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Full text of "Record of the family of Zebulon Heston and his wife Dorothy Heston : who settled in America about the year 1684, embracing also the lineage of the children of I. Morris and Anna P. Heston, and other descendants of Zebulon and Dorothy"

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3  1833  01367  1091 



AND    Hm    W.1KK 



Who     Settled     m     America     aoout    the     Year      1684^ 

E.MnNACISr.    \\  ^,  TilE   I.ISFAl.F,  OK  THK  CH!^^>!.■^■^ 

MoRRiS  AND  Anna  P.  Heston, 

1ND  t>TH;-:K  DKsCENnAST";  <iK  /.K'ULns  AND  nMJiOTH-.', 

P'irited  fo-  Circulation  amon^   Members  o^  the  Family. 




\T  a  public  meeting  held  in  Wash- 
ington, D.  C  on  December  22d, 
1845,  in  commemoration  of  the 
landine  of  the  Pilcrrim  Fathers.  Dan- 
iel  Webster  made  a  speech,  in  which 
he  said:  "  Men  who  are  regardless  of 
their  ancestors  and  of  their  posterity 
are  apt  to  be  regardless  of  themselves. 
Our  ancestors  belong  to  us  by  affec- 
tionate reti-ospect ;  our  descendants 
by  affectionate  anticipation."  Another 
man  once  said  that  "  he  who  careth  not 
whence  he  came,  careth  little  whither 
he  goeth."  This  is  a  bold  assertion 
for  anyone  to  make,  and,  like  many 
other  trite  aphorisms,  is  one  in 
which  truth  and  strict  propriety  are 
sacrificed  to  epigrammatic  force.  ?vIost 
people  are  not  indifferent  to  the  origin 
ot  their  fam.ily,  for  the  pride  of  ances- 
V  ";^  tr)'  seems  to  be  innate  in  almost  e\-ery 



4  HK.-n  >\       KAM!1A  . 

The  orii^in  of  Htstoji  as  a  patn:)- 
n\'mic  is  not  a  matter  tor  conjectun'. 
It  doubtless  comes  from  the  villaLre  oj 
Heston.  which  i-  partly  in  the  j;arish 
of  Heslon  and  partly  in  the  parish  6\ 
j  Islesworth.  in  Middlesex  connty.  ling- 

!  land,  twelve  miles  west  ot"  London  and 

I  about  the  same  diistance  east  <j1  Wind- 

sor CastUi. 
i  It  is  well   known  that   centuries  a^-o- 

I  the  i^aeat  majority  of  our  ancestors  had 

i  only    one     name    at    first — commonl\ 

I  called   the   Christim  name — bu.t  atter- 

i  wards,   in   the    course    ot    trien-    live^. 

!  either  at   cjuite  an  earl\-  stai^e  ot    tlvjir 

I  manhood,  v;r  subsequentU'.  they  ad.()j)t- 

I  ed  or  were  _L,dven  ancjther  name,  which. 

i  in  the  course  of  time,  became  the  sur- 

name.     This     name    was    de- 
I  rived    from     man\-    ditVerent     >(iurces. 

I  such    as  occupation,  estate,   business. 

j  personal    appearance,   detects    or    ad- 

I  vanta^^res,  place  of  residence,  or  som<.' 

{  particular  thini;  or  event    relatinL^-   to 

j  the   person.      'Fhus    John,    the    smith, 

j  became     [chn    Smith;     Karl   Non    n^v; 

\  bur'.^.  Cliarles    Xev,  l;ury;   d  om  u'  Lin- 

!  coin,  'lorn  or  Thomas   Lincoln.      Ld- 

■  ilE^ToX      FAMILY. 

I  niiind  Ironsides  was  SO  called  either  i^^n 

j  '    account  of  his  great  strength  or  the 

I  armor    uhicli     he    wore.      It     can     be 

I  easily    seen,   therefore,    how    fohn    of 

I  Heston      became.     b\'     ellipsis,     John 

I  Heston.     It  was  not  until  the  fifteentii 

I  centnry    that    surnames   became  gen- 

1  eral  in  England. 

I  The   name    H'^ston    is   doubtless    oi 

Anglo-Saxon     origin — ton    being   the 

I  ■          Anglo-Saxon  for  village  or  town,   and 

I  es  or  hes  meaning  east,   from   oast   or 

j  est.      Thus  we  have    Heston   or   Flast- 

I  town,  and  so  also  we  have  Weston   or 

1  West-town.     l"wo  parts  of  a   town   or 

(>[  a  l';>ng,  straggling  village  might  ha\"e 

I  been  na.ned.  respecti\'ely.  Heston  and 

I  Weston,  just  as  there  were  in  England 

!  in    King    Alfred's    time,     certainly    in 

•  ^'^''"'.^'  Egbert's,  who  preceded  him  not 

i  many  years,  the  divisions  called  Essex 

I  and  Wessex. 

j  fiverything  that  is  Saxon  or  Anglo- 

\  Saxon  in  origin,  of  course,  is   (ierman 

j,  •      or  High  Deutsche  in  derivation.      The 

I  name    of    Heston   may  date  from   the 

S:.:.(.'n  invasion  *jt  I'ritain  Iw   ihc  ■  .■.r\y 

I  part  of  the   fifth   centun,-,   when  ■"  the 

!IFST»')N'       FAMII  V 

j  three    tribes  of    (Senriany,"  the   Jutes. 

\  the    Angles    and    the    Saxons,    under 

i  Heni^ist  and    Fiorsa.   invaded    Britain. 

I  subdued  the  Celts  and  estabhshed  per- 

j  nianent    colonies    on   the   island,    hrsi 

I  X  along  the  coast  and  afterwards   in   the 

I  interior. 

I  It    Avas   near  tlie   villa  or  parish   oi 

j  lieston,  at  Kingston-on-Thames,   that 

I  the  coronation  of  the  Saxon  kings  was 

t        ■  held.      The  stone  on  which   they  were 

'  •           1  •    • 

I  crowned    is    preserved    with   religious 

!  care     ir.     the    principal    thoroughfare. 

I  .At  Richpnond.  still   nearer,  is   the    site 

I  of  a  royal  palace,   of  which   now    only 

I  tlie  gateway  and  a  cluster  of  buildings 

I  remain. 

The    locality    has   most    interesting 

I  reminiscences    of  historic   importance 

i  concerninLT  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  and 

j  -^                        ..... 

i  the  Cix'il  War.     It  was  in  the  vicinity  oi 

i  Heston    that    Kdmund    Ironsides   de- 

I  feated    the    Danes    under    Canute   in 

I  io:  6.  after  expelling  them  trom   Lon- 

I  d<)n.  and  it  was  here   that  six   martyrs 

l  were  l.-urned  at  the  stake  in  is^<'^.      In 

i    -  i6v2  the  R('\'ali-^ts,  under   Prince    Ku- 

I  pert,    defeated   the     Parliam.entarians, 

HTSTriN      F.\MII,V.  ' 

under  Mollis,  on  the  green  I'-etwefn 
Heston  and  Islesworth.  'I  he  autiior 
of  "Suburban  Homes  ot  London," 
writing;  of  this  neighborhood,  says: 
"  As  you  gaze  upon  or  wander  al;out 
the  place,  C).  what  past  stor)"  rises  to 
the  mind  !  The  whole  localit)-  is  t(  r 
the  exercise  of  contemplation  and  ru- 
mination; and  there  is  scarcel)  a  phase 
of  character  prominent  in  Englisli  his- 
tory, political,  domestic  or  social,  that 
has  not  its  intense  associations  with 
that  spot."  Near  by  tlows  the  Thames, 
and  the  same  author  says  :  •'  The  char- 
acter of  the  scenery  can  ne\er  1;.e  ex- 
haustively described."  The  neighbor- 
hood has  been  famous  for  its  fruit 
trees  from  the  earliest  times.  The 
old  maps  of  Hounslow  and  Hestun  are 
covered  with  the  sur\'e\"ors"  technical 
signs  of  fruit.  .Such  is  the  histor\" 
and  such  are  the  surroundings  of  the 
place  in  "old  England"  whence  came 
the  family  name  of  lieston.  It  has 
been  said  that  there  is  still  to  be  seen 
near  the  banks  of  the  Thames,  n■■^t  far 
ironi  London,  the  ruins  '■!"  :.  L^stle 
known  as  "  Heston's  Castle."     There 

s  HESrnx      FAMH.V. 

ma)'  have  been  such  a  castle  at  one 
time,  but  Mr.  |.  ^hlrshalh  pro})rict<)r 
of  the  Heston  mills.  Middlesex.  sa\  •> 
that  he  nex'er  lieard  ot  it,  and  tliat  no 
such  ruins  are  to  be  tound  near  then- 
no  w.  He  adds  :  "  Heston  i.-,  a  \ery  old 
villa;^e,  and  is  probabK'  the  place 
where  the  founder  of  the  Heston  fam- 
ily once  lived." 

Among  those  who  voluntarily  lett 
England  chiring  the  last  halt  oi 
the  seventeent^i  century,  to  seek  an 
asylum  in  the  wilds  ol  America,  was 
Zebulon  Heston.  primogenitor  ol  tlie 
Heston  f^mil\-  in  .\nierica.  The  time 
of  his  arrival  has  never  been  definitel\" 
ascertained,  though  tradition  places  it 
at  1684,  one  \'ear  previous  to  the 
death  of  the  intolerant  Cb.arles  11. 
The  same  fallible  authorit)-  also  in- 
forms us  that  he  first  settled  at  r)arn- 
stable  Bay,  Massachusetts.  In  sup- 
port of  this,  the  writer,  has  in  his 
possession  an  old  famih'  parchment. 
containinor  the  record  of  Zebulon  Hes- 
ton  and  his  immediate  family,  as  well 
as  tiiat  of  later  generatior,s.  I  oljow- 
ing    the    record    of   Zebulon   and    his 

\  HF.STOX      FAMILY.  !• 


I  older  children  is  this  note  ;  '"'Iheaboxe 

\  cop}'  was   taken   out  ol   the    Hook    ot 

I  Records  in  Eastham.   In   the   province 

[  ot  Massachusetts,    Barnstable    Way.   in 

I  New  England,  5th  month   31st.    1715. 

I  by   John    Paine.    Town    Clerk.      Emi- 

!  grated  in  the  year  i0(S4." 
I  Admitting  that  Zebulon  rieston   lo- 

j  Gated  first   in   the   province   oi    Massa- 

I  chusetts.  it  is  evident  that  lie   did   not 

\  remain  there  long.    From  Da\is'  "  His- 

I  tory  ot  Ihicks   count)',  ,Pa.."  we   learn 

1  that  he  settled  at  W'rightstown.  Ikicks 

I  county,    in     171  i.      hie   first  removed 

I  from  Xew  jerse\'  l<<  Falls,  a   township 

I  some  tew  miles  south  of  Wrii^htstown, 

I  in   the  same  county,   where   his  three 

I  youngest  children  were   born.       There 

I  is  other  evidence  that  he  lived  in  Xew 

Jersey  before  settling  in  Pennsylvania. 

I  According  to  Raum's  "  Fiistor\'  of  Xew 

I  Jersey,"    (page    317)    and    Rev.    Dr. 

Hall's  •'  History  of  the  First  Presb\-te- 

1  rian    Church    of   Trenton,"   he   was  a 

I  prominent  freeholder  in   the   townsiiip 

I  ol  Hopewell,  in   what  is   now    Mercer 

?  count)',  in   ^703.  and  soi-;!  his  omo-rt)- 

i  there   tc   Isaac   Reeder  in    1707.      He 


was  one  of  the  four  trustees  of  the 
first  meeting  house  erected  in  Hope- 
well. It  was  about  1707,  probably, 
that  he  removed  to  Falls  town,ship. 
Bucks  count)',  whence  he  removed  to 
Wrighstown  in  171 1. 

The  records  in  the  Secretar\-  ot 
State's  office,  at  Trenton,  bear  witness 
to  the  fact  that  he  was  a  resident  ot 
Hopewell,  and  a  prominent  citizen. 
On  page  1 14.  AAA,  folio  105.  the  fol- 
lowing instrument  is  recorded  : 

"John  Hutchinson,  of  Hopewell. 
County  of  Burlington,  &c..  to  Andrew 
Heath,  Richard  Ayre,  Abiel  Davis  and 
Zebulon  Heston,  of  the  same  county. 
&c.,  hath  granted  to  the  said  Andrew 
Heath.  &c.,  a  piece  of  land  on  the 
easterly  side  of  the  highway  leadin- 
between  the  house  of  the  said  John 
Hutchinson  and  Andrew  Heath,  &c.. 
containing  two  acres,  in  trust  tor  the 
inhabitants  of  the  said  towhship  ot 
Hopewell  and  their  successors,  inhab- 
iting and  dwelling  within  the  said 
townsh'p,  forever,  for  the  public  and 
comir.on  use  and  benefit  of  'I:--  whole 
township,  for  the  erecting  and  build- 

HESTON      FAMILY.  11 

ing  a  public  meeting-house  thereon, 
and  also  for  the  place  of  burial,  and 
for  no  other  use,  intent,  or  purpose 

This  lot  was  sold  some  years  ago, 
by  the  trustees  of  Episcopal  church  in 
Trenton,    to    Ralph   Lanning.     It  lies 
I  on  an  eminence  about  thirty  rods  north- 

I  east  from  his  dwelling,   and   north  of 

I  the  New  Jersey  .State  Lunatic  Asylum, 

i  The  meeting-house  was   probably   the 

f  first  one    erected   in   the   township  of 

j  Hopewell  and  for  Trenton,  and.  as  far 

I  '  as  can  be  ascertained,  the   first  in   the 

I  state,  except  that  of  the  Quakers.      I: 

I  was    occupied    by    the     Episcopalians 

I  until  their  church  was  built  in  IVenton, 

and  occasionall)-  for  man\-  \-ears  after- 
I  wards.     .A    portion   of  the   foundatiof: 

I  is  still  standing.      It  thus  appears  that 

I         .       Zebulon  Heston  was  an   Episcopalian 
I  at    the    time   he   lived  in  New  Jersey. 

[  and   that   he  did   not   identify   him.self 

I  with    the    Friends    or    Quakers    until 

I  after  his  removal  from  Trenton.     John 

I  O.  Raum.  in  his  "  History  of  Trenton,"' 

'  sa)s    Zebulon     He-;ton    li\'ed    nn    the 

f  place  owned  by  the  late  Amos  Reeder, 

1-J  HKSrON      FAMILY. 

which  was  bought  by  Isaac  Reeder  ot 
Mr.  Heston  in  1707.  The  same  au- 
thority, says  most  of  the  EpiscopaHans 
lived  in  the  vicinit\-  of  the  church  they 
buih  on  the  grounds  of  the  Hutchin- 
son family. 

The  purchase  of  Pennsylvania  and 
West  jerse)-  b)-  Penn  and  others, 
and  the  liberal  form  of  government 
under  which  those  provinces  were 
placed,  opened  an  asylum  to  such  as- 
were  under  the  bans  of  persecution, 
either  in  the  European  countries  or 
the  colonies.  This  fact  no  doubt  in- 
duced Zebulon  Heston  to  remove 
from  Massachusetts  to  a  more  con- 
genial locality  in  the  neighborhood  or 
the  Delaware. 

It  has  generally  been  supposed,  how- 
ever, that  at  the  time  of  his  emigration 
to  Am.erica  Zebulon  Heston  was  a 
believer  in  the  religious  doctrines  of 
the  Friends,  and  that  he  suffered  per- 
secution in  common  with  man\  others 
of  that- faith.  The  early  P>iends  or 
Quakers  suffered  as  much  from  perse- 
cution as  any  other  class  or  denomi- 
nation in  Ene^land,  during  the  last  half 

I  HESTON      FAMTIA',  lo 

I  of   the    seventeenth    century.     Thou- 

I  sands  were  constantly  confined  in  jails, 

{  whose  dark  and   loathsome  dungeons 

\  were    filthy    beyond  description  ;   and 

I  yet      there     were     very     few     of    the 

I  Quakers  who  did  not  prefer  the  worst 

\  punishments  that  religious  hate   could 

j  indict  upon  them,  rather  than   by  the 

I  slightest  prevarication  or  denial  prove 

untrue  to  their  faith.  These  persecu- 
tions, comniencing  before  the  ele\'a- 
tion  of  Cromwell,  extended  through 
the  protectorate  and  the  reign  of 
Charles  II.  and  were  not  arrested  until 
William  Penn,  throucrh  his  influence 
with  Janies  II,  Charles's  successor,  suc- 
ceeded in  breaking  up  the  vile  system. 
Unfortunately  all  efforts  to  trace  the 
lineage  of  the  family  beyond  the  At- 
lantic have  thus  far  pro\'ed  futile,  al- 
though it  is  definitely  settled  that  Zeb- 
ulon  canie  to  America  towards  the 
close  of  the  seventeenth  centur)-.  very 
probably  unmarried  at  the  time.  Ef- 
forts have  also  been  made  to  trace  out 
the  progenitor  of  the  familv  in  Massa- 
cliu'^ett-^,  but  without  success.  The 
minutes     of    P^alls     and     Middletown 


( Hucks  county)  Monthly  Meetino-s  of 
Friends  inform  us  that  Zebulon  Kes- 
ton  obtained  a  certificate  of  removal 
from  the  former  to  the  latter  in  i  7  i  i . 
At  about  this  time  (1711)  he  pur- 
chased 224  acres  of  land  within  a  mile 
of  Wrightstown  monthly  meeting- 
house, on  which  he  afterwards  lived 
and  died.  The  original  will  of  Zebu- 
lon Heston  is  now  in  the  possession  of 
Thomas  Warner,  of  WTightstown,  Pa., 
and  is  dated  the  20th  of  2d  month. 
1720.  Dorothy,  his  wife,  andJiis  par- 
ticular friend,  John  Rutledge,  v/ere  left 
executors.  They  sold  the  property  tc-- 
Jane  Preston,  of  .Abington.  .Dorothy 
outlived  Zebulon  several  years  and 
was  married  again  to  Thomas  Stack- 
house  in  172S.  Many  of  the  descend- 
ants of  Zebulon  and  Dorothy  are  liv- 
ing in  Bucks  county.  Pa.,  and  (Others 
are  living  in  \-arious  parts  of  the  coun- 
try*— especially  in  Ohio,  Indiana.  Ken- 
tucky and  Alissouri.  A  number  of 
them  went  to  Washington  and  F"ayette 
counties,  I^a.,  between   1700  and  1706. 


I  RACHEL,  born  Septembc^r  29, 
1699.  Married  John  Lace\'  in 
1718  and  died  .Alarch   6.    1761. 

I'heir  Siiii  John'.>  x)ii,  <  Juhr.  I..icey.  was  Ilri^adie'-' i'-r.cral 
of  c):e  renn>yh:Hni?.  Milltn\  during  t'.c  R..-'..-'li:t!OM.  i.Snx  Ehivi^'- 
Historj'  nf  ^»llc^>  County,  i'a.,  p.  ?H:-..} 

2   HANNAH,  born  October  i6.  1701. 
Died  in  December  tollowincr. 

3  ZEBULON,  born  November  4, 
1702.  Married  Elizabeth  Buck- 
man  and  died  March  12.    1776. 

He  wai  a  m:in  ufijon^nier-iblo  acxouiu  in  ir.e  rfli'^.n..-  Aorld.  and 
b<;!ong<?d  to  V.'ri4ht.>lowi-i  Monthly  Meeting  of  Fncnd^.  NViien  iLi^mii 
29  years  ofp:;:  Sc  felt  ::  <'esire  to  a;.i>t.-;ir  in  the  mini>try  .  Hi-  i.e.tih- 
cate  from  the  Wri^htstowr*  incttinu  reads  a.-,  folio* s^ 

''\)b..\K  Frikn!;S:  In  tl;.it  love  in  w  hicli  tli*  Churi.h  is  ctlifici  ;<nd 
.Siut -1^  ill  C-.iiii  jcMis,  do  we  s;iii:tt:  >rni  iniii.ive  yoJ'-)  ■.'^.■■^r-■Tal..!  our  frierid,  /..biiloii  H<:  '"n.  r  ,.;:;.:^i-.;  .  f  -i  .<;ca  ':.•:=  y  .v .  y 
oi' certificate  to  you,  iht  '^u  irleriy  Mect;!r^,  ■..;nccr!!ir.^  :tui  '.ir.ity 
«*-ith  hiai  ir.  liic  niinis'.rj." 

16  HESTON      FAMILY. 

He  traveled  miles  in  the  -ervic=  of  the  truth.  \\";-.e;i  _no;ir!y 
70  ye.irs  of  age,  accomocinieci  by  his  nepnew,  .-iltensaros  1  Jeueral 
John  [.3cey,  he  paid  a  reii-ious  visit  to  the  Deiauare  Ir.._iuir.^  we-st- 
ward  of  Pennsylvania,  and '.vas  very  cordially  recci\ed.  At  a  meet- 
ing for  worship  held  on  thi  Muskinzuni  river,  Captain  White  Kyes, 
one  of  the  Indian  Chiefs,  made  a  speech  and  presented  him  with  a 
belt  of  wampum,  thus;  their  regard  for  hini  and  i-.s-  prea^;h- 
ing.  A  memorial  was  prepared  by  the  Wrishtstovvii  meeting  alter 
his  death  on  March  12,  1776. 

4  JOHN,  born  May  25.  1705. 

5  JEMIMA,  born  September  24,  i  707. 

Died  F'ebruapy'  14.  1724. 

6  STEPHEN,  born  November;,!  710. 

7  JAC'OI^..  born  May  20.  17  13.      Mar- 

ried Mar\-  Warner. 

lacoh  and  Mary  Heston  had  at  least  three  snns^'l'hi'inas.  l-.Jwar.i 
andje:sc.  Thomas  was  a  C&Ionel  during  the  Re\oIutl)n.  He  wa~ 
born  April  +,  1753,  ^"d  .married  Hannah  Clayton  t)n  June  ::5.  177?- 
In  or  about  1781.  in  connection  with  Thomas  Cirpeute:.  ^ranitather 
of  the  late  Jud:;e  Thomas  P.  Carpenter,  of  Caind::'!.  X.  J.,  he  pur- 
chased of  the  .-tanjecr  Brothers  the  allies  .v  -irks  which  they  had  estab- 
lished in  1775.  !  he  placi  uas  known  as  Heston'^  1  r;.-!-s>  Wfj'-k^ 
until  >ome  vcars  after,  .vhen.  at  the  sa;^e-:ion  .>f  a  menii>er  of  the 
celebrated  C'oucester  Fj\  Huntin.i  Cluo,  on  the  ncca-ion  01  a  > 'in- 
viva!  t'a-heriii:;  It  Co!:)ne!  He-tons  lion  ^e,  after  a  hunt  an'^  capture 
of  rcynard,  it  was  named  Gia---b<^ro.  ar.a  has  e\er  sin  e  b'lrn  t!i:'t 
name.  The  works  are  still  in  the  p-issessLin  of  Colonel  Heston'>  fie- 
jcendants — the  Whitney  ■;,  his  daughter  Bathsheba  ha\inj  married 
Captain  Ebe.T  Whitney.  It  is  related  of  Captain  Whitney  -rat  hev.a.. 
ca>t  ashore  v.ith  his  vtsse!  at  or  near  Cape  .May.  an  1  in  pa.^sin^ 
£hroj'4h  the  i,ei;;hborh'«j<l  of  tiie  i;l;»ss  works,  on  his  way  ;.•  I'hiladel- 
phia,  he  saw  and  became  enanio-.ed  of  Colonel  He>ion\  daushter 
fc-athsheha.  He  marri^i  this  lady  and  settled  there,  en^-a^in;;  in  tlic 
::;iass  bu-^incss  .^itb.  his  father-in-law.  The  Whitney  brothers 
(Ihoin.'S  Hc'itop.  and  Samuel  A.,;  son.s  of  Cap::iin  hbirr,  Whitney, 
became  proprietors  of  the  wurlis  in  1837,  an-J  they  have  carried  on 
the  busii.e.s  s.|-xcsifi.r.v  ever  sir.ce.  i" hey  are  n'^sv  the  '  .:;a>^ 
»..:;'lc?  in  the  countr>-.  1  ."ic  v.-t.  ir  pr  .pr.c;;  r,  \":  <  ..:■  Hs-.ton  Wh.;- 
ney,  c'td  on  May  4,  i3i2,  ai;ed  o-j.      Kca  rr.en  led  j,  more  ac.ivr  b.i..i- 

HESTi^N      l.\.\Ml,V.  17 

i--.>  life  lli;in  l':i..r..-.^  r!e>ti<n  Whitney,  .ii.i.i  ii..i-,e  i..r>k  .1  --.^  •'•e  iMriie>t 
.ir.d  p.TIrii'tu;  iiUcru^t  ill  [hi.  CMti  •crns  of  the  i:ti\::Ury.  ■'■.«'.  .ihboi^^h 
t;"..ipp()iiited  in  his  porifical  a>;f)iratioiis — ti,i\ini;  bcci:  I'ctcUe.l  :i^  liw 
W  hi^  raiidiil.\t<'  iiir  Ciiiurcss  by  Hon  Naihaii '1 .  >tr,i;*..r'.  in  .Sv'  — 
he  iie\cr  laheti;'!  ir.  Iii>luse  !ur  his  political  priiicip.e^.  and  uii'-:i 
trc:<si>ii  striic's  at  the  life  of  :he  nation  l^e  gave  iibe::.!ly  "f  his  abun- 
liani  means  u<  the  cause  of  the  Union  and  ni  sup;,  u  of  the  old  tlai;. 
( )thers  may  I:a\e  Ijeen  m  irc  ostentatious,  hiu  in  er^'eLtne,  c:iri'.cst 
v.ork  Mr.  Whitney  s:.><>J  pre-eminent.  He  was  a;.:  .•i;:te<l  t.i  r<;pr.j- 
sent  New  Jersey  on  tlic  Centennial  in  1  5;-  .  -it  de  Infi 
;!ie  honor.  His  son,  John  )'.  \\  hiirxy,  is  :iou  :r,  ;'  e  rci  .f  tl.e  ^!a^s 
AOrks,  at  <  Ilissboro,  N.   I. 

Edward  W.  He.ston,  son  of  J.,.*,;,  ,7^  and  brother  !..,  wi. 
also  a  Ke\o!Tition:iry  p.ilriot.  luildu:;,' a  !iei;tena:ii--;  ilo:'el'.-. 
s-.n.  He  foiuKlei!  the  \illa^<  of  Hesto-.n  ii!e.  no  .v  ■■•..  !;,.!.,d  '.vilhin  the 
corporate  limits  of  t'hil  ideiph.i.i.  '1  he  old  H'estoii  ni.n,s:o:i.  in  w 'M..h 
he  ii\ed  for  sixty  years,  was  situated  in  the  \ieinn\'  of  (.leor.;e's  Hid, 
Ka-rmonnt  F'.irk.  It  v.vis  lo'-n  down  about  1077  Kdward  W.  Hes- 
t  n)  was  a  member  of  ti'.e  Pennsylvania  I.eyislaturc,  an^l  lor  ei^ht 
years  a  State -Senator.  He  was  also  appointe-d  a.  Indye  of  the 
Court  of  Co:nnion  I'Icas.  ol  Philadelphia.  ,in:l  served  ;e>  -lii.h  for  lor.r 
years.  I'he  origin;:!  town  plot  of  Hc^tonville  iijif.prised  a'.iput  :■-»> 
a-jres,  and  pre\  ioii-s  to  Its  con.soiidarion  with  Phiiadelphia  fornitd  a 
part  of  lU'ickity  township.  1  he  ground  has  almost  '.luireiv  pass>.d 
out  of  the  possession  of  the  Helton  f-in.jly  ar.d  is,  in  u'cit  iiieastire, 
built  up.  Kd'.vaid  W.  l.'eston  d.ied  in  zS^^,  ai;ed  7.'.  He  was  the 
1  ilher  of  iourte>.n  children,  ele\cn  of  were  li\ni.;  at  '.lie  tn..-  of 
ins  death,  but  osily  oiic  is  now  li\  in.;.  Mrs.  j.i.uisa  I'.i\-.on,  now  ni 
her  3ist  year.  There  are  about  tsienty-hve  ;.;-a;..t-.  hiMren  o''  the 
f'/under  of  Hestonville  living  at  the  present  tmie. 

S   ISAAC,  born  May  17,  171^      Died 
July  19.    1729. 

g    rHOM.\S.   born   Au^Li;^t   3,     1718. 

Ikki  li  tkMl  i.  Mn. 


10  ELIZABETH,     born     April     30, 

1727.      Married  Titus  Fell. 

11  JEMIMA,  born  August   27,    172S. 

Married  Jonathan  Kinsey,  ist; 
Benjamin  Doan,  2d. 

12  REBECCA,  born  May  3,  1730. 

13  RACHEL,    born     November    30, 

173 1.  Married  Samuel  Mer- 
rick. Died  Februar)- I  2,  1826, 
acred  94.  Interred  in  the 
Wrightstown  Bur}'ing  (jround. 

14  ZEBULON,   born    November   18, 

^733-     Married  Sarah   Burges. 

He  hid  at  id-jt  one  sufi  u^n-ucd     Thi>  iinw  h  -li  a  v.i  ;i.)ai-ii 
Zebulon.  who  in  i863  *is  living  m  Indiana,  st' n  vivau  ;ed  a^c. 


15   MARY,  born  April  23,  1737.   Mai- 
ried  John  Hurst.  ^ 

16  WILLAM.    born     May     7,     i73g. 
Marrie^d  Mercv  Cutler. 

17   JOHN,  born  Ma\-  15.  1742.      Mar 
ried  Hannah  Jarrctt. 

18  ISAIAH,  born  .August  20.  1 74-I. 
Married  Anne  Leonard  at 
Friends'  ^Meeting,  Wrights- 
town,  June.  10.  1767.  Died 
September  7,  1785,  aged  41. 
-Anne  Leonard  was  born  De- 
cember 3d,  1742.  and  died 
June  22,   1814. 

19  DAVID,  born  September  30.  i  748. 
Married  Rachel  Briggs,  1st; 
Rachel  Hough,  2d;  and  Phcebe 
Smith.  3d.      Died   October    16, 

iS2i,    a"'ed    7^    \'   and    :6 
.  davs. 

■20  IIKS'R'N      FAMIi.V. 

The  issue  of  the  nrst  David  hiestori 
(ig)  was  a/,  follows: 

I.  _1AMK>  H1>1()X,  h.,rn  Ai.r;!    ;.i772:    .iieci  J  iiiv  2j.  i ;-;, 

II.  AMo^  UK- TON.  A.-.i-t  2r.  1774;  ..i-d  July   -'^,   t;:- 

m.  I'At  \"  Hl.-roX.  bn-n  f>.j,:ember  if.  17"  -.  Jl-rd  June  .-:. 
I---,.      M.irr-e.l  l,.';ii>  ■^uici.llcy.  •if  Xe-.v-piirt' iiic.    lv,:^:'r.*  >  ounty .    FV. 

IV.  I'AVlIi  KK.-"n)X.  r,,,rn  A-.rii  ; .  1779-.  .ilej  I  V,-..-'iibt;r  -. 
1S57.      Mnrno.i  .\;iu.i  ['..v^jn.  ■'■..\:iizr:er  n{  yioic^  Fa\so;i. 

V.  RA(,  HF.t,  Hh>r()X  b.rn  .Iir.cb.  17;-;: ;  .':•-.'.  M:>y  !o,  iS.-- 
Marrifi:  nvv.rtii!  >i!I  rir-!.  Kohtrt   lihiv^ciii  second. 

V[.  KLIZAHKTH  HF.-<roX.  b.m  Aucu^i  24-  K=--  M->'n^'i 
Hii^h  '■n'.iih  and  reiria\cd  l.i  Iiii'iiana. 

VII  MAKV  HK^TOX.  l-rn  I:inuar^-  J.  17X..  \I.i-rie.I  1  >:ir:!r! 
l.<.vctt.  of  t.f.j...T  M.l.ehel.l  lou  n.-jhif..  Racks  coi:nty.  P.i. 

Vin.  11  '-'^K  UK.- i(»X.  b:irTi  M.irch  ;o.  :7/J.  Med  October  i-, 

IX.  CHAKI.l.-  MK.-IOX.  K-.m  Kmc  -i,  iSo;:  dicJ  ^c[ 
a.  tS:.!. 

The  issue  of  the  second  David  Mes- 
ton.  born  April  i,  1779.  "^vas  as 
follows  : 

K    MAK\    HK.^IOS.  born  March  ii.  iS.r,j,-.  d:e,'.  Oct  i;,  iSi,  . 

il  \SIl,i.iA.\!  HK.-roX.  horn  October  14.  -.Zii.  ,'aetl  A,i-.>: 
17.  i»!?. 

HI.  HF{KHK  ANX  h'K>roX.'jer  .i';,  :Si4.  M.irnti! 
M.ihlon  S.  KIrkbriiie.  r,f  iJri-toI.  l'.-.. 

IV,  RKliKCCA  HK>-n')X.  b-rn  Au-a.t  t,.  ;S2i 

V.  KUZW.r.TH  HKSIOX,  bom  5,  i3:4. 

V!.  li\\  III  HKSTOX.bora  A-.,nl  .-,  i5c-/.  '  .\!.'.^-ri.;  1  .\l.i.-%-  K,...'.- 
.Icr.t,,:-.  •..u.^-i;.;rof  Jol.n  I'  K.,:  'cr.f'n.  am:  iK^..^  ,'.  f-:,nl^r..r-'. 
!  ..:  ..'cC.^i  1  Ht:  ii  prop'i'-t  re;  I  r.iicu  .M  .'-^  i..  Ijc!  r'r;n;:nv 
iVori-LN,  ara".  a  riuii,ter  in  thr  .'^o.icty  uf  friends.     Orlh'xJtjx  ) 

HKSTiiN      FA>[II.V 


The  is^ue  of  tht^   third   David    li^s- 
ton,  born   iS.-?;.  is  as  tohows; 

iS;".     M.irricJ    >  U' 


I.   CHXKLI'..^    '".    Hr,>TiiX.  S.-.rn  \I;iv    7.    iS;'.. 

n.    WII.i.lAM    HIS  1' )\.  Sorn  >ei  te  r.iicr  4.  i!:;--. 
Ml.   Jl>HN  i;.  Hr>'10N.  '..  rn  A|.ril  J7.    1S5S. 
\V.   AN\A  m.   -IDN.hom  May  17.  lor-. 

{o^f{)li  Ficsion.  who  was  l)orn 
Ihicks  county,  i'a.,  in  17S3.  was,  ac- 
corthn^  to  tiic  rf^cord  trom  which  wc- 
copw  the  son  of  /o:\-p/i  and  Phtd.xi 
(Smith)  H('ston.  of  that  count)-.  Th^' 
elder  Josf|jh"s  sons  were  Joseph.  Jr., 
and  -Samuel  h\  hrst  \\\U',  and  Charles 
and  William.  b\-  second  wite.  Samuel 
settled  at  Wabash.  Indiana,  leavin-- 
several  children,  including  Edward 
hbjston,  now  uf  .Sorini^boro.  Olho,  and 
Joseph    Mestcm.   H\in<^^   near  Wabash. 

The  first  named  Joseph  Heston. 
(born  in  1783)  was  a  miller  by  trade 
at  Catonsville,  Maryland,  near  Haiti- 
more,  tie-  married  Ann  Kvans,  daugh- 
ter of  John  an.d  Letitia  Evans,  on  Jan- 
uary I.  1S06.  In  1S27  they  removetl 
to  P.atavia.  X.  V..  vdiere  Mr.  Heston 
pa^-sed  the  balance  of  his  life  as  a^^en- 
tleniaiTlariii'^-r,  ruid  di'd  [.)(->s^e--^ed  <>; 
conslde-rable    uropertx .      iJiAli   iie   anci 

■2:  IIF.STON      FAMILY. 

his  wife  were  memb(*rs  ot  the  Society 
of  Friends,  and  were  attached  to  the 
Orthodox  Friends'  Meeting  at  Flba. 
in  Genesee  count)-,  N.  \.  He  was  a 
man  of  sterhns^r  integrity  and  was  h(dil 
in  ver\  hii^li  esteem  in  the  community. 
Charles  \V.  Evans,  of  Ikiffalo,  \.  V.. 
in  his  ••  Biographical  and  Historica'i 
Accounts  of  the  Fox,  Fllicott  and 
Evans  families,"  referring  t(^  josej.'h 
Heston,  who  was  connected  witli  the, 
Evans  family  by  marriage,  sa\s  :  "  The 
family  reside-nce-,  four  miles  west  (^t 
the  villaL'c*  of  l>atavia,  is  one  ot  the 
inost  pleasant  places  in  that  section  ot 
country,  and  the  hospitable  and  kinci 
manner  in  which  they  entertained  m.em- 
bers  and  ministers  of  the  Societ\-  ot 
Friends,  and  their  own  friends  and  rel- 
atives, made  a  visit  to  them  agreeable 
and  pleasant." 

Joseph  Heston  survived  his  wife, 
Ann,  and  continued  to  reside  on  the 
farm  near  liatavia.  with  his  daughters 
Letitia  and  Rachel,  and  died  May  19, 
1864.  aged  eighty-one  years.  Joseph 
and  \:^. n  (Ev;ins)  Heston  had;  '.leven 
children,  namelv  : 

HKSroN       lAMlI.V 

I.  rJtp-.r.E  >.Mi  ra  h'EsroN,  Mr.-.  Novembjr  .7,  r-.    m..,- 

ri-.-ii  Ahrnhani  M,    rnderiilll.   Sei.!..-m'r^r   ir-.    iiy'>.   .i^^.t  <  >.  ;, '-cr   _-i. 
/?53.     Shi;  left  no  .'hildren. 

II.  I.F.Tri!A  KVANS  HF,->ll>X.  'x.rii  Jinuiry  .-?.  iS-'j;  .i.o! 
•_ niia rrlet! ,   lur-e  15,  liyS. 

III.  .=^AMrK.l.  HK>1()N,  b...r:.  Xovcnibcr  ,^,  t'?!.,  M  i.rlc.i. 
5.rst.  Sarah  (.\,iii^toi.'li,  thcTi  Chli«;  (..'oni^trHk,  ihtn  .Mr-,  \1  iry 
(r)air.:haday)  ( Mx-vdrich.      Ht  died  J>:r,i:  lo.  iS8r. 

IV.  LKW!-;  KVANS  HK.vrON,  !)oni  N.\eniV-.  .,  ;  m /.  .Mai- 
r:ed  F.ll/abctli  M.i.soii;  died  Juuc  o.  1S4J. 

V.  Wll  I.IAM  KVANS  hi:.- TON.  b..!T.  \u^nv.  .i.  ..?i=.  Mar- 
ri<;d  Lynthui>ii-,:    dici.1  I-^Iti  ary   ;.  iSSo. 

VI  MARTHA  ANN  H  V.>  K  >N.  '..,rii  M  ■>  :  ■,  iSir  \!.irr:ol 
V.illiam  H.  Huttor. 

VII.  JO.-I.rH  Kl.l.irori  HKSniN,  bon.  J':"<^  -".  '^■'■■■-  i!i<--'' 
Ai'-^ii-s!  27,  i?24. 

VIII.  KMU.V  HK-^rON.  h.<rn  '-ay  o,  181..:   died  A;.ni  r;,  183J. 

IX.  JOHN  KVANS  HKST<^N.  I.  .r:i  F^hruary  --.  i3:'i.  Mar- 
ried Kliz-al^lh  .\I.  Cnn'Dy. 

X.  ANN  AllifSlW  HK->ll»N.  horn  July  i..  i.^j;;  .iic!  Sep- 
tember ig,  iSjO. 

XI.  RACHKI.  I,')(UIIS  HKSIMN,  ^.m  -e^neuher  11.  £S2y 
Married  John  I'lcr^on, 

Samuel  and  Sarah  (Cunistock)  Hus- 
ton had  two  children,  n.atneh' : 

I.  MARIA  L.  HKSION,  ',orn  M  ,y  .-■.  lijv 

II.  I.KTITIA    K.    HKSION.    lv,rn    Jme    .  j.    .  n  -      Married  J- 
Marsderi    Picr~>n.  June  17,  I'i','.'. 

Samuel  Fleston's  children  h)'  his  sec- 
ond wife  were  ; 

I.  JOSKPH  HK.SrON.  h.rn  DecciuS-.r    -4.    1344.  died   unm  irned. 
.August  26,  i3rv6. 

II.  NATHANC    HK.SrON,  l...rr.  Deieiubcr  4.  :34'.. 
HI.   LKSVIS  J.  HKSTON,  aicd  ui  ii.faiiLy. 

IV.   KDWARfiM.  HKSION,  born  May  i,.  iS^o. 
\\   SARAH    f'.K-.!'ON,   b— :■    ^eV-.-ndx^r    ;,     iS-,>.      \!:.rr..:d    Hroi. 
K:::j.:n    i^.lird,  j.iy    O.,  1  ^74 
VI.    MAK'lHAANN   HK-roN.V>rii  May  i,  ii;5,  dioJ  yooiig. 

■2i  IIKSlMN      KAMIIA. 

Lewis  }\.  and  I'J.i/ahcth  (Ma-^'MT) 
Heston  lived  at  first  on  his  tarni,  tuur 
miles  west  of  Batavia,  near  that  (if  h.i- 
father;  but  atterward  removed  tc>  .\la- 
bama,  in  the  same  count}-,  where  he 
had  an  excellent  tarm.  Their  children 
were  : 

I.  AUOL'STA  HKSTON.  b.rn  M.irvh  3;.   i-'^v     > 
H.  Chase,  Octob.-r  D.  1364. 

II.  EI.lZABEl'H  HF.^TON'.  burn  Aii-u^:  -2.  i3- 
cicn  R.  B.iiicy  and  died  Juiy  ^5,  i ';:". 

III.  AN'X   E.   HF.STON,    bor,,    i.Vt  .her    .'-,.    i3v.. 
Hotor  .\I.  \Vi,e,  October  6.  1375. 

William  K.  and  C\nthia  (Parson>) 
Heston  li\-ed  on  his  farm,  lour  miles 
west  of  Batavia,  adjoininj^  that  o\  his 
father.  He  afterwards  remox'cd  to 
Clinton,  New  York,  and  die<l  ther<- 
February  3,  18S0.  He  was  huric'l  in 
the  family  burial  If>t  iii  Batavia.  Their 
children  were  : 

I.  WILLIAM  P.    HESTON,  b..rii    May    ;i.    i^,;-      ^!••rriL-,I  (  icr- 
trude  May,  December  26,  1872. 

II.  SAMUEL  CARV  HESToX.  horn  April  14,  ii5_;. 
HI.   LEWIS  E.  HESTON,  born  Februiry  14.  i  3;  • 
IV.   LETITLV  HESTON,  b.5hi  April  0,  1364. 

The     Messrs.     Helton    (\\'i!'!;nn    P.. 
Samuel  C.   and   Lewis   E.,   comprising- 


the  firm  of  William  P.  Heston  &  Co.) 
are  largely  engaged  in  the  wholesale 
tea,  syrup  and  molasbes  business,  at 
58  Summit  street,  Toledo,  Ohio.  Wil- 
liam P.  Heston  graduated  from  Piam- 
ilton  College,  (Jlinton,  N.  Y.,  on  July 
15.  1869. 

John  E.  and  Elizabeth  (Canby) 
Heston,  after  their  marriage,  removed 
to  his  farm  at  Alabama.  Genesee 
county,  New  York,  adioining  that  of 
his  brother,  Lewis  E.  Heston.  and 
afterwards  removed  to  Mount  Pleasant, 
Henry  county,  Iowa.  Their  children 
were  : 

I.  CANBY  HESTON',  born  August  39,  1S51. 

II.        EVANS  HE.'^TON,  born  December  13,  1S53,  died  Decem- 
ber 24,  1S53. 

III.  RACHEL  L.  HESTON,  bom  April  13,  1835. 

IV.  MARY  HESTON,  bom  August  3,  1857. 

V.  ESTHER   E.  HESTON,  bom  November  lo,  1859. 

VI.  LETITIA  E.  HESTON,  bora  October  3,  1861. 

VII.  GEORGE   HESTON,  born  November  3,  13-53. 

VIII.  ELIZABETH  M.  HESTON,  born  June  21,  1869. 


The  children  of  Wilham  Parsons 
and  Gertrude  (May)  Heston,  of  To- 
ledo, Ohio,  are  as  follows  : 

I.  LUCRETIA  HESTON,  born  March  13,  i;74- 

II.  MARY  MAY  HESTOX,  bom  ?^Iay  31,  1S76. 

III.  GERTRUDE  MAY  HESTON,  bora  April  25,  iSSi. 

l5;ii;il!  d  liiiif  fniiiiiri!  festeii. 

20  JOSHUA,  born  at  Wrightstown. 
August  26.  1768.  Married 
Margaret  Dean,  and  died  Oc- 
tober 30,  1S34.  They  had 
issue  as  follows  : 

I.  CYRUS   HE5T0X,  lived  to  manhood  and  married. 

II.  MAR'i    HESTON',  died  February  15,  1S3;.    - 

III.  ELTZ.VI'FTH  HESTON,  ~?.rr:ed  Joseph  Reader. 

IV.  I.-^^AIAH  KESTON,  msrrie  '.  Margaret  Reetler. 

V.  AMY  HESTOX,  married  Asa  Atkinson. 

Isaiah  and  Margaret  (Reeder)  Hes- 
ton  had  five  children,  namely  : 


.  LAFAYETTE,  (born  Januar>- 14, 1334,  died  Janaan-':?,  iSf;,) 

Asa  and  Amy   (Heston)   Atkinson 
had  five  children,  namely : 




MARY  ELiZ.^i  F,TH. 




2 1  SILAS,  born  at  Wrightstown,  Aug- 
gust  II,  1770,  died  at  Litch- 
field, Kentucky.  June   2,  1S5S. 

When  a  young  man  he  removed  to 
Virgfinia,  where  he  married  Miss  SalHe 
Lewis,  of  Danville,  \'a.  He  first  saw 
her  through  one  of  the  windows  of  her 
home  in  Danville,  as  he  was  driving 
along-  one  of  the  streets  of  that  citv. 
She  was  dressed  for  a  ball,  which  he 
attended,  with  the  determination  of 
meeting  the  fair  unknown.  It  was  a 
genuine  case  of  "  love  at  first  sight." 
They  were  married  in  Charlotte  count}". 
Virginia,  in  1S06,  and  removed  to 
Kentucky  in  1S37. 

Silas  Heston  died  at  the  advanced 
age  of  eighty-eight,  in  the  lull  posses- 
sion of  his  faculties.  With  the  excep- 
tion of  his  younger  brother.  Isaiah, 
who  died  at  the  age  of  ninety-two.  he 
was  the  longest  lived  of  the  tive  chil- 
dren of  Isaiah  and  Anne  (Leonard) 
Heston.  Being  a  true  type  of  man, 
he  devoted  himself  to  his  family  and 
was  never  happier  than  v/hen  in  tlie 
society  of  those  he  loved.      He  was  a 


professed  Christian,  and  died  in  the 
hope  o(  a  blessed  immortaHt) ,  after  an 
ilhiess  of  four  da\s.  Under  date  ol 
September  9,  i  S49,  when  he  beheved  he 
was  nearing  the  end  of  his  Hfe.  lie  thus 
closed  a  letter  to  his  brother  Isaiah, 
then  living  in  Chester  X'alley,  Pa.  : 

'■  L)ear  Krother  :  I  am  old  and  you  are  ^ettti-g  alon^  in  years, 
and  perha&s  we  shall  not  >ee  ta',h  other  again  in  ihis  si.orld.  O,  lei 
us  endea^o^  to  walk  so  uprightly  that  we  may  meet  in  that  world 
where  there  is  no  partin:;  .May  Ckid,  in  his  mercy  bless  you  and 
your  family 

Silas     Heston     outlived     his    wife. 
They  had  eight  children,  namely  : 

I.  ISAIAH  HESTON',  born  May.  iSoS,  in  Charlotte  county, 

Va.,  die'!  at  Hardingsburg,  Ry.,  m  1364.     He  was  a  farmer. 

n.  KOWELL  LEWIS  HESTON'.  born  November  12,  i3ro.  in 
Charlotte  county,  Va.  He  is  a  farmer  in  Missouri,  now  (1S83)  living 
at  Carroiiion,  the  county  seat  of  C.-vrroll  county.  He  was  married  in 
Carroll  county,  M".,  to  Miss  Estht;r  E.  .Austin,  of  Bedford  county, 
Va.,  on  November  14,  1843. 

III.  M.\RV  ANN  HESTON,  K..rn  in  1S12,  in  Charlotte  county, 
Va.,  died  in  :32g,  aged  seventeen. 

IV.  D.ANIEL  PRICE  HESTON,  bom  mCam.pbell  county,  Va. 
ir.  i3i5.  He  lived  a  bachelor  at  Hardingsburg,  Ky.,  where  he  died 
on  September  2,  1S74. 

V.  \VILl,I.\M  HE.STON,  bom  in  liiy.  married  .Miss  Emily 
Heard,  of  Breckinndse  county,  Ky.,  in  1Z4;.  and  died  at  Cloverport, 
Ky.,  in  September,  1040  of  cholera,  '.hi-,  wife  and  son  dyin^  a  tew 
days  afterA-ards  of  the  same  di.sease.) 

VI.  SII  A.S  HESTON,  JR.,  born  in  September,  1819,  in  Camp- 
bell countv,  Va.,  married  -Mrs.  Catherine  Jennings  (formerly  >Iiss 
Moorman;  of  H.irdins-burs,  Ky.  He  died  at  H."  rding-burg  on  >op- 
tember  19,  1840,  of  cholera,  contracted  while  attending  his  brother 

VII.  ROBERT  LEONARD  HESTON,  born  in  M.ay,  i322. 
He  is  a  physician  in  Litchfield,  Ky.,  .-.tiU  living.  He  m-Tried  Mi-s 
Martha  Ihomas,  of  Litchfield,  about  i3;i. 

V  U I .  S  AR.A.H  H  ESTON ,  l«jrn  about  1 824,  died  in  her  second  year. 


The  children  oi'  Isaiah  Heston,  of 
Hardingsburcr,  Ky.,  by  hi>  first  wHe. 
were  as  tollows  : 

I.  .-ILAS  HE.S'l  OX,  a  ph\  s;c;a;\  .r.  HarUingibiJr-.  Ky . .  married 
a  Mis?  (jardritr.     They  '.ase  four  children. 

!I.  MARV  L.  HESTOX,  married  a  Dr.  Pulllam.  oi' Hardinj-- 
bar^.     They  h.i-. e  --.i.\-  children. 

HI.   [,UCY  HESTl^N,  died  in  childhood. 

Isaiah  Heston's  children  by  his  sec- 
ond wite  v/ere  : 

I.       IDA  HESTOX,  married  E.  L.  M:lier. 

The  children  of  Howell  L.  and 
Esther  (Austin)  Heston  were  as  fol- 
io ws  : 

I.  HOWEEL  EEV.T.S  HESTOX,  bo-n  Aususi  2, 1541.  marr.ed 
Mi.-,s  Jennie  'I'hcrp.  ofGreenton  Valley.  Mo.,  on  December  2.;.  iS;^. 
She  d:cd  iii  P.Tjr'jon  county,  Kar^-.'s.  on  Eebrunr\-  i3,  i^/a,  leavin- 
one  child,  Mary  Lizzie,  who  born  Jnly  20,  iS;-,  in  La!ayet:e 
county,  Mo.  He  is  now  jjroprietor  of  a  .stock  farm  about  ^ix  mile^ 
from  Carrciitcn,  Mo. 

IE  SALLY  DAXIEL  KESTOX.h.-rn  March  .-,,  1352.  Xow 
livin.;  V.  ith  her  parent.i  at  C-rroiiion,  M.i. 

in.  ROBERT  WILLIAM  HESTOX,  born  July  15.  i^.(.  Ke 
was  a  hcrse  and  n".iile  deaier  in  Colorad.o,  and  was  murdered  by  hich- 
v.aymen  on  X"o-. ember  to,  loSa,  while  on  his  way  from  Irwin. 
Colorado,  to  lii^  ranche  m  Xew  Me.xico,  v.  ith  stock  v.  hich  he  had  re- 
centi>  purchased.  He  was  accompanied  by  another  n-...n,  and  the 
fvko  were  follo.vcd  by  highwaymen  and  attacked  in  a  lonely  part  c{ 
the  mountains.  His  copipanion  Red  with  the  only  Z'tn  they  had, 
leaving  him  to  battle  alone  with  noti.inij  but  his  rcM-lvcrs.  In  the 
fi.;ht  he  vas  killed  and.  his  body  left  unburled  until  December  u — a 
full  month — but,  beini;  frozen,  '.■.•a>  well  preserved  and  perfectly  re:- 
r..iiii':i!.Ie.      GeiT.;---  D.  .J.  \VU:ia,Ti-,  .>  ''rioi-^d  in   ( ;t:;,-  ',..    1,    :-.,:■  miici 

i.".e  b.' .y  iiecenc  b.irial.     The  inuideiera  e.>caLed   witri  t.*ieir  victim'.-. 
money  and  valuable.s. 


The  childrc^n  of  William  and  Emily 
(Beard)  Hesion,  ot"  Cloverport,  Ky., 
are  as  follows  : 

I.       CHARLES    .McCarthy  HESTOX,    m?.rrn:d   -Misb    Lu.y 
>u:h.     Thev  have  six  chiliren. 

I!.     ADA    HESTON.   married   a    Mr.    Olzy.       Thjy    have   or 

hild,  Leonard,  born  about  ;S;o. 

in.  MARY  HELEN   HE5T(^.\,  married  H.  N.  Adam.-. 

Silas  Heston,  jr..  of  Hardingsburg, 
Ky.,  left  one  son,  namely: 

LAXLiON  HESTC^X.  He  wai  sle^pin-  car  cmductor  betueen 
Memphis  and  Little  P.ock,  and  a  mei:;'jer  of  the  Southern  E.xpre;; 
Company,  at  the  lime  of  his  death,  ofycliow  fevo-r,  on  Novembers, 
1S73,  a;cd  t'.venty-?eve:i.  He  died  in  Memphis  and  hi.s  remains  u-tre 
placed  in  a  vault  by  the  Knij;hts  of  Py:h;as,  until  it  was  thought 
prudent  to  remove  them  to  Xash'.ille,  which  was  not  until  the  lollow- 
inc;  February.  What  the  X:-.»h\  ille  papers  described  as  "  the  largest 
funeral  procession  ever  seen  in  X'ash^'ille  "  foUov/ed  his  remains  to 
the  cemeterv. 

The  children  of  Dr.  Robert  L. 
Heston,  of  Litchfield,  Ky.,  are  as  fol- 
lows : 

I.      .SARAH  E.  HESTdX. 

n.     .-^H.A.-  .MORRI^  HKSTOX. 



2  2  SAMUEL,  born  at  Wrig-htstown. 
September  19,  1773,  and  mar- 
ried Mary  Price.     Issue  : 

I.  WILLIAM   HLSTOX,  born  i7.}6.  married  Letitia  Dubre. 

II.  AMOS  HF.STOX,  born  17^0,  married  Letitia  Ha^eman. 

III.  LETITIA  HE>TOX.  bom  iSoi,  married  Phineas  Trego. 

IV.  Ml  'RR[?  HESTON,  born  i?o3,  died  1S19. 

V.  JOSHUA  HESTt^N.  born  1S06,  m.  Cornelia  McMascers. 

VI.  SILAS  HESTON,  born  i3oo,  died  1S15. 

VII.  JOHN  HESTON',  born  i8to,  married  Catherine  Nelson. 
Vlil.  ANN  HESTON,  born  1313,  married  Ralph  T'.vining. 

IX.       SAMUEL   HESTON,  born  1 2io,  married  Hannah  Heaton. 

William  and  Letitia  (Dubre)  Heston 
had  chiidren  as  follows  : 

I.        ELIZAPETH     HESTON,     bom     1825,     married       David 

II-  SARAH  HESTON,  born   1322,  married  Herbert  Norcro.^s. 

III.  ADALINE  HESTON,  born  1333. 

IV.  C\THERIXE  HELTON,  V-rn  :335. 

V.  GEORGE  W.   HESTON,  born  1337. 

David     and     Elizabeth     (Heston") 
Goodwin  had  children  as  follows  : 


WILLIAM,  rbom  i343„> 



Amos  and  Letitia  (Hageman)  Hes- 
ton had  issue  as  follows  : 









Joshua  and  Cornelia   (McMasters) 
Heston  had  issue  as  follows : 








John  and  Catherine  (Nelson)  Hes- 
ton had  issue  as  follows  : 








Burroughs  and    Harriet    (Merrick) 
Heston  have  children  as  follows  : 





23   MORRIS,   born   at  Wrightstown, 

September      6,      1775,     married 

Patience     Gilbert,     and     died    at 

Wrightstown.     They  had  issue  as 

follows : 

GILBERT,  b^im  1S02,  studied  medicim;  and  becimc  a  physician  in 

New  York  City,  and  died  of  cholera  in  that  city  in  184^. 
PATIENCE,  born  1807,  married  Benjamin  Worthington. 








24  ISAIAH,  born  at  Wrightstown 
March  19,  1778,  and  died  in 
Chester  Valley,  Pa.,  at  the  res- 
idence of  his  son-in-law,  John 
Todd,  on  May  13,  1870,  aged 

He  married  Mar}-  Miller,  daughter 
of  Robert  and  Martha  Miller,  of  i\Iid- 
dletown,  Delaware  county.  Pa.,  on 
March  3,  1S07.  Mary  Miller  was 
born  June  12,  17S3,  and  died  May  5, 
1880,  aged  ninety-six  years  and  eleven 

Isaiah  Heston  was  a  tailor  by  trade 
and  carried  on  business  in  Philadel- 
phia when  a  young  man.  Subse- 
quently he  engaged  in  farming  in 
Chester  Valley,  Pa.,  where  most  of  his 
children  were  born.  Later  in  life  he 
returned  to  Philadelphia  and  engaged 
in  the  flour  and  feed  business  with  his 
son  Miller  Heston,  and  afterwards  in 
the  umbrella  business  with  his  son 
Morris.  He  was  buried  in  the  Friends' 
bur^qng  ground,  East  Whiteland, 
Chester  county.  Pa. 



The  tollowiny  obituar)-  was  pub- 
lished in  the  Bridgeton  (X.  J.)  Chroji- 
iclc,  of  Ma)-  2  1,  I S So: 

.  HESTO.V. — In  Chestei  Valicv.  Pa.,  at  the  re^idciiL-e  oi'  h'jr  son-Ln- 
Ja'.v,  J.ihn  T., Jj,  on  M.iv  .^tn.  iS? j,  Mr-..  Mary  He?lor..  rcUct  ot"  tl'.c 
l.Uc  !sai,i;i  lle.-tun,  aged  n!iier>--ii.\  a!ivl  eleven  months. 

_  Mri  Mary  Hc.-ton  was  known  to  a  few  of  the  older  resident.-;  of 
i-airtielu  toivn-hip.  by  reas-,.ii  of  occa.^iona!  visits  to  the  home  of  her 
^on-iii-l  I'.v,  Rev.  Charles  F.  Dive-,  some  years  ago.  wh'ic  he  was 
pasiur  of  wi-..xt  v/as  then  known  as  the  New  School  Pre.--hyterian 
C'.'urch,  of  ijedi'-rville.  Having;  lived  to  enjoy  a  bright  and  serene 
<-ld  age,  Mrs.  Heston  entered  p-jacefi'.iiy  into 'her  re.-,t  on  W'ednesdav 
morning,  May  5th.  She  had  nearly  completed  her  ninety-seventh 
year,  and  but  fur  a  painful  accicent  wnich  l;efel  heraboi;i  three  year- 
ago.  she  might  have  lived  to  be  a  centenarian  Her  husband.  Isaiah 
Heatoii,  died  e.vactly  ten  ycar.^  ago,  m  hi.-,  ninety-third  vcar.  retainini: 
his  mental  faculties  to  the  hi^t.  He  was  a  boy-  of  eleven  when  W'a.^h- 
mgLon  was  rirst  chii-.en  Pre.-ident,  and  voted  for  J.^hn  in  tS:-o. 
He  wassucccs.-ively  a  Federalist,  a  Whig  and  an  enthuMa-t;c  Repub- 
lican, casting  his  la.-.i  vcte  \:>r  Abrr.ham  Lincoln.  Mrs.  Heston  wa> 
buried  ni  the  old  Presbyterian  burying  ground  at  Mi.'.  '.letovvn,  Del- 
aware c.>unty,  Pa.,  under  the  same  row  ot  S.i  -  •nsvorx!  trec->  beneiLh 
which  she  had  played  when  a  child,  nearly  a  e.itury  bc.bre.  ."she 
was  a  air>  s:e:u  a.emi.ji- ..f  i.''c  i  re.-<byrerian  Cliiirjh  for  over  eighrv 
year>,  ha-,  nig  connected  herself  with  the  .\!idd!e',own  Church  when 
in  her 'leens.  She  uas  born  in  17J3  and  married  in  1807.  She  was 
but  four  years  younger  than  Commodore  Stephen  Decatur,  and  en- 
joyed an  intimate  person.ii  acquaintance  with  that  courageous  and 
once  d,.-,ti:igiii3hed  naval  officer.  She  often,  lamented  his  sad  taking 
off  in  rl.c  memorable  duel  which  he  fough.t  v,  ith  Comnv>dore  P.arron 
in  1820  r'uring  her  long  and  eventful  life  .Mrs.  Heston  never  neg- 
lected her  Christian  duties,  and  as  ;ige  came  up.:-.n  her,  her  religion 
was  her  sole  support.  Notv.  iihs;anding  her  remarkable  ionggvitv.^hc 
retained  her  faculties  to  the  last,  and  enjoye.l  telling  of  things  which 
happened  ir.  the  hng  ago.  She  often  e.\pie.s-.ed  a  desire  todie,  and. 
during  the  two  days  be.ore  her  death  she  said  re.neatedly,  "I  want  to 
go  home."  In  her  latter  years  the  deceased  derived  al'most  her  sole 
comfort  fioin  the  Bible  and  hymn  book,  and  -.he  would  cfien  repeat 
familiar  hymns  and  portions  of  scripture  from  memorj'.  Her  pa>;or. 
Rev.  :sanu:el  F'jlion;  who  had  frequent  interviews  with  her  said  he 
had  never  known  any  one  at  her  great  age  to  have  so  bright  a  mem- 
ory. Les-;  than  a  week  before  her  death  she  repeated  t.i  him  .-some  of 
the  passages  which  to  her  seemed  most  precious.  For  the  in^-st  part, 
the  chddren  of  Mrs.  He>ton,of  si  h  ,m -;he  had  nine,  twodying  m  chiM 
hood,  became  acti-.x-  and  u>eful  members  of  the  l'rc.-byt«rian  Church. 
Besides  the  daughter,  wh')  married  Rev.  Mr.  fliver,  two  of  her  sons 
became  ruling  eUers,  her  only  surviving  son  being  now  an  elder  of 
one  of  thie  churches  in  San  Fr.incisco,  and  two  of  her  riniir.'hiers  mar- 

Isaiah   He.ston    (i8j,   father  of  the 

r.6  HESTON     FAMILY. 

foregoing,  was  wounded  at  the  battle 
of  Monmouth,  June  28,  ijj^,  remain- 
ed a  cripple  for  nearly  eight  \-ear-^. 
and  died  from  the  eftects  of  his  wounds 
on  7,  1785,  aged  forty-one. 
He  was  buried  at  W'rightstown.  His 
wife,  Anne  (Leonard)  Heston.  was 
the  granddaughter  of  Xathaniel  L'jon- 
ard.  who,  witn  his  father,  Henr\",  and 
brothers,  came  from  ;dassachu setts 
and  settled  in  New  Jersey  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  s-^venteenth  century,  es- 
tablishing the  first  iron  works  or 
bloomery  in  New  Jersew  ?ienry 
Leonard  had  three  sons,  Sauuiel,  Na- 
thaniel and  who  became 
leading  citizens  of  New  Jersey. 
Thomas  Leoiiard  was  the  distin- 
guished Jiidgo  Leonard,  •':>f  Prince- 
ton, who  donated  a  portion  ot  the 
land  attached  to  the  College  of 
New  Jersey  ;  was  one  of  three  to  sub- 
scribe ^1000  in  support  of  the  college, 
and  was  one  of  the  founders  of 
that  institution,  being  chairman  ol  the 
building  commdttee  and  one  of  the 
hrst  board  oi  tru:;tee^.  bfe  b.vl  t'lvt 
corner  stone  of  the   building  in   1754, 

■     HESTOX    FAMILY.  37 

and  superintended  its  erection.  He 
was  also  a  member  of  Governor 
Belcher's  Council.  (See  McLean's 
Histors'  of  the  College  of  New  Jersey, 
pp.   105,  146.) 

Henry  Leonard,  above  mentioned, 
was  a  brother  of  James  Leonard,  born 
in  England  about  1618,  v/ho  settled 
io  Taunton,  Mass-.,  and.  v/ith  Henry, 
established  the  first  American  iron 
works  at  Taunton,  in  1652.  James 
died  in  Taunton  in  1691.  One  of  his 
descendants,  Daniel  Leonard,  was 
born  at  Norton,  nearTa^mton.  in  1740, 
and  became  an  eminent  lawyer.  In 
the  discussions  preceding  the  Revo- 
lution he  was  a  staunch  Whig,  but 
when  the  war  broke  out  he  espoused 
the  royal  cause,  sacrificing  in  conse- 
quence a  considerable  estate.  His 
defense  of  the  English  government, 
written  in  reply  to  John  Adams,  dis- 
played great  abilitv  He  retired  from 
Boston  with  the  British  forces  in  1776, 
resided  somie  time  in  London,  and  was 
afterwards  Chief  Justice  of  Bermuda. 
He  died  in  London  in  1829. 

The  Leonards  were  among  the  lirst 


settlers  of  Taunton,  and  Thomas 
Leonard  in  particular  disting;uishcd 
himself  by  his  friendliness  towards  the 
Indians.  It  is  an  historical  fact  that 
during  King  Philip's  war  Taunton  was 
protected  from  harm  b}'  the  King's 
friendliness  for  Thomas  Leonard, 
King  Philip's  favorite  hunting  grounds 
were  around  launton,  and  Philip  and 
the  Leonards  were  on  such  friendly 
terms  that  as  soon  as  the  war  of 
1675  broke  out.  which  ended  in  the 
death  of  the  King,  and  in  the  ruin  of 
his  tribe,  he  issued  strict  orders  to  all 
his  Indians  "never  to  hurt  the  Leon- 
ards." (Morse's  American  Gazetteer.) 

Nathaniel  Leonard  left  a  vast  landed 
estate,  comprising  in  part  a  large  por- 
tion of  the  land  on  which  the  present 
city  of  Trenton  is  built.  His  will  is 
dated  September  i  1,  ;727.  and  he  ap- 
points as  his  executors  his  brothers, 
Thomas  and  James,  and  his  '*  good 
friend"  David  Howell,  blacksmith,  of 
Trenton.  The  children  mentioned  in 
his  will  are  Saiiiuel.  Thomas,  Nathan- 
iel, Maurice,  Alar\-  and  Anne. 

Judge    Thomas    Leonard     went    to 


Princeton  about  1710  and  was  one  of 
the  corporators  of  Princeton  College. 
He  filled  a  number  of  important  public 
offices.  In  his  history  of  Princeton 
Collei^e,  Rev.  Dr.  McLean  says  the 
Leonards  came  from  "  Raynham," 
Mass.,  where  they  set  up  the  first 
forge  in  America.  They  were  "  re- 
markable for  their  attachment  to  the 
manufacture  of  iron  and  their  kindness 
to  the  Indians."  "  For  six  generations 
in  this  country  there  had  been  a  forge 
in  the  tamily." 

Quite  a  number  of  Leonards — de- 
scendants of  Henry  Leonard — were 
ardent  patriots  during  the  Revolution. 
Striker's  "  Men  of  Xew  Jersey  in  the 
Revolution  "  gives  the  names  of  a 
score  or  more  who  were  members  ot 
the  Continental  army. 

Judge  John  E.  Leonard,  of  Louis- 
iana, who  died  in  New  Orleans  about 
"1878,  was  a  descendant  of  Nathaniel. 
He  was  born  in  Chester  county,  Pa., 
and  orraduated  at  Harvard  in  1S66, 
subsequently  studying  civil  law  in 
Germany  and  receiving  the  degree  ot 
LL.D.'from  the  University  of  Heidel- 


berg-.  He  settled  in  Louisiana,  was 
made  district  attorney  and  afterwards 
appointed  a  judge  of  the  Supreme 
Court  of  Louisiana.  He  was  an  earn- 
est Republican  and  was  elected  to 
Congress  in  1S76. 

Samuel  Leonard,  a  prominent  resi- 
dent of  Juniata  county,  Pa.,  is  a  de- 
scendant of  XathanieJ  Leonard  His 
father  was  Thomas  Leonard,  and  his 
grandfather  Samuel  Leonard.  Other 
descendants  of  Nathaniel  settled  in 
Lawrence  county,  Pa.  One  Thomas 
Leonard  moved  there  many  years  ago 
and  died  there  about  1840.  leaving 
sons  and  daughters.  His  brother 
Nathaniel  moved  to  Indiana,  and 
there  died,  leaving  sons  and  daugluers 
and  considerable  property. 

iijiali  aiiil  jiliii  illilkr  ijdu. 

25  ANNE,  born  in  Philadelphia,  Feb- 
ruary' 9,  1808,  married  Thomas 
Hutchison  March  6,  1836,  and 
lived  in  Bucyrus,  Ohio,  where 
she  died,  January  22,  1S75. 
Thomas  Hutchison  was  born 
May  18,  1795,  and  died  June 
23,  1 866.  They  had  six  chil- 
dren, namely  : 

_  I.     CHARLES    HUTCHISON",    bom     February    12,  iSs;,  nov 
living  in  Tolcuo,  Ohio. 

H.     ROBERT  MORRIS  HUTCHISON,  born  June   23.    1S38, 
died  at  Bucyrus,  Ohio,  April  12,  1875. 

III.  ALBERT  BARNES  HUTCHISON,  bom  Ausust  9,  1840. 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Union  army  curing  the  Rebellion,  and 
died  in  the  militr.ry  hospital,  at  Fort  Dennison,  Ohio,  April  26,  1S64. 

IV.  WILLIAM  MILLER  HUTCH!S(^N,  bom  March  6,  1842- 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Union  army  and  was  killed  on  the  field  of 
battle  at  FranVclm,  lenn.,  November  30.  1364.  His  body  was  never 

y.     MARTHA    HUTCHISUN,    born    October    20,    1844,    and 
died  April  13,  1S70. 


VI.     HF.STON  TODD  HUTCHIStjX,  born    Au.i;ii>t 
and  died  August  17,  i34j. 

26  MARTHA,  born  December  5. 
1810,  in  Uwchland  township, 
Chester  county.  Pa.,  and  mar- 
ried John  Todd,  farmer,  ot 
Chester  \^alley,  Pa.  F^xjth  are 
still  livincr.  They  had  children 
as  follows  : 

I.     DA\'1D  loIiD.  ijorn    in    183+.   died   .it   \.\\c  College,    Xc 
Haven,  December  30,  1857,  aged  23. 

II  I.  HE.>TO\  TODD,  n-i.v  a  lime  merchant  v.  P,,rt  Kennedy. 
Montgomer\-  county,  Pa.,  r.inrriecl  Mi.-;.s  Jennie  Kobb,  nov.  deceased, 
danshter  of  J"hn  Robb. 

III.     GH.BER-f  HK>TOX  TODD,  married  Mi.--^  M;.an  Eiet!< 
and  nOA  !>.inu  ia  St.  I,.iui<,  Mii.^ouri. 

IV      MAKGAKKT  ToDD,  livn,-   with  her   j.ucnt.^  in    Lhe-ter 

V.     MARV  I.OUI.SA  TODD,  married  Joseph  a  larmcr. 
of  Chesrer  V:dley,  in  iSSo.     Ihcv  have  no  children. 

VI.     CHARLOTTK  TOIH),  born  in   1S47,'.  in  March,  187c. 

The  children  of  I.  Meston  and  Jen- 
nie (Robb)  Todd  are  as  follows  :    . 

T.     CliAkl.KS  V.  ToI'D.D.rn  M.r.h  1    <:•■;. 
'     U.     HLLKN  W.  Todd,  born  June  5,  t36j. 


I I I.  h  iHN  KOBB  T(3DD,  born  May  19,  1S74. 

IV.  JdSEPH    HK>T<.>N'    TODD,   born    March    S,     iS?/.    died 
Aii-:\isv,  iS-;. 

The  children  of  Gilbert  H.  and  Sue 
(  Bietler)  Todd  are  as  follows  : 

I.  WH.I.IAM  A.  T(^DD,  born  November,  1867. 




27  MILLER,  born  in  Uwchland  town- 

ship, Pa..  January  i,  1814,  car- 
ried on  milling  at  Chatham.  111., 
and  died  unm.arried  on  June 
16,  1872. 

28  MARV  JOXES,  born  in  Uwchland 

township.  Pa.,  januar)'  i,  1S14, 
married  Rev.  Charles  F.  Diver, 
who  tor  several  \ears  was  pas- 
tor of  the  New  .School  Presby- 
terian Church,  of  Cedarville, 
X.  J.  She  died  September  7, 
1856.  Mr.  Diver  is  still  living 
in  Philadelphia.  The\' 
children  as  follows  ; 


I.  JOSEPH  HE>TON  DIVER,  narried  December  23,  iS;;,  to 
MibS  Emnut  L.  KoM^r.  dnii^rnier  of  GcMv-e  A.  Koh'.er,  01  Ph;;..'.iel- 
phia,  and  died  in  Philadelphia  on  December  17,  li-j. 

II.  MARY  DIVER,  living  with  her  father  in  Philadelphia. 

ni._  EUPHE.MIA  ORAXT  DIVER,  living  with  her  lather  in 

^IV.  CHARLES  DIVER,  married  in  Chicago  on  Xo%ember  22. 
iSj7,  to  .\Iir.s  Anna  R.  Cook,  daughter  of  Dr.  Ge ir-e  A.  Cti'k,  of 
C'-.icago,  and  now  cn-^aged  in  turniinT  at  Neosho  E.i'.l>,  Kansas. 
Their  chiidren  are  Euphemia  M.  and  Walter 'Lourie. 

V.  WALTER  LOURIE  DIVER,  born  at  Cedr.r.iUo,  X.  J.,  in 
1855.  r^nri  now  a  member  of  the  firni  ol  I  )>born  &  Diver,  merchant 
tailors,  136  South  Fourth  Street,  Philadelphia. 

29  JOSEPH   FAIRLAMB.  born   No- 

vember II,  18 1 S,  in  East 
Whitelancl  township,  Chester 
county.  Pa.,  removed  to  San 
Francisco,  CaHfornia,  in  1S49. 
where  he  now  carries  on  the 
businessof  carpenter  and  build- 
er and  architect.  He  was  mar- 
ried in  December,  18S2,  at 
Milton,  Pa. 

30  ISAIAH   MORRIS,  born  in  East 

Whiteland  township,  Pa.,  Jan- 
uar}'  I,  1S21. 

He  was  married  by  Rev.  Dr.  Grant, 
of  the  Presbyterian  Church,    Philadel- 


phia,  to  Miss  Anna  Patton.  of  Phila- 
delphia, daughter  of  Walter  and  Eliza- 
beth Patton,  on  April  17,  1S45.  He 
died  at  W'illiamstown.  i\.  J.,  on  Ma)- 1 1, 
1S62,  aged  41  )'ears,  5  months  and  11 

He  was  engaged  in  umbrella  mak- 
ing in  Philadelphia  for  a  while,  but 
about  1852  removed  to  W'illiamstown, 
N.  J.,  where  he  engaged  in  farming. 
While  in  the  pursuit  of  this  vocation 
he  received  a  blow^  upon  the  hip.  which 
caused  a  cancerous  tumor  and  neces- 
sitated the  amputation  of  the  limb  at 
the  hip  joint.  This  operation  was 
performed  by  the  late  Professor  Jos- 
eph Pancoast,  of  Philadelphia,  on 
June  12,  1S60,  and  it  happened  that 
the  Japanese  Embassy  was  visiting  in 
Philadelphia  at  die  time.  The  Phila- 
delphia Iiiquircr  of  June  13,  i860, 
thus  refers  to  the  operation  : 

"  While  the  Japanese  princes  were  at  tlie  mint  yesterday,  their 
princip.-il  phy.^ician  was  not  ie-s  prorttably  employed.  He  was  visiting 
at  the  Pennsylvania  Hospital,  where  the  limb  of  a  man,  upon  which 
was  a  malignant  tumor,  involving  fully  one  third  of  the  entire  thi.;h, 
was  amp'iMicd  at  the  hip  Joinu  Th'j'patiunt  had  suffered  torments 
ijnutter.ib!'.-,  ruid  thou;;ii  warned  that  the  '.h.-'nces  for  hi>  life  v. ere 
five  t'j  one  a;^ainst  h::n,  he  be;;.5ed  to  be  |;ermitteJ  to  pass  tr.ror.uh 
lac  orJcal.  Lxtended  upon  a  cushioned  table  wa.s  tb.e  .jtifwrtunate 
{jaticiit,  with    bared  limb,  awaiting  the  knife.     The  Japanese  physi- 

HKSroX     I-A.MIl.V. 

CMP  \v.i<  ?c.-.;t;.'  ■_:o-.o  !o  :!k-  opcrnior.  Pr.jl'essor  l'ri:i.:or,~!.  A  -ptiiijie 
s-Kiirilei  ill  ctrer  «■.^^•  hel.l  la  the  r..>>e  of  the  patient,  the  tnurni'inct 
-ijj^i'.ic.!  ;m  v.;-;,-:. -a  ,:f r-iilnt;:  ill  -.r.  t'lc  linil),  r.nj  in  .i  mcinR-nt  the 
^',;ttcrin_'  stce!  of  ilic  ■ipcrnlir  v/a-;  incising  its  «  av  throii-h  the  H.csh. 

Ijic  patitnt  \v.i>  M4  iriscii.--i'M.^  to  -■'.]  ?.r.,-;;iKi  him  as' a  bV^jk  of  nmrbie. 

!  he  :n  'v:i>  ;.  terrible .^nc.  'I'hc  limb  was  viisjointed  ;it  t!)e  hip. 
hurally  q':;  rt-.-rin-  the  p-itient.  O^e-  --f  the  :-;ini!  hrvc  Umi  follow  ed 
h_v  reci.ven-.  li;:i  they  are  few  I'.v.i  fir  between.  Tlic  process  v^as 
\Mti;e-sc-i  by  the  .Ir>pancse  phy>Ici'.n  uith  an  appreciative  eve.  He 
naj  n  ;vcr  s-vn  r  v.-  like  before.  Jap.i:;e>e  siirgen,-  esicTHls  not  hevond 
iiiinor  .j;j.jriL;M-.>.  ~.:u1  this  fairly  -laajered  others  besides  the  Mon- 
iolicci.  Ir.  s-.  fe-.v  iiiiii-.ites  that  the  reader  will  scaroeU"  credit  it.  the 
.•inib  •vas  .-c:nr.-.ed.  the  stump  .;o-. e-ed.  the  •:res>ina^  aliplied.  and  the 
D;:i.--a  re.,i..\e  i  to  his  uard  to  be  s,, bruited  to  the  care  nf  the  best 
.■uir.,es  in  the  h  .sp:tal.  If  anythi.rj  c:<r[My  can  s.-,ve  him  he  nil!  re- 
oivej.  hi^  •;":i\ -.l^scf  lice  wo-ld  be  the  brightest  i;^urel  in  the 
Ar.-.r.ii  .>!  any  prCcs^.ii,-  .-■ir.;eoii  in  the  coiuitrj'.'' 

A  lew  (-!rt)s  later  tlie  Inquirtr  thus 
rfjrcrre.l  to  thi.s  remarkable  case: 


a  very  nneuortny  person 

nc  patieni  who  i::;dcrwer;l  amputation  of  the  hip  joint, 
i_  St,  i;.  the  ;  rescp.  .e  "t  the  s:iri;ic.i!    lelea.ition  co!n- 

•  Uc  ve~-.  ' 
-Morris  He^io  . 
,.v  F^^-.^  i' 

prisLn^;  part  of  ihej  :tp.iii.;se  Kuoa-sv.  The  operation  was  only  t'' 
tnir,!  succe-v  ,i  .,ne  ever  p-r:or -c-i  *  *  *  We  witne,^c  !  tile 
iirir.;  pie,.e  u-  -:.r,-cry  at  tie  true.  With  a  .-.hndiler  at  its  ~nn.;ninnrv  ;iii  :  •..  ere  never^.:-.  ;.ri~e<i  than  at  the  a!iility  to  re- 
cord tne  entire  .;  ■•.-.v  li^i.scence  '-.f  the  ■  .r.ient.  'I'he  eflect  of  the  ethe' 
iipjinhi-  I.,,;.:.:;..-.-  »•.  i^  dcs.-ribed  to  ms  hv  the  patient  in  a  very  in- 
tcliiiujle  mii.n.T.  'A  e  >a\v  the  -:■  oa  ;e  ul.iced  over  his  month  ami  the  en  r  •^,  •^.,.^-.,-.  ,,  t  ...  i  -evened  as  f,-t  as  i:  ev.,..  .rate.!. 
A«s.jwihe  e::=-is  ot  ;hc  ui.r.y:!-  ^■.idnally  o\  erconiins;  tlr-1  iiis 
>eiisa^io:!s  .-a:.:  las  app;-e!ic.i-:"ns.  i.ntil.  with  eve.-^  closed  a'ul 
nreithuiL:.  s,.ir..ely  i>cr.  e:cihle.  he  l;.y  witli  all  the  fa'cidties  in  sii- 
jensi  in,  e.\cr:  t  -espira'.i  in  an''.  ;he  i:[r.:;d  ition.  Kven  v.  ith  the  li^ht 
pressure  '.;  the  onirr,ii]i;et  he  .sanh  into  insensibility,  and,  v..',s  [ai;> 
J-cvt  nj-.-.d.  ,-  .1  i  ..'.i  :s  .ils'  iin:e  I  at  ne'^  table,  a  lin.h  was  -c%ered 
:r.,,M  the  tr.:.i:-:.  Ihere  little  or  n-.  ih.'.i-  of  blo.Ki.  and  not  until 
the  ircSMn.^.  «v;:e  . applied!  wis  the  nian  aroiis,-d  ;,,  con--cioi:sn<:-.>. 
A  c  s  ip;«,s,;d.  thcie  w.>s  some  se:;se  of  pain  attenrani;  the  oix-r  i- 
riMi  -that  f'e  sc.i^itivene.-sof  the  He.'-  t..  pain  coul.i  never  be  .vh-lly 
suspended,  estiecially  as  the  patiei::.  dttrin- the  fi}«ration.  was  in  :i 
jir  pcrspi-au  •;,.  W^;  learn  fr  .;■;  him.  however,  tha.t  theei'fe.-t  of  ether  pr..d.;  e  i  entire  .and  drcande-s  sleep,  and  that  the  peri...!  in 
.vhich  nc  l.-.y  i;:,  ■::  .he  ta:-!e.  .fter  ::  c  ..-ther  tools  eiTect,  wa.  a  perfect 
blank.  His  re  ,■  ery.  in  \  iew  ..f  ti.e  d.niL'er  of  the  operati.n  was 
'-'*  '  '■ ■''■  '  ■'  •'■  ■■■^■_  <^^'--^  ;.     -i  ^-■■.  H.nh  .as  removed    i;t   or  l,.r   to 



■  ■  i:nt:an.e  ,,t   -  iic'i;!..;.      We  !..  ::   -.:   liiat  ive    J.r;  .■r- .^^r   -.;r,eon 
/k  his  he.M.  A  hen  the  operation  wa-,  performed,  and  evi  Icntly  liad 


l.ot  t'lx  l-j.ot  eviivccl.ition  ihai  a  r^,■J'>^en.•  c  n!d  er.>'''.-,  'I'i'.crt:  were 
■jther>  who  >|-ian;d  ihat  Ji'.crediilitx',  i"t  bv  ii.n  a  t'ca  .\I.  Ik's  the 
operatiiin  i>  ic:_,-:»rdoi  as  impraclicnb'c.  "  ■*  *  *  l:i  a  few  ij;iv- 
in..rt;  the  v..-if,..T.!  will  ic:i\c  the  a  happy  th.-iiiiih  a  niuiil.tte.i 
man,  with  a'l  the  Icc'iju.^  'jf  one  who  has  ca^cn  a  new  lea>.j  ..f  hie." 

The  paticiU  ];\-ed  until  Ma\-  ii.  1S62 
— near])-  two  \car.s  after  the  operation 
was  pertornu'd — his  dtath  being-  in- 
t-iireccK-  the  resuh  of  the  orjrration. 
He  died  as  he  had  lived — a  true 
Christian,  liax-ing  a  firm  trust  in  his 
Saviour  and  tlie  hope  of  a  blessed  im- 
mortalit}-.  For  a  number  of  )-ears  he 
was  an  elder  in  the  Preslw  terian  church 
at  W'illiamstown,  X.  ].,  and  showed  bv 
his  lile  that  he  was  an  '"ensamplc  to 
the  flock."  He  was  buried  in  the  Pres- 
byterian !L(ra\-e\-ard  at  W'illiamstown. 
In  Deceml^er,  1S63,  his  v.-idow  married  v 
Benjamin  IJeckett.  grain  merchaiit,  of 
Philadelphia,  who  died  P"ebruary  ij, 
1S69.      ^^^^  i^  -"^till  living. 

31  CHARLP:S,  born  in  East  White- 

land,    Febniar)-   22,    1823.   and 
died  June  i,  1829. 

32  MIRA.    born    in   East  Whiteland., 

June  I  I,    1820.  and  iiow   l{\i.ig 
in  Philadelphia,  unmarried. 


2>3  CHARLES  LEONARD,  born  in 
East  Wliiteland,  Pa..  December 
31,  1829,  and  died  February 
20,    1832. 

'  '  -  "I  -  ■! 


34  SPENCER  PATTON.  born  in 
West  Philadelphia,  July  ii, 
1848,  married  on  October  13, 
1870,  by  Rev.  F".  L.  Robbins. 
of  the  Oxford  Presbyterian 
church,  Philadelphia,  to  Theo- 
dosia  Lippincott  Haines,  daugh- 
ter of  Anna  and  the  late 
Thomas  Haines,  of  Philadel- 

He  is  now  engaged  in  the  whole- 
sale grain  business  at  3  19  North  Front 
street,  Philadelphia,  his  home  being 
near  Camden,  N.  J.  Their  children 
are  : 

I.     ALFRED   CLARENCE    HESTON,   bora   in    PhilaJelphia, 
Aujiust  25,  i£7i. 

IL     NORMAN  SPENCER  HESTON,  bom  in  Camdsn,  N.  J., 
Sepiember  12,  1373. 


35  ISAIAH    MORRIS,  born  in  West 

Philadelphia.  May  ii.  1S51, 
and  married  Miss  Lizzie  Heppe, 
of  Philadelphia.  May  30.  1S83. 
He  is  a  paper  hanger  in 

36  ALFRED     MILLER,    born     at 

Williamstown.  N.  J.,  April  :;o, 
1S54,  removed  to  Philadelphia 
when  nine  years  of  age,  married 
in  Camden.  X.  [.,  on  December 
30,  1875.  by  Rev.  L.  C.  P,aker. 
of  the  Second  Presbyterian 
church,  to  Miss  Abbie  L. 
Mitchell,  only  daughter  of 
Benjamin  K.  and  Jessie  H. 
Mitchell,  of  Camden.  Abbie 
L.  Mitchell  was  born  at  ()Iou- 
cester.   N.  J.,    on   October   21. 

A.  M.  Heston  learned  the  printincr 
trade  in  the  ofhce  of  the  Prcsbylcrian, 
of  Philadelphia,  and  West'  Jersey 
Press,  of  Camden.  X.  \.  In  Mav,  1.S74. 
he  wa.-.  made  local  editor  of  liuj  //  'est 
jersey  I^ress,  which    position   he   held 


until  August,  1S7S.  when  he  was  made 
editor  and  manager  of  the  National 
Stajidard,  a  Repubhcan  newspaper,  of 
Salem,  N.  J.  On  October  i.  1S79,  he 
purchased  the  Bridgcton  Chronicle,  a 
Republican  newspaper,  of  Bridgeton, 
N.  J.,  which  paper  he  still  owns  and 


2,^  HELEN  LOUISE,  born  Septem- 
ber 20,  1S77,  in  Camden.  X.  J. 
She  was  baptised  on  Sunday, 
January  27,  1S7S,  by  Rev.  L. 
C  Baker,  in  the  Second  Pres- 
byterian church,  Camden.  X.  J. 

2,^  JESSIE  AXXA.born  Eebruary  4. 
18S0,  in  Camden,  X.  J.  She 
was  baptised  on  Sunda\'.  Sep- 
tember 5 .  I S80,  by  Rev.  J .  Allen 
jMaxweH,  in  the  First  Presby- 
terian church,  Bridgeton   X.  J. 


Since  the  foregoing  was  put  in  t)pe 
and  printed  the  compiler  has  received 
from  W'iHiam  P.  Heston,  of  Toledo. 
Ohio,  a  list  of  some  of  the  descendants 
of  Zebulon  and  Sarah  (  Burges)  Hes- 
ton, mention  of  whom  is  first  made  on 
page  1 8.     Their  children  were  ; 

I.     ZKBUr.UN"    HF.5TON'.  died    at    Wllli^imsp-art,     Pa.,    where 
some  of  hl>  descend-iat^  were  living  a  tew  years  a^ro. 

n.  JOSKPH  HKSTOX,  b..rn  December  14,  175^,  married  Phebe 
Smitli  in  1700,  and  died  in  F'ebniary.  iSj^i.  (I'his  i<  the  Jri^c,)h 
Heston  referred  to  on  pa»e  21,  who  was  the  father  of  Joseph  Heaton, 
2d,  born  in  I7;3. 

III.  f  P.KK  HE.'-TON,  married  Ann  .'^picer  in  '.733. 

IV.  .M.\HLON  HE.STON,  married  Jane  Smith  in  1783. 

V.  3.\RAH  HESTON, 


^  li.     ji  )HN  HLSTON.  m.xrrlcd  Eli."l^th  Randall  for  Brdsford.) 
VIII.     TITUS  HESTON,  married  Sarah  R.^adall  in  1754 


IX.  F.I.I2AP.F.1H  HF.-~li>N. 


Ihe  marriage  certificate  ot  Joseph 
and  Phebe  (Smith)  Heston,  which  is 
still  in  existence,  says  they  were  mar- 
ried in  Friends'  Meeting,  at  Wrights- 
town.  Bucks  county.  Pa.,  in  17S0. 
Phebe  Smith  was  born  February  24. 
1760.  She  died  October  S,  17S7. 
Their  children  were  : 

r  >A.\irKI.  [iF>li 'X, '.--Til  Aucu>t  :!7,  17S1. 
!l.  Ji  i->Ki'fI  H  f-.-- r<  IX.  Ij'irn  J.i!-.iia.->-  14,  1753. 
!1F     J.A.XK  Hl^-l'i  )X,  iiorn  .^cptenber  i-4,  17S4,  Jie.i  luuuarricd. 

IV.  PHKP.K  HKS'rciX,  ;«.rn  May  26.  i-So,  m.qrnfd  Allen 
Wright,  line*  ..lie'  .\Iar.h  ^.  :So-.  Their  ;hil.iren  ucre  J')->:pli 
\V'ri;;ht,  b  irn  .-VuuMisl  i2,  1:04  ;  Joci  Wright,  l>>m  Septt-mber  10,  ii.-j6. 

V.  AMi.>^  [^KST(  .X,  b-jTM  n.;K.'.cr  4.  17:7,  .ii-.-d  Febn:.-.ry  4, 
•7V'  ■ 

Joseph  Heston  married  tor  his'  sec- 
ontl  wife  Ann  Thomas,  who  was  born 
November  23,  1768.  Their  children 
were  : 

I.  IKIITIA  M.  HESToX.  born  Jani:ory  i,  17^1,  P-.arned 
7,.\i:h:'.ri:\h  l,r'."n,  •111. i  ditd  cmI.Ic^s. 

li.     \VI).i,iA%?    1     HK.-n  )X,  b'Tii  .\lr,,-.;.T  2t,  i:„:. 

HI.     CHAKI.ES  FIE.^ruX,  bom  i^tobcr  ;8,  iZci. 


Isaac  Heston  was  the  son  of  Jacob 
and  Mary  Warner  Heston,  (see  p.  i6) 
and  brother  to  Colonels  Thomas  and 
Edward  W.  Heston.  He  was  born 
October  30,  1 746,  in  Bucks  county, 
and  married  Catherine  Clinton,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Clinton,  of  Dublin,  She 
was  born  in  1755  and  died  November 
4,  1807.  Isaac  Heston  was  exten- 
sively engaged  in  the  plumbing  busi- 
ness in  Philadelphia,  in  connection 
with  his  brother  Thomas,  at  the  break- 
ing out  of  the  Revolution,  but  when 
the  British  army,  under  command  of 
General  Fiowe,  took  possession  of 
Philadelphia  :n  September,  1777, 
everything  w^as  lost :  their  furniture 
and  other  property  was  confiscated — 
"scattered  to  the  four  winds,"  as  our 
informant  says.  Isaac  Heston,  refus- 
ing to  .swear  allegiance  to  the  King, 
was  compelled  to  tiee  from  the  city, 
and  pretending  to  take  a  walk  with  his 
vouno;  wife  and  two  small  children,  he 
managed  to  Lfet  to  Bucks  countv, 
where  they  lived  in  a  school  house  for 
a  season.  He  joined  the  Continental 
army,  and  was  a  member  of  the  Silk 


Stocking  Company,  or  sect  of  Free 
Quakers,  to  which  other  members  oi 
the  Heston  family  belonged.  After 
the  war  he  was  actively  engaged  in 
pohtics,  being  several  times  elected  to 
the  Legislature,  then  sitting  at  Lan- 
caster.      He  had  seven  children  : 

I.  MARV  HESTOX,  born  April  6,  17-5.  dic^!  May  t3,  1791. 

II.  JACOB  HESTON,  born  September  27,  1776,  died  October 
15,  i3o4.  on  the  Island  ry'  Martinica,  West  Indie.-.  He  uas  a  por- 
trait painter  ot"so:v.e  prominence. 

III.  WILLIAM  HESTON.  horn  }>l.~-v  4.  K74,  'i'^d  -M-T-ch  --. 

IV.  THOMAS  J.  HE,-5TOX,  b';'rn  December  3.  1732,  died  June 

V.  ISAAC  HESTOX.born  February  t,  1753.  died  November 
13,  17S8. 

VI.  ESTHER  HEST'JN,  born  February  23,  17.^1,  died  Fcbruarj- 
23,  1791. 

VII.  SUSANNAH  HESTON,  born  August  n,  17.J4,  died  Octo- 
.cr  6,  1794. 

Thomas  J.  Heston,  fourth  chud  of  Isaar  and  Catherine  Heston, 
mirried  his  cousin,  M.uiida  Hoton,  daughter  o\  Colonel  Thoma-, 
HestOD,  of  Gla=sboro,  N.  J.,  by  uhom  he  hud  ten  children,  four  of 
whom  are  stil!  iivinj,  nairely  Juii.i  He^^ton  Kecjh,  wiuovv  of  John 
Keech.  Caroline  Heston,  Jane  Heston  ruid  Atr.jr.da  Heston.  Walter 
D.  Heston.  a  S'^n  of  William  C.  Heatoii,  dceascd.  and  qrand--on  :.f 
Thomaj  J.  Heston,  is  a  civil  engineer  in  \\'e>t  Fhil.adelphia. 

Thomas  J.  Heiion  was  in  public  life  for  .^l:lny  year-,  being  .i  mem- 
ber of  the  State  Legislature  for  eictht  successive  ye;.rs.  He  ;.ls;-> 
in  the  Ca;ioa  H  -u^c  i;i  I'hii.ii'.elphia,  and  ■•'.  ,-    i  '  .    ■  ly   A.udi'-r   f:;r  .« 

where  hiS  children  -.vcre  all  born  and  where  l:i-:iz  cn'ridj-areuts  liV'.i 
and  died. 


S\MUEL  CARV  HKSTON,  ^^h,.-sc  nppenrs  i"  '^« 
record  on  p.i-e  24.  «a,  married  on  May  ^  iSS;.  in  ■loled..  Oh.o. 
to  Eugenia  Capitola  Coder,  dau-hicr  nl  Jo.v.i  V.  and  Isad.^re  L.' 
of  Toledo. 

Fl'.EN  WHITVEV,  wh..  ni.irricd  I'.arhsheb.i  He-ton,  dau^hicr  of 
ColonorThoma.-.  He<n.n.  .Seep,  i'  '.vas  de-.-eiuied/roni  an  anoicnt 
family.  The  l.ate  Hon.  Tli..,na.  \\>.itney  ^cit  a  oarcUilly  pre- 
pared genealogy  of  the  Whitney  t:,:m!y.  rnnnin-;  ;.a..k  to  :o_,4  m  thi^ 
country  and  to  the  Nor:nan   i;i.niiue.-t  111    l.:u;,uiil. 

JoHN  'I'Ol'li,  -.vli..  married  Marth.n  Hest.^a  '>ec  p  42)  i>  '^l 
the  .ame  family  of  lodd...  10  v.  Inch  the  .M'.e  of  P.'-:Mi'.ent  l.m-:o!n  pe- 
longed,  --ihe  beinu  the  dau,.^hter  of  R.Aer:  loila.  of  l.e\in^ton,  jsy. 
The  latter  wa>  the  .-on  of  .\hijor-General  I.e'.i  l-.";d.  who  -.vas  l.ici:- 
tenant  in  Clark's  camprii-n  in  .h.-  05nqnest  m|  lianvi.-,  in  ;77=.  Ih-- 
branch  of  the  To<':d  familv  removed  froai  t'ennsylv.inia  to  Kentucky 
tow.ird  the  >.lo^e  of  the  la-t  century.  .\  con-.uletc  hi.-,tcry  01  ine  loi^rt 
family  i>  in  prep.iration  by  a  half -i-ter  of  Mr.-.  Linciln,  n  .>'.v  1;vut_ 
in  .^t.  Loui-s,  Mo. 

H()\  EDW  \R|)  ^V.  Hl>r()N.  01  He-to::\i!le  ;«.'-■  p.  !-,  v.i.^.  a 
man  of  prominence  in  hi.-  .lay  .and  ,:ei!c:ra;;on,  and  at  the  tin;e  ot  -i:s 
d.?th,  in  i3r4,  «a-  one  of  the  fe'.v  rei-.amin-  wortrue^  ■'!  t.^c  Revolu- 
tion. A  lensthvobituary  wa-  puhli-he  1  uithe  >.\ti>Mj.v,- _E\  b.siM.. 
Post,  of  S'hiiadelphia,  February  2:,  :?-4.  Hi-_  pi.b.i..  ..teniay'e 
found  in  the  "  .\«rai.hy  oi  t.he  I  mtol  :~ia:cs,  r.> 
'I'homas  R.  Kodgers. 

THE  I.l-(>N.\RI)  K.\MILV,  to  which  branch  ..f  the  Hc-:oii 
faiiiiy  IS  allied  by  niarria-e.  i.s  of  WcKii  e-araction.  I  wo  broihci--. 
Henry-  and  J.uues.  came  to  .Mas.sachusetts  from  Pontypi>.-l.  County  <^. 
.Monmouth,  Wales,  in  i6-c.  ihey  .-ettled  fir.-t  at  I.ynn,  .md  tne  T!e;t 
year  (ir.,-;)  went  to  Kaynham,  near  '['.-•rnton.  An  !nv.-c--.u;.:  am  e 
or  the  Cf -.nnrd-.,  bv  Kdwiii  S  liter,  '.va-  pai,.i-r..:,:  u;  t:;c  .-l-  ••  ^ 
Iv.,  :kki.  ..r  Fi..eb-;d,  :;.  j.,  Juae  ::.-,  .ci:  ".  !■•  -•■  .'  '  • 
?Uuiirield,  .<.  1.,  bas  laade  a  carefid  inveitij,ati  .■;!  ol  the  e;ir  y  rcn.  - 
ol  the  I.c'mard'  Uniiy,  and  to  nim  we  are  indebted  for  the  tobjwiii,.; 
record  of  the  proi;e:utor5  of  the  family  in  America: 

n6  (^^  HESTOX     FAMILY. 

Thomas  Leonard,  of  Encland. 

I^,  d.  1691.  Henry,  b.  1620.  Philip,  d.  17:8. 

Thomas,  Samuel,  ")        These  three  brothers  moved 

b.  1641 ;  d.  1713.  b.  1^48.     I    to  New  Jersey  ;ib.i'.u  if  74,  with 

James,  Nathaniel,        1    their  father,     t  )ne  of  the  three 

b.  1643:  d.  1726.  b.  1651.     f  may   have    been    the  t'ather  ot" 

Abigail,  Thiimas,  j    Juc^e    Thomas    Leonard   and 

b.  I': 33.    J    brothers. 
Rebecca,  Henry, 

b.  1656:  d.   1657. 
Joseph,  Sarah 

b.  1655;  d.  iC'92.  b.  it'?3. 

Benjamin,  Marv, 

b.  1666;  d.  i6c'7. 
Hannah,  v 

Uriah,  b.  1662;  d    i6£5. 

The  fore;;oine  is  only  a  partial  list  of  the  descendants  of  Zebulon 
and  Dorothy  He.-.ton.  progenitors  of  the  Heston  fanuiy  1:1  America. 
Their  p<"isteri;y  is  now  so  numerous  and  so  wideiy  scattered  that  it 
would  be  impovsible  to  i;ive  a  complete  list,  even  if  were  desira- 
ble. .\  limited  numb<;r  of  copies  of  this  papiphiet  have  beer;  printed 
ior  private  circul.ation  among  members  of  the  fam.ily,  and  th.e  aim  has. 
been  to  give  merely  a  record  of  one  branch  of  the  !am:iy,  fr.)m  the 
earliest  to  the  latest  ^jcncration.  It  may  prove  usefiii  10  some  into 
whose  hands  it  n.ay  fali,  and  perhaps  enable  them  to  '.rr-xe  out  their 
own  line  of  descent.  It  i>  r.c-igned  to  publish,  in  ;hc  co;:r-e  ■  f  a  fe'v 
years,  a  complete  history  of  the  Hest.m  f.miiiy.  .ind  tho>e  i;:!ere5ied 
into  whose  hards  a  copy  of  this  pam[ih!et  may  cf^ance  to  fali  are  re- 
quesced  to  examine  ihe  records  carefully,  and  if -ciny  mis'r^kcs  .ij.pear, 
or  if  a  faryily  record  is  incomplete  or  wholly;:,  intimation 
thereof  will  be  thankfully  received  by  ihe  undersigned. 

ALFRED  M    HF..ST<.'N. 

Bridgeton,  N'.  J. 



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