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| 3d Session. ' No. 92. 

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Tyrropuerton oF Dowestic REINDEER INTO ALASKA, 






FEBRUARY 23, 1895.—Referred to the Committee on Appropriations 
and ordered to be printed. 


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Action of the senateot. the United States) 225s soccec cicce ccs secces sceces carcce 5 
Letter of the Secretary of the Interior to the President of the Senate-....... 7 

Report of Sheldon Jackson, D. D., United States general agent of education 
in Alaska, to the Commissioner of Education, on the introduction of domestic 

EMT COR MU OMAN AS ccna mseyelele relate (olen ake aialasainiainyarateteCeroreialsielelalemisininca) a=lol= e\ele\s aicla = 9 
IPRS OMWVE eect coon guduea Bones Ost CHOC OOO I TRONS Sebo RUCoOS codaosmAocceeas 9 
IBGE S SH egoo eb00b acd oG50 cOdOUG BOSS BOO Coe HUE BAe SEebeCOOs deEeoe.dacueg As 10 
AM DSREMIMOTS HeaGUseoseacCdd becuaObus Hees ecno mere os DsOneasene eareeerse se 12 
EC Olesen renete sere aera creiaioial <istesteie teins oai~ =isjoreisletniein aiai= efelnie siete lcleishc tate elias 18 
RemMAGenUuLANSpPOLbaulOMnaa sasrcisisses ccisiociovsac coe cisls < oe cicieicisisteminis So eelerelais 16 
AG DUC hasers tltlOMaMS IDOL Atems cece cree ae se oaioe selsenisists coms wee teen's 18 

Letter of instructions to the superintendent of the herd...................-. 59 
Letter of Sheldon Jackson to William A. Kjellmann, February 24, 1894 ...... 65 
Letter of Sheldon Jackson to William A. Kjellmann, February 28, 1894 ....-. 66 
Superintendent authorized to send a herd to Cape Prince of Wales..........- 66 
Bakimoppoysnroms PoimbilOpey Cecelvied).- ccc esqlice)scecicelcieceleaisasis once clei 67 
Srpplics meelGd By TabiVe- RETUCES... 2 a= sie scm omen =a) sian 52 sess cee eno oS 67 
Annual report of W. T. Lopp, superintendent, to Dr. Sheldon Jackson ....... 68 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to Sheldon Jackson, March 7, 1894. .......... US 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to Sheldon Jackson, March 9, 1894........... 78 
Mole gramsyCONCEENIN GME ADD Scene ee seas oe oe see ce celce cance cieeee ce cents 78 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, March 30, 1894........ 79 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, April 2, 1894 .......... 79 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, April 9, 1894.......... 80 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, May 16, 1894.......... 80 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, May 22, 1894.......... 80 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to William Hamilton, May 29, 1894.......... 81 
A herd presented the American Missionary Association ................-...-. 81 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to Sheldon Jackson, September 3, 1894 ...... 82 
Letter of William A. Kjellmann to Sheldon Jackson, September 5, 1894 ...... 82 
Asroement to loan certain: Hskimo a herd... --.,... 2 ecsciece ssecleescsce seecce 84 
Award of Columbian World’s Fair, Chicago, 1893...................--- Ws stsree 84 
Letter from Agricultural Department December 14, 1894...................-.. 85 
Monograph on Caribou, by Charles Hallock, M. A., M. B. S.............-.... 86 
iemedeer Breeding, Report of Dr.§. A. Lofstrom. -..5...52..22.-2 <5. -20-< 93 
Monograph on Reindeer in Lapland, P. A. Lorvick...............-2.--------0 94 
Monograph on Reindeer in Lapland, Edward Norum ....................---- 95 
Monograph on Reindeer in Lapland, George Hammer ...............22. 22200 96 
Reindeer introduced into Southern Norway .....-.--..cccces sccese cece cccees 96 
Eskimo settlements around Bering Straits........ 0.02.20. esse eeee oes aiaseects 97 

Estimated distances on northeast coast of Siberia ................-..-...---- 97 



Possible mail routes. ...2 eces cece 2-2 oe conn cee m ee ccc ecs cc ccccces ccce cece coe 16 
Teller Reindeer Station and Vicinity -.....- 2-2-0. -ecees sone ee opposite page 57 
Arctic Eskimo tribes... 2.2... .cc0e- cee n ne cee n ne one cece coc cce cence cccecc ce 6 90 


Mr. and Mrs. Kemi, Teller Reindeer Station...... 2.222. ---- --2--- ee ceee eeeeee 9 
Group of Lapps, Teller Reindeer Station -...-...-.-..----------+----+-+----- 11 
Traveling with reindeer (native drawing) ..---..----.----++-+-+----+---+------ 18 
Rev. Eugene 8S. Willard. ..-...--+.---------+ 222-22 eee eee eee ne eee ee eee e eee 23 
RieA. Naxmman <2 oo.- 52 cae sies esos eemnisems ci nonlcielbiei= sale = \apalelele ilo io melee sielmtoiatattt om 23 
IRGw es ds lomo) Comllel sso sesscossooss 665500 sac s50G c5Ks DoS SeSSa50ces55Rodecs 23 
valliamy) Ae Keliives 222 smecc ces cee seen es oe aca malem ae aie ee eee 23 
Shoe shop, Sitka Industrial School .....------------------ -----+-----+-+2---- 30 
Reh VOlun 18l, KOM Socs cogs coon pono cose daca s5h000 Ceased SeasdaesdS5es0 S506 40 
TRE ION Wiva OMY OTE 35555 Gono cooSnoUseoeEeao snes soSonegGos SoBATO SENN esac 40 
Jolin NY K E S55 soe6 caao bdeood band dessa coo nbn s6d505 eagdCosdaS son ase5GG50C 40 
TEGO ere WIG ShirenweMlstorl S55 550556 oc65 CSSho 5 Gres cosnobeemne Seon Seon Shes a8se G60 40 
Sidra, lowbele GOWER. 555 555555.050055 So9009 C6506 Song HeOdaDSS Sogo USES UsSsaC 45 
Hskimo symbol letters -..... 2 << cece e one e wei eee ces ee we eine ne 48 
IDslahraG JMWEEh Sits IDE arses ISIE RNG LS S— So cosh65 555085 sooces abode essSees5650e 50 
Whalers wintering, at Herschell Island... 2. ~~ == 2-0 eee eens anaes enn BG 
Teller Reindeer Station. Winter (native drawing).........--.--.--.---.---- 59 
English mission, Fort Selkirk, Yukon River --.-...--.---.-.-.--------.--- =... - 60 
Minime vallage.(°40-mile| Creeley eee acm eee ee le ee eee 62 
RTss0-Greeksmisslon sl KOPMU Gs ecleseiisa = ee slee eres alee itelleleee eee eee eee 64 
Group schoolgirls, Point Barrow -....----.----.----------- +--+ +--+ --------6- 66 
Missronischoolhouserand residence, EHaines\-- sossea ee oe en leeee se ee eee eee 68 
Freighting with reindeer (native drawing) ---.--..--.---------------------< 70 
Moravian: mission, sbethel cme. =. -enteen ce alent ontene eine ecco) alaieie rea alee errr 72 
School children, Bethel..... Sisteseecimeiaisiois aco iat slek citins ctisisia ceo Sn ce sere 74 
Morayianimissiony Canmelescessr tosses ena se reer eee eeennce eee eee 76 
Schoo) house, ; Potts Lance. ne oejeree aa eae eee emeeisel eaede ae ee eee eee eee 78 
Sledgundersallepeointe bh anto were eeaaeee sees aise seeeiee ee eee eee 80 
WihalercanehtubyeEiskim oe OUNt ss URlO Wiesel ee ses elem lsealo meee eee t= amet aee 82 
Hunting ducks with sling, Point Barrow (native drawing)...--......-..-.-- 84 
Gamejo£ Nelakatah; Point Barrow- <2... 2-22 eee mete sele=) = ee ei el 86 
Types of reindeer traps (native drawing) ..--.. .- 2M... ---6-----. oa - oe eae 88 
Whalers, wintering ab ilerschell Island) <- oo)2c set crctse seers sealant eee ete oee 92 



February 20, 1895. 
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be directed to transmit 
a copy of the report of Dr. Sheldon Jackson, with maps and illustra- 
tions, upon the work of introducing reindeer into Alaska during the 
season of 1894, 
Attest: Wm. R. Cox, Secretary. 


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Washington, February 23, 1895. 
Sir: Iam in receipt of the Senate resolution of the 20th instant— 
That the Secretary of the Interior be directed to transmit a copy of the report of 
Dr. Sheldon Jackson, with maps and illustrations, upon the work of introducing 
reindeer in Alaska during the season of 1894. 
In response thereto, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of 
the report desired. 
Very respectfully, HoKe SMITH, 


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Washington, D. C., December 31, 1894. 
Srr: I have the honor to submit herewith my fourth annual report 
of “The introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska.” The year of 
1894 has been one of gratifying progress and success. 


Upon the arrival of Mr. W. Thomas Lopp, July, 1895, to take the 
superintendency of the Teller Reindeer Station, Capt. M. A. Healy, of 
the United States revenue cutter Bear, very considerately sent ashore 
his carpenter and two sailors to repair the house and make it habitable 
fora family. During the erection of the house in 1892 the supply of 
lumber had given out, and the completion of the building had to be 
postponed. Now, the barn-like structure was finished up and divided 
into six comfortable rooms. At the rear of the building, across its 
entire length, a “lean-to” 12 by 60 feet was erected, furnishing com- 
fortable quarters for the apprentices. 

During the fall the Eskimo apprentices, under the direction of Mr. 
Lopp, erected a small frame storehouse for the supplies, and two com- 
fortable log houses 12 by 15 feet for the use of the married herders. * 
These houses were plastered with cement and clay, sheathed with the 
odds and ends of boxes broken up for the purpose, and stuffed with mo:s 
between the sheaths and logs. As these are the first log houses north 
of Norton Sound, they have attracted much attention from the Eskimo, 
A scow for carrying wood and a sinall boat for fishing were also made. 

In the fall of 1894, to accommodate the party at the station, increased 
by the arrival of the Lapps, a log residence 16 by 35 feet was put up. 
A log building was also erected at the east end of Grantly Harbor for - 
the use of the herders in the winter, that section having been selected 
for the next pasturage of the herd. These log buildings are built from 
the driftwood found strewed along the ocean beach in the neighborhood. 


Mr. W. T. Lopp, of Indiana, was in charge as superintendent from 
July, 1893, to August, 1894. Desiring to reopen at Cape Prince of 
Wales the Congregational mission which had been closed by the mur- 



der of the missionary, Mr. Harry R. Thornton, August 19, 1893, Mr. 
Lopp asked to be relieved from the charge of the station at the end of 
the fiscal year. His request was granted, and Mr. William A. Kjell- 
mann, of Madison, Wis., was appointed in his place. Mr. Kjellmann 
arrived on the whaling brig W. H. Myers, July 29, 1894, and at once 
took possession. In July, 1893, upon the removal of Mr. Brace Gibson 
as assistant superintendent, there being no opportunity of securing a 
suitable successor, Captain Healy, of the cutter Bear, discharged Mr. 
John Grubin, quartermaster, in order that he might be appointed 
assistant superintendent. In August, 1894, Mr. Grubin was succeeded 
by Rev. T. L. Brevig, a Norwegian pastor from Stoughton, Wis. Mr. 
Brevig was born in Norway in 1857, but accompanied his parents to 
America when he was 10 years old, and settled in lowa. His training 
as a teacher was secured in a four years’ course at Decorah, Iowa, and 
he received a State certificate as teacher of public schools in both the 
English and Norwegian languages. In 1888, feeling impelled to enter 
the ministry, he took a three years’ course at the Lutheran Theological 
School at Minneapolis, Minn., at the close of which he was ordained a 
minister of the Norwegian synod. 

Mr. Brevig is expected not only to assist in the administration of 
the station, but also to have charge of the school at the station. Tor 
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1894, the school was taught by Mrs. 
Eleanor Kittredge Lopp, with an attendance of 69 pupils. 


During the winter of 1893-94 Mr. Lopp had the assistance of three 
Siberian herders, Anker and Dantin, from the South Cape of St. Law- 
rence Bay, and Nootad! goot, from near Cape Serdze Kamen. While 
their help was essential, and could not have been safely dispensed 
with, they were far from satisfactory. They proved so passionate, 
obstinate, jealous, and conceited at times that Mr. Lopp wished them 
back in Siberia. Anker, especially, became so insubordinate that in 
February he was discharged. Upon one occasion, becoming angry 
because a tired deer lay down in his harness and refused to rise, Anker 
jumped upon his head and stamped him to death. During the season 
several of the sled deer were killed by the cruel treatment of the 
Siberian drivers. It has also since been ascertained that they were 
accustomed to kill and eat deer from the herd on the sly when out 

The Siberian herders were employed at the beginning of the enter- 
prise, not because they were considered the best, but because they were 
near by and were the only ones that could be had at the time. It was 
realized from the first that if the Alaskan Eskimo were to be taught 
the management and care of the reindeer, it was important that they 
should have the benefit of the most intelligent instructors and of the 
most improved methods that were in use. By universal consent it is 


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admitted that the Lapps of northern Europe, because of their superior 
intelligence (nearly all of them being able to read and write, and some 
of them being acquainted with several languages), are much superior 
to the Samyoed deer men of northern Europe and Asia and the barbar- 
ous deer men of northeastern Siberia.! Intelligence applied to the 
raising of reindeer, just as to any other industry, produces the best 

Therefore, when in 1893 it was ascertained that the herd at Port 
Clarence had safely passed its first winter (thus assuring its perma- 
nence), Lat once set about making plans to secure herders from Lapland. 
There being no public funds available to meet the expense of sending 
an agent to Norway in order to secure skilled Lapp herders, I had 
recourse again to the private benefaction of friends of the enterprise, 
and $1,000 was contributed.” With your approval I at once sent Mr. 
William A. Kjellmann, the new superintendent, to Lapland. He sailed 
from New York City, February 21, 1894, on the steamship Majestic, to 
Liverpool. He then crossed England to Hull, and taking a steamer 
for Norway, reached Hammerfest, 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle 
(70° 40’ N. latitude), on March 8. In the face of an Arctic winter and 
raging snowstorms, the mercury 39° below zero, he pushed back into 
the mountains with reindeer and sled to Kautokeino, the center of the 
Finmarken district, where there were 65,000 reindeer. (Appendix, 

Great difficulty was experienced in procuring the consent of the 
herders to leave their country and their people. The fact that there is 
not a single colony of Lapps in the United States or elsewhere, shows 
their intense love of home, and great unwillingness to leave it. In 
addition to their aversion to leave home and friends, they were afraid 
of the barbarous people among whom they were to be taken. However, 
after being assured of safe conduct and final return home (Appendix, 
p. 79), the following persons were secured: 

Johan Speinsen Tornensis, wife, and one child under 1 year of age; 
Samuel Johnsen Kemi, wife, and two children, ages 1 and 4 years: 
Mathis Aslaksen Hira, wife, and one child 4 years of age; Mikkel Josef- 
sen Nakkila and wife; Per Aslaksen Rist; Frederick Larsen. Some 
of these are men of property, owning large herds of reindeer, and have 
several thousand dollars deposited in bank. They can all read and 
write, and some of them speak the Finnish, Russian, and Norwegian 

1Those who have read, in the appendix of the reindeer report of 1894, the letters 
of the various Scandinavians in the United States, who are acquainted with the 
management of the reindeer in Europe, can not fail to have been impressed with the 
unanimity with which they testify that the employment of expert Lapp herders is 
essential to the most successful introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska. 

2?The contributors to the above fund were: Mrs. William Thaw, Pittsburg, $350; 
Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard, New York, $250; Miss Mary L. Kennedy, New York, $200; 
Mr. John Nicholas Brown, Providence, R. I.,$100; Mrs. Helen Sinclair Robinson, 
Hawaiian Islands, $50; Mr. H. O. Houghton, Boston, $50. 


languages. They brought with them a full supply of Lapp literature, 
including hymn books and Bibles. 

Leaving Kautokeino on April 10, Hammerfest the 17th, and Chris- 
tiana the 26th, they reached New York City May 12, 1894, the first 
colony of Lapps that ever set foot on the North American continent. 
Passing directly westward to Madison, Wis., they tarried there until 
Mr. Kjellmann, the superintendent, concluded his preparations for 
removing his family to Alaska. Leaving Madison May 21 over the 
Great Northern Railway, the party were caught in washouts in Mon- 
tana. Transferring to the Northern Pacific, they finally reached 
Seattle June 2, and ultimately San Francisco, by steamer, June 5, At 
San Francisco, after twelve days’ delay, the party was taken on board 
the whaling brig W. H. Myers, and sailed from San Francisco for the 
Teller Reindeer Station, Port Clarence, Alaska, where they arrived 
safely July 29, having traveled over 12,500 miles. 


The importation of skilled Lapp herders raised the question among 
a few of the newspapers whether it was not an infringement of the law 
‘“‘to prohibit the importation and immigration of foreigners to perform 
labor in the United States, its Territories, and the District of Colum- 
bia,” approved February 26, 1885. The legality of the transaction was 
given early attention. The proposed action was brought to the atten. 
tion of Mr. Herman Stump, United States Superintendent of Immigra- 
tion, who, upon learning all the circumstances, decided that the case 
was provided for by section 5 of the above act, which reads: 

Nor shall this act be so construed as to prevent any person or persons, partnership 
or corporation from engaging under contract or agreement skilled workmen in 
foreign countries to perform labor in the United States in or upon any new industry 
not at present established in the United States: Provided, That skilled labor for 
that purpose can not be otherwise obtained, (23 Stat., 332.) 

As herding reindeer was first established in the United States in 

1892, and as there were no skilled reindeer herders in the country, 
their importation from abroad was very clearly within the law. 


During the year fifteen Eskimo men were employed in the care of the 
herd and in securing supplies for the station. <A list of names with 
ages and former residence is contained in the report of the superinten- 
dent. (Appendix, p.72.) His report also gives the standing of each 
in the several duties required, and a table of rations issued for their 
support. Special mention is made of the faithfulness of Moses, who 
was sent from the St. James Mission on the Yukon River. 

Constant changes are taking place in the band. Some become tired 
of regular duty and return home. Others are dismissed because of 


habitual carelessness. Those that remained regularly made good prog- 
ress and manifested an adaptation to the work that augurs well for 
their future success. 

One of the tendencies observed in the apprentices is a feeling that 
as soon as they can throw a lasso and drive a team that they have 
learned all that they need to know, and that after a few months’ service, 
they are fully competent to take the entire charge of the herd. I have 
noticed the same disposition among the natives of southeast Alaska in 
learning the carpenter or other trades. 

Because a fireman on a locomotive learns to open and shut certain 
valves, and start, slow down, or stop the engine, it does not follow that 
he is competent to take the engineer’s place. No more does it follow 
because an Eskimo man gains a little experience with reindeer that 
he is able to take charge of a herd. In Lapland where the people have 
greater intelligence and the advantage of heredity, a young man is 
required to serve an apprenticeship of five years before he is considered 
competent to manage for himself. Mr. William A, Kjellmann, who was 
brought up among the Lapps and spent much of his life in dealing with 
reindeer, writes wisely that— 

To learn to be a good herder or deer man takes as much time as to learn any other 
trade. It is not only necessary to learn how to throw a lasso, how to drive or keep 
good watch while with the herd, but the main part is to know how to take care of 
the fawns so that the herd can increase, to select a good sheltered place to keep the 
herd when the fawns are born, to know bow to make use of every particle of the 
deer so that nothing is thrown away, and to learn to think and act quickly in an 
emergency, and stand any hardship when necessary to save the herd. All this may 

be looked upon by outsiders as soon learned, but it is not so. It is only acquired by 
attention and long practice. 

In addition to their duties with the herd, a small amount of school- 
ing was furnished, and arrangements have been made by which during 
the present year each apprentice will have four full months of school. 

Besides food, clothing, and instruction each apprentice that does well 
throughout the entire year is given 2 female deer, at the end of the 
second year 5, and at the end of the third and each succeeding year 
that he remains at the station, 10. This, at the end of a five years’ 
course, will give each one 37 deer with the increase which will probably 
bring his holding up to 50. 


On the 30th of September, 1893, a count of the herd showed 343 head 
of reindeer. During the winter 20 were lost by disease and accident. 
During April, May, and June, 1894, 186 fawns were born, of which 41 
were lost by being frozen or deserted by their mothers, the thermometer 
registering during the calving season 30° below zero. 

‘During the summer of 1894, 120 head of deer were purchased in 
Siberia and transported to the Teller Station, making a total of 588, 


Breaking and driving.—Special attention was given during the year 
in breaking the deer to harness and practicing the apprentices in 

In the fall of 1893 there were only 11 trained deer inthe herd. Dur- 
ing the winter 13 additional ones were broken in. 

Harness.—Experiments were also continued with regard to harness. 
The Siberian harness consists of a strap around the neck of the deer 
and connected with a trace which passes between the forelegs and out- 
side the hind legs to the sled. In long drives or hauling heavy loads 
the trace necessarily chafes the hind leg, and often disables the animal. 
Superintendent Lopp tried a harness consisting of collar, back and 
bellyband, and two traces, which doubled the drawing powers of the 

Milking.—Experiments with milking were not much of a success. For 
6 herders to catch 5 cows, throw and hold them down, and milk with 
thumb and forefinger 1 quart of milk, usually required two hours. 

Upon the arrival of the Lapps in the summer of 1894, a change was 
at once inaugurated. The Lapps milk the deer standing, just as cows 
are milked in the States. 

When I left the station in the fall the Lapps were securing about 60 
quarts of milk per day, which was being manufactured into cheese for 
winter use. Under their management much better results should be 
obtained this present year. 

Distribution.—In August last 118 head of deer were given to Mr. W. 
T. Lopp, in charge of the mission of the American Missionary Associa- 
tion at Cape Prince of Wales, for the use of that station. (Appendix, 
p. 81.) This is the commencement of the policy of the Government to 
secure the active cooperation and assistance of all the missionaries in 

The missionaries being the most intelligent and disinterested friends 
of the natives, the Government naturally looks to them as the best 
agents through whom to reach them. From their position and work, 
having learned the character and needs of the people, they are best 
fitted to wisely plan and carry out methods for transferring the owner- 
ship of the deer from the Government to the natives in such a manner 
as will best facilitate the reindeer industry. 

The Government further realizes the fact that the natives who most 
completely come under mission influence, civilization, and education 
are the coming men of affairs among their own people, and therefore 
are the best men to lead in a new movement. 

At an early day herds will be turned over to the Episcopalian, Pres- 
byterian, Roman Catholic, Moravian, Methodist, and Swedish mission 

I*have also perfected arrangements by which on January 1, 1895, a 
herd of 100 should be loaned to Antesilook, Iziksic, Koktowak, Inpuk, 
and Soovawhasie (natives) for five years, at the expiration of which 


time they are to return 100 head of deer to the Government, and 
retain the increase for themselves. (Appendix, p. 84.) This herd will 
be located about a day’s journey south of the Teller Station, and will 
be under the general supervision of the Government superintendent, 
The natives will be accompanied and assisted by a family of Lapps. 

The progress of this latter herd will be watched with special interest. 

Caribou.—A large herd of wild reindeer exists from 600 to 700 miles 
inland, in the neighborhood of Fort Yukon, Porcupine River, and the 
Lower Mackenzie River. In small bands they are found within 100 
miles of the coast, and extending from the Arctic south to the Alaskan 
peninsula. They are not accessible, however, to large numbers of the 
people, and it is much easier, speedier, and cheaper to procure those 
that have come down through generations of taming, than to attempt 
to catch and tame the wild ones. 


In 1891 sixteen head of reindeer were purchased to disprove the 
assertions that the Siberians would not sell, and to prove by actual 
trial that the reindeer could be successfully transported by sea. No 
arrangements at the time having been perfected for herding them, they 
were turned loose upon the islands of Unalaska and Amaknak in 
Unalaska Harbor, where, uncared for, they have maintained themselves 
from that time to the present. Last winter four of the herd on Amak- 
nak Island walked out on a ledge of snow which overhung a precipice, 
and the ledge breaking off under their weight, they were killed on the 

rocks below. 

The success of the reindeer on the islands of Unalaska and Amak- 
nak suggests the wisdom of stocking the whole Aleutian group. This 
remarkable chain of islands reaches out from the mainland of Alaska 
1,000 miles toward Asia. It is composed of many islands sufficient in 
area and pasturage to maintain large herds of reindeer. The scattered 
Aleutian population, in the past supported by sea-otter hunting, are 
now being reduced to want by the disappearance and destruction of 
the otter. The introduction of reindeer would be to them a new and 
valuable source of food supply. 

Again, between the islands are the passes which lead from the Pacific 
Ocean to Bering Sea and the Arctic. On the 11th of May, 1894, the 
whaling bark James Allen, attempting to sail through, struck a sunken 
reef off the east end of Amlia Island and went down, the crew taking 
to their boats. Twenty-five persons were drowned or died from expos- 
ure. And when, on June 14, Captain Healy, of the Bear, took the last 
nine survivors off of Umnak Island, they were found eating the dead 
body of a companion who had died two weeks previous. If those 
islands had been supplied with reindeer much of this starvation and 
loss of life could have been prevented. In view of the importance ot 


increasing the food supply throughout that desolate region, I would 
recommend that early steps be taken to turn loose a few reindeer upon 
the principal islands of the Aleutian group and the larger islands of 
the Bering Sea. 


From year to year increasing numbers of the whalers are wintering 
at Herschell Island, off the Arctic coast, northwest from the mouth of 
the Mackenzie River. Millions of dollars of capital are invested in 
these vessels and their outfits. If their owners in San Francisco, Cal., 
and New Bedford, Mass., could hear from them during the winter, it 
might make a difference of thousands of dollars in the supplies sent 
the following spring. With the general introduction of domestic rein- 
deer throughout Arctic Alaska, it will be entirely feasible to send the 
mail from the whaling fleet, between four and five hundred miles across, 
to the mining settlements on the upper Yukon River, from the mining 
settlements, over the range, 850 miles, to southeast Alaska and civiliza- 
tion. The Postmaster-General is already arranging for a mail service 
to the Yukon mines. 

During last summer unusually rich placer mines were discovered in 
the Yukon country, and with the large number of men in the United 
States out of employment, it is probable that increasing numbers will 
find their way to the Alaska mines. But a large number of miners 
can not be maintained in that barren country without increased facili- 
ties for taking in food supplies. Two river steamers make two round 
trips a season upon the Yukon for a distance of about 2,000 miles. 
But these steamers can not ascend the tributaries of that mighty river, 
and it is upon the tributaries that the rich mines, so far as known, are 
situated. The river steamers land their supplies at trading posts at 
the mouths of these tributaries, and then the difficult question pre- 
sents itself of getting the supplies to the mines. They can partly be 
taken on dog sleds, and partly packed upon the backs of Indians. The 
latter is very expensive and the former insufficient. There are not 
dogs enough in the country to take in an ample supply. Hence the 
miners are clamorous that reindeer should be secured in larger num- 
bers so that they can have some for transportation purposes. 

Again, at intervals of from 200 to 500 miles Government schools and 
missionary stations are distributed along the coast from Point Barrow 
southward, and in the valleys of the great rivers. It is important to 
the greater efficiency of these stations that they have more frequent 
communication with the outside world than once a year, as at present. 
It is also an act of common humanity to bring them more closely in 
touch and sympathy with their friends. This can be done with the 
general introduction of the domestic reindeer. 

At Point Barrow there is a Presbyterian mission and school, a Gov- 
ernment refuge station, and two shore whaling stations in charge of 

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white men. From Point Barrow a reindeer express can carry the mail 
360 to 400 miles down the coast to Point Hope. At Point Hope is an 
Episcopal mission and school and two shore whaling stations. From 
Point Hope the express would go southeast 420 to 500 miles to Nulato, 
on the Yukon River. 

Commencing another line at Bering Straits it would convey the mail 
from the Congregational mission at Cape Prince of Wales, the Govern- 
ment reindeer station Port Clarence, and the Swedish mission at 
Golovin Bay to Nulato. From Nulato the express could go southward, 
taking in a large number of mission stations and trading posts, across 
the Alaskan peninsula to Katmai on Shelikoff Straits, where it could 
connect by steamship with San Francisco. From Nulato to Katmai 
would be, approximately, 850 to 900 miles. 

But as the Post-Office Department will first open mail communications 
with the mining camps on the upper Yukon, it will be more feasible 
for the present to run the reindeer express up the Yukon River to the 
mining settlements, and connect the southwestern settlements with 
this trunk line. At Nushagak (Carmel) on Bristol Bay, southwestern 
Alaska, is a Moravian mission and school, a Russo-Greek mission, and 
several large salmon canneries. Starting at Carmel the express can 
carry the mail via the Moravian station at Quinehaha and the salmon 
canneries in the vicinity of Bethel, 400 miles. At Bethel is a Moravian 
mission school and trading place. From Bethel up the Kuskoquim River 
via Moravian mission Ogavigamute, the Russo-Greek mission Oogoviga- 
mute, the Roman Catholic mission, Okhagamute, thence across to the 
Russo-Greek mission at Ikogmute on the Yukon River, up the Yukon 
River to the Roman Catholic mission at Koserefski, the Episcopal 
‘mission at Anvik, the Russo-Greek mission and seaport trading place 
at St. Michael, and the Swedish mission at Unalaklik to Nulato, about 
500 miles from Bethel. At Nulato the branch lines from Point Barrow, 
Cape Prince of Wales, and Carmel unite in a trunk line up the Yukon 
River to St. James Mission (Episcopal) 200 miles. 

In the future, if found necessary, a route can be had up the Tanana 
River, across to the Copper River and down the Copper to Nutchek, 
on an island in Prince Williams Sound. But for some years to come 
there will be no need to go that way. ‘ 

Continuing up the Yukon River from St. James Mission the route 
would lead to Fort Yukon (250 miles), where it would be joined by the 
branch line from the whaling fleet (400 miles); from thence to Buxton 
in the mines (200 miles), where it would connect with the mail to Haines 
and southeast Alaska (770 miles). The trunk line with its several 
branches would number 4,000 miles. To Katmai and Nutchek would 
add 900 to 1,000 additional miles. 

The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey has furnished an excel- 
lent sketch map of the vicinity of the Teller Reindeer Station and of 
these proposed routes, both of which are included in this report. 

S. Ex. 92 2 


To make this express possible it is essential that the reindeer shall 
be widely distributed throughout all northern Alaska, and to accom- 
plish this in the near future will require some more rapid method of 
securing the animals. 

A purchase station in Siberia.—The experience of the past three years 
has demonstrated the fact that the present system of purchasing deer 
is too slow and tedious. The season when the ice conditions are favor- 
able on the coast of Siberia is usually confined to about six weeks in 
July and August. The ship visits a village in the neighborhood of a 
small herd, and sometimes a week is consumed in securing a load. As 
a result, notwithstanding constant diligence during the few weeks that 
could be devoted to it by the cutter Bear, we only succeeded in pur- 
chasing, in 1892, 171; in 1893, 124, and in 1894, 120 head of deer. At 
this rate of increase it will take many years to accomplish the purposes 
of the Government. What is now necessary is some method by which 
the deer can be procured in large numbers. If, instead of delaying 
the ship while tedious negotiations are pending, some one could be sent 
on in advance to make the purchases and have the animals gathered 
ready for shipment, it would greatly facilitate matters. Instead of 
transporting 100 or 200 head a season, there is no reason why 1,000 
should not be secured. 

Last season a movement was made in this direction by Captain Healy 
detailing Lieut. C. M. White and a seaman and sending them up 
the coast to negotiate for deer. This experiment was not very success- 
ful. Although Lieutenant White secured the promise of a large num- 
ber, yet when a ship came along to collect them, many of the owners 
backed down and failed to deliver according to promise. 

I think, however, that if, with the consent of the Russian Govern- 
ment, a party could be placed on the Siberian coast in the fall with a 
supply of trade goods, and left through the winter to barter with the 
deer men, a large number of animals could be secured. 

With a supply store within reach, the deer men would come as often 
as their necessities required, and in the place of money (of which they 
have no knowledge) barter deer in exchange for supplies. As the deer 
came in from time to time they could be made into a station herd, and 
Siberians employed to herd them. The following summer, being gath- 
ered into one place, the ship would have nothing to do but to transport 
them, which could be easily done. Such a course might not meet 
expectations, but in the absence of some better plan I would like to 
see it tried, and therefore respectfully recommend it to your favorable 

Columbian Exposition.—The reindeer exhibit made by the Bureau of 
Education was awarded a diploma by the World’s Columbian Exposi- 
tion at Chicago. (Appendix, p. 84.) In this connection I have placed 
in the Appendix the official report on reindeer made by Dr. 8. 8. Lof- 
strom, actuary of the royal Swedish statistical central bureau, World’s 
Columbian Exposition, 1893. (Appendix, p. 93.) 

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Monograph on the caribou.—Last year it was my privilege to furnish 
a valuable monograph by the Hon. Rasmus B. Anderson upon the 
domestic reindeer of the world. This year I am equally fortunate in 
securing a monograph on the wild reindeer or caribou, from the pen of 
Mr. Charles Hallock, M. A., M. B.S., ex-editor of Forest and Stream. 
(Appendix, p. 86.) 

Leaving Washington City on the 16th of April, I reached San Fran- 
cisco on the 24th. After arranging for the transportation of the Lapp 
colony to the reindeer station in Alaska, and also of the supplies for 
that station, I left San Francisco on the evening of the 25th and joined 
the United States revenue cutter Bear at Seattle, Wash., on the 28th, 
Under instructions from Washington, the Bear got underway for Sitka 
on the Sthof May. The trip up the coast was a rough and stormy one; 
snow squalls were encountered almost every day. On the morning of 
May 10, off Dixon’s Entrance, in a driving snowstorm, the gale became 
so severe as to split the fore-staysail, carry away the grips of the third 
cutter, and deluge the galley with water. At the same time the wheel 
ropes parted and the ship had to lay to; the sea was so rough that no 
attempt was made to set the table in the captain’s cabin, but we took 
our meals in our hands in the pilot house as best we could. 

Dixon’s Entrance was named for Capt. George Dixon, commanding 
the English ship Queen Charlotte, which visited this region between 
1775-76. The straits, however, had been discovered by Capt. Juan 
Perez, of the Spanish expedition of 1774. The first white man to nav- 
igate these waters was Captain Douglass, in the Iphigenia, in 1789. 
These waters mark the boundary line between British Columbia and 
Alaska. Crossing the mouth of Dixon’s Entrance we were again in 
American waters—in Alaska, the region of the celebrated exploring 
expeditions of a century ago. 

In 1741 Vitus Bering, in the St. Peter, reached as far eastward along 
the coast of Alaska as Kayak Island, and looked upon the glories of 
Mount St. Elias. The same season, his second in command, Alexei 
Chirikof, in the St. Paul, reached the region of Sitka and Cape Prince 
of Wales Island. The discoveries of Bering and Chirikof, together with 
their report of the abundance of furs, set the merchants of Siberia wild 
with excitement. As in later days there was a rush to the newly-dis- 
covered gold fields of California, so in Siberia more than sixty com- 
panies were organized to gather in the harvest of furs. Unwilling to 
await the proper construction of seagoing vessels, flatboats and small 
schooners were hastily constructed of hewn planks lashed together with 
rawhide thongs—vessels that would float in fair weather, but were 
unable to hold together in storms. In these frail crafts expedition after 
expedition followed one another in rapid succession, and the half of 
them were lost, but those that did return in safety with a fair cargo 
divided profits of from $1,500 to $3,000 per man. 


In the eager search for furs new sections were visited, until the whole 
southern coast from Attou to Sitka became known. Among these early 
adventurers were Capt. Emilian Bassof, 1743 (the first white man to 
land on the island of Attou); Mikhail Nevodchikof, 1745; Andrei Tol- 
stykh, 1747; Nicofor Trapeznikof, 1749; Emilian Yugof, 1750; Peter 
Bashnakf, Feodor Kholodilof, and Simeon Krassilnikof, 1753; Radion 
Durnef, 1755; Andrei Tolfstykh, 1756; Ivan Shilkin, 1757; Stepan 
Glotlof, Demetri Paikof, 1758; Gerassim Pribylof, Grigor Shelikof, 
Alexander Baranof, Lastochkin Lebedef, Ferdinand P. Wrangell, and 
hundreds of others of lesser note. These trading expeditions were sup- 
plemented by explorations under the auspices of the Russian Govern- 
ment and Russian-American companies. 

In 1778 the Trekh Sviatiteli, in command of Masters Ismailof and 
Bocharof of the Imperial navy, was dispatched by Shelikof in search of 
new lands to the eastward of Kadiak. Capt. Joseph Billings, com- 
manding the Slava Rossie (Glory of Russia), was sent in 1790 on a 
secret “Astronomical and geographical expedition for navigating the 
frozen sea, describing its coasts and ascertaining the situation of the 
islands in the seas between the two continents of Asia and America.” 

On the 7th of August, 1803, Lieutenant Krusenstern, in the Nadeshda, 
and Uri Lisiansky, in the Neva, sailed from Kronstadt with a party of 
scientists (among them being the naturalist, Langsdorf), a force of ship- 
wrights and skilled workmen for shipbuilding, supplies of charts, 
instruments, and nautical works. In April, 1804, the two ships rounded 
Cape Horn. In June they visited the Sandwich Islands, where they 
separated, the Nadeshda proceeding to Petropavlovsk in Kamchatka, 
and Captain Lisiansky in the Neva continuing on to Alaska, arriving 
at Kadiak on the 13th of July, 1804, the first Russian expedition to visit 
Alaska around Cape Horn. 

Otto von Kotzebue, commanding the brig Rurik, sailed from Petro- 
pavlovsk in the summer of 1816 in search of a “ Northwest passage,” 
He was accompanied by the scientists, Chamisso and Wormskloid, Dr. 
Escholtz, and Artist Choris. Passing through Bering Straits and dis- 
covering a large inlet to the eastward, he rejoiced to believe that he 
had found the long-looked-for passage. On August 1, 1816, he entered 
the new sound with the Rurik only to find afew days later his mistake. 

In 1822 Captains Khramchenco and Etholin, and Master Vassilaief, 
in the brig Golovnin, and schooner Baranof, made a detailed survey of 
the Alaska coast of Bering Sea from Bristol Bay to the mouth of the 
Kuskowim, and from St. Michael to Golovin Sound. 

In 1827 Capt. Feodor P. Liitke, by directions of the Russian Govern- 
ment, made a careful survey of the northern coast of the Aliaska 

In 1828 Captain Hagemeister, in the Krotky, and Captain Stan- 
inkovich, in the Méller, made important surveys on the coast of Bering 


In 1829 Master Vassilaief, accompanied by Alexander Kolmakof, a 
creole, crossed the Aliaska peninsula from Shelikof Straits via the 
lakes tothe Kuskokwim River. During this expedition Kolmakof 
selected the site of a trading post, which was built in 1831, and in 
1841 a redoubt named after him was built near the junction of the 
Kuskokwim and Kvigin rivers. 

In 1830 Midshipman Etholin was placed in command of the brig 
Chicagof and sent to explore Norton Bay, Sledge, King, and St. Law- 
rence islands. Upon his return he advised the establishment of a 
station on Stuart Island (St. Michael). 

In 1833 Lieutenant Tebenkof was sent in the sloop Ourupa to estab- 
lish a trading post on Norton Sound and make explorations inland. 
The new post was named Mikhaielovsk. The inland explorations were 
committed to Andrei Glazanof, a creole. The party, with three native 
guides, and two sleds, each drawn by five dogs, set out on the 30th of 
December, 1833, and after great hardships reached as far as Anvik on 
the Yukon River, and Painagamute on the Kuskokwim River. 

In 1838 Alexander Kashevarof, a Kadiak creole, was sent to explore 
the Arctic coast. Being landed from the brig Polyfem, he continued 
northward in five three-holed bidarkas, reaching within 100 miles of 
Cape Beechey. The same year Vassili Malakhof explored the Yukon 
as far north as Nulato, where he built a block house. In 1842 Lieu- 
tenant Zagoskin, of the Imperial navy, explored the Kuskokwim and 
Yukon rivers and their tributaries. 

The rapid extension of the Russian occupation of the American 
coast from 1743 to 1800 attracted the attention and excited the jealousy 
of other European nations, and especially of Spain, who looked upon 
Russian encroachments in the north as imperiling her interest in Calli- 
fornia. Consequently, in 1774, Capt. Juan Perez, commanding the 
Santiago, was ordered to cruise on the North Pacific coast and take 
possession of new lands in the name of Spain. He reached as far 
north as Dixon’s Entrance. The next year he was followed by Lieut. 
Juan Francisco de Bodega y Cuadra in the Senora, reaching the Cross 
Sound. On the shores of Salisbury and Bucarelli sounds wooden 
crosses were erected as notification of Spanish claims. 

In 1779 Lieut. Ignacio Artega, commanding the Princesa and Favo- 
rita, under orders from Spain, sailed from San Blas February 11, and 
went westward as far as Cook’s Inlet, at Nuchek, taking formal posses- 
sion of the country. 

In 1791 Alejandro Malaspina, commanding the corvettes Descubierta 
and the Atrevida, sailed May 1 from Acapulco for Prince William 
Sound in search of the Northwest Passage and new lands for the 
Crown. In 1788 an expedition in command of Alferez Eslevan Jose 
Martinez, consisting of the Fragata Princesa and the Paquebot San 
Carlos, in command of Pilot Gonzalo Lopez, was sent along the coast 
to the Aleutian Islands. And in 1790 Lieut. Salvador Fidalgo, in the 
Paguebot Filipina, visited Prince William Sound and Cooks Inlet. 


England, then as now, wide awake for colonial extension, followed 
the example of Spain and sent, in 1778, two years after the second 
Spanish expedition, Capt. James Cook, commanding the Resolution and 
the Discovery, and five years later the Discovery and the Chatham, in 
the command of Capt. George Vancouver; then in the present century, 
in search of Sir John Franklin, the expedition of the ship Blossom in 
1825-1828, Capt. F. W. Beechey commanding, and in 1836-1842 the 
expedition of Capt. Edward Belcher. 

Supplementing the Government explorations were the English trad- 
ing expeditions of Capt. George Dixon in the Queen Charlotte, and 
Capt. Nathaniel Poetlock in the King George in 1786; Captain Hutchins 
in the Prince of Wales in 1787, and Capt. John Mears in the Nootka in 

In 1786 France sent out an expedition consisting of the two frigates, 
Astrolabe and Boussole, in command of Capt. J. G. F. de La Perouse, 
and in 1791 Capt. Etienne Marchand, commanding the Solide. 

In 1790 the Swedish Government sent to the Aleutian Islands the 
cruiser Mercury in charge of Captain Coxe. 

American trading vessels were visiting Alaska prior to 1785, but no 
Government exploration was undertaken by the United States until 
Commander John Rogers’s expedition around the world in 1854-55, 
and of the Aleutian Islands in 1856 by the United States schooner 
Fenimore Cooper, in charge of Lieutenant Gibson, United States Navy. 

Returning to Dixon’s Entrance, the extreme southwestern point of 
the Alexandrian Archipelago, which we are entering, is Cape Mazon, 
near to which, on Kaigahnee Straits, is Jackson, a mission station of 
the Presbyterian Church to the Haidai tribe. Here in 1881 I estab- 
lished a mission school with Mr. J. E. Chapman as lay teacher. In 
1882 he was replaced by Rev. J. Loomis Gould and family, who have 
faithfully held the fort until the present. Mr. Gould has built up a 
chureh of ninety members, and Mrs. A. R. McFarland, under the 
auspices of the Woman’s Executive Committee of Home Missions, a 
mission home. The day school established by the church in 1881 was, 
in 1885, turned over to the Government, 

Steaming northward along the bleak and snow-covered mountains 
of Prince of Wales Island, we pass the small outlying Forrester Island, 
named in 1774 by Perez as Santa Christina, and by Cuadra as San 
Blas. Wolf Rock Island and Cape Bartolome are reached all unseen 
in the storm, and we are off Bucareli, which, with Kasaan Bay, almost 
cuts Prince of Wales Island in two. This large sound seems to have 
been a favorite with the early Spanish exploring parties. On the 
24th of August, 1775, the expedition under Cuadra, being greatly 
impressed with the location and character of the sound, sent a party 
on shore, who, after erecting a large wooden cross and celebrating a 
solemn high mass, took possession for Spain with waving banners and 
discharge of musketry. The waters were called Bucareli Sound. 

S. Ex. Doc. 92 Boose 

Rey. J. Loomis Gould. S. A. Saxman. 

Rev. Eugene S. Willard. William A. Kelly. 



In 1779 Lieutenant Artega visited the sound and repeated the solem- 
nities of taking possession. In connection with Cuadra, who was 
second in command, they made a complete survey of the sound, which 
survey is the best that has thus far been made. This accounts for the 
Spanish nomenclature on the charts. The next visit of the Spanish 
was in 1792, when Lieut. Jacinto Caamano in the frigate Aranzazu, 
came searching for the Northwest Passage. 

In the northeast corner of the sound is the small fishing station of 
Klawak. Here in 1886 I established a school with Rey. L. W. Currie 
as teacher. The first winter the school was kept at the native village 
of Tuxikan in a native house, Mr. Currie and family occupying a por- 
tion of the room curtained off with drilling, the owner another portion, 
and the school and church the center. The following summer they 
removed to Klawak, where a school and teacher’s residence were built. 

Passing along the seaward side of Iphigenia Bay at 11.20 a. m., we 
were off Coronation Island. We were also off the mouth of Sumner 
Straits, at the eastern end of which is the village of Fort Wrangell 
with its Government school and Presbyterian mission. Passing Chris- 
tina Sound and the Hazy Islands, we were soon abreast of Cape 
Ommaney, the southernmost point of Baranof Island. This island is 
about 85 miles from north to south, and about 20 miles wide. At 7.30 
p. m., we made Biorka Island, at the southern mouth of Sitka Sound. 
At 9.50, it being too foggy to attempt to make the harbor, the steamer 
stood off and on until morning. At 1.30 a.m. the Bear stood in for 
Sitka Sound, and at 3.20 a.m. hauled up between Cape Edgecumbe 
and Biorka Island. 

Cape Edgecumbe is the southwestern point of Kruzof Island. This 
island is noted for the extinct voleano of Edgecumbe at its southern 
end (see Professor Libby’s account and Findlay’s Alaska Directory, 
pp. 52, 53). Cuadra in 1775 named the cape Cabo de Engano, and the 
mountain San Jacinto. These names were changed in 1778 by Captain 
Dixon to the present name of Edgecumbe. The Tchinkitane of the 
natives, the Baya de Gaudalupa of the Spaniards, and the Norfolk 
Sound of Captain Dixon is now known as Sitka Sonnd. 

Just over Biorka, to the eastward a few miles, is a group of hot and 
cold sulphur and iron springs. ‘The waters are impregnated with sul- 
phur, iron, manganese, and chlorine, 97 per cent being sulphur. Dur- 
ing the Russian occupation a small hospital was established and main- 
tained at the springs for the treatment of skin diseases. 

At 5 a.m. we were off Vitskari Island, and at 6.25 a. m. dropped 
anchor in Sitka Harbor in front of the Presbyterian mission. The 
harbor of Sitka, with its large number of islands and islets, is one of 
surpassing beauty, and forms one of the most picturesque and attrac- 
tive locations for a town in the United States. 

In the closing years of the eighteenth century, it being found that 
the fur-bearing animals of western Alaska were rapidly decreasing in 


number, the attention of Baranof was directed to the new sources of 
supply in southeastern Alaska. About the same time the Hudson Bay 
Sompany was extending its operations eastward across the continent 
to the coast, and American ships had found out the profitable fur trade 
of the same region. Baranof, to extend his trade, hedge off the Eng- 
lish, and place himself in easy communication with the American ves- 
sels, from whom he could procure breadstuffs and other supplies, 
determined to establish a settlement in the Alexander Archipelago. 
After a long period of preparation he set sail on the 10th of April, 
1799, from Kadiak in the brig Hlizaveta and sloop Konstantin with 
22 Russians and from 500 to 600 Aleuts, with 200 canoes. At 
Nutchek he was joined by Kuskof with from 300 to 400 Aleuts and 150 
canoes. Rounding Cape Suckling 60 men were lost by the capsizing 
of the boats, and soon after a number of others were killed in a night 
attack of the natives. However, on the 25th of May, in a driving 
storm of sleet and snow, the mountains covered with snow to the 
water’s edge, the expedition reached Sitka Sound and effected a land 
ing at Bay of Starri-Gavan, 6 miles north of the present site of Sitka. 

Negotiations were entered into with Katlian, who seemed to be the 
leading Sitka chief, and the land for a settlement was purchased of 
him for some beads. Keeping one-half of the force at hunting sea 
otters, the other half was set to work on the buildings, and soon the 
sound of axes and the crash of falling trees proclaimed the commence- 
ment of civilization in that region. The place consisted of 6 build- 
ings, a stockade, and 3 fortified blockhouses, and was named Fort 
Archangel Michael. In the spring of 1800 the force numbered 25 
Russians and 56 Aleut men, besides women and children. At the 
time of Baranot’s landing the American ship Caroline, of Boston, 
Captain Cleveland commanding, was at anchor a few miles off, trading 
for sea-otter skins with the natives. Having established the Sitka 
settlement, Baranof returned to Kadiak in the fall of 1800, leaving 
Vassili Medvednikof in command. 

With the chief factor absent, and no doubt more or less oppression 
on the part of the Russians, the natives abided their time. In the 
spring of 1802 they gathered the warriors from all the surrounding 
tribes, and on a Sunday in June, when a majority of the Russians and 
Aleuts were off hunting and fishing, they made an attack on the new 
settlement, which was quickly taken and burned to the ground; then 
attacking the outside hunting parties, killed them off in detail, but 
3 Russians and 2 Aleuts escaping to the woods. A few days latter 
these were found and taken on board the Unicorn, an English ship 
under Captain Barber, which was in the vicinity trading. Soon after 
another English ship and an American trading ship arrived. By 
detaining the native chief and others on board ship and threatening 
to hang them, 18 women were ransomed, making 23 in all that were 
saved. These were taken to Kadiak by Captain Barber. 


The destruction of Fort Archangel Michael was a heavy blow to Bar- 
anof, but he was so occupied with other sections that it was not until the 
spring of 1804 that he was able to set out to reestablish his settlement in 
Sitka Sound. In March, 1804, Baranof received word that the Emperor 
had raised him to the nobility, creating him a ‘Collegiate councilor.” 
This new mark of the Emperor’s appreciation of his work affected him to 
tears, but with the memory of Sitka ever upon his mind, he exclaimed: 
“JT ama nobleman, but Sitka is lost. I do not care to ie I will go 
and either die or restore the possessions of my august benefactor.” 

Having completed his arrangements on the 2d of April, Baranof sent 
foward two ships in command of Demianenkof, and two days later 
sailed himself with the sloops Ekaterina and Alexander and 300 
bidarkas, making a combined force of 120 Russians and 800 Aleuts 
with which to meet and overcome the five or six thousand native 
warriors that could be massed against them. Arriving at Yakutat, he 
was reinforced by Kuskof with the small sloops Yermak and Rostislaf, 
which had been built for theoccasion. On the 25th of August Baranof 
left Yakutat on board of the Mermak, reaching Sitka Sound September 
19, whither the Alexander and Ekaterina had preceded him. And with 
en was the ship Neva, Captain Lissianski having unexpectedly 
arrived from Russia via Cape Horn and Kadiak. The natives were 
found intrenched upon an island rock 60 feet above tide water. 

On the 1st of October four of the ships were anchored off the native 
stronghold, and fire was opened from the ships, followed by a desper- 
ate charge led by Baranof himself. The assault was repulsed, with 
the loss of eleven men and the wounding of Baranof and Lieutenants 
Arbuzof and Pofalishin. The following day the ships opened a furious 
bombardment, which caused the natives to sue for peace. Three days 
were consumed in negotiations without the stronghold being surren- 
dered, when, on October 6, Captain Lissiansky, who, at the request of 
Baranof, had taken charge of the hostilities, constructed a raft, upon 
which he moved two guns nearer the fort. An interpreter was again 
sent to demand an immediate surrender of the post, and brought ek 
word that the natives would leave at high tide. But the tide rose and 
fell without any apparent movement within the fort. Late in the night 
a weird, wailing chant was heard in the fort, and all was still. It was 
the death dirge as they killed their infants and small children lest their 
cries should betray their flight. Then silently stealing out of the fort 
into the woods, they escaped unobserved. In the morning a flock ot 
ravens circled over the fort and fed on the slain. When the Russians 
entered the stockade they found the bodies of thirty warriors and all 
the small children. 

This place had been originally selected by Baranof as the site for a 
settlement, and it was now taken for that purpose. The rock fortress 
was burned to the ground and its site was taken for the location of the 
residence and offices of the Russian commander, and the foundations 


laid for Novo Arkhangelsk, the capital of Russian America—the Sitka 
of to-day. During the winter of 1804-5 eight buildings were erected 
and surrounded with a substantial stockade, with blockhouses and 
mounted cannon at the angles. In the spring the ground was cleared 
and several vegetable gardens started. But that the accommodations 
were still far from comfortable we may see when Count Rezanof writes 
a few months later in an official report: 

We all live poorly, but worse than all lives Baranof, in a miserable hut, so damp 
that the floor is always wet, and during the constant heavy rains the place leaks 
like a sieve. 

In 1809 Baranof’s hut was destroyed by fire, giving place to a more 
comfortable residence, so that Captain Golovin, of the Russian navy 
in 1810, writes, the fort— 
consisted of strong wooden bastions and palisades; the houses, barracks, magazine, 
and manager’s residence of exceedingly thick logs. In Baranof’s house the furniture 
and finishing were of fine workmanship and very costly, having been brought from 
St. Petersburg and England. But what astonished me most was the large library, 
in nearly all European languages, and the collection of fine paintings. 

In 1827 the second castle being thrown down by an earthquake was 
removed and the summit of the rock crowned with a still larger build- 
ing, which has since been known as the governor’s palace. The building 
was constructed of large cedar logs squared on the sides and dove- 
tailed together at the corners. To prevent its being destroyed by an 
earthquake, copper rods were run through the logs and bolted to the 
rocks upon which the house stood. It was 140 by 70 feet in size, two 
stories high, and crowned with a cupola, in which at night lamps were 
placed to guide incoming mariners. The building was surrounded 
by a stockade and defended by a battery of guns that extended half- 
way around it on the seaward side. At the northwest or land side it 
was approached by a long flight of steps. Upon a landing halfway 
up was another battery and a sentry. The second floor of the palace 
was given up to state apartments, and used for receptions, balls, public 
dinners, etc. In the center was the grand saloon 70 feet square. 
Opening out from the saloon on the one end was a drawing-room extend- 
ing the whole breadth of the building, 35 by 70 feet in size, and from 
the other end a drawing-room and billiard room, each 35 feet square. 
On the first floor were the parlor, library, bedrooms, dining room, and 
kitchen. In the grand saloon, upon the anniversary of the Emperor’s 
birthday, and other festive occasions, the governor was accustomed to 
give a dinner to all the officials and leading chiefs in the place. Sir 
George Simpson, governor-general of Rupert Land, in his journey 
around the world, visiting Sitka in 1842, writes of the farewell dinner 
given him by Governor Etholin: 

The farewell dinner, to which about thirty of us sat down, exceeded in sumptu- 
ousness anything I had yet seen, even at the same hospitable board. The glass, the 

plate, and the appointments in general were very costly; the viands were excellent, 
and Governor Etholin played the part of host to perfection. 


The last of these regal festivities was on the 18th of October, 1867, 
in honor of the transfer on that day of the Territory to the United 
States. That night a grand ball and dinner were given to the distin. 
guished officials and naval officers of the United States and Russia who 
were present at the ceremonies, followed by an illumination and tire- 

After the transfer this historic building was occasionally occupied by 
American officials until, gradually falling into decay, it was abandoned. 
Its portable furniture, lamps, brass chandeliers, and even the great, 
quaint hinges on its doors, were stolen. Tourists cut out and carried 
away its carved railings, and town boys amused themselves by throwing 
stones through its windows. The doors and sash were boldly carried 
off to do service in other habitations, and when I first saw the building 
in 1879, many of its windows and doors were gone, and the floor of 
the grand saloon covered with rubbish. It remained, however, until 
the last a favorite resort for tourists from the steamers, and an oppor- 
tunity to dance in the grand saloon was greatly prized. In late years 
added interest has been given to the building by speaking of it as 
haunted by the ghost of a beautiful Russian lady, the daughter of a 
former governor, who disappeared from the ballroom on her wedding 
night, and was found dead in one of the smaller drawing-rooms. On 
the anniversary of her wedding night, and again on Easter night, clad 
in her wedding garments and wringing her jeweled hands, her spirit is 
said to glide from room to room, leaving the perfume of wild flowers 
behind her. 

In 1893 the Government expended $14,000 in repairing the castle for 
the uses of the United States district court. At 2 o’clock on the morn- 
ing of March 17, 1894, flames were seen issuing from the building, and 
in four hours the most noted landmark and historic building of Sitka 
was a heap of ashes. ; 

With the erection of the first governor’s residence and fort in 1804-5 
the tongue of land at the base of the fortified rock was gradually 
cleared of trees and stumps and a commencement made in the building 
of the village. From time to time several large apartment houses 
or flats were erected for the use of the employees of the company. 
There was special activity in the erection of large public buildings 
during the time that Count Rezanof was governor. Some of these log 
buildings were 150 by 80 feet in size, and from two to three stories 
high, with large attics under the roof. A heavy stockade was erected 
around the whole village, with fortified blockhouses at the angles. 
Upon the removal of the United States troops in 1877, the natives, 
believing that the country had been abandoned by the Government, 
arose in 1877, tore down the stockade, and would have murdered the 
white inhabitants but for the timely arrival of a British gunboat. 

A small portion of the stockade remains in the rear of the governor’s 
garden, and also two of the blockhouses. 


Under the indomitable energy of Baranof, Sitka (Novo Arkhangelsk} 
became not only the political capital of Alaska (Russian America) and 
the headquarters of the Russian-American Company, but also the 
commercial metropolis of the Pacific Coast, possessing docks, shipyards, 
brass, iron, and bell foundries, machine shops, saw and flour mills, 
brickyards, woolen cloth mills, besides manufactories for agricultural 
implements, a copper-engraving establishment, large warehouses, an 
observatory, hospitals, a library, Russo-Greek and Lutheran churches, 
the bishop’s residence, schools, a theological seminary, and an officers’ 
clubhouse. During this period San Francisco was known simply as a 
Roman Catholic mission to the Indians. 

Two and one-half years from the commencement of the settlement of 
Sitka a fine brig was launched from its shipyard and christened Sitka. 
The following summer a three-masted schooner of 300 tons was launched 
and named Otkrytie (Discovery); and Mr. A.J. Findlay, writing to the 
Nautical Magazine in June, 1849, says: 

The arsenal is the next object which arrests the attention of a stranger, from the 
number of men employed either building new or repairing old vessels. At this 
moment they are building a new steamer, destined, I think, for Mr. Leidesdorf, of 
California. The workmanship appears good and solid; everything for her is made 
on the spot, for which purposes they have casting houses, boiler makers, coopers, 
turners, and all the other ‘‘ers” requisite for such an undertaking. The boiler is 
almost completed and is made of copper. They also have their tool makers, workers 
in tin and brass, chart engravers, sawyers, and sawmills, for all which occupations 
suitable establishments have been made. 

At the time of the transfer a fleet of 15 sailing vessels and 2 ocean 
steamers went and came from its harbor. Before the American occu- 
pation of California the Sitka foundry furnished the Romish missions 
of California with their chimes of church bells, and Sitka manufacto- 
ries supplied the California ranchmen with their agricultural imple- 

The annual reports of the observatory were published by the 
Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. The Sitka Library, estab- 
lished by Count Rezanof in 1805, contained, in 1835, 1,700 volumes, 400 
periodicals and pamphlets, and a valuable collection of charts. Of 
the books, 600 were in the Russian language, 300 in French, 130 in 
German, 35 in English, 30 in Latin, and the rest in Swedish, Dutch, 
Spanish, and Italian. The 39 copper plates of Tebenkof’s celebrated 
Atlas of Alaska were engraved at Sitka by Terentief, a creole. 

To provide more comfortable accommodations for unmarried officers 
and officials of the higher rank, many of them sons of the nobility of 
Russia, Governor Etholin built a large clubhouse. 

Within a year from the commencement of the settlement (1805) a 
school was established. In 1820 its efficiency was greatly increased. 
In 1839 a home school for orphan girls, daughters of the employees of 
the company, was established. In 1840 a similar school was opened 
for orphan boys. In 1841 a theological school was also opened. 


The first Russo-Greek priest arrived at the new settlement in 1816. 
Betore the transfer to the United States, the Russo-Greek Chureh had 
a resident bishop with 15 priests, deacons, and followers; also a cathe- 
dral, church, and Episcopal residence. The Lutheran Church had its 
minister and church building, both the Greek and Lutheran churches 
being sustained by the imperial treasury. 

With the American occupation, a great change came over the scene. 
Shipbuilding ceased, and the shipyard was filled up to make a parade 
ground for American soldiers. Manufactories, foundries, and all other 
industries were closed, only two sawmills and a beer brewery remain- 
ing. The skilled mechanics and Russians largely returned to Siberia. 
The bishopric and theological seminary were removed to San Francisco. 
The books of the public library were “lost, strayed, or stolen;” no trace 
of them now remains. Three of the large Russian buildings, includ- 
ing the castle and hospital, have been destroyed by fire. The Lutheran 
church, condemned as unsafe, has been torn down. The clubhouse, 
too, has been adjudged unsafe, and, with some of the warehouses and 
other buildings, will have to be torn down. The civilized, industrious 
population of several thousand has dwindled down to several hundred, 
and where thousands earned a living by their trades, the few hundred 
that remain are largely dependent, directly or indirectly, upon the 
salaries of the Government officials and the summer patronage of 
curio-buying tourists. 

For a short time after the transfer Sitka had a boom, as wide-awake 
speculators rushed in, anticipating the creation of a large city. A 
region several miles square, reaching from the sea to the tops of the 
mountains, was mapped on paper into streets, parks, and city lots. A 
municipal government was organized, with a mayor and common coun- 
cil. A newspaper, the Sitka Times, was started and published weekly 
for eighteen months. But the enterprising speculators, failing to real- 
ize their hopes, one after another returned south, and the withdrawal 
of the troops in 1877 seemed to complete the decline of Sitka. The 
census of 1880 revealed the presence of but 157 Americans and 219 
creoles in the deserted city. The same census, however, showed a 
native Thling-get population of 540. 

The Thling-get village of Sitka is about as large to-day asin Russian 
times, and in much better condition. Largely under the influence and 
teaching of the mission and school maintained among them since 1880 
by the Home Missionary Society and the Woman’s Executive Com- 
mittee of Home Missions—both of the Presbyterian Church—the 
Thling-gets have made considerable advance in civilization. The old 
damp, dark, and smoky native buildings with their bark roofs are giv- 
ing place to modern buildings with windows, doors, wooden floors, chim- 
neys, and shingle roofs. Stoves are taking the place of a fire on the 
floor in the center of the room; chairs, tables, dishes, and bedsteads 
are becoming common. And on Sundays the crowds that wend their 


way to church are dressed in good ‘“ store clothes” of American manu- 
facture. And to-day the only ones learning trades are not the sons of 
Russian creoles, but of the Thling-gets, at the Presbyterian Industrial 
Training School, at Sitka. This institution has 14 buildings, and is 
distinctively coeducational. The boys and girls recite in the same 
classes, dine together in the same dining room, and, under wholesome 
restraint, have opportunities for social intercourse. 

A few years of sedulous training have developed in some of the older 
pupils a spirit of emulation, a sense of personal responsibility, self- 
respect, self-reliance, and. self-helpfulness which command respect. 
Most of the large boys, advanced far enough to read intelligently in 
the second reader, are learning a trade (all being in school half of each 
day and at work half a day), and the diligence with which they pursue 
their studies and the zest with which they enter upon industrial work 
day after day are most praiseworthy of them and encouraging to their 
instructors. All of the shoes for the pupils of the school are hand- 
made in the shop, under the direction of a competent foreman. Con- 
siderable custom work is also done. 

The supply of barrels and half-barrels far exceeds the demand, yet 
coopering is considered an excellent trade for the young men. Owing 
to high freight, barrels are usually made at the fishing stations where 
needed, and coopers are in demand at those places. 

The variety and scope of carpenter work have proved a most valu- 
able source of instruction to the boys, most of whom are aptly adapted 
to mechanical industry. The boys have made commendable progress 
during the past year. Young men who can do carpenter work fairly 
well can find opportunity to ply their trade in any of the villages of 

There are eight model cottages, six of which are occupied by young 
married couples from the school. These young folks have been thrown 
entirely upon their own responsibility and resources, and they are doing 
right well in earning a livelihood, while their houses are kept clean, 
neat, and homelike. The environments of family life among the young 
folk, in contradistinction to that in vogue among the natives, tend to 
create new conditions and inspire new impulses among their own 

The general work of the school—patching, mending, refitting, making 
new garments (aprons, towels, underwear, dresses)—is no light task. 
Each girl 8 years old and upward knits her own stockings, and the 
large girls find time to learn useful tidy work in order that they may 
be able to beautify their own homes with the work of their own hands. 

The girls are trained in every department of household industry—_ 
kitchen, dining room, teachers’ room, etc. The girls numbering but 
50, the matron and her assistants find time to give each girl individual 
care in the details of housekeeping, thus gradually inculecating and 
developing a sense of personal responsibility. 



'E-89-— 66 ‘00 “X01 “S 




The boys do the bread baking for the school, while the girls in turn 
are taught how to bake and cook for a family. This special instruction 
in the art of cooking is given in the teachers’ kitchen, the cooking for 
the teachers and employees being done by the native girls. They are 
also trained to wait upon the table, and they serve the teachers and 
guests with grace and manners. The young boys are also trained in 
the school kitchen and dining room. 

The pupils, from the children to the adults, sing with a spirit and 
understanding that outrivals many of the public schools. 

The brass band of 20 members dispenses music for the school and 
for the town on public occasions. 

There is a military company of 35 members. The guns were kindly 
loaned them by the governor of the Territory. 

Lessons in patriotism are constantly inculeated. The Alaskans are 
a loyal, patriotic people. 

The time has fully come when a normal department should be added 
to this important school, and a beginning be made in training native 

After a very busy week spent at Sitka, the Bear got under way at 
4.45 a.m. on May 19 for Prince William Sound. The trip up the coast 
was grand. The Fair Weather range of mountains stood out bold and 
white, covered with snow to the water’s edge. On the afternoon and 
evening of the 20th we had fine views of Mount St. Elias, it being vis- 
ible from base to top. One of the most remarkable stretches of coast 
for a combination of snow, glaciers, and mountains is the region 
between Cross Sound and Cape St. Elias—no language can do it justice. 
At 1 o’clock a. m. on May 22 we entered Prince William Sound, There 
being no good chart of the region, the captain felt his way slowly with 
constant soundings of the lead. At 8.30 a.m. anchor was dropped off 
the east end of Hawkins Island, Cordova Bay, in the vicinity of two 
large salmon canneries. In the neighborhood of these canneries reside 
25 white men living with native women. Itis reported that last winter 
they manufactured 2,500 gallons of liquor for the use of the Indians. 
The two salmon canneries at Cordova Bay, and one near by at the 
mouth of Copper River, represent a capital of $375,000. The output 
of these canneries for last season was 80,000 cases of canned salmon 
with four dozen 1-pound cans to the case, with a valuation of $280,000. 

On the 23d, availing myself of the kind invitation of Captain Hum- 
phry to make a trip across the delta of the Copper River, I went aboard 
their little fishing steamer. The distance across the delta is about 50 
miles. Passing to the southwest of the canneries and skirting the 
mountains down the peninsula east of Hawkins Island and around 
Cape Whitshed, our little craft boldly pushed to the eastward across 
the delta, the steamer channel being marked by spruce trees which, at 
low tide, when the flats are bare, had been set at the principal turns. 
The afternoon was rainy and we only got occasional glimpses of the 


beautiful snow clad mountains to the southward. About 9 p. m. we 
reached our destination at Pete Doll Slough. Upon stilts on the bank 
was a Small frame house where twelve fishermen and a cook abide dur- 
ing the few weeks in which salmon run at this point. As we came up 
to the mud bank there were six piles of red salmon and six of king 
salmon waiting to be loaded upon the steamer. The catch for the day 
was 4,000 fish, which were soon loaded on board. For the common 
salmon, averaging 8 pounds each, the fishermen receive 3 cents per 
fish, and for the king salmon, weighing from 40 to 80 pounds, 10 cents 
each. Soon after midnight, the tide being up, the steamer started to 
return to the canneries, but before fairly getting out in the stream, ran 
aground, and the tide falling, we were left where we could get off the 
steamer and walk ashore. This detained us until high tide at noon on 
the 24th, when we again got under way, reaching the canneries about 
5 p.m. While en route we passed five bidarkas with natives hunting 
the sea otter. 

Returning to the Bear at 6.45 p. m., we were under way for Nuchek. 
At 10.35 the cutter ran ashore on a sand shoal, but was able to back 
off without any serious damage. On the morning of the 25th we 
dropped anchor at Nuchek, where we remained until 2.35 a. m. on the 
27th, at which time a start was made for Cooks Inlet. Glaciers and 
snow-covered mountains were visible the entire day. At 6.30 a.m. on 
the 28th, rounding Chugatz Island, we entered Cooks Inlet. At 9 
o’clock, overhauling the Ida Htta, the steamer was stopped to send a 
boarding party to the sealer. At 9.20 we were again under way north- 
ward, and at 1 p. m. passed Coal Point (Kachekmack Bay); at 3 p. m. 
Staritchkof River was abeam: at 4.50 we anchored off Munia (Nilchik). 
The village being 4 miles distant, the sailors had a long, hard pull to 
shore. The whole male and child population of the village came down 
to the beach to meet us. The only American in the place was Mr. J. 
M. Cooper, the trader. The village is composed of 17 families of Rus- 
sian creoles, comprising 53 people, of whom 23 are children between 
6 and 21 years of age. The houses are small, but comfortable and well 
built of logs. The village has also a small log church recently recon- 
structed. The priest comes from Kenai once a year. In the meantime, 
the principal men take turns in conducting church services. The com- 
munity possesses 15 head of cattle (small Siberian breed). They raised 
600 bushels of potatoes, besides cabbages, turnips, ruta-bagas, etc. 
They have about 5 acres under cultivation. Hach season they salt 
down a sufficient quantity of fish for their winter use. Eighteen head 
of moose were killed the past season; also a number of bears, lynx, 
ete. The community was anxious for a school. These people are inter- 
esting as the descendants of those who were sent in 1812 by the Rus- 
sian-American Company to found the Ross Colony and raise provisions 
for the Alaska colonies. When the attempt was abandoned in 1841, 
the people were returned to Alaska, and many of them settled at this 


At 4.20 o’clock on the morning of the 29th we got under way, again 
steaming north, and at 9.30 a.m.came to anchor 5 miles off Fort Kenai, 
where we again went ashore. As the people of this place see but two or 
three ships a year, an arrival is a great event, and large numbers of the 
people gathered on the blutt to see us land. We were met at the landing 
by Mr. Wilson, formerly a naval officer of the United States, but who 
for twenty-five years has been in the employ of the Alaska Commercial 
Company in the vicinity of Cook’s Inlet. Making a call upon the Russo- 
Greek priest, we found that his wife talked English fluently. The pop- 
ulation of Kenai is given by the priest as 152, 89 males and 63 females; 
to this population there are but 16 children; these are all in a school 
taught by the assistant priest. The people are rapidly dying off; four 
years ago in an outbreak of the grip, 40 people died in one month from 
this small population. The place is divided into two small settlements; 
the one on the bluff overlooking the beach is Russian creole, and the 
other, about a mile away, overlooking the valley of the Kaknu River, 
is occupied by the Kenai Indians. The slope of the bluff from the creole 
village down to the beach is covered with the vegetable gardens of the 
people. The creoles have gotten out the logs for a new church build- 
ing, and are awaiting the expected arrival of their bishop from San 
Francisco to secure permission to build. The priest lives in a large, 
comfortable log building, and has taken a stand for temperance and 
morality among his people that will do them much good, This can not 
be said of many of his predecessors. The range of the thermometer 
at this place is from 90° above zero in summer to 35° and 40° below 
zero in winter. 

Near the Indian village is a large salmon cannery on the Kaknu River, 
which is a large stream flowing from the Skillokh Lake. Across the 
bay, immediately in front of Kenai, is Redoubt Mountain, an active 
voleano. At the head of Cooks Inlet, on Turnagain Bay, are some gold 
placer mines, worked by 30 white men. A few miles to the south of 
Kenai is the mouth of Kassiloff River, a large stream taking its rise in 
Tustumena Lake; at its mouth are two salmon canneries. Near the 
mouth of Cooks Inlet, on the east bank, is the village of Soldavia, on 
Kachekmak Bay. It has two stores, and is the largest settlement on 
the inlet. The place has applied to the general Post-Office Department 
to be placed on the mail route as a distributing point for Cook’s Iniet. 

Having finished our duties in Cooks Inlet at 2.50 a. m., May 30, we 
were again under way, bound south to Karluk. Going on deck at half- 
past 7 o’clock, we were abreast of Illiamna Volcano (1,260 feet high), 
which from base to peak, under the morning sun, glistened in its white 
robe of snow and ice. In the crater, apparently to the southwest of 
the peak, were occasional puffs of smoke. As far as the eye could reach, 
north and south along the west coast of the inlet, stretched the won- 
derful panorama of high sharp peaks and rugged mountains, all covered 
with snow to the water’s edge. In front of us Mount St. Augustin 

S. Ex. 92——3 


arose from the sea, and with regular sloping sides formed a conical- 
shaped mountain, covered with ice and snow. Itis evidently of volcanic 
formation, as the ravines formed by the lava flows radiate from the 
cone to the base in regular lines. 

A few years ago a volcanic eruption split off a portion of this moun- 
tain and cast it into the sea. The mountain forms an island about 27 
miles in circumference. This island was ever present and formed a 
conspicuous landmark through the entire day’s sail. Prominent on the 
horizon in front of us in the morning, and which we only passed in the 
evening, was Cape Douglass, which mnie the southwest boundary of 
Cooks Inlet. In the far distance it looms up an island cone, appar- 
ently separated from the mainland, but a nearer approach reveals a 
a large group of sharp peaks covered with snow and their ravines filled 
with glaciers. At noon a shout on deck took us out of the cabin to see 
a wonderful display of bird life. The water was black with them, form- 
ing a belt from 50 to 100 yards wide, and almost as far as the eye could 
reach. The birds had evidently found a school of small fish upon which 
they were gorging themselves. At different timesin the inlet a number 
of fur seal were seen disporting themselves in the water. 

At 3.30 p.m. the ship was hove to to board a small schooner, the 
Jayhawker, of Juneau, E. H. Bogues, master. The only occupants of 
the vessel were Mr. Bogues and a boy of 11 years of age. Mr. Bogues 
was sick. The schooner had sprung a leak and was half full of water, 
and the two sailors were entirely out of provisions. The captain offered 
to tow them into a neighboring harbor, but they declined his assist- 
ance. He then sent them some provisions and left them. It was after- 
wards learned that the schooner and master were famous for smuggling. 
A superb sunset closed a day of wonderful scenery. For grandeur of 
scenery Cooks Inlet greatly surpasses the properly famed scenery of 
southeast Alaska. Early in the morning of May 31 the Bear dropped 
anchor at Karluk. In the harbor were the American barks Harvester, 
Merom, and Nicholas Thayer. During the forenoon I went ashore and — 
inspected the Government schoolhouse which was erected several years 
ago at this place. During the past two years, owing to the smallness 
of the appropriation of Congress, the schoolhouse has been closed. 
Karluk is the most famous place in the world for STE there being 
six or seven large canneries at this place. 

Returning from the visit to the village, at 2.15 p.m. the ship got under. 
way for Afognak. The wind freshening into a gale and being dead 
ahead, with a heavy sea, the captain put into Uyak Bay and anchored. 
This bay runs inland some 27 miles, and in connection with Kaliuda 
Bay on the eastern side of the island almost cuts the great island of 
Kadiak into two portions; the trail between the bays is about 8 miles, 
At anchorin the bay was the small fishing steamer Hla Rolhffs. Rich 
quartz gold mines are reported at the head of the bay. The storm hay- 
ing somewhat abated, at 2.50 a. m., June 2, we were again under way. 


At 9 o’clock we turned from Shelikof into Karluk Straits. These straits, 
which separate Afognak and Kadiak islands, are about 20 miles long 
and 2 miles wide. On a clear day the trip through them furnishes 
beautiful scenery. Soon after entering the straits we overtook the 
Alaska Commercial Company’s schooner, the Kadiak, which had been 
reported lost. Captain Healy very kindly offered to tow the schooner 
into Kadiak, which offer was gladly accepted. Several times during 
the day we again saw the wonderful sight of myriads and myriads of 
birds covering the face of the sea; among the birds were seen several 

At 1.15 p. m. we came to anchor abreast of the village of Afognak, 
and an opportunity was afforded me to goon shore and inspect the 
schoolhouse and interview the teacher. Returning on board, the Bear 
got under way. At3.20 p. m., turning southward from Karluk Straits, 
we entered the romantic and beautiful Ozinkey Narrows between Kadiak 
and Spruce islands. With a strong tide in our favor, we swept swiftly 
through the Narrows past the village of Ozinkey, where I lay at ancher 
in 1886 in the schooner Leo. Weagain met myriads of birds darkening 
the water in search of fish. Those met in the forenoon were of a white 
color; those in the afternoon were brown. About 7.10 p.m. the ship 
anchored about midway between Kadiak and Wood Island villages. 
Going ashore at Wood Island, I had the privilege of spending the night 
with Mr. Roscoe at the mission of the American Baptist Woman’s Home 
Missionary Society. Mr. Roscoe’s work has met with bitter opposition, 
and even persecution, from some who should have stood by him; at 
times even his life has been in danger, but through it all he has come out 
triumphantly, and now has eighteen Russian creole and Aleut children 
in the home. The next day I went over to Kadiak and visited Mr. 
Washburn, agent of the Alaska Commercial Company, and Mr. Solter, 
teacher of the Government school. Here I was reminded that, although 
so little is known by the general public of Alaska that it is considered 
a comparatively new country, yet the citizens of Kadiak at the time of 
my visit were making preparations to celebrate the centennial of the 
establishment of the Russian Church in their village. 

In the afternoon of June 4 the ship got under way for Unga. The 
trip through the southern entrance to the harbor of Kadiak out to sea 
is one of great interest and beauty. Passing between Wood and Pick- 
nick islands, by the southwest end of Long Island, through Chiniak 
Bay, a large number of needle rocks are seen rising from the sea. 
Long Island has been leased from the Government and stocked with 
Silver gray foxes. Passing Cape Greville, 15 miles south, carries us 
abreast of Ugak Island, which is a landmark for sailors bound for 
Kadiak by the southern entrance. Here in 1784 a decisive battle was 
fought between the natives and the Russians. After the repulse of 
the attack of the natives on the newly-formed settlement of the Rus- 
sians at Three Saints Bay, Shelikof concluded that his only safety was 


in giving the natives aseverelesson. Hearing that they were intrenched 
on the island, he took one of his vessels and with an armed force made 
an attack upon them. Being unable to reach them with his small can- 
non, a landing was effected and a successful assault was made upon the 
native stronghold. A number of the natives in their desperation leaped 
from the cliffs into the sea and were drowned, and about one thousand 
were taken prisoners. 

To the west of Ugak Island is St. Orlovsk, an old Russian settle- 
ment. Twelve miles farther down the coast is Kilinda Bay, also con- 
taining an old Russian settlement. A few miles farther south and we 
pass Sitkalidak Island, behind which is the Bay of Three Saints. This 
bay was first visited by Grigor Ivan Shelikof in 1784 and named the 
Three Saints Bay after his three vessels, the Archangel Michael, Simeon, 
and Anna. He formed a fortified settlement, which was soon attacked 
by the natives, who were smarting under the wrongs which they had 
suffered from previous parties of Russian fur seekers who had visited 
their shores in ships. Peace was only secured for the settlement 
through a bloody war. Making Three Saints his central station, Sheli- 
kof soon had settlements located at all desirable points along the east 
shore of the island, and also at Karluk, on the west coast, where in 1785 
he placed fifty-two Russians and a number of native hunters. <As 
Three Saints was the first permanent Russian settlement in Alaska, it 
also had the honor of securing the first church building, erected in 
July, 1796. A school had been taught in 1785 by Shelikof and his wife, 
and again by Father Juvenal, who opened his school on the 19th of 
June, 1796. In 1796 the headquarters of Russian operations was 
removed from Three Saints to Kadiak. From Three Saints to Kadiak 
there is almost continuous inland navigation for kyaks and small boats, 
formed by the straits between the main island and smaller outlying 

Steaming southward, we pass beyond the southern point of Kadiak 
and lay our course for Ukamok Island. Alitak Bay, in the southwest- 
ern end of Kadiak Island, is the first point on the island visited by the 

tussians. This was by Stepan Glottov, who landed here in the fall 
of 1763, and subsequently wintered at Kiyavak (Kahgovak), on the 
southwest side of the island. 

At 2.45, on the morning of June 5,we passed Trinity Island, 113 miles 
south of the southern point of Kadiak Island. Atnoon we were abeam 
of Chirikof Island. This island, discovered by Captain Cook on April 
4, 1794, is about 10 leagues in circumference. Passing along its eastern 
side, it seemed high and rocky. This island is historic as the “ Botany 
Bay” of Russian America, being the place where murderers and the 
more desperate criminals were taken and left largely to themselves. 
The island was treeless and without vegetation except moss and lichens. 
However, innumerable wild fowl nested on its cliffs, schools of fish 
frequented its surrounding waters, and the marmot abounded in the 


crevices of the rocks. As marmot fur is highly prized for parkas, the 
convicts set themselves to procuring it for a living. 

In 1869 Captain Evans, of the United States revenue cutter Lincoln, 
making an inspection of the southern coast of Alaska, called at the 
island. He was accompanied by Mr. Vincent Collyer, secretary of the 
Board of Indian Commissioners. Not knowing the character of the 
settlement, and moved by their stories of privation and destitution, a 
large supply of provisions and goods were landed for their relief. The 
sugar was at once brewed into beer (quass) and the whole community 
reveled in drunkenness as long as the supplies lasted. From the visit 
of the ship they learned that they were no longer under Russia, and 
were free to go or come. Stimulated by the memory of the good things 
left by the ship, they determined to abandon their island prison and 
make a desperate venture for liberty. Packing the whole population 
into two skin-covered bidarkas, they safely made the island of Kadiak, 
80 miles distant. 

June 6, at 6 a. m., we passed 4 miles north of Castle Rock. We are 
now at the eastern entrance of the Shumagin Archipelago. To the 
south of us were the Big and Little Koninski, Simeonoff, and many 
smaller islands; to the north of us, Point Kupreanoff, with the rock- 
bound coast, snow-covered, glacial-swept mountains and ravines of the 
peninsula. Directly in front were the islands of Nagai, Andronica, 
Korovin, Popoff, and Unga, with innumerable islets and rocks. About 
9 o’clock we entered Gorman Straits, passing between Korovsin and 
Andronica islands, on the former of which is a small Russian settle- 
nent of two families, with four or five houses and a small Greek chapel. 
We are now in the neighborhood of the point where, on August 30, 
1741, Bering landed to bury Shoomagin, one of his seamen. As the 
natives destroyed the cross that marked the grave as soon as the Rus- 
sians left the beach, all trace of the exact spot has been lost. From 
the account of the expedition it was probably either on Popoff or Nagai 

Leaving Pirate Cove, with its sheltered cod fishery, to the right of us, 
we pass down the east coast of Popoff Island, round the head, and make 
direct for Delaroff Harbor, where we make anchor at 11.45 a. m., abreast 
of the village of Unga. Taking an early lunch, F went ashore and 
found Mr. O. Rh. Kinney, the teacher, on the beach waiting for me. 
Under his guidance we visited the schoolhouse, which has been enlarged 
and repainted since I left there a year ago. From the schoolhouse we 
visited the “‘Martha Ellen Stevens” cottage, where he resides, and 
while there discussed school matters. 

The entrance to the harbor is.most picturesque. At the southern 
side a large opening or cave extends through a rocky headland, giving 
the appearance of an immense elephant, the cave or open space sep- 
arating the elephant’s trunk from his fore legs. The southern point 
of the island is a precipitous rock, making a high cape, with a large 


number of needle rocks clustering around its base, while a few miles 
beyond, as outlying sentinels, are the Sea Lion Rocks. At the northern 
entrance of the harbor are large, detached, precipitous rocks at the 
base of high, perpendicular rock cliffs, cliffs and rocks alike being cov- 
ered with nesting birds. In a sheltered nook on the north side of the 
harbor is the village, with a population of 159. 

Returning to the ship, at 6.25 p.m. we were under way for Sand 
Point. Steaming up Popoff Straits and passing a small settlement at 
Squaw Harbor, we rounded Sand Point, and at 8.25 p. m. anchored in 
Humboldt Harbor, off the village of Sand Point. This village consists 
of a half dozen houses belonging to Lind & Hough, of San Francisco, 
and a United States custom-house. A small hotel is in process of erec- 
tion. At anchor in the harbor were the British sealers Venture and 
San Jose and Walter L. Rich, all of Victoria, British Columbia, and 
the American schooners Czarina and Venture. The sealers had large 
crews of British Columbia Indians, and were awaiting the end of the 
closed season to engage in sealing. This is the central depot of the 
North Pacifie cod fishing, the Czarina being at the dock loading codfish 
for San Francisco. At the wharf, and forming the foundation of a por- 
tion of the same, was the hull of the schooner John Hancock, wrecked at 
the Sand Point Wharf. The John Hancock was built as a naval steamer 
at the Charlestown (Massachusetts) Navy- Yard in 1850-1852, and was in 
Commodore Perry’s Japan expedition in 1853-54, after which it was 
condemned and sold into the merchant service. While in the merchant 
service and loaded with lumber it was abandoned at sea, off the coast 
of Oregon. Being recovered and brought into port, it was resold to 
Lind & Hough, who placed it in their codfish trade in the Shumagin 
Islands, where it has left its bones in the harbor of Sand Point. 

June 8, at 2.10 a, m., the Bear got under way. Passing out from the 
north end of Popoff Straits, we skirted the north end of Unga Island, 
through Unga Straits, and passed the entrance of Portage and Beaver 
bays down past Seal Cape. About 6 a.m. we passed a small settle- 
ment of Aleuts on Wosnesewsky Island. The Alaska Commercial 
Company, who have had a small trading station at this village, have 
this season closed it. 

Passing to the north of Ukolsnoy Island, almost directly ahead was 
the celebrated Pavloff Volcano, smoking with its old-time fidelity. 
Pavloff and Canoe bays, on the Pacitic Ocean side, extend inland across 
the peninsula to within 4 miles of the waters of Herendeen Bay and 
Port Moller,on the Bering Sea side. In several places the peninsula is 
nearly cut in two by the fiords that extend nearly across from the 
Pacific Ocean to Bering Sea. 

Turning southward, we soon entered the narrow straits between Dolgoi 
and Goloi islands and the Belkofsky peninsula and Inner Lliasik Island, 
then through Iliasik Pass, after which we hauled up for Belkofsky, sit- 
uated upon the bluffs directly in front of us, coming to anchor abreast 


of the village at 11.45a.m. After lunch I went ashore, visiting the 
traders, the Russo-Greek church, and Father Metropolski, the priest. 

The trader reported no school. The priest reported one taught two 
days in English, two days in Russian language, and the remaining two 
days of the week given to instruction in the church catechism. 

Got under way at 1.30 a. m., June 9, standing south between Bold 
Cape and Deer Island with Unca Rock directly ahead. At 3.10 raised 
Ugomok Island in the fog and soon after were flying through Unimak 
Pass with wind and sea in our favor, and leaving a gale behind us in 
the Pacific Ocean. Once in the lee of Akun and Akutan islands we 
had smooth sailing. 

Sunday, June 10, at 5.40 a. m., the Bear made fast to wharf at Dutch 

Monday, June 11, I went over to Unalaska to spend the morning 
with Mr. Tuck, but found that he was about sailing for Puget Sound 
on the ship Wooster for his vacation. He expects to visit his mother 
in Maine. 

June 12, at 1 p. m., a whaleboat was seen entering the harbor and 
the steam Jaunch was sent off to meet her. It was found to be one of 
the wrecked boats of the whaling bark James Allen, and contained 
Capt. A. Huntley and 6 men. 

They reported having left in an old barabara on Umnak Island 9 of 
their comrades. 

One boat containing 8 men was found by Alexander Sheisinkoff, 
Alaska Commercial Company, trader at Atka. Discovering them lost 
at sea, he built a fire upon the top of a neighboring hill to attract their 
attention and then went out ina kyak through a dangerous sea to inter- 
cept and bring them in. He then furnished them with needed clothing 
and kept them until the Alaska Commercial Company’s steamer Dora 
called in and took them off. The Dora, meeting the U.S. 8S. Petrel 
(Captain Emory commanding) at sea, gave them over to him. They - 
were then brought to Unalaska and some of them found employment 
with the North American Commercial Company. 

Upon the arrival of Captain Huntley and crew on the Bear, word was 
at once sent to Captain Healy, who was on shore. With his usual 
promptness, orders were issued to prepare for sea. The boilers had been 
“blown down” and the engine taken apart for repairs, but with lives at 
stake the men worked with such a will that in four hours the engine 
was repaired, the boilers filled, steam got up, and we were off to sea at 
7.05 p. m. 

Wednesday, June 15, a head wind and a heavy head sea made our 
progress very slow. One hour under full head of steam we made but 
1.6 knots. 

We expected to reach Umnak Island early in the morning, but the 
storm was so severe that we did not reach it until the following fore- 
noon. To-day the U.S. 8S. Albatross started out to join in the search, 
but returned to the harbor on account of the storm. 


- Having arrived Thursday, June 14, at 10.30 a. m., in the neighbor- 
hood of the camp, the ship lay ‘“ off and on” while Lieutenant White 
and Captain Huntley were sent in charge of two cutters through a 
heavy sea to rescue the men. 

Upon reaching the shore and entering the hut, they found nine men 
gathered around the fire with a pot of human flesh on cooking, which 
they had cut from the body of the man who had died and been buried 
two weeks. Upon perceiving the rescue party they gave a feeble hur- 
rah, and, laughing and crying by turns, remarked that they were sorry to 
say that they were cannibals, but that starvation had stared them in the 
face and they were compelled to resort to that food. They reported 
that Gideon had died June 7 and they had eaten him. When he was 
gone, they had dug up Pena, who had been buried on May 30, and 
were now (June 14) eating him. When they reached the ship they 
were so weak that some of them had to be carried and all of them 
helped to the forecastle, where the clothes, swarming with vermin and 
reeking in filth, were cut off of them and thrown overboard. They 
were then thoroughly washed and hair cut. When stripped of their 
clothing, their emaciation showed their suffering. 

It has since been learned that the wrecked men in the hut were within 
6 miles of a small Aleut village. But they knew nothing of the exist- 
ence of the village, and the villagers saw nothing of the sailors. At 
12.40 the ship started for return to Unalaska, reaching there at 4.20 
a.m. on June 15. 

The mail steamer Crescent City had arrived during our absence. At 
3 p.m. the U.S. 8. Alert came in. 

On Saturday, June 16, at 7.30 p.m., the Alaska Commercial Com. 
pany’s steamer Bertha arrived from San Francisco. Schooner Carrier 
Dove anchored just outside of the spit. At 9.50 p.m.U.S. 8. Concord 
came to anchor in the harbor. 

On board of the steamer Bertha were Rey. John W. Chapman and 
wife, Miss Bertha W. Sabine, and Miss Mary Glenton, M. D., for Anvik, 
Yukon River; Miss Margaret F. Macdonald for Church of England 
Mission, Buxton, Yukon River. and Miss Home for the Swedish Mis- 
sion at Golovin Bay. Among other passengers were Mr. Fredericks 
and Mr. Wilson, Alaska Commercial Company traders at St. Michael. 

At 11a. m., June 17, fourteen of the rescued sailors were sent with 
Capt. Arthur Huntley on board the Crescent City, Captain Healy 
having arranged for their transportation to San Francisco. 

After they had gone, in cleaning up, one of the sailors found a piece 
of human flesh in the pocket of an oilcloth coat which the shipwrecked 
men had left on board the Bear. At 12.15 p.m. the Crescent City went 
over to Unalaska for the mail, and in the afternoon went to sea. At 
9.10 p.m. the Hawaiian steamer Alevander, Captain Green master 
(whaling), dropped anchor. Captain Green reported the loss of the 
whaling bark Abraham Barker, of New Bedford, Gifford master, in the 
ice off Cape Navarin about the middle of May. All hands saved. 


Ex. Doe. 92——_p3—a. 

John A. Tuck. Rev. John H. Kilbuek. 

L. M. Stevenson. Rev. John W. Chapman. 


oa - 
ey ed 


Monday, June 18, immediately after breakfast, I went over to Unalaska 
and had a conference with Mr. Rudolph Neumann concerning the 
boundaries of the school lot, after which, with Captain Haves, repre- 
senting the Alaska Commercial Company, I staked off about 600 feet 
square to the east of the Alaska Commercial Company’s barnyard. 
Was on shore all day. Took lunch with Captain Hayes on Dora, and 
dinner with Captain Hague and Rey. Mr. Chapman and party on the 
Bertha. At 6.35 p.m. the U.S. 8S. Albatross returned to the harbor, 
reporting no traces of the wrecked whalers. 

On Wednesday, June 20, at 8.15 a.m. the Bear got under way for 
Seguam Island, where it was rmnmored there were some shipwrecked 

Passing along the Four Mountain group of islands, we made Seguam 
Island June 22 at 3.45 a.m. The engine was slowed down and a 
careful examination of the coast was made. At 9.15 a. m. Lieutenant — 
Dodge and crew of men were sent off in a cutter to examine a portion 
of the coast which a reef of rocks made it dangerous for the ship to 
approach. Becoming satisfied that there were no men on the beach, at 
11.15 a. m. the course was shaped for Cape Navarin, Siberia, where we 
will make an effort to secure some reindeer. 

June 26, 11.50 a. m., land was sighted to the westward of Cape 
Navarin, Siberia, distant about 15 miles, and at 3.40 we came to anchor 
in the bight to the westward of Cape Navarin. We remained at anchor 
all night, hoping to get in communication with some of the deer men 
that have herds in that neighborhood. 

On Wednesday, June 27, 5.30 a. m., no deer men having shown them- 
selves on the beach, the ship got under way for Cape Aggen, Siberia. 
At 3 p.m. we were abreast Cape Navarin, a beautiful, bold, and rugged 
promontory. At 7.12 p.m. we were abreast Cape Thaddeus. 

Upon reaching Port Clarence we were informed by the whalers that 
the inhabitants around Cape Thaddeus were in -a starving condition. 
They also reported the whaler Archangel Gabriel was still fast in the ice. 

Thursday, June 28, at 10 p. m., being unable to make Cape Aggen on 
account of the fog, the course of the ship was changed and we made 
for Plover Bay, Siberia. 

June 29, at 9.45 a. m., we stopped abreast of Eutoxia’s village. The 
surf being too bad to land and no one coming off from shore, we turned 
into Plover Bay, Siberia, where we came to anchor at 11.40a.m. A 
number of the natives came on board ship. Not hearing of any rein- 
deer in the neighborhood, at 5.40 p. m. the ship got under way for St. 
Lawrence Island. A stop was again made abreast of Eutoxia’s village, 
but no one coming off the ship was soon on its way. Before reaching 
Eutoxia’s village we passed seven or eight native boats filled with men. 
They had evidently sighted a whale. 

At 4.25 a.m. June 30 the ship came to anchor off south side of St. 


Having given Captain Warren and party their mail and suuees at 
8.40 a. m., we got under way for Cape Tchaplin, Siberia. 

We soon encountered our first ice and saw a number of walrus and 
seal. Two of the walrus were shot by the captain. 

Working our way through the ice, at 4.40 p.m. we came to anchor off 
the village at Indian Point (Cape Tchaplin), Siberia. Koharri, one of 
the principal men, and a large number of the natives came on board. 

At 7.20 p.m. ship got under way for South Head, Siberia, where at 
5.45 a.m. July 1 we came to anchor off the village of Ahkawahnee, 
on south side of Cape Krleougoune. <A large number of natives came 
off to the ship, among them being Peter, with whom had been left last 

season some barter goods to trade for reindeer. Finding that the herd ~ 

was a few miles to the westward the ship got under way at 8.40 a. m., 
and, working to the westward through the broken ice, came to anchor at 
10.55 a.m. off the small native village of Toray. A runner was at once 
sent to have the deer driven to the beach. In the afternoon while 
waiting for the reindeer I accompanied Mrs. Healy and a number of the 
officers on shore to visit the village, returning to the ship about 5 p.m., 
when the herd was seen coming over the slope of a mountain. At 8 
p. m. the first load of 17 deer was taken on board, at 9.50 a load of 15, 
and at 11.45 p. m. the last load of 16, after which the owners were paid 
off, it being after 1 o’clock a. m. before the work was completed. 

July 2, at 5.40, we got under way for King Island and reached there 
at 7.50 p.m. The natives were soon on board in large numbers, from 
whom I purchased 7 walrus skins for the use of the reindeer station. 
At 10.10 p. m. we got under way for the Teller Station, Port Clarence, 

At 5.25 a.m. July 3 came to anchor off Cape Spencer, in the midst 
of the whaling fleet. The steamer Jeanie, Mason, master, with stores 
and supplies for the whaling fleet, brought us our mail. The letters 
were written from the 13th to the 23d of May, and are the last that I 
will be able to receive until I return to Unalaska, the last of September. 

At 10.35 a. m. got under way for the Teller Reindeer Station at the 
upper end of the bay, and at 12.20 noon dropped anchor off the sta- 
tion. Soon after, Mr. W. T. Lopp came on board for his mail. After 
luneh, returned ashore with Mr. Lopp to look after the landing of the 
deer; also, lumber and poles for the station. Finding that the ship 
would remain at anchor over the 4th, I remained on shore overnight. 
Mr. Lopp and I conferred together until late in the night. 

At 4 a.m. July 4 was awakened by the firing of the morning gun 
from the Bear, At noon a national salute of 21 guns was fired, and at 
7 p.m. another gun was fired. The ship was gaily dressed with bunt- 
ing, and looked finely with broadside to the shore. 

Immediately after breakfast Mr. Lopp, Mr. Grubin, and myself an 
into the business of taking an inventory of the Government property 
at the reindeer station, finishing about 5 p.m.; after which I went over 


to the Bear with a quantity of reindeer trade goods that had been left 
at the station last fall. ; 

At 7.30 p.m. the Bear got under way and steamed over to a water- 
ing place on the south side of the bay. 

July 6, having secured 4,275 gallons of fresh water, at 1.15 p.m. the 
Bear returned to Cape Spencer, coming to anchor at 3.05 p.m. 

July 7, 8, and 9 were spent in coaling ship. 

On the evening of July 9, Captain Weeks, Sherman, and Porter, and 
myself, Lieutenant Dodge being in charge, went with the steam launch 
to the reindeer station after the herders that were to be returned to 
Siberia. When two-thirds of the way over we met Mr. Lopp and the 
herders coming to the ship; taking them in tow of the launch we 
returned to the station, where the herders were paid off. 

Returning to the ship about 11 o’clock p. m., Mr. Lopp and I went to 
the pilot house of the Bear and discussed plans until 2 o’clock in the 

July 10 letters were sent on board the J. D. Peters, to be taken down 
to Unalaska, and the Bear got under way for Ahkahahnee, Siberia, to 
return Enker and Ranken, together with Kimok, Peter, and Nowatat, 
deermen. I spent the afternoon in reading papers (two months old) 
just received. 

July 11, 4.34 a. m., we dropped anchor off Ahkahahnee, South Head, 
where the herders and visitors were landed. The deer men having 
asked for some barter goods to trade for reindeer during the winter and 
have them ready to deliver to the Bear in the summer of 1895, were 

There being every appearance of a storm outside, at 11.30 a. m. we 
got under way and went around to Lutke Harbor, St. Lawrence Bay, 
where we dropped anchor at 2.20 p.m. The captain and nearly all the 
officers went duck hunting. The officers brought back 44 ducks, the 
captain 25. This is the harbor where the U.S. S. Rogers, while in 
winter quarters, burned to the water’s edge. The crew after suffering 
many hardships were rescued the following spring by Capt. M. A. 
. Healy, on the U.S. R. M.S. Corwin. 

At 7.40 a. m., July 12, came to anchorage off East Cape Village. 
An Umiak load of natives from Lutke Harbor left the ship and went 
to the village. At 8 o’clock a. m. we got under way and steamed into 
the bight to the southwest of the cape, and at 9.30 a. m. came to anchor 
near a native settlement. The steam whaler Belvidere was also at 
anchor at same place. 

Captain Healy concluded to send Lieutenant White and Seaman 
Edwards along the Arctic Siberian coast to visit the deer men and pur- 
chase reindeer in advance of the arrival of the ship. An Umiak was 
secured of Tom Cod and the following natives hired for a trip of from 
six to eight weeks: Tom Cod, leader, 2 sacks of flour and knife; 
Claturnan, Claturnan’s wife, Kolurigan, Emyia, Tetluk, Amoia, Atukea, 
each 1 sack of flour and knife. 


Provisions and supplies were taken out and packed. 

A courier came from Eskimo Frank at Whalen, stating he had 10 
deer to sell and would be over as soon as ice and wind would allow. 

Sunday, July 15, steam whaler Belvidere left and stood through the 
straits. At 10.05 p.m. got under way for Whalen, Siberia, where we 
arrived at 1.10 a. m., July 16. 

July 18, about 9 a. m., Lieut. Chester M. White, and Seaman Edwards, 
with Tom Cod and six other natives, left the ship for a boat trip 
up the coast to Cape Serdze, going in advance of the ship to pur- 
chase deer. 

July 20, at 12.05 noon, ship got under way and moved up the coast 
74 knots to the mouth of the lagoon, anchoring at 1.20 p.m. At 
3 p.m. Lieutenant Reinburg was sent off with some men in the sail- 
ing launch after the deer. At 6.10 p. m. the officer returned and 
reported his inability to reach the deer on account of the surf. 

The delay of ten days consumed in securing the 16 deer at Whalen 
illustrates the difficulty of procuring them on the Siberian coast. 

Early in the morning of July 11 the ship dropped anchor on the 
south side of East Cape, in the vicinity of a herd of reindeer, but the 
owners lived on the north side of the Cape, where the ship could not 
go on account of the ice. Five days were consumed in trying to open 
communication overland with the deer men and waiting for the wind 
to change. 

At length the wind having started from the south, which would 
drive the ice off shore from Whalen, near midnight on the fifth day, 
the ship got under way and went around to the north side of the Cape, 
where communication was secured with the deer men and the deer 
purchased. After making arrangements for the purchase of the deer 
on the 16th, nothing further could be done toward catching the deer 
and bringing them on the ship until the wind should change. It being 
from the south the surf would not allow landing where the herd was. 
After waiting in vain till the 19th for the wind to change, negotiations 
were commenced with the deer men to drive their herd across the 
peninsula. They finally agreed to bring them to a lagoon, from whence 
they could be secured by the boats. 

At length on the 20th they were reported at the lagoon, but then 
the surf was so bad on the lagoon that the boats could not be landed, 
and it was only on the 21st, after eleven days of waiting, that the deer 
were actually secure on board. There are no harbors in the neighbor- 
hood of the deer on the Siberian side. The ship usually anchors off 
shore in from 7 to 15 fathoms of water, and if the wind comes to blow 
strong on shore the anchor is raised and the ship goes out to sea, 
whether she has secured the deer or not. Another difficulty is with 
the ice. A strong wind off shore blows the great fields of ice seaward, 
and into the opev water near shore the ship steams. 

Dropping anchor in the neighborhood of a village, the natives come 



S. Ex. Doc. 92——53—3. 

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S. Ex. Doe. 92—53—3. 



off. Negotiations are commenced with the deer men and a certain 
number of deer purchased. The men are at once dispatched to drive 
the deer near to the beach, catch and bring them off to the sbip. 

In the meantime the wind may change, and the great fields of ice 
that a few days or hours before were driven seaward are now driven 
landward, and it has sometimes happened that the ship has been com- 
pelled to heave up the anchor and leave without procuring the deer 
already bought. And at other times in holding on to the last moment 
in order to get the deer on board the ship has become inclosed in the 
ice and has been held a prisoner until the wind again changes and 
scatters the ice seaward. Again, the ship, by constant butting, has had 
to break her way through the ice. In doing this upon two seasons the 
ship has broken her propeller. 

July 21, at 8.30 a. m., the sailing launch and second cutter in charge 
of Lieutenant Dodge were sent into the lagoon after reindeer. At 10.50 
a. m. the steam launch in charge of Lieutenant Reinburg was sent into 
the lagoon to assist with the deer. At 3.55 p.m. the boat returned to 
the ship with 16 reindeer. 

Get under way for Chachong at 5.40 a. m., July 22; at 8.20 a. m. was 
abeam of Utan; at 1.20 p. m. stopped and picked up Lieutenant White 
and party, and at 1.50 p.m. came to anchor off Chachong. Lieutenant 
White reported having purchased a number of reindeer at this place. 
Men were dispatched at once to drive the herd to the place. 

At3 p.m. Lieutenant White and party left the ship to visit the deer 
men in the vicinity of Cape Serdze. 

July 23, the captain being notified that the herd had arrived, the 
sailing launch and second cutter, in charge of Lieutenant Reinburg, 
were sent ashore for deer. Dr. White and myself also went ashore. 

At 2.30 p. m. the second cutter returned with 8 reindeer and at 5.30 
p. m. the launch and second cutter arrived with 14 more, making 22 in 
all secured at this place. 

Fifteen others had been contracted for, but when the time came the 
owners refused to sell. This was probably due to the influence of tl-e 
medicine man, who had a misunderstanding with Lieutenant White. 

While ashore Dr. White and myself ascended a high hill about a 
mile east of the village of Ceshan (Tsha-Tshang). The top of the hill 
contained an area of perhaps 20 to 25 acres, and along the sea front 
had a number of stone heaps and circles, probably connected with the 
religious rites of the people. The inclosed drawings were made for 
me by Dr. J. T. White, surgeon on U.S8.8. Bear. Fig.1 is about 4 
feet high, and fig. 2 about 3. Fig. 3 was about 8 feet in diameter and 
the inner square about 4 by 5 feet. Fig. 4 is an irregular circle about 
6 feet in diameter and the inner oblong about 2 by 4 feet. The stones 
are large, flat flakes of basalt. In the same locality was a circle 50 
feet in diameter with a small heap of stones in the center. 


During the day the wind had shifted and large masses of ice were 
beginning to gather around the ship. As soon, therefore, as the rein- 
deer were on board, and their owners paid, the ship got under way 
(7.30 p. m.), picking her way carefully through the ice. During the 
afternoon Mr. Liebes went off with a party of Siberians in an umniak 
and shot a walrus, which was brought back to the ship. 

July 24, stiff breeze and very foggy. Passed through Bering Straits 
without seeing land. At 12.30 noon, had a glimpse of Fairway Rock 
through the fog, and at 9 p. m. came to anchor off Teller Reindeer 
Station. Was much disappointed at the nonarrival of the ship Myers 
with the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and Lapps with their 
families and supplies. Mr. Lopp came off to the ship and remained until 
after midnight. Commenced landing reindeer at 6 a.m. July 25. The 
surf was so bad that the boat with the first load swamped on the 
beach and came near drowning the reindeer; as it was, 3 had their 
hip bones broken and had to be killed. 

The subsequent landings were made in the lagoon west of the 

July 26, being very anxious to visit Grantley Harbor and the lakes 
beyond, Captain Healy very kindly gave me the use of the steam 
launch for the purpose. I was accompanied by Mr. Lopp. At 8.30 
a.m. we steamed away from the Bear, and soon after picked up the 
second cutter with a party of sailors going off to draw the line for fish 
in the Grantley Harbor, which we towed to the fishing place. Then 
we crossed the harbor and passed through Eaton River to the first of 
the two lakes. There we went ashore for a few minutes and then 
started on our return to the ship at 1.18 p.m. On our way down the 
river weran on a sand bar, which detained us five or ten minutes. On 
the trip we passed many summer fishing camps of the natives. The 
long lines of fish hanging on the pole and frames to dry attested to | 
the success they were having in fishing. On the south side of the 
mouth of Grantley Harbor we passed the small native village of Nook, 
with three winter houses. On the sand spit to the north side is one 
winter house, with ten or twelve summer fishing camps. 

On the south side of the sand spit at the mouth of the river is the vil- 
lage of Synowgok with three winter houses. There is alsoa settlement 
of one or two houses on the north side. The native village near the 
reindeer station is called Synok. 

Picking up the fishing party (who had caught no fish) at Grantley 
Harbor we returned to the ship at 5.30 p.m. After dinner went ashore 
with Mr. Lopp and remained until 11 o’clock. While on shore one of 
the herders brought in 2 quarts of milk taken from 6 reindeer cows. 
Had an interview with Charlie, a herder, concerning his future course; 
offered to keep him another year and give him 15 reindeer for his serv- 
ices, or loan him and his friends 100 reindeer this fall. Also attended 
to much business counected with the station. 


July 27, after breakfast, I wrote a letter to the superintendent of the 
station with reference to the distribution of the herd—giving 100 head 
to the American Missionary Association at Cape Prince of Wales, and 
loaning, under certain specified circumstances, 100 head to Antesilook 
and his friends. Mr. Lopp came off with the accounts of the station 
which were audited. Arrangements were made for him to remain until 
relieved by Mr. W. A. Kjellmann, the new superintendent. At 1.15 
p. m. the ship got under way for Kotzebue Sound. 

On July 28 we came to anchor at 7.30 p. m., near Cape Espenburg, 
to allow some of the officers and Mr. Liebes to go ashore hunting. At 
11.40 p. m. we got under way again. 

At 4.55 a. m., July 29, the vessel grounded off Cape Blossom, and it 
was 7.55 p. m. before she floated again. Much of the day the engine 
was at work trying to get afloat. Four or five umniak loads of natives 
came on board, and considerable trading was done by officers and 

July 30, at 8.25 a. m., we got under way for Point Hope. 

The next morning, at 5.30 a. m., Cape Thompson was sighted, and at 
8 a. m. it was abreast, 3 miles distant. At 11.40 a. m. we reached the 
whaling station at Point Hope, and at 3.15 the ship was moved up 
nearer the village, anchoring at 4.20 p. m. Men and natives soon 
flocked aboard. Among the visitors were Dr. Driggs and Rev. Elijah 
H. Edson, of the Episcopal mission. The day was pleasant. 

August 1, after breakfast, I went ashore with some of the officers 
and Mr. Liebes. 

Last October a great storm flooded the village, so that nearly all the 
people left their homes. The sea was waist deep around the Episcopal 
mission house. 

Dr. Driggs upon one occasion gave one of the sick natives some 
powders to take. Meeting him four months afterwards the patient was 
profuse in his thanks, saying that the medicine had completely cured 
him; that he was a well man now, and ended by pulling the package 
of powders out of his pocket to show that he had not lost them. 

At another time, meeting a funeral procession, it was stopped by the 
widow, who wanted to tell the missionary how much his medicine had 
relieved her late husband; and, as a token of their appreciation, the 
corpse had the bottle in his hand, taking it to the grave with him. 

At 1p.m.I returned to the ship. The whalers Hmily Schroder, Bain 
master, and Stlver Wave, Calighan master, were found hard ashore in 
the lagoon to the west of Point Hope. They were blown ashore in the 
hurricane, October 13, 1893. 

August 2, at 8.30 a. m., got under way for Point Barrow. 

August 4, day overcast and foggy; light rain; fresh breeze. At 
12.15 a.m. took in all sail. At 1.30 a.m. large field of packed ice 
ahead and tothe north. At 1.50 a.m. sounded in 25 fathoms. At 1.25 
p.m. came to anchor off a native village to the north and east of Wain- 
wright Inlet. ° 


August 5, at 1.40 a.m., got under way. At3.15 a.m. steamed through 
masses of floating ice resting on Cape Belcher and Sea Horse Islands. 
At 1.05 a.m. made fast to a large field of grounded ice off the United 
States Refuge Station, Cape Smythe (Point Barrow). 

August 6, after breakfast I went ashore with Captain Healy in the 
steam launch. 

Mr. Stevenson, the missionary, was busy framing the foundation tim- 
bers of the Presbyterian mission building. 

During the spring the Cape Smythe Whaling Company (Brower, 
Gordon, Liebes & Co.) took three large, one medium-sized, and some 
small whales, making 7,700 pounds of marketabie bone. 

Mr. Kelly, of the Pacific Steam Whaling Company, secured 11,000 
pounds of bone. 

Last June one of these stations had three whaling boats driven out 
to sea in a gale. Two of the boats succeeded in returning to the shore, 
but the third was crushed in the ice and the crew of two men, a woman, 
and a boy had to take refuge on a piece of ice, which was driven out 
to sea. After a while the ice upon which they had floated was broken 
up and they escaped to other pieces. Finally, after being out upon the 
ice sixty-one days, they were driven ashore 100 miles south of where 
they started from, and escaped to land. A portion of the time they 
were on the ice they had no water to drink, and for eight days they 
were without food. 

At Point Hope one of the young men out seal hunting was driven to 
sea on a cake of ice. Fortunately, after some days, the wind changed 
and floated him back again to land. While floating around the sea he 
shot and lived on three white polar bears. 

The provisions and supplies for the refuge station were landed and 
the captain took on board about 19,000 pounds of whalebone for the two 
companies, which he will take to Unalaska, from whence it can be 
shipped to San Francisco. In the evening the ice floe to which we were 
fastened showing signs of breaking up, the captain cast off and 

At the close of the whaling season the natives have a great celebra- 
tion. Mr. Kelly decorates the station with bunting and gives a feast. 
At this festival one of the games (called Neklakatah) is tossing a woman 
into the air from a blanket. To be thus tossed is considered a great 
honor and is given to the women who have distinguished themselves 
by efficiency in whaling. _ 

Mr. Kelly frequently receives letters from his hunting parties written 
in symbols. The two printed in this report when put into English read 
as follows: 

Letter No. 1 means that one man (6) wants four steel fox traps (1), 
one drinking cup (2), one paper of needles (3), one knife (4), and a pack- 
age of leaf tobacco (5). 

No. 2 reads, a man (13) and his wife (14) want one pocketknife (1), 

EsKimo Sign Letter No ae 



two cans of powder (2), one pipe with cover on the bowl (3), one plug 
of chewing tobacco (4), one set of reloading tools for rifle (5), one rifle 
(6), one box of primers (7), two cans of coal oil (3), one can of proien ces 
(9), one comb (10), one coal-oil stove e (11), and one coal-oil lamp (12). 

August 7, a strong current set in to the north and brought large 
quantities of floating ice. This became so bad that at 1 p.m. the cap- 
tain sent ashore to get Lieutenant Reinburg on board. <A dense fog 
set in and the captain being compelled to constantly shift his position 
in the ice, Lieutenant Reinburg when he came off was unable to find 
the ship. Finding late in the night a comparatively open space of 
water, the ship was anchored. 

August 8, at 7.25 a. m., taking Lieutenant Reinburg on board, the 
ship got under way on account of the heavy running ice. On heaving 
up anchor found a chain cable about 1g inch. Hooked to it, but the 
heavy ice prevented our saving it. Vessel at half speed, working to 
the south through the ice. 

August 10, during the afternoon we passed Blossom Shoals, and at 
10.40 p. m. came to anchor south of Blossom Shoals. 

August 12, at 2.55 a. m. came to anchor off Corwin Coal Mine, where 
the men watered ship. In the afternoon, seeing a brig in the distance, 
the Bear got under way and steamed out to meet her. At 8 p.m. spoke 
the brig W. H. Myers, of San Francisco, with a cargo of freight for the 
whalers and the new mission at St. Lawrence Island. As the carrying 
of the St. Lawrence mission supplies into the Arctic might jeopardize 
and delay the establishment of the mission for a year, Captain Healy 
very considerately transferred those supplies to the Bear to be returned 
to the island. 

August 14, the officer of deck reported two vessels in sight, supposed 
to be the whalers Northern Light and California. At 11 a.m. we got 
under way and went out to meet the incoming vessels, which proved to 
be the California aud Andrew Hicks. From the California we received 
a batch of papers as late as June 23. After boarding the vessels we 
made for Point Hope, where we dropped anchor abreast the mission at 
10.40 p. m. 

In July and August last year Point Hope was visited by a terrible 
epidemic of capillary bronchitis. Dr. Driggs ministered to twenty five 
in one afternoon. Going through the village one afternoon he found 
an old man dying out in the rain. The family had taken him out so 
that he should not die in the house. Close by under a tent cloth was 
a dead woman. Under an adjoining cloth, hearing a moan and lifting 
up the cloth, found a sick child clinging to Oe dead mother. There were 
five dead in that group. Three-fourths of the adult population were 
sick and one out of every six died. There were not sufficient well per- 
sons in the village to bury the dead, and the corpses were left outside of 
the houses to be eaten by the dogs of the village. Their bones are still 

S. Ex. 92——4 


seen scattered through the village or whitening in the stagnant pools 
from which the people procure their drinking water. 

A white man living in the village with a native wife says that during 
the time of the epidemic he was disturbed for several nights by a noise 
around his house. Thinking that it was a dog prowling around for 
something to eat he got up, and, arming himself with a club, went out 
to investigate. In place of a dog he found a little four-year-old boy 
picking up scraps of shoe leather and sealskin to eat. Upon seeing the 
man the child fled home. He was followed, and found to be, with his 
little brother, the only living occupants of the hut. But in the same 
room lay the corpses of father and mother and the maternal grand- 
father. The man took the boys to his own home. 

Oi August 16 we got under way at 3.30 a.m. At 9.25, the fog lifting, 
we made out East Cape. At 11.45 p.m. we rounded south point of 
East Cape, and at 1.20 on the morning of the 17th came to anchor off 
the village of Enmatowan, Siberia. 

At 1.20 p. m. Lieutenant White returned on board and reported his 
camp at Hast Cape Village. The ship was at once got under way and 
steamed around to Hast Cape, where Lieutenant White’s party were 
taken on board and the native Siberians who had assisted him were 
paid off, also Siberian Jack who had acted as interpreter to the ship. 

At 8 p.m. the ship got under way, steaming to the northwest. 

August 18, at 2.45 a.m. passed Enchowan. At 4 a.m. we noticed 
large quantities of ice packed in along shore. At 6.30 a.m. ice appeared 
in the distance, and at 7.30 the ship entered it. Finding it too heavy 
to proceed we turned around and returned to anchorage off Enmatowan 
village on the south side of East Cape, where we dropped anchor at 
3.00 p. Mm. 

On August 19, getting under way, we steamed around to East Cape 
village; at 8.25 a. m. stood across to the Diomedes, encountering con- 
siderable floating ice; at 9.15 a.m. cleared the ice, and at 11.30 stopped 
off big Diomede village. At 12.20 p. m. we started for Teller Reindeer 
Station, where we came to anchor at 10.30 p.m. The evening of the 
21st Mr. and Mrs. V. Gambell, teachers and missionaries for St. Law- 
rence Island, were taken on board, and on the morning of the 22d Mr, 
Lopp’s supplies were received for Cape Prince of Wales. At 10.10 a.m. 
the ship got under way for tie Cape. 

At 4 p. m. spoke the whaler Northern Light, Captain MeKenna 
master, and we secured papers as late as July 3. At 5.50 p.m. we 
were under way again, and at 7.30 p. m. dropped anchor off Cape Prince 
of Wales. I went ashore and visited Mr. Thornton’s grave as a beau- 
tiful mcon was appearing above the mountain tops. Returned on board 
at 10 p.m.,and at 10.15 p. m. the ship was under way for St. Lawrence 

August 23, passed Kings Island. There being no landing at St. 
Lawrence Island, the ship was headed for Indian Point, Siberia, where 



6 00d “XH 'S 


we anchored at 6.50 a.m. August 24. Koharri and a number of tle 
natives visited the ship. Captain Healy commended Mr. and Mrs. 
Gambell to the good willof Koharri. They afterwards went ashore and 
visited Koharri. 

At noon of August 24 we were again under way and stood for St. 
Lawrence Island, where we came to anchor at 7.50 p. m. the same day. 
Owing to the surf none of the natives were able to come off to the ship, 
but the following day, the sea having gone down, large numbers visited 
the vessel. Captain Warren and the Leary Brothers, who had spent 
the winter at the whaling station on the island, were received on board 
the ship. The lumber, provisions, and other supplies for the mission 
were landed in the native boats. Mr. Gambell, the missionary, went 
ashore to get the house ready for occupancy; to assist him Captain 
Healy very kindly sent the ship’s carpenter and a sailor; I also went 
ashore, reudering what assistance I could. On the 29th the captain, 
feeling it necessary to make another trip to Siberia, Mrs. Gambell was 
kept on board while the carpenter with Mr. Gambell were left on shore 
to get the house ready. At 8 o'clock theship got under way for Bering 
Straits and Arctic Siberia; at 5 o’clock on the morning of the 30th we 
were again in the midst of floating ice; at 7.40 called at East Cape 
village, and at 10.15 anchored off Whalen; at 5 in the afternoon we took 
on board three reindeer which had been secured at this place, and at 
8.10 in the evening got under way and stood to the northwest up the 
Siberian coast, finding considerable drift ice close in shore. 

We passed Enchowan and Killourrun villages at 2 o’eclock on the 
morning of August 31, with increasing quantities of drift ice. Work. 
ing slowly through the ice, we passed Tchupa village, and at 7 o'clock 
rounded -High Cape and hauled in for Cesang village, where we 
stopped at 7.40 a.m. The ice being very heavy and thick, the ship did 
not anchor, but kept working backward and forward, dodging the 
heavy ice floes. At 9.50, finding that there were no deer to be had at 
Cesang, the ship went ahead, working through the ice up to Killourrun 
village, which we reached at 10 o’elock. Soon after I went ashore with 
Lieutenant White after reindeer. On shore we found that it was gen- 
eral slaughter day. On the beach were the tents of several canoe loads 
of Kast Cape uatives, who had come up to buy and kill reindeer for 
their own use. In one place I counted 70 slaughtered deer, while a 
mile away another band was being killed. The deer men were so busy 
supplying the East Cape natives that we could secure no attention, 
and at 2.15, the ice having become dangerous, we were recalled to the 
ship, having secured but 2 deer. Soon after, the ice becoming lighter, 
we again went ashore, and returned to the vessel with 14 animals. 
The next day we secured 5 additional deer. 

On September 2, at 4 o’clock in the morning, we got under way and 
started north, working through heavy drift ice, and at 6 o’clock came 
to anchor off Kerneeshgoun village. Upon going ashore we found that 


the herd had been driven off to the north side of the Cape Serdze. 
Again getting under way, we steamed around the cape and came to 
anchor off Enwonnan at 10 o’clock. Lieutenant White and myself at 
once went ashore for deer; there were three large herds in the vicinity. 
Again we encountered a number of natives from Cape Prince of Wales, 
who were buying and killing on their own account. While one of the 
herds was being driven down to the beach I took occasion to visit one 
of the camps of the deer men. I found seven deerskin tents. Around 
the largest were stacked 3£ sleighs; another had 29, and the others, 
respectively, 15,12, 9,7,and 6. The camp aggregated 102 sleighs. In 
the fall the tents, household effects, and families are carried on these 
sleighs and taken with the herd from 50 to 150 miles into the interior; 
the following spring they return again to the coast, thus making two 
migrations every year. During the day 15 deer were secured. The 
next day Lieutenant White went ashore, but soon returned and reported 
that the deer had stampeded during the night and that the herders 
had goue after them. All day was consume in waiting in vain. 

On September 4, there being signs of heavy ice coming in and shutting 
off our escape from the bay, at 4 a.m. the ship got under way in a 
dense fog and worked slowly southward through the heavy floes, occa- 
sionally striking one miles in extent. By noon we were clear of the 
ice, but the fog became so dense that the captain was afraid to venture 
to pass through Bering Straits and kept off until morning. ‘The next 
morning passing through Bering Straits, at noon we stopped at the 
village of Cape Prince of Wales; Mr. Lopp being absent and there being 
no communication with the shore, the ship again got under way, reach- 
ing the reindeer station at half past 9 o’clock that evening. The next 
morning, under the directions of Mr. Kjellmann and the Lapps, the 
reindeer were thrown overboard and made to swim ashore, instead of 
being carried ashore by boat, aS upon previous occasions. This was a 
great improvement in the method of landing them. The ship remained 
at anchor until the evening of September 26, the time being consuined 
in looking after the interests of the station. At 10 p.m. the ship got 
under way for St. Michael, which we reached at noon, September 10. 
At St. Michael, Mr. Funston, of the Department of Agriculture, who 
had been spending two years in botanical studies in the Arctic, was 
received on board; also Capt. J. J. Healy, of the Yukon River, and 
Mr. VY. Wilson, correspondent of the Century Magazine, and Capt. C. 
Constantine, of the Canadian mounted police and customs service; 
also 20 destitute miners from the Yukon region. 

At noon on the 13th of September, bidding the good friends at St. 
Michael good-bye, the ship got under way for St. Lawrence Island where 
we arrived on the morning of the 15th. Mr. Gambell and several boat- 
loads of natives were sent on board, and in the afternoon a number of 
us returned with them to the shore. During the absence of the ship 
Mr. Gambell and the carpenter had built a storm door to the house and 
a good storehouse for the supplies, and fenced the whole in with a good 



tight board fence. Various changes had also been made in the interior 
arrangement of the house so that everything was made comfortable. 
At 3.15 on the 16th, waving our adieus to Mr. and Mrs. Gambell, who 
were the only white people on the island left alone with 300 barbarous 
_Eskimos until the good cutter should return next year to see how they 
were getting on, our sbip got under way for the Seal Islands which 
were reached on the 19th. No one coming from the shore, on the 20th 
the captain steamed away for St. George Island, stopping a short time 
to get the mail; the voyage was continued to Unalaska, which we 
reached on the morning of the 21st; here we found a very large mail 
had accumlated during the summer; also the United States mail steamer 
was in the harbor, soon to leave for Sitka. Packing my effects and 
bidding adieu to Captain and Mrs. Healy and the officers and sailors 
of the Bear, I went aboard the Dora, which expected to sail at 6 
o’clock on the morning of the 22d. The day opened, however, with a 
southeastern gale so severe that it was not considered wise to leave 
the wharf. This gave me an opportunity, that I very much desired, of 
spending the day with the teacher, Mr. Tuck, and the new United States 
commisssoner, Mr. Woodward, United States deputy marshal, Mr. 
Anthony, and conferring with them with relation to school matters in 
that place. 

Before daylight on the morning of the 23d the whistle of the mail 
steamer notified us to all get aboard. At 7 o’clock the steamer pushed 
off from the wharf and started for Sitka. Night finding us in a very 
dangerous part of the coast, the ship hove to until morning. The ship 
rolled badly and the dcadlight window to my stateroom leaked to such 
an extent that the bed was saturated with salt water. On the after- 
noon of the 24th a lauding was made at Belikofsky, where the ship 
remained at anchor all night. Father Alexis (Greek priest) with wife 
and child went ashore. He has been placed in charge of Belkofsky 
and Unga, the former priest (Metropolsky) having been returned to San 
Francisco. The monk that was in charge of the Unalaska parish has 
been ordered back to Russia and a young priest just out from Russia, 
and a young Russian deacon, have been placed at Unalaska. On the 
morning of the 25th we had a beautiful view of Pavaloff voleano; a 
little smoke was seen issuing from the crater; the mountain was 
covered from crater to base with a fresh coat of snow. In the after- 
noon the steamer called a short time at Sand Point, and then getting 
under way reached Unga about half past 3 o’clock in the afternoon. 
That afternoon and the next day were spent in looking after matters 
connected with the school at this point. The Aleut girl, Mary 
Dushkin, 13 years of age, was placed in my charge to go to the Baptist 
school at Wood Island. 

At 5 p.m. on the 26th the ship got under way for Karluk, making 
the distance in the short space of twenty-six hours. Leaving there at 
midnight, Wood Island was reached about noon on the following day. 
At Wood Island the time was spent at Mr. Roscoe’s school. The next 


morning I visited and inspected the school at Kadiak and arranged for 
the school gradings. Leaving Kadiak at 10 a.m. we reached Nuchek 
at 5 o’clock the following afternoon. At this point we were joined by 
the Rey. Mr. Donskoi, the Greek priest from Sitka, who came aboard 
the vessel. Leaving Nuchek at 3 a. m., Kyak was reached the middle_ 
of the afternoon where we went ashore and visited the two trading 
posts that are located at that point. The barometer being very low 
and still falling, the captain concluded to remain in the harbor; anorth- 
east gale continuing, we remained there the following day. In the 
morning a report was brought to the ship that the natives had brought 
in the night before two corpses of people killed from the maiuland, 
After breakfast a number of the officers and passengers from the 
steamer went ashore and a court of inquiry was instituted. It seems 
that in a drunken row a native man had shot his wife, and afterwards 
shot himself. Their friends had brought the two bodies to Kyak for 

Much evil is being done among the native population through the 
smugeling of liquor, with the attending drunkenness and demoraliza- 
tion. The traders at the several posts speak of it very freely, but their 
information always concerns some other post than their own. At A 
they would tell you of the drunkenness at B, and when you reached B 
they would tell you of the drunkenness and disregard of the law going 
on at A. Crime was freely confessed, only it always existed at some 
other point than the one at which you were at the time visiting. ‘The 
traders also report that large quantities of opium are smuggled in 
through the salmon canneries. If one is to believe what the traders 
say of one another, the condition of things is very disreputable along 
the whole coast. 

About noon of October 3, the gale having somewhat abated, the 
steamer got under way for Yakutat, which we reached the next day at 
noon. Going ashore I made a short visit to the Swedish mission and 
school. Since their disastrous fire of two years ago, they have built, 
but not completed, a very neat church. They have built two large 
hayracks, upon which they were hanging hay to cure, after the old- 
country fashion. After a short stay we were again under way, and at 
7 o'clock on the morning of the 6th of October reached the wharf at 
Sitka, just twenty-four hours too late to connect with the steamer for 
the States, which runs only once every two weeks. The two weeks, 
however, passed very quickly and pleasautly with the teachers and 
schools at that place. 

Bidding the friends at Sitka good-bye on the morning of the 
18th, I took the mail steamer City of Topeka for the States, having in 
charge Jolin Reinkin, of Unalaska, and Samuel Kendall Paul, of 
Sitka, native boys, to go to the Indian training school at Carlisle, 
Pa. That afternoon a three-hours’ stop was made at Killisnoo, which 
enabled me to arrange with Mr. Spuhn with regard to suitable school 
grounds at that place. At 5 o’clock on the morning of October 19 we 


reached the wharf at Juneau, where I was met by Mr. S. A. Keller and 
Mr. D. Davies, teachers at that place. Although it was still dark I 
visited the native school building, which had been erected during the 
suwnmer. At 8 o’clock we were again under way, but stopped some 
two hours at Douglas Island; from thence into the Sum Dum Harbor, 
where freight was landed for the new gold mines. The forenoon of the 
20th was spent at Wrangell with the teachers and friends at that place. 
Early on the morning of October 21 a half-hour was given us at Jack- 
son, which was improved in visiting the school and mission station. 
That afternoon we again got under way and anchored at Mr. Miller’s 
saltery at Hunters Bay. After taking aboard some salmon, we 
crossed the bay to Suquam, reaching there about 8 p.m. The waters 
being unsurveyed, the Ship remained at anchor until daylight of 
October 22. Then getting under way, we reached the saltery at Nut- 
quah, where some salmon was taken on board. From thence we 
reached the saltery at Cordova Bay that afternoon, but, no oue being 
at home to deliver the salmon, the ship turned around and went to 
Ketchikan, where we anchored for the night. 

The next morning we were at Metlakahtla, where I went ashore and 
had an interview with Mr. William Duncan on school and colony 
matters. While there I met a delegation of the Tongas natives, who 
were looking for a new location where they can unite with the Cape 
Fox natives in having a missionary and school. While at breaktast the 
passengers of the steamer were serenaded by the brass band, com- 
posed largely of former Sitka students. After breakfast the common 
council of the village asked an audience with Mr. Duncan and myself, 
the main questions of discussion being means for increasing mail facili- 
ties and schools. 

At il a.m. the ship got under way and went up a fiord to the Cape 
Fox saltery; taking on the salmon the ship returned to the custom- 
house at Mary Island, where the “inspector-atloat” went ashore, and the 
ship at last got under way for Puget Sound, which we reached on the 
evening of the 26th. Taking the train for San Francisco, and spending 
a day in settling up the accounts of the season with San Francisco 
merchants, I took the overland train for Washington, D. C., where I 
arrived on November 6, having completed a trip of over 23,029 miles. 

The hearty thanks of the Bureau of Education, and of myself per- 
sonally, are extended to the honorable Secretary of the Treasury, to 
Capt. L. G. Shepard, Chief of the Revenue Cutter Division, and to 
Capt. M. A. Healy, commanding the U. 5. revenue cutter Bear; also 
to the officers and men of the same, for the facilities extended to me 
and my work during this long voyage. 

Thanking you for the support and cooperation of the Bureau, which 
you have so constantly and uniformly extended, I remain, 

Respectfully, yours, 

United States General Agent. 


Doe. 92 

S. Ex. 




Bob ei N DX: 


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iGeaGG 66 “90 “XU "S$ 


August 1, 1894. 

Sir: For the guidance of yourself and assistant in the care of the 
station and herd of reindeer attached to it, I leave you the following 
general directions. I make them general because, owing to the dis- 
tance of the station from Washington and our ability to communicate 
with you but once a year, you must be left largely to the exercise of 
your own judgment. 

In my communication of July 27 you are authorized to furnish 100 
head of deer to the Congregational mission at Cape Prince of Wales, 
and send with them the five apprentices from that place, together with 
their personal deer; also, if they may so desire it, loan 100 head of deer 
to Antesilook, Iziksic, Kotowak, Iuppuk, and Soovawhasie. 

If possible, you will visit these several herds at least once a year and 
advise those in charge with regard to the general management of the 

If Antesilook & Co. establish their herd this season, you are expected 
to have the general oversight of the same during the five years that the 
Government retains the ownership, and to visit the herd as often as you 
may find practicable. 


Grazing.—As the herd has for the past two years been kept near the 
station, you will now send it away, preserving the grazing in the imme- 
diate vicinity of the station for the months of July and August, when, 
in landing deer from Siberia, it is important to have the herd, or a 
portion of it, close by to reccive the newcomecs. 

Driving.—Keeping the herd away from the station will accustom the 
steers to the sled and furnish the apprentices practice in driving. 

In this connection you will experiment with harness. I am sure that 
a better form of harness can be devised than that used in Siberia, and 
perhaps than that of the Lapps. T would commend for trial the harness 
used last season by Mr. Lopp. 

Protection from dogs.—At the outset much trouble was anticipated 
from native dogs stampeding and killing some of the herd. Itis with 
satisfaction that I record that these fears have not been realized. Dur- 
ing the first season but five dogs were shot and last year but one. 



However, as there is always some danger from Strange dogs, you will 
direct the herders to shoot any dog interferin g with the herd, and 
report the same to you when they come off watch. When a dog is thus 
killed, you will at once send for the owner, express to him your regret 
at the necessity for killing, and then pay him for his dog. So far, $1.50 
in barter goods has been considered ample compensation for the loss of 
a dog. When any visiting natives come into the neighborhood of the 
herd, have them notified at once to keep their sled dogs tied up. 

When traveling, it is better to pass around instead of driving through 
a native settlement, and thus avoid the dogs that are unaccustomed to 
the presence of deer. 

Killing.—As it is the purpose to multiply the herds as rapidly as pos- 
sible, no deer are to be killed except in extreme emergencies, and then 
only steers. 

When a deer meets with an accident, such as the breaking of a leg, 
or becomes so old and feeble that it probably will not live through the 
winter, it can be killed upon the order of the superintendent. 

When a deer is killed or dies, the date and cause of death will be 
noted in the daily journal and included in theannual report of the station. 

The hide, horns, hoofs, sinew, and careass of deer killed or dying 
remain the property of the Government, and are to be ultilized for the 
benefit of the station. 

The meat is to be used for feeding the herders, the same as beef 
purchased in San Francisco. No reindeer meat is to be sold or given 
to outside parties. The superintendent and his assistant can purchase 
for the use of themselves and families at the rate of 15 cents per pound, 
after the herders have been supplied. The tongues of those killed are 
to be prepared for market. 

You will also encourage the Lapps to make glue for the market from 
the horns and hoofs and teach the method to the apprentices. As an 
incentive, the net proceeds of the sale can be placed to their credit. 


The herders consist of two classes—the Lapps and the Eskino 

Probation.—To train up the young Eskimos of northwestern Alaska 
in the management of reindeer you may receive at the station this 
present year not to exceed fifteen wideawake young men. A weekly 
roll of the apprentices shall be kept, showing the number of deer each 
has lassoed and milked and the approximate number of miles each 
has driven during the week, together with a record of deportment, 
progress and general adaptability to. the work. A summary of this 
roll and record will be sent with your annual report. 

If after a few months’ trial, or at the end of the year, one has been 
found lazy, dull, indifferent, or manifestly unsuited to the work, he 
Shall be sent away from the station and another given his place. At 


‘6 —E9— 06 “000 XO “8 


the station, as everywhere else, there must be a sifting process to get 
rid of the incompetent and encourage the deserving. 

As these apprentices will become the managers of the first herds 
among the people, it 1s important that they should be picked men—as 
far as possible the best among their people. ° 

Apprentices should be encouraged to remain with the central or 
branch herds in the care of the Lapps until they are thoroughly drilled 
in all departments of the work. 

In receiving applicants, consideration should be given to the locality 
from which they come, and the first preference be given to the sections 
where it is proposed to send the first herds. Those places at the present 
time are St. Lawrence Island, Point Hope, Unalakiik, the Yukon, Kot- 
zebue Sound, and Point Barrow. 

Instruction —The object of bringing the Lapps to Alaska is the 
instruction of native young men in the best methods of caring for and 
handling reindeer. You will constantly impress upon the Lapps that 
their duties are not alone to manage the herd, but also to teach the 
apprentices how to do it. 

As the Lapps have probably had no experience in teaching, you will 
point out to them ways and methods of doing it. 

The apprentices are to be drilled in herding, driving, castrating, 
branding, milking, cheese making, lasso throwing, preparation of skins, 
glue making, the manufacture of sleds, snowshoes, harness, ete. 

To afford an opportunity of attending school, you will divide the 
apprentices into two divisions of, as far as may be, equal numbers. 

From September 1 to December 31 the first division will remain at 
the station attending school and the second division will be sent out 
with the herd. From January 1 to April 51 the divisions willexchange 
places, the first division going out to the herd and the second division 
coming to the station to attend school. From May 1 to August 31 both 
divisions will be with the herd and engaged in other work pertaining 
to the station. 

While the apprentices are at the station for school purposes, they 
shall be required to attend regularly during school hours, and after 
school hours assist in procuring fuel and iu performing such other duties 
as the superintendent may prescribe. 

Support.—The apprentices will be fed, clothed, housed, and instructed 
at the expense of the Government. 

Food. —Not to untit the apprentices for their guture life, when they 
will be unable to secure much of the food of civilization, you will con- 
tinue to give them their native diet of fish, seal, and oil, to which you 
will add a limited supply of flour, beans, and tea, Tobacco will not be 

To provide a sufficient quantity of fish, seal, oil, and skins, you will 
during the season send out parties to hunt the seal and salt the fish. 
You will also encourage the herders when off duty to trap and hunt 


birds, rabbits, and foxes. Their flesh will increase the food supply. 
The hunters may retain the pelts of the rabbit and fox as their private 

The supplies will be issued in the form of rations at regular intervals. 
A statement of the amount and character of the ration and time of 
issuing will be included in the annual report. 

Outsiders and friends are not to be allowed to gather in and eat with 
the herders. Nor shall the herders be allowed to give away their food. 

The custom of a whole circle of relatives living off of the supplies of 
one of their number who may have more than they is so strong among 
them that unless you exercise constant vigilance you will find the 
apprentices assisting many of their relatives from the Government 

If at any time near relatives of the apprentices from a distance visit 
the station, and it becomes necessary to feed them, the sapplies will 
be issued directly from the superintendent or his assistant, and not by 
the apprentice. 

If a visiting party prolong their stay unduly, the supphes may be 
cut off. 

Hach of the two divisions of the apprentices will form a separate 
mess, Which will be supplied with the necessary iron teakettle, boiling 
pot, frying pan, granite-ware plates and cups, iron forks and knives. 
These articles remain the property of the Government, and are to be 
carried on the quarterly inventory. 

Clothing.—You will supply the apprentices with comfortable fur cloth- 
ing according to the season. In the preparation of such clothes you 
will use the skins obtained from the herd and the eatch of seal. If 
the supply proves insufficient, you can purchase additional seal skins 
from the natives. As it is more economical to purchase reindeer cloth- 
ing ready-made in Siberia than to buy the skins and make them up, 
you will each season make out a list of the number of artegas (coats) 
and pants needed and give the same to the purchasing agent to buy in 
Siberia at the same time that he procures the deer. 

veindeer skins will be furnished the apprentices for bedding, and they 
will be carried on the inventory listas the property of the Government. 

Twice a month in suitable weather the apprentices shall be required 
to hang their bedding in the air and sun. 

Accounts.—You will open an account with each apprentice and his 
family, and charge against him all garments, bedding, ammunition, ete., 
together with date of issue. Cooking utensils are to be charged against 
the mess. 

Such an account will be a check against wastefulness, secure impar- 
tiality of treatment, and enable the Government to keep an account of 
the expense of training each individual. 

Once a month you will make an inventory of all clothes, bedding, 
cooking utensils, and other Government property used by the appren- 


S. Ex. Doe. 92 


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tices. If any one fails to show any skin (bedding), article of clothing, 
or other property the Government has loaned him, or satisfactorily 
explain its absence, the same shall be charged against him, and, at the 
discretion of the superintendent, its value may be taken from the deer 
allowed him. Apprentices need special watching that they do not give 
their clothes, bedding, or other Government property to their friends. 

Wivres.—If any of the apprentices are married and have their wives 
with them, you can issue a ration and clothing to the wife also, requir- 
ing from her in return some sewing and cooking for the apprentices. 
If there are several women you can apportion the work among them. 

Pay.—An apprentice that proves himself faithful and efficient can, at 
the end of the first year, have 2 deer for himself; at the end of the 
second year 5 additional deer, and at the end of the third year and 
each succeeding year that he remains in the herd, 10 deer. These, 
however, can not be sold by him, except with the written permission 
of the superintendent in charge, and can not be removed from the herd 
until the owner himself takes them to assist in forming a new herd. 

The written permission to sell shall be sent by the superintendent 
with other papers to the Bureau of Education. 

If, at or before the end of the first vear, an apprentice leaves the station 
or is sent away by the superintendent for cause, he will not be entitled 
to any deer. 

If at any time after the first year an apprentice may wish to dispose 
of his deer, the superintendent is authorized to purchase the same for 
the Government at the rate of $10 per head. 


Herding dogs.—It is important to create and train a large supply of 
herding dogs in order to provide for the new herds that shall be estab- 
lished from time to time. ‘To accomplish this, great care will be taken 
to keep pure the breeds of Lapp and Collie dogs now at the station. It 
may be well also to experiment with a cross between the Lapp and 

Sled dogs.—As the deer do not travel well on the ice, you can keep at 
the station one good team of sled dogs for use on the ice in sealing, and 
also to assist in hauling driftwood for fuel: 


Your ability to secure supplies but once a year suggests the wisdom 
of having two storehouses and dividing your provisions and supplies 
between them. This will prevent the loss of allin the event of a fire. 

The assistant superintendent will keep school at the station from 
September 1 to April 30, except on Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas, 
New Year’s, and national holidays. 


The pupils will be drilled in elementary reading, arithmetic, and 
writing, and daily exercises in phonetics. 

Special attention will be given, both in and out of school, to the use 
of the English language, not only by the apprentices, but also by all 
the employees and their families. Even the Lapps should be encour- 
aged to attempt to learn English. An account of progress in this diree- 
tion will be made a part of the annual report. 

The apprentices at the station during the school time of their division 
will be required to attend regularly. 

As the present schoolroom will be needed for residence purposes, you 
will at once erect a schoolhouse from drift logs. 


No liquor, gambling, profanity, or immorality will be allowed at the 
station or herding camps. 

Women other than the wives of apprentices will not be allowed at 
the station or camp quarters of the apprentices. 

No barter or unnecssary work will be allowed on Sunday. 


Daily journal.—The assistant superintendent will keep a brief daily 
journal of events at the station, extending from July 1 each year to the 
following June 30. 

Purchase account—The superintendent will keep, in a blank book 
furnished for the purpose, an account of all supplies purchased for the 
station, giving date of transaction, name and quantity of article, and 
price of same at the money valuation of the barter goods paid in 

Quarterly inventory.—On the last Saturday of March, June, Septem- 
ber, and December, each year, the assistant superintendent will make 
out an inventory of all stores and public property at the stations, 
including bedding, cooking utensils, ete., issued and in use by the 
apprentices, This inventory will be made with four parallel columns 
for the four quarters. 

Apprentices’ account.—(See p. 72.) 

Roll of merit.—(See p. 73.) 

Annual requisition—Upon the 1st of July, each year, the superin- 
tendent will make out a requisition for such provisions, stores, medi- 
cines, school appliances, lumber, coal oil for school and apprentices, 
barter goods, ete., that need to be purchased for the station and sent 
up the following year. This list will only include those articles fur- 
nished by the Government. Personal supplies needed by the superin-_ 
tendent and assistant superintendent will be placed on a separate 
requisition and paid for out of their funds. 

A copy of each of the above reports will be annually mailed to the 


‘S—&9—66 “000 “XH 'S 


: . 
ty i i 


general agent of education in Alaska, United States Bureau of Educa- 
tion, Washington, D. C. 

Annual report.—Upon the last day of June of each year the superin- 
tendent will make out and mail to the above address an annual report 
of operations at the station. 

Said report will include among other things the condition of the 
station, buildings, furniture, stoves, lamps, bedding, boats, nets, sleds, 
tools, medicine, and other appliances; statistics with regard to the 
herd, stating births, deaths, and number trained to driving and milk- 
ing; progress in manufacture of cheese and glue; character and progress 
of experiments to secure improved harness, and methods of milking; 
ete.; the training of herd and sled dogs; number and character of graz- 
ing stations; results of fishing and sealing; efficiency and progress of 
the apprentices and Lapps; the amount and character of the rations 
and their issue; the introduction of the English language; visits to 
outside herds, together with any recommendations that experience may 
suggest to increase the efficiency of the work at the station, 

Wishing you success in your responsible position, I remain, 

Yours, truly, 

General Agent. 

Superintendent of Teller Reindeer Station, 
Port Clarence, Alaska. 

Washington, D. C., February 24, 1894. 
My DEAR Sir: I send you a copy of the immigration lawa and 
regulations. On page 9 you will notice that where an occupation or 

trade has been introduced into the United States since the passage of 
the immigration act (L885) skilled labor can be brought into the coun- 
try. On page 9 you will find the section marked. Now, as herding 
reindeer was introduced into the United States in 1892, I do not see 
anything to prevent the introduction of Laplanders to take care of 
them. Icalledon Mr. Herman Stump, Superintendent of Immigration, 
and he says there is nothing to prevent our bringing the Lapps into 
the United States. 

Please remember to bring us a good specimen of tanned reindeer 
leather, also a package of reindeer glue, and from two to four dozen 
photographs representing Lapp and reindeer life. 

Wishing you great success in your work, I remain, 

Respectfully, yours, 
Mr. Wn. A. KJELLMANN, - 

Care of Feddersen & Nissen, Hammerfest, Norway. 
8. Ex. 92——5 


Washington, D. C., February 28, 1894, 

My DEAR Sir: I have received word from the Roman Catholic 
fathers that they want one family of Roman Catholic Lapps for herd- 
ing at their station in Alaska. You will therefore, in addition to the 
five families of Lutheran Lapps, bring with you one family of Roman 
Catholic Lapps. I shall request the Commissioner of Education to tel- 
egraph you the same thing about the time you reach Hammerfest. 

Wishing you great success, I remain, 

Respectfully, yours, 


Care of Feddersen & Nissen, Hammerfest, Norway. 


Bering Sea, Alaska, July 27, 1894. 

DEAR Sre: In carrying out the plans formulated for the introduction 
of domestic reindeer into Alaska, you will turn over to Mr. W. T. Lopp, 
superintendent of the mission station of the American Missionary 
Association at Cape Prince of Wales, 100 head of deer, at such time 
as it will be convenient for him to receive them. He will take them 
at the station and drive them across the country to his mission. 

If you can spare one of the Lapps for a few days, and Mr. Lopp shall 
wish his services, you can send him with the herd during the driving. 
When the herd reaches the new station Mr. Lopp will see that the 
Lapp is returned to the Teller Station. 

There are at the Teller Station five apprentice young men from Cape 
Prince of Wales, who will return to their homes with the new herd. 
Those that served faithfully in the herd at the Teller Station for a full 
year are entitled to 2 deer each, and you are authorized to give them 
the same on condition that the deer are not to be killed and are to 
remain in the mission herd for a period of not less than two years. 

If any of them prefer to take supplies or barter in place of their 
deer, you can buy their deer for the Government at the rate of $10 
worth of barter for each deer. 

An te si look (Charlie), the herder, already has 4 female deer and 
their fawns (8 in all) in the herd. He is entitled to 5 more for part 
pay of services for the year 1893-94. 

If he remains in the employ of the station during 1894-95 he is by 
special arrangement to receive 15 more, and then in the summer of 1895, 
in company with his brothers and Soo va wha sic, a herder, or such other 
parties as he may select and you think wise, he will start a separate 
herd. To accomplish this you will allow them to take the deer belong- 
ing to them, and then loan them 100 more for five years. In considera- 


S. Ex. Doc. 92 



tion of this loan the parties accepting it agree that the herd shall be 
under the general supervision of the superintendent of the Teller Rein- 
deer Station, and that they will not kill or allow to be killed (except by 
accident or disease) any bearing female deer; and further, they agree 
that at the end of five years they will return to the Teller Station 100 
deer. All the increase during the five years becomes their private 

They further agree that if it is found that the herd is being neglected 
and in danger of being lost, then the superintendent of the station can 
reclaim the 100 deer loaned, even in advance of the five years’ limit. 

If Charlie shall decide to commence his herd this fall you are author- 
ized to carry out the above plans, with the single exception that if the 
herd is established this season he will receive 15 head of deer less, the 
same being those he would receive for services during 1894-95. 

Very respectfully, yours, 

General Agent, 

U. S. REVENUE CUTTER BEAR, August 20, 1894. 

Str: I hereby turn over to your fatherly care and attention Elek- 
toona and Ahlook, two young men sent by the missionaries at Point 
Hope to learn the management and care of reindeer. 

They are to remain for two years, if they prove worthy, and are to be 
fed, clothed, and taught at the expense of the Government, the same as 
ihe other Eprennie 3 

' Very truly, yours, SHELDON JACKSON, 

General Agent. 

Superintendent Teller Reindeer Station. 

U. S. REVENUE CUTTER BEAR, September 7, 1894. 

Str: Antesilook (Charlie) requests me to speak to you with reference 
to supplies when he shall go out with his herd. He would like to pur- 
chase 10 sacks of flour, 10 fathoms of drill, 10 cans of powder, 5 
boxes of caps, 5 packages of tea, twine for nets, 2 boxes of bread, one- 
half box plug tobacco, 10 leaves tobacco, 4 bunches matches, 1 gallon 
molasses, a little soap. 

If some of the above can not be spared, or in the quantities asked, 
you can arrange with him. If he wants to pay in live deer, you can 
allow him at the rate of $15 each for his deer. 

Very truly, yours, 

General Agent, 

Superintendent, Teller Reindeer Station. 



By W. T. Lorp, Superintendent. 

Port Clarence, Alaska, July 2, 1894. 

DEAR Str: It gives us great pleasure to be able to report that the 
United States reindeer herd has lived, thrived, and multiplied this sec- 
ond winter, thus proving beyond doubt that the philanthropic measures 
which you, through the Bureau of Education, have adopted for develop- 
ing the resources of Alaska and improving the conditions of its people, 
are no longer an experiment, so far as climate and food are concerned. 

We have been in perfect health and have enjoyed the year’s work. 

After moving down from Cape Prince of Wales, July 10, 1893, the 
remaining six weeks of the short Arctic summer were occupied in 
making preparations for the coming winter. To assist us in this, Capt. 
M. A. Healy, of the U. S. revenue cutter Bear, left his carpenter and 
two men on shore until the Bear’s return from the north, August 20. 
With their aid the station house was finished inside, converting the 
barn-like structure into six comfortable rooms. A shed addition was 
built on the north side of the house, which we have used for herder’s 
quarters and a storeroom. <A scow for boating driftwood and a small 
dingey for fishing were also built. 

Under my directions the Eskimo apprentices built two comfortable 
log houses, plastered them with mortar made of cement and clay, and 
sheathed them inside with odds and ends of lumber. Moss was 
packed between the sheathing amd lumber, making the houses very 
warm and comfortable. These are the only log houses on the coast 
north of Norton Sound. They have been admired by so many natives 
from other settlements during the winter that doubtless some of them 
may try to build houses like them. We also built a large storehouse 
of rough lumber in which to keep supplies, so as to be safe in case of 
fire. = 


There was so much necessary work about the station that we were 
prevented from giving much time or attention to the deer during the 
summer months. However, we tried enough experiments to arouse the 
jealousy of our Siberian herders. Contrary to their wishes, we used 


‘E—€0— 06 ‘00d “XH “8 


the shepherd dog, Jack, a few times in rounding up. We also made a 
large pen into which we drove the herd for milking. On September 30 
the herd were driven into the pen and counted. The entire number 
was found to be 343. Since then we have lost 20 by disease and accident. 
But April, May, and June added 145 fawns to our herd. In the fall 
of 1894, 120 deer were brought from Siberia, makitig a total of 588, 


In May_and June we found the herd inclined to scatter in search of 
a grass with a clover-like head which is just coming through the 
ground. Herding in the summer is much more disagreeable and 
unhealthy than in the winter. With the exception of a few days in 
April the watches have been relieved every twelve hours. Grass is 
plentiful in the summer and an abundance of moss is always accessible 
in winter. In the winter when the snow becomes packed or hard it is 
necessary to move the herd to a new locality, and in the spring during 
the calving season a slope sheltered from northerly winds should be 


In October when the ground becomes covered with snow the deer 
become more docile, and many of the sled deer, and some of the others, 
can be caught without the use of a lasso, by simply holding out to 
them a seal-skin cup filled with human urine. Their fondness for the 
salt which it contains causes them to run to the herder, and while 
drinking the contents of the cup he quietly passes his arm around its 
neck. Wehavetried salt but it does notanswerthe samepurpose. Most 
of them refuse it. A few of them have learned to eat flour, corn meal, 
and bread. When the season for sledding opened we were much sur- 
prised to learn that we had only 11 sled deer, 2 of which were very old. 
Anxious to have more, we have asked our Siberian herders how long 
it would require to break in new deer, and received the discouraging 
answer ‘ Oh, I believe two winters, I think, sometimes three winters.” 
It was first necessary, they said, to rebreak the old sled deer. 

The Siberians in driving use the whip and slap the lines constantly. 
This habit probably originated in the drivers becoming cold, and to 
keep up the circulation keeps either his whip or lines in constant 

Unfortunately we were compelled to use our few sled deer for haul- 
ing wood, also for breaking new deer and driving to and from the 
camp. Weshould have had at least 40 sled deer this winter for our 
herders to practice driving. : 


We have had 13 deer under breakage, with varying degrees of suc- 
cess. The Siberian method is to catch a young deer 1 or 2 years old 
and lead it for several successive days, then hitch it in by the side of a 


good leader, and drive them. As a rule, the young deer becomes stub- 
born and lies down, and if the leader is unable to pull it along, the 
driver must get off his sled and try whipping it across the points of 
its ears with a thong, or, taking hold of its horns, he must drag it along 
by main strength. 

On a few occasions while breaking a very wild and fierce deer, Mr. 
Grubin found it necessary to sit down on the sled and wait several 
hours until the stubborn animal was ready to go of its own accord. 


The Siberian harness is different from all harnesses which we have 
seen described in books. The strap used for the collar passes over and 
across the upper half of the fore shoulder and between the forelegs 
where the ends pass under a girth, and are attached by means of a horn 
button to a trace which passes outside the right hind leg. The leading 
deer’s trace is made fast to the center of the sled and the off deer’s 
trace to the middle of the left side of the sled. The team is guided by 
jerking one of two lines which are attached to a halter passing around 
the deer’s horns. These lines are fastened very tightly around the 
wrists of the driver, so that in case the deer is inclined to run away 
he must drag the driver. The single traces passing on the outside of 
the deer’s hind legs necessarily causes them to pull slightly sidewise, 
making it difficult to drive them on a bee line. Often in driving a dis- 
tance of 10 or 15 miles the trace chafes through the skin under the 
belly and on the outside of the hind legs. The fresh blood freezes into 
sharp crystals on the trace, cutting the poor animal like a saw every 
step it takes. When this chafing occurs it is necessary for the driver 
to repeatedly remove the blood with his mittens. This uncivilized har- 
ness, however, is not without its merits. Its simplicity gives it many 
advantages over other harnesses for breaking deer. 

At the expense of being ridiculed by our Siberian herders I have tried 
a harness of my own make, consisting of collar, back and belly band, 
and two traces. Although not so simple as the other harnesses, it has 
many advantages over them. 

In order to test their relative merits, I sent Mr. Grubin, Ta oo tuk, 
and So kwee na to Ki now guk (40 miles north). Two of them drove 
double teams with Siberian harness and the other a single deer with 
the collar and trace harness. The result of the comparison showed 
that one deer in the latter harness can draw the same load with less 
exertion than two in the other harness. We have tried this same har. 
ness with a deer hitched in shafts to a cart which An te si look made, 

‘and found it answered the purpose admirably. The shoulders and 
breasts of reindeer are of an unsuitable shape for the breast harness so 
common in the States. We think forked or checked lines would be an 
improvement on their double lines, although when we tried them on 
some old deer it seemed to irritate them. 


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'G—E9-—06 “00 “XH '§ 


In traveling we have used for deer sleds the Eskimo hunting sled, 
and for hauling, the Eskimo freight sled. When hauling heavy loads 
the deer go in a brisk walk. A train of sleds is formed with only one 
deer hitched to each. The first deer of the train is led by a driver, 
and each of the others is tied to the sled in front of it and a second 
driver walks behind. By this arrangement two men can haul ten sled 
loads of wood or freight at a time. 


Sucking is the only way the Siberians have for milking reindeer, and 
they are loath to understand why “ white men” can not appreciate it 
when taken from the cows in this manner. Later in the season, upon 
the arrival of the Lapp herders, they had no difficulty in milking the 
same reindeer while standing. The milk is very rich and palatable, 
and we have fed it to our babes with good results. The milk in Sep- 
tember was so thick and rich that we diluted it with four parts of water 
before using, while the milk in June was much thinner, requiring only 
one part of water to reduce it to the richness of cows’ milk. For 6 
herders to catch 5 cows, hold them down, and milk with thumb and 
forefinger 1 quart of milk usually requires about two hours. 


We have had 3 Siberian herders with us, 2 of them, Anker and 
Dantin, from South Head, and the other, Nootadl got, from near 
Cape Serdze. On the whole we have found them very useful, but at 
times they have given us so much trouble that we have wished they 
were on the other side of Bering Strait. Unlike the Eskimos, they 
have no control over their temper. Anker on one occasion beat his 
wife shamefully, and at another time became angry at a tired deer, 
and, because it refused to rise, beat it almost to death and then broke 
its jawbone by stamping it. He was stubborn, jealous, and conceited. 
His jealousy was especially manifest when the Alaskans or ourselves 
drove the deer. In February, when Mr. Grubin was making fair prog- 
ress breaking a wild deer which the Siberian had said could never be 
broken to the sled, his jealous feelings were aroused to such a state 
that he became very insolent and claimed that he alone last fall was 
left in authority over the herd. We then discharged him, and since 
then our Alaskans have asserted themselves more and showed what 
they were capable of doing. 

The other two have shown themselves willing to teach and show the 
Eskimos, but on account of their uncontrollable temper they have each 
been the aggressor in fights with the Eskimos, which would have 
resulted in their death if no one had been here to separate them. 
They would like to serve another year. 

We feel encouraged at the progress made by our Alaskan herders. 
They have taken great interest in lassoing and driving deer, and, with 


one or two exceptions, we have found them faithful herders. They are 
able, without the aid of Siberians, to go to the herd, lasso sled deer, 
harness them, hitch them to sled, and drive to the house. At times 
those who are from distant settlements become homesick. When it 
has been practicable, we have let them visit their homes once during 
the year, with good results. There has been little or no friction 
among the natives of the different tribes, but now, as the year is 
closing, we think we can see indications of tribal jealousy arising, 
which in another year might result in something serious. 
Our Alaskan apprentices are: 


No. Name, etc. of age 
1s} MiosesvSt- James: Mission pYiulkonehiwer ec so-etaa- cern ose cine ee siede sie see een cee seeeee 17 
2|| Martin, Oonalakleet, formerly from Kuskokwini River .---.-.-.---.---------------+-eee 16 
Sif) Debi eryer lO oly Gees s Shaper do-coonds asseandorecodsesos pes opcossopoqouSSeo basses asesones 18 
CEN Ohana lan (Cxlanana sthy popaqesoaoeepodlSoace ges sou asodecocgnot conobo SSsaeacceeooscascs 21 
By) OME adie Srey Ory Ye INen ls) Sooo o ooo soso ooeaagomcdemeceezeroncee ses bcs sconsoneSoccsosce 18 
6 | An te si look (wife and two children), Cape Nome, formerly from Kinyeazr ike eee 30 
fo) -Kenmniminkei(wate ams two children), shelve a Zit Ks )-jeper ate alate ae lela See 30 
8h Seikeosvlook  Siwmoks (Port) Clarence) serm-ss ame oeiece nies see See a ee eee eee ee 22 
9 || }OonkswoodsletySynoka (Port! Clarence) maces ate seme) aria tietoesloleioeete oe cieeiteetas eee ee tai 16 
10h) Maroortuk, Polaznak formerlyon (Port Clarence. s-seea seeeeseceesee ee ne eee ee 18 
115 |FSokweana; Cape Prince Of Wales 2 qe jeree ao tem ame ala stale ole ee Se ere 16 
12 | Keok, Cape Princelol Walesesc= socciscow seme sia sees Sate cee aise ee eles eee ae eae ene 14 
13; Oo ten na, Cape Prince of Wales ..-.....--- APSO AE Son de oeccaotasosb 2508 soc soseseatosssoces 17 
14 | Ne tuxite. Cape Princerot Wialestc ssencccnesecie nine sek cic aeclcwcie eee ae casera ene ese ees 18 
15) Koay eazruk;|Capersbrince ofa Wales cece acaesa acess oct ale ci eae atte eee eee eteeeeeeeretee 15 
Kuneik, Cape -Princeot .Wialesi(servant, inl) sens seeeee ee teee tte eee eee aoe ae neeeeee 14 
Woodlek!Gape,Prince-of, Wales acsco) case. e eee ee eee ee ee one See 18 
Sungoo:(herder); Port: Clarence! 25-32 2 ote 2 oe wens ieee one eee eee eee eee eee 22 
| Nuv en ok (Nootadlgot’s wife) and two children, Cape Prince of Wales ............-.... 30 

Two of the Alaskans who were trained here last year remained buta 
few weeks with us. 

Anik, the third one of the (aed herders, remained here until Jan- 
uary, when we discharged him for coming to the house and leaving the 
herd alone after dark before relieved. I had found him untruthful and 
unfaithful on former occasions, so was glad to have an opportunity to 
make an example of him. 

During the year two otiers, one from this settlement and the other 
from Nook, tried herding, but became tired and went back to their 

The Indian boy Moses deserves special praise and mention. He 
left his far-away home on the Yukon River in January, 1893. Travel- 
ing on chance sleds, he did not arrive at the station until the following 
April. Finding he could not be kept here on account of the scarcity of 
supplies, he lived with an Eskimo at Cape Nome until the ships came. 
He is one of the best drivers among our herders, and is now glad he 
did not return home Jast summer. 

We have chosen young men and boys for herders, because their habits 
are not yet fixed, and we hope that when they once become accustomed 
to the routine life of a herder they will be better satisfied and contented 
with it than older natives would be. At first most of them were afraid 
to herd after night, but that soon wore away, and now most of them 


prefer to be on the night watch. They have been faithful in the rough- 
est and most disagreeable weather which we have had. On one occ¢a- 
sion, last December, the night watch which went out to relieve the day 
watch was unable to find them and the herd on account of a blinding 
snowstorm or blizzard. Wandering about until tired, they lay down 
and slept until morning, when, the storm having abated, they found the 
herd and relieved its faithful herders from their long and disagreeable 
watch. The boys were Soo va wha sie, from Cape Nome, and Oo ten na, 
from Cape Prince of Wales. They seemed very proud when we praised 
them for staying with the herd so long and presented them with half 
a pound of powder each. 

At another time when the relief watch was. unable to find them on 
account of the blinding snow, Kiyeazruk remained with the herd while 
his fellow herder, Sokweana, came to the house for some food to carry 
back to him and his companion on their twenty-four-hour watch. 

During summer, fall, and early winter when the herd was kept within 
3 miles of the station, two herders stood day watch and three night 
wateh. From January 6, while living in a deerskin tent at Cape Reily, 
9 miles south, one stood day watch and two night watch. Since April 1 
two have stood both day and night watches. 

During the months of November and December the Siberians devoted 
almost all their time to breaking deer, each of them herding only once 
a week. 

Our herders took much more interest and made much more progress 
when the herd was away from the station. While camping at Cape 
Reily seventy-six trips were made to the station with deer sleds, thus 
giving our apprentices much needed practice driving. 

From May 21 to June 22 we kept the herd about 15 miles north- 
west of the stations, our herders living in two canvas tents. 

Merit roll of apprentices. 

| | Breaking} 
| Herding.| Driving.| to har- | aioue ete | Feeding. 
IMIS GR Soe Goatncoeccopbagoeoborr cobnenatc 85 89 88 88 93 94 
TWIT ean bo Seer loud bac doceCOoenD aac 86 78 85 88 94 92 
ANF ih (2) le BOB SOE ODE GeO CcR DoS CeoSOconon 83 76 80 84 90 89 
MarnwititHkOOne oniscec se sine orice =< = = | 88 79 90 92 94 90 
So0 Va WHA SIC... sec cee eee we eens erin a= 85 85 86 90 84 88 
J STUN) OB Ae Co eRe ee OnSCsOcURnod 90 88 78 95 96 95 
Se keog look.......--.-------------+---- 88 80 79 92 87 90 
PRCT Ue et ree eteto ete aleretsteiewicie ieles==)=isi—> 83 82 is: 90 83 88 
Moma OOdMNeh meester ves chaes c= 80 84 74 80 85 85 
Woh, Moin e- Sas ne boeccoriossiaE + aosccacsors 80 90 89 78 92 95 


A weekly issue to each man of 6 pounds flour, 7 pounds bread, one 
twenty-fifth pound of tea, one-half pound of sugar, one-fourth pint of 
molasses, 14 pounds of beans, three-fourths of a pound of corn meal, 
12 pounds fish, one-eighth pound of seal meat, one block of matches, 
all the seal oil asked for, and on holidays dried apples, berries, or salt 



We have had a wet summer, unusually cold winter, and a late spring. 
Old natives say that they have never seen a spring with so few south- 
erly winds, the mean temperature for April being +2°; maximum, 
+20°; and minimum, —10°. For the same month last year the mean 
temperature was +21°; maximum, + 42; and minimum, —6°, 


Of the 186 fawns calved we lost 41. Most of these were lost by being 
frozen or deserted by the mothers. Many of the yearlings calved this 
year. In many eases they deserted their young, becoming scared as 
soon they were dropped. 


We have made some use of our shepherd dogs, and feel confident 
that with the proper training one dog will be equal to two men in 

Very often when lassoing deer one animal will leave the herd and 
run to the hills, but Jack will go after it and bring it back, thus saving 
a herder 3 or 4 miles run. 

Eskimo dogs have given us little or no trouble. We have killed only 
one during the year. If the deer men of Siberia have the same dogs 
around their camps, we see no reason why they should be considered 
one of the obstacles to raising deer in Alaska. 

Statement showing the number of deaths in the United States reindeer herd at Port Clarence, 
July 1, 1893, to June 30, 1894. 

[Fawns calved in 1894 not included.] 

Old deer. Fawns. 

Cause of death Date. 
5 Fe- : Fe- 
Male. male. |Male-| male. 

ec broken) by, Mira Brucelsid0psesesecscesnescicesemsesmescw see aels July 9)|-.-..- 1 eee de |Ssonse 
Strayed; ran away when landed from the Bear ......-...-...-+. Ad) Chala Ia! edooce W|\--cfe sel | aeons 
Stomach injured by handling in transportation -.......-....... eee | AU ee Ol ineris Me etic colladasee 
Shot accidentally by Anker (Siberian), tird hunting.-.--.----.. coe] AUS. 23 A Fsesbelleeeaacl Sconce 
Killed by order of superintendent; lost one foot last winter......| Sept. 20 |....-- Lest eee tees 
Fighting, injured its head.....-.-.....--2------------+------ +000 Sept. 22 Nel eeeeeellescocdltascce 
Cripple diimhts Die bee tetera alates lalela me lmym sala inle olan le alnlmimtelmrelatctatcletaial= Ootim aS) ieee Usiseoeca|assee 
Hip bone broken in catching with lasso (Anvik)...........-....-- Oct. 20) | feeee eee Ue eanoo 
Fell on a wood shed and broke its leg......-----.......--..--.000- Oct. 29 MO eased) laa -mosiloncsce 
Hip bone broken; manner unknown ....-...--.--...-2.2-..--..se0« LORY A |ieeetec|lbockss |osooce i 
Leg broken with lasso; two deer caught in one noose (Dantin)...| Dec. 12 |......|..-..-|------ 1 

Ran away while driving the herd to Cape Riely; shot by native 1894, 

118) be hang pnnaman cao eed he soca nonOod = SSR OCODAccOSOBLEONS Saa0edaC0e Dein tl lee aeac, WD esaoc 1 
A victim of Anker’s wrath while driving to camp ...---........-. Feb. 12 BD lessccte | saiseisrellsaawtad 
Leg broken; entangled in harness in deep snow (Dantin).......-. Mar. 3 Ee a Ari ASS 
Antern aleimyjUNes eyo ses e cane see ice eee ee eee eer a iereteieteateele PAS piel Glee ie Sosccoliccinoc]o 
From being struck in the flank with a whip (Nootadlgot)......... Apr. 30 IW esS6s0| 505500 Hanno5 
Oldbagerandiwarblese cece sleem ae ie cece aa qmiatecea eles see eee (AUER OO |lscecas lbeeccollascccs 

Oe persa aera lois ela nine eiaco ietaleloielole ereee]= nieferate! fe lgiateleiatel=|ratetetcteietaeiay May Site een ce MW Bascnoleaccac 
LONGER Ge MothiGhyits Soa se uopeocogsoS ppoenOoConSuoOe Sseecocearganos May 18 }...... WW eeecsc||aso.ce¢ 
Bleedinovatten/amiscanriaee aonee eee enema mieleniemtesialalenialale Bhpa aa SPP eon ey Isgosecilocoocc 1 
Two fore legs broken; manner unknown....-..-....--.---ecese--- Ohvmeke) 8) jose sae 1h Shoccllsanoce 
Leg broken from being tramped upon....-.-.--.....-.-.--ccseccee JME! 108 |Seeese| soe eemeene i! 
LE Gh Na barbers OCR Che ocp actin SEI AHOC EMC OGO NST ODONCOSISOS June 12 |...-.- TE RSesolbeaacc 
Stiffmess..........26 mralalalelslela eisicialele ols eialelainjeln/ainiaiatsiotelelcrete sie]aleleisyelsieisiate | June 22 |...... MU easacaaltbossca 

1 | 5 

Total deaths, 26. 

S. Ex. Doe. 92——53—3. 


ee ae Te 
eee eS cee 
A erie 



Death of fawns calved April, May, and June, 1894, reindeer station, Port Clarence, Alaska. 


. | 
Cause of death. eal Date. 
Stillbornes ss se see Ceres caries cisiasielicicta wniclelels en lelsleein\=«\nieeeisenloe\nisie 1 | Apr. 12 
Desertion ......------------ een e ene eee een e ec eeee cee 1G ASD TALS 
JUNGVAT NS ABS o Saeco oonricoU Gade USD EeedE ease 1 | Apr. 19 
O Sab ssosescusce 4 | Apr. 20 
WOssescaeeres 1| Apr. 22 
Killed by a cow 1 Do. 
Killed by cows. 2| Apr. 23 
erezen AE SED abe 2 Do. 
Bee eiceyersisets 2) Apr. 24 
Sheplierd Gog, Jack... - 220-2222 cece ween nce e een nnn eee ene nen nen ee een nn nen cteees 1| Apr. 25 
eae Pe ea erie cee ene see ianitasioltiniis sia Stalin sibarte eres emeen eae amma -eariiaseess 3 | Apr. 26 
stillborn Bee eee eaten ecieietelnin sie Sele episeee aa anteater oe etetetalsttwieitaalninia|ainielnininiema'miaie(= 1} Apr. 28 
GSC BECO OD DOOR OCOD ROO OCU OE OOO ODOCDO DD SUSon ates pe Rp e SoD Ob oOo OsnCCUEdS Sepa coOGaC 1-| Apr. 30 
De SSO SBE Ce DS BOR ORCe SUSE OU ODS TO SCO CobTo DOC De ea dees Destin ego OcOddSSCODON6 Joon IoObe 1| May 1 
TEMG VAD ahem Gee ORBA Lae SoU SECO See Se AUS aE an Dee DSeeEecbne saounec cobocmedite seuceormaneds 1 Do 
Sill erste aoe oaeaS snk SaaS OD SOLD SO bes boone Snodeodss opddaengo snes peecoD sa ed rao socecc 1| May 5 
Frozen (yearling’s calf)...........-------- +--+ 2-222 e ee eee nen en eee tee eee eee 1| May 6 
Shiller tsGopepseooeons ceoseee cooce+ coe nouocss Ee boaga aes DS Cee DOO OEaHoO Sein ce see ece es 1) May 17 
IDOE GH Naas Hocecen lhe daoEeSoee ce acne Boo ode cd asda odanU soca dod SS eqceccogosreeccDosaodKK 3 Do. 
ID ye Sa SU es OnoGore oe Cod Sar oor Ge occodeSseeoSecnopad sabeeon oAseecoudnoucecoonedconooS 1| May 20 
DI) ee ae ae ee ee oie am eeateete erate feta esis oiehe fete we iat t= laterelslwlatel= =I=[nieiniele\=J=i- «min =\<t=i-\e)ialei=isie’= 3 | May 22 
Bhepherdidopy dake eee se seca seen als eta ale elate mie etele mielate o eielala)--Ielaia i= = = <ie\n wis nisieisiein miniein 1 | May 27 
Killed by cow..---.---.-------- 2-2-2202 - sec e eee e cece een cence enn neers eeseeeteenceen- 1} June 1 
Motherless; killed ies order of Siberians 1 | June 12 
Shepherd dog, ARNO Ros aes danas soon soeuoe ESocHodE s osugeico ene bocorode 1 | June 22 
Legs broken 1D pen .-.-00..2..c00c- cee --- ween n enn nn cece nn cnn ee ee een e teen enn eee- | 2 | June 30 
inline 05A-s6see6das sacoesncossao oeuddns sbobooncndosss—dececcraScerded 
JONAS Saeba esd ada uacbro sega sHasooccmbodessance= 
Mesections eo se eteee oe 
Killed by cows..-....--- 
Killed by Jack.....-- 
Weeasibrokenme.-s4-o. oes 
(Ghamail Well sex sso cSsdooecne oe cHSoone coonc aoodooooOUOS He DoCS ssandbGacssunocesosocedaoadenouodad 

Number of fawns living, 145 (about). 
Temperature in April. 

1894. 1893. 1892. 

NV arises ce elo an aie isos ee coe eis ore em aiclaatate wlatote micielwia info cols Snis ccie wfele cle'eie els se v'nicve +2 +21 +27 


Munn see a rete oe cee oe were tare ore el ance wie wes oan Sinsta  aiaia siete lateie sic sin cin sioeisieleme'eaicie | —10 — 6 —2 


As an experiment, we chose to burn driftwood this winter. For. 
fuel and building purposes, we have used 2 oomeak loads, 2 whole 
boat loads, 6 scow loads, 64 dog-sled loads, and 126 deer-sled loads. In 
future years it will be more economical and philanthropical for the sta- 
tion every summer to pay needy Eskimos $100 worth of flour, cloth, 
and ammunition for bringing drift wood to us in their canoes, than to 
pay Arctic prices for coal. There is an abundance of driftwood 6 or 8 
miles from the station. 


We have found it necessary to purchase large quantities of seal skins, 
boots, deerskins, thongs, deer thread, dried fish, walrus oil, etc., to sup- 
ply the wants of our herders. For all these, the natives were glad to 


receive in exchange drilling, flour, ammunition, ete. We found it nec- 
essary at different times in the year to send sealing parties out to the 
coast to hunt for the station. In October and November some of our 
men netted and shot 44 seals; in February, 21, and in May and June, 
more than 50. 


The Eskimos have not been without their amusements. This year 
the natives of the village built a large kosge (dance house) and feasted 
and danced. half of November and all of December. Two years ago the 
aristocracy of Cape Prince of Waies had been invited to attend a feast 
and dance here. These natives, however, were unable to catch enough 
fish to entertain their distinguished visitors, so the dance was post- 
poned until this year. On Christmas day fourteen sleds arrived here 
from Cape Prince of Wales, bringing walrus meat, whale blubber, deer- 
skins, wolverine and wolf skins as presents to their hosts, and in return 
a grand masked dance was given in their honor, and red fox, beaver, 
otter, and other pelts were presented to the guests. 

We gave our herders a “ taffy pulling” on Thanksgiving night, and 
tried to entertain them with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus on Christ- 
mas night. If they were delighted, surprised, or gladdened, their faces 
did not reveal it. 


School opened September 20 and closed April 27. The attendance 
has necessarily been small. Many of the children have not sufficient 
skin clothing to go out of their homes on very cold days. Those who 
are clothed properly have to spend most of their time catching frost fish 
through the ice. The opening of the new dance house, the first one 
they have ever had here, kept many children away from school in 
November and December. 

In January the frost fish failed them. Their dried fish being all gone, 
most of the people had to move out to the seacoast to seal, or down to 
Grantly Harbor where fish were plentiful. After the herders went to 
camp (January 6) there were no natives here for school until they 
returned on March 27. Commencing with April, a school was con- 
ducted almost exclusively for the herders, in which special attention 
was given to English terms and words used in connection with the deer, 
physiology, and hygiene. The enrollment was 69. 


The United States can surely afford to be magnanimous with the first 
Alaskan herders who, after learning how to manage and care for rein- 
deer, start independent herds. Nothing should be given them outright 
to make them lose their self-respect; but by helping them in the man- 
ner indicated in the following general suggestions, we believe that in 


Ex. Doc. 92 



er pen 



five or six years they will be considered as rich and independent deer 
men, men of as much wealth and influence as the walrus or whale 

When a few rich deer men, Oomaliks, have been distributed along 
the coast, we think the training of new herders will take care of itself. 


(1) Pay the Alaskan for his first year’s apprenticeship at least five 
deer and for the second year at least ten deer. 

(2) When five or six of these Alaskans are considered capable of 
managing a herd, loan them, to put with their own, at least one hun- 
dred deer, which are to be paid back to the Government at the expira- 
tion of five years. 

(3) If they desire some flour, cloth, and ammunition with which to 
puchase their food and clothing, so as to enable them to get along the 
first year without killing any of their deer, let the Government loan 
them $100 worth of such supplies, which is to be paid back in live deer 
at a price fixed at least $2 in advance of the average cost in Siberia. 

(4) In order to teach these people the true value of reindeer the Gov- 
ernment should offer to purchase, during the next ten years, all the 
surplus deer which the Alaskans can raise, at a price fixed from $2 to 
#4 in advance of the average price paid for them in Siberia. 

(5) A superintendent should be appointed who is willing to stay here 
at least five years. He should be a man of physical activity sufficient 
to enable him to travel up and down the coast, visit new herds from 
time to time, and keep the work progressing all along the line. If pos- 
sible to find such a man he should be a deer man himself or have an 
expert deer man to travel with him. A teacher and physician should 
be appointed to remain at the station who could, besides their profes. 
sional duties, take charge of the Government stores, keep the accounts, 
ete., so that the superintendent should have all his time for field work. 

We are under many obligations to Captain Healy, Mrs. Healy, the 
officers and men of the U.S. S. Bear, for many kindnesses extended us 
and for much aid and assistance given us in order to make our new 
home comfortable and our year’s work a success. 

Very truly, 
W. THos. Lopp, Superintendent. 


General Agent of Education in Alaska, 
Washington, D. C. 

DEAR Sir: I am very glad to say that my journey has been a great success so far. 
This is my fourteenth day of travel from New York, and to-morrow I shall arrive at 
Hammerfest, breaking all records ever made between those points. The weather 
has been very fine. 


When in Bergen, Norway, I called on the United States Consul, Mr. Gade, and he 
kindly assisted me with advice as to the fastest route northward. Knowing that I 
could not get my money in Drontheim as I would pass there on Sunday, I telegraphed 
to the United States Agent Bery, asking him to meet me on board the ship on my 
arrival, and there I handed him my check to exchange, and requested him to send some 
money after me. I also asked him about transporting the dogs over the various 

I can not tell now when I shall be ready to start southward again. The people 
here think that it is a very good idea to take the Lapps and reindeer to Alaska, and 
they are surprised to learn that any one is willing to spend so much money in giving 
jt atrial. WhenI get to Alten I shall write afew words as to how the Lapps them- 
selves regard it. 

Very respectfull 
ei f W. A. KJELLMANN. 
Washington, D. C. 

HAMMERFEST, Norway, March 9, 1894. 
DEAR Str: J arrived here yesterday morning (twenty-four hours later than was 
expected, but still breaking all former records) to find that the firm Feddersen & 
Nissen here, to whom I telegraphed from New York, have done the necessary adver- 
tising in Lapland, and I think that with their assistance my mission can be pushed 
through without delay. Yesterday I was called up to the city mayor, who is also 
the representative of the Norwegian Government at this place. He asked me what 
the Lapps were wanted for, their salary and the terms of their return. I told him 
the whole plan and he was satisfied. 
The weather here is very cold, 20° below zero. No more to report this time. 
I am, very respectfull 
peo ees y W. A. KJELLMANN, 
Washington, D. C. 

CONSULATE, BERGEN, NoRWAY, March 28, 1894, 
Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C.: 
Laplanders ask guarantee for salary. Telegraph consulate, Bergen. 


Washington, D. C., March 29, 1894. 

Bergen, Norway? 
Sheldon Jackson, Government agent, Alaska, guarantees salary of Lapp families 

hired by Kjellmann. 

Acting Commissioner of Education. 

CONSULATE, BERGEN, Norway, April 6, 1894. 
Lovick PIERCE, 

Acting Commissioner Education, Washington, D. C.: 
Lapp families hired by Kjellmann not satisfied agent Jackson’s guarantee. Require 

such direct from United States Government. Cable answer. 


Rea RS egy 


‘6 E966 ‘90d “XT ‘g 


Washington, D. C., April 6, 1894. 
Bergen, Norway: 
Tell Lapps that Jackson is so high a Government official that his guarantee is 

identical with that of Government. 
J. A. W. GRIPP, 

Envoy Extraordinary. 

Washington, D. C., April 9, 1894. 
Bergen, Norway? 
Cable how many Lapps Kjellmann has secured. 

Commissioner of Education. 

CONSULATE, BERGEN, Norway, April 10, 1894, 
Education Commissioner Hargis: 
Five families. CoNsSUL. 

HAMMERFEST, NorWAY, March 30, 1594. 

Drar Sir: Dr. Sheldon Jackson’s letter of February 24 came to hand a few days 
ago, and, as I think that by this time Dr. Jackson must be on his way to Alaska, I 
write to you. 

I have just returned from the mountains and have been lucky enough to procure ~ 
five families and one single man for the Lapp colony, but it wasa terrible job to get 
them. I was working at them for ten days before I could get the first one. The 
Lapps were very much afraid of the Eskimo; they thought that the Eskimo would 
kill them; they were afraid of the hard winter in Alaska, and they were also afraid 
that the Government would not treat them rightly. At last I got them to sign a 
contract for three years if they could get any guarantee for their salary; therefore I 
telegraphed to Dr. Jackson. The Lapps agreed to meet at this seaport on April 13; 
they could not be ready before. It will give mea very short time at home in Madison, 
but I could not do better. 

I shall need some money on landing in New York, because I had to pay the Lappe 
one month’s wages in advance. By next mail I shall let you know how much money 
I need, and also send a list of the colony. 

Respectfully, yours, 

Winter is terribly hard up here. Snowstorms every day. The snowdrifts are 25 
feet deep. 
Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 

TALVIK, Norway, April 2, 1894. 
Dear Srr: Your favor of February 28 is received to-day, from which I see that 
the Roman Catholics want one family. I do not think that I can get any family, 
because there is only one Roman Catholic boy among the Lapps. He is about 16 
years old. To-night I shall go back to Alten and try to hire him. 

Very respectfully, nL Nye 

Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 


TAPPELUFT, NORWAY, April 9, 1894. 

DrAR Sir: The five families of Lapps that I have hired are Per Aslaksen Rist and 

‘wife with two daughters, 10 and 8 years; Johan Speinsen Tornensis and wife 
with one child under 1 year; Mikkel Josefsen Nakkila and wife; Samuel Johnsen 
Kemi and wife with two children, 4 and lyear; Mathis Aslaksen Eira and wife with 
one child, 4 years; Fredrik Larsen, single, 18 years. 

Every family is to have a pair of dogs, and the single boy has a dog that I bought 
for him. 

I leave here on the 14th instant, and leave Christiania for New York on the 26th 
by the steamer Island of the Thingvalla Line, and shall probably arrive at New 
York about the 8th or 9th of May. 

Very respectfully, 


Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 

MADIson, WIS., May 16, 1894. 

Dear Sir: I had no time to write you from New York or Chicago, as the time was 
almost too short to make the necessary arrangements for transportation. 

On the 10th of April I started the colony from Kautokeino and came down to 
the seaport of Bosekop. On the 13th and 14th we packed the baggage and on the 
15th we went on board the first steamer, which took us to the city of Hammerfest, 
the northernmost city on the earth. From Hammerfest we went to Drontheim, 
where we arrived on the 20th. On the 23d we left Drontheim by rail for Christiania, 
where we arrived at 7.15 on the 24th. At noon on the 26th we were all on board 
the Island, which ship was to take us to New York. 

We arrived at New York on the 12th of this month, and on the evening of the 
same day we left for this city, via Buffalo and Chicago, and arrived here at 11.15 
on Monday evening, the 15th. 

In Christiania I was kindly assisted by Capt. Magnus Anderson, the commander 
of the Viking, and by the United States consul, so everything went on nicely. Two 
of my dogs were then sick, but got better after a few days. On the 10th of May 
one of them took sick again and died before night. Another was also seriously sick 
at that time, but it is still alive. 

Captain Skjédt, commander of the Island, kindly did his best for all of us. There 
was very little sickness among the Lapps during the voyage. I will write 
you before [leave here on Monday, the 21st. To-day I am very tired and have 
much to do. 

I am, very respectfully, yours, 


Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. 

St. Paul, Minn., May 22, 1894. 

DEAR Sir: The care of the party of Lapps and the dogs takes my entire time, so that 
I do not know when to do the necessary writing. Imust do everything myself, as the 
Lapps can do nothing in the way of caring for themselves in this country. I must 
even look out for losing them at the station, as the people crowd around them and hang 
on to them. This is why you have not had this letter before. We will leave here at 7 
o’clock to-night. We have a very pleasant car on the Great Northern and I am very 
well satisfied with it. 

‘vVuSWIV ‘MOuuVg 4INIOd ‘IVS H3qaNN qg31s 


66 “OT “XM'S 


To-day Iam keeping the Lapps in the cardown at the yard. I myself have to hide 
somewhere to write this and other letters. At the top of the page you will see where 
I am hiding. 

Will try to send you word from some station farther on. 

Respectfully, yours, 


Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. 

Hors Prains, Mont., May 29, 1894. 

DEAR Sir: As stated in my last letter from St. Paul, we left there on the 22d and 
all went well until Kalispel, Mont., where we were delayed by a washout which 
kept us there for thirty-six hours. On the 26th we were returned to Havre, and from 
Havre we were sent to Helena, where we arrived at 6 p. m. on the 26th. , There we 
remained until yesterday. Then we were transferred from the special car, that should 
have taken us through to Seattle, to the Northern Pacific Railway. Now we are 
delayed here by a washout on this road too, and no one can tell when we will get 
through. The steamer we were to have taken from Seattle has gone, and if we get to 
Seattle we shall have to wait until Monday, June 4. 

Iam nearly out of money. We lost one more of the dogs going through North 
Dakota, and a third one was very sick, but is better now. I use ice for them every 
day, but still it is too hot for them. The Lapps are all well. The minister also. If 
anything happens I shall telegraph you. 

Very respectfully, yours, 


Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. 

U.S. REVENUE CUTTER BEAR, July 27, 1894. 

Str: In the introduction of reindeer into Alaska, the United States Bureau of Edu- 
eation greatly desires the cooperation and assistance of the missionaries of all the 
churches in Alaska, The missionaries being the most intelligent and disinterested 
friends of the natives, the Government naturally looks to them as the best agents 
through whom to reach the native population. 

From their position and work, having learned the character and needs of the 
people, they are able to most wisely plan and carry out methods for transferring the 
ownership of the deer froin the Government to the natives in such a manner as will 
best facilitate the reindeer industry. The Government further realizes the fact 
that the men who most completely come under mission influence, civilization, and 
education are the coming men of affairs among their own people, and therefore are 
the best men to lead in a new movement. 

As the wide and general distribution of the reindeer will both save from extine- 
tion the people, among whom the missionaries work, and place them upon a plane of 
independent self-support, they have a direct and personal interest with the Govern- 
ment in this work. 

To secure this cooperation of the missionaries, the United States Bureau of Edu- 
cation proposes from time t» time to furnish herds of reindeer to all the mission 
stations of northwestern and central Alaska, that through them more natives may 
be trained to care for the deer, and when so trained, receive the loan of a sufficient 
number to commence a private herd. 

As a beginning in this direction, it affords me much pleasure to turn over to you, 
as the representative of the American Missionary Association Mission at Cape Prince 
of Wales, Alaska, 100 head of reindeer, with the single condition that upon the Ist 

Sy ee Ce ih 


of July, each year, you or your successor in office make out an annual report of the 
progress of the herd, giving the numbers born, dying, or killed; the number and 
character of the herders and apprentices; what steps are being taken and with what 
success to get your people to take them up; the condition of private herds, if any, 
among your people; what experiments you have made toward improved methods 
of harnessing, milking, and handling the deer, together with the results of the same, 
and such other information as may seem to you of general interest. 
This annual report will be mailed to the ‘“‘ General Agent of Education in Alaska, 
United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C.” 
Wishing you great success, I remain, 
Yours truly, SHELDON JACKSON, 
General Agent, ete. 
Mr. W. T. LOppP, 
Superintendent of the American Missionary Association Mission, 
; Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska. 

Port Clarence, September 3, 1894. 

Str: In accordance with your instructions to erect a schoolhouse from logs, a 
crew of eight men were sent up the lagoon west of the station after drift logs. 
After being away four days they returned without logs and reported that it was 
impossible to get them, as the lagoon could not be used for rafting because the 
timber lay on the outside of the sand bank between the lagoon and sea; that the bank 
was too wide for the logs to be carried across, and that they could not take them on | 
the outside on account of the surf. All this was thought to be nothing else than 
the result of not having a white man along to boss the work, and as there is no 
assistant at the station that can be sent out, I went myself with a crew of six men 
and got 100 logs. The station was, meanwhile, left in Mr. Brevig’s care. As school 
was to begin on the Ist of September, it was impossible to build a schoolhouse and 
have it ready in time. We therefore fixed up the center room or hall in the main 
building for school, which began to-day. 

In the past two weeks the Laplanders have milked about 50 cows of the herd 
every day, but as the deer have not been used to it and are very wild, we will have 
to stop milking for a few days, as a number of the deer already have sore teats. We 
will continue as soon as the deer are all right again. A week ago to-day four men 
were sent up to the lakes fishing, and one Laplander went along exploring. They 
have not returned yet. If winter sets in soon as expected we will be in a bad fix, 
as we have no place ready for the herders. Last winter they were kept in the back 
building or lean-to, but as you know the lean-to now is used as storehouse and 
kitchen for Mr. Brevig and a trading room, we will have no place to keep the 
herders. I will put all hands to work on a log house for the herders, only leaving 
six men with the herd. I hope we will get it ready in about three weeks, and if it 
should be necessary the school can be kept where it is the first part of the winter. 

Yours, respectfully, 


Revenue Steamer Bear. 

Port Clarence, September 5, 1S94. 
DEAR Srr: I herewith send you one box containing reindeer moss and grass, 
properly labeled, and one can of reindeer cheese made at the station. I donot know 
whether the cheese will keep canned up that way. In Lapland it is always dried 
and brought to the market in that state. 


Doe, 92 





The Laplanders who went into Grantley Harbor and up to the lakes exploring 
returned after staying away six days. They reported that good winter pasturage 
was found, and also a splendid place where the herd could be kept in spring when 
calving. Mossand grass were found everywhere and are more plentiful than they ever 
had seen before. If we get time before winter sets in, a dugout will be erected at 
the east end of Grantley Harbor for winter camp. The herd is now kept about 4 
miles east of the station, where the herders are in camp. Their spare time is this 
week spent in cutting grass for padding in boots during winter. I think the reason 
why the Eskimos wear out their footwear so quickly is because they use no padding 
and do not tan their leather with bark. 

It is very wise not to send small herds to other places before the main herd counts 
at least 1,500 or 2,000, for the reason that if it should happen that the Siberian deer 
men should refuse to sell more deer, you would, by taking good care of it, have suf- 
ficient number to distribute about 500 deer a year from the increase without reducing 
the efficiency of the central herd, and thus the whole of arctic Alaska could be sup- 
plied with deer. 

Deer will increase faster when in a large herd than in a small one, as a larger num- 
ber of the fawns can be saved among many deer than among afew. Again, my expe- 
rience is that it is not wise to let an apprentice start a herd for himself after being 
only two years at the station. To learn to be a good herder or deer man takes as 
much time as to learn any other trade. It is not only to learn how to throw a lasso, 
how to drive or keep good watch while with the herd; but the main part of it is to 
know how to take care of the fawns so the herd can increase, to select a good shel- 
tered place to keep the herd when the fawns are born, to know how to make use of 
every particle of the deer so that nothing is thrown away, and to learn to think and 
act quickly in an emergency, and stand any hardship when necessary to save the 
herd. All this may be looked at by outsiders as soon learned, but it is not so. It is 
only acquired by attention and long practice. 

Here I will say that in Lapland as a rule a man is not trusted with the charge of 
a herd before he has been at least five years among deer and deer men, and even then 
many are not trusted. Many never become able to take care of a herd on account of 
carelessness or other reasons. There are differences among herders as well as among 
other people. Some take more interest in their work than others, therefore no rules 
can be set about the time needed. From what I have observed during my short stay 
here, I can say that we have some apprentices that will never be good deer men, and 
others again that will be splendid. The former are too slow, and after trying them 
another month or two with the same result, they will be sent off and others given 
their places. 

As I have been so pressed with the work around the station in order to be ready 
to meet the winter, I have had little time to study the boys, but from what I have 
already seen I can say the above. 

We have started a log house 16 by 30 feet for the herders; two of the Laplanders, 
two Eskimos, my father, and myself are working at it. A crew of seven men are up 
the lagoon after more logs, and as soon as the herders’ house is finished we will start 
on a schoolhouse, but I do not know what we shall have for floor and roof boards 
as we have not any boards at all. We will probably have to make boards of drift 

Very respectfully, Won. A. KJELLMANN, 
United States General Agent of Education in Alaska. 


September 5, 1894. 

On this 5th day of September, 1894, we, the undersigned, Sheldon Jackson, for and 
in behalf of the United States Bureau of Education, party of the first part, and 
An te si look for and in behalf of himself and I zik sic, Kok to wak, I up puk and 
Soo va wha sie, parties of the second part, do hereby agree and covenant that the 
party of the first part will loan the parties of the second part 100 head of reindeer 
for a period of five years from January 1, 1895. 

In consideration of such loan, the parties of the second part at the expiration of 
five years (December 31, 1900) will return to the Government 100 head of reindeer 
of which at least 75 shall be females. 

The parties of the second part further agree that the herd shall at all times be 
open to Government inspection and control, and no bearing female shall be killed 
(except in case of accident) during the continuance of the loan. 

The Government reserves the right to reclaim 100 deer at any time previous to the 
expiration of the loan, provided it shall appear to the superintendent of the Govern- 
ment herd that this herd is in danger of being lost through neglect or mismanage- 

[SEAL. ] SHELDON JACKSON, party of first part. 
[SEAL, ] AN TE SI LOOK, party of second part. 



Exhibitor.—Sheldon Jackson, general agent; address, Washington, D.C. Education 
in Alaska. 

{GROUP 149. CLASS 853.] 
Exhibit.—Publications, photographs, and school work. 

A collection showing, first, the condition of the people in the extreme need of edu- 
cation; second, the plan of the organization of public and private schools for the 
Territory, extending to the most remote inhabitants of the Arctic regions; third, 
schoolhouses and residences of the teachers; fourth, photographic views of pupils 
showing their dress and habits; fifth, specimens of pupils’ work showing excellent 
merit; sixth, documents and photographs, wearing apparel and other articles of 
use illustrative of the prolonged but successful effort to introduce reindeer from 
Siberia and instruct the natives in their care and use as a source of food and cloth- 
ing and a means of transportation by which it is hoped to save the people from the 
starvation awaiting them as a result of the wasteful destruction of fish and game 
since the introduction of firearms—a destruction so rapid that it has already swept 

villages from the face of the earth. 

Individual Judge. 
President Departmental Committee. 


Chairman Executive Committee on Awards. 
JUNE 27, 1894 


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Division OF Borany, 
Washington, D. C., December 14, 1894. 
DEAR Sir: The two packages recently received from you, one a lot of dried speci- 
mens collected by Dr. White, the other a package of native reindeer food of Alaska, 
were received yesterday. The collection of Dr. White will require a considerable 
time to examine, as a large number of species are represented in it. The package of 
reindeer food, however, consists principally of reindeer moss (Cladonia rangiferina), 
an unidentifiable sedge of the genus Carex, and branches of two species of willow. 
The box contains also fragments of a cotton grass, Eriophorum, and of two other 
grasses without common names belonging to the genera Poa and Arctagrostis, 
besides a few fragments of a club moss, Lycopodium, and some of the true mosses. 
If this material is of value to you, I will have it returned to your office if you will 
kindly notify me by telephone. 
Yours, very sincerely, FREDERICK V. COVILLE, 

Bureau of Hducation, Washington, D. C. 



By CHARLES HALLocK, M. A., M. B.S.. 

Ex-editor of Forest and Stream; author of ‘Our New Alaska,” ‘The Sportsman 
Gazetteer,” and other standard works on Natural History and Field Sports; member of 
the Biological Society of Washington. 

Reindeer (Cervus tarandus) are not only boreal but circumpolar animals, occupy- 
ing a habitat in common with the ice bear, musk ox, arctic hare, lemming, snowy 
owl, ptarmigan, Eskimo dog, and arctic fox. Though comparatively little known, 
popularly or scientifically, outside of their frozen domain, they are the most 
widely distributed mammal on the globe, inhabiting portions of Greenland and 
Labrador, the margin of Smith Sound,* both sides of Hudson Strait,t the entire 
breadth of British America east and west of the Rockies, parts of Alaska, Siberia, 
Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, Finland, Lapland, Norland, and the northern half of 
Russia and Scandinavia. Their range belts the entire Arctic Circle without a 
break, and extends from the northernmost limit of polar exploration southward 
to latitude 52° (longitude 140° west), where the reindeer meets the Bengal tiger in 
the jungles of the Amoor River, in Asia. In North America it drops to latitude 55° 
on Eskimo Bay, in eastern Labrador; to latitude 59° at Fort Churchill, on the west 
side of Hudson Bay; to latitude 55° in the Peace River country, and touches latitude 
54° on the Aleutian peninsula, in Alaska. In middle Russia the limit is about lati- 
tude 55°, while in Norway it would not be below latitude 65°, owing to the proxim- 
ity of the Gulf Stream, which renders the climate too mild for them, as well as for 
the growth of its favorite food, the reindeer moss. In the Glacial period this suc- 
culent lichen (Cladonis rangifarina) grew much farther south, of course, and the 
range was proportionately extended, remains of this animal having been found in 
the middle United States and in Italy, according to Prof. Theo. Gill. Reindeer can 
not be acclimated in regions where the conditions are unfavorable. Experiments in 
various countries have proved this. 

Closely allied with the arctic reindeer is the forest variety, known in America as 
the woodland caribou, whose conterminous range enlarges the foregoing area by a 
belt several degrees in width in a southerly direction, which includes Newfound- 
land, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Lake Superior region, and extends almost 
unbroken across the continent, dropping even below the forty-ninth parallel in 
Minnesota. This variety is also found in the forests of northern Montana, Idaho, 
Oregon, and Washington. Both species are gregarious and migratory, moving north 

*Hall, the Arctic explorer (1861), speaks of adog on Smith Sound taking a reindeer 
by the throat and cutting its jugular. 

+ According to Tuttle, of the Canadian Dominion Survey (1884), the north side of 
Hudson Strait is a waste of alternate rock ridges and boggy ravines. Captain 
Spicer, a retired whaler from Connecticut, was found 30 miles from North Bluff, in 
latitude 63°, longitude 70°, operating a trading post to the tune of $25,000 worth of 
furs per year. Reindeer and white hares were abundant in the vicinity. 


‘E—-89-— 26 ‘00 “XM'S 


and south with the annually recurring seasons, often in large herds, and both are of 
especial economic value in their respective localities, affording a variety of subsis- 
tence to the carnivorous fauna which are associated with them, as well as to large 
nomadic and constant human populations which oceupy the illimitable wastes of 
the subarctic zone and the territories contiguous to them. Both are likewise sus- 
ceptible of domestication, though the boreal variety is by far the most tractable; 
and with it this paper has chiefly to do, more especially by reason of present efforts 
to domiciliate it in Alaska. And in connection with this endeavor, and the urgent 
economic necessity which has prompted it, the breeds of Siberia and Lapland 
become of special interest, the former because that country is so immediately 
adjacent and available as a source of supply for stocking our ranges, and the latter 
because of the higher civilization of the people and the superlative domesticity of 
their animals, feral instincts being much stronger with the Siberian reindeer. 
Reference might also be made to the reindeer of British America, already an 
important factor in the hyperborean economy of that country, and likely to become 
still more so should the Alaska experiment prove signally successful. Fortnnately, 
we are in possession of all needful data through the painstaking researches of Bush, 
Vincent, and Ogilvie, who have made the reindeer of Siberia, Lapland, and the 
nerthwest territory respectively an incisive study during Icng periods of residence. 

Zoologists have not been quick to discover the exact affinity between the reindeer 
of the Old World and its North American prototype, the barren ground caribou, so 
called, while the difficulties in reconciling the latter with its more southern con- 
gener, the woodland caribou, have proved even greater. But the sum and conclu- 
sion of the whole matter, so happily determined of late by a thorough comparative 
study of all the various groups which occupy the boreal belt and contiguous regions, 
would be to make the three several forms specifically identical, with no structural 
differences between them, except such as would naturally result from difference of 
climate, food, and environment. ol 

We find that throughout all its known habitat there are plains reindeer and forest 
reindeer, just as there are plains and woods bison, the former occupying the vast 
moss-bearing tundra which blanket tbe cireumpolar world, and the latter ranging 
through conterminous regions lying farther south; the warmer habitat, with its 
more abundant provender, producing the larger but less hardy animal. In parts of 
Lapland and northern Scandinavia, where there are no expansive levels like the 
moss-bearing tundra of Siberia, Alaska, and subarctic British America, that variety 
recognized as the plains reindeer is obliged to seek its favorite food on the moun- 
tains above the forest belts, and so are locally known as ‘“‘mountain reindeer.” But, 
_taxonomically, there are but two forms the world over, specialized in scientific 
nomenclature as Tarandus rangifer greenlandicus and T. rangifer caribou, of the 
genus Cervus, the one designating the arctic variety, or barren-ground caribou, and 
the other the southern variety, or woodland caribou. The latter are much more 
widely distributed in America than in Europe or Asia, and as the word reindeer has 
but recently been adopted in this country, with the coming of the domesticated 
herds from eastern Siberia, and the name caribou is absolutely unknown abroad, it 
would seem that specification would be simplified, if not bettered, by designating 
the boreal moss scraper as reindeer and the southern woods ranger as caribou. 

The chief differences mentioned by writers who have discussed the problem are 
the smaller size of the northern form and its proportionally larger horns, the average 
weight of the first being not more than 175 pounds the world over, while the latter 
would reach 300 pounds, and sometimes attain 400 pounds, and even more. The 
livers, gall bladders, and metatarsal glands have also entered into the problem of 
differentiation. There are certainly marked variations in coloration as well as in 
the selection of food, the one species subsisting chiefly on ground mosses, to which 
the other adds a diet of tree moss, grass, and browse when available. Quoting emi- 
nent Newfoundland authority, the color of the woodland caribou ranges from woed 
brown in early summer to nearly white in winter. The mane above the neck is 


nearly white at all seasons, and the legs are always much darker than the body 
color. The young are mottled on the sides for the first months after birth, and some 
adults have been seen so marked, which presumably points to a spotted ancestor, 
and with unequivocal certainty to close kinship with his boreal relation. 

Dismissing this cousin german altogether, and bespeaking exclusive attention to 
the reindeer proper, we discover that in eastern British America he, too, is brown in 
summer, brown and white in fall, and white in winter. The coat is extremely thick, 
with a soft felt pile at base, which bristles with long hairs, and is calculated in every 
way to resist cold. He is not as tall as the red deer, but heavier. Stags in their 
prime, from 6 to 10 years old, weigh 400 pounds. Hinds are about the size of a red 
deer stag; legs shorter, feet broader, ears shorter and more rounded, nostrils larger, 
with sense of smell very acute. They can detect the presence of moss simply by 
putting their noses to the snow, even when it is 6 feet: deep. The sexes are variously 
distinguished as bulls and cows, bucks aud does, and stags and hinds. At seasons 
when the horns are short and the animals are engaged in grazing, they resemble 
cows more than deer. When fully grown the antlers are immense, palmated, and 
sweeping backward; are cast in November and get full growth again by the first of 
September following. During that month, which is the raking or rutting season, 
they get much battered and broken by fights, especially the brow antlers, which are 
provided chiefly for offense, though sometimes, but not often, used to shovel off 
snow from buried food. In feeding they draw away the snow with the nose, which 
is covered with a hard skin for that purpose. Crown antlers, spreading widely, 
when thrown back protect the body while passing through dense brush. Brow 
antlers meet over the nose like two hands placed palms together, with fingers straight 
out. Females generally carry horns, but not always. Their horns are much more 
symmetrical than their consorts’, and not one-third the size—palmated, too, except 
that in yearlings they are slender and straight. Antlers sometimes measure 5 feet 
around the curve. Females at the age of 2 years drop their young in May. When 
the young are born they shed their horns. The flesh of the reindeer in August and 
September is most delicious, and has often 3 or 4 inches of fat on it. Kast of Hudson 
Bay to Ungava, Labrador, on the divide between Fort George River and Ungava 
River, is a treeless, rocky ridge, with moss and furze, which harbors numberless 
reindeer. This ridge separates the Montaignais Indians from the Eskimos, and was 
once disputed ground between the latter and the Red Indians, a tribe now extinct. 
When approached up wind the deer are readily stalked. Eskimos often call or toll 
them within 10 to 50 yards. 

The Canadian tundra plains west of Hudson Bay and east of the Mackenzie River, 
especially that portion which les between the Arctic Ocean and Great Slave and 
Athabasca lakes, is the reindeer country par excellence. Great numbers of musk 
oxen also roam there, and their skins find their way to the Hudson Bay Company’s 
posts by hundreds. This region comprises an area of 60,000 square miles. On their 
migrations the deer move in vast herds, passing north to the arctic waste in the 
spring, and returning south to the wooded country in the fall. The Indians hunt 
them in the summer. Their winter coat of long hair is shed early in July, and by 
the end of August the hide is in excellent condition, the hair soft and not too long. 
Later in the year it becomes harder and more brittle, and the hide is apt to be rid- 
dled with holes nade by the larva of a bot-fly. Horns are very large and irregular, 
very few being alike. Indians resort to lakes and streams where the animals cross, 
and spear them while in the water, often killing several hundred at a battue. They 
cure the meat and utilize every part of tbe carcass for tent covers, clothing, sled 
frames, utensils, ete. On the Peace River and its tributaries, between the Mackenzie 
and the Rockies, Dominion Surveyor Ogilvie, in his official report, says that for days 
together his party was never out of sight of caribou. He puts the average weight 
of the female (dressed) at 60 to 80 pounds; bucks 150 to 200 pounds, occasionally. 
Their range comprises alternations of bare rock with mossy intervals, interspersed 
with lakes of one-half mile to 15 miles long. 



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Muchof the country west of the Rockies, including almost the entire region north of 
the Yukon River in Alaska, is typical reindeer ground. Northeastern Alaska fairly 
swarms with the animals, which winter in vast herds on the plateaus lying north 
of Forty Mile River, in the neighborhood of the boundary line, according to the 
observations of Surveyor Ogilvie. Dr. Solmatha spoke in his report of their cross- 
ing places on the upper Yukon and the immense size of the herds which passed. 
Ogilvie says: ‘‘Two kinds of caribou are found between the Yukon and the Macken- 
zie, one of the ordinary kind, said to much resemble the reindeer [note the confusion 
in the old backwoodman’s mind], and the other called the wood caribou, a much 
larger and more beautiful animal, though its antlers are smaller.” 

The ordinary caribou run in herds, he notices, often numbering hundreds, are 
easily approached, and when fired at with guns are so disconcerted that they often 
run toward the hunter. Not until many have been killed do they take flight. Then 
they start on a continuous run and do not stop for 20 or 30 miles. When the Indians 
find a herd they surround it, gradually contracting the circle; when the animals 
being too timid to break through are slaughtered wholesale. They also build fence 
traps with flanking wings, leading to deep snow pits, into which the deer are driven 
and dispatched. At La Pierre’s House, a trading post in latitude 67° 24’, 2,000 deer 
tongues were brought in by the Indians in one year. These people build their lodges 
after the exact patterns of the Tungusi tribe in eastern Siberia, and dress in the 
same way. <A great many woodland caribou are killed in the forests in February 
and March. There is a high plateau at the head of Tat-ou-due River, in latitude 
65° 43’, longitude 139° 43’, where the other kind is hunted; and there are numerous 
high mountains upon whose naked slopes the deer dig in the snow for moss, standing 
face up hill, pawing away the frosty covering and pulling it down toward them 
with their forefeet, thereby exposing patches of the succulent growth, which having 
cropped they proceed to draw the snow from above into the bared space, and so 
advance gradually to the crest of the slope. Some patches of ground which had 
been pawed over were found to extend for more than a mile in length by a quarter 
of a mile in breadth. The parasite pest is noticed here. 

In northwestern Alaska the Eskimos have almost exterminated the reindeer from 
a belt 75 miles wide adjacent to the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea, and the herds do 
not come up to the coast any more; so that the improvident and happy-go-lucky 
inhabitants have been constantly in a state of semistarvation for several years, and 
a great muny have died. Herendeen, a polar traveler, in speaking of the annual 
winter hunts of the Eskimos, erstwhile, in the vicinity of Point Barrow, mentions 
incidentally that the reindeer dig the moss out of the snow with their splay hoofs, 
which are admirably fitted for the purpose, though the nose undoubtedly does its 
part. The snow fall there will not average more than 18 inches for the winter, and 
the continuous high winds which prevail blow it off the tundra, so that a covering 
of only a few inches remains for the caribou to remove. The supply of moss is practi- 
cally inexhaustible. It is this depopulated and desolate tract that the Government 
of the United States is making such commendable efforts to restock by importations 
from Siberia. Naturally, we are interested to obtain all possible information regard- 
ing the reindeer of that country across the strait, and fortunately the two years 
continuous residence there of Mr. Richard J. Bush, who was engaged in locating a ’ 
route for a transcontinental telegraph line from Washington to St. Petersburg in 
1866, has placed the world in possession of all attainable facts, so that very little of 
the life history and habits of this extraordinary animal, so indispensable to the 
inhabitants of that region, is left unknown. 

In Siberia the majority of wild reindeer are represented to be white, and the rest 
brown with white bellies. The domestic reindeer range from white to dark brown, 
some being beautifully spotted. They are whitest about June 20, by which time 
they have shed their winter coats. The males stand about 5 feet high, and have 
pendent bells or tufts of thick hair under their throats. Their hoofs are immense 

and rattle when they walk. Both sexes have horns, the male horns sometimes 


measuring 6 feet around the curve. They begin to shed their horns in February, 
and by the end of August they are in the velvet, with strips dangling from the 
prongs. By the end of October but few have antlers complete, most of the bucks 
having lost one or both horns by fighting. Females breed in May, varying some- 
what according to latitude. In that month mosquitoes are very troublesome, as 
they are everywhere in subarctic regions, and the pestered deer flee to the tundras, 
where the wind blows constantly, in order to escape them. 

Starvation is very common among the coast natives at the fag end of winter dur- 
ing the spring floods and the breaking up of the ice in the bays and rivers, by reason 
of improvidence in not laying up sufficient supplies of fish and meat for themselves 
and their sled dogs in the periodical seasons of plenty which come about every 
three years. No fish can be caught while the ice is running. Ducks fly with the 
deer to the far off tundra, Ptarmigan and willow grouse, which many a time have 
opportunely supplied an exhausted larder, are nesting. Winter stores were longsince 
consumed, and only a few rabbits are found on the hummocks above the reach of the 
floods, which are anxiously approached in skiffs and knocked down with sticks. 
By June 12, however, the duck, geese, swan, and gull eggs are all ready to hatch, and 
the spring migration of deer takes place, which is a godsend to the famished people, 
who forthwith proceed to make camp at their crossings, where they build huts and 
watch for the deer, keeping very quiet, and taking care not to make a smoke, 
which alarms them. The banks are so high and steep that the animals have to 
select particular crossing places, and are there speared from skiffs while swimming. 
Sometimes slip nooses made of well greased seal-skin thongs are suspended over the 
paths which lead up the banks, and the deer are caught by the antlers. By these 
methods large numbers are killed. The meat is dried in the sun, though much of it 
becomes putrid. 

This periodical destitution gives occasion for numerous acts of benevolence on the 
part of those who are better off, and the considerate Czar of Russia has already 
bestowed many medals upon kindly people who have assisted the starving settlers. 
Be it understood that there are two classes of inhabitants, namely, coast dwellers, 
who subsist chiefly on sea food, and wanderers, who chase the deer. Like con- 
ditions, somewhat modified, frequently-obtain in Alaska, and also in Labrador and 
along the shores of Hudson Strait. 

On the eastern coast of Siberia, where the Thutchus and Koriaks dwell, there are 
moss-covered hills to which the reindeer are driven in summer, to the number of 
perhaps 100,000, by their herders, being divided into bands for economy in feeding. 
Individual owners are known who possess 10,000 deer apiece, and are rich. In the 
autumn they are returned to the great plains of the interior. Very few ever come 
to the coast on the hoof. A large annual trade has long been maintained across 
Bering Strait, between East Cape in Siberia and Cape Prince of Wales in Alaska, as 
well as by another more northern route, furs and seal skins being exchanged for 
reindeer skins—already so scarce in Alaska that it is diffieult to procure even mate- 
rial for necessary winter clothing. Through fear of destroying this market for their 
skins, the Siberians have declined until recently to sell live deer lest the Alaskans 
should come to provide for themselves by propagating from the stock. By fortuitous 
persuasion, this objection has been overcome sufficiently to procure an ample plant 
for the Government stations in Alaska, at the price of about $3 per head, live rein- 
deer selling in Tamsk, on the Okhotsk Sea, at 2} roubles, or about $1.87 of our money. 

All the various tribes throughout Siberia have domesticated the reindeer, though 
dogs and horses are used conjointly by several of them for draft purposes. The deer 
are the most economical, because they ean pick their feed, instead of having it parked 
for them. Supplies of fish which must be carried for dogs’ food, materially reduce 
the amount of freight that can be transported. But dogs are claimed to be much 
the fastest travelers, and Mr. Bush mentions having done 1,200 miles with dogs, over 
a post road,in nineteen days,. Between the deer and the dogs is a natural antip- 

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athy, which isstimulated by the chronic starvation of the latter, and Bush mentions 
several instances where dogs en train attacked and actuully killed deer in harness 
beforethey could be beaten off by the drivers of both teams. Nevertheless, deer are 
by no means inoffensive or helpless, and are so aggressive at times that they tear 
their pack loads off with their antlers, or even gore their drivers, so that many are 
found with their horns chopped off. To perform this operation the buck is triced 
up to a tree and the antlers are lashed firmly against the trunk, whereupon the 
horns are hacked off with a hatchet some 6 inches above the skull, leaving the pal- 
mated projection in front of the forehead to remain. Thus bereft they resemblecows 
more than ever. 

Semidomesticated reindeer are shy and hard to capture when wanted, but they 
will follow a leader like sheep. Accordingly, the most tractable ones are first 
trained to be leaders, and accustomed to the presence of man. Subsequently they 
serve as efficient keepers to prevent the rest of the herd from wandering off, and 
thus materially lessen the care of the regular herders, though a night guard is 
always set to keep off wolves. They are also used as decoys in approaching deer 
and other animals—an aboriginal device in vogue the world over. Yet, quite alarge 
percentage of domesticated deer are lost by their straying off to the wild herds, 
just as farm horses in some Western States are lost by their running with the mus- 
tangs. A great many of these runaways afterwards pay the penalty of their mis- 
demeanor by being shot on the tundra, as they are less shy of man than their feral 
companions. Antipodal to this proneness to return to the wilderness, deer in camp 
will often charge on new arrivals, regarding them as interlopers. They are very 
fond of human urine, which contains salt, and this appetite is taken advantage of 
to catch runaways or loose animals which have to be lassoed every morning. 

Runners are very little used in northern Siberia, except on post routes, freighters 
and travelers relying chiefly on the saddle and pack. When sleds are used, two deer 
are harnessed abreast, or tandem, and the driver uses a goad. Reindeer for trans- 
portation purposes are employed as far south as Orel! Lake, in latitude 53°, adjacent 
to the west shore of Okhotsk Sea, though they are not numerous, owing to a scarcity 
of moss. A pack deer is worth 35 rubles, or $26, and will carry 100 pounds. A 
riding deer costs from 45 to 60 rubles, say $28 to $40, and will carry 175 pounds. 
Natives always dicker a good deal before selling deer, or anything else. Weight 
has to be placed on the shoulders of the animal, as its back is very weak. Pack 
saddles consist of two small buckskin pads stuffed with moss or hair, united at the 
ends by bows of deer horns having a natural curve, which leaves space between the 
pads for play of the shoulders. Riding saddles are similar, only wider (12 by 14 
inches), without stirrups. The saddle is placed on the fore shoulder with the girth 
around the beily. Bridles or halters are exactly like our own, made of pliable seal 
thongs or braided strands of buckskin. A pack train in motion is made up of a 
riding animal with a string of eight pack deer in lead, fastened together by a seal- 
skin thong, followed by another mounted leader with eight more pack animals, 
and soon. Progress is stimulated by kicking the sides and chests of the deer and 
thwacking his body and antlers with a staff which the rider keeps constantly in 
motion, accompanying it with a peculiar cluck, very much as a Southern negro 
rides a mule. This is in the Tungusi country. 

The Tungusi dress in furs, much like the Tchutchi and Alaskan Eskimos, and it 
may be remarked incidentally that all three have their appearance, habits, dress, 
huts, kyacks, customs, utensils, and superstitions very much in common. They all 
reverence the Shamans, dread evil spirits, burn their dead, kill the superannuated, 
and sacrifice human life to avert plagues. They make short prayers before slaugh- 
tering domesticated deer, which are always killed by a spear thrust, the men giving 
the fatal stroke and the women dressing the careass. Coincidentally, the Lapland- 
ers believe in demons, manes, and divinities, and so do the wild Eskimos of Labrador’ 
and Hudson Strait. ; 


Some attention is paid in this part of Siberia to dairy products. Milk of reindeer 
is said to be rich, but much inferior to cow’s milk. The does give only a teacupful 
each night, but regularity in milking would doubtless increase the flow. The‘flesh in 
early fall is better flavored than that of the American red deer, and but little inferior 
to the best beef. 

In this region the tame deer are spotted and piebald, of a uniform reddish brown 
and drab. Wild ones are seal brown generally. Some are spotted with white, and 
others are almost white. In Lapland, Mr. Vincent tells us, reindeer are of a dark 
slate color (in August) with white breasts and tails; a few are brown and some 
white. They stand only about 3 feet high, and are 4 or 5 feet in length; but the 
antlers are often 4 feet long. Fawns have spike horns. Trained deer are gentle 
except in fall and winter, when they frequently will turn in harness and attack the 
occupants of sleds (pulkhas), in which case the rider simply turns the sled over and 
gets under it. When the deer has vented its rage, it turns it upright again and 
goes on asif nothing had happened. The cows, or does, give ahalf pint at a milking. 
Milk tastes like our butter; the butter tastes like suet; and the cheese is oily and 
strong. Mountain venison is especially tender and delicious, and the tongues good. 

The two constitute important commodities in trade. Laplanders drive their deer 
in summer to the hills near the coast to escape gadflies, and the like, being then also 
within the reach of traders. In winter, on the interior plains, the moss is more 
abundant and the animals are safe from beasts of prey. ‘Two hundred deer are 
enough to support a family of Lapps. Rich Lapps own 5,000 apiece. A deer is 
worth $7. Deer dig the moss with their brow antlers, feet, and nose. Fonr pounds 
of moss per day are required for an animal ona journey. On this slim allowance they 
will make 8 or 10 miles an hour right along. An extreme speed of 20 miles an hour 
is of record. In 1699 a reindeer, under stress of «a Government exigency, accom- 
plished 800 miles in two days, a feat which killed the animal; but his portrait hangs 
in the summer pa, ice near Stockholm, Sweden. 

In Norland the reindeer are of a dun color, with occasionally a white one. When 
lying down in large herds the congregation of antlers looks like winter underbrush 
in a forest. In Norway wild reindeer generally inhabit circumjacent islands and 
even the mainland. Domesticated deer are smaller than wild ones. Their life is 
but fifteen years; the wild ones, thirty. They draw 250 pounds and carry 130. 
Their range is from southern Norway to the North Cape. 

Reindeer moss may be utilized for the table and is not unpalatable when boiled 
with reindeer milk. Its nutritive properties are lichenin and starch. It is more 
abundant in Sweden than in Norway, but flourishes only on elevated regions. All 
the Siberian tribes make spoons from the horns of the reindeer. The Koraks use 
the main antlers for the arches of sled frames, 

il te 


fExtract from Swedish Catalogue.] 


By Dr. S. A. L6rstr6m, 
Actuary of the Royal Swedish Statistical Central Bureau. 
{Vorld’s Columbian Exposition, 1893, Chicago. ] 

Reindeer breeding.—The reindeer is the all in all of the nomad Lapp; it will fur- 
nish everything required for his subsistence. The reindeer is to be found in the 
northern parts of Sweden to about 63° southwards, at least along the Norwegian 
frontier. In thespace between the latter and the Gulf of Bothnia the Lapps pursue 
their annual immigrations with the reindeer. During spring and early summer, 
before going to the alps in midsummer time, and in autumn before commencing his 
wanderings towards the Gulf of Bothnia, the Lapp dwells in the so-called ‘autumn 
resorts,” situated on the edge of the woos facing the alps, and he will remain in 
these places for a shorter or longer period, according to the quality of the reindeer 
pastures, consisting chiefly in reindeer moss, which the reindeer seeks for in winter 
time by flinging away the snow. Thus the Lapp busies himself all the year round 
with watching his herd; the tent where he lives is called ‘‘kata.” In winter time 
the removals are effected on snow-skates (skidor), or in a sleigh of boat shape, 
called “akja.” The number of reindeer owned by a Lapp varies to a considerable 
degree. The poor may have 50 to 200 reindeer, those better off 3.0 to 700, and the 
rich Lapps will keep 1,000 and even 5,009 reindeer. 

When a reindeer is killed, every bit of it is utilized. The meat, blood, and bowels 
are used for food, the skin is made into clothes and shoes, the sinews will furnish 
materials for thread, the bones and antlers are made into handles, ete. 

When the reindeer is going to be killed, the herd is driven together and the rein- 
deer cows are caught and bound. The period of milking lasts from June to October, 
and during this time every cow will give from 0.2 to 0.5 liter (one-fifth to one-half 
quart) of milk, when milked twice a day. The milk is thick and rich, ‘like sweet 
cream,” but the taste resembles that of goat milk. It is seldom used when fresh, but 
will commonly be kept for cheese-making or for curdled milk; sometimes it is left 
to freeze, or mingled with berries, or diluted with water for drinking, ete. 

Cured reindeer meat, skins, and cheese are the products at the disposal of the 
Lapps to exchange for other necessaries. 

Certain Lapps, called the ‘‘Forest Lapps,” will not bring their reindeer to the 
Alps, but remain with them in the forest belt all the year round, though they will 
move about with the reindeer in the same way as the ‘‘Alp Lapps.” Besides, the 
“Forest Lapps” will leave their reindeer to themselves during spring and autumn, 
and then have leisure to busy themselves with hunting and fishing. 

There is some difficulty in collecting statistics on the number of reindeer, as the 
Lapps may sometimes be unwilling or unable to give any correct statements. 
According to the statistics of 1890, the number of reindeer in Sweden would amount 
to 296,220, of which 52,550 were in the province of Jemtland, 40,500 in the province 
of Vesterbotten, and 203,170 in the province of Norrbotter 


MINNEAPOLIS, March 24, 1894. 

Washington, D. C.: : 

Your honored favor of the 22d is on hand, and I am sorry that my application for 
a position came too late, and that the places have already been filled. 

Concerning your request to send you some information on the brecding and train- 
ing of reindeer in Lapland, I shall be pleased to tell you all I know. However, I am 
not personally familiar with that part of the country. Iam well acauainted with 
some Norwegian mountaineer Finlanders who drive their herds on the Norwegian 
mountain ranges, and through these I could obtain the desired information for you. 

In mean time, I will take the liberty to write you the points known to me on this 


By reason of their instinct, which enables the reindeer to discover the moss even 
underneath the snow, the Finlander is forced to lead a nomadic life in the mountainous 
regions extending from the North Cape toward the southern parts of Norway. During 
the summer the herds preferably remain in the northern parts of the country where 
the reindeer-moss grows in large quantities, while as soon as the winter approaches 
they travel toward the south and partly near the seashores, where the climate is more 
temperate. The Finlanders do not keep any special watch over their herds during 
these journeys, and their chief occupation consists in holding the reindeer together. 
For this purpose they keep trained dogs, so-called reindeer dogs, which late and early 
surround the herds and watch them. Inthe winter it may be at times difficult even 
for the dogs to advance, but then the Finlander uses as mode of conveyance his indis- 
pensable snow-skates (ski, pl. skier), which he understands how to manage in a mas- 
terly way. The reindeer are, as a rule, not driven toward certain tracts, but are per- 
mitted to go where their instinct leads them. The reindeer possesses a remarkable 
skill in digging out the moss with his forelegs from underneath the snow. His worst 
enemy is the wolf, which nearly always follows the herds at a greater or shorter dis- 
tance. The dog is also in this instance the faithful assistant of the Finlander by 
giving him warning and keeping these beasts at a safe distanc’; yet it happens quite 
frequently that the wolves take the herds by surprise, and then the herders are obliged 
to use their rifles. The season when the reindeer cows calve is considered by the 
Finlander the most prosperous time of the year; his foremost wishes are fulfilled 
whenever the number of his herds has been increased, and his prosperity depends 
largely on the number of reindeer which he owns. 

The calves are born during the summer season, all more or less about the same 
time; they do not seem to need any principal care except that the new-born calves 
must be marked, as they generally are able to follow the mother cow for food imme- 
diately after their birth. During the winter, while the Finlanders are stationed in 
the southern regions, and especially when near a branch of the river with steamboat 
landings, the killing of the fattest animals is undertaken. The hind legs are cut 
into large pieces of different sizes, and these are taken to the city for sale, while the 
rest, even the smallest parts, are made use of by the Finlander himself for almost any 

This, in short, is all 1 am able to state regarding the management of reindeer, and 
I shall be very pleased to know that it can be of use to you. On the whole, you will 
find that the care of reindeer is very simple. The principal duties consist in watch- 
ing that none are lost. 

Permit me to ask you, before I close my letter, to kindly keep me in remembrance in 
case of any future vatancies. I have been without work for some time and would 
be under the greatest obligations to you for employment of whatever nature it may be. 

Most respectfully, yours, 
P. A. Lorvick, 1304 Fifth street S. 


MARYSVILLE, WaASH., March 24, 1894. 

HONORED Sir: I avail myself of this opportunity to inform you that I was the first 
person who read your advertisement in ‘‘ Washington Posten,” and being obliged to 
leave my home forsome length of time, [requested O. Bergeth to open the correspond- 
ence with you, and I am the person who, in his name, and from him, wrote the first 
letter to vou. The only and true reason for our application was that I was sure of 
proving through the best and most reliable sources that we are fully competent and 
experienced in the care of reindeer. We lived in the valleys of Haelgeland, where 
annually thousands of reindeer are pasturing, which we faithfully and skillfully 
attended during the harvest and spring season, and we also would settle down for the 
summer in those regions and build tents and inclosures for the herds. 

The following rein-Laplanders lived there, viz, Nils Johnson (Swedish Laplander), 
with somewhat over 1,000 reindeer; Kressen Kressensen, with a smaller herd; Sjul 
Larson, Mathison, Klemmet, and Salinius, and many others. We being almost as 
skillful in using the ‘‘skeer” as the Laplanders, these would often take us along to 
the highlands (mountains) on search for the reindeer that had gone astray. It was, 
indeed, no child’s play to be overtaken by a snowstorm, and we were forced to bury 
ourselves under the snow until the storm had subsided. I only wish to mention our 
experience in the management of reindeer, be it during the winter, spring, the 
calving season, to look after the young calves (which is the most important) during | 
the summer, and when the reindeer, following their instinct i search for food, are 
frequently difficult to manage. Further, the skill required of herders in swimming 
the herds across wide sounds from isle to isle, and knowing the proper time when to 
do this, according to the climatic conditions; to search for the reindeer that sepa- 
rated from the herd, small or large, cows or bucks. Next to a trained Laplander, I 
may conscientiously say that you hardly can find anybody in this country who is 
better fitted for the business than we. ‘There is no tract of land in the entire Nor- 
way where there are more reindeer found than where we lived. 

Well, excuse me and my long letter. I have learnt to love the reindeer just as much 
as a horse, a cow, and a sheep, and I know that persons are required that are used to 
the hardships and fatigues of country life in order to fill such a place. During the 
severe storms it is in fact more necessary to be on foot than at any other time, and 
people who have not even owned a cow, and have been used to city life or the sea, 
can never be good reindeer herders. The herders should be temperate, and not carry 
home big mugs full of beer from the saloons. 

Wishing your herds the best luck, I am, Epw. Norum, 
Marysville, Wash. 
Box 14135. 

BozmMan, April 80, 1894. 

DEAR SiR: About two or three days ago some parties told me that a few men are 
wanted for Alaska to take charge of the reindeer. I have had much experience in 
that line, and, as a little boy, I lived among the Laplanders and observed the rein- 
deer and their raising from all points of view. How they are managed and cared 
for during the calving period; how to prevent the wolves from scattering the herds 
or from killing the young calves. The reindeer calves must be suckled by the 
mother cow for at least one month; this length of time depends much on the tem- 
perature of the season. The mode of weaning the calves, what we call “ Kjipling,” 
consists in preparing two wooden sticks pointed at each end and flat in shape, and 
further provided with necessary string fastenings that are slipped over their heads; 
this experiment is carried on for only one-half day at atime. The reindeer should, 
however, during the weaning of the calves be on tracts where plenty of good, tender 
moss species are growing. During the summer they feed on fine grass and rein- 
moss, which specially thrives upon the mountain ranges, even in winter. But as 


soon as the snow turns hard or ‘‘skare,” as we call it (which means to a erust of 
snow), one has to look out for places where the grounds are better, or move down 
to the seashore. 

In order to drive the herds onward, it is absolutely necessary to have good dogs, 
One of the largest reindeer is led ahead and the rest are driven after him. For the 
purpose of training a reindeer, the animal has to be caught with a lasso and then 
tied to some post or other place for about one-half day, after which maneuver he is 
willing to be led; however, it is advisable to offer him a small amount of salt in 
order to gain his confidence. The rein ox should not be castrated before he is 
34 years old, and the operation should be undertaken in the month of September. 
For castrating purposes two stones are used with which to crush the “Trikiler.” The 
Laplanders use, as a rule, two rounded stones; the pouch must not be injured, 
because in that case the reindeer will grow lean and stupid. The half-castrated 
animals usually turn out to be the finest animals. ‘This castrating is performed in 
a different manner; only one of the “ Trikiler” is crushed, while the other is pinched 
off half ways, and only the lower end of the half is crushed. 

In case you wish to learn further details, please let me know; you probably need 
somebody to go on to Alaska. No doubt I am too late with my application for the 

My health is good and I have a strong constitution. 

Age 31 years, and unmarried. Iam anxious for an answer. 

Yours, truly, 
Gro. HAMMER, Bozeman, Moat. 


McNEILS ISLAND, WASHINGTON, February 13, 1895. 

Sm: To-day I received from a friend in Norway a reply to your inquiry concern- 
ing the success of importing domestic reindeer from Lapiand to soathern Norway, a 
distance of 600 miles, with great variation of climate. He writes: ‘‘Some two years 
ago a couple of farmers (Bonder) in the district of Valders, conceived the idea of 
supplying the cities of southern Norway and the many tourist hotels in the country 
with the celebrated fresh reindeer meat all the year around. Valders is a highland 
120 miles north of Christiania, covered with moss, and well adapted for the raising 
of domestic reindeer. After agitating the matter other farmers became interested 
and a joint stock company was formed. Three hundred head of reindeer were pur- 
chased in Lapland and a family of Laplanders employed to come with and take 
charge of the herd. In addition to herding, the Lapps were to teach the business 
to some of the farmer boys of Valders. Notwithstanding the prediction of some 
people that the reindeer would not thrive so far south, as it is very hot in the 
Valders Mountains in summer and the snow very deep in winter, the loss has been 
trifling and the enterprise has proven a success, returning to the stockholders many 
hundred per cent on their investment.” 

According to the knowledge I have of Alaska it is much like my native land and 
its wonderful scenery will attract an increasingly large number of tourists from 
year to year. These will in the future make a good market for the surplus reindeer, 
and thus directly benefit the native owners and indirectly the whole country. 

Truly, yours, 



Eskimo settlements in vicinity of Bering Straits and number of houses in each, 1893-94, 


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LE INIZ. so coc SSB ASE AS OH ARE ees is Oe a ee an 8 
Estimated distances on northeast coast of Siberia. Miles. 

SRPMS OM MIN eet Sorat l mee oe tee) lamas So be Bis os, ce Sadiecle cies eo cok sce ee oade 6 
Rirremran oe OM OCA ere cine 5 or alae ois eee Sook ee cme Swe So acne oes aiseisis oe oe eee 10 
Penn EDN PE MIN RDOW AN oon 26 2 cc ee co 0 822 Sui dic aes vax sicavmcinncccetac sccaeelen 4 
PTT AOU RUOMU LAM Gam emscio teers ser ode cata as somecisfa soe ree clonic me Seiae ae se eer 3 
Di eee MERCER I eat 2 oorss, ies s Salsiot chs Soe aud aacteteaee cect amocnccsceee 20 
MOURNE SI OMIDA Nate ee ma 1a a) a coe io crais ov  Sivinta) «exis als ms aeeioe ens Wa See Sb cae 6 ddaW sec 6 
Pe EM MELA NCROR IIMA MRE Siarkoo as 2 ose ses <i Sac foe mcs Se aoe eee ee bec cke sees Wee 6 
Bigham 1@ CEU OUN. 5-3 SGeeeRes SoC oe Sees eater Ar Rae ae ns me Ape ea | a 
Peres RPT OMOEA ete foci a ain) = Seta o oie a waicic Sein Sc eles eaters Role ek cece ee ee 9 
OD MELE, UD CISL E Soe tee  S ag  o IE es 3 
MesitaneLOshel OUELO Wile mre ries ess ee et ce ek ee 4 
PRN hOOMCEMECSINE OMM reat cee sc ooo. ots be Secs ee oo seem eh seca sete es 10 
Sema eS COUN O MMOUNMMA MN er. car cna vo o'- - S Ses a-05 dedlece oseeas edo sc ace kee 6 
BEeeiem AN OPE MONE MANIC. 8s, o lena ie so Seics Sood Aeon ns sao s ees Sale ae 94. 
REMMI TESUGEN Aba KWemMeeshVOUNs . 21love... 2225s -o coe soko cn teehee see ee 4 
Pata werneesbeoun LON Atal o2o-s- 2205 ne: -ocs ace eles eee weston (Age oo e52 5 52c 2 
PaMBEE NE ULI O Le ere eerer caer sot ee 8s LLL es (ade oe ig ood wlio ee 11 
RUT eRDOW Mite ee eae nee eee he em a ake Shae eee aL 3 
OHENEDE cre “LASS SESS Sage Jas So a a ae Se ys BS oy 2 2 
= UPLSINTE. 1G) GNIC*SL 7 CAE ee ee ge lag Pe ee ne 6 
op SUESEID [ithe] CECH ET SS A SS ee ee ea ee Coe Ae See Set 3 
OS SLES IDOE CTO eerie ae ee ee a pee le OO Sena 3 
LE TURN VAGUE ROSE E270) ane a Ss A See 128 

The foregoing distances are estimated ones from a canoe following the inequalities 
of the coast line, and therefore liable to error. The summer rendezvous of the deer 
men are at distances from 8 to 14 miles from the coast line, and are indicated by a 
red cross. The west shore of the lagoon is from native reports and is therefore marked 
by red line; the east shore is nearly correct. The whole probably consists of a series 
of small lagoons in August when the water is low. The Kaloop River and Lake near 
Killourroun is nearly correct, and the streams at Ichaw and Chutpa are from general 
observations. The Kaloop Mountains are placed from eyesight alone. 

*And one dance house. t And three dance houses. 

S. Ex. 92 7 

a Dy T,X 

Agricultural Department, letter from, December 14, 1894, 85. 

Alaska, early explorations, 19-29. 

Aleutian Islands, stocking, with reindeer, 15, 

American Missionary Association, herd presented to, 81. Z 

American occupation of Alaska, 29. 

Amusements among Eskimo, 76. 

Appendix, 57-97. 

Apprentices, 12; names of, 72. 

Breaking and driving reindecr, 14, 69. 

Brevig, Rev. T. L., appointed assistant superintendent of reindeer station to succeed 
John Grubin, 10. 

Caribou, 15, 89. 

Contract labor, 12. 

Contributors to fund for procuring skilled Lapp herders, 11. 

Distribution of herd, 14. 

Dogs, 63, 74. 

Driftwood, 75.- 

Eskimo amusements, 75. 

Eskimo boys from Point lope received, 67. 

Eskimo settlements in vicinity of Bering Strait and number of houses in each, 
1893-94, 97. 

Explorations of Alaska, early, 19-29. 

Hallock, Charles, monograph on reindeer, 86-92. 

Hammer, George, letter concerning reindeer in Lapland, 96. 

Harness, reindeer, 14, 70. 

Herders, 10-12, 71-73; instruction, 61; support and board, 61,62; clothing, 62; 
accounts, 62; wives, 63; pay, etc., 63-65. 

Industrial work at Sitka, 29, 30. 

Introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, 9-55. 

Itinerary of journey, by Dr. Sheldon Jackson, 19-35. 

Jackson, Sheldon, D. D., United States general agent of education in Alaska, report 
to Commissioner of Education, on the introduction of domestic reindeer into 
Alaska, 9-55. 

Kjellman, William A., appointed superintendent of Teller Reindeer Station, 10; let- 
ter to Sheldon Jackson, March 7, 1894, 77; March 9, 1894, 78; September 3, 1894, 
September 5, 1894, 82; to William Hamilton (assistant agent), March 30, 1894, 
79; April 2, 1894, 79; April 9, 1894, 80; May 16, 1894, 80; May 22, 1894, 80; 
May 29, 1894, 81. 

Kjellman, William A.. letter of Sheldon Jackson to, February 24, 1894, 65; February 
28, 1894, 66. 

Lapps secured as herders, 11, 12, 79. 

Liquor traffic, 54. 

Léfstrém, Dr. S. A., report on reindeer breeding, 93. 

Lopp, Thomas W., relieved of superintendency of reindeer station, 9, 10. 

100 INDEX. 

Lorvick, P. A., letter concerning reindeer in Lapland, 94, 

Milking reindeer, 14, 71, 82, 92. 

Norum, Edward, letter concerning reindeer in Lapland, 95. 

Personnel of reindeer station, 9, 10. 

Reindeer at Unalaska, 15; breaking and driving, 14, 69; Cape Prince of Wales, 66, 
67; Caribou, 15, 89; distribution of herd, 14; exhibit and award at World's 
Columbian Exposition, 18, 84, 93; harness, 14, 70; herd, 13, 68, 69, 83; introduc- 
tion into Alaska, 9; letters concerning reindeer in Lapland, by P. A. Lorvick, 
94; by Edward Norum, 95; by George Hammer, 96; by C Tangen concerning 
reindeer introduced in southern Norway, 96; milking, 14, 71, 82, 92; mono- 
graph on reindeer, by Charles Hallock, M. A., M. B.S., 86-92; purchase station 
in Siberia, 18; report on reindeer breeding, by Dr. S. A. Loéfstrém, 93; stock- 
ing the Aleutian Islands, 15; transportation, 16. 

Reindeer stations, instructions for conduct of, 59-67; the herd—grazing, driving, 
protection from dogs, 59-60; herders—probation, instruction, suppport, food, 
clothing, accounts, wives, pay, 60-63; dogs—herding, sled dogs, 63; store- 
houses, school, 63,°64; morals, 64; reports—daily journal, purchase account, 
quarterly inventory, annual requisition, 64; annual report, 65. 

School, opening and attendance, 76; erection of house, 9, 82. 

Secretary of the Interior, letter of, to the President of the Senate, 7. 

Senate of the United States, action of, 5. 

Siberia, estimated distances on northeast coast, 97. 

Sitka, industrial work at, 29, 30. 

Superintendent authorized to send a herd to Cape Prince of Wales, 66. 

‘Supplies needed by native herders, 67. 

Tangen, C., letter concerning reindeer introduced into southern Norway, 96. 

Teller Reindeer Station, annual report, by Thomas W. Lopp, superintendent, 68-78; 
the herd, 68; herding, 69; driving, 69; breaking, 69; harness, 70; milking, 71; 
herders, 71-73; rations issued herders and apprentices, 73; seasons, 74; caly- 
ing, 74; dogs, 74; statement showing number of deaths in herd at Port Clar- 
ence, July 1, 1893, to June 30, 1894, 74, 75; driftwood, 75; trade, 75; amuse- 
ments, 76; school, 76; distribution, 76; general suggestions, 77. 

Temperature at Port Clarence, Alaska, for April, 1892, 1893, 1894, 75. 

Unalaska, reindeer at, 15. 

World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, reindeer exhibit and award, 18, 84, 93. 
