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Full text of "Remains of domestic animals discovered among Post-Pleiocene fossils in South Carolina"

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Museum of Comparative Zoology 

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| | ge? Caen. Beet 
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| Professor of Geolosy and Zoology College of Chacoston, 8. C.; Member of the American ‘ | 
A-sociatiun for the Advancement of Science; Corresponding Member Acad. ) 
‘ Nat. Sci., Pniladelphia, and Lyceum Nat. History. New-York ; ) 
| | and Curator of the Museum Nas. History, Siaie (gomiis c. 1 
| | A _ AND A LUTTER BY i 
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| CHARLESTON, § ©. | 

» Steam Presses, 16 State Street. 

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1858. « 

th ae into America 


Che Horse not Original 

from the ¢ 

To the Editors of the Charleston Mercury : 

Messrs. Epirors:—Under the above head you 
published, a short time since, a notice of the fossil re- 
mains discovered in the marl-beds of Ashley River, 
and included a short extract from a paper written by 
the distinguished anatomist, Professor Leidy of Phil- 

Your notice seems to have attracted general atten- 
tion, but I regret to find by the letter you kindly 
sent me, that one of your correspondents 1s afraid the 
article in question may cause some misapprehension 
of the views of Professor Liedy in regard to the ori- 
gin of the recent or existing species of the horse in 
North America. I have read with care the letter of 
your Philadelphia correspondent, and for reasons that 
will hereafter appear, I must, beg permission to re- 
ply to it. 

Why should he infer from your article on the fos- 
sil remains of the horse, or from the extract from 
Professor Leidy’s paper, that allusion was made to 
the recent horse? ‘The opinion of Professor Leidy in 
regard to the origin of our domestic horse, is not al- 
luded to; your remarks are confined to the fossil re- 
mains of this animal, and not a word is said about 
recent species, or those now in existence, 

The caption of the article must have excited the 
apprehension expressed by the writer, and as this 
heading may have been suggested by my note to you, 
inclosing the extract, I feel myself responsible for it. 

To avoid all misapprehension of the views of a 
hig hly esteemed friend, and of my own also, I have 


concluded to send you the accompanying additional 
extracts from the same paper; it was kindly prepared 
for me by Prof. Leidy, as a contribution to my work 
on the fossils of South-Carolina. These extracts I 
give now more cheerfully, as I find some time must 
elapse before the number which will contain the 
whole article can be published, with its numerous 

I have also added a few remarks of my own on 
these interesting remains. 



Hossils of the Dost-aleiorene. 

The post-pleiocene period is marked in the geolo- 
gical sequence, as that interesting epoch when life 
upon our globe was manifested in those organic 
forms, chiefly of the same species, that belong to the 
historical, or present period, and were obviously de- 
signed ‘“‘ from the beginning ”’ to be the cotemporaries 
and companions of man, who appeared immediately 
afterwards: ‘‘The crowning point of creation.” 

It is the last formation of the caznozorc or tertiary, 
the epoch just antecedent to the advent of man upon 
this earth; a period in which, it may be said, the 
earth had been finally prepared and made ready for 
him who was to be formed in the likeness of the 
Creator, and was to have dominion given him over 
the ‘‘fish of the sea, the fowls of the air, the beasts of 
the earth, the herb and every creeping thing, yea— 
over all the earth;” a period that will ever be distin 
guished as the grand connecting lnk between the 
past and the present. 


Sir Chas. Lyell, who is considered the best au- 
thority on tertiary geology, placed this connection in 
a striking poimt of view, having ascertained that 
ninety- five per cent. of the fossils of the post-pleio- 
cene period, are identical with living species. 

The crust of the earth, as far as the researches of 
geologists extend, appears to be separated into strongly 
marked divisions, that seem to have been formed 
during four distinet and prolonged periods. ‘These 
periods, for the sake of convenience, have been 

‘named in accordance with the class of animals and 
vegetables in existence during the formation of each, 
evidences of which we find preserved in their fossil 

The first division has been called’ Azozc, which 
signifies without life; the rocks of this age consist of 
granite, gneiss, etc.; they contain no traces of organic 
forms, and being the lowest or first formed in the se- 
ries, and originally in an incandescent state, passed, 
no doubt, into the condition of rocks, before the cre- 
ation of animals and plants. 

In the second division, the Paleozoic, or ancient 
life, we have indications of the first animals and 
plants created, not one species of which has outlived 
the convulsions that separated this period from its 
successor; and that served, apparently, m each case 
to mark the close of one period and the commence- 
ment of another. 

The next in order and third of the series, is named 
the Mesozoic or middle life, and its fossils belong to 
that middle or intermediate class of animals, between 
the most ancient and recent forms. ‘These also in 
turn became, like their predecessors extinct, and 
were succeeded by a later creation. 

The next and last age is named the Catnozoic— 
recent ife—and by some authors called the TERTIARY, 
or third grand division, and in which we discover, for 
the first time, the created forms that are to be the 
cotemporaries of man. 


These divisions, or grand divisions, as they may be 
called, are again sub-divided into minor periods or 
formations; the first, consequently the lowest and 
oldest in the series of the Catnozoic or TERTIARY, 1S 
called Eocenr, for in it we find representatives of the 
dawn or commencement of that creation; a few spe- 
cles, two or three per cent. only, having been per- 
petuated down to the present time. 

In the Metocens, the next in age, a larger number 
of species are found whose existence is thus prolonged. 

In the PELIocENE, more recent, a majority of the 
fossils are of recent species; and at last, in the Post- 
PLEIOCENE—the most recent—ninety-five per cent., 
or nearly all the species, continue to recent times. 

Now the evidence herein to be adduced will shew 
that among the fossils collected in South Carolina’ 
from beds of this age—Post-PLEIocENE—some of 
which are exposed at Ashley Ferry, Goose Creek, 
Stono, John’s Island, and other localities, a number 
have been found apparently belonging to animals 
having specific characters in common, with recent or 
living species not considered indigenous to this coun- 
try, such as the horse, hog, sheep, ox, etc. 

A large collection of fossils from this interesting 
formation were submitted by me about three years 
ago, to Professor Leidy, of Philadelphia, the eminent 
paleontologist, for determination; of these a number 
were returned with the remark, that they appeared 
to belong to recent species which had become acci- 
dental occupants of the same bed with the true fos- 
sils. I held the opposite opinion, and believed that 
these relics were indeed true fossil remains, as they 
were obtained not only from the banks and deltas of 
rivers, but a large number from excavations several 
feet below the surface, and at a distance from any 
stream, creek, pond, bog or ravine; and in some 
cases from excavations below the high sandy land of 
cotton fields. 



In a letter to Dr. Nott and Mr. Gliddon,* dated 
Feb. 10, 1857, Prof. L. writes: Ly 

“Sometime since, Professor F. 8. Holmes, of Charleston, sub- 
mitted for my examination, a collection of fossil bones from a 
post-pleiocene deposit on Ashley River, S.C. Among remains 
of the extinct horse, the peccary, mylodon, megatherium, masto- 
don, hipparion, the tapir, the capabara, the beaver, the musk-rat, 
etc., were some which I considered as belonging to the dog, the 
domestic ox, the sheep and the hog. Prof. Holmes observes 
that these remains were taken from an extensive deposit, in 
which similar ones exist abundantly, and he further adds, that 
he cannot conceive that the latter should have become mingled 
witb the former, since the introduction of domestic animals into 
America by Europeans. It is not improbable that the American 
continent once had, as part of its fauna, representatives of our 
domestic animals, which subsequently became extinct—though I 
am inclined to doubt it; but what we have learned of the extinct 
American horse, will lead me carefully to investigate the sub- 

The opportunity for prosecuting this investigation, 
to some extent, | had the pleasure of affording Pro- 
fessor Leidy, in March last, a month after the date 
of the above letter. Dr. Hallowell and himself 
visited me in Charleston, and | accompanied them 
to Ashley ferry and Goose creek. ‘The annexed ex- 
tracts are from a paper of Professor Leidy’s on this 
topic, written after his return home to Philadelphia, 
and he has also kindly sent me a number of very val- 
uable drawings of fossil horse teeth, and other re- 
mains obtained from the Carolina beds.+ 

“The interesting collection of remains of vertebrated animals, 
which form the subject of the following pages, for the most part 
have been submitted to the inspection of the author, by Prof. 
Holmes and Capt. A. H. Bowman, U.S. A., who collected them 
from the eocene, post-pleiocene, and recent geological formations, 
in the vicinity of Charleston, South-Carolina. 

“The collections of these gentlemen consist of a most remark- 
able intermixture of remains of fishes, reptiles and mammals, of 
the three periods mentioned; and in many cases perhaps we may 
err in referring a particular species to a certain formation, more 
especially in the case of the fishies. The remains usually consist 
of teeth vften well preserved, but frequently in small fragments, 
more or less water-worn, and most of the fossils are stained 
brown or block. 

* Indigenous races of the earth; p. xix. 

+ Lithographs of these figures will appear in the volume, with Prof. L.’s paper. 



“By far the greater portion of the fossil remains are obtained 
from the post-pleiocene deposit of the Ashley River, about ten 
miles from Charleston. The country in this locality is composed 
of a base of whitish eocene marl, containing remains of sgualodon 
—sharks and rays—above which is a stratum of post-pleiocene 
marl, about one foot in thickness, overlaid by about three feet of 
sand and earth mould 

“The post-pleiocene marl contains great quantities of irregu- 
lar, water-worn fragments of the eocene marl rock from beneath, 
mingled with sand, blackened pebbles, water rolled fragments of 
bones, and more perfect remains of fishes, reptiles and mammals, 
belonging to the post-pleiocene and eocene fossils. 

“ On the shores of the Ashley River, where the post-pleocene 
and eocene formations are exposed, the fossils are washed from 
their beds, and become mingled with the remains of recent indi- 
genous avd domestic animals, and objects of human art, so that 
when a collection is made in this locality, it is sometimes diffi- 
cult to determine whether the animal remains belong to the 
formations mentioned or not. Generally, however, we have 
been able to ascertain where the fossils belong, which we have 
had the opportunity of examining, from the fact that the greater 
number were obtained from the deposits referred to in digging 
into them some distance from the Ashley River. 

‘The collections contain remains of the horse, ox, sheep, hog 
and dog, which I feel strongly persuaded, with the exception of 
many of those of the first mentioned animal, are of recent date, 
and have become mingled with the true fossils of the post-pleio— 
cene and eocene formations, where there have been exposed on 
the banks of the Ashley River and its tributaries. In regard to 
the remains of the horse, from the facts stated in the account 
given of them in the succeeding pages, I think it will be con— 
ceded that this animal inhabited the United States during the 
post—pleiocene period, contemporarily with the mastodon mega— 
lonyz, and the great broad fronted bison. 

‘Many of the matromalian remains are of recent animals, or at 
least are undistinguishable from the corresponding parts of the 
latter; and if they are not accidental occupants of the post—plei— 
ocene deposit, are highly interesting, as indicating their con— 
temporaneous existence with many species and genera now ex— 

‘It appears to be quite well authenticated that the horse, 
which is now so extensively distributed, both in a wild and do- 
mestic condition, throughout North and South America, did not 
inhabit these continents at the time of their discovery by Euro- 
peans. With this fact in view, in conjunction with the cireum— 
stance that animal remains of late periods may become accidental 

* Remains of the Tapir, Peccary and Cabybara present a similar association 
of life to that now confined to South America. 


occupants of earlier geological formations, we should require 
strong evidence to be advanced before it is admitted that the 
Horse belonged to an ancient fauna of the western world. At 
the present time the evidence appears to be sufficiently ample to 
justify the latter conclusion, and it is further sustained by the 
discovery, in the same part of the world, of the remains of two 
species of the closely allied genus Hipparion, 

‘‘ Remains of the Horse, discovered in Brazil, Buenos-Ayres 
Chili, have been indicated by Dr. Lund, Prof. Owen, M. Weddell, 
and M. Gervais. These remains exhibit no well marked charac- 
ters distinguishing them from corresponding portions of the ske- 
leton of the recent Horse, and from a comparison of the figures 
and descriptions which have been given of most of them, together 
with some remarks of the latter author, it is doubtful whether 
they belong to more than a single species, the Hquus neogaeus of 
Dr. Lund. 

“ Prof. Buckland and Sir John Richardson have described re- 
mains of the Horse, discovered in association with tlose of the 
Elephant, Moose, Reindeer, and Musk-Ox, in the ice cliffs of 
Eschscholtz Bay, Arctic America. 

“In the United States, remains of the Horse. chiefly consisting 
of teeth, have been noticed by Drs. Mitchell,* Harlan,f and De 
Kay,{ but these gentlemen have neither given descriptions nor 
figures by which to identify the specimens. Some of the latter 
are stated to have been found in the vicinity of Neversink Hills, 
New Jersey; others in the excavation for the Chesapeake and 
Ohio Canal, near Georgetown, District of Columbia; and some 
in the later tertiary deposite on the Neuse River, in the vicinity 
of Newbern, North Carolina. Dr. DeKay, in speaking of such 
remains, says, ‘‘they resemble those of the common Horse, but 
from their size apparently belonged to a larger animal,” and he 
refers them to aspecies with the name of Lguus major. 

“Dr. R. W. Gibbes§ has given information of the discovery of 
teeth of the Horse in the pleiocene deposit of Darlington, South- 
Carolina; in Richland District of the same State; in Skidaway 
Island, Georgia, and on the banks of the Potomac river. He 
further observes that he obtained the tooth of a Horse, from 
eocene marl, in the Ashley river, South Carolina, but the re- 
searches of Prof. Holmes|| indubitably indicate the specimen to 
have been an accidental occupant of the formation. 

“Specimens of isolated teeth, and a few bones of the horse, 
from the post-pleiocene and recent deposits of this country, have 
frequently been submitted to my inspection. Many of these I 
have unhesitatingly pronounced to be relics of the domestic 

* Catalogue of Organic Remains, 1826, 7, 8. 
+ Med. a. Phys. Researches, 1835, 267. 

t Zoology, New York, pl. 1, Mammalia, 108. 
§ Proc. Amer. Assoc:, 1850, 66. 

|| Lbidem, 68. 


horse, though I feel persuaded that many remains of an extinct 
species are undistinguishable from the recent one. 

“Whether more than one extinct species is indicated among 
the numerous-specimens of tecth I have had the opportunity 
of examining, I have been unable satisfactorily to determine. 
The specimens present so much difference in condition of preser- 
vation, or change in structure; so much variation in size, from 
that of the more ordinary horse to the largest English dray 
horse; and such variableness in constitution, from that of the 
recent horse to the most complex condition belonging to any 
extinct species described, that it would be about as easy to indi- 
cate a half dozen species as it would two. 

Under the circumstances, I would characterize the extinct 
horse of the United States, as having had about the same size 
as the recent one, ranging from the more ordinary varieties to 
the English dray horse, with molar teeth, frequently compara- 
tively simple in construction, but with a strong disposition to 
become complex. 

“Among the number of teeth of the horse in Prof. Holmes’ 
collection, labelled as coming from the post-pleiocene deposit of 
Ashley River, there are several, which, from their size, construc- 
tion and condition of preservation, I feel convinced are of recent 
date; and these no doubt became mingled with the true fossils 
of that formation where it is exposed on the Ashley River, in 
which position I personally found undoubted remains of the re- 
cent horse and other domestic animals, and objects of human 
art, mingled with remains of fishes, reptiles, and mammals, 
washed by the river from the banks, composed of eocene and 
post-pleiocene deposits. 

“Teeth of an extinct species of Horse, however, undoubtedly 
belong as true fossils to the post-pleiocene formatious in the 
vicinity of Charleston. These are usually hard in texture, 
stained brown or black from the infiltration of oxide of iron, 
sometimes well preserved, but more frequently in a fragmentary 
condition and water worn. Generally they are not larger than 
the teeth of the more ordinary varieties of the domestic horse, 
and sometimes are quite as simple in the plication of their 
enamel, but usually are more complex and sometimes exceed- 
ingly so. 

“Figure 1 represents a first superior molar tooth, neither 
larger nor more complex in structure than the corresponding 
tooth of the recent Horse. This specimen, which is dense and 
jet black in color, was obtained by Prof. Holmes from a stratum 
of ferruginous sand, two inches thick, exposed on the side of a 
bluff, on Goose Creek, about twelve miles from Charleston. 

“Having expressed a desire to see the locality from which 
the tooth just mentioned was obtained, Prof. Holmes afforded me 
the opportunity of doing so. The bluff is about thirty feet high; 


its base is formed of a pleiocene limestone, about fifteen feet 
thick and composed of the debris of marine shells; above this is 
the stratum of ferruginous sand, of post—pleiocene age, cuntain- 
ing numerous pebbles and rolled fragments of bone all blackened 
like the tooth obtained from the same position. Overylying the 
latter stratum, there is a layer of stiff blue clay, about two feet 
in thickness, and above this there are about twelve feet of sand 
and earth—mould. 

“A similar blackened tooth was obtained from the same for— 
mation at Doctor’s Swamp, John’s Island. 

“ Figure 4 represents a very remarkably well preserved speci- 
men of a lower molar above referred to, from Georgia, where it 
was discovered by J. H. Couper, in association with equally well 
preserved remains of other extinct animals. The tooth is brown 
in color; and it neither differs in size nor form from its homo- 
logue in the recent Horse. 

‘“‘In the collection of fossils of Prof. Holmes, there is the spe— 
cimen of an upper first large molar, labelled from Texas, repre— 
sented in figure 5. The tooth is of the largest comparative size, 
and exhibits the highest degree of complexity in the folding of 
its enamel; in both of which characters it differs in such a re— 
markable degree from the corresponding tooth, represented in 
figure 5, from the post-pleiocene formation of South—Carolina, 
that it appears hardly possible that these two teeth should be— 
long to the same species of horse. 

“A remarkably well preserved specimen of an upper molar 
tooth, jet black in color, and an incisor, yellow and quite friable 
in texture, both belonging to the extinct horse, from North-Car- 
olina, have been submitted to my inspection by Prof. Emmons. 

“Among the most interesting of the fossils discovered by Prof. 
Holmes, in the post—-pleiocene beds of the Ashley River, are two 
molar teeth of a species of the equine genus Hippotherium, These 
are the first remains of the latter discovered in America, and they 
indicate the smallest known species. 

‘Both specimens are from the upper jaw; and they are well 
characterized, not only by the isolation of the internal median 
enamal column, but also by the complex plication of the interior 
or central enamel columns. 

“The Jarger specimen is firm in texture; has the enamel stain— 
ed jet—black, and the dentine and cement gray. 

““T have personally had the opportunity of inspecting remains 
of the tapir, found in Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, 
Indiana, Ohio and South—Carolina, proving an extensive range of 
this animal at one time over the country of the United States. 

“The specimens which were presented by Dr. Carpenter to the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, on close compar— 
ison are not found to differ from the corresponding parts of the 
living lapirus americanus. 


“The post—-pleiocene deposit of the Ashley River, contain a 
number of small fragments of molar teeth, and one nearly entire 
and unworn crown of a second lower molar, which have the same 
characters of form and size, as in the living tapir. Besides these, 
the same collections contain fragments of lower molars, and two 
nearly entire crowns of upper molars, having the exact form of 
the corresponding teeth of the 7’. americanus, but larger in size. 

“Teeth of the beaver, jet black in color, have likewise been 
obtained from the post-pleiocene deposit of Ashley River. 

“The collections contain numerous specimens of blackened 
molar teeth, together with a few incisors and fragments of jaws, 
from the Ashley post—pleiocene deposit, which neither differ in 
form nor size from the corresponuing parts of the recent musk— 

“ Remains of Zepus sylvaticus—common gray rabbit—have been 
found in association with those of other rodents and of the ex— 
tinct peccary near Galena, Illinois. A few specimens of molar 
teeth, black in color, apparently belonging to this species, were 
obtained from the post—pleiocene beds of the Ashley River. 

“ Several small fragments of teeth of the Megatherium, in Prof. 
Holmes’ collection, were obtained from the post—pleiocene bed of 
the Ashley River. Previously to the discovery of these speci— 
mens, remains of the Megathertum had been found in no other lo— 
cality of North America, than in the State of Georgia. 

**Two small fragments of lower molar teeth of Mylodon Harlani, 
were obtained from the Ashley post-pleiocene beds. One of the 
fragments is represented in figures 21, plate xvi, of ‘A memoir on 
the extinct Sloth Tribe of North America,’ by the author,” 

As regards the specimens of human art found as 
above, itmust be remarked that it is only at this 
locality—Ashley Ferry—that we find such relics. 
Here at the base of a low bluff, is a beach of Focene 
marl; above the bluff is a farm-yard, and all the 
sweepings of the premises, consisting in part of old 
hoes, broken plough-shares, and fragments of crock- 
ery-ware, etc., are thrown into the river, and le min- 
gled with the fossils which are washed out of the 
bloff, and scattered over the surface of the beach 
kelow, which is exposed at low tide. At no other 
locality on this river, and there are several, viz: 
Ramsay’s, Clement’s Greer’s , Middleton’s, etce., ee 
similar fossils are foutidt do the obtain relics of human 
art; at least, I have never found such. 


The fossils from Ashley Ferry present, asa group, 
the same appearance as those procured inland at some 
distance from the river, by digging from three to five 
feet below the surface. Many specimens from the 
ferry were considered as recent by Professor Leidy ; 
they appear quite fresh and unchanged in color, and 
their texture not in the shehtest degree altered. To 
one familiar with the fossils of the South Carolina 
Post-Pleiocene, this excites no surprise, as it is of 
common occurrence,’ more especially among the 
shells; for example, the olive shell—Olva kterata— 
is found as fresh and highly polished as the recent 
ones from the sea-beaches along the coast; and Car- 
dium magnum retains often, the delicate yellow and 
brown markings; common to the species. 

The color or texture of a fossil, therefore, does not 
always absolutely determine tts relative age; as Pro- 
fessor Leidy has himself remarked in a foot-note to 
his letter alluded to above, viz: 

“Fossilization, petrification, or Japidification, is no positive 
indication of the relative age of organic’ remains. 

‘*The Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Phila- 
delphia, contains bones of the megalonyx, and of the extinct 
peccary, that are entirely unchanged; not a particle of gelatin 
has been lost, nor a particle of mineral matter added, and, indeed, 
some of the bones of the former even have portions of articular 
cartilage and tendinous attachments, well preserved.”* 

From the foregoing it would apppear that of the 
ancient fauna of America, which included represen- 
tatives of many of our present domestic animals, 
some species have undoubtedly become extinct; but 
I confess I am not yet prepared to admit from any 
evidence yet adduced, or from my own examinations 
that, all of the hving species are distinct from those 
found fossil in the post-pleiocene. The teeth and 
bones of the rabbit, raccoon, opossum, deer, elk, hog, 
dog, sheep, ox and horse are often found in these 
beds, and though associated with those known to be 

* Indigenous races of the earth; p. xix. 


extinct, such as mastodon, megatherium, hipparion, 
etc., need not necessarily be referred to extinct races 
also; since their remains cannot be distinguished 
from the bones and teeth of the living species. 

Of the mollusca from the same beds about ninety- 
five per cent are to my mind identically the same 
with species now living on the coast of South-Caro- 
lina. ‘Two species of these shells though extinct, or 
not in existence here, are now living in numbers on 
the coast of Florida and the northern shores of the 
gulf of Mexico ;* and two have no hving represen- 
tatives that we can discover.+ 

The question therefore naturally suggests itself— 
are the living horses, dogs, hogs, raccoons, opossums, 
deer, elk, tapirs, beavers, etc., and the one hundred 
and fifty living shells of the coast, the descendants of 
the animals whose remains we find fossil in the above 
named beds. ® 

It has been just remarked that about ninety-five 
per cent., or nearly all of the one hundred and fifty 
shells of molluscous animals from these beds are 
specifically identical with the recent or living species 
of the coast,—two are found only at the south of 
this, and two are. extinct. Of the vertebrates from 
the same bed, the tapir, peccary, raccoon, opossum, 
deer, musk-rat, rabbit, beaver, and elk have still their 
living representatives, generically, if not specifically; 
and even of the identity of species there seems to be 
no doubt, as no anatomical differences can be dis- 
cerned. ‘T'wo of these species, like the mollusca just 
alluded to, no longer live in South Carolina; the 
tapir and peccary are only found in South America 
and Mexico; the musk-rat, elk and beaver, though 
extinct on the Atlantic coast, are still living in the 
interior of the country. And though it has been 
acknowledged that the mastodon, megatherium, ele- 
phant, glyptodon, and two species of Equine genera, 

* Strombus pugilis; Gnathodon cuneatum. 
{ Iyalea. Tellina. 


etc., are entirely extinct, yet the discoveries made of 
the remains even of some of these, would indicate 
that they still existed at a period so recent, that, in 
the language of Professor Leidy, ‘it 1s probable the 
red man witnessed their declining existence.” 

The peccary, or Mexican hog, an animal common 
in Mexico, is not indigenous to the Atlantic United 
States; but his bones have been found associated 
with human remains in caves used as cemeteries by 
the Aboriginees.* ‘A tomb in the city of Mexico,” 
according to Clavigero, (’)+ ‘“‘was found to contain 
the bones of an entire mammoth, the sepulchre ap- 
pearing to have been formed expressly for their re- 
ception.” And “Mr. Latrobe relates that during the 
prosecution of some excavations, near the city of 
Tezcuco, one of the ancient roads or causeways was 
discovered, and on one side, only three feet below 
the surface, in what may have been the ditch of the 
road, there lay the entire skeleton of a mastodon. It 
bore every appearance of having been coeval with 
the period when the road was used.” 

Again I extract from Prof. Leidy’s letter :{ 

“The early existence of the genera to which our domestic 
animals belong, has been adduced as presumptive evidence of 
the advent of man at a more remote period than is usually as- 
signed. It must be remembered, however, even at the present 
time that of some of these genera only a few species are domes- 
ticated: thus of the existing six species of Hqguus (Horse) only 
two have ever been freely brought under the dominion of man. 

“The Horse did not exist in America at the time of its disco- 
very by Europeans; but its remains, consisting chiefly of molar 
teeth, have now been so frequently found in association with 
those of extinct animals, that it is generally admitted once to 
have been an aboriginal inbabitant. When I first saw examples 
of these remains I was not disposed to view them as relics of an 
extinct species; for although some presented characteristic dif- 
ferences from those of previously known species, others were 
undistinguishable from the corresponding parts of the domestic 
horse, and among them were intermediate varieties of form and 

* Bradford’s American Antiquities, p. 31. 
+ Bradford’s American Antiquities, p. 227. 
{ Nott and Gliddon, Indigenous races of the earth; p. xviii. 


size. The subsequent discovery of the remains of two species 
of the closely allied extinct genus Hipparion, in addition to the 
discovery of remains of two extinct equine genera of an earlier 
geological period, leaves no room to doubt the former existence 
of the Horse on the American continent, contemporaneously with 
the Mastodon and Megalonyx: and man probably was his com- 

The result of the whole seems to be, that of the 
animals found fossil in the post-pleiocene beds, all 
the mollusca of the present day are undoubtedly a 
perpetuation of the same species; that of the high- 
er order of vertebrata, the tapir, peccary, raccoon, 
opossum, deer, elk, and musk rat are equally enti- 
tled to be considered the descendants of this ancient 
race. And if the claims of the mollusca to this dis- 
tinction rests upon a secure basis, because they are 
peculiar to this country, and not obnoxious to suspi- 
cion ‘of foreign immigration, it must be recollected 
that this is equally true of the above named animals. 

Those which have hitherto been regarded as of re- 
cent and European origin, are the horse, sheep, hog 
and ox; and it must be reserved perhaps for future 
consideration to determine how far the negative 
proof of the non-existence of these animals in the 
country at the time of its discovery may be regarded 
in each individual case sufficiently strong to settle 
the question of his extinction and re-introduction, 
when so many of his associates and contemporaries 
have succeeded in maintaining an unbroken line of 
descent down to the present day. 

By the steamer Isabel, just arrived from Key West, 
(March Ist) I received the annexed letter from the 
learned Professor Agassiz, to whom I had the pleas- 
ure of exhibiting these interesting specimens, only a 
few days ago, when he passed through Charleston, 
en route for Key West: 


Key West, Fes. 25th, 1858. 
Professor F. S. Holmes: 

My Dear Sir:—I have not forgotten my promise to write you 
my impressions respecting your important discoveries of fossil 
mammalia in the post-pieiocene beds of South-Carolina. Indeed 
I have been thinking of them continually since I saw them, and 
nothing impressed me so deeply for many years past as the 
sight of these bones. I consider their careful study in all their 
relations as of the utmost importance for the progress of our 
science. It is true there is hardly any thing of interest in the 
animals themselves, since they appear to be all well known 
types, but their simultaneons occurrence in the same beds, show- 
ing that they have lived together at a time when the white man 
had not yet planted himself upon this continent, render their 
association as undisputed. How does it happen, that horses, 
sheep, bulls and hogs, not distinguishable from our domestic 
species existed upon this continent, together with the deer, the 
musk-rat, the beaver, the hare, the opossom, the tapir, which in 
our days are peculiar to this ‘continent, and not found in the 
countries where our domesticated animals originated? The 
whole matter might seem to admit of an easy solution by sup- 
posing that the native American horse, sheep, bull, and hog were 
different species from those of the old world, even though the 
parts preserved show no specific differences; but this would bea 
mere theoretical solution of a difficulty which seems to me to 
have far deeper meaning, and to bear directly upon the question 
of the first origin of organized beings. 

The circumstances under which these remains are found, ad- 
mit of no doubt but the animals from which they are derived, 
existed in North America long before this continent was settled 
by the white race of men, together with animals which to this 
day are common in the same localities, such as the deer, the 
musk-rat, the opossum and others only now found in South Ame- 
rica, such as the tapir. This shows beyond the possibility of. a 
controversy, that animals which cannot be distinguished from 
one another, may originate independently in different fauna, and 
I take it that the facts you have brought together, are a satis- 
factory proof that horses, sheep, bulls and hogs not distinguish- 
able at present from the domesticated species, were called into 
exisience upon the continent of North America prior to the com- 
ing of the white race to these parts, and that they had already 
disappeared here when the new comers set foot upon this con- 
tinent; but the presence of tapir teeth among the rest show also 
that a genus peculiar to South America and the Sunda Islands 
existed also in North America in those days, and that its repre- 
sentative of that period is not distinguishable from the South 
American species. 

It would be desirable in this stage of the enquiry to compare 
your tapir teeth with those of the species from Central America, 


which is considered distinct from the Brazilian species. This 
circumstance leads naturally to the question of the specific 
identity of all these animals with those now living in the same 
locality, and with the domesticated species. And here I confess 
the difficulty to be almost insuperable, or at least hardly ap- 
proachable in the present state of our science, when the views 
of naturalists are so divided as to what are species among the 
genera bos, ovis, capra. For myself, I entertain doubt respect- 
ing the unity of origin of the domesticated horses. But what- 
ever be the final result of this enquiry, this much is already 
established by the fossils you have collected, that horses, hogs, 
bulls and sheep were among the native animals of North Ame- 
rica, as early as the common American deer, the opossum, the 
beaver, the musk rat, etc. What remains to be settled respecting 
their specific identity is involved in the controversy now carried 
on between naturalists, who admit specific distinctions upon a 
very wide range of differences, and those who limit them within 
narrow boundaries. But the final solution of this point can in 
no way lessen the interest of your discoveries. 

Should you publish anything upon this subject, let me have 
your notice, for I am deeply interested in the subject, as I always 
shall be, in everything you do. 

Ever truly your friend, 

Extinct Spectes.—Mastodon, Megatherium, Megalonyx, Glyp- 
todon, Mylodon and Hipparion, 2 species. 

Not now Founp on tHE AtLAntic Coast, But InpicENous To Norra 
Amertca.—Bison, Tapir, Peccary, Beaver, Musk rat, and Elk. 

Tue Derr, Raccoon, Opossum, Rappir AND THE FOLLOWING Domzs- 
vic Anttatns—Horse, Hog, Sheep, Dog and Ox are not distin- 
guishable from the living species. 


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