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Bahnar is a language of the Mon-Khmer family 
spoken by 50,000-70,000 people living in the provinces 
of Gia Lai- Cong Turn and Nghia Binh in Viet Nam. 
Within the Mon-Khmer family lexicostatistics have sug- 
gested that Bahnar belongs to the North Bahnaric sub- 
group (Thomas, 1966), whereas phonological studies have 
suggested a South Bahnaric orientation (Smith, 1972). 
Attempting to reconcile these differences a Central 
Bahnaric relation has been suggested (Gregerson, Smith 
and Thomas, 1976). This dictionary is based primarily 
on the dialect of Bahnar spoken in the Plei Bong Mor- 
Mang Yang area of Gia Lai-Cong Turn (formerly Pleiku) 

Two other dialects are also included in this diction- 
ary: the Bahnar Gdlar dialect which is spoken in an area 
10-20 kilometers east of Pleiku city and the Kontum dia- 
lect spoken around the city of Kontum. Each of these 
dialects has around 10,000 native speakers. Entries for 
the Kontum dialect are few but there are other dictionar- 
ies of the Kontum dialect (Dourisboure, 1889: Guilleminet 
and Alberty, 1959. 1963). Entries for the Gdlar dialect 
are much more numerous and this dialect is closer 
lexically to the Plei Bong-Mang Yang dialect (of. 
Pham Xuin Tin. 1952). 

This dictionary includes over 3600 main entries and 
is followed by an English Index referring the user back 
to the main dictionary by page number. For Vietnamese 
users there is both a Bahnar- -Vietnamese Glossary and 
a Vietnamese --Bahnar Glossary of about 900 basic vocab- 
ulary items. 

Our study of the Bahnar language in Viet Nam began 
in 1959 and continued through the early part of 1975 as 
members of the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Most 
of the dictionary entries were made in the earlier years 
of our investigation, the final revision being made in 1977. 

The main Bahnar contributor to the project was Mc5, 
a young n-ian from the village of Plei Bong Mor. Various 

others helped i 
other dialects. 

DSn-T9C Thiiu-So Vift-Nam 

Cuon 20 

Phan 1 

Plei Bong - Mang Yang Dialect 

NgU-ViAig Bahnar 

John and Elizabeth Banker and Md 

Summer Institute of Linguistics 

Vi|n Chuyen-Khao Ngii-HQC 

Huntington Beach, California