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Full text of "Rural cemetery, Huntington, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York, 1728-1913"

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SUPFOLK.GCOUNTY. LONG. 138 5 alee ls 
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 €4tle : Ma ie ee tek er a eae ae 

HEW.LYORK. Sy ie ag a 

and BIBLE Records : as copled Wednesday 3 December 1913 

by William A. maraeley, M.A., Post Office Box 91, Brook- 
lyn, New York : assisted by Mx. Frank Hail Rapp of New 
York. . Much other data about most of these families 

"4a in the possession of William A. Bardeley. in his 

coliection of copied records are a large number of compiete 
Church records - - Congregational, Butch, Episcopal, Preg - 
byterian, Lutheran, Quaker and Friends,etc.,-recoris not 
yet in print. 

These smakl country Cemeteries, in aimost «11 cases Badly 

Pe neglected, are gradually being moved to the new and better 

kept * Rural * or " Union * or * Corporation “ Cemeteries ¢ 

in some cases the o14d stones are moved but in most instances 
the old stones are destroyed and new ones erected bearing only 
the year of birth and death, thue omitting tne ae and day, 
as well es the age in years and months and deys. A sad mistake. _ 


Bey Sat ioe Eee ch ca eed nah us cates eA 

# 224.Rural Cenetery, Runtington,N.¥. : 567 etones : 

fs ~ 1915 : assisted by Mr. Frank Emil 

Rapp of Kew York : ee were = wears ® Der 47. 

Brush Panily Plot : 29 stones ;: 1740-1501 

removed hers . es ° 2 e @ eo o eo 
Lloyd Family Pict : 17 stones : 1726-1905 

TN OBO on pages 30 and 31 
Place Family Plot : 5 atones : i1868-1907 : 

removed here SE ae, SEEN a OR BS 

pages & per 16 


# 50.Brusn Bible : a72i PEE Sse c ce ee eee _page 46 
Brush Genealogy : 1610 - 1904 : _§ _. _. pages 49 and 59 

# 75.Hogers Bivle : 1763 “Re 1 I SS ae a Ppege 51 
Higbie Genealogy ; 1787 = a: 2 page 52 

Lloyd Genealogy : 1651 = 1904 : __ pages 53 and 54% 

“Motes : __ _ Pages 7, 599420, 11,15,19, 215 24, 26, 30, 45 

Index of Persons :_......_ ._.._ _  ~pages 55 per 065 
index of Places : 

Tee Ate, oo ek a ees ES OO 

Brooklyn, Hew York, 
January 1914. 

pies METERY. owe ree soe 8b? = 
ro K. , 1728-1913. 


ss“ Bah cemetery in these collections 1s given a number, — 
ce wnion is & great aid in many respects, as a reference. 

i Every tomb-stone and separate name is also given a nur 
er, thus enabling any one, at once, to see how many bodies are 
varied in = cemetery, 48 is shown by the names “Shbrein. 

each large cemetery, 80 as to determine the dates between which 
_ the cemetery was surely used : unléss another date is known, 

An effort is made to retain all plots intact, and to list 
 @32 monuments, thereby preserving as far asp is possible, eve 
fact of relationship. Hence tre need of srosbereterenoesy 
Which are usually not numbered. 5 

é: wives and mothers. It must be understood that the names and 
dates in all such NOTES, do not appear on the stones. <A great 
‘Many more such notes could be added by the compiler of this. 

yo Mel A running title, on the top ef each page, is carried ail 
through this volume, thus obviating the necessity of contin- 
Gy —— referring te the table of contents on page two. 

Bible records are added where they have been obtained, 
Marriages from Church records are alse added from the large 
copied collection in the possession of the compiler. 
Bence this cemetery record is quite largely edited. 

Tne index of persons is now made by the first names. 
An index ef places is now always also added. 

ari space is left,especially, for filling in the middle 
names where only the. initial is known : the author nas given 
‘She full names where ne had them : all such new additions, as 

nettinn, if he is notified ef 211 such possible adGitions. 

he author will ve glad to get other cemetery records, te 
‘: nelude in this and his other numerous series,no matter where 
) cemetery is located,nor how recent it has been used,nor to. 
What denomination the OEMETERY belongs. See the other numerous 
eledeaueast records by the compiler of this. 

Willian A. Eardeley, xh 

Pa A ene =. at (oe 

; ‘fhe oldest and most recent stones—are listed at the end of 

An attempt is made to give, as NOTES, the maiden names of | 

you can make, Will be gladly noted by the compiler,for a future 

=e ret 

om i aeanae ry tentingten,#uffolx Gounty, Long relend, 
oe ag ‘opened about 1650 or 1851 : this is ra - 

ther a modern cemetery : but the removal to this 
— everal years ago, of the Lloyd Family grave 

me ey @ per 190% : from Lloyd's Neck, Long Islend, 
re ew Foti er and of the Place Family grave yard , 186é 
_ per 1907, ‘from Melville, Long Island, New York : and 
im 1912 of the Brush Family grave yard, 1740 per ae 
fron West Hillis, Mmtington, Long island, New Yo 

make the stones in this cemetery date back to 1 

ee Like all these modern Rural or Wnien Ceneteries, nov 

ee &  g0 populer in all the country districts, this ceme - 

ee tie - tery is weli kept, finely situated, and well laid cut. | 

lane - Gepied Wednesday 3 December 1915 by William aA. 

Got. Eardeley, M.A., Post Office Box 91, Brooklyn, New Yerk: 

. . assisted by Mr. Frank 8. Rapp ef New York. 
| fhe stones. 2 
Altarr Hattie : died 10 June 187é : aged 15 years, 16 > 
ss  ONths, and 11 days : oa 
2. arthur Hawin F st no dates here : *A.F.and A.M.® 
: ee Mary ¥ 3 wife of Edwin FP _ ss Arthur : 
n born _ _ _. 1656 : died __ ~ _. «107 «ino mere dates ~ 
4. Ackerly John M__._ : born 16 July 1876 : died 9 de- a 
ty cember 189 ‘, 
Adams Frank R — : born 24% April 1661 : died & Sep a F 
eae tember 1902 ~ ; rey, . A 
| Thomas : died 13 Septenber 1862 : aged in nis 8% 
hi th. year : a son of Jesse Brush and Dorothy(ELAtz) 
a Sarah ; wife of Thomas Brush : died 6 Mareh 1459 : 
a aged in her 79 th. year BS) 
Thomas P = _s_ss:: born 3 December 1619 : | died 3. Bie 

ee 1666 
Baran G : wife of Thomas P_ Brush : Be, 
_ born 5 June 1621 : died 9 July igey me 
James i $ “porn 22 September 1645 : died 9 
September 1866 
SiAeeee D2 

‘: born 4 May 1666 : died 10 Se,- 
tember 1866 
. jocge 

fay, a mPa “4 ar 

Soh Me No en ae ee <1 

ae) ai” See 
at P ore Dar Y 

eae conncromnenntaiiaan Gounty, Hew York. 

Alfred P —_~———: vorn & October 1s4é 
died 6 October Tss6 ; 
Bveline X___ _ 3 born 18 March 1e64 : died 24 

de 3 April 1864 7 

jee a ene Saran Mts «zorn 7 Decenber 1846 : died 20 
ares July 1866" am 

10 per 14 are the children of Thomas P 
and SaranG .§._ .. Brush: 2 per 14% are all on 
@ monument : 6 per “4 are all =" plot 

15. Baylis Richard : died 19 april 1sé2 : aged 54 years, 2 
Pye months, and 17 days. n 
ae” Frankie : died 24 August 1866 : aged 2 years,one 

0 month, and 4 na y 

17. Bowen = Jolin : died 12 March 1688 : no age given here 


18. Betts j.§§ John : died 19 December 1894 : aged €4 years 
29%. Mary : wife of Jonmn Betts : died 19 January 19935 
; and their children eel ee 
20. Martha Susan : no dates here 4 

Winans Jonn 8 _ et died 21 November 16635 : aged 24% 
; vears : " G. A. R. *3 Sergeant of Company F, 40 . 
| ee th. Regiment, New York State Volunteers : 
a 28: Sarah F __ ses: «wife of George E_ _sCsséBottts : ra. 
died 6 June 1892 : aged 41 years 
18 per 22 are on & monument and in a plet | 
+23. Brush Gilbert : a son of Thomas and Sarah Brush : died 

oe 17 February 1651 : aged 45 years, and 7 months 

. Mary : a daughter of Thomas and Sarah Brush : cor 
ac _  @ied 16 September 1833 : uged 19 years,5 months, 

| and 10 days ahaa ; | 4 

; 7 

- 25. Brush Samuel : died 23 April 1661 : aged 74 years, one ; 
7 te Nee =, and 6 days ’ He [ 
> ae Eliza F____.-__: wife of Samuel Brush : die@ 14 oaal 
Bers November 1664 aged 51 years ‘7 
their two sons 

1.Thomas W — : died 16 August 1é6d : aged 26 
years, | one month, and 23 days 

 “Wilidam ¢ : 

3 "Brown : - Thomas F 


+ 3,Georgianna ¢: 

‘e.atpert 3 diea 22 Septenver 1860 + > aged 40 years ; 
: and 29 days : * @. A. R. a 
‘Marietta : wife of Gilbert a died 6 October 

2676-3 aged 34% years 2 
iis per 2 are &11 in the same plot. 

: aged 

awa: S104 13 September 1366 
66 years, 2 months, and 24 days 
doe A__ __: wife of Willian ¢ _ _ _ — Brown 
. dled 12 larch eet $ aged 91 years, 10 months,and 
2days : neir three children 

1. Huma B_ ____ 3 died 1 October 1845 : agea 2 
years, and *. months 
2.Augustus : no death date : aged 11 months 

gehen date : aged 14 months 

ri tetns foe January 1831 : died 1 

June 1865 
D Ps DAYZON 3 i. wife of Thomas F 
| «Brown = porn 27 Tenuary AOS died 2 April 1879 

3 born 31 January 463% 3 : died 22 

George W tte a 
October i900 a. 7 ity Redeemer liveth * sf 
Sarah ~~. > Wife of Geerge W _ Baylis a 
born 23 February 1831 : died le December 1é6é a] 
37 per 40 are ail in the sane ee = 4 
Henry Sammis : born 5 February 1799 : died 21 De- € 
cewber 1867 3 
Hannah : wife of ‘Henry Samgis Baylis : born 15 a 
April 1802 : aie y istaine L669 . z 

Gravries fT... .. : born. 1850 : died 
1910 : no more dates ; : 
Mervin T__._.__ : born 17 January 1661 : died 17 Bi 
October 1904 , E | 
Loule Gracie : no death date : aged one year, and: “i 
11 months path : . o 
_* ®(Little)® Hattie : no death date : aged one year 
and 6 months | ¢ aaa ; aii 

8 ciate 

Rhee ire x 

hay iaiamnes dled 27 August 1866 : aged 5é years, 
om months, and 7 days — 
; Sugan 3 wife of tinotheus Baylis : died 15 March 

Hannah : wife ef George Brush : born 1& DSecenber 
Walter : died 20 February 1693 : ‘aged 3 years,9? 

oat r 1S76 3 aged 65 years, 9 HONTHB, and : 

ee Sidney ©. . : died 23 December lée5 : aged 

 @lea 30 October 18672 $ aged in his 79 th. year 
@epnaniah : died 16 Aprii idol : aged in his &1 

Alexander ; born __ _ 1435 : died 

— “amuntington, surro1x Gounty, New York. 

167i & aged 59 Siig 9 — and 14 days 

George : & #0n of Zebulon and Susannan Brush : 
bern 24. Sentenbex A811 3 died 19 May 1865 © 

1é14 : died 1é February 1662 

days | 
Susan F _._: wife of Walter Brush : died 27 

their three children 
‘1, Joseph $ born _ 2640 : died _ _ _. 1912 ': 
no more dates 

22 years, 6 months, and 23 Gays 
3.anna : died 30 December 1847 : aged 2 months, 
and 17 days 
Jessie : died 20 November 167+ > aged 57 YEUES 5 
months, and 23 
Jonas P . _: @ 60n of Jesse and Dorothy Brus 

*(Little)* Elia : no death date : aged 4+ years 

st. year : Note — he was a son of Jesse and Doro- 

thy Brush oe re 
Mary : wife of Zephaniah Brush : died 12 May 1669 
aged in her &3 rd. year ee, 
Lewis : died 15 April 165¢ : aged in his 53 rd.year 2 
Maria : wife of Lewis Brush : died 6 June 1é69 > 

aged in her 71 st. year 
Webster Wetmore ; died-1é January L867 3 aged 7 

years, 3 months, and 23 days 
47 per 61 are ald in the same plot ; S 


Jomn : died 27 May 1905 : aged 90 y ears : * Fae 

ther * : * Gone frm our home but not from our 

hearts * 

1904 : i 

== on se “ 1 

no more dates here 

= * ste 




Pore 2h wife of seuueunax Balawin 2 no dates 
given nere i 

65. Berry William G___s: ~<born 2479 =: 21 os 
J, OOo 1901 : no more dates here :"Thy will be done * 

~ cer ee ; Wary : died 1 June 1905 : no age given here 
OSS ; these two are in a plot 

— wutler see Brush 121 


- , “Bafrett see Gardiner 231 4.07235 | | 
3 dhe BUBR Biot_( 29 to ) ad in i912 from West 
= + stenes ) moved in m We 
ak Kiiis. Huntington, New York, by Golonel 
naa ae George W__§_ .. Brush of Brooklyn, New . i 
York. There is a fine monument here 
which says - - * In Memory of the 
Ancestors of / John R __ _ _ Brusn. / 
Aa Thomas Brush / emigrated from England/ 
gr es about 1653 : dled 1740 (hs son / John oi 
eames Brus} 1650 - 1740 both buried on tne / : 
ae: | eid Burying Hill / ----/ John's son 
fee". } Samuel brush died 1764 / his son / Ananias— ; 
Brush 1721 - 1794 / ‘These with their wives 
| Bh / descendants removed from West Hills ! 
«67. Brush Gapt. Jonn Rogers : died 17 November 1884 : aged : 
aes 6% years : * Vather “ : Note — he was a son of 
eS Zebulon and Margaret Brush . : 
68. Elizabeth CARMAN : wife of Gapt. John Rogers | 
Brush : born 6 September 1802 : died 26 June 1885 
aged 65 years : * Mother ® : these twe are on a 
monument : " I am the Resurrection and the Life * : 
Note — Elizabeth was a daughter of Jonn GARMAN % 

and Mary ( BLOOMFIELD) ‘. 
Hllen NEWCOMB : wife of Rev. Jesse Brush : bern i 
15 August 1637 : died. 1894 : Note - ghe was 

a “ie of Rev, Harvey Newcomb and Alethes 









nae 4 22h Rural oenetery, Huntington, Suttork County, New York. 

the BRUBH Plot continued. 

Abner : a son of Jonn R _— and Blizabeth 
Brush : born 19 February 1625 3 died 6 February 

Amy Jane MILLER: born 23 September 1627 : died 
& September 1901 : Note — she was a daughter of 
Henry MILLER and Teresa ( MITCHELL) 

Anna Emeline : died 26 September 165% : aged one 

year, -7 months, and 9 days ‘ 
Bdmund Wheeler : died 30 Jwiy 1852 : aged 2 years 
6 months, and 6 days i 72 and 73 are the children 
of Samuel and Hannah M___ _ Brush : Note — the 
mother was Hannah aerix REED _ 

Samuel : a son of Jonn R and Blizabeth 

‘Brush : died 14 May 1893 = aged 67 years :" Asleep 

in ‘Jesus e 

p< gel : born 12 January 1742 : died 11 January 
1643 : aged in his 95 th. year 

Margaret : wife of Zophar Brush :' born 12 January | 
1749 : died 17 April 1821 : aged 72 ysare : Note - 
she was Margaret WHIT a daughter of Zebulon 
WHITMAN and neeeaaliie VAN W¥CK ) 

Samuel : died 1764 3 no more dates 

Ananias : 2 son.of Samuel Brush > born 13 July 1721 
died 3 March 1794 ‘ 

Mary QAKLEY : wife of Timothy Brush : died 10 Oct- 
over 1793 : aged in her 19 th. year 

Zebulon : died 5 April 1861 : aged 83 years, 5 
months, ard 12 days : " Precious in his signt are 
the lives of His sainte.” 

Hlizebeth : wife of Zebulon Brush : died 11 Septem 

ber 1803 : aged in her 21 st. year : Note - she was — 

Blizabeth ree a daughter of Jonn ROGERS, jr., 
and Ruth 

Susannah PR ge > second wife of Zebulon Brush ; 
died 25 May 1654 3; aged 69 years, 5 months,2é days 
Susannah : died 25 February 1625 : no age here 
George : died 25 April 1631 ; aged. 5 years,7 montis 
oe : died 25 March 1825 : aged 2 years, and 9 

a oe LY Ser wae 

The ER uv ® H Plot concluded. 

é a Brush | igi died 29 September 1633 : aged in his 

a ee . 21 st. year 4 
2 il porn 4 February 1809 : died 30 November | 
SNe 1&9 

Margaret : wife of Jesse Brush : died 9 July 1871: 
aged 42 years 

yo 85 & SF Hi &5 & 86 & 87 are. the children of Zebulon F 
sot ‘Brush apd his secend wife Susannah 

ser oe : m * 
89. Brush Jane Eliza : died 14 February 145% : aged 38 years 
«90, Brusn Jarvis : a son of Jonn R and Elizabeth 

Brush 3 died 20 May 1650 = aged 26 years, + months 
and 11 days ; 
a 91. Brush _ Jarvis ¢ . : & son of Jarvis and Mary Amn ; 

Brush : died il |; Decenber 1¢64 : aged 16 years, il 
months, and 11 days’ 

—~92. Brush Jonn : died 26 April 1662 : aged in his 22 nd. year 
+ at Dawfuskie Island, Seuthn Ouroline : in his coun 
try*s service ; * G. A. KR. "3 a son of Jonn R ¥ 
and Elizabeth Brush 

93, Brush Mary Elizabeth > wife of Thomas PRIGE : and a dau 
Biante. gnter of Gapt. John Rogers Brush and Elizabeth : 
born 26 July 1832 : died 19 March L674 
"Tay will he done * 

9%. Price Eddie : no deatn date : aged one month, and 12 days _ 
a 95. Price Thomas ; no death date : aged one woxnth,16 days . : 
eee Rote - 94 and 95 are both little stone and apparem 
iy infant children of Thomas PRICE and igen Slisu-= 
beth ( Brush 2) 3) 
Here ende this Brush removed pilot. 
(Ro Ra Ro a-R- xox K- eae a K~ eos E- x 
A ee Burr = «wee «Gardner 236 per 244 
Ra: Bloomfield see Brush 68 

SS UR eM ee: ene ee CO 


ty ne 


i) ,* ‘<2 mi 9 

Brown — 

«loz, - Brush 

C aah Rural Genetery, unt ington, Buf fork County, ew York. 

 wtliien B_ _ : born 18 October 1906 : died 

i... «so ‘= si oS = 

24 May 1907 : 
Gilvertine FF _ ...: @ daughter of Oscar F _ . 

and Hannah B_ _ _ _ Brusn : died 25 July 1867 = 

aged 2 years, 10 months, and 5 days 
these two are in a plot 

Margaret A ______ __: born & duly 1831 : diea 22 
Aprii 1905 Nite a 

Evelyn Adele : bern 10 December 1901 : died 25 
June 1905 , 

Willett : born 21 August 1340 : died et RO 
date here 

Margaret Q*FABRELL : 3 wife of Willett Brownson : 
born 26 April 1é4e : “ated 27 June 1903 _ . 
these two are on 4 monument . 

seo Fleet <l17 
gee Oaril 158 and 159 and io4 
see Brush i119 

Abel : born 10 January 1765 : died 6 May id4i ;: 
aged 76 years, 3 months, and 26 days =: Nete - he 
was a son of Joshua Brush and Margaret (GRRL AND) 
Almeda GONKLING : relict of Abel Brush : bern 3 
May i7oé 3 died 29 ( or ?20? ) February 1852 : aged 
83 years, 3 months, and 26 days 

David C_ 2: bern 7 Sovember 1808 : died 5 
September 1652 

Hlizabeth : wife of Davia © _ Brush : torn” 
20 February 1610 : died i9 Fepruary 1879 Fei. 
Van Wyck : born _ _._ 1873 : died : 
more dates here ] y 
Juliet Scudder =: born 153% 3 Ga 
no more dates here : these two are a 
102 per 107 are in a plot a 

— << aa eV © 





has oe 
6a mr Gonotery, Huntington, Suffo1k County, Hew York, 

i 109. Burbank 

Bi gee 


(1698 : * Ratner * 

died 26 February 1905 : 

. Brush, 

_ 42. 

Carll 160 ae 161 

Lewis : born 25 December 1629 = died 10 February 

: wife of Nicholas WW. _ 

Mary & 
bank : Gied 26 December 1868 : aged 54 years 

George W_ _ st died 16 April 187s : <= 55 

years, 5 months, and 9 days 

Bliza PRLSaR : wife of George Wo Biggs : 
aged 79 years, and 93 . 

days : stone says * also wife ef William WHITE * 

George William : jr.: died 7 December 1907 taged 

58 years, 6 months, and 25 days 

Bleanor Amelia : died 22 December 1873 : aged 17 

years, ll months, and 5 days 

Carii, : died 10 Maren i908” $ aged 56 years, one 

month, and 15 ea 

Anza L ( a son ) : died 22 October 

1877 : aged 16 years, 5 months, and % days 

Mary Elizabeth ° died 24 February 1865 : 

years, 3 months, and 5 days 

112 per 116 are the children of George ¥ 

Biggs and Hliza ( 2ELSs 

aged 11 

‘110 per 116 are all in the same plot 

Margaret : born 19 December 1534 : died 
1903 2: * sister *: no month or day or death : a 
gaugnter of John R and Elizabeth Bruen 
Henry Walter BOWERS _ ri porn 3 May 1621 in Ben- 
néngton, Vermont : died 9 March gd in Saratoga, 

_ Sew York « 
. A@eliza Tirzanh BALDWIN : wife of ene Walter 
SOMmRS_: born in Jamaica, Vermont, 23 February 

2823 3 died in Brooklyn, New York, 9 June 1900 — 
Alice Adeliza SOWEZRS : born & December 1244 in 
Hoesick Falls, New York : lost orf Gape Hatteras 
North Carolina 22 October 1865 : on ner way to 
Ficrida to join her husband Capt. George W 
U.8. Volunteers 


ak i Pres « gHaRee, 
Me oe Ay " conn a 

= Sut Se 

wae 12%, Brush 

125. Brush 

ee “Bowers 

(127. Gannon 
| as. Olarx 

«30. Gonkiin 

‘32. Gonklin 

“slice Mary HAXS > wife of Herbert Bowers Brush : 
born 2 August 1871 : died conf November 1906 tHote- 
she was a daughter or Hiram WH .. «MAYS and 
Alice ( BUZLER ) - 

Herbert Woodford : born 1 January 1699 3 died 22 
Novenber L899 

George Hays : born 24 February 1897 : died 15 Ho- 
yember 1899 

122 and 123 are the enilaren of Herbert Bowers 
Brush and Alies Mary ( HAYS ) 

= per 123 are on a monunent and in a plot 

games § 3 born 1845 : aiea 

.1902 3 no more dates here” 2 this is aLL there | is. 

on this monunent 

Jonas : born 12 June 133% : died 17 May 1895:Note~ 
he was avson of Zebulon and Susannah Brush 

Gorueiia IPIOBAR 3 3 wire of Jonas Brush : _ bern 13 
September 1613 : dica 3 ¥eboruary 1895 

see Brush 116 and 119 and 120 

Bridget Biiza : sora Gounty Roscommon, iréiaad : 
died in Brookiyn, New York, 2° August 1886 : aged 
52 years 

Richard : born 4 March 1850 : died 7 duly 1856 
Revert : a son of Richard and Howe Glark : born . 

(10 August 1855 : died 30 September 1856 

Amalia : dled 10 February 1893 : aged 83 years 

Rebecea : died 29 December 1883 : aged 68 years, 

and 11 days 

“Platt : died 31 August 1863 : aged 84 yours, and 

2 months 


) wife of Platt Conklin : died 8 Jan 
vary 1872 

aged &4} years, 10 months,26 days 

Jeremian : died 27 January 1878 : aged 59 years 

210 months, and 9 days 

Ettie eS ees boza 23 July 1851 3: died 10 
1901 2 


Joseph : died 20 April 1854 : aged 43 years | 
Revecea PLATT : es wife of Joseph Gonkiin : died 
14 January 1860 : aged 63 years, 6 montns, and 
15 days 

Warren Franklin : died 19 July 1857 : aged 10 
years, and 5 days 
Jeremian Wood : died 14 May 1866 : aged 42 
years, 10 months, and 22 days 

138 and 139 are the enildren of Joseph and Re 

becesa Conklin 

g@@ Brush 62 

gee Gaines 267 and 268 and 269 

Henry : died 18 Novenber 163 : aged 50 years, 
& months, and 15 days S 
Rebecca 3 .: wife of Henry Gonklin : died 

1 June 1897 3 agea é&2 years, and 4+ months 

Ira : died 19 August 1gs2. 
months, and 13 days 

3; aged 76 years, 1i_ 

Amos Platt : born 1 July 1836 : died 29 Jamuary ~ 


 Adle Bloise : a daughter of Amos Platt Gonklin 

and fama Loo: horn 14% July 1860 : died 

1 July 466 


. Gonkiin 

Age Ghastelain 

Yanny : wife of Gilbert Cerll : born 16 May 

elites : born 14 April 1615 : died 17 Janu- 
ary 1879 | 
Charity : wife eof Charles Conklin : bora 9 
June 1818 : died 25 February 1896 

George Mason : born _ _. 1850 : died _ _ _ 1854 
no more gates here 

George Harvey : born. _ 
1855 : no more dates here 
147 and 148 are the children of Gharlea and 
Charity Gonklin |. 

2854 :dfeqd 
see Gould 256 and 257 and 255 

gee Carll 158 

gee Lloyd a 

Benjamin : died 16 July 1694 °: 
7 montns, and 27 days 

Luevetta : wife of  eadeate Gonklin : died 28 
November 1255 : aged 39 years, 4 wonths, and 

aged 76 Years, 

10 days 
Edgar 3 :.8 son of Benjamin and Luey= 
_ @tta Gonklin : aiea 5 duly 1575 : aged 23 years 
one month, and 25 days 
ec  ~ meRnm Lo ; 4 . 
; =< 
Gilbert : born 11 November 1767 : died 2 Sep- 
. tember 12850 

1795 : died 30 July 1866 

Jacob P__ ._.: born 24% april 1819 $ 
30 June 1907 - 
Garoline =... .. 
Garll 2: born 17 August 1524 : 
1363 : 
Oliver 8 See 
x7 December 1905 


:' wife.of Jacob P _ 
Gied 5 Gstober 

born 6 October 1823 : died 

Petes aa a a ee OW 


67, Grossman 


ary 1906 

Jacob 3; 2 son of Jacob and Ann E 

‘Franklin M _ 

reese? oe, Oe eo 


yulia M-  f wife of Oliver 8 

16 August 1628 : died 16 | Fevru- 

Mrs. Frances A nee ChOEK formeriy the 
wife of Mortimer 3 ie: _ BROWN : ang the — 
@ldest daventer of Gilbert and ?: anny Carll ; 
born 26 April 1615 : died 24 December i660 
Mortiner 8 _ _ BROWN > died 23 July 1252 3 
aged 41 years, - 5 jonthe, and 5 days 

Garll : born 

George We BRYANT 3 born 2h May 1815 : 
died 2 July 1872 

Phebe A : wife of George W 

BRYANT: “born t Hovember 1518 3 died 27 | Sep ten- 
ber 1904 

Egbert B_. : bern 23 December 1g27 : died 
5 April 1879 

Anna & _ > wife of Gilbert & _ ari 
died 19 November 1852 : aged 27 years, € months 
and 17 daye 

Susan © BROWN : died 6 June 1é45 saged 

2 years, 2 months, and 2 days 
152 per 164 are all in the same plot 3 but there 
is no monument here 

see Lileyd 364 

Ida Belle > born 6 August 1890 : died 31 decem- 
ber 1911 

shes Covert: 
bern 2 October 1660 : died 2¢ octaner 1891 

_ Bera 22 Sa Al 1846 : 
died 25 June less 2 / 

Matniida © ___ ss wife of Jacob R 

Grossman : born 2 November 18351 : died as | vecon- 

per 1280—t 

Myron : died 15 a 1867 

: aged 11 years, 6 
months, and 15 4 | 

8 “2831 

170. Crossman 

173. Grossman 

174%. Crossman - 

Asered B. ... 3 ‘aiea 28 September 1656 : 
aged 3 years, and 6 nonths 
HZdwin Wood : died 2é July 1653 : aged 2 years 

one month, and 24 days 

ee a aang daughter : died 27 July 
Téso : no age give 
169 per 172 - the children of Jacob R _ 
and Mathilda © Crossman 

Alenzo @ —_-~—-——: born 27 December 1826 sdied | 
i2 February 1901 ae 

Emily A —_——: bOrn 21 September 1é35:died — 
9 Noveuber ié70 

yee { illegible ) : died 13 January 
Teto :“agea 3 years, 11 months, and 13 days 
if and 175 are the children of Alfred B _ 
and Mary R__ _ . _. Crossman 

Alfred B_ _._. : died 3 February 1659 : aged 
59 years, 5 monthe, and 7 days 
Mary BHMORE = wife of Alfred ) ee ee 
Crossman : died 16 March 1864 : aged 63 years, 

S$ months, and 16 days 

Zdward Milton = tue third son of Alfred 5 

and Mary Crossman : died 4 July 1849 in nathan, 
Coluabia Gounty, New York : aged 17 years, and — 
13 days . . 


Gilbert : died & September 1573 : aged 65 years 
Wary G_.__._. : wife of Gilbert Crossman idied 
3 December 1é7¢ : aged 66 years 

Sarah : died le December 16s2-: aged in ner 0 
th. year 

Gilbert =: died 24 Noveuber 1856. : aged in his 
60 th. year 

Betsey : wife of Gilkert Crossman : died 93 

April 1619 : aged in her 49 th. year 

Sadie : born 15 June 1679 : died 25 April 1u8éé 
Betsey Amelia : wife of Charlies H_ §_ _ DAVIS_ 
and a daughter of Gilbert and Betsey Grossman : 
died 29 December 1825 : aged 2% years, 4 monthe, 
and 26 days j 

fe a ae ee _ a aT. Dryer ou! A ~ a ie ve . i a 4 a! 


ow © 
t . . 
wr 2 
— 642 

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te Kian. & 

haa: § Seas eee ce rag 
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RY Ss S 7HTH alte a a fs oy ay 
Resume ast agers een Fer Bel 
ra tewoees 7p ees 

ae : “ash. inspec Reta. “tac $a, 
yee 2 ts ae oe atez- is 
; <stiae.: 
ee o WE Ree. bow Be 
oir ; 
. 4455 
r 2. ¢ 
* . 7 ~_ » 
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‘ 3 = 
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‘ A 
. at GF 5s ee 
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% 3 
, e 
i < 3 
Fs 7] . 7 
oa a 
: AP te Ss | 
g To. 
Bi ae esi 
~ Pal 

va Pn af 

f aoe 186, erossnan 

188, Oollyer 

1g.. Gox 

5 f a Conklin 
4 = 193. Devoy 

: Rodman em 
i909 : no mere dates here 

ea Rural Cenatery; “unt ington, Buffon County, New York. 

Gould Wilmet : born ae August 1647 : died 22 

October 1907 

Rhoda Beatrice TALLCOL ; died 17 August 1889 

aged 6 months, and 23 days 1s 
179 per 167 are all in the same plot ae 

Jonn L rg born 4 Maron 1839 : died 24 
Oatover 1692 a , 
Cordelia : wife of Jonn L Gollyer : : 

- porn 6 Jammary 1845 : died 16 April 1680 

these two are on the same stone 
Almira z : wife of JomnL _ _ _. _. Goll - ; 
yer : porn 20 y april 1839 : died 18 June 1606 

_y vern ___ 1652 : atea 
» 8 


Rosetta : born 20 June 1615 : died 1 October 

Pema ha 8 died 8 August 1877 3 aged 451 
years, one month, and 6 days 

William t ah 
years : °* Y Far: 

. : died 6 October 1595 = sce oe . k 
r- ee 

Charlotte 0... : died 1é January 2909. 5 aged 
t : 


195. ae 

: 58 years : * r * a 
196. Susan Ella : a daughter of Williem To _ ane $3 

; Charlotte 0 _ _ _ Dillen : died 19 September , 
1865 : aged one year, and 3 months é . 
: ‘ vi 
197. DAL Chariotte : born __ _ 1827 : died _ ___ 1905 3 : 
: - mo more dates here : 3 
age. Dollie : no dates here E> 
2 these two stones are to-gether 
199. Denniston Marianna CG _. ._: an infant @augnter ef | : 
. Agselm i Ls and Blizabeth G _ Bennis- ' 
‘ ton : died & December ‘1856 3 aged [é@ months, and 
20 days 7 
= 3 

. ae. 

a Btsell 

Dayton — 


208, Denton 

‘Rural Cemetery, Huntington, Surrolk County, New York, 

William T 

-' $88 

Alexander : 

Premk ? 3 born 7 duly 1852 : died 22. 
November “1585 ~ 
—~—_.: died 15 Novenber miei tic 
36 years, 6 months, and 17 days 

Isaac H —_ : died 12 December 1655 ; ‘aged , 
33 years, + months, and 7 days A 
Sarah : wife of Isaac H_§_._... Downs : died 29 2 ie 
September: 1899 : aged 79 years, 4+ months, and L 
14 days 

Mina : me. dates here 

Henry : no more here 

204 and 205 are to-gether and are prebably the ~~ 
children of Isaac KH... _. and Saran Downs : 
200 per 205 are all in a plot 

see Crossman 1&5 
Brown 36 

Alexander ; born __ _. 1847 : ~. eee. 2 
no more dates here 

Charles : GARDINER 3 born 35 September 
1837 3 died 24° ‘Fobruary 1912 

these two are on & monument 

diea _ _ 

born 20 October 1642 : died 22 Febru- 
ary 1909 a : Mg 
Jonah Bs bern 14 Maren ane :-died 221 
Maren 1892 - 
Sarah R —: wife of Jonan » xis cat es as 
born 4 February 1815 : died 2é Movember 1902 ; 
a ae | daughter of Jonan B x 
and Sarah R Denton : born 9 April “LHF : 

died 19 August 1899 es 
Rebecea : wife of Jonas SAMIES_: born 16 April 

1776 : died 30 January 1656 : 
206 per 212 ere ail in the same plot : Note = 
see the manuserépt genealogies of Denton and Bay- 
lis and Brush and Carll Families by William A. 

wardeley ; 

“see Milis 403 a 

ca Ale 

, 2. 

_ mura Scabies Huntington, Suffolk county, New: York. 

oy Brieson Jom H _._ 2: nO dates here 
eek: ) Sa Ida : wife of Jom i griecson : born 29 : 
ee October 1860 : died 16 Jenwary 1907: *iotner® c 

Sa Evans =‘ Thomas : died 11 January 1633 : aged 81 yours, 

ani 10 nonthe " 

= rr 

pe 216. Fleet Haryy KR... : no dates here ; 

f ee, Ida KH __ BONMR 4 wife of Harry RL 
Fleet : born . . 4863 : died _ _ _. 1994 2: no 

more dates here + 

: ‘ lee these two are on the same stone | ; 

eiige ot Lois HURD : born __ _ 1906 : died _ _ _ 1908 : 

Na ak no more dates here 

es John : born 1626 3: died , 1906 tno 

me . 1912 : fio more dates here 
Pe Be Aitken Jo. * & Son Of Jom and Mary J _ d 
MWe. TS - . Fleet : born _ _ _ 1850 : died _ _ _ 1863 : no 

more dates here ; 

216 per 221 are on & monument and in a plot 

—— runneli  se6¢@ Hamilton 296 | 
— Fleet see Wood 547 i 7 . 

+222, Plelad © Rebecea : wife of Jomn D__ _ _ Field : bern «oie 
Se ken 14 June 1614 : died 22 May 1893 oil 
=) es  gonn B _: born 18 August 1614 : died 20. 

ies ear August 2693 

Se Jane 3 t wife of Jomn D___ Field : ie 
oe died 14; Deoenber 1856 : aged 35 years a 

penec an L 

: : died 20 January 1904 : aged 
60 years 

gee Dickie 207 ne - 
gee Manny 386 

Bo RANGE. 12 Angest 1910 ; 

aged 79 years ; ers Company 0, New 

York Volunteers | 

James : orn 7 August 1604 : died 22 August 

: * Father ® 

Almy : wife of James Gardiner : born 3 Warch 
: died ag ar 1éé6 : * Nother * 

William H > born 30 December 1631 : 
died 6 october “194 

*Freemang"® : a son of James and Aimy Gardiner 
died 1 March 1644 : aged one year, 7 months, 
and 9 days 

Susannan : wife of De Witt ¢ BARREST 3 

died 9 April aaTe 3: aged 44 years, 6 monthe, 

and 20 days — 

Almeda 3: wife of De Witt G__ ae 

BARRETT 3 died Fo. April 1691 ; aged HL years, 

3 months, and 2 days 

De Witt ©. _ _ _ BARRETT : & son ef De Witt 

6 and Susan BARRETT : died § June 1663 

aged ee years, one month, and "27 days 

Stephen BARRETT : 2 son of Artemas and "Olevia® 

BARRETT : died 23 yepruary 1461 : aged 19 years, 

2 months, and 13 days 

Freeman BARRETT 3; died 10 July 1880 : aged 37 

years, one month, and 6 days =: a son of Artenas - 

and * Susan © BARRETT : Nate - this should prob- 

ably be Olevia as the nother 

William HOWAT? : oe 30 July 1¢78 : aged 47 

years, 4% monthe 3 days 

Mary : wife of Wjiian HOWATT. : diea 19 Juay 

1865 ; aged 39 years, 9 months, and 7 days 

James BURR: died 27 liovenber 1830 : aged 47 


Sarah : relict of Janies BURR: diea 23 October 
: aged 70 years 

: wife of Townsend BURR: died 2 February 

: aged 42 years, 3 months, and 21 days 

Rulef 3 . > & 80n Of Townsend and 

BURR_: died 15 June 1656 :; aged 12 years, 6 

months, and 17 days 

Sarah : an icnae daughter of Townsend and Mary 

<< died 23 aumiead 1g46 : aged 9 months, and 

a ae.) ee 




ig rial aS aa ripest Jets 1 oF 
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ae i 

— Bae, 





oS pe Rural Genetery, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York. 

a 23, Gardiner 

“Elbert ¥_____ BURR: born 4 November 1819 : 

died 21 May 1901 

Deborah : wife of Mibert W_ _-_ _ BUM : born 
16 October 1821 : died 14 November 1904 

227 per 244 are ali in the samé plot 

soene fe OFA 2622 t Giese 

1603 3 no more dates hero 

Deborah : wite or Jesse +... ss Gould: born 
1828 : died ~ 1898: no more 

Gates here 

Julia Maria.: the only enild of Jesse P_ 

and Deborah Gowld : died 26 April 1658 = aged 6 

years, 5 months, and 15 days 

isosain! threes are On @ monument and in a plot 

Matilda W. .._§._. : wife of Ebenezer + Aes ae 

Gould : born 16 June 1613 : died 22 Maren 1685 

Katie : died 6 February 1875 : aged 6 years ; 
* Safe in the arms of Jesus * 

Mamie = died 5 January 1675 : aged li Years : 
® {t is seautiful in Heaven * 

David 8 2: bern 12 duly 1615 ¢ a@ied 24 
January edo a : . 
Conklin : born 27 December i7é : died 3 Noven- 
per 1607 

Ruth : wife of Gonklin Gould = born 22 Oetober 
1785 : died 6 tember 1664 

- Rev. Horace WOODRUFF : born in Jarmington, Conn . 
5 November 1605 : died in Huntington, New York, 
416 February 1656 

Gharlotte R__ _ _: wife of Rev. Horace Woop- 
ae bern 5 December 1806 : died & Kovenber 

Julian GHAS > born 9 November 183560 : died ~ 

10 Hovenber 1664 
Bliza CHASTELAIN : no death date : aged one 
month, and 6 days 

date : eged 25 days 

257 and 256 are the children of Julian and Be - 

telle Ghastelain : 246 per 256 are all in the 
same plot. 


aoe ee ee ee eee mes ae ee a ee ey 

3 infant daughter CRASTELAIN ¢ no estan 

aS oe 

PONTE IR ta ey Ea 

_— s1acersiceve see Manny 393 and 59% and 395 om 

269 cur Richard: porn __ _ 1648 : atea__ 1902 ‘ 
Cou no more dates here. a ; 

no age oles nere 
Martha R —-<«- « wate Of Stephen een eee 
Gaines ¢ died 2 March 183 i no age here 

| Gaines Samuel ¢ Ce eS ee 2S gemust Lé7e raged 

(260. Gaines Stepnen V_ died 1 December 1694 : | 
in his 39 th. year 

3. Gaines =—SSsLAL40 : born 27 July 1250 : aled 17 May 1859 

Gaines Royal A _.. } died 15 April 1874 :agea ; 
\. in his 59 th. year — < 
Laura ¥ : wife of Royal kes ee 
Gaines : died 23 June 1653 : aged in her 5S 
th. year ; 
Laura Annette ; a daughter of Royal A 
and Laura W Gaines : died 21 March ; 
1883 3 oa" Im ner 33 ra. year 4 
Victoria F Celie oe CHAIRS 3 Ln dates here 
Royal A. .. —. GHAMBERS =: no dates nere 
Rosalie B iayeaS > no dates here 

267 per 269 are the children of Frea # ae : 
GHAMBERS ead Mary ( GADEES ) . 

. Gould Benjamin ¢ : born 29 Octover 1802 : 

died 20 Octover isdl 
ee Saran B 2 wife of Benjanin ee 
ea sy ale born | é ed i died 7 June 
Charles G ve SHADROLD :s died 3 siiareiaal 

- per 1887 : aged 23 years 
Minnie SHADBOLT : no dates given here ; 
Samuel ¥ _ BHADBOLE 3 born 16 July : 
| 1650 : died 27 Fevruary 1670 4 
ey, Se . Mary : wife of Samuel 7 . . . SHADBOLT : 
born 1 November 1629 : died 29 July 1596 

 Jeniel GRUMMAN : born 15 April 1825 : died 
22 Pe s 

ee or i 
Bde Ae at = 6 kA a eee 

2h Gates ry] Hoary : BOxA 2 Hiaeiey 1813 : died 4 May ; 
.) eee Martha $ : born 20 August 1817 : died 
i ete ae Getover T9305 “9 At Rest * 
Henry Ne _—. 3 & son of Jonn Henry and Martha 4 

See | 

Gates : born 15 February 18456 : died 
eee tT April 1896 
280. Hugenia : born 16. November 1856 ¢ died 13 Bep- 
Rees tember 1906 ; ; Ss 
a : Oa Bdward : died. —_san 877 «=: no more nere o, 
=) a Martha 39 os born 30 June 1864 : died 20 “ 
ee > Maren 1865 . 
72 277 per 252 are all on a momment } 

Sah fs cg 

a es, Grumman see Gould 2706 7 

283. Hendrickson Ann Eliza : wife of Josnun Hendrickson : 
eer born 25 August 1835 : died 11 February 1911 M 

F: Charles R . > & $0n Of Joshua and Ann y 
y= EH? ‘Rliza Hendrickson : died 19 October 1857 : | 
An ‘ ; aged 2 years, 5 month@, and 14 days — 
«285. Charles © _ st a son of Joss and Ann ’ 

oe eae Eliza Hendrickson : died 17:Oeteber 1863 : 
oars ‘ years, 7 months, and @6 days 26 

- Rigbie Israel Ho. t no dates given here 
Maria J aya — * Wife of Israel MN. 
Higbie : 1859 : died “1910 : 
no more sates here : Note - see the janusoript 
Higbie genealogy by William A. Sia 

Hazzard Charles _ pay Lorn 20 July 1852 : died. 
22 Nay 1695. ; 
Kate Moot (born 19 February 1648: died 
25 ~~: 2945 
Mary = aw > bOFKR 10 May 1652 : died 2 
Maren 185 7 these three are on a monurent 
and in 4 pict : 

4 % ¢ 
aN St 2 Din et aloe Re | a _ ‘ a ho oe 
cat, TE ae Nt a a eee ae or eee ae ee —_——— "= 

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- ~ . - My 
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Pe eet er Ae ee 


Te § 

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291. ‘Kendricxkeon Joseph KM _ 







a a? ora F q 3 ee! eo) a 

PMUNSELL +: died 6 August 1665 : 

‘Maria A 

ss etn 28a6' Ss eiee 
3 no more dates here 

Naomi A... : wife of Joseph PEARS 
Hendricyson : born _ 21629 3 died 
1656 : no more dates jiere 

Mary 3 se : second wife of Joseph Mo 
Hendréckson : born 1827 : died 
1906 : no more dates here ~ 

these three are on a moment : Kote - see 
the manuscript Hendrickson. genealogy by Wil - 
Liam A. Bardeliey 

ere See, 

see Brush 121 and 122 and 123 


see Gardiner 256 and 237. 

Havilan S_.  : born 31 January 1835 : 
died 5 March 1863 . 

Jessie &  ._ : wife of Havilan Wo ee 
Hamiiton 3: bern 21 August 1637 : died 1é 

June 1664 — 

these two are on a monument | 
BMiiel ¥_ Buje died 16 Vebruary 

1869 : aged Ee years 
Carrie pinfant disughter of Biial W 
ne age here 

294 per 297 are In a plot 

William : died 29 August 1866 : aged 66 years 

Mliza : wife of William Hewett : died 24 Feb- 

ruary 1695 : aged 90 years 
2 a daugtter ef William and 

Eliza Hewest : died 9 June 1850 : aged 22 


see Wood 557 

Biward : born i2 duly 1627 : died 22 april 



PR eRe 3 

ite ee OR ree eee 

, Rural Cemetery, Huntington, Suffo1k county, Mew York. 

302, Humphrey Halgiwh WIPE: born de May 1823 : diew 26 oe 
“A oe September 1897 ; 
301 and 302 are on a monument : Hote - it would a 
seem 302 must be the wife of 301 ‘ 

a 303. Haggerty *( bes )* Freddie : no dates nere 
me Higbie see lLoya 367 and 366 : 
‘Burd gee Fleet 218 <4 
so ‘Trelend gee Brush 102 
| aa, Ireland — andrew J _ wt no dates here 
Rae. ae Mary B_ it wife of Andrew J ire - 
ot land : born 15 Mareh 1431 : died 14 Funes ) 2876 
3506. Gharles R ee | Ss ee 26 November 1859 : 
_ @dea il January 1698 ot a 
ee. Albert : born 9 Maren 136% : died 2 april 1693 " 
+308. Hliza : born 20 December 1é72 ( or 1873 ) died 
Big ES 17 Mey 1892 
. 306 per 306 are the children of Andrew J age. 
and Mary EZ... .. . treland 
304 per 308 3 are on a monument and in a plot 
305. ireland ites Ft died 24 Maroh 1674 3 aged 40 - 
Sere years, 10 months, and 26 days — " 

310. Ireland Wialian i oor : died 30 December 1655: aged 
kta 37 years, 6 months, and 12 days 
. 3ll. Ireland Derrick : died 17 Dbecember 1881 : aged fO years 
Dae ; '_ @ months, and 11 days : * Father * niles 
ee te Harriet : wife of Derrick Ireland : died 6 April 
oo: 1879 : sged 7% years, & PORENE 9 and 7 days 
* Mother ° 

gee Ketcham 351 and 352 


& “one 

ce a James 
as. Jones 

= 321. 

«B22. Jones 

2 326, Jones 

1 De ae ‘meth 
- Eether 3 wife ef Joseph Zarvis : 

‘Irena : wife of Gilbert James : bern 30 Noven- 

r «323, Jarvis 

i 5. Jarvis. 
(325. Jervis 

Daniel : died 13 Jznuary 1¢57 : 

Selena 3 atea 23 October 1856 ¢ 
9 months, and 9 

agea 53 years 

- died 44 July 
is7é : aged 73 years, and 5 months 

Joseph H__ ss: died 20 November 1g6ltag : 
28 years, 10 onthe, and 5 days : 
Henry Caril : 3 son Of Joseph H and ‘ 
Sarah Jarvis : died 27 December Teer: aged Ԥ.- 
years, 7 MORTHB, and 6 days _) 
Saran Luglia : a daughter of Joseph KH _ 

and Sarah Jarvis : died 3 January 1862: aged 5 

years, 7 months, and 9 days 

ber 1620 : died 12 Jamiary 1g90 

a ie 

Jona ; born. _. 1619 : died 197035 3 no 

more dates here 

Blizabeth EG 3 born... 4832 : died, 

1912 3 no More dates 
Wile Chester : a son ef John and Biizaveth 

Bou. Jones : died 22 Qctober 149 : aged 

one year, 5 months, and 9 days 

wiizabeth : born 10 Pebruosy 1779 : died 12 No- 
vember 1650 : wife of Zlatt Jones f 

William A : died 3 

Meee A iiareh 2904 : aged 74 
years . 
Jackson Z___ : no dates here _ 

A@aline A _ > here. LG45 3 died 

1911 : ne more dates Baap 

aged 56 years, 
and 5 daye - 

Mary Ann : wife of Daniel Jones : died 31 Jamu- 
ary 1671 : aged 66 years, & months, and 21 days 


pa eee tor 

= = ie 

Les & E Pa 

s=3 © fear t 
>- See RF uh 
oo ae 
fy pe Pate eS ag ce 

Oss aes 
' ASE eS 




$y | 3. Jarvis 

>. Ketcham 





George T 

* —- Poe 

# an sure Genetery, unt ington, Sur ron Gounty, New York. 

Jonathan : porn 27 December 1836 : died 1 
May 1687 ; 
Amelia : a. daughter of Jonathan and 

Ruth Ketcham : no death date : aged one year, 
and 29 days 

24 becenber Isle 

Henry ¥ . : born 17 Pebruary 1860 : died 

ener ;: born % November 1c26 3 died 11 January 


—~.—— ? died 17 January 1837 : aged 
62 Paes y and 11 months tie 

Mary E 2 wife ef George T__ 
Knignt = Gied 16 December 1907 : aged 77 years 
ami 2 dayr 

Rebert : born 28 Decender 1815 : died 1% Oste- 
ber 1867 

Melissa Mo. 
2 January 1909 
Georgianna : born 21 Way 1644 : disd 21 Febru- 

: bern 5 December 1827 : died 

ary 1646 

Amanda. : born 2 dune 1846 : died 7 August | 

Artemesis : born 6 June 1452 : died 21 February 

336 per 338 are the children of Robert and ed 
Lisga M Keen 

John 3: died 25 January 1557 : aged 55 years, 3 
months, and 10 days 

Frances : relict of John Kelgey ; dled 15 Octo- 
ber nee: 8 aged 53 years 

Conkitn : died & April 1854 : aged 58 yeurs,12 

MONTHS, and 6 days 
See Bruen 426 

+ <p) koe 


; ad : 

eo 2 ee Oe 

24 Rural Genetery, Huntington, Suffolk County, New York. 

2. _Rouwennoven wchaviine * _.: dOrn 19 Apri 1834 : 

died 19 October 1909 : * Father 
Eliza Jane : born 24 June 1637 : died 
& June 1682 : “s Metner * 

n John W ==? born 10 June 1éé1zdied 
Me i ? * Husband * 

- gee Wood 553 

Willie Platt : died 2 March 1858 : aged 4 
years, 7 nonths, arty 16 days : a son of. 
Weedhull 8 and Sarah A 

Kelgey 3 this stone was standing by an 
out house 

Henry 8 _ : born 14 August 1824 : died 

27 Hovember 1662 : *A. FP. & A. HM. ® 
Phebe J... : «wife of Lie Oe ied 
Ketcham : born 13 Mareh 122% 3: died 31 Beceem 
ber 1902 : * My dear Ma and Grand Mm * 
—-————: @ infant son of Henry 8 _ 

and Phebe J 

IE Oe Ketenam : died 25 | ‘August 
LE48 3 no age given nere : 

Isaae 8 : born 5 Hovember 1796 : died 
15 15 April 1874 ~ 
aA : wife of Isaac 8 

Retehat 7 Dorn 15 Novenbver 1502 = died 15 Jan 
George 2 TOMBE ON bern 16 Wie Sic 

JOHNSON 3 and a daughter of Henry 8 

and Phebe J Ketcham : born 11 Febru- 
ary 1850 : died 7 rril 1876 

itd per 352 are 211 in the same plot 

see Thomas 524 




Lo - 4 . 
pee 22h, ‘Rural pei. Ee eae eastess County, New York. 

“Gme LLOYD PLOT : 17 stones = 1748 = 1904 : 
moved from Lloyd's Neck, Long island, 
New York. 

* Within this vault rest the remains of * 


(353. lio Henry : ( the first ) : born 26 November 1665 : 
) “e "e died 18 March 1763 

aes 3s. C~S Rebecca : the first wife of Henry Lloyd : born 
Poy a, tA 15 November 1686 ; died 27 July 1726 | 
355. ss Mary 3 the second wife of Henry Lloyd : born 

Reew} —-————! died 10 November 1749 : no age given 
«56, Lloyd Jonn : a son of Henry, first, and Rebecca Lioya : 
§ eee ' porn 19 February 1710 : died 10 Aprii 1795 

oe 3576 Lloya Jonn : jr.: born 22 February 174% : died 24 De- — 
: ag @@mber 1792 : Note - he was a son of John Lieyd 
amd Rebecca ( Wooussy ) 

+358. Lloyd © Mary MHATH 2 mother of Amelin WALTE, the wife of 
ae? OT : ean Lioyd, jr.: born 24 May 172@ : died &4 An 
gust 1807 

un 359. Lileyd Mary Amelia :.a& daughter of John and Amelia 
Rs Moya ¢ born 19 comers 1791 3 died 10 January 

360, Lloyd Amelia : wife of Jomm Lloyd, jr.: and a daughter 
ss of SZoenezer and Mary WHITE : born 7 May 1700 : 
oF died i August ip 
Pio | SOM Sonn Nelson : a son of Jonn jr.,and Amelia Lloya 

S born 30 December 1785 : died 31 May 1é41 
362. Lileyd Pneve T _ ._._. : wife of Jom Ne Coyd : 
and a daughter of Nathaniel and Blizabeth COLES : 
a eee born 11 Bovember 1790 : died 20 June 1823 
mo. 363... Sarah ¥_ ... ss TOWNSEND : a friend of Phebe 
; “a T__Hu_u_, wife of Jom N_ _ _._. hloyd : no 
dates given here . 
364. Lioyd Abigail : relict of Dr. James GOGSWELL = and a 
adapt daugnter of John Lloyd, first, and wife Saran : 
born 13 February 1750 : died 21 April 16351 


ad % : . a a. +4 4 ? “4 { ? a4 i | l 4 ent 
NS aUGSe BA. Ee: 
oie Nee 

7 at 

bP > ee 

Noes ARE Oe oo 

ie ae! 




'v <9" 2 oe oe BP S25) or 

> A 


J) VO oe Se 

Te LLOYD PLOT : 1728: 1904. 

a Lio: a Jom Nelson : a 
365 y : Loyd 

sen of Henry and Caroline | 
10 August 1650 

born 2 November 1655 : died 

366, Lioya Jonmn Nelson : a son of Jonn and Phebe © __ 
see : born 10 November 1615 : died 29 June 
1é . 

«367. Lieya Gnarlotte : wife of Oscar Sigerton. SCHMIDE. = 
ter of Joseph Milnor HIGB]E and —— 
{ LLOYD ) his wife 

368. Lloyd Angelina Lioya HiGB]E : wife of J 

Milnor HIGH] : and a daughter of gon Felson 
: Lioyd and his wife Prheve FT : born 13 
“, December 1816 : died le Decesber Tso 

«369. Weya Henry : ( fourth ) : a sonof Jom. 
ae x) and Pneve T  ___. hoya : born 4 Maren 1622 : 
aied 25 December 1692 

e ori rr: Here ends the removed LLOYD Plot 

XRHXRexneReKRe Ree XeRe Re Keene xrexr+ Kt 

. ‘ 
379. Luhrs Hicholas : bern 7 November 1907: died 26 Febru- 
% «ary 2909 ; 
371. Alfred H__ ___ : born 13 Mareh 1910 sm died 

i7 Mareh 1910 

372. Lockwood Everett > born 2 October 1867 : died 29 December 
: 191 7 

Lockwood — : born 17 April 1636 : died 13 November 

porn 2 May 1641 : died 9 August 190% = a daugn- 

8 Qur Darlings e; these two are on the samestone 

sak L bes 

sata 3 wife of Samuel Lefferts : died 431 De- 
cember 1877-: aged &2 years 

ae png “see Banat ayy 

375. Lefferts Setelle : a daughter of Henry af and 
TE |, | VO te Oernelia J _. Lefferts : died 21 Sioa 
at eee , 1854 : aged 33 years, and @ months 6 
SGN Azelle : * daughter or i — and 

: : Cornelia J __ _ _ Lefferts : died 6. April 
1660 : aged 3 years, and 9 months 

Miller see Brush 7l 

«BT T. Mead William : died 14 es 1sé2 : aged 57 yeass 

h - 5%. - Phebe : wife of William Mead : died 14 April 
1907 : aged 79 years ! 

these two are in a plot 

379. Marshall Abraham L =? born 16 April 1829 : died 

20 August es this is on a monument 
380, Manny Barnabas : died 2 March 1861 : aged 5é years, 
Des. and 20 days 
361. Clarissa H : wife of Barnabas Manny 3 . 
died 21 August Ts53 : aged 47 years, 10 months, 
; a  @gnd 15 days. | 
382. Manny Harman : died 26 February 1648 :; aged 70 years 
383, Manny Hannafi : a daughter of Barnabas and Clarissa 
HH. Manny : died 12 april 1631 : aged one 
sf year, and 4 months 
384, : James : a son of Barnabas and Clarissa Ho 
PONS oe Manny : died 26 July 1434 : aged one year, and 
‘Shee 5 months — 
385. — Wo: @ gon of Barnabas ahd Glarissa 
a4: is yesten Manny : died 15 January 1560 : agea 
PA ties eM os & Phebe Ann : relict of Jenn GILLETY : and a date 
 ~—- ghter of John and © Maron © BELSON: died | eicinnumetca Lé49 : 

P sleet! ee ‘ —P a ‘i 
ee? oll gta saa | 53 

387, Manny Semel D__ - WAKERBS_: born 18 —e 1802 

Sarah VAL ; wife of Samuel PL 
WALTERS 3: born 16 November 1803 : died 15 
April 1859 
Joseph Samuel WALT Zk born 23 January 1826 ;: 
died 2 September 1°66 
Samuel Denton WALTERS 3 born 13 Hovenber 1345 
G@ied 29 December 1884 
389 and 390 are the sons of Samuel 2 
amd Sarah Walters 
' Rhoda Amelia WALTERS 3. 3 a daughter of Samuel 

and Sarak Walters : born 21 August 1832 : died 

xs 3 June 1855 vt 
Renrietta Van Velser rate of born 15 Decem- 

ber 1637 : died 12 February 1903 

a4 per 392 are = & monument 

Platt ¢ _ bw ~=GLLDERSLERVE 3 born 
1s29 : died _ 1909 : no more dates here 
Hannah A “MANNY : wife of Platt G 

GILDERSLEGVE 3 porn _ _§ _. 1836 3: died 
1909 : no more dates here 

“py od How, GELDERGLEEVE = born 6 August 
1865 : died 235 September 129 
389 per 395 are all in the same plat 

Mitenell see Brush 71 
. Monfoort William H___ __: born 15 august 1625 :atea - 
21 Auguet 1905 

7. Monfeort Enna P____ TAPREN 3 wife of Henry A oe 
Monfeert 3 born 20 August 1852 : died 23 

ber 166] 
Madeline : the only child of Henry Re eee 
- and Bama P Monfoort : born 3 May 1676 : 

died 19 December Tgé1 
these three are on a monument © 

399. Millis. Ann Eliza : wine: na a Thomas Mills : 
born od November 1826 = died 18 June 1680 
oo, Mary & . ? an infant daughter or J 

. Thomas Mills and ann Eliza T died 24 august 1846 : aged 18 Gays 

= ieee net 

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Mills - 

May — 


. Rewcomb 



Mmily ? : an invent aaughter eo 
Thomas iis and Ann Eliza : dled 10 May 1650 3 
aged one month, and 11 days 

James B : an infant sen of J 

Thomas Millis | and po Bliza : died 16 August 1853 

aged one month, and 19 days 

Bertha May ETSxLL_: born 9 August 1676 : died 5 
August 1903 ; 

| +599 per 4035 are in a plot 


a born 25 Jomacy 4670 : died 25 June 
1é ; 

Gideon A _ _ : bern 25 April 1819 : died 

21 preake 169% 
see Brush 69 

Susan : wife of Gideon A__ _ _. Nichols : born 
15 duly 1621 : died 22 February 1863 
* a11 their nine children * 
ee bern 11 October 1847 : died 9 April 

2.Susan Mo. tt born 14 July 1864 : died 5 
December 1668 : on the monwient : 
3,” Sussie *; born 14 July 1864 : died € Decen- 
per 1867 : ‘oh @ stones f 
Geren h . ; born 11 April 1851 : died 
: § 

23 August 187 
5.Mary Bt bern 15 August 1343 : died 

4% July iste 
6.8tephen B : born LO September 1857 : 

died 20 Bepteuber L881 

7.G1deon Be wee > born 25 August 1661 :died 

20 June 1 
6 George Wma? vorn 3 June 1541 : died 2 
9.William 8 _____: born 9 March 1439 : died 

5 Decenber 1363 
"Lizzie”” : &@ daughter of William 58. _. and 
Lizzie Hichols : porn 15 December 1662 : died 
7 duly 1663 : 405 per 416 are in a plot where —- 

there is a monument 


a Se 

ts Nelson - see “Manny 386 
Oakley §§§§ see Brush 79 
O'Farrell see Brownson 102 
Osborne pee York 565 

es : 417. Cakes George : Zsq.: died 21 May 1866 : aged 86 years 

His. Abigail : wife of George Bakes : died 26 Janu- 
. ary 1867 : aged 77 years 
429, Williem SMITH : died 25 May 1875 : aged 67 
a years, and 9 months 
. Heo. . Abigail : wife of William SMITH.: and the only 

daughter of George OAKZS : Esg.: died 7 March 
EP 21860 :; aged 47 years, and 6 months 

Hal. siger Sheldon SMITH ; (N.2.): diad 10 June 

; ts 1669 : aged 33 years, one month, end 13 days : 
he was Acting Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. 8. 
Navy Bi \ 

Geopge William SMITH ; born 23 August 1631 : 
died 9 October 1890 

Zipporan A_ ss wife of George Willian 
SMITH :; died 25 February 1964 : aged 20 years 
a aaa a 6 months, and lé daye 

as 47 per h23 are in the same plot - 


424, Perry Fe ee ee Bt 1d 19 Pobruary 1912 : 
aged 71 years, 2 months, and @ days : ® G.A.R.8 
U. 3. Navy 

| +425. Painter William : died 26 duly 1869 : agea 76 years,10 
“Months, and 14 days : ; 
426, Jane ; wife of William PAINTER : died 2 Septen- 
Se) ber 1375 : aged 74 years, and § months - 

ny Pelser see Biggs 1ll1diilb 
z ai Platt see Bruen 6: onklin 137 

eee - eee 


cs 427. Place 
hes: *iaee 
429. Piaee 
ae - 430, Place 

431. Place 

432, Prime 

433, Peartek 

435. Rae 
_ 436. 

gee Brush 93 per 95 | . a 

RXR ReNeReo nee Reueunexexnexe ne xe 

ne PLAGE Plot : 5 stones : 1668 - 1907. 3 
moved from Weliviile, Long Tsland,New York. 

Philo R 3 died 21 June 1907 : aged 66 
years ; 
Julia L : wife of Philo R___ _. Place 

djed 10 Deceuber 1899 : aged 51 years 

Tredwell B_.§.._s : died 15 Octobver 1870 caged 
69 years | 

Mary Ann : wife of Tredwell B_ | _ _ PLACE : 
died 22 September 1868 : aged 66 years 

Jomn : a son of Tredweli B _ and Wary Ann 
Place : died 28 June 1870 : aged Te years 


Nathaniel 8 ss ee a eee 

- 1903 : no nore dates here 


George ¥___. ss 3 born 26 July 1832 : died 5 
Wareh 1909 ; 
Melvia 8 3 mo death date : aged 2 months 
and ll days ; 

Alexander : born 1628 : diea_ _ 1902 : 

— <P oe 

no more dates here 

Maria <: born... 1829 : died 1905. b 
no more dates here vite? 

Maria WINKS 3 borm 1792: died __. _. 1886 
no more dates here — ' 
Elizabeth WINKS : born... 1635 : died _ 
1699 : no more dates hera 

these four are on 2 monument 








, Rogers 

see Grosaran 177 

Jesse : born 1& June 1600 : died 16 Septen— 
ber 1856 
Sarah : wife of Jesse Raynor : born li May 

1803 : died 10 Maren 186 
Davida £ a gon of Jesse and Saran 

Raynor : born 6 Seytenmer 1840 3 died 14 Sep- 

tember 1852 
Smith : a son of Jesse and Saran RAYNOR : 
born 26 April 1637 : dled 12 June 1856 | 

see Brush 73 

George P__._._. 3 no dates here 
Pneve : wife of George P _§ .._._ Rayner : bern 
L&47 : died 1901 : no more 

— —— a see —=— = oF me 

dates here 
Charles G _ - : born 31 May 1245 : died 
12 Octeber 1900 thie etone is in the fora 

ef a crors : * Reno Post, * : Ho. 4+ 3: a flag 
® G. Re R. a 

Adam = born 11 August 1263 : died 2 October 
this is on @ monument 

Moses = died 14 April Lé7é : aged 93 yours, 
1l months, and 19 days 

Rosette : wife of Moses Rogers : died 19 Feb- 
ruary 1826 t aged 39 years 
Platt 3: a sen of Moses end Rosette Rogers : 
died 7 Feoruary 1471 : aged 55 years, % nonths 
and 15 days 

Saran : a daughter of Moses and Rosette Rogers 
died. 2 April 1856 3 aged 32 years,10 months 
Fille MH... : died 11 Maren.1902 : aged 7 
years : wife of Garret ‘YAN NAMS 
447 per 451 are all in the same plot 



os @ 

gee Brush 61 

2. Rogers Abel : died 22 November 1868 3 aged 75 years, 
he 4 months, and 21 days 

ts 453. Frances 3 wife of Abel Rogers : died 17 May 

: Sa Set : 1665 : aged 76 years, and 19 days 
these two are on a monument and in a plot 

45. Rogers Isaac : bern 3 January 1626 : diea 15 December 
aes a9 | | 

‘455. Rogers Mary J ___— : born 23 December 1926 : died 
me 23 Maren 1911 

a 456. Rogers Louis : born & October 168% : died 
12 ae eons 21 ceases “1502 

(457. Rogers Louis E____ ¢ born 1 duly 1857 : died 32 
eat : Mareh 1690 — 

. Rogers Mary S_.... : born 10 June 1859 : died 28 
February 1390 

10 duly 1852 

Biiiot & _ > born 135 January 1869 : died 

§ Ostober 1569 ‘ 
: ® Raby ": born 1 September 1896 : 

died 2 Sep tenber 1896 

these two are on the sane stone 

Amith : died 5 July 1889 3: aged $2 years 
Susan T_..  : wife of “smith Rowland : died 
16 November ws : aged .68 years, 2 months , and 
15 days 

Mre. Almiva : died Tuesday 10 June 1913 : aged 

1923 8 

Aidison $3 __ «bern 2% January 1651 idied 

72 years : as the result of burns she received 
at her nome in Huntlagton > * last Monday 2 June 

: = 
" J 
ae aus 
Kor ~ 
Oy ‘ 
_ ¥ 

ws ot ee =). 
aie Be A, 

=) Fast 


465. Sannis 


470, Samnis 
471 ° 

Sarah Zligabeth 2: a daughter of Alexander and ; 


gee Baylis 39 ia 
Brush 62 
Denton 212. 

gee Wood 564 | 

Alexander : died 1 September 1662 : aged 72 
years, & months, and 7 days 

Gharity : wife of Alexander Sammis : died 24 
November 1880 : aged 77 years, and 7 months 
Mary Jane : @ daughter of Alexander and Char- 
ity Samais : died 16 Pevruary 1854 : agea 20 
years, and 6 months 

Charity Baumis + died 16 March 183g : aged 11 
years Le: 

Ann ANe@lia : a deghter of Alexander and Char- 
itv Sammis : died 16 January 1838 : aged & 

| ‘years, and 3 months 

‘472. Sanmis— 


473. Sammis 

- Sohmiat 


George : died 2 November 1872 : aged 46 years, 
g months, and 10 days 

_Narriet : wife of George Sammis : died 1 Au 
“gust 1902 : aged 76 years, 6 months, and 19 

Eiva G_ . 3. ? an infant daugnter of Charles 

— ami Lucy E —. Sammis : died 5 
September nate > aged 4% months, and 30 days 

see Lloyd -367 

gee Oakeo 419 per 423 

‘gee Gould 272 per "275 

HW _. Sidney : died 4 January 1876 : aged 
40 years 

eer eT Pues” oe 


i, Apes Bae: 

; FF jas, p 2; a = —s 
+? 7 A - 
ay, eas Re =f sist r ) ; . 
ve eas me Ak ‘ i - 

# 224. Rural Cemetery, Huntington,Suffolk County, New York. 

: 474. Sammis Helen A... : died 26 June 1670 : aged 29 
. * years : wife of Daniel J 

o 1602 . 
475. Sanmis George : born 7 July 1692 : died 7 April 16735 
476. Bliza : wife of George Sammis : born 25 Octo- 

per 1512 : died 3 Miy 1884 

477. Sanmis Yvontford | Reet P _ : korn 7 November 18%3:died - 

9 Maren 1696 
“a 478. Bammis George L____._: born 7 May 1829 : diea 7 De- 
i ecenber 1910 

479. Rebecca : wife of George L Sammis:born 
: u% Poly 1823: died 11 ‘Peprunry Toi2 

ap » ; 480. Scudder Jacob : died 11 December 1675 : aged 79 years, - 

ee - 10 months, and 9 days 

i 4Hé1. Elizabeth : wife of Jacob Seudder : died 2 May 
oer 1865 : aged 55 years, € months, and 5 days 

a 462. Paicaatle Rebecoa B t a daughter of Jacob and 

ss ~ | -Eldgadeth Scudder : died 27 January lesz : aged 
ra 42 years, € months, and 25 deys 

nee 483, Seudder  Morrin D__ ___: born 26 May 1845 : died 19 

eee ate December 1910 : aged 65 years, 6 months, and 

oa 23 days 

ae 42%, Soeudder  ” corsnar *: bern 1 April 1789 : died 20 June 
ae : 13 

a 485. Ruth : wife of Gersham Scudder : born 31 August 

aa 1796 : Aiea 28 April 1267 

mS 436. lydia _ : 2 @aughter of Gersham and 

r- * Ruth Seudder : born 5 December 1837 : died 3 
Maren 18sé 

these three ere in the same plot 

Seudder- Israel : died 2 March 1&71 : aged 71 years 
Jane A --. i: “ife of Israel Soudder : died 
16 April 1378 : aged 72 years 


Bae ay 

2 | 
. Scudder 

. Strickland 

€ 224, Rural Cenotery, Muntington, Suffolk County, Hew York, 

Joel : died 29 June 1S79 : aged 48 years, 6 
months, and 4 days | 

Willian 8 > born 2 August 1627 : diea 

28 Novenber I96T 

ooo eh bern 11 October 1236 : died 23 March 

Gatharine : wife of George Scucder : died ais 
January 189% : aged 3é years 

487 per 492 are all in the same plot 

Clara Ao 3 no deatn date : aged ¢ 

Hattie HM ._ tne death date : aged 6 

months ' 
‘these two are on the same stone 

William 3B : born 26 October 1605 ; 
died 2 duly 1660 : “* My husband Pa 


n B 

cm = been 49 aime it 
13 Decenbe 

died ¥ 189: 
Mary Louise : bora "a2 March 1627 : died 24 
March 18 16. 

George Washington : a son of Washington 8 
and Mary Louise Sille : torn 4+ August 1e37 or 
1657 : died 31 Decenber 1862 

Robert Zoeller > born _____ 1908 : died _ __ 
4901 : no more dates here 

Charles } — : no dates here 
Mary Angeline = wife of Charles D 

erg : born 16 April 182@ : died 16 | ‘Aigust 
Zliphaiet : bern 23 December 1211 : died 13 

Jammary 1869 

-Putience : wife of Eliphalet Smitn : porm 20 
‘October 1808 : died 9 April 1695. 

Phebe Ann : died 16 February 1659 : agea 19 
years, 3 months, and ene 

Caroline B_. ...: died 21 November 1870 : 
aged 19 years,2 months,and 13 days :see over 

a a 1s a Pe 5 “ ! ¥ 
= - Poe © a ae mee Ss s A baa e a 
a ' ; 
Y F ‘ — r ‘ 
+ P \ aris SS ete r ae 
ta i : =: irae, BR (ud . 4 5 Ty ee Sh 
cht hy, ; f) BR SO OR eee 
~ 7 ; + ee 
; : ' . GaP i Pee, 
: * re. aa ace cage ® 
; ye iy a 5 ae 


‘Dh Peheaey 

¥ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ x tee SP ck ee” ee eee 

i Ree |, 





‘ ft 

oe ay eer 

mars oonstory, Huntington, Sustols County, New Ry: 

500 and 502 are on a monmmment : 500 per | 
505 are all in oe plot 

Jonn ‘Wesley : bern 21 war om 1627 : died 135 
February 1896 

Woodmull ¢ porn 7 August 1600 : died 29 Novem 
ber 1667 

Ruth : wife ef Woodmall Smith : born 21 May 
1804 : died 24 My 1892 

David W___ __: died 4 January 1867 : aged 

B ° 
Smith : dled 16 September 1866 2 aged 34: years 
5 months, and 19 days 
Rdwin Hatfield : an infant son of David ¥ 
and Phebe KH _§_. |, Smith : died 29 Septenber 
1866 : aged 5 —— and 19 days 
David Woodhull : a son of David Wo sand 
Phebe H_ _ _ .. Smith : died 3 December 1861 : 
aged 5 years, 7 months, and 9 days 

Rees gos. _— t died 6 July 1876 : 

aged 55 years, 3 months, and 24 days : 
* Asleep in Jesus ° 

Hawin J _ : died 7 December 1870 : agea 

48 ( or 18 ) years, 7 months, and 4 ds 

Lucy & : wife ef Edwin er 
died 247% Deceiber 1264 : aged 31 years, and 2 

Platt H Sen 3 died 21 December 1899 : aged 
15 years, 2 capi and 12 days 

Bana i _t wit 

eof Platt HH.  . Smith 
‘died 22 Fan Fy 1384 3 aged 55 ew ana 4 

" ave cw = ¥ > -, ss 

51s. Stillwell Thomas W _—?! born 4 October 164 sdied 

3 April 1896 ~ 
 §19. Olivia M vorn 28 October 1473:died 

27 Septenber iste. 
these two are on a monument 

Talicot. see Grossman i187 
__ Tappen see Monfoort 397 
Townsend see Lloyd 363 

520. Train TOE Bane 2 died 5 January 1912 : 
ines : U. 3. Navy 

521. Travis | Daniel : born 14 May 1821 : died 24 mrcn 

§22. Thomas Davia ; bern 28 August 1214: died 1 Septen—— 
er ber 1891 
523. Zleanor : wife of David Thomas : bern 26 Noven- | 

ber 1621 : died 12 anaes 1669 

52%. Thomas - Huma : died 5 December 189% : no ge given nere 
wife of Walter LINDSAY 

ee) eae Velsor see Manny 306& 
—i—e “en Wyck” see Erush 76 
ow Van Name see Rogers 451 

525. Wickgs Clara L wm: bOTR 10 August 1864 : died 1 
April 19067 

Ste eee enh ae aes 8 9 


Oa: Sei 

2 . 

ys eee 

ie gf 22h, ‘Rural Cemetery, Buntington,Suffolk county, New York. 

528, Willete 

Ornond. : mo dates here 
aaate7 Elizabeth : wife of BL. Ormond 
Wiekes : born _ 1658 : died. 1909 : 
no more dates here 
these two are on a monument 

see Mamny 4387 per 3592 

see Brush él 
Zoeller 567 

gee Lioyd 357 

Piatt 3... 
23 Mareh 1505” 
Sarah : wife of Platt BH _ _. Willets :born 
2 October 1631 : died 29 August 1968 
these two are on 4 monwsent 
Jopeph : died 19 January 1672 : aged é2 years . 
and 9 months 
Henry : died 35 May 1902 ;: aged 75 years, 5 
months, and 5 days. ; 
Hannan’: : wife of Henry Wiliets : died 10 De- 
cember 1903 3 aged 63 years 
526 per 532 are in the. same — 

: born 19. February 1834 :died 

Jonmn Hs . ... : died 4 Kevenber 1885 : aged 

&7 years, and 19 days 

Abbey E -. : wife of Jonn i Rt 

_ Wiexes : died 23 November 1470 : aged 79 years 
-2 months, and 26 days 

Saree : born 6 September 1632 : died 1 Maren 

Maria Louisa : wife of George Wiekes : born 10 
Movember 1830 : died 26 August 1895 3 

Harriet Hlizabeth : wife of Ferdinand Wickes : 
porn 20 February 1661 : died 16 August 1éé7 



Lime ee 

+538. Wiekes  Jonn Hi 3 korn 15 August 1887 : died 
ie Se en 28 January 1666 
537 and 538 are on the same stone : Note - 

see the ae Milis and Weeks genealogy 


Wells “see Pruen 69 

Wickes Henry : died 9 October 1691 : aged 54 years, 

Marie Ann : wife of Henry Wickes : died 23 Jan 
wary 1374 : aged 37 years, 7 months, and 22 

White see Briggs 111. 
. Humphrey 302 
_ Lleya — and 360 

Yoo William H : bern 23 October 1816 : 
@ied 2] February | 1870 
William 8_o. ot & Bon Of William H eee 
and Susan Bo _ ., Weed : bern 27 January 1657 
died 28 June 1é72 
these two are in a plot 


Winks pee ‘a 437 and 433 

Edwin : born 23 Septoaber 1806 3 died 30 Geto- 
ber 1gé6. 

Ruth : wife of Kdwin Wood : bern 7 Septenber 
1613 3 died 16 June 1685 ; 

“Woodruff see Gould 254% ana 255 

Wood John : died 3 Novenber 1553 3 aged 65 yours, 4 
See months, and 26 days 
«SMG. Wood =S—téiontry' Scuerr = Gied 19 April 1875 3 aged 25 

years, 6 meanness and 13 days 


i wil 

“3 bet 
t heii 


# 225, Rural Gqnetery, Auntington,Surfolk County, Now York. 

547. Wood Devereh : wife of John Wood ; and a daughter of 
Arnold and Juditn Fleet : died 6 April 1662 : 
aged 66 years, 6 MONTH y end 27 days 

548. Wood Willian W } born li September 116 : 

died 9 April 187é 
a Eliza 83 __ 3: wife of Willian W 

Wood : died 10 November 1860 : aged 0 years, 6 
months, and 3 days 

550, Wood Sarah Amelia : second wife ef William W 
Wood : died 27 duly 1565 : aged 39 years, + months 
and 11 days 

551. ———-—-— : *hHeir infant daughter : no dates 

552. Wood Arnold : died 13 Decenber 1863 : aged 30 years, 

een 9 months, and 19 days : Sergeant : Company A : 
Hew York mounted riflenan : Kllied in the agsault 
on &@ Squad of rebels at Charles City Sourt House, 

5536 William Wilmot KISSAN_: died 10 January 1é7é : 
aged 33 years, 5 months, and 135 days 
554, Wood James BE _ sss «born 7 September a855-4 died 
: 20 January 1869 
555. Harriet BE. .... : wife of Janeer zB mea Wood 

and a deaciae or Samuel and Blizapeth KISSAM: 
died 17 September 1865 : aged 31 years 

556. Wood Amie : no dates given — : aged 3 months 
557. William Fleetwood HULL: a son of Isaac P 
and Judith ' See HULL : died i September 

1653 : aged 2 years, 2 months, and 16 days : this 
is paid te be the first body burded nere : 

558. Wood Charles Lowery : died 19 February 1868 : aged ene 
year, © months, and 12 days 
559. Alonzo Slote : died 26 May 1463 : aged 3 months 

560, Wood Anna Slote :; died 20 Marek 1661 : aged 3 months 

561. Joseph Gentry : died 6 October 1872 : aged 17 
years, 2 months, and 26 days ‘ 
562. Wood Maggie Boyd : Gied 20 March 1881 : aged & years, 

6 months, and 3 days : 556 per 562 are the children ~ 
of John F ___. and Saran A _. ¥00D 

4 > 

; ap 3 : yi 


# 22%, Rural Genetery, Huntingten, Suffolk Gounty, Hew York, 

) 12 ~ 

563. Wood Jonn ¥ ______: born 21 October 1629 : diea 
Cy sae & Noveniber = | 
56%. Wood Sarah A : wife of Jonn F 

Wood = a Zy april 1833 : died 16 piel y 1895 
545 per 564% are in a large “plot. 

Wni tran see Bruen 76 

565. York | 

Wary : born 21 February 1632 : died + August 
1891 : wife of James OSBORNE 


566. Zoeller Jacob : worn 24 May 1629 : Ged 20 May 1905 
. 567. Zoeller Abigail J____ WOOD: wife ef Jacov 

ZORLLER : born 26 November 1836 : died 22 
August 1876 

“The oldest stone is # 354. Rebecea Lileyd 27 July 172% 
The latest stone is ¢ 464. Almira Rulon 10 June 1913. 

Pee ae > 

Pua ; al 4 
¢ i ude ia es 
ce a, oD Fae 3 ee Tear a * 's Shab Aa hae ? Ward 1 ip sh ‘ 
nag / rf Fier ; oa i Ss i 
; od ASRRAA > i 
< \ be 
, 5 
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"i Pies Ne Dy a 
; * 1 > ee if ae id 
‘NF ee eT ee eee a " fons ee nee has 
- i + ee es : } SD mae Oh os. a? = 

BRUSH. BIBLE. -~-- 1721 per 1845. 

 * Zopher Brush His Book ® - MPCCLXIX ~ printed at Edinburgh 
: by Alexander Kincaid, " His Majesty's Printer * ' 
This Bivle is on 19 th. May 1913 in the possession of Lieut. 
and Hon, Senator George Washington Brush, Brooklyn, New York 

1." Anganias * Brush born 13 July 1721 
2.Bathsheba Brush born 5 December 1722 
3.d0m Brush born 26 February 1727 

4% Phebe Brush bern 21 November 1729 . 

5 Mary Brush born 30 October 1732 - 
®.Rlizabeth Brush born 19 July i732 
7.Hannan Brush born 1 March 1734 
8.desse Brush born 3 February 1757 
 9.Rebecea Brush born 15 April 1739 
i0.Susannah Brush born 13 October 1742 
il.Nenemian Brush born 6 September 1743 

Zophar Brush born 12 January 17% : die@ 184s 
Margaret : his wife : born 12 January 1749 
their two children 
i.Mary Brush born 2 April 1775 

 2,eebulon Brush born 24 Oeteber 1777 

gopner Bo. . _. Oakley : born 6 Septenber L794 

Zebulon Brush had two enildren 
1. Slizabetnh Brush born 28 Marcn 1803 
2. John Rogers Brush born 10 January 1801 


Jonmn Rogers Brush and his wife Biizabetnh nad ten children ~ 

id.darvis Brush vorn 9 December 1823 
2,8anuel Brush born 25 December 1825 
3.Abner Brush born 19 February 1526 
4 Jesse Brueh born ll June 1830 

5, Mary KEIizabeth Brush born 26 July 1632 
6.Margaret Brush born 19 December 1634 : 
7.Phebe Ann Brush born 1% July 1837 . 
&.Jom Brush born 2 May 1640 

 §.Geerge Washington Brush born 4+ Octeber i842 
10.Zophar Brush born 22 January 18645 


arash genealogical notes 1619 - 1904 from the large 
manuseript of William A. Wardeley, M.A. 

‘Tnomas Brush : born 1610 : died 1675 : in 1657 to Huntington, 
Long Island, New York : his wife Rebecca ( ? HOBART ? ) died 9 
April 1670 =: they had 4 children, aunong, whom was 
John Brush : born 1650 : dieag 1740 : his wife was Mlizabetn 
PLATE : their son 
Samuel Brush : born 1690 : died 1764 : his will was dated 17 

Hareh 1704 : proved 16 April 1764 : his first and secon 
wives are not yet known : he married third by a New York 
Bond 30 December 1761 Mirtna TITUS, the widow of Jonn 
Rifve.: and a daugnter of =. CS OR 

Lieut. Ananias Brus ( a son of this Samuel Brush ) died 3 March 
2794 3 he married first 24 Maren 1742/43 Mary 
Y : he married second __ _ _. Judith 
he had five children, anong whom was 
2.Zopnar Brush : died il January 1645 : married by a New York 
Fond, 17 December 1775 Margaret WHITMAN : she died 17 
April 1é21 : aged 72 years : she was a daughter of 
Zebulon WHITMAN and Margaret ( VAN WYCK ) : Zephar and 
Margaret Brush had two children - 
1.Mury Brush : died 10 October 1793 : aged in her 19 
th. year : she married = _ Timothy OAKLEY : 
and had 1. Zophar Brush OAKLEY 
2.Zebulon Brush : died 5 April 1661 : aged &3 years,5 
months, und le days : he married first 25 January 

1600 Kiizabetz. ROGERS =: born 2763 3: die0 
_. 1603 : daughter of Join ROGERS and Ruth 
{t Woop.) : ne married second Susannah 

SAMMIS : by nis first wife, two children : vy his 
second wife, seven children 

Zebulon Brus§j and Elizabeth ( ROGERS ) : had : 
i.Gapt. John Rogers Brush : died 17 NoWenber 166% : aged in his 
64 th. year : he married 23 January 1625 Elizabeth 
CARMAN : a doughter of Joiua. CARMAN and Mary 
( BLOOMPLISLD ) : of their ten children - 
i.Jarvis Brush : married lo January 1845 Mary Ann Brush 
2,famuel Brush : married 1 January 1649 Hannah Marie REED 
3.Abner Brush : married 29 August 1654 Any Jane MILLER_ ’ 
4, Rev. Jesse Brush : married 3 August a Ellen Neweomb 
5. Mary Elizabeth Brush : married .. 1652 Thomas Price 
6.Margeret Brush : remained single 
7.Pneve Ann Brush : married _ _ _ 1885 Zdwin Burr Place 
9.Gsoerge Washington Brush : married first 30 Mareh 1665 Alice 
A@elia Bowers : married second 21 January 166¢ Maria An - 
nette Bowers 

- e 


Brush genealogical notes : 1610 - 1904 ; from the large 
manuscript of William A. Mardeley, M.A. 

10.Zophar Brush : died 2 December 189¢ : in Broaklyn, New 
York : married 27 June 1866 Mary J__ ___ JARVIS : 
a daughter of Jon JARVIS and Jane ( POWSLL ) 

Reverend Jesse Brush : married 3 August 1659 Ellen NEWOOMB 3: 
born 15 August 1537 in Brooks, Maine =: a date 
ter of Rev. Harvey NEWONB and Alathea 
WELIS ) : Rev. Jasse Brush was located at 
Stamford and New Britain and Saybrook + ull in 
Gonnecticut : they had three children - 
i. Bdward Hale Brush : born 6 October 1864 : married 1 February 
1904 Elizabeth JENNINGS 
2.Henry Wells Brush : born 12 Novenber 1363 : he is a lawyer 
. in Buffalo, New York : he married 25 December i696 
Frances HAGAR 
3, Rev. George Herbert Brush : born 23 Naren 1é71 : gradueted 
from Hobart Gollege, Geneva, Kew York : he resides in 
Rochester, New York : he married = ss 1699 
Josephine ZAXLOR : of Waterbury, “Vermont 
they have two children ~- 
1. Anna Sherman Brush : born = _ _ i902 
2. Kdward Newcomb Brush : born _ 2 LL 1904 

The descendants of this Brush Family are very numerous and 
eceupy a prominent place in the life of to-day. 

Spee i ey 
4 ans apc 

5 ie oil 
Woes ee 

ROGERS Bile - - - 1783 per 1u9e, 

i Tis Bivle is 24 aeaeary 1914 in the possession of Mrs. Vary 
Emeline ( Higby ) Fox, of 30 Puntine Street,. Jamaica, Long 
Island, New York ; the title page is missing. 

Israel Rogers : vorn 21 Apral L783 : died 2&8 October 1626 
Hannah WHEELER shis first wife born ww *41ed 13 April 1806 
Hannah Ms _ PLAT?_: his second wife = bern 25 December 
1790 : died 6 October 1843 : his ten children - 
1, Kannan Rogers : born 27 August 1607 
2, mnenetus Rogers : porn 14 August or 
3.umeline Rogers : born 20 November 121 iy die... =. eye : 
maxried - -. Robert 8 
‘4. Zephar Rogers : born 22 October 182 
5.Jennett Rogers : torn 14 September 1816 2 died 14 April 1846 
married & Noverber 1834 Abdiatnar Bighie 
6.Iantha Rogers : born 4+ September 1610 
7.Maria Rogers : born 11 November 1620 
&. Shave Asanda Rogers : born 23 June 1623 : married 
Abiatnar Higbie : his second wife 
9 Hannah Levina Rogers : porn 4 July 1625 
10.Israel Marvin Rogers : born 19 June 1827 

Ablathar Higbie : bern 31 July 1é12 

John Rogers Higbie : born 7 April 1635tdied 16 Deceniber avea 
Westera Higbie : born 25 Septenber 1é40:died _ _ August 1686 = 
Mary Emeline Higbie : born 3 February 18642 

Robert Nye Higbvie : bern 20 October 1376 

Bana J Fox : born ll February 1&él 

Grage Eveline Fox : born 2 Naren 1682 

Viola May Meeker : born 12 March 1£61 : diced 14 april 1861 
Lilly Aurdeii Meeker: born. 9 December 162:died 24 Bec. 1963 
Sarah J Fox : born 21 January 1867 

Clinton Aviatnar Fox:born & December Lé72:died 14 Jan. 1662 
Willian Weetern Fox:born 21 Ostober 1875 tdied 9 Jan. 16s 
Preddie Fox : born 4+ February 1678: died 10 January 1861 
‘Benjamin Meeker : died 19 December 1564 

' Western Higbie : died @ January 1é92 : a son of Western Higbie 
Ablathar : Hiigoie : died 50 Decemper 1696 _ 

Western Higbie : married 13 December 1675 Julia Gleason 

Jacob A . Siipleytmarried 15 O0ct.1296 Sadie J Fox 

Benjamin Meeker married 12 June i860 Mary Waeline Higpie 

x William George Fox married 19 Aprii 1¢66 Mary Bama Meeker 

Israel Rogers married 1806 Hannah Wheeler 
israel Rogere married To: Maren i810 Hannah 

This compietes this Bible 

(es es ae - 
iy OR TR a ee 

rT, M a a = ‘. a4 ; : 5 ; 
D = ‘ Toe 7 x 
o i oe aie ba iy u . 52. 

 ‘Higbie geneslogical notes in connection with the ROGERS 
at Bible : from the large mamuscript Higbie genealogy 
fn the possession of Wilidiam aA. iardeley. — 
These notes are from 17é7 to 1696. 

Jonn & __ _ _, Migbie : born 27 May 1787 : married Sarah RIDR?: 
peed and had Ablathar Highie : born 1 July 1612: married first 
———.— Jennt ROGERS : born 14% August 1616 : a daughter of 
Israel and Hannan M_o_ __ _ ROGERS : he married second 
———— BT Sister Phebe Amanda ROGERS : no children by 
his second wife : F 

Abiathar and Jemet Higble : had three enildren ~ 

l.John Rogers Higvie : born 7 April 1435 : aked 16 Recemver 

1866 : aged 31 years, 4 months, and 9 days : married 

_—_.. Mary INNES ; ana nave two chilaren - 

1.Mlmer Higble : born ____ : married ___ Gorte Ae SRS 

2.Jeamette Higbie : bern _ _ . _ : married 
George | 8 

 2,Western Higbie : bora 7 April 1435 : dled _ — August 1886 ; 
Saas. Married first =... Haunah QLOVER : married seeond 
13 December 1875 Tulia GLEASON :; he nad six enildren - 
1.Willian Wallace Higbie : horn _ 
@.Jonn Rogers Higbie : born =~ 

5.Allen Ablathar Highie : born 

4, Western Higbvie : born > died & January 1692 

5Ablathar 1. _ Higbie = born _ _ it SE oh 

ce __. 6,Rovert Nye Higbie : born 20 October 1eTo ; 

_ 3eMary Eméline Higbie : born 5 Yebruacy 1é42 in Dosoris, Long 

. Island,New Yorkimarried first 12 June 1860 Benjamin Meek 
er born _ __ 1831 in lowa:kilied 19 December 136% at 
the battle of Petersburg, Virginia:s son of Abraham Meek ~~ 
er: she married second in Jamaica,New York,19 april 1866 
William George FOX born 1 Nay 1631 in England : a sen of 
.Tonn POX and Blizabeth ann ( BURTQR _Jitwo Meeker children :-. 
6ix FOX @hlldren -~- ~~ 

-1.Viole Way Meeker :born 12 March 1é6l:died 14 April 1661 
2.Lily Aurdell Meexersvorn 9 Dec. 1é62:a4eq 24 Dec. 1463 
5.farah J _ Fox t born 21 January 1867 : married 15 

October 1596 Jacob A_ SHIPLEY : no children 

¥.Olinton Aviathar Fox:born @ Dec.is72: died 14 Jan,16e1. 
5.Wiliian Western Pox:borm 21 Oct.1875: died 9 Jan.iséEe1 
6.¥reddie ¥ox : born 4 February 1676 3 died LO Jan.1é81 

Ave Yuma J Fox : born li Feb. lai: single 1914 

ae as &.Grace Zveline Fox : born 2 lmreh 1882 : single 1914 
«For additional Higbie genealogy, see the type-written notes of 

William A. Mardeley, M.A., on the History of Springfield, Long 

Ps: _ sland,New York: also the Sprangfiela,tiew York, Genetery record 

‘Brush atanesnaaeel maken nee 
; ey i or be pyc AL 

* 5 

Thonas a4 born 1610 3 aiea 1675 : 2 
Long Island, New York : his wife Rebecea ( ? Ho 
April 1670 : they had rm eniz among Whom was — 
ee John Brush $ born 1650 : died 1740 : his wife was 

Neca he 

ay Raa 

. SE ere ee 
4 Coe) gre Se 

2 bd 
J = ~ 
‘ . 
aoa / 
ie . 

# re ae a rr bc m 1 a elk - =" ay rs he 
PE a ee A ae CY CRO Meee em Res eT gl! Re 

A eae | a iota 

ee on the LLOYD Family : 1651 - 1904 : in connection 
with the Lloyd pee removed te this cenetery? from the 
_ large manuscript in possession of William A. Bardeley, 

. James Lleyd : of Newport, Rnode Island : born 1651 ; aiea 16 
August "1696 aged 47 years : his will was dated 22 Sep- 
ne married first about 1670 Griselda ( or 
Griselle ) SYLVE®8TER ; a daughter of Natnaniel pincer 
of Snelter Island, New York : he married second = =. 
_ Rebvecea : born 5 December 1664 : a daughter or 
_ General John LEVERETT of Massachusetts, and Sarah ( SepG - 
Wick): dames Lieyd nad three children - 
1.Honry Lloyd vorn 26 November 1685 : died 1é Mareh 17635 : 
married first _ _ — Repecca " WELSON_: porn 15 Noven~ 
per 1668 : died 27 July 1726 : a daughter of Capt. sie 
MELSON: of Boston, Mass.: and Gatnarine ( ZTALLEX : 
daughter of Governor William ZAILER ) : Henry Lloyd 
; married. sooo. ey 
 2Joseph Lieyd : bern 2 UL ‘ 
3.° Grizzle * Lioyd : dorm 

Henry Lieyd and Rebecca { NELSON ) : had ten children - 

i.Henry Lieyd : bern 

| 2.Jomn Lloyd : born 19 February $#£K 1711/l2:died 10 April 2795 

he lived on Lieyd's Neck, Long island, lew York tmarried 
24 December 1741 Sarah WOOLSEY : born 17 April i719 : a 
daugnter of Rev. Benjamin WOOLSZY corn 19 Hovember 16éT 
in Jamaica, New York : died 15 August 1756 : aged 69 

6S : and Sarah ( TAYLOR ) : Rev. Benjamin was a son 

of George WOOLSHY jr.: Sarah TAYLOR was a daughter of 

} Jonn TAYLOR and Mary ( WHATEMBAD ) ¢ ali of Jamaica : 

3. jargaret Lloyd : bern 

4 James Lloyd : nce eres eee 

§.Josepn Lleyd : bor 1797 

>. Rebeene Lioya ; born 31 October 1716 : died 13 Septenver i o% 
in New Hoven, conn.: married _ _ _< 1742 Gol. Melanctnon 
Taylor WOOLSSY ; born & eaeoncad 17i? : died 2& Septenber 
ine : a 41 years : @ son of Rev. Benjamin WOOLSEY and 
Abigail SAXLOR_) : she was « daughter of Jonn TAYLOR, of 
bib Bay, Long Island, New York, who married Mary 

WHITEHZAD, a daughter of Daniel WHITEHZAD : Revecea 

Lioya Woolsey had six children 

7.Euizaveth Lioya : vorn 

—— Lieya : born 

= bapt. 24% January 1723 

[Bipods kat a 
ris Bas yr 

a ae ak. A “pad 

Pau | F z 

ae Family Hotes. 

9. yathaniel Lloyd : Ce ee 
10. Janes Lioyd : Mee ee 

Jonn Lloya and Saran ( WOOLSEY ) : had seven children - - 
1.Henry a a : born Stamford, Conn.:22 July 1743 : died single 
oya's Neck, New York,14 January 1625 aged él years - 
2.Jdonn adi born Stamford 22 Fepruary 1744/45 : died 24 De- 
" cember 1792 : married __ April 1783 Amelia WAITZ 3: 
porn 7 May 1760 : died | Danbury, Conn.1 August Léls 3: 
aged 58 years ; a daughter of Rev. Bbenezer WHLTE of 
pooeeaabe Conn., and Amelia Mary ( FRENGOH of Weyxouth, 
 3.Rebecea Lloya : born Stamford, Gonn.: 2 January 1746/47 : 
married ——-——— Lieut. Gov. John BROOME 
y, Theodosia met : born Stamford, 10 January 174% : died 0 July 

5eAbigail nore: born Stamford, Conn. 13 Vebruary 1750/51: married 
. Dr. James GOGSYELL of New York 
6.Saran Lloyd : born Stamford, Conn. 2 July 1753 : married __ _ 
Hon. Janes HILLHOUSE of New Haven, Conn. ’ 
7. Margaret Lloyd : born 5 December eg died 11 March 1757 

Jon Lioyd and Amelia ( WHITE ) : had three children - 
1.Jonmn Nelson Lioyd : worn 30 December 17835 :. graduated at Yale 
Gollege in 1602 : died in New York, 31 May ié4l $ aged 
57 years : married Phebe T a COLES _: 
bern 11 November 1799 : died 20 June 1623 : a \ daughter of 
General John and Hlizabeth COLMS : they had 4 children <- 
i.Jonn Kelson Lloyd 3 born 
2.Henry Lloyd : born 
3.Angelina Lleyad : born 13 December 1816 : died 16 Decen- 
ber 1904 ; married ———. 1639 Joseph Milnor HiGEEE 
of quincy, Tilineis : and later of frenton, New Jer-— 
sey : she died about 1842 : leaving Gnarlette Higbee 
born 2. Way 1642: d&éd 9 August 190% : married 
4.Phebe Lioyd : born. 3 married a = — ALOXander 
stave 3 of Hew York / 
2. Angelina Lloyd : “porn 12 September 1785 : died 20 September 
2614 2 aged. "29 years : married =... Geeree: Washing- 
ton STRONG_: they hac two children 
ee ~— Lioyd : born 19 February 1791 : died in New York, 
+10 January 1806 : aged 15 years 

Dine te 
pon & an APs fo 


® rhet 



index of iiabs $ page i. 

a a Biggs: amzaL___—=_——saa 

peek * Gard 12 
Mary _ ee ee Kleanor Amelia 12 
ackerly : Sh ar, Eliza 12 
Adans : Frank ae Geerge W 12 
Altaff : Rattie 4 | George William i2 
Arthur : Edwin F_. W } dary Mlizapeth 12 
2 ees ‘See PE TI 
Baldwin : _ ... . ...i2 lary 6, 49 
‘on Ade@ligag Tirzah 12 Benner : isi 
Alexander 7,64 Oe eae < 
oe Almira é Bowen : Jonn 5 
-Pavrett. 2. 2. 8 - Bowers :__ _ _ 43 
Almeda @ el Adeliza Tirzan 22 
Artemas 21 Alice Adelia 49 
De Witt © Ad Alice Adeliza 12 - 
Freeman 21 : Henry Walter 12 
Olevia 21 Maria Annette 49 
Stepnea 22 g Box : Margeret A. _ _ il 
Susan 21 Broome : John 54 
avesees 21 Rebecesa 54 
ag ee 19 Augustus 6 
‘@naries fT... & chloe A. _ .. _. 6 - 
Frankie 5 re Te 
George VW. . G fama Bo 6 
Hannah 6. . frances A. _ 16 
Hattie 6 Georgianna 6 i 
Heary Sammis 6 Mortimer 8__ _ _. 16 
Lewuie Gracie 6 Susan 6. —s«d‘G 
Mervin 7____ 6 2 & ee * 
Richard 5 — William ¢ ...... 6 
‘SarahE_ #6 SBrownson:_____ — 
Susan 7 . Margaret ii 
Pimotheus 7 apa ene ; 
Berry 3 Mary & Brush 3 Hew 2 Bey ptip id, 
Betts : Geerge EF... 5 Cite Lote ie ag tay 
3 gonn 5 NT 931956057» 
Jonn a 5 Sul ces cea — 43, 44,4 5,47 
Martha Susan 5 Biple us 
: Sarah F_._ _ si 5 Genealogy 19549 
tse >. Se Plot & 

Rural Aa muntangton, Long island, New York:i7#6~1915. , 

; Index of te 

ey fre 
Abner as oto 
Alfred P eee 

Alice Adelia 4g 
 Aliee Adeliza 12 

: Seretny X 
Bdmund wnbeier 7 
Saward Neweonb 50 
Edward Hale 50 — 
Zliza F 5 
Blizabeth 33,7 aOpi hs 
Elizabeth 12,48, 59,50 - 

George Hays 15 

_@eorge aay 50 ae 

' George Ws stséCS, 12 
George Washington 48,49 
@ilbert 5, 6, 10 

Gilbert Dy 
Gilbertine ¥ Maiemertaier © 5 
Hannah 7, 

Hannah = ii 

Herbert Woodford 13 

— James M3. 

_ James N 

¢ eeatenr, Mentington,tong Island, New York : 17261913. 

page . 
: dane Bliza 10 

Jarvis 10 tu, 49 Z 
Jarvis ¢ 10 
Jesse 4, 7 = 10, 
Jesse 46, 49, 50 

Jonn &,10, 43, 49 

John “a ate Selle &,9,10,12 
Jeri Rogers 6,20, 1a, 49 
Jonas 13 

Jonas Po 7 
Joseph 7 

Josephine 50 

Joshua 12 

Judith 49 ; 

Julist Scudder il 
Lewis 7 

Lillian & al 
Matgaret BeFel0, li, 
Maria 7 

Maria Annette 49 
Harietta 6 

Bartha 49 

Mary SeTsIs 43,49 

‘Ma®y ann iG, 49 
vaxy Blizabeth 10, 48,49 . 

Rebecca 9, 45, 49 
Samuel 5,5,9, 48,49 
Sarah 4,5 

Suganmnsh 4o, 
Thomas 4,5,8,49 
Themas Po 5 

finothy a 


: - ‘Index of Persons : page 3. 
ss Brush : Thomas W_. = 5S Garman : Jonn &, 49 

Van Wyck ii . Mary 38, 49 
Walter 7 Gelley : Ida Belle 16 
Webster Wetmore 7 Chambers :_ 4 
Zevulon 7,8 9,10, Fre | oe | 
Zevuion 13, : Mary 25 
Zephaniah 7 Rosalie B23. 
Zophar 9, \K, 49,50 Seve, A. aS 
: Zeopngr 48 Victoria F_ — — — 23 
: Sina =? aa Chastelain : Thee P 
of of S 5 sateen nfant dal Rter 2 
ee Phebe A_ 26 Zi Bliza wae 
Buffett : Lewis 12 Estelie 22 
Bunce : Evelyn Adele il Julian 22 
Bundrick ; John 7). TRE Sie we ae 15 
Burtank ° | ee Erma 13 
Nicholas ¥_ 42 Frances A __ _. _. 16 
3 os See Richard 12 
Beveran 22 a Robert 13 
Blbert W_._.* Gogewell :_.._ _ 16 
James 21 Fee Abigail 30, 5% 
A Mary el ’ games 30, 54 g 
pale ee oe | Soles © eS 
Saran 21 Elizabeth 30, 5% 
= _—-« Pownsend 22 John 54 
Burton : Elizabeth Ann 52 Nathaniel 30 
- Butler : ____ Prede T.-L, 3055 
20) eae soi, hey Goliyer : Almira fT_. 13. 
Gannon : Bridget Eliza 13 Cordelia 18 ’ 
@arll : _ _ u _, 11,12,15 Jet. a8 
ee Genealogy 19 SOMRIS See ES 
Anne &_. . . 16 Adie Eloise 14 
—. Gareiine ¥. .. .. 15 amelia 13 ##- 
Egbert E_ . _ _. «16 Amos Platt 14- 
Famny 15, 16 i Benjamin 15 
Frances A = 26 Charity 15 iw = 
Glibert 15, le ps) nan age 15 
Gilbert BE... 16 Zdgar 8 45 
Jacob P_ CS Elizabeth 14 
walia B.C Bes koe 
a. Oliver 8... 25,16 Bttie 4. Mp eee «| 
Mea he ae George Harvey 15 
Garman: _.__._ 14 George Magon 15 
ahd beth &,29 Henry 14 

Index of Persens 
Ira 14. Denton 
Jeremiah 1+ 
Jeremiah Wood 14 
Joseph. 14 ; 
Lucyetta 15 | 
- Platt 13, 14 
Rebecca 15,14 
Rebecea S$ 14 pi 
Rosetta 14. 
Warren Frankiin 24 pai : 
conkiing er ee 


Devoy : 


ey oe ae 

page 4, 

Genealogy 19 
Alexander 19 
vonan B._ 
Mary A 
Rebecea 19 : 
Saran RHR... .. 29 
Jom ¢ 1s 

Alexander 19 

Charlotte 13é 
Dollie 1% 

uh Dillion : Mharlotte 0 ié | 
Covert : Amn ZB _ 16 Sugan Ella 13” 7g 
Jacob 16 hong e pag | 
 @ox: RodmandD.___ aa. 
Crossuan poo “17.937, 43 of re 97 pabertes 
nfant 1 Isane BC CsC9 
7 Alfred B fs eae 1? -Ming 19 ‘ 
Alonzo @ ww if Saran 19 
ae Seay “aa SP | 
Zdward Wilton 17 Hardeley : {lidam A Epis, 
. Edwin Wood 17 _59,52,535 
: Baily A eee William Applebie i 
fo Franklin NS _ . _ 16 Brieson : Ida 20 
k Gilbert Yaa gonn H 20 
. ; Gould Wilmot 18 4 =Btselk:_ 9 
' A Jacob R_ __ _. 16, Bertha May 44 
rr Mary 17 Evans : Thomas 20. 
ma) Mary @_ 1? Piela : Gnarles L_ __._ 20 
+ be Ne re | pS eer | 
Mathilda G6 _ _ _ 16,17 wer Re a 20- 
Myron 16 . Rebecca 20 | 
Sadie 17 Wiset = _2-* = 24,20,26 
Sarah 17 Aitken J. _. _. 20 
DONES 3 ae Arneid Yo 
Betsey Auelia 17 Maree K-28 
1 er. See oe ee 
jae Jonn 29 
ae ees Judith 46 
Adjselm 16 Mary J_ _._ 20 
gabeth © __ 18 Fox : Gilinton Abiathar 51,52 
Sake. Blizabeth Ann 52 
9 wana J 54,52 

. } 
ay Via ial Abia sage 

Mt 7 be ig i iy = . é - Mg 
. st a a c ees 
} : elle sie G ehake A 
: a ; ¥; eh aA 
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ay . = . j 
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5 Penn aes Island,iew York : 1728-1913 . 

= Intex of ‘Persons: 2 page $5 ioe 
Gillett : Phebe ann 32 . : 

Gieason : Julia 51,52 
Glover : Hannah 52: ; 
Gould 3 _ 15524, 59, 45 eu 
Benjamin G@ 2 oe: 
Bas << Gnarlotte R 22 
«eran J. . mar 2 = 
Wilden George Figs, bang ine re os 
William Western 512, 52 Deborah 22° : 
ania: 2 Amelia eee 54 Ehenezer K_ _ 22 “s 
- Punnell : _ __ 2 , Jesse P a - 
| ee a phe 25 avert Julia Maria 227 ; 
el W 25 Katie 22 " 
_ _ Gaines Seren J . Mami¢ 22 . . 
> ee pele Laura Ammette 23 a Matilda W oe: ; 
Lavra W823 ae ab ge eae —.*. 
| biliie 23. Ruth 22. 
. Martha R_ _ _ _ 23 Saran 2 23 
Mary 23. — denen whe> a 
Royal A _ 23. Fenier et 
Sauuel © ———*2, Guelnard : E ok eS 
Stephen W__ _._. _. 25 fagar : Frances 50 
ap ae eaiiccicy Haggerty : Freddie 26 a 
Almeda G_@._£1 emilton :_ 4. 20 zi 7 
Havileh S25 Be 
a9 Jessie ECS 
, epg Be BOP 25 
Alice 13 4 
Alice Mary i132 

f hin. 

Hendrickson ° Neuseibas Bs 

24 Ann Bilza 24 
: Gharies ¢ _ 

Angton, Long Island, New York : 1728-1913 

“ander: of Persons : page Oe ee re 
Ruuphrey : _.... 

Bdaward 25 
Haman 26 
Ses her. 
.~ Meese 2 lk] Loi 0 
iw, ee : * Geieaiogy. 24,52. Innes : Mary 52 
; Ablathar 51,52 Ireland: .. .. 26 
Abiathar I UU 52,5). Albert 26 . 
a Allen Abiathar. 52 Ireland : Andrew J _.._ 26 
7 ae - Angelina 31 Charles R_ __ 26 
aay cy Ghnarlotte 31 Derrick 26 ae 
Serte 52 Eliza 26 
ia  Blwer 52 Harriet 26 
~ Hannah 52 Margaret 11 
press 2. F.C; Mary EF... _ 26 
I Milnor 31 Place W_ 26 
Jeannette 52 William H ... _. 26 
venmet 52. ©; James ; Gilbert 27 
Jenmnett 51 “ Trena 27 
John Rogers 51,52 jarvis : A__ _ Amelia <& 
eee Adaline A. _ _ 27 
Joseph Milnor 31 Bsther 27 
gulia 51,52 | Henry Carli 27 
Maria J_._ 24 . gacksen MT 
Mary 52 dane 59 
~Mary Zmeline 51,52 dom 50 
Phebe Amanda 51,52 Jonathan 26 
. Robert Hye 51,52 . Josern 27 
Saran 52 ‘Jonepn H __ .. 27 
Western 51,52 Marys _ 8 
William lace 52 Ruth 26 
‘Bigby : Mary Mueline 52 Sarah 27 
| Hillnouse : James 54 - Sarah Luella 27 
Saran 54 William H.W Uw 2 
Hobart : Rebecea 49 Jemmings : Elizabeth 59 
RES ae Jonnson : 26 
Mary 21 ; Umily Fou. 29 

Willitam 21 

Blizabeth 27 
Elizabeth B__.. s 27 
Jonn 27 
Mary Ann 27 
46 Platt 27 

Index of Persons °: 

page 7. 

Zones: Willian Chester 27 = Lhoyd 2 LL LL BF HS by 5 
Ke 2 Amanda 2 Family 453,54 
Artemesia 2& Plot 30,31 
Georgianna 2& Abigail 30,54 
Melissa M_ _ 2s Amelia 30,54 
Robert 25 — Angelina 31,54 
. 28 Elizabeth 53 
| Jonn 26 Griselda 53 
Kelgey : Mary 49 Griselle 53 
‘Sarah A _ ad Grigzle 53 
Willie Platt 29 Henry 30,31,53,5% 
ie Woodhull S _ _ ie" James “53,54 : 
* — = = om = 
infant son 29 Jom @ oo 0,31 
Gornelia 13 Jonn seinen 56, 31458 
Henry 8 __ _ ": Margaret 53,54 
Henry W _ __ 6 Mary 30,5 
isase S _ : Mary Amelia 30,54 
Julia A _ _ _ _ 29 Nathaniel 54 
ey Phebe J___ 29 Phebe 54 
Kineaia ; Alexander 4 ‘Phebe © _ sss 
3 Kirby : Rogerg 28 Phebe T_ _ _ 30,31,54 
ze, Kiesam : __ 4... # Rebecca 30,' 5315 
& Blizapeth 46 Sarah 53,54 
a Harriet E__._ _ % Tneodosia 54 
ae oe - Sambel 46 William 53 
: William Wilmot 46 Lockwood : Everett 31 
= Knight ; George T_ 2% Henry 31 
g : E_...— 75 unre : Alfred H__ .. 31 
as Kouwenhoven : Barnardus 29 Nicholas 31 
a Bliza Jane 29 Lyons : 
| Jomn W_ _ _ 29 Daniel J 40 
Lefferts : Azelle 32 Helen A eet 
Cornelia J __ _ 32 Manny: ___ + 20,23, 33, 
Bete it. Estelle 32 = = = 35,43, 40 
Bese ¢ Mary 5%. 2 eet 32 ‘ 
EG Samuel 32 YLrnctt pm 55 Clarissa E_ _ 3 
Sean ghee 29 i: - - Hannah a 33° 
4 te eye Be I aa 
ee lama 43 ae James 32 
: Walter 43 James Ws 52 
A a a acee Marshall : Abraham Ls. . _ 32 


Bt Ree tal | 


Ze Reeth RS eg 

db eet 

a + 
i ee 

eye eee gia - 

Prd a 

“Intex of 

sions $ page 6&. 
=! Dertna | Hichels : Susan 34 
be 32 es - -Busan a 
' witiien ka : Susie 34 
“roan | Abraham oa i ) William 8. 354 
a. Porm amok “i xen 52s 39 
a _ s GRLLy Aurdell 51,52 — Abigail 35 
site Mary Tnma 51 George 35 
ee Mary Baeline 51,52 oakley: 35 
a _. Viola May 51,52 Mary 9,49 
z — muner Rae * - Timothy 49 ys 
ere Amy Jane 9,49 zZophar Brush 49 
9 gopher Bo 
Teresa 9 O*Farrell : 
mane s oo : Margaret 11 
Snes. Osborne: _ 
Ann Eliza 33,34 ‘anes 47 
mmiiy FU 47 
J __. . — Tomas 35,34 painter : Jane 3 - 
James BL William 35 hi 
Mary B83 Pedrick : George W386 
Mitehell : _ Melvia. 8 36 
‘ eresa 9 Phiver 5 3 
Monfoort :_ ‘Eliza i2 
ae gli eI. | warty 32 oe 55 
Henry A_ #33 Placa : Family 4 
~Madeline 33 Pict 36 
William Ho _ _. 33 Edwin Burr 49 
Melson : 35 ) gonn 36 
Gatharine 48 53 Julia 36 
Jom 32,53 Mary Ann 36 
32 Phebe ann 49 
Pheve Ann 32 ae a eee 
gS ona Rebecea 53 ~ fredwell Bo. 36 
Neweomb : _. 34 Pitas 2 a 
Alethea 8,50 Dorothy % 
‘Ellen 8,49,50 Elizabeth 49 
Beas. Harvey 6,50 Hannah Mo. C51 
' -«;Hichols : George W_34t Rebecea 14 
eee Gideon A_ __ 3% Powell : Jane 50 
ail Tae Joseph 34 rit sc. 58, | 
ee. Se. Sy Eddie 10 = 
Se, 2 Cae eee Mary Mlizabeth 10,49 im 
Sarah eo Thomas 10, 49 | 

asa 3 
| Stephen at Aeon 34 Prime : Nathaniel Ss _ . 36 

Tee eel e Waa Py mi ~s ° = . = 4 

- angex of Persons A 

g vonytons, Island,Wew York:1726-1915 

page 9. 
calcite Cian "3. Rogers : Platt 37 
Resette 37 
Maria 36 — Ruth 9, 49 
Prank Bw} : Saran 57 
Nae Frank Bail 2 _Zophar 51 
- Raynor : David &_ _.__ 37 Rowland : Smith 32 * 
2 en George P_ _ 37 Susan T_ __ _ 38 
(ae SF Rulon : Almira 36 
Phebe P Rustmore : eT 37 
Snith 37 Samis : 39 
Reed : _ _ _ — 31 | Alexander 39 
Tn i Se 
_ Reichert : Gharles @___ _ 3 Charles G 39 
‘Rider : Sarah 52 Eliza 4 °° §&# © 
_ ~Rittweger : Adam 37 Blva G_._ _ _ 39 
“Rogers — Say =“-52 36,45 Goorge 39,46 
 ~Baby 36 George Lb _._ _ 
Bible 51,52 —_—~—— sidney 39 
_ Abel 3 ae oe! Harriet 39 
Addigon $_ _ _. _. 3é Helen A 
Blizabeth 9,49 Jonas 19 
Blia Mo. my Bo Se 
mes SS i SS Mary Jane 39 = - 
Bmaeline 51 _ Mentford B_. . _ 40 
Epenetus 51 Rebecea 19, 40 
i Frances 38 Sarah Blizapeth 39 
51 Susannan 9, 49 
Hamnah Levina 51 Senmidt : 39 
ha Mow 54,52 Gnarlotte 31,54 
Isaac 3é Osear 54 
Israel 51,52 Oscar Edgerton 31 
Israel ‘arvin si Scudder : Adeline 41 
Janthe 51 : Catharine 42 
Jennet 51 Elizabeth 40 
Jennett 52 George 41 
Tonn 9,49 Gershgm 40 
Louis BL 38 Israel 40 
Maria 51 Jacok 40 
: Tee Ce. | Jane 40 
eo. SS Joei 41 
Moses 37 lydia Mo 
Morris D_ 

ae t Sa: 8 


ie wae Tl) 

2 Sometery,Buntington, ong Island,New York: 172u-1913. 

| Index of Persons : page 10, : 
ee Seuaaer : Rebecca B__ __ __ 40 Smith : Zipporan A_ 35” 

Ruth 40 ° amnne 
Willian 8 _ ear’ yy Sevens a —- “a #_———5% 
ra Sealey : : Emeline 51 Stillwell : Olivia M_ 43 
| fovert sk Thomas W 4 
Sedgwick : Sarah 5 eed se ae 
ete s Watton 3 |. uit T*8*F0R8 ¢ See A — RS 
Shadvelt : Saivies 3 a. gStrong : Angelina 54 arate, 
= "7 ' Geerge Washingten 54 
or Pi 23 Sylvester : Griselde 53. 
ericeent: # 23 Griselle 53 
on): = eee Nathaniel 53 
‘Shipley ; ager : Len pali e ~ 5,52 failer : see Taylor 
; ana a Catharine 54 
salle : Mary Louise 41 falleot : =e ad 
George ag aaa 4h Rueda Beatrice 16 
Simonsen : Robert "zoelier YL ae ama ©: C53 
Simpson : John Wesley we  Gaylor : Abigail SF et 
Slote : 359 " Jomn 53 
7 ‘Sareh A 4 Josephine 50 
' Sattev _ . . . 39,42 Mary 53° 
Pees s Abigail 35 said Sarah 53 : 
Caroline EB. __ _ 41 tpomas : 29 
‘Staries . SeyoceR > ae David 3 
Davie ¥.... . e Eleanor 45 . 
David Weodhnuil 42 Ena 43 in 
an ng Sneldon i? Titus : Jom 49 
2 artna 49 

a grt 42 : 5 
— yg «- tOWneend Petey 3 

Bliphaiet }1— - rain : P Zz 43 
George William 45 fravie : Daniel 45 
Geta tan ae >. Ns 

Lucy E42 Elia MC 7 
Mary Angeline 41 Garret 57 

Patience 41 Van Velsor :.§....— 43 

Phebe Ann 41 Sarah 33 

Pneve H__ _. 42 Van Wyck : 43 

Platt .. %® Margaret 9,49 

Ruth 42 : Walters 3; _ ae 

William 35 ~=« Henrietta Van Vellsor 33 
Woodhull 42 Joseph Samuel 33. 

: [v.. 
a a 

mtingtonzong 3 island, ew York: 172-1913. 


Index of Persons . ‘page i2. 

7" Rhoda Amelia 33 Woodruff: 5 
ss Sammel D | Charlotte R__ _ 22 

AFioLa 4G 

Jonny 45, 4G 
pai oseph en 
rattan eee M9 mxgie hd 
ee Zebulon 9,49 be Ruth 9,45, 49 
Wickes : see Weeks . mows pide WE stad 
‘eae Sages ea — Sone Willien G ~~ 
bor ee FB ae ae wiilien § ~~~ 35” 
. Ferdinand 44 Willian We 
Georges 44 Woolsey :_ _ ae 
Harriet Elizabeth 4 ' ‘Re gail 53 
ae, ; Henry 45 sn tantn 53 
ny tee Shae sonn H Su, a George 53 ; 
ss iarta Levisa 44 Melanethon Tayler 53 
ie ese Marie Ann 45 ! Rebecea f 50 
re . Minnie Blizabeth +4 Rebecea Lloyd 53 
- - - Willette : Hannah 44> ? Saran 55,54 
aoe Henry 44+ te SS oe SG 
Joseph +4 - Mary 47 
Platt B_ __ . 4 Young : George ¥ _ po: i) ae 
Saran 4 Jeannette 52 aes 
MG Fa ac a fosuer ob cade 
Elizabeth 56 : aeuges Te 

Marie 36 Jaceb 

Jamaica, Hew York, 

_. Melville, Long Island, Sew Yorx, 


ecaees of Places. - 

yee Vermont 12 
- Boston, MASB., 55 

ae. New York, 1,2, 4,8, 12,13, 48 950 

Brooks, Maine 50 
Buffalo, New York, 50 

 Gape: Hatteras, Forth Garelina 12 

Charles City Gourt House, Virginia 44 
Chatham, Colwibila County, New ‘York, 17 
Danbury, Conn., 54% 

Dawfuekie Island, South Carolina 10 
Dosoris, Long or "he York, 52 

_--« Bainburgn, Seotland 

&, 52 

Parmington, Gonn., 22 

Fiorida 12 
Geneva, New York, 50 

. Hoosick Fails, New York, 12 
Huntington, Long Island, Hew York 1,2 et, 22, 38, 49, 53 

—a 52, 53 
Janaiea, Vermont, 
Lloyd's Neck, Long fetaed, New Pate 4, 30, 53, 54 
Massachuestts 53 ‘ a6 
+ 36 

New Britain, Gonn., 50 

. New Haven, Conn., 53, 5% 

Newport, Rhode Island, 53 

_ Mew York, 2, 4, 5,-21, 49, 54 

Oyster Bay, * Long island, New York 53. 

Petersburg, Virginia 52 
Quincy, Illinois 5% 

Rochester, Hew York, 50 

Roscommon County, ireland, i13 
Saratoga, New York, 12 
Saybrook, Conmi., 50 — 

Shelter Island, New York, 53 
Springfield, Long eee Hew ia 52 
Stamford, Gonn., 50, 54% 

Trenton, New Jersey, 5% 

Waterbury, Vermont 50. 

West Hilis, Long Island, Mew York, 4, & 
Weymouth, Mass. 54% 

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