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Full text of "Papers in Austronesian Linguistics: Gumawana (Amphlett Islands, Papua New Guinea): Grammar sketch and texts"

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10. TEXTS 

Two texts are given below. The first is by Kalitoni Gaiyau of Nubogeta Island, and is a 
traditional narrative entitled Sipwena. The second is a narrative of recent events by Bunore, 
also of Nubogeta. 

10.1 TextI: Sipwena 

Xoroto tayamo yoina Sipwena, tauyana maniuna 

koloto tai-mo yoi-na Sipwena tau-ia-na ma-niu-na 

man one-only name-3SG.IA Sipwena person-REF-3SG 

There was a man whose name was Sipwena who lived with his sister. 

Sinadi be tamadi bogina sikamasa. 

sina-di be tama-di bogina si-kamas 

mother- 3PL.IA and father- 3PL.IA PRF 3PL-die 
Their mother and father had died. 

Ago kina maniuna sikayaxa aditaiyuwo 

ago kina ma-niu-na si-kaiaka a-di-tai-iuuo 

SW 3SG.PN 3PL-live PASS-3PL-man-two 

adikasa yoina Moninita. 

a-di-kasa yoi-na Moninita 

PASS-3PL-place name-3PL.IA Moninita 

But he and his sister lived, the two of them at their place called Moninita. 


Sikayaxa, niuna inai monena doxanikani. 

si-kaiaka niu-na i-nai mone-na dokanikani 

3PL-remain 3SG-marry spouse-3SG.IA giant 
They lived on and his sister married; her husband was a giant. 

Doxanikaniyana inaxasa xoya, aseana yoina Ayona. 

dokanikani-ia-na i-na-kasa koia kasa-ia-na yoi-na Aiona 

giant-REF-3SG CON-3SG-place mountain place-REF-3SG name-3SG.IA Ayona 
The giant's place was on a mountain the name of which was Ayona. 

E vavineana ituko ina doxanikani inaxasa goi 

e vavina-ia-na i-tuko i-na dokanikani i-na-kasa goi 

DEV woman-REF-3SG 3SG-ascend 3SG-go giant CON-3SG-place PP 

So the woman ascended to the giant's place where they lived. 

Ago Sipweneana aneta Moninita goi ikayaxo. 

ago Sipwena-ia-na a-na-ita Moninita goi i-kaiaka 

SW Sipwena-REF-3SG PASS-3SG-LIM Moninita PP 3SG-live 
But Sipwena lived by himself at Moninita. 

Laveana bogina vavina inai, doxanikani ivatowo bei iyana 

lava-ia-na bogina vavina i-nai dokanikani i-vatowo bei Han 

time-REF-3SG PRF woman 3SG-marry giant 3SG-begin PRO fish 




When the woman had married, the giant began to look for fish. 

E lava tayamo inaxabela xonanina ikabidi, isou 

e lava taia-mo i-na-kabela konan-i-na i-kabi-di i-sou 

DEV time one-only CON-3SG-fish thing-?-3SG.IA 3SG-take-3PL 3SG-descend 

ima negwasa. 

i-ma neguas 

3SG-come ocean 

So on one occasion he took he fishing gear and came down to the ocean. 

Inakewou ikayaxa aolao Sipwena inavada kikina. 

i-na-keuou i-kaiaka kaolao Sipwena i-na-vada kiki-na 

CON-3SG-canoe 3SG-remain slip Sipwena CON-3SG-house next-3SG.IA 
His canoe was on a slip next to Sipwena's house. 

E doxanikani-yana isou. 
e dokanikani-ia-na i-sou 
DEV giant-REF-3SG 3SG-descend 
So the giant went down. 


Isou, ima idigo xana, "Ivagu, xaga 

i-sou i-ma i-diga ka-na iva-gu kaga 

3SG-descend 3SG-come 3SG-say talk-3SG what 

kuvavaiva?" . 



He came down and said, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing?". 

"Geya, a:xayaxa", Sipwena xaena. 

geia a:-kaiaka Sipwena ka-e-na 

NEG lSG.IMPER-be.there Sipwena talk-OI-3SG.IA 
"Nothing, I'm just sitting here", said Sipwena. 

E doxanikaniyana idigo xana, "Kubalema gunakewou 

e dokanikani-ia-na i-diga ka-na ku-bala-i-ma guna-keuou 

DEV giant-REF-3SG 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA 2SG-across-?-come lSG.POSS-canoe 

talusobuye ana axabela" . 

ta-lu-sobu-ia-i a-na a-kabela 

lPL.INC-lift-down-OAD-TR lSG-go lSG-fish 

Then the giant said, "Come here; let's launch my canoe so I can go fishing". 

E Sipwena ibala ina, doxanikaniyana idigo xana, 

e Sipwena i-bala i-na dokanikani-ia-na i-diga ka-na 

DEV Sipwena 3SG-across 3SG-go giant-REF-3SG 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA 

"Kuna kewou matakubuna kukibode" . 

ku-na keuou matakubu-na ku-ki-boda-i 

2SG-go canoe bow-3SG.IA 2SG-by.hand-block-TR 

So Sipwena went across and the giant said, "Go and hold the bow of the canoe". 

E Sipwena iiwo ina pusa goi iyoita. 

e Sipwena i-iva i-na pusa goi i-ioit 

DEV Sipwena 3SG-seaward 3SG-go bow PP 3SG-hold 
So Sipwena moved seaward to the bow, where he held on. 

Iyoita, doxanikaniyana imeyava xana, "Kupi yamam kupi 

i-ioit dokanikani-ia-na i-meiav ka-na kupi yama-mu kupi 

3SG-hold giant-REF-3SG 3SG-magic talk-3SG.IA ? ?-2SG ? 

kaikemu kupaa butuu" . 

kaike-mu kupaa butuu 

?-2SG ? ? - 

He held on and the giant did magic and said, "[giant's language: not translatable]". 

E Sipwena ikapusi isou, ikanabalabala naxae nawala. 

e Sipwena i-kapusi i-sou i-kana-RDP-bala nakae naual 

DEV Sipwena 3SG-fall 3SG-descend 3SG-by.lay-IMPER-across same 
Then Sipwena fell down and lay horizontal like a slip support pole. 


Ago doxanikaniyana kewou ivaseseli ina isou negwasa. 

ago dokanikani-ia-na keuou i-va-seseal-i i-na isou neguas 

SW giant-REF-3SG canoe 3SG-CAUS-slide-TR 3SG-go 3SG-descend ocean 
And the giant slid the canoe down to the ocean. 

E kina Sipwena imeyava xana, "Soinu yamagu soinu kaikegu 

e kina Sipwena i-meiav ka-na soinu yama-gu soinu kaike-gu 

DEV 3SG.PN Sipwena 3SG-magic talk-3SG.IA ? 7-1SG J 7-1SG 

sososoinusoinu" . 



Then Sipwena did magic and said, "[magic formula: not translatable]". 

E Sipweneana itaoya isapinunuwo, ibala ina 

e Sipwena-ia-na i-taoia i-sapi-nunuv i-bala i-na 

DEV Sipwena-REF-3SG 3SG-stand.up 3SG-slap-brush 3SG-across 3SG-go 

inavada isiu ikayaxa. 

i-na-vada i-siu i-kaiaka 

CON-3SG-house 3SG-enter 3SG-remain 

Then Sipwena stood up to brush himself and crossed over to his house, entered it and 

remained there. 

Kina go doxanikani ina ikabela. 

kina go dokanikani i-na i-kabela 

3SG.PN SW giant 3SG-go 3SG-fish 

Now the giant went fishing. 

Ikabela, lavilavi bogina ima ivayu. 

i-kabela lavilavi bogina i-ma i-vaiu 

3SG-fish evening PRF 3SG-come 3SG-arrive 
He fished, and in the evening he arrived back. 

Ivayu, itumayava xana, "Sipwena, kuma kewou 

i-vaiu i-tuma-iava ka-na Sipwena ku-ma keuou 

3SG-arrive 3SG-beckon-to.bush talk-3SG.IA Sipwena 2SG-come canoe 

tayagasf . 



He arrived and he beckoned to the shore, "Sipwena, come let's beach the canoe". 

Sipwena ibala ina, doxanikaniyana idigo xana, "Kuna 

Sipwena i-bala i-na dokanikani-ia-na i-diga ka-na * ku-na 

Sipwena 3SG-across 3SG-go giant-REF-3SG 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA 2SG-go 

kewou matakubuna kukibode" . 

keuou matakubu-na ku-ki-boda-i 

canoe bow-3SG.IA 2SG-by.hand-block-TR 

Sipwena crossed over and the giant said, "Go and hold the bow of the canoe". 


E Sipwena ina pusa goi iyoita. 
e Sipwena i-na pusa goi i-ioit 
DEV Sipwena 3SG-go bow PP 3SG-hold 
So Sipwena went to the bow, where he held on. 

Iyoita, doxanikani-yana imeyava xana, "Kupi yamamu kupi 

i-ioit dokanikani-ia-na i-meiav ka-na kupi yama-mu kupi 

3SG-hold giant-REF-3SG 3SG-magic talk-3SG.IA ? ?-2SG ? 

kaikemu kupaa butuu" . 

kaike-mu kupaa butuu 

?-2SG ? ? 

He held on and the giant did magic and said, "[giant's language: not translatable]". 

E Sipwena ikapusi isou, ikanabalabala. 

e Sipwena i-kapusi isou i-kana-KDP-bala 

DEV Sipwena 3SG-fall 3SG-descend 3SG-by.lie-IMPER-across 

Then Sipwena fell down and lay horizontal. 

Ago doxanikaniyana kewou ivaseseli ina mamaya. 

ago dokanikani-ia-na keuou i-va-sesal-i i-na mamaia 

SW giant-REF-3SG canoe 3SG-CAUS-slide-TR 3SG-go shore 
And the giant slid the canoe down to the shore. 

E Sipwena kina imeyava xana, (< Soinu yamagu soinu 

e Sipwena kina i-meiav ka-na soinu yama-gu soinu 

DEV Sipwena 3SG.PN 3SG-magic talk-3SG.IA ? 7-1SG ? 

kaikegu sososin usoin u" . 

kaike-gu sososinusoinu 

7-1SG ? 

Then Sipwena did magic and said, "[magic formula: not translatable]". 

Sipwena itaoya, idigo xana, "Ivagu, amiyana 

Sipwena i-taoia i-diga ka-na iva-gu a-mu-iiana 

Sipwena 3SG-stand.up 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA EAT-2SG-fish 

go, golao moe giyaina kuvinigu ana agabu . 

go golao moe giiai-na ku-vini-gu a-na a-gabu 

SW that small-3SG 2SG-give-lSG lSG-go lSG-roast 

Sipwena stood up and said, "Brother-in-law, it's your fish but give me a little of that golao 

and I will go roast it". 

Doxanikaniyana idigo t xana, "Geya, ame go, nium 

dokanikani-ia-na i-diga ka-na geia ame go niu-mu 

giant-REF-3SG 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA NEG this SW 

nunuona go ame". 

nunuo-na go ame 

desire-3SG.IA SW this 

The giant said, "No, as for this one, your sister wants this one". 


"O, dedevina tuwo. 
o dedevi-na tuua 
"Oh fine, that's fine. 

Go sem, pakiki moe giyaina kuvinigu ana agabu" 

go semu pakiki moe giiai-na ku-vini-gu a-na a-abu 

SW however that small-3SG 2SG-give-lSG lSG-go lSG-roast 
However, give me that small pakiki and I will go and roast it." 

"Geya, ame go nium nunuona toina go ame." 

geia ame go niu-mu nunuo-na toi-na go ame 

NEG this SW desire-3SG.IA very-3SG SW this 

"No, as for this one, your sister really wants this one." 

"Dedevine tuwo. 

dedevi-na tuua 

good-3SG enough 
"Fine, that's all right. 

Go sem, moe ammoku kudabedi go, bulubuludi kuvinigu. 

go semu moe a-mu-moku ku-daba-i-di go bulubulu-di ku-vini-gu 

SW however that EAT-2SG-bait 2SG-cut-TR-3PL SW head-3PL.IA 2SG-give-lSG 

ana boxoyo axaigabu." 

a-na bokoio a-kai-gabun 

lSG-go necessitate lSG-set-roast 

But those there are your bait; cut them and give me the heads and I will even go and roast 


"Geya, ame go, nium nunuona toina toina go ame." 

geia ame go niu-mu nunuo-na toi-na toi-na go ame 

NEG this SW desire-3SG.IA very-3SG very-3SG SW this 

"No, as for this, your sister really really wants this/ 

E Sipwena nukotona itopa. 

e Sipwena nukoto-na i-ta-upa 

DEV Sipwena neck-3SG.IA 3SG-ST-break 
So Sipwena gave up. 

Ibala ina inavada isiu. 

i-bala i-na i-na-vada i-siu 

3SG-across 3SG-go CON-3SG-house 3SG-enter 
He crossed to his house and went in. 

Geya tayamo xaga ikayaxa bei ikaika. 

geia taia-mo kaga i-kaiaka bei i-kaika 

NEG one-only what 3SG-remain PRO 3SG-meal 
There was not one thing remaining for him to eat. 

Avana tauna nona kewoina. 

kava-na tauna nona keuo-i-na 

food-3SG.IA' that's. it fruit-?-3SG.IA 
His food was only the fruit of the nona. 


Tayamo ikabi ikani, imasisi. 
taia-mo i-kabi i-kani i-masisi 
one-only 3SG-get 3SG-eat 3SG-sleep 
He got one to eat then slept. 

Doxanikaniyana anaiyana ikavala ituko ina monena. 

dokanikani-ia-na a-na-iian i-kavala i-tuko i-na mone-na 

giant-REF-3SG EAT-3SG-fish 3SG-carry 3SG-ascend 3SG-go spouse-3SG.IA 
The giant carried his fish up to his wife. 

Ina monena, iyana ivini ivaipolu. 

i-na mone-na iian i-vini i-vai-polu 

3SG-go spouse-3SG.IA fish 3SG-give 3SG-CAUS-boil 
He went to his wife, and he gave her the fish for her to boil. 

Ivaipolu, ivameo ivaideda. 

i-vai-polu i-va-meva i-vai-deda 

3SG-CAUS-boil 3SG-CAUS-cook 3SG-CAUS-serve 
She boiled and cooked it, then she dished it out. 

Idigo xana, "Toi kuma memeya kumataxavate go, yau 

i-diga ka-na toi ku-ma memeia ku-mata-kavata-i go iau 

3SG-say talk-3SG.IA man 2SG-come baby 2SG-with.eye-hold-TR go 1SG.PN 

ana Sipwena avana avini" . 

a-na Sipwena kava-na a-vini 

lSG-go Sipwena food-3SG.IA lSG-give 

She said, "Hey, come and watch the baby and I will go give Sipwena his food". 

Go kina doxanikaniyana idigo xana, "I kwayaxamo. 

ago kina dokanikani-ia-na i-diga ka-na i ku-kaiaka-mo 

SW 3SG.PN giant-REF-3SG 3SG-say talk-3SG.IA hey 2SG-stay-only 
But the giant said, "Hey, you just stay. 

Kume yau toinigu anava xom bei govila 

ku-ma-i iau toini-gu a-nava-i komu bei govila 

2SG-come-TR 1SG.PN REFL-1SG lSG-take-TR 2SG.PN PRO lest 

kwaim urn una memeya itaiya. 

ku-kaimumuna memeia i-taiia 

2SG-be.slow baby 3SG-cry 

Bring it so I can take it myself lest you are slow and the baby cries. 

Kume, yau * xoroto aegu ponaponaina ana avini" . 

ku-ma-i iau koloto kae-gu ponapona-i-na a-na a-vini 

2SG-come-TR 1SG.PN man leg-lSG.IA fast-?-3SG lSG-go lSG-give 
Bring it and I who am a man with fast legs will go and give it to him". 

E doxanikaniyana noxo ikavale isou. 

e dokanikani-ia-na noko i-kavala-i isou 

DEV giant-REF-3SG wood.plate 3SG-carry-TR 3SG-descend 
So the giant carried the plate down. 

ima aaa kenao tolobona goi 

awoinu ikani. 

i-ma aaa kenao tolobo-na goi 

kauoinu i-kani 

3SG-come until path middle-3SG PP 

food 3SG-eat 


Isou ima 

i-sou i-ma 

3SG-descend 3SG-come 

He went down and down until half way down the path he ate the food. 

Ikani ikanisave, noxo ikalave go, ikaluvila 

i-kani i-kani-sava-i noko i-kalava-i go i-kaluvila 

3SG-eat 3SG-eat-complete-TR wood.plate 3SG-leave-TR SW 3SG-retum 

monena goi avadi sikaika. 

mone-na goi kava-di si-kaika 

spouse-3SG.IA PP food-3PL 3PL-meal 

He ate it and he finished it, then left the plate and returned to his wife where they ate 

their food. 

Sikaika ikavava, simasisi. 

si-kaika i-kavava si-masisi 

3PL-meal 3SG-be.finished 3PL-sleep 
After they ate, they slept. 

Vavina inanuwonuwona xana, {{ Bogina niugu ikaika" . 

vavina i-na-nuuonuuona ka-na bogina niu-gu i-kaika 

woman CON-3SG-think talk-3SG.IA PRF 3SG-meal 
The woman was thinking, "My brother has eaten". 

Go gey a, awoinuyadi doxanikani ikanidi. 
ago geia kauoinu-ia-di dokanikani i-kani-di 
SW NEG food-REF-3PL giant 3SG-eat-3PL 

But that was not the case; the giant had eaten the food. 

E simasisi, vanuwo itomo naxae. 

e si-masisi vanuuo i-tomo nakae 

DEV 3PL-sleep place same 
So they slept, and the next day it was the same. 

Doxanikaniyana inapaisewa abela. 

dokanikani-ia-na i-na-paiseua kabela 

giant-REF-3SG CON-3SG-work fish 
The giant's work was fishing. 

Olson, Clifford. 1992. "Gumawana (Amphlett Islands, Papua New Guinea): Grammar 
sketch and texts." In M. D. Ross (ed.), Papers in Austronesian Linguistics 2 , 
251-430. Pacific Linguistics A, 82. Canberra: Australian National University.