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Full text of "According to our ancestors: Folk texts from Guatemala and Honduras"

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1. Uragati- le^ jawaguti « uguferani. lumap. uguferani.^ 2. Bueno^ 

3. Uguferani- le,^ galiigutl^ bandi. mudun.j. 4. Bidin- lubineo giirigie^ 
le,. barabachun^ yaglne,g barabachun- yagine,g bandig mudun-^ 
barijibana^- lubine.-^ 5. Nija- jayu^ larigiburU le. libajan- jaweC 
tuagu- touba^. luban.Q 6. Widii- pisOo tinu^ luban. mutu- ligia.g 

7. jAranseguati- uguferani^ le^ louagua. buidu.' 8. Afiajati- libinao 
uguferani « le.j^ 

9. Compa- le^ jigandei,^ uriiwa. irumu. bau^ efbuga- luagu^. 
abang wiibii-^ ^^^11 gi^^s^bei-o lan-^ badalrimu . luban. _ 
10. Labulugunou- seru.^ 11. Nei ' laganawa2 wiigiiri^ le. 
labuguariigufiei- ladiiga^ lemeindun.- 12. Ligiariigiifiei- ^ei.^ 13. Sun- 
wiiguri^ le^ lunbei . lidin- nei,^ larijibei- sun^. liabing yetegine,-^ 

1. This^ story,- it-is -about -them, « compadre. and-him. compadre. ^ 
2. Very-well.- 3. This^ Compadre, - he-had« many, sheep, animals. « 

4. Your-going- to-his-house^ this, person,^ your -going -to-this -side 

here, g your-going -to-this -side here,g you-will-see-them many sheep ^ 

in-his-house.-2 ^* Here- their-wool^ after-it« that-which-is . its-being- 

cut^ from-them, ^ on-it„ its-side^ his-house.^ 6. Eight- floors^ its- 
5 67 8 9 1 ^ 

beingo his-house. that^ person.. 7. This^ compadre,^ he -was -arranged - 
wellf. about -him* 8. Here-they-are his-animals this, compadre. 

9. Compadre- who-was^ gorilla, three years with-you to-walk 
on-it ag hill-Q in-order-- that-^ it-will -be-possible^ your-finding-it, ^^ 
his-house.-- 10. It-was-situated-on-its-head- hill. ^ H. There- he-lived, ^ 
this, man, ^ being-only-by-himself. because-of-itg his-jealousy. 12. It- 
only -being-he- there. 2 13. Any- man^ who« it-was-for. his-going^ 


dounugine. -^ 14. Larijibei - sun^ lamuderun,^ lidin . lubinoun.- 15. To^ 

1± 1 Z o 4 O 1 

lanboun^ weiriou, aban . wanui. 16. Larigifie- wiigurio ligia,o 
abanriigiinei^ tebenari^ luban^ ani- mafunederetUg lugundung siliwatu.-^ 
17. Sun- le^ lunbei ^ lebelurun,. mosu_ larijin^ lafuridun„ lidangifieg 
abarig bena.-^ 18. Lemeindun- louagua,^ ligia^ lidinbei. aganouaj- 
luagUg wiibii lueig jeidiriQ wiigurina^ ebeluja-^ lubifie.-^ 19* Bueno.- 
20. Chiilii- aban^ wejoi,^ leti . buga jigandei_ le,^ lachiiliirati^ 

1 Z o 4 Ob 7 

dang lun^ gan l3,n cumpleano. ^ 21. Uriiwarugaali weyu luba 
lani . jigandei le^ cumpleano,^ Hgiag lachuluriin^ luguferan^^ jigandei^^ 
le 2 ebeluja 2 lumoun. ^^ 22. Lachuluriin^ nei,^ "Ug,^ bafaguagiile,^ 
compa.j. 23. Lidan dan^ gine^ biabin . cama^ gine^ sabiu^ buguya.g 
24. Busentina- wadugiin^ aban daradu.. 25. Quei^ ginajadi^ ban,^ 

there, he-would-see-it_ all„ his-coming^ from-afar,.^ from-below.-- 
o 10 y lu 11 

14. He-would-see-it, ^ all^ his-climbing-up^ his-going. to-his-house. _ 

15. She^ who-was-his^ old-woman, ^ a^ gossiper. 16. And that^ man,^ 
it-was -only -one, . its-door his-house, and it-had-no-windowSg because^ 
it-was -sealed. -Q 17. Anyone- who^ it-was-to-be^ his-entering. must^ 
his-seeingg his-leaving through-it one door. -^ 18. His-jealousy- 
about -the-things-about-him, ^ that-is-why^ he-went, to-live^, on-it^ tiilU 
lest-it^ their-goingQ men^^ to-visit-^ his-house.^ 19. Very-well.- 

20. One^ day^ arrived,- he-who. (past tense marker) this^ gorilla,. 

Z o 14 DO 

it-was -going-to-arrive timOg for-it^ ^^is-^ having^ birthday. - ^ 

21. There-had-come-to-be-only-three- days^ for-it^ his. birthday the^ 

gorilla,- then^ his-arriving^ his-compadre, -^ the-^ gorilla,-, to-visit-o 
oo y luiz 11 Lo 

with-him. . 22. His-arriving- there, ^ *TJg, ^ at-your -service, . compadre. _ 

23. In-it- time also^ your -coming as-if also wiseman^ you. _ 24. I- 
J-Zo 4od o7 

want^ our-making a contract. 25. Since have -the -ability -to -blow -a- 


nuguferan, . itagap. tia^ weyu_ nani^ cumpleano,Q compa,-^ busentina- 

tia^o selebrar-o nani- . lun-_ biiiajan-^ woun _/' 

26. ''Au- bafaguagiile 2 tia<. nuguferan. . 27. Ug,- nafura.o 

28. Mosu^ ninajano bun.o 29. Ana- gue^ tOo bafagxiagiile, . suiij- le^ 

wadugiibei,„ compadre,g waii^." 

30. Biamariigaali. weyUo luba^ abmajani,. ligiati^ buga 
tarinaguiig wanui- tOg totig lani-^ buga^ jigandei-^ le^2 weiriou- ^ 
^'Bueno.^^ 31. An^ san buguya,^ <icabao san gine. banangun^ luba^ 
bani^ cumpleaiiOg jaruga?^ 32. <^Caba^ san* au^ bidin^ abinaja .?" 

33. ^^MadijerK ba.o 34. Raboun- weyu^ to^ nafurida. . 

35. Neibuga^ aganeijag nanangun^ yara. chapurugUj- lun^ giarabei- 

lan_ nafuridun.^ 36. Weyugiru. luba^ jaruga^I" 
o y 1 z o 

musical-instrument^ you, my-compadre, . such-and-such, day ^^"^^a 

myg birthday, Q compadre,-^ I-want - ^"^^lo to-celebrate-o mine-, ^^^ic 

your-blowing^ for-us. "- 

26. '1- at-your-service^ I-am, ^ my-compadre. . 27. Ug^ Pm-going- 

to-blow. ^ 28. It -must-be my-blowing for-you. 29. Yes now- ^ I-am- 

at-your-service, . (regarding) all that-which we-are-to-do compadre^ 

mine. '' 

30. It -had-come -to-be -only -two- days^ before-it^ dance, . then 
(past tense marker) her-saying^ this^ gossiper who-was^ his-^ (past tense 
marker) the^^, gorilla's - old-woman-^ ^ Very -well. -. 31. And question 
marker) you, ^ what^ (question marker) also . your-clothing for-it^ your 
birthday^ tomorrow ?q 32. What- (question marker) with your-goingo to- 
dance ? ". 

33. 'Don't -worry- you. 34. This^ setting sun I-will-go-out. . 
35. I-am-going-j to-buy^ my-clothing^ there, at-the-shop- in-order^ thatg 
it-will-be-possible my-going-out. ^ 36. There-is-yet-sun/day- before^ 
tomorrow I '' 


37. Sensu san luma?^ 38. iSiigii lau^ tubana« wagadL tuagu. 

tidibul ^ 

39. Ladaiiragun buga wugiiri le, aban. lachiilagun tau buga 
ligalasun_ dururutu.^ 40. Le^ aban^ tugudi^ yarugiinei,. leu aban^ 
yagiitafiei.- 41. Le aban^ taruna« lisimisin. dururuti,j. le^ aban_ 
chatiti.^ 42. Leibuga- wugiiri^ le^ limadarugu. . 43. Abanriigaali- 
larige?!,^ aban^ ligiri. tarawa.- 44. Tibiri,- ^jagou^ funa?o 45. ^O- 
itara^ linao lagiiriajoun. mutu- le^ ligibuagun. ubou^ le?^ 

46. Lachiilurubati wiiguri le ladaiirun sisi raboun weyu 

lubifie^ luguferan.Q 47. Uati buga compadre iiei larigiti buga 

compadre. adara^ pasu. 48. Aban lebelurun jigandei le touba 

touba« rnuna,- anajeinaQ le jayu mudun, anajeina le>-o 
u I o y 10 11 12 13 

anajeina, T^ anajeina, ladaraguni labu lugalaga. 49. Leibuga 

JL4 10 lb 17 18 1 

37. Money- (question marker) with-him?^ 38. Surpassing^ with-it^ 

its-leaveSo avocado. on-it_ its-tree.' 
3 4 5 D 

39. His-dressing (past tense marker) this^ man, ^ then^ his-setting- 
out- with-it (past tense marker) Ms-pants long, g 40. The^ one^ its- 
pantsleg^ being -only -to-he re, . the other being-to-there. 41. The^ one^ 
its-arm his-shirt. it-was-long, the other it-was-short. g 42. He-went^ 
this^ man to-the -street. . 43. It -had-come-to-be -only-one^ his -ear, ^ one^ 
nostril, cut. 44. Its -other -part where could-it-be ? 45. Or^ thus^ 
its-being^ his-being-born, . this^ person on-top-of-it^ this^ earth ?g 

46. This^ man, 2 he -will -arrive at-its -ringing, six (ofthe)sun^ 
setting^ at-his-house his -compadre. ^ 47. He-wasn*t (past tense marker) 
compadre^ there because, (past tense marker) compadre^ out-walking. g_^ 
48. Then- his-entering^ the. gorilla^ over-the-side-of-it^__g house, 
taking this^ their-wooL^ sheep, - taking^^ this, ^^ taking, ^^ taking^^ 
his -piling -it- g under-it- his-arm. g 49. He-went^ right^ to-his-house^ 


reitio lubifioun sastiri. . 50. Ladauriin ^ sedii^ gufiou ^ lachuliira 
^ o 4 12 3 4 

lubifie- sastiri; ladaurunbei_ yebu . nefu . gufiou. jiichawaaru 

o o 7 8 9 10 11 

labile,- 2 ligalasun, lisimisin, lisabadun, lubunidin, luban. 
51, Sun lidanei dan mutu le tau tiu liliigiin luguferan mudun 
to - - liwerujaboun. 

52. '^Mama-^ me tia^ lun^ berengun . lun compadre^ lau_ 
iwerujag nan^ ^^^iq ^^^h liiygHn^2 ^nudun^^ toubagine-j^^ luban-j^^ ^^16 
nanangun^^/^ ligiati^g jigandei^^ le^^ tuntl2-,^ ^^^^22 weiriou.^g 
53. Ligia^ toti^ lan^ weiriou. — jal^ jinaruraiig turaL — wel,^ jsiigiitUQ 
tau - ^ Litegua - ^ yara^^ Bariul - ^ 

54. Chiiliiti- buga* weyu^ lun^ gawarabei. lan^ jadugiinig 
abinajanU le.n 55« Aban- lachuluriing inajati^ le. tidounj. mansion^ ta,„ 
56. Mansion- tuguya^ nururaii^ ta. tla^- — uriiwa^ irumu_ ageyedagua^ 

tailor.^ 50. At-its-rlnging seven evening^ he-arrived, at-his-house 

tailor;^ when-it-was -about -to -ringg nine, evening, it-was-sewn- 

his-jacket,^2 his-pants,^^ his-shirt, . his-shoes, his -hat, - his-cane. 

51. Everything- turned -out-all-right^ ^ (for) this^ person, with-it^ its- 
1 Z-o o 4 b 

wool his-animal his-compadre^s^ sheep-^ which-- he-stole. -„ 
i o y lu 11 iz 

52. ^ It -had -better -be 2 not- (future marker) for^ your -telling, to- 

him compadrOg about-it that-^ robbedg I its -wool - his-animal ^ 

sheep^2 from-its-side . his-house for-it my-clothing, *^ said-he^ 

the^Q gorilla^Q to-her^^ ^^®22 ^Id-woman. ^3 53. Then she-who-was^ 

his^ old-woman^ "^'s ^^^^7 little -woman! ^ —well, g she-surpassed^ 

with-it^^ Litegua-^ (bus) over-there ^ (in) Barrios! ^ 

54. It -arrived- (past tense marker) day_ for_ that^ it-will-be- 
1 Zoo 

possible^ their-doing-itg thiSg dance. 55. Then^ his -arriving, ^ the. 
musician^ into-it^ the mansion. 56. That^ mansion, smalL she-was. 


laUg cara-Q tarigeil-- 57. Ligia- le^ tia^ bebelurun . turageirugun,^- 
uatig ni^ abaiig wiiguri.^ 58. Band! jifiarinu lueigine tarigei daga 
lumouHg tarigei.^ 59. Solo- jifiarinu,^ 60. <^Jagana- funa^ wugurifia?o 
6 1 . Ma chiilugina . .. 

62. Aban^ larinagun^ jigandei^ le . turij. lan^ weiriou- 
^^Beibagubeig nuba.Q 63. Bagurabubadina^ limada.o 64. NaganbubeL 
lafurun^ nuguferan. ^' 

65. Aban tigiragudiin^ wanui to. munadagine.- 66. Tiabi, 

tiabi, 2 tiabi. „ 67. Lamidan- uma^ lumagua,^ nujein. aban. tidibu^ 

wewe- ^6i»o ^3^Q tueirin.-^ 68. Lidan tegeyedangubei^ wanui« to. 

lau- tidibUg wewe_ to^ itara,Q liriiwa-^ irumu-^ ^^^lo egeyeda-„ lau- . 

tidibu^g wewe-g to^^ luba^g tarugiiduni ^ ^^^^on ^^oi sururugu l^^oo 

tidin24 tubaruaguoun.g^ 69. Tuguya^ umada,^ tuguya^ umada, . tuguya 

for-a-fact_ — three^ years- to-go-aroundg about-it^ each- ^ its-cornersi -^ 
57. That which^ it-was^ your -entering, into-its-inside, there -was-not^ 
not one man, 58. Many^ women^ from-it, its-corner, to -the -other ^^^ 
its-corner. 59. Only women. ^ 60. Where -co uld-they-be ^ men ?^ 
61. They-hadn*t-arrived-yet. - 

62. Then- his -saying, ^ the gorilla^ to-her_ hiSg old-woman: 
*TBetter-that-you-gOg before-me.^ 63. You-will-wait-for-me- in-the- 
street. ^ 64. I-will-hear-it, his-blowing^ my-compadre. '' 

65. Then- she-set-off, the gossiper, from-the -house. 66. She- 
came,- she-came,^ she-came.^ 67. Its-middle street with-it, « there- 
was, a tree^ there, ^ my its -bigness. -^ 68. When she -went -around- 
it, 2 the. gossiper^ with-it the^ tree^^ thus, ^ three ^ years^^ with- 
her-2 to -go -around^ about-it-. the tree -^ in-order-for g her- 
getting-hold-of-it-Q the^ ^^^^20 straight22 ^^^"^^^23 ^^^-g^ing^^ onward, ^g 
69. She- on-the-road, 2 she^ on-the-road, . she on-the-road.^ 70. Her- 


limada.g 70. Tachiiliirun. tebenario mansion,^ aban . tawarun lun 
tuguferariy 'oneg side.' 

71. "Wagiaguariigii la tia lau, compa/' tuguya lun. 

J. Z o 4 O D I 

72. ^'Ca meigeibei, comadre?'^ 

•J- Li o 

12>, "Subusitl^ san bun caba_ Ian binaja?L! 
1 2 3 4 5 

74. ^'Ua tia, comadre.^' 

75. "Cabagi jamuga uremu le lunbei bifiajani ? 'J^ 

76. ^Maskin lus his chipskin. 

77. Torn^ laik _ a^ bon. di^ werams.^ 

1 Z o 4 5 D 

78. You lai.^ 79. You lai. 80. You lai. 

X Z J. Z \ Ci 

81. Torn. laik_. a. bon. di^ werams.' 
1 Z o 4 o o 

82. '^Ligia- la^ tia^ bifiaja.. 83. Marifiaja- ba^ tia.^ 84. Ligia - 
la 2 tia 2 binaja."^ 

arriving- at-its-door^ mansion, ^ then . her-calling to-him^ her- 
compadre- one^ side. ^ 

71. *'Only-us- let-it-be ^o with-it,, compadre, " she^ to-him. 

72. 'What lacks, 2 comadre?" 

73. 'Is-it-known- (question marker) to-you^ what that . you-are- 


74. 'It-sure-isn't, - ^ comadre. '' 75. "And-what would^ it-be^ 

X— Z o \ Ci K. 

songo which, you-are-to-play ?^ 

76. 'Maskin lost^ his^ sheepskin. . 

77. It -looks like that-which the baboon wears. 

78. You^ lie. 2 79. You lie. ^ 80. You lie. 

81. It-lookSi like ^ that-which^ the_ baboon^ wears' 82. 'That- 
1 Z o 4 b 1 

let-it -be 2 for-a-fact^ your-playing. . 83, Not-tell you you'd -better-not.^ 
84. That- let-it -be ^ for-a-fact your-playing. " 


85. ^'Catei- lanichigubei^ le, comadre?^' 

86. ^'Ligia- la^ bifiaja,^ compa.. 87. Ligia- la. « 
88. Narinagubei- buiio jaruga.^i 

89. Aban- laniigiinio wiiguri^ le. lifidu,j- lidirig touboun- muna,^. 
jouchagua^ I^^j^O J^^chagua^.. lei,-,2 jouchagua^o 1®^- 1 4 ^^' Lidanei^ 

91. Nujeinguati- buga aban^ jifiaru^ mebeluraugiruti . ladugap. 
quei^ buidumeraii- tan, ^ nlbusigaritUQ l^^^-in gurirugiiau. - ^ 
92. Daiidaufiaja ^ tlfiati. ^ 

93. Nijati jigandei le, adaja. pasu nei^ lublne_ arijei^^ ida^ 
lifia Ian laganbun luagu ^ catei - . 1^* 1 1^ 

94. "Ugl- 95. Caba- san ora^ liabin^ compadre. lubSj- 
lafurun? 96. Wingubei au jamuga^ tia . luba^. compa. ^ 97. Quei- 

85. ^What- it -means, 2 this,^ comadre?'' 

86. "That- let-it -be your-playing, compadre.. 87. That- let-it- 
be. ^ 88. I-will-tell-it (the meaning of the song) to-you tomorrow. '' 

89. Then- his -taking-it ^ the. man^ his -wind-instrument, his-going^ 
to-its-side^ house, ^ trying^ he-it, ^^ trying^^ he-it, ^2 ^rying^^ ^^"^t. ^^ 
90. It-was-all right.- 

91. There-was -still (past tense marker) a woman^ who-still-hadn't- 
entered. because, since^ very-beautiful she,^ she-was -bashful ^ from-it-Q 
crowds. - - 92. Hiding, - she -was. ^ 

93. Here-he-is,- the^ gorilla,^ pacing. _ there^ in-his-house to- 
see-it^ what its-being^ that his -hearing^ about-it-^ this thing.-. 

94. 'TJgl ^ 95. What- (question marker) hour^ his-coming^ 
compadre. for his-music? 96. It -would -be -better -to -play -now- ^ it- 
would. I^ for -him compadre. 97. Since that compadre he-hasn^t- 


mayabijali^ Ian compa,. niwinragubei- lun^ laganbuni- nafurun^ 
yetegineQ l^n giarabei Ian liabin^ compadre." 

98. Nijati- buga jigandei ^ le^ asansiragua. . 99. Nujaguati- 
labite^ jigandeig le. dajenu. 100. Lafurati buga* luguferati^ le^ 
lunti. buga laganbuni- compa g le_ yagiiroun^ lubati^ buga giarabei-^ 
lan^^ liabin^2 yetegine^^ lueigine^^ ^^^15 ^^^ 16 ^^17 ^^Ms ^^^^^9 

101. "Ugl^ 102. Fujal^ 103. Nuguferan ^ ligira.^ 104. Ugl^ 
105. Linajan nuguferan ligira^ denl^ 106. Lachubara jigandei le 
lun . giarabei Ian ladaiiriinu labite. 107. Lasagarunu. 
108. Ladaiirubali le yagifie, lidafiei . dan. 109. Dan le 
ladaiiriibali^ le. yagine, anjoun^ du lueigine tanaga.^ 110. Muruyatu.^ 

come, 2 I*m-going-to-begin-to-play for-itg his-hearing-it my-blowingg 

from-thereQ in-order-^ that-^ it-will-be-posslble. his -coming, .^ 

compadre. *^ . 

98. Here-he-was^ (past tense marker) the gorilla, getting -dressed. 

99. There-it -was-still his-jacket^ the gorilla,^ hung-up. 100. The^ 

compadre^ he -began -to -blow- (past tense marker) in-order -that, (past tense 

marker) his-hearing-it, the compadre, way-over-there^ for-it (past 

tense marker) that - it-will -be -possible his-coming from-over-there 

from-it-. San.- GiL„ which^^ there, ^ it-be ^_ he-lived. ^^ 
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 

101. 'TJgl^ 102. He -has -blown ;^ 103. My-compadre^ that.^ 
104. Ugl 105. His-playing my-compadre that then!" 106. The 
gorilla^ he-jumped^ in-order, that it-will-be-possible his-putting-on 
his-jacket.g 107. He -got -it -down. 108. When-he-put-it-on, this (part) 
here, g okay. ^^^ 109. When he-put -it-on, this (part) here, on-the- 

other-handg it-ripped from-it^ its-back. 110. It-was-too-tight. - 


111. '^Ug/j^ ligia.^ 112. Daga^ fieijein;^ ragii la . isiresi aduga Ida 

lubag laiig lafadajanu.^ 113. ^^Lidanou dan," lina^ wiiguri le. 

114. Lachiilunti^ buga luagu^ tarigei^ wewe. to_ garanaboun, 
neina« ladiigei^ gararaguaiiq ligira,^ uriiwa..^ irumu luba ^ 
lariigudiini . lima-- le^ surubei. _ 115. Unteti buga weiriou. 
116. UntetL buga mutu^ to^ lueigine. umac- le.^ 

117. Totima. buga buidutimaboun,^ siendo^ que. le^- buga 
nijag lan^ buga"^ uguferanig le^ ifiaja, .. ^ ligia.. bugati"^ tidani ^2 
jifiaru^g ^^14 tebelurun..^ 118. Aban^ tidirio anurao lidan . aban^- cana^ 
munugunaja^ tuguyatig nei,Q tarigeirugu^^ muna. -- 

119. Murusu ora^ anjein belu . weiriei waganga. ^ 
120. Ligiati,- ca^ funa^ buga''' uagu. madaguiij- lubalig le„ lunbei^ 

111. 'TJgl '' said-he. 112. Jumped to-one-side- grabbed^ he. 
scissorSj. to-do^ how that^ it-be^ his-repairing-it. -^ 113. "It^s okay. "- ^ 
said^ this, man, , 

o o 4 

114. V^Tien-he -arrived (past tense marker) at-it its-corner tree 

which^ was-thick^ there„ he-did-ito that^ ^ turn^ three^^ years., ^ for^^ 
5 6 7 8 10 9 11 -^ 12 13 

his-getting-hold-of-it- . road- which^ was-straight-ahead. - 115. There- 
she-came (past tense marker) old-woman. 116. There -she-came (past 
tense marker) this^ person along-it. the^ road. 

117. She -who-was -most (past tense marker) beautiful,^ since^ 
that. here-is the compadre^ to-play, ^ that.. (past tense marker) 

her-time this woman her-entering 118. Then her-going to- 

sit^ ^J^"it. a corner,^ in-an-attitude-of-humility was-she^. there^ in-its- 
corner^ house..... 

119. Little., hour^ and^ entered^ old-man^ lizard.^ 120. He,, who- 
1 Z 3 4 5 D 1 

knows^ why^ . (past tense) didn^t-do^. he-itg that which-should -have -bee n^ 


ladagunlQ lubine.-^ 121. Lachiilurun,- adagu^ ligia« pasu,. adagu- 
ligia^ pasu, adagu ligia^ pasu. 122. Dan. le^ lachiilurun^ ora. 
lun liwinrun inajati, ligia^ lafuriduiiQ wiigiiri-^ le- - asisija.^o 
123. Dan met! liabin, uaaru meti jinaru.. 124. Abanriigaaru- 
jinaru.^ 125, Abannigaaru- meti jinaru ^ to^ buidumeralitimaboun . to^ 
yagiitabouiig canarugu.^ 126. Buidumeraiitu tm jinaru tuguya' 

127. Deti buga lebelurun^ jigandei^ le,. "Wiiij. ba,^ compadre.- 
128. Win- ba, o compa. ^ 129. Wabinaja^ tia2 ya^ ariabu . to.^' 
130. Nujati- buga wanui^ to^ luaguti. tarigeij. muna^ ichajati^ coba^ 
lunoQ 131. Ingirati- buga cutete^ le^ asisija . queij. laganbunig inajani- 

132. Lidin jigandei le aluajoun . weiriou. 133. Lachuliiriin 

his-doing-itQ at-his -house 7-^ 121. When-he-arrived, did he a-turn 

(about the hall), did he a-turn, did he a-turn.^ 122. Time which^ 

its-arriving hour, for-it his-blowing musician, then his-going-out 
o 4 o o I o y 

this-- man-^ to-urinate. - ^ 123. When^ (future tense marker) his- 

entering, ^ there-is-no (future tense marker) woman, (with whom he can 

dance). 124. There -has -come -to -be -only-one woman. 125. There-has- 

come-to-be -only -one ^ (future tense marker) woman, ^ she-who is-most- 

beautiful. who. is-over-there^ in-the-corner. „ 126. That, woman^ was- 
4 5 6 7 4 3 

beautiful- she-wasi 

127. When- (past tense marker) his-entering the gorilla, "Play 
you, ^ compadre. 128. .Play- you, compadre.^ 129. We41-dance 
here^ this night,, we -will. "^ 130. Here-is (past tense marker) the^ 
gossiper^ at-it its-corner house^ giving bother^ to-him 
(the musician). 131. There-he-is (past tense marker) the lizard to- 
urinate. as his -hearing-it^ the^ playing. 

132. His-going- the^ gorilla to-look-for-her . old-woman. 


luagu bena, ^ jucu . loun, lagararagunu lun_ gawarabei ^ lan^ 
jamicsirun^^ pisi-^ ligia.-g 134, Louburunu,- larugiidunu, ^ 
lagararagunu,^ chula. anjoun_ niidii^ luba^ agabulegudeina.^. 135. Inite. 
weir lei ^ tarigi. « 

136. Lebelurati buga cutete^ le^ larigine. lasisijan,. ariagua^ 
ligia,- ariagua^ ligfa.Q 137. Nuja- jinaru to itagafiou.. 138. Lujati- 
buga jua^ to^ tarigeirugu. munaj. to. ^ 139. Incha- leL lariina^ tun. . 
140. Janufudeti. lugundun^ jabuja^ jinaru . to.. 141. Incha. lel^ya.^ 
142. Janufudeti- tueu deni « 143. Lmchabaliya ^ tun, ^ tagararagun. ^ 
144. Lujaburugufiou. - 145. Itara.. tifiao luba. ^ 

146. ^Wel,- compadre,2 gifiajatibu.^ 147. ^Ida- linag san 
bifiaja^ le, . compadre?^ 148. Lidaneigifieti- dan, ^ compa.^^ 

133. His-arriving at-it door, hooked (arms) he-her, his-turning- 

her^ so that^ it-will-be-possible^ the ir -mixing -^ (dancing to) the^^ 

piece.-- 134. His-embracing-her, - his-grabbing-hold-of-her, ^ his-turning- 

her,o threw. he_ (her) and-she^ went before-him^ wiggling -her-waist. ^ 

135. There-he-came old-man after-her. 

136. He -entered^ (past tense marker) the^ lizard^ after-it^ his- 

urinating, - looked-around^ he, looked-around^ he. 137. Here-is-she- 

the^ woman being-thus.. 138. The^ frog swollen-up (past tense marker) 

in-its -corner, the^ house.. 139. Extended, he-it ,^ his-arm^ to-her. . 
4 6 5 12 J 4 

140. He-was-afraid- because -of -it ^ she-was-very-swoUen-up^ (with anger^ 
the woman. 141. He-it^ extended-again. - 142. He-was-frightened- of- 
her., thenl^ 143. His-extending-it-again. to-her, ^ her-turning -around. 
144. She-was-being-there-in-his-hands. 145. This her-being^ before- 

146. "Well,- compadre,^ you-know-how-to-play. ^ 147. How- its- 
being^ (question marker) your-playing (like) this,, compadre ? 148. It*s 


149. Le- tiEo janurubeig jinarinu^ ja^ tidaiig mansion^ to, g flatly 
jalau.^Q 150. Chaguga,^ chaguga,2 chaguga.^ 151. Nuja^ amu^ asta^ 
luagu^ tegeg amug lun^ giarag lan^ jemeragun^^ jiiiarlnu^^ ja^2 
tidan^o muna^^. ^o»i5 lugundun-g bmn-„ muna^g ^^^19 abifiajatinu. gQ 
152. Ligia^ jinaru2 to,^ queisi . ligiragudunu- waganga^ canarugun,- 
maiiurutUg jadan.g 153, Buidumeraiitugu- tunguaiioutio queti« bugaJ^ 

154. Ligiragiidunu - jigandei2 le^ compafiera. to,g fiiiduyag tla„ 
buga bougudin.g 155. Bougudifiou- ta. 2 156. Manjatu- tia2 terederun« 
munada^ quei^ tuguyag Ian- cuncusaboung luiig inajati.-^ 

157. *^Ug,^ compag waii, « ginajatibu.^^ 

158. ^^Bafaguagiile,- compa,2 ani« itara . memeg wama.^A 

okay, - 2 compadre. "^ 

149. That- which -was ^ their-sitting_ the^ women, in-it^ the^ man- 
1 L o 5 4 b o 

sion, _ there -were -no Q chairs.-^ 150. Occupied,- occupied, occupied. « 

151. Here-is-she- another2 to -the -point -of-being on-it. her-shoulder 
another^ in-order that^ it -be -possible g their-resting-^ the-2 women-- 
in-it-o *^^®ic house . because- g ^^^yi house- g with-them-^ dancers. 2q 

152. Then- the^ woman, ^ since . he-turned-her-loose_ lizard^ in-the- 

13*24 56 

corner, she-didn't-sit among-them. ^ 153. Yes-she-was-lovely, - there- 
7 o y i 

by-he r se If as before . 

Li O ^ 

154. His -turning -her-loose, - the« goriIla2 ^^^^ companion,, she- 
again-wentg she-did- (past tense marker) outside, g 155. Being-outside- 
she. 156. She -was -unwilling- she-was^ for-her-remaining inside, since. 
that she the-one-who-gave-the-accusationg to-him^ the-musician-Q (and 
she knew that a fight was about to begin). 

157. *TJg, ^ compadre2 mine, you-know-how-to-playl "^ 

158. »»At-your-service, - compadre2 and^ thus^ may-be-we^ (the) 

same. "^ 


159. ^Wingubei- hagisi^ cateio lun. giara^ lan^ najingichujan^ 
catei,g compadre.^^ 

160. Uati wiiguri lun^ labinajan. tumaj. wanuig to_ lugunduiig 
wiigiirlQ l6, ^ ememdiiti . - - 161. Ligia- tia^ bougudio tubei. . 162. Sun- 
labinajan^ lumagifie^ ladaunriin. disij. bou g tarugan,- abaiig jinaniQ to^.^ 
163. Migiragudiin lumutu. 164. Ligia,- dan^ le^ laganoubei . luagu^ 
wubii^ ligiB,,„ abanriigiio lubeL tebenari-^ luban. -- 165. Mafunederetu. - 

166. Anjein eredera-^ daudaiifiaja^ yagiita,. larijibei- sun^ le- lunbei ^ 
lebeluruiiQ tidoun muna-- to, -^ porque-^ neigiiieba^. lebelura-,-(. 

167. Bueno. 

168. ^Wiiia- ba,. compadre. 169. Wifia^ ba. 170. 'Wifia ba, 
1 ^ o 1 Z 12 

an^ abinaja . namuga.^^ 

171. ^^Bafaguagiile, an nafuraya bun lun giara Ian 

X Z o 4 o b I 


159, '^Better-to-play- you-again^ thing^ (another piece) so . that^ it- 

be-possible my-wiggling things (waist), compadre. " 

o 7 o 9 

160, There-was-no- man^ for^ his-dancing with-her the gossip- 

erg becausCg this^ man, ^ he -was -jealous, -- 161. That's-why- it-was^ 

outside^ she-was. . 162. AH his-dancing from-it its-ringing ten 

(until) breaking^ dawn, _ this-^ one^ woman. ^ 163. Not-turn-loose- he- 
b / lu o y i 

her.^ 164, That's why ' ^ time^ which^ his-living. on-it^ the„ hill, ^ 
z i,yz 3 4o7t) 

only-onCo its-door-^ his-house.^- 165, It-had-no-windows, ^ 166, If-he^ 

o lU 11 11 

(anyone) remained hidden over-there, he-will-see-him anyone who 
is-tOg enter^ into-it^^ ^^^12 ^^^^e-- because^ it-will-be-through-there- . 

he -must -enter. - _ 167. Very -well, 
lo 1 

168, "Play-again^ ^^^^ 2 ^^^P^^^^-q 1^^- Hay-again- Y^^o o 

Play-again- you. and_ I-would^ dance, ". 
1 Z o 5 4 

171, "At-your-service^ and^ I-will-blow-again^ for-you. in-order^. 


172. Lajucurunu jifiaru^ to, gararagua. loun. 
173. Manufudeeliti cutete tuei jifiaru. to_ den.. 174. Linchuni ^ 
larunag tun^ lun^ tadagarun- lumoun,^ ^'UgL 175. Ug! 176. Mani la 
abinajani« le, . compadre- waii.*^ 

177. »lda^ linagi2 abinajani^ le,. compadre?^^ 

178. ^^Bidinbei- arinagag nuagu^ itara?" 179. Ayanujaruti- buga* 
wanui^ to^ lunti^ buga tani^ weirieig que. 'Masking lusg his-^ 
chipskin^^ an ^2 ^^^^13 ^^^^14 ^15 ^^^iq ^^17 werams,' luaguti-g 
lanti^Q buga weiriei.^j^ 180. ^^An^ compadreo waii, ^ cagie. uagu^ 
biabibeig arinaga,^ yarag que^ Maskin^^ ^^'^ll ^^'^12 chipskin-« an- . 
torn^g ^^^^16 ^17 ^^^18 ^^19 werams?2Q 181. Jaliagi,- compadre,^ 
nidin^ iwerujei^ tiu^ biliigung mudun- tun,g nege,g nisabadun-^ 

that it-be -possible^ your-dancing. "^ 

172. He -hooked-arms -with-her- the^ woman,-, turned, he-her.- 

1 o ^ 4 o 

173. Lizardo was -no-longer-afraid- from-her^ the. woman, then. ^ 

174. His-extending-it- his-arm^ to-her^ for her-dancing_ with-him, ^ 
'IJgl 175. Ugl- 176. Let-it-be quiet- the. dance, ^ compadre mine. * I, 

177. "And how is it- ^ the. dance, compadre?"- 

178. *Will-you-go- to-say^ about -me^ thus?". 179. She-had- 

conversed- (past tense marker) the^ gossiper^ to-him. (past tense marker) 

her^ old-maUg that 'Masking lost^ his-^ sheepskin-- and-^ it-looks-o 

like-, that-which^ the baboon wears, -g that^ it-was -about -him 

(past tense marker) old-man. ^-j 180. "And compadre^ mine, and-what . 

about your-comingg to-say there that 'Maskin^ ^^^^ii ^^'^lo 'S^^^P" 

skin-^ and^. it-looks-- like^^ that-which-_ the-^ baboon- ^ wears ?'^ 
13 14 15 16 17 19 18 20 

181. When,- compadre, ^ my-going^ to-rob. its-wool your-animaU 


nigalasun, -- iiabite,-^ nisimisin,-^ nubunidin,- . nubadun,-- compadre?-^ 

182. Tumagine- weyu^ le, « compa,. giarati^ maguferagua g wama,^ 
boy.g 183. Gudal^j^ 

sheep^ ^^^"^^8 ^^^"^^^9 n^y-shoes,^^ my-pants, ^^ my jacket, ^2 "^y- 
shirt, -« my-hat, . my-cane, ^ compadre ? ^ 182. From-it this^ day, 
compadre,. it -is -possible no-longer-to-be-compadres, ^ we, t>oy. ^ 

183. This-is-a -delicate -matter] - (And they began to fight. ) 

* Grammatical markers: buga - past tense; me - future tense; san - ques- 
tion marker. 

** English orthography. 

*** A Creole song from Punta Gorda. 



(Story -telling is an important feature of a Carib novena. The stories 
provide entertainment, help to keep the guests awake, and demonstrate the 
Carib outlook on a variety of subjects. The following story was told on such an 
occasion. ) 

This story is about one godfather and another godfather. Very well. 
This godfather, the monkey, had many sheep. If you went to the home of this 
godfather, from this side of the house to that side of the house you would see 
many sheep. There was the wool after it had been shorn from them, stored on 
the walls of the house. That person's house was eight stories high. He had it 
well arrangedl There were the animals of this godfather. 

In order to arrive at the home of the other godfather, the gorilla, you 
would have to spend three years walking on a hill in order to find his home. It 
was on top of a hill. There this man lived alone because he was jealous. He 
was the only one there. Any man who was to go there, the gorilla would see 
his arrival from way off down there. He would see him climbing to go to his 
house. She who was his wife was a gossiper. And this man, his house had 
only one door and no windows because it was sealed. All who were to enter, 
he had to see them leave through one door. He was jealous, that's why he went 
to live on a hill, so that men wouldn't go visit his house. Very well. 

The day arrived for this gorilla, the day arrived when his birthday was 
approaching. Only three days to the gorilla's birthday, when the gorilla's co- 
godfather arrived to visit with him. When he arrived there, (the gorilla said): 
"Oh, at your service, co-godfather. You came at a good time, as if you were 
a mind-reader. I want us to make a bargain. Since you can play music, my 
co-godfather, and since my birthday is almost here, I want to celebrate it with 
your playing for us." 

"I'm at your service, I am, my co-godfather. Oh, I'm going to play. I 
must play for you, and now I'm at your service about all that we're going to do, 
my co-godfather." 

When it was only two days before the dance, then this gossiper said to 
the gorilla who was her husband: "Very well. And you, what will be your 
clothes for your birthday tomorrow? With what will you go to dance?" 

"Don't worry, the gorilla said. This afternoon I'm going out. I'm going 
to buy my clothes there at the shop so that I can go out (to the dance). There's 
still lots of time before tomorrow." 

Did he have money? More than the leaves on an avocado tree I 

This man got dressed and went out with his long pants on. One pant leg 
was only to here (it was short), and the other was to there (it was long). One 
shirt sleeve was long and the other was short. This ncian went to the street. 
He now had only one ear, and only one nostril. The other part, who knows 
where it was ? Or perhaps he was born on the earth that way ? 


This man arrived at six o'clock in the afternoon at the home of his co- 
godfather. The godfather wasn't there; he was out taking a walk. Then the 
gorilla entered over the side of the house, taking sheep wool, taking this, tak- 
ing, taking, piling it up under his arm. He went directly to the home of the 
tailor. At seven o'clock at night he arrived at the home of the tailor; by nine 
o'clock his coat was made, his pants, his shirt, his shoes, his hat, his socks. 
The man had made out all right with the wool from the sheep of his co-god- 
father, which he had stolen. 

"You are not to say to co-godfather that I robbed his sheep's wool from 
the wall of his house for my clothes," said the gorilla to his woman. And she 
who was his woman — ha.' That little woman! Well, she went faster than the 
Litegua bus there in Barrios I 

The day arrived for them to have the dance. Then the musician (the 
monkey) arrived at the mansion. That mansion was little it was — three years 
to turn each of its corners.' (But) when you entered inside, there was not one 
man. Lots of women from one corner of the hall to the other. Only women. 
Where were the men? They hadn't arrived yet. 

Then the gorilla said to his woman: "It's better for you to go on ahead of 
me. You will wait for me in the street. I will hear the playing of godfather 
from here." (He sent her on ahead in order to find out if the monkey was talk- 
ing about the robbery. ) 

Then the gossiper left the house. She went, she went, she went. In the 
middle of the road there was a tree — my, how big it was.' When the gossiper 
went around the tree thus, it took her three years to go around the tree in 
order to take the straight road to go on her way. She was on the way, on the 
way, on the way. When she arrived at the door of the mansion, then she called 
to her co-godfather to come to one side. "Let this be just between us, co-god- 
father,'^ she said to him. "What's the matter, co-godmother?" "Do you know 
what music you're going to play?" "No, I don't, co-godmother." 'What should 
be the song for you to play?" she said. (You should play): 

"Maskin lost his sheepskin. 

It looks like that which the baboon wears. 

You lie. You lie. You lie. 

It looks like that which the baboon wears." 

(But she gave him the words in Creole, and he didn't understand them.) "That's 
what you'll play," she said. "You shouldn't tell. That's what you should play." 
"What does the song mean, godmother?" asked the monkey. "That's what 
you'll play, godfather. Let it be that. I'll tell you tomorrow what it means." 

Then this man took his cornet, he went to the side of the house, he tried 
it, he tried it, he tried it (the song which she had suggested that he play). It 
was all right. 

There was still a woman who hadn't entered yet because, since she was 
so handsome, ^ she was shy in crowds. She was hiding along from one place to 


There was the gorilla, pacing back and forth there in his house waiting 
to see what he would hear about this thing. 

"Ugl At what hour will godfather come for his music ? It would be better 
for me, it would, to play for godfather. Since godfather hasnH come, I will 
play so that he will hear my playing from there so that godfather will be able 
to come.^' 

There was the gorilla getting dressed. There was the gorilla's coat still 
hung up. His co-godfather began to play so that the other godfather would hear 
it 'way off there and come from there, from San Gil where he lived. 

"Ug! He has played. That's my co-godfather. Ugl That's the playing 
of my co-godfather for a fact.'^ The gorilla jumped to be able to put on his 
coat. He got it down. He pui his arm in one sleeve — o. k. When he put his 
arm in the other sleeve, the coat ripped down the back. It was too tight. "Ugl" 
he said. He jumped to one side, grabbed the shears to mend it according to 
custom. "All right, '^ said this man (after he had repaired the coat. ) 

He arrived at the corner of the thick tree; it took him three years to 
make the turn and get on the straightaway. There came his wife. There came 
this person along the road. 

She who was most beautiful, (a way of stating that she was very ugly) de- 
cided that now since the godfather was playing, this would be her opportunity to 
enter unobserved. Then she went to sit in a corner of the house, cuddled up 
and head down. 

A little later Mr. Lizard entered. Who knows why he didn't do that 
which he should have done at home? When he arrived he promenaded up and 
down the salon. When the time arrived for the musician to play, then this man 
went out to relieve himself. When he will enter there will be no women (with 
whom he can dance). Only one woman. There will be only one woman, she 
who is the most beautiful there in the corner. That woman was beautiful, she 

When the gorilla entered (he said) : "Play, godfather. Play, godfather. 
We're going to dance, we are, here tonight." There was the gossiper in the 
corner of the house molesting the musician. There was the lizard relieving 
himself when he heard the music. 

The gorilla went to look for his woman. When he arrived at the door he 
hooked arms with her, he turned her so they would be able to dance to this 
piece. He hugged her, he grabbed her, he gave her a turn, he threw her, he 
let her go ahead of him waggling her body. There was her man behind her. 

The lizard entered after relieving himself. He looked around, he looked 
around. There was this woman, thus. This frog (the 'TDcautiful" woman) was 
swollen up in the comer of the house. He extended his arm to her. He was 
afraid because this woman was swollen up (indicating that she was very angry). 
He extended his arm again to her. He was afraid of her, for a fact.' When he 
extended his arm again to her she turned, and he had her in his hands. Thus 
she went ahead of him dancing. 


*Well, co-godfather, you know how to play," said the gorilla. 'What do 
you do to be able to play this well? It's okay, co-godfather! " 

When the women sat down in the mansion there was not one chair vacant. 
Occupied, occupied, occupied. (It was so crowded that) there was one on the 
shoulder of another in order that these women rest in the house, because the 
house was full of dancers. And this woman (the frog), since the lizard re- 
leased her (from dancing) at the corner of the house, she didnH sit among the 
other women. Yes, she was very beautiful, sitting there by herself as before. 

When the gorilla released his companion after they had danced, she went 
outside again. She stayed outside. She was unwilling to remain in the house 
since she was the one who had told the musician about the robbery and she 
knew that soon they would be fighting inside because of the robbery. 

"Ug, my co-godfather, you know how to play!" 

"At your service, co-godfather, and may the dance go on as happily." 

"Better play another song so I can wiggle my waist, co-godfather." 

There was no man to dance with the gossiper because this man was jeal- 
ous. That's why she stayed outside. All of his (the gorilla's) dancing from ten 
o'clock until dawn was with this one woman. He didn't release her to another. 
That's why he lived on that hill, and why there was only one door to his house. 
It had no windows. If someone were hiding along from place to place from a 
distance (in order to sneak up to the gorilla's house) the gorilla would see any- 
one who might enter the house because through that one door he had to enter. 
Very well. 

"Play again, godfather. Play again. Play again and I would dance." 

"At your service, and I will play again for you so you can dance." 

He (the lizard) hooked arms with this woman (the frog) and turned her. 
Now the lizard wasn't afraid of this woman anymore for a fact (because he 
had danced with her before and everything had gone well). But when he 
stretched out his arm to her to dance, "Ug! Ug! Stop this dance, my co-god- 
father," (said the gorilla). 

"What do you mean, 'stop the dance,' co-godfather?" 

"What do you mean, going around talking about me like that?" The gos- 
siper had told her old man that the song "Maskin lost his sheepskin and that it 
looked like that which the baboon wore" was dedicated to him, and referred to 
him. "And, my co-godfather, what about your saying there that 'Maskin lost 
his sheepskin and that it looks like that which the baboon wears ?' And when, 
co-godfather, did I go to rob your sheep's wool in order, you say, to make my 
shoes, my pants, my coat, my shirt, my hat, and my socks, co-godfather? 
From this day, co-godfather, we can't be co-godfathers any longer, boy. This 
is a serious business." And with that they started to fight. 

Shaw, Mary, editor. 1971. According to our ancestors: Folk texts from Guatemala and 
Honduras. Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related 
Fields, 32. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma. 510 p.