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- kh 

3» Verbs, Verb Phrases, and Pronouns* 

3.0. A verb stem is a stem which may he used with tjhe 
bound morpheme /ri/ before it, or /vk/ after it, or with . 
certain other bound morphemes described in this section. A 
verb phrase is a... series of two or more verb stems with a 
single subject. A verbal construction is the use. of a verb 
stem or phrase with one or more bound morphemes which may be 
termed "aspect particles". A verbal sentence-is a verbal 
construction used as a command or used with a subject, noun 
or pronoun. It is convenient to dovetail the description of 
pronouns with that of verbs, -since pronoun .forms other than 
posse-ssives (for which see 2.6 above) are used almost exclu- 
sively with verbs. 

3.1. Independent, subject, and object pronouns are 
basic to several verbal constructions, and to other pronoun 
forms to be introduced later. 

3.1.1. Independent pronouns may be used in isolation 
with an emphatic demonstrative force. They may also be used 
before verbs as emphatic subjects. For the use of at least 
two of them before nouns, see 2.10 above. The following forms 
are identical for the two dialects in general. However, one 
Wukari informant usually says /gfx/ for /'kh/ in rapid speech; 

- 45 " 

he also substitutes /g/ for /k/ in many other common words 
such as locatives and adverbs. 

Independen t Subject Independent Subject 

l.s. /W /m/ /ai/ ^ /i/ 
2.s. /W /u/ 2. pi. y&ii/ . /nl/ 
3 • s . /&&/ Aft/ 3 . Pi . /fib*/ A*/ 

These subject pronouns are used before verb stems except 
as opecif ied for some aspects below. The third person pronoun- 
may be used after a noun subject for emphasis or clarity. 

3.1.2. Object pronouns are used after verb stems, as 
noun subjects also are. They are identical in^fornj with the 
subject pronouns except that in Wukari mid tone is replaced 
by mid to low falling (/ku, i, ni, bb/) at the end of a 
sentence. Before an object pronoun with low tone (/m, u/) 9 
mid tone^ in a verb stem changes to high. For example: 
Takum Wufcarl 

/yk kft/ /yi ku/ 'give (it) to him 1 
/yd m/ . /y^ m / 'give (it) to me'. 

/sk zh b6/ /ts4 za b&/ 'help them' 
/kft sk za u?/ Aft tsa za u?/ 'Did he help you? f 

3.1.3. Verbs that usually take an object are sometimes 
used without an object where the third person singluar pronoun 
object might be expected; the translation T it f is usually 

- kS - . 


Takum Wukari 

/ze bl/ /nde bi/ 'bring it'; lit., 'take come' 

cf # /zc zape bi/ /nde dyape t>i/ f "bring water' 

/yd m/ /yi m/ 'give it to me' 

cf. /yd m fyekS/ /yl m fyekg/ 'give me some peanots' 

3.1»U» As illustrated in the last sentence above, a 
pronoun object may be used before a noun object. However, 
this is common only when the noun object is a single word. 
The following construction is used for longer objects; 

Takum Wuftari 

/ze kiina 'pina yd »/ /nde kwf pyina yl m/ f give me two 

knives 1 



William B. Welmers 

Occasional Publication No. 16 

Institute of African Studies 
University of Ibadan, Nigeria