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Full text of "A reprint in facsimile of a treatise spekynge of arte & crafte to knowe well to dye. Translated oute of Frenshe in to Englysshe, by Willm Caxton"

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Bequest of 

v. ib. C. Scadding, D. 
to the Library 
of the 
University of Toronto 


arte g cꝛafte to ſnolbe well to dye / tꝛa 
of foenſhy in to englyſſte. bp will Caton. 

LONDON. Solde by the Aſſigns of Cotbard 

a Reprint in facſimile of a treatiſe fj use of 


umlep deoea ſed/ n. SCC Cl. 

¶ Here begyneth a litylt treatife ſporte and abredged ſpe⸗ 
kynge of the arte geꝛafte to finolde well to dye 

NI it ys ſoo that what a may maketh or weth / it 
goode and well made / it muſte nedes come to goode | 

lacyons goo to heuen vnlo god and his ſeyntes i 
. 25 in Be tees fone tre 

that aduyſe e mock as they oughte to 
T ehe! te or olde / t 5 
a eS J adcpente or olde / Nnd to them cos 

Tots he acts 
Gisprefent treatyſe be made in ſhorte termes / foꝛ 

hym to be the bete: warned enfourmed and kaughte / Che 
Whiehe traptie is drupdrd into Bj partxes / Of whiche the fir 
ſte treateth of te preyſinge of deth / And Gord one oughte to 
deye gladly. The ij. treateth of the temptaeyons that they ha 
ue whiche bey or lye in thartycle of deth / The ij. trea tyſe is 
of the queſtions that ought be made ko theym thenne . The 
fourth eonteyneth a maneꝛ of inſtrueexons and of terhyng 
that ought to be made to theym . T he Fifthe of the remembꝛa⸗ 
nee what god hath doon and fuff ted for 8s / The y t laſte 
treateth of oertayn oꝛeyſons and deuoule pꝛayers / khat they 
oughte to fave pf they maye. oꝛ elles ought to be ſayd tofoꝛe 
theym. by ſome that be aſfiſtente. oꝛ pꝛeſent: 

¶ Of the allowynge oꝛ prayſynge e bow one 


ought gladly for bo wpe 

S tenne thebodyli deth is che moſt feafull Bing of 
all other thinges ſoo / yet is che deth of the ſoule of as 
mocke more terꝛybſe and repronchable. as che ſoule te more 
noble and more precpous than the body. & nd the deth of ſyn 
ners is ryg bie eurſyd and euyll. But the deth of iuſte and 
. 1 55 for kee ki 15 
oontynuelt remembra ice of che deth is ſouerayn loyſedom. al 
fo for trouth the Booph seth of good peopke alle axe is none 
other Binge. but the yſſue or goynge oute of pryſon. ande 
of exyle / and dyſchaꝛgynge of a rpabte greuouſe burthen 
is to wyte of the body fyniſſhynge of alt thinges and ende 
of all maladyes and ſeſteneſſes and alſo of alt offer ſtry⸗ 
nes mortall. It is thanopdynge of this pwfent turetefeos 
neſſe qt is conſumpexoy of alte euyllis / and the brelynge 
of alt che bondes of Gre eurſid g euylt looꝛlde qt is the pap 
ment of the dette of nature / retouꝛne in to the eoůtree / and 2 
tree in to tope and glorye: Cherfore ſapth ii wyſemay. chat 
the dave of Be deth ie better than the daye of the byrthe. dut 
this worde oughte bo be vnderſktande foꝛ cheym that be woo 
de onely@] nd therfore euere goode eryſten man. and alfo 
enerpehe ſynner verily contryte oughte not to & ſoroufult 
ne trouble hym of the temporall oꝛ kodyly deth / ne he oughte 
not to fere ne double hit / For what ſome euer mater oꝛ cau⸗ 
feBelays tohym but he oughte to ſuffre and recepue it paz 
eyently and in antic and aladly ineonfezmyng him ſel⸗ 
fe playnlu & nd in r holy his proper toptt to qos 
dope woyſte. tke as he is bounden to hym ¶ For wall tor 
pe is gladly to deye: ¶ nd to oonne depe is ko haue in al 
tymes his horte redy and appareylẽd to thynges benen le e 

ſupemall / Andthat atencrp Goure Whan the deth ſgallome 
to the peꝛſone that he be foũde redy / and ck eee 
out ompcontradrecpo ee [Bold aBine the 
compnge of his good o thits pin poſe ſaytß the phj 
ee catene reaſon Welt conſeyllyd se 7 thatÿ 
goode deth ougßibetter to be ehoſen tgan the euyl lyfe / End 
one ought ſoner to chyſe the bodilpdeth than doe ony 
apenſt the wele of dertue: Thus kappe f 
prayfing of tze deth and that euery good peꝛſone g religpons 
ought to befitedepaatong of the Sopp and che foute f to be 
our for Mu eryſte: and for to leue this pfent world: 
temptacpons that ne Hath at 0 
Fer eet they 

yey Sone wud tex oan f 

in thartyele o aue manꝝ greuo 
tacõns vereli ſuche chat ty their eee 
bee. nd of theſe temptacyde cher Ben S. pryncipall Th fi 
rfte to of the farth. for by eauſe p fayth is fũdaeion of alle 
helth ¶ End that wytheute fayth itis inpoſſpble to plesſe 
god / re it is Bat thenne in thys poynt the deuy lt 
Fron bis fante e Oe tte he mae pp d goo 
6 o make hym to goo 
ante of tetoape fer bie fautfe Cd Lafoure kme 
moch ely for to dyſceyne hym by [ome errours ſupeꝛ⸗ 
ſtyeious oꝛ ¶ End by cauſe eueꝛy goode eryſten 
perfone is lounden to 1 Mot onelp in the aꝛtyeles 
of the fapthe catholyte: ¶ uk all the holy ſerypture and 
oughte ko be ſubgyette and ſub mytte hym ſelfe to alle the 
ſtalates of the ehyrehe of Vome / Ind fermely to aßyde and 
deye in the fame creance and ¶ For etys vf & 
Motte beg ynne to erre in ony of the thynges A ay ſard 

Henne incontynent he (olde goo oute of the fayth of lyf g 
waye of belthe. Nlwape oughte to be Rnotven certapnly 
that in thie temptaeyon of the ſayth / no in other Binges 
ſolowynge. the deuyll mape not oueꝛeome the peꝛſone. as 
longe as be (ball haue the vſage of his free wyll well dyſ 
poſed / pf bp his olone agrementhe wyll not oonſent top 
deuil / & nd therfore it is good ga thing mock pro 

5 aboutthepm p trauay tt in thartyele of dett be vepeteo Lopes 
an bye voys § erede / and ſymbole of Be fayth / to Bend that 
by that meane the perſone deyeng be the more heꝛted and ens 
coraged fy the eonſtanee of the fayth / To the ende alſo that p 
deuylles whypehe haue boꝛrour to here it Be putte aBacke and 
dryuen awap: Certapulp the fayth of the true aũ eyent mey 
as ſomtyme were abraham. xlaac and Jacoß. &lſo of for 
me payuyms g gentylis / as were Jobe / aab Puth Bier — 
gotzer ſemblable / nd alſo they of thappoſtelys. and of the 
Innumeꝛable martyꝛis. confeſſours and Zirgynes / The fa⸗ 
pth of fucke e, che [eke man 
to the conſtaunes and [berefaftne fle of che faytß / For by fap 
the alte they of tyme paſſed and of this preſente tyme haue 
pleaſed god / ¶ End it is Inpollp Ble to pleaſe god wython 
tr faythe / or fapth mage arte & nd verax faytz geteth alt 
that it requyreth ¶ The ſeconde temptacpon is ayenſte hope 
Gy opfpapre. Foꝛ à perſone oughte to haue alle hope ano 
confprence in god & nd it happeth terme when a peꝛſone 
beynge (eRe in his Boop is tormented wyth crete payne aud 
ſoꝛoddes / that the deuylle enſoꝛ ſeth to bꝛynge to him ſorolde 
Bpon ſorolv. y bryngyng tofore his rememBraunce alt his 
ſennes bp all the wayes that he mayeſ at leſte cheym p he ne 
uer conſeſſpo hym of to thende that Bp 3 meane he dꝛawe him 
into diſperaedn Bpon this purpos ſayttz Innoeẽt. Hat euerx 

etpſten peꝛſone be he goode oꝛ cupll to fore that his fonle yſſu 
eth oute of his Doe ſeeth oure lorde ißeſu eryſte ſette in the 
eroſſeſ that is to wyte he euyl to theyr eonfuſion to the end 
at they haue ſhame and oben that they haue not 
goten in lyf the fruytof the vedempeyon / Ind the go 
ode fo theyꝛ honour and pleaſyr. Metheles none oughte to 
haue deſpayre in noo wyſe How mock felon and cuplt he 
Bath bey. though that he had commyſed as many murtheꝛs 
and theftes as Bere ben dropes of water and ſmi alle grao 
uell in the fee! yet were it fo that of them he had neuer door 
penaunce ne confeſſyd theym l as longe as the pacpence of 
our loꝛde holdeth hym in this mortall lyf / nd that he haue 
power and mygßhte to repente Sym! Mo twytß ſtandyng that 
then by force of maladye and ſeſtenes he maye not confeſſe 
him. For onely contryeyon wytßinfoꝛth may ſuffpſe in fu: 
ehe a eas? Foꝛ god dyſpyſeth neuer a contryte Beste and hum 
le / And alſo the pyte and merey of god is moche more Ha 
onp iniqupte oꝛ wyeliednes. Wnd theꝛfore the ſynne and 
eryme of deſperaeyon is to hym that onely by Which he maz 
ve not be ſaued ne guaryſſed ¶ For hy this ſynne god vol 
7 is ꝛyghte ppteons is ouer moche offendyd. End the o 

Ber ſynnes be ſo mock the more agreued / ¶ nd alſo the 
payne etern alle is of ſo moche more augmentyd Vnto the 
Infenyte ¶ The euyltes and ſynnes oommpſed and paſſed 
greue not fo mock . But diſpayre dyſpleaſetg more. nd 
cherfore none ouggte to dyſpapre of tbe meꝛey of god. the 
ugß that he onely had comyſed all the ſynnes of the world 
pet thaugh he ſuppoſe to be of te nombre of that be damp⸗ 
nes / In trouth the dyſpoſiexon of ÿ body of our loꝛd Aan 
eriſte hẽgyng in the eroſſe ought mocks e duee a ſele pſone 
paynyng to che deth to haue verzx hope g = ingod / 


For he bath the Gre indpred and bowed to piles) the 
armes pati a brode for tenBrace vs (the handes perevd g 

0 255 to gyue to Be. the ſyde open for to loue vs / es 
all his body ſtracko for to gyue hym ſelfe alt to vs / 

therine is a vertue moth lo wable and of grete meꝛpte to 
esd To this purpoſe comen many examples ag of 
aynk peter. Biche venyed and forfoRe Jheſu eryſte. Of fer 
ynt poule / lohiche perſecuted holp chyrehe / Of ſeynt mathew 
C of ʒacheus whiehe were publyeana / Of maꝛpe magdale⸗ 
ne the ſynner / OF the womay that was faken iy aduoul⸗ 
trye Of the the ef that Benge on dhe ryghte {pre of Jeſu ery⸗ 
ſte. Of ſaynt marye egypexen . N nd of many moo ober 
whyeße were grete ſynners & hoꝛryble. Wdiche alway fete 
alle Bepr hope in god. and were ſaued. The thyue tempta⸗ 
cpon (Bat (Be deuyt maketh to kheym that deye. is by Impa⸗ 
cpence:that is ayenſte charyte / For by charpte we ben holden 
to loue god a boue alle thynges. ow is it thus that bo 
chem that dexe / cometh ryght get ſorowe g payne of hert g 
of body. Be it that the deth come naturellp / or that it 
came By ony other euyll aceydent. For bypayne g ſorolde 
many ther be that len Impaepent g grutehynge. and sepen 
in fucke wyſe as they ſemen made 02 oute of theyr wytte 
as it apyereth ofte / wherfor it is certayn that ſuehe peple hen 
out of Gerp loue e charpte.c that they loue not god ſuffyſaũ 
tly and therfor it is neceflarpto euert man p wyll deye. that 
in kwhat ſelenes be it Bort or long. hat Be murmurene grut 
che not / but ſuffre it paciently for wwe fuffre by good vyght 
all theuylles that comen to Os / c pet be not the paſſpous of 
this woꝛld cõdygne ne woꝛthp to the glorpe tocomelthis is 
then gechyng moehe Iniuſte yfof the tuſte paſſpon we mur⸗ 
mure or gꝛudche. For lpRe as the ſoule is poſſeſſyd ty pa: 

DW... to...) CO o . 

eyence and zy murmure he ſoule is loſte and dampned / ou 
beg our ford thus entre in to his glorye and kno 

pe that the Infipmpte to fore the deth is lyle as a pure 
gatore (oo that it be ſuffred lyfe as it ateꝛteyneth / that is 
to ſape / paepentiyigladly ¢ E nnd it cometh by dps 
unt dyſpenſac dg that to the lengeſt vyeeg ſynne is gyutn 
che nd that god mereyfully ſendeth tem 


body what ſo euer they le ew e to be 
wythoute gꝛutehynge / for tetdat well loueth to bym is no 
thynge Impoſſyble l The fourth temptacpor of cheym that 
275 is Becomplacence or plaſpꝛ of theym ſelſe / and that is 
a poritull e by the whiehe Be deuplle aſſaylleth moſt 
ſheym chat be deuoule / and it happeth wan the deuyll hach 
not moe ne can not induce the man to god oute of the 
faxth. he to make hym fall in to deſpeꝛaeyoh or into Impa 
pencel Chat then Ge aſſaulteth hym by compl acence oꝛ plaifyr 
bym ſelfe / to hym pſentyng in his hert ſueße choughtes / o 
Bom thou art ferme g ſtedfafte in the faytß / o how Mou arte 
ſure in hope. o how thou art ſtronge ¢ paeyent / o how thou 
haſte doon many good dedes. or ſuche thynges ſemblable for 
fo put hym in vayn glorye / but ayenſt thys late none gyue 
to hymſelfe no maner prayſpng / ne auaunte hym ne none 
glorifye hemſelfe of his good ave. ne preſume nothynge of 
rn ſelfe / ne not attꝛybute hym ſelfe to doo nothyng well 
for this eõplacenoe is vayn glorye. and it may be fo grele 
that by it a man myght be dampned / & may nye his athe 
ought to be well aduyſed. whan by ſuche pryde be fel hym ſel 
fe tempted. lat they hehũble a mete hym ſelfe fo mock the 
move / E hat be wychdꝛa we hym in thynn nge his wet 


tae and Bie ſynnes / Foꝛ none is ceꝛtaxn . yf ke le dyg 
orthp to haue deſeꝛued the loue of god / oꝛ the hate of 
ese none ougßt to deſſ relay ut bs ig 
herte to god By. good Kore in thynkynge and 
agen Ais merey of god to be aloue alle his wertzit 
The fyfche bempeacyon that moſt troubleth the ſeeule:s and 
Ywordlp men. is the ouer grebe ocupacpon of outwaꝛde thin 
ges and temporal, as towarre his wyf his eßyldꝛey g his 
frendes caꝛn all / to warde hi ryebeſſes oꝛ towaꝛde ocher thyn 
ges / whiche be Bath mooſt loued in his lyf And therfore 
whoſomeuer wylt well g ſurely dexe / be ought to ſet ſymplx 
and all from hym alle out warde thynges g temporell / and 
oughte alle to cõmytte bo god fullx / and fe 1 90 doo inſuf 
eee ee, dethſße ſatyſfpeth for alt his 
alle ſynnes / & nd that more is be bꝛyngeth ſome thyn 
ge for to fatyffpe for the dedely ſynnes / itt Bappeth not 
ofte that ony be foũde be he ſeculer or veguleꝛ / that hepeth not 
vr e ſro e e 3 this folyſtze hope is a thin 
moch dyſorored in euery eryſten man 
and 5 a cometh Op — 775 deuyl / che whiebe 
map not ſurmoũte the man in none of the ſayd e 
ons ne in none other what ſomeuer they bes But 
Baupnge thufage of rayſon toptt by his owne agremente 
conſent to hym. For our en me is foo feble Bat he may not 
oueromeſbuthym that wyll le vaynquyſſhed / &nd god is 
(oo good and iuſte that he [Batt not fuffre Ye to be tempted 
ech that wohiehe we map not wytz ſtonde ut he Bait 
doo to BS apde and ptouffpte wyth the temptaeyon To the 
ende that we may ſuſteyne it ¶ nd euer man ought to 
ſtno we chat the die tore of temptaeyons eometh alwape Bp 
bumplite æ meßenes / For ttey that haue not in theymthe 


citer moge, Bete A Gor Souda Agana his eee 
be made fo fore or that e cage ech. . 

End pf Be anſueres of the (ee perſone appyere ne 

not ſu Lied to ee 5 be chrto 5 

medye rmacyon ere 

map be. & nd alſo oughbe to ke ſhewed berehe 

re and bolſome drede he haue on and be ſaued 

is m ¢ 

0 aer ane e and eae ry 

Spon. but it is a thyngedialo eet t to acrpftey man be 
vnge in thartpeh of dech for to hyde from hym the perplle of 

not eee fe aah 5 thie putin ane ae 
fered holſomelp the leyng sec ebe 

arsed ng to bymthat eee 

and neneetbel seeps not. In lybe wyſe dyd fapnt gre 

gore when hy fered Golfo en bis ies for his proprpte. 

e a in lhaꝛtyele of delh / Item oughte 

han at ee oF Ge erucpfix 

soon Bath sets 1. — 

Bath moft loued ae iy his 5 
she chen imbue he 
afoute theym. ko uyllys & putte a⸗ 
Pte dopupofe Henny tBe orapfons saa 

Into our Lowe nd te 
ae eee e,, 

des / ne loyf / ne ehyldren / ne rycheſſes. ne other goodes tempo 

vell / But onely as moche n of the 

ls demaundeth g requp Who ſomeuer then wyl 
ne lo depe. late hym come g lerne alle the thynges ſorſayd 

people truly woythoute nombre haue deceyued lheym 
and lounden theym ſelfe in abydyng the laſte 1 00 

grue ne 

by ſome dylygente cure / by Befp dyſpo ſiexon g alſo by ſtudy⸗ 

ſite renneth Spor theym ſodaynly. that yf it were poſſpble 
alle ay hole eyte oughte renne Haſtelp to a peꝛſone that 
The oroyſons and prayers that oughtey to be ſayd vpoy 
the ſeſie peꝛſone in thartyele of det: 
pnallpꝑ it oughte to be knowen that the oroyſons whi 
che folowen oughte lo be ſayd vpon or ouer a fee per 
fone aboue the prapers that our modeꝛ holy ehiꝛehe bath 
aeeuſtomed fo ſape ouer the eRe peꝛſones lalorynge tothe 
delh¶ nd pl the (eRe peꝛſone be relygxous / T& couente 

oughte to be aſſembled bp the tablelas it is accuftumeds 
nd after they oughte to ſaye che Eetarpe/ opty e A 

the Reel er re arte 
rde Hefur eryſte ſone of the Farerly charpte/ J byſe⸗ 
Bethe for the loue that thou zyght mock worthy / ry⸗ 

She Innocente / « moche delgeatyf madeſt thy felfe lo Be com 
man / to be wounded and deye for the Belthe of man. Bat 
thou wylte pardone and foꝛgeue this thy ſeruaunt. l. Shes 
ſus rygbt meteyful forpene hym all that bp by wo⸗ 
de /oꝛ By dede / by affeccpons, or moeupnges / by bis ſtrong⸗ 

aby bie wytle of Bodp cof ſoule he Bath treſpaord. Ind 

ttempflpon gpue lo Byes for that rage ſaffiſal cen, 
daexon Bp the wbiehe thou vnbondeſt tbe ſynne of all toe 
worde: nd for full fulfpllynge of alt neelygencis / Sop! 
ne to hymthat rygzt reop and valyaunt converfacpoy that 
Gon haddeſt ſyth and from the hour of thp concepepoy vnto 
tte oure of thy detß ¶ End more ouer apne to hym the 
fruyt of all the Weekes made and dooy Bp all 
etoſen ſayntee ſytß the begynnynge of the worlde vn bo 
ende Qui Finis et regnas deus peꝛ oĩa 928 aie 


(WtheBonoure of the ryght feruent loue by the wizi⸗ 

che the lpf of alte lyuynge conſtrayned the lo be in 

caꝛnate / Q nd in anguyſſßous eſpeꝛpte bo dexe on 
tze eroſſe ¶ We remember oy a newe of thy ryght benyg⸗ 
ne herte / to the ende that to thys thy ſeruaunte. M. ourbro 
e awaꝝ alle bps e Gino thet eae 
pene him all. Spthy rpabt holy connerfacpon! Nnd by the 
meꝛpte of thy spate holy paflpor: That mtn hym to 
Tenne multplude ſuperß aßsundaunt 1 5 
cpalt hie perfone our Brother . G bene tn batt 
(cd haſtely to calle to the Bp 2 11 e 
thatit be to hym 2 7 et ee 
¶ y veraypenaunce. Bp playne remyſſpon. bre befen 
fapts | by fete bope / End hy rygbt Aedes Bary, In 
ſuehe wyſe that in ꝛyght paꝛfpght eſtate he map bleſſyd 
ly departe and exſppre bytwene (hy rygßt ſwete embra⸗ 
C05 7 chy prapſynge eteꝛnall / men 

To godt 
UW to the Santee of thy merey ineſtymabbe holx fa⸗ 

9 Juſte fader / and moehe byloued / We recommadls — 

1 5 ſoule of thy ſeꝛuaunt. Qt. our Brother. Fy 
pꝛapenge the humbly afteꝛ the gretnes of the loue Bythe 
whiehe the ryghe holy foute of thx fone rerommaunded hym 
to the in the eroſſẽ ¶ That bi the ineſtymable Barpte of 
oplecepor By the whiehe / tou wohiehe artt paternyte deuyne 
dreweſte to the tte ſame ryght holy ſoule ¶ Shou 
wylte atte thys i this thy ſeꝛuaimt. . 
our bᷣrother receyue ty (Be fame loue his Amen: 

To god the ſone: 

ny mock louyd redemer ryght pyetous: Bele 
0) iy abt Benpgne/ We praye thy lacrpmabe Boys hy 

che whreße iy the huma am thou ſbaloeſt for 
Is depe / Chou were conſumed of labonꝛs and ſorodves / i 
ſuebe wyſe that thou were lefte of Bp fadeꝛ Thal thou 
dradoe not the belpe and apde of thy merny to thys. N. hy 

4 nd the eonſumpeyoy 16 , 
not in thle extreme Boar of bie cet) Eur Bp the kun 

fhpon | and of thy 8 thynte oy yay T 
Ge mt yee 

wu rele wych Gope of eraltacpon and oy amen 

fivete Jeſus fone of Abe | $ 


deſte thy be day (oul bo Ep Benenly bese 

neffaBlepple Oye fouk of thist p feruannte 

t ouꝛ hrodez. in requy ng thy rreßt meꝛerfult 
eh yt met Enon ok ie 

Fe rygbt myghty delonayꝛ and mereyfull / whiehe 
welke de fy Gat = 
nes 4 
taunt / And that Bp pardoy of rempffpor Boyoefte tbe eal | 
pe and blame of all ſynnes ¶ Beholde wylh pytye vpon 
this thy ſeruaunte (M. our yee Yobick Yopth alle con: 
feſſyoy of keꝛte vequpreth the of pardone. and maden of 
att his ſywus / & coorde and graunte it to hym ye 
the / nd renne in hym mock 1 ee alle 0 
ae worldely fraplte hath be in hym a And 
that whiehe By Frande opabolph bath be in hym dra 
g defoyled / and aſſemble hym in the vnyte ‘sf our moder heli 
cbireheſas one of the noͤbre of redempeyoy / lord baue meꝛet 
oy his waylynges / haue merey oy bis beeris / and b 
bym bo the ſacrament of pr holy e Sor 
bath no truft But in thyne In 

Co ou BEfTyo ladꝝ / 

tentyer and eternalle bleſſyd vyꝛgyne gloryo⸗ 
0 marpel apoerefle and fee Pall cra and 
neceffpte ſocoure Bo ſwetily now. And Bere fo 
thy fernaitt Bere, (. ouꝛ e in this 
laſte nereſſite / wythdra Se oct uote f 

the Bertue erchemgde thyryght dere forte ourloꝛd tBu eryſte 
holy croſſe e paſſpon and delyuer hy st e o 
the body and of ſoule / lo ne * 
ee faynt mychaell 

595 ch . oa ures i 
ende / and mmyghtyly dragon 
infemal / and from alle the fralddes of the cuplt fpprptes 

O pet furthermore we p ꝛay lhe lwhiehe arte che pant Lom 
and mocge Fapecffatwer of te oeup nylel to the ende that i 
5 Keen bende bie abb op w 
p vecepue his ſoule · iy 
5 Si ml that ou TplteSeynge beny inthe pla 
ar of peas and reſte / Nmey 
Cech lere fone alte his ende 
afer Bester orf commamne ge ge 
ese commptte Be to bymiof whome thou 
art ereatuve. to lde ende whay by thy wth Hon ine 
a ee che dutye of nature bumapne tho. i mayſte ve 
naler Which of the ſiyme of the erte four’ 
— te ie her oute 155 dy. when it 
75 ee foSnoauntcompanpe of an⸗ 

and mete the ¶ The wable 
sft it of apt tl 25 ez 3 
of martrys map mete the Be companpe adorned 

1 225 confeffours apis che ¶ C 
ts eee eee 
fhe che bleſſpo reſte of patryarties 
opine fo ige / Qld Sopne thepm top the ¶ And make 
the to dpſſezue to be emonge che aſſpſtentes wych che 
That chow aßopde alle that ip terenele is horryble 
alle that iy flames . and e 

al Yo 
9 Be gh ace fb A wytz og ao 

ee an deal oa We 

es be dyſſppate. and they that bate hym fle to fore his face 

Saane Wa moke faylletß. and as the 

peryſte to fore the Face 1 god nd the Juſte perfones cos 

men and rae ale ile bays delite Sew 
ngs a 

9 rier pei ly: fyre. and be e ſhamed 


che dapned to deye onthe eroſſe / And conftytute che emo 

the Lie and R 1 Ci ance 

{tour and Breeman Rnotve 
rpeue fo he atte thy Ai sine e tze on his 

ee Sie 

World wych amen: 
foute rant (Gis worlde whayit 

One od in of the fader whiehe dle 
te l ehe che name of „ fea the 

d dech. and in the name of ſhe holy ghoſte WoGiche hach 
ſteode iy the his grace come to thx metyngẽ / nd focoure 
the che holy angettes fes of god / The arehangellys. Che Oer⸗ 
tues. Che poteſtates / The ompnacpons, The trones. Sh 
cheubyns / & nd the ſyraphyns / Come to Bpne Sele and 
apde. C hte patrparſtes / and the pwyhetes / T he apoſteles and 
euaungelyſtes / T he maꝛtyres and oonfeſſouns / Che mons 
Ne 2 Serge an 100 fed 5 The 

ren and the Innocen 0 the 
and orayſons of e deſtens / And 5 Bein 

wynde of prxde. falle neuer in to the foꝛnays. N nd theꝛfor 
euer ſynneꝛ oughte Boolp to meke hymſelfe vndeꝛ met 

to of our loꝛ 

ſes and in att trybulacyons of papy ¢ of ſotowe Vntothe 

Incluſy Of the demaundis ¢ queſti 
ey : Boras wae ise oes 
0 be made aſdynges g demaũdes of them 

4 at ben in thartyele of dech as longe as they Baus 

| or po nd that ep ö 
that meyen the fetter enſoꝛmed g confoꝛted / after ſayth (a7 
ynt anſelme the ſe maneꝛs of demaũdes oughten to be ſayd 
thus as here foloweth. C ew bꝛoder or ſuſter in namynge 
the name. art thou Joyfult that thou deyeſt in the fayth of 
our lorde Jheſu eryſte. nd he or ſteongte lo anſuer ye / re⸗ 
pen teſt the of that or fuck tyynge wierio thou were e nely⸗ 
neo] &nſuere pe Haſte tou Vopite to amende the yf thou 
haddefte (pace to lꝑue / & nſuere pe] ¶yſtueſte thou that 
fuerte anv pe pullin! Gade vel Dee toby 

u and hy his pa ete pe Pelde to Sym 
een Whiles that chy ſoule is 
in the / ¶ End conſtytube and fete alle Bp tꝛuſte in this 
deth thatthou abydeſte noth pꝛeſently. Nnd haue no truſte 
| —_ th onpothes thynge. gyue thy ſelfe ouer / ooueꝛ the alle / and 
TNꝛuꝛappe the inchis deth / Nnd yf god wyll Judge the. faye 
ftt⸗hus tohym. Lorre J putte thy deth bytwene thy Jugemẽ 
| te and me Otherlvyſe J wyll not debate ne ſtꝛyue apenſt 
che J offer the Ge merptes of thy ryghe Worthy pallor: 
by mem y 5 ougßt to haue goten.· doßiehe J haue nothyn 
ge don g wo is metherſo rnolwo / and recomaũde atthis tyme 

my ſpyꝛpte in bo lhy handes. theſe de maildes and queftyone 
tofore ſapd ought to be ſayd / as well to religyouſes as to fe 
cufers, to thende that in the payne of athe they be the Better 
enfoꝛmed of theyr eſtate. End yf the tyme ſuffre it men on 
ghte pet to ſaye this that foloweth / Oyleueſt thou alle 
2 neypall artyeles of the fayth of holy chirehe / g alle the 
ee in alle thynges and theopoficdy of the catßolp 
fie and atte holy doetours of our modeꝛ holy ehirehe. anfuew 
pel deſpyſeſt thou g repreueſt alle hereſies / erwouꝛs ¢ f. 
eyons / hick be reproued of holy chiꝛche / he oughte bo anf⸗ 
uer ye / knowleeheſte thou that ofte cin many maners thou 
baſte rygbt qrenouflp offended thy matter / anſuer pe. Ns 
ſayth ſaynt bern ardel ther is none ſaued / wythoute to haue 
te noboleche of hy ſelſe. for of this knolwleche grolweth Buz 
mylyte. whieße is moderof heltha / pet ought 2 
Groder oꝛ ſuſter ſoroweſte thou ſoꝛ alle Bp ſynnes Whiehe 
thou Haft eõmyſed ayenſt ÿ mageſte. the loue / the goodnes 
of god / e of the good deres p chou haſt not con cof the grar 
cess of god of Wubiche p halt & neelygent. he ougßt to anfuet 
a Bou oughteſt not onely to foro w for doubbe of the deth 
Biche tou attendeſt or for onp paint / but for the loue of 
god or of Juſtyee. and (Bou voquyreſt pardon Vopth alle thy 
herte. & nſuer pe / Deſpreſt thou alſo that Hyp herte map be 
melied fo the linolulege of the def aultes of lwohiec thou arte 
not rememhred preſentelp / To the ende that thou mayſt du 
ly repente the / He oughte to anſueve ye ¶ Murpoſiſt thou 
Lerptablp to amende the / pf thou myghlefte lyue and be ho⸗ 
fei End that thou wol deſt neueꝛ ſynne dedely in erneſte. 
End haddeſte benen to loſe the beſte thynge that thou loueſt 
pe thy bodylylyf. to fore thou Woldeſt offende thy mater 

= 1 W * on or = ny 
— : — 

3 god woyth good hert that he wylt ayue the grace 

nes that/ that thon haſt 
crew to ee be ace ae 
3 1 7 that thou haſt talen a 
hath b . Gown 
den and aſterttze thy faculte / vnto 
e told anes sao bt a e 
t to anſuere pe / yleueſte thou that 
5 1 Tela cryſte be ded for tze. And 75 ocherwyſe § 
hteſt not be ſaued. But hythe meryte of bis preeyous 
pale Bankeft hym theꝛ far wyth all thy hert / aſuer pe. 
¶ In twuth Woo ſomeueꝛ ſhart mowe affyrmatyfly anſ⸗ 
uere e waa to 70 fapo/ gor eu 
and oute faynyn aue euyden 
figne and aꝛgument of bach Gs that be (Batt be of the 
nom ve of theym that Balt be ſaued / yf he eye in this 1 
ent ¶ End pF there be none to demaunde hym. he oughte to 
LX eks,etorne to hym ſelſe. Nno to dem aun de hym felfe in confide, 
1 e ſubtylly that be ſpalte oonne mowe / Mf he 
13 3 d lyſte as ſapd is ¶ For wych oute thie dyſpo⸗ 
ſeeyon may no man by ony manere & ſaued ¶ & nd Tob 

| fomener (Balle fete hy ſalfe thus webt apfefo/ Be oughte 

to recdmaund hym all to the paſſpon of oure fore Wefrcrp 
fte@] & nd to putte hym {pl fe alt in the vememb raunce and 
in medytacpon of the ſame as he ſhalle mowe : End that 
2s his Inſprmpte (hatte ſuffre Spy & nd by Bis moyen & 

ũted q ouereomen all che temptaeyons of che deuylt 

and his pahtefubtpt mares and fattaces: 
Eynt gregoꝛre fapth that alt the aceyon and wer 
Be of ouꝛ loꝛde Meſu cꝛpſte / oughte to be ouꝛ Inſtrue 
epo / & nd therfore euer goode cryſten perſone diſ⸗ 
poſeo Yell Go reper oughte to doo after hig manere and poſ 
ply 6e in Bislafte onde [phe as dyd our lord / rußan Be dey⸗ 
to on the eroſſe. Mod it is ſoo that our Low dyd fyue (Spit 
des pryncipaliy hangyng Be on eroſſeſhe adoured q prapd 
he Woepte / he coped. be commaůded his ſouls lo god / and he pel 
ded to hym his bio fern C bus femblably euerp fee man con 
ſtytuted in thaꝛtyele of rth oughte bo adouve and prape at 
lefte in his hert pF be map not 12 For aes faye} ſaynt q⸗ 
ſodore it aũaplith more toprape Yopth bert in ſeylener and 
wychout ſpeltynge Ban by wordes onely wytßoute talpng 
bete of the thought / Secondly Be ought to wepe / not wytß 
2 bodyly epery onelp. But wyth the taeves of his bert n re⸗ 
pentynge Berely hym ſelfe ¶ Chndly be e to 
e fw the depnes of his herte and not or god 
ploeth more the deſire of e the Sov 
lſo to erpe Vopth che herte is none eis * But 
to defire r eee, 
Fouꝛthly he ought to recõmaũde his ſoule lo 
ns in mer, us @2 ite thelyße ought to pelo bi 
5 to god Volũtarely in cõfoꝛmyng him all 3 
of god phic as tt apeꝛteynith / e is ieee 
eraeyons that . 
ouerayn deyte right gret boũte 8 ape teinp 
te fouciapy dilecõn.loue g Bavite haue meꝛey onme 
2 de 2 22 Fates right yy 
eto9/ fader this pouꝛe creature. 
eee wett ee pour ſou 

le belples nots g deſolate / bo theneꝛ (Batre be not deuoured 84 
ige hol dis i eee nl belouyd lord 
Jeeſu eryſt ſe weck Rupr god. for the loue g hondure. and 
Bp the Gale ep paſſyon cy ee ag the 

that q ke now veceyued amonge the nomber of thy 
cy 8 ſoules / Oe ſaueour and my redemeꝛ J pelde 
vefuſe me not J come to be putte me not fro 
7 iheſu eryſte J alis of Be Gruen) nothinge for 
ha of me ert) § Foꝛ Jam no thinge but duſte and 
fee and a ſynner rygdte myſeraßlell Idemaũde of 
the inp Bertue and in the value e 
tze whiehe thou es wylned to iehe ama 
e ynner opt} fhp moch preexon 
eee apa go Sie 
in the kree of the . —..— 
oa ot fis bop benous Soke Boop at 
thou haue merep on my moſte Vretetee foul! at his depan⸗ 

ee e 
vineula mea tbs fa 

eee dm̃ inuocalo. That is te 
Ban tot (hat ſserifpee to 
[hall call on p name of our loꝛde 

ane ent fee auch J this verſe is Beleued to be of ſo mo 
che vertu p if a man N Bersp ed cõ fapth in thence of his 
lyf bis ſynnes ben to him forgyuẽ after tBefe thingis 5 fes 
Re ma onght if he may moche ẽtieꝛly Vopth het ¢ mouth the 
leſt wyße chta heſbatt modwe vequyre e call into his heipe j 
. 6 viꝛgyn mau webt is j Berap meane of 
alt fnnesie fle ae adreſſich them in Ber Hertener to 
hiꝛ in this mane: Quene of heuen modeꝛ of meꝛeyg refuge 

offpmnees meelt the brsetz that chen Welte reconfile 

me to the dere ſone / in callynge his YWoorthi goodnes 
Sanne forthe presi be wylt per 
„„ rynge me in to his 
8e forte 1 mec 

it fapea.po of bus gels moc§e glorpous 

pou) pe Vat aſſyſtẽte / wyth mep now 
neth bab e btily fro the awaytes 
¢ ome myn eee. betekent 

dule in to pou: companpe mp 

mse FC ͤ 
dern @ Reper/ I prape and requpre the that thou not» ayde g 
helre me. Ind after he oug ht to requyre the appoſtelig. the 
prea oonfeſſours and the vergynes / tna in eſpeey⸗ 
alt the ſayntes 1 moſte loued euer ¶ ¶fteꝛ alt thyſe 
thynges 5 fape thre tymes pf he mape tele wor 
des that folowwe an 
ſapnt &uſtꝛne¶ The peas of our lone Neu erſte. Che 
Lee ba le ae: Che fi me of in 
Te entyeꝛneſſe of the humplpte of th e dirgyne marie: 

Sk e of alle te ſayntes: The of the arts. 

„ lle 

this Goure ee eee . 5 fie 

man 02 woman mape ne ean not or 
pꝛapers toſore ſ en,, 

faye . resent 1 e ee 
a 1 
See e 9392 65 sete 

te bo baene! aap inet is a 

Au as mock as he ſhalle mowe ¶ 

p e rendre and pelde his ſoule lo god. and loythoute 
Fate ſhal le ſaued 

et ought to be lnowen thatenerppafone hauyng th 

Cone e drede of god in hym elfe and alſo the cure of 
ſoules o é mache lt a dilygentiy induce and admoneſ 
fe (he feke perſone conſtptuled in perylt of body oꝛ of ſoule. 
Nen 8 erf be ee . ats wyth⸗ 
oute onp del ape for remedpe of medieyne pe ſpprituel 
For it Bappeth ofte that th pnfpꝛmyte e ſebenes of the body 
taketh his bigymnyng of the langour of the ſoule / And 
therfore the pope cõmaumdeth (traptly to all leehes æ phyſiei 
ens of the body. that to no maner feRenes they myniſtre ne 
gyus bodily medieyne.lyll that thx haue admoneſted g twa 
ined theym to gebe and Cake fyrſte the ſpyrituel med ieyne / 
Chat is to Vopte in reetpuynge deuouteli the facramente of 
bolp Birches In oꝛdeynynge bia teſtament / and in opfpofin 
ge lawfully his ßouſe g olbeꝛ gootes and nedes. Q no Here 
oughhbe not to le gyuen to onp (eke perfone ouer m 
eee bodyle helthe / Hew le it that ofte tps 
mes many don the oontꝛee in piudyee of thepr ſowles. pe 
to theym other while p e eee 
de Batty wut rot har Fee oft ann (0 y foc Fal 
coforte Sp ſuehe faynt tꝛuſt of leit / p (eRe pfon falleth in 
dapnacis.and cheꝛfor q ſele peꝛſon ought lo de tboꝛted e deſt 
wee Bi Ser cBterepon @ Bp Sep cöſeſſiöhe voum the hatze 
of his ſoule / alſo j ſame may moctze auapll for Bath of his 
Boop / if it be to him exrediẽt e he (Balt be bett apeaſed ¢ moꝛe 
aſſurid. forit ſeld happeth faith fait cregorp p Geri cdtriend 
ce vgs ape tlhe dad e Bp ehen 

ya other helth / End they in e 

as it is ſinowẽ in all Be ee eee 

commaũidemẽt is of god / or Beper vodves voluntaryly. but 
oneſt fayntip and by ſemblaunt / yet oughteuertman lo in / 
duce hym that is in thaꝛtpele of eth. Ke 
be and Bp reaſon of (houqhte. chat he do payne and 
ere sie ey ordred paepence / that is to ſaye that not⸗ 
pihſtandyng ſorowe ne drede Tubjefe femme Lang 1625 
ee eee 
voluntary diſpleaſurt 
Beslan xd that he eee 
2 irae byfore takers deloetaexon and that he doo 
papne to ſaunece as moche as he (Batt mowe: 
Denen but to iht ende chat Be renne nol 
tele fees be pa 
thynges Gattoere ſayd ty the focomee partye 
treatipe Spon the temptaepon of deſperaepon. Me ought ab 
ſo bo he ad moneſted to Be covaged and ſtronge axen ſte allo 
Bea temptacyons there seclenes Qtifp la ne to de 
The bee thucts ba ben e f exeomunpeaci⸗ 
no in of excom 
on / And that wytß all his mygbte he fuBmeptte hym to the 
oꝛdynaunoꝛ of our modeꝛ Bolt chyꝛeße/ to thende that he be [a 
ved: Item pf the ſele man haue longe ſpace of tyme. and ỹ 
Ge Gent oppnehpo ofhaſty deth. the affpftentis ought tore 
d toſore hym hiſtoryes and deuoute & whiche tofore 
he delyted g tolte plraſur in ¢ men oughle to remẽ hre hym 
eee, brofa 4 
rep onde Fonte any thynge in 

compfeo and treſ⸗ 
Be Be re 
pendent ee a 

. femme lane oustlprae ofp i 

of alt degrees of the ehirehe calholybe lo He ende (hat 
place be 1 Gnd Bat thyn habptacpor be in 
| Beculleniper rpnya fin noftad Ken 

Mae ee Bae f 3 of ee 

de. Cuery ne mock Befilp tafte Bere lopour 
L. . come bo a goode — 
he bath can lexʒer ¶ To this 1 — 5 moche wele 
ue a felawe g trewe frende deuoule and oonuenable 
e hem trulx / nd Bat he oo 

le and ooꝛage hym in e e of the fayth wyth 8508 
pacpence and deuoeyoy / wyth good eonfydenee and 
raunce. And that ouer hym Taye alt thyſe ſard oropſons 
Yell ententyfly and deuoutely whilys thatbe is in tꝛauayl 
of det ut ae . to come to the effeete of theſe 

prapers / is alle neceſſarpe the dyſpoſieyoy of hym that oops 

able as it hath be ſayd here to fore / Nnd theꝛfor to eue⸗ 

p yerſone that wel and ſurely wyl deye. is of neceſſpte Bat 
he lerne bo deye / oꝛ the deth conte and prevente hym. 

Thus endeth the tꝛaytiye e e 

che xö. fae Sens the yee of cu loc a 
Qn ius Gxvvx. 


Ars moriendi 

A reprint in 
of a treatise 8 
arte & crafte 
to dye.