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I. Of old times (Naryam Adam) 

1. ^adfr iayer^ taamiddrar flyir. t^awiri ^r^a taginy^ iccfdir eere taginy^ 
tesrd keald ^er^i taginy^. tokkiinin t^enin ukkukinan tiija sher palnye 

2. pidid Bddi kdccfn Dud6 paccf kdccfn uud6 kuud koccfn karcitin kerj^. ^lU 
k^lagar kaliaj^. 

3. eldkon pid^ayr^ tfccin iraaha ^lokdn ambarfcci tawr eer6 taginye fccidfr 
^ere taginy^ tss kdccfnan nen fin kaljo. pMcin koccid^n^n kuud koccidany^n 
bM telj^ ela t^ljci salar innye. 

4. iishera t6rj^k6k4 ala t41j4 kod dsinyen suubriari turjin salaarara. 

5. ^16k6n s6ngdrfn eade tfccin ir4ah4 Eldkon M»ariccf eldkon tokkiinan sh^r 
palnye kdcciddaj^ sh^r palnye aela teljar ali tAja kdd 6sfn p^Uk. 

6. akkfrhfn k6k^ subfyaa salUat6r4ahi. 


1. We once lived in Tamido. There was a lot of livestock, a lot of milk and 
cows and camels. We milked (them), put (tlie ailk in the pitcher), drank, 
evil left, slaughtered. 

2. We slaughtered two male goats, during the day we slaughtered a kid, when we 
slaughtered an ox during the day, we ate the whole night. I have not seen 
something like this since God created the world. 

3. And now we moved to Pi day, we caae (there) and now there was a lot of 
1 ivestock, there was a lot of Bilk* we slaughtered cows, you see this? 
Slaughtering many sheep, slaughtering aany oxen, eating, sitting, eating, 
sitting, prayer-time comes. 

4. When the evening prayer comes, we eat and sit, when the place gets light in 
the early morning, we get up for prayer. 

5. Now we move in the Songari riverbed, we co«e not, and now. . .thus. . .and now 
milking, evil leaves, slaughtering, evil leaves, we sit and eat, sit and 
eat, the place gets light, >jery bright. 

6. When it happened, we were praying in the Boming. 

II* Wedding (Naryam Adam) 

1. (Adam:) en ^le suubuu kooke ogone iiyoo? 

2. (Maryam:) suubuuye. fddfn nen fin kaljdn siiubuur aernyan assi tagaginya 
kfttf tagagfnyd uurg aatinya ^er katt^k. 

3. t^ccakani s^lbdonyi aarnya ed toora aa ik ik kanya sher palnye. 

4. n^n fin kalj6h4 toota telja toota telja kod palak akkiraahi. 

5. ^16k6n par^j^ aaran nen fin kaljon urgfn inden feci ukkunyan. 

6. 616k6n 6ndiy^: patat^t arnyan patitat arnyan patatit arnyan. 

7. fddf flfgfdfy6 p^ecf karnya shal^laUlal karni shilaUlal karnyd shalalalil 
karnyi siacinyi tee finyfnei. 

8. (Adam:) 6o, eU ian par^neyoo? 

9. k^b kr\ iyri keecfr ogon eereye aageea are essfkahum? 

10. (Maryam:) kre ^ssini keecf eere paalan taginye ^rassi eere taginye keeci 
eereya tag^ahi . 

11. tawr eereya keejiyra keejayra keejayra keejayra turru turruku fccfdr eere 
taginy^ pisshidira teeleraaha. 

12. taddagidi fyill^r^ya taa tooraaha. 

13. kdccfdanyana sher palaahi. 

14. saar udfcf eereya tagan. 

15. (Adam:) kirshir ogdn ianyfr 6onhi doniakahfenb? 

16. (Maryam:) mm, mm, mm! 

17. gCiruushfy^? n6n I'in k3lj6 shinti khtti knkr ^kkfri aan ibbar imdurmian iina 
6ndf ir^biy^ knir iria 6ndf kuruushf t^eyinin k^din addir teen Cisun kok^... 

18. assfyi aeri guruushi k6osiy6 n^n parfcci assi aeri k6osiye t^niy^ suugfr^ 
t^en^ ^tt^rk^y^. 

19. (Adam:) k]s%k k6n 5on6on^e ^le? 

20. (Maryam:) Aanyi'r tiinyd kdodfen kkdr^l 


1. (Adam:) Now what do you know about the wedding (and the like)? 

2. (Maryam:) The wedding. Of the woman, you see, when they make the wedding, 
they bind the hand, they bind the bracelet, they mark off the corner place, 
they utter the trill, they make the kottak (dance) movement with their neck. 

3. They do the slow dance, they do the salboonyi dance, the men enter: ah! ah! 
ah! (expression of surprised admiration), they say: Evil is leaving. 

4. Now you see this. They kept on dancing till the place got light. 

5. Now they do the paraja dance, you see this, they put the neck in this way 

6. And now the camel dance: doing patatat, doing patatat, doing patatat. 

7. The women make the trill, saying shalalalalal shalalalal shalalalal they 
dance in this direction. 

8. (Adam:) Yes, is it now like that? 

9. (Adam:) Now, was there really much grass at that time, did it use to rain? 

10. (Maryam:) It rained, very much grass came out, everything, a lot of 
watermelons, many small watermelons, a lot of grass was there. 

11. A lot of small cattle was grazing, grazing, grazing, till they were filled 
completely, there was a lot of milk, they sat in the sleeping place. 

12. They could hardly walk because of their fatness. 

13. They slaughtered. Evil went away. 

14. There was everything in plenty {lit black thing sits a lot). 

15. (Adam:) Did the people use to have money or not? 

16. Wow! 

17. (Maryam:) Money? You see this, making a very full bag, my father was coming 
from Omdurman, the money on the camel, at that time there were no cars, 
loading the money on the camel, he brought to our house, when he unloaded. 

18. Reaching the hand inside, he took the money out, like this, stretching the 
hand he took it out, he gave, we gave in the market, we sold (she means 

19. (Adam:) Do you have another story, now? 

20. (Maryam:) Let the people give, then we see afterwards! (she wants to hear 
the tape recording before she continues.) 




Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme 

Werner, Roland: 

Tidn-aal: a study of Midob : (Darfur-Nubian) / Roland Werner. 
- Berlin : Reimer, 1993 

(Sprache und Oralitat in Afrika ; Bd. 17) 

ISBN 3-496-02507-7 

Gedruckt mit Unterstiitzung der 
Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 

© 1993 bv Dietrich Reimer Verlag 
Dr. Friecirich Kaufmann 
Unter den Eichen 57 
1000 Berlin 45 

Umschlaggestaltung; Thomas Rode, Frankfurt am Main 

Alle Rechte vorbehalten 
Printed in Germany 

ISBN 3-496-02507-7 
