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all: todo
and: e
animal: animal
ashes: cinzas
at: en
back: atrás
bad: malo
bark: cortiza
because: porque
belly: bandullo
big: grande
bird: paxaro
bite: trabar
black: negro
blood: sangue
blow: soprar
bone: óso
breast: peito
breathe: rspirar
burn: arder
child: neno
cloud: nube
cold: frío
come: vir
correct: corrixir
count: contar
cut: cortar
day: día
die: morrer
dig: cavar
dirty: sucio
dog: can
drink: beber
dry: seco
dull: parvo
dull: romo
dust: po
ear: orella
earth: terra
eat: comer
egg: ovo
eye: ollo
fall: caer
far: lonxe
father: pai
fat (n.): graxa
fear: medo
feather: pluma
few: pouco
fight: loitar
fingernail: unlla
fire: lume
fish: peixe
five: cinco
float: aboiar
flower: flor
flow: fluir
fly (v.): voar
fog: néboa
foot: pé
forest: fraga
four: catro
freeze: conxelar
fruit: froita
full: cheo
give: dar
good: bo
grass: herba
green: verde
hair: pelo
hand: man
head: cabeza
hear: oír
heart: corazón
heavy: pesado
he: el
here: aquí
hit: bater
hold: soster
horn: corno
how: cómo
hunt: cazar
husband: marido
ice: xeo
I: eu
if: se
in: en
kill: matar
knee: xeonllo
know: saber
lake: lago
laugh: rir
leaf: folla
left: esquerda
leg: perna
lie: mentir
liver: fígado
live: vivir
long: longo
louse: carracho
man: home
many: moitos
meat: carne
moon: lúa
mother: nai
mountain: montaña
mouth: boca
name: nome
narrow: estreito
near: preto
neck: pescozo
new: novo
night: noite
nose: nariz
not: non
old: vello
one: un
other: outro
person: persoa
play: xogar
pull: tirar
push: empuxar
rain: choiva
rain: chuvia
red: vermello
right: dereita
river: río
road: estrada
root: raíz
rope: corda
rotten: podre
round: redondo
rub: frotar
salt: sal
sand: area
say: dicir
scratch: raiar
scratch: rascar
sea: mar
seed: semente
see: ver
sew: coser
sew: zurzir
sharp: agudo
short: curto
sing: cantar
sit: sentar
skin: pel
sky: ceo
sleep: durmir
small: pequeno
smell: recender
smoke: fume
smooth: suave
snake: serpe
snow: neve
some: algún
spit: cuspir
split: partir
squeeze: aplastar
stab: apuñalar
stand: estar
star: estrela
stick: pau
stone: pedra
straight: dereito
suck: chupar
sun: sol
swell: inflar
swim: nadar
tail: rabo
that: ese
there: alí
they: eles
thick: groso
thin: fino
think: pensar
this: este
thou: ti
thou: tu
thou: tu
thou: tu
thou: vostede
thou: vostede
three: tres
throw: a través de
tie: atar
tongue: lingua
tooth: dente
tree: árbore
turn: volver
two: dous
vomit: trousar
walk: andar
warm: morno
wash: lavar
water: auga
we: nós
wet: húmido
what: qué
when: cándo
where: ónde
white: branco
who: quén
wide: ancho
wife: esposa
wind: vento
wing: á
wipe: limpar
with: con
woman: muller
worm: verme
year: ano
yellow: amarelo
you: vós