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Full text of "Records of Brown Township, Washington County, Indiana .."

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3 1833 00828 6095 


Records of Broun Township 

Vashingion County, Indiana _ 

Part 1: Lists of road hands 1853-60. 75 pages, map, not indexed. 
Part 2: Record of the Board of Trustees, 1853-59. 27 pages, indexed. 
Part 3: Traustee records 1559-1804. 37 pages, indexed. 
Part 4 Enumeration of Males over 21 living in Brown Township 1913. 
Part. .5 School enumeration of Campbellsburg for 1379.18580 or 1881 
Names of Pupils in District 10 - no date probably 1874 
Nomes of Pupils in District 7 for 1872-18373 and 2874 
Names of Post Office Box rentors at Cempbellsburg 15878-1885 
Part 6: Casket List-Strattan Brothers- 1906-1910 
Part 7: Sketches from Diary of William Stephen Trinkle 1904-1515 
Part 8: Deaths- 1896-1933 from Coffin List from a/c of 
Strattan Bros. Store 1896-1901 and from Diary of 
William S, Trinkle (1901-1933) 
Part 9: Records of Rob Morris Lodge # 282 F.& A.M, Campbellsburg 
Part 10: Strattan Brothers Account Book 1906-1910 
C.E£. Cook 

872 Spraque Road 
Indianapolis, Ind. 


Letter to the rress from Robert Denny of Westfield, Ind. 

"In your No. 1 the fact that I was the first vostmaster of the 
town is mentioned, cca thet calls up some recollections that may 
interest some of your patrons. First, I will tell how tne town 

came to be called oe ee h (notice pie tinal Lepoer a 
that is the way it was first svelled. ‘When Robert A. Campbe 
platted the first addition to Buena Vista, and a bd 
sent to Washington for a vost office, it was found 
ready a Buena Vista office in the state, and some oth 
be selected for our vrovosed post office. Mr. Campbell took 
plat to Salem to have it recorded. Alexander Attkinson was 
Recorder and when lr. Campbell vresented his plat to him, he 
him of the trouble about a name for a post office and that he, 
Campbell, wished to find a suitable name for his plat, different 
from the name of any yost office in Indiana. MThere-upon ‘Uncle 
Aleck' said '"Wetlil just name it Cempbellsburgh as there is no 
?.0. of that name in the state, and so it was done. 

0 I _ oO 
yh MO i 

OOP, Ss 1 


> ck 





Later, when a movement was made for a P.O. at the then named 
town of Lancaster, it was found there was a ©.0. in Jefferson Co. 
of that name. The 2.0. Devartment referred Jacob Turner to me 
as Postmaster at Cempbellsburg, to straighten the matter out for 
him, as to a name... I took my P.O. directory and 1 ne 
letter L and ran down the list te Leipsic and found ce 
of that name appeered in the Indiana list. Thereupon I inserted 
the name Leipsic in ti pers and the P~.0. Devartment edonved it. 
paltillo had eae simile about naming its F.0. but I cennot 
sey who sussested adda ille' to the original name as the 
title of that P.0. 

In conclusion, I must s 
you and your reeders need 
ASO colurm every week nor 
after tomorrow, January 30, 
74th year of my earthly pil 


William Gipson, J.F. Hubbard, C.H. Wires, James Sherrow, David 
agen David Wheet, J.wii.d. Smitn, Cale zs william j a 
Jd.W. Bogle, Thomas Jackson, Joshua Brown, 2s Wires, 
Hiram Rudder, George Peters, Abraham Stoves jles Lawye 
Widows of Bde oe: rtha Heys, Serah J. Hays, lirs. Ch 
tency Saxer, Reoecca WS, Zligabeth Davis, hrs. Morgan, 
Niiller, Gemima Sterhenson, Mrs. Stewart, Kate Sweeny, Lr 
and Milla Purdieu. 

J.A. Evans! barn red re av 
about six o'clock evenin rm 
Short time hundr le we ne ii 
fire derion with bu 5 € 
residence. I : of = 
wes only a fe T £ & 
and sone othe e ac ee 
rescue@ witho a he anc 



Banker---liax Abranens. 

Ministers---J.5. Denny, Christian. 
i.0. Jarvis, Christian. 
JeH. 2ierce, Bantist. 
A. Erickson, Methodist. 
Oscar Jean, Methodist. 
Jews WOlfe, Reg. Baptist. 
Physicians---L.i#. Paynter, G.S. Hancock, J.F.H. Duff, C.3. 

Attorney-F.L. Drisicell. 

Merchents---J.U. Wilkins & Bros. 
Jshie Hon & CO« 
Beko Dv ephenson 
W.e5. Sentney 

H. Howard 

Joe Sharesnewsky 

, bo Sharwell) 
Drugsists---l.dJ. Lane -b. Hancock. 

(changed nam 

eG ad 2) 
Restaurant mens: Wee Kelso é& Son. 
Thonas Roll 
i reynter 
GK. Evans 

Hardware merchnants---Jd 

addler---J.=. Stanle 
sa Pietra Steer Chamberlain 

Meat rket Cathcart and G.L. Dalton 

ee pvans and G.W. Weaver 

lacksmiths---W.5. Holaday, W.2. Kimrorel and Samuel liilier 
er---0O.L. Brown 

a4 mill and Lumbermen---John Stra 


tuan and R.~C. Mertin 
emaker---Georse IicDill 

llinery---NMather & Robertson, Alice 





The first school taught in Brown township was in the "Hop" settle- 
ment end Pegeon Jertins was the first teacher. Another early scnool 
was taugnt by Robert L. Fleming near Cavetown. lLir. Fleming wes ea 
young man of fine nersonal acnnearan In Camobellspurg a joint 
stock comvany was organized in 1855 d built tne “old Hall wisen 
wes designed for holding scnool, church, volitical meetings, de- 
beating socisties, etc. Miss Mary ernan, @ sister to Axiom Cvermen, 
was the first teacher. The old ha Was situated where Baker's 
seloon pbuilding now stends.. In 1s anotner building was erected 
Where Lewis Collier now resides, e «C. Woods wes the first 
veacner. The present building was scted in 1872. 

SMS te He? a eae 

SIDA mMacrrratmqT7t fran 
BROW ay MOM PrS sia Bre een er 

d became known as the "Hoo 

fhe neizgshb fe) eighborhood" and later 
the "iiov School District". This neishbornood is one mile north of 
vempbelisburg, but there is no school house at sresent, the sane 
having been vacated several years ago. David Boyden, 2 nioneer, 
laid out 2a town on the farm now owned by ifesley Voodward, one nile 
farther morta, in 1624 end naned 11 Boydenville. mere is no sig. 

of a town now, nothing but a nasture field. 



A very old and interesting document was some old pavers 
belongsinse to the late N.»=. Mather, the f editor or tne 
Graphic. It is a land patent bearing d idem 15 1e5e, 
and bears the sisnature of Martin Van 3B ident of the 
United States, and Josevh 5S. Wilson as the lend office. 
The vatent conveys the --st (torn) half th west cuarter 
of section 13, in townshiv 53 nortn of r Ae Phe document 
is not paper, but is prinved uson senuiz ee in, something 
rerely seen nowadays for documents of that kin The ebove cescrin: 
part of our farm, one mile north of Camnbellsburg, and was entered 

by Robinson Hemilton. 



Medison Bowles, proprietor, and John I. Morri iSO, 

out and platted the toi DLL So tember, 

named after a battle o exican war. ladison 

first merchant, Col. S.D. Sayles tne first blaci 

time of the building of the railroad an old fashioned p end 
saw mill was built by. Wright Stecey. i and Hirem Matthew 

Duta Sexist mil’ in abouy 1655. but it burned twenty yeers 
ater. The present nill was built by them in 1876. George A. 
Rosenoaum was the first post master, in 1853. A fev years ago 
our sister town was incorporated and now is a thriving town of 
about 3500 inhabitants. 



Camsbellsburg is now the town in size in the county and 
contains neerly 1,000 in The founder was John Follerd, 
grandrathe r of ene editor. Nether) It was surveyed and 
slatted by John I. liorrison, August 31, 1649, was named Buene 
Vista, after the Mexican battle of that nane, l orisinally com=- 
~-rised five lots. A 1 4, 1865, James H. McKinney added 21 lots 
on the northive st. Ba et retei ws isine 1 put is more 
erelly !} C bellisd e bell 
na tte Der 
si pee te 
Se “ber 6 
e. ef 
ec ra 
bata Up 



The old settler drew his chair uv closer, inserted a fresh chev 
of tobacco in his thin and wrinkled Jaw and began: 

"@imes have changed," said he, "men have changed; everything 
is different from what it used to be. If the old vioneers who 
Sleep at Mt. Carmel, Cavetown and Hop could come forth from their - 
graves they would never once recognize the face of the countr; 
which vias once their homes where tney lived and labored end were 

hanoy. One by one the little, old log cabins which the 

and where tney divelt are crumbling into dust. ‘The fore 
they pursued the wild turkey or vanting deer are fast f 

We see no such great, large oaks and poplars as then grew, 
regarded, only as an incumorance to tne soil, and an obstac 
the develonenent of the country. Thousands and thousands o 
of the finest timber thet ever grew have I seen viled toget! 
great heaps at the log rollings which were customary in tho 
set on fire, end entirely consumed. wna sner nd a los 
Seems to us now. The present site of iis & was cov 
with a nagnificent forest of grand and i. povlar, 
and walnut, but all went down before th axe of t 
brainy armed woodman, and the fire did Nothing r 


ae it was, excent some of pe os 
kill deer which frequented 
deep and the streams pont. we nad 
time, who eae cen a bear or deer hunt vl 
in this comparatively unbroxen country. I suppose the ger 
hunter that ever lived in this section i wa 
Hemmersley. You have heerd of him, he you? we call 
Unele Ike", He was a brother of John H 
millwrisnt, whose name I have seen fr 
"Long Ago" column of the Graphic. ai 

Hi Ler 
to the settlers far and near, and man} hnrilling ex 
wnich he had in hunting bear and deer, coming neerly 
his life in encounters with these anime cle Ike wa 
owner of two large doss, (Hig and Kero, ed them), 
alweys accomuenied him when in search Ss favorite : 
he nemed "Betsey", and the wild turkey, arge game which is 
now extinct that it brought down would Sig to see. Once, 
in the autumn of 1620, (as he often relat just as the nuts 
began to fall, the old humter, with his 7 Lous curs and 
"Betsey", starte out on one of his hunti: iS, and when 

Qs oO’ 


near the head of Clifty creek, he a 
dozing in the rf s of ea large chesi 
as tney Couey y ti 
when bruin bes 
ebout to take 


mn ¢ 

et uo a 

es i 
ican oe 

hunter's fee 


a ck 

ee os 

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oO © a sy ica) Dt ee) rs oO @d 
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PIONSGER TEACHER'S Tose tsure: GRAPSIC, 1902 (? 


ETHER die <a uA 

G? G2 

The next subject on the program was the "Pioneer Text ica 
hed been assigned to Dr. Ivy G. Hall and Benjamin A. ies: : ga 
Wesner, wno resides at Brownstown and is in ouite feeble 2 » was 
unable to attend the meeting. The doctor indulged in a very terest 
ing talk on the school books of the early time, and called to menory 
Goodrich's Reader, Mitchell's Geography, Davy's Arithmetic and some 
others that were tausht in his school boy deys. He rererred to the 
"Single and Double Rule of Three" (Sinnle and Compound Froxzortion 
and said that "To be able to work all the sums to that subject in 

one's api j 

arithmetic was then regarded as very strong evidence on 
as a methematician." 

Mr. Hall's subject was followed by a discussion of "Barly 
Examinations" by Jonn L. Williams end A.A. Cravens. Mre-Wil 
said that in his latter years he felt very mucn like the old e 
ary peat ins pook, that is to say, that he "had been laid on 7%: 
shelf." de taught his first school fifty yeers ago. He svent eleven 
years as a teacher at Leesville, and was at one time vrincizel of 
the Orange County Seninary. He was the "County Examiner" in 1864. 
His vredecessor in orfice was C.L. Paynter, and his successor was 
M.D.L. rrow. The modus oserandi of teacners exaninevyions was then 
quite simple. The asplicants for license were slaced in a class, 
and asked questions such as the examiner saw prover and their fitness 
to teach school was determined from the oral answers which each azz- 
licant save. Six branches constituted tre list noon which questions 
were »rovounded. fF the examiner found thet anyone in his judgment 
was not qualified to teach, the vatrons, nevertheless, of the school 
district wherein the applicant hed secured a school, might petition 
for license to be issued anyway, which was always done, but fora 
period no longer than the term of school provosed to be tausnt. 
Mr. Williams was followed by A.A. Cravens, who was Washington County! 
first School Superintendent. ‘With Mr. Craven's induction into office 
the old form of oral examinetions was disvensed with, and menuscrips 
examinations substituted in their stead. This anparent revudiation 
of old established forms to which the teachers hed become accustoned 
created quite a revolution in educetional circles I 
But not withstanding the vigorous "kicking" on + 
and their friends, tne new Sucerintendent did 
line of duty as he uaderstood iG; Dub Rela or 
idea that the conditions of the times demanded a higher educati 
standard, end used His best efforts, notwitnstanding murmurs of 
arprovel here end there, to bring it about. lir. Cravens was 
Ocinion that a true educetion shovld look ts tne develon-ent 
faculties that would mele the future man ii 
honorable citizen, and a oreeadwitz di 
witn some of the feetures of t ourse of sy 
day becsise it did not seex to inculcete into the minds of t 
Nuss Beaceres | 1S Ss sense sevice: ft Rae! LC rv 
would be velucle: I \ : 
ola Solid foun : 
old fundamentea 



4.B. Driskell followed Mr. Cravens on tne floor and in the course 
of his remarks he syoke in high nae of Mx. Williams and ?rof. 
Jemes G. Nay as teachers, both of whose schools he had attended. 

"School Discivline”, the next topic on the program, was teken uz 
by John S. Denny, who in a quite lenstny talk said many things tha- 
were both interesting and instructive. i‘shile the "birch" was used 
somewhat more freely in the earlier day taan now, he was quite sure 
that it was seldom used amiss. He Saar of the old fashioned "soak 
in", the nroduct of Prof. James G. May's disciplinarian skill; 
which consisted in giving a mehelt ions pupil vigorous taps of a 
ruler, in broken doses, with just enough time intervening between 
the apvlications, to give the offender time to reflect on his 
pernicious conduct. It fers durins Mir. Denny's career as a teacher 
that the practice of visiting the school by the county superinvendens 
was besun. In closing his reneris he said that "good reading, 
writing, svelling, mathematics and language const ituve the solid 
foundation of a thorough vractical education, and that one of the 
Rieneee yee ee cations of a teacher was to possess a ‘eonnen ee 


Benjamin Standish followed a he told of the old pra 
and yublishing "rules" for the government of the scho 
almost as lengthy as the Mosaic “lew end as binding as 


Jevtha Driskell succeeded Mr. Standish on the floor and warmly 
endorsed the wractical remarzs made by ir. Cravens. Following un 
Mr. Denny's subject he said he had tausht 25 years in the nubolic 
schools but never found it necessary to use tne "hickory". He em 
chasigzed the importance of teaching good manners in the school roon- 
~how to be courteous to fellow nuvils and to strangers. 

es next subject, "Fioneer School Games and Anusenents" had been 
assigned to Henry M. Wood, but sickness creventing his presence at 
ee institute, it was teken up and discussed by Trustee Metthew 
Robertson, who in his geniel, characteristic style did the subject 
ample justice. R tson recalled the deys when it wes the 
custom, handed c seneration to generation, for the schools 
to “lock the > or emuse thems es ome other wey et 
the tea cner's il he asreed to 2D mwitn a setvtis 
factory "trea rai to be forthcoming before they would dé 
Having been a pusil of Robert Denny when he taught at Seltillo, 2: 
Roberw Son Peas an incident in tnet pioneer nedagogue's career 
as teach at that place, ana in which the latter was the centzra 
figure, Byes was as interesting as it was amusing. As the holiceys 
anoroacned the rollicksome school boys of the aforesaid school, 
brimful of the snirit of fun end frolic, decided that Robert must 
make manifest his high avpreciation of the noble and exemolary 
conduct of his nusils, and esyecially the rge boy fFurni 
them with a great "treat", ~roportional, of c their 
g00d behavior, which no doubt, was above r: De 
seeming somewhat reluctant, (as was the fas s) 
accede to their demends must needs be ccerc i 
of coercion resorted to in a matter of tnat 
devending a sreat deal on tne peculiar ais 
In this instance it sisted t aw 
tyins his feet benec d 5 = 

BROW Odi onl Mist. 



and meking eae demand of the teacher to "call out the treat" until 
exhausted and subdued he at last commlied with their demands. To 
the pupil and teacher of the ~resent dey such tactics on the ~art 
of the school He on be deemed heroic, to say the least, but in that 
day it was a urce of great amusement which was rerely disnensed 
with in any ee nm concluding his remarks Mr. Robertson favored 
a tendency to get back to the old fundamental srinciples of education 
but did not recommend @ return to the old prackice of "riding tne 
teacher on a rail". 

John S. Denny followed end recalled the old obsolete games of 
"shinny", "bull cen", and "three cornered cat" which still 
a place in the pleasant recollections of the school boy of 

After a few talks on verious subjects the "Old Pioneer's Institute 
closed sine die, after which the entire sroup of old teachers were 
photographed by Vires & Batt, which will be re-produced in a later 



issue of the Graphic. 


100TH = 

DR. E 
HIS a 




CATT I MY Ween ca 

A Dyeptpapeom 
OD A) Tim 1h Bs 82 9 Woes 8 ae a fe BCU . 

turday, February ber town 
of Saltillo. One of her res man, 
havins reached the century te 
en elaborate manner t Wes ol 

for he was born in lean year, end 19 
missed one birthday, making the number 
heers, just tvent) four. 

The fest train and accomno 
rom Saiem, Campbellsburg, Or 
o'clock the vleasant town was 
furnishing the Sreater portio 
The good ladies of Salvill 
home and srent their entire v 
confort of the steovle. Long 
to eat iraginable, were surea 
were served at eacn table. fF 
of the efternoon ebout S00 -e 
their stomecn's satisfection. 
About the hour of ten, 
capacity with the old Doc 
R.r. tatvher read a orti 


» foe 
a [a 

for similar neriods. Mac 
interesting and awprovria 
r. leyman covered a veri 

ripvion of tae Doctor's 
said he Ss Yan or 
wore lons black rae 
shoulders, etc. in 


vece a 



Miss Bea Cook, the accom 
of Saltillo, Save a2 re 
the audience and orough 

We want to say in 
reception was siven, was 

Cook, Leroy Vellons, R.wAs 
pulpit was a large blac 
laid on it in yellow lett 
On the left side of the 
words “Indiana, 1902" and 
After the magnificient 
was at the kK. of ©. hall 
cerried in a large rockin 
ees Ros ones Charles a 
pan rad 
i nea 
hin by ae oe py the 
end many turned avay. ‘Th 

eet ained people 

Cammbellsburg, read the e 
aractical and logical, as 


ae b 


talk from that char 


from Dr. W.H. Smith of Be 
Rolston, Newton MeGrew, D 

Hrs. Milt Nichols,. lx 

t rs. 2 
Frank Smith, Matthew Robe 
tners all seid that whe: 
was a tolerebdle old man 7! 

Dr. ueyman, being exha 
the exercises at the chur 
of the flattering things 

De welisCs. hevman was 
and claims to be ea son of 
lady. Dr lan came to 
medicine u ee AUS! i 

415 4 



to this cov ae end bdetan 
continually folloved that 
this country covers 
has knowledge that 1 

+ Ltry 


tO be His last resti: 
4 ce = a 1- 
Cave,-ernd .on “a rock 
= ¥ h x ae a 

said he had prepared 



ns pray 

nie L150. 

#i her has 
thew Robertson, of Camsbellsburg, seve an 
te tals. He said his acquaintance with 
od of about 50 years. He gave a good de- 
hnhysique Forty or fi ears aso. He 
S appearance, s t as an arrow, 
a atv hung down uzon his 
Sood talilts, after whicn 
e Of Ir, and live. 7.C. Cook 
n "So was I", which delichted 
ortn t dits. 
onn that the church, in which tne 
beautifully decorated by Dr. R. Mills, 1.C. 
Des and others. On the right of the 
llion, with the words "France 1608" 
e The French flag was draped around iv. 
t wes a siniler medallion, with whe 
n the American flag drazed over it. 
rwas ptartaken of, Dr. Heyman, wn 
ad carteken of a hearty dinner, was 
1air to .tze kw. church by J.H. Wolfe, 
ry, R.L. Rife, John Whittet, Prank iwiller,. 
, 0D. Greene, George Lee, W.. Viorrell. 
e stove where nundreds of persons sreeted 
d. he church was filled to overflowing 
loir, with iliss Clela Hiles at 1! 
ongs after whicn 
1th chanter of E 
1 es an interes 
Denny wes roll 
ad, B.A. Wesner 
I a Heli; Dts Ff 
e Finley, rs. 
n, Robert Green 
ey saw him fron 
usted, was teken to 
ch ended and was not 
Said about hin. 



ee eee PY 


15 veers old end 
n Philedelnni 
ine sinni until 
rac Until eno 
Cot His wurofes 



put having been disaz:pointed in securing his father's body, he (Dr. 
Neyman) would be laid away in the coffin in that cave. 

At that tire, too, and in the Fenther cave, Dr. Neyman told Mr. 
Menaugh that the ": Sistory or Bonavarte" srinted anonymously in 
Salem, in 1818, was writven by Marshall hey While ano wns Country. 
that the ranuser int had fallen into the hands of Colonel Lemanovwski 
and by him nublished anonymously. One thing is certain: lho one . 
hes ever pointed out the author of that mysterious book and Dr 

heyman's claims are Certainly interestin: If he isn't the son or 
Marshal hey, who is he? That good blood runs through his veins 
there is no question end that he is a most remarieble man wiil de 
admitted by any one who knows hin. 


1ys Came ive wse. 

Neyman was 29 years old before vostage star 
ay 25th birthday--I'll 

1e old Doctor s "come and see me on my 

Alfred Guthrie or unnelton Witn teers in nis eyes Seve tne 
a 2 bf J 3 oO 
Doc vcora neer Ty hand 

All Saltillo people covered themselves with glory that dey. 
Mrs. Neyman, who is but 67, had her "young man" ready bright and 
early for the cay. 
Dr. H.=. Neyman, eged 62 years, was the only one of the children 
present on this occasion. 
When Dr. Neymen was born Chicago was only an Indian camp, and 
there was not a mile of railroed enywhere. 
Although Dr. leyman is quite feeble, the GRATHIC hopes that he 
may celebrate at least, another pirthdey, Fei igs 
Thomas Jerferson was President of the U.S neyme 
d Aoranean 2 n nad not yet seen t a 
Zood wo tillo and vicinity k a 
ner ean tO ef .in visi } 
snther cave et cave and is sit- 
niles mortheas scenery in this 
eutviful cave-c.e.c. 
ebratio: the teonvle of Seltiilo 
ity as a lirection. of Lee Vellon 
-@. Coo: 
men was : iiss Sallie Holler, 
years a505 Mmacing 2 nial venture. ‘hro 
were porn tO % wal 
LOWwins SHOTOLrarners ona 
i, Vejors of Mitehell ad ch s 
lspurg. They ~hotvoz: 200 0 
eitilio's old ~eozle ase, aged 983 
i Coot, 2260 cos dirs 2=ed 803 i: 
ned POS hrs. Haillvenm ss css Pod 
d sasty is. Jonn Vet Os ies 
onn Vilfons, eased 74. 


Soldiers luried in Brown townshin, Washington County, Indiana 
Prepared by Alice Williana. 

Soldiers in lilt. Carel Cemetery 6 miles north of Camplellslurgq: 

IRexican War----kolinson Hanilton, 4.1787. 

Spanish Hnerican---rAlbert C. Willians, 4.1870. 

Regular Aruujp---Lum Ridder. 

World War 1---lWilson Shoults. 

World War 2---Frank Lanbert. 

Ctwit War---Ebenezer iieyman, Newton flontgomery, Meredith Hughes, Wiley Hughes, 
Taylor Hughes, B. Hughes, Robert Jones, Wm. T. McClintock, Hiran 
Rudder (1529-1909), Peter J. Barnett, John Childers, sanuel Sneed, ~ 
Squire Sneed. 

Civit War Soldiers buried at Cavetoun: Ben Spangler, David Foutch, Lewis Shroyer, 

Hoa Jean, Bill Jean, Jake Freed, Jake Lawyer, Orange Gould. 

Chas. H., Cornwell, father of ilirs. Cy ilather, (son of John) killed in Civil War 
at Richmond, ky. with George Bogle and G.S. Webb, (fron saltille) 

Soldiers buried in Hop Cemetery 3 miles north of Camplelloturg, Ind.: 

Revodutionary----Charles Kidder. 

Mexican----Sam Stansbury and iiiorrison Gordon. 

Civit----Lach. Pollard, Wn. H. Pollard, Charles Collier, Silas Woodard, Iicholas 
Naugle, Abrahan Stover, Silas Lawyer, Sanuel tiles, Hanbury Hughes, 
Ben Lauyer, John ijarren, Rasting Goens, Wm. #. iilartin, Thonas jackson, 
Worley Gibson, David Wheat, john &. bilyeu, Yeorge Bogle, Thomas Wires, 
Thomas illarzgan, Alford Leach, Thomas Gibson, Joshua Brown, Janes Taylor, 
Robert llicNeely, Orange Broun, Wm. He Decker, Solomon Sweeney, KX Caled 
Elgin, Wm. Davis, Janes ficwonald. 

Sparish-Hnerican: Wm. R. Brananan. 

World War 7: Leroy Freed, Odus Brewer, Lavere Evans, Josepn Cooper. 

World War 2: Hugh WW. Nicholson, Um. ilicholson, Eli wiallot. 

Civil War Veterans of Grown Tup., Washington County, Indiana 

(A talk given at the August meeting of the Washington County Historical Soctety 
August 29, 1964 Ly Alice C, Williams. i 

Paobabdy each one around 57 years odd when J first remember then. Jo me 
a child they seemed old! Each with full whiskers and flowing beard. 

In Campbellsburg, there was John € cilyeu, a Lawyer and tightuad (miver), 
married twice. Father of my oldest brother's wife. Fortunate in hiv second 
wife, for if there are angels on earth as there are in Heaven, Ella Chastain 
Bilyeau was one. Father of v.&. Bilyeu. 

And ilicholas lNaugle, a worker in the Canplelleburg Christian Church---a 
tee-totaler---saia "FJ would Let a man die before J would give hin one drop of 
whiskey, even though J knew that drop would save his Lifer" 

And joshua brown, father of Jim brown, Lula Zaring and Nora Wilkins. rer- 
haps, his greatest contribution to the county was the rearing of those three 

And Silas Woodward, the owner of the house and cellar, the only underground 
raitwuad station in brown Township. 

Three of those, most clearly recalled by me in the M4. Carmel comnunity were 
Hitam Rudder---sitopped time and again at mu house to get my niece to play "Iila~ch- 
ing through Georgia", and "8B" (General iilarian) Hughes---can hear him yet as he 
came over the hill Ly our house yelling. We knew for sure, "B" had come home 

And Newton iilontgomery, our next door neighbor in the city of Milt. Carmel which 
was platted in 1837. His wife had been married before and had children ly a 
former marriage. tHe and she had a boy and girl. The boy died, the girl was hiv 
pride and joy. But the wife and daughter conspired to do things of which the 
father did not approve. towever, things can not always remain hidden, and the 
old man remarked to my father: "Frank, there's a nigger in the woodnile, Yes 
a4n, yes 212, there's a nigger in the woodpile."” His wife was a doctor--niduife. 
Jt was six miles to the nearest doctor and for minor ailments, we asked her 
advice many times. One J particulary recall, my brother had stepped on a nail 
and then stepped black to pull that one out, ran a nail through the other foot. 

J went to firs. il., Lut he had a ready answer: "Heat a nail red hot sir, yes Ady 
put it in the hole!" (Well, maybe so--it would cauterize it, but who could stand 
4t.") J never saw the man standing in my Life---aluways peqteees clean. 

fly Uncle Jake Freed married Enily Kosenlaum, a sister to my Grandnother 

iann Lee. He was 40 afraid that he might err from the truth. 

Asa jean, father of Oscar and Arthur Jean, Iilethodist preachers, a devoted 
Ketho dist. 

Ben Spangler, qrandfather of john Rosenbaum---Ellis Rosenbauns father-in-Ldaw. 

Orzange Broun, known as "Bick", a small man. Two storiea: lily uncle Norzbin 
Cornwell was in Canplelloturg. He and Dick rode cut of toun on horseback and on 
to the Coznwell hone. My uncle invited ham to come ing He said: "No, J gust 
rode with you to get you to vode forme”. iy uncle replied: "You are on the 
wrong side of the fence.” Story of the watch. (Mot in manuscript) 

Lewis Shroyer and Orange Gould, home on furlough, sat in my uncle Wilson 
Lee's new buggy, spat tobacco juice all over it. Of coure, they were young-- 
doth married twice--rzeared respectable families. iilaybe they qrew up. 

David Foutch---lest rzememblered because he had an apple orchard---apples werm 
rotting on the qround. He deft home for a few dayjs--his son knew the orders that 
no apples could le sold to the Clifty iiiill operated ly Henry Kolertson, making 
wiiskey. The son in his father's absence shoveled up a wagon load ready to take 
down to the mill, lut his father returned unexpectedly and ordered that the 
apples le dumped on the ground. He in the father of Iilrsa. Ilaude Trinkle of Camp- 
bellaburg and iz. vLtto (Leo) Trinkle of Indianapolis. 

Life of Indiana Soldier: rap of a rut. fixed at 973. per month for clothing. 

25 cts per day for rations. On account of the depreciation of qreentacks in 
ich he was paid, the pay of the soldier steadily diminished throughout the 
ware In 1864 pay ~rom $13. to $76. 

j 9; 
? Desertion: In 1861, Janieson Kincaid (cousin of my mother), éntisted in 
the Civil War for 100 days. After he sermwed the 100days, he re-enlisted for ane 
year--soon tired of army life and deserted. He claimed he seserted became 
Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Emancipation jan. 2, 1862. In February he 
returned to his lincle Janieson Lee's home neqr Ft. Ritner. Kincaid and two cousins, 
Wilson and Janieson Lee, had been playing cards on the sunny side of a straw 
dtack near the barn. They had just stopped playing and returned to the house 
when Louisa Lee saw three men coming and she didn't see anything about then to 
distinguish then. They surrounded the house and arrested Kincaid, took him to 
flitcheLl wheré they put hin in an old house and builta {tre for him. On the 
way to iilitchell he told then that he had planned to return to the Union Army next 
day and when they started to lock him up in this cabin and Leave hin, he produced 
a deck of cards, the sane deck he had had in his pocket since that noon day gare 
of cards on the south side of the straw stack. He told then to get some whiskey 
and return in a short time. This they did and soon a game of four handed tuchte 
was in progress. Jamieson was not a heavy drinker and as the whiskey passed 
around tine after time, he merely pretended to take a drink each time, while tre 
three officers becane groggy. Ina few hours the officers were all dunk. Hs 
one of the officers had the key to the house Jamieson arose, walked to a window, 
quietly raised it and leaned out. He spent the rest of the night walking, finaiiy 
becoming 420 tired that he crawled into a straw stack and slept until day break. 
Awaking he was much surprised to find that he was very close to the outskirts af 
Mitchell. That day he came back to his uncle Jamieson Lee's remaining there three 
weeks. Later, he went to St. Joseph, lilo. to vinit a sister and there altained a 
gol driving a wagon in a train of wagons going to the Jdaho and Washington 

- Another soldier: (The Campbellsburg Graphic dscue Aug. 8, 1924 sajs the 
following Civil War Veterans dived in Campbellsburg: Janes He Sherrow, C. H. 
Wires, O.L. Hayes, Orange L. Gould, Willian Gilson, Benjamin F. Stephenson and 
Thichas Skeene.3) Thomas Sheena ire gust north of Campbellsburg (where Gene Lessig 
now dives). te and his wife had driven to town, arriving at his gate, he said: 
"Old Woman get out and unfasten the gate”, ilo anemer. He repeated it the third 
time. Mo answer. He Looked around tu see why she didn'4 rzeply. To his disnay 
he had left her in town. 

CH. Wires, a pillar in the Canplelloburg Christian Church, a fine Chiistian 
gentleman---qrandfather of Ellis Cowling, a Christian Church minister. a 
abs ia ilo 

When Gen. John iilorgan with his briaade of confederates crossed the Olio 
river at Branden vung many companies af Home Guards were forned in the towns that 
eeemed to be an ilorgan's purh. A company of one hundred men were forned in 
Canpbelloburag ard were sent northeastward in an effort to head off the rebels. 
florgan out travelled all pursurers wiile crossing Indiana. Thiv company was 2e- 
turned and discharged with only ten days serwice. 

A. C, WittLtcamns DUE LO 1955 

CanplrelLlsdurz Centennial. 

(Faron Graphic dated july 7, 7004) 

Those who do not attend the Cld Settlers’ meetina held at the 
Groniie office ever tuo months miss a tare treat, Jt to interestina to hear 
these old people talka of the scenes and incidents of the days past and gone. 
The second old pioneers meeting wes held at the Ganohia office tot Saturday 
azteznoon, and was-even more interesting and heated attended thar the prrs4. 

Le D. Votes called tie meetina to order and the President, WU. Hi Russell, 
anoointed at the dost meetina, tock the ciaize RR. P. iikither rzead an appr- 
miate article selected for the occasion ane also xzead an article or tuo 
prenared Jr. Bo F. Sntti, wha was present. Cne of tre articles prenared bu 
fire Snith 2zeada as 7odlows: NMily iret accuainiance in Hoptown was ata 

neliciaus service in a arove amned by Willicn Folland, in 1849. The i.cnon 


was suraveued and loccted in 1°50 and build tin 1851. About tr04 

Stacen tuild a loa house, 712 bu 14 Zt. An whriar he aold dup goods. J was his 

cherzk. J rzenenber seeinn Janes Cruscketit dang there one morning witn his sleeves 

acdied up atave his elbows. He unloaded a arb hoe, crosscui acu, brush seuthe 
anda bia chest of taode. te placed Ais tool crest dy the side of the rzvad, 

and with his aurthe mowed the hazel Laue and azean briers aay, toid the 
foundation and built the Limd denot in Canptedlotura. Sineun fotlltard terilt 
a blacksmith shop. A man lu tie nome ag rtewarts Lived about wnere Jorn vilrine 
now residess Raloh Boone and lim Collier Lived east; Tonah Woodward, sautheasd; 


liivs, Hunter, southirest; Esquire wcther, north. JY rzecda forrer article in the 

~ ° ! - ry. a Fa an ease !. hey og , 4 
Gzannic by Georse Drcke, now deceased, absut wr. i:atinew driving 

woke-al oxen tack at 7204-5. J diove a six howe 4ean durina ghe uxt 

1853-4 ~or Alonza Riler, Aaulina wheat pum atl over tie 

75 bushels to the doad ant dessa wien Ane toads 
Loaan Vowtes rzead a uilt made Cne nindred 

du tian Das'iincion; alter uiich anpwpricte tala 

5 i 77? r, Pint . 'j ; L, ! 7 me ey 
Thonasa Gackson, ti. 8B. Dratekell,. Inasua Grom, C 
1 -; i oe Ce Z te At aie TG a 

L. 1. Codelazviexr, alt ap wove aces ranv-ed Zion 60 to 75 year. 

The next meeting uill be neld the second Saturzdan afzteancon in loverier 

a a 
wit LT. J. Coladaxzier, Cre on. id tine chsth voorwd and tnatumenta 
ae ed pte y ; 5 foo ~ ran 

e jurrisied for tre next occedion. 

or ay ee Lei pete, gt oe ye PaeD ren A ore Tee ae 

ee ee wey LS See af Cs ree a C4e€ af 1067 by Pili , 

Cok tice rie oat ag 4, <6 Ces ee 

449A i 

"Listes of Road lands" 

Brzown Twp. 

Yasrinaion Countiu, Indiana 

7653 tirrougir 1860 


vustee record, sarc, 


Cs€s Cook 

O72 Spranue Roca 
AF AAPN 1; ere 

Indianapodiin, Ynd. 

Pre lace 

Cn Anrit 23, 1253 the Board of Trustees of Brown Townsirip met at 
Canplellalurg and proceeded to lay out the township in road districts 
as follows: 

No. 1---ALL that pari of the townsriea daving in Toun 2our north and 
duo east, consioting of sections 25, 25, 35 and 36 and the 
fractional narts af sections 22, 23,24, 27, 33 and 34 and 

bounded ly the East Fork of tinrite River. 
2---Sections 7, 2, 717, and 72 Town 3 north, rance 2 east. 
3---Sections 3, 4, 9, and 70 H m a He et 
4m~--Sections 75, 16, 27 and 22" " H . Se 
5a--Sections 13, 74, 23 and 24% 7 # moon a 
Gu-a=Sections 25, 26, 35 and 35" ™ non on 
7---Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34 " tt ot ut att 

For the exact docaiion 02 these road districts please reer to te 


dounsnripn map on the following pace. 

The ~ollowing section 44 a dist of the males beiveen the ases of 

27 and 50 year of age who were "Liable to perfoan dobor" on the above 

aeven road districts of Brown tounsrip, Washington County, Indiana. Zor 

a) 7 ee ae anes 4902 
ine vears 71653 throuch 1690. 

G (ay 

© fiséR, EAST FERK 

TR a ay {7 j 
/) ya te ec C i 
ey =! as 
jv =-> Fi / - 
a, vi) i ) 
3 ee ae 


List no 



District fo. 7 

piled May 31, 1853: 

John W. Rosenlaun, supewisor. 

fehu Wheeler 
Witlian Dowling 
janes Dowling 
tomes relton 
ition iilontcomeup 
Jacol tiorner 

lijAdes Wesner 
Willian iicClintock 
Findley iicCLinrtock 
liilion iicClintock 
Perzw ilicholson 
linesaon Lee 
Bartleti Citlders 
Witlian Crilders 

4 filed for 1854. 

fitted ApALL 16, 1855 : 
Jacol itozner, superud 
Lalurn Booker 
wWitlLian vowlin 
janes Dowdin 
Henry Shouliv 
jesse Shoulis 
cen Xudes 
Richard Kuahes 
fonn hughes 
dohn Barnett 
Sarthe te ie ilders 
‘ lites wesner 

W.iLLliam | eCLinto Cx 
YiLlian Critders 
Cwen iijroraney 
Charles llicholon 

bs kai, co 
filed ivlay 35, 


Latoan Sooker 

Sanuel Sneed 

Aad. HamdLLton 
Benfarin nudes 
Hentz Sioulis 
fesse Shawlis 
Presdy sooker 

benszanin weClenon 
Jseaac Cook 
iimeson Lee 
Terancia lower 
Pinu, weCliniock 
WYALLLian icClintock 
iviLton ticCLlintock 
etLtet t-Lcnodson 

not ~ited for 1557. 

Jesse Wheeler 

John Barrett 

Quen wiahorzneu 

C. Yesley flicholsean 
Jesse Shoulis 
rervup Shoulte 

jonn tiuches 
Richard trues 
Sandy Booker 
Jsatal Dowling 
Benganin. nudges 
Benjtanin tlicholson 
Elitjan licholsan 
Lateran Ecoker 

Perw Riciclson 
Janes Helton 
fitition (iontacmerzy 
Limeson Lee 

fenu Wheeler 
Fantey iicClintock 
Ratton fiieClintoce 
George Larison 
Sanued tic 
RerrttA iicrolson 
Sanuel Sneed 
Franci“n Horner 
Yesleu SAnecna 
ctcehard vowlLin 
Ben licClenen 


Janes Dowlin 
Richard Dau-Lin 

fanes iielton 

aed Dowtlin 
lesion Re iioniaomern, 
with ton Pinecone 

tiles WYesner 
BP. flachotson 

oe (ea aan alow os ow Coteds 
= beds 
Rite sazouwn 
HH Allen 

List Liled for year 1358: 

WiLlian Te. iicClintack, supervisor jesse Shoults 
Sanuel Sneed gonn ii. Lee 
Willian Sneed sr Caress 
Willian Fe Sa0k Achard Dou-Llin 
Richard rugies ee Dowdin 
Tohn tunes Witttan — Dondlesan 
benfarin iiahozneiy iWerartt rR. lcholson 
iddton Co. tcClintock Jackson Hanilton - 
Sanued Fe Mellie iliLion (ioniaoneryp 
Witlian Childers Alexandrew S$. llicholson 
Weslu Satlew Joshud Burnett 
Kena Shoults Francis liorznenr 

List piled Tune 15, 1059: 
Wittian Snead. John lil. Lee 
Sanuel Snead Walker llicholson 
Willian Corznuell Robert Thompson 
fotur FP. Sooker fesse Snoulis 
George Booker YitLian iicllintock 
janes WilLians itihion iiicClintock 
Richard kunies FindLew iicCLlintock 

John hudanes UALLLan See ders 
Jasper tudes William Sailer 

erm. Sroults David Brown. 

‘Lo run Shoults Clark Barnard 

WiLLian Louwlin hlerrrté iicralson 

janes Dowdin Stephen Ricrodecn 

Richaid DowlLin : Andrew J. tantlion, sunermwiver 

Exekiel Carts 
List filed tla 19, 1860: 

Richard rugies iiiLton lilontgonerzy 
john kudires Boxter Wiacine 
Wittian CorznweLL iidLton iieCLlintock 
Zach. Taylor Willian sicClintack 
Scnuel Snead Findley ficCLiniock 
Willian Snead lieRe Richa ak 
A.7. tHanilion Stephen lichodsan 
fanes witlians fjonn Diced 

eozme Booker esse Showlts 
Stark Sooker Sineon West2alt 
pooner iudes C.. Caria 

John Shoulis Sanuel Harris 
UiLLLian. Critders Tatle Lee 

ayes Brown neru Shoulte 
Francis Horner Benfanin iilahorzney, sauperwisor 




District ilo. 
Line filed ilay 9, 1853: 

Allen WU. Brown, superwisor 
Richard wheeler 
G.F. Mlicholson 
Walker Ilicholson 
Ge. licholsaon 
J.-L. Roberts 
rugh lictLening 
Willian Flening 
Silas Quinuy 
Joel Strange 
itoxaon Corznwelt 
WitLian Rovertyon 

filed dune 10, 12854: 
Richard Wire ee AUpervlsor 
LeFe liciolson 
Benjanrin tiiciolson 

i... licnolson 

Yelker ilichalson 

Jonn Strange 

Ef. C. Reunan 

Feter licholson 

itozgan Corned 

Alexander S$. licholson 

Isaac Cook 

Hud icFlening 

YALLian wict Fleming 

Go, Posttewait 

didéed. Annal 76, 1655: 
Jsaac Scotti, supervisor 
wWitLian W.iLLianrs 

Tesae JiLLiars 

nortan CorznusedLl 

Richerd Wheeler 

Ase 5. Uy 

Dawid fionwen 
huan (ict Lening 
Witlian (ick Lenina 
David 2. Gray 

0 LULiG& fle i LLLions 
(OA Co Ansel 
re ra ly N reetler 
AW. Bzownr 
Dawa. | se laa 

uch ict Len mary 
wiLlian iicr-lenina 
Renu. Roberton 
Tromas it. (licholson 

Craven P. ttollis 
E. fle Nyman 
Peter licholson 
T.5.A. Licholson 
Jsaac tioller 
Henup Robertvan 
Jackson iontgonery 
Stephen iiiciolson 
Tei. Ticholson 
DS. Saker 

facol iiamersley 
Jsaaac Caok 

He Ws tia. ton-LLion 
David Gra 
iiiLion ilontaomery 
Adlen Brown 
iorzgan Corned 
renrms, Roberison 
Sidney 5. Sirouer 
Thones tean 
Thomas Roberts 
Linsu Rolerin 
Thomas fi, ichodson 
Sanuel Sarnard 
jackson feaq ~ 

llewiton Monztoneuy 
Kenup Rolertson 

WiLLian Rot 
Thomas ile | 

Senuel Barnard 

Jiomas “ea 
Jeane Cook 
Silas Reed 

Sanuel Ecrznard 
Sitas Reed 

Es ie Cs tere CIt 
Georzae F. litcholson 



filed flap 30, 1859: 
WiLlLian Wartouw 
Georqte Russell 
Av. Srown 

Thomas R. Holler 
S$.L. Reed 

Heru Liston 
George Willians 
jonathan SsottorZp 
Jsaac Scott 
Willian WitlLians 
filed May 23, 1860: 
Thonas (i.e licholson, supervisor 
Richard Wheeler 
Joseph Barer 

John Scott 
Jonathan sottorzp? 
Tol Rawlins 
forzbin CownszeLt 
Elisha Driskell 
wittian Gallaranr 
George Willtanrs 
Jsaac brewer 

nervur Linton 
Willian [2044 
tenrup Ce. tlalott 
feuton wionigomewp 

End of Lisin for dis. 


janes Dowlin 
Richard Wheeler 
Galle Jean 

Andrew TafLinger 
Joaac Breuer 
Thonas flicholyon 
Hugh ticFLent 

Hudh Jean 

Willian Fleming, supewisor 

yilbert Bolina 
Squirze Dalton 
John Cottle 
Siephen Russell 
George Russell 
Bote Micholson 
WiLlLlian worlow 
ttugh hicy Leming. 
Willian FLening 
Gell. Fean 

iu Jean 


} , D rt 
findrew Taelinaer 








led, Wa I), 16 932 

Joseph ue Jean, superw1sor 
Edaund Jean 

Andrew J. Jean 

jonn J. Jean 

john Russell 

liaxtin S$. Carnett 

Peter C. Spanaler 

janes L. Porter 

David ti. Porter 

not filed for 1854. 

filed Sept, To, 16552 

P.C. Spannler, sunervisor 
ieS. Barrett 

Jonn Jean 

Sidney Siroiwer 

Joseph Feans 

Aj. Jeans 

dol eke 

filed fia, 12, 185 
John i thatie: AU 
Gabriel Ke Srock 
Joseph YU. Jean 
David Porter 
Rice 1. Porter 
a z 


tf OF 


fonn BLunk 
dosepn i, jean 
john Baxter 

PC. Spangler 

fiteSe Bf nett 
Gabriel 2. Brock 
not filed fie 1858. 
fited Anril 22, 
Sanuel Fercuwson 
iurzel sruurdon 
John Russell 
Lewis Russell 
john mcuntire 
janes xolrerts 
ilichael itunnanaker 

1OD3 © 

dames GU. j 
lena Shade 
john iwiciuriize 
Sanuel Feanusen 

David ilonenuhon 
John iicIntire 

gohn C. Blunk 
Wesley Aruns 
WitLian Russell 
Redon Roberts 
litichael iwnnenaker 
Gabriel R. Brock 

Cabriel Brock 
Join wicInttre 
john C. Sdunk 
Thomas Rxrns 
Sanuel Fernuwon 
John Russell 
Aron Russell 

lohn Russell 
anon Russedt 
ohn Gaxter 
Sanuel Furduson 
janes Roleris 
Jorn Bdunk 

ra} ra ay 

David Porter 
aiuel Feriterson 

(ad ? “_) 

fohn RusseLt 

Aaron Russel 

Jonn iiicintize, supemwisor 

Thonas Lean 
IW. Jean 
GH. Barnett 

q at 
dohn Link 

yo Opa oe 
wW- illicit Deimnrtas 




Dintrict ilo. 

piled Gune 2, 1653 
David Greene, superuisor 
Willian 5. Teague 
Andrew joluwon 

Thomas Goen 

Joseph wJilfong 

Norton could 

ficCainey rnipps 

Edward Leach 

piled April 22, 1854 
lic. Prinps 
Joseph Tailor 
Re Gould 

L. Goutd 

john baxter 
Josepn wilfong 
Thonas voens 
Andrew johnson 
Eduard Leach 
David Green 

titled AprAL 16, 1855: 
Josepn Wilfong, superuser 
john Link 

David Green 

ttenray WU, WAlZong 

John Leach 

iicCame Firinnas 

finan could 
Josepi. Taylor 
janes Taylor 


titled flap 26, 1856: 
Fohn Link, suneruisor 
Darid Creen 

hice PHipps 

llozton Gould 

finan Could 

Joseph Tatlor 
Thonas Wiens 
nndrew Foannson 
Silas Lanier 
Ecmond Leach 

filed nap 6, 1557: 
Willian Gould, superuisor 
ice Pirinps 
iioxzton Gould 
Josep Taylor 
Thomas ij-L2e0 
rue iohndon 


Ednond Leach 

ra . 



Henrwp moneuhan 
Sidney Sirser 
Witttanm tanrersdey 
Henry, C. Jilfong 
Robert Burire 
John Link 
Willian C. Greene 
Henry WU. Vilfong 

Jonn Link 

Robert Surihe 

HaGe aes 

H.W. Wilfone 

WiALLian tianeradcey 

Gonn Leach 

William Kussaeltl 

Ze Siruper 

Willian Bradford Teague, 

Richard Thacker 
Thonas Wires 
Andrey Jornsonr 
Sitas Laowirer 
Edmond Leach 
ttian Rusaelr 
WitLian Gould 
pees C. vilfong 
Robert jluthe 
Bishop Hanersdy 


went Lam Rusd/edt 
Henrs. C, wilZong 
Bishan HanersLey 

Thomas Coen 
Tosemr Ww iLfo ng. 
WAhltanr : sa rerodeir 

a oer 

Jsaac Ulres 

Pe) ae Ly org ve rie s 

UilLian Kusaelr 

Nervur = Ji_LZona 
vALLiam iionewdtey 

ee , 

Peter JE ds ink 

Daf bh 


Tra Sawte 




filed for 1858: 

Re. rhinns, superutivor 
Re Gould 

Linan Gould 

WiLLian Russell 

Thonas W-Lres 

henry C, Uilfang 

Jonn Turner 

Willian Gould 

Silas Lauer 

George Rosenbaum 
yanes Rolertson 

filed April 23, 1859: 
Clenent Lee 

ue Could 

Le Gould 

Joseph Wilfong 
UilLian Russelt 
Aaron Russel 
John saxter 
Willian Gould 
Stephen itatthey 
UF. Matthey 
Dewes Cleneni Lee 

filed. liiap 22, 1860: 
Clement Lee 

Re. Gould 

Luman Gould 
foseph vilfong 
WitlLian Russell 
nee Pripngs 

GeAe Rosenbawr 
john wWilfong Tr. 
avid WLLPona 
remus, wiidang 
wWitlian c2ould 
Stephen i.ctiew 

Peter Link 

goin Saxter 
David WilZong 
john Uilfong 
Janes Biluireuw 
Witlin orlireu 
Clemanrt Lee 
Joseph WilZong 
Willian tianersleu 
E. Owens 

George Rosenlaun 
John wilfona 
David wJitzona 
Wikis Liluiew 
Janes BLU1euw 
DB, tianersdy 
janes Rolerison 
Andzew Tonnson 
Hen WilZondg 

Peter Link 

Andrew Johneonr 
Janes Robertson 
EhLiiar Davis 
lohn Tatbort 

ile VUL2MN 

Jonn Leach 
WitLerd fahinson 
David Woruwron 
Jariel Brteketll 
Dev. Hanersley 
Gada Sow 

gonn Baxter, sunewlsor 



DAALACHL. [d.. 5. 

hited ii 1Oy seas 

See c Joen, superutsor 

Jack HaniLlton 
Fe Hantlton 
UiLLian Srown 
Geazwre witLians 
Robert Firinns 
Jonathanr vedaewood 
es oomartd 
remur Broun 

ile Gordon 

i. Postlewaite 
Rods Ridey. 
Heft. Joqgrings 

filed June 71, 1854: 
lie Cordon 

danes Stewart 
Joseph Lauer 
WitLLian Lanier 
janes S@Uua7a 
David Thompson 
fohn D. Thonpoon 
YS. Cautkrins 
neru, brown 


SD. tioznocker 
je Gs Barnard 
Stephen iiatinrews 

not filed cr 71555. 

fosenh Lawuer 
Witlion Loser 
jonn Sarnard 
jorn D2. Tiompron 
Weed oe 
henry o/LOWn 
games bi ee aid 

4 id . 

Telhe hivtthen 
yes PPPs Pip % 
uy e ltd titileny 

nenJu, Linton 

YALLian btewer 
dsrzael. Yosner 

piled iia 73, 1357 
posen eee 
wJitLlian Lawirer 
John Barnard 
Sonn De. Thompson 
Wits “ eaLteus 


Yesltey Caurlkins 
John Thonpsan 
David Tronpsonr 
Thonas WrLre4 
Janes ae 
Elias Lawite 
Losenir ae 
Jorn PanAA AOR. 
Sanuel Sarnard 
Jan 124 SA tevant 
Hastin & 
wJitLian Conan 

tiarwu fatinenus 
tLikanm icaitnreus 
WALLian nwiattireus 
Henru, Liston 
Frzancis ioaniLtion 
Gasiinaton Warren 
RT. Phipps 
George WilLlians 
WAtliam brewer 
Jarded Yesner 
Thomas Wires jr. 
H au Bs « J4 VAY 
ii ile, Ye e4nrer 

Henup Kk. Joariag 
Thonas Goen 
YALLian Vortow 
Uihtian Yvesner 
Owen one Ye. 
john Hasrine 
DEee Lig ae 
Elisha Driskettl 
Oxzanae brown 
jonathan wedoewood 
iia Lin Toen 

Cuen inaioznety 
tohnn kawkins 
Oxzan7e Sown 
Gonatnar Vedaewood 
riasdip Goen 
Robert 7. rhinns 
eS. Caulkring 

List Liled for 1858: 




Janes Barnard, superuisor 
Henrup u-Lown 

Joseph Larsirer 
wWiLLian Lawirer 
jonn Barznard 

Jorn D. Thonpson 
Were itathews 

Jeli. lliathews 

the tte Jad CAI 
WAtLlian srewer 
honmas Goen 

Aaron Russell 
Lited june 3, 1859: 
Janes Sarnard 
Herur CAOWR 

Joseph Lawirer 

dour D. Thronpson 
WitLian Lawuver 

WF. filattreu 

Lette fiatthney 

Hette Jooriag 

Witlian Brewer 

Thomas Goer 

Cwen iilahorzney, superutyoor 

Orzenae S2oun 
made Anvil 
John D. 

Thomas i. Jean jr. 
Janes Barinard 

and filed iilay 



flZred Leach 
Edward Leacnr 

Westeu Caulking 
tiran tiatitrew 
WAtLLiam liattiey 
Lak ite hi iaitheuy 
Owen iahorzney 

uw tLLian feanddion. 
Sanuedl Sartnard 
Uitlian crewer 

Wittian Worlouw 
Cwen iiahorzney 

John tiawkins 
O2zanne Srouwn 
Jonetian Jedgewood 
Hast yoen 

Robert T. Priaps 
YS. Canrlkins 
UYilLLian Wesner 
Stephen iiatnen 

Janes Lorxnard 

Rete Phinns 
Wesley Caulkrine 
Eduard Leacir 
HLered Leach 
Sanuel Eaxznard 
lohn Goen 
Thomas 7. Jean 
Hinan liatthren 
Peter ttalvappt 
fohn Cracrzapte 
Werscey ficholoon 
tidram Hosea 

Robert T. Phipps 
Peter 8. Holsanpke 
Oxange Brown 
Henur Srown 

revur Ke ik 
Clark Barna 

Darian Scinard 

Hens Pertiver 

5 ddan £. Reed 

ohn Goen 

Jaa Savstell 








District fic. 

Cited Sept. 16, 13535¢ 

wWitlian Collier S$2., superutivor 

Charles tiopper 

Rod ph Boqle 
ALEXaNGer Morey 
John Plow 

Robert Denmur 
Corking Ss2own 

David PF. Stewart 
Wiitian ii. organ 
Janes Blackwell 
LP. llather, Essar. 
Captain i.rk. Reeves 
Sitas Pollard 

Zadok Stewart 
flathan Diurznell 
Fiitlip Goen 

gited Rarit 25, 1654: 
Simeon Pollard, superisaxz 
WiLlian CaLlier 
Roloh boale 
Alexander (ore 
Jonn ProW 

Poblerat Denmr 
Conking S2oun 

RP. liatrer 

WR. Reeves 

Silas Pollard 
llathan Dural 
Sanuel Caulkins 
Alford Collier 
Sitas i. Yocdward 

filed April 715, 155 
David P, Stewart, 4 
Sette ReECved 
WeLLtan orztan 


Samuel Cautkins 
Thomas Fowtch 
AW. Yorren 
AF. Lega. 
Alfred Collier 


AlLred tllicicack 
Tesse Etcirivon 
Billiam Collier Wr. 
Refie Cannell 
Simeon Pollard 

Thomas Steer 

lesse Etchison 
YitLian Collier 
Relies Cannbet. 
YitALian Blackturznr 
Jeaac iiicCou 

lanes Stevens 
Haru Yolker 

lloah Pollard - 
jonathan vedgewood 
Willian OG. Hartleu 
1.D. Joodward 
Tnomas Goen 

73 ana | 
E58. wade 

ae pa i 
Cozkins FJrown 

lies L1Guiers 

ve 2 nog 
Sita Lard 
Sanue-+ ing 
Jews ‘a 

“ ij) 

J/vestle os 

{ . i 

LAA cen 


VEU, z 

Q t 

~ } f 
vetede VOOAdLed 
fohn Green 
Sineon foltlard 

Lint of ilay. 3, 10: | 
Janes Stephens, suserytior ' John Goen 
David P. Stewart Sineon follard 
Bette Reeves Georne Stewart 
ice Gordon Pritlipn Gaen 
Axeam Cueuran fonn PLlerce 
Lachariar roltarid Georzne Foutcr 
SanuelL Trauebtood Pain Horner 
Haviinon Collier Karrinon sarton 
liathan Aznold Alfred iLicreack 
U3. Teanue E.A. Devauwlt 
Witlian Collier Rolly je72reus 
RA. lore Willian L, itlichcock 
Robert denn WitLian Chattain (Chastain) 
Corkins Srown Stepien Coller (Collier) 
itePe inather S.2. kornocker 

Siias rollarid Wwttporad Carter 
S.i. Woodard Patrick Scatleu. 
Df. Woodard Tranoan Seattle 
Haru, Walker Lorn C wreeey 

joa Pollard danes Prow 

List not Lited for vear 1857. 

List Liled for year 1558 
Yitlian 5. Tearue, sunerisor Worrin Gardon 
fed. Lona Willian Barton 
Josenh Click latnan Amnodd 
gearce Stewart Roddy tlartin 
Silas Potlard RePe fiather 
Janea tones Dell, Alter 
George Sauerteber Phillip Goen 
jonatran Jedrewood Rabo. Boake 
DP. Stewart JiLLian Cottier 
Witiian F iiitenrcock Silas J. Yoodard 
Sineon Podlard jonn plerce 


Daw #. Codlier rixtin Qveriran 
join ddaon ROAL 702 

f ry i ie Hy eg Ee es 2% 
dettsa Chemex peO2e W. FOUtch 
i. eo 5 Shh d oe ee eed 
CULbinan rilow VJaviga youtcr 

fod. Pollard witliea Snautding 
C.G. tarred ponmaurar Kolbine 

5.3. Jones Rovert Lenni 
Cozting Stown Thrones atlyon 
William jackson Weite iotiLeuw 

ee ite. ah: os 
Link Liled Anil 22, 

Witton 5. Teanse Ratpor 

tebe LOMA tl Llez (Collier) 
Oven Click Salle +i d 
2orce Stewart on P 

Silas rotltlard A. O re 

"ares jones yiLLion 7. Slackbuen 

ie wedeovood JULfoAd Taves 

Def. Stewart liasten voen Sx. 

We pe. neichoock 
Sineon follard 

LOU. WLison 

” ” 
reite WLe22-d 


List filed April 22, 1859: (continued) 
Chris oe Pou 
iioah follard 
GAS Harve 
B. ie jones 
Corkinsg srown 
bittiar jackvon 
ite Gorxdon 
athar rznodid 
Rolle wartin 
Fe inatrer 
Dele Alter 
Prtllin Goen 

List made lian 7 and jited law 2, 1660: 
joserh CL eo 
SU. Yoodwarzd 
hatin ig wrod. 

S ie FOUL. 
David Foutch 
ie Ps iar Ow 
Sineon Pollard 
Conking Broun 
CoG. Hare 
Anos Suwrich 
WiLtliar Spautdina 
Faank Hostetter — 
Wittian CotLier 
bAtLlian jackson 
Ralol. Eoale 
Lewin Caspar 
yittion Daniels 
ianten Goen Sx. 
ttasten Goen Ir. 
jornn Pearce 
C2orde Seadleu 
Dit fiee Lee 
witLian F. Blackturzn 
del eC. Wddking 
join C. Voutes 
yaLLian sown 
WeL Cah Pollard 

Sa a 
David Saraneti 


Thomes W.tloonr 
Dre Fo Lee 
Alfred fittchcock 
villian Daniels 
iloses Crane 
Jonn Smitnr 

ANG’ cured 
Georzre seagle 
Fraank rostether 
Lewis Casper 
John iiner 
Robert Lenn, superuivor 

WB. Teague 

Get, Creaner 
WitLian Strandae 

fl. Goxzdon 
loncthon Jedrewood. 
le W).tison 

00e4 Crane 


Charles Collier 
Tohn rt. Warren 
Willian iicluzching 
pofn. hie : : 
Jaatiah Reta 

Da. Stenien Collier 
DA. C. Kelso 
Roliert tontetler 
anes. §. Lnmona 

gesse Duran 
Christian f20u, sureraiserz 

District Ilo. 7 

hist filed Fue 4, 16533 / 

Ritew tie Gould, superus1sor George fliale 
Lighttin aga Wittian 5. Knox 
Benjanrin Lawirer Henur Shade 

Jaa Sastelt john ray 
Eliiahn Russell Thomas D. Richardson 
Wright Stacz Washinaion Case 
James Q. Kodlerts Janes ioneuhan 
Daniel Caulkins (iathan linold 
David Richardson John ivitler 
venrur Liston Jsrzaetl icdher 
rena, KIL Cricounts Wires 
terur Creamer Reason Porter 
Steohen D. Savlea iitizan iiatiew 
Losenii wi4res Stephen iathew 
George Ae Rosentaun Joseph iooxe 
Lie filed Apr 155 7854: 
Hemu. fionmion, superwLsar ROCAOIL FOXTEL 
jones ilonuhon Yashinaton Case 
kenur Siade Curounce Wires 
janes Roberts Jarzaed roller 
Renur Kerli fonn inthler 
fark Aanodd 3 bentarin Lawuer 
Riteu Gould Thonas roller 
foseni Tanner Thomas Richardson Jr, 
Addison Snodarass Yosepi. soore 
billian WJ. “atilles Willian Gallafan 
Anderson 7. roleapple Jra Sasielt 
seoude A. Rosentaumn Eliia Russell 
henrar. Creamer Ahad iickinnetr 
David Riciarzdson ames Fon 
veAMrt Stacy witttan Prow 
iol tials fohn Fanner 
atian Arznoid Anthom, Osterdack 

David Porter 

List Piled ian 71, 1855: 

dete. AOSenUCUA, sUnewsner Reason Porter 
james wonenion Jovid Porter 

ele rOlsannte Linge Porter 
if. Tanner Thomas Kichardson 
yonn vedtLoanr Ruetlin Fisnrer 
john ine Crearer Alexander Wikson 
2onde bodle john mas 

Jia satel Thomas Pickett 


RCUL WOnell/Lon Wittian Stu 

woesrinaton Case 


Oy ve) Ul 

Jarael roller 
Joiur tuitds 

bos ppm 

Mee WH2e4 

revur RLGLLLdSOn 



filed illap 26, 1556: 
Henur woneuhon, superutsor 
Thonas ktitey 

fiwah ConktLur 

Zearzae A. Rosentbaun: 
john WY. Rosenvaun 
yonn VelLor 

jioges Crane 

jonial Crris 

Georre UW. vorle 
Josenh wires 

David dalker 
weridatih Waid 

Bauer Willian 
pose. Fanner 

Hae. ncKUuney 

jour claitock 

--3-- Rus4ed 
Jionas odler 

ited inap 15, 1657: 

Washinaton Case, supervisor 

Ceorzge Aa. Kosenvauin 
john Vvellon 
0404 Crane 
Ceorzte 13, Socte 
Werzidi Wade 
nemuLr woneturon 
Jaraed Holler 
jackson (tiller 
Curounce Udtes 
Reason Fortier 
John fas 
Bentarnin Lamer 
Vanes jonewon 
Tacol Fre ce 
Ganes Larirer 

Pitted for wear 13583 

john Rovertson, superwisor 
bovid ..oneuhon 

Sonn4on wonemion 


hed4on Lovelace 
Sanuelh Taueblood 
Zohn Vellon 
reonne Fister 
Collie S20: 

neu, Rovertvan 
ALG bi bata SOXECH 
Javid Richarasair 

Jarnael iioller 
fonn iitler 
Crgunce wltes 
€.. WaAnon: 
Reason Porter 
Jiomas Pickett 
Abrghan joodaasiwre 
Wiashincwion Case 
John aw 
David tenderxon 
Senjarin Laurer 
domes oneuhon 
la col 3 Freed 
Linden Porter 
tanes Laurer 
WALLA Siade 
Elezandrew Onnris 
Anzciitiald Baxter 

i ote, ra HAAA 
Devaid (.oneuion 
S. TauebLood 
Iosin Roliertvon 
fohn Rowlinson 
kerur Robertson 
witlian Gallairar 
Ovi. Lenon 

sentanin Lawirer 

a yes 
he file dCFLOF 

YVanninecion Case 
yeltel, ry 
lovepi. Fanner 
Jazaeh holler 

cackson. niles 

List filed tune 6, 1859: 
Tohn Robertson 
Jones vionetwion 
Fohnaon 1.oneiion 
David ionenAon 
Cotte Riarards 
liel4on Lovelace 
Sanuel Tiaueblood 
John Velton 
Georre Presier 
AAG Saxter 
Reiie Gould 
Janes Lawirer 
tieuden Steohens 
senicnin Lawver 
John has 
jacol Freed 

Crande ti, Leaon 

Vasnineton Case 

Ale nous 

List filed ilar 19, 1860: 
Jsarzael Hotler 
john Robertson * 
Geli. coale 
A, Laxter 
jonn Vellon 
liatthey Robertson 
defs leone 
fohn iiiller 
Trends S. webb 
Yorn teddy 
Yenirinaton Case 

R. Shackle 

fanes iioneuon (idoneuhon) 

Turns onewLon 
johnson jMoneyion 
WiLtianm Shade 

iosepi. Tanner 
Jared iolter 
john idtther 
Josernn Tartor 
Janes Taylor 
UR. Thacker 
ilatheu xabertson 
Tofu Rotertson 
flank Arnold 
Clenent Anderwon 
Uitlard Tofinson 
Reuben Fisner 
Lbavid Ciklons 
domes Ciblons 
Janes Sfade 
Valentine tenettl 
Hua fanold 
Clirton Hardy 
Tionas Yet 
Jnomasa A. Steohens, suneriser 

Charles Cornwell 
dames Gilrtrine 
Willian Strother 
Rk. Gould 
josen’ Tarloxr 
Fonn ened 
Geortage Phester 
fonn Robertson 
fanes Shade 
fe Lovelace 



5. lawuer 
narden Steniens 
Geile Lenon 
weRe Fracker 

Tiomnas Carr 

ones Roterton 

dames Tarlor 

fl. fuwcgmen 

Cit. Richaris, superior 


"Record of the Board of Trustees" 

Broun Tup. 
Washington County, Indiana 

April, 1653-April, 1859 

Copied from the original tunmtee record, March, 1967. 
Coe.. Cook 
672 Sprague Road 
Indianapolis, Ind. 

April 4, 1853: Corkins Broun, Jacob Roverts, and John D. Thompson elécted 
truustecs of Broun township at an election held at iit. Camel. 
ereeerrer rrr rere ree 

Campbellsburg, April 71, 1853: Board of Trustees met at the depot for the 
purpose of organizing. Broun elected for three years; Roberts for two years; 
Thompson for one years ALL sworn in by Nathaniel P, Mather, J.P. 

Robert Denny who was elected Clerk of tounship, sworn in Ly NP. Mather. 
Peter Nicholson elected treasurer of tounship and filed Lond of $1000. with 
RP. Mather and Ralph Bogle as security. He also sworn in by IP. ilather. 
eee Tee ee eee eee ee 

C-Burg, April 19, 1853: Board met and were all present. John D. Thomason, 
duniee of the original school district 6 town 3 north, range 2 and 3 east, 
daid all the books and papers belonging to the said district before the Board 
and upon examination of the books and papers, it was ordered that certain 
worthless papers le destroyed, whereupon the President of the Board proceeded 
to make a Lonfirxe of said papers. 

Jsrzael Holler, trustee of original school district 3 in 3,2 appeared and 
delivered to the Board a tona from George A. Turner for the school Lot in 
dad district, which Lond was delivered to the Clerk and put on file. 

Board then ordered that the Clerk make a written request upon the original 
Ddntrict tunstees of Brown tup. to deposit all books and papers in their 
possession appertaining to the school matters in their districts with the 
Clerk on or before the first of ililay nexd. 


C-Burg, April 23, i853: Met and proceeded to Lay out the township in road 
districts. (Fora description of these, see preface of "List of Road Hands". } 
Supervisors appointed: John Rosenbaun, Allen W. Brown, Joseph W. Jean, 

David Greene, Elisha G Goen, Willian Collier and Riley H. Gould. 

Tax devied of 15¢ on each $100. value of real estate and personal prcperiu. 
12a for general benefit of township and ae for road purposes. 


C-Burg, Way 14, 1853: Board met, the adjourned due to absence of Clerk. 

ee SP eSee Tere cere Serre: 

May 7, 1853: Board met and proceeded to canvass the tounship to ascertain tie 
condition of the school houses. After visiting the several neighborhoods thre 
Board decided that there was a necessity for a school house to le huilit in the 
vicinity of It. Carmel and also one in the neiahborhood of John D. jhonnsons. 
They also found the Clifty district school house in want of sundry repairs and 
a atove. Also the school in district 3 in 4N,2E was found to be in bad condit- 

don. Jt was therefore ordered that an election he held on the 31at of the 

present month for the purpose of ascertaining whether the township shall be 
taxed for the purpose of building and repairing school houses in the tup. 
Tastee Jacob Roberts was only on duty half the day. | 
May 37, 7863: An election was held at It. Carmel on Ilay 3144 to see if the 
dounship should Levy taxes for building and repairing school houses. John D. 
Thompson being alaent on achount of sickness, Walker Nicholson was appointed 
judge of Election and was suorn in by Il.P. lilather. llathaniel P. Iilather was 
appointed to act as assintant clerk of election and was sworn in by Jacob 
Roberts. The votes cast were duly counted. 98 were against the tax and 2 for 
the tax. 

Tere tee eee ee eee eee eee ee ee 

C-Burxg, June 18, 1853: Corkins Broun, trustee of original school district 2 

dn #3N,2E made return of the district account Look and deed for achood Lot 

fron Nathaniel Jenkins and Rebecca, his wife, to David Boyden, John Barnard 

and llathanielh Jenkins, former trmostees of said school district 2, 

A petition of Peter licholscn and 39 other to vacate that part of the road 
known as the Fredericksburg and lik, Carmel road, that Lies between the point 
where it intersects the. Cox's Ferm and Salem roand and the point where it 
Antersects the rzcad known as the Andrew Keller ana Clift, IMU road near 

Het. Jogriggs. Peter lichslsan and Elisha G Goen appeared before the Board. 
Samuel Calkins, Joseph lilooxe and Wright Stacy appointed viewers. 

R certificate from Jimisan Lee, trustee of original school district 3 in 41,22 
certifying that he had employed John L. Stuart to teach 4 school in the said 
district in the winter and spring of 1552 and 1553 of four months duration 

for the sum of $87.75. Treasurer ordered to pat. 

eee e ee eee ee eee eee er ee. 

C-Burg, July 18, 1853: A petition of Willian Shults and 32 others was preseniz < 
praying for a change of that portion of the Indie’s Ferry and Wheeler's Ilill 
road beqinnring at the point where the neighborhosd road cr944e45 the said rsa0 
east of the dwelling of said Willian Shults and rzunring east on the ridge of 
aaid house of said Shulis; to run the said road past said Shults dwelling on 

the northwest side and pursue a west direction until it pass the said house 

and thence a south direction til it intersect the present Line of said rad 

at Wheeler's ilill on Twin Creek. Alonzo t+. Riley, Iilorrtson Gordon and Elisha S. 
Goen appointed viewers. 

Silas Pollard presented a petition of Rovert Denny and 29 others praying for 

the Board to establish a township highway running as follows: Beginning at a 
tone in the aenter of section 35, 3, 2€ at the toun of Canpbellolurg and 
sunning thence west along the center line of said section on the south side of 



datd Line on John Pollards land until it paso lot number four in the toun of 
Buena Vista belongina to Hen Hunter, thence west along said Line through 
John Pollards land, thence west on the Line between Robert Wood and Silas 
Pollard, thence west on the Line between John Wood and Benjamin Lauyer, thence 
west on the Line between Benjamin Lawyer and the estate of Andrew Stewart de- 
ceased, thence west on the Line letween John Hays and John G. Shade, thence 
west on the Line Letween Thomas Richardson and john Fried til it intersect the 
noad Leading from Claysville to Saltillo. Alonzo F. Riley, ilorrivon Gordon 
ana Elisha G. -Goen appointed viewers. 

Luke Teaque applied to the Board for a release from working on the public 
highways for the current year, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the 
Board that said Teague was not alde from bodily infirmnrity to perforn sermwice 
on the highways and that he was too poor to pay the commutation therefor, he 
was released accordingly until the 1ot of May, 1854. 

Alonzo F. Riley presented a petition praying for a change in that part of the 
Andrew Kellar and Clift, Mill road that Lays between Henm H. Jagriggs and 
the top of the Clifty hill on the east, and locate the sane on the Line zunning 
west from HH. Jogriggs house Letween Gordon and Riley and HoH. Joqgrigqn til 
dt intersect the Bono road. Nathaniel P. Iilather, John Pro and James Blackwell 
appointed viewers. 

Sanuel Calkins, Joseph illoore and Wright stacy, who were appointed to review 
that portion of the Fredericksburg and It. Carmel road that days between its 
dnterection with the Cox's Ferry and Salem road and its intersection with 
the Andrew Kellar and Clifty Mill rsad near KK. Joqrigqes made report that 
aaid section of road iv of no public utility and % ordered vacated. 


Sept. 9, 71853: 184 polls in Brown twp. as returned by assessor, yanes Briscoe. 
ttames of citizens of Jefferwon township praying to le set off from Jefferson 
tounship to Brown township for school purposes: Janes M. Briscoe, ELizableth 
Briscoe, Benjanin iiiay., Bef. iliap, ttrram Hosea, Robert iiicleely, Willian Wesner, 
jesse Brown, janes C. Fleming, Willian Cornett and Villian wheeler. Signed 
dy Daniel 3. Eania, Pres. board of Trustees of Jefferson twp. and Jsaac 
iicChasky, township Clerk. 

Sept. 14, 1853: Additional List of persons transferred from jefferson tounship 
to Brown township for school purposes: George Goddsly, Thomas Holler, Lucy 
Holler, Louisa Turner. 



C-Burg., Sept. 12, 1853: N.P. Mather, John Pao and James Blackwell who were 
appointed to view a change in the Andrew Kellar and Clifty lilt road petiticnes 
for by A.F. Riley and others repart that said change would Le of public utilit.. 
Board then granted change. 

RF. Riley, €.G. Goen and iil, Gordon who were appointed to view a change in 

the Indie's Ferry and Wheeler's ilill road as petitioned for ly Willian Shults 
and others report that said change would le of public utility. board then 
granted change as follows: tLeginning on the ridge east of the rzésidence of 
Willian Shults, thence running southwest one hundred and twelve rods, thence 
southeast eighty eight rods to interect the old road at Twin Creek. 

At the request of E.G. Goen, superisor of roads in district 5 it was ordered 
that the part of the Coxe'’s Ferry and Salen road laying in said district 5 

be taken. off said district and attached to district 2. 

A.F. Riley, E.G. Goen and il. Gordon who were appointed to view a township 
highway as petitioned for ly R. Denny and others tenorted that they had viewed 
aane and that said road if established would le of public utility. A motion 

to set aside the said petition and viewers rzeport, owing to a differecnce in 
the desaription of the route of said road in the petition and viewers renort, . 
was made by John Pollard through Royal Be Child, his Counsel; which motion 

was, upon due consideration, overtwiled by the board. Owing to the insuffic- 
dency of the said report in describing the route of the road the viewers were . 
requined to anend their report, describing the road by course and distance: 
Which anendnent having been made and signed by E.G. Goen and M. Gordon (AF. 
Riley being absent) the Board coneurred in the said rzeport as amended. Royal 
B. Child then presented a renonstrance of John Pollard and others asking the 
Board not to grant the prayer of said petition of Denne and others: whith 
remonsrrance, for want of sufficiency was dlomissed, 40 far as it regarded 
the prayer of said petition: but John Pollard being present, and on the 
fatth of said xremnonstrance claiming danages on account of the location of tre 
road through his land, a review of the part that lays on Pollards Land was 
ordered and Willian Robertson, Thomas Ml. llicholson and ilton Montgonery were 
appointed to make the review and asses the damages if any. 


C-Burg, Sept. 13, 1853: A..F. Riley appeared and concurred in and signed the 
Report as amended by Ml. Gordon and E.G. Goen of the view of a road petitioned 
for ly R. Denny and others. 

R.F. Riley presented a petition of said Riley and 29 others praying for the 
docation of a township highway commencing at Clifty Mill, there to intersect 
the Campbellsburg road and wn with it to opposite Alner Mather's duelliny, 
formerly owned Ly Samuel Barnard; thence west through the Lands of said Mather 



John Vaughn, Joseph Lawyer, Willian B. Teague, Thomas Goen, Josenh Wilfong 
and the widow Gould, there to interect the Hono and Saltillo road. fililton 
Montgomery, Willian Robertson and Thomas M. Nicholson appointed viewers. 
Allen W. Brown, Supervisor of roads in district 2, resigned on Aug. 24, 1853 
on account of having moved out of the county and recommended the appoininent 
of Thomas M. Nicholson to fill out the vacancy, which 46 concurred an by the 
A.J. Brown at the came time filed with the Clerk his account of $71. for warn- 
ing hands for 7 day and $2. {or overseeing hands for 2 days. Board allowed 
only $1. for warning out hands. 
Sumnau of tne enumeration of children in the township: 

145 males between 5 and 13 and 102 males between 73 and 27, total 250. 

132 females between 5 and 13 and 65 between 13 and 21, total of 197. 

447 total children letween 5 and 21 years of age in the township. 
Settee Teee rrr reere ere 
C-Burg, Oct. 717, 1853: Thomas M. Nicholson, Willian Robertson and fililton 
Montgomery viewers of a road petitioned for Ly R. Denny and others wining 
through the land of John Pollard report that Pollard is danaged to the amount 
of $15. Upon due consideratisn, the Board did not believe the said road +0 
he of sufficient general public utility to justify them in ardering the 315. 
4o be paid: out of the township treasurey. R. Denny then made the motion that 
df. the petitioners would pay the Board the $15. damages the rzcad should be 
granted by the Board. The Board then concurs, whereupon Venny paid the $15. 
and the road was ordered opened 25 feet wide. 
TM. Nicholson, Willian Robertson and fililton Montgomery, viewers of a road 
petitioned for ly AF. Riley and others report as follows: Commencing at 
Clifty lilt and rzunning up the hill the way the rzcad now runs in a north east 
direction, thence rzunning south of the tip of the hill til it intersects the 
Campbetisburg road, thence along said road 20 the farm fornerly owned Ly 
Sanuel Barnard, thence running due west to where it intersects the Claysuille 
and Bono road at the Widow Goulds, Leing two and one half miles from Clifty 
With and that said road would be of public utility. Road ordered opened 25 
feet wide. 
Application of Thomas M. Nicholson, supervisor of roads in district 2, that 
the treasurer pay to him all the money paid into the treasure in connutation 
for Lalor on the highways in district 2. 
cece eee eee ee eee ee eee eee: 
C*Burg, Fel. 6, 1854: 
John Postlewaite paid £50. for teaching school 2 months in district 2. 
Thomas M. Nicholson paid $5. for serwices as superrivor in district 2. 
7.W. Jean paid $1. for sewices in district 2, 


E.G. Goen paid $25.25 for sewing as supervisor in dist. 5 and viewing roads. 
M, Gordon paid $3.75 for viewing and other sermwices. 
john Pro paid $1. fOX dane. 
NP. Mather paid $7. for same. 
Silas Pollard, Constable, paid fees of $5.22. 
John Pollard presented a petition of self and others praying the Board to 
vacate the townshia highway Leanding ~£rom Camplelleturg to the Claysville cond 
Saltills road. The petition was dismissed at Pollard's cost on the ground 
that the said road had not Leen opened, therefor, the petition was considered 
Robert T. Phipns presented a petition of said rhipns and others praying for 
a change in the Salem and White River road as follows: beginning at said 
Phipps stable and running north to Janes Briscoes Line, thence west along saic 
Line to intersect said road where it now crosses said Line. Simeon Pollard, 
Ralph Bogle and R.A. Campbell ordered to view said road. 
Report of John Postlewaite, teacher of school 2 for 1853-54: 
School commenced December 5, 1853 and closed session Jan. 27, 1854. 
Onis eg laws etigeah S and I wideo eluees 92 ane Oa ete 
11 females between 5 and 713 and 1 between 15 and 27 fora total of /2. 
7 male scholar admitted 24 years of age. Total of 3/ scholar. 
Books used: Davies and rikes Arithmetic, Websters speller and Walkers 
Fel. 10, 1854: Report of Elwood Lindley, teacher of school 4 for 1853-54: 
Commenced Dec. 12, 1853 and closed Feb. 8, 1954 fora total of 43 days. 
45 scholars admitted during the term. 
16 males between 5 and 13 and 14 between 13 and 2). 
8 fenales between 5 and 13 and 7 from 13 to 21. 
Average nunber in daily attendance: 35. 
Branches taught: Alphabet, Orthography, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and 
English Granmar. 
Books used: Goodriches Readers, Websters speller, Vavies Artinnetic, and 
butlers granmar. 
45 pupils engaged in spelling, 38 in reading, 13 in writing, 13 in arith- 
metic and 2 in grammar. 
ee es eee 
Feb. 15, 1854: Report of Robert S. Knox, teacher of school 7 for 1853-54: 
Commenced Vece 712, 1853 and ended tel. 8, 1554, term of 2 months. 
54 scholars admitted during term. 
15 males age 5 to 13 and 9 from 13 to 21. 
17 females from 5 to 13 and 5 from 13 to 2s. 


Average numler in daily attendance: 30. 

Branches taught: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic, 

Books used: Websters speller, Goodrichs reader, Olneys geography, anda 
Ruters and Vavies arithmetic. 

54 pupils engaged in spelling, 33 in reading, 8 in writing, 3 each in 

geography and arithmetic. 

we aeeeeenesesaneueeune 

Feb. 18, 1854: Report of Jabez tH. Mixon, teacher of school 6 for 1853-54: 
Commenced Dec. 5, 1853 and ended Fel. 1, 1854, tern of 43 days. 

85 scholars admitted during term. 

20 males from 5 to 13 and 28 from 13 to 21. 

23 females from 5 to 13 and 11 from 13 to 2I. 

Averange number in daily attendance: 56 and 61/86. 

Branches taught: Alphabet, spelling, reading writing, arithmetic, grannar 
and Pritosophy. 

Books used: Goodriches readers, Parkers and wicGupfegs 44h readers, Vavies 
arithmetic, Braouns qranmar and Comsdocks Philosophy. 
55 pupils engaged inpmelling, 50 in reading, 25 in writing, 20 in arithnetic 
4 in granmar and 1 in philosophy. 


Feb. 23, 1854: Report of John L. Stewart, teacher of school 3 for 1853-54: 
53 scholars admitted during term. 

16 males from 5 to 13 and 711 from 13 to 2s. 

14 females from 5 to 13 and 7i from 13 to 27. 

Average number in attendance: 28. 

branches taught: Orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geocraphy ard 


Books used: Websters snetlers, Columbian Orator, Goodrichs Hist. Ila, 
Davies Arithmetic, lilorses geography and Butlers qrannar. 

53 pupils engaced in spelling, 16 in reading, 2 in geography, 30 in writin=, 

20 in arithmetic and 2 in english qrannar. 

Report of John VD. Thompson, teacher of school 5 for 1853-54: 

Commenced Dec. 5, 1853 and ended Feb. 5, 1854, term of 2 months, 5% days. 

85 scholars admitted during the term. 

25 males from 5 to 13 and 18 from 13 to 21 (1 being 21 years odd) 

2 females from 5 to 13 and 15 from 13 40 2I (1 being 27 year old) 

Average nunber in daily attendance: 51. 

Branches taught: spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography. 

Books used: Websters spellers, Goodrichs readers, Pike and Yavies Aritr- 
metic, Smiths geography, Goodrichs history. 

47 pupils in spelling, 63 in reading, 47 in writing, 10 in arithnetic, 
12 in geography. 

Allen W. Brown paid $1. formerly allowed by Board, 
Elwood Lindley paid £50. for teaching school 2 months. 

John Le Stewart ” ” n n : " ” " 
1.2. Thompson " n " ”" " n n 
Robert S. Knox nt ” n " " n " 
JH. Nixon non " " ” non 
FM. Dixon ” ” ” n n ” " ; 

John D. Thompson $18.50 for trustee serices. 
Jacob Roberts 317. for tuntee serwiceds. 
Corkins Brown $18.50 for twetee sewices. 
Robert Denny $25.49 for Clerk services. 
Sanuel Caulkins $1.75 for viewing highway and cash paid out. 
ererrrererr err er reer 
Fel. 27, 1854: Report of F.M. Dixon, teacher of school 1 for 1853-54. 
' Commenced Nov. 14, 1553 and ended Jan. 13, 1554, term of 2 months. 

Scholars adnitted during term: 53. 

75 males from 5 to 13 and 712 from 13. to 21. 

14 females from 5 to 13 and 3 aged 1/3 to 2). 

fuerage daily attendance: 28. 

Branches taught: reading, writing, spelling and arithneric. 

Books used: Elementary speller, English reader and Rays and Davies 


ert er terre rer Teer eres 
C-Burg, March 3,'71854: John Podlard and Sanuel Hays [r., his security, anpecr- 
before township clerk Robert Denny and posts bond of $200. and appeals the 
decision of the Board to open the township highway running through his Land, 
to the Commissioners of Washington County. 
Serer errr etree rere rere 
Results of an election held at iit. Cawnel on April. 3, 1854s 
For Justice of the Peace: NP. Iilather-60; George A. Rosenlaun~44. 
For zounship trustee: Thornton Cornwell-59; Robert A. Canpbell-45, 
For township clerk: John Postlewaite-68; Rovert Denny~35. 
For township treasueer: Sanuet Caulkins-52; Thomas ™. Nigsholson-44,. 
For Constable: Joseph Moore-56; Jackson Mlontgomery-46; Hen Shade~1. 
For road superwisors: 

Dist. 1--Willian Vowling-9; Jehu Vheeler-2. 

"  2--Richard Wheeler-!. 

3--David Poxrter-1. 
" 4--YilLlian B. Teague-4. 
5--florrison Gordon-3. 


Dist. 6: Simeon Pollard-20; Thamas Foutch-6; George Stewart-4. 
" 7: Henw Moneyhan-3; Benjamin Lawyer-/. 
Joshua Broun presented a note given ly the trustees of original school dist- 
nick 3 (present school 6) for funds to complete the school house which showed 
a balance of $18.70 which was ordered to be paid. 
Corkins Broun paid $1. for services as Inspector at election. 

Jacob Roberts " " ” ” " Judge ” ” y 
J.D. Thompson " ” " n ” " " 7 
Robert Denny " noon " * Clerk " ” 
John Postlewaite n on noon " " " 


C-burg, April 10, 1854: New officer sworn in bu Royal B. Child. 

Royal B. Child paid 315.750 for professional medical sewices. 

Reeves and fro paid $5. for funeral expenses of poor. 
Daiid Greene paid $6. as superisor of district 4. 

John WU. Rosenbaum paid $6.50 as superisor of district |. 
Corkins Brown elected President of the Board for one year from this date. 
Mt, Carmel, April 77, 1854: 
Dr. EMC. RNeyman paid $17. for medical atendance on fanily of Jessy Wheeler. 

a : = " $7. for sane for Mary Homersley, a poor woman. . 
Pe. and 7. Nicholson paid $4.25 for burial expense with iilary Hameroley. 
Willian Robertson paid $1. for viewing road. 
Corkins Brown paid $2.40 for burial of a poor woman who died at Thomas Harile- 
Peter Nicholson pd. $2.50 in Lawyers fees in case, Brown tup. us. Riley H.Couric 

. - " $16.40 for sewices as tounship treasurer. 
Settlement with Peter Ilicholson: $185.47 remain in treasury to be paid over 
to his successor, Sanuel Caulkins. 

john Postlewaite pd. $16.37 for extra serwices while teaching school 2. 

John L, Stewart pd. sane for sane reason. 
Tax of 7¢ on each $100. Levied for township and road purposed. 

Mt, Carmel, July 3, 1854: Petition of Willian Robertson and 18 others fora 
township road commencing at It. Carmel, tnence running west on the Line di- 
viding dands belonging to Harrison and Thornton Cornwell until it comes to 
the Branch turning west of the grain yaad, thence a southwesterly direction 
on the lands of Thornton Cornwell and Dr. E.M1.C. Neyman until it intersects 
the old road leading to bono, Lawrence County, Ind., to crossing at Cli~ty 
Creeks A.W. Brown, Willian iiicClintock and luton MontAgonery appointed viewers, 
Upon report of viewers at same session road is ordered to be opened 25 feet 

wide, b mi ce Bis , a : 
To 2un /2 mile southwesterly from flt. Carmel to Chossing at Clifin Cr 

~ Wien, 


John HK. Wilfong pd. $2.50 for fuel furnished school 4 for 1853 and 1354. 
Superwisor of district 7 is ordered to call out all hands and open that part 
of the road petitioned for Ly Rovert Denny and others from Canpledloburg west 
to interect the Claysville and Saltillo road. 

PeeeTT TTT TTT eee reer eee 

Sept, 2, 1854: John Postlewaite resigns ao Clerk of the township and john dl. 
Roberts is appointed and sworn in Ly &.M.C. Neyman. : 
Weeeeeereret er Tere r rrr rrs sy. 

Mt. Carmel, Oct. 2, 1854: David Green and others petition for a change in 
the road Leading from Clitty Mill to Orleans beginning at the paint where 
oaid road Leaves the Line between said David Green and ten U. Wilfong in 
road district no. 4 and waning west along said dine until it intermects said 
road when it returns to said Line. John Link, Bohn D. Thompson and Turns 
Monohan appointed viewers. 

Robert A. Canplell, Ralph Bagle, and Simeon Pollard paid $7. each for viewinz. 

Rit a casual meeting of the Board in llovenlber of 1654 it was ordered that 
there be a achool established, to be numbered 8. 


At a casual meeting of the Board on Dec. 20, 1854, John L. Roberts was paid 
$6. for taking the enuneration of children in the township and $2.10 LOX 
eermices as clerk and stationary furnished. 


At a casual meeting of the soard Feb. 12, 1855 Thomas H. Roberts was paid 
B50. for teaching school | for 2 months or 43 days. 


Feb. 17, 1855: John L. Roberts resigns as Clerk of township. Henrw Rolertscr 
appointed in his place by the Board and sworn in by E.M.C. Neynan. 

Petition of Henry Robertson and 17 others for a change in the road Leading 
fron Henry Robertsons to the Sparks Ferrw road commencing on the top of the 
halt. near Goldoby's ilill, at the Line between Robertson and Luline Legg, then 
along Line south until it comes to the Line Letween said Robertson and George 
Russell, thence west along the Line until it intersects the Coxes Feru road, 
HH, Jogrigg, Thomas Mathes and John Dd. Thompson, appointed viewers. 

The change in the Clifty Ilill to Orleans road petitioned for is established. 
Faancis Horner paid $50. for teaching school no. 1 for 2 months. 

Jsaac Brewer At " " " " ” 2 on " 

Nathaniel ». Mather “  " ” ia am © Se 

Morrison Gordon pd $4, for supervising road district 5. 

Silas rollard pd 75¢ for sering notice on road viewers. 


Sineon Polard pd. 32. for supewising road district no. 6. 

joseph iloore pd $71. for viewing road. 

yohn Postlewaite pd 34. for services rendered as clerk of the tounship. 
john Vv. Thompson pd $71.50 for viewing change in road. 

Turns lllonyhan pd 75¢ for viewing change in road. 

John Link paid § 75e@ for viewing change in road. 

Tere rere Ter tere eres 

Mt, Carmel, ilarch 3, 1855: 

Joaiah R. Tippen pd $36. for teaching school 5 for 31 daysO$25. per month. 
Thomas P. ean paid $50. for teaching school 8 for 65 days. 

Samuel Caulking paid $66. for teaching school 7 ¢or 3 months or 65 days. 
Richard Wheeler paid $1.90 for sewice as superwisor in district 2. 

Corkins Brown paid $71.50 for stove he purchased for achood 5. 

Henry illonyhon paid $4. as superwdisor of district 7. 

HoH. Joqrigg paid $71. as viewer of road change. 

Thomas lathew ” wt " ” ” " wt : 

John D. Thomason " Mt as wy oe 1 (John D. Thompson) 

Willian Teague paid $3. for service as supervisor in district 4. 

Wildy Enochs paid $1.01 for serpting notice on road viewers. 

Wright Stacy paid $71. for viewing a road. 

Jacol Roberts paid $13.50 for serrices as trustee. 

Corkins Brown paid $171. for sermices as tuvtee. 

Thoanton Cornell paid $11. for sewices as tunmtee. 

"Ordered that the following allowences be made to R.B. Chils for medical 
aenyises rendard to lilis Enews, a poor person not an inhaliient of Brown toun- 
ship, who was dying sick therein without funds or money”. Allowed $7. 

R.B. Child allowed 85.50 for medical sermices to the wife of Janes Roberts, 
a poor person, resident of the township. 

The perition of Henry Robertson and others for a change in the road fron his 
house to Sparks Ferup road granted and supervisor of district 2 iv ordered ts 
Open said road 25 feet wide, if practible, 


Nt. Carmel, April 2, 1855: 

Richard lilitls paid $35. for teaching school 4 for 2 months. 

Henry Robertson paid $4. for sewices as township clerk. 

Sanuel Caulking paid $10.50 for serwices as township treasurer. 

David Porter paid $1. as sunervisor in district 4, 

John rostlewaite paid $1. for sewices as township clerk 

JLt uo 

dacob Roberts and Thornton Cornwell paid $1. eash as Judge of election. 
John D. Thompson paid $1. for sewing as Clerk of election. 

Willian Dowlin paid $10. for sewice as superyisor in district |. 

John VD. Tiompson and jacob Roberts pd 85¢ for glass furnished schools 3 and é. 
Result of election held at iit. Carmel Hprit 2, 1055s 

For township trustee: Harrison Cornwell-54; Thomas J. Jean-54. 

For township clerk; iilorrivon Gordon-53. 

For township treasurer: Simeon Pollard-52. 

Road supervisors elected: I-Jacol Horner; 2-Jsaac Scott; 3-P.C. Spangler; 
4-Jooeph Wilfong; 5-John D. Thompson; 6-D.P. Stewa rt; 7-George A. Rosentaun. 
ere ere Teer reer eres. 

C-Burg, April 9, 1855: Board met to organize. Jacol Roberts time expired. 
Thornton Corznwell resigned. tarrison Cornwell sworn in as a tuustee. Thana 
J. Jean, who was elected trustee failed to attend because of sickness. 
lorrizon Gordon, who was elected tounshin clerk, refused to sere and Henry 

Robertson was again appointed clerk. Simeon Pollard who was elected treasurer | 

dnforned the Board that he was not altogether ready to fill his bond +0 the 
Board agrees to wait on hime Corkine Brown appointed president of the Soaicd. 

C-Burzg, Aprit 16, 1855: Thomas J. Jean sworn in as trustee by NP. Mather. 
Tax of 3¢ on each $100. Ldevied for township and road purposes. 

WilLian Robertson was paid $1.50 as clerk of election held at ilt. Carmel on 
the second tuesday in October, 1854. 

Sineon Pollard posted blond of $1500. with NP. Mather and Silas Pollard as 
ceeurity for filling the post of township treasurer. 


C-Burg, Sept. 3, 1855: Board met and ajourned on account of clerk not Leing 


C~Burg, Sept. 10, 7855: Ordered that Corkins Brown receive the Library for 
Broun township. 

lilade arrangements to take the enumeration of children in the tounshin. 


C-Burg, Sept. 24, 1855: John D. Thompson pd $2.50 for work in district 5. 
Francis Horner paid $7.40 for teaching in district |. 

R List of the children in township was made and report sent to county Auditor. 


C-8urg, Sept. 25, 1855: Jefferson J. Jean not Leing present and was "sic" 
Washington Warren appointed superwisor of district 5 in place of John D. 
Thompson who has renoved fron said district, 

The township Library was received and it was aqteed that one half of the Locke 
be deposited at it, Carel and the othdr half at Cannbedlsturg. Willian 
Robertson appointed Librarian at lt, Carmel and Robert Denny at C-8ur72 unti 



C-Burg, Feb. 18, 1856: Joseph Wilfong pd $2.50 as supewdisor in district 4. 
y.W. Jean pd $23.50 for serwice at school 3, getting wood and visiting school, 
repair of school house and employing teacher. 

P.C. Spangler pd $3. for sewice as supervisor in district 3. 

Petition of P.C. Spangler and 28 others for a road to ble Located Leading fron 
the northeast corner of section 16 running north on the section Line Letween 
E. jean and Land belonging to the estate of Ely W. Malott on said Line between 
J.W. Jean and said iilalott, on said line between ).K. porter and Elifa lleblin, 
on said Line between Sanuel Spangler and john iicEntire, on said Line to the 
old river hill through Lands belonging to the estate of Stewart rurgison, on ox 
near said Line to Clifty creek, then on or near the Line running between Hitaz 
Wileox and the said Fergisons til said Line strikes White River, then down 
said river to Lowdons Ferry. Willian Robertson, Thomas iil. Nicholson and 
Thomas Ilathew appointed viewers. 

David Green presents a petition signed by himself, Il.P. ilather, £.W. Leach, 
John WU. Wilfong, Edmond Jean, John IicIntire, Norton Gould and Peter Link, for 
the Board to sell 40 much of the school Lands owned and occupied by Peter Link - 
(80 A.) and David Green (80A.), being part of section 16. Trustees proceeded 
4o give notice of the sale of lands as set forth in the petition and decided 
that the balloting should take place at the annual April election at iit. Carnet. 
errr ere Terr rer Teer rrr 

C-Burg, March 17, 1856: Road petitioned for by ».C. Spangler and others zuna- 
ing from the northeast corner of section 16 to Loudons Ferry on White River Le 
granted and district 3 ardered to make said road 25 ft. wide if pracitalle. 
Willian Robertson pd $6.50 for serice as Librarian and viewing a road. 

David P. Stuart pd $2.50 as supervisor of roads in district 6, 

penjanin Wesner pd 875. for teaching school in district 5. 

Joseph Freed pd $75. for teaching school in district 2. 

W.L. Dixon sane for teaching school 3. 

t.A. Bevrault same for teaching school 6. 

John UD. Thompson pd $65. for teaching school 8, 

Wright Stacy pd §75. for teaching sachood 7. 

Faancis Horner pd sane for teaching school |. 

Thomas fl, Nicholson pd 35.10 as Director in district 5. 

Jsaac Scott pd $8.75 as superisor in divtrict 2. 

Wriaht Stacy pd $7.55 as Director in district |. 

Sitas L. Reed pd $8.45 as Director in district 2. 

Corkins Brown pd $9.08 for expenses in district 6. 



Mt, Carel, April 7, 1856: Results on an election held at Mt. Carmel April 7: 

For Justice of the Peace--E.M.C. Mleynan-60; Washington Jean-32; Henry Robertsn - | 

For Constable: Elisha Driskell-83; Thomas Goin-40; J.U. Wheeler-22; A.W. Brown- 


For Taustee: A.W. Brown-66; M.S. Barnett-47. 

For Clerk: WB. Teaque-41; Silas L. Reed-33. 

For Treasurer: Isaac Brewer-68; Wesly Corkins-30. 

For sale of scnool Lands: VYes-78; No-7. 

For rzcad supervisors: 

District 7: Willian ilcClintock-0, Richard Hughes-2/. 
2: Jesse WilLlians-16. 

John McIniire-8. 

McCana Phipps-4. 

John Link-6; Hiram Mathew-7; AP. Hopper-6. 

James Steyvins-6. 

> Henrw Monahon-5. 

John Link pd $19. for sewing as Director in district 4. 

Joseph Lawyer pd $9. for serwing as Director in district 8. 

Jacol Horner pd $13. for sewing as Director in district |. 

Jacol Horner pd $4. as superivor of district |. 

Noah Pollard pd $75. for teaching school 4. 

Henry Robertson pd $711. as clerk of township. 

Thomas J. Jean pd $12. as truotee. 

Corkins Brown pd $15. as trustee. 

Sineon Pollard pd $12. as treasurer of tounship. 

Harrison Cornwell pd $12. as trustee. 



C-Burq, April 14, 1056: Allen WU. Brown sworn in as trustee, Willian B. Teague 
as clerk and Jeaac Brewer as treasurer by Ilathaniel P. Mather. Harrison Cor- 
well appointed President of the Board. 

Henry Robertson pd $1. for services as clerk. 


April 19, 1856: Board met at home of Peter Link and fixed a price of $3. per 
acre on lots 4 and § (achool dands) in section 16 which voters had voted to seit 
Serer ee eee eee ee reer s. 

Mt. Carmel, April 28, 1856:7.J. Jean being absent the other two treustees 
proceeded to business. /he township Library ardered to remain as is, with neit 
the books at iilt. Carnel and half at Canplellslurg. Willian Robertson appointes 

Librarian at lilt. Carmel and Janes Stephens at Canplellslurzz. Tax of 7¢ on each 
$100. of real and personal property. 


lit. Carnet, May 29, 1856: Called meeting. jesse Willians paid $4.56 for 
derming ao souperwisor in district 2. 

Prrerer Ter ere rrr errr r. 

Mt, Carmel, June 20, 1856: Thornton Cornwell, Thomas M. Nicholson and Joaac 
Scott, viewers of a change in the road Leading from Claysuille to Bono petition- 
ed for Ly Jacob Freed and others, report that the change comnencing at the 
northwest corner of section 34 in town 3/l, range 2 east and wnning thence © 
south on the Line dividing said section 34 and 33 and ranging 160 polls more 
or less to the southwest corner of northwest quarter of section 34 will Le of 
public utility. Superwivor in district 7 ordered to open the change 25 feet 
wide if practalle, 

Sane three viewers report on a change in the road deading from Lost River to 
Clifty lil petitioned for by Thomas Goen and others, comnencing at the south- 
west corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 23 
toun 3N, range 2 east and running along the Line between Thomas Goen and WUillic= 
Lawyer to the northeast corner of Willian Lawyers dand, Board orders super- 
visor of district 5 to change the road accordingly. 


Mt. Carmel, Lirst monday in Sept., 1856: Arrangements made for taking the 
enuneration of children. 

Thoanton Cornell pd $71. for services as viewer. 

Silas £. Reed pd $/. for clerking. 

eet eee eee eee er ee ee ee 

C-Burg, Sept. 17, 1856: Summary of school enumeration: 234 males and 227 
females, making 455 total children age 5 to 21 in the township. 


Mt. Carmel, Sept. 23, 1856: Jsaac Scott pd $1. for viewing roads in districis 
5 and 7. 


Nt. Caramel, Sept. 27, 1856: James Iililler and tary Ritcherson of North east 
dounshin, Orange Co. transferred to Brown township for school purposes. The 
dustees of Ilarth east tounship were William Hays, Leuts Fordyce and Colunlus 
H, Richards, while Lenard Hardman was clerk. 

Charles Rosenbaum of Lawrence Co. also transferred for school purposes. 

Mt. Carmel, Oct. 14, 1856: At the general state election held at Mt. Carel 
this day in voting for Assessor of Brown township George Holoapple aot 123 
votes and Silas Pollard got 56. 

Thomas M. llicholson pd $1. for viewing and $2. as judge of election. 

Wddlian Robertson pd $2. for serving as clerk of the election, 


lilt, Carmel, llov. 4, 1856: Results of general election held Nov. 4 given, | 
John lilcIntire, supergisor of district 3 ordered to open the road fron the nortr- 
east corer of section 716 to Loudens ferry on White River as petitioned for | 
ly ?.C. Spangler and others. 

Willian Robinson pd $i. for clerk of election on Nov. 4. 

OTe e TTT TTT eee eer eS TT. 

Mt. Carmel, lov. 717, 1856: A case was presented ly A.W. Broun to the overseers 
of the poor of Brown township respecting Janes MlicKiney "who was taking sick 

at his house and having neither money or friends" and said tmotees ordered a 
physicion to administer for the said sick man relief and all 40 directed ir. 
Brown to administer to his wants while sick. 

Thonas Goen pd $1.05 for sewices renaered as Constable. 

S.L. Reed appointed school director of school nunber 7. 

Ralph Bogle appointed director of school 6. 

Serrrer Tre rrr err rere eT 

Mt, Carmel, Jan. 12, 1857: Called meeting. joseph Wilfong, McCane Fhipps 

and Roxton Gould appointed viewers of a highway petitioned for by Jerael Holler 
and others. 


Mt. Carmel, Feb. 9, 1857: A.W. Broun presented a Lill of 334. for taking care - 
of James lilcXenny while sick and the trunstees gave him an orrler to the County, 

llaah Pollard and joseph Freed paid $50, Thomas Goen $1.75; Ralph Bogle $6.15; 
dames Stephens $3.; llorxton NR. Goula $2.; Joseph Wilfong 31.; licCama Phipps 3/. 
and Willian K. Gould $8.75. 


Mt. Carmel, iilarxch 3, 1857: R.C. Woods, Henry C. Wilfong, Joshua Leach and 

RJ. Mills each paid $50. Benjamin Wesner paid $50.3; John Ve Thompson $8.05; 
Jacob toraner $71.16; HoH. Jsgrigg 37.90 and R. Blythe $75. 

Report of Joseph Wilfang, llorton Re Gould and iilcCaney rhipps, viewers of a 
tounshin highway petitioned for by Israel Holler and others, commencing at the 
point where the line dividing sections 28 and 27 in town 3 north, rzance 2 east 
intersects the Line between Washington and Orange counties and running thence 
east on the section Line on the Lands of iilichael Yeeely, James Belyew and 
Jeracd ttodler one half mile, thence north along the Llane between the lands of 
ganes Belyew and the estate of Tilman Thacker 26 rods, 712 feet and 9 inches, 
thence east on the Line between the lands of the tHardster estate and the esict= 
of Tilnan Thacker til it interwects the Claysuville and wono road. vViexurers 
report said highway would le of pullic utility. 


lilt, Carned, llarch 3, 1557: Claim presented Ly Evite weynan for 837.50 for 
medical attendance rendered to Janes iiicKenny "a pore person Line sick in Broun 
township without money or friends”. Trustees gave lleyman an order to the 
county commissioners for this clain. Francis Horner paid 350.; Silas L. Reed 
$8.25; Willian B. Teaque 379.20; Thomas J. Jean $20.; Harrison Cornwell $19.59 
and A.W. Brown $14.50. 

errr err ee Tere Te rere re 

Mt. Carmel, April 17, 1857: Thomas J. Jean not present. Jhomas M. Nicholson 
awour in as trustee, Willian Robertson as clerk and Jsaac Brewer as treasurer. 
Thomas j. Jean appointed as President of the Board of Trustees. 

Harrison Cornwell paid $3. as trotee. 

Widlian Robertson paid $i. as school director and $6. ae Librarian. 

The Library in lilt. Carmel to be moved to Campbelleburg and the one in Campleli- 
aburag to be moved to It, Camel. Jsaac Brewer to be Librarian at lilt. Carmel 
and Christian rro at Canplellslurg. 

Peer e rt errr errr reer rere. 

Mt. Carmel, April 24, 1857: Isaac Brewer ordered to present his claim for 
aermices as treasurer in "righting" at the next meeting of the Board. 

Tax of 18¢ per $100. Levied for township purposes. 

Tax of 25¢ per $100. levied for building and repatiting school houses. 

25¢ poll tax also devied for school purposes. 


May 18, 1857: Report to the County Auditor: 305 acholars in 3il 2E and 67 
acholars in 4l 2E. 

eer rer eT eee Te ere rere 

Mt. Carmel, June 71, 1857: 2 achool houses to be built in district 2 and 2 in 
district 3, to be det on July 3, 1857. 

Richard tughes paid $4. as supermisor of roads in district 7. 

Joaac Brewer paid $20.66 as treasurer of township for 1856. 


Judy 3, 1557: Board purchased half acre of qround from A.W. brown for school 
number ----- for $710. 

Henry tH. Jogrigg to make a case for the Library at iit. Carel and also one for 
Canpledls burg. 

Hugh iicFleming purchased the school house in district 3 for $272.95. 

George Willians purchased the school house in district 2 for 3292.45, 

Jt appears that on the first monday in April that Jemerson Lee was duly electce 
ouperptisor in district no. 7 and he had a legal notice sewed on him ly Vily 
Enock, Constable, and the said Lee refused to sere as such supermwisor and the 
derk of township brought suit agains said fee lefore li.P. Mather, a Justice 


the. Peace for Washington County and he devied a judgement against said Lee for 
$6. plus cost of suit. 


July 17, 1857: Henry Shoults was appointed supervisor in district | and legal 
notice was served on June 17, 1857 Ly Wily Enoch, Constable of Brown townshin. 
Hentz Shoults failed to comply with the requirements of the daw as supervisor 
and the clerk of the township brought suit against said Shoults before NP. 
Mather and obtained a judgement against said Henry Shoults on the 25 day of 
July 1857 for $6. 


July 21, 1857: B.S. Booker appointed supervisor of district 7. 
eer erre eT Tere Ter Tere T: | 
Aug. 15, 1857: Arrangements made for enumeration of children in 3N 2E, Schoor 
houses in districts 2,3,5,4,and i, 5 in all, to Le let at Mlk. Carmel on Oct. 

10, 1857 to the lowest bidder. 


Sept. 19, 1857: Thomas fl. Nicholson to take the annuel report to the county 
auditor on Oct. 7, 1857. 

ere re ee Ter rrr ere Ts 

Oct. 10, 1857: Board offered to let 5 school houses and none sold for want of - 
bidders and trustees agreed to det them on private contract. 
Pere ee Terre Tere r reer 

Oct. 29, 1857: School Directors appointed: Jacob Horner in district i; Jsace 
Scott in district 2; Edmond Jean in district 3; McCana Phipps in district 4; 

Owen Mahorzney in district 5; Nathen Arnold in district 6; Silas L. Reed in 
district 7; Janes Barnard in district dS. 

Board then proceeded to tet the new school houses at $350. each. Jsaac Brewer 
agreed to build one each in districts 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thomas 1. Jean to tuild 
one in district 6; Silas L. Reed to build one in district 7 and Thonas iil. 
Richolson and Willian Robertson to Luild one in district 5. 

Feb. 26, 1855: Claims allowed: Joseph Thompson $10.p Nathan Arnold $7.25; 
Robert Denny $715.; Henry Brown $2.50; Willian ». Booker $2.; Joseph Freed $75.; 
Jeaac Scott $70.; NA. Chanlerlain $65.; Noah Pollard $75.; ELi Carris $50.; 
James Barnard $7.3; R.B. Child $5.; filcCamey Phipps 5/6. 

Set eer ee eee eee Te ree eS 

Mt. Carmel, fiarch 27, 1858: Claims allowed: Benjamin lJesner $75.; John i. Lz 
§75.; George Russell $7.50; George N. Jean $60.; Sinon Gould $60.; Silas L. Rze2 
$9.88; Joseph Wilfong $2.; John Russell $7.50; Hugh McFleming $22.; Jacot 
Horner 314.3 HoH. Jogrig 2/7 of all money for building school; Thomas Goen 1/7 

of all money for building scnool; Owen Manorney 85.080; Willian Robertson $76.75: 
Thomas 7. Jean $16.; Thomas fl, Mlicholson $15.50; AW. Brown $15.; Wiley Enoch 
$4.20; A.W. Broun $710. for 2 acre of qround; Joaac Brewer 4/7 of all money due 
for building school houses. 


First monday in April, 1858: Results of election of road supervisors held at 
Mt. Caanel and Hop school house: William T. IiilcClintock, district 1; Hugh 
McFéeming, district 2; Thomas Jean, district 3; McCama Phipps, district 4; 
Janes Barnard, district 5; Willian B. Teaque, district 6 (appointed); John 
Robertson, district 7. 


April 4, 1858: Willian Gould paid $1. 

Tere e ere rer Ter Terre res 

Mt. Carmel, April 12, 1855: Columbus H. Richard duly elected and sworn in to 
the unexpired term of A.W. Brown. Iilartin S. Barnett has been elected thustee 
for three years and is sworn in, Simeon Pollard sworn in as treasurer dor one 
year, Francis Horner elected clerk and sworn in ly NP. iilather. Thomas il. 
Nicholson appointed President of the Board of Trustees. ftlitam Mathew paid 53. 
Jeaac Brewer paid $24.3; Thomas il. Nicholson $2.3; Thomas 7. Jean §2. and Willian 
Robertson $2. Tax of 10¢ per $100. devied for township purposes. Tax of 25¢ 
per £100. and 50¢ poll tax devied for building and repairing schools. 

Willian 7. McClintock appointed supervisor of road divtrict 7, 

Rovert Denny to deliver the Lelrary over to CW. Richard 


june 5, 1858: §.N. Jean paid $i. Thomas Goen paid $277.88. 


Saltillo, July 10, 1858: llichael itunnamaker paid $10. for a school site in 
district 3. Petition presented by John Link and others to make a change in 

the Bono and Salen and Bono and Saliillo roads. Viewers appointed. 

lt. Carmed, Aug. 74, 1658: Thomas il, Nicholson and filartin S. warnett in 
attendance. Thomas jean ordered to open changes in road district 3. Jsaac 
Brewer ordered to take charge of the Lilrar in iit. Cartnel. Codunbus KH. Richard 
4o make a deed to Henry iiloneyhon and receive a deed from Henry IMloneyhon for a 
achool Lot in district 7. 

Ree newt enesteeeceeens 

ft. Carmel, Sent. 18, 1858: John Vellon paid $718. for making 2 Look cases 
and 2 tables. Enumeration report made out and sent to the county auditor. 


skeey prance st se 


Mt, Carmel, llov. 6, 1858: Clains allowed: Mathaniel P, ilather $1. as tounshe 
Justice; Wiley Enochs $1.50 as township constable. School directors anpointec: 
Jacol tiorner, district 1; Joaac Scott, district 2; Martin S. Barnett, district 
3; George A. Rosenbaum, divtrict 4; Owen Mahorney, district 5; llathaniel +. 
Mather, district 6; Thomas Goen, district 8. 

eee eee eee eeeaeeeeeeeeee 

Mt. Carmel, Nov. 27, 1858: Claims allowed: Jsaac Brewer $845.60 for Luilding 
achool houses in districts 1, 2, and 3. Peter Link $276.85 for huilding school 
houses; Henry HK. Jsgrigg $277.05 for building school houses; Henry Moneyhon 
$15. for a ochool site; Willian Robertson $3.50 as clerk and road viewer; 
Willian B. Teaque $3. belonging to road district 6. 

eee reer re err errr rs 

Mt. Carmel, Fel. 72, 1859: M.S. Barnett and C.H. Richard in attendance. 
Willian B. Teaque paid $5. as supervisor in rad district 6. 


Saltillo, iilarch 19, 1559: Thomas fl. Nichodoon and Columbus K, Richard in 
attendance. Claims allowed: NA. Chanberlain $75. for teaching school 5; 
Lyman B. Gould 875. for teaching school 3; Noah Pollard $75. for teaching 
achool 8; G.N. Jean $75. for teaching school 7; Dennis B. Hanersdy 5¥5. tor 
teaching school 4; Nathaniel P. Mather 875. for teaching school 6; Francis 
Horzner $75. for teaching school 7; E.7. Bower £63.40 for teaching «school 2; 
John Baooks $10.95 for teaching school 2; Jacob Horner ¥5.50 as director of 
district 1; Thomas Goen §7. as director of district 8; Owen Mahorney 310.60 

as director of district 5; Yanes liloneyhon $7.25 as director of district 7; 
George A. Rosenbaum $7.25 as director of disirict 4; Villian T. ileClintock 

$3. a supervisor of district 7; Janes Barnard 32.75 as supervisor of district 
5S; tlathariel P. lather $5.28 as director of district 6; John Robertson 33. a 
superyisor in district 7; Thomas Goen $10. for extra work on school house of 
B.C. Shanks $1.10 for recording deed and transfer; RI. llorrivon $5.50 for 
recording and transfer fees. Ordered that the treasurer of Brown tounship 
retain $3.60 for failure on school howe 5. 


First monday in April, 1859: Election of road superudvors at it. Carnet: 

A.J]. Hamilton, district |; Williamiiilerlening, district 2; iS. narnett, cheot- 
nrict 3; Clement Lee, district 4; Owen Mahorney, district 5; Robert Denny, 
district 6; A. Stevens, district 7. 




lilt. Carmel, April 9, 1859: Clainw allowed: Francis Horner 816.70 {for serice 
as township clerk; Columbus H. Richards 376. as trotee; Martin S. Earnett 520. 
50 as tuastee; Thomas iil, (icholson 325.50 as trustee; Martin S$. Barnett $5.40 
aso director of district 8; Thomas Jean 35. as superwisor in road district 3; 
J.L. Menaugh $68. for stoves and pipes. 

errr rr rere Tree rere re ses 

Note: At this time the townshin ceased to be governed Ly a Board of Trustees. 
From this point the elective officers of the township were 1 tuntee, 2 Justice 
of the Peace; 2 Constables and 7 road superwisors. The trustee also sewed 

a clerk and treasurer of the township. Corkins Brown was the first trustee 

to serve under this saysten, having been elected to the post on the first 
monday. in April of 1859. 


Index to records of the Board of Trustees follows: 

Index to Records of the Board of Trustees 

Amodd, wathan: 76. 
Banta, Daniel J.: 3. 
barnard, James: 18,79,20. 
e Jone 2. 
mn Sanuel: 4,5. 
Barnets, Martin S.: 14,19,20,21. 
Belyew, james: 16. 
Blackwell, Janes: 3,4. 
Biijshe, Ret 10. 
Bogle, Rapph: 6,70,76. 
Booker, BeSet 185 
o Willian Pos 185. 
Bower, E.Js€ 20, 
Boyden, David: 2. 
Brewer, Jsaac: 10,14,717,18,19,20. 
Briscoe, Elizabeth: 3. 
" Janes: 3,6. 
brooks, John: 20. 
Brown, Allen W.: 1,5,8,9,514,76,17,19 
" Cozbins: 1,2,059 19312513; 152i « 
is Henry: 710. 
id Jesse: 3. 
me Joshua: 9. 
Campbell, Robert A.: 6,8,170. 
Carris, ELi: 10. 
Caulkine, Samuel: 2,3,8,9,7i. 

M Wesley: 714. 
Chanberlain, N.A.: 718,20. 

Child, Royal B.: 4,9,71,18. 
collier, Willian: |. 

Cornett, Willian: 3. 

Cornwell, Harrison: 9,72,714,17. 

” Thornton: 8,9,171,72,75. 
Denny, Robert: 1,4,5,8,9,10, 12, 18,79, 20. 
Devaots, E.Ast 135 
DAXON,  F olla EO « 

= Weket 13 
Dowling, Willian: 8,72. 
Driskell, Elisha: 74. 

Emery, Wiss: 77. 
Enochs, Wiley: 77,77,78,19,20. 
tleming, james C.: 3. 
Fordyce, Lewis: 15. 
Foutch, Thomas: 9. 
Fraeed, jacob: 15,18. 

uf Johns 3. 

fe Joseph: 13,16. 
Furgison, Stewart: 73. 
Coen, eiaha. Got 7525345 0s 

Ww “Thomas: 5,174,155 19516519520. 
Goldeby, George: 3. 
Gordon, Morrison: 2,3,4,6,5,70, 12. 
Gould, Lyman B.: 20. 

. Norton: 13,76. 

u Riley Ho: 7,9. 
Sinon: 18. 

i Didouw: 5. 

is Willian K.: 16,79. 
Greely, ilichael: 76, 
Greene, David: 1,9,70,73. 
Hamerzsley, Dennis B.: 20. 

ue Mary: 9. 

tamilton, A.j.: 20. 
Hardnan, Lenard: 175. 

ttoller, Jsrael: 7,176. 
n dei? 36 
" Thomas: 3. 

Holsapple, George: 75. 

Hopper, A.Pe: 74, 

hownet, F&eancis: §10,12,13,17.19;20.21 
. Jacodre 12,714,160; 16,20; 

Hosea, Hiram: 3. 

Hughes, Richard: 14,17. 

Hunter, Henw: 3. 

Jagrigg, Henry He: 2,3, /0,17,76,17,18, 202 
jean, Edmond: 173,18. 
ut George wes 78,79,20. 
ad Jefferson J.: 72. 
” Joseph W.: 1,5;13. 
i Thomas Get 12, 14¢61,10,19,21. 
Thomas P.: 71. 
y Washington: 714. 
Jenkins, Nathaniel: 2. 
u Rebecca: 2. 
Knox, Robert S.: 6,0. 
Lawyer, Benjamin: 3,9. 
, Joseph: 5,14. 
ss Willian: 15. 
Leach, Joshua: 76. 
sd Les 73s 
Lee, Clement: 20. 
"Jamison: 2,17. 
" John Ilhz 18. 
feqg, Luline: 10. 
Lindley, Elwood: 6,8. 
Link, John: 10,717, 14,19. 
Ww Peter: 6134 14,20. 
Wahorzney, Owen: 15,79,20. 
liighott, ELy»~WU.: 73. 
lather, Abner: 4. 
4s Nathantel Pst 152535450765 10772; 13, 145.175 165 195206 
Mathew, tliran: 14,79. 
" Thomasé® 70,737,713. 
May, BeFei 3. 
" Benjanin: 3. 
Wlenaugh, Tile f- 21s 
fitter, James: 15. 
WAle; Bs Jtet 166 
és Richard: 17. 
Roneyhan, James: 20. 
" Henry: 9,11,74,19,20. 

Y Turns: 10,71. 

Montgomery, Jackson: 68. 

iH Mitton: 4,5. 

is Newton: 9. 
Moore, Joseph: 2,3,8,71. 
Morrison, R.J.32 20. 
McClasky, Jsaac: 3. 
MctLintock, Willian: 9,74. 

” Witlian T.: 19,20. 
UcFlening, ttugh: 17,108,179. 
" Witlian: 20. 

itcIntire, John: 13,174,176. 
McKinney, Janes: 16,77. 
McNeely, Robert: 3. 
llewlin, Elija: 13. 
Neyman, E.fl.Ce2 9,10,14, 17. 
licholson, Peter: 1,2,9. 
m Thomas Mee 4554505 (35 155-179 16 5 195 20,21 
e Valker: 2. 
Nixon, Jabez te: 73,0 
lunmanaker, Ilichael: 19. 
Phipps, filcCana: 14,76,78,19. 
u Robert Tek Gs 
Pollard, John: 3,455,6;6. 

" fiochs 14,176,148, 20. 
m Stiga. Dy 3010s lest 
id Simeon: 6,9, 170,171,712, 14519. 

Porter, Due: 13. 

id David: 8,7i. 
Poatlewatte, fohns 5,6,;0,9;10,11- 
Pro, Christian: 17. 

MS TORI? 3 5S y Os 

Reed, Sttas Let 135745153 155774 10s 
Reeves & Pro: 9. 
Richards, Columbus He: 715,79,20,21. 
Riley, Alonzo Fei 2,3,4,5- 
Ritchardson, Thomas: 3. 
Ritcheron, tary: 15. 
Rouetts, Jacos® Telsts Sell tte 

- James: 11. 

Roberts, John Le: 10. 

tt Thomas He: 70. 
Robertson, Henw: 10,77,72,14. 
i" John: 79,20. 
“i Willian? 45559125 13 14, 155 155 119 18 519,20s 
Rosenlaun, Charles: 15. 
" George Aw: 5,72,20. 
ut John W.: 71,9. 
Russell, George: 10,16. 
" John: 18. 

Seott, Jsages 12,1734155 10420. 
Shade, Henry: 8. 
"ohn Get 3. 
Shanks, B,C.é 20. 
Shoutts (Shults), Henw: 76. 

Ht . Willian: 2,4. 
Spenyter. PCs. o 1251351 9% 
? Samuetl> 73. 

Stacy, Wright? 243,711.13. 
Stephens-Stevenrs, At 20. 

" " Janes: 14,76. 
Stewart-Stuart, Andrew: 3. 

" " David Pi: 12,73. 

" John Lit 2, 150596 
Teaque, Luke: 3. 

4 Widdion But - 558,17, 714517 5193520. 

Thacker, Titman: 76, 

Tnompagn, John Dek 1429/50 5954 0¢ hi a1a, lel 0- 
if Joseph: 10. 

Taippen, Jeoaiah R.: 71. 

Turner, George A: |. 

Loutsa: 3. 

Vaughn, John: 5. 

Vellon, John: 79. 
Warren, Washington: 12. 

Wesner, Benjanin: 713,176,106. 
" Wittian: 3. 


n Jehu: O. 
Jessy: 9. 
# Réchgid: O4tte 

= Willian: 3. 
Wilcox, Hiran: 13. 
Wilfong, Henu Co: 716. 

- Henry Wi: 710. 

" john He: 710. 
” John W.: 73. 
Me Gasephe 5,72,13,76; 16 
Williams, George: 17. 
* Jesse: 714,75. 

Wood, John: 3. 
"Robert: 3. 
Woods, R.C.: 16. 

"Taustee Records" 

Baown Twp. 
Yashington County, Indiana 
April, 1859-June 6, 1884 

Copied fron the original trusibe record, March, 
Cle. Conk 
872 Sprague Road 
Indianapolis, Ind. 


"Report of Receipts and Expenditures of Broun twp. for 1859." 
Received of George Beagley $2. 
Paid Jseaac Brewer $8253.56 for school houses in districts 7, 2 and 3. 
" HH. Jaqrigg $84.52 for school house in district 7. 
" Peter Link $84.52 for school house in district 4. 
" HH. Jogrigg $84.52 for school house in district 5. 
" Thomas Goen $84.52 for school house in district 8. 
" 4.L. Menaugh §65.30 for 6 stoves. 
" CC. Brown and C.H. Richards $2. for freight on stoves. 
" H. Moneyhon $15. fora school site in district 7. 
" C.H. Richards 876. for his services as trustee. 
" Simeon Pollard $717.40 for his serwices as consitalle. 
"Willian B. Teague £5. as supervisor in district 6. 
" Thomas M. llicholyuon $25.50 for his sermices as tustee. 
" Thomas Jean $5. aw superwisor in district 3. 
Received $6.52 prom Susann Clark for rent on lot § in section 76. 


C-Burg, April, 1859: Isaac Scott paid $7.50 as director in district 2. 
errr rT Te Teer errr re Te eT 

May 17, 1859: School teachers paid as follows: NA. Chanlertain $712.08 
at school 4 for 1857-58; John M. Lee $713.90 at school 1 for 1857-58; Roar 
Pollard $9.70 at school 7 for 1857-58; M.A. Chamberlain £43. at school 5 
for 1558-59; NeP. flather $43. at school 6 for 1858-59; Iloah Pollard $43. 
at school 8 for 1858-59. 


May 18, 1859: School teachers paid: GN. Jean $43. at school 7 for 1858 -3; 

Benjamin Veasaner $13.90 at school 5 for 1857-58; DB. tHanerely $30. at 
achool 4 for 1855-59; Francis Horner $43. at schoal 7 for 1858-59; Ednaund 
T. Bower $32.40 at school 2 tor 1855-59. 

ere re Teer TTT Terre TSS 

May 23, 1859: Teachers paid: Eli Cariis 39.25 at school 2 for 1857-58 
and John Brooks $10.95 at school 2 for 1858-59. 


May 28, 1859: Lynan B. Gould paid 343. for teaching school 3 in 1058-59. 


C-Burzg, June 6, 1859: Tax ch 4¢ levied on each $100. for tounship purposes. 

Tax of 25¢ per $100. and 50¢ poll tax levied for special achool purposes. 


june 10, 1859: Teachers paid: Joseph Freed $13.90 at school 6 Lor 1857-52, 


Lyman B. Gould $10.95 at school 4 for 1857-58 and GN. Jean $70.98 at 
achool 3 for 1857-55. 



Sept. 20, 1859: Enumeration of children shaus that there are 251 males 
and 220 females letween the ages of 5 and 2/ in the tounship. 


Sept. 26, 1859: Thomas A. Stephens paid $2. as supervisor in district 7. 

SRE eEReeaee 

Jan. 13, 1860: Robert Denny paid $3.50 as supervisor in district 6. 

Feb. 17, 1860: Clement Lee paid $4. as supewisor in district 4. 

Hot. Jsgrigg paid $183.76 tor building school house in disthict 5 and $710. 
for extra work on school house number 5. 

Robert Denny paid $1. as clerk of election at lilt. Carmel in April of 1859, 


Feb. 25, 1860: Cwen Iilahorney paid $2. as supervisor in district 5. 
eee eRe REE REE EE 
March 5, 1860: Tax of 2¢ per $100. devied for township purposes. Tax of 
70¢ per 3100. and 25¢ poll levied for special acnooLl purpodsese 
flarch 10, 1860: M.S. Barnett paid §5. a supervisor in district 3. 
Sis i Faancis Horner paid $1. as clerk of an election held at 
Mt. Carmel in Octoler of 1859. $1. also paid to NP. Mather as clerk and 
to £.G. Goen and George Holsapple as judges at same election. 
April 2, 1560: The following were paid for sewing at an election held 
at ilt. Carmel on April 2, 1860: J.D. Thompson, &N. Jean, Silas Pollard, 
WitLlian B. Teague. 
Results of an election held at lt. Carnel on this day: 
Taustee----Corkins Brown-97; Willian Galahan-$7. 
Constablé: Wiley Enoch-100; Willian F. Blackburn-88; Henw W. Wilfong-12: 
Willian B. Teaque-7; Robert Denny~4. 
Road supervisors: 
Dist. 1: Benjamin Mahoraney-20; E.L. Carriv-i0. 
2 TM. Mecholseon-S; G.M. Jean=-4; John Cottle-2. 
JU. Jean-6; Henr Shade-5. 
J.A. Baxter-72. 
josepn Lawyer-12; Wesley Caulkrins-7. 
Christian Prow-20; David P. Stewart-715. 
C.K, Richards-13; Riley H. Gould-7; Washington Case-6; 
Robert Denny-2. 
March 37, 1860: Thonas Goen with a bid of $347.80 was the Low bidder and 
was awarded the contract to luild school 9 near Canplellsburg. 



April 10, 1860: Thomas Goen, HoH. Jogrigg and l.P. Mather surety for 
duilding school 9, to le completed ly first day of ilovenler. 
(No date); The following persons have Leen transferred to Brown township 
for school purnoses: Thomas Matthew and David Green from Northeast toun- 
ship, Orange county and Charles Rudder from Jefferson township, WYashington 
May 27, 1860: 426 scholars in 3M, 2€. and 75 in &N, 2€. 
Sept. 20, 1860: Summary of school enumeration: 274 males and 23; fenales. 
420 in 3N, 2E, 85 in 4N, 2, 2A transferred from Jefferson tounship. 
Nov. 15, 1860: Thomas Goen and Hott, Jagrigg paid 3773.90 due for building 
school 9, 
Mar. 4, 1067: Tax of 3¢ per 87100. levied for township purposes. Tax of 
72¢ per $100. and 25¢ polk levied for schools. 
lilare 9, 1861: Following teachers were each paid £60. for teaching school 
4n 1860-67: Dennis B. Hamersly at school 8; Francis Horner at school 4 
and David Haga at school 3. 
Mar, 12, 1867: Thomas Goen paid $9. as director in school district &. 
Stephen A. Nicholson paid 33.50 for wood furnished school divirict |. 
QP. Mather paid $8.35 as director and wood furnished school district 6. 
Basil Teagarden paid $35. for teaching school district 6. 
Mafch 14, 1867: Janes iionyhon paid $10.17 for wood and director in school 
sarc 7. 
Mar. 16, 1867: Moxrban A. Cornwell paid $60. for teaching school 2 1860-61. 
Jeaac. Il. Caress paid $60. for teaching school 5 for 1860-67. 
Mafch 19, 1861: RC. Wood paid $60. for teaching school 9 in 1860-57. 
April 5, 1867: “Rod. Thompson paid $60. for teaching no. 9 in 1560-67. 
Apr. 13, 156/: Robert Venny paid $26.65 as teacher in dist. 7 in 1860-6). 
Willian Brewer paid $5.04 for wood furnished schcol district 5. 
Christian prow paid $7.50 as superwisor of road district 6. 
Apr. 1, 1867: Results of an election held at iit. Carmel: 

Tastee: Lewis Casper-99; Corkins Brown-23. 

Constable: William F. Blackburn-64; Uiley Enoch-85; Squire L. Dalton-21; 

George Beagley-1. 
Road superwisors: 
Dist. 1: Sanuel Sneed-60; &.L. Caress-7; sanuel Lynn-4; Willian 
john Dickard-54; H.C. lilaloti-2. 

3 Janes Q. Roblerts-7. 

llathariel Green-35; Stephen iilatthey-7; orton Gould-7. 
Janes P. lilartin-9; David Foutch-/. 
. Thomas J. Wilson-16; John Smitn-S; John C. Voyles-S. 
. Miles J. Hitcheock-2; John Haps-7. 
June 24, 1861: C.H. Richards paid $7.50 as superisor in road district 7. 
Rug. 15, 1861: Received notice from the Vernon township that 
lary Hunter iv transferred to brown tounship for school purposes. : 
Aug. 23, 1867: Isabella fergenson of Brown township do transferred to 
Bono township, Lawrence county for achood purposes. 
Hug. 24, 18617: Summary of the enumeration of children aged 5 to 27: 
220 males and 190 females in 3N, 2E; 36 males and 31 females in 4fl, 2E; 
20 transferred to Brown from Jefferson; 5 transferred to Brown from Vernon; 
& transferred 46 Broun from florth East township, Orange Co. Total of 573. 
Aug. 26, 1567: Copy of school enumeration of fractional part of Toun 4 fl. 
Range 2 East files with tie Hduditor of Lawrence county for the first tine. 
lou. 4, 1867: Comes Willian Collier, assignee of Willian Callahan with 
an account against the township as follows, for district 2: $4.50 for 6 
cords of wood; 30¢ for I broom; 10¢ for 7 tin cup. 
Nov. 17, 1867: 444 scholars in 3N,2E and 67 in 4N,2€. 
love 22, 1867: CH. Richards appointed director of school district 7 to 
aerme until the first saturday in October, 1862 or until his successor 
be elected and qualified. 
Dec. 77, 1867: George A. Rosenbaum appointed director of school district 4 
until the first saturday in Octoler 1862. 
Dec. 12, 7156/3: Jacob Freed appointed superisor road district 7 to Lill 
the vacancy of lililes J. Hitchcock. 
Dec. 27, 1867: Wiley Enochs, constable, paid $4.15 as fees in the caseod 
Brown township (Ly James Q. Roberts, sunervisor district 3) US John Cornwell, 
Feb. 17, 7862: MP. lilather appointed director of school district 6 until 
flisd saturday in October 1862, 
Charles Collier was paid $25., the amount due district 6 on account of 
their school not being completed in the winter of 1560-67. 
Mar. 5, 1862: T.J. Wilson paid $3.75 as superwisor in road district 6. 
flax. 7, 1862: Janes OU. Roberts paid $2.50 as sunpermwisor in district 3. 
April 5, 1862: John Dickart paid $3. as supewivsor in district 2. 
April 7, 1862: Results of an election held this day at filt. Camel: 
justice: NP. Mather-93; GA. Rosenbaum-78; 7.8. webbl-54, 
Constable: Wiley Enochs-97; T.J. Wilson-S1; G.W. Bogle-18; WA. Ellict:- 
-2; James WD, ELlLiott-43. 


Traustee: Lewis Casper-96. 

Dist. 1: Simeon VYestfall-18; D. Caress-i. 
John Dickart-1; Richard Wheeler-72. 
William Dennis-3; B. Spangler-1. 
John Wilfong-2; Norton Gould-4. 
Thomas Goen-15; Henw Broun-5. 
AR, Overnan-15; Willian F. Blacklurn-4, 
F.D. Badger-15; John Hays-5. 
April 19, 1862: Peter Link paid $5. for errr in payment for building 
achool house 4. 
April 22, 1862: NP. Mather paid $2.25 for justice fees in case of Broun 
tounship vs. John Cornuell and Albert Windle. 
S0¢ paid to Willian F. Blackburn for constable fees in case of Brown toun- 
ohip us. Albert Windle, failing to work the public highway. 
July 28, 1862: George A. Rosenlaun paid $2.50 for repairing school 4. 
Aug. 23, 1862: Summary of school enumeration: 42 males and 34 fenales 
in 4N,2E; 222 males and 199 females in 30,26; 12 males and i female trans- 
ferred fron jefferson township; 3 males and 5 females transferred fron 
Vernon tounship; 4 males and 4 females transferred from Orange count. 
Total of 283 males and 153 females. 
Sept. 5, 1862: Jsaac Brewer paid $5. for sewice a Librarian for 2 years. 
Sept. 27, 1862: 9.2. Caress enployed to teach school 1 for 5 months at 
$20. per month and school to start on Sept. 29, 
Oct. 713, 1862: B.F. Nicholson employed at $1. per day to teach school 6. 
Oct. 18, 1862: S.C. Micholeon to teach school 5 at $7. per day starting 
Oct. 20. 
Oct. 20, 1862: D.L£. Haga to teach school 4 at $i. per day. 
Cet. 27, 7562: J.B. Porter enployed to teach school 9 for $40. per month 
and he i4 required to furnish an assistant Licensed by county school exaniner. 
Oct. 30, 1562: Enna A. Graves employed to teach school 7 at 75¢ per day 
atarting lov. 4. 
love 1, 1862: JL. Roberts to teach school 3 at $1. per day starting flov. 3 
Rov. 8, 1862: R. Denny to teach school 8 at 81. per day. 
Dec. 37, 1862: W.P. Booker paid $4. for wood furnished school 3. 
Jan. 10, 1063: 9J.L. Akers employed at $/. per day to complete the unexpirec 
term of school 4 starting Jan. 12. 
Jans 31, 1863: Trustee notifzied teacners that the Length of school in 
Broun township for the year 1662-63 would be 100 dats. 



liiarte 3, 1863: Tax of 2¢ per 87100. levied for tounship purposes and i¢ 
per $100. levied for special school purposes, with the concurrance of the 
County Commissioners. 
April 7, 1863: Resulis of an election held at it. Carmel on April 6: 
Trustee: L. Caspar-106. 
Constable: 7.J. Wilson-97; Wiley Enocn-97. 
Dist. 1: Y.T. Cornwell-20. 
2: MM. Robertson-11; Willian Hamilton-72. 
3 WP. Booker=d3,. 
4: EM. Davis-6. 
5 j. Wedgeuwood-71. 
6: Francis Click-15. 
7: John ililler-2. 
April 13, 1563: Sold to Jacol Freed the tract of land heretofore conveyed 
4o John Hays, John Miller and Janes H. Thomaa as school tuwteen of school 
district 9 in 3N,2E and their successors in office forever, for school 
purposes, by Uright Stacy situated on north Line of the north east quarter 
cf section 33, for 375. 
Sept. 7, 1863: Summary of school enumeration of 1863: 248 males and 227 
females in 3N,2E; 37 males and 29 fenales in 4N,2E; 13 males and 12 fenatles- 
transferred from Jefferson township; 2 males and 5 females transferred 
fron Vernon tounship. Total of 300 males and 267 fenales. 
Oct. 71, 1863: GY. Bartlett to teach school 7 for $1.25 per day starting 
October 5. 
Oct. 6, 7863: H./il, Caress to teach school 2 at $7.25 per day starting Mlov.2. 
Oct. 17, 1863: Emma A. Graves to teach school 8 starting Mov. 2,é51.per dey. 
Oct. 19, 1863: S.L. Reed transferred from district 9 to district 6 for 
achood purposes, good cause being stioun by hin for such transfer. 
Oct. 20, 1863: Wl.B. Driscoll to teach school 9 at $2. per day and he is 
to furnish an arssivianrt. 
Oct. 23, 71863: Willian H. Krauteinger to teach school 6 at $1.28 per day 
starting Oct. 26. 
Oct. 24, 7863: S. Collier to teach school 4 at $1.25 per day starting on 
Oct. 26. 
Oct. 37, 1563: S.C. Richolson to teach school 5 at $1.25 per day, start- 
ang on Nov. 2. 3.C. Caress to teach school 3 at $7.25 per day starting 
on flov. 9. 
lou. 6, 1563: RD. Thompson to teacr school 7 at $1.25 per day starting 
the second monday in llovenver. 


Nov. 16, 1863: M.S. Barnett paid $8.95 tor wood and repairs school! 3. 
wou. 17, 1863: FD. Badger paid $1. as superwisor of district 7. 
Nov. 18, 1863: 421 scholars in Bl, 2E and 76 scholars in 41l, 2. 
Year 1864. 
April 5: Results of election held. April 4. 
Jaustee: L. Casper-75; Tell. Iicholson-1. 
Constable: Mell. Rolertson-58; To]. Wilson-28; Thomas Goen-27; Wiley 
Supervisors: | 1.C. Caress-2; John L. Cornwell-22. 
2: RR. Wheeler-14; T.M. Richolson-71. 
3: Rk. Starks-3. 
4: David Green-4; Stephen Collier-1. 
5: John Goen-10. 
6: #t. Conklin-&. 
Ray 9: 469 scholars in 3, 2E and 66 scholars in 4N, 2€. 
Aug. 20: Willian Vesner and Jorael Vesner of Jefferson township traroferr- 
ed to Brown township for school purzposedr. 
Aug. 23: Samuel Hays of Vernon tounship transferred to Brown township 
for school purposes. . 
Sept. 1: 245 mates and 245 females in 3N,2& as scholars and 37 males 
and 29 female scholars in 4N,2E. 14 males and 15 females in 3N,3€ (Jefjer- 
aon twp.) and 3 males and 7 females in 2N,2E. (Vernon twp.) for a toial 
of 299 males and 296 fenales age 5 to 27. 
Nov. 2: Janes J. Baker employed to teach achsol 7 at $7.50 per day and 
achool to start November 714. 
Nov. 4: 9.C. Voules appointed Director of school district 9. 
Nathaniel Green appointed Dinector of schood district as 
Nov. 19: Noah Pollard to teach school 4 at $71.50 per day starting ilov. 21 
HM. Caress to teach school 5 at 37.50 per day startina Dec. 3. 
A.G. Thompson to zeach school &. 
26: Faancis Horner 2o teach school 2 and start Nov. 28. 
1: Um. He Krutsinger to teach school 6 starting Dec. 5. 
Dec. 3: Simon P. Caress to teach school 3 starting Dec. 5 at 37.35 pr dor 
5: Ezekiel £. Caress to teach school 7 at $71.50 per day. 
J.B. Porter to teach school 9 at $2. per day cand to fururieh a 
assistant teacher. 
Year 1865. 




Jan. 6: Teachers notified that the school tern would be 60 dans. 
far. 10: Tax levied of T¢ an $100. for townshin purposes and also 7-¢ 

er ST OF Zz IN rw by Pod 
p 9100, for school purposes, with concurrance of County Connissioners. 


Aoril: Persons declared elected at an election held the {iret Monday: 
Tastee: Willian H. Krwutsinger. 2 eta 
Constables: Nelson Lovelace and Thomas Goen. A7S31L06 
Supervisors: Sanuel Wilson, Henw Robertson, John Link, D.B. Driskelt 
Jacob Bowers, J.C. Voyles and Willian A, Elliott. 

Aug. 2: Norbin A. Cornwell appointed Librarian at Iilt. Carmel. 

Order issued to S. Wilson, superisor of district 7 to repair 

a bridge. 

Aug. 22: J.C. Voyles paid $7.50 for lumber, $7.50 for nails and knob, 

$15. for work on seats. 

fugs 23: Summary of school enumeration for 1865: 38 males and 26 fenales 

an 4N,2E3 227 males and 292 females in 3N,2E; 12 males and 73 fenales in 

3N, 36.3; 4 males and 6 females in 2N,2€. fora total of 287 males and 247 

females between the age of 5 and 27. 

Aug. 25: Received $15.55 as tuition funds for 4N,2E that 46 situated in 

Brown township from the county treasurer of Lawrence County for the year 

7864 and half of 71865. 

Oct. 2: Benjanin Spangler appointed supervisor of district 3 due to the 

rnenaval of John Link from the township. 

Nov. 7: G.A. Rosenbaum allowed $1. 202 8 window bolts; 75¢ for 5 panes 

of cass size 10 by 12 inches; 15¢ for purty and $2.50 for work on the 

achool house. 

Rov. 9: Washington Jean appointed director af school district 3. 

lov. 30: Thomas Nicholson appointed supervisor of road district 2 to 

PLL the vacanay of Henrw Robertson, date of that district. 

Dec. 71: Alfred Krutsinger to teach school 7 at $1.85 per day starting 

Decenber 4, 

Dec. 2: WH. Kwtsinger to teach school 9 at $2, a day starting Dec. 4. 

Mahala J. Hunter to be assistant at achool 9 at 50¢ per day. 
WH. Rosenbaun tio teach school 4 at $7.60 a day. 
Seth Strattian to teach sachool & at $7.60 per day. 
NA. Cornwell to teach school 2 at $7.60 per day. 
Samuel Nicholson to teach school 71 at 81.60 per day. 
Charlotte Craycerafi to teach school 5 at 37.50 per day. 
Dec. 6: Willian Hatfield to teach school 3 at $1.75 per day. 
J.B. Porter to teach school 6 at $71.85 per day. 



Year 1866. 
Jan. 6: CH. Richards of Saltilloville paid for sermices as director of 
achool 7: 40¢ for one water lucket; $4.75 paid to J.B. Danner for repairs; 
$2.15 for material; 30¢ for window springs. 
Jan. 12: J.C. Voyles paid $3.60 for repairs on school 9 and window glass. 
“Jan, 22: Uisited schools 6 and 7 with county sciool excaniner. 
Feb. 22: Length of school session to be 59 days and no more. 

Nelson Lovelace paid 50¢ for sewing comnrission on Benfanin 
Spangler to become superwisor of road district 3. 
Feb. 23: Employed Morra Gordon and Com. Cobble to repair the county 
bridae over Twin Creek wiich is ina critical condition. Said Gordon and 
Cobble are to repair the bridge till satisfactory in the gudgenent of the 
dustee and are to furrish 150 feet of hewn tinber, tron bolts, screus 
and other necessary repairs and are to be paid $40. 
Feb, 28: $8.12 paid to Washington Jean for sundries furnished school 3: 
60¢ for a bLacom; 10¢ for one tin cup; 12¢ for a pound of nails; $3.50 
for repairs; 65¢ for painting blackboard; 10¢ for one pound of nails; 
$1.05 for seven window glasses and $2. for making desks. 
Received $6.55 from S.D. Sayles for rent of east half of the south east 
quarter of section 16, town 3 north. 
March 1: Seth Stratton paid $94. as teacher of school 8, 

WH. Krautsinger paid $178. as teacher of school 9. 

flahala J. Hunter paid $29.50 as assistant at school 9, 
March 2: L£. Casper paid for furnishing broom and tin cup to achool 5. 
March 3: S.C. Nicholson paid $94. for teaching school 7. 

Ozanne Broun paid $9.30 for furnishing 7h cords of wood for 

ACiHOOd. 5. 
flanch 6: WH. Krwtsinger paid $65.45 as trustee by order of county. 

larch 10; Waéllian Hatfield paid $703.25 for teaching school 3. 
Charlotte Craycraft paid $88.50 for teaching school 5. 
Im. He Rosenbaun paid 394.40 for teaching schood 4. 
Richard Wheeler paid $7.20 for 6 cords of wood for school 2. 
Mar. 16: J.B. Porter pa id $109.15 for teaching school 6. 
Alfred Krwutsinger paid 3109.15 for teaching school 7. 
Mar. 19: R.A. Cornwell paid 594.50 for teaching school 2. 
Aprit: Election held firt Monday and following were winners: 
Justices: C. Prow and k Robertson. 
Constables: JH. Link and Nelson Lovelace. 
Taustee: 9.C. Vayles. 

Supervisors: 1-9.C. Caress; 2-failed Ly tie; 3-C.S. Jean; 4-2... 
Boyle; 5-failed by tie; 6-L. Casper; 7-John Kays, 
Aprid 4: Tax Levied of 3¢ per 3100. for special school purposes and 2« 
per $100. for tounship purposes. 
Um. A. Elliott paid $3. as superwisor of district 7. 
April 10: 7.C. Voyles paid $6. as superwisor of district 6. 
April 12: Samuel Wilson paid $6. as supervisor of district 7. 
April 18: R.J. Jean paid $7. for 7 cords wood furnished school 3. 
Alner Chastain paid $12.80 for 8 cords wood for school 9. 
April 27: Thomas Joen paid for 5 cords wood 2371.49 for school 6, 
May 3: Hezekiah Conklin appointed Librarian at Canplbellsburg. 
Un. t. Krutsinger paid $4.40 as former tuntee. 
May 710: Lewis Casper appointed director of school 9. 
June 5: A. Baxter paid $33.10 for sewices at school 7: $14. fox wood: 
60¢ for broom; 50¢ for chalk; 318. for repairs an school house. 
june 21: Nelson Lovelace paid 20¢ for sewing notice on John ttays, sup 2- 
visor elect; 50¢ on Newton Montgomery, supervisor elect; and 371. for 
sering notice on Jeremiah Caress, supermisor elect. 
June 25: NP. lather paid $1.20 for 12 panes of, glass and $1. Lor repeira 
on schood 6, 
July 5: David Green paid 65¢ for one broom; 15¢ for 7 cup; 5e¢ for screws 
and $9.75 for 6/2 cords of wood. 
July 13: Um. H. Krwtsinger paid $5.10 for doing township business. 
Aug. 28: lilahala J. Barnard and Andrew J. Collier transferred from Jeffer- 
don township to Brown for school purposes; there being 7 male and 3 airs. 
Aug. 30: Silas L. Reed appointed director of school 6, 
Sept. 3: Summary of school enunerotion for 1866: 77 in 4N,2E; 7 in 2il, 
2E; 10 in 3N,3E; 474 in 3N,2E; 2 transferred from Orange County; making 
a total of 300 males and 264 females between 5 and 27 years of age. 
Sept. 712: Jacob Bowers paid $3. for 2 days service as superwisor of 
district 5. 
Sept, 22: B.A. Spanqler paid $7.50 for 7 day as superwisor district 3. 
Sept. 30: A.A. McClellen to teach school 7 at $2.50 per day starting 

on flov. 5. 
ZR. Berry to tecch school 4 at $1.75 per day starting Nov. 5. 

Oct. 19: Willian Brown appointed director of school 8, 
Oct. 20: Levi Gifford appointed director of school 7. 

Oct. 30: Me Prinns appointed director of school 4. 

Albert Mather to teach school § at $1.75 per day starting. Nou. 72 


Nov. 10: Jacol Roberts to teach school 3 at 31.75 per day starting Nou 25, 
1.W. Jean appointed director of school 3. 
E.D. Baker appointed director of school 2. 
Oxzange Brown appointed director of school 5. 
1.C. Caress appointed director of school 7. 
F. Snodgrass appointed Librarian for Brown township. 

Charlotte Craycraft to teach school 6 at 371.75 per chm tera ng 
Rov. 719. 
Francis Horner to teach school 2 at $71.75 per day starting on 

26 of Noventber. 
Willian Rosenbaun to teach school.1 at $1.75 per day starting 
719 of hoventber. 
Employed Bartleti Childers to repair the county bridge spanning 
Twin Creek near Willian Shoults, which io now inpassable, made so Ly 
high water. Said Childers to to put in 6 new sills, raise the stone 
pillar to its former height, siraighten the bridge, spite down the Llooy, 
plank up the sides and to have the work all done ty the 25th day of Lec- 
enber, for which work and repairs he is to recieve $100., the County 
Commissioners concurring in the above. 
Rov. 20: fNatice qiven that sealed proposals would be received until 
fionday the 26th of Novenber for the building of a privy for school 9. 
Nov. 21: Rebecca Cracraft to teach school 5 at $71.75 per day starting 
on the 3rd of Decenber. 
Nov. 26: Employed J.L. Reed and J.£. Shanks to build a privy for school 
district 9 for the sum of 340. 
Year 1867. 
Jan. 22: Length of school session to be 67 days. 
Feb. 16: Jooeph iil. Berry paid $117.25 for teaching school 4. 
7-0, Jean paid $1. as serving on election board, and 70¢ Lox 
one broom and tin cup. 
Feb. 20: Albert iilather paid $117.25 for teaching school 8, 
Feb. 27: AA. WicClelland paid $757.50 for teaching sachood 7. 
Feb, 22: Charlotte Craycraft paid $177.25 for teaching achood 6. 
fiarz. S: Willian Rosenbaum paid $117.25 for teaching schood 7. 
flare 9: Rebecca A. Craucraft paid $177.25 for teaching achool 5. 
Mare 12: Jacob Roberts paid 5117.25 for teaching school 3. 
Mar, 15: Peter J. Wlartin paid $157.50 for teachina school 9. 
Apr. 6: ED. Baker paid $3.70 for glass, repairs on school 2. 
Apr. 11: WH. Pollard apnointed Librarian for Brown aounship. 
Apr 22: L. Gifford paid $10.30 for glass and repairs on school 7. 

ia 2: J. Leach paid 37. for 7 cords of wood furnished school Os 
way 28: Wm, Broun paid $2.60 for repairs on school 8. 
way 29: AS. Wilcox paid $11.25 for wood furnished school 7. 
yune 6: Levied special school tax of 5¢ per $100. and 10¢ per $100. for 
tounship purpises; also 5¢ per $100. and 25¢ on each poll; aloo 2¢ per 
$100. {or road purposes. 
yune 15: James S. Thomas paid $12.40 for wood furnisned school 7. 
Richard Wheeler paid $8.50 for § cords of wood for school 2. 
Orange Brown paid $33.34: $871.59 for wood for achool 5; $14.25 
for wood furnished school 6; $7.50 for repairs. 
june 27: G.W. Bogle paid for 2 days serm-ice as supewinsor in district 4, 
july 5: John Hays paid $4.50 for 3 days work as superisor district 7. 
july 16: Wm. Ce. Mather pd $4.50 for 3 days work as superwisor. 
Hug. 77: Newton A. Montgomery pd 83. as supervisor of district 2. 
Sept. 4: 9.5. Thomas pd $1.50 for work on bridae in district 6, 
Sept. 6: Daniel Brooks pd $1.50 for work on bridge in district 6. 
Sept. 12: Silas Pollard pd $3. for warning hands in district 7 and $7.50 
for one day extra work as supervisor in district 7. 
dC. Boyles pd $72.30 for repairs on schools 7, 2, 6, and 9. 
Colvin Jeans paid $2. for warning hands. 
John NR. Baker appointed supervisor of road district 7 in place of 
Silas Pollard, resigned. 
Sept. 27: C.H. Richards appointed director of school district 7. 
U.P, Mather appointed director of school district 6. 
Simeon Pollard appointed director of school district 9, 
Oct. 23: Petition of Stephen D. Sayles, file Phinps, David Green, David 
Wloneyhan and George A. Rosenbaum to the tutee to sell the east half of 
the south cast quarter of section 16, 3N,2E containing 76A. 
Oct. 26: Ata meeting of the qualified voters of district 9 it was re- 
aodued that the public school be postponed until an additional room could 
be built on the present schood house, it being to samall to accomodate all 
the scholars. 
Oct. 37: Advertised an election for the sale of the real estate petiticnzc 
for Oct. 23. Election to be held at Mt. Carmel on Nov. 23, 1867 Letween 
the hours of 10: A.M. and 4: P.M. 
Nov. 1: Contracted with jonah L. Reed for the building of an addition ts 
achool house 9 to be 29 £t. Long and 25 ft. wide with three windows in 
the west side and two in the south side and one door and the roof to be 
turned on the old house to suit the new one with three sides coiled. 
Lumber, nails, and all other materiel fururished on the qround ond said 

coe IT a RMT ee pat ar cream intmmcnrmemanenay entice 



1 Me 3 

Reed is to have for the work 5300. when there is money on hand sufficient 
to pay hin. 
flunber of scholars in love: 475 in 3N,2E; 77 in 4N,2€, 
John R. Freed to teach school 4 at $7.75 per day starting Nov. 4. 
Charlotte Cracraft Hatfield to teach school 3 starting Nov. 15. 
James H. Jones to teach school 6 starting ilouv. 25. 
George Rosenlaun elected director of school district 4, 
john R. Freed elected teacher of school 4. 
Willian Gallahan appointed director of school 2. 
Francis tiorzner elected to teach school 2. 
jo il, Borrr elected director and Alfred Krutsinger teacher school 7 
Janes #. Jones elected to teach school 6, 
Albert iii ather elected to teach school &. . 
Charlotte Hatfield elected to teach school 3. 
Willian H. Rosenbaum elected to teach school 5. 
flonz0 S. Wilcox elected director and Sinon P. Caress teacher of 
achood district |. 
ilove 9G: Alford Krwtsinger to teach school 7 starting Ilav. I/. 
de Ml. Berry to be assistant at school 7 for $1.75 per day. 
Nov. 23: Results of election on question of selling land as petitioned 
for on Oct. 23: 27 for sale and 0 against. 
iwou.e 29: Minimum price of 82. per acre fixed by trustee for the land. 
lioue 23: Albert mather to teach school 8 starting ilove 25. 
tov. 30: Simon +. Caress to teach school 7 starting Dec. 2. 
Willian H. Rosenbaum to teach school 5 starting Vec. 2. 
Francis ttorner to teach school 2 starting vec. 2. 
Dec. 12: Letter received from the county commissioners siating that they 
had Located and established a road in brown township as follows: Comnrenc- 
ang at the Saltilloville and Wifty Iilill road on the Line dividing section: 
22 and 23 thence rzmning south on said Line. between the lands of Royal 8B. 
Child and janes P. iilartin and john C. Voyles and Janes P. filartin and 
Charles Christison and John Vellom and Orange M. Lemon and john rollard 
and Orxange i, Lemon and llathan Hrnold and running thence still south 
through the lands owned by ilathan drnold to sections 26 and 27 to the 
corners of sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 thence east along and upon the sect- 
don Line dividing sections 26 and 34 between the lands of Nathan Armnola 
and Rhoda Hornocker and tlathan Arnold and Peter C. Cauble until it inter- 
eect the atate road Leading fron iit. Carmel to Frederickslurg. Also we 
establish another toad in the township as follows: Conmencing at the road 
deading from iit. Carmel to Bono where it runs a south west direction 

» p 
actoss the corner of the north west corner of the south west corner of 

en ee ee 


aection 10, 31l,2& and from thence changed 40 as to follow the line divid- 
ing section 10 and continuing due west until it interwects the Bono and 
Livonia road. Also we change the sono and Livonia road commencing in the 
center thereof at the north east corner of section 16, 3/l,2E and from 
thence run due south on the Line dividing sections 16 and 15 about § rods 
thence west about 15 rods to intermect said road. 

Year 78 68. 

Jan. 23: J.L. Reed to be paid $296. when there iv sufficient funds. 

4.£, Reed paid $54. for repairs on school 9, 

E.G. Goen paid $2. for work in district 7. 

Orzange Brown paid $6. for hauling rock for school 9, 

C. Brown paid 50¢ for freight on stone. 

Jan. 26: Thomas 4. Stevens to teach school 9 for $4. a day and to furnisn 
an assistant, to start Feb. 2. 

Jan. 11: Alonze Wilcox appointed director of school district 7. 

yon. 15: School tern announced as 77 days. 

Feb. 4: C. Brown paid §7.30 for sash docks and nails for school 9. 

Feb. 7: Christian Prow pd $34. for nails for school 9. 

Feb. S: Nathaniel P. Illather and Peter Link to be paid $301.45 when funds 
are availalle, for lumber, brick and plastering work an school 9. 

Feb, Qi: John R. Fareed paid $134.75 for teaching school 4. 

Feb. 25: Jacob Freed paid 95¢ far repairs on road. 

Feb. 29: Alfred Krwtsinger paid $134.75 for teaching school 7. 

Jelile Berry paid $134.75 for teaching as assistant at school 7, 
lar. 3: Levied for special school purposes a tax of 25¢ per £100. and 
25¢ on each poll; also S¢ per $100. for township purposes and 25¢ eachpoll. 
Moar. 7: Janes tH. Jones paid 8134.75 for teaching school 6, 

Allert Mather paid $134.75 for teaching school 8. 
flax. 9: Charlotte Hatfield paid $134.75 for teaching school 3. 
Mar, 14: Sinon P. Caress paid $734.75 for teaching school 7. 
lilan. 16: Francis tiorner paid $134.75 for teaching school 2. 
Maz. 17: Willian HK. Rosenbaum paid $134.75 for teaching school 5. 

Apr.: Following persons were elected at an election held first Iilonday 
din April, 1868: Trarstee-john C. Voyles; Supewisors: 1-Janes 
Witlians; 2-Azariah Baker; 3-John Russell; 4-Sanuel WY. Stratton; 5-sanuel 

Barnard; 6-Simon D. Hornocker; 7-John A. Phipps. 

Aprl. 9: John C. Voyles paid $89.85 as trustee for one year. 
Apr. 23: B.F. Holaday appointed surpermivor of district 6. 
iiiay 1: RC. flartin appointed Ldibiarian for the township. 
lay 16: Thomas J. Stevens paid $308. for teaching school 9. 

ee ee ae de oe Li ee 

iaatetahe tans 


June 15: Smith and rao paid 315. for stove for school 9. 
June 16: William Gallahan paid $55. for repairs on school 2. 
Steven Reister paid $4.50 for glass furnished school 9. 
CH. Richards paid $7. for sewing as Reqistor and Clerk of an 
election and $10.70 for rent and repairs for school 7. 
jacol Freed paid $10. for wood furnished school 7. 
Willian ttanilton paid as supewisor in district 5. - 
Peter Link paid as supervinor for district 6. 
june 17: C. Paow paid $4.25 for money he paid J.€. Bush as superwisor of 
district 4; $1.45 for wood furnished school 4 and $5.10 for glass, lock, 
ducket and broon. 
| GA. Rosenbaum paid $6. for repairs on school 4, 
Lewis Caspar paid $13. for 62 days as Reqgisior in the townshio. 
Simeon Pollard paid $2.65 for repair on school 9. 
WeH. Pollard paid $2.60 for repairs on school 8 and $712. for 
services as township Librarian for 13 months. 
yune 18: Jellle Nicholson paid $9.50 for repairs on school 5. 
RL. Porter paid 33.75 for wood furnished school 7. 
Peter Drake paid $10.60 for wood furnished schood &. 
june 23: Bonney and Bireey paid $49.50 for writing tablets for the twp. 
Nek. Cornell paid $12.50 for wood furnished schood 2, - 
july 70: NP. Mather paid $5.75 for repairs on school 6. 
july 18: 7.C. Voyles paid $8. for désk and table furnished the tounshio. 
Oct. 2: S.W. Stratton given 3 picks for district 4. 
Uct. 7: Benjamin Ilahorzney paid $450. for suilding school house 77. 
Uct. 10: H. Conklin appointed director of district 9; LG. Hudleston Lor 
district 11. Alfred Xrutsinger elected teacher of school 7 at Si.75 per 
day starting Ilov. 2. 
Oct. 24: E.L, Caress elected teacher of school 5, starting lov. 23. 
Wiargaret fl. Clark elected teacher of school 8, start iiov. 9. 
Francis Horner elected teacher of school 717 starting Nov. 23. 
Oct, 30: James iil, Caress elected teacher school 2 starting llov. 16. 
Oct, 31: Morrison Gordon paid $710.50 for covering school house 6. 
WitLliam Hatfield elected teacher school 3 starting Nov. 16. 
School dizector appointed: George W. Foutch for district 3; 
Sanuel WU, Stratton for district 4; Archibald baxter for district 10; 
John B. Hays for district 7 and John Goen for district 5. 
umber of scholars in tiov.e: 466 in 3/l,2€ and 83 in 4N, 2. 
fou. 2: Employed John R, Freed to teach school 10 at $1.75 per dau, stare 
ing llovenber 16. 

7 _ 



lou. 2s HH. Jagrigg appointed school director of district 8. 

42B. Porter elected to teach school 9 with iiss JH. Porter to 
be his assistant, to le paid $3.50 per day starting lov. 23. 
lov. 14: Albert Mather to teach school 6 starting ilove. 23. 
llou. 16: Simon P. Caress to teach school 7 starting ilov. 30. 
Nov. 23: O.L. Child to teach school 4 starting Nov. 23. 
Dec. 26: Willian ll. Burns paid $700. for building school house 10. 
Year 1869. 
Jan. 21: JM. Taylor and Company paid §27.27 for brooms, buckets, and 
repairs on schools. 
yan. 30: JM. Taylor paid $12.75 for stoves, pines, etc. for schools. 
Feb. 10: Willian Hatfield paid $110.25 for teaching school 3. 
Fel. 11: William Hatfield paid $1. for fixing bdackboard at school 3. 
feb. 13: James M. Caress paid $110.25 for teaching school 2. 

Maggie M. Clark paid $770.25 for teaching school 8. 
tel. 18: Sanuel WU. Stratton paid $6. as supervisor of district 4 and 

87.40 for bucket, door lock, etc for school 4. Sanuel W, Stratton resigns © 

as supervisor of road district 4. 
Feb. 20: John B Freed paid $169. for teaching school 10. 

O.L. Childs paid $110.25 for teaching school 4. 
Feb. 22: Albert Mather paid $770.25 for teaching school 6. 
Feb. 23: J.B. Porter paid $220.50 for teaching school 9. 

llanuel B. Driskell appointed supervisor of road district 4. 
Feb, 27: Moxrbin A. Cornwell paid $6.50 for helping in Library up until 
November of 1868. 

liar. 711: Oxrange Brown paid $37.08 for wood furnished schools 5, 6, and 9. 

Mor. 13: Het, Joqgrigg paid 33.75 for sundries furnished school 8, 
Mar, 20: S.P. Caress paid $170.25 for teaching school 1 for 63 days. 
War, 29: C.C. Christeson paid 33.50 for wood furnished school 7. 
Apr. 2: Sanuel Barnard paid $6. for 4 days work as supewiser distri 
Azariah Baker paid $4.50 for 3 days as supermivor district 2. 
Apr. 5: Results of an election held April 5, 1869: 
Taustee: P.C. Cauble-56; John F. Link-46; 7.M. Tayjlor-20. 
Constable: George Willians-104; E.D. Baker-99; HK. Conklin-3. 

Superisors: 1. J.C. Caress—-4; trancis Horner-3; Stephen Ilicholson—. 

» Azariah Baker-5; Willian Gallahan-i. 
« Willian Jean-1; John C. Blunk-3. 

James Gro44-4, 

Fe Click-3; 7.M. Taylor-2; NP. filather-7. 

5. ‘janes Wesner-16; Merida tughes-7 
7. Willian A. Elliott-7, 


Apr. 6: Francis Harner paid $170.25 for teaching achood It. 
A.J. Hamilton paid $5.20 for wood furnished school 71. 

Apr. 21: Stephen Nicholson appointed superwivor of road district |. 
May 1: Orange Lemon appointed supervisor of district 7 Ly reason of 
Willian A. Elliott not qualifing. 

George tlanyhon paid for 7/2 cords of wood C90¢ per cord for school 4, 

Joshua Larkin paid for 9 cords of wood ©90¢ per cord for school 8. 
may 20: John B. Hays paid for repairs on school 7. 
way 27: William ti. Wires paid for 62 cords wood C54.25 for school 7. 
lay 22: George W. Foutch pd for 8 cords of wood at 90¢ per cord; 36. for 
one desk and $7.25 tor repairs on schood 3. 
lay 21: Archibald Baxter paid $1.25 for repairs and $713. for wood furn- 
dohed achool 10. 
lay 14: John Goodeste paid 39. for wood furnished school 2, 
lay 22: Francis Horner appointed superisor of district |. 
yune 6: NP. iilather paid $6. for registering township voters for 3 days. 
yuly 3: Mumber of scholars: 466 in 3N,2E; 83 in 4il,2€, 
July 8: Cok. Richards paid $6. for registering township voters. 
July 23: Lifted an order given to Villian it. Burns for building ochool 
70 for $700. Ly tosuing two other orders ta Sally Collier and Lewds iil. 
Edwards for $350. each. 
Rug. 23: Crounce Wires transferred from North East township, Orange Coa 
to Brown township for school pilrtposes. 
Sept. 13: O.L. Hays elected teacher of district 7. 
Uct. 2: Results of an election held in school district 6: 

Director: Henw broun-5; Thomas Goen-2; Silas Pollard-2. 

Teacher: Albert ilather-9. 

Wood: Daniel B. vriskell at $71.20 per cord. 

School to start November 15. 
uct. 4: Henw KH. Jogrigg elected director for school &. 

Lewis lile Edwards elected director and Wilson ilartin teacher for 

school district 10. 
Oct. 9: District 9 elected! John il. McClaskey teacher and janes A. Evans 
director for school starting the first monday in November, Joshua Broun 
to furnish the wood at $1.29 per cord. ames i. Taylor, director. 
Oct. 71: Magqie M. Clark elected to teach school 6. 
Oct. 15: District 5 elected Israel Wesner director and James Rk. Wesner 
teacher. Thonas Brewer to furnish wood ct 57. per cord. 
Uct. 76: Dintrict | elected Iiat Caress teacher and Willian wcClintock 

dizector of school to Legin ly the middle of Novenler. John iiicCliniock 
to furnish wood. 



Oct. 16: District 717 elected John Cornwell director and Elnora Clark 


Oct. 18: District 2 elected George Hancock teacher and Richard Wheeler 


District 4 elected Jesse Laker teacher starting ilov. 2. 

llov. 15: S.W. Stratton paid $79.35 for 15 cords wood furnished school 9. 
Number of scholars: 488 in 3N,2E; 84 in 41, 2€. 

Year 1870: 

Jan. 10: Francis Horner filed claim for 62 cords wood @$7.10 for school |. 

Feb. 7: James 7. Wesner clains 3 days work warning hands district 5. 

Feb. 10: Willian Lawyer paid 86.75 for 7/2 cords wood for school 8. 

Ware 15: 9.C. Blunk paid $2.25 for warning hands 72 days. 

llax. 18: List of road hands in district 3: Ben Spangler, Lewis Russell, 

1.0. Clouse, AJ. Taflinger, R. Steward, Jacob Roberts, Willian Jeans, 

Asa jeans, Charles Pain, Ben Lawyer, Westley Caulkins, P. Reister, 

7.C. Blunk, J. Blackwell, supertiisor. 

List of road hands for district 5: John Goen, john Brewer, Jacol Bowers, 

Willian Hamilton, Janes Johnson, Kenr Brown, Thomas Goan, J.P. Martin, 

Edward Leach, Jra Sawtle, San, Barnard, Orange Brown, Thomas Brewer, 


Wleride Hughes, Lewis Shriers, S.C. Micholson, S.W. Woodward, George Nidefer, 

David Foutch, Alford Leach, J. Fuller, yohn P. Legg, James T. VWesner-super. 
liar. 26: Henry Brown, director of school 6 claims: 70¢ for class; 50¢ 
for bacon; 50¢ for stove pipe; 10¢ for tin cup; and 9 cords of wood furn- 
ished by D.B. Driskell at $1.20 per cord. 
Apr. 7: F.D. Badger $25.95 for wood and repairs on schools 7 and 70. 
liay 243 Thomas Brewer clains 2% 11 cords wood for school 5 GS/. per cord. 
May 26: F.D. Badger claims for lumber, alass, bacom, tin cup, paper 
tacks, stove pine, lox matcher, chalk for school 7 for 1057-68. 

F.D. Badger $96. in favor of J.L. Reed given Jan. 28, 1868 and $25 95 
for 5 cords wood and repairs on schools 7 and 70. 

Georae W. Foutch, director of school 3, $7.25 for wood and repairs 
lay 28: John Cornwell clain for 92 cords of wood at $7.20. 

NA. Cornwell claim for 9 cords of wood at §$71.072, 1 Lacon 

and one tin cup for district 2. 
Sept. 24: District 10 elected Janes H. Mathew director and Jesse Baker 
teacher for 1870-71. 
Oct. 1: District 6 elected S.W. Woodward as director and John Richardson 
as teacher, 7.S. Mllartin to furnish wood far $7.15 per cord. 
Uct., Tot Sat.: District 8 elected Ira Savwtell director and Albert 
lather teacher, 


Oct: Second ‘uesday. tollowing road supewivor elected: I-H.o. Booker; 
2-WitLian Gallahan; 3-James Wesley Clouse; 4-George Foutch; 5-S.C. Nichol - 
oon; 6-Charles M. Cornwell; 7-R.L. Porter. 
Oct. 17: Jarael Wesner furnished 5,500 shingles for school 3 at $3.50 
per 71,000. 
Oct. 14: Dintrict i elected Joseph Barnett director and Francis Horner 
deacher. : 
Oct. 16: District 4 elected Margaret Clark to teach starting llov. 3. 
Jacol sawyer to furrish the wood at 97¢ per cord. 
Oct. 77: Alexander Smith appointed director of school district 3. 
Note: Corkins Broun started serving as trustee between Oct. 77 and 3}. 
Oct. 29: P.C. Cauble paid $30. for service as tmotec. 
Oct. 37: Order issued to James Reynolds for $440. for hLuilding school |. 
Money to be paid out of the nexd Iilay dividend. House to be built by 
Benjamin Wllahorney. 
flou. 2: Willian Rosenbaum elected teacher of sachool district 3. 
flov. 12: Benjanin Itaharney paid $3. for warning hands in district 7. 
Nov. 14: 7.S. ilartin paid $77.50 for 10 cords of wood furnished school 6. 

Number of scholars: 453 in 3N,2E; St in 4N,2E; 25 in 3N,3E; 
9 tn 2N, 28. 
Rov. 17: A.S. Booker sworn in as supervisor of road district 7. 
Nov. 24: Ira Sawtell paid $710.28 for nails, glass, Lime, sand, Lrick, 
puty, Lampltack, ott, varnish, chalk, waiting on mason and one das work 
an repairing school &, 
flou. 25: Janes R. Shepherd paid $21.45 for a stove for school 8 and stove 
ptpes for schools 1, 8, and 9. 
Nov. 28: Reason L. Porter sworn in as supervisor of road district 7. 
Dec. 3: Fletcher Thompson paid $10.50 for 10 cords af wood for achool &, 

JeF. Thompson paid $10.50 for wood for school &, 
Dec. 5: Morrison Gordon paid $7.50 for repairs on school 3; $7.50 for 
repairs on achool 5; and $3. for repairs on school 9. 
Dee. 12: JW. Clause paid $6.30 for 7 cords of wood for schood 3. 
Dec. 13: Zephaniah Sawtell paid $4. for 2 sheep killed ly doqs. 
Dec. 27: JW. Clause sworn in as supervisor of road district 3. 

George Beagley paid $9.60 for building stove flues. 
Year 1871. 
Jan. 2: TS. Martin paid $11.50 for wood for district 6. 

Corkins Brown paid $3.77 for nails, glass and lunler. 
dane Ti: JR. Shepherd paid $13.80 for stove and pine in district 4. 

Jan. 18: George Foutch sworn in as superisor of road district 4, 
tel. 10: Henry C. Wood paid 34.80 for taking a pauper to the asylum. 
Fel. 11: Jesse L. Baker paid $133. for teaching school 10. 
feb. 17: O.L. Hays paid $7133. for teaching school 7. 
20: DB. Driskell paid $133. for teaching school 77. 
Fel. 22: Janes b. Wesner paid $133. for teaching. 
25: J.A. Richardson paid $133. for teaching school 6. 
Feb. 27: WAL Rosenbaun paid $133. for teaching school 3. 
E.J. Hancock paid $7133. for teaching school 2. 
ilar. 4: Francis Horner paid $133. for teaching school 1 and $4.50 as 
supervisor of road district |. 
O.M. Lemon paid $3. as supervisor of district 7. 
ilar. 9: Maggie Clark paid $133. for teaching school 4, 
Albert Mather paid $133. for teaching school 8. 
lar. 10: AeS. Booker paid $12.37 for wood furnished school 71. 
Mar. 13: John McClasky paid $171. for teaching school 9. 
Mar. 18: SR. Durbin paid $114. Lor teaching assistant at school 9. 
Mar. 25: C. Brown paid $712.50 for sewice as tunvtee. 
C. Prow paid $9.65 for rent of house for school in district 9. 
Stephen tlicholson paid $3.15 for wood furnished achood ij in the 
month of January, 1569. 
Mare 27: Azarian Baker paid $2. for warning hands in district 2. 

Apr. 3: B.A. Wesner paid $2.50 for brick and Lime to repair school 4. 
Apr. 4: C. Brown paid $4.75 for wood and hauling wood for district 9. 
Apr. 9: Charles fl. Cornwell sworn in as supervisor of road district 6. 

With consent of the county comnissioners a tax of 25¢ per $100. 
for special school purposes and 50¢ on each poll, and 3¢ per $100. for 
hoad purposes i¢ Levied. 

Map 29: P.C. Caullde prid $25.50 for 20 cords of wood for achool J, 

tH, Mathew paid $714.50 for wood furnished school 10; 37.35 for 
94 feet of lunber for T.M. Dawson, director of school 2; alsp paid for 
chalk, glass and putty for school 10 and for wood furnished L.D. tiays, 
director of school district 7, 

Philip Riester paid $16. for wood furnished school 2 at $1. ner cord. 

ToM. Dawson, director of school 2, paid $10.90 for repair. 

NP. flather comes with an order dated Fel. 8, 1568 with balance on 
order and interest of $208.84. 

Comes Sally Collier, by ?.C. Cauble, with the following order for 
building a school house in district 7 for $440, 


May 30: George Russell paid $10.92 for wood furnished Jaaac Holler, dir- 
actor of district 5. 
C. Brown paid $1.20 for baocoms, tin cup and glass for district 9. 
C. Prow paid for glass and brooms furnished school 5 and brcon for 
achool 9, 
Jacol Lawyer, Ly Charles iil, Cornwell, comes with an order from 
Benjamin A. Wesner, director of district 4 for 82 cords of wood, for $3.° 
A.S. Wilcox paid for 12 cords of wood furnished Joel Barnett, director 
of district 7. 
June 8: PE. Green paid $11.25 tor 9 sheep killed by dogs. 
June 10: Richard Wheeler paid $4. for repairs on school 2, 
June 14: Willian P. Green presents an order dated Dec. 30, 1869 for 
$36. and 6% interest, total $39.15. 
June 17: Zephaniah Saytell paid $1.50 for sheep killed ly dow. 
June 22: W.B. Knox presents an order and interest for a total of 3708.50 
dated Jan. 23, 1870. 
June 24: LD. Hays paid $3.75 for 2 sheep killed Ly dogs. 
July 15: Peter C. Cauble given note for $500., bearing & interest, for 
building school 9. 
yuly 25: Willian Danner paid $4. for sawing wood for dlotrict 7. 
yuly 29: Villian i. Wires paid $1. for i sheep killed Ly dow. 
yuly 34: Solomon Sawtel paid $2.75 for 2 sheep killed ly doqe. 
Aug. 3: Cy. Prow paid $7.25 costs in a township suit. 
Aug. 712: Milton iiontcomery paid $16. for sheep killed Ly dogs. 
Aug. 26: UA. Elliott paid 70¢ for cup, glass and broom for school 7 and 
$7.60 for a Lock and braan for school 7. 
Almerin lililler appointed and sworn in as director af school 4. 
Sept. 14: George Fults paid 39. for publishing railroad election notices. 
Sept. 16: Jesse L. Baker elected teacher and J.H. iilathew director of 
achood district 10. 
Oxzange £. Hays elected teacher of school 7. L.D. Hays, director. 
Sept. 14: John Smith paid $72. for rent of school house 9. 
Sept. 20: RL. Porter, sunerisor of district 7, 16 ordered to opena 
public road beginning at the corners of sections 26,27,34,35 in 3l,2€ 
zunning west on the Line between sections 27 and 34 one mile io the north 
west corner of section 34, intersecting the Carter Creek ileeting house 
Road, to ble opened +o the width of 25 feet, 
Sept. 23: WH. Rosenbaum elected teacher for school 3. 

Sept. 28: A.S. Booker paid 38. as supervisor in district 7. 

Oct. 7: Alexander smith elected director of school district 3. 
Joed Bawnett elected director and Willian vnarnett teacher of 
district |. ; 
Yohn Goen elected director and James b. Wesner teacher of ociool 
district 5. Thomas Brewer to furnish wood for $7.40 per cord. 
William Cornwell elected director and Boone Draiskell teacher of 
achood district 11. AS. Booker to furnish the wood for $71.25 per cord. 
Willian Il. Wires elected tearker director of school 7. 
icCamy Phipps elected director of school 10. 
Oct. 9: Thomas il, Iicholson sworn in as director of district 2. 
District 4 elected Willian Russell director of schaol and school 
ig dtart Oct, 16. 
Almerin Iiitler paid $4. for repairs to school 4. 
LD. Hays paid $2. for wood furnished district 7. 
Oct. 13: Willian Il. Wires sworn in as director of school district 7. 
NP. Mather sworn in as director of district 6. 
uct. 16: Isaac Holler paid 83. for repairs on school 5. 
G.S. Hancock elected principal teacher of school 9. 
Wet. Pollard elected director of district 9. 
S.W. Stratton to furnish wood for school 9 for $71.30 per cord. 
liixC. Phipps sworn in as director for school 10. 
John Goen sworn in as director for achool 5. 
Ellen Speaks elected to teach district 2 starting 4th monday 2 
Novenber, 1877 and Willian Gallahan to furnish wood at $1. per cord. 
Oct. 20: S.C. Nicholson paid $3. for super isor serices. 
Oct. 24: Note given to Sanuel WU. Stratton and Willian crown for $26. for 
20 cords of 20 inch wood for schood 9. 
Oct. 25: E.D. Cornwell paid $6. for services as Librarian. 
lou. 13: lumber of achalarzse: 429 in 3N,2E; 80 in 4N,2E; 25 in 3N,3€; 
anid: 15 Are 2h, 26. 
Nov. 15: J.R. Shepherd paid §20.45 for stove pines furnished school 9. 
Nouv. 18: Promnisor note for $200. given to C. Brown for a lot for 
achoodl 9, 
Rov. 21: Order was issued to George A. Rosenbaum and other petitioners 
for the following described highway to be opened: Commencing at the 
north end of main street in the town of Saltillo in the center of said 
otreet on the section Line dividing section 27 and 28, 21 and 22, 716 and 
75, 3N,2E, thence north on the section Line through the Land of Lillian 
A, Elliott, Sinon VD. Hornocker, Eunice Thacker and McCamey Phipos, Hiran 
Reyman and the land belonging to the estate and heirs of Turns Monyhon, 
deceased, Stephen Sales, Wit. and Kenry. Rosenbaun until it intersects 

the present highway about 80 rzods south of the north west corner of section 
15 east of the lands of George A. Rosenbaun. Onrders issued to Reason L. 
Porter, supervisor of district 7 and George Foutch, supermisor of district 
% to open said road to the width of 30 feet. 

Nov. 28: Prommisory note for $43. given to Peter C. Caulle for Luilding 
outhouses, steps, etc. for school 9. 

Dec. 10: Orders for the road petitioned for ly George A. Rosenbaum and © 
others and ordered opened on llov. 21 are hereby revoked. 

Year 1872. 

Jan. 5: AS. Booker paid $12.60 for wood furnished school 7/. 

yan. 15: Orders issued to C.M. Cornwell, supervisor of district 6, to 
open the following road change: commencing at the center of section 36 

3N,2E and rzunning east on the quarter section Line to intersect the Bono roca. 

Jan. 23: MM. Ilichols paid 45.30 for qlass, putty and repairing schood 2. 
Feb. 8: Wesley Clouse paid 88. for wood furnished schaol 3. 
Corkins Brown paid 33.50 for chalk, glass, brooms, and buckets. 
Feb. 10: ML. Sayles paid $711. for teaching school 4. 
Feb. 16: OL. Hays paid $729.50 for teaching school 7. 
Feb. 17: Jesse Le Baker paid $729.50 for teaching school 710; 
Feb. 27: Jeptha Driskell paid $129.50 for teaching school 6. 
Fel. 25: John Goen paid $9.40 for repairs on school 5. 
fel. 26: Janes M. Taylor paid $729.50 for teaching school 9. 
D.B. Draiskell paid $129.50 for teaching school 71. 
1.B. Wesaner paid $729.50 for teaching school 5. 
WeH. Rosenbaum paid $129.50 for teaching school 3. 
G.S. Hancock paid $143. for teaching schood 9. 
Feb. 29: John Goen paid $9.40 tor repairs of school 5. 
Veale, Clouse paid $0. for wood furnished school 3. 
itton Nichols paid $5.30 for repairs on school 2. 
Wiare 12 C. Brown $3.50 for buckets, brooms, etc. 
S.U. Woodward paid $12.50 for wood furnished school 6, 
Jacol Lawyer paid $8. for wood furnished school 4. 
War. 6: Letter from county comnissioners notifying of the establishnent 
of a public highway in the township as follows: connencing at a point 
where the road from Canpluellslurg to lt. Carnell crosses the section Line 
detueen sections 35 and 26 in 3N,2€, azunning east on the Line dividing 
sections 36 and 26 between sections 36 and 25 terminating at a point where 
the Bono 2zsad crosses daid section Line and within about 8 rods of the 
range Line between 2 and range 3 and 25 #t. wide. Supervisors are auth 

ortzed to open said road if the petitioners pay $100. damages to Lidia C, 


Wingler as assessed Ly the board of county comnissaioners. janes 7. Hublard, 
superisor of road district 6 ordered to open road if damages are paid, 
ilar. 9: Willian R. Barnett paid $729.50 for teaching school /. 
Mar. 717: Wek. Pollard paid $6.30 for blackboard and shovel for school 9. 
Mar. 712: J.R. Shepherd paid $714.50 for stove and pines for school 9. 
Mar. 13: A. Miller paid $4. Lor 7 sheep killed Ly dogs. 
G.W. Foutch paid $7. as supervisor of district 3. 
liar. 15: Ellen B. Speak paid $129.50 for teaching school 2. 
flare 22: Atax Snith paid $7.05 for tin cup, glass and putty. 
E.D. Baker paid §2.50 for 71 sheep killed Ly dogs. 
Apr. 15: LD. Hays paid 85. for 5 Lanbs killed by dow. 
Apr. 19: George W. Bogle appointed superisor of district 6. 
Apr. 20: Corkins Brown paid $45. for trustee sewices. 
Apr. 25: James Hubbard appointed supervisor of district 6. 
Apr. 26: Willian 7. Cornvell paid 34.03 for repairs on school 7/. 
May 24: C. Praow paid $1.50 for nails furnished district 7. 
7. Brewer paid $72.60 for wood furnished district 5. 
P.C. Cauble paid $525. for building school house 9. 
7. Brown paid $4.50 for 1 sheep and 2 dambs killed by dow. 
1.7.C. Wilkins paid $26.91 for wood furnished school 9. 
May 25: Janes Reynolds paid $72.65 for wood furnished school 7. 
Willian jeans paid $2.50 for 2 danbs killed ly dogs. 
J.U. Jean paid $3.75 for 3 Lanbs killed ly dogs. 
R.L. Porter paid $24.94 for dumber and $71,80 as supewdisor #7. 
John Miller paid $3.15 for wood furnished school 7. 
flay 27: NR.P. Mather paid $6.60 for repairs in district 7. 
NA. Cornwell paid $6. for serwices as Librarian. 
Willian Larkin paid $8. for wood furnished for school &. 
John Goen paid $2.50 for sheep killed 4y dogs. 
Corkins Brown paid $200. for lot for school 9, 
lay 30: SW. Stratton paid $2.50 for 2 sheep Lilled by dags. 
lay 37: Cif, Cornwell paid $7.35 as supervisor. 
june t: filcCamey Phipps paid $78.02 for wood, broom and dock. 
June 3: C. Brown paid $5. a trustee. 
Willian Gallahan paid $12.70 for wood furnished schaol 2. 
june 4: P.C. Canble paid $44.25 and $150. for building school 9. 
June 7: GA. Rosenbaum paid $12. for 5 sheep killed Ly dogs. 

june 10: Runber of scholars: 469 in 3N,2E and &0 in 42,2. 



june 22: W.K. and OL. Gould paid $77.50 for 2 sheep and 5 lanbs killed. 



July 4: §.W. Foutch paid $7.50 for 3 sheep killed Ly doq. 
July 5: Kemp and Forester paid $20. for Lightning rod for achood 9, 
july 9: Orange L. Gould paid $5. for 2 sheep killed by dogs. 
Sept. 14: At the request of Abram S. Booker, superyisor of road district 1 
and several persons Liable to perforn highway Lalor in said district, for 
the convenience of hands residing within said district, it 4 ordered that 
daid district ble divided 40 as to form two seperate road districts, called 
7 east and 7 west. 7 east shall enbrace all that part of the present 
district that Lies east of the Coxes Ferw road and 7 west shall include 
the Coxes Ferrw road and all public roads west of the Coxes Ferry road 
now in district 1. J.C. Caress is appointed superwisor of 7 west. 
Sept. 20: Voters of school district 6 elected Jeptha Drtskell teacher 
and school to start 32d monday in Nov. RP. Mather bid wood at $7.09. 
Sept. 28: Benjomin A. Wesner elected to teach school § and Harvy Thompson 
to furnish wood at 90¢ per cord. 
Oct. Tat Sat.: Thomas M. Dawson elected director and Ellen B. Speak as 
teacher of district 2. Willian Gallahan to furnish wood at $7.20 per cord. . 
Oct. 5: Willian R. Barnett elected teacher and J.C. Caress in district /. 
Alonzo Wilcox to furnish wood at $7. per cord. 

Simeon Pollard elected to teach sachaol 9 at Canplellslurg. 

WitLian A. Rosenbaum elected teacher and Willian Russell as dir- 
ector of school district 4. Henw Rosenlaun to furnish wood ct 78¢ per 
cord. School to start the first monday in llovenler. 
Oct. 8: Supervisor of road districts elected: 1&-John L. Cornwell (app- 
ointed on account of tie vote); 1W-97.C. Caress; 2-Alonzo o. Wilcox; 
3-yacol Lawyer; 4-iianuel B. Vaiskell; 5-Lewis shroyer; b-JilLian nt. 
Rutsinger; 7-Archivald baxter. 
Uct. 9: Willian ‘Jean appointed director of school district 3. 

Yavid Foutch appointed director of school district &. 
Oct. 76: Samuel Hays appointed director of school district 7. 
Oct. 20: Jerw Caress qualified as superisor of road district 7 east. 
lov. 2: William Gallanan paid $15. tor 12:2 cords of wood for school 2. 
Year 1873. 
Jan. 16: William #H. Russell received 1 scraper, 4 picks, 7 shovels, 7 
adedge hammer and 1 drill tor road district 2. 
Ware 72 Dilliam iil, Aluis paid 35.10 for posting wad (rzailroad) notices. 
lar. 8: Ellen B. Speak paid 5136.50 for teaching school 2. 

B.A. Wesner paid $736.50 for teacning school 8. 
ilar. 15: William R. Barnett paid $7136.50 for teaching school |. 

lar. 19: Exekiel L. Caress paid 3136.50 for teaching school 71. 


late 22: Manuel B. Draiskell paid $156. for teaching school 70. 
Jeptha vriskell paid $136.50 for teaching school 6. 
ilar. 26: J.W. Jean paid $3. for 2 Lambs killed Ly dog. 
Apr. 14: Alexander Smith paid $7.50 tor 5 Lambs killed ly dogs. 
Apr. 28: Hugh lilcrlening paid $9. for 3 sheep killed ly doqs. 
lay 9: Willian jean received from trastee ».C. Caublle for we in road 
district 3 1 road plow; | road scraper; 2 picks and 6 shovels. 
May 15: John E. Bilyeu received 7 road plow, scraper, 4 picks and 4 
shovels for use in road district 4. These tools were turned over to 
R. filidls on June 5. 
lay 16: P.C. Cauble paid $393.85 for balance on order dated Aug. 15, 1877. 
Orange Brown paid $42.80 for wood furnished districts 5 and 9. 
Vestley Clouse paid $70.50 for wood furnished school 3. 
Willian Galahan paid 315. for wood furnished school 2. 
Way 17: David Foutch paid $5. for wood furnished school &. 
May 23: Alonzo S. Wilcox paid $15. tor wood furnished school 7. 
Willian H. Rosenbaum paid $6.90 for wood furnished school 4, 
lay 28: GA. Rosenbaum paid $6.90 for lumber furnished road district 3. 
lay 29: Robert Jones received 3 picks and 6 shovels for road district 7 E, 
flay 37: Lewis R. Shroyer received 1 plow, saraper, 3 picks and 5 shovels 
for road district 5. 
jeremiah C. Caress received plow, sledge hammer, crowbar, 3 picks 
and 4 shovels for road district / U. 
Pollard and Hubbard paid $169.25 for 5m dozen shovels; 4 road plows; 
4 noad acrapers; 20 picks and handles; 7 crowbar and 7 sledge hanner. 
James F. Hulbard paid $3. for 2 days work as supervisor of district 6. 
John Corznwell paid $8.85 for wood furnished school 70. 
June 5: A. Baxter received 12 shovels for road district 7. 
June 6: Mc. Phipns paid $17.25 for wood furnished school 710. 
S. Hays paid $71.65 for wood furnished school 7. 
Sally Collier paid £50. interest on order dated Oct. 25, I871. 
Salty Collier paid $350. on order dated Sept. 715, 157]. 
yune 10: Wek, Krwtsinger received 20 shovels and 4 picks for district 6. 
(U.P. Mather paid $4. for timber bought Ly district supervisor. 
June 12: Isaac Holler paid $2.50 for hauling shingles to school 5. 
June 20: B.A. Spangler paid 313.65 for shingles furnished school 5. 
June 24: James Williams paid $6.25 for wood furnished school 77. 
july 5: T.L. Collins paid $20. for attorney, fees in action of Lroun 
township against the estate of Corkins Brown. 


July 16: Janes Gorden paid $7.50 for making 3 seats for school 77. 
July 18: Wek, Rusoell paid $6. for 3 sheep killed Ly dog. 
duly 25: Wet, Kresinger paid $2.85 for nails furnished road district 6, 
Sept. 5: Purchased half acre of ground from James P. illartin for school ¢. 
Sept. 10: School house in district 6 is declared vacated. 
Sept. 77: John J. Hardin paid $47.75 costs in case of Brown township 
(plaintife) and the heirs of Corkins Broun (defendent) for deed. 
Sept, 20: Ellen B. Speak elected to teach school 2. 
Sept. 27: The school house and lot known as number 6 ts this day sold 
to David Foutch for $70.25, to be paid in 6 months without any interess, 
Oct. 72: William Russell appointed direcior of school district 4. 
Oct. 14: Willian H. Russell appointed supervisor of road district 2. 
Oct. 15: School 7] shall hereafter le known as school nunler 6. 
Oct. 20: Leander G Davis paid $3. for recording deeds to school lots. 
Oct. 26: RL. Porter appointed director of school district 7. 
Nov. 1: Robert Jones paid $3. as superwrisor of road district 7 east. 

Willian tt. Rosenbaun elected teacher of school 4 starting ilov. 3. 

George. lilonahon to furnish wood for school 4 at 7S¢ per cord. 
Dec. 4: LP. Mather paid $24. for 12 cords of wood furnished school 9. 
Dec. 5: Me Gordon paid $25.75 tor making desks for school 2 and also for 
repairs on achood &, 

S.C. Arnold paid $7. for7 bucket and 2 braocons furnished the tounshric, 

Dec. 6: Truellood and Allen paid $8. for 4 quarts of Liquid slating. 
Dec. S: Willian Russell paid 35. for repairs ta school 4. 
Year 1074. 
Jan. 11: Robert Jones received 3 picks and 6 shovels for road district 
7 east. 
jan. 16: George W. Russell paid $2. for i sheep killed by dogs. 
tel. 9: Stephen Nicholson paid $2. for 1 sheep killed by dogs. 
Feb. 16: Ellen B. Speak paid $166.25 for teaching schood 2, 
lilar. 7: Turned over $36.79 ~rom dog fund to tuition fund. 
lar. 6: Orange L. Hays paid $2.50 for 7 sheep killed by Hoqs. 

Sitas lJ, Woodward paid $4.50 for 3 lambs killed by dogs. 
Mare 7: ilatthev Robertson paid $717.50 for 7 sheep killed by dogs. 
flax. 14: Janes A. Evans paid $166.25 for teaching school 7. 

UitLianr ke Krutsinger paid $267.25 for teaching school 9. 
LiL Stanley paid $142.50 for teaching school 9. 

Mare 23: BA. Yesner paid $166.25 for teaching school 5. 
Mar. 26: Maggie Brown paid $7152. for teaching school 6. 
Ware WW: Willian , Rosenbaun paid $152. for teaching school 4. 


Mare 14: Lewis Stratton paid 3152. for teaching school 7. 
flare 28: Albert Ilather paid $152. for teaching school 3S. 
ilar. 37: Jeptha Draiskell paid $7180.50 for teaching school 70 
Apr. 6: Stephen Nicholson paid $2.50 for 7 sheep killed ly doqe. 
Christian Prow paid 50¢ for writing a deed for school 6. 
Apr. 9: IMlatthew Robertson paid $5. for 2 sheep killed. 
Apr. 17: Lewis Shroyer paid $7.50 as superisor of road district 5. 
Apr. 16: David Foutch paid $5.75 for repairs on school 8. 
Apr. 17: fAsaT. Jean paid $150. for teaching school 3. 
Willian Jean paid $6. as superwdisor of district 3 and $4. for 
repairs on school 3. 
Apr. 18: John E. Bilyeau paid $4.95 as supervisor of road district 4. 
Wap 9: Joel Barnett paid $72. for wood furnished school 7. 
Orange Arnold paid $4. for toking Eliza Hen to county asylun. 
May 19: George Monahon paid $17.35 for wood for schood 4, 
lilay 22: Alexander Smith paid $5. for wood furnished school 3. 
4.7.C. Wilkins & Son paid $1.95 for Lock and baocom for school 6. 
C. Paow and Son paid $12.50 for wood furnished achool 6; $6.30 
for saving and splitting wood for school 9 and $3.60 for nails, Lucket 
and bAoons. 
Jacob Grimes paid 83.20 for chalk and qlass. 
Hugh lictlening paid $4. for Lumber furnished school 4. 
May 23: Jra Sawtell paid $6. for repairs on schood 3 and 8b. for building 
an outhouse for school 70. 
WA. Elliott paid $2.75 tor nails, chalk, bucket and qlasa. 
JH. flatthew and bro. paid SS. for dunler for out houses for school 19. 
Mc Phipps paid $3.20 for saving wood for school 10, and $1. for 
repairs an school 70. 
RL. Porter paid $4.30 for door dock, broom and repair for achool 7 
and $16.15 for wood and repairs for school 7. 
John Goen paid $2.50 for 1 sheep killed Ly doqe. 
Ents Eunis Bilyou paid $710. for 5 sheep killed by doqs. 
lilayp 27: Oxange Brown paid $12.50 for wood furnished school 5. 
May 29: William Russell paid $7.50 for hauling desks for school 2. 
lilay 30: T.M. Dawson paid for repairs on achood 2. 
Thomas flartin paid $72.20 for wood furnished schood &. 
yune 71: Alonzo S. Wilcox paid $717.70 for wood furnished school 2, 
june 4: Jereniah Caress paid 60¢ for broom and chalk. 
jereniah C. Caress paid $2.25 tor Ie days warring hands. 

Thomas Brewer paid $25. for 8 old sheep and 5 lanbs killed by brs 

June 10: lumber of scholars: 450 in 3f,2E; 37 in 4N,2E€; 14 in 3N,3E; 
3 dione 
June 15: Sally Collier mid $650. payment in full. 
C. Prow and Son paid $71.40 for nails furnished road districts 
2) and) 6. 
June 22: Jarael Wesner paid $30.70 for lunver furnished road districts 
2, 5 and 6. : 
Oct. 24: Willian liicPike qualified as superwdiser in road district 7 east. 
Oct. 26: Frank Matthew qualified as supervisor in road district 3. 
Nov. 7: SB. Hiles qualified as superisor in road district 7. 
Joshua Bracwn qualified as supervisor in road district 6. 
Year 1375. 
Yan, 25° lunber of seiolais? 450 42 Bi, 26; dF an 4, 2€> 33 an Sh se; 
14 av AN, Ges 9 ae 2, es 
June 12: B.F. Wheeler qualified as supewisor in road district 2. 
yune 716: Number of scholars: 457 in 3N,2E; 80 in 4N,2€; 25 in 4N,3E; 
20 in 3N,3€. 
Year 1576: 
Octoler: Supervisors elected and qualified: 1-Stephen llicholson; 
2~John Goldsby; 3-Joshua B. Brown; 4-Jacol Lawyer; 5~!oseph Hanilton; 
6-WilLian Brown; 7-licCaney Phipps; 8-John WU. Shoults. 
Year 1577: James T. Wesner was serving as turiee in October. 
Oct. 712: Almevrin iiiller appointed director of school 3. 
Simon ~, Caress appointed director of achool 7. 
Oct 20: John L. Cornwell appointed director of school 6. 
Oct. 25: F.D. Badger appointed director of school 70. 
Rov. 3: Willian H. Russell appointed director of achood 2, 
Henrzy A. Smith appointed director of sdhool 7. 
Jsrzael WWesner appointed director of school 5. 
Year 1079. 
Oct. &: Sandy sooker appointed director of school 4, 
Oct. 173 HK.F. Cornwell appointed director of achoald 2, 
Uear 1880: Orange Brown took office as twotee in i080. 
Feb. 76: Ell, Owen appointed director of school 5, 
Apr. 5: Road supervisor elected and qualified: 1-A. Wileox; 2-r4dlian 
Russell; 3-llelson Roberts; 4-John Uilfong; 5-Alfpred Leach; 6-iller Goen; 
7-Utllian Wines; d-Hugn Coots. 
july 5: George U. Russell appointed director of school 2 and ancy D2: 
ao teach. 
S.R. Baker appointed director of school 5; Albert iilather to teach ant 
WitLian ttemilion ta get the wood at 75¢ per cord, 

ee ee te Lat peas) as dale 

yuly 5: Faank tlatthew appointed director of school 3 with David Green 
to teach. 
Sent. 28: George W. Russell appointed director of school 2, 
Oct. O: Sandy Booker appointed director of school 4. 

JH. Cornwell appointed director of school 6, 

$.U. Woodward appointed director of school 8, 
Uct. 70: John Neideffer appointed director of school 10. 

Horen (?) Case appointed director of school 7. 
Wear 18517. 
Rar. 11: Trustee notified that the county comnissioners have ordered a 
road to be built 30 feet widecomnencing at a point on the Saltillo and 
Bono road running east along the east and west Line dividing the lands ct 
Willian A. Elliott and the heirs of iileCamy rhipps and dividing the Lands 
of Elias G. Brown, thence east on the Line dividing the Lands of Lewis ii. 
Edwards and Joseph Taylor and wife; Jeptha Driskell and Orange IM. Lemon 
do intersect the road rzunning north and south on the east side of said 
Driskells and Lemons lands in section 27, 3N,2€. 
Apr. 10: Charley Link appointed superrisor of road district 4. 

Witliam He Russell appointed director of school district 2. 
Uct. 27: Henry Robertson appointed supertendent of the public highvrays 
4n Brown tounship. 
Oct. 29: MB. Vriskell appointed director of school district 8, 
Year 1882, 
Apr. 18: Ovilil, Lemon appointed supertendent of public highways in Brown 
Map 6: S.C. Nicholson appointed director of school district 5. 
puly 10: BF. Spangler appointed director for school districé 3. 
Aug. 4: Meret flicholson appointed director of school district 7. 
Sept. 25: Richard fililler appointed director of school district 4. 

UP. Wires appointed director of school district 7. 

Oct. 3: S.R. Baker appointed director of school district 5. 
Wear 1883. 
May 25: Jacob L. Faeed apnointed director of school district 4. 
june 15: D.L. Hayes appointed director of school district 7. 
Buy 15: Thomas O. Nicholson appointed director of school district 5. 
didy 23: Asa T. Jean, superwtoor of road district 2, received of trustee 
Urange Broun 7 plow, 2 scraners, f crowbar, 1 sledae honner, 4 stone 
hanmers, 5 picks, 8 shovels. 


July 30: John leidetfer, supervisor of road district 4, received Pron 
the trustee 7 plow, 2 scrapers, 2 sledges, 8 shovels and | pick. 

Aug. 4: John L. Cornwell, supervisor of road district i, received fron 
the trustee 7 plow, 2 scrapers, | crowbar, | sledge hanmer, 4 picks, 

4 stone hanmers and 10 shovels. 

Aug. 10: Harrison Wingler appointed director of school district 3. 

Aug. 23: George Barnett appointed director of school district i 

Aug. 29: S.W. Woodard appointed director of school district &, 

Nove 15: David Foutch, supervisor, received for district - ft plow, 2 
acrapers, & shovels, 2 picks, 7 crowbar, 71 sledge and 3 hammers. 

Ucar 1884. 

Apr. 16: Faancis Horner, tustee, appointed Ilanuel vo. Driskell director 
of school district 8. 

Apr. 19: Janes B. Wesner appointed director of school district 5. 

Apr. 26: Persons who have given Lond and qualified as road superisors: 
1-Sanuel McClintock; 2-Richard Wheeler; 3-Sandy Booker; 4-John Neidepter. 
June 6: John A. Foutch comes and says he is physically disabled to work 
the public highways and is not able financially to hire au one to work 
forhing J therefore exempt hin for this year.--F. Horner, trustee. 

lla _date--probably in 1870's. 

List of road supervisors: I-francis Horner; 1 east-Richard Coots; 
2-Yillian Smith; 3-lleLson Roberts; 4-/1.B. Driskell; 5-Joshua Larkin; 
6-G.W. Bogle; 7-John Nidefer. 

Jn the back of the second book a page is r~uled off and headed "Poor Back". 
The only entry on this page 40 tor Aquilla Speaks, a pauper of Broun 
tounship, who becane a charge of the county on Decenber 12, 1867. 


The three parts of this book were conied from the first two ortzinal 
duustee Looks of Brown township from its formation in it's present 
dtate in the year of 1853. An attenpt has been made to arrange the 
material in sequence. Since very few entries are made for the years 
1875 through 1054 it bLecones evident that the third tuvtee Look should 
contain much more infornation for these years. 

SS a a SET 

Ee ca EE tals 


Rken4s, Jales 5s 
Alvis, Willian ile: 25. 
Arnold, liathan: 73. 
at Orange: 28. 
a SiCas 275 
Badger, FsD.t 5,7,19,29. 
Bailey, Willian: 3. 
Baker, Azariah: 14,16,20. 
id Order 41; 1b set. 
” James je: 7. 
TeAee. Lee 10,20; 27 525% 
Jonn. les Tes 
. Seeee acess 
Barnard, Mllahala j.: 10. 

m Samuel: 14,16,15. 
Barnett, George: 31. 

: Wels 22,008 

" Joseph: 719. 

" Marr Sas i2y/s 

" Willian: 22,24,25. 

Bartlett, Cillut Gs 
Baxter, Archibald: 10,15,17,25,26. 
us Tee De 
Beaqgley, George: 1,3,19. 
Berry, Joseph Ik: 10,77, 13,14. 
bilyeu, Eunris: 26. 
" John E.: 26,28. 
Blackburn, Wittion Fa? 253,55: 
Blackwell, Je: 18. 
Biulink, WiohmiC.S 16.306 
Bogle, George We: 4,70,12,24,37. 
Booker; Avzan S«t 719420521,22,23525. 

tf Sandy: 29,30,31. 
i Wek 520, 6s 
Bower, Ednund 7.: 7. 

Bowers, jacol: &,10,18. 
Brewer, Jsaac: 7,5. 

be Johns 18 

brewer, Thomas: 17,18,22,24,28. 
ss Willian: 3. 
Brooks, Daniel: 72. 
i Johns Tes 
Brot, CONRAN 2°) 2554914 51.9; 21422423 5 24, 20,27 
i Elias G.: 30. 
” Henry: 5,717,178. 
" Joshua: 17,24,29. 
Maggie: 27. 
rs Orange: 9,771, 12; 14,16, 16, 26,28,29,30. 
" William: 10,72,22,29. 
curns, Willian N.: 16,17. 
Buds Wes? 15s 
Caress-Carzis: 0.25. 

e Eu? 48 

ss Ezektel. Lot 253515 159256 

Holts 26, 7s 

” Jaaae ft 3s 

mn ee ate 

" famed Mee 1557S 

" deremion C. 2 6,7, 10,174 16,255.26, 20 
sd Matte 17. 

Y Simon. Ps Sof5 13414516329; 

Case, Horen (?): 30. 
- Washington: 2. 
Casper, Lewis: 3,5,6,7,9,10,75. 
Cable, Peter Cor 13476, 79,20,27 9235245.26- 
Caulkinsa, Wesley: 2,78. 
Chamberlain, N.Aw: 7. 
Chastain, Abner: 70. 
Celt, Usle 10. 
" Rouiad Bot 136 
Childers, Bartlett: 71. 
Christeson, C.C.: 76. 
Christinon, Charles: 73. 
Clark, Elnora: 78. 
Margaret Mo: 15,16,77,79,20. 
a Susann: 7. 
Click, Francis: 6,16. 
Clouse, Janes Yesley: 15, 19,23,26. 

Cobble, Conm.: 9. 
Collier, Andrew J.: 10. 
is Charles: 4. 
” Salis, 20,260,529. 
" Stephen: 6,7. 
ie Willian: 4. 
Colbie, J «led 26. 
Conklin, Hezekiah: 7,10,15,76. 
Coots, Hugh: 29. 

‘a Richard: 3/. 
Cornwell, Charles Me: 19,20,21,24. 
. ee) a ee 
ig Hetge 29s 
us Jahn’ 455 79104255 205 29.3053 1s 
" listtin. Ae 2 3,6; 9 5153 165 1C 24 

" Ditliam Te: 6,22, 24. 
Cottle, John: 2. 
Cracraht, Charlotte: 8,9,77. 
uf Rebecea A: 77. 
Dolion, Sausre a3 3. 
Danner, T.Bseit Gs 
n Willian: 27. 
Davis, E.Me: 6. 

‘i heando7 0, e275 
Dawson, Thomas fl: 20,25,28. 
Dennis, Willian: 5. 

Denny, Robert: 2,3,5. 
Dickart, John: 3,4,5. 
Drake, Peter: 75. 

Driskedl, Boone: 22. 

id Daniel Bie O.1/,10;,20;23% 

" fepthia: 23 725.203 25550- 

" Manuel Be: 6,16,25,26,30,37. 
y Raney: 29. 

Durbin, $.R.: 20. 
Edwards, Lewis Met 17,30. 
Elliott, Janes Us: 4. 
" Willian Acs 45,6510; 16,777275225.26530: 
noch, Wiley? 2,9,456;/< 
Evanas jamea “Ret T7527 < 

Fergenson, Isabella: 4. 
Follich, David? 4,16, 25526,2/526,317% 
u Cootge U2 15417518 19 ,20,215,23, 245 25- 
id Yoh Ree Sis 
Freed, Jacol: 4,6,14,15,30. 
is Gate Ree 13, 74515, 76. 
is Joseph: 7. 
Fudler, J.¢ 16. 
Caltdahan, WAdLlian? 4,13, 15,16, 19);22,24;25,26. 
Gifford, Levi: 10,71. 

. DORE fg 15g 18g 225 23 245 285 
" Mitler: 29. 
7 TROmaa? T2535 55 eels 1 fo 1s 
Goldaly, John: 29. 
Goolesy, John: 17. 
Gordon, Janes: 27. 

eu Morrison: 9,15,19,27. 
Gould, Lyman b.: 1. 

ut Norton: 4,5. 

be Orange £.: 24,25. 

. Riley He? 2. 

gs WiKee 24. 
Graves, Enna Aw: 5,6. 
Green, Dairids 34/5103 12530. 

" Nathaniel: 4,7. 

i" Preece 27% 

ig Willian Po: 27. 
Grines, Jacol: 25. 
C2034, Janes: 76. 
naoO, Dela’ Ds 

" Davids 3-« 
Hamersiey, Dennis B.: 7,3. 
Hanition, Aste? 17s 

“ Joseph: 29. 
us Witttan: 6,15, 18,29. 

nancock, Ce j.s 20, 

e Go 55 222,93; 

ye George: 16. 
Hardin, John J.: 27. 

Hatfield, Charlotte: 13,14. 

Hf dian? 6,94 15,/0s 
Hays, D.L.: 30. 

: Tonnes By 5¢0,1 Op ley log) ts 
is Lees 202i p22 eathe 

” Orange Lo: 17520,21;23427 
a” Samuel? 7.25520. 

Henrp, Eliza: 28. 

Hilesy SeBa td 295 

Hitchcock, Miles Je: 4. 

Holiday, BeFes 14. 

Holler, J4aae? 27,2226 
Holsapple, George: 2. 

Hoanet, Franca: 152,397 e711 o's 14519, 165175165 19520581 
Horznocker, Rhoda: 73. 

i Simon De: 14,22. 
Hubbard, Janes Fe: 24,26. 
Hughes, Merida: 16,716. 

Hunter, iilahala Jo: 5,9. 
’ Mary: 4. 
Jsgring, Henup Het 1,2,3,16,17. 
Weans AAG Fes 10525 530s 
’ Coos f 10s 
" Caduans 12. 

is Gellle 2 2. 

? Colles F525 

yg Gelert 2.11 25920. 
" Redes 10% 


Thomas: 7. 
Vashingion: 0,9. 
. Willian? 16; 16 »24,25,26, 26. 
Johnson, Janes: 718. 
Jones, Janes t.: 13,74. 
a Rotierzts 26527. 
knige, Webee 21s 
Krutsinger, Alfred: 8,9,13,14,15. 
id Willian He: 6,7,9,9,70,25, 26,27. 
Larkin, Joshua: 17,31. 
d Willian: 24. 

Lawyer, Ben: 18. 
sd Gacoblies 27 5235295296 
" joseph: 2,19. 
sy Willian: 16. 
Leach, Alfred: 18,29. 
” Edward: 15. 
” Vettes 
Lee, Clemant: 2. 
is john lle: i. 
Lega, John P.: 10. 
Lemon, Orange fh: 13,177,20,30. 
Link, Charley: 30. 
a Teite= Os 
is John: 8. 
” Iahtt: F ot 166 
a Peters 1555145 15s 
Lovelace, felson: 8,9,70. 
Lynn, Samuel: 3. 
flahorney, Benjanin: 2,175,719. 
Ht Owen: 2. 
Madotie, ily 2.35 
tanting Janes Pei 4513, 15527. 
" Poteet Tet Tle 

n 1 oy Ge may | OP 
n Das etnioat es 
iy Thomas: 2. 

a Wilbon: 17. 
Mather, fAsert2 10, 1151351451 5517 915 9205 25529. 

: Nathaniel P. = 142,35455,10; 12; 14, 15, 16,17,20 
i Rel uz eos 
id Witiion C2 12. 
Matthew, Frank: 29,30. 
tf James He: 18,20,27,28. 
uy Thomas: 3. 

Stephen: 4. 

flenaugh, j.f£.: 7. 

ftilien, Aimerine 21,22,24,99. 
ud John: 6,24. 

is Richard: 30. 

29.94 96.97, 

" George: 17,27,28. 
if fies ts 
" Janes: 3. 
" Turns: 22. 
Montgomery, Milton: 21. 
i" Newton Ae: 70,72. 

McChaskey, John Me: 717,20. 
tleClellen, Ashe? 10,47. 
fieClintgck, John: 77. 

Us Sanuel: 37. 
us Willian: 17. 

licFleming, Hugh: 26,28. 
MNcPike, Willian: 29. 
fleideffer, John: 30,37. 
Reyman, tliram: 22. 
Nidefer, George: 16. 
Nichols, filidton: 23. 
Nicholson, B.Fer 5. 

n ql: 15 
i feret: 30. 
" SCs 6.6.0, 16.79.25 30, 

" Samuel: &. 
nt Stephen? 35165 17520,27528,29% 
" Thomada dl, e152, (305226 
i Thomas O.: 30. 
Overznan, Ae: 5. 
Owen. Cells f 25s 
Pain, Charles: 78. 
Phipps, John Aw: 714. 
i neLamey? T0, 12, 2252420920429 4505 
Podddid, Jakine Ts 

Hf Noah: 1,7. 

" Silane OI A7. 

‘ Simeon: 1,72; 15525. 
” Dethed T1154 225245 

Porter, 1eBet 5475849516. 
Tee TC. 

: Remsort het 15919921 p23 2427420. 

Peow, Christian: 2,3,9,14,1 

Reed, Jonah Le: 711, 12,14,5 15 
Ue Stas bee 6,90; 
Reister, Phillip: 18,20. 

Mg Steven: 75. 
Reynolds, James: 719,24. 
Richards, Columlus He: 1,2,4,9,72,15,17. 
Richardson, J.A.: 20. 

” john: 18. 

Rove, Jele 2 Se 

* Jaco: 11,78. 

4 James O.: 3,4. 

is Nelson: 29,37. 
Robertson, Henw: &,9,30. 

u Mallet 7s 
” Matthew: 6,27,28. 
Rosentaum, George Aw: 4,5,8,12,13,75522,23, 24,25, 26, 27. 
" Henry: 22,25. 
" Willian tes 359,171,173, 14519 520;21 22,235.26. 

Rudder, Charles: 3. 
Russell, George: Zt gelend soe 

John: 14. 
A Lewis: 70. 
” WitLian: 22,25, 27,28,29,30. 

Sawtell, Fra: 18,179,258. 
Sotonon: 27. 

# Zephaniah: 19,27. 
Sales, Melee 23 

u Stephen: Doe 9,12, 22. 
scozt, JAddqe? I. 
Shade, Henry: 2. 
Shanks, J.f£.: 71. 
Shepherd, James Re: 19,22,24. 
Shoults, john We: 29. 

ie Witlian: 71. 
Shriers, Lewis: 716. 
Shrover, Lewis Ro: 25,26,28. 
Smith, Alexander, 19,22, 24,26, 28. 
Henry Asi 29. 
uf Jone A527, 
uy Witlian: 37. 



Sneed, Sanuel: 3. 
Snodgrass, Fei TI. 
Spangler, B.A.: 10,26. 

tf BeFs? 30. 
Benjanin: 5,8,9,18. 
Speaks, Aquilla: 37. 
~ Ellon Bes 22524,25,27« 

Stacy, Wright: &. 
Stanley, LLL? 27s 
SiakAy Reiss 
Stephens, Thomas Ae: 2. 

us Thonas J.: 74. 
Steward, Rai 15. 
Stewart, David P.: 2. 
Stratton, Lewis: 28. 

” Sanuel. Uses 14515, 16,10 22,24. 

ie Sethe 65% 
Taflinger, AJ.: 16. 
Taylor, James fl.: 16,17,23. 

is Joseph: 30. 
Teagarden, Basil: 3. 
Teaque, Willian Be: 71,2. 
Thacker, Eunice: 22. 

Thomas; James ka: 6. 
id James S.: 712. 
Thompson, A.Ge: 7 
i Fletcher; 19. 
i Harvey: 25. 
N Java ice 
ui Vetus 49 

Vellon, John: 73. 
Voyles, John Cot 4575859510, 12,73, 14,15. 
Well; Tasat 45 
Wedgewood, Jo: 6. 
Vesner, Benganrin: |. 

. Benjamin Aw: 20,21 
e Jsarzael: 7,17,718;29. 
ug Tepes 23. 
Tames: 16,17,18,20,22,29,31. 
ss WaélLlian: 7. 

Westfall, Simeon: 5. 
Wheeler, B.F.: 29. 

- Richards 53759512, 16,21,31s 
Wilcox, Alonzo S.: 12018 145 2175, 20g 
Wilfong, Henry We: 2. 

nt John: 5,29. 

Wilkins, jeTe Cet 24,28. 

WilLlians, yeorw;e: 16. 
as Janes; 14,26. 

Wilson, Sanuel: 8,10. 
= Va tel Ma Os 7s 

ud Thomas Je: 4. 
Windle, Albert: 5. 
Wingler, Harrison: 37. 

m tudia Ces 24. 
wires, Crounce: 77. 

" UiPss 30. 

i Wittian tles 17924 522529 
Wood, Henw Co: 20. 

Ce 2 Nala ovate 
Woodward, Sitar WU.: 18,23,27,30,37. 

fot eT he. 

The enumeration of malea over the one of 21 who were diving in Brown Tormshta, 
Washington County, Jadiana in the year 1913, giving none, ere, ond place of birth, 

Copted from ortrtnal reesad of the Tounshin Tuwtee now in the possession of the 
Weshineten County Hiedartead § ociet! at Salen, Inds and donated Ly lit, Mau F. 

Geen iiicholeon of Canpsethelurg, Inde 

Copted December, 1963 fox the Uasiineton County Htstonrtedt Soclety ond Cenesloor 
Division, Indicna State Libra bis 

G &| Crook 

872 Sprague Road 

Inchanapolia, Ind. 46217 


Andcrsai, John 
Aanitrongy,s john 
Rithisason ’ 0. Ge 
Ariusedn, John 

Adkaon, Held. 
Brtacoe, Mark 
Broun, OE. 
Broun, Clide 
Baker, Wdllion fils 
Baker, John Je 
Broun, Courtney G. 
Bao, Willian te 
Bros Fares E 
Broun, janes CG 
Booter, Thurman 
Booker, John Fe 
Booker, Alralian S. 
Berneti, George 
Brewer, John Reo 
Broun, George R. 
Brewer, Noah 
Brewer, John 
Breer, O4tls 
Brewer, Adan 
Breuer, fille 
Brewer, Charles 
Brewer Ly YilLian 
Bus! bith, Goole Van 
Buskta, UJ. Van 
Broun, JeEeo 

Bush, Ske 

Brown, Willian To 
Basum, John Le 
Batscoe, Joseph 
Ball, OLiver file 
Ball, fohn Je 
Baker, dohn R 
Baker, W Olan 
Benett, WeCe 
Base, Janes ile 
Beneath, Thonas 
Brsun, Riberi 

Barne&sd, Ulilinn F. 

Bush, CL. 

Bundy, ELexander 
Baker, Isaac 
Bringle, George 
Breuer, Greely 
Brown, ie Ce 
Broun, Joshua S2. 
Rake Sy Row 

E att, Willian HH, 
B 20s jessde O. 
Bole, Gea2ue lie 
Barnord, Abtran 
Blhieu, Free 
Barnett, Dan 



Washingicn County 
Boon County 

Dashingion County 
Bechingtan County 

wt m 
an " 
aw ? 

Wane Co., Jllinots 
Dashingion County 
ft at 

Gashingion County 
h a 
tt tt 
we a 
n sf 
" w 

Jackson Count. 
iW lashington County 

ff st 
ii " 
a ft 
its n 
? ” 

Delaware County 

FiedAson County 

Vashington County 
7 fe 


w nr 
td "e 
re n 

Carroll County 
"7 rR 

Waskingion County 
te id 

“ fe 
it 7 
" r 
ig R 

# " 
Lhe st 

Lawrence Coundy 
Ucashincien County 
Uesrinaton County, 
Vcshingian County 


” n 

" ” 

Renehinre, Inqland 

Weshingion County 
Wo wv 

“ ne 
" ” 




Bilyeu, EGG 
Basun, Joshua Be 
Bakl, John 
Bauning, HeFe 
Cauring, Fred 
Bocack, Yitltan 
Barer, Charley Ue 
Brine, Peru 
Barnard, Jra 
Barnett, John 
Brown, George Re 

Coxznwedl, HF. 
Coznuchl, Arthur J. 
Corznwell, Floyd Fe 
Coots, Rede 

Coots, John 
Cornel, John L 
Coznuell, Ednond 
Childers, Ae de 
Crwciedt, W.c. 
Chasiain, WeRe 
Chastain, italean 
Criiders, lillian Ae 
Collier, Nelson Pe 
Cooper, Jomes We 
Cooper, Charles Pe 
Chastain, Claud Re 
Clifiin, John C. 
Chastain, Tames Ue 
Charterlein, Hays 
Cliptin, Pascoe 
Cethecrt, Dental &, 
Childs, idlblicn 
Claywedl, Willian 
Chastain, Willian ls 
Chantezlain, Delbert 
Chastain, ULicd 
Cliftin, Use 
Chastain, Charles E- 
Chanberlain, Charley 
Chastain, Hen, S. 
Collalazter, feuds 1. 
Cautle, VArnil 

CanpleLl (Canel), Walter 

Case, titan 

Case, Daved 

Camnbelt (Caneel), Cleo 
Canplell (Carel), Dale 
Chastain, Jessie 
Chastain, Lern 
Citlds, Edd 

Chastain, Alva 
Citlds, Cra 

Castle, Chett 
Cunpton, Georze 

Cole, Charles 
Cornwell, Crartes 

Laitnee County 
Vashingion County 

a ” 


Riphy County 

Vashington County 

Orange County 

White County 

Vashingion County, 
? fi 

Jackson County 
Vashingion County 
n” w 

e td 

Ozande County 
Vashingion County 
” v 

Layrence Countip 
Ut fF 
Oxange County 
i wv 

Vashington County 

Crzange, County 

Dastingion Couniy 

Lawrence County 

Washingisn County 
a se 

Fenizess Cocy Tennessee 
Pickett Coes Tennessee 
Veshington County 
Cranje Coundip 
Waakincicn County 

? i 

Oxange County 
" n 

Vashinaton County 
Orange County 

Vashingion County 
nt i 

Ozange Countu 
Ueshtngion Caundy 

a7 vi 
w " 
te nr 
" ot 

Floud Coury 
Vashington County 
av ” 

fw " 
w ut 
” ” 
e n 

Haryvy County, Kansas 
Vashingion Couniy 

" re 
Orange Count 
Washington County 
Clark Count, Inde 
Crange Count, Jad. 

Deweese, Dete 
Deweese, Ancerson 
Dreiskell, Faank 
Denner, John Se 
Dizfendorf, Rede 
Driskell, Eee 
Daner, OuPe 
Dunking Ray 
Dalton, Gearge L. 
Dottie, Fred 
Dunk, Earl 
Eichhorn, Ira 
Evans, Janes A. 

Evans, Gers 

Evens, Dock 

Elyin, Cale 

Edwards, Alva 
Elloti, Reid 

Freed, John 7. 

Freed, BeFe 

Freed, Bette 

Freed, Charles tHe 
Freed, Leroy 

Freed, Autn Le 
Foutch, David 
Fleming, flack 
Garrison, Joseph 
Golidklerut, Ualier Ms 
Coldslerry, Tianas Be 
Goldaberwnr, George 
Green, Richard 
Green, Dewdd 

Green, Thonas 
Gitson, Clarence 
Gibson, Frank 

Gould, Oxrance £. 
Clbacn, Jillian 
Galaay, Cele 

Green, Wack 

Graen, Gosrge Me 
Gthacn, Thora . 
Gibson, John 

Gould, John 

Gould, Barney 
Graishan, John He 
Grhahon, Crise 
Grishoen, itary 
hughes, Denfanin 1. (Houde) 
Hughes, Clarence e 
Kodegpnle, Perry 
Hughes, Uingil 
luches, Whey (Mille) 
Holecprde, ilePe 
Holeanple, Roblerd 
Ruilerd, Ceite 

Howel, john ie 

Hall, Earl L, 
Rantlton, Oscar 
Hughes, Calin 

Washington Count, 
cd Ww 
id nv 
" "wv 
a 7” 

Oxenge County 

Washington County 
Orange County 


Clinton County 
VUashingion Counsy 


“ n 

id aw 

" vi 

Lawrence Cound 
Vashinzion County 

Washington Coundy 

Orange Coundy 


Bashingion County 
? a 

Tinpteance County 

Boon County 

Veshingien County 



" af 

nv “ue 

7? ita 

Unioiiadion Couniy 


Oxende County 

Weshingion County 
ad tt 

Wane Coo, hintucky 

Voshingion County 
nt 7 

Cronge Countip 
wt aw 

st ie 

Washinaton County 

a" ui 
w” a 
" a“ 

a Own Oe tee Cre ee mE YE EF eee 

Vashincion County, 
” i 

” ee 
Laszence County 
Ozange Cauniy. 
Vashingion County 

? u 



Hughes, Elmsexer 
Hodecppie, Thomas 
Konner, Edd i. 
Hays, Willtan Re 
kughes, Edd 
Hats, Senuel 
Has, Line 

Hartlen, W&lLLian 

Holsapple, Chorleu. Le 

Kouchston, Tra Mi. 
Hancock, Csecr 
tion, gahn tile 
Hughes, Reds 
Hunter, Arnther O. 
hiiles, ligte 
Howel, Thonaa 
Hughes, Rertdle 
Houston, We lie 
Horner, Ae ke 
Howston, CO. 
Hays, Roscoe 
Hughes, Jasper. 
fiubbarad, Jones Fe 
tigdlar, IJscae. 
tatlar, Otho 
fazezan, Lencrd 
figna, Lemued 
Kites, Florines 
Runrter, Orne 
Has, Delbaere Fe 
Hollar, Csecr 
Hedrick, Gesane O» 
lures, Pandern 
Hunter, John 7. 
HowsetLield, Cote 
hardin, ales 
iehason, Andy. 
gones, Robvert 
Jones, Foson 
jones, ‘Taneas 
jones, Jdtlliaa 
dones, Uitlion 
dahnsen, Duroa 
jean, wolter T. 
jean, Asa T. 
Jones, John 
dacksony, Thaonas 
Jaclscna, Hare 
dohnsaun, Henry. 
gactson, Charles 
gones, Ishn Sr. 
Unison, Tharca 
gcnnson, Sdias 
jones, Bear 



Lawrence. County 
Yasiington County 
ita a 
n “” 

Lawrence Count) 
Washington Cound 
Ww ft 

" " 
Orange Corns 
” ue 

Vashtinaten Carty 
a tt 
ce a” 
a" + 

Rarriaan Cound 
Washington Coundy 
it ” 

i 2 
n 24 
wt ie 
“ 7 
ne Ls 
% n 
w we 

Gilson Count 
Vashingien County 

? f 
a "n 
a rr 
tt n 
” " 

Laurence Counts 
Orance Coun 
Bashtirgtin County, 

t ” 
Sheth Counin, Kents ck 
defferson Count, Inde 
Vasthineten County 
Pote Co., Jowa 
ashineian Cauniu 

” Uy 

f itd 
nw ue 
a n 

Howard Count 
Washinaton County 
Ww ” : 
Oxange County, 
Vashinatsn Coundér 
a ” ~ 
Dats Co. 
Uasbhtarion Count: 
Lawrence Court 
Uearingtan Counruy 


Kiinht, Cotes E, 
Kerli, Bentson 
Knta. Lewls & 
Urtoht, Janes Ae 
Knicht, Clarence Ao 
Xeloo, UlllUian (Xelsau) 
Xelso, Orel 
Knight, janes 
Xrlght, Albert 
Kemp, Cperup 
Kean, Gli. 
wing, Filbert 
Kling, Jef 
knight, Benjanin 
Kenp, Elmer 
Lounjery WAhhia 
Lartete, John De 
Link, Benes L 
Lewyer, Albert KH. 
Lane, Ihe Je 
Link, Charles Re 
Link, Facile 
Link, George 
Lancer, Ed 
Linn, Bera 
Leis, Fernando 
lilartin,g tober Ge 
hiicChintock, Sanucek fl. 
RicPike, Wdltian ile 
licCliniochs dahn 
ficClintock, Richard 
ficChintack, Gohn 
MeClinise, Chartes 
EleClintock, | George We 
lartin, Thades Es 
flartin, Blisrzd 
lather, £683 
Mathew, Ben 
ReSr LELE » fdora G 
floo2, Thomas 
lisor, Tomer 
Monrts, OLtg 
hloragan, AN as 
Me: theRs Re Pe 
fie leedu, Cinsg 
MeNeedin, John Pe 
fiiller, John We 
Raneer, Jorn 
Maneer, Rartup 
ReReehly, Alford 
LicPheetens, Retle 
flathew, LeFe 
hcCou, George Pe 
iiclor, Lrauce 
Nelou, BLlish 
Marttia, Raley 
fibiler, Celle 
MALts, Cake 
iePheeiars, Joes ft. 

Uashingion County 

Orange County 
Uashington County 

7) nr 
tt " 
n ” 
n ” 
n " : 
" rt 
" r 
” " 
w 7 
" i 

Oxence County 
Vashingion Counin 

i fashingion Cou undy 

Lasrzenee County 
a7 " 

Ucshingion County 
a td 

w e 
it n 
?r ? 

Orxende County 
Weshingian County 
Lawrence County 
asi hingion County 

n id 
" it 
fr G 
rd id 
w Rn 
it tt 
" Le 
Orange County, 

Baskington County 
7 F 

#? “a 
i? f? 
ld n 

fionsoe County 
Uashington County 

“fe 7 
ied se 
" t 
wr i? 
Oxange County 


“a ad 

? ad 

Gachineton County 
wence Count 
Veshineton “County 
Ozance County 


Laeay ANAS Fe 
ather, Cipus 

Maden. John He 
fills, Richard 
Rather, John kK, 
Mathew, walter 
Mathew, Charles C, 
Roneyhon, George 

Mills, TG 
Mathew, Win 
Micheely, Claude L. 
Reugle, Janes D. 
Raurhe, Ne Je 
luciolson, Edaar 
Reyaan, Hiram 
Rewktikk, Janes E. 
lUedepier, eRe 
llichalsan, Seth 
Renralson, TA. 
Richodeon, Aste 
Pollard, Adlven Ce 
Phinops, Jolur Ae 
Prinns, Maneon 
Perdieu, Janes 
Perkisner, UE, 
Peinter, Claud 8. 
Partiteny Lawrence 
Potte, Janes 
Padaets, fon 
Prhenen, fe 
Pollard, Grart 
Peters, Genrge 
Peters, UilLian 
Prow, Claud 
Pottard, Karwy 
Prow, Janes i. 
Prow, Lee 

Phipps, Robert Sr 
Phinns, Robert Jr 
Parka, Jones R. 
Rose, Chere. 
Russell, Innes tte 
Ring, Ranreon 

Roserboun, Charles G. 
Keacrtiuun, Cnerayp &. 

Rattes, ui iS 
Rolthins, Janes te 
Ree, Dent 
Rice, Gohn ie 
Rosenteun, Earkl 
Resenrtaun, EwvaXs 
Reserntaun, Guy C. 
Roberteon, Mathew 
Rodh, tdthian 
Roll, Fohna 
Russell, Clrrence 
Rolston, Go. 

Washington County 
wt a” 
” cd 

Lawrence County 
VDashrington County 
Crange County, 

Vashington County 



Lawrence County, 

eee Coundy 

Washington County 
lca : 

n on 
Vashingtan County 


Lg " 
Dashington Coundy 

tea t 

nt ? 

ca n 

w "wf 

#8 " 


Clark County 

Desiringion County 
“e nf 

Lowrence Co undp 

Vashincton County 
Lawrence County 

at 7 

” w 

VashiAngtsr Cound 
” Ww 
ny 7 
wt ” 

Lowrence Count, 



Rehardson, Albltan 
Robertson, George 
Roloton, Janes ill. 
Rife, Joseph 
Russell, Willlan k, 
Romine, ReCo 
Shoults, Earl H, 
Shoulte, Jahn 
Shepler, George W. 
Sins (Suns?), Hay 

Span ty Everet 
Smhih; Purtey 
Saatwell, aoe 
Sherrow, Jones tH. 
Stratton, Jahn 
Stratton, Janes 
Spangler, George 
Stanley, Jessie 
Snedlew, Cart 
Sanenfield, ES. 
Smith, UtlLiian 
Stephenson, BF. 
Stupson, Albert 
Sutih, Wash 
Snider, Willian re 
Shoults, Richard 
Stover, Thonas 
Sudth, Willian T, 
Srtderz, Willian T, 
Smith, Chartay 
Showtss, fibers 
Shoults, Frank 
Shoults, doseph 
Stonlen, Rone 
Stepnrenson, Sinn 

Snith, Ledon 
Stover, Gesane 
Tuell, John 

Thackea, arte 
Taue, Lenued 

7 Linke, gohn de 
Trinkle, dohnithan 
Trinkle, Charles U. 
7: rowbaldae, janes U 
Thompson, Harve 
Thompson, Olver 
Tatnkle, OA. 
Taylor, Bert 
TrinkLe, Poart£4 
Teylor, Senuel 
Taylor, Charles 
Tuell, David 

Van Busktrbe--<- 40ee@ Ruskhirk 

(Suns correct) 

Ozanne Counts 
Uashingiorn Count 
Nox County, Tennessee 

Orange Connty 
Vashingtan Courts 
a " 

id Ld 
vt ” 
Washington Cound 
Ud we 
we ey 
” a 

Rushay (Pussta) 
Waskingisn County 

nt ” 

Harrtteaan County 

Oxange County 

Washington County 
itd tt 

a " 
Monroe County 
Vashingioa Cunt 

R w 

a " 

Perlasty Coes Kintucky 
Vaslingtoa County 
Lawrence Co: unediy 
Fronktin Cs urty 
Lawrence County 
Washington Coury 

n w 

Ww iti 
Waskhinatsn County 
RO we 

a a” 

n n 
n n 

Waslrine ste Counrtip 
“nv ia 

we ? 
Jackson Counts 

Vashingion Craurty 

at " 
Noodforcd ey ea 
Usshingtsn Cor 
Haritaan eri 

x - 
-_ ' 
— = 
a 7 
5 re 7 
i co 
S > = 
x 7 
° - 
- i" 
ao + = _ 2 
- -_ 
_ rc 


Vander, Re Jo 
Vellum, Lery 
Vellun, Ralph C. 
Vellun, Len 
billians, Aluert Ce 
Wheeler, Richard 
Wheeler, Andi, Re 
Watters, Adner 
Wileox, Hiran 
lheeler, Janes Re 
Wheeler, George Be 
Vheeler, Robbert B. 
Wade, Oscar 
Yade, Ulrgtt 
Wade, Elidah 
Wade, All. 
Uekion, John 
Wheat, Sant 
heat, UAllian 
Vesnez, Clarence 
YilLlAans, toner 
Ditiians, George 
iLLiars, York 
Wolfe, tlershet 
Weaver, Geore Uy 
tres, Coduntus K, 
Wllkine, Fred 
UUking, Thonas 
Ullline, Janes 
WALLIS g T5hn 
Wade, Janes Cs 
Woodward, Edd 
Wesner, Bert 
Wires, WaLLion 
Uolfa, Henry 
Desner, Alya 
DALliars, Qs bde 
ole, Claud 

li Utne, Dartel 
ULleins, UAlllian 
Wiliins, Date 
Wheat, Lave 
lidres, Leroy. fle 
Wolfe, Janes Ue 
Woodward, Wesden 
vidcoxen, Gearage 
Wilfong, John 
WAL fontes Charley 
Warren, tH, he 

Washington County 
n a 
" ” 
Ozanqge Count 
Washington County 

Lawrence County 
Uashington County - 
" a 

f n 
od n 
n we 
tt n 
tt ” 
w vw 
” Wr 
aw n 
i? n 
e nv 

Lawrence Count 
Vashinaten County 
a Old 

Orange County 
Lawrence County 

Washington Count 

e Ww 
fF “ 
id ee 
" n 
tf “ 
its " 
iF " 
iB uw 

Rlorzgen County 
Cranae County 
Summerset, Inglond 
Veshingion Counri 
id nv 
Seoti County 
Yashingion County 
Crzenre County 
Veshingion Count 
Laurence County 
Vashinaion County 
” vf 

ne “ 

Broun Tounshin 

Copied from an old book donated to the Vashington County Historical 
Society in 1970 by tia. and its. Dale Campbell of Canplellsturg, Ind. 

The original owner of the look was Janes 2. Evans of Canplellsburg who 
was a school teacher and also evidently worked at the port office there. 

School enumerations of Cannbellsturg for 1879,1880 02 1881,circa 1853. 
lanes of pupils in district 10-no date-prolally 1874. 

Nanes of pupils in district 7 for 1872,1873 and 1574. 
Nanes of post office lox rentors at Camphellaburg 1878-71835. 

Joseph L. Holnes 
John We. Buck 
B.B. Blunk 
David Wheat 
Silas Pollard 
P.C. Cauble 
Anna Broun 
Simeon Pollard 
Sanuel Hiles 
Calvin Gipson 
Elizabeth iicheedly 
WeP.e Tucker 
Morrison Gordon 
Henry Chastain 
Hen Naugle 
Chas tug? 

john Greshan 
Tabitha Widson 
RC. fiiartin 
Many Lozier 
fJohn E€. Bikyeuw 
jacob Sweeney 
C.c. Robinson 
Sanuel Arnold 
MA. Young 
GW. Smith 
Henty Wood 
E.9. Bendianin 
Le Stansberp 
Celesius Collier 
goed tledrick 
Wddhian Davis 
€, Stanley 
Rathan “ranodd 
Sanued liires 
DoH, flartin 
Janes Lane 
Rebecca fork 
Z.S. Denny 
Joshua Javis 
Dawson Cane 
Benjanin Evans 
d. King 
Willian Ginson 
Janes Hubbard 
C. Prow 

Ted ahoe WALEANS 
B. Prilpot 
Eliza Lee 

Hugh Arnodd 
R.A. Price 
Wittian Cane 
Solomon Sweeney 
Hat xodnan 

AR. Oveanan 
jacol Grines 

School enumeration of Canabellsburd iiarch 1, 1879 



Ql 2F 

Qi 1F 
Qn 1F 
(not given) 

(not given) 
(not aiven) 
3M Q2F 


1h SF 

(not given) 
3 3F 



Qi 2F 

2il QF 

12 QF 

2H TF 


Tht 1F 

Ql 3F 

(not given) 

i TF 
1F (crossed out) 

(not given) 
(not given} 
Tit 2F 

4879 continued: 

JeGe Hall tf 
K. Stover ail IF 
Joshua Broun (not qiven) 
Georae Bogle 2F 
Rat Bogle 1M IF 
School enuneration of Camplellsturar 1880 o2 1881 (atiike-over): 

Calyin Bilywew 1 1F 
1.L. Shanks 1F 
Rathan Arnold 1F 
Janes Lane TF 
WH. Batt it 
Elizabeth Stanley oF 
Reuwton Drtskedll Tht 2F 
Redson Clif~icn 1 1F 
Joel tiedrick a 
Benjanin Evane Thi 
Jefferson King lM PF 
John Strattan iF 
Janes Hubbard 2F 
Christian +rou Qh 1F 
9.7-C. Wilkins 2h 2F 
Hugh Aanold 7 
Eliza Lee 3M IF 
P.D. DiefLendor? TR 
Juy Halt 1F 
fitdlie Perdew 2m TF 
B.F. flanier 1h IF 
Hattie Rodman Til 1F 
George Johnsaan 7h 
Jacol Grines Vil 1F 
jordan J. Ratts Til 1F 
SanuedL Aansdd 17 
Nashinaton Smith 2M IF 
fh. Gordon TF 
Henry Chastain 3h 2F 
EB. Fiedda ar 
Henrp Raucle 2m 1F 
David Wheat 2 QF 
Sitas Pollard i 
R.C. iilartin 4 2F 
fl, Lozier 2F 
S.B. tiles 2 1F 
We. Davis Qh 3F 
Yin Baouwn 1 
Ana Broun al TF 
PC. Cautde Vil 4F 
Sineon Pollard TF 
WePe Tucker ea 
John iiyers Vii 
Henry Wood Vt 1F 
O.H. Chapnan il 
C.G. Robinson 3h 3F 
Mititan Giovson Sit 47 
gohn & Bilyew TR 4F 
Le Stansheru ail TF 
Jaco iiurphy 7 TF 

E.J. Benganin reg 

7880 02 18381 continued: 

John tash 71% 
Ab Stover 3M WF 
Leonard Hardman 7h 
Ralf Boate 7M 1F 
George Bagle 2F 
Joshua Broun 1M QF 
RoJ. Nauale 3F 
7.C. Huffman iF 
John kufgnan Vil 1F 
School enumeration of Cannbellstura (no date--probatdlu cirea 7883): 
RN SE Em POA, CHC 1005 }2 
FeCy Cautbdle! Thi 4F 
1.F. Hubbard 2F 
RC. flartin 41 OF 
lioLlie Lazier 2F 
joshua Davis oF 
Silas Pollard if 
7-S. Denny 7h 
A. Chastain i 
gane Stephens Tih 1F 
Jacob Grines 1M 1F 
Balis Willians 1h 1F 
Hattie Rodnan Tit TF 
GW. Lockhart (eg 
L. Stanslury 2M 
liiALie Peradieus Qi 1F 
JéGe Hal iF 
D. Dielendors 7 
Doc Thonpson 1h 2F 
Eliza Lee 2H TF 
C.G. Robinson Bik QF 
1. SArattan 2F 
C. Prour Vil 1F 
juo3sC. Wihkina ail OF 
Lewis Shanks 3F 
J. King QM 1F 
BenZanmin Evans 7h 
S.C. Arnodd 1 
RJ. Naugle SF 
Willian Ginson 4il 3F 
GoW. Smith il 1F 
We Davis Qi 3F 
Z.€. Bilyeuw TR AF 
que Hash 1 
Dae Guinn TR 
lie Gordon 2 1F 
josh Brown iM 2F 
John itpers m 
Sineon Pollard 1F 
Sele Rihes 2 1F 
Amp Brown aii 
Nelson Clifton i IF 
Nathan Arncld iF 
Tabitha Wilson 1 2F 
Jesse Hedrick Vit. > 
Celestus Collier Tiki 
Kenay Raugle 17 

ds the Ratis 1F 


Calvin Biuupew 2ub 2F 
Ananda Arnold 31% 
Henay Chastain 2M 2F 
RW. filartin Ti 
George Johnson 7M 
noJ. Drisceall 1M QF 
R.W. Boyden 2F 
Levi Johnson 7h 
Edward Hopper 4i 
E.R. ficlheely 1F 
fins. E. Stanley 2F 
A. Stover 4il 1F 
i. Batenan 3h 2F (crossed out) 

lanes of punils in District 10 (Saltillo): 
(Undated-possilly the pupils at Saliille for the 12 week achood conmencing 
on Aprit 6, 1874 by lin. Evans) 

Norza Badger 
Lizzie Vanoisdoll 
Mollie Davis 
Lizzie Phipns 
Sallie Baxter 
fioddie Braanan 
Saday Phipps 

Eva Davis 

Fannie Ilitler 
Lizzie iililler 
Dora Lilireu 
Delie Bilyeu 
Alice Elliott 
flarp Sawtett 
Cora Richards 
Lizzie Brin 

fee Vellon 
Leroy Matthew 
Zakariah Sawtedl 
Bishop Gould 
WALLis tioller 
Thonas Blevins 
gohn Stevens 
Barna Gould 
Arzanthus liattheu 
Chartey Sautell 
James Baxter (crossed out) 
Lemuel Vellon 
Zeke Bilveu 

file Phipnos 

Eddy Uheeler 
Widlis Ne Holler 
Noble Davis 

Sam Baxter 
Harvey Phinps 
Owa richards 
Burrus Baxter (cr9ssed out) 
Ora Wires 

Cora B, Richards 

G.L. Porter-aage 17 
Willian Webb-age 15 
Athew Hays-age 16 
Newton iilathew-age 714 
OL. Webb-age 73 
Granville Hays-age 77 
fiedyvin Hays-age 77 
Cranville Baker-age 7 
Albert Baker-aae 5 
WW. Baker-age 9 
Elmer Hiles-age 6 
Sherman lilatheu-age 6 
George Hays-age 72 
Florence itiles-age 713 
Elijah Hays-age 8 
Charlie tayps-age 9 
Thomas tiays-age 8 
llayfield Wyres-age 7 
Thonas Wyres-age 9 
David Case-age 715 
Washington Haga-age 12 

Rewton Mathew-age 75 
Flozence Hiles-age 74 
Nayfield Yires-ace 8 
Thomas Wirnes-age 710 
Tonite Haus-age 

Charlie Hays-age 77 
Granville Baker-age 8 
Webster Baker-age 710 
Elijah Kays-age 9 
Sheanan flathew-are 7 
Newton Ellictt-age 716 
Granuitle Hays-age 712 
liekuida Kays-age 73 
Washington Haga-age 713 
Elmer tiles-age 7 
Georece E. Kelly-age 9 
Johnie Kelly-age 8 
Albert Bakerz-age 6 
Willian Webb-age 16 
Athieud tays-cge 17 
Omridle Webl-age 14 
David Case-age 76 
Johnie Knight-age 
John Lovelace-age 
Johnie flathew-age 
flace Hitchcock-age - 


in district 7 commencing Nov. 4, 

dauaht in district 7 comnencina lov. 3, 1873: 
George Lf. Porter-age 718 

78 F2 . 

Dora Porter-age 73 
Ellen Hays-age 73 

Rosa Iathew-age 12 
Charlotte Baker-age 17 
Jda Hiles-age 77 

Eva Ualker-age 9 
Jennie Valker-age 14 
flarzy Hays-age 7 

Sarah iii, Cornwell-age 12 

Rose Corznuvell-age 9 
Ellen Cornweli-age 16 
Martha Kays-age 15 
Cadie Sievens-age - 

Rozella Mathew-age 73 
Dora Parter-age 14 
Charlotte Baker-age 72 
Sarah Corznwell-age 73 
Jda Hiles-age 712 

Rose Cornvell-age 17 
Sarah Lockhart-age 76 
Rachel Lockhart-age 70 
fudu Elliott-age 10 
Rose Kediv-age - 
Lizzie Locthart-age & 
Alice Hays-age 6 

Rar Knight-age - 


in district 7 commencing Nouv. 2, 1874: 

Widlian WVebb-age 17 
GL. Porter-age 19 
Florence Hiles-age 15 
Owdlle Webb-age 715 
Douglas Hart-age 73 
Linsey (?) toladay-age 14 
Gran Hays-age 73 
ftedvin Hays-age 73 
Johnie Knight-age 77 
Elifah Hays-age 10 
Sherman iilatthew-age 8 
Charlie Hays-age & 
Tommi. tHays-age 7 
Tomi Wires-age 77 
Mayfield Wires-age 9 
Elmer Hiles-age & 
Frank tHiles-age 6 
Johnie Iatthew-aqge 6 
Johnie Louelace-age 7 
Reed Elliott-age 7 
Howard Taylor-age - 
Athiued Hajys-age - 
Newton iiatthew-ate - 
Harvey Richards-age - 
Rozedla iatthew-age 14 
Fda Hites-age 713 
Sarah Cornuell-age 714 
dice iilattiev-age 5 
Aanidda Taylor-age 7 
Rozella tays-age 6 
Rachel Lockhart-age 710 
Lizzie Lockhart-age 9 
Alice Hays-age 7 
Rebecca Case-age - 
fulie Haga-age - 
Dora Porter-age 16 
figtlie Davis-age - 
Nora Badcer-ace - 
Rlice Elliott-age - 

School 7 was located iust south of Saltillo on the north west corner of 
the intersection of old state road 60 and "Suter Lane". 

School 10 was located at the north edge of Saltille just east of, and 
acz044 the street from, the Christian church. 


R Lint of the Lox patrons at tre Campbellsburg post office from July 71, 1878 
through Nov. 12, 1855. The date given is the date lox rent was paid. In 
the original record the box number, anount paid, and expiration date of rent 
are also given. One could then rent a box for trree months for five cents. 
By the nature of this record several names are repeated as they renewed. 

July 1, 1878-James Hubbard also on July 71, 1878 
Silas Pollard NeP. litather 
Roe Martin fuse Bendanin 
John Myers Peter Link 
Hall & Ratts John Strattan 
GS. Hancock Jeff King 
RoW. Boyden A, Overnan 
Janes Evans 
fas. Any Broun 
RoC filartin 

Jacob Grimes (Lined out) 
joseph L. Shanks 

July 9, 1878-Janes E, Pitt 

Udy 17  F.(2?)-C. Peddard 

Sent. 77 John Huffman 

Sept. 30" James G. May 

Cot. 19. 7 Uehs Coldiax 
Oete528-  HKe GLIick 
Nove 23 " AZ. Wesner 
Jane V5 1579-146 Es ws Benianin 
73 Henry Robertson 
73 RR. Price 
1/ PD. Diefendorg 
78 2.7.C. Wilkins 
18 John Richardson 
25 2.S. lilay 
27 C. Prow 
2/7 JL. Rutherford 
28 Zac Collier 
Feb. 7 3.5. Denny 
78 P.C. Cauble 
719 John Biuuypew 
a7 Zac Collier 
March 4 He cht 
Roril 1 JU. Smedley 
4 1.W. Driscall 
4 John Chanberlain 
7 Emerson Green 
15 §.C. Arnold 
30 PD. Diefendorgt 
June 4 1.Lf. Shanks 
ZL. ficNeely 
He Conklin 
a Henatr Wood 
T7.C. Pollard 
6 Jacol Grines 
14 Ss. vollard 
16 Le Stansbury 
30 Ml. Akers 
July 16 PD. Deifendorg 
Sept. 3 E.B. Fields 
Lf E. Sapnentield 
29 eO. Chapman 
Oct. 6 i 

Ge Glack 
§ linttie Rodman (relinquished Lox) 

i On aoe 2 a "7 
Be ; 


Oct. 22, 1879-Henu Lane 


Co N OO 

Le pard ox} to 
~IQ “sO 

RP. father 
Pele Stee 
Emerson Green 

De 3eCe BAck (7) 
John Chantertlain 
John €& Bilyeu 
WH, Collier 
John ‘J. Hash 
Daeley (7) Bros. 
John Barnett 

T880A.E. Bradshaw 

Jew. Smedley 
7T.C. Pollard 
L.L. Stanley 
B.F. iaonear 
C. Prow 
Jonn tugsgnan 
Renry Glick 
WU. Collier 
7. Barnett 
Jsraed Vesner 
AE. Braadshau 
Thomas Lockhart 
YL. Huffman 
£.0. Follard 
Paka. Podiagnd 
Balis Uillians 
John Chanberlain 
5.8. Hiles 
Zack Collier 
Dr Bradshaw 
John Chanterzlcin 
flurzphy & Murphy 
Le Rs Borneat 
Le tilceleedy 
Zack Collier 
EB, Fields 
lim Kt. Batt 
PD. Dielendorf 
Hah & Ratts 
john Hash 
Jets Shanks 
Jacob Grimes 
£.0. Pollard 
Any Brown 
Bint Collier 
Wikkine & Sans 
WY. Smedley 
C. Pro 
Rot. Boyden 
is U. Stapp 
RU. filartin 
R e Ge filartin 
Sanuel ftliles 
J.A. Evans 
GeSe Hancock 
hen, Roberton 
S.C. Arnold 
S.C. Spyder 
E. Green 
eut Johnson 

Oct. 7, 1880-Jacob Grines 

Da. Bradshaw 
18 PC Cattle 
29 €. Sappenfield 
Nov. 4 UH. Collier 
fitse E. Stanley 
Dec.w 18 RoP. Mather 
20 1.R. Barnett 
30 John Chanbertlain 
Jn 7,1881 U.K. Batt 
17 ase E07. Benjanin 
72 Da. Bradshaw 
29 Wet. Kink 
Feb, 3 A.J. Wesner 
& Doc Smedley 
72 WS. Snyder 
Mar. 9 kenry Robertson 
Orange Brown 
25 1.U. Stapp 
26 Witlian Re Kelso 
April 5 John Chanberlain 
15 Da. Bradshaw 
May 7 J. Vesner 
9 1.5. Denny 
78 Levi Johnson 
20 UH. Gordon 
Wayne Hoffnan 
June 714 janes U, Stapp 
29 liza, ELiaa (?) Lee 
Ju 77 AE. Bradshaw 
73 1.Re Barnett 
714 john iipers 
23 neJ. Driskedl 
Aug. 24 UH. Gordon 
Sept. 7 Balin itlians 
12 John Chanberlain 
17 C.C. Harper 
26 160. Séapp 
28 Charlie laugle 
Oct. 27 S.B. Hiles 
RW. Bouden 
25 Hall & Ratts 
26 E.0. Pollard 
27 JE. Bilyew 
28 Z. Collier 
PoC. Caulle 
lov. 3 Ge7 Ce. Uikkins & Sons 
> C. Prouw 
TeAe Evans 
76 1.Re Barnett 
24 PD. DieLlendord 
Dec. 714 Janes Hubbard 
Vy RW. fiartin 
a7 John Smith 
28 tse. Stapp 
at Wet, Kirk 
Jahis 315 Ja02 C. Prow 
Feb, 20 of. Pru 
28 1.0. Stapp 
liar. 6 John Chanberlain 
Wel, Collier 
78 E.0. Pollard 
27, RePe (rather 

Apr 10,7882 

flay 18 
june 27 
Oct. 74 
Nov. 15 
1 ie 
Dec. 20 

Jan, 541083 
Feb, 712 
Rar. 23 
Apri 718 


fiisn HALL 

John CRombertain 
Henzy Yood 

JH. Barnett 
7.U. Stapa 

Zach Collier 

O. Brown 

RP. ihather 
John Chanberzlain 
Calvin Bitiew 
John Chanbertain 
C. Prou 

John Smith 

John Chanlberlain 

. Dielendorg~ 
« Shanks 

Re Hill 


Joshua Davis 
C.F. Nauqle 
John Chanbertlain 
UH. Collier 
Balis Uillians 
zack Collier 
Crzancge Arnold 
JR. Barnett 
Wet. Batt 

1.0. Stapn 
Wihlisn Duncan 
J.E€. Bilyew 
John Chanbertlain 
UH. Collier 

fle ell (?) fiicheely 
John Chantertain 
je. Stapp 

liad. Vaoodyward 
Henry Wood 

P.D. Diefendorf 
RP. Mather 
JeGe Kad 

Judy 2,7884 RW. iilartin 
ze lyers 

70 J. Lockhart (box delivered up) 
24 John Chanbertain 
28 John R. Barnett 
Aug. 14 7.U. Stapp 
Sepi, 2 WH. Batt 
6 Henry Glick 
20 fr. Roat (?) 
Rov. 17 iit. Collier 
20 John Chanbertlain 
Dec. 3 I.0e Stapp 
8 Bali4 iilLians 
26 JR. Barnett 
Jane29,1885 John Smith 
Feb. 5 1.U. Stoop 
llare 4 9. Hubbard & Son 
Z.£. Shanks 
i Iedele UtAhkans € Sons 
Zee Smedley 
77 C. Praow 
18 Doc Thompson 
23 O. Brown 
25 HK, Robertson 
30 Jsreal Wesner 
April 7 TW. Kyusar 
1.L. Rutherford 
6 2.U. Stapp 
7 Ll. Ruthe&fonrd 
lilay 26 g7.U. Stapo 
June 4 Celesius Collier 
6 John Chanbertain 
Judlyp 28 YL. Rutherford 
Sent, 7 Wette Batt 
3 160. StGnp 
17 1.2. Barnett 
719 John Chanberlain 
Cf Oe | AL Diefendor£t 

Rou. 712 Celestus Collier 

Ranes 02% newans heldina palicies itth Nerttorzd FJr2 Irsurzance Connanu and 
the agency of George ©. Hedrick at Canpbellodurg on fiovenber 20, 71936: 
Atkinson, Curtis F, 
Rtkins, John cnd Ida 

Adden, Lotus 

Brewer, Helen Foutch 

Cathcart, Danied 

Childers, enry 

Child, Jda &. 

Coznuell, far € 

Could, iarzaaret 

Cipson, Uitlicn, deceased, eatate 
jt . hee ee ae 

uA, ratte 

Hewes, Celia 

ve py ested ae eee 
Hiles, Yillie Elrer and Lillian G. 

f q 
i O02 Dg ig 
. ot eeaer 
wenede, John 5. 

eas) ! 2 
FOUNRACL, weve URE Cove 

Dalelet ies 

colhbinga, Lora 

- a pe rr a U +. a 
uwdsell, UillLian ti., deceased, estate 

Seith. EA € 
With, €d Ce 

Sranchler, Geowne fi. Sx. 

True, iwinta 
Teithe, loet 
Tiudsiee of FT 

Exown Tun. ~or schools in districts 2,4, and 5 


Jells, Jesse 7., Trustee a; 

Conied for CHS July 1977 
fe: i 
~e eve 

Casket List 

Account Book i 
Strattan Braothers 

Canplellsturq, Broun Twp. 
Washington County, Ind. 

Important Note:---" denotes death was not recorded in Washington County. 
Some were possildy recorded in Crange, Lawrence or 
Jackson counties. Jt io felt lu the copier that most 
were deaths in and around the toun of Campbellsburg 
that were not recorded anywhere else. 

rlatracted from original account Look ~o02r Washington County Historical Society 
and Genealoar Division, Indiana State Library on Novenber 26, 19771 by 
Coes Cook: &72 Sprague Road, Indianapolis, Ind. 46277 

QB. AL Chastain was undertaker for the Strattan Brothers, while "ture 
hire” was furnished by U.P. Holaday. 


Ball, (irse---Jan. 18, 1909 (Wesley Bilyeu account) 
(Admedia lke Badl died Broun Twp. jan. 17, 7909, recorded Saltille ) 
"Baker, Fred (Account)---adult casket purchased iiiartch 11, 1908 

Bilyeu, Ezekiel---*child's casket Feb, 26, 1907 
*child’s casket iiay 13, 1908 
Brown, Albert (Aceount)---child's casket June 3, 1908 
(dau Flowaie died Brown Twp. June 2, 1908, recorded Salen) 

“Baown, Henry (Estate)---adult casket March 11, 1907 
Batt, (Milly (Estate)---adult size April 9, 1904 

(Rildred F. Eatt died C-Burg Apri 9, 1904, recorded Saltills) 
“Broun, Willian fl.---purchased casket prior to June 26, 1906 
“Banks, Janes-~-prior to Jan. 18, 1906 purchased casket for his father, 
"Baker, Bud---cabket for child Dec. 12, 1906 
"Baker, hire, Villian (Estate)---cosket purchased April 5, 1909 
“Blevins, Clay---casket for child on June 8, 1906 

Brock, James---casket purchased Map 2, 1910---paid for Ly Pearl Brock 
(son Louis E. died Brown Twp. ay 1, 1910, recorded county) 

"Breuer, John and Charley---casket for mother on pote 5s 1907 
Baker, irs. Mary and Janes---caskeé on judy 10, 1909--paid by John Baker 
(iiaz A. Baker died C-Gurg judy 9, 1909, recorded C-Burg) 

Bush, Alfred--~-casket for wife Dec. 25, 1908 
(Luda a. died C-Bury Dec, 24, 7203) 
"Crockett, Roleri---casket fon ilina. Crockett Jans 2497908 
Chastain, Jackson---adult casket on Dec. 18, 1909 
(wife Phoebe died Vernon Twp. Dec. 17, 1909, recorded C-Binrg) 
Chastain, Shernan--*for child iliatch 7, 1908 (prob. dau Lillian Jzene) 
"for adult. Anre 3, 1908 (prob. dau Carrie, age 77) 
for lis. Chastain Oct. 10, 1908 
(wife Anna & died Vernon Tup Oct. 10, recorded C-Burdq) 
Child, Harty--ffor wife of Ed (Child?) lov. 26, 1906 
“Chastain, James A. (Estate)---for adult on Anrid 18, 1907 
“Chastain, Jesse---for crild April 3, 7907 
Collier, Ben---fo2r ileus. Collier Sent. 5, 1909 

(wife Eliza g. died Vernon Twp Sept. 4, 1909-nrecorded C-Burg) 
for adult Sept. 23, 1909 
(Ben Collier died Vernon Twp Sent. 23, 1909-r2ecorded C-Bura) 

"Copple, Sallie---cn ilarch 77, 7908-purchased by janes kt. Sherrow for mother 


(Dau of Register SiLL and known to have died at C-Buiqg on same date) 
Cornwell, Aathur--for child on June 26, 71909 

(son Lyn Franklin died Broun Twp June 26, 1903, recorded C-Burg) 
“Collier, John---for child July 14, 1910 
“Driscoll, Benton---f0r adult Dec. 11, 1907--poid by Frank Driscoll 
*Dougdas, Robert---for child ‘tay 13, 1908 
Deweese, Frank---for adult june 3, 7908 D) 

(wife Phoche d. died Leipsic, Orzange Co. June Zé, 1908; weraeacd Csi 

*Elain, Wesly---casket for line. Elgin Aug. 17, 71907 
"Elgin, Lon---for child on Illarch 4, 71908 

Evans, G. Kin---for adult on June 30, 71910 
(wife Viola died C-Zurg June 29, 1910, recorded C-Burq) 

Freed, Henry---for Jacol Freed iiiay 29, 1909 
(Jacol Freed died Orange Co. iiay 28, 1909, recorded C-8urz) 

Green, David C.---f0r iit. Green April 16, 1909 ; 
(Sarah E. Green died Lrown Twp April 15, 1909, recorded Salen) 

“Green, George Me---fo2r Robert Green Anril 13, 1909 
*“Gould, Charles--~~for child Dec. 10, 1906 

"Glover, lina. Eliza---for adult Fel. 17, 1910 

“Gibbons, Ii14.--~for her by. Jaaac Thomerson Aug. 76, 1909 

Green, Robert---for wife Dec. 23, 1908 
(Ratilda L. died Bono, Lawrence Co. Dec. 23, 1908) 

"Huff, llrea.---for her on Feb. 72, 1908 (ly Callaway Bros. of Salem) 
"Huffman, tlorton=---for adult on April 8, 1910 

Hubbard, Chartles---for son on Dec. 20, 1909 
(Janes E. died Broun Twp Dee. 19, 71909, recorded C-Burd) 

“Howard, Harvey-~-for child of Clarence (Howard?) on April 29, 71908 
*Holsapple, James---for him on Dec. 24, 1907 by Robert tolsapple 

Holsapple, Rolert---for child on June 23, 1909 
(dau Stella died Brown Tup June 23, 1909, recorded C-burg) 

“Hamilton, ELiza---for child on July 719, 71908 
“Hays, Homer---fo2r adult on iiay 3, 1907 
“Hayworth, lizs.---fo2r adult on july 27, 1907 
“Hubbard, jJames---for adult on Sept. 18, 1907 

Hunter, Nan--=~or adult Jan. 13, 1910 
(Karriett Amanda Hunter died C-furg Jan. 73, 1910, recorded C-Yurz) 

Rugiies, ilereditn---for wife on Jan. 20, 1910 
(Sarilda Jane died C-Burg Jan. 20, 71910, recorded C-Lurq) 

“Hutchison, [las.---for her bu Dora Knorr on Jan. 6, 1910 
(mentions Ed Hutchison) 

Hanilton, fas, Uillian---for her on fay 2 1909 by flatthew Robertson 
(Jane Hamilton died jefferson Tup iay » 1909, recorded C-Surg) 

“Hall, Riley (?)---for hin ly Jonathan Trinkle on Jan. 17, 1910 
“Jean, (ra, Willian---fo2r her by husband on fiiarch 18, 1907 
Jean, Willian---for daughter on Aug. 29, 1908 


(Nettie died Auae 29, 1908, recorded C-Burg.) 
“John, child---by Virgil Taylor on illay 22, 1906 
“Jones, John---f02 adult on July 11, 1906 
“jean, Arthur---fo2r child on Feb. 3, 1908 

fee, George---for hin by Arthur Corznwedl on Judy 26, 1909 
“Lockhart, iia. Joseph---casket prtor to iilarch 9, 190 ? 



- os 
i - 
—_ : 
7 a 
- _ 
oO a 
7 oe 
= 7 a y 
- >? = 
7 - 
_ oS - 
9 7 
6 7 7 

Littler, Uillian---casket for hin purchased laach 10, 1909 
(died at C-Burg illarcr 9, 1909, recorded.C-Burq) 

*hitcCoy, bLaby---for baby ly Ben Stephenson july 37, 1907 
*flartin, Ula---for child on flay 37, 1909 

hicheely, Willian B.---for him Ly Frank Chastain on Nov. 19, 1908 
(died at C-Burg Nov. 18, 1908, recorded C-Burg) 

ficDill, George---~or chiéd on July 29, 1908 : 
(Roy J. died C-Burg July 29, 1903, recorded C-Burg) 

Nicholson, Ernest and Alberta--~-adult casket on July 9, 71908 
(WilLian Ernest icholson died July 9, 1908, recorded C-Burg) 

Nal, Scott (Estate)---casket on Sent. 27, 1908 
(liartin S. Nall died Lawrence Co. Sent. 20, 1908, recorded Saltillo) 

*Cuerzman, Axion---for adult on Fel. 17, 1208 

"Perdue, Janes---for daughter on Fel. 12, 71907 

*Prow, (rse---for her Aua. 23, 1906---paid by Christopher Prouw 

*Paow, Christopher (Account)---for adult Jan. 14, 1908-paid by i. Robertson) 
*Polland, Stantey---for child (?) on Sept. 2, 71907 

Perdue, Faank (Estate)---for hin on July 4, 1970 
(Willian Franklin Perdue died Broun Twp July 3, 1910, recorded county) 

Padgett, Daniel---for adult on flay 20, 71970 
(wife Katie died Vernon Twp iiap 719, 1910, recorded county) 

*Rolerts, iii1s.---for her by Josh Lroun iiarch 25, 1907 

Rice, Welil---for hin lu Dan Rice on Sept. 717, 1909 
(died Brown Two Sept. 17, 71909, recorded C-Lurzg) 

*Shepler, sindy---casket purchased prior to flarch 8, 71906 

Standiford, tiller---for hin ly tienry Braxton on April 23, 71909 
(WilLian liiller Stanford died Crange Co. April 23, 1909, recorded C-Burg) 

*Smith, baby of Dan Smith---bu DA LU. Paynter on Aug. 5, 1907 
*Stanley, Wl1s.---for her by Janes Pollard on Jan. 16, 7908 
Shrouer, Lewis---for wife on Jan. 27, 1909 

(iiartha J. died Brown Tup Jan. 26, 1909, recorded C-Burq) 
Smedley, Preston---bu father John Hk. on June 12, 1908 

(died Salem June 17, 1908, recorded C-Bura) 
*Smnedley, john H.---for san on harch 24, 1909 
*Smith, Charles---role for sister prior to ilarch 10, 1905 
Snith, Henrzy A.---fo2r hin on Dec. 3, 1972 

(died Brown Twp Rov. 30, 1912, recorded county) 
*Strattian, Seth Roos (Account)---fo2r adult on iay 4, 7 



Stratton, Seth Ross---for him on Fel. 7171, 1970*=-nentions teleqran to Guthrie, 

(died Fel, %, 1910, recorded county)” Catt, 
*Shoults, ils. Richard---by her husband on June 16, 1906 

(Cordelia it, Chastain Shouwlts died sane date, not recorded) 

“Sears, Noah---for child on Auge 3, 71909 
"Sweeney, John---fcar child sn June 17, 7908 

Stansbury, AL's wife---on Dec. 28, 1908 dy james, Jonah, Gon es ULlLion 
and Ad filatthew 
(innie May Stansbury died C-Buzg Dec. 27, 1908, recorded C-Eurg ) 

Sullivan, joseph---/or hin by George Standish Fel, 2, 1909 
(died Jefferson Tup jane 31, 1909. raccaded C-burd ) 

"Turner, Alonzo (Account) ---for adult on Cet. 19, 1907 
for adult by C.C. Gardner on Anril 3, 71908 

Voyles, Willie---for child Judyy 14, 1909 
(daughter died Vernon Twp July 13, 1909, recorded C-Burg) 
“Wilcox, Ctis---for child on Aug. 3, 1906 
BWilfong, Charley---f02 child March 26, 1906 
Wires, Thonas (Account) ---for adult on fiazch 30, 1907 
for adu&t on Dec, 6, 1907 
“UdiLoon, George---f02r mother an May 7, 1907 

oe oF 


v - Me ee re 


Pant 7 

ARFDDRAT TenT fas ay se i 
CARPERLLSBURG FIRES OF 1944 A™D 1912---—Pace 1 
Be, Breage eee Qa RAE SMTA T oe Ty sRCH 11, 1904--Paces 1 and 2 
D Brame V3 “rae Oo ay 
ie Bae y Poe A TPO or mon, 22, 1906---Pscre 2 
QV AMATI TY Twi SANT T ab ( r 
hs LEH SOM Se ny Tr ANLEY CF TOV, 18, 1914--~Paces 3 and 4 
Dt Soko Or! Fes H i = - fr 
AND MRS. NICHOLAS MAUGLE (1915)=-neres 5 and 6 
D HD i in| ant xX T TTT 1 aa NTT 
TIAST wa ait NW 7 aaa = se Pa eg eT tap nan SO iets Wa eed hed le SP oe 


KA pp 


A Tea 
ART a 

sons 7) = 



AaAIntav 1 ; 



BY C.F. Conor 
we ws 

2a 4 6 pM Le 9 ame tat Biotin Wl tL 

S on TTErV 



fir’ -- 


a! <e = 



On May 20, 1911 there was a big fire in Camrbellsbure. There 
wes 11 build@ines burned: Iehn ML Monte store: Clint Bush resturant: 
N Lanes Drugs; Dr. Villiams, dentist; Hays Chamberlain, jeweler: 
Ge e Weaver, berber; J.=©. Stanley herness shon; Burt Rodman, butch-— 
6 fiss Mather's Millinery; a sand house; cob nen; light house; 
K e Evens, barber in Larue Pollard's; Wilkins Bros. were room. - 
( of the above were in the (dd Pellovws Buildine-C.C.) A chimney 
a0 on Henry Gibson's boy the next day, broke his leg and mashe 
h foot. ; 

mber 5, 1912---A bir fire in Gamvbellsburs 

Ss and biecksm 

Tr a ie ee a I ee 

we Ned a 4 ~ \ p! 4 as 


~ eReee; re ee See ee 

MERE ee Jake Seed SL 

oF Fr Th op eee ye Pe 

of boynood days writt 
lppoletmorer to that a 
knew all of the nio 

O 14 ch 

Hot 3 pe 
(A p 

mention Evan Deweese, Jerry 
was mv srandfather and a 


him ag my 
father was very striet and 

to use bad lancuare or te 

2 ico 
years old, anh Rae Saige 
life, o fact for which I thanked mv crendfethers. I wich the vounc 
bs a x = ~— 
feneration had such teachers today es Jonathan Jones. 
I have in mv vossecsion snecimens of his nenmanshiv written while 
5 ile 
attendine- school 108 T a? 1 

he hoa hia nvronhiame 

eaeners ery old reo 

ARAVA Mardin wrsjah any 

{he Deniel Shervood treadmill mentioned by Mr. Standish was the 
First mill T ever sayv.. T weet to co with srandfatner to malls He 

would tie me and the sack to the horse to rrevent us from felline off 

Ilowas five or six vears old and could not holt = sack on the horse 

= a so -- Js - -~ @ 
Sametimes wa wanldA hoya ton trabke three nr four horces tani n it~ on the 
wheel to srind our corn if uncle Daniel was busy nlowing with his 
horses, Lf we did not tes sur horses we would have to Leave ous 
erist until some rainy @ev, then he could use his horses. 
lf “— 4 = n+ 4 a = ea HE = We) f=444- Ci ae 
We will eo soutnm one mile to aaron Hardin, sr. He kant e little 
Store ina Lot budtdine 10x12 Feet. teh eoftee. siucar, thread 
2nA Bittanc moalaceas whieh he ovehrnred far ores and huttor TMha /% 
ad bi . tio. seg, which he exchenre r S id DMbtex. The Js 
Riise i eyor syned) rot trom Umeis Aaron t.wes a doe knite. 




Col. Senoonover was my first teacher when I was six vears old. 
He taucht in a log school novce with - fire niace across one end of 
the building. Small trees vere svlit onen for seats. This houce 
stood near where Henry Kirk now lives. They sot a stove and ~ut in 
the school house. T had never seen a stove, not even a cook stove, 
for they vere not used in those days. The first day I went to ¢encor 
I was ceore4, of course, but ry mranafathor ana omendmother told me 
thet I must mind my tescher end do whet he told me to do The tescn- 
er came back to where I was stendins and sald: "Little man, set u= 
thara ond vreueml macnine tet elace to the stove, put I theucrht TI n-d 
to tet on ton of the stove. PP vwaellsed un sto 2the Sstovesend Goole nels 
of it to climb on tor, but I let co with burned finters 5O - decrn 
ed a Jecson the first any, and I have known 

Now beek to Uncle Davy Patton's. . Iwas 
Bie Snoring, nov ovmed by Sarmel Patton, the 

fother, David Patton and Hvatt Rutherford, 


when there vrere no reilroads. These old 

eroceries end arv soods witn warone and 

These old vio 
would test their 
to see who wes the 
of my father's d 

ers were strong and robust. ‘When camping out they 
streneth by lifting the wheels of the loaded wagons 
champion. 8: ftine wagon wheels was the ceuse 

Jonathan Trinkle vas born Sen~temher 26, 1839 and died Ausust 20 

cives zi 
Wa rram 
nD — wan WrW-AW AT Toe A 
as ste eee ow Lappe he Re Sega ON ke 
D teen bhi CTD ATT TD anAM lola! PAO ) (mT aman Colca rola: Da oi ie SADA Tan \ 
wre fh Tl a 3 zs . Kot Nd he Ca ra ae es - \ = oe + Pisa Nd ok Ps Wail ¥ ay 
D> Twn WT AtrreaNKN QR warerr of oOFe4 end heliavedr hy many tn ha co 
Baar Se danke hie A Gee a ty ap op! ee ni > ee a U ~ 
ZAM AF Mamohal Naw tHnR Farnd.| any In Manntlaant>a awmmi haa after co 
woes Nt oe . — % » Ch ote - are e -_<- _- — ¢. SF A. . id y +-- - ae wee YS Wah = . 7 re 9. =e | Cw ate —— 
renidence of tro vervs in Obrlchora, returned to his formen hore in 
Sa tbjadidovid ke Waehineton County Ffartu milac NOPE (Ok. thee Oa ee ns 
Le OVI Ee rao Loe LON” GOUME Vg Or by miles. AOrin O°. Glas Ciba Ve 
ra as Se ton me 
oCAWwaA anal am ¢ 3 
Saya. Onde. Onis Ingato Sods, 
Ua Ja qn Nalaxos ant Drannann bout Par aiwtw wescrme ho Waa hoon ~ wmorltn 
Se eo EES Ga ness LI 2 Oy - S225 Par meg - 12°27 ay 3 
Aeaent ont Tachineton q 
PEs Cain a nee ene ea ar 
Ori sahame whan thet fe eNt} sineie ahta an Aro ri 2 4 fam sat+) ae nant and at tha Ty ee 
af CHR venre Grmnieretsd tn than ner Anyntr:s 
») ah Sl Eas SS ee SOU ; 
Tse lear eed eae Noy oS a Ss as nak 90 4808. ane Fae ees ee 
= i) U i ; ; * ul ‘ Li i 
Vata Ae nseS Saale 0 Se. rete a). ome Mostrar had MAstaeore nee ie oe ees 
. . = Ba pau ‘ E 
he ts 2 Som ne the Rolehratad Maroheal Wear TH Ga esta that hia 2.+ra= 
L 7 ; ets, A! CL a 
De pee) A Saeco eal ae had hoarn sae ea Aesth nama tn Anowin- 
“ - . ~ — - 
ann -AaAlte the hae Re lasso Hm Dastan ae oa nnes het “A aoe ee oa 
= Le = : Z 
mhainh wan alen tha raciAanrs nf a nurher af the sanleiare of MWannlanni= 

await alm, were wann La Sate pias mite 

Ee a Peak: Pa! 

Ye) FS Ne fe 4 7 a | 
DO oe beacon, + Ove by, Toe eT eo: OTE Cea nee 
Tyo of the rioneer families of Yashineton county vere the Stanlevse 

and Merediths, who located at the end of north Hish street when it 
wes still the "forest nrimeval". James Meredith, srandfather cf our 
"Sketch", came from Guilfcrd, North Carolina, in the year 1611, 
bringins his family. He wes a millwright and carnenter. About the 
same time, the othe randfather, Jesse Stanley, a saddler by Ga, 

+ 1 =a 

t - 

3 he ct ct 

me S425 
A za ms 

harkine of dozs arouced them and neenine out of the oneni 

2 ihe 
trvreen the 

ion and inter in life his hend and his nome, establishing a 
themselves in what is now Jefferson.tewnshin, that was then 

of Brovm townshin. On this farm, Levi Stanley, the fifth child 
Hlijeh and Polly Stenley, was born July 10th, 1829. 

In sneaking of his early home---Mr. Stanlev said "houses now seer 
Like swant boxes", cin tictht ond heoted with furnacec---thoyv ore 
extremcly difforent from the humble house of loce with ite cract 
erevines letting in nienty of frech ontaoor air. ond many a morninc 
he hes ersvled out from under the cavers where the ono had arifscé 
on his bed in, the nicht while he was- soundly sleening, He attribute: 
his lencth of life to the onen enabin, with ite hit fireniece 
minin Aiet of hor ond hominy: to their cimnle cheoorful habit 
ing ana thinkine, mincline without ceremony. Sometimes at ac 

ia = jae +s *F the onen 

at lores, they ent the neicthbore comine, maybe to ene 

av, mayvhe on on errendiqa-no mettom whet the miccion, bounainc 

nd friendly hontc made the visitors wormly welcome to the house, 

Then four of five venre old he memenbers seeine 2 crest drove of 
wild turkevs--about fifty come un just west of his house; his 
was avey and didn't cet back home until dusk; the turkevs hed 
refuse for the nicht in trees: but hic fether went out with hie oon 
and soon came back with a fine bird and the next dav's dinner, =e 
Gelicious one, q livine here he gaw only one vil 
deer---coint taro the farm---hnounds chasins it. Vonomous 
rentilecs vere 4 porn he saw four rattle enstres 
which his father sna short order. Only occasionally is: 
rattle snake see } nilis today. From this vlace his narentes 
moved to a farm on Tri reek, where again the home vas of logs-- 

ee). aoe 9 onad Tiem= 

aD \ . = go ae 

the hand of Tein Crack<jenay inoluded in the Pew- cs enunde 
cumervicion cf Nh» Tasmnae 7 fe Tanderson, Yerr orten t+haca 
: SPryvyTe Ton I Laermer 3 17 reso 3 O07 nm tne 2 
“ere built in pont of the creak on some lofty blurt. 




sveen mill wes described: the second floor where the honner wes 
placed could he entered from the ground level: the unner story wre 
Where the Dolting Was carried nn. The ereat moccthility Gia water 
nover vas not fully renlired. <A very small: quanitv of water was 

GOored up O2t a time: the frict was often only heVFf eround when “pis 
water cove nut anf horse mata, rmuet als vyervone omnine +5 
mill used his or hamcen to crind hic sinc their tums 
at tho crintine in aver os thev come t+ - 

Memories of Twin Greek furnish intoractine mnionesavatararstratiotals 
One of the ~ionesr residents mentioned vas Andre Knish, et fuel eee 
mhAQ ctanneda in Seler ona wintorod cmone the trees ond then moved on 
west to Trin Creek where he made cungs——--—much in demand far there wes 
nlenty of deer, wild turkey ond geme to ill for food---25 “rel1] 2¢ 
the wild besets to Crive avay from the home, sarden and fields; 

Me, Stenlev cove treat most of his eduoction vas obtained fron 
netund aontret sith ncture ont from the echool of exnerience;: thet 
he lived in the devs of herd times, romarine about oar lone it 
LOOK “GO oO (bo the mill, to set tho repli reedy for bread, the tedious 
nrocess of clearinz the cround and the vears of nrivation endured oy 
the first. cet c 2 boy he came to Salem for the dev en: 
hernened to } equere ot South Mein strest cnt esc 
some travele from Forth Carolina--a jaded horse 
Carricd von 3 bedding and clothes, 2 
and women vre worn mitifnl lookine: no 
doubt had me on many orrived with nothin- 
more then fi hee olveye been 2 mveters 
to hin how ecoul how they monoced to olec> 
Fhe Tend ana nai diag rleen ) lar Stparvine 

Peter tr, 50 ily MeMNeely he still re- 
Sided in Je n 4 moved on the Casnar farr-, 
Six miles n ures betveen Rush creek ond 
Tin ereel, rt years, yvhen he moved? mite 
his family UY Dut wen and forth to his fer + 
sysanintoend ne gazes until mnhvyeLied etrancth Fo rie aa hin anda ha mae 
LiveaA frnm form Life. Vivine with hh Children cinnse the dasth nf hi- 
commanion cixtren veore co. 

(Levi tantaw Fand Marnnh -- 
war Wieied sot Teerevilie 
of wife not found.) 

De EGR Ol Tani on ie el ob aoe na uate. ork brian 
Te SA. DSCC ORe, AMRIT 29. op sae TOT ears PAST SOle Veer onen 
The nicture (hy T.7. Batt) that arrears todev ic doubly intorect- 
ine, Mat ciently nancucen the feaac vartrev the Maiticon act the sntn 
milactanam, mut heesuce, ae huchend and wife, they have travelca 
down life's pathway hend in Nand for sixty veers. <A helo of cevotinn 
eramns ther in thoir elses comeenionchi ir advancing veers, 
Thev vere united in marriasre 8 lebrated their F 
16 . A tv Ole 
Nicholas J. Neurle was bor a: Indiane, neer 
salem, July Oth, 1834 and 372 rteen children, 
His father, decoh Maurie, ca COUnNG, Virsinie,. 
in 1820. He wes married the : 2140 tO Berea osie Pon 
who had come from Pennsylvan to this county with her rarents hen 
she was ten years old. “hie erandfather, Neugle, “senior, 
wae born -in Germany. and came to the United States at the ase of tro. 
or the vr of Fi on: and Bartara Raves 
£ “On Counby, Weciw 5 
N 1atem, who is tro 
Voyles. south of 
irth@ey. Tile oll 
é LO ; A Fislac and cordens: 
mulled flax, snun it on@ vrove it into cloth; cookins ond sewine and 
211 the ways of the household she lmev. This early tra ing and yay 
of living enebled her in later years to bear the hardshins of life: 

aa aris ce ~ 
r malas c ard i a WS ie 

Amons them as the humsry soldiex, for sufficient food to sus- 
tain streneth T i= comra sgcorted out eslone an seeren 
of syrrilies, erent Way 2c om ‘Camm en Wart lee 
eee Gees ~roci mant Qantharn anladqarc awmwrirana 
the 4 auf quay 4 ealig Bea A nea cx GA AS Darn atnraran aAatra 
Mw. Roasted Me jan 
My, e! 1 
+4 n es Ramo tpyakt nt sa em es 
walizjne at nicht, Wise qantiw Fane “0 s huts of the trees ené cuch 
other Tt + } he enna fine ial Ras widacaba om ealea ets Man a-mmarnach re ah +I. A 
pe tr Wan Fearne ont the haltae Var intn which he hed 
crawled, achacd the fantcte > of the Gonfeteornte soldiers omann4 Fir, 
C7 tr Eps nee sth A haan haan Gn Van wneritian -4F Waar wri tnenccam thn 
ee nf aya Pal tha Aarpn gitar nnt nf esueh ceans: ney F997 Vtr awmmrnne 
12 Fe thin starr nf ce anlAjart- aor amianac, 

Mha aanwdy Tita nt Mw Aaa (heats Terela wan wary cimilor Tees 

= ° . - —_ - — —_ @ 

Wy Ter ate F + horn 77) tha Sams Tog Fy +055 nr n ata a aAnNnnA ePOuUNntry. oy as. 
path natal curmaindaines, ann aod mmo nat MAW milos PATI TE After thrin 
Merrijtce, ghey etil? lived for isenetime on a Farm ain Polk tovnenas, 
Thew heve Lived in several different localities, They moved 4 ; 
Cem-bellshurg in October, 1675, and retired from the ective suties 
At Pamrijine mM nu hewsa os ant tha larrar wart at Ghia time in ais 

: i . Hey om : 
Breet ais es ea cl oe Se ae al ey cter ray sand $4, than hi -ftarc 
ana yn1iet a oy a ae Seer Samm thativn wnaediananpn + “a, 


i> . ud o 

3 oid =i \ . tuts | 

Mhey nre hoth merhars of the Chricticon church ana 

boen antive In ehureh TAMIR FAR mani vears, FIVVIne Tie oA 

elder NNR Anthermviaca ajAdine tha anyon nt CnAYri sc Eiani ty Th ts Hraca 
hi eg ¢ ca ae a SS Ena aby 2 2 hd Ea ul » : 
cence nf brotherly av and lindneces, 
Five tenaratioanns are ineluaed jin ir and Mre,. Neurlets 
LVe = E LONS ihe AINeC2Ua ¢€ pie te Rs LE ote Dy EASE Ie hk 
1 i 
descencants. They haye Had eieht children, “tro hoys and = 
ali living but Charles F., who died March, 1904, ‘Ther have 
one trandchildren--thirty tro af -rham are 7 fi oa lip Vs ea ame wil 4 Yous ecu pea 
chilaren, ome of wham jo Aasds nno sreat,; cpest erandchiila 
GH gio See aoa! appara eam VS) nie: Lees ne ifs. ES WOT CAINS 
Louice Shirlev, 2poit tero vears Ove. 2 ja the leet of tha. Wl 
TenresenLte toe f2fEh cenernsti AN, 
(At th ouch TT fe4 Lad fa fame: the dsath nt Nacho lsc Manca SonAase aa In 
Wachineton county throuch 19°98, it vould seem that he Aied eonetinsa 
hateraan the wasn fad alm@le, widar of Mi alesgr 
Naucie;, Cie0 20 of the sce of alenst O7, 
Eament= cana oo pinth civen os 1250, 
2 ie aS PR pia 6 os | Caras 
Plare nf Duriot ANANDA mannine Unn_ ) 
~— we oa ! as ae _ - — 4 —e) os -— = - - = Cees 
AT A 4 T ™hHhs AFF 
W.B. From di Naugile died Novembe> 17. 



[arte 5 






JULY 1972 BY C.E. COOK. 



Allen, Joseph--June 26, 1897--1 coffin and box-$7.50. 
Atkinson, William--March 16, 1900--1 casket and robe-$35. Paid 
by Curt and Ote Atkinson. 

Baker, James---January 20, 1900--1 casket-335.00-Paid for by 
Martha A. Baker. 

Baker, Elisha--July 9, 1898--casket and box-$20.00. 

Baker, Elisha--Avril 25, 1900--casket and box-$25.00. 

Baker, Bud--May 1, 1899--casket for Wilson-$32.00. Paid for by 
Flora and Bill Wilson. : 

Baker, Bud--February 22, 1900--casket for Bocock-$30.00. 

Barnard, Clark--January 16, 1897--coffin and box-39.00. 

Barnett, John R.--Avril 24, 1896-coffin and box-318.00. 

Barnett, John R.--dJune 5, 1896-small casket and box-$7.50. 

Barrett, Mrs.---See James Sweeney account. 

Bocock----See Bud Baker account. 

Bocock, Christena--August 10, 1896-coffin and box-$18.00. 

Brewer, Frank--October 30, 1897-coffin for Tailor-$12.00. 

Brewer, Charles--August 8, 1899-coffin-$15.00. 

Bristo, Joseph--October 13, 1898-coffin and robe-$30.00. 

Brown, Gove--August 29, 1899-coffin and box-$14.00. 

Brown, Gove--January 6, 1900-coffin and box-$10.50. 

Brown, Gove--December 21, 1900-coffin and box-$10.00. 

Browny Philo--Cctober 10, 1896-coffin and box-35.50. 

Brown, John (Henry's son )--February 21, 1900-casket-$8.00. 

Brown, Tip--February 4, 1899-casket for Mrs. Wesner. Paid for 
by I.B. and Bish Wesner. 

Burtroff, Henry's Estate--April 25, 1896-coffin-$15.00. 

Cariss, Jerry's Estate--August 26, 1898--casket and Box-$35.00. 
Carter, Charles' Estate--Sentember 1, 1896-cloth and draped 
Chamberlain, Earl--February 20, 1900 (died 19)-casket-$40.00. 
Paid for by William Chamberlain. 
Chastain, Abner's Estate--July 8, 1898-casket and box-$32.50. 
Chastain, Claudius--May 28, 1898-coffin-$8.00. 
Chastain, Cyrus--April 24, 1899-casket-$7.50. 
Chastain, James Harvey--March 11, 1899-casket for the wife of 
Jemes A. Chastain-318.00. 
Chastain, John A.--Sevtember 1, 1896-coffin and box-$25.00. 
Chastain, John Childs--Sepntember 14, 1897-coffin and box-$7.00. 
Chastain, Lem--May 18, 1899-casket-$313.50. 
Chastain, Rice--July 31, 1896--coffin and robe for Barney Chastain- 
$25.00. Paid for by George Chastain. 
Chastain, Mrs. Valentine's Estate--September 12, 1898-coffin and 
box-$30.00. Paid for by Mark Maudlin. 
Child, Lem--November 20, 1899-casket and robe-335.00. 
Childers----See A.d. Horner account. 
Childers, Ab--November 15, 1€98-coffin and box-$4.50. 
Childers, Ab--July 8, 1900-2 casket-$6.50. 
Childers, Jackson--liovember 24, 1898-casket-$9.00. Paid for 
by Wingler. 
Clark, Bent M.C.--August 18, 1898-casket and box-$25.00. 
CLifton, Polly--April 26, 189S-casket-$318.00. 
Clifton, Polly--December 27, 1898-casket for Ben-$18.60. Paid 
Tor Dy Wels (Claftoen: 

Pont fn chien tae a aan 


Clipp, Phillip--Avril 12, 1899-robe-$4.00. 

Clipp, Phillip--March 10, 1900-casket and robe-$42.00. Paid for 
by Jessie Clino. 

Colglazier, Austin--October 15, 1898-Casket by telephone-37.50. 

Collier, Lewis--October 9, 1899-casket and box-$30.00. 

Coots, Robert--January 28, 1900-cesket and box-$25.00. 

Coots, Robert--February 1, 1900-casket for Mrs. Coots-$25.00. Both 

vaid for by Richard and Hugh Coots. 

Cornwell, Harry--April 8, 1899-casket-$12.00. 

Deckert, William--March 4, 1896-casket and box-$25.00. 

Deckert, William--June 19, 1896-coffin and box-$8.00. 

Devault, Theodore--August 3, 1898-coffin for lirs. Devault-$30.00. 
Duncan, William--February 1, 1899-coffin and box-312.00. 

Fleming, William's Eatate--May 5, 1899-casket and box-$30.00. 
Furguson----See Lee Vellom account. 

Gipson, James---February 13, 1899-casket and box-$10.00. 

Goen, Rufus---March 24, 1897-coffin and box--$8.50. 

Goen, Rufus--Avril 22, 1897-casket for Mrs. Goen Estate-330.00. 

Goldsmith, Newton--July 2, 1901-casket and box-$10.00. 

Gordon, Morrie--February 4, 1899-cesket and box-$45.00. 

Gordon, Morrie--December 6, 1899-casket for Mrs. Gordon. faid for 
in part by W.H. Gordon. 

Gould, Charley--dJuly 20} 1897-casket and box-310.00. 

Gould, Orange L.--Jenuary 18, 1898-coffin and box-97.50. 

Green, Emily's Estate--Sevtember 14, 1896-casket-$45.00. Paid in 

part by S.D. Green. 
Guthrie, Isaac--October 10, 1896-casket and box-$45.00. 

Hall, I.G.---Seotember 23, 1898-casket and box-$30.00. 

Hall, Richard--February 17, 1900-casket and robe-$33.00. 
Hamilton---See James Reynolds account. 

Hamilton, Joseph's Estate---dJanuary 12, 1898-casket and box-$32.00. 
Hamilton, Susan---dJanuary 5, 1897-coffin and box-9315.00. 

Hannan (?), Charles---June 22, 1898-coffin and box-$13.00. 

Heys, John B.'s Estate---February 7, 1898-coffin and box-$25.00. 
Hays, Joseph---liovember 25, 1901-casket-$35.00. 

Hedrick, Mrs. Jesie's Estate---December 11, 1901-casket-3355.00. 
Hedrick, Josephe--July 27, 1901-casket-$14.00. 

Hobbs, Leroy---lNay 5, 1898-casket and box-$7.50. 

Horner, A.d.---May 15, 1897-coffin by Chiiders-35.00. 
Howell----- See Edgar Nicholson account. 

Hughes, Thomas---January 5, 1900-coffin and box-$7.50. 
Hunter, John---December 15, 1698-coffin-$12.50. 
Hunter, John---May 11, 1899--casxet-915.00. 

Jackson, William---Cctober 21, 1896-coffin and box-315.00. 

Jeans, Nathan---Avril 24, 1899-casket-312.50. 

Johnson, Jacob's Estate---dJune or July 23, 1900-robe-Paid for by 
Mrs. dames Johnson. 

Johnson, P.C.---April 9, 1901-casket for P.C. Johnson-$65.00. 

Kirby Port---January 29, 1899-coffin and box-$12.50. 
b] 3 

eat aieeateeeenaieiaeiiaiainenatinatedtedabantmenieieaiacemn mmm ataatsentaizatie cay “udendaaiaeat eeameieataen ciesiet iemedeat admins sinebanidhoaisdimehaetead siete iat oh 


Larkin, William----See Nelson Roberts account. 
Lawyer, Benjamin's peo eee 24, 1899-casket and box-235, 
Leach, Alf---¥ebruary 22, 1901-casket and box-$23.50. 
Lee, ties . Charles (2nd and Grey Sts., Louisville, Ky)-May 19, 1897- 
casket and box-$75.00. 
Lemmons, E.S.---April 17, 1896-casket and Box-$40.00. Paid for by 
Orra, Childs 
Lewis, William (Bud's brother)---March 16, 1901-casket for sister- 
Link, E.---See John Wilkins account. 
Lozier, Mary---coffin and robe in 1892-$23.00. Faid by Woods. 

Martin, Volney---September 26, 1898-childs coffin-$5.00. 

Martin, William (Lost River)---February 8, 1896-casket-$25.00. 

Meudlin, Alva---February 14, 1899-casket and box-912.00. 

Maudlin, Alva---December 16, 1901 (died on 15 day)-casket-$45.00. 

Miller, Hezekiah---Avril 23, 1896-casket and box-$50.00. Faid for 
by lirs. Miller. 

Montgomery, Jane's Estate---November 27, 1900-casket-$30.00. 

Myers, Sol---See Bish Wesner account. 

McGraff, Walt---November 3, 1897-casket-37.50. 
McNeely, Mrs. E.A.'s Estate---July 31, 1901-casket-$35.00. Paid 
for by W.B. McNeely. 

Neideffer, Ben---See Lee Vellom account. 

Nicholson----See Lee Velton account. 

Nicholson, Edgar---June 6, 1898--coffin for Howell-$15.06. 

Nicholson, Merret R.---February 17, 1898-casket and box for 
Stevhen Nicholson-$22.50. 

Nicholson, Merret R.---Acril 14, 1900--coffin and robe for 
Evan Walraven-$25.00. 

Oldham, Thomas---dJuly 8, 1897-coffin and box-$8.50. 

Pollard, Curt---November 18, 1897-coffin and box-$12.30. 

Pollard, Simeon---June 8, 1896 (died 7th day at 8:30)-casket and 
box-$45.00. Paid by Mrs. Pollard. 

Pollard, Zachariah's Estate---July 3, 1897-casket and box-$40.00. 

Porter, Reeves Estate---Sentember 23, 1899-casket-$35.00. Paid 

for by George Porter. 
Prow, Christian---Seotember 19, 1899--casket and box-$35.00. 
Prow, Claude---January 8, 1900-casket-$6.00. 

Ralston, Andy---December 17, 1898 ket and box-325.00. 

Kalston, Andy---February 8, 1900-casket and box-$35.00. 

Reynolds, James---lMarch 25, 1897-coffin for Hamilton-37.00 

Reynolds, Jes---July 24, 1897-coffin and box-315.00. raid “for by 
Jefferson Reynolds. 

Richards (?)----See Lee Vellom account. 

Roberts, Nelson---January 13, 1900-robe-$7.75-Paid by william Larkiz 

Robertson, Math---May 17, 1898-coffin by Williams-$7.50. 
Robbins, Thomas---October 8, 1898-casket and box-¢$7.50. 
Rudder, Hiram---Seotember 18, 1897-coffin and box-318.00. 

Sallee, Jame's Estate---August 4, 1896-casket-325.00. 
Sappenfield, E.S.---January 1, 1900-casket and box-315.00. 



i nt nes OR OE ENO 

Shanks, Charles G.---March 24, 1899-casket and box-330.00. 
Shanks, Charles G.---dJuly 17, 1899-casket and box-$30.00. 
Shanks, Frank---April 29, 1896-casket-317.00. 
Sherrow, Albert---November 23, 1895-casket-$12.00. Charged to 
account of James H. Sherrow by mistake. 
Sherrow, Albert---Sevtember 26, 1897-childs casket-38.50. 
Shoults, Sherman---April 23, 1897-caffin and box-$18.00. 
Shoults, William---October 25, 1899-casket-$30.00. 
Slaughter, George---December 4, 1897-a casket and box-$25.00. 
Smedley, Byrum Estate---dJanuary 25, 1900-casket-$35.00. 
Smedley, Gilda Estate---February 28, 1900-casket and box-$40.00. 
; Paid for by Thomas Smedley. 
Smith, John---September 29, 1899-casket and box-)30.00. Paid for 
by Mrs. Smith. 
Stanley, Levi---November 28, 1898-casket and box-330.00. 
Stansbery, Lem Estate---Sevtember 10, 1896-coffin and box-$25.00. | 
$10.00 paid by Mrs. John Strattan. 
Strattan, David---dJune 22, 1901-casket and box-320.00. 
Strattan, Seth---Cctober 2, ieee and robe for Joseph Walker- } 
Stuart, John---November 1, 1899-casket-$316.00. 
Stuart, John---May 25, 1901-casket and robe-$37.00. 
Stuart, Nilles---October 6, 1898-casket and robe-$22.00. 
Suddreth, Ed---July 11, 1901-casket-$10.00. 
Suter, Samuel >. Estate---July 10, 1900-robe by James Dawson-$4.50.. 
Paid by John Armstrong. | 
Sweeney, James---February 6, 1901-small casket-38.00. 
Sweeney, James---July 25, 1901-casket and robe for Mrs. Barrett-$33. 

Talbott, Frank Estate---December 18, 1896-$50.00. 
Tailor----See Frank Brewer account. 

Taylor, Lewis---Decemoer 22, 1899-robe for his mother-$4.50. 
Thompson, Harve---Merch 6, 1900-caskete#$S17.00. 

Trabue, Vastillian---September 14, 1897-casket-$25.00. 

Vellom, Lee---March 9, 1896-robe for Ben Neideffer-$5.50. 
Vellom, Lee---January 10, 1900-robe for Tit Zellart (?)-$3.00. 
Vellom, Lee---January 14, 1900-robe for Nicholson. 

Vellom, Lee---February 4, 1900-robe for Ricnards (?). 

Vellom, Lee---Febdruary 4, 1900-robe for Furguson. 

Voyles, William (Logan's son)---March 28, 1898-coffin-$5.00. 

Wade, John B.---Avril 7, 1901-casket for William Wade's child-$10. 

Walker, Josevh---See Seth Strattan account. 

Walraven, Evan---See Merret R. Nicholson account. 

Wesner, Bish---March 11, 1696-coffin by Sol Myers-$8.00. 

Wesner, Bish---March 6, 1899-casket-95.90. 

Wesner, Mrs.---See Tiv Brown account. 

Wheeler, Ed---June 24, 1896-ceasket and box-$25.20. 

Wheeler, Richard Senior Estate---Ccetober 10, 1897-coffin-$35.00. 

Wheeler, Richard---March 26, 1896-coffin and box-$8.00. 

Wheeler, Richard---January 4, 1898--casket and box-$8.00. 

Wilcox, Lon---dJuly 18, 1900-casket-$50.00. 

Wilkins, Johnn---December 11, 1896-robe for E. Link-Paid for by 
lirs. D. Wilkins. 

Mrs. Daniel---Atril 4, 19 

Thomas---November 27, 1900-c 


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Williams----See Math Robertson account. 
Wilson------ see Bud Brown account. 

Wilson, Alexander Estate---March 7, 1897-coffin and box-$20.00. 
Paid for by George Wilson. 

Wincler----- See Jackson Childers account. 

Wires, Curt---July 9, 1896-small coffin-$6.00. 

Wires, Frank (Lancaster)---July 20, 1899-casket and box-$18.00. 

Wires, Tryounce Estate---August 20, 1898-casket-325.00. 

Wood, Henry---November 19, 1901-casket-330.00. 

(?)Zellard, Tit---See Lee Vellom account. 





Arnold, Samuel---died Feb. 5, 1914 
Arnold, Orange---died Dec. 4, 1911 
Arnold, Lorena---died Jan. 9, 1918--70y,4m, 21d. 
Alexander, Amanda J.---died March 16, 1918--73y. 

Beck, John H. of Texas--died Aug. 2-, 1904 (?)-page torn. 
Baker, Lawrence---died May 20, 1913 at Conway Springs, Sunmer Co. 

Baker, Isaac "Bud"--died Dec. 20, 1914 : 
Barnett, Mrs.---died Jan. 12, 1915 
Baker, Fred---died May 25, 1911--70y. 

Battin, Benton---died March 8, 1912 

Barnard, Dessie---died April 13, 1906 

Ball, Thomas---died Jan. 6, 1907 

Brown, Bessie---died Avril 11, 1909 

Ballard, Joseph---died August 7, 1912 

Booker, Sandy---died Feb. 19, 1913 

Brown, John---died June 25, 1918--73y. 

Bottorff, David H.---died June 27, 1918--58y. 
Bogle, George---died August 13, 1918--77y,11im,10d. 
Bogle, Mrs. George---died Aug. 23, 1918--75y,9m,18d. 
Bowles, William---died Jan. 23, 1917--78y. 

Brewer, Elisha H.---died June 18, 1917--76y. 

Boon, Aunt Serah---died Dec. 4, 1915. 

Brewer, Elisha---died June 19, 1931 

Brewer, Jonn---died June 17, 1931--84y, 7m,26d. 
Bush, S.---died Avril 8, 1932--80y,4m,22d. 

Brown, Jesse---was killed August 11, 1932--53y. 
Batt, Billie==--died. Feb. 12, 1921 

Brengle, Elvet---died March 22, 1922 

Bilyeu, Eb---died Feb. 28, 1920--42y. 

Brown, Tip---died April 21, 1922--81y,5m,12d. 
Brown, Joshua---died August 16, 1922--81y,8m,8d. 
Baker, Jess L.---died Oct. 22, 1922--75y. 

Bilyeu, Wesley---died Seot. 6, 1924--80y,41m, 244. 
Ballard, America---died Sent. 4, 1924--86y,8d. 
Boyd, Ellen Brown---died Nov. 22, 1924--75y,6m,9d. 
Brown, James B.---died June 15, 1933--85y. 

Boone, Isaac-~--died Cet. 12, 1925--79y,10m,11d. 
Brown, James---died Sevt. 20, 1926 

Brown, Tipv's wife---died Nov. 14, 1926--77y. 
Barrett, C.R.---died March 8, 1927--73y. 

Bruner, Mrs.---died Jan. 27, 1930--93y. 

Bell, Andy---died Feb. 10, 1931--65y. 

Bray, Mattie---died Sent. 15, 1927--70y,10m,11d. 
Brown, William---died Dec. 10, 1927--75y. 

Brown, Mrs. Clara---died Feb. 14, 1928--66y,2m,11d. 
Ball, Frank's wife---died Jan. 10, 1929--25y. 
Ball, John's wife---died Jan. 17, 1929--48y. 
Bishop, James---died March 10, 1931--70y. 

Brown, Deliah---died March 7, 1931--76y,8m,6d. 
Bush, Fred---died April 8, 1932--80y,4m,17d. 
Brown, Stephen D.---died August 18, 1925--66y,10m,10d. 

Childs, Mrs. Ida's baby---May 15, 1901 

Chastain, Lieu Tissie---died Nov. 23, 1903 (Mary Letitia Chastain) 
Childers, Albert---died Sept. -, 1904 (?) page torn. 
Chastain, ------ died Oct. 15, 1913, age 55y.. page torn. 
Cornwell, Mrs. Bud---died May 16, 1914 

Chastain, A.J.---died Aug. 6, 1914 

Chastain, Mrs. Jack---died Dec. 17; 1909 

Cogswell, Goldie---died March 19, 1910, buried Claysville 21st. 
Craycraft, Kate---died July 10, 1910 

Chastain, "Little" Sam---died July 15, 1910 

Cauble, Commadore---died January 10, 1911 

Cauble, Peter C.---died Jan. 10, 1911 

Clark, Frank---was drowned Seot. 28, 1911 

Chastain, Joe---died January 19, 1912 from being shot. 
Childs, Mrs. Lizzie---died Avril 4, 1905 

Colglazier, Doc---died Avril 6, 1905 

Chastain, Burley---died Oct. 1, 1906 

Crockett, Charley---died Nov. 25, 1906 

Colglazier, Mitchell---died March 5, 1929--70y,5m, 28d. 
Collier, Lemuel---died March 16, 1929--60y,10mn,5d. 
Chastain, James A.---died April 17, 1907 

Crockett, Maxie---died January 2, 1908 

Chastain, Mrs. Sherman---died October 10, 1908 

Collier, Mrs. Eliza Jane---died Sent. 4, 1909--69y. 
Colglazier, Charley---died September 6, 1909 

Collier, Benjemin---died September 23, 1909--73y. 
Colglazier, Lon---died December 31, 1909 

Chastain, Nathan---died July 9, 1912--41y. 

Clark, Frank---hung himself April 4, 1913 

Chastain, Silas---died November 16, 1920--82y. 
Chastain, Tine---January 6, 1918--66y. 

Colglazier, W.D.---died March 15, 1918--52y. 

Chastain, Mrs. William N.---died October 10, 1918 
Chastain, William N.---died November 23, 1918--68y. 
Chastain, Jack---died Jan. 3, 1921 

Chastain, Mrs. Elmira---died March 12, 1916--85y. 
Cornwell, John---died October 7, 1917--35y. 

Cook, Emma---died March 16, 1915 

Chastain, Harry---died April 11, 1915--59y. 

Chastain, Gilbert---died Avril 2, 1915--20y. 

Childs, G.0.---died December 28, 1915 

Chastain, Cecil---was drowned January 9, 1916 

Crane, James Orel---died June 21, 1931--20y. 
Colglazier, Joel---died July 1, 1931--77y. 

Cornwell, Frank---died March 4, 1952--86y. 

Chastain, Lonzo---died Avril 24, 1932--68y. 

Chastain, Mrs. Charley---killed by a train May 1, 1921. 
Chamberlain, William N.---died October 27, 1921--72y. 
Crockett, Robert---died July 2, 1919 

Chastain, Mrs. Jane---died Avril 25, 1920--88y. 

Crane, William N.---died July 3, 1923--74y. 

Collier, Sarah Ellen---died July 23, 1923--76y,10m, 6d. 
Catlin, Mrs. Liddie---died Dec. 11, 1923--50y. 
Cornwell, John L.---died January 22, 1924--83y. 
Cornwell, Edna Maudlin---died Feb. 13, 1924--20y, 7m, 23d. 
Chamberlain, Charley---died March 3, 1924--65y. 
Colglezier, Mrs. Anna---died November 20, Wee. 
Chastain, Howard Bugene---died February 1, 1923--1y,1m. 

. \ 
Chastain, Pete---died January 20, 1925427 James Peter Chastain) 
Chastain, Ruth---died February 13, 1925--18y. 

Chamberlain, Ed---died Cctober 26, 1923--60y. 

Chamberlain, Mary A.---died Sentember 14, 1925--72y. 

Collier, Charlie---died --- 31, 1925--54y,1m,14d. 

Chamberlain, Sallie---died March 11, 1926--66y. 

Chastain, Andrew---died July 2, 1926 

Chastain, Phoebe Jane (wife of Andrew)-died Sept.12, 1926-72y. 
Child, Mrs. Kate---died Sentember 30, 1926--79y. 

Chastain, Margaret E.---died May 21, 1924--60y. 

Chastain, Naomi---died June 20, 1924--25y. 

Crockett, Nerve---died January 7, 1930--73y. 

Chastain, Oliver---died April 5, 1930 

Colglazier, Isaac---died Avril 5, 1930--77y. 

Chastain, Jacob Rice---died October 1, 1930--79y,10m,19d. 
Collier, Jane---died December 30, 1928--75y. 

Cathcart, Hettie---died August 28, 1925--52y. 

Deweese, Anderson---died Avril 6, 1914 

Duckwall, Ed---died at Salem November 2, 1914 

Davis, Leander B.---died et Salem November 3, 1914. 
Deweese, George---died at Fredericksburg November 3, 1914 
Davis, William---died July 30, 1911--75y. 

Dawson's boy killed himself Avril -, 1912 page torn. 
Deweese, Mrs.---died January 11, 1913 

Davis, Golson---died February 23, 1913 

Davis, Iirs. Josh---died October 15, 1918 

Driskell, Frank---was found dead Avril 3, 1916 

Devault, Theodore---died August 16, 1921--66y. 

Davis, Andrew Benton---died December 23, 1919--90y, 9m,1d. 
Diefendorf, Albert---died November 11, 1923--67y. 
Diefendorf, P.D.---died June 16, 1922--75y,8m,16d. 

Denny, John S.---died July 1, 1924--74y. 

Evans, Mrs. Kim---died June 29, 1910 

Blgin, Wesley---died August 15, 4907--90y,3m,15d, buried the 18th. 
Elgin, Stella---died June 10, 1916 

Evans, James A.---died December 22, 1916--67y,3n,27d. 

Elgin, Ursley---died January 16, 1916--17y. 

Ellis, Martha J.---died June 23, 1922--76y,9m,5d. 

Blein, Lizzie---died January 14, 1923 

Elgin, Caléb---died March 11, 19235--83y. 

Edwards, Ab---died August 12, 1927--43y. 

Elgin, Lillian---died December 12, 1927--18y,11m,16d. 

Furgason, Johnnie's girl---buried June 15, 1912 
Faris, Opal Marie---died January 19, 1929--26y,5m, 20d. 
Freed, James---died Avril 18, 1907 

Freed, Uncie Jacob---died May 28, 1909 

Freed, Barbrie---died December 51, 1912 

Foutch, David---died duly 12, 1920--85y. 
Ferguson, Taylor---died December 8, 1918--71y. 
Freed, Emily---died March 18, 1919--82y, 3m, 3d. 
Finley, Mrs. Cyrus---died January 20, 1917 
Freed, Mrs. Harve---died February 7, 1917 
Freed, Jacob---died June 12, 1917 

Finley, Lizzie---cied April 8, 
Foutch, Lew---died January 12, 
Fisher, Mrs. 

Finley, Allen---died December 8, 

Ferguson, Mrs. Will---died July 
Fox, William---died February -, 
Foutch, Ida Naugle---died March 
Foutch, Mrs. David---died Janua 
Foutch, William L.F.---died May 

Frank---died March 21, 

Billie---died November 

Amanda---died December 26, 

Henry Wiley---died February 4, 

Cyrus---died January 17, 




29, 1922--29y. 

9, 1923--56y,5m, 23d. 
ry 19, 1925--82y. 

26, 1933--67y,10m, 26d. 

55 1992-119 

Gilstrap, Lucy C.---died May 29, 1914--71y. 

Guy, ---ylor---died June 8, 1914--56y. ovage torn. 

Glover, Liza Strattan---died February 14, 1910. "She was buried 
Feb. 17 and it was the worst snow blizzard we ever had". 

Gibson, William---died Avril 8, 1929--90y. 
Green, George---died August 14, 1929 
Gasaway, Frank---died May --, 1913 page torn. 

Gould, Hthel---died March 9, 1919--31y,11m,11d. 

Gilstrav, Aaron---died July 2, 1916 

Green, Hettie---died July 3, 1916-#80y. 

Gould, Hilda Jean---died February 27, 1932--8y,11m, 25d. 
Gasaway, Wilbur---died August 14, 1921--15y. 

Guthrie, John---died March 13, 1920--49y. 

Greenslade, Laura B.---died July 14, 1923--60y. 

Gilstrap, Frank---died Sevtember 2, 1931--65y,13d. 

Gee, John---died January 12, 1932--91y. 

Guthrie, Mrs. Rebecka---died Avril 15, 1933--95y,11m,15d. 

Hayes, Joseph L.---died November -, 1901. 

Hayes, Lorenzo D.---died October -, 1902 

Hopper, Kattie---died December-, 1902 

Hayes, Aunt Rebecca---died August -, 1904 (?) page torn. 

Holsapple, Charley's baby---May 16, 1914. 
Hopper, Omy---died August 23, 1914--33y. . 
Hall, Harvey---died January 15, 1915. 

Hunter, Manda---was found dead in bed January 13, 1910 

Hall, Feter---was drowned in Lost River near the Johnson crossing 
Jan. 13, 1910, found Jan. 16 and buried on the 17th. 

Huffman, Mort---died Acril 8, 1910 

Hobbs, Dr. H.C.---of Salem died Avril 17, 1910 

Hancock, Dr.---died January 10, 1911 

Hayes, Licoln (?)---died March 24, 1911 at Mitchell 

Hedrick, Joel---died May 23, 1911--72y. 

Hoyt, mother of Ferrel---died Congas hg tol 

Hayes, ----- -died May 1, 1912 ge torn. 

Horner, ee February 22, “1906-~75y. 

Huffman, Clarry---died Avril 14, 1906 

Huff, lees Pe February 12, 1908 

Hall, John--~--died Rees 10, 1908 

Hall, Peter---funeral at Ha lis 
his brothers and 

Haywood, Mr.---died July 26, 19 

Hall, Uncle Asa'ts wife---funera 

Hedrick, Murrel---died March 12 

graveyard Sentember 11, 1910. 
Sisters were there". 
O7-buried Claysville. 

1 in Sullivan Co. Nay 20, 




Hatfield, Jacob---died February 3, 1917 
Hayes, Omer's baby---died May 2, 1907 
Hunt, Dr.---died Sentember 22, 1908 
Hall, John F.---died November 10, 1908 
Hutchinson, Bruce---died August 29, 1912 
Hobbs, Elisha---died November 13, 1912 
Hobbs, Martha (wife of Elisha)---died December 10, 1912 
Holmes, Mrs. Joseph L.---died February 17, 1913 
Hoke, Herman---died Avril 24, 1920--29y. 
Holiday, Wesley P~.---died December 23, 1918--age 68y. 
Huff, Harrison---died February 18, 1916--79y. 
Horner, Margaret---died February 17, 1916--78y. 
Hoar, Silas---died October 20, 1917 
Hubbard, James F.---died February De, NOt o==G2y5 

Haywerd, Mrs.---buried Nar.11, 1915 at Claysville at 7 P.M. dark. 

Hoar, lirs. Silas---died Avril 12, 1915 

Hayes, Charley---died December 7, 1915 

Hostudler, Lon---died December 29, 1915 

Haley, Mrs. Blaine---died December 13, 1932--46y. 
Hall, Nancy J.---died December 10, 1920--75y. 
Huffman, John---died October 16, 1919--98y. 
Holidey, Mrs. Wesley P.---died December 1, 1919 
Hayes, Luis---died December 18, 1919--55y. 

Hall, Dr. I.G.---died July 17, 1922--S92y,7m,2d. 
Hayes, Lige---died April 26, 1925--61y. 

Hayes, Orange Lem---died May 23, 1933--84y,11m,10d. 
Hayes, Wiley J.---died March 16, 1893 and it snowed. 
Hayes, Martha (wife of Wiley a) 

Hayes, Sam---died August 24, 1924 

Huffman, Nora=--died November 20, 1926 

Hopper, Leander---died February 20, 1927--73y. 

Hayes, Fred L.---died June 21, 1924--36y,7m,10d. 
Hayes, Silvester---died Avril 2, 1930--71y. 

Hughes, "Coon"---died August 1, 1930 

Hunter, John T.---died Avril 8, 1927--82y. 

Hopping, Henry L.---died November Se toed 

Hovver, Mrs. Leander--~-died December 6, 1927--72y. 
Hoar, Ease---died January 8, 1928 

Huston, William B.---died March 23, 1928--69y,11m,16d. 
Hardin, William---died December 30, 1928--74y,7m,13d. 
Hall, William A.-~-died October 12, 1931--S2y. 

Hayes, Curtis---died January 16, 1932--60y. 

Hiles, Lydia B. Overman~--died December 26, 1920--56y. 

Ingram, Frank---died August 18, 1929 

Ingram, Silva May---died December 21, 1915--30y. 
Ingram, wife of Ros---died February 18, 1925 
Ingram, Mike---died July 26, 1930--78y. 

Jones, Aunt Sally---died Sent. -, 1904 (?) page torn 
Jones, ----- W.e---died October 9, 1913. page torn 
Jones, Frank---died November 6, 1911--30y. 

Jeans, Nat---see Vade, Jonn B. 

Jean, William---died December 1, 1912 

Jones, Ambrose---died April 2, 1918--75y. 
Johnson, Mrs. Prerry---died July 6, 1916 

Jones, Henry---died May 21, 1921--71y. 

Johnson, Josiah T.---died November 11, 1921--935y. 
Johnson, Silas---died June 21, 1919 

died March 2, 1913 and it rained. 

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Johnson, Alson---died January 16, 1920--77y. 

Jackson, Thomas---died February 20, 1920--73y. 
Johnson, 0.P.---died January 24, 1924--62y,4m,13d. 
Johnson, Hlwood---died February 11, 1924--64y, 9m, 26d. 
Jones, Marria---died January 25, 1921--61ly. 

Jackson, Belle---died October 14, 1919--42y. 

King, Jefferson---died May 9, 1914--89y. 

King, Mrs. Jefferson---died November 9, 1914--79y. 
King, Filbert A.---died Avril 19, 1917--52y. 
Kilman, Mrs. Anna--sdied January 1, 1922 

Kelso, Mrs. David---died November 26, 1923--33y. 
Kelley, Dr. J.F.---died December 28, 1932--63y. 

Lewis, Miss Callie---died March 11, 1901 

Leach, Alf---died January 11, 1911 

Lewis, Cynthia---died May 24, 1911 

Lemon (?), ------- died May -, 1912. page torn. 
Lemon, E.S.---died January 31, 1906 

Lewis, Charley's girl---died June 9, 1908 
Loudermilk, W.5.---died November 4, 1908 
Larimore, Frank---died February 16, 1922--64y. 
Lewis, F.W. "Bud"---died December 23, 1924--61y. 
Link, Harry ll.---died May 17, 1924--26y. 

Lee, Frank's wife---died March 31, 1930 

Lewis, George---died Avril 12, 1927==635y. 

Link, Charlie---died October 5, 1927--67y,6m,i1&d. 

Mires, James K.---died November 11, 1913--52y. 
Martin, Peter---died May 12, 1914--79y. 

Magin (7), Mrs. Hattie---died December 17, 1909 
Matthew, James---died March 7, 1912 

Miller, Lucinda---died April 30, 1929--85y. 

Martin, Benjamin---was found drovmed in White river July 5, 1908. 

Monroe, Thomas---died February 16, 1913 

Matthew, Walter---died December 29, 1917--41y. 

Martin, Ried---died January 31, 1919--13y,6m,9d. 

Menaugh, Eli W.---died February 22, 1919--75y,1m,5d. 

Mills, Richard---died February 16, 1916--69y,11m,9d. 

Maden, Thomas---died Feb. 22, 1915, bur. Claysville 24th--63y. 

Miller, Lum---died Sestember 14, 1915 

Waudlin, Charles---died February 4, 1921--35y. 

Michner, Isaac---died February 17, 1921--52y. 

Martin, Anblla---died Merch 17, 1922--50y. 

Martin, Rolla---died December 11, 1919--84y. 

Merideth, Nathan---died Sept. 24, 1923--87y,10m,23d. taken to 
Illinois for burial. 

Mather, Elizabeth---died Sentember 28, 1923--75y,1m,2d. 

Mills, Sam P.---died December 31, 1923--50y. 

Mitchell, Thomas A.---died March 16, 1924--8 

Martin, Nell---died liarch---died March 17, 1 

Markland, Gus---died March 27, 1923--53y. 

y, 5m, 16d. 


Mather, R.P.---died August 22, 1924--72y. 

Maudlin, Joel---died January 5, 1926--85y,3m,19d. 
Merideth, Andrew K.---died February 1, 1926--81y,13d. 
Martin, Frenk---died January 4, 1927--78y. 

Matlock, Dr. H.d.---died June 25, 1924 


he © 
- 7 
> 6 _ 

Martin, Charlie---died March 2, 1930--58y. 

Maudlin, Benjamin---died January 13, 1931--79y. 

Maudlin, Mark---died February 13, 1931--73y,11m,17d. 
Marshall, Rev. John W.---died March 12, 1928--63y,4m,17d. 
Moon, Lois---died March 24, 1928--19y,7m,10d. 

Maudlin, Glen---died Avril 20, 1931--16y, 7m. 

Moon, Ivan---died January 25, 1932. 

Miller, James F.---died Seotember 11, 1932--62y. 

Madden, Lucy M.---died Avril 16, 1933--79y. 

McCoy, Allen---died August 18, 1901 

fcCorry, Grant---was killed at Salem Aug. 11, 1914 by Wilbur Miller 

McClain, Hazel---died March 7, 1910 
McClintock, Sam---died November 6, 1910 
McKinney, Henry---"was varalyzed between my house and Claysville 

Mar. 31, 1913. Taken to my house and died Apr.1, 1913." 

McNeely, William B.---died November -, 1908 
McCoy, D's wife---"Hung herself Jan. 22, 1909 at her father's 

in a pear tree, buried at Livonia the 24th Jan. 
McCoy, D.---"Hung himself Feb. 18, 1909 in James B. Brown's barn". 

McKinney, Henry---died March 31, 1913 
McMahan, Emma---died June 30, 1924--63y. 
McCoy, Billie---died November 11, 1926--69y. 
McCoy, Mrs. Irvin---died March 29, 1928--46y. 

Naugle, Charley---died Avril -, 1904 

Naugle, Henry---died February 23, 1911 

Neidefer, John---died February 6, 1907 

Nall, Scott---died Sestember 20, 1908 

Nall, William V.---died October 3, 1908 

Neyman, E.M.C.---died January 4, 1909--i100y,10m,6d. 
Naugle, Mrs. Sarah V.---died December 21, 1922 
Naugle, Uncle Nic---died November 17, 1919--83y. 
Nicholson, Dr.---died March 14, 1923--72y,im,id. 
Nicholson, Thomas 0.---died Avril 19, 1922-~-75y. 

Overman, Axiom---died August 16, 1910 

Overman, Iirs. Axiom--- died February 16, 1908, buried Feb. 18. 
Otte, Paul---died Avril 2, 1913 

Oldham, Lucinda---died March 26, 1913, buried April 13, 84y. 
Oldham, Joe---died May 29, 1916--59y. 

Otte, Mrs. Faul---died December 18, 1924 

Oldham, Al---died May 14, 1927--60y. 

Pollard, Sallie---died July 25, 1901 

Perdiew, Frank---died July 3, 1910 

Perkhiser, Mrs. Allen---died March 16, 1911 

Perkhiser, Allen---died March 18, 1911 

Pavy, Noah---died March 7, 14912 

Pavy, Miss Alice---died Avril 6, 1905 

Prow, Christian---died January 14, 1908--88y,1m,29d. 

Perkhiser, Jonn---died March 20, 1929 

Phipnos, Robvert---died March -, 1929 

Phillips, S.H.---died in the Phillipines Avril 19, 1907 and was 
buried at Saltillo July 26, 1907. 

Pollard, Asa---died November 8, 1907 

Polson, Ed---killed himself August 16, 1912 

Penn, Dan---died February 18, 1913 

sersaemgronern dh: nero Ree ene SARE RENE E SPAR RAST ME RGEREBN TPR RTP INMN 



Price, Mrs. W.E.---died May 1, 1924--63y. 

Pollard, Mrs. Curt---died March 19, 1913 

Pace, Mrs. B.T.---died March 16, 1918--74y. 

Purlee, Ransom W.---died February 20, 1919--78y. 
Pierson, Ann---died Februery 27, 1915--74y. 
Pollard, Mrs. Simion---died March 31, 1915--78y. 
Perkhiser, Willie---died November 29, 1915 
Phillips, Horace Henry---died August 4, 1921--53y. 
Pollard, Owen---shot himself December 6, 1921--62y. 
Pollard, Otto Garfield---died April 13, 1919--36y. 
Pollard, Ray---was killed June 17, 1919 

Perdiew, James---died January 28, 1920--68y. 
Phillips, Thomas---died February 21, 1920--S3y. 
Pollard, Ora Vade Bush---died January 21, 1924--46y. 
Prow, Ivy---died July 4, 1924--43y,1m,3d. 

Philvutt, Allen B.---died Avril 19, 1925--69y. 
Phipps, Robert G.---died April 13, 1925--64y. 
Phipps, May Bishov---died Avril 16, 1925--60y. 
Pollard, Manda---died October 7, 1927--‘/2y. 

Prow, lMirs. Christian---died August 23, 1906 

Ray, ---- Allen---died May 5, 1914--75y,8m,29d. page torn. 
Roll, Rachel Ellen---died April 13, 1912. 

Richardson, James---was buried Avril 20, 1907 at Freedom graveyarc. 

Richardson, James (same)---died Avril 17, 1907 
Robison, Charles G.---died September 8, 1909--83y. 
Roll, Thomas---died March 10, 1913 

Rosenbaum, William---died February 14, 1918 

Rolston, James---died July 31, 1915 

Rolston, Charles Oscar---died May 16, 1919 

Romine, C.R.---died March 25, 1922--‘77y. 

Robertson, Matthew---died March 30, 1922--72y. 
Rutherford, John L.---died Ausust Ay 1922=<(57,1M,2 (as 
Rolston, Andrew---died January 6, 1925--76y. 

Russell, Mrs. Bill---died January 13, 1925--73y. 
Robertson, Nrs. Math---died November 7, 1925--76y,5m,10d. 
Rolston, John W.---died May 14, 1927--79y. 

Richardson, W.W.---died Sectember 15, 1927--72y. 

Ross, Steve---died April 20, 1928--58y. 

Russell, William H.---died November 10, 1931--89y. 
Radcliff, Charley-~-died January 13, 1932--77y. 

Strattan, David---died June 14, 1901 

Shanks, Harold---died July 17, 1901 

Shanks, David K.---died Avril 27, 1902 

Shroyer, ----- died July 17, 1913 vage torn. 

Standish, Emily, daughter Alice sand son-in-law were killed at 
Hoopston, Illinois on July 2, 1914. 

Smith, Beccanny---died August 23, 1°914--68y. 

Stephenson, -~---- n---died January 16, 1915. page torn. 

Strattan, Seth---died February 7, 191 

9 a 
Sutherland, Hd---died February 27, 1910 
Standiford, Delph---died June 23, 1910 
Shoults, Mrs. Richard---died February 255 1994 
Stanley, Bertha---died June 11, 1911 

Smedley, Harry---died July 38, ome 

Smedley, Cora---died Sentember 27, 1911 

Sullivan, Geor se---died March 20, 1912 
Shanks, -Gtv-+--died at Jess Bakers April 15, 1912 
Shoults, Cordelia---died June 16, 1906 

page torts 


Smedley, John's boy ran over by a wagon and killed on either 
June 11 or 17, 1908 

Stevhenson, John's wife---died December 14, 1908 

Sallee, Thomas' boy---killed in Florida May 13, 1912 and buried 

May 19, 1912 

Stephenson, Benjamin F.---died January 29, 1929--83y. 

Shanks, Lewis---died Seotember 10, 1907 

Sullivan, Joe---died January 31, 1909 

Standiford, Miller---died April 23, 1909 

Stover, Abraham---died Sevtember 23, 1912 

Smith, Henry H.---died November 31, 1912 

Smedley, Simp---died February 17, 1913 

Smith, Frank---died Avril 12, 1913 

Stephenson, Aunt Gemmima---died May -, 1913. page torn. 

Stevhenson, Eli B.---died December 18, 1917--74y,10m, 9d. 

Shanks, Ellen---died February 4, 1918 

Stanley, Mary Alice---died August 7, 1918--61y,3m,25d. 

Standish, William---died February 23, 1916 

St. John, Rev. I.I.---died March 12, 1916--83y. 

Strattan, Miss Nora---died March 26, 1916 

Sallee, Pollie---died Avril 11, 1916 

Smedley, John WV. (Doc)---died Avril 18,. 1916--65y. 

Spangler, Benjamin---died March 13, 1915 

Sallee, Mrs. Thomas---died January 1, 1932--58y. 

Stephenson, Martha Ann---died March 1, 1932--74y. 

Sappenfield, lirs.---died October 28, 1921 

Stanley, Ervin---died December 28, 1921--63y. 

Sallee, Rice---died February 26, 1922 at Orlando, Fla.--72y. 

Spangler, Mrs. Ben---died February 28, 1922--82y. 

Strattan, James B.---died December 20, 1919--72y. 

Stanley, Jerome-~--died January 2, 1924--72y,7m,16d. 

Stanley, Levi---died March 12, 1922--91y. 

Still, Lucinda---died Avril 16, 1922--87y. 

Smedley, M.L.---died November 19, 1922--65y. 

Sweeney, Al B.~--died February 4, 1923--69y. 

Standiford, Mrs. Dof---died February 21, 1923--69y. 

Sutherlin, John R.---died Narch 2, 1923--73y. 

Shanks, M.F.---died January 23, 1926--72y. 

Stover, George---died March 9, 1927--55y. 

Shroyer, Marrie Naugle---died August 29, 1929--69y. 

Sullivan, Harve C.---died Cctober 6, 1930--57y,10m, 27d. 

Smith, Charlie---died Jenuary 7, 1931--71y,11m. 

Stephens, Warder W.---died March 10, 1927--81y,5m,20d. 

Shank, Lew---died Sentember 24, 1927--55y. 

Sherrow, James H.---died December 5, 1927--87y,11m, 7d. 

Sullivan, Thomas J.---died January 24, 1928--85y,9m,11d. 

Sallee, Estella---died January 1, 1932--53y,11m. 

Tegarden, Nrs. Lottie---died March -, 1907, buried the 1ith. 
Trinkle, Jake---died Acril 5, 1914 at Orleans. 

Thrall, Mrs. Frank---died January 16, 1911 

Trabue, Uncle Castillion---died March (177), 1912 

Taggart, Thomas---died March 6, 1929--72y. 

Tegarden, Amenda---died May 15, 1929--67y. 

Tesarden, Uncle Joe---died Cctober 11, 1908 

Taylor, Miss Eva---died Jan. 2, 1909 in Gotebo, Oklahoma. 
Taylor, Hershel---died January 13, 1909 in Gotebo, Ox ahoma 3 
was buried at Saltillo Jan. 17, "very icy and bad". 
Todd, Harrison---died Feb. 9 909; buried the 11th. 
Thompson, Fletcher---died Avril 19, noe 

Taggart, Robert M.---died November 12, 1920--50y. 
Thacker, Floyd---died Avril 23, 1918--26y. 

Tegarden, John C.F.---died Avril 4, 1917 

Trinkle, Vivian---died February 27, 1915 

Thralls, Pearl---died February 28, 1915 

Thrall, Francis---died May 18, 1915--81y. 

Thomerson, Mrs. Isiah---died December 17, 1915 
Thomerson, Isaac---died January 17, 1916--84y. 
Teegarden, Sam---died February 7, 1916 

Trinkle, Em---died December 14, 1931--58y. 

Trinkle, Stevhen---died April 16, 1921---68y. 
Trinkle, Henry F.---died Sevtember 27, 1921--85y. 
Trinkle, baby of Paris---died October 20, 1921. 
Tegarden, T.A. (of Kansas)---died October 31, 1921--50y. 
Trinkle, Eva Bell---died May 30, 1919--39y. 

Trinkle, baby of Paris---died January 19, 1924 
Trinkle, William S.---died June 25, 1922--67y,5m,27d. 
Trinkle, John---died October 31, 1922--84y,6m,14d. 

Trinkle, Jonathan---died at C-Burg Aug. 20, 1922--82y,10n, 24d. 

Trinkle, William---died June 22, 1927--91y, 6m, 22d. 
Trinkle, Henry F.---died Sevtember 27, 1921--833y. 

Trinkle, Mary Jane, wife of Jonathon---died Oct.6,1932--85y, 7m, 25¢e. 

Tegarden, Kizzie---died June 15, 1933--73y. 
Trinkle, baby of Paris---died January 15, 1926 
Teegarden, John A.---died January 25, 1927--65y,4m,9d. 
Tarr, Jonathan P.---died Avril 14, 1924--84y. 
Trinkle, baby of Paris---died August 6, 1927 
nee James E.~--died March 1, 1928--54y. 

rinkle, Tede---died March 27, 1928--50y. 
Thomas; Rachel---died March 28, 1928--78y. 
Trinkle, C.F.'s wife---died in Kansas November 5, 1931 
Thixton, James M.---died January 18, 19352--87y. 
Tegarden, Robert---died February 27, 1910 

Voyles, ------- died May 29, 1914--64y,8m,28d. page torn. 
Vancleve, Mrs Betsy Martha---died Seotember 26, 1908 
Voyles, Mrs. Herbert---died July 27, 1912--32y. 

Vellom, Gennetta Hayes---died February 12, 1918--92y. 
Voyles, Thomas J.---died February 7, 1915 

Voyles, Logan D.---died January 6, 1920--74y. 

Vellom, Lemuel---died June 3, 1929--56y,11m. 

Voyles, Eliza---died April 30, 1925--85y,8m,11d. 
Vandivier, ----- died August 1, 1930--76y. 

Vest, Charles M.---died Avril 11, 1933--74y. 

Wires, Mrs. Curt---died Feb. -, 1904 

Walton, Mollie---was killed by a train Avril 21, 1914 
Woodward, Wesley---died November 1, 1914 

Warren, Oma---died Sexstember 1, 1910 

Wright, Old Miss---died January 9, 1911 

Warren, Charley---was killed January 9, 1911 

Wilfong----- died March 8, 1911 

Williams----died Avril 14, 1912 page torn. 

Westfall, Miss Clarry---died Narch 51,1905 

Wires, Omye—caied December as 1906 

Wade, John B. and Jeans, Nat was both killed i:itchell e 

av L 
train December 6, 1907 on Friday at 2 n.m. Both burie 
the 8th, Wade at Tabor and Jeans at Cave TOWN. 



Warren, Orra---was buried December 13, 1908 

Wesner, Dennis 3B.---died January 22, 1929--74y,11m. 
Wilfong, Martha---died March 4, 1929--90y,10m,8d. 
Wingler, William---died February 8, 1907--37y. 
Wilson, Aunt Julie---died May 7, 1907 

Wilson, George---died November 9, 1917--71y. 
Wilfong, John---died February 27, 1918--83y. 

Wires, Samuel---died March 19, 1919--75y. 

Westfall, Willie---died March 23, 1917---26y. 
Wilkins, Mrs. Dan---died Avril 29, 1913 

Wilson, Saltlie---died June 12, 1917 

Wolfe, Mrs. Ellen---died February 27, 1915--79y. 
Worrell, Uncle James---died December 2, 1915 

Wires, Frank---died December 17, 1915--54y. 

Wolfe, James V.---died February 19, 1932---75y. 
Wires, Tut---died August 1, 1932--83y. 

Woodward, Rhoda---died Avril 28, 1921--56y. 

Whittet, Mary L.---died March 1, 1922--57y,8m,17d. 
Wallace, John---died Avril 14, 1919--57y. 

Wilkins, Daniel---died December 16, 1919--85y. 
Warren, Silas---died February 1, 1920--b9y. 

Wesner, Iola F.---died February 17, 1920--17y, dau of Edgar. 
Wesner, Edgar--~-died February 27, 1920-=56y. 

Wesner, Clarence---died February 27, 1920--33y. 
Wires, William N.---died Sevtember 30, 1923--81y,11m, 24d. 
Wade, James B.---died February 21, 1924--83y. 
Williams, John L.---died Avril 4, 1922--87y. 

Wilson, Miss Laura E.---died November 24, 1922--51y. 
Wade, Smith D.---died January 22, 1923--69y. 

Warren, John R.---died February 17, 1923--67y,5m,12d. 
Wilfong, Grace---died March 9, 1923--22y,11m, 3d. 
Wallace, Denver---died Maren 9, 1925--24y. 
Watterson, Henry---died December 22, 1921 

Westfall, Henry---died November 10, 1924--69y,8m,i1d. 
Wilson, Thomas J.---died February 22, 1925--75y. 
Williams, Noble---died March 1, 1925 

Wright, Eli---died May 3, 1925--92y. 

Wever, Miss Levata---died June 16, 1923--18y. 
Hoodward, H.B.---died June 17, 1923--63y. 

Wires, Frank---died June 28, 1923--60y. a 

Walton, Joseph---died October 6, 1925--76y. 

Wells, Dink---died October 11, 1925--67y. 

Wingler, Rinard--~-died January 31, 1926--72y,6m,27d. 
Wade, Smith's wife---died Jenuary 27, 1926 

Wires, Field---died February 19, 1926--61y,8m. 
Woods, Mrs.---died Sentember 19, 1926--84y. 

Wells, Sarah---died December 11, 1926--69y. 

Wells, Elmer E.---died May 3, 1924--58y. 

Wible, John Ii.---died June 17, 1924--71y,8m,11d. 
Wesner, B.H.---died Seotember 10, 1928--95y. 
Worrell, Mol---died May 1, 1931--67y,6m. 

Walton, Sarah---died May 2, 1925--7oy. 

Woodward, Mary Glover---died September 9, 1925--S7y,5m,11d. 

Youns, Charles R.---died November 10, 1931--69y,8m, 27d. 

Zink's girl---died July 3, 1921--16y. 
5 a a - ANS 2 Spay Sees 5 
Zink, James Dawson---died February 26, 1932--S0y,6m,16d. 

JUNE 18, 1861-NOVEMBER 9, 




MARCH 1972-C.C. 

a ee eS Ss Se eee en ene 


On May 29, 1861 a charter was issued by the State Grand Lodge 
for a lodge, to be called Rob Morris, at Campbellsburg, "there 
being a number of Free and accepted ancient York Mesons who are 
desirous of association together as a regular Lodge of Masons", 

The charter appointed George W. Bartlett as Master, Christian Prow 

as Senior Warden and John C. Voyles as Junior Warden. Thomas R. 
Austin was Grand Master of the State Lodge and Francis King was 
Grand Secretary. In addition to Bartlett, Prow and Voyles the 
other charter members seem to have been Israel Wesner, Felix D. 
Badger, Benjamin A. Wesner, Elijah Driskell, J.N. Springer, 
George W. Bogle, Enoch B. Driskell, Henry C. Malott, Elijah D. 
Baker, William Gallahan, Henry Robertson, John Robertson, J.H. 
Lockhart, Samuel J. Goodpasture, Stephen D. Walker. The above 
men were members at least before the first Lodge meeting was held 
on June 18, 1861. 

the Lodge met the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. 
From the first the hall seems to have been located above the 
general store of Christian Prow. The Tri-County History states 
they were still meeting there in the early 1880's. Dues were 
15 cents per month. The initiation fee was $15.00 and a fee of 
$1.00 was charged for transfer of membership between lodges. 

When the by-laws were revised on December 3, 1867 the dues were 
changed to 50 cents per quarter and the initiation fee raised to 
$20.00. The transfer fee remained the same. No religous or 
political dispute was allowed and members were strictly prohibited 
from moving from one seat to another or nolding private conver- 
sation during lodge hours. 

On August 12, 4862 upon motion of John C. Voyles the Lodge 
voted to pay the dues of members who were in U.S. service during 
the Civil War. George W. Bogle, Charles H. Cornwell and Thomas 58. 
Webb were all killed August 30, 1862 at Richmond, Kentucky. 

Other members who were in the service as mentioned in the minutes 

were Stephen D. Walker (1862-3-4), John L. Maiden (1862-3-4-5), 

Francis M. Lemon (1862-3-4), Archibald Baxter (1862-3-4-5), 

David W. Lee (1862-3-4-5), Samuel W. Strattan (1863-4-5), William 

ancl e (1863-4), Van Buren Kelly (1864), Andrew J. Montgomery 

The information compiled here-in is not a full and complete 
copy of the first record book. It does contain all names Renn lee 
in connection with the Lodge, membershinv and initiation lists for 
each year, visitors, as well as deaths and other eoneeloeica! 
and historical data. 


PRs vey 

SEE, Ot Seep een ses 


Adams, James---9 
Albertson, Elias---1,2 
Austin, Thomas R.---1A 
Avery, W.R.---18 

Badger, Felix D.---1A,1,3,6,8,9,11,12,14,15 
Baker, Elijah D.---1A,1,3,6,8,11, 14, 17 20, 25 
Baker, Isaac---6,7,8,11,14517,18,20,23,25,26 
Barnett, Ambrose L.--10,12 

Barnett, Martin S.---2,3,6,8,11,14,17,18 
Barnett, 0.A.---21,22,24 
Bartley, D.E.---21 

Bartlett, Demosthenes G.---14,15,17,24 
Bartlett, George W.---1A,1,3,6,8,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,18, 20 
Baxter, x (Archibald }---14,3,4,6,8,11 

Beck, David---13, 24 

Beagley, George---8,9,15 

Beasly, Thomas---26 

Blackwell, Cyrus W.---11,12,14,16 
Bogle, George W.---1A,1,3, death of-5 
Boling, Silas---21 

Booker, William B.---5 

Bostic, Lindsey A.---21,23,24,25 
Brown, A.d.---5 

Brown, Wesley---9 

Caress, I1.N.---18 

Carlton, Thomas Ds===15 

Carnahan, William---24 

Carter, d.Ds-=-12 

Caspar, Lewis---6,7,8,11,14,15,17,18,20,23, death of-25, 26 
Chaney, Tsaa<<=16, 49 

Chastain, Bartie= te 14.12, 146% 1920529 

Child, Royal Bso=<-3,45 7,25 
Collier, Stephen---8,9,1 

Collier, William---1A,1, 
Conklin, Hezekiah---11,1 
Cornwell, C.H. (Charles e. 
Cornwell, Charles M.---23 
Cornwell, Sister (Widow o 
Cravens, Bro.<4 

Cravens, J.A.-2 

Criby, Heos=4 

Cutler, D.-12 

Dickard, A.-2 

Drake, Peter=14515417520;215 24 
Driskell, Blijah=--1A4,1,3,6,8,11,1 
Driskell, Enoch B.=-1A, 1,3,6 Og billige 
Driskell, Jasper N.-25 

Driskell, Manuel B.--11,12,14,17,1 
Driskell, William 3B. ~--23, 24 

Faulkeoner, J.F.-18 

Fink, Edward-6,7,8,9 

Fordice, Dennis-6,7,8,11,14,16 
Foster, John D.-15 

Freed, John R.---11,12,14,17,18 

161.2518 5 25 

Boos Os 0el eo log tee log hig loses eae) 
Oo 5, Pg | lee seo 

)---14,3,4, death of-5 


ative )---19,25 


teely else co 


Gallahan, William-1A,3,6,8,11,14,15,20,21 
Gillmore, Bro.-19 

Gilwick, Andrew-4 

Godfrey, George H.-2 

Goodpasture, Samuel J.—-1A,1,55,6,.8511514511,20 
Gould, Norton=6, 7,8.) ts 1i2e14 

Green, W.P.-18 

Greenslade, William M.-2,9,18,21 

Grimes, Jacob-21,24,25 

Gross, Jvames-25 

Hammersly, dacob A.-11,12,;14,17,; 20,24 
Hancock, George S.=17,16,20,25525 
Hardin, John J.-17,19,20 

Hawn (Hon), George H.-9,12 

Hayden, william W.-9 

Holiday, Benjamin F.-17,18,;20,25 
Holiday, Henry G.-17,19,20;21 

Holler, israel-25 

Hubbard, William M.-17,18,20 
Hutcherson, F.-2 

Jones, James H.-18,19,20,21 

Kelly, Van Buren-1A,8,9,11,12,14 
King, Babel-18 

King, Francis-1A 

King, Samuel-2 

Krutsinger, Alfred-14,15,17,19;20 
Krutsinger, William H.-8,9,11,14,15,19 
lee, David W.-1A,3,4,6,8,11,14,16,17,18, 20, 24 
bee, FKinley=t 72535656511, 144.1 14195:205.23 
Lemon, ae 

Lemon, Bliab S.-2,4,6,8,11,12,14 

Lemon, Francis i =185554,60+8, 11512 
Lewis, Jefferson J.-11,12,14,15 

hitvia,  Poinias Ax=25 924 

Link, Peter-8,9,11,12,17,19, 20,25 
Lockhart, d.H. or d<Be-1As1,5,6,8,9 

Lockhart, James-15 
Lovelace, N.-9 

Maberry, ---15 

Magner, W.H.-2 

Mahorney, Owen-7 

Maiden, John L.-1A, oh 4,6,8,951 
Malott, Henry C. mAh 1,3,6,8 me 
Martin, Lemvel-26 

Martin, 5.P.-12 

Mathe (Mathey), Adolphe-19, 20,21 

Mather, Albert-23,25 

Mather, Nathaniel Pi-G, 7484115135 14517 141 95 20323425 
Mattocks, Samuel-7 

Maudlin, Joel-9,12,15 

McColloch, James-4 

MeDonald, William-21 

McMahan, Dennis-4 

MePheeters, J.L.-7 

1, death of-15 


Menaugh, J.-4 

Miiter, R.oWe-4,7 

Mitchell, John-13 

Mills, Richard-25 

Moneyhan, Henry-2,9 

Montgomery, Andrew ¢¢-1h,8,95175 14, 16 
Morris, Peter-25 

Naugle, Henry-17,18,19,20,25 

Newkirk, Isaac-15 

Nichols, Joel-15 

Nicholson, Benjamin F.=152,550s661151451 (920s2l 523 
Nicholson, Thomas M.-6,8,11,14,17,20 

Noe, David M.-14,15,17,20, 24 

O'Conner, Pat-12 

Peyton, Bluford-15 
Phipps, McCamey-3,4, 
Pollard, Silas-11,12 
Pollard, W.-9 
Powers, William-1,2 
Price, RsAs=1524 3,65 748 


8; 20,25,24,25 

Prow, C. (of Paoli)-23 
Prow, Christian-1A,1,3 
Prow, James-7,12 
Prow, James W.-4 

Reid, =i 

y 1 tg 1355 14515951 75185195.20521522,25,24,05 

eee Celso Celmmuus la) =5.6, 3,4 1412514510525 
Robertson, Henry-1A,142; 5565851151451 74520;25 
Robertson, John-1A, j ,3,6,8,11,12,14 

Robertson, William-3,5,6,7,8,11,14,17, 20,24 
Rosenbaum, George A.-7,9,24 

Ruoberson, John 5.=1,2,556;9,9 

Ruberson, Rice R.-2 
Rudder, C.-9 

Sayles, Eliab-1,2,3, death of-4 

peoly, Bnoch 5.<17,18,20,21 

phryer, Zenus Mi-2 93555658595 11514317 1520 
Skelly, M.-19 

Smedley, Morgan-24,25 

Springer, J.N.-1A,152 

peiil, Abram C.-14,175517,20;25 
Stockwell, D.A.-21 

wLpone, S.=7 

pLvone, WC. or C.W.=12,13 

Seuravian, Samiel -W.-1A,6,) 7,66 11s 1431551 1520325 

Teague, William Bs=1555;6,8,11515,14515,16 

Thomas, A.L.-21 

Thompson, Harvy-4,7 

Todd, Alexander J.=8,9,115174517, 18,205,271 22, 25,25 

Vestal, John-12 

WoyLes, aionnC.=1451459555 6915 0s 9e4 lel 25 os 1451 Oo hls toseUs coe 
Voyles, Thomas D. -14, 1ogliselseco 
Wade, James Mc-1°,20,21 

Wade, Thomas Jefferson-8,9,11,14,17,20 
Walker, David-2,7,13,24 
Walker, Stephen D.-14,1,3,6,8,9,11, death of-12,15 

Watts, Thomas J.-17,18,20 
Watts, W.W.-15 

Warren, William-12 

Webb, Sister-25 

Webb, T.S. (Thomas S.)-1A,3,4, death of-5 
Wesner, Benjamin A.=1Ah, 155505 (5891157451 7,20 
Wesrner, Istacel—1451,5,670511414511,20,21 
Wesner, Wildiam—1,3,6, 951151467 7,20;21 


Wilcox, A.5 <4 

Wilkins, <sonn T.0s=1.25 5964 1eCe) (6bts tls 1 S520 5235 24520 
Wislerd, 5.C.=2 

Williams, J.L.-9 

Woods, Henry M.-23,24,25 

Woods, John R.-26 

Return of Rob Morris Lodge 282 for year January 1 thru Dec. 31,1867 
Dispensation dated the 29th day of May. 
Held at Campbellsburg Washington County Indiana. 
Distance to Indiamapolis by most direct traveled route---140 miles. 

Our regular day of meeting is the second & fourth Tuesdays of each 

The following officers were elected at the stated meeting in June 
18 and were installed into office: 

G.W. Bartlett W.M. 

Christian Prow Die Wie 

John C. Voyles dieW-s 

Israel Weisner Treasurer 

F.D. Badger secretary 

B.A. Weisner S.D. 

Elija Driskell Jee 

John Robertson Tyler 
The following have been indatea this year: 

F. Lee July 8 Jd2TsC. Wilkins duly 23 
W.B. Teague July 8 William Collier Sept. 24 
*John Robertson July 23 R.A. Price October 23 
Thomas Lockhart July 23 B.F. Nicholson Nov. 26 

Names of the Brethren om whom the degree of Fellow-craft has been 
conferred during this year: 

F. Lee July 23 J.T.C. Wilkins August 13 

William B. Teague July 23 William Collier October 23 

Thomas Lockhart August 13 R.A. Price November 12 
AJohn Robertson August 13 B.F. Nicholson December 10 

Names of Master Masons initiated this year and not included in 
list of members: 

F. Lee August 13 William Collier Nov. 12 
Wm. B. Teague August 13 Rake Price December 3 
JeleGs Wilkins: August 27 BoP. Nicholson “Dee. 24 

aJohn Robertson August 27 

List of members admitted from other Lodges: 
Elob Sayles October 8 

List of members Demitted: (moving membership to another Lodge) 
J.N. Springer August 22 

List of Applicants rejected: 
William Powers December 24 
Elias Albertson December 24 

List of members not including any for whom an initiation fee has 
been paid this year: 

G.W. Bartlett Benjamin Weisner Elija Driskill 
Christian Prow B.Bs Driskill S.D. Walker 
John C. Voyles John Robertson Elob Sayles 
Isreal Weisner G.W. Bogle 
F.D. Badger Henry Malott 
D. Baker 5. Goodpasture 
William Weisner J.Hs Lockhart 


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June 18---first meeting. Officers appointed and committee 
appointed to frame the by-laws. 

June 25---Visitor E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge 206. Petitions 
for membership from F. Lee and George H. Godfrey read. 

July 8---Visitors F. Hutcherson and E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge. 
Petitions for membership from John Ruberson, Thomas sockhart 
and J.7.C. Wilkins. (Note: The petition of George H. Godfrey 
was reported favorably at this meeting but not mentioned after 
this. ne evidently withdrew the petition. ) 

July 23---Visitors nenry Moneyhan and E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge. 
Petition of Bro. Elab Sayles, a Master Mason, late a member of 
Genesee Lodge 208, New York was read. whe treasurer was autho- 
rized to loan Henry Robertson $15. for sixty days. The Master 
was authorized to draw $10. from the treasury to purchase a 
master carpet for the lodge. 

August 13---Visitor A. Dickard of Charity Lodge 30, Washington, Iz:. 
August 22---Vote of thanks given to J.N. Springer. 

August 27---Called meeting for the purpose of issueing demit to 
J.N. Springer. Visitors present were W.H. Magner, F. Hutchersozx,. 
------- Wible, David Walker, Samuel King, S.C. Willard and 
W.M. Greenslade of Livonia Lodge 206. Also J.A. Cravens of 
Solomon Lodge 71 end Rice R. Ruberson of Cedar Lodge 161 of 
Lovisvitie;—Imé. (4)-Stevrd REAP REE SUIENS 

September 10---Petition of William Collier for membership read. 
September 24---Usual business. 
October 8---Petition of R.A. Price for membership read. 

October 23---Visitors E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge 206 and also 
Zenus Shryer of Salem Lodge 21. 

November 12---Visitor William Greenslade of Livonia Lodge 206. 
Petitions from William Powers and B.F. Nicholson for member- 
ship read. 

November 26---Usual business 
December 3---Called meeting. Visitor E.5S. Lemon of Livonia. 

December 10---Visitor William Greenslade of Livonia Lodge 206. 
Petitions for membership read from E. Albertson and also 
Martin S. Barnett. 

December 24---Usual business. 



Return of Rob Morris Lodge for year January 1 thru Dec. 31, 1862 

The following officers were elected at the stated meeting and were 
installed into office June 24th: 

G.W. Bartlett W.M. William B. Teague ws 
Christian Prow S.W. delat. Wilkins dais 
J.C. Voyles Jos H.C. Malott Steward 
Isreal Wesner da Eb. Be Driskell Steward 
F.D. Badger Secretary William Collier Tyler 
The following have been initiated this year: 
M.S. Barnett January 14 A. Baxter July 28 
F.M. Lemon March 11 D.W. Lee July 30 
John L. Maiden March 25 R.B. Childs August 26 
Cuno Richards July 8 McAmy Phipps August 26 
C.H. Cornwell July 28 William Robertson November 25 
T.S. Webb July 28 
Names of the Brethren on whom the degree of Fellow-Craft, etc: 
M.S. Barnett February 11 *7T.S. Wible July 30 
F.M. Lemon March 25 A. Baxter July 30 
John L. Maiden gen a Se D.W. Lee August 1 
C.H. Richards July 21 McAmy Phipps September 9 
C.H. Cornwell July 30 William Robertson Decbr. 9 
Names of Master Masons initiated this year and not included in liss 
of members: 
M.S. Barnett March 11 C.H. Richards August 12 
John L. Maiden April 8 D.W. Lee August 12 
F.M. Lemon April 22 icCamy Phipps sept. 23 
C.H. Cornwell August 4 Zeno M. Shryer October 14 
T.S. Webb August 4 William Robertson Dec. 23 
A. Baxter August 4 

List of members not including any for whom an initiation has been 
paid this year: 

G.W. Bartlett William Wesner 
Christian Prow S. Goodpasture 
John C. Voyles dete uOoCkhart 
Isreal Wesner Elijah Driskell 
F.D. Badger $.D. Walker 
Benjamin Wesner Elab Sayles 
E«B. Driskell F. Lee 
John Robertson Villiam B. Teague 
G.W. Bogle John Ruberson 
H.C. MalLott o20l6. Wi kange 
William Gallahan William Collier 
Henry Robertson Rehs 2P1ce 
(4)D. Baker B.F. Nicholson 

Elab Sayles died June 14 

C.H. Cornwell died August 30 

T.5. Webb died August 30 

G.W. Bogle died August 30 
Names of members whose dues have been remitted due to being in 
United States Service: S.D. Walker, John L. Maiden, F.M. Lemon, 
A. Baxter and D.W. Lee 




January 14---Visitors S.L. Reid of Livonia Lodge 206 and Andrew 
Gilwick of Bedford Lodge 14. 


January 28---Visitors James W. Prow of Bedford Lodge 14; A.S. Wilcoz 
and Harvy Thompson of Cedar Lodge 161 of Leesville, Ind. 

February 11---Usual business. 
February 25---Petition of F.M. Lemon for membership read. 

March 11---Visitor R.W. Miller of Salem Lodge 21. Petition of 
Mc Phipps for membership read. 

March 25---Visitors James W. Prow of Bedford Lodge 14; A. Wilcox 
and Harvy Thompson of Cedar Lodge 161, Leesville. Petition of 
J.L. Maiden for membership read. Owing to an emergency on the 
petition of Maiden the committee was required to report “now". 

April 1---Called meeting for the purpose of passing Bro. Jd.lL. 
Maiden,"he being a U.S. Soldier and at this time on furlougn, 
and is disirious of receiving the degrees of masonry before 
returning to his regiment." 

April 8---Visitor A.S. Wilcox of Cedar Lodge 161, Leesville, Ind. 
Petition of Mc Phipps rejected. 

April 22---Visitor H.S. Crib of New Albany Lodge 39. 
May 13---Usual business. 
June 10---Election of officers. 

June 15---Called meeting for the purpose of "paying the last tokens 
of respect to the memory of our deceased Bro. Eliab Sayles, who 
departed this life on friday evening June 13th 1862." Visitors 
James W. Prow of Bedford Lodge, E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge, 
A.S. Wilcox and Harvy Thompson of Cedar Lodge of Leesville. 
"Then repaired to the residence of our deceased Bro. where a 
funeral sermon was delivered by the Rev. Clinton Lemon. After 
which repaired to the place of interment, the W. Master conduct- 
ing the ceremony, after which the members dispersed". 

June 24---Visitors Dennis McMahan of Salem Lodge and James McColloecn 
of Livonia Lodge. Bro. L. Menaugh dedicated the lodge and then 
installed the officers. 

July 8---Visitor E.S. Lemon of Livonia Lodge. 
July 22---Usual business. 

July 28---Called meeting for the purpose "of acting on the petitions 
of A. Baxter, C.H. Cornwell and 1.5. Webb, they having entered 
in the U. States service and wishing to have the degrees of 
masonry confered upon them before leaving home". Visitor Bro. 
---- Cravens of Martinsburg Lodge 237. 

July 30---Called meeting for the purpose of confering the degrees 
upon A. Baxter, C.H. Cornwell, i'.5. Webb, also for the purpose 
of acting on the petition of David Lee, "he also having entered 
the U.N. States Service". 

August 2---Ualled meeting for the purpose of confering the second 
degree upon David Lee. Petition of R.B. Child for membership 

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August 12---Petition of McAmy Phipps for membership read. Motion 
of Bro. J.C. Voyles that the lodge remit the dues of the members 
of the lodge in the U.N. States services until their return home. 

August 26---Usual business. 

September 9---"Resolve that a committee be appointed to draft 
resolutions in token of respect of our worthy brothers G.W. Bogle, 
C.H. Cornwell and T.S. Webb who fell in Battle at Richmond, . 
Kentucky. Resolve that a committee be appointed to accertain 
whether the bodies of our worthy deceased Brothers G.W. Bogle, 
C.H. Cornwell and 1.5. Webb could be had for interment". 

September 23---Usual business. 

October 14---Petition of W.B. Booker for membership read. Petition 
of Bro. Zeno M. Shryer of Salem Lodge for membership transfer. 

October 28---Petition of William B. Booker for membership denied. 

November 11---Petition of A.J. Brown for membership read. Also 
same from William Robertson. 
November ---Called meeting for the purpose of procuring the bodies 

of our worthy deceased brothers Bogle, Cornwell and 17.5. Webb 
who fell at the battle of Richmond, Ky. Bro. J.C. Voyles was 
appointed to visit Richmond Ky to procure the bodies if possible. 

November 25---Petition of A.J. Brown rejected. 

December 9---The report of Bro. J.C. Voyles: "To the W. Master, 
Wardens & Brethern of Rob Morris Lodge No. 282, having been 
appointed by the Lodge to visit the battle field at Richmond Ky. 
to recover the bodies of our beloved Bros. G.W. Bogle, C.H. 
Cornwell and 1.5. Webb who fell in battle there on the 30th of 
August 1862, Beg leave to make the following report: 'I visite 
the battle field on the 21st day of November and found that the 
bodies had been buried so near the surface that hogs had dis- 
intered them and so mutilated their bodies that they could not 
be recognized'. My expenses was as follows: $6.85 for rail 
road and stage fare to Richmond, Ky. $5.55 for boarding and 
lodging. 50 cents for horse hire and $6.85 for return rail road 
and stage fare." 


December 2%---Usual business. 


Return for year January 1 through December 31, 1863: 

The following officers were elected and installed June 24: 

Christian Prow W.M. William Gallahan Die Dic 

John C. Voyles SaWs E. Driskell J.D 

F.D. Badger JW. -HiGy-Matets (xd out) Steward 

Israel Wesner Jie B.A. Wesner n 

J.T.C. Wilkins Sec. F. Lee " 

McAmy Phipps Tyler 

The following have been initiated this year: 

N. Gould May 12 T.M. Nicholson July 28 

I. Baker May 12 E. Fink Sept. 8 

Dennis Fordice May 28 L. Casper Dec.e2e 

S.W. Strattan July 28 N.P. Mather Dec. 22 
Names of brethern elected to Fellow-Craft this year: 

N. Gould May 28 S.W. Strattan Aug. 1 

I. Baker June 2 T.M. Nicholson Aug. 11 

D. Fordice dune 2 E. Fink Sept. 22 
Master Masons initiated this year and not included in member list: 

N. Gould June 2 S.W. otrattan August 4 

I. Baker June 23 T.M. Nicholson September 22 
List of members admitted from other Lodges: 

E.S. Lemon August 25 
List of members: 

G.W. Bartlett F. Lee 

C. Prow William B. Teague 

J.C. Voyles J. Ruberson 

I. Wesner J.T.C. Wilkins 

F.D. Badger W. Collier 

B. Wesner R.A. Price 

E.B. Driskell B.F. Nicholson 

J. Robertson E.o. Lemon 

H.C. Malott Jeu. Maiden 

William Gallahan M.S. Barnett 

H. Robertson F.M. Lemon 

D. Baker A. Baxter 

William Wesner C.H. Richards 

S. Goodpasture D.W. Lee 

Jf. Lockhart McAmy Phipps 

Bs. Driskell Zeno M. Shryer 

5.D. Walker William Robertson 

List of members whose dues are remitted by reason of being in the 
United States service: 

S.D. Walker D.W. Lee 
Jel. Maiden S.W. Strattan 
F.M. Lemon William Collier 

A. Baxter 


January 13---Visitors: J.L. McPheeters, D. Walker and 5S. Stone 
of Livonia Lodge 206. 

January 27---Visitor: R.M. Miller of Salem Lodge 21. 
February 10--Usual business. 

February 25--Usual business. 

March 10---Usual business. 

March 24---Visitor: Samuel Mattocks of Lodge No. 

May (no date)---Petitions for membership from N. Gould, Dennis 
Fordice and(¢s94d Baker. 

May 12---Usual business. 

May 28---Visitor: Harvy Thompson of Cedar Lodge 161 of Leesville. 
On motion of Bro. R.A. Price, Resolved to refund to R.B. Child 
ten dollars, he having been duly rejected to take the Fellow- 
Crafts & Master Masons degrees. 

May 26---Visitor: Bro. Prow of Salem Lodge. 
Note: No meetings are given with April dates, but it would 
seem that at least two of the meetings in "May" were actually 
held in April. 

June 2---called meeting. Visitor: Prow of Salem Lodge 21. 
(This meeting held at. 7+ Pu.) 

June 2 (5:P.M.)---Election of officers. Petition of Owen Mahorney 
for membership mentioned, but not in earlier records. 

July 28---Petition of S.W. Strattan for membership read. On 
motion of William Robertson the petition of Owen Mahorney was 
withdrawn by consent of the lodge. On motion of J.7T.C. Wilkins 
to alter the by-laws so as to meet once a month, say the second 
Tuesday in each month, was laid over until our next regular 
meeting for debate. 

August 1--- Called meeting for usual lodge business. 
August 4---Usual business. 

August 11---Petition of Eliab S. Lemon for membership read. Note 
is made of $15. received on petition from George A. Rosenbaum. 

August 25---Committee to whom was referred the petition of G.A. 
Rosenbaum asks for more time. Petition of Edward Fink mentionec. 

September 8---Usual business. 

September 22---Committee on the petition of George Rosenbaum asked 
to be discharged which was granted and a new one appointed. 

October 13---Usual business. 
October 27---Petition of George Rosenbaum rejected. 

November 11---Motion of J.C. Voyles to refund $15. to Rosenbaun. 
November 25---Usual business. 

December 8---Petitions of L. Casper and N.P. Mather read. 
December 22---Motion of J.C. Voyles to appoint a committee to 

purchase a set of Jew (?) and four leather aprons. Motion of 
B. Wesner to purchase one dozen spit boxes and some hooks. 

Report of year January 1 through December 31, 1864: 7 

The following officers were elected and installed June 24: 

Christian Prow W.M. George W. Bartlett Sal. 
John.C. Voyles S.W. Emoch B. Driskell Js 
Felix D. Badger J.W. Finly Lee Steward 
Israel Wesner A Nag Stephen Collier Steward 
Lewis Casper sec. William Collier Lyiex 
The following have been initiated this year: 
Peter Link Feb. 9 A.J. Montgomery July 12 
V.B. Kelly Feb. 12 uveorge Beagley July 26 
Stephen Collier March 8 William H. Krutsinger sept.27 
Rod» Todd June 28 T.d. Wade Sept. 27 
Names of Brethren on whom the degree of Fellow Craft was conferred: 
Lewis Casper Jan. 12 A.d. Todd July 12 
N.P. Mather dais 12 A.d. Montgomery July 16 
VsB., Kelly Feb. 12 William H. Krutsinger Nov.22 
Peter Link Feb. 12 T.d. Wade Dec. 13 

Stephen Collier March 22 
Names of Master Masons initiated this year not in list of members: 

Van Buren Kelly Feb. 12 Ad.) Todd duly 26 
Peter Link March 8 William H. Krutsinger Dec. 13 
Stephen Collier Aoril 12 Teds Wade December 27 

A.J. Montgomery July 16 

Names of Master Masons raised this year-initiated in previous year: 
Lewis Casper Jan. 26 Thomas Lockhart Feb. 23 
N.P. Mather Jan. 26 Dennis Fordice Mar. 8 

List of Members: 

GeW. Bartlety R.A. Price 

C. Prow B.F. Nicholson 

J.C. Voyles E.o. Lemon 

Israel Wesner J.l. Maiden 

F.D. Badger M.S. Barnett 

B.A. Wesner F.M. Lemon 

E.B. Driskell A. Baxter 

John Robertson C.H. Richards 

H.C. Malott .W. Lee 

William Gallahan McAmy Phipps 

H. Robertson Zenus M. Shryer 

E.D. Baker William Robertson 

William Wesner Norton Gould 

S.d. Goodpasture Isaac Baker 

Elijah Driskell S.W. Strattan 

5.D. Walker T.M. Nicholson 

Finly Lee Lewis Casper 

William B. Teague N.P. Mather 

J.T7.C. Wilkins Thomas Lockhart 

William Collier Dennis Fordice 
List of members moved to other Lodges: 

John 5S. Ruberson Feb. 9 J.R. Lockhart Dec. 13 

Edward Fink June 28 
List of members whose dues were remitted because of being in the 
United States Military Service: S.D. Walker, J.L. Maiden, F.M 
Lemon, A. Baxter, D.W. Lee, S.W. Strattan and William Collier. 
Note: V.B. Kelly and A.J. Montgomery were both soldiers in the 

U.S. Army at the time they were initiated, passed and raised. 

January 12---Fetition of C. Rudder for membership read. 

January 26---Visitors: W. Brown and J. Maudlin of Livonia Lodge. 
Petitions of W. Pollard and P. Link for membership read. fhe 
petitions of C. Rudder and W. Pollard were rejected. 

February 9---Visitors: G.H. Hon of Orleans and William W. Hayden 
of Palmira Lodge 18. Demit for John Ruberson granted. The 
petitions of William H. Krutsinger and N. Lovelace read. E 

February 12---Called meeting. Petition for membership read from 
Vibs Kelly. 

February 23---Visitor: J. Maudlin of Livonia. Petition read for 
membership from Stephen Collier. 

farch 8---Visitors: H. Moneyhon and Joel Maudlin of Livonia. 
Petition of N. Lovelace rejected. On motion a committee of 
one was appointed to purchase a medal for the ex W.M. G. Bartlevz 
and ex Sec. F.D. Badger. 

March 22---Usual business. 

April 12---Visitors: William Greenslade and M. Murphy of Livonia. 
April 26---Usual business. . 

May 10---Usual business. 

June 14--Petition for membership from Alex J. Todd. Election of 
officers. Committee on charity appointed. 

June 28---Visitor: James Adams of Solomon Lodge 71, Hardinsbur 
Petition of Andrew J. Montgomery for membership read. Demit 
granted to Edward Fink. On motion of J.C. Voyles it was re- 
solved to ventilate the Lodge room. 

duly 12---Visitors: J.L. Williams of Paoli Lodge 119 and Wesly 
Brown and Joel Maudlin of Livonia Lodge 206. Petition from 
George Beagley for membership read. Resolved that the Secretary 
forward Brother J.L. Maiden a certificate of being in good 
Masonic standing in the Lodge. 

July 16---Called meeting. 
July 26---Visitors: Wesly Brown and Joel Maudlin of Livonia. 

August 9---Expenses allowed for venting the Hall and procuring 

August 23---Usual business. 

September 13---G.W. Bartlett reports that he left the lodge on 
account of sickness and not through any contempt for the lodge. 
Petition of G.A. Rosenbaum for membership read. Also petitions 
from William Hs Krutsinger and T.J. Wade. Petition of 8.0. 
Walker for a Diploma which was granted. 

September 27---Usual business. 

October 11---Petition of G.A. Rosenbaum rejected. Petition of 
William J. Krutsinger to second degree rejected. Also T.J. Wede. 

October 25---Usual business. 

November 8---Usual business. 


November 22---Z.M. Shryer, cited for non-attendance, stated his 
sons were in the army and his family were unwilling to stay av 
home at night without him, that he wishes to attend and will, 
whenever he can leave his family. 

December. 13---Bro. C. Prow presented an account for coal oil and 
sundry articles to the amount of $4.90. Ali dues paid to this 
Lodge by J.R. Lockhart ordered refunded because they rightly 
belong to Solomon Lodge 71 of Hardinsburg. - 

December 27---Account from Christian Prow for $48. for lodge rent 
paid. Petition of Ambrose L. Barnett for membership read. 


The following have been initiated this year: 

Cyrus W. Blackwell Feb. 28 Manuel B. Driskell June 27 
Jefferson J. Lewis Mar. 28 Barnett Chastain July 25 
Jacob A. Hammersly April 11 Silas Pollard Oct. Al 
Hezekiah Conklin June 13 John R. Freed Oct... 24 

Names of Brethren on whom the degree of Fellow Craft conferred: 
Cyrus W. Blackwell Mar. 14 Manuel B. Driskell July 25 

Jefferson J. Lewis April 25 Barnett Chastain Aue. 22 

Jacob A. Hamersly April 25 Silas Pollard Nov. 14 

Hezekiah H. Conklin July 25 John R. Freed Nov. 14 
Names of Master Masons install and not included on membershinv list 

Cyrus W. Blackwell Aprils ezekiah H. Conklin Aug. 8 

Jefferson J. Lewis May 9 Barnett Chastain OCG. 14 

Jacob A. Hamersly May 9 Silas Pollard Nov. 28 

Manuel B. Driskell Aug. 8 John k. Freed Nov. 28 
List of membership: 

GW Bartlett A. Baxter 

C. Prow Cethe Rachards 

J.C. Voyles D.W. Lee 

Israel Wesner M.C. Phipps 

F.D. Badger Z.M. Shryer 

B.A. Wesner William Robertson 

E.B. Driskell Norton Gould 

John Robertson Isaac Baker 

H.C. Mallott DbeWs. Dtrattan 

William Gallahan T.M. Nicholson 

H. Robertson Lewis Casper 

E.D. Baker N.P. Mather 

William Wesner Thomas Lockhart 

Sed. Goodpasture Dennis tordice 

Elijah Driskell V.B. Kelly 

Finly Lee Peter Link 

de beGs Nilkins A.J. Montgomery 

William Collier Awd. Todd 

B.F. Nicholson William H. Krutsinger 

E.o. Lemon T.J. Wade 

M.S. Barnett 

Stephen D. Walker (date not given)---announced at Jan.10 meetings. 
Jonn L. Maiden December 9 

List of members moved to other lodges: 

Francis ti. Lemon March 14 
Stephen Collier ANB. 22 
R.A. Price Octs, 24 

List of those suspended for other causes: 
William B. Teague December 286 

List of members whose dues are remitted due to military service: 
A. Baxter 
D.W. Lee 
J.L. Maiden 
S.W. Strattan 


Nt ee ns a ie ON ve 




January 10---The death of Bro. Stephen D. Walker was announced. 

January 24---Petition of Cyrus W. Blackwell for membership read. 
Petition of A.L. Barnett for membership was withdrawn. 

February 14---Visitor: James Prow of Salem Lodge 21. 
February 28---Visitor: Joel Maudlin of Livonia Lodge 206. 

March 14---Visitors: George Hawn of Orleans Lodge 153 and W.C.- 
Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. Petition of J.A. Hammersly for 
membership was read, also one from J.d. Lewis. On motion of 
J.C. Voyles it was resolved that the Lodge employ Brother 
G.W. Bartlett to procure the photographs of all the deceased 
Brethren of this Lodge if the same could be done conveniently. 
Demit granted to Francis M. Lemon. 

March 28---A petition signed by F.M. Lemon, F.D. Badger, McCamy 
Phipps, C.H. Richards, Norton Gould, W.C. Stone, E.S5S. Lemon, 
John Robertson and V.B. Kelly praying for a recommendation of 
this Lodge to the Grand Master for the purpose of organizing 
a Lodge at Saltilloville, Ind. was then read and granted. 

April 9---Called meeting for the purpose. of "paying the last 
tokens of respect to the memory of our deceased Brother S.D. 
Walker. The Lodge attended public worship concluding with the 
usual Masonic ceremonies". 

April 11---Visitors: C.W. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge; D. Cutler 
and Pat O'Conner of Temple Lodge 47, Greencastle, Ind. and 
John Vestal and J.D. Carter of Orleans Lodge 153. Petition 
of William Warren for membership read. 

April 25---Visitor: C.W. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. 

May 9---Visitor: C.W. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. Petition of 
William Warren for membership denied. Petition of H. Conklin 
for membership read. 

May 23---Usual business. 

June 13---Petition of M.B. Driskell for membership read. Election j; 
of officers. j 

June 27---Visitor: C.W. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. Petition 
of Barnett Chastain for membership read. 

July 11---Visitor W.C. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. 
July 25---Visitor W.C. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. 
August 8---Visitor W.C. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. 

August 22---Visitor W.C. Stone of Martinsburg Lodge. Demit given 
to Stephen Collier. 

September 12---Petition of Silas Pollard for membership read. 
September 26---Petition of J.R. Freed for membership read. 
October 11---Petition of S.P. Martin for membership read. 

October 24---Petition of S.P. Martin rejected. Demit granted to 
Rohe Price, 





November 14---Visitors: D.W. Walker and John Mitchell of Newland 
Lodge 286 of Salem and W.C. Stone of Martinsburg. Account of 
$2.75 presented by J.C. Voyles for wood was ordered paid. 

November 28---Visitors: W.C. Stone of Martinsburg and David Beck 
of Salem Lodge 21. 

December 9---Called meeting for the purpose of attending to the 
funeral services of Brother John L. Maiden. Christian Prow, 
N.P. Mather and G.W. Bartlett appointed to draft resolution. - 
"he was a zealous, up rite and consistant Mason, a good citizen, 
a kind husband an indulgent parsent in all the attributes of 
Humanity worthy of Respect in Life, Therefore=Resolved that we 
tender to his Bereaved famally our warmest simpathy, and point 
the widow and the orphants to the wise Economy of Him who terp- 
ers the wind to the Shorn Lamb and that our willing hands are 
Ever ready if in any way we can to Lighen the Burthens of their 
great Sorrow has brot upon them. Resolved, that as a mark of 
respect for our Deceast Erother we will attend his furnel And 
pay the Last Sad rights of respect which we can to Humanity. 
Resolved, that this Lodge be draped in mouring and that the 
Brethren ware the usual badge thereof for thirty days". 

"On the following morning December 10th 1865 at 11 A.M. the 
members of this Lodge met at the house of the deceased and 
accompanied his remains in procession to the cemetery and 
there intered them with the usual Masonic ceremonies". 

December 12---Usual business. 

December 26---Account of Christian Prow for $48. for lodge rent 
was allowed. Hezekiah Conklin allowed 75 cents for black crate.. 
William Collier allowed $2.50 for washing aprons ($1.)} and for 
candles and alchol ($1.50). 

December 28---Called meeting. See report for year 1805. Mentions 
that "Bro. Teague had received certain money from the U.S. 


The following officers were elected in June and installed dune 24: 

Christian Prow W.M. John C. Voyles Ds Dis 
Lewis Casper Dele M.B. Driskell de 
Nathaniel P. Mather J.W. Asds Todd Steward 
dat Ce Wilkins {Mpg Peter Link Steward 
William Collier sec. Silas Pollard Tyler 
The following have been initiated this year: 
Alfred Krutsinger Feb. 15 David M. Noe July 10 _ 
D.G. Bartlett Feb. 15 Peter Drake Oct. 9 
Thomas A. Voyles farch 27 
Names of Brethren on whom degree of fellow craft conferred: 
D.G. Bartlett Feb. 27 D.M. Noe July 24 
Alfred Krutsinger Feb. 27 Peter Drake Oct. 25 

Thomas D. Voyles April 10 
Names of Master Masons initiated; and not included in membershins Ji=- 

D.G. Bartlett March 13 Peter Drake November 15 
Alfred Krutsinger March 27 Thomas D. Voyles November 27 
D.M. Noe August 14 

List of members re-instated by action of Lodge: 
William B. Teague Aprid 70 

List of members admitted from other Lodges: 
A Ceo Gadel July 10 

List of members: 
Christian Prow Isaak Baker 
John C. Voyles S.W. Strattan 
Israel Wesner T.M. Nicholson 
Benjamin A. Wesner John R. Freed 
E.B. Driskell Jacob A. Hammersly 
Henry Robertson Hezakiah Conklin 
E.D. Baker M.B. Driskell 
William Wesner Silas Pollard 
5.d. Goodpasture Barnett Chastain 
Elijah Driskell T.J. Wade 
Finley Lee Lewis Caspar 
oeTsC. Wilkins N.P. Mather 
William Collier Thomas Lockhart 
B.F. Nicholson Peter Link 
M.S. Barnett A.d. Todd 
Z.M. Shryer hee ob io) 

William Robertson 
List of members demited to other Lodges: 

F.D. Badger J.d. Lewis Depts 25 

M.C. Phipps G.W« Bartlett Oct. 9 

Cols ‘Richards W.H. Krutsinger Sept. 25 
N. Gould D.W. Lee sept. 25 
E.S. Lemon W.B. Teague Dec. 11 
John Robertson Dennis trordice Dec. 11 
V.B. Kelly A.d. Montgomery Dec. 11 
William Gallahan Feb. 6 G.W. Blackwell Dec. 11 

List of those suspended for other reasons: 
Henry C. Malott Detee25 


January 9---Visitor: Joel Maudlin of Livonia Lodge. ‘he account 
of J.C. Voyles ror 50 cents for the picture of Bro. W.W. Watts 
was presented and allowed. The resignation of F.D. Badger J.1W. 
was received and J.C. Voyles appointed J.W. to serve until his 
successor is elected and installed. 

January 25---Petitions of Alfred Krutsinger and D.G. Bartlett for 
membership read. Account of William Collier for 50 cents for 
one broom and $1.50 for serving notice on Teague. Zi 
Note: The demit of William Gallahan, dated Feb. 6G, inserted. 

February 13---Visitors: James Lockhart of Hardinsburg; Isaac 
Newkirk, John D. Foster and Thomas Carlton of Cedar Lodge 161, 
Leesville, Ind. Upon the request of Thomas D. Carlton, John D. 
Foster and Isaac Newkirk from Cedar Lodge 161, Leesville, Ind. 
to be recommended to the Grand Master to grant them a Dispen- 
sation to organize a Lodge at Tunnelton, Ind. and after the 
Brethren were duly examined it was resolved that this Lodge 
grant the petitioners the required recommendation. 

February 27---First mention of application of Thomas D. Voyles. 

March 27---Visitors: Bluford Peyten and Joel Nichols of Orleans 
Lodge 153. "On motion Bro. Samuel Strattan was appointed as 
a committe of one to purchase a Lamp for the Baptist Churcn at 
Claysville in place of one which was accidently broken by the 
Masonick Brethren while attending the funeral of 8.D. Walker". 
The secretary was appointed to purchase a book entitled The 
Secretaris Special Help and Deacons Special Help and the Voice 
of Masonry. 

April 10---By vote William B. Teague was restored to the Lodge. 
April 24---Petition of George Beagley to take 2nd degree rejectec. 
May 8---Usual business. 

May 22---Bro. C. Prow filed an account of $2. for money advanced 
to Bro. (name not given) a needy, worthy brother master mason. 

June 12---Election of officers. 

June 26---Visitors: Joel Maudlin and fabery of Livonia. 
Petition of D.M. Noe for membership read. 

July 10---On motion resolved that this Lodge petition the Grand 
Master for a dispensation to hold election to elect a Master. 
Petition of A.C. Still, a Master Mason demited from Soloman 
Lodge 71, Hardinsburg for membership accepted. 

July 24---The resignation of C. Prow 5.W. was tendered and accept- 
ed: Prow then elected Worshipful Master. Lodge to petition 
the Grand Master for dispensation to hold a special election to 

elect a Senior Warden. 

August 14---Account of $2.50 allowed to Silas Pollard for alcehol, 
washing aprons, candles, ink and matches. Lewis Caspar electec 

August 28---Usual business. 

September 15---Called meeting. Petition of Peter Dr 
membership read. Demits granted to d.d. Lewis ar 


October 9---Demit granted to George W. Bartlett. 

October 20---Called meeting. Visitor C.H. Richards of Saltillo. 
October 23---Demit granted to D.W. Lee. Account of Silas Pollard 
for $1.55 for candle stick, candles and coal oil allowed. 

October 25---Called meeting. 
November 13---Usual business. 
November 27---Usual business. 7 

December 11---Demits granted to William B. Teague, Dennis Fordice, 
and A.J. Montgomery4 also C.W. Blackwell. 

December 25---Visitor Isaac Chaney of Salem Lodge 21. 



RETURN OF LODGE FOR YEAR JANUARY 1 thru Dec. 31, 1867: 19 
The following officers were installed June- 24th: 

Lewis Caspar W.M. Christian Prow D+ De 
John C. Voyles Diels Manuel B. Driskell J.D. 
Nathaniel P. Mather J.W. David W. Lee teward 
John T.C. Wilkins iba Enoch S. Seely steward 
William Collier SeC. Alexander J. Todd Tyler 
The following have been initiated this year: 
Enoch S. Seely Feb. 12 George H. Hancock April 9 
William M. Hubbard Feb. 12 Thomas Watts May 14 
Benjamin F. Holiday April 9 Henry G. Holiday Nov. 26 
Members on whom the degree of Fellow Craft was conferred: 
Enoch 5S. Seely Feb;..26 George EH. Hancock Apr..23 
William M. Hubbard Feb. 26 Thomas Watts May 28 

Benjamin F. Holiday April 23 

Master Masons initiated and not included in membership list: 
Enoch 5. Seely March 12 George H. Hancock May 14 
William M. Hubbard March 12 Thomas Watts June 114 
Benjamin F. Holiday May 14 

List of members admitted from other Lodges: 

David W. Lee Jan. 22 George W. Bartlett July 9 
John J. Hardin June 11 Henry Naugle OcCiiemaZ 
List of members: 
Lewis Casper Samuel J. Goodpasture 
John C. Voyles Finley Lee 
Nathaniel P. Mather Benjamin F. Nicholson 
John T.C. Wilkins Zenus Shryer 
William Collier William Robertson 
Christian Prow Samuel W. Strattan 
Manuel B. Driskell Thomas M. Nicholson 
Alexander J. Todd Jacob A. Hammersly 
George W. Bartlett silas. Pollard 
Henry Robertson Thomas J. Wade 
Isaac Baker Thomas Lockhart 
Elijah D. Baker Peter Link 
Isreal Wesner Abram C. Still 
D.G. Bartlett Alfred Krutsinger 
Hezekiah Conklin David M. Noe 
Barnett Chastain Peter Drake 
Elijah Driskell Thomas D. Voyles 
Enoch B. Driskell David W. Lee 
Benjamin A. Wesner John J. Hardin 
William Wesner Henry Naugle 
List of members demited: 
Martin S. Barnett March 26 
John R. Freed Jan. 8 

List of members whose dues have been remitted and reasons: 
Enoch B. Driskell--4through misfortune and 
Benjamin F. Nicholson---unable to pay". 




January 8---Visitor: J.F. Faulkeoner of Newland Lodge, Salem. 
Christian Prow presented his account for $48. for lodge rent 
ending December 25 and also $2.80 for two gallons of coal oil 
one tin bucket. Demit granted to John R. Freed. 

January 22---Visitor: Stephen Collier from Prairie Lodge 77 
of Paris, Illinois. Petition of D.W. Lee for membership 
was read. Petitions from Enoch S. Seely and W.M. Hubbard 
for membership read. "Resolved that a committee be appoint- 
ed to consult the Brethren of this Lodge on the propriety 
of getting up a supper on the twenty second of February”. 

February 12---"The committee to whom was appointed to see the 
propriety in having and oyster supper Beg leave to report 
unfavorably". J.1.C. Wilkins was appointed to purchase new 
blinds for the hall. J.C. Voyles, F. Lee and A.d. Todd were 
appointed committee to have the colloms changed. 

February 26---Visitor: J.Hl. Jones of Waldren Lodge 217. Bro. 
Wilkins discharged from purchasing blinds for the hall and 
Bro. Casper replaced hin. 

March 12---Visitor: Babel King of Salem Lodge 21. Account of 
J:CG. Voyles for "8 under blinds at $2. each and 50 cents for 
rail road charges" ordered paid. 

March 26---Demit granted to Martin S. Barnett. Petitions from 
B.F. Holiday and G.S. Hancock for membership read. Letter 
from W.P. Green was read in reference to I.N. Caress. On 
motion of isaac Baker twenty five dollars was donated to 
defray expences in searching for the murderers of Bro. Caress. 

April 9---Visitor: dames Jones of Waldren Lodge 217. 

April 23---Visitor: James Jones of Waldren Lodge 217. Petition 
of Thomas J. Watts for membership read. 

fay 14---Visitors: William M. Greenslade of Livonia Lodge 206, 
W.R. Avery of Martinsburg Lodge 237 and James Jones of 
Waldren Lodge 217. "On motion resolved that this Lodge, 
Livonia Lodge 206 and Saltillo Lodge 138 celebrate the 
aniversary of St. John the Baptist at Campbellsburg by having 


a picnic or Basket Dinner and a public installation of officers?! 

Awd. Todd, M.B. Driskell and Silas Pollard to visit Saltillo 
Lodge and inform them of the proposed celebration. It was 
then resolved that a committee of arangements to consist of 
seven, two from Livonia, two from Saltillo and three from 
Campbellsburg. On motion all the Lodges in the county and 
Orleans Lodge 153, Paoli Lodge 119, Mitchell Lodge 228, 
Bedford Lodge 14, Tunnelton Lodge 329, Cedar Lodge 329 and 
Emmitt Lodge of Bedford be invited. 

May 28---Visitor: James Jones of Waldren Lodge 217. The 
committee anpointed to visit Saltillo and inform them of 
the proposed celebration reported them to be in favor of it. 
William Collier presented account for $3.90 for paper, stamnrs 
and alchahol which was allowed. D.W. Lee presented account 
for $3. for labor done on columns. 

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June 14---Visitors: James Jones of Waldren Lodge 217 and H. [5 
Naugle of Newland Lodge 286 of Salem. Petition of Brother 
John J. Hardin for membership was presented and accepted. 
BlLection of officers. 

June 25---Treasurer ordered to pay $15. to compensate the Rev. 
Bro. Gillmore for his services at the celebration. 

July 9---Visitor: Henry Naugle of Newland Lodge 286, Salem. 
Petition of G.W. Bartlett for membership accepted. 

July 23---Visitor: M. Skelly of Salem Lodge 21. Committee 
appointed to draft a new set of by laws. 

August 27---Visitor: James Jones of Walden Lodge 217. Account 
of $27. for the cost of the celebration ordered paid. 

September 10---Visitor: James H. Jones of Walden Lodge 217. 

September 24---Visitor: dames H. Jones of Walden Lodge 217. 
Committee on charity proposed, and was allowed, $25. for the 
relief of Brother W.H. Krutsinger, his house having been 
burned lately. On motion of Bro. Prow it was also decided 
to allow $25. to educate the children of Brother Cornwell, 
deceased. : 

October 22---Visitor: J.H. Jones of Waldron Lodge 217. The 
petition of Bro. Henry Naugle, late of Newland Lodge 286 of 
Salem was presented for membership and accepted. Bro. J.C. 
Voyles presented a resolution that $2. be paid to Peter Link 

for boarding the widow of a deceased brother who was traveling 

without means. Resolution passed. Bro. C. Prow presented 42 
resolution to appropiate $25. for the relief of Bro. Alfred 
Krutsinger, his property having lately been burned, which was 
also allowed. 

November 12---Visitor: J.H. Jones of Waldron Lodge, Waldron, Ind. 

Petition of Henry G. Holiday for membership read. Brother 

N.P. Mather moved that as Henry G. Holidey was going away, his 

case be deemed an emergency. 

November 26---Visitors: James H. Jones of Waldron and Isaac 
Chaney of Salem Lodge 21. fPetition of James Mc. Wade for 
membership read. Motion was made that he be accepted at half 

price, if accepted, on account of his being a Minister. 

December 3---Called meeeting for the purpose of adopting a new 
code of by laws. New by laws adopted and old ones repealed. 

December 11---Usual business. 

December 24---Fetition of Adolvhe Mathe (Mathey) for membership 
was read. Account of $48. for lodge rent by C. Prow allowed. 


LI BO oe 



The following officers were installed June 24: 

John C. Voyles WM. Lewis Caspar S.D. 
Christian Prow S.W. John J. Hardin della 
Enoch S. Seely JW. Hez Conklin Steward 
J.2%,C. Wilkins Tr. Enoch B. Driskell 
Abram C. Still sec. David W. Lee Tyler 

The following have been initiated this year: 
Adolphus Mathe January 28 
James M. Wade June 9 

Degree of Fellow Craft conferred this year on: 
Henry G. Holiday Jan. 28 
Adolphus Mathe fay 12 
James M. Wade duly 28 

Master Masons initiated this year, not included in list of members: 

Adolphus Mathe June 23 
James M. Wade Aug. 11 

List of members reinstated by action of Lodge: 
Henry C. Malott January 14 

List of members admitted from other Lodges: 
James H. Jones May 12 
William Gallahan June 23 

List of members: 

John C. Voyles 
Christian Prow 
Enoch S. Seely 
John T.C. Wilkins 
Abram C. Still 
Lewis Caspar 

John J. Hardin 
Hezekiah Conklin 
Enoch B. Driskell 
David W. Lee 
George W. Bartlett 
Nathaniel P. Mather 
Isreal Wesner 
Peter Link 
Benjamin A. Wesner 
Thomas M. Nicholson 
Elijah Driskell 
Isaac Baker 

Henry Naugle 

~ Thomas Lockhart 
Henry Robertson 

Benjamin F. Nicholson 

William Gallahan 

elisha. Ds Baker 
Samuel Goodpasture 
Finley Lee 

Names of members demitted: 

Adotphus Mathe 
Enoch 8S. Seely 

Suspended for non payment of dues: 

Dues remitted by reason of misfortune: 


William Wesner 
William Robertson 
Henry C. Malott 
Samuel W. Strattan 
Alexander J. Todd 
Thomas J. Wade 
William Collier 
Manuel B. Driskell 
Silas Pollard 
Demostnenes G. Bartlett 
Alfred Krutsinger 
David li. Noe 

Peter Drake 

Thomas ~. Voyles 
Barnett Chastain 
William M. Hubbard 
Benjamin F. Holiday 
George S. Hancock 
Thomas J. Watts 
Henry G. Holiday 
Jacob A. Hammersly 
James H. dones 
Zenas M. Shryer 

Zenas M. Shryer June 

William Wesner 




January 14---Kesolved that the dues of E.B. Driskell and B.F. 
Nicholson be remitted. Bro. Israel Wesner brought in a re- 
quest for H.C. Malott asking to be restored to masonry. de 
was then restored by vote. Petition of James Wade rejected. 

January 28---Yisitors: J.H. Jones and William Gallahan. Also 
William McDonald from Orleans. 

February 11---Communication from Saltillo Lodge asking that the. 
dues of H.G. Holiday be refunded was granted. 

February 25---visitor: James H. Jones of Waldren Lodge 217. 
bDues of William Wesner ordered remitted. 

March 10---Donation of $20. ordered to be made to Peter Drake. 


fiarch 24-~-Usual business. 

April 14---Visitors: James H. Jones of Waldron Lodge. A.L. 
Thomas, D.A. Stockwell and D.E. Bartley of Clear Springs Lodge 

April 28---Communication from Mitchell Lodge inviting this Lodge 
to participate in celebrating the festival of St. Johns the 
Baptist on the 24th of June at that place was read and was 
accepted and also public installation of officers at said 
time and place. Petition of James M. Wade for membership read. 

May 12---Visitor: William M. Greenslade of Livonia Lodge 206. 
Petition of James H. Jones from Waldron Lodge presented and 
accepted for membership. Account of C. Prow of 25 cents for 
candles, $1.50 for 6 yards bleached muslin and 20 eents for 
4 balls of tape was ordered paid. 

May 26---Resolved that 350 palmleaf fans be procured by C. Prow. 
June 9---Resolved that the present by laws be printed. 

June 25---Visitor: Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg Lodge 237. Held 
election of officers. Petition of William Gallahan to move 
his membership back granted. 

dune 26---Called meeting. 

duly 14---Account of A.J. Todd for 75 cents for washing and 
ironing 33 aprons ordered paid. 

duly 28---Usual business. 

August 11---Mentions sickness in the families of Bros. Wesner 
and Goodpasture. Petition of Linzia A. Bostic for membership 
was read. 

August 25---Usual business. 
September 8---Account for $11.85 allowed for printing by laws. 

september 22---Petition of Linzia A. Bostic rejected. Demit 
granted to Adolphus Mathe. 

October 27---Petition of Silas Boling for membership read. Demit 
granted to E.S. Seely. 

November 10---Visitor: 0.A. Barnett of Mt. Pleasant Lodge 168, 
Loogootee, Ind. 






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November 12---Called meeting. 

November 24---Visitor: 0O.A. Barnett of Logootee, Ind. The Junior 
Warden having removed from the Lodge a petition to be made to 
the Grand Master to have a special election. 

December 22---C. Prow account of $48. for lodge rent granted. A 
committee appointed to procure "a light- to be placed in the 
hall near the head of the stairway on the nights of the meet- 
ings of this Lodge". 

December 29---Called meeting for the election of a Junior Warden 
to serve until the next regular election. A.d. Todd was then 
elected and installed in office. 




A A A eR A 

- —7 


The following officers were elected June 22, installed June 24: 

Christian Prow WM. Enoch B. Driskell De Dic 
Nathaniel P. Mather 5.W. Albert Mather J.D. 
Alexander J. Todd J.W. George S. Hancock Steward 
John T.C. Wilkins Treas. Hezekiah Conklin Steward 
Findley Lee sec. Silas Pollard Tyler 
The following were initiated: 
Albert Mather Feb. 23 William B. Driskell Mar. 23 
Linsey A. Bostic Feb. 23 Charles M. Cornwell Sept. 14 

Phinias A. Little March 9 
Elevated to Fellow Craft: 

Albert Mather March 9 *Royal B. Child May 25 

Phinias A. Little March 23 L.A. Bostic May 25 

William B. Driskell April 13 Charles M. Cornwell Sept. 28 
Elevated to Master Mason: 

Albert Mather March 23 L.A. Bostic June 22 

Wm. Bs Deiekell -April 25 C.M. Cornwell Oct. 11 

Pehks Little April 25 *R.B. Child lov. 9 
*-Royal B. Child was initiated August 26, 1862, but did not attain 

the second and third degrees of Masonry until 1869. This is 
evidently the reason he is not listed as member on 1863-68 lists. 

Admitted from other Lodges: 

H.M. Woods August 10 

Isaac Baker Nov. 9 

C. Prow Nov. 9 
Withdrawals to other Lodges: 

J.C. Voyles June 22 

Isaac Baker Oct. 11 

Benjamin F. Nicholson July 10 

Lewis Caspar Nov. 7, 1869 

NRE AEB NT EEE RTT TL (ESE I HT py ae eee oy 


Si i ae er a i NE iy ES OR IE 


January 12---Account of D.W. Lee for 60 cents for coal oil and 
30 cents for one bucket was received and ordered paid. it 
was resolved the Lodge have a supper on Thursday night the 
2ist and all "who are disposed bring such refreshment with 
them as they choose". 

January 26---Visitor: David Beck of Salem Lodge 21. Petitions 
of Albert Mather, Phinas A. Little, Morgan Smedley and Linzia 
A. Bostic for membership were read. 

February 9---Visitor: 0O.A. Barnett of Mt. Pleasant Lodge 168. 
Account of John 1T.C. Wilkins ordered paid: coal oil, candles, 
paper, Postage and letter, lamp chimney and salt for a total 
of $2.82, Account of Christian Prow in the amount of $3.25 
for one hall lantern was allowed. 

February 23---Petition of Morgan Smedley for membership withdrawn. 
Petition of William B. Driskell for membership was read. 

March 9---Visitor: Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg Lodge 237. Dues 
of Peter Drake and William Collier ordered remitted by Lodge. 
Mentions members D.G. Bartlett, David M. Noe and Jacob A. 
Hammersly as absent from this state. ~ 

March 23---Visitors: G.A. Rosenbaum of Saltillo Lodge 138; 
D.M. Walker of Newland Lodge 286, Salem; Jacob Grimes of 
fartinsburg Lodge. William Robertson presented his account 
with the lodge of $1. for lemon crackers which was ordered paic. 

Avril 13---Usual business. 

April 27---Visitor: Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg Lodge. The 
Tyler, David W. Lee, having removed, Silas Pollard was named 
to take his place. On motion it was resolved that the Secretary 
send letters to those brethren absent from the state and 
solicit their dues. 

May 11---Visitor: H. Woods of Cloverdale Lodge 132. "A letter 
from Tunnelton Lodge 329 requesting this Lodge to participate 
in the festival of St. John the Babtist on the 24th of June 
next was read". It was placed on file. 

May 25---Visitors: Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg, Henry M. Woods 
of Cloverdale and William 5. Carnahan of Perry Lodge 137 of 
Lafayette. "A communication from a committee of the brethren 
of New Albany, Ind. inviting this Lodge to participate in 
celebrating tne anniversary of St. John the Baptist June 24 
next was read. It was mous that this Lodge accept the invita 
ion. The motion was lost. Lodge then resolved to celebrate 
with the Tunnelton Lodge. Petition for membership from Morgen 
smedley was read. William Robertson appointed to repair the 
letter "G". Committee appointed to investigate the frosting 
of the outside windows of the hall. 

June 8---Visitor: Henry M. Woods of Cloverdale, ind. Letter 
from D.M. Noe containing his dues was read. kesolved to re- 
scind attending the celebration at Tunnelton and the secretary 
ordered to write to New Albany to "see whether or not there 
will be a special train to carry us to and from the festival 
at that city on that day". 

et = 





June 22---Visitors: H.M. Woods of Uloverdale and U.H. Barnett 
of Mt. Pleasant Lodge. Petition of Morgan Smedley for member- 
ship withdrawn by consent of lodge. Account of Silas Pollard 
for 40 cents for 3 pans, 5 cents for salt and #1. ror washing 
and repairing aprons ordered paid. Election of officers. 
Resolved to celebrate the 24th at New Albany. Demit granted 

to John C. Voyles. 
July 10---Called meeting. Visitors: H.M. Woods of Cloverdale, 

Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg and Steven Collier of Prairie Lodge 

T? OL Paris, Tissnois; 

July 13---A Communication from B.F. Holiday was read. "The account 

presented by Brother Christian Prow for Brother James Jones 

as tuition fee for the schooling of sister Cornwell's children 

was received and ordered paid". 
July 27---Petition of Jasper N. Driskell for membership was read. 

August 10---Visitors: H.M. Woods of Cloverdale, Jacob Grimes of 
Martinsburg and C.H. Richards of Saltillo. Petition from 
H.M. Woods of Cloverdale to transfer his membership granted. 
Petition of Charles M. Cornwell for membership read. 

August 23---Usual business. 

September 14---Visitor: Jacob Grimes of Martinsburg Lodge. The 
petition of Jasper N. Driskell for membership was rejected. 

September 28---Usual business. 

Octobver 11¥--Visitors: Isreal Holler and Richard Mills of Lodge 
138 at Saltillo and C. Prow of Paoli Lodge 119. Resolution 
passed to have a supper "next Friday night". Albert Mather, 
L. Bostic and George Hancock appointed to prepare the room 
and set the table. Resolved to invite sisters Cornwell and 
Webb of Saltillo to the supper. Demit granted to Isaac Baker. 

October 26---Visitor: Peter Morris of Salem Lodge 21. 

November 8---Galled meeting to vrepare for the funeral of Bro. 
Lewis Caspar. Visitors: Isreel Holler, James Gross, George 
Rosenbaum and Richard Mills of Saltillo Lodge and C. Prow 
of Paoli Lodge. A.d. Todd appointed to act as Marshal of 
the day and Samuel Strattan as Deputy Marshall. Barnett 
Chastain appointed J.W. protem. E.B. Driskell, A.C. Stila, 

T. Voyles, E.D. Baker, C. Cornwell, Peter Link, William Collier 

and Henry Neaugle appointed pall bearers. A.d. Todd and A.C. 

»till appointed to see that the grave was dug. J.1T.C. Wilkins 
N.P. Mather and H. Robertson appointed to request all business 

houses to close at ten o'clock in the morning and remain clo 
until the funeral services were over. 

November 9---Called to meeting at 10 A.M. "for the vurpose of 
paying the tokens of respect to the memory of our deceased 
Brother Lewis Caspar who departed this life on sunday evening 
Nov. 7th 1869". "A procession was formed and marched to the 

depot to be in readiness to receive the remains of the deceased 

Brother, Lewis Caspar, which arrived from Salem, his place of 
residence, on the twelve-o'%clock express train to this place, 





where the remains of the deceased Brother was received by the 
Masonic Brethern who then repaired to the Christian Church 
where the Rever. Lemuel Martin conducted the services as 
previously arranged by the family of the deceased-after 
which the fraternity repaired to the place of interment- 

the W.M. conducting the ceremonees after which they returned 
to the Lodge". 

November 9---Regular meeting at 7 P.M. Visitor: John R. Woods 

a demited member from Newland Lodge of Salem, Ind. Petition 
of C. Prow to transfer membership from Paoli was granted. 
(This was not Christian Prow who was a charter member of the 
Campbellsburg Lodge). Petition of Isaac Baker to transfer 
his membership back was granted. Thomas Beasly's account of 
$4.50 for digging grave was allowed. Committee appointed to 
draft resolution for Lewis Caspar "a copy of which should te 
presented to the family of the deceased and one to the New 
Albany Ledger and New Albany Commercial and Salem Democrat 
and also the Home Advocate at Indianapolis." The secretary, 
apparently in a lighter vein then added: "the same committee 
to visit Brother Rob Morris and make some explanation to him 
concerning our failure to attend his’ lecture, etc". 


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BOOK 7 1906-1910 

The Strattan brothers (John and James B.) ran what was 
commonly called a hardware store in Campbellsburg for 
many years. The company letterhead in 1909 stated they 
sold farming implements, stoves, tin, hardware, furniture, 
lumber, building materiel, ete. and also "Undertaking a 
Specialty". Alist of the caskets sold during this period 
was abstracted vreviously and typed in a seperate paper. 
The original account book is now in the possession of 
Jack L, Hedrick of Campbellsburg and is, as far as is now 
known, the only one in existance. 

Copied for the Washington County Historical Society 1971-72. 
Claude E. Cook, 812 Sprague Road, Indianapolis, Ind. 




Attkinson, Curt 

Attkinson, Blanch 
Abrahams, Max 
Armstrong, John 
Allen, Eud 
Arnold, OGt 
Attkinson, Fann y and Arch= 
Anderson, John 
Attkinson, Otis 
Arnold, Mell 
Allen, Fen 

Ayers, J.W. 

Bush, S.R. 
Bilyeu, Wesley 
Baptist Church of C-Burg 
Brown, Josh B. 
Baker, Fred 
Brewer, Frank 
ilyeu, Carl 
Brengle, W.O. 
Brown, Link 
Bogle, George 
Beck, W.W. 
Bennett, Emma 
Brown, John (of Leipsic) 
Panks, Georgie- 
Bell, Charley 
Beli, John 
Bily eu, Ezekiel 
Brown, John (Henry's son) 
Brown, Albert 
Brown, Gov. 
Brown, Henry 
Baptist Church of Claysville 
Bortorff, Frank 
Brown, Marion 
Baker, Homer 
Bush, Walter 
Briscoe, Mart 
BaGt s Levi 
Batt, Milly (Estate) 
Baker, Otice 
Brown, Josh Senior 
Baker, Lon 
Brown, William M. 
Baker, Ed 
Banks, James 
Bishop, James M, 
Brown, James C. Senior 
Brown, Tip 
Brown, Township of 
Brown, Jesse 
Paker, Bud 
Fennett, Thomas 
Bishop, Sid 
Brock, Alvis 

March 6, 1906-S8Sept. 22, 1910 
March 7, 1906-(from Book 6) 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 10, 1910 
March 14, 1906-Sept. 17, 1910 
April 9, 1906-S8ept. 1910 

Aug. 9, 1906-Aug. 16, 1910 
Sept. 17, 1906-Oct.29, 1909 
Oct. 12, 1906-Aug. 18, 1910 

Sept. 17, 1907-June 10, 1910 
March 28, 1908-June 4, 1910 
July 18, 1908 

March 10, 1910-Sept. 20, 1910 

March 5, 1906-June 21, 1910 
March 5, 1906-July 9, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Sept. 24, 1910 
March 5, 1906-April 22, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Sept. 6, 1910 
March 5, 1906-May 12, 1910 
March 9. 1910-Sept. 1, 1910 
March 5, 1906-June 3, 1907 
March 5, 1906-Sept. 14, 1910 
Feb. 5, 1908-May 7, 1910 
March 5, 1906-June 17, 1910 
April 30, 1909 

March 5, 1906-May 26, 1909 
March 6, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
May 10, 1910-dJune 22, 1910 
March 6, 1906 
M arch 6, 1906-July 28, 1910 
March 6, 1906-Oct. 1, 1910 
March 6, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Sept. 24, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Oct. 28, 1907 
March 7, 1906 
M arch 8, 1906-June 11, 1910 
March 8, 1906-Nov. 15, 1906 
March 8, 1906-Nov. 5, 1910 
March 8, 1906-March 26, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 20, 1910 
March 9, 1910-April 21, 1910 
March 9, 1906-June 4, 1906 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 30, 1906 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 24, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 3, 1907 
May 9, 1906-March 18, 1907 
March 10, 1906-May 31, 1910 
Sept. 1, 1905-Oct. 26, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Oct. 26, 1910 

March 10, 1906-O0ct. 5, 1910 
M arch 10, 1906-Aug. 23, 1910 
March 13, 1906-Oct. 29, 1910 
M arch 13, 1906-Sept. 29, 1910 
March 14, 1906-June 22, 1910 

ov. 27, 1905-Sept. 19, 1910 
Aprid 2,-:1906 
April 21, 1906-Aug. 14, 1908 

Barnard, B.fF. A April 21, 1906-Sept. 11, 1906 
Batt, William H. April 2, 1906-Oct. 1, 1910 
Brewer, Elisha Senior (of Smedley)Mazch 13, 1906-Nov. 30, 1908 
Baker, Jesse Aprit 35, 1906sSepy. 134 1910 
Booker, Scott April 7, 1906-“uly 30, 1908 
Brown, James C. (of C-Burg) April 13, 1906-July 23, 1910 
Brewer, Samuel April 23, 1906-March 21, 1910 
Burns, T.2. Aug. 17, 1906 

Braxton, Henry April 19, 1906 

Batt, Thomas April 26, 1906-June 27, 1910 
Baker, Mrs. William April 30, 1906-Jan. 16, 1909 
Baker, Mrs. William (Estate) March 27, 1909=April 5, 1909 
Bono Township (Lawrence County) May 22, 1906-Aug. 13, 1908 
Briscoe, James June 2, 1906-Dec. 17, 1909 
Brewer, William ( Charlie's son) June 6, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Plevins, Clay June 8, 1906 

Brock, James June 24, 1906-Oct. 15, 1910 
Brewer, John Senior June 18, 1906-Oct. 8, 1910 
Brown, James B. dune 20, 1906-Oct. 14, 1910 
Baker, Mrs. Lettie July 28, 1906-July 22, 1910 
Ball, John July 7, 1906-Feb. 8, 1908 
Brewer, John and Charley July 10, 1906-Jan. 5, 1907 
Brewer, John E, Aug. 1, 1906-June 14, 1909 
Brown, Stephen Aug. 25, 1906-Oct. 4, 1906 
Barker, J.0, Aug. 27, 1906-Aug. 4, 1909 
Bortorff, lucinda sept. 20, 1906-Nov. 25, 1907 
Baker, Ollie Nov. 2, 1906-Sept. 15, 1910 
Bush, Clint Nov. 1, 1906-4ug. 27, 1910 
Barnard, Clairie E. Jan. 21, 1907-Jan. 28, 1908 
Brewer, Ed Jan. 28, 1907-Sept. 8, 1910 
Batt, Albert Dec. 4, 1906-Sept. 4, 1908 
Bush, William G. Dec. 6, 1906-June 18, 1910 
Booker, Stark Newton Feb. 20, 1907 

Bennett, George M arch 28, 1907 

Bilyeu, Ebb Avril 25, 1907-Sept. 19, 1910 
Boggs, Frank May 28, 1907-June 1, 1907 
Barnett, William F. Oct. 14, 1907-Nov. 20, 1908 
Beaman, W.E, Nov. 26, 1907-Dec. 9, 1908 
Brewer, Burt Jan. 6, 1908-May 24, 1910 
Bilyeu, “Mrs. Ella and Fred April 20, 1908-Sept. 19, 1910 
Bradley, Ed &pril 22, 1908 

Brock, Frank June 16, 1909-June 30, 1909 
Brewer, Charles May 12, 1908-Aug. 8, 1910 
Bell, Andy June 20, 1908-Vay 24, 1910 
Brown, Clyde July 22, 1908-Aug. 25, 1908 
Baker, “rs. Mary (by James Baker) Sept. 30, 1908-Aug. 10, 1909 
Brown, Arvil Oct. 1, 1908-Dec 2, 1908 
Brown, Patton & Co. Nov. 16, 1908-Oct. 31, 1910 
Barnard, Arra Dec. 5, 1908-Dec. 12, 1908 
Bush, Alfred Dec. 1908 

Burgess, Henry March 16, 1909-Sept. 7, 1910 
Bromer Church May 31, 1909 

-Bush, Norman Oct. 6, 1909 

Briscoe, Virgil. April 6, 1909-Sept. 1, 1909 
Bush, Jacob July 3, 1909-Sept. 9, 1910 
Brewer, Ad July 16, 1909-July 29, 1910 
Baily, William puy 24, “1 909-0et. 13,4. 1910 
Prown, James F, Aug. 31, 1909-Dec. 18, 1909 
Braxton B rothers (of Paoli) Sept. 24, 1909-Sept. 29, 1909 


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Barrett, Charles Sept. 29, 1909-Oct. 2, 1909 

prown, Jesse (of Leipsic) OC+, 21. 1909-Nov. 11, 1909 
Brannaman, Calvin Nov. 12, 1909-Nov. 12, 1909 
Prannaman, Floy d March 28, 1910-Sept. 20, 1910 
Ballard, Joseph March 28, 1910-May 9, 1910 
Brock, Arthur March 29, 1910=Sept. 5, 1910 
Bush, Nathaniel Avril 27, 1910-May 3, 1910 
Bosley, Sherman May 19, 1910 
Bocock, William May 25, 1910 
Raker, Ben June 2, 1910-Oct. 6, 1910 
Brewer, Milo dune-25,. 1910 
Bayes, Band July 13, 1910-Aug. 20, 1910 
Brickey, Frank July 28, 1910-Sept. 17, 1910 
Brewer, N oah Aug. 27, 1910-Aug. 31, 1910 
Brown, Courtney Pept. 9, 1910 

Chastain, Alonzo March 5, 1906-April 30, 1910 
Chastain, Lem P. March 5, 1906-Sept. 12, 1910 
Chastain, Orra (Granville's son) March 5, 1906-May 20, 1910 
Chastain, Orra FE. (William's son) March 5, 1906-Oct. 31, 1910 
Cathcart, Milt March 9, 1906-Nov. 1, 1910 
Crockett, Robert March 5, 1906-May 18, 1910 
Chastain, Ham March 5, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Chastain, Harrison March 6, 1906-Sept. 26, 1910 
Chastain, Nathan M arch 6, 1906-Sept. 3, 1910 
Chastain; Lafe March 7, 1906-Jan. 26, 1907 
Collier, Milt March 7, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Chamberlain, Mxzkz Hays March 7, 1906-Jan..1, 1910 
Clipp, Jesse March 7 , 1906-Sept. 20, 1910 
Chastain, Jackson March 7, 1906-Feb. 23, 1910 
Chastain, Charles T, March 7, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Child, William March 7, 1906-Oct. 1, 1910 
Chamberlain, Earl March 8, 1906-Sept. 10, 1907 
Collier, Alva March 8, 1906-June 1, 1910 
Cornwell, Ed M arch 8, 1906 
Cornwell, Mrs. Ed Nov. 13, 1909-Jan. 8, 1910 
Collier, Ephraim March 8, 1906-Nov. 9, 1909 
Claywell, William March 8, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
Chaney, Georg e March 8, 1906 
Chastain, Allen March 9, 1906-April 4, 1910 
Collier, Ezra March 9, 1906-Sept. 3, 1910 
Calvert.& Housefield March 9, 1906-July 7, 1906 
Collier, Charlie March 9, 1906-Sept. 24, 1910 
Chastain, Rice March 9, 1906-Oct. 3, 1910 
Chastain, Stephen March 9, 1906-Oct. 1, 1910 
Chastain, Asa March 10, 1906-Sept. 20, 1910 
Crockett, William March 10, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
Chastain, Granville March 10, 1906-Sept. 7, 1910 
Chastain, Charles May 10, 1906-Oct. 5, 1910 
Chamberlain, W illiam Senior M arch 13, 1906-Aug. 3, 1910 
Christ, W.P. March 1, 1906-Dec. 28, 1906 
Chastain, Sherman March 14, 1906-June 21, 1910 
Child, Mrs. Kate March 15, 1906-Sept. 5, 1910 
Child, Arra April 2, 1906-Sept. 28, 1910 
Collier, Lewis Avril 4, 1906-June 18, 1910 
Chastain, Burt (Lafe'’s son) April 4, 1906-July 12, 1910 
Chastain, Chick April 7, 1906-Aug. 6, 1910 
Collier, John April 12, 1906-Sept. 6, 1910 

Colglazier, Alva April 20, 1906-June 11, 1910 


Cathcart, Emory April 20, 1906-March 23, 1910 

Child, Walter April 27, 1906-April 13, 1908 
Crockett, Walt er May 5, 1906-Nov. 22, 1907 
Chastain, Peter April 19, 1908-Oct. 2, 1908 
Chastain, John (Will's son) April 28, 1908-July 1, 1910 
Campbellsburg Christian Church Nov. 6, 1907-Jan. 15, 1910 
Campbellsburg Stone Company March 9, 1906-Nov. 4, 1910 
Colglazier, Austin May 12, 1906-Aug. 22, 1910 
Creamery Company (Paynter & Bush) May 19, 1906-June 29, 1908 
Colglazier, L on May 29, 1906-Oct. 28, 1909 
Chamberlain, Delbert June 14, 1906-Sept. 5, 1910 
Chastain, Elijah June 15, 1906-Aug. 20, 1910 
Chastain, G-eorge and Charley June 15, 1906-Aug. 6, 1910 
Catlin, Elmer and Ed (of Leipsic) July 6, 1906-May 13, 1910 
Compton, George July 19, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
Carter, Lewis July 28, 1906-July 27, 1910 
Chastain, Francis & Stephenson Aug. 4, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Chamberlain, Frank Aug. 9, 1906-Sept. 15, 1910 
Cook, Lum (of Saltillo) Aug. 27, 1907-May 31, 1910 
Carter, Edgar Aug. 29, 1906-Jan. 1, 1908 
Collier, Frank Oct. 1, 1906-July 6, 1910 
Caupie . <P. C0. Oct. 8, 1906-Sept. 23, 1910 
Chastain, Alva Oct. 134 1906-O0ct,.. S, 1910 
Campbellsburg Canning Co. Nov. 2, 1906-March 7, 1910 
Collier, N .P, Oct. 25, t906—Aug. 6,..1910 
Child, Harry Nov. 26, 1906-Sept. 10, 1907 
Cauble, Chester Dec. 11, 1906-May 31, 1910 
Chastain, Silas Feb. 27, 1907-July. 9, 1910 
Chastain, Simp Feb. 28, 1907~Oct. 4, 1909 
Crockett, James March 2, 1907-Oct. 13, 1910 
Chastain, Nathan March. 235190 /-Ssept. 34-1910 
Chastain, J ames A. (Estate) April 18, 190%-Aug. 10, 1908 
Chastain, Jesse April 3, 1907=Nov,.. 5, 1910 
Chastain, John S. (Stephen) May 9, 1907-June 10, 1907 
Colglazier, #¥&tx Bidley May 27, 1907-Jan. 20, 1910 
Conners, Dr. B ruce June 8, 1907-Sept. 19, 1910 
Cravens, Asb ery June 14, 1907-Aug. 3, 1907 
Chastain, William (of Saltillo) June 26, 1907-Sept. 24, 1910 
Campbell, Walter July 8, 1907-Aug. 16, 1910 
Chastain, Benjamin Aus. 30, 1907-0ct.. 71,1910 
Cornwell, D.E, Sept. 3, 1907-Sept. 6, 1907 
Crane, Moses Sept. 20, 1907-Aug. 27, 1909 
Carter, Cash Sept. 26, 1907-Dec. 14, 1908 
Cravens, Ben Oct. &, 1907-Jan. 1, 1909 
Chastain, Barney (George's son) Oct. 19, 1907-Aug. 15, 1910 
Collins, Csi; Nov. 9, 1907-llov. 11, 1907 
Chastain, Lem (Grandville's son) Nov. 11, 1907-Oct. 3, 1910 
Collier, Ben Jan. 18, 1908-Sept. 27, 1909 
Calloway Brothers (Salem Mortuary) Feb. 12, 1908-April 4, 1910 
Clements, Milt July 7, 1908-Sept. 6, 1910 
Chastain, William & Collier, Will Sevt. 8, 1908-Jan. 1, 1910 
Chastain, John (Nathan's brother) Oct. 1, 1908-Sept. 17, 1910 
Chastain, Francis & Smedley, Mack July 27, 1908-Jan. 1, 1909 
Chastain, Lomand Oct. 21, 1908-June 28, 1910 
Cauble, Virgil Oct. 27, 1908-Nov. 2, 1908 
Childers, Abner July 16, 1908-Sept. 23, 1910 
Chamberlain, Pen Nov. 12, 1908-Nov. 20, 1908 
Cooper, James Nov. 26 , 1908-March 14, 1910 
Clements, Charley M arch 10, 1909-Sept. 2, 1909 



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Compton, George Junior 
Cornwell, Fred (Jackson's son) 
Cornwell, Arthur 

Chastain, O mer 

Child, Ed 

Chastain, Herbert 

Chastain, Zora B. 

Chastain, Alva (Rice's son) 
Chileers, Jackson 

Cornwell, Lawrence 

Cooper, Willie 

Chastain, Fred (Stephen's son) 
Canady, George (Salem R.R.) 
Chastain, Aber 

Chastain, Beecher 
Colglazier, Mrs. Charles 
Chamberlain, Sallie 
Chastain, Callie 

Cornwell, James 

Cottongim, R.M. 
Campbellsburg Ball Club 
Collier, John 

Cauble, Virgil & Chastain, Claude 

Chastain, Floyd 
Coots, Hugh 

Driscoll, Benton 
Davis, Mrs. Lizzie 
Douglas, Robert 
Deweese, Mittie 
Driscoll, Frank 
Davis, James (of Hardinsburg) 
Diefendorf, Den 
Diefendorf, Mrs. Den 
Duncan, Williem 
Denny, John S. 
Dougles, John 
Davis, Joseph 
Dowling, Milt 
Deweese, Frank 
Davis, Amon 

Davis, William 
Driscoll, Elmer 
Dixon, Ed 

Dalton, Link 
Davis, Leandra 
Day, John 

Evans, James A. 
Elgin, Wesley 
Elgin, Simp 
Evans, G. Kim 
Eickhorn, David 
Elgin, Caleb 
Etzler, William- 
Elliott, Reed 
Fdwards, Volney 
Elgin, Orris 
Elliott, “ innie 

March 25, 1909-Jan. 1, 1910 
April 10, 1909 

June 26, 1909-Aug. 18, 1910 
June 26, 1909-July 5, 1910 
July 9, 1909-July 24, 1909 
July 9, 1909-Aug. 1, 1910 

July 10, 1909-Aug. 20, 1910 
Aug s, 2; 1909-Nov. 54.1910 
Aug. 17, 1909-Oct. 8, 1909 
Sept. 7, 1909-Sent. 19, 1910 
Oct. 4, 1909-Oct. 31, 1910 
Feb. 2, 1910-Sept. 3, 1910 
Oct. 8, 1909 

Oct. 16, 1909-Dee. 14, 1909 

M arch 28, 1910-May 13, 1910 
March 30, 1910-April 16, 1910 
Avril 16, 1910-Avril 19, 1910 
April 19, 1910-April 23, 1910 
May 10, 1910-Aug. 31, 1910 
May 14, 1910-Oct. 10, 1910 

M ay 30, 1910-Aug. 16, 1910 
July 14, 1910-Sept. 12, 1910 
Aug. 11, 1910-Aug. 13, 1910 
Aug. 26, 1910 

Sept. 27, 1910 

March 7, 1906-Dec. 12, 1907 
March 8, 1906-Oct.. 17, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 16, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 2, 1906 
March 10, 1906-June 29, 1910 
April 9, 1906-Sept. 30, 1910 
April 10, 1906-Aug. 25, 1910 
July 31, 1906-Oct. 28, 1908 

Aug. 25, 1906-March 4, 1907 
Nov. ef, 1906-Feb,. 25,1910 
April 26, 1907-July 18, 1907 
Nov. 13, 1907-Dec.. 275. 1507 
May 16, 1908 
June 3, 1908"June 4, 1908 
June 4, 1908-A ug. 10, 1908 
Sept. 14, 1908-Sept. 21, 1908 
Oct. 2, 1908-Oct. 1, 1909 
Dec, 26,.01908-July 5,-1910 
Jan. 20, 1909-May 30, 1910 
Aug. 2, 1909-April 4, 1910 
Sept. 30, 1909-Oct. 5, 1909 

March 9, 1906-Oct. 8, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 29, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Oct. 7, 1910 
March 13, 1906-July 8, 1910 
March 14, 1906-April 13, 1908 
April ’2, 1906—-Aug, 144 7910 
Avril 18, 1906-Nov. 3, 1906 

May 1, 1906-Oct. 15, 1910 
June 8, 1906-June 18, 1910 
Dec. 6, 1906-May 4, 1910 

Dec. 10, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 




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Elgin, Dale 
Elsin,; Lon 
Hichorn, Ira 
Enochs, Martha J. 
Elgin, Ervin 
Ellis, Ed 
Erickson, Rev. 
Evans, Doc Lavere 
Edwards, Ab 

Farmer, RiW, 
Fouts, William 
Fisher, James 
Fleming, Mack 
Fisher, Henry 
Freed, Jacob L. 
Fleming, Mrs. Ange@ine 
Fleming, Bruce 
Fouts, David 
Freec & Mather 
Freed, Harvy 
Freed, Jonah 
Freed, Ephraim 
Freed, Henry 

Fredrickson, Carl C. (Salem R.R.8) 

Ferree, Doc Isaac (Livonia) 
Freed, David 
Feree, William T. 
Freed Frank 
Freed, George 
Fouts, Mrs. Ella 
Furguson, John 
Fear, H.C. 
Finley, Charles 
Freed, Joshua 
Flinn, ------ 
Freed, Charles 
Freed, John A. 

Green, David C. 
Gardner, William 
Gipson, Thomas 
Goldsmith, Newton 
Gipson, William 
Guthrie, Frank 
Gresham, Harry 
Green, George M. 
Green, Richard 
Gordon, William H. 
Griges, ES. 
Gable, F.M. 

Green, David N. 

Green , Thomas 

Gould, Charles 

Gould, Orange bh, 
Glover, Mrs. Eliza 
Green, Mack 

Gipson, Thomas Senior 

June 1, 1907-Sept. 27, 1910 
March 4, 1908-April 30, 1910 
April 1, 1908-July 15, 1910 
April 25, 1908-Jan, 1, 1910 
Oct 35: V908=0ct. -15,°.99T0 
May 26, 1909-Aug. 30, 1909 
June 14, 1909-June 29, 1909 
Nov. 15, 1909 

March 8, 1910-June 4, 1910 

Mar ch 5, 1906 
March 6, 1906-dJuly 21, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Oct. 26, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Sept. 28, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 31, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 2, 1909 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 23, 1910 
May 21, 1906-Dec. 13, 1909 
March 24, 1906~Sept. 28, 1910 
May 17, 1906-N ov. 12, 1907 
June 15, 1906-March 5, 1910 
July 14, 1906-Jan. 1, 1909 
Nov. 2, 1906-March 2, 1907 
Nov. 22, 1906-April 1, 1910 
March 25, 1907-July 14, 1908 
March 30, 1907-Sept. 28, 1910 
June 8, 1908-May 16, 1908 
Sept. 7, 1907-July 12, 1910 
July 10, 1907-July 12, 1907 
Jan. 4, 1908-Jan. 1, 1910 
March 4, 1908-April 4, 1910 
March 17, 1907-July 24, 1909 
May 15, 1908-July 19, 1910 
Feb. 4, 1909-May 19, 1909 
April 20, 1909-Deec. 15, 1909 
Nov. 1, 1909-Nov. 26, 1909 
April 20, 1910-Aug. 12, 1910 
Aug. 16, 1910-Oct. 18, 19106 

March 5, 1906-Sept. 28, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Oct. 12, 1909 
March 7, 1906-Jan. 12, 1909 
March 7, 1906 

Maren 7, 1906-Feb. 11, 1910 
March 8, 1906-Dec. 3, 1906 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 11, 1910 

March 9, 1906-Sept. 3, 1910 
March 29, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
March 13, 1906-April 2, 1910 
Jan. 31, 1906-Jan. 1, 1907 
March 29, 1906-Sept. 8, 1908 
April 3, 1906-June 23, 1910 
April 22, 1906 
Avril 25, 1906-June 24, 1910 
May 2, 1906-Aug. 9, 1910 

May 8, 1906-‘Narch 28, 1910 
ly tes. 41906-0cets. 15591910 
Oct. 1, 1906-Feb. 24, 1910 

Guthrie, Mrs. Isaac 
Gardner, C.C. 
Gallion, Abraham 
Gilstrap, Alva 
Gray, Bruce 
Gresham, Chris 
Gipson, Clarence 
Gardner, Jefferson 
Glass, 0.2. 

Garr, Dr. 

Green, Robert 
Green, Stephen 
Gould, Rarney 
Gilstrap, Willie 

Gardner Brothers (Will and Jeff) 

Guthrie, John 

Green, William Senior 
Gault, Frank 
Gallaway, John - 
Gallaway, Ben 
Gresham, Dave 
Gardner, 0O.W. 

Graves, John J.T. 
Gallaway, Sam 

Huffman, Morton 
Huff, Nancy 

Euston, Ire 
Holsapple, Andy 
Hopper, lLee 
Folsapple, Thomas 
Hobbs, Elisha 

Hayes, Lem 

Hiles, Florence 
Hiles, Elmer 

Horner, Frank 
Hubbard, Charles 
Hardman, Mrs. Margaret 
Hoar, Frank 

Hall, Lewis 
Holsapple, Thomas Senior 
Hedrick & Gipson Co. 
Haney, Roy 

Howard, Clarence 
Hoar, o1las 

Holiday, James 
Hancock, Oscar IL. 
Foward, Harvey 

Hiles Brothers 
Hoosier Telephone Company 
Hayes, Robert 
‘Hardman, Leonard 
HOS bs Ors Pa, es 
Hart, W.W. 
Holsapple, Robert 
Hoyt . Ferrel 

Hoar, Mack 

Hamilton, Eliza 
Hunter, John 

Horner; Ad. 

Nov. 5, 1906-Nov. 13, 1909 
June 6, 1907-Aug. 29, 1910 
June 8, 1907-June 13, 1907 
nept. 9, 1907-Sept. 21, 1907 
Oct. 16, 1907-Nov, 8, 1909 
Oct. 28, 1907=0ct.-12, 1908 
Nov. 12, 1907-Jan. 25, 1909 

Jan. 20, 1908-Jan. 27, 1908 
April 4, 1908-Dec. 19, 1908 
Dec. 14, 1°08-June 18, 1910 
Dec. 22, 1908-Jan. 1, 1910 
Feb. 13, 1909-Oct. 20, 1909 
Feb. 20, 1909-May 4, 1910 
March 23, 1909-June 18, 1910 
April 1, 1909-Sept. 5, 1910 
Aug. 11, 1909-Sept. 6, 1909 

Aug. 30, 1909-Nov. 22, 1910 
Oct. 8, 1909-Oct. 7, 1910 
April 20, 1910 
May 24, 1910-Oct. 1, 1910 
dune 20, 1910-Nov. 23, 1910 
Sept,. 204. 1910 
July 2, 1910 
Aug. 31, 1910-Sept. 6, 1910 

April 8, 1910-Sept. 1, 1910 
March 5, 1906 

March 5, 1906-Oct. 15, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Nov. 19, 1908 
March 6 , 1906-May 26, 1910 
March 6, 1906-Aug. 8, 1910 
March 6, 1906-July 7, 1910 
March 7 , 1906~Sept. 22, 1910 
March 8, 1906-Sept. 16, 1910 
March 8, 1906-July 22, 1910 
March 8, 1906 

March 8, 1906-Sept. 13, 1910 
March 8, 1906-Aug. 8, 1908 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 17, 1910 
March 9, 1906 

March 9, 1906 

March 9, 1906 

March 9, 1906-Oct. 11, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Nov. 13, 1906 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 13, 1910 
March 9, 1°06-Aug. 19, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Oct. 18, 1910 
March 12, 1906-June 26, 1908 
March 13, 1906-Aug. 25, 1910 
March 73, 1906=-0ct. 3, 1910 
March 14, 1906-March 18, 1910 
Feb. 26, 1906-Aug. 27, 1910 
Feb. 21, 1906-Sept. 14, 1910 
Jan. 13, 1906 -Nov. 1, 1906 
March 17, 1906-Aug. 16, 1910 
March 17, 1906-Sept. 26, 1910 
March 22, 1906-Sept. 12, 1910 
April 2, 1906-dJuly 28, 1910 
April 3, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
April 7, '906=0ct.. 14, 1910 




na a 
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Huston, William 
Hancock, James 
Hottle, Milt 
Hinds, William J. 
Holiday, W.P. 

Ham (?) & Caéle 
Hackney, W.O. 
Henry, Thomas A. 
Fayes, Delbert 
Hayes, Cal 

Hon, John 
Huffman, Charles 
Hayes, Lil - 
Hayes, Homer 
Hayes, Charley 
Hancock, Dr. G.5. 
Hoeket ts .u.D, 
Hornada, 0.C. 
Howard, Herbert 
Haugh, Samuel 
Horner, Claud 
Hardin, Heber 
Hughes, Ed 

Hall, James 
Holiday, Ed 
Hughes, Andy J. 
Hamilton, Elias 
Hayes, Mrs. Jennie 
Hayes, Link 
Hayworth, Mrs. 
Harshman, J.f. 
Hubbard, Ernest 
Hubbard, James 
Housefield, Charley 
Hunter, Nan 
Hayes, Ed 
Haggins, J.H. 
Hungate, Marian 
Harshman, Everett N . 
Horner, FM, 
Hughes, TV. 
Hoar, Martha 
Hardin, Roy 
Hornocker, 5.W. 
Hardman, Daniel 
Hardin, Alfred 
Holland, Harry 
Kuston, Mack 
Hughes, Mary J. 
Hayes, Ross 
Hagan, G iH 
Hackney, Ollie 
Hamilton, Ross 
Hunter, Owen 
Hopper, Ira 
Hughes, Meredith 
Hoar, Bert 
Hardin, William 
Hamilton, Frank & Magy, David 
Horner, William M. 
Howell, John (McKinley, Ind.) 

April 14, 1906-April 21, 


JIUne 12, 1906-May 5, 1910 

June 28, 1906-Dec. 
July 20, 1906-Sent. 
Nov. 23, 1906-Oct. 
Sept. 29, 1909-Oct. 

28, 1907 

28, 1910 
15, 1910 
5, 1909 

Nov. 5, 1909-Nov. 10, 1909 

Nov. 20, 1909-Cct. 
Nov. 27, 1909-Feb. 
Aue. 13, 1910= 
July 25, 1906-Aug. 

T44> 1910 

254 1910 
15, 1908 

Aug. 4, 1906-Nov. 30, 1907 

sept. 7, 190/=hug. 
Oct. 9, 1906-Oct. 6 
Oct. 27, 1906-Sept. 

12, 1910 
» 1910 
55. 1910 

Oct. 29, 1906-March 26, 1910 

Nov. 15, 1906-July 

19.5 1907 

16, 1908 

2 909 

Dec. 10, 1906-Sept. 
Dec. 24, 1906-April 28, 1910 
Feb. 19, 1907-Dec. 
Feb. 28, 1907-dJuly 27, 1910 

March 26, 1907-Oct. 

Py: E10 

March 30, 1907-Sept. 70, 1910 

April 10, 1907=April 3, 

May 15, 1907-March 

1, 1910 

May 15, 1907-Jan. 4, 1908 

May 24, 1907-Sept. 
J uly 8, 1907-Sept. 
duly 27, 1907-Aug. 
Aug. 2, 1907-Sept. 
Feb. 1 

5, 1908 
10, 1908 

12, 1908 

1 $ 1909—-May 31 ’ Vo0g 
Sept. 18, 1907-Sept. 12, 1910 

Oct. 11, 1907-Nov. 7, 1910 
Dec. 7, 1907-April 1, 1910 
Dec. 18, 1907-Cct. 27, 1910 
Jan. 1, 1908-Feb. 16, 1909 

Jan. 30, 1908-—Jan, 

32, 1908 

M arch 12, 1908~Sept. 1909 
Sugust 21, 1908-Sept. 1, 1910 

Sept. 7, 1908-Oct. 
Nov. 12, 1908-Oct. 

256. 1910 
ge oO 

Tee. 9, 1908-July 3, 1910 

March 20, 1909-Dec. 
Avril 1, 1909-Nov. 
April 5, 1909-Feb. 
June 18, 1909-Jan. 
June 22, 1909-Sept. 
Aug. 14, 1909-Feb. 
July 12, 1909-Sept. 
Sept. 18, 1909 

ep. 1909 

20, 1909 

Og “lO 
tees 1910 

Feb. 4, 1910-March 21, 1910 
Nov. 17, 1909-June 25, 1910 
M ay 10, 1910-May 18, 1910 
Jan. 1, 1910-March 22, 1910 
Jan. 20, 1910-May 10, 1910 

March 29, 1910-Oct. 
June 22, 1910-dJuly 
June 25, 1910-Sept. 
Aug. 11, 1910-Sept. 
Sept. 16;. 7910 

O25 7010 
16, 1910 
iy 1916 
12, 1910 

Soot we 

ls FF. 

i .F. Encampment 
Le F. of Livonia 
Ingram, Mike 

Ingram, Frank 


Johnson, P.C. and Elwood 
Jackson, Thomas 
Johnson, Frank 
Jean, William 
gonnson, Os s 
Johnson, Elwood 
Jean, Mrs. Nathan 
Jefferson Township 
Jackson, Harvey 
Johnson & Chastain 
Johnson , James 
Jones, John Senior 
Jackson, Charley 
Johnson , Henry 
Johnson, Willard 
Jean, Arthur 

Jean, Elmer 
Jackson, R oss 

Johnson Brothers (0.P. & Elwood) 

Jackson & Whittit 
Jones, Arkie 
Jarvis, M.O. 
Johnson & Company 
Jackson, George 

Kimbrell, W.P, 
Kirk, Henry 
Kelley, Dr. 
Kerby, Port 
Kelso, hee 
Knor, Fred 
K.P. Lodge 
Killman, Anna 
Knox, Dora 
Kemp, Elmer 
Krutsinger, A.V. 
Kirk, Delbert 
Kelley, Henry 
Kerby, Robert 
Kelso & Son 
Krutsinger, Jimmie 

Link, Mrs. Mack 
Lane & Clark 
Lewis, William 
Livonia Dry Goods Company 
Lewis, Bud 

Lockhart, Mrs. Joseph 
Lawyer, George 

Lemon, Mrs. E.S. 

Lloyd, Frank 

Livonia Paptist Church 
Lynd, Mary (Mrs. 

(Elwood & 01) 

March 5, 1906-Dec. 18, 1909 
March 25, 1909 

Nov. 26, 1909-Dec. 10, 1909 
M arch 8, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
Aug. 30, 1907-July 5, 1910 

March 5, 1906 

March 6, 1906-Aug. 9, 1910 
March 7, 2906-Nov. 23, 1909 
March 7, 1906-Oct. 1, 1910 
March 8, 1906-June 24, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 27, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 30, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
March 14, 1906-Sept. 26, 1910 
April 10, 1906-Jan. 22, 1907 
June 28, 1906-June 8, 1907 
July 11, 1906 -Aug. 8, 1908 
Feb. 9, 1907-Oct. 25, 1910 
Beb. 19, 1907-Feb. 25, 1907 
Aug. 9, 1907-Oct. 22, 1907 
Feb. 3, 1908-Feb. 27, 1908 
Feb. 20, 1908-Aug. 27, 1910 
Feb. 21, 1908-Sept. 9, 1910 
July 21, 1908-Sept. 19, 1908 
Aug. 14, 1908-Sept. 16, 1910 
Dec. 7, 1908-Aug. 12, 1910 
March 11, 1909-March 13, 1909 
June 1, 1910-June 27, 1910 
Aug. 22, 1910-Sept. 3, 1910 

March 7, 1906-June 7, 1910 
March 8, 1906-dJuly 4, 1908 
March 8, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Oct. 14, 1907 
April 20, 1906-Sept. 9, 1910 

May 17, 1906-June 11, 1910 
June 26, 1906-March 10, 1910 
Oct. 16, 1906-July 15, 1910 
Feb. 16 , 1907-Sept. 20, 1910 
dune 29, 1907-Oct. 29, 1910 
April 25, 1908-May 21, 1909 
March 6, 1909-Sept. 21, 1909 
April 29, 1909 

June 5, 1909-June 9, 1909 
June 22, 1909-Sept. 13, 1910 
S ept. 22, 1909=duly 13, 1910 

March 5, 1906-Sept. 6, 1910 
March 7, 1906-June 8, 1910 
May 8, 1906-May 15, 1908 
March 9, 1906-June 13, 1908 
May 9, 1906-July 11, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Jan. 28, 1909 
Sept. 3, 1907 

Oct. 9, 1906-Nov. 17, 1908 
March 23, 1907-April 9, 1908 
April 5, 1907-April 29, 1907 

James, Bromer,Ind)Aug. 6, 1907-Nov. 9, 1907 


Lawyer, Albert 

Lewis, Mrs. Cynthia 

Lewis, George 

Larimore, Ray 

Lawyer, Charley 

Lindley, E.B, (Paoli, I nd.) 
Lynd, Eph 

fartin, William H. 
Mather, R.P. 
Masonic Lodg e F. & A.M. 282 
Maudlin, Mark 
Mathew, John Harvey 
Mathew, Frank 
Martin, B. Frank 
Martin, Volney 
Martin, William Senior 
Myers, G.k 2 
M.E. Church of Campbellsburg 
Vaudlin, James 
Miller, Noble 
Martin, Ula 
Martin, K.C, 
Menear, John 
Martin, Charley (Claysville) 
Mather, Cyrus 

Martin, Charles S.(Dr. Will's son) 

Martin, Thad 
Myers, Orpha 
Maden, Graf 
Mather, Bert 
Martin, Alva 
Morgan, Samuel 
Miller, William N. 
Miller, John and Mrs. Martha 
Myers, M.B. 
Maudlin, Ben 
Martin, Silas D. 
Mattox, Albert 
Mattox, Santford 
Mather, Nat 
Montgomery, A.J. 
Mavity, Ulerence 
Maudlin, Joda 
Martin, Bluford 
Myers, Ralph- 
Mathew, Ben 

Mills, Richard 
Martin, Heber 
Maudlin, Ed 
Maudlin, Mrs. Cy rus 
Madison Township 
Meridith, Andrew 
Myers, Mrs. Daniel 
Morris), B.2. 
Martin, Arthur 
Meaks, E.B. 
Miller, Lucinda 
Marshall, Curtis 

Martin, William H. (near Bedford) 


June 9, 1906-Sept. 17, 1910 
March 4, 1908-Jan. 1, 1909 
April 30, 1908-dJune 21, 1910 
Dec. 23, 1908-Sept. 14, 1910 
June 12, 1909 

Feb. 28, 1910-March 2, 1910 
Aug. 3, 1910 

March 5, 1906-Aug. 3, 1907 
March 5, 1906-Aug. 31, 1910 
March 6, 1906-March 21,1906 
March 7, 1906-Sept. 3, 1910 
March 7, 1906-March 5, 1910 
March 7, 1906-Nov. 14, 1906 
March 8, 1906-April 27, 1910 
March 8, 1906- 

March 8, 1906- 

March 9, 1906-Sept. 17, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 8, 1910 
March 9, 1906- 

March 9, 1906- 

March 10, 1906-Feb. 15, 1910 
March 10, 1906-May 12, 1910 
March 13, 1906-0e¢,° 21,1910 
March 14, 1906-Aug. 26, 1910 
May 2, 1906-Oct. 7, 1910 

May 12, 1906-June 27, 1908 

April 16, 1907-Jan. 1, 1910 
Feb. 3, 1908-Sept. 23, 1910 
April 27, 1908-May 23, 1908 
June 10, 1908-March 21, 1910 
Aug. 1, 1908-Oct. 12, 1910 
Aug. 27, 1908-May 28, 1910 
Oct. 2, 1908-April 13, 1909 
Jan. 1, 1908- 
Jan. 23, 1909-Feb. 3, 1909 
April 22, 1909-March 19,1910 
May 10, 1909~Aug. 18, 1910 
M arch 24, 1910-Aug. 20, 1910 
May 5, 1910-May 7, 1910 
July 28, 1910-Sept. 10, 1910 
Sept. 275 1910 
June 1, 1906-Nov. 21, 1906 
July 11, 1906-Aug. 11, 1906 
May 30, 1907-Sept. 20, 1910 
Sept. 1, 1906-March 26, 1910 
Oct. 20, 1906-June 17, 1910 
March 14, 1907-Aug. 27, 1910 
March 27, 1907-dJune 11, 1909 
May 13, 1907-Aug. 31, 1909 
June 3, 1907-Dec. 23, 1908 
June 12, 1907-Sept. 7, 1907 
June 28, 1907- 
July 13, 1907-dJuly 24, 1907 
July 13, 1907=-Jan. 14, 1908 
Aug. 24, 1907-March 19, 1910 
sept. 7, 1907-May 12, 1910 
75° 1907-Septs. 19, 1907 
» 1907-Cct. 12, 1907 

Miller, Sam 
Marshall, Ezekiel 
Moon, A.G. 
Mather, Mrs. Albert 
Montgomery, Myrom 
Mather, Lee 
Mabery, Walter 
Montgomer y, W.S. 
Marshall, Charles 
Mills, Charley 
Montgomery, Harry 
Maudlin, Claud 
Maudlin, Charles 
Moorhead, John 
Murphy, Otho 

McNeely, John 
McIntire, John 
McNeely, John 
McCoy, William 
McNeely, Cyrus 
McCoy, William J. 
McGrath, Walter 
McGrath, John 
McNeely, Jonah 
McNeely, William R. 
McCollough, John 
McCoy, George P. 
McNeely, Claud 
McNeely, William B. 
McNeely, Mrs. William B. 
McCoy, Ad 
McCoy, Eli and Alexandra 
McDill, George 
McGowan & McGowan 
McNeely, A .d. 
McNeely, Alfred 
McCoy, Henry F. 
McCollough, Ben 
McPheeters, James 
McBride, David 

MePheeters, Charles (Hugh's son) 

McCoy, Floyd 


Oct. 28, 1907-Sept. 21, 1910 
Dec. V7, 190 (Dec. 11, 1908 
Aprid 2450 1908=0ct, 27,1910 
June 9, 1908-May 14, 1910 
June 15, 1908-8ug. 31, 1909 
June 20, 1908-Jan. 4, 1909 
Sept. 15, 1908-Sept. 7, 1909 
Sept. 30, 1908-Oct. 29, 1908 
Nov. 6, 1908-Nov. 11, 1908 
April 8, 1909-May 3, 1909 
May 5, 1909-Oct. 4, 1909 
May 19, 1909-Aug. 6, 1910 
Aug. 7, 1909-Sept. 14, 1910 
Jan. 28, 1910-Nov. 3, 1910 
duly 5, 1910-<dJuly 12, 1910 

Aug. 17, 1910-Aug. 22, 1910 
pepe. 19, 1910 
March 5, 1906-June 29, 1908 
March 5, 1906 
March 7, 1906-June 15, 1909 
Jan. 1, 1908-Jan. 25, 1909 
March 7, 1906- 
March 8, 1906- 
April 4, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
April 30, 1906-Aug. 31, 1909 
April 1, 1906-March 27, 1907 
May 2, 1906-Sept. 17, 1910 
Aug. 6, 1906-Jan. 22, 1910 
Dec. 30, 1907-Nov. 19, 1908 
Dec. 18, 1908-Febd. 22, 1909 
April 16, 1907-Aug. 28, 1907 
Oct, 16, 1907=Auge.. 20, T1910 
July 29, 1908-Nov. 9, 1908 
pept. 17, 1908—Aug. 26, 1910 
June 3, 1908-Aug. 8, 1910 
June 19, 1909-July 19, 1910 
Aug. 16, 1909-July 2, 1910 
Oct. 16,. 1909-0ct.. 22, 1909 
dan. 26, 1910-Aug. 6, 1910 
April 8, 1910-Auzg. 19; 1910 
April 20. 1910-May 6, 1910 
July 30, 1910-Aug. 5, 1910 

North East Township (Orange County) Mar. 9, 1906-Oct. 31, 1910 

Nicholson, Edgar 
Nichols, Milt 
Nicholson, Thomas 
Naugle, Nick 
Nash, Ellis 
Nicholson, Set h 
Nash, J.o. 
Nicholson, Arthur 
Newkirk, James 
Neyman, Hiram 
Naugle, Clint 

Naugle, James 

Nicholson, Ernest and Alberta 
Nash, John 

Nall, Scott (Estate) 
Neideffer, Thomas 

March 10, 1906-Nov. 10, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Feb. 15, 1911 
April 7, 1906-Sept. 10, 1910 
May 23, 1906-Oct. 3, 1910 
June 2, 1906-July 5, 1910 
June 16, 1906-Feb. 17, 1910 
July 12, 1906-Oct. 10, 1907 

Sept. 20, 1906-Sept. 5, 1910 
March 8, 1907-Oct. 1, 1910 
Avril 30, 1907-Aug. 17, 1908 
Sept. Ts 190 /—dan. 14, 1909 
Sept. 9, 1907-Sept. 17, 1910 
septs lf, 90 (=July vib 1910 
April 23, 1908-Sept. 10, 1908 
Septece!, 1908-0ct. 235, 1908 
March 5, 1909-March 16, 1910 



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Cverman, Axiom March 22, 1906-May 4, 1910 
Orleans Cement Block Company May 23, 1906-Jan. 1, 1908 
Otty, W. Paul March 30, 1907-Oct. 12, 1910 
Oldham, James Octe 17, VCs =taly 255. 1508 
Olwin, G.F. (Indianapolis) March 17, 1910-July 5, 1910 
Oliver, David April 21, 1910-April 30, 1910 

Padgett, Arch fay 5, 1906-Sept. 1910 
Perdue, Millie May 17 , 1906-Aug. 24, 1908 
Pollard, HN, March 7, 1906-Sept. 28, 1910 
Prow, James March 7, 1906-May 16, 1910 
Perdue, James March 8, 1906-Oct. 7, 1910 
Patton, Samuel Junior March 8, 1906-March 9, 1910 
Phipps, Robert A. (Saltillo) March 9, 1906-Oct. 10, 1910 
Pid bi pee: Hees March 9, 1906-June 1, 1910 
Patton, Samuel A. March 9, 1906-Sept. 26, 1910 
Prow, Charles March 9, 1906- 
Prow, Christopher March 10, 1906-March 6, 1909 

Paynter, Dr. L.W. March 13, 1906-Oct. 12, 1910 
Patton, Earl Jan, 15; 1906—Aug. 31, 1910 
POLIard.. Curt March 14, 1906-April 2, 1910 
Pollard, Stanley Jan. 31, 1906-Sept. 12, 1907 
Pollard, James Aprid 25, 1906-J4ans ts 1909 
Pollard, Mrs. Jane April 26, 1906-June 22, 1909 
Prow, Claud May 28, 1906-dJuly 16, 1910 
Peeters, George 8 Sept. 19, 1906-May 10, 1910 
Phipps, William G. Oet.. 125. 1906=—dune 17527910 
Paynter, Dr. Claude Dec. 5, 1906-Sept. 27, 1910 
Parks, «sh. Feb. 2, 1907-dan. 1, 1910 
Polson, Wesley Apri. 8, 1907-Sept. 27,- 1910 
Patton, Charles March 25, 1908-Nov. 20, 1909 
Phipps, Robert (Twin Creek) April 20, 1908-Sept. 1, 1909 
Peden, Amos May 29, 1908-Oct. 15, 1908 
Polson, James Aug. 25, 1908-Aug. 20, 1909 
Phipps, John Sept. 23, 1908-Jan. 1, 1910 
Patton, lee Nov. 9, 1908-July 22, 1909 
Prow, lee Nov. 25, 1908-July 6, 1910 
Padgett, Lon Jan. 4, 1909-Aug. 23, 1910 
Percise, James May 31, 1909-Nov. 5, 1909 
Perdue, Frank (Estate) June 19, 1909-July 5, 1910 
Phipps, Elizabeth sept. 28, 1909=C0ct. 7, 1910 

Note: Phipps crossed out and Wilcox written in 
Prow, Ernest Nov. 8, 1909-Nov. 16, 1909 
Patton, Benton (crossed out in index 
Padgett, Daniel May 20, 1910-May 24, 1910 
Patton & Hoyt May 12, 1910-Aug. 17, 1910 


Russell, Mike March 5, 1905-Sept. 13, 1910 
Richardson, William (Jame's son) March 3, 1906-July 20, 1908 
Routh, Sol March 5, 1906-Feb. 11, 1909 
Roll, Thomas March 7, 1°06-May 10, 1910 
Rudder, Hiram March 7 , 1906-May 11, 1906 
Rutherford, Charles March 7, 1906-Aug. 5, 1910 
Reynolds, John March 8, 1906-Aug. 10, 1910 
Russell, James March 9, 1906-dJune 3, 1909 
Robertson, O11 March 10, 1906-Oct. 3, 1910 
Rodman, Bert March 10, 1906-Oct. 6, 1910 
Ratts, Lemuel March 13, 1906-Sept. 6, 1910 
Robertson, Matthew March 14, 1906-Oct. 11, 1910 

Rice, William 
Ralston, Oscar 
Rising, John 
Rosenbaum, William 
Rosenbaum, Lawrence 
Rosenbaum, Ellis 
Rutherford, Frank 
Ross, 5.C. 

Rosenbau m, Gilbert 


Feb. 26, 1906-Aug. 10, 1908 
March 15, 1906-OQct. 3, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Jan. 1, 1908 

March 21, 1906-Sept.2, 1910 
M arch 21, 1906-Sept.17,1910 
April 7, 1906=0ct... G5..1910 
April 23, 1906=Freb. 14, 1910 
May 11, 1906-Nov. 21, 1907 
May 21, 1906-Jan. 1, 1910 

Richardson, William Senior (Saltillo)May 26, 1906-Sept. 29, 1910 

Ralston, Andy 
Roberts, Pert 
Rudder, Tip 
Russell, William 
Rutherford, Joseph 
Reynolds, James 
Rosenbaum, Ora 
Roberts, Walter 
Rife, Joseph 
Rosenbaum, Guy 
Reinier, James F., 
Ralston, Claud 
Russell, John L. 
Rice, John 
Rutherford, John 
Ralston, Georg e 
Russell, Herman 
Richardson, Clair 
Reynolds, Noble 
Rice, Dan 

Romine, Coleman 
Robbins, James 
Royce, Gabriel 
Robertson, George 
Reinier, Jo 
Reynolds, James A. Senior 
Radcliff, James (Livonia) 

Robertson (01) and Smedley (M.E.) 

Rosenbaum, Emory 
Rosenbaum, Earl 
Rabin, James M. 
Reynolds, Littleton 
Reynolds, Allen 

Stanley, Rome P. 
Stephenson, Lem P. 
Stephenson, John lL. 
Standiford, Dolph 
Standish, William 
Sweeney, Kate 
smith, Ezra 
Stephenson, Eli B. Senior 
Smith, J «Weds 
Shanks, Joseph L. 
Smedley, Mack 
payles, S.D. 
Stephenson, Marcus 
Standish, Alva 
Shepler, Andy 
Smedley, Hiram 
Stephenson, Pen 

June 14, 1906-Oct. 12, 19107 
June 21, 1906-Nov. 4, 1907 

April 21, 1906-June 8, 1910 
Aug. 28, 1906-Sept. 17, 1910 
Sept. 19, 1906-Dec. 25, 1909 
Oct. 15, 1906-May 10, 1910 
Jan. 5, 1907-Oct. 19, 1908 

March 4, 1907-Aug. 28, 1909 
May 13, 1907-Feb. 14, 1910 
June 1, 1907-Aug. 3, 1910 
June 28, 1907-Oct. 14, 1909 
April 24, 1907-Feb. 4, 1910 
Sept. 6, 1907-Nov. 30, 1907 
Oct. 14, 1907-Feb. 11, 1910 
March 28, 1908-July 2, 1910 
May 25, 1908-June 10, 1908 
June 15, 1908-Oct. 8, 1910 
July 28, 1908-Aug. 10, 1910 
Oct. 31, 1908-March 11, 1910 
June 17, 1908-May 4, 1910 
Sept. 24, 1908-Aug. 22, 1910 
Dec. 1, 1908-July 9, 1910 
Jan. 6, 1909-dJuly 22, 1909 
April 2, 1909-Jan. 1, 1910 
April 30, 1909-March 17, 1910 
May 8, 1909-May 24, 1909 
May 10, 1909-Sept. 24, 1910 
Aug. 3, 1909-Oct. 14, 1910 
Dec. 21, 1909-June 11, 1910 
April 23, 1910=-Auge, 19,7910 
May 18, 1910-Oct. 1, 1910 
May 24, 1910- 
July 20, 1910-Aug. 1, 1910 

March 5, 1906-Oct. 17, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Oct. 16, 1908 
March 5, 1906-March 7, 1908 
March 5, 1906-Aug. 26, 1910 
March 5, 1906-July 20, 1908 
March 5, 1906-Nov. 27, 1906 
March 5, 1906-April 11, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Oct. 11, 1910 
March 6, 1906-Oct. 31, 1910 
March 5, 1906-July 5, 1910 
March 7, oes larch 28, 1910 
March 7, 1906 
March 8, 1906-Oct. 16, 1909 
March 8, 1906-Oct. 14, 1909 
March 8, 1906-Aug. 29, 1907 
March 8, 1906-Sept. 20, 1906 
March 8, 1906-April 27, 1910 

School Trustees of Campbellsburg 
Smedley, Sherman 

Shroyer, Lewis 

Smedley, John H. 

Shaw, Thomas 8. 

Sweeney, Saul 

Smith, Charles (Campbellsburg) 
Sappenfield, Emanuel 

Shanks, Charles G. 

Sweeney, James 

Stephenson, John 

Stanley, Frwin 

Smedley,. Lafe 

Smith, Henry A. 

Spangler, John 

Sherrow, Albert 

Shanks, Ott 

Standish, Lafe 

Shroyer, Homer 

Strattan, Seth Ross 

sniyvley,. D.2« 

Shoults, Richard 

Standish, Lawrence 

Sherrow, James 

Shanks, Ogle 

Shirley, Walter 

Smith, David 

Smith, Madison 

Shultze, John 

Stout, Ernest 

Shanks, Field 

voili, Lucinda 

Shirley, Charley 

Smith, William P. 

Shultze, John Junior 

Smith, Edawin 

Sallee, Rice 

Stanley, Edna 

sears, Noah 

Standish, Silas 

Shultze & Freed 

Stewart, Charles M. 

Sentney, 6&-~---- 

Stephenson, Jemima 

smith, Fomer 

Shirley, Bert 

smith, Charles C, 

Sweeney, John 

Stephenson, Newton 

Spangler, Ben 

Stone, Claud 

Smedley, Ray 

Standiford, John 

Smith, James MM, 

Sheets, James HE. 
Sheets, J.H. 
Sharwell, Joseph 
Smith, Frank 
Stansbury, Ab 
Sullivan, George 


March 6 

May 4 
May 1 
May 2 
May 4 
(Oxen re 

Anat ie: 
May 7 

id ew 




9, 1906-Oct. 11, 
9, 1906-July 18, 
9, 1903-March 22, 
9, 1906-dJan. 1 
9, 1906-Jan. 1 
9, 1906-Nov. 2 
10, 1906-Oct. 
10, 1906-July 
1906-Dec. 2 
1907-July 25, 
, 1906-June 10, 
1906-May 6, 1° 
1906-Dec. 3, 1912 
1906-Aug. eG. 
21, 1906-April 30, 
4, 1906-dJuly 9, 
Ts $9O6+0Ct. FT, 
24, 1906-Oct. 21 
» 1906-Sept. 22, 
O, 1906-Jan. 1 
16, 1906-Jan. ; 
30, 1906-April 17, 
30, 1906-March 1, 1910 
15, 1906-Aug. 18, 
12, 1906-Nov. 15, 1909 
9, 1910-June 11, 
6, 1910-July 1, 
27, 1906-March 19, 
31, 1906- 
15, 1906-Sept. 
22, 1906-Aug. 17, 
5, 1907-Aug. 19, 
, 1907-March 24, 
12, 1907-Jan. i, 
28, 1907=O0ct. 22, 
28, 190 T=Aug. 315-1904 
28, 1907=Oct. 25, 1909 
1907-Aug. 6, 1909 
1907-Oct. 28, 1907 
g 190 ( Dee Loy. 1910 
» 1 COT=ien. “ly 
, 1907-Nov. 19 

~)\0- - 

Oy 1910 

2, 16 
4. 190 

15, 1910 


14, 1908-Aug. 
27, 1908-July 9, 
5 '908-0ct. 27, 
17, 1908-March 14, 
24, 1908-April 29, 
26, 1908-July 1, 
1908-0ct. 1, 
1908-June 3, 
1908-Oct. 16, 
, 1908-Sept. 15, 
» 1909-O0ct. 1, 
, 1908-June 25, 
; 1908-06. 15, 
», 1908-Sept. 3, 
1909-Feb. 13, 

7 + > 
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a oe 
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9 _ 
Ss o> 
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mony - 
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7 oo 


er eors Eph 

Stampers Creek Township (Orange Co. 

Stalcup, James 
Sullivan, William 
snyder, B.d. 

Smith, Edwin 
Standiford, George E. 
Strattan, John C. 
Standiford, Jesse 
Stanley, John 

Thorn, Hs Ps 
Trinkle, John J. 
Trinkle, Jonathan 
Thomerson, Isaac 
Trinkle, American 
True, Jesse 
Thompson, Fletch 
Tarr, Jvgohn 0, 
Talbot, Charles 
Town of Campbellsburg 
Trinkle, Sam 
Taylor, Virgil 
Trinkle, Stephen 
Troop, Joseph 
Tegarden, James 

Trinkle, Henry (Jonathan's son) 

Tegarden, Wash 
Trinkie, Paris 
Turner, W.H. 
Tuel, John 
Tegarden, John A. 
Trinkle, Fred 
Turley, Aaron 


March 18, 1909-Dec.16,1909 
JApril 10, 1909-April 22,09. 
June 16, 1909-Sept.1, 1909 
pept. 1, 1909-April 20,7910 

Nov. 18, 1909-Oct. 28, 1910 
Dec. 14, 1909-Aug. 30, 1910 
March 11, 1910-Aug. 20,1910 

Feb. 8, 1910-March 4, 1910 
May 25, 1910 
duly 25,5 -1910=Aues .1.1910 

Nov. 20, 1908-Dec.11,1908 
March 5, 1906-Sept.3, 1910 
March 5, 1906-Sept.19, 1910 

March 6 , 1906-Aug.30, 1910 
March 7 , 1906 

March 7, 1906-April 30,1910 
March 8, 1906-Mar. 21,1910 
March 8, 1906-June 30,1906 
March 9, 1906-Sept. 9, 1910 
March 9, 1906-Aug. 31, 1910 
March 10, 1906-Oct. 24,1910 
Aprs 23, 1906-Apr.. 114 1907 

May 7, 1906-May 31, 1910 
May 19, 1906-Sept. 25, 1906 
May 23, 1906-Oct. 31, 1910 
Sept. 8, 1906-Aug. 24, 1910 
Dec. 15, 1906-Feb. 12, 1907 
Dec. 24, 1906-Aug. 6, 1910 
Feb. 14, 1907-July 18, 1908 
May 11, 1907-Sept. 7, 1910 

dune 11, 1907-June 30,1910 
July 27, 1907-Aug. 30, 1910 
Sept. 11, 11907=-Sept.. 23,1970 

Taylor, Bert and Charley (Saltillo)Oct. 5, 1907-Dec. 26, 1907 

Turner, Alonzo 
Thacker, Lee 
Taylor, David 
Tegarden, Eliza 
Trabue, Castillion 
Taylor, Sam 
Trabue, Ceorge 
Tippin, Moses 
Trinkle, Otto 
Town of Livonia 
Trinkle, Charles 
Tegarden, Samuel 
Taylor, Charles 

Vancleve, George H. 
Vellom, Lem 
Voyles, W.W. 
Vernon Township 
Voyles, Eliza 
Vancleve, Thad 
Vaneleve, Walter 
Vellom, lee 
Voyles, Clarisie 
Vandiver, Albert 
Voyles, Elmer O. 

Oct. 19, 1907-Jan. 1, 1909 
Jan. 9, 1908-Aug. 19, 1910 
Dec. 26, 1908-Oct. 14,1910 
April 20,1909-June 5, 1909 
June 14, 1909-Sept.22,1909 
April 20, 1909-Sept.10,1910 
Sept. 29, 1909-May 21,1910 
Nov. 27, 1909-Feb. 2, 1910 
Mar. 24, 1910-Sept.22,1910 
May 25, 1910-duly 8, 1910 
June 28, 1910-Aug. 3, 1910 
S ept. 19, 1910 

Sept. 24, 1910-Sept.26,1910 

Mar. 5, 1906-Sept.2, 1910 
Mar. 7, 1906-Nov. te 1909 | 
Mar. 1 1906-Sept. 26, 1910 
Mar. 1 1906-Sept.28, 1910 

March 14, 1906 

Mar. 1 1905-Sept.30,1910 
June 2 1906-Sept.29,1909 
July 26, 1906-Dec.26, 1908 
Mar. 25, 1907-Oct. 7,1909 

April 17, 1908-May 23,1910 
June 15, 1908-June 16,1908 

_ ; a 
0. ce 
: 9 
5 - a 
: — 
_ a 
o 7 - 
Te = Ve 
—_ ua 
7 7 04 
— 5 a? 


Ss = 
7 7 eon 
7 - 
ae ail, 
oo a 
t. _ 
9 a 
7 = a 
> - 

Vancleve, Harley 
Vancleve, William 
Voyles’. 1.0. 
Voyles, Willie 

Wilcox, Otis 
Wileoxs" smLtn 
Wires, Curt 
Wilkins, James D. 
Warren, John 
Woodward, Morton 
Woodward, Ed 
Wesner, Alva 
Wires, William 
Wheeler, Ed 
valton, Joseph Senior 
Wells, Elmer 
Williams, Harrison 
Wilkins, Thomas 
Wilkins, John 
Wesner, Clarence 
Washington County 
Woodward, Mar k 
Vilfong, Charlie 

Wires, Frank ( Campbellsburg) 

Vestfall, Henry 

Wires, C.H. 

Wheat, David 

Wesner, Edgar 

Walton, Joseph R. Junior 
Wesner, Bish 

Wade, John 

Wilkins, John (Livonia) 
Wolfe, John 

Whittet, John 

Wi 1Cox. pol 

Warren, Oma 

Wilkins, William 
Wires, Thomas 

Workman, Dr. W.S. 
Worrell, David 
Worrell, Claud 

Wilcox, Hiram 

Walker, Henrv 

Wible, Daniel M. 
Wright, George L. 
Wires, Frank (Leipsic) 
Wingler, Daniel 
Wilson, George 
Woodward, Wesley 
Weaver, Georg e 
Wright, John 

Wible, John M. 

Wyman, Lafe 

Wade, James C. 

Wires & Housefield 
Worrell, William 
Wright, Welter 

Wesner, Thomas 

Wright, Curtis (Tunnelton) 


Aug. 4, 1908-June 29,1910 

Sept. 3, 1908-Nov. 3, 1908 
Avril 6, 1909-Feb. 8, 1910 
July 14, 1909-Sept.16,1909 

Mar. 1906-July 8, 1907 


Mar. 6, 1906-June 1, 1906 
Mar. 7, 1906-Sept. 15, 1910 
Mar. 7, 1906-Aug. 1, 1910 
Mar. 7, 1906-Oct. 16, 1916 
Mar. 7, 1906- 

Mar. 9, 1906-Sept. 6, 1910 
Mar. 9, 1906-Oct. 31, 1910 
Mar. 9, 1906-Sept. 27, 1909 
Mar. 9, 1906- 

Mar.10, 1906-Aug. 23, 1909 
Mar. 13, 1906-Mar. 6, 1908 
Mar. 13, 1906-Mar. 18,1910 
Mar. 14, 1906<Sept. 27,1910 
Mar.14, 1906-June 17, 1910 
Oct. 5, 1905-July 30, 1910 

Feb. 21, 1906-Oct. 12,1910 
Mar. 22,1906-Jan. 7,1908 
Mar. 26 , 1906-Nov.14,1906 
April 23,1906-Oct. 10,1910 
April 10, 1906-Aug. 25,1909 
April 18, 1906-0ct.30,1909 
April 23, 1906-Aug. 10,1910 
June 4, 1906-June 1, 1908 
June 21, 1906-Sept.21,1910 
July 7, 1906-Mar. 19,1910 
July 20,1906-June 11,1908 
Aug. 10, 1906-Nov. 5, 1910 
Aug. 25,1906-Sept. 1,1906 
Aug. 30,1906-Sept.14,1906 
Mar. 2, 1905-Jan.9,1907 
Oct. 3, 1906-Jan.1,1910 
Oct.31,1906-Nov.18, 1909 
Jdan,21,1907-duly 19,1910 
Feb. 2, 1905-Sept.18,1908 
April 17 ,1907—-Aug. 12,1910 
Mar.30,1907-May 11,1907 
Apr .29,1907-Nov.11,1908 
May 7,1907-Aug. 20,1910 
May 13,1907-July 22,1910 
May 18, 1907-Feb. 7,1910 

May 21,1907-Mar. 27,1909 
May 22,1907-dJune 1,1907 
June 1,1907-dJune 10,1907 
June 15,1907-Sept.10,1910 
July 8,1907-Oct. 7,19008 
July 30,1907-A ug.10,1907 
Auge. Sy FOC =0et.. 5, 1910 
Aug. 20,1907-Sept.19,1910 
Aug. 13,1907-Hov. 17,1907 

a ee ee ee ee 



reap ETI Ad tare haSRae fei 


Wade, William 

Woodward, Emma (Mrs. 

Wheeler, Ricnard 
Wade, James Senior 
Wade, Newton 
Wright, Charles 
Wolfe, Rev. James 
Worrell, James 
Worrell, Field 
Wade, Smith 
Wesner, Mrs. 
Warren, David 
Wesner, Charles 
Warren, Closs 
Wade, William 
Wade, Wid 

Webb, George 
Warren, N ewton 
Wilkins, G eorge 
Walton, John 
Wade, lewis (Harry) 
Williams, Alsey 
Wade, Elijah 
Wells, Emmet 
Wells, Robin 
Walton, Clarence 

Young, Charles 


Aug. 20,1907-Mar.27,1908 
Sept.25, |1907—Jan.350, 1909 
Now.21,1907-Aug. 26,1910 
Dec. 26,1907-Dec.27,1907 
Apr. 6,1908-May 26,1909 
Apri) 1.1, 1908— 
June 5,1908-Mar. 18,1910 
June 13,1908-Aug.27,1910 
July 4,1908-0ct.15,1909 
Aug. 1, 1908-Jan.1, 1910. 
Aug. 17,1908-Jan. 1,1910 
Oct .23,1908-May 10,1909 
Nov. 16,1908-Nov.24,1908 
Mar. 5, 1909-Oct. 
Nov. 3,1908-Jan. 24,1910 
May 11,1909-Oct. 2,1909 
May 22,1909 
June 18,1909-Oct.11,1 
June 21,1909-Sent.11 
Oct. 16,1909-Nov.5, 
Nov.30,1909-May 7, 
Mar, 12,1910-April 
Mar.15,1910-June 6, 
Mar.22,1910-Aug. 2, 
May 10,1910-Aug. 1, 
May 25,1910-duly 12, 

Ore OD 

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eo ges Gre Sul bi Yer 5 

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June 24,1910-Oct. 18,1910 

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