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Full text of "A Comparative Study of the Melanesian Island Languages"

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Bibliography page xiv 

Abbreviations xvi 

Corrigenda xvi 


Introduction i 

The Early Records 6 

The Comparative Study of Melanesian 19 

The Representation of Sounds 26 

Melanesian and Indonesian 33 

The Root in Melanesian 38 

Word Formation in Melanesian 54 

Indonesian Grammar in Melanesia 61 


The Loyalty Islands 75 

Grammar of the lai Language 84 

Grammar of the Lifu Language iii 

The Southern New Hebrides 137 

Aneityum 137 

Tanna 139 

Grammar of the Kwamera Language 146 

Eromanga 171 

Grammar of the Eromanga Language 176 

The Central New Hebrides 195 

Efate, Nguna and the Shepherd Isles 195 

Grammar of the Nguna Language 204 

Sketch of Makura Grammar 222 

Epi 228 

Grammar of the Tasiko Language 236 

Grammar of the Baki Language 245 

Malekula 258 

Grammar of the Kuliviu Language 266 

xii Contents 

The Cerxtral New Hebrides {Contd) 

Grammar of the Aulua Language pdgi S73 

Grammar of the Uripiv Language 284 

Grammar of the Meaun Language 293 

Grammar of the Sinesip Language 302 

Paama 311 

Grammar of the Paama Language 315 

Ambrim 329 

Grammar of the Ambrim Language 333 

Espiritu Santo 348 

Grammar of the Tangoa Language 356 

Grammar of the Tasiriki Language 371 

Grammar of the Nogugu Language 384 
Grammar of the Language spoken in the Bay of SS. PhiHp 

and James 401 

The North-eastern New Hebrides 417 

Whitsuntide or Pentecost Island 417 

Lepers' Island 418 

Aurora Island 420 

The Banks' Islands 427 

The Torres Islands 441 

The Santa Cruz Archipelago 447 

Grammar of the Vanikolo Language 455 

Grammar of the Utupua Language 461 

The South-eastern Solomon Islands 470 

San Cristoval 470 

Ugi 471 

Santa Ana and Santa Catalina 471 

Marau Wawa 471 

Ulawa 478 

Malaita 478 

Gower Island 47^ 

Grammar of the Fiu Language 487 

Grammar of the Malu Language 498 

Contents xiii 

The Central Solomon Islands page 514 

Guadalcanar 514 

Florida and Bugotu 516 

Ysabel 525 

The Bush Language of Ysabel 529 

Sketch of Kilokaka Grammar 532 

Sketch of Kia Grammar 534 

The New Georgian Archipelago 539 

Grammar of the Roviana Language 543 

Nduke (Kolobangara) 560 

Mandegusu (Eddystone Island) 562 

Ganongga 565 

North-western Solomon Islands 567 

Choiseul 567 

Grammar of the Bambatana Language (i) 568 

Grammar of the Bambatana Language (2) 571 

Bougainville Straits 584 

Bougainville Island 589 

Buka 591 

Conclusion 595 


1. New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands To face p, 84 

2. The Southern New Hebrides 

3. The Northern New Hebrides, Banks' Islands and 

Torres Islands 

4. The Santa Cruz Archipelago 

5. The South-eastern Solomon Islands 

6. The North-western Solomon Islands 





Note : Names of Melanesian Languages thus : iai. Names of Polynesian 
Languages thus: (uvea). Names of Papuan Languages thus: [savo]. 

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 

Ray, Sidney Herbert, 1858-1939. 

A comparative study of the Melanesian Island 

Reprint of the 1926 ed. published by the Cambridge 
University Press, Cambridge, Eng. 

Bibliography: p. 

1. Melanesian languages. L Title. 
i PL6201.R3 1978 499'.5 75-35151 
ISBN 0-404-14166-8