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STTH SNC RNS, l SENATE. § Document 
1st Session. | peor 232- 





In charge of Laboratory of Insecticides and Agricultural Waters, of the Bureau of 
Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 


WES Ee CAG Vale Won BAB); 
Geologist, United States Geological Survey. 


1-9/0: 2 

Aprit 4, 1902.—Referred to the Committee on Public Lands 
and ordered to be printed. 

“00nan Inge, 
(> TT 637 “ag 

UN 27 19027 
WASHINGTON: NR Lationat Wise oF 





Washington, April 3, 1902. 
Str: I am in receipt of Senate resolution of the 2d instant— 

That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, directed to forward to the 
Senate the reports, prepared under his direction, of analysis of the waters of the 
Hot Springs, on the Hot Springs Reservation, Arkansas, by Mr. J. K. Haywood, 
of the Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, and geological sketch of 
Hot Springs Reservation by Prof. Walter H. Weed of the United States Geological 


In response thereto, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of 
the report indicated in the foregoing resolution, together with the 
accompanying maps and illustrations. 

Very respectfully, 
EK. A. Hrrcxcocr, 



PERRO SHC CNCO aac risa tare ya ta. Aa Se ORES A a oe SSS ae 

Analysis of the hot waters. 

“ope STUB MONTY S seca len a ne Re eine ae Re Gi eee LA Late Sera ae aN 

Methods of examination. 

“TRG OSS EHD EY es eee eee ase ae es SE ee GI acy a eae Rpt 
F LOU 2 BEB ace ae nO A CMP eS, Sie NE eMC Sea nC A ee Rae 

Carbon dioxid Gn excess of that necessary to form eal carbonates) -- 
Carbon dioxid (given off from bicarbonates on evaporation) ...--.------ 

1 BY VCH OOHONVO SE YONG ek see tr ieee ee ae ea ale aN a Gain nae al ee ea SEO Oe OL 

I er rst eden tc 1 Gls ge oe nec pee che Lomas, ose ang Sh ge RN Rei ty et ng a 
OO USEAGl Cerne etree pa ope el ee tn AD OU Rb at REN en of. 
SERGE eA NTI (TT Salam ee era ote ee et ecg ee ale aN Ser are SS Ate tee eT 
{Natl} Ayrav on VeraU Vac erik Ee eye me n., ee sastee trae Worme gene Uae ene C Ns can Sa eee FORE 
LO xa CINE COM SUMTIN Os CA NA CH th yap apne ee ee = a ieee ee eer ee es Vee Be 
SPRUE) I CL Gerace eet ey ger ec Per) eign NG ess Sues emer tpl ag sp iee 6 nade 
Cou oteiira ess Ao pe a UM sh a ao apa eee All oe ee ltd ced Noe 
Moyet RATT CLS EO MOT TN ets oye esd Py gee aT ce Le tS ete eee 
- ALTASY STING VGC © aioe Rae See ec RIE ED nc ie See cae ea 
iBYOTANG, GiGi le sor Se ae seh re feat Oa SUN Beak eg ean eA aan cee (aly 
ions aluminum: andemanvanese a2 S25 sess eee hee ee ee ees 
STILLS Giz ee Se aap a sees SE nan Ae pete ao mer tn debate Seco eebeed ET, 

Sulphuric acid, ratad fsitinnlSoyobyoTom. atl NioWbbINS ae oe Se ee 
Etta NOT ChACl mae iy sa aes a Aes a eth ey penta sae a ane ston hes SAR aa ast 
[PHONON Op se See eee aie es ie ee ea hae ter ieee eee a Re 

Medicinal value of substances usually found in mineral waters: 
Carwonatesiamdabicar WOM Aate se weet ayer ae pene anaes At in ye ys tre Desa 
HOChiIMEcarMoOnAateramdsicarMomate, samme sa = see el seaysyeriencd sn ats ae 
Potassium carhbonateranGdeplearoonate sem mee sey tae eee 
ith: carbonaterand: bicarbonate 2-4" saps lees sey ae 
Magnesium carbonate and bicarbonate.__._..-.-.-.---..-..---.----- 
Ca) cum: carbonateand: bicarbonateses--2 =o. ee eee eee ee 
Herrous and manganous bicarbonate. = -222a2c-) 84-4 s4-05e5 ces net 
Chlorides Se ek eae SP pe ED tA er ot en seg URE SR Ley BL UA et Gee AE ATS) 

Potassium auilce LCC pe aps Sea eae Se Le lpr sir sta be ec rt erg es ae De EI ee 
Merton blond ene sais ate aes ee ey ope AE ee ee Nels 
Mia omesmmmac Ml OEIC Crseuie elie ieye os ee ain ete eid MiNi St We ook ae 
Cal Gita Chilo aid ee eae eee a a se a yma) cepa eed 
TEETER OWES] COMM Ota 0 Key ates Ae AS ae a ee a Se yee oa seers ee ea 
LSSomiaa (Osa eawamy CG OOS ANG Kes ey es I Ss RS 2S Ns a ec eee ee 
SELASSIE pee PES St see oe a aye Oui on ten es I et age ee EN 
HOdUMn And mAcheEsinm sulphates-28 25-25. 5-2252 si eiecc foe sot cee 
ROpaccimmmsilplictere: seme aN ss ey sear yet ester NSE NS Oi 8 
Calernstlp ates se en os eee a een Sule Eee 

ironman aAlimamum sil phate. Seven ne Seng. i. Shc e Seige uisek oe 
IGGIGIES: << 2 LeSes eet ae AOE RAE eOe See ee Se Eee nee ps ieee eee ee 



Medicinal value of substance usually found in mineral waters—Continued. 
Borates ....% . 25 2.2. esd ce eck os some ae Sas eae eee 28 
Nitrates 2.52.22. s22cd20e5-2 2002 25st eae8 05 on ee 29 
Silicas..s2. kote setae sl oeee lose ee eee eee 29 
Nitrogen: and oxygen - =e. 22 oe one ic oe ee eee Zea 29 
Carbon dioxid ....--.2-s.c0-..s0se.4c0s. 12a 29 
Hodrogen sulphide 2.2.2... 222.n2lsebassbs sc oeee eee 29 
Medicinal value‘of thermal waters.-..-22 5.52.2. 2-2. ---- == 29 
Acknowledgments. 22.25. -2. .c5 So ois bdnc ioe oe eee 30 
Table of temperatures 222. .-t..- 22.5.2 22 22 so eee 30 
Table of flow of springs.-2:2).2..22.5.42.-2 1 ee eee 31 
Analyses of springs: ‘ 
(1) Beo'Spring...25i 25-2 2230 See ee 32 
(2) Arsenic Spring .222.222-2uie2e- S22 2 Sl ee ee 33 
(3) Arlington Spring. : 03.22 5...0. 222.52 ee 34 
tas Cliff Spring: . 222.252 22505 eh ole eee 3 
(0) SAvenue Sprinetse ssa se ae eee 2s ee Sle eee 36 
(6): Boiler House'Spring = 222222224026. 22 eee 37 
(7). Imperial: Spring (north) 222-23... eee 38 
(8) Crystal Spring ..5.2.. 22. 825.26 252 eee eee 39 
(9) Rector: Spring a2 2 3 Ae eae Se eee 40 
(10) "Cave Spring 225-202. 2 32 ee ee 4] 
(QE) aittle Tom§S min os (vont ln) eee 42 
(12): chittle Geyser Sprino:<achos2 os oe NE Se ee eee 43 
(3). Little Iron:Springs(south)) 82s) eee 44 
(14)" Ral Springs. 22. .es: os see ee ee ee 45 
(15); Biovlron:Sprine == 22. yt eee ee 46 
(16) Imperial Spring (South) 2 2525 40) <8 es oe ee 47 
(17) Arsenic Spring (north) 22s ee ee a eee 48 
(18)ssbitehcock 8 pring 4. 2 as = a Senate See 49 
(19) Sumpter Springs fos. a ee oe ee 50 
(20) ‘Superior Spring(morth )=>-- 2222s ee dl 
(21) Alum Spring. (25 20 22s ee eee ee 52 
(22) Superior/Spring (south) \222-222222 52-52-26. ee 3 
(23) Dwin:Springs (north) 2 223°. 28522 2 ae ee ee o4 
(24) Twin Springs’ (south) -_2 <5... -6:. 2-2-2. 5d 
(25) "Old SHale'S pring 2022 ee ee 56 
(26) Palace Spring). S225). eas css os ws ee 57 - 
(27) Bunnel'S primes 522. 2 gee Se eee 58 
(28). Maurice Spring. 3552 5.322288 See ae ee eee 59 
(29) Dripping Spring-.----. -- Runt eS i eee 60 
(30) Arch: Spring: 2222 3-22 oo ss Se eee 61 
(31) Haywood (Springs 32 aes es sei Soe ae eee eee 62 
(32), John W. Noble Spring’. 2242-22. se Se eee 63 
(33) Lamar Spring. 2 6.0522 242-02 sone ee ee 64 
(84) BW. Wiley Spring vac: 2.2 eases he ee ee eee 65 
(35):-Ed. Hardin Spring? 2323222 484-5202 62 438 2a ee ee ee 66 
(36) Hisele Spring...) J.- 2 -) 2 s2e4e- 0 oe 67 
(37) Stevens Spring. . 2... 2.2. 4222582. 3s- 5s 8 see 68 
(38) HorseShoe Spring... 222222422 52-222-.at2- 3--- ==  eee 69 
(39) Army and Navy Spring... .05.- 5222-2 52 Ss0- oe 70 
(40) W..J. Little Spring. 00.2.2...) 2. eee 71 
(41) Mud’ Spring: -- 22.222 2s 3222 tee ets eet eer eee 72 
(42) Magnesia ‘Spring ....2-- 2225225. 246s ee eee 73 
(43) Reservoir Spring --. 22222 2s23 222252. 32 2 Ree eee 74 
(44) Liver Spring .. 2... . <2! 2222252229 vos eee 79 
(45) Kidney Spring oe i oo ope a ee eee 76 
(46) eBordyce Springs eae ces Seseenc see ee 77 
Summary of the results'of analyses |..---.5.-./22 2 = eee 78. 
Geographic, location gi. os 5.24.25 2.2. c ee ete cee a ee eee 79 
Historical notes 2.0 222..5 222460252. be Seek Anse es eke eee 79 
Geographic relation of district to rest of the State............--------------- 81 

Topography =.224. 0.2... .s2ckckccccckbcnss teste 8L 


eRRGG AOE MICRON SERICIs ety NEE a uta Ge ue a helen mio aie eis ee Pare 
PRES OOESUGWGUUNC eye trisps tre Recher sare oem, MET OR Te ROR ach TIS ars 
Homenus Toes... 2-2/2. SE 8 el pea eee CeCe ce 
TP DELLS a 22 3 | SERBS eee Oe ae RR AC cre Rena a ae 
rewire SMI ONLI A CLEP OSIbie os Se se ao ses ae enc Oe fo BS ee ae 
Reeerccciauons.or the hot springs. "22 252.) se See ee leh: 
REO SGI ORWIALCLS ose eee Se as ee Ie cy Mes Mia Nak ae Tee 

PPP Re eMe tL SprInes iy INO. OUL oa. eee ws ee SR MU Mee tees Ba 
Wonskam Gyvaoi tempera tune =< aes Uso as vee SAEED Soon ee 
Constancy of discharge--.----------- IS icine SSS SOE ee em Sn ee 
MoT Ohmimeral matter-heldiin solution =s..25 2222455052. 2-2 5.5... 

SELES. DEY LOTR Sg tae a Gee Sia Mane eas hel ae, 

List OF Ths PATON: 

: Page. 
Bird’s-eye view of Hot Springs—business section on left, Bath House Row in 
the center, and Army and Navy Hospital on the right -... Frontispiece. 
Pirate I. View of hot springs of Arkansas looking south. (From Owen’s 
report, Arkansas geological survey, 1860) s= === a ee 81 
Il. View of Central avenue, looking south = :2--.2:--2.2-2-2 patrese 82 
Ill. Pavilion at main entrance to Hot Springs Reservation._......-..--- 84 
IV. Hot Springs, Central avenue, looking south, showing Arlington 
Hotel and Bath House Row on Hot Springs Reservation on the 
left 2 [269 205 ee al SNE es oe a 85 
V- Lookineveast, showins Cave Springs == 8. 2 se 86 
VI. Dripping Spring, looking east, showing Tufa Bluff and the secured 
and inclosed Hale Spring below 22-22.) = -- see ees see eee 87 
VII. Steps and walk of tufa on reserve near Arlington Hotel and Cave 
Spring. (Steps cut in solid hot-springs deposit which is grassed 
and covered by vegetation alongside. Blocks bordering steps show 
cellular pitted nature of much of the weathered tufa) ....-.------ 89 
VITE- Map: of -hotisprings; 1860. ee se 2-5 ate 92 
IX. Map showing location of hot springs, 1901. (Numbers correspond 
to thoseanttablelot analyses) S5.-0- sae oe ao) eee ee eee 90 
X. Topographic map of the hot springs and vicinity -.....--.--..-+--- 94 


Washington, August 29; 1899. 

Str: There are on the Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark., 
a number of hot springs the water from which is, under the supervi- 
sion of this Department, supplied to certain bath houses for the bene- 
fit of the public. The waters of these springs are claimed to have 
medicinal qualities, and from the number of cures that have been 
effected from the use thereof it is believed to be true. No official 
analysis, however, has ever been made of the properties of these waters, 
and I therefore have the honor to request to be advised as to whether 
it will be practicable for an analysis of the waters of these hot springs 
to be made by the chemists of your Department. 

Any expense that may be incurred in the matter will be defrayed 
from the Hot Springs Reservation fund. <A copy of the last annual 
report of the superintendent of the Hot Springs Reservation is inclosed, 
in which will be founda list of the hot springs, their relative tempera- 
ture, elevation, and character of the flow of the water therefrom. 

Very respectfully, 
Tuos. Ryan, 
Acting Secretary. 


Washington, D. C., September 9, 1899. 
Str: In reply to your communication of September 2, I would say 
that I have directed Dr. H. W. Wiley, the Chief Chemist of the 
Department, to undertake the analyses of the waters from the Hot 
Springs of Arkansas, in the Government reservation. 
I have the honor to be, sir, 
The honorable the SecrrErary or THE INTERIOR. 


Washington, D. C., December 9, 1901. 
Srr: I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of the Chief 
of the Bureau of Chemistry on the results of the analyses of waters of 
the hot springs, in accordance with the request which you made of me 
August 29, 1900. The general scope of the work is fully set forth in 
the letter of introduction prepared by Dr. Wiley, and I trust that you 
will find the data of the experimental work, which was conducted under 
his direction by Mr. J. K. Haywood> satisfactory. 


Washington, D. C., December 9, 1901. 

Str: I beg to transmit herewith the results of the work done in this 
Bureau in the examination of the waters of the Hot Springs of Arkan- 
sas. This work was undertaken in harmony with the request made to 
you by the Secretary of the Interior, and under the instructions which 
you gave me in acceding to that request. 

After a careful preliminary study of the nature of the problems to 
be investigated, I, with your consent, detailed Mr. J. K. Haywood, one 
of my assistants and an expert in water analysis, for the purpose of — 
undertaking theanalysesdesired. Mr. Haywood was given full instruc- 
tions in regard to the character of the work which he was to perform, 
and in compliance with those instructions proceeded to Hot Springs, 
where he made the necessary study of the waters at the springs them- 
selves. He also secured abundant samples of the waters for the 
examination which could be made in the laboratory of this Bureau. 

Mr. Haywood has given in the following pages the results of his 
investigations, together with certain opinions in regard to the thera- 
peutic values of the water: s, which it is deemed advisable should accom- 
pany the report. In regard to these opinions it is only proper to say 
that they are not our own, but are based upon the authorities which 
are regarded as reliable in such matters. It must not be understood, 
howeve er, that these opinions in regard to the therapeutic value of the 
waters have ¢ any Official indor sement whatever from this Bureau. We 
have not made any experimental determinations of the healing quali- 
ties of the waters, nor have we studied their effects on invalids. These 
opinions are subject to correction or change, in the light of further 
investigations made by us or by other parties, and must not be accepted 
with too much consideration. The value of these thermal waters in 
certain chronic cases of disease is well established; but how this thera- 
pou action is secured is not a proper subject of investigation by this 



This report is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of thermal 
waters, and I believe it will be found thorough and accurate, repre- 
senting the sum of our knowledge of these waters at the present time. 

I have the honor to request that you transmit this bulletin to the 
honorable the Secretary of the Interior. 

Ee Wis Ways, 
Chief of Bureau of Chemistry. 
Hon. JamEs WILSON, 
Secretary of Agriculture. 


By J. K. Haywoop, 

In Charge of Laboratory of Insecticides and Agrieultural Waters. 

[Analyses performed at the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, under the 
direction of H. W. Wiley, chief chemist. ] 


The Hot Springs of Arkansas are situated in Garland County imme- 
diately adjacent to Hot Springs City, on the western slope and at the 
base of Hot Springs Mountain, a spur of the Ozark Range. Origi- 
nally there were said to have been seventy-one of these springs, but 
on account of improvements on the mountain, necessitating the merging 
of two or more springs into one, also by reason of the natural changes 
in the subterranean course of the water, this number has been reduced 
to forty-nine. Forty-four of these are either in use or can easily be 
used by making some slight improvements. Five rise from the bed 
of the creek situated at the base of the mountain, and are consequently 
lost in the cold water of the stream. Besides the hot springs men- 
tioned above, there are two cold springs in close juxtaposition on the 
northern slope of the mountain. 

In making the analyses of these waters, because of changes apt to 
take place in certain constituents on standing, some of the determina- 
tions were made directly on the ground within one hour after the 
samples had been taken. The determinations mentioned are nitrogen, 
oxygen, carbon dioxide (free and as bicarbonates), nitrites, nitrates, oxy- 
gen consuming capacity, and free and albuminoid ammonia. Besides 
this, 10-gallon samples of each spring were shipped to Washington, 
D. C., where determinations of the various mineral constituents were 
at once begun. Each day the temperature of the spring then under 
analysis was taken; finally at the end of the chemist’s stay at Hot 
Springs the temperatures were retaken in a single day, as well as the 
flow of each spring. 


The constituents determined in each of the 44 hot springs and in the 
2 cold springs include the following: 

Oxygen, consuming capacity. Chlorine. 
Albuminoid ammonia. Borie acid. 

Free ammonia. Phosphoric acid. 
Lithium. Nitric acid. 
Sodium. Nitrous acid. 
Potassium. Sulphuric acid. 
Magnesium. Silicie acid. 
Calcium. Carbonic acid. 
Tron and aluminum. Bicarbonie acid. 
Manganese. Nitrogen. 
Arsenic. C )xygen. 

Todine. Hydrogen sulphide. 
Bromine. Total solids. 

Besides these substances, the following were determined in spring 
No. 15 (Big Iron), which is not only the largest Spon in the group 
but will serve as an example of all the other springs, since the chemical 
composition of all of them is so nearly alike: 




In reporting the results of analysis, the bases and acids are given in 
parts per million of the positive and negative lons, except In the case 

of silica, which, in the present state of our knowledge, we can only 
report as such, not going into the question of how much is present as 
the silicic acid ion and how much present as free silica. Tron and 
aluminum are always reported together, because of the great difficulty 
in separating such small amounts of the two as appear in these waters. 
Wherever iron and aluminum are involved in any calculation the 
whole is considered as iron and given an atomic weight of 56. This 
is doubtless practically correct, since a test of the residue from a large 
volume of one of the springs showed that the iron-aluminum precipt- 
tate consisted almost entirely of iron and contained aluminum, at the 
most, only in traces. 

Because of the fact that these analyses will doubtless be referred to 
by many who have had no chemical training, the author has thought 
it best to combine the acids and bases in a hypothetical combination, 
thus reporting them as salts. That such a combination has no basis, 
in fact, is doubtless true, since we have every reason to believe that 

where various basic and acid ions are present in solution no base unites 
with any particular acid to the exclusion of all others, or vice versa, 
but that all possible combinations are formed, to at least some extent, 
of the various basic and acid ions present in solution. For example: 
Suppose we have calcium carbonate in solution. It partly dissociates 
into the positive and negative ions Ca and CO, as follows: 

C100) =) =F eo, 
Again, if magnesium sulphate is in solution it partly dissociates as 

MgSO, ug + S0, 

Now, if these two solutions are poured into each other, part of the 
calcium and sulphuric acid ions unite to form calcium ‘sulphate, as 


“a + 50, — _ CaSO, 


and part of the magnesium and carbonic acid ions unite to form mag- 
nesium carbonate, as follows: 

4 SS 

so that we have in solution not only the calcium carbonate, magnesium 
sulphate, and magnesium, calcium, carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid 
ions with which we started, but also some calcium sulphate and mag- ° 
nesium carbonate. 

In calculating the above-mentioned hypothetical combination, sodium 
is joined to the nitrous and nitric acid tons; potassium to iodine and 
bromine; calcium to the phosphoric-acid ion and sodium to the metaboric- 
acid ion. Chlorine is assigned to the bases in the order NH,, Li, K, 
Na; sulphuric-acid ion in the order NH,, Li, K, Na, Mg, Ca, and the 
residual bases are joined to bicarbonic-acid ion in the order Na, Mg, 
Ca, Mn, Fe. In case the bicarbonic-acid ion is not present in large 
enough amounts to join with all the remaining bases, the residual cal- 
cium is joined to silica to form calcium silicate, and manganese and iron 
are calculated as Mn,O, and Fe,O,, respectively. 


TEMPERATURE.—The temperature of each spring was taken with an 
accurately standardized maximum thermometer on the date of the 
sanitary analysis of the water. Finally, the temperatures of all of the 
springs were taken in one day. It will be noticed that these tempera- 
tures sometimes vary quite a few degrees for the same spring. This 
seems to be due to two causes. In the first place the temperature of 
the spring as it issues from the earth varies slightly from time to time; 
secondly, the springs sometimes have quite large basins, so that we can 
not get the temperature just as the water issues from the earth, but 
must take it as influenced by a comparatively large body of water, 
which in turn has been cooled to some extent by standing in the air. 
When these springs have recently been drained the temperature is 
nearly the same as where they issue from the earth, but when the basin 
is full the temperature is quite a few degrees lower. 

Fitow.—The flow of each spring was measured by observing the 
length of time taken to fill a vessel of known capacity from a pipe that 
drained the spring in question. In some cases such determinations 
could not be made, so the flow of the springs was estimated by com- 
paring them with other springs of known flow. Such estimations 
were made by the head waterman of the reservation, Mr. Ed Hardin, 
who by long experience had arrived at such a point that he could come 
very near the correct figure. 

HypROGEN SULPHIDE.—The test for the presence of hydrogen sul- 
phide was made both by boiling a sample of water and noticing the 
smell, and by passing the vapors over a piece of lead acetate paper. 
In a few cases, as a check, an actual determination of the hydrogen 
sulphide by the method given in Sutton’s Volumetric Analysis was 
made. This is as follows: 

About 0.5 ¢. ¢. of = iodine was measured into a 500 c. c. flask and 
the water under examination run in till the color of the iodine disap- 
peared. Fivec.c. of starch water was added and i iodine run in till 

the blue color appeared. The flask was then filled to the mark with 


distilled water. The amount of water actually titrated was found by 
substracting the sum of iodine, starch solution, and distilled water 
from 500 c.c. Asan excess of iodine solution was required to produce 
the blue color a correction was applied by making 5 ce. ec. of starch solu- 

tion up to 500 c. c. with distilled water and adding = iodine until the 

color of the solution was just as blue as that in the actual determina- 

tion. This figure substracted from the first figure would give the 
Tees he ; 

number of ¢. ¢. of 75 iodine used by the hydrogen sulphide. In every 

case tried the correction was just equal to the original figure, and in 
neither of the other tests was hydrogen sulphide found to be present in 
any of the springs. 

NITROGEN AND OXYGEN were determined by making use of the 
Tiemann and Preusse modification of Reichhardt’s apparatus, the des- 
cription of which is here taken from Hempel’s Gas Analysis (trans- 
lated by L. M. Dennis, Cornell University): 

This consists of two flasks A and B (Fig. I) each of about 1 liter capacity and con- 
nected by tubes with the gas collector C. The flask A is fitted with a perforated rubber 
stopper in which is inserted the glass tube a bent at a right angle and ending flush with 
the lower surface of the stopper; «@ is joined by a piece of rubber tubing to the tube 
bc, which in turn connects with the gas collector C. C is held by a clamp, has a dia- 
meter of 30 mm., is about 560 mm. long, and at the upper end is drawn out to a short, 
narrow tube, which can be closed with the rubber tube and pinchcock g. In the 
lower end of OC is a rubber stopper with two holes through one of which the tube bc, 
projecting about 280 mm. into C, isinserted. Through the other opening passes the 
tube d, which extends only slightly beyond the stopper and connects C with the flask 
B. 5B has a double bore rubber stopper carrying the tubes e, and f; e ends about 10 
mm. above the bottom of the flask and above the stopper it is bent at a right angle 
and is connected with d. The tube f, which need not project below the stopper, car- 
ries a thin rubber tube X about 1 meter in length and provided with a mouthpiece. 
A pincheock for closing the rubber between a and b is also needed. 

The apparatus thus arranged is made ready for a determination by filling the flask 
B somewhat more than half full of boiled, distilled water and removing the flask 
A by slipping the tube a out of the rubber connection; then by blowing into the 
rubber tube X, water is driven over from the flask B into the gas collector C and the 
adjoining tubes until the air is wholly displaced. The rubber tubes at 6 and g are 
now closed with pinchcocks. The flask A is then filled to the brim with distilled 
water, the stopper is inserted, water being thereby driven into the tube a and the 
flask is again connected with b, the pinchcock being opened. 

The water in B is now heated to gentle boiling, and that in A is allowed to boil 
somewhat more rapidly. The absorbed air is thus driven out and the gases dis- 
solved in the water which is in A and C collect in the upper part of C from which 
they are removed by occasionally opening the pinchcock at g and blowing into the 
rubber tube X. 

When upon cooling the apparatus, the gases which have collected disappear, the 
heating of the flask A is discontinued, the pinchcock between a and b is closed and 
A is disconnected and emptied. The water in C and B is now entirely free from 
absorbed gases and air can not enter from without, because the liquid in B is kept 
continually boiling. The apparatus is now ready for a determination, which is made 
as follows: The cooled flask A, whose capacity has been previously determined, is 
filled with the water to be examined and the stopper is pressed in so far that the air 
in the tube a is completely driven out. ais then connected with b, care being taken 
that in so doing no air bubbles are inclosed. The pinchcock between a and b is 
opened and the water in A is heated to gentle boiling. The dissolved gases are 
hereby driven over into the gas collector C. Steam is formed at the sametime. The 
heating of the flask A must be so regulated that the gas and steam evolved never 
drive out more than half the liquid in C, otherwise there is danger of gas bubbles 
entering the tubes d and e and thus escaping. 

After heating for about twenty minutes the flame under A is removed. Ina few 
minutes the steam in A and C condenses, and water passes from B to Cand A. If 
a gas bubble is observed in A which will not disappear when the neck of A is cooled 


by applying a wet towel two or three times, the flask A must again be heated and 
cooled in the manner just described. The operation is ended when the hot liquid 
flows back and completely fills A.2. Therubber tube g is then connected with a small 
piece of thermometer tube which is filled with water, and the gas standing over the 
hot liquid in C is driven over into a modified Winkler gas burette by blowing into 
the tube X and opening the pinchcock g. 

The gases in the burette were allowed to cool for about ten minutes, 
and then passed into a simple absorption pipette filled with potassium- 
hydrate solution (one part KO H to two parts of water). The pipette 
was shaken two or three times to absorb the carbon dioxide, and the 
residual gases passed back into the burette. The burette was allowed 

Fig. 1. 

to stand for a few minutes and the volume of the gas read off. This 
gave the volume of oxygen+the volume of nitrogen. The gas was 
then passed into a double-absorption pipette filled with potassium 
pyrogallate, prepared by mixing 5 grams pyrogallic acid and 15 ce 
of water with 120 grams of potassium hydroxide and 80 cc of water. 

“Tt has been observed in waters rich in bicarbonates that it is nearly impossible to 
drive oif all the CO, by this means, but the O and N and part of the CO, are driven 
off in the course of a half.hour’s boiling. Therefore the author did not continue 
poring A, even though a small bubble of gas were present, more than one-half an 


After being shaken with this solution for about four minutes the gas 
was passed back into the burette, the burette allowed to stand fora 

few minutes, and the reading taken. The last reading gave the num- 
ber of ce of nitrogen present, and the difference between the first and 

last reading, the number of cc of oxygen. A temperature and baro-~ 

metric pressure reading were also taken, to correct the gas volume to 
0° Cand 760 mm. pressure. Numerous pr ecautions as to temperature, 
saturation of reagents, etc., not mentioned in the above brief sketch 
were taken, all of which can be found in any standard work on gas 

CARBON DIOXIDE.—(In excess of that necessary to form normal car- 
bonates.) The determination of the carbon dioxide existing in water 
in excess of that present as normal carbonates was made by a method 
given in Sutton’s Volumetric Analysis and designed by Pettenkofer. 
One hundred ce of the water was treated in a flask with 3 cc of a 
saturated solution of calcium chloride, 2 ce of a saturated solution of 
ammonium chloride, and 45 ce of a saturated solution of calcium 
hydroxide, whose strength had previously been determined in terms of 

n ‘ 3 ; ‘ apie 
10 hydrochloric acid, using lacmoid as indicator. The flask was 

stoppered, the solution well mixed, and the whole set aside for twelve 
hours to allow the calcium carbonate to settle. At the end of this 
time x ) ce of the clear solution was drawn off in a pipette and titrated 

with +5 ) hy drochloric acid, using lacmoid as indicator. This result 

was cantatas by three and subtracted from the amount of =, hydro- 

ehloric acid necessary to neutralize 45 ce of the calcium hydroxide 
solution, thus giving the amount of calcium hydr cae solution that had 

been acted on by the carbon dioxide in terms of = acid. Multiply- 

ing the number of ce so found by 0.0022, the weight of carbon dioxide 
in 100 ce above that necessar y to form normal carbonates was found. 
Dividing the weight so found by the weight of 1 cc of carbon dioxide 
at 0° C and 760 mm. pressure and multiplying the result by 10, the 
number of cc of carbon dioxide in a liter in excess of that necessary 
to form normal carbonates was given. 

CARBON DIOXIDE.—(Given off from the bicarbonates when they are 
evaporated to dryness.) In making this determination the method of 
Cameron®* for the ‘‘ Estimation of carbonates and bicarbonates in 
aqueous solution” was used. By this method the amount of bicarbonic 
acid ion (HCO,) was determined, and from this we could easily estimate 
how much of the bicarbonic acid would remain as the normal carbon- 
ate and how much be given oft as carbon dioxide. The method is as 

To one hundred ce of the water was first added a few drops of 
phenolphthalein. In case there were alkali carbonates present the 
usual red color would be evident. The solution was now titrated with 
a solution of HKSO,, containing 6.758 grams to the liter, adding the 
HKSO, solution at the rate of a drop every two or three seconds, 
until the red color had completely disappeared. The reading on the 

“Report 64 U. 8. Department of Agriculture; American Chemical Journal. 23,471 
(1900) . 



burette was recorded, and to the clear solution was added one drop of 
methylorange. A pure yellow color resulted. The titration was con- 
tinued with the HKSO, without refilling the burette until the change toa 
very slightly darker and reddish color was noted. ‘The change was S faint 
and required practice to detect. The reading at this point was also 

The first reading recorded gives the amount of alkali carbonates 
present and must be multiplied by the factor 0.002979 for the result in 
grams of CO, ions. 

For the number of grams of HCO, ions present the first recorded 
reading is multiplied by two and the result subtracted from the second 
reading, and this remainder is multiplied by the factor 0.003028. In 
no case were carbonates found in any of the springs by the above 
method, but only bicarbonates. 

Having now obtained the weight of HCO, ions in 1,000 ce of water, 
we next calculate the weight of CO, given off when a like volume is 
evaporated to dryness, and dividing this result by the weight of one 
ee of carbon dioxide at 0° C. and 760mm. pressure the number of ce 
of carbon dioxide given off from the bicarbonates is the result. Sub- 
tracting the number of ce of carbon dioxide given off from the 
bicarbonates from the number of cc of carbon dioxide in excess of 
that necessary to form normal carbonates, we have left the number of 
ec existing in solution in a free state. 

Bicarponic acrp.—The amount of this substance present in the 
spring was estimated during the process of determining the amount of 
carbon dioxide given off from bicarbonates in the par agraph above. 

It will be noticed in several of the analyses of the different springs 
that the amount of carbon dioxide (set free from bicarbonates on 
evaporating to dryness) and calculated from the bicarbonic acid does 
not agree with the amount of bicarbonic acid found in solution. This 
is because the samples for determining the carbon dioxide and bicar- 
bonic acid were taken at widely different periods, and the amount of 
bicarbonic acid had evidently changed somewhat during the interven- 
ing time. ‘This is easily explained when we remember that many of 
the springs are supplied from two or three different spring heads, 
which doubtless vary from time to time both in their amount of flow 
and in the amount of bicarbonic acid held in solution. 

For the determination of nitric and nitrous acid, free and albumi- 
noid ammonia, and oxygen consuming capacity the methods as given 
in Mason’s Examination of Water were followed in all their principal 
details. They are as follows: 

Nrrreic actp.—In determining nitric acid, 100. c. of the spring water 
was treated with 2 drops of a saturated solution of sodium carbonate 
and evaporated to dryness on the water bath. The residue was treated 
with 2 ¢. c. of phenol sulphonic acid (made by mixing 148 ¢. ¢. of pure 
sulphuric acid, 12 c. c. of water, and 24 grams of phenol), a littlewwater 
added, and then an excess of ammonia. The solution was transferred 
to a 100 ¢. c. Nessler jar, the volume made up to 100 c¢. ¢. with distilled 
water, and the depth of tne yellow color compared with that produced 
by treating different measured amounts of standard potassium nitrate 
(containing 0.01 milligram of nitrogen as nitrate in each ec. c.) in the 
same manner. 

Nirrous acip.—For this determination 100 c¢.c. of the water was 
placed in a 100 c. c. Nessler jar and treated with 1 drop of concen- 

S. Doc. 282 


trated hydrochloric acid. One ec. c. of sulphanilic acid (containing 1 
gram in each 100 ec. ¢. of water) was then added, followed by 1 ¢. ¢. of a 
solution of napthylamine hydrochloride (obtained by poine 0.5 grams 
of the salt with 100 ¢. c. of water for ten minutes at constant volume), 
and the whole well mixed. The Nessler jar was then set aside for half 
an hour, along with several other Nessler jars containing known amounts 
of astandard nitrite solution (containing 0.0001 milligram of nitrogen as 
nitrite in each c. ¢.), made up to 100 ¢. c. with nitrite-free water, and 
treated with hydrochloric acid, sulphanilic acid, and napthy lamine 
hydrochloride in the manner just described. By comparing the depth 
of pink color in the known and unknown solutions the amount of 
nitrite could be determined. 

FREE AMMONIA.—A large flask of about 13-liter capacity was con- 
nected to an upright bulbed condenser by means of a rather large glass 
tube and soft, new, rubber-stopper connections. In this was placed 5 
c.c. of asaturated solution of sodium carbonate and 200 c. ¢. of ammonia- 
free water. The water was distilled off in 50 ¢. c. Nessler jars until ao 
more ammonia was shown, when the jars were nesslerized. Five hun- 
dred c. c. of the water under examination was now added and the dis- 
tillation in 50 c. c. Nessler jars continued till ammonia ceased to be 
given off. About four or five jars were usually necessary. These jars 
were nesslerized and the depth of color compared with that in other 
jars which contained known amounts of a standard ammonium chloride 
solution (containing 0.01 milligram of NH, in each c. ¢.), made up to 50 
c. c. with ammonia-free water and nesslerized in the same manner. 

ToTaL AMMONIA.—The same upparatus was used as that mentioned 
in the paragraph above. In it were placed 200 c. ¢. of distilled water 
and 50 c. c. of alkaline permanganate solution (prepared by dissolving 
200 grams of potassium hydroxide and 8 grams of potassium perman- 
ganate in 1,250 c. e. of water and boiling the whole down to about 1 
liter). The water was distilled off in 50 c. c. Nessler jars till ammonia 
ceased tocomeover. Five hundred c. c. of water under examination was 
now added and the distillation continued till ammonia ceased to come off. 
Six jars were in all casessufficient. These jars were nesslerized and com- 
pared with nesslerized jars of knownstrength justas in the determination 
of freeammonia. From the total ammonia thus found subtract the free 
ammonia and the result is the albuminoid ammonia in 500. c. of water. 

Many precautionary details of the two above methods are not given, 
but can be found by consulting any good book on water analysis. 

OxYGEN-CONSUMING CAPACITY.—In making this determination two 
solutions were first prepared: (1) A standard solution of potassium 
permanganate containing 0.3952 gram to the liter, each c. c. of which 
has 0.1 milligram of oxygen ay: ailable for oxydation; and (2) a stand- 
ard solution of oxalic acid containing 0.7875 gram of crystalized oxalic 
acid to the liter. The value of the oxalic acid in terms of the perman- 

ganaté was determined by boiling 10 c. ¢. of oxalic-acid solution and 200 
c.c. of distilled water with 10 e. c. of sulphuric acid (1-8) and titrating 
the fluid while boiling with the standard permanganate aaa to the 
appearance of a pink color. In the actual determination 200 ¢.c. of 
the water in a porcelain dish was treated with 10 c. c. of sulphuric acid 
(1-3) and the whole brought to the boiling point. Standard perman- 

ganate was run in until the water was quite red and the boiling con- 
Paige for ten minutes, adding permanganate every now and then to 
keep the pink color about the same. The boiling was now stopped, 

+  ttremebide 


10 ec. ¢. of oxalic acid run in, which destroyed the color, and the solution 
titrated with the standard permanganate to the appearance of a pink 
color. From the total number of ¢. ¢. of permanganate used was sub- 
tracted the number of ¢. c. equal to 10 c. ¢. of oxalic acid. The result 
gives the number of c. c. of permanganate required for 200 ¢. ¢. of 

ToraL souips.—Measured amounts of the water were evaporated to 
dryness in weighed platinum dishes on the steam bath. The dishes 
were dried for twelve hours at the temperature of boiling water, cooled 
in the desiccator, and weighed. The increase in weight of the dish 
gives the amount of solids present in the volume of water used. 

To determine chlorine, iron and aluminum, manganese, bromine, 
iodine, arsenic, and boric acid large quantities of the water were evap- 
orated to dryness after the addition of a small amount of sodium car- 
bonate. The residue thus obtained was boiled with distilled water, 
transferred to a filter and thoroughly washed with hot water. The 
residue in the paper was dried and transferred to the dish in which the 
evaporation was made, the paper burned and added, and the whole 
kept for the determination of iron, aluminum, and manganese. The 
filtrate was made to a definite volume and aliquot portions taken to 
determine the constituents mentioned above other than iron, aluminum, 
and manganese. 

CHLORINE.—An aliquot portion from the above filitrate was treated 
with a few drops of phenolphthalein and = HKSO, added at the rate 
of a drop every few seconds until the red color had entirely disap- 
peared, thus showing that all of the carbonates had changed to bicar- 
bonates.* A few drops of potassium chromate indicator were then 
added and the chlorides titrated with a solution of silver nitrate each 
ec. c. of which would precipitate 1 milligram of chlorine. 

IODINE AND BROMINE.—The qualitative tests for the presence of iodine 
and bromine were very much the same as those used in Fresenius. 
Another aliquot portion from the above filtrate was evaporated to dry- 
ness on the steam bath. Twoor 3 ¢.c. of water were added to dissolve 
and soften up the residue and enough absolute alcohol added to bring 
the percentage of alcohol down to about 90 per cent. This was boiled 
and filtered and the treatment with 90 per cent alcohol repeated once 
or twice. Two or 3 drops of sodium hydrate solution were added to 
the filtrate and it was evaporated to dryness. The same process of 
extracting with 90 per cent alcohol was repeated on the new residue 
and the extract filtered off from the undissolved portion. A drop of 
sodium hydrate was added to the filtrate and it was evaporated to dry- 
ness. ‘The residue was treated with a little distilled water, dilute sul- 
phuric acid added to acid reaction, the liquid transferred to a test tube, 
and a little carbon disulphide added. Three or 4 drops of potassium 
nitrite solution were then added and the test tube shaken. The pres- 
ence of iodine was shown by a pink color in the carbon bisulphide. 
Chlorine water was then added until the pink color due to the iodine 
had disappeared, then a little more chlorine water. 

The presence of bromine was shown by an orange color in the car- 
bon bisulphide. 

In no case did a sample of spring water give nearly as distinct a reac- 

*See Cameron’s paper in Amer. Chem. Journal, 28, 481, 1900, 


tion for iodine and bromine as did a known sample of water containing 
0.2 milligram of both iodine and bromine, as iodides and bromides, to 
the liter. 

An attempt was made to determine iodine and bromine quantita- 
tively in spring No. 15 by evaporating down a large volume of 
water, but the attempt failed because both these elements were pres- 
ent in such minute traces. The method used was the same as that 
described by Gooch and Whitfieid* and is as follows: The iodides and 
bromides were extracted with 90 per cent alcohol in the same manner 
as described above. 

The alcohol extract was evaporated to dryness, acidulated with dilute 
sulphuric acid, mixed with a ferric sulphate solution, and distilled 
from a retort which was joined to a condenser sealed by a U-tube filled 
with water and carbon bisulphide. If a very small amount of iodine 
had been present it would have colored the carbon bisulphide and 
could have been titrated with sodium thiosulphate, but not enough 
was present. 

After the distillation had been continued long enough to be sure 
that all iodine had been volatilized, crystals of potassium permanga- 
nate were added and the distillation continued the same as before, 

except that the U-tube acting as a seal was now filled with water and 
chloroform. The contents of the tube were treated with sodium 
hydroxide and zine in a breaker and the chloride and bromide solution 
so formed acidified with nitric acid and precipitated with silver nitrate. 
The precipitate was dried and weighed. — It was then dissolved in potas- 
sium cyanide and the silver precipitated by electrolysis.” In this way 
data on the weight of the combined silver chloride and bromide and 
the weight of the silver in same was determined. From this the weight 
of the bromine could be calculated, which in this case was nothing. 

ARSENIC actp.—An aliquot portion of the above filtrate was acidified 
with hydrochloric acid, the solution heated to 70° C., and a current 
of hydrogen sulphide passed through for several hours. In case either 
arsenic, copper, or lead were present they would be precipitated. No 
precipitation took place in any of the springs. 

Boric actp.—A test for boric acid was made in the following manner: 
A part of the above filtrate was evaporated to dryness, treated with 
a cubic centimeter or two of water and slightly acidified with hydro- 
chloric acid. About 25 or 30 ¢. ¢. of absolute aleohol was added, the 
solution boiled and filtered. This was repeated. The filtrate was 
made slightly alkaline with sodium hydrate and evaporated to dry- 
ness. A very little water was added, the solution slightly acidified 
with hydrochloric acid, and a strip of tumeric paper placed in the 
liquid. The whole was evaporated to dryness on the steam bath, and 
the heating continued until the tumeric paper had become entirely dry. 
In ease boric acid were e present the tumeric paper took on a cherry- 
red color. 

A quantitative determination of boric acid was made in the case of 
two springs to serve as an example of all the other springs. 

The method used was the same as that described by Gooch,° except 
that a slightly different form of apparatus was used. 

* Bulletin 47 of U. S. Geological Survey. 
> American Chemical Journal, vol. 8, p. 421. 
¢American Chemical Journal, vol. 9, p. 23. 


The apparatus used by the author (Fig. II) consisted of a round- 
bottomed flask with a constricted neck joined to an upright bulbed 
condenser by means of a glass tube slightly sloping toward the flask 
instead of being bent at right angles. The flask was heated by being 
immersed in a paraffin bath, and the distillate was received in a small 
flask joined to the condenser by means of a grooved cork. The method 
was as follows: 

An aliquot portion of the above filtrate evaporated to dryness, was 
slightly acidified with acetic acid and transferred to the round-bottomed 


Pe aR 


Fie, 2. 

flask, 10 ¢. c. of methy]! aleohol was added, the flask lowered in the par- 
aftin bath, and distilled to dryness at a temperature of 130° C. to 140°C., 
collecting the distillate in the flask attached to the condenser with a 
grooved stopper. The paraftin bath was lowered, the flask allowed to 
cool, and 10 ¢. c. more of methyl alcohol added. This was then dis- 
tilled over and the same process repeated six times, except that after the 
fourth time a couple of drops of acetic acid were added. A large plati- 
num crucible now received about | gram of quicklime and was blasted 
until it ceased to lose weight. The constant weight was recorded and 
the distillate transferred to the crucible. The alcoholic solution of 


boric acid and the quicklime were stirred together for about fifteen 
minutes with a platinum rod to be sure that all boric acid was fixed. 

The volatile contents of the crucible were now evaporated off at a 
low temperature. It was found necessary to grease the edges of the 
crucible with vaseline to keep the solution from crawling over. After 
the contents of the crucible had been evaporated to dryness the cruci- 
ble was fully dried in the air bath and finally blasted. The increase 
in weight of the crucible gives the weight of boric anhydride (B,O,) 

TRON, ALUMINUM, AND MANGANESE.—The residue spoken of previ- 
ously that was reserved for the determination of ir on, aluminum, and 
manganese was treated with hydrochloric acid and evaporated to “dry - 
ness. It was thoroughly dried at about 120° C., again taken up a 
water and hydroc -hloric acid and filtered. The filtrate was evaporated 
to dryness and dried at 120°C. It was then taken up with hydrochloric 
acid and water and filtered again. This filtrate was heated to the 
boiling temperature, and ammonia added, a drop at a time, until it could 
be very faintly smelled coming off from the solution. The solution 
was then filtered and the pr ecipitate well washed with hot water, burned 
and weighed as Fe,O, and Al,O, in the ordinary manner. 

The ammoniacal filtrate from above was treated with a few drops of 
bromine, more ammonia was then added, and the whole boiled after 
stirring up. The vessel was removed from the source of heat, cooled 
a little, and a little more bromine and ammonia added. This process 
repeated once or twice precipiated all the manganese as the oxide. 
The solution was made slightly acid with acetic acid, filtered and 
washed at once with hot water. The filter and contents were burned 
and weighed as Mn,O,. This is the method by which the iron, 
aluminum, and manganese were determined in springs 24 to 46, inclu- 
sive. In the first 23 springs these three elements were determined in 
the same portion that was used for the estimation of calcium and 

Srirca.—In this determination a large quantity of water was evapor- 
ated to dryness in platinum with the occasional addition of small 
amounts of hydrochloric acid. Afterall the water had been evaporated 
to dryness, the dish and contents were completely dried at 120° C. 
The residue was taken up with hydrochloric acid and water, heated 
and filtered, washing the residue thoroughly with hot water. This 
process took out most of the silica. The filtrate was then evaporated 
to dryness, dried thoroughly at 120° C., again taken up in hydro- 
chlorie acid solution by heat, and filtered. The filtrate was made to a 
definite volume, aliquot portions of which were used for the determina- 
tions of calcium, magnesium, sulphuric acid, potassium, sodium, lith- 
ium, and phosphoric acid. ‘The two residues were transferred to a 
crucible, burned and blasted in the ordinar y way. and finally weighed 
as silica. 

CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM.—An aliquot portion of the above filtrate 
was first treated with ammonia and filtered, then treated with ammonia 
and bromine water and filtered, and finally treated with ammonium 
oxalate in the usual manner. This was allowed to stand over night, 
the liquid filtered off, and the precipitate dissolved in hydrochlori¢ 
acid and reprecipitated with ammonia and a little extra ammonium 
oxalate. This was allowed to stand over night and filtered and washed 
on the same paper previously used. The precipate was dried, trans- 


ferred to a crucible, burned and blasted in the ordinary way, and 
finally weighed as calcium oxide. The combined filtrates were eyapo- 
rated to dryness in platinum and the major part of the ammonium 
salts driven off by the aidof heat. The residue was dissolved in dilute 
hydrochloric acid and filtered. The filtrate was made slightly ammo- 
niacal, enough sodium phosphate solucion added, a drop ‘at a time, to 
precipitate all magnesium, and 10 ce. of concentrated ammonia finally 
added, drop by drop. The beaker was covered and allowed to stand 
over night, filtered, washed with dilute ammonia water, dried, blasted, 
and weighed as magnesium pyrophosphate. 

tion of the above filtrate was precipitated while boiling with hot, dilute 
barium chloride, and after standing filtered from the precipitated 
barium sulphate, which was washed, dried, burned, and finally weighed 
in the ordinary way. 

The filtrate was evaporated to dryness and taken up with water. 
This solution was precipitated with a solution of barium hydrate and 
filtered off from the insoluble magnesium hydrate. The magnesiurh 
hydrate precipitate was well washed and the combined filtrate and 
washings treated with ammonia, ammonium carbonate, and a little 
ammonium oxalate to precipitate barium and calcium. This precipi- 
tate was allowed to stand over night, filtered off and well washed. 
The filtrate and washings were evaporated to dryness on the steam 
bath, dried, and all of the ammonium salts driven off by gentle heat. 
The residue was taken up with water, filtered through a small filter, 
using as little wash water as possible, evaporated to a small volume, 
and finally again precipitated with a drop of ammonia and two to 
three drops of ammonium carbonate and oxalate. If any precipitate 
appeared, which was not usually the case, it was filtered off and the 
same process repeated. In any case, the solution was filtered from the 
magnesium hydrate that had precipitated out on concentrating the 
solution. The yee was then evaporated to dryness and all ammo- 
nium salts driven off by heating in platinum to a little below redness. 
The residue was taken up with a little water and filtered through a 
small filter, again using as little wash water as possible, and again 
heated in a to a point slightly below red heat. By this time 
all of the magnesia should have been removed. The residue was 
then taken up with a little water, filtered into a weighed platinum dish, 
treated with a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and evaporated to dry- 
ness. This residue was thoroughly dried, heated to a little below 
redness, cooled in a desiccator, and finally weighed as the combined 
chlorides of potassium, sodium, and lithium. 

The determination of lithium was then made accor ding to the method 
of Gooch*—i. e., the combined chlorides were dissolved in water and 
transferred to a small beaker, where they were again evaporated nearly 
to dryness. About 30 cc. of amyl alcohol was added and the contents 
of the beaker boiled until the temperature had risen to approximately 
the boiling point of the amy] alcohol, showing that all of the water had 
been driven off. The liquid was cooled slightly , and a drop of hydro- 
chloric acid was added to reconvert small amounts of lithium hydrate 
to lithium chloride. The boiling was then continued to again drive off 
all water, until finally the liquid had reached a volume of about 15 cc. 

2 American Chemical Journal, vol. 9, p. 33. 


The amyl] alcohol was then filtered off in a weighed platinum dish and 
the filter washed with a little amy! alcohol that was also allowed to iun 
into the dish. The amy] alcohol was driven off from the filter and beaker 
in the air bath and these two kept for the determinations of potassium 
and sodium. The contents of the platinum dish were evaporated to 
dryness, treated with a little dilute sulphuric acid, and finally burned 
and weighed. This gave the weight of the lithium sulphate, from 
which was subtracted 0.0017 gram to correct for the solubility of the 
_sodium and potassium chlorides in the amyl alcohol. The residue was 
finally tested with the spectroscope for the lithium line. In every case 
the lithium line was found, but in no case was any lithium sulphate 
left after applying the correction of 0.0017 gram. The lithium was 
therefore reported as traces. 

The contents of the beaker and filter from which the amyl alcohol 
had been driven were then used for the determination of potassium 
and sodium. The contents of the beaker were dissolved in hot water 
and passed through the filter, which was thoroughly washed. The 
combined filtrate and washings were transferred to a porcelain dish, 
treated with platinum chloride solution, and evaporated nearly to dry- 
ness. The residue was treated with 80 per cent alcohol and thoroughly 
washed on the filter with this medium until all platinum chloride had 
been washed out. The filter paper was dried at the temperature of 
boiling water, and the residue dissolved in water and passed into a 
weighed platinum dish from which the water was evaporated off, the 
dish and contents dried at the temperature of boiling water, and finally 
weighed as potassium platinic chloride. An addition of 6.0008 gram 
of potassium chloride to the weight of this substance found is necessary. 

The weight of the sodium chloride is found by subtracting the com- 
bined weights of the lithium chloride (in this case nothing) and the 
potassium chloride (corrected) from the total weight of the three 

Of course, if the amyl! alcohol in the determination of lithium above 
is not evaporated to exactly 15 cc., the corrections will be different from 
those mentioned above.* 

PuospHoric Aactp.—A third aliquot portion from the filtrate men- 
tioned above was treated with about 10 ce. (con.) nitric acid and evap- 
orated in a porcelain dish nearly to dryness to drive off hydrochloric 
acid. The residue was taken up with water and if necessary filtered. 
Ammonia was added to alkalinity and then nitric acid to just bring 
back to acidity. Some ammonium nitrate was added and the beaker 
heated in the water bath to 45- to 50° C. Molybdate solution was 
then added and the solution kept at a temperature of 45° to 50° C. for 
half an hour. The yellow precipitate formed at this point appeared 
in most cases only in traces, but in a few cases it was filtered off and 
washed with cold water till it was entirely free of nitric and molybdic 
acids. The precipitate and filter were then transferred to a beaker, 
a little water added, and the paper and contents thoroughly beaten 
into a pulp. The yellow precipitate was then dissolved by the addi- 
tion of a small amount of standard potassium hydroxide solution 
(1c. ¢c.=1 milligram of P,O,); phenolphthalein was added and the 
solution titrated with standard nitric acid solution of exactly the same 
strength as the alkaline solution. From the data so obtained the 

*For the discussion of this, see the original article already mentioned. 



amount of phosphoric acid ion in the water can be calculated.* For the 

determination of fluorine the same method was used as described by 

Gooch and Whitfield.” For the determination of barium and stron- 

tium a combination of Gooch and Whitfield’s method along with another 
was employed. They are briefly as follows: 

Fruorme.—A large quantity of water was evaporated to dryness 
and filtered off from the residue which was washed on the filter. The 
filter and contents were dried, the contents placed aside and the filter 
burned and the ash added to the contents. The whole was now trans- 
ferred to a flask, which was so arranged as to allow a current of air to 
pass through any liquid that might be in the bottom, and from there 
into an attached u-tube, partly filled with dilute ammonia. Concen- 
trated sulphuric acid was added to the contents of the flask, and a 
current of dry air passed through the liquid, and from there into the 
U-tube. The flask was heated to 150° C. If any considerable amount 
of fluorine had been present it should have been volatilized as silican 
tetra fluoride and then decomposed by the dilute ammonia in the u-tube, 
depositing silica in so doing. No silica appeared at this point in the 
spring examined. The contents of the U-tube was removed and treated 
with zinc oxide dissolved in ammonia, evaporated till ammonia ceased 
to come off and filtered. The filtrate was treated with calcium chloride, 
followed by sodium carbonate in boiling solution, filtered and washed. 
The residue was ignited and extracted with acetic acid. Operating 
in this way no residue of caleium fluoride was found. 

BaRIUM AND sTRoNTIUM.—The residue left in the flask from the 
above determination was transferred to platium, treated with enough 
hydrofluoric acid to volatilize all silica and with some sulphuric acid 
and evaporated to dryness. This treatment was repeated. ‘The residue 

was fused with sodium carbonate, treated with water and a few drops 
of alcohol, filtered, and washed. The contents of the filter was digested 
with hot dilute acetic acid to dissolve barium, strontium, magnesium, 
and calcium carbonates and filtered. ‘he filtrate was then nearly 
neutralized with ammonia and about fifty times the weight of the com- 
bined sulphates in ammonium sulphate was added, which ammonium 
sulphate was four times its weight of water. The whole 
was allowed to stand over night. In case barium or strontium were 
present they would be precipitated here as the sulphates. Only a 
slight nonweighable opalescence appeared, however, in the spring 
examined. For the sake of completeness, and to be ‘able to test the 
final residue with the spectroscope, the process was carried on just as 
inan actual determination. The precipitated sulphates were filtered and 
washed with a ccncentrated solution of ammonium sulphate, till no 
more calcium was present in the wash water, as shown by the ammo- 
nium oxalate test. The filter was ignited and the residue evaporated to 
dryness with a drop or two of sulphuric acid. The combined sul- 
phates so obtained from a very large quantity of water did not weigh 
over 0.5 milligram, and most of “this was caleium sulphate. The 
extremely small residue was fused with sodium carbonate, treated with 
avery small quantity of water, and filtered on a very small filter paper, 
washing only once. Dilute hydrochloric acid was now passed through 

*Bul. 46 (revised edition), U. 8S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry. 
>Bul. 47, U. S. Geological Survey. 


the filter and the filtrate containing any barium and strontium as the 
chlorides was collected in a platinum dish and evaporated to dryness. 
The minute residue was tested by the spectroscope for the barium and 
strontium lines, both of which were faintly seen. 

Srrontrum.—This substance was determined in a separate portion. 
The oxide of calcium, which had been obtained by blasting the 
ammonium oxalate precipitate in the determination of calcium, was 
transferred to a small flask and dissolved in concentrated nitric acid. 
The acid was entirely evaporated off by means of a current of air and 
heating in a paraffin bath to 135° C. The flask and contents were 
dried at 140° C., and the completely dried nitrates were treated with 
the least possible quantity of a mixture of equal parts of absolute 
aleohoi and ether, necessary to dissolve the calcium nitrate. The 
flask was corked, allowed to stand over night, and the insoluble resi- 
due, if any, filtered off on the smallest possible filter and washed with 
the ether-alcohol mixture. ‘The strontium nitrate on the filter was 
washed with water into a platinum dish and evaporated to dryness. 
The dish was blasted to change the nitrate to the oxide. No increase 
in the weight of the dish was noticed, yet upon treating the contents 
of the dish with a little hydrochloric acid, evaporating nearly to dry- 
ness and testing with the spectroscope, the strontium lines were seen. 


CARBONATES AND BICARBONATES. —One of the most important groups 
of mineral waters are the alkaline waters, which are characterized by the 
presence, in predominating quantities, of one or more of the alkaline or 
alkaline earth carbonates or bicarbonates. These are the carbonates or 
bicarbonates of sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium, and magnesium. 
In case iron is present in large quantities as the bicarbonate we have a 
water belonging to the chalybeate class. Since these waters are alkaline - 
they are excellent remedies in cases of sour stomach and in sick headaches 
which arise from acid dyspepsia. They act very markedly on the 
mucous membranes, increasing the flow of the gastric juice and other 
digestive fluids and are consequently of use in many cases of indiges- 
tion. In conjunction with the sulphated salines they give excellent 
results when used in the treatment of catarrhal conditions of the 
stomach and intestines. Such waters correct acidity of the urine, 
markedly increase the flow of urine and help to dissolve uric acid 
deposits. They are therefore of value 1 in cases of rheumatism, gout, 
diabetes, ete. 

Sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.—Sodium carbonate or bicarbo- 
nate appears as a normal constituent of the blood, lymph, and nearly 
all secretions of the mucous membrane. Where conditions arise that 
eause these fluids to become acid, waters containing carbonate or 
bicarbonate of soda are of value in counteracting the effect. Waters 
containing either of these substances have been used with excellent 
effect in the treatment of acid dyspepsia, diabetes, where sugar has 
been caused to disappear from the urine by their use, and in breaking 
up and eliminating deposits of uric acid and uric acid sand and gravel. 

Potassium carbonate and bicarbonate.—Both of these salts are readily 
soluble in water. The bicarbonate is the one usually present in 
mineral waters. The properties of this salt are very much the same 

as those of sodium bicarbonate. It increases the flow of urine and 
corrects acidity of the bodily fluids. Its chief use is in-the treatment 
of stone in the bladder. 

Lithium carbonate and bicarbonate.—Lithium carbonate is very 
sparingly soluble in water, while the bicarbonate is quite soluble. 
It is in the latter form that lithium is most often reported in mineral 
waters. This compound is most frequently used in cases of rheuma- 
tism and gout, where it forms a very soluble urate which is easily 
eliminated from the system. In cases of gravel and calculi it is a very 
valuable disintegrating agent. 

Magnesium carbonate and bicarbonate.—These two substances are 
mild laxatives and are perhaps the best of all the carbonates and 
biearbonates in correcting an acid condition of the stomach and curing 
sick headache caused by constipation. They are valuable agents in 
breaking up deposits in the bladder. 

Calcium carbonate and bicarbonate.—Calcium is usually present in 
waters as the bicarbonate. Both of these compounds are quite differ- 
ent in their effects from the other carbonates and bicarbonates men- 
tioned. While the others are evacuant and promote secretions, the 
calcium compounds constipate and decrease the secretions. Very 
obstinate cases of chronic diarrhea have often been cured by a sojourn 
at a spring rich in calcium bicarbonate. Uric acid gravel and ealculi 
are disintegrated and eliminated by the free use of calcic carbonated 
waters. ; 

Ferrous and manganous bicarbonates.—Neither iron nor manganese 
ever occur in mineral waters as the carbonate, but usually as the 
bicarbonate. Both of these compounds have practically the same 
effect. When taken internally, they are dissolved by the gastric juice 
and taken into the blood. They increase the appetite and the number 
of red blood corpuscles. It will thus be seen that such waters give 
excellent results when used as a tonic or in cases of anemia. ‘Too 
long continued use of waters rich in bicarbonate of iron or manganese 
result in constipation and derangement of the digestion. 

CHLORIDES.—Chlorine occurs in waters as chlorides, in combination, 
most frequently, with sodium, potassium, or lithium, and sometimes 
with calcium, magnesium, or iron. The chlorides form the basis of 
that large group of mineral waters, the muriated salines. 

Sodium chloride occurs in almost all mineral springs to some slight 
extent, but in the muriated saline waters it occurs in large quantities 
asa predominating constituent. Waters containing large quantities 
of this substance are chiefly used in giving baths, which increase the 
action of the skin, and by absorption through the pores serve as a 
genuine tonic. ‘Taken internally the flow of the digestive fluids is pro- 
moted and the appetite increased. Putrefactive changes in the intes- 
tines are also prevented. In large doses sodium chloride increases the 
flow of urine and the amount of urea present in the same. 

Potassium chloride has very much the same effect on the human 
system as does sodium chloride. 

Lithium chloride has practically the same effect as lithium carbonate 
and bicarbonate mentioned above. 

Magnesium chloride is often used medicinally as a cathartic and to 
increase the flow of bile. 

_ Calcium chloride occurs in a number of muriated saline springs. It 
is used in cases of general debility as a tonic. It increases the flow of 


urine and perspiration and waters containing it are used in the treat- 
ment of scrofulous diseases and eczema. 

Ferrous chloride.—The occurrence of this substance in mineral waters 
is rather rare. When present, however, it acts as a tonic and in gen- 
eral has the same properties as ferrous bicarbonate, already mentioned. 

Ammonium chloride.—W hen used internally it has the stimulating 
effect of ammonia. It is used in nervous cases as ovaralgia, se iatica, 
and other neuralgic disorders. In congestion of the liver its use has . 
been beneficial. Externally it is used as a wash for ulcers and sores. 
It, however, seldom occurs in springs in quantities large enough to be 
of any value. 

SULPHATES are frequently found in mineral waters, and when present 
in large quantities give rise to that large class, the sulphated salines. 

Sodium and magnesium sulphates, or Glauber and Epsom salts 
respectively, in small doses act as a laxative, in large doses as a 
cathartic. They are both valuable in increasing the flow of the intes- 
tinal fluids and in increasing the flow of urine, accompanied by an 
increased elimination of urea. Waters containing these salts are of 
great service in eliminating syphilitic, scrofulous, and malarial poisons 
from the system, and in eliminating mercury and other metallic 
poisons. Persons suffering from obesity, derangement of the liver, 
and Bright’s disease are perhaps the most benefited by this class of 
waters. It must be borne in mind that such waters should be used 
with great care by the feeble and anaemic. 

Potassium sulphate i s frequently present in mineral waters, but in 
smaller quantities than the magnesium and sodium salts. Its action 
is practically the same as that of the other two sulphates mentioned 

Calermm sulphate occurs in a great many mineral waters, and is the 
component that gives to them the property of permanent hardness. — It 
is not used medicinally. 

Tron and aluminum sulphates are usually found associated with each 
other in mineral waters. They are both powerful astringents. The 
waters containing iron sulphate are also used as tonics, but this is not 
nearly as good a form in which to give the iron as is the bicarbonate. 
Because of their astringent action, waters containing these two sub- 
stances have been used with success in treating locally inflamed parts 
of the mucous membranes and ulcers cn the outside of the body. 

Toprprs.—The iodides are usually reported in mineral waters as the 
potassium. or sodium salt. They occur in nearly all cases only as traces, 
yet their action is shown ina marked degree. They are alterative in 
effect and are consequently used in the treatment of scrofula, rheuma- 
tism, and syphilis. While drinking waters containing iodides the flow 
of urine is very much increased and mercurial and other metallic pol- 
sions are rapidly eliminated from the system. 

BromrpEs act as alteratives in much the same way as iodides but to 
not so marked an extent. They also act as sedatives. 

PHOSPHATES in mineral waters are usually reported in one of three 
forms, viz, sodium, iron, or calcium phosphate. The sodium phos- 
phate acts as a mild laxative, the iron phosphate as a tonic, and the 
caleium phosphate as a medicine in those conditions of the body where 
lime salts are deficient, as rickets, etc. 

BorareEs.—Borie acid is not a very common constituent of natural 
waters, but is found as the sodium salt in springs of southern Cali- 



fornia in large amounts. Borax has been used internally to dissolve 

lithic acid gravel. It promotes the menstrual flow, so may be used in 

catamenial irregularities. Applied as a douche in catarrhal conditions 
of the uterus it is of value. 

NrrratEs.—Any nitric acid that may appear in a water is usually 
reported as sodium nitrate. This compound does not usually occur in 
waters to a marked extent unless they are contaminated. W hen pres- 
ent in large enough amounts it increases the flow of urine and acts as a 
purg ative. 

Sriica.—Silica appears in mineral waters both as free silica and as 
silicates. The medicinal vaiue of silica has not been thoroughly inves- 
tigated, although one or two investigations have been made which seem 
to show that it is of value when taken for cancer, and that sugar and 
albumin have disappeare 1 from the urine upon using it. 

The gases that usually occur in water are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon 
dioxide, and hydrogen sulphide. 

NITROGEN AND OXYGEN are present in all waters that have come in 
contact with the air. On account of the limited solubility of both they 
can not occur in waters in very large quantities. Neither of them 
when present in waters has any medicinal value. 

SARBON DIOXIDE is present in all natural waters to some extent, but 
in some springs the amount is very large, thus giving rise to that lar ve 
class of carbonated waters of which the Saratoga springs furnish a 
good example. Such waters are extremely palatable, and large quan- 
tities can be drunk without the full feeling which so often follows 
copious drinking of water.. In moderate quantities such waters increase 
the flow of the saliva, promote digestion, and tend to increase the flow 
of urine. Obstinate cases of nausea can be often relieved by the use 
of small quantities of highly carbonated waters. 

HYDROGEN SULPHIDE Is present in many natural waters, giving to 
them the odor of decayed eggs, and forming that large class, the sul- 
phuretted waters. When such waters are taken intern ally they act as 
an alterative, and are consequently of value in the treatment of syphil- 
itic diseases. They increase the activity of the intestines, kidneys, and 
sweat glands, so are of use in the treatment of rheumatism and cout. 
Excellent results have been obtained when these waters were used in 
treating many skin diseases and malaria. 


The curative effects of thermal waters are undoubtedly due, to a 
large extent, to their stimulating effects on the excretory organs of the © 
skin and the kidneys. To fully understand this we have only to 
examine the routine through which a patient passes at these thermal 
resorts. The pores are first thoroughly opened and sweating begun 
by immersing the patient in hot water for from three to ten minutes. 
The patient is then placed in the steaming room for about five minutes 
and at the same time drinks copiously of hot water. ‘This treatment, 
of course, produces a profuse perspiration. After this the patient is 
wrapped i in blankets and passed on to a warm room for twenty to thirty 
minutes, where the perspiration runs off in streams. After this the 
patient is rubbed down and allowed to dress. A desire to urinate soon 
comes. Thus we see that the system is thoroughly flooded with water 
and washed out each day, and that tissue changes take place with won- 


dertul rapidity. It is no wonder then that uric acid, sy phils poisons, 
other materials of disease, and mercurial and other ‘metallic poisons 
are soon eliminated from the system. With such effects as those men- 
tioned above, hot baths then must be of value in the treatment of 
rheumatism, gout, syphilis, neuralgia, ete. 


in writing the above pages on the medicinal value of mineral waters 
I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following works: 

** Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada,” by G. E. Wal- 
ton; ‘* Mineral Waters of the United States and Their Therapeutic 
Uses,” by J. K. Crook, and **Mineral Waters of Missouri, a Report 
of the Missouri Geolog ical Survey,” by Paul Schweitzer. 

In the following pages there first appears a table showing the tem- 
peratures of the springs at different dates. This is followed by a 
second table showing the flow, in gallons per twenty-four hours nel 
each spring. Finally the analy sis of each spring Is given, ac companied 
by a hypothetical combination of the various bases rand acids, and any 
remarks that might be of interest. 

Temperature of springs. 

| | | Degrees | Degrees 
No. Name. Date. centi- | Fahren- 
| grade. heit. 
) teiangee OR ok Nov. 7,1900} 61.9 143.4 
1 | Beg spring -.--------- 2-22-22 2220 2-2-2228 prec eee Jan. 8,1901| 61.7 143.1 
‘ . F N 8, 1900 51.9 125.4 
2 | Arsenic spring ..-.-..-.---------++++++2+2++2s22+2eeeeeeeeceeee yan 8, 1901 53.9 199.0 
=e lees Sie (Nov. 9, 1900 61.7 143.1 
3 | Arlington spring. -..--.-..----+--2-+2- 2222222022 ee erent eee Wyant 8,1901|} 61.3 142.3 
| case ari Noy. 10,1900 | 55.9 132.6 
Al Cliff spring. ..--.-.----+----++++++2+2++2+ 2222s eee eee es esses eee lan 81901| 52.4 126.3 
= ao ae aoe fe es fNov. 12,1900 61.4 142.5 - 
5 | Avenue spring --..-----2-- <2. + 22-22-2222 e sec cee nose esses \Jan. 81901] 61.9 143.4 
6 sBoil ers Ouse] Sp Tin oy yee eee = are eae eee eee tae ey 1B; ee | ae Pe 
TAPE pPerialesprin eg (OTL) yess eee eee ae ee meee ee ee ee aes ee 
ed] yeas Aehes Noy. 16,1900 | 30. 2 95.4 
Sa RC ny stalls p rll Se seee een nee e eee ee ee a eee eee eee ‘\Jan. 8, 1901 36.2 97.2 
Nee oye eS Se \fNov. 17, 1900 61.1 142.0 
9 | Rector spring ---.-.--. +. 2---- +2. 22+ 2.222222 8s pe 22 ce eee eos oes Jan. 8,1901 62.4 144.3 
Ver Pena cate {Nov. 19,1900 | 57.4 135.3 
DLO | SC AWV CS DUN So oie oi le  ca eeieceoac Van. 8,1901| 57.2 135.0 
1 Sith) esironispring (north) esse = eee eee eee eee eee Jan. 8,190] |} 56.8 134.2 
Nov. 22-19 26 « 97.9 
123 |(Metblex Gey SCKISP ELM De tepesey yar ees ete eee See et el ae meee cree eg a Rey ey 32 Hees 
3 | LT RAE IELop ev Syovahater (SOKA) Goan ae Eee oes Jan. 8,1901 56.3 133.3 
Pease (Nov. 23,1900 60.9 141.6 
14 | Ral spring ----.---------------- ++ 2-+2se- 22 eee eee e reece setae \Jan. 81901 62.8 145.0 
| «cass eat ca lfNov. 24,1900 | 68.9 147.0 
a) Big Tron Spring .-.--.----------------------------------------- ] Jan ae 1901 63.9 147.0 
16 | lin periallsprine (SOUTH) heccese see eee eee eee eee eke a 1 ne tale 
17s) Arsenic spring (north) = 24 soasssce bose h eee eeere ee eee eee ene aa on eee 
1$7| ME tehcocksspring = 8. soe Sashes eee ee Were ae et aie eee 
ee ag (Dec. 1,1900 56.4 133.5 
US) SSUES ONS MES) Seen occ Sah so sare ae acess ae SeresscceseeeSe=2 \Jan. 8,1901 56.1 133.0 
20s Superior spring (MOrEa) a see ee ee eee eee eee Nee 8’ te ne ae 
; ie (Dec. 4,1900| 43.3 109.9 
21 | Alum spring .-...-----.--------++++++++++222ecees eee cet ee eee \Jan. 8, 1901 46.0 114.8 
= e 2 : e Dis . 
22|| ‘Superior spring, (south))-<.222<-< 2352205 <2 seer ee el eee 3 1200 | eae ae 
Bent seat ete r Dee. 190 2. 143.6 
23 ee Rwalllts Ee Pg (OCU) eee eee ee ee eee eee ae . 1900 see 144.3 
‘ * . ) Dee. 7,1900 62.3 144.1 
24°) Twin spring (South) - <2 oe eee ee ee ee { Jan. 8. 1901 60.3 140.5 



Temperature of springs—Continued. 

Degrees | Degrees 
No. Name. : : Date. eanti- | Fahren- 
} grade. heit. 
| epennel as: 
= a alee {Dec. 10, 1900 62.7 144.8 
es ee ne tees erehrred caboose Wan. 8, 1901 62.9 145.2 
ae jDec. 11,1900 63.4 146.1 
SS So A eee Jan. $1901 61.4 142.5 
a ae IDV.) aL TIS O) || Wee ea al] ee 
2 SERIE) SSRIS (oooh ec SoBe SESE See Sear aRe ae Sno = sou Sed Jan. $1901 51.9 125.4 
ie Ase (ive een As 900), epee ers ee 
aa JL STL SIPING, soe b oes ses Babee pate pee See cSasaan = aaebano oat Van. 1001 59.8 139.6 
a ee ae ees 125 1900 o7.1 134.8 
ci PLPIDERS SIS Se Seo spe ae ce Ge Cae aie rane Wan: jf 1901 a7. 136.0 
- one Gs palby, 0) 3.9 129.0 
21) ARCUL SIDER SoS Sas So Soe ea Se pe eee ae eno bebop ease Van: 1001 ote 125.4 
ae a| eae Beery { Dee. , 1900 1.4 124.5 
Pa) ENTE. IRENOE = Ges 25 52 SSS eS oo SoBe booed Sea eae SAS aaa d= Jan. 8; 1901 51.4 124.5 
_ 5) ee eae (Dec. 17, 46.0 114.8 
22) Tolein Wie ING OUSis gees Se be Sedge SooeSasaesshassnedssese say aese Idee : ae 46.5 115.7 
R azie : jDec. 18,1900 48.3 118.9 
52 LAL ELGN SIDEIRIES docs = Se eS ee brea a Gabe eet setae Jan. 8, 1901 49.2 120.6 
RKO P Dec. 20,1900 47.9 118.2 
Pe BL WG NTS ASSIS 22 SoS Seremban Saeed suo oo ub s =k ae ian: 8, 1901 47.3 1171 
AS ; ae (Dec. 21,1900 39.0 102.2 
25 EE TER TUNIS OUIES So Si og Sea eye see c> bi dane shone a Wan. 81901 18.0 109.4 
Fea ae {Dec. 22,1900 48. 120.0 
22 EISGME UTIL: oo ces0e orcs pai aaah See as oS Ogee Gcvacaii oe \Jan. 8, 1901 48.8 119.8 
2 1 RE eee jDec. 52.9 127.2 
20 | SES CRE STG o8i sei Ce BER edad nO sa kara nah \Jan. 8, 1901 52.6 126.7 
= z cae fDee. 27,1900 58.8 137.8 
38 | Horse Shoe spring -..-.---.---...-----------------------+------ Wan: ° 1901 59. 8 139.6 
Sys | a ere Tees ses {Dec. 28,1900 61. 142.5 
39 | Army and Navy spring. --....---------------. 2-2-2222 sss iat S 1901 61.4 142.5 
= ceo lege (Dec. 31,1900 48.9 120.0 
00) Vio dip Tomiie S\oaweyss 5 eda eseoooresereuMeeciaosaheuaus - - sane --- pelea ° ue 48.9 120.0 
artes Dee. 29,190 46.8 116.2 
Be SEO. SPRUE eds seep ce costs sa eeeeon Sc Rae Se tet cre renoe pce eaere \an. 8, 1901 48.3 118.9 
on | pS es ee eae idamkcarOsTOOT evens Sea). Vea 
2 | Mare MeSI a SPY een nn an te nin ne nn \Jan. 81901 58.3 136.9 
; a Awhaas See an. 38,1901 46.3 115.3 
BE GSCI OIE SU NOIE eo ph EAC ad ee nop o eine eugene Wan: 8, 1901 46.1 115.0 
Fae lee eae aa \ ifJan. 4, 1901 8.0 46.4 
44 | LIMP Sous (GONG!) ceggedasemesos sen cbbhesaloeronnpecmatseescs Vet SEI O Otte |e aera eae nan 
45 | Kidney spring (cold) -.-.- Bee rte vias Seca la eT EU DD ee > aa 0 Bae 
| ests fJan. 6,1901 51.5 124.7 
46 | GAG Te SUNN Sec ctie ened eben Soe oaccctbcs geen eas oma corse: Jan. 8,1901 51.5 124.7 
Fiow of springs. 
Flow of Flow of 
Number. springs per Number. springs per 
24 hours. 24 hours. 
Gallons. Gallons. 
aa gee Se RE lee ae ee eee 28, 800 800 
Lae cacao eh Ean trae aan 10, 800 221, 000 
MMM ean se oe UG 19, 938 2) 618 
He -secaestoces ote ep ado-c es aesegsecsaac 3, 600 (?) 
REM SINE fre ae 17, 280 7, 200 
© onc cl Elo) Ge a eeaiiere ie aoe aa 32, 400 | 28, 800 
Fae LT eee See ee eee ea 18,514 | 28, 800 
eet, Lelie nine anit a2) 000 2) 469 
(2) fa betes I ees eee eS 51, 840 9, 600 
mr near ata Set 18, 514 5, 760 
RINNE oes er 524 240, 000 
Pei es hs Bf eh 8, 640 35, 000 
Po) ena Sin aa ae peer al 201, 600 4,320 
pe Se a ae 235, 000 a4) 000 
TG) 2 OS SER Ae eee ree eee tee epee 18, 292 250, 000 
DE ei a ae aie ea tise waite 3,677 420,000 
Ll lL eel een Oeeeearhe 1, 152 659 
208 92 2p, = ROR SEO EEE ED eee eee 1,723 511 
EE I es eras eae ae oem sees 10, 800 a 25, 000 
Pee i a iric 1 Siate.c/<icisias siasare eee a 35, 000 ——_—_—— 
A onc nt ae ee ees 25, 847 © 826, 308 
a Estimated. b Could not be estimated. ¢ Excluding the two cold springs 44 and 45. 


No. 1.—Eqq spring. 

[Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Temperature on November 7, 1900, was 61.99 C. and on January 8, 1901, was 61.7° C.] 

Sample for mineral analysis taken January 9, 1961, 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.16; oxygen, 1.18; carbon dioxide (free), 10.84; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cone of | Amount oh 

Set can Reta tota water use 

Formula and name. Par ed | inorganic | for each 
* |materialin| determina- 

solution. tion. 
SiOs(silica) tases saesc iene soos os ce eins oo eee een en cece ERE eee 45.11 16.07 8, 000 
SOM(Sulphuricsacidiradicle)peesesse ses e eee aoe eee eee eee ee 7.83 | 2.79 4, 000 
HCO n(bicarboniclacidsradicle) a= ee sees eee ee eee eee 166. 50 58. 94 100 
INOS{(Mibric acid radi cle) Pesan ee eee eee eee en eee 88 32 100 
INOsi(Mitrous acidérad ele) eee sae ee eee een Traces | oe ep eee 100 
POM(phosphoriczacidirad1 cle) Sasss0ee see eee eee se eee ABENCES Ewan ecioac 2,000 
BOs metaborieiaciduradicle) Saas. seer sees eee eee (4) | 2st een 3, 000 
NSO (arSemi carci cle: Give] Cs) ees ns eee on eee ae | INONG | Sanu ee ees 3, 000 
Cli(chlorine) oes. 2ss abate see woe eee see anne ae eee ee | 2.00 | -89 800 
Br (DOMME )S sees Beet be tcsc Rea eR eee Sec eC Eee me Mone eer aoe TraCe:y | eee eee 3, 200 
[POLO re bboXS) hoe Aad oareae spac cEpecBaEree sna unoRhasebsaossnesaseoassnae IBRMECS oosesseessen 3, 200 
Ay (Qrongancdialuminum)) eeeeeeneee seek eee eee eae 24 08 2,000 
Mini(manganese),..< 22s 2}scec 5 a 8 ee ee ee res ae eee - 36 .09 2,000 
Gan (eal cium) Aor ni eee see le eee ele Ske yee eee ent epee 46.09 16.78 2, 000 
Mp s(IMASM Sim) A 22a c oe sei cape See rts oe epee eke ee Ae ee gees 4.81 Wee 2, 000 
Kei(potassitim) Se Ss Sak Fone Ae Soh ie Ne a ee eee ee eee 1.65 59 4, 000 
ING (Sodium))'s Rates oe Saw Se erie | eee ae eee ee eee 4.52 1. 62 4, 000 
i (LUVIN) Rs ae Se ee ee ee ee ne eee ean pena Trace:4|= 33 4, 000 
INI (Am OMNI) Sessa ae ee ene He ene een eee eee aee eee | . 302 -1l 500 
RO tale seca oo es ee 2 See ae ee ee em | 280.792 1008 alee ee 
Motalisolidass ater eee Gene ee siace ee Sas RneaNeieree | a eee | 200: 00k | eae 200 
ZO Duminordramm Oniase sees eee eee aes eee re neers \ 2040 ||: 2322 Seoee 590 
OXype mime quired Mar tae eles he One nae Sree an aaeee | 1 Qbear 200 
aSmall amount. 
Per cent of 

Formula and name. parse inorganic 
~ |material in 

NEC (ammonium (chloride) 22225 2s =e ees = een eee e eee eee 0. 896 0.32 
iC @ithiumtehloride)eeeess=ssee =e Bi Ae 2 base aoe eta eps, See ae Trace:.|*=ss-eeeeres 
KCL, (potassiumichloride))325-s2-~ 4-22 esse ae eee nee eee See eee eee eee 3:15 1.12 
NaCli(sodimme chloride) 423s 25s aie ee eee ie ee eae eee . 68 .24 
KBr (potassiumybrOMIGe)! ee es ee ee eee alee are StS ae ake ea Traces! soe 
Ki (potassium 10dide) eee sess 2 Ch once Vetbce nor seseu Se Seaman Meee eee ee Tales |e See 
INNS Oo (SO GUNMA Uallipo LeU) ee ale ea dee eee 11.59 4.13 
NaiBOs (Sodiumemetaborate)) eee seeees. ase eee ee eee sae ae (2) 2 2] Bee 
Cas (BO?2)5.(caleciumsphosphate) sis 2c os see eee eee ee ee eee eee Traces |22s47eeaceee 
NaNOsi(Sodiumenitrate) esa aces ceeses oe see =e eee eee Eee eae 1.20 43 
NaNOo((sodiumsnitrite)).3. 55.22 seckes eee eae ceces see eee de eee eee TLACer ass Sse 
Nal(HCO3)71(sodiumy bicarbonate) asc -e= eee eee eee ee 62 - 22 
Me (HCO;)> (magnesium bicarbonate). -£- 2. =. ---- o-se se aan eee ee ease 25. 96 10.31 
Ca(HCO3)si(caleiumybicarbonate) ie - ese ease eee eee ee eee eee 186.66 | 66. 48 
He(HCO3)s,(ferroussbicarbonate)o-2e 8a. 2 esee ee eee eee eee eee . 76 227 
Mni(HCO3)5) (Mmanganous bicarbonate) se eses-- pees -eetiae eee see ene eee oe 1.16 aah 
SIMs (SUTCA) See ae ie eiaree bie etelggne ese oe eee ee Caren ee 45.11 16.07 

Total. 28a aes soe an ee seine Seis Bee es ye SE RE Ee ee re eee 280.786 | 100 

a Small amount. 


No. 2.—Arsenic spring. 


[Situhted at base of Hot Springs Mountain, under wall of Arlington Hotel. Sample for mineral 

analysis taken January 9, 1901. 

Temperature on November 8, 1900, was 51.9° C., and January 8, 

1901, was 53.99 C. This spring could not be reached, so the temperature was taken about 35 feet 

from the spring.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 7.97; oxygen, 3.34; carbon dioxide (free), 9.15; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.48; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of | Amount of 
zh tota water used 
Formula and name. Parts per | inorganic | for each 
* |materialin| determina- 
solution. tion. 
SOP A CSEITCD) Pemertan se eimistete ese ane hoe cee ieee alinjneinie See eleieteiiesctes 44. 48 16.34 8, 000 
SOis (SLL MOTT eNO); Sane eb aooeeoconeeesbocoaseasooUsEESsese 8. 24 3.03 4, 000 
ERO (nlecarbOnic aAciGuragi Cle)! oo. seam cnc aei-e saci eins asinine 160. 50 58.95 100 
OPN (RIE ecer CLG TA GICLO) yz css 2 aie mie Some = miwrm m= iain nei wins ernie = 44 o lli/ 100 
INO MILrOUSTAGIG TAGI CIC) q<4. eae oes io ae ee ees = Rioacaneonasae IMEKASS lo ssestocos5e 100 
OPA MPHOSPHOLIG ACIOMAGI ClO) era seat elelatelee el ayetay ciel /-f= sas Saal Mracen ieee cece sue 2, 000 
BGA ME tADOLIC ACI GSTAGi Cle) eae sect sae cies cise accu cee aise omeleiae (C2 5 HBSS eBeas cade 38, 000 
PERO IESe OIC ACIOeT AGI CLS) heme acl ste era seine fe nee eter inj seieie INNING; llacooenodosec 3, 000 
Cl (chlorine) 2.50 92 800 
Br (bromine) AUER sadoceasoace 3, 200 
L (OWING) cede sapaeadecaS BESHR SOAR SUED eRe BSe= = Cpe Sa SeRencconeaaes AUENCES |cosecacaaeas 3, 200 
a Girontandfaluminum) ees. 2 sas ese seem cise seuss cicis lS ee 24 09 2,000 
LUT, (ENTERS). cca saee Que eM eSe sees SOB eenEeeoA pea Tee ee Seep aeT eS ALENEC S| ec boosdose =e 25.000 
Sa. (Gai EIN |S Jee Seen se Bee aa eU bee eo ose cE eS Saeco creat aeer set 44, 64 16. 40 2,000 
RSS (TAS VESTULIN ioe meters cepa sonic siiis ssn chee ec ee a bic ne es Peace es ey 4.77 1.70 2, 000 
LE [PiCUASGisit)) = See Ran eons uns oadeeaE dane cReeTeaceds a eeo saa Goce aeeee 1,98 74 4; 000 
PSR USOGLIUEEN Ses, cioe ates we eats tins cere Sekt Gemeeeeicicnes Bae Scare 4.46 1. 64 4, 000 
Te LUC EUUEEN) eet cota a eraye isis eeeinie ole Driseics nie eisicisieie/o18 2 = se Rossa DTA Pee oeneeees 4, 000 
BED eem( CHELDTEL OVERCEIN) preyer eye evar ie are mi torso aiaie rein ehelave einiereisiereveNc Tener . 060 02 500 
TIQEA |» 2 db 0CSes NPS OOUUC ED EI CEE OES A ae eee ee eee 272. 310 LOOIS Al Soest eee 
BRD UIES IT Seer mecte cieteisice <cecinis meets sine eele setsieiesisiessiaisyeidammcan Sec oe 1985 50a ee seeeeeeee 200 
PME CLIVPETT OLRM OW eee ee eres os sper trate) stele ue miste siaje ciehe ete isiainieter saree eis HOU A peweareesean 500 
Bixip Clerc OUIRE Meare mets ca terre aia enne jae sense ee wiciols slseee eters | att) |eossanoonase 200 
«Small amount. 
| Per cent of 
5 tota 
Formula and name. | ae ae inorganic 
* |material in 
PE Gla (Arm OMIM CHL OTIC) [e-em ae ee a one Cesare an ee Heo ee 0.178 0.07 
PAGE uM Chl OTId Ghats sea ees ose Cee e en saree cee eiiene penne Senso Bees Pra cea Naw ees 
KCl (potassium chloride) 3.77 1.38 
MaACle(sodrum: ChlOride)) so <2. ss. sc-2e2202c2 97 . 36 
KBr (potassium bromide) ADENOSY || lacaocdeeoace 
HAG POLASSIIE DOGG) eR aerss case meee one nie ae cane Coe hin alee eeen eee ACC ease eae 
OM a SOUUINT SIL DM aLe) seer se seis ae Ge ere Seie we Buses aa ee les ote s onto acie eeesenes 12.09 4. 44 
ROS OM GH S He SUI SULp Mate) a5 op = soe cass te Soto oa een cemnt oeneeo eee oneal .09 . 03 
BES OY on SCH LE ERIC ba DOLALE) ley oe cee ose cee eae Sei oe ee pee cae eee oe (20D 39 saree 
Perr taO ey A GCALCIEIED HOSP te)) eas sere forge a of ne eae) ops ae eet tie ADENGOS Neadaidcosase 
RENO) 7A (SOCLUIMEMIGALC)) ceo = 2 seen nece sore ts oe acicce enue PSOE arse . 60 22 
BO) A (SOM MUITTIN TULLE NCO N oct errs eee yc ee ee car ma PE re els Rance aL HUEY Ge WN e oe cotaacas 
Ri SBELOO), ) ol MaoneSsiUL bicarbOMAate) y=. 2802 ate ene clee cece ce ce See soon 28.60 10.50 
PAGOO) ya (CULCTUM ADICAT NON ALE) menace oe cee oe ee eee eee Seen Sm 180.79 66.39 
HEREC Oa) ra LETLOUS DICATUONALE)) Sone stewie eee toe cae e eco ee ee ee .76 28 
Mn(HCO;). (manganous bicarbonate) ANREMOES Noe co cacoscde 
S25, CSTR os ee oe I ats ea ear DERN Bea rl Sete eatin Corel rc, Va ie 44. 48 16.33 
Teaveli, opie cath SD esi el eee a nee enn ier Cans ein | 272,328 | 100 
# Small amount, 
S. Doc. 282-3 


No. 3.—Arlington spring. 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
Temperature on November 8, 1900, was 61.7° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 61.3° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.57; oxygen, 2.27; carbon dioxide (free), 13.08; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 


Per cent of | Amount of 

: total water used 

Formula and name. Bane ee inorganic | for each 
* \material in| determina- 

solution. tion. 
SiM5 (Silica; ace sentra eee coca. SUE eae erates Sane ar 44.89 15.96 8, 000 
SOM(suliphunicacidiradicle) Stesee—- pees sense a eee ee eee eee 7.76 | 2.78 | 4,000 
HiCO3si(bicarboniciacid radicle) 2222 seeees- eee na eee eee eee 166.50 59. 58 100 
NOs Gmulipse arorGl anh) ~ocasnsoseueoasccoscacecocsdascceccoacss- Tracey | Sseeee eres 100 
NOs (nuitrousiacidbradiele) passes eserae sane e seas eee eee 200074) Sse een 100 
ROG (phosphoricaciGiragd ele) ese eee ae eee eee eae ANEXOSS loeacoccccécs 2,000 
BOs (me taboriciacidiradicle) Pee assesse eee eases eae ee aeee eens (8)! = eee eer 3, 000 
ASO (arsenic acidsradi cle) Retesse sass se aeeaees gaccceccauccscs INOIC |e eee 3, 000 
Cl (chlorine) 2.50 90 800 
Br (bromine) Traces he eer ee eecee 3, 200 
KiG@odine) ns eseeiesscec ae seestises Jace see ee pee eae eee ALAC C= eee 3, 200 
Fel iron Chol EMhbnrubaybieM)) oe eee sao cenagaasoadac seaspdesencocescce 28 pale 2,000 
Minn (manganese) aaiesee cesar eee Ee aS Ee eee 322 08 2,000 
Ca l(Gal Ci) esses seas cee ee teen eee See eee GER anee 46. 36 16. 60 2, 000 
Migs (MAN ESLUM) ose jae eee sets nectar eeeear See cecseee ee coeere 4.88 1.74 | 2,000 
Key (Potassium) Set eee sa aa eee cae eee eee eee Ce eae ree 1.65 60 4,000 
Nai SOGMUIIN) Ee sabe ae ace oa seen oes ene eee eee eae 4, 52 1. 63 4,000 
Tire(lithtam')\ assesses a tear eee eee nO ere eres ee UMIBYOES = |esccocconc= 4,000 
NEE (AMMONIUM) eos so ee eeeite elec ee eee en ae eee Crit seee . 068 -02 500 
MO tals Sites sens eae eee oe Dee een Seen eee 279. 6287 LOOK S| Sassen seer 
Total solids. ste. SS eee eee ee 202 oe | 200 
Albumin oTdsamm Oni aseeeeeeseee see ae eee ner ee eae eaeeee SD Spcccsascces 500 
Oxy Sen wrequineder saeco see ree oe ae eee see eee eee ae eee eee 220... | soe eee | 200 
a Small amount. 
| Per cent of 
| tota 

Formula and name. partes | inorganic 
| * material in 

NEC (ammoninumuchloride) passes eee C eee eer eee renee eee eee ee eee ee ees | 0. 202 0.07 
LiCl @ithiumychloride) Sesco-seseteeaseee eee =e oe eres ee een eee ere Mb eKEE NS |eescasoesoss 
KCI(potassiumi(chi Orid ek soso. sass eee sees eeeer eee ee eee ree ee 3.15 1.13 
INEVOMN Covahibniael norte (Se doanauseseneusccnoebecesacueauecadanauanaocemccsocsese 1.44 51 
KeBre (potassium bromide) sseene-e= ees aCe eee eee ee eee ae eee eee Tracesdeaeeeseeeeee 
Kel ((patassiumelOd 1 Ge) saci cates eo tee oe eee ee TPraecess| fesse eee 
INE WSO ve Coyohhubear Sl eEHKS) skeccropeboadassacdaccereconosecnccuspeuoceante causes 11.49 4.11 
NaBOoi(sodiumymetaborate) Ssasccaqssassshe seco aan eee eee ee eee eae | (8) 2 ils s Sees 
Gas(hO2)a\(calciumephosphate)— saese sesso eee eee eee eee eee eee AUEKCOS ||EGoscascsec- 
NaNO3{(SOdlumM NI trate)! F455 se ae. cins =e ee ee eee eee ADENKGES. |IScssaccocace 
NaN Onu(SOdimmM< nitrite) | cctv nasil sein eee ee See eee ee ee ee | SOOT | eeeecnee eee 
NalGHiCO3)) (Sodium bicarbonate) sees sas ana eee eee | 80 29 
MexiCO3)> (nagnesiumebicarbonate)io: een 4--osseee ao see ee eee eter e ee Serer eee | 29.38 10. 50 
Cai(EICO3) ni (calcium) bicarbonate) Sessa. 2 sec eeee eee eee eee eee ae ee asic & 67.10 
icoy (ferric oxidevamdlallummia)) see ya eee ee | 40 14 
Min Og (MAN ganO-man sani c OxAC ©) ) see ae eee ee 30 | ail 
Si@s(silica), os scl. hc ooo tes Std ce en | 44.89 | 16.04 

TOtal ese 2o eee SI a Se ee ee a ee | 279. 8331 100 

a Small amount. 



No. 4.—Cliff Spring. 


[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain under wall of Arlington Hotel. Sample for mineral 

analysis was taken January 9, 1901. 

Temperature on November 10, 1900, was 55.9° C., and on January 

8, 1901, was 52.4°C. This spring could not be reached, so the temperature was taken about 8 feet from 

the spring.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 7.85; oxygen, 3.36; carbon dioxide (free), 12.52; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per cent of | Amount os 
eee tota water use 
Formula and name. po ne inorganic | foreach 
| * |material in} determina- 
| solution. tion. 
SHOP MIS ECL GS) Rytscee  ercictcinicisies= Ss oie Sass acs oe See e eweeeweaosesel 8, 000 
SOaGuilphuricacid radicle) i sa-ccs sees aes acesocec snes eens sineeince 4, 000 
HCO biCaLrpOnicacid TAGICle)) G2. socsceecccn- ccc Soest eee ncme = 100 
NG QHtme la ciara Cle) Ee eco ence oe are eerie a= sien | 100 
MOS ETOUS ACIO TAGICIC) a6 so eat one ooo Scoe see Me enis sacs 100 
POMC BHOSPHOLIG ACIG TAGICIC) ie osc 2 oe. assess ae eee Goce s sense | 2,000 
BOs (MELADOLIC ACIG Tra dicle)=.-+ 3-2 sos saan ce secs eee edeceee see 3, 000 
UAC ATSC HICIACIGITAGICIC) sae =e ase com seine cee canines oe eaeeoe ses 3, 000 
| ELETICTANE CS) cc sea ae ee ee | 800 
LED (DENSE U AVE) a Pe ee 3, 200 
NH GHRI ETO) teers ae he om eae ce sa Gos heks Hoek Seseee ease owe eats 3, 200 
Ay fron SUE GENIAL TTY, Pees ts eee er tetas Sas 2, 000 
MVP EEESDET NNICSE) )getan ee tinis Ses eee oe it SSS ya A opatela aie cisisicc side Sere hee 2,000 
RGsIm (GaU CLUIIN pee ees oe oe spo ae Seisioe oacesiieainle stan tivreisia ste aisteree 2,000 
MPa GHIS OPIOID) ets oer ce asics eisai ae Ja cemoeie oc ae eels 2, 000 
TE (DOVE SCT 15 Se ee ee Ee ae 4, 000 
INE (ISOOIT TEEN \° A A ae Oe ee eee ne ae Ree. .” Seeuabalee 4, 000 
[on (ING Ze as Sas Ao See eee a Ree er eae... eee 4,000 
BBE (LITA ORT VUTI) eter eras = Se eee ices Se bclele singe woeeigeesee 500 
TRU 2 5d56ebseSS ase eSB Bae So ae eee EEE eee mets 271. 8943 | LOOM ae tater 
“LOUETAL RET) 1G Nets is ia Tete ee DI Prete ial he De eye A Rs 200 
PMUPSEETINITT OLE NLU TN OLDS 4a aha a a rae ae eee a Ie nae Se wale a aoe [ee ee Stes sels Soe disawece 500 
MPmy RCNELCE EITC ees lee aoe cain c/ Se bre aeons Sais ee ofa sions is assis caeess .25 [peteee tees 200 
aSmall amount. 
yer cent of 
Formula and name. P arte My | inorganic 
mimon. | material in 
WEC (armronmiumy Chloride) !jasssas. ssace oe ose aie ee ssn ccd oe Seine wccheneiase| 0. 128 0.05 
EG Ie HELEVET TCC INLORIG @) rey sess occ oss niece eee eae ois ooo a oni ia ea oneal MAC Cr I|Reecose cee 
LCD (GeGi ie Gefen Ayo) ail (oy BG Ke) heya eel a pee ee are Ce a ie Ae eee De 3.83 1.41 
REMC USOC EN TMCLMOLIG C) Beem. aise eee re note Son eniae tintin iene come ae tlt . 28 
RAB aC BOLASSLUNMDLOMIGE) eee crane seen oonciee Gans as enema oac ee noe aeer (DVACC A Peas seeceeee 
MIU OLASSIUME IOUT) oe Se aoe cree a ison es dared SA ce Seti nee SL see Oe eee ADEs || GsSSoncsecas 
REPO (SOOLIEN SIE MALO) poe cee nee sone nice tine ce Soe ers ead ace sa ccd seen enee 12.40 4.56 
BES ONT OAT CSET SUP ALe) nn saan cme ne ae eee ee eels se oa a Nireet pail slut 
ENS On (SOGIMEMEMELADOLALC) Se secu eee ee ee ae ee Sh aD (GS) EINerall eases amas 
PAULO (ECLA NOSPNALE) ie cece ce =e oe ae clan Jor ees foes ee anaes | Mracey| ees Sse 
EEE) AUSOGIUIINUTNGTALC) saan sins cc iseicia as oa ae Se Se ican site ai ieeiale He eels | . 60 22 
aE ORO) a SOITLITISTLL TILE) Sate aase ee ase sce ere Riot os Se ern coe ite oe ae woo ae | SO024 | Saete eae 
Motel) (Magnesium bicarbonate)s.--c. oc so-so cos eeee oe eeealeoteeeee | 27.82 | 10. 23 
PAGHGOO (CACM DICATDONALE) 25. sone canoe eens cee een eee Uae: | 180.67 | 66. 45 
REP REO Oa A CLTOIS DICAT DON DUC) oe cs ee kets eee ear oreo ue Sele | ipa 41 
WERCELOO.)> (ManPanous| PicaALbOnate) 2.2.55 2- se oes ce ze ho cece aeeace swemine oral 26 
SU Ue SE) Sab ec Bea E eS ES ECT er a nara a fe ee 43. 55 16. 02 
SNe be lear fens Nemo a ee ee ape ee ne eels ater Pe ee ecnine Sa ote | 271. 900 100 

2Small amount. 


No. 5.—Avenue spring. 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 
9, 1901. Temperature on November 12,1900, was 61.4° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 61.9° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.24; oxygen, 2.20; carbon dioxide (free), 12.52; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per gene of AMOUR oF 
tota water use 
Formula and name. | Parsee inorganic | for each 
* |\materialin | determina- 
solution. | tion. 

: a | Gove 
SiO, (silica) ....... idateicigibis cieemoaes ants se amistae a Mae ses orca eats 44.31 , 15. 84 8, 000 
SOM(sulphuriclacidiradicle) Besa s-eeee seer ee eee eee eee eee eee 7.85 2.81 4,000 
HCOz(bicarbonicacidiradicle) peepee eee teaser ste eee eee eeree| 166.50 59. 62 100 
IN@3 i (Mitr Cacidbradicle)meeesee eee er eee er eee eee ereer bere serene 44 16 100 
NOs ((Mitrousiacidiradi cle) Mees esees sere eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee } 00225 Coens 100 
ROM(phosphoriciacidiradicle) ees ss nee eee astern ee eee | Tracer |Paesese eee 2,000 
BOs (metaboricacid magicle) ies. ee ane esee eee eee seen ec eee eee | (3) 25 eee a pase 3,000 
IASOR(ATSETI ClaCiG madi CLE) eee eee ema mn ee None. | ate Soe ee 3, 000 
GCli(chlorine)/ Ses esses See ese ter acl se eee CER ore eee eee | 2.38 86 | 800 
IBTA(DTOMIN eC) Reese easeeee eee ee Bee Soe dle meagsae seine ee se eae | Trace. | Cieuecheaneete 3, 200 
I GOGINE) se A Arese ec cms eacis conte pis yecisete aoe Mace Sone eee Trace sa fsceeeseeese 3, 200 
Alt (@rontandtaluminum) Pee seee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 28 | .10 2, 000 
Mineman sanese)eeesiae see nee tees ce eee on cere een eee ee eeee 22s 07 2, 000 
Ga(caleruml) = A a jace Sos se eee oo ee bose ae eee ceo an dealscemecen 46.58 — | 16.67 © 2, 000 
Mei (magnesium) |. sis aciecw oe etic e einige oeee ne selene acer eercae 4.58 | 1. 64 2, 000 
KA (POLASSTUIM) ae ecteesee sea ee eo cisc Sa eo eee aa oe er enae 1.65 | -09 4, 000 
Nai(SOGTUID) ho S82 ee eae cena eo Ree ease mee cee eee eee Ete ere ae | Avo lama 1. 62 4,000 
TT (UGH WIM) Saas ae Seis ae eee nice totes Gale weenie eteaeine Cemecceer TYACCI es ceseeseeee 4, 000 
NEHA (@mmonium) inc sscnc eres ose ne eee acer eee eee aces | 084 | - 03 500 

—_—_][V_—$<— =| —$—_ | _ ___ —_ _ 

ALO Ls ae ko So NC p= Mare SD eee i a a | . 279.3862 | 100)... S| -=eeeeoeeeee 

MotalisOli dss neat sees ys ee EE Oo eee | 201 | 2 ot eee 200 

‘AlbuUMINoidlammomniaes 5-02 sso pees aoe ee eee eee CEE 005) | S52 aaa 500 

Oxyeentrequired: 2 2 ee sees Sela eno ee ee Eee eee BE Date BASS Sooke 200 

aSmall amount. 
Ber cent of 
Formula and name. | Fare es inorganic 
* | material in 

NAY CLi(ammoniumichloride) 22 s-se-2 eee eee ee eee eee eee 
LiCl Githiumychloride) Satseasae eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee 
KCl (potassium chloride).-..--..---..-- Secon eee B Apne secre eastananococssc 
NaCli(sodiumichloride)\ ofa sasee secon sass siac tem sigs ar hese ee eee ee eee 
KeBri(potassiumebromid ©) ms acesas2 — ee eee ee ee Een se eee eee eee eee Rue 
KIT (POtASSLUMPIOGI Ge) Rats Ss sos as Soa sees esis less aoe eee anes eee 
IN@>SOn(Sodiumisulphate) sce a-s-he-eeee eee eee eens eee eee eee 
NaBOs (Sodiumem etaboraite) sos ssee= asses eee ean seat eee eee eee a eeeee 
Gar (BOs rs(Galciumsp hosphate) seen ese eee en eee eee eee eee eee eae 
NaNO; (sodium nitrate) (is2s2 fe onsets of site see cece ee acini lesa eee 
NaN Os (SOGIUMMNILTILE) Soo 55 jagaee sso lene oc ee eee 2 ee eee eee eee EEE ere 
ENA (COs) (Soditmebicarbonate) en. seee aceasta eee eee ene eee ete eeeee eas 
Me (HCOs)>(Gnasnesium bicarbonate) .4-2-c- ees --e ese ee eee eee eee nee 
Ca(HCO.)si(calciumibi carbonate) 2 aes eee ee eee eee ee eee ee nee eee 
He (HCOs)s (ferrous bicarbonate) ees sees sess aos eee eee eee eee 
MniG@HCOs)> ((manganous bicarbonate) ans. 4sse sree eee eee eee ee eee ee eeeee | 
SHO Chhics) lege naacne se Scat cosacoeMaSeEeEearnusctcdonoperenbonanetanocebossccs 
MO tal Sa58 bt 25s .a oh nae Sowers Se ee Sle cee SS A ees 

aSmall amount. 



No. 6.—Boiler House spring. 


[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain in cellar of Arlington Hotel. Sample for mineral analysis 
sis was taken January 9,1901. Temperature on November 13, 1900, was 57.5° C.,and on January 8, 1901, 

was 58.3° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.10; oxygen, 3.06; carbon dioxide (free), 10.84; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cont of | Amount of 
zs tota water used 

Formula and name. pene e inorganie | for each 
* |material in| determina- 

solution. tion. 
RSP COUE CH) ie vatarstate ict felciasstaraijatal (en s2 ne cre Siemeeslqeceietsit pe Ate naiein gd aisie @ 44.51 16. 04 8, 000 
SOA (Sup himnl elaci dora diGle) sais. cise saree ae te ose ces aise sleaiee 8. 50 38. 06 4, 000 
EMO (bicarnonlcaciGiragicle)) 22 38a ise nan scice|oe see oo 163. 50 58. 91 100 
INQ (TERETE © CXC LIEK 0 MOE ie Sea eae cee hone eae 3) seul 100 
NO, (attrous aerdyradi Cle) ear. 05, Se cere cieias ceils seis oles Sinister isis OOUSE Bserreerere cia 100 
BOACMOOSDHOFICacidragiGle) aoc a <se ace ee stew eis cisiere sachs Gee wi AMEVORS Sao aansesen 2, 000 
POPE DOr Cacia Gi Cle) i. s= asc. se cise seee acer eo ee celeaee CEM eee cle a ere 3, 000 
Oud VESETN Cra C1Ger adi Cle) pic ssayyasios ee see sieeve saral secs sisiiciss eles ce WOME. |e soschousee 3, 000 
MPM EL OTIC) Parsee ctcistre esi ace oreyie\s mae let ae ae ek estes ciie Mamie oe 2.75 o OY) 800 
BESS ARODY LO UINUIUG) vetenrers ral ase aie ae tered eae Mice aise eens tie Sut AMEKOE, ledaoeaecadac 3, 200 
Tr HOGI S Se Sey SCS TOC ee ae Se ae tea MME Sssanococas 3, 200 
aly (Hore Erne el ip DTN) eee dae esas uae sesh ae eras cere 21 07 2, 000 
PVT UE EAATE AT CSO) pores arose =a) sera o Sse esa oeie's wis sis moraisieisieisisieleimesaec AUEKOOs Nadaasaoek one 2,000 
MOrstm (CE AUL GC LUDETN)) eves cs heey aes cla ye ois eye eave eve ce eels lary Sia Se ote a ee 46. 25 16. 66 2,000 
UM (ANS OTT EC STIITIN) Foepsis yore is syars eiayers ca ieleisiaie ce! Salas Silas lessee a ate 4.88 1.76 2,000 
EMI GO LeLSS ELIT) baat meee sis) rele ear cloca noe Auainlaracaisrietelel ale sucteiatelere/t ieee 1.68 61 4, 000 
IE (Ga TTA) se aan te te a ge ee TER ce nae 4.50 1.62 4,000 
MOG GNC INIT) fore cleo c ack secisiceec gcse amcies sseomeiote este = Gee coe ce ITA Ce a Geaseieteanee 4, 000 
BENE Were (EQ ENA TANG) CE AITD)) pen ects pe ol scotay cies rors ics lntavctors raisers were Uoerasrea erate 025 01 500 
NYRI BEE Se Seat ee he a eens ena ate I Se 277, 5563 LOO eee seas 
Lie GTS 2.15 Sasi eee ek el ele eg DODD enon ate ~~ 200 
PMU LEAT OTMEATININ OMNIS a Rea ceenicleaic telecine eerie soc isclemnee se ecmoscsee 100) Tr | ee ere he he 500 
OPmaV PF EMSCE QUAIL Myre nese este Se jak ethane esi eee oie net ie ae slo see SCO) snail Ne eerie Ss 200 
2 Small amount. 
Per cent of 

Formula and name. Pe Se inorganic 
* |material in 

NEE CH (ammoniam chloride) is sees eset csoee ou coe Haeeee Ce niece ona aoe one 0. 074 0. 08 
TLaKCAl (Miia aug rare te) all oy isc VES Ns eee pte ye ee yee Porat Re nce a VP Ra ee or ERT AC Ein ee Re Baer eane im 
HEGISGHOLASSIII CH OLIGE) esc aeeis cis eee essa eestor nee ies Siniae deme nie nee 3.20 1.15 
IMACIE (Gayo hi oil Col (oye \s) 5 Rec eeeseSc Ese aoe OME ee TOE SESS at Ean See eee enres 14GB) .48 
LSB TA MOCASSHUNMPLOMIGEe) sass 5 He 2s nea.25 sa aoe sae ee yao aaNenee hens Meee TPT ACE ee ee een 
SERIE CPSC) ESS ULI TUT CITGO) pees Se as ey Rye Pe te SN ne 8 a aS open Mis AD» Sa) PTAC CMA Reser Cae 
SSF aes gn SO) CLE ULES UT LI Ha aii) eS ec oh Bo Sn Se Set LT ae ee (Uae eal ie OLY 11. 41 4.11 
Mgs0O, (magnesium sulphate) .99 . 36 
EES Oa (SOUT IM CLA DOTALe)) os eae so eye here ors ee eatin Sa) he aoe emg a TS ean sete Bete 
Caz(PO,)2 (calcium phosphate) (Braces eee eee 
EDN Glon (SOCEM MT UrA te) es eceoe reso eie soe ae ee ane eS e eat aominanmyeaiia 2 1.03 937 
PEDO) (SOGUITIN TNT CEI TE) ts ose soe cas meee We tenes a Ne a AR WICC O02 ease ee 
Mg(HCO;). (magnesium bicarbonate).....-- Paes Pa oe ahs Ga dats declaw MD Werke bey 28.18 10.16 
PAGHC O23) (eal Cit DIGALDOMAtE) lone eke nek eerie coco ee em Redo 185. 96 67.01 
MAUCECO;)> (Manganous bicarbonate): so... 2222-22 ea Mraces Gasser 
Ao: EC USN CACPNal CLV ATE CL ALTITUDE IN ED) [eee oer ye ene te ae a am ONT Un . 30 saul 
Bneragedlcitnisilicate)/ os seen gee es ey eal ohana urh oe all 1.02 .37 
Ss (GUIGED as beecBee ESOC STOO OS DIE ee Ce ee ae ei Ben ae canenin 43. 98 15. 85 

G6) eee ieee ie Bera Ie ce ECB EE BORE HGCA MeSH TEE Fie ene ie Pear 277. 416 100 

4Small amount. 


9, 1901. 

Temperature on November 14, 1900, was 60.1° C., 


No. 7.—Iimperial spring (north). 

on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral anaylsis was taken January 
and on January 8, 1901, was 60.8° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 

Nitrogen, 7.75; oxygen, 2.53; carbon dioxide (free), 7.48; carbon dioxide (set free 

from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 
Per cent of | | ‘Amount gf 

tota water use! 
Formula and name. Eareanel inorganic | for each 
material in | determina- 
solution. tion. 

SiO Fn (UbICED Pareeudacbooscnosdaasas suanoonaannnaase adassondesteeauds 44,59 15. 65 8, 000 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle) ie ae ea ears We deat Re Ss te eeecicieic 7. 92 2.78 | 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarboniciaciairadicle) ma. eee eee eee 169. 60 59.53 | 100 
NO; ae ACIG:TAGICIE) 2 as emcee tas ee oe eee eS ae 33 oltil 100 
NOsa(mitrousjacidradicle eis ssce se Sse eee eee eee 0041". eeassace 100 
BO (phosphonicraci dena cle) meee ae eee eee ome gee ere Traces. |< eee eee 2,000 
BO (netaboricacidsradicle) messes see ee eee eee . 86 30 | 6, 000 
ASO (arseniGacideracicle) ers setae ioe eer nee ee mn een INONE® |seseeoaseeee 3, 000 
CiR(CHIOriIne) ES Se ee a See see oe eee cine REE Cee eee 2.50 . 88 800 
BEA(DLOMIN C) ys sist ae esos sae See le Ee oe ee a Reece TraCe@ |e acaaseeeee 3, 200 
a GOGING) 5 Fo Ses oes Ss ee eS SPO ea ee eres MEEXOSS ||s5055s6sscc0s 3, 200 
Ay} Gron ‘andyalumin um) seer eee aceee eee eee eee .30 ply 2, 000 
vey (Man sanlese) cece teen oeeoris ee eC EMEC EERE nn keene 18 . 06 2,000 
Can(Galeium) ease ase eee ae EE Eee | 47. 23 16.58 | 2,000 
Mes(mapn esium)(osste tose: coms see cee were eee ae eee eee | 4.99 1.75 | 2, 000 
Ke (POTASSIUM) ISS So ek Ube sae dees see ome ee seh oe See ee eee | 1.70 09 | 4.000 
N'A (SOOTUM) Hae Se sec ee io ee eee ee ee eee 4.57 1.61 | 4,000 
Ey (UUs ovlbbie) West eat eene sae mionndan SoSenorEesecEeCganoceLostan aes] Trace! il=s seer 4,000 
NH4) (ammonium) jose. sees seca ocala een Cero 116 . 04 500 
TOA sees reese cee cece eas Ronee eee eS ae Se Oe oe eee 284. 9401 100 = 2a ae eee 

Total solids 
Albuminoid ammonia 
Oxygen required 


NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 
LiCl (lithium chloride) 
KCl (potassium chloride) 
NaC) (sodium chloride) 
KBr (potassium bromide) 
KI (potassium iodide) 
Na»SO, (sodium sulphate) 
MgSO, (magnesium sulphate) 
NaBOs (sodium metaborate) 

Cax(PO4)o (calcium phosphate) 
NaNO; (sodium nitrate) 
NaNOs cou nitrite) 

Ca( HCO): 
Fe( HCO.) 

SiO, (silica) 

Formula and name, 

Parts per 

Per cent of 

» (Magnesium bicarbonate) 
Soule bicarbonate) 
(ferrous bicarbonate) 

(manganous bicarbonate) 


Bates es: 


No. 8.—Crystal spring. 


[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
1901. Temperature on November 16, 1900, was 35.2° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 36.2° C.] 

Gases (number of cubie centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 9.73; oxygen, 4.57; carbon dioxide (free), 13.13; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 32.21; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of Amount of 
| total water used 

Formula and name. pertebes inorganic for each 
* ‘material in determina- 

solution. tion. 
| C.C. 
SiO (GING) adap es SeuSS Rene Sons een ae eS oe een aee ane ps aoe eRe RearrE| 46. 28 15.99 8, 000 
Sent lphurickacid radicGle) ie -asessss == =e een ill 7.88 Ql, 4, 000 
EX@ Orn DIGALDONIG ACI GeraGdi cle) ies. <r. =te a =r isin s-)- i= 2 172. 60 59. 64 100 
GER HUET Cua COST AGI CLE) osc se seaine Scenieeecinen Saisie =le'= state sya 22 07 100 
NOs Se ENG! TAKING) scan susaasesoosocoduoesousocoussocusese UU cocbegesuaea 100 
Ora (phospnuoricacidsradicle) sas: sass es cece sone ee eee = ae Araceli tater meres 2, 000 
Bla (GA OO Roe aK Oly SheqodeseseoceeonsescepossnbosoEecsae (Che el igen acne 3, 000 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) INMES ||Gssdadoocoss 3, 000 
Cl (chlorine) 2.50 . 86 800 
Br (bromine) WUEKESs) IIs cagacoougse 3, 200 
EEG GING). ee Ses Sees SREB SB OSRO NO eae Sap Sea CNB SSS eSrerDecee acters INEXOOS |e coeossoscse 3, 200 
Ayton rel wey INT) premise eee er ecieee eres oracae eis 28 09 2, 000 
Witerg (IPT PNM CSC) teas cise mise ee cee se osc Seh aes Sac gowns eels ase ones IUEKOOS |[SnseBospocoe 2, 000 
OE (GRIGG Sages er aSera a SSaeur Gale op BOSS SCn an OSS OA E AC See eeEnos 48. 35 16. 72 2,000 
LLG (GASES BRS sas ogotes SkonRe eae EE eNeacesnb Oost aepaSeocdee 4. 90 1.70 2, 000 
LE (CRG ESSIITD) |) 2g aea eee dances eeesede fae n ee CO iOoE Sones BoHee ae En aneras 1.80 . 62 4, 000 
Bran (SOCMIATIN eee ten see eve combos eee ee mee eem ema: Helawe tis ciem sine 4.54 1.57 4, 000 
LE (VERHPERTIIN seo Roe ee eee meas Sak el ae oe OG Ane eee ie Tracer |kaaeee 4,000 
i Tain (SiTT OHM) ao Gan dae oe ae eGor SSSR ese See ROO SOEBOReaGe - - SaecaeeS 065 02 500 
TRON see Sob aaa E RS aS a eT ERI sea ne eee aa | 289. 4162 TOO Se eal annie ae 
UGE! SONG Geo as Sop Bau ee ROE ee SS CSOs Eee Cte See se ae ese ears arta Lol Coane 200 
POND UTA IT OTT ATOM OMIA eis ais ses tere etre aie ls arse te ee eras, Slam a MO 2S kaa cece areas anes 500 
Orey FCN ere guar ed ca irse ence nee Westen nies acid Simeetee ese cie SS Geiik u| ate peleisveteraie ala 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 
: tota 

Formula and name. Bons Ber inorganic 
* ‘material in 

INGE, Gls (Ammonium CHIOTIGE) se nace ete cence as oa tn ae Soe ee Sse eee 0.194 0.07 
Lor(Ol! (Aid nat brea Coho Yj (6 Ve) eile tee eae ce Rise anes BRE eee eae ence ce aaa teres ERT AC era leaeeeiaes ee 
Ke MC HOUASSIUIIMEC NLOTIC ©) hee sak Seren eee ee ta alae es ieyece tein) Gia vseisiam rs ee 3.43 1.18 
LO Ia (SOCEM I OTIGE) ss se ariericae otc Sh ae mia cine bend Se uae eee Ae?) 42 
ESE Ta POLASSIUMUDIOMIG C) ss eawico esse Mei rte ei inc sees eee ie seeecele AraC eral henisee se ee 
EMIRATE SSUES OCLI CC) eters rss sree eo ea arse Seen eS ee SIL ae AT ACER eee ae 
er SO (SOMUMIMESTE p HALC) saat pe psrersere eo ee = eral ae ne ner sisatee aos estes ee ee eee 11. 66 4.03 
NEEDS Om (Suen CVAD OLALE) ses soc eno eee ieee Aslam lace cee aaa (EOI co eaecears ane ers 
C7CEO 7) (CalermmuyphospHate) :jsencss ote cotios mee ese cee ec ac as ooe oeee eee SRR CeR cate ae knee 
BENG) a (SOGIMIMGMILTA LE) Fata aecioss sic cece ee memes eam Aa ele ee ie ae ee Sie 30 10 
SER OD (Coser thin Tete) Paes wearisersee Se enee ease Sea Ga armas earn SOOUS Ree erases: 
RET CELSO) yn (SOGTUM ab] CALDON ALE) ass sacs ee lees eine siniorere sae one ene wo .25 
MeCHiCO:)s(marnesium! bicarbOnate)<--=25-5-25--)-< esse ie eee s seee eee es 29.50 10.19 
DEAGEO O27 (Cal Chun. DICATDON ALE) as asses ocr) a aiscice soe ite ee ena oes 195. 82 67. 65 
mi GELCOz)> (Mane ANOUS DICATDONALE)|< <= osc <= 2 oe nle ioeincie Helm clnjs nis sale iciessie oe TLACG See sse eae 
nee MiSEICIO XAG eral Gas MM a) ees oe ee er yee ee cera eee eae see ce | 85 sil) 
SEOp, (SULIGE) ese eS ESS Smart ret eee oC oy AR 46. 28 15.99 

TIGL The phic oi ies Pe eas acted al eT pM EEN oS, OO 289. 4858 | 100 

*Small amount. 


No. 9.—Rector spring. 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain. 
9, 1901. 

Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 
Temperature on November 17, 1900, was 61.1° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 62.4° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 7.58; oxygen, 3.02; carbon dioxide (free), 12.82; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.84; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Amount of 

Per cen of x 

tota water use 

Formula and name. Pare ee inorganic | for each 
* |material in| determina- 

solution. tion. 
: 7 Cc. 
yO (bic) WER aaas coos posaoasenacerecasuedaotoaccssdencsauodsed: 44, 91 16. 07 8, 000 
SOM(sulphunicracideradicle) eee secre eee eee eee eee eee eee 7.60 Dee, 4, 000 
HC Oss (bicarboniciacidimadicle) Mess eee eee eee eeeee eee eee eee | 166.50 59. 58 100 
INOs (Haouipa EYONG | TENCHIOIO)) osu asco sous Goan odoosesonsc ease sscoascHal) 09 03 100 
INOSu(niltrouslacidsradicle) se-eeeee ae ee eee ee eee eee eeeereeeee | BUS Aeeessenesss 100 
POM (phosphorickacidhradicle) ease seat eee ben e-e eee ee eee eee Traces posse cece 2,000 
BO ps Gnetaboricacideradi cle) pe aessce setae eee eee ree reece (8) Upc ea ees 3, 000 
ASO (arseniciacidiradicle) Sa -eeesere sere eee Ree eee ee eee eeeeee INOS eScadasadsac 3, 000 
Cly(Chlorine) es steer ces ceciiedae see eet eee ee eee ete | 2.50 . 90 800 
Bri(brOmMIMme) sexs ss acamee ose eeeee eer ate See See oe eee eee UENO Scseseecccc 3, 200 
1g (Glole bial) eo snadacscen sas oMeE oo cegameaopeaserasocon aaa seenassnaseaae Tracen eee eeeee 3, 200 
ait @rontandlaluminum) eae eee re ee eeee ee ee eee eres essere | 21 08 2,000 
Minima gan ese) ence tet cn cinccsoaeciccineteinte Semseeerionck einen cesar oli . 04 2, 000 
Caz(Gal ciumny) eee ese Me eiene/ foe tine Nate eta eatae re epee peer 46.18 16.53 2, 000 
Mg (magnesium) 4.97 Wee 2, 000 
K(POLASSIUM) Fe Sak ee aso tee SNS IS ES ee eee 1.68 . 60 4,000 
INA (SOGTUIIA) Sates se cen ietele es eee eee nate ome GTR Ee SRS Se EE eee 4. 64 1.66 4, 000 
Tae Fad Vara) estas ee eo ears sp ea Se ea AMENG soscccasss—c 4, 000 
INflebe(ChihnYoriboon))pacaccsassossosace sees sso sdocabcccscenooEsagces . 062 - 02 500 
Totes) HWA ary PAT RNCEDR ASE Ih eyes SEM Ce aE 379) 4583)| 0) 00 eee eee 
TotalisOlas ss ceekece = a cincieenae soca sees oe eee Bee EE eee eeEee QOS isis as eee eee 200 
AMbuminoidlammoniaeeseseeeeeeee see ee eee nee ene ee eee ee eee ARG ia Benes sooue 500 
ORyEEN TEGUITER ees ss See eee ces aise nls Sete eene Mee Sear ere | O00. |e eesaeeoeee 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 

Formula and name. eae inorganic 
* |material in 

NEHA Cli(ammoniumychloride) hese sse- sense ee eee- ence eee eee e eee eeee 0. 184 0.07 
LiCl Withiumychloride) i .-\-cecee ct ceece ore acct cee creche sees eeaee aeeee ce enes ABIENORS | eaaocosinbes 
COM Goya Sion OalkoyaOlS))\ cagocascaeocoussacossoscosuesuesduasdcasnsccosoecdece 3. 20 1,15 
NaCl (Sodiumichloride) essere cteeyars cee Soe ee eee COE ee 1.42 -oL 
KeBrs(potassium bromide) etek ce ee eee See ee ee Oe ee eR nee a ee eee Traces. |S-s5-seaeeee 
Kel POtaSssium i OGIAe) Meese See SE erase ete ee rer a AMEKODS | -casoschesss 
NEVO); (Corobhonen sil noeNK>)) Sascosacsasas c cosas sadorndeasodsodedeoonencadadddsacs 11. 25 4,02 
INaiBOs (Sodiumumetaborate) ese. ices eer aaa eae eee eee Cee eee ee eee (2). 5 |S ee 
Cas(RO})s)(Caleiumephosphate)ien se see- oe ee nee eee eee eee eee eee BBE |S secacacccac 
NaNOz (Sodium'nitrate) tac seeccemcccc sacar eee ee cise aoe eee eee ok . 04 
Na NOs: (SodiumMEMIGEITE)s 226 asicisisc sic coe aioe ee eee soe octeie eee eee eee 0024| eee oe eee 
Nal(ElCO3)n(SOdiumybicanrbonate)) esses ene) a- eee eeeeee eee eee ee Eee eeeeeeeeeeee 1.57 56 
Mg(HCO3). (magnesium bicarbonate)...........-.-.....----- TARO CR AAS tao ocS 29. 92 10. 70 
CaGHCOs)5i(calciumibicarbonate)r------e eee eeeeeeee eee eee eee ee eeessee 186. 45 66. 67 
ALOT (fernicioxide and valumiina) ieee srr sees eee eee eee eee eee eee . 80 ll 
Wha O)y (GrNEMAYeE AOE HAMANO (O>-GIGIO), o cacasecoosss-sccsaddossssnssseac=deecoane -15 - 05 
CaSiOsn(calciumisilicate)/s.2-.--ceeceeeeene etre ete eee Geren ene= a eee eeee .41 .14 
RS) O hyn (SUNG) eee oeeGcracaeseaaee aren anmboemacaoncdoosseacn soadoodesacodcad 44,70 15. 98 

Totals J 5s hese en sage ee as es ee see OO see eee eee eee ee Renee 279. 676 100 

aSmall amount. 



No. 10.—Cave spring. 

{Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 

1901. Temperature on November 19, 1900, was 57.4° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 57.2° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 7.80; oxygen, 3.13; carbon dioxide (free), 11.95; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 28.35; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Percentof | Amount of 
total water used 
Formula and name. poe as inorganic | for each 
~ |materialin | determina- 
solution. tion. 
SiOz (silica) ...... Wale ale alas nicic aie Saisie so sme moe aie ae es close aca isle 44.55 16. 40 8, 000 
SOM Sth tn GAC G TagiCle) kacmase ser ccsinaeie clas snes sen esc elecie 7.73 2.85 4,000 
EAR Gon (DICALDOMIC ACIGMTAGICGIE) es. cco cl ecicisis = Se cisieiescte se esas 160. 50 59. 09 100 
RiGee (HTEEIELACIGNAGICLE) 72. 55 science aise SS <= Siseeie <eiseewise!sscioe seis HMEVGDs Ilecentaquocane 100 
REC UTEELOUSTACIOTAGICIE) | Ss S ae oe esc siaaisia Salen cewaleres ale seine ROOMS | Baeeeeeeeeet 100 
Eeraquhoasphoricacid radicle) ies. 2 22-s2- soos 32 seins eels ose ARMENSEY locscdoscéond 2, 000 
Bom (MetApOrie acid TAGICIe))s.. -sscce eee sesso sees ese eee Oy Sauna mea emaaa 3, 000 
WES OMe SESOMIC ACI STAGICIO)s=<<o = ac cijcinaccieisiwie wieicisieiesigjenvesee Scie ee INES |saecoasadade 3, 000 
TL UG Gn) 3 o600 Bas OSCE SCO BRDU Ae coe Cree ae ae ane aaa, 2.38 88 800 
PESEMMPLEDIEETTIC) peel vere sae no seats = Se Se wis Memos & ea veiateTolele elk, <tefors vicars = INES, ||Soocaaooncae 3, 200 
PRRGTATOL ETA CS ) Breton ocr Leisc nine cele csi RIS SE eRe SSeS HUGS Apaseopanooee 38, 200 
ati GEECENUE GUSTIN) aes h oi o Soe cena eee cece cee kee ninetes 21 - 08 2, 000 
TBI G SENSE ET ATS) Pare ca) 5) ie aie eic cicisieai= oie Seiewieid seo nese ses cece ces ~22 08 2, 000 
EE (GEUGIDIIN o 2 ogo SSS E BR OB ee EEE SESE CRE R OOS E Oa a en ae memes 45. 07 16.60 2, 000 
Loh (TACOS) 43 2aa8 SAE SOO eae AA Sen Se Sane a eneraee 4, 94 1. 82 2, 000 
Or (ESUOSSTERTN)) DG os ee es Ee SE ee ee ee ne eee 1.60 59 4, 000 
Nal(SOdium) =. 25.2265: 4.37 1.60 4, 000 
Praguchium) 252. 2-2=: - IUGR. |lssoasobocsas 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) O81 -O1 500 
PRO) et peepee ee res ne eas leone = Jace cee cee eee nineteen 271. 6026 LOO Wee ty Beene ees 
Pa iU SO] Stems seems es oa oles vas cin oe wince accents Sawelees ae lietee. |. d&BsGD. oseenaesapde 200 
MEL EDEL OLO PATNI OMI As eee ese oe ie ee ne hain ones ee seine tse NOUS Ge | eee ere 500 
BPR CHELE QUIN C Menon cai s -ieicie s oiiecis beeen wale ce ie cee wt S iessisie wiser’ | AAT ti ea esel ea neler gees 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Bae ee inorganic 
= * |material in 
EL Il (armmoniuMNCHIOTICE) | serticemecesericlso ae naek nice emis aenenaemeneemiatee 0. 092 0.08 
KCl (potassium chloride) 
NaCl (sodium chloride) ........ 
KBr (potassium bromide) P 
RGU ESO GALS EL TIAN CLEC C)) bo tay tcp otto cso oe ITS rae Se ee oo Sane ease p 
SagS0n (Koalinminghe went \e aas5ccesecapsooodesade pooe bee ener SecseEooacopeEaoer 11. 44 4,21 
MEI ON (SOMLUMEMETADOTALC): es c- oilers sci Seseccrae se oes see ioe SoS ey (CES RR a ee oe 
PEL GEOd) 1 (CAICIUM PHOSPUALC)) aeacsees sores aoce eo ee ce ioee oe bnew oenteensaies MMOGs |leadacaoaccse 
NaNO; ecient PMA) oe Gees S Seco senen cote oS Soon Een Done ORO ae een Oosaace AUEVECL logaasonecoac 
NaNOs (sodium nitrite) ....-.. SO BBO DEC REC OOR STE Oy COS SECC EAE RAE SIO escEe OO 24 ere ace 
RACHeO-) Soditim bicAarbOUuaLe)) oss so. een secre ae oe nena we nee eeieaee as) a2 
Mi GECO>)> (marnesium: bicarbonate) j=2-.22 2-2 sone se noes ete e eee eiee ese 29, 74 10. 93 
SACHCO7)5(calcium bicarbonate)! 32523 Sessa Sse Sos woe ss ee eee ee 179.75 66.10 
Ao; ferric oxidevandvalumina)) saa. cone soe ee ee eae se eiteicte eel aiet-ieeincelel= . 30 palit 
MnO; (mangano-manganic oxide) 30 sali 
CaSiO; (calcium silicate) 2.01 74 
SRM MESULICR ie Seat eee Ser cise Smee Cec cieic maven icc eae se mists toner can eer 43.51 16 
SU be Parent stator erie See wae GEE Seta mine eee Hise ato u sjense gs cineca oars Salers 271. 9644 100 

«Small amount. 


No. 11.—JLittle Trow spring (north). 

{Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain and empties into a reservoir. 
Temperature on January 8, 1901, was 56.8° C.] 

analysis was taken January 9, 1901. 

Sample for mineral 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 8.31; oxygen, 3.56; carbon dioxide (free), 1.88; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

™ oe 

Per gent of | Amount ot 
pe cdr tota water use’ 
Formula and name. | eee inorganic | for each 
* |materialin| determina- 
) solution. tion. 
Be (Bo (E 
SiOo; (Stead) Use se cnet see eeem eek oe Le see eieeno mer een yee eer eee 47.44 17, 24 10, 000 
SOW (Sulphuriciacidiradicle) esas ose este eee ee eee 8.28 3.00 , 000 
HCO na (bicarbonicacidsradicle) re eeeee eee seen eee eee Eee eee eee 160. 50 58. 35 100 
INH (Canina erorrolsenohloNn) oo ssoecud soaueseSesasecodcsooessouens- 18 - 07 100 
NOs Guitroustacidéradicle) seseamee sea eae eer eens ae eee SUM Aboossccoss 100 
POR (DhoOsphoriGiaciasraGic)e) yess see eae eee ee ee ea ee TraGe.. | Set eae asaeee 2, 000 
BO (metaboricacidwadicle) pie sere eee nese eee eee eer eee (®) [2s pera cee 3,500 
ASO (arsend CKaclderagdi cle) meee ae see ree eae a eee None:t)| 2 2eeeeeee 3,500 
COUN (Cel ol Koa haYs) ee EO ae RIE T UP orien lies a mere ene mM oot e 2.71 99 700 
Bri (bromine) Seas sacs Ges Se aa ae Se eee ae eee TrACe|=-— eecereeee 8, 000 
IN(GOdINe) Sse e ee Sees Soles Oe cee eee eerie Trace. |222 eee 8, 000 
Art (iron andaluminum) et oii getter ete Weare 12 04 4,000 
Mini\(mian panese) Fes cere cine meres oe esos Sete pe ae ele eno oS lilt . 04 4, 000 
Can(caleiuim’) peed aes ees Sere onal Son eet Renae eee Tee | 43. 84 15. 95 4,000 
Mipo- (Mag NESlumMn) eos ocicpecisieeinae sors seein en See eeoe ee Semen is ene | 4.98 1.81 4, 000 
Ke (potassium) eS hye pcs Oa sss cels rice see elec eee ne eae 1. 66 . 60 4, 000 
Nay (Sodium) 2225 cne ee see ge eee ent ene Rice ahem nee | 5.18 1.88 4,000 
A LISN TIN) he sibs eee ee ose tas is eee eee stone TTaces)|. sce Sees 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) . 095 . 03 500 
TO tale dase Yer e sie eres Sep ey Nore ee ee Ee Ere eee 275. 0962 100> fl nseeeeeeeeee 
TSG Fad SOLS sashes fa ee tees ag 011953500, | eee 200 
Albumin odlamimoniaeresceeeer es serene sere ee eee err ome nee 049) SS aa2 ae 500 
ORY CDiTEGUILE GG cee Sek oie ae aele Oe ee Re oe eee ees | 320 See ee eee 200 
aSmall amount. 
| Een cent of 
Formula and name. eae ae inorganic 
* |materialin 
| solution. 
INE Cli(ammoniumychloride)=2eres- eee eee eee ace eae ee eee ee eeeeer eee neal 0. 282 0.10 
LiCU(@ithium* chloride) i. Sts seo oe Seo eee een ree eee eee ee eee eel Traces) |Peassesereee 
KCl (potassium chloride) 3.16 1.15 
NaCli(sodium: chloride) ii eeassssacicasSaecetee cee Oe ee reine eee eee een 1.68 61 
KBri(potassiumybromide) ee sssless ss eseeecer Cet eeeeeeae Cee eee Eee Mrace ny |iqaee sees 
Ke (potassiumModide) 2 fee seb ee ee ee seston Decne ec e ee ee Trace: ,|hsssaseeee ss 
NaosOqi(sodium"sulphate) soci. seas ores Sere nies secs ea eee eee 12.25 4.45 
Na BOs (sodium:emetaborate)s: 62225. 2e so nee Base asec Ce eee eee eee eee (8), Siem. Sees 
Cas(BOn)ov(cCalciumiphosphalte) eases sees ee eee eee eee ne eee eo eee eae TIAGO Ulisse eee 
NaNOsi(sodluminitrate); i): ose s22 S52 See coceie eee ts Soe EE See eee 25 - 09 
NaN O5 (sodium nitrite) ss: 22 ssc: ssoc shsac acini Se eee pe Cee eee eee eee OS ee oAsossceas 
Na (HC Os)n(sodiumitbicarnbonate) mess. ee te aes e ee eee eee eee 1.75 - 63 
Mz (HCO3)>o((mapnesium bicarbonate) ==. --o.- 42 -eereio ee nee ee eiee eee ase 29. 98 10. 90 
Petco’. (calcium bicarbonate) 177.55 64.55 
Fe(HCOs3). (ferrous bicarbonate) .38 .14 
M n(HCOs)o (mangenous bicarbonate)... 2222 26-2 eee eee eee cree eee .30 13 
SLO pH (SUC)? Se eas a solace eee eee et 47,44 17. 25 
Total sasec ses Sas eas ee SS ES ons Soe See SE oe ee rns 275. 0738 100 
aSmall amount. 


No. 12.—Little Geyser spring. 


[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
1901. Temperature on November 22, 1900, was 36.2° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 36.2°C. This 

spring could not be reached, so the temperature was taken about 70 feet from the spring. ] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per-liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 9.83; oxygen, 4.61; carbon dioxide (free), 10.74; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 17.81; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of | Amount of 
: tota | water used 
Formula and name. Partie E inorganic | for each 
* |materialin | determina- 
solution. tion. 
SiGe (MUNGD) cc ceesadadsedenGnbe ss Snes Snees dee secoes BE eeesccrerenan 32, 52 19. 07 10, 000 
SJ uillpininie aerial mag hol) 556852 Hat Ses co ee esas ooceasseenodssusn 6.73 3. 96 4, 000 
Tel Os (pein ienblo kero UEKI) AAee eee See e ee coserescs aeeons 93. 90 55. 22 100 
oie (REDS COTO! Teo hel) 6 ois oe Sa ee ee Sn oh Bare odereucsanss -18 . 10 100 
2h Op (ODES Axor eNO EAS SB Ae Sees See ee sede ee ee cescoeaso cessor BOOOST Reem iaerte 100 
erg uoOsphonc acideradicle)s-s- scecis see ce sei ne 13 08 2,000 
BOs awelaporic: aciG TAdICle) ess 2 ess a2 eis se ee see ee eine 2) Peel lees esr eis 38, 500 
EeSOre (UESCMIGHACIOUPAGICLE) preys cece ers sf eer alerts) yeas INGE | sbosasousse 3, 500 
oh (Gnigaine) poe sedecesucnebeeneep Boast oseesoss Oabdescedsee cane 2.43 1.43 700 
[eR (ORGITTIAG) <3 poo bacascoscsapRer see Sn eaet Cece sore ceneseoonouraseee ANEKOC Ss Se ceeeseoe 8, 000 
LOGGING) - a. np seheubEaeenteB GS Odes oe Seber AON nace Sena sma ser a aaeaee IDEN Washes oonpenas 8, 000 
it Gregbciid lurninusi cots ta ee ee kee Th 06 4,000 
MVISAN GITPEDTA SA TVCSO) ree secre epee eee yen iee seicinyaiey craic een icte) eis eve mses COTA CEM eee een se cae 9, 000 
DS: (GRUGIOM)) seek se sas Lo sesec Sete seosecceccudonees ssn ertocuassers 25. 89 15. 24 4, 000 
Lae (Een Got) Sane eee nearenees ese ee One ee 5 De aEE aan nearer 3.18 1.87 4, 000 
RIGEE NG ASSEULTAN) Foye eee a iia a Ee si ctes ofernteatciwatelsislek ieieial let leyel Valor 1.31 78 4, 000 
Na fsodtum) Bi tae Rite Me cian Boesissereraciseieees Sots wos Eanes 3. 68 2.17, 4, 000 
‘Lp (etd aOR | See yews SE eRe Goede age mAGaEesoceSren 
NH, (ammonium ) 
PROVEN es ert see che SERS Te ts ec nn aE oem 

ies Dee SOREL Ste eee sso imo cielo Naver ico ieie in iieyeteieiieseteerele sist : 

PRO FETT OTE EPINNTN ON Ee ete ates ise eee eas oe eicie sicie Se eo eee OMA Es aestertrtce eee 500 
WESC CHELE UTR Oeste rey roe an Sm nese etete ie he: Jennie Seibeoei erste BAe ves ie metccercis s 200 
a Small amount. 


| Per cent of 
4 total 
Formula and name. Barts ee inorganic 
* (material in 
MIE CU (ammonium yCHlOTLGe)? see oar ease aii cs ere slore ott os ote ons cee eelcie 
PaGia hight hlOride) ecas a hci a Acree es ne eee he a Ree 

KCl (potassium chloride) 

TOC Sey NIN CLL ONTC Charo caesar os Slane ae tea a Se re ES lot eres ee Ue oe 
KBr (potassium bromide) ... 

KI (potassium iodide) 
Na,SO, (sodium sulphate) 
MgSO, (magnesium sulphate) 
EOE On (SOCMIMENIELAUDOLELC) mac acis ae at ene Sea aoe en eos cee cieD Same ne ee 
Caz(PO,). (calcium phosphate) 
NaNOsz (sodium nitrate) 
E-BERO oa (SONU UULIYT ERY TED ICE) pee ores soya sie Sie esas sree reins Sete yee ae emia slap ee ea A 
Mg(HCOs;). (magnesium bicarbonate) 
Ca(HCO:)s (calcium bicarbonate) 
EMULE >) i ferrous DICArbON Ate) e555 seers aca Sse sino oe ee esas eee ees 
Mn(HCO;), (manganous bicarbonate) 
SiO, (silica) 

2Small amount. 

170, 0952 


No. 13.—Little Iron spring (south). 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain and empties into a reservoir. 

analysis was taken January 9, 1901. Temperature was 56.3° January 8, 1901.] 


for mineral 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0°C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 7.98; oxygen, 3.31; carbon dioxide (free), 3; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 


Per cee of Amount o 

tota water use 

Formula and name. | Early pee inorganic | for each 
| ~* |material in determina- 

| solution. tion. 
SK Gyan (SIUC Th ewe omg ee er eer ROU AIS sa RE@ ean no Clay TG 16.40 10, 000 
SOM Gulphunigacidtra dicle) peas ssenesee es pean epee eae ae eer 8.35 2.96 4,000 
HiCOs:(bicarbonic/aciduradicle) see see op aera seee ee eee ee eee eel ieee OOsOO, 59. 11 100 
INOsq(MibrC acrdsradiCle) eee epee ee ee ee eee 18 06 100 
NO EMiirousiacidiradicle) See esss aes esse ease eee eee ee 0025 | eerea eee 100 
On (phosphor cacidsradicle) pases. tae eer ne ee Trace: || Sasscceeeeee 2,000 
BO (Gmetabori crac dara dicle) eases serene eee eee eee ae (8) 2 pollens Seo 3,500 
ASO (arseniclacid adic] e) ee saeess seem e see see eeeee aer| WOME anaes teasses , 500 
Clu(CHlorine) Bassas sos slate ee oe cee ae ae eee ee eee 2.57 =o 700 
Bri(bromine) seat seme react ee ee eras See ee ae eee eee PRT ACCS beans eee 8, 000 
WG@odine) ree ee saan see se a a eee rete ae epeete ate eee geen racers | Sesser 8, 000 
He (GhRoay EhaveheNbeoToubaypoAA)) oe eos ce ocesnoccsecuSroasoucSsLoLesous mele 04 4,000 
Minis (Manan ese) ies Sacco se eee ec ae ate cere ree sisi aa anes eee o2 04 4,000 
Cas(Gall Gini) ees cerca see eee Sere eee SEP eer Sey erecta | 46. 22 16. 41 4,000 
Mey Glas nes) ae Sos eee aaa sise ee eee eee oe ere eee cee | 4. 93 1.75 4, 000 
Ke (DOLASSIUIT ek Sairoseen cee eyaaicjsa sissies se eee eerste aan ae 1. 60 57 4,000 
NEY (Cowhipiin)) CoA ec seseeeeasasucssoESs 4. 87 1.73 4, 000 
bit (HA TURDNTO)) Ses sob Scan ecoaceGdeneSs TraAGe.s|:a acer 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) 043 - 02 | 500 
Total Ae samara see eee nee a a eeme aS cee Cee ee eee 281. 6642 100 ee Sas 
Total SOS 2cre eee ss asec metas Naas cece enon a te eae ee eee || > 201.5025). a eee 200 
Albumin oidlammomniaessee erste. snore eee eee eee eee ercee O17: =|: aoe 500 
Oxy PEMITe QUITE dm sea case cee esas eee eee eee eee eee 02D) Dees 200 
2 Small amount. 
els cont of 

Formula and name. Parise inorganic 
* |material in 

NEV Cl(ammoniumychloride) zaecessseeree sneer be eerac see eee eee eee eee 0. 128 0. 04 
TiClidithiumenlorid e) saz s3esc ose kaos ses sae econ eee eae eer eee TRACES |p ee ae 
K@li(potassiumychilonid e) 522 22s sseasace ems aes oe ame Cee ee ee ne eee 3.05 1.08 
Naelx(sodium: Chloride) iss ssa. saan eee ae sae aoe eee nec aoe eee 1.70 . 60 
KBr (potassiumiypromide) yee 532 ees. eee ee ae ee ee ee eee an i ee Trace s-|sen ace ese 
Kal (potassrum ao dide)) eaee Sse seas a ese oo Ore we = ee oe eee ee Traces|=2e 5222 
NasSO4i(sodium{ sulphate) mses tage cs seme see a ee sane ees = ee 12.36 4.39 
NSB Os (sodiumiumetaborate) ss assess see eee ee ase as eee eee ee (3) Deze ee aoa 
Cas(PO,)2 (calcium phosphate) PPACE Peers acer 
NaNOg (sodium nitrate) .......------------- 25 -09 
NaNOs: (SOGIMMIENTTI te) 222 Soo aoe at ae nasa nae eee nee es 10018 '|22 Saee seers 
Nai (ECO) "(Sodium bicarbonate) aeeossee eae nee ae eee eee eee -44 .16 
Me (HCO3)s (magnesium bicarbonate) sis = 92 se saee san ee eae eee eee 29. 68 10.55 
Ca(HiCO;)si(cal cium bicarbonate) jac 25-26 se eee ane eee oe eee eee 187.19 66. 45 
He (COs) 5((Gerrous DiCATLDOD ate) Gae sas ae ane en ee .35 eek 
Mmni(ECO;)>\Gnanganous bicarbonate) =eass.-25225 sare eee eee ete aoe eee eee -38 13 
SiOss (SUCH) css, shiccc sc aees © Soe Sw eee eee we eee eRe oe a ere ete eeeraaereplae | 46.17 16.39 

Motal cesta Sakae Lee Pile teks ee yh eater a nr soel aman aaa | 281. 6998 100 

aSmall amount. 


No. 14.—Ral spring. 

{Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
Temperature was 60.9° C., November 23, 1900, and 62.8° C., January 8, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0°C. and 760 mm.-presstre).— 
Nitrogen, 7.90; oxygen, 2.81; carbon dioxide (free), 15.32; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.02; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Formula and name. 

Parts per 

SiO (GUINCE)) Sadaacnacoopoce Bae ere SS s Seine Sstowterarsmicisleme lor eisierers eisai 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle) 
HCO; (bicarbonic acid radicle) 
NO; (nitric acid radicle) 
NO, (nitrous acid radicle) 
PO, (phosphoric acid radicle) 
BOs (metaboric acid radicle) 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) 
Cl (chlorine) 
Br (bromine) 
I (iodine) 
ue (iron and aluminum) 
Mn (manganese) 
Ca (calcium) 
Mg (magnesium) 
K (potassium) 
Na (sodium) 
Li (lithium) 
Nh, (ammonium) 

Teele BOING SG Sb aso CaCO ODER COO SORE E AOne TO BOA Se cee Eireann 
Albuminold ammonia 
Oxygen required 

| 198.00 

166. 50 
- 00383 
46. 21 
. 048 

280. 0118 

- 010 

aSmall amount. 


Formula and name. 

NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 
iC] (lithium chloride) 
KC] (potassium chloride) 
NaCl (sodium chloride) 
KBr (potassium bromide) 
KI (potassium iodide) 
NasSO, (sodium sulphate) 
NaBOs, (sodium metaborate) 
Caz(PO4j2 (calcium phosphate) 
NaNO; (sodium nitrate) 
NaNO, (sodium nitrite) 
Na(HCO:;) (sodium bicarbonate) 

Mg(HCO;)>. (magnesium bicarbonate) 
Ca(HCOz)». (calcium bicarbonate) 
OAK Ferric oxide and alumina) 
Mn,0; (mangano-manganic oxide) 
CaSiOz (calcium silicate) 
SiO, (silica) 

aSmall amount. 

Per cent of | Amount of 
total water used 
inorganic | for each 
material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 
16.12 10, 000 
2.84 4,000 
59. 44 100 
Eves lis tsa 100 
Pe eee oe 100 
ees a ae 2,000 
Bert ane aes 3,500 
1 eee 3,500 
84 700 
Br Cesta 8, 000 
Brera ene Wane: 8, 000 
. 04 4,000 
.10 4,000 
16.50 4, 000 
1.76 4, 000 
56 | 4,000 
1.78 4, 006 
sie Aare eae 4,000 
. 02 500 
LOO} res sj| Sera mec saae 
ai heise sans 200 
Paynaie ere tte 500 
ae eo 200 
Per cent of 
Parts per cravays . 
eae ganic 
million. material in 
0.143 0.05 
Mnacele | tease here 
2.99 1.07 
1.39 50 
BVAGes |Gee esses 
FETA On| Secsiecene 
11.76 4,20 
(ER) cin alee esest eyes 
ARYA: Coy eerie ere 
‘ITEC en) a seeeersee 
A OODS |Waseeicecceee 
2.26 81 
29.14 10.40 
186. 65 66. 58 
715 .05 
-38 -14 
501) 518} 
44,99 16. 07 

280, 208 


No. 15.—Big Iron spring. 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain and empties into a reservoir. 
Temperature was 63.9° C. on November 24, 1900, and 63.9° C. on 

analysis was taken January 9, 1901. 
January 7, 1901.] 

Sample for mineral 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.80; oxygen, 3.79; carbon dioxide (free), 6.92; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.02; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per cent of | Amount oF 

tota water use 

Formula and name. Pere bee inorganic | for each 
| * |material in| determina- 

| solution. tion. 
SiOs: (Silica) Sse ce Re wet na eae te Nase ace eis So et eee eee 45, 59 16.00 10, 000 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle)....-......-.- 7.84 2.75 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarbonic acid radicle) | 168.10 59. 02 100 
NON (Mitr cacidkradi cle) Rasecnase sree eee nee reassess 44 -16 100 
INO? (nitrous\acidgradicle) Pees seee=.ces eee eeeeeet eee eereaaeeee SUS occcosssss2- 100 
POM (phosphoricaciairadicle) assesses eseee eee eee eee eee eee 05 . 02 8, 000 
BO; (Metaboriciacidtradicle)eseeses-seese ere cents eee ee eeeeea see 1,29 45 6, 750 
ASO W(arseniciacidaradicle)iseceeeset enna teeter ee cere ete emae INDOEH |[escesccasscc 5, 000 
Cli (Chlorine) oss se ees ee Se eee a re eer rele es eS 2.53 89 700 
Br (bromine) Hx F3 sae ass cinta eects ee Seema ieisne eee ee Trace | sceeese ee 8, 000 
TD (TORTIE) 2S Rs Se eral ree eae oe ea ae ope meee | MUEKAD ecastscoscse 8, 000 
LCG AIUO TIN 6) yea rae rer ei oy oesiars ayaa teat rahe ee eS eeSaTOR rere eee INONC sss scee eee 15, 000 
xe @roniandialuminuim eee eece- cect e nee ee eee eee eee eee eae .19 07 8, 000 
Mni(IMmanganmese))ssseee eeceecie cere e eer eee eee ere cee erates 84 el 4, 000 
Bay (barium) pe ssseseose ee aeeeee eens Sie DSc eC Ine ete ee eee Traces eeeasoeee 15, 000 
Sri(Stron tiv) ssisss ssa ees sas aces eee nee eee eeaee eee TTACeL a Sasa oe eee 6, 000 
(OFM (Coee Ker hb baal) Rape tiene ain a ered pai NCAT ese gM RIT see ta 46. 93 16. 48 4,000 
Ms*(MasnesiumM)s sale Ae ee Saas Stee Seem Sane ee ieee ee eee 5.10 1.79 4,000 
Ke (potassium) esse js. Sas Seas sad aa See eee oh eee oe eres 1.60 56 4,000 
Na (Sod1UmM) Sec ast bei cee Ja stlotioemmteiele elise me eRe C te Ree eee EEe 4.76 1.67 4,000 
Mi/(Hthiumn)e. 2 cenisooscon cae seek Nese soe nema Senie eee cree Tracey sees eeeeeeee 4,000 
NH, (ammonium)...... FRSA RRO A CORB Re He EGON HEE Se OE tae beneens 040 - 02 500 
No) 7H aa ce eA Re Gy MC Nera wt rale ate aera | 284.8016 | LOOK a paceeeeaeese 
Total Solidsis seek Soe sas Soe ee ae Se eer ee Eee ee | -T98350 | ats esse ees 200 
Albuminoid ammonia MUSHY Getescoodcos 500 
Oxyseniwrequired ssi .ijn. es cose soos sees see eee een enoeeee LODY phil aaveeeerseee 200 
Soy of 
ots ota 

Formula and name. Bae doe inorganic 
* |material in 

NH, Cli(ammoniumich]oride) eeeseesseeesseceaee ei eecer ener eeeert cee renee 0.119 0. 04 
RiGl@ithiumychloride) see. 5-he ssc sot eee eee cis caer: Gene eee ECE Tracewa|as feeeeeeere 
KC (potassium) chlord 6) Becca s-eee ete ae eee ee ee eee eee Eee eee eeee 3.05 1.07 
NaGli(Godiumyehlonide) Merec persis ce ee erence eee tinet eee eee Pee eee 1.65 58 
Br (potassiumibromid e) ee asssesaee see eee eaten eo SeC Eee eee e eee Eeeoaaee Trace:)||--esa eee 
Keli (potassiumviiodide rete ssce ce sec man ne ecg ams Soe eies Co ee Ie pee Tracesitsssst eee 
NapSOv(Sodiumusuliphate) ease eseseacerieee oesee aa eee nen eee eee rere Gates 10. 06 3. 54 
MeSO i (nagnesiumysm phate) ieee ase ese sense sence eee eee ee eens 1.30 - 46 
STSOa(Strom bigs ul by aywe)) esse ys ese ee | Traces | sees eeee ee 
BaSO; (bariumisulphate)ye sos sae kk. Skee aes Seree aie CeCe ee Ee eee Tracesn)soceeeeese 
NaBOs (Sodiumemeta borate) ee aseeaseeee sect eee career eee eee ene eee eee 1.98 . 66 
Caz ChOor(Calciumephosphate) seeeessse-seeeeeee se hee eee eco Ee Cee eae | - 08 03 
NaNO; (sodium nitrate) 5 j - 60 22 
NaNO, (sodium nitrite) 0024 yee 
Ms CACOs)> (Gnagnéesiumeybi carbonate) ase) -e-eseee seen eee eee ee nese eee 29. 14 10. 23 
Ca (HiCOs)s(calciumybicarbonate) eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee 189. 95 66. 68 
MmniGEiC@>)>5i(manganous bicarbonate)e--= eee sess eee eee eee eee eee 1.09 .38 
Weel ferric Oxideland/alumina):<- 42: .¢o.scee se Sateen eee sai 09 
SIO STIG ies ces cee Ree oc cts peg a ee ep a ae 45.59 16.01 

Totalesuics 5 scat eee ooo ee eee 25 aes eee eee eae ere 284. 8814 100 



No. 16.—IJmperial spring (south). 

{Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


i Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
Temperature on November 26, 1900, was 60.8° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 60,9° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 8.39; oxygen, 2.49; carbon dioxide (free), 5.24; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 28.34; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

ber gent or | Amount et 
ere tota | water use 
Formula and name. ete inorganic | for each 
* Imaterial in) determina- 
solution. tion. 
BSBved (SHIT C I) Preteyaets sie eye otatals clctarainieliein eon ns sas arsioei osicietievisisice asratinteate 43. 88 15. 98 10, 000 
SOP Sul pHuUrTICG a ClaeradiCle) Sos. s soci ~ cos bee ee esas wee 7.67 2.79 4,000 
EPO DICARDOMICACIGITAGICLE)) scat sae ao seek ee cence Saltese eecieels 163.50 59. 54 100 
2 Op EDUERE AGIG ROTO IONS napanees speoae naseouSsqne aeesonasesueHeS 27 10 100 
MeErurousa Gl OuragiCle) ess emcee sans Saicceaisoe Sect eieie Secs Seeaiet SOUND ee kaccsauae. 100 
Hera pHOSphoOrie acid radicle)z. = tesscnsc see ese e See sw ee cece Dra cers|Eseees aeeeae 2,000 
BAPE GIMeh DOr ciaci GuraAGicCle)- !< esac accmess nace ce sle See aeceeee (yaa Pe See | 3, 500 
RESOME(ATSCMIGYACI OC TACICIE) 2 eee ec ene ace eee soe eettee INDE. lleasococeseenl| 3, 500 
(2) GLIOITG) c ease oer i oe ries eect eee te an ee aa 2.36 . 86 700 
EC (RTEEDO) < J eecp Sc nau sus oe eSceReA EAs Gea e Rea Sees ie asta tetas ene INE Ilseeosaguauae 8, 000 
GLOLTETE) Jers ios aie eon ce tie ee Sse bee ee cee Mose. See ES AMEVCOs lbbeooocsanee 8, 000 
Mth Gironean dala mInUmM ) eee. ayo cesseta = cere eee eee eee emele 09 03 | 4, 000 
Mn (manganese) 29 -10 | 4, 000 
DE (GEG) 3 63855555 5 a8e ees Sapo RpeceSe a net teeoe on eca a eSe a eariness 45.50 16.58 | 4,000 
Mg (magnesium) 4.81 1.75 4,000 
A. | EUUGESSNIM)) secede se codenesedocssssp acess Josep sseoudosaoesReE 1.60 58 | 4, 000 
2b (SQGRUIIN)- ~ saaese sees ansos sepsosod SanDEe a seee ne ceeeeane erases 4.61 1.68 | 4, 000 
wt (UMTS) he 5 oe Steen aS Sa eGos Beene HS Ee See CBE OSS S oR eee saree RIT ACC Hs eet eens | 4, 000 
> EL, (Giiinnoniiin) See asteqeebebaecrcc ater eee ea paee etree cece | 028 01 | 500 
Tiel 2 2s ee Sa ee ee ee se Ero 7atGosoN ane 100s eee 
Tain BtIGS Scccsqa gece BS bee Sh Op aE ares eee ae oo eee erea a saan TOE OO e eaetea risa | 200 
PAMELA OTE ATTN OMIA =e ole.) 2 oe See eioce toenails anne nies Geiatecee NOTES ERM ieee 500 
DES S CHELE PEGE U me cman = sia e ecice wisi ais sie closelenins sisizseiess\sieeiecenes LDO Uti i sateianveeeicsis | 200 
s if 

aSmall amount. 


Per cent of 

a total 
Formula and name. Bare Ree inorganic 
* imaterial in 
NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 0.083. | 0.08 
MIeUGithinmechloride) <2... -2)sjsnc sess cies <is ssi Mirae ery sa/eeen cies se 
KC i (potassiumiyehloride) (<=. .2 2 <5 sce acc-ds seecinc ose 3.05 ileal 
MMe MUSOOLINMCHIOLI GS) ore oin =a misee cere ae cieaiainsicie sete eels ioe eeiaae ceases 1. 40 ol 
AGE AO LASSIU TO LOMO Ce mrss soe Serer Ae eter ee eae aoe seh a lele ce ele nel eee MACs || hee ee tie ciee 
VET (FEGs GSR SOONG) 2 as mee ere eee IR rier eran ey Dears ele me PLACE S| aia eee 
LBs SlOi (COCO TTS Nh AEE) eo oeeete Bae Seca ce cee DeLee SDC aT oe Sane eD ES ase oeeaE 11.35 4.13 
Ae OES 0) on (SOMITE ITE LA DOLALE) yas sa asce wee Sr se a sis a oie wicie/sisee cies eb tos ee oe (2) bere escercaseaca 
GAGE) nCGAleIIM PHOSPNAate) = sos - 2s. so acdc Seiavc s sie ss cise cosine ees eset ee STAC ess | ean aes oe 
TENG) al (SOCLTUIITIGETE DUC) pee ope cya yateren cy araicraeepiciave s cie la avai~ wis nichale aor tae a Soles ee ene 37 13 
~ 2 On (SCA ain Boe Ree pe Sane Doe Bee E CEO Coane Ob Deee Benno cee sore eeaCons WON) |bSSpsdescead 
ABEL O)>a(SOOUIME I COTDOMAtE)) aes aeemicionic gene celeste eissisiosiee sores eer ! 1.02 LOT 
Ee GEOO),) ni (Map TICSIUMM DICALDON Ate) <---> oe tmaanasciee = een geeerse see eee aenee 29. 04 10.57 
Ca(HCO3), (calcium bicarbonate) ..---.---.----------- +2222 eee eee eee teen eee} 183. 95 66. 95 
ALO’ Genrcoxieg ean drama): fee oe te yaseeen cee ea aca ce aicae | mls 05 
PMO MIHARL AN O- MAN SAMI CiOXAGE) sor: cia 5-15 == eenltelsje mw =) tas in eee eres | 40 -15 
MeO AKC ALEIMMDSINI CALC) eos oes s eas a5 So niele a iaci selec ea ae tete eee ees 23 .08 
BTR RCSLT CED ernro soo aere sec ee apolar sialic ele oleis nie bo sissain Wiwiniaie score ciel) sleieisisysieieisiecatencle ese =e 43.76 15. 92 
TOSI ¢ Zeige SEES OOS Se aes cape oe SRE ge IN Men asa Ate SERB me iM | 274.7845 100 

4aSmuall amount. 


No. 17.—Arsenie spring (north). 

{Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain, just back of Arlington Hot 
analysis was taken January 9, 1901. 
8, 1901, was 56.4° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 7.82; oxygen, 3.21; carbon dioxide (free), 10.84; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 


| | Benger of 
Formula and name. Fare De inorganic 
* ‘material in 
SiO Ghichh) hansen adondcocoooSneersaronodsesAaanadeascnsaeabandoces 45. 67 16. 46 
SOM(sulphuriciacidiradicle) pe-erereeeee eee eee eee 8.58 3.08 
HCOs (bicarbonicG Acid radicle) pe assesseeae sees ee eee ree 163.50 58. 88 
INO x (Mitriclacidiradicle) eeeeessnss see eeeeee seer eee eee eee eee 44. 15 
NO, taitrose ACIGITAGICIC) ec eeracerae isc ea eee Seer 30020) 5a Seceaeeee 
ROM (phosphoricacidwradicle) sess sso eee eee eee eee eee | Traces Ness ceeesees 
BOM (Metabo ciacicena Gi Cle) mercer ee eae ee eee a). Sie | eee 
AsO (arseniclacidiragicle)aseesesa eeeee eee eee eee eet eee eee enee | INONG2\|E-eeeeeeenes 
Cl(Chlorin'e) esa een ssiette ise ee ete oe eee ere sone ees test 2.36 81 
Bri( bromine) sas co sassisc sGeces osc tensa se cee age eo ecee ee eee oeinee AMEX dlecocconsscse 
Ty (WOGINE) Eee Seis ranclote ces ne eo clea esos elec nee er ene Tracers |e seeee eee 
Air G@ronjandyaluminum)) eeeees ss eee eee eee eeeee eee seers ot) | 03 
Mim (ment am SSE) Fee ays foss eeereve rs cteraetateieteisiclelersiertarec teeta erties eet Traces | Seass eee 
GAA (Galkeniin) eons orenebaacHdsnsaaaucaebads abonbouccuessoesbeucose 45.40 | 16. 36 
Mei(marmesium!) soca 2 nee cece Sie nce eee ese aac seeine 4.70 1.69 
Ke(potassium) week 5.202 sewers Seca sce Se aa eas aeeiee ere neers 1.88 - 69 
Nan (Sodium) asnsces sec os eee nee aoe eee she enero maori 5.12 1.84 
(8 ith ium) pesseetsceoe cess eoseecemoscl scissor teeter ee Cree eee Tracey |saeeseeeeree 
INJEV A (aI ONTUM) Semester iee ciclo celeriac ocieieeieteisee eee eeee eects - 037 OL 
MO tail Ss acaee acc cis aesicee Seat ee sae SOROS eA OTe eMC eens 277.7790 | 100 
Total’solidseessessse. wets eicisbimes aoiseetele sees Ss mane eis ieee ele eee ele 194500\.— |-=e eee 
Alibuminoidiamm Onl ae -n=-4- sees eee eee een eee eee O12) Sees eeeeeeee 
OmYLemTequireds oe oe een esa sere ceereren cree omer era rere rerercees ree Rei ee ero csp cco 
# Small amount. 
pa) a Parts per 
Formula and name. eailliont 
NEUGl(ammoniumychl Orig) jie ee eeriar-terejeieialnisisieiersievelereist= nisteleieiemiolseeiett terete 
iG] ((ithium | chloride) yess: essence see eae sees es een arene nee ee eeeee | 
KG (potassiumichlorl de) possesses = eee ene eee Err eeee eee ear eee ne ree 
NaG)i(soditumuchi oride) Sues cee eee eee eee eee ne eeee-Ceee eee eeeere 
KeBri(potassiumybromi de) sa qen see eee eee eee ee eee eee eee ee eee 
Kl(potassitumiitodide) tie eases. eset eee ae oreecteeee- be nee ee eee Reeeeere 
NasSOxa(sodium(isul phate) /menceass sneer - eee eee Eee eee eeeeee 
NaBOs:(sodiummmneta borate) ee css-- eee eee eee eee eee Cem eee eee eee 
Ca7(2O)s(calciumyphosphate) eas. see eee ee Pee eee tee eee eee ee eee eee 
NINOsi(Sodlumenitrate)pacsern sec ee eee ee eee eeeee eee. Pee eter ee eeerre 
NaNOs (Sodiuminitniteytseb ace. peceee ere ge eee eee eesti Rarer ee Sbecer er ereee 
Na CHCOs)) (sodiumibicambon ate) sees ses seee ene eee ee eee ee eee eee eee eae eee 
Me(HiC Os) xa@naenesiumib carbonate) aceesees-eeeece eee: eee eee eee eee 
CaCHCO>)i(caleiumebicarbonate) assesses eee eee eee eee eee eee 
He (HCO): (erroussbicarbonate) seas .-e ees eae eee ee eee eee eee 
Mni(HCOs)5 (Mmanzanous bicarbonate) seas-seesee see eeee eee eee Reese eee eee 
SHO (GHICEN) oo coon occa bocce sasones s Asses ends ou nDddodcODNsORdoOSaDDDUNSSDESS=¢) 
URGE Wises naatnoncwsqoneserocsOoSSueEsaonenna5 sobnenbee decd aseSscqaeoazesc 277.773 

*Small amount. 

Sample for mineral 
Temperature on November 28, 1900, was 55.4° C., and on January 

Amount of 
water used 
for each 

| Actions 

Per cent of 
material in 



No. 18.—Hitchcock spring. 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 

1901. Temperature on November 27, 1900, was 57.3° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 57.8° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 750 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 7.94; oxygen, 2.96; carbon dioxide (free), 12.52; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 
total water used 
Formula and name. ore inorganic | for each 
* |material in| determina- 
| solution. tion. 
| ; 
SDs GSTEGR ec a ere ee ee | 44.74 16.02 10, 000 
PUM Sepa UTIC- ACIG-TAGICIC) a. suas oe ose Stee ic se Suewcececccseme 10. 63 3. 80 4, 000 
EMBO (DIGALDONIC ACIG TAGICIS) i. 282m 5-2 see cee eee cee mine bee | 162. 00 57.99 100 
URE ICHRCTO UTE CICLO) sete see sam sisi ots eS poeta ciepisieieiseeinle 1.55 .59 100 
WOs(nairous acid radicle)). 23.0.2. 2225. ss. TOOTG mPa seee tenes 100 
PO, (phosphoric acid radicle) HIRT C Copley pee patel sete 2, 000 
Ga uC DORI CIACIGTAdICLE) s. css h ec sieet crrs ees ct is seatclelstels (Gee mIRRE Sees ee rs: 3,500 
PeSOle ESE MICA CIO UrAGICIE) sas ee es pence ees tocie Seisteiwisle nie wien | IN@MOs3|Sscacnageene 8, 500 
PERCE OEE C) presi tess aac cet eo Sa ei ig ere ES eae nein 2.57 moZ 700 
ES PRSECITINTC) Breet Waar tee ats crane na aera ee ai craton s Senne MTrAaces|Naceese sess 8, 000 
L CIOGITIGAY: Sb tess erage ar Sa ea ee PTA Cea | SA easce 8, 000 
Ayton POLLEN ITN) ps eeiaeeitjs wets oe Saeco cee Oisosesaeecesee .09 03 4, 000 
MPUEIE UTE OTR CSE) i <cesiscoraye Misseeisatera css eens ee sais wie cise reisiomcieeie PTAC OR Sire eaere ae 9, 000 
ie (GONGHITIIDY See GG OBOE Baa HEC OSB aR CBSO NO rae eee ie ae 46.04 16. 48 4,000 
WORE CHEE CSIUITD seers see oe oie Senso Se Sc IS SS Seo se nS Smee 4,94 1.76 4, 000 
MEP OLASSIULINN eee eats ae ste me creeps See owe else Se slees adie sae Se 2.01 12 4, 000 
INSOLE IN es ea msoe ate een os no aicietc cous see oeeninc 4.79 Us Ak 4, 000 
TE (EG RVTITND ee ee ss Noe eee ee ae os atrascioke ones PDT UCES A eateacciease 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) . 057 . 02 500 
TOUTE Secu Ske SS SS Sec sc ee \Bareou dea, ue COmms |e saan 
Sp tteeeslid Perret eel owe. eerie a oe emaoos sone |e eaten 200 
PRL URAITIO Le AMINO MIA esas eae eons oe icles olde narene See ese ern Se OQ Bm pecnarvcata setcssis 500 
MERVOETECe GUIne Oa mraeter ion a see ade ects Soe eioiaicie ch EE Selo bee mens ODP sclalleisersisie stcie ese 200 
2» Small amount. 
Per Gent of 
i tota 
Formula and name. ea ee inorganic 
* |materialin 
REN Ole (IMMION UI CHIOTICe ao es yao en oe ee Ae oes Ws eae oe eee eeeeees 0.169 0. 06 
OEIC ETA EH CHTOTIGE) Se arate eee seo a ie oar ctata lee miateie erat niet seems AMEKOR IonaccosoSe 
PACU CP OrASSIUIMCHLOLIG GC) Mee cere cos very oc oe cee eee eae Bie momen eete seems 3.83 ge 
Ee ICH GET Ie CE OL CE) ya \yercmete screen is re ee nce ae aces SEE aloe Dou eee S| 1.05 38 
AB TEC DO LASSLELTIN) TODA) prereset meee oe ee eee ee ce ee lee een coe ee Mraces |Pesseceecses 
ATE GO CASSEU TANT OGLIGLE)) pers trccers ares ea eo nce nie a ae Nene aoe ict SM re ata Tra Ge sa eee eens 
Ero m eodturm sl phate) ea. tociie coc ee iese sec cinerea se sea crys seclnie neon: 11.75 4,21 
MSS CE IAP TeStUIM SU phate) racket cr cs sas cee orn See cee een loeb Sobinne 3.37 dh 
REDO (SOdLUMHM CLADOLALE)i-7- 22 enc n ons sce comet ee os iincet ee ace cciene Neier Eeeresetaterey aes 
Caz(POx.)2 (calcium phosphate) RTACe Ts eee seers 
ERE a SEIT TOTALE pee see aaa ee Cine ea eee eeinit debit Haase 2.12 76 
OMT GO) ACSOCULIMENELEILE) a =e me ce een oe neces aoe o ee oS Nae een een Gees Sues eee BOO245 ee ee=eieee ees 
Me CH CO2)5 (Mia onesium DICATDONALe) so -pte ee st essen eee bese eee ee ceeeeenl| 25. 65 -9.18 
PIGUEO,) (CALCIUM DICATDONATC) esc. sce see wee ease en eieoe nis deioeines Semicon 186. 46 66. 72 
HEREC O.)>. (IerlOUS, DICALDONALE), lene scorer feces sae eee neice eine Se soaetene. 29 10 
WEP CO)5 (manranous bicarbonate) <<. ckns cc. csSac Swe ke cenioeeou ce csectnecs RT ACCs | Naeaaoseeee 
SE he (SUED SB esi SSE aa area ee So ea ee eee ae rate ete ae tee eres one Oa a ea 44,74 16.01 
DGUEM EELS Bet Ee ORB CORD SSE ie EME es Rane ree, ol ns UR iE 279. 4314 | 100 

aSmall amount, 

S 0te Be 


No. 19.—Sumpter spring. 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain under wall of a reservoi 
analysis was taken January 9, 1901. 


Sample for mineral 
Temperature on December 1, 1900, was 56.49 C., and on January 8, 

1901, was 56.19 C. This spring could not be reached, so the temperature was taken about 20 feet from 

the spring. ] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.20; oxygen, 3.25; carbon dioxide (free), 16.44; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 28.90; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount ve 
tota water use 
Formula and name. Paneer inorganic | for each 
* |material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 
SiOs (SIGH) Fass Sa se - Deese aise = bee 2 = BE ee eee eee ase eeeeeee 44.35 16.30 10, 000 
SOmGulphuricacidiradicle) Pessas sss seeee re eee eee eee eee eeeeeree 8.75 3.21 4,000 
HCO>s(bicarboniciacidsradicle)s=s=" has ase eee renee eee eee eee 159. 00 58. 45 100 
NO? (nitricacidinadicle) Seseaen seco esses ee eee eee eee ener eeee 1.33 .49 100 
NOB (Mitrousfacidsradi cl ©) eeeer seen eee eee eee ee eee eeeeeeee 00:08) S2eee== eee 100 
ROR (phosphoriciacid radicle) eats - 5-2-2 ee eee ee ase eee eeoee eee AMEN \locece socces- 2,000 
BOs (metaboriciacidiradicle) a eses ses eee ee eee ee eee sees (Cae Besancdddcce 3,500 
ASO a (arseniciacideradicle) sae-eeeese eee eee ee eee E Eee eee ee None-f|Secceseeeeee 3, 500 
GINCCHTOLIM ere Ake BS ah ets eS Reto rete Se EEE ee Ee 2.57 . 94 700 
Bra (bromine) Sey ae eee oie an ciara erate re eren eee eerie Traces sae eeeeee 8, 000 
IL GOS bWONS) 3 ceo ssocsasssonboscasesauassusoas coasoansquascgaseaceos AEXES, llasosscosssc = 8, 000 
Apron andsalumim um) Sees se eee eee eee eee eee - 09 - 03 | 4,000 
Mins (MUN SAN ESE) es pe ee ee eee oe eee eee eee eee | TTACe nae eee eee 9, 000 
Can (calcium) Hn rae eee aca soso Oe nie ae See ee OE eer eee 44.72 | 16. 43 4,000 
DMeg4 (Magnesium))- <5 Sashes eae 2 a oaeee ene Oe eee on eee 4.71 1.77 4,000 
Ra (CPOtASSIUMM) at carter Bae cose a eae ee ee eee ee eee 2.00 . 70 4,000 
INGE (SOT) Ske eases ers one oie eee ae or ee Re eee 4,58 1.68 4,000 
Ta @ithium) esse aoe eine ee oetae eee cin ooo meeeee SU REA Saas Trace: \.52--eeeeese 4, 000 
NE2 (ammonium) 2S 5-2 tes-e sateen ee each eae eee oer eee eee Pil) be eoscacacac 500 
Mota eee ces sees aie Se ads Ste ye ee Eee eee 272.1120 | 100) S| eee ae 
Totalsolidse ce jersey Pie Sees Soe Sener Eee Eee ene 1 92s 5008 VPs ae eeeeee 200 
Albuminoid ammonia | NON CS Pe eee ereee 500 
ORYE CM TEQuITed <assso sae eS Eas Oe Eee ee eee | . 30 | noche teeeee 200 
aSmall amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. eR ES inorganic 
* \materialin - 
NIEHGCls(ammoniumrehlorid e) tesa. =e seas oo ere eae ee eee 0. 033 0.01 
Laci; (ithiumi chloride) = o22222 see ans ck eerie te a sons fa ee ee nee eee TTaCe@.c| dace sneer 
KCla(potassiumchloride))is2 5225220 oe Seat eee ee en Ree eee ee eee 3.81 1.40 
NSC (Sodiumychlonide) pesos 4s os ees ee nee See ele See eee eee mee TL? 41 
keBr; (potassiumibromide) 2 s2sc=cs2e8- ae se nee cee ee eee nee eee eee eee TWace@i | ics as seeeeee 
KEE (POtASsiUMNOGIGE) Bese se sales a2 cee ase cess eean sao ae ce eee ee eee ADEKECE Ne secceaances 
NassO} (Sodipmisulphate) ieaac se=s=- eee eee oe eeaaceeee ee eeaseee seer eeeeeee 11.13 4.09 
AloSOPGnaenesiumysul phate) rae aseee eee eee eee ee eee sen ee see eee 1.54 -57 
Na BOoi(Sodiumimetaborate)e. 2 as os en ioe eae ee ree ee ee eee (2) Ub see eee 
@as(PO2)2(calciumiphosphate) 2 2<- <acc- 3-1 eee - Soe eo eee ee eee ADEKUDS |GcoSonoscece 
NaNO3/(Sodtumsnitrate))ssssaccesas cc ges ce Sess eee an cae eee eee eee EEE eee 1.82 Ode 
NaN Os (SOGLUMENTETICE) as Sots oe ok wee sia Salen ya nee = ele eee ee eee 0015 7| 32S esas 
Mo (HCO2)o (magnesiumebicarbonate)/ee-cesss= asso ee ee eee eee eee eee 26.49 9.75 
CasHC@@:)h(calciumibicarbonate): meee -.-0 sae ane eee ec ee eee eee eee 181.12 66. 67 
HetHC@s)si@errousi bicarbonate) cs --casnas soon ones oe e nee eee eee 29 pike 
Mni(HCOs)>(manganousibicarbonate)-os-s--se2 eee eee eee eee ee eeEe eee Trace: |S-sesseeeere 
SiQs (Siliea) e555. n6 8% os jujocn ae sesgecs vs oh cee ace ae ee see yee eee eae Ceara | 44.35 16.32 
271.7045 | 100 

Totals sso he ee oe Se Sse eee eee | 

aSmall amount. 


No. 20.—Superior spring (north). 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
1901. Temperature on December 3, 1900, was 46.3° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 44.5° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 8.97; oxygen, 3.75; carbon dioxide (free). 13.58; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 21.68; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per gent of | Amount of 
: tota water used 

Formula and name. ees inorganic | for each 
* |materialin| determina- 

solution. tion. 
S80 y (SUR@D) casdadodten dasteee Ses SS0RRe SR san en BTS Sea sBSessomeen ape 39. 90 17.27 10, 000 
Bea(salphuxiciacideradicle) =... 2-5 -s-e - enemies = 7.31 3.16 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarbonic acid radicle) 133. 20 57. 66 100 
RO ECEMEEIG: 2 CIOSTACIC] jee mat ecls socs isi elcle(eieeicjaein eae since | ceil | 13 100 
Rea (MAtOUSTA ClO ora GIGle) 2%) cases wlsteisio ci ieee anes cee seme | O01 OM | essere 100 
ROB UOSPHOricaCid radiCle) 2 -o..enmiac s eccesces-mjeeoee cls sl 13 . 06 2, 000 
EM aC HA OLIC aClaeradiGle) oe 9.59 5 ene micieinieieeeee ccc sk eae (yee Peete eemece 3, 500 
ESOP (ESCH CHACIOeTACIGLE) enn se ams ee sisie cele sone deme meeeaeics eee | IN@WKES, |/sos4s8eenuc 3, 500 
cu (GH@HIEGO)) Sse 5S 00 ne See een ato eee Sea ee eae eee een eee ee | 2.43 1.05 700 
BISA DEOWIMHG) pe see eee nats en ine lates Sepae oeineista ie icle everett see wie sense cele ANEKOOS Sab scesocsan 8, 000 
= IDTRTG) ons scone gosdea Sp yoespB Bees uso seosee dpeca SSS oeHeBnenEEone AUEXGSs |lbosscodesone 8, 000 
Ae CiTOneaN eal UMIN WIN) = sees eesti se Nyse ese seis Saeco 09 04 4, 000 
Mn (manganese) pala 05 | 4, 000 
Ca (calcium) -...-...-.- 37.43 16. 20 4, 000 
Mg (magnesium) 4, 23 1.83 4,000 
i | DOESN)» sees ope och qenoses sobs acods suo Seor aon SSeeepeBsans 1.47 64 4, 000 
Mata SGGLEUETIN eyecare = hoa Soe tares~ dss ala) -\n/s steels Se oieieeisinne sete oaceee 4.40 1.90 4, 000 
MTMALETGITURITIN) Woe see eres erereys ote cre te eines oun cleo tietd wacom se ciesld INENOCs | lsasoscesdoos 4, 000 
2 2k (Gi O sin) 6 oe eke Skceassoncoesspe RonSACaUoneoAeaanS Saases 018 sil 500 
PUEC) Gen Lerner estate tates Stole ns ie aac iotn isteicidscistele ancie acatuics MM Sinise 231.0240 MOOR deol ee eeeerrs < 
aE RISO MOSH mere nce toeite sacs es sincincism Owens ae awe sine ci GSTS O Gh Wen cysete cia 200 
POPES ENEENTTI Oe aVUNTN OW tier 2s es ore epee eect ei Uist waynes seiaree vane IN@OGs lesekseousaes 500 
BERy CIBC CHUNG Oprereter seer cates ar eiseyelclsicie, sts cteleicieiaistarbioreiciecrnieioaeieine OOM Gaeta MTS 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 

Formula and name. nee ae inorganic 
* |materialin 

ARE ON (GINO CHL OTIGE) eee sere at eo petals ise me ee ee eee eee seme 0. 039 0. 02 
Ln (Usa yer sn ein ein tee) pela ee ee oe ee ee See aE ee Ee RSKae aan ALTA Cision rere eras 
Hoe MI HOLASSHUMNNC NOTICE) Pace seis eerste a leone Senne eis peeie a eee seca 2.80 1.21 
BELO (SodeMnch OTIGES xo a2 as eseiee see atic e cine et ones oe Sei oe GEE Geeta See 1.76 e140 
RAE AGU OEISSUIM RS COMIICLE) pass ices Sone on sey en ee ee eae e alguie ee eee Mt! MraGew|eescaassscne 
SIEGE BO LASSEITTIBIOUNICLC) eryser eee eis Sar ae ee oe eee eee eee ee niomers racers |iae cash ease 
Me Ore (SOG SUID Nate) pects a neme oe ook eet eien ee aoe He eee a eset 10. 82 4.68 
its OA (SOUELTMEIN Ee LA DOLATE) 5 cease mise ue eae ee eens see cae ie anemia (Oi abesanganss 
PTE Or (calcium: phosphate). tase ce sac cee eee a eee eee eee oe ee ences geal 09 
2a Op, (GCs sini TREN), Goda esaneEoSeeaeNA Sb ase oe a enteer Oaaer Sema aaaeeess ee 42 18 
PEON Om USOC EMTS INL GUILE) ectemicnien secon aoe? Clee eps Seo wee San see ee gaee NOOLS Seem eaernese 
MAGHEeG:). (sodium: bicarbonate) 25.2225. alesse esac neces nea celpauie oe ee .33 14 
MrtECO,)> (magnesium bicarbonate). 2.22222. .2 5 ---cc cess connec orceee soe 25.47 11.01 
PIG Os) (Calcium picarpONAte) eae prec e ee eee eiee sess tase oe coe eects 148. 35 64,12 
ALLO, Gernicroxide an dba a) sae ences aes ee eae eee ee eee @1l8} 05 
Mint (AN SAN OMA SAIC OXI) 52-2 4- eee eee as eee se seein seen eee .15 .06 
SSO ACE PICHIA CII CALC) see ae eman eee eee an ane eae seein oe eo eae oe eee ee 2.10 91 
Gy (SUINERT | ce StS essere ee Scie ce oe See ea ae RP I aero cee 38.79 16.77 

EGTIGN BS aah ee See ce ca ee ee ee eS ae 231.3705 100 

@Small amount. 


No. 21.—Alum spring. 

[Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain atside of Central avenue. 
sis was taken January 9, 1901. 
was 46° C.] 

Sample for mineralanaly- 
Temperature on December 4, 1900, was 43.3° C., and on January 8,1901, 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.57; oxygen, 3.55; carbon dioxide (free), 13.08; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per age of | Amount of 
33 _ tota. water used 
Formula and name. Eanes dx” | inorganie | foreach — 
* |materialin | determina- 
solution. tion. 
Os (oe 
FTL OPE (SIU GWG i sm ras See ee el Ae eg ayaa NE sh MV es 45. 56 16. 22 10, 000 
SOm(Gulphuriclacidiradicle) mess ere eee ee 7.95 2.83 4,000 
HC Ox (bicarbonieacidsradiChe)\ ssa uetne see ere eee eee eae 166. 50 59. 27 100 
INO}; (GablinaKe ExerolieNohOlWe)) (epson scene oopesonSe ceseaSoncecosuasosoes Trace |e eee ees 100 
INOst(mutrouUsiaCldsraGdiGle) ee se cece ee eee eae epee ~0013:|-28h¢eeseree 100 
ROMGphoOsphoric acideradiCle) peeesee ae eee ee oe eee Tracey Saas eee 2, 000 
BOs (MmetaboricacidMadicle) mee ao se comer ae eee eee ae (3) 22-0 | eters 3,500 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) INONGH eases eee 3, 500 
CMGeh] Onin ire 52 eae cee et eens eee Ne ee ele ake eee 2.57 a2, 700 
Mayan (OKO aMNNAXe) ee eee Ne eb aC ee he ae tn Ne ie ce cat [RTA CC | eaeee eee 8, 000 
JGlorsbhaYS) se otis Se ose oa anecnnbeesesers sesaan sano esos pAbondbabade Trace. |... --- 22-2 -= 8, 000 
ait Grontand sail nim) See ee see eee ae me ener 09 03 4, 000 
Mni (manganese)! a2 ais 2 soe ono ae Sea eee ee eee cell . OF 4,000 
Cah (Call Chui) Seis Se OE es an ieee eee 45.97 | 16.37 4, 000 
Mig (Oa STVeSTUM) yi ae Bae eee ae eee eee Rosen eee ease 4.84 1.72 4, 000 
KEi(POLASSIUIN) Sass esen ee sceeee eons eee eae Sea e eee eae | 1.65 _ .09 4, 000 
ING: (SOCTIIM) Etea arate e ne Rebates ake 2 Sem ee eae aer amis a aeeree 5. 59 1.99 4, 000 
RGM hi AebyvbIeh eee el aa ease ee he eater meee Nate hia as ee a DTrace: Petes seeess 4, 000 
NUE: (ammonium) fees See eee passin secre os eee ae ee ee oe . 069 02 500 
ARO Gall SES e reese are ee ete Ie en en api a nner 280. 9003 100 |. saeeeeeeees 
Motal solids soe ory oe. hae pane nme ate eee 50100 a ae 200 
7Moyonrniaor sles toy sooo ohacaecconsnaacodss nude ssacccusesscooses BU ees ies hemes ode 500 
OXY SEN TECUINEM tees kets soe eee eae ee sans eee EMO alee ace ere 200 
2 Small amount. 
Per cont of 
Formula and name. Early oe inorganic 
* |material in 
NEL, Cli Cam OT TMC Hall OT LC) aye ea es ae ee re eee 0. 205 0.07 
LiCli(ithtum: chloride) i225 -eeee-2 Sefer eee ee ee ae eee TRACES asses e eee 
KGCl-(potassiumyeh! orld e) asc see le en oe eee ee eee eee peel 3.15 1.12 
NAC] (Sodium'e Chl Ori de) pessoas a ae ee ea eee ee 1.53 | .55 
KGB rex DO TASSUUL AIOE OTT GC) es aac re ee ar ere te ear ete Trace |e asaseseer 
Kel. (POtASSIMMELOMI Me) hae eee = Se ist ee ee ee ee Tracey eeneesscees 
INaosOn(sodiumysuilphate) ieee. - eae ener ees eer er eee eee | iL, #17 4.18 
INaiB O35) (Sodimmim eta borate) ie ae eee ote ye eee eee ae ete ee (2) eae sanys odes 
Caz (RO})si(calciumsphosphate) a 2a- sea. =n eee eee eee eee Tracey |eeaceeooese = 
INSIN.Os\(Soditumbmitrate) Mees eee cece eee ea nt oe eee eee eee BBEKOE, Weenosccocess 
NaN Os (Sod lumeniirite) Rees ee Soe s Se een ee 1002: sae 
Nai (HC O3):(Sodium:' bicarbonate). 5.20 e seen eee a eee eee eee eae 4,27 152 
Me (ECO) osGmacnesinmabicarbOmMailte) sea. sass. = one eee ae ee 29.14 | 10.37 
CaGHiCOs)>i(calciumiybiGarbonate) = sees == sees ee eee ee eee ee 184,71 | 65. 70 
Azo: (ferric Oxide andraluming) ees. .8 cree see eee eee ea eee eee oil} - 05 
Mm.O;) (Mangan o-=maneanic Ox de) noses aoe ne ee ee ne 15 05 
CasiO3 (calciumusilicate); sos ssa. seme eee eee eee eae eee 1.05 2387 
SiOs:(SUiGa) Bee eo see see ware ciel cln a win at cree ee es Se tetera ree 45. 02 16. 00 
Total Ss 252.2 Mest coo CRE SE hc Se Se Tee ee ere ees 281, 127 100 
aSmall amount. 

a aa 

No. 22.—Superior spring (south). 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken January 9, 
Temperature on December 5, 1900, was 57.19 C., and on January 8, 1901, was 56.5° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.49; oxygen, 3.04; carbon dioxide (free), 9.15; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.47; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

aSmall amount, 

Per cent of | Amount of 
tota water use 
Formula and name. Bare ber tmorganic | for each 

* |material in) determina- 

solution. tion. 

: Ges 
Sion (SED) Sesbesad dabdos ese SSB See E a SE Seen aS Seer eens Saeeses 44.79 16.39 10, 000 
SOSH pHUrCaCIG TadiGle)s. seasaa3 es oases sees n ees bec e ei 8.03 2.94 4, 000 
EM n (HICH DONI Cacia rad iCle) sso sane: cacao selena 162 59. 26 100 
PEMP MOU TTI GlaCra!PACICLE) ie tein > See ciara nace ace swaieepingasse BTA Ces |Naolay mete oe 100 
MUO a UOUS ACI CTAGIClO) = 5 ge semi asie cn ane Se atisen See wine a eieciee sUOSS) | baeeaooseane 100 
EMA PHOSPhOric acid wadicle) ss cee assess <= ee se sieinos se se ee BUENOS seeocooussde 2, 000 
HO IMeLaDOLiGacidsradiCle)): = sa. o ose soe Sais acs a Salsee cee (5) (ate ig ese pecs 3, 500 
ROSMEHESEH I C/LCl eT AG CLE) Samm gases asin Saele ats els Se osseie eee ome NOMS HE coassoneees 3, 500 
(L ( GINO) Sse eee basce se ocea ese cae eases Sao sennaeeerceenss 2.43 89 700 
55 (mi nin@)). oS Seen See) aaa ese reese anor ean Cason eS aaaeece rr eeee IDEXOGE SScse5ccasee 8,000 
MRECICLITAC® Se toa sas oe oo cranes <item ae NewS eisisje PEE Seances nae: Mracey)|Reeeseesecee 8, 000 
py Cron and aluminum) -—--- 2222-22-22... 2c eeeeeeeesees eee 09 08 4, 000 
MOB EIN GHYVSUITOS MINES) teiatare =e ota-c ala sio a an ciaa mie we ia viele sani slate sjoreice Sens eels .18 .07 4, 000 
th, ((GRIGT) on nee Seeetin GB 6 ane E ere net Cen SOGa Ne HAGE Mea eseee ce ae 44.73 16.36 4, 000 
Lf (HEPES) 5 ass aeseeer Sane aeons case Soceropodcd Saree beSeeee 4.76 1.74 4, 000 
HEC HOLASSULEIIN) ye =o asin oA nc ee ws sere Otte Sie Deed seals Saisie ele 1. 64 . 60 4, 000 
Dd (SCCDIN) 52 6 obec eSkoe Ca Soar SSSR BES Rae eS Sor ae ace eres 4.67 1.71 4,000 
EIGEN) S552 re eos UMEKOES |b SeSoanedeed 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) . 025 - OL 500 
ER Oa ere erie ee eter ine os Sans ae eo aisjatis feelers eters 273, 3505 TOO oh MESO ae ses 
PROBA SO MO seer ete eee ese clas see seis eels alee = seine epee sie eertecie LOA SOME eee eons fa 200 
PLDT OM MIN MOMTS 2225 Sees ssa is ee ioe sheen cesses ao ae O22 ihe ails oe es 500 
PRA COMES OIL E (rae a arcmin mae ieee eae ee ieee en bee Mane cone SOLS od.| espoeeeee aaa aes 200 

aSmall amount. 

Per cout of 

Formula and name. Bante Hae inorganic 
* | material in 

NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 0. 074 0.02 
LiCl (lithium chloride)..........-.- UDO |Ispooaesoedas 
em (poissoreanlehloride) i esate. tecee a sees sce cron ee eee on eecn see ena 3.13 1.14 
RETO le (SOGLHINACHIOLIGE) hereen See eae eee eee ee Ea Cae ee ee es 1.47 54 
PAE Se (HOLISSLIMUDLOMIC Creme vem Seis) ec seeene cones ise oot iocke oes One eines AMEKEES | Sanesceaaca 
RAMU OSASSTUNT OCG) aes eeree erate cick se ise a nie Siem oe oleinclee ee eee eee eee EDTA COS) Ene een eee 
NagsO. (Keehisia Sol Dap) aaa aseetons Oamesae ae ataueaes Hacaee ee EBa SAC CenaRenee se 11.88 4.35 
RIDES Op (SOMME Ela DOLALE) fennss- ee es eae suis seesaw e cicae eel uiwemoen CON en (esees sere ato 
CGE Oso (C2rleirum Phosphate) acc cs see sees care ow nsios Sees Doce oe cetera cletne AMES Ina oosoooeaoe 
BEENG) AUCSOGIMTIETUGNALC): erie crease ea ree oe eee Oe ee oe oo ani ee IUEKOCS \IGguseeesodao 
REDO oa (SOGIIIMIEMILTILG) 2: 2 ee eee ee Gene toe esins sls ms coe ieee ceeeemon nek SOUEB Sencotéacscc 
BAGO O 7) SOCiUININD Car DOMAtC)) <5. co. se ace ees 2 eee ee eee ee nee oer ee oe 88 82 
MA GHCO.)> (Magnesium: bicarbonate)2: 5222222 - 6. sce ccc eee cee sos eueee aaa: 28. 66 10. 47 
CAG Oyo (CALCIUM DIGALDONALE) ssns2e cae aa acs eae: aeciee cone e one eine nee 181.56 66. 42 
EPEC Oy ULCIEOUSIDICALUONALE)) 2 sesn2 5 ae eh eee ee ee one eee cise cen ees cone 29 16 
WintGELCO)> | (Mane anoOus DICALDONALE)) 0-2-2 -e cee ee ee enero on Sete c oben ocdeee 58 21 
SID, (GILG) eee baS sae ceOr ODES EOE aes Saar ee ee eee eee tera is lel abana eee 44,79 16.37 
ERG Cer repeat eee sis tte oat ate oa aa aia is SRS CLES SEs eine ae 273. 3223 100 


No. 23.—Twin spring (north). 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain in the roadway. 
taken January 9, 1901, Temperature on December 6, 1900, was 62.° C., 
62.4° C.] 

Sample for mineral analysis was 
and on January 8, 1901, was 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.36; oxygen, 2.68; carbon dioxide (free), 10.84; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per cent of 

| ; Amount of 
iets tota water use 
Formula and name. | Fare pe inorganic for each 
| * |materialin |) determina- 
| solution. tion. 
% Ti hee | 
| Che 
SiO (Ciilbieh Dam acts Sateen arin Mun hha Seiten hyena ca gm crn aia Obata ae 46. 25 16. 22 10, 000 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle) 7.97 2. 80 4,000 
HCOs (bicarbonie acid radicle) 169. 60° 59. 48 100 
IN@3i(niltri cacidiradicle) Ramesses eee ene ene ee eee eee eee TAC eee eeeeee 100 
INO (Mitrousiacideradi cle) Bae saseeee: Sess sees eee eee eee eee eres SOO eee socecce 100 
RON (phosphoricactasradicle)yeees=- eee eee eee eee eee eeeeeee Traces |-ereeeaeeeee 2,000 
BOs (metaboriciacideradicle) kerr setae eee eee een eee eee eee (@) 2 lee eee 3, 500 
ASO A(arsenicacidsradi cle) ea ss=a seer eeren ee ea ereee eee eee eee WOBEs |ecaccscccsse 3, 500 
Clu(Ghlorine zai sn os see Saye Se ies tae en cise nie eee 2.43 .85 700 
IBS (EOAELLIG) Ge se eke ee a a a || | Traces| eae 8,000 
I Globus) aad an esos eesha ps perechE cosas Honpon SUS cK ASlEneaseRss poses ABENECs Yocascoss5dec 8, 000 
ri \ G@rongam yal cmt) ei aes eyes ere eye eerste ere ee 09 08 4,000 
Mint (MAN SAMESE) pases cree Baas oe ee ee roe et eee ania eee 16 . 06 4, 000 
Gay (Galeria) jhe Boos CA eis oie ae ae te yet ae ee 46.92 16. 46 4, 000 
Migs (ma PMS Timm!) Borg ee ey ee re eet ees We ever eae tenin gare aeys 4, 82 1.69 | 4, 000 
Kel (pOtassiumM)'Ssaiwoass ase e eee ce Oe eee ae ee eee eee 1.74 61 4, 000 
INavi(SoGiuMa) ieee: Siege ee ae Bat eens oe See Slee mine eee eee 5.11 so 4,000 
A (LUG TUN) es So Sie casi Uae A SEE Se oe eee ee See ee ene AUEOSS |lssccocadsse- 4, 000 
NBG (ammonium) jsrscsssace ce pace eee etek Saae ne seeeee en saae 032 OL 500 
UNO CH ete Se aan uC ese Sucae eso aaeneOR ea oon eb aboreaaaS 285. 1230 LOO) | it ese 
otal solid suena ae eigsis Rees eas Ee SINS eee te eS Seer te on 200: 2 i Peseta 200 
INoybooavbexos (el PhaawaNoVeWtAy cos peGooaeanuodbodeboagocdooadodseocasnoos 2001 |e eee see 500 
Oxy Pen TEquUITed es saw ose See ase ee ene nece eee Ene eG bee eaoee 200 il Sas eee 200 
aSmall amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. eae ee inorganic 
* \material in 
| solution. 
NE Cli(ammoniumichloride) se .ss2seen setae eeeesoece cece eaeseee eee ee ber eres 0.095 0.03 
LiCl Githiumeychlonide)l jss2. es asses se ee csecaie cece ce acne oe eee eee TraGess|caseeseeneer 
KCl Gpotassiummehloride) ies eerecc sae eae tee eee ee ee ae eae ee Eee S182 1.16 
NaCl (sodium chilonde))e-e-oscene- eee eee eee eee eee nee eeeeneseaeenee 1.30 - 46 
KBr (potassiumybromide))\s. 3. 222. Soe ee aes eee ee eee Peete ee ene eee TYACe.s| 52 seasons 
Ki (potassium iodide) 26.2.0. 28 5) scor. Saas See ee ene eee one Meee oar Traces. |e eee 
NassOz(SOdiumysul phate) rene. sane ee eaaee oe eee ee ree eaten ceeneeeeaeace 11.79 4.13 
NaBOs(sodiumimetaborate)\s 22 52 eae soceieeae soe eee eee eae Seer (3), ¢) Jace eee 
Can(RO2)oi(calciumiphosphate) a seeese eee cere ee eaten eee seca Trace. |S. 22seeeeee 
NaN @3:(Sodiuminitrate) e229. 52 sc casos Sen ose oc eee ene ae ee cane eee nae Traces ||s==seeeeeer 
NaN@s\(Sodium mitnite))2 ayo2es se)ee haere occ Cae e eerie aoe ee eee ee eee eeeeeee J0O0LD) |: seeeeseeeee 
Na (HC O3)-(Sodiumibicarbonate) | ss 55- ees eeeee eee Cee eee eee SSeeree 2. 84 9 
Me (HCO:)>i(@magnesiumibicarbonate) meeses-e eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee 29.02 10.18 
Ca(HCOs)si (caleiumybicarbonaite)eaee-ceeeeeseee oo eee eee eee eee eee eeeeee 190. 03 66. 63 
MmniGiCO3)>\ Qnanganousibicarbonate) ms. -e-eeeseeeae- eee eee eee eee .33 -12 
ALLO. }(ferric oxideandialumina))..-t2le setae. sees seeeeee eee eee 13 05 
IM DoedO)r (Cae avegMAVO MPMI OPI) agussosasaccessanssascaonsqeccoostosoosscece - 08 03 
SIOg (SU Ca) Ss ksh ee asa eee ees oe gee ee eee Creer eee eee eee 46, 25 16. 22 
BRON ee Agana JU caaeOROa ae nosAEe boa boe saonedoaapBacooe soar anesboodesas 285. 1865 100 
2Small amount. 

— oe 


No. 24.—Twin spring (south). 


{Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain at side of road. Sample for mineral analysis taken May 
19, 1901. Temperature on December 7, 1900, was 62.3° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 60.3° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 8.03; oxygen, 3.19; carbon dioxide (free), 4.12; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cont of| Amount of 
tota water used 
Formula and name. Ear Nee inorganic | for each 
* | material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 
S20)p (UTD) Ss Se See ee Ae eet ee oan pei a een 46. 85 16. 44 8, 000 
SUSE EUT Cra. C1OLTAGICle) ae sya eee kee cee Some nan os asa 7.81 2.74 4,000 
ECO bicanbonicacidiradicle) ayseeoe =. seee ee sn ease eee 168. 80 59. 25 100 
SON (TETIemaCIG TAGICIE) == 2 eee ones os ecm oes wise eeiseeeeeees OMG: Saaeouanwese 100 
MOM (CHUTEOUSIACIG TadiCle)aeccoscce sessed cha scmecl aebensae sees ROO08S| Kees sees ee 100 
SEGre(DhospHOLric/ acid TAGICIE) ss. eee een eee eenise se Snes DTA CO ss ee eeyn ce 2, 000 
EO MH CtADOLICACIG TAGICIC) ics snc. sage ne lees feces ce oe (Ge) aie ates nen cee a a 3, 000 
PecOha (arses cid TAdICle) sac cee eater mens cee eee eee eres INOD CY asaheesecieee 3, 000 
MIMICCRNOLING pee ce cece miceeeecic Ses e tac: =o eee Kae a eee saeee| 2. 83 oi) 600 
EFAQOLOMUING memes sere eis sarees eo hat ornate ee ee cece ee MT ACCS | Saeerserresees 5, 400 
LOGINS) nS ade Seem eaten See meee scree sur rane tea te Beane eee aa | AUEMOEY Nie socasaasee 5, 400 
no ‘\ Gronkan alan in WM) eer ese eee ee suse eet sae eee eel 677) 08 7, 500 
Whig (CFA PATI CSC) ae oe eyes asap eis eae cto isle eee wise seicieine sisal .15 .05 7,500 
RGEC Ged! CHURIUN eee eee eieinse sees lei eisietiecs ice eae esis Se al Ne 46.75 16. 41 2,000 
Bibh (CHROGTOCITITN 3 oe ener d CoS CA Oe SEE Ae ote a tae eae eee tS | 4,92 1.73 2, 000 
ES ((P@UESSHITITN | Se cease Sees Hanae eee SEE eee coerce aerate Epes | 1.74 61 4, 000 
Bete (SOCEIUTTID eee ere ste aes cian toe oeiciie = scisec eee ew caisison eee’ 4.78 1.69 4, 000 
PRU CLIGEDITITIN ese ete os eee eee se Non ecie es Saws eas eS ees al IUENGES Ses5ccesbeen 4, 000 
Asi Teer (AEITATO TINIAN) | sre ee a ee lesterol Bele oie clsa- el . 085 01 500 
BARC) Gaul nn a ef eg ae i a in SE ee int hei eiete te 284. 8858 MOOV Se AR cemeteries 
LOUD SUG Kade ease caesettade che ASS Sa SOCR ER ae aC oe EE eoneE ene aaee 224 SOOM el Beene ere 200 
PAM EIN Gea OMIA eee Saks sales ioe = a ects tame Sonics oem tee ae | OOD: all Seance ees 500 
Oscyoenereguived asses ns fase ce ans ace gate cine eee sete ce mses | MOL ail Pierers erie ters 200 
2Small amount. 
| Per cent of 
Formula and name. Harts Bee inorganic 
* |materialin 
Ee Ia (CEI OFLU ING Hl OLIG © Pree ees ote Satis se Se oe eee 0. 104 0.04 
Lar! (niteniiern (ai Oia) Cee ye ae eee et ek Ai eae Le A a ee eee Ree 
EEOU(potassnimnCHlOTid @) eames ane ie ee. iia cee reefer ne tem Se ep epee eee altace 
NaCl (sodium chloride)..........-.. 
RES Fas (EO LASS UNTIL OMNI CLE) eens eal tet eee oo oe a SIN CC Rg ae hae Oe 
PAE DOLASSHUTHSTOCIG EG) eee eee mee neste a uae pop Ol apes ay aah alas BN HD 
BEES Oa SOmuM sill pate) eam sesame se ens eee aa ae Aner iscen see ie mee ae sees 
NaBO, (sodium metaborate) .-....--- 
Caz(POx)s (calcium phosphate) 
EDO at (SOGTUTOSOTALC) ornare ne mite ere stoic a Sa ee ie ee ee aaa ASRS 
ROO (SOCUTINTLTILE) ene et see yee pas setae aol cease eee ee cise tale - 00 
NACH CO?) i(sodiumubicarbonate)|-2-c----- wee 22 meee ee oleae sce aes =e 95 83 
MaCHEO>) 5 Gaon esitimyDICALDONALC) ~seresae nae nace een cine ce eee tee als | 29.62 10. 39 
C2AGHEO,)> (Calcium bicarbonate) sae- pesos een eee eee eee ena ae aye | 189.84 66.47 
HGH @O) >) 91 (LCLLOUSI DICHTDONALE) perma: eeeee= ae ae eee eee sisiei|| 70 . 24 
MHC COs) 5 (Mmaneanous|bicarbOnate)): 222-2 522 2-2 oe eos = seein as = 48 alti, 
SOs, (GUVE) \ocedconceaseadsacuee ced can EES SHEE Ee SAS BEB Boe tab SaEeSHcodsecdnen sacar se 46. 85 16. 45 
SOT EE Lea, BE ae reg SR a aes TE eer nea eae 284, 8752 100 

2Small amount. 



No. 25.—Old Hale spring. 

[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain, under Hale bath house. 

Sample for mineral analysis 

taken May 19,1901. Temperature on December 10, 1900, was 62.7° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 62.9° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.72; oxygen, 3.01; carbon dioxide (free), 9.72; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.14; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 

total water used 
Formula and name. Haniemen inorganic | for each 
* |materialin} determina- 
solution. tion. 
; GxG: 
Sis i(Silica))- Sse Seca ae cco ecateem ence cise ees eee eee eeee 47.31 16.72 8, 000 
SO,\(sulphuric/acid radicle)- -- -- - 0. 2 nee eo ee eee 7.80 2.76 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarboniclacidiradicle) eases see ae nee eae ee eee 166. 50 58. 87 100 
NOs: (iitriclacidsradicle) i aeeesecsec sae eee ee eee eee aes AMEN enossecocncs 100 
INO: (Mitrousiacidsradi cle) st Saeeea sen eee eee eee eee eee 00075|2 25 -eeeeeee 100 
BOs (phosphoriciacid adic] e) Saseeescen eee eee eee ee eee ee | Tracey asses eee 2,000 
BOs (metaboriciacidmradicle) pee ssses- ese eee eee eee ree eee (8) 0A Saar sae 3, 000 
ASO (arseniciacidsradi cle) Pesesceece=—-r etre eee eeeeee nee WOES |Esosdactcoc- 3, 000 
Cli(CHIOTINe) Po ssesiee ce eeaci nice esse eee eee eee Oe eee eee ee 2.50 88 600 
Bre(DrOmine) Seekers cree ce Cera eee ee Ce eee LT AC Cra soe eee 5, 400 
Ib(GkoyouheKs) | See bosseesanchnonobooSseseasuees nodasunacsasossneoosen eas | oir cess Beene eee 5, 400 
rt (Giron andsalurainum <2 ce eee oe eee 19 07 7,500 
Mn (manganese) .29 -10 7, 500 
6h) (Galetti) 5S acssasesesssqoesasosa5esasas onde Senn; conosocoasaor 46. 82 16.55 2, 000 
Mg (magnesium) 5. O1 1.77 2, 000 
Kel(PO Lassi) eeseseeee aa see eee eee eee ee 1.69 . 60 4, 000 
NEM COs hibit) aac saeemas ash aece cer cmcn ate eae asopmoncucagsesae 4.73 1.67 4, 000 
Toy (bi gewhbhin) eos een goon co scab ado spas oeusasobus coudadoceseaagodsosaa! SDEKOD esassossos=s 4, 000 
INTE Ee (GhaatnYoy midi) om sconces cposSosenisedoadusaaoudsnaaosbessscugses - 028 -O1 500 
Total seesaw ase hemes aaaaaeeh oe acco eee hee enone 282. 8687 100 2=35) |b sae eee 
otal SOAS 22 asso eas Noe ee 199:50 - -|/<_ aan | 200 
AlbumMIno1dlamMmMonasesasser see =e eee ee eee eer eer eEr eee ree 1002551 So aoeee eee | 500 
OXY Sen TEQuINed ss sacse a esas Eee See eee eee eee 330)” as Sen aeeses 200 
2Small amount. 
Per gent of 
Formula and name. Bate inorganic 
* |materialin 
NH Cli(ammoniumichloride) passe sescee eee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 0. 083 0. 03 
IG GithiwamichToride) eee eas ee ce eee hee ere eyes ee eet eee eee eee ANEKOS | kerescoscccs 
KCl (potassium; chloride) ae se ce - sce occ sees ee eee eee ee eee 3. 22 Use 
NaGls(sodiumiuchloride): 555 see ce ea ore eee eee 1.50 . 53 
KBr Cpotasstumybromd e) Pace ease se seeee =r ae ee ee eee eee ADE ||Ssacceroccce 
Kel *(potassiumsiodide) 225 3. aa. ise aet ad cee See Eee eee eee eee Tracer|2o 5 
NasSOg (Sodium\sull phate) pence ae. ee ee ee eee ee eee re 11. 54 4.07 
NaiBOs(sodium=metaborate) ces. oss — cesses eee Ce eee ee een eee o) atten Seeeeacoose 
@as(POD)o (cal ciumeuphosphate))e ae. ee ceee ase ae eee eee ene eeeee TAG) |e seer 
NaNO: (sodiuminitrate) 255. s.s 323 2-23 Seeee nee eee eee eee eee JMENG ES |mosodebeccs 
NaN Ooi (Sod TUMENI iE) ears eee ee eee ere eee AOU | oasecoseso-- 
Na(HCO,) (sodium bicarbonate)....--.-- 1.46 oil 
Mg(HCO3;). (magnesium bicarbonate) 30.16 10. 64 
Cal(GCO3)s\(caleiumybicarbonate) = 2. 222 e aoe eee eee eee 186. 29 65. 75 
Aor (ferric oxidejandaluming) Re jees= eee eee eee = eee eee set | -10 
MnO, (Mangano-manganicoxide) ----p es sees are eee eee . 40 14 
CaSiOzi(calciumesilicate) asec sas ee ese ee nee eee eee eeeee ee eee 2.38 . 84 
Sk Of (AURLE) hae saeeicocm Gasca cudou aos ne oonnne seo RUD Sas cscbonSs SodeSbooSSaESsbene 46. 08 16. 26 
ARO EM ee sone oacus a Sees sao sre sc OSU CUD UD COA DO TEC OCS ESE QCOaD Eada Se osssea oe 283. 3840 100 

aSmall amount. 

lll ne 


No. 26.— Palace spring. 

[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain. 

Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

perature on December 11, 1900, was 63.4° C., and on January §, 1901, was 61.4° C.] 



Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.84; oxygen, 3.02; carbon dioxide (free), 8.60; carbon dioxide (set free 
from biearbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 
ae tota water used 
Formula and name. ane hee inorganic | for each 

* |materialin | determina- 

solution. tion. 

| We 

| ONO, 
SiOz (silica) ...... BSA ie ne ae Un alma dimtnessiaermineh arene | 47.86 16.90 8, 000 
Bera sulphunieacidiragicle)iqas ae = kee sok een a tase asics clea Hoe 7. 82 2.76 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarbonic acid radicle) - 166. 50 58. 80 100 
BNO a (HNN CHLCTOTACICLE) Maa cies So cineca Sees Oe yaa one ee MAGES avec ec 100 
MO oe CHMCLOUSILCICTACICLE) emanate ne Seeeeke es Ses ae es aelle seciateye = OOOS is eee eee 100 
ACP MOSD OTIC ACOA GiGle) a o.a5ac4e- se seee see cece sees se ee el HBT ACC IRo elec se 2,000 
EO a (HELA DOLICACIG Tag Cle) sek Ne jet yee anise eee avevereine Ea Sia [es Nasu Siac 3, 000 
EN OUM (RESCHICACIOTAGICIO Ne toe a. pee seem seers te anise cent age taiaall NOME, |S Sonssepeaas! 3, 000 
ch (GIG TIO) 552 SAS eee ale BRE cero ee eee ee Ne Serer crane Slat 2.50 88 600 
22 TF [ETROVTTUDING) 22 es asst ete nN ae een ee ea | MUEKOGS: Ios Sense oat 5, 400 
= (HOGMME), 5 AAS CRSSE EOE ANe Oe Se Sole Pea pete Sor one ee AMEOOS Ieanaaccoconee 5, 400 
BaGroniaudialuminum): 20)... .2ei o:eeet et Sc deee setae | 19 .07 7, 500 
LE: ((TERSUNE SONS Lae eet Ee SS ee ta na eee eta EM yee oY Svan ea a 7, 500 
SPL ( GEIRETHBUED))- ces eg Sey een cg gE Ra ea eae 46.75 16.52 2, 000 
nu (TDG CTESI IN) pS eSrae esos sean Seo Rees Sere ele ae yn ree 4.99 1.76 2, 000 
LES (FEO UPEISSTOTO NY) SO pe ee ae et eye ele eee a een 1.74 61 4, 000 
Ide (GSCAUMT TAT) Cais eS Se ese ee SE eS AE A na 4.80 1.69 4, 000 
Tal, (CREO RNTI i os Se eet ORS eect Nut aA PER ACC Meine ayaeieas 4, 000 
MSW Etim ((CUERNTEY OUVITITIN) yyy eso ye tetera aoe ccteyn ear sie eln a rn ee ols) I a 021 OL 500 
ANQUGUT See ect cs ee cae Cele es ae a ne as tt en 288. 1718 OO een a ae eens tate 
CETL OIG Re oo Sea coe HS ee ete ISIS ements eure tan ZOU SO Mrin arta vate peters 200 
EIDE TCE ITAOMIA = eae ses een eine Nema ee ene e emacs OOD Ayer ste 500 
SD EAVRGTE TROT TG bo i cece 2 ae Cn Se aN a PSH ih ita Se en ea 200 

2Small amount. 

Ber con of 

2 tota 

Formula and name. penis eae inorganic 
* Imaterial in 
PEC Cl (ammonium ch) Orde) seme a ee Goes ae eee eee ay eeeemmece anes 0. 062 0. 03 
PIBMAInCMCHIGTIdaieeerie ences aarti eel Ce aa i MeCON Icy wus 
RAC IS (POLASSUUITN CI OTIC Gye fee ae aero eee es Srey uena ya apa le on MeEM OUND alice 8.31 ne alel 
EGU (ee obieurn Elm Vorekale) ea Bay iat ox ye cine open anc No aulO tne Gabe Un alae a ica Val 1.43 50 
RAB TAG pO LScitITl Dp TOULIG e)))\S eee Sees see eee at hereto daar Sewn aaa Nip AMIENS oe Gsceeoaedc 
RAG UO DASSIUISIOGE GE ys hone epee ean malin eperd en Ie ane aye aston er NS rac etn Pees ss were 
Le sOu: (SOG aia ny Simul Va FE) oe crete ee eet a ren a Oe Me NEP oe Regn 11.58 4.08 
Pb Wa (SOMEMMMINTC Leal OLA LE) sepa mee eee co yee mee Ep cee een aE (GENER RR NE a 
Cz CEO nea) cium phosphates ssue nace sence ena ace eee UE SE AMES eae eadaseods 
REINO) a (SO CIUITINMTNT EEELLe peer isertsie tie setae oe eRe de aie ye ca cee spoon ape era DES ARTA Ce | HERE eee 
RAE wKOA(SOMUTLTIIS THUD EL GE) pests tee in oy atncton oye) Noe cterceslamacp evi Seat sedics etapa setae ae RO OTD rapt ceca ras 
EEO) 3) (SOG TINE 1 CAT OM Abe) amet ae eee lacie ie ee eles CLRID SE e715) 61 
MeCHCO;), (uariesium bicarbonate) 22.2) 220 else ee a 30. 04 10. 60 
BAGH CO )o: (Calciumibicarbonate) aes. ue eal eri vac ee eee ees 186. 14 65. 65 
REPEC O;) >) Mangsanous|picarbonate) 55 5/552. Men ee UENCE Pe gamaasanue 
Aio’t BESTA COXA de aCe) UNINITNS) pee noee see mn sn yal ayes Ne Rea ea nn SOT 09 
Orn er iciomrisihicntey ms. ne eae eek ea aie chee teenies 8 2.30 81 
“Oye CITE) oe coum alse ea GU areca al oy a as ne ee era ca Ee eae ae 46. 67 16. 46 
ARGS et Mererps ter rat Pte erate eat eran ha rete Uic ear he area ueverah mimenentarenreey ntl 288, 5532 100 

2 Small amount. 


No. 27.—Tunnel spring. 

[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain in a cluster of springs. 
Temperature on January 8, 1901, was 51.9° C.] 

May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 9; oxygen, 3.71; carbon dioxide (free), 8.60; carbon dioxide (set free — 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 


Sample for mineral analysis taken 

| Per ea of | Amount a 

| tota water use 

Formula and name. ie eae & " | inorganic | for each 
| * |materialin | determina- 

| solution. tion. 
SHOP (SIBNKCE) MEAN SE Soe sece Ger ae betes ain aa ens me aaa ter atic 49. 95 19. 31 8, 000 
SOnm(sulphunielacidgradicle) tate esa sera. anee see eee ares 7.98 3.08 4,000 
HCOs (bicarbonic acid radicle)....-. Bere CES est Brac Age rae 146. 70 56. 70 100 
INOs (GaniHae© EverOl igeVOwIe)) Gs co seocasedeaeccoususWecsosussausoss- B22; 09 100 
INO> (nitrous a cidoradiGle) epee ease eee ec ne eee seers SOUND) |e cosecoscss 100 
POM (phosphoricacideradicle) Reet ee sees pe ee eee Traces |e seas eres 2, 000 
BO; (Mmetaboriciacid Tadicle) eek s=see ss eee eee eee (3)3e eS eee 3, 000 
ASO (arsenic acid radicle) sass ee ese a5 as yee Boe eosin e INOMS iosaccesecse 3, 000 
(CIRC oUKos ab aWey ras ene Se Ane a eee ee nme ena acl eleea Se 2.58 1 600 
BEAD TOMMTT CG) Sasa e ae yS lee eSeaa e e Sn esey erets| MDENODE lsasasccosce< 5, 400 
TA (LOGIME aera ars sere owas ae rete ee etree ete ae en a Tracer ees sere 5, 400 
at Gromandealuminum).so0s G2. 4. Geen ae Cee at 06 | 7,500 
Mai (manganese) esse 2 ae tes sss essere ees eeryereer ae aera 14 05 7, 500 
Cax(CalGiuml) 2a tele et ee See SEE De Sars See ee ea 39. 61 15.32) } 2,000 
Mig (mae mesial) ees i eho Bele, serortoeel aoe ercene emery evieuney see 4.95 io al 2, 000 
IGS (DO LALSSTUMTI) RS he ee ae ee ots SES SS oy ie ee re ase es ace 1.73 67 4,000 
ANH (GstoYe bob wal) fe es aS eae ee oe aisle ar POO Gere eigen als 4. 66 1.80 4,000 
Ura UyACwN bE sa) ee ine Pea esos orion Aaa eaatete Natasa sens unig tin PTAC ane eee 4, 000 
INDE bahamas) ouDoI eee eee me ARO UN nme Das at ecan ene ane Se 037 01 500 
ROGERS Sia SRS er hE Gases AR UNA SENS Osu ey epee Na 258.7180 LOOK 2 3 ea ee 
FRO CAM SOLTAS ire eae ater ara acter eae Sree Seas ree a rept eee re ener setae 188250!) | Sea seeaes 200 
PNall oyowanubavon el CHTMMIN OMCs. on ancdacacsads daaapacuctioge coueceuass OLO. sane 500 
ORY Sen TEquined A. Nes cas | Sane ge hee Soe ee ee Oe eee eee ADO esas 200 
«Small amount. 
Per cent of 

Formula and name. ae inorganic 
* |material in 

INE Cli (ammonium chlonid@)reas= sss see ser mere eee ae Sh EAS set oe cree ge 0.110 0. 04 
DKON Abionbosne Oo OyaKGle) ie Soe cae saoeaesacaedsacesessec Ua coaseareuES ANTS. CO Sails ce eee eee 
KECIE(potassiums ch Orig e)) eas see eee eee eee pear 3. 29 1.27 
Na Gls(sodiumm Chloride) i: fesse erisi Gast Se es ee aes coe ael aes are Caer 1.58 61 
KBr (potassium bromide) ...-----.-.----- BS ee a SS ES IE ie oe TTA Cer: easanceeee 
KL (POCASSIUIMP OGIMEe) isos Poses ee Ee eee eens El pe he een Traces, hess ceeeee 
NaosOz(sodiumysulphate) pesos lessens hot ee oe eee ee eer eee tee ea ee 11.81 4.56 
INFMSXO}y (Cloxobu hem waKeyiey KONE) peoeadeceosssagucusossodsdadeoo sc socaconsecedesuads (3)-6 Aisha 
Cas (ROx)ox(Caleiumyphosphate) ecco ces ee ee eat H TACO illnesses 
NANO S(SOCTUMETT trate VA secs oe Re ree ote eee ete oe oye Cle sree eee Ce . 30 ni) 
NaNOs (sodium nitrite)......-. te ENS ie Bas oe ts eo Ge ae ne eee | SUOS) eSeecdaccus= 
Na GHC Os)— (Sodium sbi Garbomaile) aac nesee eeecee eseeee eeeereee ae | -47 .18 
Ms (HCOs)s@Qnasnesium! bicarbonate)p...2 42-62 oes eee e een Seer | 29. 80 11.52 
Ca(HiCO>s)si(calciumebicarbomate)yseacesesas tes eon eee eee eee eee ae es | 160. 42 62. 02 
He CHC Os) on keLvousi bl CAE DOM ALE) sys eee ec ee ee ere eee | at . 20 
Mmni(HiCOs)5(manganous)pPiGArLDONate) secsses ees s- ee eee eee eeee ae eee | 45 sly 
SIkOL\GUULKSE ae A GOWN eae Ree SARA AAA me Ongar amenca segccmaan sebduda dad ol 49.95 | 19. 31 

TPotallee ates so news we end eee ee Sie ae ee Ree ee ae 258. 6915 | 100 

2Small amount. 

Pepe er snt er eke. 



No. 28.—Maurice spring. 
L e 

{Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain in a cluster of springs. 
taken May 19, 1901. Temperature on January 8, 1901, was 59.8°C, | 


Sample for mineral analysis 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 8.73; oxygen, 2.46; carbon dioxide (free), 10.58; Carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.27; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of 

Amount of 
: tota water used 
Formula and name. | Banter inorganic | for each 
* material in) determina- 
| solution. tion. 
Sis (GING) San dee Boa CHE ORR OOAE GES GOCE SISS Obie Setar os Poe earee ras 47, 41 16. 91 8, 000 
SOs (Gillan EXC) TEKC HS) SRA coasko sep aeenecadensenoaaosnescsaas 7.80 2.78 4, 000 
HCO= (bicarbonicacid radicle)s:------+-----4-- Slots rales seve Steins | 165 58. 85 100 
3 Op (nITNe AEG ACHE yc Sspaabusussossebdsacsbaeossaspeesusonosas 27 -10 100 
Onn HILCOUSTACIGUraGi Cle) ae as ascension eee yoni cistetere case eseeie } 0008S Eeee eee cee 100 
Om (phosphoric acidsradiGle))ss-e-eecace eee oa eeeree ee ese Mra Ce rn eestsee seer ee 2, 000 
BO, (metaboric acid radicle) (CO) cena nanses 3, 000 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle)......-.-. IWIOMG,-|lsaaacooocdes 3, 000 
WUECGHIOTING)) pee eas. inc anes oclsis 2.58 92 600 
idee (((DiRcraanbaye)) 55 Sete Sunt Aa Oem qe e mse Seana SAS nia mama meester AEKEES leossoccucsan 5, 400 
HE LOCEITVC) Bee etcie Serres oasis vale carer we Sls Sate seateisd auawisseiee seas APIO, lososseooeaue 5, 400 
ary (“iran grag! oilpembaN) 5 sesacsassoseccosspoubecunaoSuosacoscsse -21 07 7,500 
Nirig (MERI ACSC) prs sats seacoast toa clsisieaisieais Sosearscee cece ene 15 05 7,500 
Th (GRIGIO). .ogbebostbpdadooae soetee one ete ace Seen ae Meese suman 45.47 16. 21 2, 000 
Ao (FE Ao ESTUIM) oe Se cere ay Saas 5 sa Si aeis ee ace Selecs Steele see emi eee 4, 82 1.72 2, 000 
LS ((DOUSSSTpIIT)) 6 Le peeeSae Sea SRS SSeS COS eS Serse S Seer ener ere aa meom 1.76 . 63 4, 000 
INS) (GOGMBINN)) He 8 COS Sa ase 6 Sas dee ME eRe a Eee Tae e eR emcee niet | 4.89 1.74 4, 000 
HRTEM GATT) peers See fe ony. Seis co otics et oaae sae sos eae ieee RT ACO ce = sae ees 4, 000 
IMEICY (LMINVOUEMIID) 8 oe ata se serie cae eodeecideea ces eee eee . 061 . 02 500 
ANDIGH 3 eséceceReneeEB eS Ba a Eoe SESE eC Cee ESC aS ase oeteremener ts 280. 4218 TOO sh alee erseetee 
ERG GUUESO TGS terre ot ate ose cre on eee See ee ieee are Me Pep O8so0)s ieee aes 200 
ETT OTe NTN OM mete oye eS ce ae Sa ayn ese seniors ee ee OAM i eee Mane, S33 500 
ONAV CMELE ITC een see eee ac o0 Ne Se lee ine SSE nee ee oe eR eR OD teria reyes eaters 200 
«Small amount. 
| Per cent of 
| tota 
Formula and name. Bane Bek inorganic 
* |material in 
LVLEL CI (@iriresvosonnbbaal Cla Oe (2) \asrseomeceooacr Ee eOoCE suo sO SESE SreonoHe SaneeSenese 0.181 0.06 
LiCl (lithium chloride)......-.. EDTA. COW: erie s er rtets 
KCl (potassium chloride) 3. 36 1. 20 
IexCH (Coahibrrl Cal oratel)) Seba cantoaceaeesece wo coascace eee Te tca cease A aaa S 1.41 50 
KBr (potassium bromide) UBraCe es Risa eae 
Keele (pOtassiumMIOdIde) a5. 22. ae eee ecee ee PTACes || as ee 
RN SOn SOHN SUL PHAate) se cece erin cenek sian ocee cance eee Sees Cae Meee 11.54 4.12 
NOD Ose (SOGLUINMMElAbOrate) es) Seo oS cce/ys clemciei cc lsiee sins ose eee ieee ee (CODE ES Ce rs rot 
CRy (Onn (CRukoi to Oso OCHS) A deen sana sonodooesonaoouerscossEabaoscoussuadoes ADEEKKEH | San ooacunas 
NaNOz eae STN TGE ALC) ae tae arcrcrene ro ce ate cise ee a TSO a ee 537 oll3} 
Sal Os (Reon naihat) | Sass esencded Oscoda Lo sebOneES ce neOR Sor ss eeteL waatonencae | 400122| ete eres 
NETUELC.O) >) ue (SOGLUMEDINCALHOMAte)) se soon cee ceeos hee sence ee cee eee eee 1.82 . 65 
MA GHCO>)5\(mapnesium bicarbonate) sss. 20... en-= oa a ee eee eee aes 29. 02 10.35 
CAGHCOs (calcium) bicarbonate). 22-2222 220 eee se oe se cee ce once ae eeeeenee 184.15 65. 67 
Hae GEL Oa ou (TELLOUS DICATHONATE)) sae ceisio a cals ite el nee eel tole eaten . 67 24 
MiUmnCHCO,)7(manganous bicarbonate) 22-2005 .- 2 aos cee asec n eens 48 sills 
EEO (SLL CAN preemie Merrion oe ee eon ee sete yaw SE Sie eae Jedddasshosonsqqso0 47. 41 16. $1 
ANG Ra ee ene Senda ca JE OR DODO SE SC aR Bae OR ACEE SEC noe dacGL BASEL aonoeouTeneee 280. 4122 100 

a Small amount. 


No. 29.—Dripping spring. 

(Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain. Flows from side of cliff. 
taken May 19, 1901. Temperature on December 13, 1900, was 57.1° C., 
57.8° C.] 

Sample for mineral analysis 
and on January 8, 1901, was 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 8.18; oxygen, 3.93; carbon dioxide (free), 3.86; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.28; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cou of Amount a 

tota water use 

Formula and name. aoa re inorganic | for each 
on. |material in| determina- 

solution. tion. 
SiOen(Silica)): (ee eciscasemem at ce ce eee sees seas ses ee PeeCeeeas 48. 02 17.03 8, 000 
SO (Sulphurictacidtrad icles ssee eee ee eee eee eee eeeeee | 7.64 2.71 4, 000 
HCO> (bicarbonicralcidsra dicle) sees == see eee eee | 165.00 58. 52 100 
INO p (Ganbnal© Evonol TAKGhWOKD) 55 scecaodasucosssenouSoneuss soso sseeseses = | . 22 .08 100 
NOs (nitrousiacidinadi cle) hast ees=— eases ee eee eee eee 00033)|t2s-eeeeeeee 100 
ROM (phosphoricacidwadicle) esse sseen ss eas eee eee eee eeeee . 80 28 2,000 
BO (metaboriciacidrradicle) se s=s =e esas ee ees eee eee ee (@). SUBSeeseeeee 3, 000 
ASO (arsenicacidiradicle) sates sees se eee arene eee eee eee ene eee None. Ee ssseeeeee 3, 000 
Cl (ehlorine) ire nena sae ee eae ees Roe ee ae eee cen ees 2.58 oil 600 
Bre(DrOMAINe) SAGs SSS OS i oe aoe ee eee Mee ae ene aere Trace ss |eeeeeeeeeee 5, 400 
Ti (LOGITIE) eS Saas as si ee ese oe ete ee eee race's |peseeeeeeeae 5, 400 
a (iron and aluminum) aD) 08 7,500 
Mn (manganese) Trace:s | tesa eee 7,500 
Ca (calcium) -...... 45. 97 16. 30 2, 000 
Mg (magnesium) 4. 80 1.70 2, 000 
Ke (potassium) tessa ae BS a eee eee eee ste e ease 1.67 59 4, 000 
INE) (SOT UM) pss cae ee eS ae eae ee eee | 5. 09 1.80 4, 000 
Tei Githivm) esse Ok oe eee oe oe SSS Oo ee coer eine ee ees | Trace: pases 4, 000 
NEG (ammonium) oe se Sie eiaao eee Bape ce cements Seen Seer 010)4)-2eeeeeeeee 500 
POLAT os Yass eA ea Oe Se eae ce eR In oe eee 282. 0203 100 2 eee 
MO tal SOG sje ss cela k Shaieters ele are Ere Seco ee eta 196:50) "| See 200 
JAN) oyob saw aYoyKolehambaaKO ON oR as eo Sooo ncuosesoee socacaesasaes NOM! ])| pase eesceee 500 
OXYeen' TeGuiTed Ss ee Pe cee Sea eee see ee eee eee BP een Seer es SoS 200 
aSmall amount. 
rer Gent of 

Formula and name. ane e inorganic 
* |material in 

INE Cli (ammonium chloride) 2ae=se == see eee eee eee eater ee aen eee eee 0. 030 0. O01 
LiCl Githiumichloride)sss--ese-- esses AMEKEES |S sss ecsoses 
KCla(potassiumyehloride)\- 22a. sa= seco coe ee eee eee een ee Eee eee 3.18 1.13 
Na Gli (sodiumuchloride) =~ <<. <isisec = ke ee eee ee eee Cee ee 157/83 .61 
KBr (potassium bromide) ys2o22e6 ec accesses eee ese eee eee eee Trace: lees ae 
Ki (potassiuny iodide) is sos.h5 25 iets eee eae eee eee eee See ener Traces |S. aera 
INa,SO;7) (Sodium: sulphate) 22225255. . 228 sent sis oe ee ee ee eee 11.30 4.01 
INDB Osi (Sods mM Ctalb Ovaite) eer ere aye cas ee ee (EN loscotosecae 
Ca3ChO2) a1 (Calcium phosphate) sees - eee eee ee eee Eee eee ee ee eee 1.31 ~46 
NaNQs (sodium nitrate) icc. fo26 esse econo eee ee ao aie ee ee eee 30 -l1 
Na NO> (sodium initrite) ees sce ios ccese care eaeocee eee abet aoe eee ees 0005s 22ers 
Nae Os)n(SodimumepleanbOnalte) sen sae eres eee eee eae eae 2, 44 . 86 
Me (HCOs) a maenesinum bicarbonate) ps-—a=--- eset eee ee eee eee eee eae 28. 90 10. 25 
CaCHCO3)s(caleium' bicarbonate) ss---4-eee eee ee eee eee ee eee eee eeeseee 184. 11 65. 28 
Fe(HCOs;)». (ferrous bicarbonate) ..-.-..-. .70 .20 
Mn(HCO3). (manganous bicarbonate) Trace: s2 =" eee 
SOs: (Silicw) ase eeekc ene easicc sce eee ese eee eee eee Ree eee eee Eee 48. 02 17. 03 

Totalsao seabed wees Stee ce Hawa ee ee eke Oe eee see ae eee Sees eeenes 282. 0205 100 

2 Small amount. 


No. 80.—Arch spring. 


{Situated at the base of Hot Springs Mountain, in arch of creek under Central avenue. Sample for 
mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. Temperature December 15, 1900, was 53.9° C., and on January 8, 

1901, was 51.9° C.] : 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.55; oxygen, 3.52; carbon dioxide (free), 5.55; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.27; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of Amount of 
>, ; tota | water used. 
Formula and name. pore ae a inorganic | for each 
* ‘material in) determina- 
solution, tion. 
; ONG: 
SiO, (silica) ....-. pene a es Saja aWians cial Satra Ne lainna meee tsldm eed mets S/sisle aisle 50. 90 18.59 8, 000 
SOA (SED MUTI CraAClOaraAGi Cle) P22 ae Sao sini sa cin ce Sinisisteie’s See oie 7.50 2.74 4,000 
HMOs (DIcaArhoOmicacid Tadicle) joss. 55 s04-.hessen- seess lene sees 157. 50 57.53 100 
NO; err EEG! TENG HONS VSS See Sees es etree See OG e Eee Sen eee 44 16 100 
OTOH TEOUS CIC AGI GLE) fase a sisi msc as ecg nwossioe oe Sta ceeias eis seni *OQO2OU | eemeriase ace 100 
BOA GDROSPHoriclaciG Tad Cle) S254. s2cce Sases eee ws eee aecie = IUREKOGS ISecpeacsaccs 2, 000 
EMEC tADOLIC ACIOMAGICle) ins 2 mee a eecine eos stn eisiasaliaiel= = ele, <i (Oy ecb seemescee 3, 000 
wix0); (GISODIG AOU] ACHOO) si sees e Fs ee eo ses ap scooddepeuseososd IN@uias | Reeesdsaanae 3, 000 
(fh (\GRIGIHING) & . -oseeeeaoseccosinesss cose ner se ensue ouoousceseseacdec 2. 67 Slt 600 
EST (DOING) eee Gon es ose Speer eso Sees BESS Seon ee sacs por onneneesan as AUEXGO} logaaseasnace 5, 400 
2 VHGHMNG)) soSoceocke sess Sununu sae seu seco ouseroenseqeeockerudsace ANNO, |lnpoooseounee 5, 400 
at (Ginein aiaxel Mipusebey hI) ee caaeetoos ce sec coer eeoEoscosuoseaaee Seas 12 . 04 7, 500 
3 ih (GisiGRines@)) ségeeenaceessecdes= onace ene SoS Eon eSUsSEceeeSeREose INES ||Sensodsequce 7, 500 
Sf (GRICIUEIN)) Seapets ease ese sqeeeeee Anessa ee RS nse SO ReeE set areas 43.00 15. 72 2, 000 
no-® (PRs aes) ok abe pod oseaseeeneee sae Se bones op seadbauepEepeanS 4, 92 1.80 2, 000 
Be NRCURSSMITN)) s+ cedas db eabsccosesces ss saa secudeassdeseseacessancsae 1.72 - 63 4, 000 
22 (GOGH) Soc cctescessccccde Se eb5 Se bas soe onescenssoSsesouesDeso5 4.99 1.82 4,000 
Li (inilitotat). J 6 Se sees Be eeS Ren ere Sn Soe SEBS AES OEE RCC EEE nae sare aie YD ed Beacemeee se 4, 000 
SUE, (im O IGN) Baus Sees sees ese ore oceesnesSseeereonees - : Beads sO: Wee esecosuees 500 
Tiga: aes eae wi as Tan eb ee ae Ae | 273.7730 LOO ane eeeeee 
(RobalssOlmdSoe= a= =< 2 5-2 Ret aS ee oe OO E Rn apeee sree MODS OO PEs Mois vaya rercireters 200 
PMUEDELELEETI GU CLGEDINNIVLO MA oyatapearale ens e Hae aieinte ane oasis cis ele See OO Sem Pevseae ss cea ree 500 
MPRA CHISEC CUTE Cateye aatete ah ee etapa ore sie a ae elo rcsnetelewclaeinis ele (nies wie eieeie = | oOo Nenadakosssos 200 
a Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Batieuee inorganic 
* |) material in 
ME Ota MOM NMC OMG) pases ssa er pec sem a ee ace se cet eeayerteite aie ise 0. 033 0.01 
eI iriri Cll OTIG ©) Sms a mee ee ya ee aren Noel wrein see isso nec cine seals racers ee ale 
SACU (RUBSSTIN Cll OGIO) Ae coe Bees ae re ccsbce be eso mbabepoSSSsdnses popesaecereaee 3. 28 1.20 
_ AC (saaiin CallogG G)) epaccebacecessase gece aE ase tHe Ba Seee ese Seee sper eEaeee ese 1.80 65 
Lele (Gag Scisaesl | yo 2) An oan aes neeeeaSeatasesaceorenelesoreococe ESsseAae AUEKOCS lseadncsscese 
MIB CHG LASSLUTIMIOMIGE) 3 222 tee ela 2 ota saini= 2 siaxlssieieicieja semis Sleeascciese seseeeeceeee IUENESS | |Sancoqdeosac 
ey Ore SOCUUMAS MP MALE) ase cise See aie iee Anca att c sicieiveete tee setnae bie ete 11.10 4.05 
Meee) a (SOG INC LAD OLALC)) bases cee isemcnece ena tree cnicioee esos ne eceisieencacae CON es er sade etusa 
BAGG) (Calcium phosphate) sos) sens snc oe Jodeci cise ce see ceeieeoejsmiecis ee Pracey Wane osere 
BENG ACSOCLUIAG ILA LO) ios o ee Sense se oe = mi aels ei = Seeaietirie e pecan cence - 60 22 
PC a (SOCIUNTEMIEDULC) See setae ope clei sen a ee io ein rac ote sasiaaiaaieiae fe nO0305 |e tee ee eee 
MeEIe O72) (sodium picarbonate) sass 05 222 eases ee motos ee techs eee ee! 1.90 .70 
MSGEOC),) j(mMaApMesluny PICALWON ALE) ae aoe a cee t ie plone oe aeece eee seed 29.62 10. 82 
SAGHO.G)) A (CaAlelumybICaLQOUALe ices cise accen i spe se cee ee eee ee easte 174. 16 63. 62 
em GELO.C)7) 5) (LELLOUS PICALDONALC) see cs sna. sea 2 Saeco aac Seen os oose eee .38 .14 
MintGECO>)pi(MHandSANOUS! DIGAT DONATE)! 6 oo 2.7 -'e)s - eae oss mi eisle = winston ic st eeeinw PPT ACOsleputee names 
3G, (GME) eos occa ce Socsol cael betes see Toer eH en Sahar causa meer sete Berea ee 50. 90 18.59 
SRO eres eee rea nye eis eae oe ne leis eh oe ism at ec eeeniecn soca oaeae aelee 273, 7760 100 

aSmall amount, 



No. 31.—Haywood spring. 

[Situated on side of Hot Spring Mountain, near road. 

Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 
Temperature on December 19, 1900, was 51.4° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 51.4° C.]_ 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.98; oxygen, 2.21; carbon dioxide (free), 14.75; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.45; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

| Per cont of| Amount of 
tota water used 
Formula and name. pats ae inorganic | for each 
* |materialin | determina- 
solution. tion. 
BIOs (SiliGar naar nets Sarees oleae A in ls en cea ee 47. 40 17.04 8, 000 
SOM(Sulphuriciacidtradicle) ss: ee eee nea eee ere eee 8.78 3.16 4, 000 
iC On(bicarboniciacideradi cle) tase eesss eee ene pe eee eae 162. 00 58. 22 100 
INO. Cautnele Eyerl nEVGhONS) — Oncs eh sasascnnscasdassaccousasdesaoncss5c 34 514 100 
INOs((aitrouslacidkradicle) eee eens eee eee ee eee ener 0008): ca eereaes 100 
POR (phosphoriciacid’radicle)ee-tee ste rete ee eee ree Eee eee eee AMIEVORs Wescossaccens 2, 000 
BO anetaborcacicbradicle)eass sess eee sere ee eee eee eeeeee (a) See ees 3, 000 
A\sOm(argeni Clacidsradicle) seas teseen ae Pere en ee eer eere INOT€ a Seeeeeee eres 3, 000 
GE (Gillan) oo seas socud enn suansddacosudesaduquasssoooundsasesdes 2. 67 . 96 600 
Bre (DLOMIMNe) cesar sees e ese eee Seen eee eee mene ae beeen AMEN KES Scoscancesos 5, 400 
TE GOGING) UES Sea PS ei asic beter apalsie et eleva sertetet eee DTACE LG Eee RaceeEee 5, 400 
aa @roniandlalum ini) pease eeae eee eee rere eee cee 19 07 7, 500 
Mmn(mamnganese) isso cscs 2b) ssectGeratis ose mie clei seretneieite ae sle ee 25 . 09 | 7, 500 
Or (er neh bhaa) eee Dee ee nemo ornemauc oes a Sain aA a mamea ae 45, 45 16. 34 | 2,000 
Nie Gui yeaeVesilbh in) phat ea eseveroEpeene coaonodsouaadde asec sanecse bce 4,72 1.70 | 2, 000 
IKE (DO LASSI) eid 5s) tee scp e ais See eeeys clasts orale ctateve neler iets rere efectos Seetere obs 1. 65 - 60 | 4, 000 
Nai (SOGMUM) sa ineeiae sas eels eles ees sia Se see ee See eee eee 4.69 1.68 | 4,000 
Teak CMGI eee saem creme oes ee Serres ee reer races eee ee eeres 4, 000 
NH, (ammonium) . 042 02 500 
TRO GA yee eS ape IR TO eta as eee eS VES pe Ie pS 278. 1828 WOO MW ae Saas eceras 
PotalisOldser woke ese ste esa sewn cea weiss yee aie ee iene meres 199500200) Sse ese 200 
JM oyoboowbavoy ol Ghanian when Soe agousassas secon onsocnancasconokeEasoss SOLD Gy | Seen 500 
ORY EE TEGUITE Osea ae ce sete wie ore Cees hae cero eetepee te els tomaere @BD: prea eeeeee 200 
«Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Faris pel inorganic 
* \material in 
NEV Ci(ammoniumichloride)peecses scenes eeeee see eae e eee eee eee eee 0.125 0. 04 
DAKO Gbiidonkohanerc clonal: aereancmeeRearaoe ana ae sore sSenanGaterseScacadas Sacic ADENOOS lssocosecccos 
KCI (potassiumyChlonide) berms 5 vice ee eects eee ee enon eee rere ee eee 3.15 1.13 
Na Gl (Sodium: chloride) see Ge seca sere cee [opera arava fale Sate ote ayes aia ee 1.80 . 65 
K:BreCpotassiumynroml Ge) reeeeeen eee ccs seco eee Meee ane es are ee eee Trace? lao ssaaenecee 
Keli (potassivmaodide) eyo eee a aie St se ne Ree nner fees ree Eee Ab ENC WeGrososedees 
NassO4:(sodium'ysul phate) ses ase. aes eas ei ee Se eae aires te erate 11. 87 4.27 
Me SOm(maenesiumesulphate) see sceeeeeee eee eter eee eee eee eee eer .95 84 
Na BOs (Sodiumimetaborate) eee. soos seer se eeeee ee eee eee aes ae eae (®) SMI eee see 
@ag(BOnou(calciumiyphosphate) ia esses se cte ee e eee eee ae eee AMENO@s lsscoossasse5 
NaNOsi(sodiuminitrate) 25. S bacon csaeer ace tence ease eee eee aaa e cere -A7 ollz 
NaNO> (sodiumuritrite) sci. s.c62 oes eho nine ae One een eee ete eet ees 0012)|2 2 aaa 
Mis (HCO;)> GQnagnesium bicarbonate) 2955222. .4s2 sss sare Eber eee ree eee 27.27 9. 80 
CachiCOs)s\(calecium bicarbonate) == -secsen-eeseen ee eee eee ee eee een seee eae 184. 07 66.18 
Mn(HCO3)>(manganous bicarbonate). ----—--- Mee <2 eee oan ee eee 81 2) 
ALcOey @erricioxide and ialumin a) ieee nese eee eee ee eee ee reee 727 09 
Si@aiGsilica, yo et eaters gah oS eae 1 geo le ya ee van eran Eat Os 47.40 17.04 
TNO CBS a sie Se a crap ee Ge era So eee ES Sees eT Se eres 278. 1862 100 

aSmall amount. 


No. 32.—John W. Noble spring. 

[Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 

Temperature on December 17, 1900, was 46° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 46.5° C.] 


Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 9.10; oxygen, 3.66; carbon dioxide (free), 8.04; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.47; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

% Per Gout of /Amount of 
: ‘ tota water used 
Formula and name. Baie net inorganic | for each 
* |materialin| determina- 
solution. tion. 
SMM SENG) erates sca ecbigieaeecae = csc ehekemcseebececaceazeeecee 48.27 17.56 8, 000 
SER Sup hUTLelaACldsragiCle) tae. ele) toe. socis oe seein Serie eel 8.29 3. 02 4, 000 
EBGO a (Dicarbonicmacid ragicle) so 45 -e eee ei hascece ccc se 159 57. 84 100 
Re CHIETICACIGeradiGle) as esc m= Sains wee eseie ese sees eee see Rod: 51) 100 
ra EEROUS ACI TACTICS) i= sa jevsr cies ate sa \wistie ores = Se eters we GUUS) oS seoopense 100 
PaaIPHOsPNOLe: acid Tadicle))- 2 --- = jasc ces Saoecsee secs s Sees INBKOO, |lesssosesedos 2, 000 
EPEC VERADOLICIACI GstaG i ClO) eatin ae cece esac Sa ae emesis (ON esas samesoce 3, 000 
PEMA CUNSC MI CLACIOsra CICLO) a. tus scene seen see essence mene ee IN@Me Ss Beas eee 3, 000 
Th GIBNOTERE)), Sg BGS GS See ae a es ere 2.50 91 _ 600 
PIMMGMLOEIUINC) Mere 2b se ee ation Soe adoee aeees one see ease eee RTAC Cre ooeiae seeena 5, 400 
MEIEELETIG ere eee Soe sao as Use ac seca « sem slope ete siaisx een eset AMENGSs- ||soadoqese5ee 5, 400 
He MELO WRAL EMU MAM UTM) jase se ede ects asic is Glee sess ees 19 07 7, 500 
i 2 | EPSTESO)) Wea geen cab ears Se RASC Noe aoe eee Se ee ae ae eee al . 04 7,500 
LD (GEUGITINT)) 22. Segoe e a Se BSee CORSA Hee Ee aCe eee mo ae rrr br aenceaeet 44,75 16. 28 2, 000 
LL ( WOES) Cae See enane soon aad Heese sa Caen OSNee Sees se semeian nerd 4.73 172. 2, 000 
OL CSS) 2 Citpe ees Se eees Sere oe Seer er Stes see eee ane 1.72 63 4, 000 
PE PSC CENT) ee See So ee tees ee LS Se rae eee edi 4,94 1.80 4, 000 
LE METI) 3 Sabb auoaecaeneee aenabeise Soe ete Be ee eer aa eee teen er en TEAC rein tee 4, 000 
[Ely (QIAO OHI). oe ee ea ear Se Se eUee mate eS aS ARE ene eee eae ae . 023 -O1 500 
TaUGE sae cod na es yee DO TEE || SOO ll eet de esesee 
ESOL G Sameer ree eae | at i ae ee meres snes be EARS ZOO TS Perlite Oa ee eet 200 
PRUDENT OLMATMIM OMI As =e cease See eee eisminioes See et ees eeeee ase HOOP er es hoe oie sate 500 
PESaUACIIELEG MING Ceres nents sania = Sie siaicicoe Decle ice aie aise Uo age ees caer tse 200 
aSmall amount. 
Percent of 
Formula and name. or ee inorganic 
* Imaterial in 
Bel Cis (AUNT WIUIMVCHIOLIGS) aessecc ean oe eee ee ees Sates ee en aa ae ee Bere 0. 069 0. 08 
Pei MipMTUTMXCHOLIGeS) he sece sees=r oe sees ee eon essa ae ec a se eeeeeeeeee IMEVOOs esos o6acesec 
RROMG I OCASSIUITEAC Hl OFIC.C) feet ies retest eer Te ae ee RR ee oe Ge IES 3. 28 1.19 
POM SOC TITAN OTIC) ase atta eee caterer Se eee oo ee eee eee eae 1.47 .53 
AS TACO LASSI LOUIE) sree eens Soe sce mee ey ee peta ioe ee RS nae Eracer |Stsemacceeee 
RAMS EASSHUNTUI BL OGLICLE)) pase pes erp ti ny aye etek ene, ae eT, cee Payne eee Bev eo TAC Geyer oe eee 
Be BOA SOLUTES IN [IN eL Ee) eters spare sya Soa tse ole se eS ee ie et Pe See ae 12.27 4.46 
EPEC a (SOCIuUIMeIN 6ba DOLGLE)) sseme cee ace cote ieee ne ok ise rors ee sem ea se ewe (Ojles tilignenaoaooses 
Cees) (caleim: phosphate) is: - 22.22 - anos c et see onene eel elseees cance ADENKCSs ocosdoacsuns 
RENO) mM SOCMUIMETITELALC) ctor ss oe ae ee Ae fh ee css acca Se sea AS eu 47 o Ake 
BEDOYA CSOCLHULITIOML GTI GE) se acer ee arson emer ieeie no Sen sicions oe ee seers OOTOR tieteree errs 
BEAGEO Myx (SodtuMl PICA NOUALEC)-- 220224502. Seisace sae veg. ce hese cee Seectee seen 93 34 
Mish eO,)5 (magnesium bicarbonate))s.-.-2.255 =. 5222 - cee one eas eee 28.47 10. 34 
MABE C2) 51 (Gal CLUIM GOICALDONALC))- sae oo- sete cise esis ee pees teenie 178. 70 64. 93 
Orr FERRI COMIC CPA Gal UME A) Somers ea oe sere cane oe aeons ee eee eae 27 09 
Mn.0, (METRE Onc Chobe Op-clok) pe eeoo dence csbaegedcseseeetaccsencodaacesedcs sll . 06 
“AST. (GIT CITES) eee Bee ORE eSee Gee Henrie areas abe or See Gemce Sear mer me 1.83 . 66 
TE Ue (PG Ce Ee Stes CoG r Be Gers DOC Oe Ce ae I Abe eens Sen ener ye meet 47.32 17. 20 
LSTA ees ane ene ies se as et tS eee he ear ee 275. 2509 100 

3 Small amount. 

No. 33.—Lamar spring. 

{Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19,1901. Tem- 

perature on December 18, 1900, was 48.3° C., and January 8, 1901, was 49.2° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.84; oxygen, 2.82; carbon dioxide (free), 6.36; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 31.15; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount a 
tota water use 
Formula and name. Parts per inorganic | for each 
million. Sos Z 
material in} determina- 
solution. tion. 
siKO ya (ibe) lan Gan ancaaceaDUnone canna oanpacos acocoes acacscanassooasee 49. 60 17.52 8, 000 
SOM (Sulphuriecacidiradi cle) Peeeeres been ea = hee eee eee 8.53 3.01 4,000 
HCO; (bicarponicracidiradicle) ats ee seeee eee eee eee eee 165. 00 58. 29 100 
NO (itriciacid’nadicle) erases snot ee nese ee ee reasons eee eeere Traceza|. eee 100 
INOsi(quitrousiacidinadicle) eceseceseeee eee eee eee eee eee 70013, i eases 100 
ROW (phosphoriciacidiradicle) hashes eee ee eee eee ae eee races || Saeseeeeener 2,000 
BOs (metaboriciacidéradicle) Saassces seen ese See eee eee eee (2). - site saeeeeaete 3, 000 
ASO (arseniciaci dsradicle)ias-ee sas ee eee eee eres e eee nee Noneni 22a seer 3, 000 
Gle(Chlorine) yee ess ine ice Se aoe ee See 2.50 . 88 600 
Bri(Promine) yl ees ek Soe ss ae elses eee eae ae ere eee ees Traces)|Psseeseeeere 5, 400 
1E( Gio bb nis) Rema oe suseceacaanopnee ce doseoraponnacasucouasaansbonooese racels|See=seeeeeee 5, 400 
Apron andtaluminum) ses ase ae ase ee eee eee es eee | E22 08 7,500 
Mn (manganese) 15 05 7,500 
Car(Caleiim) Sas ceeeos ge em ieee eee ae cae set eee eee 45, 94 16, 23 2,000 
Mg (magnesium) 4.80 1.70 2, 000 
Kei (potassium) 2a eee esas eee 1.68 09 4,000 
ING (Gobbi) ose cose esa sboansesccoennessesnocusesoe oaaDeosessootos 4, 65 1. 64 4,000. 
IG Qui aVEODIN)) Sec coneen ees ope soe ab cUsbESudannoEncS scseanasuoaaasse Tra ce- || eae 4, 000 
NE (ammonium)) 245sss cece sects ees cae eee nee eerie eee ae . 042 -O1 500 
Totaleas.3 sek Seine tags sae aisle ole Sale eee s ee eee eee eee 283. 1183 100-3 Ee oeeeeees 
Total SOldS Sens dase Hee iS eae See ee eee Oe ee ae eee 202;,50)53 |Eeeeeeeeeee 200 
Albuminoidlammoniateessees-ee essen ee eee eee eee ee eee 30225: | S3as eee nee 500 
ORY EM LEC WILE Gea sate es ee ceo eee Berea aan ae eraser ae O50 7 Soe aemnseeeee 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Pare nes inorganic 
* |material in 
NEG Cli(ammoninmichlonide) misses seen sees eee eee eee eee 0.125 0. 04 
LAG Cithiumechloride) se ses cose cece aeeeene eecisen meee ce eee ee eee Trace? | \-seeseeee 
KCli(potassiumy chil onid €) Beeesccrecr ee ee esee eee eee ee ee eeee eee eee eee 3. 20 iS 
IN@ Cli(Sodiumi chloride) Me eeae ces occa ee seals to eee ee eee eee 1.48 52 
KBr (potassiumibromid e)\saeece= escent eaeeece ne sae eee eee aeee eee eee eee Trace: \|i2lsescceee 
Kis (potassiumis odid €) Aiea ase ioe eke eee teense eee eee eee eee ee Trace? |2aaeeeeee 
NaosOe (Sodiumsulphate) occ ies sae see ce cieie i see sae ee eee 12. 55 4.43 
MeSO,;(magnesium' sulphate) 2252 842 -csasccs sees aes Sees eee ee eee 06 02 
NaBO>s (sodiumpm etaborate) oso 5- <a cee saree iatec lees eeaee ieee eee (Ga allesabasas sete 
Caz (ROD)o. (calciumiphosphate) eee. se se a ae see eee eee eee (tae pence ees 
Na NOs: (SodiUM Mitrate)) 25 S552 sone ese dee aces e cis Someta ee Reon eee Trace. |\Gs5seseeee 
NaN Os:(Sodium™nitrite)) 122 8s2s se ene scec ete ene eee eee eee ee eee 0019: ) 52-522 ee 
Me (HCO3)>s\ (magnesium! bicarbonate) ee s=s22 e642 22 aseee eee eee eee 28. 84 10.19 
Ca(HiCO>)5:¢calcitum bicarbonate) 225222226. seca eae eee eee eee 186. 08 65. 73 
He (EHCO:)> (ferrous) bicarbonate) —-osssseciee eee aaa eee ee eee . 70 .25 
Mn (HCO:;), Gnanganous) bicarbonate) p--cess ce saee eee eee eee et eee eee eeeECeeeee 48 aN 
SiOs <(SUIEa) see ae ne hoee ee sa hobs t es Seise cee seo a ene a eee POSE eee eee EEE 49. 60 17. 52 
Totals sees socide nce d Se was ecg des oh CSS ee ee ee eee 283. 1169 100 

aSmall amount, 


No. 34.—H. W. Wiley spring. 

{Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 

Temperature on December 20, 1900, was 47.9° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 47.38° C.] 


Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 10.34; oxygen, 2.07; carbon dioxide (free), 11.40; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.46; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of 

Amount of 

total water used 
Formula and name. Feuer inorganic | for each 
* |materialin) determina- 
solution. tion. 
kha (SUC) eeeeme aaa au sa iceia cnc cee te Suisse ees cle ci cmasie abe euneme 46. 90 16. 82 8, 000 
PeMM SUP MEE CrCl GiradiCle) ere nes scee ence ae oc nee cee eee 8.08 2.90 4, 000 
BCOs(bicarboneiacid: radicle)) sie 2.252. cis s25,c aise soe see stoning 163. 50 58.73 | 100 
Qe (TTA GX ONG | eK ITO) ers ae re Ie i rane aera Mraeehn aguas ces | 100 
NOs, (nitrous acid radicle) SWIG: Soseeseasucs 100 
HOmphosphoriciacidiradicle)\: sj. 22. 22 secs net nce ee Mate ees ose MrACC rs Races uae i 2, 000 
Wen (inetaporicacideradi cle) sens ome. saecce ease eect reuce Mest (See eee | 3, 000 
PESO a (AESCOICACIOMTraAGIGle) cs oeae -mneeesatecn ce ease me eeee meced INO MESS socodouboce 3, 000 
el (GHIGHING)) . ceed abeedeeseee seaees Gee Be Se ee S Ey ee mere eens nse 2.67 OO) 600 
BE SEI (PAE COEXUUTY ES) pose Serseys eta aieicte 2) Sy \niee (os anie ime 2 sta/ sys vale wisi eeiegs ele EIse ciara ANNOY |ouAcsaaneesa 5, 400 
NEON C) Peer eee ee aerienshe aun cee cise ae hes onions sumone seater AMEN GKER| Ma ara eels dae s 5, 400 
nar RO MEAT Geer UNMTM UI) sere ee ieee a aete ree eeeoe esr cs 24 09 7, 500 
VEN (HELTER DINCSE)) bene yrs nt crac eee Saracen seis arate loicieversicie he eae NSE Slo 04 01 7,500 
CARL. (CPAN OTN UIE) Se Le sR oer le te SH Ie 45, 68 16. 42 2,000 
Ear (TA CSINITIN Se pstee a Sse AS ere eh oyaeinece cig Scere else nessa sini @ 4.73 1.70 2, 000 
PANO LASSINININ) poeesavorst eee acre ei aire sean censors asielsies ere seen 1.69 61 4,000 
INS) (ROG UINEUTINY S = hee eis re ea eos at ce aI eae ee aa OR eee 4. 84 1.74 4,000 
LAC (OST cron) ee eee ITA Cee pie ee ese 4, 000 
REN (AMMIMNOUMIVIMN) erase. he era tecise dba ncinnncloeetie conse EAS ee . 045 02 500 
SING EEY | Sea es ane eR Eat NES NS RRR OPTI Sea a ee ee 278. 4166 LOOM arth Sota ashes 
PROG AUESOMO See memee mieten te soe Ore nce eyo Me ciees ae Sie eee cee eee LOG Tera sts sanee ee Ser or 
PALIT OIA OMIA 7 Sass see cee ere see once os ene esse eee eA OM ited eek ees ope eect 500 
ORS OH HEGINNeO! Coo sdottoscencodeussceoRsec cs sonarcaaasnne nasser HOO) illanes copoeaen 200 
a Small amount. 
Per cout of 
Formula and name. eas inorganic 
* | material in 
NEY Ci (ammoniumychlorid e) ee c7oaa2 ats 52 ese risloe ceicis tre ine neice en sees 0.133 0.05 
JL OAt (8 ny) a Bia ay aud Varn ES ee asc ie ce el ae Se A a sn ae rts ETA Cy) enlaces on 
RSP OCASSEUTTIAC I OTIC Eee ys ea ee ae ST Bee Tt i ee aR aa ee 3. 22 1.15 
ROM (SOMME CHI OLLGG) heres cere seer eee eee Sem a ee eset eee 1.73 . 62 
HAGE (DO LASSIE KOMIIG C)) eels Sepia esis ee eee ss ere ea tee See ae MERE Trace hie: ce ents 
SIE GPOLASSININISIOCIGE) eee tee MER ee mee ao eee Dee noe es eeu men As PNA Ce! lass eens 
cio She (SOCUUMMAS DUD MA EC) teres ye ereitynere eee eee ee en er RIG eR Oe Re Ce 11.96 4.29 
NOE One (SOMITE CTADOLATE) cer, sees mic cs cee ie Cae ee eee eae ae BIO ilies Wines eae 
Get GE. Oyayon (CAICIUMoPNOSpP Hate) cise eee ee eee eee Mea oee ere Nem he TTaAG eu | eee ata 
NDC) ex((SOGIUINT WtT ACE) Meee ae ae ae ee eae ace eel eisie eos acpi Oe ieee IPA Geers isceeosas 
BEDE O on (SOGIMIMENT ERIC) Peet Se ore ei eeeicys yest eas Season Ite nieas sree cote oe al eN BOO 24 Ee eoeaaee 
MET GEL >) A (SOCIUIMADIGATHONATC) Ets se eee cen ne eke e aes ao Soe neem ens 1.02 .37 
MrGHCO>) 5 (magnesium bicarbonate)! . 22... 88-8 esc helene anaes etre 28.47 10. 23 
CacHce-7) (calcium: bicarbonate): 22 eas aes eee eee ce oe oe eee 184. 60 66, 27 
mcr Gexricoxideyand alli a) eee epee etre iste arse ae ee lereee or  eteeels 384 12 
Mine MiManieanocnan can Cloxide)) sce se = eee ess sere ico ee re ue et ris 05 02 
TA SOe (GN ITI WOR) C noce bceucoe seooee coobesocosaanonoeodE cossoUesoucdunoe 29 -10 
Sig, (GUC S Bie cecice Sa jae eo SAC CE CMOS AROSE mane mete amine Nach aenimy ass ye 46.75 16.78 
TTGSEL oie hele an 9. ee ON aE art trae aE Ee MeN ea 278, 5654 | 100 

aSmall amount. 

S. Doc. 282 5 


No. 35.—KHd Hardin spring. 

(Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain. 
perature on January 8, 1901, was 438° C.] 

Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 


Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.97; oxygen, 2.76; carbon dioxide (free), 14.20; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.02; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 

total water used 
Formula and name. Faris Le inorganic | -for each 
* |material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 

é 7 CRC 
S155 (StLi Gay) seals cee tere one eons eee ee a ee eee eee 46. 57 16.58 8, 000 
SOA(sulphuricincidiradi cle) ees ae eee eee 7.49 2. 67 4,000 
FIC O24 (bicarbonicacidiradi cle) ps ss sseseeee eee eee eee Eee 165. 00 58. 77 100 
INO (Ganlinare ExerGl saNONONS)) SN ea oe as eas Sasonsncoouodosecebac iL BB} < 47 100 
INO i (nitrousracidoradiCle) kes ere ee ee eee 0013s) Seeaeeeeeete 100 
PON (phosphonicacidsradicle)ssess ne eee eee eee eee | TAC. loser ceeee ee 2, 000 
‘BOn (metaboricracidsradi cle) pease ssa eee eee ee eee eee (8) Sa) Eee 3, 000 
ASO (ATSENI CaCI dwradi cle) assess eae e eo eee eee eee eee eee INV 5555 55sc6cec , 000 
Cli (Chlorine) pss ee ee ee ey See oe Ges oe ae Eee 2.50 .89 600 
Br (DrOMING) Bee as ee cia oc oes toe enieeaee COE ene cert Traces, |betseeeseeee 5, 400 
Hg Gl oYob bays) fimo sence ae eee SR Re eee NES rev Teens Fle es a ah ‘TTA Ce ssl aoe eeeeeee 5, 400 
ait @rontandse laminin) eae ese eee eee ee eee eee a9 07 7,500 
Mars (man gan ee) senascn cashes Ao a ees eer eee eeee eee 20 07 7,500 
Cai(cal cium) ss 3e ee ao See eee eee eee Seen eee 46.32 16. 49 2,000 
Mes (magnesia eee eta ice 2a Pee bee eee eee Pace 4.79 iL Zl 2, 000 
Ke((MOLASSLUIN) Sean aee ak Hie Sees Se emae eee cee ae oe nee eee eae One| -61 4,000 
Nay (SOGIUM)) rls e528 Se ese ee Sie oe noe ee eee eee eens 4. 65 1. 66 4, 000 
is Gith iam) see seers eee ee Bree See ae ee eS ee ee eres | ‘ETacGes eee ee eee 4, 000 
INIA G (am MONIUM)) ee Aa Mee ee eee See eee aoe oe een Seas eee -023 | 01 500 

Po talyac es Sates ase ese Ac le ss ala ois nee rn SE Se etre | 280.7643 LOO? = 2) |e eae 
MNotalisolidssseeseeseee Bs ime AS sin eels Sicha rose ale ee tetera re eee 502 sine eee 200 
JNM oyvborndavoy (ol Ghanian soos ccecseqoee-codauccosousLceeocadasocaccd OLO |e eersseeere 500 
Oxyeenirequired! wives Sie <2 cece Selsey aee rit lees eee 220) false eee 200 

a Small amount. 3 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Bae inorganic 
* | material in 
NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 0. 068 0. 02 
PCW Aithiumiychloride)eaeassese esses <=. SPTACCy.| (Ss eee 
KCl (potassium chloride) 3. 24 1.15 
NaCl (sodiumichloride) 3. fe scsi sine asec cis cee at oe eee eee ee ee eee 1.50 -03 
KBri(potassiumibromide) i222. oo sesee aes cose eee eee beeen eee ee eee eee ee Trace se esas 
Kili (potassiumAodide) ee sce ee WSs Sa ee eicen eet eeciae once eeeer Traces eo =-eaecnene 
NasS@O;i(sodiumisulphate) st: 22s: ones seca eee eeeoae eee ee eee ee ae eae 11.01 3. 92 
MeSOm(@napnesiumisul phate) \S- see tees seers eee eee tear eere ere eee . 06 - 02 
NaiBOsi(sodiumimetaborate)sas4=-)-- een cease eee ee eee se ae eer ean (2): "5 |e Sess 
Caz (2O2)5i(cal cium phosphate) 222 5-2-=2—--- eee eee ears eee eee Traces) 222s Pree 
NaNO: (SodiumMini trate) \eese-ee eee eee eee eee Re eee eee eee Ee aera eee eee 1.82 60 
NaNOsi(Sodiumini trite) gees e522 see ene eee eee tree re eee eee eer eaaaae 0019 |.-......-... 
Mg(HCO3). (magnesium bicarbonate). --..--.---..-------------------=+------- 28.78 10, 24 
Ca(HiCO>)si(calciumibicarbomate) ima. --seere= s-—eree eee eee eae eee 187, 23 66. 65 
AO \ (ferricioxideland)alumin) eeess=e see eee ee ee eee eee Eee eee aeeee Pil .10 
MnO (mangano-mangani Clox1d 6) eae =e sae ane eee eee eee 28 -10 
CaSiO;)(caleciumisiicate) ses s- sere eran enna e eee eee eee eee eer - 26 - 09 
SHO} (GUNES) ) go oes econo coccunasos ee ocscaups SeaSse scse pecoaosasaoaseabessdooséar 46. 44 16.53 
AOE RRA eas sesh Soesacoseesoseandonckoecostcecdass adencdosbosesssenaest 280. 9599 100 

sSmall amount. 


No. 36.—LHisele spring. 

{Situated on the side of Hot Springs Mountain. 

Temperature on December 22, 1900, was 48.9° C. and on January 8, 1901, was 48.8° C.] 


Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 8.61; oxygen, 3.02; carbon dioxide (free), 8.04; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 29.47; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of | Amount of 
. tota water used 
Formula and name. HO inorganic | for each 

* \material in| determina- 

solution. tion. 

SLU 7 (TLD ign cot aatpep ee seSnp aU R OO en aes ne Se oeee Se Ona Sanaa ar acrs nee 48. 84 17.30 8, 000 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle) .....-..-.-. 8.71 3. 08 4, 000 
HCO; (bicarbonic acid radicle) 163.50 57.90 100 
Lite (NRO Genel ie O Re Bese Sash soe scopeuasaoere cea aoseecoaudes 78 . 28 100 
Ol ag CHALOM ACTOS TAI CLE) voir serio nle ase Sasi oeeins ee se See ee es a SUVA escoctaane 100 
On (phosphoriciacid radicle) . -4: 2-2 -- enn ee ne IUENOS’ |Sasessuoooae 2, 000 
BOs (Metaboric 2cid! radicle)- ~~ ~~~. -------- 2-2 ee sense (Ves Ioacobabosess 3, 000 
APA A (USCC ACIGTAGICIC) fieiaziaaes ase esos meine eine fase s foaes NOME Wossedoscssse 3, 000 
EL ((GEIGHING)) cccsiscounadbtcocenoososnecou neonepEoSoaecsecseouseoese 2.58 ols 600 
EMIBUPROUIELIO) me cerieiae mat ae Sees ance ce eels eae mas scee veatiose ness UENCE Neossodaacore 5, 400 
2 HOGUNG) so.scssceesogops sae se cdnogae aopoSseecks Season qecsEaeodooe IMEKEES |lbscubpocsess 5, 400 
AC G@rontan daluminum)) a5. 5--osceece de coe aso neaces saceeecesess 719 .07 7,500 
Lui (ii PMER TERS) oosecc ssocsacevesssenancsoad souceesuEeoseaduepscHS -11 04 7, 500 
Dei (GRIGIO) ¢ saceebacse sen donsapeotcodemp soe aEaaeloSsEoUdebUSnSeac 46.33 16. 41 2, 000 
Lt (Ge ea sot) pedaeeseecose Hause pos BeCOSer SaOro ese Dee See aaneeoe 4.92 1.74 2, 000 
Lo (POS SOuin)) = daa kesecdab acieousesaseoeabedeecns sun Canoe seceoseEeD 1.68 59 4,000 
Na (sodzany) Se INS = et ae i eon Seine nie Se Late weenie e eyayeie sista. 4.70 1.67 4, 000 
Srrg (EGE RUT) re eases tele Slava rato ata oie ini sit cisinis ines le wie - EEE wine IMO |lededsoadenes 4, 000 
2h el, (Gimnminyanii)) Gog Sees qeoaascEeseooEoeeCSEe boos aeseaebesescne . 023 01 500 
IEG Gea epee ee a etre oat oI ete wise wea ous ators a rami S Se 282. 3637 LOO Sean eines caer 
BROMO LORE tee lass ote pares nso alele cine cine arslslafaois/cseinibic. ssleisiegyelsic ee ZO Si ie toeant| Sse Mien Melos 200 
J.J Uae Cheam weno WE eal AER E a ease ene so Scab neE Ree DBecoecoos AUS ettactieoscce 500 
LEAVE: RAC (ENNES |S es Lo daaeconccacnoocnese ununeeospensbbcaenassocguoE aA)! Ssanocandces 200 
2 Small amount. > 


Percent of 

Formula and name. Barer inorganic 
* |material in 

NH,Cl (ammonium chloride) 0. 068 0. 02 
PGi Mithiim chloride) --25 62,8 sa sl Mra cele |teseee nese 
KCl (potassium chloride) 3. 20 1.13 
NACI (Sodium CHlOride) = sje ciies se oe nee ote eco aceon eee een sent eeee 1.70 . 60 
Haba CHOLASSIUNT DEOMI CE) seas mce ane ceeds ee aan ce nen arte tn beb See e cee Bes PTAC Ce peck aie seem 
AWE GEO DACSLET Tp CLIC C)) ierstcpete ears Sees ore caine ee ee Ease eee ieee Sine Ae eee ADT AGe | Peesesone wees 
BED SO a(sodcinmsul phate) paso sae see casa ee eek oe eS ee Se Re 11.50 4.07 
Mose aumiacnesiumr sulphate) .secc- sacs see ose ae teen coeeele soeseeeeeenacieere 1.18 42 
REDE On SOCItiTent CLADOLALC) soccer nace as seis en on ie ieee nue beeen eee ee (Gea eee we ascic 
BAO ne (CALCLUINY P HOSPNALE) sot tata penises ol rite Sein ose Sen Reese ec elinS TPraGes|Pasenc sss ae 
NaNOz peu HULL ALO) sees ssie aes eee cee eae sean soe Sener seee ee ee = 1.07 38 
DO A SOCUUMIEENILEILC) eens moe see seen weet aie cisse ee eioeejed SER cre we cisecertncets VOOLUH acters 
Megha anarnesitim picarbonate): --2s2se2) 25-22 mean co neon ee eee oce 28.18 9.97 
CCAS Oe.) 9 (Calcium: DIcarpOD ate) a... <a. c= eee oe eee caci caer aaseeeeeneees 185. 90 65. 77 
ALoy Gerricioxiderandyalumima)) es cases ssaceseciscemenisee Ga ooreeceis seers 27 10 
Manor (nancano-maneanicioxide)\-. 32-25-2202. ee celeeeces eee eee ee .15 .05 
PaSiO a (CAlClUMMStIIGA LE) Oo accse cisco onan eos aide sass cele el bigseh Smee 1.23 -43 
EVER USP CD Stet leoreiais weiss Sistoin im siaiais 5202 wie ind ote soins sEwie Seen ale seem se csio see cela cis 48. 21 17. 06 
Fer Oa ya Til PO la edie certian 282.6590 | 100 

a Small amount. 


No. 37.—Stevens springs. 

[Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. 


Sample for mineral analysis was taken May 19, 1901. 

Temperature on December 26, 1900, was 52.9° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 52.6° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 10.84; oxygen, 2.17; carbon dioxide (free), 13.64; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per Gent of; Amount of 
: tota water used 
Formula and name. eae ee inorganic | for each 
* |material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 

h ove Os 
SIO py (SUTC) Paveyatalayerstctererstolarelevefarsioresoycrats svovatele ere alatoleieinielstcletictio miners 46, 65 15. 70 8, 000 
SOM(Gulphuricacidtradicle) ee sssse se sseeee sees eee eee eee 15. 78 5.31 4, 000 
FLCO; (biCarbonicacidiradicle) ee cesn se seeeerer see eee 169. 60 57.12 100 
INOF(Miltniclacidiradicle) eceesesse eases asee sees see e eee Trace. “|{s22e8-eeeee 100 
INOpi(Mitrousia cid Tragicle) pease e- eee see sos: eee eee aseeeee neces 30013) |Soseeeeeaces 100 
PO, (phosphoric acid radicle) Trace: |Ssaseescseee 2, 000 
BOs (metaboric acid radicle)...-- (2). ee eee ees 3, 000 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) ......- WOMES |bcccscecasac 3, 000 
Cli¢chlorine): 2 esa asses ake eae ase ciate eres sites aa eaeieees 2. 67 . 90 600 
JSON (OKO MOK) Ee omenpe soos GoRpaS eon soE boo SeBbU A SBeDEEUbocadaganoaG ADENCOs ecosécoccsse 5, 400 
1G (Glorsbha\s) ;obapoHAbheesbasasodadodods ab tonadb oppsoousdosGbocdossopac AUBYCE, |Sccsscoocscs 5, 400 
RG @roniandyaluminuim) peg aeeeee nese eee ease eee eee eee eee 14 05 9, 000 
Mm (manganesel Sessa se oie easter oe See Reece eee 08 03 9, 000 
Cak(caleinm) esc at ate epecisa tac seen sce mie eee ee eee et eae 49. 93 16.80 2, 000 
Mg (Mmaemresium)) Snes secietter eey Sac cee cinin crave coast cu te 5.07 il, Zl 2,000 
Ke|(potassiumy) 3. oa ee te eee aoe teenie oe sees essere sciec 1.76 09 4, 000 
Nai (SOG) pissin She eee See Fal Sa SD eraieais yee eee ee eater 5. 28 1.78 4, 000 
IVAN hyd suub boa trees cakes neta re UR ES ee re eR ep chi Hog G Sate ANEKOES |loodaioccesae 4, 000 
INE (AMMTOMIUMN) Se Is Se See es ce eae cress ore selsie elon eer seaiele . 036 OL 500 

MRO Hectares Acar aan et ataNr ena Seon Sain ame nel 296. 9973 LOO. os ea eee 
MO bale SOLLG Sees ieee a eae a A REGIS Re CIs SS AN ye CL 213) a) | Sete 100 
ANN oyohanbayonchAyamanvey dese So Sop dad dossaduacosoducedaissssandcusdesde NOLS yyleS eee 500 
OXY SEMIS UTS a ee Ra ET Lee Cae oe eel ae vara bates Mies NA eae Ble AQ: i eee 200 
Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. eee ee inorganic 
~~—* | material in 
0. 107 0. 04 
ANGKGGs | -Soaccosess 
3.35 1.13 
1.67 - 56 
Dra Ges |ie aa Sees 
Traces |i sseeeeeree 
14, 25 4.80 
Ua Gl 2.59 
INaABOs (Sodiumuameta borate) seetceceses sees seer a eeb eee see haere serene (8) °° See eee 
Cas (BOD) on(calcimmi\phosphate) sess seeeeea= tetas ee eee eee eseae nee ‘DAC eS See eee 
INANGOs(SOdiumiuemntitratey) 2 sou ne semana iio Oeeeee eee emecisee eer eae ce eee eere Tr alGe ts | aa aeee eee 
INEUNOD (Co hibtoo\r abhi) Ssooseoossedondoseeudesscoss ooo coe ses spas oceueatsecesne 0020) eeace eee 
Me GC O3)>-Gnaenesiumibicarbonate)aenesctesseeces eneeeee reese ae eeee 21.13 Cota 
= 9 ‘ 
iMcony (ferric oxide ‘aud‘altimnina). vic coke =) eee ee eee ae Bre 
Mn;O,4 (mangano-manganic oxide) ell . 04 
@aSi1O3 (calcium silicate) 22222-2222 see eee eaeeeeee 29 09 
SHO)y ((GITE)) Socdcossoceae aa siciSie SSGIRRIS/ Oe oars ESTOS SS Se Se eee ee 46.50 15.65 
LROIEN ee SoascenbnoloLeUeonsaee uctancdnaspooSduaasobEsdoogdoosaDasoaceeses 297. 1290 100 

a Small amount. 


No. 38.—Horse Shoe spring. 


[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain, under Horse Shoe bath house. Sample for mineral 

analysis taken May 19, 1901. 
1901, was 59.8° C.] 

Temperature on December 27, 1900, was 58.8° C., and on January 8, 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.54; oxygen, 2.46; carbon dioxide (free), 10.02; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.84; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

aSmall amount. 

Per cent of |Amount of 
total water used 

Formula and name. Bare er inorganic | for each 
* |materialin! determina- 
solution. Ones 

SiO» (silica) ....... senso oD odadoaedoshseSesanemoSsuasnonssoasacesecs 49.81 17.14 8, 000 
SOM CSIP LUT CCICTAGICLO) mere cept. saree oiesiocian (ees eels] le lslsiein cece 7. 86 Ql: 4,000 
ECO ((inenn ror exeare be Kole Oe acs soansesseseneHaeseancarSesosene 171.10 58. 89 100 
iN Dy (HURTS GXSTOL EXC DON) Coa AapSeodoeeseSboCnRe soe eesebases seebes Mracew|eessneeereee 100 
SO (ROS Aiea hI) Ga B ea oege saenee eo se onSc BeBe ens cneeeereas AWUO ea Soactakaas 100 
OPH HOSPHOLIGIMACICcrAGICIC) = acess ee seco l= ee wicteiaisie -lnin i= Rracely Restate: 2,000 
LAO (TST oe Gl ibs) Aaa snanse coseboseoooseneEupoceseneaase (yee calessehsaascec 3, 000 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) IN@UIGS ecbseeonecus 3, 000 
Cl (chlorine) 2.50 . 86 600 
Br (bromine) (rae | aaete sass 5, 400 
NE GOGING) fseao cs. S25 c woe se esses UUEKOSS lossesescanse 5, 400 
Fe\ (ron and aluminum) 26 09 9, 000 
LUG: (TROINEMTOSO) ecesaduaes seasueas soe da cHouepesooronceeesesesousde 27 09 9, 000 
Cay (Grier) 60k ses pease cousan GUS O Bs eeeCeT eS VECe ere Searels emeemerinns 46. 61 16. 05 2,000 
LL (TDG@GINESNTIN)), 55 e5dedod sac baconosnboceccHeeeboesossaane sacar eee 5. 07 1.74 2,000 
AGH O LASSEN) Saar sae oe os seen aan cee cinemas cis ais ee haisseciece 1.60 55 4,000 
Fea (ROCHA) Ren asiem ee Ceres eee iae see ce ae ere ete ce mie Spe eieseyae 5. 42 1.87 4, 000 
TT) (MU MIDUE)) GUST Sos cded Sees See ce ae Se eae ee eraenteT .. . eee praees DTACCH oeeeeeiieeee 4, 000 
NEE (RIVET O MVE) er ane cic eeiccls - cies ce Seajcieis sivicis seine sisie sso senies . 030 -O1 500 
LGA de saceadNease soee sey ROH Bos Sate SOR SAa SOE REE uOS SAR AaRae 290.5305 LOOMS sees 
Teal! ROUGE Ss bee aa Se SSS e ec aaenEe Cees ace eee eetsadeeanersc4 oon ea) Men momte a 100 
Albuminoid ammonia OOS ARS ics 500 
MEG OC HEMe OMe Osan esas oo Seeman aes Sages bese e Og a HER OO hans lRederseteins atte 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 
- tota 

Formula and name. Batis De! inorganic 
* |materialin 

RE CU CaImImMoOniIMCMlOLIG6)\a- escheat cai sae eee nee ene e a eemence 0.090 0.03 
ros (nphiamyehloride) esses paces see ees ar el Sao eee Le ae er eee AW EK | Persea onaSss 
RAG Gp OEASSIIIME CHUL OLIGC) eoteat seen sete see es ieee eee etic eRe seo 3.05 1.05 
EO a (SOM TIETANCHILOLIG OC) eet Seno ue Ee Ene ei Cee aby en ENS 1.63 - 56 
RGB ra GVOCASSIUTMN COMIC) ase ire =o) 5s 5 etieyetctoe siora cree arctan ie eyes etic cielo le TAGE. ieee aaa 
RAIS PO LASSI OCI) fecteee Mena s ter eee ieee sei conics on emia eeen epee ces ET ACC SN Resa easy 
Reo On (sodimisulphate)s-asne eres ecces 2a) teense eae ees eeae ee meee aeele 11. 63 4.00 
RENO a (SOCUINS IM CtaDOraAbe) oes ees geo ee cee ee ee hiseicees Ge (GRY eee eee 
MAGE Oyo (Calcinm pNOSphate) = ee. Sess see eee Se eee ach see ee eee tee UDENCOS Seb ooeeosoce 
EDIT OF SCIEN EUTLTALLE) ec cee ete mee eee cere gs ye eh he eee iat Praces-|Rewkee aes 
BEUNO) (SOGI UIMTCTILO) pelt eee eGies cia sae eam oe ramet ois te eicice lee Dee eecce SW Oe | Saseqcccoses 
pt GEC O)2) | (SOMIMM!DICATDOMALE) ioe ete ae es 2) foetal eee eileen = ecto nice 3.68 1.27 
Mo CHOO>) > (MmagiesiumibicarbOnate) a... --- = 2-seee ene eee ies eeeisecesine 30. 52 10. 50 
COACH COs) 7 (Calciim: blcanbOnate) os42 2s 5 ace 5 sae oee ences eee cee ee eel 188.77 64. 96 
HE CHO Oni LErLOus; DICALDON AC) ia 2— ase ose os eee ees aos eeee e es acetal: sey sali 
PEGE C O2)7i MAN SAanoOus) DICALHONATC)|2—.\- 3) late aisle aloo eis ee ie eineee = oe 87 30 
neo), (@exrricioxide/andyalwmimay sree Soret See aye een teen eto 323 - 08 
SH g, (RUNG Sse ch ale Se ae ere sche Ee et eens ertiag C= Nae RI en Me 49, 81 17.14 

PRG Geter a ae ae nae ale aoa ree rnin lane os slo eae been See pee ee eteciate 290. 6008 100 


No. 39.—Army and Navy spring. 

{Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19,1901. Tem- 
perature on December 28, 1900, was 61.4° C., and January 8, 1901, was 61.4° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.70; oxygen, 2.37; carbon dioxide (free), 17; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 
total water used 

Parts per | ; - 
Formula and name. ae inorganic | for each 
million. material in | determina- 
solution. tion. 

; , exc: 
SIOoi(SULLCS)) ealevaralataiolaialaleialeletstalefelersieyejsinreielcisleveielelersiaeerseeee Green een ret 50. 51 17.12 8, 000 
SOm(sulphurieiacidinadi cle) S3sssee ee eee eee ee See eee ee ee eeeces 9.41 3.19 4, 000 
ECO (bicarbonicwacidireadicle) seesssereee eee eee cea eee eee eee 169. 60 57. 52 100 
INO} (Mitriciacidiradi Cle) eamass ear eEee ese eeee eee eae e nears 1.33 - . 45 100 
INOs|(Mitirousiacid madi Cle) acre. e teers ecese ce eee ee cee £0030)|S-acesee ae 100 
ROM(phosphoricacidiradicle) ieee) = eee eee eee ee see eee eee eee Drace:) | pasceeeceeee 2, 000 
BOn(metaboriciacidiradicle) Stee sae ee eee eee eee eee eee (8): 2s) si See eee eee 3, 000 
ASO (arsenicracidsradicle) eeesssce seco eet eee eee eaee eee eee eeeee INONG ss |eeeeeeeeeeee 8, 000 
Cll Chlorine) isa hese saeco sees oo hate ene eae Dene e cee oeee 3.33 1.18 600 
Br (OTOMINE) cee cece see mae seen See eet ee ease ee eee eet eeere AMENEES Saccosecsccs 5, 400 
(COMIN E) nesses Sei io sereeenis aoe meee oase Se EEE Dink eae nema eee Trace..|_csssesseees 5, 400 
rt Gironvandialuminum)) ee -eeeeeee ee eee eee eee ee eee eee ee .28 -10 9,000 
Mna(manganese)!s2isc2 scars oseceees meee eee eee eo ae eeecee .14 - 05 9,000 
Cas(cal cium) pe ceac tose nese ena ae eee nace een ee eee ee 47.11 15. 98 2,000 
Mie (Mmaenesium) aac s52te se ose e sees eet ere siete Meee rene 5,14 1.74 2,000 
IKE (MOLASSIUIM) oo oe ck as see se cine Sew Sem o/s sols bieiede seems ole ie eeeioee 1.93 . 65 4,000 
ING i(SOGMUM) Bee sa eeeees ca Sue Seecis See ae cee Eee een ae eee 5.98 2.03 4, 000 
DEL PGE TUT) ie ea es SPs Cie ee eae eee ete roa Rracer |eneseeeseees 4,000 
NUE, (AMMONIUM) sss se oie ss sissola eels aces meineesineercne . 111 . 04 500 

MO tae] oc eae ae a ara ST eo ee eee ae rae 294. 8740 LOO! ="5| Ssacceeeeoae 
NotaliSOWAS sesSses ease epeioeks See TNS ene SSE ee ee eee 210. ae 100 
Al buminoidlammoniaeeteec seco ses Cece eee ae ee eee 070: Se oseeeaeece 500 
OxyPenerequined reas crcas acer ceee tee Pee CN el eR eet bs Ae es UY Ree SY AOR Nees eeenys anes 200 

2 Small amount. 
Per cent of 
b tota. 
Formula and name. Fare inorganic 
* |material in 
NEL Cli(ammoniumichloride)jes.a-seee cee eeeeee eee eere cre eernet nor nen E lene 
iC (ithiumschloride)esasssee so soce ce ce meee Cee eee eee eee ae ee 
KCli(potassiumich| oride) sass. ssseee-eeee ee eeene eee eee eer eeee ee eaeeeeeeeeee 
NaCli(Sodimmxchloride) cteccisecece eee ee ee eee eee eee eee ene 
K-Bri (potassium bromide) G42 see eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eeares 
KL) (potassium A0di1de) ha Se. ok kite ses wee ae eo ee ae ee eee Cae eee 
NasSO,- (Sodiumssnlphate)iice fo. o se cancer CeCe cen C nee eee eee ee eee 
Na BOoi(sodiumimetalboraite) pass. sooner Oat eee een nee Eee enone eee eae 
Ca; (BO,)a;(Calclumiuphosphatel ss: cess neee hese ceee enon eee eeeeeeee eee eeeee eee 
NaN@s (Sodium: nitrate) goesetiseece scores eee see ec iiee Seer eee eee eee eee eee 
NaNOsi(sodium: nitrite) .s.stscceoscece saneiss eens eee eee oe ae eee ee eee 
Nai (EC O3) 5 (Sodium! bicarbonate) sase-ee-ceee seceee eee ese eee eee eeee 
Me (HCO); G@nagnesiumilbi carbonate) sacenceeesesse eee aeeiee eee ee eee aetna 
Ca (HC Os) s*(caleiumibicarbonate)\ssseeeeee ee eeeeee eee ee eee Eee eee eee 
moe (ferncioxideiand alumina) et seeeeseeecee et eee eee e eee eee eae 
ANTira sO gs (CID HTN ATO =100. 71 ATT CLO Kl CLO) Reese a oe 
CaSiOg (calcium! silicate) esse sae sess Soe ee no eee eee eee tees 
SiQs '(SUICH) serie cieewsiene seen csi ec ses isieiscieniecl ee eee eee cere oor ererr ar 
Totals ore Sse Sees ce ae eS eye Sie ee ks SE eee Dees 

aSmall amount. 



No. 40.—W. J. Little spring. 

[Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

perature on December 31, 1900, was 48.9° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 48.9° C.] 



Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure) .— 
Nitrogen, 9.18; oxygen, 2.98; carbon dioxide (free), 14.20; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.02; hydrogen sulphide, none. 


Per cont of| Amount of 
aes ae tota water used 
Formula and name. Paria! inorganic | for each 

* |materialin| determina- 

solution. tion. 

; Cue: 
SRP USE LTGS2) a tetatas istalalela ln vataleraiaicieiatajeicte icisiye osroia wise alererata cis siererere eitvaisies<i> 45. 73 8, 000 
Sera (SHED MITIG ACTA TAGICIO) eases oes eles sissies Soe isieiaia sisieie(eisisiel= aisiasi= 7.76 4,000 
HOO (bicarhbonie’ acid: TAGiCle) | sjaeeeee --osietnll = we = spells ene 163.50 100 
NO3 nee ACICOLACMICIS) ree ie sa esiais eis sta Naren o sisinite eigieinisle aeieieieee Trace. 100 
Oo CHUGEOUSTACIOOTA GICIE) aca er- veeiase n~ s-1o= stesic siasisie nisivinieieiejne cisinlese . 0010 100 
PO, (phosphoric acid radicle) Trace 2,000 
BO, (metaboric acid radicle)........-.- (2) 3, 000 
Or A VESCIN CIA CI OALAGIGlG) men oecn eters Ssicin teree so we retin gies ceeiereie None 3, 000 
CL (GIGS) See ee B eR RSS Ee BSS BOD SESS SEE Eee ne eee eee ere 2.67 600 
30 CTORDTMI®) Gbapeéestecoosecne DEE EGE: CUSEo DESEO USecee eae aeeree Trace. 5, 400 
BIMRLODER TIT Create secre a aioe ei Penere ites ciole isin wiseSreistatene: O orod wigiinreto sia Trace. 5, 400 
He Girongsr cele UI) eis raye oleae ota sicisie = 2 eiaie cisie soe = <= in sie nies 19 9, 000 
MRE CTT TTI PSNTVCSE) aes e ee Slee ars oo sites si emeeais scic deeisinniste sue aise ee oae Trace 9, 000 
Piston Col GRIBTIN eases areca Sala see Seale eee -Sieieje ses cee oiecieleises selec 45. 43 2, 000 
LUD (GSR MEST) \SeseogeonasesEcasHooeee HoSoSanSeECe SobEeE come neeeae 4. 96 2, 000 
MIO OEASSIUIIN) oreet eta Soe cin ae cease nists ae alaisce ce sciore cess 1.59 4, 000 
ER CS ERE LULEEN et ean te ese Rome aiaioie ais Secon eee ote a one 5. 00 4, 000 
LE (UNIT Us os SSeopesesocel ee osss UESp eee See Re noon neeSeraEnaeer Trace. 4, 000 
PG E-Berg (OLEYUTED C)IMUUETIN) otayeve se sialerernici lor er cleveie\aie wisve-s siere oie /eeis cis ce een es 008 500 
Sire eee eee eee he ed i 976) 8300 100 500 
ROLIESOM Sheeran is nat ee aciele ce tis eon fo me atin e eieiebis oe Releistaaaeie GE. CO Neededocsase 100 
ei UMrin OAM MONI = cess ose scaes ace shoe esses cases seeiees C0) 0) eee Bere 500 
Mpay S CHETCC MELO Geers ee tete ne rare ee ae eee eee AU ee Soe oe eee OOF Et Seen Src 200 
2Small amount. 

Per cent of 

‘ total 
Formula and name. Bee inorganic 
* |materialin 


NEC UM (armmonium CMlOvide) Samco esee re ceceee aan siecle sisi slo Seeisieies wee ests 0. 024 0.01 
EGE GUC TUTTE HOGG. GC) Breeracss eretereiareinan eas eecl ie ioe slot eine a ene ones eel omeieiaatueie AMEE ES Soascousus 
RAG HGR ObASSIUITINC MI OLIGC) Besse esa ee eee Orie Sear aE BOS TL Soe eee EE 3.03 1.09 
Bee MCSOC TINUE M1 OLI Ge) easel as seco ie Cae oe oeels Soc eS Meee le seme ese 2.00 Sid) 
ESE EA (POLASSIUTM LOM GC) sare aoe in se cise o rae oe eleceis aie ee ae elae asso eee seuss UBEKOS, Nesgackeedoac 
EAI BOLASSLUIML OIC eC) PF a eee eye Ayaan a orci ars ie eats NI See aye ieee ALEK Koala es Sealy 
BESO m(SOMIUMESU PN Ale) eas aceece re eee a neces ne coe oe Seek cee se pees ise tins 11.48 4.14 
EUS Oy (SOGIENW ME LADOTALC)\o5- gas on sepia ieee er sianaree ni eine ois ices oe cieeeistelsicieisie Wi) 2862) Shea a Ee 
PME O or CACM PNOSPHALE) | sseeck sees eee a a- at anaes he cise ciscieinenisees ioe IDTACE basen eaeeeee 
BESNGY a (SOGUUMMITEEALE) se nseemene nese cose ee eeae cine ase ee Sach esaeene acer erie PTACeH |Easseeeeeres 
PED Orn SOUEUUTIIITII LUGE) ) os en oom ote nis se cicieie cole eS ee oie lea ciis iore 2 sreteict or ntene Sea HOOVES see ae 
BEECH e O>)\n(SOdIUMIDICALDONATC) Ia. s ee cee emer c a noe el eee e eee ere donee 1.79 65 
Me (HCO?)> (magnesium, bicarbonate) i...) 2222253222525 2. 22 obese nebee et see 29. 86 10.78 
CAGHCO?) a (Calcnim bicarbonate))-. 22. sacs cosee ec see ase does seca oeee cee 182. 32 65. 80 
Wr GHCO2)> (mangsanous DicarbOnate) —. 2). = 2 ee «see saiseises sce clsceeecece snes AMES SSeboneedohe 
ALOy GlerriciGxadeandialumild) passant eases Tonos Ses sete aes bene acee sou 10 
CaSiO, (calcium silicate) .... 1.19 43 
TOY SULT CS) eres eepere eae oa ieee acre wie nic bie c cisin es ee bia wie oe ulcteine eters cla aeteiete uk 45.11 16.28 

BRO Aas tetera elo cle sialon is oe cccia es claps Sie ole wisi SEE aia eles iecioeciesle Saye scieme 277. 0755 100 

*Small amount. 


No. 41.—Mud spring. 

Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain, under free bath house. 
taken May 19, 1901. 

Sample for mineral analysis 
Temperature on December 29, 1900, was 46.8° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.14; oxygen, 3.44; carbon dioxide (free), 10.84; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.02; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount oh 
tota water use 
Formula and name. Parts Do inorganic | for each 
* |material in| determina- 
solution. tion. 
SiO, (silica) ..... a Sha le/aysterayaie' avahstavalayeid al aisysiclolaejatelalsclare eile oe roeineyene 52. 30 17. 60 8, 000 
SOM(Sulphuriciacidiradicle)Messss-eeeer ace eerie eee eee eee eee ee IDI )5) 4, 02 4, 000 
HCO (bicarbonicacidiradicle) eas--eereeeeer ere eeneeee er eereeeeee 168.10 56. 58 100 
NO; ee LYets igKobolls) hewcunnaeeadacaoacusbodadacosuaososonoGaus 44 15 100 
NOx (Mitrousierd ragicle)meeeesseseece eter eoeresteeeeeoeee eee eere OURO ee aoocancus- 1€0_ 
ROR (phosphoricwacidhradicle) -eseeeeecee sce eee eeee eee eee eeeeeee ADIEKE@s-|5 soesacoscas 2, 000 
BO dMetaborcacidiradicle) ses sess ee erereee eee eee een eee eenre (3))5 ee eee ene 3, 000 
ASO i(arsenicracidéradicle) pass sree eee eeeeer rere Eerr eee neeee INOUE |lCsaooeaconcc 3, 000 
Cls(CHlOLING) Hara sea SSeS Noes aaee aoe Sees Sse sen eon cleo see ecient 3.17 1,07 609 
IBLES CDLOMILINVE) Ss sos roe Neer eet aoe ioe a hoew ee nee CeCe eee TTA CCS, Sees 5, 400 
TE (UO CULTS) Hates Sip seis ee SN a Sie The ct ARTUR as ey VN Cre AWEKGES | osesocctecos 5, 400 
vA (irontandraluminum) peeesseeeeeee essere ase ee ee eee eee eecere . 29 .10 9, 000 
Ming (man Sanese) ieee mer ametice ies ne eieeciicnitec cenitte eae errs raced |i seers 9, 000 
Ca (Calcium) Siha see ecncac eco sea ae es eae ete eee cee 46.89 15.78 2, 000 
Mio (MAS TEST UM) Stic roe east svercrelee ree cre eee eee ie CR eee mee 5, 22 1.76 2,000 
KS((pOtASSium!) sae aes Bee Moe einen ee eer eC EIEN eee 2.23 .75 4, 000 
IN@:(SOGIUML) A Sens sem cies see sncisne Decism lee Gis see a ace Cece eee 6.49 2.18 4, 000 
D(C TUM) pee ses. Saice ee ses seis daectecet ke ceo naech come hean acre ‘Traces ||S-eeseseee 4, 000 
NIE (AMIN ONL) ee etter ak cheese icine leeixc eee Cee eeiaeoee eer nee - 018 -01 500 
Totalenss Seek eigtee een jae ae e ies mer eenee ea enter 297. 0996 LOO! 9s. ae) Sees 
Total SOLOS sa sspears clatecs sles oie sieinrale sieisiere sie a leeisieeiatets ei ssrseiere el teeeeioe 21600 | Socata 100 
Adib umiinordvamim oni aeeseese sees essen eee eee eee eee eee ee ereeee mb aoa Peel 500 
OXY LEMLEGUITER eae aac oS ane es etal eels ees oetereeiosee 540) Seas 200 
2Small amount. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Pas Nae inorganic 
~ |material in 
NEL Cli(anmmoniumich oride)Rassceeecee creer eee ee CECE EE LE EEe Eee eee eee 0. 053 0.02 
LAGI Githiumvehlorid e) esses acest sme cate ioe Nene ene ee eee eee en eee Traces | Nees sae eee 
KEL (potassiumrchl oride) in stole sees eis ore eletale ecole ee er eee eee ee 4.25 1.43 
NaCli(sodiumichlornde) ps sees oc cen ance se eee neoee eee eee ee een 1.83 . 62 
KBr ((potassiumibromide)wasessa= nese oe eee ee eee eee eee eee Trace ns | ceeseeeee 
KOM (POtassiUMMAOGIM |e) ee Leases See ee eee See ee Ee One See eee Traceitiees eee erere 
NaS Os (Sodimmisull phate) Mae eae2 sa eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 17.30 5.81 
MeSOMGmaenesiumisul phate) ie seas cee ee eee eee eee 588 11 
Na BOse(sodiumi metaborate) sseaane-ao-c eee eee OEE Eee eee eee ener (3) (sheen e eee 
Ca3(PO4). (calcium phosphate) Traces pa-ee corre 
NEMO (Corchh beanie). s6sacossesceaneocescosdscusce . 60 . 20 
IN@iN.Osi(SOGTUMENICTILE) cio ad oe aaa eile steer cin cette eee eee eee 0024" | s. cae aeeeeere 
Me (ELCOs) pn (magnesiumsbicarbonate)ec-ccseeesee se eeeeee eee Lee eee ee eee 31.00 10. 43 
CaGHCO})si(caleium|bicarbonaite) so s-secen eases eee eee eee eee eee eee eee 188. 89 63. 53 
Min(EHiCOs)s\GQnanganousibicanbonate) ees eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eeee Tracen i Naseer 
AOe (erricioxid eandial uri na) sees eee eee ee 42 .14 
CaSiOse(Calciumisilicate) ee eee eee ee .73 5O% 
SiOs(SUCa) sciss Seiwa oiatieieele we cil swicie a oae swe wei eee eee aoe see ieee ince eee 51. 92 17. 46 
Totals toss eseesne Qe bck ce eie Ha dnc eedelnac doce haaeeeeseneneeeeermeneee 297. 3254 100 

aSmall amount. 


No. 42.—Magnesia spring. 

Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain, under{Magnesia bath house. 
ysis taken May 19, 1901. Temperature on January 8, 1901, was 58.3° C.] 


Sample for mineral anal- 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 9.05; oxygen, 2.23; carbon dioxide (free), 13.64; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 30.58; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per cent of | Amount of 
tota water used 
Formula and name. Hers ae inorganic | for each 
* |material in) determina- 
solution. tion. 
Sits (SIGN) scocaddbaasoabocosddeecsoseasaseeces Hoe seneecenBaeencar 49. 63 17. 34 8, 000 
SPP SEE MUTT ACICeTaAdI Cle) haa cise seseecisis celsecictelajssicisisinsesio sete’ 8. 40 2.94 4, 000 
EPG Oa (DICREHONIC ACIGwaAdiCle)) < 52.55. .2seicen cose eine teen ce == 166. 50 58.19 100 
oop (UTC GOT ENG IOIO) — SeoecpososcesocboceoeSHossueuoEso esedsac 44 15 100 
PP PRVEELOUSTACIOSTA GIGI) sacteels seas See eteitis ee fociniss'siei-te later sins sei = SO008h|Rereeeercsee 100 
EO (phosphoric acid radicle).2 52.2222. -< ss sts ieee cee cece see MUTEX lo Sonacansass 2,000 
(ine LADO ACIGUTAGICle) se sa5 oe heen ae =e a= Se eee Se Se (2) ee soanesdons 3, 000 
PSOMaHESeHIC ACIG TAGICIE)) 22255 eos ee cock cet seoemeeceice oem ccie IN@OEs lscessootesce 38, 000 
TL (GICTHIN®) cS 68SGg USGS OSG eee eNO eke Sain See eee ere 2.83 99 600 
LF POMNHT@)) cc ecesgaspagacoudeastekededes sopageoaodoNoooagsecadcans ANEKGE, Sooscaeecede 5, 400 
PMBNU CHET ene eee eye er tees ie cic bios eine tisialseieaia where Sys eye cieistmandys ALNEKOGh, tooosaaseans 5, 400 
att “ SROTR OAT EAT eenTe ge ee .33 sal 9, 000 
uo, (TETTERINGS@). des asasesesastecqnccseuocudseses saeseensnedendesde 07 . 02 9, 000 
SL (GIGI) ape eeetod dase Soe Senge ce AOS eee Ea See ees See eee eee 45. 93 16. 06 2, 000 
MOM GENT SST CSUUTEY) eres atey oes Sein seals eee sie = ee iaeisisien ise oie min wate ee vie cies 5.19 1.81 2, 000 
2 | POUPSSNUMMN)) - -bosnobssccosbonesonuddecopapvoecsabouoaaseeoedsuacs 1.72 60 4,000 
2d: (R@GtibIN)) -seuoaodes cose SCeMeee oe cesoce dae eee ae oaeeaa] Somes 5. 08 1.77 4,000 
2 (ISR le SoS ase ces es bea See SESE ones Seco nE eSB EMESSOReES.. - daees (racers Passes see 4, 000 
J 8). (Gi). 46 6sbeGscneescesseccoscceo7saanssesdopeeesesca5s 058 02 500 
ROLA eae eee aces ieu ce ae since swine cenawaeeecies 286.1788 LOOM Succ eeee emer 
PRS GSU LES) LT Cl Sereda ne areata a foe c| csavela Sepaisicte Srelageis ieiala wievatefeteiciows winiels PAU lent allaces tee aos 100 
A Tn TOGl pin Oe po caaanabasseasecobec Econ canSaereseseesacce INUES |codoconeaue 500 
-EAVGGIN inet Mel, oo da sobecn shee oeadsouaseooescEeouGnoBusaEssange (Sad sssagsccoade 200 
2Small amount. >» Not determined. 
Per cent of 
Formula and name. Bante bet inorganic 
material in 
eet, Ole (CEM OMIM ECHLOLI Geese meee ere eee icl eo ac ean ele ae 0.172 0. 06 
Die Me GiitiumCHIOTIGE)) 27-55 «ats face aiaieelSiaie esas Sale ois sictotysise ee esis ieisiewis sees ARTA CO So Sore sees 
Res RanorasciummecHlOnide) sea. eet sees aces neo iele wanes Sele ae sie eee 3. 28 1.14 
BEA (SOMME M1 OLIGe) eee seen oes cee etna etimieion aise cee miter eee Dena ae 1.91 . 67 
HAE TABOLASSLUMOTOMIGE) errs os saci senate fe saseeecae ea See eceeine oscceceens AROS WS ocostosesos 
RMMGDOETSSIMIMELOGIC Cosas sais risaiarar = nie Setsi= sie oe ee lee esis eiseeme salutes were ays AMENGOS lsoaboaodsocs 
RESO COMMIS LP MALE) aereeinseete cee ser aniee ais teres cise eisai ate liscieeciajsine cs 12, 43 4.34 
NaBO> (sodium metaborate) --.--------- 62-8. eo een enn (OS) teneliesectaacenco 
StAeOr sd) 1 (CCALCiiMm: phosphate)! 2.2.55 ace oe oot eae ere eee eis ostereeioee ALTACE || Reece seer 
NaNOz (sodium nitrate) . 60 21 
NaNO, (sodium nitrite) OOD Stans 
WACHe OA (SOdTUMMpIecaTbOn ate). <4 55.22 escge2 2 -is cie oie Se esiereite ie seeeceetseere . 900 9 1t7/ 
Mia CHeO,)5) (MAN esi bicCaArbonate))s5 220352 sone eis oe cee leieteie oi cepeicie eo ate 31. 24 10. 91 
eagereO).) 5 (Cdl Cium:. b1CAaLDON ALE) o-5-j2 22222 Soemoe sates) se sso -eeeelaeee cs 186. 02 64. 96 
Moy (ernieroxdderan cal minim econ ssa ee roe 48 eil7 
MnO (Msneang-manzaniciOxide).- 5-45-2222 452 -- sacs eeeenaceceeteaccans: .10 04 
On (VED) Bee dced cau ne DEC OD OLE OE ACRE EEG aE ean Eee Geen aera cen ACESS coe ae aonnoas 49. 63 I7GEB) 
DAB cas ode paceekGEn een a Cet O anne Snon Rene an Tone e RAE Aas SNec aE narseeneas 286. 3632 100 

a Small amount. 


No. 43.—Reservoir spring. 


[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain, in back yard of superintendent’s office. Sample for 
mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. Temperature on January 3, 1901, was 46.3° C., and on January 8, 

1901, was 46.1° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 9.14; oxygen, 3.94; carbon dioxide (free), 8.59; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 28.92; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Parts per 

Formula and name. aMIKGm. 
TOBY GSHUDKEE) Parca Menno tan nce Spee Coan ECM eno nas Sa SonEE ae SHG oc 43.21 
SOM(Sulphurieracidiradicle) ates ee ees eee eee eee eee eee 28. 67 
HCO; (bicarboniciacidiradicle) eres ssassasecse eee eee eee ee eee ee 
INO (nitriciacideradi cle: se sans e peer eee ase eee eee 
INOsi(Miltrous/acidbragdicle)sssesesesssee cess este e eee Ce eee eee 

PO, (phosphoric acid radicle) 
BO, (metaboric acid radicle) - 
AsO, (arsenic acid radicle) ..........---...- 

Cli(Chlorine) Mae ee See ee ee OE ETE eae 
IBTA(OrOMINE) VS se sane ceeeeeee eee ee eee ec Moe eee eer CeEeee 
Ti Giodime) fess ees ie dee sooteme seine con daetine sae e ne eet 

MG; Grontanalalumuanwm)) Seen see eee een ne eset eee rose eee eerie 

Mins (MAN SATVese) ee ese ease ste eee cc cere race seer cease reels 
(Ga) (Galeium) #37082. S52 Sse oe 2 oe eeee aac maaan Soeneenes 
Migui(maon esium) os Hoes teerses see econ e eee seer ono ee ieee 
Ker (POLASSLUMY) oes Seema sate esse ered eco seis oe eee eee eee eeeiee 
Nai (SOG1Wmn)) SS 58s seis ci se oe Scie ele cron ee EE nena sees 
LLG UUH ChUb bray) nese ee Sate SA el headin A aT Abyss Arce 
NE (AamMmMOniWM)) Hoses a sees seen eee OrE eee 

Per cent of ; Amount of 

total water used 
inorganic | for each 
material in|} determina- 
solution. tion. 
13. 95 8, 000 
9,24 4,000 

2 Small amount. 


Formula and name. 

NE, Cli(ammoniumichloride) meee -s-een eens ee erence eener eee ceree eee 
LiCl! (lithium chloride) GF SSG che SoS Soe oe RRR RE See Eas EOE REIS Eee Ee eee 
KCl (potassium chloride) 

KBr (potassium bromide) 
LSI ( (oT RICSTUMN COUN) Se odocasddenssosds ooo cosroseqaasasscaRsassoassacos30055 
KS Ox (potassiumysull phate) ee oe cree ee ease eae ae ee Ee ee eee eee eae ee eee 
NassO;\(Sodium'sulphate)) 22-62. (ccc otc ces cee ne oes eee cee Meee eee ene eee 
MeSO¢@(magnesiumisulphate) o- eee tree seeee eee e ee eee eee ee eee ees 
NeiBOs) (Sodiummunetaborate) po eee ae eee eee eee eee eeeeee er eae eee eee eeeee 
Cas(PO4)o iC calcium phosphate) 2. ca2- soe aecec eee ee eenisee eee ener ee eeee 
NaNO s(sodiumimitrate) ee ese aes eee eee eee RCC C EEE eee eects 
NaNO, (sodium BiG) SA eA ae eae SARS MMA ard SadGowancet cas 
Mz:(HCO3)>5\(magnesium' bicarbonate)! =22--4--e-s 2-5 erent ee eee eee nee 
CaCHCoO;)s(caleiumibicarbonate)iz.--nee eee eee eee ee ene ee eee eee neeeee 
He (HCO3)s(ferrous'|bicarbonate)is5--e see eeeses ee eeeeeee eee eeeee eee esc eae 
Mn (HCO3)a\(manzanousibicarbonate) =e. a-s-neeeee ence eee eee eee eee 
SiQsi(Siliea)) ee Sei ames erect resco eet ie lacie eee eee eter etnias 

Parts per 

310. 1050 

Per cent of 
material in 

100. 00 

a Small amount. 


No. 44.—Liver spring (cold). 


{Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Temperature on January 4, 1901, was 8° C.] 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, 14.36; oxygen, 6.24; carbon dioxide (free), 21.83; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 2.24; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per a of | Amount Of 
tota water use 
Formula and name. Farts pes inorganic | for each 
* Imaterial in} determina- 
solution. tion. 

26 3's (GILNGD)) Sapag been DOSSOCME S BECCA sre es ener 12. 50 34. 29 8, 000 
SO, (sulphuric acid radicle) ............... 2.90 6. 86 4, 000 
HCOs (bicarbonic acid radicle) 12.10 33.19 100 
Mr aoe ACTONTAGICIC) messes oc 2c ne qceees oes Ss clones news ce ceeics 89 2.44 100 
NO: paiore CICERO TICLE) bate seston Somat Dacia gos stint aces nisise oe AMEKCR Na Sagdecasuss 100 
Ee ipHOsphoric acid TadIGIe) = 522-.-22- sc css 2 ees+ 2 ec eeseecse sees AMUENEES, \loaoadceaoocs 2, 000 
PPA HOLA DOLICIACIG TAGIClE) 1-62 co cicteeis seis 212 “leis ic aia -siaieie = se ale (QUE A eon an neces 3, 000 
PaSOrA (LESCMI CA CIOULAGICIC) aaiset cease ness -se cane ce seems cticeeessse INAS ||pcadoacsecse 3, 000 
l_ (GII@HING)) dc osasahes bebaubanoc eu sen oos Ose Reb Ss aaaseedesereaaeeas 1.83 5. 02 600 
ESBUPLEOUIETIC) seine o siecte ce ania oe sie sentra sc Seine cee ce ceiemcrece Me AMEXGES: lSo0gdenonune 5, 400 
MOMRYEFCLET C)) erence ae sees coare ee Ses Stein eieln lore Steals clare siainterele oleic rice ane (@) eee | Bees 5, 400 
4 ClO HGS yA TTA IN) aes he aye aee e Sea) ais (aynsue cV=A aac | sToteis ayn invasions sinic 384 93 9, 000 
Lol, CRETE GTO) Sag Ge dee orcad Sen eans basse Cees Sasso sS Oo SraMeEa ee AUS, Il-oadansesoae 9, 000 
Eh (GRIGRIID) sodeadedaseaucasnoSseae es poS Sse SE eeAoce se eenereooEaae 1.89 5.18 2, 000 
Se ETT EVE SULT Yor soe ate aia faeaie ce siale on iaie ois ajoieini aise mis wiv zle oie alcie veieeele 1.36 3.73 2,000 
a. | TIOWEGSTUIIN)) 3 sea segaesdaces Che Seo se Saree ete aoe ae eerste ater ise 94 2.58 4,000 
PRUSORTETIVIN pee mS ea eae eats sees se ce = <(eionee encesisce seit ciele 2.10 5. 76 4,000 
MAMBGHUCHLEDTIN eo ee eee na ne esi otseecee cc ce cinects cee sctmebseciec PCE Eerie 4,000 
SE Beem (cA THIET OFUEUITIN)) fo seie ec are |S coals wie oie oinlejnicje c/scieicieicinicieie so eeteels <j . 009 . 02 500 

aSmall amount. 

b Heavy t 


Formula and name. 

NH,C! (ammonium chloride) 

LiCl (lithium chloride 
KCl (potassium chloride) . 
NaCl (sodium chloride) 
KBr (potassium bromide) 
GES EOSEEEEIELOCI CE) pe aaciniae easier a see eae ae com neal oem ae eeica soe ere eee 
BEC SO a (SOC SUP MALE) (seme = namics ecisos Soe cciswicis olsen neisioneebiieineees ccs 

MgSO, (magnesium sulphate) 
BESE Oa (SGC THIN HT CLADOLALE) eisai ncetcissee es oes ae ea ace misioceicd we nee seco stecie 
Caz(POx,)s (calcium phosphate) 
NaNO; rene nitrate) 
NaNOs (sodium nitrite) 
Mg(HCOz). (magnesium bicarbonate) 
Ca(HCOz). (calcium bicarbonate) 
Mn(HCO;). (manganous bicarbonate) 
Aro (ferric oxide and alumina) 
CaSiOz (calcium silicate) 
$10, (silica) 


Parts per 



Per cent of 
material in 

a Heavy trace. 

b Small amount. 




No. 45.—Kidney spring (cold). 

{Situated on side of Hot Springs Mountain. 
Temperature on January 5, 1901, was 13° C.] 

Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure).— 
Nitrogen, 15.30; oxygen, 5.29; carbon dioxide (free) , 28.55; carbon dioxide (set free 
from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), 2.24; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of | Amount of 

tota water used 

Formula and name. Ears ee inorganic | for each 
* |materialin | determina- 

solution. tion. 
STO (Silbleh) ASopsaponbaconesbccheatus naosHcanseecoscasucseccusuuwese 15. 06 34. 40 8, 000 
SOM GCulphuri ciacidiradiele) Serene esas ee eee eee a eer aera 2.29 5. 23 4, 000 
HC Os (bicarbonicacideradicle)sa==sassaee a= seee nearer 15.14 34, 58 100 
INO} (Caullale Ey onl TEGO) a soacccdacccducodseadocoSessocasodenosean .44 il 100 
INOy (GauhA owls evenal NGO) a6 oS sqnucousoescacususce soouanueonosuesod UDO ocescasndas 100 
ROR (phosphoric acidsradicle) yes. ere e eee eee en eee ene Trace: se ee eee 2,000 
BOs (metaboriciacideradicle)is asses ss soe ee eerie ee eee eee (8) =o Re eee 3, 000 
INGOs, (Chaser nnKo ExonGlipVOlOls)\< Sayceoud cscacceoocuasdecoodccoeooccusson INOS; locasasscooe- 3, 000 
ClE(CHT OVINE) ROIS Ss 2 Spa sect eras ara aaa ee anata 2.00 4.57 600 
HBT: (DEOMI) See eS SE ese Ee ee ari tty ayant ayaa pe poem AUREKEES ene oagksose 5, 400 
TS (TO CIME) SER AE NOS SR ACCS Mths Utara cy regs a eye iy vot ate ST ra (QD) SaSkea se eee 5, 400 
ay Giron and alumintim yo s “ores a ihe eae Se a ale 34 78 9,000 
Mims (MAT ATESE) erie Sees Ne 2 eee eevee eye eta a) ota efer etre fer apne Traces.|3: ssc acceeee 9, 000 
(OER Ceres tbh ea) Maas ane aria wars Aarmee a Rt AGSS EH SEH aAeuecmds a5obe 3.79 8. 66 2, 000 
Mibu (minor Osim) ea ao Weenie aac SINE 2 Nieves seeps areca ater er 1.45 3.31 2,000 
Kei(pO bassin See ea Gia aes ie Slea ie eras NINE Aran Meena aereetey se eS orate 1.02 2530 4, 000 
Nas (SOC) ee aes eg Sastre a ct ce stare Seat nearness acer 2. 23 5. 09 4,000 
sta (Ubi oy Db 00) ep eae taere Reine oat Nie ec oe en ie HG ine ae reo gs TAC. | sah se ewes 4, 000 
INSEL (QI TN O MDT) epee ON eareeehe arsed avererens cers mecieraerrel epee ores terete aia 021 05 500 
MO) ee ea nso ce eS RR Sra ae Fa SRC ER SU a Por ae sh 43.7817 100 Cas) eae 
PotalssowMas rss Us Hse 3 reas sere is Harem pee a yal care seas eee Ao eRe yeeros 200 
AU DUM OLEAN ONTA ses ee ee eee eee eee eae ee eevee ee S016): | chase aaa 500 
ORY SCT TECUITE MAS sas Eas re re a tre mor aye ere aeeveraral Shatcy tetera ye Acs)! We SAB eoeceaoe 200 
aSmall amount. bHeavy trace. 
Se eeer cent of 

Formula and name. Farts a inorganic 
* Imaterial in 

INE, Cli(ammoniumichlorige) sf jsssacessceeece eas eeeree ee neeen eee eee eee eee 0. 062 0.14 

hCii@ithiumechloride) syse84 42s sos Ge acisis ae seine se a sa etna shee oaiaare Siete eae eee UMEXE, |osossceasdc 
KC (potassiumechilonide)eiss=eecses escisse ae esse eee ee eee ere ee Sere 1.94 4. 36 
NaCl (sodium: CHIOnide) ss hsers ae aes eine ee is eS ee eee nae eee ee 12, 3. 86 
KBE! ( potassium bromide) iss 5 see sae soe cera ee eee eee eee ee ee TAC eae a eee 
KG (potassium odide) sce 5225 asec ee poses canes oe ese eee see eee ee (2) Us sae oes 
Nass On (Sodiumysull plaiie) ees saa ese se ras re stay sree eee ynray eee ee e 3.39 7.61 
INaiB Osi (Sodiumieme tab orate) ps sacs ere eee eels oe ee ee (D) 0 Pa sei aee eee 

Cas (POs)s) (Calciumiphosphate) assesses ones ase s ee eee eens e eaten Sarees MUENCC ocasecosese 
NaNO: (SOdiuminitrate) Peis hates scok sacs han scee ee ae meh eee cee aerate - 60 1.35 
NaNOs (Ssodiuminitrite) oss 265 i esre pases sa se cece se esas eae eee ere $0010) | Ree sete 
Nal (HCO) = (Sodiumibicarbonate))s-.-s-sss- ce eee sees en cee ee eee eee 1.05 2.36 
Me (HCO:)p (magnesium bicarbonate) ieee. a9. eees-e essen ne ce eere reece 8.73 19.61 
Ca(HiCO3)oi(calciumsbi carbonate) pe msce nec aee see e eee en oe een eee eee 9. 43 21.18 
Mn GHC Os)>oi(mangzanous bicarbonate)! aas-seese cece recesee ee eee eee eee Trace: 2 aeaseeeee ee 
een (ferric oxideiand alumina) ¢. 0.53.0) 25-2 bel ee es .49 1.10 
CaSiO; (Calciumisilicate)eessen ces she one seen ee ee 4,25 9.55 
SiO; (Silical) ese Vas seed! sot ac ses e eee ane eee eee SRSA EOS See eee eee eee 12. 86 28.88 

Totalms nie) eee enc Sets Le ees LES SMR Cee eee ee ener 44, 5231 100 

a Heavy trace. bSmall amount. 


No. 46.—Fordyce spring. 

[Situated at base of Hot Springs Mountain. 

Temperature on January 6, 1901, was 51.5° C., and on January 8, 1901, was 51.5° C.| 


Sample for mineral analysis taken May 19, 1901. 

Gases (number of cubic centimeters per liter at 0° C. and 760 mm. pressure ).— 
Nitrogen, not determined; oxygen, not determined; carbon dioxide (free), not deter- 
mined; carbon dioxide (set free from bicarbonates on evaporating to dryness), not 

determined; hydrogen sulphide, none. 

Per gent of | Amount oh 
une tota water use 
Formula and name. BarteDer inorganic | for each 

* |materiaiin, determina- 

solution. tion. 

ie CHC 
Sit, (hiliten)) accuse dk edaeend neacueseceon seaeeass SceScrasseeeeeeeae 49.16 17. 26 8, 000 
Sea Sul phumicacidenadiCle) ean << shea siserec ocala ae Sina cisiei ole cieiace 8. 21 2. 88 4, 000 
EO a (DICALpOMeaCidsraGiGle) joss. - se = leeeee a5 ieee ee see 166. 50 58. 47 100 
LO (HMTEIO RONG FENG HO) Se aa see euren pasa nee See scsoneet eer oeenee CE) IR SEIS Ss USO EUS ali sea A eae 
NO; paTtrous ACIOETAGLGIO) I 2 - sete eile eis Seco eee La ose teae stata eae (Cialis) Serene aes etee Se mene ate 
Eira (PHOSphoOriciacid Tadic] e) <2 5-522... <oncne eminem = se. - ~ 008 12 2,000 
Mester pOrcG acid radicle)) Sassen as so cain inte eisisiniwe eine cine (C) ete eee = 3, 000 
2 SOn (Gianni EKO Cla Ot) seespeuneon-neonce scones cneenesseecodae IN@ME, |ESasecosascn 3, 000 
LL (EIINOTETNG)) ~ sccocksseaosnSeose ess noncescc unsopssessnourcusecauEes 2.50 88 600 
Br (bromine)..-- ANEKORS idgoesacaoce 5, 400 
© (HOGI) Spo so beES SOIC UGS CIE IE se 501 SISA re ESE sre ee ae IUENCOS PEocdecsacoe 5, 400 
rt Ganrundyaleninumye eters cee a ae ee 18 06 9, 000 
Lilt (DNRERINEE)) J oooesbsacanecosesoseussroscuocbsduoupuEseobosesds aval 07 9, 000 
le: (GACT) SeseceBsccc es aSccr SESE UCC EN SSH De HSH aa ea Saree nes 45.79 16.08 2, 000 
Lipp (PGI SoTN) eas saesossoobe en ade coocouEaeeaadcepeebueraarercas 5. 06 1.78 2, 000 
2. DOES) a cesdo bo oS bebo ceensecsanneaseccs oe GseeaSoSEEceroreeas 1.57 59 4,000 
RIN CSO CLVUIIN ses Sars sees as ctelis aeste ce ad oie vis slovaca sieicinns oe ete apes = oe 5. 26 1.85 4, 000 
TM PERCU CITI N Eeoesapo ooo) tara ec isla leiwinieici nie sinisieiasinecise wie viele «ic A ese RTA CEM ecm see 4, 000 
RVISL - (GUERING@TOIN)) — Soesc sees abode Fae Coe SebE ee CEaeaes aseESSeEeesad (Cina Mitel Maeneeebascis aca amecoa a= 
RO taller tee eset cet ier Saves eatate acto aan seine asiere Saisie 284.77 TOO acl eeeys 2 See 
PRO CU USOM OG eerise tee ates aici sles Ses aj<is)siteesdvisixfoie.w sins eigioeres cs ees PAOLO) Ma all Pee seen Se 100 
PAD ITEDUTT OL OM UTUUTIV OT EN tea metas) ee econ Salata mrayerae seas Oe chee aires ices Ise Exess aes Ur etie ara 
BEES CHORE MILCO Lae se eas VP ise ce nol 2 SBMS ae leisisis cu ciesimce a Meee (C2) PEAS ees ahr ee CE a 
» Not determined. > Small amount. 

Per cent of 

‘ ie total 

Formula and name. Bae ee inorganic 
* |materialin 

MEI Olan (MM OMEUMNCHILOTIMe) Oe ees eae ee Cae c a on eases eee ee ose eis (2S Sere eee 
LICH (IMGT Te NOG) se aor ceSessecesonorade see so0cespesee ueBpasaaseeanaancnen races | Reresee eects 
REC HOLASSIUTY COOLIO GC)! emcee bene mate heise Secs Bee ASE BES Come seme 2599) 1.05 
AOU (SodiiMi Chloride) ia. sas sas soe sn ieee hee acnereeiio ae ee ee ae auens on semen 178 . 68 
AETa GUO LASSEN DEOMI SG) i wey Sia ie ae mcielsis are cielo eps sieeia tee mete mia siete cee cates Dracert| See eee 
MISCO LASSEN TOC CLE) bao ee ae eect: eee eine teen Re NR RE eee ay IPTACES RA Uae RMT 
eS Sera (SOMTUMNSILp Nate) ist ee ope See ee ao seee ane desman ana aus enema 12.15 4, 22 
MAB On (soditinm metaborate). m2 seta) tases sels sen ceo tele een eeee Ree eee (DY Sie | ees eae 
CAAGEO al (CALCIUM DHOSPHAte) mk saem see ee ae een cisce stele Soest e sees 04 oll) 
Las Op (GOUT IN BS) haere oe SSE aO SE Ereme SebEe ce car aaer aoe re ae Ee aSbecea see oe (C2) Ii Mer ae 
BEIM (SOCMUMUIMNICTIVC)/S55-2- osisins ae eee sceieen ee nigetiricsta ice yasseemeeumentbeee (EE ear ee 
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Me GHCO,) pi (maomesium DICArDONAte) 2222.2 22222 ese ee bee eee ees ons ceeeneeee 30. 46 10. 70 
MECC. 2) (Callin DICALDOMALE) ar cbe eee) 2 soe celta eemenine sere asec ene 184. 60 64. 81 
BENGE CO2)>\(manganous bicarbonate)... 222.5. s seeker se sence see sece - 68 24 
aro @ermicoxidemand:-alumima) see ee ee ack een «oes ah cietace ase iae secs SONY 10 
Say (GUNG acer Be eee aes eta es en eel ae Nea Co er 49.16 M27 

BR pet less eee etl an aie cane Bi eS aie Se Sas a BES ee coe Soe es cet 284, 89 100 

2 Not determined. 

bSmall amount. 



On looking over the results of analysis of the various hot springs 
it will be seen that the total mineral matter in solution is very nearly 
the same in all except springs 12, 20, 27, and 43. Spring 12 is nearly 
cold, and contains only 170.1 parts of mineral matter per million; 
spring 20 contains _only 231 parts of mineral matter per million: 
spring 27 only 258.7 parts of mineral matter per million, while spring 
43 contains the relatively large amount of 310 parts of mineral matter 
per million. The average amount in all the springs is between 275 
and 280 parts per million; seldom falling below 270 parts per million 
or going above 290 parts ‘per million. 

As to the percentage composition of the mineral matter in each hot 
spring the results are very much the same, except in springs 12, 27, 37, 
41, and 43. Spring 12 has a higher percentage of silica and sulphuric 
acid than the average, and a lower percentage of bicarbonic acid and 
calcium; spring 27, a higher percentage of silica and a lower percent- 
age of bicarbonic acid and calcium; springs 37 and 41, a higher per- 
centage of sulphuric acid; and spring 43 a lower percentage of silica, 
bicarbonic acid, and magnesium, and a much higher percentage of 
sulphuric acid, potassium, and sodium. Although the springs men- 
tioned above vary to some extent from the other springs in the amount 
and composition of their mineral matter contained in solution, this 
variation is not enough, in the author’s opinion, to make any differ- 
ence in their medicinal value except in the cases of springs 12 and 43, 
the first of which is markedly weaker in medicinal constituents than 
the other springs, and the second of which has much more of those salts 
present which have a laxative effect. 

From what has already been said, combined with the analyses of 
these waters, it will at once be seen why they have been used with such 
excellent results in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, syphilis, ete. 
We may sum up under four heads: 

(1) The waters are hot, and consequently possess the medicinal value 
of all thermal waters, i. e., when used as a bath, in the ordinary man- 
ner followed in such cases, they stimulate the flow of sweat and urine, 
and thus give the system a thorough washing out each day. In this 
manner uric acid and syphilitic poisons are removed from the body. 
Mercury and other metallic poisons are also removed, in consequence 
of which much larger doses of mercury can be given to the patient 
than would otherwise be possible. 

(2) These waters contain iodides and bromides,* which, although 
present only in traces, undoubtedly have a marked alterative effect on 
the system, and form soluble compounds with the salts of mercury, 
thus aiding in their elimination from the system. 

(3) The presence of lithium in these waters, even though in traces, 
very likely accounts, to some extent, for the removal of some of the 
uric acid from the system, and the consequent improvement in the 
condition of rheumatic and gouty persons. 

(4) All of these springs contain quite large amounts of calcium and 
magnesium bicarbonates. The calcium and magnesium salts of uric 
acid are much more soluble than the uric acid itself. Taking these 
two facts into consideration, it seems plausible to assume that a great — 
deal of the curative effects of these waters is due to the formation of — 
the more soluble compounds, calcium and magnesium urate, which can 
more easily be eliminated from the system than the uric acid itself. 

*See Mineral Waters of the United States, by J. K. Crook, p. 42. 



Geologist, United States Geological Survey. 


The Hot Springs of Arkansas are situated in the geographical center 
of the State, 50 miles distant from Little Rock, and about 75 miles east 
of the Indian Territory line. A city of about 60,000 inhabitants has 
been built up about the Hot Springs and the place is a resort fora 
large number of visitors from all parts of the Union. The locality is 
accessible by two railway lines which connect with the Iron Mountain 
Railway and the Choctaw route, running through cars from the large 
cities of the country. The location is 600 feet above sea level and lies 
at the easterly base of the mountain complex known as the ‘* Ouchita 
Range,” the nearby peaks of which are oftentimes called the ‘* Ozark 
Range,” although that name really applies to the mountains in the 
northern part of Arkansas and the southern part of Missouri. 


The Arkansas Hot Springs have been known since the early settle- 
ment of Louisiana. Although it is only a legend that they were vis- 
ited by De Soto on his trip to the Mississippi, there is no doubt that 
they were used by the Indians before the advent of Columbus, as abun- 
dant evidence was found in early days that the Indians quarried the 
dense rocks near the Hot Springs for arrowheads and spearheads and 
utilized the spring waters for bathing. 

In 1804 two members of the Lewis and Clarke exploring expedition 
visited the place and found that white visitors had already used the 
waters for bathing. In 1818 the lands on which the springs are located 
were ceded to the General Government by the Quapaw Indians and 
became afterwards a part of the Territory of Arkansas. The ground 
about the springs was located by various claimants before the organi- 
zation of the Territory of Arkansas, but by act of Congress the springs 
and the ground about them were reserved in 1834 for the United 
States Government, thus making the first national park reservation 
of the country. Owing to the claims made by various parties toa 
private ownership of the springs they remained in the possession of 
such claimants until the United States Supreme Court decided in favor 
of the Government in 1877. 



The act of Congress of March 3, 1877, provided for the appointmen ; 
by the President of three commissioners, whose duties are defined by 

said act as follows: 

Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of said commissioners, after examination of the 

topography of the reservation, to lay out into convenient squares, blocks, lots, 
avenues, streets, and alleys, the lines of which shall correspond with the existing 
boundary lines of occupants of said reservation as near as may be consistent with the 
interests of the United States, the following described lands, to wit: The south half 
of section twenty-eight, the south half of section twenty-nine, all of sections thirty- 
two and thirty-three, in township two south and range nineteen west; and the north 
half of section four, the north half of section five, in township three south and range 
nineteen west, situate in the county of Garland and State of Arkansas, and known 
as the Hot Springs Reservation. ESOS: 

Sec. 4. That before making any subdivision of said lands, as described in the 
preceding section, it shall be the duty of said board of commissioners, under the 
direction and subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to designate a 
tract of land included in one boundary, sufficient in extent to include, and which 
shall include, all the hot or warm springs situate on the lands aforesaid, to embrace, 
as near as may be, what is known as Hot Springs Mountain, and the same is hereby 
reserved from sale, and shall remain under the charge of a superintendent, to be 
appointed by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, however, That nothing in this 
section shall prevent the Secretary of the Interior from fixing a special tax on water 
taken from said springs, sufficient to pay for the protection and necessary improye- 
ment of the same. 

In the year mentioned a Commission was appointed and recommended 
a permanent plan of improvement. Under that plan the land not 
needed for permanent reservation was platted in streets and alleys, 
and lots were assigned to various individuals. The original reserva- 
tion consisted of 2,529 acres, of which 700 acres were awarded to indi- 
viduals for business and residence purposes, 358 acres were used for 
streets and alleys, and 570 acres were platted in town lots reserved for 
future disposal. 

In 1876 the town of Hot Springs was incorporated, and in 1881 the 
General Government donated to the city the ground platted for streets 
and alleys. The Congressional enactment of June 16, 1880, provided 
as follows: 

Sec. 3. That those divisions of the Hot Springs Reservation, known as the moun- 
tainous districts, not divided by streets on the maps made by the commissioners, but 
known and defined on the map and in the report of the commissioners as North 
Mountain, West Mountain, and Sugar Loaf Mountain, be, and the same are hereby, 
forever reserved from sale, and dedicated to public use as parks, to be known, with 
Hot Springs Mountain, as the permanent reservation. : 

Under these two acts the mountains adjacent to the springs are per- 
manently reserved for parks, the hot waters are piped to various bath 
houses, and the supply is under the control of a superintendent of the 

Hot Springs Reservation, appointed by the Secretary of the Inte-— 

rior. The regulations now prescribed by that Department provide 
for a rental of land used by various individuals and for the payment 
of $30 per year for each tub used by bathing establishments. The 
income is used for the payment of administrative expenses, for the 
maintenance of a free bath house, for the building of roads and path- 
ways on the mountains back of the springs and the adjacent mountains, 
and for gardening. The receipts amount to about $18,000 per year. 
The superintendent is charged, under the supervision of the Secretary 
of the Interior, with the care of the entire reservation as well as its pro- 
tection and improvement. It is therefore policed and improved by the 
Department. The results achieved by this wise system speak for them- 

5 ee 


‘| alwid 


selves; beautiful driveways, picturesque walks, and fine flower beds add 
their charm to the natural beauty of the place, and the present aspect 
bears but a slight resemblance to the scene shown in the accompany- 
ing illustration, Plate I, which represents the springs as they appeared 
in 1836. 


Central Arkansas consists of a low-lying, nearly level eastern por- 
tion, and a western hilly or mountainous region. The first region 
extends from the Mississippi River westward to Little Rock, Benton, 
and Malvern. The hilly country of the Ouachita Mountain system 
begins just west of the Iron Mountain Railroad, where it has a width 
of 36 miles, and extends westward, gradually narrowing as it approaches 
the Indian Territory. The eastern level country is part of the Tertiary 
Mississippi Valley region. The western hilly country consists of a cen- 
tral complex of hills, flanked by sharp spurs and ridges, which extend 
outward into a much lower country of slight relief. This hilly coun- 
try, is dignified by the name of the ‘‘Ouachita Mountain system,” 
the ridges rising gradually in elevation westward. Near the Indian 
Territory line the general level of the intermontane plain is 1,000 
feet above tide and the crests of some of the ridges attain elevations 
above 2,500 feet. Near Hot Springs the mountain area seldom attains 
an elevation of more than 1,200 feet above the sea, or 600 feet above 
the surrounding country, yet, when seen from the lower country about 
it, the hills rise so abruptly that they appear to deserve their desig- 
nation. The mountains near the Hot Springs are particularly im- 
pressive, and the local summits have received special designations, as 
*“*West Mountain,” ‘‘ Indian Mountain,” ete. These mountains have 
been grouped together by some writers under the name of the ‘‘ Ozark 
system,” but they have been more fittingly christened the ** Zigzag” 
Range by Professor Branner, of the State geological survey. This 
range has an extreme length of 25 miles and a width of 6 to 8 miles. 
The general trend of the ridges is almost at right angles to the system. 
These ridges are narrow and sharp, with a height of 500 to 600 feet, 
and they are particularly numerous in the vicinity of the Hot Springs. 


The Hot Springs are situated in a valley between two wooded, 
rocky ridges known as ‘*‘ West Mountain” and ‘‘ Hot Springs Moun- 
tain.” The water issues from vents in theeold and gray hot-spring 
deposit, or tufa, that covers the basal slopes of Hot Springs Moun- 
tain east of Hot Springs Creek. This location is on the outer 
border of the mountain system. To the east the country falls away 
gently to the Ouachita River, and the city of Hot Springs has been built 
partly in the ravine and the intermontane basin to the north and 
partly in the eroded plateau lying south of the springs and outside of 
the mountain area. The mountain slopes are rocky, and are often 
ribbed with abrupt cliffs and rugged ledges with extensive slopes of 
talus. They are generally thickly mantled with a heavy forest growth 
of oak, pine, chestnut, and other common forest trees, and they support 
a more or less abundant undergrowth. The ravines are generally 

S. Doe. 282——6 


narrow and the streams swift running, but good exposures of the 
underlying rocks are seldom seen, owing to the thick forest that 
covers the slopes. There is an evident relation between the hard rocks 
and the hills and between the softer rocks and the valleys, although 
the streams do not accord with any definite geological structure, but 
flow in synclines, in eroded anticlines, and across the strike of the beds 
as well. Several gaps indicate old and now abandoned stream courses 
and show a prolonged period of adjustment, in which the streams shifted 
several times before reaching their present position. Although the 
springs are on the borders of these mountains this location is not 
wholly outside of the mountain area, since the Trapp Mountain Range 
lies south of the Ouachita River, so that the springs are on the north 
side of a synclinal basin that forms an embayment between the main 
Ouachita system and a small east-and-west spur on the south. The 
region is well watered and well drained. Ir ‘he immediate vicinity of 
Hot Springs the Hot Springs Creek and Gulpha Creek, both of which 
flow into the Ouachita River, drain the entire region, the former stream 
flowing due south and reaching the river 4 miles below the city. 

The lower country near the springs, upon which a considerable part 
of the city is built, is a dissected plain in which broad plateau levels 
alternate with shallow drainage courses tbat are tributary to Hot 
Springs Creek. 

The climate of the region is a miid one, lacking both the extreme 
heat of summer and the cold of winter. In the summer months the 
air is tempered by the breezes from the mountains, «nd in winter the 
average temperature is very slightly below that which prevails at New 
Orleans and other Southern cities. Flowers and shrubs of semitropical 
character grow in the open air, but the occasional frosts of winter are 
so sharp that a strictly semitropical vegetation will] not exist. 


The rocks seen about the Hot Springs are chiefly of sedimentary 
origin and were formed beneath the waters of a Paleozoic sea. They 
occur in well-defined formations, which were folded when the moun- 
tains of the region were formed by the compressive stresses of earth 
movements, and these folds have subsequently been eroded by ordinary 
atmospheric agencies. These rocks are cut by a few narrow, insig- 
nificant dikes of igneous rock, which are supposedly connected with 
the large masses of granite and other igneous rocks now seen at 
Magnet Cove and Potash Sulphur Springs. In addition to the rocks 
mentioned there is a considerable area of dark-gray and porous tra- 
vertine, or calcareous tufa, formed by the Hot Springs. 

The sedimentary rocks seen in the vicinity of the Hot Springs con- 
sist of shales, sandstones, a few beds of impure limestone, and the 
rock called novaculite. This last-named rock, of which the well-known 
Arkansas whetstones are made, is the most conspicuous and important 
rockin the locality. It is the typical rock of central Arkansas, and, 
though found over a large area, the material pure enough to be used 
for whetstones is confined to the vicinity of the Hot Springs. It is 
this rock that has, by reason of its hardness and its resistance to erosion, 
made the mountains about the springs, and it forms the cliffs and 
prominent ledges seen in the district. The bedded rocks form a series 




shown in the following table, in which the youngest beds are placed at 
the top of the column and the oldest strata at the bottom. 

Geological age. prlckness Character of rock. 


plant remains, red and yellow colored when altered. 
Sandstone, impure and clayey, with softer layers alternat- 
ing with softer material. 
250 | Quartzose sandstones, passing at times into conglomerates 
and well exposed along the basal slopes of Hot Springs 
BOWER olluTIan:: 3s. 55. - S25. 12 | Novaculite breecia. 
5 | Impure novaculite, with iron and manganese. 
100 | Novaculite in thick and thin beds, with some layers of sili- 
ceous shales. 
75 | Sandstone passing into novaculite. 
38 | Shale, siliceous, and passing into novaculite.‘ 
200 | Massive novaculite, from which whetstone is taken. 
230 | Shale, siliceous, with thin layers of novaculite. 
Impure novaculite. : 
200 Shales, red and green and gray, with'siliceous layers. 
- Shales, black, and carrying fossil remains (graptolites). 
Limestone, thinly bedded, blue, aud generally argillaceous. 
200 | Sandstones. 

Shales; gray or black graphitic shales with fragments of 
Carboniferous ..........-.--- 200. 

The rock structure.—Near the Hot Springs these rocks have been 
compressed into great folds which now form the mountains, and this 
compression is so great that the folds have becn pushed over, or over- 
turned, and in the gorge of Hot Springs Creek the section now exposed 
shows the younger beds resting beneath the older ones. In addition 
to this there has been some faulting in Indian Mountain, by which 
an overthrust has pushed up the older beds over younger ones. For 
this reason the section, as given above, is not always easily made out, 
but it can be seen in the slopes of West Mountain, although, as will be 
noted there, the younger beds lie below the older and the rocks have 
a dip of from 25° to 70°. The Carboniferous shales, which are the 
youngest rocks of the district, are well exposed on Malvern avenue 
near the Park Hotel, where the olive-colored, sandy shales have been 
found to contain plant stems and fragments of fern fronds. The shales 
are rarely indurated enough to form slates, though a few quarries have 
been opened in them and slate of a poor quality extracted. Where 
the shales are slightly altered they are sometimes valuable for brick 
and terra-cotta burning, though most of the clay used for that purpose 
is derived from the disintegrated material washed into the creek 

The sandstones are of variable texture andcomposition. The coarser- 
grained rocks are nearly pure quartzose sand, but the intermediate 
beds are quite clayey. The chief sandstone horizon seen at the springs 
is the one lying just above the novaculites, and this rock is the one 
which is so prominent on Hot Springs Mountain and West Mountain. 

The novaculites are the most interesting rocks of the region. They 
consi:t of nearly pure silica, containing less than one-half of 1 per 
cent of other material. The rock is very dense, homogeneous, of a 
cream or white color, and fine grained, resembling in appearance the 
finest Carrara marble. These rocks are used for whetstones, the finer- 
grained form being called Arkansas stone and the coarser-grained rock 
the Ouachita stone. This material has a marked conchoidal fracture 


and resembles chert in its general appearance, although, as will be 
shown later, this appearance is purely a superficial one and the mate- 
rial differs markedly from chert in its origin and composition. 
Although brittle and lacking the toughness of chert, it was exten- 
sively used by the Indians, who quarried it by building fires upon the 
outcrops until the stones were heated and then quenching the fire with 
water, thus chilling the rock and causing it to split and spall into frag- 
ments which were easily removed. In this condition it was readily 
chipped by the use of round stone hammers, great quantities of which 
have been found by the early settlers and which the writer has seen at 
some of the more remote quarries. The rock is finely jointed, and in 
quarry faces this jointing is more conspicuous than the bedding planes. 
These phenomena may be well observed in almost any of the excava- 
tions seen along the main street above the Government reservation. 
The finer-grained material seldom forms good outcrops, because of this 
jointing and also because the rock contains a small amount of water, 
which, when frozen during the frosts of winter, shatters the stone and 
covers the outcrop with fine débris. This débris is extensively used 
as a road material, and wherever applied forms a most excellent 

The novaculite formation is from 500 to 600 feet in thickness, which 
includes some flinty shales, some soft shales, and some sandstones. The 
novaculites proper are prominent members of this formation and occur 
in beds a few inches to 12.0r 15 feet thick. When these beds are less 
than 4 inches thick the rocks lose the novaculite character, and are 
more like flinty shales. When examined under the microscope the 
rock is found to present a very uniform appearance, and to consist 
of extremely minute interlocking grains of cryptocrystalline silica. 
Chemical tests show that this silica is quartz and not amorphous silica. 
Thin sections also disclose the presence of numerous cavities in the rock 
quarried for whetstones. These cavities have been found to present a 
rhomboidal outline, and they correspond in form and position to included 
patches of calcite found in the same rock where the bed passes heneath 
the creek levels. It has been assumed that these cavities are formed 
by the dissolution and removal of the calcite, and as the material from 
beneath the water level is of slight value as a whetstone, it has been 
reasoned that the abrasive qualities of the Arkansas stone are due to 
the presence of these calcite cavities. The origin of the rock has been 
the subject of considerable speculation from the earliest times to the 
present. It has been commonly asserted that it is a very fine-grained 
sandstone, which has been indurated and altered by hot-spring action. 
This explanation is not adequate, however, since the same beds are 
exposed on the flanks of the Ouachita Mountain system for a total 
length of several hundred miles. Moreover, the character of the grains 
does not permit of the assumption that they were originally rounded 
and that the spaces between have been filled by secondary deposition 
of silica, as is commonly the case with many quartzites. The writer’s 
belief is that the evidence supports the opinion that the rocks were 
formed as a chemical precipitate in the deep seas of a Silurian ocean, 
and that comparatively little alteration beyond induration has taken 
place. Such a theory seems to accord very well with the chemical and 
physical nature of the rock and with the facts now known in regard to 
the origin of some of the early geological sediments. 


i ci 




‘Al aLW1d 



Besides the sedimentary rocks just noted there are four narrow dikes 
of igneous rock about one-half mile south of the mountain borders and 
near the city limits. These rocks are dark-colored mica traps, a form 
of rock called ‘‘ ouchatite.” They are chiefly interesting because they 
show that there was some deep-seated body of molten material from 
which the dike fissures were supplied. Small dikes are found north - 
of the city, east of the city, and in considerable abundance about Pot- 
ash Sulphur Springs and at Magnet Cove. These dikes have a gener- 
ally ESE.-WNW. direction, showing that the fissures are parallel 
to the mountain sides. They are from 1 to 4 feet wide and are gener- 
ally much altered, so that the outcrop is inconspicuous, or is covered 
by vegetation, and when the rock is broken black mica in small flakes 
is the only mineral seen. 


The age of the sedimentary rocks is determined by the fossil remains 
found in them. The black shales which underlie the novaculites 
contain remains of a curious hydrozoa. These fossil remains are known 
as graptolites, and the forms identified at the Hot Springs belong to the 
upper part of the Lower Silurian age (Trenton and Utica). New 
types of these fossils peculiar to the Hot Springs are illustrated in 
the Noyaculite report issued by the Arkansas geological survey. 
Besides these curious forms, a few shell remains (brachiopods and 
lamellibranchs), corals, and worm trails have been found. The grap- 
tolites occur on the north side of the hill on a small stream drainage 
on the west side of the continuation of Park avenue. They are also 
seen in a very black shale forming the bluff on the west side of Park 
avenue above the Hotel Hay and below the Barnes House. Similar 
fossils also occur on Whitington avenue, one-fourth of a mile above 
the head of Central avenue, at a point where the creek crosses the 

Plant remains of Lower Carboniferous age have been found in the 
shales exposed in the excavation for a cellar on the western side of 
Malvern avenue, 100 feet north of the Park Hotel. The shales are 
varicolored, brown, red, gray, and black, but the fossils occur in the 
olive-colored, sandy shales. Similar fossils were also found in Ouach- 
ita avenue at the Hot Springs. 


The hot waters issue from the base and lower portion of the slopes 
east of the valley. This area is a narrow strip, a few hundred feet 
wide, and a quarter of amile long. In its general aspect this area is dis- 
tinguished from the rest of the mountain by its patches of barren gray 
tufa, the old hot-spring deposit, and the absence of forest growth. From 
the descriptions given by earlier writers, it is evident that this difference 
in appearance and vegetation was formerly very marked. To-day the 
springs are all covered, and mostly concealed beneath turf and shrub- 
bery. The old tufa deposit is in large part covered by soil and plants. 
The creek is arched over and sidewalks and roadways are built on it. 
The space between creek and hillside is covered by the bathing establish- 
ments, which, in many instances, are built directly over large springs. 


The landscape gardener has modified the old slopes, filled up the gullies, 
and built roads and footpaths, until the hot-spring area is a beautiful 
park and a fitting setting for the springs. 

The great contrast between the present appearance of this area and 
that of a half century ago is shown by a comparison of the sketch made 
by Prof. David D. Owen, State geologist, in 1859, which is reproduced 
in Plate I, and the present aspect, shown in Plate II and the frontispiece. 

The diagram accompanying this report, Plate [X, shows the location 
of the hot springs with reference to the buildings on the reservation. 
The numbers on this map correspond to those given in the table of analy- 
ses. Professor Owen’s sketch map is also reproduced for comparison. 

The topography of the district is shown in Plate X, which is part 
of a general sheet prepared by the United States Geological Survey. 
This shows that the springs occur at the southwest end or ‘‘ nose” of 
Hot Springs Mountain. There is nothing unusual or remarkable in 
this topographic position, for it accords with that of many other springs 
of the region—as, for example, Bonanza Springs and Big Chalybeate of 
the plate. 

It is difficult for the average visitor of to-day to form an idea of the 
natural appearance of the springs. The larger springs formerly issued 
abruptly from the tufa slopes and did not possess the bowls and basins 
seen at the Mammoth Hot Springs of the Yellowstone. An artificial 
cutting made into the mound of the Cave spring (Plate V) shows a sec- 
tion of the hot-spring deposit, and if the door be opened the waters will 
be seen flowing into the basin cut to collect them, and depositing creamy 
alabaster-like tufa, and the brilliant emerald-green tufa, whose color is 
due to the growth of hot-water alge. Many of the smaller springs 
are mere oozes, with no well-defined channel. A considerable number 
of these are gathered into one reservoir at the base of the tufa bluff 
between the Arlington Hotel and the Superior Bath House. Another 
spring is seen near the Hale Bath House, where it issues from a cavity 
in the tufa and flows into the basin seen in Plate VI. There is a con- 
stant flow from the tufa wali back of this masonry pate forming 
the dripping spring, where thousands of visitors daily drink hot water 
direct from the rock. At this place also the green algous growth may 
be seen. Owing to artificial protection given the springs, but few 
notes could be taken of their present appearance, and these are recorded 
in the following table: (*) 


1. Egg spring.—Arched over and coyered by soil and grass. Water about 8 feet 
below surface of ground. 

2. Arsenic.—Under cover of Arlington Hotel. 

3. Arlington spring.—Spring issues from between rock ledges. Water level 7 feet 
below ground. Spring hes beneath gentle grassy slope. 

4. Cliff spring.—Outflow from base of tufa cliff back of Arlington Hotel. Spring 
arched over and can not be seen. 

5. Avenue spring.—This spring is covered by an arch that is above ground. Out-- 
flow resulted from excayations and spring is not on the old maps. 

6. Bath House spring.—In rear of Arlington Bath House. Outflow arched over and 
runs into tank to south. 

(1) The numbers and some of the names of these springs were given by Mr. J. K. 
Haywood and Mr. Martin Eisele, superintendent of the reservation. 

ee ee 

‘pwoy ATddng uo.surpry uo sdojis Jo pRoy iW UdZBL 




‘IA aLv1d 


?. Imperial spring.—This spring is the result of sinking a hole to develop hot water 
in 1892. It lies beneath the lawn near No. 5. 
&. Crystal spring.—This spring is now nearly dead. It is covered by a rustic stone 
arch open on the west. 
9. Rector spring.—Outflow from base of tufa cliffs south of Arlington Hotel. Is now 
covered by long arch and tank. 
10. Cave spring.—The mound about this spring has been dissected by an open cut 
5 feet wide extending from the border to the center. The spring is inclosed in 
masonry and closed bya adoor. The best example ofrecent tuta formation is seen here. 
11. Little Tron.—Is one of a cluster of three or more seepages and outflows gathered 
into the long narrow reservoir built against the base of the tufa bluff south of and 
adjacent to the Arlington Hotel. 
12. Little Geyser.—A very small spring, arched over and lying 12 feet beneath the 
Tee Liitle Tron south.—An undercliff seepage collected in same reservoir as No. 11. 
14. Ral spring. i i i 
well as No. 12, lost most of its outflow when spring No. 16 was deepened. 
- 15. Big Iron spring.—Not visible. Comes from under bottom of tufa cliff 5 to 6 
feet below the present surface of the ground. 
oe Imperial spring south.—This was developed by digging in search of a new source 
oi water. 
17. Arsenic spring north.—Bricked up and not seen; lies at base of tufa cliff. 
18. Hitchcock spring.—Water level 11 to 12 feet below surface of grassy flat south of 
Arlington Hotel. Inclosed in masonry, with wooden manhole. 
19. Sumpter spring.—Completely inclosed and not visible. 
20. Superior spring north.—Inclosed and not to be seen. Occurs beside sandstone 
21. Alum spring.—Ten feet beneath sidewalk, but accessible by stairway. Inclosed 
in partition. 
22. Superior spring south.—Spring vaulted and covered by earth. Lies at end of 
sandstone reef. 
23. Twin spring north.—Vaulted over and concealed beneath road; 6 feet down to 
24. Twin spring south.—Vaulted over and concealed beneath road; 6 feet down to 
25. Old Hale spring.—Under floor of Hale Bath House. 
26. Palace spring.—Concealed. Lies at border of wagon road back of the Dripping 
OO  Diinnal spring.—Arched over by white novaculite masonry structure. 
28. Maurice spring.—Arched over by white novaculite masonry structure. 
29. Dripping spring.—This is the only spring from which public can get water 
directly. It drops from freshly deposited tufa, colored green by hot-water algze. 
80. Arch spring.—Outflow escapes into the creek spring 14 feet beneath the lawn 
in front of the southwest corner of Hale Bath House. 
31. Haywood spring.—Two small outflows covered up by one arch. They lie on 
the northeast side of the wagon road and on the east side of the rock gully. 
32. Noble spring.—Covered by white novaculite building standing above ground. 
33. Lamar spring.—Covered by white novaculite building standing above ground. 
34. Wiley spring.—Covered by white noyaculite building, but outflows really from 
beneath the wagon road. 
35. Harding spring.—Seepages (yet to be developed) from base of retaining wall of 
road back of northeast corner of Palace Bath House. 
36. Eisele spring.—This spring does not flow when water is pumped from the well 
on the military reservation. 
37. Stevens spring.—This was developed in digging foundations for the retaining 
wall of the wagon road. ‘The water is piped to a drinking fountain. 
38. Horseshoe spring.—F lows from under floor of Horseshoe Bath House. 
39. Army and Navy spring.—Now covered up by soil and turi. 
40. W. J. Little spring.—¥ine small seepage beneath road. 
41. Mud spring.—Under coal bin of Free Bath House. 
42. Magnesia spring.—Inaccessible; beneath bath house. 
3. Reservoir.—Twenty feet beneath concrete paving back of superintendent’s office. 
44. Liver spring.—Cold-water spring. 
45. Kidney spring.—Cold-water spring. 
46. Fordyce spring.—Under Palace Bath House. 
47. New spring.—Developed by sinking pipe in ground near No. 5. 
48. New spring.—Developed by digging well near No. 2. 




As already noted, the hot-spring area is characterized by a deposit 
of calcareous tufa, or travertine, formed by the hot waters, and cover- 
ing not only a large part of the mountain slope about the existing hot 
springs, but also extending westward to the Happy Hollow ravine and 
occurring far above any existing springs in the slope above the band 
stand (Plate III). Tufa deposits are common about both hot and cold 
water springs whose waters carry carbonate of lime insolution. This 
material is precipitated when the carbon dioxide of the waters escapes 
upon exposure of the water to the atmosphere. At the Arkansas Hot 
Springs a very small amount of carbonate of lime is held in the waters, 
yet it is sufficient to coat the hot-water pipes and to fill wooden troughs 
used to conduct the waters. In the Cave spring and at the Dripping 
spring (Plate VI) the tufa may be seen now forming. It is therefore 
not certain that the waters which formed the great tufa deposits o£ the 
place were any richer in lime carbonates than those of to-day. This 
tufa is seen in its natural state at many places about the springs, but is 
particularly well seen at the Cave spring back of the Arlington Hotel. 
It is of a gray color and porous texture on the surface, but when quar- 
ried is pure white, compact, and crystalline. The steps shown in Plate 
VII are cut in it and the porous texture is seen in the fragments on 
edge alongside. 

This tufa consists almost wholly of carbonate of lime, carrying very 
small and varying amounts of manganese (oxide) and iron oxide. The 
manganese is frequently prominent as a black powder, or occurs in 
blackish layers through the rock. The analysis made for Owen in 1859 
of the material deposited in the pipe accords so exactly with that of the 
deposit now forming that it is reproduced. 

Analysis of hot-spring tufa formed in pipes carrying hot water to bath houses. 
Ysis 0 Pring Uj , py yung 

Per cent. 

CarbonaterOf lime ts. 25 5 Sel Sh repeats ie cra oer ee Stee 92. 620 
Sulphate otilnm exes 2s Sse ee Rs St Ss et 1 . 085 
Canbonatevormaonesiavee- 522.8 eee eee 1a Gants ai aS 0p te Se 3. 060 
Carbonate oh irom. one ses ee ES ae Ne eh 210 
Carbonaterof manganese 24.5550 ese oe eee oe eee . 190 
Potassasie28 2 Soe nes a es OTA 
RSI HKGE horere atte Ra ete tenee Whe ae pen TE TREC eens Ons Uae tiga Cai os Usk a ere yee = LY) 
dl No} 21 Geeta tee an ae ie nega etree ett ere Ne PUREE ee Soo 99. 391 

In the Cave spring the freshly deposited tufa is tinted orange by the 
alow that live in hot water, and green by the species that flourish at 
slightly lower temperatures. These colors are purely vegetable and 
disappear if the deposit be heated. 

This tufa deposit covers an area of approximately 20 acres, and varies 
from a few inches to 6 or 8 feet in thickness. Its occurrence shows 
that some of the springs formerly flowed to the west, and that the 
waters covered a larger area than at present. 

The broad area covered by the tufa does not mean that the hot 
waters covered this entire area at any one time, for the algous growth 
described as filling the hot-water streams causes a filling up of the 
channel and a diversion of the water to a different place. In two 
instances the waters built up mounds about the springs. The most 
noticeable of these is that of the Cave spring, which has been artifici- 


“HA SLV1d 


ally breached in the development of a larger water supply from the 
spring. (Plate V.) Above the music pavilion another area of tufa 
indicates the former presence of springs at a level higher than any 
now existing. 

The thickness of the tufa deposit is likely to be overestimated, as it 
covers steep slopes and even cliff faces. 

The earliest description of the place tells of its forming overhanging 
masses alongside the creek, whose flood waters swept away its sup- 
port. The natural exposures of conglomerate and sandstone outcrop- 
ping near the pavilion show that the tufa is there underlain by hard 
rock. Farther west, however, the tufa overlies soft, shaly rocks, 
which haye been digested by the hot waters and vapors for so long a 
time that the material is as soft as ashes, and in the development of 
new water supplies near Spring No. 1 a pipe was driven 38 feet down 
into this material. Immediately beneath the tufa there is a breccia of 
novaculite sandstone or shale fragments cemented by iron oxide, man- 
ganese oxide, and carbonate of lime. This is seen under the tufa at 
the Cave spring and at the Dripping spring. It merely represents 
the old hillside débris cemented by the hot-water deposit and material 
‘deposited later beneath the tufa mantle. 

The owners of the Hale bath house have cut a short tunnel into the 
tufa hack of their establishment, and the natural heat of the ground is 
used for a vapor bath. There is no doubt that the ground back of 
Bath House Row is permeated by a network of fissures and is heated 
by hot-water vapors. 

Vegetation of tufa area.—TVhe tufa area is described by all earlier 
writers as being distinguished from the adjacent slope by its peculiar 
vegetation. In the improvement of the reservation this distinction 
has been largely obliterated, as flowers and shrubs have been freely 
planted. The tufa cliffs and rougher exposures show, however, the 
limestone-loving ferns Cheilanthes alabamensis Kunze and Adiantum 
capillus-veneris L., which occur nowhere else in this region. Owen 
mentions these ferns especially, besides numerous peculiar mosses and 
aloze, and the stonecrop, sage, lobelia, and senna as characteristic of 
the tufa area. 


In the geological sketch already given the rocks from which the hot 
waters issue are described as sandstones and shales of Lower Silurian 
age, occurring in sharply compressed folds. ‘The hot waters issue from 
the sandstones seen well exposed back of the superintendent’s office 
and near the music pavilion, and from the overlying shales in the area 
west of the pavilion. These rocks form part of a steeply dipping anti- 
cline plunging beneath the surface toward the southwest. It may be 
compared to the partly buried prow of an upturned boat. The rocks 
arch around the mountain slopes, the different beds being revealed very 
niuch as the scales of an onion bulb are exposed when it is partly cut 
into. While the rocks are flexed into this great curve, the great and 
thick beds of hard sandstone and conglomerate were cracked while 
being flexed, and little slips and breaks occur. The smaller cracks 
form a network of fractures, which in some places are seen to be filled 
with white quartz. The map shows the principal springs to be arranged 
along a line running about NNE., or parallel to the axis of the fold 


forming Hot Springs Mountain. This line is believed to be a fissure 
corresponding to a fracture of the northwest fold, a fault fissure. 
Springs are common along such fractures in the novaculite region of 
Arkansas, and there is no reason to believe there is anything unusual 
in this one. The source of heat is discussed elsewhere. 


The Hot Springs yield waters of remarkable purity. This, in fact, is 
the reason ascribed by some physicians for the efficacy of the water 
as a remedialagent. The very complete analyses given in this report 
show a very small amountof mineral matter. The purity of the natu- 
ral waters of the region is well known. The water of the Happy Hol- 
low spring has less mineral matter than any other of the waters known, 
except that of the Poland spring, of Maine. ‘These waters rise through 
siliceous rocks, and the fact that the hot waters contain so little mineral 
matter, particularly silica, is evidence of their meteoric origin, and 
accords with the nature of the gases given off by the springs. 

A direct comparison of the analyses with those made in earlier years 
is not possible, since the analyses are given in parts per million, while 
those of the State geological survey are in grains per gallon. I have 
recalculated the analyses of the larger springs, however, and find the 
analyses nearly identical, showing conclusively that the nature of the 
waters is not changing with time. 

The accompanying table gives a recapitulation of the analyses made 
by Mr. J. K. Haywood, of the Bureau of Chemistry, Department of 


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() |e0BIL | 95°S | LG°L | 90°S | 64°GF | Is" 8L° | e0RI, | VoBIL, 
[c0° | OOBIL | &6°G | GOT | GPT | 64° | O0VIL | PE | OOBIL | “oovIL 
600° | SOBIL | OLS | 6° | OFT] 68'L | 90BIL | FE" | 90BIL, | “OOVIT, 
800° | ‘90BIL | SE°8 | F8°8 | FoF | Go'6P | “OUON | FF | OBIT, | “OOVIT, 
$cO° | 90BIL | 80°9 | CLT | 61'S | 86 "SF | 20° S&" | ‘9OVIY, | “VOBIL, 
STO” | "90BIL, | 6F°9 | S°G | G'S | G8"OF | ‘9OBIT | 62° | 9OVIL, | 9OVIT 
800° | 90BIL | 00°S | 6S°T | 96'F | SF 'Ch | 9OBIL | GL | 9OBIL, | ‘oovIL, 
ILL” | 90R1, | 86°9 | S6°T | FES | IL LP | FL" 8S | ONVIL, | “OOBIL 
0S0° | 9OBIL | GP'S | 09'T | 40°9 | 19°9F | 23° 96° | 9NBIT, | 90VIT, 
980° | 90BIL | 86'S | 9L'T | L0°S | €6°6F | 80° FL” | SOIL, | “OBIT 
€60° | 90BIL | OL'F | 89°T | 06h | SE '9F | IL” 6L° | e0BIL | OBIT 
&20° | 00B1L | 99°F | OLT | 64°F | GE9F | 02" 6L° | e0RIL | “oOvIL 
yO" | OOBIL | F8°P | 69'T | SAF | 89°C | FO™ FG" | OOVIL, | OBIT 
CFO” | 9081 | G9"F | 89°T | O8'F | F6°SF | ST’ GG" | 9NBIL, | 9OVIL, 
$60" | 90BIT, | FEF | CLT | SL°h | GL PP | CL” 6L° | 90BIL | “ooBIL 
CFO” | 90BIL | 69°F | 9° | GLb | Gh oh | Ga" 6L° | 90BIL, | OOBIL 
T10° | 90BIL, | 66°F | CLT | 66°F | OO'Sh | 901, | ZL* | o0VLT, | ‘ooVrT, 
OIG” | ‘e081 | 60'S | L49'L | O8"F | L6°Gh | ST” GG" | OOBIL, | OBIT, 
190° | O0BIL | 68°F | OL°L | 28°F | LPGP | GT” IG@° | 90BIY, | “9OVIL 
180" | 9OBIT | 99°F | SLL | S6°F | 19°68 | FL” 9L° |o0BIL, | oOBIL, 
IO" | 90VLL | O8'F | PLT | 66°F | GL '9F | ‘O0VIT, | 6L* | ooVdy | oovry, 
800° | 90BIL | €L°h | 69°L | 10°S | G8 '9F | 6a" 6L° | 90BIY, | ‘ooBIT, 
G80" | 908IL | 84°F | FLT | 06°F | GL°9F | GT" GG" | OOBIL, | “OBIT, 
c60° | 90BIT, | IL’ | FL°L | 28h | G6 OF | OL" 60° | e0BIL, | OOBIL, 
G20" | e08IL, | 29°F | POT | 94’ | SL ‘FP | ST" 60° | 90BIL | ooBIT, 
690° | 90BIL | 6G°S | G9'L | P8°h | L6°CF | TL” 60° | OOBIL | ‘VOBIT, 
S10" | 90BIL | OF F | LPL | &o'F | Sh-LE | TL” 60° | OBIL, | “OBIT, 
ILO" | 90VIL, | 89°F | 00'S | TL'P | LPP | OOVIT | 60° j'90VIY, | ‘oovIy, 
LoO" |'00BIT, | 64°F | 10°G | F6'F | FO'9F | 90VIL | 60° | ‘90BIY, | ‘oOVIT, 
LEO" | OOVIT, | CLG | 88°T | OL'F | OF Gh |90RIT | 60° |‘90VTT, | ‘VOVIT, 
860° | O0BIL | 19°F | 09'T | 18°F | OG "ah | 6a" 60° | 9OBIL, | “OBIT, 
OVO” | "90RIT, | OL°F | 09'T | OLS | 86'9F | 8° 6L° | e0BIY, | OVIT, 
SFO" | 00BIL | 86°F | LO°L | P8°h | 12 '9P | 22° IL? | 90BIL, | ooBvly 
GhO° | 00BIL, | 48°F | 09'L | €6 °F | Ga '9F | ZL" IL’ | d0vay, | ‘ooBa 
Gc" | O0BIL | 89°S | TET | SLs | 68°9% | '90RIL | TT’ |‘o0vry, | ‘oovIy, 
60° | 00BIT, | SI'S | 99°L | 86°F | F8°Sh | IT” GL° | 90BIY, | OBIT, 
180° | oOBIT, | LEF | 09'L | F6'F | LO'SP | Za" 1G | d0BIL, | 9oBIT, 
G90" | 80BIL, | FOF | 89°L | 46°F | BLOF | TL” IG" | 90BL YT, | OBIT, 
G90" | 90BIT, | Fo°h | OSL | 06°F | GE ‘Sh | 90RIL, | 8Z° | ‘o0BIT, | ‘ooBIT, 
9IL* | 00BIT, ; LG'h | OL'T | 66°F | 22h | ST” GG" OOBIY, | OOBIT, 
GeO" | O0VIL | OG'h | 89'T | 88°F | So OF | 90BIT, | TZ | ‘eovry, | ‘oovlL 
P80" | 90RIL | [4° | GOL | 89°F | 8G"OF | Za" 8G" | OOBIT, | ‘OBIT 
€hO" | 00BIL, | 8h'F | 10°% | 89°F | 19 FP | co" Ce | OOVIL, | “OOVIL 

GO" |"90BIT, | 2G'F | GOL | 88°F | 98 OF | Zo" 86° | OBIT, | “OOBIT, 
090" | O0VILL | OFF | 86'L | LLP | PO FP | ‘ooVIT | PZ* | ‘oowrL, | ‘oovry, 
608 "0 | ‘90VIL | ZG"h | GOT | 18'F | 60'9F | 98°0 P30 | OBIT, | "OOBIT, 
SHON | ‘ON | “SM | S| “3 UW | TV98) oT “TET 

0S % 
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0S °% 
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“OUON (v) ge (1) (r) | 0G°99L | 1%'8 | 9L‘6F LL‘¥8% | 000‘GGs | L°FZL | OF 
‘OUON | (x ‘O0VIL | L000° | FF* FL'GL | 62'S | 90°SL | Z2IS‘ZgF | I1¢ ¥GG | GP 
‘OUON (x ‘OOBIT, |'VORIT, | 68° OL'ZE_ | 0°% | OG°CI | 6Sr"9 | 6c9. POF PP 
‘OUON | (e eG" e100" | 2a" 0¢ 09 | L9°8z | 1a‘SF | S680 OTS | 000‘0Z3 | S°GIL | EF 
‘OUON v) |‘00B81T, | 8000" | FF° 0S‘99T | OFS | €9°6F | S8Z1'°98z | 000‘0G3 | 69ST | ZF 
“OUON u) | 9081, | 9100" | FF° OL'S9L | S6 TL | 08's | 9660°26z | 000‘F3s | 6°SIL | IF 
‘OUON v) |*e0VIL, | 0100" |"e0VIL | OS'S9T | 94°2 | SL°SF | O6E8"9Lz | OzE‘F 0'OCL | OF 
“OUON | (ce) |"90RIL | 000° | EE'T 09691 | IF°6 | I¢‘0¢ | OFL8 6s | O00‘GS | G’zFL | 6 
‘QUON | (v) | 00BL1E | C000" | ‘90BIL | NT*TZT | 98°42 | I8°6F | GOSG‘06z | 000'OFs | 9°6ET | Be 
‘OUON | (s) |*90BIT, | E100" | ‘90vTL, | GOGOL | 84°eT | GOOF | S266 °96z | 09L‘G GLEE | LS 
“OUON (r ‘O0BILL | 2000° | SL" 0G ‘9 | T4°8 | F8'SF | Le9e°z8z | 009 ‘6 00cL | 98 
‘OUON | (ce ‘a0vlL, | §100° | eet | 00°G9T |! GF'2 | LG‘9F | SOL ‘08% | BOF ‘Z F'60L | Gg 
“OUON (v) |‘eov1t, | 9100" |'eovry, | Og'g9t | 80°8 | 06'9F | 99TF'82z | OO8‘Sa | @'SIL | FE 
‘OUON | (u) |*90VIL | E100" |‘o0BIL | 00'GOT | SS°8 | 09°6F | SST “E8a |--- 7” ane OROGIE ECS 
“OUON tr ‘90vIT, | S100" | FS" 00'6SE | 62'S | L2°Sh | SFL8 ‘FL | OOS‘ks | L°CILT | zg 
‘OUON °} ‘o0BLL | S000" | FS" 00°C9L | 84°8 | OF LF | S28 ‘S2t | 00Z‘24 | GFZL | Ie 
‘OUON | (xe ‘o0vig, | 0200" | FF* 0S ‘LGT | 0G°2 | 06°0e | O8ZL ‘2% (a) 0'6zr | 08 
‘OUON ts} 08° £000" | 2a" 00°G9L | F9°2 | ZO'SF | 800 '°Z8z | SI9‘% 0'98L | 62 
“OUON (u ‘90BIT, | 8000" | 22° 00°G9T | OSL | IF°LF | SIF ‘08c | 000‘TZs | 9°6SL | 8z 
“OUON x) |‘o0B1T, | OL00' | Za" OL‘9FE | 86°L | 6 "GF | OSTL'8S% | 008. PCSL | LZ 
“OUON v) |'00BIL | 8000" |*e0BIT, | OS'99T | G8°L | 98"ZF | STILL “S8z | LES ‘GZ L‘9FL | 92 
“OUON v) |*0BIT, | 2000" |*e0RTZ, | OG'99T | O8"2 | Te ‘ZF | 2898°z8z | O00‘ESs | SFR | cz 
“OUON ‘3 ‘90VIL | 8000" |'90V1L | O8'S9L | I8°L | G8*OF | SG88"F8S |---| LPPL | FS 
‘OUON s) |'a0BIZ, | OL00" | ‘e0vaZ, | 09°69T | L6°2 | GZ'9F | OSZL"E8z | OOS ‘OL® | SFL | gz 
‘OUON x) |'e0BIg, | goo” |‘e0vrT, | 00'Z9T | O'S | 6L FP | Cogs "E2zz | S22 ‘T SPSL | ce 
‘OUON n) |*00¥IL, | S100" |*e0vry | OG'99T | G6°Z | 9¢°GF | $006 “08z GST'T S"PIT | 12 
‘QUON *} Cis 0100" | Tg" 0G EST | T8°L | 06°6E | OFZO "TES | LLY ‘s S°CIL | 02 
‘OUON ( ‘OOVIT, | OL00" | S8'L | 00°6CL | G4°8 | GS'FF | OZITa2z | Z6c ‘SI Gest | 6L 
‘QUON uv) |'00B1L | 9100" | Ge°E | 00°ZOT | 89°OL | FLFR | O8TF'6Lz | OOO ‘Ges | a'ceL | ST 
‘OUON te} ‘OOBVIL | 0Z00" | FF° 0S 'S9T | 8G°8 | 29°GF | O6LL°LLG |7-7 >> Greet | 020 
‘OUON | (v ‘a0vlT, | O00" | 22° OG "SOT | 29°42 | 88 "Sh | 0609 F246 |"--*-"*-*"| OTPE | OF 
‘OUON | 62'T cO° 9100° | FF* OL‘S9L | 8°24 | 68°F | TOS "FSS™ | 009‘TOZ | O'ZFL | CL 
‘OUON v) |'a0BIL | $800" |*e0vrT, | 0G °99T | G6°Z | LE “SF | SLIO 08% | OFI‘S O'SFL | PL 
‘OUON u ‘OOBLL | ZI00" | ST" 0G ‘99 | S'S | LL‘9F | P99 'ISa |77 >>> BOOST BARS || ASE 
‘OUON u 8° 8000" | SL* 06°86 | $4°9 | ZG°G | SGs80 OAT | Fze G16 OL 
‘OUON v ‘o0vIT, | Z100° | ST’ 0@:09T | 82'°8 | PROLE | 2960 "GZS |---| SESE | CTT 
‘OUON 0 ‘o0BIT, | 9100" | *90BIT, | OG'O9T | S4°L | SG'FF | 9209 LZ] | FIG ‘ST Bast || OL 
‘OUON u ‘aovly, | S100" | 60° 0S ‘99 | 09°24 | IGF | SScr'6Zc | OFS‘TSo | SFFL | 6 
‘OUON u ‘a0VIT, | 2100" | 6a" 09'GLT | 88°4 | 8a‘9F | Z9LF 68a | 000‘%r | a6 | 8 
‘OUON | 98° ‘aovIT, | 1h00" | gS" 09°69T | G6°L | 6S'FP | TOFG FSS) FIS‘SLo | P'LFL | 2 
“OUON u) |‘a0vr, | S100" | eZ" 0G'E9T | 08'S | T9'bF | g9GG ‘22% | OOF‘cS | 69ST | 9 
‘OUON vu) |oowrT, | 2200" | FP° OS '99T | G8°L | TS"BR | Z988 62% | 08a ‘ZT PeSPL |G 
‘OUON 3 ‘OOVIT, | STOO’ | FF° 0G ‘09T | 89'S | GG’Sr | SES ‘TZa | 009‘S 9°CSl | F 
‘OUON v ‘oOVIT, | 2000" |90BIL | 09'99T | OL°L | G8'FR | 2829 '62z | S86 ‘6L L'Shr | 8 
“OUON u) |ooBLT, |‘OOVAT, | PP OG ‘09L | PGS | Sb'EP | OTS 'S4% | OO8‘OLa | O'GaL | 3 
‘OUON v) |‘oovrT, | oovary, | 98" OG '99T | S8°4 | IL'er | %64°08% | 008 ‘8z PShT | T 
3 : . “UOTT[ LU 7 Ie “TUR 
*osy | “od | *%oa | “ON | 8ON | 00H | Fos | “ors ane Feed ene ON 
4 OL 




Gases.—The gases given off by the hot waters were carefully col- — 
lected and analyzed. The results show that they consist of carbon 
dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. The ratio of oxygen and nitrogen 
corresponds very closely to that of atmospheric air, and, taking into 
account the relative absorption of the two gases by water, there can be 
no doubt that the oxygen and nitrogen given off by the water come 
from absorbed air. 

Source of water.—F rom what has already been said in discussing the 
geological and topographical relations of the springs, and from the 
composition of the water and of the gases, there seems no doubt that 
the hot springs correspond closely to the ordinary springs of the 
mountain region save in the very important element of heat. As will 
be shown later, it is believed that the waters of a very large but 
entirely normal spring, or springs, have been heated by vapors rising 
through fissures penetrating its unknown depths. 

Source of mineral contents.—The mineral matter of the waters has 
come from the rocks traversed by the waters. Recollecting the solvent 
power of hot water, it is rather remarkable that the waters are so pure. 
The underlying rocks are Silurian sediments resting on an unknown 
complex, but the Silurian rocks alone are competent to supply all the 
mineral matter of the waters. 


The question whether the hot springs are changing in character 
and will eventually either cease flowing or become cold springs 
is of both popular and scientific interest. The evidence seems to 
show that there is a very small decrease in temperature since they 
were first examined, now nearly a century ago. The temperature 
recorded by Dunbar and Hunter in 1804 for the larger spring was 150° 
F., and another had a temperature of 154°. In 1859 the springs were 
carefully examined by David Dale Owen, State geologist, whose map 
of temperatures and elevations is reproduced in Plate VIII herewith. 
A more accurate map was published by William Glasgow, jr., in 1860 
from careful instrumental surveys, together with records of temper- 
ature and outflow. 

Since then many changes have been made about the springs, all of 
which have been dug out and inclosed in masonry arches, with the 
consolidation of two or more springs into one in some instances, the 
development of new outflows by digging wells or sinking pipes, and 
the drying up of adjacent natural outflows. For these reasons all the 
springs now existing can not be positively identified with those shown 
on the earlier maps, but a majority of them are so correlated without 
doubt. ‘ 

Temperatures.—The comparison of the old records mentioned with 
those recently made shows that the highest temperature known to-day 
is 147° F., as against 154° in 1804, and 150° by Glasgow and 148° by 
Owen in 1860. Ina number of springs there is a decline of 2° since 
the latter date. Sucha slight difference might, however, be due to 
differences in the manner or place of taking the temperatures, or the 
instruments used in the earlier years may not have been accurate. Itis 
noteworthy that Owen’s highest temperature, taken in 1859 with a 
standardized thermometer, was 148°, and that recorded now is 147°. 
In other words, the temperature is decreasing so slowly that the change 


ii Temperatures a _Ar' 
i i ‘Spring aboveHot Spra 
i v State Geologist. 

PLATE v1. 
FY 20" 

ey a 
ter gynrKe® 
eR? me ; HOT SPRING ReeouNIE 
SP Shs) zr o 

So — 
NEKK 170) 

WE ANE SLOPE S Number of Spring in Reman Nianerals, Tenperanires in Arabic 
: S Ne Nuanbers fellowadby (t:thow the Bleration of Spring above Hot Spring Oreck 
ty oF oF eAteancous TURA y { H \ from observations by DD Oven. State Groteg tat 

“1880 ~ 

Ox-xavn us 
ww 119° 
Quyinn Bath House 

slnWouse 7/Ox-eexy 100 : \O) nescexvnr 114 
Old Hate Bath House 

et : Thector Hale ke Clayton. 
Pavilion P ‘ ath Howse 
Spring 136) 

SDoc 252 571 


“Stier eh aie, 


is almost imperceptible in half a century. In one instance, that of 
the Alum spring, there is a very marked decrease in temperature, 
and as this is the only spring on the west side of the creek, there is 
no doubt of its identity. In 1804 this had a temperature of 132°. 
In 1859 its temperature was 133°, according to Owen, and to-day it is 
but 114.8°. : 

Amount of outflow.—The comparison of outflow is more difficult. 
According to Dunbar and Hunter the largest spring had an outflow of 
11 quarts in eleven seconds in 1804, corresponding to 22,100 gallons 
per day, and the four largest springs had an outflow of 165 gallons per 
minute, or 237,600 gallons per day. Dr. Owen gives no measurements, 
but Glasgow gives the discharge of each spring—a total of 317 gallons 
per minute, or 450,480 gallons per day, as compared with 850,000 gal- 
lons per day at the present time. As the writer has shown elsewhere, 
the spring water is of meteoric origin, like most spring water, and prob- 
ably varies somewhat from year to year, corresponding to variation in 
annual rainfall at some previous year, so that no definite comparison 
can be made with the early records, except to state that the volume of 
water discharged is very much greater. Supposing a practically con- 
stant amount of heat applied, this of itself would mean a slightly low- 
ered temperature. In this connection attention should be called to the 
well put down by Major Torney, U. 8. Army, in the Army and Navy 
Hospital, which is capable of yielding the amazing amount of 350,000 
gallons per day without affecting but one very small spring (No. 40 
of the list). 

From a consideration of all these facts it is concluded that the springs 
are losing their heat so slowly that the loss is almost inappreciable. 

Amount of mineral matter carried in solution by the waters.—No 
essential difference in the composition of the waters can be detected 
by a comparison of the analyses made for Owen or Larkin (1859) or 
for Dr. Branner, of the State geological survey, in 1889, with the elab- 
orate and careful analyses made by the National Government. The 
waters are remarkable more for their purity than for their mineral 
contents. The material in solution consists mainly of bicarbonate of 
lime, which is so easily precipitated by the loss of carbonic acid gas 
that a deposit forms in pipes, and rather rapidly where the spring 
waters drip, as in the walls about the bowl of the Cave spring. The 
total mineral matter for all the springs amounts to 1,367 pounds a 
day, equivalent to 249.5 tons a year. This amount of material carried 
by the hot water from the earth’s interior to the surface must leave a 
very considerable cavity in the course of time. 


While there have been many theories advanced to account for the 
source of the hot waters, the only hypothesis that stands the test of 
scientific inquiry is the one which ascribes the heat of the waters to 
still hot but concealed bodies of igneous rock. It seems scarcely nec- 
essary to call attention to the absurdity of the idea that either slaking 
lime in the depths of the earth or chemical reaction of the waters with 
the atmosphere could be the cause of the heat. That the waters come 
from a depth sufficient for their heating by the normal increment of 
earth heat (1° for every 50 feet) seems unreasonable, since it would 
necessitate a depth of nearly 5,000 feet to give the waters their pres- 
ent temperature, even assuming that they were not cooled in their course 


upward. The composition of the gases given off by the waters shows 
that they contain atmospheric air as well as carbon dioxide. That the 
heat of the waters is due to the heat developed by the folding of the 
rocks, which is the theory given to account for the heat at the Virginia 
Hot Springs, is not probable, for the folding at Hot Springs is not 
more intense than elsewhere in the mountain regions of Arkansas, and 
no evidence of hot spring action has been found at any other locali- 
ties except where igneous rocks are present. 

It is believed that the heat comes from a great body of still heated 
igneous rocks intruded in the earth’s crust by volcanic agencies and 
underlying a large part of central Arkansas. The existence of such a 
mass is shown by the great bodies of granite seen at Potash Sulphur 
Springs and Magnet Cove, where the rocks have been exposed by the 
wearing down of the overlying sediments, though the igneous rocks 
seen were of course long since cooled. At Magnet Cove, moreover, 
there are tufa deposits which show the former occurrence of hot 

OTE hypothesis is strengthened by the occurrence of intrusive dikes 
at various localities about the springs, and their trend and occurrence 
indicate that the molten material which filled the fissures did not come 
from the bodies of rock now exposed at Potash Suiphur Springs or at 
Magnet Cove, but had some deep-seated source, whose location is indi- 
cated by the dikes as being approximately under the hotsprings. Deep- 
seated waters converted into vapors by contact with this ‘*‘ batholith” 
of hot rock probably ascend through fissures toward the surface, where 
they probably meet cold spring waters which are heated by the vapors. 
As the igneous dikes near by are fissures reaching down to this great 
mass of igneous magma which have been filled by it to form dikes, it is 

not unreasonable to suppose that fissures extend down to the now solid - 

but still hot igneous mass. 


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1 3 6 , Seale 62500 3 3 Miles 
se es es = =— 
t 3 2 x 2 3 bn s Kilometers 
Contour interval 20 feet. 

Datumis mean sea level. Ss. Doc. 282, 57, I, 


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