.  North  Dakota.  Ma.\-  LL  1892. 

They  live  at   l,on<r  Beaeh.   California. 

2.     Fay   Smith,    born    February    1.").    181)2.    al    Klida. 
Illinois,  died  September  20.  1892. 

He  is  buried  al  Winnebago,   Illinois. 

184  THE     BULL,    FAMILY 

YII-187     Children  of  John  E.  and  Mary  P.  (Roberts)  Compton. 


a  Vera  Lncille,  born  October  26,  1888,  at  Burrit,  "Win- 
nebago County,  Illinois,  married  October  4,  1911,  Frank 
Emery,  son  of  Grant  Samuel  and  Isabella  (Spencer) 
Emerv,  born  in  Scipio  Township,  Hillsdale  County.  ]\Iichi- 
gan    L - - - - -VIII-278 

They  live  at  Winnebago,  Illinois. 

b  Genevieve,  born  August  9,  1891,  at  Burritt,  Winne- 
bago County,  Illinois. 

She  lives   at  Winnebago  and  Rockford,  Illinois. 

c  Elmer  Carlyle,  born  November  4,  1891:,  at  Winnebago, 

He  lives  at  Rockford,  Illinois. 

d  Albert  Edward,  born  May  2,  1898,  at  Winnebago, 

He   lives   at  Rockford,   Illinois. 

YII-188     Children  of  Edward  and  Leonora  M.  (Miller)  Roberts. 


a    Allan  Miller,  born  December  12,  1900.  at  Elida,  Illi- 
■   nois. 

He  lives  at  Rockford,  Illinois. 

b     Eleanor,  born  August  4,  1903,  at  Elida,  Illinois, 
c     Roland  Karl,  born  May  7,  1906,  at  Elida,  Illinois. 

VII-189     Children  of  John  and  ]Mattie  (Okeson)  Williams. 

a     LeRoy,  born  in  1892. 

VII-190     Children  of  Charles  and  Mary  E  (Diven)  Silverthorne. 


a     Mary  Grace,  died  January  10.  1885. 

VII-191     Children  of  William  H.  and  Alice  (Cornelius)  Diven. 


a     Ira  C,  born  January  27,  1891,  married  Ai^ril,  1913,       • 
Josie  Wilkins  of  Chaffee,  New  York. 

b  Lemuel  Jesse,  born  September  17,  1893,  married 
October,  1913,  ]Mildred  Murphy  of  Shade  Gap,  Pennsyl- 

c  ]\Iai-tha  Rebecca,  born  November  10,  1895,  died  Feb- 
ruary 9,  1896. 

d     Alice  Ruth,  born  August  21,  1897. 

Tllh;     mi, I,     lA.MILY  185 

Vir-l!|-J        ChiMlTIl    uf    I);illlr|    ;in,|     I'lli/;,     A.    'I'.lllh     l-";ir|<Irr. 

;i  Lewis  llciifv,  horn  in  ]s.')S  nwifrii-d  Katif  .May 
Sp.-inulcr,  (IjiH'jtitcr  (t\'  Solnmon  and  ('allirriin-  <\/,\\i) 
Span.iilri',  l.oi'n   in    lS(i!) \'III--_'7!» 

'I'lii'v  live  in  Vi>rl<,  I'cmisylviiniii.  wlicic  lie  is  n  prai'licini;  pliyHiciiin.  (If 
ttriuluiilcil  ill  .IclViTsoii  Ciilli'i;!',  IMiiliKlclpliiii,  I'l'iiiisylviiiiiii,  with  llif  (li'icrfi-  of 
M.  1).  She  is  (li'scciidcd  t'ldiii  tlif  oldest  Spiitiijlcr  si-lllrr  in  York  ('oiiiity,  ami 
her   nnccstors   wcri'    pniiiiiiii'iit    in    llic   ('oloiiiiil    liistory    of    tlii-   i-oiinty,    mid    In 

tliiil    of   till'   Ki'vnliil  i<iii,-iry    \\':ir. 

h  Mai'\-  Iv,  linrn  in  1  Sd  ]  in.i  nird  William  (\  l'"iidv,  who 
was  hoi'n  i'n   lS!i(l.     She  died  in   llM:', VIII-280 

'I'hi'v    livrd    ill    Y(irl<,    I'ciiiisy lv.iiii;i. 

('  .Inlui  AniMistns,  hoi-n  -lannary  tl,  ISfir?,  marrird  Lni-y 
l^oosc.  daimldcr  of  DaYid  and  Elizal>c'th  lioosu,  hoi'ii 
Dec.  nd).M-  :Vo,  1867 ¥111-281 

Tlicy  lived  ;it  Dover,  "^'ork  roiiiily.   I'eiinvylv.-iiiia. 

d     Kate  A..  l)OVii  in  ISdd.  died  in  l!t()2. 
e     (ieorue   AV..   horn    in    iStiT.    uiari'ied    Carrie    Xeimaii. 
He  died  Deeeml)er  14,  11)17 VIII-2S-_> 

They  lived   in  Koiinoke,   Virginia. 

f  Elizabeth,  1)orn  in  1S71,  in.iri'ied  Dniiiel  (Iraid  .^Fecls'- 
ley.  Avho  was  l)orn  in  1868 \' 111-283 

'riii'\    lived   :it   York,   reiiiisylvanin. 

\'1M!);)     Children  of  llenrv  and  Mathilda   (Bnllj  Burns. 


a  ]\Iary  Jane.  l)oi'n  in  1S()7.  nianied  Adam  Spotz.  who 
was  born  in  1S4!).     Siie  died  in  l!n7 Vni--J^4 

Tlicx    lived    at    York,    I'eiiiisvl vaiiia. 

1)  Emma,  liorn  in  186!),  married  Thomas  EnswiU-r.  who 
was  born  in  1S65.     Xo  issue. 

e  1(1,1  Kate,  Itoi'ii  in  l>i71.  m.irried  -lolin  Il.imen.  Xo 

They  live  in  Dallas,  Te.xas. 

A^TMOl     Children  and  :\Iartha    fl^ull  >   llonTs.       Vl-S4-b 

a     Hurley. 
1)     Eillian. 

AHI-195     Children  of  Kol)ert  E.  and  Susan  M.  (  Diek     Kunkle. 


a     Ella,  born  in  1862,  marrii'd  Edw.ird -1.  Winters. 

They  live  nt  Hartford  City,  Tn<liana. 

b     Flora,  l)orn  in  iSlil.  married  Sidney  W.  Cantwell. 

The,\-   live   at    llartl'oiil    Cil.N'.    Indiana. 

VII-196     Children  of  Amos  and  .\liee  !Hinkle)  Kunkle.    A^I-8o-b 

a  Elizabeth,  born  .Mareh  24.  1S72.  marritnl  Georire 
Alatbias.  Imi'u  April  2.').  1864 VIII-285 

]S6  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b     William,  born  December  14,   1873,  married  Hattie 

e     Mary,  born  January  9,  1876,  died  February  29,  1876. 
d     George,    born    January    18,    1877,    married    Lizzie 

e     Elsie,  born  July  24,  1879,  married  Alf.  Stone. 
f     Ehvood.  born  October  8,  1881. 
g-     Sarah,  born  April  11,  1883,  died  same  day. 
h     John,  born  March  31,  1884,  died  June  2,  1884. 
i     Roy,  born  August  22,  1886,  married  Jennie  Clark, 
j     Alpha,  born  November  1,  1888,  married  Lily  Gilbert, 
k     Bessie,    born    November    27,    1890,    married    Harry 

1     Eddie,  born  January-  1,  1893. 

YII-197     Children    of    Zacharias    and    Sarah    (Kunkle)    ]\Iyers. 


a     Charles  A.,  born  in  1865,  married  Etta  M.  Dapp. 

They  live  in  Sheldon,  Iowa. 

b     Sadie,  born  in  1868,  married  W.  Edgar  Scott. 

They  live  in  Cherokee,  Iowa. 

c  Albert  C,  born  in  1870. 

d  Susie,  born  in  1876. 

e  George  B.,  born  in  1878. 

f  Harrv  B.,  born  in  1880. 

g  W.  Earl,  born  in  1884. 

h  H.  Gail,  born  in  1886. 

riI-198     Children  of  Josiah  and  Lydia  (Stair)  Eshenour.  VI-86-a 

a     Solomon,  married  (has  one  child) .  - 
b     Jeremiah,  unmarried. 

He  lives  near  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania.  R.  D.  Xo.  1,  box  .32. 

c     Ephraim,  married  (has  children) . 
d     Edward. 

He  lives  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania. 

e    Lawrence, 
f     Lillie. 

She  lives  at  home,  Harrisburg,   Pennsylvania. 

VII-199     Children  of  William  and  (Hoopes)    Stair. 


a  William, 

b  Nora. 

c  Alda,  married Laird. 

d  Harry. 

VII-20a     Children  of  Daniel  and  Harriet  (Tetter)  Stair.  VI-86-e 

a (daughter). 

b     (daughter). 

TIIIO     I'.l   1,1,     I'AMILY  197 

A'll-L'nl      ('liildirii    of    ,111(1     lliiiiii;!     fSl.iif)     Kslit'iioiir. 

;i       Kjihrr. 

II.'    Ii\cs    ;il     I  III  nisliiiri;',    1 'en  iisy  l\  a  iii;i. 

VIl-lidLl      ( 'liildi'cii  (if  'riicuddiT  ;i  11(1   A  iii;in(l,i    ((iriiiiim   (lc(»ss. 

;i      I>;i\\i"('iicc     Andrews.    Iiofii     in     iSSi;.    iii;iiTic(|     Myrtle 
Slrinc    VIIl-2>t» 

'I'lu'x    live  111   Ool(lsl)or(i,  Tcrmsylviini,!.     He  Icnclics  schnol.      lit-  is  a  ktikI- 

iialc   cii'    y nvU    ('(iiiiily    Acailiiiiy. 

1)  Snnuiel  Afpliihi.  hocn  in  ISSS.  iii;ii-i'ied  <if;ieie  Sipe, 
Ixjrii  in  IS!).'). 

They   live   iit    Mani-licsl  ci-,    rcimsylv.-uiia. 

('  l"]!mn;i  Kate,  ])orn  in  181)4.  iiuii'i'ied  i'ldwin  I'.ower.  son 
of  A\'illi;iiM  iind  Clnrn  (Ci-otici  Piowef.  lie  is  ;i  dcjiuirlits- 

Vri-208     Children  of  .lolin  and  Anne  i  UMiodesj  .Maelliorn.  \'l-SO-a 

a  Albei't.  l)oi-n  in  1  STO. 

1)  I'^dwin   11..  l)(>rn   in   IST^l 

e  Ellen  1\.  horn  in  187:5. 

d  John  F.,  horn  in  ISTfi. 

e  Laui'a  A..  l)orn  in  1871). 

f  Sadie  ()..  hoi-n  in  1881. 

g  (darenee  C,  horn  in  1883. 

h  Annie  K..  horn  in  188."). 

i  Charles  C.,  horn  in  1887. 

.i  Cora  E..  horn  in  188!). 

k  P^mnia   1*1.,  horn  in  1890. 

VII-201:     Children    of    Le\i    15.    ;ind    Enmia       Rhodesi     .Maelliorn. 


a  Zehnlon  P..  Iiorn  in  1871.  niai'rie(l  .\nna  Lnst.  who  was 
horn  in  1887. 

h  Marv  S..  horn  in  187"_',  uiari'ied  -lohn  Kihliler.  who  was 
horn  in   1869 .1 VIII-287 

c     Sanniel  C..  l)orn  in  187!).  married  .Mauui,.  Hoover VIII-288 

d     Susie,  horn  in  1881. 

e  Janies  X..  hoi'ii  in  1884.  iiiarrie(|  hdorenee  MeCann. 
who  was  horn  in  1882 VIlI-28!) 

f  Henrv  H..  horn  in  1887,  married  Frances  S.  Sterlinjr. 
who  was  horn  in  1889 VI 1 1-290 

g  Nora  L.,  horn  in  1889.  luai'ried  Charles  Bueher.  who 
was  horn  in  1887 VIII-291 

h     Nettie  S..  horn  in  1891. 

188  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-205     Children  of  AVilliam  B.  and  Mary  A.   (Metzgar)  Mael- 
horn.  VI-89-d 

a     Sarah,  born  in  1876. 
b     Annie,  born  in  1880. 
c     Catherine,  born  in  1882. 
d     Elizabeth,  born  in  1886,  married  David  Hubley,  who 

was  born  in  1879 __ - - VIII-292 

e     Mary,  born  in  1888,  married  Leroy  Garman,  who  was 

^    born  in  1890 - -.- - VIII-293 

f     Dalvin,  born  in  1890,  married  Annie  Brosy,  who  was 

born  in  1888     - - - --- ¥111-294 

g     Emma,  born  in  1892. 
h     1.     William,  born  in  1896. 
2.     John,  born  in  1896. 

YII-206     Children  of  Jacob  B.  and  Amanda  (Shepp)  I\raelhorn. 


a     Minnie  M.,  born  in  1876,  married  (1)  Charles  Eife.-VIII-295 

Married  (2)  James  Fake VIII-296 

They  live  at  Mt.  Wolf,  Pennsylvania. 

b     William  Henry,  born  in  1877,  unmarried. 

c     Mary  Alice,  born  in  1880,  married  Israel  Gross _...VIII-297 

d     Sadie  Ellen,  born  in  1884,  married  Jacob  King_. VIII-298 

They  live  at  Star  View,  Pennsylvania. 

e     Alfred  Harvey,  born  in  1888,  married  Minnie  ■  Sweit- 
zer   --- - VIII-299 

f      1.     Amanda,  born  in  1892,  married  Cyrus  Lehigh.. ..VIII-300 
2.     Jacob,  born  in  1892. 

g     Fannie  Edith,  born  in  1893,  married Gray 

(in  U.  S.  Army). 

YII-207     Children  of  Andrew  B.  and  Caroline  (Hartman)  Mael- 
horn.  VI-89-f 

a     Clayton  H.,  born  in  1882. 
b     Carrie  H.,  born  in  1885. 
c     Lillie  H.,  born  in  1887. 

YII-208     Children  of  William  and  Leah   (Maelhorn)   Richcreek. 


a     Paul. 

VII-209     Children  of  Benjamin  and  Anna    (Maelhorn)    Myers. 


a     Lillian,  born  in  1883,  married  Frank  Gross. 

b     Earl,  born  in  1891,  married  Bertha  Heindel. 

'I'lil'l     iniJ.     I''.\.\I1I,V  189 

VTT  -21(1     Cliildnn  <.r  h'l-.-iiikliii   Iv.umI  Ali.-,.  M.   -  SliiirlTrf  ,    l-lism- 
li.irl.                                                                                                  VI-!ll-(| 
;i      W'illi.iiii  llciiry,  Ixiiii  -Inly  l!1,  l.ssii.  niarrird  Mal'garft 
L.  (ii-ilTilli.  who  \v;is  lioni   Api-il   If).  1887 VIII-^Ol 

'I'lii'N    livr   in   ^■|■l•k,    I'l'iuisx  Iviiniii,   wlii'ir  lir  is  iclli-r  ni  iIm-   Kirnt   NnlionnI 


A'I1--J11        Cllildivii     of     .lollli      !•'.     ;ili(|      I)rlil;i         K'rrs.T.      S!:;irrr.'f. 

;i  .Mniiiii'.  Iiorii   in    ISSS. 

It  1  lowjird.  hoi'ii  ill  1  >^f'1 . 

<■  ( ici'lrudc  K.,  horn  in   ISI)  I. 

(1  draco  A. 

e  Ksllici-  I-:. 

f  Wilhiif  A. 

o-  Floyd  \l. 

VTT--212     diildivn  of  William    11.  and   Ida    (Ohland.T^,    SliarlV.-r. 

VT-!n -L' 

a  IK'U'ii  A.. died . 

b  Catherine  L., ,  died  — . 

(•  Pauline  (i..  married   riicstcr  Boyer VIII-:?02 

d  Xeviii  V. 

e  Franklin  E. 

f  Richard  W. 

g  ]\rare:aret  E. 

h  Clara  E. 

i  Evelyn  jNT. 

VII-213     Children  oL'  Waller  .1.  and  Marv  J.   (Shaeifer)    Arndt. 

a     Albert, 
b     Adam, 
c     INIaaraie  E. 
d     Walter  J. 

VII-21-t     Children   of   Constantinc   -1.    and    C.    Alice    (Schrivcr) 
Shaeffer  YI-91-i 

a     AVilliam  H..  born  in  1^01. 
b     Ciordon. 

YII-215     Children  of  llarrv  E.  and  Flora  J.  ^Shaeffer^  Tiii-nladl. 

a     Wallace, 
b     Eichard. 
e     Harry, 
d     John. 

VII-216     Children  of  xVmos  R.  and  Mau-o-ie  'SI.  (Shaeffer)   Shaef- 
fer.  VI-!)  Id 

a     Ethel. 
b     Florence. 

190  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-217     Children  of  Clarence  B.  and  Cora  (Tolman)  Wilt. 

a     Winfield. 

VII-218     Children  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Benedict)  Quickel. 


a     Ellen  E.,  married  Gleason  Deardorff VIII-303 

Thev  live  at  Dallestown,  York  County,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Oliver   _ VIII-304 

They  live  at  Hanover,   Pennsylvania. 

c     Sadie. 

She  lives  at  East  Berlin,  Adams  County,  Pennsylvania. 

d     George. 

He  lives  at  the  old  home  in  East  Berlin,   Adams   County,   Pennsylvania. 

VII-219     Children   of   Samuel  "W.   and   Kate    (Hoover)    Hykes. 

a     Edgar  S.,  born  May  26,  1878,  married  January  25. 
1901.    Susie   Cunningham... VIII-305 

b  Mary  E..  born  March  31^  1879.  married  August  24, 
1901,    Conrad  Julius VIII-306 

c  William  H.,  born  December  1.  1882,  married  March 
22,  1909,  Minnie  McCloskey VIII-307 

d  Annie  K.,  born  September  25,  1884,  married  Septem- 
ber 30,  1906,  Charles  H.  Little VIII-308 

e     Elizabeth  H..  born  March  27,  1888,  married  October 
.      12,  1912,  John  Bush VIII-309 

f  Caroline  M.,  born  January  12,  1890,  married  Jan- 
uary 12,  1910,  Chester  Gross VIII-310 

g  Albert  Rov,  born  July  24,  1892,  married  March  16. 
1914,  Bertha  Emig  VIII-311 


YII-220     Children  of  Augustus  D.  and  Carrie  (Shettle)  Hoover. 


a     Elizabeth  Shettle,  born  April  12,  1889,  married  Ray- 
mond Gemmil \ VIII-312 

b     Clarence    Shettle,    born    in    1892,    married    Minerva 
Trone VIII-313 

VII-221     Children  of  Philip  S.  and  Rebecca  A.  (Hoover)  Quickel. 

a     Frederick  Hoover,  born  in  1887,  married  Olive  For- 
paugh    ;. VIII-314 

She    is    a     granddaughter    of    Adam    Porpaugh,    the    great    circus     exhibitor. 
They  live  at  Crow's  Point,  Indiana. 

VII-222     Children    of    Smith    and    Esther    A.     (Bull)    Newall. 

a     Mary  Emily,  born  August  24,  1882.   • 
b     Lorena  ^May,  born  ]May  31,  1885. 

Till-;    I'.ri.i,    I'AMihY  liti 

(•       Ida    rcarl.  \h)\i\   I  )rccii:lifi-   lH,    ISSj. 

,1      Ddii/clla,  lM)iti   l''rliniai'y  I'L'.  ISilO.  iii;in-i.-(|  in   \U\:',    \' 1 11.315 

(■       Iv'iith    Mslhrr,   iMini    ni    iSHi'. 

VI1-L'L>:{      Cliildrcii  (.!'  llriii\-  A.  and  S.  Cal  lininr  I  I'.iill  i    l'.;irl<l.-v. 


a      William   Ilcnrx'.  liorn   NOxciiilirr  (l,   issi'.  niari'ii'd   No 
Vcnili.T  (;.  1!MI7.   Kloss  Iv  SlaiT Vlll-i'.lti 

I)  \']-A\-\  Alcxaiidrr.  horn  Scptciidici-  4,  1H84.  marriod  M  i 
April  ;>(),  1!)()I(.  ('ai'ric  li-cnc  Lauliani,  who  was  horn  -lan- 
nar\'  (i.  ISSS.  and  died  No\rMihrr  11,  IIMIK.     No  issm-. 

^iarri^ll   ( 1' )  ( )ctohrr  :>.  IIM.  Lollir  Iv  Mai-ion  \'III-:;17 

VII--J24     Cliildrcn    of    -laspci'    and     l^nnia     F.     (  I'.nll       Wriu'lit. 

a     Rov,  horn  Mav  10.  187!).  injiia-icd  I.nhi  Jramttc  Sam- 
ple,   llc'dicd  Dfccmlu-i-  2.").  li)17 VIII.:n« 

1)  Ijillic  May,  horn  I)eeeml)er  2,  1888.  imuTicd  George  E. 
Hershmaii.  who  was  born  June  29,  1884 VIII-319 

Tlu'v   livi'   ;it   C'r(i\v's   I'diiit,    IiuliMiia. 

VII-225     Childivn  olMohn  .M.  and  Lihhy  F.  (Hall'   I'.ull.     \'l-li.'.-e 
a      .Mary  E..  boi'n  in  1894.  married  AVolcott. 

Tlicy   livi^  at   Elnia,   ^Missouri. 

VII-226     Childivu   of   Charles   C.   and    Fillir   AF.    (Bull)    Carter. 


a     Charles,  died  in  infancy. 

b     Emma  Frances,  born  -Tunc  29.  188n.  married   Morton 

Frye VIII-:120 

e     Paul,  born  in  1894. 

VIT-227     Children   of  TTari'v  C.   and    Anna    K.    .  Miller  •    Zeiuder. 


a  William  Francis,  born  -lune  G,  1881.  married  .Mary 
Axe.  who  was  born  in  1S81. 

b  Harry  Creitzman,  horn  -Inly  1,  1882.  mari-ied  liertlia 
Grace  Ilenze.  born  Sejitember  U,  1879 VI 1 1-321 

They  live  in  York,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  American  Railwa.v  Express 

c     Ealph  :\Iiller,  born  :\Iay  27,  1885. 

He  is  a  civil  engineer  and  is  now  corporal  in  Company  D  of  the  41st  l'.  S. 
Engineers  in  the  American  Expeditionary   Force  in   France. 

d     Paul  Edwin,  born  December  22.  1890. 

He  is  Captain  of  Headquarters  Company,  112th  Regiment.  V.  S.  Infantry, 
with  the  American  ExiuMlitinnary  Force  in  France.  He  has  been  cited  for 
promotion  to  Ma.ior. 

e  Charles  Lewis,  boiai  -Inne  l.'i.  18112.  married  November 
25.  1915.  Mary  Jane  Harleil.  He  ilied  November.  1918.  at 
}'hiladeli)hia.  Pennsylvania. 



f     Helen  Elizabeth,  born  February  6,  1896. 

g  George  Eveland,  born  June  15,  1899,  married  in  1918 
Belle  Wilson,  who  was  born  in  New  Brunswick,  Canada,  in 

They  live  in  Lawrence,  Massachusetts.  He  is  enlisted  in  the  U.  S. 
Corps,   and  is  assigned  to  U.   S.   S.    "Seattle". 

YII-228     Children  of  William  H.   and  Sarah  J.    (Yost)    :\riller. 


a  Clara  Elizabeth,  born  June  13,  1882,  married  in  St. 
Paul's  Lutheran  Church,  York,  Pennsylvania,  by  the  Kev. 
Clinton  E.  Walter,  November  15,  1910,  Joseph  Edward 
AYayne,  son  of  Edward  Francis  and  Jennie  Clevenger 
(Schober)  Wayne,  born  June  25,  1885. 

He  is  superintendent  of  the  York  Railways  Company  at  York,  Pennsyl- 
vania. He  is  descended  from  Captain  Anthony  Wayne,  first  of  that  family  to 
settle  in  America,  and  who  was  the  grandfather  of  General  Anthony  Wayne  of 
the  Revolutionary  War.  (See  Appendix.)  She  was  educated  at  the  York 
Collegiate  Institute,  and  at  the  Wheaton  Seminary,  Norton,  Massachusetts. 

b  George  Lewis,  born  January  3,  1886.  married  July  12, 
1915.  Sarah  Elizabeth  Bennett,  daughter  of  John  Henry 
and  Alargaret  Ann  (Trout)  Bennett,  born  December  21. 
1895  - - - ---VIII-322 

Thev  live  in  York,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of 
W.   H.    Miller   &   Son.     Note — IBennett   was   originally   Bennington   of   England. 

YII-229     Children    of    W^illiam    and    Mary     (Wilson)     Shade. 


a     Esther,  died  in  infancy. 

b     Helen. 

YII-230     Children     of     John     and     Alatilda     (Wilson)      Smith. 


a     Clark. 

YII-231     Children  of  William   and   Alice    (Crumbling)    Wilson. 


a     Fred, 
b     Henry. 

YII-232     Children  of  Alexander  and  Annie   (Wilson)   Bollinger. 


a  Clarence. 

b  Elizabeth! 

c  Carrie. 

d  Ealph. 

e  William. 

f  George. 

g  Piuth. 

'I'lli:      I'.riJ-      I'WMII.V  103 

Vll-L';!:'.      ChildiTii  of  .)ii.l-v  .1.    l;.   ;m,|    111  i/;il.r|  li    'I". 
Woollrii.                                                                                                        \'l-:»S.h 
11      Mjii'V   ( 'oliimhi.i,    lidiii   -Inly   7,    iS.'iS.   ni.n-rii'd   (  (cloKir- 
It,   1S7!I.   I)r.  ('Iijirlcs  I  Icii.j.-iiiiiii   .\l(isclr.\-,  who  \\;is  Imrn    ]■'>■]> 
ni;uy  li'.  is.ll.  niid  died  .M;i\-  :;,  iMi:; \'l  1 1  :;•_':; 

'V\\r\    li\r(l  ;ii    AurciT'ii,  'ri'\;is,  wlirii'  hi'  |ii-iic(  iced  modicino  nixtcopn  ypor-t, 

111'   i(Tci\r(l   111,'  ilc-ic,.  (,r   M,    I),   (y Ill,,   l.duisviilc    (Ki'titiickv)    Mcdinil  ('..I 

Icnc   ill    INTT. 

1)      'Plioiii.-is  I'.i'ii.i.-iiiilii,  lioni  ill   ISIIO.  dird  in   Isi;.'). 

VII-2:54      Childivii  of  Willinm    Iv  ;iiid    Mli/.alirl  h  .1.    .Woollrn   An- 
dci'soii  1    ( 'only.  \'  I-!»S-|, 

;i      l*]d\\;ii'd   Wilson,  horn  in   iSlil).  died   in   iSTi). 

1)  Maltic  Im'II.  Iiorn  April  4,  iSTl^,  iii;iirird  \(»vriiil)i'i- 
17,  1895.  Piiriiiiin  J.  neiidorsoii,  son  of  NCwt  iiiid  .M;ilild;i 
neiidorson  of  'l\'.\;is,  hoi'n  Fcbriuiry  4,  187') \'III^'.lM 

'Phcy  li\c  ;it    Aulircy,   y'cxns. 

c  Madiic  born  A])ril  21,  187."),  married  Scplcnilicr  18, 
1895,  Waltei-  T.  l\Ioiiroe,  son  of  ^Ir.  and  Mrs.  II.  E.  :\ronroe 
of  Alabama,  born  February  24,  1873 VIII-:525 

Pi'nlci-  in  plviniliin};-  m;itri-i;il    in   Aiibi-ey,   Texas. 

(1  AVilliam  Edwai-d,  born  February  2;?,  1877.  mariied 
December  20,  1905,  Knth  Adelaide  Mullins.  dauocliter  of 
Tom  and  Suelo  Mnllins  of  Tennessee  and  Ark'ansas,  born 
July  20,  1887 _. V[I[-:!2(^ 

e  Addle  Beth,  born  December  21,  1878,  married  Sej)- 
tember  18,  1895,  J.  ]\I.  Harris,  who  was  born  November  Ki. 
1878  VIII-:?27 

He  is  a  blacksniitli  by  trade. 

f     Samuel  Anderson,  born  ^lay  28,  1882. 

VII-235     Cdiildren  of  Snmu(4  J.  and  AFattie  L.    fConly^    .\nder- 
son.  \'l-I)8-e 

a  Columbia  Bell,  I)()i'n  August  20,  18()S,  iii.-ii'ricd  .Fune 
17,  1891,  Joseph  Howell  Rowell,  son  of  Jose])h  Howell  and 
Josephine  (Hart)  Eowell  of  Countv.  Alali;iiiia.  born 
July  4.  1865  ' \"  1 1  F-:^2S 

He  is  a  merchant  at  Jefferson,   Texas. 

VII-236     Children  of  Samuel  J.  and  Virginia  I.  (Laey)  .\ndirson. 


a     Oliver  Lacy,  horn  Xoveml3er  l-'>,   1872.   married    (1) 

February  22,  1896,  Leone  Preuss,  dauuliti-r  of  .Mrs.  M.  L. 

Preuss,  from  Germany.     She  died  in  1911 \'lll-">29 

Married  (2)  in  1912.  ]\Frs.  Annie  Borders. 

He  graduated   at   Burlesnn  Collesre   and   has  been  a   teacher  and   a   writer. 
He  is  now  with  the  Galveston  Daily   News,  and   they  live  in   Galveston.  Texas. 

1)  Samuel  Judson.  born  Febi'iuiry  24.  1880.  married 
]\Fary  Bell  Towers,  dauyhter  of  .Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Parrv  Toweis 
of  Texas,  born  :\Fay  11.  1886 VlII-330 

He  is  a  painter  and  paper  hanger  at  Detroit,   Michigan,   where  they  live. 

194  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  ]\Iattie  Irene,  born  March  7.  1882,  married  December 
1.  1902,  J.  M.  Scales,  son  of  John  R.  and  Texana  (Kelly) 
Scales  of  Tennessee,  born  August  23,  1876 _. ._.VIII-331 

They  live  at  Dallas,  Texas,  where  he  has  a  large  music  house  and  pub- 
lishes music.  She  is  a  musician  and  has  composed  "Hoover  Hooverize"  and 
other  popular  pieces   of  music. 

d  Onita,  born  October  29.  1887,  married  June  3,  1906, 
J.  Barton  Penn,  son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  T.  Penn  of 
Missouri    - VIII-332 

They  live  at  .Joplin,  Missouri. 

e  Horace  Clyde,  born  May  14,  1890.  married  January  1, 
1912,  Mabel  Moore....- VIII-333 

They  live  at  Lubbeck,  Texas,  where  he  is  a  printer    (linotypist; 

f  William  Earle,  born  January  16,  1893,  married  De- 
cember 1,  1912,  Bertha  Humphrey,  daughter  of  D.  L. 
Humphrey  of  Texas,  born  March  18,  1895 VIII-334 

He  is  a  Baptist  clergyman  at  Port  Worth,  Texas. 

VII-237     Children  of  John  B.  and  Sarah  A.   (Anderson)   Statler. 


a  Effie  Jane,  born  December  10,  1867,  married  August 
17.  1886.  Dr.  John  William  Hyatt,  son  of  Stephen  and  Jen- 
nie Hyatt  of  Denton,  Texas,  born  October  3,  1863,  and  died 
January  19.  1910 VIII-335 

He  is  buried  at  Bellevue,  Texas. 

b     John  Wilson,  born  December  12.  1869. 

c  Annie  Laurie,  born  December  26,  1871,  married  May 
25,  1902,  William  Paschal  Ratchford,  son  of  Thomas  and 
Laura  Ratchford  of  Alabama,  born  October  29,  1858.  No 

He  is  a  merchant  and  banker  at  Aubrey,  Texas.  Thomas  and  Laura 
Ratchford  are  buried  at  Pilot  Point,  Texas. 

VII-238     Children  of  Jasin  McF.  and  Sadie  E.   (Williams)  An- 
derson. VI-98-g 

a  Hugh  Elmo,  born  in  1876,  married  in  1905  Julia  An- 
tine VIII-336 

He  is  a  clergyman. 

b  Forst  Hull,  born  in  1878,  married  February  24,  1909, 
Wilmer  Gougli. 

He  is  a  merchant  at  Clarksville,   Texas. 

c  He  Elo,  born  in  1881,  married  in  1892  E.  L.  Canter- 
bury     VIII-337 

He  is  a  banker. 

d  Jasin  Thomas,  born  in  1883,  married  March  11,  1911, 
Emodel  Griman. 

He  is  a  bookkeeper. 

YII-239     Children  of  Bob  S.  and  Columbia  A.  (Anderson)  Pope. 

a     Anne  Columbia,  born  July  5,  1874,  married  (1)  Jan- 
uary 16,  1893,  Osie  Sivley,  son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Sivley 

Till':      I'.ILh     I'AMll.V  195 

of  ( 'l;ii-ki's\ill('.  Ti'Xjis.  Ii(i!-|i  .M.-imIi   1"_'.   1  ^7  1 .  ;iii<I  (lird   .\I;ii-r|i 
1,   ISI)."!.      No  issue. 

t)sic'  Si\  li>  u;is  ii  viiy  liii  1 1  ill  II I  iiiiil  pDpii  In  r  Nniiiiu  liiiiii.  hiiviiii;  lliif 
fiiniiiiii:  iiiliTi'sls  mill   inn  unci  ni;  llii'iii   ui-ll  ;   wns  ;i    frii'iiil   In  nil.      lie   m  luirii-il 

111     l')ll^lllllll,    'I'l'XIIS. 

M;irri('(l    (  1' i    I  )rcriiilirr  -Jd.    1S|IS,    W  ill  i.-nn    Aikni  ( 'niiiHT, 
soil  of  <>.   ( '.   and    Alarv   ('niiiiri'  of    I'aiis.   'Trxas,    horn    l)i- 
('('iiil)fi'  IK  iSo:!.     She  (licil   l-'rliniary  ti.   llil.") \'lll-;{;{8 

llr  i;iiiilii,iliMl   ill   ilic   law  ili'ii.irl nl    ,ii    ( 'u  in  hiTliirul    I'nivcrMity,    l,c)inniiii, 

'I'i'iinrsscc.    ill    Isyii.       Sill'    is    luiiiiMl    al     i'aii.s.    'I'lAas, 

1)  Oliver  I'wi^lisli.  horn  Aiieust  17.  Is7fi.  marrieil  heenn- 
her  L*4,  !!)()().  I(hi  Diike.  (laiiiiliter  of  .liiii  and  KHeii  Diiki'  of 
New  Boston,  r.ow  ie  ('oimly,  'I'exas.  horn  l''ehniar_\'  L'l).  l^^^l. 
and  died  ()etol)er  L'h.   11)07 \'1I|. :;:!!» 

llr  is  suiiriiiiimilcnl  oT  nil  wiirks  at,  Tc.xa.s,  and  raiiks  hijrh  in  Ins 

('  Tom  .Vnderson.  born  April  2!),  ]>^1\)  died  .\ii<nist  Iti 

d  Erskine  Kli/.aliet li,  horn  .January  -■).  iss:}.  iiuirried 
August  21,  1910,  AVilhur  Horace  Carman,  who  was  lioni 
Febrnaiy  9,  1876 VI 11-340 

She  Ki'iiduated  at  Metropolitan  College,  Dallas,  Texas.  He  is  manaijer  of 
a   larse  book   coiu-ern  at   Dallas,    where  they   live.      She  is  a   zealous  worker   in 

the  Red  Cross. 

e  1.  Effie,  lioni  Xovemher  Ki,  188(),  inan-ied  .Mareh  2:5, 
1905,  Ambrose  Franklin  Denison,  son  of  B.  L.  and  Jane 
Denison  of  Anderson  County,  Tennessee,  born  .liine  o. 
1875    .' VIII-:U1 

He  is  a  nien-haiit  at  Blossom,  Texas,  and  a  successful  business  man. 
She  is  a  member  of  the  Missionary  Baptist  Church,  and  an  ardent  workei 
and  manager  of  a   sewing  class  in  the  Red   Cross. 

2.  Bell,  born  November  16,  1886,  married  Se|)teiiiher  4. 
1910,  Charles  Barber  Allen,  who  was  horn  .lime  11.  1888..VIII-:U2 

He  is  in  the  real  estate  business  at  Soper,  Oklahoma.  She  is  a  prominent 
worker  and  in  charge  of  the  knitting  depaitment   of  the  Red  Cross. 

VII-240     Children  of  Thomas  AV.  and   Emma    (Williainsi    .\nder- 
son,  Jr.  \'l.!iS-i 

a  Eva  Estelle,  liorn  Xovemher  6,  1SS2.  married  Deeein- 
ber  27.  1904,  James  Joseph  Chambers,  son  of  Fuller  and 
Annie  Chambers  of  Texas,  born  June  2!),  1878 V1II-:U:? 

He  is  a   traveling  salesman,   of  .histin,   Ti'xas. 

b     Alma  Leach,  born  in  1884.  died  Auuiist   lil.  19(»1. 

c  Joe  Holt,  born  November  29.  1887,  married  February 
2,  1910,  Lena  Lorice  Kerley,  daughter  of  T.  T.  Kerlev  of 
Texas,  born  December  24.  1887 !...VIII-:U4 

He  is  a   sheet  and  metal   \v.>i  ker  at   Chillicothe.  Texas. 

d  Flossie  Irene,  born  August  22.  1890.  married  January 
10,  1910.  Olen  Homer  Naylor,  son  of  S.  A.  Xaylor  of  Texas. 
l)orn  June  25.  1882 Vlll-iUo 

He  is  a  merchant   at    Chillicothe.  Texas 

196  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-241     Children  of  Julius  M.  and  Sarah  J.    (Wilson)    Snider. 

a     Yuba,  born  December  18,  1865.  married  April  1,  1889, 

John  V.  Horn.    She  died  May  31,  1891 VIII-346 

b  ^Marshall,  born  October  10,  1867,  married  February 
11.  1893,  Eloide  Medley...- - VIII-347 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri. 

c  John  A.,  born  December  30,  1869,  married  June  2, 
1895.  Drusie  Miller _ _ ___ ...__.VIII-348 

They  live  at  Oak  Ridge,   Missouri. 

d  Mason,  born  October  7,  1871,  married  September  13, 
1899,  Louise  Ford \ VIII-349 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri. 

e  Wilson,  born  August  10,  1873,  married  October  20, 
1897,  Amelia  Obermider yiII-350 

They  live  at  .Jackson,  Missouri. 

f  Julius  M.,  Jr.,  born  March  27,  1876.  married  August 
14,  1898,  Alma  Abernathy.    He  died  in  1904. ....yiII-351 

They  live  at  .Jackson,  Missouri. 

g  Amanda,  born  January  14,  1879,  married  November 
20,  1899,  George  Simms VIII-352 

They  live  at  -Jackson,  Missouri. 

h  Robert  B.,  born  August  18,  1881,  married  May  7, 
1903,  Susan  Bergman. VIII-353 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri. 

VII-242     Children  of  AVilliam  T.  and  Bernice  (Limbaugh)  Wilson. 


a  William  Francis,  born  July  11,  1875,  married  January 
30,  1901,  Gertrude  Ammerman VIII-354 

They  live  at  Oklahorna  City,   Oklahoma.     He  graduated  at   the  University 
of  Missouri,  with  the  degrees  of  A.  ,M.  and  A.  B.  and  the  degree  in  law. 

b     Ann  Agnes,  born  March  5,  1884. 

c  Emma  Jane,  born  November  16.  1886,  married  Octo- 
ber 31,  1916,  William  IMartin  Mulholland,  who  was  born 
November  12,  1885....... ....VIII-355 

d  Adelaide  Bernice,  born  December  26,  1888,  married 
November  15,  1912,  Thomas  James  Fitzpatrick.... VIII-356 

e  Mary  Margaret,  born  March  5,  1890,  married  May  5, 
1915,  Elmer  Styner  Blaine. 

They  live  at  Parma,  Missouri. 

VII-243     Children    of    Frederick    and    Virginia    A.     (Wilson) 
Schatte.  VI-99-c 

a  Effie.  born  April  9,  1871,  died  at  Los  Angeles,  Cali- 
fornia, July  9.  1904. 

Was  Sister  of  Mercy  Stanislaus. 

Till':      I'.ILL      IWMILV  IU7 

1)  ( 'li.irlcs  LiitlMi-,  lioi-ii  AiiL'iisl  1,  ISSO,  iniin-ii-il  KW/.n 
Ilcrvcv  lidckw  Odd,  (I.iiimIiI  rr  of  \\'illi;iiii  Kcrl<|cy  :iiii| 
S()|)lii;i  I'lliziilict  ll  (("oHicri  L(»cl<\\nu(l  ol'  ( ';il-|  isle,  ('lintoii 
Couiil.w  Illinois,  Ixini  .\l;iy   Iti.  1885....  \' II 1-357 

'I'hcy    live   Ml    I. CIS    A  unci's,   (a  li  rni-iiiii. 

\'ir-L>44      Childivii    of    N;illi;iiiicl    ( '.    :iihI     A.lrl.iid-     I         Wilsnn 
Ffisscll,  \'|!l!».| 

;i      Tlioiii.Ms  Tnylor.  Ikimi  .liiiic  (;,   ISTli,  liuirrit'd  Si'|i|.iri 
her  14,  ]S!I7.  Kiiiiii;i  Ldiiisc  Diiih'.ih \'l  1 1.35ft 

'riiiiinas  Taslui-  I'lis-rll  was  a  pp"!  n  I  cd  ciidcl  ill  llic  I'.  S.  Milititrv  Af'iul- 
I'lii.v,  W'l'sl  I'diiil.  \i\v  \iii-k,  .luiic  l.'i,  IS'.l.'l;  };r'!i(liiiilc<l,  .lliiii'  II.  I*^!l7,  and 
was  a|>i)(iinlc(l  Si'imiikI  Ijcnti'iiant,  l;:!r(l  l'.  S.  Iiir.-mtr.v;  lriiiisfcrr<'(l  In  llir  "rrl 
Iiir.-intr.v,  Octdlicr  1."i,  IS'.iT:  coiiiniissioiii'd  I''iist  l/n'Utfiiiiiil.  :!i(l  Iiifaiilry, 
Miirch  2,  lS!)i»:  (';il)t,iin,  L'llli  I  iila  iil  ly.  .April  .">,  1!):il.':  dcliiiliMl  In  l^iiiirliT 
niasfrr's  Dcpartiiient.  April  1.;.  IIMI;  retired  for  disaliilily  in  the  liiii'  'if  duty 
April  1!1.  1!n."i.  K(>call(Hl  to  active  scrvire  in  I'.lIT  and  priiiiioled  to  Major, 
siMviiiK  in  (Quartermaster's  Deiiartivent. 

h  RieliMi'd  AViHi;iiii,  Ixti-ii  Xoxcinlicr  18,  1873,  iiirirrirMJ 
October  17,  1003.  ElUi  Brown VIII-:',.')!) 

Tlii'v    live  at   Espaiiola,    Xew    Mexico. 

e     Boas,  liorn  Januai-.v  17.  1870. 

d  Samuel,  hoi'u  Api'il  1."),  ISSI.  married  October  "JO, 
1005,  Lily  IToiigbton,  wlio  Avas  born  March  1,  1880.  No. 

They  live  at   Xew    lilonnilield.    Missouri. 

e  Ella,  lioi'i!  September  'JO,  bSS3,  mai'ried  September 
16,  1005,  AVilliam  Evans  Nailer,  w  lio  was  Ixirii  Octol)er  26. 

They  live  at    Minneapolis,   jMiiinesota. 

f  Patrick,  born  Febrnai\-  0.  1887.  married  Rel)ecca 
Ilonck   ■ VITI-3G0 

TTe  enlisted  as  a  p'ivate  in  Cnn'pany  F,  17th  U.  S'.  Infantry,  October  I'S. 
I'.IIIS,  and  was  also  Corporal  and  Serireant  during  enlisttvent;  dischar-teil 
August  27.  1011.  He  was  commissioned  Second  Lieutenant  of  Infantry  from 
July  L'e,  litn  ;  unassiened.  Decemlier  11.  UI14:  assigned  to  the  llth  Infantry; 
commissioned  First  T^ieutenaiit,  11th  Infantrv.  .Inly  1,  1!n7;  assigned  to  duty 
at  .Vviation  School,  ,Sau  Diego,  Cali  I'oinia.  I'romoted  to  Captain  and  Ma.ior  in 
Aviation  Service. 

i>'  Charles  Wilson,  born  ^lardi  17.  1800,  married  Lanie 

h     Henry,  born  October  21,  1802. 
i     Howard,  born  July  0.  1805. 
.1     :\ray,  born  March  25,  1808. 

VII-245     Childivn  of  Cliarh^s  Ti.  and  Emma  A.   OViHiams)    Wil- 
son. VT-lii't-a 
a     Edna  Xaomi,  liorn  November  -\K  1>77. 
b     Elisha  Ilall  (Jreuory.  born  .Vn-ust  24.  1870. 

c  Jnlia,  born  -Inne  26.  b^S2  m.irried  June  17,  100:i.  J. 
R.  Nolte. 

d     Emma  Anatole,  born  October  20,  1886. 
e     Charles  P.,  born  April  17,  1880. 

198  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-246     Children  of  Alexander  H.  and  Ellen   (Wilson)   Miller. 

a     Ann  Eliza,  born  November  5,  1883. 

VII-247     Children  of  Joseph  M.   and  Grace    (Senne)    Wilson. 

a     Senne,  born  May  21,  1895. 
b     William  Berry,  born  May  19,  1898. 
c     Mary,  born  October  26,  1900. 
d     Ellen,  born  February  7,  1903. 
e     Joseph  Maple,  Jr.,  born  April  28,  1905. 

VII-248     Children  of  John  D.  and  Emma   (Brucker)   Wilson. 

a     Edith,  born  December  4,  1902. 
b     Ann  Eliza,  born  June  29,  1904. 

VII-249     Children  of  Gilbert  L.  and  Susan  E.  (Colyer)  Wilson. 

a     Ella,  born  December  13,  1868,  married  April  3,  1895, 
Robert  Ephraim  Brantley,  who  was  born  December  11, 
1893  _ .__... '...__ _ _ VIII-361 

They  live  at  Mooi'esville,  J^'orth  Carolina. 

b  Adda  Martha,  born  November  5,  1871,  married  Octo- 
ber 1,  1896,  Dr.  William  Nicholas  Howard VIII-362 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri. 

VII-250     Children  of  Archibald  A.  and  Mary  A.  (Hansel)  Wilson. 

a     Thomas   Edward,    born    October   21,    1870,    married 
August  27,  1899,  Roxanna  Martin,  who  was  born  February 
2,  1872 VIII-363 

They  live  at  Pocahontas,   Missouri. 

b  Byrne  Alfonzo,  born  March  11,  1873,  married  Janu- 
ary 26,"l897,  Hallie  Lindsay.  He  died  May  20,  1910.  No 

c  Emma,  born  August  15,  1875,  married  December  24, 
1899,  Purl  Burrett  Adams,  who  was  born  July  24,  1875....VIII-364 

They  live  at  Pocahontas,  Missouri. 

VII-251     Children  of  James  W.  and  Sarah  E.   (Wilson)    Colyer. 


a  Robert  Franklin,  born  December  16,  1867,  married 
May  21,  1904,  Adeline  Elizabeth  Roger.     No  issue. 

They  live  in  San  Francisco,   California. 

b  Bertha,  born  January  31,  1872,  married  February  8, 
1892,  John  Charles  West,  son  of  Edward  and  Caroline 
West  of  Knoxville,  Illinois;  born  June  3,  1868,  died  June 
5,  1906 VIlI-365 

She  lives  at  Pasadena,   California. 

Till':      I'.l   I.I,      I'AM  ILY  1«)9 

(•  ( Jcft  rmlc,  l)(>i-M  ()ct(ilHM-  II.  Is7l.  iiijirrifd  in  llllli.'. 
l-<'\i  ()r\illi'  .\t\\()()(l,  son  of  ('hiirlcs  .\cl.soii  ;iiic|  lin-,c-l|;i 
lliiirrows)    .\t\\()(ii|  of  U'ock  ('reck,  .M;iss;ii-liiisrt  Is  \|||-:{»;»; 

'I'hc.V    li\r    111     K'cirk,     M  ,iss,i.lii|s,.(  Is. 

(I      (iillu'i-l,    liorn    Kclini.i  r\     l!).    I.s77.    dinl    ((ctolirr    II 

I'  li.iiTy  .\l|)lioiizo.  hoiii  Scplriiihcf  I.").  ISS!)  iiiMi-rii'ii 
Sc|t|finl!iT  l(i.  1IM4,  Mli/.;il)clli  Ik;iii(lol|ih  .S|  oi-|-r»\v.  (hniL'li- 
tcr  of  Sjiiiiiit'l  iiiid  ( 'oi-;i  (.\llciM  S|oi'i-ow  of  r;is;i<|rri;i. 
Ciiiirornia  V  \  \  \.:',t,~ 

'I'hry   livi'   in    PiisndoiiM.   (  iilifdriiiji. 

¥11-252      Cliildivii    of    llcm-y    mid    .M;ii-tli;i    T.    (Wilson      Clous.'. 


;i  EfH(\  l)orii  in  1S71,  inai-ficd  W.  TT.  Vau'_:]m.  Sin-  died 
in  1!)10 VIII-:}<i8 

Tlit'v  lived  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

b     Einina.  boi-n  in  1873,  niafric<l  <i.  M.  Lindsay. 

They  live   in    1  lulls  wood,   Ciilit'orni:i. 

c     Grace,  horn  in  1875. 

She  lives  in  Dallas,  Texas. 

(1  Alphonso.  hofii  in  1S77.  died  uninan'icd  in  Xrw  Yoi-lv 
City  in  August.  1!)15. 

\'II-253     Children  of  Campbell  0.  and  Lilv  V.  (Wilson)  Tuni.T. 


a     Nellie,  born  August  11,  1870,  died  Jan  nary  23,  1870. 

b  Lilian,  horn  June  21,  1884,  married  June  12.  1000. 
Alexander  ^lackay  Boiiy,  son  of  Alexander  'SI.  and  Rosa- 
nioiul  (Dowker)  Bogy,  Jr.,  of  St.  liOiiis,  ^lissouri ;  l)t)rn 
January  30,  1883 \ VIII-360 

They  live  at  Hollywood,  California. 

c     Wilson  Cam]ibell.  born  January  24,  1887. 

VII-254     Children  of  Austin  L.  and  Shah\-   .\.    (\Vilson)   lliiies. 


a  Thomas  C,  born  in  1878.  married  in  1004,  Lois 
Tubbs,  daughter  of  Setli  B.  R.  and  ]\Iarv  Catherine  (iSears'i 
Tubbs*    ; _ " VI 11-3711 

They    live    at     Pasiulena,     ( 'alit'ornia.     wIiitc    hi'     is    ninnasrer    of     ''Model 
Grocery' '. 

b  Fay  Al])lionzo.  born  -Inly  1!'.  1884,  marrird  July  4. 
1913,  Annie  Laura  Brown  of  IIi(d<nian.  Kentueky.  daugh- 
ter of  James  Kohert  and  Annie  Mar\  iRosc'i  lii-own.  lioi-n 
April  16,  1884. 

*Seth  B.  R.  Tubbs  was  born  in  New  York  State.  .Tanuary  11.  lS::(t.  died  October  4.  1!H7: 
and  Marv  Catherine  S'ears  was  born  near  Eliuira.  New  York,  .Inlv  "J.".  1S:U.  and  died  .Vusrust 
l.j,   llllT. 

200  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  1.  Grace,  born  February  27,  1887,  married  January 
27,  1909,  John  McRoberts,  son  of  John  and  Jane  (Young) 
McRoberts  of  Ireland,  born  September  22,  1879 .....VIII-371 

They  live  in  Pasadena,   California. 

2.  Elsie,  born  February  27,  1887,  married  October  24, 
1906.  Gilbert  Crawford  Robb,  son  of  Dr.  John  Shaw  and 
Elizabeth  (Crawford)  Robb,  born  July  2,  1866 VIII-372 

d     Rupert  Lunsford,  born  November  6,  1891. 

e     Paul  Asborn,  born  October  21,  1893. 

VII-255     Children  of   Edward   and  Bennie    (Harrison)    Wilson. 


a     Campbell,  born  December  4,  1886,  died  July,  1902. 
b     Edwin,  born  April  1,  1890,  married  November  10, 
1909,  Eugenia  Seay.    He  died  February  6,  1913-....: VIII-373 

They  lived  at  Denton,  Texas. 

VII-256     Children  of  John  W.  and  Martha  E.  (McNeely)  Knox. 


a  Chloe  Ann,  born  January  20,  1861,  married  Novem- 
ber 9,  1882,  Lucias  Luckey  McNeely,  son  of  Adam  Albert 
McNeeh^  of  Mooresville,  North  Carolina,  and  Mary  Luckey 
of  Brazeau,  Missouri,  born  August  25,  1856 VIII-374 

He  is  a  carpenter  and  farmer  at   Cape  Girardeau,   Missouri. 

b  Lillie,  born  March  23,  1864,  married  April  5,  1892, 
David  C.  Hope,  who  was  born  September  12,  1861.. VIII-375 

He  is  a  farmer.     They  live  near  Jackson,  Missouri. 

c  Willis,  born  April  17,  1870,  married  December  29, 
1897,  Mollie  Shoults,  born  October  10,  1876 VIII-376 

He  is  a  manufacturer  of  handles.     They  live  at  .Jackson,   Missouri. 

d  Walter,  born  June  8,  1872,  married  May  9,  1894, 
Norah  Wilson  (YII-265-a),  born  April  12,  1873 VIII-377 

They  live  in  Jackson,  Missouri. 

VII-257     Children  of  Otho  and  Rebecca  J.   (McNeely)   Price. 


a     Samuel,  born  in  1870,  married  Ethel  Statler. 

They  live  in  Brazeau,  Missouri. 

b  Carrie,  born  January  10,  1874,  married  February  3, 
1902,  Cyrus  Barber,  son  of  William  and  M.  J.  Barber  of 
Brazeau,  IMissouri  (orififinallv  from  North  Carolina),  born 
November  17,  1867.     She  died  June  15,  1912., VIII-378 

He  graduated  from  college  in  1888.     She  is  buried  at  Brazeau,   Missouri. 
He  is  an  agrieultiirist. 

YIT-258     Children   of   David   E.    and   Laura    (McNeely)    Hope. 


a     Addie,  born  in  1872,  married  Oliver  JMorton VIII-379 

They  live  at  Jackson,  Missouri. 

I'lll':      I'.IM,     I'AMII.Y  zi)l 

I)      .M;il  I  ic.  I  Kin  I  ill   1  S7  I.  iii.i  nir(  I  (   l.i  i-i'in-c  1 ,    .|c;mi. 

'rlli'\     ll\r    III     I. CIS    A  ri:;i'li's,    (    ;ililiillini. 

I'      Ivicli.-ird   I'c-ifl,  horn  in   lS7(l(|ir(|  in   llMHl. 

VIl  lM!)      Children  of  .1; s  W ,  .■iihI   .\;inc\-  .1.    I  McXfrly  .    I'.raiif- 

\ry.  '    Vl-l();{.f 

a      Kniiiia,  liorn  .laniiai'v  L'l,  1S88. 

She   is  a   Iriiclii'i-   in   Si.    l.nuis,    Missouri, 
h       Willie    I'.elle,    horn    Sepl  eiiiJMT  !l,    ISDI). 
She   is  :i    Icacliri-   in   Si.    l.niiis,   Missouri. 

Vir-2(;0      ("hildi-eii    (.r   Tliomas    K.   and    Mallie   <'.    i  .lolmson  i    .\|e- 
Xccly.  \'M  l(i:!-(i 

a        JMIU'eiie  .)()hllS(MI,    Imiai    .\()  Xi'lll  I  ler    1,    llMH). 

1)      Martha  Kli/ahetli,  horn  .Iaiiiiar\-  ;{(»,  1!)()S    died  .Jnlv 
20,  1913. 

Slie  is  liuvied  at  Jackson,   Missouri. 

VTI-261      Cliildivii    of   Kolx-rt   AV.    and    ^Marlha    ('.    i  Shoi't  <    Me- 
Neely.  \'l-li)4-a 

a      P.iii'ley  l>eiis()ii.  niai'ried  in  181)0,  ("oluiiihia   Woods   \'III  'isd 
h     (_)|lie.  inarrii'd  in  18!J0,  iJeorge  Piiikuey  .Morion \lil-;i81 

They  live   in  Jackson,   Missouri. 

VII-262     Children  ot"  Thomas  W.  and  :\Iary  S.  (Gillshmd)  Short. 


a     Minnie. 

b     Charles  L.,  married  in  1904.  .TelTie  Slack VTTT-3.82 

They  live  in  Jackson,   Missouri. 

c     Curtis. 

V11-2G3      Children  of  .John  \.  and  Alice  (.Siiorl;   Short.    \'l-l(i4-c 
a     :\lal)el.  born  in  1880. 

She  lives  in  .lackson,   Missouri. 

1)     Sloan.    l)orn    in    188."),    mari'ied     in      IDI.').    Rosel)iuI 

c     Clyde,  horn  in  1887.  married  iM'iihih  Thompson. 
d     Irene,  born  in  18'JO. 

Lives  in  .Tackson,   Missouri. 

e     Ryland,  horn  in  180(!. 

Lives  in  .lackson,   I\Iissouri. 

f     Harlan,  horn  in  1903. 

VII-264     Children  of  Robert  A.  ami  Elizabeth  E.   (Short)   Cald- 
well. VI-104-e 

a  p]ulah.  born  in  1887. 

b  Ellis,  horn  in  1890. 

c  Carrie,  born  in  18!)2. 

d  1.      Ceori;'e,  born  in  1897. 

202  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

2.     Inez,  born  in  1897. 

e     1.     Maud,  born  in  1900. 

2.     Mabel,  born  in  1900. 

VII-265     Children  of  Otlio  and  Cora  C.    (McNeely)    Wilson. 

a     Nora,   born   April   12,   1873,   married   May   9,    1894, 

Walter  Knox  (VII-256-d),  who  was  born  June  8,  1872. 

- - VIII-337— VIII-383 

They  live  near  -Jackson,  Missouri,  where  he  is  a  farmer. 

b     Albert,  born  August  26,  1876,  married  July  13,  1902, 
Rebecca  Hatcher,  who  was  born  January  16,  1877.. VIII-384 

He  is  agent  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company,  at  Dexter,  Missouri,  where  they 

VII-266     Children  of  William  and  Laura    (Wilson)    Ruff. 

a     Burn. 

b  Jessie,  born  October  9,  1873,  married  August  10, 
1898,  William  Jerry  Hitt ^. VIII-385 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,  Missouri,  where  he  is  a  farmer. 

c     Nora,  married  Edwin  A.  Plaggard.. VIII-386 

d     Lucy,  married  J.  M.  Hannebrink,  Jr VIII-387 

They  live  at  Cape  Girardeau,   Missouri. 

e     AVilliam,  married  Freida  Amelunka VIII-388 

VII-267     Children  of  Thomas  M.  and  Nora  (Davenport)  Wilson. 

a     Ben  Joseph,  born  February  1,  1884. 
b     Thomas  Richard,  born  December  18,  1886. 
c     Robert  Virgil,  born  August  15,  1891. 
d     Paul  Dan,  born  April  17,  1895. 

VII-268     Children  of  Edgar  L.  and  Elizabeth  S.  (Wilson)  Hope. 

a     Alma,  born  February  6,  1875,  married  March  4,  1896, 
Theophilus  Robb,  son  of  Hickman  and  Euphresia  Robb, 
born  December  1,  1873 VIII-389 

He   graduated  at   Barnes  Dental   College   in   1907.      They  live   at   Kennett, 
Missouri,  where  he  is  a  dentist. 

b  Harris,  born  January  26,  1877,  married  December 
12,  1889,  Clara  Puis VIII-390 

They   live   in   St.   Louis,    Missouri,   where  he   is   a    salesman   in   Greenfield 
Bros.     He  served  in  the  army  during  the   Spanish- American  War. 

c  Lucy,  born  December  31,  1878,  married  October  20, 
1898,  Ellis  C.  Hope,  son  of  Addison  and  Mary  Hope  of 
Missouri,  born  December  2,  1876 .' .VIII-391 

They  live   at  Enid,   Oklahoma,   where  he   is  a   carpenter.     He  has  been  at 
work  on  army  cantonment  buildings  at  Fort  Sill,   Oklahoma. 

d  Mary,  born  May  14,  1881,  married  June  25,  1904, 
Walter  AVhite,  son  of  George  S.  and  Margaret  V.  White  of 
Tennessee,  born  January  2,  1875.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Ruxico,  Missouri,  where  he  is  a  merchant. 

'I'lIK      r.l    l.L      l'".\MII,V 


\'ll  l^iil)      Childivii    of    i:ii    .111(1    .\l;iiy    !■;.       Wilsniii     A  iM-rrinl  li  V. 

\i  ii)t;-h 

a  I'l'ssic,  liofii  \(>\  I'liiliir  II,  isTT.  iii;in-i<'(|  I  )cri-iiil»fr 
11.  II'OII,  .\l\iii  AiiLiiisI  l'(.>s.  son  1)1'  llciii'v  ;iii(|  \ji-Uii 
0>flin'iis)    I'.oss.  I.orii   .Miirch  ;il.   Is7:>  Vni.:',!>-.' 

They    livi'   ;il    .I;i(Umiii,    Missouri,    wliric   hi'    is   ii    luiiikiT. 



(Page  20) 

VII-270     Children  of  David  B.  and   Suiiilda    (Wilson)    Soibert. 


a     David   (ilciiii,   Lorn  .Tanuar\-   21)     1S77.   iiiarficd    l-'IIa 
Wilkinson  ■ \I  I  !-:?!•:? 

They  live  at  Jackson,   Missouri. 

1)     William  Wilson,  boi-ii  Octobci-  ;U,  1883,  marrifd  Kate 
B.  Dennis. 

VII-271     Children  of  Thomas  E.  anil  l^eulah    (Harris)    Wil.son. 

\'  I  1 1  Xj-e 

a     Thomas  Edward,  boi'ii  August  31.  l^fU. 
b     .Alary  (iayle.  born  Octotiei-  2!).  18!)7. 
c     Helen  Jean,  born  .Inly  23.  1 !)(»(). 

VII-272     Childnm  of  (Oliver  S.  and  Cora   C.   (Howard      Harris. 

a     Lily  L.,  hoi-n  in  lS(i(i.  died  in  IM'T. 
1)     Willie   ')..    l:(>rn    in    ISliS.    married    in    ISSH.   John    .1. 
Ellis,  who  was  born  in  18(H : VITI-304 

204  THE.  BULL     FAMILY 

c  Eraerv  J.,  born  in  1872,  married  in  1893,  Dora  B. 
McLain,  who  was  born  in  1871..... VIII-395 

d  Ida  J.,  born  in  1873,  married  in  1889,  Herbert 
Thompson,  who  was  born  in  1869 _. VIII-396 

VII-273     Children  of  Thomas  and  Flora  0.    (Howard)    Drum. 

a     Myrtle,  married  Dr. Seabaugh. 

VII-274     Children  of  Robert  P.  and  Lillian  (Seibert)  Wilson. 


a  Robert  Kent,  married  in  1907,  Amelia  Helm- 
kampf  . ....VIII-397 

They  live  in  .Jackson,   Missouri,  where  he  is  in  the  real  estate  business. 

b     Irene,  died  in  infancy, 
c     Kirk,  died  in  infanc}^ 

YII-275     Children   of  William  A.   and   Minnie   A.    (Clodfelter) 
Morton.  Vl-llO-a 

a  Rita  Arline,  born  May  5,  1886,  married  April  29, 
1912,  Edwin  S.  Watson,  whose  parents  were  from  Eng- 
land and  Norway,  born  at  Chicago,  Illinois,  August  5, 
1885  - VIII-398 

b     William  Lambert,  born  January  19,  1888. 

He  is  a  Chief  Machinist  Mate  in  the  U.   S.  navy  after  four  years  service 
in  the  Pacific  Station  in  armored  cruisers   "West  Virginia''   and   ''Colorado''. 

c  Lowndes  Davis,  born  June  14,  1894,  married  June  8, 
1917,  Susie  Venable  Davis  of  Craigsville,  Virginia. 

He  is  in  the  Aviation  Division  of  the  U.  S'.  Signal  Corps   (1918)   at  Hemp- 
stead,  Long  Island. 

d  Pinkney,  born  December  25,  1896,  died  August  25, 

VII-276     Children  of  John  and  Iva  (Howard)  Robb.       Yl-lll-a 

a     John, 
b     Mattie. 

VII-277     Children  of  Allison  and  Rebecca  L.   (Chapman)   May- 
field.  YII-115-C 

a  ]\Iary.  born  April  27,  1889,  married  August  29,  1918, 
Milton  R.  Gutsch  of  Austin,  Texas. 

YII-278     Children  of  John  F.   and  Jane    (Cantrell)    Chapman. 

a     Mildred  Fry,  born  July  6,  1900. 
b     ^Margaret  Creighton.  born  May  1,  1S03. 
c     William  Anderson,  born  May  28,  1906. 
d     Oeorge  Cantrell,  born  May  8,  1909. 
e     Richard  Alexander,   born  February  12,  1912. 
f     John  Fry,  born  April  17,  1915. 

'I'lii':    I'.ri.i,    rwMiLV  .,,, 

\' I  I  'JT!'      ( 'hill  I  rcii    dl'     ll;ii-\i'y     |  ).    .'iml     A  iii;i  m  |;i     \',,       • 'liapiiwiii  i 

llclllc.V.  \'l     1  It.  ■• 

ii      S;illic  Clirioii,  l;()ni  .hil\    ::l,   l^'Kl. 
1)      .M;ii-y,   horn    h'chni;i  ry  L',   IIIDD. 

VII-'JSO      ('hihlrcii     of    Crichhrhl     ;iii.l     S;illir     A.     i  \';iii.lf|-r<)nl  i 
(M.odwiii.  \'l    I  l!l  ;i 

;i       liohci'l .  ilic'd   ill    in  l';i  iit-y. 

Yrr-l?Sl       ('hihircii  of  'rhniii;is  ,•!  11(1    Mlizji    1'.    i  \';i  ik  h'rl'on  I  >    Siiiilh, 


;i  .M;ii-y  (  )li\-(',  horn  in  Xohh'  ( 'oiiiily,  I  im  li;iii;i.  -liinii;!  ly 
28,  IHi)."),  married  (li  Odohcr  :!ll.  1  SSti,  .|(,hti  Marion  I'.aiiks 
of  Kenton,  Oliio,  who  died  Sci)t('iiiht'r  '!■'>,  isss.  .Marrifd 
(2)  October  1.").  1898,  Theo<lore  Nelson  of  .Miiiicie.  Indiana. 
Xo  issue. 

'I'licy    live   :it    Wnit'    l.akc,    Iii(li,'in:i. 

1)  .loliii  Chark's,  l)()rn  Xoveinher  If.  I'^Tl.  inan-ied 
Februai-y  (i.  ISDti.  KUa  Fi-iend.  hoi'ii  August  ;;1.  1S72. 
dauuhtci-  of  David  \V.  and  Hannah  (Etx'niii-cj  Friend, 
from  Ohio  and  ({erniaiiy,  respectively \'III-:5I)1) 

Tlu'y  live  on  Smith  ironu'.sti'ad  inic  ami  a  Irill'  miles  from  Wolf  Luke, 
Indiana.  David  W.  and  Hannali  l^'rirnd  air  luiricil  in  Wolf  Lake  cemetery. 
.Tdlin   Cliavlcs   Smith    is   a    farmer. 

VII-2S2     ("hihlreii  of  Richard  C.  and  Fliza    (Mcriitclieon )   Vaii- 
(h'rfor.L  VI-ll!)-e 

a     i^eonard. 

b     Lelah,  born  in  1867.  married  Mehin  Trilil)ey. 

They   lived  at   ^Minneapolis.   Minnesota. 

VII-28;5     Chihlren  of  William  C.  and   .Mary   K,    iCiilshaw.    \'an- 
derford.  \'i  n:»-e 

a     Alfred,  born  in  1868. 

?Te  lived  at  Lyman,  Washins'ton. 

b     Joel  P.,  born  in  1869. 

He  lived  at   Kinimell.   Indiana. 

c  John  Frank,  born  October  17,  1S71,  married  October 
25,  1894,  Ilattie  Freeman  AVoodw  daiiuhter  of  (;eo!->j:e 
Franklin  and  ^lary  Eleanor  AVoody  of  Indiana  and  Maine, 
respectively,  born  Aiignst  2.1.  1871 ^  111-400 

They  live  at  Seattle.   Washinirtun. 

d     B.  Simon,  born  in  1873. 

He  lives  at  Ijvman.  Washinirton. 

e      Otio  AVih'y,  liorii  October  2.  1888. 

He   lives   at   Lyman,   Wasliinnton.   and    is  a   shini;le  weaver. 

f     Chester,  born  in  1887. 

li'     Pearl,  born  in  ISDI),  married  Lafayette  Crothers. 

Tli(>y   live  at   Kimmell.   Indiana. 

h     Blanche,  born  in  18!)8.  married TTnff. 

oy(j  THE     BULL.   FAMILY 

VII--^8-i     Children  of  Edwin  H.  and  Sarah  E.   (Bull)   Upson. 


a  Aletta,  born  August  17,  1873,  in  Kosciusko  County, 
Indiana,  married  December  8,  1897,  Andrew  Watson  Sny- 
der, son  of  John  and  Anna  Barbara  (Haffer)  Snyder  of 
Switzerland,  born  May  16,  1873.... ^. VIII-401 

They  live  at  Huntingdon,  Indiana. 

b  Martha  Algina,  born  in  Noah  County,  Indiana,  May 
25,  1878,  married  February  27,  1897,  Jacob  Garber,  son  of 
Samuel  W.  (of  Tuscarawas  County,  Ohio)  and  Polly 
(White)  (of  Kosciusko  County,  Indiana)  Garber,  born 
September  30,  1871__. .-.. VIII-402 

They  live  at  Pierceton,  Indiana. 

YII-285     Children  of  William  J.  and  Mary  E.  (Fordyce)  Strieby. 

a     Margaret  E.,   born  in   1864,  married  Marion  Fen- 
ton    VIII-403 

They  lived  at  Warsaw,    Indiana. 

b  Ulysses  Grant,  born  in  1869,  married  Nellie  Van  Tas- 
sel  .- -- VIII-404 

They  lived  at  Burlington,  Tennessee. 

c     Edward  E..  born  in  1871. 

d  Anna  E.,  born  in  1874,  married  Schuvler  AVoolford, 
who  died  in  1902.    She  died  in  August,  1915.'. VIII-405 

They  lived  at  Warsaw,   Indiana. 

e  G.  Myrtle,  born  in  1876,  married  Harvey  E. 
Hooven __. - VIII-406 

They  lived  at  Wooster,  Indiana. 

VII-286     Children  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Fordyce)  Hendricks. 


a     Myrtle  M.,  born  in  1874. 

yiI-287     Children  of  James  H.   and  Mary    (Bennet)    Fordyce. 


a  ]\laggie,  born  in  1877. 

b  Frank,  born  in  1879. 

c  Harry,  born  in  1881. 

d  Editii,  born  in  1883. 

e  Bessie,  born  in  1886. 

VII-288     Children  of  Josiah  and  Lydia  (Fordyce)  Newman. 


a  Beulah  S.,  born  November  17,  1884,  married  Decem- 
ber 25,  1914,  Charles  Henry  Billings  of  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
son  of  Fred  Albert  and  Leona  (Burlingham)  Billings.  No 

b     Percy  Earle,  born  December  22,  1887. 

'I'll!';      I '.I    LI,      I'AMILY  207 

\'I1-'_*S!)      Cliildrcii  of   Wrslcv    I',  iiiid    Iv    \'iul;i      I'ovdy,-,- j    |)<.\viih. 

;i       .Mcl-l    L.,    iMini    111    ISSII. 

I)     ( )|>;il  L.,  Iioiii  ill  iss:',. 
C       lliil    li.,    Iiorii    ill    iSS!). 

\'11-L:!)()      Childivii   of    Willi;iiii    W.   ;iim1    I'll ;i    K.    f|'.iilli     I'|).s<)M. 

\'l    IJt  ;i 
;i      Anna   Lucy,  hoi-ii  S('|)tciiil)('r  '22.   1S74,  iiiiiniirrird. 
b      .Minerva    May,   lioni   Scptcinlirr  iMi,    187ti,   uniiiaiTii-il. 
c      Kdwin  Sylxcslci',  lioi'ii  N(i\ niilici'  iM .  IHIH,  niiiiiarrifd. 
d     Jjaui'a   l<'il\Ti'(la.  lioni  April  I'll.  iSS;;.  nniiiairird. 

VJl-L'!)l      riiildrcn  of  S\lv('slrr  (i.  and    niaiiclir    (Strai-nsi    I?m.-II. 

VI   IlMI. 
a     Elsie    L..    born    in    1S!)1,    inai'ficd    in    llMi'   l(,    I).    \V. 
Tlionias   \'  1 1 1-4' IT 

They    lived   at    Sciittlc.    Wiisliington. 

b  Leslie  Clifford,  born  May  2:5,  18!):^.  married  Odobrr 
1,  li)l(;,  Nellie  Kuth  Hrown,  dauf^-liter  of  L.  M.  and  Mildivd 
(Uutehinsoii)   Brown,  boi'ii  September  1I>,  18IK5. 

They   live  at   Kverelt,    Wasliiiigton. 

VII-2!»2     (Miildren  of  William  J.  and  Editli  E.   (Hull)   Foreman. 


a  William  Willard,  born  .May  4.  1878,  luari-ied  .\|)i-ii 
1!),  1!H)(),  .Minerva  ^lyrtle  Loeke,  dautihlei'  of  .\lvis  .Marion 
and  Eranees  Jane   (llarvey)   Locke \'lll-4ti> 

Tliey   lived  at   North   Webster,   Indiana. 

VII-298     (diildren    of    Adam    F.    and    Edith    E.    i  I'.iilh     Fidler. 


a  Noah  Winfred,  born  Sei)lember  1:^,  188.").  married  De- 
cember 31,  1!)1(),  P]lizabeth  Dell  White,  dau-hler  of  Samuel 
A.  and  Mary  E.  White,  born  Auyust   15,  1888 VIII-4()!» 

'I'liey  live  at   Sarwill,  Indiana. 

b  Jessie  Mae,  born  Noveinbei-  22.  1S8!).  mai-ried  Orin- 
ber  14,  1911,  John  W'ilson  llindliauuh,  son  of  William  M. 
and  Emma  B.  llindbaui>'h,  boim  .Man-b  1.  1S8l'.   V  111- HO 

They  live  at   Sarwill,   Indiana. 

c  Ferry  Elmer,  born  Maivh  ;U.  ISHl,  tlietl  -January  L'7, 

He  is  buried  in  OaU   (irove  cenieter.N,   North    Webster,   Indiana. 

d  (Jeoi'ii'e  Emard.  born  .\pril  2i\  181)3.  enlisted  Dercin- 
ber  12,  1917,  A.  E.  F..  q.  M,  D.  301,  F.  S,  Army. 

TII-294     (Miildren  of  Fremont  ('.  and  Julia  E.     K'indlei   Hiiell. 


a     Paul  Cameron,  btirn  September  lit,   11' 12. 

208  THE     BULL    FAMILY 

VII-295     Children  of  Alexander  0.  and  Mary  C.  (Clark)  Greider. 

a     Mary  Esther,  born  July  23,  1893. 
b     Fannie  May,  born  March  21,  1896,  died  April  9,  1908. 

VII-296     Children  of  Aaron  and  Elizabeth  (Greider)  Starner. 

a     Merle  John,  born  in  1880. 

He  enlisted,  September  1,  1910,  in  Company  F,  14th  U.  S.  Infantry. 
Again  enlisted  in  April,  1917,  and  is  Sergeant  of  Battery  D,  137th  Field 

b  Edward  Lonis,  born  September  17,  1884,  married 
Jnne  20,  1904,  Rosa  Catherine  O'Connell,  daughter  of 
Michael  and  Kathryn  (Creed)  O'Connell  of  Muskegon, 
Michigan,  born  September  4,  1885 ....VIII-411 

c  Maude  M.,  born  October  13,  1887,  married  Novem- 
ber 22,  1903,  Charles  R.  Bolenbaugh,  son  of  Reuben  Bolen- 
baugh,  born  March  22,  1883 : VIII-412 

They  live  at  Warsaw,  Indiana.  Reuben  Bolenbaugh  was  a  veteran  of 
the  Civil  War. 

d     Edna  May,  born  Februaiy  25,  1889,  married  July  30, 
1911,  Ernest  Melvin  Sholl,  who  was  born  May.  18,  189i....VIII-413 

They  live  at  Warsaw,  Indiana. 

VII-297     Children  of  Joshua  W.  and  Mary   (Greider)   Moore. 


a     Omer  Harrison,  born  June  25,  1888. 

b  Josie  Elizabeth,  born  November  29,  1889,  married 
February  27,  1913,  Arthur  Yeager,  son  of  Jacob  and 
Savylla  Yeager  of  Peru,  Indiana,  born  November  6, 
1887 VIII-414 

c     Leonard  Fisk,  born  May  21,  1891. 

d     Cora  Aseneth,  born  July  31,  1892. 

e     John  Marshall,  born  December  29,  1902. 

YII-298     Children  of  Thomas  AY.  and  Adella   (Jones)   Robison. 


a     AA^ard,  born  in  1884. 
b     Edward,  born  in  1885. 

A"II-299     Children  of  Sabin  and  Lulu    (Brennernan)    Robison. 

a     Rolland  Y.,  born  January  19,  1887,  married  Novem- 
ber 11,  1908,  Chloa  Ferverba,  daughter  of  Hiram  and  Eva 
Ferverba  of  Leesburg,  Indiana,  born  October  23,  1887.:.-..A7'III-415 

He  is  a  graduate  of  the  Oswego  High  School  and  in  the  hardAvare  business 
at  Leesburg,  Indiana. 

b  Garland  F.,  born  December  9,  1897,  married  Novem- 
ber 11.  1917,  Snowden  Harley,  daughter  of  Eugene  and 
Pearl  Harley  of  Leesburg,  Indiana,  born  August,  1897. 

He  is  a  farmer  at  the  Garland  farms  near  Leesburg,  Indiana. 

Till':      i;i   I.I,     I'AM  11, Y  209 

YTT-.'^dO     CliiMivM  (.r  Willi.iiii  II.iimI   l':ii/;il)rtli  (  l'.;in-ir|<,   Willis. 


;i      l)('ll,i  l''t'ni,  l)()ni  (jcIoIht  |."i,  1s7:!.  m.i  rrinj  .\ii<_'iist  'J, 
18I>L',   i'ctci'   I'jiicfv    Kirk,  smi  ol'  .lulm  ;iii.|    KJiiMfii   Collins 
(Tlioiiipsoii  )    Kirk,  of  .MliMiiia.   rciiiis\  I  \  ;iiii;i.  Iioni    l''<'l»r-ii 
ju-y  S.  1S7;5 '. \-|i[   \\h 

'I'licN    li\('  Ml    I  larrishurc,   Pciiiis.vlviiiiiii. 

I>  <Jr,iiil  I  )illi\  .111.  lioni  l''(lii-ii;iry  !"_'.  1  ^7  I.  ni.iiTicd  .M.iv 
14,  1!)(>;5.  I';rric  .M;i.\  LfhiM;iii.  (|;Mi'_:litcr  of  .|;ic.,li  ami  S;ir-;iii 
(Dcri'ick)    Ii('iiiii;iii  ol'  I  )uiic;imi((ii.  I 'niiisvK  ;i  n  i;i  \' II  I    117 

'I'licy    li\('    III     I  I  ,'1  rrisliii  t'u',    I 'i-nns  \  |\  ;i  n  i:i 

VI1-;{01      Cliildivii   of    Willuiiii    II.   ;iimI    .Mary    i  iKncJn    Willi.s. 

a     Grace,  boi'ii  I^'chni.-iry  12,  1SS4. 

Lives   lit   lioTilc,    Diinraimon.    rciiiis.v  lv:i  iii,i. 

Vn-;50-J     Children  of    A.   and    I'.cssic   .M.    ( \h\iv )    Willis. 


a  .Ici'cmiali,  horn  .March  8,  18i)I),  in  Miller  'rownsliip. 
Perry  Connt.v,  Pennsylxania. 

1)  "  Forest  Edward,  horn  A|)i-il  7.  1000.  in  :\|i|]er  Tuwri- 
ship,  Perry  County,  I'ennsylvania. 

e  .Xaldy  Hampton,  hoi'ii  May  Ki,  IDOl,  in  .Milh  r  Town- 
ship, Pei-ry  County,  Pennsylvania. 

cl  Lottie  Pearl,  born  June  7,  lOO:!,  at,  Ci-undy 
Count.v,  ]\rissoiiri. 

e  ]\ral)el  A'iola,  born  August  18,  1905,  at  Stover.  ."Mor- 
gan County,  ]\Iissouri. 

f  Edna  Euellen,  born  -Tauuary  1.  IDOS.  at  Stov.-i-.  :\ror- 
gan  Count.v,  ^lissouri. 

g  Clarence  Reed,  born  July  ."},  1!)!.'),  at  (I rand  Junetion, 
Greene  County,  Iowa. 

VII-303      Children  of  Adoli)hus  A.  and  Sarah   K.   ;  .Mmil        Willis. 


a  Dillivan  Fernandez,  liorn  Jainiar.\'  11.  1>SS.  in  .Miller 
Townshij),  Perrv  Count.v.  Pennsylvania,  married  Decem- 
ber 4,  1913,  Emma  3Iatilda  Pai^c,  daughter  of  John  Pair"' 
of  Luther,  Boone  County,  Iowa,  horn  February  "Jl.  iS!"")   \' 1 1 1-418 

b  AA^illiam  Alvin,  born  December  2'2.  HS!).  in  Millei- 
Township,  Perry  CViunt.\'.  Pennsylvania,  niai-ried  Octohei- 
23,  1911  Verna  Viola  Kousb.  daimhtei-  of  David  Roush  of 
Miller  Township,  born  March  24,  1SII2     \"  11 1-419 

e  Eaymond  Howard,  horn  Fehi'uai-.\  21.  1892.  in  ^liller 
ToAvnship,  Perry  Count.\',  Pennsylvania. 

d  Kuth  Bardella.  horn  August  2.  189."'i.  in  Miihi'  Town- 
ship, Perry  Count.v,  Pennsylxania.  married  Decemhei-  l.">, 
1915,  xVrthui-  A.  Finer,  son  of  (leorge  Finei-  of  Tlioinpson. 
Winnebago  County.  Iowa,  hoi-n  May  11.  1892 VI 11-420 

210  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

e  Darleiie  Fern,  born  September  26,  1898,  in  Miller 
Township,  Perry  County,  Pennsylvania. 

f  1.  Vernon  Earnest,  born  June  23,  1901,  died  Novem- 
ber 8,  1915. 

He  is  buried  in  Rose  Hill  cemetery,   Thompson,   Iowa. 

2.  Clemence  Alva,  born  June  23,  1901,  in  Miller  Town- 
ship, Perry  County,  Pennsylvania. 

VII-301:     Children  of  William  M.  and  Etta  (Garret)  Willis. 


a  Kobert  Garret,  born  July  19.  1877.  married  Septem- 
ber 19,  1900,  Maida  Texido,  daughter  of  Fred  and  Laura 
Texido  of  Snow,  Idaho,  born  July  4,  1882.... VIII-421 

He  is  a  farmer  and  has  a  farm  and  dairy  at  Eureka  Springs,  Arkansas. 

¥11-305     Children  of  Dr.  James  C.  and  Elizabeth  J.  (Willis)  Hall. 


a     Koscoe  AVillis,  born  February  22,  1888. 

He  graduated  at  Dickinson  College  with  the  degree  of  Ph.  B.  in  1908;  at 
Johns  Hopkins  University  with  M.  D.  in  1912;  was  interne  at  the  City  Hos- 
pital, Bay  View,  Baltimore,  Maryland,  1912-191.3;  assistant;  resident  and 
assistant  dispensary  psychiatrist  at  Johns  Hopkins  Hospital,  1913-1915;  dis- 
pensary psychiatrist  and  resident  psychiatrist  at  .Johns  Hopkins  Hospital, 
1916-191T.  Enlisted  in  U.  S.  Army  in  May,  1917,  commissioned  First  Lieuten- 
ant in  May,  1917,  and  Captain,  .Tune  27,  1917,  sailing  for  France  with  1st 
Neurological  Unit  August  9,  1917.  Served  at  Iving's  College  Hospital,  Lon- 
don, until  January  1st,  1918;  at  Hospital  for  Officers  at  Edinburgh,  Scotland, 
for  three  weeks  ;  at  hospitals  in  France  near  Verdun,  in  Lorraine  in  foothills 
of  Vosges  Mountains,  and  in  Haute  Marne  District  until  September  1st,  1918; 
and  was  with  hospitals  of  First  Field  Army  as  Director  until  armistice  was 
signed.  He  went  to  London  for  attention  to  shell-shock  patients,  and  was 
there  on  latest   information  awaiting  further  orders. 

y  11-306     Children  of  Robert  M.   and  Katie    (Maxwell)    Willis. 


a  Grace  Gwendoline,  born  February  12,  1896,  married 
March,  1913,  Ray  Noll,  who  M^as  born  February  18, 
1875  ....VIII-422 

b     Fay,  born  in  1898. 

c     Cleel,  born  in  1899. 

A^II-307     Children  of  Charles  E.   and  Grace  E.    (Willis)    Bern- 
heisel.  VI-129-c 

a  Forest  Willis,  born  December  19.  1892,  married  Octo- 
ber 7.  1914,  Dora  Garber,  daughter  of  Emanuel  and  Sarah 
Garber    ; VIII-423 

b     1.     Newton  Clarence,  born  October  26,  1894. 

Enlisted  May,  1917,  and  was  in  service  at  Corpus  Christie,  Texas,  until 
August,  1918,  when  he  sailed  for  France  in  Company  A,  .5th  Regiment  of 

2.     William  Lawrence,  born  October  26,  1894. 

Was  drafted  into  the  Army  August,  1918,  and  sent  to  France  in  Septem- 
ber, 1918,  in  5(>th  Pioneer  Infantry.  He  was  assigned  to  the  Headquarters 

'Illi:      I'.l    1,1,      !••  AMILV  -I  I 

^'ll-;!llS      ('liildrcii    of    .Idliii    ( '.    ,iihI    Li/./.ir    i '\':\>^iSiw\  )    Mcrrditli. 

;i  Kolicrt      TjlULUIfl  ,     llOl-tl      I  )i'crnilir|-      11.      ]s7(i       illril      I  )r 

(•(■ml. CI-  n,  1S!)!I. 

I)  l']lc;iii()i';i,  Ikimi  .M,i\-  17,  Ihhl!,  iiiarric(|  .l,iiiii;ii-v  1, 
lilOT.    Ilci-licrl    Aiidcisoii    '     \'II|.lL'l 

'I'hi'V    live   ;il     W  iiirii'lj;i:;n.    Illiiiois. 

(•  Ijicillc.  Ik. Ml  M.iivli  1!),  iSSj.  iiwirricd  .\I;irc|i  ll',  ]'Mi7, 
ll;in'\    r.;ini(k    \' I  I  I  -  L'.'i 

'I'lii'V    li\('   ill    Wiiinrliii;;-!!,    Illiiuiis. 

d      'I'Ik.iikis  l);i\'i<l,  Imni   .M.-in-li  •'!').   issii.  Mi;irrici|  .|;iihi 
ary  20,  1!)10,  Kdilh  Ciirlcr. 

TlicN'   live  :il    Wiiin('l)a};i'.    Illimiis. 

VII-80!)      Cliildivn  of  David   P..  and   Isal.clla   S.   (  Lovc  ,    M.-ivdit h. 

a      ("alviii  Malcci'.  horn  I'li.  lS!)(i. 
1)     ]\rar,uai-c1  lioi-ii  .Ma\    Id.  1:m»I). 
e     William  .M(d\iiilcy.  I.oni  .liiiic  1(»,  11)01. 

VII-:]10     Children   oi'   Kev.    William   K.    and    Sarah   .J.      Tavlor) 
Heiich.  VM:n-a 

a     (irace  T.,  born  in  187!).  mai'iicd  iJidiai-d  Locke VIII-42t; 

VII-311      Children  of  Rev.  William  J{.  and  Kudora  K.     .Mnrpiiv) 
Hench.  VI-LU-a 

a     Ricdiard.  Ix.rn  Jnnc  24.  1883,  died  An-ust  2:5.  1893. 

1)  ^lary  Linn,  born  Septendxi'  30,  1885,  married  Octo- 
ber 30.  1912.  Otis  Alfred  Ci'(.uhaii.  who  was  horn  Decem- 
ber 30.  1884 \'1 11-427 

VTT-312     Children  of  John    B.   and    Helen    rRebl..    llen.-h, 


a  .Ja\-  Lxiiian,  horn  April  11.  18S.').  married  dune  22, 
1911,  Rachel  Elting  Cable,  who  was  born  dune  1.  188H..      \' 1 1 1-428 

b  Horace,  born  Maindi  24,  1SS7.  mai-i'ied  2ti, 
1913,  ]\Iadeline  Xash  Mea(diem,  who  was  horn  .\uL:ust  1 '>, 
1887  - V  1  ll-42'» 

c     Ralph  Bull,  born  Octob(M-  29,  1889, 

d      Helen  Kathi'vn.  hoi'n  January   1,   ISDo.  mai'ried   Feb- 

I'uary  1.  1!)17.  Frank  dae(.h  Sehaefer Vll-429* 

VII-313     Children    of    Roherl    11.    and    Ida       Kindle      lleiieh. 


a  Rnth  TIaz(d,  horn  in  1S93.  married  X(U-eniher,  1914. 
John  Cornell  VIII-430 

b     Jose]ihine.  born  in  189.'i. 

212  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-314     Children  of  E.   Henry  and   Viola    (Jones)    Hencli. 


a  ]\Iarr,  born  in  1880. 

b  Alice  M..  born  in  1881,  married  September  18,  1907. 

John  G.  Waterman - VIII-431 

c  Robert  H.,  born  in  1888. 

d  LeRov  P.,  born  in  1890. 

e  Hazel  V.,  born  in  1892. 

f  Glen  Edward,  born  in  1897. 

VII-315     Children  of  John  and  Hannah  J.  (Hench)  Hogbin. 


a     William  R.,  born  in  1888,  died  nnmarried. 

Yn-316     Children  of  William  R.  and  Carrie  (Bradbury)  Hench. 


a  Florence,  born  in  1885. 

b  Waldron,  born  in  1889. 

c  Henry  0.,  born  in  1893. 

d  Margaret  E.,  born  in  1896. 

VII-317     Children  of  Daniel  M.  and  Mary  M.  (Neville)  Hench. 


"  a     Grace  X.,  born  May  14,  1885,  married  July  8,  1908,  at 
Cherokee,  Iowa,  Leo  Morton .___VIII-432 

VII-318     Children  of  Daniel  M.  and  May  I.  (Frizzle)  Hench. 


a     Eddie  R.,  born  October  8,  1888,  at  Cherokee,  Iowa, 
died  January  17,  1893,  in  Cherokee  County,  loAva. 

b     Bernice   A.,   born   February   7,    1892,    at   Cherokee, 
Iowa,  married  July  12,  1916,  Earl  B.  Cummins  of  ]\Iadison     .- 
County,  Iowa. 

c^    Georgie  May,  born  July  4,  1895,  at  Cherokee,  Iowa. 

d     Alvin  M.,  born  August  5,  1897,  in  Wright  County, 

VII-319     Children  of  Charles  B.  and  Alice  A.   (Fisher)   Kosier. 


a     Hattie  Rebecca,  born  October  5,  1882,  married  De- 
cember 12,  1901,  William  Stukey _.VIII-433 

They  live  at  Rockford,  Illinois. 

VII-320     Children  of  Richard  A.  and  Margaret  I.  (Bull)  Morley. 

a     Virginia  Linn,  born  June  5,  1903. 
b     Elizabeth  Lois,  born  November  12,  1905. 
c     Richard  Arthur  II,  born  September  6,  1908. 
d     William  Haydon,  born  September  8,  1911. 

'I' III-:    mi.i,    I'AMii.v 


VI1-:!J1       Childivii  (.r  Cliiiiiiicry    l.'.j.inl   Ahiiy    I,',    il'.iilh    I  Inj.kins. 

\l  1 :{.')-.  I 

.•I      1.      .M,irtli;i  i:ii/;il>rtli.  Im.i-h  .IiiI\   •_',  111];;. 

A  lli'ii   Liii  II,  Imrii  -I  III  \ 

•)      Hi    •' 


VII-;}L*l:      Children  (. I'  C.    I  Icnry  ;i  ikI   .\|;irth;i    X.    >l',iill.    .Miiiisli.-M. 


;i     "Rolx'i-I  .■\I;i1tlic\\.  Im)|-h  Api'il  1-').  l!)l:!. 
1)      .loliii  .liidsoii.  horn  Oi-tolicr  'I'-'),  lltl  I. 
e     (Mijii'Ics  Ilciiry,  dr..  horn  d;imi;ify  111.  1I(1(). 
d     Jeiiii  l>iiiii.  Ihhii  d  III  \-  1' I,  l!il7.  ;it   I  iiioii  Spriii^.s,  New 

JUll.X    iU  LL 


(Page    -21) 

VII-323     Children  of  Elmer  E.  aiul  Ahii-aret  (Barron)   Milliiraii. 


a     Nathan  V..  Iiorn  in  lf)(»(). 
b     Ella,  liorn  in  l!Hr_>. 
c     Vera,  burn  in  1!)()4. 

VII-32-1:     Children' of  John   15.   and   Ida   E,    (Bigelow)    Milliiran. 


a  Edward  Conistoek.  l)orn  May  12,  1S!)1. 

b  Earl  Lowell,  born  October  I'o.  18!).'). 

c  John  James,  born  Januarx'  4.  ISDT. 

d  Fred. 

e  Hay. 

f  Howard. 

g  Frank. 

214  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-325     Children  of  Frank  and  Martha  B.   (Milligan)  Babcock. 

a     Edward,  born  September  3,  1905. 

A'II-326     Children  of  Thomas  M.  and  A.  May   (Whiting)   Milli- 
gan. VI-136-e 

a  James  Newton,  born  November  28,  1898. 
b  Donald  Alonzo,  born  December  17,  1903. 
c     Kyle  Meredith,  born  Febrnary  18,  1907. 

VII-327     Children   of   William   P.    and   Katherine   A.    (Oakins) 
Milligan.  VI-136-h 

a  William  Porter,  Jr.,  born  December  29,  190-4,  in  JMin- 
neapolis,  Minnesota. 

YII-328     Children  of  A.  and  Grace  G.   (Milligan)   Sauzer. 

a     Gordon,  born  in  1907. 

VII-329     Children  of  Fred  J.  and  Edith  C.  (Zalesky)  Byington. 


a     Frederick  Jackson,  born  February  25,  1901. 
b     Corinne,  born  November  11,  1905. 
c     Robert  Richard,  born  July  25,  1914. 

VII-330     Children  of  Paul  P.  and  Katherine  A.   (Jordan)    Gau- 
thier.  VI-138-d 

a  William  Bull  Jordan,  born  at  Williamsport,  Penn- 
sylvania, June  24,  1891. 

He  is  a  Lieutenant  in  the  U.  S.  Army  and  is  attached  to  Company  C  of 
the  56th  Engineers,  Search  Ijight  Division,  American  Expeditionary  Force  in 

VII-331     Children  of  Stanley  L.  and  Kathryn  F.   (Miller)   Jor- 
dan. VI-138-g 

a  John  Stanley,  born  at  Seattle,  Washington,  Decem- 
ber 23,  1907. 

b  Thomas  Barnett,  born  at  Seattle,  Washington, 
August  25,  1909. 

c  Kathryn  Marie,  born  at  Seattle,  Washington,  August 
12,  1911. 

d  William  Bull,  born  at  Seattle,  Washington,  Febru- 
ary 19,  1918. 

VII-332     Children  of  John  T.   and  Anna  A.    (Grain)    Connor. 

a     Edgar  Ahl,  ])orn  January  23,  1874,  married  August, 
1900,  Georgia  Claskill.    He  died  August  9,  1911. 

b  ]\rary  Grace,  born  February  20,  1879,  married  March 
15,  1900,  Governia  B.  McClure,  who  was  born  January  18, 
1879  L..VIII-434 

'I'lIK     I'.ri.l.     FAMILY  215 

\'ll-;{;v5      ( 'liildri'ii    (if    Alliril     II.    ,111, 1     l^iiiniii     i  .M.Vt-rs  i     < 'rjijn. 

\l    ll').|, 

;i       luiliiTl    MiiiiTN  ,  liiii'ii   M.-iri'li    1(1,   ISI)."». 

h      .M,ii-y   .Myers,  horn  .M;in-li  I'D.   1S!I!I. 

(•      Willi.iiii  ('l;ii-k,  horn  I-'.-hi'iiii  ry  IJ,  lllOl. 

\'  I  l-;>;U     Cliih h'l'M  oT  W'.ilt rr  Iv  ;inil  l^'lorciier  lv  i  (  'I'.-iin  i  <  i;irl;iii<I. 

;i      Khcy  St  ii;irl .  hoi'H  Sept  cinhir  I'T,  l.S.S,"),  m.-irrii'd  (lr;ine 

h      l'.l;inchc  (  'r;iiii,  horn   .M;iy  •_!.  lSS(i. 
(•      \V;iilcr  l;cc.  horn  (  )ctohfr  'Jd.  ]S!)(i. 

VII-335     Cliihhvn    of    Ihiny    jnid    .Mary    H.    (CraiiM     \V..()lt'. 

a     Ruth  Craiii.  .lied  Scptciidx-r  Kt.  1898. 

VII-336     Cliildi-cii   ot"   Robert    li.    and    Kva    (  .Maii.-h.-stcr )     I'.arr. 

\'l   1  l_'-a 
a     AValtrr  S..  born  in  IS!).") 

\'li-337      Children  of  William  X.  and  l-^li/.ahet  h   A.   >  ileiircs)   Sci- 

bert.  VI-14:5-a 

a     AVilliaiu   Sponsler,  born  Decenihei-  I'l.   l^T'J.  marrieil 

Octol)er  22,  1806.  Allie  F.  Fastuaeht.  who  was  horn  .Mav  !!•. 

1874  L.  \'III-43;^ 

They  live  at   New  Bloomfield,   Pennsylvania. 

VII-338     Cliildreii  of  Ileury  P.  and  .May  (Clifton^  T^oss.    \' 1-144-.- 
a     Etbel.  died  iiniiiarricd. 

YII-339     Children  of  George  and  Ellen  (Pliipps)  Ross.     VI-144-e 

a  Thomas,  married  IMary  Rlohy  of  Pliiladelpliia VII 1-430 

b  Elsie, 

e  Ellen, 

d  :\Iay. 

e  Gertrude, 

f  George. 

VII-340     Children  of  Pohert  S.  aiul  Fainne     i*awliim     Dana. 


a  Robert  Sylvester, 

b  Emma  A. 

e  Eli./.abeth. 

d  Louisa  A. 

e  Ellen. 

AW  are  dead,  and  they  are  Imried  in  Cireenwood  een.etery  at  Trenton.   New 

216  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YII-341     Children  of  Charles  W.  and  Ellen  P.  (Friedley)  French. 


a     Charles  Howard,  married  Lillian  L.  Forrest .....VIII-437 

They  live  at  Seattle,  Washington. 

VII-342     Children  of  John  J.  and  Rebecca  P.  (Friedley)  Corson. 


a     Ellen  Pawling,  born  May  23,  1874.  married  September 

7,  1904,  Dr.  Eben  Wesley  White  of  Washington,  D.  C VIII-438 

b     Susan  Rogers,  born  August  26,  1875,  unmarried. 

She  lives  at  Landsdowne,   Pennsylvania. 

c  Alice  Vincent,  born  December  31,  1876,  at  Norristown, 
Pennsylvania,  married  October  8,  1908,  Kenneth  Stewart 
Patton,  Jr.,  of  Charlottesville,  Virginia VIII-439 

They  live  at  Rochelle,  France. 

d  John  Jay,  born  April  21.  1878,  at  Norristown,  Penn- 
sylvania, married  December  16,  1909,  Eleanor  Gertrude 
Yeakle  of  Norristown,  Pennsylvania VIII-440 

They  live  at  Xorristown,  Pennsylvania. 

e  Henry  Friedley,  born  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania, 
November  14,  1881,  married  April  10,  1912,  Mary  Lois  Alker 
of  Norristown,  Pennsylvania.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  NorrLstown,  Pennsylvania. 

f  Paula  Lawrence,  born  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania, 
October  5,  1883,  married  February  15,  1905,  Paul  Mames 
March   - = VIII-441 

They  live  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania. 

g  Charles  Russell,  born  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania, 
April  25,  1887,  unmarried. 

He  lives  at  Lansdowne,  Pennsylvania. 

h  Dorothy  Heister,  born  at  Norristown,  Pennsylvania, 
July  2,  1889,  married  September  9,  1914,  Samuel  R.  Brookes 
of  Washington,  Georgia VIII-442 

They  live  at  Washington,   Georgia. 

VII-343     Children  of  Henry  and  Emily  S.  (Gemung-Ross)  Fried- 
ley. VI-147-b 

a     Eleanor  Henry,  born  August  2,  1887. 

VII-344     Children  of  George  P.  and  Georgine    (Clarke)    Rich. 


a  Gerald,  born  August  13,  1895.  Has  been  in  service, 
1918,  with  U.  S.  Cavalry  in  Texas. 

b     Mary  Margaret,  born  August  8,  1898. 

VII-345     Children  of  Rear  Admiral  Caspar  F.  and  Eleanor  (Mil- 
nor)   Goodrich.  VI-150-a 

a  Eleanor,  born  at  Yokohama,  Japan,  October  19,  1876, 
married  (1)  June  1,  1901,  Douglas  Campbell.    No  issue. 

TIIK      I'.l   1,1.     KAMILV  217 

.M;iiTii'(l   (  "J  )   (  »c|(ilirr  I,   l!l|:'.,  (  'lijii-lcs  ThoiiKis  I  );ivi.s.  Cjlp- 

l;i  ill   ill    li  '7l  h    I  'idiirrrs  (iT   I  m  I  i;i    A  rmy. 

li      .\l  iliior.  Ixtrii    ISTs.  ilicl    iSSii. 

('  (';is|i;ir,  lioni  in  l''l(irriici',  Italy,  .\l;i>  I  I  "^"^L',  ili"-i| 
.Inly   1.").   I!)()7. 

lie  iippoiiiti'd  M  Idslii  |iiii,'i  II  Irniii  ( 'iiMiii-i'l  ii'iil  iil  til)'  N'aviil  Ai-itfli-iiiy, 
A iiiia|iiilis,  Mjir.vliiiKl,  Scpl imiiIm  r  7,  lsi>7;  cniilnatrd,  .liitii-  7.  l!Mi|  ;  fiiiiiini<i- 
sidiK'd  Kiisi^ii,  .liinc  7,  I'.MI.'!;  Licntcniiiit,  junior  (;rni\i\  .liiiii-  7,  l!MH>;  wni 
killed  (HI  lidiii'd  tlir  I'.  S.  hull  Icsliin  " '( Jcuruin ' '  liy  an  explosion.  IIIm  hitvIit 
wiiN  as  I'dlldw-s:  I!Hll-l!lir_',  l'.  S,  S.  ' '  I  .iiiicnsti'r' ',  'rraiiiiiii;  Kipiiidrnii  ;  |!Hi:!, 
r.  S.  S.  ■■M:iiiH'"  iiiid  1.  S,  S.  ■  •Clivc'laiid".  Atlaiilii-  Slalion;  r.»ll.'i  liMMi. 
r.  S.  S.  •■('hica-n",  racilic  Slatioii;  I'.iii7.  I'.  S.  S.  '  •(JcitrKin",  Atlantic 

(1  (ianicl  Woolsey,  Ihu'ii  in  l-'loinirr,  Italy.  1 SS-J.  died  at 
Siena.    Ilal.\-,    ISSIi. 

(■  (iladys.  liorii.luiH'  M.  iSSfi,  inarrird  (1)  at  Wasliint^- 
ton,  1).  ('.,  Octolx'i'.  1!)0!».  (Miai'Ics  IJclkiiai).     Xo  issnr. 

]\[an-ied  (2)  Septi'inhfr  17.  llHil. -lolin  Clai-k  I'.ivnnan. 

VII-346     Cliildi'cii  of  Elmsli."  M.  and  Susan  V.  (Miliior)  (lill.-t. 

VI- 150- 1. 

a     Alice,  married  ITeiiry  Xott  Ransom \'III44:! 

1)     P>(^rtlia.  marriod  AVilHaiu  i'atcrson \' II 1-444 

(•     -lane  llaxall,  nian-icd  .Morris  Kctdiain  \'lll-44") 

d     Ciiarlotte  ^Miliior,  luan'ifd  Ai'tlun-  1'.  .\i-dena\v VIII-44«; 

e  Langdon,  married  April,  1016,  Ayiinc  .Mct'ready. 

f     :\Iildred,  married  1912,  Reoiuald  Saulonl VI 11-147 

VTT-:147     riiildivu  of  riiristoplici-  S.  aii(]  Ell.'ii   (  Stuart      I'att.T- 
soii.  \'l-l.")l-a 

a  (ieorge  Stuart,  born  October  bt.  ISiiS,  uiai-ried  .May 
2(),  1!)04,  p]leanor  AVilling,  daughter  of  Arthur  Lee  and 
Anne  Louise  (Hoy)  Willing .^ \' 1 1 1  448 

He  gnuUiated  at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  1SSX.  Ts  a  lawyer 
and  general  solicitor  of  the  Pennsylvania   Kailroad. 

b  Joseph  TIenrv,  Ixnai  .Iiiiic  1.  lS7(b  died  uniuarri«'d 
May  1.  18!)9. 

He   g-raduated   at    the  University   of   Pennsylv.-iiiia,    ami   a    i.nirTiali^t 

c     Christopher  Stuart,  ])orn  Deeeniiter  10,  1>71. 

He  graduated  at   the  rniversity  of   I'eniisy Ivania.     Ho  was  a   Lieutenant  in 

the  IL   S.   Coast   Aiiillcry,      Kesi^-iuMl. 

d     Eleanor  CuyltM-,  born  October  2!'.  1S7;1. 

e  Francis  Deiiiiison,  born  .lime  2.  lS7.'i.  married  Octo- 
ber 21,  IIH);"),  p]dith  Zuleika  .\daitisoii.  daui^litiM'  of  Arthur 
Jay  Adamson. 

He  graduated  at  the  University  ol"  Pennsylvania  with  the  desrree  of  M.  D. 
He  was  Assistant  S'urgeon  in  the  :!rd  Ri-irinient.  Pennsylvania  Volunteer  In- 
fantry,  in  the  Porto  Rico   campaign.    Siianish-.Xinerican   War. 

f  Jane  Ouyler,  lioni  .luiie  21).  188.").  died  unniarri»'d 
December  24,  "l!H)(;. 

218  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VII-348     Children  of  John  C.  and  Grace  L.    (Patterson)    Shns. 


a  Grace  Patterson,  born  November  1,  1878,  died  Julv 
4,  1882. 

b  Jane  Curler,  born  December  21,  1879,  married  No- 
vember 14,  Arthur  Newlin,  M.  D.,  of  Philadelphia,  Penn- 
sylvania     - - VIII-449 

c  Dorothv  Falcon,  born  March  5,  1881,  married  June 
20.  1904,  Charles  Piatt  III.. VIII-450 

d  Emmeline  ]\Iarion,  born  January  22,  1883.  married 
Septemiber  14,  1910,  Frederick  Eosengarten  of  Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania  VIII-451 

e  James  Patterson,  born  July  21,  1884,  died  January 
17.  1885. 

f  John  Clarke,  born  September  27,  1887,  married  Octo- 
ber 1,  1913,  Helen  Robins - ..¥111-452 

g  Joseph  Patterson,  born  January  6,  1900,  married 
January  17,  1917,  Ann  Scott. 

They  live  at  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

YII-349     Children  of  Theodore   C.   and  Frances    (Bissell)    Pat- 
terson. '  VI-151-d 

a  Elizabeth  Stuart,  born  November  25,  1882,  died  De- 
cember 24,  1890. 

b  Maria  Jesup,  born  October  4,  1884,  married  July  18, 
1907,  George  Howe  of  Boston,  Massachusetts.-- - -VIII-453 

He  was  educated  in   Europe.     Is  an  architect   at   Cliestnut   Hill,   Philadel- 
phia, where  they  live. 

VII-350     Children  of  Charles  H.  and  Elizabeth  J.    (Patterson) 
Jenks.  VI-152-b 

a     Francis  B.,  born  November  6,  1875. 

VII-351     Children  of  Robert  M.  and  Martha  S.  (Patterson)  Rob- 
inson. VI-153-a 

a  Samuel,  born  July  12,  1856.  married  November  2, 
1882,  Florence  Janvier,  daughter  of  Edward  P.  Janvier  of 
Kent  County,  Maryland. 

b  ]\rary,  born  January  9,  1860,  married  December  4, 
1902,  AVilliam  B.  Cummings. 

c     Martina  Talmadge,  born  June  30,  1863. 
d     Jonathan  John,  born  January  11,  1865. 
e     Margaret,  born  August  12,  1867,  died  December  3, 

'iiii';    i;i  I.I,    i''A.\iii,v  '.'19 

\'II-;{r;-J      Cliildivii    (,r   '   C     .in.l    AhimIIi    |),    (CniiH-i    I'at- 

Icisoii.  \'l  l.'):M) 

i\      ('h.iilrs   I'ld  w  ;ii'(|.   lnMii    April    1  ^.    |s(i(;_   nwirricil  .]\\tio 

1"),    ISS!),  .Iciinii'   Lvoii,  (1,1  ii'j  hi  cr  of   ,\l)i<'|    llciir-v    liVoji   of 

Chicnp..    Illinois   '        '  \' I  II    l.'>4 

li        AhlfV     (H'|-|ni(lc,     horn     Srpl  clnhiT     17.     IStiS,     UliltTlfrl 

Ocloh.M'  IS.   ISSS.  Wiillrr  \\;i  I  k  ins  of  Nrw    \,M-k  <'ity  \' I  I  I    J.').'. 

VIT-:^"):)      ('liihlrcn   of    l*'(l\\;ii-(l   and    Isnhcllii    L.    (('oxcj    I ';it  tf|-snri. 


;i  l^(l\\;ii'<l  Liddoii,  horn  Anmisl  I'l.  lS(i(i.  ;it  Kast 
( )i';iii<,;r.  New  .Jersey.  ni;irried  dune  II.  r.Mi:',.  |<'r;iners  l.oiiiHi' 
llewlell  of  Ilewlell.  LoilU'  Ishind,  h.\-  llir  I,'i--|it  KeV.  I'.islioj. 
Ihif^t'ss  ol'  liOii^  Ishiiid. 

Ill'  KrailiiMlcil  Ml  ('(iluiiilii.i  ('(ilic^c  ill  Issi'i.  ;iiii|  111  ( 'olmiiliiii  Liiw  Sclioul 
ill  ISSS.  Ill'  is  :i  liiwycr.  lie  wms  Kiisl  Liciilcnaiit  of  llic  L'lllst  N'cw  York 
Nnluiilcrr  lnl'iiiitr.\  Kcyiini'iil  ill  llic  S|i:iiiish-Atncririi ii  war.  im<l  was  aiilc  ilf 
i-aiii|i   to    l!ri«:a(lii'r   (Iriicral    (iii.\'    \'.    llniry.    I'.    .S     \'iiliiiitccrs,    in    I'nrlii    llir.i. 

1)  .Mary  Xcwljold,  hoi'ii  Ai)ril  1!).  iSd!).  ;it  Kast  Oraii-j-e. 
New  Jersey,  inarri.'d  May  14,  1!)(»:;,  K'ieli,ird  \V,ilden  li;de 
of  Boston,  .Massaeliiisetts \'  II  I   J.'iti 

(*  Eh'aiioi-  Stiiarl,  horn  June  24.  1^7-2.  ;d  l-'Iast  OraiiLie. 
.\(^w  .Jerse\',  married  December  20,  11)().'>,  Harris  Kohins 
Childs  of  New  York  City Vlll-i:.7 

d  Ileniy  Stnart.  liorn  .lannary  ;"),  1874.  at  I*'ast  Oi-anire. 
New  Jersey,  mai-ried  Oetohei-  h.  1!H)().  ( 'liai'lotte  Wise 
Hopkins,  at  the  ("liapel,  Williams  ColleLic.  Massaeluisctts. 
l)y  the  Rev.  Henry  IIo])kins,  presi(h'nt  of  the  eoUeije VIII-4")S 

He  giafluated  at  Williairs  College  in  IS'Mi,  and  at  the  College  of  Physi- 
cians and  Snri;f(inK.   New  York  City.      Ts  a   i)liysician. 

e  Artlmr  Coxe.  hoi-n  did.\  ;U,  1S7S.  at  Kast  Oraii.ire, 
New  Jersey. 

Gradnated  at    Williams   Colleso  in    llml.      Is  n    lawyer. 

f  Anthonv  Drexel,  l)orn  .lainiar\-  18,  1883,  died  .Mav  1. 

VII-354     Cinldren  of   Bri^'adier  (ieneral   doliii    II.   and    Mary    K. 

(Forbes)   Patterson!  Vl-l.'):;-d 

a     Stnart  For])es,  horn  at  Fort  Totten,   Dakota.   Kel>ni- 

arv  4,  1874.  died  at  Sai-an;ic  Lake.  New  \avk.  Decemher  .'•. 


He  graduated   at    Willi.inis  (,(ille-c   in    l''^'.i-">.      Was   a   law.ver. 

h  Elizabetli  Stnart.  horn  at  l-'ort  Seward.  l^akot;i.  Sep- 
tember 20,  187(i. 

c  Helen,  hoiai  at  ("olnmhiis  Bari-atdcs.  Ohio.  Jainiary 
2,  1881. 

VII-355     Children  of  Valentine  .M.  and   Klorenee   .Hart      Patter- 
son. VI-iri3-e 
a     Clifford,  born  Jannary  .">.  1880. 
b     :\rai-v  Fli/.a.  born  April  !•.  1882. 



VII-356     Children  of  Rufus  H.  and  Martina  T.  (Patterson)  San- 
ford.  VI-153-f 
a     Edward  Patterson,  born  July  29,  1877. 

Graduated  at  the  University  of  Minnesota  in  1900.     Is  a  lawyer. 

b     Henry  Chapman,  born  January  20,  1883. 

YII-357     Children    of    Thomas    :\I.    and    Carrie    B.    (Patterson) 
Newbold.  VI-154-a 

a  Margaret  Mitchell,  born  March  22,  1873,  married 
James  M.  Castle. 

They  live  at  Cliestnut  Hill,  Pennsylvania. 

b     Henry  Stuart,  born  October  23,  1881,  died  unmarried, 
c     Grace  Bartram,  born  September  15,  1884. 

VII-358     Children  of  James  AV.  and  Elizabeth  S.    (Henderson) 

Cromwell.  VI-155-a 

a     Lincoln,   born   May   20,    1865,   married   October   30, 

1895,  IMabel  A¥heeler  Smith,  daughter  of  Rev.  Cornelius 

Bishop  and  Mary  (Wheeler)  Smith,  born  in  1865 VIII-459 

They  live  in  New  York  City.     He  graduated  at  Columbia  Col-lege  in  1886, 
and  at  Columbia  Law  School  in  1888.     He  is  a  merchant. 

b  James  A¥illiam,  born  April  19,  1868,  married  Novem- 
ber 11,  1903,  Paula  Bronson,  daughter  of  Robert  D.  and 
Isabella  D.  Bronson  of  Summit,  New  Jersev,  born  in  Nice, 
France    - - - - -- VIII-460 

He  graduated  at  Columbia  School  of  Mines  in  1889,  and  is  an  architect. 

c     Anna  Caroline,  born  March  15,  1872,  unmarried. 

d     Charles  Edwin,  born  July  2,  1877,  died  January  11, 


Aai-359     See  VII-136.     Children  of  Levi  B.  and  Anna  (Hender- 
son) Alricks.  VI-155-d 

A^II-360     Children  of  AVilliam  H.  and  Emma  (Boyd)  Henderson. 


a     Anna,  born  May  10,  1883. 

Eighth   Generation 

VIII-1  Children  of  William  H.  F.  and  Elizabeth  S.  (Ritten- 
house)  Gurley.  VH-l-a 

a     Emily,  born  November,  1854,  died  January,  1855. 

b  Ralph  Randolph,  born  January  16,  1856,  married 
June  6,  1878,  Ella  Jeannette  Gibbons.l _..JX-1 

c     Henrietta,  born  and  died  in  1857. 

d     Alarion,  born  and  died  in  1859. 

e     Franklin  Rittenhouse,  born  May  31,  1860. 

f  AA^illiam  Fitzhugh,  born  April  30,  1861,  married 
Elizabeth  Buckey.    No  issue. 

'I'lli;      I'.l   l,L     I'AMII.Y  221 

'j;      l<\'i'(liii;iii<l,  lidni  ;im(|  dioj  in  isi;:,'. 
Ii      ( ';ir(iliii('.  IxiiM  ;i  III  I  died  in   iSli.'i. 

i      (icoi'Lic   Mull.  Imiii   .\o\('iiil)cr   II.   Isiil,  diiil    N'ovi-m 
her   17,   1  SI)  I,  iiiiiii;i  iTicd. 

A'lH-l.'      (Miildrcii    of    .loscpli     II.    ,iiid     IsoImI     I,      >  U'lt  ti'iilioiisf » 
Noiirsc.      iN'III-l'l)  \'il-l  .• 

;i  \Villi;iiii.  horn  April  .">.  Is.'il,  died   l"'idini;ify  "J'J,  Ibo-t. 

1)  Isolx'l.  honi  .\()\i'iiil)cr  II,   I S.').'!,  iiiiiii;in-ii'd. 

c  lIiMirict  l;i,  lioni  ;iiid  dird  .Jiiiic  |(i,  iS.'jS. 

(I  iMuily,  lioni  .liiiic  r_',  iSol),  niiiii;irrii'd. 

(■  l-]d\\;ii'(|  l'i\(Tc|j.  Iioi'ii  I  )('('(Mnl)('r  l!4.  isi;;',.  at  \'>:\\  ■ 
fi(4(l,  Wiscoiisiii.  iiijirricd  .M;iy  1(1,  isnl.  Susie  l'\iy  Siivt-i-- 
iiail,  Avlio  \v;is  honi  ()c1()I)im-  2!I.  Isiiii.  at  I!;iyfirld.  Wis- 

They  live  at  Berlin,  Coniieeticiit.  lie  wiis  student  iit  the  I.ako  Forest 
Aeademy  and  rniversity,  ]S,S2-lSS(i;  Mae.VIester  <  olleire.  St.  I'lml,  Nfinnesotii. 
ISSd-lSST:  Lake  Forest  University,  ISSS;  <]r|-;,,luated  at  Ilartfiiril.  ( '..niieetii-ut, 
ThedldS'ieal  Seminary.  1S!H:  received  degree  of  S.  T.  D..  1S!>:;;  p^:st-i;radtiiite 
Hartford  Seminary,  IS'.i:',- 1S!I4 :  University  of  Jena.  l.S04-1S!l."i ;  rereived  desjree 
of  I).  D.  from  Lake  Forest  Seminary  in  ISilT:  was  licensed  to  preach  l>y  the 
Chicago  Presbytery  in  18!ll>:  ordained  in  the  Presbyterian  >rinistrv.  IS'.i:',;  «-ns 
pastor  of  Berlin,  Connecticut,  Second  Congregational  Cliurch.  1S!tt>-lS!(.S;  at 
ILirtford  Seminary,  instructor.  1S!IS-1!I0I1;  assistant  professor.  1'.»',ll)-1!i:iri.  and 
Professor  of  Bil)lical  Theology,  lilt).';  lectured  at  llolyoke  College  in  lilli:!.  Is 
author  of  several   woi'ks  and  articles  on  theology. 

o-     ITarvoy,  born  February  20.  1870. 
h     Laurie,  born  January  18,  1872. 
i     Louisa,  boni  December  25,  1873. 
j     Bessie,  born  June  10,  1876. 
(Four  ebildiMMi  died  in  infancy.) 

VIII-3     Children  of  Alexander  ^L  and  .Marv   1).   (Rittenlion.s<>) 
Woods.  \- 1 1  2,1 

a     Henrietta  Rittenhouse.  ])nr\\  in  Wasliiuytoii.  D.  ('. 

b  James  Sterrett,  born  in  Ilartsville.  Hucks  ("ouiitv. 
Pennsylvania,  married  January,  18!)8,  Lenoi-e  Ross  Isen- 
ber^',  dauiiliter  of  JoseiJi  (i.  and  Lois  (DufVy  Iseid)er^'  of 
Huntingdon  County,  Pennsylvania IX-2 

They  live  at  Huntingdon,   Pennsylvania,   where  he  is  n   lawyer. 

c  Franklin  "Rittenhous(\  born  at  TTartsville.  liiu-ks 
County,  Pennsylvania,  married  Septeiubei-  14.  ISDS.  Mai-y 
Stella  Woolcoek,  dau.uiiter  of  Tlioiuas  and  Christine  (Rob- 
ertson) Woolcoek  of  MaliiMioy  City.  Pennsylvania.  Xo 

They  live  at  Newcastle.   Lawrence  County.   Pennsylvania. 

d  Annie  Withersi>oon,  btu-n  in  Mahonoy  City,  Penn.syl- 
vania,  died  in  infancy. 

e  Samuel  Stanhoiu',  Ixiru  in  Malionoy  City,  t'ennsyl- 
vania.  died  in  inl*aiu'.\'. 

222  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Ylll-i     Children   of  Brigadier  General  Thomas  and  Henrietta 
W.  (Rittenhonse)  Wilson.                                               VII-2-b 
a     William  Lowe,  born  August  3,  1860,  died  in  1861. 
b     Mary  Duncan,  born  January  23,  1861,  married  Jan- 
uary 27,  i882,  Warren  Switzler IX-3 

They  live  in  Omalia,  Nebraska. 

c  Henrietta,  born  November  29,  1862,  married  (1) 
June  30,  1887,  Lieutenant  Daniel  H.  Boughton,  3rd  U.  S. 
Cavalry,  at  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kansas.  He  died  August 
24,  1914,  at  Fort  Huachuca,  Arizona XI-4 

He  was  appointed  Cadet  at  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  from 
Minnesota,  September  1,  1877;  graduated  and  commissioned  Second  Lieuten- 
ant, 3rd  Cavalry,  June  11,  1881 ;  First  Lieutenant,  ord  Cavalry,  January  27, 
1885;  Captain,  3rd  Cavalry,  April  5,  18!)();  Major,  2nd  Cavalry,  May  25,  1903; 
transferred  to  the  5th  Cavalry,  June  16,  1909;  Lieutenant  Colonel  of  Cavalry, 
March  5,  1911;  transferred  to  the  Sth  Cavalry,  April  3,  1912;  Colonel  of  Cav- 
alry, April  30,  1914;  attached  to  10th  Cavalry  when  he  died.  His  service  was 
as  follows:  During  the  Spanish- American  War  he  served  with  his  troop  in 
the  campaign  at  Santiago  de  Cuba,  and  was  recommended  for  Brevet  Major 
for  gallantry  in  action.  After  detached  service  in  the  United  States,  went  to 
the  Philippines,  and  was  in  several  engagements  with  the  insurgents,  at  Sin- 
nit,  at  Santa  Rosa  Mountain,  and  at  Malacanan ;  and  served  on  the  staff  of 
Brigadier  General  J.  T.  Bell.  On  return  to  the  United  S'tates  in  1903  he 
was  senior  instructor  in  the  Department  of  Law  at  the  School  of  Infantry 
and  Cavalry,  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kansas.  He  had,  in  1887,  graduated  No.  1  in 
a  class  at  the  same  school.  He  studied  and  graduated  at  the  New  York  Law 
School  and  was  admitted  to  the  New  York  State  bar  in  1894,  while  on  duty  as 
assistant  instructor  in  law  and  history  at  the  Military  Academy,  West  Point, 
1891-1894.  He  graduated  at  the  Washington  University  Law  School,  St.  Louis, 
Missouri,  in  1897.  He  was  on  duty  as  senior  instructor  in  law  and  military 
art  at  the  Army  Service  school,  1904-1908.  He  served  on  the  General  Staff 
on  work  on  Field  Regulations  and  Maneuvers  in  1908-1911.  He  was  chairman 
of  the  Military  Information  Committee  and  a  member  of  the  Geographic 

Married  (2)  William  Moore,  who  was  born  November  2, 

He   is   surgeon   of   steamship    "Minnesota"    in   the   Naval   Supply   Service. 

d     Margaret  Stevens,  born  November  25,  1864. 

Assistant  librarian  and. cataloguer  at  the  Public  Library,  Norwalk,  Con- 

Yni-5     Children  of  Ma.jor  Benjamin  F.  and  Elizabeth  (Shapter) 

Rittenhouse..  VII-2-c 

a     Benjamin  Franklin,  born  June  26,  1869,  at  Eastport, 

Maine,  married  June  17,  1896,  Roberta  Lackey  Hendrick 

of  Leesburg,  Virginia.    No  issue. 

He  was  appointed  Second  Lieutenant,  U.  S.  Marine  Corps,  from  Virginia, 
May  26,  1899.  Was  promoted  to  Captain,  March  2,  1903,  and  to  Major  and 
retired,   August  29,  1916. 

b  Sterling  Shapter,  born  at  Fort  Adams,  Rhode  Island, 
June  11,  1873,  died  at  Yonkers,  New  York,  March  19,  1875. 

c  Elizabeth  Caldwell,  born  May  7,  1877,  at  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  married  June  7,  1905,  Alfred  Theodore  Clifton, 
First  Lieutenant,  Signal  Corps,  U.  S.  Army,  who  was  born 
in  AVashington,  D.  C,  May  26,  1875 IX-5 

He  served  as  a  private.  Sergeant  and  First-Class  Sergeant,  U.  S'.  Signal 
Corps,  June  15,  1898,  to  March  24,  1899;  Second  Lieutenant  of  Volunteer 
Signal  Corps,  July  1,  1900;  vacated.  May  26,  1901;  First  Lieutenant,  U.  S. 
Signal  Corps,  February  21,  1901 ;  Captahi,  January  2,  1906.  Promoted  to 
Major  and  Lieutenant  Colonel.  Now  Cliief  Signal  Officer  at  Camp  Meade, 

'I' 111';     i;i   LI,     I'AMILV  2i'3 

(I  r.nsil  \(in-is,  hoi'ii  ,il  l'';li/;il)ft  li.  New  .ItTscN'.  .\iiL'iist 
If).  1S7!»,  iii.iiTicd  N()\rinl)iT  rj,  1!»<>1,  ill  \V;isliini:t(tn.  I).  C, 
Milfic   IjOllisc  'riicl'iri- IX-fl 

Mr  crilisicil   as  :i    piiviitr   ill   ( '(iiii|mii,v   L,  I'Tlli    VoluMli'tT   liifnntry.   Aiisu*' 

11,  IMI'.!,  llliil  srl\((l  Ici  AllKllst  IS,  |M!l!l;  (■(illllllisNt>>tli-(l  Sfciilill  l,(i>lltfnnril , 
:Utli  \i)riinlcii-  liilMiiliv.  Aiiirnsl  ■_'."..  lS!i!»,  sfiviiii;  to  .\|«iil  I",  I'.iH  ;  ii|>|i..inl.'rl 
SccdTiil  l.ii'iiti'iiiiiil.  Illli  Ciiviilrv,  (liiliin;  ffciiii  KriMiiiiry  L',  liHIl  ;  iiiTi-|> 
July  '.).  lilUL';  I'iisl  I  .ifiil  iiiii  ill ,  .Inly  L'.'i.  I'.tlcj;  <  iiptiiiii,  lilh  Caviilry,  Miin-h  »',. 
I'M;;.  (iiMiluMlcil  at  llic  1  iil'iiiil  ly  1111(1  Caviiliy  Sclmol  in  I'.Mi:;.  I'miimti'il  In 
Mii.jdr.     r.ilT.    Mini     |c>     Miiiliiiiiiil     Ciiliiiicl,     liif,iMli\     ( 'ri'iii|ii>niry  I ,     ]'.>\^ 

Ylll-(i      (Miildrcii    ol'    Uich;ii-(|    S.    '\\   und    ( 'Iriiinirni.'   ( '.    iRitt.'ii 
house)  Cisscl.                                                                                \'ll  •-'  '■ 
;i      'Wiwy  Croshic,  hoi'ii    .Miii-cli   ■_'■">.    ]S(ifl.   tuiiiTird    .\|)nl. 
1S!)1,   Sjiiiiik'I    Berry,   wlio   \v;is   lioi-n  -hily    l(j,   LStiT.     She 
ditHl  Novt'inlx'r  25,  "iDOT IX  7 

Tlii'v   lived   :il    I'lliza liit li,    Ni'W   .Icrscy. 

1)     Helen  Murray,  Ixirn  Octnlier  .").  ISTl. 

e  Ettie  Davidson,  born  .laiiiiary  1.  1S74.  married  (>rtii- 
her  '25.  li)10.  .James  Crane  Kellog-;-,  who  was  horn  Fehi-ii- 
ary   1  \\   1S71 ^ I  X-S 

They  live  at   Elizabeth,   New  Jersey. 

d  ClemcMitine,  liorn  Deeemlier  2!),  1M75,  married  .\l;iy 
28,  1900.  AVilliam  Pereival  :\laekeuzie IX  :) 

They   live  at   Gernianlciwii,    l'riiiis>  1\  aiiin. 

e  ^Fariiaret  S.,  horn  .lanuary  17,  1S7S,  married  Xoveiii- 
l)er  15,  1004.  Frederick  Pardee  l-'uMer.  who  was  horn  at 
Seraiiton,  Pennsylvania.  May  IS.  1871 IX-IO 

They  live  at  Yonkers,  New  York. 

f  Katherine  Barnard,  born  February  8.  1880.  married 
February  6.  1918,  Walter  l^arnham  Siinms,  -who  was  boi-ii 
at  Newark,  New  Jersey.  February  12,  1858. 

ii'     .John  Atkinson,  born  .Man-li  24.  1882.  miri-ied  Ortn 
ber  24,  1908,  Grace  Wood,  who  was  hoi'ii  April  22.  1884 1X11 

VIII-7      Childivn    of   dames    1).    and    DoIoih's    (Casillasi    Ritten- 
house.  Vll  2-f 

a  i^eloxier  James,  born  .liiiie  12,  1888.  married  AulmisI 
12,  190G,  ^Mary  Daltou,  who  was  horn  September  11.  1890.. ..IX- 12 

They  live  at   Phoenix,   Arizona. 

YIII-8     Chiklren  of  .lames  11.  and  Ida  (CoK't  Kittenhoiisr. 


a  Lucia  Morse,  horn  .May  8.  187!>.  a1  Serantoii.  I'enn- 
s.vlvania,  married  •lul.\-  18.  llhiii.  Dr.  Ch.irles  (iardner 
Slioemaker  of  Washiimton,    P.  ('.     IX-18 

b  Ralph  Davidson,  horn  •laniiary  14.  1881.  at  Wyalus- 
luix,  Bradford  County,  Peiui.sylvania.  died  March  !>.  1908, 
at  Saranac  Lake.  X\'w  York. 

c  Leonard  Cole,  born  OcttJier  81.  1884.  at  Seranton. 
Peniisvlvania.  married  .Iiin(\  liMti.  Peatrice  Williams. 



d     Howard,  born  and  died  January  4,  1886. 

e  Karl  David,  born  March  2,  1888,  at  Scranton,  Penn- 
sylvania, married  May  5,  1915,  Bessie  Thomas  of  AVilkes- 
barre,  Pennsylvania... - IX-14 

They  live  at   Scranton,   Pennsylvania. 

VIlI-9  Children  of  Charles  E.  and  Helen  S.  (Good)  Ritten- 
honse.  Vn-2-i 
a  Sarah  Elizabeth,  born  November  22,  1880,  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  married  January  16,  1906,  Charles  Living- 
ston .Snell,  who  was  born  December  11,  1877,  at  Washing- 
ton. D.  C -- - IX-15 

They  live  at  Washington,  D.   C. 

b     Arthur. 

f*^*  ~-.'':^^  "'-(  ^j«<^^''®f«^f^ 



(Page    27) 

VIII-10     Children  of  AVilliam  R.  and  Jerusha  M.  (Willard)  Hull. 


a     David  Frampton,  born  December  7,  1865. 

b     Waldo    Willard,    born    September,    1868,    married 
Mabel  Fermor  Swartz — IX-16 

c     Clarissa  Josepha,  born  March  9,  1870. 

VIII-11     Children  of  Joseph  F.  and  Mary  E.  (Mehaffey)  Hull. 


a     Emily  Alice,  born  March  16,  1878,  married  Roland 
Thompson  IX-17 

VIII-12     Children  of  Thomas  and  Fannie  (Rittenhouse)  Hyde. 


a     Thomas,  Jr.,  born  October  10,  1866,  married  October 
1,  1890,  Ellen  Adair  Augur.    He  died  July  4,  1899 IX-18 

'I' hi:      III    I.I,      I'AMII.V  •»«' 

li      l'liiiil>    luiw  l.iinl,  horn  .l;iiiii;iry  :!l.   1^7<i,  riiiirrif<|      \ 
Xovfiiilici'  Jd.   ISDI),   |;;in\    I'.nlklry  IX-1'> 

.M;in-ic(|     CJi     .\(i\ cnilMi-    l'l'.     pioii,    .|u|,ii     Allni    Collirr 

^'lll-l•'!       ('llildrcM    (if    L('n|l;i|-(|    ;|||(|     .M,ir\     X.     f  |,'it  trnllrmsr  )    (Jim- 

iK'ii.  vii.:,.<- 

a  Lcoiinr.l.  honi  .\|,i\  l.'s.  iSl.l).  iiiarrinl  \\\n\\\  N.-lstin. 
'laiiLilitci-  of  Wvx.  K'olxTl  .111(1  -  (I'oiril/.)  Nelson  of  Vir- 

K'cN-.     l;(il)iTt_   Nt'lsdii    \\:is    fr(.ni    ():i  li  l:iiul,     Nir-iiiiii.    iiml  I'oinlX    wnK 

I'ruiii   Sl.inldii,    Vii'fciiii;!. 

\'Iir-14     ("liildi'cii    of  Saimicl    W.    and    Caruliiic    \{,      hockwnod) 
K'iltcnliouse.  \'  1 1  ;,  ,| 

a  Cai-olyii  ('Ia\-.  liofii  Scptcniix'i-  •_*•_',  isj."),  nian-h-d 
Al)i'il  2(i,  1!H)4.  William   lii^jis  of  Ddruit.   .Mirhi-an  IX  L't) 

1)     ^lary  Wliilall,  hom  .Inly  IS.  ISTS.  iiinnarricl. 

e  llciii-y  L()(d<\V()()(l,  lioi-ii  Xoxcinlni-  iM.  1881,  iiiai-ri''d 
A])!-!!  14,  !!)()!),  Aniic  ('oiuhII  Cocliiaii.  horn  XovcimImt 
15,  18!)() IX.iJl 

d     Charles  Edwin,  born  Xovember  22.  1884.  unniarricd. 

e      Paul   Lockwood.  horn  Api-ij  ;!().  1887,  iiiiniaiTifd. 

VIII-lo     Children  of  .lo.shua  and  Martha   L.   (Kittenhoiisc  )    Wil- 
liams. \'[r-(i-a 
a     Aliee  Jane,  boi'ii  AiilmisI  2<>,  1872. 
1)     Louis  Hudson,  hoi'ii  April  2().  1874. 
c     Charles  Kittenhouse,  born  -January  'M),  I87t). 
d     Kachel  Louise,  born  Septembei-  11,  1870. 

VIII-16     Children  of  Charles   L.   and   Craee    i^llubbell)    K'itti-n- 
house.  Vll-H-b 

a  John  Iluii'hes.  l)orn  Fcl)ruar\  .">  ISS.I.  died  .\pi-il  2i>. 

b     Catherine,  born  :\Iay  :n.  188n. 

VTTT-17     Childi'eii  of  David  II.  and  .Mar\-  l'\  i  Kit  ti'iiliousc  i  Lam- 
bie.  '  Vll-t;-f 

a     Arthur  Dah'.  born  Octohei-  2!»,  1S7S. 
b     Helen  Rittenhouse,   horn   April    1."),    iMil.  difil   -lidv 
2!),  1910. 

c  Ethel  Louise,  born  Xovcmbcr  17.  lSlt4.  niarricil 
Angust  14,  1912,  Douulas  Xoi-inan   Wilson LX-22 

They  live  at   Great   Falls,    Mmitana. 

VIII-18     Children  of  Adam   C.   and    Marv    F.      Xoursc-SmvtIuO 
McCaffre.v.  '  VlI-7-a 

a  John  Clarke,  boi'n  Deeenilu  r  14.  18H0,  tliecl  unmar- 
ried June  14,  1882. 

226  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-19     Children  of  Electiis  A.  and  Sarah  L.  (Nourse)  Pratt.       ' 


a  William  Norman,  born  June  19,  1867,  died  August 
22,  1867. 

b  Edward  Electus,  born  October  4,  1870,  died  unmar- 
ried October  17,  1912. 

c  Charles  William,  born  March  7,  1875,  died  Mav  9, 

d     Helen,  born  May  19,  1877,  died  February  25,  1880. 

VIII-20     Children  of  Edward  M.  and  Julia  (Moore)  Nourse. 

VII- 8- g 


a     Robert  Willett,  born  December  4,  1873. 
b     Ida  Moore,  born  September  19,  1877. 
c     Julia  de  Pass,  born  January  15,  1880. 

VIII-21     See    VIII-2     Children    of    Joseph    H.    and    Isobel    L. 
(Rittenhouse)  Nourse.  VII-9-a 

VIII-22     Children  of  John  W.  and  Elizabeth  R.  (Nourse)  Nairn. 


a  Mary  Wilson,  born  September  21,  1854,  married 
September  3,  1878,  Franz  John  Heiberger,  Jr.,  who  was 
born  February  9,  1852 , IX-23 

b  John  James,  born  October  25,  1856,  married  Novem- 
ber 19,  1884,  Gertrude  Hastings  Sissons  at  Hartford,  Con- 
necticut, daughter  of  Thomas  and  Gertrude  L.  (Hastings) 
Sissons,  born  October  2,  1860.    No  issue. 

He  is  a  wholesale  druggist.  Thomas  Sissons  was  born  in  West  Hartford, 
Connecticut,  June  15,  1828,  and  Gertrude  L.  Hastings  was  born  at  Suffield, 
Connecticut,  August  4,  18S1. 

c     Joseph,  died  in  infancy. 

d     James,  died  in  infancy. 

e  Thomas  Shields,  born  May  7,  1860,  married  April  8, 
1884,  Sallie  Louise  Garretson  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsyl- 
vania, who  was  born  August  1,  1864 IX-24 

f  Elizabeth  Rooker,  born  September  1,  1861,  died 
October  1,  1861. 

VIII-23     Children    of    James    M.    and    Sarah    F.     (Blackman) 
Nourse.  VII-9-f 

a  Hattie  Foster,  born  February  22,  1866,  married  Feb- 
ruary  12,    1889,   Albert   Doyle   Brockett,    son   of   Edgar 

Till';     I'.ri.l.     I'W.MII.Y  227 

Jjaiiu'dnii    ,111(1    (  Jcihl:  i.iiia     (  Scv  mniir  i     I  Jroclifl  I ,    horn    at 
Enfield,  Xoi'l  li  (  'ai'ol  ma. 

'I'lii'V    live    nt    Alcxiiiiiliiii.    \'iii;iiiiii,    wIhtc    llwy    liavr    iilwiiyN    Iwi-n    iiiliT 
('sli'<I.    Iiolli    loi'iilly    Mild    ill    llir    sliili'.    in    wnrk    for    tin-    |Mililt<'   K'"''!    <>>i'l    >»    )"• 

lliririll    lllillli'l's,    lirilli;-    luc'lll  lirls    of    lillllll'i'nils    Morii'tinM.* 

1»  Alplicns  lloiaicr,  liofn  I  )('C)Mnl>('r  '\,  1>^(17,  inarTi''il 
ScplcnilxT  '2'\  1!»(I7.  I'lva  l-'Jizalirt  li  Caliill,  (laui.'littT  oi' 
'i'liomas  i<'raiicis  aiiil  l']\a  l-'Jizalid  li  ('aliill  of  iJoston.  Ma.H- 
sacliusclts.   Imm'ii   Si'|)trinlh'r    l(i.    1S7I) IX-L'.'» 

111"   is  n    inrcliaiucii  I   ciiiiinccr. 

C     Clai'cnrc  DonLzlity.  hocn  -Inly   1  I.   l^Tfi,  rrian'hi!  .hini- 
7,   1871),    Fjli/ahcth    Uoicc.   (lant;ii1iM-   nf    llrmy    and    Catli 
ci'inc  -M.   (Smith)   lioirc,  lioni  -lanuary  I'D.   1S71 IX-2fj 

He   is   M   ii\il   I'lit^iiK'iT. 

d  Edith  Ilolincs,  hoi'n  Scpti'inhcr  'M),  1S7"_'.  niai-cifd 
Noveiidx'i-  IS,  IDdL*,  -Icssc  Sidwfll  Myers,  son  of  -Inhn  and 
Alice  (Si(hvell)  M\'('i-s  ol'  ( 'arroll  ('niintx,  .Mai-\land,  liorai 
:\rairli  :n  ,  1873 ' '. '. I X  :^7 

e  James  Ei'aiK'is,  l)()rn  X'ovemltef  18,  1874.  nuin-ied  (1) 
October  8,  11)06,  Hazel  (i.  Ballard;  married  (2)  June  1, 
1918,  Frances  Gallagher. 

He  is  a  civil  enfiineer.      He  w;is  ;i   Liciitt'iiaiit    in   I'.   S.  Vdluiitfcr   Iiifiiiitry 
in  the  Spanish-American  War. 

f  ]\Iary  Abip-ail,  born  Xoveiuher  1*1,  1S71).  married  Api-il 
121,  1!)()6,  John  Edg-ar  Myers,  son  of  John  ami  .Mice  (Sitl- 
well)  ]\lvers  of  Carroll  ronnt\',  ]Mar\laiid.  liorn  !\ra\  14. 
1875    ....' ; ■ iX-2S 

VIII-24     Children  of  James  P.  and  Eva  ^\    (  Xmirse)  Biirehfield. 


a  James  Xourse,  born  September  17.  lS(i4.  at  Milroy, 
Pennsylvania,    married    (1)    at    Clearfield,    reunsylvauia. 

*Allied  taniilies  descended  from: 

Paternal.  Maternal. 

Harvey.  Blacknian. 

North.  Doughty. 

Rittenhouse.  S'inith   of   NVw   .lersev    ami   Connecticut. 

Todd.  Owen. 

Fonace.  Risley. 

Gregory.  Clark   of   New   York  and   Connecticut. 

Burton.  Leek. 

Phillips.  Rose. 

Edwards.  Insersoll. 

Martin.  Ireland. 

Rambo.  Soniers. 

Eekerly.  Parkers  of  Conneetieiit. 

Bowen.  Pratts  of  Connecticut. 

Ingram.  Howards. 

Edwards.  Von  Cowhenovon   (Conover). 

De  Wees.  Hodgkins. 

Bethell.  GriswoUls. 

Cock.  Adams. 





228  THE     BULL    FAMILY 

October  14,  1886,  Anne  Luella  McCullough,  who  died  at 
Roanoke,  Virginia,  May  29,  1897 IX-29 

Married  (2)  at  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania,  December  26, 
1899,  Annie  M.  Stringer,  who  died  at  St.  Clair,  Pennsyl- 
vania, March  4,  1901 IX-30 

Married  (3)  at  Clearfield,  Pennsylvania,  October  21, 
1903,  Catherine  Josephine  Genie.    No  issue. 

They  live  at  Altoona,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  a  lawyer. 

VIII-25     Children  of  John  T.  and  Eleanor  M.  (Pomeroy)  Nourse. 


a  Sarah  Harvey,  born  at  Cairo,  West  Virginia,  July  2, 
1872,  married  September  24,  1901,  Arthur  Garner  Welbon, 
fourth  son  of  Thomas  and  ]\Iary  Elizabeth  (Beach)  Wel- 
bon, born  at  Eastmanville,  Michigan,  August  4,  1866 IX-31 

He  has  been  a  missionary  to  Korea.  Thomas  Welbon  was  born  in  Lin- 
coln, England,  March  31,  18:31,  died  January  11,  1885;  was  married,  July  23, 
1854,  to  Marv  Elizabeth  Beach,  who  was  born  at  Rochester,  New  York,  Febru- 
ary 20,  1832,"  and  died  Xovember  12,  188:3. 

b  Joseph  Pomeroy,  born  November  15,  1873,  married 
April  6,  1901,  Minnie  Sylvester _...._ IX-32 

They  live  in  San  Francisco,  California,  where  he  is  a  teacher  in  the 
Lowell  High  School. 

c     James  Rittenhouse,  born  August  19,  1875,  married 

(1)  January  14,  1904,  Clara  May  Crawford IX-33 

Married  (2)  April  2,  1914,  Ella  Goldie  Cunningham. 

They  lived  in  Los  Angeles,  California,  where  he  was  a  journalist,  and 
recently  was  assigned  to  newspaper  work  at  Washington,  D.  C,  where  they 
are  now  living. 

d  John  Thomas,  born  March  3,  1877,  married  June  11, 
1908,  Ruth  Hoppin - IX-34 

They  live  in  San  Francisco,  California,  where  he  is  Judge  of  the  Superior 
Court  of  California,  appointed  November  8,  1917,  being  at  the  time  of  appoint- 
ment Assistant  Attorney  General  of  the  State.  In  September,  1918,  he  was 
re-elected  by  the  primaries,  having  no  opposition. 

e  Bavard  Everhart.  born  Januarv  10,  1880,  married 
August  21,  1909,  Carolyn  GerakL _.'... IX-35 

They  live  at  Alameda,  California.  He  is  an  insurance  agent  at  San 

VIII-26     Children  of  Isaiah  G.  and  Ann  C.  (Nourse)  Marks. 


a  Reba  Warren,  born  Julv  21,  1884,  married  January 
1.  1913,  Roy  G.  Goodwin. 

They  live  at  Sacramento,  California,  where  he  is  a  journalist,  assistant 
editor  of  the  Sacramento  Bee. 

b     Ann  Lucille,  born  June  1,  1886. 

c     George  Nourse,  born  October  14,  1887. 

d     Will  Jay,  born  December  27,  1889. 

_e  James  Harvey,  born  December  9,  1898,  at  Los  Ala- 
mitos,  California. 

Till';      \'.\\A.     i'AMIi.V  229 

N'lll  "JT      ('liildrcii    of  ( 'niMicliiis   ,iii(l    Miiiiii.i    .1.    (  Xdiirsf  I    Slril)- 

lill-.  Vlf-lO-;, 

;i        llclcll    .l(isc|i|i;i.     Ii(ini     ()c|(il)i'|-    L'.").     ]>')'■',,    .|i.-(|     M;ii-r|| 

11,1  H'-tr^. 

I»  ( 'onicli  IIS  K  iiiclicloc,  lidiii  AiiLiiist  !i.  1  s,')7,  iii;ifr-ii'(| 
Xovclllhcr    IS.    iSSIi.    .M.ii-y    r.cll    .Mc|);iiiir|s.    win.    w;is    hofli 

.\\\uv  (),  lS(i7 IX  :{»i 

I'luy   live  ill   Wiishiiifrtoii,  D.  f.,  whcrp  ho  is  oinplnrod   in  fho  OovcrnniPnt 

riiiiliiiLT    jiiiildiiit;. 

<•  liOiiisa  l*r.\'iu',  hoi-ti  I  )('Cfiiil)cr  Iw,  l>sr)S,  iiuirrifd  ilj 
Willi;! Ill  il.'iii-y  Creswcl! '. ] IX-;!7 

Mjiri'icd  Cji  ill  lS!l-_'  \)v.  Kirkscy  of  I'lckciis,  South  (';ir(i- 
liii:i  '. ]X   \-2 

Mni'ficd  (:])  Jj.  P.  ]>ii(l;iliii.  ]i\rs  ;it  P.rriiiriMoii.  W;isli- 

d  Beiijaiuin  Xourse,  boi-n  -Juh  17,  18G(),  clird  .Juh'  '), 

VIII-28     C'liildren  ol'  Jaeub  \V.  and  Susan  S.   (^Xuurscj    Winans. 


a  Benjamin  l<"'ranl<]iii  Watkiiis.  Ikumi  l^'rhniary  8.  1856, 
married  -liinc  "^T.  1880,  Ksllicr  Dickson  I'rown.  \vlio  was 
born  June  27,  1857.. IX-38 

They  lived  at   Mt.  Vernnn.   Xcw  Yoi-k. 

VIII-29     Cliiidrun    of    Alexander    S.    and    Kuiii\-    d.     i  Xoiii-se) 
Steiiart.                                                               '             VI 1-12- a 
a     William  Motl.  born  October  2.  iSlil.  married  .May  2, 
1888,  Florenee  May  lleibrr-vr,  boi'n  Mi\y  2!»,  1866 " IX-iiO 

They  live  in  Washiiifftoii.  I).  C.  wlieie  lir  is  :i  lawyei'.  lie  lr<s  the  decrees 
of  LL.  B.,  1SS1:  \Aj.  M.,  lSSr>,  and  was  admitted  to  the  Washington  l>ar  in 
1886.      He   is   in   the  Bureau   of   Tensus   Departments   of   Coninifn-.'   and    Labiir. 

b  Alice  Nourse,  born  September  5.  1868.  in  Xiieees 
County,  Texas,  married  dune  21.  1887,  at  Washinirton.  D. 
C,  Jobn  ^Milton  Killitts,  who  was  born  October  7,  1858 IX-40 

Tliey  live  at  Toledo,  Ohio.  lie  !;radiiated  at  Williams  ColleK*'  with  the 
degree  of  A.  B.  in  1880,  .V.  jM.  in  1SS7,  and  from  Columhia  I'niversity  1,1,.  B. 
in  1885,  and  I,T,.  M.  in  1S,8C).  He  was  a  lawyer  at  Bryan,  Williams  Connty, 
Ohio,  and  was  .ludse  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  of  the  T'.rd  Pistriet,  Ohio. 
100."i-im<>.  He  was  a])i)ointed  Cnited  S'tates  District  -hidire  nf  the  Xnrtherii 
District    (if   Oliio,  Toledo,   .lune  "-M.    I'.iln 

e  Alexander  SomerN-illc.  boni  Sr|i|ciiiltcr  21,  l>ii5,  mar- 
ried June  2(5.  188i).  l,iii(Li  llo-iic.  Iioiii  .March  15.  1868 lX-41 

They  live  .1 1  Washincton.  D.  C.,  where  he  is  a  patent  attorney.  He  has 
the  decrees  «<   1. 1..    B.,   ISSli,   ,in<l   1,1..   M.,    1S;.S7.    from   f'idnniUia    Cniversity. 

VIir-30     Ohildreii  n\'  William  A,  and   F,mil\   d,   i  Xoiirse-Stniart'' 
Meloy.                                                     "                        VII-12-a 
a     Edith  Willard.  born  October  S.  1869. 
b     Isabella  Kittenhouse,  born  Ajiril  15.  1871, 
e     (iuv   Stanlev,   born  Julv   I),    1874.   marrieil  June   21. 
1902,  Irene  Bock' ' IX-42 



d     Francis  Edward,  born  May  23,  1876. 
e     Emilv  Gertrude,  born  October  23,  1879. 
f     Hugh  Brian,  born  June  6,  1881,  married  October  16, 
1902,  Mary  Owens  Cunningham IX-43 

VIII-31     Children    of    William    B.    and    Rosa    H.     (Raymond) 
Nourse.  VII-12-b 

a     Ray  (adopted),  born  May,  1885. 

VIII-32     Children  of  Samuel  H.  and  Anna  I.  (Nourse)  Meloy. 


a  Arthur  Nourse,  born  March  8,  1872. 
b  Helen  Scott,  born  January  15,  1874. 
c     Ralph  Nourse,  born  September  30,  1877. 

VIII-33     Children  of  Thomas  B.  and  Mary  W.  (Nourse)  Brookes. 


a     Arthur  Bowie,  born  September  14,  1880. 
b     Bessie  Nourse.  born  September  16,  1882. 
c     Marv  Rittenhouse,  born  January  26,  1884. 
d     William  Thomas,  born  August  18,  1887,  died  Febru- 
ary 27,  1888. 

e     Nellie  Russel,  born  August  10,  1889. 

VIII-34     Children  of  Charles  W.  and  Clara  B.  (Smith)  Hassler. 


a     Anna  May,  born  August  16,  1867. 

She  lives  at  Pelham  Manor,  New  York. 

b  William  Hersford,  born  September  17,  1869,  died 
September  27,  1869. 

c     Walter,  born  March  5,  1871,  died  August  9,  1871. 

d  Edith  Dwight,  born  December  8,  1874,  married  Octo- 
ber 9,  1899,  John  Favil  Capron IX-44 

They  live  at  Newton  Centre,  Massachusetts. 

e  Clarissa  Brace,  born  February  3,  1878,  married  at 
Manila,  Philippine  Islands,  December  31,  1903,  Asa  Fran- 
cis Fisk,  Major  of  Philippine  Constabulary,  who  died  at 
Naugatuck,  Connecticut,  March  14,  1915 IX-45 

He  was  badly  wounded  in  the  head  by  a  Moro  arrow,   and  died  from  its 
effects.     She  lives  at  Newton  Centre,  Massachusetts. 

Vni-35     Children  of  Simon  and  Mary  C.   (Hassler)   Newcomb. 


a  Anita  Rosalie,  born  November  4,  1864,  married  Feb- 
ruary 14,  1888,  W.  J.  McGee,  who  was  born  April  17,  1853, 
and  died  September  4,  1912 IX-46 

He  was  a  son  of  .James  and  Martha  Ann  (Goodwin)  McGee  of  Farley, 
Iowa,  and  was  a  geologist  and  anthropologist  in  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey; 
chief  of  anthropology  at  the  St.  Louis  Exposition;  and  was  also  in  the  Depart- 

THK     ItriJ.     |-A.\III,V  231 

iMciii  .if  \^'ii(iilliirc.  lie  WHS  II  iiii'IiiImt  iif  lln-  Iiiliind  Walrrwii)  h  ('oiiimlii»i»n 
ii'i'l  111  III!'  Xiiliiiiml  ('iiiiHcrviitioii  (  llllllMi.s^i<lM.  t>y  ii|>|Miiiii  iiu'iii  nf  I'ri-nidi-rit 

Sill-  t;riHliiiili(l  MS  M.  |i.  in  IS'.rj.  mikI  fii.m  ISIis  i.i  llir  cml  i.f  tlitNl  wiix 
,\<'tiiit;  Assi.shiiil  SuiKi'dii  m  \\i,-  1  S.  .\rm\,  in  rlmrni-  of  tlir  Army  N'liriii! 
("orps,  wliicli  she  oiKiiiiizcil.  In  IIMII,  diiiiin;  tlii'  ItUHsri  .liipaiifHi'  Wiir.  nhr  wan 
suixTvisiir  (if  Murscs  in  the  .liipiimsi'  Army,  liiivinu'  lukrn  nine  former  I'.  R. 
Army  nurses  to  serve  in  .liipmi;  niid  received  four  dei-oriitioiiM  iiiirl  iiiednN 
from  tlie  Kinperor  iind  I'jnpress  of  .liipim,  inclndini;  the  "Order  of  the 
Crown''.  She  is  tlie  only  memlier  of  Sp,inish  War  V'eteriiMH,  She  ih 
^really   inlei-eslt'd    in   KenealoK.v   and   has   eolleiled   a    mass   of   Information   ahout 

th(nisa?uls    of    lier   ain-estors    in    all    lines;    hut     nonr'    of    it     has    I n    piildiMhed, 

except  what  was  furnished  fi>i-  the  j;'''i<'iil"it.v  of  ".lami's  NoiwHe  and  lliji 
Ui'scendanls' '.   and    for   this   IhioU. 

1)      Willi.iiii  P>;iftlc11,  horn  jhkI  died  Sc|.|cii:l)cr  •_':{,  IStiT. 

('  Kiiiily  K;itt',  honi  .liiiic  ;!l),  ISIill,  inwn'ifd  April  S, 
18i)().  Fl-;ilicis  Asliiifx  Wilson  of  I'.osloii.  M  ;;M'linsi-t  Is, 
son  of  Gt'or.u'c  Piekorinu' jind  Mmily  ()rill;i  iKiskc)  Wilson, 
horn  Aii^'ust  28,   1857 IX-47 

Tliey  live  at  Pelhjuu,  New  York,  ho  tiein;;  an  of  the  I.igcett  & 
Myers  Toljaeeo  Company,   of  New   York. 

(1  Anna  J()S('i)lia,  l)oi-n  Scptciiihci-  'J7,  1S71,  married 
Ai)ril  11,  18!)(i.  EchYard  Kaldwin  Whitney,  son  of  I'ro- 
fessor  Edwin  Dwiii'lit  and  Klizahetli  W^  (liahlwini  Whit- 
ney; born  Ang'nst  Ki.  isr)7.  and  died  Jniie  .'>.  11)11 IX-48 

He  graduated  at  Yale  in  ISTS  and  studied  law  at  Yale  and  Columhia 
T^niversity.  He  was  Assistant  Attorney  General  of  the  United  States  in  tlie 
second  Cleveland  administration,  and  was  .fudge  of  the  New  York  Supreme 
Court  at  the  time  of  his  death.  Professor  Edwin  Dwight  Whitney  was  the 
distinguished    idiihdogist. 

VIII-36     Children    of  Ferdinand    A.    and    Annie    K.    (Bnrnett) 
Hassler.  ^'^-^:^d 

a     Elfroda  Ti-one,  horn  and  dii^d  Oetoher  (>.  1S7"_'. 

VITI-87     (Miildren    of   Ferdinand    A.    and    Flizabeth    K.    (Ilain 
Hassler.  \'II-l;!-d 

a  Charles  Ferdinand,  hoi-n  June  25,  1885,  niarried  De- 
ceml)er  22,  IDOH,  Bertlia  Ilnn/.iker IX-l!» 

They   live  at   Oakland,    California. 

h  Arthnr  E.yhert,  horn  .Iiiiie  'MK  1887.  married  Fel)- 
rnary  21,  1910,  Anna  li.  Cnllom lX-5() 

They  live  at   S'anfa   .Vna,   California,  where  he  has  a   walnut   raiieh. 

e     Ferdinand  Owen,  hoi-n  XoYemlx'i-  12,  188!). 

He  lives  at   Santa   Ana,   California,   on  his   ranch. 

d     Adelhert  Rndoli)h.  horn  Mai'idi  21.  ISltil. 

He  was,   in   IMIT,   a   student    in   wireless   telegraphy. 

VIII-38     Children  of  Dr.  ("harh's  II.  and  .\liee  (Darhv)   Nonrse. 


a  Anna  Cnrrie,  horn  Deeeml)er  8,  '\>^7'\  died  .Viiuu>^t 
6,  1875. 

h  Upton  DarhY,  horn  -June  8,  187(),  married  Jniie  1!'. 
1901,  Alice  Windsor IX-51 

They   live  at    Darnestown.    Marylan<l,    where   he   is   a    practicing  physician. 

232  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

c  Mary  Helen,  born  October  5,  1879,  married  May  15, 
1907,  W.  Morris  Haines  of  Carrol  County,  Maryland.  She 
died  March  9,  1908..__ IX-52 

VIII-39     Children  of  Otho  I\I.  and  Marv  R.  (Nourse)  Muncaster. 


a  Charles  Nourse,  born  October  19,  1870,  died  March 
31,  1877. 

b     Mary  Elizabeth,  born  March  2,  1873,  died  June,  1873. 

c  Ida  Rachel,  born  December  27,  1876,  married  Novem- 
ber 27,  1901,  Philip  Van  Sickler,  son  of  James  Craven  and 
AVinifred  Henderson  (Simpson)  Van  Sickler,  born  Septem- 
ber 5,  1876 IX-53 

They  live  at  North  Fork,  Loudon  County,  Virginia. 

d  Harriet  Henderson,  born  May  8,  1880,  married  Harry 
Southwell  Brown _ i -- - IX-54 

Vni-40     Children  of  Richard  D.  and  Annie  W.  (Nourse)  Dodge 


a  Francis  Despard,  born  January  14,  1868,  married 
April  18,  1895,  Ella  Bell  Patterson,  who  was  born  February 
8,  1867. 

They  live  at  Brooklyn,   New  York.     He  graduated  as  Ph.  B.   at   Columbia 
University,  and  for  two  years  was  assistant  instructor  in  the  School  of  Mines. 

b  Richard  Joseph,  born  March  11,  1870,  died  Septem- 
ber 13,  1890. 

Vni-41     Children  of  Cornelius  S.  and  Sarah  H.  (Nourse)  Rams- 
burg.  VII-16-C 

a  Karl  Hassler,  born  July  9,  1872,  died  April  12,  1891. 

b  Charles  Joseph,  born  May  30,  1877. 

c  Alice  Louisa,  born  June  22,  1880. 

d  Josephine  Nourse,  born  June  29,  1884. 

e  Elizabeth  Thayer,  born  October  4,  1885. 

VIII-42     Children  of  Henry  D.  and  Sarah  A.    (Peter)    Nourse. 


a  Henry  Dumont,  born  June  23,  1890,  died  December 
24,  1890. 

VIII-43     Children  of  Henry  S.  and  Victoria   (Monroe)  Nourse. 


a     John  Francis,  born  April  28,  1872. 
b     Susan  Ludlam,  born  October  9,  1875,  died  January 
6,  1877. 

c     Orlando  Monroe,  born  August  25,  1877. 

TIIK     I  Ml,  I,     I -A  Ml  I.  Y  2:{3 

^'III    II      ( 'liil<l  rcii  of  I  H'li  jniiiiii  I"",  ;iii(|   1 1  ,i  riiit    ■  i\r  \',i,\\  )   Noiirsf. 

VII  17  .1 
;i       .\iiii;i    (  ii'i-||-ii(  |r,    IkiI'ii    .\(i\  rmln-i'     IlI.     1S71.    ilird    l)r.- 
(•(•iiil)ci-    IS.   IS?:!. 

1»      W'illiiiiii  Kent,  li(ii-ii  .M;ii-i'h  1.  IST^l. 
(•      .Mnlicl  Si'ot  I,  lioni  -I  iiiM'  S,   1S7!). 

VTTr-4r)      ( Miildri'ii  ol'  .loliii   r,.  ■.n\,\  Ann  Si.  ( '.   'Nonisri    .Mcndrii- 

li.-ill.  \'ll   ITi,' 

a      AlntTuou   S\(lnt'\-,   horn  .)iil\     II,   Jh5li,  died   Ocluhrr 

I)      -lohn  St.  ( '|;iii-,  lioi'n  .liiiic   \-J..   I^IM. 

VIII-4()      ('hildi'cii  of  liolx'i'l    11.  and  Anna  M.   i  Davison  i   'rufm-r. 


a  Lucy  Eltiii<iH',  born  Apfil  I'D.  1S.')1,  niari'ird  1S78 
Charles  Coatcsworth  Marshall,  son  of  .lanics  .Mafshall  of 
liappy  Creek',  Warren  County.  \'ir^inia.     No  issue. 

Tlu'.v   live  Mt   .Vli'XMiidriM,    \'irt;iMi:i. 

b  Anna  Davison,  hoi'ii  Septenibei'  IT.  IS.")!),  niari'ied 
June,  187!',  Di-.  (ieor^'e  William  Cartel-  of  .Marl<hain,  h\in- 
quier  Count.v,  \'ii'<i'inia IX-").') 

He  Ki-ii(hiiitc(l  as  M.   I),  at   tlu'  I'niversity  of  iVIai'vlaiid,  Haltiinore.  in  ISTri. 

e  Smith  Davison,  horn  .lune  18,  1863,  married  Julia 
Cook  IX-r^i] 

The.v  live  at   Parkersbursr.  AVest  Virginia,  where  he  is  a  lawyer. 

d  llenrv  .\ugustus.  horn  1865,  married  \o\-emhi'r  iL*. 
1895,  Delia'  Xeale  Orison IX-57 

e  Cornelia  Tlite,  born  iSfiS.  married  (h'orii'e  W^iiliam 
Adams  of  Front   Royal.  \'ir^i!iia    lX-')vS 

f  Phili|)  Williams,  horn  1871,  marrietl  1!)03  Anna  Wal- 
lace Daniel  of  Alabama IX-")!i 

He  studied  law  and  practiced  with  his  Imither,  Smith  Davisnn.  at  I'arkers- 
hurjr.  West  Virginia.  He  moved  to  Frankfort.  Kentucky,  and  took  np  civil 

YIII-17      Children  of  .Tobn  S.  and    Marv  E.    (  Dowmaii      Davison. 


a     John  Smith,  horn  in  ]^~'2. 

b     Eleanor  Briscoe,  born  in  1S74. 

c     1.      Mar,\'  •la(|iieliiie.  horn   in    1^78. 

2.      Frances  Arabella,  horn  in   1S7S.  mai'rird  Ma.v  30. 
1902,  Henry  Hull  Olmstead  of  Maryland. 
d     ^lar.v  Williams,  born  in  1880. 
e     Raleigh  Delfield,  boiii  in  1887. 

VIII-48     Cliildren  of   K'ev.  Kobert    M.  an. I    Louise   F.    ,  Davi.son) 
Baker.  \ll-18-e 

a     T.  Christian,  born  1863,  married  Daisy  Sehiber lX-60 

They  live  in  Cliicago,  where  he  is  in  business. 

f34  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

b     Robert  Magill,  born  in  1870. 

He  is  with  the  Metropolitan  Life  Insurance  Company  at  Washington,  D.  C. 

c     Maury  Davison,  born  in  1872. 
d     Edward  Stuart,  born  in  1879. 

He  graduated  at  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology. 

e     Louis  Fontaine,  born  in  1880. 

He  is  a  civil  engineer. 

f     Henry  Ball,  born  in  1882. 

He  is  in  business  in  Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

g     Mary  Eltinge. 

She  is  a  graduate  nurse,  and  has  had  special  work  with  the  late  Dr.  Weir 
Mitchell  of  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

h  Katherine  Street,  married  June  24,  1903,  Charles  Al- 
bert Stuart  of  Alexandria,  Virginia,  son  of  William  Douglas 
and  Martha  (Henderson)   Stuart IX-61 

They  live  at  Norfolk,  Virginia,  where  he  is  in  business. 

VIII-19     Children  of  William  A.  and  Sarah  R.  (Watson)  Davison. 

a     AVilliam  Watson,  born  August  2,  1881. 

He  graduated  at  the  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute,  June,  lf>03.  He  is 
Professor  of  Mathematics  and  Science  at  Powhatan  College,  Charles  Town, 
West  Virginia. 

b     Jesse  Bird. 

c     Nanny  Drayton. 

VIII-50     Children  of  Alexander  McD.  and  Hester  M    (Marshall) 

Davison.  VII-18-k 

a     James  Marshall,  born  1878,  married  April  5,   1903, 

Mary  Alice  Streepy,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  William  Streepy 

of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church.. IX-62 

They  live  in  Philadelphia,  where  he  is  in  the  service  of  the  Pensylvania 

b  Fontaine  Hite,  born  in  1879. 

c  William  Ringgold,  born  in  1881. 

d  Cary  Ambler,  born  in  1883. 

e  Ludwell  Baldwin,  born  in  1885. 

f  Charles  Morris,  born  in  1891. 

VIII-51     Children  of  John  H.  and  Eleanor  C.  (Davison)  Pedigo. 


a     Eleanor  Conway,  born  May  5,  1859.  married  January 

15,  1880,  John  Worrell  Edwards,  who  was  born  June  6, 

1842    IX-63 

b     Sallie  Louise,  born  January  3,  1859. 
c     Jenny  Gray,  born  November  26,  1861. 
d     Robert  Edward,  born  April  26,  1863. 
e     Norborne  Elijah,  born  July  22,  1865. 
f     Alark  Henry,  born  February  21,  1867. 
g     ]\Iary  Louisa,  born  ]\Iarch  26,  1870. 
li     John  Hardin,  born  December  31,  1871. 
i     Ann  Maury,  born  August  23,  1878. 
j     Jessie  Davison,  born  May  20,  1880. 

Till':      lil    I.I,      |-\MII.V 


HOUS'E   OF   J)H.   liOSS  ]UI.L 


(Pase    2.-1) 

YIII-52     CliiUliTii  of  .JikUe  William  ^.  ami  Anna  .M.     havisoii' 
Davison.  VII-19-d— Vll-i'l-f 

a     Kdinonia,  IxM'n  .\pi-il  '21.  ISTl. 
1)     (V'c'il  Annstroiig,  born  .lul\-  •'>!,  1883,  dinl  Xovcmhrr 
7,  1888. 

c     Fontaine  llilc  born   Dccfinlu'i-  '24.  18>4. 

d     Jos(']ili  William,  born  Novcmlifi'  I'D,  1888. 

e     Anna,  hoiai  -luly  5,  18!)4.  died  Nov.'ndx'f  1^.  IS'.t-l. 

VIII-53     Cbildivn    of    John    W.    and    Anna    J.    vHile      Wi-io:lit. 


a  Maria  Louise,  born  18r)4,  married  187!i  Walker  Smith 
Cooley    IX-(5-4: 

b  George  Bntler,  born  in  185(1  mari'ied  Ettie  Center, 
daiigbter  of  Rev.  J.  W.  Center IX-65 

236  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-54  Children  of  Alexander  M.  and  Louisa  H.  (Davison) 
Powell.  VII-21-a 

a  Nan  Caldwell,  born  April,  1872,  married  April,  1903, 
James  Emmet  Combs... IX-66 

b  Kate  Louise,  born  April,  1874,  married  October,  1901, 
"William  E.  Hadley IX-67 

c  Alexander  Cliesley,  born  April,  1876,  married  Decem- 
ber, 1905,  Stella  Beso. 

d  Margretta  Neave,  born  March,  1878.  married  Novem- 
ber, 1904,  Louis  H.  Kraft. 

e  William  Magnus,  born  June,  1881,  died  November, 

f  Maury  Davison,  born  March,  1885,  married  October, 
1911,  Hazel  Derby. 

yiII-55  Children  of  Alexander  C.  and  Sarah  C.  (Pelot-Eppes) 
Davison.  VII-21-c 

a  Gregory  Caldwell,  born  1871  at  Jefferson  City.  Mis- 
souri, married  1898  Alice  Lidia  Shepard,  daughter  of  Rear 
Admiral  Edwin  Malcolm  and  Alice  (Stevens)  Shepard. 

He  was  appointed  Naval  Cadet  to  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis, 
Maryland,  May  22,  1888;  graduated,  June,  1892;  commissioned  Ensign.  .July  1, 
1894;  Lieutenant,  junior  grade.  May  3,  1898;  Lieutenant,  July  1,  19O0 ;  re- 
signed, 1907.  His  service  was  as  follows:  U.  S.  S.  "Castine",  1894-1896; 
U.  S.  torpedo  boat  "Gushing",  1897;  U.  S.  S.  "New  York",  1899-1900; 
Bureau  of  Ordnance,  1901-1902;  commanding  torpedo  boats  at  Norfolk,  Vir- 
ginia. 190.3;  torpedo  boat  "Paul  Jones",  1904;  torpedo  station,  Newport, 
Rhode  Island,  1906. 

b  Thomas  Pelot,  born  1873  at  Jefferson  City,  ^Missouri, 
married  in  1902,  at  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  Catherine 
Clyde  Kemp,  daughter  of  Francis  and  Sarah  C.  (Dupre) 
Kemp  of  Columbus,  Mississippi. 

He  studied  medicine  at  the  LTniversity  of  Gottingen,  Germany,  in  1894. 
He  entered  the  U.  S.  Army  in  1898  and  was  at  the  battles  of  El  C'ano  and 
San  Juan  Hill  in  the  Santiago  de  Cuba  campaign  of  the  Spanish-American 

c     James  Pelot,  born  in  1887  at  Jefferson  City,  ^Missouri, 
drowned  January,  1893,  in  the  Missouri  River, 
d     Marianne  Alexander, 
e     Sarah  Carolyn, 
f     Charles  William. 

He  graduated  at  the  Dental  College,  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  and  lives  at 
•Jefferson  City. 

VIII-56     Children  of  William  H.  and  Emma  W.  (Davison)  Davis. 


a     Laura  Alta,  born  March  1,  1874. 

b  Howard  Armstrong,  born  December  5,  1875,  married 
November  2,  1899,  at  Jefferson  City,  Missouri,  Lillian  May 

c     William  Alexander,  born  January  21,  1878. 

d     Emma  Judson,  born  July  2,  1879. 

e     Ethel  Louise,  born  January  12,  1882. 

f  Mary  Willey,  born  April  11,  1884,  married  at  Jeffer- 
son City,  Missouri,  Joseph  Herman  Replo IX-68 

'I' III':    III  1,1,    l■■\Mll.^'  237 

\'  1  I  I   ."i7       (    liilil  Irii  (if  I  MM  |;i  mill    W.  ;i  iH  I   .\l;ii'V   .\l ,    '  I  );i\  ismi  i    (  lallv. 


;i      llow.-inl   I  );i\is()ii,  honi   ,\ii'_:iist    In,   iS.Sii. 

1)        'rilOlll.'IS    K  illl(lll|-|ir,    ImiI-II     All'Jllsl     17.    1<S(S(S. 

(•      l'.cii.i;iiiiiii  Willc.w  Ikhm  .\1;i>-   1  I.   lS!):{. 

\'I1I-.')S      CliildiTii   (if   \)v.    ,\lf\;iii(lri-   .\1.   :iii<l  .\iiii;i    M        Djivisoii) 

I'ouvll.  \'ll   -JL'-ii 

;i      |)()ii;il(l    .Mdiiror.   lioni    1S7(>,  dird  ill    ( '()lliiis\ill<-.    Illi- 
nois, ill    ISSH. 

VIII-'ill      ('hil(lnii(ir  M.ick  -I.  ;iihl   Loiiis.i    \-\    i|);i\is()ii      Ij-Jiliiilit.'. 

\'ll   -jL'-f 
;i       A  l('\;iii(lcr  |),i\is(iii.  horn   .\l;ircli  L'ti,   l"^7t>, 
I)      M;iry  .Mntild.i,  Iktm  .Inly  L'.  ISJ!). 

(•  Mdwni'd  li'iiT,  iMirii  .l.iiiii.i  r.\  7.  1^"^!,  died  .|;iiiil;ii\v  17. 

d      .M;ick    Kih'iMlItT,  horn   .\pril  I'll.   ISSfi. 

YlU-()()  C'hildi-cn  of  Livinuston  Iv  .-ind  .Mjiftli.i  L.  I'owflly 
Dfivi.son.  \ll-2;J-a 

a     (iiiv  Powell, 
b     Elise. 

YIII-61     Cliildivn  of  Jesse  W.  and   Kate  :\r.    (Davison)    Tleiirv. 

a     ^Macdoiialil. 
b     John  Porter, 
c     Jessie  Powell. 

YIII-62     Children  of  Frank  and  .Maruaret  C.   (Davison)  Obear. 

a     Adelaide, 
b     Alexander  Davison. 

VIII-63     Children  of  Ilenr\'  ('.  and  Maria  A.  (  Daxison)  Lambert. 

VI 1-23- f 
a     Henry  Clay,  Ji-. 

1)     Mary  Davison.     Married, 

VIII-64  Children  of  Ki.-hai'd  -I.  and  Mai'v  .\.  D.  ^  La-rarde) 
Evans.  VH-24-b 

a  Sarah  Athenais  .Mai'ie.  horn  ()etoher  :!1,  iMil.  died 
September  18,  1863. 

b  .lohn -)a(Hielin.  ])or\\  .Vu^'nst  1.  lS(i3,  married  il  >  De- 
cember 17,  188;),  Iva  Danes  IVrsot IX-tiO 

:\rarried  (2)  October  1!),  18!I7.  Minerva  Lee  Civorden IX-69 

c  Eiehard  ^lills.  born  Februai\\-  ID.  lS(i.').  married  (1) 
November  10,  18SS.  Kate  Therese  Marks,  who  died  Novem- 
ber 8,  1889 IX-70 

^Married  (2)  January  7,  1893,  Eula  Carrie  Greatliouse. 
who  died  November  2.  1900 IX-71 

238  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d     Lagarde,  born  and  died  July  29,  1867. 

e  Mary  Sarah,  born  September  28,  1869,  married  Decem- 
ber 28,  1887,  James  Edwin  Clemens,  M.  D.,  of  Louisville, 
Kentucky  -- .JX-72 

f  Augustine  Jaquelin,  born  October  4,  1870,  died 
August  5,  1871. 

g  Laura  Pandsly,  born  June  28,  1872,  married  June  30, 
1897,  Joseph  Augustine  Borman,  who  was  born  i\Iay  31, 
1872,  and  died  August  7,  1904 . IX-73 

h     Anais  Lagarde,  born  April  3,  1874. 

i  Ernest  Joseph,  born  May  3,  1875,  died  September  19, 

j     Virginia  Mills,  born  December  9,  1876. 

k     Matilda  Dimitry,  born  December  3,  1878. 

1  Francis  Zenobia,  born  October  30,  1880,  died  Novem- 
ber 3,  1880. 

m     Robert  Mills  Ignatius,  born  August  9,  1884. 

VIII-65     Children  of  John  J.  and  Isabel  L.  (Blankman)  Evans. 

a     Isabel  Mason,  born  April  9,  1876,  married  ,Septem- 
ber  10,  1902,  Joel  Winter  Cochran IX- 74 

Vin-66     Children  of  Charles  P.  and  Anne  E.   (Johnston)   Dim- 
itry. VII-25-b 

a     Son,  stillborn,  unnamed. 

VIII-67     Children  of  Enoch  F.  and  Eliza  V.  M    (Dimitry)  Ruth. 

a     Mary   Elizabeth,   born   December   2,    1857,    married 

December  2,  1882,  Dracos  Anthony  Dimitry... IX-75 

b     Margaret  Celeste,  born  February  11,  1860. 

c     Genevieve,  born  Februarv  7,  1862,  married  June  22, 

1888,  Lewis  Alfred  Veazie ." ...IX-76 

d     Enoch  Fenwick,  Jr.,  born  January  1,  1865. 

VIIL68     Children   of   Colin  McR.   and   Marv   E.   L.    (Dimitrv) 
Selph.  VII-25-d 

a     Colin  McRae,  Jr.,  born  July  16,  1864,  married   (1) 

1889,  Rosa  Lee  Goodman,  who  died  September  11,  1901. 
No  issue. 

Married  (2)  February,  1902,  Nancy  Helen  Wilback. 

b  Alexander  Dimitry,  born  December  24,  1867. 

c  Albert  Pike,  born  January  19,  1870. 

d  Mary,  born  February  21,  1872. 

e  Leslie  Brooks,  born  June  3,  1874. 

f  Sarah,  born  June  8,  1877. 

g  Archibald,  born  August  29,  1879. 

Till':     I!  I   1,1,     I' AM  1 1,  V  239 

VIII-(i!>      Cliildfcii    of    \\iHi;mi    (lc\'.    ;m(|    .M;illiil.|r    !•'.    'Diiiiilrv- 
Miller.  VII  •_'.-)-> 

;i  .Mills.  li(M-ii  .\\\\\  II,  1^71.  iii;ii-i-ir<|  OcImIh-i-  1.  lllDl, 
-I  111  i;  I    l'",li/,;i  lirl  h    Al  ,1  III  (111  IX -77 

VI 11 -7(1       (  'llilill'cll   (»!'  Tll(lin;is    I  ).   il  111  I    .\  llllc  T.    I  Sure  I     I  )iiiiil  |-\  . 

;i  .M;ii'>    .Mills.  l)()ni  .XovrmlxT  'J  I.   1  SS:{. 

I)  .\l  ice  Tlicfcst'.  i)()rn   !  )ccciiiiic|-  ]'J,   ISS."). 

i'.  .lolin,  Imu'ii  ;i!iiI  diril    .\iil:iisI    7,   1SS7. 

(I  .\  li'\;iii(lcr,  lidi'ii   .\iii:iis|    1.  1S,SS_ 

(•  'riioiiKis   |);il»iic.\,  .li-.,  hofii  .liliir  oil.  ISDO. 

f  .Idscpli   .\imiist  inc.  horn   .\iiL:iist  ■_'7.  1S!)2. 

iX  1mI\v;ii'(I  -hniiicl  ill.  Imrii  .M.iv  It,  l>It|. 

h  -Idlin   lv;i|)li;i('l,  lioni  Octdhd-  'Jl.  iSiHi. 

i  ii'ohci-t   .Mills.  Iioni  N()\riiilici'  iMi.  1!)(»1. 

YTII-71       Childivn   of  .liid-v  'I'lionuis  'I'.   ;i!id    Ml  i/.;ili.'t  li   S.      Ilit.g 
F;iuiill('f().\-.  \'II-:i(i-b 

a.     Curuelius  llite. 

He   graduated   with   the   degree   ol'    .\,    .\I.    Mt    the    I'liiversity    of    \'iri;iiii!i. 
Is  ii  Ui\v,\cr  ;it   St.  T.iiuis,  Missouri. 

b  Tlioinas  'I'lirner,  iiiai-ricd  al  Si.  I'aiil.  .Miiuifsota, 
Bessie  S.  Lee  of  Westchester  ("oiiiity.  New  'N'oi'k IX-78 

c  Ann  xMaiiill,  niai'ricd  1S!)1,  i)i-.  Rohcrt  Randolph  I'.aii. 
siir^ieon  \\  S.  Ai-niy,  i)orn  at  Spriniiwood,  London  Counl.x', 
Virginia,  son  of  (leoi'ue  Washiiiiiton  and  .Marv  lit'verlv 
(Randolph)   Ball ^ '...: \ '....lX-10 

d  Elizabeth  Dan.ucrli.'Id.  iiiarricd  Odohcr  'J.  I'.nu),  Kd- 
"vvai'd  Jones  Willis. 

e     Charles  MaLiill.  died  in  inl'aney. 

f     Joseph  Barnes. 

He  is  !i   jili.vsician   in  iiiMdici'   at    A^livillr,    Nmili   (  iirolinji. 

g'     Robert    Ranilolph.    iiiarried     .Miss    darnel    of    Essex 
Conntv,  Yirtiinia. 
h     Gnilford  Griflt'en. 

i     ]\rary  Barnes. 

.)      T\;itlierine  W. 

VIII-72     Children  of  Cornelins  B.  and    Mai'-raret   E.    (Marshall) 
llite.  Jr.  Vll--Jti-c 

a.      Infaiil.  died  al   hirl  h. 

VIII-73      Children    of    Waller    and    .\dn    C.     ( S\vai-t/.\velder)    Ee 
Fevore.  VlI--J7-f 

a  Ada.  born  in  IJerlin,  (iei'uiany.  married  (Jeorge  Ibn-- 
ton  Blaekman. 

'  They  live  at  St.  T,ouis.  iFissouri. 

b  Katherine.  ])orn  in  Bei'lin,  (iecniany.  dieil  there  Avheii 
one  month  old. 

240  THE     BULL    FAMILY 

YIII-74     Children  of  John  and  Augusta   J.    (Schwartz welder) 
Scott.  VII-27-g: 

a     John, 
b     AVilliam. 
(Two  daughters  and  one  son  dead.) 

VIII-75     Children  of   William   and   Mary    (Swartz welder)    Tid- 
ball.  VII-27-h 

a     AVilliam  Stuart,  born  in  1887,  died  in  infancy, 
b     Leonard  Clarke. 

He  lives  at  Fort  Worth,  Texas. 

YIII-76     Children  of  Judge  John  A.  and  Jessie    (Kirkpatrick) 
Marshall.  VII-28-b 

a     Mary,  born  January  19.  1890. 
b     Cary  Jaquelin,  born  February  13,  1891. 

YIII-77     Children    of    Theodore    Stark    and    Maude     (Swartz- 
welder)  West.  VII-29-e 

a     Marj'-  Maude,  born  August  26.  1886. 
b     John  Camden,  born  March  11.  1889,  died  April  28, 

c     Charles  Shanman,  born  May  31,  1890. 

He  enlisted  in  the  Canadian  Ai-my,  February,  1918,  at  Windsor,  Ontario, 
■was  trained  at  Hamilton  until  April  14,  1918,  and  sailed  from  Halifax,  April 
16,  1918,  for  London,  England.  After  training  at  Purfleet  Camp,  near  Lon- 
don, until  -July,  he  was  transferred  to  the  Canadian  line  in  Picardy,  France, 
between  C'ambrai  and  St.  Quentin.  His  number  is  26271.57  of  the  1st  Bat- 
talion,  Canadian  Railway  Troops,   British  Expeditionary  Force. 

d  Stark,  born  October  10,  1891,  died  February  17, 

e  Leslie  Thurston,  born  October  24,  1894,  died  Octo- 
ber 6.  1895. 

f     Jaquelin  Clarke  W'ells,  born  September  18,  1899. 

He  joined  the  S.  A.  T.  at  A.  &  M.  College,  College  Station,  Texas,  but 
this  was  discontinued  on  signature  of  the  armistice. 

g     Virginia  Cary,  born  June  5,  1905. 

YIII-78     Children  of  Louis   S.   and  Addie    (Coke)    Smith. 

a     Catherine  Coke. 

YIII-79     Children  of  John  A.  and  Eula  (Hare)  Smith.     YII-30-b 
a     John  Augustine,  Jr. 

VIII-80     Children  of  Augustine  J.  and  Marie  (Boulaine)  Smith. 

Two  sons. 

YIII-81     Children  of  Archibald  M.  and  Mary  B.  (Turner)  Smith. 

a     Pocahontas  Meredith,  born  August  19,  1906. 
b     Charles  Ma  gill,  born  October  5,  1908. 
c     Katherine  Stirling,  born  September  2,  1912. 

Till':      lill.L     I'AMILY  241 

\'III-Si'      Childivii  of  I-Mw.ird  i:.  ;ni(|   l-:iiz;il)rt  li  .\I.   'Smith     'I'o.l.l. 

;i       l'](l\\;ir(l    Ivohiiisdii,  .1  r  .  liiirn    ISDl. 
Ii       A  II  l;  list  I  Me  .|,i(|  lid  I II.   Iiorii    1  Sl):{. 
c     Lillir  .M.iL'ill,  1m. Ill  is:i:,. 

\'[fI-S:!       Cliildivii  of    MIoii   SI.   C.  ;iii(|    .\iiw||sl;i    I..    iSiiiitiM     I|()I)I)S. 


;t       l']li/;ilM|  h  Si.  (■l.iir.  Iioni  Sc|itriiilirr  -Jl .   l!)()(i. 
1)      Kloii  Si.  (Liir.  Jr.,  lioni  Xovciiiltcr  1!»,  ]I)l):{. 

C        I"]Vcl\  II    .l;i(|l|r|i  II,    Imni    Si-|il  I'Mllirr-    "JT,    1!)()."). 

(1      Willi, nil   M..r-,iii,  Imni  Sc|.|riiil.crd.  l!)(»!l. 

VIII-84      ( 'liildli'li    (if    ihlil'V    ( '.    ;iiid    .\iiii;i    .| .     ^  .MorLT.l  II  i     (ict/fll- 
d;i  iiiiiicr.  \'II-:»"J-r» 

;i      •l;i(|Hcliii. 
1)     ^Iai",i;;ii't't. 

VIII-85     C'liildi'cii   of    Willijiiii    A.   ;iiid    Aiiiui    i.Mcaiisi    .Moi-^'iiii. 

a     William  A.,  di-. 
b     Maria  Ktnina. 

VIII-86     Children   of    Ardiihald    M.    S.    and    S.nali    'She])her(li 
:\ror^aii.  Vir-:^2di 

a      Aridiihald  Mauill.  -Ti-. 
1j     Flore-nee  Slieplu'rd. 
e     Cary  Jaqueliii. 

VIII-87      Ciiildrt'ii  of  Waiter  -J.  ajul  Eii..ahetli  M.  i  Smith;  Suthou. 

a     Waltci',  l)orn  Jaiiiiai'\'  1893. 

Tie   is   !i   K>ii<li':ite  of  the    l.:i\v    SiIkhi]   of  Tuhine    University,    Xcw   nrlfiins. 

b     Andiibald  :\Ia-ill. 

VIII-88     Childivii   (if  ddliii    A.   and    Alice   V.    i  llaglev)    Smith. 

a     John  Anenstino. 
b     A5,ities. 

VIII-8!)     (diildrcii    of    Ooors;,'    C.    and    Pocahontas    H.     (SmitIO 
Todd.  VII-:U-e 

a     ]\rary  ^Merrdilh. 
b     Frances  Can-oil. 

VIII-90     Children  of  Jean   L.  and   Marv   T.    (Smith)    Caillouet. 


a  Xorbert  ]\lai;ill. 
b  Alice  Gresham. 
c     Jean  Louis. 

242  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YIII-91     Children  of  Thomas  M.  and  Reuby  J.   (Smith)   Boyd. 

a     Mary  ]\Ieredith,  born  December  23,  1904. 

YITI-92  Children  of  Dr.  Walter  L.  and  Mary  D.  (Jackson) 
Austin.  VII-35-a 

a     George  Darley,  died  in  infancy. 

VIII-93  Children  of  William  T.  and  Sarah  J.  (Murdoch) 
Adams.  VII-36-a 

a     William  Jaquelin,  born  August  26,  1867. 
b     Emma  Jessie,  born  December  11,  1869. 

VIII-9-4  Children  of  William  and  Sarah  J.  (Murdock-Adams) 
Wallace.  VII-36-a 

a     John  Daniel,  born  October  16,  1876. 

b     Elise,  born  March  17,  1878,  in  South  Carolina. 

c  John  McLemore,  born  September,  1880,  died  Septem- 
ber, 1888. 

d     Margaret  Victoria,  born  October  23,  1882,  in  Florida. 

e     Helen  Muir,  born  February  11,  1886. 

f     Malcolm,  born  October  3,  1891. 

VIII-95     Children  of  Joseph  W.  and  Emma  J.  (Murdoch)  Scott. 

a     Warren  Finley,  born  in  1872". 
b     John  Murdoch,  born  in  1875. 
c     Clarence,  born  in  1878. 
d     James  Crosswell,  born  in  1881. 
e     Alexine  Evans,  born  in  1885. 
f     Emma  Wallace,  born  in  1889. 

YIII-96     Children  of  James  J.  and  Lily  D.  (Murdoch)  Crosswell. 

a     James  J.,  Jr.,  born  in  1881. 
b     Jennie  Chestnut,  born  in  1883. 
c     Jessie  de  Coltas,  born  in  1885. 
d     Jaquelin  Daniel,  born  in  1906. 

YIII-97     Children  of  John  W.  and  Josephine  (Brand)  Murdoch. 

a     Eleanor  Agnes,  born  in  1881. 
b     Josephine  Brand,  born  in  1884. 
e     George  AVilliam,  born  in  1886. 
d     John  Smith,  born  in  1888. 
e     Henry  Gaillard,  born  in  1891. 
f     EdAvard  AA^allace,  born  in  1895. 

VIII-98     Children  of  Richard  B.  and  Anna  H.  (Bell)  Daniel. 

a     Anna  Hardy,  born  October  30,  1892. 
b     Isabel,  born  September  1,  1895. 

TIM':      IMI.I,      lAMILY  213 

Vril-!»!t      Cliildivii  of  Ailliiii'  .M.  :iii(|   Siis.iii    I'".      iJ.uii.l      Kni^'lit, 

;i      .lii(|ilrliii     Miiiilc.    lioiii    N()\  fiiilirr    ]:i,    l>>ti.    dji-d    N'o- 
Wiiilicl-  IS.    l!ll-_'. 

li  Ailliiir  MiTiill,  .l|-..  Itorii  .l;iiiii;ii_\'  '>,  ]^>!).  iii;i  r-i-j.-d 
•  liiiir  I'l.  l!tl:i.  ALiiirs  \'ir<_Miii;i  Sc;ii-l)(ir-<»ii^'-|i.  Itorn  .Inly  7. 
ISII]  r.\'>!0 

(■       (irr;il(l    lllixloli.   Ik. I'll  .IlliM-  !>.   lSf)H. 

VIII-IIIO      ('liildnii  (if  Ili'i-lii-it  ;iiii|  ('.innli;!  (i.      |);iriif|      l/iiiisoti. 

;i      I  li  rliii'i .  Jr..  Imiii  !  )crriiilirr  2S.  1S!):'i.  nuirrifii  .\I;iy  7. 
lf)18,  .Ir.iii  .McDoii.ild  .M;is(iii.  Iioni  April  1.  1H!»7.     In  st-rvic.' 
W  S.  .\;i\.\'  ill   i'!iir()|ic;iii  wiiti'fs  diirinir  \v;ir. 

\'III-lin      Cliildivii  (if  I'^'jiiikliii  II.  ,11  id  .\iiii;i  .M.  '  l);iiii.-l  I  Ml  more. 

a     Franklin  I  larpcr.  .1  r..  horn  .Maivh  l'l'.  iDii:!. 

VITT-lOL'      Childivn  of  Ki.-liard   I',  and  .Mai-y  (;.   (  Palnu-r  i   I);nii.-I. 

a     ()iiliclia  Mason,  l)orn  DecenilxT  4.  1!»12. 
1)     da(|Ui'liii  dames,  born  Septfuilirr  22,  1916. 

Vlii-lUo      Cliiidreu    uT    Tliumas    J.    and     iDulaiu-v)    ( 'hcw. 

■  VII-41-C 
a     Rosa  Diilaney.  born  April  2"),  1874,  married  Rii-hard 
Williams  of  Baltimor(\  ^Farylaiid. 
b     Bladen  Dulanc.x',  died  in  iiil'aney. 
c     Jeannette,  lioin  Februar.v  3.  1S77.  married  l)i'.  Sam- 
uel Clau-,irett  of  l-'icdcritd^  Coiintw  .Mar\land.     llr  died  in 
•Time,  If)  14. 

d      Thomas  .John,  dr.,  died  in  inranc_\-. 

VIII-1()4     ('hildrcji  of  Chai'les  J.  and  .Iiilia  L.  i  Tcabodv  >   Xoiirse. 

a     Charles  Joseph,  born  February  24,  1888. 
1)     .fnlia  Tii\inL:s1on.  l)orn  Oetobo-  '27^,  ISDI. 

VIII-105  Chihlivii  (d'  Cliarhs  N.  and  Catherine  E.  (  Burroutrhs) 
Simms.  VII-4.")-a 

a  Charles  Carroll.  l)orn  .Tnnc  2.  1SS4.  mai-rit'd  ^far- 
.iraret  Bi-own. 

1)     Kiehard  Douglas,  born  :\rareh  28,  1888. 

I.,ives  in  Washington,  D.  C,  where  he  is  in  the  office  of  U.  S.  Engineers. 

VIII-106     Children  of  Richaid   D.  antl  Enulv   (Dunlop)   Simms. 

a     Elizabeth  Brent,  born  190.S. 
b     (ieorue  Dmdop.  died  Avheii  four  years  old. 

244  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YIII-107     Children  of  Charles  G.  and  Sara  E.  (Guest)  Hamilton. 

a     Elizabeth  Gurden,  born  at  Clinton,  Wisconsin,  Feb- 
ruary 29,  1892. 

Has  prepared  as  nurse  for  service  in  France. 

b     Charles  Maynard,  born  at  Clinton,  Wisconsin,  April 
5,  1900. 

YIII-108     Children  of  Boyd  and  Melissa    (Cullom)    Smith. 

a     Bruce,  born  March  21,  1897,  married 

VIII-109     Children  of  William  E.  and  Sarah  H.  (Smith)  Stone. 

a     William  Edward,  Jr.,  born  April  19,  1895,  at  Peoria, 

Has    been    in    U.     S.     Army,     First    Lieutenant,     Infantry,     Camp    Grant, 

b     John  Boyd,  born  March  4,  1897,  at  Peoria,  Illinois. 

Has    been    in    U.    S.    Navy,    at    Great    Lakes    Training    Station,    Illinois. 

A'III-110     Children    of    Lewis    H.    and    Maude    E.     (Shepherd) 
Smith.  VII-47-d 

a     Archibald  Alexander,  born  July  18,  1900. 

In    L^.     S.    Naval    Radio    Service. 

b  Merilyn  Maude,  born  November  16,  1902. 

c  Lewis,  born  January  7,  1905,  died  January  24,  1910. 

d  Barbara,  born  November  2,  1911. 

e  Dorothy,  born  May  7,  1913. 

f  Tiny,  born  August  11,  1914,  died  May  19,  1915. 

VIII-111     Children  of  Jay  A.  and  Elsie  L.    (Smith)   Fiske. 

a     John  Dewey,  born  April  20,  1917. 
b     Roger  Allen,  born  December  27,  1918. 

VIII-112     Children  of  Henry  K.  and  Achsa  M.  (Barnwell)  Lathy. 

a     Henry  Kent,  born  in  1901. 
b     Achsa  Maude,  born  in  1903. 

VIII-113     Children    of    Carl    B.    and    Edna    (Worden)    Lathy. 

a    Elizabeth,  born  July  14,  1915. 
b     Geraldine,  born  July  19,  1917. 

VllT-lll     Children  of  William  T.  and  Kate  P.  (Freeze)  Headley. 

a     Thomas  Boyd,  born  July  28,  1884,  married  Septem- 
ber 27,  1916,  Gretta  Ruff  Lyman. 
b     Mary,  born  November  16,  1885. 
c     ^linerva,  bora  June  3,  1891. 

'nil-:    I'.iLi,    iw.Mii.Y 


\'III-lir)      Cliildicii  of  r|i;iil,s   II.  :iii(|   Siis.-iii    Iv    i(';il<ri    limlL-v. 

\ll  .V_'-a 
a     .l.'iiiii's    r>i'iirc.    hoiii    (  )(|i)lirr   '2H,   18HH.   niin-cii-d    .lime 
!».  Ifil::.  Klsic  Nicliohis. 

li     -loliii  Uoyd,  lidiii  l-\lirii;iry  S,  isilll. 
(•      (  icoru'c  ( ';iki'.  liorii  AiivT'ist    11.   |S!)7. 

\'lll-llli      rhiMiTii   (.I'   'I'licod.nv    L.    I*.    :iiid    I'.i'ssir    I'..  I '.I'lit  It-y  , 

Mill  lor.  I.  \1I.VJ-1) 

a      .Idsipli.i    lloyd.  Imiim   M.iy    ]!),    Issll.  iii;irrird  l*'i-l»riiiii"y 
14.  1!Ml'.  \\r\u-y  Coi'Ihii   ImiIIcV. 

I)       •hllll-'S    Ih'IiIIcN',    IhiI-II    Sclil  rlld)iT   "I".    1S!)(). 


(Page    L'T) 

VIlI-117     Children  of  Williani   K.   II.  .iiid  .l..sri.ha  P..   (Bentley) 
Godson.  VII-.l-J-c 

a     William    Frcdfrick    lliilfoi'd.   -li'..    horn    Fchriiai-y    1. 
1896,  at  New  Hedford.  .Massaeliusetls. 

He  was  appointed  ca<l<t    ;it    T.   S.   Military  Ai-acleiny.   West    Point.     Grad- 
uated,    and     is     now     Kitsi     I  .irulriKint     of     Cavalry. 

1)     Elizabeth  Aniiis.  horn  August  30.  1897.  at  New  Bed- 
ford, Massachusetts. 

VIII-118     Children  of  .loliii   ('.   ;md    lIcKii    I..    ^Bentley)   Lewis. 

;i      TTelen  T>onise.  horn  M;ireh  Ki.  18!l!t. 
b     John  Charles.  -Ir..  Ix^rii  October  ti.  1901. 
c     James  W..  born  duly  o.  1908. 

246  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-119     Children  of  John  A.  and  Mary  A.    (Kuhnle)    Boger. 


a     Ida  Elizabeth,  born  June  24,  1857,  married  October  9, 

1877,  Jacob  Fegley  Fryer,  son  of  Reuben  and  Maria  Fryer 

of  Pottstown,  Pennsylvania,  born  April  16,  1852,  and  died 

May  18,  1897 -- IX-81 

He  graduated  at  the  Philadelphia  Dental  College  in  1874  and  was  in  prac- 
tice until  his  death.  He  is  buried  at  Mt.  Zion  cemetery,  Pottstown,  Pennsyl- 
vania.    She  lives  at  Bally,  Berks  County,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Jacob  Henry,  born  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania,  June 
27,  1859,  married  at  Findlay,  Ohio,  December  6,  1882,  Jen- 
nie Mungen,  daughter  of  Hon.  William  and  Marietta 
(Bowman)  Mungen,  born  at  Findlay,  Ohio,  September  12, 
1859 ......._.. .JX-82 

He  graduated  at  the  Pennsylvania  College  of  Dental  Surgery,  Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania,  in  1880,  receiving  the  degree  of  D.  D.  S.  He  is  practicing 
his  profession  at  Findlay,  Ohio,  where  they  live.  Hon.  William  Mungen  was 
born  at  Baltimore,  Maryland,  May  12,  1821,  and  was  Colonel  of  the  57th 
Regiment  of  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry  during  the  Civil  War.  Marietta  Bow- 
man was  born  in  Bedford  County,   Pennsylvania,   September  13,  1822. 

c     Charles  William,  born  July  7,  1861,  unmarried. 

He  is  a  lawyer,  living  in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania.  He  is  the  president 
of  the  Board  of  Reviewers,  at  the  City  Hall,  Philadelphia. 

d  Mary  Alberta,  born  November  20,  1863,  at  Harris- 
burg, Pennsylvania,  died  December  24,  1889,  at  Philadel- 
phia, unmarried. 

e  John  Albert,  born  June  20,  1868,  at  Harrisburg,  Penn- 
sylvania, unmarried. 

He  is  a  surgeon,  living  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

f  Blanche  Estelle,  born  July  29,  1869,  at  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania,  married  Charles  Walter  Palmer. 

They  live  in  Philadeli^hia,  where  he  is  a  civil  engineer. 

g  Edward  Lucien,  born  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
December  3,  1871,  married  at  Philadelphia,  April  2,  1902, 
Anna  Mae  Roop,  daughter  of  Charles  Franklin  and  Eva 
Theresa  Roop  of  Philadelphia,  born  there  December  21, 
1875    ._ - .--._ - - IX-83 

He  graduated  at  the  Philadelphia  Central  High  School,  and  is  engaged  in 
cotton  and  wool  business  in  Philadelphia.  He  is  captain  of  the  American 
Protective  League  operating  during  the  war,  1917-1918,  under  the  Department 
of  Justice;  doing  active  service  in  the  Philadelphia  district  on  cases  of  sedi- 
tion, disloyalty,  sabotage,  alien  enemies,  etc.  They  live  at  332  West  Logan 
Street,   Germantown,   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

Vni-120     Children  of  Lemuel  Z.  and  Mary  E.  (Huston)  Shermer. 


a     Eva  Maria,  born  September  5,  1869. 

VIII-121     Children  of  John  J.  and  Henrietta  0.   (Huston)  Mac- 
farlane.  VII-54-c 

a     Catherine,  born  April  7,  1877. 

Lives  at  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  where  she  is  a  prac- 
ticing physician. 

b  Charles  Huston,  born  October  11,  1878,  died  in  in- 

'I'lii']    r.iLi,    l••\Mll,^'  2»7 

\'III-IL'l!      ('hildnii    ,>\'    John     Iv    .iiid    ('|;ii-;i     ^  .\|c( ';irtrf  i     Shaw. 

;i  S()|)hi;i  MlliotI,  Ixini  .\(i\riiilirr  L'Ll.  iSSl',  niMfi-ii-d  .Jiin'- 
I'll,  1!MI7.  I''i'aiik  Ivlward  Hiixtuii,  wlio  was  born  SiiptciiiljiT 
^4,   lS(i8 IX-84 

'I'lii'V    live   ,il    .M;ililiii.    MussihIimm'IIs. 

\'ll  l-1'J:;      Cliildr.'ii  uT  Lew  is  and  IJIIiaii   >  Sliau  ^    I  )ailiiii:    \'  I  \  'tin 

a      A  list  ill    1  loopfi'. 
1)      I'^ai'l  .lohii, 
(•      (I  race   .Mar\'. 

\'lll-lL'4     Childivii  of  Lewis  (1.  (TV)  and    I'Miia   l>.   il'.iicki    I'.nll. 


a       WalttT  Sl,'|)hciis.  hoi'ii  daniiary  Ml.  IflOS. 
li      Dorothy   I':ii/,al>cl  li.  horn  diil.\-  l'l!,  IHI  1. 

N^lU-l-Jo  Chihlrcii  of  dohn  d.  I',,  and  .Marv  d.  '  .Mr(^iiistion ) 
Fink.  Vll-fil-a 

a     Ira  Berlin,  l)orn  ^Faivli  M.  iSiiO.  died  Aiij^Mist  L*:?.  lS!):i. 

1)  Klizabt'tli  Newell,  horn  dniic  Iti.  ISlii'.  iiiarrifd  dinu' 
IS,  IS!).'),  llarrv  Burns  Snanian.  who  was  hoi-ii  dune  -. 
1871    IX-sr, 

Tlii'V    live   at    Alici;li;iny   City.    l'rmis>  Ivania. 

c     dohii  Berlin,  hoi'.i  Ai)ril  2:-!,  1886. 

VIII-126  Children  of  Alhei-t  B.  and  Fidelia  (Morrison)  Mc(^iii.s- 
tion.  Vll-fild. 

a     Ira  D.,  born  -January  1,  1878. 

He  graduated  at  AllcKhany  College,  Meadville,  Pentisylvanhi.  and  is  in  tlu' 
insurance  liusiness  at   Kiie,   Pennsylvania. 

1)  Blanehe  Elizabeth,  born  September  lo,  1871),  married 
September  30,  1903,  George  A.  Zillafro IX-86 

They  live  at  Hixford,  Pennsylvania.  She  graduated  at  I^ock  Haven  N'or- 
mal  School  in  T.NM).  and  taught  school,  one  year  in  McKean  County,  two  years 
in  Alleghany  County.  She  is  Past  Worthy  Matron  of  the  O.  E.  S..  Keystone 
Chapter  No.   2.    Unke  Center,    Pennsylvania. 

C      deimie    !'>..    hoi'ii    diilx'    7,    ISSl.    married   diiiif   '_'.    I'.ilo. 

E.    AV.    Bliss '. IX-S7 

'I'hey  live  at  Bradford.  Pennsylvania.  She  graduated  at  the  Commercial 
College  of  Meadville,  Pennsylvania. 

VIII-127  Children  of  Edward  K.  and  Kthel  (Williams)  Me^uis- 
tion.  Vir-ti2d> 

a     Earl  A.,  born   May,  1887. 

VIII-128  Children  of  KMehard  K.  and  Maud  >  BhiUips)  MeQuis- 
tion.  VII-62-e 

a  Eugenia  Kli/.alx'th.  bom  at  Cleveland.  Ohio.  Autrust 
3,  1870. 

b  Harold  Richard,  born  a1  ('le\eland.  (>hio.  Mareli  24, 
1803.  married  Julv  1!),  1!I14,  Anna  Srhultz. 

248  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-129  Children  of  Walter  and  Margaret  J.  (McQuistion)  Ser- 
geant. ■  VII-63-a 

a  Joseph  Louis,  born  September  18,  1873,  died  Octo- 
ber 12,  1913. 

b  Walter  Foard,  born  December  21,  1875,  died  Decem- 
ber 7,  1876. 

c     Edward  Walter,  born  July  16,  1877. 

d     William  Wilson,  born  September  15,  1879. 

e     Minerva  Jane,  born  January  26,  1882. 

f     Frank  O'Brien,  born  July  22,  1887. 

g     ]\Iary  Olivia,  born  July  1,  1893. 

VIII-130     Children    of    Richard    and    Sidney    0.     (McQuistion) 
Hartje.                                                                             VII-63-c 
a     Charles    Grant,    born   November   25,    1880,   married 
October  19,  1910,  Naomi  Davis IX-88 

b     Sidney  Ellis,  born  September  5,  1882. 
c     Richard  H.,  born  September  20.  1884. 

He  is  ordered  to  report  for  training  at  Camp  Gordon. 

VIII-131     Children  of  James  T.  and  Nancy  J.  (Porter)  Cochran. 

a     Orpha  Thompson,  born  in  Alleghany  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, September  14,  1884.  married  in  Kansas  City,  Kan- 
sas, April  25,  1908,  William  C.  Beery,  who  was  born  in 
Buena  Vista,  Colorado,  April  16,  1882 IX-89 

VIII-132  Children  of  James  H.  and  Floretta  E.  (Cochran) 
Gestler.  YII-66-a 

a     Margaret,  born  July  24,  1890. 

b     Susan  Arabel,  born  May  30,  1892,  married  July  9, 
1914,  John  Albert  Chambers,  who  was  born  April  10,  1891..JX-90 
c     Harry,  born  June  3,  1894. 

YIII-133     Children  of  Harry  G.  and  Addie   (Scott)    Crawford. 

a     Ray  Scott,  born  July  21.  1898. 
b     Elsie  Olive,  born  March  25,  1901. 

YIII-134     Children    of    Ormsby    W.    and    ( ) 

Mechling.  YII-68-a 

a  Franklin  Claire,  born  September  11,  1884,  died  No- 
vember 29,  1887. 

b  Gertrude  Gay,  born  October  14,  1886,  died  November 
26.  1899. 

Yiri-135     Children    of     Christian    D.     and    Mechling. 

a     John  Guy,  born  May  9,  1893. 
b     Florence,  born  November  20,  1895. 

Till':     It  I   I,  I,     IWMILV  24» 

\' 1 1  I    I.Iti      ( 'liildifii    (if       iiiid     .\miiinl;i     M.     '  Mrclilint;,/ 

Ci'uuk.  \'II-»;.S.(r 

;i       ('.   !•'..    April    1  1.   IM)II. 
h      .1.   L..  Iioni   Dcr,  iiiIpii-  .■>.   1S!I|, 
(•       I'",(l  \\;i  I'll,  linni   .\ii\  ciiilirr  .').   lS!);5. 

(I         I,'.     Iv,     \u,V\\     Dcrrlllli.l-     11).     IS!)."). 

e     .M.  A,.  Imm'ii  .\I;iiv|i  l'.  isiiT. 
r     I'",  (i..   iL'.  r.ioi. 

fX        l<'l(..\-.    liol-ll    Sr|.|rll|lir|-     I.     IDli:;. 

h      (icr;il(liiic.  lioni    AmliiisI    !•.    I'.tllS. 

\'lll-l:!7      Childrrii  (,r  .|,,|iii    II.  , -111, I Mrrhliirj.    \'ll-(;-^-.| 

;i      Otis.   I.(.rii    .M;i.\-   L'4,    lS!l!l. 

1)       L;iiir;i,    Ihm'Ii    .I;i  iiii;i  |'\-    L".).    I'.MIl. 

('       \lny     I.,    liol'll    -I  line    I'T.    11111!). 

VIII-1;?8     Cliilih'oi  of   llow.ird  .iiid    Mniin;!   .1.    i  .MiTliIinjr )    Frwiii. 


S'nid   til   ll;ivr   llii'rc   cliild  rcl\  :    no   rrciii'd    ntit.-iinr'd. 

YIII-l:5!)  CMnldiTii  ol'  (iror^r  S.  jiiid  Aiiiiii  !•'.  (  .MiMdiliiiir  I  l»a^- 
gett.  \II-69-c 

;i     Jriines  Percy.  l)nrii  -Inly  2.  18!)0. 

I)  Alice  ^r;iy.  boi'ii  Oclolii'i-  '■]().  1892.  married  Fi'l»i-ii;n-y 
16.  1!)12.  liyi'oii  ('.  (Mark.     NO  issue. 

e  Pearl  .Maude,  lioi'ii  .Mav  26,  1896,  iiiai'rird  .June  2. 
I!n4.    Kal|.ll    KetehleSS '. IX-91 

VIII-140  Childivii  of  WilliaDi  ( '.  and  Kinil.\  K'.  (.Merhling)  Lati- 
mer. \'II-t;!i-d 

a  .Toliii  Franklin.  ])orn  Fel)ruary  26.  1800. 

b  William  Del!)ert.  born  October  IS.   liido. 

e  Louisa  Xarcissa,  l)oni  Septemliei'  27,  1902. 

d  Leslie  Robert,  born  .Inly  1!),  1908. 

VIII-141     Children  of  Ihnvev  .1.  and  .\liiui  (derrard)   Mecliliuu'. 

a      Jessie  T>ouisa.  boi'u  A|)i'il  4.  1!)04-. 

b  Nora  Maryaret,  boru  February  9,  1906,  dietl  Januarv 
30,  1907. 

c     Nina  ^radye.  born  September  4.  1011. 
d     Lois  Aleiie.  boi-n  .May  l:'.  I!tl4. 

VIII-142  Cbildivn  of  'riioinas  1..  and  Suella  M.  Sti-ain)  Mech- 
ling.  VII-6!)-h 

a  Florence  Allretla.  born  -June   10.   100."). 

h  Txoy  Leslie,  born  :\Iarch  2.').  1009. 

C  ]\Iargai'et   I'.elle.  boi'ii  .lanuarv  10.   lOU. 

d  Charles, 

e  AYillard. 

f  ]\Iarion. 



VIII-143     Children  of  James  L.  and  Luella  J. 

(Mechling)  Denley. 

a  Wilnia  Grace,  born  March  10,  1907. 

b  Bernice  Luella,  born  May  27,  1909. 

c  Ethel  Florence,  born  April  23,  1911. 

d  Arthur  James,  born  June  10,  1913. 

VIII-lll     Children   of  William   H.   H.   and   Gertrude 
land)  Mechling. 

a  Andrew  Franklin,  born  October  11,  1908. 
b  Forest  William,  born  December  24,  1910. 
c     Lois  Gertrude,  born  May  28,  1916. 


YIII-1-15     Children  of  Harry  E.  and  Grace  E.  (Mechling)   Hall. 

a     Edna  Mary,  born  December  4,  1912. 

VIII-146     Children  of  Eli  and  Emma  J.  (Ekis)  Gibson. 

a  Joseph,  born  in  1878. 

b  George,  born  in  1880. 

c  Ella,  born  in  1889. 

d  John,  born  in  1892. 

e  Margaret,  born  in  1897. 

f  Ira,  born  in  1899. 

g  Plummer,  born  in  1901. 

h  Mary,  died  in  infancy, 

i  Elgin  Martin,  born  May  16,  1912. 

j  Hilda  May,  born  February  25,  1916. 


Vin-147     Children  of  Richard  M.  and  Anna  M. 

(Fowler)   Ekis. 


a  Charles  Fremont,  born  June  5,  1892. 

b  Edna  Esther,  born  October  31,  1894. 

c  Jesse  M.,  born  December  22.  1896. 

d  N.  Evaline,  born  May  1,  1899. 

e  Lewis  Lemuel,  born  March  16,  1902. 

f  L.  Maude,  born  December  25,  1904. 

g  Agnes,  born  October  11,  1907. 

h  Ralph  Mechling,  born  June  1,  1909. 

i  Elgin  Martin,  born  May  16,  1912. 
Wilda  May,  born  Febriiary  25,  1916. 

Children  of  George  W.  and  Susan  I.    (Ekis)    Gibson. 

Clarence  Walter,  born  February  17,  1886. 
Alvin  Roy,  born  March  6,  1888.' 
Stella  EUice,  born  December  5,  1890. 
Elgie  Leon,  born  May  17,  1894. 
Lillian  Blanche,  born  September  13,  1898. 
Herbert  Lawrence,  born  January  13,  1901. 



TIIM      I'.riJ,      I' AM  I  I.  V  2.31 

H'  Siis;iii    l';ii/;il)r|  h,  l.oni  -Iiiih'  :'  I,    \'.H):>,. 

h  (icori^v   Leslie,   ImiI'II    .\I;i.\    J  I.    llMlT. 

i  .losepli  Donald,  l.oni  .lime   Ki,  |!»():). 

j  K'li!  Ii  .lane,  l)()i-u  Septi'iiilier  US,  ]!)11. 

\'III-I4!I      ChiMreii  (.r  .1.  (".  and  Sidiiev  K.   M'lkis)    l''..uler. 

\ll  Tit-L' 
a       Williani  ('..  hdrn   (  )elolicr  LlO,   IS!):;. 
1)      (JeorLic   W'.,   lioi'M  -Inne  S     ISlHi. 
e        Lesler    K.,   IxM'll    .\()\'iMn  1  lel'  ol ),    ISDT. 

(I      Kali  .lames.  l...i-n  May   1  1,  1!)()(». 

e      K'iehard    I'lllis.  horn  .laniiary   1:5,   lilOli. 

f  .\rtlini'  .losepli,  lioiMi  .lannar>  2.1.  lilOl.  died  .Inne  1  \. 

!;■  I'earl  Elizahidli,  born  .)aiinai-y  D.  liHMi,  died  .Inne  12, 

h     A.  Ileiu-y,  Itoi'n  Se|.tend)ei'  :!i».  1!»(>S. 

i     CMemeiice  L.,  horn  Ocloher  Id.  l!tl(». 

j     ('arl.  born  Ftd)ruary  !),  1!)1:!. 

YTTT-ir)0     Cdiildren  of  Dr.  Thomas  CJ.  and  Be.ssie  I'.   (.Meehlin^O 
Groig'.  Vir-7r)-b 

a     Bessie  Meeldin^-,  l)oni  April  ."),  11)08. 
1)     Dorothy  ^lar^aret.  hoi-n  -lannai-y  23,  IHll. 
('     Tliomas  rjeorec,  .ji-.,  horn  .\nuiist  20,  1!)14. 

VIII-l.")!      Childi-en  of  John   \V.  and   .\ini    K.    (Kiehards)    Tavlor. 


a  AVarreu  ^lelville,  horn  Deeeinhei'  2!(.  1SS2,  married 
February  1,  1907,  Hazel  Smith,  who  was  horn  February 
27,  1888! !...IX-92 

b  Julia  Van  Ness,  born  December  22,  1884.  married 
December  19,  1904,  Oscar  Dertrand  Kliiu'.  who  was  born 
An,-nst  14,  1880. 

c  John  Xorvel,  born  Ai)ril  l:>.  ISSS.  married  .\i)ril  14. 
1909,  Julia  Alay  Cnnnninus,  who  was  horn  XoNcndier  17. 
1890   ■ IX-!i4 

d  ]\Iaro-aret  Anna,  born  March  2"),  1881.  married  De- 
cember 2G,  1911,  I\alph  I).  Rogers,  who  was  born  Sei)tem- 
ber  11.   1890 IX-95 

e  Blanche  Eichards.  born  October  17,  18!):^,  mai-ried 
June  14,  191.5,  Frank  C.  Foster,  who  was  horn  September 
23,  1893  lX-96 

f     Francis  Gait,  l)orn  October  11,  1897. 

VIII-152     Children    of    .Tohn    S.    and    Anna     ( Zook  >     Eichards. 

a     Zook  \'an  Xess.  l)()i'n  l)eeeml)er  15,  1891. 
1)     Harold,  born  September  1.5.  1895. 

252  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-153     Children  of  Alfred  W.  and  Mary  H.  (Richards)  Law- 
ton.  VII-81-a 
a     Francis  Nichols,  born  April  23,  1874,  married  Artha 
Marion  Kiel. 

They  live  at  Hackensack,  New  Jersey,  where  he  is  an  electrical  engineer 
in  charge  of  a  plant. 

b  Sheafe  Richards,  born  December  9,  1878,  died  Jan- 
uary 29,  1891. 

c     Louisa  Haven,  born  April  15,  1882. 

VIII-154     Children  of  Thomas  H.  and  Sallie  J.   (Bodley)   Rich- 
ards. VII-81-e 
a     Sarah  Bodley,  born  September  29,  1879. 
b     Leila  Louisa,  born  July  22,  1881. 

VIIL155     Children  of  Thomas  LI.  and  Amy  T.  (AVesterfelt)  Rich- 
ards. Vn-81-e 
a     Elizabeth  Turflee,  born  February  20,  1903. 

VIIL156  Children  of  Henry  M.  and  Elizabeth  S.  (Richards) 
Llook.  VII-81-f 

a  Laura  Eugenia,  born  November  28,  1884,  died  July 
31,  1885. 

b     Leila  Margaret,  born  December  9,  1887. 

c  Henry  Ferdinand,  born  May  28,  1899,  died  Mav  1, 

VnL157  Children  of  Charles  McK.  and  Georgiana  C.  (Smith) 
Leoser.  VII-86-a 

a  Thomas  Smith,  born  June  6,  1867,  married  (1)  Jan- 
uary 13,  1892,  Mary  Helen  Schropp,  who  was  born  August 
25,  1868,  and  died  November  9,  1903 __ IX-97 

Married  (2)  June  1,  1904,  Ethel  Summerfield  Squire,  who 
was  born  November  24,  1873.  He  died  May  18,  1909.  No 

They  lived  at   Morristown,   New  .Jersey. 

b  Charles  McKnight,  born  February  20,  1871,  died  un- 
married May  1,  1913. 

VnL158  Children  of  Charles  McK.  and  Julia  H.  (Repplier) 
Leoser.  VII-86-a 

a     Paul,  born  April  7,  1890. 

b  Ruth  Schropp,  born  April  17,  1897,  died  December 
21,  1898. 

VIII-159     Cliildren  of  Martin  C.   and  Sidney  H.    (Leoser)    Mc- 
Hvaine.                                                                            VII-86-c 
a     Howard  Leoser,  born  January  19,  1866,  married  Jan- 
uary 27,  1894,  Elizabeth  Parry  Clapp IX-98 

I!l    I.I.      I'A.MII.Y 


1)  M;ii'\',  lioni  .\(i\cii:licr  1.  IS(II).  iii;inicil  .l;iiiii;iry  "J'l. 
JS:)S.    .loliii    .l.icol.    Kilt.'. IX-U'J 

'I'licy    live   III    l'liil;iil.l|,liiii.    I'cniiNylviinia. 

(•  Lcdsrr.  Iiiiiii  Api'il  '2').  1^7'i.  dinl  AiiltusI  S, 

(1  .\iiiic  .Morion,  lioni  .\()\ ciiilirr  :Jil,  ]s77,  iii;iiTii'il  Api'il 
S.  1!»0L'.  .lohii  Loiii;   .Miclslc.     .\()  issue. 

'I'lii'V    livr    ;il     I'll  i  l;iil<'l|ili  III.    I'l'iuisN  Iviiliili. 

A'llMilll       ('liildrrii    ol'    M(l\\;in|    ;iiii|     l'";iiiiiir    ( '.     (  I  );irl  i  mlt  i     \il«'S. 

;i       lli'iiry  |);ii'li!i^',  Itoni  .\o\ ciiilicr.  lUi'l. 
\'III-lt)l      (Miildrcii  of  (l(■o^^■(■  W,  ;iii(l   l'\iiiiiii'   ■  I  );ifliiiu- 1    l-'illn-rt , 


a  I'Mward  harliiii;-.  Iioni  .Ma\'  '2'),  \>'~'~',  iiiai'i'lcd  Auirnst 
(i.  1!)0().  Mary  K.  lim-litcr ' I.\'-100 

They   live   iit   Ui'iuliiiK,    I't'iiiisylviiniM, 

1)     Horace  A.,  born  ^lai-cli  7,  issl,  died  Scj)lriiil)('r  ■_!.'», 

('  TTt'lcii,  l)orii  Xo\-cnd»cr  •■!.  1SS'2.  iiiarrii'(l  ^I;i\-  H, 
IDOf).  William  -J.  Todd. 

d      'i'lioinas  Stanley,  horn  l^'ebiMiary  1:!,  1885. 

V11I-1G2     Children  of  William  T.  and  Mary   K.   (Darlinu.   Smed- 
ley.  Vir-!)()-a 

a  Rntli  Thurlow.  liorn  Octohci-  '2'A,  lSf)8.  mai-ried  ()cto- 
ber  26,  1910,  Griswold  Wheeler,  who  was  hoi-n  Octobei-  i'^. 
1890   IX-KH 

They  live  at  Wateifoid,   Connecticut. 

b     Edward  Darling',  horn  .laiinar>  27),  1S!I7. 
e     AVilliam  Thomas,   horn  .lime   14,   l!iiiii,  died  October 
16.  1901. 

d     Dorothy  Darlin-    horn  .May  10,  VM.i. 

Yin-168     Cliildren    of    Thomas    and     Emma     C.     (:\rc('lintock^ 
Darlin<r.  VlI-!)0-b 

a     Thomas.  Ji-..  l)orn  .lime  "iti.  1!)0."1 
b     Edward,  boi'ii  .la unary  2.  19(1(1. 
(•     Clara  Childs.  hoi-n  April  17.  1907. 
d     Elsie  Lowrie.  hoi'n  .Marcdi  27,  VM4. 

VIII-16-4     Children  of  Arthur  and  Emilv  C.   (Dailiim-i   llillman. 

a     Xalali,.  .MeClinto.d<,  horn  .Ma\   L'l,  1901. 

VIII-165     Chililren  of   Francis    A.   and    .Mai'i^aret ta    I).    ^  Di'ownl 
Phelps.  ^  \'ir-91-e 

a     AVilliam  Drown,  horn  September  30,  1890. 
h     Alice  Dai-lin-.;'.  horn  Mai'ch  7.  1898. 
c     Francis  Slocum,  horn  Au.uust  12,  1896. 

254.  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-166     Children  of  Ziba  B.  and  Elizabeth  D.  (Drown)  Phelps. 


a  Elizabeth  Drown,  born  September  20,  1898. 

b  Emilv  Drown,  born  January  14,  1900. 

c  Martha  Bennett,  born  September  27,  1903. 

d  Ziba  Bennett,  born  January  14,  1906. 

VIII-167     Children  of  John  E.   and  Mary  E.    (Dunning)    Dow. 


a    Annetta  Dunning,  born  October  21,  1871,  died  De- 
cember 17,  1876. 

b     Lawrence  Adam,  born  July  28,  1874. 

VIII-168     Children  of  Edward  T.  and  Ada  (Burno)  Clymer. 

a     Stanley  Palm,  born  August  16,  1897. 

Enlisted  in  Troop  K.,  16th  U.  S.  Cavalry,  and  is  stationed  at  Brownsville, 

b     Charlotte  Bertha,  born  February  18,  1903. 

VIII-169     Children  of  Levi  S.  and  Clara  M.    (Riegel)    Clymer. 


a     John   Riegel,  born  April   14,    1892,   died   November 
22,  1914. 

b     A'^aleria  Smith,  born  January  12,  1896. 

YIII-170     Children  of  Samuel  S.  and  Valeria  E.  (Clymer)  Hill. 

a     Samuel  Smith,  Jr.,  born  July  6,  1900. 

VIII-171     Children  of  Frederick  H.   and  Elsie  E.    (Bachman) 
Clymer.  VII-93-f 

a     Mav  Rose,  born  Julv  13,  1912. 
b     Emily  Ellsworth,  born  January  30,  1914. 

VIII-172     Children  of   Clement   G.   and   Edith  AV.    (Comstock) 
Smith.  VII-95-a 

a     Julia  Comstock,  born  May  24,  1907. 

VIII-173     Children  of  William  S.  and  Daisey  E.  (Smith)  IMorris. 

a     Heber  Smith,  born  June  12,  1904. 
b     Mary  Cheston,  born  November  2,  1911. 
c     Jane  Grubb,  born  January  11,  1915. 

VIII-174     Children  of  William  F.  and  Jane  V.  (Bowman)  Wise. 

a     Annie  Bowman,  born  August  29;  1902. 

'I' 111';      I '-I    I,  I,      KAMII.V  2  JO 

\'lll-17."i      ('liiltlrcii   of    \\'illi;iiii    ( '.   iiiid    ('ordrlia    i  Walkfr  i    Moc- 
risoii.  \'|  I  lis  ii 

ii  S.illic  l>.,  Iioni  \()\  ciiihcr  '_'.;,  I'^ti'>.  iii;i  i-rii'il  April  17, 
IS!):).  .M.iris  .McClclLiii  I'.ail.'S,  son  n[  'rii(.iii;is  .1.  A.  ;iii<l 
luiclifl  A.  (  LiLilit  I  l'.,iilc\,  from  Strclcvillc,  CIh'mI"*!- 
('()llMl\  .  I'ciiiisylv;iiii,i,  lioiii  (  )ct()l)cf  .1(1,   iSliS IX-1'»J 

Tlicy    live   ;il    ( 'i><lir;i  ii\  i  llr,    (  lirslri-    Ccniiily.    I'l'niiNylviitiin.      'rhoiimH   .(.    A. 
Bililry    is    liUiicil    i\\    (Mm    l.'iin    n- Iriy    iiriil    Mrs.    Iliiilcy    is   Mlill    liviliif. 

1)  .loliii  Lewis,  l)()iii  I )»'('('iiil)('i- S,  lS71,<li('(|  Aiiiriist  "JO. 

lie    is   liui'lcd   lit    FiiK>;s    Miiiinr   criiii-ii-ry. 

('      (';ilcl)  WoodnilT,  liofti  Sc|)triiilic|-  2(i,    l>71.<lii'(|   l<"cl). 

He   is   liuric'd   :ii    FiiKKs    MiiiKir  <iTiii'l cry. 

VIli-17G      riiildi-i'U  ol'  C'liark's  1>.  and  Ko.saliiid   (Wood)   Cliii^'aii. 


a  l>aiii'a  Tlicfcs.-i.  Ixm-h  .March  H.  Is7fi,  rii;ii-i-icd  |)r. 
Josei)li  Coles  15ri(dv IX-l(t:{ 

1)     Kosaliiid,  died  in  infancy. 

c  Clcinentine,  horn  August  1.  1880.  marritxl  lu-v.  Wil- 
liam   Kemper IX-104 

d  Ann  Ilnnlci-.  horn  duly  11.  ISS:}.  nuirri.-d  Rev. 
Charles    Dnbell .' TX-lo.') 

e     Charles  Brooke,  born  :\ray  19,  1887. 

VIII-177     ChiUlreii  of  Kdward  and   Anna   L.    iClingan)    Brooke. 

a      Oeortie  TIT.  born  July  7.  1888. 
b     Edwai'd.  di-.,  l)orn  Jaiuiai'X'  1(».  18!)(). 
c     Cliarles,  hoi'u  January  L*4.  18!)L*. 
d     Mary  Baldwin   It-win,  horn  ()etoher  Ifi.  I>lt7. 

VIII-178     Children  of  AVilliani  H.  and  M.-ii'iraret  (TTali-in-  Ferree. 

a     ]\Tary  Rebecca,  horn  duiii'  lii.  IMMI. 
b     AViliiam  Ibdi-in.  horn  .May  Li.  18i)4. 
c      (ieoi'U'e  Kuiicne.  born  duly  .">.  ISII."). 
d      Helen  .Mar^uaret.  born  .Mai'idi  Iti.  IIHH). 
e      Kaflierine  Josephine,  boi'ii  dune  l!7,  1!MI4. 
f     Mildred  Elizabeth,  boin  duly  30,  1907. 

VIII-179     Childivn    of   T^iovne   TT.    and    M;irian    K.    (Coapman^ 
Ferree.  VII-102-b 

a     Florence  A.,  boi-n  duly  17.  1S!)1. 
b     Elizabeth  C,  boi'u   Decenihci'  !'!•.  iSHi'. 
c     ^Ini'inu  R..  horn  Decendier  18.  1895. 




Washiiieton,   D.   C. 


(Page    ai) 

VIII-180     Children  of  Edward  B.  and  Anna   (Jenness)    Ferree. 

a  Helen  Jenness,  born  September  14,  1893,  married 
September  13,  1911,  at  Wilmington,  Delaware,  by  Rev. 
George  W.  Wolfe,  Boyd  Urias  White,  son  of  Henry  Wat- 
son and  JMary  Catherine  (Miller)  White  of  Port  Deposit, 
Maryland,  born  November  11,  1892. IX-106 

They  live  at  Perryville,   Cecil  County,  Maryland. 

b     Rowdand  Howell,  born  January  6,  1898,  died  July  12, 


A^lTT-181     Children    of    Howard    G.    and    Rachel    J.     (Mackey) 
Ferree.  VII-103-c 

a     Harold  Vaughn,  born  November  30,  1904. 
b     Newberne  Mackey,  born  December  1,  1907. 

VIII-182     Children    of    Richard    G.    and    :\Iollie     (McPhersonj 
Wood.  VII-107-a 

a     Alan  D.,  born  in  1872. 
b     Louisa,  born  in  1874. 
c     Richard  D.,  born  in  1877. 

'I' III';      I'.liJ,     I'AMILV  2&7 

\'  1  I  I    1  S.'l       (  'li  ild  ri'ii  ut'   A  l;i  II  ;i  III  I    Annie    i  l\  iin\  .    W'ikmI. 

\ll  luT-l. 

;i,        Will  fl's    1  )c\\  res.    lioni    ill    1  s  ,   I. 

\'lil-l.S4  ( 'liildrcii  (if  ;iii(l   l''r;iiici's  A.   ( ( ';irfirr  ,    Wood. 

\' 1 1  107-1) 
;i      I'.irk.  lioMi   in   lS7!t. 
I)      l\()s;iliii(l,   lidin   in   ISSL*. 
(•      .\ll»('rt;i.  IxiMi   III   ISSI. 
(1       Aiiil;i,  horn   in   ISSIi. 
('      luil;iii(l,   III   1SS8. 
I"      Helen,  i)(.ni  in   ISDO. 
li'      Liiiira,  hoi'ii  in    iSlliI. 

VIII-IS")      ('liildrcn  ot"   I'ei'si  lor   l'\  ;iiid   r.;iiir;i   (i.    i  Wood  i    Sniitli. 

a     Kosalind    Wooil.    horn    Se|»teiiilier   L*,    1S74,    inan-it-d 
Januaiy  ;?.  IS!)!).  Hidiard  II.  .M.  IJohinsoii ". IX-l"i7 

They  live  iii    I'.riioklyn,  \ew  York. 

b     Laui-a.  horn  Xovomlx'r  '2:],  1888. 

VIII-18(i     (diildivn   of  Thomas    I),   and    (iillx-rta    (Kline)    AVood. 

a     (  Miild  (iic^l  in  ini'anc.x'. 

Vni-lS7      (Miildrrn  of  Thomas  IX  and  Marv  M.   (Cnu^e)   Wood. 


a  Lindsay  Craig'e,  horn  .liiiu'  ■_'4.  ISS/.  ;it  .McKeospoi-t. 
IN-nnsylvania,  died  Octohei-  ll'.  IDOfi,  at  Denver.  Colorado. 

h  Rntli  (Jilpin,  l)orn  Fchrnary  17,  188!).  at  .AIcKeesport. 

e  Eleanor  Koiiers.  horn  Fchruai-y  1.  IS!)!,  at  .McKees- 
l)Oi-t.  Penn.sylvania,  married  Aiiiiusl  11.  I!n7.  I-'raneesco 

d  \'ineeiit  Loi'ter.  l)orn  Seplemhi-r  1^1,  ISDl'.  at  MeKres- 
])ort.  I'eiinsyl  \  ania. 

e*  Lilian  Wayhmd.  horn  Ma\-  l2.  181)4.  at  .Me Keesinirt. 

VIII-188     Children  of  .lo.seph  K.  and  Annie  11.  (\Vood)  Dilwortli. 

a     Dew(>es  AV..  horn  in  1888. 

VlII-189     Childi-en  of  Thomas  and  Nellie  F.  (Wood)  MeKee. 

a     Sellers,  horn  in  ISDl. 

VIIT-inn     Children   of  Ceorov   and   Jessie    (Dailvi    Wood. 

a     Eugene,  born  in  1881. 

258  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-191     Children    of    William    B.    and    Catherine    (Stewart) 
Wood.  VII-109-a 

a     Constance,  born  in  1881. 

VIII-192     Children  of  George  0.  and  Jennie   (Barnes)   Dewees. 

a     Ralph  I.,  born  in  1889. 
b     Paul  D.,  born  in  1897. 

VIII-193     Children  of  Colonel  Walter  L.  and  Louisa   (Dewees) 
Finley.  VII-113-a 

a     1.     Thornas  Dewees,  born  June  2,  1895. 

Appointed  Cadet  at  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  New  York, 
August  1,  1912;  graduated,  June  13,  1916,  and  commissioned  Second  Lieuten- 
ant of  Engineers;  promoted  to  First  Lieutenant,  Captain  and  Major  (tem- 

2.     James  Randlette,  born  June  2,  1895. 

Entered  the  U.  S.  Army  from  civil  life,  being  appointed  Second  Lieuten- 
ant of  Infantry,  November  30,  1916.  Promoted  to  First  Lieutenant,  Captain 
and  Major   (temporary). 

VIII-194     Children  of  George  W.  B.  and  Mary  F.  (Frothingham) 
Roberts.  VII-116-a 

a     Mary  Frothingham,  born  June  13,  1887. 
b     Katherine  Hubbard,  born  April  4,  1890,  died  in  in- 

c     1.     Elizabeth  Bissell,  born  December  16,  1892. 

2.     Dorothy  Margaret,  born  December  16,  1892. 
d     Virginia,  born  August  14,  1894. 
e     Edith  Langdon,  born  March  16,  1904. 

VIII-195     Children  of  Rev.  Waters*  D.  and  Kate  P.    (Chamber- 
lin)  Roberts.  VII-116-b 

a     Theodore,  born  July  21,  1896,  died  July  22,  1896. 
b     Elizabeth,  born  July  18,  1897. 
c     Margaret,  born  September  10,  1898. 
d     Augusta  Meade,  born  August  13,  1899. 
e     Katherine,  born  September  20,  1902. 
f     Thomas,  born  May  13,  1905. 
g     Charles,  born  December  9,  1910. 

VIII-196     Children  of  Theodore  W.  and  Augusta  M.    (Roberts) 
Reath.  VII-116-d 

a     Benjamin  Brannan,  born  January  19,  1893. 

b     Elizabeth  Roberts,  born  December  3,  1895. 

c     Thomas  Roberts,  born  July  5,  1897. 

Enlisted  as  a  private  in  the  U.  S.  Marine  Corps,  1917;  was  promoted  to 
Sergeant  and  recommended  for  a  commission ;  was  cited  for  gallantry  in 
action.     Was  killed  at  Chateau  Thierry,  France,  July,  1918. 

d  Theodore,  born  April  9,  1899. 
e  George,  born . 

'rill';    r.ri.L    i-.\mii,v  259 

Villi!'?      CliiMrni   of  (Imrur   W     I'.  ,ni,|    Almi    fWoinl)    ( 'oat.-fi 

VII  117  a 

;i       I  iil;iiil,  died  ill    liiilli,   I  )riTiiil»rr-   iL.'.   l.SS:{. 

Vlli-lilS      Cliildivii     (,r     (iror-v     W,     I',     and     Mduiii       (iraliaiii) 
Coahs.  \'|I   ]i7  ., 

;i      l"'raiici.s  (irahaiii.   horn  Octohcr  :;|.   1,S!);{. 

A   Miidcnl   .11    \;,]<-  ill    I'.ilT.      Is  ii   ('ii|itiiiii   in   ill..  .'Inl    Ki.-ld   ArtilliTy     l'    g 

Anii.v,    AiiiiTic.'in    I'lxpiMlii  imin  i\     I', ,!■,■,■    in    Kruiiriv 

I)      (lc()|-;;r   lllllitcl-,  l)()i'ii   Dcrt'llihci-  'Jl'.    JSIHj. 

A    sliidciii    111    ilic    ^niv(•^^ily   cil'    l.iuiisiiina    in    I!ll7. 

^'lil-ll»l)      Cliildri'ii  of   Dr.    I,.(.iiard    U".  and   .lan.-v  -1.      I'.oaniiain 
Coates.  VI  I- 117  I. 

a      -loliii   Txson.  lioi'M   No\rnil)cr   l-"..    1S!)(I    dird    \lai-ili    11 

1)     Leonard  Kobci-ls.  -Ir..  hoi-ii   Xovi-nibrc  l'l'.   l^!il     di.-d 
:Maivli   1!).  18!)2. 

e     -Mary  Roberta,  liorn  -lamiary  1.  isii;},  niarrird 
3,  i;)ll.  William  Wilon  Hasterday IX-103 

d      I)()i-o1liy  Wetliei-all,  boi-ii  .Al'ay  10.  18!)7. 

e     l\()l)ert  i)Oaniiaii,  horn  dune  14.  18!»8. 

TTTT-200     diildrcii   of  Cliai'lrs    K.   and   Ollir    (.Maurin:    Roberts. 

a     riiarles  lluntei'.  lioi'n  Api'il  7.  11)03. 
b     Victor  ^fanrin,  horn  .\iiiiiist  2(),  litO"). 
c     Jesse  Pennoek.  horn   .March    li*.   lilOS. 
d      Caroline  IN'nnoek.  hoiai  .Viimist   11.  11117. 

VIII-201     Children  of  dohn  A.  and   .Maiy   I..    (Coates)    Umrdiet. 

\'ll  117-e 
a     Anna  Coates,  boi'ii   Matvh  18.  18!)2. 
b     Harriet  AVhite.  horn  M:\y  ]'k  ^<'^'^. 

VIII-202     Children  of  Licutcnaid   Colon. ■!   William   II.  and   Alma 
(Ogden)   Brooke.  VlMlil-a 

a     John  R..  born  in  18!)."v 
1)     Alma. 

VIII-2():)      Childi'en  of    Howard   and    .Marv    K.    (Stiteler)    Dewe.'S. 

a     Jacob  .Moi'ris,  horn   Decciidirr  1.").  1811(1. 
b     Ceorge  ]\o\vell.  hoi'ii  datniar\'  21'.  l^l'^^. 
c     Irvin  Stiteler,  hoiai  \o\i'nd)er  2(i.  IDOl. 
d     Henry  Bemier.  horn  .May  12.  IDll. 
e     Anna,  born  November  !!•,  ll>13. 

260  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-204  Children  of  James  B.  and  Rosalind  AV.  (Dewees)  ]\Ios- 
teller.  VII-120-b 

a     John  Dewees,  born  July  17,  1899. 
b     Sarah  Stiteler.  born  ]\ray  8,  1901. 
c     Clinton  Russell,  born  ]May  4,  1903. 
d     James  Paul,  born  June  4,  1905. 

VIII-205     Children  of  George  S.  and  Clara  E.   (Bailey)  Dewees. 

a     George  Malcolm,  born  January  29,  1912. 

VIII-206     Children    of    Horace    and    Ada    (Stiteler)    Mosteller. 

a     George  Henry. 

VIII-207     Children  of  Dewees  and  Florence  A.    (Harry)    Mos- 
teller. VII-121-C 
a     J.  Harry,  born  April  17,  1916. 

VIII-208     Children  of  Elmer  S.  and  Mary  E.  (Alosteller)  :\Iiller. 

a     Irvin,  born  March  30,  1907. 

VIII-209  Children  of  Samuel  L.  and  Mabel  E.  (Dewees)  Shana- 
man.  VII-122-a 

a  1.  Samuel  Logan,  Jr.,  born  September  17,  1914,  at 
Ardmore,  Pennsylvania. 

2.     Thomas  Dewees,  born  September  17,  1914,  at  Ard- 
more, Pennsylvania. 

b  Elizabeth  Dewees.  born  ]\Iay  3,  1917,  at  Ardmore, 

Vni-210     Children    of    Charles    and    Emma     (Davis)     :\Iott. 

a     Catherine  Davis,  born  October  23.  1911. 
b     Charles  Davis,  born  August  30,  1914. 

VIII-211     Children  of  Oscar  M.  and  Margaret  Y.  (Dewees)  Lumis. 

a     George  Dewees,  born  March  19,  1916. 

YIII-212  Children  of  Dr.  Addison  M.  and  Florence  (Ellis)  Roth- 
rock.  VII-131-a 

a  James  Addison,  born  September  11,  1905,  at  ]\Iount 
Alto,  Pennsylvania. 

b  Joseph  Edward,  born  April  11,  1908,  at  Mount  Alto, 

c  Howard  Paul,  born  April  2,  1909,  at  Mount.  Alto, 

d  Addison  May,  born  July  26.  1911.  at  Reading,  Penn- 

e*    Martha  Ellen,  born  at  Reading,  Pennsylvania. 

TlllO     I'.l   LI.     IW.MII.V  M,,i 

I       l»;iclirl   W'.i  iii)ii;i,  lidin  ;ii   1 1' iii(  |  i  iitr,  I 'I'liiisylvaiiia. 

ii      I'Mw.ird    <'|i;iilrs,    liiiiii    <  )rt(,lM  r,    iDHi,    ill    It'catlint;, 

1  'ciilisyK  ;iiii;i. 

\'lll--1:!      Cliildicii  ol'   \)v.    Ilriii'v   A.  .iiiil    P:ii;iii()r-     ('Irv.s      |:,,t|, 
I'ock.  \||    i:;|.|, 

;i       l']ii^'(iii;i    .M;iy. 

I)     .l()sc|>li  'rriiiiMr.  Jr..  Iioni  Xovniiltrr  s,  IIMI], 
('      1.      Henry  A  l)r;ili;iiii,   II,  luirii   M.iy   ll',   l!lii:{. 
'J.      Addison   .M;iy.  .Ii'..   I.oin    .\l,i\    II',    UK):'., 
d       l']lc;in()i'  (  'lc\cs. 
('      (  'li;i  riol  ii'  S|('|(|i;i  iiic. 

VIII-214      ( 'hildi-fii  ol'  .Idlin    l>.;ind   .\l;ii>    I'".      Il,i/.;ird      hfisiti?-iriL'. 

\'ll   1 :;_'  ,, 
a     FisluM'   II;i::;ird.   lioi'ii    Ani^iisl    l!l,    issl.   m.-imc-d   .jiini- 
28,  I'JO"),  I^'ilcanor  Dond.  who  \\;is  liorn   I  )rcciiil)cr  Jo.   1>hm    1X1"'' 
b     AlcNJinder  Willi;ini.  l)oni  Sc|itciiil)iT  S.  1SS4. 
C      Helen     Don^l.'is,    lioni     Anuiisl    S.    ]SS!).    ni.irrird     !).•- 
(MMiil)er  2,    l!)ir>,    \\'illi;iiii    (lordon    Tlioiii;is  of    WdkeslijifiT. 

d      Eliza])e1li   Hazard.  I.oi'n   Maivh   111,   Is'.M. 

Vin-2ir)     (Miildreii  (.r  .lohn   (\  and   .Mary   A.    il'.ivini-      lla'ard. 

\'ll    |:;2-1. 
a     Louisa  Biviniji',  horn  October  2.  b^Sti. 
b      Floride  (Meiiison.  hofii  ()('1ol)ef  ■\.  ]>>'.^'2.  inafried. 

VIII-21(;      Cliildreii  of  Cliai'les  l-\  and    I'llizahetli      ila/ard     »ira.-f. 

a     Carb  born  .March  2."),  b^S-J. 

VIII-217  ("hildren  of  Kdwin  i-'.  and  .\iiiie  II.  \Vasliiiii.'t()n) 
Naiilty.  _         \ll-b{:{-(l 

a     Anne  Washiiio'lon,  horn  .March  ■"),  l!H)7. 

VIII-218  Children  of  bonis  b.  and  Cci-lrndc  (i.  i('lemson) 
Smith.  \lbbU-a 

a      bonis  ( iouvcncni'. 
I)      budlow  Ou'dcn. 
c      ba  wi-eiice  .Mcredit  h  ( 'Iciiison. 

VIII-21!)  Children  oi'  William  lb  and  Caroline  A.  l-"orst»'r) 
Dniiean.  \Ibb').")-a 

a     ]\birii'ery  .\lricUs,  horn  O.-tober  :50.  b^!i2. 

b     Ihuiiilton  AlricUs.  horn  .May  bJ.  b^H."). 

c  Anne  Forster,  Itoiii  Sc|ileinl)er  2:>.  ISJUJ.  inai'i-ied  .Inly 
10,  1!)15,  AVilliaiu  Duncan  I  )criiiucr.  who  was  liorn  -lan- 
uaiy  28,  1895 IX-lb' 

They  live  ut   Chestertowii,   M.iryland. 

d  Ilannaii,  boi-n  Deceuilier  H.  1^!)S.  married  Auirust  \K 
1918,  Russell  Cotlinan  doncs  of  Stockton.  ^blI•ylaIld. 

262  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

YIII-220     Children  of  Norman  E.  and  Helen    (Tustin)    Bull. 

a     Xorman  E.,  born  October,  1914. 
b     Helen  Elizabeth,  born  April,  1917. 

VIII-221     Children  of  Henrv  T.  and  Sally  F.  (Wainwright)  Bull. 

a     Elisabeth  Wainwright,  born  June  3,  1908. 

YIII-222     Children  of  C.  Herbert  and  :\Iargery  F.    (Bull)   Xew- 
haU.  VII-138-d 

a     ]Martha  Conant,  born  June  12,  1916. 
b     Eichard  Beale,  born  December  21,  1917. 

Vin-223     Children   of  David  M.   and  Helen  M.    (Smith)    Bull. 

a     David  Macomb,  Jr.,  born  August  22.  1915. 

YIII-224     ChHdren  of  Dr.  Paul  and  Dorothy  S.  (Bull)  Simmons. 

a     :\rargaret  McComb.  born  July  20.  1913. 
b     John  Gilbert,  born  ]\larch  5,  1916. 

YIII-22.5     Children   of   David   I.    and   Illildred    (Bull)    Hedrick. 

a     David  Worthington,  born  February  3,  1916. 
b     James  Goold,  born  September  12,  1917. 

YIII-226     Children  of  AYillis  H.  and  Mary  D.  (Creigh)  Hazard. 

a     1.     Colton  Dunbar,  born  at  West  Chester,  Pennsvl- 
vania.  May  16,  1902. 

2.     Yincent  Hatfield,  born  at  West  Chester.  Pennsyl- 
vania. May  16,  1902. 

b  Y'illis  Gilpin,  born  at  West  Chester,  Pennsvlvania, 
April  27,  1907. 

YIII-227     Children  of  AYilliam  H.   and  Arabella   C.    (Clemson) 
^lorrow.                                                                         A"II-148-a 
a     Edwin  Earle,  born  August  12,  1868.  married  Wilhel- 
mina  Henrietta  Kaufmann - IX-111 

They  live  at  El  Paso,  Texas. 

b  Percy  Colder,  born  at  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
April  4,  1872,  married  April  27,  1897,  at  Newport,  Penn- 
sylvania, Mary  Miller  Bosserman IX-112 

They  live  at  San  Antonio,  Texas,  where  he  makes  his  headquarters  as 
agent  of  the  Baldwin  Locomotive  Works  of  Philadelphia. 

c  Carrie  Lillian,  born  Xovember  23,  1874.  married  June 
2,  1903,  Rev.  Leonard  Franklin  Requa,  Jr..  who  was  born 
July  5,  1878 _.. IX-113 

He  graduated  at  Columbia  Law  School,  Xew  York  City.  Was  a  successful 
lawyer,  but  gave  it  up  and  became  a  minister  in  the  Baptist  Church.  They 
live  at  Southington,   Connecticut. 

Till':      I'.ri.L      I'A.MII.Y 


\'lll-LlL\S      Cliildicii  (.r  iJuyd   ('.ami   Anna    I,       Xixdnrt'^    ( '|.-riis..n 

\  II    I  \-  \, 
a      Infant,    lioiii    l'".lii  iia  i\-    II,    J-^TI.    i|ii-.|    l''fl»nisirv    lli, 

\'llll!'_*ll      ( 'hildivn  dl'  WilliiiiT    and  Susan   A.      I'liilli|.si    l'...s.s.-r- 
inan.  \lllJ!>-u 

u  Lcia  .May.  Ikhii  .Xovcnii)!'!'  -\,  h>MJ,  iiiarri' d  -liirf  L'H. 
1005,  Arthur '(;.    Ilof^c IX  lit 

'I'lliy    livr    .11    (  (kllilHilli.i    (    ll>,    Oklllllolilll, 

h  Alvali  'riioriic.  I)()rn  Scptfinhi'i-  •_'!).  Iss7.  iiiarrifil 
July  S,  1!)()S.  (luy  Lcslci-  Mohst.  son  oT  Williarii  iu-rd  and 
Sarah    I'lli.ahdh    TxiIlsI.   hoiai  danuai-\-    I'.*,    l^'^T  IX-ll'i 

'I'licN    li\  (■  III    I  .iiic-ciln,    .Xc'In-iisUii. 

U    S    S'l'KVM    SI.OUl'  ()!■'   w  \i;    ■  ■  l'i;lN<  K'ro.N" ' 

V  IT  I" 

(Pagf    111) 

Vin-280  Chihlrcn  uf  Wdliam  Iv  and  d.'ssir  r.os.s.-nnan  dai-k- 
son.  VII  IP  1. 

a      Arthur,  horn  August    17,   1SS4. 

I)  Maudf  lla/.t'i.  l)nrn  duiif  1-.  ISSii,  niai-ii.-d  Si'i>ti'm- 
ber  1  IHOB,  •Janu's  StiNcnson,  who  was  liorn  I  )r.-ciul>i-r  1:^ 
188:5    I>^  1'"' 

VIII-231      (Mnhlivn   of    Fi'ank   and    1-dora    .  ( "arh'toii  i    liossfnuau. 


a     Aiicfl    'Phoriif.    hdiii    in    l>>ti.    niarrifd    h'.hru.u-v    1  \ 
1914,  Pearl  Uixoii  Uass. 
b     Fi\y.  liorn  in   ISiH. 

264  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-232     Children   of   Ross   and   Ella  B.    (Cox)    Bosserman. 

a     Richard,  born  in  1893,  died . 

VIII-233     Children  of  James  W.   and  Maude    (Shaw)    Jolly. 

a     Frank  Gustave  Lindholm,  born  February  26,  1901. 

VIII-234     Children  of  Frank  C.  and  Elinor  E.   (Jolly)   Stanley. 


a     Kenneth  Clare  (adopted),  born  Aprjl  4,  1902. 

VIII-235     Children  of  Earle  H.  and  Bertha  L.    (Rich)    Beatty. 

a     Richard  Hastings,  born  September  13,  1906,  at  Somer- 
ville,  ^Massachusetts. 

b     Margaretta  Larimer,  born  July  24.  1912,  at  Sharon 
Hill,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Bertha  Elizabeth,  born  October  17,  1913,  at  Sharon 
Hill,  Pennsylvania. 

Vin-236     Children  of  Fred  F.  and  Mary  C.    (Sinclair)    Beattv. 

I  a     Arthur  Sinclair,  born  March  25,  1908,  at  Somerville, 


b     Caroline  E.,  born  February  24,  1910,  at  Springfield, 

c     1.     Earle    H.,    born    July    20,    1911,    at    Springfield, 

2.     Helen  M.,   born   July   20,   1911,   at   Springfield, 

VIII-237     Children  of  AVilliam  and  AVinnifred    (Hunter)    Coch- 
ran. VII-158-b 
a     Margaret,  born  February  17,  1897. 
b     Emory,  born  March  25,  1899. 

Vin-238     Children  of  John  B.  and  Julia  A.   (Hawke)  AlcClure. 

a     M.  Grace,  born  November  11,  1890,  married  October 
18,  1910,  Joseph  G.  Williamson,  who  was  born  July  11, 
1884 IX-117 

They  live  at  Harmonsburg,  Pennsylvania. 

b     L.  Ethel,  born  June  29,  1896. 
c     Martha  J.,  born  April  12,  1906. 

VIH-239     Children  of  AVilliam  T.  and  Mary  B.  (McClure)  Smith. 

a     Clarence  McClure,  born  January  11,  1895. 
b     David  Evans,  born  June  24,  1899. 
c     Anna  Belle,  born  January  19,  1910. 
d     AA^illiam  Virgil,  born  June  29,  1912. 

'rill-:    I'.i  I.I,    I'A.Mii.Y 


VIII-240      Childicii     of     Iv     T.     ;iinl      AM.).-        I^iiisoin  ^      Miisoii. 

a      liiiia.  (Ici'casrd. 
\'II1-L'll      ( 'liildit'ii  ol'    IioImiI    I'',  and   <'arrir      r.iii-dirk  i    Ikiiii.soiii. 

a  Ki'iicsl.  Ixdii  III  Spriii''  Township,  ('faulonl  ( 'oiiiit  y, 
l'ciiiis\l\aiiia.  -laiiiiaiy  _'.">.    l>'.t:;.  ilird    .May  ."').   lS!i:',. 

I)  W  iiiiii  Ircd.  Imiiii  in  Siiiiiiinrliill  Titw  iislii|i,  ('rawfonl 
OouiilW  l*ciilis\  l\  aiiia,  -liiiM'  l'.  1S!»|,  diid  I  ).TrmlHM-  ■'», 
1894.  ■ 

('  lii'ssic,  l)oni  ill  Siiiniinrliill  T()\viislii|».  ('r'awt'onl 
County.  rcnnsyKania.  -laiiiiaiy  l'l',  l^lKi. 

(1  Fi'nton,  Imuii  al  ( '(Hiihaiil  \  illr.  I 'I'linsylvania.  .May  •'». 
1898,  died  .Inly  L'li.  liiiio. 

V  Ilarr\'  Wayne,  horn  al  ( 'oiiiiiaiit  \  iih\  I ''iiusylvaiiia, 
August    17.'  1901.' 

t"  .Maud  I'iVa.  horn  at  Sprinj^horo.  I*fiinsyl\  ania,  .laii- 
uary  18,  190:^ 

o-  Helen  \'ei-ua,  l)ui'u  al  Springhoio,  I'miisylvania.  -lan- 
uary  19.  1901). 

h  Syl\ia  Claudine.  horn  at  ( 'onncaiit  \  idr.  rnMisylvaiiia. 
Felirua'ry  5.  1909. 

i  Robert  Edwin.  Ji-..  honi  at  ronnraulvilir.  Petuisyl- 
vania,  Ai)nl  1.  1911. 

YnT-242      Children    of    M\ron    C.    and    Ida    C.    >  Ivansoiii       llaliii. 


a  Elizaheth.  horn  Se|)1eiiihei-  I'l,  1!'0S,  at  Cranesville. 
Erie  County.  Pennsylvania. 

1)  :\lahel  Chrisiine.  horn  .\iii:iisl  is.  l!ll(».  and  died 
Se])teuiher  IS,  1910.  at  ( 'ra  iiesville,  1 'eims\  1  vania. 

e  Douulas  ^lason.  horn  October  7.  l!il"J.  at  Crate-^ville. 

d  Helen  .Mihlivd.  horn  February  l'."..  l!'ll.  at  Craih-s- 
ville.  Peniisyha  nia. 

e  Krnest  Allan,  hoiai  -iiilx  21.  I9l(i.  and  died  Oel«»l)er 
11,  191().  at  Cranesville,  Pennsylvania. 

VTTT-24:l     Children    of    Harrv    P>.    and    P.essie    M.      Lord      Snow. 

a     Helen  .Marie,  horn  Ma.x    l:'-,  1!)01. 
b      .Man  ('l.\(h'.  horn  .laniiar.\    2(i.  1904. 

VIII-244      Children  of  (ieorge  C.  and    h" ranees   Iv      .Moore  > 

\11    P.J  ■■ 
a     Georue  Clytl*'.  -Ii-..  lioiii  September  12.  190:>. 

2G6  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-245     Children  of  Kaymond  S.  and  Carrie  L.   (Paul)   Lord. 

a     William  Paul,  born  July  21,  1900. 
b     Francis  Morrell,  born  July  20,  1902. 
c     John  Daniels,  born  June,  1905. 
d     Henrietta  L.,  born  June  15,  1907. 
e     Raymond  Sterling,  Jr.,  born  August  25,  1910. 
f     Howard  F.,  born  May,  1913. 

Vni-246     Children  of  Charles  L.  and  Ethel  R.   (Lord)  Walton. 


a  Harold  J.,  born  in  1893. 

b  Percival  C,  born  June  22,  1895. 

c  Mildred,  born  May  10,  1897. 

d  Adrian,  born  May,  1899. 

e  Emily  Geraldine,  born  1901. 

f  Stanley,  born  December  15,  1903. 

g  Bessie  J.,  born  in  1905. 

h  Kenneth,  born  in  1907. 

i  Milo,  born  in  1910. 

j  Kathryn  Irene,  born  March  17,  1912. 

Vin-247     Children  of  Charles  0.  and  Emily  G.  (Lord)  McDowell. 

a     Donald,  born  September  14,  1902. 
b     Dorothy,  born  in  1904. 
c     Marion,  born  June  15,  1907. 
d     Jessamine,  born  in  1909. 

VIIL248     Children  of  Jesse  G.  and  Donna  de  E.  (Lord)   Smith. 

a     Selden  M.,  born  in  1906. 
b     Caroline,  born  in  1913. 
c     1.     Nevin  Nelson,  born  December  13,  1914. 
2.     Neva  Lord,  born  December  13,  1914. 

Vin-249     Children  of  John  F.  and  Edith  IM.    (Howard)    Law- 
rence. YII-164-a 

a  Grace  Elizabeth,  born  at  Garnett,  Kansas,  September 
12,  1906. 

b  Edith  Louise,  born  at  Garnett,  Kansas,  December  16, 

c  John  Howard,  born  at  Chanute,  Kansas,  September 
7,  1911. 

VIII-250     Children  of  Dr.  Howard  L.  and  Sadie   (Cox)    Power. 

a     Howard  L. 

He  lives  at  Sandy,  Oregon. 

TIIM      111   1,1,     FAMILY  267 

X'III-LT)!      Childrcii    >,\'    ll,ii\c>     A     ;iih|    |.,ii,i    I.        Wolt'      \;,\%,-r. 

;i       M.irioii    II;ir\r\.  Iinni  .hmr  L'ti.   lIMil. 
It       luil).\    Lrol.-i,  Inirii   l''rlini;ii'y  "J,   1!H);{. 
('      ( ';inirnii'.   Iiurn  .|;i  ini;i  i-\     I,   ]!)1 ."». 

\'I11-L':):^      Cliililivii  of  AMmiI  S.  ;iii,|  M.iiiih-  I*.   I  |'..u.r     l-'onvillr, 

\  II    Ititi.- 
;i      ilfi'iii.iii    Alhcrl,    l.(irn    I  ).cciril)cr  !).    l!»()(»    ;,|     \r--li.T 
C]\y.  Tcx;is. 

1)      Ml\ir;i   Liicilc.  liniii  .|,inii,ii-\    :^(t,   l!)li;;    ;il     \  r.'li.r  <   il  \ 

\'lll-L'5o      C'liiKli'cii  ol'   Mnicsl    A.  ;iiiil    Louise    ( Sarj^rriiiil  ^    .loidai;. 


a     Edward   Allison.   Iioiii  .liiin'   1:;,   i:ilii,  .it   ( ),  Cali- 

VTTT-2r)4      Cluldivii    (tf   Cilhci't    and    Clara    15.      .loi-daii      nn-.-krii- 
rid^v.  \'I!  1»iS-h 

a      .\rtlnn-  lico.  horn  ()ctolii'r  "Jo.  l^l'T. 
h     Klhcl  Marie,  hoi'ti  Xovoiiilicr  L'o.  llioi). 
C     Ilai'old  1*>iil:ciii'.  liorn  .liiiir  :!.  l!Mi7. 

VIII-255     Children    of    Francis    1'.,    and    .Maii.'       llauk.    Jordan. 

\'ll   ItiS... 
a     Fraiu-is  Hurton,  dr..  hoin  dniv  :!n.  l!»(»i;. 
I)     ^lary  \'ir,uinia.  l)()rii  [''oliriiary  .'>.  lUlO. 
C      Phillip  T.owcll.  horn  January  ]_'.  lUl.'). 

VIII-256     Children    of    Samuel     II.    and    (Jraee    i.lones      -lui-daii. 

\'II   lii^-d 
a     Jennie  Ci-ace.  1torn  dainiary  21.  190(1. 
b     Marie  Adelaide,  horn  .\u-ust  14.  l!)(>!). 
c     Clai-ahelle  Irene,  hoi'ii  Oetoher  ti.  IHIO. 

VIII-257      Children  of  Kev.  (Ieur;.;e  15.  and   K.  Loretta      Howard 
Knake.  \11  17<>d. 

a     Louisa  Ila/el,  hoiai  -lune,  1>^II1. 

VIII-258      Children     of     Coi'wui     I',     and     K.     I.(.i-etta     (  Iloward- 
Knake)    Day.  VII  ITd-l) 

a      Helen,  horn  .\pril  24.  1>!»7. 
h     duanila. 
c     Florenee. 

VIII-259      Children  of  .lohn   11.  and  Cliltir  I,.      Ilowar.h   Cliileote. 

\1I   170-e 
a     Fay  Howard,  horn  dnne  1^,  l^!'!. 
b     Viryie  \'ieinia.  horn   .M  a  \    1.!,   iMtli. 
c     Ruby  Lou.  boi'ti  .lui\  2!>.  1S!)7. 
d     Bessie  Lee.  h(M-n  .\uuust  27.  IDOd. 

268  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-260'     Children  of  Lewis  and  Caroline  J.   (Howard)   Mogel. 

a     Howard,  born  August  27,  1902, 
b     Louis,  born  May  10,  1904. 
c     Corwin,  born  June,  1914. 

Vni-261     Children  of  Osgood  R.  and  Nellie    (Reeves)    Howard. 


a     Donald  Osgood, 
b     Max  Melvin. 

VIII-262     Children    of   John   R.    and   Ida    (Martin)    Howard. 

a     Vernon. 

Vin-263     Children  of  Charles  S.  and  Eleanor  (Neyman)  Haines. 

a     Helen  McCleary,  born  July  1,  1892. 
b     Robert  Neyman,  born  July  20,  1894. 

VIII-264     Children  of  Frank  W.  and  Myrtle  I.  (Paul)  Gardner. 

a     Paul  Shatto,  born  March  27,  1913. 
b     Hugh  Edward,  born  March  12,  1916. 

VIII-265     Children  of  Orlando  S.  and  Bessie  A.    (Buckwalter) 
Roberts.  ,  VII-174-a 

a  Victor  Earl,  born  November  5,  1882,  died  August  1, 
1883,  at  Rockford,  Wright  County,  Minnesota. 

b  ]\Iarvin  Chester,  born  at  Rockford,  Minnesota,  De- 
cember 21,  1884,  married  at  Miles  City,  Montana,  August 
8,  1907.  Anna  Anderson,  who  was  born  at  Milwaukee, 
Wisconsin,  February  19,  1887 _ _ IX-118 

c  1.  Hazel  Marie,  born  September  27,  1891,  married 
April  9,  1916,  Raymond  V.  Love,  son  of  A.  E.  and  Laura 
Love,  born  March  5,  1892,  at  Columbia,  Marion  Countv, 

Iowa  - - - .- LlX-119 

2.  Helen  Mollie,  born  September  27,  1891,  married 
June  20,  1914,  Russel  Harrison  Barney,  son  of  Reuben 
Edgar  and  Mary  Bell  (Wilson)  Barney,  born  October  18, 
1888 - .J.. IX-120 

They  live  at  Inverness,   Montana. 

d  Newell  Bruce,  born  October  2,  1893,  died  October  20, 
1910,  at  Havre,  Hill  County,  Montana. 

VIII-266     Children  of  William  W.  and  Rebecca  J.   (Buckwalter) 
Crawford.  VII-174-b 

a     1.     Gertrude  F.,  born  in  1886,  married  Thomas  Bell. 

They  live  at  East  Collingwood,   Price   Street,   Vancouver,   B.  C. 

2.  William  H.,  born  in  1886,  was  drowned  in  the 
Narrows,  English  Bay,  Vancouver,  B.  C. 

THK      III    1,1,      I'AMILY 


li      ('l;irciicc   M.,   Ih.ii,   in    IsnS,   iii;i  ri-ji-d 
(•        L;ill!-,l,    ImiIIi    III     ISllll.    ilird    III     I'll.S. 

(I    ( '\\i\r  ( '..  Imii'ii  mi  Inh;.. 

I'      I  '>;i  lie,  lidi-ii   III    I  .s!i7. 

\'III-L'(i7      Cliildi-cii    of    1,'llSSrll     A.    ,iihI     Mulli..    I'.. 

a      .M;ir\iii  A.,  liorn   .\u\  cinlirr  IM,  I^IM. 

Is    ill     \mV\      llnspiliil     lliil     •_•    ;||     CicMl     j.llkl'M    Htlllillll. 

])      IlulxTt  ().,  Ii(ini  Xiivcinhci- 27,  1S!>7. 

Ill'  riiii.siiii  ill  ( |p:iii\    r..  i:;riiii  i'    s.  iiifiiiiiii 

C      ( 'ccilc    Iv,   lioin  .1  iil\    S     ]!)(l|. 

VII   171  d 


V  -Jl-n 

(I'liiTf    44) 

VIII-268  ("liildi-cii  ol'  'riidiiijis  N.  ,iiid  (';in'ir  1'..  (  l?ii.-k\valtt'r) 
Vessey.  VII  171  f 

n  Ivirli'  Kayiiiond.  Inn-n  -Inly  Iti,  Inko  inacrifd  AiiLrnst 
28,  li'lo,  l\iil)\  DriisiUa  Wau.^lr.  who  was  hoi-ii  Auirnst  ."). 
1896.     Xo  issiic. 

1)      Etliylc  .Mary.  Ikm'ii  .lainiai-y  li>.  1S!I2. 

('  Arthur  Thomas,  hoi  u  1  )rrfnihi'i-  12,  1>1>:{,  iiiarrifd 
July  2."),  11117,  .Iciiiiic  ("larkc  of  St.  doiiiis,  Ort'Lroii. 

He    enlisted     in    Company     C.     Ililinil     V .     S.     Infiintry,    iiiid    hn<    li«>en    i>n 

detached   service   in   l-^iiince  witli    tlie  military   |iolicf.      lit-   is   n   ci>rp<>rnl. 

Vril-2fi9     Cliildivn  of  Orvilh'  V.  and  (".'lia   i  Uliu-tt  '    Hu.-kwalt.-r. 


a     Edwin  Orvillc  horn  Maivh  lii.  11)04. 

270  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-270     Children  of  Seth  P.  and  Sarah  J.   (Buckwalter)   Col- 
beth.  VII-174-h 

a  Lawrence  Windfield,  born  August  15,  1896,  at  War- 
ren, Wisconsin. 

b  Daniel  Arad,  born  August  24,  1897,  at  Warren,  Wis- 

c  Orville  Seth,  born  January  29,  1899.  at  Warren,  Wis- 

d  William  Harrison,  born  August  18.  1901,  at  Warren, 

e  Nettie  Frances,  born  August  24,  1905,  at  Roberts, 

f  Albert  Wheeler,  born  March  2,  1910,  at'Richardton, 
North  Dakota. 

g  Floyd  Everett,  born  July  8,  1911,  at  Richardton, 
North  Dakota. 

h  Ruby  Sarah,  born  December  1,  1913,  at  Warren,  Wis- 

i  Myrtle  Esther,  born  January  31,  1916,  at  Warren, 

VIII-271     Children  of  George  K.  and  Mollie  (Emerich)  Rodgers. 

a     Clinton  E.  born  in  1889. 
b     Carrie  E.,  born  in  1893. 
c     Ada  G.,  born  in  1896. 

YIII-272     Children   of    Harry    J.    and    Margaret    A.    (Murray) 
Deckard.                                                                        VII-177-a 
a     Elizabeth  Ella,  born  April  29,  1890,  married  Clayton 
W.  Diebold  - : IX-121 

They  live  at  Felton,  Cuba. 

b  Jennie  Blanche,  born  October  10,  1892,  married  Dan- 
iel D.  Fisher... IX-122 

They  live  at  Marysville,   Pennsylvania. 

c     Stella  Shoemaker,  born  July  4,  1894. 

d     Harry  Murray,  born  March  11,  1897. 

e     ]\lary  Rebecca,  born  IMarch  15,  1899. 

f     Margaret  Louise,  born  July  19,  1903. 

g  Samuel  Stewart,  born  August  1,  1905,  died  in  in- 

h  Laura  Helen,  born  December  31,  1906,  died  in  in- 

i     Ralph  Norman,  born  September  5,  1908. 

VIII-273     Children  of  John  N.  and  Nila  M.    (Deckard)   Roush. 

a     Daniel  Deckard,  born  February  8,  1890,  died  June 
27,  1890. 

b     Mary  R.,  born  :\Iarch  1,  1891,  died  April  6,  1905. 

'I'llh;      1:11,1.      I' AM  \\.\  271 

\'1I1-L'71      Cliililirii    (.r    Wilson    W.    iiihI    l.'.lirkiih    N,    I  l)i-«-kanl ) 
U'lttiT.  \'I  I   177  'I 

a      ('licstcr  I  )cck,i  !•(  I,  liuni   .\iii,'iist  ."),  Isll-J. 

¥111-27.")      Children  of  (imr-r    !•',   ;in(l    Sldla   ( ',    ^  l,'ol..-i-K      Uunn 

\ll   ls»i  I, 
a      William    IioImm-Is.   Ikiih   -lannai-x     11,    lim.),  at    JiynMi, 

\'III--_'7ll      Childivn    (if    llrnr\-    I',,    ami     M.lilli       llnnt-f       I.'uImtI.s. 

a      l^'niiclnin    llnnlci-.   Imrn   Sc|i|cmlMT    I.    \'.>\\.   at    K'm'-U 
ford,   Illinois. 

V111-'J77      Children    of    William    11.    and    lilaurhr      WriL'hl-    If..!.- 
crts.  \ll    i-^ti  d 

a      Dorothy,  horn  1  )i'ccmhtr  .'>.  ll)(l.'{,  at   I'llida,  Illinois. 

VIII-278      CliililiH'ii   of    J^'nink    ;ind    \'rra    L.    i('om|iton'     Mnifi_\- 

\11    ls7.a 
a      Goiicvit'Vc    \'iol;i,    horn    •liitic    "J.    IIMI,    al     K'oi-kl'ord. 

b  -John  Kenneth,  horn  .Inly  -id,  r.iltl.  at  Winiit-hairo, 

VlII-27!)     Children    of     l.i'wis     11.     and  Katie     .M.       Spaiiirl'-f 

Falcker.  Vll-l!>2-a 

a  Nellie  C,  hoi'ii  -Inm'  .'>.  ISI'I.  marrird  liayniond  <llat- 
felter,  son  of  Albert  (Jlatfelter. 

Thoy  live  in  Ydik,   rciinsylv  Miiin.   uIk  re  lir  is  li'llcr  in  tlif  Kurin.T's   Hunk. 

b  Charles  L.,  horn  Aimnst  1,  1S!)4.  married  Ilarrit't 
Newall  .Stone,  dauiihter  olMolin  Stone  of  I'.altiinore.  Mary- 

IIo  was  a  student  at  F.  .S:  M.  AcadiMny  at,  I'riin.sylvnnia.  in 
1!>1(>,  at'ti'V  l.cinK  at  Staiintim  NUlitary  .Vcadi'Miy  in  \'.t>*.*.  and  icntduntfd  at 
.Tetferson  Medical  t'ollfSf,  I'liiladelpliia.  I'ennsylvaniH.  with  ihf  di-grve  nt 
M.  D.,  in  lillti.  He  was  appointed  assistant  in  the  Mediral  ('«r|>!«  i)f  ihi* 
Xiival  Reserve:  promoted  to  Past  .Assistant  .Surgeon,  with  rank  iif  l.ieutfnanl. 
Has  been  stationed   at    tlie    Marine  (.'orps  Camp  at   Quantieo.    Virijinin. 

e     INIary  .M.,  l)orn  Xoveniber  18,  IS!)!). 

She   lives   at    Iut    fallni's   hoiiu'    in    'Sork.    I'ennsylviinia. 

f     Martin  laitliei-.  horn  -Inly  ■_'.'..  llKH. 

VIII-280      e'luldreii  of   William  C.  and   Mary    Iv   (Faekler^    Fink. 

\' 11-1  !»•_'- b 

a     Dais\-.  horn  in  1>SI.  married  .lolm  Sehrant/ 1.^-123 

They  live  al    \ovk.    Pennsylvania. 

b     ^linnie    M..  born   in   ISS.").   married    in    llMi*   Ib-w.-ml 

They  live  ;i(   York,    Pennsylvania. 

e     Cora  Iv.  born  in  1SS<.  married  in  lOln.  Harry  liotl      l.\-r-I4 

272  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

d     Anna  M.,  born  in  1890. 

e     John  H.,  born  in  1894. 

f     Wilbur,   born  in   1895,   married   in   1916,   Margaret 
.    'g     Edna,  born  in  1898. 

h     William,  born  in  1903. 

VIII-281     Children  of  John  A.  and  Lucy  (Boose)   Fackler. 

a     Myrtle,    born    December    7,    1886,    married    John 
Hennecke - IX-125 

b     Anna  E.,  born  Januarj^  2,  1889. 
c     Harry  B.,  born  August  15,  1891. 
d     Margaret  L.,  born  July  10,  1900. 

VIII-282     Children  of  George  AA^.  and  Carrie  (Xeiman)  Fackler. 

a     Millard, 
b     Mary. 
c     Kuth. 
d     Alargaret. 
e     Lewis. 

f     Son  (name  not  known), 
g     Betty  Jane, 
h     LTnknown. 

AaiL283     Children  of  Daniel  G.  and  Elizabeth  (Fackler)  Meek- 
ley.  yiL192-f 

a  Harvey  Leroy,  born  in  1890,  married  Amanda  Shaef- 
fer,  who  was  born  in  1892 __ ___ IX-126 

They  live  in  West  Manchester  Township,  York  County,   Pennsylvania. 

b  Luther  Fackler,  born  in  1891,  married  Ruth  Pauline 
Lehman,  born  in  1891 IX-127 

'They  live  in  York,  Pennsylvania,  where  he  is  teller  in  the  Security  Title 
and  Trust  Company. 

c  Allen  Bond,  born  in  1891,  married  Ruth  Cecilia  Horn 
of  York,  born  in  1893 __ IX-128 

d  Mary  Elizabeth,  born  in  1895,  married  Chester  Homer 
Meredith  of  Columbia.  Pennsylvania,  born  in  1894. IX-129 

e     Daniel  Grant,  born  in  1899. 

VIII-284     Children  of  Adam  and  Mary  J.    (Burns)    Spotz. 

a     Gertie,  born  in  1886,  married  Allen  Brown,  who  was 
born  in  1882... IX-130 

They  have  lived  in  Chicago,  Illinois  ;  have  moved  to  Dallas,  Texas. 

b  Grace,  born  in  1895.  married  Robert  Baumaster,  born 
in  1894. 

He  is  in  service  in  the  U.  S.  Army. 

THE     IMI.I,     |-\\III,Y 


VIII-285     Cliihiirii  (if  (icor^c  ;iiii|    Ml  i/,;i  lict  li    i  K II  iildf  )    Malliia.s. 

VII   l!M;.a 

n      (M;iii-c.  lioni  .l;iiiii;iry  S,  IS!)),  iii;irrir(|  .li-iiiiii-  (iotwalt, 
(hnmlilci-  ol'  Allrr  ;iii(|  ('Lira    i  iUunlWuiT)   (iotwalt   .if  V..I-L- 
I  'ciiiisyK  ;i  Ilia. 

I)      .M;iry,  Koni   I  )ii(iiil)cr  IS,   1S!I7,  niarrir.l  .lojin  Snydrr 
of  Noi'lli    ^'(»rk,  lioni   in    1  ^'u;  IX    |:;| 

(•      .\nii;i,  lioi-ii  (  )cI(iImt  I'll.    JSDS. 

VIII-28()     Childivii   ol'   L,i\\  iviicr   A.  ;iii<l    Mvrtlc   (Sfi-inn    ilrnnH. 

VII  jn-J-a 

M  JMTiiard  U'lissi'll,  lidni  in  r.ilO. 
1)  I  *;iiiliiic  l"l\i'lyii.  I)(ini  in  I'.M  1 . 
C      \'i()la    Iv'..  Ixirii   ill    r.M:!. 

\'I1I-2S7      Cliildivii  of  .loliii  and  AlarvS.  (  .Marlliurii  )    KihM.-r. 

VII  L'oM, 
a     Mariiiircl.  Imni   in   ISftO. 
b     Frederick,  horn  in  liMlO. 

VIII-288     diildivii  of  SaiiiiH'l  ('.  aiul  .Mat:-^:ie  (llooveri  Marlliurn. 

\' 1 1  -jo-i-c 

a     IMarji'aret.  Iiorn   in   llMKi. 
h     Edwin,   boi'ii   in    1IM)8. 

VIII-28!)      Cdiildri'ii  of  dames  X.  and  Idorence    i^Met'aiin      Mat-l- 
horn.  \'II204-c 

a     Allen,  l.oi-n  in  I!)!!, 
b     Earl,  liorii  in  I!tl7. 

VIII-290     Children  ol'  llenr\-  11.  and   l-'iaiiccsS.  iStrrliniri   .Mael- 


a      Robert,  born  in  11)12. 
b     JSterliny,  born  in   11)14. 

Nil  204- f 

VIII-291      riiildreii  of  (diaries  and    Nora    L.    Maelliorn      I5ii.-li..r. 

\'II  2i>4-ir 

a      Anna,  horn  in  ll)(l!). 
b     Edwai'd.  horn  in   r.)li). 
e     Harold,  horn  in  1  Dl  1 . 
d     AViltoii.  horn  in  ll>12. 
e      Doroth.v.  horn  in  l!)b!. 
f     Kobert.  horn  in  IDlo. 
2'     Ehvood.  horn  in  ll)lh. 

VIII-292     Children  of  David  and   Elizabeth    Maelliorn^    Hublev. 

a     James  ^F.,  born  in  1008. 
b     Anna  C.  born  in  IDIO. 

274  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-293     Children  of  Leroy  and  Mary    (Maelhorn)    Garman. 

a     Mary  R.,  born  in  1909. 
b     Luella  M.,  born  in  1915. 

VIII-294     Children  of  Dalvin  and  Annie    (Brosy)    Maelhorn. 

a     Dorothy,  born  in  1913. 
b     Esther  M.,  born  in  1915. 
c     Boyd  R.,  born  in  1916. 

YIII-295     Children  of  Charles  and  Minnie    (Maelhorn)    Rife. 

a     Helen,  born  in  1901. 

VIII-296     Children  of  James  and  Minnie  (Maelhorn-Rife)  Fake. 

a     Paul,  born  in  1912. 
b     Mary,  born  in  1914. 

VIII-297     Children  of  Israel  and  Mary  A.    (Maelhorn)    Gross. 

a     Nettie,  born  in  1902. 
b     Walter,  born  in  1906. 
c     Pauline,  born  in  1910. 

YIII-298     Children  of  Jacob   and   Sadie   E.    (Maelhorn)    King. 

a     Earl,  born  in  1905. 

YIII-299     Children  of  Alfred  H.  and  Minnie    (Sweitzer)    Mael- 
horn. VII-206-e 
a     Elizabeth,  born  in  1914. 
b     Charles,  born  in  1916. 

VIII-300     Children  of  Cyrus  and  Amanda    (Maelhorn)    Lehigh. 

a     Mary,  born  in  1910. 
b     Xorman,  born  in  1913. 
c     Charles,  born  in  1915. 

VIII-301     Children  of  William  H.   and  Margaret  L.    (Griffith) 
Eisenhart.  YII-210-a 

a     ^Margaret  Alice,  born  April  20,  1913. 

VIII-302     Children  of  Chester  and  Pauline  G.  (Shaeffer)  Boyer. 

a     Donald, 
b     Helen. 

TlllO     lill.l.     I'AMII.Y 


VIII-:i();{  (  'hildfrll    (if   <  ;lr;is(,ii    ,IIhl     Mllrli    U' .       (^Ilirkrl,     |  ),-ii  P.  I- .•■•^' 

VII  L- 1 
;i      (  'jirrM'. 
I)      H.-iri'v. 
(•      liiillicr. 
(I      (  'hirciicc. 
('      .loliii. 
r      U'oy. 

<:,■      Son   (  ii;iiiir  Mot  ^ucii  j . 
h      Nellie. 
i     Kiith. 


VTII-;?()4      (Miildi-cii  of  Olivrr  ,111 
(Two  ehildivii.) 

)     <^lliek«l, 

VII  J 18. 1) 

YTTT-^Of)      ( 'liildi'eii  of  F.dujif  S.  ;iii(1  Susie   (  ( 'iiiiiiiiiLdi;iiii      Ilvkt-s. 

a      Samuel  David,  horn  .l;inn;iry  :!1,  lIKfJ. 
1)      llai'iy  Elwood.  Iioni   In,   liiii}. 
c     Cjitherine  Kebeeea.  horn  Deeenilx-r  ).').  I!)!)."). 
d     Ira  Elniifji.  horn  Sepleniher  I'S.  liXtS. 
e     (ieorge  ('unniiiLjIuini,  hoi-n  .Tune  Iti.  1!M(). 
f     Charles  Nevin.  hoi'n  Septmihcr  24.  IIM.".. 
g     Carl   Lincoln,  horn   I'^ehrnjirN-   11.   1!'17. 

VIII-30(i      Cliildi'en    of   Coniiid    ;ind    .M;ii\-    K.    (llvkesi    .liiliu.s. 


a     Freddie  AV..  horn  An-iiisl  (i.  1!)0:^ 
1)     Helen  S..  hoi-n  Api'il  I'd.  1!)0.'). 
c     jNFargaret  A.,  hoi'n  -lunc  1:!.   llHi'. 

VIII-307      (Mnldren    of    AVilli.un     II.     and     .Minnie       .Mr<  losk.-v 
Ilykes.  V1I--_M'».,. 

a      .Martha   Louisa,  horn   Mrcmihrr    I.  l!M»l>. 
b     IMargarel  Willels.  horn  -hme  23.  liUl. 

VIII-308      Childi-en  of  Cliai'lcs   11.  and    .\nnir   K.      Ilvkrs     Litth-. 

a      Ethel   licheeea.  horn  -lunc    1.  l!l()7. 
1)      Helen    Eli/.ahelli.   Ix^-n  dune   10.   l!)dS. 
e      Clair  Ilykes.  horn  Octohrr  S.  1!H)!). 
d      William  Charles,  horn  October  8.  IIUI. 

VIII-309      Children    of    John    and     Elizahrth     II.       llvkes       litish. 

a      Cathei'ine  dane.  horn   l-'ehruar\-  2(».  liM.'). 
b     Samuel,  tmrn  March  IS.  IDIT. 



VIII-310     Children  of  Chester  and  Caroline  M.   (Hykes)   Gross. 

a     Esther  Elizabeth,  born  January  3.  1911. 
b     Marian  Ruth,  born  June  6,  1912. 
c     Kathryn  Romaine,  born  August  19,  1913. 
d     Zacharias  Harold,  born  June  18,  1915. 



and  her  son 



(Pages  47   and   101) 

VIII-311     Children   of   Albert   R.    and   Bertha    (Emig)    Hykes. 

a     AVilliam  Albert,  born  October  24,  1915. 
b     Dorothy  May,  born  May  30.  1917. 

•nil';    i:i  1,1.    i-\\iii,v  j;- 

\' I  I  I   '\]'2       ('liililrni   of    l>;i  \  iiMiiii  I    ;ini|    I'.l  i/;i  1  n-t  Ii   S.       llitoViTt    <iflll- 
mil.  VI|._'Jtl-H 

;i        l>icll;i|-(l     I  lonNCr.    linlii    .M;iy     IS.    l'l|ll 

1)      .Icniicl  I  (•  <  i  iislrii.i,  lioi'ii  .l;i  1111,1 1  y    M      lUl-'i, 
(•       l>;i\ni(iM(l    .\liT\iii.  liiii'ii   Si'|i|i'iiil..-r    1"^.    T'l  I 

\'III--"U;5      ('liildi'cii  (»r  ( 'l.iiriirc  S.  ;iiiil    .\liiii-r\ii    i 'I'rttiir      llnovrr. 


;i       I  )(»r()t  liy,    Ikhii    in    1 11 1 II. 

\'III-:114      ('liiUlrcii     (if     l''i('(|cciil<      II.     :iiiil     <>li\,.        l''Mr|taiii,'lM 
(^)uicl<rl.  \'II  L'L'I  ii 

;i       rhili|i    l"'i'<'i|ci-icl\,   1mii-ii  .iihI   dird   (  Jrlolpi-r,    I'M  I. 
1)      ( ";it  licriiic  ()li\r,   lioi-ii    Nn\  milirr  :!ii,    ll'l'i. 

\'lll-;51.")     Cliildrcu  of  and  Don.'.rttii  (  Ni-wail  j 


a      Charles,  dicil  in  inraiicv. 

VIII-31(i     Childivii  of  William   II.  aii<l  K.   (  Starr  i    l'.arl<l.-v 

\'ll  L-_'::  ,, 
a     Aliee,  ])orn  Jamiar\-  7.  1!M1. 
b     Cliarlntto,  died   in   iiifaiii'y. 

VIII-317      (Miildivn  (•!'   Ivirl   A,  and    Lotlir   I'.,    f  Marion  i    HarklfV, 

VII--JJ:;  I. 
a     Earl,  horn  An<inst  S.  I'.i]:;. 

VTTT-;31S      CMnldrcii    of    TJov    and    Lulu    •!.     iSaiiipl.-)     Wriixht. 

V11-L-J4  a 
a      William  Tivston.  horn   I  )cc,Mnhrr  I'll,  linil. 
b     Luey  Eslhcr.  horn  -Inly  !•,  1!M)4. 

('      T.uthcr  .lasi)ci'.   horn    August    L".h    liXitl.   dir,|  .Inn.'  L'i>. 

d      Martha   Kosc.  hoi'n   Dfccnihci-  L':!.   i:>ti7. 

e     Jnlia   Kniuia.  horn  .lul.\-  I'l.  ll'llt. 

r     .lohn   A.,  hoi'ii  .Inly    li',    llMi'. 

g     Dorothy  May.  hoin   .May   lii.   I'.n."). 

Vlll-'n!)      Childi'cn  of  Cfoii^v   K.  ;ind   l.illir  M.      \Vi-i<:lit  >    ll.-rsli- 
man.  VII-L-J4-h 

a      Ksthcr  .\nnc.  hoi-n  Noxcnihrr  1.").  ll'itS 
h     Harold  Wriiiiit.  horn  Ortohri'  •_'.').   ll»l:i. 
e     ,   liorn    |)r('cmhcr  L'S,   1!I17. 

VIII-320     Children    of    .Moiton    and     Kmma     !•'.     Cartel-       l-'ry.'. 

V11-J_n;  h 

a     Alberta. 

b     Rol)ert. 

e     Panl  Carter. 

278  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-321     Children  of  Harry  C.  and  Bertha  G.   (Henze)  Zeigler. 

a     Daughter,  died  at  birth. 

b     Margaret  Elizabeth,  born  December  1,  1904. 
c     Ruth  Pauline,  born  December  8,  1906. 
d     Henry  Charles,  born  August  19,  1910,  died  October 
6,  1910. 

e     Helen  Eomaine,  born  September  19,  1912. 

VIII-322     Children  of  George  L.  and  Sarah  E.  (Bennett)  Miller. 

a     Elizabeth  Jane,  born  March  22,  1917. 
b     Mary  Ann,  born  April  1,  1918. 

VIII-323     Children  of  Dr.  Charles  B.  and  Mary  C.    (Woolten) 
Moseley.  VII-233-a 

a  Esther  Woolten,  born  October  9,  1880,  married  Jan- 
uary 27,  1901,  William  Pittman,  born  April  6,  1876 IX-132 

They  live  at  Annona,  Texas,  where  he  is  a  niercliant. 

b  Elizabeth,  born  July  13,  1882,  married  April  7,  1901. 
Joseph  M.   McCarver _ IX-133 

They  live  at  Annona,  Texas,  where  he  is  a  merchant. 

c  lone  Ann,  born  July  23,  1884,  married  1903  Dr.  J. 
Thomas   Hutchinson .- IX-134 

d  Araminta  McCawley,  born  May  23,  1886.  married 
June  5,  1908,  John  Hall -. IX-135 

e  Charles  Ben,iamin,  Jr.,  born  March  28,  1888,  married 
January  28,  1912,  Cecilia  Maxley  Cox,  daughter  of  Robert 
Bowen  and  Callie  (Mabry)  Cox  of  Knoxville,  Tennessee, 
born  July  4,  1884._.... _ -_ - IX-136 

He  is  telegraph  and  station  agent   of  the  Paris  and  Mount  Pleasant  Rail- 
way, at  Bogota,  Texas. 

f     Mary,  born  January  4,  1890,  and  died  March  10,  1890. 

g  Genevieve,  born  March  26,  1891,  married  June  26, 
1913,  Clarence  Charles  de  Berry,  son  of  Martin  Luther  and 
Alice  Jane  de  Berry  of  Missouri,  born  January  19,  1891...  JX-137 

They  live  at  Bogota,  Texas,  where  he  deals  in  live  stock. 

VIII-324     Children  of  Parman  J.  and  Mattie  B.  (Conly)  Hender- 
son. VII-234-b 

a     Franz  Parman,  born  April  4,  1897. 

b     Madge,  born  June  14,  1899. 

c     Conly  William,  born  February  4,  1908. 

VIII-325     Children  of  Walter  T.   and  Madge    (Conly)    Monroe. 


a     Conly,  born  May  21,  1896,  married  April  30,  1917, 

Virginia  — •,  born  August,  1898. 

b     Walter,  born  October  5,  1903. 

'I'lIM      I!  I    1,1,      I' AMI  I,  Y 


VrTT-:V2(;     Cliildivii  of  Willi.iiii   K    ,111.1   1,'iitli   A     Miilliiis*  Conlv 

;i  rniiliii.'    I'lli/jilirlh.    Iioni    <  >,-|nl.rf  L'T,    UMIII. 

Ii       M;ify    l-]strll;i,   horn    .\|m-iI  >.    I'lii^ 

('  .1  iili:i   ( iriic\  it'\  r.   Iidi'ii  .1  mil'    |,    |!)  Id. 

(1      \Vil(l;i    I'ldilli,  liiHii   Dc.riiili.r   1,   l!)];;. 

('  Willi.-iiii    l'](l\\;inl.  -I  r.   Ihiiii    l''.'l)iu;ii-y  L'n,    I'Mti 

VI1I-;?L*7      Childivii    (.r    .1.    M.    .-Ill, I'     l;        (omIv.     Ihini^ 

VII  _'::i  .. 

;i       \\'illi;ini    llcrlirrl,  hum   Sr]  i|  .■imImt    11.    ISIMI. 

lie  riilisii'd   ill  ilii'   r.  S.  Aini.v,  .\|>ril    1,    I'.tls,  mill  ih  in  tlw  <'iin)it  Arllllrry 
Corps,   lllh   <'()iiii>!iii.v.   Ml    Kdi'I    K(i-.i'cniir/..    S.iii    |)iii;i>.   ( 'iilirnriiin. 

1)      l»;iyiii()ii(l  Tli(»iii;is.  li(ini  .liil\-  '-'A.    l^l»!l. 
(•      1.      Mnttic  I'.cll.  horn  .M,i.\    11.   lltiij. 

2.      MoiuMii,  Woi'ii  .Miiy   I  1.   11)1)2. 
d     Sam,  1)01-11  Dcccinhcr  L'li.  liio:;.  ilini  |-"rl.i-ii;iiy  L'.  jMul 
('      1.     Ned.  Ixini   .M.-iivh   111,   r.)i)ii.  dird  .lul.\    17.   r.)i)i;. 

•J.      Ted.   M;iivh   111.   liKHl.  dird  .limr   Itl.   lIMHi. 

VIII-328     Children  of  .Josfi)li    II.  ;iii<l   ( 'oliiinliiii    !',.    '  .Viid.TSDti ) 
Rowell.  \ii  j:',:.-;! 

a     Jost'pliiiic,  horn  Soptcnilirr  2(1.  ]S!i4. 
1)     Mattic  Eli/ahclli.  l)oni  A|)ril  7.  l!»()(). 
e     (leorye  l^cU,  born  January  17.  IDOS. 

VIII-:^21)     Cliildivii  of  (^liv(M-  L.  and    l.ronr    iPiviissi    An.i.-r.son. 


a     Oliver  Leitli.  lioi'ii  Ajtril  lM.   1^'»7. 

He  is  now   in   ihi'   V.   S.   Niivy  as  t'hief   Ycutiiaii. 

VIII-330     Children  of  Saimiei  .1.  and   .Mary   !'..    i  Towvrs  :    And.-r- 
son.  Vll--J3»;-I) 

a      Elizabeth   I'.erniee.  born  October  'JS.  l!K)t;. 

VIII-331      Children   of   •!.    .M.   and    Mattie    I.    ^  .\ndei'son      Seal.'.s. 

a      ^label  Irene,  hoiai  .\|iril  27.  11)0.'). 

1)     Samuel  Melrose,  hoi'ii   Kebruar.\-  '2').  IDHS. 

C     :Mar.i()rie  r.ell.  horn   .Vii-iisi    1  1.    11)1  [. 

Vin-332     Children    of   .1.    1'..    and    Onita    i  Anderson       I'etin. 

a     TIenry  T..  born  .liiiie  2.  l:)n7. 
b      Fred   .\iidersoii.  horn  October  l-'..   l!)12. 

VIII-333     Childr.'ii  of   Horace  ('.  and    .Mabel    (.Moored    Anderson. 

VII  23(i-e 
a     Virginia   l^lleii,  horn  Sepieinb'r  2i),  11'12. 
b     ]\rary  Vea,  born  August   14.   lIHo. 

280  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-334     Children  of  William  Earl  and  Bertha    (Humphrey) 
Anderson.  VII-236-f 

a     Jnanita  Jeannette,  born  December  13,  191-i. 
b     AVayne,  born  December  11,  1917. 

VIII-335     Children  of  Dr.  John  W.  and  Effie  J.  (Statler)  Hyatt. 

a     John  Statler,  born  August  13,  1887. 
b     Archibald  Karl,  born  March  9,  1890. 
c     Raymond  Earl,  born  November  16,  1892. 

VIII-336     Children  of  Hugh  E.  and  Julia  (Antine)  Anderson. 

a     Sarah  Catherine,  born  in  1906,  died  in  1907. 
b     Dorothy,  born  in  1914. 
c     Baby  girl,  born  May  6,  1918. 

VIII-337     Children  of  E.  L.  and  He  E.  (Anderson) 'Canterbury. 

a     Ernest  L.,  born  in  1905. 
b     Elizabeth,  born  December  9,  1909. 
c     Marion,  born  December  16,  1912. 

VIII-338     Children  of  William  A.  and  Anne  C.    (Pope-Sivley) 
Conner.  VII-239-a 

a     America  Aclelia,  born  October  4,  1899. 

She  graduated,  May  28,  1918,  at  Ward-Belmont  School,  Nashville,  Tennes- 
see. She  and  her  mother  were  of  the  Baptist  Cliurch,  while  her  father  is  of 
the  Methodist  Episcopal,  South. 

VIII-339     Children  of  Oliver  E.  and  Ida  (Duke)  Pope.  VII-239-b 
a     Thomas  Sidney,  born  and  died  October  22,  1907. 

VIII-340     Children  of  Wilbur  H.  and  Erskine  E.  (Pope)  Carman. 

a     Elizabeth,  born  June  6,  1911. 

VIII-341     Children  of  Ambrose  F.  and  Eft'ie  (Pope)  Denison. 

a     Adelaide  Jane,  born  April  9,  1906. 
b     Annie  Pope,  born  February  8,  1911. 

Vin-342     Children  of  Charles  B.   and  Bell    (Pope)    Allen. 

a     Charles  Barber,  Jr.,  born  June  12,  1912. 
b     Bob  Pope,  born  August  23,  1914. 

YIII-343     Children  of  James  J.  and  Eva  E.  (Anderson)   Cham- 
bers. VII-240-a 
a     Thomas  Glen,  born  November  6,  1905. 
b     Jack  Fuller,  born  July  15,  1908. 
c     Ida  Merle,  born  May  15,  1913. 
d     Eva  Jo,  born  Julv  27,  1915. 

Till':      111    I.I.      I'AMII.Y 


V[I[-;MI         ChildlVll     (.I'    .In,-      II       ;ill<l      l,,|,;i      I,  Krrl,-V,      .\M.|.-l-.i 

VII   L'l 

;i        l'',iiiin;i    l.nricr.   hdi'ii    .\l;i\     I '^.    IIM'J. 

I)       .\llii;i    Mllcli,    iMirii    .M,i.\    ■_',    t!Mli. 

\'lll-:>4r)      ( 'liildrcii  (iT  (  )lrii   11,111(1   l''lii>>sir  I.      .\  iii|'-fso(i      Navlor, 

\  II-JID-.I 

;i       ()li'ii    lloiiMT,  .If.,   Ixini  .1 ,1  iiii;i  |-y    |li,    IIMlI. 

I)       \\ny   .\  iKJci'siPii.  lidiii    .\|i|-il  s.   I'll  I. 
('       lu'lii  .l.iiict,  horn   NomiiiIht  JJ,   IHlti. 

lilCllAKD   AI.KXA.NDKl;   CllAlWIAN 
Senior  living  niemluT  i>l'   l;iiiiily 

VIlI-84(i     CMiiMrcii  of  .Toliii  \'.  .iiiil  Vnl);i   iSnid.T     lloiti. 

\' 11  mi -a 

a     EtlK'l.  l)()iii  .laiiuniy  'M.  ISIMI.  dird  .May  :!1.  1:h)-J. 

b     Ilaz.'l.  honi  .M.iivli  14.  ISIH. 

She  lives  ;it  .laeksoii,   Missmii-i. 

VIII-3-l:7     Childri'ii  of   Marsludl   and    Miodi.'    >  M.-dlrv      Snider. 

VII  -U 11. 

a  Enlli.  Itofii  Dcccinlirr  -2.  IS!':'. 

I)  ]\Iary  r>t'riiicc.  Ixini  Aiimisi  "J7.  l>li.'>. 

e  John  Wilson.  Itorii  NnNcnduT  "_'>.  ISitT. 

d  William  Thonia.s,  horn  dun.'  "J.  l^'.'l'. 

282  THE     BULL     FAMILY       ' 

VIII-348     Children  of  John  A.   and  Drusie    (Miller)    Snider. 

a     Nathan  Miller,  born  April  19,  1896. 
b     Julius  Brown,  born  January  18,  1901. 
c     Eli  George,  born  March  17,  1904. 
d     Carl  Estes,  born  October  12,  1905. 
e     John  Hugh,  born  January  14,  1907. 

VIII-349     Children  of  Mason  and  Louise   (Ford)   Snider. 

a     Louis,  born  October  20,  1900. 
b     Woodrow,  born  September  29,  1902. 
c     Hazel,  born  May  4,  1908. 

VIII-350     Children  of  Wilson  and  Amelia    (Obermider)    Snider. 

a     Clestis,  born  August  12,  1898. 
b     Louise,  born  December  11,  1900. 
c     Dorothy,  born  January  24,  1902. 

VIII-351     Children  of   Julius   i\L,   Jr.,   and   Alma    (Abernathy) 
Snider.  VII-241-f 

a     James,  born  September  24,  1899. 
b     Blanche,  born  September  18,  1901. 

YIII-352     Children   of    George    and   Amanda    (Snider)    Simms. 

a     Lucille,  born  September  17,  1900. 
b     George  Julius,  born  June  17,  1902. 

Vin-353     Children  of  Robert  B.  and  Susan   (Bergman)   Snider. 

a     Bergman,  born  April  24,  1904. 

VIII-354     Children  of  William  F.   and  Gertrude    (Ammerman) 
AVilson.  VII-242-a 

a     William  Francis,  Jr.,  born  July  2,  1902. 
b     Clara  Bernice,  born  September  9,  1905. 
c     Joseph  Phillip,  born  November  31,  1912. 

VIII-355     Children  of  AVilliam  M.  and  Emma  J.   (AVilson)   Mul- 
holland.  VII-242-C 

a     Mary  Frances,  born  October  7,  1917. 

Vni-356     Children  of  Thomas  J.  and  Adelaide  B.  (AVilson)  Fitz- 
patrick.  VII-242-d 

a     Bernice,  born  November  11,  1917. 

Aan-357     Children   of    Charles   L.    and    Eliza    H.    (Lockwood) 
Schatte.  VII-243-b 

a     Sophia  Lockwood,  born  December  7,  1913. 

'I'll!':     i;i  1,1,    I'WMii.Y  'jnz 

\' 1 1  l-.';r)S      ( 'liildi-cii  of   .\I,i,|(ii-  Tli(iiii;is  'I'    ;iiii|    I'lmiiia   I-       I  )iiii''aii  ■ 
Frisscll.  VII.'H-u 

;i      l)iiiir;iii    niillip.  Ihmii  .Inly    |:;,    Is!)!). 

VIII-;^')!)      Cliildivii    of    l,'icli;ir,|    W.    jinl     K\\n    (I'.rouin     l-'ri.s.s.-ll. 

\ll  J» 

a      ('li;ii-lcs  r>r()\\ii,  iioi'ii   M.irch  (i.    |!l(l| 

\'!ll-:>f!ll      Childnii     (if     M.ijor     l';ittick     .ind     Hihccra        Iloiick) 
Frisscll.  VIl.L'44-f 

a      Mary,  honi   April  S,   iDjil. 

VIIl-;{(il      Cliildivii    of    \ln\nT\     Iv    and     Mlla       Wilson  i     I '.rant  j.-y. 

VII  2\'.i-n 

a       I'ilsic,  horn   ScplrnilnM'  li,    11MI"_'. 

I»      lioltcrt    Wilson,   horn  -Innr  L',    ]!)()S. 

\'III-:>(iL*      Cliildi'cn   of    Dr.    William    .\.   an. I    .\,lda    .M .      Wilson) 
Howard.  \II  l'[!M> 

a      Susie,  hovu  ncccinbci-  -'A).  l.'^DS.  died  -lannary  >.   js!)!). 
b     Sai'ali  Avis,  bom  Au<  .'ll,  1  :>()(). 

\'TTT-."36:^      Children  of  Tlininas  K.  and  Koxjuiiia   (Martini   Wilson. 

\ll  •J.")()-a 
a     Lloyd  Leo,  hoiai  Sc|)tcnihcr  S.  l!)iii). 

VIII-36-4     Children   of    Turl    11.   and    i'lnnna    i  Wilson)    Adams. 


a     Wilson   Lonnew   ])oi-n    (Ictobei-,    l!l()().   died    .linie   I). 

1)      I'earl  .Marie,  horn  .\ii>iust  :>,  liiOl'. 

c     Lloyd  Harold,  horn  -lidy  ."1,  l!i()4. 

d     Lifaid   daniilitei-.  uiuianied.  horn  and  dird   .Marrli  2'k 

e      Mildr.'d  .Myrtle,  horn  l-'ehrnary  L'7.  IIH)?. 

f     Lela  Evelyn,  horn  .\pril  li'.  i:i(i!i. 

<>•     John  Alexander,  born  -Inl.v   11.   llMl. 

li      \'ivian  Kstella,  boi-n  dul.v  7,  ll'lL*. 
i     T\o.v  Llani,  born  Xovendier  'JS,  l!)!."). 

Vlll-oDo     Children  of -John  C.  and  r.ertlia   iColven    West. 


a      lla/.el.  liorn  Auiiiist  (!.  lS9;i. 

VIII-86(;      ("hildi-en   of   L.   (».   and   Cert  rude    (Colver)    Atwood. 

a     C.raee  Kli/.abcth.  boiai  .\u<rust  -Jti.  l!K)S. 

VIII-367      Children  of  llari'v  .\.  and  i:ii/.ahrth  K.   iStornnvi   Col- 
yer.  VIl--J.">l-e 

a     Samuel  James,  born  .lanuar.\'  17.  ll'lii. 
b     Thomas  Stoi'row.  horn  .\nuust  L'4,  l!'17. 

284  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-368     Children  of  W.   H.  and  Effie    (Clouse)    Vaughn. 

a     Gladys,  born  July,  1892. 

b     James,  born  1898. 

VIII-369     Children  of  Alexander  M.  and  Lilian  (Turner)   Bogy. 

a     Eosamond  Virginia,  born  August  26,  1910. 

VIII-370     Children  of  Thomas  and  Lois  (Tubbs)  Hines.  VIL254-a 

a  Wilson  Sears,  born  July  15,  1912,  at  Pasadena,  Cali- 

b  Kathryn,  born  January  19,  1915,  at  Pasadena,  Cali- 

VIII-371     Children  of  John  and  Grace  (Hines)  McEoberts. 

a     Jack  Alexander,  born  September  3,  1913. 

VIIL372     Children  of  Gilbert  C.  and  Elsie   (Hines)   Eobb. 

a     Twin  girls,  born  and  died  September  7,  1908. 

VIII-373     Children  of  Edwin  and  Eugenia   (Seay)   AVilson. 

a     Edwin  Blake,  born  October  12,  1913. 

VIII-371:     Children  of  Lucius  L.  and  Cliloe  A.  (Knox)  McNeely. 


a     Ethel,   born  November  25.   1883,  married  April   14, 

1903,  Edward  S.  Guese,  son  of  Frederick  and  Louise  Guese 

,  of  New  Haven,  Franklin  County,  Missouri,  born  February 

8,    1877 . IX-138 

He   graduated   with   the   degree    of    M.    D.    in   1909   from   Cape    Girardeau, 
Missouri,  Normal  School.     Is  in  the  insurance  business  at  Cape  Girardeau. 

b  John  Gracey,  born  January  10,  1885,  married  Decem- 
ber 24,  1911,  Josephine  Helen  Barndollar,  daughter  of  Ferd 
Barndollar  of  Pennsylvania  and  Catherine  Morgan  of  In. 
diana    ....._ __... .._. IX-139 

The}'   live  at   S'anta   Monica,    California,   where  he   is   a  teacher.     He   is   a 
graduate  of  the  Missouri   State  Normal  School,   1907,   degree  of  B.   Pd. 

c     Lucille,  born  in  1886. 

She  lives  at   Santa   Monica,   California. 

d    Lester  Eay,  born  in  1888. 

Vin-375     Children  of  David  C.  and  Lillie    (Knox)    Hope. 

a     Nellie,  born  February  12,  1894. 

Till';    r.r LI,    i'amii.v  jMft 

Vni-:i7(i      riiildivii    (,r    Willis    :iiii|    Molhr    I  Shoiilts)     Km.. 

Vll  J...,. 

;i        1.        Mildred,    linlli    (  )r|,,l.rl'    I!).    IIMIU. 
2.'      Miiii-d.d.iic.  I)<)iii  OcIoIht  1!I.   IIMMI. 

I)      (ir;icc.  lu.n:  .hil\     l!l,    1!H)7. 

\'lir-">77      ('liildrcii    III'    \\';illir    ,'iiid     \'()i';i     '  Wilson  i     l\ii(i\ 


;i  (';iiT(il    Wilsdii.   I)()iii    .\l;ii-cli  L'li,   ISI).'). 

1)  l"'dii;i.  Ixirii  in   1  S!l(i. 

('  ( 'Ijirciicc,  lioi'ii   ill    1  S'IS. 

(1  I'l.-ifl,  lioni   ill    1!M)1. 

VIII-:57S      ("liildrcii    of    ('\Tiis    ;iiid    (';irrii'    il'rici-i     I '.jirli.'r. 


;i      Al|»li;i.   lioni    I  )(m-ciii1mt  iM.   I'.MIS. 
1)      Sjiiiiiicl,  horn  .liil\-   IS.   i:i](). 
(•      Trice.  Iiorii  .l;iiiii;i  ry  :!,  llMl'. 

YTTT-;?7!)     Children    of    Oliver    ;iiid    Addie    (Hope.     .Mort(.ii. 


a     Vir^'iiiia,  horn  ISII.').  married   I'Jltl  Iv  L.  Kinder. 

They   live   in   .liicUson,    Missouri. 

1)     Hope,  horn  in  IS!)!). 

VTTT-380     (Miildreii    of    IJiirlev    W.    and    Cohimhia     '  Woods  i     Me- 
Neely.  VIl-lMil-a 

a     Ft'rn,  married  ('lyde  .M(d\ee. 
1)     Fraiikii',  married  in  l!n7.  Xewel  McKee. 

VIII-881     Children  of  Georoe  1'.  an<l   Ollie    (MeX.-ely  i    Morton. 

a     Delia,  married  Ernest  Miller, 
b     Lucius, 
c     Erma  Dale, 
d     ^  Fart  ha. 
e     l^lauehe. 
f     Hessie. 
g'     Kobevt. 

VIII-382     Children  of  Charles   K.  and  defile    (Sla.-ki    Sliort. 


a     AVilsou. 
b     Mildred. 

VIII-383     Children  of   Waller  and    Nora      Wilson      l\iio\         See 
VIIT-377.)  XllJti.Va 

VIII-38-J:     Children    of    Albert    and    Keheeea    •  llati-iier  i    Wilson. 


a     Cora,  born  May  18.  1004.  _ 

b     Victor,  born  Sei)teiul)er  '2i.   IDdti. 

c     Paul,  born  February  9.  IDU. 

286  '  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-385     Children  of  William  J.  and  Jessie    (Ruff)    Hitt. 

a     Helen  Gayle,  born  May  20,  1901. 
b     Hazel  Winfred,  born  June  26.  1904,  died  February 
18,  1905. 

Vni-386     Children  of  Edwin  A.  and  Nora   (Ruff)   Haggard. 

a     Laura, 
b     Edwin. 

VIII-387     Children  of  J.  M.,  Jr.,  and  Lucy   (Ruff)   Hannebrink. 

a     Ruth, 
b     Clarence, 
c     John, 
d     David. 

YIIL388     Children  of  William  and  Freida    (Amelunka)    Ruff. 

a     Wilson  Lee. 
b     Ben  Howard. 

Vm-389     Children  of  Theophilus  and  Alma    (Hope)    Robb. 

a     Lilian,  born  December  -4,  1896,  married  May  9,  1916, 
Russell  R.  Pankey IX-140 

They  live  at  Kennett,  Missouri. 

VIII-390     Children  of  Harris  and  Clara  (Puis)  Hope.    yiL268-b 
a     Clara  Louise,  born  December  13,  1902. 

Vin-391     Children  of  Ellis  C.  and  Lucy  (Hope)  Hope.  VIL268-C 
a     Addison,  born  July  23,  1899. 
b     Xelson,  born  February  14,  1901. 
c     Hull,  born  November  5,  1905. 
d     Elizabeth,  born  August  18,  1907. 
e     Dorothy  Lucille,  born  December  3,  1909,  died  Sep- 
tember 1,  1910. 

f     Thomas,  born  February  1,  1913. 

yiII-392     Children  of  Alvin  A.   and  Bessie    (Abernathy)    Boss. 

a     Henry  Eli,  born  November  3,  1901. 
b     Margaret  E.,  born  May  21,  1903. 

YlII-393     Children  of  David  G.  and  Ella  (Wilkinson)  Seibert. 

a     David, 
b     Wilson, 
c     Lillian, 
d     Irene. 

Till';      I'.l    1,1.      I''\M1I,Y 


A'III-:;!I|      (Miildivii    (.r   .luliii    .1.    ;iii.|    Willi. •   .1        lliirn.-,.     I'AWh. 

\'  1 1  JT-J-li 

a       I'lsllici-.  Iioiii   III    |SII-_',   inaiiii'ij  Joliii    lli-niy. 

'I'lic>     livi'   ill    (l;iU    l>'iili;i-,    M  isMDiin. 

\'1I !-;{!).')      Cliildi-cii   ol'    I'liiiciN    -I     and    Dora    I'..    M^Laiii      llarriH. 


a      (Marciicf   i'iiickiicv,  Ikh'm  in    l^'il 

h      Mallei   ()cla\ia,  horn    in    |s:).).  mairi'd    Wrslrv   I'.nUrrH. 

TlicN     li\i-    111    (  >;ik     l.'iH-.',     \li-  -..nil 

KEV.    SAMl   Kl.   .lOSKl'll    A  M  >i:i{Sl)N.    D.    1>. 

VIlI-396      Children    of  llcrlx-i-t    and    Ida    d.      llaiTis^    'riioiiipsoii. 


a      liaby   boy,   horn   and   died    in    1S!)0. 

b      William    I  larris,  born   in    l^'.'!. 

c      Habv  Liii'l.  born  and  died  in  1S11:{. 

'earl,   horn 

ill    \S\)4. 

e  Glenn  Ellis,  born  in  ISD.'). 

f  Lola  Eai-I.  born   in   ISDS. 

g  Arcliie  Collai'd.  born  in   IS!)!), 

h  Yiro'il  Ora.  born  in  liHU. 

i  Ehnei'    .\..   born    in    1!H)-J. 

j  Baby  ^'ii'l.  boi'n  and  died  in  l'.'ii4. 

288  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-397     Children  of  Robert  K.  and  Amelia  (Helmkamf )  Wilson. 

a     Eobert,  born  in  1910. 
b     Irene,  born  in  1912. 

VIII-398     Children  of  Edwin  S.  and  Rita  A.   (Morton)  'Watson. 

a     Edwin  Samuel,  Jr.,  born  February  13,  1913,  at  Bir- 
mingham, Alabama. 

b     John,  born  April  16,  1914,  at  Porter,  Alabama, 
c     William  Thomas,  born  March  4,  1916,  at  Pinson,  Ala- 

d     Arline,  born  September  21,  1917,  at  Pinson,  Alabama. 

VIII-399     Children  of  John   C.   and   Ella    (Friend)    Smith. 


a     Emma  Mae,  born  February  3,  1897,  married  October 
25,  1917,  Dewey  K.  Haney. 

b     Frank  Woodrow,  born  December  3,  1903. 
c     Martha  Eliza,  born  July  31,  1905. 
d     Ruth  Ellen,  born  January  17,  1913. 

VIII-400     Children  of  John  F.  and  Hattie  F.  (Woody)  Vander- 
ferd.  VII-283-C 

a     Claude  Woody,  born  July  11,  1895. 
b     Clara  Eleanor,  born  January  22,  1897. 
c     Walter  Frank,  born  February  3,  1901. 

VIII-401     Children  of  Andrew  W.  and  Aletta  (Upson)   Snyder. 

a     Ralph  AVadsworth.  born  December  4,  1899. 
b     Elizabeth,  born  July  11,  1914. 

VIII-402     Children  of  Jacob  and  Martha  A.    (Upson)    Garber. 


a    Vigo  AA^ayne,  born  Alarch  13,  1898. 

b     Mabel  Virginia,  born  December  25,  1912. 

VIII-403     Children  of  Marion  and  Margaret  E.  (Strieby)  Fenton. 


a  Hiram  E.,  born  in  1887. 

b  Homer  F.,  born  in  1889. 

c  Edith  M.,  born  in  1892. 

d  Myrtle  M.,  born  in  1894. 

Vin-404     Children  of  U.  Grant  and  Nellie  (Van  Tassel)  Strieby. 


a     Ralph,  born  in  1896. 

■I'lll']     i;i  1,1.     )•  AAiii.v  289 

N'mi"")      ( 'liildicM  III' Scliii\  Irr  ;iii(|  Anii.i  !•].  (Strii-liv)  Woolfonl. 

\'  1 1  -jHrMi 

a  Floyd  ()..  ill  lS!i;!. 
I)  ("hiihl.'  !•;.,  hoiii  111  ls:)(i. 
(-      Mildivd. 

Vlll-4()(i      ChiMivii     of     ll.irwy     K.     ,iii,|     C,     Myrllr       Stn. •!.>') 

lloowii.  \'ll-:i.s.'j.<. 

a      .Maiy  15.,  lioni  in   IS! IT. 

VIlI-4()7     Cliildivn  of  1).   \V.  ;i,,d    i;isir   I,    ij'.iirll,    Tlionia.s. 


a      -It'iin.  hoi'ii  ill   llll:>. 
I)      -loycc,   lioi'ii    ill    l!!].'). 

V11I-4IIS     Childivii  (if  \Villi;iiii  W.  ;iiid  .Miiirr\;i   M,   i|,.,rl<,.i    Kor- 
mail.  \'II--_".tL'-a 

a      \'c]iiia    Ma.',  lioni  -Inly  lM;.    lIMMi. 
1)      Richard  Dale,  horn  Scptcinh..!'  Ki.  1!)()8. 

VIII-40!)     Childiviiof  Noah  W.  and  Mli/.ah.'lli  1).  >  Wliitn   Fidl.-r. 

a     :\rary  Eli.:al)r1h.  lioni  April  IT).  Ifn2. 
h     Lewis  D.,  horn  -111110  5,  lillM. 

VIII-410     Cliildivn   of  .lohii    W.   and   .Irssic    M.    iFidh-n    llin.j- 
baugh.  V1I--_'!>:M. 

a     Elsie  Doi-is.  born  Octobrr  .'>.  lUlL'. 
b     Georgia  ]Mav,  born  Oetober  4.  lUl'l.  died  O.-tolifi-  ."). 

Buriefl   in  SaU'in   cenu'li'iy,   AVilmol.  Tiuliiinii. 

e     Jessie  Francis,   born  August   16,   IHH.   di.d    .Vuirust 
19,  1914. 

Buried  in  .Salem  cemetery,  Wiln-ot.   Iiuliana. 

d     Jobii  :\b>rlin.  born  July  9.  191(;. 

VIII-411     Children  of  Fdward  L.  and  Rosa  C.  (O'Coiiii.-lli  Star- 
ner.  VIl-L'9tiJ. 

a      1.      Morris  JMigrne.  born  .Man-li  ill).  r.l(i.'>. 
'2.     Rosalie  Frnestine.  born  March  'M\  liM)."). 

VIII-412     Ciiildren  of  Charb-s  R.  and  Maude  M,     Starncr'  Holcii- 
baugh.  \'l[--j:Mi-e 

a     Ruth  E..  born  .lanuary  l(i.  IIH).'). 

b      Lallah  lionita,  horn  Aiiuust   1!».  l!»10. 

VIII-413     (Jiildrcn  of  Hrncst  .M.  and  Kdna  .M.  -Starncr^  Sholl. 

VI  1-1:9. ;-ti 

a     Pcniia   Elizabcfh.  born  ^lav   1,   191-J. 



VIII-41i     Children  of  Arthur  and  Josie  E.    (Moore)   Yeager. 

a     Florence  Cora,  born  February  17,  1914. 
b     Chester  Arthur,  born  September  28,  1915. 

VIII-415     Children  of  Holland  Y.  and  Chloa  (Ferverba)  Robison. 

a     Robert  Y.,  born  December  14.  1912. 
b     Earl  F.,  born  November  24,  1916. 

(Page   52) 

YIII-416     Children  of  Peter  E.  and  Delia  F.    (Willis)    Kirk. 

a     Xorah  Priscilla,  born  August  6.  1895. 
b     Raymond  Eugene,  born  April  30,  1900. 

YIII-417     Children  of  Grant  D.  and  Effie  :\1.    (Lehman)   Y^illis. 

a     Stanley  Lehman,  born  November  11,  1909. 

YIIL418     Children  of  Dillivan  F.  and  Emma  M.  (Page)  AYillis. 

a     Arthur  John,  born  September  17.  1915. 

YIII-419     Children  of  AVilliam  A.  and  Yerna  Y.  (Roush)  Y'illis. 

a     Clemence,  born  November  1,  1915. 

■I'lii':    r,i  1,1.    I' AMI  I.  Y 

Vlll-4-J()     Childivii   (,i'   Ai-iliiii-   A.   ,iimI    l.'iiili    l;     (Willi.H)    Fiiirr. 


ii      l);iflcnc   I']li/.;il)ctli.  Ik.iii  .liitir  L':',.   I'Mi; 

\'11I-1-1         ("hildnil     (.r     In.hrll     (i.     ;|||,|     .\l;ih|;i      iTrxi.lMi      \Vlll|>. 

\'ll  :{(i|.a 

;i      Mildred    M.,   lidni   Aimust    L'll.    l!nil. 

h       Lester    Texido,    liofll    .M;il'eli    L't;.     I'Ml!). 

e       Allllil    (  lerl  rude,    liuiii    All^lisl     1.    I'.Ml'. 

cl      \Villi;iiii   Krederiek,  horn    |'"el)i'ii;iry  :!,   iKl'i. 


(. VI    IAIN     ADDISON    MAV     l;(  III  I  IJoi   K 

r.  S'.  Army 

(Pai:.-    1t;7> 

Vin-422     Chiklivii  of  Kny  ;in<l  Ci'ae,'  (1.  ,  Willis:  Noll.    X' I  l-:;i)t;-a 

a     AVillis.  l)oni  .Inly  l'l'.  IHU. 

VIII-Jr23     Cdiikli-eii  of  l^'orest   W .  jiiid   I )ora   ((iarlu-r)    litTuhrisel. 


a     (iraee  Jniiel.  Iioi'ii   Noveiiilier  "Jl.  Tin"). 

Vlil-424     Cliiklreii  of  Ih'i-hiTt  and   Hleaiiora      .M.Teditli      AiuUt- 
son.  \ll-:iOS-l) 

a     Elizabeth  \'ii'i:iiiia.  l)oni  Xo\eiiiliei-  12.  II'IO. 

1)     ]\rai'ti'ar('t   I'lleanora.  lioi'ii  •laiiiiary   iH,  ll'l^!. 

c     Babv,  l)oni  Maivh   1:;.   IDlii. 

.292  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-425     Children  of  Harry  and  Lucille  (Meredith)  Barrick. 

a    Barbara  Jane,  born  December  26,  1913. 
b     Robert  Meredith,  born  December  4,  1915. 

VIII-426     Children  of  Richard  and  Grace    (Hench)    Locke. 

a     Sarah  Dorothy,  born  October  22,  1904. 
b     John  Robert,  born  March,  1906. 
c     Edward, 
d     Richard, 
e     Donald, 
f     Phillip. 

VIII-427     Children  of  Otis  A.  and  Mary  L.    (Hench)    Croghan. 

a     Virginia  Ruth,  born  October  30,  1913. 
b     Dorothy  Marie,  born  February  6,  1915,  died  March  6, 
1917,  at  Savanna,  Illinois. 

c     Robert  Hench,  born  November  26,  1916. 

VIII-428     Children  of  Jay  L.  and  Rachel  E.   (Cable)   Hench. 

a     Katharine  Elting,  born  ]\Iay  12,  1912. 
b     Helen  Bebb,  born  September  13,  1915. 

VIII-429     Children    of    Horace    and    Madeline    N.     (Meacham) 
Hench.  VII-312-b 

a     John  David,  born  September  5,  1915. 

VIII-430     Children   of  John   and  Ruth   H.    (Hench)    Cornell. 

a     Jane  Hench,  born  September  1,  1915. 
b     Robert  William,  born  August  11,  1917,  at  Leaf  River, 
Ogle  County,  Illinois. 

VIII-431     Children  of  John  G.  and  Alice  M.  (Hench)  Waterman. 

a     Infant,  born  and  died  November  20,  1909. 
b     Onez  May,  born  February  14,  1910. 
c     Marion  Alice,  born  April,  1914. 

VIII-432     Children  of  Leo  and  Grace  N.    (Hench)   Morton. 

a     Leona,  born  December  31,  1913,  in  Cherokee  County, 

VIII-433     Children  of  William  and  Hattie  (Kosier)  Stukey. 

a     Louisa,  born  August  5,  1907. 
b     Constance  Belle,  born  August  2,  1914. 

'I'lll';      l'.ri,L      I'WMII.V 

VIII-4:U     Cliililivii  (,r  (i(.\riiii,i   I;,  ;,,hI   M.irv  (J.   (Connor)    M'- 
CI  II IV.  ■  VII.".; 

;i      l)iiriii;i  (I'rjicc,  lioni  SiptcmlMT  "_'"_',  I'HiI. 

VIII-4;::)      Cliihlivn  ,,r   Willi.-nn   S.  im^l    All).'    !■:     '  KaslMfirlit      S.-i- 

'""  vli.:n7.H 

;i       W'llliiiin   W..  iMirn   AiilmisI  l'T.   1S!)7. 
\'lll-4;)ti      Cliildrcii    (if    ;iii<|     .M.iry       |:|,iliv       I.'dss. 

;!       Tli(tlii;is. 
1)      -lolili. 
(•       (  icdi'llC 

Vrir-4.")7      Cliildtvii  (.r  Cli.-iflcs  II.  ;iii,l   Lilli.-m   l..   (Frost  i    Fn-n.-h. 

\'II  :!n  ;. 

;i      Dorothy  l.ouisc.  horn  l'"cli!-ii,ii'y   Is,   l:il.'. 

Vlll-4;kS     Children  of  Di-.  Khcii  \V.  .nid  Illhn  I'.  (Corson,   Whit.-. 


<■!  dohii  .1.  Corson,  hoi'ii  iil  WashiiiLilon.  I).  ( '.  htTfiii- 
her  S,  l!)!)."). 

h  llcnry  l-'riiMHcy  Coi-son,  lioi'ii  ,-it  I*hihidrl|»hia.  I'fiin- 
syl\aiiia.  .Iiiiic  4.  11MI7. 

Vlll-4:):)     Chihh-cn  of  Ivcinirlh  S.  and  .\lic(>  V.  (CorsoiC   Pattnn. 


a  Kenneth  Stcwai't.  -li-.,  Ixnii  in  U'oiin',  Ital\'.  Au^'iist 
8.  1909. 

VIII-440      Childi'cn  of  .lohii  .1    and   |-:h'an..r  (  1.      Vrakle)  Corson. 


a      C;irolinc  Houston,  horn  .March  4.  I'.Ml. 
1)     Klfaiior  dfitiiKh'.  horn   .Mardi  L'l'.  191:;. 

Viil-441      Chihlivn   of    Paul    .M.   and    l'anh-i    L.    ,  CnrsoiC    Man-li. 

\'ll  ::cj-f 

a  Alan   llallinan.  horn   .May    !!•.   l!M»(i. 

b  Paul  Manu'S.  -Jr.,  liorn  Dt'cciMlicr  IS.  llt()7. 

('  Rebecca  Fi-iedley,  born  February  "Jti,  llilo. 

d  Louis  Charbonnier,  born  Octoiiei-  "_*'_'.  IIMI. 

VIII-442     Children    of    Saniuel     H.    and     Doroithv     II        (  or.soii  ■ 
Brookes.  \11-:U-J-I» 

a  Sauniel  TxOLicrs  Corso?i.  hoiai  l''(4>niar\  bJ.  1!>1.").  jit 
Lansdowne.  Pennsylvania. 

VlII-44o      CliibhH'U  of  lieurv  .\.  and  Alice  tCill.-t     K'ansoin. 


a     Alice  Mor\-en.  horn   hecendier.   11MI9. 
b      Ilalette  Nott,  hoi'ii   Maw  P'bi. 


294  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

VIII-444     Children  of  William  and  Bertha  (Gillet)  Paterson. 

a     Bertha,  born  November,  1909. 

VIII-445     Children  of  Morris  and  Jane  H.  (Gillet)  Ketcham. 

a     Morris,  Jr.,  born  May,  1906. 
b     Dorothy,  born  December,  1908. 
c     Gillet,  born  December,  1911. 

VIII-446     Children  of  Arthur  P.  and  Charlotte  M.  (Gillet)  Arde- 
naw.  VII-346-d 

a  Charlotte  LeStrange,  born  January,  1908. 

b  Frederick  P.,  born  December,  1910. 

c  Natalie,  born  1912. 

d  Jeannette  Milnor,  born  December,  1916. 

VIII-447     Children  of  Reginald  and  Mildred  (Gillet)  Sanford. 

a     William  ]\Iilnor,  born  September,  1916. 

VIII-448     Children  of  George  S.  and  Eleanor   (Willing)   Patter- 
son. VII-347-a 
a     Beatrice  Willing,  born  April  15,  1906. 
b     George  Stuart,  born  May  10,  1909. 
c     Arthur  AVilling,  born  November  25,  1910. 

VIII-449     Children  of  Dr.  Arthur  and  Jane  C.    (Sims)   Newlin. 

a     Nicholas,  born  January  20,  1908. 
b     Jane  Cujder,  born  March  16,  1910. 
c     Grace  Ledlie,  born  March  16,  1914. 

VIII-450     Children  of  Charles  and  Dorothy  F.   (Sims)   Piatt. 

a     Charles  IV,  born  June  13,  1905. 
b     Dorothy  Sims,  born  May  9,  1908. 
c     Elizabeth  Morris,  born  March  6,  1912. 

VIII-451     Children  of  Frederick  and  Emmeline  M.  (Sims)  Ros- 
engarten.  VII-348-d 

a     Marion  Sims,  born  September  21,  1913. 
b     Frederick. 

VIII-452     Children  of  John  C.  and  Helen   (Robins)    Sims. 

a     Mary  Routh,  born  August  18,  1914. 

VIII-453     Children  of  George  and  Marie  J.   (Patterson)   Howe. 

a     Helen,  born  May  28,  1908. 
b     Marie,  born  January  3,  1914. 

'I'lll':     i;i   I.I.     I'.wiii.Y  2jg 


Vir[-4r)4      Cliildi-i'ii  (if  ('lijirli's    Iv  :inii  .liiini.-      l.ymi)    I'atttTMon. 

VII  ;,vj.« 

.•I      K'litti,  l.(H-ii  .M,i\    I.  I>'i::. 

I)      l-^dwiird  Si  ii;ii't,   lM)i-n  .liil\    J!).    I^!!.'). 
(■      ixu^cr  Willijiins,  li(ini  August  "j;?.  iKiio 

Vin-4r)r)      Cliildivn  of  W'.dtcr  ,iiid    \l;ii-v  <;.   I  I'.iMiTsuii  .    WatkiiiH. 

;i      liilliaii    .\iiiiclli,   Immii    AiiliiisI    I'.i,    Issil    mai-riftl  .Jaii- 
ii;n-y  '2'2.  l!tl;{.  (icori^v  Miles  Siitlon  ol'  Nrw    ^'..rk  City, 

1)      \V;dl('r  I\cnii('lh.  Iidrii  .l,i  iiii;i!\    L'"..   ISI).'}. 

lie  K'i'ii>IiiMlc(l  ,'il    ('ohiinlii^i    ill  I 

C      ]\r;n'.j(»i'y   .Mice,   lioni  .liiiie.   I'.M)!'. 

VIII-4r)(i      Cliildi-fii    of    K'iclinrd     W.    .iiid     .M;irv    N.     (  I'att.-rson) 
Hale.  VII-:?.-:M. 

a     IJicliai'd  Waldcii.  .\u^iist  :>,  1IM)!l. 

VIII-4r)7      Childrfii    of    Harris  \l.    and     i:i.;iii..i-    S        I'aft.Tson) 

Childs.  Vll-:^-):^.• 

a     Edwai-d  Pattcrsoii,  liorii  O.-IoImt  1'_'.   I'int,  ,it   Zanzi- 
bar, East  Africa. 

He  is   iiinv    livin;;'   in    .\V\v    Vcirk   City. 

VIII-4r)8     Cliildroti    of   Mvuvy    S.    and    Cliarlcttr    W       Hopkins^ 
Patterson.  \ll-:i:):;-d 

a     Charlotte  Ilojikins,  Imrii  \o\riid>cr  1"^,  l!»ln. 
b      Edwai-d    Kitzuci'ald.    I'Mi'ii    .\ii-iist    iM.    I'')!',    at    Ear 
Rockaway,  New  Vci'U.  dir.l  .\ii-iisi  -Jii.  lul-J. 

c      TTeni-y  Stiiarl,  dr..  horn   .Maivli  :;l,  l!>lii.  dinl — 

VIII-459     Children  of  Lincoln  and   .M;d>rl   W.   i  Smith  )   Cn)m\v.4l. 


a.  Lewis,  boi-n  in  Xe^\•  York  \o\cnd)cr  •">.  1S!)«;. 

b  Eleanor.  l>orn  in  New  -Iciscx-  .Inly  :!!•.  1^!'^. 

e  ]\[ar<:ai'cl.  Ihm'ii  in   New    \ nrk  .]\\\y  11,  l!"rj 

d  Elizabeth,  horn  in  New    \ ovk  Xovemlier  •_'•!.  l!M).'>. 

VIII-460     Children     of    dames     Widiaiu     and     Paula     iKroii.soni 
Cromwell.  VlI-358-h 

a     K.  Hronson,  born  December  .'>,  lilO."). 
b     Marv  Stuart,  born  Auirust  -JO.  l!i<>S. 

296  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

Ninth  Generation 

IX-1     Children   of   Ralph   R.    and    Ella   J.    (Gibbons)    Gurley. 

a     Florence  Powell. 

IX-2     Children  of  James  S.   and  Lenore  R.    (Isenberg)    Woods. 

a     Joseph  Blair,  born  October  31,  1898,  at  Huntingdon, 

IX-3     Children    of    Warren    and    Mary    D.     (Wilson)     Switzler. 

a     Thomas  Wilson,  born  May  2,  1884,  married  Novem- 
ber 14,  1915,  Marie  Vanderber,  born  in  Vienna.  Austria, 
April  3,  1891. 

They  live  in  San  Francisco,   California. 

b     Robinson  Meredith,  born  November  27,  1885. 

c  Alice  Royal,  born  November  19,  1886,  married  June 
1,  1916,  John  Daniel  Lynn,  son  of  John  Daniel  Lynn  and 
Mary  E.  (Selsan)  Lynn,  born  November  24,  1880. 

IX-4     Children   of   Colonel  Daniel   H.   and   Henrietta    (AA^ilson) 
Boughton.  VIII-4-C 

a  George  Wilson,  born  September  11,  1888,  married  De- 
cember, 1911,  Regina  Burns  of  Washington.  D.  C,  who  was 
born  in  1892,  and  died  there  June  24,  1915.. X-] 

He  lives  in  California. 

IX-5     Children   of   Alfred    T.    and   Elizabeth    C.    (Rittenhouse) 
Clifton.  yiII-5-c 

a  Alfred  Theodore,  born  at  San  Francisco,  California, 
April  17,  1906. 

b  Elizabeth  Rittenhouse,  born  at  Fort  Omaha,  Ne- 
braska, July  15,  1910. 

IX-6     Children  of  Basil  N.  and  Marie  L.   (Tucker)  Rittenhouse. 

a     Basil  Norris,  born  at  Fort  Riley,  Kansas,  June  18, 

b  Elizabeth  Beverly,  born  at  Fort  Ethan  Allen,  Ver- 
mont, December  10,  1907. 

IX-7     Children  of  Samuel  and  Mary  C.  (Cissel)  Berry.    VIII-6-a 

a  Helen  Hall,  born  June  11,  1895. 

b  Richard  Cissel,  born  February  18,  1898. 

c  Dorothy  Barnard,  born  April  25,  1902. 

d  Samuel  J.,  born  November  21,  1907. 

Till':     111  1,1,     FAMILY  ^t: 

IX-8      Cliildivii     ol'     .l.iiiHS     ('.     :iimI      I'.Mir     I).     (CiHHi'l;      Kril...'/ 


.'I       Nciin'V     l»  1 1  IciiIkmisc.    liurii     ill     \'ru     ^'ll|•K      Sij.t.' 

11,  i!»n. 

li       .I.IIIHS   ('r.lllc.    Ill,    In. Ill    III    Ni'W     Voi-k.    .\|;iy    ]\,    li»|.'». 

l.\'-|)      ('hildrcii  dl'   W'iili.'iiii    I'.   ,-iiiil   ( 'iriiiriii  nil-    ( ( 'i,s,scl )    .Mackm- 

Zi.'.  \'lll>i.| 

a      Si(|iii>\-  S;i\iT,  Imiiii  ,iI    h",li 'alirl  Ii,  NfU,  .linn-  I' 
1 !)()!'. 

I)      ( 'lenient  iiif   liitleiilioiise,  Ixiiii  at    l'lli/.al)ftli.  .\rw  .Irr- 
sey,  April  :!(i,  liKXi. 

IX-10      Cliildieii  (.r  Fiv.leriek   I',  and  Mar-aivt  S.  (Cisscl)   Kull.T. 

\'ll!  t.  . 

a      Katliei'iiie  Uaniaril,  lidrii  -lannarx'  !•,   lims. 
1)      KMchai'd  Kredeiiel<.  hoin   Aimnst  •_>:{.  l!l(»!). 

IX-11      C'liildiH'U  of  Joliii  A.  and  (irai-e  i  Wood  >  ('is,sel.        \' I  II  >'<  <^ 

a     (Jracc  Wood,  horn  Septeinlier  in,  IDIO. 
1)     -loliii  Atkinson,  . 1 1'.,  Iioni  .May  4.  IIM"). 

IX-12     Children  of   Delozier  -J.  and   Marv    i  Dalton  ;    K'it, 


a      Louise  Azuseiia,  hoi'ii  OetoluT  11,  1!hi7. 
h      .lames  Dalfon,  lioni  .\imiist  :l.  l!Mill. 

IX-13      Children  of   Dr.   ("harh's  (i.  and    Liieia    .M.    >  Kitteiihoiisf) 
Shoemaker.  \'III-S-a 

a     Charles  (iardiier.  -Jr..  horn  at  W'ashin^Onn,  1).  I  ..  FvU- 
ruaiy  2,  IHIO. 

b     Franeis   Dod^'e,  horn   at    WashiiiLititn.    |).    ('.    her, in 
ber  2(i.  IHI:?. 

e     J^ueia  JMttenhouse,  horn  .March  22.  ll'l.'). 

IX-14      Childr(Mi    of    Karl    1).    and    l>essie    (Thomas'     K'ittenlio-;^: 

\'  111   - 
a     Dorothy  (iarrison,  hoin  at  Wilkeshai-i-e.  I'eim.sylvania. 
April  1,  191G. 

IX-15     Children  of  Charles  L.  and  S.nali   Iv     K'itteiihous.o  Sn.-ll 

a     Eli.ahetli    h'itteiiliouse,    horn    at    WashiiiLTtoM.    |)     «'. 
July  16.  1!)07. 

h     Aldeii  Ivlwards.  horn  at  Washiii.u'toii.  D.  ('..  Fehriiary 
17,  1909, 

c      Bullock     I'ierrepont.     horn     at     Washinirtoii.     h.     «' 
August  i;^.  1911. 

IX-16     Children    of    Waldi.    W.    and    Mal'cl    K.    (  Swartz '     Hull. 


a      -lohii  IJitlenliouse.  horn  .Vuiiust   11,  1904, 

298  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-17     Children  of  Roland  and  Emily  A.  (Hull)  Thompson. 

a     Elizabeth  Hull,  horn  March  14,  1906. 
b     Nathaniel  Roland,  born  November  25,  1907. 
c     Hannah  Cornelia,  born  May  10,  1909. 

IX-18     Children  of   Thomas   and   Ella  A.    (Augur)    Hyde,   Jr. 

a     Thomas,  III,  born  February  26.  1894.  died  June  30, 

IX-19     Children    of    Barry    and    Emily    R.     (Hyde)     Bulkley. 

a     Barry,  Jr..  born  November  5,  1891. 

His  name  was  changed,  July,   1901,  to  Thomas  Hyde  IV. 

IX-20     Children  of  William  and  Caroline  C.  (Rittenhouse)  Inglis. 

a     David  Rittenhouse. 
b     Caroline, 
c     William. 

IX-21     Children  of  Henry  L.   and  Anne   C.    (Cochran)    Ritten- 
house. YIII-14-C 

a     Anne  Clay,  born  February  22,  1911. 

b     Henry  Lockwood,  Jr.,  born  December  31,  1912. 

c     Gertrude  Louise,  born  September  7,  1914. 

IX-22     Children  of  Douglas  N.  and  Ethel  L.   (Lambie)  Wilson. 

a     Helen  Frances,  born  July  29,  1913. 
b     Douglas  Norman,  born  July  19,  1915. 

IX-23     Children  of  Franz  J.  and  Mary  W.   (Nairn)   Heiberger. 


a  Elizabeth  Flora,  born  March  7,  1880.  married  Sep- 
tember 3,  1903,  George  Baker  AVagner X-2 

b     Franz  John,  Jr.,  born  October  11,  1882. 

c     Addie.  born  January  21,  1885,  died  June  5.  1885. 

d  Fanny,  born  August  22.  1886,  married  January  23, 
'  1907,  George  Carhart  Ross X-3 

e     Dorothy  Nairn,  born  Alay  9,  1891. 

f     Clarence,  born  August  5.  1893.  died  same  day. 

IX-24     Children  of  Thomas  S.  and  Sallie  L.   (Garretson)   Nairn. 

a     Thomas  Gilbert,  born  April  14,  1885. 
b     Hattie  Louise,  born  August  6,  1887. 

'nil';     lU   1,1,     K.\MII,Y  2^0 

IX-LT)      ('liildrrii  (if  .\l|iliriis  II    ;iii<l    llv.i    !•;       (aliilli   Noiiitw. 

VIII  J  ;f. 

a        |)()l(»l'rs    l"'l;ilic(s,    hoiii    .\o\  cirilici-   (i.    1!)().S. 

I)      I  )(ir()l  li  V,   lidiii  .LiiMiary  :;.    1  !i  I:',. 

lX-2ti      Childnii   of   ('larnicf    1).   ami    I'lli/.alji-lli    (iJoicf;    Nour-.' 

a       (  'la  iciicc.   lidi'ii    I  )rcciiil)fi'    11,    lltdl . 
I)      ( 'atlici'iii.',  hoi-ii   .\pril  L'T.   1!MM. 
(•     IMiilip  ikittciilioiisc.  lidiii  .\(i\riiiliri'  Ifi.   I'liit; 

IX-'27      Cliildi'di     of    .It'ssc    S.    and     lldilii     II       i.Noiirsei     .M  \  • 

VIM  J ;  .1 

a      ( 'liai-lottf  Sidwi'll.  lioni  da  iiiiji  r\-    1  1,    I'lnl 
I)      I  la  i-ric1   Noil  I'sc.  hoiai  d  ii  iir   I,   I  'M  1 1. 

TX-28      (dnldiTii  of  doliii    Iv  and   .Mar.x'  A.    <  Xoui'sr      M\-i'Cs 

'   \lll  J.;.! 
a      Frances  Blackmail,  lioni  dul\'  17.  1IH>7. 
b     1.     John   Kd^ar.  hoiai  .Maivh  2i>.   HMd. 

2.     Mary  Klinor.  hoi'ii  .Mar(di  20,  liiKi. 
e    , James  KicJiard,  horn  Jainiary  22.  11)14. 

lX-2!)      Children  of  danics  X.  and   .\iin.'  I,.      .MrCiilIouLdi  >    I'.Mn-li- 
field.  \'lll24-a 

a  Archer  .McCulIouuli.  hoi-n  at  ( "Icai'tifld.  I'l-nnsyl- 
vania,  lSeptenil)cr  I'-i,  1887.  died  at  Koanokc.  \'ii-uiiiia.  No- 
vember 27,  1894. 

h  Rnssell  Penrose,  l)orn  at  ( 'Icarticld,  I't'im.sylvania, 
April  17,  1890,  married  June  2.'),  191:!.  Vinla  KlizalM'tli 
]McEldowney,  who  was  horn  January  22.  1892 X'  I 

IX-30     Children  of  James  X.  and  .\nnie  M.  (StrinjrtTi  Hun-liti.'l.l. 

\'lll  21  a 
a     John  Edward,  horn  Fel)rnary  22,  limi. 

IX-31     Children  of  Arthur  (i.   and   Sarah    11.      Xourse)    W.-Ilxm. 

VI 1 1-2'.  a 
a     Harvey  Thomas,  born  in  S.>oul.  Korea.  .May  17,  1:mi:;. 
b     lienrv   (iarner,   born   in   Sroul.    Kore.i,   Sri>teiiil)«'r  2S. 

c     Barbara,  born  in  Seoul,  Koi-ea.  April  4.  lIMiti. 

d     ]Marv    Kleanoi-,   born   in    Seoul,    Korea,    September   7. 


e     Charles  Pomeroy,  born  in  Seoul.  Korea.   1> Miiber  7. 


f  Alice  Kittenhouse.  born  in  .\tiehonLr.  Koi-e.i.  M.iy  '^'V 
1912,  died  February  9,  1!)14. 

300  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-32     Children  of  Joseph  P.  and  Minnie    (Sylvester)    Nonrse. 

a     Robert  Sylvester,  born  October  9,  1902. 
b     Barbara  Elizabeth,  born  January  1,  1905. 
c     Josephine  Sylvia,  born  November  9,  1909. 

IX-33     Children  of  James  R.  and  Clara  M.   (Crawford)  Nourse. 

a     James  Crawford,  born  December  1,  1906. 

IX-34     Children  of  Judge  John  T.  and  Ruth  (Hoppin)  Nourse. 

a     John  Lincoln,  born  August  30,  1909. 
b     Elizabeth,  born  May  22.   1911. 

IX-35     Children  of  Bayard  E.  and   Carolyn    (Gerald)    Nourse. 

a     Richard  Gerald,  born  September  8,  1910. 

IX-36     Children  of  Cornelius  K.  and  ]\Iary  B.  (]\IcDaniels)  Strib- 
liug.  ^  yiII-27J.i 

a     Mary  Bell,  born  November  25,  1887. 
b     Helen  Maxwell,  born  February  23.  1890., 
c     Cornelius,  born  October  12,  1891. 

Is  in  the  Department  of  Comrrerce,  Washington,  D.  C. 

d     John  Nourse,  born  July  13,  1897. 

IX-37     Children  of  William   Henry  and  Louise   P.    (Stribling) 
Creswell.  VIII-27-c 

a     Emma  Nourse. 
b     William  Henry. 

IX-38     Children  of  Benjamin  F.   W.   and   Esther  D.    (Brown) 
Winans.  VIII-28-a 

a     Esther  Mabel,  born  :\Iarch  22,  1881. 
b     Ralph  Franklin,  born  October  21,  1882. 
c     Anna  Stansbury,  born  July  7,  1884. 

IX-39     Children  of  William  M.   and   Florence   M.    (Heiberger) 
Steuart.  VIII-29-a 

a     AVilliam,  born  November  22,  1890,  died  July  27,  1898. 
b     Alexander  B.,  born  July  23.  1900,  died  in  infancy. 

IX-40     Children  of  Judge  John  M.  and  Alice  N.   (Steuart)   KiL 

lifts.  VIII-29-b 

a     Alice  Milton,  born  March  28.  1888,  at  Bryan,  Ohio, 

married  August  7,  1911,  Harry  Waldo  Gardner  of  Bryan, 


They  live  at  Bryan,  Ohio. 

b  Edith  Steuart,  born  December  4,  1891.  at  Bryan, 
Ohio,  married  June  24,  1915,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  Dr.  Howard 
Lee  Smallman  of  Ellicotville,  New  York. 

'I'lll':      I!I   LI,     I'AMII.Y 
IX-41         ('hildl-cll     ol'     .\lr\;ilM|,T     S.     ;in.|     |,|||(|;i         lloj^U.-;      .SU-llai't. 


ii      .M;i  I'.iniy,  Ih.i'ii    A  |pi-iI    1  .">,   l,s!»l , 

li      I'liiiily    N<iiiisr,   lioiii  .liiiir    1:1,    1S!);5. 

('         lj|l(l;i     l']li/.;il)rl  h.    ImiMi     I  )rrr|||l><T     1:;,     lS'l|. 

IX-4:^      ChildiTii  of  ( iiiN    S.  ,iih|   hviM-     \:<>rk)   Mcloy.        \'lll-.;w-,- 

;i       <lll.\'    Stjlliliv,    .1  r  ,    liorii    ;it     l.oiiyvirw,    rritiri-    <  i<>orfCo 

(  'oiiiitN'.   ,\l;iryl;iii(|.  Sr|  ilrmli.T    I,  l!)();{. 

I)      A  lc\;iii(lcr  Sti'iijirl.  honi  ;il    I  .oii^vifu  .   I'l-inrc  (irorf^f 

('(Ullitv.    .M;if\l;iii(|.    Mjii-cIi    TJ.    l!H)!). 


U.  S.  Army 


Sonior  in  r:ink  nf  dirccl   line  in  prfscnl   war 
(Piige    1(J!I) 

IX-43     Children  of  llimli  1).  and  .Maiv  ().   i  ( 'iiiiiiiiiu'lianO   Mrlov. 


a     AVilliaiii  Cai'cv.  hoi-ii  at  Scatllc.  Wasliiiiirtoii.  ()i-tol»»'r 

1)      llu<:li  l>fiaii.  .If.,  liorii  at   WasliiiiirtDii,  D.  ('..  .\(>v«'iii- 
ber  -.],  l!)l;;. 

IX-44:     Cliildri'ii    of   Joliii    F.   and    I-]ditli    I).    iIlas.sK'fi    ('apron. 

vm  M.i 

a     Charles  Ilassler.  horn  -liilv  :;ii.  i:Mii). 

302  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-45     Children  of  Major  Asa  F.  and  Clarissa  B.  (Hassler)  Fisk. 

a     Son,  born  in  1906,  died  in  infancy, 
b     Asa  Francis,  born  July  28,  1911. 
c     Clarissa  Bruce,  born  ]March  19,  1913. 

IX-46     Children   of   y\\    J.    and  Anita   R.    (Newcomb)    McGee. 


a     Klotho.    born    July    10.    1884,    married    October    12, 

1912,  David  Madison  AA^illis  of  San  Francisco,  California, 

son  of  Ambrose  ]Madison  and  Ella  ]\Iaud  (Bayley)  Willis, 

born  August  21,  1886 ._. .' X-6 

Thev  live  in  San  Francisco,   California. 

b     Donald,  born  September  10.  1895,  died  June  25,  1896. 
c     Eric,  born  February  11,  1902. 

His  name  was  changed  to  Eric  McGee  Kewcomb,  so  that  he  might  bear 
the  surname  of  his  illustrious  grandfather. 

IX-IT     Children  of  Francis  A.  and  Emily  K.  (Newcomb)  Wilson. 

a     IMarjorie  Xewcomb,  born  February  28,  1892. 
b     ]\lildred   X..    born   November    23,    1894,    married   in 
Washington,  D.  C,  June  3,  1918,  Daniel  Xoce. 

Captain  Daniel  Xoce,  U.  S.  Engineers,  graduated  at  West  Point  Military 
Academy  in  1917.  His  parents  were  born  in  Genoa,  Italy,  and  married  in  San 
Eranciseo,   California.     He  is  now  in  France. 

c  Hildegard.  born  September  2,  1904. 

d  Hertha  Siemens,  born  August  13,  1906. 

e  Mary  Hassler,  born  March  3.  1910. 

f  Simon  Xewcomb,  born  October  17,  1914. 

IX-48     Children  of  Edward  B.  and  A.  Josepha  (Newcomb)  Whit- 
ney. VIII-35-d 
a     Sylvia,  born  April  29,  1898,  died  June  3,  1898. 
b     William  Dwight,  born  August  26,  1899. 

Enlisted  in  the  Canadian  Aviation  Service  in  1918. 

c  Caroline,  born  June  25,  1901. 

d  Simon  Xewcomb.  born  April  5,  1903. 

e  Roger  Sherman,  born  June  19,  1905. 

f  Hassler,  born  March  23.  1907. 

g  Elizabeth  Baldwin,  born  ]\Iarch  5,  1911. 

IX-49     Children  of  Charles  F.  and  Bertha   (Hunziker)   Hassler. 

a     Anna  Elizabeth,  born  July  14.  1908. 

IX-50     Children  of  Arthur  E.  and  Anna  B.    (Cullom)    Hassler. 

a     Evelyn,  born  February  6,  1911. 

'I'lll'.     Ill   1,1.     l''.\.MIhY  noj 

IX-T)!      ( 'hililiTii     (iT     I   [ildii     1).    mill     Alir,-       Windsor)     Noi»r«»i', 

VIII  .'l-^li 

;i       l»cl)(cc;i    h.irliy,   Imiii    .\ii^,'iist    '22.    l!M)J. 
li        Alice  (  'lllTh',    liofll   .1  lll>-   •_'(;,    ]')ll>. 

IX-f)!*      ('hildicii    (if    W.    .\liin-is   ;iiiil    M.iry    II      *.\<»Mts-       llaiii"-. 


ii      ('h.-irlcs  L.iiiiTiicc,  Ik. Ill    .\l;irc|i  !i.    \'.H)H. 

rX-.");^       ( 'hildl-cli  (if   I 'liili|i  ;i  III!    |i|;i    l>',ic||c|    I  M  linr.-istiT  I    \'}lll  Siflc- 

l«i-.  VI II. :{?).<• 

ii  .M;ii-y    U'it  Iciihoiisr,   Ihum    A|iril    I,    WHV.i. 

1)  KIsic  Iloliiirs,  iioiii  .l.imi.ii'y  l'4.  11M).">. 

u  IhiiTict  M('(  I iTuoi',  liofii   Aniriist    \.   IDOT. 

(1  AViiiil'ricd  Siinpson.  horn  .liiiiii;ir.\-   HI.   IKlO, 

IX-.l-J-      ( 'liiidi'cii  ol'  ll;ii'i-y  S.  ;iiid   ll;irrirt    II       .M  imc;isf  ri-     I'.rown. 

a     George  Soiit  hwfll,  lioni  .\ii'^iist   in,  1IH)7. 
1)     "Raclicl  Xoiii'sc.  .\pi-il    \.  iDii'.i, 

IX-5o     Childrt'ii  ol'  \)v.  (icor'/c  W.  .iiid  .\iiii;i  I).  (TiinitT)  ('art»'r. 


a  Anna  Maury. 

b  Virginia. 

c  William. 

(1  Lucy  Coatcswoi'tli. 

e  Ik'ssie  Bird. 

IX-56     CMiildren  of  Smith  D.  and  Julia  fCnoU)  Turn.-r.  \'lll-4ti-c 

a     Turner. 

IX-57      ("hildren    of    llcnrv    A.    and    Krila    \.    (Ocisoni    Turiu'r. 

a     Eli.'.abeth. 
b     Anna  Bird. 
c     Lucy  Coateswortli. 

IX-58     Children  of  George  \V.  and  Corn,  lia  11.     Tui-n.-n   Adams. 

a     Ro])erta, 
1)     Lucy  Webb, 
c     George, 
d     Nanny  Davison. 

IX-59     Children  of  IMiili])  W,  and   Anna  W.     Danish   Turn.'r. 


a     Anna    Wallacf.   lioi'ii   in    l!'''!. 

IX-6n     diildrcn    of    T.    Christian    and    Daisy    iS,-hit>.T'     Hak.>r. 

a     ^Nlaurv  Valentine,  born  in  1!»04. 

304  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-61     Children  of  Charles  A.  and  Katherine  S.  (Baker)  Stuart. 

a     Katheryne  Page,  born  in  June,  1904. 

IX-62     Children  of  James  M.  and  Mary  A.   (Streepy)   Davison. 

a     James  Marshall,  Jr.,  born  April  15,  1904. 

IX-63     Children  of  John  W.  and  Eleanor  C.  (Pedigo)   Edwards. 

a     Anne  Eleanor,  born  January  7,  1881,  married  June 
29,  1898,  Herbert  Martin  Grandon._ _ _ X-7 

IX-64     Children  of  AValker  S.  and  Maria  L.    (Wright)    Cooley. 


a     Anna  Mary,  born  in  1880,  married McDonald. 

b     Jaquelin  Smith,  born  in  1883. 
c     Louisa  Fontaine,  born  in  1886. 
d     James  H.,  born  in  1891. 
e     Davis  Hannon,  born  in  1894. 

IX-65     Children    of    George    B.    and    Ettie    (Center)    Wright. 

a     Nora,  born  in  1881. 
b     Edgar,  born  in  1883. 
e     Charles  Elliott,  born  in  1886. 
d     Maud,  born  in  1888. 
e     Leonard,  born  in  1890. 
f     Mattie  Steele,  born  in  1894. 
g     Howard  Bragg,  born  in  1896. 

IX-66     Children  of  James  E.  and  Nan  C.  (Powell)  Combs. 

a     Monroe  Powell. 

IX-67     Children  of  AA^illiam  E.  and  Kate  L.    (Powell)    Hadley. 

a     Louise, 
b     Powell. 

IX-68     Children  of  Joseph  H.  and  Mary  AV.  (Davis)  Replo. 


a    Joseph  Alexander,  born  June  25,  1903. 
IX-69     Children  of  John  J.  and  Iva  B.  (Persot)  Evans.  VIII-64-b 

a     Marie  Anais,  born  November  25,  1890,  died  April  15, 

b     Richard  George,  born  November  3,  1894. 

IX-70     Children  of  Richard  M.  and  Kate  T.  (Marks)  Evans. 

a     Anais  Cornelia,  born  October  22,  1889. 

Till':      I ; I   I.I,     !■"  \\III,V 

IX-71       ( 'liildicii  of  l>ii-li,ii(|   Al .  ,111(1    I'inlii  ('.  ij  II  .-,1  i  ri..i|   ,       i.,.iri<i. 

\III  ..I  •• 

;i       .M;iri;i   A  iiiMiiici;il;i,  Ikum  .M.iitIi  '2i},  1H!»I 

ll         A  I  llcll.l  is    .M.lllr    l''i;i  llCdis,    linrii    (  )r|((licr   LIT,    l-^'»7. 

W-IJ.      Cliildi-cii  ,)[  \)v.  .l.iiiKs  i;.  ;in,|   Al;, ry  S.   (KviUis)  Cli'mnriM. 

VII  t.»  .' 

;i       Ikiisscll   M.ii'sli.ill.  Iioni   I  )iM-ciiilpr|-  L'L',    1  m^s,  ,||,..|  .Ian- 
uary   1.  ISSH. 

lX-7."5      (  Miildfcii  (>r  .loscpli   A.  ;iimI   I,,iiii';i   r.      I'lviiiisi    I'.nfiiiari, 

VIII  (;4-u 

;i      Sai-Jili    Alarif,    Ixini    Alan-li    L'L'.    l>:i>    .Inn.-    l:{ 

1)      Aiii;'iist  us,  l)()ni  1  )('cciiilic|-  •_',  ]si)|l. 

('      .loscph,  honi   March  L'L',    lIMll. 

d     iMary  Moorchoiisc,  horn   I  )(i-riiihcr  Ll  1.  l'i(f_'. 

lX-74      riiildrcii  of  Joel  AV.  and    Isahd   .M .   i|"",\aiisi   ( 'ocliraii. 


a     Isabel  ("luMuhcrlain,  horn  .liil_\   l!1,  llin:;. 

IX-T.")     Cliildrcn  of  Dracos  A.  and  AFarx    Iv  (Iviitln  l)irinfr\-. 


a     Eli/.ahclli,  hoiai  .laiiiiar\-  .'10.  Iss4. 

b      Caroline,  born  Dcccmlicr  7.  ISS.'),  died  Si'|.trmb«'r  28. 

c     Dracos. 
d     Celeste. 

TX-7()     Cliildreu  of  Tjewis  A.  and  ( ifncvicNf  i  Uutli  >   \'ra/if. 

vm  t;7-r 

a  Malliihb'  Miller,  horn  Al.-iivli  !i.  iSS!). 

b  Frederiek  Ediiar.  i)()iai  Alar.h  Iti.  1S!MI. 

c  Louis  Ai'eliibald,  born   AuliusI   li,  l^!'!'. 

d  Genevieve  Jvutli.  boiai  .lul\  !i.  ]>!••_'. 

e  1.     p]noeh  F'enwiel^.  bom  .Maidi  1.  1  ^Dd. 
2.      Elliott  Anlhon.w  horn  Alardi  1.  ]<'Mk 

f  Biebard   Kai-le.  horn  Septeiidier  1::.  IIHIJ. 

IX-77     Children  of  .Mills  and  .liilia  Iv  lAlaiitom  Miller. 

a     Margaret  Alai-y.  born  (^et(^ber  :5,  l!»()2. 

IX-78     Children  of  Tlu.nias  T.  and   Bessie  S.   (Lee)   Famitleroy. 


a      1.      I^essie   Lee.  born   Si'ptiMubei-  .'i.    1^1'>. 

2.     .lanet  liaidvin,  horn  Septeinl)er  .i.  18J)8. 
b      Mar^ai'et  <iuio!i.  horn  .ImI\    14,  IMOL 


306  THE-  BULL     FAMILY 

IX-79     Children  of  Dr.  Robert  R.  and  Ann  M.  (Fauntleroy)  Ball. 

a     Son. 
b     Son. 

IX-80     Children   of  Arthur   M.    and   Agnes   V.    (Scarborough) 
Knight.  VIII-99-b 

a     Arthur  Merrill,  III,  born  September  20,  1914. 
b     Agnes  Virginia,  born  December  14,  1915. 
c     Henry  Scarborough,  born  September  21,  1917. 

IX-81     Children    of    Jacob    F.    and    Ida    E.     (Boger)     Fryer. 

a     Effie  Marie,  born  October  10,  1878,  married  Richard 
J.  Sheridan  of  New  York  City. 

b     Mabel  Estelle,  born  August  5,  1880,  married  George 
K.  Boger  of  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

c     Jamar  Ferdinan,  born  September  26,  1892. 

He  is  unmarried  and  lives  at  Bally,  Berks  County,  Pennsylvania. 

IX-82     Children  of  Jacob  II.  and  Jennie  (Mungen)  Boger. 


a     Mary  Corrine,  born  at  Findlay,   Ohio,  January  15, 

1888,  married  May  22,   1913,  Lieutenant  Harry  William 

Stark,  Coast  Artillery  Corps,  U.  S.  Army,  who  was  born  at 

Wooster,  Ohio,  October  28,  1887 - X-8 

He  vi'as  appointed  to  the  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  Maryland,  in 
1907,  and  graduated  in  .June,  1911.  He  resigned  from  the  Navy,  August  .SI, 
1912,  and  was  commissioned  Second  Lieutenant  in  the  Coast  Artillery  Corps, 
U.  S.  Army.  Promoted  to  First  Lieutenant,  Captain  and  Major  Adjutant, 
Port  Thomas,  Kentucky. 

IX-83     Children  of  Edward  L.  and  Anna  M.  (Roop)  Boger. 

a     Hermon  Batterson,   born   at   Germantown,   Philadel- 
phia, Pennsylvania,  January  16,  1906. 

IX-84     Children  of  Frank  E.  and  Sophia  E.  (Shaw)  Buxton. 

a     Elliott  Shaw,  born  :\Iarch.  1908. 
b     Sophia  Shaw,  born  May,  1909. 
c     Lucille,  born  October,  1910. 
d     Eugenia,  born  April,  1913. 

IX-85     Children  of  Harry  B.  and  Elizabeth  N.   (Fink)   Snaman. 

a     Elizabeth  Jane,  born  April  7.  1896. 
b     Catherine  Wise,  born  November  9,  1907. 

IX-86     Children   of    George   A.    and   Blanche    E.    (McQuistion) 
Zillafro.  Vin-126-b 

a     Marian  E.,  born  March  23,  1908. 
b     Jack  A.,  born  November  4,  1911. 

'I'lIK     I'.l   1,1,     I'AMII.V  3q; 

1X-S7      ( 'liildrcii  ol'  Iv  W,  .iiiil  .Iciinii'  I'.,      .\lr(^iiistion  )  hUss 

VllllJi.  . 

ii       ,\ll)crl    .\iistiii.   horn   .M.iy  L'ti,   lHH;. 

IX-88       ( 'llil(ll-cll    (if   ('h.iilcs   (i,   iiiid    NiMiiiii    I  |);i\is       ll;iil|.- 

\lll   I  ;■' ., 
;i       llclcn   ( ';irt  w  i'i!4hl ,   imni   -I  ;i  iiii;i  i-y   >,    l!tlL'. 

TX"-S()      ('liildrcii  of  W'illiiini  ( '.  ;iii<|  (»r|.h;i  T.    i  ( 'nrli r.'i n  l'.i-rr\. 

\  III  1  :il-» 

;i      -hiiiics  Scoll,   lioni    in    Kiinsjis  ('it\.   I\iiiis;i>  .l;inii;ir\' 
IS,  l!)!.'). 

IX-!)(I      Cliildrcii  of -loliii  A.  ;iiid   A.   Hicslrfi  ( 'liMirilMTs. 

\lll   I:;_M. 
ji      l^t'fi'v  iMiiZTMc,  liorn   Api'il  "JS,   I'MT. 

IX-91     (Miildi-cM  of  Uidpli  ;iiid  l'r;irl  .M .     I  ■-.i irj;«'tt )   l{rt.-lilrs>. 

VIII  ]  ;'i . 

;i      -loliu  Fr.-inkliii,  l)oni  .May   11,  iDlii. 

lX-;)2     C'lnldnMi  of  Warrcii  M.  and  ITa/.c]   fSiiiilln  Tavlor. 

VI  111. '.la 

a     .Alclvillc  Siuilh.  lioni   NdxcmlxT  •_•_:,  l!ilL'. 

IX-93     Childn-ii  ol'Oscar  li.  and  -lulia   W  .\.  ('I'avlor'    Klin.'. 

\'lll   l.'.l  1. 
a     Elizahctli.  born  Fc])rnary  1,  lOOC. 
b     (Jcoruc  Bernard,  born  Scplcnilicr,  IDIIS. 
c     :\Iadeiin('  Taylor,  boi-n  .Inn.'  l:!.  l!»l(l. 
d     .Ian.'.  boiMi  .Maivh  I'M.  lim. 
e     -lolui  Williams,  boi'n  Anunst.  liH^^ 
f     Oscar  iJcrtrand.  boi'ii  .Innc,  li)l."). 

IX-!)4     CMiildi'cn  of  .lolm  X.  atid-lidia  M.  M 'iininiin'.:s     'r,i\|or. 

\l  II   l.'.l -.• 
a     Virginia   l"]li/.al).'11i.  Iiorn  -lannai-y  .").   lliln. 

IX-Ofi     Cbildron  of  Kal]»b  I),  and  .Mai'-ar.'t   A.   iTavlor^   K'o-.'.'tN. 

a     INFary  Frances,  born  .Inn.'.  IIH  1. 

IX-<JG     Cbiklrcn  of  Frank  ('.  and  lUaiudu'  i{.  /I'avlor 

\'I11  l.'.l-o 
a      Lucia   Rebecca,  born   .Maivli  L'H.  l!Mli. 

IX-97     Children  of  Thomas  S.  an. I  .M,ii\    11.  i  Schr..pi))  I^eoser. 

VIIl-l.'.T -a 
a     Thomas  Smith,  born  .inly  1^7.  lS!t;?. 
b     John,  born  -lainiary  14.  IS!*."). 

c     Ruth  Sehr.>|ii'.  born  .\uirust  17.  18!)7,  tlietl  Deeeniher 
21,  1898. 

308  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-98     Children  of  Howard  L.  and  Elizabeth  P.    (Clapp)   I\[c- 
Ilvaine.  VIII-159-a 

a     Sidney  Leoser,  born  October  2,  1896. 

IX-99     Children  of  John  J.  and  Marv  (Mcllvaine)  Kntz. 

a     Sidney  Mcllvaine,  born  January  1,  1899. 

IX-100     Children  of  Edward  D.  and  Marv  E.  (Bnchter)  Filbert. 

a     Horace  Darling,  born  Ang-nst  2,  1904. 

IX-101     Children  of  Griswold  and  Ruth  T.  (Smedlev)  Wheeler. 

'  VIII-162-a 
a     Ruth,  born  November  ■!,  1911. 
b     Elsie,  born  February  7,  1916. 

IX-102     Children  of  Maris  :\lcC.  and  Sallie  L.  (Morrison)  Bailev. 

a     Helen  Morrison,  born  Februarj'-  14,  1897. 
b     John  Morrison,  born  June  14,  1901. 

IX-103     Children    of   Dr.    Joseph   C.    and   Laura    T.    (Clingan) 
Brick.  VIII-176-a 

Three  daughters. 

IX-104     Children   of  Rev.    AVilliam   and   Clementine    (Clina'an) 
Kemper.  VIII-176-c 

One  child. 

IX-105     Children  of  Rev.  Charles  and  Ann  H.  (Clingan)  Dubell. 

a     Rosalind, 
b     Owen  Brooke. 

lX-106     Children  of  Boyd  U.  and  Helen  J.   (Ferree)   White. 

a     ]\lildred     Ferree,     born     at     Perryville,     Maryland, 
August  3,  1914. 

IX-107     Children  of  Richard  H.  M.  aud  Rosalind  W.   (Smith) 
Robinson.  Vni-185-a 

a     Rosalind,  born  September  21,  1902. 

IX-108     Children  of  AVilliam  W.  and  Marv  R.  (Coates)  Easter- 
day.  VIII-199-C 
a     William  AVilon  II.  born  February  29.  1916. 

IX-109     Children  of  Fisher  H.  and  Eleanor  (Doud)  Leisenring. 

a     Hazard  Doud,  born  January  30,  1907. 
b     Eleanor  Louise,  born  December  12,  1909. 
c     Alary,  born  August  1,  1911. 

TIIK      lil    LI.      I'WIII.Y 

IX-IKI      ('hildrcn    i<\'    W'illiiiin  I).    .hkI    Auii--    !•'.    iDiiricHli)    Dit- 
iii-cr.  \'I|[    M  , 

•■I       Willi.iiii     hiiiiciiii,  Jr..    horn    at    < 'licHl»'rt<»\v  ii.    .\l,ii. 

land,   Alai-rli  l' 1  .   lilKI. 

1X1  11       ('liililicn   of    Ivlwin    !■;.   and    W  illid  niina    II.      Kaiiririiirm 
.\1(M  row.  \-III  _'_'7  ,1 

a       William   K'a  I  |>li,  imrii  al    .\'r\\  |iMrt .  T'-nirsvl  valiin    .Mhv 
7.   ISDI. 

li      I'laric     (dchison.     Imrn     at      Nrw  [inrl .     r>'tiii.svlvaiiin. 
.May  lM.  ls!i;;. 

(•      l'fri-\-   ('older,    liorii    at    .Xruporl.    rrtiM.svlvaiiin.   ()ct<>- 
l)cr  IM.  IS!).'). 

TX-IIlI      ('hildrrn    n\'    W-n^y   ( '.   and    .Mary    .M .      1  los.scnnaii  )    .Mor- 
low.  \'ill  J-JT-l) 

a       I'ldwin    Marl,  hoi'ii    l-'clirnary   11.   1S!),S. 
1)      William    llrnry.   liorn   .\nL;iist  '21.   lIMt.'i. 

lX-11;!      Children  ol'  Leonard  F.  and  Carrie  L.   i  .Morrow      l{e(|iia. 
Jr.  \' 1 1 1  J-_'7-r- 

a      Sai'ah    ('leiiisoii,    horn    -Inne    2.    l!l()4.    ilied    .\|.i-il    l»l. 

h      Leonard    l''ranklin    111.   Iniiai  -lafniarN"  ^.   Dotl. 
<•      William  .Mori'ow".  horn  .\ML:nst   l'l!.   liMi'.t. 
d      Lillian  White,  horn  .\pril  .".,  l!il4. 

IX-114     Cliildi'en  of  .\rt  hni' C.  a  nd  Leia  .M  .  (  Hos.seniian  >  IloLri-. 

\'l  1 1  •_'•_'!>- a 

a      Lcla  Sarif^sa.  l)oi-u  -Jniie  '-A.  liMKi. 

IX-115     Childi-eii  of  Cuv  Tj.  and  .\l\ah  T.  n^ossi-niiaii     iJohst. 


a      Until  Amhei.  hoi'ii  .May  7.  1!H)9. 

IX-116     Childf«'n  of  -lames  and  .Maude   11.   (Jai'ksoii  i   Stt>v»'nson. 

VIII -j:?!)-!) 
a     Stanley  Hudson,  horn  Jnly  2S.  1007. 
1)     Rollin  Kuuene.  born  Xovciiiber  \'2.  lixiii. 

IX-117     Children   of  Joseiih   (!.   and    .M.   Crae.'    >  .MeClure      Wil- 
liamson. \lll-L*:{S-a 
a     iMarian  l-'nid.  hoi'ii  Septenihei'  1^,  liill. 
I)      Helen   .MeClniv.  IxuMi   .\pril   17,  V.HA. 

TX-HS     Cliildi'en  of  .Mar\in  C.  and  .\nna   i.\ndersont   Rol)«>rts. 


a      .Mah-olm   Wesley,  hoiii  at    .Miles  Cit  \  .   .Montana.  .illMe 
4.  1908. 

b      Winnefi'ed.  lioi-n  at   Inverness.  Montana.  .\ui:nst  l!'. 
1914,  and  died  same  clay. 

c     Babv  uirl    born  at  Portland.  Oreiron.  -hme  Id.  l''!-^ 

310  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-119     Children  of  Raymond  V.  and  Hazel  M.  (Roberts)  Love. 

a     Dorothy  Eileen,  born  at  Havre,  Montana,  May  14, 

IX-120     Children  of  Russel  H.  and  Helen  M.  (Roberts)  Barnev. 

a     Marion  Adeline,  born  at  Havre,  Montana,  October 
20,  1916. 

IX-121     Children  of  Clayton  W.  and  Elizabeth  E.    (Deckard) 
Diebold.  .  VIII-272-a 

a     Edgar  S.,  born  May  23,  1903. 

IX-122     Children  of  Daniel  D.  and  Jennie  B.  (Deckard)  Fisher. 

a     Daniel  Deckard,  born  August  19,  1913. 

IX-123     Children    of    John    and    Daisy    M.     (Fink)     Schrantz. 

a     John  Eugene,  born  in  1911. 
b     Robert  Fink,  born  in  1916. 

IX-124     Children  of  Harry  and  Cora  E.  (Fink)  Bott.    VIII-280-c 

a     Dorothy  Lee,  born  in  1911. 

b     Kenneth  Wasson,  born  in  1915. 

IX-125     Children    of    John    and    Myrtle     (Fackler)     Hennecke. 

a     John  Augustus,  born  March  4,  1915. 

IX-126     Children  of  Harvey  L.  and  Amanda  (Shaeffer)  ]\Ieckley. 

a     Margaret  Evelyn,  born  in  1912. 
b     Robert  Lewis,  born  in  1915. 

IX-127     Children  of  Luther  F.  and  Ruth  P.   (Lehman)  Meckley. 

a     Betty  Jane,  born  May  11,  1918. 

IX-128     Children  of   Allen  B.   and  Ruth   C.    (Horn)    Meckley. 

a     Donald  Horn,  born  in  1914. 
b     Richard  Henry,  born  in  1917. 

IX-129     Children  of  Chester  H.  and  Mary  E.   (Meckley)   I\Iere- 
dith.  VIII-283-d 

a     Homer  Meckley,  born  May,  1918. 

'11  IK      I '.I    1,1,      I'  \\1  ll.Y 


X-l'Il'      ( 'liildi-.'ii  (.r  Allrii  ;in,|  (Hiti.-  (Spot/.)    lirown    \' 1 1 1  _'->|.a 

l.ll'uld     Allrll.     IhhM     mi      l:i(l)i 


li       \  i\  i;iii    (  iiTl  nnir,   Imrn    in    1!)()S. 

(■      W'.iid    W'.ill.irr.   horn    in    ll'Hi. 

X-l-ll       ('liildrcn      of      -lulm      ;uhI       .M;iry       i  .\|;itlii;i.s .       Siivi|«T. 

V  1 1 1  js.-,  I,' 

;i      <  •  Icnn.   Iioiii   A  uliiisI    i  .    Ill  1  I. 

Ii        I  )r;ili.    liorn    (  IcIdlxT    L'l  I.     |!ll."i. 
C       (  lr|-;il(l.    li(irn    .\l,i\-    L'S.    IHIS. 


U.  S.  Army 


(Pa SI'    I'liU) 

IX-132     Childi'.'ii  of  William  and  Ksilin-  W.   i  Mos.-li-y  )   I'ittmaii. 

a     Mae-'U'v.  Iwrn  Octohrr  -Jii.  l:ii>l. 
1)     Bal)y.  l)oi-ii  -Inly  .'>.  l!»()(i. 
e     Billit",  lutrn  Sept rinlici'  1.'),  i:H)j>. 
d     lone  Ann.  hoiii  May  •>.  IHIT. 

IX-l:33     Childivii  of  -loscpli   .M.  and   Kli/.al)rtli    MosfU-v  i    Mrt'ar- 
ver.  VIII-:VJ:?  I. 

a      Wooltou  Still's,  liorn  -Inly   11.   i:i(13. 

b     Marv  Francos,  horn  (X-toluT  lii.  IIMIT. 

312  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

IX-134     Children  of  Dr.  J.  Thomas  and  lone  A.  (Moseley)  Hutch- 
inson. VIII-323-C 
a     Baby,  born  and  died  1905. 
b     Ben  Bailey,  born  in  1907. 

IX-135     Children  of  John  and  Araminta  McC.    (Moseley)    Hall. 

a     Charles  Moseley,  born  September  15,  1910. 

IX-136     Children  of  Charles  B.,  Jr.,  and  Cecilia  M.  (Cox)  ]\Iose- 
ley.  yiII-323-e 

a     Nancy  Jane,  born  October  14,  1912. 

IX-137     Children  of   Clarence  C.   and  Genevieve    (Moselev)    de 
Berry.  VIII-323-g 

a     Dick,  born  April  20,  1911. 

IX-138     Children  of  Edward  S.  and  Ethel   (McNeely)   Guese. 

a     Lucius  McNeely,  born  April  25,  1916. 

IX-139     Children  of  John  G.  and  Josephine  H.  (Barndollar)  Mc- 
Neely. VIII-374-b 
a     John  Knox,  born  November  8,  1912. 

IX-140     Children    of    Russell    R.    and    Lillian    (Robbj    Pankey. 

a     Elizabeth  Blair,  born  August  7,  1917. 

Tenth  Generation 

X-1     Children  of  George  AV.  and  Regina  (Burns)  Boughton. 

a     George  Daniel,  born  August  16,  1912. 

X-2     Children  of  George  B.  and  Elizabeth  F.   (Heiberger)  AVag- 
ner.  IX-23-a 

a     Elizabeth  B..  born  Alarch  25,  1905. 
b     Doris  D.,  born  January  12,  1907. 

X-3     Children  of  George  C.  and  Fanny  (Heiberger)  Ross.  IX-23-d 

a     Franz  Heiberger.  born  November  30,  1907. 
b     Annie  Rose,  born  Alarch  3,  1909. 
c     George  Carhart,  Jr.,  born  July  21,  1910. 
d     AA^ilson,  born  November  25,  1912,  died  December  23, 

e     John  Nairn,  born  November  24,  1916. 

Till';      IlILL      KAMII.V  313 

X-l       ('hihlrrii    (if    Iv'iisscll    1".    ;iimI    \'|(.I;i    \'.      Me  Mli|o\vii)-V  i    Him'h* 

lirl.l.  '       IX-'i'Ml 

;i       i»ich;ii(l    N'liili'sc.   liMin    I  )irriiiln-r    |,    I'MI     i||.'i|    I  )im'«MII' 

i)ci-  :>,   11)1  1. 
X-.")      ('hildnii    (if    !1,iiT\-     W.    ;iiic|     Ali''      M         Killillsi     <iar-iliirr. 

;i       -Idliii    Killil  Is,  liorii    AilLMist   L'  1.    I'MJ, 

1>      Willi.ini    I  Iriir.w    1  I.   Impi-ii  .l;inii;iry  L'T,    1'"]  I 

X-<i     Cliildivii  (,r  I);i\i(l  .\|.  ;iii,|  Kl(,ili..  I. M. •(;«■••)   WilliM,     ix.4«;.n 

:i       .M;i(lis(iii.  Iioni   .\iil;iisI   '_',    1!I1:'> 

I)      1);i\i(l   Aladisdii,  -I  r  ,  lioi'ii    AiilmisI   L't,.    lull 

X-7     Cliildi'rii  of  Mri'licri   .\l.  ;iiid   Ami'    \'.       Kdwjinls;  <irnn«loii. 


;i       licrl>ci-1    .\1;irtiii.  Iioni   Ndvcinlirr-  •_•!•,   ls!t!>. 
1)      I']lc;iii(ii'  K;d  h('i-iiic.  lioni  ()c|()1iit  1:!.  lilOl. 

X-8      Childivii  (if   11;iiT\-   W.  ;iiid   .\l;ir.v  ( '.   ■  \'u>'^rv  >   St;irl<.   IX-H'J-a 
a      llai'i'V  I'o'jcr.  lioni  al   l-'oil  Sii(tii;4',  I'lostmi,  .Massacliil- 

setts.  April  H.   liiU. 

1)      .Jane  Moi'claiid.  liorii   at    l''iiidla\\  ()1iin.  Si-plcmluT  TJ. 



{_■  Malx'l  Adi'lia.  lorn  al  lv\iid  K;inii,  \'riiaiijro  County, 
Peiinsyhaiiia,  May  li.  ISS:^.  marfird  at  l^iistis,  Floritla. 
.March  (i,  191.S,  Autiiislus  KN'iit/,  Stevens,  liorn  .hine  1»».  1H7S. 
son  of  .lames  Silas  ami  Mar»raret  (.lanies)  Stevens  of 
Frieiidsliip,  Georgia VIII-24f>x 

She  graduated  at  Kdinboro  State  Noi-niiil  School.  PciuiH.vh-ntiia.  ai 
school  teacher  before  marriafce.  He  is  a  o-irpenter  and  iii!"-  ■ 
Lindsay,     California,     where    Ihey    live. 

\MII-24!).\     Cliildivn   o\'    Ani:iistiis    \l.   and    Mal.rl    .\.      Iluwarti) 
Sicvens.  \'II-ltJ4-e 

a      Howard  Auuiislns.  horn  Nox nnhi-r  L*7.  lI'H. 

Vril-l:2i)x      Children     of     l-'rank     .1.     an.i      Ilrlm      I\.        Ilenelu 
Sehaefer.  Vll-:n2-c 

a      Frank    Ilarwy,  h.M-n   Maivh  L' 1 .   l'.il>. 

IX-^J^'x      Children    nf    •laims    K'.    and     Iv    Cohlif       i  iinnuiu'iiam  ■ 
Xoiirse.  VI  I  I. •_'.">- 1- 

a      William    Marlax.   Imrn  -laniiary  "J!'.   II'IT. 



A    rrcliiniii.-iiy   Slmlv  :     l'.\     Mrs.    Aiiil.i    Nuwi-oilllt    Mrdri',   M.    |)., 
l(;-_'()    I'    Stnct.    \V;ishiiint<iTi.    I>     <  . 

Anioii;^  till'  r;iily    I 'I'li  ii^y  1  \  .'i  ii  i.'i  ns  who  Ixn'r  the  siiriiaiiii*  Hull,  tin*  niont  n'.t,if.Jr 
\v;is  .Idliii,  ('(ilinii'l    ill   \\\r  ( 'mi  I  i  nciil  ;i  1    Army   :iiii|   A<ljiit)iiit   (i«*ii<'rnl  of  the  |»r 
(uiwrnincnt    ;ii-clii\('s,    csiicci.-illy    thuM'    nt'    I 'ciinsy Ivaniii,    luivi'    pri'JtiTVi'il    «ii.  u    ,i 
lavfjo   miinhcr  dl'   tads  alumt    liis   lit'c,  aiiil   nl'  his   letters,  tliat    when   tlii'M«.  nri-  ifnlh- 
creel  toiictlier  and  adiled  to  data   |ireserved   hy   his  ijesi-endaiits  mie  ri'  • 
idi'a   (if   iiis  cliaiacter   as   well   as   of   his   career.      I*erha(>s   the   traits     ■  ..,  , 

most  iiroininent  were  his  great  strength  and  mitiring  energy,  a  z»'nl  for  thi»  rauM** 
of  his  country  which  no  ])orsonal  r(^l)iif1"  or  ad\'ersity  could  diiiiiiiish,  sterling  hon- 
esty and  ojien  frankness  about  himself  and  his  affairs,  with  a  gooilly  sliare  of 
business  aldlity. 

Although   he   lived  to  be  93,  the  first  indication  of   illness  which   I   lia\'-   •' 
is    in    the   contemiiorary   newspaiier    account   of    his   wife's    funeral.      She    h.i 
suibjenly    when    both    wore    79   years    old,    anil    the    husband,    "altliongh    nim-h    ex- 
hausted by  sickness  and  old  age,  addressed  the  audience''  in  a   few  word.s  of  restiij- 
nation  to  the  will  of  the  Lord  "and  then  sank  exhausted."'      IIIh  portrait,  whirh 
once   liuug   in   the   I'eale   gallery,   has   disapiieared,   l)ut    I    fancy    him    like  a 
familiar   type   of  sturdy,   active,   l)lulV.    Revolutionary   gentleman,    his   rmld  ■ 
set  oft'  by  cue  and  ruffles,  sliowing  the  effects  of  a   life  s|>ent  mainly  in  tho  o|H'n 
and   on  his   horse's  back.      The   Indian   chiefs  of   tlie   Six    Nations,   who   re-^'"-!--' 
him  as  their  best  friend  in  Pennsylvania,  described  him  as  "a  strong  man 
like  a  great  tree,"  whidi  is  certainly  suggestive. 

Tliomas  Bull,  John's  father,  lived  on  a  farm  of   l.'iit  acres  in   Worcester  Town- 
ship, and  this  therefore  appears  to  have  been  the  place  where  Jolm.  the  ohloxt  son. 
spent  his  boyhood.     As  he  was  not  quite  17  when  his  father  <lied,  lea\  • 
with  his  mother  the  care  of  his  two  brothers  and  thri-e  sisters,  he  wa.-*  i 
still  living  there   wlien   lie   met   and  married  Mary    I'hillips  of  Chester  in 

17.52.     He  was  iust  I'l   then.     A  year  and  four  months  previous  to  this,  I..- 
Elizabeth  Addauis   Hull,  had  married  in   rhiladelphia  a  young  man  nameil  '1 
Eossiter,  Jr.,  the  eldest  son  of  an  apparently  jxior  family,  for  they   ha>l   ii- 
no    land    from    their    deceased    father.       We    do    not     know    when    young    K 
died,  but  there  were  no  children,  and  no  doubt   Mrs.   lu)ssit<'r  continiietl  to  live  in 
her  old   home  with   hor  young  children.     Thomas'   will    had   invide.l   his   farm   be- 
tween the  two  older  sons,  KK)  acres  to  John  and  .">•>  to  William,  but  the  title  not  to 
vest  in  them  till   Williani   was  -\.     John  added  to  his  share  in   17.">7  by  hu> 
acres  adjoining  it,  from  S.  Kime,  but  sold   this  |>ri>perty  to  J.   .\.   Meyer  u 
William    sold    his    part    the    following   year,    to    the    same    purehnsor,    so    I    judjfe 
William   reached  21    not   later  than    KH:?.     In  October  of  the  same  year  in  which 
John  s(dd  the  old  home,  his  stei>father  bought    172  acres  in    Providence  Town>*hip 
(when  he  is  called  "of  Providence,  yeoman"),  so  1  su|>pose  the  Kossiters  an. I  the 
younger   children    moved   then;    the   eldest    daughter.    Ann.   was   alr.-:idv    m.-irried   t.. 
Henry  Newberry. 

John  Bull's  possession  of  the  brains  and  will  power  to  make  his  way  upward 
in  the  world  is  best  shown  by  comjiarison  with  the  conditions  of  his  birth.  The 
whole  province  advanced,  but  he  did  more  than  advance  with  it.     His  father  and 


316  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

both  grandfathers  are  described  in  deeds  as  "yeomen"  possessing  their  own  small 
"plantations"  {the  word  farmer  not  being  used  then);  such  were  likewise  his 
uncles  and  brother  William,  though  the  latter  is  also  described  as  a  saddler — no 
doubt  because  his  father's  will  directed  that  he  should  be  put  to  school  till  he  was 
15  and  then  to  learn  a  trade.  John  Bull,  on  the  other  hand,  is  described  as  a  "gen- 
tleman," even  as  early  as  1760.  His  grandfathers  were  English;  his  grandmothers 
apparently  both  German;  and,  like  their  neighbors,  none  of  them  had  learned  to 
write  even  so  much  as  their  own  names — which  fact  in  no  wise  hampered  them  in 
their  long  and  active  lives  as  pioneers  in  a  wild,  new  land.  John 's  mother  went 
a  little  stej)  further,  for  instead  of  a  simple  cross,  she  wrote  her  initial  E  as 
' '  Her  mark ' '  in  lieu  of  signature. 

John  's  father,  Thomas,  however,  must  somehow  have  found  a  teacher,  for  in 
his  will  he  proudly  says  that  he  made  it  with  his  ' '  own  handwriting. ' '  He 
thought  that  he  knew  something  of  the  law  of  such  matters,  so  when  I  find  that  he 
signed  his  name  many  times  as  witness  to  the  wills  of  others,  I  suspect  that  his 
less  learned  neighbors  were  wont  to  call  on  him  for  material  aid  in  the  preparation 
of  their  last  testaments.  Thomas'  provision  in  his  will  that  his  younger  children 
snould  go  to  school  till  they  were  15  shows  that  the  eldest,  our  John,  must  also 
have  had  such  education  as  the  country  afforded  in  those  days.  In  his  letters  one 
sees  that  though  the  literary  grace  of  a  Franklin  cannot  be  claimed  for  his  pen, 
yet  he  was  a  clear  and  fluent  writer.  One  of  his  granddaughters  has  left  us  a 
record  in  which  she  says  of  him  and  his  wife:  "They  prospered  in  worldly  mat- 
ters and  were  respected  by  all.  Their  daughters  were  educated  at  the  best  schools 
the  city  of  Philadelphia  afforded.  Their  only  son  was  an  accomplished  physician 
and  a  good  linguist. ' ' 

Socially,  Colonel  John's  high  official  positions,  both  civil  and  military,  in  the 
provincial  government  brought  him  in  contact  with  the  most  eminent  men  of 
Philadelphia,  which  was  a  leading  center  of  culture  in  the  new  world.  We  have 
evidence,  as  well  as  tradition,  to  prove  his  friendship  with  George  Washington, 
which  doubtless  dated  from  1758,  when  both  were  officers  of  the  Forbes  expedi- 
tion to  capture  Fort  Duquesne,  where  Pittsburg  now  stands. 

It  may  be  of  interest  at  this  point  to  quote  the  following  about  AVashington, 
from  the  Britannica:  "His  education  was  but  elementary  and  very  defective, 
except  in  mathematics,  in  which  he  was  largely  self-taught.  Sparks  has  'edited' 
the  spelling,  grammar,  and  rhetoric  of  Washington 's  Writings  to  such  an  extent 
as  to  destroy  their  value  as  evidence."  Country  schooling  was  evidently  no 
better  in  Virginia,  even  among  the  upper  classes,  than  it  was  in  Pennsylvania! 

Another  friend  of  the  Colonel  in  Philadelphia  was  that  learned  astronomer 
and  distinguished  patriot  and  official,  David  Eittenhouse,  whose  only  brother, 
Benjamin  Eittenhouse,  had  married  Bull's  eldest  daughter  in  1770.  (Benjamin 
was  superintendent  of  the  gun-lock  factory  of  Pennsylvania  through  the  Eevolu- 
tion.)  The  four  younger  daughters,  growing  up  after  the  Eevolution,  also  made 
excellent  marriages. 

But  whether  the  outspoken  Colonel  felt  himself  quite  at  home  amid  the  refine- 
ments of  the  city  society  is  to  my  mind  somewhat  doubtful;  certainly  he  hastened 
away  from  it  when  his  public  duties  were  over  and  spent  the  rest  of  his  days 
about  as  far  from  it  as  his  pioneer  instincts  could  take  him,  in  what  he  called  ' '  a 
Distant  Land. ' ' 


1758,  May  12,  to  early  17.59.  Cai^tain  of  a  company  (of  about  5.5  men)  in  his  Majesty's 
Third  Battalion  of  the  Pennsylvania  Regiment  ("Provincial  Forces"),  with  service  m 
command  of  Fort  Allen  and  on  the  Forbes  expedition  which  captured  Fort  Duquesne — 
a  bloodless  victory,  which  Bancroft  considers  of  the  "greatest  importance"  and  which 
was  due  to  Captain  Bull's  negotiations  with  the  Indians. 

17.59,   April   29,    to  .     Recommissioned   Captain   in   the   same   battalion;    military   service   not 


1775,  Xovember  2.5,  to  1776,  .January  20.  Having  applied  for  appointment  as  Quartermaster 
to  the  army,   or  in  command  of  a  battalion,   in  the  Continental  Army  about   to   be   organ- 

'I'm:    i;i  ll    i-'.\,\iii,y 

i/.cd,   lie    WHS   cli'clcd    liy   llic   Ciiiitiiiinnil   ('(iiiitri-iiK   im   ttu'   llr«t    (..J' 

s.vlviiniit    lijitlMlidii    I'liisi'il    fur    ilcfi'iiNf    nf    lln-    riiloiiicN.       ||i-    huil    h 

nics    of    7!t    iMcii    ciirli,    or    ii    lolul    of     l.'i(H»    nii'ii.      'I'lii-    ('niitu 

McniDi'iiil    friiiM    llir    ('M|ili>iii-<    iinil    SiiltiillcrtiH    of    lliin    Imttiilinr 

duct    (if    ('oldiicl     Hull,''    mid    referred    it    In    ii    riiiiiinillee.      .tun  , 

t<i    Ciumdii     received.       .I;iiiiiiir.v    L'tltli,    CliliKrcHN    heiinl    ii    Menu.' 

Kiiii;     leiive     Id     resit,'!!      his     ciiiiiiiiisNiiiii     im     iiei'iiiini      i,f     ,]\  i  ', 

iifficeis,      lictwecii      wIkiiii     :iiid      liiriiself     lii'      rei|iieHlei|      u      .'  , 

ciuinlr.N     ill    iin\     ullier    wiiy.      .liiiiiiMiy    L'-iul,     resiijiiatiiiii  , 

e\  jieiiriice    in    llie    ( 'nil  I  i  Men  (  a  I     Army. 

•'iil.^      I'll.    Ill    .■ilinui    .iaiiinii-y,     1777.       (iiliuiel    iif    a    Itiilliiliori    of    .Vns 

Ill     riiiiiideljihiji    (■•."iiir'    in    his    <'<>niiiiissloii,    '•fith"    in    "  Archive)."  j .  t 

llie     Slate     .\sseinlil.\ .       Tliese     were     new     ori;aiii/.iilioriH     for     home     d.  , 

unless    called     into    the    lield,     mid     wlieri    eiilisleil     were    «elit     In     .\i  f 

.service   in    watihinK   the    ISritisli    on    Sliiten    Island    till    more    neriinii,. 

ized.      As    Bull's   civilian    positions    kept    him    iiusy    in    l'liila<!id|ihiii,    ilt>'   (  ..i.  / 

save    liini    leave    of    iiliseiice    only    from    .\iiu'iihI     ITlh    to    Seiitemher    l.'th    . 

with    his    battalion    in    the   lield,       (Perhaps    the    nxii    were    there    no    hn,.  I 

Associator    liallaliiins    were    disliaiuled    early    in    1777.)      Arms   und    nmn  I 

scarce',    their   weajioiis    inelnded    pikev   and    '■  lonuiha  wks. " 

Felini.-iiy    l.'ilh    to   .liinc    17lli.      C.ildiiel    ( 'i.iiiiiiainla  nt    of    the    fnrtiflralionii   at    Htlllnj^p"'^  ' 

a     lesiiniiilion     ol     his     civilian     woik     as     (ieneral     Superintendent,     with      i  ' 

aiitliiiiil.N-     over     the     troops     stationed     there.       .Vppointed     hy     the     Couiiril 

which    r.ull    was    nienilier)    and    paid    at    rate    of   .■jS.S.".   oer   nioiith.      l>iiriiiiC   tl. 

also    constriictcd    the    iirincipal    part    of    Kurt     Mercer,    nt    l{e<l    Itank,    N.    .1 

mouth    of    llie    Schuylkill,    which    was    intended    to    protei-t    the    ehevatix  de  ■ 

laid    ill    the    Delaware    (diaiinel    lietwecu    it    and     Korl     Mifflin    on    Mud     I- 

placed   similar   obstructions    in    the   channel    opjiosile    l!illini;sporl,    ii    few    ni; 

when    he   left    in   dune    there   was    still    a    few    weeks'    more    work    needed    i 

whole.      When   the   British   arrived    in   the   iiutuiiin   they   did   not    iittempl    to 

these   defenses,   but    troops  were   sent   by   land    to   take'them   in   tlie   reiir.   mo   the 

left    them    without    tiKliting.      The   enemy    partly    dismantled    or    hurnetl    tliesi-    fi.: 

and   tiiok   u))  some  of  the  river  obstructions;   the  rest   remained   till   removed   in   17^l. 

Ma,\    U'lid    lo  June   17th.      Colonel    of   the    I'ennsylvaiiia    State    Kecimi'iit   of    Kool.    n ii.-.d 

by    the    new    Board    of    War.       Comiiiission    issued     May    Nth.       This    rei;imenl 

forir.ed   from    remnants   of   several    former   re;;iineiits   which    had    been    under    Um 

degree    at    Hilliiifrsiiort.     \.    .1.,    and    other    points    on    tlie    Deliiwiire    Kiver    within 

miles    of    Phila(lel]iliia.    and    was    intended    for    defense    of    llie    city.       In     \pril      Mu 

reported    that    he   was    trying    to    "cultivate   a    little    harmony"    in  "the 

but    its    officers    had    not    yet    been    eomniissioned    as    such    iiiid    "a    Kr. 

privates    are    iirisoners    uiioii    parole     (a    circumstance     perhap.H    new). 

general    .ieiilousy    and    dissat  isfaclimi.      .\pril    .".nth    the    officers    receivt-d    cot  I 

(according   to  the   journal   of   one   of   the    Lieutenants)    "proceeded    to   ih.  ! 

the    officers,''     and    early     next     morning    the     "regiment     was     proper!  r 

which   three   companies     *      *      *     were   entertained    oy   a   harmonious    '  I 

passed     the    day    in    ,iolity."       The    appointment     of    Hull     caused     a     |.f  I 

threats  of  resignation   from   all   the  officers,   who   (dainied,   in  a   Memorml    i..   'h. 

of   the    State,    they    had   been    promised    they    should    "rise   by    seni..  • 

that    by    appointment    of    a    Colonel    from    outside    they    "ronsidt-r  'i 

aggrieved,    as   thereby   what    little   Rank   they   hold    in   the   .service   oi    ii 

Destroyed.''       Juiu^    2nd    the    strength    of    the    regiment    was    44    offi. 

.Tune    Itltb    the   Assemlily    voted    to    transfer   the   regiment    ti   the   (' 

incorporation    in    the    Continental    .\rniy,    and    .lune    17th    the    prmn 

lowed   by   the   appointment   of   a   new   Colonel.     The  latter   invited   tti 

"meet   him   at   4   P.   IM.    at   the   City   Tavern"    where   they   eelehrui. 

gallons    of    Madeira.''      This   regiment    was   ordered    away    and    dec.. 

vania     (Colonel    Walter    Stewart).      November    11'.    1777,    it    was    ini-ur(»urdU'U    in    iUv    loii 

tinental  Army. 

.Iiiiie    17tli.    to    .lanuary    I."'.,    I77><.      Adjutant    (ieneral    of    the    Militi:i    oi 

pointed   by  the   Board  of  War.    This  was  the  most   stirring  and   ■ 

tion    about     Pliiladelphia,    and     Hull    had    manifold    duties    and     re- 

Armstrong    was    in    command    of    all    the    State    Militia,    4<KH»   men    !•■ 

end   of  July   and   most    of   them    sent    to   Wilmington    when    Howe's   urn 

bark    (August   li.'ith),    after   which   they   were   used   as   a    reserve    for  «hi     ■ 

and   for  local   defense.      Orders   and   letters   show    Hull   providing   the  in: 

and    food,    and    some    timt>    after    the    battle    of    (ierniantown    (October    ' 

militia    officers    were   lost,    he    succei'ded    (ieneral    Irvine    in    roiiimaml    • 

gade   on  the   east   side  of   the   Schuylkill,   but    (so   far   as   I    now   know)    : 

pate   in   any   battle   during   any   iiart    of   his   military   career.      His   on. 

of    fighting    was    when     "a    large    body''    of    the    enemy    went    on    .. 

northwest    of  Philadeliihia,   December  11th   to  "Jtith,  anil   Hull   was  !•■ 

to   make   a    deinonstration   toward    the   city    to    "alarm    them   In   Or.l 

tion    from    Plundering   in    Chester    County."       He    reported,    nfler   r. 

Liberties''    of    the    city,    between    Third    and    Fourth    streets,    and 

of   the  Enemies   Line,    '    that    "I   drew   up  my   little   Hivisioii   and   h 

Pounders,   with   12   conips   of  artilery.    I   rather  streclid   my   orders   !•>    .■>.  i  ..; 

diracted    Cannon    Ball.    Which    no    |)oubt    Took     Place    near    ye    (  hiin-h."  » 

good,    for   thev    did    fall    near   Christ    Church    and    "alarmed    the   city"    with..:  _         y 

damage.)      Bull's    report    concludes:      "We    Wish'd    thoni    a    Merry    Cri»mM   by   rau*i>iii( 

318  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

them  to  Beat  to  arms  and  fire  their  Cannon  from  the  Lines  from  all  Qurs.,  their  Ball 
Raked  our  Little  Parade  both  on  Right  and  Left,  but  without  the  Least  Damage.  "We 
brought   of  one   Prisoner,    some  of   their   Horses,    &c.'' 

Colonel  Bull  appeared  before  the  Supreme  Executive  Council  on  January  13,  1778, 
made  a  report,  and  presented  account  for  his  pay  for  the  past  eleven  months,  "which  was 
ordered  paid.  (For  time  as  Adjutant  General,  at  rate  of  .^100  per  month.)  The  Council 
then  resolved  that  on  account  of  reducing  the  militia  an  Adjutant  General  would  not  be 
necessary  in  future  and  therefore  ordered  that  the  office  be  abolished  and  that  "Colo. 
Bull  be  informed,   in   the  most  respectful  terms." 

1779,  October.  "President  Reed  announced  that  he  intended  to  take  the  field  at  the  head  of 
the  Penna.  troops,  and  Col.  Bull  was  appointed  adjutant-general"  but  "the  projected 
movement  was   abandoned."      (I  have  not  verified  this.) 


1761,  February  28th  (perhaps  earlier)  till  the  Revolution  (apparently).  One  of  the  Justices 
of  the  Peace  for  the  County  of  Philadelphia.  He  was  also  one  of  the  Justices  of  the 
Court  of  Quarter  Sessions  of  the  county. 

1774,  November  to  September  17,  1776.  Was,  by  election,  one  of  40  members  of  the  Commit- 
tee of  Inspection  and  Observation  of  the  County  of  Philadelphia  (this  did  not  include 
the  city),  the  duty  of  which  was  to  detect  persons  not  conforming  to  the  patriotic 
"articles  of  Association"  (for  trade  boycott  and  price  control),  which  the  new  Conti- 
nental Congress  had  framed.  These  county  committees  were  formed  from  the  members 
of  earlier  township  committees  who  had  been  on  the  side  of  the  colonies  from  the  begin- 
ning. John  Bull  signed  a  resolution  as  chairman  of  this  committee,  July  20,  1776,  but 
Colonel  William  Hamilton  had  been  chairman  in  June  and  May  preceding.  May  18,  1776, 
this  committee  appealed  to  the  Assembly  of  Pennsylvania  to  "maintain  liberty  even  if 
forced  most  unwillingly  to  declare  independence."  These  committees  were  dissolved 
after  nearly   two  years'    activity. 

1775,  January  23rd  to  28th.  Member  of  Second  Convention  (of  Pennsylvania  leaders)  as  one 
of  12  chosen  to  represent  the  Philadelphia  County  Committee  of  Inspection.  Pennsylvania 
was  now  in  fact  governed  by  citizen's  committees  which  had  superseded  the  old,  too- 
loyally  disposed,  Assembly  (i.  e..  Legislature).  This  convention  voted  its  determination 
to  take  up  arms  if  redress  was  not  obtainable  from  Parliament,  "though  loyal  harmony  is 
preferred,"  and  it  voted  unanimously  to  ui'ge  a  law  prohibiting  future  importation  of 
slaves   into   Pennsylvania. 

1775,  September  3rd.  Defeated  in  election  for  Sheriff  of  Philadelphia  County  by  William 
Dewees,  who  had  long  held  the  office;   vote  was  nearly  two   to  one. 

1776,  February  8th,  Continental  Congress  resolved  "That  the  2.50,000  Dollars  voted  yesterday 
[for  the  use  of  the  army  at  Cambridge],  be  sent  to  the  Paymaster-General  under  the 
care  of  Mr.  Bull,  and  two  other  trusty  persons."  February  13th  the  Treasurer  was 
ordered  to  advance  "colonel  Bull''  .$1.50  to  defray  his  expenses  in  carrying  this  money. 
February  26th  a  letter  from  General  Washington  acknowledged  receipt  of  a  letter  brought 
to  him  from  Philadelphia  by  "Col.  Bull"  the  evening  before.  (This  is  the  only 
occasion  known  to  me  when  he  traveled  north  of  Pennsylvania.) 

1776,  June  18th  to  25th.  Member  of  Pennsylvania  Provincial  Conference  of  Committees  of  In- 
spection. This  unanimously  approved  of  a  declaration  of  independence  and  ordered  elec- 
tions to  a  convention  to  frame  a  new  Constitution  for  the  Province.  For  attendance  at 
this  convention  Bull  was  paid   £3,  18s,  lOp. 

1776,  July  15th  to  September  28th.  Member  of  convention  which  set  aside  all  old  govern- 
rnent,  prepared  and  passed  a  new  constitution  and  took  other  important  actions.  Frank- 
lin was  chairman.  Bull  was  one  of  eight  representatives,  elected  July  8th,  from  Phila- 
delphia County.  He  was  member  of  several  important  committees,  and  was  paid 
£19,  lOs,  2d  for  attendance.  Was  given  leave  of  absence  August  17th  to  visit  the  camp 
at  Amboy   (where  his  regiment  was),  but  was  back  September  16tli. 

1776,  July  23rd  to  March  13,  1777.  Member  of  the  Council  of  Safety  (David  Rittenhouse, 
chairman;  25  members),  by  election  of  the  Constitutional  Convention.  The  Council  was 
authorized  to  exercise  the  whole  of  the  executive  powers  of  government  so  far  as  relate 
to  the  military  defense  and  safety  of  the  province,  superseding  the  former  Committee  of 
Safety ;  and,  in  fact,  took  entire  control  between  the  end  of  the  old  governmental  agen- 
cies and  the  organization  of  the  new.  The  courts  having  suspended  their  activities 
since  June,  the  convention  on  September  3'rd  appointed  the  members  of  the  Council  of 
Safety  as  Justices  of  the  Peace  for  the  State  with  power  "to  take  acknowledgments  of 
deeds,  and  cognizance  of  criminal  offences  and  breaches  of  the  peace.  And  in  cases  of 
petty  larceny,  under  3  shillings,  to  proceed  to  punishment."  (County  Justices  had 
previously  been  appointed.) 

1776,  August   6th   to .      One    of   six    Commissioners    for    Philadelphia   County 

named  by  the  convention  in  accordance  with  an  ordinance  "to  hear  and  determine  the 
cases  of  all  persons  in  prison."  (This  was  to  correct  injustices  done  under  the  old  gov- 

1776,  September  26th  to  December  2nd.  General  Superintendent  of  the  Works  at  Billingsport, 
New  Jersey,  by  appointment  of  Council  of  Safety.  Continental  Congress  had  ordered 
the  approach  to  Philadelphia  by  water  to  be  defended,  at  its  expense,  and  Kosciusko  had 

TlIK     mi,L     lAMILY  .,^v 

ilr.'iwn  |>l,'iiis  I'm  a  I'm  I  ■,\\  Ki  II  lliKH|)>irt,  iiliiilil  |J  inili-a  ilowii  llir  r 
I'lisr,  \\  Inrh  uas  iinw  In  lie  liiiilt  liy  Hull,  with  ('ii|>luiM  II,  .lull 
Wdl-U  WMS  iiilirrii|ili(l  \i\  nr<lris  In  I'Viirillltc  Ihi-  liliirr,  mill  whrii 
following,    Itiill    I'll  iir  rii'ii    lluic   us    ( 'olimi-l   ( 'oiiiiiiikiiiliint    (mpk    ''Millli 

1770,    NctVfinln'i-    lUlli.      <  (Mine  il    nl    Siifcly    oidiTcil   it    uri'iit    i|iiiiMlity    of    valiintilr    milit«ry    . 
iniincdiiitcl  V     I'liniiviil        In    ('iil.    MiiII'h    at    Norriiiifloii' '    iiiiil    hi-    wn-    ti.r..>..i    '  .    ,. 
pni|ii'i'    ^iiMi'ils    I'di'    lliriii.      I  .\    liircc    iiiirt    nf    IiIn    rNtiitt-    then*   hod 
lii'I'iiic'   llii.s.  )       Dcciinlpii-    l.'llli   tlirsr   Wfir   t  niiiHrci'DMl   to   Luiii-nKliT,   u  > 
liiiir    Itiill    wii.s    lius.v    ])iii(iiiiii);    wiicoiis    "'for   thr   iiniiy'"    liiil    iiNo    iKni 

wiTc    tlc'i'iii;;    friiiii    till'    cNpcrti'd    UriliHii.      Yet    thin    <liil    not    iiiiilrnnlly  s 

l)ri'.s('iiic   at    llii'   cmisl.iiil    ini'd  iii);s    of   tin-   Coiiiicil    iliiriiii;    Ihi'    winlvr.    Ihi-    tuUumui 
ftTcllcc    willi    llir    ln(li,iiis,    hnwcviT,    ocrilNioiii'd    IiIh   itliKciiri'    for    two    Wrrk». 

1777.   .lainiary    L'Ciili    i.i    I'diniii  r\  (  niiuiii.ssioniT   to    tmit    with    Iniliaim   bI    I 

aiii|ilon     ('niiiily.     i  rpicscnl  iim.     willi     Colonel     Dnili,     tin-     Coiitiril     of     Hat-t 
('(iinniissidiu'i's    wcri'    I'lom    I  he   < 'out  ini'iital    ('ont;rfHN   iiiid    M'tiuiiiiiiiK    |W'< 
))ly.      Tlu!   Iiuliaii    ('oiiiiiiisNioiicrs   were   six   (•liicf,H,    n-pri'Ncntiiii;    Ihi-   »ii 
coiiu',    with    about    1'<M>   otliri-    Indians,    to    coniplain    of    tlw'    lin-iikiov' 
treaty    (17(!S)    in   that   wliilcs   t;iiuv  into  Ihrir  lan<l  and   houifhl    i 
nu'ii,    wluiin    Ihi'y    could    not    <-ontrol.      They    inadr    variouM   olhiT   r.. 
and    repeatedly   asked    thai    ('olmiel    Hull,    ''wlnun    thi'v    seenied    to    ; 
ehar^i'd    with    the   execution    of    their   private   alTairs''     (accordini;    i  . 
ceedinjis),  should  lie  ai)i)ointed  as  a   i)erinaneiit    hnlian  ( 'oinniiH-.ioner.    ']  ' 
strong  mall  raised  like  a  great   tree,  that   we  can  depend  upi>n,''   and   it"^- 
him   and   the  other   ConunissioTU'rs.     Congress   had   appropriated   $H»K>  to   buy    pr- 
these  Indians,  but  had   given   no  instructions  to   the  ConnnisHioner!!,  and   Ihnr  re. 
tions   received   scanty    attention.     The    following    .May,    Hull    nieniorialized    < '... 
the  Indians  had  sent  messengers  to  him  asking   for  action,   but    he  coiilil  do   ■ 
officially  aiipointed.      Jlay  liTth  Congress   resolved   that    the   legislative   power   ■■< 
of    Pennsylvania    (Uight    to   take   action   either   by    removing   the   settlers    from    Iiel 
or   by  ing   th(>    Indians,    but    the    .\ssembly    only    discusseil    and    po«'[.    • 
official    letter   from    Hull    of  .luly   !•.    177!'.   he   thus   deplores   the   failure  of  hi^ 
■'had    they    been    propt>rly    iitteiuleil    to    I    am    Clearly    of    opinion    might     ^!  . 
serv'd    the    Interest    of    many    of    those   Indians   and    thereby    not    only    1' 
sfruetion   of   Wioming   but    would   have   been   the   means   of   Saving   the    I, 
Preserving  in  some  measure  the  Peace  of  the   I'lontiers  of  this  State  in   I'urtuuliir. ' 

I777,   February    14th    to    Octob<>r    i;'.th.       Member    of    the    lirst    Assembly    ( i.    p..    "■'••    l--.-l>ii«^ 
body)    of  the   State   of   Pennsylvania   under   its   new  constitution.      Klected   b 
of   I'hiladeliihia   County   to  fill   one   of   the  vacancies  occasioned   by    four   luem 
having  (lualified.      Took   seat   February   ISth.      March   L'lst   Assembly   took   n   ri-ie«s.    w 
ses.siou   May  l'lst   to  .Tune  lllth;   recessed  again  till   Sejitember  K'.th.   when   it   g"'    -i   M" 
by   having   ordered   the   members   who   were    in   camp    to   attiMid.      It    passed 
for   wounded    soldiers,    drafted    by   a   committee   of   five,    including    Hull,    nnil 
I^ancaster   on   the   ISth,    as   the   British   were   fast   approaching    Philadelphia,      i' 
October    Oth    and    ad.iourned    on    the    l.''>th.       Bull's    name    appears    in    the    pro. 

number   of   times,    in   spite   of   the   fact   that   he   was   simultaneously    in   tb-      

rommand    at    Billingsport    or   as    Ad.iutanI    (ieiieral,    and    during    the    Iir--  ' 

likewise   a   member   of   the   executive   government    of   the   State,    not    to   iii.  . 
first    month    he    was    also    (>x-officio    a    Justice    of    the    Peace.      A    rei-oril    o(    •imnliancoaa 
activities  which  it  would  be  hard  to  excel  1 

1777,  March  l.'ith  to  April  KHh.  Member  Pennsylvania  Hoard  of  War.  On  Murch  *>: 
Supreme  Executive  (  ouncil  was  oriranized  under  the  new  constitution  a'-'  ■'•-'  '■■-■ 
to   itself   the   civil    department    '•which   re(|uires   gieat    attention."    it    d.  ' 

five   power   over   military   matters   to   a    Board   of    War   and   u    Xavy    Hoi 

nine    members,    with    Pavid    Rittenhouse    as    (hairman.      Thus    was    the    i 

(of    which    Bull    had    been    member)    transformeil    and    its    work    belter 

board  held  daily  meetings,   but   Bull  wa.s  present   only  six  time.s,— iifter  th.- 

recessed.      On   April   TIth   a   new   board  was   formed,   with   only   three  of  ihr 

bars   and  two   new  ones.  ._      «    ».   n. 

(It    was    in    September    of    this    vear.    1777.    that    the    British    hurn^-d    much    of    B«ll  • 
jiroperty  at  Norringtmi   and  his  family  had  to  fli"i".) 

177S,   .January  l!»tli.     Bull,   having  received  word   that  he  was_  no  longer  .Vdjutant   •.'.  fi.rit  whit- 
he   was   at    Hiimnielstowu   on   his   way   to   his    '•Distress'd    family'*    "in  a    l> 
wrote  a   touching  letter  on  his   "fate"    in   now  being  inactive,  after  all  hi»   i 
and   private   misfortunes,   which   he   thmiu'ht    iustitied   a    better   trentnienl.      H>    aiisiiar*   tj 
have  been  on  his  way  to  Berkeley,    (West)    '\'irginia,  at   this  lime. 

1778,  August   Slst   to  .      Confirmed    (continued.')    by    the   As.senibl.v   as  on»  of  lh«  Joa- 

tiees    of   the    County    Courts. 

1778,  August  31st.  Reported  to  the  Supreme  Kx.'ciitive  C'ouneil  that  at  their  rrqo*"*!  h»  had 
"view'd"  the  bridge  over  Schuvlkill  at  Flathind  Ford,  near  Valley  Forif :  jhat  II  re- 
quired   immediate   repairs,    and    specified    these    in   detail.      I    presume   he   was    dirrrird    lo 

mak(>  them, 

1778,    September    ll-'th    to    December   .".rd.      Again    Sui)eriiitendent    of    Works    at    T^imnr«r"r?    ir-.f 
Mud    Island.      The    British    having    left    Philadelphia    in    June,    the    ("on 
repair   the   damage   thev   had   done,   erect    some   batteries,   tenipornry    ha! 
ing    the    river    defenses,    ami    direited    Bull    to    employ    workmen   and    prui  urc    or    buv    \n^ 

320-  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

materials  to  complete  the  work  as  expeditiously  as  possible.  He  was  to  be  paid  £3  per 
diem  and  forage  for  one  horse,  and  he  received  £50  for  a  "ration  account,"  apparently 
in  addition.  On  July  9th  he  reported  to  the  Council  that  he  was  ''Exceedingly  Morti- 
fied and  Embaras'd"  to  find  that  he  could  not  procure  the  laborers  to  carry  on  more 
than  a  part  of  the  work,  so  that  he  was  ''not  fully  Employed,"  and  suggested  that  it 
might  be  desirable  for  him  to  be  sent  temporarily  to  the  ''Frontiers  of  this  Province"  to 
exert  desirable  influence  on  the  Indians,  as  he  had  done  on  previous  occasions.  Council 
evidently  thought  he  could  not  be  spared,  for  it  sent  a  "request"  to  the  troops  sta- 
tioned about  Billingsport  to  help  Colonel  Bull  ''in  a  Service  of  so  much  Importance  to 
the  City." 

1779,  February  27th  to  November  25th.  Continued  the  above  work,  which  after  May  14th  was 
done  in  accordance  with  plans  of  the  French  General,  Du  Portail.  Paid  .$24  a  day  "for 
his   trouble   and  service." 

1779,  autumn  and  winter.  Superintendent  of  repairs  on  a  house  at  Sixth  and  Market  streets 
owned  by  the  State  through  confiscation  from  a  Tory,  and  declared  to  be  the  official 
residence  of  the  President  of  the  Supreme  Executive  Council  (this  title  was  changed 
later  to  that  of  Governor  of  the  State). 

1779,  September  17th.  In  a  letter  of  this  date  Bull  and  Charles  Wilson  Peale  are  called  "two 
of  the  committee  of  this  city,"  i.  e.,  Philadelphia.  (In  November  and  December  of  1778 
Bull — then  called  in  deeds  "of  Berkeley,  Va." — had  bought  two  adjoining  houses  on 
Mulberry,  now  Arch,  Street,  between  Seventh  and  Eighth,  where  he  may  have  been  living 
at  this  time,  and  also  a  large  lot  at  the  northwest  corner  of  Mulberry  and  Seventh.  The 
last  he  sold  in  17S6  to  David  Rittenhouse,  who  made  it  famous  as  the  site  of  his  home 
and  of  his  observatory.) 

1780,  .January.  Commissioner  to  a  national  convention  to  limit  the  prices  of  merchandise, 
which  had  been  called  by  a  meeting  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  October  20th  previous,  and 
assembled  at  Philadelphia  January  5.     One  of  three    (from  Pennsylvania?). 

1780,  April  1st  to  November  27th,  and  perhaps  longer.  Commissioner  of  Purchases  for  Phila- 
delphia County.  Appointed  by  the  Supreme  Executive  Council,  evidently  to  do  all  the 
buying  in  said  countv  for  the  state  government.  Required  to  give  bond  in  the  sum  of 

1780,  June  2nd  to  July  5th.  By  appointment  of  the  Council,  with  two  others,  buyer  of  pro- 
visions and  other  necessaries  for  the  Federal  Army,  in  Philaaelphia  County,  in  accord- 
ance with  an  act  passed  recently  to  meet  an  urgent  temporary  need. 

(These  are  the  last  of  Bull's  public  offices  in  the  Revolution.  He  sold  his  Philadel- 
phia house  in  1782,  and  appears  to  have  continued  to  travel  often  between  Philadelphia 
and  Berkeley  until  he  finally  settled  in  Northumberland,  Pennsylvania.) 

1786,  June.  Bull  came  to  Philadelphia  from  Northumberland  County  with  'public  dispatches 
respecting  some  disturbances  at  Wioming.  For  this  he  was  paid  his  account  of  £8,  15s. 
He  is  said  to  have  moved  to  Northumberland  the  previous  year.  In  1787  he  was  taxed 
there  for  having  one  negro — a  man  he  had  bought  in  1778. 

1802,  Was  a  candidate  for  the  State  Legislature,  but  defeated  by  Simon  Snyder,  the  incumbent 
and  Speaker  of  the  House,  afterward  Governor  of  Pennsylvania.  (In  1790  the  former 
single  legislative  body,  the  Assembly,  had  been  superseded  by  the  Senate  and  House 

1803,  December  6th  to  April  3,  1804.  Was  member  of  the  Fourteenth  House  of  Representa- 
tives of  Pennsylvania,  which  sat  at  Lancaster  between  these  dates.  There  were  86  mem- 
bers in  all.  the  four  from  >.'orthumberland  County  including  Simon  Snyder  and  John  Bull. 
Bull  was  immediately  put  on  the  committee  ''on  roads  and  inland  navigation"  (one  of 
the  three  large  standing  committees),  and  also  served  on  special  committees,  including 
one   "of  grievances"   appointed  December '8th.     Bull  belonged  to  the  Federal  party. 

1804,  December  4th  to  April  4,  1805.  Member  of  the  Fifteenth  House,  serving  on  the  same 
committees   as  the  previous  year. 

1805,  December  3rd  to  March  31,  1806.  Member  of  the  S'ixteenth  House,  of  which  his  nephew, 
John  Gronow  Bull,  was  also  a  member,  from  Chester  County.  He  was  present  through 
the  session  and  was  on  some  special  committees,  but  not  on  the  large  ones  above  named. 

This  ended  the  long  and  honorable  public  career  of  .John  Bull,  when  he  had  almost 
reached  his  seventy-fifth  birthday. 

'I'lIK      Itl   1,1,      I'AMII.V  3JI 


'I'o  till'    llniililc  Sdi-ii'ty    liii    I 'rci|p;i(^;it  illi;  tlic  (ii)>«|)cl,  &c. 

1'lif    liniiilil,.    I'l'tilicni    of    Siiii.|i\     Mcriiliris    of    the    < 'on|{ri-|;ntioii    l»«»|onj»'--.'    •■■ 
St.  .I;inics's  ('liiiicli    nrr    I 'i'(|ui  liiniii    in   tlir    I 'k.v  inn'r   i,(   I'l-nnii.   in   hi^hnlf  r>t 

selves  Mini   I  lie   whole  ( 'oii^i-ej^:i  t  ion. 
Shew ct  h 

Th.-it    your    1 1  oiioii i:i Me    Sorii'ty    was    |iIc!ihi«(I    hoimc  y«'ar>i  ninro  to  nentl  •   Min- 

sioiiaiy    for   this   place    in    <  dii  jii  net  ion    uilli    W  liitcriiiirMli    with   whom 
well    pleased   ami    used   onr   lie--!    Mnilea  \(Mirs  to   iiiiike   him   cii'^v   wch   •.■. 
had   ell'ectually   done;    lint    ne\('it  heless   that    (leiitlernaii    (Mr.    Ilmvifj    |.r  . 
to  officiate  at   ()xfoi(l    insiead   of  tiiis  Chmch    which   wa.s  yraiitftl   liiiii,  .r 
you    were    |ileased    to    seinl    o\e|-    a    \eiy    N'oiiii^    Welch    (M-litlt'llinil    to   mt 
and    this    our    f'hnrcli    of    St.   .I.anies'    to    whom    we    remilarly    |>ai<l    onr    - 

money   amo^  to  :i1mmiI    'C-l    or  il.'i.p.   ; iini   altho.   the  .said    .\I  r.    liiiKhfH   \- 

came   near   us  and   ••lome   tiuie   in   Septemher   last   (as   i)y   Mr.  ( 'iiiiitniiiKit ')    li-tliT  to 
the  Society  may  he  seen)   lie  thouf;lit  fit  without  ^iviiiy  lis  tiic  h'a««t   notir«»  to  mako 
•A  voyaye  to  the  Islands  of  Barbadoes  where  he  liiis  acc»'|tt»'(|  n  I'liriHli  ami  wp  ar« 
now  destitute   of  a  JNTinister  and    without    ^'our    lionoraMe   Sorjetv   will   hi-    ■ 
to  continue  your  eare  to  ns  this  con;^re^';iti(m   will   in  a   very   little  tiine  iIwm 
nau;;ht,    we    Ix'inj;'   surrounde(l    wiili    |)issenters   of   ovorv  sort.      Wf   Im'j»   leave   for- 
ther   to   acquaint   your    Honors    that    unless    the   (iontlemcii   yon    send    ns    hns   miirh 
more  solidity  aud  condiiet    Mr.   lluy;hes  our   K'eliyion  will  he  hronyht  into  Ciin- 
tempt.     We  shall  not  trouhle  your   Honors  with   a    l>etail   of  his   misheh  i 
douhtinf>-  hut  you'll  recei\e  that  from  some  ahlo  haml;  hut  shall  *'onidnilf 
desiringf  your  Care   of   us  and  with   assurin>.;  you  that  every  one  of  us  will   most 
(!hearfully   Contrihute   I'verythiTii^    in    our    jiower    for    promotiiijj   the    Chrintian    Ro- 
liyion  aud  Towards  the  Supjiort  (jf  the  (lentlemen  you'll  he  pleased  to  send  ns. 

That    your    Pious    ondea\iuirs    may    not    he    wantinjj    to    the    Destitute    ii    the 
Earnest  prayer  of 

Your  honours  most  sincere  &  most  ohedt  hundile  servants 

W  ni.   ^looro  h'ohert  Shannon 

Sanuud   T>ane  Phili|>   Kiri^ 

Edward  Nicholas  l{(>j;er  North 

Henry  Pawling  Xiidicdas  Hicks 

John  Newberry  h'ichanl  liull 

George    Evans  John  Chain 

Tlios.  Tlowe  Morris  Lewis 

John    P.ull  Henry   H(dstein 

Thomas   lUill  John 

John  Davis  Thoma.s  Junioa 

Stejihen  Boyes  Davi.l  Piiillips 

Thos.  Turner  .\rnswell   Heailiy 

Wm.  Adams  John  Junlain 

Abraham  Adams  Tiioinas  Kenworthy 

Enoch  Davis  Henry  Pawlini; 

AVm.   Bull  Henry   narnanl 

John    Sommonds  John  Morris 

Peter  Eambo  Dnniol  Morris 

Paul  Casselhurv 

Angust  1st.  1736. 
Taken  from  Ilistorv  of  Old  St.  Davids,  "Ra.lnor. 


322  THE     BULL     FAMILY 


Framed  and  hanging  on  the  wall  of  Dr.  Ferdinand  Augustus  Hassler,  Ph.  D., 
at  Santa  Ana,  California,  is  the  marriage  certificate  of  John  Bull  and  Mary 

' '  These  are  to  eertifie  whom  it  may  concern,  that  John  Bull  and  Mary  Phil- 
lips were  lawfully  married  according  to  the  constitution  of  the  church  of  England, 
on  the  13th  day  of  August,  1752. 


Dr.  Hassler  has  also  a  prayer  book  which  has  on  one  leaf  ''Mary  Phillips,  her 
book,  given  her  by  a  true  friend ' '.     On  another  leaf 

My  Dearest  Daughter  Elizabeth, 
I  to  thee  Recommend 
The  Bible  and  the  Testament 
To  them  an  Ear  to  Lend. 

Because  it  is  the  Word  of  God 
To  every  Christian  Given, 
And  Learning  it  to  L^nderstand 
Thou  art  on  the  Way  to  Heaven. 

My  Daughter  Dear  in  Doing  This 

Thou  Wilt  Please  thy  father's  heart. 

And  Let  thy  Mind 

Be  well  Inclined 

To  take  it  for  thy  Part. 

at  Fort  Allen,  1758." 


Pennsylvania  ss. 


To  JOHN  BULL,  Esquire 

July  4th,  1776. 
We  reposing  especial  Trust  and  Confidence  in  j^our  Patriotism,  Valour,   Con- 
duct   and   Fidelity,    DO,    by   these    Presents,    Constitute    and    appoint    vou    to    be 

COLONEL  of  the  5th  Battalion  of ". 

Associators  in  the  County  of  Philadelphia 

for  the  Protection  of  this  ProA'inee,  against  all  hostile  Enterprizes,  and  for  the 
Defence  of  American  Liberty. 

You  are  therefore  carefully  and  diligently  to  discharge  the  Duty  of  a  COLO- 
NEL as  aforesaid 

-- by  doing  and 

performing  all  Manner  of  Things  thereunto  belonging.  And  we  do  strictly  charge 
and  require  all  Officers  and  Soldiers,  tinder  your  Command,  to  be  obedient  to  vour 

Orders   as  their   COLONEL " 

And  you  are  to  observe  and  follow  such  Orders  and  Directions,  from  Time  to  Time, 
as  you  shall  receive  from  the  Assembly  during  their  Sessions;  and,  in  their  Eecess, 
from  the  present  or  any  future  Committee  of  Safety  appointeii  by  the  Assembly 
of  this  Province,  or  from  your  superior  Officer,  according  to  the  Rules  and  Regu- 
lations for  the  better  Government  of  the  Military  Association  in  Pennsylvania, 
and  pursuant  to  the  Trust  reposed  in  you.  This  Commission  to  continue  in  Force 
until  revoked  by  the  Assembly,  or  by  the  present  or  any  succeeding  Committee  of 

Signed  by  Order  of  the  Assembly, 

John  Morton,  Speaker. 

'I'lll';      I'-l    I.I.      KA.MII.Y  ^^ 


l'''l'''i'    "I'   ''I'll.   -Iiilin    r.iill    111'    Noll  hmiilHTl.-iiHl,    |-;,.,    wnff.-i,    t.,    i 
scrilii'd    Miiiv    lliill    :il    Skipjink: 

'rillirsfluy    Moinin;;,     M:i\     •([(,_     J  ,  i,,, 

I    Send    tiles.'    lo    liirniiii   y<ni    I    ;i  m    now   iiiiii-   riiilcH  on   tl,.-   .,rt..r       ■!.     -:.,. 
(|U('ii;inii.i    ill    u-ood    li(.;iltli    tlio    Miiiic.\vli;it    weary    oC    vrstiTflavM    I; 
»i;i<l    r.i'lt.T   Cct   tlic  sli('<"|,  siinin    next    \v.'ri<    and    f  lir"  Lainl.s  and    Iw.i.i     .    .11    ■ 
soon    as   yoM    Can.      if    it    sli.Hiid    Iv'aiii    .,i-    !„■    Cold    iiiylits    I    think    you    lta<l 
Tldiisc   tiirm   Tnwo  or  tliir.'   Mi;,Hits.      I    C.iiiMot    fix    ii|>on   a   tinir   wlifli    I   ihi'll    i 

■■'•'^    I    ■•II '    l''il''    \vay    on    my   .loiiriicy   yet.       I '.ill     I     Kxp.-rt    it    will    not    much    . 

L'  wcclvs  from   tliis   Day   if   Life  \    licaltli    I'miiits, you  nci-d  not   frrti'ml  t" 

to    me    iMir    llxpcct    to    licar    from    nn'   a;^ain    until    f    Return.      I'leat    to    F)«-^iri. 
Wells    to    lielp    l>lnli|.    Make    t  li.'    Diteli    fi'iir,.    aloiijr   tile    Hill    l.y    the    Mea.|..w    1 
Iii  m    Mi  reel  ions   \'.t'  I  dre    I    I  .eft    liuliie. 

My    I.e\e    t"   all    friends    |m    i',e|sy    anna    and    Diekey   and    von    will    Ta'  „i 

liittle    llollaiid   and    md    Let    lii'i'   for^^id    lii'r  'I'a  I  k    lietoie   I    Uetiirn  and    I    !;• 
.My    Dearyonr    Mlfect  iona  t  e  \'    l,o\inn-   jjn-liaiid 

.INO.   I'.IM,. 


On  tlio  niyht  of  Novoniher  I  .-.,  177(i,  a  few  days  after  the  hattle  of  White 
Plains,  the  Jiritisii  army,  wliicii  Jnid  Immmi  camiKMl  over  aj^  the  Aniertcan.s  on 
the  Ileij^hts  of  'New  Castle,  nuuh"  a  sudden  and  mysterious  retrograde  movement 
toward  New  York.  Washington  eonld  not  fathoni  it.  lie  did  not  kn(»\v  what  we 
know^  today,  that  on  November  l^d,  (  ol.  K'niieit  Mag.iw's  .adjutant,  William  Deniont, 
iiud  slijiped  out  of  Fort  Wasliinoton  and  betrayed  to  the  enemy  the  rom|detf  plans 
of  the  Fort — an  act  of  perfidy  which,  because  it  was  succossful,  intlictod  a  greater 
disaster  uiion  th(>  American  cause  than  the  later  treason  of  Arnold. 

Although  not  understanding  tlie  designs  of  Howe,  but  rea.soning  from  other 
facts,  Washington  believed  that  no  good  could  be  subserved  by  the  retention  of 
Fort  Washington,  which  had  failed  to  ])revent  the  passage  of  tiie  enemy's  vei.sel* 
up  the  Hudson.  On  November  Sth,  therefore,  he  revoked  the  orders  which  he  had 
given  Magaw  to  defend  the  Fort  to  the  last,  and  adviseil  Greene  to  withdraw  the 
garrison   and   stores   to   New  Jersey.      Tie   left  this   course,   however,   ili-  ry 

with  Greene,  who  was  on  the  ground;   and,  by  the  "olVicious   interferen.  .n- 

gress  and  a  venial  error  of  judgment  on  the  part  of  dreene"  (says  Fiake)  the  Kort 
was  retained. 

On  November  bltli,  tli(>  day  liefore  the  liattle.  Howe,  having  ilisposed  his  foreeii 
to    his    satisfaction,    summoned    Magaw    to    surrender,    intimating    that    in    <■ 
refusal  the  .\mericans  might  expect  no  ((uarter.     Whereupon  Magaw  sent  ba^ 
superb  message: 

THE  LAST  EXTin«::\IITV.  " 

That  was  a  bra\e  soldier's  reply,  although  Creene  should  iiave  saved  him  the 
necessity  of  making  it.  The  courage  that  dictated  it  is  amazing,  in  view  of  th* 
physical  and  moral  situation  at  that  tinu^.  Here  were  only  .'{.(M)!)  inexperienced 
Americans  attempting  to  defend  all  of  Manhattan  Island  nortit  of  14.">th  Street/ 
against  9,00(1  trained  and  fully  equi]>ped  foreign  troops.  The  circuit  of  tlie  tiebi  of 
action  was  about  10  miles,  an  a\erage  of  one  American  soldier  to  about  every  It 
feet.  The  King  of  Prussia,  in  his  History  of  the  Seven  Years'  War,  estimated  that 
16,000  men  were  inade.pmte  to  defend  the  city  of  Perlin,  with  about  the  same 

*For  the  sake  of  brevity,   niiiiiy  localities  are   indicated  by  modem  desiirnation*     ir»«>.-»'    ■'■♦ 

course,  were  not  then  known. 

324  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

With  these  odds  against  them,  there  had  been  nothing  in  the  history  of  the 
Revolution  since  Lexington  to  warrant  the  belief  that  the  Fort  could  be  held. 
Bunker  Hill  had  recorded  an  American  retreat;  the  American  army  in  Canada  was 
shattered;  Long  Island  had  nearly  cost  Washington  his  army;  Harlem  Heights  was 
a  succes  d'estime;  White  Plains  was  a  drawn  game.  What  then,  but  the  glorious 
inspiration  of  a  righteous  cause,  expressed  by  Magaw  in  his  message  to  Howe,  can 
account  for  the  superb  defense  of  Fort  Washington? 

The  citadel  of  the  American  defenses,  now  marked  by  the  efforts  of  the  Empire 
State  Society  of  the  Sons  of  the  American  Eevolution  and  the  American  Scenic 
and  Historic  Preservation  Society,  through  the  generosity  of  James  Gordon  Ben- 
nett, Esq.,  was  a  pentagonal  bastioned  earthwork,  situated  on  the  highest  elevation 
of  Manhattan  Island  (271.4  feet)  on  the  western  side  of  Fort  Washington  Avenue 
in  the  line  of  183d  Street.  The  Fort  mounted  32  pieces  of  heavy  cannon,  and  its 
out-works  eleven  more.  The  chief  outer  defenses  were:  A  line  of  breastworks  across 
the  high  ground  between  145th  and  147th  Streets;  a  second  line  between  1.53d  and 
155th  Streets;  a  third  incipient  line  in  the  latitude  of  the  Jumel  Mansion  (Wash- 
ington's Headquarters),  at  161st  Street;  a  strong  redoubt  on  Jeffrey's  Hook  south- 
west of  the  Fort;  a  redoubt  and  breastworks  at  Fort  Tryon,  half  a  mile  north  of 
the  Fort;  a  fortified  position  on  Laurel  Hill,  now  called  Fort  George,  at  the  north- 
ern terminus  of  Amsterdam  Avenue;  a  four-gun  redoubt  down  below  Laurel  Hill 
to  the  northward;  and  various  other  minor  defenses. 

Magaw  commanded  at  Fort  Washington;  Eawlings  and  Williams  were  at  Fort 
Tryon  with  the  Maryland  and  Virginia  riflemen;  Baxter  and  Swope  were  at  Laurel 
Hill  with  militia  of  the  flying  camp,  and  Cadwalader  was  on  the  south  with  his 
Pennsylvania  Rangers. 

About  10  a.  m.,  November  16th,  the  enemy  began  the  assault.  The  attack  was 
made  on  all  sides — on  the  north  by  Knyphausen  and  Rahl  with  their  Hessians  and 
Waldeckers;  on  the  east  at  Laurel  Hill  by  Matthews  and  Cornwallis  with  Light 
Infantry,  Guards  and  Grenadiers,  and  near  155th  Street  by  Stirling  with  his  High- 
landers; on  the  south  by  Percy  and  Howe  with  Red-coats  and  Hessians;  and  on 
the  west  by  the  British  frigate  ' '  Pearl ' '  on  the  Hudson. 

On  the  south,  Cadwalader,  finding  himself  between  the  fires  of  Stirling  and 
Percy,  made  a  dogged  retreat  to  the  Fort,  halting  and  firing,  and  strewing  his 
path  chiefly  with  Hessians.  On  the  east,  under  cover  of  a  furious  bombardment, 
from  University  Heights,  the  British  took  Laurel  Hill,  where  the  brave  Baxter 
fell.  On  the  north,  Rawlings  made  the  most  desperate  resistance  of  the  day  against 
the  giant  Hessians,  whose  bones  can  be  distinguished  to-day  by  their  extraordinary 
size.  Here  there  was  great  slaughter  and  men  fell  like  leaves  from  the  autumn 
trees.  Rawlings  and  Williams  were  both  wounded.  There  were  not  enough  men 
to  man  the  breastworks  and  guns.  In  this  crisis,  American  womanhood  sprang  to 
the  rescue  in  the  person  of  Margaret  Corbin,  who  worked  the  gun  at  the  trail  of 
which  her  dead  husband  lay,  until  she,  too,  fell,  severely  but  not  mortally  wounded. 

But  the  torrent  could  not  be  stemmed,  and  the  tumultuous  whirlpool  of  battle 
swept  nearer  the  Fort.  With  the  Americans,  however,  it  was  still  a  fight,  not  a 
flight; — for  Magaw,  looking  down  the  slopes,  could  see  the  contending  parties 
.mingled  in  a  desperate  hand-to-hand  struggle,  shooting,  thrusting,  striking  and 
stabbing.  The  air  was  filled  with  the  thunder  of  cannon,-  the  roar  of  musketry, 
the  ringing  of  steel,  the  sickening  crunch  of  descending  rifle  butts,  the  shouts  and 
curses  of  combatants,  the  shrieks  of  the  wounded  and  the  groans  of  the  dying. 
One  hundred  and  thirty-two  corpses  strewed  the  ground,  78  of  them  British;  and 
392  men,  of  whom  380  were  British,  either  lay  upon  the  hillsides  or  staggered  with 
gaping  wounds. 

Magaw  had  kept  his  word;  he  had  fought  "to  the  last  extremity,"  and  fur- 
ther resistance  would  have  converted  Fort  Washington  into  a  slaughter  pen.  He 
therefore  yielded  to  a  new  summons,  from  Knyphausen,  and  surrendered.  And 
Washington,  who  had  almost  been  captured  earlier  in  the  day  near  the  Jumel  Man- 
sion, now  standing  with  streaming  eyes  on  the  heights  of  the  Palisades,  saw  the 
American  flag  lowered  and  the  British  ascend  in  its  jAace  over  Fort  Washington. 
•  The  whole  American  command,  about  3,000  in  number,  became  prisoners  of  war, 
and  very  few  of  them  ever  issued  from  the  prisons  into  which  they  were  cast. 

■I'lll';     111   I.I,     KA.MII.V 

M;iiih;ittiiii    IsImihI    iciiiiiitii-il    in    iioMHi'Msion   of   tin-    Mritiih    7 

<liiriii<,r  whicli   Aiiiciicin    I  thli'|ii'ii(|riicc  wjim  ai-hicvcil   \,y  the  <taitii>  i 

(TV    Hint    \v;is    ,liN|il:iyr,|    ;i|    |'',,ri     Wasliinntoii,    Kiii(|»««r  hy    Uw   ni-i|iiiri«i    v  .,f 

<;r(';it  cr  c.x  iicrii'ncc. 

Al    lrn-tli(;iiM,.   iiiHitlnT   ,|.iy    In    1 7s:{.  vvlirii    a  yay   ainl   triiim|>hiint   \,rnrfnmiun 
crossi'd    the    Kiti;i's    I'.ii.j^c    nn-l,    with    iii>*|ii  riii^    mnHir,    i-aim-    inar.'liini;    -lown    the 

Kiii<;sliri(lu..    K',,,hI.      The    niii  luiin.s   w.-rr   I. Inc.   Lull'  ami   wliitr;   tin-   tUn*   -- ' 

.•iihl  white  stripe, I,   with   ,i   Line  canton  contHiriinjj   l.'{  whito  ntarn.     U   hn 
few   ilnys   ;it '>    I'nss,   in   Central    I'nrk,   while    the   i;r     '      '  .,( 

the    Kiii;;'s  tKKij.s   taking,'  place;   ami    then,   on    the   ■_'.'»Hi.   p  »y 

where  the   forma  lit  ies  of  evacuation   were  coinplcteil.     On   that  «lnv   II  <b 

soldier  left   New   'I'ork,  and  once  more  the  Ann-rican  lla^  lloiititil  u'lifh ..i^..,  i,„m 

(he   lsl:iiid"s  loftiest  hei;;lit       Munnl    \\ashinj;ton. 

(The  alHixr  is   frnm    p;nriphlets  of  •'Society  of  Sons  of   the   Ki'Vollllioil.  ") 



().   \V.  and    X.    |)i\  isiim. 

i)i:i'Ai>"  I'M  i:\  r  ( )i'  rii  i:  intkkiok 
T.  s.  c. 

linreau  of   Tensions, 
Sur\i\or  's  File  No.  ^d.lti 
Rev.  War. 

Washington.   I ).  (  ..   Marcli  30,  1907. 
A  statement  of  the  military  history  of  Thomas   Hull,  a  sohlior  of  tho   RKVO 
LUTIOXARV    WAR,    as    contained    in    liis    ajiplication    for    |)eMsioii   on    fjio   in    thH 

Dates  of  enlistment  or  appoint  iiient :   Au^nist.   177i;. 

Leufj-tli  of  servic(>:    I   year.  !i  months. 

Rank:  Tjieiit.-Colomd  commanding;  \Villi;ini   Montjjoniery  "s  F'a.  Flvinjj  f'amp. 

Was  captured  in  surrender  of  Fort  \\:ishin;,'toii,  conJined  in  .Methodist  M.-.-t- 
ing  House,  New  Voik.  paroled  on  hony  Island  until  .\utunin,  1777,  whi-ii  h.-  ";•• 
confined  on  prison  ship   12  days,  returned  to  L.  I.  and  w:is  exchanged  May  8,  1  7    - 

Battles  engajjed  in.  none  mentioned. 

Residence  of  soldier  at  enlistnuMit.   I'];ist   X.antmeal  Twp..  Chester  <'o..  Pa. 

Date  of  ajiplication  for  |ieusion,  Sept.  S,  18.M'. 

Residence  at  date  of  application.  K.-ist  Xantmeal  Twp.,  ChoMtor  Co     V  • 

Born  May  28.  1744,  ().  S.  l'ro\  idence  Twp..  Philadelphia  Co.,  Pa. 

Remarks:  His  claim  was  allowed;  he  was  reported  to  lia\-e  ili«M|  .luU  1.;.  I  >.'.'.». 
For  date  of  last  jJaynuMit  of  pension  apply  to  the  Auditor  for  tin*  Interior  r)o|>t.. 
Treasury  Depit.,  citin<;-  the  following  d.ata:  ' '  CcrtHic.-ite  Xo.  iL'tlt  i.ssuptl  Jany.  17, 
1833,  under  Act  .huie  7,  IS.iii.  at    Pennsyh  .iiiia  .\<,'ency.  " 



I  I'niiii    ■■'file  Churchman  und   K|)i.srii|>al    Horordcr. "   .luIy  'Ji\    1*17.1 
DepaitiMl    this    life.    ,at    his    ri>sidence    in     Hast     N'antnu'al    To\viisiii|>.    <  ...-;.. 
County,    Pennsyh  aiiia,   on    Tlinrsd;iy    morninii'.   the    l.'Uii    iiist..  Col.  Thomas   Hull,  in 
the  94th  year  of  his  aye.  the  father  of  lu>v.  Levi  Hull,  of  this  Diocese. 

It  is  due  to  the  nuMuory  and  character  of  the  deceased  th:»t  something  n«ore 
than  the  mere  notice  of  his  death  should  be  juesenteil  to  the  public,  lie  waj*  one 
of  our  revolutionary  ])atriots.  and  acted  a  conspicuous  part  in  our  strui;yle  for  lib- 
erty. .At  the  commencement  of  the  war  he  received  the  conunission  of  Lieiit<Mi.-int' 
Colonel,  and  was  .attacdieil  to  the  corps  called  tht>  Flyini;  C:imp.  Tliev  inn- 
marched  to  York  Island,  where  they  entereil   into  i-ontlict   with  the   Hriti- 

326  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

The  superior  numbers  of  the  latter  soon  caused  the  Americans  to  retreat  to  Fort 
Washington.  They  were  pursued  by  the  enemy,  and  after  a  brave  and  spirited 
resistance,  were  compelled  to  yield  themselves  prisoners  of  war!  The  Colonel,  in 
company  with  Col.  Ethan  Allen,  and  several  others,  was  then  taken  to  the  Jersey 
prison  ship,  where  he  was  closely  confined,  and  for  three  days  deprived  of  food. 
He  remained  a  prisoner  for  eighteen  months,  at  the  end  of  which  time  he  was 
exchanged  and  returned  to  his  family  at  Warwick  Furnace.  When  our  independ- 
ence had  been  achieved,  he  was  called  by  his  fellow  citizens,  to  aid  in  re-modeling 
the  constitution  of  his  native  State;  and  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  Leg- 
islature of  the  Common-^vealth,  the  duties  of  which  he  discharged  to  the  entire  satis- 
faction of  his  constituents. 

Col.  Bull  sustained  all  the  duties  of  private  life  with  exemplary  fidelity.  He 
was  an  affectionate  husband,  a  kind  parent,  and  an  obliging  neighbor.  In  him  it 
may  be  truly  .said,  the  poor  have  lost  a  friend.  He  was  ever  ready  to  give  a  help- 
ing hand  to  young  men  of  merit,  and  there  are  many  who  bear  grateful  testimony 
to  his  kind  and  timely  aid,  and  ascribe  their  success  in  business,  and  promotion  in 
the  world,  to  his  fostering  care.  His  life  was  protracted  beyond  the  ordinary  limit 
assigned  to  man.  His  latter  end  was  supjjorted  by  the  hopes  and  consolations  of 
the  Gospel  of  Christ.  His  departure  was  calm  and  peaceful;  and  he  hath  descended 
to  the  tomb  like  a  shock  of  corn  fully  ripe  in  its  season. 



To  John  Smith,  Esquire. 

By  Virtue  of  the  Power  and  Authority  invested  in  us,  by  the  Delegates  and 
Eepresentatives  of  the  several  Counties  and  Corporations  in  General  Convention 
assembled,  we,  reposing  especial  Trust  and  Confidence  in  your  Patriotism,  Fidelity, 
Courage,  and  good  Conduct,  do,  by  these  Presents,  constitute  and  appoint  you  to 
be  Colonel  of  the  Militia  of  the  County  of  Frederick;  and  you  are  therefore  care- 
fully and  diligently  to  discharge  the  Trust  reposed  in  you,  by  disciplining  all 
Officers  and  Soldiers  under  your  Command.  And  we  do  hereby  require  them  to 
obey  you  as  their  Colonel.  And  you  are  to  observe  and  follow  all  such  Orders 
and  Directions  as  you  shall  from  Time  to  Time  receive  from  the  Convention,  the 
Committee  of  Safety  for  the  Time  being,  or  any  superior  Officers,  according  to  the 
Rules  and  Regulation  established  by  the  Convention. 

GIVEN"  under  our  Hands,  at  Williamsburg,  this  8th  Day  of  January,  ANNO 
DOMINI  1776. 



Bible  register  of  John  Smith  of  Shooter 's  Hill,  Middlesex  County,  Virginia, 
and  Mary  Jaquelin,  and  partial  register  of  John  Smith  (General)  of  Hickwood, 
Fredrick  County,  Virginia,  and  Animus  Bull. 

John  Smith  and  Mary  Jaquelin  were  married  the  17th  day  of  No- 
vember 1737  By  the  Rev.  Wm.  Dawson  at  James  Town. 

Augustine  Smith  was  born  the  3  of  Janry  about  5  o  'clock  in  the  evening  at 
York  Town  1738  &  Christened  the  15th  of  Jan.ry  by  the  Rev.d  Wm.  Fountain. 

Martha  Jaquelin  Smith  was  born  12th  Nov.r  1740,  it  being  on  a  Wensday 
about  11  o'clock  in  the  fore  noon,  her  Aunt  her  Godmother, 

Till':     lilLI,     I'A.MII.Y  327 

S;ir;ili  Siiiiili  \\;is  Imhh  thr  I  1 1  li  Ndv.r  17  I:.'  iiliuiit  '.I  ii'rid.'k  lit  iii|{ht,  hrr  Aunt 
Cook   \-    \j.  Sinilli   with    Mr.    riiillip  CrvtnoH,  (iodfiit  Iht  &    Mothrr. 

M;irv     Sinitli     \v:is     Imrn     I  Iw     I'.Mli     Sc|it.     ITtI     at     I'l    ii 'cloi-k     in     tlir  i,;» 

l\icli;inl   Aiiililrr   I'lsi].!-   M.-ij.   I'.iiKclcy  ( ;(i.l  fii  I  Ihts.   Mrs.   Ilnkclfv  &   MiLl.   W  i .  \l. 

.I;ii{ii('liii  Siiiiili  w  ;is  liiini  ihc  'Jd  iif  .Inly   ITKi  :i)ioiit    II  o 'i-lork  in  thf*  mornitiK 

and   dicil    tlic   L'  Itli    I'rii.y     17  17. 

I'lli/.aiictii  Smitli   was   liorn    tlir  ■J'.Mli    ]U-i-.v    17  17  ali't    .".   in   tin-   inornini;  *•"!  'I'ril 

till"    lot  li   ScptcnilMM-    17  IS 

John   Smith   was  Imhii   Ihc  7lh  of    M.iy    I7r)il  almnt   .">  in   tin-  niomin);-  ~ 
I']d\v;ir(l   Smith   was   Imi-ii    the    I  1 1  h   .Innc    1 7.')i;  alioiit    I    in   tin"  morning;. 
Malhcw  Smith   was  Inn  ii   thr    \:\{\\  .lan.y    1 7  •">.">  ati't    I '_'  at    Noon  — 
.lohii    Smith    \    .\nimiis    I'.iill    wi'ir    mariird    the    Inth   dav   of    Krhrnnrv    17- 

the    i\e\-.d    Mr.  Stur>;i'ss   in    I'crkidcv. 

Maitlia    Mai'ia    Smith    was   horn    the   iMrd    day    of  .lannarv     I7s-_'   |ii'tw«>cn   six  tt 

St'VlMl    ('{(Mdv    V.   M. 

lOliza  IianiW(dl  Smith  was  horn  the  Inth  day  id"  F(diruary  I7->I  ahont  12  ofTlork 
in    the    Nij^ht. 

John    An>;ust  inc    Smith    was    horn    the    I'.ntli    dav    of    .lannarv    l7Ht»    nl>out    four 

oClock  P.  :\i. 

Edward  .lai|ii(diii  Smith  was  horn  the  ^luth  day  of  I  )i'ci'inlicr  1  7H7  hrtworn  In  ft 
olovon  oChu  iv   1'.  M. 

Aufjustine  Charles  Smith  was  hoin  the  otli  day  id'  Ajirii   ITS!)  uln>iit  2  oClovk  in 

the   morning. 



Washington    City,    .\\<r\\    L'nd,    I^Il'. 
Dr.    Sir. 

I  rec 'd  your  letter  in  answer  to  two  of  mine  hy  a  mail  of  a  few  ilayr*  |>a.Ht,  A 
informed  Mr.  Clay  of  its  contents. 

That  gentleman  has  not  heard  lattdy  from  the  committee  at  Kiehnioml,  when 
he  does,  ycni  sliall  hear  from  me. — 

I    passed    an    irl<some    day    yesterday    in    conclave,    in    cotise<|iien«'0    of    f»    ''nn 
fidential  message  from  the  I'resident 

The  amt.  of  our  deliberations  will   soon  he  known   ic    indeed    I   ealeula' 
offspring    having   been    announced    in    l'hila<lelphia    Itefore   you    reeeive    •  I 

confess  I  like  not  the  jiolicy  adopt(>d,  hut  certainly  shall  supi'ort  it.  .*»•<  tin-  will  at 
the  majority —  From  all  tiiat  I  can  learn,  we  have  to  look  for  war  at  no  ili^^tant 
period —  G.  Britain  is  determined  to  maintain  her  present  system,  ic  ih  ninkini; 
arrangements  to  enforce  it —  We  must  therefore  he  upon  the  alert  &  prepare  for 
the  worst —  I  have  not  heard  from  home  lately  &  am  not  perfectly  at  easo  in 
consefjuence —  It  is  a  thing  however  that  1  often  experience  but  at  present  I 
wish  to  hear  that  Maria  's  well — 

We  have  at  this  moment  cleared  ship  again  to  receive  a  report  from  the  com- 
mittee on  foreign  selections — 

This  tells  you  the  storm  thickens,  f.u-  this  is  .■xtra  of  the  business  of  yester- 
day—  I  will  therefore  with  my  lo\  e  to  i;ii/.a  A:  my  (i'd  Uaugliter  conclude  with 
friendly  salutations.  .inn\    s\frTM 

My  dear  Sandy 

I  have  wished  to  answer  your  letter  for  some  time  but  my  iiaiM  iiaa  not  rcov 
ered  its  firmness,  even  now  f  cannot  command  it,  ami  when  I  came  to  examine 
my  stock  of  paper,  coul.l  only  liml  this  defective  sheet,  excuse  it  my  dear  b<»y. 
aiid  tell  sister  that  the  want  of  paper  prevents  my  writein^  to  her —  Tell  her  too 
that  I  admire  a  good  secret  keeper,  even  supposeing  the  secret  of  no  importance — 
love  to  her. 

We  were  all  delighteil  to  see  William  for  no  one  that  knows  him,  can  help 
loving  him.    dont  you  think  he  has  grown  a  great  deal—    I'ncle  John  is  scouring 

328  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

the  bill  ill  order  to  meet  the  throng  on  the  day  of  election.  I  hope  brother  Smith 
will  do  all  he  can  for  him  amongst  his  neighbours,  for  he  mil  require  the  aid  of 
all  his  friends! 

Wont  you  try  and  come  down  at  easter  if  it  is  but  for  two  or  three  days — I 
have  not  seen  any  thing  in  the  shape  of  game  since  you  left  us  untill  the  arrival 
of  Wm.  he  brought  in  two  rabbits —  I  beg  Neds  pardon  he  did  shoot  one  bird 
this  fan. 

offer  my  best  love  to  dear  Smith,  and  Mary,  and  Comp.  &  to  Mrs.  Meredith — 
be  polite  and  civil  to  every  one,  but  keep  your  opinions  of  them  locked  fast  in 
your  own  breast — farewell  my  dear,  dear  child.  A  SMITH 




Bureau   of  Pensions 

Washington,  D.  C,  August  23,  1916. 

A  statement  of  the  military  history  of  John  Boyd,  a  soldier  of  the  Eevolu- 
tionary  Y"ar,  in  his  widow's  application  for  pension  on  file  in  this  Bureau: 

Date  of  enlistment  or  appointment  and  length  of  service:  September,  1776, 
to  1781,  and  February  10,  1781,  to  end  of  war. 

Bank:    Lieutenant;  Captain  Company  of  Eangers. 

Officers  under  whom  service  was  rendered:  Colonel  William  Cook  anu 
Colonel  Thomas  Craig. 

State:    Pennsylvania. 

Eesidence  of  soldier  at  enlistment:    Not  stated. 

Date  of  application  for  pension:    February  22,  1848.     Her  claim  was  allowed. 

Eesidence  at  date  of  application:    Northumberland  County,  Pennsylvania. 

Age  at  date  of  application:    Eighty  years. 

Eemarks:  He  married  May  13,  1794,  Eebecca,  daughter  of  General  John  Bull, 
soldier,  died  February  13,  1832.  Their  childi'en  were:  Sarah  Haines,  born  April 
9,  1796;  Anima  Smith,  born  February  8,  1798,  died  November  24,  1801;  Mary 
Phillips,  born  November  24,  1799,  died  December  7,  1801;  Elizabeth  Eittenhouse, 
born  September  20,  1801;  John  Benjamin,  born  January  11,  1805,  died  August  1, 
1845;  Yllliam  Thomas,  born  November  29,  1805,  died  January  8,  1848;  Maria 
J'Osepha,  born  September  16,  1808. 



[As  a  portion  of  the  written  and  unwritten  history  of  Perry  Countj'  we 
transfer  the  following  into  the  Historical  Department  of  The  Freeman.  Many 
years  ago  we  read  the  pamphlet  written  by  Captain  White  of  Adams  County,  who 
afterwards  for  a  time  became  a  resident  of  Perry  County,  whose  narrative  is 
referred  to  by  ' '  Aunt  Beckie  Neilson. ' '  The  writer  of  this  has  inshrined  in  his 
memory  as  a  "  thing  of  beauty  and  a  joy ' '  while  life  shall  last,  the  kindness,  the 
grace  and  gentleness  of  Grace  Bull,  the  mother  of  Colonel  Robert  Bull.  And  all 
who  knew  her — and  they  were  many — called  her  a  "good  woman,  full  of  grace 
and  truth. ' ' 

The  mill  owned  by  Colonel  Bull 's  father  was  the  one  first  built  in  Eaecoon 
Valley,  on  the  site  of  what  has  long  since  been  known,  and  still  is,  as  Donnelly  's 
Mill,  on  Eaecoon  Creek. 

Till']     I?ri,T.     I'AMII.V  :j2iJ 

Tlic  ''Liiii's  (in  llic  hi:itli  (iT  <'(iliiiirl  K'dlicrl  Hull''  tin-  vvrit<-r  lirst  srivv  in 
iiinillisci'i  |it  .■ilidiit  Is.'iii;  ii  \\;is  llii-n  II  in  Irist  (Hul  th.'it  iv'dlicrl  Klliolt  c.)'  IcUcMliiiry, 
li  rot  her  of   Iv'cx  .    I  >i'.    I  ):i  \  ii  I    111  I  icil  t ,   w  .-is   1  liri  i-  ;i  ii  I  Imr.      It    is  i|iiit  i-  likely   that   as  f  lii-v 

were   cdiiird    liy    iii;iiiy    yniin;.;    | |>|i'    .-ind    h.-iinli'il    .'ircniihl    t'nr    |iriv;itc   I'iri'iilat  ion    in 

till'  iii'i^li  IiiiiIkiiiiI  wliriT  ('oldiifl  i'liill  was  licst  Uiiowii,  I  licy  lia\c  lost  sonicvvliat,  of 
llic  |MM'liral  [Milisli  aiiil  beauty  in  wiiii-li  tlicy  ori;,ri  tia  I  ly  a  |i|)e.ire(l.  Many  thanks  to 
''Aunt  liei'kie  Nei  Ismi, '  '  and  alsn  to  Seiialni-  Smiley  t'oi'  re|iroi|iiei  ii^  an  intfr<'Ht- 
iiiy'  item   of   the    W'ai'  nt'    1  ^  I L'    with   (lie;it    I'.ritain. 

Nor  let  it  lie  sii|i|Misei|  thai  ('iplmiel  Itiill  ami  his  eom  |ia  t  riot  s  were  mere  ania- 
teni-  Noluntcers.  Hull's  siirreniler  hail  lel't  a  ilet'enselcss  frontier,  where  Hritisli 
forces  an<l  British  Inilians  had  |iossessioii  of  a  |iortioii  of  oiir  territurv.  I'erry's 
victory  on  Lake  taie  did  then  tor  Western  I 'en  ns\d  \  a  nia  what  the  I'.attio  of 
(lettyslmie  did  diiriiie-  Hn'  War  of  the  li'eladlion  for  Middle  and  I'laslern  J'enn- 
syU'ania.  The  liattleof  ('hi|i|iewa  and  l.und\''s  Lane  were,  considerinj^  the  niiinher 
of  troops  enj^aLjed,  as  hard  foii<;'lit  and  lierrely  ronti'sted  It.attlcs  us  were  ever 
foiii;ht  on  the  Continent  of  North  A meric;!.  Let  not  the  history  ot"  the  jiast  be  for- 
e-otton  in  the  noise  and  din  of  later  acts  ot'  heroic  endurance  and  sutt'ering. — 
.1.  A.  Ii.] 

It  siauiis  that  of  late  years,  in  eivinj;'  \i'nt  to  our  patriotism,  we  are  ai'cus- 
tonied  to  la\  ish  praise  u|)on  the  heroes  of  the  Great  Rebellion,  forgetting  that  there 
were  other  wars,  and  that  there  were  heroes  in  those  days.  There  were  nien  who 
in  i-es|ioiise  to  the  country's  call  went  forth  from  the  liills  of  Perry  County  to  the 
battl(>  fiidds  of  ^Fexico,  and  to  the  aoi-th(>rn  frontier  in  the  last  war  with  (!reat 
Itritain,  who  wrote  their  ]iatriotisni  with  their  own  blood  as  indelibly  as  did  the 
heroes  of  our  generation  on  the  l)attle  fields  of  the  Rebellion.  The  records  of 
thes(»  men's  lives  exist  now  only  in  family  tradition,  and  the  ''recollection  of  the 
(ddest  inhabitants.''  These  fireside  stories,  which  will  soon  cease,  contain  many 
\aluable  pages  of  history  if  they  were  carefully  gathered.  A  few  evenings  since, 
ill  company  with  a  friend,  I  called  at  the  home  of  "Aunt  Beckie"  Xeilson,  in 
Center  Township,  near  Bloomfield,  and  heard  her  tell  her  recollection  of  Colonel 
Robert  Bull,  who  was  slain  at  the  battle  of  ("hijipewa  on  the  ")th  of  duly,  1H14. 
(' '  Aunt  Beckie  Neilson''  was  Rebecca  Darlington  Hull,  the  ninth  and  youngest 
child  of  William  and  [Sarah  Bull.  She  married  William  Neilson.)  Mrs.  Neilson  is 
one  of  those  delightful,  kind  old  ladies  who  makes  everybody  hajijiy  who  comes 
within  the  influence  of  lor  jiresence,  and  altlnuigh  the  years  of  her  jdlgrimage 
number  almost  four-score,  yet  her  steji  is  steady,  her  eye  undimnied,  and  her  recol- 
lection of  events  that  occurred  nearly  three-quarters  of  a  century  ago  clear  and 
distinct.    Her  story  was  substantially  as  follows: 

''When  Governor  Snyder  issued  his  call  for  14,000  militia  to  aid  in  repelling 
the  British  invasion  of  our  northern  l)ordei-,  my  cousin.  Colonel  Robert  Bull,  was 
among  the  first  to  go.  His  father  at  that  time  owned  a  grist  mill  in  Raccoon 
Valley,  where  we  all  lived.  Robert  took  with  him  also  my  brother,  John  Bull. 
From  my  brother  and  Captain  Samuel  White  of  Adams  County,  who  called  to  see 
me  in  after  years,  I  learned  the  story  of  the  Colonel's  death.  On  the  ."ird  of  July, 
1814,  the  American  army  crossed  the  river  (Niagara)  and  <'ai)tured  Fort  Erie. 
The  second  day  afterward  the  army  was  ordered  out  to  attack  the  British. 
Colonel  Bull,  before  leaving  camp,  ordered  my  brother  to  remain  with  ilr.  .Tones, 
a  brother  of  the  late  Caldwallader  .lones,  Escj.,  of  Elliottsburg.  .lones  was  lying 
very  low  with  an  attack  of  dysentery,  and  my  brother  was  ordered  to  attend  him 
in  the  hope  that  his  life  might  be  saved.  When  (uir  soldiers  met  the  enemy,  there 
was  a  call  made  for  volunteers  to  go  out  ami  drive  off  the  Indians,  who  were  firing 
upon  our  men  from  some  place  of  concealment.  About  300  men  with  a  number 
of  friendly  Indians  olfered  to  go.  The  Indians  on  our  side  were  all  commanded 
to  tie  strips  of  white  muslin  around  their  hats,  so  that  they  could  be  distinguished 
from  the  Indians  of  the  British.  They  succeeded  in  driving  the  foe  from  their 
concealment,  but  were  afterwards  decoyed  by  some  Indians  with  white  bands  on 
their  hats  into  an  ambush,  where  they  were  nearly  all  killed  or  captured.  The 
hats  with  the  white  bands  which  they  wore  had  been  taken  from  the  friendly  In- 
dians they  killed,  and  this  strategem  proved  successful.  Among  the  captured 
were   Colonel   Bull,   Major   Calloway   and    Captain    White.      Tli(\v   were    all    robbed 

330  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

and  stripped  of  their  clothing,  and  compelled  to  march  barefoot  over  the  roughest 
kind  of  ground  until  they  were  almost  exhausted.  Captain  White,  who  was  a 
large  man,  told  me  when  he  came  here  on  his  visit  that  he  was  so  far  gone  before 
they  came  to  a  final  halt  that  at  last  a  large  Indian  came  behind  him  and  would 
catch  him  by  the  shoulders  and  push  him  forward  against  another,  who  would 
keep  him  from  falling  down,  and  in  this  manner  they  worked  him  along. 

Soon  after  they  had  started  with  their  prisoners  an  Indian  raised  his  rifle  and 
shot  Colonel  Bull  through  the  body.  He  cried  for  help  and  fell,  but  the  Indian 
rushed  up,  struck  him  -wath  his  tomahawk  and  scalped  him  in  the  most  inhuman 
and  barbarous  manner.  They  then  threw  his  body  on  a  pile  of  brush  and  marched 
away.  For  weeks  no  tidings  of  his  death  came  to  his  home.  When  my  brother 
returned  he  had  to  pass  the  home  of  Colonel  Bull 's  father.  I  remember  that  he 
remained  at  Millerstown  until  dark  so  that  he  could  pass  the  place  without  being 
recognized,  and  thus  avoid  communicating  the  sad  news  until  they  were  pre- 
pared for  it  by  first  hearing  the  story  from  other  persons.  Jones  died  on  the  night 
of  the  battle  of  Chippewa.  In  order  that  he  might  have  something  of  a  Christian 
burial,  my  brother  took  his  hatchet  and  knocked  some  boards  off  an  old  stable, 
with  which  he  made  a  rough  box  coffin.  He  begged  a  sheet  from  a  nurse,  with 
which  he  enfolded  him,  and  thus  shrouded  and  coffined,  he  was  laid  in  the  ground 
for  his  final  rest.  My  brother  took  sick  immediately  afterwards,  and  his  illness 
prevented  him  from  writing  to  us  concerning  his  cousin 's  death.  It  was  sad 
intelligence  when  it  came,  for  the  whole  nighborhood,  but  particularly  for  his 
father  and  an  invalid  sister,  who  never  recovered  entirely  from  the  shock.  It  was 
said  that  the  father  had  premonitions  of  his  son's  death  by  the  singular  stopping 
of  the  machinery  of  his  mill,  and  the  strange  manner  in  which  it  started  again 
on  the  very  day  that  he  was  killed,  at  least  it  was  to  him  a  mystery  which  he 
looked  upon  as  the  harbinger  of  evil  tidings  concerning  his  son.  Colonel  Bull 
was  an  honorable,  upright  man,  a  Christian,  and  always  noted  for  his  benevolence 
and  charity.  It  was  said  when  smallpox  broke  out  among  his  men  he  would  visit 
their  couches  and  minister  to  their  wants,  and  on  the  Sabbath  day  all  the  time  at 
his  disposal  was  spent  in  reading  the  Bible  and  in  holding  religious  conversations 
with  the  sick  in  the  hospital.  As  an  instance  of  his  kindness  of  heart,  I  remember 
that  an  Irish  woman,  by  the  name  of  Williams,  who  lived  with  her  two  children 
in  our  neighborhood,  had  been  deserted  by  her  husband.  She  had  no  means  of 
subsistence,  and  before  leaving  home  Colonel  Bull  made  the  proposition  to  my 
father  that,  to  prevent  suffering  in  the  family,  he  would  make  arrangements  for 
furnishing  them  with  flour  if  my  father  would  provide  them  with  firewood.  I 
recollect  that  on  a  day  when  they  were  hauling  her  wood  she  selected  a  stick 
which  she  put  carefully  away  under  the  bed,  with  the  statement  that  if  it  pre- 
sented some  particular  appearance  at  the  end  of  a  certain  number  of  weeks  it 
would  be  a  sure  indication  that  the  Colonel  would  never  return  home  alive.  At 
the  designated  time  the  stick  was  removed,  and  it  presented  the  appearance  she 
dreaded.  The  old  woman  made  the  most  solemn  asseverations  that  they  would 
never  behold  the  Colonel  alive  again,  and  singularly  enough  her  predictions  were 
verified. ' ' 

The  good  old  lady  closed  her  story  with  the  statement  that  Captain  White 
had  written  a  narrative  of  their  capture  and  imj^risonment,  which  was  published. 

11 II';    liiLL    I'AMiLV  :',:i\ 


(i-'riilii    the    MliisropMl    Iv'rrdrilcr.      'I'rilMltc    \<i    Mis.    M;iiI|i;i    (I'.iiII)    SllJlfcr.) 

''To  iill  who  li;iil  tlif  |ilt';isiiiT  and  iMhitiita^c  of  an  a('((iiaiiitaiii-c  with  this  ex 
(•client  la<ly,  tlic  iicriiliar  luvcl  i  ncss  of  her  (Iis|i(isi1  idn  aii<l  i-lia  radiT  was  intifriatclv 
known.  To  ii.itiiial  cxci'lli'iicc  of  niiini  .-iml  <lis|)ositioii  wliidi  ilist in^^uishcil  her 
from  early  yoiit  ii  n|i  t  lii(iii;;li  all  the  \  icissi  tildes  of  life  to  the  ilay  of  iiei-  death,  di  vine 
l^raee  had  aildeil  its  cliaiiiis;  aii<l  fnr  III  yeai's  or  more  she  iiiailc  the  reli^ion  of 
the  Sa\i(iiir  n\'  Siiiiicis  the  ;^reat  fi^()\'erii  i  ii;^  pri  nri  |]le.  elnnents  and  irKidel  of  her 
life,  diiriiii^  all  nl'  wliirli  time  she  remaiiinl  ;iii  ;ii'ti\e,  ronsisteiil  and  vr-rv  ex- 
eiii|ihiry  meiiilier  nf  the  I'l-otestant  ('linirli  nf  St.  .Mary's,  \\'arwi(d<  TownHhi|i,  under 
the  rectorship  (d'  her  revcreiid  hrotiier  (  li'i'V,  l>c\i  Hull,  I).  I).).  As  mit,'ht  he  ex- 
|iect(Ml  t'roni  :i  lite  sn  const  a  iil  ly  de\'oted  to  active  usefulness,  and  imlniecl  so  iniicli 
with   the  spirit    nf    piety,   her   einl    was    peace." 

from   ;i    lie\\s|i;iper  of  the  day   after   his  de;ith    is  the    followinfj: 

''Jiidye  Shafer  was  liorn  in  I'ottstown,  Monti^nmery  ('onnty,  wliere  lie  spent 
the  (>aidy  days  ot'  his  life.  The  stern,  unhendin^'  int<'}iiity  e\ince(l  hy  liim  in  his 
transactions  with  his  neij^hliors  and  friends,  comhinod  with  his  accnracy  as  an 
acconntant,  and  his  inteili^euce,  point(>d  him  ont  as  eminently  ipialifieij  to  act  in  a 
Judicial  capacity;  and  perha|)s  no  one  in  this  community  had  a  he;i\icr  task 
allotted  him  than  lie,  in  the  settlement  of  estates,  in  the  renderiiijr  of  ffiiardian- 
ship  .accounts,  and  in  inattors  of  kindred  costs.  I'ossessed  of  a  liiyli  sense  of  honor, 
and  ki'cnlv  sensitixe  of  ri>ilit,  lie  acteil  for  otiiei's  as  he  would  ha\'p  done  for  him- 

''Without  solicitation  on  his  jiart,  a|i|dic;it  imi  was  made  in  the  s]irin^  of  1849 
to  (ioN'ernor  .lohnstoiie  in  his  behalf  for  the  appointment  of  Associate  .ludj^e  in  the 
courts  of  this  (Chester)  county,  to  fill  a  vacancy  then  occurrinj^-.  ilaviiij^  serveU 
more  than  two  years  on  the  bench,  the  appointiii<;  power  was  taken  from  the  Gov- 
ernor and  made  elective  by  the  jieople.  At  the  "cneral  election  in  1851  Judge 
Shafer  was  elected  for  five  years.  Me  received  the  united  votes  of  both  political 
jiarties,  no  candidate  being  run  in  upposition  to  him,  an  evidence  of  his  extreme 
]>opularity  both  m  his  private  and  official  capacit}^,  a  compliment  very  rarely  be- 
stowed, and  as  deserved  as  it  was  generous.  ITe  held  the  office  until  his  death 
on  the  2()t]i  of  April,  ISofi,  at  the  age  of  65  years  and  1   month. 

"Judge  Shafer  jiossessed  the  elements  of  a  true  man  and  discharged  the 
resjionsible  duties  of  his  station  with  singular  jiropriety,  discretion  and  firmness. 
Sound  and  impartial  in  judgment,  diligent  in  business,  and  most  amiable  in  temjier 
and  disposition,  he  w^as  universally  regarded,  and  secured  the  entire  confidence  of 
th(>  community.  In  his  intercourse  with  the  inembers  of  the  Bar  lie  was  not  only 
affable  and  courteous,  but  kiiul  and  considerate,  and  was  with  them  a  uni\ersal 
favorite.  It  niay  be  said  of  Judge  Shafer  that  no  more  Imnoialile  or  noble-mimled 
man  ever  adorned  the  Bench." 



This  business  man  of  Sherman  has  lived  in  that  city  for  more  tlian  half  a 
century,  and  for  forty  years  has  been  i<lentifie<l  in  an  official  capacity  with  the 
Merchants  and  Planters  National  Bank,  of  whi(di  he  is  vice-jiresident. 

The  family  to  which  he  belongs  has  had  a  long  and  honorable  record  of 
activities  both  in  colonial  and  national  history,  having  resided  successivelv  in 
Pennsylvania,  Virginia,  Tennessee,  and  other  Southern  States.  The  ('ha]inians 
were  of  English  origin.  Phillip  Chapman  was  born  in  or  aliout  London.  The 
father  of  Phillip  Chapumn  was  for  a  long  time  a  wealthy  merchant  in  that  citv. 
There  were  tour  children  of  this  family,  three  sons  and  one  daughter.  The  two 
elder  sons  engaged  in  business  with  tiieir  father,  the  youngest  was  sent  to  school 
in  France  and  the  sister  in  Spain.     At  a  particular  time  the  father  was  alone  in 

332  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

London,  the  eldest  son  was  in  Ireland,  perhaps  on  the  firm  's  business.  The  next 
son  had  gone  to  France  and  Spain  to  visit  his  brother  and  sister.  During  their 
absence  their  father  died  suddenly,  presumably  of  apoplexy.  Before  the  return 
of  either  son,  the  whole  estate  was  seized  and  sold  by  the  government,  either  for 
church  or  state  purposes.  Thus  the  children  were  left  measurable  destitute.  Then 
Phillip  Chapman  went  to  Ireland  and  engaged  in  the  wool-combing  business. 
What  became  of  his  sister  and  two  brothers  is  not  known,  nor  the  length  of 
Phillip  's  stay  in  Ireland,  but  it  was  probably  not  long.  During  the  English  per- 
secutions of  the  seventeenth  century,  Phillip  Chapman  fled  to  America  and  so  far  as 
is  known  was  the  original  settler  of  the  family  in  the  United  States.  Benjamin 
Chairman,  a  descendant,  once  remarked  that  his  relative's  account  of  these  perse- 
cutions made  his  blood  boil.  The  exact  time  of  Phillip  Chapman's  arrival  in 
America  is  not  known;  presumably  it  was  some  time  about  the  first  of  the  seven- 
teenth century  or  in  the  course  of  the  first  half  of  that  time.  He  settled  first  in 
New  Jersey,  the  length  of  his  stay  not  being  known.  He  married  and  removed 
from  Xew  Jersey,  settling  in  Bucks  County,  Pennsylvania,  about  50  miles  from 
Philadelphia.  Here  he  died  and  was  buried.  His  family  consisted  of  two  sons 
and  two  or  three  daughters.  The  name  of  the  eldest  was  James^  the  youngest 
Benjamin.  One  of  the  daughters  married  a  Mr.  Chaffer,  the  other  a  Mr.  Brown. 
The  former  removed  to  Ohio,  the  latter  perhaps  to  Virginia. 

James  Chapman,  a  native  of  Pennsylvania,  son  of  Phillip  Chapman  and  grand- 
father of  E.  A.  Chapman,  moved  to  Sumner  County,  middle  Tennessee,  from  Prince 
Edward  County,  Virginia.  He  was  a  very  prominent  American  Revolutionary 
soldier,  and  was  entitled  to  a  sword  from  the  government.  The  tassel  was  shot 
from  the  hilt  of  his  sword  at  the  battle  of  Long  Island.  He  served  several  cam- 
paigns during  the  war,  and  in  1783  moved  to  Prince  Edward  County,  Virginia. 
He  was  then  called  into  service  again,  but  his  wife  being  sick,  and  Benjamin,  his 
brother,  being  then  old  enough,  the  latter  took  the  place  of  James  in  the  army. 
In  1817  this  Benjamin,  the  brother  of  James,  removed  from  Charlotte  County, 
Virginia,  to  Williamson  County,  Tennessee.  He  raised  a  large,  pious  family — two 
sons,  Phillip  and  William,  and  several  daughters.  Many  of  the  descendants  still 
live  in  middle  Tennessee. 

James  Chapman  lived  in  Virginia  until  he  removed  to  Sumner  County,  Ten- 
nessee, arriving  December  24,  1797,  at  King's  Station,  about  two  miles  from  the 
present  site  of  Gallatin.  Mr.  King  was  the  father  of  Rev.  Samuel  King,  one  of  the 
ministers  who  constituted  the  Cumberland  Presbyterian  Church,  and  the  Kings 
had  been  special  friends  of  the  Chapmans  in  Virginia.  In  1799  Mr.  Chapman  lived 
on  Desha's  Fork  of  Bledsoe  Creek.  In  1800  he  bought  a  tract  of  land  near 
King's  Station.  He  died  the  same  year  of  consumption  and  was  buried  on  King 
land  near  the  station.  This  disease  seems  to  have  been  hereditary.  While  a  resi- 
dent of  Virginia  he  was  flat-boating  and  attempted  to  land  in  Richmond  during  a 
violent  storm;  he  experienced  great  difficulty  in  so  doing,  took  cold  from  ex 
posure  which  settled  on  his  lungs,  finally  resulting  in  his  death. 

James  Chapman  married  Martha  Kirkpatrick  about  1772  or  1773.  They  had 
nine  children — Phillip,  the  eldest;  Alexander,  John,  Martha,  Samuel,  James,  Ben- 
jamin, William  and  Mary.  The  latter  came  to  her  death  by  falling  in  scalding 
water.  .James  Chapman  was  extremely  religious  and  was  a  member  and  ruling 
elder  in  the  Presbyterian  Church.  Of  the  children,  Phillip  was  born  in  Bucks 
County,  Pennsylvania,  May  26,  1773.  He  had  three  sons — John,  Phillip  and 
Newton.  Nothing  is  known  of  John 's  family.  Phillip  and  Newton  raised  families 
in  Ellis  County,  Texas,  where  some  of  their  chiktren  still  reside.  Alexander 
Chapman,  of  the  above-named  children,  was  born  in  January,  1776,  in  Bucks 
County,  Pennsylvania,  and  died  September  15,  1834.  He  was  a  Cumberland  Pres- 
byterian minister  and  was  regarded  as  one  of  the  greatest  revivalists  of  that 
denomination  in  his  day.  He  has  two  grandsons  who  are  widely  known  mis- 
sionaries in  .Japan,  Alexander  Haile  being  one  of  them.  Alexander  Chapman  has 
one  grandson  in  Columbia,  Tennessee,  and  some  in  Texas  and  Missouri.  John 
Chapman,  another  son  of  James,  was  born  in  Bucks  County,  Pennsylvania,  and 
died  without  heirs.  Martha  Chapman,  also  born  in  Bucks  County,  married  a  Mr. 
Brown,  and  had  a  large  family,  one  of  whom,  John  Brown,  joined  the  Mormons  at 

TIIK      I'.II.I,      I'AMII.V  :',:{;{ 

;iii  c.iih  il.i  1 1',  \\  I'll  I  witli  tliciii  IdSmH  I  ..I  kr  (  ity  n  ml  Ii;ic|  f  lircc  \vi  \  (m  ami  t  went  y  (ivf> 
cliililriii.  S.iiiiiirl  .'iml  .Iniiirs  wcrr  Imlh  Imrn  in  I'riinc  l!iKv;iril  'iniiity,  X'iri^iiiia, 
l)iit   tlicri'  is  no  record  of  tliciii. 

l'>riij;iniiii  ( 'lia|>iiiaii,  thr  t'atlirr  of  li'irlia  rd  A.  <'lia|itnaM,  was  l>orri  in  I'riiice 
Ivlwiii'il  ('ouiity,  \'ir<^i  Ilia,  July  l.I,  17s'.*.  Ilr  was  stalioiicil  at  I'msai-ola,  l^'loriiln, 
(liirinji  till'  war  of  ISliI,  ami  dird  I  )i'iriiilit'i-  I,  Isiil,  on  the  old  liomcsti'ad  in  Miiddlt- 
'Pcnnossci'.  .Mioiit  isi^i;  he  mairii'd  K'l  liocca  .\iiii  Hull,  \\  Iiom'  jiatiTiial  aiicj'storM 
caino  frc)iii  I'ln^laml  aiiout  His.").  Ijcr  niotliir  was  a  Andrrson,  and  lo-r  i;r;ini|- 
parcnts'  siii'iianic  Maliiii,  whose  liisfoiy  dates  liaidv  to  ahoiit  Wi'lo,  lia\inj^  first 
sottled  .'it  i  I  i  1  Islmid.  Xortli  <'arolina,  ;iiid  |iroMi  i  neii  t  ly  pa  rt  ie  i  pa  ted  in  the  Keviilil- 
tionary  \\':ii'.  Tlie  people  ol'  this  seel  ion  l'rei|ueiit  ly  r.-iise(l  Udiaci-o,  |int  it  in  tliifk- 
liended  hoe  shcai  Is,  in  and  Ihrniieh  tjic  nii<ldle  of  wliieh  t  liev  inserted  a  st«)iit  wooden 
jiin,  placed  over  thiit  two  iioles,  similar  to  the  sliafts  of  a  \(diic|e,  ainl  to  this 
their  o.xeii  were  hitidiecl,  prejiaratory  to  the  ndl  trip  to  market. 

Benjainin  ('liapiiiaii  was  a  lioat  Imihler  liefore  the  days  of  st<'ainl)oats,  and 
navigated  his  own  lioats  liy  the  ri\er  current  mi  the  ( 'iinil)erlaml  l{iver  and  other 
rivt'vs  ill  'reiiuessee  to  New  Orle.'iiis.  Here  he  disjiosed  of  hotii  carj^o  and  lioat,  the 
heavy  timln'r  of  tlie  latter  lieiiiy  useil  for  foundations  of  Ituildinjjs  in  New 
Orleans.  Tliese  boats  were  pvit  toj;etlier  with  wooden  pins,  there  hein^;  no  nails 
or  iron  in  those  days,  even  shingles  on  houses  being  so  retained.  He  always  ha<l  a 
horse  ahoanl  lioat,  tlie  animal  being  used  to  carry  specie  and  camp  outfit  on  the 
return,  which  entailed  a  walk  back  home,  a  journey  through  a  wilderness  fraught 
with  much  danger,  various  tribes  of  Indians  being  encountered  and  tlie  route  fre- 
quented by  robbers.  As  a  mere  matter  of  history,  at  this  early  date,  the  inhabi- 
tants as  a  rule  could  not  get  money  to  pay  their  taxes,  and  they  were  usually  paiil 
in  jH'ltry,  such  as  the  hides  of  all  animals,  taken  from  the  records  of  Sumner 
County,  Tennessee.  Boat  building  was  the  regular  business  of  Henjamin  ('ha|)nian 
until  is:;,"),  at  which  date  he  settled  down  on  a  farm  in  Sumner  County  and 
remained  tliere  until  his  death  in  1859.  There  were  three  children  in  the  family  of 
Beiijaniin  Chapman,  two  of  whom  are  still  living.  William  A.  Chapman,  born 
August  -,  ls;V2,  is  on  the  old  homestead  in  Sumner  County.  During  the  war  be- 
tween the  states  he  served  in  the  Confederate  army  under  General  Morgan,  was 
captured  with  the  Morgan  force  in  Ohio,  and  remained  a  prisoner  until  the  close 
of  the  war.  lie  married  Mildred  Fry,  and  has  throe  daughters  an<l  one  son,  John, 
and  several  grandchildren. 

Richard  A.  Cliapman,  who  is  now  well  past  the  age  of  fourscore  years,  was 
born  November  29,  1S29,  in  Sumner  County,  Tennessee.  There  he  was  reared 
and  educated,  and  most  of  his  early  training  was  acquired  in  a  log  schoolhouse 
three  miles  soutli  of  Gallatin.  To  (piote  liis  own  words,  he  ''learned  to  write  with 
a  quill  pen.  seated  on  a  split  log,  without  a  back,  and  no  desk.  Barefooted  boys 
and  girls  w-aded  in  the  branch  and  swung  eacli  other  in  grapevine  swings,  and  had 
sweethearts  as  they  do  today. 

After  living  the  first  3;^  years  of  his  life  in  Tennessee,  ^Fr.  Chapman  came  to 
Texas  in  Fel)ruary,  1S()'2.  lie  volunteered  for  service  in  the  Confederate  army, 
and  at  the  close  of  the  war  his  company  was  disbanded  at  Houston.  When  he 
arrived  in  Sherman  the  town  was  a  village  of  about  400  people,  and  all  the  sur- 
rounding country  was  a  wild  and  open  cattle  range.  He  has  seen  deer,  antelopes, 
buffaloes,  and  wild  turkeys  in  great  abundance  throughout  a  country  that  is  now 
covered  over  with  smiling  farms,  towns,  and  other  evidences  of  nuidern  civilization. 
After  the  war  he  invested  what  little  money  he  lu\d  in  merchandise  and  land,  and 
has  always  prospered  in  his  business  affairs.  When  the  Merchants  and  Planters 
National  Bank  was  organizeil  in  1S7;5  he  becanu^  identified  with  its  efficient  man- 
agenuuit,  and  has  served  as  its  vice-president  for  about  forty  years.  His  own 
motto  has  been  "a  dollar  saved  is  a  dollar  made  with  interest."  No  man  lias  more 
friends  or  has  been  trusted  more  implicitly  in  the  community  than  this  well  known 
Sherman  banker. 

Aliout  1S4S,  before  he  reaidied  his  majority,  !Mr.  Chai>nian  joined  an  old  school 
Presl)ytcrian  church.  About  fiv(>  years  later,  in  IS.lo,  he  was  given  liis  first  degree 
in  the  Masonic  Lodge  at  Gallatin,  Tennessee,  and  again  to  use  his  own  words, 
■"found  to  my  surprise  that  my  mother  had  taught  me  tlie  ]irinciples  of  the  order 

334  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

from  infancy. ' '  On  leaving  Tennessee  in  1862,  lie  got  a  dimit  from  the  Masonic 
order,  and  on  reaching  Sherman  placed  this  paper  with  the  local  lodge  and  went 
into  the  Confederate  army.  He  has  always  been  loyal  to  the  tenets  of  Masonry, 
although  other  affairs  have  kept  him  from  as  regular  attendance  as  he  could  have 
wished.  He  is  one  of  the  oldest  Masons  in  North  Texas_,  and  feels  that  the  teach- 
ings of  the  order  are  certain  to  bring  into  each  life  the  highest  ideals  of  service 
and  character.  Mr.  Chapman  believes  that  while  churches  may  change  their  teach- 
ings, true  Masons  never  do,  and  those  who  obey  the  strict  rules  and  rites  of 
Masonr_y  must  in  all  important  respects  conform  to  the  highest  ideas  of  the 
Christian  life. 

On  April  30,  1857,  Mr.  Chapman  was  married  in  Gallatin,  Tennessee,  to  Miss 
Mary  Vivian  Fry,  who  was  born  in  Winchester,  Clarke  County,  Kentucky.  Her 
father  was  a  farmer  and  merchant  of  Winchester,  and  at  one  time  represented  his 
district  in  the  State  Legislature  of  Kentucky  and  was  quite  a  prominent  man. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chapman  have  five  children,  three  sons  and  two  daughters,  as  follows: 
James  E.,  born  in  18.58,  married  Helen  Smith  of  Austin,  Texas,  and  is  a  farmer 
and  stock  raiser  near  Sherman;  Richard  A.,  Jr.,  born  in  1860^  married  Nora  May- 
field  of  Overton,  Texas,  and  with  George  F.,  unmarried,  constitutes  the  firm  Chap- 
man Milling  Company  at  Sherman;  Mrs.  Lulu  Mayfield,  the  older  daughter,  is  the 
wife  of  Allison  Mayfield,  one  of  the  Railroad  Commissioners  of  the  State  of  Texas 
and  one  of  the  most  prominent  men  in  public  affairs  in  the  State  today;  Miss 
Mamie  Chapman  lives  at  home  with  her  parents. 

Mr.  Chapman  has  always  been  a  Democrat  and  has  given  his  j-eoman 's  service 
to  the  party  and  to  the  cause  of  just  government.  The  Chapman  residence  in 
Sherman  is  at  1301  East  Lamar  Street. 


Col.  Daniel  H.  Boughton,  attached  to  the  Tenth  Cavalry,  one  of  the  most  useful 
officers  in  the  Army,  died  on  Monday,  August  24,  at  Fort  Huachuca,  Ariz.,  where 
his  regiment  is  stationed,  after  an  illness  of  six  weeks.  Col.  Boughton  was  born  in 
Minnesota  on  August  27,  1858,  and  entered  West  Point  from  Iowa  in  1877.  He 
was  graduated  four  years  later  and  assigned  as  a  second  lieutenant  to  the  Third 
Cavalry,  going  on  frontier  duty  in  Wyoming  after  his  graduation  leave.  In  1882 
he  was  in  command  of  Indian  scouts  in  Arizona.  He  was  promoted  to  first  lieu- 
tenant in  1885,  and  was  an  honor  graduate  of  the  Infantry  and  Cavalry  School  of 
the  class  of  1887.  From  1890  until  1894  Col.  Boughton  was  stationed  at  West  Point, 
first  as  assistant  to  the  quartermaster  and  then  as  instructor  in  law  and  also  as 
assistant  professor  of  history. 

While  at  the  Military  Academy  Col.  Boughton  was  admitted  to  the  bar  of 
New  York,  and  when  stationed  at  Jefferson  Barracks  in  St.  Louis  he  attended  the 
Washington  University  and  graduated  with  the  degree  of  LL.  B.  He  commanded 
a  troop  of  the  Third  Cavalry  at  the  battle  of  San  Juan  and  the  siege  of  Santiago- 
in  the  war  with  Spain  and  was  recommended  for  the  brevet  of  major.  In  July, 
1900,  he  left  Washington  with  a  squadron  for  China,  but  at  Nagasaki  his  destina- 
tion was  changed  to  Manila,  Peking  having  fallen.  In  the  islands  Col.  Boughton 
was  placed  in  command  of  seventeen  organizations,  troops,  and  companies  in  the 

1902  campaign,  which  resulted  in  the  surrender  of  Gen.  Malvar.     He  had  charge  in 

1903  of  the  distribution  of  supplies  and  aided  in  establishing  civil  government  in 
the  provinces  of  Batangas,  Laguna,  and  Mindoro.  He  distributed  22,000,000 
pounds  of  rice — purchased  shiploads  at  a  time — for  the  benefit  of  the  natives  of 
those  provinces. 

Col.  Boughton  was  promoted  to  a  captaincy  in  1896.  major.  Second  Cavalry, 
in  May,  1903,  was  transferred  to  the  Eleventh"^  Cavalry  in  October  of  that  year, 
and  then  to  the  Fifth  Cavalry  in  1909.  He  was  senior  instructor  in  the  depart- 
ment of  law  at  the  Army  Service  Schools  at  Fort  Leavenworth  from  1904  to  1906, 
and  then  as  senior  instructor  in  the  department  of  military  art  until  1908,  in  the 
meantime  also  serving  as  commandant  of  the  Army  School  of  the  Line  and  Staff 

Til  10      I  Ml,  I,     KWlll.V  :«.') 

('ollc^c.  Ill'  \\;is  :\  iiiciiihi'i-  (if  till'  i^i'iiiT.-il  st:ilT  t'iDiii  I'.His  t(i  I'.iIl:,  ;iih1  wriH  (jradii- 
iitcd  fniin  the  Army  \\;ir  ( '(illi';;r  in  I'.Mn.  'j'hc  lnlhivvi  n^^  yr;ir  li(>  wsis  [(roinotnl  to 
li,. lit  I'll,!  Ill  idliiiicl  (if  (•;i\;iliy  ;iimI   \\:is  :i(l\iim'i'il   to  roloncl  on   .\|>iil  .''U  last. 

('iii.  I  Ioiii;lit(iii 's  sci'\  ices  in  <iili;i  in  iS'.IS  (■licitci!  ;i  letter  troiii  < 'ol.  KfKJSOVcIt 
on  l''clini;irv  '_',  isii'.i,  to  tlic  I'rcsicleiit,  in  uliicli  tlie  tlirii  jrovcrnor  of  New  York 
siiiil:  ''!  li;ul  tlu'  i^ooil  t'ortiinc  to  lie  .-in  eyewitness  to  < 'ol.  I'oiii^liton 's  eool  four- 
;ii'-e  ;iii(l  soldierly  i^ood  coniliiit  iit  tlii'  exticine  front  in  tin'  S:i  iit  i;it,'o  fiylitinj^  aii'l 
I  spoak  of  liiiii  with  t  lie  most  ii  ii  rese  r\  cd  |ii-:iise.  lie  is  as  j^ood  .-mi  olVicer  as  there 
was  in  the  c.-iviilrx  ilixision.  I  s:iw  him  ;it  the  extreme  front  .-it  tin;  imkI  of  the 
.liil\-  1  liyht,  when  he  re|ioited  to  me.  .\  t  th:it  time  there  h:id  Ix'C'Il  HOIIie  talk  of 
retirine'  and  he  came  o\er,  ha\iiii^'  |ii'e\iously  re|iorted  to  nie  I'm-  iliity,  to  state  that 
he  iKiil  heard  the  rumor  and  wisheil  in  most  em|diatic  manner  to  protest  ami  to 
state  that  he  was  certain  we  coiild  hohl  oiir  |i(i^itioii  aj^aiiist  any  force  the  Span- 
iards coiihl  possildy  liriii^  to  lieai  ai^ainst  ii-.  lie,  ;it  this  time,  was  one  of  those 
stationecl  at  the  exlicme  ri;^lit  tlank  and  hail  lo  ;;iiard  his  flank  as  well  as  his  front; 
but  110  one  who  saw  the  cool  stdf-conlideiice  and  t horou^ili  mastery  of  his  profession 
wliii'li  lie  showed  throuehoiit  the  fij^lit  could  dmilit  his  ahilitv  to  more  than  make 
liis  words  e'ood.  lie  led  his  troops  in  e\-er\-  charec.  j  c;innot  too  hi;^hly  coiniiientl 
liim.  ' ' 

|)iiriiie-  (ol.  1  !(Mi>;litoii 's  career  in  the  I'lii  lip|iines  he  was  |iract  ically  in  coni- 
niaiid  of  the  troops  at  the  time  of  the  action  that  caused  the  surrender  of  Mahar. 
Of  his  services  in  coiuiectioii  with  the  wiiunjr  out  of  the  last  insurrection  in  the 
Philipi>ines,  Gen.  J.  P.  Bell,  the  then  brigade  coiiimaiider,  said:  "Though  all  my 
staff  officers  jierforiued  their  respective  duties  in  an  able  manner  satisfaetory  to 
iiie,  their  o)i]iortiinities  varied,  and  1  deem  it  no  invidious  distinction  to  state  my 
coiix  ictioii  that  without  the  exceptionally  valuable  assistance  of  Captains  Bough- 
ton,  Daxis,  and  .lolinsoii,  1  could  not  possibly  have  accomplished  the  pacification 
of  this  liriead(>  in  so  short  a  space  of  time.  These  three  officers  have  had  ample 
experience  and  were  masters  of  their  special  lines  of  work.  They  lalK)red — as  did 
othei's — night  and  day,  and  their  zeal,  industry,  energy,  sound  Judgment,  r.bility, 
and  initiative  ciuild  not  have  been  surpassed.  It  is  with  a  feeling  of  profound 
isatisfaction  and  appreciation  that  I  hereby  acknowledge  my  obligations  to  them." 

On  the  departure  of  his  regiment  Major  Bonghton  remained  in  the  islands  for 
one  year  to  handle  the  jiroblem  of  sup]ilyiiig  rice  to  the  ]iro\iiices  that  had  not  only 
felt  the  force  of  the  insurrection,  but  had  also  been  depopulated  by  cholera,  and 
-where  the  beast  of  burden  had  been  eliminated  by  the  scourge  rinderpest.  In 
this  year  he  purchased  in  China  over  a  million  dollars'  worth  of  rice  and  furnished 
it  to- the  starving  people.  Yet  so  able  was  his  conduct  of  this  affair  that  there  was 
no  cost  to  either  the  Federal  or  to  the  Philipiiiiie  government,  and  yet  rice  was 
sold  cheaper  in  the  sections  controlled  by  Major  Boughton  than  anywhere  else  in 
the  islands,  and  the  poor  were  fed  without  return. 

On  his  return  from  the  islands  ^lajor  Boughton  was  detailed  at  head  of  the 
law  deiiartmeiit  of  the  School  of  the  Line  and  Staff  College.  As  Major  Boughton 
was  not  only  a  graduate  of  West  Point,  l)ut  of  the  St.  Ijouis  I.,aw  School  as  well, 
he  introduced  at  Leavenworth  the  university  system  of  instruction,  and  due  to  this 
fact  more  than  any  other  has  l)eeii  tiie  great  growth  of  those  institutions  with 
their  marked  eti'ect  u]ion  general  staff'  work  throughout  the  army.  T.,ater  he  was 
placed  in  charge  of  the  department  of  military  art  and  later  made  assistant  com- 
mandant of  the  schools. 

In  19ns  he  was  brought  to  Washington  on  the  general  staff,  where  he  took 
charge  of  the  military  information  dixision.  and  through  his  ett'orts  cooperation 
was  seciirt>d  with  the  geidogical  surxcy  in  the  matter  of  military  maps  of  the  entire 

Col.  Boughton 's  work  on  the  general  stalT  will  l)e  best  reiiiemliered  on  account 
of  his  authorshi)!  of  the  field-service  regulations.  Of  this  woi  k  Cen.  Bell,  who  was 
chief  of  staff  at  the  time,  wrote  to  Col.  Boughton:  '"It  may  be  a  source  of  some 
gratification  to  you  to  know  that  I  ha\e  iiexer  heard  an  unfavorable  comment 
about  the  new'  field-service  regulations,  but  have  heard  on  the  contrary,  many  vol- 
untary commendation.s  thereof.  As  for  my  own  opinion,  I  consider  it  the  best  type 
of  field-service  regulations  e.xisting  in  any  ser\"ice.     The  work  you  did  in  conjunc- 

336  THE     BULL     FAMILY 

tion  with  coordinating  the  courses  of  instruction  in  the  different  schools  included 
in  our  educational  system  must  necessarily  have  great  value,  which  can  only  be 
fully  appreciated  by  those  cognizant  of  the  labor  involved." 

In  the  summer  of  1913  Col.  Boughton  began  to  break  in  health  under  the  heavy 
work  in  the  tropics,  and  in  October  of  that  year  he  was  invalided  home.  After  six 
or  seven  months  Col.  Boughton  requested  to  be  returned  to  duty.  It  was  his  ambi- 
tion, with  the  soldierly  spirit  which  was  a  predominating  trait,  to  serve  actively 
to  the  end.  He  regarded  retirement,  even  for  physical  disability,  in  his  case  as  a 
veritable  calamity.  On  his  return  to  duty  at  Fort  Huachuca  his  untiring  mind 
would  not  let  him  rest,  but  he  started  in  to  work  with  his  old-time  restless  spirit. 
But  the  body  could  not  respond.  It  was  only  one  week  before  his  death  that  he 
would  let  the  doctor  place  him  on  sick  report.  Then  he  gradually  sank  until  Fri- 
day, the  21st,  when  he  lapsed  into  unconsciousness  and  passed  away  at  3:1.5  a.  m. 
Monday,  August  24.  His  body  was  brought  to  Arlington  and  laid  away  with 
Masonic  ceremonies  August  31. 



Captain  Anthony  Wayne,  born  in  1666,  on  the  border  of  Derbyshire,  England, 
married  Hannah  Faulkner  from  Holland.  He  was  Captain  of  Dragoons  under 
AVilliani  III  at  the  battle  of  the  Boyne.  His  grandson  was  General  Anthony  Wayne 
of  the  Kevolutionary  Army. 

Jacob  and  Elizabeth  Wayne  lived  in  Philadelphia  in  1731.  He  was  a  member 
of  Christ  Church. 

William  Wayne  was  born  January  2,  1731,  and  was  baptized  at  Christ  Church, 
Philadelphia.  He  was  married  (1)  to  Sarah  Gillingham,  and  (2)  February  27,  1784^ 
to  Sarah  Hardy. 

Samuel  Wayne,  born  February  10,  1763;  married  at  Christ  Church,  Philadel- 
phia, December  28,  1784,  to  Elizabeth  Curtain. 

Joseph  Wayne,  born  September  11,  1793,  died  December  30,  1864;  married  to 
Ann  Dallam,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Susannah  Dallam  of  Maryland,  by  the  Eev. 
Jacob  Broadhead.    She  was  born  October  4,  1799,  died  September  2,  18.53. 

Joseph  Wayne,  born  December  31,  1832,  married  November  13,  1856,  Julia, 
Varney,  daughter  of  Jesse  and  Margaret  Varney. 

Edward  Francis  Wayne  married  Jennie  Clevenger  Schober. 

Joseph  Edward  Wayne. 

APPENDIX  R— Reference  to  III-2-e 

John  Eush  commanded  a  troop  of  horse  in  Cromwell 's  Army.  At  the  close  of 
the  war  he  married  Susannah  Lucas,  at  Horton  in  Oxfordshire,  June  8th,  1648.  ' 
He  embraced  the  principles  of  the  Quakers  in  1660,  and  came  to  Pennsylvania  in 
1683,  with  seven  children  and  several  grandchildren,  and  settled  at  Byberry.  13 
miles  from  Philadelphia  (but  now  a  part  of  that  city).  In  1691  he  and  his  whole 
family  became  Keithians  and  in  1697  most  of  them  became  Baptists.  He  died  at 
Byberry  in  May,  1699.  His  sword  is  in  possession  of  Jacob  Eush  and  his  watch  of 
General  William  Darke  of  Virginia. 

He  had  issue  (as  appears  by  a  record  in  his  own  handwriting  now  in  the  pos- 
session of  Doctor  Benj.  Eush),  viz.: 

Elizabeth  b  June  16,  1649.    Married  Eichard  Collet. 

William  July  21,  1652. 

Thomas  Nov.  7,  1654.    Died  in  London  4-18-1676. 

Susanna  Dec.  26,  1656.     Married  John  Hart. 

John  3rd  Mo.  1st,  1660. 

THK     \W\A.     I'AMILV  :;37 

I''r;ilicis  I'ml    Mo.   Mil,    KK'.'J. 

.I.-iitu's  7tli   Mil.  lilst.  ICifil.      r.iirir.l  ,it    l'.,iiilMiiy,   1  li  I    lt;7l. 

.loscjili  intli    M(i.  'JC,   KWlCi. 

I'l.lw.-ird  '.itii    Ml..  1^7,    I(i7(i. 

.Iiiiic  1-tli    .Mil.  1:7.    Ifl7:i    I.      .Miiiiiril  .Idlni    |);irki'. 

William    K'lisli,  sun  uf  .loliii  .■mil  Susaiin.i.  111,1  iiini   in    I'ln^^l;!  inl   ,'iii<l   liml   i.wsiio. 
Siisaiui;!,  w  liii  niairicil  .Idhn    Wchstcr  ami  I'ml  .luliti  (lillirrt. 
James,  married    ixicliaiil   i'cait. 

Eli'/ahi't  li,  m;inii'il   Timotliv  St  ciilicnson,  ami   liy  a   "Jnij   witV.  nanic  iiiikiiovvn. 
Saraii  (at  lii^t  r.alli'il  .\iirclia),  niairicii   l);i\iil   .Mcreditli. 
William,  married   i'lli/.ahet  li   lludi^es. 

The   father   died    at    Hylierry    in    the   year    KiSS,   (i\,.  years   after    his   arrival    in 
tliis  country. 

Taken  from  a  t'ainih-  ciiart   in    l.ssl. 

APPENDIX  S— Reference  to  III-2-e 


David   Mereditii  settled  in    Kadnor  Township,  Chester,  now  Delaware  County, 

Meredith  Da\id  :^  Sarah   Hush.  (Sarah    Hush)    called    Aurelia    until    her 

Children  took  their  father's  first  name        marriage    and    baptism.      86    years    old 
for  their  last  name.  when   she   died.     Left   100  descendants. 

Born  1675. 
Died  1754. 

.1     Susannah  ^=  Hayes. 

li     David  =  Elinor  (iarrett — married  1738  daughter  of  Geo.  and   Ann   Garrett  of 
b  .Ian.  21),  1713.       Whiteland,  members  of  Friends  Meeting  of  Goshen. 
(•      l\e])eri'a  =  .lohn  Jenkins. 
d     William  =  Mary  Lloyd, 
e     Rachel  =^  Connelly. 

f     Joseph        Went  to  Cape  Fear  and  ne\er  returned, 
jr     John  =  Mary  Cloyd. 

h     Mary  ^  Daniel  Bean  or  Bane — .lune  111,  1747. 
i     Hannah  =  Guest. 

"They  had  several   children   who  died  young,  one   of  them  was  lost   and  per- 
ished in  the  woods. ' ' 
David  Meredith  =  Elinor  Garrett. 

a  Ann. 

b  Esther. 

c  Hannah. 

d  Daniel. 

e  George 

f  Sarah  =  John  T'.ull. 

g  Elijah. 

h  Alice. 

338  THE     BULL     FAMILY 


List  of  members  of  family  in  active  Miltaiy   and  Naval   >Service   during  the 

war  with  Germany  and  Austria: 

Hubert  O.  Anderson — 135th  U.  S.  Infantry,  Company  B,  American  Expeditionary 
Force,  France. 

Marvin  Anderson — Navy  Hospital  Unit  No.  2,  Great  Lakes  Naval  Training  Sta- 
tion, Illinois. 

Eobert  Baumaster — U.  S.  Army. 

Newton  Clarence  Bernheisel — Company  A,  5th  U.  S.  Engineers,  American  Expedi- 
tionary Force,  France. 

William  Lawrence  Bernheisel — Headquarters  Company,  56th  U.  S.  Pioneer  Eegi- 
ment  of  Infantry,  American  Expeditionary  Force,  France. 

"William  Thomas  Boyd — Captain,  Coast  Artillery  Corps. 

William  H.  Brooke — Lieutenant  Colonel,  14th  U.  S.  Infantry. 

David  Macomb  Bull — Ca^Jtain,  U.  S.  Engineers,  American  Expeditionary  Force, 

Frank  Nichols  Bull— Captain,  46th  U.  S.  Field  Artillery,  School  of  Fire,  Fort  Sill, 

Goold  Hoyt  Bull — Lieutenant  Commander,  U.  S.  Naval  Fleet  Eeserve,  Inspector 
of  Machinery  for  Torpedo  Destroyers,  General  Electric  "Company,  Erie, 

Goold  Norman  Bull — Midshipman,  U.  S.  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  Maryland. 

Henry  Tilghman  Bull — Colonel  (temporary),  U.  S.  Infantry,  Commanding  Train 
and  Military  Police,  11th  Division,  Camp  Meade,  Maryland. 

James  Armitage  Bull — Lieutenant  Commander,  Paymaster  Corpjs,  U.  S.  Naval  Fleet 
Eeserve,  U.  S.  Naval  Supply  Depot,  Base  6,  Queenstown,  Ireland. 

Wilfrid  Douglas  Bull — Private  First  Class,  American  Sanitary  Service,  Section  630, 
Ambulance  Service,  with  7th  Eegiment,  French  Infantry,  France.  Commis- 
sioned First  Lieutenant,  U.  S.  Army,  and  assigned  as  Assistant  Military 
Attache  at  American  Legation,  Berne,  Switzerland. 

Alfred  T.  Clifton — Lieutenant  Colonel,  U.  S.  Signal  Corps,  Camp  Meade,  Maryland. 

Stanley  Palm  Clymer — Troop  K,  16th  U.  S.  Cavalry,  Brownsville,  Texas. 

Francis  Graham  Coates — Captain,  3rd  U.  S.  Field  Artillery,  American  Expeditionary 
Force,  France. 

Jesse  Coates — Major,  U.  S.  Aviation  Service,  American  Expeditionary  Force, 

Charles  Thomas  Davis — Captain,  107th  Pioneers,  British  India  Army. 

George  Emard  Fidler — Quarter  Master's  Corps,  LT.  S.  Army,  American  Expedition- 
ary Force,  France. 

James  Eandlette  Finley — Major  (temporary),  U.  S.  Infantry,  Camp  Meade,  Mary- 

Thomas  Dewees  Finley — Major  (temporary),  U.  S.  Engineers,  American  Expedi- 
tionary Force,  France. 

Howard  Frissell — 140th  Eegiment,  U.  S.  Infantry. 

Patrick  Frissell — Major,  U.  S.  Aviation  Service,  Exj^ert  Flier,  Lonoke,  Arkansas. 

Thomas  Taylor  Frissell — ^Major,  Quarter  Master's  Corps,  U.  S.  Army,  San  Fran- 
cisco, California. 

William  Bull  Gauthier — Lieutenant,  Company  C,  56th  U.  S.  Engineers,  Search 
Light  Division,  American  Expeditionary  Force,  France. 

William  Frederick  Halford  Godson — Colonel,  Intelligence  Department,  U.  S.  Army, 
Military  Attache,  American  Legation,  Berne,  Switzerland. 

William  Frederick  Halford  Godson,  Jr. — First  Lieutenant,  U.  S.  Cavalry,  West 
Point,  New  York. 

Eoscoe  Willis  Hall — Captain,  U.  S.  Army  Medical  Corps,  Director  of  Gas  Shock 
Hosjiitals,  American  Expeditionary  Force,  France. 

Till':    I'.ri.h    iw.Mii.v  339 

\\iHi;iin    I  Icil.i'it,   Harris       lltli   ( '(Uii  |i;mi  y,    I'.  S.  Cniist    Artillrrv   ('o|-|is. 

i:icli:inl    llartjc — Tra  i  n  i  ii}^  (a  nip,  ( i  ordoii ,   Kent  m-kv. 

|)a\i(l    li\iii    llcdricli       Lieut  ciia  ii(    ( 'mnnia  mlir,    I'.   S.    \a\y,   in   service  ;it   sea    witli 

( 'nil  \  ()\-  S(|\iail  roil. 
|;al|ili   r.iill   lIcMcli — Trainiii^i-  ( 'aiii|i  /,a<'liaiy  ■I'aylur. 
llerlieit    l^aiiisoii       In   T.  S.   \av_v,  in  service  in   M  eili  t  erranea  n. 
Wallace     I'^rankliiiy-    Meclilinf^ — Corporal,    l'.    S.    Sit^iiai    Corps,    Forr     Leavpinvort  Ii, 

Kansas;  .lied  ot'  inllneu/.a,  Octnlier   IS.   li)l,S. 
William  Moor( — .Surt^coii,   I',  fcj.  iNaval  Su|>|ily  Ste:uiisliip   Minnesota. 
Lowndes   Davis   Morion  —  In  T^.  S.  Army  Aviation  Service. 
William    Landiert    Morton      Cliief    Marliinist    Mate,    C.  S.    .\a\y. 
I'irslvine    Xeide— ('apt  ai  n    ( tem  pora  r.\- ) ,   (^)u;iitcr    Master's    ''orjis,    l'.    S.    .\rmy,    War 

department,  Washineton,   D.  C. 
Cliee\er    lleriiert    Neuliall       I'irst    Lieutenant,    I'.   S.   Aviation   Ser\ii-e,    War    liepart- 

nient,   Washington,   I ).  ( '. 
hanitd    Noco — Cajitain,   [' .  S.    Lol;!  neers. 

Walter    Pridj^oii — Ma.jor,    V.   S.    Infantry,    American    Kxi>editionary    Force,    France; 
retnrned  to  Hnitod  States  and   jiromoted  to  Lieutenant  ('olonel   (temporary), 
V.   S.    I  nlantr.y. 
Thomas    K'oherts    Keatli — Serjeant,    V.    S.    ]\rariiie    Corjis,    American    Ex[>e<litionary 
Force,  France;  was  lulled   in  action  at  Chateau  Thierry,  France.     Hail  been 
cited  for  bravery  and  recommended  for  a  commission. 
Gerald  "Rich— IT.  S.  Cavalry,  Texas, 
liasil  ]\'orris   Hittenhouse — Lieutenant  Colonel    (temjiorary),  U.  S.  Infantry,  Camp 

Pike,  Arkansas. 
Henry  Cl.vde  Roberts — 23rd  Company,  IT.  S.  Coast  Artillery  Corps. 
Addison  May  Rothroek — Captain,  .Medical  Corps,  IT.  S.  Army,  Medical  Replacement 
No.  25,  and  with  the  3l)l)tli  Regiment,  U.  S.  Infantry,  American  Expedition- 
ary Force,  France. 
Harry  Abraham  Rothroek — Captain,  Medical   Corps,  U.  S.  Army,  Fort  Oglethorpe, 

Frank  Jacob  Schaefer — Cadet  in  Aviation,  Universit.v  of  Illinois. 
Archibald  Alexander  Smith — U.  S.  Naval  Radio  Service. 
Harry    William    Stark — Ma.jor    (tem]iorary),    U.    S.    Coast    Artillery    Corps,    Fort 

Thomas,  Kentucky. 
Merl  .lohn  Starner — Sergeant,  Battery   D,   LlTth    l"i(dd   Artillery. 
John  Boyd  Stone — U.  S.  Navy  at  Ch-eat  Lakes  Training  Station,  Illinois. 
William  Edward  Stone — First  Lieutenant,  Infantry,  Camp  Grant,  Illinois. 
Wilson  Cani})bell  Turner — U.  S.  Infantry. 
Arthur   Thomas    Vesse.v — Corporal,    Company    C,    l()2nd    Regiment,    T*.    S.    Infantry, 

American  Expeditionary  Force,  France. 
Charles  Shanman  West — First    I'.attalion    Canadian    Troojis,    I'.ritish    Expeditionary 

Force,  France. 
Jaquelin  Clarke  Wells  West — la  training  with  S.   .\.  T. 's  at   A.  A:   M.  College,  Col- 
lege Station,  Texas. 
William  Dwiglit  Whitney — In  Canadian  Aviation  Service. 
Thomas  Homer  Veager — Cajjtain  (temporary).  Engineer.  I".  S.  Coast  Guard  Service. 

Navy  Department,  Washington,  1).  C. 
Paul  Edwin  Zeigler — Captain  Trench  Mortar  I'latoon,  lli'th  V.  S.  Infantry.  Amer- 
ican Expeditionary  Force,  France. 
Ralph   Miller  Zeigler — Corporal,   Company    l>,    I  Nt    1'.  S.    I^ngineers,   American    Ex- 
peditionary Force. 


AlxM-iiiilhy,     Alinii     l'""' 

Uilll  ir       ""' 

IScssic      -<>•! 

Dcliliih    C.    (MoCombs)    K""' 

KH     KHiL'!):! 

Mary   Kiuiiy    (Wiisoii)   -":'• 

Adams,   AIumIimiu  ''-l 

Antiii  11" 

viiiia    (liull)    •'•■ 

Burn    T'T 

(hiiilcs    Klliott    ()!)1-IS 

<  hai-lcs    Sulliviin    H-l 

Coi'iielirt    Iliti-    (Tunier) .■!'••'{ 

Donald    US 

Emelii\e    (BiilU    <'>f^ 

Kniniii "•' 

Emina    .Ti'ssie    -^J^ 

Knniia    (Wilson)    |^^;; 

(it'oi-Kt'    •"•"•"' 

Geovfce   William   23:i-:«i:'. 

Guild     ID^ 

Jemima    •''•^ 

John     ^f>-f>^ 

(President)    John   20 

John   Alexander  -°3 

John  Calvin  ^^'l^^, 

Lela    Kvelyn    -^'•'' 

Lilv  ColuniI)ia    (Wilson-Howard) 1117 

LloVd    Harold   -S-"{ 

I.uev    Webb    ;!0:i 

I.ulu     1117 

l.una    107 

Margaret    -'2 

Margaret  Snyder  11" 

Marv   J 1^7 

Mildred    Myrtle   2S3 

M.    J.     (Geddy)    117 

Nancv    Davison    •^'03 

Pearl    Marie    2S3 

Purl   Burrett    inS-liS:? 

Rebecca   !,'•• 

Robert  2t-;i:> 

Roberta    •i*'-^ 

Rov   Elam   283 

Rush     107 

Sarah   Grace   /""^ 

Sarah    Jatiuelin     (Murdock)     242 

Susan    -^-^ 

Thomas    C r)3-117 

Vivian    Estella     28.3 

William    -[521 

William    Jaquelin    242 

William   Townsend   143-242 

Wilson    Uonney    283 

Adaii  son,    Arthur   Jay   217 

Edith      (Zuelika)      217 

Addams,   Alite    (Opdengraeff) 7 

Elizabeth     7-315 

Richard     '"° 

Albin,   ^Margaret l-> 

Alden,     (Rev.)    Timothy    42 

Alker,    Mary    Lois    210 

Allen,    Bell    (Pope)    280 

Bob    Pope    2*0 

Charles    Barber    in5-280 

(Colonel)     Ethan     32(j 

.MriiUs,     .Viina     (Henderson)... 

.\iiMc    Hull    

Caioline  .lacob.s   

Caroline  .liicoba    (Bull)    .. 

Kli/a  .lane  



Itiit  220 


...     .S4 



.I..I111     Hamilton    1*51> 

Levi    r.i.ll  84-122-100-220 

.Martha   S4 

.Marlli.i    niamilton)    '•'•'•) 

.\nilder,     Ki.-hard    .''.27 

Amelunka,     Freida     202 

Ammerman,    (Jertrude    i^* 

Anderson,     Alma     Ellen     281 

Alma    Leach    105 

Amanda    E 101 

Ann   15 

.\nna      2fiS 

Bertha     (Humphrey)    280 

Cecile    E 209 

Columbia    Ad(dia    102 

Columl)ia    Bell 103 

Columbia    ( McKerron-English)    101 

Dorothy    280 

Eleamira    (Meredith)    201 

Elizabeth    Bernice  279 

Elizabeth    .1 101 

Elizabeth    Virginia    291 

Emma     Lorice    281 

Enuna   Williams  105 

Eva     Estelle    105 

(  Captain  i    Evan   14-15 

Flossie    Irene    195 

Forst    Hill    194 

Horace    Clvde   193-270 

Herbert     211-201 

Hubert  0 2(i9-.3.3.8 

Hugh     Elmo     194-280 

He   Elo   194 

.lames  Carev  102 

Jane    (Bull)    47 

.lasin   McFerron   102-194 

Jasin  Thomas  194 

Joe    Holt    195-281 

.luanita   Jeannette  280 

Julia    (Antine)    280 

Lena    Lorice    (Kerley) 281 

Leone    (Preuss)    279 

Mabel    (Moore)    279 

Margaret   .\inanda  47 

Margaret   Eleanora  201 

.Marvin    A 269-3:{S 

Marv  A 279 

Marv    Bell     (Towers)     279 

Mary      Vea      279 

Mattie   Irene  193 

Mattie    L.     (Conlv)     193 

Mollie   B.    (Buckwalter) 209 

Kancy    S'parks    53 

Nancv    Sparks    (Quinn)    r>^ 

OliveV    Lacv     193-279 

Oliver     Leith      279 

Gnita     103 

Richird   Alexander  102 

Kussell     A 1>;0  209 

Sadie   E.    (Williams)    194 

Samuel     20-47 


Anderson,    Samuel  Joseph  101-102-193 

Samuel  Judson  193-279 

Sarah    Ann    - 102 

Sarah     Catherine     - - 28() 

Thomas    Wilson    47-53-101-102-195 

Virginia    Ellen 279 

Virginia   Irene    (Lacy) 193 

Walne    - 280 

William    Earle 193-280 

Antine,    Julia    - 194 

Arbuckle,    Thomas    - 44 

Ardenaw.     Arthur     P 217-294 

Charlotte    LeStrange    294 

Charlotte     Milnor     (Gillet)- 294 

Frederick  P - 294 

Jeannette    Milnor    294 

Natalie   -- - - 294 

Armstrong,    (Colonel)    30 

Sarah --     SO 

Arndt,   Walter   J 99-189 

Arnold,     Ellie 98 

Emma - -     99 

Ashbridge,    Phebe    Ann 56 

Asheraft,    S'arah    Jane 70 

Atherton,     Henry    15 

Atwood,    Charles    Nelson 199 

Gertrude     (Colyer)     283 

Grace     Elizabeth     .- 283 

Levi    Orville    ...199-283 

Kosella     (Burrows)     283 

Augur,    Ellen   Adair .-  224 

Austin,  George  Darley 242 

Mary     Darlev     (Jackson)     242 

(Dr.')     Walter    Lee 143-242 

Axe,    Mary 191 

Babcock,     Edward 214 

Frank    115-214 

Mary    Bull    (Milligan) 214 

Bachman,   Elsie   Ellsworth 214 

Badger,    Emily    Hannah 36 

Nannah     (Buck) 36 

Stephen     36 

Baer,    George - 158 

Nellie     Oliver 158 

Baggett,   Alice   May 249 

Anna   Florence    (Mechling) 249 

George    S 150-249 

James    Percv 249 

Pearl   Maud 249 

Bailey,    Clara   Elizabeth   164 

Helen     Morrison ._ 308 

John    Morrison    308. 

Maris     McClellan     .". 255-308 

Rachel  A.    (Light)    255 

Sallie  L.    (Morrison)    308 

Thomas    J.     A 255 

Bair,     Bessie     Maud     112 

Emanuel     98 

Jeremiah 112 

Baker,   Daisy    (Schriber)    303 

Edward  Stuart  234 

Henry  Ball 2S4 

Jacob     132 

Katherine    (Street)    234 

Louise    Fontaine    (Davison)    233 

Mary  Eltinge  234 

Maury   Davison   — 234 

Maurv    Valentine    303 

Robert     Magill 234 

(Rev.)   Robert  M 132-233 

T.    Christian    233-303 

Balcomb,    Seth    A 173 

Baldwin,     (Dr.)     Cornelius    C 60 

Eleanor     Conway     60 

Nelly    Conway    .'. 60 

Ball,    Ann    Magill     (Fauntleroy)    306 

George     Washington     239 

Mary  Beverly   (Randolph)    239 

(Dr.)    Robert  Randolph 239-306 

Ballard,    Hazel    G 227 

Banks,    John    Marvin ._. 205 

Banta,    Caleb   B 181 

Barber,     Alpha     285 

Carrie     (Price) 285 

Cyrus 200-285 

Emma    Colton    89 

M.    J 200 

Price 285 

Samuel 285 

William    ; 200 

Barklev,    Alice    277 

Charlotte 277 

Earl 277 

Earl   Alexander   277 

Floss    E.    (Starr)    277 

Henry     100-191 

Lottie  E.    (Marion) 277 

S.  Catherine    (Bull)    191 

William  Henry  191-277 

Barnard,  Henry 321 

Barndollar,    Catherine    (Morgan)    284 

Ford     , 284 

Josephine     Helen 284 

Barnes,     Jennie 162 

Barnett,    Sadie 163 

Barney,   Helen  Mollie    (Roberts)    310 

Marion   Adeline   310 

Russel  Harrison  268-310 

Barnwell,    Achsa    Maud    146 

Barr,   Anna   G 118 

Elizabeth     69 

Eva     (Manchester)     215 

Grace    118 

Harry    C 53-118 

Henry  Clay  118 

Hobart 118 

Iva    C 118 

Lillie  W 118 

May     118 

Robert    B 118-215 

Susan      (.A.dams)      118 

Walter    S 215 

Barrick,    Barbara   Jane   292 

Elizabeth Ill 

Harry 211-292 

.     Lucille     (Meredith) : 292 

Robert    Meredith    292 

Barron,     Margaret    : 115 

Bartell,    Mary   Jane 119 

Bartholomew,     Edward     77 

Emilv     Cleaver 77 

Emily     (Cleaver) 77 

Baumaster.     Robert 272-338 

Beailly,    Arnswell    321 

Bean,     Daniel 337 

Bearss,    Lewis    43 

Beattv,    Adaline     (Smith)     .'. 174 

Adella    B 91 

Arthur   Sinclair  264 

Belinda 90 

Bertha     Elizabeth     264 

Bertha   Linwood    (Rich) 264 

Caroline     E 264 

Calvin     Rush     90-174 

Catherine     43 

Earl   H 264 



]5c,illv,     K.iil     Hustings    1741.'C>4    Bull    ■!•■'. 

Kliziili.ili     4:{ 

Kliziilifth     (Hull)     -1- 

Fr.'.l    l\iir<hil(l    174'_*(U 

(inicr      Bull     4-'! 

Helen     M i:i">4 

llcmirlla    W !»1 

lliuiv    Hull   4-.' 

Idii    (Kluinph)   174 

.iHuus    23-42 

Jauu's     Wallace    !K»-1-4 

John   Ihiiiy   !K>.174 

Laura    Mayes    174 

Lester     Kov     174 

Luther    (' !I2 

Mar-ari'ttii     Klla     (Smith)     171 

Mar_'aretta     Larimer    l'l'>4 

Martha      42 

Marv    Carr     (Sinclair)     2C.4 

Marv     (Deyo)     '••2 

Mary     Klizaheth     (Smith)     174 

Kayuiciud     Wallace     174 

Ixiiharil      llastinss      2ti4 

Kdxanua      4^> 

Sa.lie     .1 02 

Sarah     Anna     174 

William     Harrison     4302 

William     Roberts     01-174 

William  Rush  174 

Bebb,    Helen   11:'- 

Beerbower,     Eleanor    14S 

S'allic   B.    (Stephens)    14S 

Beery,   Orpha   Thompson    (Cochran)    :507 

James    Scott    307 

William    C 248-307 

Belknap,  Charles  217 

Boll,    Anna    Hardv    143" 

(General)     J.     F 33.-i 

Mari;aret    Dwight    SO 

Th.unas      268 

du    Bellet,    Louise    Pequet    31 

Bendure,    Fred   17li 

Benedict.    Anna    Coates   2.10 

Elizabeth      lUK 

Harriet    White   .^..  2.j0 

John    Augustine    164-2riO 

Mary    Louise     (Coates)     2.")0 

Bennett,     Alphonzo     14S; 

Clarence     14S 

John     Henrv     102 

Margaret   Ann    (Trout)    102 

Marv     100-14.S 

Sarah    Elizabeth    102 

Benson,     Caroline     (Lyon)     ^'|" 

James     1  •' •"■ 

Bentlev.    Bessie    Boyd   147 

Charles    Headlev    147-24.". 

Elizabeth     B.     (Headley)     147 

Geoige    Cake    24.5 

Helen     I^ouise     147 

James     Bruce     ^  245 

James  Victur  67-147 

John     Boyd 24[> 

Josepha    Bovd 147 

Susan    Elizabeth    (Cake)    24.t 

Bergman,     Susan     100 

Bernheisel,   Charles  Edward  li:'.l'l<i 

Dora    (Garber)    201 

Fannie    113 

Forest     Willis     210-201 

Grace     Elnora      (Willis)     210 

Grace     .lanet     201 

Newton   Clarence  210-.33'* 

William    113 

William   Lawrence  210-338 

Berrv,    Dorothy    Barnard    ... 

ilelen      Hall     

Mary    (rosbie     (Ciaiiel) 

Kicliard     (,'issel    

Samuel      --■', 

Samuel    .1 

dc    Berry.    Alice   Jnne    

(larencn    ('harles   27N 


(lenevieve     (  Moseley  ) 

Martin     Luther 

Beso,    Stella    ... 
Betson,     Elizabeth 



Beverly     (Miss)     

Mickerdike     (Mother)     

Bi.ldle    (Dr.)    

Mark     John     

Mary   Canby   

Billiii!;s.     John     Henry     

Fred     .\lbert     

Leona      (Burlingham)      

Bissell,    Augusta   Turner    (Meade)    

Elizabeth     Hill     


Israel     Morey     


(Hev.)    S.   B.  S 

Black,  Jane  

Blackman,    Abigail    Hugg    (Doughty) 

•  David     Somers     

George    Horton    

Sarah   Frances   

Blaine,    Elmer    Styner    

Blankman,    Isabel     Livingston    

Jane    Beverly     (Crawford)     

Michel    Arno    

Bliss,     Albert     Austin     

E.     W 247- 

Jennie    B.     (McQuistion)     

Blohy,     Mary     

Bluett,    Celia    

Boarman.    .Taney    J 

Bobst.    Alvah  Thorne    (Bosserman)    

Guy    Lester   26;}- 

Ruth    Amber    

Sarah    Elizabeth    

William    Reed    

Bock,    Irene    

Bodley,    Sallie   Jameson    

Boger,    Anna    Mae    (Roop)    

Blanche     Estelle     

Charles     William     

Edward  T.,ucien  246 

(rcorge     K ,..;... 

Hermon    Batterson   

Ida     Elizabeth     : 

.Tacob   Henry  246 

.Jennie    (Mungen)    

.John    Adam    147 

.John     Albert     

Mary    A.     (Kuhnle)    

Mary     Alberta     

Mary     Corrine     

Bogy,    Alexander   Mackay   100 

Alexander    M 

Lillian      (Turner)      

Rosamond    (Dowker)    

Rosamond     Virginia     

Boice.    Catherine    M.     (Smith)    



Bolenbaugh.    Charles    R 20'' 

Lallah    Bonita    

Maude    M.     (Starner)     : 


Ruth     E 








21  Hi 























■31  tt; 





Bolich,     Charles     US 

Susan     118 

T,    Eliza 118 

Bollinger,     Alexander 101-192 

Annie     (Wilson)     192 

Carrie     192 

Clarence    192 

Elizabeth     192 

George    192 

Ralph     192 

Ruth     192 

"William     192 

Bond,    Isabella    Lucretia    58 

Bonewitz,    Elizabeth    (Siegfried)    109 

John    S 109 

Lawrence     109 

Bonsall,   Elizabeth   Lummis   55 

Henry    Lummis    55 

Booker,     Isabella -. 141 

Boose,     David     185 

Elizabeth     185 

Lucy  185 

Booth,     Anna     125 

Mary    L 9 

Borders,    Annie    193 

Borman,     Augustus     305 

Joseph 305 

Joseph   Augustine    238-305 

Laura   Pandsley    (Evans)    305 

Marv    Moorehouse    305 

Sarah    Marie    305 

Boss,   Alvin   A 203-286 

Alvin    Augur    203 

Bessie     (Abernathy)     286 

Henry     !. 203 

Henrv  Eli   286 

Lena"    (Behrens)     203 

Margaret     E 286 

Bosserman,  Alvah  Thorne  263 

Amos    J 90-173 

Ancel     Thorne     263 

Clarice 173' 

Colder    C 173 

Dora    173 

Ella   Blanche     (Cox)    264 

Elmira    Jane    90 

Ephraim     90-173 

Pay 263 

Flora    (Carleton)    263 

Frank 173-263 

George    W 173 

Jessie     173 

John    W 42-90-173 

Lela     May 263 

Lester    173 

Margaret     (Beatty)     90 

Mary  A.    (Simmons)    173 

Mary    Miller    262 

Michael 42 

Phillip    42 

Phoebe    A.     (Pratt) 173 

Richard     264 

Susan   Amanda    (Phillips)    263 

Wilbur  Thorne 173-263 

Bott,    Cora    E.     (Fink) 310 

Dorothy 310 

Henry    .....271-310 

Kenneth    Wasson    310 

Boughton,    Daniel    H 222-296-334 

George    Daniel     312 

George    Wilson    296 

Henrietta    Rittenhouse     (Wilson)     296 

Regina     (Burns)     312 

Boulaine,    Dominguez    139 

Marie    ISO 

de    Bow,    Harriet    132 

Bowen,    Sayles    Jenks 67 

Bower,     Clara      (Crone)      187 

Edwin     187 

William     187 

Bowers,     Wesley    287 

Bowley,    Frances    Russel    141 

Bowman,    Ann   Jacobs   158 

Anne    Sweitzer    76 

Annie     Harper     159 

Bella     L 155 

Caroline     Snowden     (Jacobs)     158 

Eleanor     Briscoe     (Hite)     132 

Emma    Maria     (Winne)     159 

Goodloe     Harper     37-76-158 

Grace    Winne   159 

(Captain)     Isaac     132 

Isabella     Lowry     76 

James     Lowry     76 

Jane*    Correy 15!) 

Jane    Correy     (Smith)     76 

Jane    Vaughan    158 

John   Howard    76-158 

Margaretta     Vaughan    158 

William    Robert    70-159 

Bovd,    Anima    Smith    32-328 

"  Elizabeth    Rittenhouse    32-328 

Emma   122 

James    Slater   66 

John     ....19-32-3'2S 

John     Benjamin     32-328 

Josephine    Headley 66 

Katherine    Grace    (Slater)    OS 

Maria    Josepha     32-328 

Mary     66 

Mary  Elizabeth  132 

Mary    Meredith    242 

Mary     Phillips     32-328 

Rebecca     66 

Rebecca     (Bull)     7-32-328 

Reuben    H 66 

Reuby   Jaquelin    (Smith)    242 

Sarah     77 

Sarah     (de    Varre)     19 

Sarah   Haines   32-328     20 

Thomas    Massie    142-242 

William     20 

William  Thomas  32-66-146-328-338 

Boyer,     Chester    189-274 

Donald     274 

Helen     274 

Pauline    G.     (Shaeflfer)    274 

Boyes,   Stephen 321 

Boyle,    Myron    175 

Bradbury,     Carrie     114 

Braden,     Lydia    109 

Bradley,     Merle    L 176 

Brand,    Josephine    .-.. 143 

Brantley,    Ella    (Wilson)    283 

Elsie  283 

Emma     201 

James     104 

James   William   104-201 

Jane     (McNeelv)     104 

Robert  Ephraim  198-283 

Robert    Wilson    283* 

Willie     Belle     : 201 

Breckenridge,    Arthur    Lee    267 

Clara   Bell    (Jordan)    267 

Ethel     Marie     267 

Gilbert    128-167 

Harold    Eugene    267 

Breinig,    Mary    Alice   168 

Brenernan,     Abraham Ill 

Jane    ., Ill 

Lulu    Ill 


Hri'iitiiiii,    .liihri    (liiik    L'lT 

IJrciiiicr,     ('ill  luii  III'       'jTi 

JSii'wstiT,    Cmiiii'    a     1711 

(ii^nl-c       l; ;.  17!l 

(fiMil';r      S ; 17:1 

OiiHc    M I7;i 

Marlli.i     K.     (Smith)     I7'.i 

Uiii'K.     (I>i'.  )     .liiM'iih     ('(lies    li ">.">-. "ins 

l,:nir;i     'riiiMcs.'i     ( ( 'liiij;iiii )     ."IIIS 

Hi();i(11i(:h1,       (K'rv,  )       .laidl)      .'WO 

Broclicll,      Allirrt      Dnylc      227 

(■'t'lUfjiaiiii     (S'('.vinoiii')     227 

Ivl^'.ir     Liiiif;(li)ii    227 

Rrdiisdii,      liclli.      179 

Ts.ilMlla     1) .....'..'....  220 

1'muIm       """_".'  220 

UoliiTt    I) 220 

BrooU.,     All'iid     82-]0ri 

Allll;i       2."i'.> 

Alniii     (OfiiU'ii)     27)'.) 

Aiinp     Louise     (Clingan)     2.") 

Charles     2.'>r> 

Kdwaid  i(iO-2.".r. 

Elsa    Xeidi"    KHi 

Oi'or<j:,-    i(U)-2r)ri 

II:mii:ili     Louisa     (Roberts)     KU 

((Jciural)    John    R 41-80-lt)4 

.Idhn     \i o-,f) 

I^ouis     ]ni 

Maria    T .' .";;";.'     77 

Mary   Baldwin    (Irwin)    IGO-S-"' 

Sarah      (Xeide)      ICC, 

Willijiin     11 lG4-2r)n-:'.:'>K 

Brookes,    Arthur   Bowie    2.".n 

Bessie     Xourse     2.'!i) 

Mary    Rittenhouse    230 

INIarv    W.     (Nourse)     2ri'() 

Nellie     Russell     2oO 

Samuel     Hojrers    Corson    20" 

Samuel     R 210 

Thcimas     Howie     12fl-2dO 

Williaiu     Thomas     230 

Brosy,     Annie     ISS 

Brown.     Allen    272-311 

Annie     Laura     100 

Annie    Mary    (Rose)    1911 

Pi'liorah      >Y\ 

Kiia z:::;;:::::::;;;;.;;;:;:;  107 

Esther    Dickson    229 

(rertie     (Spotz)     310 

Georse     Southwell     303 

Graee      14 

Harry     .".'.'.""".   lS(i 

Harry    Southwell    232-303 

Harriet    H.     (Muneaster)     303 

.Tames    Kiilicrt     100 

John    .'^.'^2 

J.  Stewart  "........ 101 

L.  M :::::;  207 

Margaret    243 

Mildred     (Hutchinson)     207 

Xellie     Ruth     207 

Rachel     Xourse    303 

Robert     .^ 14 

Susan     B 40 

"William    14 

Brucker,     Emma    103 

Buchanan     (President)    77 

Bucher,    Anna    '. 273 

Anna     C 273 

Charles    ...iS7-273 

Dorothy     273 

Edward     273 

Elwood     273 

Harold    273 

James     273 

Xora    T,.    (Maelhorn)    273 

Roliei-t     273 

Wilton     273 

I'.iiclilcr,     Mary     E. 

Buck,    ('harh'H    

Kdiia     Loiiina 




■_'■_''  > 


I  HI  I 

I'iMck  waiter,     Uert    

Messie      Belle .' 

Celia      (Bluett)     

I)atiicl     H Dt 

Kriwin     Orville 


Mat  hew     1,S4» 

iMoljie      .,.  ,         ISO 

<»rville   P 181  2t',!t 

Rebecca     .T IWi 

Sarah    Jane    l.Sl 

Budahn.    L.    1' 22!) 

Bucll.   I'.l.iiMhe   (S'tearns)  2o7 

Elsie     \j 2i>7 

Fremont    Cameron   110-207 

Henry    Richard    loO 

Julia     E.      (Kindle)     ....  207 

Justus     .Tiiseph     no 

Leslie     Clillnid     207 

Xellie  Until    (Hrown)   2o7 

Paul     Cameron     20 

Sylvester    (ireider    110-207 

Bukeley,      (Major)      327 

Bulkley,      Barry     225- 298 

Emily    Rowland     (Hyde)     298 

Bull,    Alexander   C 50 

Amanda    Ann 49 

Amanda    (Hughev) 107 

Ann    11-22-4.J:; I.- 
Ann   ( Anderson ) 2." 

Ann   Hunter : 40-.*^4 

Ann    (Hunter) ; 21 

Ann      (Jacobs) 30 

Anna    (or  Animus) 18-320-327 

Anna     24-27  4.". 

Anna   B !iO 

Anna  Cecilia    (Powers) 172 

Anna    (Greider) 110 

Anna    Valeria .87 

Anne 8P>-10S 

Anne  Jacobs ,'5Ci 

Annie   107 

Caddie    (Caroline) 07 

Caroline     Jacobs 39-.'v4 

Caroline     (Maelhorn) 0<'i 

Catherine     (  Brenner) 4." 

Catherine     (  Sharn) 9C> 

(^harlot te    McClellan .8;^. 

Clara    Mary 41 

Coleman    Jacobs 41-■'^7 

Crittenden     107 

Cyrus  Jacobs 40-.S4 

David    107 

David  Macomb 171-202-.33S 

Dorothy    10 

Dorothy   Elizabeth 247 

Dorothy  Sheat¥ 171 

Dru.xilla     (Mix) 108 

Ehen   10>i 

Edith   Elizabeth 110 

Edna     Rebecca     (Buck) 2^7 

Edward     Coleman 84-ll'.n 

Edward    Davies    87 

Edward    Shower .*!3 

Eleanor    24 

Eli.iah    15-25-4.'  00 

Elisabeth     Wainwright 202 

Eliza    Ann OC. 

Eliza    Jacobs 41-8:j 


7-8-10-15-17  21  23  2.^  20  27  34-4.1-40-49 




Bull.    Elizabeth    (Addams)    10-315 

Elizabeth    (Gordon) - 52 

Elizabeth     (Heckman).. 99 

Elizabeth     (McGrew) 46 

Elizabeth    (Metzgar) 98 

Elizabeth     (Pawling)... 13 

Elizabeth    Sheaff 85 

Elizabeth    Surth 170 

Ella  -     97 

Ella    Jane 114 

Ella   Matv    (Shipps) 148 

Ellen   Martha 52 

Ellie    99 

Elsie  Marie  Isabella 148 

Elvira   E.    (Shields) - 100 

Emeline 35-50 

Emma    98-108 

Emma   Elverda 110 

Emma   P^rances -  100 

Emma    (Henderson). 88 

Emmaline 45 

Emma  Louisa 8o 

Emma   Louise 88 

Emma   S 110 

Esther    A 100 

Esther   Ann 47 

Ezekial    William 18-66 

Florence 84 

Francis    Cecil 172 

Francis    Nichols 88-172-338 

Frank  45-96-108 

George  ■. 25-47 

George  M 34 

Goold  Hoyt 85-171-338 

Goold  Norman 171-338 

Grace   27-51-328 

Grace     (Brown) 23 

Grace     Grant 115 

Hannanette  S.    (Nichols) 88 

Heber  Levi 88 

Helen     Elizabeth 262 

Helen  Margaret   (Smith)    262 

Helen    (Tustin) 262 

Henrv 14-23-98 

Henrv  Heber 41-88 

Henrv  J '96 

Henrv  Richard 109 

Henrv    Tilghman 169-262-338 

Horace    E 109 

Ida   Viola 101 

Isabella    21-33-68 

Jacob   M 98 

Jacomyntie 15 

James    A 49-107 

James    Armitage 169-338 

James    Henry 85-169 

James   Hunter 23-10-85 

Jane    26-46 

Jane    (Linn) —     51 

Jemima    15-23-27 

Jemima    Jane 52 

Jennie     97 

Jessie    Anna 169 

(General)    John    7-11-323-328 

(Colonel)    John.. 


(Captain)     John 10 

John  7-9-10-11-14- 


John   Gronow 21-33-35-54-320 

John    Joseph 10 

John    Linn 114 

John    M 50-110-191 

John  M.   B 98 

John   Morgan 100 

John     N 45-96 

John    W 107 

Joseph    Brady 50-110 

Joseph    McClure 84 

Bull,    Julia    Hannah     (Henderson) 84 

Katherine   Whittelsey    (Tillman) 169 

Levi    12-22-39-45-83-98-325 

Levi    George 40-84-86 

Lewis  Gronow 33-68-148-247 

Libbv   F.    (Hall) 191 

Lillie     A 107 

Lillie  May.. 100 

Lizanna    50 

Lizzie 99 

Llewellan    Parry 87 

Louis    Andred 100 

Louisa    R 87 

Lydia  - 45 

Lydia  (Kami) 45 

Lydia    Louisa 41 

Lydia    Thomas 86 

Margaret    12-26 

Margaret   Adelaide   171 

Margaret   Adelaide    (Macomb) 171 

Margaret     Anna 51 

Margaret  Isabel 115 

Margaret     (Luckey) 107 

Margaret    S 50 

Margaretta    23 

Margaretta    Clemson 83 

Margaretta  Jacobs 3'9 

Margery     Farquhar 171 

Maria    ". 47-56 

Maria    (Greider) 109 

Maria  Louisa 18 

Marjorie    Macomb.. 171 

Martha    22-23-97 

Martha     Conant 170 

Martha     Linn 52 

Martha    Nancy 115 

Martha   S - - 41 

Martha     (Thompson) 16 

Mary    17-21-22-26-27-33-45-99-323 

Mary  Ann   (McClure) 84 

Mary    Augusta     (Sheaff) 85 

Mary   A.    (Willis) 169 

MarV    E 191 

Mary  Elizabeth   (Linn) 114 

Mary    Jane 49 

Marv    (Phillips) 10-17 

Marv   Ruth 115 

Matthew   P - 52-114 

Mathilda    98 

Mildred   Worthington 171 

Milton 99 

Nancy    K 51 

Norman    E 262 

Norman   Edward 169-262 

Octavius     88 

Polly    (Hoffman) 45 

Rachel  H.    (Davies) 86 

Rachel  W.    (Wallace) 49 

Rebecca    15-16-19-24-47 

Rebecca    Ann 26 

Rebecca     (Boyd) 66 

Rebecca    Darlington 27-329 

Rebecca  Jane 50 

Rebecca     Neilson 52 

Reginald    Heber 86 

Richard    — 


Richard    Alexander —     26 

Richard    Thomas .- 86 

Robert  23-27-45-328-329 

Robert    H 52-109-114 

Robert     Henry     50 

Roberta    Jane    115 

Ross   15-25-46 

Ruth      (Sargent)      114 

Sally    Franklin    (Wainwright)    262 

Samuel    Octavius    41 

Sarah  15-21-22-27-34-45-46-329 

Sarah    Anna    34 



]^iill,     S;ii;ili     (  .illiiiiiir  UX< 

S'iii-.-ili      (Cl.iik)        I'J 

Sar.ili  l>ai-liii(;l(iM     ?>- 

Siiiali     (  Dailiiiglon)     20 

Saraii     K •"><> 

Sarah     Kliznbeth     !<«> 

Sarah    ((irdiuiw)    -1 

Sarah      llarricl     I'tl 

Sarali     (  I  Idh-iiiiili ) 1 1<> 

Sarah     Mary    Hush    OS 

Sarah     Kohcrls     (Thoiims)     W> 

Sarah     Kiisli      (Mercdilh)     (>H 

Sarah     Sniilh     R'{ 

Saiah      Siiiilh      (Shower)      8:5 

Sarah     'I'homas     S(! 

Saiiili      (  YouiiK)      :^"-."4 

Sue    Dorolhcc   .HS 

Susan    •l-"> 

Susan    It.    (Brown) KW 

Th.iiuas       7io-i2-i:?-2i-2r)-3ir)-32i-:'.ur, 

Thomas    Kcuii)is    ;J9-S:;-S4 

\'an    WycU    Slicaff   S"> 

NVallir     Stevens     247 

Wilfrid     Douglas     170 


.  ..i()-i2-ir.-2ti-2n-4r.-oo-n9-3ir>-:u(K{2i-32n 

William    A lOS 

\\illiam    Anderson    2(5-401 07 

William    B 4(!-l(1S 

William    D 49-108 

William   Kincaid 52 

William    Levi    86 

William  Meade  40-8fi 

William    Meredith    : 68-148 

William    Ross    100 

Bunn,   George  Forbes  1S.T-271 

Julia     (Jarvis)     IS^! 

Stella  Claudine    (Roberts)   271 

William    183 

William     Roberts     271 

Burehfield,  Anne  Luella  (McCullough  )    2!m 

Annie   M.    (Stringer)    2i)0 

Ai-eher     McC.nllough     299 

Eva     M.     (Nourse)     _ --" 

James     Xoursp    227- 2!)".) 

(Dr.)    James   Penrose  128-227 

John     p:dward     299 

Richard   Xonrse  313 

Russell    Penrose   299-313 

Yiola    Elizabeth    (MeEldowney)    313 

Burcker    (Rev.)    George    37-76 

.lames    ^Vlilnor    76 

Levi    Smith    76 

Susan     (Trier     (Smith)     76 

Burdick.    Carrie 17.1 

Carrie      (Berdick)     17."> 

David   Franklin     17o 

Burgess      (Bishop)      219 

Burkbardt.      Harry     17."! 

Burnett,    .\nnie   Kate    130 

Burno,    Ada    1~'7 

Burns,    Emma    18r> 

Henrv     96-18.". 

Ida     Kate    18." 

Marv    Jane    18.") 

Mathilda      (Bull)      18.". 

Burroughs,     Ella     14."i 

John     129 

Bush.    Catherine   .Tane   27."> 

Elizabeth    H.     (Hykes)     27.'. 

John     190-27.". 

Samuel   27.". 

Butler,     Lidie     82 

Marv     (Wylie)     82 

Rebecca    28 

William     82 

I'.uxton,    Klliott    Shaw   '■'<»»'> 

Kugeiiiu     .''.'h; 

Frank     Shourd    247  I'.IH", 

Lucille      :>»'> 

Sophia    Elliott    (STiaw)    :'A»; 

.Sophia     Shaw     .'!<»•; 

Byingtou,     .Mbert    52  1  !•; 

Corinne     21  t 

Dean    A 11''. 

Kdith    C.     (/alosky)     211 

Kllen    Martha    (Bull)    11'; 

Fred    .la.kH(.n    116  211 

Frederick     .lai-ksou     21  I 

(fleiin     Maurice    ll'I 

Robert    Richard   214 

(able,    Kachel    Rlting  211 

W 32t; 

Cahill.    Kva    Elizabeth    227 

Thomas   Frani'is  227 

Caillouet,    .Mice    Gresham    241 

Jean    Louis    142-241 

Marv    Thurston    (Smith)    241 

Norbert     Magill     241 

Cake,    Susan   Elizabeth    147 

Caldwell,   Ann    Alexander  6<> 

(.ludge)     .\lexander    •!<' 

Carrie     2<)1 

Eliza   .fane    (llalstead)    ti<> 

Elizabeth    EtTie     (Short)     201 

Ellis    201 

Eulah 2(11 

George    201 

Inez     202 

Mabel   202 

Maud 2(»2 

Robert    Andrew    10.">-2(il 

Callom,    Anna    C 42 

Calvert.    Harriet    C 78 

Campbell,     Douglas     216 

Canington,    P 32C. 

Cannon,    Mary    137. 

Canterburv,    E.    L 194-280 

Elizabeth   280 

Ernest    L 280 

He    Elo     (Anderson)     280 

Marion   2SO 

Cantrell,    Jane 108 

Cantwell,    Sidney    W 18." 

Capron,   Charles  llassler .301 

Edith  Dwight   (Hassler) 3nl 

.lohn  Favil 230-.S(il 

Carleton,     Benjamin 17.3 

Fb.ra     173 

Jane    (Sillik) 173 

Carman.     Elizabeth 280 

Erskiue   Elizabeth    (Pope) 280 

Wilbur   Horace 195-2.80 

Carrier,    Frances   A 161 

Carter.   Addie 84 

.Vnna  Davison   (Turner) -303 

Anna   Maury.: 30;? 

Bessie  Bird .3(W 

Cha  rles     101 

Charles    C 100  191 

Edith    21 1 

Emma     Frances 191 

(Dr. )    (George  William 233.303 

Lillie    M.     (Bull)    191 

Lucv  Coatesworth 30.3 

Paul 101 

"VMrginia  .3(^3 

William    303 

Casillas,   Dolores 124 

Cass,    Lewis 18 



Casselbury,  Paul 321 

Castle,   James   M , 220 

Catherina,    Tritze    7 

Center,    Ettie 235 

(Rev.)  R.  W 235 

Cliain,    John .321 

Chamberlain,  Kate  Palmer 163 

Chambers,  Annie 195 

Eva  Estelle    (Anderson) 280 

Eva  Jo 280 

Fuller 195 

Ida    Merle 280 

Jack  Fuller 280 

Jame«   Joseph 195-280 

John  Albert 248-307 

John  Walter 104 

Perry    Eugene 307 

Susan  Arabel    (Gesler) 307 

Thomas    Glenn 280 

Chandler,    George   Garvin.... 86 

Jean  Alice    (CTiristie) 86 

Jean    Kaye 86 

John   86 

Chapman,    Alexander 332 

Amanda,     Estill 108 

Ann   Eliza 107 

Benjamin 26-49-322 

George  Cantrell 204 

George  Fry 1 07 

James  332 

James    Alexander 49 

James    Edwin 107 

James     Paulding 49 

Jane     (Cantrell)     204 

John 332 

John   Fry.... 108-204 

Mamie  Elizabeth 107 

Margaret    (Bull) 49 

Margaret    Creighton 204 

Martha    Clifton. 1 07 

Mary 332 

Mary  Vivian   (Fry) 107 

Xewton    332 

Phillip  331-332 

Rebecca  A.    (Bull) 49 

Rebecca  Ijucille 107 

Richard    Alexander 15-49-107-204-332 

Sally  Mary 108 

Samuel .332 

Susan  Frj' 107 

William 49-107-204-.332 

William  Allie 107 

William    Anderson 49-107-204 

Cliauncey     (Commodore) 42 

Chew,    Bladen  Dulaney 243 

Evelyn 163 

•Teannette  243 

Rosa    Dulaney 243 

Rosa   Romilly    (Dulanev) 243 

Thomas    John ' 144-243 

Chilcote,   Bessie   Lee 2'87 

•  Cliffie  Leona    (Howard) 267 

Fay  Howard 267 

.Tohn    H 178-267 

Ruby   Lou 267 

Yirgie     Vienna     267 

Childs,    Edward   Patterson 295 

Eleanor    Stuart    (Patterson) 295 

Harris    Robins 219-295 

Christie,    .John 86 

Sara  Kaye   (Hardman) 86 

Christopher,  Ella  G 63 

Cissel,     Clementine 223 

Clementine  Crawford   (Rittenhouse)....  223 

Ettie    Davidson 223 

Grace   Wood 297 

Grace    (Wood) 297 

Helen    Murray 223 

John    Atkinson 223-297 

Katherine  Barnard 223 

Margaret    S 223 

Marv  Crosbie 223 

Richard   Samuel  Thomas : 124-223 

Clapp,  Elizabeth  Parry 2.52 

Clark,    Byron    C 249 

Eleanor    110 

George    110 

.Jennie  186 

Marv    Charlotte 110 

Sarah   27 

Clarke,  Georgine 119 

Jennie    269 

Marv  Margaret   (Rogers) 119 

Samuel 119 

C'laskell,  Georgia 214 

Clay,    (Rev.)    Slater 29 

Clemens,    (Dr.)    .James   Edwin 2.38-305 

Marv    Sarah    (Evans) .395 

Russell  Marshall '. .305 

Clemson,    Amos    C 90-172 

Ann  Bull 83 

Anna   Laura    (Nixdorf) 26.3 

Arabella  C 172 

Cvrus   .Jacobs 83 

Elizabeth  83 

Elmira  .Jane    (Bosserman) 172 

Gertrude     Gouveneur 168 

(Rev.)    John   Baker    (D.   D.) .39-82 

Levi     Bull 82 

Lloyd  Colder 172-263 

Ludlow   Ogden 168 

Margaretta   Jacobs    (Bull) 82 

Margarita   Helen 168 

Clemson,   Mary  Martha   Sherwood 83 

Sara    Frances    (Ogden) 168 

(Rev.)    Thomas  Green 8.3-168 

Cleves,    Eleanor 167 

Clifton.   Alfred   Theodore 222-296-3.38 

Elizabeth  Caldwell   (Rittenhouse) 296 

Elizabeth     Rittenhouse 296 

Mamie 119 

May : 118 

Clingan,  Alan  Hunter 160 

Ann  Hunter , 25.5 

Anna    Louise 160 

Annie  J 77 

Charles    Brooke 159-255 

Charles  Miller ._. 77-159 

Clement   Brooke .'. 159   - 

Clementine 255 

Laura    Theresa 2.55 

Maria   T.   Brooke : 1.59 

Martha 77 

Rosalind  255 

Rosalind  (Wood) 2.55 

Sarah  C.    (Dewees) 77 

Thomas    Dewees 77 

William 37-77 

William   W 77 

Clodfelter,    George 48-108 

Minnie  Ann 106 

Rachel    Surrilda    (Wilson-Hughey) 106 



Closo,  Cviiinnthia !" 

Diuui'l    4:i!n 

Dimicl    Wilfred '-"I 

(u  (i|-;:i.i  1""' 

(Ini.-c    liiill   (IJpntty) '•" 

.III 111. 's    M '■}[ 

Lizzie   (  Mcintosh) 17r> 

MarKiii'et     '••' 

Mni-tlin    !" 

Willi, I  111  ni-i".". 

CldUsf,    Alnlionsd 1!l!> 

Ktfie    T.«» 

Kiiiiim    J!>i> 

(     1!'!' 

llenrv     ll>l  l!l!l 

Mnitli.i   Thei-pso    (Wilson) l!i'.) 

ri.iy.l.     Mary  :{:!" 

Chiller,    Adii     (Hiirni)) '2'A 

Chiirliitte    Herthii * '2'>4 

C'liirii   Miitildii    (Kiegcl) 2r>4 

Kdward     ■I'il-luiiaii 75-157-L'r)4 

KIsie   Kllswc.rlli    (Bnehninn) 2."i4 

Kinily     Kllswurtli i'.">4 

Isiiiilv     Smith ]•"'" 

I'rederiek     lliester 158-l.'r«4 

.Idliii   UieRpl -"'4 

Levi     Smith lol-'Sjj 

Maria    Catherine    (Hunter) 75 

Mav  Rose 254 

Stanley  Palm 254-:«S 

Valeria     Elizabeth 15S 

Valeria    Smith 157 

Valeria    (Smith)  157 

AVilliani    lliester 75-157 

Coapmaii.    Daniel I'iO 

Klsie    100 

Marian  E KJO 

Coates,   Aleen    (Wood) 25!) 

Anna    H.     (Roberts) IK! 

Caroline     Pen  nock 25!) 

Charles  Edward : 79-163-250 

Charles    Hunter 25!) 

Dewees    Roberts K'-) 

Dorothy  Wetherall 250 

Franeis     Graham 25!)-3.">S 

George    Hunter 250 

George    William    Pennock l(52-lli3-250 

Janev    J.     (Boarman) 250 

Jesse   79-164-S38 

Jesse    Pennock 250 

John    Tyson 25!) 

Leonard   Roberts 163-2r)0 

Martha   Wells    (Pennock) 79 

Mary    Louisa l'>4 

MarV   Roberta 259 

Ollie    (Maurin) 259 

Rachel    Anna lf>4 

Robert   Boarman _ 259 

Victor     Maurin 259 

Cobean,    Alexander 22-37 

Mary     ( Bull ) 22-37 

Samuel  37 

Thomas    37 

William  37 

Cochran.    Anne    Connell 225 

Caroline     174 

Clara    Jane    15<) 

Elizabeth    Robinson 140 

Elizabeth    (  Robinson-McQuistion) t>0 

Elma   Arabell 150 

Emory  2(54 

Floret t a     Elizabeth l->t) 

George     Hampton 14!) 

George   Robinson (iO-14!) 

Harry    Milton 15(> 

Isabel     Chamberlain     ..., 305 

Isabel    Mason     (Evans) 305 

James  70-1.50 

CiichrMn,    .laiiiex   Taylor 

.loel     Winter 


.\I  argarnt   

.Margaret    Jnnp 

I4!t  2JS 

L'.'.'M  .".l>5 


.Mar-ant     (McCully) 15<» 

Mary   .\rin 70 

.Vaiii'y     .lane     (Porter) 2-18 

( )rplia   ThompHon ,. 24K 

.Susan     A 70 

Sydney  _  70 

'I'hiimas     3.">(>!( 

Wiiinifrcd     (Hunter;  2<>l 

William    174  2tW 

Coke.     Addie 130 

Ri<hard  138 

(  Senator)   l->9 

Colbeth.  Albert  Wheeler 270 

Daniel     .\rad 270 

Floyd    Even-tl 27<» 

Lawrence     Wingfield 270 

Myrtle   Esther... 270 

Nettie     Frances 271) 

Orville    Seth  270 

Ruby   Sarah 270 

Sarah   Jane    (Buckwalter) 270 

Seth    Peter 181-270 

William  Harrison 270 

Cole,    Ida 124 

(Rev.)    Leonard 124 

Collet,   Richard 3.36 

Colver,   Adelina    (Dunlop) 103 

■  Bertha  198 

Elizabeth  Randolph  (Storrow) 283 

Franklin  103 

Gertrude  199 

Gilbert    190 

Harry    Alphonzo 100-2.'^3 

James    Franklin VXi 

James    W 103-108 

Robert    Franklin 108 

Sallie  ia3 

Samuel  .Tames 2.83 

Sarah    Elizabeth    (Wilson) 17S 

Susan    Elizabeth 103 

Thomas   Storrow 2,83 

(jlombs,   .James   Emmet 236-')04 

Monroe    Powell .30-5 

Xan    Caldwell    (Powell) .304 

Conipton,   Albert  Edward 184 

Klmer  Carlyle 184 

Genevieve    184 

Jane  (Stewart) 96 

John     Elmer 96-1.84 

Mary  Peacock    (Roberts) 184 

Samuel    96 

Vera    Lucille , 184 

Comstock,    Edith    Watts 158 

Conly,    Addie  Beth 103 

Edward  Wilson 103 

Elizabeth   J.    (Woolt en-Anderson) 193 

Julia    Genevieve...  -79 

Madge     193 

Marv    Estella   279 

Mattie    Bell    193 

Mattie    L 101 

Pauline    Elizabeth 270 

Ruth  Adelaide   (Mullins) 279 

Samuel    .\iulerson 193 

Wilda     Edith 279 

William    Edward 101-19.3-279 

Conner.  America  Adelia 2.80 

Anne    Columbia    (Pope-Sivley) 2.<!0 

Marv   105 

O.  C 195 

William  Aiken 195-280 



Connor,  Anna    (Adams) 214 

Birdie   Dole 118 

Edgar    Ahl 214 

Jemima    (Adams) 118 

John   T ..117-J214 

Marv   Grace 214 

Moses  - .53-118 

Cook,  Julia 150-233 

Mary    F 107 

(Colonel)    William 328 

Cooley,  Anna  Mary 304 

Davis    Hannon 304 

James    H 304 

Jaquelin    Smith 304 

Louisa  Fontaine S04 

Maria   Louisa    (Wright) 304 

Walker  Smith 235-304 

Cope,  Gilbert 13 

Cornelius,    Alice 96 

Cornell,   Jane  Hench 292 

John 211-292 

Robert   William 292 

Ruth  Hazel   (Hench) 292 

Corsen,    (Major  General)   Montgomery 133 

Corson,  Alice  Vincent 216 

Caroline  Huston 293 

Charles  Russell 216 

Dorothy   Hiester 216 

Eleanor   Gertrude 293 

Eleanor    Gertrude    (Yeakle) 293 

Ellen  Pawling 216 

Henry    Friedley 216 

John  J 119-216-293 

John    Jay 216 

Paula    Lawrence 216 

Rebecca  Pawling   (Friedley) 216 

Susan    Rogers 216 

Cosby,   Fortunatus ; 61 

de   Costar,   Fernand 176 

Covell,   S.  A 108 

Cox,    Callie    (Mabry) 278 

Cecilia    Maxley 278 

David 44 

Ella   Blanche 173 

Fredericka 153 

George 153' 

Joseph    George 153 

Robert  Owen 278 

Sadie 177 

Coxe,     (Dr.)     Abraham 121 

Isabella    Liddon 121 

Coyle,  Laura 145 

Craig,     (Colonel)     Thomas     328 

Craige,    Elizabeth    (Heberton) 161 

John    Lindsay 161 

Mary    Moorhead 161 

Grain,   Alfred  Hermon 117-215 

Anna   Adams 117 

Charles    Edward 117 

Emma     (Myers) 215 

Florence  Elizabeth .         117 

Mary    Ellen 117 

Mary    Myers ,'. 215 

Robert  Emery 215 

Sarah    Grace    (Adams) 117 

William  Clark 215 

William  Hamilton 53-117 

Crane,  Annetti  di  Costa 121 

John  W^ 121 

Crawford,  Addle   (Scott) 248 

Babe 269 

Clara   May .«. 228 

Clarence   M 269 

Clyde  C 269 

Crawford,    Elsie   Olive 248 

Gertrude   F 268 

Harry    Gilleand 150-248 

James    Graham 150 

James    Sample 70-150 

John   150 

Laura  269 

Lydia    Elizabeth 150 

Nancy  Guthrie    (Gilleand) 150 

Ray  Scott 248 

Rebecca    J.     (Buckwalter) 268 

William  H 268 

William  W 180-268 

Creigh,  Emma  Colton  (Barber) 172 

James  Jacobs 88-172 

(Rev.)    John 42 

Mary 42 

Mary    Dunbar 172 

Thomas  41-42-88 

Cresswell,  Emma  Nourse 300 

Louisa   Pryne    (Stribling) 300 

Martha 48 

William  Henry 229-300 

Cricks,  Mary 71 

Crockett,   George   Avery 153 

Josie  Maud   (Hills).. 153 

Lou     Maud     152-153 

Croghan,   Dorothy  Marie 292 

Mary  Linn   (Hench) 292 

Otis  Alfred 211-292 

Robert   Hench 292 

Virginia   Rush .'. 292 

Cromwell,  Anna  Caroline 220 

Caroline    :... 122 

Charles    Edwin 220 

Eleanor 295 

Elizabeth .,...  295 

Elizabeth   Stuart    (Henderson) 220 

James  William 122-220-295 

Lincoln 220-295 

Lewis  295 

Mabel   Wheeler    (Smith) 295 

Margaret  295 

Mary  Stuart 295 

Paula     (Bronson) 295 

R.  Bronson 295 

Crook,  Amanda  Minerva  (Mechling) 249 

C.  F 249 

Edward 249 

Floy 249 

F.  G 249 

Geraldine  249 

J.  L 249 

M.  A 249 

R.  E 249 

Crossett,    Emeline 43 

Crosswell,  James  J 143-242 

Jaquelin  Daniel 242 

Jennie  Chestnut 242 

Jessie    deColtas 242 

Lily  Dell   (Murdock) 242 

Crothers,  La  Fayette 205 

Crowell,  Lydia 13 

Crumbling,  Alice 101 

Cullom,   Anna  B , 231 

Melissa 145 

Cummins,  Earl  B 212 

Cummings,    Julia   Mary 251 

William   B. 218 

Cunningham,    Ella    Goldie    228 

Mary  Owens : : 230 

Susie 190 

Currie,  William 322 

Curtain,  Elizabeth 336 



C'ulsli.uv,    Mary    K lll>^  l"l'-» 

C'll\lcl'.   .It "»♦ 

(U,v. )   Curmlius  C.   (D.  D.) 55 

hiiily,    .I.'sse ?. l'»' 

l>:ili  y.    Miiry  "- 

Diilliiin.   Ann    •*!•!<! 

Siiiiiucl      •"9',' 

Susan II Jill   'i'^' 

l)alt<in,    Mary -'-•^ 

Dana,   KlizaUi-th -!•» 

Kli/.nhclli    (  HnnviO 11!> 

Kll.Ml    I^lj} 

iMiiiiia    A.  -I'J 

Kamiy    (  I'awling)    _-![> 

l.duisa   A -'■' 

(  Dr.  )    RiilnM-t  Shoemaker 11!»12ir> 

UciIh  It    Sylvester llO-L'lj 

Daniel.   Anna    llardv -^- 

Aniia    Manly    (Bell) Ii4^ 

Anna   M  aileliiie 1-i-l 

Anna   Wallace  2:!:! 

('(iriielia   (i  odd  rich 14."i' 

Edward  ,lai|uelin  Haines   (Smith- 

Murdock )  6."? 

Kmily   Isobel    (L'Engle) 14:^ 

Kvelyii  Isobel 14."? 

lleiirv  AuRustine 144 

Isal,e"l    24-' 

Isnliel  Mary  (Fernandez) 140 

James  .Taquelin 04- 14."! 

J  anil's  Madison (i4-14;i 

Ja(|iielin    .lames 24.'^ 

Marv     Kmily 14.H' 

Marv    doff    (Palmer) 24:'> 

0)ilielia  Mason 24:5 

Kichard   Hovven 140-14.'?-242 

Richard    Potts 63-140-24:5 

Sarah  Cornelia "4 

Snsan     Fatio 14-! 

William    Augustine t>4 

Dapp,  Etta  M l'*^t> 

Darby,  Alice ^'M 

Darke,    John 336 

( General )    William 336 

Darling,  Anna  Monell !"><> 

Austin  Hooper 247 

Clara   Childs 253 

Earle    John 247 

Edward    253 

Edward   Payson 74-15(5 

Eliakim  3(> 

Elizabeth  Pobes 1;>I'> 

Elizalieth     Smith 74 

Elsie    Lowry 253 

Emilv  Cist 151i 

Emily  HoUenbeck   (Rutter) 15ti 

Emilv  Howard 74 

Emma    Childs    (MeClintock)    253 

Fannie    !•}'> 

Fannie    Collier 15<> 

Florence  1^>'' 

Frances  Caroline 74 

Grace  Mary 247 

Henry  73-155-1.56 

Howard  ' •"''' 

James  A 68-14S 

Jennie  l'>' 

John   Vaughan 74 

Julia    1^1' 

Lewis  14.S-LM7 

Lillian   (Shaw) 247 

Margaretta    j4 

Margaret t a    Vaughan ]5."> 

Margaretta  ^'aughan   (Smith) ":'.' 

Mary  1J2^ 

Marv  Smith  7.'! 

D.irling.    .Marv    Kiitter 
Ophilia  ()'.   (WcIIm). 
Ki'becca    R,    (ThomiiM) 

Richard     WcIIm 

Kulh     (  Muck) 

S.   Aiigusiii    (Taylor) 

Susan     Jnne 

T  ho  in  as  15<> 

Smith 74 




I  toward. 






Mary     Florence 


Davidson.   Henrietta  Young 


Davies,    Anna    F 

Rachel     H 

Davis,    Ann     (Newberry) 

(Captain)   Charles  Thomas 217 

( Captain )    2< 

?:iniira    (Dewees) 

Km  ma    

Emma     Judson 

Emma    Washington    (Davison) 


Ethel   Louise 


Howard    Armstrong 

John    81-165- 

Laura     Alt  a 

Mary    ( Newberry) 

Mary   Willey 


Susan    Venable 

Thomas    Dewees 

William     Alexander 

William     Howard 134-135- 

Davison,    Alexander    Caldwell 1.34- 

Alexander     Macdonald     6<>-l."!5- 

Alexander    McDonald 133- 

Ann  Alexander    (Caldwell) 

Ann    Maury 


Anna  Augusta 

Anna    Maria 132-133-135- 

Bessie    Bird    

Cary     Ambler     

Cecil     Armstrong     

Charles    Morris    

diaries     William     

Cornelia   Hite  

Cornelius    Hite    

Edmonia   Louise   lo4- 

Edward    Ilalstead    -_..._ 

Edward    Jaiiuelin    60-l.'>."!- 

Eleanor    Briscoe    - 

Eleanor    Conway     (Baldwin)     

Eleanor    Cornelia    

Elizabeth     Alexander     


Emma    Washington    

Fontaine     Hite     234 

Frances  Arabella  

Gregorv    Caldwell    

Guy     Powell     

Hester     ^Morris     (Marshall)     

James    Marshall    234- 

James    Pelot     

Jaciuelin    Smith    

Jessie    Bird    


John    Smith    132-13.5- 

John   Smith   Bull   50- 

Joseph   William   

I :,:, 

1 55 


















31' 1 





1. •{.•'. 









Davison,    Kate    Madison    136 

Livingston  Edward   136-237 

Louise  Fontaine  132-136 

Louise    Hite    134-133 

Ludwell    Baldwin    234 

Macdonald     Alexander    135 

Margaret    Chesley 136 

Maria    Augusta    136 

Marianne    Alexander    236 

Maria     Louisa     60 

Mary    Alice     (Streepy)     304 

Mary    Baldwin    133 

Mary  Cbnstantin   (Powell)    136 

Marv    Elizabeth     (Bowman)    233 

Marv    Eltinge    133 

Mary    Eltinge     (Hite)     132 

Mary    Jaquelin    233 

Marv     Matilda     133 

Marv    Williams    233 

Martha    L.    (Powell)    237 

Martha    M.     (Smith)    59 

Matilda    Madison     (Hite)     133 

Nannv    Dravton    234 

Raleigh    Belfield    233 

Sarah    Caroline     (Pelot-Eppes)     236 

Sarah    Carolyn 236 

Sarah    Emma 136 

S'arah    Jaquelin    60-132 

Sara   R.    (Watson)    234 

Thomas     Pelot     236 

Virginia    Augusta    132 

Walker    Maury 133 

William     30-59 

William   Armstrong   60-133-134-133-234 

William     Macdonald 135 

William   Ringgold   234 

William     Smith     133-135-235 

William     Watson     234 

Dawson,     (Rev.)    William 18-326 

Day,    Corwin    P .178-267 

Elvira    Loretta     (Howard-Knake) 267 

Florence     267 

Helen     267 

Juanita     267 

Dean    (Colonel)    319 

Deardorf,     Carrie    275 

Clarence     275 

Ellen    R.     (Quickel)     273 

Gleason 190-275 

Harry      275 

John     273 

Luther     275 

K'ellie     275 

'Paul     275 

Roy     273 

Ruth   \ 275 

Deckard,    Elizabeth    E.     (Jordan)    181 

Elizabeth     Ella     270 

Harry    Jordan    181-270 

Jennie     Blanche     270 

Laura    Helen    270 

Margaret    A.     (Murray)    270 

Margaret    Louise    270 

Mary   Rebecca    270 

Nila"   Marion    ISl 

Ralph    Xorman    270 

Rebecca    North 181 

Samuel  Roth 94-181 

Samuel    Stuart    270 

Stella    Shoemaker    , 270 

Demaree,     .Jennie    93 

Demont,     William     323 

Denicke,    William    .T 72 

Denison,    Adelaide    Jane    .' 280 

Ambrose  Franklin   195-280 

Annie  Pope  280 

Effie     (Pope)     280 

Denley,     Arthur     .James     250 

Bernice    Luella    250 

Ethel    Florence    250 

James    L ..--* 107-250 

Luella  Jane    (Mechling)    250 

Wilma     Grace     - 250 

Dennis,    Kate    B 203 

Derby,     Hazel    2.36 

Deringer,    Anne    Porster    (Duncan)     309 

William     Duncan     261-309 

Dewees,    Amelia    V.    (Snyder)    78 

Ann    (Bull) 37 

Ann    Hause    80 

Ann    Hunter     37 

Anna     239 

Anna    Maria    78 

Annie    M.     (Young)     166 

Clara    Elizabeth    (Bail.ey)    260 

Clara     Knerr    165 

Daniel     Udru     78-162 

Edward    Bull    38 

Elizabeth     (Hause)    80 

Elizabeth    T 37 

Ella     Davis     165 

Elmira     81 

Emma    A.     (Rayser)    162 

Emma    M 165 

Eva    Amelia    79 

George     Malcolm     2()0 

George    O 162-258 

George    Rowell    259 

George  Stiteler 164-260 

George   Washington   38-78-79 

H.    Herbert    166 

Hannah    Louise    80 

Henrv     Benner    259 

Henry    Clay    81-166 

Hilda    May    166 

Howard    164-239 

Howard  Knerr  165 

Howard    Wood    81 

Ida    SI 

Ida    Elizabeth    '..  166 

Ida   L.    (Knerr)    165 

Irvin     Stiteler 259 

Isaac    Holstein    79-163 

I.    Hause   166 

Jacob    H 162 

Jacob  Hause  80-164 

Jacob    Morris 259 

Jesse    Hause    81 

Jennie     (Barnes)     258 

John    Hause    81 

Louisa    Brooke    (Holstein)     79 

Ledvard   Holstein   163 

Levi    Bull    38 

Louisa    S 162 

Mabel    E 165 

Margaret     38 

Margaret    Young 166 

Marv    Ann    37 

Mary  Elizabeth    (Stiteler)    259 

Mary     Hughes     79 

Marj'    Louise    37 

Mary    (Young)     162 

Olivia   C.    (Ledyard)    163 

Paul    D 258 

Rachel     Bartholomew     38 

Ralph  1 258 

Rosalind   Wood    164 

Sarah    C : 37-79 

Sarah     Clingan    80 

Sarah     (Potts) 22 

S'arah     (Stiteler) 164 

Thomas   Bull  38-79-80-162-165 

Walter    Roscoe    163 

Waters    22-37 

William     22-318 

William    Bull    22 

William  H 162 

William  Waters  81 



rkaril)     ... 
(  W I  ) 




Patton  i:!7 

.\iilliony     ...... 



I  )c\vc\  .      (  .\(lriii  111  I  )      ( iroryi' 
l>i'V(i.     Mary    

Itiilpli   ■ 

'I'liliilliM    (  MiiriicH)    

1  )i<'kli()iM,   Siismi    M 

|)ii-l<s(in.    (ieorgp    P 


Dii'li.ild,    Cliivlmi    W 

I'ldKiir     S.  

Kli/.ali.'lli    Kll.i     (I)r 
Dihvorlli,    Annie    llmilri 

Dcwri'.s     W 

.idM'pii    i; 

Diinil  r\ ,    .McMiiulcr    

.\  Irxii  TuliT    ( iii(lt;i-aii(l 

.Vlicc     'I'lirrcsc     


Anne   KliziiliiMli    (.rohnston) 

.Anne    Thori'se     (Snee)     

( 'iirolinc    






Eliza    VirRinia 

Eliza  l)("th     

Ki'iiest   Alexander  Lagarde  


John   Bull   Smith 

John    Kapha  el     

.Tosi'ph    .Vnyusline    

^laiiannc   Celeste    (Draes)    . 

Marv    I'Mizabeth   Lvnn   

Mary   Elizabeth    (Ruth)    

Marv   Mills 

Mary   Powell    (Mills)    ,..; 

Matilda   Fortier 

Kobe  it    Andi'ea    .'. 

Kobcit     Mills    i:;7 

Thomas     Babney    1:1S 

Diveii.    .Mbertson  () 

Alice    (Cornelius)    

Alice    Ruth    

Geoi-pe   McClellan   

Ira    C 

James    Al 

Lemuel  Jesse   

Martha     Rebecca     

Mary  Ellen   

Rebecca    J.    (Okeson)    

Tirza    B 

William    H Ofi 

Dodpe,    .\nnie  Wright    (Nourse)    

Francis    Despavd    

Rich  aid     Despard     l.'tl 

Kiclinrd    -losepli    

Donaldson.    Laiu-lilin    

Doud,    Eleanor 

L)ow,   .Vnnetta  Dunning  

John  E 157 

Tjawrence    .Vdams    

Marv    Elizabeth     (Dunning)     

Downs,    E.    Viola    (Fordvce)    

Ina    L ■ 

Merl    L 

Opal    E 

Wesley    P 1 110 

Doyle,     (Mrs.)    .Tacoli    

Drown,    Edward    Darling    

Elizabeth   Darling  

Elizabeth     .S'lniih     (Darling)     

Emily    Darling    

Margaretta    Darling   

Mary     Darling    

Thomas      Darling     

A'aimhan    Darling    

William    A 7-1 

William  Messenger  











•_'.■',!  I 
























1 50 

Diiiiii.     I'loia     (lelaviii     (llowiircl) 

.My  rile     


Dniiiigold.    Kehocca   



Dubell,     Ann     II.      (ClinKan) 

(  K'ev,  )     Charles      

Owen    llrooki' 

Duke,       l':ilell      


. I  11.1       

Dulaney,     (Cnnimndorp)     Uliulen  01 

(  aroline      licbccca      

Caroline     Rebecca     (.Nmirse) 
J'hoebe     Pemberlon 
Rosa    Morris   Komilly 

DiiiM-.iii.     .\niie     I'Virster    

(aioliiie    .\lricks     (Forster) 

Emma     Louise     

iramillon    .Vlricks    


Margery     Alricks    

William'  Rolhion  108- 

Dun  I  op,   Emma   

Dunn,   Dinah  

Dunning,    .\nnetta    O'Brien 

.\niietta     (Smith)     

Frances    Valeria    

George     F 

Mary   Elizabeth   











1  It 
I  It 
1  n 
1 1I 


21 ;  I 









DuPortail     (General)     . 
Earle,    Maey   Tilghman 

Early    (General)    

Eastburn,    Jesse    

Easterdav.    Marv   Roberta    (Coates)    

William    Wilon    259 




Edwards,     Anne    Eleanor    

Eleanor  Conway    (Pedigo)    

•lohu                                                 .   ..  .. 




John     Worrell     

Eisenhart,     -Mice    M.     (Shaeffer)     .. 




Margaret    .Mice    

Margaret     1.      (Griffith)       



William     lleniy     



.\iin    Elizal)eth    (Meehling)    

.Anna   M.    (Fowler)   

.\nnie  Elizabeth  

Charles    Franklin    

Charles     Fremont     






.? 250 

Elgin     Martin     

Emma    Jane                        . ... 



George  Thomas 

James    Blakely    



2.51 1 

John   .Vlexander  



...  .71-151 

Joseph    Levi    


Lewis    Lemon     


Jjcwis     Lemuel         


L     Maude             


X      K  vu  n^'t'liiio 


l\:ill)li    Mcclilinu^                  


Uichard    M grilling    

Samuel    Martin    

Sidney   KUis   




Susan    I                      


Wilda     Mav    


Kllicott,     Eugene     121 



Elliott,    Charles    John    148 

Charles  Jollv  68 

(Rev.    Dr.)    David    329 

Isabella    (Bull)    68 

(Commodore)    Jesse  Duncan 42 

John    33-68 

Mary     42 

Mary   Jones   148 

Robert     -- 23-329 

Sophia    68 

Ellis,    Edward    167 

Esther    287 

Florence     167 

John  J 204-287 

Rachel   (S'mith) 167 

Willie    J.     (Harris)     - 287 

Elmore,    (Dr.)    A.    M 104 

Anna    Madeline     (Daniel)     243 

Franklin   Harper   '. 144-243 

Emerich,    Caroline    (Jordan)    181 

George    181 

George    S 94-181 

Mollie     181 

Emery,    Frank 184-271 

Genevieve     Viola    271 

Grant  Samuel  184 

Isabella     (Spencer)    184 

John     Kenneth     271 

Vera   Lucille    (Compton)    271 

Emig,   Barbara    (Sunper) 101 

Bertha    190 

Catherine     (Bollinger)     101 

Eva     (Spangler)    101 

Jacob    101 

John     101 

Salome    (Shaeffer)    101 

Valentine     101 

Englehaupt,  John  43-92 

Margaret  B 92 

Koxanna     (Beatty)     92 

English,     Columbia     (McFerron)     47 

Miriam   100 

Enswiler,    Thomas    185 

Epler,  Mary  Barbara  28 

Eppes,    John   Wales   134 

Margaret    Julia    134 

Sarah    Catherine     (Pelot)     : 134 

Erwin,    (Colonel)    John  Bratton  144 

Eshenour,     Edward    186 

Emma     (Stair)     187 

Ephraim     186 

Faber    187 

Jeremiah     - 186 

Josiah    97-98-186 

Lawrence 186 

Lillian    186 

Lydia     (Stair)     ....„ 186 

Solomon 186 

Evans,    Alexander    Dimitry    2-38 

Anais    Cornelia    304 

Anais    Lagarde    238 

Athenais    Marie    Francois    305 

Augustine     Jaquelin 238 

Eulah    Carrie     (Greathouse)    - 305 

Ernest    Joseph    238 

Francis     Zenobia    238 

George     321 

Isabel    Mason    238 

Isobel    Livingston    (Blankman)    238 

Iva    Banes    (Persot)    304 

John    60 

John   Jaquelin    137-237-238-304 

Johnson    107 

Kate  Therese    (Marks)    304 

Lagarde     238 

Laura    Pandsley    238 

Marie    Anais    304 

Evans,     Marie    Annunciata    305 

Mary   Anais   Denise    (Lagarde)    237 

Mary    S'arah   238 

Matilda   Dimitrv   238 

(Judge)    Richard    60 

Richard     Joseph     136-237 

Richard    Mills 237-304-305 

Robert    Mills    136 

Robert    Mills    Ignatius    238 

Sarah    Athenais    Marie    2-37 

Virginia     Mills     137-238 

Eveleth,    Dwight   72 

Jeannette     72 

Sarah    72 

Eyster,    Margaret    272 

Fackler,     Annie    E 272 

Betty    Jane 272 

Carrie     (Neiman)    272 

Charles     L 271 

Daniel 185 

Eliza    A.     (Bull)    185 

Elizabeth     185 

George  W 185-272 

Harry    B 272 

John  Augustus   185-272 

Katie   A 185 

Katie  M.    (Spangler)    271 

Lewis    272 

Lewis  Henry  185-271 

Lucy    (Boose)    272 

Margaret     272 

Margaret    L 272 

Martin    Luther    271 

Mary     272 

Mary     E 185 

Mary     M 271 

Millard     272 

Myrtle    272 

Nellie    C.    ; 271 

Ruth    272 

Fairlamb,   Frank  92 

Fake,   James   188-274 

Mary     274 

Minnie      (Maelhorn-Rife)      274 

Paul    274 

Farrar,    William    B 49 

Fastnacht,    Allie    F 215 

Faulkner,     Hannah     336 

Fauntleroy,   Ann  Magill  239 

Ann    (Magill)     138 

Bessie     (Lee)     305 

Bessie    Lee    305 

Charles    Magill 239 

Cornelius    Hite    239 

Elizabeth     Dangerfleld     2.39 

Elizabeth    Smith     (Hite)     239 

Guilford   Griffen   239 

Janet  Rankin  305 

Joseph    Barnes    239 

Katherine  W 239 

Margaret  Guion  305 

Mary     Barnes     239 

(Colonel)     T.     T 138 

Thomas     T 138-239 

Thomas    Turner    239-305 

Fenton,  Charles  Jennings  66 

( Colonel )    - - 23-27 

Edith    M -. 288 

Herman     E 288 

Homer   F 288 

Isabelle    6" 

Margaret    E.     (Strieby)     288 

Marion    206-288 

Myrtle    M 288 

Sarah    A.     (Montgomery)     66 

Fernandez,    Isobel    Mary    63 

Evelyn  Jane  63 



FiTnc.    Adil.M    Miilicl   Hill 

Alan      \\ I       77  ir,<l 

Anna      (Iciincss)      2T}Vi 

i>avi.i     ra 

David    Diuci^s   77Hi<» 

Dilhi-      llaUcr      .■!7  77 

I'Mwaid    liailliolomew  KM)  lir>('i 

Klizahclh    C ;.'."•.". 

Islizaliiili     (Dcvvces)     77 

I'lmilx'    Cleaver    KiO 

iMnily     (  h'aver     (  Ita  il  Imlnnicw)     1(1(1 

lMi;;(in'     I  luleliinsoii     KK)-!!.")." 

Flnrenee     A \lTt7t 

h'redei-ie     llaker    77 

(i  CO !•«■('     CI  em  son     77-l(I(l 

(iedi'Ke     Kiifjene    li.'iri 

IliiTold    \'iiii;;lin    li'Mi 

1 1  (den     .lenness     2."il) 

Helen    Mai'^'.irct   2."." 

Howard    (Jaiiett    l(l()-2r>l> 

Kallierine    .Iose|)liinp    '2'i7< 

Mai-^ai-el      (Halpin)     2riri 

•Maiian     Iv     (Coapman)     2.")." 

Mai'ian    K 2.") 

Mary   Kli/.al)eth   77 

Mary     Kcdiccca     2.") 

Mildr.'d     Kli/.aliel  h     2.V) 

Xewbeinc     Mackey    2r)(> 

Kaeliel    Jane     (Mackev)     '2Tti'> 

K(lHica      (Zook)      '. KiO 

Kowland    Howidl    2r»() 

Tlionias    Waters    77-1(10 

'William    I  )e\ve('s   i(;0-255 

William      Halpin     27,7) 

Ferverba,    Chloa    Ijds 

Hiram     : I'lis 

Ivy 2()S 

Fcttorman,    Clyde    17.") 

Iran     1 7.-> 

Mary    Ellen    17.". 

Pidler,     Adam    Franklin    110- 207 

Edith    Elizabeth     (Rull)    207 

Elizabeth     Dell     (White)     28!) 

UeorKc    lOniard    207-o.SS 

.Tessie     ^lae     207 

.T(din    A 11(1 

Lewis     D 2S!) 

Margaret      (Fancil)     lid 

Mary      Elizabeth     2S!( 

Noah    Winfred    207-2Sn 

Perry    Elmer    207 

Filbert,    Edward   Darling  2.'5:V.'{(IS 

Fannie     (Darling)     2."i.". 

George    W l.")()-2.">:i 

IToraee   A 2.">.'! 

Horace   Darling  MOS 

Helen      2;":; 

Mary    E.     (Buchter)     3(1,S 

Thomas  Stanley  2.53 

Finer,   Arthur  A 20!1-2!)1 

Darlene    Elizabeth    201 

George    •'()!) 

Kuth  Bardella   (Willis) 201 

Fink,    Anna    M ■'7-' 

Cora    E 271 

Daisy    271 

Edna     272 

Elizabeth  Newell  247 

Ivan     Berlin    247 

•  loliii    lierlin    247 

.lolm     II 272 

•Tnhn     .T.     B 148-247 

Mary    E.     (Packler)     271 

Mary   ,J.    (MoQuistion)    247 

Minnie  M 270 

Wilbur   272 

\Villiara    272 

"William  C is.">-271 

Finlay,    Sarah    Mary    170 

I'inley,     (Surge. >fi    GenornI)    Al«xan(li-r  |(i2 

I'Mlzabelli     (.Moore)    H;2 

.(iimcM     Kandlette     2.">M  .'!:;.S 

BoniHe     (Dewee.n)     'J.VS 

'I'lioiiia'*      DeWfL'H     2."iS:!.'!X 

W.iller      I, !li2  2.">H 

II  I 

27(»  .MO 




2:;(i  :;(»2 

I  HI 

Fisher,     Alice    Amelia    

DaiOel     I) 

Daniel    Deckard    

lOnielie     S 

Harry      (iilison 

.lerinie    Blanche    (  Deckard  ) 

I'isk.     Asa     FranclH    

(   larissii     Brace     

(laiissa     I'.r.ace     f  pfassler) 

l''iske,    Amanda   .lian    (. Newman)    . 

Klsie    Latimer    (Smith)    

.lay    .\llen    145- 244 

.lohn     Dewey    , 14fi-244 

Koger    .\llen   244 

Filzpatrick,    Adelaide   Bernice    (Wilson)....  282 

Bc-rnice     282 

Thomas    .lames    106-282 

Flagg,     M.iria     78 

Fonville,    Albert     Sydney    177-2C>7 

Elmira     Lucille     2<;7 

Herman    Albert    ..  267 

Maude    Pearl     (Power)    267 

Forbes,    Mary    Elizabeth    121 

William    H 121 

l''iird,      Ijouise     106 

Margaret     Ann     i:U 

Mary    Sarah    120 

Fordyce,     Bessie     206 

E.    Viola    110 

Kdith     206 

Frank     206 

Harry     206 

-lames   H 100-206 

•lames     L :....50-100 

Lydia    ion 

Maggie   206 

Margaret    S.     (Bull)     100 

Mary    (Bennett)    206 

Mary    E 109 

Robert  W HO 

Sarah      100 

Konman,    Minerva    Myrtle    (Locke)    289 

Kichard    Dale    289 

\'elma     289 

William     Willard     207-289 

Forpaugh,    Olive    100 

Forrest,  Charles  Weyman  64-144 

Elizabeth    82-144 

George    82 

.Tuliii     (Kraemer)     82 

Lillian    L 216 

Louisa     144 

Louisa     (Xourse)     1-14 

Kebeeca    Morris   144 

Forster,     .\nnie     Bull     (Aliicks)     168 

Benjamin     Law     84-168 

Caroline    Alricks    168 

((Jeneral)      .lohn     84 

.lohn    Douglas    ItiS 

Margaret     (Law)     84 

Forsythe,    Eliza    69 

Foster,    Blanche   Richards    (Taylor)    307 

(Don)     Juan     40 

Frank    C 251-307 

Lueia    Kebecea    307 

(Rev,)    William  326 



Fowler,     A.     Henry     251 

Anna     M l2| 

Arthur    Joseph    ^ol 

Carl     25j 

Clemenee   L -^2] 

Earl     James     £^] 

George     W ■■::-  Sol 

J.     C lol-2o 

Lester    F -•'^1 

Pearl   Elizabeth   251 

Richard   Ellis   2ol 

Sidney    Ellis    (Ekis) 251 

William     C 2al 

Franklin,     Caroline     158 

Freeze,    Kate    P.    146 

Fremont    (General)    40 

French,     Charles     Howard     216-293 

Charles     W 119-216 

Dorothv   Louise   293 

Ellen    P.     (Friedley)     216 

Lillian     L.      (Forrest)      293 

Friedley,    Eleanor   Henry    216 

Ellen     Pawling     119 

Ellen     (Pawling) 119 

Emilv  Sherwood    (Gemung)    216 

Henry    54-119-216 

Rebecca    Pawling    119 

Rebecca    (Pawling)    119 

Friend,    David    205 

Ella     205 

Hannah     (Etymire)     20o 

Frissell,    Adelaide    Isadore    (Wilson) 197 

Boas    197 

Charles    Brown    283 

Charles    Wilson    197 

Duncan    Phillip    283 

Ella     197 

Ella    (Brown)    283 

Emma    Louise    (Duncan)    28.. 

Henry     197 

Howard     197-338 

Mav     197 

Nathanial     Cook     103-197 

Patrick    197-283-338 

Rebecca    (Houck)    283 

Richard     William     197-283 

Samuel   197 

Thomas    Taylor    197-283-338 

Frizzle,    May    1 114 

Frothingham,    Mary   Foster    163 

Fry,    Mary    Vivian   49 

Mildred    49 

Frye,    Alberta    277 

Emma  Frances    (Carter)    277 

Morton    191-277 

Paul    Carter    297 

Robert    297 

Frver,   Effie   Marie   306 

Ida    Elizabeth     (Boger)     306 

Jacob    Fegley    246-308 

Jamar  Ferdinan  306 

Mabel    Estelle    306 

Maria    246 

Rebecca    246 

Fuller,    Frederick    Pardee    233-297 

Katherine  Barnard  297 

Margaret    S.    (Cissel)    297 

Richard    Frederick    297 

Fultz,    Otto   L - 181 

Furman,    Joseph    B 92 

Gallagher,    Frances    227 

Galloway     (Major)     329 

Gaily,    Benjamin    Willey    237 

Benjamin    William    135-237 

Howard    Davison    237 

Mary    Matilda     (Davison)    237 

Thomas     Kilbourne     237 

Garber,     Dora     , 210 

Emanuel     210 

Jacob     206-288 

Mabel   Virginia    288 

Martha    Algina    (Upson)     288 

Polly     (White)     206 

Samuel    W 206 

Sarah    210 

Vigo    Wayne    288 

Gardner,    Alice    Milton    (Killitts)    313 

Catherine    (Richwine)    93 

Edward    Everett    179 

Elizabeth     (Shatto)      93 

Frank     Worth     179-268 

Harry   Waldo   300-313 

Harvey    LeRoy    179 

Hugh    Edward    268 

John    93 

John   Killitts    313 

Marv   A.    (Smith)    94-179 

Mvrtle  Irene    (Paul)    268 

Paul    Shatto    268 

Reuben     93-179 

William    93 

William    Henry    313 

Garland,    Blanche    Crain    215 

Florence     Elizabeth     (Crain)     215 

Rhey  S'tuart 215 

Garman,  Leroy  187-274 

Luella    M 274 

Marv      (Maelhorn)      274 

Mary    R 274 

Garnet      (Miss)     239 

Garret,    Andrew    112 

Etta     112 

Minerva     112 

Garrett,     Ann     337 

Elinor  337 

George    337 

John    115 

Thomas     15 

William    15 

Gauthier,  Katherine  Anderson   (Jordan)....  214 

Paul   P 116-214 

William    Bull   Jordan   214-338 

Geddy,    M.    J 53 

Gemmil,    Elizabeth   Shettle    (Hoover) 277 

Jeannette     277 

Raymond     190-277 

Raymond   Merwin   277 

Richard    277 

Gemung,    Emily    Sherwood    119 

Genie,    Catherine  Josephine   228 

Gerald,    Carolyn    288 

Gerard,    Alma    151 

Gestler,    Floretta    Elizabeth    (Cochran)    ....  248 

Harry   248 

James   H 150-248 

Margaret    248 

Susan    Arabel    "48 

Getzendammer,    Anna    Jaquelin    (Morgan)    241 

Henry   Clay   '^^'^'Wi 

Jaquelin  241 

Margaret     "41 

Gibbons,    Ella    Jeannette    220 

Gibson,    Alvin  Roy  250 

Clarence  Walker  .- 250 

Elgie    Leon    250 

Elgin    Marlin    2oO 

Eli    151-250 



(■'il)Siill,      l':il;i 

ICiniMu     .liii 


(il'dlKC      l,osli(' 


■J  ."ill 

•J.M  I 

(icoiKc    \V , l.'il   L'.'ill 

IIi'i'litM'i    Lawrence   I'.'iii 

IliUlii    May li.'id 

Trii •J."i> 

.IdIih lirid 

.Idscpll Ij.",!) 

.Idsi'pli     nonnld     ; li.'il 

Lilli.-iii    IUmmcIic    ....: ; L>."() 

M:irs;iiri't      ITiO 

iM :i ly     ]ir<{] 

Nil  tie     10" 

I'hiiimu'r    „.; 2."i<> 

Kulli  Jane  2.")! 

Stella     Kllice     I'.-.U 

Susan      Klizalictli     li.'l 

Susan    T.     (Kkis)     2r.ll 

Gilbert.     John     X\~ 

Lily     ISii 

Gilleand.    Anna    Dolby    (Robinson)    7I> 

David     :{.">- 7(1 

Nancy    (inthrie    71) 

Gillet,    Alice 217 

Bertha    217 

Cliarlotle    Milnor    217 

Klnislie     Morven    120-217 

Jane     Haxall     217 

T^angdon     21 7 

Mildred 217 

Susan    V.     (Milnor) 217 

Gillinghani,    Sarah    .l.'Ui 

Gillsland,    Mary    S , lO.i 

Gilpin,     Anna     (Porter)     7S 

Louisa    Hosalind    Howard    7S 

Richard    B 7S 

Gipson,   Charles  1S2 

Charles    Benjamin    Benjamin    94-1S2 

Charles    Linn    1S2 

Herbert     Leslie    .'. ls'2 

M.    Eva    (Jordan)    ]S;2 

John     Claude 1^2 

Mary     Eleanor     1S2 

Ralph    Jordan    1«2 

Theodore     1 R2 

AValter    Ben    1«2 

Wellington    1S2 

Givorden,    Minerva    Lee    2S7 

Gladfelter,     Albert    271 

Raymond 271 

Godson.    Elizabeth    Annis    2-1." 

Frederick   Halford   245-X!S 

Josepha    Bovd     (Bentlev)     ....  2J." 

William    Frederick    Halford 147-245-;',:!S 

Good,    Helen    S 124 

Gooden,    H.    Alice    <),S 

Goodman,   Rosa  ..! 2.')S 

Goodrich.    Caspar    217 

Caspar    Frederick    120-21  (> 

Eleanor    21  (> 

Eleanor    (Milnor) ..,_  216 

Garnet     Woolsey     217 

Glady.s    ." "^^!.."..  217 

Milnor    217 

Goodspeed.    Luella    7(; 

Goodwin.    C'richfield    108-20.") 

Robert    20.1 

Roy  G 22S 

SallV    Ann     ( Vanderford )     2dr> 

Gordon,     Elizabeth     (Bull)     40 

Joanna     (or    Jemima j    ;"il 

S'arah    20 

Thomas    D ".". 27-40 

(ioluald,     (K.v.)     Alexaiidi'i'  |i)l 

(fill  wall,      .\tlee      27.'{ 

Clara      ((ioodinK) 2711 

(foiilfli,     VVilnier     .  i;»j 

(iraet,     (^iirl     ji;i 

Charles    F |  r,s  jiw 

Kli/.abi-lh     (Mu7.iird)  jci 

(iraluini,     Kdwiri |i;:; 

(iranilon.    .\niie    Eleanor    (KdwiirdH)  .W.', 

I'lleanor     Katherine     .".i:! 

Herbert    Martin    '.U\^  .'A-'. 

(Jray,    |,SK 

Greathouse,     Enla    Carrie    237 

Greenleaf,    (  Uev. )    I'utrick   Henry  42 

Gregory     (Cuptain)     :;.", 

Mary    Ellis    :;.". 

(ircidrr,     .Mcxander    Diven    Ilu  20S 

.\  nii.i      TAt 

Elizabeth      Ill) 

P^lizabeih     (Howenstine)    ."><> 

Fannie    May    20S 

Ili'iiry      ."ill 

Henry    Lee    llo 

John     ."Ill  lO 

.loseph    W Ill 

Lamb    -^ Ill 

Maria    ."lO 

Marv     1 1 1 

Mary   CTiarlotte    (Clark)    20.«t 

Mary    Esther    20S 

Rebecca  Jane    (Bull)   HO 

Greig,    Bessie    Mechling 2.")] 

Bessie     Pearl     (Mechling) 2.">1 

Dorothy    Margaret 2.">1 

Margaret      I."i2 

(Dr.)    Thomas    George    l."2-2."1 

Walter    1:^2 

Gricoe,    Harry    17;i 

Grier,     (Dr.)     Xathan    22 

Griffith.     Margaret    L ISO 

Sallie      IH." 

Grinian,    Emodel    104 

Grimm,    Amanda    OS 

Barbara    4." 

Emmaline    (Bull)    US 

John     4.">-0.S 

Mary    .lane    OS 

Grimshaw.     Mary    Xewton    l:iS 

Grippen.    Blanche    (Roberts)    1.^2 

Bruce     Roberts    m2 

Charles    Meredith    l.S:l 

Dennis    Wasmus 0.">-tS2-l.s:', 

Margaret     (Wallace)    05 

Roger    Wallace    _ l.S:i 

Gronow.    Bathsheba    (Morgan)    1." 

(Colonel)     John     1."> 

Lewis      l:; 

Gross,    Amanda    (Grimm)    1,^7 

Bernard     Russell     27.'> 

Catherine     (Wents)    OS 

Chester    100-2".Mi 

Emma     Kate     1S7 

Esther    Elizabeth    270 

Frank    l.SS 

Israel     188-274 

Kathryn  Romaine  27t> 

Lawience    .\ndrews   187-2 7-'! 

Marian    Rvith    27(> 

ifary   A.    (Maelhorn)    274 

Myrtle    (Strine)    27."". 

Xet tie     274 

Pauline     274 

Pauline     Evelyn     27o 

Samuel     ." OS 

Samuel    .Vrphila   1.S7 

A'iola     R 27:i 

Walter    274 

Zacharias    Harold    2715 



Grubb,    Ella   Jennie   75 

Grymes,    Phillip    327 

Guese,    Edward    S 284-312 

Ethel    (McNeely) -^^j 

Frederick     • -^J 

Louisa    -'J*^ 

Lucius    McNeely    -jJ^- 

Guest,   Charles  65 

Cornelia   ^  V2 

Mary   Eliza    (Smith)    a-^i- 

Samuel    Maynard   "'''j^^ 

Sara    Richmond   l^-J 

Guilford,    Maud    E 136 

Gunnell,    Leonard    ^25-225 

Mary    (Newbold)    22o 

Gurley,     Caroline    -- - 221 

Elizabeth   Scott    (Rittenhouse) 220 

Ella   Jeannette    (Gibbons)    29b 

Emily     220 

Ferdinand    --1 

Florence    Powell    ■ 2.Jb 

Franklin    Rittenhouse    2-0 

George   Hull   221 

Henrietta     ~JJ 

Marion    -----  --^ 

Ralph    Randolph    220-296 

William   Fitzhugh   12-^ 

William   Henry   Fitzhugh   12.> 

Gutsch,     Milton    R 204 

Hadley,    Kate    Louise     (Powell)     304 

Louisa     f/^-\ 

Powell        •-'"'' 

William    E 236-304 

Haggard,    Edwin   ^-^-^  286 

Edwin    A -^-'iot 

Laura    ^»o 

Nora    (Rufe)    - 286 

Hagley,   Alice  Virginia    142 

Hahn,    Douglas    Mason    265 

Elizabeth     2bo 

Elizabeth     (Peters)     IX" 

Ernest     1'6 

Ernest    Allan    2b.j 

Helen    Mildred    26o 

Ida    Gabrielle    (Ransom)    26o 

Mabel    Christine    - •  26o 

Myron    Christian    1(6-260 

Halle,    Alexander    332 

Haines,    Alonzo    Johnson    ITO 

Charles   Laurence    ■^*|-^ 

Charles     S'iders     1'79'26| 

Ebenezer     93 

Eleanor     (N'eyman)     268 

Frances    March    - 1'9 

Helen     McCleary     268 

Jane     (McCleary)     --■  1/.9 

John     Hatch     93-l<9 

John    Smith    32 

Josiah     ono 

Mary   Helen    (Nourse)    oUo 

Reuben     2^ 

Robert   Neyman   -b;J 

Rosamond     (Johnson)     9;^ 

Samuel    Morris    3- 

Sarah    H.     (Bull)     32 

W.     Morris     232-303 

Hale,    Mary    Newbold     (Patterson)     295 

Richard     Waldon     219-295 

Hall,  Araminta  McC'auley   (Moseley) 312 

(Rev.)     B.    F 112 

Charles     Moseley     31J 

Edna    Marv    2o0 

Elizabeth    Emily    l->0 

Elizabeth    Jane    (Willis)    210 

Emily    Maria    (Potter)    130 

Graca   Eliza    (Mechling)    -.-  250 

Hall,    Harry   Eugene   loT-2oO 

(Dr.)     James    Calvin    IVi'zVo 

John    "'^^"■lA^ 

Libby    F 100 

Mary    Anna    113 

Mary  Jane  - —     69 

Owen    Buell    13^ 

Richard    Henry    -^-^  126 

Roscoe    Willis    - - 210-3o8 

Halpin,    Margaret   - - 160 

Mary     160 

Thomas     160 

Halsey,    Ann    H'l 

Halstead,    Eliza    Jane    - 60 

Hamen,     John    185 

Hamer,     Ann    - '^^ 

Hamilton,    Charles    G ^^^"off 

Charles    Maynard    244 

(Earl)     Robert    o» 

Elizabeth   oj 

Elizabeth    Gurden     244 

James    T.     Ifo 

Jane    Elizabeth    - 14o 

Sarah   Richmond    (Guest)    244 

Hammett,     John    lOO 

Hancock    (General)    41 

Haney,     Dewey    K 288 

Hannebrink,     Clarence     286 


John     286 

Lucy     (Ruff)     286 

Ruth     286 

Hansel,    Mary    Alice    103 

Happin,    Ruth    228 

Harding     (Bishop)     140 

Florence     —     °1 

Hardman,    Sara  Kaye   86 

Hardy,    Sarah    336 

Hare,    Eula  139 

Harley,    Eugene    208 

Pearl     208 

Snowden    ^'-'o 

Harmer,      (Colonel)     Josiah     13 

Harris,   Addie  Beth   (Conly)    279 

Annie     E 106 

Beulah    - 106 

Clarence   Pinckney   287 

Cora   C.    (Howard)    203 

Dora    B.    (McLain)    287 

(Dr.)    Edward  R - lOo 

Emery    J - 204-287 

Esther     287 

Tfln       T  204 

Ym-.zzz:::zz:::z::z 93-279 

Lily    L. 203 

Mabel    Octavia    -2^ 

Mattie    Bell    -- 2^9 

Moman   ^^ 

Ned  279 

Onver"""s:'"-; 106-203 

Ravmond  Thomas   2^,^ 

Sam     -  2^9 

Ted 2<9 

(Commissioner)     Townsend     G^ 

William    Herbert    - 279-339 

Willie   J 20d 

Harrison,    Bennie    104 

Harry,    Florence   165 

Florence     ^ — 






1X1 )  I',  x 


llaiiji-.    Cli.'irli's    (    lilM  .".((T 

llclcii    (iii'l  w  riKlit    •ll*~ 

NiiDiiii     (Davis)    .'HiT 

K'icliMrd    14JC_MS 

i;nii,ii(i    II 24S:::'.!i 

S'i.hiiv     Kllis     lils 

Siiliii'v     OriMshy     ( McQuistion)     lilS 

Hail  mil  M,     Cnioliiic     '.IS 

Harvey,     Samuel    ."7 

Savali      Xorlli      ."iT 

IlasNler,    Aclillicit    Kci.ert    li.'tl 

Aiiila       Kusalir      i;!(l 

-Anna    H.     (Cullcim)    :'Ay2 

Aiuia      l':ii/.aliclli     'M\-2 

Anna    .losepha     (Noui'se)     1L".I 

Anna       May      i;.",ll 

Annie     Kate     (Rnrnett)     L'.".l 

Arlluii-    K«:1ht|     2:{1-:!<iL' 

Kerlha      (IhinziUer)      .•{Ul.' 

Cliarles   All  KM  St  MS   ."S  TJ!) 

Charles   Ferdinand  li.'il-.'tDlI 

Cliarles     William 12i>-L';!ll 

Clara      l?ra.-e      (Smith)     L'.-.O 

Clarissa     Uraee     '_':!(• 

iMlitli      l)\vii;ht      L'.'HI 

Kllrc'da       Irene      l':;! 

Klizalielh    Kmily    (Mall)    L'.-'.l 

I'erdinand    Augustus    V^0-2'M-'.\-'2 

Marv    Caroline    l.'lu 

Walter    L'.'Kl 

William     Herst'ord     li."!() 

llalelier.    Helieeca    2(>L' 

I  laltirld.     Jacdl)     :V.',-i\~ 

llause,      Klizabetli     ;!,S 

Henry     ;?.S 

Jaeol) 88 

TTawk,    Marie   17S 

ITawke.     Julia     A 175 

Hawkhursl,     Elizabeth    20 

Hazard,     Colton    Dunbar    2fi2 

Elizabeth      lfi,S 

Elizabeth    (Clemson)    KiS 

Erskine     ItiS 

Ethel     laS 

Fisher     S.'i-lfiS 

Floride    Clemson    2(>1 

J.)hii     Clemson i()S-2t>l 

liouisa      Hreinipr     2til 

Mary     A.     ( Breiniff)     2(il 

Mary     Dunbar     (Creigh)      2fi2 

Mary     Fullerton     KiS 

Susan    Hobinson    (Gilpin)    172 

Vineent     Hattield     2()2 

Willis    (iilpin    '>(;•' 

Willis     Hatfield     i72-2fi2 

WMllis    Pope    172 

Hazen,     Ellen     114 

Headley,    Ann     (Fairehild)     .•',2 

Annie     t)7 

Annii>    Latona     14t! 

Benjamin    Franklin   67-14('> 

diaries     (',7 

Elizabeth   Boyd    (17 

Frank     MeGoldriek     14(1 

Helen    Mason     (Thomas)     141^) 

Helen     Thomas     14() 

.lohn     Boyd     6(M4(i 

Kate     P.      (Freeze)      244 

Maria    .Tosepha    l-l(> 

Maria    Josepha     (Boyd)    (J(> 

Mary     ." 244 

Mary   Elizabeth   ]4() 

Minerva    244 

l^iisina     .T.     (MeGoldriek)     14(5 

(Dr.)      Samuel     32 

Samuel    Freeman    32-60 

Thomas     Boyd     244 

"William    Thomas    146-244 

llijiinf,     TlioinaH     WeMloii  li;«; 

I  I  ecldMUli,    I'lli/.abelh    , t.', 

Iledrick,    David    Irvin    171  262  .'!:',!» 

David     WortliiuKton     ....  2(i2 

21  rj 

Coold     .lanie.s 

Mildred     WorlhinKloii     (Hull) 
IfeibergiT,      .Addis 

( 'la  renco      

Dorothy     Nairn     

Isli/.alielli       h'lora      


l''loreni-e    May     

I'ra  nz     .lolin         

.\Iaiy    Wilson     (Nairn)    

Ileirier,     Flora     

Heiges,      I'Jizabeth     A 

Heindel,      lierlha      

Ileisler,     Elizab.lh     (Witman)     

.Iidin      Einig     


.  2M 
2!  IS 

2!  IS 
2!  IS 
221 '.2!  IS 

I  ii: 

I  IS 



((ieneral)      .loseph      28 

Mary      Elizabeth      28 

Helinkamf,     Amelia     204 

Heiich,    .\braham   Lincoln   114 

Alice    M 212 

Alvin    M 1'12 

Berniee     A 212 

D.iniel    M 114  212 

Eddie     R LTJ 

F^udora    Elizabeth    (Murphy)    Ill 

George      P |  14 

(xeorgie     May     212 

(xlen     Edward 212 

Grace     (Bull)     ll.-, 

Grace    N 212 

Grace   T 211 

Hannah    Jane    114 

Hazel     V l'12 

Helen    Bebb    202 

Helen      (Bebb)     211 

Helen    Kathryn    211 

Horace    .". 211-202 

Ida     (Kindle) 211 

James    IJnn    •. 114 

Jane   Tiiiin    11:5 

Jay     Lyman     211-202 

John     r>2ii:5 

•Toliii     Bull     113-114  21 1 

John     David     i'<)2 

.Fosephine     21 1 

Katherine    Eltinge    202 

Leroy     P 212 

Madeline    Nash    (Meachnin)    202 

Margaret    A.    (Bull)    114 

Mary    112  212 

Mary     I.,inn     211 

Mary     M.     (Xeville)     212 

Matilda     (Williams)     112 

May    I.    (Frizzle)    212 

Rachel     Eltinge     (Cable)     ....  202 

Ralph    Bull    2ii-;;:;o 

Richard    211 

Robert     H 212 

Robert    Henrv    113-ii4-2ii  212 

Ruth    Hazel    211 

Thomas    Meredith    ll:; 

Viola      (Jones)      -^F" 

William     C Hi' 

AVilliam     R II4 

AVilliam     Robinson     .V^  114 

(Rev.)     AVilliam    Ross    il.l^ll 

Hendersiin.    .Anna    84-122-220 

Christopher     Stuart      .">(5 

Conly     AA'illiani     278 

Crittenden "."..   122 

Elizabeth     Phillipson    ."i."i 

Elizabeth     (Stuart) 55-122 

Kninia 41 

Emma     (Boyd)     "!"..........  220 



Henderson,    Frank    122 

Franz    Parman    278 

John   Graff   56-84-122 

Julia    Hannah 39 

Julia    (Seager)    ?)9 

Madge     - - 193-278 

Marv    Ann   56-122 

Martha    Patterson  56 

Matilda     lf>3 

Mattie   Bell    (C'only)    278 

Nc^t     193 

Parman     J •. 193-278 

Phoebe    Ann    (Ashtaridge)    84-122 

Thomas    - 39 

William    29-55-56 

William    H    122-220 

Hendrick,    Roberta   Luckey   222 

Hendricks,    Myrtle    M - 206 

Samuel 109-206 

Sarah    (Fordyce) 206 

Henlev,    Amanda   Estill    (Chapman)    205 

Harvev    Davis    108-205 

Marv     205 

Sallie   Clifton 205 

Hennecke,    John 272 

John    Augustus    310 

Myrtle    Fackler 310 

Henry,    Jessie    Powell 237 

Jesse     Ward     237 

John    287 

John   Porter   - 239 

Katie   Madison    (Davison) 237 

Macdonald     237 

(Governor)    Patrick 18 

(Judge)    W 136 

William    34 

Hense,    Bertha    Grace    191 

Hensler,     Anna    151 

Herons,    Anna    78 

Herringer,    Tillie    17^7 

Hersh,    Louisa    71 

Hershaw,     Martha     122 

Hershman,    Esther    Anne    277 

George    E 191-277 

Harold    Wright    277 

Lillie    M.     (Wright)     277 

Hewlett,     Frances     Louisa     219 

Hicks,     Nicholas 321 

Hill,    (Dr.)    Samuel  Smith 158-254 

Valeria   Elizabeth    (Clymer)    254 

William    13 

Hillman,    Arthur    156-253 

Emily    Cist     (Darling)     253 

Natalie     McClintock     253 

Hinckley,    Hannah     (Milzard)     72 

M.    F 71 

Margaret    Allen    71 

Hindbaugh,    Elsie    Doris 289 

Emma    D 207 

Georgie    Mae    289 

Jessie    Frances    289 

Jessie    Mae    (Fidler)    289 

John   Merlin   289 

John  Wilson 207-289 

William    M. 207 

Hines.    Annie   Laura    (Brown)    199 

Austin     Lunsford     104-199 

Elsie     - 200 

Fay     Alphonso     199 

Grace    200 

Kathrvn     284 

Lois     (Tubbs)     284 

Paul    Asborn    200 

Rupert    Lunsford    :.  200 

Shabv    Ann     (Wilson)     199 

Thomas     C 199-284 

Wilson    Sears    284 

Hinkle,     Alice    97 

Asher    97 

Caroline     67 

Elizabeth     67 

Garrett     - 67 

Hite,    Anna    Jaquelin 134 

Anna     Tunstall     Maury 59 

Cornelius    Baldwin    61-138 

Cornelius     Benjamin     138-239 

Elizabeth     Smith 138 

Isaac     138 

(Major)     Isaac    59 

Isaac     Fontaine     60-134 

Margaret    Lewis     (Marshall)     239 

Maria    Louisa     (Davison)     134 

Mary    Eltinge    59 

Matilda    Madison    60 

Hitt,    Hazel    Winfred    286 

Helen    Gavle    286 

Jessie      (Ruff)      286 

William     Jerry 202-286 

Hobart,  Dorothy  Marion  Clare  171 

Marion    Hobart     (Hungerford)     171 

Robert    Hobart    Bull    Wingfleld    171 

Robert    Hobart    Smith    171 

Hobbs,    Augusta    Louisa    (S'mith)    241 

Elizabeth    St.    Clair    241 

Elon    St.    Clair 140-241 

Evelyn     Jaquelin     241 

William     Morgan 241 

Hodges,     Elizabeth     337 

Hoes,    (Chaplain)    R.    R 9 

Hoffman,     Polly     24 

Rachel    47 

Hogbin,    Hannah    Jane    (Hench) 212 

John 114-212 

William     R 212 

Hoge,     Arthur     G 263-309, 

Lela     May     (Bosserman)     309 

Lela    Sarissa    309 

Hogue,    Linda 229. 

Holcomb,    Sarah    50 

Holmes,    Joseph    30 

Holstein,  Elizabeth  Wayne    (Hargman) 38 

George    W - 38 

Henry     321 

Laura    (Brooke)    38 

Homans,   Emily   Louise   131 

Honts,    Hurley    - 185 

Lillian    18o 

Martha     (Bull)     18o 


Hook,    Elizabeth    Smith    (Richards)    252 

Henry   Ferdinand   252 

Henry    M 154-252 

Laura     Eugenia     2o2 

Leila     Margaret     2o2 

Hooven,    G.    Myrtle    (Strieby)    ^;,A  sS^ 

Harvev   E - 206-289 

Mary    B -. 289 

Hoover,    Augustus    D.    Jll5"i22 

Clarence  Shettle  '^^^'zl- 

Dorothy     27< 

Elizabeth    (Beal)    10<> 

Elizabeth     Shettle     ---  190 

John     H ^^'}^ 

Kate. 100 

Maggie   ^^' 

Minerva    (Trone)    2(7 

Rebecca    A Iw 



U<>],v.      Acidic     -<MI 

Addison    :i(Ci;si; 

A  Inn.    '-''Ill 

('liir;i     Liiuisc U.M> 

Cliini      (I'lils)     liMC. 

Diivid     (• inl  10.-  •_'<M)-_'Sl 

David    Kdwiinl   Inl   IliC.L'St 

Dciidtliv    l.niillc   -Sl"> 

i:d-:ir  ■  L.iu  li,.     lor.L'dJ 

Kli/a belli      -NC, 

Kli/.alH'ili    S'ophia    (Wilson)     •-Mil.' 

Kllis  (' li(lli-i;s:. 

lliiiris      li012-:jM(; 

Hull    •, 

l,.nii-!i     (McN.M'lv)     :i<>t> 

Lillic     (Knox)     284 

l,u<v     202 

Miirv     202 

Muttio     201 

Niu'cissa    (Harris)    104-1(1.' 

NVllic     2S4 

Nols.Mi     28li 

Kichard    Pearl    201 

Thdiiias     2S(> 

Hopkins,    Allen   Linn   21:? 

Charlotte     Wise     21!) 

Chauncev    Hav    Iir>-21:! 

(Kfv.)     Henrv     21!i 

.lames      2:i 

Martha     Elizabeth     21:! 

Mary   \i.    CHvill)    21:5 

Horn,     Ethel     2S1 

Hazel    2S1 

.Tohn     V inC>-2Sl 

Ruth    Cecilia    liTl' 

Yuba    (Snider)    281 

Houck,    Rebecca    197 

Houfchton,    Mathew    Hawes 107 

Howard,    Adda    Martin    (Wilson)    28.'! 

Bessie    Mae    170 

Caroline     .lane     178 

(Mcero      40-101? 

Clitlie     Leona     178 

Cora      C 100 

Donald    Osgood 208 

Edith     Mildred    177 

Effie     KMi 

Elizabeth    F 1(14- 10C> 

Elvira     l-oretta    178 

Flora    Octavia    1(Mi 

Grace    S.    (Lord)    177 

Harry     177 

Ida      (Martin)      208 

Iva     100 

.Tohn    O.    W O:! 

.lohn     Rov     170-208 

.Joseph   Daniel   02-177 

Lilv     Colvinibia     (Wilson)     !(»(! 

Mabel      Adelia      177 

Max    Melvin    2(;s 

Nellie      (Keeves)      2(i8 

Osgood    Robert     170-2(>8 

Samuel     Morton     178 

Sarah     Avis    28:? 

Susie     28:". 

Theresa     Caroline     (Wilson)     100 

Uriel    Monroe    48-1(ir> 

Vernon     208 

(Dr.)    William  Nicholas  198-28:> 

Howe    (General)    11 

George     218-294 

Helen 294 

Marie    204 

Marie  .1.    (Patterson)   294 

Thomas     321 

Howell,    Lucetta    63 

Hubbell,    Grace    125 



IhiMcy,      Davi.l  \HH 

Kiizalieth    (Mnelhoni) 

Lu.dia    .M 

.Mary      i.V  

!  Infills,    i  liiiiniilj    I  I  lolHtein) 



Ilui;hcv,     .\mi.iihIu    


Marl  ni  

IOicIm'1     Suirilila     (WiUon)     

Ihlll,       Aire 

(  lv'i\  .  )     I'.en.iaiiiin    

Clarissa     .losepha      

(Key.)     David     (D.D.)    

David     I'rampton     

I'^mily     .Mice     


.lerusha    M.     (Willard)    

.lohn     Kiltcnhnuse     ^ 

.foscph    F  rain  I)  to  II   12." 

Mabel    Ferincr    (Swartz)'  

Marv    E.    (Mehuffey)    




Waldo   Willard   224 

William   Rittenhouse  12-"> 

Humphrey,    Bertha   

D.    L 

Hunger  ford,    Charles    

Kineline     .\nianda     (Nims)     

Marion    llnljarl    

Hunter,     Adelia     li.      (Ueattv)     


Ann      (Parry)     1 


Charles    E 91 

(Hon.)     David     



.lohn     1 




Roy    Henry     

Sarah     (Gunsaulus)    

Winn  if  red    

Ilunziker,     Bertha     

Harford,     .Tames     Ravner    8.8 

Sue    Dorothee    (Bull)    

Hursh,    David    

Huston,     Alexander    

Anna    Maria    (Ottinger) 

Charles      ft8 

Heniietta     Ottinger    

Mary     Elma     


Hutchinson,    Ben    Bailev    

Elizabeth    B.    (Hall)    

lone    Ann    (Moselev)    

(Dr.)    .T.   Thomas   '. 27.8 

^lary     Rebecca     

Hvatt.      Archibald     Karl     

EtTie   .Tane    (Statler)  


.Tohn      Statler     

(Dr.)    .lohn   William  194 

Raymond    Earl    


Hyde,     .\nna    Maria     (Smith)     


Ellen  Adair   (Augur)   

Emily    Rowland    

Fannie    (Rittenhouse)    

Thomas    125-224 


■_"•  • 
■_".  I 


1 1  Hi 




1  J.". 
■J-J  t 















L'  i:; 






2  i:; 








II  Ml 













Hykes,   Albert  Roy 190 

Annie    K 

Bertha    (Emig)    

Carl    Lincoln 

Caroline    N 

Catherine   Rebecca    

Charles    Nevin 

Dorothy   May   

Edgar    S .190- 

Elizabeth     H 

George    Cunningham    

Harry    Elwood    

Kate    (Hoover)    

Mary    E 

Samuel    David    

Samuel    W 

Susie    (Cunningham)    — 

William    Albert    

William    H. 

Inglis,     Caroline    

Carolyn    Clay    (Rittenhouse)    

David   Rittenhouse    

William     225 

Irvine    ( General ) 

Irwin,   Emma  Janetti    (Mechling)    




Isenberg,   Joseph  G. ' 

Lenore    Ross    

Lois     (Duffy)     

Jackson,   Alfreda  Ann  Tucker    (Smith) 

Alfred    Ann    Tucker    

(President)    Andrew    



George    W 62-63- 142- 

Jessie     (Bosserman)     

Louisa     — 

Maria  Louisa  Hite   (Smith)   


Mary    Darley 

Maude   Hazel   


William  B 173 





Jacobs,     Ann 12-22 

Ann   Hunter   41 

Caroline  Snowden  76 

Cyrus     12-23 

Cyrus   Hamilton   41-89 

Elizabeth     Revinus     89 

Fanny   Margaret 89 

James    Cyrus 89 

James     Hunter 42 

James    Old    23-41 

Jesse    Elliott 89 

John    11-12 

John   Creigh .' ...^ 89 

Katharine    172 

(Makall)     89 

Margaret     Old     22-23 

Margaretta     (Bull) ..:....     41 

Mary    (Creigh) ...•. 89 

Mary     Duncan 89 

Mary    (Elliott)    89 

Mary     (Whipple)     172 

Mildred     (Muir)     172 

Rebekah 11 

Thomas   Bull 42-89 

Whipple 172 

William     Vaughan     :89-172 

Jaquelin     Mary     ..:... 326 

James     (King)     :.    .     13 

Thomas     321 

Janvier,    Edwin    P 218 

Florence     : 218 

Jean,     Clarence    L 201 

Jenkins,     John    _ 337 

Marv    53 

Jenks,     Charles    H 121 

Fannie     A 55 

Francis  B 218 

Jonathon    55 

Jenness,    Anna   160 

Hiram     David    160 

Sarah    Rebecca 160 

Johns,     (Bishop)     John    133 

Johnson,     Benjamin    0 105 

Bertha 150 

Jesse     159 

John    150 

(Bishop)    Joseph    H 171 

Margaret     (Sneed)     159 

Martha   Elizabeth    (Luckey)    105 

Mary    Ann     (Cochran)     150 

Mattie     Carr     105 

Maud     Cramer     150 

Ruth   A 42 

Sara    159 

Susan    Arabel 150 

Thomas    Cochran    150 

William    70-150 

Johnston,  Anne  Elizabeth  137 

Asa    J 118 

Rebecca 137 

Jollv,    Elizabeth    173 

Elizabeth    (McClure)    173 

Elinor    Elmira    173 

Frank    Gustave    Lindholm    264 

James    Warner    173-264 

Katherine    173 

Magdalene 173 

Martha 173 

Mary     173 

Maude    (Shaw) 264 

Pattison 90-173 

Jones,     Adella Ill 

Andrew     Ill 

Caldwallader     329 

Grace    178 

Mary 81 

Rebecca   Ann    43 

Russell    Cottman     261 

Viola 114 

William    L.    F 43 

(Rev.)     50 

Jordain,    John 321 

Jordan,    A.    Grace    181 

Albert    Wilson     178 

(Judge)     Alexander 56 

Alice     (Oliver)     178 

Amos   Gibson 92-94-181 

Anna     Mary     94 

Carrie    B 181 

Caroline 43-94 

Caroline     Jane     92 

Catherine    (Kendall) 23 

Charles     117 

Charles    Emerson    95 

Clara    Belle    178 

Clare    Jane    Blanchard    94 

Clarabelle    Irene    267 

Deborah     (Brown)     178 

Edward  Allison   267 

Elizabeth     E 94 

Elizabeth    Putt 117 

Ellen    I.     (Linn)    94 

Emeline    (Crossett)    92 

Ernest    Allison    178-267 

Flora     A. 181 

Francis     23-27-43-92 

Francis    Burton    178-267 

Grace     (Jones)     267 

Grace    Linn    94 

Harry    Francis    116 

Henry  Bull  44 

James     178 



Jiirdii  II.    .Iciiiiinii    rc  !i;'i 

.liiiiiinii    (  Hull) -i'-'i 

.liTciniiili      44U  t 

.T<'Miii('      (  I  )i'in,i  ii'4')      ITS 

■Icniiic     (iiiiii'      L'l'iT 

.Idliii      S(;iiih'y         ■. i;n 

K  at  liiri  lie     Aiiiliison    IIU 

Kiithivii      .Muric         -II 

Kathi-yn    l'\     (Millci)     U 1  t 

liiiiiiM     ('I'ciliii    !•.■! 

IjCOIlM  1  TS 

L.'wis    .44-94- ITS 

Ijouisii    (SarBi'ant)    -'iT 

M.    Lillian   Ill 

Marie    (Hawk)    liCu 

Marllia      .'>•_" 

Manila      Kdith     '.M 

Manila      Kva      '.It 

Mai-llia       l.ctlic ; 1  Hi 

Manila      ( 'riiciiiipsoii)      !»"_' 

JVlattic     (Wliaiinii)     ; 1S1 

Mary    Cnnilim'    HI 

Mary     Viii;iiiia     2(iT 

XaiicN     Sparks     (Anderson) lit! 

Ni'llif     Forrest llf. 

Olive     1  TS 

Poarl     1SI 

I'hilli))     r>owell     iJiiT 

Kaclicl     1  TS 

Rebecca    Ann    (Jones) !I4 

Uobert    Hull    43-02-93-lTS 

Koscoe   Esmond   ITS 

Samuel    4:;-!)4 

Samuel    Gantt    OS-ITS 

Samuel    Harvev    178-2(iT 

Sarah    E 04 

Sarah     J 04 

Stanley   Livingston    117-214 

Thomas    Barnett    214 

Thomas   Barnett   Lewis   11(1 

W.    Lewis    05 

William      Hull     53-116-117-214 

William    Linn   0." 

(Kev.)     it:; 

Juden,    Ann    Eliza    4T 

Julius,    Conrad    190-27r. 

Freddie    27."> 

Helen     27.") 

Margaret    275 

Mary    E.     (  Hykes)     27.5 

.Tustin,    John    100 

Kami,     Tjydia 25 

Kaskie,    Ray    .Tohn    1S2 

KeKK'ie,    U/./.ic    _ r. ISO 

Krlh.nK-,    Ettie   Davidson    (Cissel)    207 

James    Crane   22.3-207 

Xanoy    Kittenhouse    207 

Kemble,     Margaret    (54 

Kemp,    Catherine    Clvde    2."i(! 

Franeis     .' 2;5r. 

Sarah  C.   (Dnpre)   2:!0 

Kemper,  Clementine   (Clingan)   .308 

(Rev.)    William    255-30,8 

K'empff,     (Rear    Admiral)    Louis    .85 

Kendall,     Catherine     2.3 

Kennedy,     Alexander    70- K!:! 

Inez     17(> 

Sarah    C.     (Dewees)     1(!3 

William    103 

Kenworthy,   Thomas  321 

Kerchner,    Anna    M.     (.Tordan)    1.81 

Edgar   181 

Harrv     181 

Jerome   K 94-181 

Minnie    181 

Rebecca    181 

Sallie   B 181 







T.    T 

haiii,       |).initli\ 


.lane    llaxall    ((iillet; 
Mrirris     Kredorick    .... 


.M  ill  j;aret     

.Mary    S'.     (Maelhorn) 

Kiel,     .\rtlia     .Mariim 

Killills,     Alii'e     .Milldii 

.Mice   .Vourse   (.Sleiiarl) 

l':ditli   Sleiiart 

(.Iiidge)     .lolm     Milton    229 

K  iniliriiiigli,      .\iiiia      .Nixnii 

Kiiiu',  S 

Kinder,    E.    L 

K  iiidle.     Ida    

.lames      „ 

.Iiili.i    Klta   

.lulia     l(iarber)    TT. 

Kiufr.     Karl     

Jacob     IRS 

Sadie     E.     (Maelhorn)     


(Kev.)     Samuel    

Kirk.    Delia    Fern    (Willis)    

Klnora    Collins    (Thompson)    


Xora     Priscilla     

Peter   Emery   200 

Raymond    Eugene    

Kirkpatrick,    Jessie    


Kirksey    ( Dr. )    

Kistler,     Abraham     

Charles   C 



Kitts,    Katherine    Wallace    

Kline,     Elizabeth     ^ 

(Jeorge  Bernard  

Gilbert  a      

•  lane     

•  Icilin     Williams     

•  luli.i    \'an    Xess    (Tavlor)    

Oscar     Bert  rand    .". 251- 

Klumph,    Ida 

Knake,    Elvira    Loretta    (Howard)    

(Rev.)     George    B 17.8- 

Louise     Hazel     

Knerr,    Ida    L 

Knight,   Agnes  Virginia 

Agnes    Virginia    (Scarborough) 

Arthur    Merrill    143-243- 

Gerald     Buxton     

Henry     Scarborough     

.laquelin    Einile    

Susan    Fatio     (Daniel) 

Knox,     Carrol     (Wilson)     

Catherine  E 

("Iiloe  -Vnn  ; 





John  W i04 




Mollie     (.Slioults)     

Xora    (Wilson)    

Walter 2<"H1 

Willis     21X) 

•JO  I 
20  J 

.30!  I 












20( » 















Kosier,    Alice    A.     (Fisher) 212 

Charles   Bissell  114-212 

Frances    Marion 114 

Hattie   Rebecca 212 

John    S 52-114 

Rebecca    N.     (Bull) 114 

Kraft,    Louis   H 230 

Kuhnle,    Charles    William    ^'^'l'*! 

Marv    Anna    147 

Rachel     (Hatfield)     147 

Kunkle,    Alice     (Hinkle)     185 

Alpha     186 

Amos   97-185 

Bessie     186 

Eddie    186 

Elizabeth 185 

Ella     .- 185 

Elsie - 186 

Elwood 186 

Flora 185 

George   45-97-186 

John    186 

Mary 186 

Mary    (Bull) 97 

Robert    L .....97-185 

Roy 186 

Sarah 97-186 

Susan    M.     (Dick) 185 

William 97-186 

Kunst,    Jacomyntie 9 

Kutz,    John    Jacob    ..253-308 

Mary    (Mcllvane) 308 

Sidney    Mcllvane    308 

Lacy,     H.     M 101 

Harriet     (Braemer) 101 

Virginia    Irene 101-193 

Ladd,    Amelia    A.     (de    Maas) 92 

Jacob 92 

Mabel   92 

Lagarde,    Athenais    (Dimitry)    136 

John    B. 136 

Mary   Anais   Denise    136 

Lahuiser,     (Rev.)     George    W 93 

Laird,    186 

Lamber,  Henry  Clay 136-237 

Maria   Augusta    (Davison) 237 

Mary     Davison     237 

Lambie,    Arthur    Dale 225 

David    Hale 126-225 

Ethel    Louise 225 

Helen   Rittenhouse    225 

Mary  F.    (Rittenhouse) —  225 

Lamm,    Caroline    Pauline 117 

Lammeroux,   Elizabeth  F 154 

Lamson,    Cornelia    Goodrich    (Daniel) 243 

Herbert   143-243-339 

Lane,    Samuel 321 

Lara,     Francesco 257 

Larimer,   Belinda    (Beattv)    174 

Edwin   M 174 

Joseph 90-174 

Lathy,    Achsa    Maude    244 

Achsa    Maude    (Barnwell)    244 

Carl    Bovd 146-244 

Elizabeth   244 

Elizabeth    Rittenhouse     (Boyd) 66 

Geraldine 244 

Henrv    Godman    66 

Henrv    Kent    ...32-66-146-244 

John'    Boyd 66-146 

Isabella      (Fenton)      146 

Mary 32 

Sarah    Fenton    146 

William    K 32-66 

Latimer,   Emily  Roberts    (Mechling)   249 

John    Franklin    249 

Leslie    Robert    249 

Louisa     Narcissa     249 

William     C 151-249 

William     Delbert     249 

Latrobe,   Benjamin  H 30 

Lauham,    Carrie    Irene 191 

Laurie,    Isobel   56 

James 56 

Lawrence,    Edith    Louise    266 

Edith    Mildred    (Howard)    266 

Grace     Elizabeth     ; 266 

John    Franklin    177-266 

John  Howard  266 

Lawton,    Alfred    Wilson    153-252 

Francis   Nichols  252 

Louisa     Haven     252 

Marv    Haven     (Richards)     .'..  252 

Sheafe     Edwards     252 

Leaming,     Alexander    Davison    237 

Edward     Rice     237 

Louise    Fontaine    (Davison)     237 

(Colonel)    Mack  Jeremiah  136-237 

Mack     Kneedler     237 

Mary    Matilda    237 

Learned,    Grace    Hallum   122 

(Hon.)      William     122 

Ledvard,    Dennison    79 

"Olivia     C ; 79 

Olivia    (Hall) 79 

Lee,    Bessie 239 

Charles     ;. IS 

(Governor)  Henry 18 

Jane  13 

Richard  13 

Thomas    Lud 326 

LeFevre,    Ada 239 

Ada    Clarke    (Swartzwelder) 239 

Katherine 239 

Walter 138-239 

(Rev. ) 138 

Lehman.   Effie  May 209 

Jacob  209 

Sarah     (Derrick) 209 

Lehigh,    Amanda    (Maelhorn) 274 

Charles   274 

Cyrus 188-274 

Mary '.. 274 

Norman 274 

Leisinring,  Alexander  William 261 

Eleanor    (Doud) 308 

Eleanor   Louise 308 

Elizabeth    Hazard 261 

Fisher   Hazard .....261-308 

Hazard  Doud 308 

Helen    Douglass    261 

John     R 168  261 

Mary 308 

Mary  Fullerton    (Hazard) 261 

L'Engle,   Anna   Margaret 64 

Claudia     Cornelia    144 

Edward     Jaquelin     144 

Emily    Isobel    64 

John     Claudius 64-144 

Mary   Evelyn 144 

Rosa    Madeline    ; 144 

Leonard,    Ezekial 9 

William    80 

Leoser,  Annetta  Old  73 

Charles   McKnight  155-252 

Christopher    76-155 

Elizabeth    Stringer   73 

Georgiana    Close    (Smith)    252 

Jacob 36-73 

John    Sfl7 

John     Smith     73-252 

Julia    Hilton    (Repplier)     252 



JjOoscr,    Miirv    llclcii     ( SclirDpii  )     .".Ili 

Miirv     llillcKiis     (Khcciii)      l-"i.") 

I'lnif  -'.'.2 

Kiilh    S.lii  n|)p   2r)2:'.n7 

Small     Itull     (Smith)    ]'■} 

Si<liir\     llin'\i\  l.Vi 

■|'Ihiiii:is    Sriiilh    73-155-252-::i»7 

Lewis,     llilin     Ijouise    2-4r> 

llclin     l,<)\iise     (Bentley)     24.'. 

.1; s    W 2-in 

Lewis,    .lull II    Charles 147-24."i 

Morris     ."^l 

I.imtiiniKli,     Bernice 1<>2 

],iii.lsiiv,    (i.    M l'.l!> 

llMttie   I'.IS 

Linn,     .lain'  27 

Mary    Klizabotli 'f- 

Little,    Annie    (llylvos) 27.". 

Oiiirlcs     II liHI 

Cliiire    Ilykes 27."! 

Ktliel     K'eheccn 27."( 

Helen      Kli/alietll 27.". 

William     Cliarles 27.". 

Lldvcl.      Marv 337 

William    20 

Locke,    Alvis    Marion 207 

Donald    202 

Edward     2!)2 

Frances   Jane    (Harvey) 21)7 

Grace    (Hench) 202 

John     Robert 202 

Minerva     Myrtle 207 

Phillip    202 

Richard     211-202 

Sarah     Dorothy 202 

I.,ockwood.    Anna     (Booth) 12.". 

Caroline     Reed 12."i 

Eliza      Hervey 107 

(General)     Henrv    Haves 12.". 

Sophia    Elizabeth    (Collier) 107 

William     Kerkley 107 

London,     Mathew 10 

Long,     Fannie 104-1011 

Lord,     Bessie     Mabel 17t'. 

Caroline    L.     (Sterling) 170 

Carrie    L.    (Paul) 2(!ti 

Delia     (McDowell) 17(1 

Delia    Estelle 1 70 

Donna     deEtte 170 

Eleanor    01 

Elizabeth     (Beatty) 01 

Einilv     Grace 17t) 

Ethei     R 1  70 

Fi  .inces     Cleveland 170 

Frances    Emma     (Moore) 20."i 

Francis     L 01-170 

Francis     Morrell 2(>0 

Freedom   43-01 

George    Bancroft 01-170 

George  Clyde 176-2(1.". 

Grace    S 02 

Harold    Owen 1 7t^ 

Henrietta     L 2(10 

Henry     02 

Henrv    Merrill 170 

Ida    May 02 

John    Daniels 2(it> 

Lizzie   02 

Ravmond     Sterling 176-200 

Selden     E 170 

William     Paul 1 70 

Love.    A.    E 2(?S 

Dorothv    Eileen ."'.lO 

Ha/el    Marie    (Roberts) 31(1 

Isabella     Smith 1 1 3 

T  aura    2(i'^ 

Ravmond    V 20S-310 

Lovi-lace,    (Colonel)    FraniMM 

Lucas,    .Mary    Ijord  


LneUey,    Martiant 

Liliiiis,    (leorne    Dewees 

.Margaret    VouiiK    (Dewees  i 
Oscar    M 

liiist,      Anna  



.  :;;;o 




100  2ti<) 


LyiiiMii,   (iretlii   Ruff 

Lynn,    .Mice    Hoyal    (Switzler) 
.lolm    Oaniel    



Mary    K.     (Selsan) 

Lvon,   Abiel    Ileiirv 




Macfarliine,     Catherine 


(  li.iiles   Huston 


1  17 

Ileniietta   Ottinger    (Huston)... 



MacUinzie,    Clemi-ntine     (Cissel) 

Clementine    Rittenhouse 

Sidnev    Savre 




William    Percival 

Mackey,    Rachel    Jane 







Macomb,   .\ugusta   Hart  well    (Pope) 


(Chief    Engineer)    David    B.    (U.S.X.)      8fi 
Margaret    .Adelaide 85 

Maelhorn,    .Vlfred  Harvey 18.S-274 

.\lbert        — 1.S7 



.\in:i  nda 


.Vmaiida     (S'hepp) 

\ndrew    B 





-Vnne     (Rodes) 

..  .         187 

A  nnie    '. 


Annie     (Brosy) 

Annie   K 



Bovd     R 




Caroline     (Hartman) 

Carrie     H 



Catherine     .'. 


(  harles     




Cla  rence     C 


Clavton    H 


Cora     E 







....  27.*i 



Kdwin    H 




Ellen     P 




Emma     E 


Emma     (Rodes) 

Esther    M 



Fannie    Edith 


I'loit  nee    (  McCann) 

Fiances   .S.    (Sterling) 

Henrv   H 




.Fa  cob    


.Tacob    B 


.lames    X 

.     1.<57-273 

0,8-187- 1S.S 

John    B 


John    F 


Laura    A 


Leah    0.«? 

Levi    Bull 

OS- 1 S7 

Lillie    H 




Maelhorn,    Maggie    Hoover 273 

Marearet   273 

Mary     A - - 188 

Mary  A.    (Metzgar) 188 

Marv  S - -■  187 

Michael  - - 45  98 

Minnie     M - 188 

Minnie    (Sweitzer) - 274 

Xettie     S -.- - 187 

Nora    L - 187 

Robert    -- - 278 

Sadie     Ellen - - 188 

Sadie    0 187 

Samuel    C - .187-273 

Sarah    ---  188 

Sarah    (Bull) - - 98 

Sterling    - -- 273 

Susie     - 187 

William    - 188 

William    B - ......98-188 

William    Henry 188 

Zebulon    P --  187 

Magaw,     (Colonel)    William 13-323 

Magill,     (Major)    CTiarles 30 

Elizabeth    Dangerfield 30 

Makall,   • -— 41 

Mallard,     Lovella 144 

Manchester,   Eva —  118 

Mans,   Lillian  May 236 

Mansfield,   Charles  Henry 115-213 

Jean   Linn 213 

John  Judson 213 

Martha   Xancy    (Bull) 213 

Robert     Mathew 213 

Manton.  Julia  Elizabeth 239 

Marble.  Guilford 95 

Katharine    Sherwood 95 

Lenore    Katharine     (Sherwood) 95 

March.   Alan   Hallman 293 

Louis    Charbonnier 293 

Paul   Mames..... 293 

Paula  Lawrence    (Corson) 293 

Rebecca    Friedley 293 

Maredy.     David 15 

Marion,    (General)    Francis — 134 

Lottie  E --  191 

Marks,   Ann   Caroline    (Nourse) 22S 

Ann    Lucille —  228 

George  Xourse 228 

Isaiah     George 128-228 

James    Harvey 228 

Kate     Therese 237 

Xeil    Jav... 228 

Reba  Warren 228 

Marsekman,    Jacob    M — 98 

Marshall,    Gary    Jaquelin 239 

Catherine      (Wilson) — 143 

Charles 139 

Charles    C"otesworth 233 

Charles    Richard 139 

( Captain )    David 14-16 

Eliza     Clarkson 142 

Fielding    Lewis 138 

Hester    Morris 133-139 

Hester    (Morris) 62 

James  233 

James    Lewis 143 

.Tames    Markham 62 

(Captain)    .Tames    Morris 133 

.Tarres     Pevton ]39 

Jessie    (Kirkpatrick) 2.39 

John .62-1.39 

(Chief  Justice)  John 138 

Marshall,    John    Augustine    1.39-240 

Margaret     Lewis 138 

Marv     2.39 

Mary    Smith 37 

Morris    Orr 139 

Rebecca    B.    ( Smith  )„., 139 

Rebecca     (Coke) 138 

Richard  Coke 143 

Martin,    (Dr.)    Frank 164 

Ida 179 

Isabella    179 

Lewis    London 151 

Morah    Ellis 151 

Patrick   Graham 71-151 

Rosanna     (Graham) 71 

Roxanna 198 

Sidney    Jane    (Mechling).. 151 

Thomas 71 

Mason,    Abbie    (Ransom) 265 

(Professor)    E.   T 175-265 

Jean     McDonald 242 

Lena  265 

Mathias,    Claire 273 

Elizabeth    (Kunkle) 273 

George    185-273 

Maurin,    Ollie 163 

Maxwell,     Katie 113 

Mav,     Addison 39-82 

Elizabeth     (Shafer) 82 

Martha     Ellen '. 82 

Robert 39 

Ruth   ( Potts ) 39 

Maydin,   Victor  Leland 182 

Maye,    Eliza 98 

Mayfield,    Allison 107-204 

Mary  204 

Nora    107 

Rebecca  Lucille   (Chapman). 204 

McCaffrey,    Adam   Clarke 126-225 

John    Clarke 225 

Mary   Frances    ( Nourse- Smy the).. 225 

McCann,  Florence 187 

McCarter,  Clara 147 

McCarver,   Joseph 278 

McCleary,    Caroline     (Jordan) 93 

Hugh 43-9.3 

Jane   93 

McClellan,  George  B 146 

Samuel  Dennis 77 

McClintock,     Alexander 22 

Alice    Mary 74 

Andrew    T 74 

Ann    Hunter 38 

Augusta  Bradley   (Cist) 74 

Eleanor 44 

Emma   Childs 156 

James  H .-.. 22-38 

Martha    (Bull) 38 

Sarah    May 38 

Sarah    (May) 22 

Thomas     Bull 38 

McCloskey,  Minnie - 190 

McClure,    Anna    G 175 

Anna    Grace 293 

Elizabeth     .-.. 90 

Elmira    90 

George   Birch 90 

Governia     B 214-293 

Grace    99 

John 91-175 

John    B 175-264 

.Tulia    A.    (Hawk) 264 

L.     Ethel 264 



.M((   lurr.     M.     Hv.ii-r    Ur,| 

Miiilli;i   !»n 

Miiitlui     (IJfiitty) !M» 

Minlliii      (Close) IT'i 

Miiitim    J i;(i4 

M;irv     !)() 

.M;ii  V    Ann 40 

MiMV     U 17.". 

Miirv    Kliziiliflli ill 

Miiiv   (i.    (Connor) l'!).'! 

Thonuis    1,.    n -lli-'.K) 

Williiini    V 17.". 

Mc('ir:i<l>  ,    ,\.\  uiu" 217 

McCiilli'V.       Kliz;il.clll 70 

.lolni        70 

.MMiKJint    70 

I\1i(  ullou-li,     Anne     l.iicllii 228 

McCutchcoii,    Klizii 108 

McDiinicls.   .Miny   Bell 220 

McDonnell,    M  innie 181 

McDowell.    Chillies    0 171!  L'liO 

Delia     !»1 

Donald    266 

Dorothy   266 

KTnily    (irace    (Lord) 266 

.lessuniine    266 

Clarion    266 

McKldowney,    Viola    Elizabeth 209 

McElroy,     IvhviiT'd     I'rancis l.")8 

Katlicriiic     Islviia ].")8 

Robeii      'I' indie 158 

McPaddeii,     Anna -12 

McGee,    Anita   Rosalie    (Newconib)....ll-;}02;!1."> 

Donald    302 

Eric     302 

James  230 

Klotho    302 

Martha    Ann    (Goodwin) 230 

W.    J 230 

McGoldriek.    Kosina    .T (17 

McGrew.     Elizabeth 2.". 

Mcllvaine.    Anne    Morton 2.'>3 

Elizabeth    Parry    (Clapp) ^ .308 

Howard     i;eoser ''."i'>-3()8 

:\rary     '. 2.'3 

Morton   1.".". 

Sidney    Harvey    (Leoser) 2.')2 

Sidney    Leoser 3(lS 

Thomas    Leoser 2."i.". 

Mcintosh,     Lizzie 91 

McKee,     Clyde 2'^i"> 

Nellie    Fo,ster     (Wood) 2."i7 

Newel     2S."j 

Sellers    2.".7 

Thomas     1li1-2."7 

McLain,    Dora    B 204 

Dovey   Ann J8 

.Jennie    4,S 

.Toseph 4S 

McLean,    Allicia    F \{\-[ 

Anna    (  llci'ons) KH 

Anna     .lane "S 

George     F 78-1  (il 

Harriet   C.    (Calvert) Kil 

■Tobn    78-161 

Mary  Louise   (Dewees) 7,8 

(Dr.)    Samuel 37-78 

William    H ■..■.".;"..  ifil 

McManigle,    Eli/.alieth 128 

■Ml  .Nicly,      .\(iarii  JS 

Adam     ,\llierl 20O 

Hiirli'V       liensoll 201-2.'<.'> 

Chli.e   Ann    (Knox)  2H4 

Colunibia    (  Woo<ls  )  2H.'. 

Cora     C.  H).-, 

iMonia     Siirrild.i  lo.'i 

l':tliel      2«t 

I'luKcne     .lohnson 2<»l 

I'^/.ekial    IS  |i»( 

I'ern    .   2H.". 

Frankie    , .   2>Ci 

•  loll II     Gracey 284 

•  In  111  I     Knox 312 

•liisepliine     (Bumdollur) 312 

Laiir.i     IMJ   106 

Lester    Kay 2H4 

Let  tie     Colnnibia 104 

Lettie    (Kirkpiitrick) 48 

Lucille    284 

Liicins    Luckey 200  284 

Martha     C.     (Short) 201 

Martha     Flizabelh i<l4-201 

Mary    Ann    (Wilson) 104 

Mary      (Luckey) 200 

Mattie    Carr     (Johnson) 201 

N'ancv     Julia ; 104 

Ollie    201 

Rebecca     .lane 104 

Robert      W 10."-201 

Sarah     Caroline 104 

Thomas    Eugene 10."»-2Ol 

McPherson,    Mollie 161 

McQuistion,    Albert    Barnes 14.8-247 

Blanche     Elizabeth 247 

Earl     .\ 247 

Edward      Everett i4!>-247 

i:ii/.abeth     (Barr) 149 

Elizabeth     (N'ewell) 148 

Elizabeth     (Robinson) 69 

Ethel     (Williams) 247 

En  [Tenia     Elizabeth 247 

Fidelia      (  Morrison) 247 

Harold      Richard 247 

I  ra     D 247 

.lennie     B 247 

.Tidiii    35 

.loseph     Lewis 69-148-149 

Ijaura     Barr 149 

Margaret  .Tane 149 

Mary     Ellis 149 

Mary    Jane 148 

Mary   Jane    (Hall) 149 

Maud    (  Phillips) 247 

Richard     Ivobinson 69-14.'*-i49-247 

Sidney    Ormsby 149 

Susannah     Hall 148 

McRoberts,    Grace    (Hines) 200 

Jack     Alexander 2.84 

Jane    (Young) 200 

John    200-284 

T'eachem.  Madeline  Xash 211 

JTeade,   William 79 

Means,    Anna 141 

JTechling.    .\lma    Gerard 249 

Amanda     Minerva 150 

Andrew     Franklin 2.".0 

-Vnii    Elizalieth 71 

.\nna    Florence 150 

Annetta     (Staley) 1.52 

-Vnnie     Laura 150 

Ben.iamin    Franklin 71-1.50 

Ben.iamin     Robert 1.51 

Bessie     Pearl 152 

Catherine    Buflfington 71 

Charles     249 

Christian    .3.5^70 

XXVI 11 


Meehling,    Christian   D 150-248 

Emily  Roberts -- - 151 

Emma   Janetta - 150 

Florence     248 

Florence    Alfreta 249 

Forest     William 250 

Franklin   Claire - 248 

Gertrude     Gay 248 

Gertrude    (Murchland) 250 

Grace    Eliza 151 

Harvey  Jacob ^^^'^f 

Henrv     George 71-1 52 

Ira    Arnold loO 

Isabella     Martha loO 

Jacob     - 35-71 

Jessie   Louisa - - 249 

John     Christian 151 

John    Guv - 248 

John  Henry 150-249 

John     Walter lo2 

Laura   — - 249 

Lewis   Robinson — 71-152 

Lois    Alene - 249 

Lois    Gertrude --.. 250 

Louisa     (Hersh) 150 

Luella    Jane 151 

Margaret    Belle - 249 

Maria     (Moody) - lo2 

Marion   - 249 

Marv    - 70 

Mary     Alice - 150 

Mary  (Cricks).. 
Mary  (Dunn).... 
Mary     (Winner) 

Xina    Madge 

Xora  Margaret.. 
Oliver  Ormsby...- 

Robinson 70- 

Ormsbv    Gregg 71 

Ormsbv    Wallace - 150 



Porter     . 

Roy    I 

Roy    Leslie - 

Sarah    Jane     (Ashcraft) 

Sidney   Jane 

Susan  Isabella  (Robinson). 
Suella  Margaret  (Strain)... 


Leslie 151- 



Vallie   E 






Franklin -.- 

Prankling 152 

Henry  Harrison 151 

Wallace 71 

Meckley,    Allen   Bond -..- 272 

Amanda   ( Shaeffer ) 

Betty    Jane 

Daniel     Grant 185 

Donald    Horn 

Elizabeth     (Fackler) 

Harvey     Leroy 272- 

Luther    Fackler ..272 

Margaret  Evelyn 

Mary   Elizabeth 

Richard     Henry 

Robert   Lewis 

Ruth  Cecilia  (Horn) 

Ruth  Pauline  (Lehman) 

Medley,  Eloide 




Mehaffey,   Mary  Elizabeth 125 

Meloy,    Alexander    Steuart 301 

Anna    Isabella     (Nourse) 230 

Arthur    Monroe .  230 

Edith    Willard 229 

Emily     Gertrude 230 

Emily    Josepha     (Nourse-Steuart) 229 

Francis    Edward 230 

Guy    Stanley 229-301 

Helen    Scott 230 

Hugh    Brian 230-301 

Irene     (Bock) 301 

Isabella    Rittenhouse 229 

Mary   Owens    (Cunningham) 301 

Ralph     Nourse 230 

Samuel     Henry 129-230 

William   Augustus 129-229 

William  Carey 301 

Mendenhall.    Algernon    Sydney 233 

Anna    St.   Clair    (Nourse)'. 233 

John   Barbour 132-233 

John  St.   Clair 233 

Meninger,    Adam 151 

Mercer,  Js 326 

Meredith,   Alice 15 

Ann     15 

Calvin    Mateer 211 

Chester     Homer 272-310 

Daniel 15 

David    , 14-15 

David    Black 113-211 

Eleanora    211 

Elenor    (Rush) 14-15 

Elijah 15 

Elizabeth  Smith   (Swartzwelder) 138 

Esther 15 

George    15 

Hannah 15 

Homer    310 

Isabella    Smith    (Love) 211 

Jane     Martha 113 

John 337 

John     Calvin 113-211 

Joseph 337 

Lizzie   (Taggart) 211 

Lucille 211 

Margaret     (Donnelly)..... 44 

Margaret     Love 211 

Mary   Boiling 63 

Mary   Elizabeth    (Mecklev) 310 

Nancy     (Bull) 27 

Nancv  Jane 44 

Nancy    K.     (Bull) 113 

Pocahontas     (Boiling) 63 

Rachel    337 

Rebecca    337 

Robert   Taggart 211 

Samuel     Black 44 

Sarah    14-15 

Sarah  Grace 113 

Sarah    Rush 33 

Susannah .337 

Thomas    27 

Thomas   David 211 

Thomas    Robinson 51-113 

William    337 

(Rev.)   William  Clarkson   (D.  D.) 138 

William    McKinley 211 

Merritt,    Mary    Miller 164 

Metzgar,  Elizabeth 45 

Mary    A 98 

Meyer,    J.    A 315 

Michaelis,    Elizabeth    May 174 

Mickle,  John  Long 253 

Mifflin,    ( Governor) 17 



Miller,      MixmihIci'    llimiillon  Hi:',   1!IK 

Andrru-  •" 

Aim     Ivli/a  '"•'< 

AniKi     Kli/;ilHlli 1<>]^ 

Aiilliiiiiy   '  '  ' 

Carl      !«■' 

Chiiii     Kli/nbeth V.yj'.V.'.U 

DdlOlhcM    -1" 

Dnisi,'    l!j<' 

K I i /.111 nth     .hint" -">^ 

Klloii     (Wilson) 1!>R 

KliiuM-     S l«r.-U(K) 

Knii'st    ->^^> 

(icDiKc    Kt'wis 1!1L'L'7H 

Twin   ^'«' 

.la  nc    Kiinisey -17 

.l.ilin       ^~ 

.liilia    Kliziibrth    (Mnnton) •'ill'l 

K.illici-iiii'    (.l(ini's) !IJi 

Kiilln\  11     Fiances 11" 

Leah    '. 1-t*! 

J.iMiorii      M '•"■> 

Lewis      Kiidv -IT-lnl 

Lv<lia    ( Uuflv) -4" 

Maria      (  Hull ) K'l 

Margaret     Mary oO') 

Marv    Ann -"•'' 

Mary    Klla    (Mosteller) ■-'•iO 

Marv     (Hawkins) 117 

Matilda    Fortier    (Diniitry) 2:!f) 

Mills  2:50-:jo:^ 

Samuel   -17 

Sarah  E.    (Bennett) 278 

Sarah   J.    (Yost) 1!12 

William     Tlenry KH-1!)2 

William    ilcVere l:)7-2:!n 

MilliKiin.    A.    May    (Whiting) 214 

Donald   Alonzo 214 

Kail    Lowell 2i:| 

Edward     Comstock 21.'! 

Ella     --^1- 

Elmer     Ellsworth ll."..-Ji:! 

Elnoia     Emma 1 1'> 

Prank   2i:! 

Fred    21.". 

Grace    Garfield IKJ 

Howard    213 

Ida    Ellen    (Biglow) 2i:? 

James    r)2-ll.") 

James    Newton 214 

Jemima    .lane    (Bull) 11"> 

John     Hull lin-2i:; 

.John     .Tames 21;! 

Joseph     Hraddoek 1 1"> 

Katherine  A.    (Oakins) 214 

Kyle   Meredith 214 

Margaret     (Barron) 21.S 

Martha    Bull: ll'i 

Mathew     I'.ull  llo 

Nathan    N' 213 

Kay  21H 

Kebecca    Elizabeth 115 

Thomas     Meredith •'^ri-214 

Vera    1^13 

William    Porter 213 

Milnnr,    Alice   12l> 

Anna     (]5reinuiall) 28 

Charles   Edward ri.->-lli;» 

Eleanor    121) 

James  2.8 

Jeannette     Stephens 120 

John   Stephens 120 

Susan   Eliza    (Stephens) 120 

Susan   Vincent 120 

MMlliam    28 

William     Tlenry Ho 

.Mills,    .\iiiia    Siiiilli       

.\  iiitnsta     .\iirflei-l 

Kli/.a    Harnwell    (Smith).. 

(  |)r. )     .laiiicH     H 

.l.'Kiiii'liii     Smith 

.loliii      .Siiiilh    

.\Ia  r  y      I'Dwell 


.Sarah      /,an«' 

.Miiiiiiiii.  Ili'iiriella 
lliiiiN  Clyde.. 
.loliii'  (• 


W.    (Mealty).. 

.Milrlicll     (  l,iiutin;inl     Colonffl  ) 
.Mix.      Driixilla 

MoKel,    Caroline 




(  I  loward ). 


.'A  I 





!ll    I7» 

1 1  n; 





Louis     2JW 

Monroe,   Conly 278 

(Governor)    18 

?I.    E 1!»3 

.Fames   18 

Victoria    132 

Walter    278 

Walter     T 193-278 

Montgomery,     (Colonel)     William 1-3 

Moody,     Maria 71 

Mooney,    Alice 

Thomas     N 

Moore,   Cora  Aseneth 

Frances     Emma 

( Governors)    


John    Marshall 

.loshua     W'arren Ill 

.losie    Elizabeth 


Leonard    Fisk 

Lucv    ( Mitchell  )- 







l'(  )H 

Morgan,  Anna  .Ta((uelin , 141 

.Vnna  Jaquelin  (Smith) 141 

Anna   (Means) 241 

Archibald    Magill    Smith 142-241 

Augustine    Charles 141 

Carev    Jaquelin 241 

(General)      Daniel 18-31 

Daniel    Henry 141 

Elizabeth     P.adinger 62 

Kli/.abelh    Magill 141 

Florence    Shepherd 241 

Jacob    62 

Maria    Emma 241 

Marv    Augusta 141 

Marv   Jaouelin    (Smith) 62 

Sarah     (Shepherd) 241 

(Colonel)     William    Augustine 62-141 

Moiitz.   Sarah    Elizabeth 112 

William   H 112 


Elizabeth   Lois 212 

ihirgaret    Isabel    (Bull)...  .212 

T?ichard    Arthur 212 

(Kev.)    Richard   Arthur ll."i-212 

Virginia     Ijinn 212 

William    Hayden 212 



Morris,    Anthony - 31 

(Dr.)    Cheston 138 

Daisy   Emily    (S'mith) 254 

Daniel  108-321 

Heber    Smith 254 

Jane     Grubb 254 

John  321 

Mary    Cheston - 2o4 

Mary     (Pemberton) 31 

Rebecca   31 

William  Stuart 158-254 

Morrison,   Caleb  Woodruff 255 

Cordelia    (Walker) 255 

Fidelia   148 

(Dr.)    John    Anderson ''"''-lo? 

John    Lewis 255 

Martha     (Clingan) 159 

Sallie    L 255 

Thomas    Alexander 159 

William     Clingan 159-255 

Morrow,   Carrie  Lillian 262 

Earl   Clemson 309 

Edwin   Earle 262-309 

Marv    Miller     (Bosserman) 309 

Percy     Colder 262-309 

Wilhemina   Henrietta    (Kaufman) 309 

William    Henry 309 

William    H 172-262 

William  Ralph 309 

Morse,    Charles    Edward 95-182 

Helen  Roberts 182 

Jessie    Meredith    (Roberts) 182 

Mabel  -  119 

Mildred   Meredith 182 

Nancv     (Mathews) 9o 

William    95 

Morton,   Addie    (Hope) 285 

Bessie     285 

Blanche    283 

Charles     285 

Delia    285 

Eliza     - 106 

Erma    Dale 285 

George     Pinkney ....201-283 

Grace   N.    (Hench) 292 

Hope    285 

Leo    212-292 

Leona     292 

Lowndes    Davia 204-339 

Lucius    285 

Martha     285 

Minnie  A.    (Clodfelter) 204 

Oliver   200-285 

Ollie    (McNeely) 285 

Pinkney  204 

Reta    Arline - 204 

Robert    285 

Virginia  285 

William    Addison 106-204 

William     Lambert 204-339 

William     Pinckney 106 

Moseley,    Araminta   McCauley 278 

Cecilia   Maxley    (Cox) ..-  312 

Charles    Benjamin 278-312 

(Dr.)    Charles   Benjamin 193-278 

Elizabeth 278 

Esther  Woolten 278 

Genevieve 278 

lone  Ann 278 

Mary    278 

Mary   Columbia    (Woolten) 278 

Xancy    Jane 312 

Mosteller,    Ada    (Stiteler) 260 

Clinton    Russell 260 

Dewees   165-260 

Florence  A.    (Harry) 260 

George    Henry 260 

Mosteller,   Horace   165-260  - 

J     Harry 260 

James    B 164-260 

James     Paul 260 

John    Dewees 260 

Laura    Gilpin 164 

Marv  Ella 165 

Reuben   Preston 80-164 

Rosalind   Wood    (Dewees) 260 

Sarah   Clingan    (Dewees) 164 

Sarah    Stiteler 260 

Mott,    Catherine    Davis 269 

Charles     185-260 

Charles    Davis 260 

Emma  Davis 2(50 

Muhlenberg     (General) 18 

(Rev.)    Henry   A 28 

Muir,    Mildred 172 

Mulford,   Bessie  Boyd   (Bentley) 245 

James     Bentley 245 

Josepha    Boyd 245 

Theodore  Lee  Parsons 147-245 

Mulholland,   Emma   Jane    (Wilson) 282 

Marv    Frances 282 

William    Martin 147-282 

Mullins,    Ruth    Adelaide 193 

Suelo     193 

Tom 193 

Muncaster,    Charles   Nourse 232 

Harriet  Henderson... 232 

Ida    Rachel 232 

Mary  Elizabeth 232 

Mary  Tittenhouse    (Is'ourse) 232 

Otho     Magruder 131-232 

Mungen,     Jennie 246 

Marietta     (Bowman) 246 

(Hon.)     William 246 

Murdock,    Alexina    Evans 143 

Edward  J.   H.    (Smith) 63 

Edward   Wallace 242 

Eleanor     Agnes 242 

Eleanor    Potts 143 

Emma     Jane 143 

George    Potts 63 

George     William 31-63-242 

Henrv    Gaillard 242 

John'  S'mith 63-143-242 

John    Wallace 143-242 

Josephine     Brand 242 

Josephine     (Brand) 242 

Lily  Dell 143 

Sarah    Jaquelin 143 

Murphv,   Anne   Stanton 140 

Eudora    Elizabeth 113 

Mildred    : 184 

Murray,  Margaret  A 181 

Myers,    Albert    C 186 

Alice      (Sidwell) 227 

Anna      (Maelhorn) 188 

Benjamin    98-188 

Charles     A 186 

Charlotte     Sidwell 299 

W.     Earl 188 

Edith   Holmes    (Nourse) 299 

Emma     117 

Frances    Blackman 299 

George   B 186 

H.     Gail 186 

Harriet    Nourse 299 

Harry  B 186 

James     Richard 299 

Jesse    Sidwell 227-299 

John   227 

John  Edgar 227-299 

Lillian    188 



My. 'IS,     Miny     AliiKnil     (Nuiirsc)  IJ'.l'." 

M:iiv    i:iiiior -"••"•' 

S.uliV     '«" 

Siii-iili     (  Kiiiilili') 1^'' 

Susie l*^'' 

W.    Kill! 1^'' 

Ziicliariiis    1)7  ISf, 

Mytdii,    A.    Clink ■< » 

Nailer,   Willitmi   Kvunn !'••" 

N'MitM.     I'lliziiliclh    KoDkcr --'« 

I'lli/iilictli   Kookfi-   (N'ourse) --•> 

1 1, 1  lie     Lmiise -"••■'^ 

.1  Mines --'• 

.loll II     .lames --'i 

.loll  II      Wilson 127-1.'1'H 

.1  oselih     -'-•'- 

M ai-y    Wilson --'• 

Sallie    Loriec    (OaiTPtson) -!)S 

'Plionias      (iillierl IJ'.IS 

'I'lioiiias      Shields l.'!IS 

NaullN.    Amie    llarewood    (Washington) l.M!l 

Anne      Washington -•>1 

Edwin    Fairfax lOS  liC.l 

Navlor,  Flossie  Irene   (Anderson) -XI 

Glen     Homer in.'-L'Sl 

Keta    .la net -•'^l 

Rov    Anderson -HI 

S.    A i!ir; 

Neave,    (Mrs.)    Charles i:'.4 

Neide,    Alice SI 

Ann    Hnnter 82 

Ann    Hunter    (McClintock) SI 

Annie    Ti'i 

Bavard    82  Kid 

Blanehe     E KM". 

Carrol     81 

Frskine    82-l(i7-:i:!n 

George     William !<'•) 

Helen    Alice Ki'i 

Horace    81-1«(> 

Joseph     88-81 

T^aura     Gertrude lliU 

Lidie     ( Butler) Iti7 

Margaret     Bebecca 16(5 

Margaret      (Quinter) 166 

Mary   M.    (.fones) 166 

Martha     Shnfer 81 

Rebecca      (Shafer) 81 

Samuel     81 

Sarah    82 

Wilson    Butler 167 

Neilson,    Eleanor    K 5S' 

Rebecca    Darlington     (Bull) r):?-S28-32n 

William    27-53-S20 

Neiman,    Carrie    1S."> 

Nelson,    Emilv    225 

(Rev.)    Robert    225 

Neville.    Mary    M 114 

Newall,     Donzetta     101 

Esther   A.    (Bull)    1!H> 

Ida    Pearl    101 

Lorena    Mav    100 

Mary     Emilv     100 

Ruth   Esther   101 

Smith    100 

Newell,     Elizabeth    69 

Newberrv,     .\nn,    20 

Ann"  (Bull)    12-20 

Elizabeth     21 

Henrv     11-12-20-315 

Israel    20 

Jemima     20 

John     11-20-S21 

Marv     20 

Rebekah     20 

Rebekah    (Jacobs)    11 

Thomas     20 

.Newlpolil.    ('anil-    Iterlraiii    (  I'liltiTxon  )  'S-<> 

(J race    UiTliiiin    'J'-'o 

Henry    Stniirl    ;_••_'<» 

Margari't      .Mitchell  1"J<| 

'I'lioMias     .Mitchell  122  220 

.Wwcoriili,     .\nila     Kosalii'  .    'J.'Ut 

Anna    Jo.sepha  'S.',\ 

l''.mily     Kale        .  .   2.'!l 

Erie  '  Mc(iee        .  :M(2 

.Mary    ('.     (llassleri  'S'.n 

Siiiion        \.',il-S.'At 

William     Biirtlett  2:;l 

Newliall,      Charles  171 

(  lieever    Herliert                                    IT  I  2l'i2  :;;;!l 

l''rancis    Sarah     (Walriss)  171 

Maii;ery     Faniuhar     (Bull)  llti2 

Martha    Conant    2fi2 

l;i<har(l      Bealo     2t>2 

.Xewlin.    (Dr.)    Arthur   „ 21.S-2!>4 

Grace    Leslie    2f^ 

.lane    Cuvler    204 

.lane    Cuvler     (Sims)    204"    204 

Xewman,    I'.eiilali    S 2WJ 

.liisiah      109-200 

Lvdia    (  Fordyce) 206 

I'ercy    Earle    20«{ 

Neyman,    Eleanor    179 

Nicholas.    Edward 321 

Elsie    245 

Nichols.    Anna    Maria    73 

Emma    A'irginia    81 

Fiances    Bonde    73 

llannanetta     S 41 

(Colonel)    Richard    9 

Xiles.    (Rev.)    Edward .....156- 25» 

Fannie    Collier     (Darling)    253 

Henrv    Darling    .- 253 

(Rev.)     Henry    E.     (D.D.)     156 

Xixdorf,    Anna     l.aura    172 

Noce,     Daniel    302-339 

Noll,  Grace  Gwendoline   (Willis)   290 

Rav    210-290 

Willis   290 

Xolte,    J.   R 197 

Julia    (Wilson)    197 

N^orse,    Henry    Stansbury    '2'V2 

Victoria     (Monroe)     2.'J2 

North,    Roger    321 

Nottingham,    (Captain)    William   9 

Nourse,    Ada    Caroline    127 

Alice    Currie     3a3 

Alice    (Darby) 231 

Alice      (Stanlev)      129 

Alice     (Windsor)     303 

Alpheus     Horner    227-299 

Ann     Caroline     12S 

Anna     Currie 231 

.4nna    Gertrude    233 

Anna  Isabella  129 

Anna    Jane    131 

Anna  Josepha  58-126 

Anna    Maria    Louisa    -"1 

Anna    St.    Clair    1:'.2 

Anne    Carroll    (Simpson)    14.5 

Anne   Constance 145 

Annie     Wright     131 

Barbara    Elizabeth    300 

Bavard    Everhart     228-.300 

Ben.iamin   Franklin   57-128-132-2^3 

Bessie     221 

Caroline    Rebecca    64 

Carol vn    (Gerald)    SiKI 

Catherine     299 

Charles   Howard 58-130-131-231 



ISToui-se,   Charles  Joseph 64-131-144-lJp-243 

Charles  Josephus   31-64 

Charlotte   St.    George 145 

Clara    May    (Crawford) -— 300 

Clarence    - 299 

Clarence  Doughty   227-299 

Cora  - 132 

Cora  (Stansbury)  132 

David    Boyd    58 

Dolores     Frances     - - 299 

Dorothv     - 299 

Edith     Holmes 227 

Edward  Everett  221 

Edward  Tell  129 

Edward    Michael    127-226 

Eleanor    Maclay    (Pomeroy)    128 

Elizabeth     65-67-300 

Elizabeth     (Boice)     299 

Elizabeth    Hannah    126 

Elizabeth    Jane     (Henderson-Peter)....  131 

Elizabeth     Rooker     127 

Elizabeth     (Skinner) 126 

Ella    Goldie     (Cunningham)     .-. 31S 

Emily 221 

Emilv    Josepha — 129 

Emm'a   132 

Emma    Josepha   - 128-129 

Eva     Elizabeth      (Cahill)      299 

Eva     Maria     128 

Frank     - 131 

Hannah    Elizabeth    127 

Harriet     67 

Harriet    (deBow)    233 

Harriet     Robertson     130 

Harvev  - 221 

Hattie     Foster -.- 226 

Helen    Lucretia    - - 127 

Henrietta     221 

Henrietta    Cordelia    65 

Henrv    Dumont - 131-232 

HenrV    Michael - 58-132 

Henry   Stansbury  132-232 

Ida     Moore     226 

Isabella    Lucretia    (Bond)    129 

Isobel     - 221 

Isobel  Laurie    (Rittenhouse)    221 

Israel    Pemberton    , 65 

James    18-33 

James   Burn    65 

James    Crawford 300-313 

James    Francis    - —  227 

James  Michael  128-226 

James  Rittenhouse  57-127-22S-30O 

John 64-132 

John    Francis     - 232 

John   Frederick   126 

John    Lincoln 300 

John     Rittenhouse 57-126 

John    Thomas 128-228 

(Judge)    John   Thomas   300 

Joseph     18-29-31-33-56 

Joseph    Augustus    32 

Joseph    Everett    58-131 

Joseph    Harvey    81-123-127-221 

Joseph    John    Washington    32 

Joseph     Pomeroy     228-300 

Joseph    Robert    33-67 

Josephine     67 

Josephine  Caroline  Bull    (Young) 67 

Josephine     (Stansbury)     128 

Josephine    Sylvia    300 

Julia     dePass 226 

Julia     Livingston    243 

Julia    Livingston     (Peabody)     2^3 

Julia     Moore 226 

Laura     Hagner     132 

Laurie     221 

Louisa     64-221 

Tyucretia    Colt    (Skinner)    126 

Lucv    Holcomb 131 

Mabel     Scott     233 

Xourse,    Maria    Josepha    131 

Maria   Louisa    (Bull)    7-31 

Maria     (Robertson)      130 

Margaret    Baxter    Maclay    127 

Margaret     (Kemble)     144 

Marv    Abigail    227 

Mary  Alice  131 

Mary    Anna 127 

Marv     Frances 126 

Mary   Helen    232 

Mary     Josepha     64 

Mary    Pemberton 145 

Marv    Phillips 57 

Mary    Rittenhouse    57-112-128-131 

Mary    (Rittenhouse) 57 

Marv    Wilson 129 

Michael     29-57 

Minnie     (Sylvester)     300 

Orlando    Monroe    232 

Phillip  Rittenhouse „ 299 

Phoebe     Pemberton    Morris     (55 

Ray  230 

Rebecca    Darby    303 

Rebecca  Louisa   31 

Rebecca      (Morris)     64 

Richard   Gerald  300 

Robert 33 

Robert   Svlvester 300 

Robert    Willett    '. 226 

Rosa    Hazelhurst     (Raymond)     230 

Rose    Morris    64 

Ruth    (Happin)    _ 300 

Sarah    Agnes     (Peter)     232 

Sarah    Frances    (Blackman) 226 

Sarah     (Fonace) 18 

Sarah     Harriet 57-127 

Sarah     Harvey     228 

Sarah    Hassler    131 

Sarah     Lord     127 

Sarah    North     (Harvey)    127 

S'arah     (Wright)     131 

Susan    Ludlam     232 

Susan    Stansburv    129 

Upton  Darby 231-303 

Victoria      (Monroe) 232 

Walter   Burton 145 

William    58-129-221 

William    Bond    129-230 

William     Kent 233 

William     Maclay     313 

Nuchols,     John     M 136 

Nutter,     Eliza     - -- 109 

Emma   109 

Francis     109 

Marv     109 

Rhodesia     109 

Sarah  E.    (Bull)    109 

W.  Harrison 50-109 

Oakins,     Katherine    A 116 

Obear,    Adelaide    237 

Alexander    Davison 237 

Frank     ; 136-237 

Margaret    Chesley    (Davison)    237 

Obermider,     Amelia    196 

Oblander,    Ida    99 

O'Brien,    Annetta    Smith    74 

David 74 

Elizabeth 75 

Elizabeth    Bull     (Smith) 74 

Frances     Valeria 75 

Joseph 36-74-75 

Nancy - — - 72 

O'Connell.    Kathrvn    (Creed)    208 

Michael    208 

Rosa    Catherine    - 208 

O'Farrell,    Dorothee    Silvia 172 

Emma    Louisa     (Bull)     172 

Joseph    Ignatius    88-172 



Or.Icii,    Alinii    1'^^, 

S'arii     KriitirfS    "•• 

Okcsori,     Kllon    •  ,   j } 

Jcihii     •:•♦•<■* 

Miiriii      (Sli(M.ii)     '•"> 

M;iiili:i    Hull    -<■♦ 

Miiiiir   •"; 

Kcll.'CI'M       (Hull)      -»-* 

H.'l.cccii     J ■'■' 

Simiucl      44-!H) 

Old,     Aim.'lta    •'•'' 

Olivir.     Alice    '■'•'• 

Oliiislciid,    ricniy   Hull       2:!:! 

OlxlciiKi'iicfl',     Alii-iiliaui    " 

Di.U     I 

I  I  IIMlil  U      ^ 

Isniic      ^ 

.1  nc(il)    i 

MtirRiirct      i 

IMiU'Kiirclli!!    "t 

Orisipu.    l.cila    Neale    -'■^•'< 

Orwiiu.    Charles    27r.n 

J\laiv     ^'> 

MaiV     (Bull)     •"'<> 

Sarah    <> 

OttinRer,    Alexander    33-(i7 

Amanda    Fitz-Allan  •>''* 

Anna    :\raiia    •'•'* 

Anna     Matilda     '">•'< 

Henrietta     (Davis)     HT 

.lames    Smith    '>" 

.lohn    ("'^ 

Martha     (Hubbs)     33 

■\Villiani    33 

Owen,    (Dr.)    David   Dale   60 

Theresa    !^" 

Page.    Emma    Matilda    200 

.John    209-3L'(i 

Palmer,    Charles    "Walter 2W 

Marv    Chapman    124 

Mary  Goff   144 

Pankev,    Elizabeth    Blair    •"112 

Lillian    (Kobb)    31:2 

Rnssell    R ..:... •. 286-312 

Parker,     Virginia    3T 

Parry,   Ann  I'} 

Carrie     '  "■"' 

Cliester     l"-''> 

Llewellyn     l-l 

Mary     (Thomas)     1'! 

Paterson,    Bertha    204 

Bertha     (Gillet)     294 

William     lilT  liiil 

Patterson,    Annetti    diCosta    (Crane)    21'.1 

Anthonv    Drexel    210 

Arthur  (\)xe  210 

Arthur    AViiling    1'04 

Beatrice    Willing    204 

Carrie     Bertram 1-- 

Charles     Edward    210  U0.'> 

Charlotte    Hopkins    120." 

Cliarlotte    Wise     (Hopkins)     20.") 

Christopher  Stuart  .")0-12(V21  T 

Clifford     210 

David    23 

Edward 55-121-210 

Edward    Fitzgerald    '2'X> 

Edward   Liddon   1*10 

Edward     Stuart     I'O." 

Eleanor  Cuvler  121-217 

Eleanor    Stuart    210 

Eleanor     (Willing)     204 

Elizabeth    .Tenks    121 

Elizabeth    Lummis    (Bonsall)    IL'L' 

Elizabeth    Stuart    ; 21.S-210 

Ella    Bell    232 

Patterson,    Klleii     (Sinarl) 
EaiMiie    A.     (.lenkH) 
Khireuce      (  I  larl  ) 
Kraiiccs     (HisM-ll) 
i''raMcis    Dennisoii    

■J  1 7 

(icorge     Stuart     217-20t 

Grace     lialhini     (Learned)     122 

(irace      Leslie      ..  121 

Harriet     Kelly    ....  122 

Helen     210 

Henrv    Stuart    .".-121  122-210  20.". 

Isabella    Liddon    (Coxe)    2Hj 

.lames  55 

.lamis     Edward    121 

.1,1  lie     Guvler 217 

■  l-.iur     (Cuyler)     120 

.leiuiie     (Lyon)     205 

.lohn     2S-2n 

((;eneral)    .John    H 121-210 

.lohn    .loseph     121 

.lohn     Thoiu|)son    .".'•121 

.Liscph      ."..'120 

.loseph     Ilenrv    122-217 

.Maria     .lesup     218 

Marv    Eliza     210 

Marv    Elizabeth    (Forbes)    210 

Marv    (iertrude 219 

Marv    Xewbold    210 

Martina    G.     (Talmadge)    121 

Martina    Talmadge    122 

Martha     Stuart     121 

Martha     (Stuart)     28 

(Rev.)    Robert    Mayne    127 

Roger    Williams    295 

Ruth    295 

Stuart  Forbes 210 

Theodore    Cuvler 121-218 

Thomas    G 121-210 

Valentine    Mott    121-210 

William    Orr .55 

Patton,   Alice  Vincent    (Corson)   203 

Kenneth    Stewart     21ti-203 

Paul.,   ('.    (' 170 

Caroline    Maria    (Rosenstihl)    170 

Carrie    L 176 

Charles     Caleb     170 

Myrtle    Irene    179 

Pawling,    Albert    ..     54 

Anna     Bull    69 

Anna   S.    (Bull)    120 

Eleanor     (Elinor)    28 

Eleanor     (Thomas)     16 

Elizabeth     0-lfi-.">3 

Ellen    .".4-tlO 

Eva      tiO 

Fannie    119 

(ieorge    Waters    60 

Henry    7-0-54-t;0-.321 

Henrv    .\ugustus    16-2.8 

Henry   deWitt   Clinton ;.34-54-69-120 

Henry    Frederick 28 

.laccunyntie     (Kunst) 9 

.Tames"  M 54-110 

.lohn 9 

.Joseph    Heister    54 

Levi    ....:..: 28-53-119 

Lvdia    C.     (Wood)    119 

M.     Elizabeth     (Heister) 53 

Marv     54 

Mav"    69 

Nathan   69 

Rebecca     54 

Rebecca     (Bull)     28 

Rose    Muhlenberg    69 

Thomas    B 54 

William    28 

Peabody.     (.Tudge)    Cliarles 

.Julia     I..ivingston    

Julia     (Livingston)     




Peacock,    Mary    23 

Peale,    Charles    Wilson    320 

Pearce,    Cromwell    21-36 

Isabella    (Bull) - 26 

Lewis    Gronow 36 

Margaret    - 21 

Peast,    Richard    - — 337 

Pedigo,   Ann  Maury  234 

Eleanor     Conway 234 

Eleanor     Cornelia     (Davison)     234 

Jennie    Gray    - 234 

Jessie    Davison    234 

John    H 133-234 

John    Hardin    234 

Mark    Henry    234 

Marv     Louisa     2'M 

Norborn    Elijah    234 

Robert   Edward   234 

Sallie   Louise   - - 234 

Pelot,     Charles    Moore    134 

Margaret    Ann    (Ford)    134 

Sarah    Caroline    --— 134 

Pendleton,     Edm'd     326 

Edward     Maynes 61 

Penn.    Fred   Anderson   279 

Henrv    T - "i  '1 J  -279 

J.    Barton 194-279 

Onita     (Anderson)     279 

William     - 7-0 

Pennebacker,     Sibilla     (or     Isabella) 20 

Perrv     (Commodore)     42-63 

(Rev.)     D.    E.    S 173 

Pershing    (Major    General) 69 

Persot,    Iva    Banes    237 

Peter.   Elizabeth  Jane    (Henderson) fi^ 

John     Park     Custis     f)S 

Sarah     Agnes     - 131 

Peterkin     (Bishop)     : 140 

Petzers,    Gretze   7 

Peyton,    Elizabeth    31 

Phelps,   Alice   Darling 253 

Elizabeth     Darling     (Drown) 254 

Elizabeth    Drown    254 

Emily    Drown    ^.^  254 

Francis  Alexander — 157-2.53 

Francis    Slocum    253 

Margaretta     Darling     (Drown)     -  253 

Martha     Bennett     - 254 

William   Drown   2.53 

Ziba    Bennett    157-254 

Phillips,     David     321 

Emma  Sutton 149 

James   Boyd   ,. 173 

Jennie     115 

Mary    10-315-322 

Mawi    149 

Sarah     ]  73 

Susan    Amanda    — -  173 

William    Perry    149 

Phipps,    Ellen    119 

Pierce,     Jessie     M 154 

Pittman.     Billie     311 

Esther     Woolten     (Moseley)     311 

lone    Ann    311 

Mac     Moseley     311 

William     278-311 

Plank,     William     52 

— -Jlatt,   Charles   218-294- 

Dorothv   Falcon    (Sims)    294 

Dorothy     Sims     294 

Elizabeth    Morris    294- 

Pomerov,  Eleanor  Maclay  128 

Joseph     128 

Pope,    Anne    Columbia    194 

Bell     195 

Bob    Smith 102-194 

Columbia  Adelia    (Anderson) 194 

Cullen    102 

Effie 195 

Erskine    Elizabeth    195 

Ida    (Duke) 280 

Oliver   English    195-280 

Temperance     102 

Tom    Anderson    195 

Thomas    Sidney 280 

Porter,   Nancy  Jane  149 

Postell,     (Colonel)     James    134 

Mary     134 

Potter,    (Rev.)    Alonzo    (D.D.)    23 

Potts,    Ann   Hunter    (Bull)    84 

Howard    84 

Robert  S 40-84 

Powell,    Alexander    Cheslev   236 

(Dr.)     Alexander    Monroe    134-1.35-2.36-2.37 

Ann    Maury     (Davison)     237 

Anna 95 

(Dr.)    Bruce  E 136 

Clarissa      (Chesley)     60-134-135 

Charles    Edward    107 

Donald   Monroe   237 

Kate   Louise   236 

Lewis _ 95 

Louisa    Hite    (Davison)    236 

Margretta    Neave    236 

Martha     (Hicks) 136 

Martha  L , 136 

Marv   Catherine  60 

Mary    M.     (Hallowell)     95 

Maurv   Davison   2.36 

Van  "Caldwell     236 

(Captain)   Thomas  134-135 

Thomas    William     .'.     60 

William    Magnus     236 

Power,    Caroline    267 

Caroline     Jane     (Jordan)     177 

Elvira    Emeline 177 

Francis    Marion 92-177 

Harvev  Allen 177-267 

Howard    L 266 

Lena    L.     (Wolf) 267 

Maude    Pearl     177 

Rubv    Leota    267 

Sadie    (Cox)    266 

Pratt,    Charles    William    266 

Edward    Electus    226 

Electus    Abijah    127-226 

Helen     226 

Phoebe  A 90 

Sarah    Lord     (Nourse)     226 

William    Norman    226 

Preuss.   Leone   103 

(Mrs.)    M.    L - 193 

Price,     Carrie     2O0 

Otto     ....104-200 

Rebecca  Jane    (McNeely)    200 

Samuel     200 

Pridgen,  Walter  166-339 

Prizer,    Harvey   B - 166 

Puis.     Clara    - : 202 

Quinter,    George    ^^2 

Margaret  82 

Margaret     (Francis)     82 

^Quickel,  Catherine  Olive 277 

Edward    W^ 

Eliza     IW 

Elizabeth     (Benedict)      100 

Ellen     R l^O 

Frederick    Hoover 100-277 

Gideon    100 



(^uirk,l.      . 1,111. ■       (Hull  I  H»i 

.l(p|iii  UK)   llIU 

Mi.liii.l      4«-llH» 

()li\c   ( l''orpaugh)   -77 

oiiv.i-    l'.M(  •_•-.'. 

I'liillii)     ion  I'.M) 

riiillip      I'lfdi'i-ick      -77 

IJrlMM-cii      (  ll(i.)V.T)      1!M» 

Si.dic  ; VM) 

Siinili     II"' 

Siin;iii    (Shiiulle)    Kill 

U;iiiilin,    I',  Id-  :V2\ 

Kimi.slmit:,    Alice    Loiiisn -'.'>- 

Cli.iilcs    .l(isci)li    L'.TJ 

Ciinicliiis  SI  ill.'  i:!Mi:."J 

Kli/jibi'th     'I'liiiyi'V     •S.;-2 

.Idsi'iiliiiH'     Niiurse    -■!- 

Karl     1  l.Mssl,.r 2:{2 

Siiiiili     lliissler     (Nourse)     2:52 

Rank,     C'lunlos     100 

Emma    10!) 

Frederick     100 

Rankin.     Klla     May ir)2 

.Toscpli     Huston    1.')2 

Ran«nm,     .\l)l>ie    17") 

Alice     ((;illet)     20."> 

Hcssie       2(in 

Carrie     (Hurdii'k)     21'.." 

Eleanor    L.     (Lord)     17.") 

Ernest    205 

Fcnton    265 

Genie   F 17fi 

Halette     Nott     20:^ 

Harry     Wavne     265 

IleleA     Verna 265 

Henrietta     170 

Henry    Nott     217-203 

Henrv    0 175 

Ida     Gabrielle     - 170 

Jessie    Annie    _ 175 

I.ucv     T 175 

Mabel      175 

Marv     Klva     175 

Maud    Kva    : 265 

M  yra     1 75 

Myron     91  -1 75 

Robert     Edwin     2('i." 

Robert    Freedom    175  L'l!." 

Sylvia   CTaudine  L'li.") 

Winn  if  red    21)5 

Rapp.    Barnet    S5 

Elizabeth     sr. 

Ellen     S:^ 

Ratdiford.     Laura     104 

Thomas     104 

William     Paschal 104 

Raymond.    :yrary    A 120 

Rosa     Hazelhurst    120 

Samuel     120 

Raysor,    Emma    A 7S 

Reath.    Aususta    Meade    (Roberts)    25S 

Benjamin     Brannaii     25S 

Elizabeth     Roberts     25S 

Georfre    25S 

Tlieodore    25S 

Theodore     W 25.S 

Thomas    Roberts    258-:>;0 

Reese,    Isadore    72 

Reeser*  Delila    O'.i 

Reeves,     Nellie     170 

Reilly,    Henry    liC. 

Replo,     .Toseph     Alexander ;I04 

.Joseph    Ilermon    2.'?0:!O4 

Mary     Willy      (Davis)      :;04 

Rep))'ier,     (Jeorsre    Sebastian    15." 

.In  11  a  Helen 1.5.5 

Ki'ipia.     ('.'iri'ii'     LilliaM     C  Morrow  | 
(Kev.)     Lconaril    I'riiiik  liii,    .Ir. 
Lillian     While 
.Sarali     ('lernson     ... 
William      .Muirnw     

Kelililess,    .liiliM    I'ranklin 

I'earl     Mnutic     (liaKKell) 


Uheem.     Mary     Ililleija- 

Kliodes,      .\nii      

Em  mil   

Rich.     .Mi<-e     Everlon     

•J  10 

2i;2 :««» 


.  :'AH> 



Uertha     Lin  wood     

Clara     D.illoii     

KlIc'M      r.-iwliuK     

Krances     Carroll     

(ieortce       I'awlinc      110 

(Jeorciue    (Clarke) 210 

(ierald      210  :!:!0 

Henry    (iihnore    120 

Laura    .Vncusta    r_'ii 

Lester      '1 

,\Iaria     (Inirham)     54 

Marv     Marc.iret     210 

Mary     I'awlinK     HO 

Sylvester    N'orton 110 

Richards,    Amv    T.    (Westerfelt)    252 

Ann     Elizabeth     in."? 

Ann  Hunter   (Smith)   72 

Anna  May  154 

Anna      (Zook) 251 

Anne    Hunter    154 

Annetta    O'  Brien 153 

Bent  ley    Smith    15:!- 1.54 

Charles     Sheafe     1"il 

Elizabeth    Bull    72 

Elizabeth     S 36 

Elizabeth     (Smith) 151 

Elizabeth   Turflee   252 

(Rev.)    Ellis    .lones    75 

Emilv  Smith 154 

Harold    251 

Isadore     (Reese)     154 

.lames    A .36-72 

.lames     Armstrong 72 

.lane     Ellis     15S 

.lessie    M.     (Pierce)    154 

•lohii      Ilavanl     153 

.l.ihn      Smitli     72-153-251 

.loseph     Edmund     1.5.3 

•loseijh    ()'  Brien    72-154 

Leila     Louisa     252 

Levi     Smith     72 

Louden    Wright    154 

Louisa     Haven     (Sheafe)     153 

.MarKaretta     Sheafe     154 

Margaret    Wright    154 





Haven     153 

(O'Brien)     _ 153 

Valeria     153 

Jameson     (Bodlev)     252 

Bodley      ". 252 

Smith     72 

Howell     ; l.->4-2.".2 

'1' horn  as     Smith     72-1.5:! 

Warren      Woodward     153 

William     Miller 72-l.">4 

William     Pollock 154 

Zook   Van   Ness   251 

Kicliardson,    .Tacomyntie     (Bull)     15 

.lemima      (Bull)      15 

Kichcreek,    Leah     (Maelhorn)     IAS 

Paul    1SS 

AVilliam     OS-ISS 

Iviefcel.    Clara    Matilda    ..   157 

Kifc.    Charles    ;..; lS!.«^-274 


Minnie      (Maelhorn)     




Ritchie,    John    E 117 

Rittenhouse,     Anna     125 

Anne    Connel    (Cochran)     298 

Annie    Clay    298 

Arthur    - 224 

Basil   Norris- 223-2J)6;3S'9 

Benjamin     7-17-29 

Benjamin     Franklin     29-56-123-124 

Bessie    (Thomas)    297 

Caroline    Reed    (Lockwood)     225 

Carolvn     Clay     225 

Catherine 225 

Charles    Edwin 57-125-222-225 

Charles    Edward    124-224 

Clementine   Crawford  124 

David    7-29-56-124-318 

Delozier  James  223-297 

Dolores     (Casillas)     223 

Dorothy     (Jarrison     297 

Elizabeth     30 

Elizabeth  Beverly  296 

Elizabeth     (Bull)     ....: 29 

Elizabeth    Caldwell    222 

Elizabeth   Scott   123 

Elizabeth    (Shapter) 222 

Emily    125 

Emily    Josepha    - 56 

Fannie    - 125 

Grace     (Hubbell)     - 225 

Gertrude     Louise     298 

Hannah     Hughes     56 

Helen     Murrav     124 

Helen    S.    (Good)    224 

Henrietta  Waring  123 

Henrietta    Waring     (Davidson)     123 

Henry    Lockwood    225-298 

Howard     224 

Ida     (Cole)     - 223 

Isobel     Laurie     123-127 

James     Dalton     ■_  297 

James    Delozier    ...125-223 

James    Hall    17-124-223 

Jane    L.     (Simonton)     125 

John    Beverly    59 

John    Bull    29-59 

John  D 124 

John     Hughes     57-125-225 

Karl    David     224-297 

Leonard    Cole --  223 

Louisa    Azuzena 297 

Lucia    Morse 223 

Marie   Louise    (Tucker)    296 

Martha    Louisa 125 

Marv     29 

Mary    (Dalton)    297 

Mary   Davidson   123 

Mary  Elizabeth   56 

Mary    Frances    126 

Mary    Newbold    125 

Mary    Whitall 225 

Mathias    — ]  7 

Nicholas     17 

Paul   Lockwood   225 

Ralph     Davidson     223 

Samuel    Whitall    125-225 

Sarah     Elizabeth     224 

Sarah    Emily    123 

Sarah     (Hughes)     56 

Sarah     Louise     125 

Sarah    Matilda    (Whitall)     125 

Sterling    Shapter    222 

William    17 

Ritter,    Chester    Deckard    271 

Rebecca   North    (Deckard)    271 

Wilson    W 181-271 

Robb,    Alma     (Hope)     286 

Elizabeth      (Crawford)      200 

Elsie    (Hines)    284 

Euphresia    202 

Gilbert   Crawford 200-284 

Robb,    Hickman   202 

Iva    Howard   204 

John 106-204 

(Dr.)    John    Shaw    200 

Lillian    286 

Mattie     204 

Theophilus     202-286 

Robbins,    Marv    Augusta    140 

Stephen    .' : 140 

Roberts,    Alfred   Thomas    96-183 

Alice    (Rambo)    23 

Allan     Miller     184 

Ann     (Hamer)     95 

Anna    (Anderson)    309 

Anna    Hunter 79 

Augusta    Meade    163-258 

Bessie    A.     (Buckwalter)     268 

Blanche    95 

Blanche     (Wright)    271 

Charles     258 

Dorothy    271 

Dorothv    Margaret    258 

Edith    (Hunter)    271 

Edith    Langdon    258 

Edward    :... 23-96-184 

Edward    Rambo 44-95 

Eleanora    184 

Eliza     23 

Elizabeth     258 

Elizabeth    Bissell    258 

Elizabeth  Hill    (Bissell)    163 

Ella    Prances 80 

Ethel     95 

Fanchon    Hunter 271 

Fay    Smith    , 183 

Frank    Edward 183 

Fred    Waite    183 

George    Wood    Bissell    163-258 

Harry    Clyde    183-339 

Hannah    Louisa    80 

Hazel    Marie    268 

Helen     Mollie     268 

Henry    Brown 183-271 

Henry   Bull 44-95 

James 38 

Jessie     Meredith     95 

John 38 

Jonathon     23 

Kate     Palmer     (Chamberlain)     258 

Katherine    258 

Katherine    Hubbard    258 

Katharine    Sherwood    (Marble)    183 

Lena    Bell    183 

Lenora     M.     (Miller) 184 

Leonard   Frescolm   38-79 

Levi    Bull 80 

Lionel     Slingsby     168 

Malcolm    Wesley     309 

Marsaret     258 

Martha     24 

Marvin    Chester    268-309 

Mary     38 

Mary   Foster    (Frothingham)    258 

Mary    Frescolm 79 

Mary     Frothingham     258 

Marv    Peacock 44 

Mattie    95 

May 163 

May    Peacock    96 

Nancy  Jane    (Meredith)    •. 95 

Nellie     (Smith) 183 

Newell     Bruce     268 

Orlando    S 180-268 

Rachel    Bartholomew     (Dewees)     79 

Rebecca     Jane 23 

Roland     Karl     184 

.   Samuel     Henry     95-183 

Samuel    Meredith    183. 

Sherwood     183 

Stella     Claudine     188 

Theodora     258 



UolMTts,     Til. .mils     {«-<!!  1(.....H 

Tliiiiiias    Clifl'old    '^'J 

Victor    Kinl    |-'j^ 

Viifcinin      -nV/.V,  "-w 

Wnti'is    Dcwees  ....(!•  ll>-.  —  >^ 

WiUiiiiii      -■'•  -•   'j 

WilliMiu    IImiiht    '•' 

WilliMiii     llonir 



IJoliniMiii.      Maria     

Kobiiis,    llilrii  

Kdhinson,    Aiuiii    Dcilljy    '-J 

Kliziilictli     -J:' 

Kraiilv    .losi'pli    1;'|> 

treorgp     •>;] 

Griu-e    Agnes    ■    '•_•- 

Gregory     Ellis     <ll:;j 

Jane    '■}•' 

J.'aniu'lto      (KvelPth)     1;;2 

John     (iroiiow     _  ■'■' 

.lonatlion    John    -l*^ 

Le    Koy    1{;^ 

Tiewis    Gronow     •'••' 

Marfijirt't      -1'"^ 

Marsar.M    Allon    (Hinckley)    IT):! 

Mariiiirct   Sarali  Tjoar  72 

IMartha     Smart     (Patterson)     21.S 

Martina     Tahnadge     21S 

Marv 72-21S 

Mary    (Rnll)    ^-J 

Marv    Daley    IS-^ 

Mary    E.     (Gregory)    71 

Marv   Jeannette  !•'- 

Richard     21  :5/i 

IJicliard     Gregory     71-1.>2 

Richard   TI.   M 257-308 

Richard   Pierce  3o-71 

Robert     Miles     121-218 

Rosalind     ■5* '8 

Rosalind    Wood     (Smith)     :«)8 

Saniuid      -1° 

Sarali    Hnll    -w 

S'arah    Elizabeth    : loS 

Sidnev    Ormsby    72153 

( Speaker)      18 

Susan    Isabella    35 

(Rev.)    Thomas    Hastings    44 

Robison,    Adella     (Jones)     208 

Chloa      (Ferverba)      2!M) 

Karl    F 2!K) 

Edward     208 

Elizabeth   i>l 

Garland     F 208 

Joanna     (Gordon)     Ill 

TjuIu     (Brannernan)     208 

Robert     V 200 

Rolland     V £08 

Sabin    V 111-208 

Thomas     D 51 

Thomas     W 111-208 

X'inccnt      •■ 51-111 

Ward     208 

Rodj>ers.    Ada    G 270 

Carrie    E -  .-   270 

Clinton    E 270 

George   K 181-270 

Nellie      (Emerich)      270 

Roger,    Adeline    Elizabetli    108 

Rogers,    ;\Iargar<n    Ann     (Taylor)     307 

Marv     Frances     . "i\~ 

Ralph     I) 251-307 

Roop,    Anna    :\Iae    246 

Charles     Franklin     246 

Eva     Theresa     246 

Roosa,     Heymans     0     ^ 

Wiltze     0 

RoKeMKarteii,    Kinolinf 


Miirioii    Hiui.H    .   . 

Ross.      Annie 

Miirion    (Hiins).. 

Emil  v 






Gi'i't  riidi 

Helen    .. 

I  lenrv 






M  a  V 





Rose  .".r_' 

(I'nwlinK)  118 


(I'hipps)    .  215 

.   215 

Sherwood     ((ieniiiimi  110 

.   •_'I5 

(lieii)erKcr) 312 

Ileibereer    312 

.        Iin215  2!t3 

Carhnrt    J'.»h.:I2 


..; lis 

I'awiing     I  IS  215 


Nairn    .;; 312 


(lUohy)      203 

(Jenkins)      •'•3 


(Ciif'ton)     215 


Rossi  ter 



throck,     (Dr.)     Abraham    82 

(Dr.)    Addison    Mav   167-2t!0-:!:H» 

Addis<.n    ^May    2G0-2G1 

Charlotte     Stephanie     261 

Edward   Charles  261 

lOleanor     Cleves     261 

Eleanor     (Cleves)     261 

Elizabeth     Mav     167 

Eugenia      May      261 

Florence      (Ellis)      260 

(Dr.)     Ilenrv    Abraham    167-261-330 

Henry     Abraham      261^ 

Howard     (irav     167 

Howard     Raul     260 

.lames    .\ddison    260 

Joseph    Edward    260 

(Dr.)    Joseph   Trimble 82-167 

Joseph    Trimble    - 261 

:\Iartlia     Ellen     260 

Martha    Ellen    (May)    167 

Martha      May      16" 

Phebe    B 82 

Rachel     Wanona      261 

Roush,     Daniel     Deckard    270 

David      200 

John     X 181-270 

:Marv     K 270 

Xila    Marion    (Deckard)    270 

Yerna    Viola    200 

Ivowcll.   Columbia  Bell    (Anderson) 270 

George    Bell    279 

Joseph     Hewitt     103-270 

.losephine     2iO 

Josei)hine     (Hart)     103 

Matti.'     Elizabeth     270 


Rule,    Harold 

Emily    K.    .. 

...  124 

...  150 

....  150 

...  150 

:ufT,    Ben    Howard    285 

Burn      202 

Freida     (.Vmelunka)     -'  286 

Jessie     :.-•- 202 

Eaura      (Wilson) - 202 

Lucv     2(12 

Xorn      202 

William 105-202  286 

William   lee 286 

Rupert    (Solomon)    ...: 46 



Rush,     (Dr.)    Benjamin    15-336 

Edward 337 

Elizabeth     336 

Francis     336 

Jacob     336 

James     33 1 

ane    -j^ ' 

John    - 15-336 

Joseph    337 

Sarah    337 

Susanna     336 

Thomas     :  336 

William    336-337 

Russell,     Minerva     - 48 

Ruth,    Eliza    Virginia    Mills    (Dimitry) 2.38 

Enoch    Fenwick    137-2.38 

Genevieve    - 238 

Margaret    Celeste    238 

Mary  Elizabeth   238 

Rutter,    Emily    Hollenbeck    74 

Mary    Ann    (Cist)    74 

Nathanial     - 74 

Ryan,   Samuel  Erwin 151 

Ryon,    Julia   Florence    154 

Sample,    Julia    Jeannette    101 

Sampson,    (Rear    Admiral)    W.    T 85 

Sanford,    Edward   Paterson    220 

Henrv     Chapman    220 

Martina   Talmadge    (Patterson) 220 

Mildred      (Gillet)      - 2.94 

Reginald     217-294 

Rufus  Henry  .122-220 

William   Milnor   294 

Sargent,   Ruth   52 

Sargeant,    Louise    178 

Sauzer,     A 116-214 

Grace   G.    (Milligan)    214 

Gordon  214 

Scales,  J.  M 194-279 

John    R 194 

Mabel    Irene    279 

Marjorie     Bell     279 

Mattie   Irene    (Anderson)    279 

Samuel     Melrose     279 

Texana     (Kelly)     193 

Scarborough,    Agnes    Virginia    2-13 

Sehaefer,    Frank    Jacob    211-313-3.39 

Helen    Kathryn     (Hench)     313 

Schall,     George    69 

Schatte,    Charles   L 102 

Charles     Luther     197-282 

Effie     196 

Eliza  Hervey    (Lockwood)    282 

Frederick   102-196 

Sophia    Lockwood    282 

Virginia    Ann     (Wilson)     196 

Schrantz,    Daisy    M.     (Fink)     310 

John    271-310 

.John    Eugene    310 

Robert    Fink    310 

Schriver,    C'letes    Alice    99 

Schropp,    Mary    Helen    252 

Schultz,     Anna     248 

Grace    215 

Schwannerman,   Lanie   197 

Scott,    Addie    150. 

Alexine    Evans    212 

Ann     218 

Augusta    Jaquelin     (S'wartzwelder) 240 

Clarence  --'- 

Emma  J.    (Murdock)    2^2 

James    Crosswell    242 

John    138-240 

Scott,    John    Murdock    242 

Joseph  Warren  143-242 

(Sir)     Walter    :. 56 

Warren    Finley    242 

W.     Edgar     186 

William    240 

Seabaugh    (Dr.) 204 

Seagar,    Lloyd   116 

Seay,    Eugenia 200 

Seibert,    Allie    F.    (Fastnacht)    293 

Charles     118 

David   286 

David   B 106-203 

David   Glenn   203-286 

Eleanor    K.     (Neilson)     118 

Elizabeth    A.     (Heiges)     215 

Ella     (Wilkinson)     286 

James    L 118 

Irene     280 

Lillian     106-286 

(Rev.)      Samuel     W 53-118 

Surrilda      (Wilson)      203 

Virginia    R 118 

William  Neilson  118-215 

William    Sponsler    215-293 

William    W 293 

Wilson    286 

S'elph,    Albert    Pike    238 

Alexander    Dimitry    238 

Archibald     238 

Colin  McRae  : 1.37-2.38 

Leslie  Brooks 2.38 

Mary     238 

Mary    Elizabeth    Lyman     (Dimitry)....  2.38 
Sarah    '. 238 

Senne,     Grace     103 

Sergeant,  Edward  Walter  248 

Frank    O'Brien    248 

Joseph     Lewis     248 

Margaret   Jane    (McQuistion)    248 

Marv    Olivia    248 

Walter     149-248 

Walter    Foard 248 

William    Wilson    248 

Sessums     (Bishop)     138 

Shade,    Esther   192 

Helen 192 

Marv    (Wilson)    192 

William     101-192 

Shaeffer,    Adam    99 

Alice     M 99 

Amanda    272 

Amos     R 99-189 

C.    Alice     (Schriver)     189 

Catherine    E 99 

Catherine    L 189 

Clara    A 99 

Clara    E 189 

Constantine    Jacob    99-189 

Delila      (Reeser)      189 

Elizabeth      (Bull)      99 

Emma    E 99 

Esther    E - 189 

Ethel    - 189 

Evelyn  M 189 

Flora  J 99 

Florence     189 

Flovd    R : 189 

Franklin    E 189 

Gertrude     E - 189 

Gordon     - 189 

Grace    A 189 

Helen    A 189 

Howard    189 

Ida    (Oblander)    189 

Jane    99 

John    F 99-189 

Maggie    M 99 



SliiuH'i'i-,      Miimic     I'^'-' 

MiiimuTt    10 ixii 

M.uv     .1 !•!• 

N.viM     I'.     1N!» 

I'liuliiH'    (i IH!> 

Iv'i.liMid      W 1H!» 

S.iiriii,!  -J.'i-lti) 

S,, I, ,111. Ml      M IK) 

Williur    A 181) 

William       II 99-189 

siiiif.i'.    i;ii/.!ii)ciii    ;?9 

I..V1   Hull   :«) 

Miirlhil      :«> 

Miirtlia    (BuUMcC'lintopk)    3S;!:;l 

lii'hi'cca  -iS 

(.lud-.')  saiiiuci  22-;{8-:j:n 

Sarah    :{9 

Shauaiiiaii,     Klizuboth     2(iO 

Malul    K.    (D.'wees)    2ti0 

Samuel     Liifrau    IGii-^CiO 

TlKunas      Dc'Wi'i's     -<M) 

Shannon.     KoluTl     '.','2\ 

Shaptor.     Kli/.abi'th     124 

Sliaip,    Cathciiuo    45 

Shall.,.    Kli/.alM'th    03 

Sliaw,     Claia      (McCarter)     247 

Harvev    tiS-147 

Isabella    147 

.lohn    Elliott    147-247 

Lillian    148 

Maude    17.", 

Sophia     Elliott     247 

Sophia     (Klliott)     N7 

Sheafe,    Louisa     Haven    72 

Sheaf f,    Elizabeth    Waddell    40 

,Iohn    Van    Wyck    4^) 

Mary    Augusta     40 

Shelby,     (General)     .To    V.U 

Shepard,    Alice    I^idia    ....'. 23<> 

Alice     (Stevens)     2.36 

(Rear    Admiral)     Edwin    Miilculni 2.">(i 

Shepherd,    Ben.jamin    Franklin    14."> 

Fannie    145 

Maud   Evelyn   145 

Sarah     142 

Shepp.     Amanda    08 

Fielta    (Sultzberger)    OS 

John    OS 

Shields,  Elvira  47 

Sliermer,    Lemuel    Zell    147-24C. 

Maria 246 

Marv    Eliza     (Huston)     246 

William    147 

Sherwood.   (Brigadier  General)  Isaac  R 05 

Kate    (Brownlee)    95 

Lenore   Katharine   9.5 

Shettle.      Carrie     100 

Shii)ps,    Ella    Maty    68 

Shoemaker,     (Dr.)    Charles    Gardner 223-207 

Francis    Dodge    207 

Ijucia    Moore    (Rittenhouse)    207 

Lucia    Rittenhouse    207 

Sholl,  Edna   Mav    (Starner)   280 

Ernest    Melville    208-280 

Perma     Elizabeth    280 

Shoop,    Maria    44 

Short,  Alice  105-201 

Charles    L 201-285 

Clvde    201 

Curtis     201 

Elizabeth    Eflfie    105 

Elizabeth    .lane     (Wilson)     105 

George     48-105 

Harlan    201 

Irene  201 

SlM,rl.    .I.lli.-    (Slack)  2K'i 

l.iliri   NfWtun  Hi5_'<il 

.\l.ibel      2iil 

.Maii,'iirrt    Eiiieline  l'>."i 

.\Iarllia    ('arnliiie  l'i5 

.Marv    S'.    (UillMliMia>  Jul 

.Mildred      .  J^T. 

.Minnie      2lll 

Kvland  21)1 

Sbiaii  2111 

'I'b.iiiias      Wilson  Hl5  L'OI 

Wilsmi      2N5 

Shoulls,     Mollie     .  .   2IN> 

.Shower,     Sarah    Smith    ....     .30 

Shuman,     .Xbrahani     Brewer    50-123 

(  harles      F 125 

David     I2.J 

llniilv    .\nna    125 

Jleleii     M 125 

Mary    Klizabcth    (Rittenhouse)  12.5 

Mav    Rittenhouse    '-5 

Sarah    125 

Silvernail,    Susie    Fay    221 

Silver!  horn,     Cluirles     96-184 

Mary   Ellen    (Diven)    184 

Mary    Grace    184 

Simmons.    D.irnthv    Sheaf f    (Bull)    262 

.lohn     Gilbert     262 

(Dr.)     .lohn     Paul     171-262 

Margaret    Macomb    262 

Mary     A 90 

Simms,     Amanda     (Snider)     282 

Catherin    E.     (Burroughs)    243 

Charles    Carroll    65-14.>24:; 

Charles    Nourse    145-243 

Elizabeth    Brent    243 

Elizabeth     (Xourse)     145 

Emilv     (Dunlop)     243 

George     196-2.82 

George    Dunlo))    243 

George     Julius     282 

Lucille    282 

Richard    D.niglas    ;...145-243 

Walter    Barnham    223 

Simonton,    .lane    L 57 

W.   L 57 

Simpson,   Anne  Carroll 64 

Sims,    Dorothy   Falcon 218 

Emeline  ilarion  218 

Grace   Leslie   (Patterson) 218 

Grace    Patterson    218 

Helen    (Robins)    294 

James   Patterson   218 

Jane    Cuyler   218 

John    Clarke    121-218-2»4 

Joseph    Patterson 218 

Mary   Routh   294 

Sinclair,    Mary    C'arr 174 

Sipe,   Graeie  187 

Sissons,   Gertrude  Hastings 226 

Gertrude  I>.    (Hastings) 226 

Thomas    226 

S'ivlev,    Anne   Columbia    (Pope) 194 

Joseph    194 

Marv     194 

Osie" 194-195 

Skeen,   Abraham  20 

Barbara     20 

Eleanor    33 

.Tames     20 

.lemimah    (N'ewberrv) , 33 

Samuel    20-33 

Skinner,    Elizabeth   57 

(Rev.)    Icabod  L 57 

Lucretia  Colt  57 



Slack,  Jeffie  201 

Slater,   Katherine   Grace 32 

Kirkland    71 

Slinglufif,    Clara   69 

Marv    (Knox)    69 

W.  H 69 

Smallman,   (Dr.)  Howard  Lee 300 

Smedley,     Amy    156 

Dorothy  Darling 253 

Edward    Darling   253 

Marv    Rutter    (Darling) 253 

Peter    156 

Ruth   Harlow 253 

William   Thomas   253 

Smith,    Addie    (Coke) 

Adeline    -.. 


Alice    Virginia    (Hagley) 

Allen    E .'. 

Alfreda    Ann    Tucker 

Ann   Hunter  

Anna   Belle   

Anna     (Bull) 

Anna   Jaquelin 

Anna    Maria    (Nichols) 

Anne    Haines    

Anne    Louisa    

Anne   Magill  

Annetta  Old  

Annetta     (Old)    

Archibald    Alexander    14o-244- 

Archibald  Magill  63-140-142- 

Augusta  Louisa  

Augustine    .-. 

Augustine  Charles  30- 

Augustine     Jaquelin 62-139-140-143- 


Bentley   Howard   

Bertha  Annie  

Boyd     145- 



Caroline      (Jordan-McCleary) 

Catherine    Coke   

Charles    Magill    62-139-142- 

Clara   Brace   

Clara   Hunter   

Clara  Mary   (Bull) 

Clarence   McClure 


Clement   Grubb  158- 

C'olesworth  Pinkney  

(Rev.)    Cornelius   Bishop 

Daisy    Emily    

Darius  92 

David    Evans    

Dinah    (Dunn)    

Donna   de  Etta    (Lord) 


Edith    Garrett    

Edith  Watts    (Comstock) 

Edward     18 

Edward  Hunter  

Edward    J 

Edward  Jaquelin  30- 

Edward   Jaquelin   Haines 

Eliza   Barnwell   30 

Eliza    Una    (Vanderford) 

Elizabeth    , 175 

Elizabeth    Augusta    

Elizabeth    Badinger    (Morgan)  140 

Elizabeth  Bull   

Elizabeth    Dangerfield    (Magill) 

Elizabeth  Frances  

Elizabeth    Lathv    

Elizabeth   Magill  

Elizabeth   Meredith   
































































Smith,   Elizabeth 
Ella    Jennie 

(Peyton)    64 

(Grubb) 158 

Ellen    (Friend) 288 

Elsie    Latimer    145 

Emily    Annetta    76 

Emily   Hannah    (Badger) 75 

Emma   Mae   288 

Eulah    (Hare) 240 

Foxhall    Parker   76 

Frank    Adams    96 

Frank  H 154 

Frank   Woodrow   288 

Franklin    Levering    68 

Garrett   W 177 

(Colonel)    George   11 

Georgiana  Close  155 

Gertrude    Gouveneur     (Clemson) 261 

Hazel    251 

Heber  Levi  158 

Helen    107 

Helen  Margaret  , 171 

Horace    73-154 

Horace  Vaughan  76 

Jane   Correy   37 

Jaquelin  327 

Jesse  G 176-266 

John   18-21-22-30-47-101-192-326-327 

John    Augustine.. ..30-61-139-142-240-241-327 

John  Boyd  65-145 

John   Bull   Davison   31-64 

John  aiarles  205-288 

John  Howard  72 

John    Kitner    43-93 

John   Vaughan   37-76 

Joseph  Nourse  61 

Julia   Comstock 254 

Katherine  Stirling  139-240 

Katherine    (Stirling)    139 

L 327 

Laura   257 

Laura  B 177 

Laura   Gilpin    (Wood) 257 

Lawrence  Meredith  C'lemson 261 

Levi    Bull   36-75-88 

Levi   Heber  75-158 

Lewis   - 244 

Lewis  Howell  ...145-244 

Louis  Gouveneur  261 

Louis   Lawrence  168-261 

Louis  Stirling 139-240 

Lueetta   Howell   145 

Ludlow  Ogden   261 

Mabel    Wheeler   220 

Margaret    B.    (Englehaupt) 177 

Margaret    (Vaughan)    21-22 

Margaretta    Ella    91 

Margaretta   Vaughan  36 

Maria  Davison  61 

Maria  Louisa  Hite 61 

Marie    (Boulaine)    240 

Marion  Lueette   146 

Martha   Eliza   288 

Martha  Jaquelin   326 

Martha   Maria  30-327 

Martha  R 93 

Marv    327 

Mary  A 93 

Mary    Ann    62 

Mary  B.   (McClure) 264 

Marv   Badger   i 76 

Mary    Boiling    (Meredith) 142 

Mary   Boiling    (Turner) 240 

Mary   C 73-154 

Mary  Cobean   36 

Mary  Eliza  65 

Marv  Elizabeth   90 

Marv  Grubb  158 

Marv    Jaquelin    18-140-143 

Marv  Olive  205 



Smilli,     Maiv     I'l.iis  •'^■^ 

Miiix     riiiiisluii  lil-lllj 

Miiiy     (Wh.clfr)     l^'-^'J 

iMiiliii'w  ■'•-' 

Miilililii    (Wilson)    I'-'- 

Miuidi'    Kvrlyii    (Shepherd) -It 

Minidc    l.imlsiiy    '•"■•'^ 

Melissa     (Ciilldlll)     -•• 

.\hTil\ii     M.nnlr    -•■• 

.\,lln'  '■»> 

Nfvii  hold  _-';'; 

Ncviii    Nelson    -'''■ 

reisil'oi-    Knizi'i-    101-2ri7 

I'eytoii    Hull    31 

roeiilioiitiis    UollinK    1-12 

I'oeMlionlMS    .Meredith        -■<<) 

IJelieei  :i     Uoy<l     (i2-(!l> 

Ueulien    Hollinsr    1-t- 

Keiiliv   .iiunH'lin   H- 

Robert     lil  ■•-il^ 

Rol.eit    ll(d)nrt    ^' ■'.',' 

Kobert    Miiekey    •"'' 

Uobert   Williiim   llobarl ITl 

Kosiilind    Wood    -•"'" 

Ruth    Klleu    liSS 

Siuah    ■■-~ 

Sai-iih    Hull    '■'•*' 

Siiiiih    (Brown)    '•»■> 

Snrah    Haines    (Boyd) •'•} 

Sarah    Harriet    ^■> 

Selden   M 2W5 

Stanley    McDonald    !■>« 

Susan   Grier   37 

Sidnev    Frances  fi2 

Thonuis     10'5-2()r, 

Thonias   Bull   •'>t>-T2 

Thomas    Henry    "•'! 

Thomas  Stanley  "<> 

Tiny    244 

Valeria     75 

Vincent  Henry   7S-lo4 

Virsinia    (Parker)    "fi 

(Rev.)    W 11 

William    9 

William    .\lexander   41-R7 

William    Darling    7.") 

William    Harry 177 

William   Howard   l-'S 

William   :Meredith    14-_' 

William    :\rorsan    14»j 

William    Riehmond    fio 

William   Tell   17ri-2(>4 

William    Virgil    2H4 

Smythe,   Mathew  126 

Snaman.    Catherine    Wise 806 

Elizabeth    Jane    806 

Elizabeth    Xewell    (Pink) 806 

Harry  Burns  247-806 

Snee,    .\nne    Theresa 138 

Snell.   Alden   Edwards 207 

Bullock    Pierrepont    207 

Charles   Livingston   207 

Elizabeth  207 

Sarah   Elizabeth    (  Rittenhouse) 207 

Snider,    Alma     (Abernathy) 2S2 

.\nianda    106 

Amelia    (Obermider)    2S2 

Bergman    282 

Blanche    282 

Carl    Estes    282 

Clestis    282 

Dorothy   282 

Drusie    (Miller)    2S2 

Eli    George   2S2 

Eloide   (Medley)   281 

Hazel    2<<2 

James   282 

.Siiidi'i'.    .Iiihii     A. 
.I<dlll     ilii^h 
.lobn    Wilson 
Julius    llriivvii 
Julius    M. 
I  .ouis 


Louise    (  I'ord  ) 


.Mar,\    r.ernice  


Nat  ban     Miller    

Kobirl     U 



Sarah    Jane    (Wilson). 

Susan     (Mergniiin)     

William    Thomns 

106  2H2 




I!m;  2H1 

lot;  2H2 

I!m;  2M2 



'"^^Z 282 

Wilson     lfM;-282 

Wood  row     282 

Yuba 19« 

Snow,     .Man    Civile  2fi.'» 

Bessie    Mabel     (Lord) 26') 

Harrv   B 176-26.-. 

11. den   Marie  26r> 

Snvder.    .\lletta    (Cpson) 288 

■    Am.lia    V 88 

.\ndrew   Watson  206-288 

Anna     Barbara     (Haffer) 206 

Dean  311 

Elizabeth  288 

Gerald     311 

Glenn    311 

.lohn   206-273-311 

Lloyd    166 

Margaret    53 

Marv    (Mathias)    311 

Ralph  Wadsworth  288 

(Governor)    Simon   23-820-820 

Sommonds,    John    321 

Spalding.   Florence  115 

Spangler,    Caspar    101 

Catherine     (Dau)    18.-. 

Eva   101 

Hattie     271 

1  Toward    271 

Katie    May    185 

Solomon  185 

Spencer,    Anna   Valeria    (Bull) 171 

Harrv  Rutter  , ^ 171 

Warren     Otis    87-171 

S'pickerman.  Frederic  A 155 

Spotz.    Adam    18.-> 

Gertie     272 

Grace    272 

Mary   J.    (Burns) 272 

Sciuier,     Kthel     Summerfield 252 

Stair,    Alda    186 

Anna     (Bull)    07 

Daniel     97-186 

Eli  97 

Enima     08 

Harriet    (Yetter)    186 

Harrv     186 

Jacob    98 

John    45-97 

Lvdia    97 

Xora    186 

S.n-uel     98 

William    97-186 

Stalev,   Annetta  71 

Eliza     71 

William    71 



StanleA-,   Angelina   35 

Elinor    Elmira     (Jolly) 264 

Frank    C 173-264 

Kenneth  Clare  264 

Stansbury,    Cora   58 

Josephine 57 

Stark,    Harry    Boger 313 

(Major)    Harry   William 306-339 

Jane  Moreland  313 

Mary   Corrine    (Boger) 313 

S'tarner,  Aaron  110-208 

Anna     110 

Edward    Louis    208-289 

Edna    May    208 

Elizabeth    (Greider)    208 

George    110 

Merl   John   208-339 

Maude  M 208 

Morris    Eugene    289 

Rosa   Catherine    (O'Connell) 289 

Rosalie   Ernestine  ;:.. 289 

Starr,    Floss   E 191 

Statler,    Annie   Laurie 194 

Effie  Jane  194 

John 192 

John    Brown 102-194 

John    Wilson    194 

Martha 102 

Sarah  Ann   (Anderson) 94 

Stearns,    Blanche    110 

Mary    (Monroe)    110 

Sheldon  V 110 

Steele,    Ann    Hunter     (Neide) 166 

Jacob    51 

Priscilla 51 

Rebecca    Neide 166 

Sarah    J 51 

Thomas   O'upner 82-166 

Stephens.   Abiah   68 

Emeline   68 

Jeannette  68 

John   Henrj'   55 

Lydia   Haynes    (Ely) 55 

Mordecai   34 

Sarah   Bull   68 

S'usan   Eliza    55 

Stephensen,    Timothy  337 

Sterling,   Caroline  L 91 

Frances    S 187 

Stettinius,    George   W 57-129 

George  William  129 

Mary   Ann    (Hornwitz) 57 

Sam  Endredy  57 

Steuart,   Alexander  B 300 

Alexander   Somerville 129-229-301 

Alice    Nourse    .......:.:.... 229 

Emily   Josepha    (Nourse)    229 

Emily  Nourse  301 

Florence    May    (Heiberger) 300 

Linda  Elizabeth  301 

Linda    (Hogue)    301 

Marjory  301 

William    300 

William   Mott   229-300 

Steyens,  Anna   M 41 

Augustus    Rantz    313 

Howard  Augustus  313 

James  Silas  313 

Mabel    Adelia    (Howard) 313 

Margaret    (James)    313 

(Goyernor)    Samuel   39 

Stevenson,  James 263-309 

Maude    Hazel    (Jackson) 309 

Rollin   Eugene 309 

Stanley  Hudson 309 

Stewart,  Ann  Jane   (McLean) 161 

Catherine 162 

Thomas     S 78-161 

Thomas    Selbv    161 

(Colonel)    Walter   317 

Stewartson,    (Rev.)    Laiigdon  Chevis 86-88 

Stirling,     Catherine    ...;.; 62 

Stiteler,    Ada    165 

Mary  Elizabeth  164 

S'arah 80 

St.  John,  Gertrude  78 

Stockton,    (General)    James 65 

Stone,    Alt    186 

Gertrude  F.    (Gerstoff) 145 

Harriet    Newall    271 

John   271 

John  Boyd  244-339 

Sarah  Harriet   (Smith) 244 

William  Edward  145-244-.3.39 

Storrow.    Cora    (Allen) 199 

Elizabeth   Randolph 199 

Samuel  199 

Strain,     Suella    Margaret 151 

Stribling,    Benjamin    Nourse 229 

Cornelius     128-229-300 

(Rear  Admiral)    Cornelius  K 128 

Cornelius   Kincheloe   229-300 

Emma   Josepha    (Nourse)    229 

Helen  Josepha   229 

Helen    Maxwell 300 

John    Nourse    300 

Louisa   Pryne  229 

Mary  Bell  300 

Mary    Bell     (McDaniels) 300 

Strieby,    Anna    E 206 

Edward    E 206 

G.    Myrtle    206 

Margaret    E 206 

Mary  E.    (Fordyce) 109 

Nellie    (Van   Tassel) 288 

Ralph  - 288 

Ulvsses    Grant .....206-288 

William    J 109 

Strine,   Myrtle 187 

Stringer,    Annie    M 228 

Strong,    Julia    73 

Stuart,    Adeline   1.37 

(Canon)     17 

Charles   Albert   234-.304 

Christopher    17-28-29 

Elizabeth  29 

Elizabeth    (Bull)    28 

Ellen     120 

George  H 120 

(Dr.)    Henrv    17 

Katherine    Street     (Baker) .''04 

Katheryne  .304 

Martha     28 

Martha     (Henderson) 2"^^ 

(Sir)     William 17 

William    Douglas    234 

Stukey,    Constance    Belle -92 

Hattie  Rebecca    (Kosier) 292 

Louisa 292 

William    212-292 

Sturges-  (Rev.)    18-327 

Suthon,   Archibald  Magill  2-'7 

Elizabeth    Meredith     (Smith) 241 

Walter   2-il 

Walter  Joseph 1-12-241 

Sutton,   George  Hiles 295 

Swan,    Thomas    104 



SwilMl  /., 



Miil.rl    I'Vnnor 7-' 


.     AiIm     .... 

A<1m   Cl.nk.'   

Adiuii    CliirUo    

Alice    Cmi-v    

Autcu.slii    .liunic'lin 


, tKi-i:«> 


;; i:!H 

Kliziiii.'iii  \:':' 

Klizabclh    Smilli    ]•}''[ 

i'ti.ia   ]:!; 

.ii>«»'i)i>i>  ■ \^.:^^ 

.losi'phii    Nourse    ''.Ij 

.lost'pha    Nourse     (Smith) 1;;« 

Lcdiuird     1-0 

MiiriM    Louisn   ■■;■■  {;;^ 

Minv         ^•''^'  ::; 

Miirv     Ami     (Smith)     J-;-' 

Maud,'     '•>•' 

Swt'itzi'i-.     Minnie    l'*^*^ 

Switzler.    Alice    Udval    -•"• 

Marv     I).     (Wilson)     -i"; 

Holiinsiin      Meredith     "-ij"; 

'I'lioniiis     Nelson     .•.••■   -'■"' 

...                                                                           000. ■)(((; 
W  aneii     "' 

Sylvester,      Minnie     --^ 

Taggart,    Cliarles    "';; 

l,izzie      11-' 

TalniadKe.    Martina    G ['-J 

'I'homas    Coyne    iJ*' 

Tavlor,    Ann    Elizabeth    (Richards)    251 

Blanche     Richards     251 

(General)    Dick   1<W 

Elizabeth      (McManigle)      l-'S 

Francis    Gait 

Hazel    (Staith)    307 

John    12s 

John    Norvel    251 -.W 

John    P 1-' 

John    W 153L'.>1 

Julia     Mav     (Cummings)     3<>i 

Julia   Van   Ness   2._>1 

Margaret    Anna    -•>' 

Melville    Smith    .-><>( 

S.     Augusta     «^ 

Sarah     .1 ll-^ 

Virginia     Klizabeth     307 

AVarren    Melville    251-307 


Teniplin,     Hannah     h. 


Texido,     Fred     

Laura    -'** 

Maida   -1" 

Thomas,    Anne    Ig*^ 

Bessie     -  224 

David     20-21 

D.   w 207-280 

Eleanor    ^'^ 

Elsie    h.    (Bull)     2Sn 

Helen    Mason    fi6 

Jean     2S9 

Joyce    2S9 

Marv     13 

Myrtle    lOg 

Rebecca    Roberts    wS 

Richard    13 

Richard    ap    13 

Sarah     Roberts)    '. 40 

William     Gordon      261 

Thompson,     Archibald    10 

Archie    Collard    287 

Beulah    201 

Elizabeth     Hull     208 

Elmer    A 287 

Emilv    Alice     (Hull)     208 

Glen'  Kllis    2.S7 

Hannah    Cornelia    298 

TlioMipHoii,     Herbert 
l<la   .1.    (  llarriH) 

Lola     Karl    


.Natlianiat  Roland   


Kebecca    ;... 


X'irgil      Ora      .A.... 


WilliMrri    HarriH   .. 

TImrslon,     Charles     Wynne 
Mary     Unckiier 

Tidball.     Leonard    Clarke 
Mary     (  Swa  rlz welder  ) 


William     Stuart    



10  4:! 


,   1-7 







Tillman,    .lames    W — 

Katherine    WhittelHcy    ; 

Marthii     Ann     (Conant)     

Timberlake,     Frank     'i^^> 

Tod<l,     Augustine    Ja(|uelin    ....  -^J 

K<l\vard    Robinson    "Il 

Klizalx'th    Magill    (Smith)    2»' 

Frances      Carroll      -^^  -j} 

(ieorg<'     ('arroll     oti 

(R..V.)     John     ^jl 

Lillie    Magill    5" 

Marv    Meredith    -41 

Pocahontas    Boiling    (Smith)     ^41 

William    J -*>•> 

Tolmaii,     Cora     ^ 

Towers,    Mary    Bell    l->3 

Parry    ^•^■' 

Trieby,     Melvin     205 


Trone,     Minerva 

..  190 
..  190 
..  199 

Tubbs,    Lois    

Marv    Catherine     (Sears)     

Seth"    B.    R 

Tucker,    Marie   Louise   223 

Turnbull,    Flora    J.     (Shaeffer)    180 

Harrv  ■•"•' 

Harry   E ^^^ 

•Tohn    1^ 

Richard    |^ 



'urner,     .Vnna    - 

.\nna   Bird  

Anna     Davison     

Anna    Maria     (Davison) --^ 

Anna     Wallace     ^^ 

Anna    Wallace     (Daniel)     ■..■-  303 

Campbell    <> **^ooo 

C,)rnelia     IHte    --^^ 

Pjivifl    1"4 

Kliynbeth  303 

Henry    Augustus    -^'oJiS 

Julia     (Cook)     

T.,eila    N'eale    (Orison)    


Lillian    l-JJJ 

Lily    Virginia    (Wilson)    100 

Lucv    Coaresworth    ;^*W 

Lucy    Eltinge     -:" 

Lucv    Green    (Long)  :}•>- 

]\[arv    Boiling    1^ 

Xellie    -  1^ 

Philip   Wiliianis   -•^■1*^n 

Pocahontas     (Meredith)      1^" 

(Colonel)    Robert    !•>- 

Robert    Fauntleroy    ;■-  14*J 

Robert     Henry    ioo-^i^J 

Smith    Davison   -^'olv; 

Thomas     •"■  ^on 

Wilson   Campbell  lyy-dvJ.i 



Twanley,    Alta    182 

Anna    Gertrude    182 

-    Belle    Ethel 182 

Blanche     LaVerne     182 

Clarke    E 94-182 

Clifford    Hume    182 

Edith    Ruth 182 

Eva    Mildred    « 182 

Florence     182 

Flovd    John    182 

Grace     Esther     182 

Grace   Linn    (Jordan)    182 

Harold    Jordan    182 

John    94-182 

John    Hume    182 

Mary    Caroline     (Jordan)     182 

Mary    Irene    182 

Oliva    LaVerne !.  182 

Tyler,     William 108 

Tvson,    C.    Dorsey    141 

John    S 79-164 

Mary   Frescoln    (Roberts)    164 

Upson,     Alletta :..  206 

Anna     Lucy    207 

Edwin   Harvey   109-206 

Edwin     Sylvester    ! 207 

Emma    Elverda     (Bull)     207 

L.     H 50 

Laura    Elverda 207 

Lucv     (Eagles) 109-110 

Martha    Algina    206 

Minerva     May     .' 207 

Sarah    Elizabeth     (Bull)     206 

William    Henry    109-110 

William     Wallace 110-207 

Vanderber,      Marie 296 

Vanderford,    Alfred 20o 

B.     Simon    205 

Blanche 205 

Chester     205 

Clara    Eleanor 288 

Claude    Woody    28S 

Eliza     (MeCutchen)    205 

Eliza     Una     108 

Emeline     (Bull) 108 

Hattie    F.     (Woody)     288 

Joel 50-108 

Joel    P 205 

John  Frank 205-288 

John     Fremont     109 

Lelah     ; 205 

Leonard 205 

Mary     108 

Mary   E.    (Cutshaw)    203 

Nancie    Jane    109 

Otto    Wiley    205 

Pearl     205 

Richard    Clark 108-205 

Sallv     Ann     ; ::..: 108 

Walter     Frank 288 

William  Comer  108-205 

Van    Ness,    C'atalina    72 

Van    Sickler,    Elsie    Holmes    30.T 

Harriet     McGregor     300 

Ida    Rachel     (Muncaster)     ?,03 

James    Craven 232 

May    Rittenhouse 303 

Philip    202-303 

Winifred  Henderson    (Simpson)   232 

Winifred    Simpson    303 

Van    Tassel,    Nellie    206 

Varnev.    Jesse    336 

Julia     336 

Margaret 336 

de  Varre,     Sarah 19 

Vaughn,     Effie     (Clouse)     284 

Gladys 284 

James 284 

W.    H 119-284 

Veasey,    Lydia   G 78 

Veazie,    Elliott    Anthony 305 

Enoch   Fenwick   305 

Frederick    Edgar    305 

Genevieve    (Ruth)    -— .--- 305 

Genevieve    Ruth    305 

Lewis    Alfred    238-305 

Louis     Archibald     305 

Mathilde     Miller     305 

Richard     Earle     305 

Vessey,    Arthur   Thomas    269-339 

Carrie    Belle     (Buckwalter)     269 

Barle     Raymond     : : 269 

Ethyl    Marie   •. 269 

Thomas  Neil  : 180-269 

Vidger,     Cora     Lewis     183 

May     (Washburn)     183 

Samuel     183 

Waggle,    Ruby    Drussilla    269 

Wagner,    Doris    D : 312 

Elizabeth    B 312 

Elizabeth    Flora    (Heiberger)    312 

George    Baker    298-312 

Wagoner,     Muncie     0 96 

Wainwright,    Dallas ;.  169 

Rose    (Kendig)    169 

Sally    Franklin    169 

Walker,    Cordelia    159- 

Elizabeth     (Woodruff)     159 

Lewis     159 

(Rev. ) : 173 

Wallace,    Andrew    63 

Elsie     242 

Emma  63 

Helen    Muir    242 

John    Daniel     242 

John    McLemore    242 

Malcolm     242 

Margaret    Victoria    242 

Rachel    W 26 

Sarah    A 42 

Sarah   Jaquelin    (Murdock)    242 

William 143-242 

Walter,    (Rev.)    Clinton   B 192 

Walton,     Adrian    266 

Bessie    J 266 

Charles    Lord 176-266 

Emily     Geraldine 266 

Ethei    R.     (Lord) 266 

Harold    J 266 

Kathrvn    Irene    266 

Kenneth  266 

Mildred    266 

Milo    : 266 

Percival    C - : 266 

Stanley    266 

Washington,   Ann  Bull    (Clemson)    168 

Anne  Harewood  , 168 

Elizabeth    Fisher    168 

(General)    George    - 


George    Lafayette    83-168 

John     Clemson     168 

Margaret  ta    168 

Martha    168 

Waterman,    Alice    M.     (Hench)    292 

John    G 212-292 

Marion    Alice    292 

Onez     May    - 292 



Wiilkiiis.      l.illinii      Aiini'tii  |i!l'J 

Mar  jury      Alin-  -•'•_' 

Miirv    {iiTlruclc     (  I'.-illi'rsiiii  i  -'•••> 

Willi,  r  i:r.»  -j'.ta 

Walln-     Ki'iinrth     •. '-"'•' 

AViilsnii,      Arlini'      -^'^ 

K.Uvin  204-J.SM 

(U.'jir     Ailiniriin     -lolin    0 •*<•> 

Kilii     Arlinc     (Mnrlnii)     -.^^ 

Siumiil     liiii^'^'iilil    ]•'•'; 

Siinili     K j_'''; 

Williain     'I'liomiis     -•'<^ 

AVayn...      Anlh.uiy      i:Mn-21I!t|^  ::::(; 

Kdward    Krain-is    ''••-  •'••'•'' 

Klizabfth     •"'•■'• 

.lacob    ;;:;': 

Joseph     ■'■''; 

.loniiic    ClcvciiKt'r    ( Scliiibcr )  I'.rj  .■..'.r, 

.l()si'i)l\     Kdward    IDli  :i:jl; 

S'aiiuicl    •'"'' 

Williain     ■•■'■^'> 

Wi'listcr,      .iciliii      •■'■•"■" 

Wt'iKli-,    William    II !'!> 

Wellioii,    Aliri'    Kittoidiouse    -!>'•> 

Arthur     Garner     22.Si;'.)!t 

Harhara    -■*'■'' 

Charles    Pomoroy    '-■'■* 

Harvey  Thdinas  !-"''•» 

Henrv     Garner     '-"•''■' 

Marie    EIizal)eth    (Beach)    -2S 

Marv     Eleanor     -•'!• 

Sarah     Harvey     (Nourse)     -t>!1 

Thomas     liliS 

Wells,     Ophelia     T.'l 

Riehar.l    I.    ''■', 

West,   Bertha    (Oolyer)    2.S:'. 

Caroline      lt*S 

Charles    Shanman    240  :'.:!'. I 

Edward     1i>^ 

Hazel    '. -^- 

James    Camden    l""'-' 

Jaquelin    Clarke    Wells    240-:!:!!l 

John    (\imden    I.-^O^-IO 

John  Charles  inS-2S:! 

T.eslie     Thurston     -40 

Marv    Maude    '-^<* 

Mary     (Stark)     !:!'•• 

Maude     (Swartzwelder)     -W 

Stark     -I<» 

Theodore    Stark    13^)••J^0 

A'irginia    Cary    -40 

Westerfelt,    Amy    Turflee    l-'>4 

Wheeler,    Elsie    -"08 

Griswold     2o3-:;0S 

Ruth    :?os 

Ruth   Thurlow    (Smedley)    SOS 

Whipple.  Cornelia    (Foster)   SS 

Marv     Sn 

William    Jay    80 

Whitall,    Lydia    (Newbold)    57 

Samuel     ; ")" 

Sarah    Matilda   f»7 

Wniite.   Bovd    Trias   2o6-?!OS 

(Chief    Justice)     E.     D l:!'.l 

(Dr.)    Eben    Wesley    21G-2!):! 

Ellen   Pawlins    (Corson)    203 

Elizabeth     Dell     207 

George    S 202 

(Professor)     Harry    C 80 

Helen    Jenness     (Ferree)     30-8 

Henrv    Friedley    Corson    293 

Henrv    Watson    250 

John" J.    Corson   203 

Margaret    V 202 

Marv    C'atherine    (Miller)    2~A> 

MarV    E 207 

Mildred     Ferree     30.S 

Whili-,     K'MwIaiic!     Ilow.-ll  2.Vi 

(('ii)ilain)      .Suiilliel  '■'>'-■* 

SaiMii.-l     .\ ,    207 

W;,ll,-r          2<r_' 

(I'.ishop)     WilliiiiM  22  2S 

Whiliiiir.     A.      May  Il'i 

Whitiiii.r.'.     .Mililiid    (iiadys    ...  I  IH 

WhilMrv,      .\iiri.i     .losephn      ( Newriiiiili  j   .  ;«02 

Carnliiu-  .T<>2 

K.lward      llaldwin  231-302 

(  i'mfessor )      Ivlwiii     l»\vii;lii  2.".l 

i:ii/,;ilieth      lialchvm  -■".02 

Klizal.clh     W.     (Baldwin)  .  2:51 

llassli'r      .  :;;<»2 

Koi;cr     Sherman  ■''•"2 

Simon      .Vewromli  '■'•"'- 

Svlvia       302 

William     DwJKht     :',02-330 

Whiltle      (Itishop)      140 

Wilback,     Xanric     ll.len 238 

Wilcox.      Ilimy      D.-irlinie:     ■    1['|} 

.Martha     N'auKhan    ..    !•'-_• 

Mary    Smith     (Darling)     .  l"i 

(Rev.)     Samuel     .73ir..j 

William     Darling     lo.") 

Wilkins,     Josie     184 

Wilkinson,    Ella   203 

Willard,     Jerusha     M 125 

Williams,    A.    J 102 

Alice    Jane    225 

Beatrice   223 

Catalina    (Van    Ness)    72 

Charles    Rittenhouse    225 

(Dr.)      Cornelius     72 

Emma    102 

I'.imiia    Amanda    103 

Ethel      140 

.lohn     0r,-1.84 

.loshua     12r>-225 

Julia     Van    Ness     72 

l.eKov     184 

Eoiiis    Hudson    225 

Martha    Louisa    (Rittenhouse)    225 

Mat  tie     (Okeson)     184 

Rachel     Louise     225 

Richard    243 

Sadie     E 102 

Williamson,    M.    Grace    (McClure)    300 

Helen    McClure    309 

Joseph    G 2(>4-300 

Marian    Enid    309 

Willing.    Annie   Louise    (Hoy)    217 

.\rthur    Lee    217 

Eleanor     217 

Willis,    Adolphus    Arthur    112 

Alphonzo     Theopolis     112 

Ambrose   Madison   302 

Anna    (Gertrude    291 

Arthur    John    : 290 

Bessie     Maud     (Blair)     209 

(larence    Reed    ; 209 

(leel    210 

CIcMuenee    290 

("lenience    Alva    210 

Darlene     Fern     210 

David     Madison    302-313 

Delia     Fern     209 

Dillavaii    Fernandez   112-209-290 

Edna      l.uellan      209 

Edward     Jones     239 

EtTie     May     (Lehman)     290 

Elizabeth     51 

Elizabeth     (Barriek)    209 

Elizabeth    Jane    112 

Elizabeth      (Moritz)      209 

Ella    Maud    (Bavlev)    302 

Emma    Matilda    (Page)    200 



Willis,    Etta    (Garret)    210 

Fay  210 

Forest    Edward    209 

Grace    200 

Grace    (Bull)    51 

Grace    Elnora    113 

Grace    Gwendoline    210 

Grant    Dillavan    209-290 

Isaac     27 

Jacob    Dillavan    112 

James    Dillavan    51-111 

Jeremiah     2'09 

Katie    (Maxwell)     210 

Klotho     (McGee)     31:', 

Lester     Texido     ....- 291 

Lottie   Pearl   209 

Mabel  Viola  209 

Madison   313 

Maida    (Texido)    291 

Mary    A S4 

Marv     (Hench)    209 

Mary    (Hunter)    Ill 

Marv  Rebecca   113 

Mild 327 

Mildred    M : 291 

Naldy  Hampton  209 

Raymond    Howard    209 

Rebecca     (Drumgold)     113 

Richard   Cummins   51 

Robert    Garret    210-201 

Robert    Milton    113-210 

Robert    Nelson 51-112-113 

Ruth    Bardella    209 

Samuel    27-51 

Samuel    Cloid   112 

Samuel  Edward  113 

Sarah   Darlington   51 

Stanley     Lehman     290 

Susannah     (Kistler)     112 

Tortuga     Aurora     112-209 

Verna     Ernest     210 

-     William    Alvin 209-290 

William     Bull     51 

William    Frederick    291 

William  Hunter   111-209 

William    Melanthon    112-210 

Willits,   Alfred  81 

Annie    O Si 

Horace    Augustus    84 

Wilson,    Adda   Martha   198 

Adelaide    Bernice    196 

Adelaide    Isadore    103 

Albert    202-285 

Alice      (Crumbling)      192 

Almedia    48-103 

Alphonzo     48-103 

Amelia     (Helmkamf)    288 

Ann    Agnes     196 

Ann     Eliza     198 

Ann    Eliza     (Juden)     103 

Annie 101 

Archibald   Alexander lOH 

Belle   192 

Benjamin 2647-103 

Ben    Joseph 202 

Bennie      (Harrison) 200 

Bernice    (Limbaugh)    196 

Beulah     (Harris)     206 

Byrne    Alfonzo    198 

Campbell     200 

Catherine  E.    (Knox)   106 

Charles  Greene  „ i03-197 

Charles     P 197 

Clark    101 

Cora     285 

Cora    C.    (McNeely)    ; 202 

(Judge)     D.     Greene 47-103 

Douglas    Norman    225-298 

Dovey    Ann     (McLain)     105 

Edith    198 

Wilson,    Edna    Is'aomi    197 

Edward     104-200 

Edwin    103-200-284 

Edwin    Blake    284 

Elisha   Hull   Gregory   197 

Elizabeth  101 

Elizabeth     (Bull)     48 

Elizabeth    Jane    48 

Elizabeth    Sophia    105 

Ella     198 

Ellen    103-198 

Emily    Kate     (Newcomb)     302 

Emma   198 

Emma    Amanda     (Williams)     197 

Emma    Anatole    197 

Emma    Brucker    198 

Emma    Jane    196 

Esther    Ann     (Bull)     101 

Ethel    Louise    (Lambie)    r..  298 

Francis     Asbury     .;. 302 

Fred     192 

Gertrude    (Ammerman)    282 

Gilbert    Lafayette    103-198 

Grace     (Senne)     198 

Helen    Frances : 298 

Helen    Jean    206 

Henrietta     222 

Henrietta    Waring     (Rittenhouse) 222 

Henry     192 

Hertlia  Siemens  302 

Hildegard    302 

Irene 204 

James     Anderson     105 

Jane     (Bull-Anderson)     47 

John     102-103 

John   Draper 103-198 

Joseph   Maple   103-198 

Julia     197 

Kirk 204 

Laura     105 

Lillian     (Seibert)    204 

Lily     Columbia    49 

Lily    Virginia    104 

Lloyd  Leo  283 

Madge     103 

Margaret    A.     (Anderson)     102 

Margaret    Rebecca    48 

Margaret    Stevens   222 

Marjorie    Newcomb 302 

Mary      101-198 

Mary   Alice    (Hansel)    198 

Mary    Ann    48 

Marv    Duncan    222 

Mary   Emilv   106 

Mary     Gayle     206 

Mary     Hassler     302 

Mary     Jane     23 

Mary   Margaret   196 

MarV    S.     (Yeagin)     103 

Martha  Theresa 104 

Mathilda    , 101 

Michael    Alexander    48-105 

Mildred    N 302 

Minerva     (Russel)     105 

Nora     200-202 

Nora    (Davenport)    202 

Otho     105-202 

Paul    285 

Paul    Dan    202 

Rachel    Surrilda    48 

Rebecca     (Hatcher) 285 

Richard    Anderson    48-106 

Robert  Kent  204 

Robert   Pinknev   106-294 

Robert    Virgil    202 

Roxanna      (Martin)      283 

Sarah     Elizabeth     103 

Sarah  Jane   102 

Senne     398 

Shaby    Ann    104 

Simon   Newcomb   302 




\\'ilsnn,     Surrilda     

■    Suri'ilila      .liitlO      

SiisiiM    l''.li/.,iln'lll     (CoIyCM-)     .... 

SiiMiii     MiiHTvn     

'riicii'sa      Cm  in  line      

(Ciipliiiii  )      'I'lidiims     .._ 

Thoimis   AddisDii   -l>   !•'< 

TlKiiniis    Kdwiird    I'.IS  LMlC, 

((iciiiTiil )     'riiiiiniis    \-'.\ 

Tliomiis    Kllidtl    ll"'' 

M ^ 

Marion    lOH- 

K  ichard     ! 






•  > 







. ._  (Seay)     

William      101-103 

(Colont'l)     William    

William     Hcny    47-10:! 

\Villi:im     Francis 10(3 

Willi;!  Ill     l.owc    

William    Thomas     102 

(  rrcsidiMil  )      Woodrow     

Wilt,     .\nn     (Hull)     

Clnrcnco      U 99 

Cora    (Tohuan)    

Henry    S 4 



Winans,     Anna    Stansbury    

Jicnjaniin    Franklin    Watkins    220-." 

Kstlicr    Dickson     (Mrown)     

Esther     Mabel     

Jacob     Watkins     120 

Kalph    Franklin    

Susan    Stansbury     (Nourse)     

Ijt  II  "i 












Winder     (General) 
Windsor,    Alice    

Winne,    Emma    Maria 

Winner,    B.    S 


Sarah     (Scott)     ... 





Winters,    Edward    .1 18" 

Wirt,    Francis    .Fordan    


(Dr  )     .Tohn                              ..   . 

94  isi 

Sarah    E.    (Jordan)    

Wise,   Annie   Bowman   

Jane   Vanshan    (Bowman)    .. 






Sarah    (S'tockdale)    

Willi;im   Frederick   

William     llenrv     




Witherspoon,     (Rev.)    John    

^Vitnlan.     Adam     





Witzall,     ]5ertha     (.lohnson)     

Wolcott,     Mary     E.     (Hull)     

Wood       Vlan                                       37- 


._^ 101 


Alan     D 





162-1  (i:! 



Anne   Hunter    (Dewees)    

Anne     J.     (Clingan)     

Annie     Hunter     




Annie     (Knox)     


; 2n7 


Catherine    (Stewart)    


Charles     Miller    


Clement   Biddle   


Constance     ..    . 




Wood,     Kleaiior    |{oi;crs 


l''raiiccH    A.     (Carrier) 

( ieorite      I'i 

(icoriif    W 


(Jcrtriiilc     Dcwecs 
(iilliei'la     (  K  line  i 


Helen      Itilldli' 

Howard      7.S-U!2 

1 1 11 11 1  er    HI2 

•  I 













I. aura     Gilpin 

I  jiura     ( (iilpin  ) 

Lillian      Wayland 

l.iiiilsav    Craige    2r»7 

h.misa"   ; 25« 

hvdia    Collins 54 

Maria     (FlaKf;)     102 

Marion     Hiddb'     1f>2 

Mary    Caiiby     (Biddle)     H'>2 

Marv     M head    (Craige)    257 

Mollie    (  MclMierson)    250 

Nelli..     Foster     101 

Owen     Hiddle     102 



Kachel     Hiddle    102 

Kiihard     D 250 

1;  ichard     Gilpin    101-2-">C 

Roland     2."i7 

Rosalind     lo9-l(;2-:i.-7 

Kosalind    H.     (Gilpin)     Kll 

Ruth     Gilpin     2."i7 

Sarah    Ann    lf><^ 

Thomas    Dewees    78-161-l(32-2.".7 

\incent    Porter    257 

Waters  Dewees  78-ltil-257 

William     77-1(«» 

William    B 102-258 


Woods,  .\le.xande 
.\niiie  With 
(  'dluuibia 

FranUlin  Rittenhouse  

Henrietta    Rittenhouse    

.lames     Sterrett     

Joseph    Blair    

Ticuore    Ross    (Isenberg)    

ilanaiine     (Witherspoon)     

;Maiy    Davidson     (Rittenhouse) 
Samuel    Stanhope    




'"""'"".  221 




..."""""  221 

Woody.     George    Franklin    205 

Hattie     Freeman     2(>5 

Marv     Eleanor     205 

Woidcock,    Cliristine    (Robertson) 

:Mary     Stella     


Woolf,     Harry     

Lena     Leota     

Mary    KUen    (Grain) 
Ruth   Grain   


Wooltdrd.    Anna    E.    (Strieby)    

Claude    E 

Flovd     O 

M  i  Id  red    -., 

Schuyler     20<v 

Woolten,    Elizabeth    T.    (Anderson) 

(Judse)    J.    B 

Mary     Columbia     

Thomas    Benjamin    

WordcMi.     Edna     

(Dr.)     Frank    









Wright,   Anna  Jaquelin    (Hite)    235 

Blanche    1 83 

Charles    Elliott    304 

Dorothy   May 277 

Edgar S<;4 

Emma    P.     (Bull)    191 

Ettie    (Center) ;',04 

Fannie .  114 

George    Butler    235-304 

Howard    Bragg    r>04 

Jasper     100-191 

John   -134-183-235 

John  A 277 

John    Allen    Collier 225 

Julia    Emma   277 

Leonard 31)4 

Lillie 'May  191 

Lucy    Esther 1:77 

Lulu   Jeannette    (Sample)    277 

Luther     Jasper 277 

Maria   Louise 235 

Margaret   E 72 

Martha    Rose    277 

Mary    (Homer)    183 

Mattie   Steele  304 

Maud    304 

Nora    : 304 

Roy 191-277 

Sarah 58 

William    114 

William     Preston    277 

Yeager,    Arthur 208-290 

Chester   Arthur 290 

Florence     Cora 290 

Ida     (Dewees) 166 

Josie    Elizabeth     (Moore) 290 

Thomas    Homer    166-339 

Waters   Dewees   166 

William     81-166 

William  Leonard 166 

Yeagin,    Nary   S 47 

Yeakle,    Eleanor    Gertrude    216 

Yerkes,    Mary   H 78 

Yetter,    Harriet 97 

Yost,    Abraham 101 

Mary    Emig    101 

Sarah    Jane 101 

Young,    Annie   M 81 

Benjamin  Flower  20-33 

Henry  Mason  159 

Josephine    Caroline    Bull    33 

Mary     79 

Rebecca     (Flower)     20 

Richard    N'eel    ; 159 

Rose    159 

Sarah 21 

Sarah    H.     (Bull-Haines) 33 

William    20 

Youngman,    Nellie    Elizabeth 115 

Zalosky,    Edith    C 116 

Zeigler,    Emma   Eliza    (Miller)    191 

Bertha    G.     (Henze)     278 

Charles    Lewis     191 

George    Eveland    192 

Harry    Creitzman    ...101-191-278 

Helen     Elizabeth     192 

Helen   Romaine    278 

Henry    Charles    278 

Margaret     Elizabeth 278 

Paul    Edwin    .,... 191-339 

Ralph   Miller 191-339 

Ruth     Pauline    278 

William     Francis     191 

Zillafro,    Blanche    Elizabeth    (McQuistion)    306 

George    A 247-306 

Jack    A ; 300 

Marian    306 

Zook,    Anna    153 


APR  2  9  1938 
