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Full text of "Review of the physical science study committee high school physics course"

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eommn  high  school  ^iysics  co  psf 


B.S.,  Baker  University,  1961+ 


submitted  in  oartial  fulfillment  of  the 

requirements  for  the  degree 


College  of  Education 

Manhattan,  Kansas 


Aporoved  by: 

0     iff) 

I  a j or  Professor 



The  author  wishes  to  express  his  sincere  appreciation 
to  Dr.  Ronald  Anderson,  Assistant  Professor  of  Education, 
Kansas  State  University.  His  suggestions  in  planning  and 
comoleting  the  report  have  been  most  helpful. 




Statement  of  the    Problem     ••••• ••  3 

Importance  of  the  Study   .    • k 

Procedures  Fnrployed  in  the  Study.    ••••••••  l± 



Organization  of  the   Physical  Science 

Study  Co*.'---"ittee    ......... 5 

Why  and  How  the   Physical  Science  Study 

Committee  Developed   Its  Course      .......   10 

The   Physical  Science  Study  Committee  Course    •    •    •  22 


SCIENCE  STUDY  COMMITTEE  COURSE    ...........    25 


THF  PHYSICAL  SClBBCI  STUDY  GGK&Ttm  COURSE     .    ...    33 




Since  the  early  years  of  the  20th  century,  the  natural 

sciences  have  undergone  two  distinct  and  consequential  changes. 

First,  the  sciences  themselves  have  r-.rown  enormously ,  both  In 

technique  and  In  depth.   Mext,  science  has  become  inextricably 

interwoven  with  our  daily  life*  l  odern  man  whether  he  la  aware 

of  It  or  notf  lives  his  life  in  constant  aseociation  with  methods 

of  scientific  research  an*-1  consequences  of  scientific  research. 

In  business ,   legislation,  and  statesmanship ■ 
the  scientist  increasingly  is  called  upon  to  helo 
unravel  the  social  nnd   economic  l^ollcatlon  of 
science.  But  beyond  Its  technological  goods  and 
meaning,  science  as  a  humanistic  study  stands  on 
its  wn  terms  as  a  dynamically  stable  system  with 
Its  own  ends  and  precedural  st^lc.  As  a  form  of 
human  exoresslon,  it  is  one  of  the  triumphs  of 
the  intellect.   It  lends  oerspeotive  and  direction 
to  the  other  asoects  of  life.   It  is  a  system  one 
can  ill  afford  to  ignore  If  one  is. to  become  a 
whole  man  in  a  world  of  whole  men.1 

The  teaching  of  high  school  physics  has  received  con- 
siderable attention  during  recent  years  due  to  accelerated 
technological  and  scientific  advancement  and  a  recognition 
on  the  o»rt  of  teachers,  administrators,  and  laymen  of  the 
vital  role  that  science  will  play  in  the  future  of  our 
country.  The  traditional  neterlals  and  methods  of  teaching 

1011bert  C.  Finlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Co"  lttee,"  School  Review,   70:6I±,  Spring,  1962. 

high  school  physics  have  been  severely  criticised  by  some 

people  In  responsible  positions.  For  example,  Flbert  P. 

Little  stated, 

There  Is  a  powerful  Intellectual  discontent 
with  the  present  status  of  science  teaching;  the 
scientists,  the  teachers,  and  the  educated  laymen 
are  all  disturbed  by  the  discontent  that  science 
teaching  does  not  fairly  represent  science «x 

Because  of  this  criticism,  a  multimillion-dollar  program  for 
the  revision  of  the  high  school  physics  curriculum  was  under- 
taken by  the  Physical  Science  Study  Committee  (PSSC)  under  a 
grant  from  the  National  Science  Foundation.   The  Committee 
was  organized  in  November  of  1956  to  devise  a  modern  course 
in  ohysics  for  the  secondary  school  and  to  prepare  materials 
for  the  course. 

During  the  1957-58  school  year,  the  PSSC  course  was 
offered  in  eight  schools  in  the  United  States.  Since  this 
time  the  number  of  schools  teaching  the  course  has  risen 
sharply.   "There  are  approximately  5,000  teachers  using  the 
PSSC  program  during  the  196L-65  school  year  with  around 
200,000  students.  This  is  aoproxlmately  50  per  cent  of  the 
secondary  school  students  in  the  U.S.A.  enrolled  in  ohysics."2 

xElbert  P.  Little,  "From  the  Beginning,"  Science 
Teacher,  21+ : 31 8,  November,  1958. 

^Educational  Services  Incorporated  Newsletter, 
(Watertown,  Massachusetts i  Fducatlonal  Services  Incoroorated, 
January,  1965),  $.  k* 

In  196l4.-65>f  fifty-three  teachers  in  Kansas  used  the  PSSC 
physics  materials. 

There  has  been  wide  controversy  over  the  effectiveness 
of  the  course*  For  example,  some  teachers  feel  the  course  is 
not  teaching  enoufh  ohysics  to  r»lve  the  students  the  back- 
ground they  need   for  college  physics  courses  and  therefore* 
does  not  prepare  students  for  college  work  as  well  as  a  con- 
ventional high  school  physics  course.  There  have  also  been 
opinions  stated  by  some  teachers  that  the  PSSC  course  is  a 
revolution  in  the  teaching  of  science  and  will  make  physics 
a  more  meaningful  course  in  the  secondary  school. 

This  study  was  designed  to  make  an  objective  evaluation 
of  the  effectiveness  of  the  PSSC  course  in  the  secondary  schools. 

S t atone nt  of  the  problem  The  puroose  of  this  study 
io  to  answer  the  following  questions: 

1.  Why  and  how  was  the  ^SSC  course  developed? 

2.  What  are  the  opinions  of  teachers  and  educators 
icerninfr  the  course? 

3.  Are  the  objectives  formulated  by  the  Committee 
being  achieved  by  the  students  taking  the  PSSC  course? 

1  letter  from  Warren  J.  Bell,  Fducation  Consultant  of 
Science  and  I  nthenatics,  'ansas  Stato  Fepartment  of  Public 
Instruction,  Tooeka,  Kansas. 


Importance  of  the  study.  Because  of  the  wide  diversity 
of  opinion  among  teachers  and  educators  on  the  MUM  program, 
and  the  fact  that  many  schools  are  using  the  program  or  are 
considering  nutting  the  Drogram  into  their  curriculum,  the 
author  has  undertaken  this  study  to  determine,  if  oossible, 
if  the  objectives  of  the  Committee  have  been  reached. 

Procedures  employed  in  the  study.   The  author  collected 
his  data  for  this  report  from  all  pertinent  articles,  papers, 
newsletters,  dissertations,  theses,  and  books  that  could  be 
located.  Most  of  the  material  used  was  located  at  Kansas  State 
University  library,  Kansas  University  library,  or  was  obtained 
through  interlibrary  loans,  and  correspondence  with  Educational 
Services  Incorporated,  Kansas  State  Department  of  Education, 
8nd  the  Department  of  Health,  Education  and  Welfare.  The 
materials  are  organized  into  the  following  categories  for 

1.  Background  and  development  of  the  PSSC  course. 

2.  Opinions  of  teachers  end  educators  on  the  effec- 
tiveness of  the  pSSC  course. 

3«   Research  studies  to  determine  the  effectiveness 
of  the  pSSC  course. 

ij..  Summaries  and  conclusions  regarding  the  PSSC 
course  for  secondary  school  physics  curriculum. 


A  historical  study  of  the  inception  nnd  development  of 
the  ?SSC  was  made  In  order  to  better  understand  the  ohilos- 
ophy  end  underlyincr  beliefs  of  the  committee  members •  The 
following  oagec  also  point  to  the  objectives  formulated  by 
the  PSSC. 

The  organization  of  the  Physical  Science  Study  Committee. 
The  PS?C  began  formal  operations  in  November,  19£6.  The 
formation  of  the  committee  was  made  possible  by  e  r^rant  of 
$303,000  from  the  National  Science  Foundation  to  the  Massa- 
chusetts Institute  of  Technology.   An  additional  grant  of 
$1!4.2,000  was  made  by  the  National  Science  Foundation  In  August, 
19c'7»   In  October,  19E>7  further  grants  were  made  by:  the 
National  Science  Foundation,  #300,000;  the  Ford  Foundation, 

$£00,000;  the  Fund  for  the  Advancement  of  Education,  $200,000; 


and  the  Alfred  P.  Sloan  Foundation,  325>0,000.   As  of  January  1, 

19£8,  the  ?SSC   had  expended  *6l4.9, 000,   By  September  30,  19£8, 
the  PSSC  had  spent  an  additional  f  1,0)4.5,  700.  The  budget 
established  for  the  fiscal  year  October  1,  1959  to  October  1, 
1959  was  ?2, 600, 000.3  I'he  total  cost  of  revision  during  the 

1 First  Annual  Report  of  the  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee,  (Watertownf  iTassacnu setts:  The  Committee,  January , 

WPTi  p.  13. 

2  Ibid. 

period  19^6-1961  was  «o proximately  six  million  dollars, 
exclusive  of  teacher-retraining  costs  which  came  to  approxi- 
mately an  equal  sum.  Continuing  costs  of  the  PSSC  are  pres- 
ently  running  at  a  level  of  #300, 000  per  year. 

The  first  steps  in  the  development  of  the  committee 
were  informal  discussion  groups  which  were  formed  in  and 
around  Boston.  These  groups  developed  tentative  outlines 
for  a  new  physics  course.  The  discussions  were  stimulated 
primarily  by  ftr.  Jerrold  R.  Zacharias  of  the  Massachusetts 
Institute  of  Technology. 

Concurrently  with  these  informal  discussion  groups, 
in  and  around  Boston,  some  essential  work  was  being  carried 
on  by  the  American  Institute  of  Physics,  the  American 
Association  of  Physics  Teachers,  and  the  National  Science 
Teacaers*  Association.   Tnese  groups  were  actively  engaged 
in  a  study  of  the  traditional  physics  textbooks  being  used 
throughout  the  United  States. 

With  this  kind  of  informal  beginning,  the  committee's 
work  gained  impetus  with  the  first  grant  from  the  National 
Science  Foundation  in  November  of  1956.  ihe  newly  formed 

* Jerrold  R.  Zacharias  and  Stephen  White,  "The  Require' 
ments  for  Major  Curriculum  Revision,1*  School  and  Society, 
92:67*  February  22,  1964. 

Elbert  9.  Little,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee,"  Harvard  Educational  Review,  29:1,   inter,  195>9» 

Physical  MltBe*  Study  CoKu:ittee,  directed  by  Jerrold  R. 
Zacharias,  Flbert  P.  Liltle,  end  Francis  L.  Friedman,  held 
its  first  major  planning  conference  on  December  10,  11,  12, 
1956  •   This  conference  was  held  et  the  Massachusetts  Institute 
of  Technology  in  Cambridge,  Massachusetts.  Ihe  committee  met 
to  discuss  and  to  plan  iioroved  and  modernized  courses  in 
physical  science  for  secondary  schools.   Forty-eight  committee 
members  were  in  attendance ,  representing  more  than  twelve 
universities*  government  agencies,  and  commercial  laboratories. 
Following  this  meeting  several  of  the  centers  prepared  out- 
lines and  preliminary  drafts  to  be  presented  in  a  conference 
during  the  summer  of  1957  at  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of 

During  this  summer  conference  of  1957*  university 
physicists  worked  with  high  school  physics  teachers  from 
many  oarts  of  the  country  along  with  specialists  in  such 
fields  as  testing,  film-making,  educational  administration, 
and  editorial  production.   All  parts  of  the  program  were 
started,  but  the  textbook  and  laboratory  were  given  priority 
so  that  enough  material  would  be  available  to  use  in  courses 
the  coming  year. 

*"A  Planning  Conference  P.eoort:  ihe  Physical  Science 
fctudy  Committee, w  Physics  Today,  10:28,  March,  1957. 

^Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "The  niysical  Science  Study 
Committee,"  School  Review,  70:72,  Spring,  1962. 

rurirr*  the  1957-c'8  school  year  eight  teachers  used 
the  preliminary  versions  with  about  three  hundred  students 
participating.   This  first  year  of  experience  with  the  course 
was  veil  scceoted  by  the  teachers  using  '-he   course.   mi'he 
•J  h%   teachers  who  used  the  course  in  1957-58  claimed  thei 
would  never  return  to  the  •OBfOttt tonal  text  apein."1  Teachers 
and  students  were  enthusiastic  and  found  the  course  stimulating, 
The  results  of  the  preliminary  achievement  tests  user*  that 
year  indicated  that  the  students  attained  the  e'esired  levels.^ 
However,  the  shopping  for  the  laboratory  equipment  by  the 
teachers,  and  construction  of  this  equipment  by  the  students 
was  both  lengthy  *nd  costl-  .   Because  of  this  the  co/rdttee 
turned  to  the  development  of  easily  assembled  kits  of  preformed 

Tn  the  summer  of  1958  t  I  proximately  three  hundred 
hi<rh  school  ohysics  teachers  attended  five  national  Science 

adatlon  Summer  Institutes  at  which  the  PS8C  corse  was 
the  subject  of  etudy.3  The  orelimlnary  coarse  materials  were 
supplied  without  cost  to  any  of  these  teachers  who  desired 
to  use  them  the  following  year.  Turing  the  1953-59  school 

^-Randolnh  Jance,  "The  Six  New  Science  Curricul  ims," 
School  Management,  7? 63,  June,  1963 • 

^Gilbert  C.  Finis.;,  Thi  ''hysical  Science  Study 
ittce>"  School  Review,  70:73,  Spring,  1962* 

^Flbert  t*   Little,  "The  Physical  Science  tttttf]  Com- 
mittee," Harvard  r ducat lonal  Review j  29o»  Winter,  1959. 

year  12,500   students  In  286  schools  in  the  United  States 
were  taught  the  new  physics  course. 

The  new  course  materials  used  during  the  1958-59 
school  year  included  a  preliminary  textbook,  teacher's  guide, 
laboratory  program,  a  few  films,  and  a  set  of  ten  achievement 
tests. ^  All  the  feedback  information  from  the  teachers  that 
used  the  materials  was  accumulated  and  used  to  revise  the 
textbook  and  other  materials.  Also,  during  this  school  year 
a  non-profit  organization,  Educational  Services  Incorporated, 
was  created  to  assume  the  administration  of  the  PSSC-* 

During  the  summer  of  1959  about  seven  hundred  teachers 
studied  the  course  in  fifteen  institutes.   For  the  1959-60 
school  year  the  course  materials  were  provided  at  cost  to 
the  schools  that  wished  to  use  them.  About  560  teachers 
and  22,500  students  used  the  materials.   Of  the  teachers 
that  had  used  the  course  the  previous  year,  96  per  cent 
elected  to  continue  with  the  PSSC.^  Except  for  the  films* 
a  complete  set  of  preliminary  materials  was  on  hand. 

^"Frederick  L.  Ferris,  Jr.,   "The  Physical  Science  Study 

Committee:  will  It  Succeed?,"   Harvard  Fducatlonel  Review, 
29:32,  Winter,  1959. 

2Gilbert  C.  Flnlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study  Com- 
mittee," School  Review,  70:7lj.#  Spring,  1962. 

^Annual  Report  of  the  Educational  Testing  Service  for 
the  Year  1953-59  (Princeton,  New  Jersey:  Educational  Testing 
Service),  p.  15 • 

^•Finlay,  oj>.  clt.,  p.  75» 


Puring  the  19^9-60  school  year,  the  Committee's  major 

effort  was  directed  to  a  complete  revision  of  ell  printed 

materials  and  the  design  changes  appropriate  to  the  commercial 

production  of  kits  of  laboratory  apparatus .  By  the  fall  of 

I960  the  textbooks,  laboratory  guidebooks,  apparatus,  teats, 

films,  and  teachers'  guidebooks  had  been  turned  over  to 

commercial  supoliers  and  were  available  to  all  teachers  who 

desired  them. 

During  1960-61  the  course  was  used  by  about  eleven 

hundred  teachers  with  lj5,000  students.  In  1962,  20  per  cent 

of  all  students  taking  high  school  physics  in  the  United  States 

were  using  the  ?SSC  materials  and  by  196!j.  this  percentage  had 

risen  to  50  per  cent. 

Why  and  how  the  Physical  Science  Study  Committee 

developed  its  course. 

In  content,  the  traditional  (or  conventional) 
course  imitates  the  introductory  physics  course 
in  college.  Applications  of  physics  to  technology 
are  stressed  rather  heavily.  Problem-solving, 
ranging  from  the  simple  exercises  in  substituting 
data  into  a  formula  to  more  demanding  tasks,  is  a 
part  of  the  course.   Laboratory  exercises  are 
usually  of  the  highly  organized  variety  called 
"cookbook"  experiments .3 

lGilbert  C.  Flnlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee, *   School  Review,  70:73>,  Spring,  1962. 

2W.  C.  Kelly,  Survey  of  Education  in  ^hyslcs  in 
Universities  of  the  United  States,  (Hew  York;  American 
Institute  of  "Physics  ,  19614. )  p  •  10  • 

3 Ibid.,  p.  11. 


For  the  purpose  of  this  paper  the  author  will  use  the 
term  traditional  or  conventional  to  refer  to  any  physics 
course  being  taught  on  the  secondary  level  other  than  the 
Physical  Science  Study  Committee  course*  The  conventional 
texts  today  are  built  around  Newtonian  mechanics*  The  course 
begins  with  statics,  goes  on  to  kinematics  and  dynamics,  and 
In  the  light  of  these  disciplines  undertakes  to  explain,  one 
after  another,  heat,  light,  and  sound*1  There  was  a  feeling 
by  rzsny  educators  before  19!>5  that  such  an  organization  was 
beyond  criticism;  it  had  logical  unity  and  reflected  both  the 
current  state  of  knowledge  and  general  attitude  of  the 

"In  the  years  that  have  passed,  physics  has  thrust  out 
wider  roots  an<5  borne  unimaginably  richer  fruits,  like  quantum 
theory,  relativity,  and  nucleus  and  subnueleus  of  the  atom*"2 
Because  Newtonian  mechanics  rapidly  ceased  to  serve  as  a 
unifying  concept,  the  subject  compartmentalized  and  physics 
became  several  distinct  and  disconnected  subjects  such  as 
mechanics,  optics,  heat,  sound,  and  others* 

Since  none  of  these  could  be  covered  adequately  In 
the  time  at  the  teacher's  disposal,  the  temptation  grew  to  shift 

Elbert  ?.  Little,  nFrom  the  Beginning, n   Science 
Teacher,  2!j.:3l6,  November,  19£7* 

2Ibid.,  p.  317. 


the  emphasis  from  the  science,  which  in  many  cases  was  not 
beinr  taught,  to  the  technology*   This  helped  students  under- 
stand oractical  applications  they  could  observe,  as  an 
internal  combustion  engine,  a  refrigerator,  a  radio,  and  even 
a  sDace  shin*  More  and  more  the  teachers  were  teaching  a 
subject  the  scientists  did  not  even  recognize  as  science* 

The  informal  co^'ittee  of  1956  came  to  the  following 
conclusions  about  the  traditional  high  school  physics 

1*  Textbooks  in  general  reflected  a  scientific 
outlook  that  dated  back  half  a  century  and  was  no 
longer  representative  of  the  views  of  the  scientific 

2*  Genuine  attempts  to  remain  abreast  of  sci- 
entific develooments  had  given  even  the  best  text- 
books a  patchwork  quality  in  which  the  unity  of 
physios  disappeared* 

3»  The  sheer  mass  of  material  in  the  textbooks 
had  become  so  great  that  it  could  no  longer  be 
re&sonably  taught  in  an  academic  year  or  even  in 
two  years* 

U.»     With  the  increasing  application  of  science 
in  everyday  environment,  physics  textbooks  had 
given  over  more  and   more  of  their  attention  to 
technology,  thus  further  overloading  the  course 
and  further  minimising  the  concepts  of  science 
itself,  and  Its  unity** 

Meanwhile,  as  the  syllabus  had  come  to  be  steadily 

less  representative  of  the  subject  matter,  the  need  had 

become  greater*  A  large  and  constantly  increasing  proportion 

1Elbert  P*  Little,  "From  the  Beginning,"  Science 
Teacher,  2k' 317,  November,  1957* 

2Flrgt  Annual  Report  of  the  Physical  Science  Study 
C o mr i i 1 1 ee  (Watertown,  ?  assacEusetts  :  The  Committee ,"" 
January,  1958),  p*  3* 


of  high  school  students  were  going  on  to  make  careers  of 
science  and  engineering.  The  rest,  whether  businessmen 
or  skilled  laborers,  could  almost  certainly  expect  to  come  in 
contact  with  science.   3ut  in  the  face  of  these  realities, 
secondary  school  curricula  failed  to  make  science  a  meaningful 
oart  of  general  education.   "Misapprehensions  about  science 
In  the  public  mind  have  become  one  of  the  principal  reasons 
why  we  have  today,  too  few  students  studying  scientific 
careers,  and   too  few  teachers  competent  to  teach  science."* 
In  summary  the  19£6  problems  in  science  involved: 

1.  A  recognition  of  the  real  significance  of 
science  In  our  modern  world. 

2.  The  need  for  a  change  in  attitude  toward 
scienoe  and  the  necessity  for  reducing  the  gap 
between  the  eclences  and  humanities. 

3»  The  develooment  of  a  truly  new  curriculum 
which  cannot  be  done  by  accretion,  but  which  must 
be  done  by  a  total  and  complete  reorganization 
which  will  also  orovide  for  the  development  of 
a  high  degree  of  scientific  literacy  among  the 
rank  and  file  of  our  peoole. 

14..  A  necessary  change  in  attitude  towards 
teaching  at  all  levels  with  a  view  of  recog- 
nizing its  imoortance  and  its  Droblems  and 
with  a  dedicated  effort  toward  the  solution  of 
these  oroblems,  while  at  the  same  time  retaining 
and  expanding  our  efforts  in  the  creation  of 
new  knowledge.-' 

Animated  by  an  outlook  such  as  this,  the  PSSC  was 

Albert  P.  Little,  "From  the  Beginning, "  Science 
Teacher,  2U?3l8*  November,  1957« 

2 Ibid.,  o.  3I6. 

^Addison  F.  Lee,  "Current  Problems  in  Science  Education," 
Science  Education,  1^9:1^0,  March,  196£. 


organized  to  seek  ways  of  giving  this  outlook  expression 
In  the  high  school  curriculum.  Therefore,  the  original 
statement  of  the  Committee's  alms  was: 

1.  To  olan  a  course  of  study  in  which  the 
major  develooments  of  physics,  up  to  the  present 
time,  are  presented  as  a  logical  and  integrated 

2.  To  oresent  ohysics  as  an  intellectual  and 
cultural  pursuit  which  is  part  of  oresent-day 
human  activity  and  achievement; 

3.  To  assist  physics  teachers  by  ":eans  of 
various  teaching  aids  to  carry  out  the  proposed 

As  an  initial  target,  the  Committee  chose  to  design 
a  new  course  to  fit  into  the  current  pattern  of  the  high 
school  curriculum.   The  Committee  addressed  itself  to  the 
oreparation  of  a  one  year  ohysics  course  for  the  students  who 
are  currently  taking  physics.  These  students  make  up  about 
one-fourth  of  the  high  school  population,  drawn  mostly  from 
the  uooer  half  in  achievement  and  aptitude,  and  include  a 
large  number  who  are  not  seeking  a  career  in  science. 

The  Committee  decided  to  plan  a  course  dealing  with 
ohysics  as  an  explanatory  system,  a  system  that  extends  from 
the  domain  inside  the  atom  to  distant  galaxies.  The  course 
was  designed  to  tell  a  unified  story— one  in  which  the 
successive  topics  are  chosen  and  develooed  to  lead  toward 

1Leo  F.  Klopfer,  "The  physiea  Course  of  the  Physical 
Science  Study  Committee:  A  View  from  the  Classroom, n  Harvard 
Educational  Review,  29:26,  Winter,  1959* 

^Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "Secondary  School  Physics:  Physical 
Science  Study  Committee,"   American  Journal  of  Physics, 
23:2^7,  March,  I960. 


an  atomic  oicture  of  matter,  its  motions  and  interrelations* 
The  aim  was  to  oresent  a  view  of  physics  that  would  bring 

a  student  close  to  the  nature  of  modern  physics  and  to  the 

nature  of  ohysioal  inquiry*   The  student  should  see  ohysics 

as  an  unfinished  and  continuing  activity*   For  example,  ideas 

about  waves  and  oarticles  keep  reoccurring,  each  time  to  be 

carried  further  in  a  higher  synthesis  of  ideas* 

This  coherent,  searching  character  of  Man's 
aporoach  to  building  an  explanatory  structure 
of  the  ohysical  world  is  one  of  the  course's 
principle  aims  and  caief  pedagogical  characteristics*2 

It  was  also  decided  that  the  course  would  be  directed  toward 

familiarizing  the  student  with  two  central  notions  of  modern 

physics,  the  wave  particle  duality  and  the  modern  concept 

of  the  atora*^  The  Committee  attempts  to  develoo  scientific 

ohysics  from  the  ground  up  with  nothing  being  handed  down 

from  high  authority*  The  course  is  built  to  read  like  a 

novel,  with  a  continuous  building  of  physical  concepts* 

The  oroblem  was  to  create  enough  comorehension  to  generate 

the  motivation  for  wading  through  tough  logical  sequences 

^Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee,"   School  Review,  70:61*,  Spring,  1962* 

20ilbert  C.  Finlay,  "Secondary  School  Physics: 
Physical  Science  Study  Committee,"   American  Journal  of 
?hyglcs,   2fl:292,  March,  I960* 

3jerrold  R*  Zacharias  and  Stephen  White,  "The 
Requirements  for  Major  Curriculum  Re vis ion, "  School 
and  Society,  92:67,  February  22,   I96I4.. 


end  develop  a  genuine  interest  in  scientific  ideas  and 

fc  1 

The  student  is  expected  to  be  an  active  Participant 

in  thia  course.  The  student  is  expected  to  wrestle  with  a 

line  of  inquiry,  including  his  own  laboratory  investigations, 

that  lead  to  basic  ideas* 

The  fundamental  idees  are  brought  out  partially 
in  the  students  work  on  end-of -chapter  problems, 
but  Tore  importantly  the  ideas  are  brought  out 
aequentially  through  using  those  ideas  which  are 
introduced  early  to  illuminate  ot.ier  ideas  in  a 
chain  that  comorises  an  introduction  of  the 
structure  of  physical 

No  one-year  course  in  physics  can  give  an  adequate 
account  of  both  an  exoanding  physics  and  the  related 
technology.  The  Committee  therefore,  chose  for  its  subject 
matter  the  big  overarching  ideas  of  ohysics;  those  that  con- 
tribute most  to  contemporary  physicists'  views  of  the  nature 
of  the  physical  world •   Through  its  material  the  Committee 
seeks  to  convey  those  asoects  of  science  which  have  the 
deepest  meaning,  the  widest  applicability,  and  the  greatest 
power  for  further  thought  and  activity.   Because  of  thia 
feeling,  some  of  the  long  familiar  topics  in  secondary  school 

^-Parrel  W.  Tomer,  "New  Physios  Course  for  High  Schools 
Fevelooed  by  the  "SSC,"  California  Journal  of  Secondary 
Fducatlon,  33*^93*  December,  1959 • 

2Gllbert  C.  Finlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee, "   School  Review,  70:65,  Spring,  1962. 

3Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "Secondary  School  physics: 
Physical  Science  Study  Committee,"   American  Journal  of 
Physics,  261287,  March,  1960. 


sics  arc  not  central  to  the  overarching  view  sought  in 
the  PSSC  course,  and  as  a  result,  do  not  appear  in  the  course. 
In  attempting  to  transmit  those  ideas  and  styles  of  thought 
that  have  the  broadest  apolicability,  the  Committee  judged 
it  wise  to  shift  the  emphasis  in  secondary  school  physics 
away  from  technology  toward  a  deeper  exploration  of  basic 
ideas  and  the  nature  of  inquiries*  Technological  application 
has  not  been  eliminated  fron  the  course,  but  it  has  been  cut 
back  sharply  from  its  previous  role*  The  reduced  emphasis 
on  technology  does  not  imply  disapproval  any  more  than  the 
reduced  dependence  upon  trigonometry  implies  disapproval  of 
mathematics.  This  technology  was  at  the  forefront  of  sci- 
entific im'estigation  several  centuries  ago,  but  now  it  does 
not  shed  as  much  light  on  our  present  day  picture  of  the 
physical  world  as  does  a  study  of  waves  and  particles. 

Perhaos  one  of  the  text's  most  distinctive  character- 
istics is  its  technique  of  attempting  to  build  familiarity 

with  the  substructure  of  the  concepts  of  physics,  rather 


than  assert  principles,  then  show  applications.   The  course 

exoloree  oarts  of  optics,  mechanics,  and  atomic  physics  more 
deeoly  than  usual  in  order  to  show  how  a  field  of  thought 
is  developed. 

barrel  W.  Tomer,  "Hew  Physics  Course  for  High  Schools: 
Developed  by  the  PSSC,"   California  Journal  of  Secondary 
Education,  33 :1^9U#  December,  195o". 

^Gilbert  C«  Finlay,  "Secondary  School  Physics:  Physical 
Science  Study  Committee,"  American  Journal  of  Physics, 
2B:292,  March,  I960. 


In  summary,  the  principles  underlying  the      coarse 
are  the  following: 

1.  The  Com-   ittee  seeks  to  oresent  ohysics 
as  an  intellectual  activity,  rather  than  as  a 
body  of  rules  for  the  control  or  the  manipula- 
tion of  natural  phenomena. 

2.  The  Committee  seeks  to  reflect  in  its 
course  the  spirit  of  inquiry. 

3*  The  course  reflects,  as  much  as  oossible, 
the  world  of  physics  as  it  appears  to  the  profes- 
sional pfcytltlftlj  "op  only  In  this  manner  is  it 
likely  to  have  eny  clear  relevance  to  the  student 

1+.  The  Committee's  course  prefers  to  pre?ent 
the  traditional  subdivisions  of  ohysics  as  various 
asoects  of  t  single  discipline. 

5.  The  nature  of  the  American  school  system 
makes  it  desirable  to  create  a  course  which  will 
be  relatively  independent  of   the  order  and  content 
of  the  rest  of  the  secondary  school  curriculum. 

6.  The  most  difficult  decision  which  faced 

the  ^SSG   at  the  outset  of  its  work  was  the  decision 
to  omit  from  the  course  large  areas  of  nhysics, 
and  the  selection  of  those  areas  which  would  be 

A  whole  br.ttery  of  techniques  is  being  used  to  get 

the  story  of  physics  across  to  the  students.  The  text  attempts 

to  lay  out  a  coherent  framework.   Problems  and  exercises  lead 

the  student  into  inference  and  interpretation  as  well  as 

practice  In  elementary  reasoning  with  basic  concepts.   The 

text  was  developed  simultaneously  with  laboratory  experiments; 

and,  although  it  was  intended  that  the  text  should  be  able  to 

Isteohen  White,  "The  Physical  Science  Study  Committee: 
The  Planning  and   Structure  of  the  Course, "   Contemporary 
Physics,  ?:[|.1-Iv3,  October,  I960. 

2A.  B.  Arons,  "The  New  High  School  Physics  Course," 
^hyslcs  Today,  13*12*  June,  I960. 

stand  as  nearly  as  possible  on  its  own,  it  was  written  with 
laboratory  work  in  mind.  The  laboratory  orogram  includes 
about  fifty  experiments  in  all  and  ten  of  these  experiments 
are  done  in  modern  physics. 

Since  laboratory  work  is  used  as  a  tool  contributing 
to  the  generation  of  ideas,  the  laboratory  is  designed  to 
give  the  student  an  opportunity  for  personal  discovery.  The 
exDerlments  are  designed  to  supoly  firm  rooting  for  the 
growth  of  ideas  by  providing  non-verbal  contact  with  rele- 
vant data*   The  experimental  situations  as  they  are  presented 
to  the  students  are  "open  ended".  The  basic  ideas  of  the 
experiment  are  carefully  discussed,  but  very  few  explicit 
instructions  are  given.  Students  are  led  to  do  as  much  as 
possible  within  a  minimum  of  directing  and  are  urged  to 
extend  the  inquiry  on  their  own  initiative.   The  experiments 
are  both  qualitative  and  quantitative.  The  most  common  use 
of  the  laboratory  experiment  is  to  introduce  a  topic  or  to 
contribute  to  the  early  stages  of  its  development. 

Because  the  Committee  realizes  that  physics  teachers 
have  a  budget  to  meet,  all  costs  for  the  laboratory  have 
been  measured  in  dimes  and  dollars.   "Almost  all  the  apparatus 

^■Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "Secondary  School  Physics:  Physical 
Science  Study  Committee,"   American  Journal  of  Physics, 
28:292,  March,  I960. 

2A.  B.  Arons,  "The  New  High  School  Physics  Course," 
^hysics  Today,  13:22,  June,  I960* 

is  designed  to  be  built  by  the  students  themselves,  either 
In  the  laboratory  or,  in  rare  instances,  In  the  school1 s 
shop  courses."   The  building  of  aooarstus  is  as  much  a  oart 
of  physics  as  learning  about  different  concepts.   There  will 
be  little  the  student  will  use  in  the  school  laboratory  that 
he  cannot  duolicate  in  his  garage  or  cellar.   There  he  can 
modify,  elaborate,  or  redesign  an  experience,  and  set  up 
"doing  ohyelcs"  on  his  own.2  Also  the  time  taken  for  con- 
striction in  the  laboratory  is  small  and  very  rewording.   For 
examole,  in  ten  minutes  a  student  can  make  a  microbalance  out 
of  two  oins,  a  eoda  straw,  and  a  wood  screw,  with  sensitivity 
down  to  twenty  micrograms  oor  millimeter  deflection.-* 

A  great  deal  of  what  might  ordinarily  be  called  demon- 
stration is  provided  by  the  films  produced  by  the  Committee. 
Films  are  being  used  to  bring  to  the  classroom  certain 
extended  ideas  beyond  the  level  of  the  text  and  certain  key 
exper5.ments  that  are  likely  to  be  too  difficult,  too  time 
consuming,  or  too  costly  for  students  to  perform  or  for 
teachers  to  demonstrate.   Because  the  films  articulate  closely 
with  these  resources  and  most  of  the  film  producers  assume 
that  the  viewer  Is  familiar  with  earlier  parts  of  the  course, 

^Jerrold  R.  Zacharias,  "Into  the  Laboratory,"  Science 
Teacher,  2lj.:32i4.,  November,  1957. 

2 Ibid.,  p.  325. 

■^Harold  ^.   Knauss,    Physics  for  Secondary  Schools," 
••■■lei'lcan   Journnl    o^   ''hygics,    24 1 379 1    September,    195'-. 


the  sched.lins  o*  the  films  is  quite  easy*   rIhe  films  are 
intended  as  take-off  points  for  teachers  and  students.    As 
of  February,  1965*  sixty-five  films  were  available • 

The  Committee  also  developed  a  teacher's  guidebook  in 
order  that  teachers  could  outline  their  class  procedures  and 
as  inquisitive  questions.  Through  theso  questions,  the  stu- 
dents may  find  insight  into  the  physical  concepts*   In  addi- 
tion to  the  guidebook,  ten  standardized  tests  were  developed 
to  check  the  progress  of  the  students.   As  supplementary  sources 
of  authoritative  and  scientific  information,  the  Committee 
developed  ■  series  of  paperback  books.  The  purpose  of  these 
books  was  to  ittpply  deeoar  meaning  to  the  course  and  to 
cover  material  omitted  froa  the  course.  For  example*  related 
fields  like  biophysies,  technology,  the  history  of  physics, 
and  biographies  of  noted  physicists  are  covered  in  the  paper- 
back books.       ■  books  are  a.) p earing  as  the  "Science  Study 
Series*,   ^s  of  February,  1961,  fifty  books  had  been  published 
in  the  series.^ 

In  sumiary,  the  PS3C  developed  the  following  material 
for  the  course j  Wxtboo!:,  laboratory  guide  and  a  sot  of  new 

Gilbert  C.  Finlay,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee,"  School  Review,  70:68,  Spring,  1962. 

^Fc::; optional  Services  Incorporated  Newsletter, 
February,  1965*  (Watertown,  ^assschusetts :  Educational 
Services  Incorporated),  p.  7. 



and  inexpensive  apparatus,  a  large  number  of  films, stan- 
dardized teste,  a  growing  eerie?  of  psoerbaek  books  by 
leaders  in  related  fields,  end  a  comprehensive  teacher's 
resource  book  directly  releted  to  the  course. 

To  be  retained,  each  item  of  subject  matter  hod  to 
meet  the  following  criteria: 

1.  To  etrese  najor  achievement  in  ohyeiee  such 
as  the  great  conservation  principles. 

2.  To  r>ive  insight  into  the  way  in  which  these 
powerful  ideas  were  conceived,  nurtured,  and  some- 
times over  thrown  by  even  more  powerful  ideas. 

3.  To  present  a  unified  story  in  which  the 
inner  connections  within  ohysics  were  brought  to 

I;..  To  show  ohysice  as  a  human  ectivity  co  - 
parable  in  significance  with  the  humanities,  the 
languages  and   tho  other  major  studies  of  high 
school  students .1 

Finally,  the  Committee  recognized  that  no  material 
could  be  teacher-prosjf •  The  physicists  ran  summer  institutes, 
more  of  them  every  year,  to  train  teachers.   "By  the  end  of 
1962,  nearly  twenty-five  hundred  teachers,  who  came  into  con- 
tact with  perhaps  a  quarter  of  a  million  students  each  year, 
had  spent  at  least  one  summer  working  on  the  PSSC  course ."^ 

The  Physical  Science  Study  Committee  Course.  The 
PSSC  course  is  divided  into  four  major  sections.  The  first 

^Elbert  P.  Little,  "The  Physical  Science  Study  Com- 
mittee,"  larvard  Fducational  Review,  29s2,  Winter,  19£9* 

^Martin  ?*ayer,  "Scientists  In  the  Classroom," 
Commentary,  35i31lj.,  April a  1963. 

Is  with   J'.    basic   concents  of  wh'         '  *ie   student  trust  have 
rtd«rf tandlng  before  he   c  r  Me   a  worthwhile   study  of 

the    ml  *ect  ^.ntter  of  yMonce.     Time,    distance,   motion,    the 
BttttPt   of  measurement,    the   «to»it   structure   of  matter,    end 
the  molsculnr  lntc-nrct-tlon  of  cho^ittry   t?re    the  main  topics 

first  section.       The  presentation  is  through 
neral   BOBOaptl   "r''-N'r   thai   soecific   definitions,    and   the 
Bt'.'dent  maker   scrv  tact   et   once   with  ^ost   of  the   subject 

Iter    ;ith  which  he   will   desl   later   in  rro-  ter  depth* 

The  second  oart  of   the   course   Is   a  study  of  optics   and 
waves.        Ootical   phenomena   are   described    first    In  terms   of 
rays   and  then  a   particle   theory  is   developed  to  provide   a 
possible  piftto  r^    9t   the   nature  of  light «     Wnen  this  model 
fails    to    -  }«   an  explanation  of  the  refraction  of  li^ht, 

concents   of  wave  action  are   introduced  as   an  alternative 
H»6el«     B7  stttd;  '  ig  waves   in  ropes,    eorings,   and  ripple   tanks, 
the    student  is   guided  to  observe   the   comparison  between  v;aves 
Of   tone   properties  of  light.     In  this  way  the   student  should 
be   able   to   ore  diet   some   new  principles  of  light   through  his 
experience  with  waves.     The  understanding  of  waves  is  goneral 

3- Physical  Science   Study  Committee »    Physics,    (Boston: 
.    C«   He sth  and  Company,    i960;   p.    v« 

2 lb Id.,   p.   vl. 

enough  to  allow  extension  to  other  areas.   "For  instance, 
the  nature  and  properties  of  sound,  though  not  stressed  in 
the  course,  can  be  developed  by  the  student  because  of  his 
basic  understanding  of  waves."1 

iheae  two  sections,  constituting  the  first  half  of  the 
course,  emphasize  the  kinematics  of  our  universe.   Ihe  third 
section  introduces  Newton's  laws  of  motion,  showing  the 
relationship  between  force  and  -notion  and  leading  to  the 
extraordinary  story  of  the  discovery  of  universal  gravitation. 
Conservation  laws  form  a  substantial  part  of  this  section 
of  the  course  and  lead  naturally  to  a  development  of  the 
kinetic  theory  of  heat  as  an  application  of  dynamics  in  this 
particular  field  of  physics. 

Ihe  fourth  section  includes  a  careful  introduction 
of  electrical  and  magnetic  phenomena,  especially  the  inter- 
actions of  charged  particles  with  electric  and  magnetic 
fields .3  The  techniques  of  the  electrical  and  electronic 
industries  are  omitted*  but  the  major  experiments  of  modern 
Dhysics  are  carefully  developed.   The  photoelectric  effect, 
for  examole,  requires  the  return  to  a  particle  concept  of 

1Elbert  ?.  Little,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
Committee, ;'   Harvard  Educational  Review,  29:2,  'winter,  19^9. 

2 Physical  Science  Study  Committee,  "^hysics,  (Boston: 
P.  C.  Heath  and   Comoany,  1960J,  p.  vi. 

3 Ibid.,  p.  vii. 

light,   with  new  insights   Into  the   nature  of  both  matter 
and   15f?ht.l      "The   course   returns   to   the   study  of  the   atom; 
Its   discreteness,    Its   structure,    its   charges,    its   nucleus, 
and   its  behavior. "^     Thus,    the   circle    U   el*fl«d   «nd   the   student 
fturttl   to   the  basic   concepts   of  science   with  *♦   new  understanding 

oomaan  in  ofimiom  ibo  i  ra 


Because  of  the  difficulty  of  finding  statistical  data 
on  the  achievement  of  the  objectives  01  the  Committee,  the 
author  felt  this  section  was  needed  to  better  understand  the 
Committee's  course.   ihis  section  is  designed  to  rive  the 
comments  ano  opinions  of  teachers  and  educators  both  for  and 
against  r>f»rts  of  the  Committee's  ^•gWi 

One  question  that  is  usually  considered  in  reviewing 
a  book  is  the  language  and  language  structure  used.   On  this 
point  there  seems  to  be  two  oooosing  opinions.   One  teacher 
believes  the  language  is  inoffensively  inform**!;  *l  center 
of  mass  'sits  still',  enarres  on  ins  1,  tors  are  'nailed  down1, 
and  dark  centers  of  contour  oatterns  arc  'globs ' •  "■'  Another 
aspect  of  the  Committee's  oolicy,  with  rerard  to  language, 

lElbert  ?.  Little,  "The  Physical  Science  Study 
<"o~r-.1t  tee,"   Harvard  ^du cat long!  Review,  ?9:3,  winter,  19^9. 


^Thomas  P.   Miner,    "^hysicr?    PSSOf"      ^mo^i^n   Journal 
of  ?n?s ics,   29:338,   May,  1961. 


was  the  reluctance  to  use  a  key  word  until  proDerly  defined • 

"Because  Newton's  second  law  of  notion  is  not  treated  until 

P«  307,  the  word  'force*  is  taboo  before  that.   Consequently, 

we  have  until  that  point,  'pushes',  'shoves',  and  'pulls' 

galore."   Another  author  believes  some  of  the  things  that 

the  students  are  assumed  to  know,  probably  are  not  known. 

For  example,  on  page  18,  galaxies  are 
mentioned  but  they  are  not  defined  until 
o.  28.   On  p.  398  there  is  mention  of  "mesons" 
and  "hyperons".   The  authors  must  have  been 
dreaming  to  assume  that  the  students  know 
what  these  terms  mean.2 

Another  complaint  given  regarding  language  was  that 

no  effort  was  made  to  get  the  students  to  learn  to  use  the 

words  and  language  they  should  be  learning* 

In  general  the  problems  given  in  the  text 
are  excellent  and  logically  conceived;  but  they 
fail  to  create  opportunities  in  which  students 
recognize  and  talk  about  definitions,  describe 
simple  physical  events  in  the  technical  language 
they  are  learning,  articulate  lines  of  reasoning 
and  logical  connections  between  steps,  recognize 
In  words  the  idealization  imolicit  in  the  han- 
dling of  a  problem.- 

Thomas  P.  Miner,  "Physics:  PSSC,"   American  Journal 
of  Physics,   29:338,  '?ay,  1961. 

^Oscar  L.  Brauer,  "Something  Dangerously  New  in 
Physics  Teaching,"   Science  Fducatlon,  i|J:369~70, 
October,  1963. 

^A.  B.  Arons,  "The  New  High  School  °hysics  Course," 
Physics  Today,  13 :259   June,  I960. 


A  drawback  that  was  often  found  concerning  the 

Committee *e  coarse  was  the  lack  of  enough  applications  of 

orinciples  of  physics» 

T  quite  a?-ree  that  nhysics,  1959*  should 
not  be  merely  a  course  in  technology,  but  this 
should  not  rule  out  the  teaching  of  life  situ- 
ations where  a  principle  being  taught  may  be 
applied.  One  of  the  best  physics  teachers  I 
know  continually. stresses,  "Physics  is  the 
world  about  us",1 

All  of  the  physics  that  is  necessary  to 
enable  the  student  to  understand  what  he  sees 
about  him  is  avoided.  For  Instance  he  wonders 
about  the  electrical  refrigerator,  the  gas 
refrigerator,  radio,  television,  and  heat 
engines.   Nothing  in  the  PSSC  text  will 
enlighten  him  on  any  of  these  topics.  Even 
alternating  current  snd   sound  is  not  discussed 
In  the  text.2 

However,  there  are  some  that  believe  the  Committee's 

orogram  is  en  answer  to  a  long  needed  understanding  of 


By  trying  to  educate  for  an  understanding 
of  total  perspective  of  science  we  will  naturally 
avoid  excesses  of  detail  end   the  cram  course  that 
i^-oarts  no  real  understanding  of  science;  that 
does  not  excite  the  creative  imagination,  and 
that  rewards  only  memory  and  gadgeteering.3 

CNM  of  the  most  common  criticisms  encountered  was 

that  the  course  was  too  long  to  be  taught  effectively  in  one  year. 

^William  Bsrish,  "Reader's  Column,"  Science  Teacher, 
26J389,  October,  1959. 

20scar  L.  Srauer,  "Something  Dangerously  New  in 
Physics  Teaching,"  Science  Education,  57:366,  October,  1963. 

3Addison  K«  Lee,  "Current  Problems  in  Science  Education," 
Science  Fducatlon,  ij.9:ll4.9*  March,  196£. 


ost  of  the  indoctrinated  teachers  never 
finished  the  book  and  some  ^nly  pot  half  way 
through*   To  teach  everything  in  that  book 
would  take  all  the  school  time  of  the  student 
leaving  no  time  for  other  studies •  * 

The  Committee's  textbook  is  the  largest  high  school  physics 

text  ever  oublished.   It  has  63U  two  column  pages  or  text 

material  on  a  page  size  7»5  inches  by  9  inches. 

There  is  a  feeling  by  some  that  the  concepts  in  the 

textbook  are  too  hard  even  Tor  the  top  twenty-five  oer  cent 

of  the  high  school  population. 

tfy  students  remrted  that  in  their  opinion, 
these  volumes  (?SSC  text)  were  written  by  phys- 
icists to  please  themselves  and  other  physicists, 
and  not  for  secondary  school  students.   Trie  writing 
of  the  text  has  tended  to  obscure  the  facts, 
bringing  them  In  a  vast  sea  of  explanatory  words. 
It  Is  too  hard  for  the  students  to  get  at  the 
imoortant  ideas .3 

However,  another  opinion  was: 

Hy  better  students  (A  or  B)  developed  under- 
standing of  the  subject  matter  much  better  than 
in  orevious  years.   However,  the  C  and  B  students 
aeemed  to  understand  only  after  detailed  expla- 
nation.  The  C  and  D  students  understanding  was 
about  as  usual,  but  their  appreciation  of  phvsics 
and  their  attention  to  detail  eeem&d   hlgher.M- 

*Oscar  L,  Srauer,  "Something  T^n^erously  New  in 
Physics  Teachinp,"  Science  Fducation,  Jj.7:367,  October, 


Hichard  ?.  Peynman,  "The  Relation  of  Phytlei  to 

Other  Sciences,"  The  Physics  Teacher.  3*112*  March,  1961;. 

3summary  of  Judgments  Made  by  Teacher,"   Science 
Teacher,  26:£8l,  December,  1959. 

**Ibid.,  p.  530. 


In  view  of  these  opinions  one  could  drew  the  conclusion 

that  it  Is  difficult  for  the  student  who  does  not  want  to 

think  or  analyze ,  but  not  so  for  the  student  who  is  sincerely 


Another  general  view  that  goos  along  with  the  opinion 

I  the  course  is  hard,  is  the  op in! on  that  the  problems 

are  too  difficult  for  the  majority  of  students. 

The  PSSC  authors  work  no  problems  in  the 
text  and  it  has  very  few  problems  that  could 
be  classed  as  easy.   Some  of  the  problems 
even  depend  on  theory  developed  in  chapters 
several  lhapttN  ahead .1 

"Many  of  the  problems  arc  exceedingly  difficult  and  are 


insurmountable  for  many  of  our  students*" 

The  most  effective  aspect  of  the  course  Is  generally 

civen  by  critics  as  the  laboratory  experiments. 

The  laboratory  experiments  may  well  be  the 
most  effective  aspect  of  the  work  of  the  TB6G 
at  this  point i  &nd   continued  efforts  along  these 
lines    "it  make  a  major  contribution  to  the 
teaching  of  ohysics.   The  emphasis  on  inexpensive 
•qui orient  Is,  of  course,  very  admirable,  even 
if  not  actually  as  new  as  claimed.   Although 
such  emphasis  is  most  desirable,  it  should  not 
be  oermitted  to  obscure  the  fact  that  much 
scientific  work  does  require  sophisticated 

^Oscar  L.  Brauer,  "Something  Dangerously  New  in 
Physics  Teaching,"  Science   " cation,  £7*368,  October, 
1963 . 


3Alexander  Calandra,  "Some  Observations  of  the  Work 
of  the  PSBC9m     Harvard  Educational  Review,  29-  ,  Winter, 

Another  r.enaral  criticism  of      ."ogram  i^    that  it 
tends  to  stabilize  the  oresent  sequence  of  science  coursei 
i.i  ol,  whic    r  ally  start  with  General  Science 

in  the  ninth  grade,  biology  in  the  tenth,  chemistry  in  the 
eleventh,  end  physics  in  the  twelfth*   This  sequence  is  toe 
order  of  increasing  difficulty  as  these  subjects  are  now 
taught.   It  would  appear  more  sound  to  present  tin  science 
CMrses  in  o^der  of  dependence;  thus,  since  biology  depends 
to  a  substantial  extent  on   chemistry,  and  l     -try  on 
physics,  it  would  n^ear  desirable  to  teach  physics  first, 
chemistry  second,  and  biology  last.l 

^lmer  Hutchison,  director  of  the  Ajnerican  Institute  of 
Physics,  believes  the  Con-rittee's  course  has  added  a  fourth 
W3W  to  the  list  of  rearing,  writing,  and  arithmetic.2  This 
fourth  "Htt  is  reasoning  and  the  vehicle  for  finding  Lhis 
excellence  for  acquiring  t   e    skill  In  precise  reaso  aim  is 
physics.   "?To  secondary  fthool  education  can  be  sr,ld  to  be 
either  liberal  or  complete  without  some   study  of  this 
important  subject. "3  The  ability  to  reason  is  one  of  the 

Alexander  Calandra,  M£>ome  Observations  of  the  Work 
of  the  ^SSC,"   '-Tnrvard  Educational  Review,  29:20,  Winter, 

2"Plmer  Hutchison,  "°hysics  in  Our  High  Schools," 
The  physics  Teacher,  2*386,  November,  I96I4. • 

3Tbid,1  p.  385^. 


princiole  characteristics  by  which  the  advancement  of  a 
civilization  may  be  measured.   "A  truly  civilized  nation  is 
one  in  which  the  public  has  a  measured  confidence  in  man's 
ability  to  observe  nature  and  to  reason  from  these  obser- 
vations »nl 

Several  authorities  believe  that  the  most  important 
and  most  difficult  phase  of  the  Committee's  course  is  for 
teachers  to  learn  how  to  teach  the  course .^  Because  some 
teachers  are  so  resistive  to  change  and  hate  to  alter  the 
routine  of  their  classrooms,  the  Committee's  program  is  hard 
to  instill  in  the  teachers*   In  Indiana,  a  survey  was  taken 
to  determine  why  teachers  did  not  use  the  PSBC  course.  The 
reasons  priven  were  as  follows: 

!•   Many  teachers  use  Darts  of  the  orogram. 
Usually  this  means  the  laboratory  exercises.   A 
few  used  the  PSSC  course  in  the  first  part  for 
an  advanced  physics  course.  These  people  have  not 
attended  an  institute  and  for  some  reason  do  not 
want  to  identify  themselves  with  our  group. 

2«  Several  have  said  after  looking  at  the 
text,  they  thought  it  to  be  too  difficult  for 
their  students*   Some  of  these  people  were  skeptical 
of  the  intent  of  the  course  since  it  was  associated 
with  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology. 

3.  Some  teachers  frankly  admit  they  were 
unable  to  teach  the  course.  They  do  not  go  to 

^Fdward  C.  Colby,  "The  New  Science  Curriculum," 
School  Management,   8:87,  November,  196ij.. 



summer  Institutes  or  evening  classes  because 
they  have  a  steady  Job  paying  them  as  much  as 
their  teaching  Job. 

[j.*   A  great  many  feel  they  would  like  to 
teach  PSSC  physics,  but  they  already  have  four 
or  five  preparations  for  five  or  six  classes 
of  thirty  to  thirty-five  students  and  Just  do 
not  feel  they  have  time  to  prepare  for  such 
a  course. 

5*  There  are  those  few  that  are  really 
conservative.   Their  reasons  are  obvious .1 

Maybe  the  major  lessons  to  be  learned  from  the  whole 

^S^C   program  fall  in  another  category*  The  Progfan  oresents 

us  with  strong  evidence  that: 

1.  High  school  teachers  and  college 
teachers  can  work  together  and  the  experience 
is  stimulating  to  both. 

2*   Subject  matter  revision  should  be 
made  by  practicing  specialists  In  a  field. 

3*  High  school  students  will  respond 
to  an  intellectual  presentation  of  subject 
matter,  In  which  rational  thought  and  analysis 
are  more  i^oort^nt  than  brute  force  memory* 

[j..   High  school  teachers,  with  proper  suoport 
can  teach  subject  matter  far  beyond  the  limits 
of  what  they  studied  In  college* 

5*   proper  support  consists  not  only 
of  subject  ^atter  but  of  the  specialists* 

6*   An  exceptionally  favorable  method  for 
providing  this  kind  of  supnort  is  through  the 
use  of  teaching  films  In  wh* ^h  these  specia- 
lists are  the  film  personalities,  seen  and 
heard  by  the  students *2 

Lawrence  Gene  Poorman,  "Indiana  physics  Teachers 
React  to  PSSC,"  Science  Fducation,  29:171-172,  March, 

2Elbert  P.  Little,  "PSSC,"   Science  Educational 
Leadership,  17:169,  December,  1929*"" 


One  final  opinion  should  be  given  since  this  teacher 
may  have  hit  at  the  heart  of  the  oroblem  of  evaluation  of 
the  O^^rittee's  course,  as  compared  to  the  conventional 
course,  even  if  his  opinion  ir  somewhat  biased. 

If  one  starts  with  the  oremise  that  the 
aim  of  a  physics  course  is  to  oroduce  students 
who  dan  aonly  neatly  boxed  equation?  to  every- 
day life,  end  in  this  way  calculate  such  quan- 
tities as  the  final  temperature  of  a  mixture 
of  two  liquids  or  determine  the  focal  length 
of  a  l«ai|  then  the  conventional  texts  will 

The  second  view,  if  one  considers  it  more 
imocrtant  to  stress  the  very  basic  concepts 
with  s  doeper  treatment  than  is  customarily 
accorded  them,  and  to  build  up  a  view  of  physics 
as  a  modern  quantitative  science  which  relies 
on  experiment,  deduction,  analysis,  and  pre- 
diction, then  the  Pftyall  ]  Science  Study  Com- 
mittee course  is  the  answer. *• 

A  REVIEW  OF  RESEARCH  |HD  STAKJAf IOHS  r      I   CTE7:  0!f 

Several  statistical  studies  hpve  been  conducted  since 
1957  on  the  PSSO  program.   In  this  section  the  author  will 
attempt  to  show  what  research  studies  have  been  conducted  to 
determine  if  the  objectives  of  the  Committee's  course  have 
been  reached. 

The  objectives  of  the  PSSC  course  have  been  listed  in 
a  study  by  Leslie  W.  Trowbridge.  Trowbridge  proposed  fifty- 

*M.  to".  Frledlander,  "Book  Reviews,"   Physics  Today, 
15:63,  January,  1962» 

five  objectives  of  the  Committee  find  confirmed  thore  objec- 
tives by  Interviews  and  -ueationaires  with  the  directors  of 
the  PMC«  Trowbridge  hop  listed  sixteen  objectives  which 
are  norMc1.! ?irly  oroo-^ged  by  the  °SSC  course  and  thirty- 
nine  objectives  which  are  common  to  both  the  pS?C  course  and 
the  traditional  course.   Most  of  these  objectives  can  be 
classified  under  several  general  objectives  formulated  by 
Trowbridge.  Prim   the  outhor's  wide  reading  pboMt  the  aims 
and  j^oals  of  the  Committee,  he  determined  that  the  following 
eight  objectives  of  Trowbridge  are  the  main  objectives  the 
Committee  was  tryin^  to  achieve  in  introducing  the  course. 
These  objectives  are: 

1*  To  emohesize  the  continuity  and  unity 
of  Physics. 

?•  To  encourage  students  to  oreoare  for 
careers  In  tho  phyaleal  sciences. 

3.  To  orenare  students  for  advanced  work 
in  colleges  and  universities. 

lj.«  To  emohasSze  the  study  of  a  few  major 
tonics  at  considerable  deoth. 

5.  To  !*moloy  thests  as  a  means  of  deter- 
mining the  ability  of  students  to  reason  to 
logical  conclusions  when  working  with  unfamiliar 


w'  « 

To  develon  the  spirit  of  scientific 

7.  To  teach  ohvslce  to  the  typical  kind 
of  hi^h  school  group  which  has  traditionally 
taken  high  school  physic3  in  the  past. 

8.  To  help  students  learn  techniques  of 
experimentation  in  order  to  find  the  answers 
to  8ll  emblems. ^ 

*•  Leslie  W.  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  Physles 
Courses,"  Science  Education,  1|.9:117-122,  March,  1965« 



The  reoort  cent Inn es  with  a  summary  of  the  reeeerch 
flndlnps.  Then  an  analysis  ie  made  to  determine  If  the 
objectives  have  or  hrve  not  been  reached . 

From  the  very  berJnninr,  a  systematic  pnrran  of 
achievement  testing  was  built  Into  the  development  of  the 
course  Itself.   The  achievement  tests  t^rere  designed  to  measure 
the  kinds  of  learninr  eroected  of  students  by  the  authors  of 
the  course,   ^en  tests  were  ?ivcn  throughout  the  year.  The 
achievement  tests  measured  the  extent  to  which  the  course 
objective?  hsd  been  met,  and  also  served  as  a  criterion 
measure  ''or  ■  self-eooraisnl  by  the  Committee. 

Tn  19^-59  the  tests  wer^  .^iven  to  see  if  the  following 
questions  could  be  answered: 

1,   Is  the  group  of  students  enrolled  in 
the  PSSC  ^ogram  during  19^-£9  representative 
of  the  aotltude  level  for  which  the  course  wu 

Is  the  course  generally  I ooropriate  to 
the  ability  range  of  students  for  which  the 
course  was  designed? 

3»   Is  the  course,  as  many  critics  had  ore- 
dieted,  hopelessly  beyond  the  capacity  of  the 
students  in  the  lower  aotitudo  ranges  of  those 
who  normally  take  ohysics?^ 

* Frederick  L«  Ferris,  frej  "An  Achievement  Test 
Peoort,n  Science  Teacher,  ?6:£?7#  December,  1959. 


No  comoarison  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  Committee 'a 
course  with  other  methods  of  secondary  school  physics  instruc- 
tion was  contemplated*   Fach  school  was  asked  to  administer 
the  School  and  College  Ability  Test  (SCAT)  yielding  verbal, 
quantitative,  and   composite  scores  for  all  Physical  Science 
Study  Committee  students  and  thereby  establishing  control 
on  scholastic  aptitude  for  the  test  group* 

As  the  year  progressed  the  schools  administered  each 
of  the  tests  in  the  achievement-battery. 

Consistent  with  the  aims  of  the  course, 
nearly  every  test  situation  demanded  not 
only  a  knowledge  of  the  subject  matter,  but 
also  an  ability  to  use  and  apoly  this  know- 
ledge in  the  context  of  a  variety  of  situ- 
ations new  to  the  student.*- 

The  consensus  of  teachers  giving  the  test  seemed  to  be 
that  the  tests  led  to  discussion  that  served  to  summarize 
and  clarify  the  course  content  and  its  objectives. 

The  test  reliabilities  of  all  instruments,  including 
the  SCAT  test,  were  satisfactorily  high.   The  mean  diffi- 
culty of  the  tests  was  a  little  high,  but  the  test  did  an 
excellent  job  of  discrimination  as  compared  to  the  College 
Fntrance  Fxamination  Board .^ 

Frederick  L.  ^erris,  Jr.,   "An  Achievement  Test 
Report, "  Science  Teacher,  26:5>7o»  December,  195)9. 



The  results  of  the  aptitude  testing  showed 
that  80  per  cent  of  the  ?SSC  students  scored 
better  than  the  7£  oercentile  of  the  national 
norms  grouD  of  the  United  States  twelfth  grade 
students  on  SCAT.1 

Since  the  Committee's  course  was  designed  for  those  who  gen- 
erally rank  In  the  uooer  half  of  their  clasp,  Ferrls's  study 
concluded  that  the  test  grouD  of  students  enrolled  In  the 
course  was  essentially  reoresentative  of  the  aotltude  range 
for  which  the  course  was  designed. ^ 

A  special  study  was  made  of  the  achievement  test 
results  for  students  in  each  of  three  aptitude  groups  mea- 
sured by  SCAT.  The  three  groups  were:   (Jrouo  I,  students 
ranking  above  the  90th  oercentile;  Group  II,  students  ranking 
between  the  90th  and  7£tn  oercentile;  Group  III,  students 
below  the  75>th  percentile.   One  striking  fact  emerged  in 
that  there  wa^  a  marked  overlap  In  the  score  distribution  of 
the  respective  grouos.   A  high  percentage  of  students  in  the 
lower  aotitud*1  group  performed  better  on  the  achievement 
tests  than  the  median  score  of  the  grouo  ranking  above  the 
90th  oercentile  on  SCAT. 

^Frederick  L.  Ferris,  Jr..   "An  Achievement  Test 
Reoort,"  Science  Teacher,  26:578,  Pecember,  1959* 




Therefore,  it  Is  now  possible  to  exclude 
the  idea  that  the  Committee  f  c  course  is  apnro- 
oriate  only  for  students  of  tho  highest  acadomic 
aotitude.   'ihe  evidence  obtained  from  tho  testing 
program  overwhelr.ingly  points  to  the  conclusion 
that*  not  only  is  tho  course  well  within  the 
capability  of  the  great  majority  of  United 
States  high  school  ohysics  students,  but  that 
experience  in  it  is  also  highly  profitable  to 
a  sizeable  oercentap:©  of  relatively  low- 
aotitude  students.* 

°>ne  of  the  earliest  studies  conducted  on  the  evalu- 
ation of  the  °hysical  Science  Study  Committee  course  was  done 
by  Warren  L.  Hiosher  in  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,   i^g  investigation 
was  designed  to  comoare  the  relative  effectiveness  of  the 
traditional  hiirh  school  physics  curriculum  and  the  PSSC  physics 
curriculum.   This  v:is  accomolished  by  comparing  scores  of  two 
groups  of  students  who  took  the  Coooerative  Physics  Test,  when 
the  variables  of  scholastic  aotitude,  prior  achievement  in 
nat^rnl  science,  physical  science  aptitude,  and  socio-economic 
status  are  statistically  controlled. 

The  exoeriment  was  carried  out  over  a  two  year  oeriod 
at  the  Will  Rogers  High  School  in  Tulsa,  Oklahoma.   All 
students  in  the  school  that  took  hirrh  school  ohysics  during 
the  19£7-£o*  school  were  taught  using  the  traditional  physics 
curriculum.   A  total  of  ll|.5>  high  school  seniors  were  enrolled 

■*•  Frederick  L.  Ferris,  Jr.,  "An  Achievement  Test  Report f" 
Science  Teacher,  26:578,  December,  195>9. 

2Warren  I#.  HiDsher,  "A  Comparative  Study  of  High 
School  ^hysics  Achievement,"   (Doctoral  Dissertation, 
University  of  Tulsa,  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  I960). 

In  five  clflsros.   This  proup  was  designated  ns  the  control 
grouo.   The  following  school  veer,  195G*59|  five  classes  of 
13l|.  high  school  seniors  completed  the  course  c'evelooec  by  the 
Committor,  which  we s  designated  st   thr  exoerlmental  group. 
The  seme  teacher  was  used  in  ee^h  of  the  different  groups. 

Form  Z,  the  latest  revision  of  the  Co^oera  5ve  ^hysics 
Test,  wes  used  to  measure  the  l?vel  of  achievement  in  physics 
of  the  students.   This  test  was  actually  based  on  the  objec- 
tives of  the  traditional  course.   The  objectives  of  the 
authors  of  the  Committee's  nrorran,  however,  were  different 
from  the  objectives  of  those  who  had  shaped  the  traditional 
physics  course.   Consequently,  a  test  which  measured  achieve- 
ment thst  was  exoected  to  result  from  the  use  of  the  tradi- 
tional course  would  not  be  comoletely  applicable  for  measuring 
achievement  of  the  Committee's  course. 

Nevertheless  most  colleges  and  universities 
were  and  are  oriented  toward  traditional  ohysics 
in  their  introductory  course  in  college  physics. 
Thus  the  preoaretion  of  hi^h  school  (rr^duates  to 
succeed  in  a  traditional  physics  curriculum  at 
the  collepe  level  mln-ht  be  one  of  the  e:*oec- 
tations  and  requirements  that  might  be  postulated 
for  any  hiph  school  ohysics  or'ir*^"m.2 

^Warren  L.  Hipsher,  *M   Comoarative  Study  of  Hich 
School  ^hysics  Achievement^'  (Doctoral  Dissertation, 
University  of  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  I960.)  o.  9« 

?IMd.,  o.  I4.. 

Thus  the  decision  was  made  to  use  the  Cooperative  physics 

In  the  statistical  analysis  the  effect  of  the  fol- 
lowing four  variables  were  taken  into  account  when  comparing 
scores  on  the  Cooperative  ^hysics  Test.   Scholastic  aptitude 
was  measured  by  the  Gamma  Form  of  the  Otis  Quick-Scoring 
Mental  Ability  Test.   Prior  achievement  in  natural  science 
was  tested  by  the  General  Achievement  Test  in  Natural  Science, 
"'hysical  science  aotitude  was  measured  by  the  Engineering  and 
Physical  Science  Aptitude.   To  establish  the  socio-economic 
level  of  each  of  the  students,  the  North-Hatt  Scale  was  used. 

The  analysis  of  covarianees  was  used  to  test  the 

following  null -hypothesis : 

There  is  no  differ-  nee  in  the  achievement  of 
the  control  and  the  experimental  groups  in  their 
response  to  the  criterion,  the  Cooperative  Physics 
Test,  when  the  variables  of  scholastic  aotitude, 
prior  achievement  in  natural  science,  physical  science 
aptitude  and  socio-economic  status  are  statistically 

The  null -hypo the sis  was  rejected  and  the  findings  of 
the  investigation  indicated  that  students  taught  physics 
using  the  traditional  hip-h  school  physics  curriculum  per- 
formed significantly  better  on  the  Cooperative  Physics 

^Warren  L.  Hiosher,  "A  Comparative  ?tudy  of  High 
School  Physics  Achievement ,"  (doctoral  Pissertation,  University 
of  Tulsa,  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  I960.),  p.  I4.9. 

Test,  than  students  taught  high  school  physics  using  the 
curriculum  developed  hy  the  ^SSC.   In  light  of  their  Inves- 
tigation a  question  has  been  raised  relative  to  the  effec- 
tiveness of  the  Committee's  course  in  Preparing  students 
for  traditionally  oriented  courses  in  college  physics* 

Robert  W.  Heath  of  the  Fducational  Testing  Service 
developed  a  new  test  which  he  felt  was  able  to  test  the 
objectives  of  the  Committee.   This  test  was  called  the 
Cognitive  ^reference  Test.*-  This  tost  presented  a  state- 
ment with  four  ootions  designed  to  demonstrate  different 
forms  of  cognitive  preference  in  ohysics.   One  option  was 
to  show  preference  for  memory  of  specific  facts  or  terms. 
Another  orovided  a  practical  application  of  the  information 
given  in  the  statement.   A  third  choice  reflected  some 
challenging  or  questioning  of  the  information  given  The 
fourth  option  was  a  statement  of  fundamental  principle  of 
nhys ics  underlying  the  data.  The  purpose  of  this  test  was  to 
comoare  PSSC  classes  and  conventional  physics  classes  with  a 
reference  to  the  four  cognitive  oreferences. 

The  population  was  made  uo  of  forty-nine  teachers 
and  their  classes  using  the  traditional  course  and  thirty 

^Robert  W.  Heath,  "Curriculum,  Cognition,  and 
Fducational  Measurement,"  Educational  and  Psychological 
Measurement,  2k: 239-53*  Summer,  196l(.. 

teachers  and  their  classes  using  the  ''SSC  course.   The  control 
group  was  designated  as  the  traditional  physics  clashes. 
All  students  in  both  groups  took  the  followinr  tests: 

1.  The  School  and  College  Ability  Test,  °art  I,  II,  and 
Form  1A  for  scholastic  aptitude. 

2.  The  Coooerative  nhysics  Test,  Form  Z   for  a  traditionally 
oriented  comorehensive  examination. 

3.  The  PSSC  Comorehensive  Final  Fxamination. 

I+.   The  Concealed  Figures  Test  to  measure  the  ability  to 

change  the  function  or  significance  of  structural  elements 
of  an  object  and  to  use  them  in  a  new  way.-*- 

Table  I  shows  how  the  students  scored  on  the  dif- 
ferent tests.   The  3SSC  grouo,  on  the  average,  demonstrated 
less  preference  for  menory  of  specific  facts  and  for  oractical 
aoolication  ootions  In  the  Cognitive  '"'reference  Test,  and  a 
stronger  ^reference  for  the  questioning  of  assumption  and  a 
statement  of  fimdamental  principles  option  than  the  control 
grouo.   The  ^SSC  groups  are,  on  the  average,  superior  in 
ability  as  measured  by  SCAT.  The  control  group  performed 
slightly  better  on  the  conventional  achievement  test  but 
the  °SSC  group  is  much  superior  on  the  PSSC  test.   The  °SSC 

^Robert  W.  Heath,  "Curriculum,  Cognition,  and 
Fducationrl  J'easvrement,"   Educational  and  Psychological 
Measurement,  2\± :  ?lj.f>-2l}.6 ,  Summer,  1961^.  ' 


QUI?   ST'     T       rCS    W    °SSC    in  CONTROL  CiROO  P| 



Moan  Standard 
Score    Pev. 






Coop.  Physics 





PSSC  Final 





Concealed  Figures 





Cognitive  Preference: 






Cognitive  ^reference: 





Cognitive  ^references 






Cognitive  Preference: 





^Robert  W.   rteath,    "Curriculum,   Cognition,   and 
Fducationsl   ^e8Puremont,,,     Fducstlonal   and   Psychological 

*-.eagure^nt,    24:247,    Summer,    196Ij.. 

grouos  wore  also  higher  on  the  Concealed  Plngures  Test.     The 
possibility  that  the   difference   In  cognitive  preference  can 
be  accounted   for  by  differences   in  ability  was   tested  and 

Based  on  the  orooosition  that  the   PSSC  hip-h  school 
physios  course  has  an  objective  of  encouraging  cognitive 
preferences   different  from  tho   traditional  course,    the  fol- 
lowing hypotheses  wore   tested,   and  were   accented: 

1*     that   ~S?.C  students   demonstrate  a  stronger 
reference  for  fundanental   principles   and  ques- 
tioning than  non-PS  BO  students* 

?.m     that  non- *"'  ~   ifc  Santl    orefer  m&mWf  for 
facts   find  practical  application  %%  a  greater 
degreo   than  PSSC   student a J 

3«     that  preference   for  fundamental   orinci ^les 
and  questioning  Is  rcore  positively  related  to 
ac  liaraaant   test  scores  for  PSSC   students   than 
for  the  control  gVOttpj   and 

km     that  ^reference  for  facts   anc  terms   &nd 
for  practical   application  Is  more   negatively 
related  to  achievement  test  aoores   for   PSSC 
atudenta  than  for  control  (VOttp   students.^ 

One  of  the  most  recent  research  studies  concerning 

the   P8S€   was   done  by  Wtlliem  W.   T>ay  to  deternine    if  a  rela* 

tionehin  exists  bet«ean  the  amount  and  tyoe  of  physics  tak^n 

by  a  pupil  rid  his  critical   thinking  ability • 

^Robert  W«   Heath,    " Curriculum,   Cognition,   and 
Fducwtionr.l    'aasurement,"     Educational   and    Psychological 
Measurement,   P!j.:?i|7,   Sumner,   196I|. 

?md#,   p.   251. 

3willlam  w.  ray,  ""hysics  sn6   Critical  Thinking:  A 
Comparison  of  PSSC  and  Traditional  Physics,"  (A  summary  of 
doctoral  dissertation,  University  of  Nebraska,  June,  1961+) . 


A  test  population  consisting  of  three  groups  was 
selected  from  thirteen  Colorado  secondary  schools  and  con- 
tained 890  individuals*  The  grouos  were  divided  as  follows: 
the  ?SSC  group  comprised  2S   oer  cent  of  the  total  population, 
the  traditional  physics  group  comprised  29  per  cent  of  the 
total  pooulation,  and  the  no-physics  group  comprised  ij.6  per 
cent  of  the  total  population.   "All  three  groups  were  equated 
on  the  basis  of  intelligence;  achievement;  course  background 
in  Fnglish,  mathematics,  social  studies,  and  science;  and 
mobility."   The  evaluative  instruments  used  as  a  basis  of 
critical  thinking  were  the  Watson-Glaeer  Critical  Thinking 
Appraisal,  form  XMf  and  Logical  Reasoning,  form  A. 

A  questionaire  was  given  to  the  students  whose 
teachers  taught  both  the  PSSC  and  traditional  courses  and 
this  questionaire  revealed  a  distinct  difference  in  accep- 
tance of  the  physics  courses  and  students1  attitudes  toward 
science.  On  a  question  asked  about  the  course  being  up  to 
the  students*  expectations,  the  DSSC  students  answered  "no" 
by  ^1  ner  cent;  whereas,  the  Traditional  students  answered 
nyestt  by  82  per  cent.  A  question  about  the  method  of 

iwilliam  w.  Day,  "Physics  and  Critical  Thinking:  A 
Comparison  of  PSSC  and  Traditional  Physics,"   (A  summary 
of  Poctoral  rissertatlon,  University  of  Nebraska,  June, 


presentation  Indicates  the  79  oer  cent  of  the  PSSC  group 

were  not  pleased  with  the  presentation;  while  61  per  cent 

of  the  Traditional  group  felt  the  oresentation  was  satisfactory. 

The  students  were  tested  for  the  following  asoects  of 
critical  thinking;  inference,  deduction,  interpretation, 
logical  reasoning,  total  critical  thinking  appraisal,  assump- 
tion, and  argument.   Inference,  deduction,  interpretation, 
logical  reasoning  and  total  critical  thinking  critical  aporai- 
sal  are  all  significant  at  the  1  oer  cent  level,  while  assump- 
tion  and  argument  ere  significant  et  the  J  per  cent  level." 

An  examination  of  Table  II  reveals  that  the  ^SSC 
mean  is  higher  than  the  traditional  mean  in  all  but  one  of 
the  categories  of  critical  thinking  tested,  this  being  the 
assumption  category.   nThe  difference  between  the  PSSC  group 
and  the  Traditional  grouo,  as  well  as  the  Traditional  group 
end  the  no-ohysies  eroup,  is  much  less  than  the  difference 
between  the  PSSC  group  and  the  No-Physics  group #"-*  3y 
adding  the  differences  between  the  PSSC  and  the  Traditional 
groups  and  the  Traditional  and  No-Physics  group,  it  can  be 

iwilllam  W.  Day,  "Physics  and  Critical  Thinking:  A 
Comoarison  of  PSSC  and  Traditional  Physics,"   (A  summary 
of  Toctoral  Fissertation,  University  of  Nebraska,  June, 
1961;),  p.  12. 

2Ibld«,  p.  13. 

3 Ibid.,  p.  15. 






Difference  measured  in 
lOOths  of  a  unit  with 
the  lowest  score  as  base 



m   ui 

0  C 
•H    O 

03  «H 
X!  «H 

1  CO 






















l      I  A 


















^William  W.  Day,  "Physics  and  Critical  Thinking:  A 
Comparison  of  PSSC  and  Traditional  Physics,"  (Summary  of 
Unpublished  Doctoral  Dissertation,  University  of  Nebraska, 
June,  1961+)  p.  llj.. 


seen  that  the  difference  between  the  PSSC  and  Traditional 
groups  Is  ebout  ^ne  end  one  half  times  la  rger  than  the  em- 
ulative difference  between  the  Traditional  and  No-Phye^cs 

The  following  were  the  conclusions  made  by  the 

1.  Students  who  take  P8SC  nhyslcs  exhibit  a 
greater  ability  to  solve  critical  tninkiw?  orob- 
lems  than  do  those  students  who  do  not  take 
physics*  as  measured  by  the  evaluative  instruments. 

2.  The  results  also  sucgest  an  advantage 
of  P8S€  physics  over  Traditional  physics  in 
developing  critical  thinking  ability  and  an 
advantage  of  Traditional  physics  students  over 
students  who  do  not  take  ohyslcs  is  measured 
by  the  evaluative  instruments*   These  differ- 
ences were  not  tested  statistically  for  sig- 

3.  The  results  of  the  study  support  the 
conclusion  that  of  the  small  sub-population 

of  ?SSC  and  Traditional  students  whose  instruc- 
tor taught  both  ?SSC  and  Traditional  sections 
of  ohyslcs ,  the  pSSC  physics  students  h&ve   a 
negative  attitude  toward  the  course,  when 
compared  to  the  Traditional  students.   The 
Traditional  students  were  not  only  more 
positive  In  nttitude  toward  their  course 
but  were  also  more  positive  in  the  areas 
of  interest  in  science  and  science  activities. 

!i*  The  school  population  is  highly 
mobile  and  college  bound. • 

One  of  the  first  ideas  that  enters  the  researchers 

mind  when  considering  the  °SSC  course,  is  what  are  the 

William  W.  Pay,  "^hysies  end  Critical  Thinking:  A 
Comparison  of  nSSC  znd   Traditional  Physics,  (a  sumnary  of 
Poctoral  Pissertation,  University  of  Nebraska,  June, 
196^),  pp.  1^-16. 

objectives  of  the  Committee*   Leslie  W.  Trowbridge  did 
research  on  the  comparison  of  the  objectives  of  the  MM 
and  a  Tradition*!  nhvsics  course*1  He  developed  a  composite 
list  of   seventy-two  objectives ,  sone  which  were  unique  to 
the  PSSC  course,  some  to  the  traditional  course,  and  some 
eo-r^on  to  both  courses*  '3 his  be  sent  to  various  high  school 
physics  teachers  to  have  them  indicate  what  they  thought 
were  tho  main  objectives  of  both  courses* 

>n>?  the  objectives  on  which  the  PS80  teachers  and, 
teachers  of  traditional  courses  differed  significantly 
were  the  following: 

1*  To  help  the  student  become  a  more 
Intel1  Lgftitt  90 tubuses1  of  |ha  n         ^s  of 
modern  technology* 

2a   To  teach  the  ap  >lloation  ft!  ibyj  ice 
princioles  to  rrofarn   technology  and  to 
devices  SOWOfl  in  the  life  of  the  student* 

3*  To  cover  the  requirements  of  standard 
state  and  looftjl  syllabi  ond  examination* 

k»     To  use  a  textbook  which  helps  students 
retail)  learned  inf^r^nti-jn   by  uee  of  eumn'ar'ra** 
glossaries,  tables,  list  of  conclusions,  etc* 

^.   o  use  laboratories  to  verify  facts  and 
orinciples  of  ohysics* 

6*  To  eriphasJ-ze  or*ct5cal  On-lish)  units 
of  measurement *2 

The  six  objectives  listed  above  were  favored  signi- 
ficantly by  the  traditional  teachers  ov«r  PSSC  teachers* 

^Leslie  W*  Trowbridge,  *l  Conv^p.rieon  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  lyp&t   of  High  School  Physics 
Courses,"   Science  Education,  lj.9Jll7-12?,  'arch,  196$. 

2Xbld*_.  p.  120. 


The  following  objectives  were  favored  significantly  by 
PSSC  teachers  over  teachers  of  traditional  courses  I 

1.  To  emphasize  the  intellectual*  cultural, 
and  liberal  education  aspects  of  physics. 

2.  To  develop  an  understanding  of  the  pur- 
poses, uses,  development,  and  limitations  of 
scientific  "Theories"  in  general • 

3«  To  teach  some  of  the  imoortant  historical 
and  ohilosophical  developments  of  physics. 

)4.«   To  emphasize  that  physicists  are  typical 
people  of  academic  life  with  typical  human 

5.  To  emphasize  the  major  concents  and 
principles  of  physics  mainly  from  the  stand- 
point of  their  contributions  to  physics  as  a 
pure  science  rather  than  an  applied  science. 

6.  To  emphasize  the  study  of  a  few  major 
tooics  at  considerable  depth* 

7.  To  emphasize  the  method  of  laboratory 
investigation  for  learning. 

8.  To  emphasize  the  understanding  and  use 
of  Dhysical  approximations  and  models  in  helping 
to  explain  theoretical  concepts.! 

A  research  study,  conducted  aporoximately  like 

the  Trowbridge  study,  has  been  done  on  the  generalizations 

of  the  PSSC  course.   Pate  D«  Rathe  proposed  an  investigation: 

1.  To  identify  and  state  subject  matter 
physics  generalizations  which  are  preliminary  to 
and  basic  for  those  found  in  PSSC  physics  and 

2*  To  seek,  through  the  opinions  of  PSSC 
high  school  instructors,  the  relative  desir- 
ability of  students  attaining  these  generali- 
zations prior  to  taking  the  PSSC  high  school 
physics  course .2 

^Leslie  W.  Trowbridge,  nA  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  Physics 
Courses,"  Science  Education,  lj.9:121,  March,  1965* 

2pate  D«  Rathe,  "Certain  Physics  Generalizations 
Desirable  for  Student  to  Attain  Before  Taking  the  PSSC 
High  School  Physics  Course,"   Science  Education,  14.9:128, 
March,  1965. 

Two  hundred  twenty-three  generalizations  were  listed 
and  twenty-three  selected  teachers  were  used  to  find  out  if 
they  believe  these  generalizations  were  stressed  by  the  ^SSC 
course*  The  following  conclusions  were  develooed: 

1*  One  hundred  thirty-four  of  these 
generalizations  showed  relatively  high 
desirability  for  students  to  attain  before 
taking  P88C  ohysics* 

2*  Generalisations  showinc  relatively 
high  desirability  for  students  to  attain 
before  taking  PSSC  physics  relate  mainly 
to  topics  of  matter*  magnetism,  and  some 
asoeots  of  light  and  energy* 

3*  Generalizations  showing  relatively 
low  desirability  for  students  to  attain 
before  taking  PSSC  physics  relate  mainly 
to  topics  of  waves*  dynamics*  and  some 
asoects  of  light  and  energy. 

!j..  This  investigation  indicated  dis- 
agreement among  college  and  high  school 
physics  teachers  as  to  a)  the  ability  of 
certain  science  terms  to  convey  a  fairly 
accurate  scientific  meaning  and  b)  how 
accurately  quantitative  relationships 
should  be  expressed  for  pre-PSSC  science 
courses  #2- 

A  research  study  was  completed  on  the  local  level 

in  Grossmont,  California*2  The  purpose  of  the  study  was  to 

answer  the  following  questions  before  edootlng  the  PSSC 

l;:>ate  T.  Rathe.  "Certain  Physics  Generalizations 
Desirable  for  Student  to  Attain  Before  Taking  the  PSSC 
High  School  Physics  Course,"  Science  Education.  lj.9:128, 
March,  1965* 

?Leon  M.  Lessinger,  "An  Evaluation  of  PSSC  Physics, n 
California  £gujpnal      c  'idary  Education,  37:97-99* 
February,  1^62* 



1.  What  contribution*!  would  the  new 
progrem  yr.ake  in  the  educational  life  of  the 
pu->ile  not  now  being  made  by  the  traditional 

?.  Would  ell  oralis  co^i  only  electing 
physics  be  a^le  to  handle  the  subject  matter? 

3»  What  would  the  reaction  be  from 
pupils,  orrpnts,  teachers,  btio   administrators? 

I±*     Would  the  coarse  cause  lower  rrj&rks 
earned  by  the  pupils? 

5>*  What  weaknesses  were  there  in  the 
urogram  which  Right  require  reraerilatlve 

The  research  Dlan,  selected  to  answer  the  above 
questions,  wes  to  have  five  of  the  six  schools  teach  the 
PSSC  program  while  the  sixth  school  taught  the  traditional 
course.  The  Otis  test  of  general  intelligence,  P8SC  tests, 
and  a  test  produced  by  the  teachers  of  the  district  were 
administered  to  all  ouoils*  ouestionaires  and  rating  sheets 
were  developed  to  obtain  oupil,  parent,  teacher,  and  admin- 
istrator reaction  to  the  program* 

The  results  may  be  summarized  as  follows: 

1.   Pupils  stated  that  they  experienced 
marked  growth  in  their  understanding  of  ohysics* 
They  were  particularly  favortible  towards  their 
Increased  ability  to  see  relationships,  judge 
the  usefulness  of  facts,  and  the  oooortunity 
to  experiment  and  use  Ideas* 

^Leon  R«  Lessinger,  "An  "valuation  of  PSSC  Physics," 
California  Journal  of  Secondary  Education,  37s97«  February, 


2«  The  parents  general  reaction  was 
favorsbl© 5  they  stressed,  in  Derticular,  the 
contribution  of  the  program  in  their  youngs  vera 
ability  to  think  independently* 

3»  Teachers  and  administrators  felt  that 
the  pv-f.:ram   not  yny-   tau-ht  ohysics  but  el  so 
helped  toe  pupils  learn  to  think*   A  by-product 
of  the  program  war  I  more  Insi^htf  .1  under- 
standing of  Physics  by  the  teachers  themselves* 

U»  The  raarka  B&rned,   as  well  ae  the  actual 
performance  of  the  pupils  of  oomoerable  ability* 
on  the  PS5C  and  traditional  physics  tests  do  not 
support  the  thesis  that  the  PSSC  program  is  either 
harder  to  grass  or  more  difficult  to  succeed  in 
than  the  traditional  program, 

!?•  ^SSC  pupils  were  not  penalized  in  their 
understanding  of  classical  nhysics  when  com  arod 
to  the  pupils  or  comparable  ability  taking  the 
traditional  prograsi  in  the  district • 

6.  The  California  sample  of  PSSC   pupils 
did  better,  statistically,  on  one  of  the  HMO 
tests  and   significantly  better  on  two  of  the 
five  ?3SC  tests  than  the  New  York  Stat©  sample* 

?•  Weaknesses  in  the  program,  center 
mainly  around  the  text  material,  tin©  allotted 
for  laboratory  and  previous  preparation  of  the 
iile  in  the  mathematics*! 

Some  of  the  studies  reviewed  have  tried  to  compare  the 
PSSC  course  and  the  tradtl  nal  course*  The  major  problem 
in  this  tyoo  of  evaluation  will  be  realistic  only  if  the 
nature  and  objectives  of  the  co.-rsa  are  talren  into  account* 
This  is  one  reason  it  Is  practically  impossible  to  ccmoare 
and  tralnate  bin  rOsmitt*e*S  physics  course  zn6   the  tradi- 
tional pnysiea  course*  fhs  complexity  of  this  problem  led 
the  Oollege  Board  to  authorise  a  special  study  to  determine 

3- La  on  H*  Lesslnfter*  "An  Evaluation  of  PSSC  Physics, 
California  Journal  of  Secondary  Fducation,  37:97-  9, 
February*  l%g* * 

the  extent  of  tic  ha  -.d  leaps  of  the  PSSC  physics  students 
on  the  College  Entrance  Examination  Board  Physics  Vest. 
The  results  she  i  the  validity  of  the  traditional  evaluative 
instrument  vr.s  questionable  for  both  types  of  courses* 
Consequently,  they  ha  e  reverted  to  a  single  examination 
consisting  of  ouotrtlont  involving  both  co  r:;c:   f  study. 

mother  major  problem  in  evaluating  a  new  courte 
such  as  the  °S£C  is  the  difficulty  to  cetermine  whether  the 
differences  are  die  to  variables  which  are  being  evaluated 
or  whether  the  differences  exist  due  to  some  other  variable 
which  has  not  been  takoE  into  consideration. 

Prom  the  research  studies  reviewed,  the  author  will 
attemot  to  indicate  which  objectives  have  or  have  not  been 
reached.  For  some  of  these  objectives  it  will  be  possible 
to  compare  the  PSSC  and  traditional  students.   In  such  cases 
If  the  scores  on  a  test  indicate  that  the  PSSC  grouo  did 
significantly  better  than  the  traditional  group,  then  the 
author  will  assume  that  the  objective  has  hsen   reached. 

Objective  number  one,  "to  euphasize  the  continuity 
and  unity  or  pfcyales"*  and  objective  number  two,  "to 
encourage  students  to  oreonre  for  careers  in  the  Physical 
sciences, *c  are  the  only  two  objectives  that  are  given 

Leslie  V«  Trowbridge,  WA  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  Physics 
Courses, n     Science  F&icatlon,  49*117-122,  March,  196£. 


where  the  research  studies  failed  to  Indicate  whether  or  not 
these  objectives  have  been  reached. 

Hipsher fs  research  study  on  the  cor  arison  of  the 
PSSC  course  and  the  traditional  course  seems  to  indicate 
that  objective  number  three,  "to  prepare  students  for  advanced 
work  in  college  and  universities,"!  has  not  been  reached. 
Hipsher  has  shown  this  by  comparing  test  scores  of  studentB 
of  both  the  PSSC  course  and  the  traditional  course  who  took 
the  Cooperative  Physics  Test.  These  test  scores  showed  the 
traditional  students  significantly  higher  than  the  °SSC 
students.  This  Cooperative  Physics  Test  is  designed  to  mea- 
sure the  level  of  achievement  and  the  ability  of  students 
to  succeed  in  an  introductory  college  physics  course.  How- 
ever, as  Hipsher  has  commented,  the  Cooperative  physics  Test 
is  designed  for  the  traditionally  oriented  student  because 
most  of  the  introductory  college  courses  are  taught  like  the 
traditional  ohysics  course.   3ecause  of  this  the  student  in 
the  traditional  course  may  have  had  an  advantage  over  the 
students  in  the  ^SSC  course. 

Trowbridge's  study,  conducted  by  sending  questionaires 

1Leslie  W.  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  Physics 
Courses,"  Science  Fducatlon,  1^9:117-122,  March,  1965>. 

to  teachers,  indicates  that  objective  number  four,  "to 
emohasize  the  study  of  a  few  major  topics  at  considerable 
depth, ■•  has  been  reached.  This  was  shown  by  the  fact  that 
this  was  one  of  the  objectives  favored  significantly  by 
PSSC  teachers  over  teachers  of  traditional  courses.   The 
author  is  asFuminrr  that  because  this  objective  obtained  a 
Msrher  rating  from  PSSC  teachers  that  this  objective  has 
been  reached. 

Objective  number  five,  to  determine  the  ability  of 
students  to  reason  to  logical  conclusions  when  working  with 
unfamiliar  data,  has  been  reached  and  verified  by  Heaths 
study  and  by  Pay's  study.  This  is  shown  in  Heath's  study 
by  the  3SSC  group  getting  higher  scores  on  the  Concealed 
Flcrurea  Test  than  the  traditional  group.   The  Concealed 
Fiprures  Test  is  designed  to  measure  the  ability  of  students 
to  change  t^e  function  of  structural  elements  of  en  object 
and  use  them  in  a  new  way.   In  Day's  study  this  is  shown  by 
the  PSSC  croup  scoring  higher  scores  on  the  items,  logical 
reasoning  and  deduction  on  the  Watson-Clazer  Critical  Thinking 

On  the  basis  of  Heath's  study  and  Lessinger's  study 
objective  number  six,  "to  develoo  the  spirit  of  scientific 

lLeslie  W.  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  "aterisl  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  Physics 
Courses,"   Science  Education,  1^.9:117-122,  March,  1965. 


inquiry, ■*  has  been  readied.   In  Leseinger's  study,  conducted 
in  Grossri  nt,  California,  he  shows  that  the  objective  has 
been  reached  by  stnting  that  the  study  showed  the  pupils  who 
were  taking  the  PSSC  course  showed  more  growth  in  their  under- 
standing of  relationships  and  the  opportunity  to  experiment 
and  use  ideas  as  compared  to  a  traditional  ohysics  grouo. 
death's  study  also  shows  this  objective  has  been  reached  by 
showing  the  PSSC  gFoap  scored  higher  than  the  traditional 
group  on  the  Cognitive  Preference  Test  items,  "questioning 
3f  information  given"  and  "fundamental  principles  of  physics 
underlying  the  data". 

Objective  number  seven,  "to  teach  physics  to  the 

tyoical  kind  of  high  school  group  which  has  traditionally 


taken  hirh  school  physics  in  the  past,"   has  been  reached. 

This  is  shown  by  the  Ferris  study  and  the  Les singer  study. 
One  of  the  main  purposes  of  the  achievement  test  given  to 
the  PSSC  grouD  in  Perris*s  study  was  to  determine  if  this 
objective  hnd  been  reached.   This  was  shown  by  the  results  of 
the  aptitude  test  in  that  -ost  of  the  students  taking  PSSC 
course  scored  in  the  upper  25>  percentile  of  the  national 
norms  crrouD  of  the  United  States'  twelfth  grade  students 

^Leslie  V.  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  In  Two  Tyoes  of  High  School  Physics 
Courses,"  Science  Education,  lj.9  Jll7-1?2»  March,  1965* 


on       Iff*     The  Committee  believed  that   the  atudentc  who 
traditionally  took  physics  were   in  the  upper  2$  percentile 
on  the   national  norms   c        •       Therefore,   in     tl    is's   Judr- 
nient,   this   study  indicated  that  tho   st-:  dents  vr'.io  enrolled   in 
the   PSSC  course   are  representative  of  the  aptitude  ran^e   for 
which  the  course  was  designed.     He  also  believes  that  I 

res  on  the  achievement  tests  indicate  that   the   R88C 
students  achieved  tho  level  of  cometency  In  physics   that  the 
Committee  had  ori   inally  taq  ccted  of  then,     This  objective 
is  alEO   v  rifled  in  Lesrlngcr's  study  by  the   fact  that  the 
marks  earned,  as   veil  as  the  classroom  performance  of  the 
pupils  in  the  study,   support  the  objective  thst  the 

rse  is  designed  to  be  taught  to   the  students  who  generally 
take  physios* 

&*eath*s  study  tn     Day*!  study  verify  that  the  last 
objective,   *fcs   help  students  learn  techniques    of  experiijen- 
totion  in  order  to  find  the  answer  to  a  problem,*2  has  been 
reached.     Heath's  study  determined  if  this  objective   had  been 
reached  by  comparing  the  score*  of  the  PSSC  group  and  the 
traditional  rroup  on  tho  Cognitive   ^reference  Test  for  the 

^Frederick  L.   Ferris,    "An  Achievement  Test   Report," 
Science  Teacher,  26:£77,  December,  1959* 

Leslie  W»  T^ovbridcre,   "^   Conpsrlson  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instruction  terial   in  Two  Ty?>es  of  Hi~h  School   Physics 

Courses,"     Science  Education,  IJ.9J117-122*  March,   196£. 


choices  "qu^ftlonlftg  of  information  givta"  nnd  "fundamental 
nrioetoles  of  obysics  nndtrljl  lg  the  data".   The  scores 
showed  the  PMC  rrouo  ranked  significantly  hi -her  than  the 
traditional  crouo.   ray's  study  verified  that  the  lfttt  objec- 
tive had  been  reached  by  observing  the  hirher  scores  earned 
by  the  pSSC  group  over  the  traditional  group  on  the  test 
Items  deduction  and  Interpretation  on  the  Watson-Glazer 
Critical  Thinking  Aooraisal. 


This  renort  w«?e  conducted  in  or< >  r  to  <»lve  a  com- 
plete summary  and  compilation  of  all  evaluations  that  have 
been  Wtda  about  the  Physical  Science  Study  Committee  high 
school  physics  course*   The  ^SSC  course  was  designed  to 
answer  a  lonr-gtandinf  feeling  of  dissatisfaction  with  the 
crerent  teaching  of  ohysics  in  the  hi^h  school.  The  P8SC 
designed  a  completely  new  hi^h  school  ohysics  course  inclu- 
ding ■  new  textbook,  laboratory  galdt*  set  of  inexpensive 
aonaratus,  n-  mber  of  films,  standardized  tests,  series  of 
paoorback  books,  end  a  teacher's  guidebook.   The  aim  of  this 
material  was  to  develop  In  he  students  a  deeoer  under- 
standing of  the  meaning  of  science  by  teaching  the  student 
to  develop  hie  critical  thinking  ability.   The  Committee 'a 
aooroach  was  that  selected  topics  are  diecui. jed  in  great 
detail,  with  each  tooic  Itadlag  to  greater  generalizations 
and  constant  reference  to  exoerimental  observation. 

There  has  boen  wide  and  varied  ooinion  about  the 

^SSC   program.   The  most  frequently  listed  shortcomings  of 

the  course  are  the  following: 

1«  The  text  is  difficult  to  read  and  lacks  generally 

the  easier  drill  tyoe  oroblems  that  bridge  the  gar>  between 

first  contact  with  an  idea  and  some  mastery  of  it. 

2.  Practical  «o^li cations  are  lacking  in  the  course* 

3.  The  quantity  of  subject  matter  is  substantially  more 
than  can  be  thoroughly  covered  by  a  normal  class  in  one  year. 

[4..   A  large  quantity  of  the  subject  matter  in  the 
course  as  well  as  the  suggested  method  of  presentation,  is 
unfamiliar  to  most  high  school  physics  teachers. 

The  advantages  of  the  co  .rse  usually  listed  Include 
the  following: 

1.  The  laboratory  phase  of  the  program  is  generally 

2.  The  students  are  guided  to  understand  the  way  a 
physicist  learns  by  using  logical  deductions  and  creative 

3.  Physics  is  both  a  body  of  knowledge  and  an  activity. 
The  orosram  unfolds  this  dual  nature  of  science  to  the  students. 

l\.»     The  students  come  away  from  the  course,  understanding 
the  general  orinciples  better  than  they  would  have  in  a  tradi- 
tional course. 

5.  The  Committee1*  program  foresees  every  need   of  the 
teacher  in  providing  all  the  necessary  items  for  a  comolete 
high  school  physics  course* 

■valuation  has  been  attempted  and  has  oroduced  some 
insight  into  the  oroblems  confronted.   A  number  of  group 
comparative  evaluations  have  been  completed  In  the  high 
school  oertaining  to  the  Committee's  ohysics  and  traditional 
nhysics  co -rses. 

The  studies  reviewed  indicate  that  most  of  the  main 
objectives  first  set  up  by  the  Committee  have  been  reached* 
The  objectives  reached  are: 

l±*     To  emohasize  the  study  of  a  few 
major  topics  at  considers  le  depth. 

£•   To  employ  tests  as  a  means  of 
determining  the  ability  of  students  to 
reason  to  iocical  conclusions  when  working 
with  unfamiliar  data. 

6.  To  develop  the  spirit  of  scientific 

7»  To  teach  ohysics  to  the  typical  kind 
of  high  school  grouo  which  has  traditionally 
taken  high  school  physics  in  the  oast. 

8.   To  help  students  learn  techniques 
of  exoerimentation  in  order  to  find  the 
answer  to  a  problem.! 

The  research  studies  olso  Indicate  that  the  objective 
"to  orepare  students  for  advanced  work  in  college  and  universities, " 
esoecially  for  the  traditionally  oriented  colleges  coarse,  may 
not  have  been  reached. 

The  research  studies  reviewed  did  not  Indicate  whether 

iLeslie  W.  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  Types  of  High  School  ^hysics 
Courses,"   Scfe  nee  Education,  J±9:117-122,  March,  196£. 


the  objective  "to  emphasize  the  continuity  and  unity  of 
physics,"*   and  "to  encourage  students  to  ore pare  for  careers 
in  the  physical  sciences, "^  had  or  had  not  been  reached. 

Observed  from  the  point  of  view  of  educational  research 
the  PSSC  program  offers  -rany  problems  for  further  study,  but 

there  is  no  denying  that  the  way  bai  been  opened  to  make 


physics  a  far  more  valuable  part  of  the  high  10  »ol  curriculum. 

The  achievements  of  this  new  coarse  should 
serve  to  reralnc  educators  what  they  are  often 
prone  to  forget,  that  In  physics,  and  also  in 
every  other  academic  discipline,  there  lies 
resources  for  the  solutions  of  educational 
oroblems  which  are  usually  neglected.^- 

The  author  believes  if  the  ?SSC  course  is  to  be  a 

total  success,  the  ori-nary  concern  must  be  to  obtain  the 

cooperation  of  the  high  school  science  teacher.   He  and  his 

students  are  the  customers  for  this  product.   The  teacher 

must  try  out  the  program,  qt\6   measure  carefully  its  triumphs 

and  its  failures.  The  teacher  must  keep  a  constant  feedback 

flowing  to  the  physicists,  the  educators,  the  editors,  the 

film  oroducers,  the  designers  of  apparatus,  and  all  those 

who  are  seeking  to  out  the  course  together.   If  the  course 

^•Leslie  V*  Trowbridge,  "A  Comparison  of  the  Objectives 
and  Instructional  Material  in  Two  'iypes  of  Sigh  School  Physics 
Courses,"   Science  Education,  lj.9:117-122,  March,  1965). 


3 J.  A.  Easley,  Jr.,  "The  Physical  Science  Study  Committee 
and  Educational  Theory,"   Harvarc  Educational  Review,  29:11, 
Winter,  19S9. 


Is  to  succeed  In  the  classroom  and  in  the  classroom  alone, 
Its  final  form  mist  In  the  end  be  determined  by  the  closrroonw 

Because  of  the  need  for  a  greater  understanding  of 
science,  the  ^SSC  course  was  developed.   This  does  not  mean 
that  the  PS£C  course  is  the  only  possible  approach  to  the 
teachinr  of  ohyslcs»  Under  way  at  the  prasont  time  is  another 
project  that  is  being  developed  for  the  teachinr  of  high  school 

-sics.  This  project  is  being  done  at  Harvard  University, 
called  the  harvard  °ro,1oct»   If  man  is  to  continue  to  live 
successfully  in  a  scientific  world,  there  is  a  constant  need 
for  physics  teaching  and  the  teachings  of  all  sciences  to 
be  contemoorary  with  the  times. 




Kelly,  W.  C  Survey  of  ^du  est  Ion  In  "'hyelcs  In  Universities 
of  the  United  State-Til   New  YorTr:   American  Institute 
o7  ""hysics,  l<?Wr 

Physical  Science  Stud  Committee :  ^hysics.   Boeton: 
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Arons,  ft.  B.   "The  Mew  Hlch  School  ^hysics,"   'hyslcs  Today, 
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Erauer,  ^scar  L.   "Something  fsngerously  New  in  Physics 
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2^}.:  239-53*  Summer,  196>|. 

Hipsher,  Warren  L.   "Study  of  Hi,^h  School  Physics  Achievoment," 
Science  ueacher,  28:36-67*  October,  1961. 

Hutchison,  Flmer.   "Physics  in  Our  Hirrh  Schools,"  The 
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Jance,  Randolph.   "The  Six  New  Science  Currlculuma,"   School 
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John,  Rev,  Richard  T.   "The  Use  of  PSSC  Physics  in  Kinor 

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Klofer,  Leo  F.   "The  Physics  Course  of  the  Physical  Science 
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Knauss,  Harold  P.   "Physics  for  Secondary  Schools."  American 
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°hysics  Courses,"  Science  Education,  lj.9:117-22,  March, 

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Itfatertown,  t-'sssacliu set ts:   The  Committee,  January,  195o" • 

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Letter  from  Warren  J.  Bell,  Education  Consultant  of  Science 
and  Mathematics,  Kansas  State  Department  of  Public 
Instruction,  Topeka,  Kansas. 

A  RffTXEM     i    KB 


high  school  raraxca  cour.- 


M      r  W.  rAESC^NFl 
B.S.,  Raker  University,  1961; 

AN  ABSTRACT  ^F  \  TS  R^?")RT 

submitted  in  martial  fulfillment  of  the 

requirements  for  the  degree 


College  of  Fducstion 

Manhattan,  Kansas 


The  threefold  puroose  of  this  study  was  to  answer  the 
following  questions: 

1*   Why  and  how  was  the  Physical  Science  Study  Committee 
high  school  ohysics  course  developed? 

2.  What  are  the  ooinione  of  teachers  and  educators 
concerning  the  course? 

3*   Are  the  objectives  formulated  by  the  Committee  for 
t^e  course  being  achieved? 

The  procedure  emoloyed  in  this  study  was  to  review  the 
oertinent  literature  concerning  the  PSSC  course  located  at 
Kansas  State  University,  Kansas  University  library,  and  obtained 
through  interl'brary  loans,  and  various  sources  obtained  through 
correspondence.   This  investigation  produced  a  considerable 
amount  of  information  oertaining  to  the  PSSC  course  which  was 
organized  into  the  following  categories: 

1.  Background  and  develooment  of  the  PSSC  course. 

2.  Ooinions  of  teachers  and  educators  on  the  effec- 
tiveness of  the  PSSC  course. 

3«   Research  studies  to  determine  the  effectiveness 
of  the  PSSC  course. 

2|.«   Summary  and  conclusion. 

It  was  found  that  the  PSSC  course  was  a  multimillion 
dollar  orogram  designed  for  the  revision  of  high  school  physics. 
The  DSSC  develooed  for  this  course:  a  textbook,  laboratory  wide 
and  a  set  of  new  and  inexpensive  sooaratus,  a  large  number  of 
films,  standardized  tests,  a  growing  series  of  paoerback  books, 

and  a  teacher's  guidebook. 

The  PSSC  course  was  designed  to  tell  a  unified  story- 
one  in  which  the  successive  topics  are  chosen  and  developed 
to  lead  toward  an  atomic  oicture  of  natter*   The  student  is 
exoected  to  be  an  active  oarticioant  in  the  course,  and  use 
deduction  and  logical  reasoning  to  develop  the  fundamental 

The  main  criticisms  against  the  Committee's  course  are 
1)  oractical  applications  are  lacking,   2)  the  course  is  too 
long  to  cover  in  one  year,  and  3)  it  is  difficult  to  read  and 
lacks  the  easier  drill  tyoe  problems.   The  advantages  of  the 
course  are  usually  listed  as  1)  the  laboratory  experiments  are 
outstanding,   2)  the  students  are  guided  to  use  deductive  and 
creative  thinking  when  solving  problems,  and  3)  the  students 
understand  the  general  principles  better  than  they  would  in 
a  traditional  course. 

The  research  studies  reviewed  seem  to  indicate  that 
most  of  the   objectives  first  orooosed  by  the  Committee  have 
been  reached.