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Full text of "Records of the towns of North and South Hempstead, Long island, New York [1654-1880]"

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North  and  South  Hempstead, 

Long  Island,  N.  Y. 

ICdited  by  Bknjamtn  D.   Hicks. 



.JAMAICA.  N.  Y.  : 

LoiiS  Island  Farmer  Pi'int. 






TILDEN    FO'.,'rJDATIC.-*3 

R  1 904  L 

These  volumes  are  inscribed  to  the  memory  of  Henry  Onclerdonk, 
Jr.,  to  whose  generous  jjublic  spirit  and  jiatient  research,  our  countj' 
is  more  indebted  than  to  any  other  iierson,  for  promoting  a  general 
interest  in  the  records  of  the  past,  and  for  transcribing  and  i)reserv- 
ing  many  incidents  invaluable  to  the  future  historian  of  our  Island 


01<'    THE 


North    and   South    Hempstead, 

LON(i     ISLAND. 

L  I  B  E  R     C. 


At  a  townd  iiietiii<i;  lidd  in  Honipst(Ml  tlic  fust  dnv  of 
f(',l)r(nv;ii'v  1(>(S5  Joliii  tvcdwi^ll  ;viitl  J<)ii;itli:iii  Sniitli  Seller 
\v;is  (Jlioscn  for  assesers  to  take;  a  Valuation  of  our  townds 
Esteate  and  allso  to  C;\vy  it  to  JcMnck.ili  ;ind  ;ills(»  tli;iy 
are  to  meet  at  Joinelc-i  to  make  Cbois  of  a  tii^sliurar  for 
this  insuiiig  yeare  and  allso  tliay  are  to  mak(^  iiujuiry  how 
the  County's  mony  is  disposed  of  that  is  ;dli-edy  p.-nd  :ind 
to  ti;ive  an  aCoiint  to  the  townd 

William  Willisis  Eare  mark  is  a  swollow  fork  in  tlic  of 
Eare  and  a  half  peuy  under  tlie  seiime  E;ir(>  and  one  Nick 
under  the  Nere  eare 

llecorded  this  2  day  of  fc-hrewary  l()8.")-('> 

Natiianiell  Peai;s.\i,i,  Claick 

Samuell  Smiths  Eare  mark  is  a  Cro})  on  the  top  of  the  of 
Eare  and  a-  slit  in  tlu^  to]>  of  the  nere  Eare 
Recorded  this  2  day  of  febrewary  lOS') 

Nathaniell  Peahsale  C'larck 


At  a  Townd  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  first  day  of 
febrewary  168")  There  was  Chosen  Apointed  and  Comish- 
ioned  by  je  maJer  Vote  of  ye  freehonhlers  John  tredwell 
and  Jonathan  Smith  to  be  at  Jemaka  the  fonrth  of  this  in- 
stant with  full  Power  to  ackt  with  ye  liest  of  theire  asoti- 
ats  to  make  asesment  or  Pupliok  Keate  in  their  Presineks 
as  allso  to  make  Chois  of  a  County  treshurar  for  this  iu- 
suing  yeare  and  allso  to  make  inquiry  how  ye  mouy  m11- 
redy  Paid  is  disposed  of  and  to  take  an  aeount  of  it 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Clarek 

Page  131. 

at  the  foregoinsj  townd   Metinfj;  it  was  agreed  on  l)v  the 

maJer  Vote  that  there   shall  be  A  Reat  meade  to  pny  our 

quitrent  forth  with   and  that  it   shall  be  meade  for  three 

yeai'es  which  amounts  to  twelfe  Pounds  which  is  to  be  Paid 

in  mony 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Clnrck. 

This  Wrighting  witniseth  that  I  Joseph  Junings  of  wes- 
bery  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  in  quens  County  on  Long 
Hand  have  and  dwo  by  these  presents  Give  Grant  and 
make  over  from  me  my  Eaires  Exeuters  administrators  or 
assignes  unto  my  son  in  Law  William  davis  to  him  his 
Eaires  Exeutors  administrators  or  assignes  a  sartain 
quantoty  or  trackt  or  Parsell  of  Land  Lying  and  sit- 
uated Nere  my  owne  house  it  being  bounded  on  the 
west  sid  by  a  lot  of  Land  that  was  Laid  out  to  John 
Carman  and  on  the  North  it  is  bounded  by  marked  trees 
that  stand  in  or  Nere  the  Egli  of  a  swamp  and  on  the 
south  it  is  bounded  by  the  fence  or  by  two  Greate  stones 
that  Lys  Nere  the  fence  and  it  is  to  Pun  in  bredtli  Est- 
ward  from  John  Carmans  Lot  Eighten  Rods  allso  I  dwo  Give 
to  my  said  sone  in  Law  half  my  fifty  aker  Lot  with  all 
Rights  and  Pi'iviligis  belongin  or  any  way  apartaiinng 
to  the  aforementioned  Laud  Now  I  the  aforesaid  Joseph 
Junnings  dwo  own  to  have  given  and  Mead  over  the  afore- 
mentioned Laud  and  Pi-iviligis  from  me  my  Eaires  Exutors 

HEMl'STEAT)    T(»\VN    KECOKDS.  5 

adiiiiiiistr.itois  or  .-issigues  to  My  sjiid  sone  in  Law  Williiuu 
(Livis  to  liini  liis  Eairos  E.vutor.s  Ji(liiiiiiisti";itoiH  or  assitfiis  to 
have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  as  liis  or  their  owne  I'ropci' 
lii<i;ht  the  aforesaid  Laud  is  i^iveii  upon  ("oncUshou  that  lln- 
aforesaid  William  davis  shall  l)uild  an<l  fciuee  on  it  and 
make  it  his  home  or  if  tiur  said  William  davis  shall  see 
Clause  to  reuu)ve  aud  levo  it  that  then  the  aforesaid  .losepli 
Juuuiugs  shall  have  the  IlLsfasall  of  the  aforcjsaid  Land  that 
is  to  say  the  Laud  shall  Not  l)e  sould  from  him  if  hi'  shall 
se  cause  to  (live  as  much  as  another  man  will  ami  in  (un- 
fermatiou  hereof  I  have  set  to  mj  hand  aud  seh;  this  1(5  day 
of  febrewarv  iu  the  yeare  1(585 

Sii^ued  selled  aud  delivered  iu  Presents  of  lis 
Natuaniell  Peaksall  his 

John  seman  Joseph  X  Junnings  (8; 

This  is  a  trew  Copy  Recorded  by  me 

Nathan lELL  Peausael  Clarck 

Page  13'2. 

William  davisis  Earenuirk  Recorded  it  is  a  hole  iu  Each 
Eare  aud  a  halfpeuy  under  the  nere  Eare  Recorded  this  1(5 
of  febrewary  1()85 

Nathaniell  Peaus^vll  Clarck. 

Heudrick  duseul)urrow^  se  his  fifty  aker  lot  Recorded  it 
lys  aud  is  situated  on  the  Est  sid  of  fosters  uiedow  Run  in 
the  bounds  of  Hempsted  it  is  hounded  on  tin-  west  sid  by 
a  hyway  that  Runs  northwardly  from  fosters  Medow  ti>  the 
plaiues  and  on  the  North  and  Est  it  is  bounded  hy  the 
[•laiiis  aud  oil  the  south  it  is  l)ouuded  by  the  ruhliid;  Ilode 
and  by  two  small  lots  of  Land  one  of  Heudrick  dusenluu- 
row  Juner  aud  totlier  of  Thomas  fosters 

Recorded  this  11)  of  febrewary  1(585 

Nathaniell  Peausall  C'larek 

know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  Johuathan   Smith 
ISeuer  of   Hempsted  on  Lou^'  Hand   in   (pieus  C(»unty   have 


soulil  unto  William  A\  etheibe  of  the  towiid  aud  County 
a  bovesaid  Liviui^  at  fosters  Medow  thirty  nkers  of  Land 
aud  due  by  these  presents  full}^  freely  aud  absolutly  barren 
alianate  and  set  the  abovesaid  Land  from  me  my  Eaires 
Exutors  admiuistrators  or  assi^us  uuto  the  abovesaid  Wil- 
liam  Wetherbe  his  Eaires  Exutors  administrators  or  assigns 
to  have  and  to  houlld  as  his  owue  Proper  Rii^ht  for  Ever  the 
said  Land  being  bounded  on  the  North  by  a  liyway  and  on 
the  south  by  a  lot  of  abraham  frosts  and  on  the  west  to  the 
Comon  aud  on  the  Est  by  Edward  titisis  provided  the  said 
Land  dwo  No  Avay  intrench  up(m  other  loted  Lands  Nor 
hyways  and  dwo  hereby  uphuld  the  premesis  to  l)e  Law  full 
atheutick  and  good  from  any  Parson  or  Parsons  that  shall 
hereafter  lay  any  -Just  Cleame  thereunto  and  unto  the  trew 
perfermance  of  the  premisis  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and 
fixed  my  sele  this  5  of  October  1(585  Signed  selled  and  de- 
livered in  presents  of  us 


Thomas  Gillderslive 

Recorded  by  me 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Clarck 

Page  138. 

A  Record  of  a  Imndrcil  and  lifty  akors  of  Land  of  John 
Jackson  it  Lys  and  is  sittuated  on  the  Est  sid  of  a  Please 
Called  Jerusalem  in  the  bonnds  of  Hempstiid  it  is  Ixininltil 
on  the  North  sitl  l)y  Captin  semansis  Land  and  on  the  west 
it  is  bounded  by  Jerusalem  s\\ani[)  oidy  leviiig  a  hyway  \)\ 
the  swampside  and  on  the  south  and  Est  it  is  Ixmnled  by 
marked  trees 

Recorded  this  31  of  May  in  the  yeare 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Chuck 

know  all  Men  by  these  ])resents  that  AVilliam  wetherbe 
of  fosters  Medow  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  in  ([nens 
County  u})on  Long    Hand    have  sould    and    dwo    by    thes 


presents  fully  aiul  altsoliitly  sell  aiul  set  over  luito  Ii<!iiiv 
Maili^  of  lMa-sli|)cek  kills  in  tlici  hoiiiiils  of  Newtowml  twenty 
ukeis  of  Laml  lyiii.^'  and  boin^^  in  tin;  hounds  of  Heni[)stt!d 
Nere  aTojniu,u;  to  fosters  Meilow  Ixiinu;  :i  |>art  of  a  lot  of 
Land  that  tliu  said  wetlierbe  l)ou;j;lit  of  .Jonathan  smith 
and  to  be  taken  of  thi;  west  End  of  tlu;  said  lot  I  say  that  I 
the  abovesaid  William  Wetherbe  have  for  myself  my  Eairs 
and  Exeutois  or  adMinistrators  sould  all  my  Ki^ht  titnll 
and  intrest  of  the  abovesaid  twenty  akors  of  Land  unto  tin* 
a  boxesaid  Henery  Mail le  his  Eairs  E.veutors  administiat(ns 
or  assi}j;ns  as  his  owik^  Proper  iliglit  to  have  and  to  Inudd 
for  Ever  warrantin!^-  and  maintainin'i;  this  my  sale  }j;ood  in 
Law  a;^"ain-!t  any  Just  (yhvinie  of  any  Parson  or  Parsons 
what  so  Evt'r  and  in  Oonfermation  of  the  Preniesis  I  have 
Set  to  my  hand  and  tix;ed  my  sell  this  Ei|:^hteQts  (hiy  of 
June  KhSf) 

Sii!;ned  selled  and  dc^livered  in  j)resents  of  us 

David  Esmond  his 

Thomas  Okley  William  X  Wethekhe  (S) 


I  dwo  acknowle<jr  that  this  bill  of  sale,  is  acknowlefred 
to  be  my  lieyall  aet  and  deed  this  '25  of  Jenewary  lOSo 

This  is  aeknowle<i;ed  before  nie 

John  Jackson  Justis  of  the  ]ies 

William  X  Wethekiu: 

this  is  a  trew  Record  of  the  Origenall  l)ill  of  salle 

Nathaniell  Peausall  Clarck. 

Page  134. 

At  a  Publiek  Townd  Meting-  Held  in  Hempsted  this  sec- 
eond  day  of  June  in  the  yeare  1(JS()  thert^  was  (Miosen  and 
apouinted  by  the  Ma  Jer  Vofc(;  of  the  townd  John  smith  Nan 
John  smith  bleu  John  tredwell  (lor^^ejiulit  Josei)h  smith 
and  Jonathan  Smith  Nan  to  Joyn  with  the  Patin  tees  of  our 


towud  to  defend  our  iutrest  iu  our  Lauds  against  any  Par- 
son or  Parsons  tliat  shall  La}^  any  Cleame  to  any  Part  or 
Parsell  tlierof  and  that  these  our  agents  are  inipowered  by 
us  to  stand  fer  :  and  use  their  best  undever  to  niaintayn 
the  Jeuerall  bounds  of  our  townd  both  oi  Purchis  and  Pat- 
tin  and  as  for  the  west  bounds  of  our  townd  which  is  begin- 
ing  at  mathagarats  bay  lied  and  from  thence  a  south  Line  to 
the  see  and  a  North  Line  to  the  sound  there  being  formerly 
a  Contrevarsy  which  was  the  lied  of  the  bay  and  at  the 
Jeuerall  Metting  that  was  held  at  our  townd  l)y  Governor 
Nicols  and  the  Cuntrys  debetys  the  thing  Ijeing  then  desided 
and  ordered  by  the  athority  afforesaid  that  the  Middill  of 
the  said  bay  that  is  Nere  the  bottum  of  the  littell  Neck 
should  be  a  Counted  for  the  Hed  of  the  said  bay  where  then 
was  a  tree  marked  fer  our  west  bounds  betwen  flushing  and 
us  from  which  tree  or  Please  Wee  dwo  Order  and  impower 
our  agents  afl'eresaid  to  use  their  best  indevour  to  niaintayn 
a  south  Line  to  the  see  and  a  North  Line  to  the  sound  allso 
wee  dwo  impower  our  agents  aflbresaid  to  procur  a  Law- 
yer or  .Lawyers  if  they  shall  see  Caus  for  to  Manage  our 
buisnis  affoi'esaid  against  any  Parson  or  Parsons  Avhatso- 
Ever  that  shall  lay  any  Cleame  to  or  disturb  any  of  us  in 
any  part  of  our  intrest  and  that  what  so  Ever  Charge  shall 
arise  in  the  maintaining  and  deti'ending  oi  our  intrest  as 
afforesaid  shall  hv,  Paid  by  the  tow  nd  Henery  willis  ami 
John  Ellison  sener  was  aded  to  the  men  aflbresaid  to  l)e 
active  with  them  in  our  buisnis  as  afft)resaid 

Nathaniell  Peaksall  Clarck 

At  a  publick  townd  meting  Held  in  henipst(;d  ye  2S  of 
September  1(>8()  it  was  Voted  and  agrecul  on  that  tlioso  Par-, 
sens   above   mentioned  shall  still   ackt  and  Prosee;!  in  the 

Page  135. 

townds    businis    in    defending    their    intrest   aCording    to 

their  former  order  mead  on  the  second  day  of  Jnne  in  ye 

yeare  16 — 

Nathaniell  Peausall  Clarck 


Jose[)li  Pcttit  was  cstiihlislitul  Cl.uck  in  yr  '11  n[  Sfpti-iu- 
bor  1()8() 

Tlic!  tostiiiioiiy  of  -Joliii  l'jlliss;)ii  ScMar  a^cil  alxiuti-  (»2 
yeares  this  (Icipoiiaiil-  ti^stitics  ilml  lie  ln'.ir.l  Ins  I'.it  Imt  Say 
Jiu  had  (lis})<)sctl  ot"  that  iiiiu^  ac-ar  Lolt  of  inciloc  ;itt  iicaic 
liockaway  Lyini;  on  yv  wt^st  Side  Mr  .lacksous  Jjott  tn 
Thomas  Langdoii  and  iu',s((Vtul  I'liU  Satisfaction  for  ye  Sainc 
and  fartluir  Saith  nott 

Hcnipsteil  Suptend)er  ye  27  1()S() 

Sworn  before  mee      John  Jackson  Jnsticti;  <>f  yr  Traee. 

Page  VM\. 

Att  a  towne  niettiu;^  h(dd  in  Hmnp-itel  ye  '2  (»f  Novcinb t 
1()8()  Capt  John  Senians  Ca[)t  Thomas  Hix  (!a})t  John  .lat  k- 
Hon  Johii  tredwell  A(Uun  nn)tt  Juaer  Joseph  Sniitli  and  John 
Pine  was  CUiosen  by  ye  niager  vote  of  ye  towne  to  apiMi-  in 
ye  towns  behalf  at  ye  Cort  of  asises  to  be  iieiil  at  Jianrco 
ye  1  wensday  in  uovend)er  to  defend  ye  towns  title  in  Rock- 
away  against  Judg  Pelnias  ov  any  other  Parson  oi'  Paiso-is 
that  shall  Lay  any  Clanie  there  unto  and  yo  towne  to  defrey 
ye  Charges 

At  ye  foregoing  towne  meting  Elias  dorland  and  Joseph 
Pettit  was  Chosen  by  ye  mager  vote  to  gt)  to  gitt  witnescs 
for  ye  towne  and  ye  towne  to  defray  ye  Charges 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Whereas  there  was  formarly  an  agrenn'iit  by  the  towne 
made  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  Towne  shonid  give  in 
thair  lands  to  the  Chycke,  to  mack  a  Kate  for  the  defraying 
the  patteut  Charg  which  being  done  and  a  Hate  nuide  which 
being  not  yet  all  paid  it  was  therefore  acted  at  a  towne  met- 
ing ye  18  of  desember  KkSO  by  a  mager  vote  that  the  Justis 
shall  ishuo  forth  his  waraiit  to  tin-  Colecter  for  the  ptnlit- 
ing  the  same 

By  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarke 

10  hempstead  town  kecoeds. 

Page  187. 

know  all  men  by  these  Presents  that  I  william  smith  liv- 
iug  at  fosters  Medow  in  the  Ijonnds  of  Hempsted  in  the 
North  Ividinu;  of  Yonrksheir  ou  Long  Ilaud  have  absolnth^ 
bargeued  sould  and  luead  over  to  John  Aveascot  of  the  seame 
towud  au  sheare  oue  Lott  of  upland  22  akors  more  or  les 
as  it  was  laid  ont  with  housing  feneis  Orchard  and  this  lot 
is  bounded  to  the  North  by  a  lot  of  John  Marchis  to  the 
south  to  the  hyway  and  to  the  Est  to  another  hyway  to  the 
west  to  John  Smiths  Lot  of  Jemeca  I  the  said  AVilliam 
Snnth  have  for  me  my  Eairs  Exciitors  admiuistrators  or 
assignes  fully  and  absolutely  bargeued  sould  and  Mead 
Over  the  said  22  akors  of  Laud  with  the  housing  fenses  and 
orchard  to  the  said  John  wascot  his  Eaires  Excutors  admin- 
istrators or  assignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  I 
the  said  William  Smith  dwo  warrant  this  my  seale  good  in 
law  fi'ee  from  any  gifts  or  morgeageis  or  Just  Cleame  by  any 
Parson  or  Parsous  wbat  so  Ever  and  to  the  trew  perform- 
ance of  ever}'  of  the  Premesis  I  dwo  set  to  my  hand  and 
sele  this  6  day  of  febrewary  1G8 — 


^^'ILL1AM  his 

the  X  marck  of  William  X  Smith  (S) 

Wethekbk  marck. 


Hakman  X  Johnson 


Page  1o8. 

Elias  durlands  Ear  mark  is  a  hole  on  'the  of  ere  and  a 
halfpeny  under  the  same  ere     July  the  5  1().S2 

Jose[)h  wilUiams  Ear  mark  is  a  hole  in  the  of  eare  and  a 
latch  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  nere  eare     July  o  1(582 

Jonas  woods  eare  mark  is  a  hole  in  the  right  eare  and  a 
latch  on  the  under  sid  of  the  left  eare     Julv  tlie  5  1()(S2 


Jert!iiii;ih  wood  -J  uiicr  his  E.-ir  iiiuik  is  a  lioh-  on  tlic  linlil 
eare  and  u  uick  on  the  under  sid  of  ecli  eare  Jiilv  llir  .") 

Haiiiiaii  tloner  his  Earmark  is  a  swalow  fork  on  the  li-lii 
eare  and  a  crop  on  tlie  uvr  eare     July  the  5  1()S'2 

John  Smith  li.  J.  his  Kai'e  mark  is  a  cron  on  tln'  ri'lil 
eare  and  a.  hitch  mai'k  on  tlie  npor  sich'  of  the  left  caic  and 
a  slet  un(h'r  thci  sanc!  (!ar(^     July  the  5  KJS'i 

Richard  Gihlersleve  J.  liis  Eare  mark  is  a  hali.cnv  umlcr 
the  ri«^"iit  ere  and  a  nick  on  the  same  eare  hetweii  Ihc  licl 
and  the  halpeny     July  the  5  lOfS'J 

by  nie 

Richard  Gildkkslhve  Chirk. 

Samuel  ])in  his  eare  mark  is  a  s\valh)\v  fork  on  thr  hft 
eare  and  a  latch  maj'k  on  tin;  to[)  of  tlie  rij^ht  eare  and  a 
nick  under  tlu!  same  eare     July  the  5  KJH^ 

Joseph  lan^dons  Ear  mark  is  a  hole  in  the  riji;ht  Eare 
an  a  haltpeny  under  the  left  eare     inly  the  5  KJS'i 

Thomas  Gihlersleve  his  Ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  nn- 
dersid  of  the  rii>ht  Eare  and  a  ha,lf[)eny  on  the  same  Eai'e 
on  the  ujider  side  of  the  Eare  betwen  the  head  and  the  Eare 
July  the  14  iOS'i 

John  niott  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  iindei'  sid  of  the 
rit;ht  eart^  and  two  nick  on  the  left  eare  on  nick  on  the  npjter 
sid  and  the  other  on  the  under  side  of  the  eare  -Inlv  tlie 
K)  1682 

RlClIAlil)    GlLDKKSLEVE    ("hirk 

Page  139. 

At  a  Cort  Held  in  Hempsted  by  the  Justis  and  Cuiistalih' 
and  Overseres  this  sixt  day  of  March  in  the  yere  of  onr 
Lord  1677-8  by  Ins  MaJestys  atharity 

Edward  Rainer  I'L-iintixe  in  an  action  of  trespas  upon 
the  Cease  auainst  Mathew  l)edell  defendant.  The  Plaint  i\e 
decleres  to  this  Cort  that  the  defendant  hath  taken  away  a 


Part  of  Lis  Cart  t;i,ckliii  for  the  use  of  wliich  lie  was  to  Plow 
and  SOW'  a  Parsell  of  laud  with  wiuter  corn  :  which  he  did 
not  dwo 

The  testiLQOiiy  of  Jeremy  wood  Jiiuer  :  testifies  that  Ed- 
w.-ird  Kaiuer  and  Matliew  bedell  did  make  a  l)argiu  about 
same  Cart  tacklin  of  Rainers  and  Matt  bedell  was  to  have 
the  use  of  ye  tacklin  for  one  yere  and  Mathew  bedell  was 
allso  to  Plow  and  soue  a  Pese  of  land  for  Edward  Rainer  in 
sesone  and  Edward  Rainer  and  Mathew  bedell  was  to  have 
the  use  of  the  Cart  betwen  them  this  is  to  the  best  of  his 
Remembranc  and  farther  saith  Not 

This  Evidence  was  sworn  in  Cort 

In  the  Cease  depending  betwen  Edward  Rainer  Plaintive 
and  Mathew  bedell  defendant  the  C(nt  finds  for  the  Plain- 
tive and  orders  that  the  defendant  shall  Pay  to  the  Plaintiv<' 
thirty  shillings  ether  in  Corne  vvhete  at  5.  s  the  biishell 
or  Indian  Corn  at  8  s  the  busliell  or  Els  a  young  Neete 
best  that  shall  Cvime  Nere  the  Mony  an  Pay  Cost  of  sute 

Nathaniell  Peaksall  Clark. 
Page  140. 

At  a  Cort  Held  in  Hempsted  by  the  Cuustable  and  Ovcr- 
seres  this  first  day  of  may  in  the  yere  of  our  Loid  l()7iS  by 
his  inajestys  athority 

John  skidmour  Plaintivi-  in  an  action  of  debt  against 
VVilliam  Osburu  defemlant 

The  Plaintive  decleres  to  the  Cort  that  the  defendant  is 
indebted  to  hime  ii}Kjn  acount  one  Pound  eight  shillings  : 
and  seven  Pence  and  to  prove  it  Produsis  one  witnis  as 
foloweth  and  alLso  Gives  his  oth  to  his  acount :  in  Cort 

The  testimony  of  Josej)!)  Langdon  :  testitis  that  his 
mother  desired  him  to  fech  H  quarts  of  sack  for  hur  fion) 
John  skidmors  of  Jemeka  for  she  said  hnr  sone  O.sbuiii  had 
Given  liur  oidcr  to  send  foi'  snnic  and  he  ilid  fech  8  cpiarts 
of  sake  from  skidmors  for  hur  on    William  Osburns  acou't 

In  the  Cease  depending  betwen  John  skidmore  Plaintive 

HEMrSTEAl)    'I'OWN    KECOKDS.  13 

,'iiul  \\'ini;uii  ()sl)uni  dofcnidaiit  tlic  ('oii  liiids  for  the  I'liiiii- 
tivt'  and  orders  tliat  tlio  (l(^f(Mi(l;uit,  sliaJI  I'ay  to  tin-  IMaiii- 
tive  :  1  Pd.  M  s.  7  ]).  wliich  is  the  sniiie  of  the  a  ('i)uiit  :  an 
Pay  Cost  of  sut. 

Page  141. 

Att  t.lio  forgoinij;  towiio  inotiiifj;  Ca])t.  Soman  ('a|»"l  lli\ 
Cnp't  Jacson  mr  Soriiiji;  luMu^ry  Willis  llicliard  ( lildcrslcvc 
So  Nailianioll  P(U'soll  John  TrfMlwcll  Joso|)]i  Smith  Jona- 
than Smith  Sr  A(h)m  mott  and  -John  I'inc  was  Chosen  liy  a 
mager  vot  to  act  in  the  towns  bnsnis  with  full  [tower  in  yo 
towns  bolialf 

Att  tho  for_u;oin<4'  towno  metinp;  Ca])'t  Soman  and  nir  Serinu, 
was  ('ln)S(Mi  hy  a,  niager  vot  to  go  doun  to  yorck  noxttliors- 
day  to  answar  to  Mr  hnbbards  ])etition  against  tho  towne 

JosEi'ii  Petti'I'  (Harok. 

Att  a  towaie  moting  In^ld  in  hompstod  yo  IS  of  decendier 
1G86  it  was  voted  and  agrod  upon  that  Mr.  Spragg  shall 
have  liberty  to  tack  in  sum  hxnd  bonnch'd  as  followeth  from 
his  near  stack  l)y  tho  path  du  Est  to  the  next  lioUow  Edg 
on  tho  west  sid(^  the  liollow  and  so  l»oun(hMl  by  the  hill  l^'dg 
till  it  coms  so  far  Southward  as  tho  Soutii  <'ii(l  of  John 
Motts  hollow  fence  and  from  tlieuc  upon  adn  W(^st  lin<-  till 
it  Coms  to  his  owne  Land  this  Liberty  or  privilcnlg  was 
granted  uj^on  (Conditions  that  when  a.  devition  is  made  of  ye 
Land  undevided  it  Shall  be  dednctcul  out  of  his  ])art 
By  order 

JoKElMI    Pl'/nTT 


Page  142. 

Att  a  towno  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  7  day  of  JiMiewer 
1686-7  was  Chosen  and  apointed  by  a  magin-  vot  in  y<' 
towns  behalf  with  full  ])owor  to  act  and  agree  with  oister- 
bay  deputies  consarning  ye  Lands  in  deferanc  betweue 
them  and  our  town.     Cap't  Hix  Cap't  Jackson  uathaniell 


Persall  John  tredwell  aud  John  Pine  as  these  onr  depeties 

shall  tliiuek  titt  and  farder  wee  will  owue  and  maintaine  snch 

agrement  as  these  our  aforesd  depeties  shall  act  in  je  towns 


By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarkce 

Att  a  towiie  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  25  day  Jenewar 

1686-7  it  was  yoted  and  agred  bj  ye  Mager  yote  that  John 

Pine  si  1  all  haye  Liberti  to  Sett  up  a  Grist  Mill  upon  any 

Strem  in  the  towue  bounds  wher  he  iinds  couyeniaut  Where 

no  mill  is  allRedy  set  or  apointed  to  be  Sett  aud   to  have 

live  aeors  of  Land  bv  it  u[)ou  the  Conditions  following  the 

use  of  the  Stream  and  the  Land  aforesd.  shall  lie  and  Re- 

maine  to  the  afore  sd.  John  pine  or  his  order  So  Long  as 

as  he  or  they  Shall  Ceep  in  Repaire  a  good  Suffisiant  Grist 

Mill  to  grind  ye  towns  Corue  for  a  twelth  part  of  it  which 

mill  must  be  sett  up  and  Completed  with  in  one  yeare  after 

the  date  here(jf  if  not  ye  grant  to  be  inyalied  and  of  none 


Joseph  Pettit  Clarck. 

Att  ye  same  towne  metinfr  William  Smith  had  Lilterti 
granted  to  set  a  grist  Mill  upon  the  Streame  of  Semonses 
Swamp  u|)ou  the  Same  Conditions  as  .John  jiiiie  had  Liberti 
granted  above  Written  and  to  have  five  acors  of  Laud  nj)on 
the  Conditions  John  Pine  hath  his  Laud  above  sd. 

Joseph  Pettit 

,  Chircke 
Page  143. 

At  the  Same  towue  meting  Elias  dorland  had  Liberti  of 

a  Stream  granted  him  to  Set  a   mill   on  and    five   aeors   of 

Laud  by  it  where  he  tinds  a  Stream  Convenient  that  no  mill 

is  on  or  apointed  to  Ite  Set  n]ion  the    Conditions   as   John 

Pines  was  Granted 

Joseph  Pettit  Clareke. 

Whereas    at   A   towne   Meting   held    ye    IS    of  desember 
1686-7  twelve  meu  was  Chosen  to  act  in  the  towns  lusness 


it  was  voted  Jind  ii|j;v<^('(l  upon  liv  ;i  iii;i|;('r  \()ti'  at  a  towiic 
metiiijj;  In^ld  in  Hoinpsted  yo  25  of  Jciicwcii  KJSC)  7  that  llic 
tifoic^  sd.  twelve  men  was  allso  ( 'lioscii  and  ap()ii:tc(l  tooidci- 
ho  ware  iuliahitaiits  that  was  to  liavc  Lauds  acoi(liii<4  t<i  form- 
er devitions  and  a|;r(niients  of  all  Lands  as  allso  all  otlier  of 
the  toAvns  Idsnis  Which  may  Conduce  to  the  towns  IxMiefitl 

to  thair  best  Judp^nieut 

JosEi'ii  Pet'pitt  Clarcke 

Whereas  Daniell  IJedle  foiniai'ly  bought  asartaiii  tract  t)f 
Land  of  ye  towne  Lyin<i;  west  his  house  which  ye  sd.  Dan- 
iell hath  inclosed  for  a  paster  the  Land  bein^  bought  and 
paid  f<n"  yet  a  licu-ord  not  fonnd  of  it  :  it  was  voted  and 
agrcul  by  a  mager  vote  at  A  towne  INb^tin^-  lidd  in  hcmpsttid 
ye  25  of  Jeiiewere  lG8()-7  the  Land  afore  s(L  bcin^  lO  Kods 
Est  and  west  in  Length  and  12  liods  nortli  and  soutli  in 
breulit  now  inclosed  shall  be  and  lleniaiiie  to  ye  above  sd. 
Daniell  betlle  to  him  his  haires  or  asines  tolia\(>  and  to  houl<l 
as  his  or  thair  owne  ])i()per  Iviglit  for  Ever 

By  order 

JusEi'ii  Pettit 

Page  144. 

Att  a  towne  meting  held  in  Hemj)sted  the  twenty  hfth  of 
Jeneweri  1680  7  There  was  Chosen  Apointed  and  Com- 
itioned  by  the  Mager  vote  of  the  fr(M!  holders  Jolm  tred- 
Avell  and  Jonathan  Smith  to  be  at  Ji^neco  the  first  day  of 
feberweri  next  with  full  poAver  to  act  with  the  Best  of  thaire 
asotiates  to  macke  asesn)ent  of  Pnblick  Eate  in  tliaiie  pre- 
sincks  as  allso  to  mackt>  Choise  of  a,  C'ounty  treshurer  for 
the  insuing  yeare  and  allso  to  macke  iiupiiry  how  the  mony 
allredy  Paide  is  disposed  and  to  tacke  an  aCount  of  it 

By  Ord(H- 

JosErii  Petttit 
Att  a  towne  meting  held  in  Hem^isted  ye  14  day  of  febo- 
Avari  1G8G  franses  Cliai)pell  was  (Jhoseu  by  a  mager  vote  of 


the  towne  to  be  Collecter  to  gather  the  ministers  Rate  or 
Reats  which  are  to  bee  gathered  this  yeare  in  suing  or  all 
the  ministers  salaries  or  ould  arreairs  for  three  yeares  past 
and  to  have  aight  pence  in  ye  pound  for  his  laboure 

At  the  same  tovvne  meting  franses  Chappell  was  Chosen 
Colecter  to  gather  the  towue  Reat  for  this  yeare  insuing  and 
to  have  aight  pence  in  ye  pound  for  his  laboure  as  in  the 

other  Heats 

By  Order 

Joseph  Pettit 


Jeams  Pine  his  eare  marcke  is  a  Latch  marcke  under  ye 
Here  eare  and  a  SwaUow  forcke  on  ye  of  eare 

Recorded  3'e  4  of  October  1087 

bj  mee 

Joseph  Petttt 

Page  145. 

^^  licreas  formerly  John  tredwell  bought  one  home  Lott 
of  obadiah  vollintine  which  Loot  Contaiueth  three  acars 
more  or  les  as  it  was  laiil  (Uit  lying  on  the  south  est  sid  of 
the  towne  and  on  the  north  sid  of  Samuell  Raint-rs  loot  At 
;i  towne  meting  the  14  of  febreweri  1(586  the  aforesd.  Jolin 
tredwell  liad  Lil)erti  Granted  him  to  exchang  ye  Lolt  afore 
said  with  the  towue  and  to  tacke  a  Loot  in  Lue  of  the  Loot 
aforesd.  to  tncko  it  on  the  Est  sid  of  tlie  afore  sd.  John 
tredwell  ftild  as  may  Ly  for  his  Conveniencs}' 

By  order 

J(^seph  Pettit 


Att  A  towne  meting  held  in  Honi])sted  the  first  day  of 
A))iill  1(587  John  Pine  Jonathan  Smith  Juner  and  John 
Carman  was  Chosen  Comitioners  bv  the  mager  vote  of  ye 
towne  for  this  yeare  in  suing 

At  the  foregoing  towne  meting  Samuell  Emari  was  Chosen 
Constable  by  the  mager  vote  of  the  towne  for  the  yeare  insuing 

Hempstead  town  records. 


Att  tilt!  forcgoiii}^-  towiK!  inotiii<j;  Edwiird  li;iii'((  -wjis  ("lioseii 
by  the  raager  vote  for  Coiistiihle  jiiid  niiuslmll  of  iiuiduaus 
iiecke  for  the  iiisuing  yearo 

Att  tlie  foregoing  t(nvne  meting  Joseph  Pettit  was  Chosen 
By  the  niager  vote  of  the  towiie  for  towne  Clarcke  foi-  tln^ 

3'eare  insning 

]'}'  (jrder 

Joseph  Pe'I'iti' 

Page  U(l 

Itichard  osl)orn 

John  Jacson 
Abraham  Smith 
Edward  liainer 
Samuell  Denton 
Jonathan  Smith 
Joseph  (linnins 
Joseph  Smith 
Solaman  Semans 
John  Serin 
Edward  Spragg 
Jonathan  Semans 
Jeams  Mott 

JosejJi  Williams 

Joseph  Pettit 

Jeremiah  Wood  Jr. 

Adom  Mott  Junor 

William  Jecockes 

Richard  (lildersleeve 

Samnell  Emori 

John  Semans 

Richard  totton 

John  Pine 

Richard  Gildersleeve  Juner 

Att  a,  generall  Towne  meting  held  at  Hempsted  3'e  20th 

of  June    ill  the  yeare  1671)  it  was  voted   and  agreed  that 

those  Persons  above  named  Shall  have  Libertey  to  tacke  up 

fifty    acors    of    Land    apeace    and    the    Pro])ariators   have 

Liberty  to  Come  in  with  them  f(n'  lift}'  acors  with  them  the 

Land  is  to  be  Laid  ont  as  in  ye  same  forme  as  the  first  ])ro- 

pariators  did  and  that  the  time  of  the  tifty  acore  men  shall 

begin  is  on  ye  27  of  this  instant  month   and   so  to   tacke 

thaire  Lotes  as  they  are  drawne  to  INIr  Thomas  Rushmore 

to  be  Entered  in  the  Towne  Records 

By  me 

Tho  Hickes 

By  order  the  8  of  Aprill  1687 

Joseph  Pettit 



Page  147. 

Att  a  towne  meting  held  iu  liempsted  the  5  day  of  agust 
1687  Cap't  Jackson  was  Chosen  by  ye  mager  vote  of  the 
towne  to  go  downe  tf>  yoreke  to  Carry  the  Grant  of  ve  tow 
hunched  aeors  of  phriues  to  je  Governer  and  see  if  hee  will 
signe  the  Conditions  and  macke  Return  of  the  same 

by  order  of  ye  towne 

JosErH  Pettit 


att  ye  foregoing  towne  meting  was  Given  to  thonias 
higliam  by  a  mager  vote  of  the  towne  one  acor  an  half  of 
Land  Lying  att  ye  South  side  ye  plains  al)ont  20  pols  Avest- 
ward  of  ye  Round  pond  to  ye  sd.  highani  and  his  liairs  for 
Ever  to  use  &:  improve  but  not  to  sell  and  if  ye  said  highum 
should  Leave  ye  towne  then  ye  Land  afore  sd.  to  Returne 
to  ye  towne  use  againe 

by  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit 


a  Record  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  acors  laid  oute  to 
tliomas  willis  the  hundred  acor  lot  lyes  in  ye  North  Woods 
onder  ye  hills  liy  ye  old  harboure  path  on  Each  sid  ye  100 
acor  Lot  is  in  Lenghe  101  Rods  bereing  to  ye  north  East 
and  south  west  and  ye  bredght  100  Rods  bounded  Round 
by  marcked  trees  and  if  over  plush  is  alowed  because  ye 
highway  ye  not  Run  through  ye  towd  ye  fifty  acor  Runs 
nere  north  and  south  ye  west  line  is  142  in  lenght  and  at  ye 
south  end  it  is  50  Rod  brode  and  at  ye  north  end  it  is  100 
Rods  boTinded  on  ye  East  by  ye  hunded  acor  lot  ]);irt  of  ye 
way  ye  other  by  marcked  trees  and  north  west  and  north 
by  marcked  trees  the  dementions  are  given  by  uathaniell  he 
gives  it  oute  and  Entered  in  ye  Records 

By  mee  May  ye  20  1001 

Joseph  Pettit 


hempstead  town  records.  19 

Page  148. 

Afct  a  Crenoiiill  iowiie  niotin<>;  hold  in  H(Mn])sto(l  ye  1  of 
deseuabor  1G87  tlioro  was  Chosen  apointiMl  and  Comitioii- 
ated  l)y  the  inaijjer  vote  of  tlie  free  holders  John  tnjdwtdl 
and  nathani(!ll  Persall  to  he  asesers  for  ye  insnin<ji;  v(^are  and 
to  1)(^  att  Jemeco  on  je  5  of  Jenewari  witli  full  I'ducr  (o 
acte  with  ye  Rest  of  thair(^  asotiats  to  mac^ke  asesincnl  ui 
]tnl>lick(^  Rate  ill  thaire  ])iesincks  as  also  io  inaeke  Choise 
of  a  County  tresurer  for  ye  iiisuin<^  yere  and  also  to  ni.ickc 
incjuiry  how  the  niony  allredy  paide  and  tac^kc  an  ac()uin])t 
of  it 

Att  the  fore  Goinoj  towne  niettin^  Adoin  ^Fott  was  Chosen 
by  a  mager  vote  of  the  free  hohhu-s  to  be  (!o|j(M'toi'  for  ye 
insning  yeare  to  Coleete  and  gather  all  snch  Rates  as  shall 
hapen  in  ye  insuing  yeare  to  be  Coleeted 

By  ord.  of  ye  towne 

JosKi'ii  Pi:ttit 


By  Resou  itt  did  apere  yt  ye  inhabitants  of  ye  towne 
had  not  all  Legall  warning  to  ye  above  s(h  towne  meeting 
ye  above  sd.  votes  or  Choise  was  Invalued 

Joseph  Pettpp  Clarcke 

PaCxE  149. 

Att  a  Generall  towne  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  23 
day  of  Desember  1087  there  was  Chosen  apoint<Hl  and  Com- 
itionated  by  ye  mager  vote  of  ye  towne  or  free  holders 
Abralnim  Smith  and  Richard  Vallintine  to  be  asesers  for  ye 
insning  yeare  and  to  bee  Att  Jemeco  ye  5  of  JeneM'ery  next 
Avitli  full  power  to  acte  Avith  ye  Rest  of  thaire  asotiates  to 
macke  asesment  or  pnblick  Reate  as  allso  to  macke  Choise 
of  a  County  tresurer  for  ye  insuing  yeare  and  allso 
to  macke  inquirri  how  ye  mony  allredy  paid  is  disposed  and 
tacke  an  acoumpt  of  it 

Att  ye  fore  Going  towne  metting  Richard  Gilderslive  was 
Chosen    and    apointed   Colecter  for  ye   insuing   yeare    to 


Colecte  and  gather  all  such  Rates  as  shall  hapeii  in  ye  Id- 
suing  yeare  to  be  Colected  in  ye  towne 

By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Att  a  Genarall  towne  meting  held  in  hempsted  ye  18  of 
febew  1687-8  Jonathan  Smith  sener  was  Chosen  and 
apointed  Colecter  for  ye  insniug  yeare  to  Colecte  and  Gather 
all  such  Rates  as  shall  ha]ien  in  ye  iusuing  yeare  to  be  Col- 
ected in  ye  towne 

Att  ye  same  towne  meting  there  was  given  to  ye  freneh 
mou  Micall  Bellang  yt  Live  upon  31r  Spragges  Laud  twenty 
acors  of  wood  Land  on  ye  west  side  of  Mr  Spragges  Land 
nere  ye  plains  if  so  much  uude^-ided  Laud  may  bee  there 
found  not  preJeditiall  to  any  high  wajes  or  watering  places 

by  order 

Joseph  Pettit 

'  Page  150. 

Att  a  Generall  towne  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  18  of 
febeweri  1687-8  there  was  Chosen  auil  apoiuted  by  ye 
mager  vote  of  ye  towne  Mr  Siiuon  Bering  Johu  tredwell 
John  Pine  Adam  Mott  and  Richard  valliutiue  in  ye  towns 
behalf  to  vew  and  over  hale  a  bill  of  Cost  Red  iu  ye  aforesd 
towne  meting  and  to  alow  or  disalow  as  these  aforesd  Depu- 
ties shall  find  Just  and  all  such  jiirticuler  sum  or  sumes  as 
shall  be  alowed  by  ye  aforesd.  deputies  to  be  ]iaide  by  ye 
towne  and  what  not  alowetl  to  bee  acounted  not  Due  for  ye 
towne  to  pay  by  those  aforesd 

att  ye  aforesd  towne  meting  heuery  willis  was  a])()iiited  to 
go  dowue  to  yorcke  to  Convey  ye  townes  quitrent  for  ye 
yeare  and  pay  it  to  those  apoiuted  to  Receve  ye  same  and 
tacke  a  Resete  for  itt. 

By  order    Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Att  a  towne  meting  held  iu  hempsted  the  1  of  uovember 
1690  Johu  morrill  and  Caleb   Carman   was   Chosen  h\  a 


mager  vote  to  be  asessors  to  macke  esesment  acordin^  to  ye 
act  of  cscmby 

at  ye  same  towne  meting  .Jonatluiii  Sinitli  sr  was  chosen 
(^olecter  for  ye  towne 

\>y  order     JosErJi  Tettit  Cler 

Page  151. 

;itt  a  towiio  Cort  or  Cort  of  Ooniitionca'  licld  in  Iiciii|)sUhI 
l»y  his  Ma;^(!sfcies  athoritie  ye  8  (hiy  of  agust  KJtsT 

Josepli  Lan;i;(h)n  plaintive  Enters  an  action  against  Sain- 
nell  Denton  defendant  an  action  of  trespas  to  ye  vahu'  of 
fowre  pounds  nintene  shillins  Current  niony  of  this  Gov- 

Joseph  Lan<i;don  phiintive  Saniuell  Denton  defendant  tlu^ 
})hintive  declers  against  ye  defend  that  ye  defendant  liatli 
and  did  trespas  against  ye  phintive  by  going  on  ye  ]ilan- 
tivc!s  ]ne(hh)w  and  Ckiting  and  spoiling  ye  phmtives  Gras  ye 
phintive  dechiring  he  is  thereby  danmitied  and  made  worse 
fowre  pound  nintene  shillings  Curent  mony  of  tliis  Gov- 
erment  which  Cause  the  ])lantive  to  bring  his  action  to  this 
Cort  desiring  Judgment  for  ye  same  and  that  j^e  trespaser 
may  suffer  acordiug  to  his  demerit  and  ye  plantive  shall 
Ever  pray  &c 

the  defendant  ajDeareth  by  his  atorny  peter  Cliecke  and 
saith  he  has  not  trespased  in  maner  t^  form  acording  to  the 
declaration  and  that  he  is  not  indebted  the  sd.  sume  and 
therefore  puts  him  selfo  upon  the  Cort  for  a  triall 

In  an  action  of  trespas  depending  betwene  Joseph  Lang- 
don  [)lantive  and  Samuell  Denton  defendant  the  Jury  finds 
for  the  plantive  twenty  shillins  damage  with  the  cost  of 

the  Cort  Gives  Judgment  to  ye  same  agust  ye  3  day  1(187 

by  order  of  ye  Cort 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  152. 
the  Cort  grants  the  defendant  Samuell  Denton  a  Kevew 
in  this  abovesd  action  att  our  next  towne  Cort  to  be  held  in 

22  HE:yrpsTEAD  town  eecords. 

Hempsted  ye  first  Aveusday  iu  September  uext  by  his  mages- 
ties  atlioriti  tlie  defendant  pajiug  the  Charg  aUredy  expend 
at  this  Cort 

agust  the  3  day  1687 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

att  our  towne  Cort  or  Cort  of  Comitioners  hehl  iu  henip- 
sted  ve  7  dav  of  September  by  his  magesties  athorititie  1()!S7 

Wheras  in  an  action  of  trespas  depending  betwene  Jo- 
seph Langdon  plaintive  and  Samuell  Denton  defendant 
whereas  the  plantive  did  Recover  Judgment  against  the 
defendant  ye  defendant  desiring  a  Revew  in  the  above  sd. 
action  which  was  granted  upon  the  Conditions  that  ye  de- 
fendant should  pay  ye  Cost  of  ye  first  Cort  but  ye  Defend- 
ant Refusing  to  pay  the  Charg  of  ye  first  Cort  this' Cort  de- 
nies a  heriug  of  the  sd.  Revew  till  ye  Charg  be  Cleared  of 
ye  sd  Cort  held  in  hem]isted  by  his  magesties  athoritie  the 
3  day  of  agust  1657 

by  order  of  ye  Cort 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  153. 

Att  a  towne  meting  held  in  hemjwted  ye  2  of  A})rill  1688 
heneii  willis  John  Smith  miller  and  John  tredwell  was  Chose 
Comitioners  for  ye  iusuing  yeare  Chose  by  ye  mager  vote 

At  3'e  same  towne  meting  Jonathan  Smith  sr  was  Choson 
by  ye  mager  vote  to  be  constable  for  ye  insuing  3'eare 

at  ye  same  towne  meting  urin  Ruts  was  Chosen  to  be 
Constable  of  madnans  necke  by  ye  mager  vote 

Att  ye  same  towne  metting  Joseph  Pettit  was  Chosen  to 
be  towne  Clercke  for  ye  insuing  yeare  Chosen  by  ye  mager 
vote  of  ye  towne 

Att  ye  same  towne  meting  it  was  ordered  by  ye  mager 
vote  of  ye  towne  yt  all  ye  uudevided  Land  t'lom  ye  Est  side 
of  ye  second  west  meddoe  ye  west  side  of  ye  Est  meddoe 
and  so  halfe  way  from  ye  plaines  to  ye  south  shall  l)e  and 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    liECOllD.S.  23 

Reniiiiiic  lor  ve  tow  ucd  Coiniiions  for  tree  wood  and  <iniseiiiir 

By  ord(!r     JosKi-ii  Pettit  ('larcko 

at  a  towne  iiK^tiiit;'  lusld  in  lu^nipstcMl  ye,  24  of  d(i.send)L;r 
l(5i)()  yt  there  shall  be  a  towne  lleate  nuide  and  ye  three 
coniitioners  are  apointed  to  alow  or  disalow  ye  Charge 
given  in 

at  ye  same  towne  nuiting  williani  Jacockes  and  nathanicll 
Persell  was  Chosen  to  go  to  henery  Lininton  and  inijuire  by 
what  covenent  or  conditions  he  holdeth  ye  previledge  of  ye 
streame  to  sett  a  mill  on  and  other  previlidges  granted  to  It 
and  if  no  Covenant  can  b(^  found  ye  afore  sd  tow  men  have 
powtu-  to  niack(^  a  Covenant  In  ye  towns  Ijehalf  with  yd  sd 
henery  Lininton 

Page  154. 

at  ye  same  towne  meting  Jonathan  fSmithe  and  J(jse])h 
Pettit  was  Chosen  by  ye  niager  vote  of  ye  towne  to  go  to 
Rockaway  Cow  uecke  or  Els  where  they  find  any  settled  on 
ye  towns  Land  without  ye  towns  Consent  antl  in  ye  towns 
behalfe  to  give  notis  to  them  forthwith  to  desert  ye  same 
otherwise  they  may  Exspect  to  be  sued  of 

By  t)rder  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

at  a  towne  meting  held  in  hemsptcd  ye  16  of  June  1690-1 
It  Avas  voted  and  agreed  on  by  ye  niager  vote  of  ye  towne 
yt  a  covenant  shall  be  made  to  bind  and  oblige  those  yt 
hold  and  ]30ses  ye  previledge  of  ye  Htreame  when;  henery 
Lininton  Liveth  and  other  conveniences  granted  to  it  by  ye 
towne  for  Incoragement  of  a  good  mill  to  be  Cept  in  Tle- 
paire  to  bind  them  in  ye  same  ol)ligatiou  or  to  ye  same 
terms  as  was  agreed  on  when  ye  mill  was  first  built  or  when 
ye  convenience  was  granted  or  alowed  so  Long  as  a  good 
mill  was  cept  in  good  Re})ear  for  ye  towns  use  acordiug  to 
agrement  and  in  (jrder  to  ye  mai'keing  of  a  covenant  william 
Jecockes,  nathaniell  Persall,  llichard  gildersleeve  and  Sani- 
uell  Pine  were  Chosen  and  apointed  in  ye  towns  behalf  as 


ye  towns  agents  to  macke  a  covenent  acording  to  ye  former 
agreement  and  provided  lienery  Liuinton  will  signe  ye  con- 
ditions he  or  his  may  have  and  inioy  ye  streame  and  other 
advautagees  alowed  by  ye  towne  so  Long  as  he  or  they 
Performe  ye  Conditions  for  ye  towne  and  Provided  ye  sd 
henery  Lininton  do  deni  and  Refuse  to  signe  ye  Conditions 
then  ye  afore  sd  tow  men  have  full  Power  to  agree  with 
Some  other  Suffitient  able  man  to  build  a  mill  and  do  and 
performe  acording  to  former  agreement 

By  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Clereke 

Page  155. 

Att  a  towne  meting  held  in  Hempsted  ye  1  of  July  1691 
It  was  voted  and  agreed  on  by  a  mager  vote  yt  Cap't  John 
Jackson  John  tredwell  and  nathaniell  Persall  hath  full 
Power  in  ye  towns  behalfe  to  act  and  Determine  as  followeth 
yt  is  what  fence  shall  be  Demed  Judged  and  acouuted  Siif- 
fitient  fenc  In  or  about  ye  towne  and  allso  throughout  ye 
towne  bounds  or  presinckes  thereof  and  allso  what  Liberty 
Swine  Shall  have  to  go  in  ye  streats  or  Else  where  on  ye 
towns  Commons  throughout  ye  towne  bounds  and  allso  to 
tacke  order  yt  a  pound  be  made  for  yc  towns  use  in  sum 
convenient  place  and  well  fited  with  a  Lock  a  cey  to  be  dun 
upon  ye  townes  charge 

By  order    Joseph  Pettit  Clerck 

Att  ye  same  towne  meting  nathaniell  Persall  and  Samuell 
Pine  was  Chosen  assesors  for  ye  towne 

By  order     Joseph  Pettit  Clereke 

att  a  towne  meting  held  in  hempsted  tlif  'Id  of  July  1('»*.)1 
Cap't  Jackson  was  Chosen  to  apeare  before  ye  Govenier  A" 
counsell  att  new  yorcke  to  show  Causes  whi  ye  peteon  of 
cow  necke  and  madnaus  necke  Should  not  be  granted 

By^order  Joseph  Pettit  Clereke 

hempstead  town  recoiids.  25 

Page  15(;. 

Those  presence  testifie  yt  I  llolicid  ('oc  .iihI  Jeaiie  my 
wife  for  ;j;<)()il  coiisitlenitioiis  us  tliereiiiito  iiiovciii;^  (Idc  sell 
jiliiuite  cV  make  over  from  us  onw.  heirs  tV.  assi^ues  all  our 
Right  title  tV'  iutrest  unto  a  house  and  lifty  acors  of  Ijaml 
at  fosters  nied(h)  unto  oure  Son  John  Sniitli  late;  of  Jtimeeo 
in  (juens  County  to  him  liis  hairs  and  asignes  after  the  de- 
sese  of  mee  lloberd  Coe  and  my  wife  Jeane  which  sd  house 
and  fifty  aeors  of  Land  al)ove  exprost  togetlier  \\  iih  all  ye 
fencing  improvements  priviledges  and  a])ertiuences  that  (h)tli 
any  wayes  a])pertaine  or  beh)ng  unto  ye  sd  house  and  l.aiid 
after  our  deses  tou  ye  sd  Jolin  Snutli  his  hairs  or  asignes 
to  have  and  to  hohl  for  liis  owni^  p!-o|)('r  use;  and  lichoiilc 
for  Ever  free  from  all  Clemes  or  dem.inds  from  any  ]»(!rson 
or  persons  by  from  or  und(;r  mee  claiming  any  intrist  to  ye 
sd  Land  A'  house  as  above  exprest  as  witnes  oure  hands  and 
seles  this  ninth  day  of  June  anno  domini  1()S7 

Signed  8eled  and  delivered  before  us  his 

Dan'll  Denton  Kobekd  X  Cof,  (S) 

Sam'll  Rascos  mai-ck(>. 

Jane  X  Coe  (H) 
this  bill  Entered  in  ye  Records  by  mee 

JosEi'ii  I'ettit  Clercke 

Page  157. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  I  thonias  Rushmore 
of  hempsted  in  ye  North  Riding  of  new  yorcksheic  Do  by 
these  presence  for  me  my  heires  Exsecutors  administiators 
and  asignes  sell  and  sett  over  unto  moses  Mudge  of  mosceto 
cove  his  heires  Exsecutors  administiators  or  asignes  on 
aight  part  of  a  prt)perriety  in  luunpsted  plaines  ye  hollows 
yt  are  allredy  brocke  up  Exseptted  ye  Land  afore  sd  I  say 
I  have  sould  unto  ye  above  sd  moses  mudg  his  heires  Ex- 
secutor  administrators  for  Ever  to  have  and  to  liould  as  his 


owne  proper  Kiglit  and  title  t(j  ye  true  performance  of  ye 
premesis  I  have  sett  to  my  liaud  aud  sele  ye  fourth  day  of 
agust  16S0 


Christiph'r  X  Crow  Thomas  Rushmore  (S) 

marcke.  Meelber  Rushmore  (S; 

Ephrem  Carpender 

Know  all  men  hy  these  presence  that  I  nioses  mudge  of 
mosceto  cove  on  Long  Island  in  ye  Quens  County  of  new 
yorcke  Shere  Do  asigne  all  my  right  and  intrest  of  this 
within  wrighteu  deed  of  sale  from  me  my  heirs  unto  AVil- 
liam  frost  of  mantinocock  in  ye  county  above  sd  to  him  and 
his  hairs  for  Ever  as  witnes  my  hand  and  sele  this  21  of 
October  1685 

in  presenc  <^f  us 

Samuell  bell  Moses  Mudge  (S) 

Samuell  X  Cole 
ye  marck  of  X  willlam  Pell 

These  above  writen  dede  and  asignement  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  158. 

These  to  all  Christion  I'cople  to  whom  this  presenc  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertainee  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I 
Samuell  Rainer  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  quens 
county  in  ye  Province  of  new  york  do  by  these  i)resence 
fermly  bargin  sell  and  sett  over  from  me  my  heires  exsec- 
eters  administrators  or  assigues  unto  Thomas  13ercer  of 
Cow  necke  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  ye  County  aforesd 
to  him  his  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  ov  asignes  one 
Right  of  six  gates  of  fence  at  ye  sd  Cow  necke  which  Right 
did  belong  to  my  father  Edward  Rainer  desescd  and  now 
doth  belong  to  me  ye  sd  Samuell  by  vertue  of  my  desesed 


fjitlier  jiud  do  proiiuHe.  to  (l(sf(Mi(l  ye  Himw,  from  uiiy  yt  sh.ill 
it  by  vertiio  of  a  sulo  from  my  dosesod  fntlicr  ;iiid  do  l»\ 
These  preseiu^c  fully  freely  ;iiid  ii])solnt(^ly  hui-^iii  and  sell 
ye  sd  six  gates  of  fence  or  llij^lit  with  what  Laud  aii<l  other 
advantages  uiay  thereby  acrew  on  ye  sd  iieeke  from  me  oi- 
by  from  or  under  me  my  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  oi' 
asignes  unto  yc;  sd  Tlionias  Bercer  to  him  his  hcires  Exsec- 
eters administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  \'nv  IInci 
with  oute  any  molestation  or  disterbence  from  mc  or  any  l»y 
from  or  under  me  or  my  asignes  in  consideration  of  a  \al- 
uable  Sume  spesilied  in  a  bill  of  de[)t  lleceved  in  full  satis- 
faction before  ye  signeing  and  delivering  and  in  testimony 
Inu'eof  I  have  hereunto  set  to  my  hand  ;ind  IIxcmI  my  sele 
febeweri  ye  twentieth  in  ye  second  yeaic  of  his  iii;tg(!stis 
lieagne  william  by  y(;  gracu^,  of  god  of  ingland  !Scotland 
f ranee  and  Irlaiid  King  deftmder  of  ye  faith  in  ye  yeare  oi 
ouer  Lord  anno  doniini  lOlK) 

Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of   us 


Maugkeet  Pettite  X  her  marcke 

JusEi'iJ  Pettit  Cler  Samiei.l  IIainei;  (Si 

Entered  in  ye  Pec(irds  by  niee 

JosEi'ii  Pet'jtt  Clercke 

Page  151). 

These  may  sertytie  whome  so  It  may  Consernc  that  1  the 
within  mentioned  barcer  have  and  Doe  by  these  I'lcsence 
asigne  sett  and  macke  over  unto  JJeniamen  Hole  of  cow 
necke  all  my  lUght  title  and  Intrest  to  the  within  granteil 
Premises  from  my  selfe  my  lu^ires  Exseceters  aibninistra- 
tors  and  asignes  to  sd  hole  his  luMres  Exseceters  admnistra- 
tors  or  asignes  to  be  his  and  their  Propm-  Estate  for  Ever 
haveing  allredy  lieseved  a  considerabh^  valuation  for  ye 
s.ime  whereof  and  wherewith  I  Do  ackKnowledge  my  selfe 


fully  satisfied  eouteuted  and  paid  as  witues  m>'  haud  aud 
sele  this  21  of  febeweri 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  Preseuc  of  us 
William  X  Lins  Tho  Barcer  (S) 

marcke.  ber 

JoHx  Sands  Cathrin  X  Barcer  (S) 

Entered  in  ye  Record  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Hemsted  Desembr  tbe  4  day  16V)5  Tbe  ear  marck  tbat 
Ricbard  AVilliams  luarcketb  bis  Cretors  AVitb  is  A  Latcb 
marek  one  tbe  uuder  side  of  tbe  left  ear  and  a  nick  one  tbe 

ReCorDed  By  nice 

Thomas  Gildersleeve 


Page  1(50. 

att  a  towne  meting  belil  in  bempstod  ye  17  of  inaii-b 
1(>89  Cap't  Soman  aud  Joiiatban  Smitb  was  ebosen  by 
a  mager  vote  to  be  att  Jeiueco  on  tusday  ye  18  of  ye  in- 
stant in  ye  towns  bebalf  to  meet  ye  Rest  of  ye  deputies  of 
(}uens  County  to  Cbuse  tow  men  as  ye  Countys  Represeti- 
tives  to  Rejiaire  to  new  yorcke  to  debate  and  Coucbide  sufb 
tbings  as  Sball  apeare  nesesary  for  ye  defence  of  oure  Lives 
and  ve  Salty  of  tbis  Goverment 

att  ye  same  towne  meting  it  was  acted  voted  and  Con- 
cluded yt  no  unresident  person  or  Persons  sball  att  any  time 
be  permited  att  any  time  to  Come  and  settle  in  tbis  towne  or 
any  Part  tbereof  witbout  ye  consent  and  aprobation  of  ye 
towne  and  provided  att  any  time  any  unresident  Person  cu' 
Persons  Sball  Come  into  tbis  towne  oi-  any  Part  tbei^eof  and 
be  Entertained  above  -18  bours  by  any  lubaljitant  or  free 
bolder  of  ve  sd  towne  witbout  ^ivinjjf  notis  to  ye  ofiisers 
thereof  ye  parson  so  Entertaining  them  Shall  l)e  Liable  to 


pay  and  Cleere  ye  towiic  of  all  damage  ye  towiic  Shall  siis- 
taiiie  by  Entertain iii<^-  tlicm  nt'ter  ye  tini(!  aforesd 

By  order 

Joseph  Peii  i  i 


Page  101. 

I  under  writen  Doe  testitie  yt  in  ye  yearc  1(»(;(>  oi-  IImt 
abontes  I  herd  an  a,<»;rement  made  befor(^  y(^  tow  iisincn  d' 
Henii)sted  betwenc  william  thickstone  and  william  Scaddin 
william  thickstone  did  injjjadjjie  to  maintains  william  Scnl- 
(lin  ye  time  of  his  Lite  and  in  (Consideration  thereof  wil- 
liam Scaddin  (bd  tluMi  macke  over  to  \villi;iin  thickstone  all 
his  hole  Estate  he  ye  sd  william  Scachbn  then  stod  ])osesed 
of  in  Herapsted  wlnitsoever  this  I  am  free  to  atnst  as  to  vi' 
best  of  my  liemend)erance  as  I  was  Constable  of  \^-  sd 
towne  ffebeweri  ye  18  1687-8 

Simon  Serint. 

I  under  written  Do  testitie  yt  some  time  in  ye  yeare  IGBC) 
or  there  aboute  I  herd  an  agrement  made  betwene  william 
thickstone  and  william  Scadin  before  ye  townsmen  of  Henip- 
sted  ct  that  william  tliickst(me  did  ingadi^e  to  ye  to\vnsnu>u 
of  hempsted  to  maintaine  william  Scaddin  ye  time  of  his 
Life  and  in  Consideration  of  william  thickstones  terms  w  il- 
liam  Scaddin  did  then  and  there  mackc;  over  to  william 
thickstone  all  his  Inde  Estate  that  he  Stod  then  posesed  of 
in  hempsted  what  So  Ever  this  I  am  free  to  atest  if  need  to 
ye  best  of  my  Rememberance  October  ye  20  1(580 

I  was  att  yt  time  afore  sd  ye 
Clercke  of  ye  towne  of  Hempsted  Tno  hickes 

by  me 


these  tow  Evidence    abovesd  Recorded  by  me 

ffebewari  ye  23  1088 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke. 

'^0  hempstead  toavn  records. 

Page  102. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  wbome  this  present  writing- 
Shall  come  or  any  wise  apertaine  be  it  Knowne  that  I 
thomas  wallis  of  niadnans  neck  witliin  ye  bonnds  of  tlie 
pattent  of  Henipsted  in  Qiiens  Connty  on  Long  Island  in 
ye  Coliuy  of  Jiew  Yorcke  for  and  in  ye  Consideration  yt 
williain  wilson  and  Sarah  his  now  wife  Saninell  tiller  A*  Mary 
his  now  wife  all  of  the  westermost  Island  or  littell  Island 
on  3'e  north  of  ye  boiinds  of  ye  pattent  of  oisterbay  iu  ye 
Connty  afores<l  have  by  theire  deed  under  tliair  hands  and 
seles  bering  date  with  these  presence  and  nickoles  Simeins 
of  mosceto  Cove  in  ye  bonnds  of  oisterbay  aforesd  being 
plointly  conserned  in  the  same  Deedes  have  made  over  & 
Confermed  nnto  mee  ye  sd  thomas  a  Sartaine  necke  of  Land 
or  Island  as  by  the  sd  Deedes  plainly  tt  Largly  doth  apare 
A-  for  other  good  causes  A:  Considerations  mee  ye  sd  Thomas 
espetially  moving  Have  given  granted  Alinated  made  over 
b;trgened  sonled  and  by  these  presence  I  ye  sd  thomas  do 
give  grant  Alinate  niacke  over  bargin  sell  and  conferme  nnto 
Samuell  tiller  A'  williani  wilson  aforesd  a  Cartaiue  acoma- 
dation  on  mad  nans  neck  aforesd  which  he  ye  sd  thomas 
now  poseseth  Ixdng  of  noniber  ye  thirtieth  Loot  containing 
thirty  acors  as  first  Laid  out  by  ye  survaiers  be  it  more  or  Les 
with  Cominag  and  all  other  previledge  therc^  unto  belonging 
with  all  houses  fences  and  fencing  ntnie  ;ill  frute  treese 
sowen  wheat  Rye  flax  A'  ludin  Corne  now  Standing  or  grow- 
ing on  ye  sd  acomidation  together  with  all  my  Right  title  & 
Intrest  Clame  demande  what  soever  which  of  ye  sd  thomas 
now  have  or  which  ray  or  other  of  my  hairs  exsecator  ad- 
ministrators or  asigne  may  hereafter  have  of  A'  in  ye  fore- 
mentioned  acomidation  on  every  part  A'  parsell  tlnaeof  with 

PaCxE  108. 

all  Issues  A:  Rights  therefrom  arising  f)r  growing  or  in  any 
wise  apertaining  to  Have  and  to  liould  unto  them  yd  sd 
Samuell  tiller   A-    william    willson    tliair    hairs    and    asigns 

HEMrSTEAD    TOWN    IlECOllDS.  31 

Equally  betwen  tlioiu  all  <t  Sinj^ular  yo  promises  with  its 
apertaiuanceH  to  yo  only  proper  m^v.  A'  Ix'liufc  of  Ihcm  ye 
S(l  Sainuell  and  yd  sd  williani  their  hairs  tt  asi<^iies  forever 
Mild  ye  sd  thoraas  Doth  put  ye  sd  Sauniell  tt  y<;  si  \\illi;iiii 
into  aLawfull  &  pesahlo  ])osetion  of  all  tV  siii<^nlar  j^e  ])r<!iMi- 
ses  by  ye  Deliveri  of  these  presenc  tt  yc;  sd  thonias  dotli  for 
hiinselfe  his  hairs  Exsec-eters  &  asi!Li;iies  tt"\ird(n-  Cov(!ii;uit  A 
atfree  to  A-  withyesdSaniuell  A  willi.nii  yt  itt  Shall  A  nriy  lie 
Lawfull  for  them  ye  sd  Samuell  A'  ye  sd  williaiii  there  li.iirs 
A  asiti;nes  qiiiatly  and  pesable  to  hav(^  liold  oc|ic|>ir  |»oses 
and  eiiJiiye  all  A^  Siut>ular  ye  premises  with  its  apertainaii- 
ces  for  ever  without  any  Lawfull  Sutt  liindnranc  or  iiito- 
ruption  of  liini  ye  sd  his  hairs  exsecutors  or  asin;nes 
or  any  other  person  or  ])arsons  lawfully  ClMiniiii;-  foi-  liy  or 
under  him  notwithstaiidinij!;  any  former  <^ift  i^raiit  har^iii  or 
sale  whatsoever  and  ye  sd  thonias  his  hairs  exseontors  oi- 
asi^nies  to  maintaine  ye  sd  Samuell  &  ye  sd  williain  thaii- 
hairs  A'  asi<jjnes  ye  Lawfull  posetion  of  ye  i)rciiiiscs 
for  ever  in  witnes  hereof  I  have  hereunto  sett  to  my  hand 
and  Sele  ye  Eleventh  day  of  may  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord 
one  thousand  six  hundred  eijj^lity  A^  Seven 

Si'Mied  Seled  and  Delivered  in  ])resenc  of  us  after  enter- 
linins  these  words  ye  18  line  (hairs)  and  in  nc  '21  Lyne 
(thair  hairs  &  asigns) 

John  newman 


Jane  walijs  (S) 

Entered  in  ye  Records  by  mee 

Joseph   Pf/itit  Clerckc 

Page  104. 

Know  all  nu^n  by  these  presents  yt  I  Richard  Gildersleve 
Sener  of  Hempsted  on  Lonu;  Island  In  (^u(^ns  County  in  ye 
province  of  new  yorcke  have  fully  freely  and  absolutly 
hardened  and  sould  unto  Egberson  behmgin.ij;  to  ye 
tovvne  and  County  afore  sd  Living  att  a  place  Called  foster 
meddoe  a  sartaine  alottment  of  meddoe  Ijaid  out  to  mee 


In  ve  tliird  devition  of  meddoe  Lviug  att  a  place  Knowne 
by  je  name  of^Hungry  harboui'  bounded  on  ye  Este  by  a 
Lott  of  Jeremiah  woods  and  on  ye  west  b}'  a  Lott 
Laid  out  to  John  Carman  andf  routing  southward  upon 
a  point  of  trees  and  so  Euning  northward  over  another 
point  of  trees  and  from  thence  to  a  Eiver  I  the  afore  sd 
Richard  Gildersleve  doe  owne  to  have  soukl  ye  afore  sd 
alottment  of  meddoe  as  It  was  Laid  out  to  mee  and  alina- 
ted  ye  same  from  mee  my  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or 
asigns  unto  ve  afore  sd  barnat  Eylerson  to  him  his  hairs 
exseceter  administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hohl  for 
Ever  as  his  or  thair  OAvne  proper  Right  and  doe  uphokl  yt 
my  sale  to  be  good  an'd  athenticke  free  from  any  sale  Lett 
or  Just  Clame  whatsoever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a 
valuable  sume  allredy  Reseved  as  full  satisfaction  before 
the  signing  herof  and  in  Confarmati<m  of  the  jiremise  I 
have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  and  fixed  mv  sele  november  ye 
22  1687 

Signed  and  Seled  in  presence  of  us 


Dea  .  .  X  Lester 

her  marcke  Rk  HARD  Gildersleve  Se  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Entered  in  ^e  Records  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  in.'). 

To  all  Christion  People  to  whome  these  Presence  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greting  Know  ye  that  I  wil- 
liMHi  Smith  of  fosters  meddoe  In  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  on 
Long  Island  in  (^uens  County  in  ye  ])roA-ince  of  new  yorcke 
have  given  granted  bargiued  and  sold  from  mee  my  haires 
Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  unto  fowres  Ginnins 
of  new  towne  in  ye  County  and  Island  afore  sd  to  him  his 
heires  Exseceters  administrators  to  and  asignes  a  sartain 
hollow  Lying  att  ve  westwerd  of  ve  towne  on  ve  plains  a  hoi- 
low  wieh  I  bought  of  Joseph  Laugdou  Containing  one  acor 

IIEMPSTKAD    TOWN    IJECOllDS.  _        88 

ftiul  half  more  or  Los  as  it  shall  l)o  found  tof^ether  with  a 
hollow  which  I  l)on^ht  of  iiathauiell  Pine  Lyin<j^  att  the 
wood  Ed,!j;o  on  ye  west  part  of  ye  plaines  with  six  acois  of 
wood  Land  a  Joynintj^  ther*^  unto  six  a(M)rs  more  or  Les  as 
first  Laid  oiite  together  with  all  ye  lli^hts  ])iivilid<^es  a])er- 
tenances  there  unto  belonii^inu;  I  ye  sd  williani  Smith  J^oe 
owne  to  have  sould  ye  Land  afore  sd  Avith  ye  ])r(!mis(^s  and 
d<^  for  Ever  froly  ferniLy  and  absolutly  barj^in  soil  ;iiid 
nnieke  over  ye  same  from  nuie  my  haires  Exsecet<!rs  admin- 
istrators to  and  asio;ns  to  ye  afore  sd  fowres  ({innins  to  him 
his  heires  Exsecetors  administrators  to  and  asijrnes  to  have 
and  to  hold  for  Ever  and  ferder  (h)e  ui)hold  and  mainetaine 
this  my  sale  to  be  Lawfnll  athenticke  and  (lood  ficc  fi-om 
any  sale  Lett  moregadtjje  or  Just  Clame  what  Ever  for  and 
in  Consideration  of  a  valuable  sume  as  full  Satisfaction  Re- 
seved  before  ye  Signin*^  hereof  and  in  testemouy  of  ye 
]n-emises  I  have  Hereunto  Set  to  my  hand  and  fexed  my 
Sele  this  sefeutli  of  Jeneweri  in  ye  forth  yere  of  his  maj^es- 
ties  Ileigne  Jeams  ye  second  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  lug- 
land  Scotland  france  and  Irland  King  defender  of  ye  faith 
and  In  ye  yeare  of  our  lord  God  to  Anno  domini  1088-9 
Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 

Georg  hulit  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke  william  X  Smith  (S) 

A  true  Copy  Examined  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  lOG. 
To  all  Christian  People  to  whorae  these  presents  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Jona- 
than Smith  Jeuer  of  Hempsted  on  Long  Island  In  cpieus 
County  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  doe  give  Grant  bar- 
fjin  Sell  and  macke  over  from  ni(M>  mv  heires  Exsecetors 
administrators  to  and  asignes  unto  Epharim  Golding  of  Je- 
mecoe  in  ye  Countv  and  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  heirs 
Execeters  adininistraters  to  and  asigues  a  Sartaiue  parsell 


of  wood  Land  Lying  and  being  situate  betwene  fosters  med- 
doe  amd  ye  Little  plaines  bounded  on  ye  Est  by  ye  Land  of 
Jeams  Rily  and  South  by  the  highway  or  Roade  and  north 
by  ye  Land  of  Corneles  ye  Dock  man  the  Land  Containing 
fifty  acors  more  or  Les  as  first  Laide  out  by  the  sirveier  to- 
gether with  all  ye  Rights  tt  privilidge  there  unto  belonging 
with  ye  timber  and  groth  thereof  and  apertenances  which 
any  wise  may  or  shall  belong  there  unto  I  ye  aforesd  Jona- 
than Smith  do  by  these  Presents  fermly  maeke  over  Alin- 
ate  sell  and  Convey  from  me  my  heirs  Exseceters  to  and 
asignes  unto  ye  aforesd  Ephrem  Golding  to  him  his  heires 
Exseceters  to  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  liould  for  Ever  as 
his  owue  proper  Right  and  ferder  doe  uphoiild  and  maiue- 
taiue  ye  my  Sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  Good  free 
from  any  Sale  Let  morgadge  or  Just  Cleme-what  Ever  all 
which  ye  above  sd  premises  are  for  and  in  Consideration  of 
a  valuable  Same  in  mony  Spesified  in  a  bill  of  debte  Re- 
seaved  before  ye  Signing  and  delivering  hereof  and  iu  tes- 
timony hereof  I  have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  and  fixed  ujy 
sele  this  twenty  eight  of  novemljer  in  ye  forth  yeare  of  his 
magesties  Raign  Jeams  ye  second  by  ye  Grace  of  God  of 
ingland  Scotland  france  and  Irland  King  defender  of  ye 
faith  and  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lortl  God  Anno  domiui  1688 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 


John  X  bradshe  Jonathan  Smith  (S) 

his  marcke  her 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke  Grace  X  Smith  (S) 

A  true  Coppie  Extrackted  by  mee 

Joseph  Peitit  Clercke 

Page  1G7. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  Presence  Shall 
Come  or  an}^  wise  apertaiue  Greeting  Know  yee  that  I  Har- 
mau  hendrick  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  Queus  County 


111  yo  Pi'oviuce  of  now  yoreko  doa  ])y  those  proseuce 
Give  <;Tant  bar^iii  sell  and  Aliiiate  from  iiiee  my  licdrs  ex- 
seceters  administvaters  or  asif^nes  to  Cliristiler  Diugc^e  of 
ye  towiie  aiid  County  afore  sd  to  liim  liis  heirs  exseeeters 
administraters  or  asi<>nos  for  Ever  a  Sartaiii  Aconiidation 
Situate  Lyinu;  and  being  att  a  pkice  Called  Westbery  ye 
Land  being  in  ([uantitie  twenty  three  acors  morc!  or  Les  as 
it  was  Laid  outc  hounded  on  the  Est  by  ye  Jjaiid  of  benia- 
men  Heinen  and  on  ye  south  by  ye  Comon  Land  and  west 
and  north  b}^  ye  Land  of  Jose])h  Ginnins  and  hy  ye 
Common  Land  all  which  Land  togc^ther  witli  ye  house 
outto  liousing  fencing  timlxn-  treese  ^^woods  A'  under 
woods  Lying  or  Standing  I  ye  sd  harman  hendrick  Doe 
owne  to  have  Sould  and  Doe  by  these  ])resence  for  Ever 
Sell  and  Alinate  from  mee  my  Innrs  toe  A'  asigns  unto  ye 
sd  ( !hristiftir  Diiige  to  him  his  heirs  to  and  asignes  to  have 
and  to  liould  for  Ever  and  f(irder  doe  nphould  and  inainetaiiie 
ys  mv  Sale  to  l)e  good  and  athentticke  fre  from  any  iiior- 
gadge  sale  Let  or  inCumberance  whatt  Ever  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  full  Satisfaction  Spetified  in  a  bill  of 
depte  given  before  the  signing  liere  of  and  In  testimony  I 
have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  and  Selle  Se})tember  ye  nine- 
tenth  and  in  ye  forth  yeare  of  his  magesties  llaigne  Jeams 
ye  Second  l)y  ye  Grace  of  God  of  Ingland  Scotland  frauce 
and  Irland  Kinge  Defender  of  ye  faith  &g  and  In  ye  j^eare 
of  oure  Lord  annoy  Donii  1(588 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 

Thomas  Elison  hauman  hen'diiicks  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  168. 

Know  all  men  by  these  ])resence  yt  I  thonias  Irland  of 
hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  (|uens  County  In  ye  province 
of  new  yorcke  have  Sould  unto  moses  Einore  of  ye  towue 
and  County  afore  sd  a  sartaiue  Devideut  of  meddoe  Called 


ye  third  devition  of  meddoe  Land  OTit  to  me  att  Rockaway 
att  a  place  Called  ye  first  opening  bounded  on  ye  soiitli  h\ 
a  Loott  of  willsonn  Pines  and  on  ye  north  by  a  Loott  Laid 
out  to  Adam  mott  Se  I  ye  above  sd  Thomas  Ldaud  doe 
owne  to  have  sould  ye  Loott  or  devition  afore  sd  with  Everi 
part  and  parsell  therof  as  it  was  Laid  oute  to  mee  ye  sd 
Thomas  Ldand  and  Doe  by  these  presence  fully  frely  and 
absolutly  bargen  Sell  and  macke  over  ye  Same  from  me  my 
hairs  Execeters  administraters  or  asignes  unto  ye  afore  sd 
moses  Emeri  to  him  his  haires  Execeters  administraters  or 
asignes  to  have  and  to  hoidd  as  his  or  there  owne  proper 
Right  for  Ever  ct  doe  uphould  and  mainetaine  this  my  Hale 
to  be  Good  and  athenticke  free  from  any  morgedge  Lett 
Seale  or  Just  Clame  what  Soever  which  is  for  and  in  Con- 
sideration of  a  valuable  Sume  alredy  Reeved  in  full  Satisfac- 
tion before  ye  signing  hereof  and  to  ye  true  performance  in 
Confermation  herof  ye  premices  I  have  hereunto  sett  my 
hand  and  fixed  my  sele  yt  tweltli  of  march  In  ye  yeare  of 
oure  Lord  one  thousand  six  hundred  eighty  and  seven 
Signed  and  Seled  in  presence  of  us 

George  X  Hix  Thomas  L^land  (S) 

his  marcke 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

A  true  Coppie  extrected  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke. 

Page  160. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  home  these  presence  shall  Come 
or  any  mse  apertaine  Greting  Know  yee  that  I  Joseph  bol- 
din  of  Hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  quens  County  in  the 
province  of  new  yorcke  have  for  Ever  formly  bargined  Sold 
and  made  over  from  mee  my  hairs  exseceters  administra- 
tors or  asignes  unto  thomas  Southward  of  the  towue  and 
County  afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exseceters  or  asignes  a 
Sartaine  home  Lott  Containing  one  acor  and  halfe  more  or 
Les  as  it  shall  be  found  within  fence  now  bounded  (»n  ye 


Est  by  .-i  Li)tfc  of  John  Siuitlis  and  on  yv,  noitli  1)\-  ya  Lett 
of  tlic  s(l  Tlionias  Soutliword  .-iiiil  west  aiul  South  by  tin; 
Stretfc  or  lii^liwuy  I  ye  tifore  sd  fIose[)li  boldiii  doe  owiiu  to 
liave  Sould  ye  Lott  afore  sd  to,^<}tlior  with  the  house  feiice- 
iii!^  frut  trees  feiiceiug  stiife  all  a])ertaiuiug  thereunto  and 
foiiuly  Goavaied  the  saniB  for  ever  from  niee  my  haires  ex- 
seuDters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  liould  for 
Ever  and  Dou  warreiit  this  my  s  ile  to  bee  Good  and  Law- 
ful frej  from  aay  Sale  Ljtt  margadge  or  Just  Clame  wlnit 
ever  for  a  id  in  Consideration  of  full  Satisfaction  allredy 
Reseved  before  ye  signing  herof  and  to  ye  true  perform- 
ance and  Confermatioii  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  tixed  my 
Sele  this  tirst  of  may  in  ye  forth  yeare  of  his  magesties 
Raigue  Jeams  ye  '2d  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  ingland  Scot- 
land franc  anil  Irland  King  defender  of  ye  faith  Ac  and  in 
ye  yeare  of  onr  Lord  Anno  domini  1(588 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  preaenc  of  ns  after  onte- 
lining  the  worde  administraters 

Jeams  be  ate  Joseph  boldin  (S) 

Nathaniell  Peesall  Ellin  boldin  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke  her  X  marcke 

this  l)ill  of  Sale  owned  and  acknodledged  before 
mee  June  ye  -i  in  ye  yeare  1(588 

John  Seman 

A  true  Ci)[)pie  extracted  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  170. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  yt  I  william  fjecockes  of 
hempsti'd  on  Long  Island  in  ye  north  Lliding  of  new  yorcke 
shere  havii  sold  unto  Edmou  tifces  of  ye  same  towue  bounds 
twenty  tow  acors  of  Land  lying  att  ye  north  side  att  a  place 
Called  Avestberi  hounded  on  yv  west  by  a  lott  of  John 
Senions  and  on  ye  Est  side  by  a  lott  of  hope  willis  and 
runing  north  and  south  I  say  I  ye  sd  william  Jecockes  have 


Sould  and  made  over  ye  laud  above  sd  to  3' e  sd  Edniou  tites 
to  liim  his  lieires  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  from 
me  my  lieires  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have 
and  to  lionld  for  Ever  ye  land  twenty  tow  acors  more  or  les 
as  it  was  laid  out  att  3e  first  and  doe  mainetaine  my  Sale  to 
be  good  and  lawfuU  from  au}^  Just  Cleme  of  any  Person  or 
Persons  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  8ix  hundred 
eighty  and  three  may  ye  twenty  ninth 

Signed  seled  in  presence  of  us  , 

Caleb  Carman  X  his  marcke  william  Jecockes  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 

A  true  Coppie  Extracted  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler. 

Page  171. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  home  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertame  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  John 
tredwell  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  quens  County  in 
ye  province  of  new  yorcke  have  for  Ever  given  granted  bar- 
gained and  Sould  unto  Edmou  tites  of  ye  towne  and  Coun- 
ty afore  sd  to  him  his  heirs  exseceters  administrators  or 
asignes  a  Sartaine  Lott  of  meddoe  Containing  fowre  acors 
more  or  les  as  Laid  out  by  ye  Survaiers  Lying  on  ye  great 
necke  Estward  bounded  on  3'e  Est  by  a  Lott  of  Kock 
Smiths  and  on  ye  west  b)'  a  Lott  of  John  Ellison  Seners  to 
gether  with  one  adition  Lying  in  je  west  Hie  of  ye  sd  necke 
bounded  on  ye  north  by  a  lott  laide  out  to  Jeams  Pine  and 
on  3'^e  south  by  a  lott  Laid  out  to  John  Ellison  Sencr  all 
wich  meddoe  afore  sd  with  Everi  ]jart  and  parsell  with  ye 
Right  of  Cominage  I  doe  owne  to  have  fermlv  Sold  aliiiat- 
ed  and  made  over  from  mee  3''e  afore  sd  John  tredwell  my  heirs 
exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  unto  ye  afore  sd  Edmon 
tites  to  him  his  heirs  exseceters  administrators  or  asigns  to 
have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  doe  upliould  and  maintaiue  3^t 
my  Sale  to  be  Good  and  athenticke  In  Law  free  from  any  Sale 
Lett  morgadge  Clame  or  incomberauce  what  Ever  for  and 


ill  (-oiisidc'ijitioii  of  full  S;itisi':icti()ii  ilesovod  bcfoitf  ye 
Sifj;iiiii^  hereof  :iiul  in  coiifermatioii  licictof  1  li.-ive  liere  unto 
Sett  my  luiiid  jiiid  tix(Ml  my  Sele  ye  iiiiitli  of  march  and  in 
ye  forth  yeare  of  his  mat^'cisties  iiaifi;iie  Jeams  yo  '2d  ])y  ye 
Grace  of  (Itjd  of  In^land  Scotland  fraiice  and  Irhind  Kinge 
defender  of  ye  faith  and  in  ye  ytiare  of  our  Lord  CJod  annoy 
doniiiii  l(;S7-8 

SigiuMi  Sekul  and  delivered  in  |)rt;sence  of  us 


Joseph  Pettit  CI. 

a  true  Coppie  Extracted  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar. 

Page  n± 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  I  Edward  Spraj^e  of 
hem|)st(Hl  on  Long  Islaud  in  queus  County  Li  ye  province 
of  new  v'oreke  have  sould  unto  Moses  Emorie  of  ye  towne 
and  County  afore  sd  a  Sartaine  ALotment  or  parsell  of 
med(hje  lying  at  a  necke  Called  ye  haybridge  bounded  on 
ye  west  by  a  Lott  of  Abraham  Smiths  and  on  ye  Est  by  a 
Loott  of  Samuell  Pines  and  being  in  (piantite  about  three 
or  foure  acors  more  or  Less  as  it  was  laide  oute  I  ye 
afore  sd  E  Iward  Sprage  doe  owiie  to  have  sould  ye  ineddoe 
afore  sd  and  doe  by  these  presence  fully  freely  tt  aljsolutly 
bargin  sell  Alinate  and  macke  over  ye  Same  from  mce  my 
heirs  exseceters  administrators  or  asi<jjnes  unto  ve  afore  sd 
Moses  Einorie  to  him  his  heires  exseceters  administrators 
or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  A-  pi^sblely  to 
enJoye  and  I  ye  above  sd  Edward  Sprage  doe  uphould  and 
mainetaiue  yt  my  Sale  to  be  Lawful!  athentick  and  Good 
free  from  any  Just  Clame  morgadge  Sale  Lett  or  in  Comber- 
ance  whatsoever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valuable 
Sume  as  full  Satisfat-tion  allredy  Reseved  in  hand  before  ye 
Signing  hereof  and  to  the  true  performance  and  Couferma- 
tioii  of  ye  premises  I  have  Sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my 


Sele  ye  Seventh  of  Jeneweri  iu  je  jeare  of  oiir  Lord  one 
tlionsaud  six  hundred  eis^htv  and  seven  signed  seled  and 
Delivered  in  jDresenee  of  ns 


John  tkedwell  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke  Edwakd  X  Sprage  (S) 


A  triie  Coppie  extracted  l)y  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar. 

Page  173. 

Know  all  men  bj  these  presence  yt  I  ffransess  Champion 
of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  ye  north  Iiidiug  of  new 
yorckshere  have  sould  unto  Jonathan  Smith  Juiier  of  ye 
towne  and  County  above  sd  a  Lott  of  meddoe  lying  on  ye 
Esterly  side  of  a  necke  called  ye  Loug  necke  Avhich  was 
Laid  out  to  my  husband  thomas  Champin  at  B,ockaway_ 
being  ye  tenth  Lott  in  number  and  in  (juantety  of  acores 
tow  &  aquarter  as  it  was  Laid  out  at  ye  tirst  l)ounded  on  ye 
north  Est  by  a  Lott  of  william  Jecockes  and  on  ye  south 
west  by  a  lott  of  benJamen  Coes  I  say  I  ye  above  sd 
tfrauses  Champion  have  soiild  unto  ye  above  sd  Jonathan 
Smith  3'e  Lott  of  meddoe  as  above  sd  from  me  my  heires 
exseceters  administrators  or  asigns  unto  ye  sd  Jonathan 
Smith  him  his  heires  exseceters  administraters  or  asignes 
to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  owne  proper  lliglit  for  Ever  ami 
doe  hereby  Conferme  this  my  bil]  of  Sale  to  stand  good 
and  atheuticke  iu  Law  free  from  all  morgadgcs  sales  and 
incomberances  what  Sum  Ever  I  say  that  I  have  sold  and 
doe  bv  these  presence  fullv  freelv  ami  absoliitiv  barj;in 
alinate  and  sell  from  me  lu}^  haires  t)r  asignes  unto  ye  sd 
Jonathan  Smith  his  hares  and  asigns  and  to  ye  true  ])er- 
formance  of  ye  premise  I  have  hereunto  sett  to  iny   hand 

and  fixed  my  sele  ye  lj),~Qf^ebeO[^'d__yL_M.^*^_  J®^i'^  '*^  **^^^" 
Lord  1682  and  iu  ye  thirty  forth   yeare  of  his   magesties 


Ilaigiie  Cliarls  ye  second  hy  ye  Grace  of  (iod  Kiii^'  of  j^rete 
bi'iteii  france  and  Irlaiid  di^iV^ider  of  yv.  f;iitli  Kiiii;<' 
Signed  sealed  and  delivered  in  ye  presence  of  ns 

Avetneses  ffkances  X  Chami'Ln  (S) 

ElCHARD  GiLDEKSLEEVE  lier  marclvc 

Joseph  Pkttit 

In  Conferniation  of  ye  premises  above  sd,  I  do(!  liennnito 
sett  my  hand  and  fix  my  sele  ye  '2d  of  Jencnvry  1()S7  S 

Sined  seled  and  delivered  in  John  X  Champin  (8) 

presence  of  iis  niarcke 

Adam  mott  Jk    Joseph  Pettit  Gierke 
this  Entered  in  ye  Records  ])y  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 
Page  174. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whorae  these  presence  Shall 
Come  Greetting  Know  yee  yt  wee  thomtis  tt  marv  hickes 
of  Cornbery  necke  in  ye  Jurisdiction  of  liieshing  in  (|uens 
County  upon  Long  Island  have  granted  bargined  alinated 
and  Sold  and  doe  by  tlu^se  ])resence  grant  Ijargin  alinate 
niacke  over  Conferme  and  Sell  from  us  oure  haires  exsece- 
tors  administrators  to  and  asignes  unto  Jonathan  Smith  of 
the  towne  of  hem})sted  in  ye  afore  sd  County  and  Island 
his  haires  exsecetors  adnnnistrators  to  and  asignes  for  Ever 
a  Sartaine  Lott  of  meddow  ('ontaiuing  twenty  Eight  aceors 
more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  out  situjtte  &  Lying  one  Mer- 
rick buted  and  bounded  as  followeth  westerly  by  Richard 
Gildersleeve  north  w'th  Little  Smith  Est  by  ye  Cold  Spring 
River  Soiitli  by  the  Bay  yt  Runs  betwixt  ye  meddoe  and  ye 
beech  with  all  ye  Salt  meddoe  that  Lys  on  ye  Avest  side  of 
ye  Cold  Springe  neck  as  far  as  any  Salt  grese  grows  with 
all  ye  Rightes  proffite  and  Previledges  there  unto  beLong- 
ing  by  vertue  of  any  fcowne  order  or  (^ther  wise  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  full  Satisfaction  to  me  in  hand  paid  for  ye 
which  I  ye  afore  sd  thomas  hickes  doe  fuly  exonerate  aquit 


ami  discharg  liiiu  je  Haid  Joiiatliaii  Hiiiith  his  liaires  ex- 
seceters  administrators  and  asi^ues  &  Everie  of  tliem  To 
have  and  to  hold  ye  sd  twenty  Eight  acors  meddoe  as  above 
Resited  and  all  and  Singgnlar  other  ye  promises  before  by 
these  presence  granted  or  intended  to  be  granted  tt  Sonld 
to  ye  Sole  and  only  proper  use  benefit  and  behafe  of  him 
ye  sd  Jonathan  Smith  his  haires  and  asignes  for  Ever  and 
ye  sd  thomas  hickes  his  liaires  exseceters  administrators  to 
and  asignes  Doth  covenant  and  Grant  to  and  with  ye  sd 
Jonathan  Smith  his  liaires  and  asignes  yt  att  ye  time  of  ye 
grant  l)argin  and  Sale  mackiug  of  ye  above  mentioned 
premises  to  ye  Said  Tho  Hickes  was  ye  true   and  lawfull 

Page  175. 

owner  thereof  and  yt  ye  sd  Jonathan  Siiiitli  his  heyres  and 
asignes  Shall  may  henceforth  and  for  Ever  Lawfully  pese- 
bleie  and  quietly  have  hold  use  occupie  poses  and  Inloye 
ye  sd  bargined  Premises  free  and  Clearely  to  be  discharged 
of  tV'  from  all  maner  of  former  Sales  morgadges  Judgments 
&  executions  and  forfuetere  to  be  Clamed  or  Chalengcd  of 
in  or  to  ve  Sanu^  or  any  Part  thereof  and  of  and  from  ill 
other  acts  and  Incomberances  what  so  Ever  had  made  dune 
or  Suii'ered  to  b(^  dune  by  ye  Said  Tho  hickes  his  lieyers 
exsecetors  administrators  or  any  other  person  oi'  persons 
Laying  Clame  unto  or  pretending  to  have  any  titU^  or  In- 
trest  of  ill  ore  to  ye  Same  ore  parte  tlu;reof  from  hy  on^ 
uiidcir  him  whereby  ye  said  Jonathan  Smith  his  herii-es  ore 
asignes  shall  ore  may  be  Lawfidly  Evictinl  out  of  ye  Poses- 
ion  tliercM)f  ;ind  ye  said  Thomas  hickes  his  hevers  exsece- 
tors  or  aihninistrators  to  upon  llesonable  and  Lawlull  d(^- 
maud  Shall  and  will  performe  and  doe  and  Cause  to  Ix' 
dune  &  performed  any  Such  fudther  deeds  and  acts  whether 
by  way  of  acknowledgnuint  <^f  this  present  dede  ore  any 
other  kind  that  shall  or  may  l)e  for  ye  more  full  Complet- 
ing Confenning  and  sure  macking  of  ye  said  bargined 
premises  unto  ye  said  Jonathan  Smith  his  hej^ers  and 
asignes  for  Ever  acoiding  to    ye    true    intent    hereof    and 


acording  to  ye  Laws  of  tliis  province  where  ye  premises 
are  in  Ixmiil;;  and  ye  said  Thomas  Hickes  his  hcycu's  ex- 
secetors  adniinistrators  to  sliall  and  will  forovei'  wairant 
and  detond  ye  sd  barjj^ined  pniniisi-s  nnto  ye  sd  Jonji- 
thaii  Smith  his  liairos  and  asigncs  against  honn^  \v  sd 
thoinas  hickes  and  against  his  haires  oxsecetoj's  and  ad- 
ministrators and  asignes  ;ui(l  against  all  and-  every  other 
person  or  ])ersons  what  so  civer  Cleming  or  to  Cl(!ine  any 
Estate  llight  title  intr(!st  ore  demand  wliatsoever  of  in  oi' 
to  ye  same  ore  any  part  thereof  In  wittnes  wh(U'of  I  ye 
above  sd  thotnas  liickes  have  hereunto  S(dt  onre  hands  and 
affixed  our  stdes  this  Desember  ye  1'^  1(')S7 

Signed  seled  tt  delivered  in  presence  of  ns 
John  hakkison  Thomas  Hickes  (S) 


This  bill  of  Sale  Entred  in  ye  Records  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  170. 

To  all  (Uuistian  people  to  wliome  these  prestMK;e  sliall 
conit^  Thomas  Ellison  Senr  oi  hempsted  in  (piens  County 
Sends  Greeting  now  Know-yee  yt  I  ye  sd  thomas  Ellison 
with  ye  fall  and  free  Consent  of  martha  my  wife  for  and  in 
consideration  of  a  valuable  Some  of  mouy  in  hand  paid  or 
Securd  t  >  be  paid  by  Samuell  denton  Juner  of  ye  sd  towne 
and  County  have  given  granted  bargeued  sold  ensufrd  and 
Confermed  and  by  these  presence  Doe  fnlly  frely  and  abso- 
Lutely  Give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  ensufer  and  ('onfeiine 
unto  ye  sd  Samuell  (hMiton  his  liaires  of  asignes  a  sartaine 
tracte  of  Land  Contaiidug  fortene  acors  more  or  Les  as  it 
was  laid  out  by  ve  surverei-s  Lying  and  Ixung  within  ye 
bound  of  H(^^ni[)sted  att  a  place  on  ye  north  Side  of  ye 
Greate  plaine  Called  ye  new  feild  btung  bounded  on  ye  west 
by  Samuell  Emories  land  on  ye  north  by  Common  Land  on  ye 
Est  by  Jose[)li  williams  on  yv  south  by  Common  Land  wich 
said    tract    of    Lauil    together    with    ye    timber   trees    and 


iuiprovemeuts  upou  or  belonging  to  ye  sd  land  1  ye  afore  yd 
thomas  Ellison  from  me  mv  beires  Exseceters  atlmiuistra- 
tors  or  asignes  do  fully  absolutly  sell  aliau  an  1  macke  over 
unto  ye  sd  Samuell  Denton  Juner  for  bim  bis  baires  Exsece- 
ters administrators  and  asignes  to  bave  and  to  bold  poses 
and  EnJoye  as  bis  and  tbaire  proper  iiigbt  for  Ever  and  I 
ye  sd  tbomas  Elison  for  mee  my  baires  Exsecetors  adminis- 
trators or  asignes  ye  afore  sd  tracte  of  Land  as  above 
bounded  and  exprest  from  any  person  or  persons  by  frrom 
or  under  mee  tbem  or  otber  of  tbem  or  upon  any  pretence 
wbat  Ever  Claming  any  title  to  ye  sd  Land  sball  and  will 
warant  and  for  Ever  by  tbese  presence  defend  yt  this  is  my 
act  and  deed  I  tbe  sd  tbomas  Ellison  w't  martba  my  wife 
bave  set  to  our  bands  and  fixed  our  sels  tbis  tweny  eitb 
day  of  may  Annoy  Domini  1689 
Signed  seled  and  delivered  befor  us 


Dan'll  Denton  Thomas  Ellison  (H) 

ber  ber 

HANNAH  X  Denton  Maktha  X  Ellison  (S) 

marcke  marcke 

A  truL'  coj)})ic  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  177. 

To  All  XPian  People  to  bome  tbis  present  writing  Sball 
(Jome  John  Smith  liockc  of  liemi)sted  Tn  ijiiciis  County 
up<m  Long  Icland  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  in  america 
yeoman  Sendeth  greeting  in  our  Lord  (rod  everlasting 
Know  yee  tbat  I  ye  said  Jobn  Smith  for  divers  Good  Con- 
siderations mee  thereunto  moveing  and  more  Espetially  for 
and  In  Consideration  of  ye  natiirall  afection  I  bave  and 
bare  and  bave  unto  niv  well  I)eloved  sone  Jonathan  Sinitb 
of  bempsted  yeoman  bave  Given  granted  ensufed  Relesed 
and  Confermed  and  doe  l>y  these  j)resence  give  grant  cn- 
soefe  Ilelese  and  Conferme  unto  ye  sd  Jonathan  Smith  all 
my  bc^me  Loott    now   in    ye  tenor   tV    ocupailds    of    ye    sd 


Joiiiitlian  Sinitb  bounded  by  yv  sd  John  Smith  his  home 
Loot  northerly  Easterly  tt  southerly  by  ye  strete  ct  AV(!sterly 
by  ye  homo  Loot  in  ye  tenor  of  Geori>;  hulitt  Cl()iit;iiiiiii<j;  tow 
acors  and  a  hali'e  niso  one  full  juid  tliivd  ));irt  of  -.v  tlifty 
acor  of  u])land  where  it  Shall  ]h\  laid  outc^  withi)i  tlie  to\\  iie- 
ship  of  luunpsted  afore  sd  allso  one  moiety  or  Ecjuall  lialt' 
part  of  a  hundred  acor  Lott  of  ui)land  Lyinji;  and  Ixuiiu;  on 
the  Est  side  of  a  hollow  Comoidy  Knowne  and  Callcil  l)y 
ye  name  of  Housboy  holloAV  bound(Ml  Estiudy  l)y  tin;  liij^h- 
way  and  the  Commcm  or  woodL-uid  Soutlnu'ly  westerly  and 
northerly  together  with  all  houses  out  house  l)arns  build- 
ings fences  tind)er  trees  hereditements  and  apertainenccis 
to  ye  Same  belonfrinf^  or  in  any  wise  apertaining  one  halfe 
of  ye  bariK!  and  halfe  of  ye  Oowyard  oidy  exsepted  to  have 
and  to  hold  all  and  sin<ji;ular  the  Sd  Loots  of  La,nd  and 
above  (jjranted  premises  to  him  the  sd  Jonathan  Smith  his 
hairs  and  asignes  to  ye  only  use  and  behofe  of  ye  sd  Jona- 
than Smith  his  hairs  and  asiiLi;nes  for  ever  In  testimojiy 
whereof  I  ye  sd  John  Smith  have  here  unto  sett  njy  hand 
and  fixed  my  sele  at  hempsted  this  thirtieth  day  of  march  in 
the  third  yeare  of  ye  llaighne  of  our  Soveren  Lord  Jeams 
the  Second  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  inglend  Scotland  franc 
and  L-land  King  Defender  of  ye  faith  &■  in  ye  yeare  of  oure 
Lord   God  one  thousand  six  hundred  eighty  and  seven 

Seled  and  delivered  in  presenc  of  us 

Adom  mott  J 

Andrew  Gibb  his 

John  X  Smith  (S) 
A  true  Co]ipie  extracted  by  mee  marcke. 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

PaCxE  178. 

This  indenture  made  ye  thirtieth  day  of  march  in  ye 
third  yeare  of  ye  Reigne  of  our  Sovereigue  Lord  Jeams  ye 
Second  l)y  ye  Grace  of  God  Kinge  of  Ingland  Scotland 
franco  and  irhmd  defender  of  ye  faith  tVc,  &  in  ye  yeare  of 
oure    Lord    one    thousand   six   hundred    eighty    and  seven 


betwene  Richard  Gildersleve  of  Hempsted  in  quens  County 
on  ye  one  part  and  Jonatbon  Smith  Juner  of  je  Same 
place  on  ye  other  part  witneseth  that  ye  sd  Richard  Gil- 
dersleeve  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valuable  Sume  of 
Good  (S:  Lawfull  mony  of  ye  proviuc  of  new  yorcke  to  him 
in  hand  paide  liefore  ye  Sealeing  and  Delivering  hereof  by 
yd  sd  Jonathan  Smith  ye  Resepte  whereof  ye  sd  Richard 
Doth  hereby  acknowLedge  and  thereof  and  therefrom  for 
Ever  l)y  these  presence  Doth  aquit  and  discharge  ye  sd 
Jonathan  Smith  his  hairs  Exsecetors  adiniuistrators  hath 
^ranted  bargined  and  sould  cVr  by  these  presence  Doth  iiraiit 
bargin  A:  Sell  unto  ye  sd  Jonathan  Smith  his  hairs  and 
asignes  for  Ever  all  those  tow  sartaine  Six  acor  Lootts  of 
meddoe  they  more  or  Lesse  Situate  Lying  and  being  in 
merocke  necke  ye  one  one  ye  Est  sd  and  ye  other  Loott 
on  ye  west  sd  of  ye  sd  neck  the  Loott  on  ye  Est  sd  of  ye 
sd  neck  being  b(mnded  on  ye  Este  by  ye  meddowes  of  tliomas 
hickes  on  ye  west  by  Jeremiah  woods  meddoes  and  on  ye 
north  Ity  ye  meddotis  of  thomas  hickes  and  ye  Loot  on  ye 
west  sd  of  ye  sd  neck  being  bounded  on  ye  Est  by  ye  med- 
does of  Jonathan  Smith  Sen(n'  on  ye  west  by  Jeremiah 
wood  and  on  ye  north  l)v  a  sartaine  Commnii  of  uphmd  to- 
gether with  all  and  Singular  ye  profits  benefits  advantages 
hereditaments  tt  a])ertainences  to  ye  sd  tow  Lootts  of  med- 
doe belonging  or  in  any  wise  apertaining  and  all  ye  Estate 
Right  title  intrest  property  Clame  and  demand  of  him  ye 
sd  Richard  Gildersleeve  of  in  iV    to   ye  premises  and  of  in 

PaCxE  171). 

and  to  all  and  Every  part  and  parctdl  thereof  to  have  and 
to  hould  ye  sd  tow  Lootts  of  meddoes  and  premises  with 
all  and  Singular  ye  apertainances  to  ye  sd  Jonathan  Smith 
Juner  his  haires  and  asignes  ior  Ever  to  ye  only  pro])er  use 
benifit  and  bchoofe  of  him  ye  sd  Jonathan  Smith  Juner 
his  haires  and  asignes  for  Ever  and  ye  sd  Richard  Gilder- 
sleve for  him  self  his  haires  Exsecetors  iV  adininistratois 
and  Every  of  them  Doth  covenant   S:  grant   to   iV    with  ye 


sayd  JonatliJin  Smith  his  liaires  juid  asi^iies  l)y  these  pres- 
ence yt  he  ye  sd  Ilichard  (Jihlersleeve  at  ye  Selinji;  A-  De- 
livery hereof  both  i>()()d  ])()wer  and  llight  and  Lawful! 
athoritie  to  grant  bargin  and  sell  ye  prcnnises  and  all  and 
Everie  part  &  parsed  hereof  <t  that  ye  sd  tow  Loots  of 
niedd(^e  &  preraeses  now  are  and  for  Ever  hereafter  Shall 
be  (Uearely  &  absolntly  fred  Exonerated  &  discharged  of  ct 
from  all  iS:  all  nniner  of  otlnu'  &  former  gifts  grants  bargins 
sals  Jointuers  Dowries  Judgments  and  Exsecutions  A-  iii- 
comberences  wdiatsoever  A-  I  ho.  ye  sd  llichard  (Jildeish've 
&  his  hairs  ye  above  granted  and  bargined  tow  Loots  of 
meddoes  and  premises  with  ye  appertainences  to  him  ye  sd 
Jonathaii  Smith  A  his  hairs  and  asignes  against  him  ye  sd 
Richard  his  hairs  and  against  all  &  Every  jxirson  and  l*er- 
sons  whatsoever  shall  and  will  warant  and  for  Ever  by 
these  presence  Defend 

In  testimony  of  ye  premises  ye  sd  lUchard  hath  hcje 
nnto  sett  his  hand  &  Sele  ye  day  and  yeare  first  above  writ- 

Seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  ns 
ye  words  (of  meddoes)  betwene  ye  ninth 
ct  tenth  Line  being  first  enterlined 

Andrew  gibb  Richard  Gildersleve  (S) 

Adam  moott  Jnn  her 

Experenc  X  Gildersleve  (S) 

A  true  Coppie  Extracted  By  Mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  180. 

to  all  Christion  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know^  ye  yt  that 
Jeams  moott  of  mamaranacdi  in  ye  county  of  west  Chester 
in  ye  province  of  new^  j^orcke  have  sold  and  do  by  these 
presence  fermly  bargin  sell  and  sett  over  from  nic  my  hairs 
Exseceters  or  asignes  unto  Joseph  mott  of  hempstt d  to  him 


his  liairs  Exseceters  or  asignes  a  sartaiue  parsell  of  salt 
meddo  att  Kockaway  at  a  place  Called  hunwrj^  liarber 
bounded  bv  ye  meddo  of  Jouatliau  Smith  ye  Est  and  west 
and  south  by  ye  Dich  and  north  by  ye  Cricke  and  ye  sd 
Jonathan  Smith  ye  meddo  C<^ntaineing  thirteene  Kod  wide 
and  a  parsell  of  salt  meddo  bounded  on  ye  Est  b}^  ye  med- 
do of  John  mot  and  west  bv  ve  cricke  yt  part  ye  Lott  laid 
out  to  Kichard  Ellison  and  ye  sd  Lott  Euning  from  Crick 
to  Cove  Containing  about  aightene  Rods  wide  all  ^^•hich 
meddo  I  ye  sd  Jeams  mot  do  sell  and  alinate  from  mee 
my  hairs  Exsjeceters  and  asignes  to  ye  sd  Joseph  mott  to 
him  his  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have 
and  to  hould  as  his  for  Ever  or  theire  owne  proper  Right 
and  do  warrant  yt  my  salle  to  be  lawfull  athentick  and  good 
free  from  any  morgadge  sale  or  Just  Clame  for  and  in  Con- 
sideration of  a  valuable  sume  of  mony  Reseved  in  full  sat- 
isfaction before  ye  sigueing  hereof  and  in  testimony  of  ye 
Premises  I  liarve  hereunto  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  njy 
sele  Jiily  ye  foreteenth  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  God  anno 
Domini- 1  (JOG 

Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presenc  of  us 
after  Enterlining  ye  words  (and  delivered) 

Jonathan  Smith  James  mott  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

a  true  Coppie  of  ye  origanell  Entered  in  ye  Records  hy 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  181. 

KnoAV  all  men  by  these  presence  whome  this  may  (Vui- 
cerne  that  I  John  Jackson  of  hempsted  on  Long  Ihmd  in 
quens  County  and  in  ye  province  of  yorcke  Shere  have  and 
doe  by  these  presence  bargin  sell  and  Alinate  from  mee 
my  heirs  Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  unto  hend- 
rick  dosenliorah  Juiun-  of  ye  towne  afore  said  to  liini  his 
haires  Exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  one  alotmcnt  of 


Land  Containine;  fifty  acovs  Lyiiifjj  betwono  fosters  meddoe 
and  the  Great  plaines  by  tlie  path  that  goeth  to  the  fery 
seventene  acors  on  ye  north  Side  of  ye  path  and  thirty 
three  acors  on  ye  south  side  of  tlu;  path  aJoyning  to  John 
AUiiis  Land  I  ye  said  John  Ja('kson  dow  owne  to  have 
sould  the  fore  mentioned  Lott  of  Land  from  mee  my  heires 
Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  to  ye  afore  saide 
hendrick  (hisoiiborah  to  liim  liis  lieires  Exseceters  adminis- 
trators or  asignes  to  have  and  to  houhl  for  Ever  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  a  valuable  Sume  and  full  satisfaction  by 
me  allredy  lleseved  warenting  this  my  Sale  Good  in  Law 
free  from  all  former  guift  Sale  or  morgadge  or  Clame  of  any 
person  In  Confermation  hereof  I  have  set  unto  my  hand 
and  sele  this  (>  day  of  Janeweri  in  yo  yeare  1684 
Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presenc  of  us 

Nathaniell  Persall  John  Jacjkson  (S) 

Simon  Sering 

Entered  In  ye  Records  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  182. 

to  all  Christion  people  to  wliome  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  a})ertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  william 
thicstone  of  hempsted  on  Long  Hand  in  quens  County  in  ye 
provence  of  new  yorcke  linve  given  granted  l)argined  and 
sold  and  do  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  and 
macke  over  from  me  my  liaires  Exseceters  administrators  to 
and  asignes  unto  thomas  martin  of  ye  towne  and  County 
afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  Exseceters  administrators  to  and 
asignes  a  Sartaine  Lott  of  Land  Lying  and  being  Situate 
on  madnans  necke  it  being  in  number  ye  twenty  sixth  Loot 
and  in  quantity  of  acors  tiveteue  acors  more  or  Les  as  first 
Laid  to  llichard  Stites  and  Lying  betwene  a  Loot  Laide 
oute  to  temothi  halsted  and  a  lott  Laid  out  to  Jf)lin  Jack- 
son I  the  af(n"e  sd  william  tliickstone  do  owne  by  these 
presence  to  have  fully  frely  and  absolutely  given  granted 


l>:ir;;iiM'(l  .'111(1  soldc  ;in(l  (!•»  liy  these  presence  for  Ever  Ali- 
natc  jind  nuK^ke  over  ye  L;in(l  afore  sd  together  with  all  ye 
nights  j)i('vili(lg(>s  a]>ert(Miances  there  unto  belonging  with 
ye  iiper  woods  and  uiidci-  woods  and  all  ye  timber  lying  and 
standing  thereon  I  yi;  sd  williajii  thickston  do  sell  and  macke 
over  ye  land  and  ])reinises  from  me  my  haires  Exseceters 
aflmiiiistrators  to  and  asignes  unto  ye  afore  sd  thoraas 
martin  to  him  his  heiros  Exseceters  administrators  to  and 
asignes  to  have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  and  ferder  do  uphold 
and  mainetaine  yt  my  Sale  to  be  Lawfull  atlienticke  and 
good  fre  from  any  Sale  morgadg  or  Just  Clame  what  Ever 
for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valuable  Sume  as  full  Satis- 
facti(jn  Ileseved  before  ye  Signing  here  of  and  in  testimoni 
here  of  I  have  here  unto  Set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  Sele 
this  first  of  Jenewari  in  ye  forth  yeare  of  his  majesties 
llaigne  Jeams  ye  2d  by  ye  grace  of  god  of  Ingland  S.^jt- 
land  france  and  Irland  King  defender  of  ye  faith  and  in  ye 
yefire  of  our  Lord  God  1G88 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  oi  us 

William  Thickstoxe  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke        william  X  thickstone  (S) 


nathaniell  semons  his  Eare  mareke  is  a  Latch  on  ye  nper 
side  Each  Eare  and  a  Slit  under  ye  Latch  on  ye  End  of  ye 
neare  Eare 

Entered  in  ye  Records  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 
.July  ye '25,  1G93 

Page  183. 

To  all  Christion  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Joshuah 
Jecockes  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  quens  County  in 
ye  proA-ince  of  new  yorcke  have  given  granted  bargined 
and  sould  from  me  my  heires  Exseceters  administrators  to 
and  asignes  unto  Jonathan  Smith  Juner  of  ye  towne  and 


County  afore  sd  to  liim  his  iKdros  Exsecetors  adiiiiuistrators 
to  A'  asifi;iies  a  sartaiiic  pars(dl  of  mcddo  Laud  Lyiu<^  ami 
beiufjj  att  Rockaway  on  ye  Long  uecke  boumlcd  on  ye.  norili 
by  ye  nieddos  of  Abraham  Suiitli  and  south  by  yo  uumMos 
of  ye  sd  Joiiatliaii  Sniitli  and  iu  (juaiitity  as  shall  be  found 
it  beiug  ye  tliird  dcivition  of  mcddo  Laid  out  in  ye  yrai»! 
1()SU  all  wich  devition  or  my  part  tlun-eof  as  it  was  Laid  outt; 
fresh  and  Salt  with  Every  part  and  Parsell  there  of  I  ye  sd 
Joshuah  Jecockes  do  for  Ever  freely  fermly  and  absolutely 
give  giant  bargin  sell  allinate  and  set  over  from  me  my  hcircs 
Exseceters  administratois  to  and  asigncs  to  ye  sd  Jonathan 
Smith  to  him  his  heires  Exseceters  administrators  to  A-  as- 
signes  to  haveaudtohould  for  Ever  as  his  owne  pro|)er  Right 
and  pesebly  to  inJoy  with  oute  molestation  and  ferder  ilo 
warant  yt  my  sale  to  be  good  athenticke  and  Lawfull  fre  from 
any  sale  Leet  morgadge  or  Just  Cleme  what  Ever  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  full  satisfaction  Reseved  before  ye  signing 
hereof  and  in  testimoni  here  of  I  have  here  unto  sett  to  my 
hand  and  tixed  my  sele  ye  15  of  febewery  in  ye  yeare  of  oure 
Lord  God  1688  and  in  ye  tifth  yeare  of  his  magesties 
Raigne  Jeams  ye  second  l)y  ye  grace  of  goil  of  Ingland 
Scotland  france  and  Irland  King  defonihu-  of  ye  faith 
Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 

JosHUAH  Jecockes  (S) 

John  Merritt  his  marcke  X  • 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

a  true  Coppie  Extracted  by  me 

Joseph  Pettii'  C^len-kf 

Page  184. 
Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  adom  mott  of 
hempsted  u])  on  Lcmg  Hand  in  ([uens  Ccmnty  and  in  ye 
province  of  new  yorcke  have  and  do  by  these  presence  bar- 
gin  sell  and  alinate  asigne  set  over  and  deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  unto  my 
brother  Joseph  mott  of  ye  towne  and  County  afore  sd  to 
him    his    hairs    Exseceters    administrators    or    asignes    the 


Equall  moyety  or  half  of  a  pece  or  Par.sell  of  meddo  that 
formerly  was  Mr  bickes  it  lys  and  is  situate  at  Rockaway 
at  a  place  Called  Inmgry  harbor  it  is  bounded  on  the  west 
by  a  publick  hyway  yt  goes  from  ye  woods  to  ye  puglick 
bridge  yt  gos  to  hungry  harbor  Hand  and  on  ye  north  and 
south  and  Est  it  is  bounded  as  is  mentioned  in  ye  Jenerall 
Record  the  Equall  lialfe  of  which  I  ye  afore  sd  adorn  do 
owne  to  have  sould  and  delivered  from  me  my  liaires  Suc- 
sesors  and  asignes  as  a  fore  sd  with  all  Rights  there  unto 
belonging  to  my  afore  sd  Brother  Joseph  mott  to  him  his 
liaires  Exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  as  theire  owne 
proper  Right  to  have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  for  and  in  Consid- 
eration of  a  valuable  Sume  and  full  satisfaction  by  mee  all- 
redy  Reseved  before  ye  signing  hereof  I  therefore  binding  my 
selfe  my  hairs  and  sucsesors  to  mainetaine  and  uphold  this 
my  sale  good  in  law  free  from  all  former  gifts  sals  or  mor- 
gadges  or  incomberances  what  so  Ever  I  ferder  declare  yt 
Avhen  this  afore  sd  medoe  shall  be  deeded  then  my  sd 
brother  shall  Chose  which  half  he  will  have  and  in  Confer- 
mation  hereof  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  sele  this  fifth  day 
of  november  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord  1G91 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered 
in  presence  of  us 

NATHANIELL  Persall  memorandom  ye  meddo  above 

AbrahaV  Smith  mentioned  adom  mott  bought  of 

his  Mr  hickes 

John  X  avilliams  Adom  Mott  (S) 

marcke  Coppie 

Entered  in  ye  Records  B3'  mee 
Jospn'H  Pettit,  Clercke 

Page  185. 

to  all  Christion  peoph^  to  whome  these  presence  may 
Come  or  any  Avise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  adom 
mott  of  lierapsted  on  Long  Island  In  quens  Count}'  in  ye 


proviiue  of  Jicw  yoickc;  Doc  by  tlioKe  [ucsuiu'c  j^ive  j^raut 
barjLfin  sell  and  sett  over  from  me  my  lieires  t^xscceters  jkI- 
miiiistrators  or  asigiies  iiuto  my  lirotlier  f)()S(.|ili  inol  of  ye 
towjie  and  County  afore  sd  to  him  his  lieires  exseceters  ad- 
ministrators or  asii^nes  a  sartaine  j)arsell  of  meddo  ^roimd 
Lying  and  being  situated  at  ye  South  meddows  on  a  neck 
Knowne  by, ye  n.inie  of  hixes  necke  bounded  on  ye  Est  by 
ye  meddows  of  iiathaniidl  })erse]l  and  west  by  ye  meddows 
of  william  Jecockes  and  north  by  ye  woods  and  south  l)y  ye 
Cove  or  water  yt  parteth  ye  beach  and  ye  meddows  and  in 
(juantity  of  acors  nine  more  or  Less  as  it  was  firs  Laid  oute 
all  which  meddoe  ground  fresh  and  salt  with  Every  ]iart 
and  ])arsell  thereof  I  ye  sd  adom  mott  Do  by  these  pres- 
(Mice  fully  freely  and  absolutly  l)argin  sell  and  sett  over 
alinate  and  dispose  from  mee  my  lieires  exseceters  admin- 
istrators or  asignes  unto  my  sd  brother  Joseph  mott  to  him 
liis  lieires  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and 
to  liould  for  Ever  for  and  in  consideration  of  other  meddows 
and  mouys  Reseved  in  full  satisfaction  before  ye  signing 
hereof  and  ferder  do  promise  with  my  said  brother  his 
lieires  and  asignes  yt  I  ye  sd  adom  mott  my  lieires  and  asignes 
will  warrant  and  Defend  ye  premises  to  be  lawfull  athen- 
tick  and- good  free  from  all  sels  lets  morgadges  and  in- 
comberauceses  what  Ever  and  in  testimony  of  Every  of 
ye  premises  I  have  here  unto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my 
sele  this  twenty  sixth  of  Jeiiewari  ano  Domini  l(j*)2 
Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 


Joseph  Pettit 
Coppie  Entered  in  ye  Records  bj'  mee 

JosKiMi  Pi-rnr  Clercke 

Page  186. 

to  all  Christion  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Joseph 


mott  of  hempsted  ou  Long  Island  in  Quens  County  in  ye 
province  of  new  yorcke  do  by  these  presence  give  gi-ant 
bargin  sell  and  sett  over  from  niee  my  lieires  exseceters  ad- 
ministrators or  asignes  unto  my  brother  adorn  mott  of  ye 
towne  and  County  afore  sd  to  him  his  heires  exseceters  ad- 
ministrators or  asignes  a  sartaine  parsell  of  meddo  Lying 
in  tow  parsells  at  Eocka^vay  at  a  parsell  of  meddo  Called 
hungry  harbor  being  mentioned  to  mee  ye  sd  Joseph  mott 
in  a  deed  of  Conveyance  from  my  brother  Jeams  mott  which 
tow  parsells  of  meddo  fully  as  mentioned  in  ye  sd  deed  of 
sale  with  Every  part  and  parsell  thereof  with  one  quarter 
part  of  one  Lott  of  meddo  at  ye  greet  neck  Estward  which 
was  Laid  oute  to  Eichard  Gildersleeve  sener  and  Eichard 
Gildersleeve  Juner  then  Called  though  now  both  Desesed 
all  which  meddo  with  Every  part  and  parsell  thereof  I  ye 
sd  Joseph  mott  do  by  these  presence  full}'  freel}-  and  abso- 
lutely give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  and  macke  over  from 
mee  my  heires  or  asisjnes  iinto  my  sd  brother  adom  mott 
his  lieires  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  ever  for  and 
in  Consideration  of  other  meddos  Eeseved  in  full  Satisfac- 
tion before  ye  Signing  hereof  and  ferder  I  ye  sd  Joseph 
mott  my  heires  and  asignes  do  promise  with  my  sd  brother 
adam  mott  his  heires  and  asignes  to  waiTant  and  de- 
fend ye  premises  good  and  athentick  in  law  free  fi'om  all 
sales  Lets  morgadges  or  incomberances  what  Ever  and  in 
testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  here  unto  sett  to  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  sele  Jeuewary  ye  twentj^  sixth  anno  Domini 

Signed  Seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 



Joseph  Pettit 

a  true  Coppie  tacken  oute  of  ye  origenall  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 


Page  187. 

This  wiia;litiii,<i;  wituoseth  .in  ;igreemeiit  made  ye  day  be- 
tweiie  Elizabeth  hubs  forinerly  wife  of  Adoiii  mott  Sener 
deses<Ml  of  ye  one  party  and  her  Son  in  Law  a(h)m  niott 
Juuer  of  ye  other  part  as  followeth  whereas  there  hath 
bene  a  Contriversi  and  ditferaiice  betwene  ye  afore  sd 
Elizabeth  hubs  and  her  Son  in  Law  adorn  mott  Consernin^ 
ye  Estate  of  her  Desesed  husband.  It  is  this  day  Joyntly 
agreed  and  Concluded  betwene  ye  tow  Parties  afore  sd  vis 
Elizabeth  hubs  and  adoni  mott  that  ye  will  of  her  Desesed 
husband  adorn  mott  Sener  Shall  stand  good  and  be  per- 
formed in  all  particulars  hereafter  mentioned  that  is  first 
ye  afore  sd  Elizabeth  hubs  doth  iugadge  for  and  in  behalfe 
of  herselfe  and  all  her  CUiildien  yt  her  son  in  Law  adom 
mott  and  his  three  brothers  Jeams  John  and  Joseph  shall 
have  Cornishes  and  Larances  properiates  as  is  mentioned 
in  a  deed  of  gift  from  tlieire  father  to  them  and  allso  not 
given  to  them  by  his  will  with  all  Rights  and  previlidges  yt 
hath  and  shall  derive  from  ye  afore  sd  properiatyes  since  ye 
date  of  ye  afore  sd  deede  of  gift  but  nothing  of  which  yt 
did  derive  from  them  afore  said  and  allso  ye  her  son  in  Law 
adani  mott  shall  have  ye  fifty  acors  of  Land  given  to  him 
in  his  fathers  will  and  that  John  mot  shall  have  ye  lot  of 
meddo  at  ye  whele  necke  given  to  him  in  his  fathers  will 
and  yt  Joseph  mott  Shall  have  ye  hundred  acors  of  land 
given  to  him  in  his  fathers  will  all  to  be  and  Keraaine  to 
them  tliaire  hairs  and  sucsesers  to  EuJoy  for  Ever  and 
fiirder  ye  aforesd  Elizabeth  hubs  duth  in  behalfe  of  her 
selfe  and  her  children  give  grant  alinate  and  asigne,  and  set 
over  from  her  selfe  or  any  of  her  children  thaire  exseceters 
administrators  or  asignes  tow  alotments  lying  at  ye  great 
necke  Containing  three  or  fower  and  twenty  acOrs  more  or 
les  as  thay  were  laid  oute  and  one  alotment  of  meddo  lying 
at  hixes  necke  containing  nine  acors  more  or  les  as  it  was 
laid  out  to  him  ye  afore  sd  adani  mott  his  hairs  exseceters 
administrators   or  asignes  to  have   and  to   hold  for   Ever 


bimling  herself  and  her  chihh-eu  thaire  hairs  sucsesers  and 
asignes  to  maiuetaine  and  u[)hoiihl  ye  same  good  in  law  free 
from  any  former  gift  sale  morgadge  Just  clame  of  an}'  per- 
son or  pearsons  what  so  Ever  and  in  confermation  here  of 
I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  sele  this  lifth  day  of  november 
in  ye  yeare  of  onre  lord  1691 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 



Richard  X  Ellison 
his  marcke 

a  true  coppi  extracted  by  mee 

JosErH  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  188. 

at  a  towne  meeting  held  in  liemp.sted  aprill  ye  "id  1()91: 

at  ye  seme  towne  meeting  Jeams  Pine  was  Chosen  Con- 

at  ye  seme  towne  meeting  Joseph  Smith  was  Chosen 
colecter  and  Jonathan  Smith  and  John  Carle  was  Chosen 

at  ye  seme  towne  meeting  Nathaniell  Persall  was  Chosen 

at  ye  seme  towne  meeting  Tho  gildersleeve  was  Chosen 
towne  Clercke 

Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

At  a  Jenerol  Touud  meeting  held  in  hemjisted  aPril  the 
1  day  1695  Joseph  mott  Was  Chosen  Coustabel 

at  the  same  Tound  meeTing  henery  Willis  was  Chosen 

at  the  same  Time  was  Chosen  John  Pine  and  Johu  Car- 
man .  o .  Sessears 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    EECOllDS.  -y  i 

At  the  same  whs  Chosen  Joseph  Petot  Cl;ii(^k 
EntertHl  by  uiee 

Thomas  Gtli)Ki;sI;Keve  Chuck 

At  same  toiiiid   lueciTiiii'-  iiathanit^l   Peaisal    Was  Chosen 
seupervisear  i'or  this  [)resent  year 

Page  181). 

to  all  Christion  people  to  wlionie  these  presence  Shall 
Conic  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greetin<r  Know  ye  yt  I  Sani- 
uell  Tites  of  hempsted  on  Lonji;  Island  iu  qnens  Connty  in 
ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Do  by  These  Presence  5i;ive  grant 
bargin  Sell  alinate  and  Set  over  from  me  my  hairs  Exsece- 
ters  administrators  or  asignes  nuto  Thomas  nnirbin  of  ye 
towue  and  County  aflfore  sd  to  him  his  liaires  Exseceters  ad- 
ministrators or  asignes  a  Sartaine  Parsell  of  wood  Land 
Lying  and  being  Situate  at  fosters  meduo  in  ye  bounds  of 
hempsted  above  sd  Containeing  twenty  acors  more  or  les  as 
it  was  Laide  oute  at  3'e  first  bounded  on  ye  South  by  ye  Land 
of  Isack  frost  and  west  by  ye  Land  of  Jt)hn  foster  and 
n(^rth  and  Est  by  ye  high  way  which  Land  with  ye  timber 
and  groth  thereof  and  asertaine  Parsell  of  meddo  at  a  Place 
Called  hungry  harbor  It  being  my  fathers  part  of  ye  last 
Devitiouall  which  Devition  bounded  on  ye  west  by  ye  med- 
do of  Daniell  bedle  and  Est  by  ye  meddo  of  Just:s  Smith 
and  so  Kuning  from  ye  Crick  to  ye  woods  or  high  way  In 
(piantity  as  shall  be  founde  as  was  Laide  oute  all  which  Land 
and  premises  afore  sd  and  meddo  ground  of  ye  sd  Samuell 
tites  Do  fornily  Sell  alinate  Ensof  and  macke  over  from  niee 
my  haires  Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd 
Thomas  martin  to  him  his  h.iirs  Exseceters  administrators 
or  asignes  to  have  and  to  liould  for  Ever  and  do  warrant  yt 
my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  free  from  any 
sale  let  morgedge  or  inccnnbei'ance  what  Ever  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  other  Land  lieseved  or  exse])t  in  satisfac- 
tion before  ye  Signeing  hereof  and  in  testinn^ny  of  Every 
of  ye  above  wrighten  premises  I  have  here  unto  set  to  my 


liainl  ,111(1  tixfd    my  Sele  maix-h  ye  18  in  ye  yeare   of  our 
Lonl  ,iiM.  I). .mi  l(i!)l-2 

Si<j;iieil  Seled  and  delivered  lu  presence  of  us 

Peter  X  tottex  Samuell  tites  (S) 


a  tine  Coppic  of  ye  orij^enall  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  11)0. 

To  all  ('bristion  People  to  whom  these  presence  shall 
come  or  an}*  wise  apertaiue  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Rich- 
ard osborne  Liveiug  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  on  Long  Is- 
land ill  (pieus  County  in  ye  province  of  new  yc^rcke  Do  by 
these  presence  fully  freely  and  absolutly  give  gi-ant  ba.rgin 
sell  and  set  over  from  me  my  haires  or  asignes  unto  william 
Lines  of  Coav  necke  in  ve  bounds  of  ye  towne  and  County 
afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs  or  asignes  a  Eight  to  hvetene 
gates  of  fence  on  ye  sd  Cow  necke  with  Avhat  Land  and 
other  advantages  may  come  belong  or  acrew  thereby  on  ye 
sd  necke  and  do  warrant  and  uph<3uld  yt  I  ye  sd  osborne  do 
obledge  and  biud  my  selfe  my  hairs  exseceters  administra- 
tors or  asignes  to  macke  good  and  asure  to  ye  sd  Lins  to 
him  his  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  ye  sd 
iiveteue  gates  of  fence  with  ye  Land  and  other  advantages 
afore  sd  so  far  as  ye  towns  Right  will  extend  frcm  me  ve 
sd  osborue  my  ll^urs  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes 
to  be  free  from  all  former  grants  sales  morgadges  or  In- 
comberauces  what  Ever  to  be  and  Remaine  to  ye  sd  Lines 
his  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and 
to  hould  for  Ever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  v;duable 
Hume  Reseved  in  full  Satisfaction  hereof  and  do  waraiit  my 
sale  to  be  good  and  Lawfull  acording  to  ye  afore  sd  prem-  and  for  ye  beter  confirmation  hereof  ye   sd    osborne 


and  liis  wife  mary  have  .set  to  tlieire  bands  and  fixed  tlioire 
sels  ye  twenty  ninth  of  may  anno  domini  KJDl 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 

his  his 

William  X  Smith  iticHAiiD  X  osjjokn  (Sj 

luarcke  niarcke. 

Joseph  Pettit  C\  mahy  X  osp,orn  (S) 


a  true  Copjue  entered  in  ye  Records  by  me 

^Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  191. 

March  ye  6  1687-8 

These  are  to  Request  you  yt  are  ye  owners  of  ye  Cow 
necke  yt  you  would  be  plesed  to  bestow  on  nie  tliomas 
l)rrcar  youre  Ilights  to  a  Small  ])arsell  of  Land  aboiito  80 
or  40  acors  as  it  shall  be  Laid  by  ye  towne  Surveyers  to 
macke  me  a  Small  plantation  not  being  in  a  ca[)asity  to  buy 
ye  place  yt  I  would  have  it  at  is  agoiniug  to  Capt  nicholses 
Land  at  ye  Est  wid  of  his  Land  at  ye  forcke  of  ye  fresh 
water  broocke  where  ye  path  begins  to  go  from  Capt  nichol- 
ses fence  to  ye  bar  beach  right  over  gildersleeves  Cricke  and 
you  are  willing  I  w(^uld  intrest  you  to  set  youre  hands  as 
being  willing  to  ye  same  ■         ' 

Jonathan  Smith 

John  Smith  his  X  marcke 

Jonathan  Smith  Se  Tho  Dongou 

Joseph  Smith  John  Seman  Se 

John  Carmen  '  his 

Caleb  Carman  X  his  marcke  william  X  thickstoiie 

John  tredwell  marcke 

Dauiell  bedle  X  his  marcke  Richard  Gildersleeve 

Georg  liulit  u  Simon  Serin g 


Ric'haiil  vollintine  John  Carle 

JosliUii  Jecockes  John  Hpragg 

Timothi  X  hulsted      J>- 

ye  maicke  X  of  Josei)h  Laugdon 
Samuel  Denton 
Thomas  Ellison 
henci y  willis 
william  wiar 
Elias  Diirland 
adam  Mott  Se 
Nathaniell  Peisall 
Joseph  Pettit 
Samuell  Eainer 
Al)i'aham  Smith 
Dauiell  Peisall 
Jeremiah  Smith 

a  trne  Copuie  Entered  in  ye  Records  hy  me  ffelieweri  ye 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  11  >2. 

To  aU  peojile  to  whome  these  preseuc  shall  Come  thomas 

hawarden  of  new  yorcke Sendetli  greeting  Know  yee 

that  I  the  sd  thomas  hawarden  for  a  Compitant  sum  of 
mou}-  to  me  in  hand  paid  have  bargened  and  sould  A:  by 
these  preseuc  doe  bargin  6:  sell  unto  Christifor  Dene 
liiicher  one  iiidian  boy  named  will  to  have  and  to  hoiild  the 
sd  Indian  boy  to  the  said  Christifor  Dene  his  hairs  Exsec- 
eters  administraters  or  asignes  for  ever  A:  the  said  thomas 
hawarden  doth  covenant  and  grant  to  ct  with  the  sd  Chiis- 
tifer  A:  his  asignes  that  he  the  sd  thomas  is  Lawfudy  seized 
of  the  sd  Indian  l)oy  as  his  owne  proper  slave  and  hath 
full  power  ct  Lawfull  athoritie  to  sell  <k  dispose  of  the 
same  to  the  sd  Christifor  A'  that  he  the  sd  thomas  will  war- 
ant   and   defend   the    sd   iudiau    boy    from  any  person  or 


persons  Claming  or  to  Clanie  the  same  hy  any  inaner  of  way 
or  means  whatsoever  In  witnes  wlierof  F  have  hereunto 
sett  my  hand  &  sele  this  thertieth  day  of  Jiily  anno  doi  KIS? 

TllO   H.WVAKDKX   (S) 

Seled  and  delivered  in  tlie  jiresene  of 
aftei'  enterlinin^  the  words  S:  his  asignes 


Sam'll  Winder 

Page  193. 

Hempsted  4th  of  a^nst  1087 

I  nuder  writen  doe  asi^ne  over  all  my  lliti;ht  title  A- 
intrest  nnto  the  within  writen  bill  of  sale  nnto  nathaniell 
Pine  his  hairs  &  asij^nes  as  witnes  my  hand  and  scde  the  sd 

Christiu  Dene  (S) 
Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  ns 
John  Jackson 
Dan'll  Whithed 
A  true  Coppie  extracted  by  mee 

JosEi'H  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  194. 

The  Estate  of  Raehill  8[)encer  desesed  tacken  a?id  Val- 
ued the  11  of  A]irill  1087  b}'  Richard  osborn   and   Solomon 
Seman  nnder  oath  By  order  of  the  Comitioners  att  Hemp- 
Item  one  bed  one  old  Ilnu;  one  old  blaucit  3  old 

Cortins  all  att    03.  10.  00. 

one  bolster  one  Coverlid  one  pillow 

one  pillow  case  all  att 01.  10.  00. 

one  Iron  Cittoll  one  pare  of  tongs 

one  tire  shovel  one  pare  of  hand  irons 

tow  Small  brass  Cittolls  tow  Smothin  Irons 

one  grid  iron  all  at 01.  00.  00. 

tin  ware  all  at 00.  05.  00. 


puter  (5  plaits  -1  okl  porongers  one  Cham- 
ber pot 
one  becer  one  small  flagiu  pot  3  spous  all  at     01.  07.  00 
one  bras  melter  one  bras  Caudelsticke  one 

salsellor  one  flagiu  all  at 00.  14.  00 

one  gound  att .  ." 03.  00.  00 

one  Red  serge.  Coate,  one  mobere  Coat  both 

at 02.  00.  00 

tow  old  gonnds  att 00.  08.  00 

tow  wescoats  one  peti  Coate  one  Riding  hod 

one  par  of  new  ticken  bodis  all  at 00.  14.  00 

tow  pair  of  Stockins  one  pair  of  gloves  one 

hnd  all  at 00.  14.  00 

tow  bascitts  one  pair  of  old  liodis  a    bras 

Scimer  all  at 00.  08.  00 

one  Chist  one  box  tow  bottels  all  at 01.  00.  00 

one  looking  glas  3  pair  of  sesers  tow  Rings 

3  Boocks  one  Knife  all  at 02.  02.  00 

linin  G  aporns  9  Caps  4  whiskes  3  lianca- 
■     chars  aight  pair  of  Sieves  one  wascoate  one 

coate  tow  shifts  one  paire  of  gloves  all  at .  .      06.  00.  00 

Joseph  Pettit  Cle 

Page  195. 

^^  illiaui  Thickstone  Sese  Cause  to  have  Entered  in  the 
towne  Records  all  his  Lands  and  meddoes  viz  one  home 
Loot  which  he  now  Liveth  on  Avhich  was  Given  him  hy  ye 
towne  and  allso  tifty  acors  of  wood  Land  Lying  betwene 
Shermans  hollow  and  Rockaway  old  path  Laid  out  by 
Nathaiiiell  Persall  this  fifty  acors  of  Land  was  laid  out  to 
William  thickstone  as  his  Right  of  Properriatie  and  allso 
twenty  acors  of  meddoe  Lying  att  ye  nere  Rockawa.y 
bounded  by  a  Lott  of  Joseph  AVillianises  on  ye  Est  sid  and 
l)T  a  Crick  one  the  west  side  and  allso  his  Last  deWtion  of 
meddoe  Laid  out  in  ye  yeare  1(581  Lying  at  ye  far  Rock- 
away  att  a  place  Called  Cose  meddoe  bounded  on  ye  Est  by 
a  Lott  Laid  out  to  Edward  Raiuer  and   on   ye  west    by  a 


Cricke  and  allso  one  lioinc  Tjott  wliicli  lie  luul  of  williain 
Scadins  with  tlio  devitions  l)elongiii<j;  to  it  on  ye  plains  aii<l 
ye  devitiona  on  ye  plains  bolonj^inj^  to  liis  owne  Lott 
Entered  this  20  of  OCtober  lOS? 

By  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  19(). 

To  all  Cristion  People  to  whorae  these  presence  Shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  whereas 
I  Peter  Johnson  Scol  of  Hempsted  on  Lon<i|;  Island  in  quens 
Covinty  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  with  his  wife  niar- 
greett  Doe  for  onr  Selfes  oure  hairs  exseceters  administra- 
tors or  asignes  formly  binde  moru;ad<2je  and  rnacke  over  to 
Mr  nicholis  Demeire  of  new  yorcke  in  ye  province  afore  sd 
all  onre  hole  Estate  house  Lands  Goods  Chattels  whatever 
viz  twenty  live  acors  of  Land  Lying  upon  a  plac(;  Called 
Shermans  necke  which  I  bouglit  of  Elias  dorland  bounded 
on  ye  west  by  a  Loott  Laid  out  to  Pichard  Gildersleve 
Juner  and  fronting  upon  ye  mill  Swampe  together  Avitli  all 
my  Piglit  &  title  to  a  Loott  Given  too  mee  by  tlie  towne  a 
Lott  of  fifty  acors  in  all  together  with  ye  house  orchard 
fencing  timber  and  all  apertaining  tlier  unto  as  afore  sd 
which  wee  doe  formly  bind  over  to  ye  afore  sd  nicholis 
Demeire  to  him  his  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or 
asignes  for  and  in  Consideration  of  one  hundred  forty  and 
six  pound  live  Shillins  Corent  mony  of  ye  Government  doe 
to  ye  aforesd  nicolis  demeire  and  if  ye  aforesd  one  hundred 
forty  and  six  pound  five  Shillins  be  not  paid  to  ye  aforesd 
nicolis  demeire  or  his  order  witliin  tow  years  after  ye  date 
hereof  wee  ye  aforesd  Peter  Johnson  Scol  and  his  wife 
margrit  doe  owne  and  acknowledge  ye  Land  afore  sd  together 
with  ye  Goods  and  Chattels  as  afore  sd  shall  all  be  to  ye 
aforesd  nicholis  demeire  to  him  his  hairs  exseceters  adminis- 
trators or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  or  thair  owne 
proper  Piglit  for  ever  and  in  Confermation  of  ye  premisis 
wee  both  have  set  to  oure  hands  and  fixed  our  sels  this 
tenth  of  febewary  and  in  ve  third  yeare  of   his  magesties 


Rai.uiif  .Teams  ye  Secoml  liy  re  Grace  of  Gotl  of  Ingland 
Scotland  frauce  and  Irland  King  Defender  of  ye  faith  etc 
and  in  ye  yeare  of  onr  Lord  Annoy  Domini  1687-8 

Signed  Seled  in  presence  of  us  and  deliyered 


Adom  Mott  J  Peter  Johnson  Scol  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  (Mercke  Margrit  per.  ...         (S) 

JoHENEs  X  Scut 
Mavcli  ye  6  1G87-8 

Page  197. 

Know  all  men  by  tbese  presence  to  wbome  it  may  Cou- 
serne  yt  I  Jobn  beats  of  bempsted  on  Long  Island  in  the  nortb 
Riding  of  new  yorke  Sbere  bare  and  Doe  by  tbese  presence 
fully  freely  and  absobitly  bargined  Sould  and  Alinated  from 
niee  mv  bairs  exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  to  mary 
willis  of  Jerico  So  Comouly  Called  for  ber  ber  baires  exsec- 
ters  administrators  or  asignes  a  pese  of  Land  yt  was  given 
me  by  tbe  towue  it  Containing  tiftene  acors  or  tbere  abouts 
it  Lying  on  tbe  Est  side  of  Edmon  titesses  Lot  on  tbe  nortb 
sid  of  tbe  place  I  ye  said  John  lieates  Doe  bynd  and  In- 
gadge  my  selfe  to  maintaine  and  upbold  ye  sale  of  ye  said 
Laud  to  ye  said  mary  willis  ber  baires  Exseceters  admiuis- 
trators  or  asignes  for  Ever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a 
valuable  Sume  and  full  Satisfaction  allredy  Reseved  and  to 
ye  triie  performance  of  all  ye  above  writen  premises  I  bave  set 
to  my  baud  and  sele  tliis  third  day  of  desember  In  ve  veare 
of  oure  Lord  1(57(5 

Signed  Seleil  and  delivered  In  presence  of  us 
Nathaniell  Persall  bis 

bis  John  X  reats  (S) 

John  X  Williams  marcke. 


HEMl'STlOAl)    'J'OWN    ]ii:('()i;|tS.  05 

!\ii(»w  all  nicii  1)V  tlicsc  prcscuicc  that  I  ]\r;uT  AVillis  of 
rjusDiii  doi'  f^ivc  and  iiiackc  ovcm'  tliis  hill  of  Salo  to  iiiv  son 
liopc  Willis,  to  liini  :\\\(\  liis  liciics  from  nioe  and  my  lunres 
as  \vitn<'S  my  hand  and  Sele 

Mary  Willis  (S) 

PticHAiiD  Willis         (S) 
Mary  Willis  Juner  (S) 
John  betes  a])eare<l  befon^  nioe  and  aeKnowlodoed   tliis 
within  writiMi  bill  of  Sah^  to  be  his  act  and  dcth' 

febt'wa/i  \*'  !'.•  KISiS   !>  as  \viln<'s  my  hand 

John  Skman 

a  Coppi  Coniiiaved  with  ye  ori<>;enall  l)v  nieo 

Joseph  Pettit  Chircke 

Page  198. 

Know  all  men  by  those  presence  that  I  John  williams  of 
Fienipsted  in  the  north  Riding-  of  new  yorcke  Shere  doe  by 
these  present  for  me  my  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  or 
asi^nes  Allinate  bargin  Sell  and  sett  over  unto  John  Olnnv 
of  the  towne  and  County  aforesaid  his  liairs  Exsecetsrs  ad- 
ministrators or  asignes  one  Lott  of  nieddoe  Laud  Contain- 
ing the  nund)er  of  twelve  acors  more  or  les  as  it  was  Laid 
out  at  the  first  lying  and  being  att  a  place  or  necke  of  med- 
doe  Called  hungry  harbor  bounded  on  the  west  side  or 
south  west  by  a  Lott  of  meddoe  of  tliomas  Ldands  desesed 
the  above  said  Chew  his  liairs  or  asignes  to  have  and  to 
hould  for  Ever  from  the  above  said  williams  his  liairs  Ex- 
seceters  administrators  or  asignes  and  I  the  above  said 
williams  do  by  these  presence  warrant  and  waranttize  up- 
honld  and  mainetaine  the  sale  of  the  meddoe  afore  sd  to  be 
Good  and  LawfuU  against  any  person  or  persons  that  shall 
Ltiy  any  Claiiie  title  or  iutrest  there  unto  it  being  for  a 
valuable  Consideration  by  iiiee  in  hand  all  Eedy  Reseved  to 
the  true  performance  of  the  premises  above  writen  I  doe 
bind  my  self  my  hairs  Exsecetcrs  administrators  or  asignes 
as  witnes  mv  hand  and  seale  this  thirtieth  of  Aprill  Anno 


dom  1G71  and  the  twenti  forth  3'eare  of  the  Raij^ue  oi  our 
soveraiue  Lord  Chai'ls  the  2il  by  ye  Grace  of  God  of  Great 
hretteuv  franee  and  Iilaiid  defeuder  of  the  faith  Kiiige 

Signed  Seled  and  dehvered  in  the  presence  of  iis 

Rl(  ll\i;i)  GlLDERSLEVE 

Dorcas  Gildersleve  John  X  Williams  (S) 

liis  niarcke 

Page  199. 

Know  all  men  hy  these  })reseuce  that  I  John  Chew  of 
Heinpsted  doe  mack  over  and  Signe  all  my  Right  and  title 
of  this  within  writeu  Will  of  Sale  from  mee  my  h.iii's  an 
asigne  to  J<din  Tredwell  of  Hi^anpst'^d  to  him  his  hairs  or 
asignes  to  have  and  to  hoidd  as  liis  proper  Right  for  Ever 
as  witnes  my  hand  the  9  of  May  Anno  domin  KiTl 

In  presenc  of  us  his 

John  Ashmax  John  X  Cheav 

Adom  Mott  marcke. 

A  true  Coppie  Recorded  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 
The  Eare  marcke  of  Jeams  Denton  is  a  Crop  on  ye  of 
Eare  and  tow  niekes  or  Slites  in  ye  Cro])  and   a  Slit  in   ve 
end  of  ye  neare  Eare 

The  Eare  marcke  of  John  tredwew  Jimer  is  a  Latch  in 
ye  fore  Side  of  Each  Eare  and  a  half  pen}-  under  ye  neare 

Recorded  ye  4  day  of  June  1(589 

By  mee  Joserh  Pettit  CI 

Page  200. 

John  tredwell  sees  Cause  to  have  Entered  in  ye  Records 
forty  fowre  acors  of  Land  Laid  out  to  him  on  ye  Est  Side 
of  ve  liie  of  meddoe  yt  he  ye  sd  John  tredwell  Bt)U'>-ht  of 
John  Ellison  att  Cose  necke  bounded  on  ye  west  by  ye 
fence  of  ye  sd  flie  and  bounded  partly  on  ye  South   bv  ye 

HEMr.STJ<:Al)    TOWX    IIECOIIDS.  (57 

fence  of  ye  sd  nocke  tmd  so  Runino;  about  Est  and  by  north 
to  a  in.'ivckrd  tveo.  witli  yo  Letters  f.  T.  and  so  Rnnino;  b\  a 
Ran<4('  of  niarckcid  trees  about  nortli  or  north  and  l>y  west 
to  another  marched  tree  with  ye  Lett(n-s  I.  T.  and  from 
thence  about  west  and  by  souHi  to  ye  ])alo  fence  of  ye  sd 
tlin  ye  Length  of  ye  sd  liand  l)ein<4  Seventy  |)ols(i  and  ye 
bred}i;th  ther.-of  beinji;  hfty  poh^s  this  Land  bein;^;  Laid  out 
By  Nathaniell  Persall 

Entered  In  ye  Records  this  20  of  March  in  ye  yeare  of 
oni'  Lord  Annoy  Domini  KISS 

By  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Cdarcke 

John  Motts  Record  of  seventy  five  acors  of  wood  land 
Lyinu;  l)et\veen  ve  tow  wost  nuMhlows  l)oun(h'd  East  by  <>;(n'g" 
hnli(s  land  north  and  South  hy  nniri^ked  trees  and  west  l)y 
ve  second  west  me(hh>  or  a  highway  by  ye  sd  meddo 

Eidered  in  ye  Jlecords  by  mee 

JosiH'H  Pettit  Ch- 

Page  201. 

Quens  county 

Coit  of  oyi'r  \'  terminer  &  generall  goule  Deb  very 
hehl  att  Jemeco  in  sd  County  on  the  4  of  Desember  Post 
ye  B(mk>  lODO 

Mr  Jeremiah  huburd  being  Directed  by  ye  Cort  of  Ses- 
sions to  ys  Bond  to  Determine  ye  Defect  of  his  SaHery 
due  to  him  from  ye  towne  of  Hempsted 

()r(h'ed  tliatsd  towne  do  perform, theire  covenat  at  seventy 
pounds  Pr  aiuim  and  other  advautagees  therein  Contained 
and  that  the  tliree  comitioners  of  sd  towne  do  tacke  (bie 
Care  yt  his  arears  &  Remaineiug  Sallary  by  (bily  paide  and 


Coppied  liy  me 


Cr  oyer  ct  terme 
Joseph  Pettit  Chircke 

(18  lll'.Ml'STEAD    TOWN    KECORPS. 

wlieroas  John  niott  liatli  :i  Pcrsell  of  hollow  grmiud  lying 
w.'  ill  a  \  lie  Called  iiots  hollow  Avliicli  Paisell  of  hollow 
•rroiiud  was  i>ivc>ii  to  adaiii  iiiott  ill  ciuaiititv  of  acors  as  Shall 
lir  found  wliicli  s(l  land  _\c  sd  .lohn  Mott  hath  Caused  to  l)e 
jLiitt'iccl  in  ye  towiic  Uccords 

Entered  in  ye  Records  By  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

PaCxE  208. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  wlioine  it  may  any  Avay 
Conscrne  that  1  williani  yeats  of  iHeshin  in  the  north  Rid- 
in;i;-  of  new  yoikc  Sliere  Doe  alinate  and  Sell  from  mee  my 
hairs  exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  unto  John 
tredwell  of  Hempsted  in  ye  Same  Riding  aforesd  all  my 
Plight  and  title  to  any  Land  within  ye  Limits  of  Hempsted 
aforesd  as  hollow  npon  ye  plains  meddow  at  ye  necke  at 
South  Comonly  Caled  ye  greate  necke  with  all  Cominage 
and  priviledges  that  are  or  Shall  any  way  l)elong  niito  ye 
sd  Right  and  title  above  spesified  as  any  Land  that  apears 
by  Record  dne  or  belonging  to  it  or  that  Shall  aii}'  way  by 
any  Previledg  accrew  unto  it  exsepting  those  parsell ;  of 
Land  that  bills  of  Sale  are  alredy  made  for  and  in  particn- 
ular  with  all  exsepting  a  Lott  of  meddow  Land  att  nere 
Rockaway  M'hich  is  alredy  Soiild  though  noe  bill  of  Sale 
bee  granted  for  it  the  sd  Land  and  previledg  afore  sd  ex- 
se})tiiig  that  which  is  exsepted  ye  sd  wiliiam  as  afore  sd 
doe  fully  and  absolutly  Sell  as  afore  sd  to  ye  sd  John  tred- 
well his  hairs  exseceters  administrators  and  asignes  to  have 
and  to  hould  tow  him  and  his  forever  for  and  in  Considera- 
tion of  a  valuable  Suine  and  full  Satisfaction  Reseved  by 
mee  ye  sd  wiliiam  yeates  before  ye  Signing  hereof  ingadge- 
ing  my  Selfe  to  uphould  ye  sd  premises  and  Sale  ferme  and 
atheiitick(^  to  ye  sd  John  tredwell  his  hairs  and  asignes  as 
afore  sd  in  Confermation  of  ye  premises  I  do  hereunto  sett 
my  hand  and  sele  this  fifth  of  may  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord 

HEMrSTKAl)    I'OW.N    JiKCOltlW.  69 

1(570  ;ui(1  of  our  (Iratious  Sovtiraigiio  Kin^  Cliails  tlic  'It]  of 
(Ireat  hriio  i  fiaiux'  and  Frlaiid  the  tow  and  twciititsth  yeare 

Signed  Hidcul  and  delivored 

In  })resenr,(^  of  us  WllJ.lAM  YKA'l'KS  fS) 

Jonah  F(;ii])Mam 

JoTTX   SKi;T\(i 

A  tine  C()[)[)ie  Keccorded  by  iiiee 

JoKEi'ii  Pettit  (Jicr 

Page  204. 

Know  all  men  by  tli(;sc  presence  yt  I  Edward  S|)ragg  of 
Henj[)ste(l  on  Long  Island  in  quens  Conntv  in  ye  province  of 
iiewyorckcSliere  have  sold  unto  beniaineuSenieuof  yctowue 
and  County  afore  sd  a  Sar  aine  tracte  of  wood  Lsind  Lying 
on  ye  north  side  of  ye  ])lains  on  ye  Estermost  i)art  of  a 
place  Called  westbery  bounded  on  ye  Estern  part  or  side  by 
ye  brushi  plainses  and  on  ye  western  sd  by  marcked  trees 
nere  aJoining  to  ye  land  of  harmen  hendricks  ye  Land 
afoie  sd  being  in  cpiantity  thirty  act)rs  more  or  Les  as  it 
was  Laid  out  I  ye  afore  sd  Edward  Spragge  do  owne  to 
havv)  8onld  ye  Land  afore  sd  together  with  all  ye  timber 
and  groLh  thereof  and  (h)  by  these  presence  fully  freely 
and  absolutly  bargin  Sell  and  niacke  over  ye  same  and  have 
Alinated  itt  from  me  my  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or 
asignes  unto  ye  afore  sd  benianien  Senian  to  him  his  haires 
exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  as 
his  or  tlieiro  owne  proper  Right  for  Ever  Avhidi  Sale  I  ye 
Said  Edward  Spragge  do  ingedge  to  uphold  good  and  Law - 
full  free  from  all  Sales  Letts  morgadges  or  incomberance 
what  Ever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valaal)le  Sume  as 
full  Satisfaction  allredy  lleseved  before  ye  Signing  hereof 
and  to  ye  true  performance  and  ('onfermation  I  have  here 
unto  set  to  mv  hand  and  fixed  niv  Sole  ve  tenth  of  march  in 

70  HKMrSTEAD   TOWN    rF.rORDS. 

ye  yeare  of  ourc  Lord  one  tliousautl  six  hundred  aiglity  and 

Sijj;ned  Seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  ns 

MAKtatiT  X  Pettit  his 

niarcke  Edwakd  X  Spragg  (S) 

JosErH  Pettit  Char  eke  nuireke 

A  tnie  Coppie  Recorded  l)v  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  C'lercke 
May  ye  20  1681) 

■  Page  205. 

know  all  men  by  these  Presents  hcjme  this  may  C'onseiiie 
that  I  Al)raham  Smith  of  Hempsted  on  Lon<^  Hand  in  tlie 
North  Iiiduig  of  Xew  Yorck  she.ire  have  and  d\\o  by  tliese 
Presents  bargen  sell  and  AJinate  from  me  my  Eaires  an 
asigues  to  John  tredwell  of  the  seame  Please  to  him  his 
Eaires  and  asignes  a  lott  of  Me(h>w  that  Avas  laid  out  tn  the 
said  Abraham  Smiths  Mother  it  lys  at  a  Please  Comonly 
Called  Xere  Kockaway  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  and  it 
Containing  six  akors  more  or  les  as  it  was  laid  out  it  is 
b(mnded  on  the  Est  sid  l)y  a  lott  of  Samiiell  dentons  there 
being  a  littell  swamp  at  the  front  of  the  said  lot  which  is 
the  bounds  on  the  Est  sid  and  on  the  west  sid  it  is  bounded 
by  a  small  Avalnut  tree  that  stands  on  the  Point  Marked 
Avith  A.  S.  which  tree  is  the  bounds  betAven  th;;t  lot  and  a 
lot  of  John  Pines  and  so  it  Puns  in  length  as  the  other  lots 
there  doth  I  the  sd  Abraham  Smith  dAvo  ttwne  to  have  soidd 
the  afore  mentioned  lot  of  MedoAv  from  me  my  Eaires  Ex- 
eutors  administrators  an  assignes  to  the  afore  said  John 
tredAvell  to  him  his  Eaires  Excutors  adndnistratofs  or 
assigues  to  liaAe  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  I  (Iavo  Iniid  my 
self  my  Eaires  an  assigns  to  maintain  and  u[)hoidd  the  scale 
of  the  afore  mentioned  lot  of  Medow  for  Ever  fiom  a:iy  that 
shall  lay  any  Cleame  there  unto  :  for  and  in  Consideration 


of  ;i  Viihuil)l(^  suiiid  and  full  sytisfuctioii  allicdy  \)y  ine  Re- 
hcvcd  and  in  Conferiuation  of  tlio  Promcsis  I  have  set  to 
niv  hand  and  sole  this  tiist  (hiy  of  May  in  the  yeare  of  our 
Lord  1()8'2 

8i«^ned  Seled  and  (hdivei'ed  in  Presents  of  us 

Nathanikll  Peai;hall  Alsjcauam  Smith  (S) 

John  Hmith 

This  is  a  trow  Copy 

Nathaniell  Peausall  Clercke 

Page  20(). 

At  a  townd  Mcttiuii;  Hehl  in  Heinpsted  the  23  day  of 
June  in  the  yeare  KiHl  Thomas  Rushniore  was  mead  Chois 
of  by  the  MaTer  Vot  of  the  townd  to  Present  a  Pitision  to 
the  Next  (lovernor  that  shall  alvive  at  New  Yourck  that  is 
Comishene  I  to  be  Governor  over  yourckshere  in  america 

At  the  foregoing  townd  Metting  Richard  Gilldersleve 
8ener  was  Chosen  by  the  MaJer  Vott  of  the  townd  to  be 
townd  Clarck 

know  all  men  by  these  Presents  that  I  Henery  Linington 
of  Hemi)sted  in  the  North  Riding  of  Yourcksheare  on  Long 
Hand  have  absolutly  bargened  sould  and  mead  Over  to 
William  Smith  of  Fosters  Medow  in  the  bounds  of  Hemp- 
stnil  a-nd  in  the  North  Riding  of  Yourcksheare  a  lotment  of 
Medow  as  it  was  laid  cnit  to  me  More  or  les  lying  in  huii^^ 
gry  harbar  betwext  Mr  John  semansis  and  Robert  Marvin 
I  say  I  the  said  Henery  Linington  have  for  me  my  Eairs 
Excutors  administrators  or  assignes  fully  and  absolutly 
bargened  sould  and  nieade  OVer  the  above  said  Medow 
unto  the  said  William  Smith  to  him  his  Eairs  Excutors  or 
assignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  I  the  said  Hen- 
ery Linington  dwo  warrant  this  my  scale  good  in  law  free 
from  any  former  gifts  scales  or  Morgeagis  or  any  Just 
Cleanie  by  any  Pearson  or  Pearsons  whatso  Ever  and   to 


tlir  trt'w  Pciiormaiifi-  of  Every  of  the  Piemesis  I  have  set 
to  my  haiiil  aii.l  sclc  this  -JO  (hiy  of  Juiil;  1()8*2 

Thomas  X  Smith  Heneuy  Linington  (S) 

his  maick 
John  waskeate 

This  is  a  trow  Copy 

Nathaniell  Peaksall  C'larck 

Page  -20  i. 

Know  all  men  by  these  pieasants  That  I  Adorn  Moott 
inner  oil"  Hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  the  North  rideiiig 
"of  new  Yorksheere  have  Sold  nnto  After  Allljurtas  of  Mas- 
pege  Cills  in  the  bounds  of  Middle  borow  in  the  West  ridd- 
ing of  New  York  Sheere  ffifty  Ackors  of  Laud  in  Ay  pleace 
AVithin  The  bounds  of  Hempsted  According  to  The  order 
of  The  ToAvne  1  save  That  I  the  A  liove  said  Achhim  Moott 
have  Sold  aiul  doe  by  These  presants  ffully  HVeely  and  Ab- 
solute! v  liargaine  Sell  Allinete  it'rom  Mee  Mv  Avers  Execu- 
ters  Administreators  or  Asings  unto  the  Above  sd  After 
Alll)urtis  him  his  Ayres  Executars  Administreators  and 
Asings  the  A  bove  fhfty  Ackers  of  Land  as  Al)ove  s|>etitied 
to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  one  proper  right  for  Ever  for 
and  hi  ConsiderAtion  of  ftuU  Sattisfaetion  by  Mee  tlie  sd 
Addam  Moott  allredy  receved  and  doe  hereby  uphold  The 
lu'imises  to  bee  Lawfull  Athentick  and  gtxxl  liree  liVom  All 
Morgesis  Sells  and  inComberanees  What  so  ever  or  from 
Any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall  here  after  lay  Auy  Just 
Cleame  there  unto  and  unto  the  True  performauc  of  the 
premisis  I  have  Sett  To  My  hand  and  Selh;  this  first  day  of 
Hebewery  1682-o  And  in  thirty  third  yere  of  his  Ma\gistyes 
Eaigne  Charlls  the  Second  by  the  grace  of  god  King  of 
greate  In-ittin  france  and  Ireland  Defender  of  the  liaith 

HEMrSTKAIi     I'OWN    liKCOKDS.  7?) 

Signed  Sclcd  ;tii(l  delivered  in   presaiits  of  lis 

AdDA.M    ^fooT'l'  sell  (S) 
iilCllAJiD  (ijLLDEJiSJ.KKVK  Claik 

John  Smith 

This  is  A  tni  ^'oppy  Tukeii  oute  of  ye  ()i'i<r(^iiall  li\    Mee 

Josi  SiAi;  Clarck 

Entered  in  the  records  this  23  of  Jenewerj  1()84-/) 

Page  208. 

Bee  itt  knowne  unto  all  men  hy  these  presjints  that  1 
William  Smith  of  fosters  Meddow  in  the  l)ounds  of  hemp- 
sled  in  the  north  ridint:;  of  Yorkslnn^re  njion  Long  Island 
farmer  have  Sold  unto  Hennery  Mayle  of  Mas.teth  kills  in 
the  bounds  of  new  towue  A  fifty  Acer  Loott  of  Land  liiiij^ 
and  beeiuu;  ia  the  hounds  of  hemjisted  neare  Adjoyneinj^- 
unto  fosters  river  as  it  was  Layed  oute  to  Joseph  pettet 
hounded  by  the  north  Avitli  A  Lott  of  Thomas  fosters  a  al 
one  the  South  and  east  bv  the  Cominans,  and  one  the  West 
by  the  liieway  that  Leadeth  to  the  South  Meddowes  I  say 
that  I  the  A  bove  sd  William  Smith  have  sold  and  Doe  Ijy 
these  ])resa.jts  bar,:aine  Alinete  sell  and  Make  over  All  my 
right  title  aud  intrust  of  the  a  bove  said  tiffc}-  Acai  s  of  Land, 
from  Mee  my  Eayres  Executors  or  aibninistreators  unto  tlie 
Above  said  Henry  Mayle  his  Ayres  Execntars  Adminis- 
treators  or  asings  to  have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  free  from 
any  former  Selle  gift  grant  Mordgaige  or  Any  other  Inconi- 
beranc  whatever  a:id  do  ingeaydg  to  Make  this  my  Sole 
g(M)d  in  Law  Against  Anv  Just  Cleanie  of  Anv  iiarson  or 
parsons  What  so  ever  haveing  Receved  A  valluable  Consid- 
eration for  the  Same  in  Wittnes  where  of  I  have  set  to  mv 


hand  and  fixed  mv  Selle  this  2o  of  Jnuv  in  the  yeare  of  our 
Lord  1(;.S8 

Signed  Seled  and  delivered 

Aftei:  X  Allburtas  AVilliam  .Smith  (S) 

mark  X  his  Mark 

Thomas  Okely 

recorded  this  23  of  jeuewe  1684     By  Mee 

JosiAS  Starr 


Thes  presaut  Witufseth  that  I  Henry  Mayie  of  Mush- 
pet  h  kills  doe  hereby  Sell  and  Make  over  All  my  Eight  title 
A:  iutrenst  of  This  inwrittiiig  bill  of  Seale  imto  AVilliam 
Grittin  of  H'osters  Meddc^w  I  say  I  the  sd  Henery  Mayle 
doe  herebv  Sell  Alinete  A;  estransc  from  mee  my  Avers  Ex- 
editors  administreatois  or  asiugs  This  said  bill  of  Sealle  to 
the  A  bove  sd  AVilliam  Gritten  his  Ayres  Executers  oi 
Asiugs  in  wittnes  heerof  I  have  Sett  to  ^ly  hand  This  30th 
June  1(58  i 


Abraham  frost 

SusAXAH  X  ffrost  Henry  Mayle 

her  mark 

By  Mee 

Josias  Starr  Clark 

Page  200. 
Know  all  men  by  thes  presants  that  I  Thomas  Elis«)n  of 
hempsted  in  the  north  ridging  of  new  yorksheer  have  sold 
nnto  AA'illiam  Smith  of  fosters  Meddow  in  the  bounds  and 
Limmits  of  the  Towne  and  County  above  sd  A  sartrdue  loot 
of  Medow  lying  in  A  pleace  kuowne  by  the  name  of  hungri 
Jiarbowr,  I  say  I  have  sokle  the  A  bovo  sd  Lott  of  meddow 
from  mee  mv  Eyears  Executers  Administreators  or  Assiutis 
unto  the  above  sd  AA'illiam  Smith  his  EajTes  Administrea- 
tors or  Asiiigs  the  sd  loot  of  meddow  beeing  bounded  on 
the  west  by  A  Loott  of  Addam   Aloott  Sener  and  on  the 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    11EC()UD«.  75 

nortli  l)y  A  liy  wny  and  on  the  East  hy  A  loott  that  was 
laid  onte  to  John  Smith.  11.  J.  and  on  the  South  by  a  h)ott 
that  was  hiyde  onto  to  tht;  Wi(hh)w  Carh;  I  say  I  the  Above 
sd  Thomas  Elison  have  Sohl  and  doe  by  these  ])resants 
tnlly  freely  and  absolutly  bargaine  Alinete  and  Sell  tlu; 
Above  sd  lot  of  meddow  itt  being  in  quantity  of  ackers  t(^w 
and  A  halfe  more  or  les  as  it  was  layde  oute  at  the  tirst 
Unto  the  A  bove  sd  William  Smith  from  me  my  Eayres  Ex- 
ecutars  Administreators  or  Asings  unto  the  Above  sd 
AYilliam  Smith  his  Eayers  Executors  Administreators  or 
Asings  to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  one  proper  right  for  ever 
and  doe  heere  by  Uphold  and  mainetaine  this  my  Sele  to 
bee  lawfull  athentick  and  good  free  from  all  Morgeges  Sides 
or  incomberances  what  sum  ever  shall  or  may  any  way  here 
after  arise  and  to  tlie  tru  preformante  of  the  ])rimises  I 
have  here  Unto  Sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  Seale  this  ''I'A 
of  Jenewerv  1G82-3  and  in  the  thirty  third  Yeare  of  his 
maygestyes  rayne  Charls  ye  second  by  the  Greace  of  god 
King  of  gnsat  brittan  france  and  Ireland  Defender  of  the 
tfaith  King 

Singened  Seled  and  delivered  in  presauts  of  us 

Witt  n  esses 
John  Smith  Thomas  Elisox  (S) 


Know  all  men  by  these  presants  That  I  William  Smith 
of  fosters  meddow  in  the  bounds  of  hempsti'd  doe  asinge 
all  my  right  title  and  intrust  of  this  \Vithin  written  hill  of 
Seale  Unto  Barnuet  Egborson  of  the  st'iiie  })l;ice  as  full  and 
Amply  as  I  my  self  receved  it  as  AVitines  my  hand  this  lO 
of  Apreell  1(583 

Singned  and  Delivered  in  presants  of 


Thomas  Okelie  William  X  Smith 

KicHAKD  Denton  Mark. 

recorded  this  2U  of  Jeuewery  KJSl-;")  by  uje 

Jos  Stai;k  Clark 


Page  210. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  wliome  this  May  Cou- 
serne  that  I  Elias  Dorland  of  Hempstecl  upon  Long  Ishind 
in  quenes  County  have  And  do  by  These  presants  bargain 
sell  and  Alinete  from  mee  my  Eayers  Executors  Adminis- 
tieators  or  Asings  Unto  Cornelos  barns  of  flat  bush  Upon 
Lontr  Island  in  Kins^rs  County  to  him  his  Eavres  Executors 
Administreators  or  Asings  one  hundred  Ackers  of  Wood 
Land  Liiug  and  beeing  Situated  neare  A  pleace  Commonly 
Called  fosters  Meddow  Aboute  three  quaters  of  A  Mile 
Eastward  from  the  Said  Meddow  itt  begins  at  the  East  side 
of  a  small  Vail}"  and  so  Runs  Southest  from  theuce  Aight 
score  rods  and  it  is  in  bredth  one  hundred  rods  it  beeiug 
bounded  All  round  by  Marked  Trees,  I  the  said  Elias  dor- 
land  dow  one  to  have  Sold  the  A  fore  Mentioned  Lott  of 
Land  With  all  privilitlges  there  unto  belonging  from  mee 
my  eairs  Executors  administreators  or  Asings  Unto  the  sd 
Cornelos  barns  to  him  his  eayrs  Exsecutors  Administreators 
or  Asings  peasably  to  enjoy  for  Ever  Warranting  This  my 
Seale  to  bee  Good  in  Law  free  from  All  former  Gifts  Sels 
or  Morgisis  for  an  in  Consideration  of  A  Yalluable  Sum 
and  full  Sattisfaction  by  Mee  AW  rrdy  receved  in  Confir- 
matiim  hereof  I  have  Set  to  my  hand  and  Sele  this  Sixt  of 
fel)e\very  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1584-5 

The  interliue  was  at  tirst  "This  Land  is  in  ye  l)ounds  of 

Singed  Seled  and  delivered  iii  |)r(_'saiits  of  us 


JosiirH  X  Langdon 
his  Mark 

A  trew  Coppie  comparred  With  ye  original!  liy  mee 
This  :  (i :  of  febewery  1684-5 

JosiAS  Staku  Clark 

Page  211. 

Know  all  men  by  These  presants  whome  itt  May  Con- 
sarue  That    I    William  AUburtis   of  Maspeth    Kills    in   the 


Itouiids  of  Mi(l<ll<!  borow  in  Qiiens  County  within  the  Tore- 
toiycs  of  his  Royall  Highnes  tho  Duke  oit'  Yorck,  do*'  hy 
these  presants  bargaine  Sell  and  Alineate  from  Mcc  My 
Eayrs  Executors  Administreators  and  Asiu;nes  ITnto  Barnet 
EglxTson  off  ffosters  Meddow  within  the  bounds  of  IbMiip- 
sted  and  County  att'oie  said  To  Him  his  Eayres  Executors 
Administre.itors  and  A  Sings  A  tiifty  Acker  Lott  of  Land 
Liiuir  Att  ff'osters  Meddow,  bounded  on  the  7iorth  with 
H(Minery  Johnsons  Land  and  on  the  South  with  After  AH- 
l)urtis  Land  and  the  bredth  of  the  :  sd  :  Loott  is  at  ff'ront 
Thirty  rods  and  att  reere  Sixty  nine  rods  Wide  :  I  tlie  :  sd: 
William  Allbertis  Doe  by  Thes  presants  one  to  have  Sold 
this  a  bove  Spetitied  Lott  of  Land  With  the  Orchard  how- 
sen  and  ffencen  that  is  on  or  in  the  A  bove  spetitied  Tjoott 
of  Land  With  All  rights  profits  privilidges  or  Conitnonidges 
tli;it  is  belonging  Unto  the  :  sd :  Land  ffrom  niee  my  eayres 
executors  administreators  or  Assings  Unto  the  :sl:  Barn<>t 
Euborson  unto  him  his  Eayres  Executors  Adini  lisfcre  itors 
or  Asings  To  him  or  them  To  have  and  to  hold  ffor  Ever 
and  Doe  by  thes  presants  Mainetaine  This  my  Seale  to  bee 
good  and  lawfuU  fiee  from  An}'  Just  Clame  or  Glauies  of  Any 
parson  or  parsons  that  shall  Lay  any  there  unto  free  from 
all  other  Seles  Gifts  Grants  or  Mordigedges  that  is  or  hath 
bin  by  mee  allred}'  Commited  and  in  confirmation  Unto  the 
])riniises  Above  Mentioned  I  doe  freely  Sett  To  My  hand 
and  Seale  this  :3d  of  febewery  l()84-5 

Singed  Sealled  and  delivered  in  presants  of  us 

John  Danman  William  liuirns  (S) 

Nicholas  Balme 

recorded  this  IS  of  March  1084-5  by  mee 

JosiAS  Starr  Clarck 

PaCxE  212. 

This  deede  of  geift  Ma(l(>  by  mee  robart  Bedle  Sener  off 
Hempsted  on  Long  island  in  the  north  riding  off  new  York- 
sheere  have  upon  good  consideration  nioveing  mee  there  unto 


have  Given  unto  1113'  Son  Robart  Bedle  my  now  dwelling  bouse 
witb  tlu'boiiie  Loot  and  orchard  and  all  housing' barns  or  barns 
hovells  or  what  ever  else  is  oi-  shall  be  npon  the  :sd:  Loot 
I  say  I  the  above  :sd:  Robart  be, lie  Sener  have  Given  and 
do  ti'uUy  tireely  and  absohitely  Give  fi'rom  mee  my  Eaires 
exeeuters  Adniinistieators  or  assijigs  Unto  my  son  Robart 
bedle  afore  :sd:  to  him  his  Eayi-es  Executors  Administrea- 
tors  or  asings  To  have  and  to  hi)ld  as  his  one  proper  right 
lilor  ever 

This  A  hove  written  deed  of  Gift  is  given  upon  thes  Con- 
sideration that  My  Son  Robert  Bedle  is  tt'ully  to  enioy  this 
deed  of  geeft  atfter  my  deses  and  my  Wiffe  is  to  have  Lil)- 
erty  in  tlie  :sd:  lious  to  dwell  in  and  to  make  Use  of  the 
tiVute  t)lf  the  Orchard  ffor  her  one  l^see  dureing  her  Life- 
time and  to  the  True  performantce  oft'  tlie  ])rimises  I  have 
Set  to  my  liand  the  ffirst  of  September  1(581 


Peeter  Johnson  School  his 

RoBART  X  Williams  Robart  X  Bedle 

his  Mark  '   Mark 

This  is  A  true  Copie  Compaired  with  :ye:  Oiidgenall  l)y 

JosiAS  Starr  Clarck 

Page  218. 

Unto  whome  this  maye  Consarne  know  yee  That  where 
as  my  Granfather  Thomas  Champine  who  beeing  now  De- 
seeecd  did  in  his  Last  will  and  testement  ffreely  give  and 
bequeath  imto  me  his  grandchild  Peeter  Totten  off  Hemj)- 
sted  in  (Queues  County  in  America  as  ffolowetli  viz  A  pai-- 
cell  of  Meddow  Called  :ve:  Island  and  Atteeld  Adioynein-jf 
to  John  Carmans  and  twenty  ffive  Ackers  of  Land  Avhich 
was  to  l)ee  layd  oute  I  :ye:  sd:  peter  totten  have  scene 
Cause  to  Macke  Choyce  of  A  peece  of  Land  Ling  on  the 
East  Side  of  :ye:  East  meddow  so  called  A  boute  to  miles 
east  of  the  towue  off  hempsted  the  bound  is  as  followeth  it 

TIEMPSTEAD    TOWN    REroilDS.  7'.> 

fiVuiitin^"  !ijf;iiiist  A  liollow  that  is  know  hy  the  iiniiic  of  Eil- 
wjirds  llayners  hollow  luiiniujj;  ttVoiu  tlicncc  Soutlmrd  1)\ 
tlio  swamp  oiicly  a,  liy  way  Left  beetweiie,  it,  I'liiis  in  Iciij^ili 
a  :1()0:  rods  and  t'l'oni  the  lii^li  way  estvvavd  in  hicdtli  it  is 
iSO:  rods  as  it  was  Lay(Ml  oute  by  Natlianidl  l'ci\-(  nil  and 
now  I  the  :sd:  peeter  tott(Mi  (h>  see  (-aiise  to  lia\e  this  en- 
tered in  the  records  :      recoided  this  :S:  of  A])i'eall  lOSf) 

JosiAS  Htaj;i;  Clark 

Page  214. 

KiioAv  all  men  by  Thes  presaiits  that  I  Thomas  Hi<j!;am  off 
Herupsted  in  (pieiies  County  within  the  Ten-toryes  of  his 
royall  Hignes  the  (lake  of  York  in  Ameri(^a  tayh-r  chx'  l)y 
thes  presants  Sell  alliniit  and  macke  over  fi-oin  niee  my 
Eayres  Executors  Administreators  or  Assin^es  Unto  Jiobarl 
Bedle  off  the  towne  <t  County  A  liore  :sd:  To  him  his 
Eayres  executors  Administreators  or  Asin_u;s  my  now  dwell- 
ing lious  and  home  loott  with  all  the  fenceing  and  orchard 
that  is  there  on  itt  being  in  (juantite  Three  Ackers  more  or 
Les  as  itt  was  Lajed  out  to  mee  joyning  to  Danniell  Bedle 
ffifty  Acker  Loott  Liing  East  of  that  and  so  runing  to 
A  highway  that  is  att  The  end  of  the  Loott  that  the  sd 
danniell  bedle  bought  of  William  Jecockes  and  on  the 
north  is  bounded  by  A  highway  that  runs  at  the  end  of  the 
:  sd  :  danniell  Bedles  Loott  that  his  now  dwelling  hoiis  stands 
on  now  I  the  above  :  sd  :  Thomas  Higam  do  one  to  have 
sold  this  A  bove  spetetitied  Lot  of  Land  with  all  rights 
titles  profits  and  privilidges  That  is  or  Ever  shall  beehmg- 
ing  There  unto  Ifrom  mee  my  eayres  executors  admiuistrea- 
tor  or  Asings  Unto  the  Above  :sd:  liobart  betUe  to  him  his 
eayrs  executors  Administreators  or  Asings  li'or  him  or  them 
to  have  and  Hold  tt'or  ever  and  I  the  Above  :sd:  Thomas 
Higam  do  mayntayne  this  my  Seale  to  bee  good  and  Law- 
ful ti'ree  ffrom  Any  Just  Clame  or  Chimes  that  shall  forom 
Any  pars()2i  or  parsons  bee  Layed  there  unto  fi'ree  from  All 
flornun'  (lifts  Grants  sels  (U"  Mordgises  that  Initli  bin  by  mee 


;i  1 1  inly  Comniiterl  ouely  I  the  :  sd  :  Thomas  am  to  hare  tbe 
:sil:  hons  mikI  TjjihiI  the  middle  of  Xovember  nex  in  siiint^ 
the  Deate  heeieof  and  now  to  the  pnmises  Above  mentioned 
T  (\n\v  now  sett  to  mv  hand  and  Soale  This  :14:  of  A]irell 

Singed  Seled  and  delivered  beef  ore  ns 

JosiAS  Htarr  Clark  Thomas  Higam  (S) 


his  mark  her  mark 

This  is  A  trn  Goppie  Compaired  with  the  origenall 

by  niee     JosiAS  Starr  Clark 

Page  215. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  nnto  whome  this  maye 
Consarne  That  I  John  Johnson  off  Hempsted  in  queues 
County  in  America  Ifor  A  Consideration  of  A  vallnable  sum 
of  monuey  do  by  thes  presants  one  to  have  liargaind  Sold 
Allineated  and  mead  over  ifrom  mee  my  eaires  Executors 
Admiuistreators  or  assinirs  Unto  AVilliam  Lee  of  :  ve :  Towne . 
and  County  A  ffore  :  sd  :  To  him  his  Eayres  Executors  Ad- 
rainistreators  or  assinges  Unto  William  Lee  of  :ye:  Towne 
and  County  A  ffore  :sd  :  To  him  his  Eayrs  Executors  Ad- 
ministrators or  assinges  A  sartaine  peece  of  wo<jdland  Sit- 
uate and  Lying  in  :ye:  north  woods  lying  northward  of 
herick  itt  beeing  in  quantity  twenty  toe  Ackers  more  or  Les 
as  itt  is  allredy  Layd  oute  bounded  on  :  ye  :  South  with  A 
Lott  of  Thomas  Southard  and  on  :ye:  north  by  A  Loott  of 
Carles  now  I  the  Above  :sd:  John  Johnson  doe  one  to  have 
sold  this  a  bove  sretetied  loott  of  Land  tfrom  mee  my 
Eayres  and  Assings :  Unto  :ye:  Above  :sd:  William  Lee 
to  him  his  Eayres  and  Assinges  for  him  or  them  to  liave 
and  to  Hold  ffor  ever  as  there  one  proper  right  and  doe  by 
these  presants  mainetaine  This  my  Seale  to  l)ee  good  Law- 
full  free  from  any  Just  Clame  or  Clames  of  aney  parson  or 
parsons  :  yt :  Shall  lay  Aney  there  unto  free  ffrom  All  former 
Gifts  (xrants  Seales  or  Mordgesis  that  hath  bin  all  red\ 
by    mee    Commited,    and    now    to    the     primises    Above 


uuMitioiicd  I  doe  Set  to  my  liniid  Scale   tliis   thirty   d;iy   of 
A]»vell  ill  :ye:  yejire  of  oiire  Tjord  l(»sr) 

Siiiu,(Ml  Selcd  niid  dt^livei'ed  in  ye  prcisaiits  of  us 

JosiAs  S'j'AiM!  Clark,  .ToTfN  .Ioiinson  (S) 

JaMI:S  15  KATE 

This  is  A  true  (*op])(^y  (\)iii])aired   witli  ye  oridtfoiiall   liy 


JosiAS  Stakh  Clark 
Page  21G.     " 

KiMiw  all  men  liv  these  presants  that  I  Joseph  Pettit  off 
Hein])st(!d  on  Long  Island  in  cpienes  County  have  Sohl 
unto  John  foster  the  Sun  of  Thomas  tfbster  desesed  in  the 
To  \  lie  Jeinaeo  and  County  Al)ov(!  :s(l:  Twenty  five  Ackers 
of  Land  lying  att  fosters  niedow  on  :ye:  east  side  of  :ye: 
l)roo('k  fronting  to  The  hy  waye  and  on  :ye:  north  alothee- 
longing  to  William  Gritniau  and  tow  liollowes  lying  on  the 
north  Sid(^  of  ye  })ath  going  to  Jernaeo  nearc^  the  wood 
edge  I  the  Above  :sd:  Jostiph  Pettit  have  Sold  the  Land 
Above  :sd:  and  nieade  over  from  mee  my  eaires  Executors 
Administreators  or  Asinges  to  :ye:  A  bove  :sd:  John  foster 
To  him  his  Eaires  Executors  Administreators  or  Asings 
With  such  privilidg  as  bee  longeth  there  to  for  an  in  con- 
sideration of  full  sattisfaction  Allredy  receved  and  do  u])- 
liold  and  manetaine  my  seale  to  l)ee  good  and  lawfull  where 
unto  I  have  Set  my  hand  and  fixed  ray  Seale  June  ye  fifth 
one  Towsand  Six  hundred  aighty  and  five 

Singed  Seled  and  delivered  in  ])resants  of  us 

Thomas  ffoster  Joseph  Pettit  (S) 

Peetei!  Totten 
X  his  mark 

This  is   a  tru   Coppey  compaired  with   :ye:   origenall  by 


JosiAS  StaPvR  Clark 

Page  217. 

Know  all  men  by  thes  presants  that  I  Edward  S])rage  of 

Hempsted    on  Long    Island    in    ye    north   rideing    of   new 


vorksheere  have  Sold  unto  Joseph  Tliiiston  of  Jemaco  of 
:je:  seme  ridgeing  twenty  five  Akers  of  laud  1}  ing  on  the 
north  Side  of  the  path  going  to  fosters  uieddow  and  to  at-k- 
ers  and  half  of  niedow  Lying  att  hungry  harhour  heetweue 
-Addani  Moott  and  henner}'  Lininton  I  say  I  one  to  have 
Sould  andallianeted  the  Land  and  meddow  above  :sd:  from 
mee  my  Eaires  Executors  Adniinistreators  and  Asinges  to  ye 
Above  :sd:  Thustohe  which  is  and  must  remaine  for  the  use 
of  Thomas  fibsters  chilldren  Thomas  and  John  ttoster  to 
tlieni  Tere  Eaires  Executors  adniinistreators  and  asinges 
to  have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  the  meddow  tow  ackers  and 
halfe  more  or  les  as  itt  was  laide  oute  to  me  with  the  privi- 
Jiflg  which  belongeth  to  the  meddow  and  the  Land  I  have 
Sold  as  witnes  my  hand  maye  ye  twenty  first  in  the  yeare 
of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  Six  hundred  and  aighty  one  in 
truth  heere  of  I  sett  my  hand  and  tixted  my  Seale 

Singed  Seled  and  delivered  in  presauts  of  us 
Joseph  Pettit 
William  Smith  his 

his  X  mark  Edward  X  Sprage  (S) 


Bee  it  knowne  that  I  Thomas  ffoster  within  ritin  doe 
Asinge  my  parte  and  all  my  Sheere  of  this  within  m  ritten 
bill  to  my  brother  John  foster  within  written  from  mee  my 
Eaires  Executors  Adniinistreators  or  asings  To  him  my 
brother  John  foster  his  Eaires  Executors  Adniinistreators 
or  Asinges  to  have  and  to  hold  for  ever  as  his  one  proper 
right  where  unto  I  Set  my  hand  June  the  :(') :  one  Tliousaiid 
Six  hundred  aight}-  tfive 


Joseph  Pettit  Thomas  fos'I'er 


Peeter  X  Totten 


This  Compaired  with  ye  Oridgonall  b}^  mee 

Josias  Starr  Clark 

nnMPSTEAl)    TOWN    KECOIIDS.  8:-» 

PaCxE  218. 

Know  nil  moil  wlionio  this  may  consarne  that  we  Mr 
liichaid  (Tilldcrsloeve  ;iiid  Loftenant  addam  Moott  both  of 
tho  towiK^  of  Hompstcd  in  tho  north  richnn*;-  of  new  York- 
sh(H>r(!  liMVO  exclianf;ed  a  par^^oll  of  nunhlow  the  :sd:Mr 
tfilldersleeve  havein^i;  a  ])iirsell  of  moddow  Liiiio-  at  a  neck 
Commonly  C;illed  the  <;reat<>  neck  which  Loot  of  Mtuldow 
together  with  A  Loott  of  medow  which  was  Laid  onte  to 
llicha-rd  Cxilhhirsleeve  the  Loott  of  Mr  Gilldersleeve  bein^ 
in  ([uantity  of  Ackers  twenty  and  A  half  as  it  was  layed 
oute  to  att  the  first  more  or  les  and  the  Loott  of  lUchard 
(lilldc^rsleeves  tow  Ackers  and  half(^  more  or  les  as  itt  was 
Ijaid  onte  at  tirst  the  Above  :sd:  both  Adjoyneing  together 
boimded  on  the  easterly  side  by  a  loott  off  Thomas  Elisons 
and  on  :  ye :  westerly  side  with  A  loott  oif  Edward  liaincer 
wec!  the  Above  :  sd :  Richard  Gilldersleeve  sener  Richard 
Gilldersleeve  jnner  dow  fnlly  and  freely  and  Al)solutely  seatt 
over  cure  rights  of  the  Above  :sd:  Lootts  from  us  oure 
aires  Executors  Adniinistreatcn-s  or  asings  unto  the  Above 
:  sd :  Addam  Moott  his  Eaires  Executors  Administreators  or 
Asings  and  doe  uphold  the  Above  isd:  Lotts  free  from  Any 
that  shall  heere  after  lay  any  Cleame  there  unto  or  dow  att 
presant  lay  any  there  unto  by  any  act  or  acts  of  ours :  and 
I  the  a  l)ove  :  sd :  Leftenaat  Addam  Moot  sener  haveing  A 
sartaine  parsall  or  parsalls  of  Meddow  Liing  at  a  neck 
Commonly  Called  mericock  or  merock  an  Loott  liing  on  the 
west  side  of  merock  beeing  the  first  Loott  on  that  neck 
bounded  on  the  esterly  side  and  reere  by  A  Loot  of  Mr 
Gilldersleeves  :  beeing  twenty  Ackers  in  quantity  more  or 
leH  as  itt  was  Laide  oute  att  first  and  an  other  loott  which 
was  Laide  oute  to  John  Cornish  at  the  first  fronting  upon 
A  Loot  of  Mr.  Gilldersleeves  reereing  on  A  loott  of  Gorg 
Hulits  and  bounded  on  the  east  by  A  loot  of  Thomas 
Hickes  and  on  the  w(^st  by  A  loott  of  Mr.  Gilldersleeves  I 
say  I  the  a  bove  :sd  :  Addam  Moott  sener  for  an  Considera- 
tion (jf  an  exchang  above   spetified  from  inee  my   eaires 


ExeciTtors  Admiuistveators  or  Asinges  unto  liiin  the  :  sd : 
Richard  Gilldersleeve  his  eair<'s  Executors  Admiuistreators 
or  Asings  to  liave  and  to  hold  as  his  one  proper  right  for 
ever  and  doAv  ni)h()ld  tlie  above  :  sd :  Lootts  of  mechlow  from 
any  other  dow  or  shall  Lav  any  Clame  there  unto  by  any 
act  or  acts  of  mine  And  to  the  trew  performances  of  the 

Page  219. 
preimises  we  the  above  :sd:  Mr  Richard  (lilldersleeve  and 
left :  Addani  Moott  have  set  to  oure   hands  this   18th:   of 
July  1670 

Wittneses  Richard  Gilldersleeve 

his  mark  Addam  Moott 

Jeremiah  X  Wood 
Peeter  Johnson  Sckol 
This  compared  with  :ye :  origenall  by  mee 

Josias  Starr  Clark 

Mr  Jeremiah  Hubarts  hundred  acres  of  land  giveing  and 
granted  by  the  Towne  off  Hempsted :  was  Laid  oute  l)y 
Richard  Gilldersleeve  sener  the  Length  of  it  is  tow  hun- 
dred rods  the  l)redth  eaighty  rods  it  lieth  in  Length  north 
and  South  and  in  bredtli  east  and  west  on  the  east  side  of 
the  path  or  rode  and  Land  of  AVilliam  Jecocks  haveing  ou 
ech  Corner  A  ffaire  marcked  Tree  with  I:H:  Cut  oh  them 
rye:  first  on  :ye:  north  corner  next  Jecockes  and  the  hy 
way  a  fore  :sd:  and  :yt:  runs  sothard  A  long  by  the  :sd: 
way  200:  rods  this  beeing  the  wesside  and  the  brcdth  :80: 
rods  as  A  bove  :sd:  entered  into  records  by  mee 

JosiAS  Starr  Clark 

Page  220. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  that  I  Richard  Stites  of 
AVistbery  in  the  boirnds  of  Hempsted  upon  Long  island  in 
Queues  County  have  and  doe  by  these  presants  bargaiiie 
sell  and  Allinieate  from  mee  my  Eaires  Executors  Admiu- 
istreators or  assiues  unto  William  Lee  off  hempsted  in  the 
County  afore  :  sd :  to  him  his  eayres  Executors  Administrea- 
tors  or  Assinges  the  right  of  fore  Oxpaster  geates  in   the 

HEMI'STI'^AI)    'I'OWX    ItKCOHDS.  (S5 

tijist  ()x|);ist(U'  liiiiii;  oji  tli(!  Oiist  or  north  (iust  oil  tliL^  Tcjwjh; 
of  HenipstiMJ  I  tli(;  a  li'oro  :  sd  :  Uicliaid  Stits  (low  one  to 
liavo  sold  the  A  Hiovv,  :  sd  :  <i;oates  with  all  privilid<4'  there 
unto  belon^in<r  ffroiii  mee  my  eaires  Executors  Adniiiiis- 
treators  and  Assiiigs  to  the  afore  :  sd  :  William  liBe  to  him 
his  Eayres  Executors  Adininistreators  or  Assinjj;s  to  have 
and  to  hold  forever  Waranting  this  my  seale  good  in  Law 
free  from  all  former  gifts  seles  or  Mordgesis  in  Confirma- 
tion heere  of  I  have  Sett  to  my  hand  sele  this  Third  day 
of  Aprell  in  the  yeare  lGtS5 

Sined  Seled  and  delivered  in  ye  presants  of  us 

Nathaniell  Peahsall  his 

Geoug  Peahsall  Eichakd  X  Stits  (S) 


This  C^ompaired  with  the  oridgenall  by  mee 

JosLVs  Stahu  Clark 

Page  221. 

Know  all  men  by  Mies  presants  that  I  llichard  Gillder- 
sleeve  Juner  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  queues  County 
have  sold  unto  Thomas  Higham  of  the  towne  and  County  a 
bovc!  :  sd  :  three  ackers  of  u[)land  the  :  sd  :  three  ackers  of 
laud  be  a  part  of  a  lialfe  hundred  ackers  lot  Avhich  I  the 
a  bove  :  sd  :  llichard  took  Liing  beetwene  John  Johnsons 
and  peeter  Johnsons  Scooll  and  the  :  sd  :  three  ackers  of 
land  which  I  the  :  sd  :  llichard  have  sold  unto  the  a  bove 
:  sd  :  Thomas  Higham  Joynes  unto  the  Loott  of  peeter  John- 
sons I  say  that  I  the  a  bove  :  sd  :  Eichard  Gilldersleeve 
have  fallly  freely  and  absolutely  bargained  sold  Allineated 
the  :  sd  :  three  ackers  of  Laud  from  mee  my  Eyres  Execu- 
tors administreators  or  asienes  unto  the  A  bove  sd  Thomas 
Higham  his  Eyres  Executors  administreators  or  asignes  to 
have  and  to  hold  as  his  one  preper  right  ffor  ever  ffree  from 
all  in  -omberances  what  sum  ever  for  an  in  consideration  of 
a  valliable  sum  ])y  mee  all  redy  reeeved  and  do  hereby  up- 
hold the  primises  to  bee  lawfull  AThentick  and  free  from 

80  HE^rrsTEAi)   rowx  records. 

any  parson  or  parsons  what  so  ever  that  shall  auy  Just 
('lame  ther<Miiit()  and  unto  Thee  tru  })erfoimauce  of  the 
])riniises  a  bove  mentioned  I  Inive  here  unto  set  to  my  hand 
and  ttixted  my  seale  this  ffirst  of  Agnst  1(585 

SintM  seled  and  delivered  in  the  preesants  of  ns 




Rk'Hard  GiLLDERSLEEVE  sener 
Thomas  Gilldersleeve 

This  bill  of  seale  oned  and  Atested  beefore  niee 

John  Semax 
This  Compaired  with  the  oridgenall  by  mee 

Josl\s  Starr  CLuk 

Page  222. 

Unto  all  Christian  peaple  nnto  Avhonie  these  presants  niav 
Come  greeting  know  yee  that  I  Thomas  Irelaud  off  Hemp- 
sted  in  Qnenes  County  in  America  dow  by  these  presauts 
ffully  tfreely  and  absolutely  grant  give  and  beequeath  unto 
my  brotherr  in  Law  Charles  Abrahams  off  the  Tow  ne  and 
County  above  :  sd  :  ffore  Ackers  off'  wood  Laud  Situate 
and  Liing  Abought  ffifty  or  Sixty  rods  Sothard  o&  the  :  sd  : 
Thomas  Ireland  now  dwelling  hous  ff'ronting  to  the  hywaye 
that  runs  by  the  swampt  side  now  I  the  above  :  sd  :  Thomas 
Ireland  do  one  to  have  given  this  A  bove  spetitied  ffbre 
ackers  off"  Land  Avith  All  pertinances  and  privilidges  that 
now  is  or  ever  heere  After  Shall  bee  beelonging  there  nut  > 
ffrom  mee  my  eaires  Executors  Administreators  oi  assinges 
Unto  the  a  bove  :  sd  ;  Charles  Abrahames  to  him  his  Eayres 
Executors  Administreators  or  asinges  ffbr  him  or  them  to 
have  and  to  Hold  as  his  one  proper  right  for  ever  boot  if 
att  Any  time  the  sd  Charles  Abrahams  is  ini.ided  Sell  the 
Above  sjjetitied  Land  then  the  :  sd :  Thomas  Ireland  is  to 
efhave  ye  Ifirst  ruseall  off  itt  and  now   to  the  primises  A 


hove  iiKUitioiicil  1  (low   I'tVeely  Set  to  my  li.uid  this  2(j  oti' 
June  in  tlie  yeare  of  our  Lord  1()(S5 

Siii^etl  and  delivered  in  yv,  presants  of  uw 

JosiAH  Stark  Clark  Thomas  Ireland 

Jonathan  Seaman 

Tliis  Conipaired  with  ye  Oridgenall  hy  niee 

Josias  Starr  Clark 

Page  22;1 

Know  all  men  l)y  thes  prtisants  that  I  Charles  Abra- 
hams of  Hempsted  in  Queues  County  in  America  do  by 
These  presants  with  :  ye  :  Consent  off  wife  one  to  have  bar- 
<2;aiud  Sold  Alliueated  and  mad  over  ffrom  mee  my  Eaires 
Executors  Administreators  or  Asinu;es  unto  Josias  Starr  off 
ye  towne  and  County  Afore  :  sd  :  To  him  his  Eayers  Execu- 
tors Administreators  or  asings  A  sartaine,  hollow  off  Land 
that  my  tfather  in  Law  Robart  Bedall  seuer  did  freely  give 
and  beequeeth  unto  mee  the  :  sd  :  hollow  of  Land  situate 
Lying  and  beeing  on  hempsted  plaines  aboute  a  mile  and 
half  north  ward  off"  ye  towne  lying  beetwene  rooty  hollow 
and  the  bevill  it  beeing  in  quautity  by  estinuition  one  Aker 
and  halfe  or  toAv  ackers  ore  There  aboutes.  and  a  sartaine 
three  eacker  Loott  off  Laud  that  :  ve  :  Towne  gave  to  mee 
which  Loott  of  Land  iyetli  on  the  east  side  of  the  towne 
afore  :  sd  :  Lying  on  the  este  side  of  A  loot  of  Ltind  that 
ye  ToAvue  gave  unto  Thomas  Seman  onely  a  liyway  .bee- 
twene, now  I  the  A  bove  sd  Charles  Abrahams  doe  one  to 
have  sold  this  A  bove  spetitied  hollow  and  loott  of  Land 
with  all  pertiuaces  and  })rivilidges  that  now  is  or  ever  after 
shall  bee  belonging  There  unto  ffrom  mee  my  eaires  execu- 
tors administreators  or  asings  Unto  ye  A  bove  :  sd :  Josias 
Stai  r  to  him  his  eaires  executors  Administreators  or  asings 
ffor  him  or  them  to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  one  proper 
right  from  hence  ffortli  and  for  ever  :  and  dow  maintaine 
this  my  scale  to  bee  good  and  lawfall  free  from  any  Just 
clame  of  Any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall  lay  any  there 


uuto  free  lioin  ;ill  foiuier  u.ifts  <;THiits  Seals  or  in  C'oinbar- 
iiuces  that  liatli  bin  by  mee  all  redy  comiiiiteJ.  This  for  a 
cousideratiou  (^f  a  vallualjle  Sum  All  redy  receved  by  mee 
and  now  to  the  primises  A  bove  mentioned  I  dot;  fiVeely  set 
to  my  hand  and  seal  This  16  of  Julie  in  ye  yeare  of  ouve 
Loord  1685 
Sined  seled  and  delivered  in  presants  of  us 

RoBAET  X  Bedle  sener  his 

mark.  Chares  X  Abrahams  (S) 

John  bed  all  mark 

Serah  X  Abrahams   (S) 
her  mark    ■ 

This  compaired  with  ye  oiidgonall  by  mee 

JosiAs  Starr  Clark 

Page  224. 

Know  all  men  l)y  these  Presents  home  this  may  Coiiserne 
that  I  Edward  sprag  of  Hempsted  on  Long  ILaud  in 
quens  Countj'  have  and  dwo  b}'  thes  Presents  bargen  Sell 
and  Alianate  from  me  mv  Eairs  Excutors  administreators 
and  assigns  unto  Richard  tottun  of  the  seanie  Please  to 
him  his  Eairs  Excutors  Administrators  or  x\ssigns  one  hole 
Alotment  of  Medow  Containing  isix  Akers  or  tlier  about 
More  or  Les  as  it  was  laid  out  it  lys  and  is  situated  on  the 
west  side  of  the  Littill  Xeck  Estward  in  tlie  bounds  of 
Hempsted  afforesaid  it  is  bounded  on  the  Est  sid  by  a  Lot 
of  George  Pearsalls  and  on  the  west  and  south  by  tlu'. 
Crick  and  on  the  North  by  the  woods  Now  I  the  aforesaid 
Edward  sprag  d^vo  owne  to  have  sould  the  afore  Meationed 
Lot  of  Medow  from  me  my  Eairs  Excutors  administrators 
or  Assigns  to  the  aforesaid  Richard  tottun  to  him  his  Eairs 
Excutors  Administrators  or  Assigns  to  have  an  I  to  lioidd 
for  Ever  warranting  this  my  sale  good  in  Law  free  from  all 
former  Gifts  sals  or  Morgages  or  Cleames  of  any  Parson  or 
Parsons    What    so    Ever    for   and    in    Consideration    of    a 

HEMl'STEAD    TOWN    RECOllDS.  81) 

Vnlliialtle  sumo  jiiul  full  satisfaction  hy  iiu^  allicilv  Itosi^ved 
and  in  couferniiitiou  hereof  I  have  scl  to  my  hand  and  selci 
this  twenty  lift  day  of  Juno  in  tlu--  yciaic;  l()iSo 

si<i;ijed  selled  and  dcliv(ax'd  in  Prt'sents  of  us 

Nathaniell  Peahsall  Euwaiid  sruAd  X  (S) 

Jonathan  smith  Ids  mark 

Recorded  by  me 

Nathaniell  Peaks  all  Claik 

Page  225. 

Know  all  men  by  these  Presents  unto  home  it  may  Con- 
serne  that  I  Peter  Tottun  of  Henipsfced  in  (pu  ns  County  in 
america  dwo  by  these  Presents  sell  allinate  and  make  over, 
from  me  my  Eairs  Exentnrs  Administrators  (n-  Assigns  unto 
my  father  Richard  Tottun  of  the  townd  and  County  afore- 
said to  him  his  Eairs  Executors  and  Administrators  or 
Assigns  A  sartain  part  or  Parsell  of  Land  which  Avas  (Tiven 
to  me  by  My  Gran  father  Thomas  Champin  situate  lying 
and  being  Est  of  the  Est  Medow  about  two  Mils  Est  of  the 
townd  aforsaid  it  being  in  quautaty  twenty  five  Akers  More 
or  les  as  it  is  allredy  Laid  out  A  Joying  to  the  south  sid  of 
a  hollow  of  Land  that  in  kuowne  by  the  Naeme  of  liainers 
hollow  and  west  sid  A  Joyning  to  the  Med(-)Av  only  a  hy  way 
betwen  the  suid  Land  and  the  swamp  I  the  a  l)ovesaid 
Peter  Tottun  dwo  owne  to  have  sould  this  above  speseticul 
Lot  of  Laiid  with  all  Purtenanses  and  Priviligis  that  is  or 
Ever  hereafter  shall  be  belong  there  unto  from  me  my  Eairs 
and  Assigns  unto  the  a  bovesaid  iiichard  tottun  to  him  his 
Eairs  Excutors  admiidstrators  or  assi<>t]s  for  him  or  them 
to  have  and  to  lionld  for  Ever  and  dwo  by  thes  Presents 
Maintain  this  m\  sale  to  be  good  and  Lawfull  free  from  all 
former  Gifts  grants  sales  or  Morgeges  that  hatii  bene  by  me 
allredy  Commited  this  for  a  Consideration  of  A  Valuable 
sume  and  full  satisfaction  allredy  Reseved  by  me  and  Now 


to  the  Premises  Above  mentioned  I  set  to  my  liand  and  sele 
tliis  o  (lay  (if  June  in  the  yeare  of  oiir  Lord  1685 
Sii^ned  selled  and  delivered  in  Presents  of  us 
Eebeccah  star  his 

JosiAS  STAR  Clarck  Peter  X  tottun  (S) 

Recorded  by  me 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Clarck 

PaCxE  226. 

This  bill  byinleth  me  Peter  tottun  of  Hempsted  in  Quens 
County  me  my  Eairs  Excutors  Administrators  or  assigns  to 
Pay  or  Caus  to  be  Paid  to  my  father  Richard  Tottun  of  the 
tound  and  County  aforesaid  To  him  his  Eairs  Excutors  ad- 
ministrators or  assigns  the  full  and  just  sume  of  tweutv 
jiounds  to  be  paid  after  the  Reate  of  a  Good  Cow  and  Calf 
of  six  years  owld  for  foure  pounds  at  May  day  the  hole 
sume  of  twenty  pounds  is  to  be  paid  Avithin  three  years 
after  tiie  deate  hereof  as  wittnis  my  haud  this  3  day  of  June 
Ki^.")  this  spesetied  delit  is  Part  of  Pay  for  a  hous  and  Land 
that  i  hoLiuht  of  the  a  bovesaid  R.  t. 

JosiAs  STAR  his 

Rebeekah  star  Peter  X  kvih  n 

Recorded  l)y  me 

Nathamell  Pearsall  Clarck 

Richard  tottuus  Eare  Mark  is  A  slit  in  the  End  of  the 
of  Eare 

Page  227. 

At  a  Cort  Held  in  Hempsted  Ity  tlie  Comishoners  This 
:  (i  :  day  of  Jene-warv  1685  bv  his  MaJestvs  atlioritv 

Adam  Mott  Jiuier  Plaintive  in  an  aCtion  of  ye  Cease 
against  Coruelus  Mott  defendant 


At  a  towiul  Metinj;-  Hold  in  Heni])ste(l  tlio  tiist  of  Eape- 
rcll  in  the  yeare  1()8()  Simon  sirring  John  tredwell  and 
Jonatliau  smith  scnw  was  Chosen  by  tlie  MaJci-  Vote  of 
ve  townd  for  Coniishoners  for  the  Insnin^  yeare 

At  the  seanie  townd  Meeting-  Richard  Minthorn  was 
Chosen  by  the  maJer  Vote  for  Cnnstable  for  the  Insning 

At  the  seame  townd  Meeting  John  waUa  was  Cliosen  l)y 
the  MaJer  Votte  for  Constable  and  Marshall  for  Madnans 
Neck  for  this  Insning  yeare 

At  the  seame  townd  meting  Joseph  Pettet  was  Chosen  by 
the  MaJer  Vote  for  Clarck  for  the  Insuing  yeare 

At  the  seame  townd  Metting  it  was  agreed  on  by  tlie 
MaJer  Vote  that  the  ould  Line  of  the  west  l)onnds  of  our 
townd  shall  be  Rune  out  ivom  the  Marked  tree  that  is  at 
Jemecka  south  to  the  south  see  allso  Captiu  John  senians 
was  Chosen  by  the  maJer  Vote  to  Go  to  Pi(Knire  sarJen 
hubard  to  Rune  the  Line  afforesaid  allso  Joseph  smith 
-Jonathan  smith  and  Nathaniell  Pearsall  was  C^hosen  by  the 
MaJer  Vote  to  agree  with  sume  man  or  men  upon  as  good 
ternies  as  thay  (Jane  to  keepe  Poseshon  at  Rocka\vay_iu_ 
the  townds  behalf  oi  all  the  Land  and  medow  within  the 
Line  aforesaid 

Nathaniell  Peaksall  Clarck 

Page  228. 

A  Record  of  hve  and  twenty  akers  of  Land  of  samuell 
(lentous  being  Part  of  his  tittty  Lot  it  Lys  and  is  situated 
on  the  Est  side  of  please  Comonly  Called  heiicks  Nere  the 
Egli  of  the  Plains  it  is  bounded  by  hy  ways  and  Marked 
trees  on  the  west  and  north  an  on  the  south  it  is  bounded 
by  John  Curtisis  Land  and  on  the  Est  it  is  bounded  by 
nnirked  trees  Runiug  in  Length  North  and  south  (54  Rods 
and  in  bredth  Est  and  west  (53  Rods  laid  out  and  Recorded 
the  31  of  May  1(J8(3  by  me 

Nathaniell  Peaksall  Clarck 


A  Kef-oiil  of  a  liois  that  Jolin  Jackson  bought  of  wowa- 
clioue  an  Imliaii  by  the  lui^disb  he  is  Called  Jetfery  the  hors 
is  a  black  stoue  hors  about  fouie  or  five  years  old  he  hath  a 
CroJ)  on  the  Neare  Eare  and  three  half  penys  on  the  under 
side  of  the  of  Eare  with  a  small  stare  in  the  forehed  and  a 
littell  streke  Cunies  doune  on  his  nose  and  A  littell  white 
on  the  nere  fute  behind  sould  and  delivered  before  Joseph 
smith  and  Jonathan  smith  done  and  Eecorded  this  23  of 
July  1686 

Joseph  Smith 

Jonathan  Smith  Xathaniell  Pearsall  Clarck 

This  may  sertify  any  home  it  may  Conserne  that  the  Lot 
of  meddo  that  was  laid  oute  to  timothy  hallsted  se  which 
-Avas  Laid  out  at  Eockaway  by  those  that  was  apointed  by  the 
townd  Mr  seman  John  Ellison  and  Richard  Gillderslive  the 
said  Lot  beiug  in  quantety  of  akors  as  it  was  Laid  out 
three  akers  and  a  quarter  the  third  Lot  in  Number  adam 
Mots  being  on  the  one  sid  of  the  said  Lot  and  John  Smiths 
Rock  Sener  on  the  other  the  bounds  and  bignis  of  this  Lot 
was  given  in  by  Richard  Gillderslieve 

Hempsted  agust  31  1686 

Nathaniell  Pearsall  Clarck 

Page  229. 

Be  it  Knowne  to  all  men  to  whome  it  may  Conserne  that 
wee  hose  names  are  under  writeu  have  made  these  Convaien- 
ces  Jeams  pine  Doth  Couvay  and  mack  over  to  nathaniell 
pine  liis  brother  all  his  part  of  that  house  or  hoiising  att 
ye  south  with  ye  apertaining  ther  unto  of  some  wliicli 
formerly  did  belong  to  my  father  allso  nathaniell  pine  doth 
Convay  and  macke  over  to  his  l:)rother  Jeams  Pin  all  his 
part  of  that  hous  and  home  Lott  att  ye  townd  witli  ye 
orChad  other  buildings  fences  and  Each  Doe  acknowledge 
to  have  Reseved  full  satisfaction  for  ye  Same  as  allso 
nathaniell  pine  is  to  have  ye  moyeti  or  half  part  of  a  paster 


whicli  was  betene  him  iiiid  liis  Inotlicr  Jc-iins  pine  Lviii!i;l)y 
Joliii  ])iiis  Tjiiiul  iuM'(^  his  house 

these  (;()]iv;iv;mees  ordered  to  be  llecovded  this  tweiitv 
third  of  may  KISS  \)\  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Claik 

Page  2H(). 

The  testimony  of  -Tohii  Ellisson  8e  a<j;ed  about  62  yeaves 
This  depoiiaiit  testifies  that  at  a  towiie  meiiiio-  about  tim(>  of 
ve  Second  devisioii  of  iiied  was  to  be  Laid  out  ^Fr  Hix 
William  Jeeocks  Thomas  Chamjiion  eiitrd  into  a  contest 
about  ye  lii<ilit  of  frauces  wixos  medo  at  merock  that   was 

but  William  Jecockes  and  tliomas  Champion  made  ye 

the  apeare  to  half  ye  Ki.t>ht  of  franses  wixes  medo  at  iiu  - 
rock  that  was  this  lii<>lit  was  made  apeare  before  ye  towne 
at  a  <fenerall  towne  metiu<:;  before  by   \vrifj;htin<>s  that   was 
bron<i;lit  into  ye  towne  meting  and  farther  Saith  not 
Hempsted  September  ye  27  1G8(5 

Sworn  before  me  John  Jackson  Juste  of  ye  peace 
Recorded  by  me 

Joseph  Petiit  Claick 

Thomas  Smith  his  Eare  marcke  is  a.  Latch  on  ye  uper 
side  ye  of  Eare  and  a  Latch  on  the  under  side  ye  nere 
Eare  aprill  3'e  2  lOSS 

Entered  in  ye  towne  Piecords  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Samuell  Williams  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Latch  on  ye  uper 
side  ye  neere  Eare  and  ye  under  side  ye  nere  Eare  March 
ye  2G  1G92 

Entered  in  ye  Pecords  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

Page  281. 

Joseplr  halsted  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  half  peiiy  under 
Each  Eare  and  a  nicke  a  top  of  Each  Eare 

Recorded  ye  20  of  febewerie  1687-8  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 


Jeains  Smith  liis  Earo.  marcke  is  one  lialf  penj  on  Each 
Side  ye  ofe  Eare 

Recorded  ye  '20  of  febewerie  1687-8  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

John  Carman  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Swalhnv  forcke  (ni  ye 
ofe  Eare  and  a  half  peni  under  ye  ueere  Eare 

Recorded  ye  21  of  ffebeweri  1687-8    By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Chvrk 

march  ye  17  1691-2  Then  Reseved  of  Gor<,^  fowler  tine 
liushels  of  wheat  Six  Shillins  in  mony  3  boshels  of  oats  In 
John  tredwells  hands  which  is  in  full  of  all  acoumpts  from 
ye  l)e!j:inin<j;  of  ye  world  t<j  ys  day  I  say 

Recorded  by  mee  his 


witnes  marck 

Joseph  Pettit 

John  Carle 
atrue  Coppi  Entered  by  Ijy  mee 

Joseph  Petit  Clarck 

Page  232. 

Bee  it  knowun  to  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these 
presenc  shall  Come  that  I  Jonas  valiutini;  of  the  towne  of 
hempsted  in  queens  County  on  Long  Island  in  the  province 
of  new  y<u-ck  in  america  plantar  for  good  and  valuable  con- 
sideration by  me  in  hand  Reseved  &  fnlly  secured  to  Ix^ 
payed  to  my  selfe  exequters  or  asins  &  administraters  where 
with  I  acknoAvledg  &  owne  my  Selfe  to  be  fully  Satisfied 
and  well  Contented  have  given  granted  Sould  bargened  ex- 
chan-zed  alienated  mad  over  coufermed  &  enSofed  A-  bv 
these  presents  do  give  grant  Sell  bargin  exchange  alienate 
macke  over  conferm  &  ensotfe  unto  Thomas  Marten  his 
hairs  administrators  exequters  &  asins  to  him  and  them  for 
ever  all  and  every  parcell  of  my  right  and  rights  allotemnts 
Lands  medoes  and  posetions  viz  my  wholl  acomadation 
wlierof  I  am  the  Lawfull  owner  Lying  being  cV  Sutuat  in 
the  townd  of    Hempsted   aforesaid   with   all   apurtinances 


tlicirc  unto  bcloii^iii^'  as  ])rivili<j;os  Coiaoiiaijic  etc  that  is  to 
Say  my  dwelliii}^;  liousc^  and  throe  aeers  of  Land  to  it  Lying 
being  on  the  Southward  Side  of  tlui  tow  no  ])l()tt  on  the 
Side  of  the  ])hiin(^  next  a-Tasend  and  in  part  agoyning  to 
my  fathers  Land  which  my  mother  now  posseth  witJi  aJl 
Sic  apertainances  fences  barns  yards  hovills  ttc  now  (greeted 
upon  the  Said  three  acors  with  all  the ....  thereunto  aj)er- 
tiiininij;  allso  fowre  acars  of  medovv  or  marsh  Salt  &  fresh 
Lying  at  the  Little  necke  estward  of  the  towne  which  is 
bounded  by  the  medo  of  Edward  titus  on  the  westward  (V 
with  the  crick  estward  and  with  the  me(h)e  of  oba  liah  vol- 
lintino  on  both  north  and  south  part  of  also  the  third  part  (jf 
on  hundred  acars  of  land  Lying  on  the  north  Side  the 
towne  bounded  as  followeth  viz  it  hath  william  tV'  Ephriiime 
vollintine  Laud  viz  thair  parts  of  that  hundred  acars  on  the 
Est  and  Thomas  Ellissons  Land  and  the  high  way  on  th<i 
South  part  &  the  common  on  the  north  and  on  part  on  the 
west  side  or  part  of  it  allso  three  acars  of  Land  l)y  thomas 
Jecocks  which  is  in  devided  with  tow  of  my  l)rotlier  which 
he  in  my  sted  is  to  draw  lots  for  so  the  perticuler  place  of 
his  23  acars  of  Land  liys  at  a  pace  called  gad  Island  allso 
my  part  and  Share  of  the  hollows  which  are  yett  undevided 
betwene  my  self  my  fathers  Children  viz  a  fall  forth  part 

Page  233. 

of  the  aforesaid  dats  or  Hollows  all  this  my  hole  accomi- 
dations  &  every  part  and  parsell  thereof  with  all  Contents 
apertainances  pievidiledges  and  emoluments  S:  T  the  Sayd 
Jonas  vollintine  with  the  Consent  of  Grace  vollintine  my 
wife  (h^  give  grant  Sell  etc  as  above  from  my  Self  wife  hairs 
exequartors  &c  unto  Sd  martin  his  hairs  exequater  etc  to 
him  and  to  be  remaine  and  Stand  as  his  A'  thaire  owue 
proper  right  and  full  posestiou  for  ev«'r  to  use  occupie  and 
enjoy  to  his  and  thair  Sole  disposall  and  proper  benifit  A- 
behoofe  for  ever  with  all  apertinances  what  So  ever  and 
Farther  the  Sd  Jonas  doth  covinant  and  agree  that  the  sayd 
parsells  of  land  etc  as   above   mentioned   are    Clearly  and 


fully  Lis  f)wne  6:  Clearly  A-  fully  it  freely  exonerated  aquit- 
trd  A-  discharged  from  all  iutangleraeuts  sutes  actions 
arests  Mortgages  obligations  Molistations  incomberances 
wlmtSoever  A'  are  riglitfnlly  his  owue  upon  the  day  of  tlie^se 
Margined  premises  A'  that  the  Said  liargined  indenture  Shall 
be  rest  and  remaine  free  from  all  impediments  lefts  Claims 
troble  Molistation  and  anoyanc  A^  by  through  or  under  me 
Jcmas  valiintine  A"  My  Wife  my  hairs  etc  to  the  qniat  A* 
peasable  posetion  of  Thomas  martin  his  hairs  &  his  Sz  thair 
proper  use  A*  enjoyment  for  ever  the  Sayd  Jonas  Allso 
hereliy  doth  promise  to  "v-indicate  waraut  and  defend  his 
right  A-  title  to  the  Sayd  premises  A*  to  every  part  A"  par- 
sell  hereof  A  the  apptainances  against  all  prSons  whatever 
laying  Clame  and  Challinge  to  the  wholl  or  any  part  thereof 
or  apertainances  upon  any  ])retence  of  right  title  or  discrg  etc 
by  through  or  under  me  or  any  of  myue  hairs  exequnters 
A  unto  the  Sd  Thomas  Martin  his  hairs  etc  ye  further  that 
all  deeds  evedenees  grants  A:  titles  wch  are  now  extent  about 
ye  now  bargined  premises  or  any  part  or  parsell  of  them 
shall  lie  given  in  &  delivered  to  Sajxl  martin  A"  that  it  Shall 
l)e  prt)per  for  sayd  martin  to  record  or  cause  to  be  recorded 
these  premises  in  both  the  towne  &  County  Records  k  the 
Sayd  Jonas  and  Grace  his  vdle  promise  to  acknowldg  owne 
and  Confcrme  these  pre»enc  l^efore  lawfull  athoritie  as  the 
law  provids  in  Such  Cases  etc  in  witnes  to  the  whole  above 
premised  indenture  we  have  atixed  ore  hands  A"  Seale  upon 

Page  234. 

the  twenty  tirst  day  of  September  in  the  vear  of  our  Lord 

one  thousand  Six  hundred  aighty  Six  annoyn  regis  Jocobi 

;  'idi :  2do  Aglie  etc    Sined  Sealled  A-  delivered  In  presenc  of  us 

Jeremiah  Hobart  his 

the  marck  of  Jonas  X  vallixtine  (  S) 

nathaniell  X  PiXE  marck 

Grace  X  vallixtine  (S) 
Recorded  by  mee  marck 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 


A  Ilee<n-(1  of  ii  hundred  a  cars  of  Land  Laid  and  Sur- 
vnicd  to  Mr  Jercmiali  Hubbard  Lying  and  being  Situate  att 
ye  S(jutli  Side  ye  plains  on  ye  Est  Side  of  a  path  Called 
Merack  path  l)egining  att  ye  South  Corner  by  the  Edge  of 
ye  plains  where  thei-e  is  a  niarcked  Tree  with  ye  Letter 
J.  h.  and  Iluning  South  or  SoTith  Avardly  to  a  nother  tree 
niarcked  with  J.  h.  and  so  Iluning  Est  or  Estwardly  to  another 
marcked  tree  with  J.  h.  So  Runing  north  or  northardly  to 
a  nothc)'  nijirckd  Tree  with  the  Letter  J.  h.  .the  dementions 
(if  this  Lniids  or  Linse  w;is  Given  by  Richard  Gilldersleeve 
sene  hee  Surviiyed  the  Same  and  Recorded  the  22  of  Jene- 
weri  l()S(;-7     J>y  uwv.  Joseph  Pettit,  Clarke 

Page  235. 

Know  all  men  liy  thes(>  presenc  that  I  John  Carman  of 
Hempsted  in  the  new  u(!tlierlands  for  divars  cause  moveing 
mee  heare  unto  (h)  by  tluise  ])resenc  for  nice  my  airs  exsece- 
ters  acbninistrators  or  asiuse  bargin  Sell  asine  Sett  over  all 
my  right  title  and  intrest  of  my  dwelling  house  and  home 
lott  lying  and  being  in  Hempstead  and  eleven  acers  of 
med(h>e  lying  upon  the  neck  Called  hixes  neck  to  the  said 
John  Carpendar  of  hontinton  his  airs  exseceter  adminis- 
trators or  asines  to  enJoy  fore  Ever  and  I  the  said  John 
Carman  do  foi"  mee  my  airs  exseceter  and  asins  warant  and 
waranttise  the  sale  of  the  for  Said  House  and  home  lott 
and  meddoes  to  him  the  said  Carpender  or  his  asines 
against  any  person  or  persons  that  Shall  or  may  Lay  Clame 
title  or  intrest  unto  it  and  for  the  performane  hearof  I  have 
heare  Tinto  Subscribed  my  hand  this  seventh  day  of  desem- 
ber  Stilo  novo  lOGO  the  laud  the  said  Carpenter  is  to  tacke 
posetiou  of  att  present  and  of  the  house  upon  the  ninth  of 

in  witues  of 

Thomas  Rushmop.e  John  Carman 

the  niarck  of 
Thomas  X  Smith 


I  (loo  Sine  these  in  writeu  l)ill  to  abraliam  Smith  in  wit- 
enes  hearof  I  Sett  to  niy  haucl 

John  Carpenter 

A  true  Coppie  Compaie  with  ye  origenall  be  mee  ye  18 
of  noveniber  1()8G 

Joseph  Pettit  Clnrcke 

PacxE  236. 

Att  a  towne  meting  heUl  in  hempsted  the  28  of  desember 
1688  there  was  Chosen  and  apointed  by  je  mager  vote 
Nathauiell  Persall  and  Jouathjin  Smiih  Je  asesors  to  goe  to 
Jemeco  on  thirs  daj  ^e  30  of  Jeneweri  next  to  mete  ye 
Rest  of  thaire  asotiates  of  this  County  in  oure  townes  bo- 
halfe  to  macke  inquiri  what  ye  County  is  indepted  and  to 
order  a  Eeate  thereon  .and  allso  to  Chose  anew  tresirer  and 
to  act  Such  things  as  may  be  best  for  ye  townes  benitit 

Att  ye  Same  towne  meting  It  was  agreed  on  1)}'  the  m;iger 
vote  that  forthwith  there  Shoukl  be  a  Eeate  made  of  twenty 
pounds  and  to  be  cepte  for  ye  paying  of  ye  cpiit  Kent  as 
ocation  shall  require 

Att  ye  Same  towne  meting  It  was  voted  and  agreed  upon 
that  Joseph  heviland  Shall  have  Liberty  to  Sett  a  Grist 
'^juill  upon  ye  streame  of  ye  Eockawa}'  Swampe  and  to  have 
Six  acors  of  Land  b}-  it  upon  ye  following  Conditions  to 
macke  and  Sett  up  Compleat  a  good  grist  mill  within  one 
yeare  and  a  day  after  ye  date  hereof  and  to  grind  ye  townes 
Corne  for  the  twelfth  part  thereof  and  if  ye  Said  mill  Shall 
att  any  time  shall  Ly  uncapable  to  grind  one  yeare  and  a 
day  then  ye  sd  streame  and  Land  is  to  Peterne  to  ye  towne 
againe  but  so  Long  as  ye  above  sd  Conditions  are  ])cr- 
formed  ye  sd  Streame  and  Land  to  be  and  liemaine  to  \e 
sd  Joseph  heviland  his  hairs  and  asignes 

By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

hempstead  town  records.  *.>'.) 

Page  237. 

Know  all  iiicii  by  tlios  presence  tliat  I  AV^illiaiu  yeates 
iii]iaJ)it(Mit  of  fiusliiiiji;  in  tlui  north  Riding  of  yorcko  Sliere 
J)o(>,  C/onl'('rni(^  asigne  and  sett  over  all  my  Eiglit  and  title 
of  ;t  ]H\v('.  of  ni('(ld()(>  Containing  ten  acarse  att  A  place 
Called  nere  liockaway  lying  of  the  west  side  of  a  Springe 
Called  by  the  name  of  thickstons  Springe  which  formarly  I 
Sonld  nnto  Thomas  Langdon  and  now  1  william  yeates  d()<; 
Confcinie  asigne  and  sett  over  ail  my  Right  and  title  fiom 
nice  my  liaires  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  unto 
Jos('|)h  Laiigdon  the  Son  of  Thomas  Langdon  his  haires 
(ixseceters  administrators  or  asignes  for  ever  Cf)ntaining 
anil  lying  as  afore^mentioned  as  witnes  my  hand  this  forth 
day  of  September  Sixtene  hundicd  aighty  Six  and  in 
the  second  yeare  of  his  magesties  Raigne  Kinge  Jeams  tlie 

Signed  and  Seled  in  the  preseuc  of 

Joseph  Williams  William  yeates  (S) 

Walter  Bishopp 

A  true  Coppie  Compared  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  238. 

Att  A  Cort  of  comitioners  to  be  held  in  Hempsted  ye  2 
day  of  febeweiy  1(586-7  by  his  magesties  athoritie  Teme- 
thi  Halsted  Jii  plaintive  Enters  an  action  against  Samuell 
Denton  Sr  Defendant  an  action  of  dept  to  ye  value  of 
twenty  live  Shillins  witli  damage  Jeneweri  ye  28  lG8(J-7 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Timothi  Halsted  Plaintive  Samuell  Denton  Defendant 
the  plaintive  declars  against  the  defendant  that  the  defend- 
ant did  ingage  to  pay  for  a  Sow  which  ye  defendant  or  his 
Sarvant  did  mainie  or  Spoile  of  the  plaintive  and  now  the 
defendant  denieth  to  make  Restitution  acording  to  his  iu- 
gagement  wliicli  Causoth  the  plaintive  to  bring  his  Case  to 


tliis  Cort  desiring  Judgment  for  je  same  and  the  plaintive 
Shall  Ever  pray  Jeneweri  ye  28  1686-7 

At  this  Cort  Both  plaintive  and  defendant  apeare  acord- 
iug  to  warrant  but  by  Eesou  tow  of  ye  Comitiouers  l)eiug 
absent  the  Cort  is  aJurned  till  ye  firs  wensday  in  March 
only  tow  depositions  tacken 

The  testimoni  of  Abraham  Smith  aged  about  43  years  this 
deponant  testifies  about  the  begining  of  this  XNlnter  Timothi' 
Halsted  Ju  Came  to  liis  house  and  desired  him  and  Son 
Isack  to  go  with  him  to  Samuell  Dentons  to  discorse  about 
A  sow  which  Temothi  harde  Samuell  dentons  negar  had 
Spoiled  of  his  and  wee  went  to  Samuell  Dentons  Avith  him 
where  I  heard  Samuell  Say  to  Timothi  Halsted  he  must  goe 
over  to  his  fathers  to  discorse  about  a  sow  which  his  neger 
had  Spoiled  of  his  fathers  and  temothi  tould  Samuell  tlenton 
the  sow  was  not  his  fathers  but  his  and  then  SamiTell  denton 
made  answere  to  temothi  Halsted  and  tould  him  he 
would  pay  for  the  Sow  or  Give  him  another  as  good  if  Shee 
did  amis  and  farther  Saith  not 

Page  239. 

The  testimoni  of  .Teams  Beate  aged  about  35  years  this 
deponant  testifies  that  he  was  at  the  house  of  Samxiell 
dentons  about  the  begining  of  this  winter  where  he  heard 
Samuell  denton  Say  his  neger  had  hurt  a  Sow  of  temothi 
halsteds  and  temothi  Halsted  Jnuer  Come  into  Samuell 
dentons  house  and  tould  him  the  Sow  was  his  and  Samuell 
denton  tould  temothi  he  would  Satisfie  him  for  the  Soav  (»i' 
give  him  another  after  that  Samuell  denton  tould  timotlii 
Halsted  he  would  Lett  him  have  Corne  to  Ceepe  the  sow 
untill  she  was  well  and  farder  saith  nott 

Aprill  ye  16  1687  it  Avas  agred  iipou  l)y  ye  mager  Part  of 
ye  Inhabitants  of  madnans  necke  that  no  man  Shall  Cut 
any  timber  or  fire,  wood  on  the  A'aquaut  Land  thereof  to 
macke  Sale  of  upon  forfiture  of  3'e  Same  but  what  they 
have  allredy  Ciit  after  ye  day  and  date  hereof  ferder  it  is 
agreed  upon  l)y  ye  mager  vote  that  after  the  day  and  date 


hereof  no  iiuiii  macke  use  of  any  vaquant  land  more  than 
tlioy  have  tacken  up  and  wliat  vaquant  Land  is  now  im- 
proved to  be  inijnoved  but  three  yeares  and  the  forth  yeare 
to  throw  «p  all  vacpuint  Land  for  grasing  :  and  where  any 
man  doth  improve  any  Land  by  ye  water  side  more  than 
his  Lott  to  fale  short  in  ye  front  these  votes  were  voted  tuid 
agreed  upon  by  ye  magcr  })art  of  ye  Ijihabitants  of  mad- 
nans  necke  in  the  presenc  of  niee 

Thomas  Hickes 

At  a  towuc;  meting  hidd  In  liem[)sted  these  above  writen 
votes  of  madnaus  necke  were  Confirmed  and  ordered  to  be 

JosEi'H  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  240.    .  . 

Mr  Kieljard  Cornwcll  tow  hundred  acers  of  Land  upon 
ye  ACount  of  defraying  the  pattent  Charg  and  his  mony 
lieseved  for  the  same  by  Cap  -Tackson  this  28tli  of  March 

March  ye  28th  1(587  Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

A  llecord  of  a  sartaine  Parsell  of  Laud  Laide  oute  and 
Survyed  for  Samuell  Pine  In  ye  kSouth  woods  neai'e  a 
place  Kuovvne  by  ye  name  of  ambruses  Swampe  begining 
at  a  Pted  oacke  tree  marcked  on  ye  north  sd  ye  Swamjie 
and  lluuing  north  by  a  Line  of  marcked  trees  one  hundred 
Hod  to  a  blacke  oacke  tree  marcked  and  from  thence  est 
aiglity  Rod  to  a  white  oacke  tree  marcked  and  from  thence 
one  hundred  Rod  Houth  to  a  Small  blacke  oacke  tree 
marcked  and  from  thaii-  Runing  west  aiglity  Rod  to  ye  sd 
Red  oacke  tree  being  in  all  titfty  acars  Laid  oute  by  Capt 
JoIju  JSemau  Entered  in  ye  Records  Aprill  ye  10  KJUO 
by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

102         hemrstead  town  records. 

Page  241. 

Edwrd  Evarie  enters  Laud  to  paj'  in  the  pattent  Knle 
and  ]iaid  tow  Sliillins  three  pence  for  the  same  to  Mr  Jack- 
son apointed  to  Eeseve  the  same  entered  Apiill  re  1   1(587 

By  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Henari  willis  Enters  Land  to  pay  in  ye  pattent  Rule  and 
aud  paid  one  pound  six  shillins  six  pence  for  ye  Same  to 
Capt  Jackson  apointed  to  lieseve  it  Entered  this  first  of 
Aprill  1687     By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

William  Thorn  Ju  Enters  Land  for  defraying  the  pattent 
Charg  and  paid  Six  Shillins  upon  the  Same  to  Capt  Jack- 
son apointed  to  Reseve  the  mouy  Entered  Aprill  ye  1th 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

John  Ilobbison  Entered  Land  to  pay  in  the  pattent 
Charge  and  paid  ten  Shillins  live  pence  to  Capt  Jackson 
apointed  to  Beseve  the  same  Aprill  ye  1th  1687 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

henery  stites  his  Eare  marcke  one  slit  in  ye  nere  Eare 
and  a  halfe  peni  under  ye  same  Eare  aud  one  nicke  under 
ye  of  Eare 

Entered  in  ye  Records  ye  17  of  June  1691 

By  mee  Josei'h  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  212. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  Avhome  these  |)reseiit  writing 
Shall  CV)me  or  any  wise  apertaine  he  it  kiiDwii  yt  \  .Jolin 
townsend  of  Oister  bay  in  Quens  County  in  yo  province  of 
new  yorcke  for  tt  in  ye  Consideration  of  ye  Suire  of  thirt\ 
three  pounds  of  Silver  mouy  Corent  in  this  province  in  hand 
paid  A'  reseived  before  ye  Seling  A-  delivery  hereof  in  fidi 
payment  and  Satisfaction  and  for  other  good  Causes  i^- 
Considerations   mee  ye   sd  John  Espetially  movein«|  have 


t^ivcii  f^ijuited  Alinatod  made  over  Bargined  kSoUI  and  Coii- 
rciiiK'd  and  l)y  tliese  presence  I  ye  sd  John  do  give  grant 
Alinate  niacke  over  bargin  Sell  and  Conferm  unto  Hop 
willis  of  Hempsted  in  qnens  Connty  afore  sd  one  Lot  or 
slieare  of  meddoe  Lying  and  being  on  ye  South  of  hemp- 
sted a  foresd  and  on  a  neck  Coraonly  Called  half  necke 
and  bounded  on  ye  Est  side  with  Richard  Stich  his  meadow 
and  on  ye  west  side  with  John  Smiths  meddo  and  allso  of 
ui)laiid  which  I  ye  sd  John  townsend  have  any  Right  title 
or  Clame  unto  on  ye  afore  sd  necke  within  ye  fence  yt  now 
is  theron  wicli  meddo  and  uj^land  did  formerly  l)elong  to 
John  Smith  of  hempsted  but  now  in  ye  posetiou  of  yo. 
sd  John  toM'nsend  the  sd  meddow  being  by  Estemation 
six  acors  and  half  l)e  it  more  or  Less  together  with  all 
my  Right  title  and  intrest  Clame  and  demand  what  so  ever 
which  I  ye  sd  John  townsend  now  have  or  will  any 
or  other  of  my  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  or  as- 
ignes  may  here  after  have  or  to  any  ye  sd  meddo  uj)- 
land  and  Every  part  and  parsell  therof  with  all  Rights 
Issue  fences  fencing  stuffe  Custome  and  privilidge  or  other 
emolements  what  so  .Ever  there  from  Rising  or  growing  or 
in  any  wise  apertaining  to  have  and  to  hould  unto  him  ye 
sd  hope  willis  his  hair<-s  and  asignes  ye  sd  meddoe  and  up- 
land with  ye  apertances  tlier  of  to  ye  only  use  and  behofc 
of  him  ye  sd  hope  willis  his  heirs  and  asigns  for  Ever  and 
ye  sd  John  townsEnd  hath  putt  ye  sd  hope  into  a  Lawfull 
and  peseble  posetion  of  all  and  singular  ye  premises  by  ye 
deliveri  of  these  presence  and  ye  said  John  townsend  hath 
for  himself  his  hairs  Exseceters  administrators  and  asignes 
farther  Covinant  and  agree  to  and  with  ye  sd  hope  willis 
that  it  shall  and  may  be  Lawfull  for  him  ye  sd  hope  willis 
his  hairs  and  asigns  (piietly  and  pesable  to  have  hold  occupy 

Page  243. 

posses  and  en  Joy  all  and  singular  ye  premises  and  Evere 
])art  and  parsell  tlier  of  for  Ever  without  ye  Lawfull  Lett 
hinderance   oi-  intoru[)tion  of  him  ye  said  John  townsend 


liis  hairs  Exseceters  admiuistratois  or  asignes  uot  with 
standing  any  former  gift  grant  bargin  or  selle  what  so  Ever 
or  any  other  parson  or  parsons  hiwfully  CUiiiniug  for  by  or 
nnder  him  ye  sd  John  townseud  his  hairs  Exseceters  or  as- 
ignes  or  other  of  them  in  witnes  whereof  I  have  hereunto 
set  to  my  hand  and  sele  the  Seventeoth  day  of  november 
in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  Six  hundi'ed  aighty 
aight  and  in  ye  forth  yeare  of  ye  Reign  e  of  Jeams  je  Sec- 
ond Kiuge  of  great  britten  france  and  Irland  &c 
Sined  Seled  and  deliyerd  in  presenc  of  us 

John  Newman  John'  Townsend  (S) 

GORG  townsend 

Page  244. 

At  a  Cort  Held  in  Hempsted  by  the  C'unstable  and  Over- 
seres  this  first  day  of  June  in  the  yeare  1681  by  his  M.ijes- 
tys  Athority 

Danill  AVhithed  Plaintive  in  an.  action  of  deht  against 
William  AViear  defendant  the  Plaintive  decleares  that  tlie 
defendant  is  indebted  to  him  and  to  jirove  it  lie  delivers 
two  bills  to  the  Cort  under  the  defendants  owne  hand  The 
Cort  haveing  perused  the  l)ills  they  find  for  the  Plaintive 
and  Order  that  the  defendant  shall  satisfy  the  plaintives 
hills  with  the  Cost  of  sute  ^ 

Nathaniell  Peahsall  Clarck 
Jenewary  the  2  1(581 

Daniell  Pearsalls  Eare  marck  is  ;i  Crop  on  the  toj*  of  tlie 
left  Eare  and  a  lacli  on  the  foreside  of  the  liight  Eare  and 
a  nick  under  the  Ilight  Eare 

Gorge  Pearsalls  Eare  marck  is  alach  on  the  foresid  of  the 
of  Eare  and  a  half  peny  under  the  Near  Eare 

Thomas  Pearsalls  Eare  marck  is  a  lach  on  the  foresid  of 
the  of  Eare  and  a  nick  under  the  ueare  "Eare  and  a  half 
peny  under  the  Neare  Eare 

Nathaniell  Peaiisall  Clarck 

Page  245. 
Edward  Sprag  John  Serin 

William  Jacokes  Adam  mott  Juner 


Edwunl  ikjiinor  Ahraliiini  JSuiith 

Jijliiiiitlion  SeiiiJins  Le't  Jolm  Jucksoii 

ilicliard  Gilldersleeve 

SamiKill  duiiton 

James  mott 

Jouatliaii  Smith 

Kicliard  osborn 

Joliu  semaiis 

Samucll  :X:  moves 

Joseph  :X:  ^iiiiiis 

Joseph  williains 

llichard  totteii 

Joseph  Smith 

Joseph  Pettit 

John  Pine 

Solomon  Semans 

Jeremi  wood  Jiiner 

Richard  gillderslevejner 
At  a  geuerall  townd  meetin  hehl  at  Hempsted  ye  'iOth  of 
June  in  yaer  1()7'J  it  was  voatted  and  a  greed  that  tho.s 
Parssons  a  bove  nammed  shall  have  Lebartey  t(j  take;  op 
feftej  ackers  of  land  a  peas  and  the  Properieators  have  leb- 
artey to  com  in  with  them  for  feftey  ackers  a|)es  with  them 
The  Land  is  to  be  Laid  out  or  in  the  same  form  as  ye  iirst 
Pro])erieators  ded  and  that  the  time  of  the  tifty  acker  men 
shall  beegin  ooe  ye  t^7th  of  this  instante  month  and  so  to 
take  thair  Lots  as  tliay  are  dran  to  Mr  Tho  :  llushmore   to 

beejBntred  in  ye  tound  Records         Pr  Me 

Tho  :  hickes 
Page  M(y. 

Mr  Gildersleve     55 

John  eleson  J  *. 2"2, 

Simon  Serring    o2 

Temethy  halsted : m 

John  Smith  R.  J 11) 

John  Eleson 1'2 

Nathanell  person U(S 


Edward  titns '29 

Mr  Seman ^T 

daniel  bedle  lialf 3i» 

Mr  Jackson 31 

lettle  Smith 58 

bin  Smith 30 

John  Carman 10 

George  hewlett 11 

Robart  bedle    50 

Thomas  weles '21 

henere  lenintun ( '1 

Addani  Mott  .S 51 

Thomas  Roshmor 31 

Jereme  Wood  .S. 35 

Mr  ffordham  half 02 

John   Williams 50 

daniel  PersalL • 13 

Thomas  larlaud '25 

George  baldiu 11 

Mr  hiekes (»0 

Jeams  pin 20 

Jereiiii  Smith IfS 

R()l)aii  marvin    27 

Richard  valintin 11 

Thomas  Sothard 11 

Richard  Eleson 20 

\\  illliam  Theckstou 15 

Jonathan  Smith  .N 00 

Wedow  Carll. 51 

Thomas  Eleson 50 

Richard  Stits 11 

the  parsonage "iO 

Rock  Smith 13 

John  tredvvell 28 

Joseph  Langdon (»1 

Le't  John  Jackson <>2 

HEAirSTEAD    TOWN    llECOKDS.  1(»7 

Page  248. 

AVliere  as  in  ye  yeare  1609  there  was  one  Lott  of  hhmLIo 
Laid  out  to  Jeaiue  pine  at  ye  half  necke  Estwaid  Ix'inji;  yc^ 
5  Lott  in  iiunilxr  and  in  quantitie  of  acors  12  and  111  Hods 
and  in  brdglit  15  Rods  an  half  but  ye  sd  Jeanis  pine  not 
Exsepting  ye  sd  Lott  of  nieddo  but  Resigninu;  it  to  ye 
towne  and  Kcseving  his  Right  in  an  other  place  ye  towju^ 
therefore  see  Cause  to  alow  and  Grant  to  -John  Smith  R. 
Ju.  Gorg  hulit  and  Daniell  bedle  ye  afore  sd  Lott  of  nieddo 
for  an  adition  to  tlieire  Lots  where  upon  ye  sd  Gorg  hulit 
John  Smith  and  Daniell  Bedle  did  freely  Grant  and  macke 
over  all  ye  afore  sd  parsell  of  meddo  to  Mr  Rohard  Jack- 
son in  Consideration  of  all  his  Right  of  ye  third  devition 
of  nieddo  as  an  Echauge  with  third  devition  of  meddowes 
In  ye  year  1(580  or  1681  and  Mr  Jacksoiis  Right  was  Laid 
out  at  ferder  i)art  of  ye  Long  necke  att  Rockaway  ye  place 
yt  Jcjams  pine  Reseved  his  Right  for  or  in  Lew  of  ye  afore 
sd  Resined  Lott  to  ye  towne  was  att  Ro(;ka\vay  on  ye  west 
ajoyning  to  Mr  Jacksoiis  eight  acor  Lott 

for  inemorandun  and  to  prevent  trouble  for  ye  futer  ail 
ye  Persons  Conserned  se  Cause  to  have  this  above  writen 
Entered  upon  Record 

Recorded  ys  15  of  ffebeweri  aiio  do'in  1(587 

By  me  Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  219. 

Know  all  men  liy  these  presenc  that  I  .lolin  Ellison 
Ht^ner  doe  aferm  upon  my  Knowledg  that  my  fatlier  Laranc 
Ellison  fitrmerly  souhl  unto  Robard  Bedle  Sener  A  divideiit 
of  medoe  that  Lies  at  Coes  neck  so  Called  on  the  west  sid 
tlie  sd  necke  betwene  A  Loot  Laid  out  to  Robard  Bedle 
afore  sd  and  a  Lot  Laid  to  Robard  forinan  which  medoe 
aforesd  being  in  cpiantitie  about  live  or  Six  acars  I  the 
aforesd  John  Ellison  doe  ownc  to  have  partit  Knowledg 
that  the  medoe  aforesd  was  formerly  Sould  as  aforesd  and 


Satist'cictioii  lleseved  for  the  8aine  in  witnes  of  the 
truth  hereof  I  have  Sett  to  my  liaiid  febeweri  the  28 
168G  7 


his  his 

Thomas  X  M.uiTiN  John  X  Ellison 

marcke  marcke 

Joseph  Pettit  Chircke 

March  ye  23  1886-7     A  true  Coppie  Extracted  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Chirck 

a  Eecord  of  a  fifty  acor  Lot  of  Land  Laid  out  to  heneri 
A\  illis  on  ye  north  wood  bounded  on  ye  north  by  a  Lot  of 
Land  that  Avas  Laid  out  to  ho})  willis  and  on  ye  Est  by  a 
hy  way  that  Lys  on  ye  wes  side  of  Gorg  Baklins  Lot  and 
on  ye  South  Ijy  yt  path  Called  ye  quacars  path  and  west 
along  ye  hollow  Called  Tinococke  hollow  It  Lves  in  Length 
104  Hods  north  and  south  and  in  lu'edght  58  Kods  witli  an 
adition  on  ye  Southwest  part  therof  ye  dementions  therof 
was  given  by  Nathaniell  Persall 

Entered  in  ye  liecords  this  8  of  febeweri  Anno  Domini  1()81) 

By  me  Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Page  250. 

Be  it  Knowne  unto  all  men  that  I  obtnliah  Vollintine 
having  formerly  Sould  unto  John  tredwell  a  Sartaiue  Lott 
of  Land  which  was  Given  to  mee  ye  sd  obadiah  vollintine 
l)y  the  towue  the  Lott  Containing  three  acars  more  or  Les 
as  it  was  Laid  out  to  me  ye  sd  vollintine  and  it  L\  eth  on 
the  South  side  ye  towne  ami  on  the  South  Side  Ephraim 
vollintins  Lott  I  the  aforesd  obadiah  do  owne  to  have  Souhl 
the  Land  aforesd  and  doe  by  these  presenc  fermly  Sell 
aiinate  and  macke  over  ye  Same  from  me  my  hairs  exsece- 
ters  administrators  or  asignes  unto  ye  aforesd  John  tred- 
well to  him  his  hairs  exseceters  administrators  or  asignes 



to  Lave  and  to  lionld  for  Ever  and  do  owne  to  have  Re- 
seved  full  Satisfaction  for  ye  Land  afore  sd  before  ye  Si<i;ri- 
iug  hereof  and  in  Conferniation  of  ye  promise  J  have  Sett 
to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  Sele  September  yv,  28  1087 

Signed  and  Seled  in  prescnc  of  ns 


Epkaim  vollintine  liis 

.TosEPii  Pettit  Clarcke       ()j;Ai)iAii  X  Voi.ijn'iiM',  (S) 


PaCxE  251. 

Whereas  I  Samnell  Rainer  of  Hempsted  on  Long  Island 
in  (juens  (\)nnty  bein<>;  liaire  or  exseeeter  of  my  father 
Edward  Rainer  his  Estate  he  being  desescd  I  ^e  sd  Sam- 
nell Rainer  having  Knowledge  that  my  father  Late  d^sesed 
having  Sould  unto  John  tredwell  of  ye  towne  and  County 
afore  sd  a  Sartaine  devident  of  meddoe  Laid  oute  to  his 
propiriatee  In  ye  third  devition  and  Reeeved  full  Satisfac- 
tion for  ye  Same  ye  meddoe  afore  sd  Lying  att  Rockaway 
on  ye  westtermost  Side  of  Long  necke  att  ye  going  on  of 
tlie  necke  bounded  on  ye  South  side  by  a  lott  of  ye  afore  sd 
John  tredwells  and  on  ye  west  by  a  Lott  of  William  thick- 
stons  I  the  above  sd  Samuell  doe  owne  and  Conferme  ye 
Sale  afore  sd  and  do  by  these  presance  Alinate  and  macke 
over  the  Same  from  mee  my  hairs  exseceters  administrators 
or  asignes  unto  ye  afore  sd  John  tredwell  to  him  his  hairs 
exseeeter  administrator  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  as 
liis  or  tliaire  owne  proper  Right  for  Ever  and  in  Conferma- 
tion  of  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto  Sett  my  hand  and  fixed  my 
sele  this  aightenth  of  Jeueweri  in  ye  yoare  of  our  Lord  one 
thousand  six  hundred  aighty  and  six 

Signed  and  Seled  in  presenc  of  us 

Richard  Gilldersleve  Samuell  Rainer  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Recorded  bv  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 



Page  252. 

to  Properi;itors  and  free  holders  of  \c  towne  of  hemp- 
sted  je  Keqiiest  of  John  Stuaid  biiinl)lT  sliowetli  je  in  as 
miieli  as  it  bath  plesed  God  to  macke  lue  master  of  a  fami- 
ly I  tiudiuif  a  nesesity  to  settle  my  selfe  I  am  Ayillius;  to  set- 
tie  amongbts  you  to  follow  ye  tread  of  a  Coper  as  allso  to 
practis  ye  art  of  Sergerj  I  Do  tberef<n-e  Request  yt  you  be 
plesed  to  giye  me  your  part  or  Eight  of  eighteue  or  t\yeuty 
aears  of  land  yt  L^'s  a  little  Estward  of  ye  pine  point  nere 
ye  pbiine  Edge  it  is  ye  bed  of  that  hollow  which  is  Called 
ye  l)lody  hollow  for  which  i  sball  be  yery  tbanckefull  and 
allso  yery  Redj  and  willing  to  Serye  you  in  Ether  of  ye 
arts  afore  sd  so  far  as  i  haye  underftaudiug  thereft)re  I  do 
lieqiiest  ye  all  if  will  be  plesed  to  gratyfey  as  aforesaid  will 
signilie  it  by  Subscribing  thaire  bauds 

Hempsted  July  ye  11  1(591 

Tho  hickes 

Timothi  halsted  Sene 

Richard  totten 

Edward  tites 
beuieman  Seman 
John  bedle 
Cxorg  Persall 
John  Smith  in 
John  Southrd 
Joseph  baldin 
John  Champin 
William  Johnson 
Jeanis  Pine 
Robrd  boobs 
Johir  Williams 
Abraham  Smith 
Joseph  Pettit 
Samuell  Emljree 
John  tredwell 
Robrd  Williams 

harrej  dusenbro 
hai'mon  flower 
Solomon  bertsell 
Samuell  Seman 
daniell  bedle 
Robrd  bedle  Se 
Thomas  Persall 
Thomas  Southrd 
Georg  baldin 
AVilliam  pine 
Richard  Denton 
Ephraim  goldin 
abraham  sothard 
John  Smith  r 
Simon  Soring 
Samuell  Denton 
John  Seriug 
Benieman  bertsell 
obadiah  yollintine 
Simon  Jar  man 



^^'i]li;lm  willis 
Richard  (lildersleevo 
Joliu  hubs 
lieuory  liuinton 
Clu'istoplior  yciiKMis 
John  tloriiwdl  Se 
Edward  Coniwc;!! 
Joliii  willianis 
John  luichell 
John  Smith 
Jos<'p]i  Tj;iii!u;don 
\\'illiani  vollintine 
william  Jecockes 
John  Carle 
Nathaniell  Persoll 
Jonathan  Smith 
Samnell  Rainer 
Jolin  Mott 
Georc;  hnlit 
Thorn  Eliscm 

SanuicU  Denton 
Tliomas  Martin 
John  wolly 
William  thorne  se 
John  Kobison 
Thomas  Cornwcll  in 
Piobrd  din^e 
Joseph  <4innins 
John  Seman 
John  foster 
Thomas  Irlanl 
Elias  durland 
John  Beat 
John  marvin 
John  Jaekson 
Dauiell  Persell 
adam  mott 
Joseph  Mott 
John  Seman 
Goorg  fowler 

william  Smith 
a  Coppi  Enterd  in   ye  Records  jh  10  of  febewary  anno 
domini  1691-2     By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clerck 

Page  253. 

To  all  Christi  people  to  whome  these  present  writiuiij  may 
Come  Greeting  Know  yee  that  wheras  I  Thomas  Hickes 
Seuer  of  Corubery  on  Long  Island  in  quens  County  in  ye 
province  of  new  yorcke  for  divers  Considerations  mee 
hereunto  espetially  moving  having  for  ever  formly  bargined 
and  Sould  unto  John  tredwell  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island 
in  the  County  and  provinc  afore  sd  the  nioyetie  or  Ecpiall 
half  part  of  a  Sartaine  alotment  of  nieddoe  Lying  on  a 
necke  Called  Mr  hickes  iiecke  bounded  on  ye  Est  side  1)\' 
t  he  Est  Cricke  and  Cove  of  ye  Said  necke  and  on  the  wes 
Side  by  a  Loot  of  nathaniell  Persells  and  northwardly  byfc 


the  woods  and  Southwardly  by  ye  Cove  or  l)ay  I  say  that 
raoyetie  or  Equall  half  part  of  the  lotmeut  afore  sd  which 
1113-  father  John  hickes  formerly  posesed  by  A  devitiou  and 
agreement  formerly  made  betweue  John  Carman  Senor  and 
my  father  John  hickes  afore  sd  together  with  Snch  Right  and 
previlodg  belonging  to  ye  afore  sd  moyetie  npon  ye  necke 
afore  sd  to  have  and  to  honld  for  Ever  as  his  owne  proper 
Eight  and  intrest  to  hould  without  any  Leett  hinderance  or 
nnJnst  molestation  by  ye  abovesd  Thomas  hickes  my  haires 
Exseceters  administrators  or  asignes  unto  the  above  sd 
Joliii  tredvvell  to  him  his  haire  Exseceters  administrators  or 
asignes  farder  I  ye  above  sd  tliomas  hickes  doe  uphould 
and  mainetaine  this  my  Sale  to  bee  Good  and  athenticke 
in  Law  free  from  any  morgadge  Clame  or  inCond)orance 
what  Ever  for  and  in  Consideration  of  A  valuable  Sume  as 
full  Satisfaction  allredy  Reseved  before  the  Signing  hereof 
and  in  Conferination  of  ye  premise  I  have  here  unto  Sett 
my  hand  and  fixed  my  Sele  this  Sixth  day  of  June  and  in 
ye  third  yeare  of  his  magesties  Rigue  Jeams  ye  Secmid  of 
Ingland  Scotland  france  and  Irland  Kinge  defender  of  ye 
faith  and  in  the  yeare  of  our  Lord  God  Ano  dominie  1G87 

Siguf  d  Seled  and  delivered  in  presenc  of  us 
John  Jackson  Thomas  Hickes  (Sj 

Elizabeth  Jackson 

A  true  Coppie  Extracted  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  CUercke 

Page  254. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  wliome  this  presenc  may  Con- 
serne  Know  jee  that  I  tliomas  Ellison  of-  ye  towue  otf 
Hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  the  north  Riding  of  nvAV  yorcke 
Shere  planter  have  Alinated  bargined  made  over  and  for 
Ever  fermly  Sould  from  mee  my  haires  Exseceters  admin- 
istrators or  asignes  unto  John  tredwell  of  the  abovesd 
towne  and  Riding  too  him  his  haires  Exsecetors  adminis- 
trators or  asignes  a  certaiue  Loott  of  meddo  Lying  and 
being  on  ye  west  Side  of  Cose  necke  bounded  on  the  South 
End   by  a  whit  oake  tree  next  ye  woods   adjoining   tod 


(J()()(liii;iii  l)('<^l(^s  Helices  ;uul  Six;  Hulling  about  west  too  yo 
Sontlu'riiiost  Seder  l)y  ye  Side  of  ye  iiiaiix^  (h'i('k(^  l)eiii^ 
iiiaikt  \o  Cricke  Jjyiiij^  hetweiie  Mi-  liickes  iiecke  and  ye 
ineddoe  al)()V»'sd  and  ye  maine  Crieke  l)ein<4'  ye  westerniost 
bounds  of  ve  sd  Loott  and  ye  al)ovpsd  woods  beiu*^'  ye  Estev- 
niost  bounds  Kunin<i;  away  l»y  the  woods  notherly  too  a 
small  white  oke  tiee  niarck  on  ye  Sovitli  sd  and  west  sd  and 
So  l{unin<4'  al»out  west  to  an  Elbow  on  ye  niaine  Cricke  ye 
abovesd  Loott  of  ineddoe  ])Ounded  as  abo\(>sd  I  ye 
abovesd  thonnis  Elison  doe  and  have  absolutely  Sonld  unto 
ye  abovesd  John  tredwell  of  ye  abovesd  towne  ye  meddoe 
as  abovesd  too  have  and  too  hold  f(n'  E\ei-  as  his  owne 
pro})er  Kijj;ht  and  Intrest  without  any  Leett  hinderani-  or 
unJust  nn)lestation  by  niee  ye  sd  thomas  Ellison  my  haires 
exseeetors  administrators  or  asi<i;nes  unto  ye  premises 
abovesd  and  ])oe  warranttise  ye  my  Sale  too  bee  ferme 
good  and  trew  and  acording  too  Law  and  free  from  all 
other  incond)erances  wduitso  Ever  for  ami  in  Consideration 
of  a  valual)le  Sume  of  niony  by  me  allradie  in  hand  Re- 
seyed  and  for  the  true  performance  of  all  and  Everie  of 
the  above  writen  premises  I  have  here  unto  sett  my  hand 

Page  ^255. 

and  fixed  my  Sele  this  Sixteenth  day  of  novend)er  and  in 
ye  thirty  third  yeare  of  the  Raigne  of  our  Soveraigne  Lord 
Charls  ye  Second  Defender  of  ye  faith  Kinge  and   in   ye 
yeare  of  our  Lord  (lod  Annoy  Domini  1683 
Signed  Seled  and  delivered  In  preseuc  of  us 

Charles  X  Abrahams  Thomas  Eeeison  (S) 

Franses  Chappell  Clarcke 
A  true  C^oppi  Extracted  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  256. 
Know  all  men  l)y  these  presence  that  wee  Jolm  Carman 
and  Caleb  Carman  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  ipiens 


County  in  tlie  province  of  neAV  yoicke  have  Sonld  nnto 
John  tredwell  of  the  towne  and  County  aforesd  A  saitaine 
(luantitv  of  nieddoe  Lvint>-  in  ye  Est  tii  of  the  neck  Called 
hixes  necke  that  is  all  ye  nieddoe  from  ye  sd  old  feld  fence 
Called  Jacksons  bars  upward  and  hounded  bv  the  Cricke 
on  ye  Est  side  on  ye  west  by  the  woods  and  on  ye  South 
End  l)y  that  waterin<2j  place  att  Jacksons  l)ars  which  nieddoe 
aforesd  wee  ye  afore  sd  John  (^arniaii  and  (^vleb  C^xrnian  in 
Confermation  of  a  liargain  made  betwene  our  father  John 
C^arniau  and  John  tredwell  wee  say  wee  have  Sould  and  doe 
liy  these  presence  fernily  bar<fin  Sell  Alinate  and  macke 
over  the  nieddoe  aforesd  from  us  our  hairs  exsecetor  admin- 
istrator or  asiones  to  ye  abovesd  John  tredwell  to  hitn  his 
hairs  exsecetors  administrators  or  asii^nes  to  have  and  U) 
houlde  as  his  or  tliaire  pro[)er  Right  for  Ever  and  farder 
doe  uphold  this  our  Sale  to  be  Cood  and  athenticke  in  Law 
free  from  any  Just  Chime  or  pretended  title  of  any  ])arsons 
thereto  for  and  in  C'onsideration  of  full  Satisfaction  alredy 
Eeseved  before  the  Signing  hereof  in  Confermation  of  ye 
premises  wee  have  hereunto  sett  our  hands  and  tixed  onr 
seles  je  eightenth  da}'  of  mar<'h  one  thousand  Six  hnndicd 
eighty  and  six 

Sigue  and  Seled  delivered  In  presenc  of  us 
Jeams  Beats  John^ Carman        (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke  his 

Caleb  X  Carman  (  S) 
mar  eke 
A  true  Coppie  Extracted  ])y  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  257. 

John  Bedle  liis  Eare  Marke  is  A  half  peni  of  ye  under 
side  of  ye  Neere  Eare  and  a  half  ])eni  of  ye  upper  side  of 
ye  off'  Eare 

Recorded  this  22  off  Desember  1()84 

JosiAs  Stakk  (Uark 

IlKMI'SrilAD    TOWN    llECOllDS.  115 

J(i]m  ('<ii-ii('ll  Seller  liis  e;tro  nmvl;  is  to  lialf  ])oiieys  on  \<' 

Ulidei'  side  of    tlie   lii^lit    e;il('  ;ili(l   A   slii  lieliilid    \('  toi)    of    ye 
Si'liie  eai'e 

recorded  This  'J.'iili  dav  of  Aprell   ICSa 

JosiAs  S'lAiii:  ( 'lark 

Jleiijainiii  ('aniiaii  Lis  I'are  iiiai'k  is  a  swallow   fork  in  :ye: 
of    Ejuc  and  a  slit  in   ve  swollow    fork 
vecoided  this  liO  :  oft'  A))rell  KjS;") 

.losiAs  Staim;  (dark 

\\  illiani  Thoriie  :Se:  Ins  I'are  niai'k   is  a   hole  in    \-e   Tjcft 
care  and  A  half   peiie  on  ye  foi'e  side  of    ve  s<'nie  I'jai'e 
recordeil  this  I'Jd:  of  Aprell  lOS")  by  niee 

Jo  :  Staim;  Clark 

rd(diai<l  nianerinsj;  Lis  Eaic  niarcke  is  a  hole  in  (^aeli  Karc^ 
llecoided  ye  o  (Lay  of   Jenewcui   KlcSIJ  by  uie 

JosKi'H  Petti T  Clarcdve 

Sanniell  totten  Lis  Eare  ntar(d<.e  is  on  Slit  in  ye  (»f  Eare 
and  a  flower  de  Ince  on  ye  neare  Jvavo  tLat  is  tow  nickes 
one  on  l^acdi  Sid  ye  I'^are  nere  ye  top  of  ye  Eare  Desenilier 
yr.  ;{  (Liy  IC.SS 

RecorcL'd  by  meo 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

Page  258. 

Ptieliard  (.Tilldersleye  Seiier  liis  Eare  mark  is  a  hole  in 
Tlie  left  Eave  and  a  n(M'k  on  tL<^  fore  sid  of  tlie  same  eare 
Jinly  tlie  14  KJS^ 

TLomas  (^liesmaiis  Ear  mark  is  a  latch  mark  on  the  nper 
side  of  tlie  nere  eare  and  three  necks  (ni  the  fore  sid  of  the 
of  eare  and  tlie  nicks  in  cnt  downwards  towards  tlie  root  of 
the  Eare 

Jenewery  the  .5.  lliSo  : 

Addain  niott  inners  Eare  marck  is  a  Hour  de  Ins  on  the 
left  Eare  and  a  slet  on  the  End  of  tli(^  riji;lit  Eare  and  a 
neck  nnder  tlie  same  Eare 


Cluirles  A1)v;inis  Ear,  mark  is  a  Crop  on  ye  near  Ear  and 
a  Slitt  and  A  Halfe  penv  one  _ve  off  Eare  ye  half  penv 
l)ein<i;  nere  ye  Eoote  of  ye  ear,  Xoveinlter  ye  intli:  lf*)Sr5 

-Tolin  EUisson  Senior  ear  markc  :  A  Slitt  in  ye  Off  eai-  and 
a  Nick  nnder  ye  near  Ear  liecorded  this  lO  of  Novem- 
ber i(;s:'5 

Thomass  Ellisson  Senior  ear  mark  A  Cro])})  on  the  Near 
Ear  and  A  uic-k,  nnder  ye  same  Ear  Eecorch^d  this  KUh  of 
Novemher  1088 

Jonathan  Senian  Ere  mark  is  A  Lacli  on  yt^  nper  sid  ilie 
neere  eare  and  a  half  peny  nnder  ye:  oti'  eare 

Samnell  Denton  jnner  eare  mark  is  A  Crope  in  yt^  of  ere 
slits  in  ye  Crop  and  A  nick  in  the  uper  side  of  ye  neere  eare 

Recorded  this  :  28  :  of  november  1684 

JosiAS  Starr  Clark 

John  Carle  his  eare  Marke  is  A  lach  mark  njier  Side  the 
neere  Eare  and  A  half  peny  nnder  ye  seme  and  A  nick  l»ee- 
tweue  them 

Recorded  the  -.2:  day  of  Desember  1684  By  Mee 

Josi:  Starr  Clark 

Page  259. 

Hempsted  agiist  ye  4tli  Ano :  1668.  Know  all  men  by 
these  presences  to  whome  this  may  any  way  conserue  that 
I  John  Ellison  of  hemiisted  on  Loufj;  Island  planter  in  ye 
north  Eidiup;  of  new  yorke  sliere  have  sonld  nnto  Gorij; 
baldin  of  hnntinton  I  say  I  have  sonld  nnto  ye  above  sd 
Georg  baldin  and  do  by  these  presence  fiillj  freely  and  ab- 
sohitely  bargiu  and  sell  from  me  mv  haires  exsecetors  admin- 
istratoi"s  and  asignes  nnto  ye  above  sd  Gcn'ge  to  him  his  haires 
Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  my  Innise  and  home 
Lott  Lying  on  ye  Sonth  sid  ( )f  thomas  Sonthword  on  ye  west  sitl 
of  John  Smith  and  liftene  acors  of  meddo  more  or  Les  as  it 
w^as  Laid  onte  at  ye  first  bounded  on  ye  East  sid  l)y  a  Lot  of 
Richard  Ellisons  and  on  ye  west  sid  b}-  a  Lott  of  meddoe 
Parsells  Lyiny  at  a  uecke  comonly  called  mill  River  necke 


and  a  Ijot  on  yc  iiortli  sid  hidjij^  Six  or  s<neii  acois  more 
or  Les  as  it  was  I.aidt!  onte  at  ye  first  hoiuided  on  ^•e  west 
\)\  Mr  liickes  and  on  ye  Est  side  l)y  Thomas  Ellison  and 
t'owre  aeors  of  hollow  on  \v  ])laiiie8  and  tow  ox  paster  gats 
in  ye  Est  ox  ])aster  with  all  llights  and  previledges  belong- 
in<4  to  ye  said  LotnieJits  or  ever  Shall  here  after  Shall  l)e- 
loni;  there  unto  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valuable  siime 
\)\  me  alli edy  Keseved  to  have  and  lionld  as  his  owne  and 
(juiatly  to  ])oses  to  him  and  his  for  Ever  as  quiatly  as  I 
my  selfe  inJoyed  it  it  is  to  be  understood  yt  ye  seventene 
aeors  of  meddoe  above  writen  is  in  yt;  roome  of  a  fouretene 
acor  Lolt  yt  was  bought  Avith  ye  house  within  Avriten  and  to 
^e  line  perfornuince  of  ye  premises  I  have  set  to  my  hand 
and  Sele  in  ye  ninetenth  yeare  of  his  magesties  Raigne 
Charls  ye  Second  l)y  ye  grace  of  god  King  of  great  1)ritten 
fiance  and  Irland  defender  of  ye  faith  King  Signed  Seled 
and  delivered  in  ye  presenc  of  us' 

John  Smith  John  X  Ellison  (S) 

liKHAiiJ)  (tilli)p:ksli:evk  Clarcke      his  marcke 

These  may  sertitie  any  whome  it  may  consarne  yt  where- 
as i  thonuis  Ellison  bei  g  imployed  to  by  ye  house  and  Lott 
s])esitied  in  ys  bill  of  sale  I  do  fully  and  freely  asine  all  my 
Eight  and  title  to  my  brother  John  Ellison  and  Gorg  baldin 
as  witncs  my  hand  ys  '24  of  June  liW.) 


John  hickes 

liR  IL\i;J)  GlLDEKSLEEVE  Clarcke 

This  dede  Entered  in  ye  llecords  by  me 

JosEri[  Pettit  Clarck 

Pa(ie  '>m. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presenc  that  1  thomas  Hickes  Se 
of  (  oinel)ery  iji  ([uens  Count}"  in  ye  provinc  of  New  yorcke 
have  Sould  n  to  John  tredwell  of  Hempsted  in  ye  County 
and  pioviiice  afoi'esd  a  Sartaiiu^  hollow  Knowne  by  the 
name  of  faire  feld  hollow    and  Doe  by  these  presence  fully 


freely  and  absolutly  l)ai'ij;iLi  Sell  aliiiate  aud  luacke  OTer  to 
ye  above  Sd  Joliii  tredwell  It  Iviiig  aud  being  Setiiate  on  ye 
Soutliest  Side  of  ye  towue  I  say  I  doe  sell  and  macke 
over  ye  hollow  al)ovesd  together  with  ye  fencinij;  about  it 
from  niee  my  liaires  exseeetors  administrators  or  asignes  to 
the  above  sd  John  tredwell  to  him  his  Inures  exsecetors 
administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  lionld  as  his  or 
theire  owne  proper  Right  for  ever  and  farder  due  nphonld 
and  maintaine  ys  my  Sale  to  bee  Good  and  Lawfull  Avhic-h 
is  for  and  in  Consideration  of  fnll  Satisfacticm  alhedy  Re- 
seved  by  mee  before  the  Signing  hereof  and  in  C'oiiferma- 
tiou  of  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto  Sett  my  hand  aud 
fixed  m}-  Sele  this  tivteuth  day  of  Jeneweri  in  the  yeare  of 
our  Lord  one  thousand  Six  hundred  eightv  and  Six  and  in 
the  Second  yeare  of  his  magestis  Eaigne  .Teams  ye  Second 
by  the  Grace  of  God  of  Inglaud  Scotland  france  and  Irland 
King  Defender  of  the  faith  Arc 

Signed  and  Seled  in  presenc  of  us^ses  Chaitell  Tiiu:  Hukls  (Si 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 
A  true  C'oi)pie  Extracted  ])y  niec 

Joseph  Pettit  Chiri-kc 


OF    THE 


North   and  South   Hempstead, 


LlBEll    I). 
Page  la. 
atl  a  towiir  iiieetiiig  held  in  lieinpsted  octubfU"  ye  10  1691 

It  was  V()tte<l  and  a}i;reed  on  yt  fa[)t  Jackson  Jonathan 
Smith  Se  Nathanell  Persell  and  Jonathan  Smith  Juner 
shall  sell  siime  onle  Seels  of  ye  towne  Land  to  pay  ye 
ehai-^es  expended  at  ye  Last  Sises  eonserning  ye  tryell 
al)()ute  Roekaway  and  <five  asnranee  of  ye  Land  in  ye  towns 
name  and  give  ye  towne  an  ac()uni])t  how  they  Dispose  of 
ye  mony 

By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

att  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  in  hempsted  aprill  ye  1 
lf)9()  it  was  voted  and  Concluded  \)\  a  generall  vote  yt 
nathanill  Pel•s^dl  .lonathan  Smith  Sener  and  Jonathan 
Smith  Jnner  Shall  manajjfe  a  Sale  in  ve  towns  name  for  Ee- 
(•o\ering  yv  towns  Right  at  Kockaway  according  to  pui'chas 
and  Pattent  and  to  ln)[)ly  an  atorney  or  atorneys  In  \e 
towns  ht'halfc  and  ye  t<»\vne  to  ])ay  ye  hole  charges 

Py  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Jeremiah  wood  Jiiners  eyear  marck  is  now  margrit  heu- 
drickson    1»\    the    consent   of  Jeremiah    wood   inner    which 


eyear  marck  is  a  latch  one  the  uikUi  siJ  ni  tlie  uear  eyear 
entered  the  2  day  of  may  ITOo 

l)y  iiiee 

Thomas  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

This  above  sd  ear  marek  is  now  Thomas  hendricksoiis  ye 
son  of  A'e  above  sd  marj^ret  hendrickson  from  this  Uth  dav 
of  feabrewary  1715-6 

Tho  Geldeksleeve  Clarck 

'Page  lb. 

John  Lee  his  Eare  mareke  is  a  slit  in  ye  End  of  ye  neare 
Eare  and  a  Latch  under  ye  of  Eare  and  a  halfe  ])eni  under 
ye  neare  Eare  yt  is  slit 

Entered  in  ve  Records  Jeuewarv  ve  13  dav  ano  1701-2 
Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  C'lar 

Joseph  Lee  his  Eare  marck  is  a  slet  in  ye  End  of  ye 
neare  Eare  and  a  halfe  ]ienny  on  ye  ujtper  side  ye  same 
and  a  latch  under  ye  of  Eare 

Entered  in  ye  Eecords  Jeuewaiy  ye  lo  day  anno  17<»1   2 
Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Daves  fanwicke  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Cro])  on  yc  of  Eare 
and  a  halfe  peny  under  Each  Eare 
Entered  aprill  ye  10  1702  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettft  Clar 

Thomas  Lee  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Latch  under  Eache 

Entered  by  mee  may  ye  lo  1702 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

heudiick  hendrickson  his  eier  marck  is  latch  under  the 
near  eyear  and  a  half  peny  under  the  of  eyear 
Entered  ye  2d  of  may  annodo  17<>.") 

bv  mee  Thomas  Gildeusleeve  Clarck 


Pa(JE    Ic-. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  "vvhome  tliese  presents  shall 
come  or  aiiv  wise  apertaiue  (ireetiug  Know  ye  yt  1  Kiehard 
Cornwell  in  ye  l)()un(ls  of  Hesliin<^  on  Lonj^  Island  alies 
nassaw  in  tpiens  Connty  in  ^e  Province  of  New  Yorcke 
Doe  by  these  <i;ive  i^rant  Inirgin  Sell  alinate  Reles  and  de- 
liver from  me  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asi^ns 
unto  Thomas  Southward  of  hempsted  of  }e  Connty  and 
Province  afcjresd  to  him  his  hairs  exsecet'  'Va  administrators 
and  asi<j;nes  a  sertain  Parsell  of  nieddo  <i;round  Lying  at  ye 
South  meddows  on  a  neck  called  washborns  necke  bounded 
East  by  ye  meddo  of  Samuell  Denton  west  l)y  ye  meddo 
of  Samuell  Pine  Desesed  north  by  ye  Cricke  and  South  by 
ye  Cove  Avhich  meddo  as  it  was  devided  for  ye  third  Part 
of  ye  Lott  of  Willian)  Washborn  Desesed  with  Every  Part 
and  Parsell  therof  with  ye  liight  there  unto  belonging  on  ye 
sd  necke  I  ye  sd  Pichard  Ctniiwell  Do  by  these  presence 
give  grant  liargin  sell  alinate  lleles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  and  asigns  unto  ye  sd  thomas  Soutli\\;ird  to  him 
his  hairs  and  asigns  to  have  and  to  liould  for  Ever  and  Do 
warrant  ys  my  sele  to  be  Lawfidl  athentick  and  good  free 
from  any  incond)erence  for  and  in  consideration  of  other 
meddo  Land  Peseved  in  full  satisfaction  here<jff  and  in  tes- 
timony of  ye  Premises  I  have  here  unto  Sett  to  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  sele  ye  tivetenth  of  May  anno  Domini  lO'J.") 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  ])resence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  EicHAitD  Coknwell  (S) 


Samuel  X  tottox 
his  marcke 

a  tru  Copi)i  of  ye  origenall 

by  mee  Joseph  Pkitii'  Chir 

Paoe  'I. 

a  Kecord  of  twenty  fore  ac;irs  of  Jjaiid  belonging  to 
Daniell  bedle  on  ye  South  Part  of  ye  towne  ye   fore  part 


1)e^iiiiii<i  oil  ye  south  Side  ye  liiiili  way  yt  Leads  to  ye 
Sw  amp  aud  so  Rniiiiig  St)iitlierly  al)Oute  uiuety  poles  to  <t 
luaicked  tree  and  from  tlieiice  Esteily  about  thirty  Six 
})()les  to  a  mareked  tree  and  from  thence  notherly  to  ye 
aforesd  hi«jjhway  ye  other  part  Lying  on  the  North  Side  ye 
sd  highway  with  a  home  lott  aud  bounded  north  bv  ve  lott 
of  Eol)ert  bedle  and  East  west  aud  S(Uith  by  ye  highways 
thes  Land  being  tirst  Laiil  dute  by  Capt  John  Seman 
Desesed     Entered  in  ye  Keeords  May  ye  15  161H'  by  mee 

JosEi'H  Pettit  Cler 

Iiichard  Thorne  his  Eare  niareke  ys  a  Swallow  forcke  on 
ye  oif  Eare  and  a  hole  in  ye  neare  Eare  and  a  halfe  peny 
on  ye  u))er  Side  ye  same  Entered  in  ye  Records  aprill  ye 
21 1  1708 

By  mee    Josei'H  Pettit  Cler 

Tlu'  marck  that  -Teams  Bertos  Gives  to  his  Creturs  is  a 
half  peny  under  the  of  eyear  entered  the  24  day  of 
Jeuly  1705 

Por  mee    Tho  (iiLiiKiisLEEVE  Clarck 

Thr  iiiaivk  that  Willijini  Minthone  gives  to  his  Cretors  is 
A  In  ill  ill  the  of  eyear  and  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near 
eyear  and  a  nick  under  neath  it  Entered  the  11  <lay  of 
August  17U5 

By  mee     Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Page  3. 

att  a  geuerall  towne  meeting  held  in  heni})sted  febewery 
^e  23  IBiXJ  by  a  maier  vote  there  w;is  Chosen  Judge  hickes 
Capt  Jackson  Mr  tredwell  ami  Natlianell  Persall  to  vindi- 
cate yt  towns  intrest  acording  ti)  )Mirsches  and  Pattent  att  a 
geuerall  towne  meeting  ye  afore  sd  fowre  men  att  a  towne 
meeting  held  in  hempsted  ye  15  of  march  in  ye  yeare  afore 
sd  ye  sd  fore  menyt  is  Judge  hickes  Capt  Jackson  Mr  tred- 
well aud  Xathanell  Persall  are  ordered  \)\  ye  towne  ft)ith- 
with  to   niacke   sute    to    his   exsellencv   ve  •'overuer  for   a 

IIEMl'STEAI)    TOWN    REC01!J)S.  123 

Avuireiit  to  ye  Sucrvytu'  ;i;eii('i';ill  to  Kmi  oiiic  Jjiiic  froiu  Cari- 
teage  to  l)ur  l)cacli  and  allso  from  ye  true  Cuiitea^e  upon 
oiire  (lireet  Pnrclies  Line  to  ye  Souiul  or  East  lliver  and  ye 
towiie  to  pax  \e  hole  cliarfjies  of  ae()Ui})lishiiij^  ye  same  and 
allso  to  ])ay  an  atornyes  fees  if  there  l)e  ocation  of  one 

at  ye  afore  sd  towne  meeting  march  ye  15  !()!)()  It  was 
ordered  by  a  nniior  vote  of  ye  towne  that  ye  land  at  matin- 
at-ofke  in  ye  Posession  of  (*a})t  Whitehead  which  he  bought 
of  Mr  jeryhani  Shall  be  and  Keniaine  to  him  yt  is  ye  towns 
Plight  of  it  and  any  Person  or  Persons  who  shall  T^aie 
thaire  Lotted  Land  within  ye  Same  C()nj[)as  of  Lan<l  it 
shall  be  made  u})  to  them  oute  of  ye  towns  undevided  J^aiid 
ill  ((uantity  and  ((uallit}' 

this  by  order 

.JoSEl'JI  i'ETiir 

llariiiaiis  .loiisoiis  eyear  marck  is  a  swallo  forck  one  the 
of  ex'ear  and  a  nick  oih^  the  for  sid  the  near  eyear.  Entered 
the  P.*  day  of  iiovcniber  1705  by  mee 

Tho  (tIli)ekslej:ve  Clarck 

Paoe  4. 

Att  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  In  henii»sted  octoi)er 
ye  7  1HU7  It  was  yotted  and  concluded  by  a  niaior  yote 
yt  there  shall  be  a  Lone  made  of  tiftn  Pounds  Silver  mouy 
to  be  pide  with  ye  next  County  rate  for  ye  yindicateiug  ye 
East  Ixjunds  lietwene  oure  towne  and  oisterbay 

at  ye  fore  going  towne  meeting  it  was  allso  voted  yt 
Joseph  Smith  and  John  willeams  Shall  Reseye  ye  above 
sd  Lone  of  the  Colector  and  Disposeet  to  ye  towns  trustes 
aboye  sd  as  they  Shall  have  ocation  aud  allso  render  an 
aeon  nipt  of  it  to  ye  towne 

at  ye  fore  going  towne  meeting  it  was  voted  and  conclud- 
ed by  ye  maior  vote  of  ye  town  yt  Provideil  any  Swine  of 
what  sort  so  ever  shall  be  found  at  Libertie  in  ye  Streets 
on  any  Part  of  ye  towns  i-ommons  after  the  twenty  fifth  of 


iiuircli  next  iii  suiii<r  ye  date  it  shall  bee  Lawfull  for  any 
Person  or  })ersons  to  tacke  tlieni  up  and  dispose  them  one 
halfe  for  theire  one  use  and  ye  other  halfe  for  ye  Pu])lic'ke 
use  of  ye  toAvne 

John  Piiishniores  his  eyear  marck  is  a  slip  under  the 
near  eyear  Enter  the  tiftli  day  of  ffeabruary  in  the  year 
1705  H 

by  mee     Tho  GiLDEKSLEEyE  Clarck 

Samuel  Titus  his  eyear  marck  is  a  slit  ore  the  end  of  ye 
of  eyear  and  a  half  peny  under  neath  it 
This  entered  ye  1-")  day  of  feabruary  1705-6 

l)y  mee     Tho  GiLDEitSLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  5. 

to  all  C'hristion  People  to  ^vhome  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  A\ise  ai)ertaiue  (neeting  Know  yee  yt  John 
Eobison  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
County  in  ye  Proyince  of  new  yorcke  Do  by  these  presence 
for  Seyerall  good  Causes  and  Considerations  mee  here  \into 
Essi)etially  moyeing  and  more  Esspetially  for  ye  natuiall 
afection  I  Do  bere  to  my  Son  Joseph  Kobison  I  Do  hereby 
give  grant  Eeles  and  Deliver  to  my  sd  Hon  his  hairs  antl 
Hucsecors  tow  twenty  toAv  acor  Loots  Lying  in  ye  bounds 
of  hempsted  neare  Sucses  Pond  one  wliieh  I  formerly 
bought  of  John  Ellison  Desesed  and  one  which  I  Bought 
of  Thomas  Ellison  desesed  which  sd  tow  Lotts  in  (piantity 
forty  fore  acors  as  thav  were  Laid  oute  with  ye  Ivight  and 
Previdedge  there  unto  belouging  or  apertainiiig  thereon  I  ye 
•sd  John  Eobison  do  fidly  and  freely  give  grant  Eeles  and 
Deliver  to  my  sd  Son  Joseph  Eobison  to  him  his  hairs  and 
asigns  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  ferder  for  severail 
good-Caiises  and  considerations  mee  here  unto  Es})etially 
moveing  I  Do  fully  freely  and  absolutely  <>ive  irrant  and 
Dispose  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  uiHlcr  mee  to  .my 
Loveing  wife  Jeane  Eobison  all  ye  Eemaining  Part  of  my 


Estate  Ileall  and  PersoiiuU  yt  is  lionsiiifj;  LmikIs  <|nick'  stixlc 
AvliJit  Ever  .-qxTtfiins  or  now  Lclon^s  to  nice  in  vc  Itonnds  of 
hcinpstcul  or  els  wheare  witliin  yt  Pi'o\iiic('  to  liaxc  and 
iiniprove  for  ye  l)rin<i;in;^-  n])  of  onre  (^liildreii  and  allso  I  xc 
S(l  John  Iiol)ison  Do  lu^'eLy  m'ive  ^raiit  Keles  and  |)clivcr 
from  mee  my  hairs  ami  asii>nes  nnto  my  sd  wife  .Icaiic  all 
ye  Estate  ai'ore  sd  liollv  and  solly  to  (lis])osn  of  as  to  licr 
shall  seme  Coiiveniant  and  what  Deeds  of  ( 'onxcya  nee  my 
sd  wife  Jeane  llohison  Shall  macke  for  ye  sd  i'^state  of 
Lands  to  l)e  and  Remain*'  from  mee  to  them  their  and 
asi<i;ns  Provided  allwayes  ye  Estate  Shall  he  convayed  to  ye 
(Uiilldren  aJlredj-  home  of  ye  body  of  my  sd  wife  Jeane 
liobison  and  not  to  any  other  yt  is  to  ye  sd  Children  oiany 
of  ye  sd  (Uiildren  as  to  my  wife  she  seems  i^ood   and  con- 

Page  n. 

venient  to  have  ye  same  and  to  ye  full  and  fei-me  (^)nfernni- 
tion  of  every  of  ye  above  wri,i;hten  Premises  I  have  lune- 
unto  for  full  satisfacticm  reseved  here  unto  Set  to  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  Sele  a]n'ill  ye  Sixth  Day  in  ye  yeare  of  on  re 
Lord  anno  1()97 

Signed  Seled  and  Delivered  In  Presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  John  Pvobison  (S) 

adam  mott 

Simon  X  Jarman 
his  marcke 

a  true  C^oppi  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Petiit  Cler 


Bee  it  known  unto  all  men  that  upon  the  sixt  day  of 
August  in  the  year  1705  then  thear  was  sould  A  whit  hors 
marked  with  A  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of  eyear  and  A  half 
peny  under  it  att  A  Publick  out  (-ry  which  was  Pounded 
and  had  stod  eyglitten  days  aCording  two  our  tound  order : 
and  brouu  mair  and  Colt  nuirked  with  A  swollo  forck  one 
the  of  eyear  and  A  hoi  in  the  near  eyear  and  branded  Avitli 
:(t:  one  the  of  thv  and   :I.  T:  one  the  near  thy  This  don 


Ac-cordin    toorders  inad  l»v  tlic   toiimls  men   tlie  2  day  of 
Aj>ril  tliis  Pvesant  year  17<J") 
'iliis  filtered  Ity  inee 

Tho  GTi.DEKsT.F.EyK  Clarek 

Page  7. 

These  ]>r«^sence  -witiuetli  yt  Ave  Lose  iiauies  are  under 
\vii<j;litcii  ])()  hereby  for  onre  selves  oiire  heirs  and  siicsecors 
i'ldly  and  absolutely  'j^\^  and  grant  to  oure  brother  John 
Carle  to  sell  and  Dispose  from  us  oure  heirs  and  sucsecovs 
oure  part  of  ye  hundred  aeor  Lott  at  fosters  meddoe  and 
allow  vt  sale  good  for  goil  consideration  Pieeeived  as  wit- 
nes  my  or  ourre  hands  and  seles  agust  ye  (5  1(19- 

Testated  by  us 

Joseph  Pettit  Timothy  Carle      (S) 

her  his 

MarptRet  X  Petii'i-  Joseph  X  Carle    (S) 
manke  marcke 

The  evear  marek  of  Ezeeel  Beldine  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of 
tilt'  near  eyear  and  ;i  lialpenv  under  the  sani  and  a  nick 
underneth  the  of  t-vear  entered  the  .VI.  d:  of  descndter 
17(1")  liy  niee 



The  evear  nnirck  of  Thomas  Boldin  is  a  slit  iu  the  end  of 
the  near  evear  and  a  nii-k  under  the  of  evear  (Altered  the 
:P2  d  of  l)esend)er  17<l.') 

Ijy  mee     Th(;  Gildersleeve  Clarck     - 

Page  8. 

fosters  medo  in  ye  bounds  of  henipsted  in  (piens  on  ye 
Island    of  nassaw   alias  Long  Island  ye  i)  of  march  anuo 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  I  susan  frost  and 
Isack  frost  and  Jtdm  hendricke  of  ve  Place  above  sd  have 

HEMPSTEAD    T(  )W\    liECOliDS.  127 

•j;iveii  t>)aiite(l  and  sould  Jiiid  doo  1»\  tlicsf  ])resenc'P  fully 
freely  and  n]K)liitel\  for  divers  j^ood  coiisiderntioiis  ineti 
there  iinto  inovcinjj;  and  njore  Espctially  a  sertaine  snni  of 
niony  allrcdy  in  hand  paed  alinate  j^ive  f^rant  and  sell  unto 
John  foster  of  ye  same  Place  towne  and  county  above  sd 
(\*irpeiHler  a  sartaine  Parcell  of  Land  Lyin-;  and  htiii^  in 
ye  bounds  of  fosters  nieddo  heinj^  in  (pieentity  fifeen 
ac-ors  being  a])art  of  \i'  ttifty  acois  of  land  yt  my  husband 
Ixnij^ht  of  williaiu  thiekston  it  beoiniijo-  on  ye  nortli  side  of 
ye  aforesd  lify  acors  of  Jjand  l)ein<;'  a  ]>art  (tf  ye  same 
Rnnino-  one  linndred  and  seven  Pods  Lon<>-  and  twenty  tow 
pods  and  a  halfe  wide  bounded  north  by  Edwaid  titeses 
land  yt  now  is  and  belonj^eth  to  thonies  martin  East  by  ye 
hiway  which  sd  tiftene  acors  of  Land  with  all  ])ievile(l<res 
and  apertinanses  there  unto  belonging  and  with  all  impi-ove- 
ments  thereon  nnide  and  Profets  and  Profets  to  be  made 
from  hence  forth  to  be  and  remaine  to  ye  pro])ei-  use  benefit 
behofe  and  dispose  of  ye  sd  John  foster  for  him  and 
his  heirs  exseceters  administretors  and  asignes  for  Ever 
and  for  ye  warrenting  of  ye  sale  here  of  free  from  any 
former  alinateon  sale  or  incomberance  and  yt  ye  sd 
John  foster  his  heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  shall  pecebly  occepi  improve  Poses  and  iioy 
ye  same  without  Lett  challenge  or  molestation  from 
us  ye  sd  Siisanah  or  Isack  or  John  as  above  sd  or 
any  of  oure  heirs  exsecetors  administrators  or  asii-ns  or 
any  other  Person  or  Persons  whatsoEver  Laying  Cleme  to 
ye  sd  Land  or  any  Part  of  it  and  to  the  warrenting  of  ye 
sale  hereof  free  from  any  Person  w  hatsoever  wee  ye  above 
sd  Snsanah  and  Isack  and  John  ;is  i^bove  sd  to  binde  oiire 
selves  oure  heirs  exsecetors  administrators  Jointly  and 
severally  to  meanteain  and  nphould  ye  oure  sale  good  in 
Law  against  any  Person  what  soever  unto  ye  true  (;onfera- 
tion  of  ye  Premises  above  wrigheu  we  have  set  oiire  hands 
and  fixed  oure  sels  this  day  and  date  above  wrighten  it  is  to 
be  understod  before  signing  yt  whoever  my  husl)and  abra- 
ham  frost  sould  ye  Land  and  receved  full  satisfjictiou   for 



ye  same  and  not  ojiveii  deeds  acording  to  Law  wee  to  give 
deeds  in  his  liclialf  iiiiircli  ye  *)  auji  l(;*»8-4 
siifiKMl  selcd  and  dcli\rrcd  in  ])reseiic'e  of  us 
his  her 


niarck  marke 

liicHAhi)  Dexton  his 


John  X  hexdricke  (S) 
Eutered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clei' 

Page  9. 

Jereniiah  Wood  .Inner  Ins  Eare  mareke  Is  a  Latch  under 
ye  neare  Eare  Eutered  In  ye  Eeeords  Deseml)er  ye  26  Day 
anno  Dcmiini  1G98 

By  mee        Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Thomas  Williams  his  Eare  mareke  Is  a  Latcli  under  ve 
neare  Eare  and  a  nicke  under  ye  same  Eare     Entered  In 
ye  Records  Desember  ve  26  Day  anno-ir)98 
By  mee        Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Richard  Smith  his  Eare  marck  is  a  Croj)  on  ye  of  Eare 
and  a  Latch  on  the  uper  side  ye  neare  Eare  and  a  half 
penni  under  ye  same  Eare  Entered  in  the  Record  aprill  ye 
twenty  second  W.)9 

Entered  l)y  mee         Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Jose])h  beats  his  Eare  mareke  is  a  slit  in  ye  neare  Eare 
anil  one  half  i)eni  under  ye  same  Eare  and  tow  half  penis 
imder  ye  off  Eare 

Recorded  Jeuewery  the  10  day  1099 
Bv  mee        Joseph  Pettit  Cler 


benieinen  (linnins  his  Eare  raareke  a  Oro])  on  ye  neare 
Eare  and  a  iiicke  on  ye  fore  side  of  ye  same  Eare  Entered 
ill  ve  Kecords  may  ye  17(H) 

Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pe'I'itt  Tier 

PaCxE  10. 

.Tose]ili  Willis  liis  Eare  marcke  is  a  Swallow  forck(>  on  ye 
neaie  Eare  and  a  nicke  under  Each  Eare  Entered  Tn  ye 
llec'(nds  Jniie  ye  10  1700 

Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  ('ler 

Beniemen  totten  his  Eare  marcke  Is  a  Latch  marcke 
nnder  ye  of  Eare 

Entered  in  ye  Records  may  ye  10  day  In  ye  yeare  of  oiire 
Tjord  anno  Domini  1701 

Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Peter  mersherro  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Swallow  forcke  on 
ye  neare  Eare  and  a  lialfe  ])eny  nnder  Each  Eare 
Entered  in  ye  liecords  march  ye  19  1701  2 

Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Richard  willis  his  Eare  marcke  is  a  Swallow  forke  on  ye 
neare  Eare  and  a  nicke  on  ye  fore  side  ye  same  Eare 
Entered  ye  3  of  May  1708 

By  mee     Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  11. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  whome  these  Presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  a])ertaine  Greetino-  Know  ye  yt  I  Ben- 
iemen Bertsell  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  Nassaw 
in  Quens  county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yoreke  Do  by  these 
presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Dispose 
to  Cap't  John  Sands  of  Cow  neck  in  ye  bounds  of  hemp- 
sted afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  from  mee  ye  sd  Bertsell  my  heirs  exsecetors  admin- 
istrators and  asignes  ye  Right  of  six  gates  of  fence  on  sd 

180  HF.MrsTF.AD    TOWN    TlF.rOT^DS. 

Cow  necke  wliicli  six  ^jjates  of  fence  in  ve  towne  Records  are 
in  ye  name  of  Samnell  furraan  wLicli  .six  gates  of  fence  with 
wli;it  Eight  of  Land  may  apertaine  or  accrue  thereby  or  a»l- 
vanteges  ye  sd  Cap't  John  Sands  can  Recover  by  vartne 
hereof  to  have  and  to  houhl  from  me  ye  sd  Beuiamen 
Bertsell  my  heirs  and  asigues  and  I  ye  sd  Bertsell  Do  warrant 
mv  selfe  owner  of  ve  sd  Samnell  fermans  Right  to  ve  sd 
gates  which  is  for  and  in  Consideration  of  fnll  Satisfaction 
allredy  Receved  and  in  testinioHy  hereof  I  have  set  to  my 
hand  and  tixed  my  sele  may  ye  sixt  day  anno  169;") 
Signed  Seled  and  delivered  in  Presence  of  us 

Thomas  Irland  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Bememex  X  Beiitsell  (S; 


a  trii  Coppie  Entered  in  ye  towne  Records 

By  me         Joseph  Petiii-  Cler 

Page  12. 

To  all  christien  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greting  Know  yon  yee  yt  I  John 
Pine  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  (^nens 
coiinty  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Do  l)y  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
mv  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  nnto 
Thomas  and  Richard  willis  of  Lusiim  in  the  bounds  of  ois- 
terbav  in  ve  conntv  and  Province  afore  sd  with  ho])e  willis 
of  hempsted  afore  sd  to  them  in  Ecpiell  Proportion  theire 
heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  saiiaine  Par- 
sell  of  meddo  Land  Lying  and  l)eing  situate  on  a  mecke 
called  ye  great  neck  Estward  of  ye  towne  bounded  west- 
ward bv  ye  meddo  of  J(^lin  semmon  on  East  l)y  ye  meddo 
of  Edmond  tites  noi-th  by  ye  woods  and  south  by  ye  l)ay  in 
quantitv  Eleven  acors  46  Rod  more  or  les  as  it  was  laid 
oute  in  ve  second  Devition  with  ye  apertinances  on  ye  sd 
•create  necke  which  sd  meddo  fresh  and  salt  with  Everv 
Part  audsParsell  there  of  and  apertinances  I  ye  sd  John 


Pine  l^o  by  these  Presence  <>ive  ^raut  bar^in  sell  aliiiate 
Keles  and  Deliver  from  nioe  my  heirs  exsecetois  achnijiis- 
trators  and  asigns  unto  \c  sd  Gliomas  li<)])e  and  Ivicliard 
willis  to  them  theii-  licirs  cxseeetors  jubninistrators  and 
asii;iies  to  have  aud  to  lioidd  for  Ever  and  Do  warrant  ys 
my  sale  to  ])oo  Lafnil  atlicnticke  and  ^ood  free  from  any 
sale  Lett  morfj,ad;^  or  inconil)erance  what  Evei'  for  and  in 
consideration  of  other  miMldo  and  lull  Satisfaction  allredy 
Reseved  before  ye  si^-ncini;  hereof  and  in  testimony  Iicrcof 
I  have  hei-e  unto  set  to  my  liand  and  fixed  my  Sch-  jnarch 
ye  Eleventh  l(;i»4-5 

Signed  Sch'd  and  Delivered 

in   Presence  of  ns  John  Pine  (8) 

JosHPH  Petti r 


a  true  (•o])ie  Ent(M'e<l  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettpi'  Clercke 

Page  l'2a. 

at  a  Generall  towne  meetinjj;  h(dd  in  hem})sted  aprill  ye 
2d  1()9S  l)v  ve  niainr  vote  of  ye  towne  Jei-enn  wood  was 
Chosen  ('ustal)le 

at  ye  same  towne  nieetim;-  nathanell  Persall  was  Chosen 

at  ye  same  towne  meeting-  John  s(ning  and  william  willis 
was  (^hosen  asessors 

at  ve  same  towne  meetin<;-  Jose])1i  Smith  was  Chosen  C<^1- 

'at  ye   same    towne   meeting;  Joseph   Pettit   was   Chosen 

all  ye  above  sd  otfesers  are  to  Serve  ye  insuing  yeare  ov 
till  others  are  Esteb'd  in  tlieire  places 

att  ye  foree;oin<i;  towne  meetinu;  by  the  maior  vote  was 
''ranted    and    ahnved    to    nudor    Jackson    and   hope    willis 


lebertv  and  ]iieviledge  of  ye  stream  called  Jerusa,lem  Riyer  to 
set  lip  o;rist  mill  and  a  fiillin<>;  mill  if  they  Please  provided 
they  i^rind  for  a  twelth  jiart  of  what  frreane  they  <>riiul  and 
shall  compleate  and  set  up  ye  <i,Tist  mill  within  tv)W  yeare 
from  YS  date  other  wise  vs  grant  to  be  made  voide 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  John  Robeson  had  lieiti 
granted  to  set  up  a  grist  mill  and  a  fulling  mill  on  ye 
streame  att  the  hed  of  yt  harboure  upon  ye  conditions 
afore  sd  and  not  other  wise 

By  order     Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  12b. 

A  Record  of  tifty  acres  of  Land  Laid  oute  to  Daniell 
bedle  in  ye  northe  wood  on  ye  west  side  ye  harber  ])ath 
neare  ye  old  fence  of  ye  cow  necke  begining  att  a  white 
<icke  saplin  and  Runing  southwardly  one  hundred  and  sixty 
Rods  to  a  blacke  oche  saplin  and  from  thence  westerly  fifty 
Rods  to  a  hollow  and  so  along  ye  sd  hollow  northerly  one 
hundred  and  sixty  Rods  and  from  thence  esterly  fifty  Rods 
to  ye  first  Stati<m  or  afore  sd  white  oche  saplin 

July  ye  15  1702     Entered  \\\  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

an  agreement  made  agust  ye  4  day  1708  betwene  Daniell 
l)edle  John  bedle  and  Robert  bedle  l)y  consent  a  boute 
sume  meddo  and  Land  att  Cow  necke  so  called  John  IxmIIcs 
Lane  shall  begin  at  a  stecke  standing  by  a  peach  tree  stnni]) 
by  ye  old  seller  and  to  Run  directly  to  a  marcked  white  ocke 
tree  and  ye  highway  to  Run  on  ye  west  side  John  bedles 
Lane  agoynS^ig  to  it  and  ye  bounds  l)etwene  thein  from  ye 
sd  stacke  westerly  of  ye  n<n"th  to  Run  to  a  walnut  saplin 

ye  bounds  of  ye  meddo  betwene  John  bedle  and  Robert 

bedle    begining    at    a    stacke     standing    Island     of 

marsh  about  one  Rod  East  of  a  small  clam  bancke  and 
from  thence  northerly  to  a  small  bush  standing  att  ye  Edge 
of  ye  meddo  and  from  thence  to  another  saplin  at  ye  hed  of 
ye  highway  and  then  by  ye   highway  ye  bounds  betwene 


Dhik'hII  lii'dlc  and  liuhert  hedle  Itegiiiiii}^  att  a  iiiaicked 
white  oc'ke  tiee  and  from  tluaice  to  a  stacke  at  ye  tunie  of 
a  t'licke  and  as  ye  sd  cricke  Leads  to  ye  cove  and  from  ye 
!-d  white  oc'ke  tree  to  ye  afore  sd  highway 

Entered  hy  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 
Paok  i:^ 

To  all  ("liristion  IVjoph'  home  This  pr(^st^m•e  shall  conic 
whereas  J  Al)raliam  Smith  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  \e 
North  Hiding  of  new  yorcke  apere  severall  good  gr<ninds 
and  considerations  moveing  mee  there  unto  Doth  l»y 
these  ])re^euce  sell  set  over  alinate  away  from  mee  my 
heires  exsecetors  administrators  atorneys  or  asigncs  all  At 
my  liight  title  and  Intrestof  three  Loots  of  mtnldo  gronnd 
yc  one  Lying  one  mr.  titordams  necke  being  formeily  In  yr 
])()sesion  of  Thomas  kScidmore  bounded  on  ye  north  with  ye 
woods  and  on  ye  East  with  John  tredwell  and  west  with 
mr  semons  extending  it  selfe  south  ward  to  ye  sea  ye  other 
to  Loots  lying  on  ye  necke  Commonly  Called  mr  Coes 
necke  ye  one'  formerly  being  in  ye  })osession  of  Avilliam 
Thicksone  and  ye  other  formerly  being  in  ye  Posessou  of 
Edward  tites  being  in  estimation  nineteene  acors  more  or 
les  as  it  was  laid  oute  Bounded  on  ye  north  with  3"e  woods 
and  on  the  Est  with  a  sartaine  Cricke  and  on  ye  west  with 
.John  Smith  liock  Extending  it  selfe  south  ward  to  ye  sea 
I  say  I  have  Sould  all  ye  fore  mentioned  premises  away 
from  mee  and  mine  as  afore  sd  with  ;dl  Plights  titles  a})er- 
tinances  and  priviledges  there  unto  belonging  or  Ever  here 
aftei'  shall  arise  unto  Thonuis  Southward  of  ye  same  })lace 
him  \e  sd  Southward  his  heirs  exsecetors  administrators 
atorneys  or  asignes  peseblely  to  Inioy  tow  have  and  to 
hould  Every  part  and  Parsell  tlierof  further  I  ye  afore  sd 
doth  binde  mee  and  mine  to  uphold  and  mainetaine  ys  my 
act  jind  Deed  to  be  Just  and  valuable  in  law  and  to  uphold 
ys  my  act  against  any  .lust  and  lawfull  proprietor  yd  shall 
arise  for  ye  pease  of  thonjas  southward  and  his  as  aforsd  as 


Avitiie.s  my  hand  and  selle  th  '2(5  <if  ;ipiill  KiOT  and  in  ye  1'.' 
yea  re  of  mire  Soveriigu  Lord  Charles  ye  second  h\  ye 
gi-ace  of  god  King  signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence 
of  ns 

Thomas  eickes  abkaha-M  Smith  (S) 

William  osb(H{ne 

a  true  cop})ie  of  ye  origenall  Compared  by  mee 

•Toseph  Pettit  Clcr 
Page  U. 

Beniaman  Seman  Sener  his  eyear  iiiarrk  is  ;>.  latch  one  ye 
fore  sid  of  ye  left  eyear  and  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  \  e  right 
eyear  and  a  half  peny  one  ye  under  sid  of  the  same  enter- 
ed the  lU  day  of  april  in  ye  year  1706 

Ity  mer         Tho  Gildeusleeye  Clarck 

Jacob  semans  his  eyear  marck  is  a  swallow  forck  one  ye 
left  eyear  and  a  nick  under  ye  right  eyear  entered  ye  19 
day  of  a[)ril  in  ye  year  170(5     by  me 

Tho  Gildehsleeve  Clarck 

.Teams  seman  his  eyear  marck  is  a  swollow  forck  one  \i' 
left  eyear  ami  ;i  nick  uiider  ye  sam  and  a  nick  under  \t' 
right  eyear  entered  b\  nice  \e  lU  tlav  of  april  in  vc  \car 

Tho  Gili)Ei;sleeve  Clarck 

'lolin  3Iott  Juner  his  eyear  marck  is  a  half  Pcney  one  ye 
under  sid  the  right  eyear     entered  ye  '24  day  of  aprill  17(10 
this  marck  is  Jeams  bonfasses 
Ij}  mee     Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

siman  searing  his  eyear  marck  is  a  hoi  in  ye  rigid  eyear 
antl  a  half  \)eu\  one  ye  fore  sid  of  ye-sa)iie  ami  a  slit  in  yc 
end  of  ye  left     entered  ye  24  day  of  april  in  ye  yeare  17()(> 

By  mee  Tho  Gti.debsleeve  Clar<-k 

Jonathan  seman  Jimer  his  eyear  maick  is  a  latch  one  fore 
sid  the  left  eyear  and  two  half  penyes  untler  the  sanu- 
entered  may  ye  1  day  1700 

by  mee     Tho  (4ildersleeve  Clarck 

HEMr.STEAI)    J'OWN    ItECoUKS.  135 

tlic  above  said  iiiarke  of  .Jonathan  Seaniiiii  is  deserted  the 
lid  of   iiovciiiber  1710 

WittiK's  William  AN'u.lis  Chirke 

Page  15. 

'I'o  all  ( 'liiisticn  People  to  Avhonie  these  i)reseuce  shall 
come  or  anv  w  isc  a|)(utaine  (li'eetiiijj;"  Know  vee  yt  I  Thomas 
Willis  of  Jjnsani  in  ye  bounds  of  oisterbay  on  Long  Island 
alics  nassaw  in  (juens  county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke 
Do  by  tlies  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  lleles 
and  J)eliv('r  from  mee  my  heirs  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  unto  John  Pine  of  hem])sted  of  ye  Island 
("onnty  and  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  heires  exsecetors 
adndnistrators  and  asignes  a  sartine  parsell  of  meddo 
ground  Jjving  and  being  situate  at  Rockaway  in  ye  bounds 
of  hempsted  afore  sd  containing  t(nv  acors  and  three 
tpiarters  more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  oute  to  ye  sd  thomas 
Avillitts  in  ye  third  Devition  bounded  south  by  ye  meddo 
Laid  oute  to  abraham  Smith  north  by  ye  meddo  Laid  oute 
to  John  Smith  west  by  yewoods  jind  Est  by  ye  Cricke  all 
which  me(hlo  as  above  bounded  fresh  and  salt  wt  Every 
Part  and  Parcell  thereof  with  all  liight  and  title  of  Lands 
and  graseing  there  unto  belonging  on  ye  sd  Rocka\vay  I  ye 
sd  thomas  willits  Do  by  these  j)resence  give  grant  bargin 
sell  alinate  Reles  and  Delever  from  mee  my  heirs  and 
asignes  unto  ye  sd  Jcjlm  Pine  to  him  his  heirs  and  asignes 
to  have  and  to  houhl  for  Ever  and  ([uiatly  to  poses  and 
Enioy  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  heires  or 
asignes  and  Do  furder  warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull 
athenticke  and  good  in  Law  free  from  any  former  sale  let 
morgadge  or  incond)erance  what  Ever  for  and  in  considera- 
tion of  a  lott  of  meddo  and  Premises  t)n  ye  great  ne(dv 
Est  ward  so  Called  and  also  hop  willitts  and  Richard  wil- 
littes  both  for  themselves  theire  haire  and  asignes  do  signe 
and  sele  ys  Deed  and  in  testimony  of  ye  Premises  we  have 


set  to  oure  liaiitls  and  fixed  oiiie  sels  Jenewery  ye  seventh 
Day  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord  anno  Doniene  one  thousand 
six  hundred  ninety  and  seven 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  In  Presence  of  us 
John  Carmen  Thomas  Willitts  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 
a  coppi  of  ye   origeuall     Entered  in   ye   towne   Records 
By  niee  Joseph  Pettit  CI 

Page  16. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  whonie  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  ajipertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Ed- 
ward Sjirage  of  henipsted  on  Long  Island  in  (piens  county 
in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Do  by  tliese  })resence  give 
grant  bargin  sell  alinate  and  Dispose  from  mee  my  heires 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Beniemen  car- 
men of  ye  towne  and  comity  afore  sd  to  him  his  heirs  Ex- 
secetors administratois  or  asignes  a  sartaine  parseli  of  med- 
do  ground  fresh  and  salt  Lying  and  being  situate  at  ye  south 
meddows  on  a  necke  called  cos  necke  beiug  ye  moyetie  or 
Ecpiell  halfe  part  of  a  Lott  Containing  six  acors  more  or 
les  as  it  was  Laid  oute  bounded  on  ye  west  by  ye  meddo  of 
Koberd  marvin  and  Est  by  ye  meddo  of  Samuel!  Eiid)ieu 
North  by  ye  woods  and  South  by  ye  Cove  ye  (me  moyetie  or 
Equall  halfe  part  of  ye  above  bound  meddo  ground  fresh  aiitl 
salt  with  every  Part  and  Parcell  thereof  I  ye  sd  Edward 
Sprag  Do  by  tliese  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  and 
Deliver  from  me  my  heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  unto  ye  sd  Beniemen  carmen  to  him  his  heirs  ex- 
secetors and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  for  and 
in  consideration  of  thirty  Poiinds  CuiTent  mony  of  ys  Pro 
vince  Eeeeved  and  securd  to  l)e  paid  before  ye  Signeing 
hereof  Excepted  in  lull  satisfaction  hereof  and  Do  fenh-r 
warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  lawiull  athenticke  and  gooil  and 
in  confermation  or  in  testimou}-  of  ye  premises  I  have  here 
unto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  mv  sele  with  my  wife  mar\ 
november  ye  forth  day  in  ye  yeare  of  our  lord  1692 


iiH'iiioiiiiuliini  Ix'tuii'  si^uiiim-  all  vc  i*ie\  iltMlges  ur  iliglit 
belonj^iii^  to  ye  sd  uioyetic  on  ye  sd  neck(^ 

Sij^Mcd  si^'K'd  and  J  )(_'liv(jix'd  in  pix'sciu-f  of  us 

Samuell  IvAJNE];  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Clcr  Ejjward  X  Simiago  (Sj 

Mary  X  Sprago       (Sj 

This  Deed  Entered  l)y  mee 

.Joseph  Tei  tit  C'lercke 

Page  17. 

The  Last  will  and  testament  of  Ix'iiiciiicii  cariiicii  of 
henn)sted  this  l)cin^'  my  Last  will  and  testinient  1  heinj^ 
weaekly  of  l)ody' yet  haveinj^  my  scnces  and  nnd(Mstandin<i; 
I  Do  ill  ye  first  Place  coiinnit  niy  Sole  to  j^od  yt  j^ave  it 
mee  ami  my  body  to  a  deseut  bnriell  and  stu^ondly  it  is  my 
Desire  yt  all  my  -fust  and  Du  depts  should  be  })aid  onte  of 
my  Estate  thirdly  I  Do  give  unto  my  tow  sons  Benienien 
carmen  and  John  carmen  all  my  Lands  and  me(hh)\\s  in  yc 
bounds  of  liem])sted  and  whereas  it  hath  Pleased  god  t(» 
Deprive  my  Eldest  son  Beuiemen  carmen  of  his  Spe;ich 
and  hearing  it  is  m\  desire  yt  if  it  Pleas  god  to  give  my 
youngest  son  John  carmen  his  sences  Speacli  and  under- 
standing that  then  he  shall  tack  ye  care  and  charge  of  his 
Eldest  brother  and  what  he  hath  forthly  I  Do  give  unto  my 
eldest  Daghter  Sarah  Carman  one  cow  allst)  I  Do  give  unto 
my  Daghter  mary  one  Cow  allso  I  Do  give  unto  my  Daghter 
Diiuih  one  (low  and  fowr  hirifers  come  tow  yeare  old  allso  I 
Do  give  one  mare  to  my  three  daghters  before  mentioned  to 
be  Equally  devided  betwene  them  and  yt  these  creaturs  be- 
fV)re  mentioned  shall  be  put  oute  for  my  childrens  use  till 
they  come  of  agt^  tifthly  I  Do  give  to  my  Loveing  wife  De- 
liverance Carmen  all  my  nioveal)le  Estate  not  yet  men- 
tioned as  cattle  horses  sheepe  swine  houseall  goods   or  any 



Depts  yt  may  be  Du  to  mee  all  my  moiivable  Estate  as  be- 
fore s(l  I  say  I  Do  give  and  bequetli  it  all  to  my  afore  sd 
wife  Deliverance  Carmen  and  allso  yence  and  benetit  of  all 
my  Land  and  meddo  till  my  tow  sones  before  named  comes 
of  aj^e  tlien  ye  Land  and  meddo  to  Reterne  to  my  tow  sons 
affore  sd  sli'ee  tackeing  care  to  pay  all  my  Just  and  D;i 
Deptes  and  allso  to  bring  up  my  Children  decently  allso  I 
Do  macke  my  wife  Deliverance  Carmen  Exsecetrix  of  my 
hole  Estate  allso  I  Do  put  and  Constitute  my  tow  broth- 
ers John  Carmen  and  Calel)  carmen  overseers  to  tacke  ye 
care  and  charge  or  yt  which  Doth  be  Long  to  my  Children 
and  allso  to  see  yt  my  will  performed  in  all  Perticulers  and 

Page  18. 
in   coijfermation  hereof  I  have  set  to  my  hand   ye    L)   of 
Jcuewerv  KiUJ: 


Nathanell  Peksell 

he.ndkick  dusenberrh 

John  marvin 
mar  eke 

a  coppi  Entered  Dy  mee 

Bexiemen  X  Carmen 

JosEi'H  Pettit  Clercke 

att  a  generall  townc  meeting  held  in  hempstcd  uo\fiuljer 

ve  VS  l()V>!t  l)v  a  maior  votte  was  given  to  Daniel  theslen  ye 

vaquent    or    undevided  Laud  betwene  ye  feuse  of  henery 

Desenbuk    and    ye    Land    of    william  cornwell   to  him   his 

heirs  and  sucseser  })rovided  he  there  Settles  a  bleck  smith 

for  ye  use  of  ye  towne 

By  order 

Joseph  Pktiit  Cler 

the  Ear  marke  of  Joseph  Carman  is  a  slitt  in  the  top  of 
the  Bight  Ear  A'  a  latch  marke  on  the  uper  side  the  left 
Ear  and  a  slitt  Bight  down  the  same  a  little  below  the  uper 
end  of  the  latch 

Entered  a])rill  the  I'ith  1700 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

HEMrSTKAl)     TOWN    RECORDS.  139 

Tlio  Ear  IMarkc  of  ('aid)  Sciiiaii  is  a  cioii  on  tin;  near  or 
left  Ear  A'  a  nick  on  tlic  fore  side  of  ye  same  itt  beiiijf  the 
luurk  that  hcnjamin  fJiniiigs  hite  of  Heiupsted  gave  when 
Kosideiit  lierc 

Entered  -lune  the  Oth  1701) 

l>y  mee  Wjli.ia.m  A\'ii,lis  Claike 

The  Ear  niarke  yt  Jose])h  seam  .Junior  i;ives  is  a  slipt-  on 
the  uper  side  of  the  left  Ear  and  one  halfpeny  on  Each  side 
of  the  liiglit  Ear     Entered  June  the  (Jth     by  mee 

AViLLiAM  AN'iLiJs  Clarke 

Page  11). 

Be  it  Knowne  to  all  men  wliome  these  [)i-esenee  may 
conserne  yt  I  liiehard  Lattin  of  huntin  tovvne  on  Long  Is- 
land in  ye  Est  liiding  of  new  yoreke  shere  have  l)urgen(!d 
antl  sould  and  do  by  these  [)resene  maeke  oxcv  unto  .lolm 
Carmen  of  hem])ste(l  my  home  lott  in  ye  north  riding  of 
new  yoreke  shere  goineing  to  ye  sd  carmens  feld  forimnly 
thomas  forlers  lott  desesed  for  one  eow  now  in  hand  'Ke- 
seved  before  signeing  and  seling  hereof  with  all  Rights  ami 
titles  and  previlidges  yt  noAV  belougin  to  yv.  Premises  or 
Ever  here  after  shall  arise  to  have  and  to  hold  as  free  land 
his  to  despose  of  as  he  shall  see  cose  I  say  I  have  sold  ye 
for  mentioned  ])remises  from  mee  my  heirs  exsecetor  ad- 
ndnestraters  or  asigns  to  ye  afore  sd  John  Carmen  to  him 
his  lieirs  Exsecetors  administrators  or  asignes  and  I  ye 
afort!  sd  lattin  do  bend  mee  and  mine  to  nphould  ye  afore 
sd  premises  against  any  yt  shall  ley  any  Jest  Cleme  or  title 
there  unto  as  witnes  my  hand  and  sele  ye  12  of  march  anno 
1665"(i  and  in  ye  17tli  yeare  of  oiire  souvraigne  lord  C-harls 
ve  second  by  ye  grace  of  god  King  of  great  biiton  france 
and  Ireland  King  defender  of  ye  faith  King  Signed  Seled 
and  Delivered  in  presene  of  us 

Thomas  hicke  Clercke 

Jeremiah  Wood  Pk  iiaki)  lattin  iS) 

a  coppie  Entered  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 


Page  20. 

These  presence  Avituesetli  yt  I  Juliii  Carmen  heire  to  ye 
within  wri^hten  John  Carman  Do  asigne  and  set  over  from 
mee  and  my  heirs  to  ye  heires  and  asignes  of  my  Desesed 
brother  beniemen  carmen  all  my  Right  and  title  of  ys  Avithin 
wrighten  bill  of  sale  with  all  other  lands  and  meddows 
given  to  my  desesed  brother  by  my  fathers  Avill  except  a 
a  parsell  of  land  mentioned  at  South  in  ye  old  feld  on  hixes 
necke  all  other  Lands  meddows  Eights  and  preveledges 
mentioned  in  my  fathers  will  I  do  Eatitie  and  conferme 
from  mee  and  mine  to  ye  sd  heirs  to  them  and  theirs  heirs 
to  have  and  to  hold  f(jr  Evrr  as  witnes  my  hand  and  sele 
this  third  of  June  anno  1()'.)8 

Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 
JoyEPH  Pettit 

his  John  Carmex  (S) 

Beniamen  X  Carmen 
•  marck'e 

This  asignement  Entered  in  ye  Eecords  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

the  Earmark  of  John  Seaman  is  a  latch  mark  on  the  u})er 
side  of  the  Left  Ejir  and  a  lialf  ])env  under  the  same  Ear  A" 
a  Latch  marke  on  the  under  side  of  the  Right  Ear  Enter- 
ed the  first  day  of  aprill  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1710  by 

"William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  21. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  I  adras  vardare  of  ye 
citt}-  of  new  yorcke  Showmacker  Do  transport  and  sett  over 
from  mee  my  heirs  exsecetors  and  asignes  unto  thonuis 
higUani  of  hempsted  his  liaires  exsecetors  and  asignes  a 
sartaine  Lott  of  ground  lying  and  being  at  hempsted  next 
ye  lott  of  ground  of  ye  sd  Tho  highani  three  acors  l)eing  a 
part  of  same  Land  bought  by  ye  sd  Mr  adris  vanlaie  (^f 
Richard  gildersleeve  of  hempsted  and  yt  in   consideration 


of  a  valuable  Sumo  of  uiouy  alli(,Hly  before  ye  sij^iieiig  and 
seleing  thereof  In  band  Paide  I  have  sould  and  Do  by  tlx^se 
presence  trauseport  and  set  over  unto  ye  sd  thoinas  hi^'li.'ini 
his  heirs  exseceters  adniinistraters  and  asij^ns  to  have  and 
to  hould  ye  above  sd  thre  acors  of  land  for  Ever  Proniisein<^ 
to  Defend  ye  same  a^jjainst  any  one  yt  Lays  dame  upon  ye 
same  witnes  my  hand  and  sele  at  bedford  tlu^s  15  day  of 
aprill  1686  In  ye  Kings  County  Sij^ned  Sded  and  Deliv- 
ered in  presence  of  us 

•ye  marcke  X  of  ffiiank  A];1!omt 

AUDlilS VANljAltKE  (Sj 

KnoAv  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  I  ^riiomas  hiolilunn 
Avithin  writen  <lo  forndy  asigne  and  make  over  all  my  liiglit 
and  title  of  ys  within  writen  bill  of  sale  from  mce  my  heirs 
exsecetors  administrators  or  asignes  unto  Elies  Derlaiid  of 
ye  towne  and  coiinty  within  writen  to  him  his  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  as  his 
owne  pro})er  Kight  for  Ever  withoute  molestation  and  to  ye 
confermation  here  of  I  have  set  to  my  liand  march  this  'JS 


Joseph  Pettit  Tier  Thomas  higham 

John  tredwell 

a  coy)pi  compared  by  mee 

JosEJ'ii  Pk'ITT'I'  (der 
Page  22. 

Know  .all  men  to  home  these  presence  may  concerne  yt  I 
Peter  Johnsen  Scoll  Inliabitant  in  ye  bonds  of  hempsted 
on  Long  Island  and  coUiny  of  new  yorcke  shere  for  severall 
considerations  have  sold  unt  Elias  Derland  of  hempsted 
and  Long  Island  and  Collyny  of  yorcdce  I  say  I  have  sould 
my  house  and  home  lott  with  all  })ertinances  and  Privi- 
ledges  belonging  there  unto  standing  in  ye  towne  of  hem]i- 
sted  and  boundening  with  ye  swani])  on  ye  soi;th  sid  and 
with  ye  comons  highway  on  ye  north  sid     I  say  I  ve  sd 



Peter  Jolmsoii  scoll  have  sold  Eiifefed  asigned  and  mad 
over  fr<^in  mee  my  lieirs  Exsecetors  administrators  or  asigns 
ai)d  here  by  I  Do  fully  sell  Bargin  Eiifefe  alinate  and  macke 
over  unto  ye  afore  sd  Elias  Derland  to  hiui  his  heires  ex- 
secetors administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  and 
quietly  to  ])oses  and  Euioy  with  all  Eightes  and  Priviledges 
there  unto  l)elonging  and  I  ye  sd  Peter  Johnson  Do  by  these 
presence  bind  and  oblidge  my  selfe  my  heires  exsecetors 
adujiuistrators  an  asignes  ys  my  sale  to  be  good  and  lawfull 
against  all  maner  of  persons  or  persons  yt  shall  or  may 
Lay  any  chims  unto  ye  sd  premeses  from  all  Dowrys  Depts 
morgadges  whater  and  I  ye  sd  Peter  Do  here  by  owne  to 
have  Eeseved  valuable  consideration  in  hand  yt  is  to  say  a 
bill  of  Dept  which  recept  in  full  satisfaction  for  ye  same 
and  for  ye  ferder  performance  of  ye  afore  sd  premises  I  Do 
before  these  witnesses  agree  and  sett  to  my  hand  and  sele 
on  ye  twenty  fourth  day  of  noveml)er  and  yeare  of  oure 
lord  one  thcmsand  six  hundred  seventy  and  Efdght 

Signed  Seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us 


John  ALLDERDICE  (This  iiame  iiu.eiruin). 
ADAM   MO'J"  CE  (Tliisceors.Miiufitain). 

a  co|)pie  Compared  by  mee 

JosERH  Pettit  Cler 
Abram  C'oovertt  his  Ear  marke  is  a  cro])  off  of  the  top 
of  the   left  Ear  and  two    nicks   on   the   under  side  of  the 
liight  Eai'  A-  one  nick  on  the  u])er  side  of  the  Itight  Ear 
Entered  this  'iOth  Day  of   November  1710  by  nun' 

A^'ILLIAM  Willis  Clarke 

PacxE  23. 
ajnill  ye  25  -  m.)H 

Whereas  at  ye  same  time  Samuell  ])enton  Xathanell 
Persall  and  Joseph  Pettit  was  chosoji  to  macke  a  Devition 


of  some  meddo  at  ye  South  inctldows  on  yv.  mill  liivev 
ueckt^  wliicli  was  <i;iveii  to  williaiii  tlioiiK^  and  Richard 
osbonie  Eqiiall  ])et\veiie  them  by  heiiery  Linintoii  Desesed 
at  ye  same  time  KSoleman  Semen  Did  iii<i;ad^('  for  him  selfe 
his  lieires  and  asignes  yt  those  yt  Poses  y(]  sd  nM'(hh)  from 
time  to  time  and  ye  me(hlo  «jjiven  to  Jolm  hnl)s  shall  have 
Lil)erty  to  hrinii;  oiite  theirt^  hay  oyer  his  Lot  Provich'd 
they  do  ^"o  ov(M-  Ins  med(h)  in  ye  most  convenient  phice  foi' 
a  hij^liway  and  to  ys  above  wright  alowance  I  ye  above  sd 
S()h)man  semen  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  rt^seved 
ye  Day  aboyP*  wri^littMi     Do  Si^^iie  as  my  act  and  Deed 

Testated  by  ns  his 

JosErH  Pettit  Sol. amen  X  Semen 

his  ma)cke 

Samuell  X  Denton 

Nathanell  Persall 

u  copi  of  ye  oriti;enall  Entc^rtMl  by  mee 

Joseph  Pf/i'iti'  ("hir 

Page  24. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  whome  these  Presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  (Ireeting  Know  ye  yt  1  Wil- 
liam Thorne  of  madnans  necke  in  ye  l)onnds  of  hempsted 
on  Lon<^-  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens  Countj  in  ye  Pro- 
vince of  new  yorcke  Do  By  these  presence  giye  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  alinate  lleles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  heirs  exsece- 
tors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Samuell  Denton  sener 
of  ye  towne  County  Island  and  Province  aiore  sd  to  him 
his  heiris  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  snrtaine 
]iarsell  of  meddo  ground  fresh  and  salt  Lying  and  being 
situate  at  ye  South  meddows  on  a  necke  called  ye  mill  River 
necke  within  ye  Pattent  of  henq^sted  In  t|uantity  of  acors 
as  was  given  mee  by  my  Desesed  father  in  Law  henery 
Lininton  or  as  shall  be  found  within  ye  bounds  following  yt 
is  bounded  north  by  a  stacke  standing  upon  ye  banck  of  a 


(licli  })\  ji  spring  and  Est  bj  ye  mecldo  of  John  Inibs  De- 
sesed  and  west  by  ye  nieddo  of  Eicliard  Osborne  and  soiTtli 
by  hog  Island  Crieke  all  Avliicli  meddo  gronnd  aboye  bound- 
ed in  quantity  of  aeors  as  shall  apeare  within  ye  aboye 
bonnds  with  all  Rights  titles  preyeledges  and  apnrtinances 
thereunto  belonging  to  ye  same  or  any  part  or  parcell  there- 
of I  ye  sd  william  thorne  Jnnor  Avith  my  wife  caterne  «lo  by 
these  presence  giye  grant  hargiu  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  De- 

Page  25. 

liver  from  ns  onr  heirs  exsecetors  administra1^)rs  and  asigns 
nnto  ye  sd  samnell  Denton  senor  to  him  his  heires  exsece- 
tors administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  honld  and 
qnietly  to  poses  or  Enioy  from  us  or  any  from  by  or  under 
us  oure  heires  and  asignes  or  from  any  pers(^n  or  persons 
yt  shall  macke  any  Just  dame  thereunto  yt  is  I  Do  warrant 
ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  free  from 
any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  Incomberance  what  eyer 
and  of  ye  sd  william  thorne  Do  for  my  selfe  my  heirs  and 
sucsesors  to  do  any  ferder  thinge  for  so  sure  macking  and 
ferme  binding  ye  sd  meddo  ground  and  ]»remises  with 
Eyery  Part  and  Parsell  there  of  for  and  in  consideration  of 
twenty  three  pounds  corrant  siher  mony  of  ye  goyernment 
Reseyed  and  a('se])ted  in  full  satisfaction  liefore  ye  signing 
hereof  and  in  Testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  Avith  mv 
wife  Caterne  set  to  oure  hands  and  fixed  oure  seles  Septem- 
ber ye  tenth  Day  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand 
six  hundred  ninty  and  Eaiglit 

signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettit  william  X  'riioitxR  (H) 

his  marcke 

John  X  Leninton  her 

marcke  Caterne  X  thorxe  (S) 

John  Smith  marcke 

a  Copie  of  ye  origenell     Entered  by  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

HEMl'S'l'EAl)    TOWN    KF.COliDS.  14") 

Page  26. 

Sejittmibci'  y<'  tciitli  Kills  'I'licr  .-ipeered  l)of(>i'e  nice  u  il- 
liiiiii  mill  catci'iic  tlioriie  and  ackiiow  I(m1j^(m1  ys  Deed  to  lie 
theire  owiu'  act  ami   Deed 

JoTTX  Smith 

Jnstis  of  ye  Peace 

alt  a  to\vm>  meeting'  held  in  lienijtsted  nov  mlier  ve  27 
1()!)1)  it  WHS  voted  and  couchided  by  ;i  nntio)-  vot<!  vt  Jnstis 
Sniitli  Tsack  Smith  John  Pinc^  John  tJt'oster  and  williani 
Willis  shall  heare  ve  a(:(>unn)ts  of  those  vt  demand  moiiv 
of  ye  towiie  Conserninji;  ye  try  all  alxtute  lioekaAvav  and 
macke  Returne  to  ye  towiie  for  theire  api()l)ation  iu  vt 

By  order  Joseph  Pettit  (Jl 

Sanmell  Lanu;(h)n  his  Ear  marke  is  a  holt;  in  th(i  Piiglit 
Ear  A'  a  latch  on  the  under  side  of  the  left  Ear  Entered 
the  20th  Day  of  November  1710 

pr  AViLLiAM  Wu.iJs  Clarke 

Henry  Seamans  his  Ear  marke  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side 
of  the  left  Ear  and  a  halfj)eny  under  itt  and  a  slitt  DoAvn 
the  Right  Eare  A'  a  nick  under  itt  Entered  the  2()th  Day 
of  novemhr  1710 

pr     William  A\'illis  Clarke 

John  beadle  Ju  his  Ear  marke  is  a  half  pt^iy  on  the 
uper  side  of  the  Right  Ear  and  a  half[)eny  and  a  nick 
under  the  left  Ear 

Entered  the  20th  Day  of  novembr  1710 

pr     William  AVillis  Clarke 

Page  27. 

•  To  all  Christian  People  to  wliome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  David 
Jecockes  of  hemi)sted  on  Long  Island  ales  nassaw  in  cpieus 
County  iu  ye  Province  of  New  jorcke  Do  by  these  presence 


ijive  ^raiit  l);ii<fiii  sell  aliiiate  Reles  aud  Deliver  from  uk  e 
my  lieires  exsecetors  and  asigus  iiuto  abrabam  Smith  of  ye 
towiie  C'oiiiitv  IsLiud  and  Province  afore  sd  to  liini  his 
heires  exsecetors  administrators  aud  asignes  a  sartaine  par- 
eell  of  meddo  dii  Rainers  iieeke  vt  is  as  followeth  when 
Eaiglit  acors  of  meddo  is  tackeii  of  a  nineteeue  acor  Loott 
on  v(^  East  side  ve  sd  Lott  agoiueiug  to  ve  mechlo  of  which 
Pioportionally  with  ye  foreteeue  acors  EenmininiJi;  then  ye 
sd  ahraham  Smith  to  have  tive  acors  of  meddo  ye  bought 
of  ye  foreteeue  acors  from  ye  frout  stacke  soiithward  to 
niacke  ye  said  tive  acors  with  ye  Eight  of  growing  or  up- 
land beh>nging  to  ye  sd  tive  acors  i)roportionable  on  ye  sd 
necke  which  med(h)  and  Eights  afore  sd  I  ye  David  .T(-- 
cockes  Do  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate 
Eeles  and  Deliver  finni  mee  my  heires  and  asignes  unto  \o 
sd  abraham  Smith  to  him  his  heires  and  asignes  to  lia\f 
and  to  h(nild  for  Ever  and  Do  warraut  ys  my  sale  to  be 
good  and  atheuticke  iu  Law  free  from  any  sale  Lett  mor- 
gadge  or  incond)erauce  what  Ever  for  and  in  consideration 
of  other  meddo  Laud  Eeseved  in  full  satisfaction  Eeseved 
and  in  testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and 
sele  aprill  ye  o  1697 

Sigued  Seled  aud  Delivereil  his 

iu  Presence  of  us  David  X  Jecockes  (S) 


Joseph  Pettit 
ad  Mott 

a  Copy  of  ye  (uigenall     Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  28. 

at  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  iu  hempsted  Xovend»er 
ye  22  1698  by  ye  maior  vote  of  ye  towne  was  chosen  niaior 
Jackson  Justis  Smith  Joseph  Smith  aud  Xathauell  Persall 
to  tacke  care  to  get  ye  Lines  Euu  betwene  oure  towne  aud 
ve  towns  on  Each  side  of  us  trulv  bv  (jr  acordiu  -^  to  uurdies 


and  Pattoiit  and  any  tlir<'(>  men  of  ye  fowio  liavc  Liberty  to 
act  us  al'oicsd  iind  ye  townc  to  [)ay  ye  hole  C'liarge 
i}\   ofdcr 

Joseph  ri:i'i  i  r  ("lar 

Benjamin  Halsteed  liis  K;iv  inarke  is  a  slitt  Down  tlu;  tcjp 
of  the  Left  Ear  and  a  Half|)eiiny  nmh'i'  the  itight  Ear  En- 
tered this  Eleventii  day  of  April!  171(1      liy  mee 

W'jl.l.lA.M  Claike 

this  above-sd  ear  niarck  of  beinanien  Halseads  is  null 
and  void  by  his  own  order      witiies 

TllO  (rll.DKIiSLKKVE  Chirck 

Nathaniell  Scniniaii  -Inner  His  Ear  Marke  is  a  Swallow 
I'orke  on  the  Toj)  of  the  Piij^ht  Ear  and  a  hallfpeiiy  under 
the  same  and  a  Latch  marke  on  the  nper  side  oljr'tlu'  left 
l^ai-  Entered  this  lOth  day  of  the  4th  month  Jnne  171U 
by  mee 

AVii,i,[a:\[  AVri;Lis  Clarke 

Jacob  Hicks  his  Ear  marke  is  a  swaHow  forke  on  the  top 
of  the  Ki-ht  Ear  A'  a  slitt  Down  the  left  Ear 
Entered  this  2()th  day  of  •)  br  1710 

})r  William  Wii,lis  Chirke 

Jose])h  buitice  liis  Ear  marke  is  A  flour  Deluce  on  the 
to|)  of  the  Left  Ear     Keconled  ye  20th  (hiy  of  0  br  1710 

pi'  William  Willis  Clarke 
Page  29. 

Nathanil  okley  his  eyear  nnaxdv  is  a  latcdi  one  ye  under 
sid  ye  rij:;ht  eyear  and  a  halpeny  one  ye  fore  sid  the  lef 

entertnl  by  mee  ye  8  day  of  may  170() 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


John  Mott  .Tuner  his  eyear  inarek  is  a  half  peny  uii(Ter 
tlie  ri<^ht  eiear  and  one,  nick  the  fore  sid  of  the  same: 
entered  the  8  (hay  of  may  in  ye  year  1701)     by  mee 

Tho  (tildeksleeve  Chirc-k 

John  Lano;(h)n  his  eyear  march  is  a  liol  in  the  ri^ht  eyear 
and  a  half  peiiv  one  the  nnder  sid  the  left  eyear  wliieh  was 
his  f  ithers  evear  marek     Entered  the  4  day  of  Jun  17()() 

1)\  mee     Tho  Gtldersleeve  Clarck 

Thomas  Carel  his  eyear  march  is  a  hoi  in  the  ri^ht  eyear 
entered  Juen  the  4  day  17U()     hy  mee 

Tho  Gtldersleeve  Clarck 

Dauiell  pine  his  Ear  Marke  is  a  swallow  forke  on  the 
Left  Ear  cV:  a  Latch  on  the  uper  side  of  the  Kight  Ear 
Entered  the  11th  of  August  1709 

by  mee     AVilll\m  Willis  Chirke 

Daniell  smith  his  Ear  Marke  is  a  half  ])eny  on  Eacli  side 
of  the  left  ear     Entered  the  I'ith  day  of  November  1701) 

pr  mee 

"\ViLLL\M  Willis  Clarke 

PaPxE  30. 

This  Indenture  made  the  twenty  Second  Day  of  Disem- 
ber  the  year  of  cure  Lord  God  one  thousand  Six  luindred 
ninety  Eaight  and  in  ye  tenth  yeare  of  oure  Diead  Sover- 
agne  Lord  william  ye  third  by  ye  Grace  of  god  of  Ingland 
Scotland  france  and  L'land  King  Defender  of  ye  faith  wit- 
neseth  yt  I  Richard  thorne  now  Dwelling  on  madnans 
necke  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  quens  county  on  ye 
Island  nassaw^  in  je  Province  of  neAv  yorcke  in  america  for 
Divers  good  Causes  and  considerations  mee  moveing  there 
to  but  Esspetially  for  and  in  consideration  of  a  valuHl)]e 
Sume  in  hand  Paid  before  ve  siiJjninjj;  and  seleintr  herof 
where  with  ye  sd  Richard  thorne  Doth  fully  acknowledge 
mv  selfe  contented  and  Paid  hath  by  these  Presence  <rranted 

HEMrSTEAD    TOWN    llECORDS,  149 

bar^^iiied  sould  ami  aliiiated  and  Do  bv  tliese  presenco 
(rraiit  l)argiii  sell  and  confenne  unto  henery  alien  of  ye 
same  Place  and  county  afore  sd  all  iny  Lands  and  liouseing 
lying  upon  ye  Last  Devition  of  ye  necke  afoie  sd  with  ye 
oi'cliai'ds  fences  marshes  meddows  with  ye  full  llight  of 
commons  Preveledges  prevelidges  and  ;ipertinances  there 
to  belonging  now  or  Ever  here  after  shall  any  wise  belong 
or  apertaine  bounded  by  ye  south  with  Robert  hubs  sener 
liuning  acording  to  Corde  west  south  three  Points  which 
Lott  1  ye  sd  Richard  thorne  bought  of  Josias  Hallitt  ye  sd 
Land  Buting  Estward  to  ye  crick  and  westward  to  mathew 
gar  lets  Bay  which  sd  Parcell  of  Land  afore  sd  I  ye  afore 
sd  Richard  Thorne  for  niee  my  heirs  exsecetors  administra- 
tors and  asignes  have  sould  ye  sd  lott  of  Land  with  ye 
Previlegges  and  apertinances  as  afore  sd  unto  henery  alien 

Page  31. 

his  hairs  and  asignes  iov  Ever  To  have  and  to  hould  ye 
sd  Lotment  of  Land  with  all  ye  afore  mentioned  premises 
from  me  ye  sd  Richard  thorne  my  heirs  exsecetors  admin- 
istrators and  asignes  unto  him  ye  sd  henery  allin  his 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  with  quiet 
Posession  Pesably  to  Inioy  with  onte  Lett  hindrerance  or 
molestation  from  me  ye  sd  Richard  Thorne  or  iiny  other  by 
from  or  under  nu'  and  I  Richard  Thorne  for  mee  my  hairs 
and  asigns  Doe  Promise  Covenant  and  grant  yt  at  ye 
time  of  .sale  and  Delivery  hereof  I  Richard  thorne  was 
ye  sole  and  Lawfull  of  all  and  Every  Part  of  ye 
l)remises  above  sd  and  allsoe  I  Richard  thorne  my  haires 
and  asignes  Do  agust  and  Discharg  ye  sd  Loot  of  Land 
with  all  ye  Premises  to  l)e  full  and  absolutely  cleare  and 
Discharged  from  all  maner  of  Licomberances  of  Judgments 
tines  gifts  grants  morgadges  Dowry  Joynters  or  intangle- 
ments  by  from  or  under  mee  my  asigns  or  consent  or  pro- 
curement and  I  Richard  Thorne  Do  for  mee  my  heirs  and 
asignes  fully  clerely  and  absolutely  warrantiz  and  Defend 


this  iny  sale  to  l)e  good  and  atlientit-ke  in  Law  from  all 
other  elams  what  so  ever  Directly  or  Indirectly  as  witues 
niv  hand  and  sele  ve  Dav  and  veare  above  wriyjhteu 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  memorandum  before  sign- 
In  presence  of  ing  and  seling  hereof  ye 
Nathanell  FFosTEl!  Avoods  bought  of  Josias  hallitt 
Joseph  Sutton  mistook  in  ye  IH  Line  being 
J(.>HN  Kessam                          Last  bought  and  sold  from  John 

Cassam  Latty  to  ye  sd  Richard 

thorne  afore  sd 

Richard  X  Thorne  (S) 

Jenewary  ye  9  1698  then  apeared  Richard  Thorne  and 
owned  this  Deed  of  sale  to  he  his  free  and  vollintary  act 
and  Deed  before  mee 

John  Tredavell    Justis  of  ye  pece 

This  Deed  and  acknowledgment  Entered  in  ye  Towne 
Records  by  mee 

Joseph  Petttt  Clercke 

Page  32. 

This  agreement  made  upon  the  seventh  day  of  marcli  in 
ye  yeare  .sixtene  hundred  Eighty  six  or  Eaighty  seven  wit- 
neseth  a  full  ferme  agrement  betweue  us  Jeremiah  wood 
Joseph  wood  and  Jonas  wood  Brethren  all  of  us  ve  sons  of 
Jeremiah  wood  Lately  Desesed  that  whereas  oure  fathe'i-  in 
his  Last  will  and  te.stament  hath  not  mentioned  severall 
perticulers  as  to  Lands  and  comminage  in  ye  presinckes  of  ve 
towne  of  hempsted  wee  for  Love  and  Peece  ])resent  and 
future  Do  unanlmosely  agree  to  part  and  Devide  yt  same 
amongst  us  as  followeth  as  allso  what  oure  Estate  or  ......ds 


are  unineiitioiied  in  yv  suide  will  wee  have  agreed  to  Devide 
as  followeth  lm[)riiueis  wee  a<^ree  yt  ye  Lett  of  ineddo  yt 
w,is  oure  f;itlit^rs  Lyiu^  at  ye  Elst  ineddo  shall  l)eo  holly 
onre  hrothnr  Jeremias  Item  a  fifty  acor  Lott  yt  wa-i  oure 
fathers  and  Lyeth  at  nierriek  necke  ye  one  halfe  of  it  to  ho 
and  ])elon<f  to  onre  brother  Jos<^j)h  wood  as  his  owne  proper 
Kij^ht  and  ye  other  halfe  of  it  to  he  and  belong  to  oure 
brother  flonas  wood  as  his  owin^  proper  llight  allso  a  peace 
of  Laud  Lving  westward  of  Jonas  wtxxls  house  which  is 
i?U'lose(l  for  a  ealfe  j)aster  wee  Do  agree  it  shall  be  E(pially 
J)evided  betwene  all  three  of  us  Jeremiah  wood  to  have  his 
p;irt  of  it  to  be  aioying  to  his  owne  meddo  and  Jonas  wood 
to  have  his  ))art  to  Ly  next  aioyning  to  his  house  Est  ward 
and  ye  notlierniost  ])art  of  it  to  belong  to  Joseph  wood 
allso  it  is  agred  that  Jose[)h  Miid  Jonas  wood  shall  ])astere 
tlieire  horses  in  ye  saide  pasture  S:  Leave  a  sufhtent  eart 
way  for  tlieire  l)r()tlier  Jeremi  by  a  pare  of  good  Bars 
to  pas  and  Kepas  to  his  me  Ido  at  all  times  and  it  is 
furder  agreed  yt  all  ye  Right  of  c(nnmons  belonging  to 
oure  father  in  ye  bounds  of  henipsted  ye  Previlidges  thereof 
shall  belong  to  us  all  three  Equally  and  alieke  Item  as  con- 
cerning'what  Estate  or  goods  is  not  mentioned  in  oure  fa- 
thers will  wee  Do  all  agree  yt  onre  brother  Jeremiah  shall 
have  ye  ont^  halfe  of  ye  same  as  his  ]nut  being  oure  Elder 
Brother  and  ye  other  halfe  thereof  shall   bee  Etpiall}-  Devi- 

Page  H'S. 

ded  betwene  Joseph  and  Jonas  wocrl  tinally  wee  Do  unan- 
imosly  agree  yt  what  oure  right  of  Land  or  commonages 
allso  as  ye  tow  ox[)asters  and  ye  liight  of  oure  father  at 
cow  necke  or  any  other  rights  or  commons  in  ye  towne  of 
henipsted  shall  one  halfe  of  them  l)e  and  belong  to  oure 
brother  Jeremi  and  his  hairs  for  Ever  and  ye  other  halfe  to 
belong  and  l)e  Joseph  and  Jonas  in  and  Equall  Devided 
betwene  us  to  be  to  oure  hairs  for  Ever  as  allso  all  oure 
shares  mutally  in  ye  afore  mentioned  particulars  to  be 
oure  owne  and  oure  hairs  for  Ever  in   witnes    to   ys   full 



agieenieut   wee  have  all  three  Brothers  set  to  oure   hands 
and    seles     sett   ye   Dav   and   yeare  above  wrighten 
In  Presence  of  Jekemiah  \vood  (S) 

Jeremiah  hobaut  his 


Jonas  \yo()D         (S) 
A  Coppie  of  ye  origenall     Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 
James  pine  Ju  His  Ear  inarke  is  a  slitt  down  the  Left 
Ear  A'  two  nicks  on  the  under  side  of  the  Pdght  Ear     Ke- 
corded   the  teuth   day  of  Man-h  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
1710-11  by  mee 

William  "Willis  Clarke 
Page  84. 
AN'illiam  totten  his  Eare  marcke  Is  a  slit  in  ye  top  of  ye 
otl  Eare  and  a  Latch  under  ye  neare  Eare     Entered  In  ye 
Records  november  ye  10  l(il)9 

by  luee         Joseph  Pettit  Cler 
Thomas  Hpragg  his   Eare   marcke   Is  a   Crop   on  ye   otF 
Eare  and  a  half  peni  on  ye  fore  sd  or  uper  side  the  neare 
Entered  in  ye  Records  uovetnber  \  e  10  KI'J'J 

By  mee         Joseph  Petiit  Cler 
Henry  Willis  Junier  his  Ear  mark   is  a   Swadow   fork  on 
the  top  of  Each  Ear  t\:  a  half  peny  under  the  Right  Ear 
Entered  the  12  day  of  9th  ber  1709 

l)r     William  Willis  Clark 
John  WilHs  Ids  Ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  o.i  the  top  of 
the  Right  ear  and  a  half  peny  uuder  Each  Ear    ent.rcd  the 
12  day  of  the  ninth  month  1701) 

pr     AViLLiAM  Willis  dark 
Jacob  Willis  his  Ear  mark  is  a  Swallow  fork  on  the  top 
of  the  Right  ear  S:  a  half  peny  under  ye  same  A-  a  half  peny 
on  the  uper  side  of  the  left  ear  A'  a  nick  uuder  the  left   Ear 
entered  the  12  day  (;f  the  ninth  month  1709 

pr  William  Willis  Clarke 

HEMFiSTEAlJ    TOAYN    ];K('()];J)S.  153 

Joliii  SoutliMvd  -In  his  Eur  mavk  is  a  H()\v(M"  dv  luct;  on  \ho 

top  of  Each    Ear     Entered  this   Ifjth  ilav   of  June  in   tlu^ 

year  of  our  Lord  1710 

by  niee     WiLLiAM  WiLLls  CUrke. 

Jo.s(^{)h  Soutliaj'd  his  Eur  niarke  is  a  Howr  cU'  hiee  on  the 
top  of  the  Hij^ht  Ear  and  a  hitch  on  the  uper  side  of  je 
Left  Ear 

Entered  this  15th  (hiy  of  J;ine  in  thtj  year  of  our  Jjoid 

by  liiee  W'lLLIAM  WiLLIS  Chirke 

Pa(IE  35. 

This  \vrightin<>  witiieseth  yt  I  Jeremiah  wood  of  heinp- 
sted  on  Long  Island  alias  uassaw  in  cjuens  county  for  divers 
considerations  niee  there  unto  nioveing  but  more  Espetiall 
for  twenty  shillins  ])\  me  all  redy  Reseved  1  have  given 
granted  asig]ied  set  over  Kelesed  and  Delivered  from  mee 
my  heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  my 
brother  Jonas  ^vood  now  Liveing  in  Est  Jersy  to  hiui  his 
heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  severall  Pai- 
sells  of  meddo  and  land  with  a  house  and  l)arne  fences  and 
orchard  all  that  Part  of  my  father  Jeremi  woods  plantatioji 
yd  he  was  plesed  in  his  will  bearing  date  l(iJS-l  to  give  to 
my  brother  Jonas  wood  I  say  I  have  given  (xranted  asigned 
set  over  Kelesed  and  Delivered  all  ye  afore  mentioned 
Lands  with  houseinti  fences  an  orchard  as  afore  sd  from 
niee  my  heires  exsecetors  administrators  and  ;isignes  unto 
my  afore  sd  brother  Jonas  wood  to  him  his  heirs  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asigns  to  have  and  to  liould  for  Ever  as 
his  or  theire  owne  free  Land  of  inheritance  and  in  confer- 
mation  lusreof  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  sele  this  4  of 
October  in  ye  yeare  l()i)S 

Signed  Seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us  Jkkkjiiah  wood  (^>S) 

Nathanell  Peksall 

Jonathan  Smith 

gokg  hulit 


the  Ear  niarkf  of  Kicliaid  Towuseiid  is  a  Latch  on  the 
f(.ic  sidr  (.f  ye  left  Ear  A'  a  slitt  down  the  Ear  l)ehiii(l  the 
latch  and  a  half  pciiy  on  the  fore  side  of  the  Ri^ht  Ear 
Entered  this  IGth  day  of  June  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1710 

by  mee  WiLLiAxH  WiLLls  Chirke 

Page  3H. 

Know  all  men  l)y  these  ])resence  yt  I  Jonas  wood  of  Est 
new  Jersv  in  Elizabeth  towne  in  ye  County  of  esexs  have 
made  and  set  over  all  my  Ei<j;ht  and  intres  unto  this  withen 
wri«;ht  agrement  from  mee  my  heirs  and  asignes  unto  Jon- 
then  Smith  Juner  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  (piejis 
County  to  him  his  heirs  and  asigues  that  for  Ever  if  there 
he  an\-  words  wanting  iii  ys  asignement  yt  might  ad 
strenght  to  it  in  Law  they  shall  l)e  as  tho  thay  were  liei-e 
Wright  where  unto  1  have  set  to  my  hand  and  sele  witnes 
oitchi"  ye  5  anno  1()U8 

John  Jackson 

(tokg  Hii.iT  Jonas  w(H)n  (S) 

Jonas  wood  apeered  l)efore  mee  one  of   his  maiestes  Jus- 

teses  of  ye  ])eac  for  (piens  county  and  ownd  this  agreement 

to  he  his  act  and  (h;ed     October  ye  fifth  lODH  as  witnt^s  my 


John  Jackson 

hempsted  noveinber  ye  2'2  IH'.tS     Jeremiah  wood  a])e(^red 

before  mee  John  Jackson  one  of  his   maiestes  Justes  of  ye 

pece    for  cpiens    County    and    owiid    this    within    wrighten 

agrement  to  be  his  owe  vollentery  act  and  Deed  as   witnes 

my  liand 

John  Ja(  kson 

The  within  wrighten  agrenunit  asignenuMit  and  acknowl- 
edgements all  Entered  by  mee 

JosKi'H  Pktti'I'  Chu'cke 

the  Ear  nuirke  of  Elizal)eth  Smith  is  a  Latch  on  tlie  foiv 
side  of  the  Left  Ear  A-  a  slitt  Down  the  sanu'  Ear  behind 
the  Latch 


Eiitfi'tMl  tills  l(»lli   Dav  of  June   in    tlic   ycai'   of   our    Lofd 


1)V  iii(!e  \\  IM.IA.M  W'  ("larkc 

TACiK  '.M. 

att  a  j^ciiciall  tow  iin 

inoetiii<ji;  held  in  li('iii|)st(nl  aprill  ve  1  Id!)'.)      wee   vc   iiilial>i- 

tonts  of  liriiijistctl   Do  a<4i'('«^  by  have  oiiic  Patti^nts  and  I'ui- 

(diases  c-oufeniuMl  acoidiiig  io  uuie  aiiicieiit  luarcked  boniid.s 

to  ye  freeholders  and  inhuhiteuts  of  henipsted  acordiiij:;  to 

Eaeh  mails  Pro])ertio]i 

By  order. of  ye  towiie 

.losKi'ii  PKTirr  (1a r 

att  yv   af<,)j'e    sd    towiie   ineetiji^   Bicliard    townseiid    was 

chosen  coiistahk' 

at  yv  same  time  -lonatlieii    Smith  se  was   cliosen   Colrctor 
att    ye  same   time   .loliu   Serin^'  and   \\illiaiii    \\  illis   was 

chosen  assessors 

at  ye  same  time  Joseph  Pettit  was  chosen  clercke 

at  ye  same   time  Nathaiiell  Persall  was  i-hoseii   Suiiervi- 

]>y  order         JosKi'H  PET'rrr  dar 

.Jeiemiah  Post  his  Eare  marcke  is  one  half  |teni  on  ye 
iiper  side  ye  of  Eaie  ;ind  a  Slit  in  ye  End  of  ye  neare  Eare 

Entered  may  ye  '20  1700 

Entered  l)y  mee         Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

The  Ear  niarke  of  peter  Smith  is  a  slitt  do\\n  tlie  Eight 
Ear  A-  two  nicks  under  the  Left  Ear  Entered  this  tift  day 
of  fe])ruary  1710    U      hy  WiLLlAM  Clarke 

Paoe  HS. 

To  all  C'hristicii  Peo[il<'  to  whome  th(^se  prestMicc^  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  yee  yt  1  thonias 
Irian  1  of  liein})ste  1  o:i  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  (punis 
coimty  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  jii'csence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  ;dia  ite  Kjlds  and    DelivtU'  fro.u   mee 


my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asigues  unto  Beiiie- 
nieii  Bertsell  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  province  afore 
sd  to  him  his  liaii'S  exsecetor  administrators  and  asigns  a 
sartaine  acomidations  Lying  and  being  situate  in  ye  bounds 
of  hempsted  afore  sd  at  a  place  called  Irlands  meddo  yt  is 
mv  now  Dwelling  house  with  oute  houseing  orchard  garden 
fenceing  building  and  all  ajjertinances  on  ye  Land  and 
meddo  bounded  as  followeth  yt  is  north  by  ye  land  of  ye 
sd  Ijeniemen  bertsell  west  by  ye  bruslii  plains  south  by  ye 
Land  of  ye  sd  benienien  V)ertsell  and  Est  l)y  ye  now  stand- 
ing fence  all  which  Land  and  meddo  as  above  bounded  in 
([uantity  of  acors  as  may  apeare  Avith  Every  Part  and  Par- 
sell  there  of  and  ye  premises  as  above  sd  I  ye  sd  thorn  as 
Irland  Do  l)y  these  ])resence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate 
Keles  and  Deliver  from  me  my  heirs  and  asignes  unto  ye 
sd  beniemen  bertsell  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  together 
with  one  cpiarter  part  of  my  Pattent  Right  in  ye  bounds  of 
henq)sted  as  alls(j  twenty  five  acors  of  Land  Lying  Estward 
of  ye  sd  Place  on  ye  notheren  side  the  Little  meddo  so 
called  and  Runing  Ijy  the  meddo  and  fowre  acors  of  ye  sd 

Page  89. 

twenty  live  Lying  at  ye  Lower  part  of  ye  sd  Little  meddo 
ayoining  to  ye  above  twenty  one  acors  bounded  on  Every 
Part  as  apers  by  marcked  trees  as  was  formerly  surveyed 
by  Richard  gildersleeve  Desesed  all  wich  Laud  meildo 
houseing  fenceing  and  apertinances  and  Premises  aforsd 
with  the  tinil)er  trees  Lying  or  standing  there  on  ye  Land 
and  meddo  with  Every  part  and  parsell  there  of  as  al)ove 
sd  with  ye  Premises  I  the  sd  thomas  Irland  with  my  wife 
Mary  Do  by  these  piesence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate 
Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  heirs  and  asigns  unttj  ye  sd 
beniemen  bertsell  to  him  liis  heirs  aud  asigns  to  liavt?  and 
to  liould  for  Ever  and  Doe  ferder  warrent  ys  uiy  sale  to  be 
lawfull  athenticke  and  good  in  Law. free  from  aii\  former 
sale  let  niorgadge  or  incond)erance  what  Ever  for  ami  in 
consideration  of  other  land  aud  Premises  Reseived  in  full 


satisfaction  before  ye  sigiieiuL;-  liei(i  of  and  in  testimony  of 

ye  Premises  we  have  set  to  onre  hands  and  tix<Ml  onre  seh^s 

febery  ye  twentj'eth  Day  in  V(^  jearc  of  ouic;  Lord  ainio 

Domini  lOUS 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  Presence  of  us  Thomas  Iiiland  (Si 

Joseph  Pettit  her 

Jonathan  X  Semen  Mary  X  Irlanu  (S) 

his  marcke  inarcke 

Page  40. 

a  Record  of  twenty  two  acors  of^Land  Liiid  oute' to  l)Hnie- 
men  Bertsell  by  C'aptaine  Semens  aboute  Eighteene  years 
since  which  was  bought  from  Laras  Mott  being  formerly  ye 
Right  of  Thomas  Irland  Lying  by  ye  new  settlement  of  ye 
sd  beniemen  begining  at  a  chesnut  tree  marcked  and  Run- 
ing  about  East  about  forty  rods  to  a  mavckd  \\liit  ocke  tree 
and  from  thence  al)oute  southerly  Eighty  tow  Rods  to  a 
marcked  black  oclie  tree  and  from  thence  aboute  forty  Rods 
to  another  blacke  oche  tree  marcked  and  from  thence  aboute 
northerly  Eighty  tow  Rods  to  ye  first  Station  Entered  ye 
first  of  aprell  1704  by  ye  Reqest  of  ye  sd  beniemen 

by  mee         Joseph  Peltit  Cler 

May  ye  17  1704  a  Record  of  a  devition  of  meddo  att  an 
necke  called  Cove  necke  betweene  John  abraham  and 
Isacke  Cortlnd  It  was  agreed  as  followeth  vt  is  John  ye 
west  part  8  R(^ds  and  9  inches  and  a  halfe  wide  within  a 
devtipn  being  ye  west  point  as  stacked  from  ye  brode  cricke 
to  ye  hed  of  a  little  Cricke  and  as  it  Lede  to  ye  Cove 
Isacke  next  Eastward  with  ye  East  point  stacked  as  afore 
sd  to  ye  sd  brode  cricke  al)rahani  ye  East  lott  to  ye  maine 
Cricke  and  broad  Cricke  and  from  one  stacke  at  ye  Cove 
aboute  norh  East  to  a  pond  and  from  thence  to  ye  broad 
Cricke  Each  mans  lot  or  part  is  Equell  att  ye  front  and 
ye  Devided  ye  south  part  to  abraham  ye  next  north  to 
Isacke  ye  north  part  to  John 

ordered  to  be  Entered     by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 


the  Ear  inarke  of  Ezekiell  Sinitli  is  two  half  peuvs  on 
the  uii(h'i-  si(h'  of  the  Ei<>;ht  E;»r  A-  one  half  peny  on  the 
under  side  of  ye  left  ear  Eutered  this  loth  day  of  the  l'2th 
month  Called  fehrnary  1709-1(1  l»y  nie     _ 

AViLLiAM  Willis  Clarke 

Page  41. 

'l"o  ;dl  cliristien  People  to  whonie  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  <^reetint<  Know  yee  yt  I  Je- 
remiah Smith  of  hempsted  on  uassaw  Island  in  (piens  i-onii- 
tv  in  ve  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
i^ive  ijrant  haruin  sell  ;diuate  Reles  ami  Deliver  from  mee 
mv  heirs  exsecetors  adnnnistrators  ami  asigues  unt<j  Sam- 
nell  totten  of  ye  towne  Island  county  and  Province  af ore  sd 
to  him  his  heires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a 
sertaine  Parsell  of  meddo  ground  fresh  and  salt  Lying  with- 
in ye  hounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  ye  south  side  ye  Is- 
land of  nassaw  afore  sd  on  a  necke  called  ye  Little  necke 
Estwanl  ve  meddo  containing  aljoute  twenty  acors  nmre  or 
les  as  apears  it  Avas  Laid  oute  hounded  Est  by  ye  meddo  oi 
titeses  west  by  ye  mecldo  of  (xorg  persell  and  north  by  ye 
woods  and  south  by  ye  Cricke  at  ye  bottom  of  ye  necke  all 
Avhicli  meddo  as  above  bounded  fresh  and  salt  with  Every 
part  and  Parsell  thereof  Avitli  ye  fencing  there  unto  Ijelong- 
ing  there  unto  and  the  upl;ind  apertaineing  to  it  on  ye  sd 
necke  as  Leagly  and  fully  as  ye  sd  Samuell  can  get  by  vir- 
tue of  ye  towne  act  in  fencing  his  meddo  all  which  I  the  sd 
Jeremiah  Smith  Do  by  these  ])resence  give  grant  bargin  sell 
alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  lieires  exsecetors 
administrat<n-s  and  asigns  unto  ye  sd  Samuell  totten  to  him 
his  haires  exsecetors  administratoi's  ami  asignes  to  have 
and  to  hold  and  (piietly  to  poses  and  Enioy  from  mee  or 
any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  heires  and  asignes  a)id  I  ve 
sd  Jeremiah  Smith  Doe  here  by  Avarrant  ys  my  sale  to  be 
laAvfuU  athenticke  and  good  free  from  any  f(niner  sale  lett 
morgadg  or  incomberauce  what  Ever  and  Do  furder  I  ve  sd 

,      HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    RECORDS.  !">;) 

Page  i± 

Jeremiah  Smith  covenant  and  Promise  for  my  selfe  my 
lieirs  and  asignes  to  and  with  tlie  sd  Sanmell  totten  his 
heirs  and  nsio;nes  yt  at  ys  Deed  sij^neinu;  and  selinu;  niacke- 
in<jj  ye  sd  nnnlch)  and  Premises  was  my  owne  Pieall  Estate 
and  I  ve  sd  Jeremiah  Smith  ])o  for  my  selie  my  heirs  and 
asiirnes  covenant  and  Promise  to  and  with  \e  sd  Samnell 
totten  his  haires  and  asignes  to  Doc  any  ferder  thin;^'  for  ye 
snre  mackein<_>;  and  term  hiiidinjj;-  ye  sd  Land  yt  is  ye  sd 
me(hh)  ground  and  Premises  if  need  Re({nire  for  and  in 
consideration  of  forty  live  Pounds  corrant  silver  mony  of 
ye  f^ovrment  Paid  and  secnrd  to  he  ])aid  oi'  acepted  in  fnll 
satisfaction  l)efore  ye  sit^neiiig  hereof  and  in  testimony  of 
ye  Premises  I  liave  lierennto  sett  to  my  liand  and  fixed  my 
sele  a<i;nst  ye  tenth  (hiv  in  ye  yeare  of  onre  Lord  one  thou- 
sand six  hnnDred  ninety  and  nine 
Si<j;ned  seled  and  Dehvei-ed 

In  presence  of  us  Jeremiah  Smith  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 
Richard  Smith 
Joseph  Smith  agust  ye  10  lOil*.) 

Ther  apeared  before  mee  ye  within 
named  Jeremiah  Smith  and  ac- 
knowledged ys  within  wrighten 
Deed  of  sele  to  be  his  vollentery 
act  and  deed  apeared  before  mee 
one  of  liis  maiesties  Justeses  of  ye 
Peace  of  quens  County 
John  Jackson 

a  true  co[)pie  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Petti r  C'h^r 

Page  48. 

Be  it  Knowne  unto  all  christien  People  to  whome  These 
presence  shall  come  yt  T  abraham  Smith  of  ye  towne  of 
hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  ye  county  of  quens  in  ye  col- 

!()()  HEMPSTEAD    T<  >WX    RECORDS.       - 

loiiy  of  new  3-orcke  Planter  for  good  and  v;dua1)le  consider- 
ations mee  tberennto  moveiug  and  l>v  mee  in  hand  Keseved 
and  fully  Payil  and  given  where  with  i  do  acknowledge  my 
selfe  fully  satisfied  and  contented  have  given  granted  sould 
exchanged  bargined  made  over  coufermed  ratified  alinated 
and  enfetfed  and  by  these  presence  do  give  grant  sell  ex- 
(diange  bargiu  macke  over  conferme  ratifie  alinate  and 
enfetl'e  nnto  Thomas  Southward  Sener  inhabitant  of  ye 
towne  county  Island  and  collinie  afore  sd  unto  him  his 
heirs  exsecetors  administrators  and  a  signs  and  to  his  or 
tlieire  owne  proper  right  title  properiety  intrest  behofe  and 
use  for  Ever  A  lottment  or  ])arsell  of  nieddo  situate  Lying 
and  being  on  ye  south w,ird  side  ol  ye  townesheap  of  hemp- 
sted  of  a  ])lace  commonly  called  hickes  necke  in  ye  west 
fflie  or  crecke  as  it  now  Lys  stacked  oute  it  containeing  six 
acors  more  or  les  ye  sd  meddo  is  bounded  and  buted  as 
here  followeth  vise  with  ye  meddo  of  thomas  Rushmore  on 
ye  south  or  southward  of  it  allso  with  ye  meddo  of  J<din 
Carmen  sener  on  ye  north  or  northward  of  it  allso  it  abuteth 
on  a  cricke  called  hickes  ciicke  on  ye  west  or  westwardl}' 
of  it  and  allso  it  is  ])ounded  with  ye  woods  and  upland  on 
ye  East  or  Eastward  of  it  all  this  wliole  ])arse]l  of  meddo 
and  every  part  of  it  I  ye  sd  abraham  Smith  Do  1)\  these 
presence  warrent  to  be  honestly  and  fully  my  owne  and 
truly  belong  to  mee  with  all  ve  emolimeuts  and  advantaires 
there  unto  apertaiuing  on  day  of  ys  sale  and  exidiange  and 
ye  sd  six  acors  of  meddo  is  free  cleare  and  equited  exchanged 
and  discharged  of  and  from  all  and  ;dl  bonds  taxes  instni- 
ments  de])ts  mortagadges  verits  cV:  arests  A'  executions 
and  inct)mberanc-es  what  s(j  ever  on  ye  day  of  these  bar- 
gined preseuts  and  so  is  frely  and  fully  clered  of  it  and  all 
obligations  both  from  all  others  and  from  my  selfe  mv  heirs 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  be  to  and  belong 
t'l  and  to  fully  posesed  and  inioyed  used  and  ocupyed  to 
and  by  ye  sd  Thomas  Southward  his  heirs  exsecetors  and 
asignes  it  for  ever  to  his  and  there  proper  use  posetion  and 


sole  property  for  Ever  as  it  was  owned  mine  in  all  respects 
and  I  do  here  by  warant  and  defend  ys  act  and  ded  of  sale 
and  ye  peasable  posetion  of  ye  same  unto  ye  sd  Thomas 
Southward    his   hairs    against    all    challenges    impediment 

Page  44. 

Letts  and molistations  what  Everr  yt  may  any  way 

aris  by  through  or  under  mee  my  hairs  exsecetors  etc  and 
it  shall  bee  free  and  LaAvfuIl  for  ye  sd  thomas  southward 
senor  to  record  and  cause  to  be  recorded  in  ye  lieles  or 
record  of  ys  towne  or  County  ys  present  instrument  or  ye 
true  tennure  thereof  to  all  honest  intents  and  purposes 
acording  to  Law  unto  ye  truth  and  confermatiou  of  yee 
premises  I  have  sett  my  hand  and  sele  on  the  sixtenth  day 
of  aprill  in  ye  3'eare  of  oure  lord  one  thouthsand  six  hun- 
dred aeighty  and  six  of  ingland  Scotland  france  Irland 

signed  seled  and  delivered 

in  presence  of  us  witnes  Abraham  Smith  (S) 

Jeremiah  hubbard 
Jeremiah  wood  Jr 
Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  clercke 

The  Ear  marke  of  Richard  Vallintine  Jenior  is  a  crop  off 
the  top  of  the  Left  Ear  &  two  nicks  on  the  under  side  of 
the  Right  Ear  Entered  the  Eighth  day  of  June  annog 
Domini  1710  by  mee 

AVilliam  Willis  Clarke 

The  Ear  mark  of  John  Jackson  being  the  former  Ear 
mark  of  John  Tredwell  Ju  is  a  Latch  mark  on  the  uper  or 
fore  side  of  each  Ear  &  a  half  peny  under  the  Left  Ear  : 
Entered  ye  l'2tli  day  of  ye  12tli  mouth  february  1710-11 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

The  Ear  marke  of  Jasper  Totten  is  the  Antient  mark  of 
his  brother  Samuell  Toten  which  is  a  slitt  down  the  Right 


Ear  tt  a  nick  iu  Eacli  side  of  the  left  Ear     Entered  or  Re- 
corded the  21  day  of  february  1710-11     by  mee 

William  Willis  Chirke 

Page  45.. 

Hempsted  Octolier  ye  7  -  1690  Then  Reseved  of  thomas 
and  John  southward  upon  ye  acoumpt  of  my  wifes  part  of 
je  Estate  of  oure  father  desesed  acording  to  ye  adboti'ators 
award  twenty  pounds  in  full  payment.  I  say  Reseved  by 

Avitnes  John  bedle 

John  bate 
Edwed  X  Sprag 

Hempsted  October  ye  7  -  1690 
Then   Reseved    of   thomas    and    John    southard    upon    ye 
acoumpt  of  my  ^dfe's  part  of  ye  Estate  of  oure  father  De- 
sesed acording  to  ye  adbotrators  award  twenty  pounds  in 
full  payment     I  say  Reseved  by  mee 

witnes  his 

John  bate  Thomas  X  martin 

his  marcke 

Edwed  X  Speagg 

Hempstead  October  ye  7  -  1690 
Then   Reseved    of  thomas    and    John    southwrd    upon    ye 
acoumpt  of  my  wiies  part  of  the  Estate  of  oure  father  De- 
sesed'sixtene  pound  fower  shillins  six  pence     I  say  Re- 
seved by  mee 

witnes  heeman  hendricke 

John  bate 
Edaved  X  Speagg 


api'ill  ye  3d  1694  Then  Reseved  3'e  hole  niache  ye  some 
of  twenty  ponnds  beini^-  ye  hole  of  ys  my  wifes  part  of  ye 
Estate  above  sd  [  say  lieseved  by  mee 


These  Resepts  Entered  by  mee         Joseph  Pettit  cler 

Page  46. 

Hempsted  October  ye  7  -  1(590  Then  Reseved  of  tliomas 
and  John  Sonthward  ni)on  ye  actounipt  of  my  part  of  ye 
estate  of  my  father  Desesed  acordinij;  to  ye  awrd  of  ye  ad- 
botrators  sixtene  pound  foreteene  shillins  I  say  Resevd 
by  mee 
witues  ABiGALL  X  Southward 

John  bate  her  marcke 


Eward  X  Spragg 


Reseved  three  ponnd  six  shillins  to  macke  ye  full  some 
of  twenty  pounds  as  above  sd  to  ye  award  i  say  Reseved 
by  mee  Desembr  ye  29  -  1691 

witues  Edward  X  spragg 

Joseph  Pettit  [his  marck 

Hempsted  octol)er  ye  7  1690  Then  Reseved  of  thomas 
and  John  Southwad  upon  ye  acoumpt  of  my  wifes  part  of 
ye  estate  of  oure  Desesed  father  acording  to  ye  adbitrators 
award  twenty  three  pounds  in  full  payment  I  say  Reseved 
by  mee 

witnes  GoRG  fowler 

Joseph  Pettit 

These  Resepts  Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  CI. 

Abrani  Southard  his  Ear  marcke  is  a  Howrdeluce  on  the 

top  of  the  off :  or  Right  Ear  itt  being  the  marcke  that  his 

father  Tliomas  Southard  late  of  Hempsted  formerly  gave 

Entered  this  15  day  of  the  12tli  mon  called  february  1709-10 

by  me 

William  Willis  Clarke 


Isach  Soiithai'd  liis  Ear  marke  is  a  flowrdeltice  on  the  top 

of  tlie  Eight  Ear  &  a  half  peaj  on  the  uper  side  of  the  left 

ear     Entered  this  15th  day  of  the  12th  mon  called  february 


by  mee  William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  47. 

a  Eecord  of  fifty  acors  of  Land  formerly  Laid  oute  to  hop 
willis  in  ye  north  wood  Edge  ou  ye  west  side  Thomas  Elli- 
sons tAventy  taw  acors  It  Euns  notherly  in  Lenght  one 
hundred  and  twelve  Eods  and  westerly  Eighty  Eods  with  a 
high  way  through  ye  Lenght  of  it  ys  Lott  Avas  Laid  oilte  by 
Nathanell  Persall  how  gave  ye  dementions  of  it  and  Entered 
in  ye  Eecords  by  mee  fl'ebewery  ye  3  1699 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

a  Eecord  of  fifty  acors  of  Laud  formerly  Liiid  oute  to 
hop  Avillis  ou  ye  East  side  Jerusalem  Swamp  where  ye  sd 
hop  willis  now  Liveath  Euning  one  hundred  and  fivty  Eods 
north  and  south  and  fifty  Eods  East  and  west  ye  Land 
goiuing  to  a  high  way  yt  Leads  by  ye  sd  Swamp  Entered 
febewery  ye  28-1699^-700 

By  mee    Joseph  Pettit  Clerck 

a  Eecord  of  fifty  acors  of  Laud  lyiug  ou  ye  north  side 
ye  greate  plain  which  hope  willis  causeth  to  be  Entered 
bounded  East  by  land  formerly  given  to  John  Beats  and 
East  by  a  high  way  North  by  ye  hils  and  south  as  ye  other 
twenty  tow  acor  Lott  ye  sd  lott  being  formerly  Laid  oiite 
by  ye  Eight  of  Mary  willis  Entered  in  ye  Eecords  febery 
28  1699-700 

By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  48. 
Asa  Gildersleeve  his  Ear  marck  is  a  latch  one  the  fore 
side  of  the  right  ear  and  a  half  peny  beet  wen  e  that  and 
the  hed     Entered"  the  21  day  of  Aprill  iu  the  year   1705 
B}-  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


John  Eldeid  liis  ear  inarck  is  a  flour  deleusc  ou  the 
left  ear     Entered  the  21  day  of  Aprill  in  the  year  1705 

By  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

GortT  Gihlersleeve  his  ear  raarck  is  a  hitch  one  the  fore 
sid  of  the  left  ear  and  a  half  peny  beetwene  that  and  the 

Entered  the  21  day  of  Aprill  in  the  year  1705 

By  mee     Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

J<jhn  Dorlands  eyear  marck  is  a  latch  one  the  under  sid 
of  the  ner  eyear  and  two  nick  one  the  same  one  under  and 
the  other  above  this     entered  the  27  day  of  Desember  1705 

By  mee     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  hendriksons  eyear  marck  is  a  swallo  forck  one  ye 
near  eyear  and  a  half  peny  one  ye  foie  sid  of  ye  of  eyear 
entered  ye  12-d-of  febraary  1706-5     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Bichard  minthor  Junior  his  Ear  mark  is  a  slitt  down  the 
top  of  the  Left  Eare.  Entered  in  the  Becord  this  fiffc  Day 
of  the  secund  month  called  apiill  annoy  Domini  1710 
by  mee : 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  49. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whonie  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  3^ee  yt  I  John 
Pine  of  henipsted  ou  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
county  in  ye  Province. of  new  yorck  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Beles  and  Deliver  from  me 
my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asigns  or  atorneys 
unto  uiy  brother  Beniamen  Pine  of  ye  towne  County  Island 
and  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  admin- 
istrators asignes  or  atorneys  a  sartaine  Parsell  of  Land 
lying  and  being  Situate  on  ye  south  part  of  ye  towue  afore 


sd  iu  quantity  as  sLall  be  found  bounded  bv  ve  now  stand- 
in»  fence  yt  is  ye  Land  formerly  called  Pins  tilsom  with 
what  was  given  to  John  Pine  within  ye  now  standing 
fence  je  hole  supjDosed  to  bee  neare  ten  acors  as  above 
bounded  ^dth  ye  orchard  tres  fenceing  and  all  improve- 
ments thereon  or  graseing  belonging  thereto  I  ye  sd  John 
Pine  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate 
reles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  asigns  as  afore  sd 
unto  my  brother  Beniamen  Pine  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns 
as  afore  sd  and  to  have  and  to  honldye  sd  Land  and  prem- 
ises from  mee  or  any  from  bv  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and 
asigns  and  Do  ferder  warrant  ys  deed  to  be  lawf  all  athen- 
ticke  and  good  in  Law  free  from  any  former  sale  lett  morg- 
adsce  or  incomberance  what  Ever  for  and  in  consideration 
of  meddo  and  land  and  premises  Keseved  and  exsepted  in 
full  satisfaction  before  ye  signing  hereof  and  in  testimony 
of  ye  premises  i  have  hereunto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed 
m}-  sele  June  ye  seventh  day  anno  Domini  one  thousand 
six  hundred  ninety  and  Eaight  signed  seled  and  Delivered 
in  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  John  pine  (S) 

Jeremi  wood 
this  deed  entered  in  ve  Records  bv  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  50. 

Richard  Denton  his  mark  is  a  slitt  down  the  top  of  the 

Right  Ear  &  one  half  penny  on  the  uper  side  of  the  Left 

Ear  :  which  was   the   antient   mark   of  his   father   Richard 

Denton    deceased     Recorded  the  eleventh  day  of  the  4th 

mo  :     June  1711     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Thomas  Martin  his  Ear  marke  is  a  crop  of  the  top  of  the 
Left  Ear  and  a  nick  luider  the  Left  Ear  which  is  the  antient 
marke  of  his  father  Thomas  Martin  deceased  Recorded 
the  eleventh  day  of  the  4th  mo  :  June  1711     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 


Tills  ear  mark  of  Thomas  Marviiis  is  by  Cou  sent  now 
John  Hagewont 

Nathan  Vallintine  his  Ear  Markc  is  a  crop  off  the  top  of 
the  Right  Ear  it  two  nicks  under  the  Left  Ear  which  was 
the  antient  niarke  of  his  father  Richard  Vallintine  De- 
ceased Recorded  the  Eleventh  day  of  ye  4th  mo :  June 
1711     l)y  niee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

John  Pearsall  his  Ear  mark  is  a  holle  in  the  Left  Ear  & 
a  half  penny  on  the  fore  side  of  the  same  and  a  slitt  down 
the  Right  Ear 

Recorded  the  lltli  day  of  the  4th  month  June  1711 

pr  William  Willis  Clarke 

Richard  post  his  Ear  marke  is  the  antient  niarke  of  his 
brother  Jerimiah  Post  which  is  a  slitt  down  the  Left  Ear 
iV  a  lialf  peny  on  the  upev  side  of  the  Right  Ear  Recorded 
tha  IG  day  of  the  fourth  month  June  1711-by  mee 

AViLLiAM  Willis  Clarke 

Joseph  Wood  his  Ear  mark  is  a  flower  De  luce  on  the 
top  of  the  Right  Ear  and  a  half  penny  on  the  under  side 
of  ye  Left  ear 

Recorded  the  15th  day  of  October  :  1711 

by  mee  William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  51. 

to  all  christion  People  to  whonie  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiiie  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  John 
8iply  of  oisterbay  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaAv  in  quens 
county  la  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  Pres- 
ence give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from 
mee  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto 
Jeams  Pine  of  hempsted  of  ye  Island  County  and  Province 
afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  Eaighty  acors  of  wood  Land  or  upland  L^dug  in 
ye  bounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  ye  west  side  hempstead 

168  he:mpstead  town  eecohds. 

harboure  together  ^vitlI  a  Eight  of  mowing  on  ye  greate 
plaines  and  Cominag  as  other  men  have  which  Land  and 
Eights  is  what  John  towusend  formerly  bought  of  John 
Smith  of  hempsted  as  apears  by  a  Deed  under  his  hand 
bearing  Date  aprill  ye  twenty  ninth  in  ye  yeare  of  oure 
Lord  one  thousand  six  hundred  seventy  nine  all  which 
Eights  and  Land  Eaighty  acors  L^^dng  on  ye  west  side 
he'mpsted  harboure  as  afore  sd  together  with  all  ye  Eights 
and  Pri^ilidges  as  fully  and  Leagly  as  is  wordecT  to^  • 
ye  sd  John  townsend  from  ye  sd  John  Smith  I  ye  sd  John 
Siply  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles 
euffeff  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  adminis- 
trators and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Jeams  pine  to  him  his  haires 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould 
for  Ever  ye  sd  Laud  timber  Avoods  and  underwoods  with 
ye  Eight  and  Comiuage  and  all  aperteening  to  ye  Proper 
use  benefit  and  behooff  of  him  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine  his  haires 
and  asignes  for  Ever  from  mee  ye  sd  John  Siply  my  hairs 

Page  52. 

and  asignes  with  ye  consent  of  my  wife  hannah  which  sar- 
taiue  Eisfht  with  ve  Land  and  Cominage  as  afore  sd  I  ye 
sd  John  Siply  Doe  promise  for  my  selfe  my  hairs  and 
asignes  yt  at  ye  Deed  signeing  and  sele  mackeing  was  my 
owne  Estate  Eeall  which  sele  I  ye  sd  John  Siply  Doe  war- 
rant to  be  Lawfull  athentick  and  good  in  Law  free  from  any 
former  sale  Lett  Morgadge  or  incomberance  what  Ever  for 
and  in  consideration  of  forty  pounds  CuiTant  silver  mony 
in  hand  paid  and  securd  to  be  paid  exsepted  in  full  satis- 
faction before  ye  signing  hereof  and  I  ye  sd  John  Siply 
Doe  promise  for  my  selfe  my  hairs  and  asigns  to  Doe  any 
fiirder  thing  If  need  EeQuire  for  ye  sure  mackeing  and 
farme  binding  ye  Eaighty  acors  of  Land  and  Eights  and  in 
Testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  hereunto  with  my  wife 
hannah  set  to  oure  hands  and  fixed  oure  seles  October  ye 


tweuty  seventh  in  ye  yeave  of  ouie  Lord  one  thousand  six 
hundred  ninety  and  seven 

►Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  John  Siply       (8) 


The  Deed  or  true  Coppi  C'oni[)ared  by  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

Thomas  Mannering  his  Ear  mark  is  a  holle  througli  Each 
Ear  and  a  nick  on  the  uper  side  of  the  Right  Ear  Recorded 
the  twenty  eighth  day  of  the  first  month  1712  by 

William  Willis  Chxrk 

Page  53. 

To  all  christien  People  to  Avhome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Eich- 
ard  Gildersleeve  of  hontintowne  on  nassau  Island  in  ye 
County  of  Suffolcke  and  Province  of  new  Yorcke  Doe  by 
these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  De- 
liver from  me  my  lieires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asigues  unto  Richard  volliutine  of  hempsted  in  quens 
county  on  ye  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  asartaine 
Parsed  wood  Land  Lying  and  being  Situate  in  ^^e  bounds 
of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  ye  north  side  ye  greate  plaines 
being  ye  one  moyetee  or  Equall  halfe  part  of  one  hundred 
acors  of  Land  more  or  Les  or  It  was  Laid  oute  ye  sd 
moyetie  bounded  as  followeth  yt  is  north  by  ye  undivided 
Land  east  by  ye  other  moyetie  belonging  to  my  brother 
Thomas  Gildersleeve  South  by  a  highway  and  west  by  ye 
Land  of  ye  sd  Richard  Vollintine  all  which  moyetie  fifty 
acors  of  Land  more  or  Les  as  may  apeare  as  above  bounded 
together  with  ye  woods  underwoods  timber  trees  Lying  or 
Standing  and  all  apeitinances  thereon  I  ye  sd  Richard  Gil- 
dersleeve Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell 
alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  niee  my  haires  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asigne  unto  ye  sd  Richard  Vollintine  to 


liiiii    liis  and  asigues  to  have  and  to  lionld  for  Ever  and 

quietly  to  poses  aud  euioye  from  mee  or  auy  from  1)y  or 

under  mee  my  haires  and  asignes  free  from  any  former  sale 

Lett  morgadge  or  Incomberanee  wliat  Ever  aud  I  ye   sd 

Richard  Gildersleeve  Doe  ferder  promise  and  covenant  for 

my  self  my  hairs  and  succesors  to  and  with  ye  sd  Richard 

vollintine  his  hairs  and  succesors  yt  at  ye  sale  mackeing 

and  Deed  Signing  je  sd  Land  and  premises  was  my  owne 

Reall  Estate  and  I  ye  sd  Richard  Gildersleeve  Doe  hereby 

f  iirder  covenant  and  Promise  to  ye  sd  Richard  vollintine  his 

hairs  and  Sucsesors  for  my  Selfe  my  hairs  and  succesors  to 

Page  54. 

Doe  any  furder  things  if  need  Require  for  ye  sure  mackeing 

and  ferme  binding  ye  sd  Land  and  premises  to  ye  sd  Richrd 

his  hairs  aud  Succesors  for  aud  in  consideration  of  fifty  tow 

pounds  in  silyer  mony  in  hand  Paid  and  secured  to  be  paid 

excepted  in  fall  satisfaction  to  my  owne  content   and   in 

testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  hereunto  Set  to  my  hand 

and  fixed  my  Sele  aprill  ye  twentyeth   day    one   thousand 

six  hundred  ninety  and  nine 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us  Richard  Gildersleeve  (S) 

Jonathan  Smith 

adam  mott 

Joseph  Pettit  febewary  ye  2(5  1699 

then   ye  Avithin  named  Richard 

Gildersleeve  appeared  before  one 

of   his  maiesties  Justises  of  ye 

Peace  and  acknowledged  ys  Deed 

of  Sale  within  named  to  be  his 

voUentery  act  and  Deed  proved 

before  mee  ftbewary  ye  2(i  1(599 

John  tredavell 

Justes  of  ye  Peace 
This  coppie  compared  and  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 


llicliaril  Combs  liis  Ear  iiiarke  is  tlircu;  iiic-ks  iiikUt  the 
Left  Ear  Ivecorded  the  Niuteenth  da}-  of  May  in  the  year 
of  our  Lord  1711 

by  mee  AVilliam  A\'il]js  Chirke 

Page  55. 

To  all  Christien  Peo})le  to  wliome  these  presence  shall 
Come  or  any  ^vise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Mr 
phillip  seller  of  new  yoreke  in  america  for  Divers  good 
considerations  and  more  Espetially  for  thirty'  pounds  paid 
or  emediatly  secured  to  be  paid  ye  first  of  Jauewary  next 
Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles 
and  Deliver  from  mee  my  liaires  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  unto  Joseph  Pleace  now  inhabitant  in  Jameco 
in  (juens  County  in  ye  Province  of  new  yoreke  afore  sd  and 
in  ye  Island  of  nassaw  to  him  ye  sd  Joseph  Pleace  to  him 
his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  twenty-tive 
acors  of  Land  which  Peter  Scull  bought  of  Elies  Durland 
ye  sd  tAventy  five  acors  Excepted  three  acors  V)efore  given 
and  also  twenty  fiA'e  acors  Signed  in  a  deed  all  as  apears  ye 
Right  and  propertee  of  ye  Desesed  Peter  Scull  ye  hole 
containeing  forty  seven  acors  more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid 
oute  situate  on  shermaus  uecke  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted 
afore  sd  bounded  west  and  south  l)y  ye  highwaye  and  East 
by  a  highway  and  north  by  ye  Land  of  Elies  Durland  all 
which  Land  with  ye  house  orchard  feuceing  and  Improve- 
ments thereon  I  ye  sd  Phillip  Seller  with  ye  timber  and 
apertenances  thereon  I  ye  sd  Phillip  Seller  Doe  l)y  these 
presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  and  Deliver  from 
mee  my  haires  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Joseph  Pleace  to  him 
his  haires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  and  (piiatly  to 
poses  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  and  Do  ferder 
warrant  ys  my  Sale  LaAvfull  athenticke  and  got)d  against 
any  Person  or  persons  what  Ever  and  in  testimony  of  ye 


Premises  1  have  here  unto  Sett  to  ray  hand  and  fixed  my 
sele  Desember  ys  thirty  first  anno  1697 

Signed  Seled  and  DeHvered 

In  presence  of  us  Phillip  Sciller  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 
William  thickston 
Thomas  Smith 

This  Coppi  compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 
Page  56. 
march  ye  12-1702-3 

A  Record  of  fifty  acors  of  Land  formerly  Laid  oute  to 
Daniell  bedle  in  ye  woods  on  ye  north  sid  ye  greate  plains 
neare  ye  necke  fence  called  ye  Cow  necke  on  ye  west  Side 
ye  harbonre  path  beginiug  at  a  white  oche  Saplin  marcked 
with  ye  Letters  D:B:  and  Ptuinog  from  thence  Southerly 
160  Ptods  to  a  blacke  oche  tree  marcked  as  afore  sd  and 
from  thence  50  Eods  westerly  to  a  Sartaine  hollow  and  so 
Leding  by  ye  sd  holloAv  notherly  160  Rods  and  from  thence 
Easterly  50  Rods  to  ye  first  Station  or  white  oache  saplin 
afore  sd  this  Record  By  ye  Request  of  ye  afore  sd  Daniell 

Done  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

The  Ear  marke  of  Jonathan  Seaman  is  A  Latch  marke 
on  the  uper  Side  of  the  Right  Ear  and  a  half  peny  on  each 
side  of  the  Left  Ear 

Recorded  the  26  day  of  november  in  the  year  1711  by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

The  Ear  mark  of  Robard  Marvin  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch 
mark  under  Each  Ear  and  a  nick  under  Each  Ear  Entered 
in  the  Records  the  first  day  of  Aprill  1712 

by  W^illiam  Willis  Clark 


The  Ear  mark  of  Haniiali  Marvin  Widdow  &  llelict  of 
John  Marvin  Deceased  is  a  latch  mark  nnder  Each  Ear  and 
a  nick  under  the  left  Ear.  liecorded  the  first  Day  of  Aprill 
1712  by  niee 

William  Willis  Clark 

PacxE  57. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  wliome  these  presence  Shall 
come  Joseph  Dough tj-  of  fleshing  in  quens  County  in  ye 
Island  of  nassaw  sendeth  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  ye  a  bove 
sd  Joseph  Doughty  for  Severall  good  liesons  tmd  Causes 
mee  thereunto  moveing  but  more  Espetially  for  a  valuable 
sume  of  mony  of  this  province  of  new  yorcke  being  good 
and  Lawfull  mony  of  ye  same  to  mee  In  hand  paid  by 
Joseph  Please  where  of  before  ye  enseleing  and  Delivery 
of  the  same  Do  acknowledge  my  Selfe  there  with  fully 
content  and  satisfied  and  paid  and  thereof  and  therefrom 
Do  ^from  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  for  Ever  aquit  exhonerate  and  Discharge  him  ye 
above  sd  Joseph  Please  his  haires  exsecetors  administra- 
tors and  asignes  of  and  from  any  clame  or  Demand  for  any 
Part  or  Parsell  there  of  have  given  granted  bargined  alina- 
ted  en f eft  Eelest  quit  clame  made  over  and  Sold  and  by 
these  presence  Do  acknowledge  to  have  from  mee  my  haires 
exsecetors  administrators  given  granted  covenanted  alinated 
Pelest  enfef t  quit  clame  made  over  and  sould  unto  ye  above 
sd  Joseph  Please  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  a  sartaine  peace  or  parsell  of  Land  Lying  and  being 
in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  ye  county  and  Island  above 
sd  contaiueing  forty  fowre  acors  and  bounded  as  followeth 
Esterly  by  a  Lott  of  John  Johnson  now  iu  ye  tenure  and  ocupa- 
tion  of  Joseph  Please  and  a  highway  betwene  Southerly  by  ye 
Commons  westerly  by  ye  highway  and  notherly  by  ye 
Commons  all  which  sd  Peace  or  Parsell  of  Land  as  it  Is 
above  bounded  and  exprest  I  ye  above  sd  Joseph  Doughty 
have  as  above  sd  sould  to  ye  above  sd  Joseph  Please  his 


hairs  and  asignes  with  all  timber  trees  woods  imderwoods 
standing  or  lying  and  being  upon  ye  same  together  with  all 
and  singular  je  previlidges  |irofits  and  benefits  to  ye  same 
.belonging  with  all  ye  Eight  title  intrest  profits  clams  or 
demand  to  mee  ye  sd  Joseph  Doughty  my  hairs  and  asigns 

Page  58. 

The  same  to  have  and  to  hould  ockepe  poses  and  inioy  for 
ever  ye  same  to  be  and  remaine  to  ye  only  proper  use 
benefit  and  behofe  of  him  ye  sd  Joseph  his  hairs  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asigues  free  and  clerly  Discharged  of 
and  from  all  former  sales  gifts  morgedges  or  any  other  iu- 
tanglements  Avliat  so  Ever  and  the  sam  shall  warrant  and 
by  these  presence  for  ever  defend  against  any  intrest 
property  clame  or  demand  from  any  Person  or  Persons 
Laying  any  eJust  clame  there  nuto  with  a  warrant  to  de- 
fend ye  same  against  i\nj  Intrest  property  clame  or  demand 
from  me  ye  abov^e  sd  Joseph  Doughty  my  hairs  and  asignes 
for  ever  In  witnes  whereof  I  have  here  unto  set  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  sele  ys  foretenth  Day  of  november  in  ye 
Eleventh  yeare  of  his  maiesties  Reigne  and  in  ye  yeare  of 
oure  Lord  one  thousand  six  hundred  ninety  and  nine 

Signed  Seled  and  Delivered 

In  Presence  of  his 

Charls  Doughty  Joseph  X  Doughty  (S) 

Samuell  Eesco  marcke 

memorandum  yt  upon  ye  fifenth  Day  of  novem- 
ber 1699  apered  before  Joseph  Smith  Esquire 
one  of  his  maiesties  Justises  for  ye  Pece  for 
quens  county  ye  above  named  Joseph  Doughty 
and  acknowledged  yt  above  Deed  to  be  his  free 
and  vollentary  act  and  Deed 

Joseph  Smith 

This  above  sd  Deed  and  acknowledgement  Entered  in  ye 
towne  Records  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

hempstead  town  records.  175 

Page  5V). 
to  all  cliristioii  people  to  wliome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiiie  (xieetinpf  KnoAv  yee  yt  I  Simon 
Jerman  of  liempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Do  by  tliese  Presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Ileles  and  deliver  from  me  my 
liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Joseph 
Please  of  ye  tow^ne  Island  county  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  sar- 
taine  parsell  of  Land  Lying  and  being  in  ye  Ijounds  of 
liempsted  afore  sd  containeing  twenty  live  acors  more  or 
les  as  shall  be  found  bounded  Est  by  ye  Land  of  Durland 
west  by  ye  highway  north  by  marcked  trees  south  by  a 
highway  all  which  wood  Land  with  ye  woods  underAVoods 
timber  trees  hereditements  and  apertinances  as  house 
orchard  fenceing  gardin  oute  houseing  and  all  apertaineing 
I  ye  sd  Simon  Jerman  Doe  oy  these  presence  give  grant 
bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  enfeffe  and  Deliver  from  mee  ray 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ye  hole  Land 
and  Premises  afore  mentioned  to  ye  sd  Joseph  Please  to 
him  his  haires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever 
and  quietly  to  poses  and  enioy  from  mee  or  any  from  l)y  or 
under  my  hairs  and  asignes  in  consideration  of  twenty 
Pounds  current  silver  mony  of  ys  government  whereby  I 
ye  sd  simou  Jerman  Doe  for  and  in  consideration  of  ye  sd 
twenty  Pounds  warrnt  and  warrantise  ye  Deed  of  sale 
Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  in  Law  free  from  any  former 
sale  let  morgadge  incomberance  wdiat  Ever  for  ye  considera- 
tion ye  afore  sd  and  in  Testimonj-  of  ye  Premises  I  have 
here  unto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  October  ye  26 
anno  1697 

Signed  Seled  and  his 

Delivered  in  presence  Simon  X  Jerman  (S) 

of  us  marcke 

Joseph  Pettit  her 

Adam  mott  Mary  X  Jerman  (S) 

Jeams  Jackson  marcke 

This  Deed  Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

176  hempstead  toayn  eecords. 

Page  60. 

The  ear  marck  that  Elias  Doilou  Jeuiier  Gives  is  a  latch 
\mder  the  left  ear  and  a  half  peny  oue  the  fore  sid  of  the 

Entered  the  14th  day  of  AiDrill  1712  Pr  mee 

Tho  Gildeksleeye  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Thomas  Gildersleeve  Juner  gives  is 
a  latch  and  a  half  peny  under  the  right  ear  and  a  latch  and 
a  half  peDv  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  left  ear  Entered  the  1-ith 
day  of  Aprill  1712 

Pur  mee     Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Pdchard  Gildersleeve  gives  is  a  latch 
and  a  half  peny  under  the  left  ear  and  a  latch  and  a  half 
peny  one  the  fore  sid  of  the  right  ear  entered  the  14th 
day'^of  aprill  1712 

Pur  mee     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Beniaman  Halsted  his  ear  marck  is  a  nick  one  the  fore 
sid  of  the  right  ear  entered  the  26th  day  of  November 

By  mee     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Smith  His  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a 
half  peny  on  the  fore  sid  the  near  ear  and  a  half  flower 
deluce.  under  the  same  Entered  April  the  thirtenth  day 
1720     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  61. 

where  as  there  was  formerly  given  to  Piobart  Diuge 
twenty  tow  acors  of  Land  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  on  ye 
north  side  ye  greate  plaines  at  westbury  lying  betweue  ye 
Lott  of  John  Champin  and  ye  Lott  Laid  oute  to  hope 
willis  entered  at  ye  other  Lots  agoiuing  which  Land  was 
given  to  ye  sd  Robert  Dinge  for  ye  terme  of  Life 


att  a  general!  towne  meeting  held  in  hempstecl  aprill  ye 
tirst  one  thovisand  Seven  hundred  by  ye  niaier  vote  of  ye 
towne  was  given  and  granted  to  Christopher  Pinge  ye 
Eldest- son  of  ye  sd  Robert  Dinge  to  him  his  hairs  and  suc- 
cesers  for  Ever  ye  sd  Land  and  apertinances  to  have  and 
poses  after  ye  Deses  of  ye  sd  Robert  Dinge  ye  sd  Christo- 
pher Dinge  tacking  care  of  his  sd  father  Dureing  his 
natnrall  Life 

By  order     Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

The  ear  marck  that  John  Carman  Jnner  gives  is  a  swallow 
forck  one  the  right  ear  and  A  half  peny  under  the  left  ear 
and  a  half  peny  one  the  fore  sid  of  the  left  ear 

entred  the  7  day  of  aprill  1712     Pur  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jonathan  Rowliu  his  ear  Mark  is  a  half  peny  under  ye 
Right  ear  tt  a  nick  under  ye  Left  ear  Entered  ye  30  day 
of  uovember  1715 

by  nie     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Page  62. 

to  all  Christien  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  conserne  Jonathan  Whitehed  of  Jemeco  in  queus 
Count}^  on  ye  Island  of  nassaw  Sendeth  Greeting  Know 
ye  yt  I  ye  sd  Jonathan  whithead  for  Divers  good  caueses 
and  considerations  mee  there  unto  moveing  but  more  Es- 
pettially  for  a  valuable  sume  of  currant  mony  of  new  yorcke 
to  mee  in  hand  paid  before  ye  iusealeiug  of  these  presence 
by  Joseph  Please  of  hempsted  in  ye  county  and  Island 
afore  sd  ye  Resept  where  of  I  Doe  Acknowledge  to  be  con- 
tented satisfied  and  paid  and  thereof  and  there  from  Doe 
Exhonerate  aquit  and  Discharge  ye  af(n-e  sd  Joseph  Place 
his  hairs  and  asignes  of  and  from  any  ferder  clame  of  any 
part  or  parsell  thereof  have  given  granted  bargined  sould 


confernied  and  made  over  from  mee  ye  sd  Jonatliau  wliitelied 
my  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  nuto  ye 
afore  sd  Joseph  Place  bis  haires  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  a  sartaine  house  orchard  and  three  acors  of 
Land  Lying  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  a  pLice 
called  Shermans  Necke  on  ye  East  side  ye  bighwa}-  yt 
Leads  hy  ye  Swamp  side  which  sd  three  acors  of  Land 
more  or  Les  as  it  now  apears  Avithin  fence  and  being 
formerly  in  ye  tenure  and  ocupation  of  Richard  manering 
of  hempsted  afore  sd  together  with  all  ye  afore  sd  bouse 
orchard  and  fenceing  and  improvements  thereon  with  all 
timber  trees  woods  underwoods  standing  or  Lying  or  being 
iTpon  ye  same  I  ye  sd  Jonathan  Avhithead  have  as  afore  sd 
sould  unto  ye  above  sd  Joseph  Place  his  hairs  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  with  all  and  Every  of  these 
apertinances  to  have  and  to  hould  ocupie  poses  and  inioy 
for  ever  free  and  clerely  Discharged  of  and  from  all  former 
sales  gifts  morgadge  or  any  other  intanglement  what  Ever 
and  ye  same  shall  and  for  Ever  warrant  aud  Defend  against 
any  clame  or  Demand  against  any  Person  or  persons  laying 
any  Just  clame  thereunto  with  a  warrantte  for  to  demand 
ye  same  from  any  Intrest  property  clame  or  demaud  from 
me  ye  sd  Jonathan  Avhithead  my  hairs  exsecetors  adminis- 
trators for  Ever  in  witnes  whereunto  I  bind  my  selfe  my 
hairs  exsecetors  administrators  by  seting  to  my  hand  and 
sele  ys  ye  16  day  of  may  in  ye  tenth  yeare  of  ye  raigne  of 
William  ye  third  and  in  yeare  of  oure  lord  1699 

signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  ye  presence  of  Jonathan  whithead  (S) 

Joseph  Smith 
adam  mott 
Joseph  Pettit 

This  Deed  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

hempstead  town  records.         179 

Page  63. 

;itt  a  <ii;enerall  towne  meeting  held  in  liempsted  aprill  ye 
1-1700  By  ye  maior  vote  of  ye  towne  .John  C-aile  was  cho- 
sen c()nstal)le  for  ye  insuing  yeare 

Jeams  Jackson  was  chosen  Clercke  John  tredwell  was 
chosen  Colecter  William  Willis  and  Isacke  Smith  was  cho- 
sen assesers  for  ye  insning  yeare  Nathanell  Persell  was 
chosen  Superviseer  at  ye  same  towne  meeting  Maier  Jack- 
son Nathanell  Persall  adam  mott  William  Willis  Capt  Sea- 
man and  Joseph  Mott  was  chosen  to  macke  Prudentiall  or- 
ders Conserning  fences  and  Conserning  Swine  liuning  on  ye 
commons  and  to  macke  Reterne  to  ye  towne  for  theire  ap- 
robatiou     By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clercke 

The  ere  marck  that  Beniaman  seman  Jiiener  is  a  latch  one 
the  fore  sid  of  the  near  eyear  Recorded  by  niee  march 
ye  S.  d.  1706 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Samuel  searing  Gives  is  a  half  peny 
one  the  fore  sid  of  ye>  left  ear  entered  the  28  day  of  no- 
vember  1706 

by  mee         Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

This  above  sd  ear  marck  of  samnel  searings  is  Tho  Se- 
mans  Jnners  by  Consent,     witnes 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  65. 

to  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiue  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Rich- 
ard vollintine  of  liempsted  on  Long  Island  alias  nassaw  in 
qnens  county  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
haires    exsecetors    administrators    and    asignes   unto    my 


brother  oliadiali  vollintiue  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and 
Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administra- 
tors and  asignes  tow  parsells  of  meddo  Lying  and  being 
Sitnate  on  a  neck  called  ye  little  necke  on  ye  East  Side  ye 
sd  necke  ye  first  a  parsell  of  Salt  meddo  bounded  north  l^y 
a  dich  which  emtyeth  ye  greate  pond  into  ye  maine  cricke 
and  so  west  to  titeses  Line  and  east  by  ye  maine  cricke 
and  south  by  a  Little  cricke  from  ye  west  corner  of  ye 
cricke  west  to  titeses  Line  and  so  west  to  titeses  Line  ye 
other  a  parcell  of  fresh  meddo  in  ye  flie  bounded  north  by 
a  small  cricke  which  Leads  east  to  ye  maine  cricke  and  Avest 
by  ye  woods  and  south  from  a  marcked  white  ocke  tree 
East  to  a  small  gullee  yt  Leads  to  ye  maine  cricke  and  East 
by  ye  sd  maine  cricke  and  allso  tow  alotments  in  ye  north 
wood  Edge  whom  my  sd  brother  is  now  settled  one  yt  was 
Jonas  Woods  and  one  yt  was  Laid  oute  to  m}'  Desesed 
father  Richard  yollintine  and  allso  ye  forth  part  of  a  pro- 
prietiship  which  was  formerly  Jonas  "Woods  and  allso  ye 
forth  Part  of  ye  hollows  on  ye  plaines  yt  Did  lielong  to  my 
sd  Desesed  father  and  allso  one  third  Part  of  ye  Lott  at 
Matinococke  as  it  was  Laid  oute  to  my  Desesed  father  and 
allso  one  Lott  of  three  acors  given  me  by  ye  towne  agoin- 
ing  to  thomas  southward  all  which  tow  Parsells  of  meddo 
with  ye  tow  sd  alotruents  Avith  ye  sd  forth  part  of  proprio- 
tieship  and  home  Lott  as  afore  sd  and  hollows  on  ye  plaines 
and  third  part  at  Matinocock  afore  sd  with  all  ye  aperti- 
nances  thereunto  belonging  To  Every  Part  I  ye  sd  Pilchard 

Page  66. 

yollintine  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  alinate  Eeles 
and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires  and  asignes  unto  my  sd 
brother  obediah  yollintine  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  to 
have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  and  quietly  to  poses  and  Inioy 
from  mee  or  any  from  bv  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  asiirnes 
for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  allredy  Reseved 
and  in  Testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  hereunto  set  to  mv 

HEMl'STEAD    TOWN    RECOllDS.  181 

liaiul  and  fixed  my  sele  august  je  20  day  anno  Domini  1697 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in 

presence  of  us  Richard  Vollintine  (S) 

adam  mott 
Joseph  Pettit 
Richard  Gildersleeve 

this  Deed  Entered  hy  mee 
Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  67. 

To  all  christian  People  to  Avliome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  in  anywise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yeeyt  I  Thom- 
as Gildersleeve  of  hempsted  on  nassaw  Island  in  quens 
county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  Presence 
give  grant  bargain  sell  alinate  Relest  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  oba- 
diah  vollintine  of  ve  towne  county  Island  and  Province  a- 
fore  sd  to  him  his  haires  execetors  administrators  and  as- 
ignes a  sartaiue  Parsell  of  wood  Land  Lying  and  being  sit- 
uate in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  ye  north  side 
ye  greate  Plaines  being  ye  one  moyetie  or  Equall  halfe  part 
of  one  hundred  acors  of  Land  more  or  les  as  it  was  Laid 
oute  ye  sd  moyetie  bounded  as  follow^eth  yt  is  north  by  ye 
undevided  Land  East  by  ye  harboure  path  South  by  a  high- 
way and  West  by  ye  other  moyetie  belonging  to  my  brother 
Richard  Gildersleeve  all  which  Laud  fifty  acors  more  or  Les 
as  may  apeare  as  above  bounded  I  ye  above  sd  Thomas 
Gildersleeve  Doe  hj  these  presents  give  grant  bargain  sell 
alinate  Reles  and  deliver  from  me  my  haires  and  asignes 
the  sd  fifty  acors  of  Land  together  with  ye  woods  under- 
woods timber  trees  Lying  or  standing  and  apertinances  there 
on  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Gildersleeve  Doe  by  these  presence  give 
grant  bargain  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  me  my 
haires  and  asignes  unto  ye  said  obadiah  vollintine  to  him 
his  hairs  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and 
cpiietly  to  Poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  an}'  from  b}^  or  un- 

182         hempstead  town  records. 

Page  68. 

der  mee  niv  hairs  and  succesors  free  from  any  former  sale 
Lett  mortjadfje  or  iucumberanee  what  Evei"  and  I  ye  sd 
Thomas  Gildersleeve  Doe  hereby  for  my  selfe  my  hairs  and 
asignes  Coyenant  and  Promis  to  and  with  ye  sd  obadiah 
YolHutine  his  hairs  and  asignes  yt  att  ys  Deed  Signeing  and 
sele  mackeino;  ye  sd  Land  and  Premises  was  my  owne  Reall 
Estate  and  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Gildersleeve  Doe  furder  Cove- 
nant and  Promise  for  my  selfe  my  hairs  and  succesors  to  and 
with  ye  sd  obadiah  vollintine  his  hairs  and  succesors  to  Do 
any  ferder  thing  if  need  require  for  ye  sure  mackeing  and 
ferme  binding  ye  sd  Land  and  Premises  unto  ye  sd  oliadi- 
ah  vollintine  his  hairs  and  Siccessors  for  and  in  Considera- 
tion of  fifty  Pound  Silver  mony  in  hand  Paid  and  secured 
to  be  Paid  excepted  in  full  satisfaction  to  my  owne  content 
and  in  testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  here  unto  set  to 
my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  aprill  ys  foretenth  day  in  ye 
yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  six  hundred  ninety  and 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in 

Presence  of  us        Thomas  Gildersleene  (S) 
Jonathan  Smith 
ADAJM  mott 
Joseph  Pettit 

October  ye  30  day  1699 
Then  thomas  gildersleeve  apeared 
before  one  of  his  maiesties  Justi- 
ces of  ye  Peace  and  acknowledged 
ys  within  Deed  of  sale  to  be  his 
vollentary  act  and  Deed  apeared 
before  mee 

John  Treadwell 

This  Deed  Entered  bv  mee  with  ve  acknowledgment  En- 
tered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

hempstead  town  records.  183 

Page  69 

These  presence  "vvitiiesetli  \t  I  Jonathan  Luis  of  Smith- 
towne  on  Lon<ij  Ishmd  alies  uassaw  in  ye  County  of  Suftbk'ke 
and  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  for  severall  good  causess 
and  considerations  mee  hereunto  Espetially  moving  Doe 
fully  and  freely  give  unto  ye  three  Doghtar.s  of  Beniamen 
cainieu  Desesed  namely  Sarah  Carmen  Mary  Carmen  and 
Dinah  Carman  fiveteene  pounds  ten  shillins  Due  from  ye 
Estate  of  Robert  after  Desesed  as  will  apeare  by  a  bond  signed 
under  his  hand  which  I  ye  sd  Jonathan  Luis  Doe  freely  give 
and  bequeth  to  ye  sd  three  Doghters  in  Equall  Proportion 
and  ye  use  and  benefit  thereof  till  they  come  of  age  to  Re- 
seve  it  ferder  where  as  l)y  ye  will  of  beniamen  Car)nen  De- 
sesed ye  use  and  l)euetit  of  his  Lands  and  meddos  was  given 
to  his  wife  till  his  sons  come  of  age  and  I  ye  sd  Jonathan 
Luis  being  now  posesed  of  ye  use  and  benefit  of  ye  Land 
and  med-do  by  marrying  ye  widdo  and  Relict  of  ye  afore  sd 
Desesed  Beniamen  Carmen  I  Doe  freely  give  unto  ye  tow 
Sons  of  ye  sd  Desesed  yt  is  beniamen  carmen  and  John 
Carmen  all  ye  vse  and  benefit  yt  can  be  made  of  Desesed 
fathers  Land  and  nieddo  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  except 
oneLott  at  cose  necke  and  ^\^lereas  John  Carmen  and  Calel) 
Carmen  are  trustees  to  ye  Estate  belonging  to  ye  infants 
afore  sd  they  do  agree  and  consent  ye  Jonathan  Luis  above 
sd  shall  goyne  and  be  Equally  conserned  in  manageing  ye 
sd  Estate  an  I  ye  sd  Jonathan  Luis  Doth  agree  and  consent 
yt  ye  afore  sd  John  Carmen  and  Caleb  Carmen  Shall  be 
Equally  conserned  in  ye  well  managing  ye  gifts  afore  sd  and 
in  confermation  of  Every  of  ye  above  wrighten  premises  wee 
have  sett  to  oure  hands  Juse  ye  3  anno  1698  memorandum 
before  signing  it  is  to  be  understod  yt  ye  above  sd  John 
Carman  Caleb  Carmen  and  Jonathan  Luis  afore  sd  trustees 
now  by  consent  of  all  ye  Estate  given  by  will  and  gift  as 
afore  sd  shall  have  power  and  V)y  him  selfe  or  any  tow  rend- 
ering an  acoumpt  to  ye  other  to  set  oute  and  order  from 
time  to  time  ye  afore  si  Estate  or  any  Part  hereof  for  ye 

184         hempstead  town  eecoeds. 

Page  70. 

use  and  benetit  of  ye  afore  stl  infants  till  the}-  come  of  age 
and  then  to  he  Delivered  to  them  in  Equall  Proportion 
where  unto  wee  have  signed  ye  day  afore  sd 
Testated  by  us 
Joseph  Pettit  Jonathan  Luis 

his  John  Carmen 

beniamen  X  Pine  his 

marcke  Caleb  X  Carmen 

a  true  coppi  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Jacob  Smith  his  ear  marck  is  acrop  one  the  right  ear  aud 
a  nick  one  the  fore  sid  and  a  half  peny  under  the  left  ear  : 
entered  the  25th  day  of  September  1712  By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Jeams  Denton  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  ye  Eight 
ear  &  two  slits  in  it  &  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  ye  Left  ear  &  a 
nick  on  ye  under  sid  of  it.  entered  ye  5  day  of  September 
Anno  domini.  1716 

Per  me     Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

nathaniel  Seman  Seners 

His  ear  marck  is  alatch  on  ye  fore  sid  of  the  right  ear  and 
a  swallow  fork  on  ye  top  of  the  Left  ear  and  a  half  peny 
under  the  same,  entered,  the.  17th  day  of  april  domini.  1718. 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

r  Joseph  Mott  Juners  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  under  the  of 
ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  same  entered 
May  the.  5.  day  1722.  by  me 

Thos  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Page  71. 

Know  all  men  yt  I  Timothi  halsted  senor  of  hempsted  on 
Long  in  queus  county  have  given  granted  alinated  aud  made 

HEMrSTEAD    TOWN    liECOliDS.  185 

over  from  luee  my  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asifvne  to  m^'  son  in  Law  Richard  vollintinc  to  him  his  haires 
exsecetors  administrators  and  or  asi<j;nes  a  small  peace  of 
land  on  which  his  house  stands  it  is  ])ounded  on  ye  est 
side  by  a  hiojhvvay  yt  ye  east  end  of  his  house  and  it  llims 
in  Lenght  westwardly  from  ye  sd  highway  fifteen  Rods  and 
it  is  in  breaght  six  Rods  north  and  south  all  so  I  Doe  to 
my  sd  son  in  law  Richard  vollintiue  three  aeors  or  there 
aboute  of  land  It  lys  on  ye  north  side  of  my  East  held  it  is 
bounded  on  ye  north  and  East  and  Avest  by  3'e  fence  and  on  ye 
south  it  is  bounded  by  my  plowed  land  allso  I  Doe  give  to  my 
said  son  in  Law  one  alotmentof  land  lying  at  ye  north  side  ye 
plaines  yt  which  at  first  was  laid  oute  to  samuell  clarcke  it 
being  in  t[uantity  Eight  acors  or  there  abouts  more  or  les  as 
it  was  laid  oiite  at  first  now  I  ye  afore  sd  Timothi  halsted 
Doe  owne  to  have  given  all  and  Every  of  ye  afore  sd  tracts 
and  Parsells  of  Land  before  mentioned  with  ye  Right  and 
Priveledge  belonging  or  any  wise  apertaiueing  to  them  or 
any  of  them  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administratcns  or  asi- 
nes  to  my  afore  sd  son  in  Law  Richard  volliutine  to  him  his 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and 
to  liould  for  ever  as  his  or  theire  owne  proper  Right  this  be- 
ing given  in  Part  of  his  wit's  Portion  and  in  contirmation 
hereof  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  sele  this  first  of  aprill  in 
ye  yeare  1686. 



John  Smith  Shomackeii        Timothy"  X  Halsted  (S) 

mar  eke 
a  copie  of  3'e  origenall  compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  72. 

Richbell  Mott  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  forck  on 
the  of  ear,  and  a  slit  in  it.  entered  Novend)er  6  1723 
by  mee      Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 


Adam  Mott  Jiiner  liis  ear  mark  is  a  flower  deluc  ou  the 
near  ear  and  a  half  flower  dehic  under  the  of  ear  and  a  slit 
in  the  end  of  the  same,  entered  the  6  day  of  December 
1723  by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

John  Cornell  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear  and 
a  half  peney  under  it  and  a  half  peney  on  each  Side  of  the 
of  ear 

entered  December  the  1.  d.  1723     by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Cornelius  Van^dck  his  ear  mark  is  a  slipe  under  each  ear 
<t  a  half  peney  on  ye  fore  side  of  em.  entered  the  sixteenth 
day  of  January  1723-4  by  me 

Tho  Gildeeslee^te  Clarck 

Ephriani  Vallentine  Juuer  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  each 
ear  and  a  nick  under  each  ear.  entered  January  ye  16th 
day  1723-4 

by  me  Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

John  Barns  his  ear  marck  is  a  slipe  on  the  fore  side  of  ye 
of  ear  and  a  half  penen  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear. 
entered  the  tenth  of  march  1723-4 

h\  me     Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Peter  Monfort  his  ear  mark  is  a  slitt  in  the  end  of  the 
near  ear.     entered  the  16th  day  of  march  an.  no.  d.  1723-4 

by  me       ThoGildeesleeye  Clarck 

Rulluf  Schancks  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  forck  on 
the  near  ear.     entered  ye  16th  day  of  March  an.  no.  1623-4 

by  me       Thc  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Jonathan  Smith  nan  his  car  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear 
and  a  half  peny  under  the  same  and  a  nick  under  the  same 


and  a  latcli  on  tlie  Unc  sid  of  the  nere  ear.     entered  this 
thirtyoth  day  of  March  1724     b.v  me 

Tho  (tILDEKsleeve  Clarck 

Benjamin  Tredwell  his  ear  niarck  is  a  latch  on  ye  fore  side 
of  the  near  ear  A'  a  hole  in  ye  same  A'  a  slipe  nnder  ye  of  ear. 
entered  the  11  chiy  of  a])rill  1724  by  me 

Tho  Gildeusleeve  Clarck 

Barent  Vannyck  his  ear  mark  is  a  cro})  on  the  of  ear  and 
a  slipe  nnder  the  near  ear.     entered  April!  the  28  day  1724 
by  nie  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Thomas  Linnington  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the 
of  ear  and  a  iiower  deleuce  on  ye  near  ear.  entered  ye  2.  day 
of  may.  1724 

by  nie  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  carmans  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  tho  of  ear 
and  a  nick  on  the  under  side  of  the  near  ear  entred  the  2 
day  of  may  1724 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  73. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  a})ertaine  greeting  KnoAv  yee  yt  I  Eich- 
ard  Semman  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in 
qiTens  County  in  ye  Province  of  new^  yorcke  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  bargain  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from 
mee  my  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto 
Richard  townsend  of  ye  towne  Coimty  Island  and  Province 
above  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  achninistrators  and  as- 
signes  ye  one  moyetie  of  fifty  acors  of  Land  f ormerlj^  laid  oute 
to  hope  willis  on  ye  north  side  ye  greate  plaines  bounded  west 
by  marcked  trees  north  by  a  highway  and  east  to  matineche 
old  path  and  south  by  marcked  trees  as  it  Avas  Laid  oute  all 


Avliicli  twenty-live  acors  of  Land  as  above  bounded  together 
with  ye  woods  underwoods  tiud^er  trees  lying  or  standing 
and  all  apertaineing  there  on  I  ye  sd  Eichard  Seman  Doe 
by  these  presence  give  grant  bargiu  sell  alinate  Reles  and 
Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Richard 
townseud  to  him  his  haires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould 
for  Ever  to  ye  only  use  benefit  and  behofe  of  him  ye  sd 
Richard  Towusend  and  I  ve  sd  Eichard  Semman  Doe  furder 
warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  aud  good  free 
froman}'  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomberance  Just 
clame  of  any  Person  or  Persons  what  Ever  and  I  ye  sd  Richard 
Seman  Doe  furder  covenant  and  promise  for  my  selfe  my 
hairs  and  asignes  to  and  with  ye  sd  Richard  Townsend  his 
hairs  ;ind  asignes  to  Doe  an}-  furder  thing  if  need  Require 
for  ye  sure  mackeing  and  ferm  binding  ye  sd  Laud  and  Prem- 
ises for  and  in  consideration  of  a  valuable  sum  of  money 
Eeseved  in  full  satisfaction  before  ye  signing  here  of  and 
in  Testimonv  of  ve  Premises  I  have  hereunto  set  to  my 
hand  and  fixed  my  sele  Jenewary  ye  thirtieth  Day  in  ye 
yeare  of  oure  Lord  anno  Domini  1700 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us  '        Richard  Semmen  (S) 



Joseph  Pettit 


a  coppe  of  ye  origenall  compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  74. 

John  Doty  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near 
ear  and  a  half  penev  under  the  of  ear  entered  may  ye  11 

by  me         Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clare k 


John  Borrtiiii  Lis  car  uiaik  is  a  lialf  policy  on  the  fore  side 
of  each  eai  &  a  hole  in  the  near  ear  Entered  may  the  11 
day  1724 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Ohirck 

Venos  Seaman  his  ear  iiiarck  is  a  Latch  on  tlie  t't)re  sicU; 

of  the  of  ear  and  a  slipe  on  the  under  side  of  the  near  ear 

entered  the  18th  day  of  NoYember  1724     entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Thomas  Jackscm  the  son  of  Samuel  Jackson  is  a  slipe  on 
the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  the  near  ear 
entered  ye  18  tli  day  of  November  1724  by  me 

Thos  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

William  Pearce  his  ear  niarck  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear 
and  a  swallow  forck  on  of  ear  entered  ye  28  day  November 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Joshua  Barns  the  son  of  Joshua  Barns  his  ear  mark  is  a 
slipe  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  a  slit  in  the  end  of 
the  near  ear  and  a  half  peny  on  ye  fore  side  of  the  same 
entered  the  21  day  of  Januwary  1724-5  l)v  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Ezecel  Raiiier  his  ear  niarck  is  two  nicks  on  the  fore  side 
of  the  near  ear  entered  feabruary  the  25  day  1724-5  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Garrii  Dorlon  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  and  a  half  peny  un- 
der the  near  ear  &  a  nick  on  ye  fore  side  of  the  same  en- 
tered march  the  2  day  1724-5     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Richard  Spragg  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  of  ear  and 
a  slit  in  it  and  a  nick  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  carpen- 
tered march  the  25  day  1725  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Jonathan  Yallintiue  liis  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  near 
ear  and  two  nicks  nixder  the  of  ear  which  was  his  father 
Kichard  Yallintines  mark  entered  the  22  day  of  aprill  1725 
hy  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Richard  Tliorue  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  forck  on  ye 
near  and  a  half  peny  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  of  ear  and  a  hole 

ill  the  same     entered  may  the  26  1725  by  me 

Tho  GiLDEEsLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  75. 

To  all  christian  people  to  whome'these  presence  shall  come 
or  any  wise  apertaiue  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Joseph  baldin 
of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens  county 
in  ye  Proyince  of  new  yorck  Doe  by  these  presence  giye 
grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliyer  from  mee  my 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  abraham 
Smith  of  ye  towue  county  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  The 
Right  of  propertie  of  one  hundred  acors  of  upLand  to  be 
laid  oute  according  to  ye  towne  act  yt  is  neither  on  ye  north 
side  nor  on  ye  south  neckes  on  ye  south  side  nor  to  hinder 
any  highways  or  watering  places  all  which  Right  to  tacke 
up  one  hundred  acors  of  wood  Land  as  afore  sd  or  Provid- 
ed ye  sd  abraham  Smith  hath  alhedy  tacken  up  ye  sd  hun- 
dred acors  nott  Pregaditiall  to  any  high  wa3S  or  watering  but 
according  to  ye  towne  acte  afore  sd  then  I  ye  sd  Joseph  baldin 
Doe  hj  these  presence  give  grant  bargain  sell  alinate  and  reles 
and  Deliver  ye  sd  hundred  acors  of  wood  land  as  afore  sd 
with  ye  apertainances  thereon  fl'om  mee  my  haires  exsece- 
tors administrators  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  abraham  Smith 
to -him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to 
have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  for  and  in  consideration  of  full 
satisfaction  allredv  Receved  before  ye  si^niu^  hereof  and 


in  Testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  lierennto  set  to  my  Laud 
and  fixed  my  sele  marcli  ye  21  day  1G9(S 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us  Joseph  balding  (S) 

Daniell  Pearsall 
Joseph  Pettit 

a  coppi  of  ye  origanell  compared  by  luee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  70. 

To  ail  christian  People  to  wlionie  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Thomas 
Jacockes  of  Cape  May  in  west  Jersey  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargiu  sell  aliuate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asigues  unto  Isack 
Smith  of  hempsted  on  nassaw  Island  In  quens  County  in  ye 
Province  of  new  yorcke  to  him  +iis  haires  exsecetors  admin- 
istrators and  asignes  all  my  Right  title  intrest  clame  or  De- 
mand of  a  Sartaine  Parsell  of  Land  house  orchard  frute 
trees  fenceing  and  Improvements  ye  Land  lying  and  being 
situate  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  on  ye  north  side 
ye  greate  plains  at  herricks  it  is  bounded  north  by  ye  land 
of  samuell  Denton  ami  Timothi^halsted  and  south  by  ye 
plains  west  by  ye  land  in  ye  posetion  of  abiaham  Smith  and 
East  by  ye  land  in  ye  posetion  of  Timothihalstedytisallmy 
Right  title  intrest  Estate  Clame  or  Demand  yt  I  have  or  may 
have  to  the  above  bounded  land  and  Improvements  as  above 
sd  with  ye  apertinaces  thereunto  belonging  I  ye  sd  Thomas 
Jacockes  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  ali- 
nate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  asigns  unto 
ye  sd  Isacke  Smith  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  to  have  and 
to  hould  for  Ever  free  from  any  former  sale  let  morgadge  or 
incomberance  by  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  for  and 
in  consideration  of  thirty  three  pounds  current  mony  of  ys 
government  secured  to  be  paid  excepted  in  full  satisfaction 
before  ye  signing  hereof  and  in  Testimon}-  of  ye  premises  I 


have  set  to  my  liaud  and  fixed  my  sele  against  ye   seventli 
Dav  ill  ye  veare  of  oure  Lord  auno  Domini  1700 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 

Thomas  Jacockes  (S) 

JosKPH  Pettit 
Jonathan  Smith 
ADAM  mOtt 

A  foppi  of  ye  origenall  compared  b}'  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  77. 

To  all  christian  People  to  Avhome  these  presence  Shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  charls 
abrahams  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
county  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  bv  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  hairese  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Jere- 
miah Wood  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore 
sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes 
a  sartaine  parsell  of  Land  lying  and  being  in  ye  towne  ship 
afore  sdneare  ye  swamp  yt  Leads  to  ye  mill  l)ouuded  nother- 
ly  Easterly  and  westerW  by  highways  and  southerly  by  ye 
Land  of  ye  sd  Jeremiah  wood  in  quantity  foure  acors  or 
there  abouts  as  it  is  worded  to  mee  in  a  Deed  of  gift  from 
Thomas  Irland  which  land  together  with  ye  fencing  improve- 
ments and  apertinances  there  unto  belonging  I  ye  sd  charles 
abrahams  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  alinate  lieles 
enfefe  Deliver  bargin  sell  and  Dispose  from  mee  my  haires 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  je  above  sd  Jer- 
emiah wood  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  do  furder  war- 
rant ys  my  sale  to  be  lawfull  athenticke  and  good  free  from 
any  former  sale  morgadge  or  incomberance  wdiat  Ever  and 
Do  ferder  for  m}'  hairs  and  asignes  and  promis  my  selfe 
oblidged  to  do  any  ferder  thing  if  need  require  for  ye  sure 


mackeiiig  and  tinii  bindiiio;  ye  sd  Land  and  premises  for  and 
in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  Reseved  and  exsepted  be- 
fore ye  signeing  and  seleing  here  of  and  in  testimony  here 
of  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  with  my  wife 
Harali  aprill  ye  1  day  anno  Domini  1699 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered 
III  presence  of  ns  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Charles  X  Abrahams  (S) 

Thomas  Langdon  marcke 

a  copi)i  of  ye  origenall  compared  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Page  78. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  jDresence  shall  come 
or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Robert  bedle 
Juuer  of  hempsted  on  Long  Islnud  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires 
and  Sucsesers  hairs  exsecetors  and  asignes  unto  Jeremiah 
wood  sener  of  the  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore 
sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes 
one  home  lott  of  Land  agoining  to  ye  land  on  ye  south  of 
ye  land  or  lotts  of  ye  sd  Robert  bedle  being  one  third 
part  of  ye  lotts  three  in  number  belonging  to  ye  sd  Robert 
bedle  in  quantity  three  acors  more  or  les  as  shall  be  found 
yt  is  ye  south  Part  of  ye  sd  nine  acors  afore  sd  and  agoin- 
ing on  ye  north  to  a  lott  of  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Wood  which  lott  of 
land  lying  East  and  west  to  ye  highways  I  say  ye  sd  three 
acors  of  Land  or  lott  afore  sd  to  gether  with  ye  woods  un- 
derwoods trees  and  all  apertaiuing  belonging  to  ye  sd  lott 
I  ye  sd  Robert  bedle  doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  ali- 
nate Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  sucsesors 
unto  ye  said  Jeremiah  Wood  to  him  his  hairs  and  succesors 
to  have  and  to  hould  and  quietly  to  poses  and  inioy  from 
mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  succesors 
and  furder  I  ye  sd  Rol)ert  bedle  do  warrant  ys  my  deed  of 
gift  to  be  at  ye  deed  signing  and  sele  mackeing  to  be  my  owne 


proper  Estate  free  from  any  former  sale  lett  morgadge  or 
incomberauce  what  Ever  which  deed  of  gift  is  for  and  in 
consideration  of  a  yahiable  consideration  by  mee  Reseved 
iu  full  satisfaction  before  ye  signing  hereof  and  in  Testi- 
mony of  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto  set  to  my  hand  and 
fixed  my  sele  June  ye  first  day  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord  one 
thoiisand  six  hundred  ninety  and  seven 

Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 
Joseph  Pettit  his 

Thomas  GiLDEESLEEVE  Robert  X  bedle  (S) 

his  a  coppi  of  ye  originall 

Daniel  X  bedle  compared  by  me 

marck  Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  79. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  whome  yt  may  concerne 
yt  I  Richard  Gildersleeve  senor  of  hempsted  on  Long  Is- 
land, have  freely  given  and  Doe  by  these  presence  freely 
grant  and  couferme  a  sartaine  peace  of  upland  meddo  or 
fi'esh  meddo  Lying  within  a  feild  fensed  at  merracke  at 
south  sea  formerly  b}'  Jeremiah  Wood  Senor  unto  Jeremiah 
Juner  ye  sd  meddo  being  about  three  acors  more  or  les 
bounded  as  foUoweth  •beginning  at  ye  fence  afore  sd  at  ye 
south  end  and  so  Runing  northerly  through  ye  middle  of  ye 
spring  where  usully  men  Drincke  and  so  Runing  along  by 
Jeremiah  wood  Sener  his  meddo  and  so  to  the  southward 
End  of  ye  land  yt  ye  Jeremiah  wood  Sener  first  plowed  up 
and  so  to  ye  nothward  to  ye  woods  on  a  straite  line  bound- 
ed by  ye  greape  swamp  on  the  west  side  and  so  to  a  little 
ciicke  or  run  of  water  yt  Ishues  oute  of  yt  swamp  Runing 
south  ward  till  it  meets  Math  a  cricke  yt  coms  from  the 
spring  that  is  forementioned  where  ye  sd  meddo  Endeth  ys 
meddo  so  bounded  I  doe  give  to  ye  said  Jeremiah  wood 
Juner  his  haires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  to  him 
and  his  for  Ever  and  in  confermation  of  3*6  Premises  i  Doe 
here  unto  set  to  my  hand  the  9th  of  agust  1(374  Stilo  nova 


memorandum  this  .-xbove  wrigliteu  gift  and  grant  is  to  tacke 
place  and  be  of  full  force  unto  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Wood  at  ye 
Deses  of  ye  above  sd  llichard  Gildersleeve  and  not  before 
as  witnes  my  hand  ye  Day  and  date  above  sd 


John  Smith  Richard  Gildersleeve  Sener 

Jonathan  Smith 
a  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  80 

Jonathan  Carle  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side 
of  the  near  ear  and  a  half  peney  bet  wen  the  Latch  and  the 
head  and  a  half  peuey  under  the  same  ear.  eutred  the  21 
day  of  Aprill  anno  do.  1720  Pur  me 

Tho  (tIldersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Carle  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  marck  on  the 
upper  side  of  the  oi  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same 
ear  and  a  swallow  fork  on  the  near  Entred  may  2  1720  by 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Boldin,  the  son  of  Georg  Boldin,  his  ear  mark  is 

•  two  half  peuies  under  the  of  ear.    Entred  June  the  25  1720. 

by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck. 

Jacob  Carle  his  earmark  is  a  latch  marck  on  the  upper  sid 
of  the  near  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same  ear  and  a 
swallow  forck  on  the  of  ear.  entred  October  the  28th.  1720 
entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Losee  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear  and  a 
slipe  under  the  of  ear  entred  November  ye  10th.  1720  by 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Riehaia  Cornell  Juuer  of  cow  ueck  liis  ear  marck  is  two 
half  iieiieys  on  the  under  side  of  tlie  riglit  ear  and  a  half 
tiour  deluce  on  the  fore  side  of  the  same  which  was  his 
•ijranfather  John  Cornells  ear  mark  it  Avas  entred  in  ve  Eea- 
cords  of  Hempstead  april  ye  23.  1685  by  Josias  Starr  Clarck 
This  above  Compared  in  ye  origonal  &  entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeye  Clarck 

Georg  Boldin  Juner  the  son  of  Georg  Boldin  his  ear 
marck  is  a  Crop  on  the  near  ear  and  a  nick  imder  the  same 
it  was  his  grand  father  Thomas  Elisons  ear  marck  that  was 
entred  in  the  Reacords  of  hempstead  the  16th  of  november 
1683.     this  above  Compared  with  the  original  and  entred  by 


Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Jackson  the  son  of  Samuel  Jackson  his  ear  mark 
is  a  shpe  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  &  a  half  peny  under 
the  near  ear     entred  ye  28.  of  february.  1720-21     By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Jeams  Tites  gives  is  a  Latch  on  the 
fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same  en- 
tred the  17.  day  of  aprill  1722  l)y  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  81. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiue  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  David 
Jecockes  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
County  in  ye  province  of  New  Yorcke  Doe  by  these  pres- 
ence give  grant  bargain  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from 
mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto 
Ezecell  Simcins  in  ye  bounds  of  oisterbay  of  ye  Island 
County  and  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  ad- 
ministrators and  asignes  fifty  acors  of  wood  Land  Lying  and 
being  situate  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  to  ye  westward  of 
AVilliam  Smiths  mill  aioyniug  to  3'e  Land  jt  William  Smith 


bou<i;lit  of  John  Linintoii  and  Eniiin<ij  westwurdly  one  Inin- 
(Ired  Hods  and  northerly  Ei<^htv  liuds  and  niarcked  on  ye 
corner  trees  witli  E  :  IS  :  all  which  fifty  acors  of  \vf)od  Land 
with  and  tojjjether  ye  tind)er  and  apertinances  there  nuto 
belonging-  I  ye  sd  David  Jacockes  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargain  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  haires  and  asignes  nnto  ye  sd  Ezecell  Simcins  to  him  his 
liaires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  quiet- 
ly to  poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee 
my  haires  and  asignes  and  I  ye  sd  David  Jecocks  Doe  fer- 
der  warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good 
free  from  any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomberauce 
by  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  or  from  any  Person  or 
persons  yt  shall  lay  any  Just  clame  there  unto  which  is  for 
and  in  consideration  of  a  vahiable  sume  Reseved  and  se- 
cured  to  be   paid  in   full   satisfaction  before   the    signing 

PaCxE  82. 
hereof  and  in  Testimony  of  the  Premises  I  have  hereunto 
set  to  my  hand  and  iixed  my  sele  aprill  this  Twenty  second 
Day  in  ye  yeare  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  one 

Signed  Seled  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettit  David  X  Jecocks  (S) 

his  marcke 

William  X  Wetherbee 

a  Coppi  of  ye  origanall     Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

I  the  above  sd  Ezecell  Simcins  doe  here  by  acpyt  and 
macke  voide  this  above  said  Deed  of  sale  from  mee  my 
hairs  and  Suecesors  for  Ever  and  Doe  here  by  aquit  and 
Reles  ye  above  sd  David  Jacockes  his  haires. and  Sucses- 

sors  as  \atnes  my  hand  march  ye  31  1702 


Ezecell  X  Simcins 



The  Ear  marke  of  Thomas  Mave  is  a  Lateh  iiuirkeon  the 
imder  side  of  Each  Ear  and  a  half  peny  on  the  uper  side  of 
Each  Ear 

Eecorded  the  ninteeuth  day  of  the  first  month  march  in 
the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  &:  tenn  : 
Eleven     by  mee 

William  "Willis  Clarke 

Page  83. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  Avise  apertaine  Greeting  Kno^v  yee  yt  I 
Ephraim  voUintine  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nas- 
saw  in  quens  county  in  the  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by 
these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  De- 
liver from  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  unto  Joseph  Mott  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and 
Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administra- 
tors and  asigns  a  sartaine  parsell  of  wood  Laud  lying  and 
being  situate  on  ye  north  side  ye  great  plains  containeing 
twenty  tow  acors  more  or  les  as  it  was  formerly  granted  and 
laid  oute  to  John  Curtis  bounded  westwd  by  a  highway  and 
so  north  East  and  south  square  as  it  was  laid  oute  to  John 
Curtis  afore  sd  all  which  twenty  tow  acors  of  land  as  above 
sd  together  with  ye  Eight  and  apertinances  I  ye  sd  Eph- 
raim voUintiue  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell 
alinate  reles  and  Deliver  fi'om  mee  my  haires  and  asignes 
unto  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  to  have 
and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  quietly  to  poses  and  itiioy  from 
mee  Or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  succesers 
and  I  ye  sd  Ephraim  vollintine  Doe  for  my  selfe  my  haires 
and  asignes  warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and 
good  against  any  Person  or  Persons  yt  shall  macke  any  Just 
clame  there  unto  for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfactit)n 
Eeseved  and  in  Testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  here  unto 


set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  SepttMiilxu'  ye  ninth  Day 
anno  Domini  1700 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit 

his  his 

David  X  Jecockes  Ephraim  X  vollintine  (S) 
marcke  marcke 


a  coppi  of  ye  origenall  compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  84. 

The  ear  marck  that  Jeams  abitt  gives  and  hath  given  ever 
since  he  hath  been  a  liver  in  Hempsted  is  a  crop  on  each  ear 
and  a  nick  under  the  right  ear.  Entered  November  the  fowr- 
tentli  1718     hj  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Clement  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of 
ear  and  a  nick  under  it  and  a  half  peney  under  the  near  ear 
entered  May  the  16th  day  1721.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

This  ear  marck  above  of  Jeams  Abitt  is  a  crop  on  each 
ear  &  a  nick  under  the  right  ear.  is  John  Dosenborows  mi- 
ners by  consent  of  the  above  sd  Jeams  Abitt  witnes 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Henry  Mott  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  under  the  right  ear 
and  a  half  peney  under  the  left  ear  &  a  nick  on  the  fore  side 
of  the  same     entered  October  ye  30th.  1721.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jonas  fllower  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the  near 
ear  and  a  Crop  on  the  of  ear.  entred  November  the  30  day. 
1722  by  me 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Benjamin  Smith  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  and  a  hole  in  the 
of  ear  and  a  Latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  eutred  on 
the  fowrth  day  of  november.   1723.     by  me 

Tho  Gilder  sleeve  Clarck 

John  Tredwell  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of 
each  and  a  hole  in  the  of  ear     eutred  november  5.  1723  by. 


Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Stephen  Wood  his  ear  Marck  is  a  Latch  under  the  near 
ear  &  a  latch  on  there  fore  side  the  of  ear  c*^:  a  hole  in  it  en- 
tred  November.  5.  1723.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Eichard  Postt  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  slitt  in  the  end  of 
the  near  ear  and  two  half  peneys  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of 
ear     entred  November.  5.  1723.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Pettet  his  ear  mark  is  a  slipe  under  the  right  ear 

and  a  half  peny  on  the  fore  side  of  ye  same  and  a  half  peny 

on  each  side  the  Left  ear     Entred  november.  5.  1723.  by 


Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Pettet'  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peney  under  each  ear 
and  a  latch  on  ye  fore  side  the  near  ear     entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  85. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  who  me  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Eph- 
raim  voUintine  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in 
quens  count}'  in  the  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver 
from  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes 
unto  Joseph  Mott  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  province 
afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  a  sartaine  parsell  of  land  Lying  and  being  situate  on 


the  uortli  side  ye  greate  plaiiies  on  ye  Edge  of  ye  jjlaines 
bounded  East  by  ye  land  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  west  by  ye 
now  standing  fence  and  so  rnning  south  ye  same  bredght 
to  ye  fence  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  only  Isaveing  a  vatpiancy 
for  cretures  to  })as  Round  ye  pond  north  by  the  now  stand- 
ing fence  and  south  by  ye  fence  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  con- 
taiueiug  twelve  acors  more  or  les  as  shall  be  found  as  above 
bounded  which  Land  as  above  bounded  together  with  ye 
fencing  improvements  and  apertenances  there  unto  belong- 
ing which  Land  and  premesis  with  ye  apertinances  above 
bounded  I  ye  sd  E])hraim  vollintine  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Jo- 
seph Mott  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  to  have  and  to  liould  for  Ever  and  quietly  to  poses 
and  Inioy  from  any  Person  or  Persons  yt  shall  niacke  any 
Just  clame  there  unto  and  I  ye  sd  Ephraim  vollintine  Doe 
ferder  warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  lawfull  atheuticke  and  good 
in  law  free  from  any  former  sale  lett  morgadge  or  incomber- 
ance  what  ever  and  I  ye  sd  Ephraim  Vollintine  do  ferder 
covenant  and  promise  for  my  selfe  my  haires  and  asignes  to 
any  and  Avith  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  his  haires  and  asignes  to  Doe 
ferder  thing  if  need  require  for  ye  sure  mackeing  and  tirm 
binding  ye  sd  Land  and  premises  for  and  in  .consideration 
of  twenty  pounds  current  silver  money  in  hand  paid  and  se- 
curd  to  be  paid  excepted  in  full  satisfaction  before  ye  sign- 
ing hereof  and  in  testimonyof  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto 
set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  agust  ye  7  day  anno  Dom- 
ni  1700  ^ 

Signed  seled  and  delivered  in  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  his 

Jeremiah  Wood  Ephraim  X  Vollintine  (S) 

Joseph  smith  marcke 

a  coppe  compared  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

202        hempstead  town  records. 

Page  86. 

8iinon  Cooper  of  oysterbay  liis  ear  marck  is  a  flower  de 

luce  on  the  near  ear  and  a  halpli  peny  under  the  same  be- 

'  twen  the  flower  deluce  and  the  head,  entred  December  30th 

1725     By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Johnsen  the.  3.  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  under  the  of 

ear  and  a  nick  on  each  side  of  the  same   entred  Jan  wary  the. 

18.  1725-6  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Honas  demott  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a 
hole  in  the  same  and  a  half  peuey  under  the  near  ear  en- 
tred the  14.  day  of  march  1726     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Mr  John  Ashley  his  ear  Mark  is  a  crop  ou  the  of  ear  & 
two  swollow  forks  in  it.     entred  aprill  the.  18.  1726    by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Georg  Bargur  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peney  under  ye  near 
ear  &  a  nick  on  the  fore  side  of  ye  same.  Bought  of  John 
Dosenborow  seuer.  Witnes         Thc  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

and  entred  ye  25.  of  aprill  1726     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Robart  Huchens  his  ear  marck  is  a  Latch  on  the  fore  side 

of  each  ear  and  a  hoole  in  the  near  ear.     entred  uovember 

the  ninth  day  1726.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Nicolas  Stilwell  his  ear  mark  is  a  hoole  in  each  ear  that 

was  Iformerly  Richard  Manerings.  for  which  ye  sd  nicolas 

Stilwell  gave  five  shillings,     entred  ye  15  day  of  november 

by  mee  1726 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Heulitt  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  iinder  the  of  ear  & 

a  slipe  under  the  near  ear     entred  Decem  the  7th  day  1726 

by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Benjciniiu  C^'oriiell  liis  ear  iiiaik  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear 
&  a  lialf  peney  under  it  &  half  peny  on  the  fore  sid  on  the 
of  ear  tt  a  slit  in  the  same. 

Tlieodorus  Wainvick  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the 
of  ear  and  a  half  })eney  under  it  and  a  h;df  peney  on  the 
fore  side  of  the  near  ear.  entred  December  the  12  day.  1726 
entred  by  me 

Tho  Gilderslevee  Clarck 

Page  87. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  John  Lininton  Inhabitant  in  hempsted  inquens  coun- 
ty in  ye  Island  of  nassaw  yomen  seudeth  greeting  Knowyee 
yt  I  The  above  sd  John  Lininton  for  severall  good  resons 
considerations  and  causes  there  unto  moveing  but  more  Es- 
petially  for  a  sartaine  sume  of  mony  to  me  in  hand  paid  by 
william  Smith  of  ye  above  sd  towne  Island  and  county  to 
my  satisfaction  ye  Resept  whereof  I  doe  hereby  owne  and 
before  ye  Inseleing  and  Delivery  of  these  presence  Doe  ac- 
knowledge to  therewith  contented  satisfied  and  paid  and 
thereof  and  there  from  Doe  for  Ever  exhonerate  aquit  and 
Discharge  ye  above  sd  william  Smith  his  haires  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  from  any  ferderclame  or  demand 
for  any  part  or  parsell  thereof  have  given  granted  covenan- 
ted alinated  Kelesed  Enfefed  quit  clame  made  over  and 
sould  and  l)y  these  presence  Doe  acknowledge  to  have  from 
mee  my  haires  execetors  administrators  fully  and  absolutly 
given  and  granted  covenented  alinated  relest  quit  clame  made 
over  and  sould  unto  ye  above  sd  William  Smith  his  haires 
execetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  sartaine  peace  or  par- 
sell  of  upland  lying  and  being  within  yel)ounds  and  Limits 
or  hempsted  Contain eing  twenty  five  acors  more  or  les  which 
sd  Land  is  butted  and  bounded  as  folio weth  viz  by  a  white 
oclie  tree  standing  neare  ye  above  sd  William  Smiths  mill 
Dam  marcked  with  W:  S:  being  the  south  East  bounds  or 
there  abouts  and  from  thence  Runing  allong  by  ye  way  yt 


Leads  to  aud  from  fosters  meddo  to  ye  afore  sd  mill  to  asar- 
taine  whit  oehe  tree  marcked  with  W:  S:  being  ye  north  Est 
corner  or  there  abouts  and  then  Enning  by  ^e  common  or 
imdevided  Laud  to  a  sartaine  Red  oche  tree  marcked  as  afore 
sd  standing  by  ye  Broocke  yt  runeth  into  ye  mill  river  and 
so  by  ye  broocke  till  it  Enters  it  selfe  into  ye  mill  river 

Page  88. 

which   sd    Land    was  purchased    by  ye    sd    John  lininton 
from    Eichard    gildersleeve    now    of   huutintowne      I    say 
yt  I  ye  above  sd  John  Lininton  have  as  afore  sd  soiild  as 
above  sd  to  ye  afore  sd  William  Smith  all  ye  afore  sd  peace 
or  parsell  of  upland  acording  as  it  is  above  butted  and  boimd- 
ed  together  with  all  ye  right  and  previlidge  and  profits  and 
benitits  thereof  and  there  unto  belonging  with  all  ve  timber 
trees  woods  underwoods  being  upou  or  belonging  there  un- 
to or  in  any  wise  there  unto  apertaining  ye  same  to  have  and 
to  hould  oheepy  poses  and  inJoy  free  and  cleerlyDischarged 
of  and  from  all  former  sales  gifts  morgadges  or  any  other 
intanglements  what  Ever  and  ye  sd  shall  and  by  thes  pres- 
ence for  Ever  will  warrant  and  Defend  against  any  clame  or 
Demand  from  any  person  or  persons  what  Ever  with  a  war- 
rante  to  Defend  ye  same  against  any  intrest  property  Clame 
or  demand  from  mee  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  for 
Ever  in  witnes  whereof  I  have  here  unto  sett  to  my  hand 
and  afixed  my  sele  ye  22d  day  of  October  in  ye  nintla  yeare 
of  his  maiesties  Eaigu  and  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  lord  one  thou- 
sand six  hundred  ninty  and  seven 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  his 

Edward  b  ■ John  X  linintox  (S) 

Samuell  Eesco  marcke 

Thomas  b 

Memorandum  yt  on  ye  22d  of  October  1697  there  apered 
before  D'll  whithed  Esqr  one  of  his  maist  Justices  of  ye 
peace  for  quens  county  ye  above  named  John  Lininton  and 


did  acknowledge  yt  above  wrigliteu  deed  of  conveyance  to 
be  his  voile utery  act  and  deed 

D'll  whithed 

These  ])resence  witneseth  yt  I  ye  within  named  williani 
Smith  Doe  hereby  fnlly  freely  and  absolntely  and  clerely 
asigne  and  set  over  from  me  my  hairs  exsecetors  adminis- 
trators and  asignes  unto  Ezecell  Simcins  of  oisterbay  Cove 
in  ye  bounds  of  oister  bay  of  ye  Island  county  and  pro- 
vince within  named  to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  all  my  Right  title  intrest  clame  Estate  Demand 
what  Ever  belongin  to  mee  of  ys  within  wrighten  Deed  of 
Sale  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  as  fully  and  amply  in 
every  part  and  parsell  as  it  is  made  to  mee  from  mee  or  any 
from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes  for  and  in  con- 
sideration of  full  satisfaction  reseved  only  I  ye  sd  AVillian? 
Smith  Doe  herby  Exsept  oute  of  yt  deed  a  parsell  of  land 
sould  to  William  wetherbe  marcked  out  supposed  to  be  five 
acors  as  shall  apeare  or  may  be  found  within  ye  sd  bounds 
in  testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  here  unto  sett  at  my 
hand  and  fixed  m}^  sele  aprill  ye  22d  ano  1701 

signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 

KicHRD his 

Joseph  Pettit  William  X  Smith  (S) 

a  coppe  of  ye  origenall  entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  89. 

Quens  County  7  ys  may  1701  I  have  survayed  a  parsell 
land  for  Ilidgbell  mott  williani  mott  cliarls  mott  in  liemp- 
sted  bounds  in  ye  north  woods  l)egining  att  a  white  ocke 
tree  that  stands  under  a  hill  by  a  Rode  yt  goes  from  ye 
plains  to  madnans  uecke  sd  tree  being  marcked  on  all  fowre 
sides  and  from  thence  south  20  degrees  easterly  192  Rod 
to  a  whit  ocke  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  yt  stands  by 
sd  plains  and  from  thence  East  20  degrees  southerly  ISGRod 
to  awalliuit  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  from  thence  26 


degrees  westerly  200  Eod  to  a  wliit  ocke  tree  marcked  on  all 
fowre  sides  from  tlieuce  westerly  to  ye  first  station  contain- 
ing 141     lay  oute  by  mee 

Peter  CoRTELYor  Surveyor 

Qiiens  county  7  this  may  1701  I  have  surveyed  a  parsell 
of  Land  for  Eidgbell  Mott  William  Mott  charls  mott  in 
hempsted  bounds  In  ye  north  woods  begining  at  a  whit 
ocke  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  N:  26: 
27  Eod  and  from  thence  north  15  degrees  esterly  52  Eod  to 
a  blacke  ocke  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sids  and  from  thence 
east  24  degrees  southerly  52  Eod  to  a  whit  ocke  tree  yt 

stands  on  ye  south  side pond  ye  sd  tree  being 

marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  westerly  25  de- 
grees 72  Eods  and  from  thence  northerly  26  degrees  10  es- 
terly 20  Eod  to  ye  first  station  Containing  18  acors  Lay  oute 
by  mee 

Peter  Coeteltou  Surveyor 

These  above  wri^hten  Entered  by  the  surveyers  Note  yt 
is  ye  Dementions  tacken  oute  of  ye  Surveyers  Note  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

The  EeveredMr  Eobart  Jene  Eector  of  Hempsted  his  ear 
mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near 
ear  and  a  nick  under  it  entred  march  the  27.  day  1727  by 
me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  90. 

"Whereas  I  william  Smith  Did  asigue  over  to  Ezecell  Sim- 
cins  of  ye  boiinds  of  oisterbay  one  Deed  of  sale  which  I  had 
of  John  Lininton  bareing  date  October  ye  22  day  anno  1697 

I  ye  sd  Ezecell  Simcins  Doe  hereby  fully  Eeles  acpiit  and 
macke  void  this  asignment  Entered  in  page  88  it  his  Boocke 
where  unto  I  have  signed  this  Eecord  his 

Ezecell  X  Slaicins 

mar  eke 
Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 


Joseph  Latham  his  car  mark  is  a  c^rop  on  each  ear  aud  a 
hole  in  the  of  ear     entred  may  ye  25  day  1725     l)y  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Chirck 

Robart  Bound  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peney  on  the  fore 
side  of  the  of  ear     entred  May.  ye.  25  day.  1725.    by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  All.  ]3urtos  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  tl(j\vardeluce 
on  the  near  ear  and  a  hole  in  the  of  ear  entred  Dec.  1.  1725 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Gersham  Mott  his  ear  mark  is  two  nick  and  a  half  j^eney 
under  the  near  ear  set  thus.  1(1 1.  entred.  December  the.  1. 
1725.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Charls  Mott  his  ear  mark  is  a  flower  deluce  on  the  near 
ear  and  a  latch.  <t.  alialf  peny  under  the  of  ear  entred  Dec. 
1.  1725     by  .me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Lncos  Eldert  his  earmark  is  the  old  antiantear  mark  that 
old  mr.  Adam  Mott  gave,  that  is  a  flower  deluce  on  the  near 
ear.  S:.  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of  ear  and  a  half  flowerdeluce 
under  the  same,     entred.  november  the.  18.  1725    By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jonathan  Smith  rock.  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  a  Swollow 
forck  on  the  of  ear  and  a  slit  in  it  that  was  Richbell  mott  Juners 
entred  november.  ye.  18.  1725.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve"  Clarck 

Page  91. 

att  a  towne  meeting  held  in  hemp^sted  aprill  ye  1  1701  It 
was  voted  aud  concluded  by  ye  maior  vote  of  ye  towne  yt 
whereas  ye  grant  formerly  to  John  Robison  conserning  ye 
streeme  at  ye  head  of  ye  harboure  Is  made  voide  l)y  his  De- 
falt therefore  william  willis  Richard  vollintine  and  Samuell 
Denton  Junr  was  chosen  by  ye  maior  vote  of  ye  towne  to 


agree  with  Jolm  Robisou  upon  ye  couditions  ye  streame  att 
cow  necke  was  granted  to  Natliauell  Persall  and  Isacke  smitb 
otherwise  to  Reterue  his  answere  to  ye  towne     By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

att  a  generall  tow^ne  meeting  held  in  hempsted  aprill  ye  1 
1701  It  was  voted  and  conchided  by  ye  maior  votte  of  ye 
towne  yt  what  swine  so  Ever  shall  be  found  upon  ye  towns 
common  or  trespasiiug  in  any  mans  Land  or  meddo  it  shall 
be  Lawfull  for  any  Person  or  Persons  to  Drive  them  to  ye 
Pound  and  hee  or  they  yt  Drive  them  shall  have  nine  pence 
a  head  for  Driveing  and  ye  Pinder  shall  have  fowre  pence 
half  peny  a  hed  for  pounding  all  to  be  paid  by  ye  owners  of 
ye  swiue     By  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  it  was  voted  and  concluded  by 
ye  maior  vote  of  ye  towne  yt  Provided  att  any  time  from 
time  to  time  any  Ram  or  Rams  shall  be  foupd  in  ye  streats 
or  towne  commons  or  els  where  amonghts  ye  towne  Hocke 
from  ye  first  of  agust  and  after  till  ye  Last  of  October  it 
shall  be  Lawfull  for  any'  Person  or  Persons  to  geld  them 
This  by  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

Page  92. 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  John  tredwell  was  Chosen  Col- 
ector  for  ye  iusuing  yeare     By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

The  mark  of  John  Titus  is  a  slitt  on  the  Right  Ear  & 
a  half  penny  on  the  uper  side  of  the  same  Recorded  the 
first  Day  of  aprill  in  the  year  1712  by 

William  Willis  Clark 

John  Willis  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  fork  on  each  ear 
&  a  half  pen}'  under  each  ear,  entered,  march  ye.  24  day  1715- 
16     Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve,  Clark 


Danil  Heulitt  his  ear  marckis  a  slip  on  ye  under  sid  of  ye 
Ili(^lit  ear  and  Latch  on  the  under  sid  of  ye  Left  ear.  and  a 
sloping  nick  on  the  fore  sid  of  ye  same  entred  march  ye. 
24day  1715-16     Pur,  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clark 

Adrian  Onderdonk  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  each  ear  and 
a  half  peney  under  each  ear  entered  febreuary  the.  3.  day 
1718-19  by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Henry  Onderdonk  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear 
and  a  half  peney  under  the  of  ear  and  a  nick  on  the  fore  sid 
of  each  ear.     entered  febreuary  the.  3.  day  1718-19  l)y  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Tunes  Snedecor  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear  and 
a  Hower.  deluce  on  each  ear  entered,  febreuary  the.  3.  1718- 
19     by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Jonathan  Hutinp;s  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  ye  of 
ear  &  '2  half  peneys  under  ye.  near,  entred  nove.  ye.  12th. 
1728.     by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Page  93. 

To  all  christiou  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  I  Richard  voUintine  Liveing  within  ye  Limits  and 
bounds  of  ye  towne  of  hempsted  in  quens  County  upon  ye 
Island  of  nassaw  and  Province  of  newyorcke  sendeth  greet- 
ing In  t)ure  Lord  god  Ever  Lasting  whereas  my  Desesed 
father  Richard  vollintine  Late  of  ye  same  towne  County  Is- 
land and  Province  afore  sd  Did  in  his  Life  time  give  and 
f£rant  and  Poses  mv  brother  in  Law  Thomas  Chesman  of  a 
sartaine  Parsell  of  Land  containing  twenty  tow  acors  be  it 
more  or  Les  Lying  at  a  place  on  ye  north  side  of  ye  Plains 
Knowne  by  the  name  of  herrickes  and  neglect  haveing  bene 
made  in  my  sd  fathers  Life  time  of  a  confermation  of  ye  same 


by  Deed  now  Know  jee  yt  I  ye  scl  Kichard  volliiitine  afore 
sd  haire  to  ye  Estate  of  my  father  Richard  voilintine  Late 
of  ye  towne  of  hempsted  afore  sd  Desesed  In  Due  regard 
of  ye  gift  and  grant  made  and  given  to  my  brother  in  Law 
thomas  Chesman  in  my  fathers  Life  time  and  for  divers  oth- 
er considerations  mee  thereiiiito  Espetially  moving  have  giv- 
en granted  and  confermed  and  by  these  presence  Doe  give 
grant  and  conferme  unto  ye  sd  thomas  Chesman  his  hairs 
and  asigues  for  Ever  all  yt  twentv  tow  acors  of  Land  be  it 
more  or  Les  Lying  on  ye  north  side  of  ye  Plains  of  the  towne 
afore  sd  att  a  place  Knowne  by  ye  name  of  herricks  and  is  now 
in  ye  tenure  and  ocipation  of  ye  sd  thomas  Chesman  to  have 
and  to  honld  Levy  tacke  use  Poses  and  inioy  ye  afore  sd 
twenty  tow  acors  of  Land  be  it  more  or  Les  unto  ye  sd  thom- 
as Chesmon  his  hairs  and  asigues  to  ye  only  Proper  use  ben- 
efit and  behufe  of  his  ye  sd  thomas  chesmon  his  hairs  and 
asignes  for  Ever  withoute  any  manner  of  clame  challiiig  or 
Demand  Lett  liinderance  or  molestation  of  mee  Ether  of  my 
hairs  exsecetors  and  administrators  for  Ever  or  by  from  or 
under  mee  or  them  or  Ether  of  them  or  by  any  of  theire  pro- 
curement In  witnes  where  of  1  the  sd  Richard  voilintine 
have  here  unto  put  to  my  hand  and  sele  this  16  of  Decem- 

Page  94. 

berinthe  twelfh  yeare  of  his  maiesties  Raigne  1700 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  In  presence  of  us 

Daniell  Persall  Richard  vollintine  (S) 

IsACKE  Smith 
Samuell  Denton 

aprill  ye  1  1701  then  Richard  vollintine  apeard  before  one 
of  his  maiesties  Justises  of  ye  peace  and  acknowledged  this 
Deed  of  gift  to  be  bis  Yoll  Lentaryact  aud  Deed  apeard  l)e- 
fore  mee 

John  Jackson 
a  true  Coppi  of  ye  origonall     Entered  l)y  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 


.June  the  12tli:  1710  John  Sinitli  luitli  been  clown  upon 
the  great  neek  &  have  viewed  the  Conveniences  for  Abell  . 
smith  and  Henry  Alhni  for  the  taking  up  their  Lands  that 
was  granted  by  the  Town  of  Heinpsted  and  1  John  Smith 
do  say  that  itt  is  convenient  for  them  to  take  itt  near  them 
in  the  undevided  Lands  and  this  is  from  under  my  hand 
Wittnes  John  Smith 

Joseph  Pettitt 

her  the  above  written  is  a  tru  coppy 

Sarah  X  Pine      taken  out  of  the  originall  and 

marke  Compared  and  Recorded  bymeethis 

23d  day  of  ye  12-mo  felu-uary  1710-11 
William  Willis  Chirke 

Jacob  Tittos  his  ear  mark  is  a  sHtt  in  the  end   of  the  of 
ear  and  a  half  peny  on  fore  side  of  the  same  and  a  nick  on . 
tha  fore  side  of  the  nere  ear  eiitred  the.  5.  day  June  1721  l>y 

Tho  GiLDEPiSLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  95. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  wliome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiue  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Robart 
marvin  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 
County  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  harman 
Johnson  of  ye  towne  Island  County  and  Province  afore  sd 
to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  sar- 
taine  Parsell  of  meddo  ground  Lying  att  a  Place  called  liun-- 
gry  harl)oure  In  quantity  as  it  was  Laid  oute  to  mee  for  one 
acor  and  three  quarters  as  may  apeare  was  Laid  oute  bound- 
ed west  and  north  by  the  cricke  and  East  by  a  Lott  Laid 
oute  to  lienery  Lininton  and  I  ye  sd  Robart  marvin  Doe  in- 
gadge  to  uphould  and  maintaine  ye  sd  harman  Johnson  his 
haires  and  sucsesers  ye  sd  Lott  with  a  Line  Runing  as  ye 
other  Lotts  or  his  proportion  with  ye  other  Lotts  acording 



to  ye  quantity  it  Avas  Laid  oute  for  all  which  meddo  as  afore 
sd  with  ye  apertinances  thereon  with  all  ye  Eight  and  Prev- 
^ilidge  there  unto  belonging  on  hungry  harbonre  necke    I  ye 
sd  Eobai-t  marvin  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin 
sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haii'es  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  ruito  ve  sd  harman  Johnson  to 
him  his  haires  and  asignes  to  have  and  to   hould  for  Ever 
and  quiatlv  to  Poses  and  Iniov  from  mee  or  auv  from  bv  or 
under  mee  my  haii'es  and  asignes  and  I  ye  sd  Eobnrt  mar- 
vin Doe  furder  warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfullathenticke 
and  good  in  Law  free  from  any  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  in- 
comberance  what  Ever  by  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee 
for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  Eeceived  in  full 
satisfaction  before  ve  signing  hereof  and  in  Testimonv  of  ve 
Premises  I  have  here  unto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  Sele 
September  ye  thii-d  Day  anno  Domini  1701 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered 
In  Presence  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Egbert  X  Marvin  (S) 

her  marcke 

Margeeat  X  Pettit 
a  coppie  of  ye  origenall  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 
Page  95a. 

att  a  towne  meeting  held  in  hempstedmay  ye  o  1701  att 
ye  same  towne  meeting  John  Sering  John  Carle  and  Thom- 
as gildersleeve  was  chosen  to  Eepare  ye  meeting  house  what 
is  needfull  upon  ye  towns  charge     By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Joseph  Denton  the  son  of  Samuel  Denton  the  Second  his 
ear  marck  is  the  ear  marck  that  his  granfather  Samuel  Den- 
ton deseced  gave,  which  is  a  Crop  on  the  Eight  ear  and  two 
nicks  in  it  and  a  nick  under  the  Lef  ear  entered  December 
the  29  1718     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Joseph  Denton  al)Ove  Leaves  this  car  niarck  al)ove  to  any 
that  want  a  mark 

Ezftcel  Smith  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  aswalhnvfork  on  the 
Left  ear  and  a  half  ponev  niuler  it  and  two  half  peuoys  un- 
der the  Right  ear  entred  the  21  day  of  deeember  171U  by 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Micall  Molt  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a 
half  peney  under  it     enticed  December.  26.  1720  by  me. 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Chxrck 

Samuel  Langdon  the  Son  of  John  Langdon  his  ear  marck 
is  a  hoole  in  the  nere  ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  under  sid 
of  the  of  ear     entred  Ma}^  19.  day  1722     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

this  above  ear  mark  of  Samuell  Langdons  is  John  Lang- 
dons  ye  son  of  Joseph  Langdon  by  Consent  of  Sami  Lang- 
don.    "witnes 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

elbert  monfort  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  forck  on  the  of 
ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same  entered  Aprill  ye.  2. 
1723     By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Epenetus  Wood  his  ear  marck  is  a  hole  in  the  of  ear  :  and 
two  half  peneys  on  the  fore  side  of  each  ear  entred  No- 
vember. 6.  1723     By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Langdons  ear  mark  hear  above  on  this  leaf  is  null 
and  void  and  doth  l)eloug  to  Cornelus  Polhemus  as  witnes 
our  hand  November.  15.  1729 

Jno  Tredwell  esq  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  95b. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  greeting     Know  all  men  yt  I  John  Jackson   Esquire 


of  ye  towue  of  liempsted  {incl  ye  Island  iiassaw  in  qiiens 
coimty  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  for  Divers  good 
causes  mee  moveing  there  unto  have  in   full  satisfaction  in 
hand  allredy  Keseved  before  asignment  In-  me  ye  above  sd 
John  Jackson  Doe  batter  bargin  give  grant  sellalinateEeles 
Deliver  and  macke  over  and  have  before  these  presence  under- 
wrighten  battered  bargined  given  and  granted  Sould  alinat- 
ed  and  Relesed  and  Delivered  and  macke  over  for  ever  from 
mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  audasignsfor  Ever 
unto  Jeams  abbett  Tanner  of  fosters  meddo  now  Resident 
■within  3'e  Province  afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  ad- 
ministrators and  asigns  for  Ever  a  saiiaiue  tract  of  Land 
situating  and  being  within  ye  bounds  of  liempsted  within  ye 
Province  afore  sd  containeiug  a  hundred  acors  of  Land  more 
or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  oute  bounded  as  followeth  North  East 
by  a  red  ocke  tree  a  corner  tree  marcked  with  tow  eys  on  ye 
south  side  and  tow  eys  on  ye  west  side  and  three  chops  on 
Each  side  of  ye  eys  and  so  Leading  a  long  to  ye  south  side 
with  trees  marcked  with  three   chops  on  Each  side  of  ye 
trees  a  long  the  side  of  ye  second  west  meddo   on  ye  west 
side  je  swamp  and  so  to  a  corner  tree  south  East  a  red  ocke 
tree  marcked  with  tow  eys  on  ye  north  side  and  tow  eys  on 
ye  west  side  and  thre   chops  on  Each  side  ye  eys  and  so 
acros  ye  neck  untill  you  com  to  Simmonses  Swamp  to  white 
ocke  tree  marchd  with  tow  e^s  on  ye  East  side  and  toAv  on 
ye  north  side  and  thre  chops  on  Each  side  ye  eys   and  so 
along  by  ye  swamp  while  you  come  to  a  red  ocke  tree  upon 
a  Straight  Line  marcked  with  tow  eys  on  ye  south  Side  and 
tow  eys  on  ye  East  side  and  three  chops  on  Each  side  of  ye 
eys  and  So  Eastward  upon  a  line  till  you  com  to  a  red  ocke 
tree  ye  north  East  corner  I  say  I  ye  above  sd  John  Jackson 
have  certainely  before  these  presence  under  wrighten  given 
and  fully  granted  and  abolutely  and  firmly  sould  alinated 
Relesed  and  delivered  and  made  over  for  mee  my  haire  ex- 
secetors administrators  and  asignes  for  Ever  unto  Jeams  ab- 
bitt  as  above  said  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators 


Pacie  9(). 

and  Hsignes  for  Ever  to  occepy  and  improve  ye  above  sd  Land 
as  afore  sd  l)ound(Hl  within  ye  fowr  Corner  trees  upon  a  strait 
lin(!  with  all  yo  bonitits  and  improvements  as  ye  caseRequirs 
as  I  say  I  ye  above  sd  John  Jackson  have  hj  these  presence 
firmly  to  all  intents  and  Purposes  of  ye  above  sd  premises  giv- 
en granted  sonld  alinated  and  Delivered  and  nnide  over  ye 
above  sd  Land  for  nuH'  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrator 
and  asignes  for  Ever  unto  Jeams  abbitt  as  afore  sd  ye  above 
sil  Land  to  him  liis  hairs  exsecetors  a(hninistrators  and 
asignes  for  Ever  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  pesably  to 
luioy  and  poses  for  Ever  with  oute  any  Lett  or  molestation 
Avhatso  Ever  and  I  say  I  ye  above  sd  John  Jackson  Doe  bind 
me  my  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  Jeams 
abbitt  as  above  sd  to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  to  macke  ys  my  Deed  of  sale  good  and  atheu- 
ticke  in  Law  by  Avarrautise  agains  any  Person  or  i)ersons 
who  ;itt  any  time  or  times  ether  Directly  or  Indirectly  shall 
in  any  wdse  lay  any  Just  clame  to  any  part  or  parsell  of  ye 
above  sd  Lands  and  to  maintaine  ys  Right  of  ye  above  sd 
Laud  against  any  former  incomberance  w^hat  so  Ever  by  war- 
rantee as  ye  Law  Directs  to  ye  true  performance  of  ye  ev- . 
ery  and  all  ye  premises  above  wrighten  I  have  set  to  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  sele  ye  tenth  Day  of  may  in  ye  yeare  of  oure 
Lord  god  scventeene  hundred  and  one  ye  words  enterlined 
ye  Lord  and  sd  word  mee  and  ye  word  Just  and  ye  w^ord  for- 
mer before  asignement 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 
In  presence  of  us 

Edwakd  Hai;e  John  Jackson  (S) 

Danell  theston 
William  Coenwell 

memorandum  may  ye  23  1701  -John  Jackson  then  apeared 
before  John  tredwell  one  of  his  nuiisties  Justises  for  Ceep- 


ing  ye  Peace  in  quens  county  Jolin  Jackson  acknowledged 
js  Deed  to  be  liis  act  and  Deed 


Page  97. 

This  Indenture  made  ye  Seyenth  Da}-  of  Jeueweiy  and 
in  ye  yeare  of  onre  Lord  one  thousand  seyen  hundred  and 
in  ye  twelth  yeare  of  ye  Eaigne  of  oure  Soyerghen  Lord 
William  ye  third  of  Ingland  Scotland  france  and  Irlaud 
King  Defender  of  ye  faith  witneseth  yt  Jeremiah  Smith  now 
liyeing  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  queus  County  on  Is- 
land Nassaw  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  in  araeiica  for  Di- 
vers good  Causes  and  Considerations  mee  moveing  there  to 
but  Espeteally  for  and  in  consideration  of  a  valuable  Sume 
In  hand  paid  before  ye  signing  and  seleing  here  of  where 
with  I  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Smith  fully  acknowled«ce  clerely  Sat- 
isfied  contented  and  Paid  both  by  thes  Presence  granted 
bargined  and  sould  and  alinated  and  Doe  by  these  presence 
grant  bargin  Sell  and  conferme  unto  Samuell  Denton  of  ye 
Same  jjlace  and  county  afore  sd  a  sartaine  Lott  of  Land  Ly- 
ing and  being  on  ye  north  side  ye  ToA\-ne  of  hempsted  be- 
ing and  Eaight  acor  Lott  be  more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  oute 
to  Little  John  Smith  nan  which  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Smith  now 
Poses  and  inioy  with  all  ye  housing  orchard  fencing  i)rofits 
immunities  joreyeledges  now  belonging  or  Ever  herafter  Shall 
any  ^vise  apeiiaine  from  mee  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Smith  my  hairs 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Samuell 
Denton  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  for 
Ever  to  have  and  to  hould  ye  sd  Lott  of  Land  with  ye  hous- 
ing orchard  fenceing  and  aU  other  profits  and  preveledges 
there  unto  belonging  or  Ever  here  after  Shall  any  wiseaper- 
taine  to  ye  sd  Lot  of  Land  and  I  ye  afore  sd  Jeremiah  Smith 
Doe  hereby  with  my  hairs  and  asigns  aquit  and  Discharge 
ye  sd  Lott  of  Land  clerely  from  all  maner  of  incomberauces 
of  Judgments  fins  gifts  grants  morgadges  Devisis  Joyutturs 
entailments  by  fi'om  or  under  mee  my  asigns  or  consent  or 


procnirement  aud  Doe  for  inee  my  hairs  mikI  asi<^iis  ackiiowl- 
edg  ye  pren)ises  afore  sd  to  be  my  owiie  in  i)osc,ttioii  before 
ye  Delivery  hereof  aud  I  ye  sd  Jeremiah  Smith  my  hairs 
and  asigns  duth  by  these  presence  warrant  and  Detfend  ys 

Page  98. 
my  sale  to  bee  good  and  atheiiticke  in  Law  as  witnes  my 
hand  and  sele  ye  Day  aud  yeare  above  wrighten 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 
In  presence 


his  X  marcke  hannah  Smith     (S) 

Joseph  Sutton 

Janewary  ye  8  in  ye  year  1701  Then  apered  before  mee 
John  Tredwell  one  of  his  maiesties  Justicese  of  ye  peace  for 
qiiens  County  Jeremiah  Snuth  and  hannah  his  wife  and  ac- 
knowledged this  Deed  of  sale  to  be  theire  free  and  vollen- 
tery  act  and  Deed  John  Tredwell 

These  presence  witneseth  y 1 1  Jonathen  Smith  of  ye  tovvne 
Island  county  and  Province  afore  sd  Doe  ingadgeyt  myselfe 
my  hairs  asignes  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  or 
asignes  or  any  Person  Derived  from  them  will  nott  molest 
ye  above  sd  Samuell  Denton  his  hairs  or  asignes  in  any 
Part  of  ys  Deed  of  Sale  as  witnes  my  hand  and  Sele  may 
ye  30  Day  anno  1701 
Testated  l)y  us 
Joseph  Petttp  Jonathan  Smith  (S) 


This  Deed  acknowledgment  all  Entered  by  mee  being  a 

true  coppie 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  99. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Know  you  yt  I  Na- 
than wollintine  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias nassawin 
quens  county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these 


presence  give  grant  bargiii  sell  aliuate  Reles  and  Deliver  from 
laee  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Eze- 
cell  simcius  of  (jisterbay  on  ye  Island  and  in  ye  county  and 
Province  afore  sd  to  liim  his  hairs  exsecutors  administrators 
and  asignes  ye  Right  of  tow  gates  of  fence  on  coav  necke  in 
ye  bounds  of  hempsted  above  sd  with  what  Eight  of  Laud 
and  other  advantages  ye  sd  Ezecell  Simcius  Can  receve  or 
ma}'  acrew  by  vii-tue  of  ye  sd  tow  gates  of  fence  on  sd  Cow 
necke  and  allso  all  my  Right  title  and  Improvements  to  and 
on  a  parsell  of  Laud  on  sd  cow  neck  by  virtue  of  ye  sd  gate 
Right  ve  sd  Laud  Lying  South  to  west  Line  so  called  and 
west  and  north  by  a  scragliu  fence  and  marcked  trees  and 
East  to  ye  bay  of  hempsted  harboure  together  with  m}' 
Dwelling  house  fenceiug  Avheate  growing  on  ye  Laud  and 
timber  yt  I  have  there  gotten  on  sd  Land  and  all  other  my 
improvements  there  on  and  my  Right  and  title  to  ye  sd  Land 
afore  sd  in  quantity  as  may  apeare  with  ye  aperteuinces  I 
ye  sd  nathan  volliutiue  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires  and 
asignes  unto  ye  sd  Ezecell  Simcins  to  him  his  hairs  and 
asignes  to  have  and  to  hold  aud  quiatly  to  poses  and  Inioy 
from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes 
and  ye  sd  nathan  yollintiue  Doe  ferder  promise  ye  sd  Premise 
to  be  free  from  any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomba- 
rence  by  mee  or  any  for  and  iu  cousidei'ation  of  a  Aahiable 
sume  of  mony  Spesilied  to  be  paid  acording  to  ye  Date  of 
ye  sd  bills  of  Dept  agreeing  with  ye  Date  and  iu  testimony 
of  the  Premises  I  have  hereunto  sett  to  my  hand  aud  fixed 
my  sele  Desember  ve  twenty  niuth  Dav  in  ye  yeare  of  oure 
Lord  anno  Domini  1701 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  Presence  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Nathan  X  vollintine  fS) 

IsACHE  Smith  marcke 

Thomas  Jecockes 
a  copj)i  of  ye  origenall  Deed     Entered  by  me 

JcjsEPH  Pettit  Clarcke 


Page  100. 

at  the  Request  of  Henry  Allen  I  have  this  day  surveyed 
tt  Layd  out  to  him  on  Madnans  ueek  in  the  Townshi])  of 
Hempsted  the  forty  six  acres  of  Land  spetitied  in  the  an- 
nexed Scheme  which  he  derives  by  vertne  of  divers  deeds 
from  the  persons  mentioned  in  the  draft  or  their  liepresen- 
tatives  or  assigues  &  Avliich  Land  of  Right  belonged  to  the 
said  persons  by  vertue  of  an  order  of  the  said  Town  Datted 
the  29th  of  november  1(558  performed  the  twenty  second  day 
of  february  anno  Domini  1710     per  mee 

S  Clows  Surv'r 

(a  map). 

this  Return  ^'  draft  Recorded  the:  22d  day  of  ye  12th 
month  february  1710-11  by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  101. 

quens  county  hempsted  ye  18  of  Desember  1701  land 
Laid  oute  for  Isack  Smith  in  ye  north  wooils  Lying  on  ye 
East  side  William  Stites  Land  beginiug  att  a  Red  oche  tree 
marcked  on  all  four  sides  and  from  thence  East  IK)  rods  to 
a  chesnut  tree  marcked  one  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence 
north  24  rods  and  from  thence  East  20  rods  to  a  blacke  oche 
Saplin  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  north  96 
rods  to  a  blacke  oche  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and 
from  thence  west  136  rods  to  a  blacke  oche  saplin  marcked 
on  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  to  ye  first  station  contain- 
ing 99  acors  Laid  oute  by  mee 

Petee  cortleyou  Surveyer 

quens  county  hempsted  ye  18  of  December  1701  Land 
Laid  oute  for  al^raham  Smith  in  ye  North  woods  Lying  on 
ye  west  side  Stites  his  Land  ou  ye  south  side  halsteds  Land 
beginning  at  a  white  oche  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides 
and  from  thence  west  108  from  thence  north  32  rods  to  a  wol- 
nut  Saplin  marcked  on,  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  west 
60  rods  to  a  white  wood  tree  marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and 


from  thence  south  20  Degrees  westerly  32  rods  and  from 
thence  south  80  rods  to  a  bhicke  oche  tree  marcked  on  all 
fowre  sides  and  from  thence  East  182  rods  to  a  chesnut  tree 
marcked  on  all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  to  ye  first  sta- 
tion containing  103  acres  Laid  oute  by  me 

Peter  Cortelyou  Surveyer 

entered  ye  surveyer  notes  by  mee    Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page  102. 

quens  county  aprill  ye  23  1701 

I  have  surveyed  tow  peases  a  land  at  hempstedl)Oundsin 
ye  north  woods  for  Justis  Smith  South  from  hempsted  har- 
boure  head  one  Pease  beginiog  by  a  white  oche  tree  marcked 
on  all  four  sides  from  thence  north  10  degrees  Easterly  120 
Rods  to  a  walnut  tree  marcked  and  all  fowre  sides  37  de- 
iirees  westerlv  40  Rods  to  a  black  oeke  tree  marcked  and 
all  fowre  sides  and  from  thence  west  72  Rods  and  from  thence 
South  5  degrees  Easterly  161  Rods  and  from  thence  east  10 
degrees  Northerly  72  Rods  to  ye  first  Station  ye  other  peace 
loyniugto  ye  same     Laid  oute  by  mee 

PETER  Cortelyou  Serveyer 

quens  county  aprill  ye  23  day  1701 

I  have  serveyed  a  sartaine  peace  a  land  in  hempsted  in  ye 
north  woods  for  Justis  Smith  begining  neare  mosceto  cove 
path  at  a  white  oche  tree  marcked  and  all  fowre  sids  from 
thence  north  18  degrees  easterly  160  Rods  to  a  white  oche 
tree  marcked  and  allfowre  sides  and  from  thence  East  18  de- 
grees Southerly  110  Rods  to  a  white  oche  tree  marcked  and 
all  fowre  Sides  and  from  thence  south  18  degrees  westerly 
160  Rods  to  a  black  oche  tree  marcked  and  all  fowre  sides 
and  from  thence  west  18  degrees  northly  110  Rods  to  ye  first 
Station  containing  in  all  110  acors     Laid  oute  by  mee 

Peter  cortleyou  Serveyer 

a  coppi  of  ye  origeuell  Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 
Page  103. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting     Know  yee  y t  I  Thom- 


as  Lee  of  liempsted  on  Long  Island  alios  nassaw  in  qviens 
County  in  je  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  for  severell  good 
causes  and  considerations  me  liero  imto  Espetially  moveing 
and  more  Espetiallfor  full  satisfaction  Reseved  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
liaires  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  my  broth- 
er Joseph  Lee  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore 
sd  to  him  his  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ye 
one  lialfe  of  ye  gates  yt  my  Desesed  father  Did  purches  on 
Cow  necke  with  halfe  ye  Land  and  Improvements  there  un- 
to belonging  and  halfe  ye  house  standing  on  ye  Land  and  one 
quarter  part  of  ye  Lottd  Land  att  new  brigde  and  one  quar- 
ter part  of  ye  meddo  on  new  bridge  necke  ye  third  qiiarter 
from  ye  woods  ye  Lott  to  be  Devided  acros  it  and  one  quar- 
ter Part  of  ye  undevided  and  Right  of  Commons  yt  Did  be- 
long to  my  Desesed  father  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  all 
which  Land  meddo  and  premises  above  sd  I  ye  sd  Thomas 
Lee  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  alinate  Reles  and  de- 
liver from  mee  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  as- 
ignes unto  my  sd  brother  Joseph  Lee  to  him  his  hairs  exsec- 
etors administrators  and  asigns  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever 
and  quiatly  to  poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or 
under  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes  or  from  any  formor  sale  Lett 
morgadge  or  incomberance  what  Ever  by  mee  or  any  from  by 
or  under  mee  or  my  attorneys  for  full  satisfaction  Reseved  as 
afore  sd  and  in  testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto  sett 
to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  October  ye  thirteeth  day  in  ye 
yeare  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  Seven  hundred  and  one 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 
In  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  his 

his  Thomas  X  Lee  (S) 
William  X  Pine  marcke- 

mar  eke 

This  Deed  being  a  true  Coppie  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

222         hempstead  town  eecords. 

Page  104. 

Joliu  allison  His  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  tlie  near  ear  and 
a  half  penej  on  the  fore  side  of  ve  of  ear  and  the  ear  marck 
of  Benjamin  Allison  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear  and  two  haf 
pene3-es  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  these  two  ear  marks 
above  entred  the  sixth  day  of  march  1720-21     by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleete  Clarck 

Thomas  Man  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  near  ear  and 
a  nick  nnder  it  and  two  nicks  under  the  of  ear  entered  May 
the  fifth  day  1721     by  me 

,  Tho  Gildersleete  Clarck 

John  Seman  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the 
nearer  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same  and  a  half  peney 
on  each  side  of  the  of  ear  entered  the  third  day  of  June 
1721     by  me 

Tho  Geldersleeye  Clarck 

John  Bedell  the  Son  of  Joseph  Bedell  his  ear  mark  is  a 
Latcli  oil  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  a  half  peney  un- 
der the  same     entered  June  the  first  day  1722     by  me 

Tho  Gilderslee^'e  Clarck 

Thomas  Allin  the  son  of  Thomas  Allin  of  Jerusalem  his 
ear  mark  is  a  latch  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the 
near  ear  and  a  half  peny  on  each  side  the  of  ear  entred  Jiine 
the  4  day  1722     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleete  Clarck 

Ram  Ramson  his  ear  marck  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near 
ear  and  a  nick  under  the  of  ear.  entred  augus  the  6.  1722 
bv  me 

Tho  Gilderslee^t:  Clarck 

Thomas  ftrost  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  near  ear  and 
two  slits  in  the  same,  entred  the  first  of  december.  1722 
by  ine 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Thomas  Alliii  his  ear  marck  is  a  Square  pees  Cut  out  ou 
the  under  Side  of  the  Left  ear,  it  was  formerly  John  Jack- 
sons  the  brick  layers  marck.  entered  march  the  Dth  1722-3 
By  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Denton  his  ear  marck  is  a  hole  in  the  of  ear  and 
a  half  peney  under  the  near  ear  and  a  nick  betwen  the  half 
peny  and  the  head,     entred  Aprill  ye  2.   1723     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jems  Smith  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  ye  of  ear  &  a  nick 
under  it  and  a  Latch  ou  the  fore  Side  of  ye  near  ear.  en- 
tred november.  5.  1723.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  TittoB  his  ear  mark  is  a  slitt  in  ye  end  of  ye  near  ear 
&  a  half  peney  under  each  ear  and  a  nick  under  the  of  ear 
entred  November  the.  5.  1723.     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Mical  Spragg  his  ear  marck  is  a  Slit  in  ye  end  of  the  of 
ear  and  two  half  peneys  on  the  fore  Side  the  near  ear  en- 
tred november.  5.  1723     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  105. 

To  all  christien  People  to  whome  these  presenca  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greeting  Knowyeeyt  I  Thom- 
as Lee  of  henipsted  on  Long  Island  alies  Nassaw  in  quens 
countv  in  \e  Province  of  new  vorcke  Doe  for  severell  good 
causes  and  considerations  mee  hereunto  Espetially  moveing 
but  more  Espetiall  for  full  satisfaction  by  mee  in  hand  Re- 
seved  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  alinate  Reles  and 
Deliver  from  mee  my  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  unto  my  brother  John  Lee  of  \e  towne  county  Is- 
land and  province  afore  sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  ad- 
ministrators   and    asignes   ye    one    half    of    ye    gates    3't 


mj  Desesed  father  Did  purclies  on  Cow  necke  witli 
halfe  ye  Land  and  improvements  there  unto  belonging  and 
halfe  ye  house  standing  on  ve  sd  necke  and  one  quarter  part 
of  ye  Lotted  Land  att  new  bridge  and  one  quarter  part  of  ye 
Lott  of  meddo  on  new  bridge  necke  ye  second  quarter  from 
ve  woods  ye  meddo  Derided  oros  ve  Lott  and  one  quarter 
part  of  ye  unDevided  and  Kigbt  of  commonsyt  Did  belong 
to  my  Desesed  father  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  all  which 
Land  meddo  and  premeses  as  above  sd  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Lee 
Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  baigin  sell  alinate  Reles 
and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators 
and  asignes  unto  my  sd  brother  John  Lee  to  him  his  heirs 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould 
and  quaitly  to  poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  any  fi'om  by  or 
under  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes  or  from  any  Sale  Lett  mor- 
gadge  or  incomberance  by  mee  orauy  from  by  or  under  mee 
my  heirs  and  asignes  or  atorneys  which  is  for  and  in  con- 
sideration of  full  satisfaction  Eeseved  as  afore  sd,  and  in 
testimony  of  ye  premeses  I  have  here  unto  sett  to  my  haud 
and  fixed  my  Sele  October  ye  thirteth  Da^^in  ye  yeareofoure 
Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  one 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  Presence  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettit  Thomas  X  Lee  (S) 

his  marcke 



a,  true  coppi  of  the  origenall  Deed  entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 

Page -106. 

The  ear  marck  that  Jonathan  Searing  Gives  is  a  slit  in  ye 
end  of  ye  left  ear  and  a  holle  in  ye  right  ear  entered  the 
29  day  of  April  in  ye  year  1707     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


The  ear  niarck  that  Jonathan  shoa  gives  is  a  latch  one 
tho  nnder  sid  th(!  left  ear  and  a  half  peny  one  the  fore  sid 
the  right  ear  entered  the  24  day  of  Jenewary  1707-8  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  eare  niarck  that  Beninian  ^^^)od  gives  is  a  latch  one 
the  fore  sid  of  tho  right  eare  and  a  slip  one  the  undersid  of 
the  lef  eare     entered  the  9  day  of  A])ril  170(S     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  eare  niarck  that  John  Wood  gives  is  a  latch  one  the 
nnder  sid  of  the  right  eare  and  a  slip  one  the  under  sid  of 
the  left  eare     entered  the  9  day  of  Aprel  1708     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  Ear  mark  of  John  Tredwell  Ju  is  the  Ear  mark  that 
Jonathan  Smith  black  formerly  gave  which  is  a  latch  marke 
on  the  u})er  side  of  the  Right  Ear  entered  this  lift  day  of 
february  1710-11     pr 

AViLLiAM  Willis  Clarke 

The  Ear  mark  of  Jonathan  Smith  Jn  (  black  son  )  is  a 
latch  mark  on  the  nper  side  of  the  Eight  Ear  &  A  Latch  on 
the  under  side  of  the  left  Ear  Entered  this  lift  day  of  feb- 
ruary 1710-11     per 

William  Willis  Clarcke 

Page  107. 

To  allchristieu  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall  come 
or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yeej'tl  Samuell  Wil- 
liams of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  Li  quens 
county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
sixe  arant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  Jeams 
Denton  of  the  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  bis  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ye  one 
moyetie  or  Equell  halfe  Part  of  one  ten  acor  Lott  of  Land 
Lying  on  ye  north  side  ye  greate  plaines  at  a  place  called  ye 
new  feild  bounded  East  bv  ye  Land  of  ve  sd  Jeams  Denton 
west  by  ye  Land  of  Samuell  Denton  south  by  ye  nndevided 


Land  uortli  by  ye  highway  ye  Equell  moyetie  or  halfe  part 
of  ye  sd  Lott  teu  acors  more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  oute  to- 
gether with  ye  limber  and  apeiiinauces  there  nnto  belong- 
ing I  ye  sd  Samuel  "Williams  Doe  by  these  presence  give 
graut  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliver  fi'om  mee  my 
hairs  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Jeams  Denton  to  him  his  hairs 
and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  ever  and  Doe  furder 
warrant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfnll  athenticke  and  good  in  Law 
free  from  any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomberance 
what  Ever  for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  in 
hand  Reseved  before  ye  Signing  here  ot  and  in  testimouy  of 
ye  Premises  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  lixed  my  sele  Jau- 
ewary  ye  5  day  1696-7 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 
John  Speagge  his 

Thomas  Powall  Samuell  X  Williams  (S)  ' 

Joseph  Pettit  marcke 

a  true  coppe  of  ye  originall  Deed  Eutrd  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  108. 

John  Barns  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  ye  right  ear  k.  a 
sUt  in  it     entered  may  ye.  3   day  1714     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Hendrick  Barns  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  ye  of  ear  and 
a  slit  in  itt  k,  a  hoi  in  ye  near  ear.  entered,  may.  ye.  8  day 
1714    by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Water  Jons  his  ear  mark  is  two  nicks  on  ye  fore  sid  of  ye 
Left  ear  and  a  half  peny  betweu  the  two  nick  entere  De- 
sember  ye.  21.  1718  by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Hendrick  Breuer  his  ear  mark  is  two  nicks  under  the  of 
ear  and  a  little  hole  betwen  them,  entered  December  ye  30. 
1719.     hy  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

IIE.MI'STEAJJ    TOWN    liEC.'UJilJS.  227 

Cornelos  Riassu  his  car  luaick  is  waiter  Breasous  ear 
marok  that  is  a  swaHow  forck  on  the  Left  ear  and  a  half  pene}- 
under  it.     entered  .]\\ne  the  lOtli.  1720.     hy  me 

Tlio  (ilLDERSLEEYE  Clarck 

Thomas  Okly  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of 
ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear.  en- 
tred  the  8th  da}-  of  november.  1720     B}-  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Mr  Benjamin  Hieks  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the 
of  ear  and  two  half  peneis  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear, 
entred  January,  ye.  17th.  1720-21     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Benjamin  Yallintine  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear 
and  two  nicks  under  the  near  ear.  entered  feabruary  ye.  10th. 
1720-21     by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

William  Carpenter  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the 
off  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  same  and  a  half  peney 
under  ye  fore  side  of  the  near  ear  entred  the  18th  day  of 
feabrwary.  1720-21     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Haugewout  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  under  the  near 
ear  &  a  nick  tS:  a  half  peney  under  the  of  ear  entred  April 
ye  fourth  1720     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  109. 

To  all  christian  People  towhome  these  presents  shall  come 
or  anywise  apertaine  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Joseph  Wil- 
liams of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  cpiens 
county  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargiu  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignesunto  Jeames 
Dentfui  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ve  one 
moyetie  or  Equell  halfe  part  of  one  ten  acre  Lott  of  Land 


Lyin-  on  je  north  side  ye  greate  plaines  att  a  place  called 
y;  new  feild  bounded  East  by  ye  Land  of  ye  sd  Jeams  Den- 
ton and  west  by  ye  Land  of  Samnell  Denton  South  by  ye  un- 
devided  Land  and  north  by  ye  highway  ye  one  moyetie  of 
ye  sd  Lott  ten  acors  more  or  Les  as  it  was  Laid  oute  togeth- 
er with  ye  timber  and  apertinances  there   unto  belonging  I 
ye  sd  Joseph  Williams  Doe  hx  these  presence  give  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires  and 
asi-nes  unto  ye  sd  Jeams  Denton  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes 
to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  Doe  furder  warrant  this 
my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  in  Law  free  from 
any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  Incomberance  what  Ever 
for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  allredy  Reseved 
in  hand  before  the  signing  hereof  and  in  Testimony  hereof 
I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  this  fifth  of  Jane- 
wary  In  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  anno  Domini  1696-7 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 

John  Spragge  Joseph  AVilliams  (S) 

Thomas  Persall 

Joseph  Pettit 
a  true  coppe  of  ye  origenall  Deed  Entered  By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  110. 

This  Indenture  made  ys  twenty  fifth  Day  of  tfebewary  and 
in  ye  thirteuth  yeare  of  his  maiesties  Raigne  and  in  ye  yeare 
of  oure  Lord  Christ  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  one  be- 
twene  Peter  titas  of  heinpsted  on  ye  Island  of  nassaw  and 
Pro^nnce  of  new  yorcke  of  ye  one  part  and  Jeams  Denton  of 
ye  same  place  yeman  of  ye  other  part  witneseth  yt  I  ye  sd 
Peter  tites  for  and  in  consideration  of  a  valuable  Sume  of 
mony  of  new  yorcke  to  him  in  hand  paid  before  ye  seling 
and  Delivery  of  ye  presence  by  ye  afore  sd  Jeams  Denton 
The  Resept  whereof  he  Doth  owne  and  acknowledge  him- 
selfe  there  with  satisfied  contented  and  paid  and  hereof  and 
here  from  Doth  aquit  and  Discharg  ye  sd  Jeams  Denton  his 


hairs  exsecetors  aduiinistvators  and  every  of  them  fioiu  iuty 
Part  or  parsell  thereof  have  given  granted  barginedsolden- 
feft  llelesedandconfernied  and  by  these  presence  fully  clere- 
ly  and  absolutly  give  grant  bargin  sell  enfef  and  Reles  and 
conferrae  unto  ye  above  sd  Jeanis  Denton  his  hairs  and  as- 
igiis  for  ever  a  sartaine  peece  or  parsell  of  upland  Situate 
Lying  and  being  situate  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd 
being  aboute  fifty  acors  or  there  abouts  as  it  was  Laid  oute 
buted  and  bounded  as  followeth  yt  is  to  say  East  by  ye 
plains  and  west  by  ye  commons  and  north  by  ye  land  of  John 
marvin  and  south  by  ye  commons  as  allso  one  house  ormes- 
sag  with  a  Divitiou  of  ye  plaines  aioying  or  ye  East  side  of 
ye  sdLott  of  Land  all  which  house  and  Land  as  above  bound- 
ed and  exprest  together  with  all  and  singular  ye  Rights  priv- 
iledges  and  apertinances  thereunto  belonging  with  all  ye 
timber  trees  woods  under  which  or  standing  or  lying  or  be- 
ing or  any  wise  apertaining  to  ye  same  with  all  and  every 
Eight  title  intrest  posetion  clame  propriater  and  to  Every 
part  and  parsell  thereof  ye  sd  Peter  tites  to  the  premises  to 
have  and  to  hould  ye  sd  Laud  house  and  Devition  of  ye 
plaines  with  all  fencing  as  above  bounded  and  exprest  to 

Page  111. 

him  the  sd  Jeams  Denton  his  heirs  and  asignes  to  ye  only 
proper  use  benefit  and  behof  of  him  ye  sd  Jeams  Deuton 
his  heirs  exsecetors  admiuistmtors  and  asignes  for  ever 
and  ye  sd  Peter  tites  for  him  selfe  his  heirs  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asi(>;nes  Doe  clearelv  covenant  and 
agree  to  and  with  ye  sd  Jeams  Denton  his  heirs  and  as- 
ignes shall  and  may  now  and  at  all  times  hereafter  have  hold 
ocupi  and  poses  and  inioy  ye  before  resited  Land  for  and 
'^lerly  Discharged  qaitd  of  and  from  all  former  letts  Sales 
morgadges  Dowrys  entales  Judgments  executions  Reserves 
Remainder  or,  Remainders  and  title  or  any  other  incomber- 
ances  what  Ever  had  made  or  commited  att  any  times  or 
times  before  ye  Inseling  and  Delivery  of  these  presence  as 


allso  warrant  and  Defend  ye  same  against  all  Person  or  per- 
sons Laying  any  Just  clame  or  any  from  or  under  liim  yesd 
Peter  tites  his  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes 
and  Lichwise  to  sele  and  Deliver  any  other  former  Deed  or 
conveyance  for  ye  space  of  seven  years  insuing  ve  date  here- 
of in  Testimony  whereof  Peter  tites  set  to  his  hand  andlixed 
his  sele  ye  day  and  veare  above  sd 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presense  of 

Samuell  haight  Petek  tittas  (S) 

Xathaxell  Smith 

Zaceiah  Mills 

a  tru  coppi  of  ve  origenall  Entered  by  me 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

with  ve  acknowledgement  following  aprill  ye  1  ITUl  then 
petter  tites  apeared  before  one  of  his  maiesties  Justeses  of 
ye  peace  and  acknowledged  this  Deed  of  sale  to  be  his  vol- 
lentary  act  and  Deed  apeared  before  mee 

John  Teed  well 

Page  112. 

att  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  in  hempsted  march  ye 
9  day  -  1701-2  by  ye  maier  vote  of  ye  towne  John  Seriug 
and  William  Wilhs  was  chosen  asesers  to  ases  ve  freehold- 
ers and  inhabitants  of  sd  ta^^"ne  and  to  macke  a  reate  for 
three  years  c[uit  rent  to  be  gathered  by  ye  tweiityeth  of  ye 
instant  march     By  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

at  a  generall  towne  meeting  hekl  in  hempsted  a}:)rill  ye 
first  1702  att  ye  same  towne  meeting  John  tredwell  was  cho- 
sen constable  and  colecter  for  ve  insuing  yeare 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  was  chosen  and  apointed  ye 
same  men  to  Eepare  ye  meeting  house  or  were  chosen  the 
Last  yeare  acording  to  former  vote  and  allso  those  chosen 
for  surveyers  of  highways  to  stand  one  yeare  more  acording 
to  former  votte 


att  }  e  same  towne  meeting  John  Seriuf^  and  Thomas  gil- 
dersleeve  was  chosen  assessors  for  ye  insuiufj;  yeare  By  or- 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Joseph  Tottens  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  ye  right  ear 
&  a  nick  on  ye  fore  sid  of  the  same,  entere  may  ye.  9.  d. 
171(5.     Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Rainer  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  ye  Left  ear  and  a 
nick  on  ye  fore  sid  and  a  slit  in  ye  crop,  entred  may  9:  day. 
171(5.     Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  113. 

Samuel  Bedeles  ear  marckis  a  swallow  forck  one  the  right 
ear  and  a  half  peny  one  the  sani  one  the  fore  sid  and  a  half 
peny  one  the  iiuder  sid  the  left  ear  entered  the  27  day  of 
September  1707     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

William  Langdons  ear  marck  is  a  hoi  in  the  right  ear  and 
a  half  peny  and  a  nick  under  the  left  ear  entered  the  .2. 
day  of  desember  1707     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jonathan  Smith  Rock  Junior  his  Ear  Mark  is  a  crop  on 
the  Top  of  the  Right  Eare  ct  a  half  penny  under  the  same 
and  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the  Left  Ear  Entered  the 
10  day  of  August    by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarcke 

Joseph  Bedles  ear  marck  is  a  nick  under  the  right  ear  en- 
tered november  the  24th  day  1712     by  mee 

Tho  GiLDEJiSLEEVE  Clarck 

John  Burto.s  his  ear  marck  is  a  sloping  nick  under  each 
ear  and  a  half  peny  on  ye  under  sid  of  ye  right  ear  en- 
tered ye  4th  day  Desember  1713     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarcke 


Samuel  Browns  ear  marck  is  three  half  penis  under  3'e 
right  ear  cV:  two  under  ye  left  ear  entered  Desember  ye.  12th. 
day  1713     By  Mee 

Tho  Gildeksleeye  Clarck 

Aron  van  nostrant  his  ear  marck  is  two  slits  right  in  ye 
end  of  ye  right  ear  and  a  slit  k  a  hoi  in  ye  near  ear  en- 
tered ye  third  day  of  may  1714     by  mee 

Tho  GrLDERSLEEYE  Clarck 

Page  114. 

Att  a  meeting  held  in  hempsted  JeneAvary  ye  12  1702-3 
John  Pine  was  Chosen  Churchwarden  Jonathan  Smith  Sam- 

uell  Denton  Daniell  Cessam  John  heveland  and was 

Chosen  vestry  men  att  ye  sd  meeting  for  ye  town  of  Oister 
bay  Mr  Thomas  Jones  was  Chosen  Church  warden  Edmund 
wi-ight  Isack  Doghty  Samuell  Discosen  Richard  Willis  and 
Nathanell  Coles  was  Chosen  Y'estry  men 

The  ear  mark  that  John  Jackson  Brick  lay  ear  Gives  is  a 
squar  pees  Cut  out  on  ye  under  sid  of  ye  left  ear  entered 
apiill  ye  13  day  1713     By  me 

Thos  GrLDERSLEEYE  Clarck 

Eobart  Lees  ear  marck  is  a  latch  on  the  under  sid  of  ye. 
right  ear  &  aslit  in  ye  end  of  ye  left  ear  Entered  the  25 
day  of  Jime  1713     By  mee 

Tho  GrLDERSLEEYE  Clarck 

John  Smith  ye  son  of  Jonathan  Smith  rock  his  ear  marck 
is  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  ye  right  ear  k  two  half  peniesouye  left 
ear  one  on  ye.  upper,  sid  &  one  on  ye.  under  sid  Entered 
the  25.  day  of  June  1713     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

John  Dosenborow  Juner  his  ear  Marck  is  three  half  penis 
imder  ye  Right,  ear  entered,  ye.  12th.  day  of  Desember  1713 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 



Richard  Mamiiriiig  his  ear  iiiarck  is  a  lioll  i]i  cacli  ear  en- 
tered ye.  12tli.  day  of  Desember:  1713     by  mee 

TiKj  GiLDEiisLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  115. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  tliomas 
Ellisons  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  in  queus  couuty  In  ye 
Province  of  new  yorcke  haye  sould  unto  Thomas  martin  of 
ye  towne  and  couuty  afore  sd  to  him  his  liaires  exsecetors 
administrators  or  assignes  a  sartaine  parsell  of  wood  Land 
Lying  and  being  situate  on  ye  north  side  ye  greate  plaines 
bounded  on  ye  East  by  ye  Laud  of  Gorg  boldin  and  on  ye 
north  by  ye  Laud  of  lienery  willis  and  south  so  far  as  ye  oth- 
er Lotes  Runs  and  west  by  ye  highway  being  in  cpiantity  of 
acors  as  Shall  be  found  within  3^e  afore  sd  bounds  together 
with  ye  timber  and  all  ye  apertiuences  there  unto  belonging 
I  ye  sd  thomas  Ellison  Doe  owne  to  have  sould  and  I^oe  by 
these  presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  and  make  over  from  mee 
my  hairs  exsecetors  or  asignes  uuto  Thomas  martin  af ore  sd 
to  him  his  hairs  exsecetors  or  asignes  to  have  and  to  hoald 
for  Ever  and  Doe  uphould  and  mainetaiue  this  my  sale  to  be 
good  aud  Lawfull  free  from  any  sale  Lett  morgadge  Just 
clame  or  incomberance  what  Ever  for  aud  in  consideration 
of  other  Lands  Received  in  full  satisfaction  and  other  Spe- 
tia  and  in  confermation  hereof  I  have  here  unto  Set  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  Sele  this  twenty  tifth  of  July  in  ye  forth  yeare 
of  his  maiesties  Reigue  Jeams  ye  2d  by  ye  grace  of  God  of 
Ingland  Scotland  france  and  Iiland  King  Defender  of  ye 
faith  and  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  anno  Domini  1688 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in 
Presence  of  us 

Hakman  hendricke  Thomas  Ellison  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 

a  true  coppi  of  ye  origenell  compared  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Cler 


Page  116. 

att  a  geneiall  tuwue  meeting  held  in  hempsted  aprill  ye  1 
1703  att  ve  same  towue  meeting  by  ye  maier  vote  of  the 
towne  Richard  towiiseud  was  Chosen  Constable  John  Ber- 
ing and  John  Tredwell  was  chosen  asesers  "W  illiam  willis 
was  Chosen  Superriser 

Thomas  Oiklersleeve  was  chosen  Churchwarden 

Joseph  Pettit  ^as  chosen  Clarcke 

Isack  Smith  Capt  Jeremiah  Smith  and  Samnell  Denton 
Jiiner  was  chosen  sniTeyers  of  highways  to  m.cke  pruden- 
tiall  orders  for  ye  insning  yeare  acording  to  act  of  asembly 

Henry  mott  his  ear  marck  is  a  latch  on  ye  under  sid  the 
light  ear     entered  ve  l8th  day  of  Jun  171-4     by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Jacob  A\  illis  his  ear  marck  is  ve  ear  marck  that  his  gran- 
father  Heurv  AVillis  did  give  that  is  a  swallow  forck  on  ve 
right  ear  and  two  half  penyes  one  on  ye  under  sid  iV:  one  on 
ye  upper  sid  of  ye  same.  Entered  noA'ember  ye  first  da}' 
1714     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Piobert  liubes  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  right  ear  and 
a  half  peny  and  a  nick  under  the  same  entered  January  ye 
'2oth  day  1714     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Wood  blaksmith  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peny  un- 
der ye  right  ear  t'e  two  half  peny  under  ye  Left  ear,  entered 
november  the  9th.  dav.  1715.     bv  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clan-k 
Obadiah  Yallintiue  Juner.  his  ear  mark   is  a  nick   under 
each  ear  &  a  nick  on  ye  fore  sid   of  ye  right  ear  :     entered 
September  ye.  18.  1716     by  me. 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 
Thomas  Boldiu  his  ear  mark  is  ye  ear  mark  yt  was  Joseph 
Jennings  yt  is  two  half  penies  under  ye  Left  ear   cV  one  un- 
der ye  light  ear     entered  September  je.  18.  171(i     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Tliomus  Bedells  ear  mark  is  a  half  peiiy  oii  ye  fore  sid  oi 
ye  right  ear  tV:  a  half  peuy  on  ye  under  sid  of  ye  Left  ear  & 
a  slit  ill  ye  end  of  ye  same  entered  hy  mee  September  ye 
18  1716  '^ 

Tho  GiLDEiiSLEEVE  Claick 

Page  117. 

Be  it  Knowne  unto  all  men  by  these  presence  that  I  l)au- 
iell  whithead  of  hempsted  have  sould  and  set  over  unto 
Thomas  Southward  of  ye  sd  place  his  hairs  exsecetors  or 
asignes  ye  house  and  home  Lott  yt  was  Samuell  mathewes 
and  Every  building  on  or  upon  ye  sd  Lott  with  tiveacors  of 
meddo  which  was  Laid  oute  and  Doth  apertaine  to  ye  sd 
Lott  with  six  acors  of  hollow  belongiug  to  ye  sd  Lott  with 
tow  ox  gates  and  six  gates  in  ye  necke  the  house  and  home 
Lott  with  all  ye  buildiug  orchards  or  what  soever  u])on  ye 
sd  Lott  to  be  delivered  att  or  before  the  Last  of  aprill 
next  insuing  and  ye  house  to  be  Delivered  Presently  ye 
house  with  all  other  theire  improvements  priviledges  and 
apertinances  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Southward  Doe  sell  and  macke 
over  imto  ye  afore  sd  Daniell  Avhithead  his  hairs  exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  In  consideration  ye  sd  Thomas 
Southward  Doth  give  unto  ye  afore  sd  Daniell  whithead  a 
house  and  home  lott  which  was  micall  chatertons  unto  Dan- 
iell whithead  his  hairs  Exsecetors  or  asignes  and  live  i)ounds 
to  be  paid  in  corue  at  ye  pr  prise  as  it  pases  from  man  to 
man  at  ye  Delivery  of  ye  house  In  witues  whereof  wee 
have  hereto  set  to  oure  hands  this  12th  of  Hebury  ano  Dom- 
ini 1656  Stilo  nova 


Daniell  Denton  Daniell  whithead 

Samuell  hubbs  his 

Thomas  X  Southward 

This  above  coppi  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 


I  Dauiell  Whitliead  Doe  acknowledg  to  have  Eeseved  ye 
five  poniid  within  meutioued     bv  mee 

Daxiell  AVhithead 

The  eai-  marck  yt  Thomas  Semau  the  son  of  Eichard 
Semau  is  a  latch  and  a  iiick  on  ye  fore  sid  of  ye  Left  ear  and 
a  half  penj  under  ye  sam     entered  July  ye  4  day  1714  by 


Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Alburt  van  osstrunt  his  ear  mark  is  a  hoi  in  the  Eight  ear 

and  a  half  peuuey  on  the  fore  side   of  the   same,     entred 

April  ye  21.  1719.     l)y  me 

Thomas  GrLDEESLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  118. 

Isaac  Jarman  Juners  ear  marck  is  a  slip  under  the   right 

ear  and  a  nick  one  the  fore  sid  of  the  same  and  a  half  peuy 

imder  the  left  ear  :  entered  the  2  day  of  Jenewary  1712-13 

by  me 

Tho  Glldersleeye  Clarck 

Joseph  Pettet  Juners  ear  marck  is  a  slip  under  the  right 
ear  and  a  half  peny  under  the  left  ear  and  a  nick  one  the 
fore  sid  of  the  same:  entered  the  2  day  of  Jenewry  1712-13 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Nathanil  Pines  ear  mark  is  a  Swallow  forck  on  the  right 
ear  and  a  latch  and  a  nick  under  the  left  ear  :  entered  the 
13th  day  of  march  1712-13     Pr  Mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Mr  Lack  on  Dongans  farm  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  on  the 
near  ear  and  two  holes  in  ye  of  ear  one  above  ve  other:  en-  26  day  of  Janwary  1713-14     Pr  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Eichard  Evirit  his  ear  marck  is  two  half  penies  on  the  fore 
sid  of  ve  left  ear  <t  one  on  ve  fore  sid  of  ye  right  ear  en- 
tered  ye  26  day  of  March  1711     Per  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 


Henry  orton  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  and  hoi  on  the  right 
ear     Entered  in  the  records  march  3'e  29  day  1714  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Solomon  Seaman  his  eai  mark  is  a  latt-h  on  the  fore  sid 
of  the  near  ear  and  a  slit  in  the  of  ear  and  a  half  peney  un- 
der each  ear:  entered  may  the  14th,  1729  l)y  mo 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  119. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall  come 
or  any  wise  apertaine  Greting  Know  yee  yt  I  Eichard  tot- 
ton  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens  Coun- 
ty in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence  give 
grant  asigne  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  haires 
exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  my  son  -William 
totton  of  ye  towne  County  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  haires  Execetors  administrators  and  asigues  a  sar- 
taine  Parsll  of  wood  Land  Lying  and  being  situate  on  ye 
East  sid  hempsted  harboure  being  twenty  acors  of  my  fifty 
acor  Lott  convenient  where  I  shall  apoiut  all  which  twenty 
acors  of  Land  together  Avith  ye  timber  and  apertinences 
there  of  on  ye  sd  Land  I  ye  sd  Richard  totton  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver 
from  mee  my  haires  Exsecetors  administrators  aod  asignes 
unto  my-  sd  son  William  totton  to  him  his  haires  Exsecetors 
administrators  and  asignes  to  have  and  tohouldye  sd  Laud 
and  jjremises  for  Ever  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under 
mee  my  haires  Exsecutors  administrators  and  asignes  Peace- 
blely  ye  same  to  poses  and  Inioy  Avitli  oute  any  former  sale 
Lett  morgadge  or  iucomberance  what  Ever  by  mee  or  my 
Procurement  which  is  for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satis- 
faction Reseved  to  my  own  content  before  ye  Signing  here- 
of and  in  Testimony  of  ye  premises  I  have  hereunto  sett  to 
my  hand  and  fixed  my  Sele  ys  twenty  fifth  Day  of  may  in 
ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord   one  thousand  seven   hundred  and 


three    after  Enterlineing  betwene  ye   niutli  aucl  tenth  Line 

je  words  unto  my  sd  son  William  totton  to  him  his  haires 

exsecetors  administrators  and  asiy:nes 

Si{i;ned  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  ns 

Joseph  Pettit  his 

John  Seman  Kichaed  X  totton  (S) 

Page  I'iO. 

The  ear  marck  of  ffrancses  Cokolet  blacksmith  is  a  slip 
under  the  right  ear  and  a  nick  one  the  fore  sid  of  the  same 
and  a  half  peny  one  the  under  sid  of  the  lef  ear  entered 
the  18  day  of  feabreuary  1706-7     by  mee 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

This  above,  sd.  ear  marck  of  ffrances  Cocalet  is  Isaac 
Jarmans  inner 

The  ear  marck  that  Jesper  Totten  gives  is  a  slip  one  ye 
fore  sid  of  ye  left  ear  entered  by  mee  ye  first  day  of  aprill 
1707  Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

The  above  ear  marck  of  Jasper  totten  is  deserted  the:  21 
day  of  february  1710-11     by  order     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clark 

The  ear  marck  that  Calip  Carman  Juner  gives  is  a  swallow 
forck  on  ye  right  ear  and  a  half  peny  one  ye  fore  sid  of  ye 
left  ear  entered  ye  first  day  of  april  1707     by  mee 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Jeams  wood  gives  is  a  slip  one  ye  un- 
der sid  of  ye  of  ear  and  a  latch  one  ye  under  sid  of  the  left 
ear     entered  ye  furst  day  of  april  1707  by  mee 

^  Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  John  Mon  foort  gives  is  a  hollow  Crop 
one  the  right  ear  and  a  half  penny  one  the  fore  sid  of  each 
ear  entered  the  11  day  of  april  1707     By  mee 

Tho  Geldersleeve  Clarck 
PacxE  121. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaiue  greeting     Know  yee  yt  I  liich- 


ard  Smitli  of  liempstcd  on  Long  Island  alias  nassaw  in 
quens  County  in  ye  province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  1)}'  these 
presence  give  grant  bargin  alinate  lieles  and  Deliver  from 
mee  my  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto 
Daniell  Ixulle  of  ye  towne  county  IsLand  and  Province  afore 
sd  to  him  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a 
sartaiue  Parsell  of  med(h)  ground  Lying  and  being  in  ye 
boiinds  of  hompsted  afore  sd  att  a  pkice  called  hungry  liar-v 
boure  being  a  Lott  Laid  oute  to  my  Desesed  father  John 
Smith  in  ye  third  Devition  of  meddo  in  cpiantity  as  may 
apeare  bounded  East  by  a  Lott  in  ye  Posetion  of  Daniell 
bedle  and  westerly  by  a  highway  and  allso  one  third  part  of 
a  lott  Laid  oute  to  Robert  Jackson  Desesed  Lying  upon  ye 
Long  necke  so  Called  att  Rockaway  in  ye  third  Devition  of 
meddo  Laid  oute  all  which  meddo  as  afore  sd  fiesli  and  salt 
with  Every  part  and  parsell  thereof  with  ye  apertinances  I 
ye  sd  Richard  Smith  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  ali- 
nate Reles  and  Deliver  from  me  my  hairs  and  asignes  unto 
ye  sd  Daniell  bedle  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  to  have  and 
to  hould  for  Ever  as  his  or  theire  owne  Estate  from  mee  or 
any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  sucsesors  for  Ever 
which  is  for  and  in  consideration  of  other  meddo  or  two23ar- 
sells  of  meddo  in  Exchang  for  ye  same  or  a  Deed  bearing 
this  Date  being  in  full  satisfaction  for  ye  same  and  in  testi- 
mony of  ye  presence  I  have  hereunto  set  to  my  hand  and 
tixed  my  Sele  march  ye  twelth  Day  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord 
anno  Domini  ITO^ 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us 
Joseph  Pettit  Richard  Smith  (S) 

Margreat  X  Pettit 
this  Deed  Entered  by  mee  Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  122. 
Know  all  men  hy  these  presence  whome  ys  may  any  wise 
conserne  yt  I  Robert  bedle  sener  of  hempsted  on  Long  Is- 


land  in  ye  north  riding  of  new  yorcke  sliere  have  sould  un- 
to liichard  miuthorne  of  hempsted  in  the  county  above  sd 
fowre  ox  gates  yt  Ly  in  ye  East  oxpaster  yt  is  to  say  all  my 
Right  in  ye  sd  East  oxpaster  I  say  I  have  sould  and  Doe  by 
these  presence  fully  frely  and  absolute  bargin  alinate  and 
sell  all  my  Eight  and  title  in  ye  sd  ox  paster  from  mee  my 
hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  unto  ye  sd  Bieh- 
ard  Minthorue  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  as- 
ignes to  have  and  to  liould  ashisowne  proper  Right  for  Ever 
and  Doe  hereby  uphould  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawful!  atlien- 
ticke  and  good  from  any  Person  or  Persons  yt  shall  here 
after  Lay  any  Just  clame  there  unto  andtoyetrue  perform- 
ance and  confermatiou  of  ye  premises  Avith  acknovvledgment 
of  full  satisfaction  by  mee  ye  sd  Uedle  all  redy  Reseved  I 
have  here  unto  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  ys  5  Day  of 
Jenewery  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  1682  and  in  ye  thirty 
third  yeare  of  his  maiesties  Raigne  Charls  ye  second  by  ye 
grace  of  god  King  of  greate  britton  france  and  Irland  De- 
fender of  je  faith  King 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us 

witnes  Roabert  bedle  (S) 

Richard  gildersleeve 
Dorcas  gildersleeve 
a  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Ephraim  Vallintine  his  Ear  marke  is  a  Crop  of  the  toj)  of 
the  Right  Ear  &  a  nick  under  Each  Ear  Entered  the  30th  day 
of  ye  4th  mo  Jime  1710     l)y  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  123. 

To  all  christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall  come 
or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Richard  tot- 
ton  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  queus  Coun- 
ty in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence  give 
grant  bargin  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs 


Exsecetors  administrators  and  asi^nesnnto  niysonBeniemen 
totton  of  ye  towne  donnty  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asi^jjnes  all  my 
acomidations  where  I  now  Dwell  yt  is  my  now  Dwelling 
house  barue  oute  Innising  frnte  trees  with  all  my  Land  there 
ag(\yning  with  ye  fencing  and  all  apertaining  thereof  and  ail- 
so  halfe  my  Lottof  metldoon  ye  Little  necke  which  I  l)ouglit 
of  Edward  S[)ragg  Desesed  which  meddo  with  halfe  my 
Right  of  upland  on  ye  sd  necke  by  vertue  of  fencing  oure 
meddo  and  all  my  Kiglit  of  commons  and  undevided  in  ye 
bounds  of  hompsted  and  one  third  Part  of  my  Chattle  Es- 
tate in  Every  Part  and  Particular  thing  all  which  afore  men- 
tioned housing  Lands  and  Premises  with  ye  meddo  anda])er- 
tinances  and  Chattle  Estate  as  above  sd  I  ye  sd  Richard  tot- 
ton Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  alinate  Reles  and  De- 
liver from  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes  unto  my  sd  son  benie- 
men  totten  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes  to  have  and  to  hould 
for  Ever  and  quiatly  to  poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  any 
from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  sucsessers  or  from  any 
clameing  ye  same  or  any  Part  hereof  by  mee  or  any  from  by 
or  under  mee  and  I  ye  sd  Richard  totton  Doe  furder  war- 
rent  ys  my  Deed  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  in  Law 
free  from  any  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomberence 
what  Ever  which  is  for  and  in  consideration  of  severall  good 
causes  and  considerations  mee  here  unto  Espetially  move- 
ing  and  more  Espetially  for  full  satisfaction  Reseved  be- 
fore ye  signing  here  of  and  in  Testimoin^  of  ye  premisis  I 
have  here  unto  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  sele  ye  second 
Day  of  may  and  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  sev- 
en hundred  and  tow 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us  his 

John  Jackson  Richahd  X  totton  (8) 
Joseph  Pettit  marcke 

a  true  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

2-42  hempstead  toayn  records. 

Page  124. 
Desember  ye  29  1704 

The  Deed  Entered  ou  ye  other  side  of  this  Leafe  was  or- 
dered to  be  made  void  by  Consent  of  Both  Partys  yt  is  to 
say  ye  givear  and  Eesever  Dou  In  Presence  of  us  hose  names 
are  wiighten  and  in  witnes  hereof  wee  have  sett  to  onre 


Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

George  fowler 

Danil  Thurston  his  ear  marck  is  a  half  peny  one  the  un- 
der sid  of  the  right  ear  and  one  half  peny  one  the  fore  sid 
of  the  left  and  a  nick  under  the  left  ear     entered  may  the 

29  day  1708     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Elison  inner  his  ear  marck  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of 

the  right  ear  and  two  nicks  under  the  lef  ear     entered  the 

31  day  of  August  in  ye  year  1708     By  mee 

Tho  Gildeu  sleeve  Clarck 

Page  125. 

Desember  ye  30  1665  Land  Laid  oute  to  mor  comers  John 
Carman  Edmund  tites  Robert  boyle  Edward  Spragg  and 
Richard  stits  22  acors  of  Land  a  man  on  ye  north  side  neare 
ye  bevell  ye  Line  begining  att  yeEastEad  and  Runing  west 
180  Rods  and  from  ye  End  of  ye  west  Line  a  Due  north  Line 
130  Rods 

Thomas  seman  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  a  half  Peny  one  ye 
fore  sid  of  ye  left  ear  entered  ye  25  day  of  Desember  170G 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  seman  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  a  slip  under  ye  left 
ear  and  a  latch  one  ye  fore  sid  of  right  ear  entred  ye  25  day 
of  Desember  1706     by  mee       Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Jackson  his  ear  niart-kis  a  latch  one  ye  fore  sid  of 
ye  right  ear  and  a  half  peny  one  ye  fore  sid  of  ye  left  ear 
entred  ye  25  day  Desember  170(5     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Jonas  Denton  his  ear  niaick   is  a  half  Peny  one  the  foro 

sid  of  the  i'i<j;ht  ear  and  a  nick  omo  the  fore   sid   of  the  left 

ear     entered  ye  11  d  of  feabrewarj  hi   ye  year  170(5-7     By 


Tho  (Iit^dersleeve  Clarck 

if  .  . 

Joseph  hoisted  his  ear  niaick  is  a,  Cro])  (^ne  tlie  ri^ht  ear 

and  a  nick  one  tln^  fore  sid  of  tln^  left  ear  entred  the  '24  day 

of  T)csciiil)cv  170S  -  by  uiee 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  UCk 

Mordaoa  Lester  his  eyear  is  a  Crop  one  the  right  eyear 

and  a  halpeiiy  nnder  each  eyear     entered  the  29  day  of  may 

1706     Entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  eyear  niarck  that  seylas  Teytos  givethisa^slit  one  the 
end  of  the  near  eyear  and  a  half  peny  before  the  same  en- 
ter by  mee  the  80  day  of  September  170G 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  niarck  that  William  willis  seuer  gives  is  the  an- 
tiant  niarck  that  was  his  fathers  which  is  a  swallow  forck 
one  the  end  of  the  right  ear  and  a  half  penny  under  the 
same     entered  this  30  daj'  of  September  1706     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  earmarck  that  William  willis  Juner  gives  is   ye  an- 

tiaiit  marck  that  was  his  fathers  which  is  a  swallow  forck 

one  the  right  ear  and  a  half  penny  under  the  same  and  a 

nick  under  the  lef  ear  entered  the  30  day  of  September  1706 

By  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Joshuah  barns  gives  is  a  slip  one  the 

fore  sid  the  right  ear  entered  the  30  day  of  September  1706 

by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  ear  marck  that  Jeams  Mott  gives  is  a  latch  one  the 
under  sid  the  right  ear  and  a  half  peny  one  under  sid  the 


left  ear     entered  the  80  day  of  September  1706     by  mee 

Tho  Ctildersleeve  Clarek 

Page  127. 

To  all  christian  People  whome  these  presence  shall  come 
or  any  Avise  apertaine  greeting  Know  yee  yt  John  Jackson 
sener  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias  nassaw  in  qnens 
county  in  Province  of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence 
give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my  haires  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asigues  unto  John 
sering  of  ye  towne  county  Island  and  Province  afore  sd  to 
him  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  sar- 
taine  parsell  of  meddo  ground  Lying  and  being  att  ye  south 
meddows  on  a  necke  Called  Eainers  neckein  quantity  seven 
acors  and  a  halfe  more  or  Les  as  it  apears  it  was  Laid  oute 
boimded  East  by  a  Lott  of  meddo  now  in  ve  Posetion  of 
John  Pine  aud  west  by  ye  meddo  of  ve  sd  John  Sering  and 
north  by  ye  woods  and  extending  South  as  ye  other  Lots  all 
which  meddo  fresh  and  Salt  with  Every  Part  and  Parsell 
there  of  with  all  ye  Right  and  Preveledges  and  apertinan- 
ces  there  unto  belonging  on  ye  sd  Painers  necke  I  ye  sd 
John  Jackson  sener  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  l)ar- 
gin  sell  alinate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and 
asignes  unto  ye  sd  John  Sering  to  him  his  hairs  and  asignes 
to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and  Doe  furder  warrant  ys 
my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  in  Law  free  from 
an}-  former  sale  Lett  morgadge  or  incomberance  what  Ever 
by  mee  or  any  from  by  or  iinder  mee  my  hairs  or  asignes 
aud  Do  Promise  to  Doe  any  furder  thing  if  need  Require 
for  ye  Sure  mackeing  and  lirm  binding  ye. sd  meddo  and 
Premises  in  consideration  of  twenty  Pounds  Corrent  Silver 
mony  of  ys  government  secured  to  be  paid  and  excepted  in 
full    Satisfaction   before   je   Signing   hereof   and    in    testi- 

Page  128. 

mony  of  je  premises   I    have   hereunto    set   to   my    hand 


iiud  tixed  my  solo  Jeuewery  ye  twenty  Seventh  Day  In  ye 
yeuie  of  our  Loi'd  one  thousand  Six  hnndred  ninety  Ei^lit 
or  ninety  nine 

Sii>ned  seled  and  JJolivered 

III  Presence  of  ns  »Joil\  Jack!so.n  (Sj 

Richard  Smith 

Joseph  Pettit 

A  tru(3  copjji  of  ye  origenall  Deed  Com|)ared  and  Entercjd 
by  niee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

The  ear  raarek  that  Joseph  hall  gives  is  a  Crop  one  ye 
right  ear  ct  ah-litinyeOiop  &  two  nicks  under  ye  same  which 
was  formerly  Timothy  hoisted  seners  hit  of  hempsted  en- 
tered the  5  day  of  April  1701)     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarcke 

The  Ear  marke  that  Corneleus  AVilliamson  giveth  is  a 
crop  on  the  top  of  the  left  ear  Entered  the  29th  of  the  6tli 
mon  August  1700     pr  mee 

William  Willis  Clark 

The  Ear  marke  of  Samuell  Dasenborough  which  hee  giv- 
etli  is  a  half  peny  under  the  Left  Ear  itt  being  the  antient 
mark  of  Willi;im  Thickstone  Entered  the  2d  day  of  the  third 
month  may  1710     by  mee 

William  AVillis  Clarke 

The  Ear  maik  of  Edward  Every  is  a  crop  on  the  top  of 
the  Left  Ear  A'  a  sbtt  down  the  Eight  Ear  Entered  the  2d 
day  of  ye  8d  mo  may  1710     by  mee 

W^illiam  Willis  Clark 

Page  129. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presence  yt  yee  John  Jackson  and 
Jeams  Jackson  both  of  nassaAV  Island  and  quens  county  and 
province  of  new  yorcke  Knowye  yt  Avee  have  bargined  sold 


alinated  Eelest  fi'om  ns  oure  liairs  Exsecetors  admiuistra- 
tors  and  asigiies  imto  John  Seiing  of  ye  Island  Coirntj  and 
province  afore  ^d  a  sartaine  tract  or  parsell  of  wood  Land 
Lying  and  being  Situate   on  ye  north  Side  of  ye   Greate 
plaines  being  in  quantity  fifty  acors  more  or  Les  as  it  was 
Laid  oute  being  buted  and  bounded  as  folloAveth  yt  is  to 
Say  begining  att  a  white  ocke  tree  Standing  on  ye  north  East 
corner  of  a  fifty  acor  parsell  of  Land  in  ye  posetion  of  John 
Seriug  niarcked  with  three  noches  on  tow  Sides  with  ye  let-> 
ters  I  I  in  ye  midle  of  ye  noches  Euning  Eaighty  Eods  to 
another  walnut  Saplin  marcked  as  afore  sd  from  thence  it 
Euus  South  one  hundred  Eods  to  another  walnut  Saplin 
marcked  as  afore  sd  and  from  thence  west  Eaighty  Eods  to  a 
black  ocke  marcked  as  afore  sd  aioying  to  John  Serings  Land 
and  from  thence  one  hundred  Eod  to  ye  first  Station  Lying 
abore  ye  hils  neare  ye  necke  fence  all  which  afore  sd  Land 
wee  ye  sd  John  Jackson  and  Jeams  Jackson  Due  acknowl- 
edged to  have  barsrined  sold  ahnated  Eelest  and  mad  over 
from  us  oure  haires  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes 
for  Ever  with  all  ye  timber  trees  Lying  or  Standing  or  any 
wise  apertaining  and  furder  wee  Doe  bind  our  Selves  oure 
hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  to  wan-ant  and 
for  Ever  to  Defend  against  all  Persons  or  persons  what  Ever 
Laying  any  Just  clame   or  pretence  what  Ever  and  furder 
wee  ye  sd  John  Jackson  and  Jeams  Jackson  Doe  furder 
Covenant  and  agree  to  and  with  ye  above  sd  John  Seriug 
his  haires  Exsecetors  administrators  tooe  Execute  ormacke 

Page  130. 

any  furder  act  or  Avrighting  for  ye  firm  macking  or  Sliure 
binding  ye  afore  sd  Land  and  premises  as  hee  shall  be  ad- 
"s-ised  by  any  Counsell  Lerned  in  3-e  Law  within  yo  Space  of 
three  years  which  is  to  be  att  ye  proper  cost  and  charges  of 
ye  Sd  John  Sering  for  full  satisfaction  of  fifty  five  pounds 
Current  Silver  mony  of  ys  province  Eeseved  in  full  l)efore 
je  inseleing  of  these  presence  as  witnes  oure  hands  and  seles 

HI<:MrSTKAl)   TOWN    RECOIIDS.  247 

ye  niiitli  of  octolx)!'   and  jeaie  one  tliousaiid  seven  Iniiidit'd 
and  three 

Signed  S(ded  and    Delivered 

In  presence  of  iis  John  Jackson    (S) 

Petek  Mershekko  Jeams  Jackson  (S) 

Thomas  Smith 

Jeremiah  Post 

A  true  Coppi  of  ye  origenall  Deed  entered  and  Compared 
by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarcke 

Chris  Jan  Snecors  Ear  marck  is  two  half  penyes  under  ye 
left  ear     Entered  ye  5  day  of  April  1701)     entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jerimiah  Beadle  his  Ear  marke  is  a  slitt  Down  the  End  of 

the  Eight  Ear  tV'  a  half  peuy  on  the  uper  side  of  Each  Ear 

Entered  in  this  l)ook  the  ninth  dav  of  niayanoy  Domi  1710 

by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

David  Beadle  his  Ear  mark  is  a  half  on  the  fore  side  of 
Each  ear     Recorded  the  Sixt  Day  of  June  1711     pr  mee 

William  Willis  Clark 

Page  131. 

Jeremiah  Wood  Junei'  his  ear  marck  is  A  slip  one  ye  fore 
sid  of  ye  lef  ear  t*c  a  slip  one  ye  under  side  of  ye  right  ear 
entred  ye.  9.  day  of  november  1708     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Samuel  Burtsel  his  ear  marck  is  a  Cro[)  one  the  Right 
ear  and  a  lialpeny  under  the  same  entered  the.  21.  da}'  of 
Jeanuary  170S-1) 

by  mee     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

A  Draft  of  a  fifty  acor  Lott  of  wood  Land  Lying  on  ye 
north  side  of  ye  greate  plaines  neare  herrickes  in  ye  bounds 
of  hempsted  in  (piens  (Vmnty  on  nassaw  Island  given  by 
Coll  John  Jackson  unto  his  tow  sons  JolnuV  Jeams  Jackson 


bj  Deeds  Dated  ye  IDtL  of  a  gust  1699  ])egining  att  a  white 
ocke  tree  Standing  in  ve  north  East  Corner  of  a  fifty  acor 
Parsell  of  Land  in  ye  Posetion  of  John  Sering  nuiicked  with 
3  noches  on  tow  Sides  and  ye  Letters  I  I  In  ye  niidle  of 
ye  noches  it  Enns  Eaighty  Eods  East  to  a  Avalnut  Saplin 
marcked  as  before  and  from  thence  it  Euus  South  one  hnn- 
di'edEods  to  another  walnut  Saplin  marcked  as  afore  sdaud 
thence  west  Eaighty  Eods  to  a  blacke  ocke  marcked  as  afore 
sd  agoyning  to  John  Serings  Land  and  from  thence  north 
one  hundred  Eod  to  ye  first  Station  performed  ye  4th  of 
agust 1703 

S.  Clowes  Surveyor 

Entered  in  ye  towne  Eecords  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Solomon  Beat  his  ear  raarck  is  a  hoi  in  the  right  Ear  and 
a  Crop  one  ye  left  ear  entered  the  19  day  of  Desember  1712 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  132. 

att  a  geuerall  towne  meeting  held  in  hem])sted  aprill  ye 
1  1704 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  Capt  Joseph  Smith  was  Cho- 
sen Constable  and  Colector  for  ye  insuing  yeare  and  John 
Tredwell  and  Eichard  ToAvnsend  was  Chosen  assesors  for  ys 
yeare  att  ye  same  meeting  Samuell  Denton  JunerCapt  Jer- 
emi  Smith  and  Joseph  Mott  was  Chosen  Surveyers  of  high- 
ways and  to  put  in  practis  Such  prudenshall  orders  as  ye 
towne  Shall  macke  ys  yeare  insuing  att  ye  same  towne  meet- 
ing  Capfc  carman  beniemen  Semens  William  willis  Eichard 
thorne  and  Christien  Suedicor  are  apoiuted  to  macke  pru- 
dentiall  orders  couserning  a  Eegulation  of  fences  through- 
oute  ye  towns  bounds  att  ye  same  towne  meetiug  Jose])h 
Pettit  was  Chosen  Clercke  for  ys  insuing  yeare  att  ye  Same 
towne  meeting  Jeremiah  Wood  and  Johu  Carle  were  deputed 
in  ye  towns  behalf  to  Colect  Eeseye  and  gather  all  arears 


Due  to  ye  towne  for  Liiiul  ;iiul  nu'ddo  Lett  and  uUso  to  Jii- 
quire  and  tacke  an  acounipt  of  what  Capt  Smith  andJeanis 
Jacksou  have  Don  in  ye  matter  and  niacke  Retorne  to  ye 
Justises  of  ye  peace  hy  ye  next  Election  Day  of  what  they  have 
Don  in  yt  matter 

By  order         Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Calip  Corn  well  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  one  the  ri^^lit  ear  and 
a  half  peny  under  th<?  sam  entered  the  tirst  day  of  may  1712 

pur  mee         Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Cornwell  his  ear  marck  is  two  half  penies  under 
the  ri<jjht  ear  A:  a  nick  one  the  fore  sid  of  ye  same  and  a  half 
peny  under  ye  left  ear  entered  ye  first  day  of  may  171"2 
Pur  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Wood  bhacksmithhis  ear  marck  is  a  slit  in  the  end 
of  the  Left  ear  entered  the  20  day  of  Janevary  1719-20  by 
mee  .  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

This  ear  mark  of  Joseph  woods  blacksmith  is  Joseph  hall 
l>y  the  consent  of  the  above  said  Joseph  wood 

Page  1311 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  Shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  greetinj^  Know  yee  yt  Avhereas 
there  was  formerly  given  by  ye  towne  to  micall  belling  ye 
freucli  man  yt  lived  upon  Mr  Spraggs  farme  twenty  acors  of 
Land  on  ye  west  side  Mr  Spraggs  Land  as  may  att  Largby 
ye  Record  apeare  which  sd  Land  I  ye  sd  Micall  Boiling  now 
of  new  yorcke  Doe  by  these  presence  give  grant  bargin  Sell 
aliuate  Reles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  Exsecetors  ad- 
ministrators and  asignes  unt  j  maier  John  Jackson  of  hemp- 
sted  ye  afore  mentioned  towne  on  Long  Island  alies  uassaw 
in  quens  county  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  to  him  his 
haires  excecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ye  afore  men- 


tioned  tract  of  Land  bee  it  more  or  Les  aeording  to  ye 
marcked  bounds  as  may  apeare  all  which  said  twenty  acors 
of  Land  as  afore  sd  together  with  Every  part  and  parsell 
thereof  with  ye  timber  apertinauces  and  improvements  there- 
on I  ye  sd  micall  boiling  Doe  l)y  these  presence  give  grant 
bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliver  frommeemy  hairs  and 
asignes  unto  ye  sd  maier  John  Jackson  to  him  his  hairs  and 
assignes  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  aud  quietly  to  poses 
and  iniov  from  mee  or  anv  from  Ijv  or  iiuder  mee  my  hairs 
and  assignes  or  Lawf  nil  atorueys  I  ye  sd  micall  boiling  Doe 
furder  warant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  atheuticke  and  good 
free  from  any  former  sales  Lett  morgadge  Dourys  Joynturs 
Judgments  Law  Sutes  or  intanglements  or  any  incomberance 
by  mee  or  my  procurement  in  any  wise  for  and  in  consider- 
ation of  a  valuable  Sume  as  full  Satisfaction  Eeseved  before 
ye  signing  hereof  and  in  Testimony  of  ye  premeses  I  have 
hereunto  sett  to  mv  hand  and  tixed  my  sele  Desember  ve 

*•  ^  ». 

fiftenth  Day  in  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  one 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  presence  of  us 
Joseph  Pettit  his 

John  Smith  Micall  X  bollixg  (Sj 

Petek  Mekshekro  marcke 

a  coppi  of  ye  origanall  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

'  Page  lU. 

Desember  ye  lo  1701 

Then  ye  within  named  Micall  Boiling  apeared  before  one 
of  his  maiesties  Justises  of  ye  peace  for  cpieus  County  and 
acknowledged  ys  Deed  of  Sale  to  l)ee  his  vollentarv  act  and 

apered  before  mee 

John  S  Smith  Justice  of  ye  Peace 
ye  acknowledgment  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 


Tlio  onv  marck  yt  Ephrini  Clieasnicn  <j;ives  is  ;i  lialf  peiiy 
oil  ye  tore  sid  of  ye  rij^ht  earaiid  a  nick  on  yefore  sid  of  ye 
left  ear  entred  .Inn  ye  14  day  1714     l!\  mo 

Tiio  (liLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

William  Johnson  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  t'oick  on  the 
Eight  ear  and  a  half  peny  under  each  ear  entered  the  24th 
day  of  tfeabrenary  1714-15         by  mee 

Tiio  Ctildeksleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Jackson  his  car  mark  is  a  Latch  on  \c  upper  sid 
of  ye  Eight  ear  A'  a  half  peny  under  it  A'  a,  half  peny  on  ye 
fore  sid  of  ye  Left  ear  Entered  ye.  13tli.  dav  of  Desember 
1715     By  me 

Tiio  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

J(»hn  Smith  of  fosters  meddow  his  ear  mark  is  atlouarde- 
luc  on  ye  right  ear  and  a  Slit  in  ye  end  of  ye  neare  ear  en- 
tred January  ye  11th.  day  1715-16     Pur  me 

Tho  (tILDERsleeve  Clarck 

Thomas  Pearsall  Juuer  his  ear  marck  is  a  crop  on  the  Left 
ear  and  a  half  peny  under  the  right  ear  entred  A}»ril  the 
5th.  1721 

by  me         Tho  (tILDERSleeve  Clarck 

Page  185. 

To  all  (Christian  People  to  whome  these  presence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  A\  il- 
liam  thickston  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaAv  in 
(jiTcns  County  in  ye  Province  of  new  Yorcke  Doe  by  these 
presence  give  grant  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
hairs  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  a  sartaine  par- 
sell  of  nieddo  and  Land  att  neare Eockaway  in  ye  Posetion 
of  ye  sd  Jose[)h  AVilliams  Ixranded  as  followeth  yt  is  East 
by  ye  meddo  of  motts  west  by  ye  meddo  in  ye  Posetion  of 
mee  ye  sd  william  thickstone  yt  is  yo  meddo  begining  t)u  ye 
west  by  a  marcked  white  ocke  tree  and  Euning  Southerly  to 
a  Stone  in  ye  Salt  meddo  neare  ye  cove  and  frum  thence 


torwaid  to  ,ve  cove  and  from  ve  white  oeke  tree  afore  sd 
11  )rtliward  by  ye  now  Staudiu<^  fence  and  one  home  Lott 
which  Samuel  Williams  bought  of  Joseph  williams 
all  which  meddo  and  Laud  and  home  Lott  as  afore  sd  with 
ye  apertinances  I  yesd  williamThickston  Doe  by  these  pres- 
ence give  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliver  from 
mee  niv  hairs  and  asignes  nnto  ye  sd  Joseph  williams  to  him 
his  hairs  and  asigues  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  from 
mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  asigues  for 
aud  in  consideration  of  meddo  aJovning  on  ye  west  Side  of 
it  Received  iu  full  Satisfaction  before  ye  Signing  hereof  and 
in  Testimony  of  ye  Premises  I  have  hereunto  set  to  my  hand 
may  ye  2d  Day  anno  Domini  1701 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  AVellia3I  Thickstox  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 
John  Spragge 
John  Rushmore 
a  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Entered  by  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 
Page  13(5. 
January  the:  16  1705 

att  the  Request  of  Mr  Adam  Mott  &  John  Rushinore  of 
Heinpsted  I  surveyed  ye  following  parcell  of  Land  which 
was  formerly  Laid  aud  the  first  S:  last  corner  trees  marked 
of  old  with  these  Letters  (A  M:  T  R:  J  R)  Beginiag  att  a 
black  oak  Tree  k  Runs  East  35  Chaius  and  25  links  then 
South  6.  o  East  33  Chains  &  35  Links  then  West  10  Chains 
ct  30  Links  then  north  6.  o  West  5  Chains  then  West  21 
Chains  A:  65  links  thence  to  my  first  Station  Contaiuiug  one 
hundred  acres  being  bounded  north  by  Cow  neck  fence  one- 
ly  a  highway  of  4  rod  Excepted  East  by  undivided  Land 
South  t^-  west  by  Josejih  Halsteads  Land  performed  pr  mee 

Tho  Cardalle  D  Surveyer 

Entered  this  2d  of  May  ano  D  1710  by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    JtECOItJ^S.  2'):-^ 

This  presents  Wittuesetli  yt  I  Henry  Allin  <>(  mad  nans 
neck  in  the  bounds  of  Hempstcd  A-  on  Nashaw  Island  in 
Qnens  county  iV  in  the  i)roviuce  of  New  Yorke  do  release 
from  mee  my  Hairs  Exsecetors  Administrators  A'  Assigns 
unto  John  Rushnion^  of  Hempsted  on  th(!  Island  A'  in  the 
(V)unty  A"  province  abov  said  to  him  his  Hairs  Exsecetors 
Administrators  a  certain  peice  of  Land  yt  I  the  a1)ove  said 
Heniy  Allin  did  survey  upon  the  abov  said  John  llushmores 
Land  yt  Lyeth  near  Joseph  Hallsteds  Lands  att  tlu^  head 
of  Cowneck  A' Also  I  the  above  said  Henry  Allin  do  Release 
the  Equall  half  of  the  Hollows  that  was  Thomas  Rush- 
mores  Late  of  Hempsted  ye  father  of  the  abov  said  John 
Rushmore  A'  the  Equall  half  of  the  gates  in  the  o\e  pasture 
A'  to  the  true  performance  of  ye  premises  nbov  mentioned  I 
have  sett  to  my  hand  A  fixed  my  seall  this  tift  Day  of  Aprill 

Signed  seled  A^  delivered  in 

presence  of  Henky  Ajjtn  (S) 


Tho  Gildersleeve 

this  Releas  Entered  this  third  day  of  thethinl  month  May 

by" mee  AVii.i.ts  Clarke 

Page  137. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  Presence  Shall 
come  Samuell  Smith  of  Jemeco  in  qnens  county  Senersend- 
eth  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  ye  above  sd  Samuell  Smith  for 
Severell  good  considerations  mee  there  unto  moveing  and 
more  Espetially  for  a  valuable  Sume  to  mee  ye  sd  Samuel 
Smith  in  hand  Paid  by  Joseph  Williams  of  hempsted  in  hand 
Paid  in  ye  afore  sd  Count}'  have  Given  granted  covenant  al- 
nated  Infeffed  and  scmld  and  Doe  by  these  presence  acknow- 
ledge to  have  from  mee  my  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators 
or  asigns  given  granted  Covenanted  alinated  Enfeffed  and 
Sould  unto  ye  afore  sd  J(^se])h  Williams  a  sartaine  peace  of 


fresli  meddo  Situate  Lying  and  being  within  ye  bounds  of 
hempsted  att  a  ])lac'e  formerly  called  Goes  necke  Lying  on  ye 
west  sid  ye  sd  necke  l)eiug  six  acors  more  or  Les  I  Say  yt  I 
ye  above  sd  Samuel  Smitli  have  Sould  as  above  sd  from  mee 
my  hairs  exsecetors  administrators  or  asigues  imto  ye  abov 
sd  Joseph  Williams  ye  above  named  peace   of  meddo  con- 
taineiug  Six  acors  unto  him  ye  sd  Joseph  williams  hishaires 
Exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  je  same  and  Every 
Part  and  Parsell  thereof  to  have  and  to  hould  unto  liiiu  ye 
above  sd  Joseph  williams  his  haires  Exsecetors  administra- 
tors or  asigues  fermly  for  Ever  to  occupy  poses  and  inioy 
for  Ever  as  his  or  tlieire  free  Eight  of  Inheritance  withoute 
Cleme  fine  Lett  hiuderance  or  molestation  Ether  from  mee 
or  my  hairs   Exsecetors   administrators   or  asisjnes  or  any 
Person  or  Persons  Laying  Clame  there  to  from  by  or  under 
mee  or  my  order  and  Do  ingadge  to  Defend  ye  same  good  in 
law   free  from   any  former  Dept  sale  gift  mo)-gadge  or  any 
other  intauglement  what  Ever  in  testimony  whereof  I  have 
here  unto  Sett  to  my  hand  and  sele  ys  Eleventh  day  of  June 
in  ye  second  yeare  of  ye  Kaigne  of  oure  soveraigne  Lord 
and  Lord  ye  King  william  and  queue  Mary  and  in  ye  yeare 
of  oure  Lord  god  one  thousand  Six  hundred  and  ninety 
Signed  seled  and  Delivered  in  preseuce  of 

Samuel  Euccoe  Samuel  Smith  (S) 

Thomas  Wateks 

a  Coppy  of  ye  origenall  Entered      By  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

PacxE  138. 

The  Testimony  of  Tho  Ellison  conserning  the  bounds  ol 
a  parcell  of  Meadow  on  Eainers  Neck  ye  west  side  in  the 
bounds  of  Hempsted  which  is  now  in  Difereuce  between 
Adam  Mott  A-  Eichard  Ellison  as  followeth  The  said  Thom- 
as Ellison  saith  that  the  said  Meadow  now  in  (Question  was 
first  Laid  out  to  Lawrence  Ellisons  sons  Eichard  Ellison  S: 
Thomas  Ellison  and  was  by  them  Divided  Eichard  Ellisons 


parte  is  on  the  west  side  Henry  Liiiin<i;t()ns  next  John  Elli- 
son Seu'r  Next  &  the  said  Thonuis  Ellison  on  the  East  side 
&  that  the  hounds  betwen  the  said  Thomas  A-  his  brother  j 
John  be^ineth  att  theseaor  (;ove  on  a  straight  lini^to  a  stake 
then  from  the  said  stake  Eastwaidly  to  a  white  oak  tree  up- 
on the  poynt  <S:  the  said  Thomas  Saith  his  Right  of  this  Mead- 
ow Went  no  further  Northwaid  nor  westward  then  the  Said 
trees  and  further  Saith  Nott  and  tin;  said  Thomas  Ellison 
Declareth  that  this  he  is  ready  to  testify  before  authority 
when  called  there  unto  to  which  lie  setteth  his  hand  the 
twentyeth  Day  of  March  Anno  Doni  l(')!l()-7 

Wittnes  Thomas  Ellison- 

John  Newman 
Egbert  Cooper 

Thomas  Ellison  Attested  that  ye  Words  of  this  writting  is 
the  truth  ct.  nothing  but  the  truth  to  ye  best  of  his  Knowl- 
edge A  understanding  before  mee 

Edwaisd  White 

the  above  written  is  a  true  copy  Entered  and  compared  by 
mee  William  Willis  Clarke 

ye  r)d  of  may  1710 

Ezecel  Boldiu  his  ear  marek  is  the  ear  marck  of  William 
Stites  W'hicli  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  left  ear  and  a  half 
peney  under  each  ear     entered  April,  ye.  4.  17*27 

by  mee  Tho  CIildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Bolding  his  ear  marck  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the 
near  ear  and  a  half  })eney  under  each  '^ar  and  a  nick  under 
the  of  ear  betwen  the  half  peney  and  ye  head  entred  aprill 
the.  4.  1727. 

by  me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck. 

Page  139. 

To  all  Christiaa  People  to  whome  these  ])resence  shall 
come  or  any  wise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  John 
Williams  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alies  nassaw  in  quens 


county  in  ye  Proyiuce  of  new  yorcke  Doe  l\y  these  jDres- 
enne  giye  grant  bargin  sell  alinate  Eeles  and  Deliyer  from 
mee  my  liaires  exsecetors  administrators  and  asignes  ucto 
Joseph  Williams  of  ye  towne  County  Island  and  Proyince 
afore   sd  to  him  his  haires  exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  ye  one  moyetie  or  Eqnell  halfe  part  in  quantity  and 
quallyty  of   a  sartaine    alotment  of  meddo  fresh  and  salt 
Lying  and  being  Situate  on  ye  west  side  ye  mill  Eiyer  ye 
hole  alotment  coutaineing  Eighteene  acors  more  or  Les  as 
it    was    formerly    Laid    oute    to    Thomas    Irland    Desesed 
bounded  west  by  ye  meddo  of  william  thickston  East  by  ye 
meddo  of  motts  north  by  ye  woods  south  by  ye  cove  ye  one 
moyetie  or  Equall  halfe  part  there  of  as  afore  sd  I  ye  sd 
John  Williams  Doe  by  these  presence  giye  grant  bargin  sell 
alinate  Pteles  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  asignes 
unto  ye  sd  Joseph  Williams  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  to 
gether  with  ye  hole  Eight  and  Preveledge  there  unto  be- 
longiug  on  ye  sd  necke  to  have  and  to  hould  for  Ever  and 
quietly  to  poses  and  inioy  from  any  Person  or  Persons  yt 
shall  macke  any  Just  dame  there  unto  and  Doe  furder  war-' 
rant  ys  my  sale  to  be  Lawfull  athenticke  and  good  In  Law 
free  from  any  former  Sale  Lett  morgadge  or  Incomlierance 
what  Ever  for  and  in  consideration  of  other  meddo  in  full 
Satisfaction  before  ye  Signing  here  of  and  in  testimony  of 
the  Premises  I  have  here  unto  Set  to  my  hand  and  tixed  my 
sele  uiay  ye  twenty  seventh  In  ye  yeare  of  oure  Lord  anno 

Signed  seled  and  Delivered 

In  presence  of  us  his 

Nathaxell  Persall  John  X  Williams  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit  marcke 

Edward  X  Spragg 
a  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Entered  l)y  mee 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 


PAGE  140. 

Samuel  Pearsal  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  on  ye  near  ear  & 
a  half  peny  under  ye  of  ear  Entered  January  ye  2(\  day 
1718-14     Pr  me 

Tho  Gilderhleeve  Clarck 

Thomas  Pearsal  Juner.  his  ear  marck  is  ;i  Crop  on  ye  near 
ear  <S:  a  half  peny  on  ye  up[)or  sid  of  ye  same  S:  a  half  peny 
under  ye  of  e;ir  Entered  January  3'e  "!(')  day  1713-14 
Pur  me 

Tho  (tILdersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  woods  ear  marck  is  a  hole  in  ye  of  ear  and  a  latch 
on  ye  under  sid  of  ye  near  ear  entered  may  the.  3.  day: 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Bedle  his  ear  marck  is  a  half  peny  on  ye  fore 
sid  of  each  ear  and  a  slit  on  ve  end  of  ye  left  ear  entered 
may  ye  4  day  1714 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleea^e  Clarck 

John  Tittes  Juner  his  ear  marck  is  a  swallow  forck  on 
the  Left  ear  and  a  half  peny  under  and  above  on  the  same 
ear     entered  January  the  11  ^^Uy  1714-15     entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve 

Cap  Joslieua  Cornwell  his  ear  Mark  is  a  crop  on  ye  Left 
ear     Entered  november.  ye.  5.  d.  1716.     Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Peeter  Titos  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  ye  for  sid  of  Right 
ear  tt  two  halff  penys  one  on  ye  upper  side  cV:  one  on  ye 
under  sid  of  ye  same  ear.     Entered  nove.  2t)th.  d  1710 

Pur  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Seman  se  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  on  ye  Left  ear 
and  a  nick  betweu  y  Latch  A'  ye  head  entred  ye  21  day  of 
desember  171() 

Pur  mee  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


David  ValliutiDe  bis  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the 
Left  ear  antl  two  nicks  nuder  the  right  ear  Entered  Jana- 
wary  je  8th.  1716-17 

Pin-  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  141. 

This  Indiiiture  made  ye  twenty  third  day  of  agust  one 
thousand  seven  hundred  and  fowre  and  in  ye  third  yeare  of 
ye  Eaigne  of  oure  Soveraigne  Lady  ....  by  ye  grace  of 
god  of  Ingland  Scotland  france  and  L-land  queene  and  sufr 
betwene  Beniemen  williams  of  hempsted  in  quens  County 
on  nassaw'  Island  wever  of  ye  one  Part  witneseth  and  Samuel 
Denton  of  ye  other  part  witneseth  yt  ye  sd  Benimen  wil- 
liams for  and  in  consideration  of  ye  sum  of  forty  Pounds  of 
good  Lawfull  mony  of  new  vorcke  in  hand  paid  and  by  him 
beniemen  williams  Receaved  before  ye  inseling  anil  Deliv- 
ery of  these  Presence  ye  Eecept  there  of  and  of  Every  i)art 
and  of  Every  part  and  Parsell  thereof  he  ye  sd  Beniemen 
williams  doth  for  Ever  acpiit  and  fully  Discharg  him  ye  sd 
Samuel  Denton  in  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and 
asignes  them  from  him  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators 
and  for  other  good  causes  and  considerations  him  ye  sd 
Beniemen  Williams  Espetiely  moveing  hath  given  granted 
alinated  enfefed  asigned  Eelesed  sould  and  Confermed  and 
by  these  presence  Doth  fully  freely  Clearely  and  absolutly 
give  grant  Reles  enfefe  asigue  sell  and  conferme  unto  ye  sd 
Samul  Denton  his  hairs  and  asignes  for  Ever  all  yt  of  a  ser- 
taine  parsell  of  meddo  liand  Lying  and  beiug  situate  on  ye 
south  sid  of  nassa  Island  within  3'e  l)ounds  of  hempsted  att 
ye  west  side  of  ye  mill  river  att  a  place  called  neare  Eoche- 
-away  being  bounded  on  ye  East  side  with  a  Dich  part  of  ye 
way  and  from  ye  north  end  of  ye  Dich  with  a  streight  line 
up  to  ye  now  standing  fence  yt  stands  on  ye  upland  and 
V)ounded  on  ye  north  End  by  ye  sd  fence  and  so  rnn- 
ing  to  a  marcked  white  ocke  tree  on  ye  north  west  Cor- 
ner and  from  ye  sd  white  ocke  tree  a  southerly  Line  to 
a  stone  set  up  in  ye  salt  meddo  and  by  sd  Line  from   sd 


stoue  to  ye  Cove  and  Ijoiindcd  1)>-  ye  cove  by  on  ye  south 
and  runing  estward  till  it  conis  to  a  cricke  Leadin<^  to  ye 
])icli  before  mentioned  to  getlier  with  all  his  right  title 
intrest  clanie  and  Demand  which  ye  said  benienieu  williams 
Ever  hath  or  ^vith  any  of  his  hairs  here  after  may  have  of 
to  or  in  ye  sd  Parsell  of  nieddo  with  all  ye  Prottits  comod- 
ities  and  2)reviledges  what  soever  belonging  in  ye  same  to 
have  and  to  lionld  for  Ever  as  his  or  theire  free  and  cleare 
Estate  of  Inheritance  and  ye  sd  beniemcii  williams  both  l)y 
these  presence  absolntely  conferme  ye  sd  Samuel  Denton 
his  haires  and  asignes  for  Ever  in  ye  (juiett  and  Peasable 

PaCxE  U± 

posetiou  of  ye  sd  mechh)  and  Every  Part  and  Parsell  there- 
of and  Doth  hereby  these  presence  for  him  selfe  his  hairs 
Exsecetors  administrators  for  Ever  warrant  and  Defend  ye 
'sd  Samuel  Denton  his  hairs  and  asignes  for  Ever  against 
any  Person  or  Persons  yt  shall  Lay  any  Lawfnll  dame  to 
any  part  or  parsell  thereof  together  with  a  right  of  upland 
within  Joseph  Avilliams  his  fence  Suffitient  to  macke  stock 
yards  and  yards  for  to  fodder  his  cattle  in  in  winter  from 
time  to  time  as  he  or  his  hairs  or  asigns  shall  have  ocation 
and  for  ferder  confermation  wee  ye  sd  beniemen  williams 
and  Joseph  williams  have  here  unto  set  tliaire  hands 
and  affixed  theire  seles  ye  Day  and  yeare  first  above 

Seled  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  Beniemen  avilliams  (S) 



Ek'hard  Vallintine 

Memorandum  yt  ye  15  day  of  September  1704  the  Per- 
sons within  wrighten  apeared  before  me  John  Tredwell 
Estpiire  one  of  her  maiesties  Justises  of  ye  Pease  for  quens 
County  and    acknoledged   ye  withiii  wrighten  Deed  to  be 

theire  vollentary  act  and  Deed 

John  Tredwell 


ys  Coppi  of  ye  above  and  within  wriirhten  Deed  and  ac- 
knowledgement    Entered  by  ine 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Charles  Derlou  his  ear  rnarck  is  two  nicks  and  a  half 
peny  one  the  fore  sid  of  ye  right  the  half  peny  betwene 
the  nicks     entred  the  31  day  of  may  1712     Per  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Page  WS. 

att  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  in  hempsted  Jenewaiy 

ye  23  1704 was  given  and  granted  to  Collenall 

John  Jackson  his  hairs  and  asignes  for  Ever  ye  hole  Lib- 
erty'and  Priviledge  of  ye  Streames  of  Jerusalem  Rivers  yt 
Leads  betwene  ye  great  necke  and  ye  Little  necke  and  to 
Leade  ye  broock  called  ye  Little  necke  broocke  in  to  yt  to 
bnild  a  giist  mill  and  fulling  mill  and  allso  lifty  or  sixty 
acors  of  Land  agoyning  where  they  sett  ye  mills  yt 
is  to  say  of  upland  Island  Swamp  and  boogs  convenient 
for  building  yards  and  pasturing  or  other  wise  to  theire 
coneniency  yt  is  to  ye  said  Colenall  Jolm  Jackson  his  hairs 
and  asignes  for  Ever  ye  conditions  of  ys  vote  is  Such  yt  ye 
sd  Collenall  John  Jackson  his  hairs  asigns  or  order  shall 
from  time  to  time  grind  for  ye  free  holders  and  inhabitants 
of  sd  towne  for  one  twelth  Part  of  ye  greaine  they  grind 
makes  ys  grant  of  full  force  and  vertue  to  ye  sd  Collenall 
John  Jackson  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  Ever 

By  order        Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Samuel  Embry  Juners  his  Eare  marck  is  a  Crop  one  the 
right  ear  and  two  nicks  under  the  same  and  one  nick  one 
the  fore  sid  of  the  left  ear  Entered  the  24  day  of  Aprill 
1708:     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 
Job  Bedele  his  ear  marck  is  a  slip  under  the  right  ear  and 
a  half  peny  under  each  eare  entred  the.  3.  day  of  may  1712 
Pur  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

hemrstead  town  records.  261 

Taoe  144. 

Cap  Tliomas  Tredwell  his  eare  marck  is  a  lateli  one  ye 
fore  sid  of  ye  left  eare  and  a  slip  one  y*^  under  sid  ye  right 
eare     entered  ye.  17.  day  of  Jenewary  17UO-7     By  niee 

Trio  GiLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

The  ear  niarck  that  liichard  Vollintine  inner  gives  is  a 
half  peny  one  ye  fore  sid  of  ye  left  ear  and  a  lialf  i)eny  under 
ye  right  ear     entered  ye  fnrst  day  of  Aprill  1707     by  mee 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEVE  Chirck 

John  Spradgs  Eyear  mai-ck  is  a  Crop  one  the  Right  ear 
and  a  nick  in  the  Croj)  Entered  the  81  day  of  July  1707 
By  mee 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

Samuel  senian  the  sun  of  Thomas  seman  his  ear  marck 
is  a  slip  under  each  ear  entered  the  25  of  Desember  by  mee 

Tho  GiLDiiRSLEEVE  Clarck 

in  ye  year  1707 

Thomas  Bacar  his  eare  marck  is  a  half  pen}'  cV  two  nicks 
under  the  right  eare  one  one  the  one  sid  of  the  half  peny  <^' 
3'e  other  one  the  other  sid  entred  the  29:  of  may  1712  by 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  145. 

att  a  generalltowne  meeting  of  ye  freeholders  and  inhabi- 
tants held  in  hempsted  Jane  wary  ye  23  day  1704  for  ye  consid- 
eration of  hveshillins  to  them  In  handi)aidby  Mr  Joseph  mat- 
linsUu  of  new  yorcke  merchnt  and  for  other  good  considera- 
tions them  there  unto  Espetiall  moveing  was  by  ye  sd  free- 
holders and  Inhalutants  mett  as  afore  sd  given  and  granted 
vmtoye  sd  MrJoseidi  matlisun  his  haires  Exsecetors  admin- 
istrators and  asignes  for  Ever  ye  Liberty  priveledge  and  free 
use  of  ye  Streams  of  water  Called  and  Knowneby  ye  names 
of  hay  bridge  Broocke  and  merock  lliver  thereon  to  build 
Erect  and  Set  up  and  tinnish  or  Cause  to  be  so  built  Erect- 


ed  Set  up  aud  finislied  one  grist  mill  for  griudiiig  of  corne 
and  one  fulling  mill  togetlier  with  je  previledge  of  macke- 
ing  a  dich  to  Lead  ye  water  of  merrucke  Eiver  and  ye  ce- 
der  Swamp  Broocke  unto  je  sd  mills  for  ye  better  Supply- 
ing them  with  water  ye  sd  Dich  to  be  cut  conveyed  and  carried 
on  as  may  be  most  convenient  for  ye  purpos  afore^said  allso 
ye  sd  fi^eeholders  and  inhabitants  Doe  ferdergive  and  grant 
to  ye  sd  Mr  Joseph  matliusun  as  afore  sd  all  ye  boogs 
swamps  Islands  upland  bordering  on  agoiniug  upon  ye  Prem- 
ises l)efore  mentioned  and  from  hay  bridg  broock  and  je  sd 
Dich  Southward  to  venecke  fence  and  Eastward  tomerrocke 
River  including  ye  boogs  swamps  Islands  <tc  afore  sd  ami 
westward  to  te  hay  brid^  Broock  to  have  and  to  hould  ve 
sd  streems  boogs  Land  and  premesis  to  him  ye  sd  Mr  Jo- 
seph matlinsuu  his  hairs  Exsecetors  administrators  and  as- 
ignes  for  Ever  provided  ye  grist  mill  above  mentioned  be 
Erected  and  built  within  tow  years  after  ve  Date  hereof  and 
Cept  up  for  Ever  and  yt  ye  sd  Mr.  Joseph  matlinsuu  Doe 
grind  for  ye  inhabitants  of  all  sd,  towne  for  ye  tweltli  part 
of  ye  graine  and  also  to  build  and  keep  in  Eepare  a  good 
suffitieut  bridge  or  highway  and  passage  for  both  carts  and 
horses  over  ye  neck  unto  Little  hav  bridge  and  maintaine  ye 
same  and  allso  to  leave  a' Road  or  highway  to  ye  meddows 
and  merrocke  River  of  Eight  Rod  wide  within  ye  sd  limmits 
then  this  wrighting  or  grant  to  be  of  full  force  and  vertue 
for  Ever  and  provided  ye  above  sd  mill  be  not  built  and  fin- 
ished within  tow  years  then  ye  above  sd  streems  land  and 
bogs  to  reterne  to  ye  towne  and  ys  vote  to  be  made  void 
this  by  order  of  ye  towne 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  146. 

att  a  generall  towne  meeting  held  in  hempsted  Hebe  wary 
ye  26  1704  In  confurmation  of  a  grant  to  Mr  Jose[)h  Mat- 
linson  Janewary  ye  23  1704  conseruing  Streems  Lands  aud 
boogs  to  build  a  grist  mill  and  fulling  mill  as  by  ye  grant  Re- 
corded may  att  Larg  apeare  att  ye  above  sd  towne  meeting 


ffebewary  ye  'AC)  1704  l»v  the  I'roeholclers  Jiiul  iiihal)itants  of 
s(l  towiie  Avas  "iveii  and  granted  to  ye  above  sd  Mr  .T<)se])li 
iiiatlinson  his  hairs  and  asi<i;iiesf()r  Ever  ye  Liberty  and  priv- 
iledge  of  ('i;tin<ji;  timber  n\)o\i  ye  towns  undivided  Land  for 
biiihlin<4  and  fei]cein<i;  and  firewood  Provided  ye  sd  Mr  Mat- 
linson  his  hairs  and  Succcisors  Shall  from  time  to  time  Ceep 
a  fence  to  prevent  ye  Cattle  Comintz;  of  from  ye  ('ow  med- 
do  for  beinti;  Stoped  by  any  Dich  or  Dam  att  ye  Seder 
Swam])  By  order         Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

att  ye  same  towne  jneeting  there  was  liberty  granted  to 
thomas  martin  to  tacke  up  sum  land  of  ye  undevided  Land 
fo)-  him  selfe  and  his  Son  to  worcke  on  to  Vx;  tackon  not  to 
liinder  high  ways  nor  watering  places 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  a  bovesd  yt  what  mony  Sume 

of  ye  towns  })eople  given    theire  bond  for  to  Mr  nichols  to 

be  paid  some  time  in  march  next  for  to  Indev-or  to  Defend 

ye  hole  towne  bounds  ye  sd   mony  shall   be   levied  assesed 

and  paid  by  ye  free  holders  and  inhabitants  of  ye  towne 

by  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 

Page  147. 

att  ye  afore  sd  toAvne  meeting  tlebery  ye  26  It  was  voted 
and  concluded  by  ve  maior  vote  vt  Provided  anv  Person 
Avill  except  of  one  hundred  acors  of  undevided  laud  not  to 
be  tacken  up  on  ye  north  neckes  on  ye  north  Side  nor  on 
ye  South  neckes  on  ye  South  Side  nor  to  liinder  any  high- 
ways or  watering  places  and  in  consideration  there  of  wiU 
be  oblidged  him  selfe  his  hairs  and  asigns  to  pay  ye  towns 
(piitrent  from  time  to  time  for  Ever  may  be  Coufemied  in 
ye  Land  by  Collenell  Jackson  and  Justis  tredwell 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  it  was  voted  and  coucluded  yt 
a  boocke  Shall  be  bought  where  in  each  and  Every  Person 
Shall  Enter  his  lotted  land  and  ye  quitrent  Shall  be  paid  Wy 
ye  land  so  Entered  and  ye  land  Shall  be  given  in  to  william 
willis  ys  by  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 


Att  a  generall  towue  meeting  held  in  bempsted  aprell 
ye  2  1705 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  william  tliickston  was  chosen 
constable  and  colector  for  ys  insuing  yeaie  att  ye  same 
towne  meeting  Richard  townsend  and  Jeams  pine  was  cho- 
sen assessors  for  ys  insning  yeare  att  ye  same  time  Wil- 
liam Willis  was  Chosen  Superviser  for  ys  insuing  yeare 
att  ye  same  time  thomas  gildersleeve  Avas  chosen  Clarcke 
for  ys  insuing  yeare  att  ye  same  time  there  was  liberty 
granted  for  ye  inhabitants  of  madnaus  necke  to  ceep  a 
pound  for  onely  pounding  ye  Creturg  belonging  to  ye  sd 
necke  so  high  as  ye  South  gate  of  ye  land  of  Daves  fan- 
wicke  by  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clar 
Page  148. 

att  ye  afore  sd  towne  meeting  aprill  ye  2  1705  It  was 
voted  and  concluded  yt  there  Shall  forthwith  be  a  rate 
made  of  twenty  five  pounds  upon  ye  Lands  for  to  pay  Mr 
nichuls  and  ye  quitrent  Due  and  ye  overplush  for  charges 
and  onwards  of  a  nother  years  quitrent 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  was  given  and  granted  to  Wil- 
liam Langdon  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  Ever  alioute 
Six  acors  of  l^oggy  Land  neare  his  house  ye  same  to  poses 
in  consideration  of  tow  galons  of  Pmm  paid  to  ye  towiie 

att  ye  same  towne  meeting  it  was  voted  and  concluded 
yt  Judg  hickes  and  Collonell  Jackson  Shall  in  ye  towns  be- 
halfe  asist  Mr  Nichols  to  Defend  ye  townes  bounds 

att  ye  afore  sd  towne  meeting  it  was  voted  and  Conclud- 
ed yt  ye  five  men  apoiuted  Last  yeare  to  macke  a  regula- 
tion of  fences  shall  remaine  another  yeare  and  allso  to 
macke  a  regulation  concerning  pounding  in  every  part 

att  ye  same  time  it  was  voted  and  concluded  by  ye  maier 
vote  yt  ye  three  Surveyors,  of  highways  shall  remaine  ys 
insuing  yeare  as  they  were  Chosen  ye  Last  yeare 

by  order 

Joseph  Pettit  Clarck 

Hempsted  aprill  the  27  d  1705    upone  the  day  a  bove  said 


nt  a  iiieetiii!^  of  the  .Justissos  ('nrdi  Avardiii  aii<l   vostvrco   it 

Wiis  ordered  that  tliear  should  1)((!  aihlod  to  the  iiiiuiHters 

rat  for  this  presant  year  ten  ])ound  for  the  ouse  of  the  pore 

this  ])v  order  entered  li\   mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve 

Page  149. 

Know  all  men  before  home  this  ]nesent  wrif^htiii;^  may 
Come  or  att  any  time  a})eare  yt  I  Kichard  j^ildersleeve  of 
huntintowne  on  Lonjjj  Island  alies  nassaw  in  ye  County 
Sjitit'olcke  and  in  ye  Province  of  new  yorcke  in  america 
have  bargined  sould  unto  my  brother  thonias  gihhnsleeve 
of  hempsted  in  quens  Count_y  and  on  ye  Island  and  in  ye 
Province  afore  Sd  all  my  Right  of  undevided  Lands  in  ye 
boiinds  of  hempsted  Ether  by  purches  or  pattent  from  mee 
my  hairs  Exsecetos  administrators  or  asignes  unto  him  his 
haires  Exsecetors  administrators  or  asignes  to  have  and  to 
hould  for  his  and  thaire  owne  for  Ever  for  tlieire  owne 
proper  right  for  a  valuable  Sume  of  money  allredy  Re- 
seved  In  hand  by  mee  ye  above  sd  Richard  gildei  sleeve  and 
I  ye  above  sd  Richard  Gildersleeve  Doe  promise  to  assist 
my  above  sd  Thomas  Gildersleeve  with  what  Strength  of 
wrigbtings  I  have  to  uphould  ye  above  sd  Right  of  Lands 
to  him  and  his  for  Ever  from  ye  twenty  Seventh  Day  of 
agust  in  ye  yeare  one  thousand  seven  hundred  ana  one  for 
ever  here  after  and  I  ye  above  sd  Richard  gildersleeve  Doe 
set  to  my  hand  and  fix  my  Sele  in  true  acknowledging  of  ys 
above  sd  Deed  of  Sale  ys  2  day  of  may  1704: 

Signed  seled  in  presence  of 

us  and  Delivered  witnes 


Mary  X  Mott 
GoRG  X  Beats 


This  bill  of  Sale  is  ackowledged  before  me  ad  mott  one 
of  her   raaiesties  Justises   of  ye   peace   for  quens  County 
a  coppie  of  ye  oregeuall  Compared  by  mee 

»TosEPH  Pettit  Clar 

Page  150. 

John  foster  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  two  half  pennies  on 
ye  fore  side  of  ye  Bight  ear  entered  ye.  3.  daj'  of  april 
1716     Pnr  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clark 

Mr  John  Thomas  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  each  ear 
Eutred  July  ye  21  day     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

John  Jackson,  wistou.  his  ear  mark  is  two  nicks  under 
the  Left  ear     entred  the  20th.  d;iy.  of  July  1717  By  me 

Thomas  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Cornelas  Willsee  his  ear  mark  is  a  hole  in  theLeft  ear  and 
two  half  penyes  on  the  Bight  ear  one  on  the  upper  sid  and 
one  on  the  under  side  entered  September  the  25.  day  1717 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

John  Burtsell  his  ear  mark  is  a  Swallow  fork  on  each  ear. 
entered  January,  ye.  29  day.     1718-19  by  me 

Tho  Gilderlleeye  Clarck 

Samuel  Seman  Juner  the  Son  of  Samuel  his  ear  mark  is 
a  Latch  on  the  fore  side  of  each  ear  and  a  half  peney  under 
each  ear     entered  January  ye.  29  day  3718-19.  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Joseph  Chesman  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and 
a  nick  under  it  and  a  half  peney  under  the  near  ear.  en- 
tered January,  ye.  29.  day  1718-19     \)\  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

HenrY  Pearsal  yc  son  of  Georg  Pearsall  his  ear  mark  is 
a  latch  on  ye  fore  sid  of  ye  of  ear  and  a  half  peney  under 


tlie  near  ear  and  a  liool  lit  the  same     tuitred  tlie   10  d.iy  of 

febreuarv  1718-1'J 

by  iiio      Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

PACiE  151. 

an  a*i;reeiiient  iiuulc  and  concluded  on  l>y  and  hctweneal- 
lexsander  Imbs  of  madnans  ncckc  In  ye  hound  of  licmpstcd 
of  ye  one  pai't  and  lienery  allin  of  ye  same  place  of  ye  oth- 
er part  witneseth  yt  whereas  there  was  ;i  Difterance  yt  was 
Depending  betAvene  ye  Said  parties  aboute  a  Devition  line 
of  theire  Lands  it  is  agreed  mutually  betwene  ye  said  par- 
ties yt  ye  bounds  betwene  them  shall  l)egiii  att  a  saitaine 
]K)st  by  ye  meddo  neare  ye  cricke  aboute^  thirteene  pases 
South  of  a  Snrtaine  (diesnut  marched  in  the  old  fence  on  ye 
south  side  of  old  Mr  hubses  land  so  as  to  Uun  a  Straiglit 
line  westward  to  ye  bay  to  a  sartaine  whit  ocke  tree  Stanil- 
ing  neare  ye  said  bay  and  this  to  be  a  perpetuall  bounds  for 
Ever  betwene  uss  as  witnes  oure  hand  and  seles  ys  17  day 
of  June  1704 

Signed  and  seled  in  ye 

Presence  of  us  his 

John  tolman  allexsander  X  hubs  (S) 

Jonathan  whitehead  marcke 

henery  allin  (S^ 

ye  words  for  Ever  sertaine  Euterliued 
a  true  coppi  of  ye  origenall  Compared  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Cluck 

Thomas  Yallintine  his  ear  mark  is  a  nick  under  each  ear 
and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear  entred 
the  25  day  of  October  1721     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  152. 

To  all  Chjistion  I'ccple  to  home  this  presauts  shall  Com 
or  an}'  ways  apertaine  greting  Know  ye  yt  I  Thomas 
Roshmore  of  hemsted  one  long  Island  alias  nawsoa  in 
quens  County  in  ye  Provinc  of  ncAv  yorck  Do  by  these  pre- 
sants  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinat  reles  and  Deliver  from 


mee  my  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asins  unto  hen- 
ery  Alliii  of  ye  towne  County  Island  and  Provinc  of  afore 
s(l  to  liim  Ms  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asins  all  and 
siuj^ular  my  hole  right  and  title  of  undevided  Land  in  the 
bound  of  hemsted  afore  sd  yt  is  to  say  all  the  right  and 
titel  of  undevided  land  and  right  of  Comans  belonging  to 
mee  by  Perchas  patin  Propiarity  ship  prodeused  from  Wil- 
liam Yeats  John  horges  or  any  other  apertaining  belonging 
to  mee  the  sd  Thomas  Eoshmore  Derived  from  my  desesed 
father  Thomas  Roshmore  late  of  hemsted  all  which  right  of 
Comans  and  unde^-ided  Land  in  every  part  as  a  bove  sd  I 
the  afoie  sd  Thomas  Roshmore  Do  by  these  presauts  give 
grant  bargin  sell  alinate  reles  and  deliver  from  me  my  hairs 
exsexetors  administrators  and  asings  unto  ye  above  sd  hen- 
ery  Alline  to  him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and 
Asigns  ti>  have  and  to  hold  ye  above  sd  right  or  rights  of 
undevided  lands  as  above  sd  to  ye  only  euse  benifit  and 
beehof  of  him  ye  sd  henery  Alline  his  hairs  and  asigns  for 
ever  Avarranting  this  my  sail  to  bee  lawfuU  athentick  and 
good  in  loa  free  from  any  former  sail  let  morgedg  or  incom- 
beranc  what  ever  and  foreder  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Roshmor  Do 
for  my  self  my  hairs  and  asigns  Covenant  and  promise  to 
and  with  ve  sd  henerv  Alline  his  hairs  and  asins  to  do  anv 
ferder  thing  if  required  theare  unto  within  ye  spas  of  three 
vears  for  the  seur  making  and  ferme  l)inding  the  sd  rig[ht 

Page  153. 

and  premises  for  and  in  Consederatione  (jf  available  some 
in  hand  paid  or  full  satisfaction  in  Consideration  of  ye 
same  and  in  testimony  of  ye  premises  ]  Lave  heare  unto 
set  to  my  hand  and  iixed  my  seall  may  ye  'S  day  anno  do- 
miny  1705 

Siued  seled  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  Thomas  Roshmoke  (S) 

Joseph  Pettit 

William  Mixthorx 

JoHX  Wkight 


may  ye  8  day  1705  then  ye  within  luuned  Thomas  llosh- 
more  apeared  ])eefore  oue  of  hai-  niaiestis  Jnsstises  of  ye 
peas  and  acknowledged  ye  witli  in  righten  (k^ed  to  l)ee  his 
volliantery  act  and  Deed  a])i()ved  bee  fore  one  of  have 
maiestise  Jusstises  of  ye  Peas  in  t[U(!ns  ('onnty  ajnovcd  he- 
fore  niee 

John  Smith 

Jusstis  of  ye  Peeas 

A  treu  Copy  taken  out  of  the  oj'idganol  hy  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Know  all  Christian  people  to  ^'■honie  this  presant  right- 
ing shall  come  know  ye  that  I  Henry  Dusenhorow  (h)  de- 
liver up  from  me  and  my  hairs  executors  and  administra- 
tors for  ever  unto  my  brother  John  Dusenhorow  and  his 
hairs  exsecutors  and  administrators  and  asigus,  the  half  of 
that  fifty  acors  of  land  lying  behind  me  which  our  father 
Left  us  and  also  a  five  and  twenty  acors  of  land  which  John 
heudrickson  is  now  Inpossession  of  and  a  five  and  twenty 
acors  of  pattin  Right  be  longing  to  it.  whereas.  I  have  here 
unto  set  ni}-  hand  and  seal  this  30th  .  of  may  .  In  the  year 
of  our  Lord  god  1713 

Siued  Healed  and 

delivered  In  presents  of  us    Henuy  DosEXP.oiiow  (8) 

Samuel  Thorn 
Richard  Everit 

This  is  a  treu  Coppy  taken  oiit  of  the  origenal,  and  en- 
tred  in  the  records  of  Hempstead,  by  me. 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  154. 

Know  all  men  by  tlies  presents  that  I  John  Sturgis  of 
hemsted  in  the  new  neyther  lands  for  divers  Casis  thear 
unto  moving  mee  doo  by  these  presants  for  me  my  hairs  ex- 
sexetors  Administrators  and  asigns  bargaine  sell  asiue  and  set 
over  unto  Thomas  Roshmore  of  the  fore  sayd  plas  his  heairs 


exsexetois  administrators  and  assigns  all  mj  right  titell  and 
iutrest  of  off  houses  and  land  that  doth  belonge  or  apper- 
teaine  iinto  mee  within  the  limited  bounds  of  hempsted  to 
him  the  sayd  Roshmore  his  hairs  exsexetors  or  asigns  to 
ioioy  for  ever  and  I  the  fore  said  John  Sturgis  doo  for  mee 
my  heairs  exsexetors  and  asigns  warrant  and  warauttise  the 
saile  of  the  fore  said  house  and  land  to  him  the  saide  Eosh- 
more  or  his  asigns  against  any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall 
or  may  lay  Clame  titell  or  intrust  unto  it  and  for  the  per- 
foremance  heareof  I  have  hear  unto  subscribed  my  hand 
this  18  day  of  aprill  stiloueve  1659 
In  Avitues  of 


Joseph  Meade 

A  treu  Copi  Compared  with  the  oridganoll  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Joyls  Seman  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  A:  a  nick  on  the  fore 
side  of  the  uear  ear  and  hole  in  the  of  ear.  entred  may 
the  Ifith.  1728. 

l)y  me     Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Solomon  Seman  Ju  .  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  cV  a  half  peuey 
under  the  near  ear  A:  a  slit  in  ye  of  ear  entred  may  ye 
IGth  1728 

l)y  me     Thomas  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Eichard  Durfee  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  near  ear 
and  a  flower  de  Luce  on  the  of  ear  entred  July.  22.  day. 
1729.      l)y  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Page  155. 

Desember.  28.  1670  Land  layd  out  two  Timothy  hoi- 
sted one  ye  east  sid  of  hericks  swamp  from  the  swamp  east 
40  poll  north  line  32  poll  which  maks  9  a  Cors  tV  moie 
laid  out  To  Timothy  hoisted  and  simon  sering  north  36  rods 
the  lins  runeth  north  from  a  marked  Avolnot  tree  100 :  poll  and 


iitt  the  end  of  tlie  100  j)oll  nortli  tlio  lijie  vnns  west:  (»():  ])ol] 
and  from  the  east  line   the  south  hue   i  iiiictli:  KM):  [xill; 

A  treu  ('()])(■  ])  iiK'c 

'I'iKi   IIK'KS 

A  treu  Copy  taken  liy  niee 

ThO  (TlLl)EliST,EEVE    Clarck 

A  record  of  fifty  aeai's  of  hind  that  Joliii  Scariiii;  hail 
granted  to  him  as  an  in  habitant  surv;iied  by  Tho  Cardrll 
January:  1(5:  1705 

At  ye  request  of  John  scaring;  of  hemsted  1  sai\aird  the 
following  parsell  of  laud  which  was  formerly  laid  out  to  him 
and  every  Corner  tree  raarckt  of  ould  with  foure.  S.  es  one 
each  Corner  tree  beeginning  att  a  red  oake  and  runs  west 
22  chains  and  70  link  to  a  black  oake  then  south  25  Chains 
to  a  black  oake  then  eastt  to  a  walnut  sapling  22  chains  and 
70  liiicks  and  so  to  my  first  statione  C/ontaiiiingtifty  six  acars 
and  till  ee  quarters 

P  formed  P  mee 

Tho  Cakdaee  I)  suivaier 


This  above  sd  land  lyetli  in  ye  north  woods  neare  to  ye 
Cou  neck  one  ye  west  sid  of  tifty  acars  that  John  searing 
bought  of  eJolin  and  Jeams  Jackson 

A  treu  Cop)y  of  Tho  Candales survai  of  the  above  si  laud 
compared  and  entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gilde]{sleeve  Clarck 

Page  156. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  that  I  William  Yeats  of 
hemsted  in  the  neuneatherlands  for  divers  Causis  thear  un- 
to moving  mee  doo  by  these  presant  for  mee  my  hairs  exsex- 
etors  administrators  And  asins  bargin  and  sell  Asine  and  set- 
over  unto  Thomas  Rushmore  of  the  fore  said  place  his  heairs 
exsexetors  administrators  and  asins  all  my  Kight  titeil  and 
intrest  of  howse  and  lands  that  d(^th  bee  long  or  apertaiue 


niito  luee  with  in  the  limyted  bounds  of  liempsted  to  liim 
the  said  Eoshmor  his  hairs  exgexetors  or  asingns  to  inioy 
for  ever  And  I  the  fore  said  William  Teats  doo  for  mee  my 
heairs  exsexetors  and  asins  warant  and  warantise  the  saill 
of  the  fore  sajd  housis  and  Land  to  him  the  said Eoslim ore 
or  his  asigns  Against  any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall  or 
may  Lay  Clame  titell  or  intrust  unto  itt  and  for  the  perform- 
ances hearof  I  have  hear  unto  subscribed  m}-  hand  this  5th 
day  of  march  stile  uoyat  1657  the  Land  is  to  take  poses- 
^  tione  att  the  ferst  of  this  presants  and  the  howses  to  poses 
one  may  day  inseuiug  an  mot  : 
In  Avitnes  of 

Tho  Poyer  "Welliam  Yeates 

henery  X  Persall 
A  treu  copy  of  the  oridgonoll     Entered  by  mee 

Thomas  GiLDERSLEEyE  Clarck 

Cornelus  Polhemus  his  ear  marck  is  a  hole  in  the  near  ear 
and  a  half  peney  under  the  of  ear  entredMayye  18th  day 

by  me        Tho  GiLDERSLEEyE  Chuck 

James  Burtas  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the 
near  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  of  ear  and  a  slit  in  the 
end  of  the  same  which  was  formerly  William  Dowsenbo- 
rows  : 

entred  noyembe  the  10th  day  1730     by  mee 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  157. 

This  may  sartifi  whome  it  may  Consarn  that  I  William 
Yeates  did  sell  unto  Thomas  Eushmore  Late  of  hemsted  a 
ten  pound  Lott  and  a  ten  poimd  blauck  which  was  tirat  laid 
oiit  two  John  heuse  allsoe  a  thirty  pound  blanck  which  was 
,tirst  laid  out  two  little  John  smith  and  after  wards  gave  to 
mee  by  the  towns  these  partickalors  was  my  right  in  hem- 


sted  which   I   Sold  to  Tlioinas  Rushiuore    wlicthr  thuy  aie  . 
perticuhir  mentioned  in  bill  of  saill  or  not  and  two  ye  truth 
of  this  I  shall  l)ee  redy  toafiinie  iff  theare unto  caled  as  ^vit- 
ness  my  hand  this  5  day  of  may  1()S4 
John  hinchman  William  Yeates 

Jonathan  Wrkiht 
A  treu  copi  of  the  orid^anoll     Entered  by  mee 

Thomas  (riLDEiisLEEVE  Clarck 

The  ear  marcktliatAbell  Smith  gives  is  a  Crop  on  ye  Right 
ear     Entered  the  10th  day  of  October  1718     by  me 

Thomas  CItldersleeve  Clarck 

Nathanil  Mnusee  his  ear  marck  is  a  slopping  nick  under 
each  ear     entered  ye  11th.  day  of  Desember  1718     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Sowtherd  Junerhisear  mark  is  a  Howerdeliice  on  the 
of  ear  and  a  slip  under  the  near  ear  entred  march  the  27 
day  1719 

By  Mee         Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  158. 

To  all  Christien  People  to  wliome  these  presants  shall  come 
or  any  ways  apertaine  Greting  Know  yee  yt  I  Thomas 
Bushmore  of  niacin ans  neck  in  the  bounds  of  hemsted  one 
Long  Island  alias  nasaw  in  Quens  Count}'  in  ye  Pro  vine  of 
new  Yorck  doo  by  these  presants  give  grant  bargin  sell 
alenate  Reles  and  T^elivor  from  mee  my  hairs  exsexe- 
tors  Administrators  and  asins  unto  David  Jecock  of  ye 
Tound  County  island  and  province  a  fore  sd  to  him  his 
hairs  exsexetors  adnunistrators  and  asins  ye  one  halfe  of 
my  Pattin  right  in  ye  bounds  of  hemsted  together  With 
halfe  my  purchas  right  of  Commons  and  undevided  in  ye 
bounds  of  hemsted  yt  is  all  ye  right  of  undevided  land  and 
meddous  marshes  beaches  Islands  and  a])ertinants  belong- 
ing to  mee  or  An}^  wais  apertaniug  in  ye  l)ounds  of  hem- 
sted ye  one  moyete  or  equol  halfe  part  of  all  undevided  I'c 


right  of  Comans  as  a  fore  sd  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Riishmor  Doe 
liy  these  presans  give  grant  sell  aliuat  releas  and  deliver 
from  mee  my  hairs  and  asius  unto  the  said  david  Jecocks 
to  him  his  hairs  aud  asius  to  have  and  to  hold  for  ever  and 
qniatly  poses  and  inioy  from  mee  or  any  from  l)y  or  under  mee 
my  hairs  aud  asiugs  aud  i  ye  sd  Thomas  Eushmore  doe 
forder  warraut  this  my  sail  to  bee  loafull  Atheutieke  aud 
good  free  from  any  former  saile  lett  morgadge  or  iuCom- 
berance  what  ever  by  mee  or  auy  from  by  or  under  mee  my 
hairs  and  asius  for  and  in  Cousederation  of  full  satisfactction 
reseved  And  in  testimony  of  the  premises  I  have  hear  unto 
setto  my  hand  aud  lixed  my  seall  upoue  ye  12  day  anno 
17U1       "        • 

Siued  sealed  aud  delivered 

in  presauts  of  us  Thomas  Roshmok  (S) 

James  Bate 
John  hart 
Joseph  Pettit 

Aprill  ye  ITUl  Then  Thomas  Rushmore  Apeared  bee- 
fore  one  of  his  raaiusteses  Justises  of  the  peas  aud  ackuow- 
ledged  ye  dead  to  bee  his  volliantary  act  aud  ded  aproved 
beefore  mee 

John  Smith 
Justis  of  ye  peas 

This  presauts  witneseth   that  I   Daved  Jecocks  with  iu 

Page  15'». 

mensheued  doo  asiu  and  set  over  this  with  in  lighten  ded 
of  saill  from  mee  my  heairs  exsexetors  administrators  or 
asius  unto  huery  Aliu  of  the  same  tound  islaud  County  aud 
pro  vine  within  mensheued  unto  him  his  hair  exsexetors  ad- 
ministrators aud  asius  to  have  aud  to  Jiold  for  his  ami  thear 
owue  Proper  right  for  ever  for  a  valiabul  som  of  mou}'  all 
redv  iu  hand  reseved  by  mee  David  Jecocks  above  said  iu 


witnes  liear  of  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  si-all 
this  '21  day  of  apiill  in  the  year  of  onr  lord  1705 
witnes  in  the  presauts  of  us 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Daved  Jecocks  (8) 

Asa  Gildersleeve 

A  tren  Copy  of  the  oiidoanol     Entered  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Hempsted  march  the  24.  1687.  Kecevid  of  Mr.  Heulitt 
the  sum  of  three  Pounds  two  shillings  and  six  pence  in 
money  upon  the  account  of  the  Towns  Pattin  to  pay  the 
Quitrent  for  tlie  Town  so  fare  as  it  f);ose  I  say  Receved  by 
mee  Cp.  John  J.yckson 

This  above  is  atreu  Coppy  entred  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Hempsted  November  the  first.  1(587.  Receved  of  Jeams 
Beate  fifte  shillings  inpatin  Rate  pay  on  Adam  Mots  account 
I  say  Receved  by  me  Richard  Gildersleeve  Senor 

This  above  is  a  true  coppey  entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Titos  Juiier  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  each 
ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  entred 
December.  18.  1722 

by  me        Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Georg  Evei^it  his  ear  marck  is  two  half  peneys  on  the  fore 
sid  of  the  near  ear  which  was  his  father  Richard  Everits 
marck     entred  January  ye  8  1722-3  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jacol)  Seman  ye  son  of  nathaniel  Seman  his  ear  marck  is 
a  swallow  fork  on  each  ear  and  a  half  peney  under  the  near 
ear     entred  January,  31.  1722-3 

by  me         Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Smith  r.  ni.  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  ye  of  ear  and 


a  half  peuey  on  each  side  the  near  ear     entred  ve  25  day  of 
September  17'23 

l>v  me         Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Samuel  w  illis  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the  of  ear 
and  a  half  peny  nnder  the  same  and  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the 
near  ear  entred  April  the  2  day.  1728     by  me 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  160. 

Att  a  orinaroll  ToTind  meeting  held  in  hemsted  may  the  30 
day  anno  domi  1705  Then  theare  was  Chosen  John  searing 
sener  John  Carle  and  Thomas  Gillersleeve  bj'  mager  vot  in 
answer  two  an  order  fi'om  hisEselensy  the  governonr  of  new 
yorck  for  two  repair  the  parsonig  hons  and  hom  lot  and  fenc 
the  parsonag  meddoo  so  that  they  bee  tenant  tab\ill  att  the 
tonnds  Cost  and  Charg  and  repair  the  Chorch  and  what  is 
needfnll  a  bont  them  all     By  order 

Thomas  Giedersleeve  Clarck 

Cap  Joseph  Thorn  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  near  ear 
that  was  formerly  Cap  Joshena  Cornels  entred  December, 
ye.  31.  1726 

by  me         Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Phillip  Smith  his  ear  marck  is  a  Crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a 
latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear  and  a  half  peney  un- 
der it  entred  December  the.  31.  day.  1726     In"  me 

Tho  Gilpersleeye  Clarck 

John  Hicks  the  son  of  CoUo  Isaac  Hicks  his  ear  mark  is  a 
swallow  fork  on  the  of  ear  aud  a  slipe  on  the  fore  side  of 
the  near  ear     entred  Apreill  18.  day.  1727 

by  me         Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

John  Langdon  the  son  of  Joseph  Langdon  his  ear  mark  is 
a  hole  iu  the  near  ear  aud  a  half  peny  on  the  fore  side  of 
the  same     entred  NoYember  the.  5,  day  1727     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

this  mark  of  John  Langdon  he  lets  it  fall 

HEMrSTEAD    TOWN    RECOllDS.  277 

John  Pettet  his  ear  niaik  is  bj  the  consent  of  his  father 
the  mark  that  his  father  Joseph  Pettet  did  give  that  is  a 
half  penej  under  each  ear  and  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of 
the  nere  ear  entrd  ye  lOth  day  of  January  1727-8     by  mee 

Tho  (tILDeksleeve  Clarck 

Henry  Southard  his  ear  mark  is  a  tiower  deluc  on  the  of 
ear  and  a  half  peny  on  each  side  the  near  ear  entred  feab- 
ruary  the  16th  day.  1727-8 

by  me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Augustes  Oldtield  his  ear  mark  is  the  ear  mark  that  was 
venus  Seamanses  that  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of 
ear  and  a  slipe  on  the  under  side  of  the  near  ear  eijtred 
aprill  ye  17th  .  1728 

by  me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

William  Nicol  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and 
two  nicks  under  it  which  was  his  father  in  Laws  saniuels 
embrys  decesed     entred  ye  26.  day  of  June .  1729 

by  me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  161. 

These  may  sartiti  Avhome  it  may  Consarn  that  wee  hear 
unto  subscribed  do  desiar  depeut  and  a  Point  Jonathon 
Smith  <S:  John  Sands  to  mack  Progseas  in  the  found  of  liem- 
steds  bee  half  that  is  thos  Cousarned  and  in  trusted  one 
Cou  neck  so  fare  till  a  devition  Can  bee  mad  of  sd  neck  so 
that  each  parson  ase  a  fore  sd  Consarned  may  know  whear 
his  Part  is  and  what  it  is  and  what  progras  the  a  bove  sd 
Parsons  shall  mak  in  the  premises  shall  stand  and  bee  in  as 
full  tibrs  as  if  our  selves  have  or  had  dun  it  and  all  so  do  in 
gadg  to  supply  them  according  to  each  mans  right  the  pro- 
poretion  of  Chavg  that  thay  have  or  shall  have  a  Cation  for 
as  witnes  our  hands  this  16  of  octol)er  1()S)5 

John  Searing  John  Smith,  Justis 

Thomas  Elison  John  Tredwell 



Samuel  Denton 
ingacle  in  the  bee  half 
of  William  Willis 
Jeremiah  Smith 
Thomas  Elison 
Daniel  Peesalle 

Jonathon  X  BoEG 

Geoeg  Peaesalle 
Samuel  Sands 
Nathaniel  Peaesalle 

Timothy  X  holsted 

Samuel  X  Denton 

his  mark 
William  AYilson 
Joseph  Smith 
John  Pine 
IsACK  Smith 
Edman  Titus 
John  Cabman 
Caleb  X  CaejVian 
his  marck 




SoLOMAN  Cols 
A  treu  Coppy  Come  Pared  with  tlie  oridganoU     l)y  mee 
&  etered  in  ye  records  of  hemsted 

Tho  Gildeeeleeve  Clarck 

Page  162. 

To  all  Christian  Peepol  to  whome  these  Presants  shall  Com 
or  any  ways  apeartaine  greting  Know  yee  that  I  Eichaid 
Yollintine  Sener  of  hemsted  one  nawsa  island  in  (juens  Coun- 
ty in  the  2)roviuc  of  nen  yorck  do  by  these  presants  give 
grant  bargin  sell  alinat  reles  and  deliver  from  me  my  haires 
exsexetors  administrators  and  asins  unto  Abraham  Denton 
of  the  tomid  County  island  and  provinc  A  fore  sd  To  him 
his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asigns  A  sartain  par- 
se! of  land  Ij'ing  and  beeing  siteuat  in  the  bounds  of  hem- 
sted which  wos  formerly  the  above  sd  Richard  Volliutius 
father  in  laues  Timoth}-  hojsteds  sener  bounded  one  north 
sid  by  a  fenc  and  one  the  east  end  l)y  a  hy way  and  one  the 
south  and  west  by  a  fenc  This  a  fore  sd  land  beeing  a  bout 
three  acors  part  of  ninacors  which  wos  laid  out  two  timothy 


hoisted  seller  Avliicli  his  lioiis  stands  up  one  I  the  a  fore  sd 
liic'liard  Yolliiitiiic  do  l)y  tlicsc  ])iesaiids  give  ^raiit  Ijargin 
sell  aliuat  releas  deliver  from  mee  niy  hairs  and  asiDge  unto 
the  sd  Ahiahani  Denton  to  him  his  hairs  and  asi^ns  to  have 
and  to  hold  for  ever  and  (juiatly  to  poses  and  inJoy  from  mee 
or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hairs  and  asigns  free  from 
any  foremer  sail  let  niorgadg  or  in  Combarac  what  soever 
and  I  the  sdK.icliardvollintinedoforeder  Covenant  and  agree 
with  the  sd  Abraham  Denton  his  hairs  and  asings  for  my  self 
my  hairs  and  asings  that  att  the  Ded  sining  and  saile  mak- 
ing the  sd  land  and  Premises  wos  my  own  right  and  I  Do 
worraut  This  my  sail,  to,  bee  loauful  and  good  against  Any 
Jost  Clam  of  any  parson  or  ])arsons  what  ever  or  from  law 
sent  doniy  or  Joiiitor  and  I:  the.  sd.  Kichard  A'^ollintine  do 
foreder  for  my  self  my  hairs  and  suxsesers  Covenant  and 
promise  to  and  with  the  sd  Abraham  deiiton  he  his  hairs  and 
soxsesers  to  do  any  thing  forether  if  need  requier  for  the 
treu  making  and  feriii  liinding  the  sd  Land  and  premises 
to  the  sd  Abraham  dentoii  his  hairs  and  suxsesers  for  and 
in  consideration  of  sevn  pounds  silva  nionyin  hand  paid  to 
my  own  content  bee  fore  the  sining  hear  of  and  in  testiiuo- 
iiy  of  the  pemises  I  have  hear  untosetto  my  hand  and  fixed 
my  seall  inaieh  the  3  day  anno  170t) 

sine  seald  and  delivered  in  })resants 

of  us  ElCHAltD  VoLLIXTIXE  (S) 

Thomas  CIildersleeve 
Joseph  williams 
Adam  mott 
This  entred  by  mee  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  1(53. 
To  all  Christien  Peopell  to  home  this  presauts  shall  Com 
or  any  ways  apertaine  greeting  Know  ye  that  I  John  wil- 
liams of  henisted  one  long  island  alies  nasaw  in  quens  Coun- 
ty in  the  ]vrovinc  of  iieu  yorck  do  by  these  presants  Give 
grant  bargin  sell  Aliiiat  reles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  hairs 
exsexetors  administrators  or  an  Asings  unto  Benianian  Wil- 


liams  of  the  touuil  au  County  island  an  proviiicafor  said  to 
him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  an  asings  the  one 
mojeati  or  equall  half  part  in  quantity  an  qnallity  of  a  sar- 
taiue  alotmeut  of  medoland  fresh  and  salt  lyinw  and  bee  iug 
seteuated  one  the  Avest  sid  the  milreyer  the  holl  lott  Contain- 
ing eyghten  acors  more  or  les  as  it  was  laid  out  to  Thomas 
larland  desesed  bounded  west  by  the  medo  of  AVilliam 
Thickston  east  by  the  medo  of  motts  north  Ijy  the  wods  south 
b}^  the  Cove  the  one  moiaty  or  equal  half  Part  thearof  as  a 
fore  said  I  the  said  John  "Williams  do  by  these  presants  give 
grant  bargain  sell  aliuat  reles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  hairs 
and  asings  unto  the  said  beniaman  williams  to  him  his  hairs 
an  asigns  together  with  the  half  right  and  privilidg  thear 
unto  bee  longing  one  the  said  neck  to  have  and  to  hold  for 
ever  and  quiatly  to  Poses  and  In  Joy  from  any  parson  or 
parsons  that  shall  make  any  Jost  Clame  thear  unto  and  far- 
ther waraut  this  my  sail  to  bee  loawful  atheutick  and  good 
in  law  free  from  any  former  let  sail  mor  gadg  or  in  Com  ba- 
ranc  what  ever  for  and  in  Considiration  of  other  meado 
and  full  satisfaction  reseved  beefore  the  sining  hereof  and 
in  testimony  of  the  premises  I  have  hearuuto  setto  my  hand 
and  fixed  my  seal  may  the  twenty  seventh  in  the  year  of  our 
lord  1696 

sined  sealed  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  ous  his 


Joseph  Pettet  marck 

Edvard  X  Spradg 

This  above  sd  bil  of  sail  Com  pared  with  the  origauol  and 

by  mee         Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 
Page  164. 

To  allChristiou  Peopellto  home  these  presants  shall  Com 



or  any  wais  a,  })ertaiii  (Treetiii<^  Know  ye  that  1  liicliaid 
Gildfii'sleuve  of  t'rosli  Pond  neck  in  \v  Uumids  of  Imntinj' 
touiid  (me  the  Ishmd  of  ii;i\vsa\v  in  ye  County  of  Sotl'oic-k  in 
ye  provinc  of  neuyorck  do  l)y  These  presants  ^ive  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  alinat  sell  reles  and  deliver  from  mce  niy  hairs  ex- 
sexetors  administrators  ;ind  a  signs  unto  John  Ixildin  of  lu^m- 
sted  in  ([uens  County  in  ye  Island  and  provinc  afore  sd  to 
him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asigns  mv  hoiu 
lot  lying  in  and  beeing  setevatt  in  the  found  of  hcinsted  afori- 
sd  bounded  north  and  west  by  ye  streets  or  hiways  and  East 
by  the  lott  of  Justis  Tredwell  and  south  by  the  lott  that  was 
latly  in  the  posestion  of  Jeremiah  wood  and  now  l)ee  long- 
ing to  John  Boldin  above  sd  whic  h  sd  lott  a  l)ove  sd  in  tpion- 
tity  of  a  Cors  as  may  apeere  in  a  bove  bounded  limits  with 
the  fencing  orchard  frute  tres  rights  of  grasing  or  such  priv- 
ilidgs  beelonging  to  a  lioni  lott  with  all  the  a  jjurtanances 
theare  on  I  ye  sd  liichard  Gildersleeve  do  l)y  these  presants 
give  grant  bargiu  sell  alinat  relese  and  deliver  from  mee  my 
hairs  and  asigns  unto  ye  sd  John  Boldin  to  him  his  hairsaud 
asigns  to  have  and  to  hold  the  sd  land  and  ])remises  from 
mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  hears  and  asigns  ye 
same  to  poses  and  inioy  without  any  molistation  or  destor- 
bance  what  ever  and  furder  iye  sd  Richard  Gildersleeve  doe 
Covenant  and  promise  for  my  self  my  hairs  and  sucsesars 
tow  and  with  ye  sd  John  Boldin  his  hairs  and  sucsesors  that 
at  the  deed  signeing  and  saill  making  ye  sd  land  and  prem- 
ises was  my  owue  right  estate  and  foreder  I  ye  sd  Richard 
Gildersleeve  doe  forder   Covenant  and  Promise  for  my  self 

Page  165. 

my  hairs  and  sucksesers  to  and  with  ye  sd  John  Boldin  his 
hairs  and  sucksesars,  to  doo  any  forder  thing  ^if  need  re- 
quiars  for  ye  seuar  making  and  ferm  binding  ye  sd  land  and 
premises  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valiabul  some  in  hand 
paid  and  sined  to  bee  paid  exseptted  in  full  satisfatctione 
bee  fore  ye  sighning  hear  of  and  in  testimony  of  ye  premi- 
ses I  have  liear  unto  sett  to  m^- hand  and  tixedmvseall  march 


ye  first  Day  in  ye  year  of  our  lord  one  thousand  seven  hun- 
dred three  foure 

sined  selled  and  delivered 

iu  presauts  of  Eichaed  Gildersleeve  (S) 



Daniel  X  beedel  Jr 

Joseph  Pettet 

Bee  it  Known  unto  all  men  bee  fore  home  these  presants 
shall  Come  that  I  John  Boldiu  within  named, do  by  these 
presants  asigne  set  over  and  reles  frome  mee  my  hairs  ex- 
sexetors  administrators  and  asigns  all  my  i-ight  titul  and  in- 
trust that  I  have  to  or  ever  had  to  this  with  in  righten  ded 
of  sail  unto  Peeter  vergeraw  of  hemsted  one  long  island 
alias  nasaw  and  in  quens  County  and  in  the  Provinc  of  neu 
yorck  to  him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  or  asigns 
for  to  have  and  to  hold  for  his  and  thear  owne  right  and  titel 
for  ever  free  from  any  for  mer  sail  morgadg  or  any  other  in 
Comberanc  what  ever  in  Confore  mation  hear  of  I  have  set- 
to  mi  hand  and  fixed  my  seall  this.  2(5.  day  of  desember  1705 
The  words  presants  and  alias  wos  euterlined  bee  fore  sin- 
ing  and  seling  hear  of  his 

sined  seled  and  John  X  Boldin  (S) 

delivered  in  presants  of  ous  marck 

Tho  Gildersleeve 
John  Rushmore 


A  Treu  Copy  Compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  166. 

Att  a  Jeneral  toun  meeting  hild  in  hemsted  feabreary  ye 
12  day  in  the  year  1705-6  It  wos  woted  and  agreed  upon  by 


maGer  wott  of  thee  l*ee])<)Ie  of  the  toiinil  that  whem-  as  att 
ye  forst  setteliiig  of  our  touiid  it  wos  setteled  ii])on  fifty 
propiaty  h^ts  and  tifty  bhiiickw  and  hy  them  our  hinds  aud 
niedos  was  devided  as  foh)eth  furst  home  lots  and  the  okl 
fealds  and  home  l)evi(^ls  and  ye  (Uevition  oiu^  ye  Plains  and 
the  south  necks  and  north  necks  and  t\\()  and  twciit^y  acor 
lots  and  hundred  and  fifty. acors  to  every  propiiaty  and  fif- 
ty acors  to  every  in  habitant  as  tliay  are  namemedin  record 
these  nece  do  Conform  to  every  man  that  hase  a  Jost  ri<^lit 
in  or  to  them  and  all  other  Jost  rights  that  are  not  lieeare 
mentioned  and  if  any  man  hath  not  had  his  Just  ri<i;htinde- 
vitiou  hee  shall  have  it  makin<j;  his  rij);ht  apear  to  the  touiid 
and  all  so  all  former  gifts  aud  grants  shall  stand  aud  all  our 
undevided  laiids  shall  bee  devided  to  them  that  have  Justly 
paid  to  the  patin  a  Cording  to  what  tliay  have  Paid 

by  order  b}'  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Joseph  Golder  his  ear  m.irk  is  two  half  penis  unch'r  the 
near  ear  &  one  on  the  fore  side  of  the  same  eutred  march 
the  first  auno  1733-4  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  1()7. 

Att  The  same  found  meeting  it  was  woted  and  agreed 
apon  by  the  mager  voat  of  the  freeholders  of  the  tound  that 
all  un  -Jost  or  illegal  or  dis  orderly  survais  of  lands  are  in 
valeued  and  luad  void  and  noil  and  stand  of  non  efect  but 
shall  bee  throne  up  to  the  free  holders  of  the  tound  and  bee 
and  remain  till  a  furder  devition  bee  agreed  upone  two  bee 
mad  by  the  Patin     by  order  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  the  a  fore  sd  meeting  it  was  woted  and  by  the  mager 
wott  of  the  t(mnd  yt  everi  free  hohbn'  in   the    tound    shall 
give  in  all  his  Jiist  rights  of  lands  two  william  willis  by  the    V 
furst  or  second  of  a|)ril  next  in  seuing     by  order 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Joseph  Tliuston  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  each  ear  aud  a 
half  pene  under  the  of  ear  <t  on  the  fore  sid  of  ye  near  ear 
&  a  nick  on  under  side  of  the  same,     eutre.  June.  'Id.  1731. 
by  me  Tho  GiLDEKSLEEyE  Clarck 

Eichard  Seman  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  on  the  fore 
side  of  the  near  ear  and  two  nicks  betwn  them  and  the  head 
entred  April  the.  3.  1733.  by  mee 

Tho  GiLDEKSLEEyE  Clarck 

Abil  Smith  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  under  the   near  ear 
and  a  nick  under  the  of  ear,  entred  April  ye  sixth  day  1731 
by  me  Tho  GiLDEKSLEEyE  Clarck 

Joseph  al  burtas  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  and  a  nick  under 
the  near  ear  &  a  slit  in  ye  end  of  the  of  ear  entred  Jun  the. 
22.  1731. 

by  mee  Tho  GiLDEKSLEEyE  Clarck 

Page  168. 

To  all  Christian  Peoplee  to  home  these  presants  shall 
Com  or  any  ways  apartain  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  Jere- 
mah  wood  Juner  of  hemsted  one  long  island  alias  nasaw  in 
quens  County  in  ye  provinc  of  neuyorck  do  by  these  pre- 
sants give  grant  bargin  sell  alinat  reles  and  deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asigns  unto  John 
Boldiu  of  ye  tound  County  island  aiul  provinc  a  fore  sd 
to  him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  a  signs 
my  now  dweling  hous  and  home  lott  in  hemsted  to  gather 
with  ye  reste  housing  gardin  freuttres  fen  sing  and  all  apar- 
taining  thear  one  ye  sd  lott  bounded  as  followeth  yt  is  ncu'tli 
by  ye  lott  of  richard  gildersleeve  east  by  ye  lott  of  Justis 
Tredvell  south  and  west  by  ye  streets  all  which  hous  lott 
and  premises  with  ye  apurtinanses  a  fore  sd  I  ye  sd  Jere- 
miah AVood  do  by  these  presants  give  grant  bargin  sell 
alinat  reles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  and  asigs  unto 
ye  sd  John  Boldin  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  to  have  and 
to  hold  for  ever  ye  sd  hous  lott  and  premises  to  ye  only  ena 


bee  nifet  iiiid  l)ohofe  of  him  ye  sd  Jolin  i-Joldiii  his  li;iir.s 
and  asigiis  warantiu*];  this  my  saill  to  })e  hiafid  utlieiitiek 
and  good  in  loa  free  from  anv  fonnci-  sail  let  uiorgadg  <))•  in- 
combaranc  what  ever  and  ye  same  to  defend  a  gainst  any 
parson  or  parsons  tliat  shall  make  any  Just  (tlame  theare 
unto  and  I  ye  sd  Jeremiah  wood  do  forder  Covenant  and 
promise  for  niee  my  self  my  hairs  and  asigns  to  and  with 
ye  sd  John  boldin  his  hairs  and  sncksesars  to  do  any  furder 
thing  if  recpiired  theare  unto  for  ye  seure  making  and  ferra 
binding  \v  sd  land  and  j)remises  but  att  ye  j)ro])('r  Cost  of 
ye  said  John  boldin  all  which  is  for  and  in  Consideration  of 
a  valiabul  soni  of  money  and  speatiese  paid  antl  sined  to 
bee  paid  resepted  in  full  satisfaction  l)ee  fore  ye  sining 
hear  of  and  in  testimony  of  ye  premises  I  iiave  heare  unto 
set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  with  my  wit'  maiy  novcm- 
ber  ye  2  day  in  ye  year  of  our  lord  anno  domini  17U8 

Sined  seled  and  delivered  in  presants 

of  us  his 

Joseph  Petit  Jeremiah  X  Wood  (S) 

Jonathan  Smith  marck 

Jeremiah  Wood  her 

MARY  X  WOOD     (S) 


Page  169. 

bee  itt  known  unto  ;dl  men  by  these  presants  tl]at  I  J<din 
Boldin  with  in  named  haye  a  sined  and  setover  all  my 
right  titel  and  in  trust  that  I  have  or  ever  had  to  this  with 
in  righten  ded  of  sail  from  mee  my  hairs  exsexetors  adnnn- 
istrators  or  a  signs  unto  Peeter  Vengerraw  of  hemsted  one 
long  island  alias  uasaw  in  (piens  County  and  in  the  provinc 
of  neu  yorck  unto  him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators 
or  a  signs  two  haye  and  two  hold  for  his  own  for  ever  free 
from  any  former  sail  leas  morgadg  or  any  other  intail  meat 
or  any  other  in  Condiaraiic  what  ever  I  the  above  sd  John 
boldin  doo  bind  my  self  my  hairs  and  asigns  two  uphold 
this  asinment  to  bee  loa  ful  and  good  bee  fore  any  home  it 


apears  nnto  tlie  a  bore  sd  Peter  Yergeraw  for  full  satisfatc- 
tion  reseved  in  hand  bee  fore  sluing  liere  of  as  witnes  my 
hand  and  seall  this  26  dav  of  desember  1705 

sined  sealed  and 

delivered  in  presants 

of  ons  his 

Tho  Gildersleeye  John  X  Boldin  (S) 

John  Rushmore  marck 

William  Minthrn 

A  treu  Copiy  takeu  out  of  the  originall  and  entered 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Joseph  Hall  n  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the  of 
ear  and  a  Latch  under  the  near  ear  entred  May.  ye  16th. 

by  mee         Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Samuel  Mott  the  son  of  Joseph  Mott  Sener  his  ear  mark 
is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  two  half  peuies 
under  the  near  ear     entred  the  29th.  of  march  1731.  l)y  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Uriah  Piatt  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  mark  the  fore  side  the 
near  eare  and  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of  eare  and  a  half  peny 
each  side  the  same     entred  Ottober  18  1732     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Page  170. 

This  In  Denter  made  ye  twenty  second  day  of  february 
in  ye  year  of  Christ  seyentene  hundred  and  five  and  in  ye 
fourth  year  of  ye  Eeinge  of  anne  queue  of  iuglaud  Arc  Bee-- 
tweue  William  Stits  of  hemsted  in  tniens  County  one  ye  Is- 
land  nasaw  yeman  of  ye  one  part  and  Joseph  hoisted  of  ye 
same  plase  yeman  of  ye  other  part  Witneseth  that  ye  sd 
william  Stits  for  and  in  Consideration  of  ye  som  of  one  hun- 
dred and  tive  pounds  lawful  mony  of  neuyorck  to  him  in  hand 
paid  bee  fore  ye  enseliug  and  delivery  of  these  presants  by 

HEMPSTRAn  T()W\    RE('()];i)S.  '287 

ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted  thc^  res('])t  wlieare  of  is  hear  1)Y  ;u-- 
kiioMded<j;ed  and  ye  sd  AVilliam  stits  (h)th  hear  by  for  ever 
aquit  exhouerat  and  disehar<i;  the  sd  Joseph  hoisted  liisliairs 
exsexetors  adniiuistratois  ;iii(l  asij^ns  tlirar  ivmn  and  of  and 
from  every  part  and  parsed  thear  of  hath  "granted  l)ar<i;ined 
and  sold  aliuated  enfifted  and  Confurined  and  by  these  pres- 
ants  doth  ii;rant  barij;in  sell  alinat  enfift  and  Coid'oi  in  unto 
ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted  his  hairs  and  asij^ns  all  that  sartain 
tract  or  primises  of  land  seteuate  liing  and  beein<^  att  ye 
north  side  within  ye  limited  ])ounds  of  hemsted  above  sd 
milston  rock  which  sd  parsel  of  land  is  Ijounded  westerly 
partly  by  ye  laud  of  timothy  hoisted  and  partly  by  ye  Com- 
maus  Northardly  by  ye  otUer  lands  of  ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted 
and  ye  land  latly  tacen  up  by  adani  Mott  esterly  by  lands 
latly  surveyed  to  henry  Alin  and  to  Isack  Smith  and  south- 
ardly  by  ye  Commands  and  Contains  one  hundred  acors  mor 
or  les  as  it  wos  laid  out  and  runs  Cros  the  valy  that  leads  up 
to  ye  milston  rock  bee  ingyeposestion  of  him  the  sd  Joseph 
hoisted  together  withall  and  singular  ye  w^oods  underwoods 
Avaters  watercorses  fenses  edefises  emoluments  rights  beni- 
lits  priviliges  hereditements  and  apurtances  what  soever  to 
ye  same  beelongeth  or  in  any  maner  of  waysapertainingand 
all  ye  rights  titls  intrests  propertis  Claims  and  demands  what 
soever  of  him  ye  sd  William  Stits  of  in  and  to  ye  sd  parcels 
of  land  and  primises  and  ye  revertion  and  revertions  re- 
mainders and  remainders  of  ye  sd  land  and  parsels  of  land 
and  primises  to  have  and  to  hold  the  same  Parsed  of  laud 
and  premises  with  ye  rights  preveligeses  and  apurtananses 
hearby  bargened  and  intended  to  bee  granted  unto  him  ye 
sd  J()sei)li  hoisted  his  hairs  asignes  unto  ye   sole   and  oidy 

Page  171. 

proper  use  benilit  and  beeholf  of  hiui  the  sd  Joseph  hoisted 
his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  and  ye  sd  William  stits  for  him 
self  and  his  hairs  doth  hear  b}'  Covenant  promis  and  agree 
to  and  with  ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted  his  hairs  and  asigns  in  man- 


er  and  form  foloing  that  is  to  say  that  je  sd  Parcel  of  laud 
and  bargiued  primises  shall  f rom  heuc  forth  for  ever  remain 
and  Continen  unto  ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted  and  to  his  hairs  and 
asigus  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Hoisted  freely  and  Cleearly  acquit- 
ed  exhonerated  and  discharged  of  and  from  all  and  all  man- 
er  of  former  bargins  sails  gifts  grants  dourj'S  lets  of  dour- 
yes  Joiuturs  reats  a\  eairs  iutailse  exceutions  and  incomba- 
ranc  what  ever  had  mad  or  don  or  sofered  to  be  don  by  ye 
sd  William  stits  or  by  any  parson  or  parsons  deriving  from 
by  or  under  him  and  forther  that  hee  ye  sd  William  Stits 
and  his  hairs  ye  sd  land  and  l)argined  premises  herein  men- 
cand  with  ye  aportananses  unto  ye  sd  Joseph  hoisted  his 
hairs  and  asi^ns  against  him  ve  sd  "William  Stits  his  hairs 
and  asigns  and  all  other  person  or  parsons  what  ever  law- 
fully Claming  ye  sd  premises  or  any  part  or  mend)er  thear 
of  will  for  ever  worrant  and  by  these  premises  Defend  In 
testimonv  wheare  of  ve  sd  William  Stits  hath  hearunto  Put 
his  hand  and  seall  this  day  year  first  above  written 
Sealed  and  Delivered  his 

ye  words  and  asigns  interlined     William  X  Stits  (S) 
in  ye  twenty  ninth  line  marck 

In  ye  presants  of  ous 
John  Thomas  Clark 
Jonathan  hall 
Haxah  Teedvell 
This  day  being  feabruary  the  twenty  sixth  apeared  Wil- 
liam Stits  and  acknowledged  the  within  contents  to  bee  his 
owne  voUentery  proper  act  and  deed  before  mee  one  of  liar 
Magystys  Justisse  for  quens  County  nasaw  island  anno  co 
do  miny  1705-6 

John  Tredvell 
This  above  sd  Compared  bv  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  172. 

This  Indeuter  made  the  three  and  twentieth  day  of  liVb- 
ruav  in  ve  fourth  vear  of  ve  Reign  of  our  sovirain  Ladv 


Aiiue  by  ye  druse  of  God  queii  of  iij^l.-iiid  scothuid  fiuiis 
and  larlaiid  defender  of  ye  faith  &c  and  in  ye  year  of  our 
blesed  lord  and  saviour  Jesus  Christ  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  five  bee  twene  Adam  Mott  of  henisted  In  quens 
County  Gent  William  Nicoll  of  Iseip  in  ye  County  of  sofolek 
gent  and  Andreu  Gihb  of  the  ])leasant  spring  in  ye  same 
County  of  y(^  one  part  and -Tosepli  Mott  of  hemsted  in  quens 
County  afore  sd  gent  of  ye  other  part  Witueseth  tliat  the 
sd  Adam  Mott  A\'illiaui  Nicoll  and  Andreu  Gil)b  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  a  sartaiu  some  of  good  and  law  full  mony 
of  neuyorck  to  them  in  hand  paid  by  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  are 
bee  fore  ye  sining  ensealing  and  delivery  hereof  the  receipt 
wlieare  of  thes  dos  liearby  acknowledg  and  them  selves  and 
every  of  them  to  bee  fulliy  thear  with  satisfied  Contented 
and  })aid  and  theare  of  and  of  every  part  and  parsill  thear 
of  theay  doe  for  ever  by  these  presauts  aquit  and  discharg 
ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  have 
granted  bargined  and  sold  allinated  delivered  and  Conformed 
and  doe  by  these  presauts  freely  Clearly  and  absoleutly 
grant  bargin  and  sell  allien  release  and  Conform  unto  the  sd 
Joseph  Mott  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  all  that  a  certain 
piece  or  parsel  of  land  lying  with  in  3'e  bounds  of  hemsted 
a  fore  sd  beeginning  att  a  sartain  wallnut  tree  running  west 
eleven  Chains  and  seventy  five  lincks  and  from  thenc  to  the 
forst  station  Containing  three  and  twenty  acors  and  one  half 
survaied  and  laid  out  l)y  the  survair  genrall  his  debety  by 
verteu  of  a  warant  from  his  exelansy  the  Governor  in  Couu- 
sell  bearing  Deat  the  ninth  day  of  may  the  year  one  tlioii- 
saud  seven  liuudre  and  five  to  gether  with  all  and  singular 
the  rights  previlidges  herditemeuts  a])urteuances  to  the  same 
bee  longing  or  in  any  ways  bee  longing  or  apertaining  and 
all  the  right  titell  intrust  Clame  posestion  pro])erty  and  of 
them  ye  sd  Adam  Mott  William  Nicoll  and  Andreu  Gibb  or 

Page  173. 
Ither  of  them  in  and  to  the  premises  on  in  and  to  every  i^art 


and  parsell  theare  of  to  have  and  to  liold  tlie  sd  premises  or 
parsel  of  land  with  ye  appiirtiuanses  to  liim  re  sd  Joseph 
Mott  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  and  ye  sd  Adam  Mott 
William  Nieoll  and  Andreu  Gibb  for  them  selves  theare  hairs 
exsexetors  administrators  asigns  and  every  of  them  doe 
heare  by  Covenant  and  agree  to  and  with  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott 
his  hairs  and  asigaes  heare  after  for  ever  have  hold  occupy 
poses  and  inioy  the  a  bove  granted  pece  of  land  with  ye  ap- 
purtiuanses  as  his  and  thear  free  and  indefensabul  estat  of 
Inheritance  in  ffee  simple  fi-ee  and  Clear  and  tireely  and 
Clearly  aqnitted  and  discharged  of  and  from  all  former  and 
other  gifts  grants  Morgadgs  reverceu  or  revercens  remain- 
ders or  demanders  or  other  title  or  incombaranc  what  so- 
ever and  ye  sam  and  every  part  and  parsell  thear  of  to  ye  sd 
Joseph  Mott  his  hairs  and  asigns  against  all  parsons  lawful- 
ly Claming  the  same  shall  and  will  worant  and  for  ever  l)y 
these  presants  defend  in  testimony  whear  of  ye  partise  to 
these  presants  have  hear  unto  set  thear  hands  and  affixed 
thear  seals  ye  day  and  year  furst  above  righten 

Sealed  and  delivered  in  the  presants  of 

l)y  AViLLIAM  XlCOLL  AdAM  MoTT  (S) 

and  Andreu  Gibb  Andreu  Gibb       (S) 

Joseph  Sackett  William  Nicoll  (S) 

Georg  Maye 

and  by  ye  within  named 
Adam  Mott  in  ye  presants  of 
John  Maidston 

his    ' 



Memarandom  that  the  2  day  of  march  170G  apeared  bee- 
fore  John  Tredvell.  esq.  one  of  har  Magistis  Justies  for  the 
keeping  of  ye  peas  with  in  Quens  County  asined  Adam 
Mott  and  Andreu  Gibb  two  of  ye  partise  to  ye  within  writ- 


ten  Coiiv(^aiance  and   acknowledged  tlic  sunic  to  bee  tlieur 
free  and  voleiitaiy  act  and  Deed 


John  Tredwell 


This  al)ove  sd  deed  Compared  by  mee 

Tiio  ( 1 FLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  174. 

A  record  of  M<^ad()ws  biyd  for  the  inhabitance  of  hein- 
sfced  to  every  one  acordiii;^;  to  his  h)t  beginning  att  the  neck 
eastword  Commanly  Colled  the  half  neck  and  runing  from 
the  boimd  tree  that  standeth  beetwene  the  meddowe  of  Mr 
semans  and  the  meddow  that  bee  long  to  the  towne  of  hem- 
sted  upone  a  south  and  by  west  line  and  then  alowing  fower 
rod  one  the  east  side  along  by  the  sayd  line  and  bounds 
next  CO  Mr  semans  his  west  bounds  for  a  hyway  beegun  to 
be  laid  out  July  the  6  16()*) 

1  Richard  Stits  his  lot  lieing  8  acorse  10  rod  being 
a(V)unted  in  length  V20  rod  and  1(5  rod  broad 

2  John  Smith  iunier  his  lot  16  aCuers  84  rod  f  runing  the 
hole  length  of  the  neck  being  accounted  240  rod  long 
from  frunt  to  rear  and  so  his  lot  being  about  17  rod  -f- 

8  Araon  fornian — 6  acres  7  rod  f OOf 

4  Rol)art  beadle — 4  acres  (59  rod  f OG 

5  -Teams  Pine — 12  acres  111  rod    15-f- 

0  William  Jecocks — 12  acres  144  rod 15 

7  Thomas  Chanijiin — 8  acres  042  rod lOf 

8  Mr  Washbora — 21  acres  155  rod  a  hiah  wa}'  of  three 
rod  wide  being  one  the  east  of  this  lot  beetwen  Thom- 
as Champin  his  lot  and  Mr  Wash  born  s 


9  Mr  Jackson  liis  lot  27  acres  1  rod  f  baying  20  rod  in 
bredtli  at  the  front  accounted  for  20  acors  and  tlie 
rest  of  his  lot  being  7  acors  is  mad  up  in  the  west  flv 
of  that  balf  neck  and  in  the  east  fly  of  the  great  neck 
doun  to  the  jioiut  of  the  trees  soutb  word  wbear  the 
most  sontbeard  is  marckt  for  bis  liounds  against  tbe 
frnnt  of  som  otber  lots 

Page  175. 

lots  memarandom  tbat  tbe  lin  for  tbe  front  of  tbe  lots  one 
the  fore  said  balf  neck  was  run  from  tbe  bound  tree  upon  a 
west  and  hj  northe  lin  and  every  ons  leading  stack  stand- 
eth  or  sbold  stand  upon  a  south  and  by  west  point  of  Com- 
pas  or  Hn  from  the  said  fi'ont  lin  and  so  tbe  frunts  of  all 
tbe  lots  frunt  upwords  into  tbe  woods  and  dworun  doun  tbe 
neck  for  tbe  rear  untill  tbe  main  Crick  or  Cricks  tbat  mack 
tbe  neck  do  Cut  them  of  and  so  end  tbe  lots  and  the  same 
reide  and  points  of  Compas  are  to  bee  in  licke  manner  ub- 
zarved  for  tbe  lots  one  tbe  great  neck  and  littel  neck  and 
tbat  part  of  Mr  Jacksons  lot  tbat  lyeth  one  the  balf  neck  is 
bunded  one  tbe  west  sid  by  tbe  Crick  tbat  parts  betwene 
that  neck  and  the  great  neck  whib  macks  a  broad  tract  at 
tbe  bottom  of  tbe  neck  having  in  it  a  hook  of  meado  Mng 
towards  the  south  east 

lU  Piobart  Marvin  bis  lot  upcm  tbe  east  sid  of  tbe  great 
neck  5  acors  70f  rod  with  which  wos  Joind  siman  sear- 
ings lot  being  12th  lot  becaus  it  wos  a  small  one  being  2 
acors  67  rod  these  two  lots  are  bounded  one  the  east  by  the 
Crick  one  the  west  l)y  the  forst  stack  of  tbe  fnint  of  tbe  oth- 
er lots  and  by  a  leadin  stack  tbe  lin  runing  about  soutb  and 
by  west  and  the  fnint  runing  up  northard  til  it  meets  with 
Mr  Jacksons  bounds  at  the  east  fly 

11       Abraham  Smith  9  acors  11  rod  tbe  lots  hear  l)eing  set 
out  for  tbe  frunt  with  a  west  and  bv  north  lin  and  the 

hempstead  'i'owx  kecoitds.  208 

Page  17(). 

Ifjidiiiu;  stacks  for  the  length  l)y  a  south  ami   1)V  west 

1)}       lifMiiaitien  (yoo  liis  h)t  8  acors  10  lod 

14  John  Canuaii  15  acois  83  rod 

15  Thomas  Elison  1)  acors  43  rod 

1()       Mr  Gildersleeve  21  acors  51)  rod 

Mr  Gildersleeves  lot  shoiihl  have  bene  22  acors  5'.i  rod 
hut  by  his  apoiutnient  one  acor  wos  laid   out  to  John 

elison  in  his  lot 

17  Hi  chard  Gildersleeve  his  lot  2  acors  (57  rod 

18  Edw  ard  llainer  4  acors  134  rod 

1!)  William  Thickstou  5  acors  38  rod  f 

20  MrOf>;dene  10  acors  77  rod 

21  Timothyliolsted  14  acors  17  rod  ^ 

22  John  Smith,  r.  8  acors  74  rod  f 

23  William  Yeats  4  acors  5  rod 

24  John  Elison  7  acors  7  rod  f 

25  Joseph  langdon  15  acors  51  rod 
2i)  Thomas  Carle  15  acors  115  rod  f 

27  Geor<jj  henlit  11  acors  46  rod 

28  Mr  Semans  11)  acors  142  rod  f 
2L)       Thonnis  sotheard  4  acors  134  rod 

30  Thomas  Rushmor  12  acors  15  rod 

31  Lauranc^  Elison  11  acors  46  rod 

h)ts  upone  tlui  littel  neck. 

'62       Fdchard  VolintiJie  10  acors  32  roil  lying  next  the  Crick 
and  tackiii  most  of  that 

33       Edward  'i'itus  8  acors  74  rod  f  14  rod  wid 


84       .Tnlin  Smith  nan  20  acors  21  rod  30  rod  wid 

Page  177. 

35  Widilowpearsall  13  acors  48  rod  |  29  rod  wid  lying 
against  the  point  whear  the  nec-k  is  Init  short 

36  Edward  spradg  hath  the  rest  of  the  neck  with  the  west 
fly  for  6  aCeares  and  the  rest  of  liis  lot  beeing  4  acears 
li34  rod  is  laid  out  to  him  in  the  west  fly  of  the  gieat 
neck  from  tlie  front  of  Thomas  Eushmors  lot  upto 
marked  trees  above  first  island  of  trees  that  stands  in 
tile  said  fly  and  next  to  this  part  of  Edward  spradgs 
his  lot  thear  is  laid  out  a  pease  to  AVilliam  Yeats  for 
amendment  for  his  lot  and  it  is  marked  out  by  trees 
standing  up  northwordly  from  the  said  lot  of  edward 
spradge  and  the  rest  of  this  Avest  fly  of  the  great  neck 
is  granted  to  Jeams  Pine  for  amend  ment  of  his  lot  at 
the  half  neck  runing  upwards  from  William  Yeats  his 
marked  trees  along  to  the  swamp  as  fare  as  the  meddo 
of  that  said  west  Hy  extendeth 

37  Widdow  Willits  liar  lot  laid  out  at  hog  iland  Cominan- 
ly  so  colled  that  lyes  south  word  from  the  mill  river 
neck  har  lot  being  11  acors  46-rodsfor  which  sbee  hath 
all  the  medow  lying  one  the  said  Island  gniuted  to  har 
but  the  upland  with  the  trees  and  other  priviledges  be- 
longing to  it  with  free  egras  and  regras  is  reserved 
to  the  toune  of  hemsted 

38  Adam  Mott  his  lot  laid  out  one  the  south  sitl  of  rock- 
\,away  being  22  acers  47  rods  ^  but  upone  his  request 

his  lot  wos  Chaned  by  the  toune  and  laid  out  the  last 
lot  one  the  north  sid  of  rockaway  att  a  plas  called  hun- 
gry harbour 


Eobart  formans  lot  laid  out  att  that  east  most  point 

i-one  the  north  sid  of  Eockaway  that  lyeth  downe  west 

ward  from  hungry  harbour  his  lot  beeing  13  acors  113 

rods  and  beginning   at  the  medow  that  lise  east  against 


the  mi(l(>l  of  tlio  cove  that  coins  iipoue  the  sontli  sid 
of  the  fore  said  point  luniii^j^  from  the  east  part  of  that 
cove  and  the  me(hh)w  that  Use  up  iiast  word  from  it 
ah)ug  west  word  hy   the  said  cove  and   pijint  and   so 

Page  178. 

running  north  word  as  the  point  of  nplaml  lyes  takiiij^ 
in  all  the  solt  and  fresh  med(h)w  tliat  lyes  hy  the  point 
to  the  bay  and  so  runinu;  au;ain  eastAvard  by  the  point 
and  bay  til  it  hvo  bounded  by  an  old  seder  tree  that 
standeth  upon  the  uphmd  of  the  same  point  or  neck  of 
land  that  maketh  the  sayd  point  and  by  a  stack  set  iip 
in  the  salt  nuMldow  towords  the  north  bay  of  watters 

40  Richard  elisons  lot  'i)]  acers  15(5^  rods  runing  from  the 
said  lot  of  Robart  formans  east  word  along  the  said  bay 
and  along  by  the  Avoods  til  it  corns  to  a  crick  that 
cometh  out  of  a  i)ritv  bi<f<2;e  swomp  bv  the  west  side 
of  hungr}'  harbour  which  crick  is  the  bounds  bpotwen 
Richard  elison  and  Mr  hickses  his  lott 

41  Mr  hicks  his  lott  28  acars  (57  rods  runing  east  ward 
from  ye  sayd  crick  along  by  ye  Avoods  one  ye  south 
part  and  by  ye  first  main  crick  one  ye  north  part  over 
Avliich  crick  or  river  is  a  bridg  mad  Avhear  by  thay  use 
to  bring  over  hay  from  ye  meadoAv  lying  one  the  north 
sid  of  this  said  crick  his  raeadoAv  runing  along  by  this 
crick  east  ward  beyond  the  said  bridg  up  toAvards  the 
woods  to  a  [)las  of  reeds  against  an  iland  of  trees 
lying  a  littel  mor  south  Avords  Avhcar  the  said  main 
crick  tarnetli  away  more  north  Avard  and  from  thens 
runing  east  upto  the  Avoods  allso  thear  is  left  a  high 
Avay  often  or  twelve  rod  Avide  against  the  fore  said  1)ridg 
from  the  said  l)ridg  Avicli  thay  ues  to  goe  over  the 
said  rever  or  ciick  to  the  meadow  one  the  other  sid 
bejing  the  uppor  or  sowthermost  bridg  to  the  woods 
sowthard  allso  another  part  of  Mr  hickses  lott  a1)out 
five  acars  and  ()7  rods  Ivinu"  one  the  north  sid   o     the 


said  first  main  crick  over  the  bridg  downe  at  the  west- 
eiTOOst  point  of  the  meadow  that  heth  beetwen  the 
two  main  cricks  or  revers  fvom  the  said  west  point  to 
the  first  stack  east  word  the  line  betwene  his  meadow 
and  the  next  lot  which  is  Thomas  Irlands  riming 
about  south  east  as  it  wos  set  out  bj  stacks  at  the 

42  Thomas  Irland  his  lot  one  Joseph  scots  right  eight 
acars  106  rod  ^  runing  from  Mr  hicks  his  bound  stack 

Page  179. 

east  word  and  tacking  in  a  point  of  meadow  lying  by  1 

the  bay  and  the  great  crick  northword  and  bounded  ' 

by  a  stack  one  the  eastern  sid  by  the  sid  of  the  great 

crick  whear  the  said  crick  macketh  a  sudd  in  turn  up 

along  eastword  which  is  its  main  course  and  from  a 

stack  set   a  littil   westword    of  the  turn   of  the   said 

crick  taking  in  the  holl  point  a  fore  said  his  line  about 

south  east  as  Mr  hickses  lin  afore  said  to  the  furst 

main  crick  that  boundeth  these  lots  one  the  south  sid 

this  lot  and  line  being  set  out  by  stacks 

43  Jeremiah  wood  his  lot  twelve  acars  79  rods  and  f  rail- 
ing to  thomas  irlands  lot  at  the  turn  of  the  said  great 
crick  long  by  it  for  from  the  stack;  its  bredth  as  the 
other  lots  and  then  bounded  bv  a  stack  one  the  east- 
tern  sid  near  the  said  great  crick  runing  thence  as  the 
other  lots  about  southeast  to  the  first  creek  that 
bounds  these  lots  one  the  southward  pait  as  afore 
said  this  line  being  set  out  by  stacks  also  at  the  first 

.  laying  out  and  this  line  one  the  easturn  sid  of  this  lot 
and  runeth  near  to  the  uppur  bridg  afore  said  whear 
the  high  way  afore  said  lot  coming  over  the  crick  is 

44  Georg  boldin  his  lot  five  acars  100  roil  ^  runing  for 
the  bredth  still  eastward  l)y  the  sayd  great  crick  one 
the  north  part  from  Jeremiah  woods  stack  to  another 


stack  set  att  a  plas  of  sand  iieare  tlin  jjjreat  crick  and 
rimiug  as  the  other  h)ts  al)  )ut  a  southeast  liip!  to  the 
other  fore  said  maiiie  furst  crick  the  lin  l)('iiiL>;  set  out 
1)V  stacks  att  the  furst 

45  Henry  liu^ningtuu  his  lot  three  accars  03  rods  ]t  inn- 
ing from  the  stak  of  baklin  afore  said  eastword  as  the 
great  crick  ruueth  and  Ixjuiuhd  one  tlie  easturn  sid  hy 
the  next  stack  and  so  runing  about  a  southeast  line  as 
the  rest  to  the  furst  rnaine  crick  one  the  south  [)arthis 
easturn  bounds  being  also  sat  out  by  stacks  at  the  furst 
as  the  rest  weare  and  so:  sum  meadow  lyeth  common 
east  word  from  his  lott  and  bounds  as  afore  said  mem- 
■  arandom  Addom  motts  lot  acording  to  grant  from  the 
towne  as  afore  said  is  laid  out  Jun  2'.):  1()71:  at  hungry- 
harboure  a  littele  beyond  the  lot  of  henry  lingnintun 
above  said  begining  a  littel  more  north  word  att  that 
fore  said  great  crick  in  a  huck  beyond  a  sinole  crick 
that  Cometh  out  of  that  great  crick  by  the  said  great 
crick  side  whear  it  turneth  more  north  word  to  a  stack 
that  is  set  by  the  said  crick  in  huck  one  the  north  sid 
of  the  said  small  crick  and  so  runing  then  east  woid 
to  another  stack  l)y  a  salt  ])ond  by  an  ilaud  of  trees 
standing  in  the  mead.ow  alittel  one  the  south  sid  of  the 
said  iland  of  trees  and  so  runing  from  that  stack  to  the 
eastter  most  of  those  trees  that  is  marked  for  his 
bounds  one  the  east  sid  and  so  from  that  stack  and  tree 

Page  180. 

runing  one  a  straight  lin  to  another  stack  about  north 
east  set  by  a  ])l()t  of  reeds  at  the  turning  of  the  same 
f(n'e  sjiid  great  crick  whear  the  said  crick  turn  eth  up 
north  word  to  the  woods  and  by  the  turning  and  com- 
pasing  of  this  said  (-rick  from  the  furst  stack  aforesaid 
to  last  stack  sat  up  at  its  turne  by  the  reeds  afore  said 
it  is  bounded  one  west  sid  and  one  the  north  sid  by  the 
sam  great  crick 


This  is  a  trew  copy  of  all  these  afore  said  lots  of  meadow 
taken  out  t)f  the  oridgauall  draft  of  them  and  Com  parid  liy 


Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Hempstead  March  the.  oth.  day  1724-5  Then  Ephraim 
C'heasman  sees  cans  to  enter  that  he  hath  areted  him  self  a 
Pound  In  his  own  seller.     This  entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleave  Clarck 

Soloman  Southard  his  ear  mark  is  a  flower  deluc  on  the 
of  ear  and  a  half  peuey  under  the  near  ear  and  a  nick  be- 
tween that  and  the  head,     entred  feabreuwy.  ye.  4.  1725-6 

This  by  me 

Tho  Gilueesleeve  Clarck 

John  Leuis  his  ear  marck  is  two  half  peneys  under  each 
ear     entred  May  the  25  day  1727.     by  me 

Thos  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Timothy  Smith  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  ye  of  ear  S:  a 
latch  on  ye  fore  sid  the  near  ear  (t  a  slit  be  hnd  the  same, 
it  is  the  mark  that  his  father  gave,  entred  november.  ye. 
20th. 1727 

by  me        Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

John  Hall  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  ou  the  of  ear 
and  a  latch  on  the  under  side  of  the  near  ear  and  a  nick 
betwen  that  and  the  head  it  is  the  ear  mark  that  William 
Pine  did  give  the  son  of  William  Pine  entred  december 
the.  27.  1727     by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

PaCxE  181. 

Att  a  geuerall  Toune  mee  ting  held  In  hemsted  may  the 
26  day  1707  Att  the  same  time  it  was  wotted  and  CoiiCleu- 
ded  one  by  the  mager  vott  of  the  free  holders  of  hemsted 
that  whear  as  thear  wos  att  a  town  meting  held  in  hemsted 
april  the  furst  day  1706  Chose  for  to  run  all  the  lines  of  our 
towns  bounds  Mr  Thomas  hicks  Coll  John  Jackson  and 

HEMrSTEAD  TOWN  hecokhs.  299 

Justis  John  Tredwell  and  Mi-  Williain  Nicols  ii])()iit'  yt-; 
towns  Cost  and  Cliarj^  thoarc  foic  it  is  fiiidcr  Coiicl'-ndccl 
upoiie  that  ye  fore  named  men  shall  have  lil)crty  to  ac;t  in 
any  maner  and  form  as  thay  shall  thinck  most  Convcniau 
eyther  l)y  law  ore  are  by  trationc^  or  a  ^irtNinfn  llicin  or 
Ith^•r  three  of  tlitmi  to  aet  in  (jur  l)e  halfs  as  \\<'ll  as  all 
though  we  weare  presant  our  owii  selves 

Eutred  by  order         by  nw.     Tho  Oildeksleeve  Chuck 

John  AVood  his  ear  mark  is  a  hoole  in  the  of  ear.  entred 
march  the  13th.  dav  1721)     b\  me 

Tho  (tILDeksleeve  Chirck 

Abraham  Seaman  the  son  of  Nathaniel  Seaman  his  ear 
mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  each  ear  and  a  half  ])eny  on 
the  fore  side  of  each  ear:  entred  april.  yv.   17,   172'.l.   by  me 

Tho  (tIEdeksleeve  Clarek 

Ilichard  Soiithard  his  ear  mark  is  a  tlower  dehiee  on  the 
of  ear  and  a  holl  in  the  near  ear  entred  Aprill  the.  24. 

by  me       Tho  Gildeusleeve  Clarek 

Samnel  South  the  son  of  Thomas  Southard  his  eai'  mark 
is  a  slip  under  the  near  ear  and  a  flowar  deluce  on  the  of 
ear  which  Wij,s  the  mark  of  John  Southard  the  son  of  John 
Southard,     entred  July  tlie28  day  1729     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarek 

John  Griton  his  ear  mark  is  a  tlower  deluce  and  a  hole  in 
the  of  ear.  entred  May  the.  8.  day  1731.     by  me 

Tho  Gildehsleev]*:  Clarek 

Page  182. 

Att  a  Jenerall  Tound  meeting  held  in  hemsted  Aprill  the 
forstday  170(j  Richard  Smith  Wos  Chosen  Coustabul  and 
Colecter  for  this  Pre?ant  year  afore  said 

Att  the  above  said  tonne  meeting  tliear  Wos  Chosen  Jeams 
Pine  and  Isack  smith  for  asesars  for  this  in  seuing  vear 


Att  the  H  bove  said  Tonne  meetmg  thear  Wos  Chose 
Clarck  for  this  inseuing  year  Thomas  Gildersleeve 

Att  the  a  bove  said  Toune  meeting  thear  wos  Chosen  for 
two  tack  Care  and  see  that  all  byways  andfencing  bee  Cepte 
in  good  sotitiant  reepair  for  this  inseuing  year  in  hemsted 
for  the  t  time  Cap  Joseph  Smith  for  the  neck  William  Mott 
for  hericks  and  all  the  north  sid  obadiah  vollintine  and  for 
Jenrasalem  John  Jackson  Juner  for  fosters  meadoo  barman 
eJonson  and  for  Cou  neck  "William  Peat 

Att  the  a  bove  said  Tound  meeting  thearewos  Chosen  Mr 
Thomas  hicks  Coll  John  Jaackson  and  Jostis  John  Tred- 
velle  and  Mr  William  Nicoll  for*  tow  tack  Cafe  and  run  all 
the  lins  of  our  tonnes  bounds  and  two  proseceut  any  man 
or  men  that  shall  anv  way  un  Just  ly  Com  into  our  toune 
bounds   in  a  deu  Cors  in  law  att  the  toune  Cost  and  Charg 

This  above  said  entred  by  order  by  mee 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Page  183. 

Know  all  men  In'  these  presants  that  I  Thomas  Comes  of 
freehold  in  ye  County  of  monmoth  and  provinc  of  neu  Jer- 
say  for  an  in  consideration  of  the  som  of  fifty  pounds  in  mouy 
and  land  to  mee  in  hand  paid  and  secuered  to  be  paid  b}- 
John  Comes  of  mad  nans  neck  one  long  island  of  nassaw 
the  resept  of  which  the  sd  Thomas  Comes  do  hear  by  ac- 
knowledg  myself  theare  with  satisfied  and  of  and  from  ev- 
ery part  and  parsel  thear  of  dene  Clerly  and  abselutly  a  quit 
and  discharg  the  sd  John  Comes  his  hairs  and  asigns  all  that 
tract  of  land  setieuate  lying  and  beeing  one  mad  nans 
neck  one  nasaw  in  ye  bounds  of  hemsted  in  tpiens  County 
lying  one  hundred  and  eighty  rod  in  length  by  estemation 
and  nintene  rod  in  bredth  bounded  southword  by  Richard 
Thorn  and  norword  by  John  hubs  Containing  one  and  twen- 
ty acors  and  a  half  more  or  les  tos:ather  with  all  and  all 
manor  of  feedings  fencings  foulings  bankings  huntings  pas- 
teur  trees   woods  under  woods  libartis  and   \)rivilidjis  bee 


lon<^iiig'  to  ye  saijie  John  Cooines  his  liairs  or  asi<i;Ms  and  i 
the  said  Thomas  Coams  have  h^s  att  the  time  of  the  iiisel- 
iiig  hear  of  and  do  for  my  self  my  hairs  exsexetors  o>r  ad- 
ministrators or  asigiis  do  (Covenant  grant  promis  and  agree 
to  aud  with  the  sd  John  Comes  his  hairs  and  asigns  for 
ye  afore  sd  bargined  premises  exseptiag  the  thirds  of  ye 
farm  for  the  which  is  my  mothears  elizabeth  Comeses  har 
lif  time  and  that  the  same  is  free  from  all  incomba- 
rancses  bargins  sailes  morgadge  had  made  Gomitted 
or  don  (fv  satuered  to  bee  don  by  the  said  Thomas 
Comes  and  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Comes  and  my  hairs  shall  and 
Avill  for  ever  defend  ye  same  from  l)y  or  under  mee  in  witnes 
wliear  of  I  have  lieare  unto  set  my  hand  and  seal  this 
eleventh  day  of  march  170(5  in  the  year  of  har  magistis 
rain  over 

sined  sealed  and  delivered  In 

2)resants  of  Thomas  Comes  (S) 

Job  Throckmorton 

Kichard  X  Cheasman 

this  is  a  treu  Copy  taken  out  of  ye  oridganal  A-  ent<M"ed 
by  mee 

Thomas  Gilderslep:ve  Clarck 

Page  184. 

To  all  Christian  peopell  to  home  these  presants  shall  Com 
or  anyes  apertain  greeting  Know  yee  that  I  Timothy^hol- 
sted  Juuer  of  hemsted  one  long  island  alias  nawsaw  in 
quens  County  in  the  Provinc  of  neu  yorck  Do  l)y  these 
presants  give  grant  bargin  sel  alinat  Reles  and  deliver  from 
mee  my  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  and  asigns  unto 
Joseph  Mott  of  ye  toune  Connty  island  and  Provinc  a  fore 
sd  to  him  his  hairs  exsexetor  administrators  and  asigns  all 
ni}^  acomidations  lying  seatiat  and  beeiug  one  ye  North  sid 
ye  great  plains  in  ye  wod  edg  Containing  about  twenty  five 


witli  in  fenc  and  allso  two  Eights  in  ye  cleAjitious  in  ye  wood 
edg  which  I  ye  sd  Timothy  hoisted  bought  of  williara 
Thic'kstou  iuid  one  right  in  ye  sd  devition  which  I  bought 
of  Jeremiah  Smith  all  which  Land  afore  sd  toegather  with 
mv  dwelling  hous  barn  unto  housing  orchards  gardins  fens- 
ings  Avoods  under  woods  timber  tres  lying  or  standing  with 
ye  rights  afore  sd  and  all  ye  aportinanses  the  a  fore  sd 
twenty  five  acors  boiTuded  east  by  ye  land  of  richard  vol- 
lintine  west  by  the  land  of  Ephraim  vollintine  north  and 
south  l)y  ye  undevided  or  as  ye  fens  stands  all  which  a  fore 
sd  hous  barn  Lands  and  aportinanses  a  fore  sd  I  ye  afore 
sd  Timothy  hoisted  Doe  by  these  presantsgive  grant  bargin 
sel  aliuat  reles  and  deliver  from  mee  my  hairs  exsexetors 
administrators  and  asigns  unto  ye  sd  Joseph  Mott  two  him 
his  hairs  and  asigns  to  have  and  to  hold  for  ever  and  qui- 
atly  to  poses  and  Inioy  from  any  parson  or  parsons  yt  shall 
lay  any  Just  Clam  theare  unto  and  do  forder  worant  this 
my  sail  to  bee  lawful  athentick  and  good  in  law  free  from 
any  former  sail  lett  morgadg  w^hat  ever  for  and  in  consider- 
ation of  a  valiabul  sum  in  hand  or  reseved  to  bee  paid  ex- 
septted  in  full  satisfaction  bee  fore  sining  hear  of  and  in 

PaCxE  185. 

the  testimony  of  ye  primisesi  ye  sd  Timothy  hoisted  with 
my  wif  abigal  have  setto  our  hands  and  fixed  oiu-  seals  ye 
foretenth  day  anno  dominy  1096 

Sined  seled  and 

delivered  in  presants  Timothy  Holsted  (S)^>jL 

of  ous 

Joseph  Pettit 

John  Tredvell 
This  afore  sd  is  a  Treu  Copy  entered  by  mee 

Thomas  Gilde]{Sleeve  Clarck 

Page  18(). 

To  all  Peopel  to  horn  these  presants  shall  Com  Greeting 
A'  know  ye  that  I  Timothy  Carel  of  huntingtoun    one  long 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    liECOliDS.  303 

island  alias  iiasaw  in  qiiens  eonuty  of  sofolck  and  in  the 
proviiK-  of  lieu  yorck  for  and  in  considiration  of  ye  sunie  of 
one  Inmdred  and  twenty  pound  paid  to  niee  in  hand  bee  fore 
ye  in  seliug-  hear  of  well  and  treuly  paid  l)y  John  carel  oi 
heinsted  one  the  island  and  in  ye  ])rovinc  above  sd  in  (juens 
County  theresept  wbear  of  I  do  heare  by  ackuowledg  and 
my  self  theare  with  sattisfied  and  contented  and  theare  of 
every  part  and  parsed  theare  of  do  exonnirat  acpiit  and  dis- 
cliarg  ye  sd  John  Carele  his  hairs  exsexnters  administrators 
for  Ever  by  these  presants  have  given  granted  bargained  sold 
aliuated  Convaied  and  Conforemed  and  by  these  presants 
do  freely  fnl  ly  and  absolntly  give  grant  bargin  sell  alinat 
Convai  and  Conform  unto  him  ye  sd  John  Carele  his  hairs  and 
a  signs  for  ever  one  hous  and  tract  of  land  seteuat  lying  and 
beeing  in  ye  bounds  of  hemsfced  in  ye  County  above  sd  con- 
taining by  estemation  twenty  five  acors  be  it  mor  or  les  set- 
ueatt  lying  and  beeing  one  a  neck  one  the  south  one  a  neck 
known  by  ye  name  of  dentons  neck  one  the  west  sid  of  the 
neck  and  i  the  above  sd  Timothy  Carele  do  owne  an  ac- 
kuowledg that  I  have  sold  all  my  right  I  have  or  ever  had" 
one  ye  afore  sd  neck  unto  the  above  sd  John  Carele  to  have 
and  to  hold  for  ye  sd  granted  and  bargined  priinises  with 
all  a  purtinances  priviledges  Commoditis  to  ye  same  belong- 
ing or  aniwais  apertaining  to  him  ye  sd  John  Carele  his  hair 
and  asigns  forever  to  his  and  theare  only  proper  eus  beni- 
ffit  and  beehof  for  ever  and  I  yesd  Timothy  Carele  for  mee 
my  hairs  exsexetors  and  administrators  do  Covenant  and 
grant  to  and  with  the  sd  John  Carele  his  hairs  and  a  signs 
that  bee  fore  the  in  seling  heare  of  I  am  ye  treu  sol  and  loa 
ful  ounner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  and  am  loafally 
sised  and  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  own  proper  right  as  a 
good  and  parfigt  and  absoleut  ♦  estat  of  in  heritanc  in  liem- 

Page  187. 

sted  and  have  in  my  self  good  right  ful  pour  and  loaful 
atharyty  to  grant  bargin  sell  Convai   and  Confurm  sd  bar- 


giiied  primises  in  maimer  as  above  sd  aud  tliat  ye   sd  John 
Carele  his  hairs  and  asigns  shall  and  may  from  time  to  time 
aud  at  all  tims  for  ever  hear  after  by  fors  and  verteu  of  these 
premises  loafnlly  and  peasiably  and  quiatly  have  hold  occu- 
pi  ens  poses  and  in  ioy  ye  sd  demised  and  bargined  premi- 
ses with  ye  aportinanses  free  and  clear  and  freelly  and  clear- 
ly aqnited  exonnarated   and  dischared  of  fi'om   all   and  all 
manner  of  former  and  other  gifts  grants  bargins  sails  lesses 
morgadges  will  intracts  Join  ters  dourys  Judgments  execu- 
tions incombaranses  and  extents  f oretlier  more  I  ye  sd  Tim- 
othy Carele  for  my  self  my  hairs  exsecutors  administrators 
do  covenant  and  in  gadg  ye  above  demised  primises  to  hiin 
ye  sd  John  Carele  his  hairs  and  asigns  against   the  loaful 
Clames  or  demands  of  any  parson  or  parsons  what  Ever  for 
ever  hear  after  to  worant  secuear  aud  defend  ye  sam  in  \\it- 
nes  hear  of  I  have  setto  my  hand  fixed  my  seal  this  4  day 
of  Juen  anno  domiui:  1706  and  in  the  fift  year  of  liar  mag- 
istise  raigin  cpien  anne  by  the  grase  of  god  quen  of  ingland 
Scotland  frans  aud  eirland  defender  of  ye  faith 

sined  seled  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  ous  Timothy  Carele  (S) 

Tho  Gildersleeve 
William  min'thorn 
Thomas  Carele 
This  is  a  treu  Copy  entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  188. 
Know  all  men  bee  fore  home  this  presant  righting  shall 
Com  that  I  Thomas  Jecocks  the  son  of  Josheuah  Jecocks^ 
of  ye  County  of  Capinay  of  new  west  Jarsy  have  sold  from 
mee  niy  hairs  esexetors  administrators  or  asigns  unto  David 
Jecock  of.  hemsted  in  quens  County  and  in  the  provinc  of 
neu  yorck  unto  him  his  hairs  exsexetors  administrators  or 
asigns  all  my  undevided  lands  within  the  bounds  of  hem- 
sted wheather  by  porchas  or  by  patin  or  any  other  right 
aud  I  the  above  sd  Thomas  Jecocks  doo  in  gadg  to  up  hold 


this  my  ded  of  sail  to  Ix^o  loaful  and  good  bee  fore  any 
home  it  shall  a  pear  and  1  the  above  sd  Thomas  Jecocks 
doo  own  to  have  reseved  full  satisfactione  for  this  above  sd 
ded  of  sail  and  to  the  treu  purformans  hear  of  I  doo  setto 
my  hand  and  fix  my  seall  this  ninth  day  of  november  in  the 
year  one  thovisand  seven  hunched 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Thomas  Jecocks  (S) 

John  Bedele 

seusanah  x  hart 
har  marck 

Aprill  ye  eight  1700  apeared  bee  fore  mee  Jonathan  whit- 
hed  one  of  har  maggistis  Jnstisses  for  the  Ceeping  of  the 
peas  Avith  in  cpiens  County  the  Avithin  named  Thomas  Je- 
cocks and  acknowledged  the  with  in  rightin  agreement  to 
bee  his  free  and  volintary  act  and  ded 

tes      JoNiTHAN  WhITHED 

This  A  treu  Copy  entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  189. 

Bee  it  knowne  unto  all  parsons  whome  it  may  Consarn 

that  I  Robart  Bedele  sener  of  the  Toune  of  hemsted  in  the 

Provinc  of  neu  yorck  in  Quens  County  one  long  Island  of 

my  owne  free  will  and  love  mee  thear  unto  moving  have 

given  granted  and  bee  quethed  and  by  these  presaiits  do 

Conform  give  and  bee  queath  unto  mj-  bee  loved  son  John 

Bedele  of  ye  sam  toun  of  hemsted  to  him  and  his  hairs  ttc 

for  ever  that  parsel  of  land  whear  one  his  hous  stands  as  it 

is  now  seatuatt  and  fenced  boath  east  west  north  and  south 

bounded  and  butted  with  my  owne  land  one  the  east  sid 

and  my  son  danils  one  ye  west  sid  and  att  each  end  with  ye 

toune  street  or  highways  I  say   I  have  gave  it  to  him  and 

his  hairs  to  have  their  use  property  in  his  own  posestione 

and  inJoyment  for  ever  to  him  and  his  hairs  to  have  theare 

owne  property  to  have  and  to  hold  to  him  and  them  against 

all  Claims  vt  shall  a  rise  and  molistations  ethir  for  by  or 


tliroiigli  nice  or  inine  or  any  other  uuiiistly  laying  Clame  to 
ye  hole  or  any  part  of  ye  sd  land  or  alotnient  and  that  hee 
and  thay  are  invested  in  ye  same  and  every  part  of  ye  same 
as  my  hairs  and  in  my  Just  right  and  title  theare  unto  for 
ever  in  wit  nes  to  ye  presants  I  have  setto  my  hand  and 
seall  this  seventh  day  of  Aprill  an  dom  1687  rightly  seeae 
in  presants  of  ous 

The  mark,  of  Robr  X  Bedle  Sener  (S) 
Jeremiah  Hobart 


This  above  sd  is  a  copy  of  ye  originall     Entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  190. 

To  all  Peopel  to  horn  these  presants  shall  Com  greeting 
Know  ye  that  I  Thomas  Williams  of  hemsted  one  long  is- 
land alias  nasaw  in  quens  County  and  in  ye  pro  vine  of  neu 
yorck  for  an  in  Con  sideration  of  a  lot  of  meadow  in  ye 
^.^ounds  of  hemsted  att  Roekaway  Coled  ye  eight  acor  lot  to 
mee  by  Jeams  Pine  delivered  att  ye  in  sealing  hear  of  bound- 
ed one  veeast  by  a  lot  of  meadow  of  Samuel  Carmans  which 
wos  foremerly  Coll  John  Jacksons  south  by  a  Crick  and  Cove 
and  by  samuel  Embrys  meadow  north  by  ye  fenc  and  woods 
the  resepte  whear  of  I  do  hear  by  acknowledg  and  my  self 
thear  with  fully  satis  tied  and  Contented  and  thear  of  and  of 
every  part  and  parsell  thear  of  do  exonarat  aquit  and  dia- 
charg  ye  said  Jeams  pine  his  hairs  executers  administrator 
for  ever  by  these  presants  do  freely  fully  and  absoleutl}^  give 
grant  bargin  sell  alin  Convay  and  Confurm  unto  him  ye  sd 
Jeams  Pine  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  one  measag  or 
tract  of  land  setiat  l}'ing  and  beeing  in  ye  bounds  of  hem- 
sted Containing  by  estemation  ninten  acors  bee  it  more  or 
les  as  it  wos  laid  att  furst  lying  and  beeing  one  ye  south  sid 
ye  island  above  sd  one  a  neck  known  by  ye  name  of  rainers 
neckboundded  east  by  Justis  John  Smiths  meadow  south  by 
a  Crick  west  by  ye  above  sd  Jeams  Pine  meadow  north  by 


ye  woods  to  have  and  to  hold  y(!  sd  granted  aud  bargiued 
primses  with  all  ye  apurtiiianses  priviledges  aud  commodi- 
tis  to  ye  same  bee  longing  or  aniwais  ])ee  apartaiuing  to  him 
ye  sd  Thomas  Williams  with  ye  upland  tliear  unto  bee  long- 
ing according  as  ye  touue  vott  ;d()U(!th  to  him  ye  sd  .Teams 
Pine  his  hairs  and  a  signs  forever  and  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Wil- 

Page  I'll, 
liams  for  mee  my  hairs  executors  administrators   do  Cove- 
nant and  Promise  and  grant  to  and  with  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine 
his  hairs  and  asigns  that  bee  fore  ye  in  sining  hear  of  I  am  ye 
trew  sol  and  lawful  owner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  and 
law  fully  seized  and  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  owne  proper 
right  as  a  good  perliet  and  absoleut  estat  of  heritancin  hem- 
sted  and  have  in  my   self  good   right  ful  pour  and  law  ful 
athoriti  to  grant  Convai  and  confirm  sd  bargined  primises  in 
maner  as  a  bove  sd   and  that  ye.  sd.  Jeams  Pine  his  hairs 
and  asigns  shall  and  may  from  time  to  time  and  att  all  tims 
for  ever  hear  after  by  fors  and  varteu  of  these  presants  law- 
fully peasabully  and  quiatly  have  hold  use  occupi  poses  and 
in  Joy  ye  sd  demised  and  bargined  primises  with  ye  apur- 
tinanses  free  and  Cleear  and  freely  and  Cleearly  aquited  ex- 
onarated  and  discharged  of  from  all  and  all  maner  of  for- 
mer and  other  gifts  bargins  sails  lesses  morgadges  wills  In- 
tails  Jointors  ouryes  Judgments  executions  incombaranses 
and  extents  forther  more  I  ye  sd  Thomas  Williams  for  my 
self  my  hairs  executors  administrators  do  covenant  and  in- 
gadg  ye  above  demised  primises  to  him  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine  his 
hairs  and  asigns  against  ye  law  full  Clams  or  demands  of  any 
parson  or  parsons  what  so  ever  hear  after  to  warant  and  de- 
fend in  witnes  Avhear  of  I  have  setto  my  hand  and  fixed  my 
seall  this  20  day  of  October  1706 

siued  sealed  and  deliverfMl  in 

presants  of  his 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Thomas  X  Williams  (S) 

Richard  Vallintine  mark 

This  Compared  and  entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  (jlarck 


PaCxE    192. 

To  all  Peopell  to  home  these  i^resants  shall  Com  greeting 
S:c.  Know  ye  that  I  Jeremiah  wood  Juner  of  hemsted  one 
long  island  alias  nawsaw  in  quens  County  and  iu  re  Prov- 
inc  of  new  jorck  for  and  in  C'onsidiration  of  a  Vcdiabnl  som 
of  niony  and  other  spetie  to  mee  in  hand  paid  bee  fore  ye 
in  sealing  hear  of  well  and  treuly  by  Joseph  Wood  of  ye 
same  tonne  County  island  and  provinc  above  sd  ye  resepts 
wheare  of  I  do  hear  by  ackuowledg  and  my  self  thear  with 
fully  sattisfied  and  contented  and  thear  of  and  of  every  part 
and  parsel  thear  of  do  exonnarati  aquit  and  diseharg  ye  sd 
Joseph  wood  his  hairs  executers  administrators  for  ever  by 
these  presants  have  given  granted  bargined  sold  alined 
Convaied  and  confirmed  and  by  these  presants  do  freely 
fully  and  absoleutly  give  grant  bargin  sell  alin  couvay  and 
con  firm  unto  him  ye  sd  Joseph  wood  his  hairs  and  asigns 
for  ever  one  mesag  or  tract  of  meadoAv  land  seateatt  lyiug 
and  beeing  iu  ye  bounds  of  hemsted  west  word  att  a  plas 
/know  by  ye  name  of  hunggry  harbour  containing  by  este- 
mation  three  acors  butted  and  bonndecl  south  by  ye  hyway 
west  by  John  hendrickson  north  by  ye  above  sd  Jeremiah 
woods  east  by  Jeremiah  wood  senears  meadow  to  have  and 
to  hold  ve  sd  srranted  and  baroiued  primises  with  all  ve 
apurtinanses  priviledges  cV-  comodities  to  ye  same  bee 
longing  or  in  any  ways  appertaining  to  him  3-e  sd  Joseph 
wood  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  to  his  and  thear  onlv 
proper  eus  benifet  and  bee  hof  for  ever  and  I  ye  sd  Jere- 
miah wood  for  mee  my  hairs  executors  administrators  do 
covenant  promis  and  grant  to  and  wdth  ye  sd  Joseph  wood 
his  hairs  and  asing  that  bee  fore  ye  in  sealing  hear  of  I  am 
ye  treu  owner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  and  am  lau- 

Page  193. 

fuly  sized  and  posesed  of  ye  same  iu  my  owne  proper  light 
as  a  good  parfict  and  absoleut  estat  of  in  heritanciu  hem- 
sted and.have  iu  my  self  good  right  ful    pour  and  lawful 


athoryty  to  grant  bargiii  soil  convaj  and  confurni  sd  bar- 
gined  primises  in  nianer  as  above  sd  and  yt  ye  sd  Joseph 
Avood  his  hairs  and  asings  shall  and  may  from  tim  to  time 
tt  att  all  times  for  ever  hear  after  by  fors  &:  varteu  of  these 
])resants  law  full  ly  poasal)nlly  tV'  quiatly  have  hold  euse 
ori'iipi  poses  and  iuioy  ye  sd  demised  and  bargined  prim- 
ises with  ye  a[)urtiuanses  free  and  cleare  and  freely  and 
clearly  aquited  exoneratted  and  discharged  of  from  all  and 
all  inaner  of  foriiicr  \'  other  givfts  grants  bargiua  sails  les- 
ses  morgalges  wills  intails  Jointors  donrys  Judgments  exe- 
cutions ineond)eranc  and  extents  forther  mor  I  ye  sd  Jere- 
miah wood  for  myself  my  hairs  execntors  administrators 
do  covenant  and  ingadg  ye  above  demised  primises  to  him 
ye  sd  Joseph  wood  his  hairs  and  asigns  against  ye  law  full 
clams  or  demands  of  any  parson  or  parsons  what  ever  for 
ever  hear  after  to  worrant  secure  and  defend  In  witiies  hear 
of  I  have  setto  mi  hand  aad  fixed  my  seall  this  thurd  day 
of  desember  anno  dominy  170(5 

sined  sealled  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  ous  his 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Jeremiah  X  wood  (S) 

Asa  Gildersleeve  marck 

Tho  Gildersleeve  inner 

memarandom  bee  fore  ye  delivery  hear  of  ye  afore  sd  Jo- 
seph wood  is  to  have  ye  equal  half  part  of  ye  upland  ye 
afore  sd  Jeremiah  woods  hath  bee  longing  to  ye  lot  of  med- 
ow  that  hee  bought  of  Johanas  barns  of  which  ye  a  fore  sd 
Joseph  wood  hath  ye  above  sd  three  acors  of  meadow 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

a  treu  copy  compared  and  entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  IDHa. 

Att  a  Jenerall  Tonne  meeting  hehbin  hemsted  aeordiug 
to  actt  of  asend)ly  Jeuewary  the  14  day  170l>-7 


By  mager  wott  of  tlie  peopel  wos  Cboseu  for  vestiy  men 
for  tliis  presaiitt  year  Jolin  seariug  Cap  John  Carman  A"  John 
Tredwell  inner  Isack  Doty  sener  Abraham  Unclrell  moris 
shadlwlt  and  nathan  Cols  these  for  the  parish  of  hemsted 

for  Curch  Wordens  Mr  Thomas  Jons  and  Thomas  Gikler- 
sleeve  for  this  present  year     This  by  order     entered  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildeksleeye  Clarck 

Hemsted  Jenewary  the  20th  day  an  no  do  1706-7 
Then  the  Jnstisis   westry  and  Curch  wordin  did   Recken 
Conserning  ye  Pors  mony  and  thear  remains  in  bauck  for 
the  Pore  eleven  pounds  ten  shillings    This  by  order  by  mee 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

Hemsted  Jenewary  ye  30  day  an  no  do  1707-8 
Then  \e,  Justises  westry  and  Church  wordin   did   recken 
Consarning  ye  pors  mony  and  theare  remains  in  banek  six- 
tene  pounds  ten  shilling  with  the  eleven  pounds  ten  shillings 
bee  fore  mentianed     This  by  order  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  194. 

Hemsted  Jenewary  the  20fch  day  1706-7 

Att  meeting  of  the  Justises  Churchwordin  and  Westry  the 
asesars  are  ordered  to  ases  every  free  holder  and  sogeiiar  in 
hemsted  and  the  liounds  thear  of  for  to  rais  the  som  of  four- 
ty  seven  pounds  live  shillings  fourty  ])ounds  for  the  minnis- 
ter  and  five  pounds  for  the  pore  and  two  pounds  five  shil- 
lings for  the  Colecters  salerry     This  by  order  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Hemsted  Jenewary  the.  30.  day  1707-8 

Att  a  meeting  of  the  Justisses  Churchwordin  and  westry 
the  asesars  are  heare  bv  ordered  to  ases  every  free  liohler 
and  sogerner  in  hemsted  and  the  bounds  theare  of  for  to 
raies  the  sum  of  fourty  seven  pounds  five  shillings  in  luoiiy 


fonrtv  Pounds  for  the  minister  and  liv(;  ixjiinds  for  the  I'orc 
and  two  })()nnds  five  shillings  for  the  Colectters  sulerry 
This  l)j  orchu-    hv  niee 

Tiio  ( lii,i)i:uHLEEVE  Clerck 
Hemsted  Jenewarj  the  18  day  17()(S  1) 

Att  a.  nieetino-  of  the  .Justisses  Church  wo  id  in  .md  urstrv 
the  asesars  are  hear  by  ordered  to  ases  eveiv  fr<'«'  hohler 
and  sogerner  in  hemsted  and  hounds  thcar  of  for  to  rais  tin- 
sum  of  fourtv  ])o\vnds  for  the  minnister  and  ten  |M.iiiids  for 
the  pore  and  two  pounds  ten  sliillings  for  the  Cunstabul  for 
gathering  of  the  afore  said  mony 

This  by  order  entred  By  mee 

Tuo    GlLDEHSLEEVE    Clarck 

Page  195. 
To  all  Peopell  to  home  these  presants  shall  com  greeting 
Know  ye  that  I  Jeams  Pine  of  hemsted  in  quens  County 
one  long  island  alias  nasaw  and  in  the  Provinc  of  neiiyorck 
for  and  in  consideration  of  a  lott  of  medow  that  l3-eth  in  ye 
bounds  of  hemsted  one  ye  island  a])oye  sd  one  a  neck 
known  by  ye  nam  of  rainers  neck  in  cjiiontyti  nintene  acars 
more  or  les  bounded  one  ye  east  by  Justis  John  Smiths 
meadow  south  by  a  crick  west  l)y  the  medow  of  the  above 
sd  Jeams  Pine  and  north  by  the  woods  with  all  rights  and 
priviledges  tlieare  unto  bi^^  longing  and  eightene  pounds  in 
mony  to  mee  in  hand  bee  for  in  sealing  hear  of  well  and 
treuly  paid  by  Thomas  williams  of  ye  touu  county  islam  1 
and  provinc  above  sd  ye  rese[)ts  Avhear  of  I  do  hear  l)y 
acknowledg  and  my  self  tlieare  with  fully  satistied  and 
contented  and  tliear  of  and  of  every  part  and  parsell  thear 
of  exonneratt  aquit  and  discharg  the  sd  Thomas  ^\  illiams 
his  iiairs  executors  administrators  for  ever  by  these  pres- 
ants have  given  granted  bargined  and  sold  alinated  (-(ni- 
n  int(Ml  and  con  tirnied  and  l)y  these  presants  do  freely  fully 
and  absolatly  give  bargin  sell  alian  convay  and  cou- 
tirm  unto  him  ye  sd  Thomas  Williams  his  hairs  and  asigns 
for  ever  one  mesag  and  tract  of  meadow  land  setevatt  lying 


aud  beeiiig  iu  ye  bounds  of  hemsted  west  word  known  by  the 
name  of  ye  ejght  acar  lott  att  rockaway  containing  by  este- 
matiou  fouretene  acars  and  a  half  mor  or  les  as  it  was  laid 
out  att  furst  with  all  beuldiugs  fencings  and  all  iinprov- 
ments  what  so  eyer  is  thear  one  with  the  right  of  upland 
acording  to  the  toune  A^ott  bounded  one  ye  east  by  samuell 
Carmans  meadow  which  wos  formerly  Coll  John  Jacksons 
south  by  a  Crick  and  cove  and  west  by  samuel  embry 
Juuers  meadow  and  north  l)y  the  fenc  to  have  and  to  hold 
a  bove  sd  granted  and  bargined  primises  with  all  ye  apurti- 
nanses  priviledges  and  Comoditis  to  ye  same  bee  longing 
or  aniwais  bee  longing  to  him  the  sd  Jeams  Pine  for  me 
my  hairs  executors  administrators  do  coviuant  promis  and 
grant  to  and  with  ye  sd  Thomas  Williams  his  hairs  and  a 
signs  that  bee  fore  ye  iusealing  and  sealing  hear  of  I   am 

Page  196. 

the  treu  owner  hear  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  and  am 
lawfully  seised  and  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  own  proper 
right  as  a  good  and  absoleut  estat  of  inheritance  in  hemsted 
and  have  in  my  self  good  ful  pour  and  lawful  atharoty  to 
grant  to  bargin  sel  convay  confirm  sd  bargined  primises  in 
manner  as  above  sd  and  that  ye  sd  Thomas  AVilliams  his 
hairs  aud  asigns  shall  and  may  from  time  to  time  aud  at  all 
tims  for  ever  hear  after  by  fois  aud  verfceu  of  this  presants 
lawfully  and  pasabully  and  quiatly  have  hold  use  occupie 
poses  and  inJoy  the  sd  demised  and  bargined  primises 
with  ye  apurtinanses  fi-ee  and  Cleei-e  and  freely  and 
clearly  a  quited  exonnerated  and  discharged  of  from 
all  and  all  manner  of  former  and  other  j^ift^  o;rants  bar- 
gins  sails  lesses  morgadges  wills  in  tails  Joiutors  dour- 
yes  Judgments  executions  in  combaranses  and  exstents  fur- 
der  more  I  ye  sd  Jeams  pine  for  my  self  my  hairs  execu- 
tors administrators  do  covinant  and  iuga  Ig  ye  above  de- 
mised primises  to  him  ye  sd  Thomas  Avilliams  his  haii-s  and 
a  signs  a  gainst  ye  law  ful  clams  or  demands  of  any  parson 
or  parsons  what  ever  for  ever  hear  after  to  warant  secuer 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    RE((»i;l)S.  313 

and  (lefciid  in  witiies  hear  of  I  tlu;  iibove  sil  Joaius  Piue 
lijive  setto  ui}-  luiiid  aiid  fixed  my  s(^all  tliis  *20  i];\y  of  Octo- 
ber: ill  t]w  year  of  our  lord  anno  domini  170(5 

siued  seled  and  delivered 

in  presaiitH  of  his 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Jeams  X  Pine  (8) 
Richard  Vollintine  marck 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  of  the  origonal  C'oni[)ared  and  entered 
by  iiiee 

Tho  Ctildersleeve  Clarck 
Page  197. 

This  Indentor  mad  the  '2Gth  day  of  march  In  Anno  :  Ki^S  : 
stilonovo  Beetwene  Nathaniel  Denton  of  rusiloip  ui)one 
long  island  in  ueu  nether  land  planter  of  ye  one  [)arty  and 
Richard  Gildersleeve  of  middle  borgh  in  long  island  afore 
sd  plantar  one  ye  other  party  wituis  etli  that  ye  sd  Nathan- 
iel denton  doth  by  these  [)resants  f idly  freely  and  absoleutly 
bargin  and  sell  unto  ye  sd  Richard  Gildersleeve  his  hairs 
exeentors  administrators  or  asigns  one  hons  and  home  lott 
setteuatt  leying  t^-  beeing  in  hemsted  northerly  having  the 
high  way  and  sonthardly  haveing  ye  lott  of  Mv  koa  l)onnded 
npone  a  nother  high  way  unto  3^6  west  and  upone  Mr  hicks 
unto  ye  east  and  togea^ier  with  tliree  acars  of  holow  ground 
more  or  les  and  six  acars  of  meadow  land  with  ve  a])urti- 
nanses  theare  unto  bee  longing  and  appertaining  and  six 
Catells  pastoridg  in  the  neck  t(^  have  and  to  hold  ye  sd 
hous  and  land  with  all  priviledges  aniwais  theare  unto  bee 
longing  for  him  his  hairs  and  sucsesar  for  ever  for  and  in 
Considiration  of  ye  full  and  hoU  sum  of  tifteene  pounds 
starling  acording  to  the  Inglish  acount  to  bee  paid  in  two 
severall  payment  viz  ye  furst  payment  to  l)ee  mad  with  in 
three  dayes  after  the  datt  heare  of  wheare  in  ye  moitye  bee- 
ing seven  pounds  ten  shillings  is  to  be  mad  in  Catell  or  corn 
if  corn  eytlier  wheat  or  indiaa  att  ye  pris  ciiraiit  heare  ia 
hemsted   and    fen'   ye  payment  of  ye   Oabel   if  ye    partyes 


canot  aj^i-ee  tbeu  it  is  to  bee  paid  acording  to  ye  Judgment 
of  two  indehunt  men  and  ye  last  payment  of  seven  pounds 
Ten  shillings  is  to  bee  mad  is  in  corn  tliefurst  day  of  march 
next  in  seuin  ye  dat  hear  of  and  if  ye  sd  payment  bee  mad 
in  eatell  it  is  to  be  paid  as  afore  sd  ye  niu  and  twentyeth 

Page  198. 

of  September  next  in  seuiug  ye  dat  heare  of  and  it  is  furdei- 
a'n-eed  that  all  arears  rats  or  taxacons  what  so  ever  that  is 
deu  upon  ye  sd  land  unto  ye  day  of  ye  datt  hear  of  shall 
bee  paid  and  discharged  by  ye  sd  Nathaniel  denton  and  is 
ingadged  hear  by  upone  ye  fnrst  pay  ment  with  in  ye  tearm 
of  three  daye  as  bee  fore  spetihed  to  deliver  law  fully  and 
quiat  poeessition  thear  of  and  doth  bind  him  his  hairs  ex- 
ecutors administrators  or  asigns  to  up  hold  the  primises  to 
bee  tirm  athentiek  and  lawfuU  as  witnes  his  hand  sub- 
scribed ye  day  and  year  above  lighten 

In  witnes  of  Nathaml  denton 

John  Jams  Cle 

for  ye  porforemanc  of  ye  payments  above  mentioned  s[)ec- 
itied  I  do  bear  bv  inQ,ad<j;  witnes  mv  hand 

EiCHAKD  Ctildersleeve  seuer 

I  nathaniel  Denton  doe  hearby  acknowledg  to  have  re- 
seved  of  Mr  Richard  Gildersleeve  of  hemsted  unto  ye  use 
of  Richard  Gildersleeve  of  middilborow  Juner  the  full  sum 
of  seven  pounds  ten  shillings  bsing  ye  f  iirst  pay  ment  spec- 
ified in  ye  covenant  iipon  ye  other  sid  whear  of  I  doe  hear 
by  discharg;  him  as  witnes  mv  hand  ve  26  day  of  march.  1658 

John  Jams  nathaniel  denton 

This  presants  wit  leseth  that  I  nathaniel  denton  Doe  hear 
by  acknowledg  to  hate  reseved  of  Mr  Richard  Gildersleeve 
the  full  som  of  seven  pound  ten  shillings  ye  tinal  and  full 
payment  for  ye  land  specified  in  this  covinantof  convaiaiice 


Avri^liten  npoiie  ye  other  sid  as  witiics  my  liaiul  tliis  l<Sth  of 
September  1658  stilaiiova 


John  Jams  Nathami'J.  dkn'I'ox 

This  is  a  treu  (^)[)y  ot  the  origiiol  (.^oiiipared  and  eutered 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildeuhleeve  Chirck 

Page  199. 

Aprill  the.  9.  ITOC) 

I  Joseph  Lan^-don  Do  testify  that  I  heard  AViniam  Thick- 
stou  say  that  hee  had  sohl  all  his  right  of  gats  att  the  Cow- 
neek  and  all  the  Eight  of  ye  uiidevidtnl  land  with  in  the 
towne  ship  of  hemsted  unto  Elias  Duiian  and  I  allso  know 
that  hee  had  all  so  reseved  oue  Baril  of  malasos  in  part  of 
pay  for  the  sam  I  say  all  the  Right  of  gats  and  undevided 
Land  Avhicli  wos  William  Scadins  desesed  and  to  the  best 
of  my  Remembrans  two  hollows 

Atested  bee  fore  mee 

John   Tredwell 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  Compared  with  the  originoll  and  en- 

by  mee  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Thonuis  Rogers  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of 
ear  and  two  nicks  under  the  same  and  a  half  peney  under 
the  near  ear 

entred  uovember  the  11.  1729 

by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Hick  his  earmark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the  of  ear 
and  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near  ear  A-  a  half  peiiy  under  the 
Hwallowfork.     entred  uovember  the.  12.   1729      by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Laugdou  his  ear  mark   is  a  hole  in  ye  of  ejir  and 


a  half  peny  uuder  tlie  near  ear  wliicli  was  his  fathers  John 


eutred  november.  15.  1729  by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Chirck 

Page  200. 

The  ear  Mark  of  Joseph  Denton  is  a  eroi*  on  the  of  ear 
and  two  sHts  in  it  and  a  nick  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near 
ear     eutred  november.  15.  1729.     by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Chirck 

John  fonostrant  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  the 
near  ear  and  a  half  peney  nnder  the  same  and  a  hole  in  the 
same,     etred  NoYember.  17.  1729     by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  C'larck 

The  ear  mark  of  Andrus  Onderdonk  is  a  half  peney  under 
the  near  ear  and  a  nick  nnder  the  of  ear  eutred  Decem- 
ber, ye.  14  day  1729 

by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

John  Roo  his  ear  mark  is  a .  square  half  peney  under  the 
of  ear     entred  the.  10.  da}'  of  feabwary  1729-30     by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Samuel  Heulitt  his  ear  mark  is  a  slipe  under  the  near 

ear  a  half  iiow^er  deluce  on  the  fore  side  the  of  ear  and  a 

half  peney  under  it     entred  march  the.  6.  day.  1729-30     by 


Tho  Gildersleeyk  Clarck 

Moses  morener  his  ear  mark  is  a  slipe  under  the  near  ear 
and  a  latch  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  a  haf  peney 
uuder  the  same  entred  march  the  6.  day  1729-30     by  liie 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck 

Jeremiah  Williams  his  ear  mark  is  a  hole  in  the  near  ear 
and  a  half  peney  on  ye  fore  side  of  the  of  ear  entred  aprill 
ye.  7.  1730. 

by  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeye  Clarck  • 


Joliu  Yi»ii^'  liis  t';ir  mark  is  three  liols  in  tlic  uf  ear  En- 
tred  aprill  the  twenty  ninth  1730  by  nie 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Patrick  Mott  his  oar  mark  is  a  Latch  iinclcr  the  (jf  ear 
autl  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear  and  a  half 
flowar  deluc  on  the  under  side  of  the  same  entred  the. 
10th  day  of  november.  1730 

by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Chirke 

Thomas  Jecocks  his  ear  mark  is  two  half  penies  on  the 
fore  side  of  the  near  ear  and  two  half  penie  the  under  side 
the  of  ear     entred  December  the.  5.  day.  1730:  ])y  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Sanniel  boldin  the  son  of  Georg  boldin  his  ear  mark  is  a 
slit  in  the  end  of  the  near  ear  and  a  half  peny  under  the 
same  which  was  his  fathers  ear  mark  entred  feabruary  the 
20  day  1730-31 

by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

James  Bedell  Juner  his  ear  mark  is   a  half  peney  under 

each  ear  and  a  hole  in  the  of  ear     entre  march  the.  (5.  1731 

by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Page  201. 

Att  a  Jennarl  Towne  mee  ting  held  in  hemstod  the  furst 
day  of  aprel  in  the  year  1707  Tho  Gildersleeve  wos  Chosen 
Clarck  for  this  inseuing  year  by  the  mager  wott  of  the  free 
holders  of  hemsted 

by  order     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  the  above  sd  towne  mee  ting  Eichard  smith  wos  Cho- 
sen Cuustabul  and  Colecter  for  this  inseiiingyearby  the  ma- 
ger  woatt  of  the  free  holders  of  hemsted 

Att  the  above  sd  towne  meeting  tliear  wos  Chosen  AVil- 
liani  AVillis  for  seupur  viser  for  this  in  seuing  year  by  the 
Mager  wot  of  the  free  holders  of  hemsted 


Att  the  above  sd  towue  mee  ting  tliear  wos  Cliosen  for 
asesars  for  this  in  seuing  year  Isack  smith  and  John  Tred- 
welle  by  the  mager  wott  of  the  free  holders  of  hemsted 

Att  the  above  sd  Town  mee  tiug  thear  wos  Chosen  for  to 
tack  Car  that  all  hywais  and  fensing  with  in  the  bounds  of 
hemsted  bee  Cept  in  good  so  titiaut  repair  bj  the  inhabitants 
of  hemsted  and  the  bounds  thear  of  for  the  towne  John 
searing  for  Jereusalem  John  Jaekscm  i  for  the  north  sid 
obadiah  vollintine  for  mad  nans  neck  William  Mott  for  Cow 
neck  William  Peatt  for  fosters  meado  Harman  Jonson  This 
bv  the  masjer  woatt  of  the  free  holde  of  hemsted 

Att  the  above  sd  towne  meeting  thear  wos  given  by  mager 
wot  of  the  peepoll  of  the  towne  about  fouracars  of  land  ly- 
ing and'beeing  att  the  west  end  of  the  meeting  hous  pond 
part  one  the  sonth  sid  of  the  run  that  ruus  from  the  above 
sd  poud  and  part  one  ye  uorth  sid  of  the  run  acros  the  run 
for  the  ens  of  the  town  for  to  settel  a  scoul  master  upone 

Page  202. 

for  to  teach  our  Children  such  an  own  as  the  towne  shall  lick 
and  ye  afore  sd  land  to  bee  and  remain  to  the  eus  and  priv- 
iledg  of  a  scon  for  ever  or  such  an  one  as  the  subcri  bours 
towords  bewlding  of  a  scoul  hous  shal  lick  of 

These  afoie  sd  Woats  mad  the  first  day  of  Aprill  in  the 
year  1707  wos  entered  by  or  der  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

This  above  sd  Woat  mad  the  furst  day  of  april  1707  for 
the  land  that  wos  given  for  the  use  of  a  scoul  is  nul  ami  void 
and  not  to  bee  put  to  use  for  a  scoul  This  don  by  mager 
wott  of  ye  Peopele  att  a  jenerall  town  meeting  held  the  20th 
day  or  October  1707 

by  order     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  parish  meeting  held  in  hemsted  the  VS.  day  of 
Jenewary  1707-8  Purseuant  to  an  act  of  asembly  thear  wos 
Chosen  ffor  westry  men  for  this  presant  Year  ensewing  John 


Searing  Cap  Jolin  Carman  and  John  Tredwello  Richard 
Townesend  and  Joseph  Mott  and  sanuiel  Williams  for  hcm- 
sted  and  for  oysterbay  Abraham  Undrel  Nathan  Cohis  and 
Isack  Doty  inner  saniuel  Macouole  and  for  (Jiirch  wordins 
Mr  J  Jons  for  oysterbay  and  Thomas  Gildersleeve  for  hem- 

This  by  order     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  203. 

Att  a  Jeneral  Tonne  Meeting  hehl  in  hemsted  tlu^  2()th 
day  of  October  1707  By  magar  vot  of  the  People  wos 
given  unto  John  Carle  one  hnnch'ed  acars  of  Avood  land  in 
the  south  Avoods  eastward  of  sticklings  neck  path  a  gining 
one  the  north  sid  of  his  own  land  to  have  and  to  hold  f<u' 
him  and  his  hairs  for  ever  in  leu  of  a  hous  and  honi  lot  in 
the  towue  spot  bounded  one  the  north  and  east  and  south 
by  liy  wais  and  west  ))v  Robart  Williams  land  and  anotlier 
lott  that  lyeth  south  word  of  the  town  bounded  north  l)y 
Joseph  Carls  land  east  and  south  by  hy  wais  and  west  by 
Joseph  Pettets  land  all  Avhicli  hous  and  ](jts  and  fencing 
and  beuldings  u))Ou  them  to  bee  for  the  use  of  the  towne 
for  to  bee  and  remaiue  for  the  use  of  the  town  for  a  scoule 
for  ever  that  is  to  say  the  hous  and  lots  to  bee  and  remain 
for  a  scoule  master  for  ever 

This  by  order     l)y  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  town  meeting  held  in  hemsted  July  ye  furst  day  in 
ye  of  our  lord  god.  170S  By  niager  voat  of  the  free  holders 
it  wos  woted  and  agreed  upone  that  the  sheep  which  are 
with  in  the  town  of  hemsted  and  in  the  bounds  tliear  of  yt 
gose  one  ye  plains  shall  not  be  foulded  at  any  time  day  nor 
night  one  the  penalty  of  two  pounds  Currant  silver  mony  of 
liar  magisties  provinc  of  neu  yorck  for  one  day  or  night  the 
one  half  to  bee  for  ye  In  former  and  the  other  half  for  the 
use  of  the  Pore  to  be  paid  by  the  parson  or  parsons  that 


shall  drive  the  a  bove  scl  sheep  in  to  thear  Clos  or  land 
fensed  in  for  to  lodg  thear  the  time  above  sd 

This  by  order     P 

Tho  Geldeksleeve  Clarck 

Page  204. 

Att  the  afore  sd  towne  meeting  it  was  woted  and  agreed 
bj  the  mager  part  of  the  free  holders  of  hemsted  that  all 
the  rams  that  doth  ensally  gooeth  and  ruueth  one  the  plains 
in  the  bounds  of  hemsted  shall  all  be  taken  up  att  or  upon 
the  ninth  or  tenth  day  of  august  and  every  parson  or  par- 
sons that  hath  any  rams  that  Ceeps  one  ye  plains  afore,  sd. 
tliat  doth  not  Com  or  send  som  body  to  tack  care  to  help 
luck  up  the  sheep  and  tack  out  all  the  rams  at  the  town 
shall  pay  to  any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall  do  it.  3.  s. 
and  the  rams  that  the  ouner  doth  not  aper  for  shall  bee  put 
in  to  ye  pound  ct  ye  owners  of  ye  rams  shall  Pay.  3.  s.  to 
ye  driver  of  the  rams  and  ye  pendars  to  have  two  pence  a 

Quens  County  Desember  :  ye  :  1st  1707 

Upone  the  request  of  Thomas  Smith  of  hemsted  I  sur- 
vaied  the  foulling  tract  of  land  which  wos  formerly  laid 
out  to  Jonathan  Smith  desessed  upone  the  acount  of  his 
propviaty  right  Containing  after  allowanc  for  it  cgh  wos 
one  hundred  acars  and  fifty  acars  Beginriing  at  a  black  oake 
and  runes  85  degrese  east  30  Chains  to  a  red  oake  near  ye 
east  end  of  harbour  hill  then  north  5  degrees  west  36 
Chains  to  a  black  oak  near  semanes  Inclosed  then  south  85 
degreese  east  7  Chains  to  a  whit  oak  then  north  5  degreese 
west  20  Chains  to  a  whit  oack  thenc  south-  85  degreese  east 
23  Chains  to  a  black  oake  thenc  to  my  furst  statione  P  for- 
med P  mee 

Tho  Cahdale     D  survared 

This  above  sd  survay  Compared  and  entred  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Isaac  Loosee  his  ear  inaik  is  two  hols  In  the  of  ear  and 
a  half  peuy  under  the  same,     entred  June  9.  1731.  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Adriiin  al  ])iirtos  his  ear  mark  is  three  half  peneys  under 
the  near  t^ar     entred  October  the.  4.  day  1732  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarcke 
Page  205. 

To  all  christiou  Peopel  to  whome  these  presants  shall  Com 
or  any  wais  apartain  Greeting  Know  yeytl  John  Linning- 
ton  of  hemsted  one  long  Island  alias  nawsaw  in  quens  Coun- 
ty in  ye  provinc  of  neu  Yorck  doo  ffor  my  self  my  hairs  and 
asigns  setout  and  to  farme  Lett  &  leas  out  unto  Timithy  Ca- 
rele  of  ye  town  county  Island  &  provinc  a  fore  sd  to  him  his 
hairs  and  asigns  a  sartaine  parsel  of  meddow  ground  fresh 
&  solt  lying  &  beeing  seteuatt  w'tin  ye  bounds  of  hemsted 
one  ye  south  sid  ye  sd  Island  one  a  Neck  Coled  ye  Mill  Re- 
ver  Neck  yt  is  to  say  ye  one  moiaty  or  half  part  of  My  Med- 
dow fresh  cfe  solt  ye  hole  bounded  west  by  ye  Cove  &  rever 
east  by  a  ditch  c^  crick  north  by  Jecockes  Crick  &  south  by 
the  Cove  &  allso  somucli  of  ye  un  Cleared  laud  in  ye  said 
Neck  as  ye  sd  Timothy  Carle  shall  Cleare  and  f enc  intyar  to 
him  self  for  ye  time  hear  aftar  mentioned  and  also  ten  acars 
of  \ipland  with  out  ye  sdneckffenc  a  Joining  to  ye  fly  Coled 
Jecockes  fly  all  ye  one  moiaty  or  equal  half  part  of  ye  med- 
dow fresh  and  solt  as  above  bounded  and  ye  upland  or  un- 
cleared land  as  above  sd  I  ye  sd  John  Lingninton  do  own  & 
acknowledg  to  have  setout  &  to  farm  lett  &  leas  as  above  sd 
from  mee  my  hairs  and  asigns  unto  ye  sd  Timothy  Carele 
to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  k  sucsesars  for  and  deuering  the 
full  and  Just  tearm  of  time  of  seven  years  to  bee  fully  end- 
ed from  ye  dat  yt  is  ye  sd  meddow  land  and  apurtinanses 
theareon  to  bee  &  remain  to  ye  proper  eus  &  benifet  of  3^e  sd 
Timothy  Carele  ye  time  afore  sd  to  ye  sd  Timothy  Carele  his 
hairs  and  sucsesars  administrators  S:  asigns  for  &  in  consid- 
aration  of  ye  use  of  tAventy  live  Pounds  Curant  mony  of  ye 
sd  government  reseved  or  secured  to  bee  paid   be  fore  ye 


siuiug  lieare  of  and  provided  ye  sd  Jolin  linginton  or  his  or- 
der do  att  ye  fill  end  &  terra  of  sewen  years  from  ye  dat  pay 
&  deliver  unto  ye  sd  Timotliy  Carele  or  bis  order  twenty 
iive  pounds  Curant  silver  mony  of  ye  government  then  ye 
leas  to  be  void  and  of  none  efect  other  wise  to  stand  firm  tV: 
good  till  ye  sd  twenty  five  pounds  be  paid  as  afore  sd  which 
shall  make  ve  leas  void  att  ve  payment  thear  of  &  sd  Timo- 
thy  Carell  to  have  ye  westtermost  half  of  ye  sd  medow  A- 
att  all  times  liberty  to  Cart  of  his  hay  but  not  to  pasteiir  in 
ye  neck  but  \\-ithin  his  inclosed  lands  and  John  liugniuton 
to  pastour  only  his  own  creteui'S  and  not  to  pasteur  til  ye 
gras  is  cot  and  carted  awav  and  to  cleare  ve  neck  of  creteurs 
fi'om  time  to  time  by  ye  furst  of  may  as  in  testimony  of  the 
primises  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  March  the 
tiftenth  day  aunodomiui  :  1699-700 

sined  sealed  and  delivered  in  presants  of  ous 

Thomas  Teedwelle  John  Lingntnton  (S) 

Joseph  Pettet 

John  Rushmoe 

Page  206. 

To  all  Christion  Peopel  to  whome  this  presants  shall  Com 
or  aniwais  apertaine  greting  know  ye  yt  I  ye  ^Wthin  named 
Timothy  Carele  do  heare  by  for  my  self  my  hairs  sucsesars 
and  asigns  fully  freeh"  and  absoleutly  asign  <t  set  over  to  my 
brother  Joseph  Carele  k  Eobaii;  Bedele  both  of  ye  towne 
CoTinty  Island  tt  provinc  afore  sd  to  them  theare  hairs  suc- 
sesars and  asigns  all  my  right  titul  intrust  Clam e  A"  demands 
of  k  to  ye  Anthin  ^T.-ighten  leas  as  fully  k  amply  ia  every 
part  as  it  is  let  to  mee  only  I  doo  reserve  to  my  self  ye 
Cleared  land  which  I  have  Cleared  with  out  ye  neck  all  ye 
other  as  afore  sd  I  do  set  over  as  afore  sd  to  ye  sd  Joseph 
Carele  k  Eobart  Bedele  In  equal  purportionforand  in  con- 
sideration of  full  satisfatction  reseved  as  witnes  my  hand  iV 
seal  June  ye  10  day  annodominy  1702 

Testated  by  ous  Timothy  Carele  (8j 

Joseph  Pettet 

Jonathan  Smith 


It  is  to  bee  understud  ye  witliiu  nieutioned  Tiniotliy  Ca- 
lele  doth  lieare  iii<^adg  tliat  from  tim  to  time  deuriug  his  leas 
hee  will  cleear  his  hay  out  of  ye  Neck  by  ye  twenty  ninth 
of  September  that  then  John  Linnington  hath  liberty  to  put 
in  his  Creteurs  in  to  ye  neck  to  pasteur  till  ye  tirst  of  May 
then  next  following  as  witnes  my  hand  March  ye  15  1699- 

Testated  hj  ous  Timothy  Garble 

Joseph  Pettet 
John  Eushmor 

This  is  a  trew  Coppy  Compared  with  the  originall  and  en- 
tere  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  207. 

Wee  the  arbitrators  betwen  Thomas  southward  and  Ro- 
l)art  Williams  do  Jndg  yt  Kobart  williams  c^^c  did  trespas 
against  Thomas  sothard  to  ye  valy  of:  1:  d:  &c  dam  nitied 
him  to  ye  valeu  of.  (*>.  penc  by  throwing  his  hay  in  the 
Creek:  Likewise  as  to  ye  pounding  of  Thomas  sothards 
hors  wee  do  Judg  yt  Eobart  williams  shall  pay  to  said 
sothard  the  sum  of.  (!.  })enc:  and  wheare  as  the  afore  sd 
Robart  williams  &  Thomas  sothard  hath  beene  at  def- 
eranc  about  the  linse  of  theare  Medow  lying  att  hickses 
neck  and  hath  piit  the  sd  difiranc  about  thear  lins  of  thear 
Meadow  to  refranc  to  C^aptain  Joseph  smith  obadiah 
Yollintine  William  willis  and  Georg  beats  arbitrators  &  if 
wee  the  sd  arbitrators  Cannot  agree  Avee  should  Cheuse  a 
fift  man  this  thear  Tore  is  our  Judgment  award  and  whol 
distionof  the  mater  acording  to  the  trust  reposed  In  ous  as  by 
bonds  given  under  the  hands  S:  seals  of  sd  Robart  williams 
tt  Thomas  sothard  baring  datt  the :  18  day  of  this  Instant 
refranc  thear  unto  had  may  mor  att  larg  apear  that  the 
line  beetwen  them  shall  begin  att  the  nerist  whit  oak  tree 
'that  stands  by  ye  fenc  and  from  tlienc  to  run  near  west- 
wardly  til  tliay  Com  near  the  bit  of  the  Crick  whic^h   is  one 


tlie  north  sid  of  the  feotc  and  thear  to  meseur  a  rod  and 
half  south  word  of  the  sowthword  most  hoU  att  the  bit  of 
the  Crick  which  Abraham  smith  shened  ous  and  thear  to 
pitch  a  stack  and  the  Hn  shall  run  straight  from  the  marked 
tree  bee  fore  spetified  standing  by  the  fentc  to  the  stack 
and  so  along  to  the  Crick  and  the  medow  Iring  one  the 
North  sid  is  all  to  belong  to  Thomas  sothard  and  the 
Medow  lying  one  the  south  sid  shall  belong  to  Robart 
Williams  this  is  the  award  of  ous  Arbitrators  and  our  tift 
man  Chosen  h\  ous  Given  under  our  hands  and  seals  this 
twenty  tift  day  of  September  1704 

Joseph  Smith  (S) 


Obadiah  X  Yallintine  (S) 

William  Willis  (S) 


Geoeg  X  Beats  (Sj 


Abraham  Smith  (S) 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  of  the  original  Compared  and  entered 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  208. 

Att  a  Genaral  Towne  meeting  held  in  hemsted  The  furst 
day  of  April  in  the  year  1708  Then  tlieare  wos  Chosen  for 
this  in  seuing  year  for  Cunstabul  and  Colector  William 
Cornwell  for  to  sarre  till  another  bee  sworn  by  ye  mager 
part  of  ye  free  holders 

Att  the  above  said  T(jwne  meeting  thear  wos  Chosen  for 
asesars  for  this  in  seuing  year  John  Tredwell  and  Thomas 
Carman  by  the  mager  voat  of  the  free  holders 

Att  the  above  said  ToAvne  meeting  tlieare  wos  Chosen  for 
a  senperviser  for  this  in  seuing  year  by  the  mager  voat  of 
the  free  holders  William  willis 


Att  the  above  said  town  meo  ting  thear  wos  Chosen  for  to 
tack  Care  that  all  liiways  and  tensing  bee  Ceptt  In  good  soti- 
tiant  repair  l)y  the  owners  of  the  fenc  in  the  bounds  of  hem- 
sted  for  the  town  John  sering  and  John  Tredwelle  Jnner  and 
for  Jerensalem  Jonathan  Soman  sener  and  John  Jackson 
inner  for  the  north  sid  obadiah  vcJliu  tine  and  Jeanis  Denton 
for  madnans  neck  williani  Mott  and  Henry  alin  and  f(n'  Cou- 
neck  AVilliara  Peett  and  Josheuah  Corn  well  for  fosters  medow 
harman  Jonson  and  Christ  John  snedecor  for  this  insuing 

att  the  above  said  town  meeting  theare  wos  Chosen  for  a 
Pender  John  Tredwelle  Juner  for  the  time  and  tearm  of 
seven  years  if  hee  doth  be  have  him  self  as  a  ponder  onght 
to  do  and  mack  and  Ceep  a  good  sofitiant  pound  at  his  own 
Cost  and  Charg  «t  taking  such  fees  as  the  town  has  alowed 

att  the  above  said  Town  meting  it  was  woatted  and  Con 
Cleuded  and  by  the  fieeholders  and  inhabitant  of  hemsted 
by  the  niager  part  of  them  that  if  any  parson  or  parsons 
shall  ])eale  the  barck  of  any  standing  tree  or  gurdell  them 
thay  shall  pay  six  shillings  in  mony  for  to  defray  publick 
Charges  of  the  town  &  that  is  to  say  any  tree  or  trees  one 
the  undevided  lands  aniwhare  in  the  bounds  of  hemsted 

att  the  above  said  town  mee  ting  Thomas  Gildersleeve 
wos  Chose  town  Clarck  for  this  in  seuing  year 

These  above  said  woats  mad  the  furst  of  april  1708  wos 
entred  by  mee 

Thos  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

by  order 

Page  209. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  this  presant  righting 
shall  foni  Josheu;ih  Carman  of  or  in  the  bounds  of  hem- 
sted in  (piens  County  yoman  sendeth  greeting  in  our  lord 
god  everlasting  know  ye  that  I  the  said  Josheuah  Carman 
for  and  in  Con  sideration  of  a  sai  tain  s(^m  of  mony  to  mee 

32()  "         HEMPSTEAD    TOWX    RECORDS. 

in  baud  paid  be  fore  the  in  sealing  and  delivering  of  these 
presants  thomas  barker  of  Couneck  with  in  the  bounds  of 
hempsted  afore  said  yoman  the  resept  wheare  of  I  do  hear 
by  acknowledg  and  my  self  ti)  liee  theare  ^vith  fTilly  satis 
tied  Contented  and  paid  and  theare  of  and  of  every  part 
and  parsel  theare  of  do  hear  by  for  ever  acquit  and  dis- 
charg  the  said  Thomas  Barker  his  hairs  executors  adminis- 
trators and  asijrns  have  fjjranted  bar^ined  sould  enfefed  re- 
lesed  and  Contirmed  and  do  by  these  presants  grant  bargin 
sel  enfefe  reles  and  Confirm  unto  the  said  Thomas  Barker 
his  hairs  executors  administrators  and  asigns  for  ever  all 
that  my  right  priviledg  property  Claim  and  demand  of  in 
and  to  two  good  gats  right  which  I  am  now  posesed 
"\rith  acording  as  the  same  is  granted  by  the  Consesons 
of  the  said  of  hemsted  upon  that  tract  or  neck  of  land 
Commanly  known  bv  the  name  of  Cow  neck  lying  with  in 
the  bounds  of  hemsted  afore  said  to  gether^with  all  and 
singeular  the  priviledges  heriditiments  and  apurtinanses  to 
the  said  right  of  tAvo  good  gats  beelonging  oriu  auiwise 
apertainiug  to  have  and  to  hold  the  said  two  gats  right  and 
all  other  the  above  granted  premises  to  him  the  said  Thomas 
Barker  his  hairs  executors  administrators  or  asigns  to  the 
only  proper  use  benitit  and  be  hofe  of  him  the  said  Thomas 
Barker  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  and  I  the  said  Josli- 
euah  Carman  do  warant  this  my  bill  of  sail  good  in  law 
against  any  parson  that  shall  lay  Claim  to  it  by  verfceu  ( )f 
of  the  said  gats  in  testimony  whear  of  I  the  said  Josheuah 
Carman  have  hear  unto  set  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  the. 
3.  day  of  april  in  the  year  of  our  lord  1708 

sealed  and  delivered  in  the 

presants  of  ous  Josheuah  J  Carman  (S) 

Samuel  Clows 


This  is  a  treu  Copy  tacen  by  mee  and  Compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

hempstead  town  iiecoiids.  327 

Page  210. 

T(j  all  Christian  People  to  wliome  this  presants  shall  Com 
or  any  wais  apertaiu  Greeting  KnoAv  ye  that  I  Joseph  Pet- 
tet  of  hemsted  one  lont>'  island  in  (piens  County  in  the  pro- 
vinc  of  neuyorck  have  sold  and  do  by  these  presants  sel  and 
setover  from  mee  my  hairs  executors  and  asigns  all  my  right 
of  twelve  gats  of  fene  at  the  Couneck  with  Avhat  right  of 
land  or  other  advantnges  that  may  Com  or  anywise  belong 
thear  unto  William  beans  of  the  town  and  County  afore 
said  to  him  his  hairs  or  asigns  and  do  up  hold  and  promis 
that  att  the  ded  making  I  am  posesed  of  somuch  right  as 
may  now  come  by  twelve  gats  of  fenc  which  I  the  said  Jo- 
seph Pettet  do  sel  and  dispose  from  mee  my  hairs  or  asigns 
to  the  said  William  beans  his  hairs  or  asigns  to  have  and 
to  hold  from  mee  or  mine  for  ever  for  and  in  consideration 
of  full  satis  faction  reseved  for  the  same  and  in  Conforma- 
tion of  the  premises  I  have  heare  unto  set  t(j  my  hand  and 
fixed  my  seal  the  twenty  furst  of  april  anno  domini  1692 
sined  sealed  in  presants  of  ous 

Jonathan  smith  Joseph  Pettet  (S) 

Peeteii  Totten 
his  X  niarck 

May  ye  20  1700  Then  the  within 
named  Joseph  Pettet  apeared  before  mee  and  acknowledged 
this  within  written  bill  of  sail  to  bee  his  vollentary  act  and 
ded  apeared  before  mee 

John  Smith 

Justis  of  the  peas  for 

Quens  County 
This  is  a  treu  Copi  Compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  clarck 

Wee  ^\■hose  nams  are  hear  under  written  doe  freely  give 
and  grant  unto  Thomas  Barkear  fourty  acars  of  laud  one  Cou 
neck  that  is  to  «ay  all  our  right  A-  titele  to  fourty  Acars  one 
the  said  neck  proportiuabule  to  our  gats  to  have  and  to  hold 


the  said  quantity  of  laud  accordiug  as  above  spetilied  ex- 
presed  uuto  him  the  said  Thomas  Barkear  his  hairs  aud 
asigus  for  ever  iu  testimouy  wheare  of  wee  have  hear  uuto 
put  our  hauds  the  13th  desber  1705 

John  sands 
Tho  hicks 
samuel  sands 


John  Coenwell 
SA  Clowes 


This  is  a  treu  copi  comj^ared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  211 

August  the  l-2th  1694 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  that  I  Thomas  Daniels  of 
mad  nans  neck  in  queus  County  in  the  bounds  of  hemsted 
have  sold  to  Thomas  Barker  of  Cou  neck  in  the  same  towne 
and  Coimty  all  my  patten  right  in  the  town  and  bounds  of 
hemsted  for  which  I  have  paid  eight  shillings  and  I  the  said 
Thomas  Danils  hare  sold  from  mee  my  hairs  executors  ad- 
ministrators or  asigns  all  the  afore  said  Patin  right  to  the 
said  Thomas  Barker  to  him  his  hairs  executors  administra- 
tors or  asigns  and  I  the  said  Thomas  Daniels  do  promise  to 
defend  this  my  bill  of  saile  against  any  parson  that  shall  lay 
Claim  to  it  as  witnes  my  hand 

witnes  iu  the  presants  of  ous  his 

John  slaison  Thomas  X  Daniels  (S) 

John  hankins  marck 

his  X  marck 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  Compared  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

These  are  to  sartifi  that  this  day  at  the  recjuest  of  Georg 
heuht  &  Thomas  Gildersleeve  I  run  a  lin  bee  twen  them  one 
ye  medow  att  inerrack  neck  in  hemsted  in  quens  County  wich 


lin  beginning  titfc  a  liol  dug  in  ye  ground  near  Jeremiah 
AVoods  niedow  A:  runs  Avest  8<jutli  west  to  a  crick  S:  a  8.  8. 
E.  liii  from  ye  said  boll  In  tbe  lin  of  deviticm  beetweu  ve 
said  beulit  and  Jonathan  Smith  rock  purformed  the  15  day 
of  June  1708  Pr  samuel  Clowes 

This  is  a  treu  Cop}'  of  the  origiiiall  Com   pared   and  en- 
tered by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

The  Mark  That  William  Moyles  of  Oysterbay  Gives  His 
Creatures  is  a  Cropp  on  ye  Left  Ear  <t  A  Latch  Mark  on  ye: 
fore  side  of  the  Right  Ear  &  A  Halfpeny  under  ye:  Same 
Sept'r  ye  23:  1731 

Pr  Me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 
*  PaCxE  212 

To  all  Christian  Peojiele  to  whome  these  presants  shall 
Com  or  auiwais  apairtaine  greeting  know  ye  that  ledward 
spradg  sener  of  hemsted  one  long  island  in  queus  County  in 
the  proviuc  of  Neu  Yorck  do  by  these  presants  give  grant 
bargiu  sell  alinat  and  relese  from  mee  my  hairs  executors 
administrators  or  asigns  unto  Thomas  Barker  of  Couneckin 
the  bounds  of  hemsted  a  foresaid  to  him  his  hairs  executors 
administrators  or  asigns  my  whol  right  of  six  gats  of  fenc 
one  Cou  neck  afore  said  with  what  right  of  land  or  other 
advantages  may  bee  had  or  recover  theare  by  one  the 
said  neck  by  virteu  of  six  gats  of  fence  and  up  hold  the 
same  from  any  that  shall  Clame  the  same  by  any  gift  or  sail 
from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  h:urs  or  asigns 
which  said  right  of  gats  as  afore  said  I  the  said  edward 
S[)radg  do  by  these  presants  give  grant  bargin  sel  alinat  and 
dispose  from  mee  my  hairs  executors  administrators  or  as- 
igns unto  the  said  Thomas  barker  to  him  his  hairs  executors 
administrators  to  have  and  to  hold  for  ever  as  his  owne  prop- 
er right  for  and  in  Consideration  of  a  valiabule  som  in  hand 
and  secuered  in  full  satis  fatcione  be  fore  the  sining  hear  of 


jiiid  in  testimony  of  the  premises  I  have  here  unto  set  to  mi 
hand  and  tixed  my  seall  august  the  tweutyeth  in  the  yeare 
of  our  Lord  auodomini  1(>94 
siued  sealed  and  delivered 
in  the  presants  of  ous  his 

John  spkadg  Edwaed  X  spuadg  (S  ) 

Joseph  Pettet  marck 

This  is  a  treu  cop}'  Compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  clarck 

Wright  frost  Juner  of  oysterbay  his  ear  mark  is  a  oroi)  on 
the  Left  ear  and  a  half  peney  on  each  side  ye  Right  ear. 
eutredthe23  1731 

by  mee        Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Samuel  Jackson  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  under  the  of  ear 
entred  ye  27  day  of  December.  1731  by  me 

Tho  Gilderslee\t:  Clarke 

John  Heuliti,  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  under  ye  of  ear  &  a 
slipe  under  the  near  ear.  entred  December  the  27  day  1731 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Page  213. 

To  all  Xi)ian  People  to  whom  this  presants  writing  shall 
com  greeting  know  yee  that  I  AVm  Beaues  of  flushing  in 
quens  County  in  the  proviuc  of  neu  yorck  for  and  in  Con- 
sideration of  a  sartain  some  of  mony  to  mee  in  hand  paid 
before  the  ensealling  of  these  presants  hy  my  brother  in 
law  beniamau  heaveland  of  said  town  it  County  have  grant- 
ed bargiued  contirmed  and  sold  S:  do  by  these  presants  grant 
bargin  make  over  confirm  &  sell  clearly  and  absoleutly  un- 
to the  said  Beniaman  heaviland  his  hairs  and  asigns  use  for 
ever  six  gats  of  fenc  upon  a  neck  of  land  knowne  l)y  the 
name  of  cou  neck  with  in  the  bounds  of  hemsted  with  all 
the  right  titel  and  intrust  of  land  upone  ye  said  neck  by 
verteu  of  the  said  gats  as  afore  said  to  have  and  to  hold  the 
said  right  or  gats  of  fenc  unto  ye  only  &  sole  proper  use 


and  Ix'liol'  of  him  tlu^  said  Beiiijimeii  heavilaiid  liis  hairs 
and  asi<4iis  use  for  ever  I  the  said  William  Bengs  for  mee  my 
hairs  exsecutors  administrators  S:  asigiis  do  Confirm  and  dis- 
pos  of  unto  mi  said  brother  in  law  l)eniaman  Heaviland  his 
hairs  exsecntors  <S:  administrators  <S:  asigns  all  the  sd  l)ar- 
giued  prendses  in  as  fill  tt  ani[)uel  maner  as  it  wos  mad  & 
confirmed  too  mee  from  Joseph  petet  t)f  liemsted  to  all  in- 
tents and  purposes  as  wit  nes  my  hand  and  seal  this  the  26 
day  of  March  1G94 

sined  sealed  and  delivered 
In  the  presants  of  ous 

Jeams  Clement  sener  william  bengs  (S; 

Jeams  Clement  Juner 

nove  ye  17th  :  1(')1>4  then  apeared  williaui  Ijeng  he  fore 
mee  and  acknowledged  the  above  bill  of  sail  to  bee  his 
volliutary  act  and  ded  acknowledged  before  mee  sept  ye 
17  :  1694* 

Tho  hicks 

'  November  the  17th  :  1694  know  all  men  by  these  pres- 
ant  that  I  beniaman  heaviland  do  asign  and  set  over  all  my 
right  A'  title  and  intrust  of  this  with  in  righten  bill  of  sail 
to  Thomas  Bank  to  him  ve  sd  braker  his  hairs  or  asigs  for 
ever  to  inJoy  in  as  full  and  as  ample  manner  as  it  is  mad 
as  witnes  my  hand  the  day  and  dat  above  ritten 

sined  sealed  and  delivered  in 

presants  of  ous  his 

Chars  hicks  Beniaman  X  haviland  (S) 


november  ye  17tli  :  1694  then  apeared  bee  fore  mee 
beniaman  heaviland  and  acknowled  ;ed  the  afore  asiuation 
to  bee  his  free  vollentary  act  A'  apeared  before  mee 

Tho  hicks 
This  is  a  treu  copy  Compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

832  hempstead  town  rec015ds. 

Page  214. 
May  (ith  1708 

All  agreement  mad  betwene  Jolin  seariag.s.  of  hemsted 
and  Jonas  Hoisted  Conserning  a  parsel  of  land  in  diferanc 
bee  twen  them  it  is  a  greed  and  Concleuded  tliat  the  A  bove 
said  Jonas  Hoisted  shall  have  the  north  end  of  the  hind  in 
deferaue  and  the  said  John  searing.s.  the  south  end  and  it 
is  to  bee  Equally  devided  bee  twene  Them  In  Witnes  wheare 
of  wee  haye  setto  our  hands  aud  seals  the  day  and  datt 
above  wrighten 

sined  sealed  and  delivered 

in  presants  of 

John  searing  (S) 

Jeeemiah  smith  Jonas  Holsted       (S) 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Timothy  Holsted  (S) 

Att  a  Towne  meeting  held  iu  hemsted  may  the  16th  day 

Then  theare  wos  Chosen  for  a  -Cunstaljall  for  this 
inseuing  year  or  till  an  nother  hee  sworn  in  his  plas  Beuia- 
meu  Hoisted 

This  entered  by  order     l)y  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

John  Roe  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peiiey  under  the  of  ear 
and  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  of  the  near  ear  and  a  hole 
in  the  same  entred  the  ninth  day  of  november  ll'SH.  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve 


Micha  Seamann  the  son  of  Jacob  Seaman  his  ear  mark  is 
a  latc-li  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  near  ear  and  a  slit  in  the  end 
of  the  of  ear  and  a  half  peuy  under  it  which  was  his  grand 


fathers  Benjamin  Seniaiis  deceased,     entred  noveniber  tlie. 
1().  1788     l).v  niee 


Hesiali  seaman  his  ear  mark  is  a  s\vah)w  fork  on  the  near 
ear  Jind  a  half  penej  under  each  car  and  a  Latch  on  the 
fore  side  of  the  of  ear  entred  Jeneuary  the  tenth  day 
1788-4      by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Page  215. 

Be  it  known  unto  all  men  by  these  presants  that  I  li()l)art 
Bedell  senior  of  the  town  of  hemsted  planter  for  sundry 
good  Causes  to  mee  moving  thear  unto  tS:  mor  espetially 
for  ye  sum  of  tenn  shillings  to  mee  in  hand  paid  the  resepts 
whear  of  I  do  lieare  by  acknowledg  to  have  reseved  do  give 
bequeath  bargin  and  sell  &  have  by  these  presants  given 
bequeathed  bargined  &  sold  unto  my  well  beloved  son 
Bobart  bedell  of  ye  same  town  to  his  hairs  executors  admin- 
istrators or  asigns  a  quarterpart  of  mj-  medow'  lying  upone 
Coes  neck  butting  &  bounding  in  manner  tt  form  as  follow- 
eth  :viz:  one  ye  north  sid  bounded  by  Tho  Elison  one  ye 
west  sid  by  ye  Crick  running  by  ye  neck  Caled  Hixes  neck 
by  ye  east  sid  by  a  lott  of  medow^  Commanly  Coaled  John 
Smith  rock  by  ye  south  extending  to  ye  Cove  unto  ye  which 
bargin  ct  saile  I  the  sd  Bobart  Bedell  senour  do  bind  my 
self  my  hairs  executors  admmistrators  or  asigns  to  Mack 
good  unto  my  sd  son  Bobart  bedell  all  manner  of  right  or 
rights  title  or  titeles  dues  or  demands  to  him  S:  his  hairs 
for  ever  furder  more  I  ye  sd  Bobart  Bedell  Senear  do  Cut 
of  all  manner  of  Clam  dues  tituels  demands  or  pretents 
w^hat  so  ever  from  any  other  that  shall  pretend  thear  unto 
whome  soever  Provided  that  my  sd.  Sou  Bobait  Bedell  do 
allow  that  lotss  being  East  to  ye  sd  Bobart  Bedell  shall 
Consent  to  bee  satis  tied  with  yt  quarter  part  of  ye  sd 
medow  as  shall  fall  to  his  lott  S:  nomore  unless  ye  parties 
Consarned  do  Jointly  other  wies  agree   to  ye   treu  purfor 


mane  of  whicli  &  ye  treu  enteut  &  meauing  of  this  agree- 
ment or  (Ted  of  sail  I  ye  sd  Kobart  Bedele  liave  set  my  hand 
A-  fixed  my  seal  this  tlinrd  day  of  aprill  in  ye  year  of  our 
lord  one  thousen  six  hundred  nitity  seven 

sined  sealled  &  delivered 

in  ye  presants  of 

John  laurance  Eobart  Bedele  (S) 

Nathanel  Pearsal  his  X  marck 

Jonathan  Smith 

This  ded  Compared  ct  entred  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clar 

Page  216. 

Att  a  parish  Meeting  held  in  hemsted  Jenuary  ye  11  day 
1708-9  Then  by  the  mager  woat  of  the  people  theare  avos 
Chosen  for  westry  men  for  this  presant  year  for  the  towne 
of  hemsted  Richard  Townsend  Joseph  Mott  samuel  Wil- 
liams and  Cap  Joseph  smith  samuel  Embry  and  william  Pine 
and  for  oister  bay  Isack  Doty  inner  samuel  Macoule  Beniaman 
Coles  and  Josiah  Latteu  ieuuer  and  for  Church  Avordins  for 
this  presant  year  for  hemsted  Thomas  Gildersleeve  and 
for  oisterbay  samuel  Dickson 

This  by  order     hj  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

These  presants  witneseth  that  wee  John  searing  Jeams 
Searing  siman  searing  &  Jonathan  searing  have  mad  a  De- 
vition  of  the  medow  land  that  our  father  John  searing  latly 
desesed  in  hempsted  iu  quens  county  in  ye  provinc  of  neu 
yorck  did  give  to  ous  by  his  will  viz  as  followeth  John  sear- 
ing hatl'  a  lot  of  raeddow  on  dentons  neck  c(nitaining  six 
acors  as  it  wos  laid  out  for  his  share  :  and  Jeams  searing 
siman  searing  and  Jonathan  searing  have  a  lot  of  meddow 
at  rainers  neck  containing  fiften  acars  as  it  wos  laid  out  for 
thear  shair  and  wee  above  named  do  acknowledg  to  be  sat- 
isfied and  contented  with  the  above  said  devition  as  witiaes 


our  hands  and  seals  this  twenty  sixth  of  march  Anno  do- 
niini  1713 

Witnes  John  searing  (S) 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Jeams  searing  (S) 


Jonathan  searing     (S) 
This  al)ove  is  a  treu  Copy  of  ye  original  Compared  and 
entred  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  217. 

Hemsted  Jenewary  the  18th  day  1708-9 

Then  the  Justises  and  westry  did  Recken  with  the 
Curcli  wordin  and  all  a  Counts  mad  even  and  thear  remains 
in  banck  for  the  use  of  ye  por  sixten  pounds  five  shillinji;s 
This  entered  by  order  By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Richard  Poost  his  ear  marck  is  a  slit  in  the  near  ear  and 
two  half  peneys  on  the  fore  side  of  the  of  ear.  entred  no- 
vember  the  29.  day  1731.  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Jarvis  Mudg  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peney  on  each  sid  of 
tlie  of  ear  and  one  under  the  near  ear.  entred  march  the 
Second  day  1732  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Samuel  Totten  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of 
ear  and  a  slipe  under  the  near  ear.  entred  the  eight  day  of 
March  1732  by  mee  '^..■ 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Richard  Jackson  his  ear  mark  is  a  Latch  the  upper  Side 
ye  of  ear  and  a  half  flowerdeluce  the  upper  side  the  nere 
ear     Entred  march  ye  twenty  third.  1732.         by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

William  Allexander  his  ear  mark  is  a  nick  under  the  of 


ear  which  was  formerly  Joseph  Reads  ear  mark     eutred  by 
mee  march  the  31.  1732 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Chirke 

SamiTel  Totten  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  of  ear  and  a 
half  peny  under  it  ;ind  a  nick  on  each  side  of  the  near  ear 
which  was  his  father  Eichard  Tottens     entred  by  mee 

may  ye.  17th.  1732 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Robar  Bowne  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crp.  and.  a  slit  in  both 
ears     entred  may  the.  18:  1732         by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

The  ear  mark  of  Johanes  Van  wick  sen  is  a  crop  on  the  of 
ear  tt  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  near  ear  entred  June  the.  15. 
day.  1732  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Martine  AVillee  his  ear  mark  is  a  crop  on  the  of  ear  and  a 
half  peny  on  each  side  the  same  and  a  slit  in  the  near  ear 

Benjamin  Underbill  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the  near 
ear  and  a  latch  under  the  of  ear  and  a  nick  on  the  upper 
side  the  of  ear  it  was  Thomas  Townsend  ear  mark  entred 
by  me 

the  17  day  of  July  1732 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Page  218. 


Att  the  recjuest  of  Mr  Theodorows  van  wick  and  Mr  Tim- 
othr" Hoisted  this  day  siu-vaied  and  Laid  out  to  them  on  ye 
north  side  of  ye  Township  of  hempsted  in  quens  County 
the  Land  spesitied  in  the  anexed  scheme  six  acais  thereof 
to  ye  said  Hoisted  on  ye  account  of  a  town  voate  Dated  ye 
29  of  november  1658  &  27^  acars  on  account  of  his  Right  of 
Propriety  shij)  the  other  16f  to  the  said  van  Avick  on  ac- 
count of  his  pattin  Right  of  ye  township  of  Hempsted  Per- 


formed  the  seventh  day  of  June  anno  domini.  1712.     Pr  me 

S  Clowes  Surv'e 
This  above  entred  by  nie 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarck 

Joel  Bedell  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peany  under  each  ear 
and  a  hole  in  the  near  ear  entred  march  the.  0.  1731.  by 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarke 

Timothy  Smith  his  ear  mark  is  two  half  peneys  on  the 
fore  side  of  eaclie  ear  entred  Aprill  the.  19th.  day  1732, 
by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clarke 

Page  219. 

To  all  people  to  wliome  these  presants  shall  Com  Greet- 
ing etc     Know  ye  yt  I  Cap  Joseph   Smith  of  hemsted  one 
nawsaw  island  in  quens  County  &  in  liar   magistis  provinc 
of   neuyorck  for  &   in   Consideration   of  ye   sum   of  eight 
pounds  Curant  Mony  of  ye  sd  provinc  to  mee  in  hand  bee- 
fore  ye  inseling  hear  of  well  &  treuly  paid  by  William  Pine 
of  ye  towne  island  County  &  provinc   above   sd  ye   resepts 
wheare   of  I  do  hear  by  acknowledg  &  my  self  tliear  with 
fully  satisfied  &  contented  &  tliear  of   tt   of  every  part  & 
parsell   tliear  of  do   exonnarate  aquit  ct   dis   Charg  yd  sd 
AVilliam  Pine  his  hairs  executors  &  administrators  for  ever 
by  these  presant  have  given  granted  bargined  sold  alinated 
Con  vaied  &  Confirmed  &  by  these  Presants  do  freely  fully 
&  absolutly  give  grant  Bargin  sell  aliii   Convay  &   Confirm 
unto  him  ye   sd  William  Pine  his  hairs  &   asigns   for  ever 
one  sartain  tract  of  land  setevate  lying  in  hemsted   one  ye 
south  of  ye  town  in  ye   County  above   sd.  Containing  by 
estemation  eight  acars  bee  it  more  or  les   buted  tt  bounded 
northwordly  by  Beniaman  Pines  tilesom  east  by  a  hy  way 
yt  gose  to  hickses  neck  &  south  by  ye  Pine  land  &  west  by 
another  hy  way  that  gose  to  sticklens  neck  to  have  &  to 
hold  the  sd  granted  &  bargined  premises  with  all  ye  apurti 


nanses  privilidges  ct  Comendatious  to  ye  same  belonging  or 
any  wise  to  ye  same  belonging  to  him  ye  sd  William  Pine 
bis  liairs  and  asigns  for  eyer  to  his  \'  theare  only  proper 
use  benifit  &  behof  for  eyer  A:  I  ye  sd  Cap  Joseph  Smith 
for  mee  my  hairs  executors  administrators  do  Coyenant 
promis  &  grant  to  Sz  Ay'th  ye  sd  William  Pine  his  hairs  & 
asigns  yt  be  fore  ye  enseling  hear  of  I  am  ye  treu  sol  tt  law 
full  ownner  of  ye  aboye  bargined  j)rymyses  k  am  law  fully 
sised  <fc  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  owne  proper  idght  as  a 
good  parfeet  and  absoleut  estate  of  in  heritanc  in  hemsted 
&  have  in  my  self  good  right  full  poure  A:  law  full  athoryti 
to  grant  bargin  sell  Coiivay  <t  Con  firm  sd  bargined  primi- 
ses  in  manner  as  above  sd  &  ye  sd  "William  Pine  his  hairs 
&  asignes  shall  c't  may  from  time  to  time  tt  att  all  tims  for 
ever  hear  after  by  fors  &:  yirteu  of  this  lawfully  pesabuUy 
A-  quiatly  have  hold  use  occujjy  poses  A:  in  Joy  ye  sd  de- 
mised  A'   bargined   ])rimises   in  all  ye  apnrtinanses  free  &' 

Page  220. 

Cleere  A'  freely  A:  Clearly  aquitted  exonarated  iV:  dis 
Charged  of  from  all  A'  all  manner  of  former  A:  other  gifts 
grants  bargins  sails  lesses  morgadges  wills  intails  Judg- 
ments Jointors  douiyes  in  Combrane  A:  exstents  forder  mor 
I  ye  sd  Cap  Joseph  Smith  for  my  self  my  hairs  execirtors 
administrators  do  Covenant  A'  in  gadg  ye  above  demised  to 
him  ye  sd  William  Pine  his  hairs  A:  asigns  against  the  law- 
full  Clams  of  demands  of  any  parson  or  par  sons  what 
soever  for  ever  hear  after  to  warant  secuar  &  defend  in 
\\'itnes  whear  of  I  have  set  to  my  hand  A'  fixed  my  seall 
this  thurty  furst  day  of  January  aunodominy  1708-9  A'  in 
ye  seventh  year  of  ye  raign  of  our  soverang  lady  Anne  by 
ye  gras  of  God  of  england  Scotland  franc  Ar  Ireland  Quen  A'c 

sined  seled  A:  delivered 

in  pre  sants  of  Joseph  Smith  (S) 

Tho  Gildersleeve 
John  Eushmore 


Memarandom  ye  w't  in  mentioned  land  is  a  tract  of  land 
yt  wos  given  to  Mr  Jeremiah  Hobart  when  hee  wos  minis- 
tar  in  hemsted  by  ye  freeholders  of  hemsted 

This  is  a  tren  Copy  Comjiared  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Cler 

Leffurt  Hoggawout  A  nick  the  fore  Side  of  the  off  Eare 
his  mark     interd  July  the  27.  1732     Intered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Thomas  Gritton  his  ear  mark  is  a  flowerdelnce  on  the 
near  ear  and  a  square  half  peney  under  the  of  ear  entred 
October  the  14th.  day  1732         by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Cleark 

Moses  fon  astrond  his  ear  mark  is  a  half  peney  on  the 

fore  side  of  the  of  ear  and  hole  in  the  same     entred  desem- 

be.T  the  27  1732         by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Page  221. 
To  all  Peopel  to  whome  these  presants  shall  Com  greting 
&c  Know  ye  yt  I  Tho  smith  of  hemsted  one  nawsaw  is- 
land in  quens  County  ct  in  ye  provinc  of  Neuyorck  for  & 
in  Cousiderati<m  of  ye  sum  of  ten  pounds  in  mouy  to  mee 
in  hand  before  ye  enseling  hear  of  well  c*^'  treuly  paid  by 
Abraham  Sothard  of  ye  towne  County  island  ct  provinc 
above  sd  ye  resepts  whear  of  I  do  hear  by  acknowledg  & 
my  self  thear  with  fully  satisfied  &  Contented  &  thear  of  & 
of  every  part  &  parsel  thear  of  do  exonnarat  aquit  &  dis- 
charg  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his  hairs  executors  adminis- 
trators for  ever  by  tliese  presants  have  given  granted  bar- 
gined  sold  allinated  Convayed  &  Confirmed  &  by  these  pre- 
sant  do  freely  fully  &  absoleutly  give  grant  bargin  sell  alien 
Convay  <S:  Confirm  unto  him  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his 
hairs  ^  asigns  for  ever  a  sartain  tract  of  land  setuat  lying 
<t  l)eing  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  ye  south  woods  near 
Cose  little  neck  fenct  Containing  by  estematione  ten  acars 
be  it  more  or  less  butted  tV:  l)ounded  one  ye  south  by  a  hy 
way  west  by  3'e  undevided  laud  &  north  by  ye  undevided 


laud  &  east  by  a  liy  Avay  To  liaye  and  to  bold  ve  sd  i^raut- 
ed  S:  bargined  primises  w't  all  ye  apnrtmanses  priyiledges 
<fc  Comoditise  to  ye  same  be  longing  or  in  any  wais  be  long- 
ing or  apertaining  to  him  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his  hairs 
and  asigns  for  ever  to  him  A'  thear  owne  proper  use  beny 
lit  &  be  hofe  for  ever  t\:  I  ye  sd  Tho  Smith  for  mee  my 
hairs  executors  administrators  do  Coyenant  promise  ^^ 
grant  to  ct  w't  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his  hairs  A:  asigns 
yt  before  ye  enseling  hear  of  I  am  ye  tren  sol  A:  lawfuU 
owner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  A*  am  lawfully  sised  A: 
posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  own  proper  right  as  a  good  A" 
parfect  A:  absoleut  estate  of  inheritance  in  hemsted  A'  have 
in  my  self  good  right  full  pouar  k  law  full  athoryti  to  grant 
bargin  sel  Conyay  A'  Confirm  sd  bargined  primises  in  man- 
ner as  above  sd  A:  yt  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his  hairs  A' 
asigns  shall  A'  may  from  time  to  time  A'  at  all  times  for  eyer 
hear  after  by  fors  A'  virteu  hear  of  these  presants  lawfully 
peasabully  k  quaiatly  haye  hold  use  occupy  poses  A:  in  ioy 
ye  demised  A:  bargined  primises  w-'t  ye  apurtinanses  free  A" 
Cleear  A:  freely  k  Clearly  aquited  exonerated  A:  dis  Charged 
of  from  all  A'  all  manner  of  former  A:  other  gifts  grants  bar- 
gins  sails  leases  morgages  wills  entails  Joiutors  dowryes 
Judgments  executions  in  Cumbranceses  &  extents  furder- 
more  I  ye  sd  Tho  Smith  for  my  self  my  hairs  executors  ad- 
ministrators  do  Covenant  k  ingadg  ye  aboye  demised  j^rim- 
ises  to  him  ye  sd  Abraham  Sothard  his  hairs  A'  asigns 
against  ye  law  full  Clams  or  demands  of  any  parson  or  par- 

Page  222. 
sous  what  so  ever  for  eyer  heare  after  to  warant  secuare  A: 
defend  A'  in  witnes  Avhear  of  I  do  set  to  my  hand   and  fix 
my  seal  this  22  day  of  Juu  1708 
sined  sealed  A-  delivered 
In  presants  of  Thomas  Smith  ( S ) 

Elias  Dorlon 

Tho  Gilderslee^-e  Clarck 
This  afore  sd  ded  entred  and  Compared     By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


This  (liiy  att  ye  liequest  of  Tliomas  Siuitli  of  hemsted  in 
qiieiis  Coimty  I  Survayed  A-  laid  out  for  liini  tliear  in  ye 
undevided  of  ye  sd  town  near  Coes  littel  Neck  ten  Acares 
of  land  according  to  the  annexed  sclieams  l)eing  on  acc't  of 
right  of  Division  in  ye  same  land  derived  from  Aml)ras  Sut- 
ten  desesed:    pnrformed  the  15  day  of  Jun  1708 

P        Samuel  Clowes  surv'r 


Tins  above  said  survay  entered  &  Compared  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  223. 

This  Indenture  mad  ye  twenty  fifth  day  of  march  in  ye 
fourth  year  of  ye  Reign  of  our  soveraign  Lady  quen  Anne 
by  ye  gras  of  god  of  england  frans  &  Ireland  etc  Annoy 
domini  1706  by  &  betwen  Joseph  Willitts  of  Jereusalern  in 
ye  bounds  of  hemsted  in  quens  County  one  nasaw  island  in 
j'e  C'don}^  of  neuyorck  on  ye  one  part  &  Joshua  Barns  of 
south  hamton  in  ye  County  of  suffolck  one  nasaw  one  ye 
other  part  witneseth  yt  ye  sd  Joseph  Willitts  for  &  in  Con- 
sideration of  3'e  sum  of  three  hundred  S:  twenty  pounds  In 
Currant  Mony  of  Neuyorck  afore  sd  to  him  in  hand  paid 
by  ye  sd  Josheua  Barns  att  &  be  fore  ye  ensealing  &  deliv- 
iry  of  these  presants  ye  resepts  wheare  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Wil- 
litts doth  hear  by  acknowledgge  tt  him  self  to  bee  theare 
with  fully  satis  fied  &  tliear  of  &:  of  every  part  &  parsel 
theare  of  doth  fully  Clearly  tt  absoleutly  acquit  exonnerat 
A:  discharg  ye  sd  Joshna  Barns  his  hairs  executors  tt  ad- 
ministrators by  these  presants  &  for  divars  other  good 
Cauesses  A:  (^onsidirations  theare  imto  moving  he  the  sd 
Joseph  Willitts  hath  granted  bargined  sold  alienated  eu- 
feafed  tt  Confirmed  and  by  these  presants  doth  grant  bar- 
gin  sel  alien  &  Confirm  unto  ye  sd  Joshua  Barns  his  hairs 
&  asigns  for  ever  all  yt  of  two  housen  &  plantation  of  land 
lying  att  Jereusaleni   in   ye  bounds   of   hemsted   Contain- 


ing  fifty  acars  S:  one  liiindred  A:  forty  six  acars  of  land 
lying  in  ye  great  neck  &  half  neck  woods  above  ye  futt  path 
acording  to  itts  bounds  as  it  wos  laid  out  by  peeter  Cor- 
tileau  survairs  in  severail  parsels  <t  a  shaire  of  medow 
ground  A:  upland  lying  one  half  neck  afore  sd  yt  wos  form- 
erly John  Townsends  &  a  sartain  parsel  w'ch  hee  bought  of 
wilHam  stits  Joining  to  ye  sd  stiteses  medow  as  ye  land  is 
now  w'tli  in  fenc  &  eight  acars  of  land  bought  of  william 
Willitts  lying  in  great  neck  woode  above  ye  fut  path  A:  a 
right  of  land  upon  ye  great  neck  acording  to  ye  fenc  & 
towne  order  A*  a  right  of  land  at  neu  bridg  one  ye  same 
tenner  A-  a  thurd  part  ye  medow  yt  wos  bought  for  a  wai  to 
hog  island  w'th  ye  upland  belonging  to  it  tV'  eight  acars  and 
a  thurd  part  eight  acars  of  land  in  the  neu  purchas  of 
03'sterbay  bought  of  Jeams  Coole  A:  Ruddock  Townsend  & 
a  thurd  part  of  a  lot  of  medow  one  latting  neck  yt  wos 
formerly  Joseph  Ludloms  to  gether  w'th  all  and  every 
other  part  &  parsel  of  land  or  medow  belonging  to  ye  sd 
Joseph  Willitts  both  devided  &  undevided  in  quens  County 
above  sd  to  geather  with  all  ye  revartion  A:  levartions  re- 
mainder A:  remainders  right  estaet  title  intrust  benefit 
Clame  A;  demand  what  soever  of  ye  sd  Joseph  Willitts  A:  of 
in  A;  to  all  &  singular  ye  sd  primises  A:  of  in  A:  to  every  part 
&  parsel  of  them  &  of  in  A-  to  all  rights  profits  Coi^ioditis  & 
Customs  Immunities  privilidges  or  what  else  is  arising 
standing  or  growing  to  becom  deu  upone  ye  same  or  any 
part  theare  of  to  have  and  to  hold  \,he  said  granted  parsels 

Page  224. 

of  land  and  all  Ar  singuler  other  the  premises  hear  in  be 
fore  mentioned  A:  intended  to  be  hear  by  granted  w'th  tliear 
&  every  of  thear  Apurtinanses  unto  ye  sd  Joshua  Barns 
his  hairs  t^-  asigns  for  ever  to  ye  only  use  i^-  behof  of  him 
ye  sd  Joshua  Barns  his  bairs  A:  asigns  for  ever  &  ye  sd 
Josseph  Willitts  by  these  presants  doth  for  him  self  his 
hairs  executors  administrators  A:  asigns  further  Covenant  A: 
agree  to  A:  w'th  ye  sd  Joshua  Barns  yt  it  shall  A'    may  bee 


lawfiill  for  ]iim  ye  kcI  Josliua  liiirns  his  hairs  <t  asi^ns 
quiatly  A'  peaceabiilly  to  have  hold  occnipy  poses  «fe  inioy 
all  &  singular  ye  sd  planted  Parsels  of  land  &  primises  as 
tliear  free  &  Clear  estate  of  in  heritaiis  for  ever  with  out  ye 
lawful!  let  hindrance  or  molistation  of  him  ye  sd  Joseph 
Willitts  his  hairs  executors  adminisfcrators  or  asigns  or  any 
other  parson  oi-  parsons  lawfully  Claming  ye  same  or  any 
part  or  parsel  theare  of  not  w'th  standing  any  former  gift 
or  grant  moreguage  Judgment  or  executione  had  mad  or 
Committed  by  him  or  any  other  from  by  or  under  him  or 
any  other  Convaianc  or  in  Combranc  whatsoever  &  ye  sd 
Joseph  Willitts  doth  bind  him  self  his  hairs  executors  <t 
administrators  lirndy  by  these  presants  to  warant  &  defend 
ye  sd  Joshua  Barns  his  hairs  &  asigns  in  quiat  peaceabul 
posestion  of  all  &  sengular  ye  sd  primises  with  theare  & 
every  of  thear  apurtinanses  against  &  law  full  Clame  what 
so  ever  in  witnes  wliear  of  he  ye  sd  Joseph  Willitts  hath 
hear  unto  set  his  hand  A-  seal  j^e  day  &  year  furst  above 
righten  all  so  ye  sd  Joseph  WilHtts  &  his  hairs  shall  att 
any  time  or  times  sine  seal  &  deliver  any  other  ded  or 
deds  of  Avaranty  ye  lands  <t  primises  mentioned  in  ye  sd 
ded  to  ye  sd  Joshua  barns  his  hairs  &  asigns  ye  sd  barns 
shall  require  to  be  drawn  att  his  own  Charg  . 

Memarandom  yt  whear  as  it  is  worded  in  ye  sd  deed  to 
gether  w'th  all  &  every  otlier  grant  &  parsel  belonging  to 
ye  sd  Joseph  Willitts  in  quens  County  above  sd  it  Com- 
prises two  lots  of  niedow  one  great  neck  &  one  lot  of  medow 
at  new  bridii'  bein<2;  eiojhteene  acars  in  ye  two  lots  in  ye 
great  neck  belt  more  or  les  as  it  wos  laid  out  &  a  tliuid 
part  of  ye  land  A'  niedow^  at  hog  island  at  ye  south  to  gather 
w'th  all  ye  rights  titele  and  intrust  of  lands  ct  medows 
which  did  belong  to  hop  willitts  with  in  ye  towne  slii]3  of 
oyster  bay  which  he  had  of  his  mother  Mary  Willitts  k 
brother  Thcnnas  willitts  as  may  apear  by  deds  under  ther 
hands  &  seals  bearing  datt  ye  7  day  of  desember  1700  ex- 


ceptiug  what  has  been  Convay  by  ye  sd  Joseph  willitts  to 
John  maye,  anthouy  right,  John  Towuseml  cV:  Thomas 
Jones  as  also  all  his  right  in  ye  sd  deed  with  in  ye  pa  tin  of 
henisted  in  Compi-ised  in  ye  sd  deed 

sealed  and  delivered  in  the 

presauts  of  ous  the  marck  of 

EicHAKD  Willis  Joseph  X  Willitts  (S) 

ABIG-U.  X  WiLLiTTS  the  marck  of 

marck  Debeah  X  willitts  (S) 

John  Towxsexd 
This  is  a  tren  Copy  Compared  and  entred  by  mee 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  Clarck 

Page  225. 

Know-  all  men  liy  these  presants  yt  I  mary  willitts  The 
Eidets  or  widow  of  hop  Willitts  of  Jereusalem  in  the  bounds 
of  hemsted  In  quens  County  one  nasaAv  island  decesed  for 
a  valiabul  Consideration  of  money  in  haud  paid  cV  liy  mee 
ye  sd  Mary  willitts  of  my  son  Joseph  willitts  with  in  named 
reseved  before  ye  ensealing  hear  of  to  my  full  Content  t*c 
satisfaction  c\:  for  other  good  Caueses  and  Consideratione 
mee  ye  sd  Mary  Willitts  espetially  moving  have  remised 
relesed  for  ever  cpiitt  Claimed  &  by  these  presants  do  re- 
mise reles  and  for  ever  cpiit  Claime  unto  ye  wi'th  in  named 
Joshua  Barns  his  hairs  ct  asigns  for.  ever  all  yt  of  every 
part  and  parsel  of  land  howsen  and  medow^  with  in  or  named 
in  the  with  in  written  deed  and  every  part  tt  parsel  theare 
of  wi'th  ye  primises  theareunto  belonging  to  have  and  to 
hold  unto  him  the  sd  Joshua  Barns  his  hairs  6:  asigns  for 
ever  from  mee  my  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  in  witnes  wheare 
of  I  ye  sd  mary  Willitts  have  hear  unto  set  my  hand   and 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    llE(;ORDS.  345 

seal  the  twenty  fifth  (h-iy  of  march   Aiiii()(h)iiiiiii  one  tliou- 
send  seven  hnndred  and  six 

sealed  and  delivered 

in  the  presants  of  har 

ElCHARD  WILUS  -       MaKY  X  WlLLlTTS     (Sj 

har  niartik 


John  Townsend 

Meinarandoni  that  one  the  day  and  dat  within  righten  the 
within  and  above  named  Joseph  Willitts  Debrali  Willitts 
and  Mary  Willitts  all  parsonally  apeared  before  niee  esqu'r 
one  of  har  magisties  Justises  of  the  peas  for  quens  County 
asined  and  acknowledged  the  with  in  wrighteu  ded  ct  ye 
memarandom  under  ye  sd  deed  with  ye  purticulars  thear  in 
mentioned  as  also  the  above  righten  relese  to  be  thear  & 
every  of  theare  purticulare  act  and  vollintary  deed 

John  Townsend 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  C^ompared  and  entred  by  mee 

Tho  GiLDEiiSLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  226. 

ffree  hold  november  the  29  day  1708 

Then  apeared  before  me  Georg  Allin  one  of  liar  mag- 
isties Justises  of  ye  peace  for  ye  County  of  monmoutb  mary 
Wood  Aged  41  years  whose  maiden  nam  wos  mary  briant 
sworen  on  ye  holy  avangles  and  did  declare  upon  oath  that 
shee  never  did  sisj^n  as  avdence  to  any  ded  or  riuhtino;  from  , 
Thomas  Coams  to  Richard  Coanis  or  saw  any  righting  pas 
from  one  to  other  what  soewer  from  ye  begening  of  the 
world  unto  ye  day  of  ye  dat  hear  of 

Tacken  and  acknowledged  be  fore  me  the  date  above 

Geoeg  Allin  Justis  of  qurom 

These,  are  to  sartitie  all  parsons  to  whome  these  may  Com 
or  Consarn  yt  I  have  lived  in  ye  County  of  mounmouth.  19. 


years  &  som  months  &  I  never  saw  or  lieard  of  any  parson 
yt  was  Caold  l)y  ye  nam  of  mary  bryant  but  this  one  par- 
son Avhose  nam  is  now  Mary  Wood  as  witnes  my  hand  in 
shrowsbery  this  30  day  of  november  auuo  1708 

Georg  Allix 

This  aboye  sd  evedenc  is  a  treu  Cop}^  of  ye  origenal  en- 
tered by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

William  Titos  his  ear  mark  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the  of  ear 
and  two  half  peneis  on  the  fore  side  of  the  same  entered 
January  the  *29  day  1730-1     by  mee. 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Daniel  Combs  his  ear  mark  is  three  nick  under  the  near 
ear     entred  may  the.  17.  day  1731     by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Jacob  fowler  his  ear  mark  is  a  hole  in  the  of  ear  and  a 
slit  in  the  near  ear  and  a  nick  under  the  of  ear  and  a  half 
peney  on  the  fore  side  the  near  ear:  entred  aprill.  ye.  1734 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

PaCxE  227. 

Att  a  Geueral  Towne  Meeting  held  In  hemsted  April  ye 
5  day  1709  Then  bv  the  maofer  voat  of  the  free  holders  of 
ye  town  John  Carele  avos  Chosen  Cuustabul  and  Colecttor 
for  this  euseuing  year 

Att  the  aforesaid  meeting  Beniamau  semau  sener  avos 
Chosen  asesar  for  to  asist  Thomas  Carman  in  making  ases- 
ments  of  every  free  holder  and  sogener  estat  in  ye  bounds 
of  hemsted  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  aforesaid  towne  meeting  theare  wos  Chosen  Wil- 
liam Willis  for  a  seupur  visar  for  to  mett  ye  rest  of  ye 
seupur  visears  of  each  town  in  this  Coimty  of  quens  Coun- 
ty for  this  presant  year  for  to  aiust  the  Countyes  Charg 


Att  the  afore  sd  Towne  meettin<jj  TlieMr  wos  Chosen  for 
survnirs  of  ye  hy  ways  In  heuisted  and  for  to  veu  the  feuses 
in  henisted  A'  \c  bounds  theare  oi  to  see  whater  thay  are 
sotitiant  or  no  for  the  afore  sd  niatar  theare  for  the  town 
John  searin"  s  S:  JoLan  Tredwelh;  for  Jeurehisalem  John 
Jackson,  i  i\:  Thomas  Seman  s  for  ye  north  sid  0})adiah 
Yallintine  tS:  Jeams  Deuton  tt  for  mad  nans  neck  William 
Mott  &  henry  Allin  &  for  Cou  neck  William  Peett  tt  Josh- 
euah  Coruwell  S:  for  fosters  medow  harman  Jonson  &  Christ 
Jon  sonedecor  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  above  sd  towne  thear  wos  Chosen  by  the  mager 
voat  of  ye  free  holders  William  Willis  for  to  be  towne 
Clarck  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  a  fore  said  meting  it  a\os  ordered  that  Thomas 
Gildersleeve  shall  deliver  all  ye  book  ct  rightins  that  be  long 
to  ye  town  to  William  willis  that  he  hath  in  his  posestiou 
hee  giving  him  a  resaitt  for  ye  same 

Page  228. 

KnoM'  All  men  l)y  tliese  presents  that  I  John  Conies  of 
Hempsted  on  long  Island  Alias  nashaw  in  Queens  County 
and  in  the  province  of  New  York  have  bargined  &  sold  from 
mee  my  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  Assignes  a 
certain  tract  of  Land  Lying  &  being  in  the  bounds  of 
Hempsteed  on  the  north  side  on  a  place  Known  by  the 
name  of  mad  nans  neck  twenty  one  acres  &  a  half  more  or 
less  as  it  was  Laid  out  bounded  north  by  the  Land  of  John 
Hubs  East  by  the  undevided  south  l)y  Eichard  Thorne 
West  by  the  bay  all  w'th  Lands  with  all  and  all  manner  of 
fencing  feedings  foulliiigs  hawkings  huntings  ])asture  trees 
woods  under  woods  libertys  and  priviledges  belonging  to 
the  same  with  pattiu  Right  also  unto  Henry  Allin  of  the 
same  town  Island  County  and  province  abovsaid  to  him  his 
heirs  executorsi  administrators  and  Assigns  for  the  sum  of 
forty  pounds  in  mony  payed  and  signed  for  to  be  payed  for 
ever :  and  further  I  the  abovsaid  John  Conies  have   in   be- 


half  of  mv  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  Assi<>;us  doe 
coveiiaut  j^raut  promise  aud  agree  to  aud  witli  tlie  above- 
said  Henry  Allin  his  heirs  and  Assigns  for  the  said  bargain- 
ed premises  that  the  same  is  free  from  all  incumbrance  bar- 
gain salle  mortgage  had  made  comitted  or  done  by  me  the 
abovsaid  John  comes  and  I  the  abovsaid  John  Comes  shall 
k  will  forever  defend  the  same  to  be  so  free  as  abovsaid 
unto  the  said  Henry  Allin  his  heirs  and  Assigns  forever  in 
AVittnes  whereof  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my 
seall  this  Eleventh  Day  of  May  k  in  the  fourth  year  of  our 
soveraign  Lady  Queen  Ann  her  Reign  and  in  the  one  thou- 
sand seven  hundred  and  sixth  year  of  our  Bless-ed  Lord  & 
Saviour  Jesus  Christ 

Signed  seald  k  delivered 

in  presence  of  us  John  X  Comes  (S) 

Tho  Gildersleeve-  his  marke 

John  caroll 

Hempsted  Aprill  the  5th  d-ay  1709  then  apeared  before 
mee  Thomas  Gildersleeve  one  of  the  Evidences  to  the  Deed 
on  ye  other  side  of  this  paper  aged  about  48  years  &  Doth 
give  oath  on  the  Holy  Evengelists  that  the  mark  made  to  the 
Deed  of  salle  on  the  other  side  this  paper  was  made  by  the 
Avithin  named  John  Combs  to  the  best  of  my  EememV)rance 
for  I  Did  write  ye  Deed  of  salle  on  the  other  side  k  further 
saith  nott  William  Cornwell 

aprill  ye  7th  1709     '  Esquir 

The  above  written  is  a  tru  Copy  t.iken  out  of  the  origi- 
nall  aud  compared  by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  229. 

Know  all  men  before  Wlu)me  this  presents  shall  come  or 
any  Ways  apertaine  greetting  that  wee  Richard  Ellison  & 
thomas  Ellison  both  of  Hempsted  on  Lo^jg  Island  alias 
Nashaw  in  Queens  County  in  the  province  of  New  York 
have  bargained  A'  sold  unto  Henrv  Allin  of  the  same  Town 


Iskind  County  and  province  abovesaid  a  sartain  parcell  of 
Laud  Lying  &  being  scituated  in  the  bounds  of  Henipsted 
on  a  neck  coinonly  called  Maduans  neck  in  Quantity  about 
fifteen  acres  more  or  Less  as  itt  was  Laid  out  boimded  on 
the  South  by  John  Hubs  his  Land  and  North  by  Alexan- 
der Hubs  West  b}'  the  bay  East  by  the  undevided  Lands 
this  abovsaid  Land  wee  the  abovsaid  Bichard  Ellison  and 
Thomas  Ellison  doe  acknowledge  to  have  sold  this  above- 
said  Land  from  us  our  heirs  Executors  Administrators  or 
Assigns  unto  Henry  Allin  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors 
Administrators  or  Asigns  to  Have  and  to  hold  for  his 
and  their  own  proper  Right  forever  free  from  any  form- 
er salle  Lett  Mortgage  Jointure  or  any  other  Incum- 
brance whatt  ever  by  from  or  under  us  or  Either  of  us  with 
all  Eights  and  priviledges  thereunto  belonging  for  a  valua- 
ble sum  of  moiiy  all  Ready  Reiceived  in  hand  Reiceived  by 
us  Richard  Ellison  and  Thomas  Ellison  in  wittnes  whereof 
wee  have  sett  to  our  hands  and  atixed  our  Sealls  (Memo- 
randum before  signing  &  sealling  hereof  the  abovsaid  Land 
was  our  fathers  Land  Laid  out  to  him  which  was  Richard 
Ellison  late  of  Hempsted) 

Signed  seald  <S:  deliver  Richard  Ellison  (S) 

in  presence  of  us  this  first  Thomas  Ellison    (S) 

day  of  aprill  17UG 

Tho  Gildersleeve 
Richard  Smith 

Hempsted  Aprill  ye  4tli  day  1710  Memorandum  that  I 
Thomas  Gilldersleeve  yt  Did  Wittnes  that  deed  on  the 
other  side  this  paper  did  apear  before  Mr  William  Corn- 
well  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  for  Keeping  of  the  peace 
in  Queens  County  &  do  say  that  I  saw  Richard  Ellison  & 
Thomas  Ellison  sine  the  Deed  on  the  other  side  this  paper 
did  see  the  said  Richard  &  thonias  Ellison  Deliver  the  said 
Deed  as  their  own  Voluntary  act  &  Deed 

Wi  Cornwell 


this  above  written  is  a  trae  copy  Extracted  out  of  tlie 
originall  and  Compared  cV:  Entered  this  lift  day  of  aprill 
1710  bv  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  230. 

The  Record  of  Eichard  Yalleutines  Junior  his  hundred 
acres  of  Land  Granted  to  him  hj  his  father 

Know  All  men  bv  these  presents  that  I   Richard  Yallen- 
tine  of  Hempsteed  in  Queens  County  on  Xashaw   Island  in 
the  province  of  new  Yorke  Y'eoman  for  divers  good   causes 
&  C(msideratious  Mee  thereunto  Moving  but  more  Espeti- 
ally  for  the  ffatherly  <t  Xaturall  love  and  afections  which  I 
have  unto  my  Eldist  son  Richard   Yallentine  of  the  town 
Coimty  Island  and  proA-ince  aforsaid  Yeoman  have  given 
granted  Alinated  made  over  Enfeatfed  aud  Confirmed  and 
by  these  presents   doe  give  grant  Alinate  make  over  and 
contirm  unto  my  said  son  Richard  Yallintine  all  that  of  my 
Hundred  acres  of  Land  Lying  and  being  scituated   on  the 
East  side  of  Hempsteed   harbour  Near  the  head   of  said 
harbour  fifty  acres  thereof  being  my  own  dividend  of  Land 
&  fifty  acres  that  I  lately  purchased  of  Totten  cV:  of 
his  two  sous  Richard  c^  William  as  by  their  polle   deeds 
under  their  bauds  6:  sealls  Reference  thereunto  being  had 
may  more  att  large  apear  :  Now  Know  yee  that  I  the  said 
Richard  Yallintine  afore  said  for  the  causes  abovsaid  doe 
by  these  presents  give  grant  Allinatte  Make  over  Enfeoff"  tV 
confirme  unto  my  son  Richard  Yallentine  to  him  his  heirs 
A-   Assigns  forever  all  that  of  my  hundred    acres  of  land 
abovsaid    itt    lieing   bounded    on    the    North    by    AYilliam 
Osburus  fifty  acre  lott  of  Land  Sz  bounded  south  <V:  East 
by  the  undivided  land  <t  fronting  West  to  the  harbo\ir  to- 
gether with  all  Houses  outt  houses  feillds  pastures  fences 
ways  Easments  Waterings  Rivers  Riveletts  Woods  Under- 
woods Timber  trees  ijrowing  standing  or  lying  on  the  same 
or  on  any  parte  or  parcell  thereof  having  put  my  said  sou 



Richard  Vallintine  in  the  Lawftall  and  Quiett  possession 
by  delivery  of  turfe  and  Twigg  and   l)y  these   presants  itt 

Page  231. 

being  ffree  and  clear  &  freely  and  clearly  acquitted  and 
discharged  from  all  and  all  manner  of  former  tt  other  gifts 
grants  Intaills  Mortgages  or  any  other  or  former  Incum- 
brances whatsoever  had  made  comitted  or  done  by  mee  or 
by  any  other  person  whatsoever  from  by  or  under  mee  and 
I  the  said  Eichard  Yallentine  doe  further  grant  unto  my 
said  son  Eichard  Vallentine  that  it  shall  and  may  be  lawfull 
for  him  my  said  son  Eichard  Vallentine  his  Heirs  or  Assigns 
To  have  and  To  hold  the  said  hundred  acres  of  land  and 
premises  Quiettly  &:  peaceably  ct  use  ocupj-  &  enjoy  the 
said  land  and  premises  forever  and  for  further  confirmation 
I  have  sett  to  my  hand  tt  Affixed  m}^  seall  this  sixth  Day 
of  August  in  the  year  of  our  lord  one  thousand  seven  hun- 
dred &  nine  and  in  the  Eighth  year  of  our  Eaign  of  our 
Soveraign  Lady  Ann  by  the  grace  of  god  over  England 
Scotland  flfrance  &  Ireland  Queen  &c 

Signed  Sealled  &  delivered 

in  presence  of :  the  words  (forever) 

enterlined  before  sealling  Eichard  Vallentine  (S) 

John  Titus 

peter  Titus 

William  Willis  Ju 

Memorandom  that  on  the  day  and  year  above  written 
the  above  named  Eichard  Vallantine  pers<^nally  apeared 
before  John  Jackson  esquire  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices 
for  the  Keeping  the  peace  for  Queens  county  A:  acknowl- 
edged the  within  or  above  written  deed  to  be  his  free  and 
Voloutary  act  and  deed 

Jo'n  Jackson 

the  above  written  is  a  true  copy  taken  out  of  ye  originall 
&  Compared  by  mee 

the  10  of  august  1709  William  Willis  Clarke 


The  ear  mark  tliat  rnical  Searinsj  srives  is  a  holl  in  tlie  of 
ear  a  slit  iu  tlie  end  of  the  near  ear  and  a  half  penev  on  ye 
fore  side  of  the  same     entre  September,  je.  7.  1733.    bj  mee 

Thomas  Geldersleete  Clark 

Page  232. 

To  All  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall  come  greet- 
ting     Know  ^ee  that  I  Abell  Smith  of  Hempsted  in  Queens 
County  upon  the  Island  of  Xashaw  for  k  in  consideration 
of  the  sum  of  two  hundred  i'  ten  pounds  to  mee  in  hand 
before  the  ensealling  hereof  well  <t  truly  jjayed  by  Dennis 
AViight  of  oysterbay  the  Reiceipt  whereof  I  do  hereby  ac- 
knowledg  &:  my  self  therewith  fully  satisfied  and  contented 
k  thereof  and  of  Every  part  &  parcell  thereof  do  Exoneratte 
acquit  <t  discharge  the  said  dennis  Wright  his  Heirs  Execu- 
tors Administrators  forever  by  these  presents  have  given 
granted  Bargained  sold  Conveighed  k  Confirmed   and  by 
these  presents  doe  freely  fully  and  Absolutely  give  grant 
bargaine  sell  Alinate  Conveigh  &  confirme  unto  him  the  said 
Dennis  Wright  liis  Heii-s  <fc  Assigns  forever  one  Mesuage 
or  tract  of  upland  Seituate  lying  tt  being  by  the  North  side 
of  the  plaiue  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsteed  butted  k  bounded 
as  folows  begining  att  Jericoe  Road  so  Runing  Northerly  hv 
the  laud  of  Christopher  Dinge  to  a  white  oak  tree  so  Runing 
Easwardly  to  Benjamin  seamans'  is  Southeast  corner  Tree 
so  Runing  upon  A  straight  line  to  sertaine  hollow  that  leads 
to  ye  bushy  plains  so  Runing  as  the  hollow  Runs  to  Jericoe 
Road     To  have   A:  to  hold  the   said  granted  iV   baragined 
premises  with  all  the  appurtenances  previlidges  and  como- 
dityes  to  the  same  belonging  or  in  any  wise  appertaining  to 
him  the  said' Dennis  Wright  his  Heirs  and  Assignes  forever 
to  his  k  theue  only  proper  use  benifitt  and  behooffe  forever 
&  I  the  said  Abell  Smith  for  me  my  Heirs  Executors  Ad- 
ministrators doe  covenant  promis  and  grant  to  &  with  the 
said  Dennis  Wright  his  Heirs  and  Asigus  that  before  the 
Ensealling  hereof  I  am  the  true  soUe  c^-  lawfull  owner  of  the 


above  bargained  premises  and  am  Lawfully  Seazed  &  posses- 
ed  of  the  same  in  my  own  proper  Right  as  a  good  perfect 
and  absolute  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee  Simple  and  have 
in  niy  self  good  Right  full  power  and  lawfull  authority  to 

Page  233. 

grant  bargaine  sell  Conveigh  and  confirme  said  bargained 
premises  in  Maner  as  abovsaid  and  that  the  said  Denis 
Wright  his  Heirs  S:  asigns  shall  and  may  from  time  to 
time  c'c  att  all  times  forever  here  after  by  force  &  vertue  of 
these  presents  laAvfully  peaceably  &  Qaiettly  have  hold  use 
ocupy  poses  and  enjoy  the  said  demised  and  bargained 
premises  with  the  appurtenances  free  &  clear  and  clearly  ac- 
quitted Exonerated  and  discharged  of  from  all  &  all  manner 
of  former  and  other  gifts  grants  bargains  salles  Leases 
mortgages  wills  Entaills  Joyntures  Dowers  Judgments  and 
incumbrances  whatsoever  furthermore  I  the  said  Abell 
Smith  for  my  self  my  heirs  Executors  Administrators  doe 
covenant  and  Ingage  the  above  demised  premises  to  him 
the  said  Dennis  Wright  with  all  houses  orchards  barns 
woods  tt  under  Woods  with  a  Right  of  comonage  to  him  his 
heirs  and  Assigns  against  the  Law^full  claims  or  demands  of 
any  person  or  persons  whatsoever  forever  hereafter  to  war- 
rant secure  &  defend  the  same  and  Sarah  Smith  the  wife  of 
Abell  doth  freely  surrender  up  her  Right  of  thirds  in  the 
above  demised  premises  as  Wittnes  our  hands  and  sealls 
this  twenty  secund  day  of  May  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
S:  six 

Joshua  Coenwell  his 

Jacob  Doughty  abell  X  Smith  (S) 


Sarah  Smith      (S) 

Aprill  ye  14  1707  then  the  within  named  Abell  Smith 
apeared  before  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  of  the  peace 
for  Queens  County  &  did  acknowledge  this  wdthin  wrighted 


Deed  of  salle  to  be  Ids  Yollentarv  act  cl'  deed     apearred  be- 
fore mee  Justice  of  ye  peace  for  Queens  County 

John  Smith 
Entered  by  mee  William  Willis  Clark 

tlie.  5th.  of  Septeuilier  1709 
pr  William  Wlllis  Clark 
Page  234. 
The  Record  of  John  Seaman  Junior  his  land  &  Meadow 
given  to  him  by  his  brother  David  Seaman  Know  all  men 
by  these  presents  that  I  David  Seaman  of  Lusam  in  the 
bound  of  oysterbaj  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island 
Eldist  son  &  heir  to  Jonathan  Seaman  late  of  Hempsteed  in 
Queens  County  aforsaid  Deceased  for  Divers  good  Causes 
and  Considerations  mee  thereunto  moving  but  more  Es- 
petially  for  the  Xaturall  Love  that  I  bear  unto  my  brother 
John  Seaman  of  Lusam  aforsaid  Hath  given  granted  Released 
remised  <k  forever  Qnitt  Claimed  Sc  doe  by  these  presents 
give  grant  Eelese  Remise  &  forever  QuittClaime  all  my  Right 
Title  property  claime  and  demand  that  I  now  have  or  that  1 
may  hereafter  have  to  the  severall  parcells  or  peices  of  land 
and  Meadow  herein  after  Named  unto  my  said  brother  John 
Seaman  to  him  6:  his  heirs  (k  Assigns  forever  (to  witt)  one 
peice  of  salt  meadow  lying  scituatted  on  a  neck  on  the 
south  side  of  Nashaw  Island  Known  hy  the  name  of  Sea- 
manses  Neck  &  lyeth  bounded  on  the  north  side  by  a  lot  of 
salt  meadow  in  the  posesion  of  banjamia  Seaman  &  on  th^ 
south  side  by  a  lott  of  meadow  in  the  posession  of  Thomas 
Seaman  &  on  the  East  side  by  the  creek  that  parteth  Sea- 
manses  neck  &  West  neck  and  on  the  West  side  by  a  lott 
that  was  Soloman  Seaman  Deceased  and  one  other  peice  of 
salt  meadow  on  the  said  neck  lying  bounded  on  the  East 
side  by  benjamin  Seamanses  meadow  A:  on  the  south  end 
by  the  creek  that  parts  ye  Island  of  medow  A-  the  said  neck 
tt  on  the  West  by  a  lot  of  said  John  Seaman  which  he 
l)ought  of  Soloman  Seaman  <fc  on  the  North  End  by  a  small 
creek  that  Leads  out  of  the  main  cretik  that  parts  said  neck 
and  the  half  neck  and  one  other  peice  of  meadow  on  the 


said  ueck  lying  bounded  on  the  north  side  by  Thomas  Sea- 
nianses  Meadow  and  on  the  East  side  by  the  old  ditch 
&  on  the  South  by  benjamin  Seamanses  Meadow  &  on 
the  West  by  the  creek  which  parteth  said  neck  &  the  half 
neck  and  the  Equall  tift  part  of  my  fathers  share  of  Salt 
meadow  that  lyeth  on  the  Island  below  the  said  Seamans- 
es neck  &  the  half  neck  with  which  my  deceased  father 
Died  seized  off  and  allso  the  Equall  lift  part  of  my  share 
and   proportion    of    A    certaine  tract    of    land    which    my 

Page  235. 
deceased  father  and  my  unkle  benjamin  Seaman  pur- 
chased of  the  Indians  lyinf>-  on  the  uper  side  of  the  East 
side  of  the  half  neck  and  of  Seamanses  neck  above  the 
Indian  path  and  also  the  Equall  tift  parte  of  the  Right  of 
comonage  or  undivided  Lands  yett  to  divide  in  the  bounds 
of  Hempsteed  which  lielongeth  to  my  deceased  fathers 
Right  all  which  three  parcells  of  meadow  before  described 
and  lift  parte  ^f  my  Deaceased  fathers  Right  of  said  Island 
of  salt  meadow  and  tift  parte  of  the  tract  of  land  above  de- 
scribed I  the  said  David  Seaman  doe  Asigu  Release  give  grant 
Remise  and  for  ever  Quitt  claime  from  mee  my  Heirs  Ex- 
ecutors Administrators  And  Asigns  for  ever  unto  my  said 
brother  John  Seaman  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Adminis- 
trators and  Assigns  forever  for  him  his  Heirs  S:  Assigns 
to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  and  their  pro]ier  Right  and  to 
their  behooffe  forever  with  all  Rights  privilidges  and  apur- 
tenances  whatsoever  thereon  or  belonging  thereunto  &  for 
further  confirmation  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  alixed  my 
seall  this  fifteenth  day  of  October  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  nine 
Signed  sealed  S:  delivered 
in  presence  of  David  Seaman  (S) 

William  Willis  Ju 

Henry  Willis 

William  Willis 
Entered  this  llJth  of  October  170*» 

by  mee  William  Willis  Clark 


Zeabelou  Williams  his  Ear  mark  a  slit  in  tLe  uear  ear  and 
a  Lappin}'  on  the  upper  side  of  the  same  and  a  slit  in  the  off 
and  a  happiny  on  the  under  side  of  the  same  entered  feab- 
roiiary  the.  2.  day  1733-4  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Joseph  Post  his  ear  mark  a  slitt  in  the  end  of  the  near 
ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  the  same  and  two  half 
penies  on  the  fore  side  the  of  ear  entred  feabruar}'  the.  V). 
day.  1733-4  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

John  Townsend  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side 
of  near  ear  and  a  slit  behind  it  and  a  hole  in  the  of  ear 
entred  march  thee  28.  1731  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clark 

Venos  Townsend  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side 
ye  near  ear  and  a  slit  be  hind  it  on  the  same  ear  and  a 
nick  on  ye  fore  side  je  of  ear  entred  aprill  the  2.  day  1731 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Page  236. 

Know"  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  David  Seaman 
of  Lusum  in  ye  l)onnds  of  oysterbay  in  Queens  County 
on  nashaw  Island  Eldist  son  ami  heir  to  Jonathan  Sea- 
man Late  of  hempsteed  in  Queens  County  aforsaid  Dea- 
ceased  for  divers  good  causes  &  considerations  mee  there- 
imto  moving  but  more  Espetialy  for  the  Naturall  love 
that  I  do  bear  unto  my  brother  Caleb  seaman  of  Hemp- 
steed  aforsaid  Hath  given  granted  Released  Eimised  \- 
forever  Quitt  claimed  and  doe  by  these  presents  give  grant 
Pielease  Remise  k  for  ever  Quit  claime  all  my  Eight  Title 
Claime  property  and  demand  that  I  now  have  or  that  I 
may  here  after  have  to  the  severall  parcells  or  •  peices  of 
land  and  meadow  herein  after  named  unto  mv  said  brother 
Caleb  Seaman  to  bim  ct  his  heirs  &  asigns  forever  (towitt) 
one  lot  of  land  lying  scituated  at  a  place  called  Jerusalem 


witliiii  the  hounds  of  Hcuipsted  aforsaid  S:  lyetli  bounded 
on  the  south  l)y  Samuell  Seamanses  land  <t  west  by  the 
swamp  called  burdsalls  swamp  <fe  north  by  a  lott  of  my  own 
conveiglied  to  mt^e  by  my  brother  Jonathan  Seaman  A 
Ixmnded  East  by  a  hif^h  way  containing  by  Estimation 
twenty  acres  more  or  less  and  one  lott  of  salt  meadow  lying 
(m  Seamanses  neck  S:  lyeth  bounded  on  the  East  side  l)y 
benjamin  Seamans  his  meadow  &  South  by  a  small  creek 
which  leads  out  of  the  main  creek  which  parts  said  neck 
and  the  half  neck  &  west  by  thomas  Seamauses  meadow  & 
north  by  Soloman  Seaman  his  meadow  and  one  lot  of  salt 
meadow  Lying  Scituated  on  the  said  neck  itt  being  bound- 
ed North  &  west  by  Benjamin  seamanses  meadow  &  Soiith 
by  the  maine  creek  Avliich  parteth  said  neck  &  the  half  neck 
&  east  by  a  lott  of  meadow  of  thomas  Seaman  &  the  equall 
moity  or  half  parte  of  a  Lott  of  fresh  meadow  A:  u})]and 
lying  on  the  said  neck  the  lott  being  bounded  west  by  the 
old  ditch  and  North  by  thomas  Seamans  his  land  and  Mea- 
dow nnd  East  by  the  high  way  A'  south  by  l)eujamin  Sea- 
mans laud  A'  meadow  and  the  Equall  third  parte  of  that 
peice  of  land  and  meadow  att  Jerusalem  laying  together  in 
one  peice  west  of  the  dwelling  house  of  my  deceased  father 
&  the  Equall  lift  ])arte  of  my  fathers  share  of  salt  meadow 
yt  lyeth  on  the  Island  below  the  said  Seamanses  neck  and 
the  half  neck  which  my  deceased  father  dyed  seased  of  and 
also  the  Equall  lift  parte  of  my  share  Aj  proportion  of  a 
sartain  tract  of  land  which  my  deceased  father  &  my  unckle 
benjamin  purchased  of  the  Indians  lying  on  the  uper  side 

Page  237. 

of  the  East  side  of  the  half  neck  &  Seamanses  neck  above 
the  Indian  path  A'  also  the  Equall  lift  part  of  the  Eight  of 
Comonage  or  undivided  land  yett  to  divide  in  the  bounds 
of  Hempsted  aforsaid  which  belongeth  to  my  deceased 
fathers  Right  all  which  parcells  of  land  &  meadow  and 
shares  of  Land  and  meadow  A'  Ilit>ht  of  Comonatije  or  iindi- 
vided  lands  aforsaid  A   above  described  I  the   said  ^David 


SeamaDs  doe  Asigre  Release  give  grant  Remise  and  forever 
Quitt  claime  from  mee  mj  lieirs  Executors  Administrators 
and  Asigns  forever  unto  mj  said  brother  Caleb  Seaman  to 
liim  his  heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  Asigns  forever 
for  him  his  heirs  A:  Asigns  to  have  and  to  hohl  as  his  ct 
their  proper  Eight  (t  to  their  behoofe  forever  together  with 
all  Eights  privilidges  A:  apurtenanees  whatsoever  thereon 
or  belonging  thereunto  but  if  my  said  brother  caleb  seaman 
dye  childles  or  A\-ithout  lawfull  Ishue  then  all  the  above 
said  lots  of  land  A*  meadow  and  shares  of  land  k  meadow  A: 
Eight  of  Comonage  or  undivided  land  in  the  bounds  of 
Hempsted  as  above  described  shall  again e  Eeturne  to  me 
the  said  David  Seaman  or  to  mv  Heirs  Executors  Admin- 
istrators or  Asigns  free  and  clear  fi-om  any  incumbrance 
lett  or  mortgage  lease  or  salle  whatsoever  without  my  fur- 
ther gi-ant  and  for  further  Contirmation  I  have  sett  to  mv 
hand  A:  alixed  mv  seall  this  twentv  secund  dav  of  October 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  A' 

Signed  Seald  cV  delivered 

ill  presents  of  David  Seaman  (S) 

Peter  Titus 
HENRY  Willis 
William  Willis 

this  is  a  true  copy  of  the  oiigauall  Entered  A'  compared 
the  29th  day  of  October  1709     pr  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Att  a  geuerall  Town  meetting  held  att  the  jniljlick  meet- 
ting  house  in  Hempsteed  the  12  day  of  Decemlier  1709 

whereas  att  a  generall  Town  Meetting  held  att  Hempsted 
anno  aprill  ye  5  1709  benjamin  Seaman  was  then  chosen 
one  of  the  Asesers  for  this  present  year  A'  he  the  sd  benja- 
min nott  taking  the  oath  as  the  law  in  that  case  made  pro- 
videth  therefore  the  town  have  this  day  proceeded  To  chuse 

hemrstead  town  records.  359 

PacxE  238. 

another  <S:  accordingly  by  tlie  Magor  vote  Isack  Smitli  was 
A'  is  chosen  to  be  assesar  to  assist  Thomas  Carman  for  the 
time  being 

att  the  aforesaid  Town  meetting  The  Scooll  house  was 
lett  to  Isack  Jarman  for  one  year  (Except  the  lean-to  which 
is  reserved  for  the  nse  of  the  scooll  att  any  time  when  a 
scooll  master  presents)  for  the  sum  t)f  four  pounds  cV:  Eigh- 
teen Shillings  currant  ]nony  to  bee  payed  att  four  Equall 
Quarterly  payments  to  the  churchwarden  for  the  time  being 
S:  if  the  town  should  hire  a  scooll  master  within  the  year 
aforsaid  then  the  said  Isack  Jarman  shall  goe  forth  of  said 
house  att  a  Quarters  Warning  by  the  Church  warden  or 
Justices  of  the  peace  Residing  in  hempsted  the  church  war- 
den giving  acouut  thereof  to  the  town  A.':  aquittances  as  dis- 
charges are  made  &  the  said  Isack  Jerman  is  to  enter  the 
said  house  on  the  first  day  of  January  next  ensuing  which 
will  be  in  the  year  1709  10 

att  a  generall  Town  meetting  held  in  Hempsted  January 
the  19  1709-10  itt  was  agreed  by  mayor  votte  then  & 
there  present  that  some  of  the  proprietors  lands  should  be 
sold  to  defray  charges  and  Henry  allin  did  protest  against  ordered  his  protest  to  be  recorded  which  was  done  by 
mee  the  21  of  January  1709-10 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Nathaniel  Oclee  his  ear  mark  is  two  latches  on  the  near 
one  on  ye  under  side  and  the  other  on  the  uper  side  entred 
november  the  4  day  1732     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

A\  illiani  Jons  his  ear  mark  is  a  swollow  fork  on  the  of 
ear  and  half  peney  under  the  near  ear  Living  in  the  bound 
of  oysterbay  on  the  west  neck  on  the  South  Side,  entred 
by  me  november  the  7  day  1732 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 


Dauiel  Heulitt  Jeuuer,  his  ear  mark  is  a  slipe  iiuder  the 

of  ear  c'^*  a  Latch  under  the  near  ear :  entred  november  the. 

7.  day  1732. 

by  me     Tho  Geldersleeve  Clarke 

Page  239. 

This  indenture  made  the  thirteenth  Day  of  July  in  the 
Eighth  year  of  the  Eeign  of  our  Souveraigu  lady  Ann  by 
the  grace  of  God  Queeu  of  Great  Brittain  ffrance  A:  Irland 
Defender  of  the  faith  &c  and  in  the  year  of  our  Blessed 
Lord  <t  Savieur  Jesus  Chiist  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
^  nine  Between  xldam  Mott  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  Coun- 
ty gentleman  William  Nicoll  of  Islip  in  tbe  county  of  Su- 
folk  gentleman  &  Andrew  Gibb  of  the  plesentt  springs  In 
the  same  County  of  the  one  parte  and  benjamin  Burdsall 
of  Hempsted  aforesaid  Yeoman  of  the  other  parte  Witues- 
eth  that  the  said  Adam  Mott  William  Nicoll  and  Andrew 
Gibb  for  <k  in  Consideration  of  a  certaine  sum  of  good  k 
lawfuU  mony  of  New  Yorke  to  them  in  hand  paid  by  the 
said  Benjamin  burdsall  att  and  before  the  Ensealling  & 
delivery  of  these  presents  the  Reieeipt  Avhereof  they  do 
hereby  acknowledge  &  themselves  cVr  Each  every  of  them  to 
be  therewith  fully  sattislied  Contented  c^^  payed  &  thereof  & 
of  every  parte  <k  parcell  thereof  they  do  forever  by  these 
presents  Acquitt  tV'  discharge  the  said  Benjamin  Burdsall 
his  Heirs  Executors  &  x\dmiuistrators  Have  granted  Bar- 
gined  &  sold  Aliened  Released  S:  confirmed  and  by  these 
presents  doe  fully  freely  &  absolutly  grant  bargaine  tV:  sell 
allinen  assign  Release  <k  conlirm  unto  the  said  benjamin 
burdsall  his  Heirs  and  Asigus  forever  all  that  a  certaine 
peice  of  land  scituate  lying  and  being  within  tlie  bounds 
of  Hempsted  aforsaid  begining  att  a  white  oake  tree  att  the 
South  end  of  the  said  benjamin  his  land  running  twenty 
Rods  southward  to  a  wallniitt  tree  marked  thence  west  by 
marked  trees  Sixty  Rods  to  a  white  oak  bush  Markt  theuse 
North  wards  twenty  Rods  to  a  white  oak  sapling  thence  to 
the  first  station  and  one  peice  of  land  lying  upon  the  West 


side  of  the  said  benjamin  his  Land  1)eginin<jj  att  tlie  south 
west  Corner  of  the  same  Rniiinj^-  West  fifteen  Rods  thence 
northwardly  sixty  six  Rods  to  an  oak  bush  thence  Easterly 
to  his  fence  four  Rods  and  one  other  peice  of  laud  begin- 
ing  att  an  oak  stump  on  the  east  side  of  the  same  land 
Running  Southeast,  to  his  own  niarkt  tree  twenty  six  Rods 

Pacie  240. 

thence  westerly  to  a  white  oak  tree  twenty  seven  Rods 
tlieuce  Northerly  to  another  white  oak  tree  fourteen  Rods 
thence  twelve  Rods  to  the  first  station  allso  one  peice  of 
land  lying  upon  the  northeast  side  of  the  before  mentioned 
land  begining  att  a  white  oak  marked  for  his  own  bounds 
Running  northerly  Sixty  Rods  to  a  black  tree  thence  west- 
erly to  his  own  fence  twelve  Rods  thence  southerly  fifty 
two  Rods  to  a  small  Bush  thence  to  the  first  station  Eigh- 
teen Rods  and  further  one  other  peice  of  land  att  the  north 
end  of  the  said  Benjamins  land  begining  att  a  wallnut  tree 
Runing  Northward  thirty  Rods  to  a  Avhite  oak  tree  thence 
West  to  a  black  tree  ten  Rods  thence  South  tAventy  Eight 
Rods  to  his  fence  thence  along  the  said  fence  Ififteen  Rods 
to  the  first  station  all  which  peices  &  j)arcells  of  Land  do  con- 
tain one  &  twenty  acres  bee  itt  more  or  Less  together  w'tli 
all  &  singular  the  Rights  priviledges  heridikiments  &  apur- 
tenances  to  the  same  beh  mging  or  in  any  wise  apertaining  and 
all  the  Estate  Right  Title  Interest  property  possion  Claime 
&  demand  of  them  the  sd  Adam  Mott  William  Nicoll  (t  An- 
drew Gild)  or  Either  of  them  in  or  to  the  premises  <t  in  & 
to  every  parte  <S:  parcell  thereof  To  have  and  to  hold  the 
beft)re  mentioned  peices  or  parcell  of  land  with  their  ik 
every  of  their  appurtinances  to  him  the  sd  Benjamin  Burd- 
sall  his  Heirs  <S:  Assigns  to  the  only  proper  use  benifitt  and 
belioofle  of  the  said  Benjamin  Burdsall  his  Heiis  and 
Assigns  forever  and  the  said  Adam  Mott  William  Nicoll  & 
Andrew  Gibb  for  themselves  their  Heirs  Executors  A:  Ad- 
ministrators tV  Each  ct  Every  of  them  do  hereby  Covenant 
&  promise  to  A-  with  the  said  Benjamin  Burdsall  his  Heirs 


A'  Assitrns  that  lie  tlie  sd  Beuiamiu  Bnrdsall  liis  Heirs  6c  As- 
sicus  shall  <V:  mav  now  and  att  all  times  for  ever  here  after 
Have  hold  occupy  posses  &  Eujov  the  before  Eecitted 
peices  of  laud  beino;  parte  of  that  granted  by  the  Town  of 
Henipsted  iu  leiu  of  atract  of  land  formerly  laid  out  at  Ma- 
tiuacock  to  the  said  Adam  Mott  his  father  ffree  k  clear  and 
freely  A:  clearly  acquitted  Exoneratted  tV:  discharged  of  and 
from  all  former  A:  other  gifts  grants  bargains  salles  mort- 
iiasfes  Dowers  or  other  title  or  lucumbranc  whatsoever  and 

Page  241. 

the  same  with  the  apurteuances  to  the  sd  Beujamin  Bnrd- 
sall his  Heirs  and  Assigns  against  all  persons  lawfully 
claiming  the  same  shall  and  will  A:  forever  defend  by  these 
presents  In  Testimouy  whereof  the  partyes  to  these  pres- 
ents have  hereunto  sett  their  hands  A-  Afised  their  sealls 
the  day  and  year  first  above  written 

Seald  A:  delivered  in 

the  presence  of  us  by  the 

within  named  William 

Nicoll  A  Andrew  Gibb 

William  Wellis  Ad  Mott  (S) 

Feaxcis  Nicoll  "W  Nicoll        (S) 

William  Glover  Andrew  Gibb  (S) 



FFRAxcis  Nicoll 

Memoraudom  that  on  the  15th  day  of  July  1709  came 
before  John  Tredwell  Esqure  one  of  her  Maj'ies  Justices 
for  the  keeping  of  the  peace  Within  Queens  County  Assign- 
ed the  within  Named  William  Nicoll  A-  Andrew  Gibb  two  of 
the  parties  to  the  within  written  Couveighance  and  aeknow- 
ledjjed  the  same  to  be  their  free  &  Voluutarv  act  &  deed 

John  Tredwell 



tin's  above  written  is  a  true  coppy  Extracted  out  of  the 
orij^aiiall  Exaiuiiicd  and  compared  ])y  niee  tlie  Kitli  of  i)e- 
eend)er  1701) 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  242. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  or  whome  the  premises  shall  or  may  concerue  John 
Seaman  of  Hempsteed  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island 
in  the  province  of  New  York  Yeoman  send  Greetting  In 
the  name  of  god  Everlasting  Know  jee  that  I  the  said 
John  Seaman  as  well  for  &  in  Consideration  of  a  competent 
sum  of  good  &  lawfull  mony  of  ye  province  of  New  Yorke 
to  me  heretofore  payed  in  hand  by  Jonathan  Seaman  Late 
of  Hempsted  aforsaid  Deaceased  as  also  for  &  in  Consid- 
eration of  the  further  sum  of  three  shillings  to  mee  in  hand 
payed  att  &  before  the  Ensealling  &  delivery  of  these  pres- 
ents by  Jonathan  Seaman  son  to  the  said  Jonathan  Seaman 
Deceased  the  Keiceipt  whereof  I  doe  hereby  acknowledge 
&  my  self  to  be  therewith  fully  sattisfied  contented  S:  payed 
And  for  divers  other  good  Causes  and  Considerations  Mee 
thereunto  Moving :  I  the  said  John  Seaman  Hath  given 
granted  bargined  sold  Aliened  Enfeefed  Conveighed  &  con- 
firmed And  by  these  Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  tt  absolutely 
give  grant  bargaine  sell  Alienate  Enfeali'e  Conveigh  &  Con- 
firme  unto  the  said  Jonathan  Seaman  his  heirs  &  assigns 
forever  the  Equall  Moity  or  one  half  of  a  sertaine  parcell 
of  upland  tV:  salt  meadow  which  I  purchased  of  Nathaniell 
pearsall  late  of  Hempsted  Deceased  and  lyeth  scituated  on 
the  East  side  of  the  half  neck  llo^^soevef  bounded  or  Re- 
puted to  be  bounded  Together  Avith  all  such  Eights  liber- 
tjes  Immunityes  prolitts  privilidges  Comodytyes  Emolie- 
ments  &  apurtenances  as  in  any  kind  doth  or  may  Apertaiu 
thereon  or  thereunto  with  the  Revertions  A:  Remaindeis 
thereof  and  all  the  Estate  Right  title  Interest  Inheritance 
property  Claime  and  Demand  whatsoever  of  mee  the  said 
John  Seaman  of  in  &  to  the  same  and  Every  parte  thereof 


To  have  A'  to  Hold  all  the  above  granted  premises  Avith  all 
&  singular  the  apurteuances  thereof  unto  the  said  Jonathan 
Seaman  his  heirs  &  Assigns  forever  and  to  his   and  their 

Page  243. 

own  sole  proper  use  benifitt  and  behooffe  from  henceforth 
for  ever  and  I  the  said  John  Seaman  doth  further  Declare 
that  att  the  time  of  the  Ensealling  tt  delivery  of  these  pres- 
ents yt  I  the  said  John  Seaman  have  in  my  self  full  power 
good  Eight  and  Lawfull  authority  to  sell  and  dispose  of  ye 
same  in  manner  as  aforsaid  And  that  the  said  Jonathan 
Seaman  his  Heirs  &  Assigns  shall  and  may  henceforth  for- 
ever Lawfully  peaceably  &  Quiettly  Have  hold  use  occupie 
posses  &  Enjoy  the  above  granted  Equall  Moity  or  one 
half  of  the  certaine  parcell  of  upland  S:  Salt  meadow  above 
described  &  premises  with  their  k  Every  of  their  apurte- 
nances  free  and  Clear  &  Clearly  acquitted  and  discharged 
of  and  from  all  <fe  all  manner  of  former  tt  other  gifts  grants 
bargains  Salles  leases  mortgages  -Tountiires  Dowers  Judg- 
ments Executions  Entaills  forfeitures  and  of  &  from  all 
other  Titles  Troul)les  charges  tt  incumbrances  whatsoever 
had  made  committed  done  or  sufered  to  be  done  by  mee  the 
said  John  Seaman  my  heirs  or  Assigns  att  any  time  or 
times  before  the  Ensealling  and  delivery  hereof  and  further 
I  the  said  John  Seaman  doth  hereby  Covenantt  promise 
bind  and  oblige  my  self  my  heirs  executors  and  Adminis- 
trators from  hence  forth  and  forever  hereafter  to  wan-ant 
and  defend  all  the  above  granted  premises  and  the  apurte- 
uances thereof  u^ito  the  abovsaid  Jonathan  Seaman  his 
Heirs  and  Assigns  againist  the  lawfull  Claims  and  demand 
of  all  and  every  person  or  persons  whomsoever  and  att  any 
time  or  times  hereafter  within  the  space  of  Seven  Years 
after  the  date  of  these  ]n'esents  on  or  att  the  Reasonable 
Request  of  the  said  Jonathan  Seaman  S:  att  his  proper  cost 
make  Dufer  doe  ct  Execute  any  other  oi-  further  convaigh- 
ance  or  conveighances  unto  the  said  Jonathan  Seaman    liis 


heirs  &  Assij^iis  ;is  ho  or  tlicy  sli;iJl  he  advised  l)y  his  or  thcnr 
counsell  learned  in  tlie  hiw  for  the  better  Contirming  and  more 

Page  244. 

sure  makeing  of  the  premises  so  that  itt  containe  no  further 
llight  then  Intended  l)y  these  })resents  so  that  the  said  John 
Seaman  be  nott  com  pelled  more  then  twelve  milles  from 
his  dwelling  place  but  at  the  proper  Cost  S:  Charge  of  the 
said  Jonathan  Seaman  his  heirs  or  Assigns  in  the  further 
testimony  whereof  I  the  said  John  Seaman  have  hereunto 
sett  to  my  hand  S:  seall  this  twenty  second  day  of  October 
ill  the  year  of  our  lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and 

seald  &  delivered 

in  presence  of  John  Seaman  (S) 

peter  titus 
William  Willis 
HENRY  Willis 

The  above  written  is  a  true  Copy  of  the  originall  Entered 
the  26  day  of  December  1701)     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 
Page  245. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  David  Seaman  of 
Lusam  in  the  bounds  of  Oysterbay  in  Queens  County  on 
Nasliaw  Island  Eldist  son  and  heir  to  Jonathan  Seaman 
late  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  aforsaid  Deceased  for 
divers  good  Causes  d^  Considerations  mee  there  unto  niove- 
ing  but  more  Espetially  for  the  Naturall  love  that  I  bear 
unto  my  brother  Jonathan  Seaman  of  Hempsteed  Hath 
given  granted  Released  Remised  and  forever  Quitt  Claimed 
and  doe  by  these  presents  fully  freely  clearly  &  absolutely 
give  grant  Release  Remise  and  forever  quitt  Claime  all  my 
Right  Title  property  Claime  and  demand  whatsoever  that  I 
now  have  or  that  I  hereafter  may  have  to  a  serbaine  small 
lott  of  land  lying  A-  being  scituated  on  the  East  side  of  the 


lialf  neck  <k  Ijetli  bouuded  south  aud  Xortli  by  Benjamin 
Seamanses  Laud  k  West  by  a  high  way  and  on  the  East 
side  by  the  ily  of  meadow  itt  being  my  deceased  father 
Jonathan  Seaman  his  share  or  perportiou  of  uphiud  within 
the  fence  on  the  said  neck  and  also  the  EipTall  fifth  parte  of 
mv  fathers  share  of  salt  meadow  that  lyeth  on  the  Island 
1)elow  the  said  Seamanses  neck  and  the  half  neck  which  my 
father  dyed  seased  off  and  also  the  Equal!  fift  ]3arte  of  my 
fathers  share  and  perportion  of  a  certain  tract  of  land  pur- 
chased of  the  Indians  by  my  deceased  father  Jonathan 
Seaman  and  benjamin  Seaman  lying  on  the  uper  side  of 
Seamanses  Neck  above  the  Indian  path  k  also  the  Equall 
fift  parte  of  my  Deceased  fathers  Right  of  Comonage  or 
undivided  Land>,  yett  to  divide  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted 
which  belongeth  to  my  deceased  fathers  Right  all  which 
small  lot  of  land  with  the  apurteuauces  thereof  and  the  fift 
parte  of  my  Deceased  fathers  Right  of  said  Island  of  salt 
meailow  tV  the  fift  parte  of  the  tractt  of  laud  and  premises 

Page  246. 

tV'  fift  parte  of  my  fathers  Right  of  Comonage  or  undivided 
land  within  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  I  the  said  David  Sea- 
man doe  Assign  Release  give  grant  Remise  and  forever 
Quitt  Claime  from  mee  my  heirs  Executors,  Administrators 
and  Assigns  forever  for  him  the  said  Jcmathan  Seaman  his 
heirs  and  Asignes  to  have  A:  to  hold  as  his  and  their  jn-oper 
Right  c*c  to  their  behoofe  forever  together  with  all  Rights 
piivilidges  dc  apurtenances  whatsoever  thereon  or  belonging 
thereunto  and  for  further  Confirmation  I  have  sett  to  my 
hand  ct  afixed  my  seall  the  twenty  secund  Day  of  October 
in  the  year  of  our  lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and 

Signed  Seald  tt  delivered 

in  presence  of  David  Seaman  (S) 

Peter  titus 

Henry  Willis 

WiLLL^M  Willis 


the  above  written  is  a  true  Co})y  taken  out  of  the  t)iigu- 
nall  the  '20  day  of  december  anno  :  ITU'J     pr  niee 

William  AVillis  Clarke 

The  ear  mark  that  Jonathan  Searinjjj  Juner  gives  is  a 
slit  in  the  end  of  the  near  ear  a  nick  under  the  same  an<l  a 
hole  in  ye  of  ear     entred  feal)ruary  the  27.  day.     by  mee 

Tho  (ilLDERSLEEVE  Clark 

Page  247. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  this  present  Instru- 
ment may  come  send  greetting  Know  all  men  that  I 
Hendrick  Auton  Yeoman  of  forsters  meadow  within  the 
Bounds  of  Hempsted  on  the  Island  Nashaw  iii  Queens 
County  in  the  province  of  New  Yorke  for  divers  good 
caiises  mee  moving  thereunto  Doe  give  grant  sell  Alinate 
Release  &  deliver  from  me  my  Heirs  Executors  Adminis- 
trators (t  Assigns  forever  unto  Thomas  Cheesman  of  the 
North  side  of  the  abovsaid  Hempsteed  Island  County  & 
province  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  As- 
signs forever  A  sertaine  peice  of  Meadow  Lying  &  being  att 
a  place  known  by  the  name  of  Hungry  Harbour  Within  ye- 
abovsaid  bounds  of  Hempsted  Island  County  &  province 
Containing  within  the  bounds  here  named  as  followeth  fioni 
ye  creek  to  the  greatt  pond  upon  a  line  North  tV  South 
floyning  upon  Harman  Hendrickson  by  the  Antient  Land 
marke  Westward  by  William  Smitli  A'  Harman  Johnson 
by  the  Antientt  land  maike  I  say  I  the  Abovsaid  Hendrick 
Auton  for  mee  my  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  As- 
signs forever  Do  and  have  battered  bargained  given  & 
granted  sold  and  Alien atted  Released  delivered  tt  possesed 
imto  Thomas  Cheesman  Him  Heires  Executors  Adminis- 
trators &  Assigns  forever  ye  abovesaid  peice  of  meadow  so 
butted  &  bounded  together  with  all  S:  singular  all  ye  ap- 
purtenances thereunto  belonging  and  to  the  ouely  proper 
use  benifitt  and  behooffe  of  Him  the  said  Thomas  Chees- 
man his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  Assi<>iis  forever 


To  Have  &:  to  Hold  forever  peacable  to  Injoy  and  posses 
forever  to  occupy  ct  improve  forever  witlioiit  any  lett  or 
molestation  Avbatsoever  and  I  say  I  the  abovesaid  Hen- 
drick  Anton  doe  bind  myself  my  Heirs  Executors  Adminis- 

Page  248. 

trators  and  Assigns  to  make  tliis  my  deed  of  salle  good  in 
Law  free  from  all  former  gifts  grants  mortgages  Leases 
Reservations  or  any  iucumbrances  whatsoever  against  any 
person  or  persons  who  att  any  time  or  times  shall  from  mee 
or  under  mee  or  mine  directly  or  indirectly  trouble  or 
molest  the  abovesaid  Thomas  Cheesman  him  his  Heirs 
Executors  Administrators  or  Asigus  and  to  the  true  per- 
formance of  all  A:  singular  all  the  abovesaid  premisesse  Do 
Acknowledge  to  have  received  full  Satisfaction  for  the 
above  said  peice  of  meadow  <k  doe  Quitt  and  sett  free  the 
abovesaid  Thomas  Cheesman  his  Heirs  Executors  Admin- 
istrators and  asigns  forever  of  Requiring  any  further  Sat- 
tisfaction  and  to  the  True  performance  of  the  abovesaid 
premises  I  doe  for  my  self  my  Heirs  Executors  Adminis- 
trators &  Asigns  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seall  this 
thirdte  day  of  November  je  year  of  our  Lord  God  seventeen 
hundred  and  three 

Signed  Seald  ct  delivered 

in  presence  of  its  marke 

marke  Hendrick  X  Auton  (S) 

Jane  X  Hare  his 

Edward  Hake 

Recorded  the  fourth  day  of  January  in  the  year  of  our 
lord  1709-10     bv  me         '  William  Willis  Clarke 

To  All  Christian  people  to  whome  this  present  Deed  shall 
Come  greetting  Know  yee  that  I  george  pearsall  of  Hemp- 
sted  on  the  Island  of  nashaw  in  the  province  of  New  Yorke 
yeoman  for  A:  in  Consideration  of  a  certain  sum  of  mony  to 
mee  in  hand  paid  before  the  Ensealling  A-   delivery  hereof 


by  thouius  CIkh^suuui  of  the  Township  of  Hoin|)steed  jiiid 
pi()\duce  of  New  Yorke  aforsaid  yeoiiiau  the  Reiceipt  where- 

Page  249. 

of  I  (h)  hereby  acknowledge  and  my  self  therewith  to  be 
fully  Sattistied  &  contented  and  thereof  &  of  every  parte 
and  parcell  thereof  doe  Exonerate  acquitt  and   Discharge 
the  said  Thomas  Cheesman  his  Heirs  Executors  &  Admin- 
istrators   forever   by    these  presents  Have    given    granted 
Bargined  Sold  Alienated  Conveighed  &  Confirmed  and  l)y 
these   presents  do   fully  freely  and   absolutely  give   grant 
Bargain   sell   aliene   Convey   and   Contirme   unto   the   said 
Thomas  Cheesman  his  Heirs  and  Asigns  forever  one  cer- 
taine    Tract    of   Land    Scituate    Lying    and   being   in    the 
Township  of  Hempsted  aforsaid  Containing  by  Estemation 
fourteen  Acres  and  is  bounded  as  followeth  Viz     Northerly 
by  the  Line  of  the  abovesaid  Thomas  Cheesman  Westward- 
ly  l)y  the  abovesaid  George  pearsalls  Land   Southwardly 
upon  Dauiell  pearsall  and  Eastwardly  upon  the  High  way 
on  the  North  side  of  a  place  Comonly  Known  by  the  name 
of  Herricks  in  the  lK)unds  of  Hempsted  aforsaid  To  have  & 
to  hold  the  said  granted  &  bargained  Land  &  premises  with 
all  ye  apurtenances  priviledges  &  comodityes  to  the  same 
belonging  or  in  any  manner  of  wise  appertaining  to  him  the 
said  Thomas  Cheesman  his  heirs  and  assigns  to  the  onely 
proper  use  benifitt  <V:    behoofe   of  him    the   said    Thomas 
Cheesman  his  heirs  A:  Assigns  forever  and  the  said  George 
Pearsall  for  mee  my  Heirs  Executors  &  Administrators  do 
Covenant  promis   A:   grant  to  and   with  the  said  Thomas 
Cheesman  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  that  before  the  ensealing 
hereof  I.  am  the  true  solle  and  lawfull  owner  of  the  above 
bargined  premises  &  am  Lawfully  Seised  and  possesed  of 
the  same  in  mine  own  proper  Eight  as  a  good  perfect  and 
absolute  estate  of  inheritance  ct  have  in  mj-  self  good  Right 
full  power  A-  lawfull  autlnnity  to  grant  Bargain  sell  Convey 
and   Contirme  the   sd    Bargained   premises    in   Manner    as 

370  hempstead  town  records. 

Page  250. 

Abovesaid  and  that  tlie  said  Thomas  Cheesman  his  Heirs 
and  Assigns  shall  and  may  from  time  to  time  c'c  att  all  times 
forever  hereafter  by  vertue  of  these  presents  Lawfully  peas- 
ably  &  Quiettly  have  hold  use  occupie  posses  and  enjoy  the 
said  demised  and  bargained  premises  with  the  appurtenances 
free  and  Clear  freely  and  Clearly  acquitted  exonerated  A: 
Discharged  of  and  from  all  ct  all  manner  of  former  gifts 
grants  bargains  sails  Leases  Mortgages  Wills  Entaills  joyn- 
tures  Do^^ries  Judgment  Executions  Incumbrances  and 
troubles  Whatsoever  and  I  the  said  George  pearsall  Do 
further  Covenant  c^'  l)ind  my  self  my  Heirs  Executors  ct 
Administriitors  lirmly  by  these  presents  to  Warrant  A:  de- 
feud  the  said  Thomas  Cheesman  his  Heirs  tt  Assigns  in 
Quiett  &  peacable  posession  of  all  and  singular  the  said 
granted  premises  against  any  Just  and  Lawfull  Claim  of 
any  person  or  persons  Whatsoever  In  Wittuess  Whereof  I 
the  said  George  Pearsall  have  hereto  sett  my  hand  and 
Seall  this  twenty  third  day  of  march  in  the  Seventh  Year 
of  the  Eeign  of  our  Soveign  Lady  Ann  by  the  grace  of  god 
over  England  cVc  Queen  Annoy  Domi  one  Thousand  seven 
hundred  and  Eight 

Seald  and  delivered  in  the  presence  of  us  with  the  word 
Northerly  betwixt  ye  tenth  iV  Eleventh  line  being  lirst 

Henry  Lindley  George  pearsall  (S) 

Theodoras  Van  Wycck 

upon  ye  26  day  of  November  1709  came  before  mee 
Jonathan  AYhitehead  one  of  her  Maiesties  Justices  for  the 
Keeping  of  the  peace  within  Queens  County  the  above 
named  george  pearsall  &  Did  acknowledge  above  written 
Instrument  to  be  his  free  <fe  Voluntary  act  &  Deed 

Tes     Jonathan  Whitehead 

Entered  in  the  Eecord  the  4  day  of  January  anoy  Domini 


by  me     William  Willis  Clarke 


Page  251. 

Memorandoni  that  on  ye  22tli  day  of  December  1709  A 
generall  Town  ineettinj^  was  warned  to  be  held  in  Hemp- 
steed  but  the  weather  provinfj;  tenipestous  few  of  the  In- 
hal)itants  appearing  &  the  Clerk  of  the  Town  being  also 
Supervisor  Ar  then  npon  pnl)lick  busines  absent  the  same 
meetting  w\as  ajourned  nntill  the  19  day  of  January  follow- 

Att  a  generall  Towqi  Meetting  held  in  Hempsted  the  19th 
day  of  January  1709-10  by  Major  votte   of  the  freeholders 
of  the  same  Town  Coll  Thomas  Hicks  Coll  John  Jackson 
Justice   John   Tredwell    &    Mr    William    Nicoll    formerly 
Chosen  to  mannage  the  afairs  of  the  said  Towne  of  Hemp- 
sted in  Kunning  their  lines  &  prosecuting  any  man  or  men 
that  shall  any  way  unjustly  come   into  the  bounds  of  the 
said  Town  in  a  due  Course  of  law  att  the  Towns  Charge  as 
also  that  the  said  Trustees  or  any  three  of  them  shall  have 
liberty  to  act  in  any  manner  and  form  as  they  shall   think 
most  convenient  Either  by  law  arbitration  or  agreement  as 
by  severall  Town  Votes  of  the  first  of  Aprill  1706  &  the  26 
day  of  May  1707     entered  in  the  town  books  Eeference 
thereunto  being  had  may  more  att  large  apeare  are  Contin- 
ued in  their  said  trust  for  the  space   of  three  years  yett   to 
come  Irevocable  &  for  the  defraying  of  their  charge  in  En- 
deavouring to  recover  Matinacock  &  other  Lands  belonging 
to  the  sd  Towne  of  Hempsted  ytt  is  agreed  &  ordered  that 
the  sd  Trustees  or  any  three  of  them  have   full  power  and 
authourity  to  sell  and  Conveigli  such  a  Quantity  or  Quanti- 
tyes  of  the  undivided  lands  of  Hempsted  belonging  to  the 
propriators   as    shall   be   sutitient    to    doe  the    same   Ren- 
dering an  account  thereof  to  the  said  towne  and  if  any  of 
the  propriators  will  &  doe  pay  their  proportions  of  mony 
towards  the  defraying  of  the  said  Charges  they  shall  Keep 
&  Enjoy  their   shares  of  the  undivided  land  belonging  to 
the  said  Towne  This  by  order         by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

372  hempstead  to\yn  records. 

Page  252. 

ToAvn  of  Hempsted  att  a  town  ineettiDg  helil  at  the  said 
Town  on  thursday  the  19th  of  January  annoy  Dom  1709-10 
itt  was  by  the  Majory  of  the  freehoklers  then  &  there  pres- 
ent Totted  and  Conchided  upon  A:  the  freehoklers  of  the 
said  Town  did  absohitly  give  k  Release  unto  Thomas 
Jones  William  Willis  Zacaiiah  Mills  James  Clement  k 
peter  Berian  k  their  Sucsesors  Supervisors  of  Queens 
County  in  trust  for  the,  use  of  the  said  County  all  that  lott 
or  peice  of  Land  in  Jamaico  whereon  the  old  Count}^  hall 
k  the  two  prisons  doe  now  stand  with  the  land  contaned 
between  them  the  said  land  to  run  backwards  till  itt  meetts 
with  the  parsonage  Jott  for  them  to  lett  to  farme  dispose  of 
or  sell  to  any  person  or  persons  so  that  the  produce  there- 
of be  laid  out  for  paying  for  the  purchase  of  auollier  Coun- 
ty hall  prisons  or  other  thing  or  things  for  the  soUe  use  A: 
benifitt  of  the  said  County  of  Queens  County  &  nott  other- 
wise    Entered  by  order     pr  me 

WiLLiA3[  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  George  Mills  of 
Rusdorp  have  bargained  with  k  sould  unto  Thomas  Ellison 
of  Hempsted  all  my  acomodations  in  Hempsted  whether 
such  as  were  given  me  by  the  Town  or  otherwise  purchased 
with  my  mony,  that  is  to  say  all  meadowing,  upland,  hol- 
lows or  plaine  lands  with  all  the  privilidges  k  acomoda- 
tions thereunto  belonging  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  (ex- 
epting  one  house  k  barne  with  two  house  lots  which  form- 
ly  I  sold  to  Roberd  beagle  of  Hempsteed  aforsaid)  And 
ha\4ng  now  Reiceived  of  the  said  Thomas  Elison  full  pay- 
ment and  Satisfaction  for  the  Land  I  doe  hereby  binde  my 
selfe  my  heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  to  give  the 
said  Thomas  Elison  full  and  free  posesion  thereof  without 
any  trouble  or  Molestation  And  to  uphold  and  maintaine 
the  same  to  bee  his  Right  for  him  and  his  Heirs  to  Enjoy 

HEMPSTEAD    TOWN    liE(X)l{DS.  373 

forever     wittnes  my  hand  tin's  13tli  du}'  of  December  1661. 

Page  253. 
Stilo  Nova 

111  pre.seiits  of 

RiCHAiiD  GiLLDEKSLEEVE  the  marke  of 

Jonas  Holdsworth  george  X  Mills  (S) 

Entered  this  18  day  of  februarj  1709-10     hy  me 

William  Willis  Clarke 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  or  any  Wise  apertain  Greeting  Know  yee  that  I 
Richard  Stits  of  Westbury  in  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  on 
Long  Island  alias  Nashaw  in  Queens  County  in  the  prov- 
ince of  New  Yorke  do  by  these  presents  give  grant  bar- 
gaine  sell  alienatte  Release  and  Deliver  from  mee  my 
Heirs  &  Assigns  unto  my  son  William  Stits  of  the  Town 
County  Island  (t  province  aforesaid  to  him  his  Heirs  & 
Assigns  ye  Equall  Moity  or  half  parte  of  my  hundred 
acres  of  wood  Land  Lying  in  the  north  woods  near  the 
Millstone  Rock  ct  also  ye  timber  &,  apurtenances  thereon 
with  halfe  my  Right  of  comonage  and  undevided  in 
the  bounds  of  Hempsted  :  and  also  be  itt  Known  to  all 
men  yt  I  John  Stites  of  ye  town  County  Island  and 
province  aforesaid  Doe  hereby  give  grant  bargain  sell 
alienate  Release  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  heirs  and  As- 
signs the  other  Moity  of  the  said  hundred  acres  of  Land  to- 
gether with  the  timber  and  apurtenances  as  itt  is  worded  to 
mee  in  a  deed  of  gift  from  my  father  Richard  Stits  all  which 
tAvo  parcells  of  Land  S:  apurtenances  wee  the  said  Richard 
Stits  and  John  Stits  Doe  by  these  presents  give  grant 
Alienate  Release  and  Deliver  from  us  our  Heirs  and  Asigns 
unto  the  said  William  Stits  to  him  his  Heirs  &  Assigns  to 
have  <V'  to  liold  forever  in  consideration  of  full  Sattisf action 
Reiceived  and  in  Testimony  of  the  premises  wee  have  here- 


unto  sett  to  our  liauds   &  fixed   our  Sealls  January  the   2d 
anno  Domini  1698-9 

Signed  Seald  (k  Deliverd  in  presence  of       his 

Joseph  Pettit  Richard  X  Stits  (S) 

Samuel  Titus  marke 

John  X  Stits  (S) 

Entered  in,  the  Eecord  by  mee  this  first  Day  of  the  first 
mo.  cald  march  1709-10     pr  William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  254. 

Know  All  men  by  these  presents  that  I  Henry  Stits  of 
Cape  May  in  the  bounds  of  West  New  Jarsey  Have  Bar- 
gained Sold  Given  Granted  Alienated  Enfeofed  Released 
and  delivered  from  mee  my  Heirs  Executors  Administrators 
and  Assigns  unto  my  Brother  William  Stits  of  Wesbury  in 
the  bounds  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  of  Nasliaw 
Island  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and 
Assigns  all  the  Lot  of  Land  which  was  my  father  Richard 
Stites  Lying  &  being  Scituated  in  Wesl)ury  in  the  bounds 
of  Hempsted  being  bounded  on  the  East  with  John  Sea- 
mans  laud  A:  on  the  West  wdth  Nathaniell  Seamanses  and 
AVilliam  Willises  land  and  on  the  South  end  with  the  high 
way  &  on  the  North  by  Marked  trees  and  the  one  half  of  a 
lott  of  Land  which  my  father  bought  of  John  Seamans 
lying  &  being  situate  on  the  north  end  of  Wm  Willis  his 
Land  being  bounded  on  ye  South  &  West  by  Wm  Willis 
his  Land  on  the  North  with  a  high  way  w'tli  leads  between 
sd  land  and  John  Titus  his  Land  and  on  the  East  by  mark- 
ed trees :  and  also  a  certain  lott  of  meadow  Containing 
eight  acres  more  or  les  as  it  was  laid  out  to  my  father  lying 
and  being  Situate  on  a  neck  called  half  neck  being  bounded 
West  by  Hope  Willits  East  Nathaniell  Pearsall  ct  John  Se- 
mans  Running  from  the  woods  to  the  maiue  creek  together 
with  the  Right  of  woodland  belonging  to  itt  on  said   neck 


and  half  my  fathers  Ki«>ht  of  Coinaiis  in  all  the  undevided 
land  in  the  Town  of  Henipsted  all  which  lott  and  half  lott, 
Lott  of  meadow  right  of  land  on  said  half  neck  and  Right 
of  Comans  .  before  mentioned  I  the  said  Henry  Stits 
doe  now  deliver  unto  my  Brother  William  Stits  to  him 
his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  or  asigns  &  doe 
by  these  presents  Alinate  my  self  my  Heirs  Executors 
Administrators  and  Asigns  forever  from  any  parte  or  par- 
cell  thereof  fully  making  over  all  ra}'  Right  title  Claime 
that  I  now  have  or  hereafter  m  ought  have  had  :  unto  my 
Brother  William  To  have  and  to  hold  forever  as  his  or 
their  ])roper  Right  and  Interest  and  to  his  and  their  use 
and  belioofe  forev<ir  without  lett  or  molestation  by  mee  or 
mine  promising  to  make  good  this  my  Deed  of  salle  against 
any  person  or  persons  that  shall  lay  any  Lawfull  Claime 

Page  255. 

thereto  or  to  any  parte  thereof  I  having  Reiceived  full  satis- 
faction of  my  brother  Wm  Stits  for  the  aforesaid  tracts  & 
parcells  of  Land  iS:  meadow  before  ye  Ensealling  of  these 
presents  and  for  further  Ooutirmation  of  the  aforesaid 
premises  have  hereunto  sett  my  hand  and  atixed  my  seall 
this  twenty  eighth  day  of  febriiary  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
one  thousand  seven  hundred  together  with  all  Rights  privi- 
lidges  and  apurtenances  thereunto  belonging  &  all  housing 
out  housing  building  Edifices  Imunityes  fences  trees  woods 
underwoods:  wood  lying  standing  or  any  wise  belonging 

Signed  Seald  <t  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us  his 

William  Willis  Henry  X  Stits         (S) 

Nathaniell  Seaman  mark 

Samuell  Titus  Benjamin  X  Stits    (S) 

his  marke  &  seall 

the  al)ove  written  is  a  true  copy  Extracted  out   of  the 


origeuall  S:  Compared  this  first  Day  of  the  first  mouth  call- 
ed March  auoy  Dommi  1709-10     bv  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  or  smy  waise  apertaine  Greeting  Know  yee  that  I 
Edmund  Titus  of  Westberv  in  ye  bounds  of  Hempsted  on 
Long  Island  alias  Nashaw  in  Queens  County  in  the  prov- 
ince of  New  Yorke  Doe  by  these  presents  give  grant  bar- 
gaine  sell  Alinate  Eelease  &:  deliver  fi-om  mee  my  Heirs  Ex- 
ecutors Administrators  Ar  Assigns  iinto  my  son  peter  Titus 
of  the  Town  County  Island  iV:  province  aforsaid  to  him  his 
Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  Assigns  a  sertaine  par- 
ceU  of  meadow  ground  fresh  and  salt  Lying  and  l)eing  8eit- 
uated  on  the  South  Side  ye  Island  aforsaid  Containing 
about  fourtteen  acres  more  or  Less  as  may  apear  bounded 
West  by  the  meadow  of  Hope  Willitts  k  East  by  the  mea- 
dow of  thomas  Elisou  North  by  the  Woods  and  South  to 
the  bottom  of  the  neck  being  the  great  neck  so  called  Avith 
the  light  of  upland  iV:  fence  thereunto  belonging  on  the  said 

Page  256. 

neck  and  allso  the  Right  of  a  grant  to  Eight  acres  of  upland 
above  the  Indian  path  on  yt  West  side  the  sd  neck  all 
which  Meadow  ground  and  premises  with  the  apurtenances 
and  the  said  Eight  Acres  of  upland  with  the  apurtenances 
I  the  sd  Edmund  Titus  Doe  by  these  presents  give  grant 
bargaine  sell  Alienate  Release  &  deliver  from  mee  my 
Heirs  tt  Assigns  unto  my  said  son  peter  Titus  tt)  him  his 
Heirs  and  Assigns  to  Have  and  to  hold  for  Ever  from  mee 
or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my  Heirs  S:  Assigns  iV'  I  the 
sd  Edmund  Titus  Do  further  Warrant  this  my  salle  to  be 
Lawfull  authentick  and  eood  in  Law  free  from  anv  former 
salle  Lett  mortgage  or  Incumbrance  whatever  or  from  any 
former  Joynture  Dowry  Law  sute  or  lutanglement  what- 
ever for  and  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction  Reiceived 
before  the  Signing  hereof  and  in  testimony  of  the  premises 


I  have  iiei'ennto  sett  to  my  hand  and  tixud  inv  seall  fel)ru- 
ary  the  twenty  Eight  Day  in  the  year  of  onr  Lord  annoy 
Doinin  1701-2 

Signed  Heald  in  ])iesence 
of  us 

Samuell  Shelley  Edmund  Titus  (S) 

Joseph  Hall 
WiLLL\M  Willis 

aprill  the  :  13  1702  tliis  Day  Edmund  Titus  A])eai'ed  be- 
fore John  Jackson  one  of  his  majesties  Justices  of  the  peace 
for  Queens  County  and  acknowledged  the  above  written 
Deed  to  bee  his  vohintarj  act  &  Deed 

John  Jackson 

the  above  written  is  a  true  copy  Extracted  out  of  the 
originall  k  Entered  this  11th  Day  of  the  first  month  Called 
March  annoy  Domini  1709-10     by  inee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Bee  itt  Known  to  all  men  before  Avliome  these  presents 
shall  come  that  wee  whose  names  are  here  under  AVritten 
have  bargain^^l  k  Agreed  each  with  the  other  as  followeth 
that  is  that  wee  Richard  k  thomas  Elison  both  of  Hemp- 
sted  one  Long  Island  alias  Nashaw  in  Queens  County  and 
in  the  province  of  new  yorke   have   made  an   Exchange  of 

Page  257. 

Land  k  meadow  that  is  to  say  in  the  first  place  I  the  abov 
said  Richard  Elison  Senior  have  bargained  and  sett  of  <fe 
do  Release  from  mee  my  heirs  Executors  Administrators  k 
Assigns  the  Etpiall  half  parte  of  an  one  hundred  c*c  twenty 
five  acres  of  Land  that  I  have  bought  of  my  brother  John 
Elison  of  the  Town  County  Island  and  province  abovsaid 
unto  my  brother  Thomas  Elison  of  the  town  Island  afor- 
said  for  a  percell  of  meadow  att  South  one  a  neck  known 
by  the  name  of  new-brige  the  Equall  half  parte  of  his  mea- 
dow that  he  hath  there  \'  I  ^e   abovsaid   Thomas   Elisou 


do  by  these  presents  bargain  A:  sett  of  Release  &  Deliver 
from  mee  my  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  Assigns 
the  Equall  half  parte  of  all  my  lott  of  meadow  that  I  have 
att  the  aforsaid  Xewbrige  both  in  Quantity  A:  Quallity  unto 
my  brother  Richard  Elison  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Ad- 
ministrators and  Assigns  for  the  Abovsaid  laud  that  my 
brother  Richard  Elison  hath  bought  of  my  brother  John 
Elison  the  Ec[uall  half  parte  of  itt  in  Quantity  &  Quallity 
the  Land  lyeth  on  the  north  side  of  the  greatt  plains  East 
of  ye  bevill  bounded  on  the  East  l)y  Richard  Townsends 
land  south  by  the  plains  West  by  peter  titus  North  by  the 
high  way  6c  wee  the  abovsaid  Richard  &  thomas  Elison 
this  our  Exchauce  of  Land  and  meadow  to  ous  &  Each  of 
us  our  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  &  Assigns  for  Ever 
peacablely  to  Enjoy  without  any  molestation  from  us  or 
any  by  or  under  us  for  Ever 

The  Conditions  of  this  abovsaid  Deed  of  Exchange  is 
such  yt  if  our  brother  John  Elison  doth  nott  sell  nor  dis- 
pose of  his  house  and  land  A:  meadow  that  he  had  of  Rich- 
ard Elison  att  South  for  his  Land  in  the  north  woods  and 
meadow  att  Newbrige  to  no  one  then  this  above  said  Ex- 
change to  stand  but  if  he  Doth  dispose  of  itt  to  any  one 
then  this  Exchance  to  be  void  and  of  none  Effect  except  he 
Doth  dispose  of  itt  to  his  brother  Richard  Elison  or  his 
Heirs  Executors  Administrators  or  Assigns  and  if  Either  of 
them  the  said  Richard  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators 
or  Assigns  doth  injoy  the  abovesaid  John  Elisons  house 
Land  and  meadow  att  Mill  River  neck  then  all  the  above- 
said  Exchange  to  stand  forever  Without  any  Molestation 
Memorandom  before  signing  and  Sealling  hereof  if  the 
abovsaid  Richard  Elison  him  his  Heirs  Executors  admin- 

Page  258. 

istrators  or  Asigns  doth  Injoy  the  abovsaid  John  Elisons 
house  land  and  Meadow  at  mill  river  neck  then  the  abov- 
said Thomas  EUscn  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Administra- 


tors  ;iiul  Asigiis  to  liave  the  meadow  att  newbrige  released 
to  tlieiii  agaiue  free  without  any  Chai'ge  or  trouble  and  fur- 
thermore wee  the  aljovesaid  liichard  and  Thomas  Elison 
do  promis  and  ingage  never  to  claime  any  of  Each  others 
parte  of  the  abovesaid  Land  and  do  furthermore  Avee  do 
promise  and  ingage  to  give  to  Each  other  deeds  of  salle 
acording  to  Law  when  Ever  demanded  by  either  of  ous  or 
our  heirs  asigus  or  order  and  to  the  true  performance  of 
all  the  abovsaid  Exchange  of  Lauds  aud  meadows  and  the 
conditions  here  mentioned  wee  have  sett  to  our  hands  A- 
fixed  our  sealls  this  22  day  of  Aprill  17U7 

Signed  and  sealed  Richard  Ellison  (S) 

in  presence  of  Thomas  Ellison    (S) 

Tho  Gildersleave 
Christopher  Dingee 

the  above  written  is  a  true  Coppy  Extracted  outt  of  the 
origeuall  &  Coniparred  this  15th  Day  of  the  first  mo  Call- 
ed March  annoy  Domini  170U-10     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  Whereas  Thomas 
Ptushmore  of  Hempsted  on  Long  Island  Late  Deceased  did 
sett  his  Dwelling  house  by  his  saw  mill  upon  some  part  of 
an  aditionall  Lot  of  Land  Joyuing  to  my  Lott  att  madnans 
neck  which  aditionall  Lot  w^as  given  to  mee  Jonah  tibrdham 
then  in  haljitant  of  Hempsted  aforsaid  and  I  having  agreed 
nott  to  molest  the  said  Thomas  Rushmore  with  Respect  to 
so  much  of  the  said  land  as  was  necesary  for  his  house  to 
stand  on  and  convenient  for  going  to  his  said  mill  and  his 
the  said  Thomas  Rushmore  his  son  Thomas  now  Desireing 
of  me  a  confirmation  of  the  said  agreement  Therefore  I  Jo- 
nah fi'ordham  now  of  Southhamtoi:  in  the  county  of  sutfolk 
do  fully  freely  and  al>solutely  give  and  grant  to  the  said 

Page  259. 
Thomas  Rushmore  son  of  Thomas  Rushmore  Deased  one 
whole  acre  or  160  rod  of  the  said  land  where  the  foresaid 


dwelliuii;  bouse  standetli  to  begin  for  its  bounds  20  foott 
northward  of  tlie  said  house  k  to  Extend  Southward  to  the 
said  mill  swamp  the  said  acre  of  Land  To  have  and  to  hold 
to  him  the  said  Thomas  Eushmore  his  Heirs  and  Assigns 
forever  without  any  lett  or  molestation  from  the  said  Jonah 
ffordham  his  Heirs  or  assigns  in  confirmation  of  ye  said 
premises  I  do  hereunto  sett  my  hand  <k  seall  this  2d  of  Jan- 
uary 1691  in  the  third  year  of  their  Majesties  Eeign  Wil- 
liam and  Mary  King  and  Queen  of  England  ect  defender  of 
the  faith  Arc 

in  presence  of  us 

JosiAH  Halsey  Jonah  fordham  (S) 


memorandum  that  upon  the  7th  day  of  January  1(!U1 
Mr  Jonah  fordham  did  apear  before  me  and  then  tt  there 
did  acknowledg  this  Instrument  to  be  his  own  actt  &  deed 

Will  Barker  Justice 

a  tru  copy  Extracted  out  of  the  originall  by  mee  the 
28th  of  first  mo  1710 

William  Willis  Clarke 

att  a  generall  Town  Meetting  held  in  hempsted  the  fourth 
of  aprill  annoy  Domini  1710  att  the  said  Town  Meeting 
the  men  that  was  chosen  the  Last  year  to  look  after  the 
High  ways  &  to  vein  ye  fences  wee  still  continued  for  this 
Ensuing  year  for  the  same  servise 

att  the  same  Town  Meetting  Captain  Joseph  Smith  was 
Chosen  for  Constable  and  Collector  to  serve  till  another  is 
chosen  in  his  room 

att  the  same  town  Meetting  John  Serring  was  chosen  as- 
seser  to  assist  Isack  Smith  in  asesing  for  the  Ensuing  year 

Page  2(50. 

att  the  said  Town  Meettinu;  William  Willis  was  Chosen 
for  Clark  A:  Superviser  for  this  Ensuing  year 


att  the  afoisaid  Town  Meettiii<i;  itt  was  Votted  that  if 
any  person  or  persons  within  the  hounds  of  this  town  (h)  or 
shall  att  any  time  hereafter  kill  any  sheep  hee  shall  take  two 
neighbours  to  seethe  marks  of  the  said  sheep  whether  taken 
oil"  the  Conmions  or  out  of  his  pastures  or  else  to  be  Look- 
ed upon  as  feloniously  taken  away  whether  the  said  person 
or  persons  do  kill  sell  or  transport  the  said  sheep 

att  the  said  Town  meetting  itt  was  Votted  that  all  persons 
that  fortime  to  come  shall  have  any  Stray  sheep  or  catle  in 
his  custoty  to  Keleive  shall  within  ten  days  at'er  he  hath  the 
said  creatures  in  his  custody  give  an  account  of  the  niarkes 
thereof  to  Thomas  Gildersleeve  avIio  shall  Enter  the  markes 
both  naturall  &  artititially  given  them  &  for  the  time  the  said 
creatures  are  kept  before  publication  the  persons  so  keep- 
ing them  shall  have  nothing  for  their  pains  and  Thomas  Gil- 
dersleeve shall  have  six  pence  a  peice  for  entering  the 
markes  of  all  creatures  except  sheep  for  which  he  shall 
have  three  pence  ahead  all  to  be  paied  by  the  owners  when 
they  are  found 

att  the  said  Town  Meetting  John  Serring  and  tho  Gilder- 
sleeve are  apoynted  to  Lay  out  a  hundred  acores  of  land 
for  John  Carle  which  he  had  of  the  Town  in  Exchange  for 
his  house  &  lotts  in  the  Town  and  make  return  thereof  to 
be  entered  in  the  town  Records 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  John  Carman  of 
Hempsted  in  (Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  and  in  the 
province  of  New  Yorke  Yeoman  for  and  in  Consideration 
of  the  full  and  Just  sum  of  Eight  pounds  of  good  Currant 
mony  of  the  province  of  New  Yorke  to  mee  in  hand  payed 
before  the  Ensealling  and  Delivery  of  these  presents  by 
Henry  Allin  of  the  Town  County  Island  and  province  afor- 

PaCxE  261. 

said  the  Receipt  whereof  to  full  content  and  satisfaction  I 
the  said  John  Carman  Doth  by  these  presents  acknowledge 
and  thereof  and  of  Every  parte  thereof  for  myself  m}'  Heirs 


Executors  and  Admiuistrators  Dotli  Acquitt  and  Exonerate 
the  said  Henry  Allin  his  Heirs  Executors  and  Admiuistra- 
tors and  Every  of  them  forever  by  these  presents  and  for 
divers  other  good  causes  and  considerations  mee  thereunto 
moving  I  the  said  John  Carman  hath  given  granted  bar- 
giued  sold  Allienated  Enfeofed  conveyed  and  Confirmed 
And  by  these  presents  Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  and  abso- 
lutely give  grant  bargaine  sell  and  Confirme  unto  the  said 
Henry  Allin  his  Heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  that  of  a  cer- 
tain grant  or  Right  of  Land  nott  Exceeding  ten  acres  form- 
erly granted  to  my  deceased  father  John  Carman  att  a  gen- 
erall  Town  Meetting  held  in  Hempsted  in  the  year  of  our 
Lord  1658  on  the  twenty  ninth  Day  of  November  as  apear- 
eth  by  the  record  of  said  town  Reference  theruuto  had  may 
more  att  Large  aj^ear  to  be  taken  upon  the  Xorth  side  to- 
gether with  all  such  Eights  Liliertyes  imunityes  profitts 
privilidges  comodityes  Emoliments  and  appurtenances  as  in 
any  kiud  doth  or  may  belong  thereunto  with  the  Eevertions 
and  Remainders  thereof  and  all  the  Estate  Right  Title 
property  claime  and  demand  whatsoever  of  mee  the  said 
John  Carman  of  in  and  to  the  same  and  Every  ]iarte  there- 
of to  have  and  to  hold  All  the  above  granted  Right  of  Land 
abovsaid  with  all  and  Singular  the  appurtenances  thereof 
free  and  Clear  and  Clearly  acquited  and  discharged  unto 
the  said  Henry  Allin  his  Heirs  A-  assigns  to  his  and  their 
own  soUe  and  proper  use  benititt  and  belioffe  from  hence- 
forth forever  and  I  the  said  John  Carman  doth  further  de- 
clare that  att  the  time  of  the  Ensealling  and  deliverv  of 
these  presents  I  am  the  true  solle  and  lawfull  owner  of  the 
said  Right  of  Land  and  premises  having  in   mv  self  t>-ood 

Page  262. 

Right  full  power  and  Law  full  authority  to  sell  and  Convey 
the  same  hereby  warranting  this  my  deed  of  salle  to  be 
Lawfull  authentick  and  good  and  do  ingage  to  defend  the 
said  Henry  Allin  his  Heirs  and  assigus  in  the  Quiett  and 
peaceable  possesion  against  the  Lawfull  Claims  of  all  and 


Every  other  person  or  persons  whatsoever  that  doth  or 
shall  La}'  any  Lawiull  Clainie  thereunto  and  for  further 
Confirmation  I  have  sett  to  niy  hand  and  AHxcmI  my  seall 
this  fourth  Day  of  aprill  annoy  Domini  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  ten 

Seald  &  Delivered  in  sight 
and  presence  of 

Wi  CoRNWELL  John  Carman  (S) 

Tho  Gilldersleeve 
"William  Willis 

Memorandum     that  on  the  fourth  Day  of  Aprill  1710  the 

above  named  John  Carman  personally  apeared  before  mee 

William   Cornwell   one   of  her  Majesties    Justices   for   the 

keeping  the  peace  for  Queens   County   and   acknowledged 

the  above  written  deed  to  be  his  free  and  voluntary  act  & 


Wi  Cornwell 

the  above  written  is  a  true-  copy  Extracted  out  of  the 
origanall  Compared  and  recorded  this  lift  day  of  aprill  1710 
by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  Thomas  Gillder- 
sleeve of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island 
and  in  the  province  of  New  Yorke  Yeoman  for  and  in  the 
consideration  of  the  full  and  Just  sum  of  twenty  pounds  of 
good  currant  niony  of  the  province  of  New  Yorke  to  me  in 
hand  payed  before  the  Ensealling  &  Delivery  of  these  pre- 
sents by  Henry  Allin  of  the  Town  County  Island  it  province 
aforsaid  the  Eeiceipt  whereof  to  full  content  and  Satisfac- 
tion I  the  said  Thomas  Gilldersleeve  doth  by  these  presents 
Acknowledge  tt  thereof  tt  of  Every  parte  there  of  for  my 

Page  263. 

self  my  Heirs  Executors  &  Administrators  and  Every  of 
them  forever  by  these  presents  and  for   divers  other  good 


causes  aiid  considerations  mee  there  unto  Moving  I  tlie 
said  Thomas  Gilklersleeve  hath  given  granted  bargained 
sokl  Alienated  Enfeofed  Conveyed  and  Confirmed  and  by 
these  presents  Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  &  absolutely  grant 
bargain  sell  and  Confirine  unto  the  said  Henry  Allin  his 
Heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  that  of  the  grant  of  two  ten 
acres  of  Land  formerly  granted  by  the  town  of  Hempsted 
on  the  twenty  ninth  Day  of  November  one  thousand  six 
hundred  and  fifty  Eight  the  one  of  them  to  my  grand  father 
Mr  Richard  Gildersleeve  &  the  other  to  my  father  Richard 
gilklersleeve  as  apeareth  by  the  Records  of  the  said  Refer- 
ence thereunto  being  had  doth  more  att  Large  apear  to  be 
taken  up  on  the  north  side  together  with  all  such  Rights 
Libertyes  Imuuityes  profitts  privilidges  Comodityes  Emolu- 
ments and  Appurtenances  as  in  any  Kind  doth  or  may  belong 
thereunto  with  the  Revertions  A:  Remainders  thereof  and  all 
the  Estate  Right  title  property  claime  A:  demand  whatsoever 
of  me  the  said  Thomas  Gilldersleeve  of  in  and  to  the  same 
and  Every  parte  thereof  To  Have  and  to  hold  all  the  above 
granted  Right  of  two  ten  acres  of  Land  abov  said  with  all 
and  singuUar  the  appurtenances  thereof  free  and  clear  & 
freely  accpiitted  and  discharged  unto  the  said  Henry  Allin 
his  Heirs  and  Asigns  to  his  and  their  own  soUe  and  proper 
use  benifitt  from  henceforth  forEver  A:  I  the  said  Thomas 
gilldersleeve  doth  further  Declare  that  att  the  time  of  the 
Ensealling  and  Deliver}^  of  these  presents  I  am  the  true 
solle  and  Lawf  ull  owner  of  the  said  grant  of  two  ten  acres  of 
Land  and  premises  haveiug  in  myself  good  Right  full  power 
and  Lawfull  authourity  to  sell  and  convey  the  same  hereby 
warranting  this  mj  deed  of  salle  to  be  Lawfull  authentick 
and  good  and  do  ingage  to  defend  the  said  Henry  allin  his 
Heirs  and  assigns  in  the  Quiett  and  peacable  posesion  of 

Page  204. 
the  said  Right  of  Land  and  premises  against  the  Lawfull 
Claims  of  all  and  every  other  person  or  persons  what  soever 
that  Doth  or  shall  Lay  any  Lawfull  claime  thereiinto  and 


also  I  the  said  Thomas  gilhlersleeve  doth  by  these  presents 
give  grant  sell  and  convay  unto  the  said  Henry  Alliu  his 
Heirs  and  Asigns  forever  all  my  propriatory  lliglit  that  I 
have  in  madnans  neck  to  the  Undivided  Land  for  him  and 
his  heirs  and  Asigns  to  have  and  to  hold  from  henceforth 
&  forever  and  in  the  further  confirmation  I  the  said  Thomas 
gilhlersleeve  have  sett  to  my  hand  and  afixed  my  seall  this 
fourth  Day  of  aprill  annoy  Domini  one  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  ten 

Sealld  &  delivered  in  sight  &  presence  of 


Joshua  Cornwell 
William  AVillis 

Memorandum  that  on  the  fourth  day  of  Aprill  1710  the 
above  named  Thomas  Gilhlersleeve  personally  apeared  be- 
fore me  William  Cornwell  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  for 
the  Keeping  of  the  peace  for  Queens  County  Assigned  & 
acknowledged  the   above  written   deed  of  Salle  to  be  his 

Voluntary  act  and  Deed 

Wi  Cornwell 

the  above  written  is  a  true  copy  taken  out  of  the  origi- 
nall  deed  &  acknowledgment  and  Recorded  this  lift  day  of 
aprill  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1710     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clark 

Memorandum  itt  is  covenanted  agreed  and  Concluded 
by  and  between  Richard  Ellison  of  Hempsted  in  Queens 
County  Yeoman  and  ffrancis  Nicolls  of  the  same  place  Tay- 
lor of  the  one  parte  and  Thomas  Ellison  and  Richard  Town- 
send  both  of  the  same  place  Yeoman  of  the  other  parte  in 
manner  and  forme  following  (that  is  to  say)  Imprimus 
That  the  said  Richard  Ellison  for  S:  in  consideration  of  the 
sum  of  live  shillings  good  and  lawfull  niony  of  New  Yorke 
to  him  in  hand  paid  and  other  good  causes  and  considera- 

Page  265. 

tions  him  thereunto  moving  shall  upon  demand  and  att  the 


costs  &  charges  of  Eicliaid  Townsend  seall  execute  and  de- 
liver unto  the  said  Eichard  Towusend  good  and  suffitient 
deeds  S:  Convejences  in  the  Law  for  all  his  Eight  and  Ti- 
tle of  in  and  to  all  the  one  moity  or  equall  half  parte  of  all 
that  Lott  of  Land  lying  to  the  East  ward  of  the  bevill  with- 
in the  bounds  of  Hempsted  aforesaid  (exeptiug  ten  acres 
already  sold  to  the  said  Townsend  and  ten  acres  more  here- 
in after  mentioned  &  reserved)  to  have  and  to  hold  to  the 
said  Eichard  Townsend  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever 

2udly  that  the  sd  Eichard  Ellison  for  the  considera- 
tions aforsaid  shall  in  Due  forme  of  Law  Convey  to  the  said 
francis  Nicolls  ten  acres  of  the  aforsaid  Land  on  the  West 
side  of  the  said  lialfe  running  the  wholle  Length  of  the  said 
lott  to  the  said  francis  his  Heirs  &:  Assigns  forever  ^ 

Sly  In  consideration  whereof  the  said  Thomas  Ellison 
shall  by  good  and  Lawfull  conveyances  in  the  law  convey 
to  the  said  Eichard  Ellison  his  Heirs  and  assigns  forever  all 
that  the  one  Moity  of  all  his  meadow  att  the  Newbrige  neck 
now  in  the  possesion  of  the  said  Eichard  Ellison 

41y  that  the  said  Thomas  Ellison  shall  Eelease  to  the 
sd  Eichard  all  his  Claime  of  all  the  before  mentioned  lott 
Late  in  the  tenure  &  Occupation  of  his  brother  John  Elli- 
son To  the  tru  performance  whereof  the  above  said  partyes 
bind  themselves  to  Each  other  in  the  penall  Sum  of  two 
hundred  pounds  good  &  lawfull  mony  of  New  York  as 
wittness  their  hands  &  sealls  the  9th  day  of  June  1708 
Seald  c*c  delivered  Eichard  Ellison       (S) 

in  the  presence  of  fkancis  Nicolls         (S) 

William  AVillis  Thomas  Ellison        (S) 

Andrew  Gibb  Eichard  Townsend   (S) 

Entered  this  12  da}-  of  2d  mo     1710     ])r  me 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  266. 

att  a  generall  Town  Meetting  hold  In  hempsted  the  16 
day  of  June  1710  itt  was  votted  by  the  major  votte   of  the 


town  that  Every  man  that  chximeth  any  Land  or  meadow 
within  t]w  townsliip  of  Hempsted  shall  give  an  acomit  of 
the  same  unto  the  clarke  of  the  town  who  is  obliged  to 
take  an  acount  of  the  same  by  the  first  of  Sopteml)er  next 
acording  as  itt  is  brought  in  by  the  persons  (Jlaiming  the 
same  :  the  said  acountt  declaring  how  Each  man  &  upon 
what  Right  the  Said  Land  is  held  whether  by  propriety 
gift  or  grant     Entered  by 

"William  Willis  Clarke 

Bee  itt  Known  unto  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I 
Roberd  Ashman  of  Hempsted  upon  Long  Island  in  the 
province  of  the  New  Netherlands  Do  hereby  fully  freely  & 
absolutely  bargaine  &  sell  unto  Richard  Ellison  of  the  Same 
plantation  planter  All  the  accomodations  which  I  now  have 
in  my  own  hands  and  Custody  within  the  l)ounds  and 
Liberty s  of  Hempsted  aforsaid  whether  bought  with  my 
mouy  or  given  mee  by  the  Town  that  is  to  say  My  Dwelling 
house  Barne  oiithouse  orchards  gardens  yeards  house  lott 
and  fencing  All  the  which  I  purchased  of  Mr  Allixander 
Bryan  of  Millford  (being  formerly  Dauiell  Whitheads)  w'tli 
all  the  upland  hollows  plaine  Land  and  Meadowing  and  all 
the  privilidges  &  appurtenances  belonging  to  them  as  is 
specified  in  a  Bill  of  Salle  or  Conveyance  of  the  said  Hous- 
ing and  Lands  given  &  granted  by  the  forsaid  Dauiell 
AVhitehead  in  the  yeare  1G55,  unto  the  aftbresaid  Mr  AUex- 
ander  bryan.  Exepting  seven  Acres  &  a  half  of  meadow 
more  or  Lesse  Lying  upon  the  neck  comonly  called  Mr 
hixes  neck  And  six  Acres  more  or  Lesse  of  meadow  Lying 
upon  the  Neck  Commonly  called  Mr  Coes  neck  the  which  I 
have  otherwise  Disposed  of  and  allso  I  doe  grant  &   make 

Page  267. 

over  to  the  sd  Richard  Ellison  ten  Acres  of  Wood  land 
lying  on  the  north  side  att  herricks  and  three  acres  &  a 
halfe  of  hollows  (more  or  lesse)  lying  in  the  Bevill  and 
westward  ;  the  which  I  purchased  of  Mr  thirstone  Rayner 


of  South  hain]iton  &  one  acre  or  there  abonts  of  plaiue 
Laud  or  bad  Hollow  lyiug  under  the  East  hill  beyond  the 
Rootty  hollows  &  also  three  small  peeces  of  Hollow  Con- 
taining about  half  an  acree,  AVliich  I  bought  of  Christopher 
foster  l.ying  in  the  Bevill  North  ward  from  that  which  was 
Joseph  Scots,  and  allso  the  one  halfe  of  the  meadow  which 
was  Laid  out  to  belong  to  the  whole  Accommodations 
which  I  bought  of  Mr  Eayner  afltbrsaid  with  the  Common- 
age &  what  other  privilidges  belongeth  to  that  halfe  :  and 
four  Oxe  gates  in  the  East  oxe  pasture,  and  Seventeen 
gates  in  the  North  neck,  the  fence  belougeth  to  them  be- 
gining  at  the  west  End  of  Eoberd  Williams,  and  so  running 
•westward  so  far  as  belongeth  to  so  many  gates  Leaving 
four  gates  fencing  for  m}'  son  John  Ashman  out  of  twenty 
one.  And  more  plainly  to  demonstrate  all  the  perticular 
Alottments  of  meadow  which  I  do  hereby  make  over  to  the 
aforsaid  Richard  Ellison  they  are  as  followeth,  in  ])rimus 
an  Alottment  of  meddow  lying  upon  the  mill  River  neck 
laid  out  for  twenty  five  acres  (more  or  less)  bounded  on 
the  East  side  by  an  allottment  of  meadow  belonging  to 
Lawrence  Ellison  And  on  the  west  side  by  an  Allottment  of 
meaddow  belonging  to  Jolm  Ellison 

21y  An  allottment  of  meaddow  lying  upon  the  neck  com- 
monly called  Mr  Rayners  Neck,  laid  out  for  fifteen  Acres 
more  or  less  Bounded  on  the  East  side  by  the  Allottments 
of  James  Piue  tt  Thomas  Southard  and  on  the  West  side 
by  an  Allottment  belonging  to  Roberd  Williams 

Sly  An  Alottment  of  meaddow  laid  out  for  six  acres  more 
or  lesse  lyiug  upon  the  Neck  Comonly  Called  Mr  Wash- 
bornes  Neck  Bounded  on  ye  East  side  by  an  Allottment 
belonging  to  thomas  Hicks  and  on  the  west  side  by  an  Al- 
lottment belonging  to  timothy  Hallsted  Lastly  an  addition 
of  meadow  given  mee  by  the  Towne  lying  upon  tbe  neck 
commonly  Called  Newbridge  Neck  bounded  on  one  side  by 
Mr  Seamans  meaddow  and  on  the  other  side  by  Thomas 
Smiths  meadow:  All  which  Allottments  run  from  the  wood- 

IIEMI'STEAJ)  TOWN    llECOltDS.  389 

Page  2G8. 

land  toward  the  South  sea  as  those  do  that  adjoyne  to  them 
All  which  Dwelling  house  Barne  outhouse  house  Lote  Or- 
chards gardens  yards  and  fencing  with  all  the  uplaJul  Med- 
dow  hollows  playne  and  Woodland  oxe  gates  ])asteridge  & 
Comonage  as  is  above  expresed  with  all  the  appurtenances 
Rights  and  privilidges  that  may  any  way  belong  thereunto 
I  the  said  Koberd  Ashman  do  hereby  wholly  make  over  to 
the  aforsaid  Kichard  Ellison  for  him  his  Heirs  and  suckses- 
ers  to  enjoy  forever  ffor  and  in  consideration  of  the  full 
Summe  of  Sixty  two  pounds  Sterling  of  which  I  have  Rei- 
ceived  of  Him  the  said  Richard  Ellison  thirty  pounds  in 
hand  And  have  takeen  his  Bill  for  the  payment  of  the  thirty 
two  pounds  that  is  behind  having  ye  forsaid  housing  &  Lands 
bound  over  to  mee  for  Security  And  I  doe  promise  &  engage 
to  give  him  ye  sd  Richard  full  free  and  Quiett  possesion  of 
the  said  housing  and  Lands  att  on  or  before  ye  twentieth 
day  of  November  (stilo  Novo)  next  Ensuing  the  day  of  the 
Date  hereof  and  to  Clear  &  discharge  all  Rattes  Arrears 
taxations  and  demands  yt  may  any  way  bee  due  upon  the 
said  Lands  att  that  time  And  I  doe  bind  my  self  my  Heirs 
Executors  and  Administrators  to  uphold  the  premises  to 
be  firme  Authentick  and  Lawfull  and  to  maintaine  the  Sale 
thereof  against  any  perticular  person  that  may  make  any 
Claime  to  any  of  the  said  Housing  &  lands  Exeping  Such 
as  may  be  insident  to  the  Town  in  generall  by  Indians  warr 
or  New  goverment  In  Wittness  whereof  I  doe  hereunto 
subscribe  my  hand  this  lUth  day  of  October  in  the  year  of 
our  Lord  one  thousand  six  hundred  sixty  three 

Signed  &  delivered  in  presence  of  us  the  mark  of 

Richard  Gilldeiisleeve  Robert  X  Ashman 

Jonas  Houldsworth 

Recorded  the  tenth  day  of  lift  mon     July  annoy  Domini 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

390         hempstead  town  recoeds. 

Page  269. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  I  Saimiell  Denton  of  Hempsted  in  Qneeus  County 
on  Nashaw  Island  Yeoman  sends  ^reetiuo;  Know  vee  that 
I  the  said  Saniuell  Denton  for  and  in  the  Consideration  of 
that  parentull  Love  and  afection  that  I  have  and  doe  bear 
toward  my  well  beloved  son  James  Denton  of  Hempsted  in 
Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  aforesaid  Yeoman  hath 
given  gi'anted  Aliened  &  enfeefed  conveyed  <t  confirmed  And 
by  these  presents  Doth  fully  Clearly  freely  and  absolutely 
give  grant  ahen  Enfeaiie  Convey  and  confirme  unto  my 
said  son  James  Denton  his  heirs  <t  Assigns  forever  all 
that  of  two  AUottments  of  land  h'ing  and  being  scituated  on 
the  north  side  of  the  great  plains  within  the  To\\Tiship  of 
Hempsted  Westward  of  a  place  called  Henicks  the  one  of 
them  being  a  ten  acre  lott  of  land  formerly  granted  to  Joseph 
Jinnings  as  apears  by  the  Eecords  of  Hempsted  A:  purchas- 
ed by  mee:  the  other  lott  being  formerly  Laid  out  to  mee 
Containing  twenty  k  Uvo  acres  more  or  Less  lying  Joyning 
to  the  side  line  on  the  west  side  of  Samuell  Smiths  land 
near  unto  the  other  Lott  abovsaid  the  twenty  two  acre  lott 
the  twenty  two  acre  lott  being  bounded  on  the  east  by 
Samuel  Smiths  land  and  on  the  north  by  a  high  way  A'  on 
the  west  by  a  high  way  and  on  the  south  by  the  common 
land  the  ten  acre  lott  being  bounded  on  the  west  by  the  land 
of  my  said  son  James  Denton  &  on  the  East  by  the  high 
way  Sc  on  the  north  and  south  by  the  common  land  together 
with  all  such  Eights  Lybertyes  Imunityes  protitts  privilidges 
Commodity es  Emoliments  and  Appurtenances  as  in  any  Kind 
appertaineth  thereunto  with  the  Eevertions  and  Remainders 
together  with  the  Timber  trees  woods  under  woods  with  all 
Waterings  Lakes  k  ponds  and  swamps  that  are  thereon  or 
thereunto  belonging  and  all  the  Estate  Right  Title  Interest 
Property  posesion  Claime  and  Demand  Whatsoever  of  mee 
the  said  Samuell  Denton  of  in  or  unto  the  said  two  alott- 
ments  of  land  and  premises  abovsaid  or  any  parte  or  parcell 


thereof  To  have  iS:  to  hohl  all  the  above  granted  premises 
and  the  appnrtenances  thereof  nnto  my  said  son  James 
Denton  his  Heirs  und  Assignes  To  his  and  there  own  sole 
and  proper  nse  bojiititt  and  behoofe  from  hence  forth  for- 
ever and  the  said  Samnell  Denton  Declareth  that  att  the 
Time  of  the  Ensealling  A-  Delivery  of  these  })resents  he  the 
said  Sanuiell  Denton  is  the  true  sole  and  lawfiill  owner  of 
all  the  afore  granted  prennses  and  stands  Lawfully  Seized 
thereof  in  my  own  proper  Right  of  a  good  perfect  and  In- 

Page  270. 
deafeazal)le  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee  simple  Having  in 
himself  full  power  good  Eight  and  Lawfull  authority  to 
give  grant  and  Dispose  of  the  same  in  manner  as  aforsaid 
And  that  mv  said  son  James  Denton  his  Heirs  and  Assi<>n- 
ess  shall  and  may  henceforth  and  forever  Lawfully  peacably 
and  (^uiettly  Have  hold  use  occupie  possess  and  enjoy  the 
above  granted  premises  with  all  and  Singular  the  appurte- 
nances .thereof  free  <fe  clear  and  clearly  ac(piitted  and  Dis- 
charged of  and  from  all  and  all  manner  of  former  and  other 
gifts  grants  bargains  sales  Leases  mortgages  joyntures 
Dowers  Judgments  Executions  Entaills  forfietures  and  of 
and  from  all  other  title  Troubles  Charges  and  Encumbrances 
whatsoever  had  made  comitted  done  or  sufered  to  be  done 
by  me  the  sd  Samuell  Denton  my  Heirs  or  Assignes  att  any 
time  or  times  before  the  Ensealling  and  Delivery  hereof:  In 
wittues  whereof  I  the  said  Samuell  Denton  hath  hereunto 
sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seall  this  sixtenth  day  of  de- 
cember  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  ten 

Signed  Seald  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  his 

Tho  Hickes  Samuell  X  Denton  (S) 

Francis  Nicolls  marke 

William  Willis 

Memorandum   that  on  the   twentieth    Day  of  December 
1710     the  above  named  Samuell  Denton  personally  apear- 


ed  before  mee  John  Tied  well  one  of  lier  Majesties  Justices 
of  the  peace  for  Queens  county  asigned  and  acknowledged 
the  abov  wiitten  Deed  to  be  his  voluntary  act  and  Deed 

John  Tredwell 

The  above  written  Deed  was  Entered  in  the  Records  the 
twenty  first  Day  of  december  1710     by  mee 

William  "Wellis  Clarke 

To  All  Christian  people  to  whom  these  presents  shall 
Come  I  Samuell  Denton  of  Hqmpsted  in  Queens  County 
on  Nashaw  Island  Yeoman  sends  greetting  Know  yee  that 
I  the  said  Samuell  Denton  for  and  in  the  Consideration  of 
that  parentall  Love  and  afection  that  I  have  and  do  hear 
toward  my  Well  beloved  son  Abrani  Denton  of  Hempsted 
in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  Yeoman  Hath  given 
granted  Aliened  Eufeofted  Conveyed  and  Confirmed  and 
by  these  presents  Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  and   absolutly 

Page  271. 

give  grant  Alien  Enfeoff  Convey  and  Confirme  unto  my 
said  son  Abram  Denton  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  forever  all 
that  of  two  parcells  or  peices  of  Land  Lying  k  being  scitu- 
ated  on  the  north  side  of  the  gi-eat  plains  within  the  Town- 
ship of  Hempsted  Eastward  of  a  place  Called  Hericks  the 
one  peice  being  the  Equall  Moity  or  half  of  a  certain  peice 
or  peices  of  land  formerly  laid  out  on  the  twenty  Eight  day 
of  December  one  thousand  Six  hundred  &  seventy  part  to 
Timothy  Halsted,  and  part  to  Timothy'  halsted  and  Symon 
SeiTing  as  apears  by  the  Records  of  Hempsted  Reference 
thereunto  being  had  more  largly  apeareth  itt  l)cing  bound- 
ed on  the  west  side  by  my  other  Land  k  the  north  side  by 
Benjamin  Halsteds  land  and  on  the  East  by  the  path  and 
south  partly  by  the  fence  and  partly  l)y  abrams  own  Land 
which  he  bought  of  Richard  Yallintiue  the  other  peice  or 
parcell  of  Land  lyeth  bounded  on  the  west  by  the  path  on 
the  South  by  Joseph  Motts  land  on  the  north  In-  the  High 
Way  and  on  the  East  by  the  high    way  itt   being   Twenty 


acres  more  or  Loss  as  att  first  Layed  oiitt  within  the  said, 
bounds  Together  with  all  such  Ilij^hts  lybertyes  Iinunityes 
profitts  privilidgos  Coniodityes  Emoluments  and  appurte- 
nances as  in  any  Kind  apertaineth  thereunto  together  with 
the  Timber  Trees  Woods  under  woods  with  all  watering 
Lakes  swamps  and  ponds  that  are  thereon  or  thereunto  be- 
longing with  the  Revertions  and  Ilemainders  thereof  and 
all  the  Estate  Eight  Title  Interest  Inheritance  property 
possesion  claim  &  demand  whatsoever  of  mee  the  said 
Samuell  Denton  of  in  or  unto  the  said  two  peices  or  par- 
cells  of  Land  abovsaid  and  premises  or  any  part  or  parcel! 
thereof  unto  my  said  son  Abram  Denton  his  Heirs  and 
Assigns  To  his  and  their  own  sole  and  proper  use  benititt 
and  behoofe  from  hencforth  forever  and  I  the  said  Samuell 
Doth  further  declare  that  at  the  time  of  the  ensealling  and 
Delivery  of  these  presents  I  the  said  Samuell  Denton  is 
the  true  sole  and  Lawfull  owner  of  all  the  afore  granted 
premisses  and  stands  Lawfully  seized  thereof  in  my  own 
jiroper  Right  of  a  good  perfect  and  Indeaf  eazable  Estate  of  In- 
heritance in  Fee  Simple  having  in  my  self  f  idl  power  good 
Right  and  Lawfull  authority  to  give  grant  and  dispose  of  the 
same  in  manner  as  af  orsaid  And  that  my  said  son  Abram  Den- 
ton his  Heirs  and  Assignes  shall  and  may  henceforth  and  for- 
ever Lawfully  peacably  and  Quietly  have  Hold  use  occupy 
posses  and  enjoy  the  above  granted  premises  with  all  and  sing- 

Page  272. 
ular  the  appurtenances  thereof  free  and  clear  and  clearly 
ac(piitte>l  and  Discharged  of  and  from  all  &  all  manner  of 
former  ct  other  gifts  grants  bargains  sales  Leases  Mortga- 
ges  Joyntures  Dowers  Judgments  Executions  Entaills  for- 
hettures  and  of  and  from  all  other  Titles  Troubles  Charges 
and  Encumbrances  whatsoever  had  made  suferecl  Comitted 
done  or  sufered  to  be  done  by  mee  the  said  Samuell  Den- 
ton my  Heirs  or  Assignes  att  any  time  or  Times  before  the 
ensealling  and  delivery  hereof  in  Wittness  whereof  I  the 
said  Samuell  Denton  have  sett  to  my  hand  ^and   fixed  my 


seall   this  sixteutli  Day   of  December  iu  the  3-ear   of  our 
Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  Tenn 

Signed  Seald  and  Delivered 
iu  presents  of 

Tho  Hickes  his 


William  AVillis  mark 

Memorandum  that  on  ye  twentieth  da}'  of  December 
1710  the  abov  said  Hamuell  Denton  personally  apeared 
before  mee  John  Tredwell  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  of 
the  peace  for  Queens  County  and  assigned  k  acknowledged 
the  above  written  Deed  to  be  his  Voluntary  act  and  Deed 

the  above  written  Deed  was  Recorded  this  22  day  of  De- 
cember 1710 

John  Tkedwell 

by  mee  William  Willis  Clarke 

att  a  generall  ToAvn  meetting  held  in  the  meetting  house 
iu  hempsted  the  lift  day  of  february  1710-11  by  majer  vote 
of  the  fi-eeholders  of  the  said  Town  of  Hempsted  the  four 
trustees  of  the  Town  were  Chosen  to  agree  with  John  Kee- 
ble  for  a  certain  parcell  of  the  timber  tV  wood  att  Rockaway 
(Yiz)  William  ^iicoll:  Coll  John  Jackson  Judge  Hicks  A- 
Juctice  John  Tredwell  6c  if  thev  cannot  all  agree  then  any 
three  of  them  to  agree  with  the  said  John  Keble  Reudring 
an  acount  thereof  to  the  Town  &  also  that  the  aforsaid 
four  Trustees  are  likewise  Chosen  to  sett  out  a  certain  per- 
'-cell  of  Land  att  Rockaway  for  the  whalle  men  belonging  to 
the  town  of  Hempsted  from  time  to  time  hereafter  as  long 
as  is  thought  fitt  to  cutt  tire  wood  for  the  use  of  the  whall- 
ing  designe 

Page  273. 

att  the  aforesaid  Town  meetting  itt  was  votted  that  Ro- 
berd  Williams  should  have  Liberty  to  Joyn  his  lott  to  the 


south  end  of  the  parsonage  lott  ct  the  town  lott  &  Roberd 
WilHams  his  other  h)tt  and  leave  out  a  highway  of  the  same 
bredtli  between  his  said  h)tt  and  John  beadk>  his  h)tt  out 
of  the  said  Ptoberd  Williams  his  own  land 

To  All  Christian  people  to  wliome  these  presents  shall 
come  Thomas  Hieks  Esq'e  John  Jackson  Esq'e  John 
Tredwell  Esq'e  &  William  Nicoll  Esq'e  Trustees  of  the  pro- 
priators  &  free  holders  of  the  Town  of  Hempsted  in  Queens 
County  in  the  Colony  of  New  York  in  America  sends  greet- 
ting  in  our  Lord  god  Everlasting  Know  yee  that  wee  the 
said  Thomas  Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell  &  William 
Nicoll  by  vertue  of  the  power  &  authouryty  to  us  or  any 
three  of  us  granted  by  the  propriators  tt  freeholders  of 
Hempsted  aforsaid  for  &  in  Consideration  of  a  competant 
sum  of  mony  to  us  paid  to  &  for  the  use  of  the  said  pro- 
priators and  freeholders  of  Hempsted  aforesaid  by  Thomas- 
in  Williams  of  madnaus  neck  within  the  bounds  of  the  said 
Town  of  Hempsted  Widdow  Have  granted  Confirmed  Re- 
mised Released  and  forever  Quitt  claimed  and  by  these 
presents  do  for  us  our  heirs  and  Assigns  and  the  propria- 
tors (t  fireeholders  of  Hemj^sted  aforsaid  their  or  either  of 
ther  Heirs  &  Assignes  Ifally  Clearly  and  absolutely  grant 
confirm  Remise  Release  and  forev'er  Quitt  claim  unto  the 
said  Thomasin  Williams  (in  her  full  and  peaceable  posesion 
being)  and  to  her  heirs  &  Assigns  forever  all  that  a  certain 
tract  of  Land  Scituate  Lying  and  being  upon  Madnans 
neck  aforesaid  bounded  as  folio weth  (that  is  to  say)  begin- 
ning att  a  certain  gate  by  the  high  way  near  a  swamp  on 
the  Northeast  Corner  thereof  Runing  Southerly  Eighty  Rod 
thence  Southwest  sixty  Eight  Rod  thence  North  west  Sixty 
Eight  Rod  thence  northerly  fibrty  four  Rod  thence  North 
west  Ififty  seven  Rod  thence  Easterly  to  the  first  station  one 
hundred  thirty  &  two  Rod  Containing  in  all  Sixty  Six  acres 
and  one  lialfe  be  the  same  more  or  lese  Together  with  all 
and  Singular  the  Rights  pi'ivilidges  hereditaments  and  ap- 
purtenances whatsoever  belonging  or   in  any  wise  apper- 


taiuing  aud  All  the  Estate  Right  Title  Interest  Claime  & 

Page  274. 

demand  Avhatsoever  which  wee  the  said  Thomas  Hicks  John 
Jackson  John  Tredwell  tV'  William  Nicoll  now  have  or 
which  wee  our  heirs  or  the  propriators  k  free  holders  of 
Hempsted  aforsaid  their  or  Either  of  their  heirs  att  any 
time  hereafter  may  or  ought  to  have  of  in  or  to  the  premises 
or  any  parte  or  parcell  thereof  to  have  and  to  hold  ye  sd 
laud  tenements  heriditaments  tt  premises  &  ever}-  parte  & 
percell  thereof  with  their  and  Every  of  their  appurtenances 
unto  her  the  said  Thomasin  Williams  her  heirs  and  assign- 
es  forever  So  that  neither  wee  the  sd  Thomas  Hicks  John 
Jackson  John  Tredwell  d*  William  XicoU  nor  our  Heirs  nor 
any  other  person  or  persons  for  us  or  them  or  in  our  or 
their  name  or  names  Right  Title  or  stead  or  in  ye  names 
Right  title  or  stead  of  the  proprietors  &  free  holders  of 
Hempsteed  or  any  of  them  their  or  any  of  their  Heirs  or 
Assignes  shall  or  may  by  any  ways  &  means  hereafter  have 
Challenge  Claim  or  Demand  any  Estate  or  Interest  off  in  or 
to  the  premisses  or  any  parte  thereof  Butt  from  all  action 
Right  Estate  Title  Interest  and  demand  of  in  and  to  the 
premises  ct  every  parte  there  of  shall  and  will  be  utterly  ex- 
cluded and  debaned  forever  by  these  presents  and  wee 
the  said  Thomas  Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell  & 
William  Nicoll  <t  our  Heirs  the  said  land  Tenements  heri- 
ditiments  &  premises  S:  every  parte  <t  parcell  thereof  with 
their  and  Every  of  their  Appurtenances  unto  the  said 
Thomasin  Williams  k  her  Heu-s  and  Assignes  to  her  and 
their  own  proper  use  &  uses  against  us  &  our  Heirs  &  all  & 
Every  other  person  &  persons  Lawfully  Claiming  by  from  or 
under  us  the  said  Thomas  Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell 
&  William  Nicoll  shall  &  will  Warrent  &  forever  defend  by 
these  presents  In  Wittness  whereof  wee  have  hereunto  sett 
our  hands  &  affixed  our  Sealls  the  thirty eth  day  of  January 


in  the    ninth  year  of  ye    Reij^n    of    our   SoveRaigu    Liidy 
Queen  Ann  over  great  Brittain  Sic  annog  Domi  1710 

Seakl  ct  delivered  in  the  Jno  Jackson       (S) 

presence  of :  by  the  within 

named  John  Jackson  John  John  Tredwell  (S) 

Tredwell  &  William  Nicoll 


Andrew  gibb 

the  above  written  is  a  true  Copy  of  the  origanall  Record- 
ed this  lift  day  of  february  1710-11     by  me 

AViLLiAM  Willis  Clarke 

Page  275. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  Thomas  Willits  of 
seakatauge  in  the  county  of  Suffolk  on  Nashaw  Island  for 
divers  good  Causes  and  Considerations  Him  thereunto 
moving  but  more  Espetially  for  &  in  the  consideration  of 
the  fatherly  Love  care  good  Will  and  afection  which  I  have 
and  do  bear  unto  my  Loving  son  Amos  Willitts  of  Seaka- 
tauge in  Suliblk  County  aforsaid  Hath  given  granted  Alien- 
ed Enfeofed  conveyed  and  Confirmed  and  by  these  presents 
Doth  fully  freely  clearly  and  absolutely  give  grant  alien 
Enfeoflfe  convey  and  confirme  unto  the  said  Amos  Willitts 
his  Heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  that  of  a  certain  tract  of 
Land  containing  one  hundred  and  fifty  acres  be  itt  more 
or  Less  Scituate  Lying  and  being  within  the  township  of 
Hempsteed  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  aforesaid 
on  the  North  side  of  a  place  Commonly  Known  &  Called 
by  the  name  of  herricks  on  the  North  side  or  End  of  the 
Serrings  Land  howsoever  butted  &  bounded  and  also  the 
Equall  Third  part  of  the  upland  &  meadow  on  hogg  Island 
within  the  said  township  of  Hempsted  and  also  all  other 
the  Salt  &  fresh  meadow  within  the  said  Township  of 
Hempsted  which  Doth  or  hereafter  may  belong  unto  the 
said  Thomas  Willitts  his  Heirs  or  Executors  together  with 
all  rights  libertyes  Imunities  profitts  privilidges  commodi- 


tyes  Emoluments  and  appiu'tenances  as  iu  any  Kind  doth 
or  hereafter  ma}-  belong  iinto  the  said  one  hundred  and 
fifty  acres  of  Land  third  part  of  Hogg  Island  and  unto  all 
other  the  Salt  &:  fresh  meadow  within  the  ToAvnship  of 
Hempsted  which  Doth  or  may  belong  unto  the  Said  Thom- 
as Willitts  his  Heirs  or  Assignes  with  the  Eevertions  & 
remainders  thereof  &  also  he  the  Said  Thomas  "Willitts  doth 
hereby  give  and  grant  to  the  Said  Amos  Willitts  A:  to  his 
Heirs  and  Assignes  forever  all  his  Rights  of  ye  uudevided 
&  derided  land  and  Eight  of  comonage  whatsoever  -ndthin 
the  Township  of  Hempsted  and  all  the  Estate  Right  title 
property  Interest  inheritance  possesion  claim  and  demand 

Pag£  276. 

whatsoever  of  him  the  said  Thomas  Willi ts  of  in  and  unto 
the  same  and  Every  parte  thereof  To  have  &  to  hold  all 
the  above  granted  premises  with  all  and  singular  the  ap- 
purtenances thereof  unto  the  said  Amos  Willitts  his  Heirs 
and  Assignes  To  his  and  their  own  proper  use  benititt 
and  behoof e  from  hence  forth  forever  and  the  said 
Thomas  Willitts  doth  hereby  further  Declare  that  att 
the  time  of  the  Ensealliug  and  delivery  of  these  pres- 
ents he  the  said  Thomas  Willitts  is  the  true  sole  & 
Lawfull  owner  of  all  the  afore  bargained  premises  and 
stands  Lawfull}-  Seized  thereof  iu  his  own  proper  Right  of 
a  good  perfect  k  Indefeazeable  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee 
simple  having  in  himself  good  Right  Lawfull  authourity  to 
give  and  dispose  of  the  same  in  manner  as  aforsaid  and 
that  the  said  Amos  Willitts  his  Heirs  and  Assifjnes  shall 
and  may  henceforth  and  forever  Lawfully  peaceably  and 
Quietly  have  hold  use  occupie  posses  and  Enjoy  the  abov 
granted  premises  w-ith  the  appurtenances  thereof  free  and 
clear  and  clearly  aquitted  A:  discharged  of  and  from  all  and 
all  manner  of  former  and  other  gifts  grants  bargains  salles 
Leases  mortgages  Joyntures  Dowers  Judgments  Executions 
Entaills  fortiettures  and  of  and  from  all  other  Titles  troubles 


Charges  and  Encumbrances  whatsoever  had  made  comitted 
done  or  Sufered  to  be  done  by  him  tlie  said  Thomas  Willits 
his  heirs  or  assigues  att  any  time  or  times  before  the  en- 
sealling and  Delivery  hereof  and  further  the  said  Thomas 
Willitts  hath  putt  the  said  Amos  Willitts  in  the  Quiett  and 
peaceable  ]K)sesion  of  all  &  singular  the  before  grantted 
])remisses  with  the  appurtenances  thereof  by  the  Delivery 
of  Turfe  S:  Twigg  and  l)y  these  presents  in  Wittuess  whereof 
the  said  Thomas  Willitts  hath  sett  to  his  hand  &  afixed  his 
seall  the  ninth  day  of  October  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 
thousand  seven  hundred  and  ten; 

Memorandum  before  signing  &  sealing  if  my  said  son 
Amos  Willitts  dye  before  he  hath  any  Child  or  Lawfull 
Ishue  the  above  sd  land  and  meadow  and  premises  or  the 
produce  of  itt  if  sold  shall  again  Returne  to  me  the  said 

Page  277. 

Thomas  Willitts  or  to  my  disposall  as  Wittnes  my  hand 
and  Seall 

Signed  Seald  and  Delivered  in  presence 

of  us  Who  Wittnes  the  memorandum  to  be  put  in 

the  bottom  or  Lower  parte  of  the 

within  Deed  of  gift  before  Sealling 

Richard  Willitts  Thomas  Willitts  (S) 

Thomas  Willitts  Junier 
Dennis  Heart 

the  Within  Written  Deed  of  gift  is  Recorded  the  Seventh 
Day  of  the  12th  mon  february  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
&  ten-11 

by  William  Willis  Clarke 

Att  the  Request  of  Amos  Willits  son  of  thomas  Willitts  I 
this  day  Surveyed  &  laid  out  to  him  the  Tenn  acres  of  Land 
specified  in  the  annexed  Scheme:  itt  being  Taken  up  by 
Yertue  of  a  town  Vote  of  the  Town  of  Hempsted  Datted  ye 
29  g'br  1658  &  of  a  Deed  from  the  said  Thomas  Willitts  to 


the  said  Amos  bearring  Date  ye  9tb  of  October  anno  1710 
performed  the  llth  January  1710 

Pr  mee  S  Clows  Surveyer 


Entered  the  7th  day  of  the  12  mo  february  1710-11 

by  mee   William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  278. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  Avhome   these  presents  shall 
come  or  any  ways  appertain  Greetting     Know  yee  yt  I  John 
Linington  of  Hempsted  on  Nashaw  Island  in  Queens  Coun- 
ty in  ye  province  of  New  York  Doe  by  these  presents  give 
grant  bargain  Sell  Aliu ate  Pielease  and  Deliver  from  mee 
my    Heirs    Executors   Administrators    and    Assigns    unto 
John  Duseuborough  of  the  town  Island  County  and  pro- 
vince aforsaid  to  him  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators 
and  Assignes  a  Sertain  parcell  of  wood  Land  Lying  &  be- 
ing scituated  in   bounds    of   Hempsted    aforsaid    bounded 
Northerly  by  the  Land  of  George  hulitt  South  by  the  unde- 
vided  Land  <fc  East  by  the  high  Leads  by  the  West 
meadow  swamp  West  by  the  Land  of  John   Mott  and  the 
Unde%aded  Land  all  which  Land  as  above  bounded  Sixty 
acres  in  Quantity  Lying  on  the  South  Side  the  great  plains 
together  with  ye  woods  under  woods  timber  Trees  Lying  or 
standing  and  all  appurtenances   thereon  I  the  Said  John 
Linington  Doe  by  these  presents  give  grant   bargain   sell 
Ahenatte  Pvelease  and  Deliver  from  mee  mv  Heirs  and  As- 
signes  unto  the  said  John  Dusenliorough  to  him  his  heirs 
and  Assignes  to  have  &  to  hold  forever  and  Quettly  to  pos- 
ses and  Enjoy  from  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee  my 
Heirs  and  Assigns  and  do  further  Warrant  this  my  Salle  to 
be  LawfuU  autheutick  and  good  in  Law  free  from  any  for- 
mer sale  Lett  morgage  or  incumbrance  whatsoever  and  I 
the  said  John  Linington  do  for  my  self  my  Heirs  and  As- 
signs covenant  and  promise  to  and  with   the  said  John  Du- 
senbourough  his  heirs  and  Assigns  yt  att  ys  Deed  Signing 


and  sele  nuikinfj;  the  said  Land  and  premises  I  had  full 
power  and  Lawfull  authority  to  sell  the  same  and  doe  for 
my  self  my  Heirs  aiul  Assigns  Covenant  and  promise  to  and 
with  the  said  John  Dusenborough  his  heirs  and  Assignes 
to  do  any  further  thing  if  need  Kecpiire  for  the  Sure  niake- 
ing  and  tirni  l)inding  ye  said  Land  and  premises  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  a  valuable  sum  of  mony  in  hand  paid  and 

Page  279. 

exepted  in  full  sattisfaction  before  the  signing  hereof  and 
in  Testimony  of  the  premises  I  have  hereunto  sett  to  my 
hand  and  fixed  my  Seall  ma}^  the  fift  Day  Anno  Domi  1699 

Signed  Seald  &  delivered 
in  presence  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  his 

his  John  X  Lininton  (S) 

David  X  Jecocks  marke 

William  Vallantine 

Memoraudom  that  on  fift  day  of  february  1710  came  be- 
fore mee  Samuell  Bay  lis  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  for 
Keeping  the  peace  with  Queens  Coimty  Assigned  Joseph 
pettit  one  of  the  Wittneses  of  the  within  Conveyance  and 
did  declare  upon  oath  that  he  was  present  and  said  the 
Within  named  John  Lininton  sine  seall  &  deliver  the  With- 
in Conveyance 

Test     Samuell  Baylis 

the  above  written  Deed  of  Conveyance  Recorded  the  7th 
Day  of  the  12tli  mon     february  1710-11     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  Men  by  these  presents  that  I  Richard  Combs 
of  Madnans  Neck  in  the  Township  of  Hempstead  in  Queens 
County  in  the  Colony  of  new  York  Yeoman  hath  Remised 
Released  &  forever  Quitt  Claimed  and  by  these  presents 
doe  from  mee  my  heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  As- 


signes  forever  Eemise  Eelease  <t  Quitt  Claim  uuto  Henry 
alien  of  the  same  place  yeoman  and  to  liis  heirs  and  As- 
signes  all  my  Eight  title  Interest  Estate  Claime  propertj^ 
possesion  &  demand  (that  he  now  hath)  of  in  and  to  a  cer- 
tain parcell  of  Land  scituate  on  Madnans  neck  aforsaid 
which  did   formerly  belong   unto  the  Eight  of  one   John 

Page  280. 

Ashman  &  is  now  in  the  possesion  of  him  the  sd  Henry  Al- 
len so  that  from  any  Eight  interest  claim  or  demand  of  in 
or  to  the  said  parcell  of  Land  my  heirs  and  Assigues  from 
hence  forth  shall  &  will  forever  by  these  presents  be  barred 
and  utterly  Excluded  In  Wittness  wdiereof  I  have  hereunto 
put  m}^  hand  it  seall  this  twenty  secund  day  January  Anno 
Dom  1709 

Seald  and  Delivered 

in  presence  of  Eichard  Comes  (S) 

Abigal  X  Hallsted 


Memorandum  the  word:  (that)  between  the  tenth  &  Elev- 
enth line  and  the  words  (he  now  hath)  between  the  Eleventh 
&  twelveth  line  were  Euterlined  before  the  Ensealling  hereof 

memorandom  yt  on  ye  5th  day  of  february  1710  came 
before  me  Samuell  Bayles  Esq'r  one  of  her  May'esties  Jus- 
tices for  ye  Keeping  the  peace  within  Queens  County  as- 
signed the  within  named  Eichard  Combs  and  Acknowledged 
the  within  written  Eeleass  to  be  his  free  &  voluntary  act  & 

Test  Samuell  Bayles 

Wm  Willis  Clarke 

The  above  written  Eelease  is  Eecorded  the  7th  Day  of 
the  12th  mo  february  1710-11     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

To  all  Christian  people  To  whome  these  presents  shall 


come  or  any  wise  Apertaiii  greettinji;  Now  Know  yee 
that  I  Henry  Franklin  bricklayer  of  fflnsliing  In  Queens 
County  upon  tlie  Island  of  Nasliaw  within  the  province  of 
new  yorke  for  divers  good  causes  &  other  Considerations 
mee  thereunto  Moving  butt  more  Espetially  for  A  valuable 
Sum  of  twenty  seven  pounds  good  Lawfull  Mony  of  New 
Yorke  to  mee  in  hand  payed  &  secured  be  fore  the  Enseal- 
ling and  Delivery  of  these  presents  hy  William  Willis  Car- 
penter of  the  Town  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  upon 
the  Island  of  Nashaw  within  the  province  of  new  Yorke  as 
aforsaid  the  reiceipt  whereof  I  doe  acknowledge  my  self 
there  with  to  be  fully  Satisfied  contented  and  payed  & 
thereof  &  therefrom  and  of  &  from  Every  parte  &  parcell 
thereof  doe  acquitt  and  Discharge  him  the  sd  William  Wil- 
lis his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  Assigns  and 
Each   and  Every  of   them:  Hath  granted  Bargained  Alie- 

Page  281. 

nated  Enfeoffed  and  sold  and  do  by  these  presents 
grant  bargain  Alinate  Enfeoff'  confirme  Asure  Quitt  Claim 
and  sell  unto  the  Aforsaid  William  Willis  his  Heirs  and 
Assignes  forever  All  that  certain  Lott  of  meadow  Lying 
on  the  south  side  of  the  Island  aforsaid  in  the  bounds  of 
Hempsted  A:  on  a  neqk  commonly  known  and  called  by  the 
name  of  new  bridge  being  bounded  on  the  East  by  a  lott  of 
meadow  now  in  the  possesion  of  Samuell  Smith  A  on  the 
West  by  a  lott  of  meadow  in  possesion  of  Hope  Willitts  & 
Running  Southward  in  Length  from  the  AVoods  to  the 
greatt  Creek  or  bay  together  with  all  Rights  privilidges  and 
apurtenances  belonging  unto  the  before  Recited  Lott  of 
Meadow  on  the  Said  neck  together  with  all  my  Right  tt 
privilidges  that  belongs  to  the  fence  on  the  said  neck  with 
all  fences  yards  timber  trees  woods  or  under  woods  that 
doth  belong  thereunto  the  before  Recited  bargained  prem- 
ises belonging  or  any  ways  apertaining  To  the  onely  and 
Sole  proper  use  benititt  and  behoofe  of  him  the  said  William 
Willis  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  forever  and  I  the  said  Henry 


ffraiiklin  doth  for  my  self  my  Heirs  Executors  and  Admin- 
istrators covenant  promise  and  grant  to  and  with  the  said 
"William  Willis  his  Heirs  and  Assignes  in  manner  and  form 
folloAving  (that  is  to  say)  that  I  the  said  Henry  ffranklin 
att  the  time  of  the  granting  &  Ensealling  of  these  presents 
stood  Seazed  and  possesed  &  was  the  Sole  &  Riglitfall 
owner  of  the  Said  Bargained  premises  as  of  a  good  perfect 
Estate  and  absolute  Inheritance  in  fee  Simple  free  &  clearly 
acquitted  &  sulitiently  saved  and  kept  harmless  of  &  from 
all  &  all  manner  of  former  bargains  Sales  mortgages  or  de- 
mands or  any  other  Incumbrances  Whatsoever  hitherto  had 
made  done  or  ackowledged  to  be  done  by  the  said  Henry 
Franklin  I  my  Heirs  or  Assignes  or  any  other  person  or 
persons  whatsoever  by  from  or,  under  us  or  any  of  us 
whereby  he  the  said  William  Willis  bis  heirs  or  Assignes 
shall  or  may  be  Lawfully  divested  or  Ejected  out  of  pos- 
sesion of  said  Lot  of  Meadow  or  the  apurteuances  or  any 
part  or  parcell  thereof  and  Lastly  the  Said  Henry  Franklin 
Doth  for  himself  his  Heirs  Executors  And  Administrators 
by  these  presents  put  ye  aforsaid  William  Willis  his  Heirs 
Executors  and  Administrators  and  assigns  in   the  peacably 

Page  282. 

and  Quiett  possesion  of  the  aforsaid  Lott  of  meadow  with 
the  appurtenances  thereunto  belonging  warranting  the  same 
against  any  person  or  persons  Avhatsoever  Lawfully  Claim- 
ing the  said  Lott  of  meadow  with  the  appurtenances  In 
Testimony  whereof  I  the  abovsaid  Henry  ffranklin  hath 
hereunto  sett  my  hand  &  fixed  my  seall  this  the  twenty 
secund  day  of  June  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  two 
Signed  Seald  and  Delivered 

in  the  presence  of  us  Henry  Franklin  (S) 

John  Coe 

Job   X  Wright 

Newtown  June  ye  23  :     1702  appeared  before  mee  John 


Coe  one  of  his  Majesties  Justices  of  the  peace  for  Queens 
County  the  above  named  Henry  franklin  and  Did  acknowl- 
edge this  above  written  deed  to  be  his  free  and  Voluntary 
act  and  Deed 

John  Coe 

the  above  written  Deed  was  Recorded  the  8th  day  of  the 
12  mon  1710-11     by  niee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  William  Stits  of 
Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  in  the  pro- 
vince of  New  Yorke  for  a  valuable  Sum  of  Mony  Reiceived 
of  William  Willis  of  Hem]isted  aforsaid  doe  by  these  pres- 
ents give  grant  bargain  Sell  Convey  alienate  Enfeof  &  Con- 
firme  &  by  these  presents  Hath  fully  freely  Clearly  &  abso- 
lutely given  granted  bargained  &  sold  Conveyed  Alienated 
Enfeofed  and  Coutirmed  unto  the  said  William  Willis  his 
heirs  and  Assigns  forever  all  that  Right  title  property 
Claime  &  demand  whatsoever  that  I  have  unto  a  certain 
grant  of  Land  belonging  to  my  father  (Richard  Stites) 
which  was  granted  unto  him  att  a  generall  Town  Meeting 
held  in  hempsted  the  twenty  ninth  Day  of  November  : 
Anno :  one  thousand  Six  hundred  and  fifty  Eight  nott  Ex- 
eeding  tenn  acres  together  with  all  Rights  titles  property 
Claim  and  Demand  whatsoever  that  I  the  said  William 
Stits  now  have  or  that  any  or  Either  of  my  Heirs  hereafter 
may  have  to  the  same  acording  to  the  said  Town  order 
made  att  the  said  town  meetting  for  him  the  said  William 

Page  283. 
Willis  his  heirs  and  Assigns  to  have  and  to  hold  as  his  and 
their  free  and  proper  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee  simple 
hereby  warranting  to  defend  the  said  William  Willis  his 
Heirs  and  Assigns  in  full  Quiett  &  peacable  posesion  of 
the  said  Right  of  Land  against  my  self  my  Heirs  Executors 
Administrjitors  S:  other  Assigns  and  against  all  &  Every  of 
the  Heirs  c*vr  Assigns  of  my  father  Ri^-hard  Stits  abovsaid 
Deceased  A^  for  further  Continuation  I  have  sett  to  my 
hand^aud   atixed  my  seall  this  twenty  and  fift  day  of  the 


Eleventh  month  Called  Januaiy  in  the  rear  of  our  Lord  one 
thousand  seven  hundred  and  nine-tenn  the  words  (Kichard 
Stitsj  enterlined  between  the  tenth  &  Eleventh  Lines 
Seald  k  delivered  in  presence  of 

Jonathan  hall  William  Sttts  (S) 

Phillip  Ketcha3i 

Memorandom  that  on  the  twenty  Eight  Dav  of  Januaiy 
1709-10  the  within  ]S^amed  William  Stits  personally  apeared 
before  mee  John  Tredwell  Esquire  one  of  lier  Majesties 
Justices  for  the  Keeping  the  peace  in  Queens  County  As- 
signed and  acknowledged  the  within  widtten  deed  to  be  his 

Eeall  and  Yohintary  act  A:  Deed 

John  Teedwell 

This  above  wi-itten  deed  was  Recorded  the  8th  Day  of  the 

r2th  mo  171' 1-11  by  mee 

WiLLLUtf  Willis  Clarke 

To  All  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  or  to  whome  the  premises  shall  or  may  concerne 
Thomas  Jecocks  of  the  Township  of  Oysterbay  in 
Queens  County  upon  the  Island  of  Xashaw  and  pro- 
vince of  New  Torke  in  America  Caipenter  Sends  greet- 
ting  Know  yee  that  I  the  said  Thomas  Jecockes  for 
and  in  the  consideration  of  a  competent  Sum  of  good 
and  Lawfull  mony  of  the  province  of  New  Yorke  to  mee 
in  hand  payed  by  WilHam  WiUis  of  Hempsted  in  Queens 
County  on  Nashaw  Lsland  A:  province  of  New  Torke 
aforsaid  the  Reiceipt  whereof  to  full  conttent  &  Satisfac- 
tion I  the  said  Thomas  Jecocks  doth  by  these  presents 
acknowledge  and  thereof  «t  of  Every  parte  thereof  for  my 

Page  284. 
self  my  Heir's  Executors  aaad  Administrators  Doth  acquit 
Exonerate  6c  Discharge  the  said  William  Willis  his  Heirs 
Executors  and  Administi'ators  and  Eveiy  of  them  forever 
by  these  presents  6:  for  divers  other  good  Causes  and  Con- 
siderations mee  here  unto  moving  Hath  given  granted  bar- 
gained sold  aUened  enfeofed  conveyed  and  confirmed  And 


by  these  presents  doth  fullv  freely  clearly  and  Absolutely  give 
grant  bargain  soil  Aliene  enfoofte  convey  and  contirnie  unto 
the  said  William  Willis  his  heirs  and  Assignos  forever  all 
that  of  a  certain  peice  or  parcell  of  Land  which  I  bought 
of  Joseph  please  (as  apeareth  by  his  certain  Deed  of  Salle 
given  under  his  hand  <S:  Seall  bearring  Date  the  twentyeth 
Day  of  May  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  Six  hun- 
dred and  Niiity  Seven)  Scituate  Lying  &  being  in  the  Sec- 
und  bristoll  Township  in  the  County  of  Philadelphia  and 
province  of  Pensillvania,  Begining  att  a  corner  of  the  Land 
now  or  Latte  of  George  Colletts  thence  North  East  by  the 
Same  four  hundred  and  Eighty  pearches  thence  Southeast 
by  a  line  of  trees  Eighty  three  pearches  &  one  third  thence 
South  West  by  a  line  of  trees  four  hundred  &  eighty 
pearches  thence  Northwest  by  a  Streett  or  Road  Eighty 
three  pearches  &  one  third  to  the  place  where  itt  begun 
Containing  tivo  hundred  cfe  fifty  acres  Together  with  all  the 
Imunityes  Lybertyes  privilidges  heriditaments  &  appurte- 
nances to  the  same  belonging  or  in  any  manner  of  ways 
apertaining  &.  the  Revertion  and  Revertions  Remainder  Ar 
Remainders  rents  Ishues  &  profits  of  the  same  and  of  Every 
parte  and  parcell  thereof :  Together  also  with  all  Deeds 
patents  Evidences  Estricts  and  AVrittings  Relating  there- 
unto, the  which  said  peice  &  parcell  of  ground  was  hereto- 
fore by  pattent  under  the  Seall  of  the  Said  province  of 
Pensillvania  bearing  Date  the  26th  day  of  September  in  the 
year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  Six  hundred  and  Eighty 
Eight  granted  to  the  said  Joseph  pleace  &  his  heirs  & 
Assignes  forever  as  by  the  Records  of  the  Said  province  of 
pensillvania  and  the  aforsaid  pattent  given  under  the  seall 
thereof  and  Signed  by  the  Hounourable  William  Markham 

Page  285. 

and  John  goodson  Relation  being  thereunto  had  may  more 
att  Large  apear  To  have  and  to  hold  the  said  peice  and 
parcell  of  ground  herein  before  mentioned  or  intended  to  be 
hereby  bargained  ct  sold  with  their  &  Every  of  their  appur- 



tenances  and  Every  parte  &:  parcell  thereof  unto  him  the 
Said  William  "Willis  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  forever  to  and 
for  the  onely  proper  use  &  behoofe  of  him  the  said  William 
Willis  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  forever   and  the   said  Thomas 
Jecocks  for  himself  his  Heirs  Executors   &  Administrators 
doth  hereby  Covenant  grant  &  agree  to  and  with   the   said 
William  Willis  his  heirs  &  Assignes  in  manner  tt  forme  fol- 
lowing (that  is  to  say)  that  att  the   time  of  the  ensealling  Sz 
delivery  of  these  j^resents  I  the  sd  Thomas  Jecocks  am  the 
true  Solle  and  Lawfull  owner  of  the  before  bargained  prem- 
ises &  of  Every  parte  &  parcell  thereof  and   farther  I    the 
said    Thomas   Jecocks    do    hereby   declare    yt  above    said 
and  hereby  granted  two   hundred  &  fifty   acres   of   Land 
I  have   in    my  self   good   Eight    full    power    and    Lawfull 
authority   to    Sell    &    Dispose    of    the    Same    in    manner 
as   abovsaid    itt    being  free    &    clear    and    clearly    acquit- 
ted of  &  from  all  manner  of  former  &   other  gifts  grants 
bargains  Salles  Leases  Mortgages  Joyntures  Dowers  Judg- 
ments Execiitions  Entaills  forfeittures  and  of  &  from  all 
other  Titles  troubles  Charges  and  Encumbrances  whatso- 
ever (Excepting  the  Quitt  Rents  of  the  same  due  to  the  Lord 
of  the  fee)  hereby  binding  myself  my  heirs  &  Administrators 
to  warrant  &  defend  the  said  William  Willis  his  heirs  & 
assignes  in  the  Quiett  &  peaseable  possesion  of  the  same 
against  anj^  i^erson  or  persons  whatsoever  that  shall  or  do 
Lay  any  Lawfull  Claim  thereunto,  in  Wittuess  whereof  I 
the  Said  Thomas  Jecocks  have  hereunto  sett  to  my<  hand  A: 
fixed  my  seall  this  twenty  seventh  Day  of  the  secund  month 
aprill  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
and  Tenn 

Signed  seald  &  delivered  in  presence  of 

William  Stits  Thomas  Jecocks  (S) 

Joseph  X  Jinings  Ju 

Phillip  Ketcham 


Meniorunduui  that  on  the  tirst  (lay  of  tli(!  third  month 
May  in  the  year  of  onr  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred 
A'  ten  the  with  in  Named  Thonnis  Jeeoeks  personally 
apeared  before  mee  John  Tred^vell  Esq'r  one  of  her  Majes- 
ties Justices  for  the  Keeping  the  peace  in  (Queens  County 
on  Nashaw  Island  in  the  province  of  New  York  Assigned  & 
acknowledged  the  within  Written  deed  of  Salle  to  he  his 
reall  &  free  t\:  voluntai-y  act  &  Deed 

John  Tredwell 

Recorded  the  I'ith  day  of  february  in  the  year  of  our 
Lord:  1710-11 

by  William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  286. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  John  Davis  of  oysterbay  in  Queens  County  on  Na- 
shaw Island  Eklist  Son  and  Heir  to  William  Davis  Late  of 
Hempsted  Deceased  Yeoman  Sends  Greetting :  Know  that 
the  said  John  Davis  for  and  in  Consideration  of  tlie  sum  of 
fifty  pounds  of  good  Currautt  mony  of  the  province  of  new 
York  to  him  in  hand  paid  before  the  ensealling  c*c  delivery 
of  these  presents :  by  William  Willis  of  Hempsted  in  the 
County  aforsaid  Yeoman  the  Receipt  whereof  to  full  Con- 
tent and  Satisfaction  he  the  said  John  Davis  doth  l)y  these 
presents  acknowledge  and  thereof  and  of  every  parte  there- 
of for  himself  his  Heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  doth 
acquitt  Exonerate  and  Discharge  him  the  said  William 
Willis  his  Heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  and  Ever}' 
of  them  forcA'er  by  these  presents :  And  for  divers  other 
good  Causes  and  Considerations  him  hereunto  Moving  he  the 
said  John  Davis  Hath  given  granted  bargained  Sold  Aliened 
Enfeofed  Conveyed  and  Confirmea  and  by  these  presents 
doth  fully  freeh'  clearly  and  absolutely  give  grant  bargain 
Sell  Alien  Enfeoffe  Convey  and  Confirme  unto  the  Said 
William  Willis  his  heirs  &  Assignes  forever  all  that  of  a 


certain  Dwelling  house  and  a  garden  wliich  my  Deceased 
father  William  Davis  Dyed  Seized  of  and  a  Certain  farme 
Containing  twenty  and  five  acres  of  Land  itt  being  the 
South  moity  and  Equall  half  parte  of  a  fifty  acre  lott 
Laid  out  formerly  to  Joseph  Jiniugs  (se)  the  fifty  acre 
lott  Lying  bounded  on  the  "West  by  the  High  way  or 
Road  wliich  Leads  from  Westbury  up  into  the  woods 
and  on  the  East  by  Christopher  Dinges  land  and  South 
aud  North  by  marked  trees  bee  itt  more  or  Less  and  the 
dwelling  house  and  garden  Lying  Scituated  on  the  West 
side  of  the  Said  High  Wa}-  or  Road  together  ^^•ith  all  such 
Rights  Libertyes  Imunityes  profitts  privilidges  comodityes 
Emoluments  and  appurtenances  as  in  any  E^nd  Appertain- 
eth  thereunto  together  with  all  houses  out  houses  fences 
feillds  pastures  orchard  fruitt  Trees  timber  trees  wo(xls 
under  woods  or  whatsoever  Elce  is  belonging  or  becoming 
Due  upon  or  unto  the  said  dwelling  house  and  garden  aud 

Page  287. 

twenty  five  acres  of  land  aforsaid  with  the  Revertions  and 
Remainders  thereof  and  all  the  Estate  Right  Title  Interest 
Inheritance  property  possesion  Claime  and  demand  what 
soever  of  him  the  Said  John  Davis  of  in  and  to  the  same 
and  Ever}"  parte  thereof:  To  have  and  to  hold  all  the  above 
granted  premises  with  all  and  vsingular  the  appurtenances 
thereof  unto  the  said  William  AVillis  his  Heirs  and  Assigns 
to  his  and  their  own  Solle  and  proper  use  benifitt  and  be- 
hoof e  from  henceforth  forever  and  the  said  John  Davis  for 
himself  his  Heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  doth  here- 
by Covenant  promise  grant  and  agree  to  and  with  the  said 
William  Willis  his  heirs  and  assignes  in  maner  &  forme 
following  (that  is  to  say)  that  att  the  time  of  the  Ensealling 
aud  delivery  of  these  presents  he  the  said  John  Davis  is  the 
true  solle  and  lawfiill  owner  of  all  the  aforebargained  prem- 
ises and  Stands  lawfully  seized  thereof  in  his  own  proper 


Ri^lit  of  a  <i;ood  perfect  and  indefea/oal)le  Estate  of  Inlioiit- 
anoe  in  fee  simple  having  in  himself  full  power  good  liiglit 
and  Lawfiill  authority  to  Sell  and  dispose  of  the  Same  in 
manner  as  afoisaid  And  that  the  sd  William  AVillis  his 
heirs  and  Assigns  shall  and  may  henceforth  and  forever 
Lawfully  peaceably  and  (Quietly  have  hold  nae  occupie 
posses  and  enjoy  the  ahove  granted  premises  with  the  ap- 
purtenances thereof  Free  and  Clear  and  Clearly  acquit- 
ted and  Discharged  of  &  from  all  and  all  manner  of  form- 
er and  other  gifts  grants  bargains  Salles  Leases  mort- 
gages Jointures  dowers  Judgments  Executions  Entaills  for- 
feitures and  of  and  from  all  other  titles  troubles  Charges 
and  Encumbrances  whatsoever  had  made  Comitted  done  or 
sufered  to  be  done  by  the  said  John  Davis  his  Heirs  or 
assigns  att  any  time  or  times  before  the  Ensealling  and  de- 
livery hereof  and  further  the  said  John  Davis  doth  hereby 
Covenant  promise  bind  and  oblige  himself  his  heirs  Execu- 
tors and  Administrators  from  henceforth  and  forever  here- 

Page  288. 

after  to  warrant  and  defend  the  said  AYilliam  Willis  his 
heirs  and  Assigns  in  the  Quiett  and  peaceable  possesion  of 
all  the  above  granted  premises  with  the  appurtenances 
thereof  against  the  Lawfull  Claimes  and  Demands  of  all 
and  all  manner  of  person  or  persons  whatsoever  or  whom- 
soever that  shall  or  hereafter  may  Lay  any  Lawfull  Claime 
thereunto  or  unto  any  parte  or  parcell  thereof  and  att  any 
time  or  times  hereafter  on  Demand  to  give  and  pass  Such 
further  and  ample  assureance  and  Contirmantion  of  the 
premisses  unto  the  said  William  Willis  his  heirs  and  As- 
signes  forever  as  in  Law  or  Equity  can  be  Reasonably  De- 
vised Advised  or  Iie(|uired  for  the  firm  binding  and  sure 
making  of  the  premisses  in  wittness  and  Confirmation  where- 
of the  said  John  Davis  hath  hereunto  sett  to  his  hand  tt 


afixed  his  Seall  the  Secund  day  of  November  in  the  year  of 
our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  term 

Signed  Seald  (t  delivered 

in  presence  of  us  who  Wittnes  Joh>'  Davis  (S) 

the  word  premises  in  the  margant 

and  the  word  (hereof)  enterlined 

before  Sealliug 

John  Williams 
James  Townsend 


Thomas  X  Millee 


Memorandum  that  on  the  ■2d  day  of  November  1710  the 
above  named  John  davis  personally  appeared  before  mee 
John  Williams  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  for  the  Keep- 
ing the  pe  ice  for  Queens  County  Sc  acknowledged  the  above 
Written  deed  to  be  his  free  <t  voluntary  act  and  deed 

John  Williams 

the  above  written  deed  Eecorded  the  Sixt  day  of  the  first 
month  March:  anoy:  Do:   1710-11  by 

AViLLiAM  Willis  Clarke 

PaCxE  289. 

To  all  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall  come  greet- 
ting  Know  yee  that  I  Benjamin  Burdsall  of  Hempsteed  in 
Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  and  in  the  province  of 
New  Yorke  for  6c  in  the  consideration  of  the  sum  of  tenn 
pounds  of  good  <fc  Lawfall  mony  of  New  York  to  mee  in 
hand  payed  before  the  Ensealling  A:  delivery  of  these  pres- 
ents well  and  truly  payed  by  Francis  Nicolls  of  Hempsted 
aforesaid  the  Eeiceipt  whereof  I  doe  hereby  Acknowledge  S: 
my  self  therewith  fully  satisfied  tt  Contented  cV:  thereof  and 
of  Every  parte  and  parceU  thereof  doe  Exonerate  Acquitt 
<t  Discharge  the  said  tfrancis  Nicolls  his  Heirs  Executors 
and  Administrators  forever  by  these  presents :  Hath  given 


granted  bar<^Jiiue(l  Sold  Alienated  Conveyed  and  Confirmed 
and  by  these  presents  do  give  grantt  bargain  sell  Alinatte 
Convey  and  Confirine  Unto  him  the  said  francis  Nicolls  his 
Heirs  and  Asigus  forever  one  small  Alotment  of  meadow 
scituate  lying  A'  being  in  the  Bounds  of  Hempsted  att  a 
Neck  Called  greatt  neck  Containing  by  Estimation  fonr 
acres  be  itt  more  or  less  butted  and  bounded  North  by  the 
Woods  or  upland  so  llunning  south  to  the  cove  &  west  by 
AVilliam  Willis  his  Meadow  and  East  by  seamanses  meadow 
itt  being  about  four  Rods  wide  with  a  Right  of  upland  as 
other  Lotts  have  by  vertue  of  fence  Said  tfrancis  Nicolls  his 
Heirs  or  Assignes  Making  and  Maintaining  of  Said  fence 
perportionable  to  his  Meadow  to  have  and  to  hold  the  said 
granted  and  bargained  premises  with  all  ye  appurtenances 
privilidges  and  Comodities  to  the  same  belonging  or  in  any 
wise  appertaining  to  him  the  Said  francis  Nicolls  his  Heirs 
&  assigns  forever  to  his  &  their  ouely  proper  use  benititt  tV 
liehootf  forever  &  I  the  said  Benjamin  Burdsall  for  mee  my 
Heirs  Executors  Administrators  do  Covenant  and  further 
declare  that  att  the  time  of  the  Ensealling  and  delivery  of 
these  presents  I  am  the  true  Solle  &  lawfuU  owner  of  the 
above  bargained  allottment  of  meadow  and  premises  and  am 
laAvfally  Seized  &  posesed  of  the  same  in  mine  own  proper 
Right  as  a  good  jDerfect  and  absolute  Estate  of  Inheritance 
in  fee  Simple  and  have  in  my  self  good  Right  full  power 
and  lawfull  authority  to  grant  bargain  sell  and  Convey  the 
said  lott  of  meadow  S:  premises  in  manner  as  aforesaid  and 

PaCxE  290. 

that  the  said  francis  Nicolls  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  Shall 
and  may  from  time  to  time  and  att  all  times  forever  here- 
after by  force  and  vertue  of  these  presents  fully  freely 
Clearly  and  peaseably  &  Quiettly  have  hold  use  ocupy 
posses  &  Enjoy  the  said  granted  &  demised  premises  with 
the  appurtenances  free  and  clear  and  freely  and  clearly 
acquitted  Exonerated  and  discharged  of  &  from  all  and  all 

414  he:mpstead  town  records. 

maimer  of  former  aud  other  c;ifts  orrants  bargains  Salles 
Leases  mortgages  AVills  Eutaills  Jovntures  Dowers  Judg- 
ments  Executions  and  Encumbrances  wliatsoever  and  fur- 
ther I  the  said  Benjamin  Burdsall  do  for  my  self  mv  heirs 
Executors  Administrators  Warrant  ^z  defend  the  said  fran- 
cis  Nicolls  his  Heirs  and  Assignes  in  the  Quiett  and  peace- 
able possesion  of  the  said  Lott  of  meadow  With  the  appur- 
tenances against  my  self  my  heirs  Executors  Administrators 
aud  Every  of  them  and  against  any  and  Every  other  person 
or  persons  "Whatsoever  Lawfully  claiming  the  said  Lott  of 
meadow  and  appurtenances  or  any  parte  or  parcell  there  of 
and  for  further  Confirmation  thereof  I  have  hereunto  sett 
to  my  hand  and  afixed  my  Seall  the  fifteenth  Day  of  July 
anoy  Domiuy  one  thousand  Seven  hundred  and  nine 

Signed  Sealled  ct  Delivered 

in  presence  of  his 


WiLLLor  Willis  marke 

Memorandum  that  on  the  day  and  year  within  Mentioned 
came  before  John  Tredwell  Esquire  one  of  her  Majesties 
Justices  for  the  Keeping  of  the  peace  "Within  Queens 
County  assigned  the  within  named  Benjamin  Burdsall  A' 
acknowledged  the  within  Written  Conveyance  to  be  his 
free  &  voluntary  act  k  Deed 

Test    John  Tredwell 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  franciss  Xieolls 
of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  Inholder 
doe  by  these  presents  assign  over  unto  Samuell  Titus  S:  to 
his  heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  assigns  forever  all 
my  Plight  Title  property  claime  S:  demand  whatsoever  that 

Page  291. 

I  the  said  francis  Nicolls  my  Heirs  or  Assignes  now  have 
or  att  any  time  or  times  hereafter  may  have  imto  the  above 
Avritten  deed  of  salle  and  the  Allottment  of  meadow  therein 
Contained  and  mentioned  with  all  &  Singular  the  appurte- 


nances  tliereunto  belonging  as  mentioned  in  the  abov  writ- 
ten deed  itt  being  free  and  Clear  and  Clearly  acquitted  A- 
discharged  of  c'c  from  all  &  all  manner  of  former  and  other 
gifts  grants  bargains  Salles  mortgages  whatsoever  I  the 
said  francis  Nicolls  having  Reiceived  of  the  Said  Samuell 
Titus  full  Satisfaction  for  the  said  Lott  of  Meadow  &  prem- 
ises hereby  Warrantiug  this  my  Deed  of  Salle  &  Assign- 
ment to  be  LawfuU  authentick  and  good  in  Law  &  further 
I  the  said  francis  Nicolls  doth  hereby  bind  &  oblige  my  self 
my  heirs  Executors  &  Administrators  to  defend  the  said 
Samuell  Titus  his  Heirs  &  Assigns  in  the  Quiett  &  peace- 
able possesion  of  the  said  Lott  of  meadow  <fe  premises 
against  the  Lawfull  claims  of  all  &  Every  person  or  persons 
whatsoever  and  for  further  confirmation  I  have  sett  to  my 
hand  <k  fixed  my  seall  the  twenty  first  day  of  the  12tli 
month  february  1710-11 

Signed  Seald  &  delivered 

in  presence  of 

Dennis  Wright  francis  Nicolls  (S) 

William  Willis 
William  Willis  Ju 

The  afore  written  is  a  true  Coppy  Extra^^ted  oiit  of  the 
Original  deed  of  salle  and  the  Assignment  thereof  &  Re- 
corded, this  Eighth  day  of  the  first  month  March  anno 
1710-11     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  That  I  nathauiell  pear- 
sell  of  Hempsteed  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island  in 
the  province  of  New  Yorke  doe  by  these  presents  give  grant 
Alieuatte  Release  Sell  and  make  over  from  mee  my  heirs 
Executors  Administrators  and  Assigns  unto  thomas  Ches- 
man  of  the  Town  County  Island  and  province  aforsaid  to 
him  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  or  Assigns  a  certain 
percell  of  Land  containing  Near  three  Acres  or  thereabouts 

Page  292. 

lying  and  being   scituate  on    the  north  side  of  the  greatt 


plaius  att  a  place  called  Hemcks,  being  bounded  att 
the  uortlieast  corner  by  a  great  cliesnutt  Tree  and  ruu- 
iug  Soutliwardly  from  tlieuce  to  a  thick  swamp  thence 
Ennnino;  Westwardlv  tiU  itt  comes  Avithin  three  Rods  of  a 
great  White  oak  which  stands  on  the  West  side  of  the  cart 
path  and  from  thence  Running  Northwardly  unto  the  said 
Thomas  Cheesmans  fence  and  from  thence  Running  East- 
wardly  along  b}-  the  Said  Cheesmans  fence  untill  it  comes 
to  Chesnutt  tree  first  above  mentioned  all  which  said  Land 
I  the  Said  Nathaniell  pearsall  doe  Warrant  and  forever 
AA  ill  defend  against  any  person  or  persons  whatsoever  Law- 
fully Claiming  the  same  and  I  the  said  Nathaniell  pearsall 
do  further  covenant  and  agree  to  A:  "with  the  said  Thomas 
Cheesman  that  itt  shall  be  Lawfull  for  him  the  said  Thomas 
Chesman  or  Either  of  his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators 
or  Assignes  Quiettly  to  posses  and  Injoy  the  before  granted 
peice  of  Land  as  abovsaid  with  the  appurtenances  thereon: 
Xotwithstanding  auv  former  Deed  »ift  Mor^a^^e  Intaill  or 
incumbrance  whatsoever  had  made  or  comitted  from  by  or 
under  mee  and  I  doe  hereby  further  declare  that  I  have 
Reiceived  full  Satisfaction  for  every  parte  and  parcell  there- 
of before  the  Ensealling  and  delivery  of  these  presents  and 
for  further  confirmation  of  the  above  Recited  deed  I  have 
sett  to  my  hand  and  fixt  my  seaU  this  twenty  first  day  of 
the  Eighth  month  Called  October  in  the  year  of  our  Lord 
one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  three 

Signed  Sealled  and  delivered 

in  presence  of  his 

Ad:  Mott  Nathaxiell  X  pearsall  (S) 

Thomas  pearsall  '  mark 

WiLLL\M  Willis 

October  ye  twenty  first  this  day  apeared  Nathaniell  pear- 
sall before  mee  adam  mott  one  of  her  majesties  Justices  of 
the  peice  for  Queeeus  County  &  acknowledged  the  within 
Written  deed  to  be  his  Voluntary  act  and  deed 

Ad:  Mott 


The  above  written  is  a  true  copy  taken  out  of  the  orij^a- 
nall  (k  Recorded  the  9th  day  of  march  anno  domini  1710-11 

by  nie  William  Willis  Ckirke 

Page  '293. 

To  All  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
come  William  stits  of  Hempsted  in  (Queens  County  on  Na- 
sliaw  Island  Sends  Greettin<^  Know  yee  that  the  said  Will- 
iam Stits  for  k  in  the  Consideration  of  the  sum  of  Six 
pounds  of  good  Currant  M<jny  of  the  province  of  new  Yorke 
to  him  in  hand  payed  6:  secured  to  be  payed  before  the 
Enseallini"-  A-  delivery  of  these  presents  Ijy  Jerimiah  Smith 
Ju  and  John  Cornwell  Ju  both  of  Hempsted  aforsaid  the 
Ileicei})t  whereof  to  full  content  &  Satisfaction  He  the  Said 
William  Stits  doth  by  these  presents  acknowledge  and 
thereof  S:  of  Every  parte  thereof  for  himself  his  Heirs  Ex- 
ecutors tV'  Administrators  Doth  Acquitt  Exonerate  and  dis- 
charge them  the  Said  Jerimiah  Smith  Ju  &  John  Cornwell 
Ju  their  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  every  of  them 
forever  by  these  presents :  And  for  Divers  other  good 
Causes  tt  Considerations  him  hereunto  Moving  He  the  said 
William  Stits  hath  given  granted  bargained  Sold  Aliened 
Enfeofed  Conveyed  and  Confirmed  ct  by  these  presents 
Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  and  absolutely  give  grant  bargain 
sell  Alien  Enfeaffe  Convey  and  Confirme  unto  the  said  Jeri- 
miah Smith  Ju  and  John  Cornwell  Ju  their  Heirs  and  as- 
signs forever  all  that  of  a  certain  Right  tjo  or  grant  of  Eight 
Acres  of  Land  Containing  Eight  Acres  as  was  formerly 
given  and  granted  unto  Richard  Stits  father  of  the  said 
William  Stits  att  a  generall  Town  Meetting  held  att  Hemp- 
sted the  fourth  Day  of  February  one  thousand  Six  hundred 
and  sixty  three  lying  on  the  north  side  Westward  of  Her- 
ricks  as  apeareth  by  the  Records  of  Hempsted  Together 
with  all  such  Rights  Lybertyes  Imunityes  protitts  privi- 
lidges  Comodityes  Emoluments  and  appurtenances  as  in 
an}  Kind  appertaineth  thereunto  with  the  Revertions  & 
Remainders   thereof    &   all  the   Estate  Right   Title   Inter- 

418  HE3irSTEAD    TOWN    EECOEDS. 

est  Inlieritance  property  Possesion  Claime  &  demand  what- 
soever of  him  the  Said  William  Stits  of  in  and  two  the  same 
and  Every  parte  and  percell  thereof  to  have  and  to  hold  the 
said  Right  and  grant  of  Eight  Acres  of  Land  and  premises 
with  all  and  Singular  the  appurtenances  thereof  unto  them 

Page  294. 

the  said  Jerimiah  Smith  Ju  and  John  Cornwell  their  Heirs 
&  Assignes  to  them  and  their  own  solle  and  proper  use  beni- 
fitt  and  behoofe  from  henceforth  forever  and  the  said  Will- 
iam Stits  for  himself  his  heirs  Executors  &  Administrators 
doth  hereby  covenant  promise  grant  and  agree  to  t^r  with 
the  said  Jno  Cornwell  Ju  A:  Jerimiah  Smith  Ju  their  Heirs 
and  Assigns  in  manner  &  forme  following  (that  is  to  say) 
that  att  the   time  of  the   Ensealling  and  delivery  of  these 
presents  he  the  said  William   Stits  is  the  true  Solle  Sr  Law- 
full  owner  of  the  above  granted  .Right  of  Eight  Acres  of 
land  yett  to  take  up  within  the  township  of  Hempste<l  att 
the  Westward  of  Herricks  &  stands  Lawfully  Seized  there- 
of in  his  own  proper  Right  of  a  good  perfect  and  Indeafea- 
zeable  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee  simple  having  in  himself 
full  power  good  Right  and  LawfuU  authority  to  sell  A"  dis- 
pose of  the  same  in  manner  as  aforesaid  and  that  them 
the  said  Jerimiah  Smith  &  John  Cornwell  their  Heirs  and 
assignes    shall    &   may   hence  forth    and    forever  Lawfully 
Quietly  &  peaceably  have  hold   use  occupy  posses  &  En- 
joy the  above  granted.  Premises  with  the  ap])urtenances  free 
&  clear  &  Clearly  acquitted  <k  disc-harged  of  cV  from  all  and 
all  manner  of  former  it  other  gifts  grants   bargains   Salles 
Leases  mortgages  Joyntures  doAvers  Judgments  Executions 
Entailles  forfietures  and  of  &  from  all  other  Titles  Troubles 
Charges  and  Encundu'ances  whatsoever  had  made  comitted 
done  or  Sufered  to  be  done  by  the  said  AVilliam  Stites  his 
heirs  or  Assignes  att  any  time  or  times  before  the  Enseall- 
ing and  delivery  of  these  presents :  And   further   the   said 
William   Stites  doth   hereby   covenant   promise    bind    and 
oblige  himself  his  heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  from 


lienceforth  and  forever  hereafter  to  "Warrant  and  defend  all 
tlie  above  granted  premises  and  the  ap])nrtenances  thereof 
unto  them  the  said  John  Corn  well  Jn  and  Jerimiah  Smith 

Page  '21)5. 

Ju  their  Heirs  and  Assignes  forever  against  the  Lawfnll 
claims  and  demands  of  all  &  Every  person  or  persons  what- 
soever and  whomsoever :  In  Wittness  whereof  the  said  Wil- 
liam Stits  hath  hereunto  sett  to  his  hand  and  fixed  his 
Seall  the  twenty  Sixth  Day  of  november  in  the  year  of  our 
Lord  one  thousand  Seven  hundred  &  Tenn 
Signed  Sealled  &  delivered  in 
presence  of  AVilliam  Stits  (S) 

William  Willis 

Henry  Willis 

John  Willis 

Memorandum  that  on  the  thirtyeth  day  of  January  1710- 
11  the  within  Named  William  Stites  personally  apeared 
before  mee  one  of  her  Majesties  of  the  peace  for  Queens 
County  Assigned  and  acknowledged  the  within  written 
deed  to  be  his  free  <k  Voluntary  act  and  deed 

Jno  ffoster 

The  above  written  deed  was  Recorded  the  twenty  &  first 
day  of  March  1710-11 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

Peter  Titos  Juner  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  end  of  the 
of  ear  and  a  half  peney  on  each  side  of  the  same  ear  entred 
the.  2.  day  November.  1731     l)v  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Jonathan  Smith  r.  Jiiner  his  ear  mark  is  a  Crop  on  the 
of  ear  S:  a  halfpene  under  it  and  a  slit  in  the  Crop.  S:  a 
Latch  on  the  fore  sid  of  the  near  ear :  entred  november  ye 
10.  day  1781 

by  mee     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 
John  Totten  his  ear  mark  is  a  slit  in  the  eand  of  the  of 


ear  w'ch  was  his  fathers  Peter  tottens.    entred  December 
the  16.  1731 

By  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeye  Clark 

Page  296. 

Att  the  Request  of  John  Coruwell  Junior  &  Jerimiah 
Smith  Junior  I  this  day  Surveyed  &  Layed  out  to  them  ye 
peice  of  Laud  in  the  annexed  ffigure  lying  att  the  north 
side  to  the  Westward  of  Herricks  in  the  Township  of 
Hempsted  in  Queens  County  pursuant  to  a  deed  from  Wil- 
liam Stites  to  the  Said  Smith  &  Coruwell  dated  the  6th  9br 
1710  &  to  a  Town  vote  of  Hempsted  datted  the  4th  febru- 
ary:  1663  Containing  Eight  Acres  performed  the  IHth  of 
December  anno  Dom  1710     \)V  mee 

S  Clows  Surv'r 


The  above  written  Return  was  Recorded  the  twenty  first 
day  of  ye  1st  mo     march:  1710-11     by  mee 

William  Willis  Clarke 

To  all  Christian  people  to  wliome  these  presents  shall 
come  or  any  ways  apertain  Greetting  Know  yee  yt  I  Thom- 
as EUeson  Junior:  of  Hempsted  on  Long  Island  (alias) 
Nashaw  in  Queens  County  in  the  province  of  new  Yorke 
Doe  by  these  presents  give  grant  Ijargain  sell  alinate  Re- 
lease aud  deliver  from  mee  my  Heirs  Executors  Adminis- 

Page  297. 

trators  and  assignes  unto  Richard  Osl)urne  of  or  belonging 
to  the  Town  Island  County  and  province  aforsaid  to  him 
his  Heirs  Executors  Administrators  and  Assignes  the  Right 
of  two  propriaties  which  did  formerly  beLong  to  my  unkle 
John  Ellison  Deceased  and  also  a  Sixty  acre  lott  formerly 
laid  out  to  my  grandfather  Lawrence  Ellison  deceased  being 
as  it  is  Said  the  first  Lott  Laid  out  at  matinacock  and  also 
the  Right  of  fifteen  gates  of  fence  on  cow  neck  which  did 


belon<>;  to  niy  Deceased  uiikle  John  Ellison  the  other  fifteen 
gates  which  Did  formerly  belong  to  my  said  deceased 
unckle  John  Ellison  now  belongs  to  mee  ye  sd  Thomas  El- 
lison tt  also  I  the  said  Thomas  Ellison  do  sell  as  aforsaid 
to  the  said  Richard  Osbnrn  the  one  moity  or  half  the  hol- 
lows on  the  plains  which  did  belong  formerly  to  my  De- 
ceased unckle  John  Ellison  all  which  abovsaid  two  pro- 
])riaties  with  the  a]ipurtenances  thereunto  belonging  with 
the  Lott  att  matinacock  aforsaid  &  appurtenances  with 
the  Eight  of  gates  aforsaid  and  also  three  small  Lotts  of 
meadow  that  did  formerly  belong  to  my  deceased  unkle 
John  Ellison  that  is  a  ten  acre  lott  at  Rainors  neck  ajoining 
on  the  East  of  Richard  Ellisons  meadow  and  one  small 
Lott  att  the  secund  opening  att  Rockaway  &  one  Small' 
Lott  on  hungry  harbour  Island  all  which  two  propriaties" 
aforsaid  Avith  the  Land  as  aforsaid  and  gate  Rights  with 
the  three  lotts  of  meadow  aforsaid  and  appurtenances  I 
ye  sd  Thomas  Ellison  do  by  these  presents  give  grant  bar- 
gain sell  aliuate  Release  and  Deliver  from  mee  my  heirs  & 
assignes  unto  the  said  Richard  Osburne  to  him  his  heirs 
and  assignes  to  have  and  to  hold  forever  from  mee  or  any 
from  by  or  under  mee  my  heirs  &  Assignes  and  do  further 
warrant  ys  my  salle  free  from  any  former  salle  lett  mort- 
gage or  incumbrance  by  mee  or  any  from  by  or  under  mee 
for  and  in  Consideration  of  full  Satisfaction  Received  be- 
fore the  Signing  hereof  and  in  Testimony  of  the  premises 

Page  298. 

I  have  hereunto  sett  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seall  novem- 
bei  the  ninth  day  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  six 
hundred  ninty  and  nine 

Signed  Sealld  &  Delivered 

in  presence  of  us  his 

William  Willis  Thomas  X  Ellison  (S) 
Joseph  pettit  marke 


the  above  written  deed  is  Eeeorded  the  27th  day  of  ye 
first  mouth  March  1711     by  mee 

William  Willis  Chirke 

Pursuant  to  a  vote  made  att  a  Town  Meetting  hehl  in 
hempsted  the  fourth  day  of  aprill  annoy  Domini  1710  we 
John  Serring  Se  &  Thomas  giUdersleeve  according  to  said 
vote  att  the  said  Town  Meetting  and  the  Kequest  of  John 
Carle  wee  have  hived  out  one  hundred  acres  of  Land  in  the 
South  woods  ajoynmg  to  the  said  John  Carles  land  begin- 
ing  att  a  white  oak  thence  Eastwardly  or  near  Eastwardly 
80  rods  to  a  black  oak  thence  Northwardly  Joyuing  to 
Joseph  Carles  Land  40  Rods  to  a  black  oak  thence  west- 
wardly  Joyning  to  Carpenters  feilds  80  rods  to  a  red  oak 
thence  Southwestwardly  or  Near  itt  40  rods  to  a  white  oak 
thence  44  Rods  westwardly  Joyning  to  Carpenters  feilds  to 
a  white  oak  thence  Southwardl}'  bounded  by  the  high  way 
or  path  that  Leads  down  to  Stricklens  neck  220  Rods  to  a 
white  oak  thence  Eastwardly  56  Rods  to  a  red  oak  thence 
Northwardly  80  Rods  to  a  black  oak  ajoyniug  to  the  said 
John  Carles  land  Containing  one  hundred  acres 

performed  by  us: 
Tho  Gildersleeve 
John  Hearking 

Recorded  this  third  day  of  Aprill  ano  1711 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

Page  299. 

Hempsted  January  ye  23d  day  1710  Whereas  att  a  gen- 
erall  Town  Meetting  held  in  hempsted  the  29th  of  November 
1658  Severall  tracts  S:  parcell  of  laud  were  granted  to  sev- 
eral! perticular  jjersous  as  they  Stand  Entered  in  one  of  the 
old  boocks  of  the  Records  of  Hempsted  nott  Exeeding  teuu 
aci-es  apeice  as  hj  the  said  Record  more  or  plainly  maketh 
apear  aud  also  by  the  said  Record  apeareth  that  John  Smith 
Junior  aud  Thomas  foster  were  by  geuerall  vote  of  the  said 
Town  meetting  Chosen  to  view  the  convenience  for  the  take- 


iii^-  up  the  Liuid  uccordiug  to  the  above  Repeated  or  men- 
tioned Town  order  and  Henry  Allen  having  Legally  pnrchas- 
ed  of  Severall  persons  their  perticular  and  Respective  Rights 
to  the  said  grants  or  to  as  many  as  a])eareth  to  l)e  their 
Rights  as  more  plainly  apears  by  their  severall  Deeds 
under  their  hands  A-  Healls  &  also  Abell  Smith  having  a 
Right  of  teni)  acres  that  was  Thomas  Champions  &  one  yt 
was  mine  as  is  aparent  by  said  town  order  and  they  the 
said  Henry  alien  and  abell  Smith  having  Requested  of  me 
to  view  the  nndevided  Land  on  madnans  neck  near  to  their 
own  purchased  Land  S:  to  make  Report  of  the  Convenience 
thereof  ct  Acordingly  I  the  said  Jdo  Smith  have  been  down 
on  the  Said  neck  &  veiwed  and  doe  hereby  declare  that  I 
doe  think  A:  Judge  itt  is  not  unconvenient  nor  prejuditiall 
for  the  town  for  them  the  Said  abell  Smith  and  Henry  alien 
to  take  up  the  perportions  of  Lands  upon  the  said  neck  on 
or  in  the*  nndevided  land  on  the  Said  neck  in  testimony 
whereof  I  have  sett  to  my  hand  the  day  A;  year  above 
written  and  fixed  my  Seall  Ac 

Signed  sealld  A^c  in 

presence  of  John  Smith  (S) 

Joseph  pettit 

Joseph  X  Langdon 

The  above  written  is  a  true  Copy  Recorded  the  23  day 
of  3  mo  may  1711  A'  Compared  with  the  originall  by 

William  Willis  Clark 

Page  300. 

att  a  generall  Town  meettiug  held  in  hempsted  the  third 
day  of  aprill  1711  Capt  Joseph  Smith  was  Chosen  Con- 
stable A-;  Collector  for  this  Ensuing  year  att  the  Same  Town 
Meetting  John  Serring  seenior  A^  Timothj^  Halsteed  were 
Chosen  Assesors  for  the  Ensuing  year  att  the  same  Town 


meetting  William  Willis  was  Cliosen  SuperTisor  for  the 
Ensuing  year  att  the  same  Town  Meetting  tlie  men  Chosen 
in  the  rear  1709  A:  Continued  in  the  year  1710  are  still 
continued  for  the  Ensuing  year  to  Look  after  the  high  ways 
and  view  the  fences  lielonging  to  the  Town  and  l)ounds 
thereof  for  the  Town  platt  John  Serring  Se  &  Jn'o  Tred- 
well  Ju  for  Jemsalem  John  Jackson  Jur  and  Thomas  Sea- 
mans  Se  for  the  north  Side  Obadiah  Yalliutine  A"  James 
Denton  for  madnans  Neck  William  Mott  A'  Henry  Allen 
and  for  Cow  Xeck  William  Peatt  A:  Joshuah  Cornwell  A:  for 
forsters  meadow  Harman  Johnson  A  Christian  Suedicur 
John  Tredwell  Ju  Eequesting  of  the  Town  that  he  may  be 
Excused  from  the  abovsaid  Tutte  John  Mott  was  Chosen  in 
his  Room  A'  stead  to  view  fences  A'  look  after  high  ways  : 
Att  the  said  Town  Meetting  William  Langdon  A'  Johauati' 
brwer  are  Chosen  for  fence  veiwers  from  the  Mill  River  to 
Xthe  west  bounds  of  the  Town  att  Rockaway  att  the  said 
Town  meetting  William  Willis  was  Chosen  Town  Clark  for 
the  Ensuing  year 

att  a  generall  Town  meeting  held  att  Hempsted  the  "22 
day  of  Mav  1711  itt  was  votted  bv  maior  votte  that  Everv 
freeholder  in  the  township  of  Hempsted  shall  give  an  acount 
of  what  Lands  he  hold  in  the  town  ship  of  hempsted  A  by 
what  right  he  holds  itt  by  to  the  Clark  before  the  15  day  of 
June  next  A:  the  Clark  is  to  attend  att  home  three  days  in 
Each  Week  (viz)  on  the  third  day  of  the  week  and  on  the 
5  day  of  the  week  A'  on  the  7th  day  of  ye  week  (viz)  on 
tuesday  thursday  A'  Saturday:  to  take  an  acount  theieof  and 

Page  301. 

bring  itt  to  the  town  meetting  w'ch  is  to  be  held  on  the 
fifteenth  day  of  June  next  ensuing  and  if  any  person  or 
persons  Refuse  deny  A'  neglect  to  give  an  acount  of  their 
lands  as  aforsaid  theii"  title  shall  be  deemed  by  the  town  to 
be  Invalued  if  any  person  hereafter  maketh  Ids  Right  apear 
that  at  this  present  Knoweth    nott  whether    he   hath  any 

HEMrSTEAD    TOWN    EECOllDS.  425 

Right  or  nott  yett  tliis  votte  is  Dott  to  liindci'  liiin  or  thorn 
from  liis  Jnst  (Iik;  in  division     by  order 

William  Willis  Clark 

To  all  ])eo})le  unto  wlionie  this  present  writtinji;  shall 
come  Abell  Smith  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on 
Nashaw  Island  Yeoman  sends  <ireeting  Know  jee  that  I 
Abell  Smith  for  and  in  the  consideration  of  the  sum  of  four 
pounds  of  good  Currant  mony  of  the  province  of  new  Yorke 
to  niee  in  hand  payed  before  the  Ensealling  &:  delivery  of 
these  presents  by  Henry  Allen  of  the  Town  County  &  Is- 
land aforsaid  Yeoman  the  Receipt  whereof  to  full  Content 
and  satisfaction  I  doe  hereby  acknowledge  S:  thereof  A-  of 
every  parte  and  parcell  thereof  Doe  acquitt  exonerate  i\: 
discharge  the  sd  Henry  Allen  his  Heirs  Executors  Admin- 
istrators  and  Assignes  &  every  of  them  by  these  presents 
and  for  divers  other  good  causes  and  considerations  mee 
hereunto  Moving  I  the  said  Abell  Smith  hath  given  grant- 
ed Aliened  Enfeofed  Remised  Released  Quitted  Claim  and 
Confirmed  and  by  these  presentts  Do  fully  freely  Clearly 
and  absolutely  give  grant  alien  Enfeotie  Remise  Release 
Quitt  Claim  c^^  confirme  unto  the  said  Henry  Allen  and- to 
his  Heirs  and  xA.ssignes  forever  all  the  Estate  Right  Title 
Interest  Share  portion  property  Claim  and  demand  what- 
soever which  I  the  said  Abell  Smith  ever  had  now  have  or 
which  I  my  heirs  or  Assignes  i)i  time  to  come  can  may  shall 
or  in  any  Wise  ought  to  have  or  claim  of  in  or  to  all  that 
Certain  allotment  or  dividend  of  land  Lying  Scituated  on 

Page  302. 
the  AVest  Side  of  the  neck  of  Land  Commonly  Called  & 
Known  by  the  name  of  madnans  neck  formerly  layed  out  to 
thomas  Champion  Late  of  Hempsted  Deceased  Containing 
thirty  three  acres  S:  being  the  eleventh  lott  in  number  itt 
being  the  said  Thomas  Chamjoions  Dividend  of  Land  on  the 
sd  neck  as  further  appeareth  by  the  Card  of  the  Survey  of 
the  said  neck  itt  being  bounded  on  the  north  by  the  Land 
of  the  said  Henry  Allen  A:  on  the  West  by  the  bay  and  on 


the  South  by  a  lott  Laid  out  to  John  Tredwell  cV  ou  the 
East  by  the  undi^-ided  Laud  with  the   Rights  priviledu^es 
Commodities  Heriditaments  aud  appurteuances  whatsoever 
thereof  &  thereuuto  belougiug.     To  have  aud  to  hold  all 
aud  siugular  the  said  lottiueut  of  laud  abovemeutioued  with 
all  A:  siugular  the  appurtenauces  thereof  <t  of  every  parte  <Vr 
parcell  thereof  uuto  the  Said  Heury  Alleu  his  heirs  A:  As- 
sigues  to  his  aud  their  own  sole  aud  proper  use  beuititt  aud 
behooffe  forever  freely  Clearly  aud  peaceably   A:  Quiettlv 
Avithout  any  manner  of  Eeclaim  Challenge  or  Contradiction 
of  mee  the  Said  Abell  Smith  my  heirs  or  Assignes  att  any 
time  or  times  forever  hereafter  so  that  Neither  I  the  said 
Abell  Smith  my  heirs  or  Assignes  nor  any  other  person  or 
persons  for  mee  or  them  or  in  mine  or  their  names  Eight  or 
Stead  shall  or  will  hereafter  have  Claim  Challenae  or  de- 
maud  any  Estate  Eight  Title  or  Interest  of  in  or  to  the 
premises  or  any  parte   or  parcell  But  of  A:  from  all  and 
every  action  of  Eight  Estate  Title  Interest  Claim  A:  demand 
of  in  and  to  the  premises  aud  Every  parte  A:  parcell  there- 
of I  my  self  ^  Every  of  them  Shall  be   utterly  excluded   A: 
forever  debaiTed  by  these  presents  \-  I  the  said  Abell  Smith 
doe  by  these  presents  further  promise  A:  by  these  presents 
lugage  to  defend  the  Said  Heury  alien   against  my  self  my 
heirs  cV:  Assignes  aud  against  the  heirs  of  the  above  named 
Thomas  Champion  Deceased  in  the  Eight  of  the  said   lott- 
ment  of  land  aud  against  any  A:  Every  other  person  or  per- 
sons whatsoever  from  by  or  under  mee  or  under  the   heirs 
of  the  said  Thomas  Champion   deceased  and   for  further 
Contirmatiou  I  have  Sett  to   my  hand  &  fixed  mv  seall  this 

Page  303. 
ninth   day  of  may  in  the  year  of   our   Lord   one   thousand 
seven  hundred  and  Eleven 

Signed  Sealed  A:  Delivered 

in  presence  of  bis 

William  Stits  Abell  X  Smith  (S) 

•EoBERD  DiXGE  luarke 

William  Willis 


Memorandum  that  on  tlie  twenty  secund  day  of  ma)-  in 
the  jear  of  onr  Lord  1711  tlie  witliin  named  A])ell  Snntli 
personally  appeaired  before  John  foster  Es'q  one  of  her 
Majesties  -Instices  for  the  keepin<2;  of  the  peace  for  Queens 
County  Assigned  and  acknowledged  the  within  written 
deed  to  be  his  reall  &  Voluntary  act  tt  deed 

Jo'n  ffoster 

The  afore  said  and  above  written  Deed  is  Recorded  ^ 
Compared  with  the  originall  the  23d  day  of  May  :  1711 

by  mee     William  Willis  Clarke 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whonie  these  presents  shall 
come  Roberd  Hubbs  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on 
Nashaw  Island  in  the  province  of  New  York  Yeoman  Sends 
greetting  :  Know  yee  that  the  said  Roberd  Hubs  for  &  in 
ye  Consideration  of  the  sum  of  three  hundred  pounds  of 
good  Currantt  Lawfull  mony  of  New  York  to  him  the  said 
Roberd  Hubbs  in  hand  paid  &  Securred  to  be  payed  before 
the  ensealling  and  Delivery  of  these  presents  by  Henry 
Allen  of  Hempsted  in  the  County  Island  ct  province  afor- 
said  the  Receipt  whereof  to  full  Content  A"  satisfaction  He 
the  said  Roberd  Hubbs  doth  by  these  presents  acknowl- 
edge and  thereof  and  of  Every  parte  thereof  for  himself  his 
Heirs  Executors  and  Administrators  Doth  acquitt  Exoner- 
ate cV"  discharge  him  the  said  Henry  Allen  his  heirs  Execu- 
tors A:  Administrators  and  every  of  them  forever  by  these 
presents  And  for  divers  other  good  causes  and  Considera- 
tions him  the  sd  Roberd   Hubbs   Espetiall^'  moving  :   Hee 

Page  304. 

the  said  Roberd  Hubbs  hath  given  granted  bargained  sold 
Aliened  Enfeoffed  conveyed  and  Confirmed  and  by  these 
presents  Doth  fully  freely  Clearly  and  absolutely  give  grant 
bargain  sell  Alien  Enfeofe  Convey  &  Contirme  unto  the  said 
Henrv  alien  his  Heirs  &  assiscnes  forever  all  that  of  two 
AUottments  of  Land  iipon  the  AYest  side  of  Madnans  Neck 
within  the  bounds  of  Hempsted  being  formerly  Laid  out  one 


of  them  to  John  Tredwell  <t  the  other  to  Thomas  Champion 
as  apeareth  bj  the  Card  of  the  Survey  of  the  said  neck  1  )eing 
the  tenth  and  eleventh  Lotts  in  number  and  Containing  in 
bredth  fortv  Eods  and  Lying  iu  the  first  de vision  Contain- 
iug  as  ajjpeareth  by  said  Card  fifty  &  one  acres  more  or 
Less  being  bounded  on  the  vrest  by  the  bay  and  on  the 
north  and  the  South  bv  the  Land  of  the  said  Henrv  Allen 
A:  on  the  East  by  the  undivided  Land  on  the  sd  neck  itt 
being  the  farme  Late  iu  the  tenure  A'  occiipation  of  John 
Hubbs  Deceased  Together  with  all  houses  Edifices  building 
barnes  Stables  Orchards  gardens  Meadows  feedings  pastures 
Woods  under  Woods  ways  Easments  profitts  Comodities 
heriditaments  6:  Appurtenances  Whatsoever  to  the  said  two 
allottments  of  Land  or  to  any  part  or  parcell  of  them  be- 
longing or  in  any  wise  appertaining  thereunto  with  the  Re- 
vertions  and  Remainders  thereof  (Exepting  the  Right  title 
and  dower  of  Silence  Hubl)s  Widdow  6:  Relick  of  John 
Hubbs  Deceased  former  owner  of  the  above  granted  prem- 
ises) and  all  the  Estate  Right  Title  Interest  Inheritance 
property  posesion  Clame  and  demand  whatsoever  of  him 
the  said  Roberd  hubl)s  of  in  and  to  the  same  «t  of  ever}' 
parte  &  parcell  thereof  To  have  tV"  to  hold  all  the  above 
granted  premises  with  all  A*  Singular  the  appurtenances 
thereof  unto  the  said  Henry  Allen  his  Heirs  and  Assignes 
to  his  and  their  own  sole  and  proper  use  benifitt  and  be- 
hoofe  from  hence  forth  forever.  And  the  said  Roberd 
Hubbs  for  him  self  his  Heirs  Executors  A:  Administrators 
doth  hereliv  Covenant  promise  grant  and  agree  to  and  with 
the  said  Henrv  Allen  his  Heirs  and  Assignes  in  manner  A" 
forme  following  (that  is  to  say)  that  att  the  time  of  the  en- 
sealling A:  delivery  of  these  presents  he  the  said  Roberd 
Hubbs  is  the  true  Sole  A:  lawfull  owner  of  all  the  above 

Page  305. 
b:irgained  and  granted  premises  and  stands  lawfully  seized 
thereof  in  his  own  Right  of  a  good  perfect  and  ludeafeaz- 
able  Estate  of  Inheritance  in  fee  Simple  having  iu  himself 


full  power  good  Right  &  lawfull  antliourity  to  Sell  cind  dis- 
pose of  the  same  iu  inaiiner  as  aforsaid  and  that  the  said 
Henry  Allen  his  heirs  and  Assignes  shall  &  may  henceforth 
and  forever  hereafter  Lawfully  peacably  and  Quiettly  have 
hold  use  Occupie  posses  &  Enjoy  the  above  granted  prem- 
ises with  the  appurtenances  thereof  (exept  as  before  Ex- 
epted)  free  &  clear  &  clearly  acquitted  ct  discharged  of  ^ 
from  all  and  all  manner  of  former  and  other  gifts  grants 
bargains  salles  Leases  Mortgages  Joyntures  DoAvers  Judg- 
ments Executions  Entaills  forlietures  and  of  <S:  from  all 
other  titles  troubles  Charges  tV  Encum1)rances  whatsoever 
had  made  Comitted  Done  or  sufered  to  be  done  (Exept  as 
before  Exepted)  by  the  said  Roberd  Hubbs  his  Heirs  or 
Assignes  before  the  ensealling  &  delivery  hereof  A:  further 
the  said  Roberd  Hul)bs  doth  hereby  Covenant  promise  l)ind 
<Sc  oblige  himself  his  Heirs  Executors  and  Administrators 
from  henceforth  &  forever  hereafter  to  warrant  and  defend 
all  the  above  granted  premises  and  the  appurtenances 
thereof  unto  the  said  Henry  Allen  his  Heirs  &  Assignes 
against  the  Lawfull  Claims  and  demands  of  all  &  Every 
person  or  persons  whomsoever  that  shall  or  doth  Lay  any 
lawfull  Claim  thereunto  (exept  as  before  Exepted)  in  witt- 
nes  whereof  the  said  Roberd  Hubbs  hath  hereunto  sett  his 
hand  &  seall  the  twenty  secund  day  of  May  in  the  year  of 
of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  ct  Eleven 

Signed  Seald  <.^  delivered 

in  presence  of  his 

John  Johnson  Roberd  X  Hubbs  (S) 

Jo'n  foster  mark 

William  AVillis 

Memorandum  that  on  the  twenty  and  Secund  day  of 
may  :  1711  the  within  Named  Roberd  Hubbs  personall}- 
appeared  before  mee  John  foster  one  of  her  Majesties  Jus- 
tices for  the  Keeping  the  peace  for  Queens  County  Assign- 
ed and  acknowdedged  the  within  written  Deed  to  be  his 
Reall  <k  Voluntary  act  and  deed  Jo'n  foster 


The  above  written  deed  Recorded  the  24tli :  day  of  the 
3d  mo  may  :  1711     by  me 

William  Willis  Clark 

Page  30B. 

att  a  generall  Town  meetting  held  in  hempsted  the  15  day 
of  June  4th  month  1711  the  matter  about  giving  in  their 
lauds  is  f nrther  refered  untill  the  livst  tewsday  in  .Septem- 
ber next  for  the  further  compleatting  the  acountt  of  their 
Lands  &  giving  itt  in  to  Clark  A:  they  are  nott  to  have  Lib- 
erty of  longer  time 

this  by  order         by 

William  Willis  Clark 

September  the  4th  1711  acording  to  order  The  Justices 
of  the  peace  and  the  Clark  apearing  and  so  Litle  apearance 
of  the  people  that  the  mater  of  giving  the  peopls  Lands  and 
determination  there  of  is  left  to  further  Consideration  for 
another  Town  meeting 

William  Willis  Clark 

Att  a  Town  Meetting  hell  in  the  Church  in  Hempsted  the 
tirst  Day  of  aprill  171*2  Cap't  Joseph  Smith  was  Chosen  by 
majer  votte  to  be  CoUecter  and  Constable  for  this  present 
year  untill  the  first  Day  of  aprill  next  ensuing  till  another 
be  confirmed 

att  the  Same  To^ii  meeting  John  Tredwell  Junior  was 
Chosen  to  be  supervisor 

att  the  same  town  meeting  Thomas  Langdon  and  Timo- 
thy^alsted  was  Chosen  Assesers  for  the  Ensiling  year : 

att  the  same  town  meeting  the  men  Chosen  and  confirm- 
ed the  last  year  on  the  tirst  Day  of  aprill  1711  for  the 
Looking  after  the  high  ways  and  for  veiwing  of  fences  as 
still  Continued  in  their  said  ofices  for  the  ensuing  year  un- 
till the  first  tewsday  of  aprill  next  ensuing 

att  the  same  town  meetting  Thomas  Gildersleeve  w^as 
chosen  dark  for  the  ensuing  year 

hempstead  town  records.  431 

Page  307. 
Know  all  uuai  by  these  presents  tluit  whereas  Joseph 
please  Late  of  Henipsted  Deceased  did  by  his  Last  will  and 
Testament  constitute  authorise  and  apoynt  Thomas  gillder- 
sleeve  samuell  Williams  and  William  Willis  to  sell  and  Dis- 
pose such  a  Quantity  or  parcell  or  parcells  of  Land  be- 
louiuj;-  to  the  said  Joseph  ])lease  as  should  Dis(diargo  and 
pay  all  his  -Just  depts  Now  KnoAV  Yee  that  they  the  said 
Thomas  Gilldersleeve  William  AVillis  and  Samuel  Williams 
(acording  to  the  trust  Eeposed  in  them)  for  Divers  good 
causes  &  Considerations  them  thereunto  moving  but  more 
Espeti.dly  for  the  valuable  sum  of  forty  and  four  ixninds 
of  good  Currant  Mony  of  the  province  of  new  York  to 
them  in  hand  payed  or  Secured  to  be  payed  by  Joseph 
Wood  of  Hempsted  in  Queens  County  on  Nashaw  Island 
Labourer  before  the  Ensealling  cV'  delivery  hereof  &  for 
divers  other  good  causes  and  Considerations  them  the  said 
Thomas  Gilldersleeve  Samuell  AVilliams  S:  W'illiam  Willis 
Espetially  Moving  hath  given  granted  bargained  Sold 
Aliened  Enfeofed  Contirnied  <k  made  over  and  by  these 
presents  Doth  acording  to  the  power  committed  unto  them 
fully  freely  clearly  tt  al)Solutely  give  grant  bargain  sell 
Alien  Enfeoffe  Confirm  and  make  over  unto  the  said  Joseph 
Wood  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever  all  that  of  a  certain 
peice  or  parcell  of  Land  Lying  and  being  scituate  in  the 
bounds  of  Hempsted  in  the  County  aforsaid  Containing 
forty  and  four  acres  &  bounded  Easterly  by  a  lott  formerly 
of  John  Johnsons  iV  now  in  the  tenure  c\:  occupation  of 
mary  please  wdddow  &  Relick  of  Joseph  please  Deceased 
and  a  high  way  between  Southerly  by  the  Commans  West- 
erly by  the  highway  S:  northerly  by  the  Commons  all  which 
sd  peice  or  parcell  of  Laud  as  abovsaid  <Sz  Expressed  wee 
the  said  Thomas  Gilldersleeve  Samiiell  Williams  and  Wil- 
liam Willis  have  as  abovsaid  Sold  unto  the  said  Joseph 
Wood  his  Heirs  and  Assigns  wdth  the  woods  under  woods 
Timber  trees  Standing  growing  and  lying  u])on  the  same 
together  with  all  the  fencing  closures  orchards  and  fruitt 



trees  upon  and  partainiug  to  the  same  and  all  and  Singular 
the  priviledges  profitts  &  benilitts  to  the  same  belonging 

Page  308. 
with  all  the  Eight  title  Interest  propert}^  Claim  and  demand 
of  them  the  said  Thomas  Gildersleeve  and  William  AVillis 
their  Heirs  and  Assigns  for  him  the  said  Joseph  Wood 
his  heirs  and  assigns  To  hare  and  to  hold  occupie  posses 
and  enjoy  forever  and  the  same  to  be  and  Eemaiu  to  the 
onely  use  benititt  ct  behoofe  of  him  the  said  Joseph  Wood 
his  heirs  and  Assigues  forever  itt  being  free  ct  Clear  and 
Clearly  aequited  and  Discharged  of  and  from  all  former 
and  other  gifts  grants  Halles  Mortgages  or  any  other  En- 
tanglements whatsoever  and  the  same  shall  and  will  by 
these  presents  AVarrant  aud  forever  Defend  against  them- 
selves their  i*c  Each  of  their  Heirs  &  other  asigns  and 
against  all  A:  every  other  person  or  persons  whatsoever  that 
shall  pretend  to  Lay  any  Just  or  LawfuU  Claime  from  by 
or  under  them  or  Either  of  them  their  Heirs  or  any  or 
Either  of  their  Heirs  or  Sucsesours  from  henceforth  for- 
ever as  far  forth  as  they  the  Said  Thomas  Gilldersleeve 
Samuel  Williams  cV  William  Willis  or  any  or  Either  of  them 
can  shall  or  forever  hereafter  have  power  to  Sell  grant  or 
•Warrantise  the  Same  in  Wittness  whereof  they  together 
with  Mary  please  Widdow  &  Relickt  of  the  above  named 
Joseph  please  &  Executrix  to  his  Estate  have  Sett  to  their 
hands  and  afixed  their  Sealls  the  Eighteenth  Day  of  Octo- 
ber in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  Seven  hundred 
and  Eleven 

Signed  Seald  A-  delivered 

in  presence  of  Thomas  Gilldeksleeve  (S) 

Joseph  Smith  his 

Chas  doklon  Samuell  X  Williams      (S) 

John  Doklon  mark 

William  Willis  (S) 

Mary  X  please  (S) 

Memorandum  mark 


that  on  the  Eighteenth  day  of  October  1711  the  above 
named  Thomas  (lindersleeve  Samucll  AVilliams  William 
Willis  &  mary  please  personall}'  apeaied  l)efore  mee  Jolm 
Tredwell  one  of  her  Majesties  Justices  of  the  ])eace  for 
Queens  County  assigned  mid  acknowledged  the  above  writ- 
ted  deed  to  be  their  free  and  voluntary  act  tVr  deed 

John  Tue])Well 

The  above  written  is  a  trut^  co])])v  Extracted  out  of  tlie 
original]  and  Recorded  the  IDth  day  oi  October  1711 

by  me     William  Willis  Clarke 

PaCxE  309. 

att  a  t>enerall  T(nvn  meettin^  held  in  Hem})sted  Aprill  the 
first  1712  itt  was  votted  and  concluded  upon  that  a  certain 
number   of  persons  freeholders   of  the  sd   Town   shall  be 
named  Elected  &  constituted  to  take  Care  with  all  conven- 
ient spewed  to  have  the  Lands  sett  apart  by  a  former  town 
order  for  a  certain  peice  of  Land  on  the  South  8ide  of  the 
Town  of  hempsted  for  the  a  perpetuall  comons  truly  sur- 
veyed Layed  &  ascertained  for  ye  more  certain  perfecting 
of  the  same  the  Surveyor  is  to  begin  att  the  wood  Edge  att 
the  secuud  west  meadow  ct  Run  thence  due  South  one  half 
way  to  the  Indian  path  att  South  then  a  line  is  to  run  from 
the  poynt  of  trees  att  the  East  meadow  down  by  the  swamp 
Side  half   way   down  to  the  Indian  path  att  South   from 
which  to  run  a  streight  line  westwardly  till  itt  meeteth  the 
first  line  S:  half  Avay  to  the  Indian  path  at  the  ,south  which 
shall  be  ye  south  bounds  of  the  said  granted  land  for  the 
perpetuall  Comonage  as  aforsaid  A'  that  such  survey  shall 
be  returned  S:  entered  in  the  publick  l)ooks  of  the  said  Town 
as  a  perpetuall  niemoriall  of  the  Ixninds  of  the  said  Lands 
so  granted  and  sett  apart  for  tin;  comon  use  and  behoofe  of 
all  the  present  &  future  Inhabitants  of  the  said  Town  & 
that   the   said   persons   or  major  part   of  them   shall  have 
power  to  Eject  Sue  prosecute  &  Evict  on  the  behalf  of  the 
town  and  power  is  hereby  granted  to  them  to  Eject  Sue 


prosecute  &  evict  any  person  or  persons  that  all  ready  have 
or  att  any  time  here  after  shall  incroach  upon  fence  in  take 
up  posess  or  appropriate  unto  themselves  any  part  or  per- 
cell  of  the  said  lauds  contrary  to  this  or  the  former  order 
about  the  sd  lauds  and  further  itt  is  voted  as  aforesaid  that 
Richard  Townsend  John  Tredwell  Ju:  and  Samuell  Wil- 
liams or  major  part  of  them  are  hereby  impowered  &  elect- 
ed to  do  and  Execute  all  and  every  the  the  things  afore- 
mentioned &  also  to  take  care  that  no  undue  wast  be  made 
of  the  wood  or  timber  Standing  or  being  on  the  Said  land 
pro-sdded  that  nothing  herein  shall  extend  to  the  taking 
away  or  Infringing  upon  the  possesion  of  any  person  who 

Page  310. 

Enjoyed  any  lands  in  the  said  tract  before  the  making  of 
the  former  vote  of  the  town  Concerning  the  Said  Land 

pr     AViLLiAM  Willis  Clark 

Benjamin  Seaman  Entereth  a  protest  against  the  above 
Said  vote  &  thomas  Gilldersleeve  also  doth  the  Like  by 

by  Willis  Clark 

Memorandum  also  Collonall  John  Jackson  at  the  said 
Town  Meetting  Except  Thomas  Gilldersleeve  his  Heirs  and 
sucsesers  is  alowed  to  Enjoy  forever  the  Quantity  of  one  hun- 
dred and  twenty  acres  Lying  on  the  East  side  of  the  secuud 
west  meadow  swamp  and  Caleb  Carman  Ju  his  heirs  and 
assigns  is  allowed  to  enjoy  forever  fifty  acres  of  Land  lying 
near  the  East  Meadow  poynt  where  his  house  now  stands 
doth  also  protest  against  the  aforsaid  votte  for  the  Laying 
out  of  the  sd  commanage  he  being  the  onely  pattentee  now 
living  of  the  township  of  Hempsted     Entered  l)y  order  by 

Aprill  the  first  1712  William  Willis  Clark 

Aprill  the  17d  1712  then  Joseph  Mott  Came  and  did  pro- 
test again s  thi?5  voat  above  j^t  is  for  laying  oiat  of  land  for 
3'e  publick  use  of  ye  town     entred  by  me 

Tho  Gilldersleeve  Clarck 


Natliiiniol  Oclee  Son  of  iiiitliaiiiel.  liis  ear  mark  is  a  crop 

on  each  ear  and  a  half  peney  on  the  fore  side  each  ear.  and 

a  half  ])pney  on  tho  nnder  side  of  each  ear.     entred  Dece'm 

7.  1782 

by  mee  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Isaac  Doty  his  ear  mark  is  a  swallow  fork  on  tlu;  near  ear 
and  a  half  joeney  on  each  side  of  the  same  entred  desem- 
ber  the.  15.  1733. 

l)y  mee  Tiio  Gildersleeve  Clarcke 

Richard  Jackson  his  ear  mark  is  a  latch  on  the  fore  side 
the  of  ear  and  a  half  peney  nnder  it  and  a  h;dpeney  on  the 
fore  side  the  near  ear     entered  deceraber  the  19.  1733 

by  me  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarke 

Page  311. 

Att  A  Jenerall  Town  meeting-  held  in  hempsted  Aprill  ye. 
5 :  th  day  1712  then  by  mager  voat  of  the  townse  people 
there  wos  chose  for  an  asesar  for  this  insening  year  John 
Ivushnior  in  the  rum  of  Thomas  Langdon  which  wos  Cho- 
sen uppon  the  elextion  day  and  did  refeuse  to  be  quollified 
according  to  law 

Page  312. 

To  all  (diristian  people  to  wliome  these  presants  shall 
com  or  aniwais  appertain  greeting  Know  yee  yt  I  llichard 
totten  Sener  of  hempsted  one  long  island  alias  nawsaw  in 
queens  county  in  ye  pro  vim;  of  new  Yorck  do  by  these 
presants  give  grant  alinat  release  &  deliver  from  me  my 
hairs  executors  administrators  and  asigns  unto  my  son  wil- 
liam  totten  of  ye  town  county  island  and  province  afore  sd 
to  him  his  hairs  executors  administrators  &  asigns  one  tliurd 
part  equal  in  quantity  ct  quollity  of  all  my  housing  lands  <fe 
meedous  and  Im])rovements  in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  w'tli 
ye  apurtinanses  exsept  fifty  acars  of  w^ood  land  at  ye  bed 
of  ye  harbor  all  w'ch  equal  thurd  part  of  my  hous  lands 
and  primises  as  above  sd  I  ye  sd  Richard  totten  do  by 
these  presants  give  grant  alinate  release  and  deliver  from 


mee  my  liairs  and  asigns  unto  my  sd  son  "William  tot- 
ten  to  him  bis  liairs  and  asigns  to  have  and  to  hold 
for  ever  and  peatiabnly  to  enter  in  to  posestion  of  ye  same 
at  mv  deses  and  ye  same  to  have  &  poses  to  him  his 
hairs'  &  asigns  as  his  or  theare  owne  estat  with  out 
any  let  hindranc  or  molistation  what  ever  by  any  of  my 
hairs  or  sucsesars  what  ever  claming  ye  same  or  any  part 
theare  of  w'ch  is  for  k  in  consideration  of  full  satisfaction 
reseved  to  my  own  content  &  in  testimony  of  ye  premises  I 
have  heare  unto  setto  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  and  in  ye 
fourth  year  of  ye  reigne  of  our  sovereign e  hidy  ann  by  ye 
grac  of  god  over  ingland  Scotland  franc  and  irelaud  Quen 
&c  defender  of  ye  faith  and  in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  god 
1702-3  this.  (5.  day  of  march 

Sined  Sealed  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  ous  his 

Joseph  Pettet  Eichakd  X  Totten  (S) 
Thomas  Tredwell  marck 

A  treu  Copy  taken  out   of  the   oridgnal  compared  and 

entred  by  mee 

Tho  Ctilderslee\'E  Clarck 

Page  313. 

To  All  Christian  peopel  to  whom  these  presants  shall 
Come  or  any  wais  appertain  :  Greeting  Know  ye  that  I 
samiiel  Pine  of  hempsted  one  long  island  ales  nasaw  in 
quens  County  in  ye  province  of  neuyorck  do  by  these  give 
grant  bargin  sell  alinat  reles  in  fife  and  deliver  from  mee 
my  hairs  executors  administrators  and  asigns  unto  Isack 
Jarman  sener  of  the  town  County  island  and  provinc  afore 
said  to  hira  his  hairs  executors  administrators  and  asigns  a 
saiiain  :  acorn idatione  lying  and  being  in  hempsted  that  is 
to  say  one  dwelling  hous  three  home  lots  containing  nin 
acars  mor  or  les  as  thay  ware  laid  out  Iwunded  as  followeth 
by  the  land  of  Samuel  Rainer  east  hy  the  land  of  beniamen 
Pine  south  and  west  by  the  high  wais  I  say  the   said  hous 

lIKAirSTKAl)    'I'OWN     IMKi  )l!  I  )S.  437 

Mild  land  above  said  to^otli(U'  with  tlic  oidv  housing  <i;ardiii 
frent  tres  fencing-  and  all  a|i))crtainiiii!;  there  oik;  or  tlieare 
unto  belonging  as  granted  ])y  the  town.  I  ye  abovesd 
SMimiel  Pine  do  by  thes«-  prt^sants  give  grant  bargin  S(dl 
alinat  releas  and  dtdiver  I'loni  me  my  hairs  and  asigns  nnto 
ye  sd  Isack  Jarman  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  to  have  A- 
to  hold  the  sd  hons  land  and  primises  with  the  apurtinanses 
for  ever  to  ye  only  ns((  Ixiiiitit  tV  behoff  of  hiin  ye  sd  Isack 
Jarman  his  haiis  and  asigns  heare  by  waranting  A'  T  do 
warant  this  my  sail  to  l)e  law  full  atln^itick  and  good 
against  any  parson  or  parsons  that  shall  mack  any  Just 
Clam  thear  unto  yt;  same  free  from  any  former  sail  let 
morgadg  or  in  Combranc  Avhat  ever  A-  I  ye  sd  Samuel  Pine 
do  further  Covenant  and  i)romise  for  mv  self  inv  hairs  and 
asigns  to  A"  w'th  ye  sd  Isaac  Jarman  his  hairs  and  asigns 
to  do  any  further  thing  If  required  theareuuto  for  ye  seure 
making  k  firm  binding  ye  sd  land  and  primises  at  ye 
])roper  Cost  of  ye  sd  Jarman  all  which  for  aud  in  Consid- 
eration of  fourty  tw  pounds  silver  mony  paid  as  fall  satis- 
fatction  before  ye  signing  hear  of  and  in  testimony  of  the 
primises  I  have  setto  my  hand  aud  fixed  my  seal  May  ye 
24  Anno  1712 

Sined  seled  and  delivered 

in  presants  of  Samuel  Pine  (S) 

Joseph  Pettet 
John  Thomas 


henipsted  may  24  1712  This  day  apeared  be  fore  me 
John  Tredwell  esipiiar  one  of  har  magisties  Juestisses  of  the 
peas  for  (jueiis  (younty  samuel  Pine  ye  w'Mn  named  and 
acknowledged  ye  w'tin  contract  to  be  his  own  proper  and 
volliutary  act  and  ded 

John  Tredwell 

hempsted  May  24  1712  reseved  then  of  Mr  Isack  elar- 
man  fouity  two  pounds  curoiit  mony  of  ye  proviuc  of  new- 


jorck  being  ye   full  consideratiou  of  mony  in  full  for  ye 
w'tin  mentiaued  purclias:  in  presants 

John  Thomas  Cler 
Joseph  Pettet 

This  above,  sd.  ded  and  acknowledment  &  reseit  take  out 
of  ye  origanal  &  compared  &  entered 

Pur  Me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  314. 

To  all  peopel  to  wliome  these  presents  shall  Com  greet- 
ing KnoAv  ye  yt  I  Adam  Mott  of  hempsted  in  quens  Coun- 
ty in  ye  province  of  ueuyorck  for  and  in  consideration  of  ye 
som  of  twenty  six  shillings  to  mee  in  hand  before  ye  en- 
sealing hear  of  well  &  treuly  paid  by  Zecel  Smith  of  ye  sd 
hempsted  County  &  provinc  afore  sd  &  ye  resept  wheare  of 
I  do  hear  by  acknowledg  A:  my  self  thear  with  fullv  satisfied 
and  contented  &  thereof  &  of  every  part  &  parsel  thearof 
exonnerate  &  aquit  and  discharg  ye  sd  ezecel  Smith  his 
hairs  executors  administrators  for  ever  by  these  presants 
have  given  granted  bargained  sold  aliened  convaied  and 
confirmed  A'  l)y  these  presants  do  freely  foully  &  cleare- 
ly  confirm  unto  him  ye  sd  ezecel  Smith  his  hairs  and 
asigns  for  ever  one  hollow  of  laud  scituate  lying  &  being  in 
ye  bounds  of  hempsted  in  quens  county  containing  by  es- 
tamatiou  one  acar  &  half  more  or  les  bounded  west  war<lly 
near  aioining  to  ye  sd  ezecel  Smiths  now  dwelling  hous  tt 
so  rovmd  b}'  ye  plains  to  have  and  to  hold  ye  sd  granted  <t 
bargined  primises  w't  all  ye  apurtiuauces  privilidges  ct 
commodities  to  ye  same  belonging  to  ye  sd  ezecel  Smith 
hiss  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  to  his  <t  theare  only  proper  use 
l)euifit  &  beliof  for  ever  &  I  ye  sd  Adam  Motfc  for  me  my 
hairs  excutors  administrators  do  covenant  promise  and 
grant  to  w'th  ye  sd  ezecel  Smith  his  hairs  A'  yt  be  fore  ye 
ensealling  hear  of  I  am  ye  treu  sole  &  lawfull  owner  of  ye 
above  bargened  primises  &  have  in  my  self  good  right  full 
poure  &  lawfull  athority  to  grant  bargiu  sell  convay  A:  con- 


firm  sd  bni'^ined  priinises  in  manner  as  above  scl  and  yt  ye 
sd  ezecel  Smith  his  liairs  tt  asipjns  shall  <S:  may  from  time  to 
time  &  at  all  times  for  ever  hear  after  by  fors  ik  virtue  of 
these  presants  lawfully  pe;isabully  tt  cpiiatly  have  hold  use 
occupy  and  eiiioy  ye  sd  demised  &  bargined  primises  w't  ye 
apurtinanses  free  ct  clear  &  freely  &  clearely  aqnited  exon- 
erated A'  discharged  of  from  ;ill  &  all  maner  of  former  and 
other  gifts  grants  bargiiis  sails  lesses  morgadges  extents 
Joiiitors  doiiryes  Judgments  executions  incnmbarancses 
<k  extents  furthermore  I  ye  sd  Adam  mott  for  my  self 
my  hairs  executors  administrators  do  covenant  &  in  gadg 
ye  above  demised  premises  to  him  ye  sd  ezecel  Smith  his 
hairs  i*c  asigns  against  ye  lawfull  clams  or  demands  of  any 
parson  or  parsons  what  soever  for  ever  hear  after  to  wo- 
rant  secoiier  (t  defend  in  witnes  wlieare  of  I  have  set  my 
hand  &  seal  this  twenty  sixth  day  of  may:  1712:  &  in  ye 
eleventh  year  of  ye  reign  of  our  sovereign  lady  Anne  :  Quen 


sined  sealed  and  delivered  Adam  Mott  (S) 

in  presants  of 


John  Smith 

Beniaman  Wood 

Hempsted  May  ye  31  day  1712  Then  apeared  be  for  niee 

John  Tredwell  esquiar  :  one  of  liar  magistes  justices  of  the 

peas  in  quens  County  Adam  Mott  named  one  ye  other  sid 

of  this  paper  &  did  acknowledg  ye  ded  one  ye  other  sid  to 

be  his  own  volliutary  act  <t  ded 

John  Tredwell 

This  above  sd  ded  Com  pared  with  ye  origenol  ded  and 

enterd  in  ye  records     Pur  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  315. 
To  all    Christian   peopel  to   whom   these  presents   shall 
come  or  any  ways  apertain     Know  ye  jt  I  daniel  Bedele  of 
hempsted  in  quens  County  in  ye  province  of  neu  yorck  for 

440       ■       HEMPSTEAD  TOWN  BECORDS. 

divers  good  causes  &  considerations  me  mo-^aug  liatli  re- 
mised relesed  &  for  ever  quit  clamed  iV:  bv  these  presants 
for  mv  self  and  mv  hairs  'do  fully  clearly  A:  absolutely  re- 
mise reles  A:  for  ever  quit  clame  unto  my  son  david  bedele 
of  ye  sd  hemjisted  ct  county  <t  province  :  afore  sd  in  his 
full  and,  peaceable  posestion  &  sisen  k  to  his  hairs  <fc  asigns 
for  ever  all  such  right  titele  intrust  cV:  demand  whatsoever 
as  I  ye  sd  daniel  bedele  had  or  ought  to  have  of  in  or  to 
ye  equal  half  of  my  fifty  acar  lot  of  land  setuate  lying  <fe  be- 
ing in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  butted  c'e  bounded  one  ye 
north  bv  a  high  way  east  bv  ve  high  way  vt  leads  to  ve  old 
landing  j)lace  south  k  west  by  old  marked  trees  as  it  was 
laid  out  to  have  A:  to  hold  ve  sd  crrauted  primises  w't  all  vs 
apurtinanses  pri^^dledges  <^'  commodities  to  ye  same  lielon  - 
ing  or  in  inaniwise  apertaining  to  him  ye  sd  david  bedele 
his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  so  yt  nither  he  ye  sd  dauil  be- 
dele nor  his  hairs  nor  any  other  parson  or  parsons  for  him 
or  them  or  in  his  or  theare  nams  or  in  ye  nam  right  or  sted 
of  any  of  them  shall  or  will  bv  auv  wav  or  mens  hear  after 
have  clame  challin^s  or  demand  estat  right  title  or  intrust 
of  in  or  to  ye  premises  or  any  part  or  parsel  thear  of  quit 
from  all  &  every  action  right  estate  title  intrust  iV  demand 
of  in  or  to  ye  premises  or  any  part  or  parsel  theare  of  tha^- 
&  everj*  of  them  shall  be  iitterly  excleuded  A:  liared  for 
ever  by  these  presants  A-  also  the  said  danil  bedele  A-  his 
hairs  ye  sd  equal  half  lot  t>f  land  above  mentioned  w"t  ye 
apurtinanses  to  ye  sd  david  bedel  his  hairs  <t  asigns  at  his 
and  thear  own  proper  use  S:  useses  in  maner  A'  form  afore 
spetified  against  my  hairs  A:  asigns  A'  every  of  them  sli;ill 
warant  A*  forever  defend  by  these  presants  In  witnes 
Mhear  of  I  have  setto  my  hand  A:  fixed  my  seal  this  ninth 
day  of  June  Anno  domini.  1112.  \-  in  ye  eleventh  year  of 
the  reign  of  our  sovereign  Lady  Anne  Quen  A'c 
8ined  selled  and  delivered  in  presants  of 
Johannes  brohwers  his 

Isaac  Smith  Daniel  X  Bedele  (8) 



Tins  ;il)()VO   S(l   deed  is  a  treu  (.'opy  of  t]i<'   orij;aiial  Coiu- 
pared  and  cntrcd  hy  mee 

Tlio  GiLDERSLEEVE  Clarck 

.    ■  Page  :U(). 

To  all  peoj)l(!  to  wlioiiie  these  presaiits  shall  com  know 
ye.  )  t.  Isaac  Siiiitli  of  li('iii[)sted  in  quens  county  on  nasaw 
island  in  }'(;  pioviiic  of  neuyorck  yoenian  sends  greeting 
know  ye  yt  I  Isaac  Smith  for  and  in  consideration  of  ye 
sum  of  seventy  pounds  good  &  lawfull  mouy  of  neuyorck  in 
hand  well  t\:  treuly  paid  before  ye  enseling  &  delivery  of 
these  presants  by  david  bedele  of  ye  sd  hempsted  &  prov- 
inc  afore  sd  ye  resepts  wheare  of  I  ye  sd  Isaac  Smith  do  by 
these  presants  acknowledg  &  thear  of  &  tliear  from  A'  of 
every  part  theare  of  acquit  exonerate  &  discharg  ye  sd  david 
bedele  his  hairs  executors  administrators  for  ever  by  these 
presants  &  for  divers  good  causes  &  considerations  me 
theare  unto  moving  have  given  granted  bargained  sold 
alined  enfeofed  convaighed  &  confirmed  &  by  these  pres- 
ants do  fully  freely  clearly  and  absoleutly  give  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  alien  enfcof  conveigh  &  contirm  unto  ye  sd  david 
bedele  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  a  sartaine  tract  of  land 
containing  fifty  acars  be  it  mor  or  les  scituat  lying  &  being 
in  ye  bounds  of  hempsted  one  ye  south  sid  of  the  great 
plains  at  a  place  colled  sharmans  neck  it  being  bounded 
west  &  south  by  ye  high  wayes  and  east  by  a  high  way  & 
north  by  the  land  of  John  dorlon  to  gather  with  all  such 
right  liberty es  imunities  profit  priviledges  commodities 
emoluments  S:  apurtinanses  thear  unto  l)elonging  to  getlier 
w't  all  timber  trees  woods  under  W(K)d  fields  pastuers  or- 
chards fenc  timber  trees  &  w't  ye  revartious  A-  remainders 
thear  of  all  ye  estat  right  title  intrust  inheritants  property 
posescion  clame  A  demand  what  soever  of  him  ye  sd  Isaac 
smith  of  in  A  to  ye  same  A:  every  part  thear  of  to  have  A' 
to  hold  all  ye  above  granted  primises  w't  all  ye  appurtin- 
anses  thear  of  unto  ye  sd  david  bedele  his  hairs  &  asigns  to 
his  &  thear  own  i^ole   A'  proper  use  beuitit  &  behofe  from 


heuc  forth  &  for  ever  A-  yt  ye  sd  clavicl  bedle  his  hairs  & 
usigijs  shall  S:  may  hencforth  S:  ior  ever  lawfully  peace- 
abully  A-  qniatly  have  hold  use  occupie  poses  A'  euioy  ye 
above  granted  primises  w't  ye  apiirtiuanses  thear  of  free  & 
clear  A'  freely  &  clearly  accpiited  A'  discharged  of  &  from  all 
A  all  manar  of  former  &  other  gifs  grants  bargins  sails  lesses 
morgadges  lointors  donries  Judgments  extants  entail  for- 
tituers  A'  of  A-  from  titles  troubles  charges  &  encombranses 
what  soever  had  mad  commited  or  suliered  to  be  don  by  ye 
sd  Isack  smith  his  hairs  or  asigues  at  any  time  or  times  be 
fore  ye  ensealing  A:  delivery  of  these  presants  A-  furder  ye 
sd  Isaac  smith  doth  hear  by  covenant  promise  bind  A: 
oblige  my  self  my  hairs  executors  administrators  from 
hencforth  for  A^  ever  hear  after  to  warrant  &  defend  ye 
sd  before  granted  primises  &  ye  apurtinauses  thear  of  unto 
ye  sd  david  bedele  his  hairs  &  asigns  against  ye  lawfule 
clams  of  any  A'  all  ye  hairs  executors  administrators  of  ye 
be  fore  mentioned  Isaac  smith  &  for  furder  confurmation  I 
J  e  sd  Isaac  smith  have  hear  unto  set  to  my  hand  A:  fixed 
my  seal  ye  twenty  sixth  day  of  february  and  in  ye  eleventh 
year  of  ye  reign  of  our  sovering  Lady  Anne  Quen  of  great 
britton  and  the  year  of  our  lord  1711-12 

sined  sealed  A'  delivered  in  presants  of 

Joseph  pettet  Isaac  Smith  (S) 

calip  x  carman 

his  marck 


march  ye  tifth  1711-12  then  I  delivered  david  bedele 
pesabnl  posestion  by  turf  A'  twig  all  yt  land  tfe  posestion 
yt  I  sold  him  one  a  neck  called  sharinanses  neck  ;is  witiies 
my  h;uid 

witnes  Isaac  Smith 


Kobert  lee 


This  above  sd  ded  is  u  treu  copy  of  ye  origaiiol  coiiipared 
and  (filtered  by  me 

Tito  CIit^deksleevk  Claick 

Page  317. 

To  all  People  to  wliome  this  presant  rightiiii;  Indented 
shall  come  Charls  Dotye  Joiiatluui  Whithed  arbitrators  & 
Jeains  Jacksou  umpear  iudiferautly  named  elec-ted  &  Chos- 
en by  Peter  Tottan  Juner  of  hem])sted  in  (piens  C^onnty 
in  ye  provinc  of  nenyorck  cordwinder  of  ye  one  part  ^^ 
William  totten  Beniamen  totten  A:  Jesper  totten  all  of 
ye  same  place  on  ye  other  part  to  award  arbitrat  order  Judg 
Determine  &  final  end  to  make  of  for  upon  (t  consarning 
all  &  all  maner  actions  &  caues  of  actions  snets  debts  stiifs 
accounts  reconing  dittirauces  &  quarrels  betwene  the  said 
parties  conserning  ye  estat  of  Hichard  Totten  Sener  of 
hempsted  latly  desesed  viz.  his  mantion  hous  A'  all  other 
beuldiugs  orchards  Lands  &  meddows  ye  sd  Richard  died 
posesed  of  Cas  by  sartain  Bonds  executed  siudi  ()tlier  by  ye 
sd  perties  dated  ye.  19tli.  (jf  may  last  past  mor  fully  ex- 
sprest  send  Greeting  kiu>w  ye  yt  ye  sd  arbitrators  &  um- 
pear willing  to  make  liVendship  betwen  ye  sd  ])arties  c^-  to 
Perceout  thear  troublesom  C!ontentions  in  law  having  heard 
proofs  tt  aleganses  of  ye  sd  parties  &  haveing  deuly  Con- 
sidered of  the  preemises  do  mack  This  our  award  in  manner 
<fe  form  following  and  first  wee  do  order  tt  award  yt  all 
seuts  now  depending  betwen  ye  sd  parties  yt  be  with  all 
Conveniant  speed  withdrawn  by  ye  Plaintives  in  ye  sd 
suits  &  further  we  do  hearby  order  &  award  yt  ye  sd 
AVilliam  Beniamau  <S:  Jesper  them  or  Ither  of  them  or  each 
of  thear  executers  or  asigns  shall  pay  or  caues  to  be  paid 
unto  ye  sd  peter  Totten  inner  executors  or  asigns  ye  sum 
<^f  fiveteen  pounds  curant  moiiy  of  ye  Colleny  of  neuyorck 
on  or  before  ye  second  day  of  September  nex  S:  we  do  order 
&  award  yt  upon  the  pay  ment  of.  ye.  sd.  sum  of  mony  ye. 
sd.  Peter  Totten  or  his  hairs  or  asigns  shall  sine  seal  &  de- 
liver unto  them  ye  sd  william  Totten  Beniaman  Totten  & 

444  HEMrsTEAD    TOWN    ItECORDS. 

Jesper  Totteu  for  ye  use  of  ye.  scl.  william  Beuiaman  & 
Jesper  A-  tliear  hairs  A'  asigns  releses  of  all  liis  right  title 
Intrust  estat  demauds  whatsoever  of  him  ye  sd  Peter  of  iu 
A'  to  }e  maner  lious  ct  all  other  Beuldiugs  orChards  laud  & 
meddous  yt  ye  sd  Eichard  Totteu  died  posesed  of  yt  is  to 
say  to  each  of  them  a  reles  for  ye  oue  equal  thurd  part  of 
the  same  hous  lauds  medowes  feusis  &  also  asigu  over  uuto 
them  ye  sd  William  Beuiaman  Ar  Jesper  one  sartaiu  ded 
dated  ye  20  day  of  march  in  ye  eleventh  of  ye  Reign  of 
Quen  Anne  being  saile  &:  grant  from  Peter  totteu  the  father 
of  the  said  peter  totteu  iuner  to  him  ye  sd  Peter  Totteu 
inner  and  his  hairs  of  part  of  ye  above  mentioned  lands  A' 
medows  above  sd  subscribed  iu  witues  whereof  we  have 
hearuuto  put  our  hands  A'  seals  at  ye  hous  of  Daniel  Smith 
iu  hempsted  oue  ye  second  day  of  June  anno  domini    1712 

Sealled  and  delivered  in 

presants  of  ous  Jeams  Jackson  (S) 

John  Thomas  Cler  Charls  Doughty         (S) 


This  is  a  tru  Copy  taken  out  of  the  original  and  com- 
pared S:  entered     Par  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  318. 

These  Presants  witneseth  that  wheare  as  thear  hath  been 
a  detiranc  betwen  ous  Jeams  Pine  aud  Eichard  Elisou  both 
of  hempsted  in  cjuens  County  iu  the  Pro  vine  of  Neuyoick 
as  Conseruiog  som  ui)land  that  lyeth  against  ye  sd  Jeams 
Pines  medow  att  Rainers  neck  at  ye  south  meddows  iu 
hempsted  wee  have  agreed  as  followeth  viz.  the  line  betwen 
ous  is  to  be  gin  att  a  whit  oak  stum])  yt  staudeth  on  ye 
east  sid  of  ye  path  yt  leads  to  ye  meddow  near  ye  sd  Eich- 
ard Elisous  bars  A'  from  thenc  downwards  to  ward  ye  Med- 
dow to  a  whit  oak  tree  A'  thenc  to  another  whit  oak  tree 
still  downward  A'  from  thenc  to  a  thurd  whit  oak  tree 
standing   near   the    meddow  wheare  thear   is  tAvo   on  one 


stump  tl)t;  (Nistorniost  of  thoni  tt  this  above  sd  line  is  to  be 
a  purpetiial  bouiuls  bctwen  ous  forever  and  further  from 
3'e  sd  tree  yt  stands  l)y  ye  meddovv  sid  west  tV'  by  south  to 
the  sd  Jeams  Pines  fenc  &g  furthermore  I  ye  sd  Richard 
Elison  do  reles  from  niee  my  hairs  &  administrators  all  ray 
ri^ht  yt  I  ever  Clamed  one  ye  east  sid  of  ye  above  sd  line 
unto  ye  above  named  Jeams  Pine  &  his  hairs  tt  asigns  for 
ever  &  I  ye  above  sd  Jeams  Pine  do  allso  relese  from  me 
my  hairs  &  administrators  all  my  right  A'  title  yt  I  did  ever 
Clame  one  ye  west  sid  of  ye  above  sd  line  unto  ye  above 
sd  Richard  Elison  &  his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  yt  is  to 
say  all  ye  land  &  medow  yt  lyeth  w't  in  ye  sd  neck  fenc  ye 
East  sid  is  Jeams  Pines  ct  ye  west  sid  is  Richard  Elisons  : 
in  witnes  hear  of  we  have  setto  our  hands  and  fixed  our 
seals  this  30th.  day  of  January  1712-13 

siued  sea  lied 

in  presants  of  mark 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Jeams  X  Pine       (S) 

Adam  Mott  his 

Richard  Elison  (S) 

This  above  agreement  Compared  and  entered  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  319. 

Att  a  Jenerall  Townd  meeting  held  in  hempsted  April  ye 
7th.  day  1713  Att  the  same  time  John  Tredwell  i  wos 
Chosen  supervizer  by  ye  mager  vot  of  ye  fiee  holders  for 
this  present  year 

att  the  above  sd  Town  meeting  hj  mager  vot  of  ye  free 
holders  tlieare  wos  Chose  John  Jackson  and  John  Rushmor 
for  asessors  for  this  presant  year 

at  ye  same  time  wos  John  mott  and  Joseph  Carle  Chosen 
for  survans  of  highwais  and  veuers  of  hy  ways  for  this  en- 
seuing  year  for  the  Town 

And  for  ve  nortli  sid  obadiah  vollintine  and  sam  Denton 


for  siirvairs  of  high  wais  and  feuc  veuars  for  this  present 

Att  ye  same  time  Harmau  Jouson  tV*  Christ  John  snede- 
cor  wos  Chose  for  survairs  of  high  wais  &:  veiiars  of  high- 
waies  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  time  John  Jackson  k  thomas  Seaman  S.  wos 
Chosen  for  smwairs  of  high  waise  and  fentc  weuars  for  this 
presant  year  and  for  maduans  neck  Eichbel  mott  A:  Kobert 
mitehel  for  this  presant  year  and  for  Eockaway  Richard 
mannering  &  william  Langdon  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  sam  time  Cap  Joseph  Smith  was  Chosen  Cunsta- 
bul  and  Colectter  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  time  Thomas  Gildersleeve  wos  Chosen  Town 
Clarck  for  this  enseiiinsj  year 

All  this  above  sd  wos  entered  By  me 

Tho  Gilderslee^t:  Chxrck 

Page  3-20. 

Att  a  Jeneral  Town  meeting  held  in  hempsted  April  ye 
7.  day  1713  1)y  mager  vot  of  the  free  holders  it  was  voted 
and  agreed  that  thear  shall  be  no  rams  to  mn  at  liberty  out 
of  mens  Closses  any  whear  in  the  bounds  of  hempsted  if 
thay  be  found  any  whear  in  ye  streets  or  on  ye  plains  or 
woods  at  liberty  out  of  mens  Closes  Ave  do  alow  it  to  be  law 
fuU  for  any  parsou  or  parsons  to  tack  them  for  thear  own 
and  to  convart  them  to  thear  own  use  after  ye  tirs  munday 
in  august  nex  enseuing  the  dat  hear  of  This  entered  by 

By  me     Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  Jeneral  Town  Meeting  held  in  hempsted:  April  ye 
fi  day  1714  Then  thear  was  Chosen  Cap  Joseph  Smith 
Cuustabul  and  Colector  for  this  enseuing  by  the  mager  voat 
of  ye  fi-ee  holders  of  hempsted 

Att  the  sam  town  meting  thear  wos  Chosen  for  a  seuper- 
A-izer  for  this  enseuing  year  John  Tredwell  by  ve  ma^er  vot 
of  ye  free  holders  of  hempsted 


Att  ye  sani  town  meeting  tbear  wos  Chosen  Jolni  Jacson 
&  Isaac  Smith  for  asesars  for  this  eusening  year  by  mager 
vot  of  free  holders  of  hempsted 

Att  ye  sam  town  meeting  thear  wos  Chosen  Jolm  Mott  <t 
Joseph  Carle  for  survairs  of  high  wais  and  weuing  of  fences 
for  this  inseuing  year  by  mager  vot  of  ye  freeholders  of 
hempsted  for  ye  town 

Att  the  same  town  meeting  thear  avos  Chosen  Timothy^ 
Hoisted  and  Cliarls  mott  for  Couneck  for  survairs  of   high- 
wais  &  fenc  weuars  for  this  present  year  by  ye   mager  vot 
of  the  free  holders  of  hempsted 

Att  The  sam  town  meetin«:  it  wos  Concleuded  bv  the 
mager  voat  of  ye  free  holders  of  hempsted  that  all  ye  rest 
of  the  siirvairs  of  high  wais  and  for  wening  of  fentces  that 
wear  Chosen  the  last  year  are  continewed  for  this  ensening 

Att  ye  sam  town  meeting  thear  wos  Chosen  Tho  Gilder- 
sleeve  for  this  ensening  year  Clarck  of  ye  town 

PaCxE  321. 

Know  all  men  b}-  these  presents  yt  I  John  Simmons  of 
ye  island  of  nasaw  in  Qnens  County  in  ye  provincof  nenyorck 
yeoman  for  sundry  waighty  Considerations  have  nominated 
Constituted  &  appointed  &  by  these  presents  do  nominat 
Constitute  appoint  tt  ordain  and  in  my  sted  S:  place  put 
my  trusty  &  well  beloved  frend  Jeams  Bate  of.  ye.  sd 
County  yeoman  my  treu  and  lawfull  atturny  to  mack  sail 
and  of  all  my  right.  tV:.  intrust  of  all  my  lands  cV"  mesuagues 
&  tenements  k  all  other  things  to  me  belonging,  w't  in  ye 
township  of  hempsted  tt  els  wheare  w't  in  ye  sd.  County.  &. 
to  yive  titles  for  ye  same  in  my  name  A'  allso  to  demand 
seue  recover  &  reseve  for  me  t^c  in  my  name  ct  to  my  behoof 
&  pay  all  rents  monye  that  shall  be  due  &  pay-abul  upon 
ye  sd  Lands  &  primises  granting  to  sd  aturny my  sole  & 
fnll  power  &  athority  in  ye  primises  as  afore  sd  to  mack 
sail  c*^'  deliverie  of  all  my  lands  A'  tenements  w't  all  A:  singu- 


lare  ye  primises  as  afore  scl  A:  lick  wiese  to  seu  arest  im- 
plead imprison  <^'  condemn  sack  persons  tliair  hairs  execu- 
tors and  admiuis't  refensing  to  pay  to  my  sd  atflrnv  any 
mony  due  upon  the  above  sd  primises  be  fore  any  Judg  iV 
Justis  of  ye  superiour  Cort  of  Judecure  or  any  other  Cort 
record  <t  ye  sd  parsons  again  out  of  prison  to  deliver  at  his 
deceretion  &:  upon  ye  resept  of  ye  sd  sum  of  money  or  any 
part  thear  of  to  give  one  or  more  discharge  or  discharges 
Eesepte  or  Eeseptes  in  my  name  to  macke  sine  A-  deliver 
as  also  one  or  mor  aturny  or  aturnyes  under  him  to  substi- 
tute or  appoint  S:  agreine  at  bis  pleseure  to  Kevock  & 
tirther  to  do  execute  per  form  A:  tinish  forme  &  in  my  name 
all  (t  siuguler  thing  A'  things  which  shall  or  may  be  uese- 
sary  consarniug  A:  touching  ye  premises  as  fully  throely  A: 
intirely  as  I  ye  sd  John  Simmans  in  my  own  parson  could 
do  in  or  abought  ye  primises  Eattitiing  A'  Confirming  A' 
alowiiig  whatsoever  my  sd  aturny  shall  do  or  Caues  to  be 
don  in  the  premises  in  witnes  whear  of  I  ye  sd  John  Simans 
have  hear  unto  set  my  hand  and  seal  thie  thirtenth  dav  of 
January  in  ye  eleventh  year  of  liar  magisties  reign  Anno 
dom  :  171'2  ' 

Sealed  and  delivered 

In  the  presants  of  ous  his 

Jan  mos  John  X  Simmans  (S) 

January  the.  13.  1712-18  Then  Apeared  before  mee 
Lamluirt  Garrism  one  of  har  Magisties  Justises  of  the  Peas 
John  Seman  and  he  treuly  exammined  did  acknowledg  this 
within  asantment  to  bee  his  act  A*  deed 

Lamburt  Garrisin 

This  above  is  a  treu  Coppy  Compared  A-  entered  Pur  Mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  322. 

I  have  this  day  at  ye  Eequest  of  Thomas  Pearsal  Juner 
survaied  a  small  Peas  of  Land  lying  at  the  east  sid  of  hemp- 


sted  liarl)our  Tn  the  bounds  of  liempsted  bof^iiming  at  a 
small  Cl^evitreo  that  stands  ab(jut  twelve  Rod  southwest 
from  ye  said  Thomas  Pearsals  lions  and  from  thenc  runing 
eastwardly  straight  toward  ye  place  wheare  liichard  Osborn 
Juners  hous  formerly  stood  ninty  Rod  to  a  wollnut  saplin 
thenc  south  erdly  thirty  Rod  to  a  stouping  Chesnut  saplin 
thenc  westwardly  ninty  Rod  to  a  whit  oak  saplin  standing 
by  ye  liarl)our  side  thenc  northeardly  to  the  place  of  begin- 
ning forty  four  Rods  within  this  tract  of  land  twenty  acars 
and  one  himdred  and  thirty  Rod  of  ground  taken  up  on  his 
right  of  propriaty  and  to  make  up  for  Land  lost  at  matina- 
cock  and  for  leaving  a  highway  at  liempsted  according  to 
the  towne  order  servaied  the  twenty  third  day  of  June  In 
the  year    of  our    lord    one    thousand    seven   hundred   and 


by  me     Jarvis  Mudg 

This  above  is  a  treu  Copi  Compared  by  me 

Tho  CtILDERSleeve  Clarck 


Att  the  Request  of  Thomas  Pearsall  Juner  and  william 
willis  I  have  survaied  and  Laid  out  the  Land  Contained  in 
the  annexed  skeeni  near  the  head  of  liempsted  harbour  Con- 
taining eaightteeine  acars  and  half  in  equal  shaires  and 
parts  Thomas  Pearsall  part  being  to  help  to  make  up  for 
Loss  of  land  at  matinacock  and  william  Willis  his  part  upon 
tlie  account  of  his  Proppriatorship  in  the  township  of  liemp- 

performed  this  day  of  the  sixth  month  1713 

by  mee     .Teams  Townsend 

This  above  survay  is  a  treu  Coppi  Compared  and  entered 
pur  me  the  21  first  day  of  August  1713 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  323. 

Tliear  wos  Laid  out  and  Survaied  to  Justis  John  Tred- 
well  and  Samuel  Enibry  and  Captt  Thomas  Tredwell  and 


Jolin  Euslimor  one  Sartaiu  Parsel  of  Swomp  lying  to  Pine 
mill  with  the  upland  AJoining  to  it  as  may  more  at  Larg 
appear  by  the  return  of  Mr:  Peter  Cotelio  Servaire  and  I 
the  said  John  Eushmor  Pelese  and  Eelinquish  all  my 
right  and  title  of  the  Quorter  or  forth  part  of  the  said  Snr- 
vay  or  purches  from  me  my  hairs  executors  Administrators 
and  asigns  forever  unto  Isaac  Jarman  of  hempsted  in  Quens 
Count}'  to  him  his  hairs  executors  Administrators  or  asigns 
for  ever  to  him  and  thear  onely  proper  use  and  benifit  and 
beHof  for  ever  and  do  further  Acknowledg  to  have  Eeseved 
full  Satisfatction  for  so  doiug  as  Avitnes  mv  hand  and  seal 
this  18.  day  of  ffeabreuary  Anno,  domiui  1712-13 

Testified  by  ous 
f  coquillett  john  eushmor  (s) 

David  Jecocks 

This  above  is  a  treu  Copy  Compared  and  entred  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  Janaral  Town  meeting  held  in  hempsted  may  ye.  3. 
day  1714:  Then  it  wos  agreed  and  by  the  mager  woat  of 
the  freeholders  of  the  town  that  all  ye  sheep  or  any  of  ye 
sheep  that  runs  upon  the  plains  with  in  ye  bowuds  of  hemp- 
sted shall  have  libarty  to  run  with  out  any  molestation 
nithir  day  nor  night  And  if  any  man  or  men  or  any  other 
parson  or  parsons  are  found  to  drive  ye  said  sheep  att  any 
time  to  any  place  for  to  fold  them  or  to  in  Close  them  in 
any  yard  or  feeld  above  ye  time  of  two  ours  hee  shall  and 
doth  forfit  the  sum  of  forty  shillings  Curant  mony  of  ye 
province  of  neuyorck  to  be  paid  to  ye  informer  and  twenty 
shilling  shall  be  ye  in  formers  and  ye  other  twenty  shillings 
to  befor.  ye.  use  of  ye  town,  it  is  to  be  understud  the  sheep 
belonging  to  ye.  freeholders  of  hempsted 

This  by  order     entered  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  324. 

Att  ye.  same  town  meeting  it  is   ordered   that   on   next 


monday  the:  lOtli.  day  of  this  mstant  may.  1714.  is  ye  day 
coiicleuded  on  for  to  part  our  sheep  for  to  wash  and  to 
shaer  our  sheej)  att  Isaac  Smiths  hous  in  herick:  all  so  it  is 
ordered  that  we  do  eoncileud  to  part  our  sheep  on  the  firs 
monday  in  October  next  at  ye  sd  Isaac  Smiths  it  is  also 
ordere  at  ye  same  toAvn  meeting  that  all  ye  rams  that  are 
found  at  liberty  out  of  mens  closes  it  is  lawfull  for  any  man 
to  geld  them  that  finds  them  out  after  ye  last  da}^  of  this  in 
stant  may.  1714 

This  by  order     by  me 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

At  a  Jenaral  Town  Meeting  held  in  Hempstead  in  Quens 
County  Aprill  the  first  day.  Anno  dom.  1718  John  Laugdon 
of  ye  same  town  abov  sd  requireth  of  the  free  holders  of  ye 
sd  Town  yt  they  would  pleased  to  grant  him  yt  streem  or 
river  yt  runs  by  his  hous  called  the  mill  river  for  to  buld  a 
grist  mill  on  &  likewise  to  cut  a  dich  tlirou  a  pees  of  ye 
Towns  meadow  for  a  water  lain  in  such   a  place  where  it 
shall  thought  most  convenient  for  ye  beuifit  for  ye  sd  mill 
at  ye  same  Town  meeting  it  Avas  voated  &  granted  yt  ye  sd 
John  Langdon  shall  have  ye  sd  streem  &  liberty  to  cut  a 
dich  as  above  sd  upon  ye  conditions  following  yt  he  or  his 
hairs  or  assigns  shall  w'tin  two  years  from  this  date  buld  a 
good  grist  mill  &  keep  it  in  good  order  &  grind  all  sorts  of 
grain  that  shall  be  brought  to  ye  sd  mill  by  ye  inhabitants 
of  ye   sd   town   before   others  yt  do   not  belong  to  ye   sd 
Town  for  ye  eleventh  part  of  each  respective  bushell  of  what 
he  grinds  of  all  sorts  of  grain  &  shall  keep  ye  sd  mill  in  re- 
pair but  in  cause  ye  sd  John  Langdon  or  his  hairs  or  assigns 
Shall  hereafter  at  any  time  neglegt  or  delay  to  keep  ye  sd 
mill  in  repair  and  Cant  grind  for  ye  Space  of  two  month  at 
any  time  hereafter  &  he  or  they  be  not  indeavouring  to  put 
ye  said   mill  into   repair  again   w't  expedition  then  ye   sd 
Stream  A*  dich  shall  return  to  the  freeholders  of  ye  Tow^n 
again  to  dispose  of  as  they  shall  think  fitt  or  to  whome  they 
please  by  voat  again  except  ye  winter  Season  three  month 


is  to  be  alowed  &  sicknis  alwais  to  he  pro\-idecl  &  no  time 
to  be  profixed  for  that 

Memarandom  whereas  re  word  in  deavouring  k  ye  word 
expodition  tt  two  month  is  exi-hided  he  shall  be  obliged  at 
all  times  hereafter  &  his  hairs  cie  assigns  not  to  let  ye  sd 
mill  be  ont  of  good  repair  a  twelve  month  A:  a  day  on  ye 
forfit  of  ye  sd  stream 

John  foster 
Isaac  Smith 

This  above  is  a  true  Coppy  taken  ont  of  ye  original  & 
Compared  and  entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  325. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whome  these  presants  shal 
come  or  aniwise  apertain  greeting  Know  ye  yt  i  John  mott 
Sener  of  hempsted  on  long  island  alias  nawsaw  in  qnens 
County  in  ye  pro  vine  of  neuyorek  do  by  these  presants  give 
grant  bargin  sell  aline  relese  A:  deliver  from  mee  mv  hairs 
executors  administrators  &  asigns  unto  Siman  Searing  of  ye 
town  County  island  and  pr ovine  afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs 
executors  administrators  &  asigns  one  a  sartain  parsel  of 
Solt  medow  lying  being  and  setuate  in  ye  bounds  of  hemp- 
'^sted  at  a  place  caled  hungry  harbor  ye  whol  lot  containmg 
twlve  acars  and  snm  rods  as  it  wos  laid  out  bounded  west 
by  ye  meddow  of  Samuel  Williams,  east  by  ye  meddow  of 
pearsals  north  ct  south  to  ye  two  main  Cricks  ye  one  moiete 
or  equal  half  part  of  ye  sd  Lot  of  Solt  meddow  w't  ye  apur- 
tinanses  there  on  or  theare  unto  V)elouging  as  ye  sd  John 
Mott  do  by  these  presants  give  grant  bargin  Sell  alian  re- 
leas  &  deliver  from  me  my  hairs  &  asigns  unto  ye  sd  Siman 
Searing  to  him  his  hairs  &  asigns  to  have  &  to  hold  ye  sd 
meddow  A'  primises  w't  ye  aportinanses  to  ye  onlv  use  ben- 
itit  &  be  hof  to  him  ye  sd  Siman  Searing  his  hair  A:  asigns 
for  ever  ye  same  to  warant  k  defend  against  any  parson  or 
parsons  yt  shall  mak  Any  Just  clame  thear  unto  free  from 


jiuy  I'ornier  sail  Lett  moij^adfj;  or  incombaiauc  what  so  ever 
bj  me  or  any  from  l)y  or  uiidiu'  me  all  w'cli  is  for  &  in  con- 
siclerjition  of  A  valiabul  sum  of  monye  to  mee  in  hand  paid 
be  fore  ye  ensealinji;  tt  delivery  hearof  ye  resept  hear  of  [ 
ye  sd  John  Mott  do  own  it  acknowledg  my  self  fully  Con- 
tented A'  satisfied  in  testimony  of  ye  primises  I  have  heare 
nnto  set  to  my  hand  and  tixed  my  tjeal  May  ye  furst  day  in 
ye  year  of  onr  Lord  (lod  Anno  doniiny:  1718: 

Sined  sealled  and  delivered 

In  presants  of  John  Mott  (S) 

John  Tkedwelle 
Daniel  Smith 

This  al)()ve  sd  ded  entered  ;uid  compared  by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Patrick  mott  his  ear  mark  is  a   latch   under  the   off  ear 

and  a  tiower  deluce  on  ye  near  ear  which  was   his   fathers 

ear  mark 

By  order  by  mee 

Thomas  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  325a. 

To  All  Christian  People  to  whom  these  presants  shall 
Com  Thomas  Hicks  esq  Mr  John  Jackson  esq  John  Tred- 
well  esq  William  Nicols  esq  trustes  of  ye  town  ship  of 
hempsted  Propriators  &  freeholders  of  hempsted  in  quens 
county  in  ye  coloni  of  neuyorck  in  America  send  Greeting 
in  our  Lord  god  ever  living  Know  ye  yt  wee  ye  sd  Thomas 
Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell  c^'  AVilliam  Nicols  by 
virtue  of  ye  powier  cV  athority  to  ous  or  any  three  of  us 
granted  by  ye  proprietors  tfe  freeholder  of  hempsted  afore 
sd  for  t*c  in  Consideration  of  a  sartain  sum  of  mony  to  ous 
paid  to  ^'  for  ye  use  of  ye  sd  propriators  tV:  trustees  of 
hempsted  &  freeholders  aljove  sd  by  Mr  John  Monfort  of 
madnans  neck  in  ye  bounds  of  ye  sd  town  hempsted  yeo- 
man have  Granted  continued  remized  released  &  for  ever 
quit  Clamed  A'   l)y  these  presents   do   for  us   our  hairs   ct 


asigns  &  ye  proprietors  ck  freeholders  of  Henipsted  afore 
sd  thear  or  itliere  of  thear  hairs  A:  asigns  fully  clearly  & 
absoleutly  grant  confirm  remies  reles  &  for  ever  quit  clame 
unto  ye  sd  John  Monfort  in  his  full  k  pesiabul  possestion 
beina  &  to  his  hairs  S:  asigns  for  ever  all  yt  a  sartain  tract 
or  parsell  of  land  setuatdiing  &  being  upon  mad  nans  neck 
afore  sd  bounded  as  followeth  yt  is  to  say  southwardly  by 
ye  land  of  Eichbel  Mott  westwardly  by  ye  road  northAvard- 
ly  l)y  Eobart  Hubs  S:  eastword  by  ye  sd  John  Monforts 
other  Land  Containing  in  all  twenty  tAvo  acars  be  sam  mor 
or  les  to  gather  w't  all  ct  singular  ye  rights  priviledges 
heredetiments  <t  appurtinanses  what  so  ever  be  longing  or 
in  any  wise  appertaining  &  all  ye  estat  right  title  intrust 
Clame  &  demand  what  soever  w'c  Avee  ye  sd  Thomas  Hicks 
John  Jackson  John  Tredwell  Avilb'am  Nicols  nou  or  w'c  wee 
our  hairs  or  ye  propriators  A-  freeholders  of  hempsted 
afore  sd  thear  or  ither  of  thear  hairs  at  any  time  hear  after 
may  or  aught  to  have  of  in  or  to  ye  primises  or  any  i)ait  or 
parsel  thear  of  To  have  and  to  Hold  ye  sd  tennements 
heredetiments  &  demises  &  every  part  &  Parsel  thear  of 
w't  thear  <t  every  of  thear  appurtinanses  unto  him  ye  sd 
John  Monfort  his  hairs  A'  asigns  for  ever  so  that  netJier 
ither  ye  sd  Thomas  Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell 
William  Nicoll  nor  our  hairs  nor  any  other  parson  for  ous 
or  them  or  in  our  or  theare  name  right  title  or  sted  or  in 
ye  names  right  title  or  sted  of  ye  propriators  &  freehohlers 
of  hempsted  or  any  of  them  thear  or  any  of  thear  hairs  or 
a  signs  shall  or  may  by  any  way  ct  means  what  so  ever 
hear  after  have  clam  chalinlings  or  demand  any  state  or 
intrust  of  in  or  to  ye  primises  or  any  part  thear  of  but  from 
action  Eight  state  title  intrust  &  demand  of  in  A  to  ye 
premises  &  every  part  thear  of  shall  A-  will  be  utterly  ex- 
cleuded  A'  de])ared  for  ever  by  these  joresents  &  wee  ye  sd 
Thomas  Hicks  John  Jackson  John  Tredwell  and  William 
Nicoll  &  our  hairs  ve  sd  Lands  tenements  heriditvments 
&    premises    A'    every  part    k    ])arsell   thear    of    w't   thear 


t^'  ever}'  of  thour  ;i|)])iirliii;iiises  unto  jc  sd  .John  Mon- 
fort  &  his  hairs  tV  asigns  to  his  tt  thear  own  proper 
nse  A'  nses  afore  sd  our  hairs  &  all  tV  every  other  par- 
sou  S:  parsons  Lawfnlly  cliunniing  by  from  bj  or  under 
US  ye  sd  Thomas  Hicks  -lolm  Jackson  John  Tredwell  Wil- 
liftm  Nicoll  shall  A'  will  warant  &  for  ever  defend  by  these 
Presents  II  witues  wheare  of  wee  have  hear  nuto  set  our 
hands  and  fixed  our  seals  ve  twelfth  day  of  January  m  ye 
eleventh  year  of  our  Lady  Queu  Anne  over  Great  brittan 
(fee  Anno  171'2 

sealed  cV:  delivered  in  ye  presents  of 

Thomas  hicks  John  Jackson  &  John  Tredwell 

Tho  Hicks  (8) 

Thomas  Tredwell 

Vantvkhv  John  Jackson     (S) 

Beni  Drewitt 

and  by  ye  ds  wil  nicoll  John  Tredwell  (S) 

in  the  presents  of 

wil  Cornwell  will  Nicoll        (S) 

memarandom  yt  on  ye  two  k  twentith  of  January  one 
Thousen  seven  hundred  tt  thirten:  then  appeared  before 
me  william  Cornwell  esq  on  of  har  magisties  Justises  for 
Kee2)ing  ye  peace  in  Quens  County  assined:  by  william 
Nicoll  John  Jackson  Thomas  Hicks  John  Tredwell:  trustes 
of  hempsted  A:  acknowledged  ye  w't  in  written  Convaianc 
to  be  thear  reall  act  &  deed:  wi  Cornwell 

These  above  written  deed  and  acknowledgment  compared 
and  entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  3^26. 


Att  the  reques  of  Mr  Timothy  Halsted  I  this  day  survaied 
and  laid  out  to  him  the  tract  of  laud  protracted  according 
to  ye  draught  above  setuat  near  lious  bay  swamp  on  ye 
north  sid  of   ye   town   ship   of  hempsted  in  quens  County 


Coutaiiiiiig  fifty  three  acars  besids  one  acar  cV:  half  Left  for 
high  wais  which  is  tacken  up  by  him  upon  re  account  of 
his  right  of  proprietership  in  ye  said  town  ship  performed 
by  me  28th  day  of  May  Domi  Anno  1712 

Samuel  Clowes  Survair 

Compared  and  entered  by  mee  • 

Tho  Gildeeslee^'e  Chirck 
Page  327. 

Whearas  I  Thamason  EHson  widdow  of  hempsted  on 
Long  island  in  qnens  County  haA*iug  a  sartain  estat  Left  by 
my  husband  Richard  Elisou  desesed  for  my  maintainnanc 
deuriug  my  natural  life  after  w'c  by  my  husbands  will  ye  sd 
estate  is  to  be  devided  a  mongst  our  three  youngest  Child- 
ren Eichard  Thomas  and  Rachel  by  reason  I  find  my  self 
un  Capabul  to  manige  ye  sd  estate  for  my  own  comforte 
and  ye  best  advantage  thear  of  I  do  theare  fore  see.  Cause 
and  have  set  out  and  dissposed  unto  my  sou  in  Law  Sai^iel 
pine  a  sartaine  Lott  of  medow  lying  on  the  south  side  on  a 
neck  Coled  washborns  neck  bounded  on  ye  west  by  ye 
meddows  of  Timothy  hoisted  ye  sd  Lott  of  meddow  more 
or  les  as  shall  be  found  as  aUso  two  cows  all  Avhich  to  be 
and  remain  to  ye  sd  samuel  pine  to  him  his  hairs  or  asigns 
he  or  thay  rendering  and  paying  to  mee  ye  sd  widdow  elli- 
son  or  my  order  yearly  <fc  every  year  deueriug  my  natarall 
Life  ten  shillings  curant  monj^e  of  this  provinc  to  be  paid 
each  year  after  ye  datt  hear  of  att  ov  upone  ye  twenty 
fiefth  day  of  desember  yearly  as  afore  sd  and  in  confirma- 
tion of  every  of  ye  above  said  premises  I  have  heare  unto 
setto  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  this  second  day  of  Sep- 
tember :  1689 

Signed  sealed  and  delivered  har 

in  presants  of  us  Thamzen  X  Ellsox  (S) 

Joseph  Smith  marck 

Joseph  Pettet 

This  above  is  a   treu  Copi    Compared  and    entered  the 

fifth  day  of  August  1714  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Page  328. 
To  all  Cliristian  Pe()pl(^  to  wlioiue  this  prc^saii  w  ii^litiii<4 
shall  come  Adam  Mott  of  liem])stfcMl  in  queus  county  ^ent'ni 
Andrew  <fil)b  of  Plesant  Springs  in  ye  County  of  Sulitolk 
gent'm  &  william  Nicoll  of  Islep  in  ye  same  county  geut'm 
send  greeting  in  our  Lord  everlasting  Know  ye  yt  sd  Adam 
Mott  Andrew  Gibl)  <S:  William  Nicoll' for  (t  in  consideration 
of  a  cartain  same  of  good  and  lawfull  money  unto  them  at 
&  before  ye  sealing  S:  delivery  of  these  presents  in  hand 
W(!ll  &  treuly  ])aid  by  Christopher  Dinge  of  Hempsted 
afore  sd  Yeoman  ye  resept  of  which  thay  do  hereby  ac- 
knowledg  tt  thereof  (t  therefrom  accpiit  exonerate  ye  sd 
Christefor  Dinge  his  hairs  executors  (k  administrators : 
have  granted  bargined  sold  &  by  these  presents  do  grant 
bargin  sell  unto  ye  sd  Cliristofar  dinge  his  hairs  executor  & 
adm'r  for  ever  all  that  sertain  parsel  of  Land  late  in  ye 
undevided  grounds  of  hempsted  afore  sd  xtendiug  westerly 
forty  eight  rods  then  northerly  eighty  three  rods:  from 
thence  easterly  :  ninteen  rods  and  from  thence  southeast- 
ardly  about  ninty  and  one  rods  :  to  the  place  where  it  liegan 
bounded  Northerly  by  the  lauds  now  or  late  of  William 
Davis  A"  him  ye  sd  Cliristifore  Dingee  easterly  hy  the  lands 
of  ye  sd  Cliristifore  Dingee  southerly  by  ye  lands  of 
edmand  titus  ct  westerly  by  ye  lands  of  edmand  Tites 
(k  William  Davis  afore  sd  containing  seventen  acres  of 
Land  tt  sixty  rod  or  there  alwuts  to  gether  with  all  and 
singular  woods  under  woods :  tiels  waters  water-corces : 
profits  hereditiments  and  appurtinanses  to  the  same  parsel 
of  Land  &  primises  belonging  or  in  ;iwise  appertaining  &  the 
revertion  A:  revertions  remainder  iV  remainders  rents  A- 
isseues  of  ye  primises  S:  of  every  part  thereof  And  all  ye 
estate  right  title  intrest  clame  ct  demand  what  so  ever  of 
them  ye  sd  Adam  Mott  AndraAv  Gibb  william  Nicol  in  A- 
unto  ye  sd  Land  and  primises  or  of  in  unto  out  of  any  part 
or  parsel  thereof  w'c  sd  parsel  of  Land  &  primises  is  part  & 
parcell  of  a  certaine  cpiantity  of  land  laid  out  A'  surveyed 
and  to  be  laid  out  ct  survaied  by  vii'tue  of  a  warant  from 


his  exellancj  the  lord  cornberj  of  neiiyork  in  corn  cell  dat- 
ed the  ninth  day  of  may  in  the  year  one  thousand  seyen 
hundred  and  fower  persuaut  to  an  order  of  the  town  of 
hempsted  for  laying  out  to  je  sd  Adam  Mott  lands  in  ye 
undevided  grounds  of  heu)psted  in  lew  of  a  parsell  of  land 
at  matinicock  formerly  laid  out  to  adam  Mott  late  of  hemp- 
sted  aforesd  decesed  father  of  adam  Mott  to  these  presents 
where  as  sd  he  is  to  have  and  to  hold  the  sd  parsell  of  land 
ct  primises  w't  all  (V'  singular  ye  appurtinanses  to  ye  sd 
Christifor  Dingee  his  hairs  &  asigus  to  ye  only  proper  use 
&  be  hoof  of  him  ye  sd  Christifre  Dingee  his  hairs  &  asigns 
for  eyer  <t  ye  sd  Adam  Mott  andrew  gibbs  &  william  Nicolls 
and  their  hairs  ye  sd  parsell  of  land  and  primises  w't  all  & 
singular  the  appurtinanses  to  ye  sd  Christifor  dingee  his 
hairs  cV:  asigns  a  gainst  the  sd  adam  mott  andrew  gibbs  <t 
William  Jsicolls  ct  their  hairs  A-  all  &  every  parson  <t  par- 
sons what  so  ever  Lawfully  or  right  fully  claiming  any  right 
title  or  intrust  in  of  or  to  or  out  of  the  same  shall  ct  will 
worant  and  for  ever  by  these  presents  well  &  treuly  defend 
in  testimoney  whereof  the  ])arties  to  these  presants  have 
set  there  Jiands  and  seals  the  29  day  of  September  iu  the 
fourth  year  of  the  Reign  of  Queen  Anne  oyer  englaud  and 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and 

Sealed  ct  delivered  by  the  within     Adam  Mott  (S) 
named  William  nicolls  & 

andrew  gibb  in  the  presents  of     William  Nicols  (S) 
Joseph  Hall 

ffeances  Nicolls  Andreu  Gibbs  (S) 

seal  &  delivered  by  ye  w't  named 
Adam  mott  in  ye  presents  of 
Joseph  Smith 
John  Tredwell 

this  above  compared  and  entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildeksleeve  C'larck 
march.  24.  1718 

hempstead  town  records.         459 
Page  329. 


Att  ye  Request  of  inary  Coruvvell  of  Heiii])ste(l  in  (|ueiis 
county  widow  I  have  this  (hiy  Huivaied  <V  hiid  out  to  har  ye 
pece  of  Land  specified  in  the  above  Scheme  lying-  at  sucses 
in  ye  township  of  hempsted  A:  containing  besids  a  liigh  way 
w'c  rutis  through  ye  middel  of  it  thirty  live  acars  A:  three 
quorters  twenty  acars  theare  of  being  taken  on  acount  of 
rights  of  Land  belonging  origanolly  to  Thomas  Jecocks  tV 
Thomas  Langdon  by  virtue  of  a  voat  of  ye  said  town  dated 
ye  29th  of  november  1()58  and  the  rest  on  a  count  of  ye  Pat- 
ten Right  of  her  ye  said  Mary  Coinw^ell  w't  in  ye  said  towji- 
sliip  Purformed  ye  28th  day  of  may  Anno  domi  1712     Pr  me 

Samuel  Clowes  Surv'e 

this  Com  Pared  and  entered  by  niee 

Tho  GiLDEitsLEEVE  Clarck 

Page  330. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  wliome  these  presants  shall 
com  or  in  awies  appertaijj  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Timothi 
hoisted  of  hempsted  in  quens  county  on  ye  island  of  nawsaw 
yeman  f(n'  &  in  considaration  of  tether  Lands  to  me  in  hand 
paid  A:  by  me  reseved  at  or  be  fore  ye  ensealing  hearof  by 
william  barcar  ye  son  of  Thomas  barcar  of  hempsted  afore 
sd  &  son  in  Law  to  me  ye  sd  timothy  hoisted  ye  resepts 
wheare  of  i  do  hear  by  acknowledg  <fe  my  self  theare  w't 
fully  satisfied  &  contented  &  theare  of  &  of  every  part  & 
parsel  thear  of  do  exonarat  acquit  &  discharg  ye  sd  william 
barcar  his  hairs  executors  A:  administrators  for  ever  by 
these  presents  have  given  granted  bargined  soUl  convaied 
&  confirmed  <fe  by  these  presents  do  fully  freely  A'  absoleutly 
give  grant  bargiu  sel  convay  &  confirm  unto  ye  sd  william 
barcar  his  hairs  tt  asigns  for  ever  all  yt  of  one  sertain  peas 
of  &  parsel  of  land  setuat  lying  S:  being  in  ye  county  of 
orring  in  ye  provinc  of  Neuyorck  in  america  in  a  place  coaled 
A:  known  by  ye  name  of  Cockcaquat  w't  in  ye  limits  of  a 



patin  granted  to  dauil  liavden  mical  liardin  it  being  ye  first 
Lott  in  ye  west  devitiou  containing  fonr  hundred  aears  as  it 
was  laid  out  by  -Teams  Townsend  Survair  w't  all  rights  & 
priviledges  thear  unto  be  longing  &  if  any  land  more  land 
belongs  to  ye  sd  lot  to  equal  it  w^'t  ye  rest  of  ye  sd  lots  w'c 
is  al  redy  laid  out  according  to  agreement  mad  by  ye  i)ro- 
prietars  of  sd  land  mentioned  in  sartain  articles  of  agreement 
refaranc  hear  unto  being  had  may  more  at  larg  apear  to  have 
and  to  hold  ye  sd  granted  &:  bargined  primises  with  all  ye 
apurtinances  privilidges  &:  comodities  to  ye  same  beloDging 
to  him  ye  sd  Avilliam  barcar  his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  to  his 
ct  thear  only  proper  use  benifit  <k  behof  for  ever  &  I  ye  sd 
Timothy  hoisted  for  me  my  hairs  executors  <k  administra- 
tors do  covenant  promis  &  grant  to  &  w't  ye  sd  William 
barcar  yt  before  ye  ensealling  hear  of  I  am  ye  treu  sol  & 
lawfuU  owner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  &  am  lawfully 
sised  &  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  own  jj roper  right  as  a 
good  pertict  &  absoleut  estat  of  'inheritanc  &  have  in  my 
self  good  right  full  power  tV  hiAvfull  athority  to  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  convai  tt  confirm  ye  sd  bargined  Primises  in  maner 
as  above  sd  ct  yt  ye  sd  william  barcar  his  hairs  A:  asigns 
shall  &  may  from  time  to  time  A'  at  all  times  for  ever  hear 
after  by  virtue  of  these  presants  lawfully  peasiabuUy  & 
quiat  ly  have  hold  use  ocupie  poses  tV  in  Joy  ye  sd  demis- 
ed &  bargined  primises  free  &  clear  i^'  freely  cV  cleatly 
aquited  exonerated  tt  discharged  of  &  from  all  A:  all  maner 
of  gifts  grants  bargains  sails  leases  wills  intails  Jointors 
dowries  Judgments  executions  incombarances  and  troubles 
whatso  ever  (t  I  ye  sd  Timothy  hoisted  do  further  cove- 
•  n mt  A'  bind  myself  my  hairs  excutors  administrators  firmly 
by  these  presents  to  woraut  &  defend  ye  sd  william  barcar 
his  hairs  and  asigns  in  quiat  <t  pesibul  posestion  of  all  ye 
singlar  A'  granted  &  bargined  priujises  against  ye  Just  A: 
lawfull  clames  of  any  person  what  so  ever  from  by  or  un- 
der me :  In  witnes  whear  of  I  ye  sd  Timothy  hoisted 
have  hear  unto  set  my  hand  A"  fixed  my  seal  this  thirtenth 
day  of  may  being  the  thirtenth  year  of  ye  reign  of  our  sov- 


erin  Lady  Anne  by  ye  grac  of  god  of  england   A'c  S:  in  ye 
year  of  our  lord  seveuten  hundred  cV'  fourteen 

Sined  sealed  ik  delivered 
in  presents  of 

William  huchins  Timothy  Holsted    (S) 

his  liar 

John  X  bats  Abigal  X  Holsted  (S)  ' 
marck  niarck 

har  marck 
nkslah  x  huttchings 

Page  331. 

June  I'i.  th  day.  1714.  Then  apeared  iiefore  me  one  of 
har  magisties  Jnstises  of  the  peas  for  quens  C-ounty  Timo- 
thy hoisted  the  subscriber  acknowledged  the  within  writen 
to  be  his  own  free  vollautary  act  and  deed 

John  Tredwell 

This  ComPared  and  entered  By  mee 

Tho  CtILDersleeve  Clarck 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  these  presents  shall 
Com  or  any  wais  apjiartain  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Thomas 
Barker  of  hempsted  in  quens  county  on  ye  island  nawsaw 
youman  for  &  in  consideration  of  other  Lands  to  me  in 
hand  paid  ct  by  me  reseved  at  or  be  fore  ye  ensealing  Sz 
delivery  hear  of  by  Timothy  hoisted  of  ye  same  plac  ye- 
man  ye  resepts  Mheare  of  I  do  hear  by  acknowdedg  <t 
ray  self  there  w't  satisfied  i*c  contented  &  theare  of  ct 
of  every  part  ct  parsel  thearof  do  exonarat  acquit  tt  dis- 
charg  ye  sd  Timothy  hoisted  his  executor  tt  adminis- 
trators for  ever  by  these  presents  have  given  granted 
sold  alinated  Convaied  S:  co;ilirmed  A'  by  these  presents 
do  freely  fully  S:  absoleutly  give  grant  l)argin  sell  alien 
convay  A'  Con  tirm  unto  ye  sd  Timotli}'  Hoisted  his  hairs 
ct  asigns  forever  all  yt  of  one  sartaiu  peace  and  parsell 
of  land  setuat  lying  &  being  in  orring  county  in  ye  prov- 


ince  of  neuyork  in  america  at  a  place  called  A-  Known 
by  ye  name  of  Cockcaqnat  w't  in  ye  limits  of  a  pattin 
granted  to  danil  hoAvdon  <k  mical  harden  it  l)eiuo;  ye 
seventh  lot  in  ye  west  de^-ition  Containing  fowr  hundred 
acars  as  it  was  laid  out  by  Jeams  Townsend  suryair  w't  all 
right  <t  privilidg  thear  unto  belonging  ct  if  an}-  more  Land 
belonging  to  sd  Lot  to  equallise  it  w't  ye  rest  of  ye  Lots 
which  is  aired}'  Laid  out  according  to  agreement  by  ye 
proprietors  of  sd  Land  mentioned  in  sertain  articuls  of 
agreement  referanc  thear  unto  being  had  may  mor  at  larg 
apear  to  have  and  to  Hold  ye  sd  granted  &  bargined  primi- 
ses  w't  all  ye  appui-tinanses  priviledges  <fc  Commodities  to 
ye  same  belonging  or  appertaining  to  him  ye  sd  Timothy 
Hoisted  his  hairs  A-  asigns  for  ever  to  his  &  thear  only 
proper  use  benifit  A:  behofe  for  ever  &  lye  sd  Thomas  Bar- 
ker for  me  my  hairs  executors  <fe  administrators  do  cove- 
nant promise  a:  grant  to  and  w't  ye  sd  Timothy  Hoisted  yt 
before  ye  ensealing  cV  delivering  of  ye  premises  I  am  ye 
treu  soal  A:  lawful  owner  of  ye  above  bargained  premises  & 
am  lawfully  sized  t^*  posesed  of  ye  same  in  my  own  proper 
right  as  a  good  parfict  absoleut  estat  of  inheritanc  <t  have 
in  my  self  good  right  full  powre  A-  lawfull  atithoryti  to 
grant  l^argin  sell  Convay  A:  Confirm  ye  sd  granted  A-  bar- 
gined primises  in  maner  as  above  sd  A:  yt  ye  sd  Timothy 
Hoisted  his  hairs  A'  asigns  shall  A'  may  from  time  to  time  & 
at  all  times  for  ever  hear  after  by  fors  and  virtue  of  these 
presents  Lawfully  peasabully  A:  quiatly  have  hold  use 
occupi  poses  A:  euioy  ye  sd  demised  A:  bargined  primises 
w't  all  ye  appurtinanses  free  A:  clear  A"  freely  A::  clearly 
exonarated  acquitted  k  discharged  of  A-  from  all  A-  all 
maner  of  former  gifts  grants  bargins  sails  Leses  morgadges 
wills  entails  Jointors  dowrys  Judgments  executions  incom- 
barances  A:  troul)les  what  soever  fi'om  by  or  under  me  A'  I 
ye.  sd.  Thomas  Bai'ker  do  fuerder  Covenant  and   bind    my 

Page  332. 

self  my  hairs  executors  and  administrators  tt  every  of  them 


firmly  by  these  presents  to  warant  and  defend  ye  sd 
Timothy  Holstfd  liis  liairs  &  asigns  in  (|niat  &  peciahnl 
posestion  of  all  c*^:  singular  ye  sd  granted  <S:  bargined  Prini- 
ises  against  ye  Jnst  tt  Lawful  clams  of  any  parson  or  j);ir- 
sons  what  soever  from  by  or  under  mee  :  In  witnes  whear 
of  I  have  heare  unto  set  to  ujy  hand  &  fixed  my  seal  this 
thirtenth  day  of  may  being  ye  thirtenth  year  of  ye  reign  of 
our  soverigu  lady  Anne  by  ye  grace  of  god  Quen  of  england 
(tc  and  in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  seventen  hundred  &  foreteen 

Sined  sealed  and  delivered 
in  presents  of 



John  X  bats 



liar  marck 

Jun  ye  12tli  day  1714:  Then  ap})eared  before  me  one  of 
har  magistis  Justises  of  ye  peas  for  cpiens  County  Thomas 
Barker  ye  subscriber  and  acknowledged  w't  in  write n  to  be 
his  wallintiry  act  li^  deed 

John  Tredwell 

This  above  Compared  &  entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

To  all  christian  people  to  whom  these  presents  shall  com 
or  any  wise  apertain  greeting  Know  ye  tlnit  Jeains  Pine 
Ju  of  hempsted  in  quens  county  on  nawsaw  island  yeoman 
for  &  in  Consideration  of  ye  sum  of  two  hundred  A'  thurtv 
pounds  of  good  Curant  mony  of  neuyorck  to  me  in  hand 
paid  before  ye  ensealing  iS:  delivery  of  these  presents  by 
Thomas  Barcar  Ju  of  hempsted  afore  sd  ye  resepts  whear 
of  to  full  content  &  satisfaction  he  ye  sd  Jeams  pine  doth 
by  these  presauts  doth  acknowledg  &  himself  to  be  thear  at 


tullT  satified  &:  Contented  &  paid  &  tliear  of  <k  of  eveiy  part 
<)c  parsel  tliear  of  for  him  self  bis  hairs  execnfors  6:  admin- 
istrators doth  acquit  exouarat  ct  discharg  him  ye  sd  Thomas 
barcar  his  hairs  executors  k  every  of  them  for  ever  by  these 
presents  6:  for  divers  other  good  caneses  k  considerations 
him  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine  espetiallv  moving  he-  3-e  sd  Jeams 
Pine  hath  given  granted  bargiued  sold  aliened  enfeofed 
conA^aied  &  confirmed  &:  by  these  presents  doth  fully  clear- 
ly At  alisoleutlv  give  grant  bargiu  sell  alien  entift  conva}'  & 
conlirm  unto  ve  sd  Thomas  barker  in  his  hairs  k  asigus  for 
ever  all  \t  of  a  sartain  ti-act  or  tract  or  plantation  w'c  he 
hath  liing  A:  being  setnated  in  ve  bounds  of  hempsted  afore 
sd  on  ve  Cowueck  containing  eighty  &:  four  acars  of  land  as 
mentioned  in  a  sartain  ded  of  sail  from  Joseph  Smith  Sener 
6c  Joseph  Smith  Juner  unto  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine  his  hairs  for 
ever  bearing  dat  ye  eightenth  day  of  October  in  ye  year  of 
our  Lord  one  thousand  sevin  hundred  A:  aleven  as  refaranc 
thear  unto  being  had  may  mor  at  larg  apere  it  being 
bounded  on  ye  west  by  ye  Land  of  Avilliam  Nicols  A:  on  ye 
north  side  by  ye  slipe  of  Commons  or  undevided  laud  A'  ye 

Page  333. 

land  of  Julin  Sands  iV  on  ye  east  l)y  ye  land  of  John  Car- 
man A'  being  bounded  on  ye  south  by  ye  Land  of  Joseph 
green  or  howso  ever  otber  wies  reputed  to  be  bounded  to 
gether  w't  all  houses  out  houses  barns  stabuls  yards  fields 
corn  fields  pastuers  &  all  appurtinanses  as  in  any  kind 
appertain  thear  unto  w't  ye  revartion  and  revei"tions  A'  re- 
mainder A-  remainders  ye  rights  isheus  A:  profits  thear 
of  A'  all  ye  estat  right  title  Intrus  Inheritance  property 
clames  A:  demands  what  so  ever  of  him  ye  sd  Jeams  Pine 
of  in  A'  to  ye  same  A'  every  part  A'  parsl  thear  of  to  have 
A'  to  hold  all  ye  aljove  granted  primises  w't  all  A'  singgu- 
lar  ye  appuriinanses  thear  of  unto  ye  sd  Thomas  Barker 
his  hairs  A'  asigns  to  his  A'  thear  own  soid  A:  proper  use 
benitit    A"    behof    from    hencforth    forever   A:   ye   sd  Jeams 


Pine  doth  liearby  declare  yt  at  ye  time  of  ye  ensealing  & 
delivery   of   these  presants   he   is  ye    treu   soul  k   lawful! 
owner  of  all  ye  a   bove  granted   &   baigined   primises    & 
stands  lawfully  sized  thearof  in  his  own  proper  right  of  a 
good  parfect   tV   indefezabule    estat   of   inheritance   in    fee 
simple  having  in  him  self  full  power  good  right  &  lawfull 
athority  to  sel  and  dispose  of  ye  same  in  maner  as  afore  sd 
&  yt  ye  sd  Thomas  Barker  his  hairs  &  asigns  shall  &  may 
hencforth  &  forever  lawfully  peasabully  quiatly  have  hold 
occupy  poses  &  enioy  ye  above  granted  primises  w't  all  ye 
appurtinances  thear  of  free  &  clear  &  freely  acquited   and 
discharged  of  A-  from  all  &  all  maner  of  former  &  oth^r  gifts 
grants    bargins   sails   leases    morgadges   Jointors    dowries 
Joyntors  .Judgments  ct  executions  intails  forfetuars  &  of  & 
from  all  other  titles  troubles  charges  &  encombarances  what 
so  ever  had  mad  commited  done  or  soffered  to  be  done  by 
ye  sd  .Teams  Pine  his  hairs  or  asigns  at  any  time   or  times 
before   ye    ensealing    tt    delivery   hearof    &    further  ye    sd 
.Teams  Pine  doth  hearby  covenant  promise  bind   &   oblige 
him   self   his  hairs  executors  &  administrators  from  hence 
forth  &  forever  hearafter  to  warant  &  defend  ye  sd  Thomas 
Barker  his  hairs  executors   administrators  &   asigns  in  ye 
quiat  &  peacibul  posestion  of  ye  primises  &  ye  apurtinanses 
thearof  all  &  singgular  ye  timber  trees  woods  underwoods 
fields  pastures  dosses  etc  against  him  self  his  hairs  &  asigns 
&  against  all  &  every  other  parson  &  parsons   what   soever 
&  at  any  time  or  times  hear  after  on  demand  to  give  &  pass 
such   further    and    ample    asseuranc  &  confirmation  of  ye 
primises  unto  ye  sd  Thomas  Barker  his  hairs  &  asigns  for- 
ever as  his  or  thear  counsel  learned  in  the  law  shall  advize 
requiar  at  ye  proper  Cost  &  charg  of  ye  sd  Thomas  Barker 
his  hairs  &  asigns  so  yt  it  extend  or  contain  no   further  or 
other  property  thear  is  hear  in  containe  in   witnes  wheare 
of  ye  sd  .Teams  Pine  &    lianah  his    wife  have    setto  thear 
hands  &  fixed  thear  seals  ye  tenth  day  of  march  in  ye  year 
of  our  lord  one  thousend  seven  hundred  <t  thirten  fourtene 


&  in  ye  thirteuth  year  of  our  soveriug  Lady  Anne   by  tlie 
grac  of  god  of  great  briton  franc  &  iarland  Quen  &c 

sealed  &  delivered  in 
presauts  of 

EicHARD  Combs  Jeams  Pine  (S) 

William  Willis 
William  Willis  Ju 

memorandom  yt  on  ye  aleventh  clay  of  Jnne  :  1714.  ye  w't 

in  named  Jeams  pine  personally  appeared  before  me  Samuel 

Dickason  one  of  liar  magisties  Justices  of  ye  Peas  assined 

for  quens  county  &  did  acknowledg  ye  w't  in  writton  to  be 

his  reaal  &  voUintary  act  &  deed 

Samuel  Dickason 


This  above  sd  ded  entered  by 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  334. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whome  these  presents  shall 
Come  or  an}-  wise  appertaine  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I 
Thomas  SoutliAvoard  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias 
nawsaw  in  quens  County  in  ye  provinc  of  neuyorck  do  by 
these  presents  give  grant  bargin  alinate  Relese  from  me  my 
hairs  executors  administrators  &  asigns  unto  my  three 
brothers  John  Southward  Aliraham  Southward  and  Isaac 
Southward  all  of  ye  towne  County  Island  &  provinc  afore 
sd  to  them  theair  hairs  executors  administrators  &  asigns 
several  parsels  of  land  &  meddow  which  did  appertain  to 
my  desesed  ffather  Thomas  Southward  in  ye  bounds  of 
hempsted  ye  meddow  as  followeth  yt  is  two  Lots  of  meddow 
on  a  neck  Called  Coes  neck  on  ye  south  sid  ye  sd  island 
ye  sd  two  Lots  ffresh  &  solt  with  ye  appurtinanses  and 
three  quarters  of  the  hundred  and  fifty  acars  of  Laud 
which  wos  Laid  out  to  our  desesed  father  afore  sd  yt  is 
northermost  three  quorters  of  ye  sd  Land  <t  allso  ye  one 
moiete  of  a  Lott  of  meddow  on  a  neck  coled  Washborns  neck 


which  I  (lid  exchan<^-  with  Richard  Cornwell  &  allso  three 
quorters  of  yc  home  sted  &  ye  Land  Colled  ye  follee  after 
our  mothers  Desese  all  which  several  Parsels  of  rneddow 
and  Land  as  afore  mentioned  with  the  apurtinances  thcare 
unto  belonging  I  ye:  sd  Thomas  Southward  d<>  hy  these 
presents  give  grant  alienate  lielese  ct  deliver  from  me  my 
hairs  &  asigns  unto  my  said  three  Brothers  in  Equal  Pro- 
portion from  mee  my  hairs  S:  asigns  for  ever  in  (Considera- 
tion yt  my  sd  three  brothers  acsept  ye  same  in  full  satis- 
faction of  thear  parts  of  ye  estat  real  and  personal  which 
did  belong  or  appertain  to  our  desesed  ffather  Thomas 
Southward:  and  to  make  nul  and  void  all  former  agreements 
and  in  testinitmy  of  ye  premises  I  have  heare  unto  setto 
my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal  Aprill  the  thirtenth  day  An  no 
do  mini  1698 

Sined  sealed  &  delivered 

in  presants  of  us  his 

Joseph  Pettet  Thomas  X  Southard  (S) 
Nathaniel  Pearsall  marck 

April  ye:  13:  1698  Then  apeared  be  fore  one  of  his  maies- 
ties  Justises  of  the  Pece  Thomas  Southward  and  his  wif 
ffrancses  and  acknowledged  ye  with  in  writen  Ded  or  gift 
to  bee  theare  own  voUentyri  act  and  deed  appeared  be  fore 

John  Tredwell 

This  above  said  deed  Compared  and  entered  in  ye  records 
By  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

PaCxE  335. 

Know  all  men  by  these  presants  that  wee  Thomas  South- 
word  John  Sotherd  &  Abraham  Sotherd  &  Isack  Sothard 
all  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias  nawsaw  in  cpiens 
County  i^'  in  the  provinc  of  neu  yorck  are  holden  firmly 
bound  each  to  other  in  the  peanial  s-om  of  one  thousand 
pound  Curant  mony  of  said  provinc  to  be  paid  to  each  and 


Ither  of  ous  liis  hairs  executors  administrators  or  asigns  to 
ye  wliicb  pajment  to  be  mad  and  don  wee  bind  our  selves 
our  liairs  executors  administrators  firmly  by  these  presents 
sealed  with  our  seals  dated  the  fifth  day  of  Jun  an  no  do 
mini  1706  and  in  the  fifth  year  of  the  reign  of  our  sovering 
Lady  Anue  of  england  Scotland  franc  and  Ireland  Queen  &c 
The  Conditions  of  this  obligation  is  such  that  if  the  aboye 
bownden  Thomas  Sotherd  John  Sothard  and  Abraham 
Sotherd  and  Isack  Sotheard  them  theare  hairs  executors 
administrators  thay  or  all  of  them  shall  and  do  for  his  and 
theare  parts  in  all  things  well  and  treuly  obsarye  porform 
fulltill  accomplish  pay  and  keep  all  and  singular  the  award 
arbitraiment  and  Judgment  of  Justis  John  Tredwell  and 
Thomas  Gildersleeye  which  are  mutually  Chosen  by  ous 
four  aboye  named  as  well  on  the  one  part  as  on  the  other 
part  for  to  determin  and  give  Judgment  in  or  upone  all 
sorts  of  difirauces  that  wee  above  named  have  and  shall 
bring  before  them  in  any  Canes  what  ever  the  above 
named  Justis  John  Tredwell  ct  Thomas  Gildersleeve  have- 
iug  theare  aword  and  Judgment  redy  in  wrighting  under 
thear  hands  and  seals  by  the  tiftenth  day  of  this  in  stant 
Jun  then  this  obligation  to  be  void  and  of  none  efect  or  els 
to  stand  in  full  force  and  virtue 

sined  sealed  and  delivered 
in  presents  of 

Will  Penny 



Thomas  X  Sotherd 


Edw.ajid  X  Spragg 



John  X  Sothard 


Abraham  Sotheard 


IsACK  Sothard 


This  above  is  a  treu  Coppy  Compared  and  entered  By 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 



Page  330. 
great  plains, 

lai's  black  oak 

The  commons  of  hempstcd  in  Quens 

black  oak  on 

on  ye  east   sitl 

Couiity  on   Long  Island  containing  six 

ye  west  sid  of 

of    ye    second 

thousand    two     hundred    and    thirteen 

ye  east  medow 

west       niedow 

acars.     Survaied  and  laid  out  according] 

at  ye   jioint  of 

near  ye  edj?  of 

to  the  derections  of  two  town  votes  dat- 

trees by  ye  edg 

the       great 

ed  the  second  of  April  KiSS  and  the  first 

of    the     great 


of   April  \7)'i    (only  thear  is    to  be  ex- 
septed  out  of  the  scheme,  all  such  laud 
as  wos  lawfullv  survaicd  and  tacken  up 
be  fore  tlie  date  of  the  first  mentioned 


town  voat 






Purformed  the  17th  day  of  April 

Anno  domini  171^ 




By  Samuel  Clowes 







small      bend- 

2    whit    oak 

ing     whit    oak 

This   above    said 

half  way  to  ye 

half  wav  to  ve 

Comiiared  an<l    en- 

Indian path  at 

Indian   path   at 

tered  in  the  records 

—  20  rods  to  ye 


of     hempsted,    by 

Tho'  Gildersleeve 

eastw'd    of    ye 
east     ni  e  d  o  w 



i  degree  north  1.536- 


Page  337. 

Att  A  Jeneral  Town  meeting  held  in  Hempsted  January 
the  11th  day  1714-15  Then  thear  wos  liberty  given  to 
Henry  Allin  by  the  mager  vot  of  the  People  that  he  should 
set  up  a  grist  mill  on  the  Crick  that  ha  vies  had  a  mill  on 
formerly  niar  to  the  mouth  of  the  Crick  on  the  beach  be- 
twen  the  sd  henry  Alius  land  &  abel  smiths  land  and  all  the 
beach  sofare  as  the  dam  doth  go  or  as  fare  as  he  hath  a  Ca- 
tion for  to  mak  a  dam  :  on  the  Conditions  that  he  doth  keep 
a  good  mill  in  Repair  and  grind  for  the  town  for  the  twelft 
part  and  when  so  ever  he  doth  thro  uji  his  mill  it  is  to  re- 
turn to  the  town  again  :  memorandom  this  grant  is  to  hen- 
ry Alin  and  his  hairs  and  asigns  so  long  as  he  or  thay  do 
keep  up  a  good  mill 

Entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 


Att  a  Jeneral  Town  meetiu  lield  iu  Hempsted  Aprill  ye  5 
day  1715  Then  tbeare  wos  Chosen  for  a  Seupinvizer  John 
Tredwell  for  this  enseuing  year  by  ye  mager  vot  of  ye  free 
holder  of  ye  town 

Att  the  same  town  metiog  theare  wos  Chosen  for  asesers 
Isaac  Smith  &  John  Jackson  for  this  enseuiug  year  by  ye 
maser  voat  of  the  freehoklers  of  the  town. 

Att  the  same  towue  meeting  by  the  mager  vot  of  the  free 
hoklers  of  ye  above  sd  town  there  was  Chosen  John  Mott 
Kichard  Yollintin  '&  Isaac  Smith  for  snrvairs  of  ye  high 
wais  tV;  veuers  of  fences  for  this  present  year 

Att  ye  same  time  there  wos  Chosen  for  a  Cuustabul  & 
Collector  for  this  in  seuing  year  John  Tredwell 

at  ye  same  toAVU  meting  Thomas  Gildersleeve  wos  Chosen 
town  Clarck  for  this  enseumg  year 

This  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  338. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  these  presents  shall 
Com  or  any  Avise  Appertain  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  wee 
Abraham  Southerd  and  Isaac  Sotherd  both  of  hempsted  on 
Long  Island  ahs  nawsaw  In  quens  County  in  ye  provinc 
of  Keu  Yorck  do  by  these  presents  give  grant  bargiu  sel 
Alien  Kelese  and  deliver  from  ns  onr  hairs  executors  ad- 
ministrators &  asigns  unto  'William  Totten  of  ye  town 
County  island  Provinc  afore  sd  to  him  his  hairs  executors 
administrators  &  asigns  sartain  acomidations  in  hempsted 
above  sd  that  is  to  say  one  hous  &  Lot  bounded  as  foUow- 
eth  North  by  ye  Lot  of  John  Tredwell  East  by  the  Lot  of 
John  Smith  AVest  &  South  by  ye  streets  or  high  ways  all 
which  Lot  of  Land  as  above  sd  Containing  abonte  three 
acars  more  or  Less  as  above  bounded  together  with  ye 
dwelling  hous  theare  on  standing  w't  ye  out  housing  or- 
chards gardins  fruttrees  fencing  &  all  apurtinances  thear- 
on  ye  sd  Land  as  afore  sd  w^ee  ye  sd  Abraham  Southard 


&  Isaac  Southard  do  l)y  these  presants  <x,[\e  grant  bar- 
giii  sell  Aliau  llelose  A'  deliver  from  us  our  liairs  and  asigns 
unto  ye  sd  William  Totteu  to  him  his  hairs  and  asigns  to 
have  &  to  hold  je  above  sd  hous  Lot  &  primises  as  above 
mentioned  to  ye  only  use  benitit  &  be  hoofe  of  him  the  sd 
william  Totten  his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  hear  by  warant- 
ina;  this  oiir  sail  to  be  Lawful  athentick  and  good  free  from 
any  former  sail  Let  morgadge  or  in  Combranc  what  ever  by 
us  or  any  ffrom  by  ov  under  us  and  wee  ye  sd  Abraham 
Southard  S:  Isaac  Southard  do  lieareb}'  Avarant  ye  same  to 
Defend  against  any  parson  or  parsons  making  any  Just 
Clame  theare  unto  ye  sd  hous  (S^  land  above  mentioned  for 
tt  in  Consideration  of  fifty  pounds  silver  Mony  in  hand 
Paid  &  signed  to  he  paid  in  full  satisfatction  be  fore  ye 
Ensealing  heare  of  and  in  testimony  of  ye  primises  wee 
have  heareunto  sett  to  our  hands  &  fixed  our  seals  March 
the  twenty  fifth  day  in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand 
seven  hundred  and  seven 

Sined  Sealed  and  Delivered 

In  ijresents  of  Abraham  Sowthard    (S) 

Joseph  Pettet 

Georg  ffowler  Isaac  Sowthward       (S) 

This  is  a  treu  Copy  Coni})ared  and  entered  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

This  Indenture  mad  the  twenty  eighth  day  of  July  in  ye 
year  of  our  Lord  Seventeen  hundred  &  thirteen  Betwen 
Peeter  Totten  oi  hempsted  in  quens  County  on  ye  Island 
nasawye  Collony  of  NeuYork  weverye  elder  son  of  Richard 
Totten  Latt  of  ye  sani  plac  yeman  desesed  &  peeter  Totten 
Juner  ye  eldist  son  of  ye  sd  peeter  Totten  on  ye  one  part 
and  William  Totten  Beniaman  Totten  ct  Jesper  Totten  The 
Youger  sons  of  ye  sd  Richard  Totten  of  ye  other  part  Wit- 
neseth  yt  ye  sd  Peter  Totten  &  Peeter  Totteu  Juner  for  and 
In  consideration  of  .ye  sum  of  fifty  three  pounds  Lawfull 

472         hempstead  town  eecoeds. 

Page  339. 

mouye  of  ueiivoik  to  them  in  hand  paid  before  ye  sealing 
&  delivere  of  these  presants  by  ye  sd  william  beniamau  & 
Jasper  the  resepts  whear  of  thay  heare  by  own  c*i:  there 
from  doe  for  ever  acquit  cV  Kelese  ye  sd  william  Totten 
Beniaman  Totten  &  Jesper  Totten  thear  &  every  of  tliear 
executors  &  Administrators  have  given  granted  bargined 
sold  &  Eelesed  &  by  these  presents  thay  ye  sd  Peeter 
Totten  S:  Peeter  Totten  Juner  do  give  grant  bargin  sell  & 
Eeles  unto  them  ye  sd  William  Totten  Beniaman  Totten  & 
Jesper  Totten  &  Theare  hairs  &  asigns  forever  all  such 
Eights  title  share  estat  property  and  Intrist  w'c  thay  ye  sd 
Peeter  Totten  &  Peter  Totten  Juner  or  Ither  of  them  now 
have  shall  or  may  have  or  which  thay  or  Ither  of  them  had 
of  in  &  to  any  houses  or  Chards  Beuldings  Lands  or  medow 
grounds  Beuildings  within  ye  Township  of  heiflpsted  afore 
sd  whearof  ye  sd  Eichard  Totten  desesed  posesed  of  or 
which  l)y  any  wais  or  means  within  ye  sd  township  did  at 
ye  time  of  his  desese  belong  unto  him  and  the  Eevertious 
&  Eemainders  theareof  to  have  &  to  hold  all  &  every  ye  sd 
be  fore  granted  &  released  Lands  &  primises  w't  every 
thear  appurtinanses  unto  him  ye  sd  William  Totten  Benia- 
man Totten  A:  Jesper  totten  to  ye  only  use  benefit  &  be- 
hoofe  of  them  the  sd  William  Totten  Beniaman  Totten  & 
Jesper  Totten  A-  there  hares  and  asigns  for  ever  more  &  ye 
sd  Peeter  Totten  &  Peeter  Totten  Juner  for  them  selves 
thear  &  Ither  of  there  hairs  executors  &  administrators  do 
by  these  presents  Covenant  promise  grant  &  agree  to  &  w't 
ye  sd  Avilliam  Totten  Beniaman  Totten  S:  Jesper  toten  <fc 
every  of  there  hairs  &  asigns  yt  thay  ye  sd  william  Benia- 
man &  Jesper  thear  or  ithere  of  thear  hairs  A'  asigns  may 
for  ever  heare  after  &  shall  have  hold  occupy  &  Peseabully 
euioy  all  &  every  3'e  be  fore  granted  S:  bargined  Land  A- 
primises  w't  every  theare  appurtinanses  w't  out  any  Let 
hindranc  disturbanc  or  molistation  of  tbein  ye  sd  Peeter 
Totten  &  Peter  Totten  Juner  or  Ither  of  them  thear  or 


itlieir  liairs  or  asi<jjiis  or  any  otLer  parson  or  ])arsons  deriv- 
iu<i;  or  intending  to  derive  from  by  or  under  them  or  Itlier 
of  them  In  Testimony  wheare  of  ye  sd  parties  to  these 
present  ImU^nture  have  heare  unto  interchanj^ablly  Put 
thear  hands  and  seals  ye  day  &  year  above  furst  Avrighten 

Healed  &  delivered 

in  presents  of  us  his  marck 

John  Thomas  Peeter  X  Totton      (S) 

Samuel  Clowes  Peeter  Totten  Jun  (S) 

Hempsted  '2.Stli.  July:  1713  Mem'd  ye  above  named 
Peeter  totten  &  Peeter  Totten  Juner  Cam  parsonally  before 
me  John  foster  esq  one  of  liar  Ma'is  Justises  of  ye  pease 
for  Quens  County  asigned  and  owned  yt  thay  executed  this 
instiument  ti'reely  to  the  use  therein  Spescified 

John  fposter  Jus 

This  above  wrighten  deed  Compared  and  entered  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  340. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  these  presents  shall  com 
or  any  wise  apertain  greting  Know  ye  yt  I  Abell  Smith  of 
hempsted  in  Quens  on  ye  Island  nawsaw  yeman  for  and  in 
Consideration  of  the  sum  ot  three  pounds  ten  shillings 
Curant  mony  of  Neu  York  to  me  in  hand  paid  be  fore  ye 
ensealing  &  delivery  of  these  presents  by  Thomas  Bf^rker 
of  ye  same  place  Sener  ye  resept  whear  of  I  do  heare  by 
acknowledge  &  my  self  tlieare  w't  fully  satisfied  Have  given 
granted  bargined  sold  aUnated  Convayed  &  Confirmed  &  by 
these  presents  do  ffreely  fully  &  Absoleutly  give  grant  bar- 
gin  sell  Alinat  Convay  &  Confirm  unto  ye  sd  Thomas  Bar- 
ker his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  all  yt  of  my  right  w'c  I  now 
have  or  w'c  my  hairs  or  asigns  may  heare  after  have  w't  in 
ye  bunds  tV  limits  of  ye  sd  Thomas  Barkers  pattiu  upon 
Cow  neck  in  ye  township  of  hempsted  Above  sd  by  virtue 
of  ye  over  plush  of  ye  Right  of  three  hundred  gat  rights 


xipon  ye  sd  neck  or  there  abought  w'c  I  now  have  S:  allso 
one  sartain  pece  S:  par  ael  of  Land  setuat  Lying  ct  being 
on  Cow  neck  in  ye  bownds  of  ye  township  of  hempsted 
above  said  bounded  north  bv  ve  sd  Thomas  Barkers  owne 
land  est  by  Cap  John  Sands  his  Land  south  by  Thomas 
Barker  Jnners  Land  <fc  west  by  Mr  \\-iIliam  Xicols  his  Laud 
being  by  estimation  two  acars  and  a  half  or  there  about 
this  tract  of  Land  is  so  bounded  as  a  flore  said  ye  sd  abill 
Smith  doth  oblige  himself  his  hairs  <t  asigns  to  warant 
c'e  forever  defend  against  any  parson  or  parsons  whatsoever 
ct  furder  I  ye  sd  abill  Smith  do  by  these  pi'esents  forever 
quit  Clam  unto  Thomas  Barker  nil  right  title  Clame  or 
intrust  yt  I  now  have  or  yt  of  my  hairs  or  asigns  may  hear 
after  have  w't  in  ye  Limits  of  ye  sd  Thomas  Barkers  pattiu 
by  virtu  of  three  hundred  gats  as  afore  sd  In  Avitnes  wheare 
of  I  ye  sd  abill  Smith  have  hear  unto  set  my  hand  and 
fixed  my  seal  Januarv  ve.  3.  this  first  vear  of  our  severing 
Lord  King  Georg  King  of  Great  Brittou  &c  and  in  the  year 
of  our  Lord  Christ  Anno  dominy  1714-15 

Signed  Sealed  <t  deHvered 

In  presents  of  his 

Peeter  Smith  Abill  X  Smith  (S) 
Timothy  holsted  mark 

memarandom  Janeuary  ye  8  enter  lined  before  ye  en- 
sealing hearof 

January  the.  6.  day  1711-15  :  Then  appeared  before  me 
one  of  his  magisteses  of  ye  peac  for  quens  County  Abill 
Smith  ye  subscriber  tV  acknowledged  ye  within  wrighten 
deed  to  be  his  own  volliutary  act  and  deed 

John  Tredwell 

This  above  is  a  treu  Copy  Compared  and  entered  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

hempstead  town  kecords.  475 

Page  341. 

These  presents  witneseth  yt  I  Jose[)li  Lan^don  Sener  of 
lienipsted  on  long  island  alias  nawsaw  in  quens  County  in 
ye  ]irovinc  of  Neuyorck  Doe  by  these  presents  fully  freely 
&  absoleutly  give  grant  bargin  Alinate  Relese  i'  deliver 
from  mee  my  hairs  executors  administrators  &  asigns  ye 
following  grants  <t  gifts  to  ye  under  mentioned  theire  heirs 
executors  administarators  &  asigns  for  ever  provided  it  pleas 
god  yt  I  die  and  Leave  my  familye  to  gether  yt  now  this 
my  son  John  Langdou  of  ye  tow^u  County  islaud  ct  provinc 
afore  sd  tack  into  his  posestion  m}^  now  dwelling  hous  barn 
orchard  w't  ye  Clear  land  <k  fencing  on  both  sides  agining 
ct  all  3^e  emprovements  there  on  yt  is  on  ye  sd  hous  &  Land 
&  all  my  Stock  Instruments  of  husbandry  &  housall  stuf 
provided  my  sd  son  John  Langdon  do  &  purform  as  follow- 
eth  thet  he  shall  with  ye  asistanc  of  his  brothers  Samuel 
Langdon  solong  as  he  sees  Cause  to  stay  mary  ye  same  to 
thear  both  best  advantage  my  sd  son  John  Langdon  from 
time  to  time  take  care  to  maintain  his  mother  ct  his  sister 
Mar}"  Langdon  w't  what  is  Convenient  deuering  there 
natral  Life  &  provided  my  sd  son  John  Langdon  do  not 
doe  as  afore  sd  my  sd  wdfe  his  mother  Mary  Langdon  hath 
full  power  to  call  any  part  of  ye  sd  land  or  stock  for  her 
maintainnanc  <fe  her  daughters  as  above  sd  and  furder  my 
sd  son  shall  give  &  pay  to  his  sister  hanah  Langdon  two 
good  Coues  &  Calves  within  one  year  after  posestion  as 
afore  sd  &  furder  to  give  his  mother  Liberty  to  dispos  of 
ye  houshold  stof  att  liar  discrestion  these  tt  further  if  my 
son  Samuel  Langdon  shall  have  two  three  year  old  heafors 
&  one  hors  att  ye  same  tinie  mackes  ys  deed  of  full  force  i^' 
virtue:  and  further  I  give  as  afore  sd  to  my  son  Samuel 
Langdon  the  equal  half  of  one  hundred  acars  of  Land  yt 
wos  Latly  tacken  up  by  my  son  thomas  upon  a  propriete 
Right  &  six  ox  pastuer  gats  in  ye  West  pasture  A:  hafe 
the  hollow  on  ye  plains  Coled  Pearsons  hollow  ct  my  patin 
right  equally  amongst  my  live  sons  these  deeds  above  ad  to 


be  S:  remain  as  above  sd  to  them  There  hairs  and  asigns 
forever :  as  witnes  mj'  haud  and  seal  March  the  sixth  day 
Anno  domiuy :  1705 

Sined  Sealed  in  presents  of  us 

Joseph  Pettit  his 

Peeter  Vergerau  Joseph  X  Langdon  (S) 


This  above  said  deed  is  a  tren  Copi  Compared  and  en- 
tered by  mee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  342. 

To  all  People  to  whom  these  presents  shall  Com  or  any 
wies  apertain  Greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Joseph  Laugdon 
Senor  of  hempsted  one  Long  island  alias  nawsaw  in  quens 
County  in  ye  provinc  of  Neu  Torek  Do  by  these  presents 
give  grant  bargin  alienate  reles  &  deliver  from  me  my  hairs 
executors  administrators  &  asigns  unto  my  two  sons  name- 
ly John  Laugdon  &  Samuel  Langdon  of  ye  town  County  is- 
land afore  sd  to  them  There  hairs  ececutors  administrators 
&  asigus  a  sartain  parsel  of  meddow  ground  Lying  &  being 
setuate  on  ye  south  side  ye  above  sd  Island  on  a  place 
'"MJalled  near  Rockaway  on  ye  West  side  ye  mill  Ptiver  bown- 
ded  AVest  by  ye  medow  of  my  son  Joseph  Langdon  &  south 
&  east  by  ye  bay  &  Crick  &  north  to  ye  upland  all  w'c  sd 
medow  ground  fresh  &  solt  w't  every  part  and  parsel  there- 
of I  ye  sd  Joseph  Laugdon  Do  fully  freely  absoleutly  give 
grant  bargin  Aliuat  Relese  (t  deliver  from  me  my  hairs  & 
asigns  In  equal  de^'ition  to  mj  afore  sd  two  sons  John 
Langdon  k  Samuel  Laugdon  to  be  equally  devided  in 
equallity  &  quontity  to  them  there  hairs  cV:  asigus  from  me 
my  hairs  &  asigns  to  have  &  to  hold  ye  sd  Meddow  tt  prim- 
ises  w't  ye  apurtinances  to  ye  only  use  benifit  &  behofe  of 
ye  sd  John  Laugdon  &  Samuel  Langdon  there  hairs  & 
asigns  for  ever  for  tV:  in  Consideration  of  five  shillings  Re- 
seved  in  full  satisfaction  be  fore  ye  ensealing  hereof  Ar  in 


testimony  of  ye  priniises  I  have  hear  unto  setto  my  hand  & 
fixed  my  seal  hear  by  Eattifiiug  &  Confirming  this  deed  to 
be  of  full  fors  &  virtue  after  my  deth  or  deses  emediatly  & 
not  be  fore  whear  unto  I  Lave  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed  my 
seal  march  ye  sixth  day  in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  one  thou- 
san  seven  hundred  and  five  six 

Sined  Sealed  and  delivered 
in  presents  of  us 

Joseph  Pettet  his 

Peeter  Virgerau  Joseph  X  Langdon  (S) 


This  above. sd  dee  is  a  treu  Copy  Compared  and  entered 
by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarek 

To  all  Christian  Peoi^le  to  whom  these  presants  shall 
Come  or  any  wise  apertain  Greeting  Kaow  ye  that  I 
Daniel  Bedell  Sener  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias 
nawsaw  in  quen  County  in  the  provinc  of  neuyorck  Do 
by  these  presents  give  grant  bargin  sell  Alinate  Relese 
and  deliver  from  me  my  hairs  executors  Administra- 
tors &  asigns  unto   my  three  sons   namely  Daniel  Bedell 

Page  343. 

Richard  Bedell  &  Abraham  Bedle  to  them  &  each  of  them 
there  hairs  executors  Administrators  ct  asigns  as  followeth 
to  my  son  Daniel  Bedle  I  do  give  grant  fiifty  acars  of  wood 
Land  in  ye  south  woods  where  liee  now  dwelleth  &  ye 
appurtinances  there  unto  belonging  and  one  third  part  of 
my  meddow  tt  Land  on  Cose  neck  at  ye  south  in  equall 
purportion  w't  je  appurtinances  &  allso  all  my  hollows  on 
ye  plains  Av't  my  home  beviel  to  him  his  hairs  &  asigns  for 
ever  Sc  to  my  son  Richard  Bedle  &  to  my  son  Abraham 
Bedle  I  do  give  <fe  grant  to  them  &  each  of  them  there  hairs 
&  asigns  all  my  acomedations  of  hous  Lands  &  Im  prove- 
ments  of  what  so  ever  is  Colled  my  home  sted  In  ye  town 
of  hempsted  yt  is  to  be  under  stood  my  hous  barn  home 


Lotts  orchards  w't  my  twenty  five  acars  of  Land  near 
agoining  w't  all  ye  feelds  &  Im  provements  there  on  or  any 
other  grants  near  thear  agoining  w't  ye  Improvements  yt  is 
to  say  all  yt  that  Can  be  Called  my  whome  sted  in  hemp- 
sted  &  all  so  two  third  parts  of  my  medow  and  land  at 
south  on  a  neck  Called  Cose  neck  w't  ye  premises  yt  is  to 
say  fencing  &  Improvements  there  unto  belonging  on  ys  sd 
neck  to  ye  said  two  third  parts  afore  sd  all  w'c  afore  sd 
Lands  medows  &  Improvements  to  my  sd  two  sons  above 
named  In  equal  proportion  &  ye  above  named  Lands  to  my 
above  sd  son  Daniel  Bedle  all  w^hich  above  bargined 
grants  to  my  three  sons  above  named  together  w't  ye  rights 
&  priviledgs  belonging  to  each  part  I  ye  sd  'Daniel  Bedle 
Do  by  these  presents  give  grant  bargin  sell  Alien  Relese  & 
deliver  from  me  my  hairs  &  asigns  unto  my  above  named 
three  sons :  to  them  their  hairs  tt  asigns  to  have  &  to  hold 
every  of  ye  above  named  primises  w't  ye  apurtinanses  from 
me  my  hairs  &  asigns  for  &  in  Consederatiou  of  a  valiabul 
som  to  me  in  hand  paid  as  full  satisfatction  before  ye  en- 
sealing hearof  and  in  testimony  of  ye  primises  I  have  hear- 
unto  setto  my  hand  <k  fixed  my  seal  fi'ebreuary  this  fiftenth 
day  in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  1713-14 

Sined  Sealed  &  delivered 

In  presents  of  marck 

Joseph  Pettet  Danil  X  Bedle  (S) 

Jeams  Wood  his 

Thomas  Langdon 

This  above  sd  deed  is  a  treu  Coppy  Compared  &  entered 
bv  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  344. 

To  all  Christian  people  to  whom  thcvse  presents  shall  Com 
or  any  wise  appertain  greeting  Know  ye  yt  I  Danil  bedle 
Sener  of  hempsted  on  Long  Island  alias  nawsaw  in  quens 
County  in  ye  provinc  of  Neu  Yorck  do  hy  these  presants 


give  grant  bargiu  sell  Alien  Relese  &  deliver  from  me  my 
hairs  executors  Administrators  &  asigns  nnto  my  fowr  sons 
namely  as  followetli  yt  is  Thomas  Bedle  David  Bedle  Jere- 
miah Bedle  &  Joseph  Bedle  as  followetli  I  Do  give  grant 
unto  my  two  Sons  namly  Thomas  Bedle  <fe  David  Bedle  in 
equal  pur]jortion  half  my  niedow  &  Land  at  hungry  harbour 
w't  ye  appurtinanses  to  them  there  hairs  tfe  asigns  for  ever 
&  I  do  all  so  give  &  grant  to  my  two  sons  namely  Jeremiah 
Bedle  &  Jose[)h  Bedle  in  equal  purportion  one  hundred - 
&  forty  S:  sevan  acars  of  Land  yt  wos  Laid  oute  to  me  on 
Shearmans  neck  &  there  a  Joynin  on  ye  east  side  Rock- 
away  Hiver  &  also  half}"  my  medow  &  Land  att  hunggry 
harbour  so  Called  in  equal  proportion  all  which  above  Imr- 
gined  Lands  medows  &  primises  w't  ye  appurtinanses  to  my 
above  named  fower  sons  to  them  &  each  tt  every  of  them 
there  hairs  executors  administrators  &  asigns  from  me  my 
hairs  executors  Administrators  &  asigns  to  have  &  to  hold 
all  &  every  of  ye  above  named  parsels  of  Land  &  meddovv 
to  ye  onl}'  use  benifit  &  l)ehof  of  my  said  fower  sons  their 
hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  for  &  in  Consideration  of  a  valiabul 
sum  to  me  in  hand  paid  as  full  satisfatction  be  fore  ye  en- 
sealing hear  of  &  in  testimony  of  ye  primises  I  have  heare 
unto  set  to  my  hand  &  fixed  my  seal  fi'ebruary  ye  ffiftenth 
day  Anno  1713-14 

Sined  Sealed  &  delivered 
In  presents  of 

Joseph  Pettit  marck 

Jeams  Wood  Daniel  X  Bedle  (S) 

Thomas  Langdon  his 

This  above  sd  deed  is  a  treu  coppy  Com  pared  by  me  ct 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  345. 

Att  a  Jeneral  Town  meeting  held  in  Hempsted  April  ye 
5th  da}'  1715     Then  there  avos  Liberty  granted  to  Mr  John 


ffiiich  for  to  set  up  a  fulling  Mill  on  ye  Streem  Where  John 
Mash  formerly  had  a  fulling  Mill  and  on  the  same  Place  for 
the  sd  Mr  John  ffinch  his  hairs  executors  administrators 
and  asigus  for  to  In  Joy  so  Long  as  he  or  thay  or  Ither  of 
them  do  buld  and  set  up  a  good  fulling  mill  and  keep  it  in 
Eepare  &  ye  sd  Mr  John  finch  is  allso  to  have  so  much 
Land  for  ye  Convenienc  of  his  mill  as  alredy  is  set  out  by 
Collo'ur  John  Jackson  John  Mott  and  Thomas  Gildersleeve 
who  weare  to  veu  the  Convenises  for  it  and  Lay  it  out 
bounded  by  marked  trees  viz  as  followeth  on  ye  west  sid 
of  ye  swomp  at  ye  northeast  Corner  of  ye  sd  Land  is  a 
peperig  tree  on  ye  northeast  Corner  is  a  Chesnot  tree  by  ye 
swomp  sid  on  ye  south  est  Corner  an  old  Chesnot  tree  and 
on  ye  south  west  Corner  by  a  Chesnot  tree  and  if  the  above 
said  finch  him  his  hairs  executors  administrators  or  asigns 
them  or  Ither  of  tliem  do  let  the  fulling  mill  go  down  and 
be  out  of  repair  so  that  tha}-  Cannot  full  Cloath  well  in  & 
for  ye  time  of  a  year  &  a  day  then  ye  strem  and  ye  Land  to 
return  to  ye  town  again 

memorandom  this  above  said  grat  is  for  the  use  of  ye 
Town  and  for  other  People  allso  :  allso  if  ye  above  sd  finch 
should  forfit  ye  strem  &  land  by  defoult  then  he  or  thay 
have  liberty  to  tak  a  way  their  improvements 

This  above  said  grant  entered  by  order  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  Jenaral  Town  meeting  held  in  hempsted  a})ril  ye 
29  day  1726  at  the  same  time  the  above  sd  grant  and 
agi'eement  made  w'th  Mr  John  fintch  by  the  Town  is  to  be 
Henry  Seamanes  on  ye  same  tearms  that  Mr  John  finch 
had  it     don  my  mager  voat  of  the  Town 

This  entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

at  ye  sam  time  their  was  given  to  edsvard  Spragg  Juner 
so  much  Land  in  ve  South  woods  as  to  mak  up  his  father 
edward  Spragge  former  grant  twenty  acars  to  lie  sum  on 


the  east  side  of  the  path  yt  gose  to  hickes  neck  and  on  the 

west  sid   at  the  half  way  hoUow  on  the   conditions   yt  he 

takes  care  of  his  father  and  mother  so  Long  as  they  Live 

that  they  dont  come  to  be  a  town  Charg :    Then  the   Land 

so  granted  is  his  liairs  and  asigns  for  ever  bnt  if  his  father 

or  his  mother  do  he  come  a  town  charge  then  the  above 

said  hind  is  to  return  to  the  Town  again,     this  entred  by 

order  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  340. 

Att  ;i  Jenaral  Town  meeting  Hekl  in  Hempsted  April  the 
3  day  171().  Then  John  Tredwell  Ju  was  Chocen  Cunsta- 
bul  and  Colecter  by  niager  voat  of  ye  people  for  this  inseu- 
ing  year 

Att  ye  sam  town  meeting  there  was  Chosen  for  a  Supor- 
viser  John  Tredwell  Ju  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  town  meetiug  Isaac  Smith  &  John  Jackson 
J  was  Chosen  for  asesars  by  mager  voat  for  this  enseuing 

Att  the  same  town  meeting  Isaac  Smith  Richard  Vallin- 
tine  se  and  John  Mott  se  ware  Chose  for  survairs  high  ways 
by  mager  voat  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  the  same  town  John  Tredwell  Ju  was  Chosen  Pender 
hy  niager  voat  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  Town  meeting  there  was  Liberty  granted  to 
Soloman  Seman  &  John  Jonson  Juner  for  to  set  up  a  grist 
mil  on  ye  strem  that  runs  throiigh  the  town  abought  half  a 
mile  above  the  old  mill  that  wos  formerly  henry  Linning- 
tcms.  This  Liberty  was  granted  on  the  Conditions  that  the 
said  mill  should  l)e  set  up  and  made  fit  to  grind  within  a 
year  and  a  day  after  the  day  and  date  above  said  and  to 
grind  for  the  twelft  part  and  to  make  good  meale  for  those 
that  Cariyeth  corn  to  the  mill  for  to  be  grownd  and  if  the 
above  said  mill  be  not  set  up  fixed  and  made  fit  to 
grind  by  the  time  above  said :  Then  this  above  said  grant 


is    void    and  of  none    efect    and  the    strenie    is   to    be   re- 
turned to  the  town  a  game. 

By  order  this  above  said  grant  w^as  entred 

By  Me  Tho  Gildereleeve  Clarck 

Page  347. 

At  a  Jeuaral  town  meeting  held  in  Hempsted  April  the  3 
day  1716  Then  by.  mager  voat  of  ye  free  holders  of  ye 
town  Col  Jackson  John  Mott  and  Thomas  Gildersleeve 
wear  Chose  for  to  mak  an  order,  consarniug  our  rams  that 
we  may  not  reseve  so  much  damig  by  there  runing  amongst 
ye  sheep  all  ye  summer     entred  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  dark 

At  the  above  said  town  meeting  there  was  Chosen  by  the 
Mager  vote  of  the  freeholders  of  hem})sted  John  Tredwell 
Jiiner,  Thomas  Laugdon,  and  thomas  williams,  ffor  to 
Look  after  the  Land  that  was  Laid  out  for  the  use  of  the 
Inhabitants  of  ye  town  for  tire  wood  and  grasing  that  no 
maner  of  parsocs  do  trespass  on  the  said  Land  as  it  was 
granted  the  second  of  April.  1688  and  the  tirst  of  april.  1712 
by  survaying  fencing  in  or  bulding  thereon  for  to  hinder 
any  inhabitant  of  the  town  of  the  priviledg  of  giting  of 
timber  tiare  wood  or  grasing  thier  on:  and  if  any  parson  or 
j)arsons  hath  or  shall  trespass  on  ye  sd  Land  as  a  fore  sd: 
and  if  any  parson  or  parsons  that  hath  trespassed  on  ye  sd 
Land  and  is  forworned  by  Ither  of  the  sd  men  put  in  trust 
and  will  not  forbere  his  trespas  and  throw  up  all  that  he 
hath  don  Then  these  three  men  John  Tredwell  Thomas 
Langdon  A'  Thomas  Williams:  have  by  these  presents  full 
power  for  to  DeJect  him  or  them  of  from  the  said  Land  b}' 
a  due  In  Law     entred  by  order     by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  348. 

Hempsted  this  tiftenth  day  of  June  1713     To  all  Chris- 

tion  people  to  whomo  these  presents   shall  com     I  adam 

-^mott  of  Rockway  in  tho  bounds  of  hempsted  in  (juens  Coun- 


tj  in  the  pro  vine  of  neuYork  on  Long  island  send  greating 
Know  ye  that  I  Adam  Mott  for  and  in  consideration  of  the 
,  Love  good  will  and  atfetction  which  I  have  and  do  bear 
towards  my  Loving  son  Adam  Mott  have  given  and  granted 
&  by  these  presents  do  fnlly  freely  &  Clearly  &  absolently 
give  &  grant  to  ye  sd  adam  Mott  to  his  hairs  or  asigns  ye 
equal  half  of  all  my  Land  and  meddow  at  Rockaway  where' 
he  shall  see  Cause  to  tack  it  to  gether  with  all  ye  Rights 
title  intrust  clame  and  demand  what  soever  which  I  now 
have  or  which  any  or  either  of  my  hairs  executors  or  ad- 
ministrators or  asigns  may  heieafter  have  of  or  to  ye  sd 
granted  primises  or  any  })art  thereof  to  have  and  to  hold 
the  said  Land  and  Meddow  imto  him  my  said  son  to  his 
hairs  and  asigns  forever  absolently  without  any  maner  of 
Conditions  as  i  the  said  Adam  Mott  have  fully  freely  tt 
absolently  and  of  my  own  accord  set  and  put  in  further 
testimony  in  witnes  hereof  i  have  here  unto  set  my  hand 
and  seal 

mark  Adam  Mott  (S) 

Calip  X  Carman 

Richard  Seman 
Thomas  Seman 
This  above  is  a  treu  coppy  compared  and  entered  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 
Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I  Richard  Valliutiue 
of  Hempsted  in  queus  County  on  Nawsaw  island  in  the 
Provinc  of  Neu  York  for  divers  good  Causes  and  considera- 
tions me  thereunto  moving  but  espetialy  for  the  naturale 
Love  that  I  bear  and  had  to  my  brother  William  Vallintine 
of  ye  town  county  island  &  province  afore  sd  of  Late  de- 
ceased have  given  &  granted  alinated  Released  &  delivered 
from  me  my  hairs  executors  Administrators  and  every  of 
them  firmly  by  these  presents  unto  William  Vallintine  and 
Richard  Vallintine  ye  sons  of  my  deceased  brother  William 
Vallintine  to  them  &  their  hairs  executor  administrators  or 


asigns  for  ever  these  parcels  of  Land  Ar  Medow  following 
ye  first  is  one  third  part  of  a  hundred  acar  Lot  of  Land 
Lyiuof  on  ye  north  sid  of  ye  hils  at  ye  head  of  ye  beavill 
w't  sd  third  part  of  hundred  acars  of  Laud  my  brothor  sold 
to  Jeremiah  Postt  w'c  I  do  Eattifie  <t  confirm  ye  second  is 
the  upper  part  of  a  fij  of  medow  Lying  ye  east  side  of  a 
neck  Called  Little  Neck  bounded  east  by  ye  maine  crick  <t 
south  by  a  small  crick  w'c  is  my  brother  Obadiahs  Xorth 
Line  cV:  west  by  ye  woods  6:  north  by  ye  woods  or  swamp 
w'c  parsel  of  medow  my  brother  AVilliam  sold  to  Benjamin 
Bortsel  w'c  saile  I  all  so  Confirm  ye  other  persell  of  medow 
^/Lyeth  at  Rockaway  av'c  giye  unto  Eichard  Vallintine 
youngest  son  of  my  brothei-  William  being  bounded  west 
by  my  own  medow  S:  south  by  gorg  Heuletts  medow  <fe  east 
c^'  north  by  ye  woods  I  allso  give  to  william  Yallintine  and 
Richard  Yallintine  afore  sd  about  one  acar  A-  qorter  of  hol- 

Page  349. 

low  ground  it  being  part  of  ye  great  hollow  w'c  is  ye  par- 
sonage hollow  in  ye  beyill  toward  ye  east  side  it  lieing  ye 
south  part  of  ye  sd  hollow  all  w'c  sd  Land  A-  Medow  & 
hollow  on  the  plains  w't  ye  appurtinauces  there  xinto  be- 
longing I  the  above  sd  Richard  Yallintine  do  give  grant 
releace  Confirm  and  deliver  as  above  sd  from  me  my  hairs 
execiitors  A:  administrators  unto  my  In'other  william  his  two 
sons  William  Yallintine  and  Richard  Yallintine  to  them 
there  hairs  executors  administrators  A'  asigns  for  ever  and 
for  further  Confirmation  I  have  set  to  my  hand  and  fixed 
my  seal  the  ninteenth  day  of  febreuary  Anno  domini  1704  : 
the  words  yongest  son  of  my  brother  William  Ijeing  enter- 
Lined  be  fore  sining  and  sealing  betnenye.  23.  and  24  line, 
be  fore  said 

Sined  Sealed  and  Delivered 

In  presents  of  Richard  Yallintine  (S) 

William  Wellis 



This  above  sd  deed  is  a  treu    Copy  Com  pared  aud  en- 
tered Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Know  all  people  to  wliome  tliese  presents  sliall  come 
Greeting  &c  Know  ye  that  I  Mary  Cornel  of  succes  w't  in 
ye  bounds  of  Hem])sted  in  (^)nens  County  in  her  maj'ties 
Collini  of  neuyork  in  america  widdow  for  &  in  ye  valueble 
consideration  of  ye  sum  of  sixty  pounds  Curant  silver  money 
of  ye  CoUiny  afore  sd  to  me  in  hand  be  fore  ye  ensealing 
hereof  well  &  treuly  paid  by  Derick  De  Motte  of  ye  same 
place  blacksmith  ye  Recept  whereof  I  do  lieare  by  acknow- 
ledg  &  my  self  therewith  fully  satisfied  and  contented  and 
thereof  and  of  every  part  and  parcill  thereof  do  exonarat 
acquit  and  discharg  ye  sd  Derick  Demotte  his  hairs  ex'rs 
adm'rs  for  ever  l)y  these  presents  have  given  granted  bar- 
gined  sold  alined  convaied  and  confirmed  and  by  these 
presents  do  freely  fully  and  absolutly  give  grant  bargain 
sell  alien  convay  and  confirm  unto  him  ye  sd  Derick  De- 
motte his  hairs  and  asigus  for  ever  a  sartain  peice  or  par- 
cell  of  Land  scituat  lying  and  being  in  sucsees  afore  sd  and 
in  ye  county  and  Colliny  afore  sd  butted  aud  bownded  as 
followeth  yt  is  to  say  easterly  by  ye  road  southerely  Sc 
westerly  by  Thomas  May  and  northerly  by  success  pond 
Containing  in  all  fifteen  acars  tt  half  be  it  more  or  Less  to 
have  and  to  hold  ye  sd  aparted  and  bargined  primises  w't 
all  ye  appurtinanses  priviledges  &  Commodities  to  ye  same 
belonging  or  in  aniwise  appertaining  to  him  ye  sd  Derick 
de  Motte  his  hairs  tt  asioras  for  ever  to  his  and  theres  oulv 
proper  use  benifit  <Sc  be  hofe  for  ever  and  i  ye  said  Mary 
Cornell  for  me  my  hairs  ex'er  adm'rs  do  covenant  promise 
&  grant  to  &  w't  ye  sd  Derick  Demotte  his  hairs  &  asigns 
yt  be  fore  ye  ensealling  hereof  I  am  ye  treu  sole  S:  Lawfull 
owner  of  ye  above  bargined  primises  &  am  Lawfully  seized 
&  possesed  of  ye  same  in  mine  own  proper  Right  as  a  good 
perfect  &  absoleut  estate  of  inheritance  in  fee  simple  &  have 

486  hempstead  town  kecoeds. 

PaCxE  350. 

ill  111}'  self  good  Eight  Lawfull  atliority  to  grant  bargin  sell 
Convay  <t  confirm  sd  bargined  premises  in  maner  as  above 
sd  and  jt  ye  sd  Derick  Demotte  his  hairs  A:  asigns  shall  cV: 
may  from  time  to  time  &  at  all  times  forever  heare  after  by 
force  &  virtue  of  these  presents  Lawfully  Peaceably  aud 
quiatly  have  hold  nseoccupie  poses  and  enjoy  ye  sd  demised 
&  bargined  primises  w't  ye  appiirtinances  free  &  clear  and 
freely  &  clearly  acquited  exonarated  and  discharged  of  from 
all  and  all  maner  of  former  and  other  gifts  grants  bargains 
sales  leases  Mortges  wills  entails  joyntors  dowris  Judgments 
executions  extents  together  Avith  all  and  every  other  pro- 
vises  Conditions  quarrels  and  Incombraneeses  whatsoever 
Furthermore  I  ye  sd  Mary  Cornell  for  my  self  my  hairs 
ex'rs  adm'rs  do  Covenant  ingage  ye  above  demized  primises 
to  him  ye  sd  Derick  Demotte  his  hairs  &  asigns  against  ye 
Lawfull  Clams  and  demands  of  an}-  parson  or  parsons  what 
so  ever  for  ever  hereafter  to  waraut  secuer  and  defend  wit- 
nes  whereof  i  have  here  unto  set  my  hand  and  fixed  my  seal 
this  thirty  first  day  of  march  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  Christ 
seventeen  hundred  and  twelve  thirten  being  the  eleventh 
year  of  3-e  Keign  of  our  soverign  Lady  Anna  by  ye  Grace 
of  God  of  great  brittou  flrauce  and  Ireland  Queen  Defender 
of  the  ffaith  kc 

Siued  Sealed  and  delivered 
In  the  presants  of 

mark  har 

Elias  X  Baly  Maky  X  Cornell  (S) 

his  mark 

Ben  J  Deeuitt 

Memerandom  :  that  on  ye  two  and  twentieth  day  of  Jan- 
uary one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  thirteen  then  Apeer- 
ed  before  me  AYilliam  Cornell  esq  one  of  bar  niaj'es  Justi- 
ses  for  Keeping  of  the  peec  in  Quens  County  asigned  Mary 
Cornell  widdow  to  Edward  Cornell  and  acknowledged  the 


witliin  written  Convayaiic   to  ])e  There  Reall  act  and  deed 

\Vi  Cornell 

This  above  said  deed  and  acknowledgment  is  a  tren  Copy 
of  the  original  Compared  and  entred  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  351. 

Att  a  Jeneral  Town  meeting  Held  in  Hempsted  APril  the 
2  day.  1717  Then  by  mager  vot  of  the  freeholders  of  ye 
town  Mr  John  Tredwell  Jinier  wos  Chosen  Seupurviser  for 
this  in  seuing  year 

At  ye  same  Town  meeting  Timothy  Hoisted  wos  Cunsta- 
ble  and  Colector  to  serve  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  Town  meeting  Isaac  Smith  Cap  Thomas 
Tredwell  and  Morta  Willson  wos  Chosen  survairs  of  ye 
high  ways  for  this  enseuin  3'ear 

Att  ye  same  town  meeting  Jose})li  Mott  and  Samuel  Wil- 
liams ware  Chosen  fence  Veuers  for  this  enseiiing  year 

Att  ye  same  Townd  meetin";  Isaac  Smith  and  Richard 
Townsend  ware  Chosen  Asesars  for  this  enseuing  year 

Att  ye  same  town  meeting  Thomas  Gildersleeve  was  Cho- 
sen town  Clarck  for  this  enseuin  year 

At  ye  request  of  Coll  Isaac  Hicks  &  Capt  Joseph  Thorn 
&  several  other  of  ye  freeholders  of  ye  Township  of  Hemp- 
sted to  us  John  Treadwell  &  William  Willis  two  of  ye  Com- 
missoners  for  ye  assarting  &  Laying  out  of  high  wais  for  ye 
township  of  Hempstead  for  a  high  way  to  be  laid  out  from 
ye  high  way  yt  leads  a  cross  cow  neck  down  Northwardly 
to  ye  land  yt  ye  town  of  Hempstead  gave  to  one  Kobart 
Rider  for  ye  Convenience  to  set  a  Smith  Shop  upon  &  ac- 
cordingly we  ye  sd  John  Tredwell  &  William  Willis  having 
this  ninth  day  of  ye  seacond  Month  Called  aprill  1725. 
YeAved  ye  place  where  it  is  desired  &  accordingly  have  Laid 
out  a  high  way  of  fower  rods  wide  beginning  about  six  foot 
west  ward  of  ye  spriug  yt  hath  a  hollow  tub  in  it  yt  is  ye 


spring  jt  Rol^art  Mitcliell  fetchetli  water  at  t*c  from  thence 
northward  to  a  black  oak  there  marked  w"t  three  Notches 
on  ye  north  S:  south  sids  <fc  a  splice  down  ye  east  side  ct 
from  thence  Northardly  by  marked  trees  by  ye  Laud  of  ye 
sd  Rider  S:  ye  trees  beiug  all  marked  on  ye  west  side  of  ye 
road  Incleudeth  the  Smiths  Shop  w't  in  ye  road  having  a 
stake  oh  ye  west  side  thereof  standing  near  ye  edg  of  ye 
upland  on  ye  Northward  of  ye  shop  &  so  keeping  ye  edg  of 
ye  upland  &  extending  to  sd  Laud  from  ye  place  of  begin ing 
all  ye  wa}-  to  \e  Land  of  ye  sd  Eider  fowar  rods  from  ye 
marked  trees  eastward  as  witnes  our  hand  the  day  &  year 
first  above  writen 

John  Teeadwell 
AViLLiAM  Willis 

This  above  is  a  true  Coppy  c(nupared  Av't  ye  original  A' 

by  me     Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Page  352. 

May  the  third  day  1717.  Then  At  the  Request  of  Jona- 
than Smith  rock  sener  I  have  entered  the  dat  of  a  deed  of 
Sail  that  he  haz.  of  Richard  Maniring  sener  for  his  hous 
and  Land  and  all  the  apurtinances  there  on  or  there  to 
belonging  with  all  the  improvements  thereon  for  ye  sd 
Jonathan  Smiths  Security  for  aleven  pounds  in  money  with 
ye  intrust  thereof  till  the  money  be  ])aid  as  the  Conditions 
Specitieth'^at  larg  the  deed  and  Conditions  bearing  ecjiial 
date  the  27  day  of  december  an  no'd  1714  Pur  me 

Tho  Gildeesleeve  Clarck 

Att  a  Jeneral  Towne  meeting  held  in  Hempsted.  July.  ye. 
10th  1717 

Then  wee  the  freeholders  of  the  town  of  Hempsted  be- 
cause of  the  Great  damiges  wee  sustain  for  wont  of  good 
orders  concerning  our  sheep  Avee  ye  freeholders  of  Hemp- 
sted do  order  k  agree  by  ye  mager  voat  yt  no  Rams  shall 
not  rune  w't  our  sheep  after  ye  first  day  of  June  every  year 


till  ye  second  nionday  in  October  tt  tlien  to  1)(>  at  liberty 
till  ye  first  day  of  June  every  year  it  is  fiudcr  ordered  yt  if 
any  Ram  is  found  with  our  sheep  be  tweue  ye  first  day  of 
June  &  ye  sec^ond  Monday  in  October  it  shall  be  lawfull  for 
any  of  ye  freeholders  of  Henipsted  for  to  bring  them  to  ye 
pound  and  if  any  owner  appears  w't  in  forty  eight  hours  cV- 
will  pay  three  shillings  for  ye  Eedemtion  of  ye  Ram  yt  is 
above  one  year  old  &  six  pence  out  of  it  for  ye  pender  & 
two  shillings  k  six  pence  to  him  yt  brings  him  to  the  pound 
ct  eighteue  pence  for  a  Ram  yt  is  under  one  year  old  S:  if 
no  owner  appear  within  forty  eight  hours  &  redeam  them 
then  ye  pender  is  to  sell  them  to  ye  hiest  bider  tt  to  have 
six  pence  out  of  it  for  ye  selling  &  ye  half  of  what  he  is 
sold  for  to  be  for  him  yt  brings  him  up  &  ye  over  plush  to 
be  delivered  to  ye  church  wordner  of  ye  towne  for  the  use 
of  ye  poor  of  ye  town  &  be  cause  of  ye  great  daniig  wee 
susstain  by  reson  of  our  disorderly  proseeding  consarning 
our  parting  our  sheep  in  ye  spring  to  shear  them  sum  drive- 
ing  before  others  have  notis  it  is  ordered  by  us  ye  free- 
holders of  Henipsted  yt  no  parson  shall  prosume  to  drive 
them  in  to  any  privet  yard  or  pen  to  part  any  out  from  them 
w't  out  tacking  sutitiant  witnes  of  what  he  taks  Ar  ye  marks 
of  them  till  ye  seccoud  Monday  of  may  every  year  A'  is  any 
parson  or  parsons  do  drive  or  part  them  be  fore  ye  sd 
day  of  mav-  w't  out  tacking  sotitiant  witnes  of  what 
he  takes  thay  shall  forfit  ye  sum  of  thirty  shillings 
&    ye    Charges    to    be    recovered    by    any    of    the    free- 

Page  352. 
holders  of  Henipsted  yt  shall  sew  for  ye  same  before 
any  Justice  of  ye  peace  of  ye  County  A-  when  the 
sheep  are  brought  Jenerally  to  part  thay  shall  be  bnnight 
to  ye  publick  sheep  pen  in  ye  town  of  Hemj^sted  and 
be  cause  of  ye  great  damig  wee  sustain  by  disorderl}' 
parting  of  our  sheep  at  ye  fauU  wee  do  order  yt  no  purtick- 
eller  parson  or  parsons  shall  drive  any  of  our  sheep  in  to 
any  private  yard  or  pen  to  part  any  of  them  from  the  flock 


till  ye  second  monday  in  October  without  taking  suffitiant 
witness  of  what  he  tacks  and  the  marcks  of  them  he  shall 
fortit  thirty  shillinc^  to  be  Kecovered  l)y  any  of  the  free- 
holders  of  Hempsted  that  vnll  sew  for  the  same  and  the 
chargess  w't  it  be  fore  any  Justis  of  the  Peace  in  Queens 

This  aboye  said  Yat  entered  by  order  by  me 

Tho  GiLDERSLEEyE  Clarck 

ye  10th  of  march  1717-18  at  a  Jeneral  town  meeting  of 
the  freeholders  of  Hempsted  it  Ayas  yoted  by  the  maJaty  of 
the  freeholders  then  and  there  present  that  Col  John  Jack- 
son "William  Willis  Timothy  Hoisted  Cap  John  Tredwell 
and  Theodorous  van  wich  shall  be  trustees  to  represent  the 
said  town  in  all  such  maters  as  the  town  shall  derect  them 
till  further  order 

Att  ye  same  time  those  following  instructions  are  given 
to  ye  trustees  by  the  freeholders  afore  said 

That  thay  or  mager  part  of  them  shall  with  all  conveniant 
Speed  Run  all  the  outlines  and  bowndries  of  the  town  and 
that  tiiay  give  an  account  once  in  every  six  month  of  what 
thay  have  done  therein 

This  by  order  l)y  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  354. 

Att  a  Jeneral  t(jwn  meting  held  in  Hempsted  A[)ril  ye 
first  day  1718  Then  there  was  Chosen  by  mager  vot  of  the 
freeholders  Timothy  Hoisted  S  for  Cunstable  and  Colecter 
for  this  enseuing  year 

at  the  same  town  meting  by  the  mager  vot  of  the  free- 
holder william  Avillis  wos  Chosen  seujjerviser  for  this  enseu- 
ing year 

at  the  same  town  meeting  Cap  John  Tredweli  cV  Jeams 
Searing  ware  Chosen  asesars  by  ye  mager  vot  of  ye  free- 
holder for  this  enseuing  year 

at  the  same  town  meeting  Cap  Thomas  Tredwell  Isaac 
Smith  cV'  morta  Willsee  ware  Chosen   survairs  of  the  high 


ways  by  ye  mager  vot  of  the  freeholders  for  this  ])reseiit 

at  the  same  town  meeting  Samnel  williams  and  Jeremiah 
Bedell  was  chosen  by  mager  vot  of  the  freeholders  for  feuc 
veners  this  present  year 

at  the  same  town  meeting  Thomas  (lildersleeve  was 
Chosen  by  ye  mager  voat  of  the  freeholders'  Clarck  for  this 
ensening  year 

at  the  same  town  meeting  John  Langdou  had  liberty 
granted  to  him  by  the  mager 

at  the  same  town  meeting  Mr  Isaac  Smith  and  Mr  John 
fostar  ware  chosen  by  mager  vot  of  the  freeholder  of  liemp- 
sted  for  to  mack  conditions  with  John  Laugdon  as  consern- 
ing  a  grist  mill  on  the  strem  that  Runs  on  the  east  side  of 
the  sd  John  Langdons  hons  near  his  hous  on  ye  milriver 

entered  by  order  Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Att  Jeneral  town  meting  held  in  Hempsted  July  the.  23.  d 
1718.  Then  Thomas  Carman  was  Chosen  asesar  in  the 
room  of  Cap  John  Tredwell  for  this  en  seuin  till  the  first  of 
april  next     this  by  order  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 
Page  355. 

To  all  Christian  People  to  whom  these'  presants  shall 
come  greeting  &c  Know  ye  yt  Thedorons  A^anvick  of  hemp-  W^yc 
sted  in  quens  County  on  Long  alias  nassaw  Island  in  her 
magesties  Colliny  of  neu  York  in  amirica  Yeman  for  divers 
good  Causses  value  the  Considerations  him  moving  hath 
remised  <k  forever  quit  claimed  &  by  these  presents  for  him 
self  his  hairs  &c  doth  fully  clerely  remise  relese  &  for  ever 
quit  chime  unto  Martin  Wilson  and  Derrick  Demotte  both 
of  said  Hempsted  ct  in  ye  county  &  Colliny  afore  said  &c  in 
their  full  &  peaceable  possestion  theirin  and  to  their  hairs 
a  id  asigns  for  ever  all  such  right  estat  title  intrust  and  de- 
mand what  soever  as  he  ye  said  Theodoras  Vanvick  had  or 
ought  to  have  of  in  or  to  all  and  every  part  &  parsel  of  a 
sartain  twenty  five  acar  Lot  of  Laud  lying  on  both  sides  of 
ye  Road  scituate  Lying  and  being  in  sucseess  in  ye  bounds 


of  hempsted  afore  said  as  in  Refrance  to  two  sartaiu  deeds 
of  saile  from  Mary  Cornell  to  ye  sd  Martin  Wilson  &  Derick 
Demotte  bearing  even  date  Av't  these  presents  may  more 
fully  and  particularly  appear  ye  whole  containing  twenty 
liye  acars  more  or  less  being  buted  and  boimded  all  to 
gether  as  followeth :  yt.  is  to  say  north,  by  je  pond  &  sd 
Martin  AVilson  easterly  by  sd  Martin  AYilson  southerl}^  by 
John  Cornell  A'  Thomas  May  and  westerly  by  Thomas  May 
to  have  and  to  hold  all  &  every  of  the  premises  unto  ye  sd 
Martin  Wilson  and  Derick  Demotte  their  hairs  &  asigns  to 
ye  only  use  &  behof  of  ye  sd  Martin  Wilson  Ar  Derick  De 
Motte  their  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  so  yt  neither  he  ye  sd 
Theodorous  Yan  Yyck  nor  his  hairs  nor  any  other  parson  or 
persons  for  him  or  them  or  iu  his  or  their  name  or  names 
or  in  ye  name  right  or  sted  of  any  of  them  shall  or  will  by 
any  wies  or  means  hearafter  have  clame  challings  or  demand 
any  estat  right  title  or  intrust  of  in  or  to  ye  primises  or  any 
part  or  parsel  thereof  but  from  all  &  every  action  right 
estat  title  intrust  tt  demand  of  in  or  to  ye  primises  or  any 
part  or  parsel  thereof  thay  &  every  of  them  shall  be  utterly 
excluded  &  forever  debared  by  these  presents  and  all  so  ye 
sd  Theodorus  Yanwick  &  his  hairs  ye  primises  afore  said 
w'th  their  &  every  appurtinanses  to  ye  sd  Martin  Wilson 
and  Derick  Demotte  their  hairs  and  asigns:  to  them  (*(:  their 
own  proper  use  <t  uses  in  mauer  &  form  afore  specified 
against  their  hairs  &  asigns  <fc  every  of  them  shall  warant  ct 
for  ever  defend  by  these  presents  in  witnes  whereof  I  have 
hereunto  set  my  hand  S:  tixed  m}^  seal  ye  thirty  tirst  day  of 
march  Anno  domini.  1712.  and  in  ye  eleventh  year  of  ye 
Reign  of  our  soveriug  Lady  Anne  by  the  grace  of  god  over 
great  britton  franc  &  Irland  Queen  &c 

Sined  Sealed  A:  delivered 

In  presents  of 

his  Theodorous  Yanvick  (S) 

Elias  X  Bagly 

Benj  :  Drewitte 


March  ye  12.  tli  1714     Tlien  Parsonally  apeared  be   fore 

Jno  Jackson  esq  one  of  bis  maiesties  Justices  for  Queens 

County  tbe   witbin   written  Tboo(b)rus  Vanvicke    Avbo  did 

acknowledg  ye  w't  in  written  deed  of  lielease  to  be  bis  free 

Vobintary  act  and  Deed 

Jno  Jackson 

Tbis  above  written  deed  is  a  treu   c()])})y  Compared   and 

eutred  by  niee 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  856. 
To  all  People  to  wliome  tbese  presents  sliall  come,  greet- 
ing Know  ye.  yt.  I  mary  Cornell  of  sucses  w't  in  ye  bounds 
of  Henipsted  in  Quens  County  in  bar  majesties  Colliny  of 
new  York  in  amirica,  widdow  for  t\:  in  ye  valiable  Consid- 
eration of  forty  two  pounds  curant  silver  money  of  ye  col- 
lenie  afore  sd  to  me  in  band  be  fore  ye  ensealing  bereof 
well  <fe  treuly  paid  liy  martin  Willson  of  ye  same  place 
Yeniau  ye  Kecepts  wbereof  I  do  hereby  acknowledge  S:  my 
self  there  w't  fully  satisfied  &  Contented  <S:  thereof  &:  of 
every  part  tt  parsel  thereof  exonarat  acquit  c^  discbarg  ye 
sd  Martin  Willson  bis  hairs  Exr's  admr's  for  ever  by  tbese 
presents  have  given  granted  bargined  sold  alined  convaied 
&  confirmed  &  by  these  presents  do  freely  fully  i*^:  absoleut- 
ly  give  grant  bargin  sell  alien  convay  &  coutirm  unto  him 
ye  sd  Martin  AVillson  his  hairs  &  asigns  for  ever  a  sartain 
peace  or  parsell  of  Lan  seituate  lying  iVr  being  in  sucses 
afore  sd  ct  containing  by  estemation  ten  acars  S:  a  half  mor 
or  les  buted  &  bounded  as  followeth,  yt  is  to  say,  westerly 
by  ye  Road  Soiithardly  liy  John  Cornell  ct  easterly  &  north- 
ardly  by  ye  sd  Martin  Willsons  other  Laud  c'cc  to  have 
and  to  bold  ye  sd  granted  &  bargined  primises  w't  all  ye 
appurtinanses  priviledges  iVr  commodities  to  ye  same  be 
longing  or  in  any  wise  appertaining  to  him  ye  sd  Martin 
Willson  his  hairs  and  asigns  for  ever  to  his  A-  tbier  only 
propper  use  benitit  &  be  hoof  for  ever  ct  I  ye  sd  Mary  Cor- 
nell for  me  my  hairs  exe's  admis's  do  covenant  promes  & 


grant  to  A-  w't  ye  scl  Martin  Willsou  his  hairs  &  asigns  \t 
befor  ye  ensealing  hereof  I  am  the  treu  sole  and  lawfull 
owner  of  ^ye  above  bargined  primises  ct  am  lawfully  siezed 
&  posesed  of  the  same  in  miue  own  propper  Eight  as  a 
good  perfict  and  absolute  estate  of  inheritance  in  fee  simple 
ct  have  in  my  self  good  right  full  power  &  lawfnll  authoryti 
to  grant  bargin  sell  convay  ct  confirm  sd  bargined  primises 
in  maner  as  above  sd  &  yt  ye  sd  Martin  Willson  his  hairs 
&  asigns  shall  &  may  from  time  to  time  ("i:  at  all  times  for 
ever  heare  after  h\  force  c'c  virtue  of  these  presents  Law- 
fully pecablel}-  k  quiatly  have  hold  use  occupye  poses  & 
enioy  ye  sd  demised  &  bargained  primises  w't  ye  appurti- 
nanses  free  A:  clear  &  freel}'  A'  clearly  acquited  exoua- 
rated  &  discharged  of  from  all  A'  all  maner,  of  form- 
er &  other  gifts  grants  bargains,  sails,  leasses,  mor- 
gages,  Avills  eutaiels,  Joiutors,  dowries  Judgments 
executions  extents,  togather  w't  all  other  priviledges 
troubles  (k  in  Combrances  whatsoever  Furthermore  I  ye 
sd  Mary  Cornell  for  myself  my  hairs  exer's  admin's  do 
covenant  &  engage  ye  above  demesed  primises  to  him  ye  sd 
Martin  Willson  his  hairs  &  asigns  against  ye  lawfuU  chimes 
or  demands  of  any  parson  or  parsons  what  so  ever  for  ever 
here  after  to  waraut  &  defeud  In  witnes  whereof  here  unto 
set  my  hand  k  fixed  my  seal  this  twenty  first  day  of  march 
in  ye  year  of  our  Lord  Christ  seven  hundred  <k  twelve  thir- 
teen and  in  ye  eleventh  year  of  our  Sovering  Lady  Anne  by 
the  grace  of  god  ore  great  britton  franc  k  Irlaiid  Queen  etc 
Defender  of  the  faith  etc 

Sined  Sealed  &  delivered 
In  ye  presents  of 

his  har 

ELiAS  X  Baly  Mary  X  Cornell  (S) 

marck  marck 

Benj  Dreuitte 

Memaraudom     that  on  the  two  &  twentieth  day  of  .Tana- 
wary.  1713  then  appeared  before  me  William   Cornell  on  of 


har  Majees  for  keeping  of  the  peace  In  Qnens  Connty  as- 
signed appeared  Mary  Cornell  widdow  of  Edward  Cornell 
and  acknowledged  tlie  w't  in  writen  con  vay  ance  to  be  their 

Reall  act  and  deed 

Wi  Cornell 

This  above  is  a  treu  Coppy  entred  and  Compared  by  me 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 

Page  357. 
To  all  Christian  people  to  whom  these  presents  may 
come  Know  ye  that  wee  elias  Dorlon  &  meriam  Dorlon 
wife  of  ye  said  elias  Dorlon  of  hempsted  in  Queus  County 
on  nasaw  Island  &  in  ye  province  of  neu  York  yeman  for  & 
in  Consideration  of  ye  full  &  Just  sum  of  seventy  pound  of 
good  &  lawfull  money  of  ye  provinc  of  neuyorck  to  us  in 
hand  paid  before  ye  ensealing  and  delivery  here  of  by  John 
pearsall  of  ye  town  county  island  &  provinc  afore  sd  ye  Re- 
cepts  whereof  we  do  hereby  acknowledg  <k  our  selves  there- 
with fully  satisfy ed  ct  contented  &  thereof  &  of  every  part 
&  parsell  thereof  do  exouarat  discharge  &  forever  a  quit  ye 
sd  John  Pearseal  his  hairs  executors  adm's  S:  asigus  for- 
ever have  given  granted  bargined  sold  allined  convayed  & 
confirmed  &  by  these  presents  do  fully  freely  i^'  absoleutly 
give 'grant  bargin  sell  allinat  convay  &  confirm  setover  A:  de- 
liver from  us  our  hairs  executors  S:  adms  to  him  ye  sd  John 
pearsell  his  hairs  executors  adms  tt  asigns  two  sartaine 
Lots  of  Land  Lying  S:  being  in  ye  town  of  hempsted  above 
sd  one  of  ye  sd  Lots  of  Land  being  bounded  as  followeth 
east  &:  north  by  Joseph  Smiths  Land,  west  by  Land  of  Rich- 
ard Smith  decesed  part  of  ye  way  &  part  of  ye  way  by  ye 
towns  Commons  or  where  the  fence  now  standeth  south  by 
ye  high  way  yt  leads  from  mary  Dosenborows  to  ye  Meet- 
ing house :  &  ye  other  Lot  lies  on  ye  South  side  of  ye  sd 
high  way,  being  bounded  east  west  &  south  by  ye  towns 
Commons  or  where  ye  fenc  now  stands  ct  north  by  ye  sd 
high  way  containing  two  acars  more  or  less  as  it  was  laid 
out :  &  ye  other  lot  afore  sd  containing  two  acars  A'  a  half 
more  or  less  as  it  was  laid  out  to  gether  w't  orchards  on 


each  of  ye  sd  lots  bousing  barus  water  plases  fencing  A: 
all  ye  appurtinances  pri^^iledges  A'  commodities  tliere  un- 
to belonging  or  in  any  wise  appurtainiug  to  him  ye  sd 
John  Pearsall  his  hairs  A:  asigns  forever  to  his  k  their  only 
propper  use  beuifit  cV*  be  hoff  forever  &  we  the  sd  elias  dor- 
Ion  <t  miriam  Dorlou  do  further  covenant  promise  to  Sc  w't 
ve  sd  John  Pearsall  his  hairs  ct  asigns  that  before  ye  en- 
sealing c'c  deliverv  hereof  wee  are  ve  treu  sole  &:  la\\"full 
owners  .of  ye  above  bargined  or  granted  ct  demised  primises 
as  a  good  pariict  &  absoleut  estats  of  inheritance  &  have  in 
our  selves  good  right  full  power  A:  lawfull  athoryti  to  give 
srant  barsin  sell  in  manner  as  above  sd  A-  vt  ve  sd  John 
Pearsall  shall  A:  may  from  time  to  time  A-  at  all  times 
forever  hereafter  by  virtiie  of  these  presents  lawfully  peas- 
ablely  A'  quiatly  have  hold  use  occupy  poses  A'  enjoy  ye  sd 
demised  A:  granted  primises  w't  ye  appurtinances  free  & 
clear  &  Ireely  A'  clearly  acquited  of  A'  from  all  A'  all  maner 
of  former  and  other  gifts  orrants  bargins  sails  leases  mor- 
gags  Avills  entails  Jointors  dowries  Judgments  exe  3utions 
or  incombranees  what  so  ever  &  we  ye  sd  elias  Dorlou  A' 
meriam  Dorlou  do  further  covenant  A'  bind  our  selves  our 
haii's  A"  suckseser  to  warant  A-  defend  ye  sd  John  Pearsal 
his  hairs  A-  asigns  in  quiat  A'  peasable  possession  of  A* 
singular  je  granted  primises  against  any  Just  A'  Lnvfull 
clams  of  any  parson  or  parsons  yt  shall  lay  an}'  maner  of 
clame  there  to.  in  witnes  hereof  we  ye  sd  elias  Dodon  A: 
Miiiam  Dorl<ui  have  here  unto  set  our  bands  A'  seals  this 
eight  dav  of  June  in  ve  vear  of  our  lord  seventeu  hundred 
A:  sixteen  : 

sined  sealed  and  delivere 

in  presents  of  Elias  Dorlon     (S) 

John  Mott  Juner  Miriam  Dorlon  (S) 

Samuel  Brown 

This  above  said  deed  Comv)ared  and  entered  bv  me  mav 
the  Second  day  1718 

Tho  Gildersleeve  Clarck 



Allotted  land.     William  Willis  to  keep  a  record  thereof,  and  the 

owners  to  pay  the  Town's  quitrent 263 

A  committee  to  look  after  the  public  land,  and  to  proceed  against 

trespassers 483 

A  rate  of  twenty-five  pounds  levied  on  land  to  pay  the  quitrent.  204 

Assessors  appointed  to  make  a  rate  for  the  payment  of  three 
years  <iuitreut 230 

Assessor's  chosen  to  value  the  Town's  estate 3 

Authority  given  to  dispose  of  the  land  at  Jamaica,  on  which  the 

county  buildings  stood 372 

Authority  given  to  Jonathan  Smith  and  John  Sands  by  twenty- 
six  residents  to  represent  them  in  the  division  of  Cow  Neck  277 

Bonds  given  to  Mr.  Nicols  by  towns-people  to  be  collected 263 

Boundary  lines  to  be  run  between   Hempstead  and  adjoining 

towns 146 

Cap't  Whitehead's  land  at  Matinecock  to  remain  intact 123 

Commission   to  manage  the  boundary  and  other  affairs  of  the 

town,  reappointed 371 

(committee  appointed  to  act  in  the  town's  business 13 

Committee   chosen   to   repair  the  parsonage  and  church 276 

Committee  to  adjust  the  accounts  in  the  Rockaway  litigation  . . .   145"' 

Commons  deflined  and  established 22 

County  Treasurer  to  be  chosen 3,  15,  19,     98 

Deputies  to  choose  two  representatives  to  a  General   Assembly 

in  New  York 28 

Division  of  land . .  , 17 

Everj  freeholder  to  file  a  statement  of  his  land  rights 283 

Fences  in  and  about  the  town  to  be  examined 24 

Freeholders  again  directed  to  bring  an  account  of  their  holdings 

to  the  Clerk 424 

Freeholders  and  sojoui'ners  to  be  assessed  for  minister's  salary 

and  for  the  poor 310,  311 

Girdling  trees  on  the  common  lands  to  be  punished  by  fine 325 

Governor  asked  to  sign  conditions 18 

Governor  requested  to  run  Town  line  from  Canteage  to  Bar  Beach  122 
Grant  of  land  to  be  delivered  to  the  Governor 18 

Henry  Linniugton  to  sign  conditions  for  his  mill  stream 23 

Illegal  settlers  in  the  Town  to  be  prosecuted 300 

498  INDEX. 


Indian  boy  sold 60 

Improvement  of  vacant  land  at  Madnans  Neck 101 

Inhabitants  not  to  entertain  strangers  over  forty-eight  honrs 

without  giving  notice 28 

Inhabitants  of  Madnans  Neck  forbid  the  cutting  of  trees  on  va- 
cant land 100 

Irregular  surveys  of  Town  land  declared  void 283 

It  is  agreed  at  Town  Meeting  to  have  the  ancient  bounds  con- 
firmed     155 

John  Ellison  testifies  as  to  a  lot  at  Near  Eockaway 9 

John  Ellison  testifies  as  to  Francis  Weeks'  meadow 93 

Joseph  Langdon  testifies  as  to  sales  by  William  Thickstone 315 

Judge  Hicks  and  Colonel  Jackson  appointed  to  assist  Mr.  Nicols 
to  defend  the  Town's  bounds 264 

Land  at  Rockaway  granted  to  the  Whalemen  of  the  Town 394 

Lands  in  difference  with  Oyster  Bay 13 

Land  voted  for  use  of  the  school  master 318 

Land  voted  the  Proprietors  and  others 105 

Liber  "D" 119 

Liberty  given  Joseph  Matlinson  to  cut  timber  on  common  land  263 
Liberty  given  the  inhabitants  of  Madnans  Neck  to  set  up  a  pub- 
lic pound 264 

Loan  of  fifteen  pounds  to  vindicate  Oyster  Bay  boundary 123 

Madnans  Neck.     A  constable  appointed 17 

Meeting  house  to  be  repaired 212 

Men  to  be  hired  to  keep  possession  at  Rockaway 91 

Ministers  rate  to  be  collected 15 

Money  for  the  use  of  the  i)oor 310,  335 

No  strangers  to  settle  without  consent  of  the  town 28 

Notice  to  '  's<iuatters"  to  quit  town  land 23 

Old  town  cells  to  be  sold  to  defray  charges  of  Rockaway  litiga- 
tion    119 

One  hundred  acres  voted  to  anyone  agreeing  to  pay  the  Town's 

annual  quitrent  in  perpetuity 263 

Patent  charges  defrayed  bj'  grants  of  land 101,  102 

Petition  from  Cow  Neck  and  Madnans  Neck  to  be  opposed  be- 
fore the  Governor 24 

Pound.     Ephraim  Cheesman  gives  notice  that  he  has  established 

a  1  )rivate  pound 298 

Proceedings  authorized  to  recover  the  town's  rights  at  Rock- 
away     119 

Proprietors  to  take  up  fifty  acres  each 17 

Public  pound  to  be  built 24 

INDEX.  499 


Public  rate  to  be  made 415 

Public  sale  of  horse  and  colt  whicli  had  been  pounded 125 

Quitreut  for  the  town  to  be  paid 430 

Rams.     Coll.  Jackson,  John  Mott  and  Thomas  Gildersleeve  to 

make  an  order  conserning  them 482 

Rams  found  at  large  to  be  gelded 208 

Rams  found  at  liberty  to  be  the  property  of  the  finder 446 

Rams  found  on  the  plains  after  the  10th  day  of  August  to  be 

pounded 320 

Rams.     Further  order  concerning  them 488 

Rights  of  inhabitants  in  divisions  of  land 14 

School  house  let  until  such  time  as  a  master  presents  himself. . .  359 

Sheep  on  the  plains  not  to  be  driven  or  folded  under  penalty 450 

Sheep.     Regulations  for  driving  and  parting 489 

Sheep  to  be  parted,  washed  and  sheared  at  Isaac  Smith's  on  10th 

day  of  May 451 

Solomon  Seaman  gives  his  neighbors  permission  to  cross  his 

meadow > 143 

Swine  found  running  in  the  highway  to  be  confiscated 123 

Swine  running  in  the  streets  or  commons  to  be  regulated 24 

Swine  trespassing,  to  be  pounded 308 

Ten  poTinds  added  to  the  minister's  rate  for  the  use  of  the  poor.  304 
Testimony  of  agreement  between  William  Thickstone  and  Wil- 
liam Scadding 39 

Thomas  Rushmore  to  present  a  petition  to  the  next  Governor. . .     71 

To  establish  Henry  Liniugton's  mill  rights 23 

To  run  the  west  boundary  line  of  the  town 91 

Town  bonds.     The  committee  given  liberty  to  act  as  them  deem 

best  for  the  public  interest 298 

Town  boundaries  to  be  legally  defended 7 

Town  commons  ordered  to  l)e  laid  out 433 

Town  lauds.     Official  statement  as  to  the  plan  of  original  divi- 
sion     282 

Town  purchase  line  to  be  ruu  from  Canteage  to  the  Sound 123 

Town  rate  made 33,     98 

Town  rate  to  be  gathered 16 

Town's  bills  to  be  audited 20 

Town  to  defend  its  title  to  Rockaway 9 

Twenty-four  inhabitants  take  up  land 17 

Vote  to  settle  a  schoolmaster  rescinded 318 

Warrants  for  those  delinquent  in  paying  for  patent  9 

Water  right  grant  at  the  harbor  being  void,  a  committee  is  to 

make  new  conditions 207 



Ambroes'  Swamp 101 

Bar  Beach 59,  123 

Brusliy  Plains G9,  156,  352 

Burdsall's  Swamp 357 

Cauteage 123 

Cedar  Swamp 263 

Cedar  Swamp  Brook 262 

Coccaquat 459,  462 

Coe's  Little  Neck 339,  341 

Coe's  Meadow 62 

Coe's  Neck.  .66,  107,  112,  133,  136,  183,  254,  333,  387,  466,  477,  478,  487 

Cold  Spring  Neck  41 

Cold  Spring  Eiver 41 

Cornbery Ill,  117 

Corbury  Neck 41 

Cove  Neck 157 

Cow  Meadow .' 263 

Cow  Neck 23,  26,  58,  130,  132,  151,  172,  196,  218,  221,  224,  255,  271 

277,  300,   315,  318,   325,  326,   327,  329,   330,  347.   420,  425,   464,  474 

Denton's  Neck 303,  334 

East  Meadow 78,     89 

East  Meadow  Swamp 469 

East  Ox  Pasture .240 

East  River 123 

Edward  Eainer's  Hollow 79 

Fairfield  Hollow 117 

Far  Eockaway 62 

Fluslaing 8,  41,  121 

Fordliam's  Neck 1 33 

Foster's  Meadow 5,7,31,32,34,49,  57 

71,  73,  74,  76,  77,  81,  83,  126,   127,  204,  214,  300,  318,  325,  347,  425 

Foster's  Eiver 73 

Fresh  Pond  Neck 281 

Gad  Island 95 

Gildersleeve  Creek 59 

Great  Plains 43,  49,  168,  169,  172,  301,  378,  390,  392,  400,  441,  469 

Great  Neck 55,  68,  83,  135,  211,  260,  342,  343,  413 

Great  Neck  at  South 293,  294,  376 

Great  Neck  Eastward 38,  54,  130,  135 

Great  Plains  at  Westbury 176,  187,  191,  198,  225,  228,  233 

Great  South  Neck 68 

INDEX.  501 


Half  Neck 103 

Half  Neck  Eastward 107 

Harbor  Path 133,  172,  181 

Hayl)ri(l<ire  Brook 261,  203 

Haybritlge  Neck 39 

Hempstead  Harbor 168,  318,  330,  237,  350 

Hempstead  Harbor  Head 200  ■? 

Hempstead  Plains 87 

Herricks 80,  91,  191 

209,  310,  247,   300,  309,  387,   390,  392,   397,  410,  417,  418,  430,  451 

Herrick  Swamp 370 

Hicks'  Creek 160 

Hicks'  Neck 53,  55,  97,  111,  113,  114,  160,  383,  333,  337,  387,  481 

Hog  Island 394,  343,  343,  397,  398 

Hog-  Island  Creek 144 

Hous  Bay  Swamp 455 

Housboy  Hollow 45 

Hungry  Harbor 32,    48 

53,    54,  57,  05,    71,   74,    82,    211,  294,    295,   297,   308,    367,  452,  479 

Hungry  Harbor  Island 421 

Hungry  Harbor  Neck 212,  239 

Indian  Path  on  the  south  side 355,  357,  866,  376,  433,  469 

Ireland's  Meadow 156 

Jackson's  Bars 114 

Jacockes  Creek 331 

Jacockes  Vleigh 331 

Jamaica 9,  10,  15,  19,  38,  67,  81,  83,  98,  373—- 

Jericho  Road ' .' 64,  352 

Jerusalem 6,  300,  318,  335,  341,  347,  356,  424 

Jerusalem  Great  Neck 343,  343 

Jerusalem  Half  Neck 342 

Jerusalem  Eiver 132,  260 

Jerusalem  Swamp 6,  164 

John  Bedele's  Lane 133 

Latting  Neck  343 

Little  Haybridge 362 

Little  Meadow : 156 

Little  Neck 8,  180,  341,  360 

Little  Neck  South 158 

Little  Plains 34 

Long  Neck 40,  51,  339 

Long  Neck,  Rockaway 107,  109,  239 

Lusam 65,  130,  135,  354 

502  INDEX. 


Madnans  Neck 49,  100,  101,  143,  205,  219,  2o3,  264,  267, 

273,  300,  318,  325,  347,  349,  379,  385,  395,  402,  423,  425,  427,  454 

Mamaranack 47 

Maspeth  Kills 7,  72,  73,  74,  76,  77 

Matinecock 26,  123,  180,  362,  371,  420,  421,  449,  458 

Matiueche,  Old  Path 187 

Matagarats  Bay 8 

Matthew  Garrets  Bay 149 

Meeting  House 495 

Merock 93 

Merock  Neck 46,  83,  151 

Merock  River 261,  262 

Merrick 41,  194 

Merrock  Path 97 

Middleboroiigh 72,     77 

Mill  River 204 

Mill  River  at  Neiu-  Rockaway 258,  476 

Mill  River  Neck 116,  143,  294,  321,  378,  .388 

Millstoue  Rock 287,  373 

Mill  Swamp 03 

Mosquitoe  Cove 30 

Mosquitoe  Cove  Path 220 

Near  Rockaway 9,  62,  08,  70,  99,  251,  258,  476 

New  Bridge 221,  224,  342,  343,  379 

New  Bridge  Neck 221,  224,  377,  378,  386,  388,  403 

New  Field 43,  225,  227 

North  Neck 388 

North  Side 300,  325,  367,  424 

North  Woods 18 

Nets  Hollow 68 

Old  Lauding  Place 440 

Oyster  Bay 123 

Pearson's  Hollow 475 

Pine  Mill 450 

Pine's  tilsom 1 06 

Quakers  Path * 108 

Eainer's  Neck 146,  244,  254,  306,  311,  334,  388,  421,  444 

Rainer's  Hollow 8!) 

Rockaway .JT,  23,  30,  40,  54 

62,  91,  92,  108,  119,  135,  14o,  294,  306,  312,  394,  421,  425,  483,  484 

Rockaway  Old  Path T 62 

Rockaway  River • 479 

INDEX.  503 


Eockaway  Swamp  Stream 98 

Kooty  Hollow 87,  388 

Eound  Pond 18 

Eusdorp 373 

Seakatauf^e 397 

Seaman's  Neck 354,  355,  357,  300 

Seaman's  Swamp  Stream 14 

Sherman's  Hollow 02 

Sherman's  Neck 03,  171,  l';*8,  441,  442,  479 

Simmons'  Swamp 214 

Sound 8,  123 

South  Meadow 131,  143,  344 

South  Sea 194,  389 

Stickliny's  Neck 337 

Stickling's  Neck  Path 319 

Strickland's  Neck 432 

Success 459,  485,  491,  493 

Success  Pond 124,  485 

The  Bevell 87,  243,  386,  387,  388,  484 

Thickston's  Spring 99 

Tinococke  Hollow 108 

Washburn's  Neck 121,  388,  450,  400 

Westbury 85,  37,  69,  410 

West  Flie 100 

West  Island 30 

West  Neck  on  the  south  side ....  354,  359 

Whale  Neck 55 

Wood  Edge 33,     81 


Indian  Boy  Will 60 

Jeffery 92 

Wowachone 92 



June  20,  1079 17        June  23,  1081 71 

February  14,  1080 15        February  1 ,  1085 3,       4 

April  1,  1080 91        June  2,  1080 7 




September  38,  168(5 8 

December  18,  1686 9 

January  25,  1687 14,     15 

August  5,  1687 18 

December  23,  1687 19 

April  2,  1688 22 

March  17,  1689 28 

November  1,  1690 20 

June  16,  1691 23 

October  19,  1691 119 

April  1,  1695 56 

March  15,  1696 122 

April  2,  1698 131 

April  1,  1699 155 

November  27,  1699 145 

April  1,  1701 207 

March  9,  1702 230 

January  12,  1703 232 

April  1,  1704 248 

February  26,  1704 262 

May  30,  1705 276 

April  1,  1706 299 

April  1,  1707 317 

October  20,  1707 319 

May  16,  1708 332 

April  5,  1709 346 

December  22,  1709 371 

February  5,  1710 394 

June  16,  1710 386 

May  22,  1711 424 

September  4,  1711 430 

April  5,  1712 435 

April  6,  1714 446 

January  11,  1715 469 

April  3,  1716 481 

July  10,  1717  488 

April  1,  1718 451,  490 

April  29,  1726 480 


November  2,  1686 9 

January  7,  1687 13 

April   ],  1687 16 

December  1,  1687. 19 

February  18,  1688 20 

December  28,  1688  98 

April  1,  1690 119 

December  24,  1690 23 

July  1,  1691 24 

April   2,  1694 56 

February  23,  1696 122 

October  7,  1697 123 

November  22,  1698 146 

November  13,  1699 138 

Ap"il  1,  1700 177 

May  3,  1701 212 

April   1,  1702 230 

April   1,  1703 234 

January  23,  1704 260,  261 

April  2,  1705 264 

February  12,  1706 282 

January  14,  1707 309 

May  26,    1707 298 

April  1,  1708 324 

July  1,  1708 319 

December  12,  1709 358 

January  19,  1710 371 

April  4,  1710 380 

April  3,  1711 423 

June  15,  1711 430 

April  I,  1712 430 

April  7,  1713 445 

May  3,  1714 450 

April  5,  1715 470 

April  2,  1717 487 

March  10,  1718 490 

July  23,    1718 491 




Carman,  John 16 

Searing,  Simon 91 

Pine,  John 16 

Smith,  John 22 

INDEX.  505 


Siiiitli,  JouutliiUi,  Jr 1(5         Smith,  Jonatliuii,  Sr 91 

Tredwell,  John 22,  91         Willis,  Henry 22 



March  (I,  l()77-8 11         May  1,  KITH 12 

June  1,  lOSl 104        January  0,  1(585 90 

February  2,  1  (iSG-T 99         August  8,  1(587 21 

September  7,  1087 22        December  4,  1090 07 



Baldin,  George 100 

Barker,  Thomas 59,  827 

Bedle,  Daniel 100,  107 

Bedle,  Kobert 100 

Bellang,  Michael 20 

Boyle,  Kobert 242 

Carle,  John 319,  381,  422 

Carle,  Widow 106 

Carman,  John  106,  242 

Cornwell,  Eichard 101 

Denton,  Samuel 17,  105 

Dinge,  Christopher 177 

Ellison,  John,  Jr 105 

Ellison,  John,  Sr 105 

Ellison,  Richard 100 

Ellison,  Thomas 100 

Emory,  Samuel  17 

Evarie,  Edward 102 

Fordham,  Mr 106 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Jr 17,   105 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Sr 17,  105 

Gildersleeve,  Mr 105 

Ginms,  Joseph 17,  105 

Hewlett,  George 100,  107 

Hicks,  Mr 106 

506  INDEX. 


Higgam,  Tliomas 18 

Hoisted,  Timothy 105 

Ireland,  Tliomas lOG 

Jacksou,  John IT,  105,  106 

Jackson,  Mr 106 

Jackson,  Robert 107 

Jecoekes,  William 1~,  104 

Keeble,  John 394 

Langdou,  Joseph 106 

Langdou,  William 364 

Linniugton,  Henry 106 

Martin,  Thomas 263 

Marvin,  Eobert 106 

Mores,  Samuel .    105 

Mott,  Adam,  Jr 17,  104 

Mott,  Adam,  Sr 106 

Mott,  James 17,  105 

Osborn,  Eichard 17,  105 

Pearsall,  Daniel 10() 

Pearsall,  Nathaniel 105 

Pettit,  Joseph 17,   105 

Pine,  James 106 

Pine,  John 17,  105 

Eainer,  Edward 17,   105 

Eobinson,  John 103 

Riishmore,  Thomas 106 

Seaman,  John 17,  105 

Seaman,  Jonathan 17,  105 

Seaman,  Mr 106 

Seaman,  Solomon 17,  105 

Searing,  John 17,  104 

Searing,  Simon 105 

Smith,  Abraham 17,  1 05 

Smith.  Jeremiah 106 

Smith,  John  Blue 106 

Smith,  John  Eock 106 

Smith,  John  Eock,  Jr 105,  107 

Smith,  Jonatnan 17,  105 

Smith,  Jonathan  Nan 106 

Smith,  Joseph 17,  105 

Smith,  Little 106 

INDEX.  507 


Sothaicl,  Thomas lOG 

Sprags,  Edward 17,  104,  242 

Spragf;-,  Edwai'd    Jr 480 

Sprayg,  Mr 13 

Stites,  Richard 106,  242 

Stiiard,  John 110 

Theslen,  Daniel 138 

Thickstone,  William 10« 

Thorn,  William,  Jr 102 

Titus,  Edmund 242 

Titus,  Edward 100 

Totten,  Richard 17,  105 

Tredwell,  John 10(5 

Valentine,  Richard 100 

Weles,  Thomas 106 

Whitehead,   Capt 123 

Williams,  John 106 

Williams,  Joseph 17,  105 

Williams,  Robert 394 

Willis,  Henry 102 

Wood,   Jeremiah,  Jr 17,  105 

Wood,  Jeremiah,  Sr 106 



Abraham,  John 157 

Allen,  Henry 211,  219,  423 

Baldwin,  George 296 

Bedle,  Daniel 107,  121,  132,  172 

Bedle,  John   132 

Bedle,  Robert 132,  291 

Bedell,  Daniel 15,  121 

Birdsell,  Benjamin 157 

Carle,  Thomas 293 

Carman,  John 242,  293 

Champion,  Thomas ; 291 

Coe,  Benjamin 293 

Cornwell,  John,  Jr 420 

Cornwell,  Mary 459 

Cortlandt,  Abi-aham 157 

508  INDEX. 


Cortlandt,  Isaac 157 

Cortlauilt,  John 157 

Denton,  Sanauel 'Jl 

Dinge,  Robert 176 

Dusenburrow,  Hendrick 5 

Ellison,  John 293 

Ellison,  Lawrence 293 

Ellison,  Richard 254,  295 

Ellison,  Thomas 254,  298 

Foreman,  Aai'on 291 

Foreman,  Robert 294 

Gildersleeve,  Mr 293 

Gildersleeve,   Richard 293 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas 328 

Hewlett,  George 107,  293,  328 

Hicks,  Mr 295 

Holi-ted,  Timothy 92,  270,  293,  336,  455 

Hubbard,  Jeremiah 84,  97 

Ireland,  Thomas 296 

Jackson,  James 247 

Jackson,  John 6,  247 

Jackson,  Mr .' 292 

Jackson,  Robert 107 

Jacocks,  William 291 

Langdon,  Joseph 293 

Linnington,  Henry 297 

Marvin,  Robert 293 

Mott,  Adam 252,  294 

Mott,  Charles 205,  206 

Mott,  John 67,     68 

Mott,  Rickbill 205,  206 

Mott,  William 205,  206 

Ogden,  Mr 293 

Pearsall,  Thomas,  Jr 448.  449 

Pearsall,  Widow 294 

Pine,  James 107,  291 

Pine,  Samuel 101 

Rainer,  Edward 293 

Rushmore,  John 252 

Rushmore,  Thomas 293 

INDEX.  509 


Seaman,  Mr 293 

Searing,  John 271 

Seaman,  Simon 270 

Smith,  Abel 211,  423 

Smith,  Abraham 219,  292 

Smith,  Isaac 219 

Smith,  Jeremiah,  Jr 420 

Smith,  John,  Jr 291 

Smith,  John,  Nan 294 

Smith,  John,  Rock 293 

Smith,  John,  Rock,  Jr 1 07 

Smith,   Thomas 241,  320 

Sonthard,  Thomas 293 

Spragg,  Edward   294 

Stits,  Richard 291 

Thickstone,  William 02,  293 

Titns,  EdAvard 293 

Totten,  Peter 78 

Tredwell,  John 1(5,  fiC,  449 

Valentine,  Richard 293 

Van  Wyck,  Theodorus 336 

Washborn,  Mr 391 

Willis,  Henry 108 

Willis,  Hope 164 

Willis,  Thomas 18 

Willis,  William 449 

Willits,  Amos 399 

Willits,  Widow 294 

Wood,  Jeremiah 296 

Yeats,  William 293 


Allen,  Henry 469 

Dorland,  Elias 14 

Finch,  John 479 

Havilaud,  Joseph 98 

Jackson,  Coll  John 260 

Jackson,  Major 131 

Jonson,  John,  Jr 481 

Langdon,  John 451,  491- 

510  INDEX. 


Matlinson,  Josepli 261,  262 

Pine,  Joliu 1^ 

Eobeson,  Joliu 1^2 

Seaman,   Solomon 481 

Smith,  William 14 

Willis,   Hope 1=^1 


Pearsall,  Xatliauiel 56,  5T,  131,  155,  179 

Tredwell,  John,  Jr 430,  445,  446,  470,  481,  487 

Willis,    William 234,  264,  317,  324,  346,  380,  424,  490 


Allen,   George 345 

Barker,  William 380 

Baylis,  Samuel 401,  402 

Coe,  John 405 

Cornell,  William 486,  495 

Cornwell,  William 348,  349,  383,  385,  455 

Diekason,  Samuel 466 

Foster,  John 419,  427,  429,  473 

Garrison,   Lambert 448 

Hicks,  Thomas 331 

Jackson,  John 7,  9,  93,  154,  159,  210,  351,  377,  493 

Mott,   Adam 266,  410 

Smith,  John 145,  269,  274,  327,  353 

Smith,  John  S 250 

Smith,  .Joseph 174 

Townsend,  John 345 

Tredwell,  John 150,  170,  182,  215,  217,  230,  259,  288 

290,  362,  392,  394,  406,  409,  414,  433,  437,  439,  461,  463,  467,  474  _  f^ 

Whitehead,  Daniel 204, 

^Tiitehead,  Jonathan 305,  370 

Williams,  John 412 




Chappell,  Francis 113 

Gildersleeve,   Kichard 71 

INDEX.  511 


Gildersleeve,  Tliomas..50,  2G4,  300,  317,  335,  430,  440,  447,  470,  487,  491 

Hicks,   Thomas 139 ' 

Jacksou,  James 179 

Pear  sail,  Nathaniel 3 

Pettit,  Joseph !),  17,  22,  57,  91,  131,  155,  234,  248 

Starr,  Josias 88 

Willis,  William 139,  347,  380,  427 


Carle,  John 346 

Chappell,    Francis 16 

Cornwell,  William 324 

Gildersleeve,  Richard 19 

Hoisted,  Timothy 487,  490 

Mott,  Adam 19 

Smith,  Jonathan 20,  21,  155 

Smith,  Joseph 56,  131,  248,  380,  423,  430,  446 

Smith,  Eichard 299,  317 

Thickstone,  William 264 

Tredwell,  John , 179,  208,  230,  470 

Tredwell,  John,  Jr 481 

Willis,   Henry 56 


Carle,  John 56 

Carman,   Caleb 20 

Carman,  John 56 

Carman,  Thomas 324,  386,  491 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas 231 

Hoisted,  Timothy 423,  430 

Jackson,  John 445,  447,  470 

Jackson,  John,  Jr 481 

Langdon,  Thomas 430 

Morrel,  John 20 

Pearsall,  Nathaniel 19,  24,     98 

Pine,  James 264,  299 

Pine,  John 56 

Pine,  Samuel 24 

Rushmore,  John 435,  445 

512  INDEX. 


Seaman,  Benjamin 346,  358 

Searing,  James 490 

Searing,  John 131,  155,  230,  231,  234,  380,  423 

Smith,  Abraham 19 

Smith,  Isaac 179,  299,  318,  359,  380,  447,  470,  481,  487 

Smith,  Jonathan -3,     56 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr 98 

Towuseud,  Eichard 248,  264,  487 

Tredwell,  John 3,  19,  234,  248,  318,  324,  490 

Valentine,  Eichard 19 

Willis,   William 131,  155,  179,  230 


Carle,  John 179,  346 

Cornwell,  W^illiam 324 

Emory,  Samnel 16 

Hoisted,   Benjamin 332 

Hoisted,  Timothy 487,  490 

Minthorne,  Eichard 91 

Mott,  Joseph 56 

Pine,  James 56 

Smith,  Capt.  Joseph 248,  380,  423,  430,  446 

Smith,  Jonathan 22 

Smith.  Eichard 299,  317 

Thickstone,  William 264 

Townsend,  Eichard 155,  234 

Tredwell,  John 230,  470 

Tredwell,  John,  Jr  481 

Wood,  Jeremy 131 


Haire,  Edward 17 

Boots,   Urin 22 

Walla,  John 71 



Allen,   Henry 325,  347,  380,  424,  480 

Bedell,  Jeremiah 491 

INDEX.  513 


Brewer,  Johaiiair 424,  430 

Carle,  Joseph 445,  447 

Oarmau,  Captain 248,  264 

Covuwell,  Joshua  325,  347,  380,  424,  430 

Denton,  James 325,  347,  380,  424,  430 

Denton,  Samuel 445,  447 

Denton,  Samuel,  Jr 234,  248,  264 

Hoisted,   Timothy 447 

Jackson,  John,  Jr 300,  318,  325,  347,  380,  424,  430,  440,  447 

Jackson,  Major 179 

Johnson,  Harman 300,  318,  325,  347,  380,  424,  430,  440,  447 

Laui^don,  William 424,  430,  446,  447 

Mannering,    Eichard 446,  447 

Mitchell,  Eobert 446,  447 

Mott,    Adam 1 79 

Mott,   Charles 447 

Valentine,  Richard 470,  481 

Williams,  Samuel 487,  491 

Willis,  William 179,  248,  264 

Willsee,  Morta 487,  490 



Gildersleeve,   Thomas 234,  310,  319,  334 

Pine,  John 232 


Dickson,  Samuel 334 

Jones,  Thomas 232 

Jons,  Thomas 310 



Carman,  Capt.  John 310,  319 

Cessam,  Daniel  233 

Denton,  Samuel 232 

Embry,  Samuel 334 

Heviland,  John 233 

514  INDEX. 


Mott,  Joseph 319,  834 

Pine,  William 334 

Searing,  John 310,  318 

Smith,  Capt.  Joseph 334 

Smith,  Jonathan 232 

Townsend,  Eichard 319,  334 

Tredwell,  John,  Jr  310,  319 

Williams,  Samuel 319,  334 


Coles,  Benjamin  234 

Coles,  Nathan 310,  319 

Coles,  Nathaniel 232 

Discosen,  Samuel 232 

Doghty,  Isaac 232,  310 

Doty,  Isaac,  Jr 319,  334 

Latten,  Josiah,  Jv 334 

Macouele,  Samuel 319,  31'4 

Shadbolt,  Morris 310 

Underhill,  Abraham 310,  319 

Willis,  Eichard 232 

Wright,  Edmund 232 


Tredwell,  John,  Jr 325,  481 


Bedle,  John (Thomas  Southward >     j  ^ 

(John  Southward > 

Denton,   Nathaniel Eichard  (lildersleeve 314 

Fowler,  George .(Thomas  Southward t    ^Qg 

"  (John  Southward > 

Gildersleeve,  Eichard James  Beate 275 

Hendrick,  Harman '  JV^'^  Southward . .    )         ^ 

(Thomas  Southward > 

Hendrick.  Harman <  John  South  war  d ..  __ > 

(Thomas  Southward ) 

Jackson,  Capt Eichard  Cornwall 101 

INDEX.  515 

/  PAGE. 

Jackson,  Capt John  Tliornc 102 

Jackson,  Capt William  Tliovne,  Jr 102 

Jackson,  Capt Henry  Willis 102 

Jackson,  Cai)t.  John Mr.  Heulitt 275 

Jackson,  Mr Edward  Evarie 102 

Jarman,  Isaac Samuel  Pine 437 

Mi-      rri    ^  <  Thomas  South  Avar  d »     ^„,-, 

artm,  Thomas    -r  ,       u  ,  +i  i  1(2 

'  (John  Southward ) 

(.   ,.1,   ,,.1     .1  •  .,-1  <Thomas  Southward '     .»., 

Southwar.l,  Abigail    ^^ j^^^^^  Southward >     ^^''^ 

Spragg,  EdAvard    i^l^i^nias  Southward } 

'      *""  (John  Southward > 

Whitehead,  Daniel Thomas  Southward 286 

Williams,  Robert George  Fowler 94 


Allen,  Henry .267 

Carman,  Caleb 183,  184 

Carman,  John 183,  184 

Ellison,  Richard 444 

Halsted,  Jonas 332 

Hubbs,  Alexander 267 

Luis,  Jonathan 183,  184 

Pine,  James 444 

Searing,  James 334 

Searing,  John 332,  334 

Searing,  Jonathan 334 

Searing,  Simon 334 

Thickstone,  William 29 

Wood,  Jeremiah 150,  151,  152 

Wood,  Jonas 150,  151,  152 

Wood,  Joseph 150,  151,  152 


Gildersleeve,  Richard,  to  Nathaniel  Denton 313 

Totten,  Peter,  to  Richard  Totten 90 


Simmans,  John,  to  James  Bate ., ..  441 

)16  IXDEX. 



Mauiring,  Eichavd 488 

Sothard,  Isaac 467 

Sothard,  Jolin 467 

Sotheard,  Abraham 467 

Sotliei-d,  Thomas 467 


Johnson,  Peter,  to  Nicholas  Demeire 63 


Carman,  Benjamin 13'; 


Southward,  Thomas Robert  Williams 323 

(William  Totten ) 

Totten,  Peter  Benjamin  Totten 443 

(Jasper  Totten ) 


Abitt,  James 199 

Alburtis,  Adiian 321 

Alburtis,  .Joseph 284 

Alburtis,  Joseph,  Jr 207 

Alexander,  William 335 

Allen,  Thomas 223 

Allen,  Thomas,  .Tr 222 

Allison,  Benjamin 222 

Allison,  John 222 

Ashley,  John 202 

Baker,  Thomas 261 

Baldwin,  Ezekiel 126 

INDEX,  517 


Baklwiu,  Samuel 817 

Baldwin,  Thomas 126 

Bargur,  George 202 

Barns,  Hendrick 22() 

Barns,  John 186,  220 

Barns,  Joshua 248 

Barns,  Joshua,  Jr 18!) 

Beadle,   David 247 

Beadle,  Jeremiah 247 

Beadle,  John,  Jr 14o 

Beat,  Solomon 288 

Beats,  Joseph 128 

Bedell,  James,  Jr 317 

Bedell,  Joel 387 

Bedell,  John 222 

Bedell,  Thomas. ; / 235 

Bedle,  Job 260 

Bedle,  Joseph 231 

Bedle,  Richard 257 

Bedle,  Samuel ., 231 

Boldin,  George,  Jr 196 

Boldin,  Samuel 195 

Boldin,   Thomas 234 

Boldiug,  Ezekiel 255 

Bojding,  John 255 

Bonf asses,  James 134 

Borrum,  John 189 

Bound,  Robert 207 

Bowne,  Robert 336 

Breason,  Walter ' 227 

Breuer,  Hendrick 226 

Brown,  Samuel 232 

Burtis,   James 122 

Burtis,  James,  Jr 272 

Burtis,  John 231 

Burtis,  Joseph 147 

Burtsel,  Samuel 247 

Burtsell,  John 266 

Carle,  Jacob 195 

Carle,  Jonathan 195 

Carle,  Joseph,  Jr 195 

Carle,  Thomas   148 

Carman,  Caleb,  Jr 238 

Carman,  John,  Jr 177 

518  INDEX. 


Carman,  Joseph 1^^ 

Carman,  Eichard 187 

Carpenter,  William 227 

Cheesmau,  Epliraim 251 

Clieesman,  Joseph 200 

Clement,  Joseph 199 

Cokolet,  Francis 238 

Combs,  Daniel 340 

Combs,  Kichard 171 

Cooper,  Simon 202 

Cornell,  Benjamin 20S 

Cornell,  John 180 

Cornell,  Richard,  Jr 190 

Cornwell,  Caleb 249 

Cornwell,  Cap't  Joshna 207 

Cornwall,  Richard 249 

Covert,  Abram 142 

Davis,  William 5 

Demott,  Honas 202 

Denton,  James GO 

Denton,  James,  Jr 184 

Denton ,  Jonas 243 

Denton,  Joseph 212,  223,  310 

Denton,  Richard,  Jr 100 

Derlon,  Charles 200 

Dorland,  John 105 

Dorlon,  Elias,  Jr 170 

Dorlon,  Garret 189 

Dosenbor ow,  John 1 99 

Doty,  Isaac 435 

Doty,  John 188 

Durfee,  Richard 270 

Durland,  Elias 10 

Dusenborough,  Samuel 245 

Dusenborrow,  John,  Jr 232 

Elderd,  John 105 

Eldert,  Lucas 207 

Ellison,  Richard,  Jr 242 

Embry,  Samuel,  Jr 200 

Everit,  Georoe 275 

Everit,  Richard 230,  275 

Every,  Edward 245 

Flower,  Harman 11 

Flower,  Jonas 199 

INDEX.  519 


Foster,  John,  Jr 266 

Fowler,  Jacob 846 

Frost,  Tliouuis 222 

Frost,  Wright. mO 

Giklersleeve,  Asa 164 

GiUler sleeve,  G  eorge 1 65 

Gildersleeve,  Richard 176 

Gihlersleeve,  Eichard,  Jr 11 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas 11 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas,  Jr .    176 

Giuiiius,  Benjamin 129 

Golder,  Joseph 283 

Griton,  John 299 

Gritten,  Thomas 389 

Hagewoiit,  John 167 

Hall,  John 298 

Hall,  Joseph 245,  249,  286 

Halstead,  Benjamin 147,  176 

Halstead,  Joseph 98,  243 

Haugeewout,  John 227 

Hendriekson,  Hendrick 120 

Hendrickson,  John 165 

Hewlett,  Daniel,  Jr ; . . . .  360 

Hewlett,  John   380 

Hewlett,  Samuel 316 

Hicks,  Benjamin 227 

Hicks,  Jacob  147 

Hicks,  John 276 

Hicks,  Samnel 315 

Hoggawout,  Leftert 389 

Hubbs,  Kobert 234 

Huchens,  Robert 202 

Hulitt,  Daniel 209 

Hulitt,  John 202 

Hutings,  Jonathan 209 

Jackson,  John 161,  232,  266 

Jackson,  Richard. ...    196,  335,  435 

Jackson,  Samuel 242,  251,  330 

Jackson,  Thomas 189 

Jarman,  Isaac,  Jr 236,  238 

Jecocks,  Thomas 317 

Jene,  Robert 206 

Jinings,  Benjamin 189 




Johnson,  Harman 123 

Johnson,  John 202 

Johnson,  William 251 

Jones,  Walter 226 

Jones,   William 366 

Lack,  Mr 236 

Langdon,  John 148,  213,  276 

Langdon,  Joseph 11 

Langdon,  Samuel 145,  213,  315 

Langdon,  William 231 

Latham,  Joseph 207 

Lee,  John 120 

Lee,  Joseph 1 20 

Lee,  Eobert 232 

Lee,  Thomas 120 

Lester,  Mordecai 243 

Lewis,  John 2!t8 

Linnington,  Thomas 187 

Losee,  Isaac 32 1 

Losee,  John 1<)5 

Man,  Thomas 222 

Mannering,  Eichard 233 

Miner,  John  D l^c) 

Monfort,  Elbert 213 

Monfort,  John 238 

Morener,  Moses 310 

Mott,  Charles 207 

Mott,  Gersham 207 

Mott,  Henry \  ;)<)    o;j4 

Mott,  James 243 

Mott,  Michael 213 

Mott,  Patrick 317    453 

Mott,  Samuel 286 

Moyles,  William 329 

Mudge,  Jarvis 335 

Munsee,  Nathaniel 273 

Nicol,  William 277 

Oakley,  Nathaniel 147,  359^  435 

Okly,  Thomas 227 

Oldfield,  Augustus 277 

Onderdonk,  Adrian 209 

Onderdonk,  Andrus 31(5 

Onderdonk,  Henry 209 

Orton,  Henry 237 

INDEX,  521 


Pearce,  William 18«) 

Pearsall,  Henry 2(i0 

Peaisall,  John 107 

Pearsall,  Samnel ...  257 

Pearsall,  Thomas,  Jr 251,  257 

Pettit,  John 200,  277 

Pettit,  Joseph 200 

Pettit,  Joseph,  Jr 2W 

Pine,  Daniel 148 

Pine,  James 16 

Pine,  James,  Jr 152 

Pine,  Nathaniel 2;}() 

Pine,  Samuel 11 

Piatt,  Uriah 28(5 

Polhemus,  Cornelius 21;},  272 

Post,  Joseph 350 

Post,  Richard     107,  335 

Post,  Eichard,  Jr 200 

Plainer,  Ezekiel 18!) 

Rainer,  John 231 

Renisen,  Ram 222 

Riassa,  Cornelius 227 

Roe,  John 310,  332 

Rogers,  Thomas 315 

Rowlin,  Jonathan 1 77 

Rushmore,  John 124 

Schanck,  Rulluf 180 

Seaman,  Benjamin 134 

Seaman,  Benjamin,  Jr   179 

Seaman,  Caleb 1 3S) 

Seaman,  Giles 270 

Seaman,  Henry   145 

Seaman,   Hesiah 333 

beaman,  Jacob 134,  275 

Seaman,  James 134 

Seaman,  John    140,  222 

Seaman,  Jonathan  . 172 

Seaman,  Jonathan,  Jr 134 

Seaman,  Joseph,  Jr 13!) 

Seaman,  Micah 332 

Seaman,  Nathaniel 50,  147,  184 

Seaman,  Richard 257 

Seaman,  Richard,  Jr 242,  284 

Seaman,  Samuel 261 

522  INDEX. 


Seaman,  Samuel ,  Jr 266 

Seaman,  Solomon 237 

Seaman,  Solomon,  Jr 270 

Seaman,  Thomas 286 

Seamau,  Thomas,  Jr 179,  342 

Seaman,  Yenus 189 

Searing,  Jonathan 224 

Searing,  Jonathan,  Jr 867 

Seai'ing,  Michael 352 

Searing,  Samuel 179 

Searing,  Simon 134 

Shaw,  Jonathan 225 

Smith,  Abel 273,  284 

Smith,  Benjamin 200 

Smith,  Daniel 148 

Smith,  Elizabeth 154 

Smith,  Ezekiel 158 

Smith,  Ezekiel,  Jr 213 

Smith,  Jacob 184,  251 

Smith,  James 223 

Smith,  John 176 

Smith,  John,  Rock 232 

Smith,  John,  Eock,  Jr 11,  4^14) 

Smith,  John,  Eock,  M 275 

Smith,  Jonathan,   Black 225 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Black,  Jr 225 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Nan 186 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Eock,  Jr 207,  231  '''  '  '^ 

Smith,  Peter 155 

Smith,  Phillip. 276 

Smith,  Eichard 128 

Smith,  Samuel '. .       3 

Smith,  Thomas 93 

Smith,  Timothy 298,  337 

Snecors,  Chris  Jan 247 

Snedecor,  Tunis 209 

Southard.  Henry 277 

Southard,  John,  Jr 158,  273 

Southard,  Joseph 153 

Southard,  Eichard 299 

Southard,  Samuel 299 

Southard,  Solomon 298 

Southward,  Abram 1<)3 

Southward,  Isaac 164 

Southwai'd,  Thomas 153 

INDEX.  523 


Sprang,  >1  olui 2G1 

Spragg,  Michael 238 

Spvagg,  Richard IS!) 

Hpvaug,  Thomas 1.02 

Stihvell,  Xicohis 2U2 

Thomas,  John  2G6 

Thorne,  Capt.  Joseph 270 

Thorne,  Richard 122,  190 

Thurston,  Daniel 242 

Thurston,  Joseph 284 

Titus,  Jacob 211 

Titus,  James l<)(i 

Titus,  John 208,  223 

Titus,  John,  Jr 257,  275 

Titus,  Peter 257 

Titus,  Peter,  Jr 419 

Titus,  Samuel 124 

Titus,  Silas : 243 

Titus,  William 346 

Totten,  Benjamin 129 

Totten,  Jasper 101,  238 

Totten,  John 419 

Totten,  Joseph 231 

Totten,   Richard 60 

Totten,  Samuel 161,  335,  336 

Totten,  William 152 

Townsend,  John 350 

Townsend,  Richard 154 

Townsend,   Venus 350 

Tredwell,    Benjamin 187 

Tredwell,  John . 200 

Tredwell,  John,  Jr 06,  161,  225 

Tredwell,  Thomas 261 

Underhill,  Benjamin 336 

Valentine,  Benjamin 227 

Valentine,  David 258 

Valentine,   Ephraim 240 

Valentine,  Ephraim,  Jr 186 

Valeutiue,  Jonathan 190 

Valentine,  Nathan 107 

Valentine,  Obediah,  Jr  234 

Valentine,   Richard 201 

Valentine,  Richard,  Jr 101 

524  INDEX. 


Valentine,  Thomas 267 

Vau  Xostraud,  Aaron 232 

Van  Nostrand,  Albert 236 

Van  Nostrand,  Jolin 316 

Van  Xostrand,  Moses 33!) 

Van  Wyck,  Barreut 187 

Vau  Wvck,  Cornelius 186 

Van  Wyek,  Davis 120 

Van  Wyck,  Johannes 336 

Van  Wyck,  Theodorous,  Jr 203 

Willee,  Martina 336 

Williams,  Jeremiah 316 

Williams,  Joseph 10 

Williams,  Richard 28 

Williams,  Samuel 93 

Williams,  Thomas 128 

Williams,  Zebulon 356 

Williamson,  Cornelius 266 

Willis,  Henry,  Jr 152 

Willis,  Jacob 152,  234 

Willis,  John 152,  208 

Willis,  Joseph 129 

Willis,  Richard 129 

Willis,  Samuel 276 

Willis,  William 3,  243 

Willis,  William,  Jr 243 

Willsee,  Cornelius 245 

Wiston,  John  J 266 

Wood,  Benjamin 225 

Wood,  Epeuetus 213 

Wood,  James 238 

Wood,  Jeremiah,  Jr 11.  128,  247 

Wood,  John 225,  299 

Wood,  Jonas 10 

Wood,  Joseph 167,  234,  249,  257 

Wood,  Stephen 200 

Young,  John 31 


From  Mitchell's  Spring  on  road  crossing  Cow  Neck  to  Rider's 
Smiths-shop  on  said  neck 487 



INDEX  OF  DEEDS-Grantors. 


July  IG,  1()8.'), 
April  1,  lOi)!), 
Feb.  8,  \mi-rj, 
April  5,  not), 
Oct.  19,  l(j08, 
Nov.  30,  1703, 

MarclL  21,  lODS, 
Dec.  26,  1705, 
May  13,  1714, 
March  2C,  1094, 
Dec.  3,  1676, 
June  9,  1712, 


Abrahams,  Charles 
Aljrahams,  Charles 
Allmrtis,  William 
Allen,  Henry 
Ashman,  Robert 
Auton,  Hendrick 

Baldin,  Joseph 
Baldwin,  John 
Barker,  Thomas 
Beans,  William 
Beats,  John 
Bedele,  Daniel 

Feb.  15,  1713-14,    Bedell,  Daniel 

Feb.  15,  1713-14,    Bedell,  Daniel 

April  13,  1697, 

Feb.  15,  1687, 

April  7,  1687, 
Jan.  5,  1683, 
Sep.  1,  1681, 
June  1,  1697, 
Dec.  15,  1701, 
Feb.  21,  1690, 
May  1,  1688, 
July  15,  1709, 
May  6,  1695, 

Aug.  6,  169-, 

June  4,  1706, 

March  18,  1686, 

Dec.  7,  1660, 
April  4,  1710, 
June  3,  1698, 
April  3,  1708, 
Nov.  18,  1686, 

Bedell,  Robert 
George  Hewlett  ) 

Bedle,  Daniel 
John  Smith         ) 

Bedle,  Robert 

Bedle,  Robert 

Bedle,  Robert 

Bedle,  Robert,  Jr. 

Belling,  Michael 

Bercer,  Thomas 

Boldin,  Joseph 

Burdsell,  Benjamin 

Burtsell,  Benjamin 

Carle,  Joseph  ) 

Carle,  Timothy,     f 

Carle,  Timothy 
Carman,  Caleb       ) 
Carman,  John         > 
Carman,  John 
Carman,  John 
Carman,  John 
Carman,  Joshua 
Carpenter,  John 


Josias,  Starr 87 

Jeremiah  Wood 192 

Bar  net  Egbertson 76 

John   Rnshmore 253 

Richard  Ellison 387 

Thomas  Cheesman 367 

Abrabam   Smith 190 

Peter  Vergeraw 282 

Timothy  Halstead 461 

Benjamin  Haviland 330 

Mary  Willis 64 

David  Bedele 439 

^ Daniel  Bedell,  Jr.,..  ) 

Richard  Bedell ....  477 
(Abraham  Bedell . . . . ) 

f  Thomas  Bedell ^ 

I  David  Bedell I  ..^^ 

)  Jeremiah  Bedell....  |  *'" 

I  Joseph  Bedell J 

Robert  Bedell,  Jr 383 

Robert  Jackson 107 

John  Bedle 305 

Richard  Minthorne 239 

Robert  Bedle,  Jr 77 

Jeremiah  Wood 193 

John  Jackson 249 

Benjamin  Hole 27 

Thomas  Southward 86 

Francis  Nicolls 412 

John  Sands 129 

John  Carle 126 

John  Carle 302 

John  Tredwell 113 

John  (Carpenter 97 

Henry  Allen 381 

Benjamin  Carman 140 

Thomas  Barker 325 

Abraham  Smith 98 




Feb.  15,  1(582, 
May  9,  1671, 
June  9,  1087, 
Maj-  11,   1706, 
Jan.  22,  1709, 
Mar.  11,  170(5, 
Mar.  31,  1712-13, 
Mar.  21,  1712-13, 
May  15,   1(595, 

Aug.  12,  1094, 
Nov.  2,  1710, 
March  2fi,  1058, 
Dec.  10,  1710, 
Dec.  10,  1710, 

June  8,  1710, 

Feb.  0,  1084-5, 
Nov.  14,  1(>99, 
May  30,  1713, 

August  4,  1008, 
Feb.  23,  1080-7, 

April  1,  1700, 

June  9,  1708, 

April  22,  1707, 
Sep.  2,  1089, 
May  28,  1(589, 
April  22,  1707, 
July  25,  1(588, 
Jan.  23,  1082-3 
Nov.  10,  1083, 
Nov.  9,  1099, 
Jan.  2,  1091, 
June  6,  1085, 
June  22,  1702, 

March  9,  1093-4, 

Sep.  29,  1705, 
July  13,  1709. 


Claampion,  Frances 
Chew,  John 
Coe,  R-obert 
Combs,  John 
Combs,  Bichard 
Comes,  Thomas 
Cornell,  Mary 
Cornell,  Mary 
Cornwell,  Eichard 

Daniels,  Thomas 

Davis,  John 

Denton,  Nathaniel 

Denton,  Samuel 

Denton,   Samuel 

Dorlou,  Elias  > 

Dorlon,  Miriam      > 

Dorland,  Elias 

Doughty,  Joseph 

Duseuborow,  Henry 

Ellison,  John 
Ellison,  Lawrence 
Ellison,  Richard     ) 
Ellison,  Thomas     ) 

Ellison,  Richard     ) 
Francis  Nicols     > 

Ellison,  Richard 

Ellison,  Thamasen 

Ellison,  Thomas 

Ellison,  Thomas 

Ellison,  Thomas 

Ellison,  Thomas 

Ellison,  Thomas 

Ellison,  Thomas,  Jr. 

Fordham,  Jonah 

Foster,  Thomas 

Franklin,  Henry 

Frost,  Isaac  ) 

John  Hendrick 
Frost,  Susan  ) 

William  Nicoll     ) 
Gibb,  Andrew 
Adam  Mott  ) 

William  Nicoll     ) 
Gibb,  AndreAV    - 
Adam  Mott  ) 


Jonathan  Smith,  Jr 40 

John  Tredwell 66 

John  Smith 25 

Heni'y  Allen 347 

Henry  Allen 408 

John  Comes 300 

Derrick  DeMott 485 

Martin  Willson 493 

Thomas  Southward 121 

Thomas  Barker 328 

William  Willis 409 

Richard  Gildersleeve. . . .  313 

Abram  Denton 392 

James  Denton 390 

John   Pearsall 495 

Cornelius  Barns 76 

Joseph   Please 173 

John  Dusenborow 209 

George  Baldwin 110 

Robert  Bedle 107 

Henry  Allen 348 

(Thomas  Ellison )  „q^ 

( Richard  Townsend . .  i  *^°'^ 

Thomas  Ellison 377 

Samuel  Pine 456 

Samuel  Denton,  Jr  ...  43 

Richard  Ellison 377 

Thomas  Marvin 233 

William  Smith 74 

John  Tredwell 112 

Richard    Osborn 420 

Thomas  Rushmore 379 

John  Foster 82 

William  Willis 402 

John  Foster 120 

Christopher  Dinge 457 

Benjamin  Birdsall 360 




Feb.  23,  1705, 

March  1,  1 703-4, 
Nov.  33,  1G87, 
May  3,  1704, 
July  18,  1(570, 
Mar(^li  30,  1  (187, 
April  30,  IGi)!), 
Aug.  J),  1074, 
Aug.  1,  1085, 

April  4,  1710, 
Aprill4,  IGDi), 

Oct.  18,  1711, 

Feb.  10,  168.% 

May  13,  1714, 

14,  lOiHi, 

April  1,  1080, 
Nov.  17,  1094, 
Sep.  1!),  1688, 

Mar.  S),  1693-4, 

Feb.  15,  1687, 
Dec.  12,  1687, 

Jan.  12,  1713, 

Jan.  30,  1710, 

Jan.  15,  1086, 
June  ('),  1087, 
April  14,  1085, 
Nov.  28,   1687, 
Nov.  5,  1691, 
May  33,  1711, 

June  36,  1685, 


William  Niooll         ) 

(xibb,  Andrew                Joseph  Mott 388 

Adam  Mott  ) 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  John  Baldwin 280 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Jiarnat  Egberson 31 

Gildersleeve,  Ricliard,  Thomas  Gildersleeve. . .  265 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Adam  Mott 83 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Jonathan  Smith  ,Jr 45 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Richard  Valentine 109 

Gildersleeve,  Richard,  Jeremiah  Wood,  Jr 194 

Gildersleeve,      Rich- 
ard, Jr.,                        Thomas  Higham 85 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas,  Henry  Allen 383 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas,  Obadiah  Valentine 181 

Samuel  Williams    ) 

Gildersleeve,  Thos.       Joseph  Wood 431 

William  Willis         ) 

Ginnings,  Joseph         William  Davis 4 

Halstead,  Timothy       William  Barker 459 

Halstead,  Timothy       Joseph  Mott 301 

Halstead,  Timothy        Richard  Valentine 184 

Haviland,  Benjamin     Thomas  Bank 331 

Heudrick,  Harman       Christopher  Dinge 34 

Susan  Frost,  ) 

Hendrick,  John             John  Foster 126 

Isaac  Frost  ) 

John  Smith  ) 

Hewlett,  George         -  Robert  Jackson 107 

Daniel  Bedle  ) 

Hicks,  Mary               ^    t       ii        a     mi  n 

Hicks!  Thomas           )■  J^^^athan  Smith 41 

John  Jackson      *      "] 

Hicks,  Thomas            [  r  t      hit     t     i.  ^ro 

John  Tredwell           {  ^^^^^  Monfort 453 

William  Nicoll         J 
John  Jackson  ^ 

Hicks,  Thomas            !  m            ■      ^T--n-  .mr 

John  Tredwell           {  Tbomasm  A\  illiams ....  395 

William  Nicoll  J 

Hicks,  Thomas              John  Tredwell 117 

Hicks,  Thomas               John  Tredwell Ill 

Higbham,  Thomas         Robert  Bedle,  Jr 77 

Higham,  Thomas          Elias  Diirland 141 

Hubbs,  Elizabeth          Adam  Mott,  Jr 55 

Hubbs,  Robert               Henry  Allen 437 

Ireland,  Thomas           Charles  Abrahams 86 




Feb.  20,  1G98, 
Mar.  12,  1087, 

Oct.  9,  1703, 

May  10,  1701, 
Jan.  6,  1684, 

Jan.  12,  1712, 

Jan.  27,  1698-9 

Jan.  -60.  1710, 

April  21,  1705, 
April  5,  1697, 

7,  1700, 

April  22,  1701, 
Feb.  15,  1688, 
Nov.  9,  1700, 
May  29,  1688, 
Oct.  26,  1697, 
April  30,  1685, 
Feb.  10,  1687-8, 
Nov.  24,  1678, 

Mai-cli  6,  1705, 

Marcli  6,  1705-6, 

March  12,  1665-6, 
Oct.  30,  1701, 
Oct.  30,  1701, 
June  20, 1682, 
May  5,  1699, 
Oct.  22,  1697, 

Sep.  3,  1701, 
June  30,  1684, 
Dec.  13,  1661, 
Feb.  1,  1682-3, 

July  13,  1709, 
Sep.  29,  1705, 


Ii'eland.  Tbomas 
Ireland,  Thouias 

Jackson,  James 
Jackson,  John 

Jackson,  John 

Jackson,  John 

Thomas  Hicks 
Jackson,  John 
John  Tredwell 
"William  Nieoll 

Jackson,  John 

Thomas  Hicks 
Jackson,  John 
John  Tred^vell 
William  Nicoll 

Jacocks,  David 
Jacocks,  David 
Jacocks,  Thomas 
Jecocks,  David 
Jecocks,  Joshua 
Jecocks,  Thomas 
Jecocks,  William 
Jerman,  Simon 
Johnson,  John 
Johnson,  Peter 
Johnson,  Peter 

Langdon,  Joseph 

Langdon,    Joseph 

Lattin,  Eichard 
Lee,  Thomas 
Lee,  Thomas 
Liunmgton,  Henry 
Linningtou,  John 
Linnington,  John 

Marvin,  Robert 

Mayle,  Henry 

Mills,  George 

Mott,  Adam 

William  Xicoll 
Mott,  Adam 
Auiliew  Gibb 

William  Nicoll 
Mott,  Adam 
Andrew  Gibb 


Benjamin  Birdsall 1.55 

Moses  Emore 35 

John  Searing 245 

James  Abbett 213 

Hendrick  Dosenbrah,  Jr    48 

I  John  Monf ort 453 

John  Seai-ing 244 


'  Thomasiu  Williams 395 

Henry  Allen 274 

Abraham  Smith 145 

Isaac  Smith 191 

Ezekiel  Simcin 196 

Jonathan  Smith,  Jr 50 

David  Jecocks 304 

Edmund  Titus 37 

Joseph  Please 175 

William  Lee 80 

Nicholas  Demerie 63 

Elias  Durland 141 

John  Langdon 475 

Mohn  Langdon )      .^ 

\Samnel  Langdon. .. )       ' 

John  Carman 139 

Joseph  Lee 220 

Joseph  Lee 223 

William  Smith 71 

John  Duseuborough 400 

William  Smith 203 

Harmau  Johnson 211 

William  Grittin 74 

Thomas  Ellison 372 

After  Alburtis 72 


Benjamin  Birdsall 360 


Cristopher  Diuge 457 




July  18,  1G70, 
June  15,  1713, 
Nov.  5,  lODl, 
Jan.  2G,  1(;!)2, 
May  20,  1713, 
July  14,  1G90, 
May  1,  1718, 
Jan.  2(),  IfiOa, 
Oct.  31,  1085 

June  9.  1708, 

Feb.  31,  1710-11, 

Feb.  23,  1705, 

Jan.  80,  1710, 

July  13,  1709, 
Sep.  39,  1705, 

Jan.  12,  1712, 


Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  James 
Mott,  John. 
Mott,  Joseph 
Mudge,  Moses 

Eichai'd  Ellison 
Nicolls,  Francis 

Nicolls,  Francis 

Adam  Mott 
Nicoll,  William 
Andrew  (111)11 
Thomas  Hicks 
Nicoll,  William 
John  Jackson 
John  Tredwell 

Adam  Mott 
Nicolls,  William 
Andrew  Gibb 

Adam  Mott 
Nicoll,  William 
Andrew  Gibb 
Thomas  Hicks 
Nicoll,  William 
John  Jackson 
John  Tredwell 

May  29,  1091,         Osborn,  Eichard 


March  23,  1708, 
Oct.  21,  1703, 
April  21,  1093, 
June  5,  1085, 
May  23,  1088, 
Oct.  20,  1700, 
Mar.  10,  1718-14, 
June  7,  1098, 

Pearsall,  George 
Pearsall,  Nathaniel 
Pettit,  Joseph 
Pettit,  Joseph 
Pine,  James 
Pine,  James 
Pine,  James,  Jr., 
Pine,  John 

Mar.  11,  1094-5,     Pine,  John 

May  23,  1088, 
May  24,  1712, 

Jan.  18,  1080, 
Feb.  20,  1090, 
April  (»,  1097, 

Pine,  Nathaniel 
Pine,  Samuel 

Eainer,  Samuel 
Kaynor,  Samuel 
Eobinson,  John 


Eichard  Gildersleeve. . .  83 

Adam  Mott,  Jr 482 

Joseph  Mott 51 

Joseph  Mott .52 

Ezekiel  Smith 438 

Joseph  Mott 47 

Simon  Searing 452 

Adam  Mott 53 

William  Frost 26 

<  Thomas  Ellison )  „Qe 

,  Eichard  Townsend    \  '^^^ 

Samuel  Titus 414 

Joseph  Mott 288 

Thomas  Williams 895 

Benjamin  Birdsall .360 

Christopher  Dinge 457 

John   Monfort 458 

William  Lines 58 

Thomas  Cheesman 368 

Thomas  Chessman 415 

William  Beans 327 

TLmmas  Foster 81 

Nathaniel  Pine 92 

Thomas  Williams 311 

Thomas  Barker,  Jr 463 

Benjamin  Pine 165 

(Thomas  Willis ) 

■  Eichard  Willis -  130 

(Hope  Willis ) 

James  Pine 92 

Isaac  Jarmau 436 

.Tohn  Tredwell 109 

Thomas  Bercer 26 

Joseph  Eobinson  124 




April  6,  1697, 


Eobiuson,  Jolin 

Feb.  18,  1712-13,  Paishmore,  John 

May  3,  1705,  Euslimore,  Thomas 

April  12,  1701,  Enshmore,  Thomas 

Aug.  4,  1680,  Enshmore,  Thomas 

Dec.  31,  1607, 
Oct.  22,  1709, 
Oct.  15,  1709, 
Oct.  22,  1709, 
Oct.  22.  1709, 
Jan.  30,  1700, 

Oct.  27,  1697, 
May  9,  1711, 
Jan.  3,  1714-15, 
May  23,   1706, 
April  16,  1686, 
April  26,  1067, 
May  1,  1682, 
Feb.  26,  1711-12, 
Jan.  7,  1700, 
Ang.  10,  1699, 
March  30,  1687, 
Oct.  5,  1685, 
Nov.  28,  1688, 
Jan.  31,  1708-9, 
March  12,  1702, 
June  n,  1690, 
June  22,  1708, 
April  16,  1683, 
Jan.  7,  1688-9, 
April  22,  1701, 
June  25, 1683, 
Feb!  0,  168-, 

March  25,  1707, 

Scuyler,  Phillip 

Seaman,  David 

Seaman,  David 

Seaman,  David 

Seaman,  John 

Seaman,  Eichard 

Simcin,  Ezekiel 

Sipley,  John 

Smith.   Abel 

Smith,  Abel 

Smith.  Abel 

Smith,  Abraham 

Smith,  Abraham 

Smith,  Abraham 

Smith,  Isaac 

Smith,  Jeremiah 

Smith,  Jeremiah 

Smith,  John,  Eoek 

Smith,  Jonathan 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr. 

Smith,  Joseph 

Smith,  Eichard 

Smith,  Samuel 

Smith,  Thomas 

Smith,  William 

Smith,  William 


Smith,  William 

Smith,  William 

Southerd,  Abraham  > 
Southerd,  Isaac  > 

April  13,  1698,        SouthAvard,  Thomas 

Feb.  12,  1656, 
Aug.  20,  1694, 
Nov.  4,  1692, 
March  10.  1687, 
May  21,  1681, 

Southward,  Thomas 
Spragg,  Edward 
Spragg,  Edward 
Spragg,  Edward 
Spragg,  Edward 


Jane  Eobinson 124 

Isaac  Jarman 449 

Henry  Allen 267 

David  Jacocks 273 

Moses  Mudge 25 

Joseph  Place 171 

Caleb  Seaman 356 

John  Seaman 354 

Jonathan  Seaman,  Jr. . .  365 
Jonathan  Seaman,  Jr. . .  363 

Eichard  Townsend 187 

William  Smith 206 

James  Pine 167 

Henry  Allen 425 

Thomas  Baiker 473 

D  ennis  Wright 352 

Thomas  Southward 159 

Thomas  Southward 133 

John  Tredwell 70 

David  Bedle 441 

Samuel  Denton 216 

Samuel  Totten 1 58 

Jonathan    Smith 44 

William  Wetherbe 6 

Ephraim  Golding 33 

William  Pine 337 

Daniel  Bedle 238 

Joseph  Williams 253 

Abraham  Southard ......  339 

Barunet  Egbertson 75 

Flowers  Giuuins 32 

Ezekiel  Simcin 205 

Henrv  Ma\le 73 

John  Weascot 10 

William  Totten 470 

(John  Southward. . . .  ) 
Abraham  Southward       466 
(Isaac  Southward         ) 

Daniel  TiMiitehead 235 

Thomas  Barker 329 

Benjamin  Carman 136 

Benjamin  Seaman 69 

Joseph  Thurstou 81 




June  25,  1085, 
Jau.  7,  1087, 
Feb.  28,  1700, 

Jan.  2,  10!)8-!), 

April  3,  1085, 
Feb.  22,  1705, 
Jan.  25,  170!)- 10, 

Nov.  20,  1710, 

April  18,  105!), 

Ma>  2,  1701, 
Jan.  1,  1088, 
Deo.  22,  1098, 
Sep.  10,  1(;!)8, 
Feb.  28,  1701-2, 
Feb.  25,  1701, 
Marcli  18,  1091-2, 

Tnlv  oQ    171Q  Totten,  Peter 

July  ..8,  171d,  TntiP.n     Pptfti 

June  3,  1085, 
March  0,  1702-3, 
May  25,  1703, 
May  2,  1702, 
Nov.  17,  1088, 

Jau.  12,  1712, 

Marcli  9,  1687-8, 

Jau.  30,  1710, 

Sep.  9,  1700, 
Aug.  7,  1700, 
Sep.  21,  1080, 
Dec.  29,  1701, 
Sep.  28,  1087, 
Dec.  10,  1700, 
Marcli  3,  1700, 
Aug.  0,  1709, 
Aug.  20,  10!)7, 


Spragg,  Edward 
Spragg,  Edward 
Stits,  Henry 
Stits,  John  '   > 

Stits,  Kichard  ) 

Stits,  Richard 
Stits,  William 
Stits,  William 

Stits,    William 

Sturgis,  John 

Thickstone,  William 
Thiekstone,  William 
Tliorne,  Richard 
Thorne,  William 
Titus,  Edmund 
Titus,  Peter 
Titus,  Samuel 

Totten,  Peter,  Jr.      v 

Totten,  Peter 
Totten,  Richard 
Totten,  Richard 
Totten,  Richard 
Townsend,  John 

Thomas  Hicks         ") 

Treadwell,  John  { 

John  Jackson  ( 

William  Nicoll        J 

Tredwell,  John 

Thomas  Hicks  "] 

Tredwell,  John  | 

John  Jackson  [ 

William  Nicoll  J 



















Feb.  19,  1704,         Valentine,  Richard 


Richard  Totten 88 

Moses  Emorie 39 

William  Stits 374 

William  Stits 373 

William  Lee 84 

Joseph  Halstead 286 

William  Willis 405 

•  Jeremiah  Smith,  Jr.)     .^r. 
(John  Cornwell,  Jr. . )         ' 

Thomas   Rushmore 209 

Joseiih  Williams 251 

Thomas  Martin 49 

Henry  Allen 148 

Samuel  Denton 143 

Peter  Titus 376 

James  Denton 228 

Thomas  Martin 57 

(William  Totten ) 

Benjamin  Totten...       471 

(Jasper  Totten ) 

Richard  Totten 89 

William  Totten 435 

William  Totten 237 

Benjamin  Totten 240 

Hope  Willis 102 

John  Monf ort 453 

Edmund  Titus 38 

Thomasiu  Williams....   395 

Joseph  Mott 1!)8 

Joseph  Mott 200 

Thomas  Martin 94 

Ezekiel  Simcins 217 

John  Twedwell 108 

Thomas  Cheeseman 209 

Abraham  Denton 278 

Richard  Valentine,  Jr..  350 

Obadiah  Valentine 179 

(William  Valentine. . )     ,qo 
"(.Rich'd Valentine, Jr.;    ^^"^ 




April  15,  16S6, 
March  31,  1712, 

May  11,  1687, 

June  18,  1685, 
Feb.  12,  1656, 
May  16,  1699, 
Aug.  23,  1704, 
April  30,  1671, 
May  27,  1696. 
May  27,  1696, 
Jan.  5,  1696-7, 
Jan.  5,  1696-7, 

Oct   18,  1711, 

Oct.  20,  1706, 
Feb.  19,  1688-9. 
Jan.  7,  1697, 

Oct.  18,  1711, 

Marcli  25,  1706, 
March  25,  1706, 
Oct.  9,  1710, 
Xov.  2,  170.3, 
Oct.  4,  1698, 
Dec.  3,  1706, 
Oct.  5,  1698, 

Sep.  4,  1686, 
March  5,  1657. 
May  5,  1684, 
May  5,  1670, 


Tan  Laree,  Andi-as       Thomas  Higham 140 

Van  Wyck,    Theodor-  Olartiu  Wilson »  ^^^^ 

ous  (Derrick  De  Mott. ...  I 

TT  ,T     rp,                          CSamuel  Tiller >  .j^. 

Walks,  Thomas               -  ^^1^^^,  ^yiigoj, ,  ^0 

Wetherbe,  William       Henry  Maile 6 

Whitehead,  Daniel       Thomas  Southward 235 

Whitehead,  Jonathan  Joseph  Please 177 

Williams,  Benjamin     Samuel  Denton 258 

Williams,  John              John  Chew 65 

Williams,  John              Benjamin  Williams.    ...  279 

Williams,  John              Joseph  Williams 255 

Williams,  Joseph           James  Denton 227 

Williams,  Samuel         James  Denton 225 

Thos.  Gildersleeve) 

Williams,  Samuel        -  Joseph  Wood 431 

William  Willis        ) 

Williams,  Thomas        James  Pine 306 

Willis.  Mary                  Hope  Willis 65 

Willis,  Thomas              John  Pine 135 

Thos.  Giklersleeve  ) 

Willis,  William              Joseph  Wood 431 

Samuel  Williams     ) 

Willits,  Mary                 Joshua  Barns 344 

Willits,  Joseph              Joshua  Barns 341 

Willits,  Thomas            Amos  Willits 397 

Wood,  Jeremiah            .Tohn  Baldwin 284 

Wood,  Jeremiah            Jonas  Wood 153 

Wood,  Jeremiah,  Jr.    Joseph  Wood 308 

Wood,  Jonas                  Jonathan  Smith,  Jr 154 

Yeates,  William            Joseph  Langdon 99 

Yeates,  William            Thomas  Rushmore 271 

Yeates,  William            Thomas  Rushmore 272 

Yeates,  William            John  Tredwell 68 

INDEX  OF   DEEDS-Qrantees. 


May  10,  1701, 
June  26,  1685, 
Feb.  1,  1682-3, 
April  4,  1710, 
Mav  11,  1706, 


Alibett,  James 
Abrahams,  Charles 
Alburtis,  After 
Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 


John  Jackson 213 

Thomas  Ireland 86 

Adam  Mott 72 

John  Carman 381 

John  Combs 347 




Jan.   23,  170'J, 

April  1,  170(i, 

April  4,  1710, 
May  23,  1711, 
April  31,  1705, 
May  3,  1705, 
May  !),  1711, 
Dec.  22,  1098, 

Aug.  4,  1G68, 
March  1,  1708-4, 
Nov.  2,  1708, 
Nov.  17,  1(;!)4, 
April  8,  1708, 
Aug.  13,  1094, 
Jan.  8,  1714-15, 
Aug.  20,  1094, 
Mar.  10,  1718-14, 
May  18,  1714, 
Feb.  0,  1084-5, 
Marcli  35,  1700, 
March  25,  1700, 
April  21,  1092, 

Feb.  15,  1718-14, 

Feb.  15,  1718-14 

April  8,  1697, 
March  13,  1702, 
Juue  9,  1712, 
Feb.  26,  1711-12, 
April  7,  1687, 
Feb.  23,  1686-7, 
April  14,  1685, 
Sep.  1,  1081, 
Feb.  20,  1090, 
Feb.  20,  1698, 


Allen,  Henr}' 

Allen,  Henry 

Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 
Allen,  Henry 

Baldwin,  Cleoi'ge 

Baldwin,  John 

Baldwin,  John 

Bank,  Thomas 

Barker,  Thoinas 

Barker,  Thomas 

Barker,  Thomas 

Barker,  Thomas 

Barker,  Thomas,  Jr 

Barker,  William  _■ 

Barns,  Cornelius 

Barns,  Joshua 

Barns,  Joshua 

Beans,  William 

Bedell,  Abraham 
Bedell,  Daniel,  Jr. 
Bedell,  Richard 

Bedell,  David 
Bedell,  Jeremiah 
Bedell,  Joseph 
Bedell,  Thomas 

Bedell,  Robert,  Jr 

Bedele,  Daniel 

Bedle,  David 

Bedle,  David 

Bedle,  John 

Bedle,  Robert 

Bedle,  Robert 

Bedle,  Robert,  Jr.. 

Bercer,  Thomas 

Birdsell,  Benjamin 

July  18,  1709,         Birdsell,  Benjamin 

Aug.  6,  169-,  Carle,  John 


■    Richard  Coml)s 401 

< Richard   Ellison »     ...^ 

(Thomas  Ellison  ....)"    '^^^ 
Thomas  Gildersleeve. . .   383 

Robert  Hubbs 437 

David  Jacocks 274 

Thomas  Rushmore 267 

Abel  Smith 425 

Richard  Thome 148 

John  Ellison 116 

Richard  Gildersleeve...  280 

Jeremiah  Wood 284 

Benjamin  Haviland 881 

Joshua  Carman 335 

Thomas  Daniels 328 

Abel  Smith 478 

Edward  Spragg 839 

,   James  Pine,  Jr 463 

Timothy  Halsted 459 

Elias  Dorland 76 

Mary  Willits 344 

Joseph  Willits 341 

Joseph  Pettit 337 

Daniel  Bedell 477 



j  Daniel  Bedell 478 



Robert  Bedell 383 

Richard  Smith 338 

Daniel,  Bedele 439 

Isaac  Smith 441 

Robert  Bedle 305 

Lawrence  Ellison 107 

Thomas  Higham 79 

Robert  Bedle 77 

Samuel  Raynor 26 

Thomas  Ireland 155 

(Adam  Mott ) 

William  Nicoll •    360 

(Andrew  Gibb ) 

(Timothy  Carle \     ^gfj 

\ Joseph  Carle > 




June  4,  170(), 
Juue  3,  1698, 
Nov.  4,  1692, 
Marcli  12,  1665-6, 
Dec.  7,  1660, 
Nov.  30,  1703, 
March  23,  1708, 

Oct.  21,  nrs, 

Dee.  16,  1700, 
April  30,  1671, 
Mai-cli  11,  1706, 

Nov.  26,   1710, 

Feb.  16,  1685, 
Feb.  10,  1687-8, 
Marcli  31,  1712-13, 

Marcli  31,  1712, 

March  3,  1700, 
Dec.  16,   1710, 
Dec.  16,  1710, 
Feb.  25,   1701, 
Jan.  5,  1696-7, 
Jan.  5,  1696-7, 
Jan.  7,  1700, 
Sep.  10,  1698, 
Aug.  23,  1704, 
May  28,  1689, 
Sep.  19,  1688, 

Sep.  29,  1705, 

Jan.  6,  1684, 

March  28,  1686, 
Nov.  24,  1678, 
May  5,  1699, 
May  30,  1713, 

Nov.  22,  1687, 
Feb.  3,  1684-5, 
April  16,  1683, 
Oct.  19,  1663, 
April  22,  1707, 
April  22,  1707, 


Carle,  John    • 
Carman,  Benjamin 
Carman,  Benjamin 
Carman,  John 
Carpenter,  John 
Cheesemau,  Thomas 
Cheeseman,  Thomas 
Cheeseman,  Thomas 
Cheeseman,  Thomas 
Chew,  John 
Comes,  John 
Coruwell,  John,  Jr..> 
Jeremiah  Smith,  Jr,  j 

Davis,  William 

Demerie,  Nicholas 

De  Mott,  Derrick 

De  Mott,  Der-iek       > 
Martin  Wilson         » 

Denton,  Abraham 

Denton,  Abram 

Denton,  James 

Denton,  James 

Denton,  James 

Denton,  James 

Denton,  Samuel 

Denton,  Samuel 

Denton,  Samuel 

Denton.  Samuel,  Jr., 

Dinge,  Christopher 

Dinge,  Christopher 

Dosenborah,    Hen 

drick,  Jr., 
Durland,  Elias 
Durlaud,  Elias 
Dusenboiough,  John 
Dusenborow,  John 

Egbertson,  Barnat 
Egbertson,  Barnnet 
Egbertson.  Barnnet 
Ellison,  Eichard 
Ellison,  Eichard 
Ellison,  Thomas 


Timothy  Carle 302 

John  Carman 140 

Edward  Spragg 136 

Eichard  Lattin 139 

John  Carman 97 

Hendrick  Auton 367 

George  Pearsall 368 

Nathaniel  Pearsall. .....  415 

Eichard  Valentine 209 

John  Williams 65 

Thomas  Comes 300 

William  Stits 417 

Joseph  Jennings 4 

Peter  Johnson 63 

Mai-y  Cornell 485 

Theodorous  Van  Wyck..  4!ll 

Eichard  Valentine 278 

Samuel  Denton 392 

Samuel  Denton 390 

Peter  Titus   228 

Joseph  Williams 227 

Samuel  Williams 225 

Jeremiah  Smith 216 

William  Thome 143 

Benjamin  Williams 258 

Thomas  Ellison 43 

Harmau,   Hendricks ....  34 

(Adam  Mott ) 

William  Nichol 457 

(Andrew  Gibb ) 

John  Jackson 48 

Thomas  Higham 141 

Peter  Johnson   141 

John  Linington 400 

Henry  Dusenborow 269 

Eichard  Gildersleeve. . .     31 

William  Alburtis 76 

William  Smith 75 

Eobert  Ashman. .......  387 

Thomas  Ellison 377 

Eichard  Ellison 377 




June  !),  1708, 

Dee.  18,  1(161, 
March  12,  1U87, 
Jan.  7,  1()87, 

June  (J,  1G85, 

Mareb  !),  10'.)8-4, 

June  5,  1()85, 
Oct.  21,  1685, 

July  18,  1670, 
March  26,  1658, 
May  2,  1704, 
Jan.  7,  1688-!), 
Nov.  28,  1688, 

Feb.  22,  1705, 
May  13,  1714, 
May  26,  1694, 
Aug.  1,  1685, 
April  15,  1686, 
Feb.  21,  1690, 

Dec.  15,  1701, 


Ellison,  Tbonias         » 
Kicluud  Townsend i 
Ellison,  Thomas 
Euiore,  Moses 
Eniorrie,  Moses 

Foster,  John 

Foster,  John 

Foster^  Thomas^^cc. 
Frost,  William 

(xiklersleeve,  Richard 
Gildersleeve,  Eichard 
(xildersleeve,  Thomas 
(xinnins,  Flowres 
Golding,  Ephraim 

Halstead,  Joseph 
Halstead,  Timothj' 
Haviland,  Benjamin 
Higham,  Thomas 
Higham,  Thomas 
Hole,  Benjamin 

Jackson,  John 

Feb.  15,  1687,         Jackson,  Robert 

Nov.  9,  1700, 
April  12,  1701, 
May  24,  1712, 
Feb.  18,  1712-18, 
8ep.  3,  1701, 

March  6,  1705, 

March  (i,  1705-6, 

Sep.  4,  1086, 
Oct.  30,  1701, 
Oct.  30,  1701, 
April  30,  1685, 
April  3,  1685, 
May  29,  1691, 

Jan.  18,  1685, 
July  25,  1088, 
Jan.  1,  1688, 

Jacocks,  David 
Jacocks,  David 
Jarman,  Isaac 
Jarman,  Isaac 
Johnson,   Harman 

Langdon,  John 
Langdon,  John  > 

Langdon,  Samuel      » 

Langdon,  Josei)h 
Lee,  John 
Lee,  Joseph 
Lee,  William 
Lee,  William 
Lines,  William 

Maile,  Henry 
Martin,  Thomas 
Martin,  Thomas 


(Richard  Ellison >  oor 

(Francis  Nicholls. . ..  >"  '^^'^ 

George  Mills 372 

Thomas  Ireland 35 

Edward  Spragg 39 

Thomas  Foster 82 

(Susan  Frost ) 

Isaac  Frost 126 

(John  Hendrick ) 

Joseph  Pettit 81*^ 

Moses  Mudge 26 

Adam  Mott 83 

Nathaniel  Denton 313 

Richard  Gildersleeve.. . .  265 

William  Smith 32 

Jonathan  Smith,  Jr   33 

William  Stits 286 

Thomas  Barker 461 

William  Beans 380 

Richard  Gildersleeve,  Jr.  85 

Audras  Van  Laree 140 

Thomas  Bercer 27 

Michael  Belling 249 

(George  Hewlett ) 

-  John  Smith • ■  107 

(Daniel  Betlle ) 

Thomas  Jacocks 304 

Thomas  Rushmore 273 

Samuel  Pine 480 

John   Rushmore 449 

Robert  Marvin 211 

Joseph  Langdon 475 

Josei>h  Langdon 476 

William  Yates 99 

Thomas  Lee 223 

Thomas  Lee 220 

John  Johnson 80 

Richard  Stites 84 

Richard  Osborn 58 

William  Wetherbe 6 

Thomas  Ellison 233 

William  Thickstone. . . .  49 




Marcli  18,  1691- 
Sep.  21,  1686, 
June  25,  1688, 
Jan.  5,  1682, 


Martin,  Thomas 
Martin,  Thomas 
Maj'le,  Henrj' 
Miuthorne,  Richard 

Jan.  12,  1712,         Monfort,  John 

Jan.  26,  1692, 
July  18,  1670, 
Nov.  5,  1691, 
June  lo,  1713, 
14,  1696, 

Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam 
Mott,  Adam,  Jr.. 
Mott,  Adam,  Jr., 
Mott,  Joseph 

Feb.  23,  1705,         Mott,  Joseph 

Nov.  5,  1691, 
Jan.  26,  1692, 
Sep.  9,  1700, 
Aug.  7,  1700, 
Jul3^  14,  1690, 
Aug.  4,  1680, 

July  15,  1709, 

Nov.  9,  1699, 

Mott,  Joseph 
Mott,  Joseph 
Mott,  Joseph 
Mott,  Joseph 
Mott,  Joseph 
Mudge,  Moses 

Nicolls,  Francis 

Osborn,  Eichard 

June  8,  1716,  Pearsall,  John 

June  7,  1698, 
Oct.  27,  1697, 
Oct.  20,  1706, 
Jan.  7,  1697, 
May  23,  1688, 
Sep.  2,  1689, 
Jan.  31,  1708-9, 
Nov.  14,  1699, 
Oct.  26,  1697, 
Dec.  31,  1697, 
May  16,  1699, 

April  6,  1697, 
April  6,  1697, 
April  5,  1709, 
Jan.  2,  1691, 
April  18,  1659, 
March  5,  1657, 
May  5,  1684, 

Pine,  Benjamin 
Pine,  James 
Pine,  James 
Pine,  John 
Pine,  Nathaniel 
Pine,  Samuel 
Pine,  AVilliam 
Please,  Joseph 
Please,  Joseph 
Please,  Joseph 
Please,  Joseph 

Robinson,  Jane 
Robinson,  Joseph 
Rushmore,  John 
Rushraore,  Thomas 
Rushmore,  Thomas 
Rushmore,  Thomas 
Rushmore,  Thomas 


Samuel  Titus 57 

Jonas  Valentine 94 

William  Smith 73 

Robert  Bedle 239 

fThomas  Hicks ] 

I  John  Jackson 1     ,^., 

!  JohnTredwell (    ^'^^ 

^William  Nicols J 

Joseph  Mott 53 

Richard  Gilder slee ve. . .     83 

Elizabeth  Hubs 55 

Adam  Mott 482 

Timothy  Halstead,  Jr  . .   301 

(William  Nicoll 1 

Adam  Mott ;    288 

( Andrew  Gibb J 

Adam  Mott 51 

Adam  Mott 52 

Ephraim  Valentine 198 

Ephraim  Valentine 200 

James  Mott 47 

Thomas  Rushmore 25 

Benjamin  Burdsell 412 

Thomas  Ellison,  Jr 420 

<Elias  Dorlon >      , 

(Miriam  Dorlou. . .    .> 

John  Pine 165 

John  Sipley 167 

Thomas  Williams 306 

Thomas  Willis 135 

James  Pine  92 

Thamasen  Ellison 456 

Joseph  Smith 337 

Joseph  Doughty 173 

Simon  Jermau 1 75 

Phillip  Scuyler 171 

Joiiuthiin  Whitehead 177 

John  Robinson 124 

John  Robinson 124 

Henry  Allen 253 

Jonah  F(n-dham 379 

John  Sturgis 369 

William  Yates 271 

William  Yates 272 




May  C,  lOyf), 
IMavch  10,  1(;S7, 
Oct.  22,  170!>, 
Oct.  15,  1709, 
Oct.  23,  170!), 
Oct.  22,  170t», 




Oct.  !l,  1703, 

May  1,  1713, 
April  22,  1701, 
April  22,  1701, 
Dec.  3!),  1701, 
March  21,  1698, 
Nov.  18,  1686, 
April  5,  1697, 
May  26,  1712, 
7,  1700, 

Nov.  26,  1710, 

Juue  9,  1687, 

Dec.  12,  1687, 

Marcli  30,  1687, 
Feb.  15,  1682, 
March  30,  1687, 
Feb.  1.5,  1688, 
Oct.  5,  1698, 
Jan.  23,  1682-3, 
June  20,  1682, 
Oct.  22,  1697, 

April  13,  1698, 

May  1,  1688, 
May  15,  1695, 
April  26,  1667, 
April  16,  1()86, 
Feb.  12,  16.56, 
July  16,  1685, 

Jan.  2,  1698-9, 

Feb.  28,  1700, 
June  23,  1708, 


Sands,  John 
Heamau,  Benjauiiu 
Seaman,  Caleb 
Seaman,  John 
Seaman,  Jonathan,  Jr. 
Seaman,  Jonathan,. Tr. 
Searing-,  John 

Searing,  John 

Searing,  Simon 
Simcins,  Ezekiel 
Simcins,  Ezekiel 
Simcins,  Ezekiel 
Smith,  Abraham 
Smith,  Abraham 
Smith,  Abi'aham 
Smith,  Ezekiel 
Smith,  Isaac 

Smith,  Jeremiah 

John  Cornwell,  Jr. 
Smith,  John 

Smith,  Jonathan 

Smith,  Jonathan 
Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr. 
Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr. 
Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr. 
Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr. 
Smith,  William 
Smith,  William 
Smith,  William 
Smith,  William 
Southward,  Abraham") 
Southward,  Isaac        ]■ 
Southward,  John        J 
Southward,  Thomas 
Southward,   Thomas 
Southward,   Thomas 
Southward,   Thomas 
Southward,  Thoma^i 
Starr,  Josias 

Stits,  William 

Stits,  William 
Suthard,  Abraham 


Benjamin  Burtsell 129 

Edward  Spragg 69 

David  Seaman 356 

David  Seaman 354 

David  Seaman 365 

John  Seaman 363 

John  Jackson 244 

(John  Jackson >     .,  ,^ 

"(James  Jackson   . . .  .\     '^  '^ 

JohnMott 452 

David  Jacocks 196 

William  Smith 205 

Nathan  Valentine 317 

Joseph  Baldin 190 

John  Carpenter 98 

David  Jacocks 145 

Adam  Mott 438 

Thomas  Jacocks 191 

^-  William  Stits 417 

Robert  Coe 35 

(Thomas  Hicks >       .^ 

"(Mary   Hicks >       *^ 

John  Smith,  Kock 44 

Frances  Champion 40 

Eichard  Gildersleeve. . .  45 

Joshua  Jecocks 50 

Jonas  Wood 154 

Thomas  Ellison 74 

Henry  Linnington 71 

John  Lininton 303 

Ezekiel  Simcin 206 

Thomas  Southward 466 

Joseph  Baldwin 36 

Richard   Cornwell 121 

Abraham  Smith 133 

Abraham  Smith 159 

Daniel   Whitehead 235 

Charles  Al)rahams 87 

( John  Stits )     .3-..J 

"(Richard  Stits >     '^^'^ 

Henry  Stits 374 

Thomas  Smith 339 




May  :31,  KiHl, 

May  11,  1G8T, 

May  29,  1683, 
Marcli  !),  1087-8, 
Feb.  28,  1701-2, 
Feb.  21,  1810-11, 
May  2,  1702, 

July  28,  1713, 

Juue  25,  1(585, 
June  3,  1685, 
Aug.  10,  1699, 

Marcli  25,  1707, 

Marcli  (i,  1702-3, 
May  25,  1703, 

Juue  9,  1708, 

Jan.  30,  1700, 

March  18,  1686, 

May  9,  1671, 
Nov.  16,  1683, 
June  6,  1687, 
Jan.  15,  1686, 
Jan.  18,  1686, 
May  1,  1682, 
Sep.  28,  1687, 
May  5,  1670, 

April  14,  1699, 
Aug.  20,  1697. 
April  20,  1699, 
A])ril  1,  1686, 
Aug.  6,  1709, 

Feb.  19,  1704, 

Dec.  26,   1705, 
Dec.  26,   1705, 

Feb.  6,  168-, 
Oct.  5,  1G85, 
Feb.  12,  1656, 
May  27,  1696, 


Tliurston,  Joseph 

Tiller,  Samuel 
William  Wilson 

Titus,  Edmund 
Titus,  Edmund 
Titus,  Peter 
Titus,  Samuel 
Totten,  Benjamin 
Totten,  Benjamin 
Totten,  Jasper 
Totten,  William 

Totten,  Richard 
Totten,  Eichard 
Totten,  Samuel 

Totten,  William 

Totten,  William 
Totten,  William 
ToAvnsend,  Eichard 

Thomas  Ellison 
Townsend,  Richard 

Tredwell,  John 



Valentine,  Obadiah 
Valentine,  Obadiah 
Valentine,  Richard 
Valentine,  Richard 
Valentine,  Rich'd,  Jr 

Valentine,    Richard, 

\alentine,  William 
Vengerraw,  Peter 
Vergeraw,  Peter 

Weascot,  John 
Wetherbe,  William 
Whitehead,  Daniel 
Williams,  Benjamin 


Edward  Spragg 81 

Thomas  Wallis 30 

William  Jecocks  37 

John  Tredwell 38 

Edmund  Titus '376 

Francis  Xlcolls 414 

Richard  Totten 240 

( Peter  Totten )  ,  ^. 

(Peter  Totten,  Jr....)"  *'^ 

Edward  Spragg 88 

Peter  Totten 89 

Jeremiah  Smith 158 

(  Abraham  Southerd .  >  ,  ,>,, 

"( Isaac  Southerd i  ' 

Richard  Totten 435 

Richard  Totten 237 

<  Richard  Ellison )  .,q^ 

(Francis  iSicolls. . . .    )  *^^'^ 

Richard  Seaman 187 

•  John  Carman )  . . ., 

(Caleb  Carman » 

John  Chew 66 

Thomas  Ellison 112 

Thomas  Hicks Ill 

Thomas  Hicks 117 

Samuel  Rainer 109 

Abraham  Smith 70 

Obadiah  Valentine 108 

William  Yeates 68 

Thomas  Gildersleeve. ...  181 

Richard  Valentine 179 

Richard  Gildersleeve. . ..  169 

Timothy  Halstead 184 

Richard  Valentine 350 

Richard  Valentine 483 

John  Baldwin 285 

John  Baldwin 282 

William  Smith 10 

Jonathan  Smith 5 

Thomas  Southward 235 

John  Williams  279 



May  2,  1701, 
June  11,  l(i!)0, 
May  27,   Ui'X,, 
Oct.  20,  17()(!, 


Williams,  Joseph 
Williiuns,  Josejili 
Wiiliiuiis,  Joseph 
Williams,  Thomas 

Jan.  ;30,  1710,  Williams,  Thomasin 

Dec.  ;j,  1(;7(>, 
Nov.  17,  KJH.S, 
Feb.  1!»,  KiSS-i), 

March  11,  1094-5, 

Nov.  2,  1710, 
June  22,  1702, 
A  1)1-11  27,  1710, 
Jan.  2.'5,  1709-10, 
Oct.  9,  1710, 
March  21,  1712-18, 

March  31,  1712, 

May  11,  1G87, 

May  22,  1700, 
April  1,  1099, 
June  1,  1097, 
Aug.  9,  1074, 
Oct.  4,  1098, 

Oct.  18,   1711, 

Dec.  S,  1700, 

Willis,  Mary 
Willis,  Hope 
Willis,  Hope 
Willis,  Hope  ) 

Willis,  Eichard  ) 

Willis,  Thomas  J 

Willis,  William 
Willis,  William 
Willis,  William 
W^illis,  William 
Willitts,  Amos 
Willson,  Martin, 
Wilson,  Martin  ) 

Derrick  De  Mott    i 

Wilson,  William         ) 
Samuel  Tiller  ) 

Wright,    Dennis 

Wood,  Jeremiah 

Wood,  Jeremiah 

Wood,  Jeremiah,  Jr., 

Wood,  Jonas 

Wood,  Joseph 

Wood,  Joseph 


William  Thickston 251 

Samuel   Smith 258 

John  Williams 255 

James  Pine 811 

f  Thomas  Hicks ] 

I  John  -Jackson I  .„  ^ 

:  John  Trcdwell j  "•''' 

I  William  Nicoll I 

John  Beats 04 

John  Townsend 102 

Mary  Willis 05 

John  Pine 180 

Jolm  Davis 409 

Henry  Franklin 402 

Thomas  Jecocks 400 

William  Stits 405 

Thomas  Willits 897 

Mary  Cornell 498 

Theodorous  Van  Wyck.  491 

Thomas  Wallis 30 

Abel  Smith 852 

Charles  Abrahams 192 

Eobert  Bedle,  Jr 198 

Richard  Gildersleeve. . ..  194 

Jeremiah  Wood 158 

fTho's.    Gildersleeve  1 

;  Samuel  Williams....  ;    481 

[William  Willis J 

Jeremiah  Wood,  Jr  ....  808 



Abraham,  John 157 

Abrahams,  Charles 80,  87,  88,  1 18,  110,  192,  198 

Abrahams,  Sarah 88,  198 

Abitt,  James 199,  214,  215 

Abromt,  Frank 141 

After,  Robert 188 

Albertsou,  Derrick 81 

Alburtis,  Adrian • 821 

540  INDEX. 


Alburtis,  After 72,  74,  77 

Alburtis,  Josepli 207,  284 

Alburtis,  William 76,  77 

Alklerdice,  Jolin 142 

Alleu,    Henry 149, 

211,    219,    253,    2G7,    2(i8,    274,    287,    325,    347,    348,    349,  359,  381, 
382,    383,    384,    385,    402,    423,    424,    425,    42G,    427,    428,    429,    469 

Alleu,  Tliomas 222,  223 

Alleu,  Tliomas,  Jr 222 

Alexander,  William 335 

Allin   George 345,  346 

Allin,  John 49 

■ Allison,  Benjamin 222 

— V  Allison,  John 222 

Ashley,  John 202 

Ashman,  John 66,  388,  402 

Ashman,  Robert 387,  389 

A-^     Anton,  Hendriek 367,  368 

Bacar,  Thomas 261 

Basrly,  Elias ^, 492 

^ Baldin,  Joseph . H-  yjXirM.^.  .U.O 110,  190,  191 

Balme,  Nicholas Q. 77 

Bal}',  Elias 486,  494 

Bank,  Thomas 331 

Barcar,  Thomas 59,  459 

Barcar,  Thomas,  Jr 463,  464,  465 

Barcar,  William 459,  460 

Barcer,   Catharine '. 28 

Bargur,  George 202 

Barkear,  Thomas 827,  328 

Barker,  Thomas 326,  329,  461,  462,  463,  473,  474  >  'b'^'i 

Barker,  Thomas,  Jr 474 

Barker,  William 380 

Barnes,  Cornelius 76 

Barns,   Hendriek 226 

Barns,  Johauas .    309 

Barns,   John 186.  226 

-Barns,  Joshua 189,  243,  341,  342,  343,  344 

Barns,  Joshua,  Jr 189 

Bate,  James .  ^  -.-tt--^.^^^'. 274,  447 

Bate,  John 162,  163 

Bats,  John 461 

Baylis,  Samuel 401,  402     ' 

Beadle,  David - 247 

INDEX.  541 


Beadle,  Jeremiah 247 

Beadle,  John 895 

Beadle,  John,  Jr 145 

Beagle,  llobert ;I72 

Beans,  William 327,  ;^30 

Beat,  John Ill 

Beat,  Solomon 248 

Beate,  James 87,  3!),  81,  100,  275 

Beats,  George  205,  282,  323,  324 

Beats,  James 114 

Beats,  John '. (14,    l(i4 

Beats,  Joseph 128 

Beedel,  Daniel,  Jr _ 282 

Bedall,   John 88 

Bedall,  Robert 87 

Bedele,   Daniel '305,  43!»,  440 

Bedele,  David 440,  441,  442 

Bedele,  Job 260 

Bedele,  John 305 

Bedele,  Robert 305,  334 

Bedell,  Abraham 477 

Bedell,  Daniel 477 

Bedell,  Daniel,  Jr 477 

Bedell,  James,  Jr 317 

Bedell,  Jeremiah 491 

Bedell,  Joel 337 

Bedell,  John 222 

Bedell,  Joseph 222 

Bedell,  Matthew 11,     12 

Bedell,   Richard 477 

Bedell,  Robert 333 

Bedell,  Robert,  Jr 333 

Bedell,  Thomas 235 

Bedle,  Daniel 15 

57,    59,    100,    107,    110,    121,     132,     133,     172,     194,    239,    478,  479 

Bedle,  Daniel,  Jr 478 

Bedle,  David 479 

Bedle,  Jeremiah 479 

Bedle,  John 110,  114,  132,  102 

Bedle,  Joseph 231,  479 

Bedle,  Richard 257 

Bedle,   Robert 77 

78,    79,   88,    100,    107,    110,    122,    132,    138,   289,    240,    291,   300,   322 

Bedle,  Robert,  Jr 78,  193,  194 

Bedle,  Samuel 281 

542  INDEX. 


Bedle,  Tliomas 479 

Begles,  Goodmau 113 

Beldiue,  Ezekiel I'^B 

Bell,  Samuel 26 

Bellang,  Michael 20,  249,  250 

Bengs,  William 331 

Bercer,   Tliomas 26,  27,     28 

Berian,  Peter 372 

Bertos,  James 122 

Bei-tsell,  Benjamin 110,  129,  130,  156,  157 

Betes,  Joliu 65 

Biehuv),  Walter 43 

Bishopp,  Walter 99 

Boldiu,  Ellen 37 

Boldin,  Ezekiel. 255 

Boldin,  George 106,  108,  110,  116,  117,  195,  U)6,  233.  296,  317 

Boldin,  George,  Jr 196 

Boldin,  Jolin^ ^.: 281,  282,  284,  285,  286 

Boldin,  Joseph 36,     37 

Boldin,  Thomas 126,  234 

Boldin,  Samuel 195,  317 

Bolding,  John 255 

Bonfasses,  James  134 

"Borg,  Jonathan 278 

Borrum,  John 189 

Bortsel,  Benjamin 484 

Bound,  Eoljert 207 

Bom  ue,  Eobert 336 

Boyle,  Robert 242 

Bradshe,  John 34 

Breasons,  Walter 227 

Breuer,  Hendrick 226 

Brewer,  Johanafl" 424 

Briant,  Mary 345 

Broekkely,  Anthony 61 

Brohwers,  Johannes .' 440 

Brown,  Samuel 232,  496 

Bryan,  Alexander 387 

Bryant,  Mary 346 

Burdsall,  Benjamin 360,  361,  362,  412,  413,  414 

Burtas,  James,  Jr 272 

Bartice,  Joseph 147 

Burtis,  John 231 

Biu'tis,  William 77 

Burtsel,  Samuel 247 

INDEX.  543 


Biutsell,  John 2(JG 

Burtsell,  Solomon 110 

Cardalle,  Thoiuas 252,  271,  ;r30 

Cai-el,  Thomas 148 

Carele,  Thomas 304 

Carle,  Jacol) 195 

Carle,  John 50,     00 

94,    111,    11(1,   126,   179,   212,  248,  276,  303,  304,  319,   346,  381,  422 

Carle,  Jonathan ....   195 

Carle,  Joseph 126,  319,  322,  422,  445,  447 

Carle,  Joseph,  Jr 195 

Carle,  Thomas 293 

Carle,  Timothy 126,  302,  303,  304,  321,  322,  C23 

Carle,  Widow '. 75,   106 

Carman,  Capt.  John 310,  319 

Carman,  John 464 

Carman,  Joshna 325 

Carman,  Joshna,  Jv 326 

Carman,  Samnel 306,  312 

Carman,  Thomas 324,  346,  359,  491  - 

Carman,  Benjamin 1 15,   136,   137,   138,   140,   183 

Carman,  Benjamin,  Jr 137,  183 

Carman,  Caleb 20,  38,  59,  113,  114,  138,  183,  184,  278,  442,  483 

Carman,  Caleb,  Jr 238,  434 

Carman,  Captain 248 

Carman,  Deliverance 137,  138 

Carman,  Dinah 137,  183 

Carman,  John 4,  16,  32,  5(),  59,  78,  94,     97 

106,   112,   113,   114,    136,   137,   138,   139,   140,    160,  242,  278,  293,_  382 

Carman,  John,  Jr 114,  UO,  177,  183,  184,  381,  382,"  383 

Carman,  Joseph 138 

Carman,  Mary 137,   183 

Carman,  Richard 187 

Carman,   Eobert 183 

Carman,  Sarah 137,  183 

Caroll,  John 348 

Carpender,  Ephraim 26 

Carpenter,  John 97,     98 

Carpenter,  William 227 

Cessam,  Daniel 232 

Cham))iu,  John UO,  176 

Champin,  Thomas 40,  78,  89,  291 

Champion,  Frances 40,     41 

Champion,  John   41 

544  INDEX. 


Cliampion,  Thomas 93,  423,  425,  426 

Chappell,  Francis 15,  16,  113,  118,   153 

Chatterton,  Micliael 235 

Checke,  Peter 21 

Clisesemau,  Epliraim  251,  298 

Clieeseman,  Eicliard     301 

Cheesemau,  Thomas 115,  209,  210,  367,  368,  369,  370,  415,  410 

Chesman,  Joseph 266 

Chew,  John 65,  66 

Clarcke,  Samuel 185 

Chirk,  John  T ...  288 

Clement,  James 331,  372  ; 

Clement,  James,  Jr 331 

Clement,  J  oseph  199 

Clows,   Samuel 219 

248,    326,    328,    329,    337,    341,    400,    420,    444,    456,    459,    469,  473 

Coacke,  After 188 

Coams,  Richard 345 

Coams,   Thomas 345 

Coe,  Benjamin 40,  293 

Coe,   Jane 25 

Coe,  John 404;  405 

Coe,  Eobert 25 

Cole,  Samuel 26 

Coles,  Benjamin 334 

Coles,  Nathan 310,  319 

Coles,  Nathaniel 232 

Colletts,  George 407 

Cols,  Solomon 278 

Combs,  Daniel 346 

Combs,  Richard 171,  401 

Comes,  Elizabeth 301 

Comes,  John 300,  301,  347,  348 

Comes,   Richard   402 

Comes,  Thomas 300,  301 

Cokolet,  Francis 238 

Coole,  James 342 

Cooper,  Robert 255 

Cooper,  Simon ....    203 

Coovertt,  Abram 142 

Coquillett,  F 450 

Comber}',    Lord 458 

Cornell,  Benjamin 203 

Cornell,  Capt.  Joshua 276 

Cornell,  Edward 486,  495 

1  INDEX.  545 


Cornell,  John 115,  180,  100,  492,- 493 

Cornell,  Mary 48o,  480,  492,  49^,  494,  495  • 

Cornell,  Eieliard,  Jr 196 

Corn.-ll.       iliiiini   48(5,487,494,495 

(  Ornish,   ,  oliu 83 

Coruweil    Caleb 249 

Corn  well,  Capt.  Josliua  257 

Cornwell,    i  dwaid    Ill 

Cornwell,  Jehu Ill,  328 

Cornwell,  John,  J  f 417,  418,  419,  420 

Cornwell,    lushua 325,  347,  353,  385,  424 

Ctr.w   II         ary 459* 

Coruw Jl,      Rh.tid     lUl,  121,  24ij,  b28,  407 

Coinweil,    J  hunias,  .Jr Ill 

Cornwell,  William 138,  215,  324,  348,  349,  383,  385,  455 

Cortelyon,      et^  r 200,  219,  220,  342,  450 

Coitlaiiilt,      bialiain 157 

Cortlaudt,    •  saac 157 

(  oi  tlaudt,  .John 157 

Crow,  (  hvisto|)her 26 

Curtis,     uhu   91,   198 

Daniels,    Thouuxs 328 

Dannian,   .'ohn 77 

Davis,     ohn 409,  410,  411,  412 

Davis,    W  illiaiu   4,. 5,  409,  410,  457 

Deineii  e,  >  icholas 63 

Demott,   Honas 202 

De  Vlotte,    !  derrick 485,  486,  491,  492 

Dene,  Christopher   00,     61 

Denton,  Abraham 278,  279,  392,   393 

Denton,  Daniel   25,  44,  235 

Denton,  Hannah 44 

Denton,  James 00,  225,  220,  227,  228,  229,  325,-  347,  390,  391,  424 

Denton,  James,  Jr 184 

Denton,  .1  onas  243 

Denton,  Joseph   212,  213,  223,  316 

Denton,  Nathaniel 313,  314,  31'i 

Deut.jn,  luchard 75,  110,  128,   16G 

Denton,  Kichard,  Jr 166 

Denton,   Hamuel 17 

21,  22,  00,  70,  91,  99,  100,  105,   110,  111,   121,  142,  143,   144,  191,  210 
212,  216,  217,  225,  228,  232,  258,  259,  278,  390,  391,  392,  393,  394,  445 

Denton,  Samuel,  Jr 43,  44,  105,  116,  207,  212,  234 

De.daud,  Ellas 141,  143 

546  rsTDEX. 


Derlon,  Charles 260 

Desenlnik,   Henry 138 

Dickason,  Samuel 466 

Dickson,  Samuel 334 

Dinge,  Cliristoplier 35,  177,  352,  379,  410,  457,  458 

Dinge,  Eobert .' Ill,  176.  177,  426 

Discosen,  Samuel 232 

Dockmau,  Cornelius  ye 34 

Dongan,  Thomas 59 

Dorlaud,  Elias 9,  14,  60,  63,  76 

Borland,  John 165 

Dorlon,  Charles 432 

Dorlon,  Elias 340,  442,  495,  496 

Dorlon,  Elias,  Jr 176 

Dorlon,  Garret  189 

Dorlon,  John 432,  441 

Dorlon,  :\ririam  ..." 495,  496 

Dosenborah,  Hendrick,  Jr 48,  49 

Dosenboro^v,  John 202  "^ 

Dosenborow,  John,  Jr 232 

Dosenborow,  Mary 495 

Doty,  Isaac 810,  435 

Doty,  Isaac,  Jr 319,  334 

Doty,  John 188 

Dotye,  Charles 443 

Doughty,  Charles 174,  444 

Doughty,  Isaac  232 

Doughty,  Jacob 353 

Doughty,  Joseph 173,  174 

Dowsenborow,  William 272 

Dreuitt,  Benjamin 486,  494 

Drewitt,  Benjamin 455,  492 

Durf ee,  Eichard 270 

Durlan,  Elias 315 

Durland,  Elias  10,  111,  172 

Dusenberrh,  Hendrick 1 38 

Dusenboro,  Henry 110  " 

Dusenborough,  John 400,  401 

Dusenborough,  Samuel 245  - 

Dusenborow,  Henry 2(59 

Dusenborow,  John • 199,  269 

Dusenboi'row,  Hendiick ; 5 

Duseuborrow,  Hendrick,  Jr 5   - 

Egberson,  Barnat 31,  32,  75,     77 

INDEX.  547 


Elderd,  John 105 

Eklert,   Lucas 207 

.  Ellison,  John 8,  9,  38,  GG,     92 

93,    105,   107,    108,   116,   117,   124,  255,  293,  377,  378,  388,  420,  421  \ 

Ellison,  John,  Jr 105 

Ellison,  Lawrence 107,  254,  293,  388,  420  -'' 

Ellison,  Martha 43,     44 

Ellison,  Kachel 456  _ 

Ellison,  Eichard 48,  5G,  lOG,  1 10,  254,  295 

348,  349,  377,  378,  379,  385,  386,  387,  388,  389,  421,  444,  445,  456 

Ellison,   Eichard,  Jr 242,  349,  456 

Ellison,  Thamason 456  — 

Ellison,  Thomas 35,  43,  44,  60,     74 

75,  83,  95,  106,   111,   112,  113,   116,  117,  124,   164,   196,  233,  254,  255 

277,  278,  293,  333,  348,  349,  372,  376,  377,  378,  379,  385,  386,  456 

Ellison,  Thomas,  Jr 420,  421 

Emari,  Samuel 16 

Embree,  Samuel 110,  136 

Embry,  Samuel 277,  306,  334 

Embry,  Samuel,  Jr 260,  312,  449 

Emore,  Moses 35,  36,     39 

Emori,  Samuel 17,     43 

Esmond,  David 7 

Evarie,  Edward 102 

Everit,  George 275 

^Everit,  Eichard 236,  267,  275 

Every,  Edward 245 

Fanwicke,  Davis 264 

Fanwycke,  Davis 120 

Finch,  John 479,  480 

Flower,  Herman 11,  HO 

Flower,  Jonas 199 

Fonastrond,  Moses 339 

Fonostrant,  John 316 

Fordham,   Jonah ^ 69,  379,  380 

Fordham,  Mr 106 

Foreman,  Eobert 107,  294,  395 

Forlers,  Thomas 139 

Forman,  Aaron 291 

Foster,  Christopher /  •  ■  •    yt  388 

Foster,   John 57,  81,  82^  111'  127,  145,  419,  427,  429^  ■^^' 

Foster,  John,  Jr 266 

Foster,  Nathaniel 150 

Foster,  Thomas 5,  73,  81,  82,  432 

o48  INDEX. 

•  PAGE. 

Foster,  Thomas.  Jr. ...  .-. .- S2 

Fowler,  George ............> ;;. .94,  ill.  163.  •-?4'2,  471 

Fowler,  Jacob.  .-.•.-. .-.-.- .•.-,-.■...-. :S4() 

Frankliu,   Henry. .'.'. • 403,  404,  405 

Frost,  Abrabaui.- 6,     74 

Frost,  Tsaac-.......;:, .57,  126,  127.  128 

Frost,  Susan. . . ......... . 126 

Frost   Susanna 74,  127,   128 

Frost,  Thomas.  ......' 222 

Frost,  William 26 

Frost,  Wright ,330 

Furman,  Samuel 1 30 

Garmancl.   Isaac. '. 2-33 

Garrisin,  Lambert 448 

Genuins,  Joseph 17,  3o,   111 

Gibb,  .\udrew. . .  .45,  47,  2^9,  200,  360.  361,  362,  386,  397,  414,  457,  458 

-Gildersleeve.  .Asa. . 164,  275,  309 

Giklersleeve,  Dorcas 66,  240 

Gildersleeve,  Experience 47,     86 

Gildersleere,   George 1 65 

Gildersleeve.  Mr 105,  293 

Gildersleeve,  Richard 6 

11.  13,  17,  l'.»,  23.  31,  32,  41,  46,  47,  54,  59,  66,  71,  73,  75,  78,  83 
84.  >HS.  02,  97,  105,  109,  111,  115,  117,  140,  156,  169,  170,  176,  181 
104,  195,   204,  240,   265,  275,    281,  282,   284,  203,   313,   314.   373,  389 

Gildersleeve,  Eichard,  Jr ..11,  17,  54,  63,  83,  85,  80,  105,  117,  384 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas. 6 

11,  28.  56,  57,  86,  120,  122,  123.  124,  126,  134,  147,  148,  164 
165,  169,  176,  177,  179.  181,  182,  184,  18.5,  186,  187,  188,  189,  190 
194,  195,  196,  .199,  200,  2u2,  2(i3,  206,  207,  208.  209,  211,  212,  213 
222.  223,  224,  225,  226,  227,  231,  232,  233,  234,  235,  236,  237,  242 
243,  244,  245,  247,  248,  240,  251,  2.-i5,  2:>7,  25S,  2(i0,  261,  264,  265 
266,  267,  269,  270,  271,  272,  273,  275,  276,  277,  278,  279,  280,  282 
283,  284,  286,  288,  2Jl,  298,  299,  300,  30 1,  302,  304,  305,  307,  309 
310,  311,  313.  315,  31^,  317,  318,  319.  320,  321,  323.  324,  325,  326 
327,328,  ::!29,  330,  331,  332,  333,334,  335,  336,  337,338,  339,  340 
341,  344,  345,  346,  347,  :348.  340,  352,  356,  359,  360,  367,  370.  381 
:]83,  384,  385,  419.  420.  422,  4:i0,  431,  432,433,  434,  43-5,  436,  438 
439,  441,  443,  444,  445.  446.  447,  448,  440,  450,'  451,  452,  453,  455 
456,  458,  459,  461,  463,  466,  467,  468,  469,  470,  471,  473,  474,  476 
477,  478,   479,  480,   481,  482.   483,  485,   487,  4SS,   490,  401.   493,  496 

Gildersleeve,  Thomas,  Jr 176,  309 

Giuins,  Joseph 105 

Ginnians,  Benjamin 129 

INDKX.  r)49 

Ginnins,  Flowers T*  ; 

Glover,  William 

Golder,  Joseph 

Goldiii-i,  Tiphviiiiii W,  a4,  110 

Goodsoii,  John 107 

Goveriiure,  Abrnhiun .....'..'.'..  •;; 

Green,  Joseph i<;  I 

Gritniiui,  Williuni ''I 

Gritou,  John .".m 

Grittin,  Williiun 74 

Gritton,  Thomas ;;tU 

HageAvout,  John 107,  227 

Haig'ht,  Samuel TM) 

Haire,  lulward IT 

Hall,  Benjamin > 

Hall,  John 

Pf ill],  Jonathan *.'^''.  i"" 

Hall,  Joseph L'40,  'IV-l  i^*K  377.  4.V* 

Hallitt,  JTosias . .  14».  IftO 

Hallsted,  Abigail '  I"-' 

Hallsey,  fsaac '"*" 

Halsey,  Josiah «*<• 

Halsted,  Benjamin^ -'•»' '•*"!   '  ■ 

Halsted,  Joseph i)'A}.24:it  ^■>i^  ^'M.^  'i'^*^  ^sit,  *»hi.  .'>- 

Halstead,  Timothyf  Jr "''     ""    :'■"■  •••<»"-• 

Hankins.  John ..,,...,..  '■'■it* 

Harden,  Michael , ....  s^, .... .  i'»2 

Havdin,  ^lichael. ...... ........s^.. •!•»*• 

Hare,  Edward '-'!■•!.  :«« 

Hare,  Jane ''** 

Harrison,  John '•» 

Hart,  .John -'* 

Hart,  Susannah ""• 

Harden,  Daniel ""■*•* 

Haviland,  John ...,.,.. 

Hawarden,   Thonuxs ■• 

Heart,  Tenuis ' '**"• 

Heaviland,  Benjamin  ■■' 

Hendrick,  .Tohu 

Heudricks,   Harmau 

Heudrifkson,  Harnuin 

Hendrickson,  Hendrick , 

Heudrickson,  John ''-'•^>  -" 

Hei:dricksou,  Margaret ...  1 1 

550  INDEX. 


HeudiicksoQ,  Thomas 120 

^Heulett,  George 484 

Heulitt,  Dauiel 209 

Heulitt,  Dauiel,  Jr 8()0 

Heulitt,  Joliu 202,   330 

Heulitt,  Mr 275 

Heulitt,  Samuel 31(5 

Heuse,  Joliu 272 

Heviland,  Joseph 98 

Hick,  Samuel 315 

Hicks,  Benjamin 227 

Hicks,  Charles 331 

Hicks,  Col.  Isaac 276,  487 

Hicks,  Col.  Thomas 373 

Hicks,  Jacob 147 

Hicks,  John 112,   117,  270 

Hicks,  Judge 122,  204,  394 

Hicks,  Mary 41 

Hicks,  Mr 52,  106,  117,  295,  296,  313 

Hicks,   Thomas 17 

29,    41,  42,    43,  46,  83,   101,    105,   110,   111,   112,   117,   118,   134,   139 
271,    298,    300,    328,    331,    388,    391,    394,    395,    396,    453,    454,    455 

Higham,  Thomas 18,  79.  80,  85,  140,  141 

Higgam.  Elizabeth 80 

Hinchmau,  John 273 

Hix,  Captain  13 

Hix,  Capt.  Thomas 9 

Hix,  George 36 

Hix,  Mr 93 

Hobart,  Jeremiah 96,  152,  306,  339 

Hoggawout.  Lefifurt 339 

Hole,   Benjamin  27 

Holdsworth,  Jonas 373,  389 

Hoisted,  Abigail 461 

Hoisted,  Benjamin 332,  484 

Hoisted,  Jonas 332 

Hoisted,  Timothy .49^  Oo"'  92^  lOC^,  105^ 

110]-  184;  185;-'  191,  245;  276^:  278^  287^  293^326^  336^  388,- 392,'^403^ 
423,  430,^  447,-  455,'  456,'  459?  460,"  461,'  462,  463,'  474,'  484f  487?  490' 

Horges,  John 268 

Howdon,  Daniel 462 

Huchens,  Robert 202 

Huchins,  William 461,  463 

Hubard,  Sargent 91 

INDEX.  551 


HuliHit,  Jereiiiiiili 84 

Hubbard,  Jereuiiuli 07,  Kil 

Hubbs,  Alexander ■. 3G7,  349 

Hubbs,  Elizabeth 05,  ."50 

Hubbs,  Johu Ill,  143,  144,  300,  347,  34'.),  438 

Hubbs,  llobert 1 10,  I4l>,  217,  334,  437,  438,  439,  454 

Hubbs,  Samuel T. . .  235 

Hubbs,  Silence 438 

Huchin<;H,  Nrsesdj, 403 

Hulitt,  (ieorye,  fr33,  45,  59,^07,  83,  100,  107,  111,  153,  154,  293,  328,  400 

Hutings,  Jonathan 209 

Huttchiugs,  Krslah 401 

Ireland,    Mary 156,  157 

Ireland,  Thomas 35 

30,    05,    80,    87,   IOC),    111,    130;    155,    150,    157,    193,    350,    380,  390 

Jackson,  Captain. . . , 13,  18,  34,  101,  1 19,  123 

Jackson,  Capt.   Johu 9,  24,  275 

Jackson,  Colonel 203,  204,  482 

Jackson,  Col.  John.. 347,  300,  398,  300,  300,  312,  371,  394,  434,  480,  490 

Jackson,  Elizabeth 112 

Jackson,  James 175,  179,  245,  246,  247,  249,  271,  443,  444 

Jackson,  John 7,  9,  17,  48,  49,  01,  92,  93,  111,  112,  154,  159,  101 

310,  313,  214,  215,  210,  233,  233,  341,  244,  345,  340,  347,  250,  306 

271,  351,  377,   395,  390,  397,  445,  440,  447,  453,  454,  455,  470,  493 

Jackson,  John,  Jr 300,  318,  325,  347,  424,  481 

Jackson,  Lieut.  John 105,  100 

Jackson,  Major 131,  140,  179 

Jackson,  Maj.  John 249,  250 

Jackson,  Mr  9,  102,  106,  292 

Jackson,  Eichard 196,  335,  435 

Jackson ,  llobert 107,  239 

Jackson,  Samuel 189,  196,  242,  351,  330 

Jackson,  Thomas 189 

Jacocks,  David 145,  140,  190,  197,  199,  373,  374,  375,  304,  401,  450 

Jams,  John 314,  315 

Jarman,  Isaac 353,  359,  436,  437,  450 

Jarman,  Isaac,  Jr 336,  238 

Jarman,  Simon 1 10,  125,  175 

Jecocks,  Joshua 50,  51,  60,  304 

Jecocks,  Thomas 95,  191,  192,  218,  304,  305,  317,  406,  408,  409,  459 

Jecocks,   William 17,  33,  37,  38,  40,  53,  79,  84,  93,  104,  111,  291 

Jene,  Rev.  Robert 206 

Jennings,  Joseph 1 7,  35,  334 

Jermau,  Mary , 175 

552  INDEX. 


Jerryliam,  Mr 123 

Jiniiio-s,  Benjamin 139 

Jiuuings,  Joseph. . . ; 390,  408,  410 

Jolinsou,  Harmon.. .  .10,  123,  211,  212,  800,  318,  325,  347,  367,  424,  446 

Johnson,  Henry "  77 

Johnson,  John 80,  81,  85,  173,  2C2,  429,  431 

Johnson,  ^largaret • 63,  64 

Johnson,   Peter 63,  64,  78,  84,  85,  141.  142 

Johnson,  William ilO,  128,  251 

Jones,   Thomas 2;i2,  344,  372 

Jones,   Walter 226 

Jons,  J 31!) 

Jons,   Thomas 310 

Jons,  William 359 

Jouson,  John,  Jr 481 

Junnings,  Joseph 4,  5 

Keeble,  John 3'J4 

Kessam,  Daniel 232 

Kessam,  John 150 

Ketcham,   Phillip 406,  408 

Kirbe,  Thomas 397 

Koa,  Mr  313 

Lack,  Ml 236 

Langdon,  Hannah 475 

Langdon,   John 148,  213,  276,  316,  451,  475,  476,  4'.H 

Langdon,  -Toseph 11,     12 

21.  22,   :^,2,  60,  76,   99,  106,  111,  213,   276,  2)3,  315,  423,  475,  476,  477 

Langdon,   'osepb,  -Tr 476 

Langdon,   ^Tary .   475 

Langdon,  "-'aninel  v 145,  213,  315,  475,  476 

Langdon,    '  homas 91,  99.  193,  4.30,  435,  45!',  475,  478,  471),  4^2 

Langdon,    ^VilUam 2  .1 ,  2  :4,  424,  446 

Latham,    "^osej^h 2  i7 

Latten,   'osiah,     r o:;4 

Lattm,  Pic-hard 139 

Latty,  Jolin  '  "assam 150 

Lauranee,    Tohn 334 

Lee,  John 1 2:),  223,  224 

Lee    Joseph 12',  22 1 

Lee,  Robert     2;j2,  442 

Lee,    I'homas  120,  220,  221 ,  223,  221 

Lee,  \\  illiam 80,  84,     85 

Leninton,  .John » 144,  401 

Lester,  Dea 32 

INDEX.  553 


Lester,  Morclecai 243,  442 

Leuis,  John 298 

Liber  "D" Ill) 

Lindley,  Henry 370 

Lines,  William 28,  SS 

Liuintiton,   lohn 400 

Li!ii'itt)u,   '  leurj^ 212 

Linnin<?tjn,  Henry    23,  24,  71,  72,  82,  10(i,  111,  143,  255,  207,  481 

-Li«nington,  John 11)7,  203,  204,  206,  321,  322,  323 

Linnin<^ton,  Thomas 187 

Loosee,  Tsiiac 321 

Losee,    •  oli n 195 

Louis,  Jonathan ■;.■.. 1 83,  1 84 

Lndlom,  .loseph 342 

Maconele,  Samuel 319,  334 

Maidstou,  -Tohn 290 

Maile,  Henry .  7 

Man,    Thomas   222 

Manering-.  llichara 115,   178,  202 

Mannerin<i,',  IJichard 440 

Mannerinj^-,  Thomas 109 

Manuirin<j:,  Richard 233,  488 

Marchis,  .lohn 10 

Markhaui,    William _. 407 

Marsh,  John 480 

Martin,  Thomas,  49,  50,  57,  94,  95,  96,  108,  111,  127,  162,  KiO,   233,  263 

Martin,    I  homas   Jr 167 

•Mavvin,  ''aMuah 173 

Marvin,    ^oha Ill,  13S,  173,  229,  292 

Marvin,  Hobert 71,  106,  136,  172,  211,  212,  292 

Marvin.   I'homas 167 

:\rat'inson,  Josei^h 261,  202,  263 

Mattliews    -'amnel   235 

3ray,      luvnas 485,  492 

Maye    (leorge 290 

Maye,    'ohn      344 

Maye.      homas    198 

Mayle,  IJ  eiiry 73,  74 

Meade,  Joseph 270 

Mendivele,   liendrick 306 

Merritt,   !  ohn 51 

Mersherro,  1  'eter 129,   247,  250 

Michell,  John Ill 

Miller,  Thomas 412 

554  LNDEX. 


Mills,  George 372,  373 

Mills,  Zachariah 230,  372 

Miner,  Johu  D 199 

Minthoue,  William 122 

Minthorne,  Eicbard 91,  16sl  240 

Miuthorne,  Richard,  Jr \l65 

Miuthorue,  William 268,  282,  286,  304 

Mitchell,  Eobert 446,  488 

Moiifort,  Ell)ert 213 

Moiifort,  John 238,  453,  454,  455 

Monfort,  Peter 186 

Morener,  Moses 316 

Mores,  Samuel 105 

Morrill,  Johu 20 

Mott,  Adam 13,  19,  20,  36,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  60,  66,  68,     72 

73,    74,  82,  83,  84,  92,   106,    111,   121,    125,  142,   146,   170,   175,  178 

179,   181,  182,    192,   199,  207,  252,  254,   265,  266,  275,  279,  287,  289 

290,  294,  297,  360,  361,  362,  416,  438,  439,  445,  457,  458,  482,  483 

Mott,  Adam,  Jr.. 9,  17,  41,  45, 47,  55,  64,  72,  90,  104,  115, 142,  186,  458,  483 

Mott,  Charles 205.  206,  207,  447 

Mott,   Cornelius 90 

Mott,  Gersham 207 

Mott,  Henry 199,  234 

Mott,  James 17,  47,  48,  54,  55,  105,  243 

Mott,  John 11,     13 

48,  55,  67,  68,   111,  400,  424,  445,  447,  452,  453,  470,  480,  481,  482 

Mott,  John,  Jr 134,  148,  496 

Mott,  Joseph 47,  48,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  111,   179 

198.  200,  201,  248,  286,  289,  290,  301,  302,  319,  334,  392,  434,  487 

Mott,  Joseph,  Jr 184 

Mott,   Laras 157 

Mott,  Marj- 265 

Mott,  Michael 213 

Mott,  Patrick 317,  453 

Mott,  Eichbell .56,  205,  206,  446,  454 

Mott,  Eichbell,  Jr 185,  207 

Mott,  Samuel 28G 

Mott,  William 205,  206,  300,  318.  325,  347,  424 

Mos,  Jan 448 

Moyles,  W^illiam 329 

Mudge,  Jarvis 335,  449 

Mudge,  Moses 25,     26 

Muusee,  Nathaniel 273 

Newman,  Johu 31 ,  104,   255 

Nichols,  Mr 263,  264 

INDEX.  555 


Nicoll,  Francis ;}G2,  385,  38G,  391,  3'.)4,  412,  413,  414,  415,  458 

Nicols,  Captain 5!) 

Nicols,   Ciovcriior 8 

Nicols,  Williiuu 277,  28'J,  2'JO,  2'.)!),  300,  328,  3(50 

301,  302,   371,   3i)4,   3!)5,   390,  397,  453,  454,  455,  457,  458,  404,  474 

Oclee,  Nathaniel 359,  435 

Oclee,  Nathaniel,  Jr 435 

Okelie,  Tlionias 75 

Okely,  Thomas 74 

Okley,  Thomas 7 

Okly,  Thomas 227 

Oklfieia,   Augustus 277 

Onderdonk,  Adrian 209 

Onderdonk,  Aiidrus 310 

Onderdonk,  Henry 209 

Orton,   Henry 237 

Osborn,   Mary 59 

Osborn,  Kichard 17,  58,  59,  01,  105,  143,  144,  420,  421' 

Osborn,  Richard,  Jr 449 

Osborn,  William 12,  13,  134,  350 

Pearce,  William 189 

Pgarsal,  Henry 200 

Pearsal,  Nathaniel 57,  334 

Pearsal,  Thomas . .    449 

Pearsall,   Daniel 00,  104,  100,  191,  210,  278,  309 

Pearsall,    George 85,  88,  104,  200,  278,  308,  309,  370 

Pearsall,  John 107,  495,  490 

Pearsall,  Nathaniel :   3,  4 

5,    ('),    7,    S,    12,    71,   72,  85,    89,    90,    91,    92,    104,    280,    374,  407 

Pearsall,  Samuel 257 

Pearsall,  Thomas 104,  228 

Pearsall,   Thomas,  Jr 251,  257,  410,  448,  449 

Pearsall,  Widow 294 

Pearsalle,   Nathaniel 278 

Pearsell,   Nathaniel 415 

Peate,  William 131,  300,  318,  325,  347,  424 

Pell,  William 26 

Pelmas,  Judge 9 

Penny,   William 408 

Percall,  Nathaniel 76 

Perceull,  Nathaniel 79 

Persall,  George 1 10,  158 

Persall,  Henry 273 

556  INDEX. 


Persall,  Nathaniel 19,  23,  24,  37,  49,  52,  56,  60,  62 

64,  67,   98,   108,   122,   131,  142.  143,   146,  153,   155,  464,  185,  208,  256 

Persall,  Thomas 110 

Persell,  Daniel Ill 

Persell,  Nathaniel 13,  53,  119,  138,  179 

Pel-soil,  Nathaniel Ill 

Person,   Nathaniel 105 

Pettit,   John 200,  277 

Pettit,  Joseph 9,  13,  14,  15,  16 

17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35 

36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,  43,  44,  45,  47,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,  56,  57 

58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63.  64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  73,  81,  82,  91,  93 

94,  96,  97,  98,  99,  101,  102,  105,  107,  108,  109,  110,  111,  112,  113 

114,  115,  117,  118,  119,  120,  121,  122,  123,  125,  126,  128,  129,  130 

131,  132,  133,  134,  136,  137,  138,  139,  140,  141,  142,  143,  144,  145 

146,  147,  150,  152,  154,  155,  157,  159,  161,  163,  164,  165,  169,  170 

172,  174,  175,  177,  178,  179,  181,  182,  184,  185,  188,  191,  192,  193 

194,  195,  197,  199,  200.  201,  205,  206,  208,  210,  211,  212,  217,  218 

220,  221,  224,  226,  228,  230,  231,  233,  234,  235,  238,  239,  240,  241 

242,  245,  247,  248,  249,  250,  252,  254,  256,  260,  262,  263,  264,  266 

268,  274,  277,  280,  282,  285,  802,  319,  322,  323,  327,  330,  331,  374 

401,  421,  423,  436,  437,  438,  442,  45(5,  467,  471,  476,  477,  478,  479 

Pettit,  Joseph,-  Jr :  236 

Pettit,  Margaret 70,  126,  212,  2^9 

Pettite,  Mar£:aret 27 

Pine,  Henjamin :   165,  166,  184,  387,  436 

Pine,  Daniel 148 

Pine,   Hannah 465 

Pine,  James 16,  38,  56,  !)2,  93,  106,  107,  110,  167 

168,  2)4,   291,  294,  299,  306,   307,  311,   312,   313,  388,  444,  446,  446 

Pine,  James,  Jr 152,  463,  464,  465 

Pine,  John .9,  13,'  14 

16,  17,  20,  56,  70,  93,  105,  130,  131,  135,  145,  165,   166,   232,  244,  278 

Pine,  Nathaniel 33,  61,  92,  96,  236,  335 

Pine,  Samuel 11,  23,  24,  m,   101,  121,  436,  437,  456 

Pine,   Sarah 211' 

Pine,  William 110,  221,  224,  298,  334,  337,  338 

Pine,  William,  Jr 298 

Pine,  Wilson 36 

Piatt,  T'riah 286 

Please,  Josei)h 171,  173,  174,  175,  177,  178,  406,  431,  432 

Please,  Mary 431,  432,  433 

Polhemus,  Cornelius 213,  272 

Post,  Jeremiah 155,  167,  247,  484 

Post,  Joseph , 356 

INDEX.  •  557 


Post,  Ercliard .\  ...:.■...::.•......■.■.■.. 1 07,  ^35 

Post,  Kichard,  Jr. ..;...::. : ;;.....;. 200 

Powell,  Tlioiuas 22() 

Poyer,  Thomas 272 

Eainer,  Edward ..11,  12,  17,  26,  63,  83,  105,  109,  293 

Raiuev,   I-  zekiel 189 

Baiuer,  John 231 

Eainer,  Saninel 16,  26,  27,  60,  109,  111,  137,  436 

Eascos,  Samuel 25,  174 

Eayner,  Thurston. 387,  388 

Eead,  Joseph 336 

Eemsen,    liaiu 222 

Eesco,  Samuel 174,  204 

Biassa,    <  ornelius 227 

Eider,   Eobert 487,  488 

Bi^ht,   Anthony 344 

Eiley,  James 34 

Eobbison.   Jolui 102 

Eobeson,  John 132 

Eobinson,  -Joseph 124 

Eobison,  -Tane 124,  125 

Bobison,  .1  ohn Ill,  124,  1 25,  207,  208 

Eoe,  John 333 

Ebiiers,  Thomas 315 

Boo,  John 316 

Eowliu,  Jonathan .  . . . 177 

Euccoe,  Samuel 254 

Bushmore,  Meelber 26 

Eushmore,  .lohn. . .  .124,  253,  353,  382,  286,  322,  323,  338,  435,  445,  450 

Eushmoie,  Thomas 17,  25,  36 

71,  97,  105,  10(i,  160,  268,  269,   270,  271,  272,  273,  274,   293,   294,  379 

Bushmore,  Thomas,  Jr 267,  368,  369,  379,  3.S0 

Buts,  Uriu 22 

Sackett,  Joseph 390 

Sands,  Capt.  John 139,  130,   474 

Sands,   John 28,  277,  328,  464 

Scadding,  William 29,  ()3,  315 

Schanck,  EulitT 186 

Scidmore,  Thomas 133 

Seller,  Philip 171 

Sciller,  Philii) 172 

Scots,  Joseph ,. . . , 296,  388 

Scull,    Peter ■.-. 171 

Scut,  J  ohanes 64 



Benjamiu 35 

110,    134,    248,    833,    346,    352,    354,    355,    357,    358,    306,    434 

Benjamin,  Jr 179,  357 

Caleb 139,  356,  358 

Captain 6,  13,  28,  157,   179 

Capt.  John 9,  91,  101,  122 

David 354,  355,  356,  357,  358,  365.  366 

Giles 270 

Hemy 145,  480 

Hesiah 333 

Jacob 134,  275,  332 

James  134 

John 5,  17,  37,     59 

1,  86,  105,   111,  lie,   130,  140,  222,  238,  363,  364,   365,  374,  448 

John,   Jr Ill,  354,  355 

Jonathan....  17,  87,   105,  157,  172,  325,  354,  356,  363,  365,  366 

Jonathan,  Jr 134,  135,  357,  303,  304,  365,  366,  367 

Joseph,  Jr 139 

Micha 332 

Mr 92,  106,  133,  291,  293,  388 

Nathaniel 50,  184,  275,  299,  374,  375 

Nathaniel,  Jr 147 

Richard 187,  188,  236,  257,  483 

Eichllrd,  Jr 242,  284 

Samuel 110,  261,  266,  357 

Samuel,  Jr 266 

Solomon 17,  01,  105.  143,  237,  354,  357,  481 

Solomon,  Jr ; 270 

Thomas 87,  236,  261,  347,  354,  355,  357,  424,  446,  483 

Thomas,  Jr 179,  242 

Venus 189,  277 

James 334,  335,  490 

John 17 

69,     104,     110,     131,    155,    212,    280,    281,    234,    244,    246,  248,  271 
276,   277,  310,   318,   325,   882,  334,   885,  847,   380,  381,   422,  423,  424 

Searing,  John,  Jr 834,  335 

Searing,  Jonathan 224,  334,  335,  367 

Searing,   Michael 352 

Searing,  Mr 13 

Searing,  Samuel  1 79 

Searing,  Simon 20 

29,    49,    59,    91,     105,     110,     184,    270,    292,    884,    835,    392,     452 

Shadbolt,   Morris 310 

Shelley,  Samuel 377 




Slioa,  Jonathan 225 

Sinicins,   Ezckiel IDC,  197,  205,  206,  218 

Simeins,   Nicholas '^0 

Simmons,  John 447,  448 

Simons,  Jose] )h '^(>2 

Simson,  John -^8 

Sipley,  Hannah 108,   Kii) 

Sipley,  John 1C.7,  \m,   109 

Skidmore,  John 12 

Smith,   Abel.... 211,  273,  284,  853,  353,  423,  425,  42(t,  427,  409,  473,  474 

Smith,  Abraham 17,  19,  39,  51,  52,  50,  00,  70,  71,  98,    100 

105,  110,   133,  134,   135,   140,    159,  IGO,    101,    190,    101,   219,   292,  324 

Smith,   Benjamin 200 

Smith,  Captain 249 

Smith,  Capt.  Jeremiah 248 

Smith,  Capt.  Joseph 248,  300,  323,  334,  337,  338,  380,  423,  430,  440 

Smith,  Daniel 148,  444,  453 

Smith,  Elizabeth 154 

Smith,  Ezekiel 158,  438,  439 

Smith,  Ezekiel,  Jr 213 

Smith,  Grace 34 

Smith,  Hannah 217 

Smith,  Isaac...  100,  145,  179,  191,  208,  210,  218,  219,  234,  278,  287,  299 
318,   359,  380,  440,  441,  442,  447,   451,  452,   470,   481,   487,   490,  491 

Smith,  Jacob 1 84 

Smith,  James 94,  223 

Smith,  Jeremiah GO,  106,  158,  159,  216,  217,  234,  278,  302,  332 

Smith,  Jeremiah,  Jr 417,  418,  419,  420 

Smith,  John 10,  22,  25,     37 

59,  71,  73,  75,   103,    111,    110,   117,   135,   144,   145,  168,   170,  185,   195 
211,  239,  250,  251,  269,  274,  277,  306,   311,   327,  354,  423,  439,  470 

Smith,  John,  Blue 7,   106 

Smith,  John,  Jr 1 10,  291,  422 

Smith.  John,  Nan 7,  294 

Smith,  John,  Rock 38,  44,  45,  92,  106,  110,  133,  232,  293,   333 

Smith,  John,  Eock,  .Tr 11,  75,  105,  107,  110,  419 

Smith,  John,  Rock,  M 275 

Smith,  John  S. 250 

Smith,  Jonathan 3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  13,  15,  17,  20,  21     22 

23,  28,  41,  42.  43,  44,  45,  48,  50,  59,  89,  91,  92,    105,  111,   119,   153 
155,  170,  182,   186,  192,   195,  217,   232,  277,  285,  320,  322,   327,  334 

Smith,  Jonathan,    Black  225 

Smith,  Jonathan,  J^hxck,  Jr 225 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr 16,  33,  34,  40,  46,  47,  50,  51,  59,  98,  119,  J54 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Jr.,  Rock 207,  231,  419 

560  DvDEX. 


Smitli,  Jonatlian,  Xau .7,  106^  186 

Smith,  Jonathan,  Rock 233,  329,  488 

Smith,  Joseph 7,  9,  13,  IT,  oG,  59,  91,  92,  105 

\2l   131,   r4(!,    159,   174,   178,  201,  278,  324,  432,  456,  4o8,  404,  495 

Smith,  Oseph,  Jr. ... 4i;4 

Smith,  Justis :)7,  14.1,  14(i,  220 

Smith,   Little 4l,  loO 

Smith,  Little  John,  Xau. 210,  272 

Smith,  >  athaniel 230 

Smith,  '  eter   155,  474 

Smith,      hilip   276 

Smith,      ichaid 128,  159,  238,  239,  245,  259,  299,  317,  349,  495 

Smitii,      avah 353 

Smitli,      aiuuel 3,  2,"3,  2r4.  39(»,  4u3 

Smith,  Jh^mas 72,  93,  97,  172,  247,  320,  339,  340,  34.,  388 

Smith.   1  imuthv ■  •  ■    2..8,  337 

Smith,  "\Villiam lu 

14,  32,  33,  Oil,  71,  73,  74,   75,  82,    111,   196,   203,   2u4,  205,  206,  307 

Suecur,  Chris  .Jan 247 

Saedecor,  Christ  John 325,  446 

Snedecor.  1  uuis  2m9 

Saedicor,  (  hri.stian 248,  424 

Souedecor,  Christ  -Jou 347 

Sothard,  Abraham 110,  339,  340,  468 

Sothard,  1  saac 4i'.8 

Sotha.  d,  .John ".". 4(i8 

Sothard    1  homas 106,  323,  324 

Sotheard,  .\braham 468 

Sotheard,  Isaac 468 

Sotheard,  Thomas  293 

Sotherd,  Abraham 467,  468 

Sotherd,  Isaac 470 

Sotherd,  John 467 

Sotherd,  Thomas 468 

Southard,    Abraham 163,  470,  471 

Southard,  Henry 277 

Southard,  Tsaac 164,  467,  468,  471 

Southartl,  John 299 

Southard,  John,  Jr ..■.'.; 153,  299 

Southard,  Joseph 153 

Southard,  Richard 299 

Southard,   Samuel 299 

Southard,  Solomon 298 

Southai-d,  Thomas 80,  162,  299,  388,  467 

INDEX.  5C1 


Sontliavd,  Thomas,  Jr 4G7 

Soutlieid,   Abrabani 467,  470,  471 

Sonthrd,  John 110 

8outhi-cl,  Thomas 110 

Southwad,  John 168 

Sonthwad,  Thomas 168 

Southward,  Abij^ail 168 

Southward,  Abraham 4(56 

Southward,  Frances 467 

Southward,  Isaac 466 

Southward,  John 162,  168,  466 

Southward,  Thomas,  36,  131,138,  160,161, 163,  168,  180,  385,  338,  466,  467 

Southward,  Thomas,   Jr 467 

Soutliwoard,  Thomas,  Jr 466 

Southword,   Thomas 87,   116 

Southword,  Thomas,   Jr 467 

Southwrd,   Thomas 163 

Sowthard,  Abraham 471 

Sowtherd,  Johu,  Jr 373 

Sowthward,  Isaac 471 

Spencer,  Eachel 61 . 

Spragj;-,  Edward 17,  89,  40,  69,     70 

81,  83,  88,  89,  104,  186,  187,  163,  163,  341,  343,  356,  380,  394,  839,  830 

Spragg,  John 60,  336,  338,  353,  361,  880 

Spragg,  Mary . .  186,   137 

Spragg,  Michael 333 

Spragg,  Mr 13,  30,  349 

Spragg,  Eichard 189 

Spragg,  Thomas 153 

Starr,  Josias y. 73,  74,    75 

76,  77,   78,  79,   80,  81,   83,  84,   85,  86,   87,  88,   90,  114,    115,  116,  196 

Starr,  Eebecca 90 

Stich,  Eichard 103 

Stilwell,  Nicholas 203 

Stites,   Henry 103,  374,  375 

Stites,  William 319,  255,  430 

Stits,  Benjamin 375 

Stits,  John 373,  374 

Stits,  Eichard 49,  84,  85,  106,  343,  391,  378,  405,  406,  417 

Stits,  William 386 

387,    388,    343,    373,    374,    375,    405,    406,    408,    417,    418,  419,   436 

Stuard,  John 110 

Sturgis,  John 269,  370 

Sutteu,  Ambrose 341 

Sutton,   Joseph 150,  317 

562  iKDEX. 


Teytos,  Silas 243 

Theslen,  Daniel 138 

Theston,  Daniel 215 

Thickstone.  Jeiemiali 58,     54 

Thickstone,  William 29,  49,  50,  59,  62,  106 

109,   127,  133,   142,  172,   245,  251,   252,  256,   264,   280,   293,   802,  315 

Thickstone,  William,  Jr 50 

Thomas,  John 260,  288,  437,  488,  444,  473 

Thome,  Capt.  Joseph 276,  487 

Thorne,  Caterne 144,  145 

Thome,  Eichard 122,  148,  149,  190,  288,  800,  347 

Thorne,  Samuel 269 

Thome,  William Ill,  115,  143,  144,  145 

Thome,  William,  Jv 102,  143 

Throckmorton,  Job 301 

Thnrston,  Daniel 242 

Thurston,  Joseph 82 

Thuston,  Joseph 284 

Tiller,  Mary 30 

Tiller,  Samuel 30,     31 

Tilliper,  William 448 

Titas,  Peter 228 

Tites,  Edmund 37,  38,  64,  130,  242,  457 

Tites,  Edward 6,  110,  127,  133 

Tites,  James 196 

Tites,   Peter 229 

Tites,  Samuel 57,     08 

Titos,  John,  Jr 275 

Titos,  Peter 257 

Titos,  Peter,  Jr 419 

Titos,  William 346 

Tittas,  Peter 230 

Tittos,  Jacob 211 

Tittos,  John 228 

Titus,  Edmund 278,  376,  377 

Titus,  Edward 95,  106,  293 

Titus,  John 208,  851,  374 

Titus,  John,  Jr 257 

Titus,  Peter 217,  351,  358,  365,  366,  376,  878 

Titus,  Samuel 124,  374,  375,  414,  415 

Tolman,  John 267 

Totten,  Benjamin 129,  241,  443,  444,  471,  472 

Totten,  Jasper 161,  288,  448,  444,  471,  472 

Totten,  John 419 

Totten,  Joseph 231 

INDEX.  563 


Totten,  Peter 58,  7«,  7!t,  SI,  H2,  8!),  90,  327,  430,  444,  471,  472,  473 

Totteu,  Richiird 17,  88,  H«J,  90,  105 

110,  237,   238,  240,    241,  2!)0,    330,    350,   435,  430,   443,  444,   471,  472 

Totten,  Eichard.  Jr 350 

Totten,  Samuel 115,  121,  158,  159,  161,  335,  330 

Totten,  William 152,  237,  238,  350,  435,  43G,  443,  444,  470,  471,  472 

Townseud,  George 1 04 

Townseud,  James 412,  449,  400,  402 

Townsend,  John 102,  103,  104,  168,  342,  344,  345,  356 

Townsend,  Richard 154 

155,    187,  188,   234,  248,    2()4,  319,   334,  378,   385,  386,   434,   437,  487 

Townsend,  Ruddock 342 

Townsend,  Thomas 336 

Townsend,  Venus 356 

Tredwell,  Benjamin 187 

Tredwell,  Capt.  John 490,  491 

Tredwell,  Capt.  Thomas 261,  487,  490 

Tredwell,  Hannah 288 

Tredwell,  John.  ..3,  4,  7,  9,  13,  14,  15,  16,  19,  20,  22,  24,  38,  39,  40,  59 
66,  68,  70,  91,  94,  100,  108,  109,  110,  111,  112,  113,  114,  117,  118 
133,  141,  150,  170,  179,  182,  200,  208,  213,  215,  216,  217,  230,  234 
248,  259,  277,  288,  290,  291,  299,  300,  302,  315,  318,  319,  324,  347 
361,  371,  392,  394,  395,  396,  397,  406,  409,  414,  426,  428,  433,  437 
439,  449,  453,  454,  455,  458,  461,  463,  467,  468,  470,  474,  487,  488 
Tredwell,  John,  Jr,  66,  161,  225,  310,  325,  424,  430,  434,  445,  481,482,  487 

Tredwell,  Justice 263,  281,   284 

Tredwell,  Mr 122 

Tredwell,  Thomas 322,  436,  449,  455 

Undrel,  Abraham 310,  319 

TJnderhill,  Benjamin 336 

Underhill,  Daniel 169 

Valentine,  Benjamin 227 

Valentine,   David 258 

Valentine,  Ephraim 188,  240 

Valentine,  Ephraim,  Jr.    186 

Valentine,  Jonathan 190 

Valentine,  Nathan 167 

Valentine,  Obadiah 324,  347,  434,  487 

Valentine,  Obadiah,  Jr 234 

Velentine,  R/ jhard 19,   20,   106,   167,   190,  259,  483,  484 

Valentine,    diehard,  Jr 161,  350,  351,  483,  484 

Valentine,  Thomas 367 

564  INDEX. 


Valentine,  William 483,  484 

Valentine,  William,  Jr 483,  484 

Van  Laree,  Andris 140,  141 

Van  Nosstiunt,  Albert 236 

Van  Nostrand,  Aaron 332 

Van  Nostrand,  John 316 

Van  Nostrand,  Moses 389 

Van  Nyck,  Barent 187 

Van  Vick,  Cornelius 186 

Van  Vick,  Theodorous,  Jr 4!)1,  4J>2,  4!)3 

Van  Wyek,  Davis 120,  264 

Van  Wyck,  Jolianes 336 

Van  Wyek,  Theodorous,  Jr 203,  336,  371,  490 

VergeraAv,  Peter 282,  285,  28(),  476,  477 

Vollentiue,  Ephraim 80,  Oo,   108,   109,   198,   199,  200,   201,  302 

Vollentine,  Grace 95,  96 

Vollentine,  Jonas 94,  95,  96 

Vollentiue,  Nathau 217,  218 

Vollentiue,  Obadiah 16 

95,     108,     109,     110,     180,     181,     182,    300,    318,    323,    325,  445 

Vollentine,  Richard 60 

169,     170,      180,      185,      207,      209,      210,     278,      279,      293,  302 

Vollentine,  Richard,  Jr /m//.179,   180,  181,  209,  210,  261 

Vollentiue,  William 95,  111,  401 

Walla,  John 91 

Wallis,  Jane 31 

Wallis,  Thomas 30,     31 

Wauwiek,  Theodorous,  Jr 203 

Washborn,  Mr , 291 

Washburn,  William 121 

Waters,  Thomas 254 

Weascot,  John 10,  72 

Weles,  Thomas 106 

Wetherbe,  William 6,  7,    10,   197,  205 

White,  Edward 255 

Whitehead,  Captain 123 

Whitehead,  Daniel 61,  104,  204,  205,  235,  236,  287 

Whitehead,  Jonathan 177,  178,  267,  305,  870,  443.  444 

Wiar,  William 60,  104 

Wiightss,  Richard 278 

Willeams,  Johnr 123 

Willee,   Martiue 336 

Williams,  Beujamiu-. 258,  ii  \«),  279,  280 

Williams,  Jeremiahr 316 

INDEX.  565 


Williams,  John: 52,  ()4,  Of),  (id,  IOC,  110,  111,  255,  256,  27i),  280,  412 

Williams,  Joseph" 10 

17,    48,    C2,    m),    105,    227,    228,    251,    252,    258,    254,   25(),   259,  ^79 

Williams,  Eicliard A 28 

Williams,  EoT^ertrT^.-r-rrv^ 78,  94,  110,  819,  328,  824,  888,  894,  395 

Williams,  Hamuel 98 

225,    22(i,     252,     819,    884,     481,    482,    488,     484,  ^52,     487,  491 

Williams,  Thomas 128,  806,  807,  811,  812,  482 

Williams,  Thomasin 395,  396 

Williams,  Zebiilou 856 

Williamson,  Cornelius 245 

Willis,    Henry « 

13,    20,    22,    56,   60,     102,     108,    233,    234,    355,    358,    365,    366,  419 

Willis,  Henry,  Jr 152 

Willis,    Hope 37 

65,     103,    108,    180,    131,    185,    164,     176,     187,     843,    874,     876,  408 

Willis,  Jacob 152,  234 

Willis,  John 152,  208,  419 

Willis,  Joseph 129 

Willis,  Mary 64,  65,  164 

Willis,  Mary,  Jr 65 

Willis,  Eiohard .• 65,  129,  130,  131,  135,  232,  344,  345 

Willis,  Bamuel 276 

Willis,  Thomas 18,  130,  131,  135 

Willis,  William .* 3,  111 

131,   185,    1,38,   139,   140,   142,   145,  147,  148,   152,   158,   154,   155,  158 

161,    162,   163,   164,   165,   166,   167,   169,  171,   172,   178,   179,   198,  207 

*     208,   211,  219,  225,  380,  231,  234,  238,  240,   248,  245,  247,  248,  252 

253,  255,  259,  263,  264,  278,  283,   317,  323,  324,   846,   847,   348,  350 

351,  354,   355,  358,  359,   862,   368,   365,   866,   867,   368,  370,  371,  372 

843,   874,  375,  376,  377,  379,   380,  883,  385,  886,   887,  889,   891,  892 

394,  897,  399,  400,  401,  402,  408,  404,  405,  406,  407,  408,  409,  410 

411,  412,  413,  414,  415,  416,  417,  419,  420,  421,  422,  423,  424,  425 

426,  427,  429,  480,  481,  482,  488,  434,  449,  466,  484,  487,  488,  490 

Willis,  William,   Jr 348,  851,  855,  415,  466 

Willits,  Widow 294 

Willitts,  Abigail •. 344,  845 

Willitts,  Amos 397,  398,  899,  400 

Willitts,  Debrah 844,  345 

Willitts,  Hop 344 

Willitts,  Joseph 841,  842,  343,  844,  845 

Willitts,  Mary 343,  344,  845 

Willitts,  Kit-hard 399 

Willitts,  Thomas 135,  136,  343,  397,  398,  399 

566  iXDEX. 


Willitts,  Thomas,  Jr 399 

Willitts,  William 343 

Willsee,  Coruelius 2(5(5 

Willsee,  Morta 490 

Willson/Morta 487 

Wilson,  Martin 491,  492,  493,  494 

Wilson,  Sarah 30 

Wilson,  William 30,  31,  278 

Winder,  Samuel (51 

Wiston,  John  J 2(5(5 

Wixe,  Frances 93 

Wolley,  John Ill 

Wood,  Benjamin 225,  439 

Wood,  Epenetas 213 

^  Wood,  James 238,  478,  479 

Wood,  Jeremiah ...'.' 32,  46,  84,   106,   131,   139,  150 

151,   153,   154,  166,   192,   193,    194,  201,  248,  281,  285,  296,  308,  329 

Wood,  Jeremiah,  Jv 11,   12,   17,  105 

119,   128,   150,   151,   152,   153,   161,   194,   195,  247,   284,  285,  308,  309 

Wood,  John 225,  299 

Wood,  Jonas 10,   150,  151,  152,  153,  154,  180 

Wood,  Joseph 150,  151,  152,  1(57,  234,  249,  257,  308,  309,  431,  432 

Wood,  Mary 285,  345,  346 

Wood,  Stephen 200 

Wright,  Anthony.  .*. , 344 

Wri-rht,  Dennis 352,  353 

Wright,  Edmund 232 

Wright,  Job 404 

Wrig-ht,  John 2(58 

Wright,  Jonathan 273 

Yeats,  William 6,s,  (59.  99,  268,  271,  272,  273,  293,  294 

Yemans,   Christopher Ill 

Yong,  John 317 

This  book  is  und^T^^ 

»i»,'LV ',>.;."