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Given  By 




A  Communist  Lobby 

DECEMBER  7.  1950 

Prepared  and  released  by  the 




Committee  on  Un-American  Activities,  U.  S.  House  of  Representatives 

Washington.  D.  C. 



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Committee  on  Un-American  Activities,  United  States  House  of 


eighty-first  congress,  second  session 

John  S.  Wood,  Georgia,  Chairman 

Francis  E.  Walter,  Pennsylvania 
Burr  P.  Harrison,  Virginia 
John  McSweeney,  Ohio 
Morgan  M.  Moulder,  Missouri 
*RicHARD  M.  Nixon,  California 
Francis  Case,  South  Dakota 
Harold  H.  Velde,  Illinois 
Bernard  W.  Kearney,  New  York 

Frank  S.  Tavenner,  Jr.,  Counsel 

Louis  J.  Russell,  Senior  Investigator 

John  W.  Carrington,  Clerk  of  Committee 

Benjamin  Mandel,  Director  of  Research 

♦Honorable  Richard  M.  Nixon  resigned  from  tlae  House  of  Representatives  on  November  30  and  became 
a  member  of  the  Senate  on  December  4,  1950. 


f^  i  '////^P  ^ 





The  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  since  its 
inception,  has  served  as  a  registered  lobbying  organization  which  has 
carried  out  the  objectives  of  the  Communist  Party  in  its  fight  against 
antisubversive  legislation. 

The  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities,  on  September  17,  1950, 
issued  a  report  on  the  National  Lawyers  Guild,  exposmg  that  organi- 
zation as  a  Communist  front,  and  recommendmg  that  the  Attorney 
General  of  the  United  States  place  this  organization  on  his  list  of 
Communist  fronts. 

Durmg  the  progress  of  this  mvestigation,  it  was  brought  to  the 
attention  of  the  committee  that  there  existed  between  this  Communist- 
front  organization  and  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt 
Bill  a  close  organizational  and  financial  relationship 

The  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  first  came  into 
bemg  in  June  of  1948,  when  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  registered  with  tho 
Clerk  of  the  House  of  Representatives  as  a  lobbyist  for  this  organi- 
zation. At  that  time  O'Connell  stated  that  he  was  on  loan  to  the 
newly  formed  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  fi-om 
the  Progressive  Party  of  the  State  of  Washmgton,  and  that  he  was 
to  receive  from  the  Progressive  Party  a  salary  of  $125  per  week. 
Traveling  expenses  were  to  be  borne  by  the  National  Committee  to 
Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill. 

This  information  is  substantiated  by  the  fact  that  the  quarterly 
reports  of  this  new  organization  for  the  period  of  June  1,  1948,  tlu-ough 
December  31,  1949,  filed  with  the  Clerk  of  the  House  of  Representa 
tives,  failed  to  disclose  any  expenditure  by  this  organization  to  Jerry 
J.  O'Connell  for  salary.  However,  quarterly  reports  filed  by  this 
organization  for  the  first  three  quarters  of  1950  revealed  that  Jerry  J. 
O'Connell  was  retamed  by  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the 
Mundt  Bill  at  a  salary  of  $100  per  week. 

The  relationship  referred  to  between  the  National  Committee  to 
Defeat  the  Alundt  Bill  and  the  National  La^^^^ers  Guild  reached  an 
adhesive  state  in  July  of  1950.  At  that  time  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  was 
summoned  to  Washington,  D.  C,  by  Robert  J.  Silberstein,  executive 
secretary  of  the  National  Lawyers  Guild.  Jerry  O'Connell's  trans- 
portation from  Seattle,  Wash.,  to  Washington,  D.  C,  on  or  about 
August  1,  1950,  was  paid  by  the  National  Lawyers  Guild.  This 
information  was  obtained  as  a  result  of  a  subpena  issued  by  the  Com- 
mittee on  Un-American  Activities  and  served  on  the  Western  L^nion 
Telegraph  Co.  in  Washington,  D.  C,  ordering  that  company  to  pro- 


duce  copies  of  all  telegrams  ciiarged  to  the  account  of  the  National 
Lawyers  Guild  in  Washington,  D.  C,  for  the  months  of  July,  August, 
and  September,  1950.  These  telegrams  were  placed  into  the  official 
record  of  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  in  an  executive 
hearing  conducted  on  October  19,  1950.  This  hearing  was  held  in 
connection  with  the  current  investigation  relating  to  the  National 
Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  BilL  The  telegrams  are  identified 
in  this  testimony  as  Wheeler  exhibits  1  through  38. 

The  information  relating  to  Mr.  O'Connell's  transportation  to  Wash- 
mgton,  D.  C,  from  Seattle,  Wash.,  is  established  by  the  telegrams 
■identified  as  Wheeler  exhibits  9,  10,  and  11,  introduced  into  the 
official  committee  record  on  October  19,  1950.  Wheeler  Exhibit  9 
is  a  telegram  dated  July  18,  1950,  addressed  to  Jerry  J.  O'Connell, 
3216  Fourth  Avenue,  North,  Great  Falls,  Mont.,  wherein  the  following 
is  stated: 

..Greetings.     Essential  you  take  first  plane  or  train  here.     • 


Wheeler  Exhibit  10  is  a  telegram  dated  July  26,  1950,  to  Jerry  J. 
O'Connell  at  2415  Monte  Vista  Place,  Seattle,  Wash.,  which  is 
quoted  as  follows: 

Sorry  funds  not  available  here.     Proceed  other  plans.     Best  wishes. 


Wlieeler  Exhibit  11  is  a  telegram  dated  July  28,  1950,  to  Jerry  J. 
O'Connell,  at  2415  Monte  Vista  Place,  Seattle,  Wash.,  which  reads: 

Means  now  available  your  travel.     Telephone  me  collect  today. 


In  addition  to  subpenaing  copies  of  telegrams  charged  to  the 
National  Lawyers  Gudd  for  July,  August,  and  September,  1950,  the 
Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  also  subpenaed  the  long- 
distance-telephone toll  slips  charged  to  the  National  Lawyers  Guild 
telephones  for  the  same  period.  These  toll  slips  were  entered  into 
the  official  committee  record  as  Owens  exhibit  A-1  thi-ough  A-81  in 
the  executive  session  held  on  October  19,  1950. 

Immediately  upon  his  arrival  in  Washmgton,  D.  C,  Jerry  J. 
O'Connell  established  offices  m  the  name  of  the  National  Committee 
to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  at  902  Twentieth  Street  NW.  It  is  ex- 
tremely significant  that  this  is  the  official  address  of  the  Washington 
office  of  the  National  Lawyers  Guild.  The  entire  facilities  of  this 
office  were  made  available  to  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  as  chairman  of  the 
National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill.  O'Connell  immedi- 
ately began  the  unrestricted  use  of  the  National  Lawyers  Guild's 
telegram  charge  account  with  Western  LTnion,  as  well  as  their  telephone 
account.  This  is  substantiated  by  the  fact  that  the  telegrams 
subpenaed  by  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  disclosed 
that,  although  charged  to  the  National  Lawyers  Guild,  more  than 
98  percent  of  them  were  signed  by  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  as  chau-man, 
National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  902  Twentieth  Street 
NW.,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  telegrams  charged  to  the  account  of 
the  National  Lawyers  Guild  by  Jerry  O'Connell,  on  behalf  of  the 
National   Committee  to   Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,   exceeded   $1,000. 

Telegraphic  charges  during  the  month  of  September  incurred  by 
the  National  Connnittee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  and  charged  to  the 


National  Lawyers  Guild,  totaled  $89G.51.  As  of  the  date  of  this 
report,  $446.51  remains  unpaid. 

The  long-distance-telephone  toll  slips  subpenaed  by  the  Com- 
mittee on  Un-American  Activities  revealed  that  since  O'Connell's 
arrival  in  Washington  the  telephone  charges  placed  by  the  NCDMB 
and  billed  to  the  National  Lawyers  Guild  totaled  $349.34. 

It  shoidd  be  noted  that  the  quarterly  financial  statement  filed  with 
the  Clerk  of  the  House  of  Representatives  for  the  third  period  of  1950, 
which  covers  the  months  of  July,  August,  and  September,  discloses 
that  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  reimbursed  the 
National  Law3^ers  Guild  in  the  amount  of  $251.88  for  telegraph  and 
telephone  charges.  Since  the  total  amount  of  the  above  bills  is  not 
noted  in  the  afore-mentioned  financial  statement,  and  the  investigation 
of  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  revealed  that  the  tele- 
graph and  telephone  charges  incurred  during  this  period  exceeded 
$1,300,  it  is  assumed  that  more  than  $1,000  in  telegraph  and  telephone 
charges  has  been  or  will  be  absorbed  by  the  National  Lawyers  Guild. 

The  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  durmg  the 
course  of  its  campaigns,  has  engaged  in  an  active  working  relationship 
ywith  the  Com^munist  Party.  Furthermore,  the  program  of  the  Na- 
/  tional'  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  just  as  in  the  case  of  its 
^  recent  benefactor,  the  National  Lawyers  Guild,  directly  parallels  the 
program  of  the  Communist  Party  against  any  legislation  which  might 
tend  to  curb  the  mfluence  of  communism  in  America.  These  rela- 
tionships are  clear  upon  the  exammation  of  an  official  document  of 
the  Communist  Party  of  the  United  States,  which  was  made  available 
to  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  as  a  result  of  a  subpena 
served  on  Matthew  Cvetic,  former  undercover  agent  of  the  Federal 
Bureau  of  Investigation,  and  was  entered  mto  the  official  record  at 
an  executive  hearing  held  on  October  13,  1950,  as  Cvetic  Exhibit  No. 
96.^  This  document  was  originally  obtained,  along  with  many  other 
documents,  by  vhtue  of  a  search  and  seizure  warrant  issued  in  Pitts- 
burgh, Pa.  These  documents  were  taken  from  the  headquarters  of 
the  Communist  Part}^  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  located  on  the  fourth  floor 
of  the  Bakewell  Building.  This  office  serves  as  headquarters  for  the 
Communist  Party  of  Western  Pennsylvania  and  the  Ohio  Valley,  and 
is  headed  by  the  well-laiown  Communist  organizer,  Steve  Nelson. 

The  official  Communist  Party  designation  of  this  document  is 
"Discussion  Outline  for  the  Fight  .4gainst  the  Mundt-Nixon  Bill," 
issued  by  the  National  Educational  Department,  Communist  Party. 
The  document  itself  is  not  dated,  but  within  the  text  of  the  document 
there  is  a  reference  to  an  editorial  which  appeared  in  the  Daily  Worker 
on  Alarch  7,  1950.  It  is  apparent  therefore  that  this  document  was 
compiled  by  the  Communist  Party  subsequent  to  tliis  date.  The 
document  instructs  Communist  organizers  and  club  leaders  how  to 
propagandize  most  effectively  against  the  Mundt-Nixon  bill.  In  con- 
nection with  these  instructions.  Communist  Party  leaders  are  directed 
to  contact  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  as  a 
source  for  material  and  assistance.  Specifically,  they  are  directed 
to  contact  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  "for 
material  for  mass  distribution,  speakers,  etc."  The  National  Com- 
mittee to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  is  listed,  in  company  with  the  Daily 

1  Cvetic  Exhibit  No.  90  is  Drinted  in  its  entirety  in  an  official  committee  publication  entitled  "Exposfi  of 
the  Communist  Party  of  AVestern  Pennsylvania— Part  3." 


Worker  and  the  Public  Affairs  Committee  of  the  Communist  Party, 
as  a  source  of  material  and  assistance  in  their  campaign  against 
ant-Communist  legislation. 

Jerrj^  O'Connell,  in  performing  his  duties  as  a  registered  lobbyist 
of  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  solicited  the 
help  of  the  Communist  Party.  This  is  substantiated  by  the  fact  that 
on  September  13,  1950,  Jerry  O'Connell  sent  to  Henry  Winston,  35 
East  Twelfth  Street,  New  York  City,  a  telegram  from  which  the 
following  is  quoted: 

Also  urgently  request  you  wire  and  secure  every  possible  message  from  your 
organization  to  President  Truman  to  veto  this  bill  after  full  10  days'  study,' and 
to  Senators  and  Congressmen  to  sustain  veto. 

Henry  Winston  is  a  member  of  the  National  Committee  of  the 
Communist  Party,  and  is  its  organizational  secretary.  He  was 
recently  convicted,  in  company  with  10  other  national  leaders  of  the 
Communist  Party  in  New  York  City,  for  conspiracy  to  advocate  the 
overtlu-ow  of  the  United  States  Government  by  force  and  violence. 
The  address  to  which  the  telegram  was  sent,  35  East  Twelfth  Street, 
New  York  City,  is  the  official  address  of  the  national  headquarters, 
Communist  Party,  USA. 

Matthew  Cvetic,  former  under-cover  operative  for  9  years  for  the 
Federal  Bureau  of  Investigation,  testified  in  executive  session  on 
September  28  and  October  21,  1950,^  regarding  the  documents  which 
were  seized  from,  the  Communist  Party  headquarters  in  Pittsburgh. 
Mr.  Cvetic's  testimony  was  based  on  knowledge  gained  as  a  result  of 
a  7-year  membership  in  the  Communist  Party.  During  this  time  he 
occupied  responsible  positions  within  the  Communist  Party  of  the 
United  States  on  a  local  and  national  level. 

Mr.  Cvetic  testified  that  the  District  Committee  of  the  Communist 
Party  of  Western  Pennsylvania  established  a  "branch  or  unit  of  the 
National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill."  This  branch  or  unit 
occupied  no  office  of  its  own,  but  worked  out  of  the  offices  of  the  Com- 
munist Party  of  Western  Pennsylvania  in  Pittsburgh.  Mr.  Cvetic 
further  testified  that  petitions  and  pamphlets  published  by  the 
National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  were  made  available 
in  Pittsburgh  for  distribution  by  Communist  Party  headquarters. 
He  personally  participated  in  the  distribution  of  petitions  and  pam- 
phlets published  by  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt 
Bill  at  the  instruction  of  Communist  Party  functionaries  in  Pittsburgh. 

Mr.  Cvetic  pointed  out  that  the  Communist  Party  would  never 
Solicit  material  for  distribution  from  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat 
the  Mundt  Bill  unless  the  objectives  of  that  organization  and  the 
Communist  Party  were  identical  on  a  given  issue.  Mr.  Cvetic  also 
testified  that  the  officials  of  the  Communist  Party  in  western  Pennsyl- 
vania referred  to  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill 
as  "one  of  our  organizations." 

Mr.  Cvetic  revealed  that  the  strategy  and  planning  of  the  fight 
against  the  Mundt-Nixon  bill  in  Pittsburgh  was  headed  by  the  district 
organizer  of  the  Communist  Party.  These  plans  were  carried  out  by 
the  Commimist  Party  district  committee  through  the  various  trade- 
unions,  front  organizations,  Progressive  Party,  and  other  organiza- 
tions which  had  been  created  or  captured  by  the  Communist  Party  in 

■  Mr.  Cvetic's  entire  testimony  of  these  dates  is  reprinted  in  a  committee  publication  entitled  "Expos6 
of  the  Communist  Party  of  Western  Pennsylvania — Part  3." 


western  Pennsylvania.  In  line  with  this  phase  of  Mr.  Cvetic's  testi- 
mony, it  is  significant  to  note  that  Jerry  J.  O'Connell,  as  chairman  of 
the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  on  August  27,  1950, 
wired  .Alexander  Wright  (an  identified  Communist)  at  120  Ninth 
Street,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  as  follows:^ 

McCarran  Bill,  including  Mundt-Ferguson  measure,  hits  Senate  floor  Tuesday. 
House  takes  up  Mundt-Nixon-Wood  bill  also  Tuesday.  Please  get  every  possible 
organizational  and  individual  wire  and  phone  call  to  your  Senators  and  Congress- 
men Monday  and  Tuesday  to  vote  against  these  bills  and  any  substitute.  Do 
your  very  utmost. 

Jerry  J.  O'Connell, 
Chairman,  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill. 

Also  on  September  17,  1950,  Jerry  J.  O'Connell,  as  chairman  of  the 
National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  wired  Alexander 
Wright,  at  120  Ninth  Street,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  as  follows:* 

Senate  has  shocked  nation  with  passage  of  both  McCarran  and  Kilgore  bills 
decreeing  thought  control  and  concentration  camps  for  America.  This  consti- 
tutes most  revolting,  vicious,  and  destructive  onslaught  ever  made  on  democracy. 

Small  opposition  pinpoints  tremendous  task  to  guarantee  Truman  veto,  and 
sustain  it.  Both  Houses  vote  on  conference  reports  including  these  Mund- 
strosities  late  Friday  afternoon.  Make  sure  your  Senators  and  Congressmen  get 
every  phone  call  and  wire  possible  before  then.  Most  important  concentrate 
on  veto  campaign  to  Truman,  right  now,  to  stop  blitz.  This  campaign  must 
exceed  anything  ever  done  before,  must  go  beyond  usual  wires,  letters,  post  cards. 
Must  include  rallies,  conferences,  petition  drives,  freedom  parades,  picketing  of 
major  Party  and  candidates  campaign  headquarters,  representative  delegations 
to  Washington  where  feasible,  street  meetings,  every  means  possible  to  arouse 
American  People  to  danger  which  is  now  real  not  imaginary.  Contact  every 
union,  community  organization,  racial  leaders  and  groups,  educators,  professional 
people,  governmental  officers,  legislators,  candidates,  prominent  citizens,  insist- 
ing fight  for  veto  and  its  sustention  by  Congress  must  be  Number  One  order  of 
business,  and  where  possible  only  business,  to  get  every  possible  demand  on 
Truman  for  veto.     The  chips  are  down.     We  must  win. 

Jerry  J.  O'Connell, 
Chairman,  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill. 

At  the  time  the  aforementioned  telegi*ams  were  sent,  Alexander 
Wright  was  an  official  of  the  Progressive  Party,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Matthew  Cvetic,  in  his  testimony  before  the  Committee  on  Un- 
American  Activities  in  March  of  1950,  identified  Alexander  Wright 
as  an  active  member  of  the  Communist  Party  in  Pittsburgh.  Cvetic 
also  testified  as  follows : 

Alexander  Wright  was  assigned  by  the  Communist  Party  to  direct  the  work 
of  the  Progressive  Party  in  western  Pennsylvania. 

The  telegrams  sent  to  Alexander  Wright  in  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  are 
indicative  of  the  pattern  which  Mr.  O'Connell  followed  in  his  campaign 
as  chairman  of  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill. 
Similar  telegrams  were  sen^  to  Henrj^  Winston,  Ben  Gold,  John  Abt, 
Harry  Bridges,  and  others  identified  as  members  of  the  Communist 
Party  before  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities.  Mr. 
O'Connell  also  recruited  the  assistance  of  the  Progressive  Party  and  its 
officials  all  over  the  United  States.  In  addition,  he  solicited  the  assist- 
ance of  organizations  which  have  been  officially  cited  as  Communist 
by  the  Attorney  General  of  the  United  States  and  by  this  committee. 
The  committee  is  in  possession  of  a  large  volume  of  telegrams  and 
telephone-toll  slips  which  are  too  voluminous  to  print  at  this  time. 

'This  telegram  is  represented  by  Wheeler  Exhibit  17  in  an  executive  session  of  the  Committee  on  Un- 
American  Activities  conducted  on  October  19.  1950. 
^  Represented  by  Wheeler  Exhibit  38,  executive  session  of  Committee,  October  19, 1950. 


The  committee  desires  ta  point  out  at  this  time  that,  in  addition  to 
secm'ing  the  aid  of  Commmiists  and  Communist-front  organizations, 
the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  attempted  to  secure 
the  assistance  of  many  organizations  and  individuals  whose  reputations 
are  above  reproach. 

This  lobbying  technique,  as  demonstrated  by  Mr.  O'Connell,  is 
identical  to  the  technique  used  by  the  Communist  Party  in  campaigns 
of  their  own.  In  an  attempt  to  attach  respect  and  prominence  to  their 
campaign,  they  solicit  endorsements  and  aid  from  prominent  and 
well-meaning  individuals  and  organizations. 

A  Comparison  of  the  Propaganda  Techniques  of  the  National 
Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  and  the  Communist 

Through  official  publications,  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat 
the  Mundt  Bill  has  expressed  its  position  with  regard  to  creating  a 
lobby  against  the  passage  of  anti-Communist  legislation.  The  high 
lights  of  these  pronouncements  are  compared  in  the  ensuing  pages 
with  the  discussion  outline  to  defeat  the  Mundt  bill  issued  by  the 
National  Education  Department  of  the  Communist  Party .^ 

Communist  Party 

1.  A  Gestapo  police  state  bill  to  out- 
law the  Communist  Party  and  destroy 
all  progressive  labor  unions  and  peoples' 

2.  Bill  to  outlaw  the  Peace  Move- 
ment— Wall  Street  imperialism  wants 
the  Mundt  Bill  to  stop  the  growing  peace 
movement  which  has  been  spurred  for- 
ward by  the  announcement  to  produce 
the  H-Bomb  and  is  finding  strong  ex- 
pression in  demand  for  negotiations  with 
the  Soviet  Union  and  for  the  ending  of 
the  cold  war. 

3.  The  Mundt  Bill  is  the  attempt  of 
reaction  to  crush  the  movement  of  the 
Negro  people  for  civil  rights.  To  defeat 
the  Mundt  Bill,  it  is  essential  to  take  up 
another  national  issue  of  civil  rights — 
the  fight  of  the  Negro  people  for  civil 
liberties.  The  fight  against  the  Mundt 
Bill  is  intimately  tied  in  with  the  fight 
for  an  FEPC  now.  They  are  in  reality 
two  sides  of  the  same  fight  against  the 
repression  of  the  people  and  for  the 
maintenance  and  extension  of  civil 
rights.  The  FEPC  issue  is  being  sabo- 
taged by  the  same  forces  that  are  push- 
ing through  the  Mundt  Bill.  The  fight 
for  FEPC  must  be  renewed.  Now  is  the 
time  for  pressing  for  the  widest  mobili- 
zation around  the  issue  for  FEPC 

National  Committee  to  Defeat 
Mundt  Bill 

1.  Would  put  into  effect  in  the 
United  States  the  infamous  Nazi  de- 
crees invoked  by  Hitler  when  he  seized 
power  in  Germany  in  1933,  thus  placing 
the  American  people  under  the  yoke  of 
"legal"  fascism. 

2.  Would  suppress  efforts  of  all  or- 
ganizations, sucii  as  the  Quakers,  to 
work  for  peace  and  spare  the  world  the 
horrors  of  an  A-Bomb  and  H-Bomb  war. 

3.  Would  label  as  "subversive"  per- 
sons and  groups  active  for  FEPC  and 
against  anti-Semitism,  Jim  Crow,  lynch- 
ing, and  forms  of  discrimination  against 
national  groups  and  minority  groups. 

'This  document  has  been  printed  in  its  entirety  under  date  ofiOctober  13,  1950,  and  is  identified   as 
"Matthew  Cvetic  Exhibit  No.  96"  in  Expos6  of  the  Commiinist  Party  of  Western  Pennsylvania— Part  3. 


Communist  Party 

4.  Effort  must  be  made  to  link  this 
bill  with  the  fight  for  peace.  That  is 
central.  The  Mundt  Bill  is  aimed  to 
silence  the  peace  forces.  This  must  be 
explained  clearly  to  the  people.  Re- 
action wants  war.  The  bill  would 
bring  war  nearer.  It  should  also  be 
linked  with  relief,  rent  control,  wage 
increases,  etc.  In  each  organization  it 
should  be  shown  how  the  Mundt  Bill 
would  stifle  the  fight  for  the  needs  and 
demands  of  these  organizations. 

5.  The  Mundt  Bill  is  also  the  answer 
of  reaction  to  the  miners'  victory  and  to 
the  growing  strike  movement  which  is 
taking  place  despite  and  often  against 
the  policies  and  wishes  of  the  labor 

6.  Bill  not  aimed  at  Communists 
alone,  but  at  all  labor  and  progressive 
organizations,  particularly  militant 

7.  Curb  labor's  growing  struggles 

8.  Attempted  blitz  to  destrov  the 
Bill  of  Rights.  If  the  Mundt  Bill  be- 
comes law,  the  Bill  of  Rights  will  be 
dead  and  buried. 

National  Committee  to  Defeat 
Mundt  Bill 

4.  Would  jail  members  of  groupscam- 
paigning  for  continued  rent  control, 
lower  rents,  and  against  segregation  by 
declaring  such  groups  are  subversive 
"fronts,"  thus  giving  landlords  a  free 

5.  Would  smash  labor  unions  fighting 
for  higher  wages  and  improved  working 
conditions  by  means  of  an  appointed, 
three-man  Subversive  Activities  Con- 
trol Board  with  unlimited  power  under 
the  Act. 

6.  Would  impose  severe  fines  and  jail 
sentences  up  to  life  upon  leaders  of 
unions,  fraternal  groups,  religious  insti- 
tutions and  peace  societies  for  refusal 
to  label  themselves  falsely  as  subversive 

7.  Would  compel  unions  to  surrender 
their  membership  lists  which,  published 
in  antilabor  newspapers,  would  make 
possible  huge  blacklists  and  mass  firings. 

8.  Would  outlaw  the  First  Amend- 


The  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  BUI  has  filed 
seven  quarterly  financial  statements  with  the  Clerk  of  the  House  of 
Representatives,  in  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  the  Federal 
Regulations  of  the  Lobbymg  Act.  The  first  statement  was  filed  on 
July  9,  1948,  and  the  last  statement  was  filed  on  October  9,  1950. 

In  reviewing  the  afore-mentioned  financial  statements,  it  was  dis- 
closed that  $15,847.26  was  received  in  contributions  by  that  organiza- 
tion during  the  period  from  July  9,  1948,  through  October  9,  1950. 
Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  the  Federal  Regulations  of  the  Lobbying 
Act,  organizations  are  required  to  list  the  source  of  contributions  of 
$500  or  more.  The  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Alundt  Bill, 
in  its  quarterly  reports,  listed  the  following  contributors: 

New  York  Committee  for  Democratic  Rights 

23  West  26th  Street 

New  York  City _ $1,  200.  00 

The  New  York  Committee  for  Democratic  Rights  is  also  known  as 
the  Provisional  Committee  for  Democratic  Rights  and  the  Committee 
for  Democratic  Rights.  This  organization  is  affiliated  with  the 
Civil  Rights  Congress,  which  was  cited  as  subversive  by  Attorney 
General  Tom  Clark  and  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities, 



A  leaflet  of  the  Committee  for  Democratic  Rights,  entitled  "A 
Call  to  An  Action  Conference  for  Freedom,"  which  was  held  on  May 
8,  1948,  in  New  York  City,  carried  a  partial  list  of  sponsors.  By 
checking  the  hst,  which  included  61  individuals,  against  the  files  of 
the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities,  it  was  determined  that  14 
of  the  listed  individuals  were  at  that  time  members  of  the  Com- 
munist Party.  Of  that  group,  also,  32  had  been  affiliated  with  from 
1  to  10  Communist-front  organizations;  13  had  been  affiliated  with 
from  1  to  20  such  organizations;  and  8  showed  affiliation  with  more 
than  20  such  organizations.  Twenty-four  of  the  sponsors  have 
defended  Communists  and/or  the  Communist  Party. 

Mrs.  Luke  I.  Wilson 

8080  Rockville  Pike 

Bethesda,  Maryland $500.00 

According  to  the  files  of  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities, 
Mrs.  Luke  I.  Wilson  was  listed  as  a  member  of  the  Executive  Board 
of  the  Washington  Committee  of  the  Southern  Conference  for  Human 
Welfare  in  June  1947.  The  Southern  Conference  for  Human  Welfare 
was  cited  by  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  on  March  29, 
1940,  as  a  Communist  front  which  received  money  from  the  Robert 
Marshall  Foundation,  one  of  the  principal  som'ces  of  funds  by  which 
many  Communist  fronts  operate. 

United  Electrical,   Radio  &   Machine  Workers  of  America 

10,  II  East  51st  Street 

New  York  City $500.  00 

The  United  Electrical,  Radio  and  Machine  Workers  of  America 
was  cited  as  having  an  "entrenched"  Communist  leadership  in  reports 
of  the  Special  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  dated  January  1, 
1940,  and  March  29,  1944. 

From  the  time  of  the  formation  of  the  UE  in  1936  until  1949,  the 
United  Electrical,  Radio  and  Machine  Workers  of  America  was 
affiliated  with  the  Congress  of  Industrial  Organizations.  On  Novem- 
ber 2,  1949,  the  national  convention  of  the  CIO  expelled  the  UE  on 
the  ground  that  the  union  had — 

fallen  into  the  control  of  a  group  devoted  primarily  to  the  principles  of  the  Com- 
munist Party. 

The  CIO  resolution  expeUing  the  UE  also  stated  that — 

We   can   no  longer  tolerate  within  the  family   of   CIO  the   Communist  Party 
masquerading  as  a  labor  union. 

Since  then,  the  UE  has  operated  as  an  independent  union. 
New  York  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill 
II  West  42nd  Street 

New  York  City $900.  00 

The  New  York  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  is  headed  by 
Isadore  Blumberg  who,  on  June  7,  1949,  as  executive  secretary  of  the 
New  York  Tenant  Council,  signed  a  statement  in  behalf  of  the 
indicted  12  Communist  leaders.  On  October  14,  1949,  1 1  of  the  leaders 
of  the  Communist  Party,  USA,  were  convicted  on  charges  of  conspuing 
to  teach  and  advocate  the  violent  overthrow  of  the  United  States 
Government.     Isadore  Blumberg  was  a  sponsor,   according  to  the 


program,  of  a  dinner  held  by  the  American  Russian  Institute  in  New 
York  City  on  October  29,  1944.  The  American  Russian  Institute 
was  cited  as  "subversive"  and  "Communist"  by  Attorney  General 
Tom  Clark  in  letters  to  the  Loyalty  Review  Board  released  on  April  25, 

According  to  the  records  cf  the  committee,  Isadore  Blumberg  of  the 
Tenants  Council  was  a  member  of  the  Continuations  Committee  of  the 
Civil  Rights  Congress.  In  June  1949,  Isadore  Blumberg  was  a  sponsor 
of  the  conference  held  by  the  Civil  Rights  Congress  of  New  York. 
The  Civil  Rights  Congress  has  been  cited  by  the  Committee  on 
Un-American  Activities  as — 

an  organization  formed  in  April  1946  as  a  merger  of  two  Communist-front  organi- 
zations— the  International  Labor  Defense  and  the  National  Federation  for  Con- 
stitutional Liberties — as  dedicated  not  to  the  broader  issues  of  civil  liberties  but 
specifically  to  the  defense  of  individual  Communists  and  the  Communist  Party. 

Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  also  cited  the  Civil  Rights  Congress  as 
"subversive"  and  "Communist"  on  December  4,  1947,  and  on  Sep- 
tember 21,  1948. 

In  reviewing  the  quarterly  reports  filed  with  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives by  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  it 
is  noted  that  the  following  individuals  and  organizations  received 
money  for  services  rendered  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the 
Mundt  BHl: 

Elizabeth  Sasuly $359.89  (salary  and  expenses) 

On  July  12,  1949,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Sasuly^  appeared  as  a  witness 
before  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  in  connection  with 
the  committee's  investigation  of  communism  in  the  District  of 
Columbia.  She  at  that  time  was  asked:  "Are  you  now,  or  have  you 
ever  been  a  member  of  the  Communist  Party?"  She  refused  to 
answer  the  question  on  grounds  of  self-incrimination. 

Thomas  G.  Buchanan,  Jr.  (salary,  publicity,  and  travel) $1,180.50 

Thomas  G.  Buchanan,  Jr.,  is  legislative  director  of  the  Civil  Rights 
Congress,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  appeared  voluntarily  as  a  witness 
representing  the  Civil  Rights  Congress  durmg  United  States  Senate 
hearings  on  the  Subversive  Activities  Control  Act,  1949.  These 
hearings  were  held  by  a  subcommittee  of  the  Committee  on  the 
Judiciary,  United  States  Senate,  on  May  18,  1949.  During  the  mitial 
exammation  of  Mr.  Buchanan  by  the  subcommittee  counsel,  he  was 
asked:  "Are  you  now,  or  have  you  ever  been  a  member  of  the  Com- 
munist Party?"  Mr.  Buchanan  refused  to  answer  the  question  and 
was  thereupon  dismissed  from  the  witness  stand. 

The  committee  in  many  instances  has  had  witnesses  who,  when 
questioned  regarding  association  with  Communists,  have  denied  that 
Party.  However,  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill 
could  offer  no  such  excuse  in  the  case  of  Thomas  G.  Buchanan,  Jr. 
Mr.  Buchanan,  in  May  of  1948,  was  discharged  from  the  Washington 
Evening  Star,  Washington,  D.  C,  for  being  a  member  of  the  Com- 
munist Party.  The  Worker,  Southern  edition,  of  June  27,  1948, 
carried  an  article  written  by  Mr.  Buchanan  entitled  "Stand  Up  and 

«  Testimony  of  Elizabeth  Sasuly,  July  12,  1949,  is  printed  in  Hearings  Regarding  Communism  in  the 
District  of  Columbia — Part  1,  pp.  743-758. 


Be  Counted Out,"  wherein  he  admits  Communist  Party  mem- 

George  B.  Murphy,  Jr.  (per  diem  and  expenses) $77.62 

The  files  of  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  reveal  that 
George  B.  Murphy,  Jr.,  is  affiliated  with  six  or  more  organizations 
which  have  been  declared  Communist  and  subversive  by  the  Attorney 
General  of  the  United  States  and  the  Committee  on  Un-American 
Activities.     His  affiliation  with  these  organizations  is  as  follows : 

George  B.  Murphy,  Jr.,  was  executive  secretary  of  the  Citizens  Committee  to 
Free  Earl  Browder,  Washington,  D.  C.  He  was  an  endorser  of  the  Emergency 
Peace  Mobilization,  and  a  vice  chairman  of  the  American  Committee  for  the 
Protection  of  Foreign  Born.  He  has  served  as  a  vice  president  of  the  International 
Workers  Order,  and  as  a  speaker  for  the  Scottsboro  Defense  Committee.  In 
July  of  1950  he  was  the  signer  of  a  statement  issued  by  the  Council  on  African 
Affairs  opposing  the  United  States  policy  in  Korea. 

Superior  Print  Shop $951.96  (printing) 

This  printing  establishment  is  owned  by  Tilla  Minowitz,  3416  Tenth 
Place  SE.,  Washmgton,  D.  C,  and  is  located  at  607  Massachusetts 
Avenue  NW.,  Washington,  D.  C.  Mrs.  Minowitz  was  subpenaed  by 
the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  during  the  course  of  this 
investigation  of  communism  in  the  District  of  Columbia.  She  ap- 
peared as  a  witness  before  the  committee  on  July  6,  1949,  at  which 
time  she  refused  to  answer  all  questions  regarding  her  membership  in 
the  Communist  Party.  She  also  refused  to  answer  questions  regard- 
ing contributions  made  by  her  to  the  Communist  Party .^ 

The  National  Lawyers  Guild.  $430.00    (analysis   of   bill   and    5,000 

copies  of  such  analysis) 

This  organization  was  the  subject  of  a  report  by  the  Committee  on 
Un-American  Activities  dated  September  17,  1950,  wherem  the  Com- 
mittee on  Un-American  Activities  cited  this  organization  as  being  the 
"legal  bulwark  of  the  Communist  Party."  ^ 




Jerry  J.  O'Connell 


Bruce  Waybur 

Executive  Treasurer 

Edith  Pratt 

Registered  Lobbyists 

Jerry  J.  O'Connell 
John  B.  Stone 

'  The  entire  testimony  of  Tilla  Minowitz  appears  on  pp.  725-734  of  the  committee  publication,  Com- 
munism in  the  District  of  Columbia— Part  I. 
"  Made  H.  Kept.  No.  3123,  September  21, 1950. 




MUNDT  BILL— Continued 

District  Offices  and  Representatives 

Chicago : 

Ruth  Belmont 

Chicago    Committee    to    Defeat    the 

Mundt  Bill 
179  West  Washington  Street 
Miami  Beach,  Fla. : 
Helen  Lee  Barclay 
Freedom  House  Committee  to  Defeat 

the  Mundt  Bill 
1611  Michigan  Avenue 
New  York,  N.  Y.: 
Isadore  Blumberg 
New  York  Committee  to  Defeat  the 

Mundt  Bill 
Room    822,    11    West    Forty-second 

San  Francisco,  Calif.: 
Elmer  P.  Delaney 
San  Francisco  Committee  to  Oppose 

the  Mundt-Ferguson  Bill 
Grant  Building 
Market  Street  at  Seventh 
Santa  Cruz,  Calif.: 

Edward  M.  Vierra,  chairman 

Santa    Cruz    Citizens    Committee   to 

Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill 
123  Stanford  Avenue 

Sponsors  of  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill 

Wilmington,  Del.: 

Leon  V.  Anderson,  secretary 

Delaware   Committee  to   Defeat  the 
Mimdt  bill 

826  Poplar  Street 
Philadelphia,  Pa.: 

Adele  Margolis 

Philadelphia    Committee    to    Defeat 

the  Mundt  Bill 

Room  800  Professional  Building 

1831  Chestnut  Street 
Trenton,  N.  J.: 

Rev.  Harry  R.  Pine 

New     Jersey      Citizens      Committee 
Against  the  Mundt  Bill 

1237  Greenwood  Avenue 
Denver,  Colo.: 

Helen  L.  Gordon 

Colorado    Committee   to   Defeat   the 
Mundt  Bill 

4320  East  Twelfth  Avenue 

Rabbi  Michael  Alper,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Hon.    Thurman    Arnold,     Washington, 

D.  C. 
Stringfellow  Barr,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Theodore  O.  Behre,  New 

Orleans,  La. 
Angela  Bambace,  Baltimore,  Md. 
Elmer  Benson,  Appleton,  Minn. 
Hon.  John  T.  Bernard,  Chicago,  111. 
Edwin  Bjorkman,   Asheville,   N.   C. 
Algernon  D.  Black,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Scott  Buchanan,  Richmond,  Mass. 
Dr.  Robert  K.  Burns,  Baltimore,  Md. 
LaVonne  Busch,  Reno,  Nev. 
Angus  Cameron,   Boston,    Mass. 
Prof.  A.  J.  Carlson,  Chicago,  111. 
Prof.     Zechariah     Chafee,     Cambridge, 

Rabbi  J.  X.  Cohen,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Hon.    Benjamin  J.    Davis,    New  York, 

N.  Y. 
Earl  B.  Dickerson,  Chicago,  111. 
James  Durkin,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Clifford  J.  Durr,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Prof.  Thomas  I.  Emerson,  New  Haven, 

Prof.     Henrv     Pratt     Fairchild,     New 

York,  N.  Y. 
Edward  E.  Fisher,  Washington,  D.  C. 
Abram  Flaxer,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Clark  Foreman.  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Rev.  Stephen  H.  Fritchman,  Los  An- 
geles,   Calif. 

Jerry  Gilliam,  Norfolk,  Va. 

J.  W.  Gitt,  York,  Pa. 

Percy  Greene,  Jackson,  Miss. 

Prof.  Fowler  Harper,  New  Haven, 

Donald    Henderson,    Philadelphia,    Pa. 

Charles  Houston,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Rev.  Kenneth  DeP.  Hughes,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass. 

James  Imbrie,  Lawrenceville,  N.  J. 

Hon.  Leo  Isacson,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Francis  Fisher  Kane,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Robert  W.  Kenny,  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 

Paul  J.  Kern,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Prof.  Curtis  MacDougall,  Evanston,  111. 

James  McLeish,  Newark,  N.  J. 

Rev.  Jack  McMichael,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Dr.  Alexander  Meikeljohn,  Berkeley, 

Samuel  D.  Menin,  Denver,  Colo. 

Arthur  Miller,  Brooklvn,  N.  Y. 

Hon.  Fred  G.  Moritt,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Prof.  Stuart  Mudd,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Hon.  Stanley  Novak,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Grant  Oakes,  Chicago,  111. 

Oliver  T.  Palmer,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Father  Clarence  Parker,  Chicago,  111. 

Max  Perlow,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Morris  Pizer.  New  York,  N.  Y. 


Sponsoks  of  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill — Continued 

Abraham  Pomerantz,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Dr.    Joseph    W.    Straley,    Chapel    Hill, 
Judge  Joseph  H.  Rainev,  Philadelphia,        N.  C. 

Pa.  -  Dr.  Alva  W.  Taylor,  Nashville,  Tenn. 

Prof.  William  G.  Rice,  Madison,  Wis.  Dr.  O.  B.  Taylor,  Knoxville,  Tenn. 

0.  John  Ro2;ge,  New  York,  N.  Y.  Mary     Church     Terrell,     Washington, 
Paul  Ross,  New  York,  N.  Y.  D.  C. 

Prof.     Frederick     Schuman,     Williams-  I^ouis  Untermeyer,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

town,  Mass.  Mark  Van  Doren,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Prof.  Karl  Shapiro,  Baltimore,  Md.  Dr.  Harry  F.  Ward,  Palisade,  N.  J. 

Prof .  Harlow  Shapley,  Cambridge,  Mass.  Marv  Van  Kleeck,  Woodstock,  N.  Y. 

1.  F.  Stone,  Washington,  D.  C. 

In  order  to  fully  understand  the  objectives  of  the  National  Com- 
mittee to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill,  it  is  important  to  examine  the  back- 
ground of  the  officers  who  were  most  active  in  this  organization. 

Jerry  J.  O'Connell,  chairman  of  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat 
the  Mundt  Bill,  was  loaned  by  the  Progressive  Party  of  the  State  of 
Washington  to  become  chairman  of  the  committee  in  1948. 

O'Connell  was  born  at  Butte,  Mont.,  on  June  14,  1909.  He  was 
graduated  from  Carroll  College,  Helena,  Mont.,  in  1931,  and  subse- 
quently attended  Georgetown  University,  Washington,  D.  C.  When 
21  years  of  age,  he  was  elected  to  the  Montana  State  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, where  he  served  from  1931  to  1934.  He  was  elected  to 
the  Seventy-fifth  Congress  of  the  United  States,  representing  the 
First  District  of  the  State  of  Montana. 

The  files  of  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  reflect  that 
Jerry  O'Connell  was  a  speaker  at  a  function  of  the  American  Friends 
of  the  Chinese  People,  and  later  attended  the  banquet  held  by  that 
organization.  This  organization  was  cited  by  the  committee  on 
March  29,  1944,  as  a  Communist-front  organization.  O'Connell  par- 
ticipated in  functions  of  the  American  League  for  Peace  and  Democ- 
racy and  extended  greetings  to  the  American  Committee  for  Peace 
and  Democracy,  held  in  Washington,  D.  C,  January  6-8,  1939.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  national  committee  of  the  American  League  for 
Peace  and  Democracy  in  1939.  This  organization  has  also  been  cited 
as  a  Communist-front  organization  by  the  Committee  on  Un-American 
Activities  and  by  former  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark.  Mr.  O'Con- 
nell was  listed  as  a  sponsor  of  the  American  Relief  Ship  for  Spain  in 
1938.  This  organization  was  one  of  several  Communist  Party-front 
enterprises  which  raised  funds  for  Commimist  Spain.  It  was  cited 
by  the  Committee  on  Un-American.  Activities  in  1944. 

Jerry  O'Connell  was  a  speaker  at  the  Freedom  Crusade  Congress 
of  the  Civil  Rights  Congress  in  1949.  This  organization  was  cited  by 
the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  in  1947  as — 

dedicated  not  to  the  broader  issue  of  civil  liberties,  but  specifically  to  the  defense 
of  individual  Communists  in  the  Communist  Party. 

Former  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  cited  the  Civil  Rights  Congress 
as  "subversive"  and  classified  it  as  "Communist"  in  letters  furnished 
the  Loyalty  Review  Board  on  December  4,  1947,  and  September  21, 

Under  the  auspices  of  the  Committee  for  a  Democratic  Far  Eastern 
Policy,  Jerry  O'Connell  sent  greetings  to  pro-Communist  Mme. 
Sun-Yat-sen,  according  to  the  Far  East  Spotlight  (publication  of  this 


organization),  November  1948,  page  14.  This  organization  was  cited 
as  Communist  by  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  on  April  27,  1949. 

The  official  Call  to  a  Conference  on  Constitutional  Liberties  in 
America,  June  7,  1940,  listed  O'Connell  as  a  sponsor  of  the  conference. 
The  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  listed  this  conference  as — 

an  important  part  of  the  solar  system  of  the  Communist  Party  front  organi- 
zation, which  founded  the  National  Federation  for  Constitutional  Liberties  in 

The  June  23,  1947,  issue  of  the  Daily  Worker,  official  newspaper  of 
the  Communist  Party,  discloses  that  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  signed  a 
letter  of  praise  to  that  paper.  O'Connell  was  speaker  at  a  function 
of  the  Friends  of  the  Abraham  Lincoln  Brigade  in  January  1938. 
This  organization  has  been  cited  as  a  Communist  front  by  this 

Jerry  O'Connell  was  also  listed  by  the  Daily  Worker,  May  3,  1938, 
page  3,  as  a  speaker  at  a  function  of  the  International  Labor  Defense. 
The  International  Labor  Defense  was  cited  as  the  "legal  defense  arm 
of  the  Communist  Party  of  the  United  States"  by  the  House  Com- 
mittee on  Un-American  Activities  on  January  3,  1939;  January  3, 
1940;. June  25,  1942;  and  March  29,  1944.  On  September  24,  1942, 
former  Attorney  General  Francis  Biddle  cited  the  organization  as 
"the  legal  arm  of  the  Communist  Party."  Subject  organization  was 
also  cited  by  former  Attorney  General  Clark  as  "subversive  and 
Communist"  on  June  1  and  September  21,  1948. 

Jerry  O'Connell  was  listed  as  a  national  sponsor  of  the  Medical 
Bureau  and  North  American  Committee  to  Aid  Spanish  Democracy 
on  its  letterhead  dated  July  6,  1938.  This  organization  was  cited  as 
a  Communist  front  by  the  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  on 
March  29,  1944. 

A  membership  list  of  the  National  Lawyers  Guild  dated  1939  listed 
Jerry  J.  O'Connell,  of  Butte,  Mont.,  as  a  member.  This  organiza- 
tion was  cited  as  a  Communist  front  by  the  Committee  on  Un- 
American  Activities  in  1944.  On  September  19,  1950,  this  com- 
mittee issued  a  report  outlining  in  detail  the  organization's  activities 
and  its  adherence  to  the  Commuriist  Party  line. 

New  Masses,  which  has  been  cited  as  the  "nationally  circulated 
weekly  journal  of  the  Communist  Party"  by  this  committee,  and  as 
a  "Communist  periodical"  by  former  Attorney  General  Francis 
Biddle,  carried  articles  by  Jerry  O'Connell  in  its  issues  of  November 
1937  and  February  1938. 

Committee  records  further  reflect  that  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  spoke  at  a 
function  of  the  North  American  Committee  to  Aid  Spanish  Democracy, 
at  which  Earl  Browder  also  spoke.  Mr.  O'Connell  also  spoke  at  a 
function  of  the  Yorkville  division,  North  American  Committee  to 
Aid  Spanish  Democracy,  in  1937.  The  issue  of  New  Masses  of 
July  20,  1937,  reported  that  Jerry  J.  O'Connell  was  one  of  the  speakers 
at  the  first  anniversary  of  the  Anti-Fascist  Struggle  in  Spain,  held 
under  the  auspices  of  the  North  American  Committee  to  Aid  Spanish 
Democracy  at  Madison  Square  Garden  on  July  19,  1937.  This 
organization  has  been  cited  as  Communist  by  the  Committee  on 
Un-American  Activities  in  reports  dated  January  3,  1940,  and  March 
29,  1944,  and  by  former  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  on  April  27, 


Jerry  O'Connell  is  listed  as  an  instructor  at  the  Seattle  Labor 
School,  fall  term,  1947.  This  school  was  cited  as  an  "adjunct  of. the 
Communist  Party,"  by  former  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  on 
December  4,  1947.  The  Daily  Worker  of  June  6,  1949,  reported 
that  Jerry  O'Connell  was  one  of  those  who  signed  a  statement  in 
behalf  of  the  11  Communist  leaders  during  their  recent  trial  in  New 

According  to  Spotlight  on  the  Far  East,  April  1948,  page  6,  Bruce 
Waybur,  secretary-treasurer  of  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat 
the  Mundt  Bill,  was  a  member  of  a  delegation  to  the  State  Depart- 
ment sponsored  by  the  National  Conference  on  American  Policy  in 
China  and  the  Far  East.  The  National  Conference  on  American 
Policy  in  China  and  the  Far  East  was  cited  as  a  Communist  organ- 
ization by  former  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  in  his  letter  to  the 
Loyalty  Review  Board  released  to  the  press  July  25,  1949. 

Bruce  Waybur  was  listed  as  a  member  of  the  Washington  Book  Shop 
on  the  membership  list  subpenaed  by  the  Committee  on  Un-American 
Activities  in  1941.  The  Washington  Book  Shop  Association  w^as  cited 
as  subversive  and  Communist  by  Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  in  lists 
which  he  prepared  for  the  use  of  the  Loyalty  Review  Board  released 
to  the  press  July  25,  1949.  This  group  was  also  cited  as  a  Communist 
front  by  the  Special  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  in  its 
report  dated  March  29,  1944. 

Waybur  was  a  member  of  a  delegation  of  the  Civil  Rights  Congress, 
as  shown  in  the  March  19,  1948,  issue  of  the  Communist  Daily  Worker. 
The  Congressional  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities,  in  its 
Report  No.  1115,  September  2,  1947,  cited  the  Civil  Rights  Congress 
as — ■ 

dedicated  not  to  the  broader  issues  of  civil  liberties,  but  specifically  to  the  defense 
of  individual  Communists  and  the  Communist  Party  *  *  *  controlled  by 
individuals  who  are  either  members  of  the  Communist  Party  or  openly  loyal  to  it. 

Attorney  General  Tom  Clark  cited  the  Civil  Rights  Congress  as 
"subversive"  and  classified  it  as  "Communist"  in  letters  furnished  the 
Loyalty  Review  Board  and  released  to  the  press  July  25,  1949. 

The  Daily  Worker  of  April  1,  1948,  reported  that  Bruce  Waybur  of 
the  United  Electrical  Workers  was  a  member  of  a  delegation  of  the 
American  Jewish  Labor  Council,  which  organization  was  cited  by  the 
Attorney  General  in  lists  furnished  the  Loyalty  Review  Board. 

Bruce  Waybur  was  registered  as  a  lobbyist  for  the  United  Electrical, 
Radio  and  Machme  Workers  of  America,  CIO,  in  1948.  The  United 
Electrical,  Radio  and  Machine  Workers  of  America  was  first  cited  by 
the  Special  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  in  its  Report  No. 
1476,  dated  January  3,  1940  (p.  13),  which  states  that  "the  evidence 
before  the  Committee  indicates,  however,  that  the  leadership  of  some 
10  or  12  constituent  unions  of  the  CIO,  out  of  a  total  of  some  48 
unions,  is  more  than  tinged  with  communism.  The  evidence  shows 
that  some  of  their  leaders  are  either  card-holdmg  members  of  the 
Communist  Party  or  subservient  followers  of  that  'party's  line.'  " 
The  United  Electrical,  Radio  and  Machine  Workers  of  America  was 
recently  expelled  from  the  CIO  for  followmg  the  Communist  Party 

the  national,  committee  to  defeat  the  mundt  bill      15 


The  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  is  unanimous  in  its 
belief  that  the  National  Committee  to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  was 
organized  not  as  a  legitimate  lobbying  enterprise,  but  rather  as  a 
propaganda  adjunct  of  the  Communist  Party.  The  work  of  this 
organization,  in  many  instances,  was  performed  by  the  Communist 
Party,  and  it  was  at  all  times  wholly  supported  by  the  Communist 

The  Committee  on  Un-American  Activities  is  well  aware  of  the  fact 
that  there  has  been  opposition  to  antisubversive  legislation  in  legiti- 
mate quarters  which  in  no  way  were  connected  with  the  Communist 
Party.  The  committee  at  this  time  is  takmg  no  issue  with  such 
legitimate  opposition.  It  is  solely  concerned  in  this  report  with 
advismg  the  American  public  that  mdividuals  who  knowmgly  and 
actively  support  such  a  propaganda  outlet  as  the  National  Committee 
to  Defeat  the  Mundt  Bill  are  actually  aiding  and  abetting  the  Com- 
munist program  in  the  United  States. 





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