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This Bibliography contains all references cited in the 
text. The original chapter Bibliographies have been combined 
and items listed by chapter authors but not actually cited 
are omitted. The numerals in parentheses at the very ends of 
the citations tell which chapters refer to them. When a cited 
article appears in a book or collection, that item is also 
listed if it occurs more than once as a secondary citation. 
Otherwise it is given in the article citation: e.g. compare 
Albright and Lambdin 1970 and Almeida n.d. Titles of fre- 
quently cited journals and one book reference are abbreviated, 
as are several publishers. Missing information (publishers, 
page nos., volume and issue nos., etc.) were not available at 
the time of going to press. 


AL Anthropological Linguistics 

ALS African Language Studies 

BBCF Bender, Bowen, Cooper, Ferguson (eds . ) 1976 

BFBS British and Foreign Bible Society 

BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 

BSOS Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 

CUP Cambridge University Press 

EJE Ethiopian Journal of Education 

FO Folia Orientalia / 

GLECS Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d' Etudes 


IAI International African Institute 

UAL International Journal of American Linguistics 

JAL Journal of African Languages 

JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society 

JES Journal of Ethiopian Studies 

JLAEA Journal of the Language Association of Eastern Africa 

JSS Journal of Semitic Studies 

LS Language Sciences 

MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung 

MSOS Mitteilungen des Seminars fur Orientalischen Sprachen 

OUP Oxford University Press 

RRAL Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei 

RSE Rassegna di Studi Etiopici 

RSO Rivista degli Studi Orientali 

SAL Studies in African Linguistics 

SNR Sudan Notes and Records 

WZKM Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes 

WZUH Wissenschaftliche Zeitschraft der Martin-Luther- 


ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 

ZES Zeitschrift f Iir Eingeboren-Sprachen 



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'4b - "The Phonology of Dizi (Maji) : A Preliminary 
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Andersen, F. I. 

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1960 - "The Categories of Number in Noun Forms in the 

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1962 - "Warfare in Borana Galla Stories and Fables," 

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1964 - "The Position of Galla in the Cushitic Language 

Group," JSS 9: 135-138. (3) 
1968a - "The Study of the Bedauye Language: The Present 

Position and Prospects," Sudan Research Unit, 

Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum. (6) 



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1969 - "Some Observations on Hybrid Verbs in Somali," 
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1970b - "The Role of Tone in the Borana Dialect of 

Galla," pp. 88-98 in Institute, Vol. 2. (8) 

1972 - "Allusive Diction in Galla Hymns in Praise of 
Sheikh Hussein of Bale," ALS 13: 1-31. (8) 

1974 - "Indicator Particles in Somali," K^Koahlatld 
Linguistics 1.6: (8, 9) 

1975 - "Verbs with Vocalic Mutation in Somali and 
their Significance for Hamito-Semitic Comparative 
Studies," pp. 361-76 in Bynons (eds.). (4) 

forthcoming - "The Dichotomy Between Restrictive and 
Extensive Verbal Paradigms in Somali and its 
Parallels in Oromo," Second International Congress 
on Hamito-Semitic Comparative Linguistics, Florence. 


1934 - Cdu Qulqulo aka Vonana Qulqulonl ta£& [Gospel 

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1936 - HomcnclatuKa elementanz td tspxtsslonl nclle 

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BBCF: Bender, M. Lionel, Bowen, J. Donald, Cooper, Robert L. , 
and Ferguson, Charles A. (eds.) 

1976 - Language In Ethiopia, Oxford University Press, 
London. (1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 18, 23, 26) 

Beam, Mary S. and A. Elizabeth Cridland 

1970 - Uduk-Engil*h Dictionary [Linguistic Monograph 
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663 ; , ^ 


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oi the Royal Geographical Society XIII: 254-269; 

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1845 - "On the Languages and Dialects of Abyssinia and 

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(18, 19) 

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1971 - "The Languages of Ethiopia: A New Lexicostatistic 
Classification and Some Problems of Diffusion," AL 
13.5: 165-288. (1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 
18, 20, 22, 25.1) 

1972 - "Addenda to Guide to Ethiopian Language Nomen- 
clature," AL 14.5: 196-203. (1) 

1973 - "Linguistic Indeterminacy: Why You Can't Re- 
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Linguistics Conference). (5, 13, 15, 18) 

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C. A. (eds.) 
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1972 - "Be j a and Tigre in the 9th-10th Century Period," 
Rccznlk OKLtntallityczny 30: 183-199. (4) 

1975a - "Materials for a comparative dictionary of 
Cushitic languages: Somali-Galla comparisons," pp. 
321-331 in Bynon and Bynon. (4) 

1975b - "Biconsonantal and Triconsonantal Roots in 
Cushitic," FO 16: (4) 

forthcoming - "Some Internal Plurals in Cushitic," 

Second International Congress on Comparative Hamito- 
Semitic Linguistics, Florence, 1974. (4) 

Zibelius, Karol 

1972 - A£rlkanl*che Orth- und Volkernamen In hlero- 
glyphl&chen und hleratl&chen Texten (Beihefte zum 
Tiibinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe B, Nr. 
1) , Dr. Ludwig Reichert, Wiesbaden. (3) 

Z immern , Heinrich 

1898 - Ve.Jigle-lche.nde. Grammatlk der 4>emltl*chen Sprachen 
[Porta L^nguarum Orlentallum 17), Reuther and Reich- 
ard, Berlin. (3) 



Zyhlarz, Ernst 

1932-33 - "Ursprung und Sprachcharacter des Altagyptis- 

chen," ZES 23: 25-45, 81-110, 161-194, 241-254 (also 

separately printed, Berlin 1933) . 
1940 - "Die Sprache der Blemmyer - ein Beitrag zur 

Alt-Afrikanistik," ZES 31.1: 1-21. See also Conti 

Rossini's review in RSE 2: 209 (1942). (4) 
1956 - "Die Fiktion der 'Kuschitischen 1 Volker," Ktuk 

4: 19-33. (4) 

Monograph No. 5 
Occasional Papers Series 
Committee on Ethiopian Studies 


Languages of Ethiopia! 

Edited by M. Lionel Bender 

Acting Series Editor, John Hinnant 

~,ase send two copies of your review to 
the African Stud.'es Center, MbU, t. 
Lansing, Mi. 48824 _^-< 

Copyright © 1976 by the Board of Trustees, Michigan State University 

Ail rights reserved 

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-42008 

Printed in the United States of America 

Published by the 
African Studies Center 
Michigan State University 
East Lansing, Michigan 48824 

in cooperation with 
Southern Illinois University 
Carbondale, Illinois