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J     V: 

This  Ytiletide  Season  givss  us  t^-  -vv 
out  the  yeas*  Injst  do  not  vary  oft&r.  t,t. 
Ryan  '     •  "  Ms  f - 

'-'J.ii  ^=.  Uijiil      Vn©       i&K'^K. 

-riS-i  t  '    -c-i/^CJ       >rr. 

■   the 

.'.---.i'     ■■--.■^>;-cso  ■■.  'ii;     »-  VA'.-      ~^^-  -'^Ca.y  i>  ,? 

re  ox  jo^j  iiapp 

■^■;  the  ¥i 

:!R  es}3re3sion,  therefci 

■33   th€ 

;.niJii.LJCj.v:os  and  the: 

^w>iIX-i-ii>^<i»'-ri^W  •', 

new  era  of  happ:In©ss  ditf.lj,-2g 
to  you  all. 

HhQ  Holiday  Season  hv: 

to  Bind  the  pleasant  S3= 


.1  a  coai= 

happiiioss  durin 

iiiUii^  iiUr^J^^ja^Xi^iUiaiX 

Li-^i.,.^^, .,-,-;  L 

We  grew  v.'.-)o  fast  these  bwsy  da^rg?  No 

lev  3  go  thrc~  .,  call 

of  tr  j^  I 

hope  .  this  lasssags 

WCl    '■■■C'Vf 

'9  good  Blahes  lor 

The  cooperation  of  every  -awployee  :■ ; 
deeply  appreci':  ,ad  at  th:Ls  He 

Season  we  want  ..^  ^...    :    ,.•.-.,,,-•,.-„ 

that  .feeling  c     Khat  v, 

look  back  at  this  titna  ■. 

tha  product  of  '    '-^    -^ 

Year*     So  on  v»:i- 

comirig  year  bring  each  of  you 

good  hec."?:'''-  ■:■'-■''    ■-•-••■-••'■"■- 


the  va 

.33ue;  yeas  1 

al  Foreman  '■^^  ^  <^ 

:lcv  J;,  iferco:^  Bill  K;?^mer  --en  exprr 

■  C     Ci.      i\ 

lia  ;;aST  urn--  adv-rtising^socv 

"   ■  ?t  of  •■ 

;XAGS  ^^'-  '-'higr,  and  lo'd; 

F  3bruar7  (date  will  hz:  announced     :  ''^E 

— -38  are  pu     — -   -  -  STAG  - -      -   ^^  •^.o  get  ov 

:?  of  bsir  publf.cation  first 

,  a  r.pagh't;tti 

,.ji^!  ,.  -here  will;,  be  :;  gre^^u     -        - -  -         -   ~  — 

■r  f  }-,e'  ,r»  th<-'  i^i^r-t'i'  p.-i  dsfinite  promises  as  to  .lust  hov;  oi 

"""     '•'    ■■  "11  be  i"        ■  "    ■ 

lot  at  gU  u 

and  he  vdii  >s 

fi     Q^  Qy  .'i:'       -J-    .1-  >  sort  oj.  a  p:" 

-yi.  .                                         -iny  monay 
after                                       h?=?  been          so,  you?     Jem  r±r:: 

2  are  cf  'a  ill                     into  t                     ' 
^"urther  '  aotioxs.  ■   ^.-j,-- 

c.  issue  cf  our  i  :  theet,  v.e  C; 

rteir  v::-^  -^       ■-'-  :^f  one  of  •^^'■= 

Sii\Pl  rtr/-  a  lav 

oion  for  fieliverif  1,0  the  miiitar'y  j^ 

ou  v/iLl  find  thi^  r,r^v.t  c-  ■u:^'*".alO'=  for 
3  ^ii3t  the  f:l 

Kl{\ii     a;IPLOXEES 

LONG-    A 



Here  it  xs  ......   ^,-_.^i>„     .-i  ,.,i.ijer  published  by 

Ryan  PIjRploy'-es,  for  Hy<-in  Smplo/eiiSc     Pi-cir. 
time  to  tims  there  vdll  ba  many,  miny  things 
f=f  p€5rsonal  intei-esic  ■•io  all  of  us,     We  are 
oijic  to  feature  .'ict laities  of  all  kinds, 
ances,  various  pai'ties,  and  general  at.hlstic 
.ctivitiea » 

In  the  paper^  as  the  weeks  "^,0  by,  you  will 
Ind  infceresting  pei'sonal  ;'  ntis  with 

3cple  in  v.'hOiX.  v.e  all  ore  :,.,ic..:i -atedj  a 
istory  of  the  Ryun  .veronautical.  CompoDy — 
•hixt  it  has  done,   and  vvhat  it  is  going  to  do, 
A'lere  will  be  an  Old  Tiiaers  Column  where  you 
,111  read  about  thiar^s  i-hit  happened  in 
aviation  before  rnoat  2  able  to 

"ealize  v.hat  the  'r.or.i   ;.  -.;  -ij    "etaily  rriSiXit, 

-•^11  in  all,   ieLloA'o,  ti;2  :;aper  v;iJ2  be  a 
;3nerid.  neans  of  iriforrcation,  of  things  that 
']   -^"  us  v-.ill  be  anxious  to  -;-■■■■     '^om  tiisj  to 
V.hat?     Nothing  for  the  Ohi     By 

ail  aeans^     We  A'iil  featiu'w  the  Ryanette 

Colunn  varltten  by  iir- 
Ycangblood  of  Peisor 

Sports?  You  betl 
place  £,t  Ryan  vlil  t' 
by  one  ox"  the  PJ.ul  R 

'-or  than 


!s>rery  sport  tha,t  takes 
-—•2d  lik.e  a  blanket 
'.3  v;ho  will  attend 

all  of  the  contests  so  thnt  a  word  pictnrs  of 

each  event  vdll  be  y ~  '  "   '''oH.lowing  issue, 

-  o- . 


In  connect. ;,on  vd^^h  exp?' 
the  't'Oinp^r  ■^■:    thart;  v.-;i';    br 

nd.?/'^... /-. .  .■.■..^  ... 

bcidy  to  take  cai-e  of  all  a 

vw.ll  be  cor 

employee  o.c .. .  „  ./^  ^, 

that  h;vve  been  brought  to 

-:  Vj  mair3.y  of 

111  require  r.. 
c  into  sub-cor.' 


The  athJ-otic  coaroit 
of  3lubs ,   siich  as  the  i- 
Kim  GhlF  GLUE,   and  -- 
varlcu-s  sports  that 
F  ;;G  as  a  v;h 

•^n  you  r, 


.    ;  ■         '^X   J.     '.w  tj  .11  . 

clubs  can  V 

YOUa  Gl' 

13  NiDESis/Jli 

V'.hat  are  we  ;;oir 
''he  question  at  Ir"-- 
uver  it  and  v<a].k 
heir  trouble? 

There  will  be  a  ■'•'"^•^ 
o.e  Ryan  employeo  su 
ur  new  Ryan  papi€;r„ 


Hep  £5  b 

fter  appear  on  the 

a  will  tnera- 
L:.,ere  ■■^''''   "'•-'■'  -- 
orfjrdttee  of  enplcyr;  by  the 

"tsrent  tc  oont^estj 

:,  decision  .  .-ad. 

i-jet's  ajJ.  c:h;'.p  in  our  opiiiic  .iiaybe 

uid  up  v.ith  the   yS  bill^     In  the  event-  the 
-,,,.0  -,v,^c-^...,   -5  sugge^  •'^-'  ■•7  more  than  one 
.rst-  or  ;  tKie  '..-inner, 

Gontei;;    o-- 
;f  January-.  B.'  >:-s..iA..— :. 

.'  apartnent  „ 

to  c 

?^  v.mi  rr 


"s  have  be^sn 
ho  loc 




'  ,_,   -.ux  cut  in  tne 

/  :  then  as  the  el 

jo.nrnercial  Lea; pie,  v.i'iii 
^ets  under  v.ay  la  the 
id  from  the  way  ths 
1 ;  there  is  :^ood 
...     .iYATI  vill  cone  out  on 
olaj/ers  are  in  perfect  shape! 
ison  nnd  they  a.Ll  seen 
;irit  vrhicis  is  aLl 
■■  firtit  .-^:\e  of  the 
..ronj?;  Rltz  Theater 
-her;,  horse  with  .i  33  '^■'-■ 
:'s  effort.      In  the 
.   tho  fast  ::;ovln-  .3cn 
A.  V  tc  the  shci.ers  be.atfin 
.iftor  they  took  the  floor 
.  Erisi::n  Te.xn  fror.  rJorth 
.'3  h;:Tdly  a  -..ord  spov? 
"or  the-  score  v-as  ?f: 
:oin:  av.ay  smilin;:, 
a  drav;s  near,  the  teaostars 
«  r&t.iior  h;ird  time  keeplti^ 
lich  nuikes  the   team 
w^^: ,     i'he  be(i3inncrs  are 
nrc!riiie«     fCEli?  IT  UP  1,^1^1 

'..ith  several  t  ^v.,.  ..-,>-' — , 
spots  in  the  raca  for  the  "Pot  t 
bo   '  .'9  rol.l  strike; 

Ja-iu...:  ,    , :'.  7  y,  i.p,     Tl^ 

usuai  /  >h  a.n.d  CedaJ  s,,     Bh 

The>g  coverio,:  the  las* 
.[  "---^  ■  r-  -.jiij.  be  putlished  : 
se:it:ic  IJR  Pal  m  next  is5U( 



uie   ..^-s.    ;;iT.onth3y  riYA!;  '1   "' 
tc^irney  r.-'^t^  vnder  wr.v  the-  ;:eccr 
?(.'?r-i:a  be   annoum 

ne.<;t  issu',-  ci    T,nj  :,.ydl-~so  th:it   tr.e:-': 
>0  "oe  no  r"c:!3(;   lor  net  havin.'  a  li.v y:  uu 
•■onthl;>  evert, 


;t  it  .'T'T/i     ,<t  p-- 

■..e  a.rc  an 


30    t, 

it  the  S;.:ort 
:ne  vdll  have 

en  joy „     E"/cryone  v.j-o  is  .interoiit 

0   jport  club  shoulc  t\irx:  in  his 

peraonnsl  office     '      ' ' 

choice  0   L.ot' :.  h  . 

activity  o.-.n  start  :.-.;.,, 

"..ill  be  forned   ^ 

enou,.;h  jk  jple  tc  ^ 

open  to  o\-ev'j  erspicyee  jiO"-corie 

fcr  :i  ,-;reit  oPO-""  f  ' 



■e  force  in  S. 
diuii't  take  the  C 
"fc^      to  find  it  o\.^   .  .  - 

•  thej  do  without  R, 

th?  "vni-"^   tfT""e!,-: ->^-;;  ^'A'^'^y  K^. 
(Note:   ^  Lest  J 


>porti.w,lty  t-o  wj.>?h  all 

"h,-'    ;,'7r:-l:^     'vjfff     pv-wn?!   Vvii>(t;r 

•■f^TY  Yrj'"if^T!T,;'r..n 



:velp  during  the  past  y-   k 


11,  t.h--t's  IK!, 

•  ALT?.:,  l:.  ;k;. 

Deoartment  bo  s  of 

'Ttvould  bo  fine  if  v;e  could  all  ca 
^  irit  ever  thr- 

•-  c  '}ye*s   a  lit: ^.  ,  

-  bri,:hter.  thou.-hts  a  lit 
-viiOly  ale  it  this  t3 

of  this  past  .  ?t'!nd 



C-CiJl..  . 

IT   ?    '.  Ft-;.-.  DAYS  PA5' 

FOtt    lui;.    ;j,i..,.n,.j     11. - 

S    p    I    f^     r    T.  i-  "     T     c;    V    li    ^^    3 

j_i  v;  ^y.i.i..  ould  last 

Throvighcut  tsi  o  yoar, 

VJhat  a  gloriovxs  world  i:  .._1 

In  this  \\&:ijyj  ci :—''-'■■  -a-i 
With  ev;  arming  hov>  they  c;ould  help 

To  lighten  anoth      ad^ 
Unselfishly  giving  tl-  '=- —  "'-—"   ■'-•■ 

No  matter  how  at.      road.. 

If  only  ^" "-'        "-■ ''-'   ■'-■' 

:        ant  the  days  v<ould  i;eem 
With  friction  ar-J         <"?.9t  aside,, 

f  ■  ^ 
But  str=:  -..ree.  i 

Edit  3r 

Kytiii  FLViiib  -^-  tiLi-^uRTEl^ 

VOL.1    no.  2 

i  i  L''  U  V. 

r  \  i~r 




Sure„  that  ie  what  the  digging  is  all 
about?.  And  the  best  part  of  it  is  that  the 
entire  Ryan  factory  expansion  program  is  to 
be  ready  for  use  on  or  about  March  yth 

The  main  factory  extension  to  be  started 
3ucn  will  be  200  by  325  feet,  with  the  main 
portion  of  this  building  being  taken  up  by  the 
Assembly  sind  Airplane  Experimental  Departments. 
The  new  factory  office  building  now  under  way 
will  be  50  by  I50  feet  and  will  have  a  balcony 
v/here  the  Planning  Department  and  Material 
Control  will  be  housed. 

The  Paint  Shop  will  be  graced  with  an  addi" 
tionel  structure  of  60  by  200  feet  which  will 
be  known  as  the  Dope  and  Cover  Shop^  Last  but 
not  least  there  will  be  a  service  building  50 
by  175  feet. 

The  fectory  office  will  be  directly  cGn= 
nected  to  the  factory,  the  only  separation 
being  a  soundproof  wall  that  will  be  appreci- 
ated by  all  those  in  that  office 

WALTER  0.  LOCKE,  Service  Manager,  tells  us 
that  he  is  sure  that  the  entire  program  will 
be  in  full  use  not  later  than  May  lato  GROW 


It  has  come  to  our  attention  that  some  of 
the  night  shift  men  think  that  all  of  the 
recreational  and  social  activity  that  they 
have  been  reading  about  is  exclusively  ar^ 
ranged  for  the  day  shift  men   SUCH  IS  ABSO^ 
LUTELY  NOT  THE  CASEo  There  will  be  ssparate 
teams  and  clubs  in  all  oases  for  the  night  and 
day  shift  men.  Competition  will  be  Just  a« 
heated  and  there  will  be  just  as  much  equipment 
for  the  night  shift  as  there  is  for  the  day 


See  Page  8  for  the  name  of  the  winner  of 
the  Employees  Newspaper  Name  Contest o 


t  y 


Final  flight  and  acceptance  teats  of 
now  being  carried  on  under  the  direction  of 
Captain  V/m,  M.  Morgan^  chief  of  the  training 
plane  branch  of  the  Production  Engineering 
Section;,  V/right  Fields  Dayton,  OhiOj  and  his 

The  new  Ryan  open  cockpit  trainer  for  1941 
bears  the  well ''known  "ST"  designation  and  in 
general  has  the  faaiiliar  Ryan  appearance;,  but 
otherwise  is  an  entirely  new  tiirplane . 

The  new  Ryan  ST-»3  was  developed  by  our  En- 
gineering Department  under  the  guidance  of 
Chief  Engineer  MIIiARD  BOYD  with  "MAC"  CAT- 
TRELL  as  the  project  engineer   It  was  built 
in  the  Experimental  Department j,  which  i« 
headed  by  t-.ddIE  OBERBAUKR. 

The  test  flying  of  the  ST-3  was  carried  out 
by  our  own  JOE  RUST,  test  pilot.  Advisory 
test  work  \ms  also  done  by  PAUL  '.VILC0X„  Chief 
Pilot „  and  BOB  KERLINGER^  commercial  division 
chief  instructor,  and  by  the  Ryan  instructors 
on  Army  training  programs  at  San  Diego  and 
Heme  t . 

The  new  Ryan  ST=3  is  the  prototype  of  a 
large  number  of  new  training  planes  being  pro^ 
duced  for  the  U,S.  Army,  for  use  by  the  Air 
Corps  and  the  US.  Navy  in  their  pilot  train- 
ing  programs.  Many  important  changes  have 
been  incorporated  in  the  new  ST-3  model „  prin- 
cipal of  which  is  the  installation  of  the 
Kinner  radial  power  plant.  The  fuselage  is 
now  wider  and  longer ^  assuring  roomy  cockpits 
for  student  and  instructor. 

Since  our  last  issue  many  distinguished 
Army  officials  have  visited  the  Ryan  factory 
for  the  purpose  of  previewing  the  new  ST-3 
Among  them  were  Brig.  Gen„  Davenport  Johnson,, 
Assistant  Chief  of  the  Air  Corps;  in  charge 
of  training,  and  Brig,  Gen.  Henry  H.  Harms, 
Commanding  Officer  of  the  West  Coast  Train= 
ing  Center,  Moffett  Field„  California.  Brig.^ 
Gen,  Gerald  C.  Brant ^  Commanding  Officer  of 
the  Gulf  Co&at  Training  Center,  Randolph  Field 
TexaSj  also  dropped  in  to  have  a  look  at  Ryan^s 
new  development  to  aid  Uncle  Sam's  defense 
program.  He  was  accompanied  by  Capto  Carl 
Storrie  and  Capt,  W,  J..  Clinch. 

IT  S   A  FK\V  DAYS  PAS'  '  IS  ii' 

FOR  l.v.,  >.,.......  THE  N:.. 

S  ?  I  R  I  "■'         '  ^  A  S 

If  or''-"  ^y.uj..  ^.u..-..;    ..-./.-. v,i  last 

VJhat  rows  v,  .._1 

With  ev(?  plann.  ould  help 

,  .„  t....^.-, 

Unselfishly  gi"  J  liii  . 

Mo  matter  ho»f  sti  road,. 

If  only  ^"-    -Irlc  o.  - -uld  lai't 

■  r3nt  the  days  v<ouldl  t.eem. 

V/ith  friction  and  ;'(«?  lottrry  ce^t  afidei,. 

Bxit  strc:  ;  re«i  i 

packed  a^^-ay,; 
'.i;ne  spirit;  cr  uni*is:r  ::aii. 

ose  t};  -  liait  )r 

Kv'Cin  FLV 

@-  .-^F PORTER 

VOL.1    no.  2 



Sure„  that  is  what  the  digging  is  all 
ahout?.  And  the  best  part  of  it  is  that  the 
entire  Ryan  factory  expansion  program  is  to    j 
be  ready  for  use  on  or  about  March  7th        I 

The  main  factory  extension  to  be  started    I 
3ucn  will  be  200  by  325  feet,  with  the  main   i 
portion  of  this  building  being  taken  up  by  the  ' 
Assembly  and  Airplane  Fjcperimental  Departments^ 
The  new  factory  office  building  now  under  way 
vdll  be  50  by  150  feet  and  will  have  a  balcony 
where  the  Planning  Department  and  Material 
Control  will  be  housed. 

The  Paint  Shop  will  be  graced  with  an  addl" 
tionel  structure  of  60  by  200  feet  which  will 
be  known  as  the  Dope  and  Cover  Shop.  Last  but 
not  least  there  will  be  a  service  building  50 
by  175  feet, 

The  fectory  office  will  be  directly  con= 
nected  to  the  factory^  the  only  separation 
being  a  soundproof  wall  that  will  be  appreci- 
ated by  all  those  in  that  office 

WALTER  0,  LOCKE,  Service  Manager,  tells  ua 
that  he  is  sure  that  the  entire  program  will 
be  in  full  use  not  later  than  May  Ist,,  (HlOW 



It  has  come  to  our  attention  that  some  of 
the  night  shift  men  think  that  all  of  the 
recreational  and  social  activity  that  they 
have  been  reading  about  is  excluai'5'ely  ar> 
ranged  for  the  day  shift  men   SUCH  IS  ABSO= 
LUTELY  NOT  THE  CASE.  There  will  be  ssparate 
teams  and  clubs  in  all  oases  for  the  night  and 
day  shift  men.  Competition  will  be  just  a« 
heated  and  there  will  be  just  as  much  equipment 
for  the  night  shift  as  there  is  for  the  day 

coNTi?T  Winner 

See  Page  8  for  the  name  of  the  winner  of 
the  Employees  Newspaper  Name  Contest „ 



t  T 


Final  flight  and  acceptance  teats  of 
now  being  carried  on  under  the  direction  of 
Captain  V/m.  k  Morgan,-  chief  of  the  training 
plane  branch  of  the  Production  Engineering 
Section  j.  V/right  Field„  Dayton,  OhiOj,  and  his 

The  new  Ryan  open  cockpit  trainer  for  19A1 
bears  the  well-known  "ST"  designation  and  In 
general  has  the  familiar  Ryan  appearance ^  but 
otherwise  is  an  entirely  new  airplane,, 

The  new  Ryan  ST'=3  was  developed  by  our  En- 
gineering Department  under  the  guidance  of 
Chief  Engineer  MIIJLARD  BOYD  with  "UhC   CAT= 
TRELL  as  the  project  engineer   It  was  built 
in  the  Experimental  Department;,  which  is 
headed  by  nDDIE  OBERBAUFH. 

The  test  flying  of  the  ST=3  was  carried  out 
by  our  own  JOE  RUST^  teat  pilot.  Advisory 
test  work  ^ms  also  done  by  PAUL  \VILCOX„  Chief 
Pilot,  and  BOB  KERLINGER„  commercial  division 
chief  instructor „  and  by  the  Ryan  instructors 
on  Army  training  programs  at  San  Diego  and 
Heme  t . 

The  new  Ryan  ST=3  is  the  prototype  of  a 
large  number  of  new  training  planes  being  pro- 
duced for  the  U,S„  Army,  for  use  by  the  Air 
Corps  and  the  US.  Navy  in  their  pilot  train- 
ing programs.  Many  important  changes  have 
been  incorporated  in  the  new  ST=3  model,,  prin= 
cipal  of  which  is  the  installation  of  the 
Kinner  radial  power  plant.  The  fuselage  is 
now  wider  and  longer^  assuring  roomy  cockpits 
for  student  and  instructor. 

Since  our  last  issue  many  distinguished 
Army  officials  have  visited  the  Ryan  factory 
for  the  purpose  of  previewing  the  new  ST-3 
Among  them  were  Brig.  Gen.  Davenport  Johnson,, 
Assistant  Chief  of  the  Air  Corps;  in  charge 
of  training,,  and  Brig.  Gen.  Henry  H,  Harms,, 
Commanding  Officer  of  the  West  Coast  Traln= 
ing  Center,,  Moffett  Field„  California.  Brig. 
Gen.  Gerald  C,  Brant ^  Commanding  Officer  of 
the  Gulf  Coaat  Training  Center „  Randolph  Field 
Texas,  also  dropped  in  to  have  a  look  at  Ryan^ 
new  development  to  aid  Uncle  Sam's  defense 
progi'am.  He  was  accompanied  by  Capt.  Carl 
Storrie  and  Capt,  '.V.  J..  Clincho 

Published  by  EmployecB  of  the 
through  their  W: if are  Department 

Editor : 
Art  'Tditor; 
to  this  is9ue: 

Larry  Gibaon 

Lee  Tlsterdfthl 

U.  Marco;  Bill  Wagner 

Eddie  Molloy 
Al  Gee 

Eugene  V/oods 
L,  Peterson 

Departmental  Contributors ; 

Office  Prattle 
Drop- Hammer 
Tool  Design 

Betty  Frank 
Chuck  Knauer 
Ace  Beishline 
"Chief"  Holden 
George  Dew 

Joel  Stein 

GREAT  DS/Uj,.      come.  ON'?!'!      LETT'S  HAVE  YOUR 

mummud _ 





;'he  man  who  sticks  has  his  lesson  learned 
Suceeas  won't  come  by  chance  -  it's  earned 
By  pounding  away„  for  good  hard  knocks 

/ill  make  stepping  stones  out  of  stumbling 

blocks f 
For  the  man  who  sticks  has  the  sense  to  see 
He  can  make  himself  what  he  wants  to  be 
If  he'll  off  with  hie  coat  and  pitch  right 

"by     the  vaiai.  who  sticks  can't  help  but  win. 



It  is  up  to  us  to  show  the  world  that 
RYAN  MT-N  live  best  by  FRIENDLY  TEAJir/raRK.c 
:}ONSTANT  FAITHo  It  is  up  to  us  to  prove 
.hat  RYAN  MEN  i  re  capable  of  understanding 
one  another;  that  men  are  human  beings^ 
THIS  IS  a-HE  JOB  ■;.'E  MUST  DO^-ALL  OF  US. 



I  felt  greatly  honored  this  morning  when 
I  your  Editor,  Larry  Gibson^  asked  me  to  write 
a  short  article  for  our  paper,.  But  when  he 
said  "I  must  have  it  tonight"  I  was  dismayed 
he  had  picked  a  day  in  which  four  important 
I  conferences  were  to  be  held.  I  think  yo-or 
lEditor  should  be  instructed  to  see  Roy  Cun- 
ningham for  instJTuctions  in  scheduling^ 
I       This  publication  is  a  grand  idea;  it  v/ill 
I  promote  good  will  and  cooperation  which  are 
(so  vital  for  the  successful  operation  of  a    j 
factory^  To  get  the  cooperation  of  our  fellc-" 
porkers  it  is  necessary  to  consider  their 
point  of  view,  their  limitations „  and  the  re 
quirements  of  their  job„  A  leadman  can  get 
jthe  cooperation  of  his  group  by  giving  his 
[men  help  and  instruction  when  they  need  it  a 
jby  supporting  then  when  the  "going  is  rough" 
i   A  foreman  who  h8.3  the  cooperation  of  his 
^en  can  lepend  upon  them^  Wien  the  "boss" 
gives  hia  a  tough  job  he  can  say  with  confi- 
jdence,  "My  boys  will  do  it" 
I   If  you  don't  get  the  cooperation  that  you 
jshould  have,  give  the  "old  man"  (your  boss)  a 
(Chance  to  talk  to  the  boys  who  may  be  out  of 
jline  o 

The  Pr-21  airplanes  are  seriously  behind 
[schedule  and  they  are  very  important  for 
ational  Defense-  A  concentrated  effort  is 
eing  made  to  get  these  airplanes  into  pro- 
jduction.  Engineering i  Planning  and  Tooling 
kre  practically  complete  for  the  first  run  so 
lit' 3  up  to  the  shop  to  make  a  supreme  effort  t< 
jsolve  the  manufacturing  problem  and  get  pro= 
jduotion  under  way. 

i   It  is  hoped  that  the  executive  force  will 
breach  a  3peedy  and  mutually  satisfactory  con 
[elusion  to  the  labor  relations  confei  encee ,    j 
iwhich  '.ill  permit  their  full  time  to  be  de- 
ivoted  to  the  operation  of  the  plant 
;   Cooperation^  careful  attention  to  details 
;and  industrious  workers  will  produce  airplane « 
;for  our  government  in  the  shortest  possible 
Itime  0 

LET'S  MAKE  A  RECORD  OF  "ffllCK  \m   CAN  ALL 




FIRST  co;>c:,  first  served! 

The  first  thirty  factory  employees  to  come 
to  the  Psrsonnel  Office  will  receive  one  of 
the  extra  copies  we  have  of  the  magazine 
"CLICK"  in  which  will  be  found  a  full-page 
color  print  of  the  RYAN  PT-20  trainer— an- 
other addition  for  YuUR  collection  of  RYAN 


::_t  "'■.he  "or;!'''.!.' 


stling  that  starts  when  a  girl 

out  to  the  factory,     Doii'  'r.   ziioisci 
.-;  a  vK'WiT^i   =-■■-    or  are   they   a.Il 

Accounting"      CHET  ?.»JIK^R'S  vsv.s.1   remari 
"If  I  wax  ,.-han8«er 

i.lts  f ■cr  the  ^'W? 

Pur<'ha3:;ng3      GRIM  aiGJ.EY"S  3^'  -^f  ad- 

:-3sing  t'-3  girla.     He  calls  t  i ca^ 

.■ndie,,   Glcry^  Yehudl,,   or  Hashabuncha.    (In^- 
.en tally.,   ask  him  how  that  last  one  cost 
5  a  coke. ) 

ilES  IN  OUR  .^^- The  time  'A'lLBUR  aRSEN 

;t  P.,Oo  14980  and  said  it  was  written  on 
;r  16  and  got  caught  in  ths  draft..  WOW?, 

:.rst  week  DICK  DEWEY  "set  up  housekeep= 
■■"  he  innocently  asked  if  it  took  ^15  a 
■k  to  buy  grocerieso     And  ma.ybe  you  don't 
nk  "the  little  woman"  talked  fast  and 
ious  before  he  agreed  to  b«y  &  car.     Or 
Id  it  have  been  the   other  \my  arourtd- ! !  T 

.N  BY  NIGHT  mn  DAY.     ^v,.    *...w.lE  awe^;' -      '^^ *- 
ing  the  recent  photographing     one 
rer  sex  d?,'iaanded  that  sh«  he. 
ee  posf;s  and  six  procfs. 

ody"  ret-antly  took  his  girl  for  an  a: 
,ne  ride  and  in  his  excite^pv.i  forgot 
■ply  h<ir  vvlth  a  parachute 
uble  nettessitated  hiJi  bai.lin^  out 
:   lady  fair  behind^     I3ut  she  waa  a 
'    and  floated  dovn,     With  that  I  be- 
lt quits o 

by  Chuisk  K 



-p=Haaaaer  foreman  takes  new  "Boas"?-     Veii 
.;  ,   HAKLSr/  N.  RUBISH  arid  MARGARET   nNTTT!  = 
.i.ST  ftre  now  Mr.:    enA  Mrs.,     They  filip" 
•j.y  last  Saturday  roilowed  the 

.-08S  ths  sand  dun;.'?  c    the  Hiati'5-aiom.c.- 
:^  U^    jf   th«  United  States  --  Yiiffla,    Arizcsa-, 
.  ations  „  ■  HARLEY ,   old  bt  'e 


•:  sparT.i: 

[l  am   the  ve; 
^cyti   BOY  AJA 

.-V  .,xenti3t.3  m:^.. 

E..    EIRDSALL,   A. 
foreign  pcwera  are  dlaiic.*  iag  fc 

"THE  DEGRAVrnZKR",  which  he  ci 

save  on  fuel  and  make  hig.Vier  speed,:; 
by  dling  av/ay  with  the  effect  o 
plane 8,     V/e  are  sure  that   test 
RUST  would  be  gltsd  to  take  alori:_ 
ir  '  take   the  place  o.f  iiia   !. 

chu .-  V . . 

Yfe  believe  that  JOHN  BIRDS  ALL  has  s 
collaborating  with  "Buc.V  Roger;' 
Gordon"  ,  and  is   even  thinking  i^ 
his  fconfidence  none  other   than 

by  Georfc 

''■l'"m  xn  the  Ai'uiy  now"  is  thv. 
being  sung  by  JOK^  McCARTHX' 

The  Inspection  Dopartaient  is  tteppi 
ir.  the  way'  of  athletics.     V/e  hereby   a- 
that  th«!  Inspection   n^-np rtment  1=.  '■»^" 
most  superior  dapci  insofr. 

GOIJ\,  G,   and 

If  ^■''  a  depa.v  ,..  ■     ■ 

HO  ■•   it  ha.s  but  one  tb    : 

aei  the   tifc>-  tattle- gn 

v,v..,r  5  of  the  ;,,■.„.........,,  :.»  in  the   ... 

.thout  a  single  axcepticn  the  enti 
Insp&ction  Departraent  ht\s  had  the  '  '' 

S '^'    th<2    jcfiw"  -' i     -1'.*    .-■".■-     i:»,"  T  >•  :T    sroiirij 

asich  othe 

RAY  vVHAi,.SH  of  Iniapeotic.ii  v,xul6. 
know  il*  t^— ■'-   ^^e  r..'u  ^npaiherc   of   '■ 
SisjKia  Chi 

''hivy  pi  ease  ge .:  xn   ^ou. 
cl.(op-h£aainers  on  the  day 
■.,749,,   or  call  at  his  home,   413  Ardr ; 

.'hone  rj.n;t 

?rs  who  ct 

.l..-:C      Xil      '.nC      J"'...L{i  . 

Car-'t  help  hvf 

fnel  proud  Oi 

comes  from  c 

lii^a  tnt 

?  first  half 

nir>JGAN„  : 

and  VaVROC.^ 

Lax  i(ff" 

:;    opeji  Ic; 


'■■ive    for  B 

■  on   ■ 

fHFVrCi'C/'l  QA 


Number  of  Factory  Employees  (by  hmidredg) 

January  1940  g  g  ;?  H  4 

Jam«-yl9U    UiUli 
Square  feet  of  P'oductioa  Area 

January  194 j  ,  80,C.0U 

January  I94I  i60„000 

0    p    CJ    9    g    Q 

iS  fi  S  n  n  iS 


Cadeta  being  trained  by  Ryan  Schoc 
January  I940  ..  63 

January  19^^!  2^3 

t;  about  i'3.rch  the  senaatiowilly  pej  - 
Jig  Ryan  YC°51  "Dragonfly"  observatiorx 
^.-1   juade  i/^8  bow„  startling  all  who  eaw  it 
s  steep  take-off 3^  slow  flying  and 
.1  J  finding  qualities. 

i.n   November  we  set  soxae  kind  of  e 
:i*d  by  test  flying  two  new- type  traiiiets 
'"gle  day:  One  was  ths  Ryan  STM-S2 

now  in  quantity  production  for  e 
I,   j-eign  government;  the  other  was 
•.,i*a:.ner„  the  ST-3j  the  prototyp^j  cf 
3ii}.itary  trainors  on  order  for  the 
Ty  Air  Corps  to  be  used  in  their 
raining  program, 


^atter  half  of  the  year  brought  mexy 

-■-,.,.,  --;:r-3or.alitiea  to  our  staf/, 
J  othei's  such  men  aa  Sc.die 

manager^  and  Q, 

Bar  .-.on,, 


iitendent,  not  to  mentian  cigar- 
^t  test  pilot o 

Seifert,,  ther  Ryen"8  'Vash- 
-opresiiixa'cive,,  was  awarded  the  Dis- 
;;ci  Flying  Cross  for  his  pert  in  the 
mid=air  refueling  flight  in  1923-  Bit 
had  gone  on  duty  af  Major 
;  office  of  Hober  -  "attersori 
jsisterit  Secretary  of  "fer„ 

Gae  naHi.e  which  seems  dsstin;!  to  appear 
)on  our  calendar  at  least  one  .  each  year  i& 
i&t  of  Anesio  Amaral,  the  Brsiilian  owier 
::iy&n  ST,.  For  the  fourth  time  thJs  yoar 
id  his  Ryan  captured  the  cave  ted  firs". 
:  in  Bragil'''3  most  important  sportsaaaji 
-.3"  raoe=  Also  for  the  past  two  yearif  a 

3C  flown  by 

id  among  the 

da  Rocha  Miranda  hi.s 


1940  has  seen  a  tremendous  growth  in  our 
school  across  the  field   In  December  of 
1939  the  school  v/aa  training  35  Air  Corps 
Flying  Cadets  for  the  U.  S  Army  every  6 
weekH,,  At  the  close  of  I94O,,  however,.  243 
flyinij  cadets  were  being  trained  by  the  cem= 
binecl  facilities  of  the  San  Diego  and  Hemet 
schools  every  ten  weeitS:.   (This  has  received 
another  boost  since  the  firtt  of  the  year 
and  stands  today  at  a  scheduled  average  of 
335  cadets  in  training- 

Tlie  new  Air  Corps  Training  I'ase  ar  Heme 
was  constructed  from  start  to  f.'jiish  in  th 
courBC  of  only  3'  days,  Tlie  scioal  was 
dedicated  on  Armistica  Day  and  Isiia  than  a 
month  thereafter  »  onstruotion  and  ".ther  ex 
pansi.on  of  facilities  was  begun  to  ,  .ccommc 
date  the  increased  cadet  assignment  which 
c&ite  into  effect  the  first  0?  this  ysar  .  The 
oommercial  division  of  the  Ryan  School  at 
•San  Diego  inaugurated  a  short- term  . 
iietal  fllveting  course  to  prepare  men  for 
airplane  factory  employment,  and  at  all  timer 
the  school  has  had  more  requests  irom  emplcy 
iient  managers  for  its  flv^ht^  mechinios  and 
engineering  graduates  tba*'.  it  has  1  een  able 
ho 'fill,. 

mCNTS  IN  1940  ....   AIJD  IT  LCTtf^  AS  ■\ HOUGH 
3  941 

T.'ie  entire  parsomiel  of  the  Kyiua  o^guiizaticn 
wi.ih  to  exten'i  their  sin<;i?-*fc  syrip?  thj  to  Fred 
Novrxe  and  ni.i  i'amil-y  a:  ;;il:3  -.1  .:■  c  ~  their 
groat  sorrow 



By  Al  Gee 



Mc.  Field 





G.   HubbelX 





J.    Quinlaii 





I.  Ferrett 





iAi  i 



■.?o  Lav<Tsnce 





L     Shaffer 





H.  Von  .^ordiieim 





C-    Woiik«8 




J  . 

ij     Benn  J  t^^ 




■;t^1'XNGS„  FELI.0\VSI  We  hope  you  will  j.iko 

%'ith  ■.JSc  (3iir  whole  prograsi  of  work 
I  r't-oreatioji  hsr'a  at  R.y&r.  '     ed   on 
:u&i  COOPmiVT.'CG'^.  V/e  wiil    „  .ur  best  in 
ing  all  we  o&n  to  make  yourr  workis?.g  day  at 
■■31  &   very  pleasarst  one^   Oui-  motto  i£i  ''KEHP 
m'3   A  GOOD  FLAJJ5  TO  IVORK"  so  ls:t«3  fi^:r.rt 
i;ht  in  and  do  just  thetl 

The  following  is  from  the  statement  itisued 
fcy  the  four  jEsmbera  of  the  ncvrly-creatod 
Office  of  Production  Manageiaent — -V/illiflsi 
S,  Knudsen,  director  ganeral;  Sidney  HlD-iaan, 
~330ciate  d:!j*3ct'5r  r^sn??ral„  ^nd  Secretaries 
JBSOii  and  Kao. 

"VJe  shs.ll  :iave  ne^ia  ox  xne  «GXiV5„  ;,iij;;res= 
e  and  enthusiastic  oooperation  of  every 

7om8.n  and  child  in  the  United  States  if 
cire  to  males  this  arsenal  in  Amsrica  ada- 
.i.te   to  the  succffiBslul  defenae  of  democracy 
d  freedoa„  This  oeji  only  meeji  th8,t  in  the 
itediate  future-  everythj-ng  in  our  ne.' 
■:q   aust  be  subordiriated  to  the  necci 
•  defense..  Desocracy  is  fighting  for  ics 
•y  life  in  it»  struggle  to  retain  the  prin= 
jilGB  of  a  fre«':  e«Oiioia/.c  system. 

"Ju8t  as  it  i&  intolerable  for  capital  to 
ok  a  seififih  ac.vantags  by  reE.3on  of  the 
isent  emergency.,  so  mist  labor  avoid  snT 
'^eiEpt  to  moke  improper  usa  of  its  p 
the  present  i;c -.rid- wide  ejaergency.  .s-i'  iii-..a 
■  -itBriBn  v.f   the  vvorld  are  vie- 

.10  all  of  the  hard-won  rights  of  labor 
Ll  be  destroyed  and  both  c.  apiteJ.  and  1 
'  'secoos  the  -■■■"•' 'r.tary  vassals  of  t-.:.,   : 
ful  state,      ■■'■   has  a  creat  deal  at 
in  this  cr'^sie  Li<   hiia  oapitc-      both 
■■  :■  hamcr'  '  -■-  ■'       -tted 
its  cc: 
■  itt  the  world  ■* 

In  ordnT   that  all  em:      nay  have  a 
better  understanding  of  wj   ,rjaj?.t  Police  ~ 
cartmsnt,,  I  would  like  to  discuss  with  y 
«c-ae  of  our  probleiM  .  This  departaent  i, 
coiaposed  of  aen  who  have  met  rigid  r.- 
meats  including  five  veara  of  law  eni 
ment  experience,  excellent  physical  cond. 
and  an  investigation  of  character   '  " 
'>ur  men  must  be  undc;r  45  years  of 
liave  a  full  knowledge  of  law  e: 
All  of  our  men  have  been  att 
School  in  recent  months  rece  ivi  ,.  ^ 
struction  in  safety  itnet-Jiode  and  the  protr. 
tion  of  aircraft  factories ,  &b   weD,  as 
studiea  designed  tc  assure  t^ie  welfare  or- 
men  working  in  the  plants  In  brief ^  the 
Polieesaan's  one  line  of  duty  is  PROTEC'TIOii . 
Tid-B   PROTECTION  extendi  not"  only  to  the  com 
paj!iy  and  its  property  but  to  the  live 
the  wd'kmen  and  their  property  while  cu   au:. 

One  of  ourgr-eategt  problems,  on  v;hicfc 
unfortujaately,  we  have  had  the  least  coo- 
tioa.j  is  the  jcatter  of  wearins  badges  ^  biii; 
this  ia  nov/  improving  aa  the  men  recently 
3eea  to  have  taken  -a  greater  interest  in'lh. 
necessity  for  this  aeasure.  Keep  your  be 
-r..   plain  sight  at  ail  times,-,  and  pleese  r 
our  thanks  for  the  greater  ccoperatic. 
cently  shovm,, 

Aiiother  ciiatter  v/hich  concerns  ue  ia  that 
of  obeying  the  rule=)  outlined  in  the  "Rule 
Book«*'„  a  copy  of  which,  each  employee  is  ex= 
pected  to  have,  Rsmenbea'i,  v;«  of  the  Plant 
Police  have  to  live  up  to  these  same  inilea 
ourselves  J  as  v/ell  *3  tc  enforce  them   "'' 
you  do  not  have  a  copy  of  the  Rule  Eoc 
r.hla   cfficce 

You  will  be  intsrsated  to  knov/  that  we 
keep  a  complete  auto  license  file  of  work= 
Ken's  cars  in  order  that  a  real  service  may 
be  rendered  plaiit  einployesa:.  For  iastiaice. 
if  v/e  find  a  locked  car  with  the  lights  or 
radio  left  ca.)  we  are  tbcn  able  to  cor 
"■■^'=?  man  so  that  he  vfXlX  not   have  the  i,.,.. 
.ence  of  a  dead  b.-j-ttery  when  goi,ng  off 
i.aift..  We  will  shortly  supply  a  new  j  ■ 
ioTm   on  which  to  litr',  iriforiaatlon  for 
j-ic-msea  aiid  it  v/il'.,  be  to  your  advant 
•.it  they  are  fr'-lXed  out  oorrec ' 

In  the  Police-  Department  are  det 
T  out  a  job  that  v;lil  p.a.3S  inspe 
-"■''  ioin  tr,;   '  •■•■  in  accoaplis: 
tip*        ^ional  Defens 
and  last  but 
-xi  jcxn  za   -ui  iji-  HYftN*S  A  GOOv  i ,. 





if    i 


Ts8  air.tri     28  to  25  was  th^j  score  \vh«R 
.8  tesjaa  left  the    floor.     The  RYAN  TEAM 
rned  on  the  heai;  to  tat'ce  a  well  played 
me  froa  th«  Solar  taai,  at  th'J  San  Diego 
gh  Gym  last  weeko   ".Big  Tiiie"  HTRROK  took, 
e  rionors  o?  being  c  irried  of:f  the  floor  wiSi 
badly  apr&ined  ankle  „    "Wj.Id  Jian"  NE  POTE 
so  left  the  game  with  .fouj.'  personal  foula 
ainst  him  and  the  last  one  was  really 
RSON/lL!??!     "Moos.2"  SIKATOM    burned  in  a 
ry  fine  gsiBS  aj^d  was  3xceptionally  bril= 
smt  on  defense  work, 

Cs,p%BwtQ  DOUG  BASS  ORE  xvae  slow  getting 
arted  but  finally  found  the  range  and 
ally  put  RTAi!  i:a  tha  win  uol^imn.     "Sloppy" 
r  BASSO  turned  in  his  U3uj.lly  fine  perioua- 
ce  in  that  good  old  steady  nanner,      "Ozie 
ot"  FERRIS  really  shoisred  his  stuff  with 
^ae  great  shots  from  the  corners «      "Down 
d  Out"  CK.4SE  took  the  sucring  laad  for  the 
anlng  and  as  usuail  vpaa  the  mainstay  of  the 
an  Victory., 

In  the  fir-:  l  league   sjiooxiatcjr  the  RIAJI 
YS  dropped  s.  heart  braaker^  41  to  36 ^   tc 
e  '■■Flying  A's"  of   -tha  A3Sociated  Oil  Co^ 
1  of  the  fellows  turned  in  a  very  fine 
ne  and  all  that  were  on  hsmd  agree  that 
is  game  was  by  far  the  best  that  the  RYAN 
YS  have  turned  in  so  far,.     ED  HER?.ON  was 
gh  point  man.     As  for  SIRATON,   CHASE „   BAS-^ 
R^s   30RD0N,   BASSO,    FERRIS,,   NT-  POTE-^well, 
u  can't  say  anyth:lng  ant  that  the  BOYSj 
ch  and  every  one  of  thcia  turned  in  a  top- 
tch  perfomanoe,      "'.'.'E  -TILL  DO  OUR  BEST  W. 
''■'N  ASK,   FELLO';^S,    SO  KHSP  UP  THE  GOOD  V.'ORK? 

The   formation  of  e  RYi\H  TENUIS  CLUB  is 
ing  contoEpla-ted  if  thorc  are  enough  em- 
oyees  to  boost  ths  idea.     Anyone  and  every- 
e  is  welcome.     If  you  tlTi.t!ik  that  this  idea 
3  proaiise,    get  in  touch  wi-th  ARNOLD  WXm. 
Plant  Engineering  or  leave  ycur  naraa  at 
e  PFRSONKFL  OFFICE.     We  require  a  coinsnit- 
e  of  players  to  decide  what  courts  will  be 
.e  most  convenient  fcr  play^  what  possibility 
i,uere  is    for  a  RYAJJ  TEMI5  TEAJi  to  compete 
in  a  coBBnercial  leigusa  and  to  decide  when 
get  the  first  annual  RYivK:  TEMt3lS  TOUPJ^A-- 
NT  under  way„     Let's  hear  from  you  tenni.3 
■.na  > 


GOLj":ERS  ATTENTION?     The  opening  night  of 
thfj  RYAIJf  njI?]:,OY:^ES  G0L«'  CLI?II0  is  ,n?iar.   ^"r- 
ari-augements  ar-ii  nearing  ccaapletion  and  th-: 
i;i  e;-e3t  is  run-.-^lng  hi^h.-     The  plac?  :7in  '■ 
th;;  HOfJl'SIi'LH  GCJ^F   lEI'/TNG  FAIR  VAT  just  acr 
from  the  Ha-Tal  Traialiv?  Station,     The   faci' 
tiit  et  this  driving  f. airway  are  th»  best 
thf  .t  can  be  found  and  the  laanageiasnt  is  by 
fa!'  the  moat  coo.peratir4  for   the  typs  of 
clinic  that  KYAivl'  GOLFERS  TAI-IT., 

r.c'.ch  v;eek  thore  wil?^  be  a  short  talk  on 
hov  i.hcts  of  ai;.  kinds  are  made,   how  and 
when  th&y  oaji  bt  saoot  {effectively  usedj  anc 
when  and  whera  not  to  loake  thea.     Frow 
t3Ji.e  to  tiae,,   thsre  v/ill  be  visiting  •"Pro-.? 
drt>p  in  and  give  their  ideas  as  to  just  hov, 
best  tc  send  th«  "whitft  pill"  en  its  r/;e>-ry 
v;aj.      'ill  YJtim  Y;)U''LL  LTCKE  ITo     COMJi;  OI«,-E- 
COiiE  AL.uo     Fira-;  aaeting  to  be  held  luesaay 
J&r.u.'.-t'y  2is«t  at  .■sonteau-a-  Fairv,ay  at  y^OO  Pi: 


Ti-.e  RYAN  EC-'JIJNCt  LlChGUE  .h?s  beers   sano- 
ticmid  'jy  the  A^BoCo,   the  National  orgex'Jzu 
ticii  'shlch  r.oTJtrols  bov;ling  throughout  tbs 
covncry.     For  this  reayon  it  has  been  de- 
cided that  the  kYAN  LEiiGUE  udll  adnere  tc 
the  rultjs  as  set  forth  by  the  AMFJIICAK  BOT.. 
ING  CONGRESS.     A  complete  rule  book  wilA    oe 
found  at  the  recreation  alleys  so  that  &.va 
dispute  cen  be  settled  without  question 

ihere  vd.ll  be  a  moxithly  meeting  of  the 
boiling  teani  tj.aptains  to  discuss  anytriiiis: 
th.f t  seoms  to  be  interfering  %vith  the  pre 
gress  of  the  le£.gueo 

Entry  blanks  for  the  Fourth  Annual  San 
Diegc  City  Bcsrling  Assooiatioa  TouniaUitnt 
can.  te  h&d  by  ctdiing  £.t  the  Personnel  Of- 
fice ^     RYAIJ  should  be  ^isl'i.  represented  in    ■ 
tov.rney  aa  there  are  a  great  number  of 
bowif-rs  capable  of  "br5.nging  home  the  bar 
for   'TEiR  OLD  mm''.     LET'S  STANIi  CU'J:  AG/ 

SV'Tii  M?D  BS  1te;j,tKY'J 
Ther?  are  3one  fellow?  '''ho  v9Xit  to  swj-n, 
DO  YOU?n?     YOU  DO  11     Then  turn  your  name  ^■ 
to  the  Personnel  Office  so  that  a  swimming 
cl>ib  cat:,  be  fornsdo     As   sooxi  as  there  are 
enc>u-;h  aiembers,   the  S'.TBaSIMG  CLUB  vdll  have 
•it;      irst  meeting  to  decide  when  and  where 

to  hold  fortho 


I'a.rc  Department  haa  besn  i  . 
^ice  aj-rsjsgements  special  rate  for  a 

oup  of  Ryan  Ice   civitrrs,      V/hat  do  you 
link  about  that!??!     There  Is  orlv  one 
0  0*s  hear 
fijiy  raember  of   ths  Ryan  wian- 
^.<?  to  particlp:  te  in  an  ICE  SKATING  CLUB  is 
leave  his  name  with  Larry  Gibson  in 
.:-:t  r-.rsormel   Office   so   the  ICE  SKATING  CLUB 
i/i  bsgin  biting  the  ice  at  ones. 



There  ia  a  lot  of  interest  being  shown  in 
RYAM  BADMINTON  CLUB.   Do  YCU  think  this  i3 
a  good  idea;???  There  is  a  possibility  that 
we  can  f  orax  a  team  w!:iich  would  compete  with 

ae  of  the  other  tef%u3  representing  various 
:.nduetries  in  San  Diego.  There  are  a  Ic '  ' 
people  in  the  factory  who  play  badminton 

:<   let's  get  together  and  form  a  group  so  that 
v/e  can  all  enjoy  the  sport, 

ITiere  has  also  been  some  mention  of  start- 
3  a  badminton  class  for  those  who  think 
at  they  would  lilts  to  learn  how  to  "swat 
e  feathers".   If  you  would  like  to  Iccrn 
the  game  turn  yoxir  name  in  to  the  Personnel 
Office  and  we  will  be  on  our  v.'ay  in  short 



There  is  a  good  opportunity  for  any  of 

the  fellows  who  thiKk  they  would  like  to  box, 
to  really  lerrn  the  sport  from  a  man  who  has 
been  through  the  mill..  There  is  also  a 
chanca  to  develop  soiaething  that  would  be  a 
boon  to  OilPLOYi.S  RRORE.ATIQN  In  the  way  of 
smokers  held  on  a  monthly  basis  exclusively 
for  RYAN  FELLff.rS:. 

Thfsre  is  a  possibility  that  there  will  be 
enough  men  to  hold  a  regular  boxing  class „ 
If  such  is  the  case  we  will  have  a  complete 
3et=up  for  the  boxers  in  the  near  future-, 


I  T"H£P>E  OOE.S   KEILEV    f^iFTER  1 

'    ;5^iOTH"£-'^   BUCKET   OF  PROP  UJASH        \ 

i-4Sr4KJc  .^TVaCKtxuihiaMi-avWi^tMIDrmr^.iwWVMvCHUa 


Some  folks  w-s.::.  ea.  tixx   omuiaj. 
paper  for  some  time..  Because  of  tha"^  :• 
sire  and  the  effort  &   few  folks  p 
ve  .now  have  one.  The  question  nov;   is,,  ..  wa-  goin;-;  to  do  5;.bout  it?  'Ve  have  a 
editor,  but  he  alone  can't  create  a  gcor 
Ryaa  paper, 

"Such  a  paper  must  deal  in  news  that  h.5 
pens  in  and  around  the  shop .  Many  inte: 
ing  and  some  amusing  incidents  will  v  • 
to  yoc  and  /our  friends  right  in  youi 
department,,  .,  so,  take  the  trouble  to  3h&r 
them  with  the  whole  ganj instead  of  the  usu 

'This  paper  is  aa  opportunity  for  evs.ryi 
to  get  acquainted — 'the  fellow  who  first  ma 
his  appearaice  in  the  shop  this  afternocr. 

igular  .?ellovfs  sll  over  the  shop 
coys  over  in  engineering;  in  the  chem.  ■.•-■■- 
the  girls  in  the  office--we  all  know  tba 
we're  a  part  of  Ryan*s„  yet  it  seems  soi 
us  don't  see  too  much  of  others- 

"Then  there's  the  social  side-how  bf*  ■  ■ 
to  announce  the  next  "occasion'  than 
your  own  paper?  If  there's  imp or ton 
news  to  be  had,,  let's  get  it  straigh 
our  own  paper  before  it's  distorted  by  hea^ 
say.  You  bet^  we've  got  our   own  paper;,  -" 
need  lt„   Just  hov/  good  are  you  and  I  : 
to  make  it?'-' 

Eugene  .'oods  -  Layout 

"I'^ve  enjoyed  your  newspaper  very  much 
and  think  it  is  a  very  good  idea:  Myse: 
well  as  hundreds  of  other  Ryan  employee. r.  . 
be  looking  'onvard  for  the  next  issue  oi  y 
little  p&pe'".. 

"In  regard  to  the  Ryan  Stag  that  is  c.-. 
givesn  30on-^I  v/onder  if  they  have  figured 
l:ow  the  boys  on  the  second  shift  are  going 
attend,  I  am  on  the  second  shift,  and  lik: 
ffiany  of  the  second  shift  boys,  would  like  ■ 
be  oresent  at  this  affair  without  losing  a; 
time..  It  seems  like  the  boys  on  the  first 
shift  get  the  benefit  of  recreational  and 
social  actiTitles  at  Ryano  There  are  a  loi 
c?  fellows  on  the  second  shift  who  would  h 
liked  to  have  gotten  in  on  the  Ryan  Bas; 
tall  team.:  fellows  who  are  good  professi 
•layers,  but  cannot  because  of  their  wov 
hours.   I  sincerely  hope  your  committee 
work  out  a  plan  whereby  men  on  all  shifts 
can  participate  in  many  of  Ryan's  social  a 
recreational  events,''   (Tnis  is  being  ar- 
ranged f  or  0-° -Editor) 

L..  Peterson-^idanifolJ 


From  Samuel  Dickson,  friend  of  a  Ryan  em- 
loyec "After  reading  the  first  isaue  cf 
he   Ryan  NewSj  my  first  reaction  uas°=If  I 
sTS   about  62  years  younger  I  would  apply  for 
job  at  Ryan  and  start  at  the  bottom  and  aiia 
c  gradually  getting  into  line  for  a  top  po- 

"My  guess  ia  if  Claude  Ryan  and  his  em- 
loyees  keep  up  the  spirit  nianifeet  in  Ryan 
-VIS  ,  you  will  all  be  members  of  a  happy 
Sillily  cooperating  as  a  unit  for  the  greater 
access  of  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Co  and  the 
p.tional  Defenseo" 

YOU  MIGHT  LIKF.  TO  KtlOV/  THIS  „ . . 
The  magazine  "Popular  Aviation"  in  its 
February  issue  is  featuring  a  full-page  front 
cover  color  picture  of  the  Ryan  SIQa-SS  Sea- 
lane  which  we  think,  is  suit' ble  for  framing 
.r  at  least  worth  i  dding  to  your  colXeo^:.ion 
of  RYAII  products.  Better  get  a  copy 

V/ANT  AD  COLUMN  ..  =  I  HAVT  IT ,  ,YOU  "'ANT  IT 

There  have  been  several  requests  for  a 
.xnt  Ad  Coiumn  in  our  paper  wherein  employees 
an  list  itenis  they  may  wish  to  sell  or 
rade ,  :'>eryone  seems  to  think,  that  t.hey 

could  get  something  they  really  want  if  they 
ould  just  find  out  about  it,.  So  send  in 
jur  requests  to  the  Personnel  Office  and 
our  ads  will  be  published  as  space  perriita 

pREE  OF  CHARGE  in  the  following  issue  of  the 


':,.  FOWLER  -  PP^OP-  HAW\IV.£R 

Yes  sir'i!.  C-  0=  Fowler  "Gets  The  Fin"*. 
uAREIJCS  rO'TL^R,,  of  the  Drop-Kamtoer  Depart- 
ment, submitted  the  prize-winning  name  for 
our  paper  and  walked  away  with  a  crisp  FIVE 
dollar  bill  for  his  trouble,   «RYAI^  FLYING 
F.'^PORTFR"  is  the  name  that  Fff'.'Ln'v  suggested, 
the  judges  "Red"  BECISIR,  of  the  Manifold 
night  shift;  JFRRY  LO'-.TR,  of  Layout,  "RUSr^f" 
SCHAEFF^R,  of  Manifold  second  shift;  KVIIL  NE 
^OT~j,  Fuselage  Assembly;  and  JACK  ZlPP'-'/ALD, 
f  Manifold;  after  long  hours  of  deb:  ting,, 
inally  selected  FO.LTB'S  entry  as  the  winner 
here  were  so  many  excellent  entires  th« 
udges  hr.d  a  task  far  from  sijnpie.  For  their 
ntrie3„  JOS^TH  R-.  SILVA,  of  -./elding;  EUGENE 
GOD  of  Layout,  and  THOiSiAS  STIXRUD,,  of  Drop- 
a.:isier  ,  received  HONORABLri  iSLMTION .  THAHIC  YOU 





The  first  suggestion  contest  held  in 
October,  19/fO,  brought  to  light  the  fact 
that  OUR  iini   really  want  to  "K~EP  RYAN'S  A 
ijij. chine  Shop,,  second  shift,  was  the  winner 
of  this  contest  with  a  very  good -suggestion 
in  regard  to  overcoming  shortages  and  in 
spection  problems.   Second  prize  in  this  c 
test  went  to  FLOYD  BEl^JET^  tA:  nif  old  Departmavi 
second  shift,  for  his  suggestion  of  keeping 
the  sizing  mandrels  in  the  tool  crib 

More  interest  \:r>s   shown  in  the  second 
contest  held  in  December  with  ROLLAND  REED 
Machine  Shop^  second  shift,  presenting  the 
winning  suggestion-'  li^ED  suggested  a  bur- 
ring tool  for  exhaust  collectors,  and  a 
safety  device.    RAY  ".VHAL.FN  of  Inspection, 
first  shift,;  suggested  an  improved  punch 
for  drop' hammer  work,^  and  tn   oiling  system 
for  the  drop-hammers,  RAY  was  the  second 
prize  winner; 




The  winner  of  the  first  prize,  in  the 
third  contest „  and  a  TT;.N  dollar  bill  is 
ALIF'RT  COX„  of  the  Purchasing  Department 
v/ho  submitted  the  following  suggestion; 

Establish  a  centralized  stock  e^d  re-- 
quisitioning  authority  to  cut  down  on  de- 
partment shortages;  eliminate  duplication  of 
storing  of  these  items:  keep  a  minimuin  stoc'- 
on  hand  without  running  short,  enabling  tht 
Purchasing  Department  to  secure  the  best 
possible  quantity  prices 

The  second  prize  and  a  FIVE  dollar  bill 
in  thls^,  the  third  contest,,  has  been  awarded, 
to  EDWARD  BOOTH,  of  the  Manifold  Department 
for  his  suggestion  of  a  curved  nozzle  to 
facilitate  sand-blasting  inside  of  manifolds  , 
The  judges  wish  tc  give  honors ble  mention  tn 
FJaLES,  SV.IFT,,  CHASF.,  and  ROLilG  for  their 

suggestions c 

The  management  appreciates  the  interest 
taken  in  this  Suggestion  Contest  and  all 
suggestions  are  being  routed  to  executives 
of  the  departments  directly  concerned  for 
action  where  the  suggestions  are  considerei 
new  and  merit  further  consideration, 

Vfill  M.BERT  COX  and  ^DV/ARD  BOOTH  please 
come  to  the  '/orks  Manager's  Office,.  Monday 
January  20th,  to  receive  their  prizes. 

'DETAILS  or  NEW  COHT^ftCT.- ' 

The  following  joint  Union-Managesaent  press  statement,  was 
lea^ied  following  the  signing  of  the  contract  between  the 
an  Aeronautical  Company  and  thr-  Uni/.ted  Autoiicbile  '-Vorkers  of 

An  agreement  has  been  arrived  at  iiexv/een  the  Uiaicn  and  the 
■',ageraent  which  we  mutually  feel  will  promote  harmonious  re- 
;icnship6  during  the  coming  year.  This  agreeioent  v/ill  in- 
cji-eaae  the  earning  power  of  workers  and  the  productivity  of 
""'nageir.ent'3  efforts.. 

"iVith  Labor  and  Msjaageaent  now  in  full  accord  on  their  mu- 
tual probleics  the  agreement  assur&s  that  every  effort  of  the 
executive  staff  and  factory  workers  may  now  be  cooperatively 
devoted  to  the  full  prttclur^tivity  of  the  Ryan  factory  without 
interruption  in  the  vital  interest  of  the  nation's  defense 

The  fact  that  we  have  arrived  at  an  agreement  of  our  mu- 
■1  problems  without  the  bitterness  and  strife  which  would 
re  resulted  from  actual  stoppage  of  work  is  an  assurance 
it  Te  can  now  carry  on  andcably  mth  the  ^oint  cooperation 
the  Union  and  the  Management  to  meet  all  future  problems 
an  equitable  basis  to  all  concerned 

I^LillgiJ^iMJl-^g-.gj^-'^J^^  gOI-;THACT  DJCLUpg; : 
Inoreaaas'for  all'preaent  employees,  with  a  minlaiiini  rate 
62gp'  per  hoiu-  for  employees  with  four  months'  service  or 
•e  '  Ken  with  leas  than  one  month's  service  v.dth  the  Company 
:■   guaranteed  a  oiniaum  of  55P^  per  hour,,  arjd  those  with  mor« 
rm  one  month's  service  and  leas  than  four  snonths'  -?  -flc.© 
11  draw  a  minijaum  of  57sP^  per  hour 
The  agreement  also  embodies  wage  increases  in  the  upper 
brackets  for  present  employees.  It  establishes  a  minimum  for 
••'18  top  grade  of  ^,05   per  hour  for  certain  highly  sliiled 
asses  of  work  , 

New  employees  vrf.thcut  previou/;  experience  vfill  be  hired  in 
..jcordance  with  the  Company's  past  practice.  This  provides 
for  a  SOs?  per  hour  mini.sum  starting  rate  vrith  an  increase  to 

QinJHuiti  of  '■i4<^  within  60  days;  and  vdth  frequent  rcvieT?o  to 
...aaidar  the  employee's  ability  to  a  dvance  to  higher  scales 
as  indicated  by  proven  skill r 

Hew  emnlovees  vrith  sufficient  previous  aircraft  or  suit- 
,.ie  mechanical  experience  will  be  paid  according  to  tJieir 
classification  and  rati-vig  ixL  not  lese  than  bZ-^ii   per  hour^ 

lew  provision  effective  for  the  first  ticie  establishes  _^ 
.cions  with  pay  for  all  employees  mth  one  year's  senxorixy 
vgnuary  1st,  19U,  t^nd  ^^o  continue  in  the  service  of  th« 

.pany  until  June  30,  1941.  ^^^Tt:!"^  "^Z^T"' 
nn^  wi+h  2L   hours'  pay  at  their  hom-ly  hstia-tgii^  time  raxo. 

.r^hl  perJtd  June,  vk^,^^^^^^^^"^^  '^''^'''^ 
U   recive^cation^^Xth  4.^ou.s  ^pay^^ 

:  :-nn  to  any  e^loyee  by  eitv        ^^^^L°SnSr 
because  of  membershJ-p  or  non-me:aL^eri.      ^ne  uux  ;-. 


The  iinest  spirit,  oi   zo 
operation  was  displayed  as 
To  Claude  Ryan  and  Richard 
Frankonsteen  clasped  !) 
over  the  new  signed  1* 
tract.  To  be  sure,  any  and  all! 
emnity  that  might  he.v 
between  the  Company  o' 
and  the  Union  officials, 
very  definitely  buried  w; 

All  present  depsirted  .- 
atci.osphere  of  satisfactif. 
friendly  cooperation, 


In  the  case  of  consci-i.^  ..  * 
of  employees  for  military  aex 
vice  under  the  Selective  Ser- 
vice Act,  accumulated  seniority 
protection  is  provided^ 

As  a  result  of  the  agree- 
ment, machinery  has  been  ■:  ■• ' 
lished  for  the  speedy  ha: 
of  all  grievances  which  may. 
arise  bet'veen  workers  and 

An  fti'bitra.tion  clause, 
datory  on  both  parties,  r' 
vides  for  a  metliod  of  se 
ail  grievances  which  guar 
that  no  grievance  cexi  ca. 
tersporary  or  permanent  d' 
culties  due  to  Itck  of  pj 
settlement.  Tiiis  erbitr 
clause  assures  that  ther . 
be  no  interruption  of  pro 
ion  during  the  life  of  ti^ 
agreement . 

Scch  four  months  the  CoRX 
will  review  the  clasa-^  ■''■' --^ 
and  grading  of  eech  e;. 
v;hich  determines  his  wage 
with  tha  purpose  o*'  - :  ■  - '■ 
r;;clas3ificatio7"  o: 
as  justified  bv 
e2\ployee'  s  r 

•orotfc:ccii;.a  of  the 


been  d 

•tC  IK 
are  pt_ 

Contr  ^ 

a    iiOi.";  „ 

y  Frai',-' 

glneerii^  Walter 

i-faa  poiuson   '^  -.t  person 

-...      THIS   MUST    „^:    ,:-—■■-  -0  AM    -r    u. 
We  are  all  free  born  ns     'w  hn\'? 

leges  that  ot' 
.-■        l^et  U3   bai.i^.,   ,-. 
^  passed  and  all  work  . 
;'   the  everlasting  privilege  c 

'  rs  ago  Patrick  Henry  said     "'jni 
:'ali'*.     Todcy 
-ii-j  we   '■"'    »'-    -■  siicwii 

and  r.ciy  of 

utts  for  tnis  Government  of   ours-    the  me' 


■rery  ai. 

YOUR  departaieni 

. ,     1  ,-      „  ■;  -.       .  V     ..  •,  ., 

ent3  are  r 

in/    ■",■,-'•■ 

.....      .,,.,,     ) 

I  H ]N K 

rdnga   told  yc 


2ian  has  ever  been  happy  without  hone? 

0  do    Our  ! F  are  such  tha - 

s,  and  all  t;      history,,  a  gr 
od  more  than  a  slngie  person.   The 
.i&ve  been  '  —  -■'-  -  r  and  won  viere  fu 
e.nd  won  by         Americans  puliirw 
yier  as  one.  Now  le      how  that  togetht- 
'■' -  .■aty  and  oleair  r!..-;«iing  we  have  c 
.'igs  to  work  "^V+h  a  z'?al,  fo  work 
side J  and  say 

h&  Wilt 



Li'.XPEDXXER   >- 

With  the  proud  heritage  of  tens  of  thousands  of  hours  in 
the  hardest  service  to  which  airplanes  can  be  subjected,  the 
ST-3  is  the  crowning  achievement  in  a  long  line  of  low  wing  trainers.  With  a 
longer  and  wider  fuselage  accentuating  Ryan  sleek  lines  the  ST-3  abounds  in 
engineering  and  structural  refinements.  Offered  in  a  wider  range  of  engines 
(2  radials  and  2  in-lines  from  125  to  160  h.p.)  the  ST-3  sets  new  standards  of 
operating  and  training  efficiency. 

RYAN  AERONAUTICAL  COMPANY,  Lindbergh  Field,  San  Diego,  California 


Reprinted    from    AERO    DIGEST,    January.    I9JI 


.-—-;*;  ll«»r^.We-Tw^.' 


---i'  SHOP 

JIMMIE  BUTLJStl,  late  of  "   '   ' 

ant,  now  a  stellar  attr&c : 
i-ill  presa  in  the  Machine  Shop,  has  taken 
count,  "te've  ne         »  lady  but 

:.  her  pictures  (c'   .  ji  has  a  goodly 

jpply)  the  state  of  Kansas  ia  definitely  a 
'me  loser   Beauty ,  Cnarm  and  Grac® 

.ally  Jimmie  s&ys  "she  can  cook,  toe 

More  glad  tiditags  ?. ',  DSV-T:-*/  and  VIRGINIA 
3F11ENT  are  the  provid,  if  slightly  startled 
Ti-Vi=nt8  of  Dewey,  Jr„  Kinf""-  ^^'^  vri!;;'.t  A  ^r-^p 
52,.  Arrived  Decamfcer  .• 
iii  your  reporter  are  both  a  kittle  Aate 
:.t  anjnyayj  Merry  Christisias' 

HOV/ARD  GRSSR  and  TOm:'  JELI,  of  Small  Partes, 
"e  soon  to  be  among  the  missing.  February 
;rd  will  find  theiii  going  thru 'a  course  of 
.-rcughta  at  the  Fsdre's  training  camp  in 
'   Centro.,  Good  l\ick^  S'^yst  Siiis,ck  ''em  over 
le   fence'  Note  to  the  Editor;  Ruaor  hath 
•■■   that  HO"''ARD  GREER  is  going  to  report  to 
'  ntro  via  Taconia.  Seems  aa  though  there 
iv  small  item  of  a  wedding  talcing  place  up 
^erC;  HiSc  tioi'e  luck  and  happiness,  Howard. 
-t  forgot  e-bout  the  fence  in  that  case 

The  lad  that  roEflis  around  t!--  ''■>'. fold 
;pB,rtffient  muttarirxg  aadly  to  :      '  about 
-elders,  is  GORDON  JQHHSj  leadman  in  Small 
■  i   Swell  people  is  Gordon,  bu    "  ^■'-- 

it„  a  bit  unhappy  re  welders 
T;.ose  who  might  be  inclined  to  wox'ry  about 
the  state  of  National  Defense  can  rest  at 
cfi,Be  .     It  seems  that  Ichabod  has  put  his 
loulder  to  the  v.-hesl-— -Yes  ,  and  with  FRA^ili- 
■JISH  at  his  aide  to  see  that  he  pushes  agair^-'c  |~ 
"  -not  sleeps 

^^Chief"  KOLBEN,  long  time  foremaii's  clerk, 
A   left  U3.  For  bigger  and  better  things 
=  hope..  North  Island.  3rd  class  Aviation 
-c-hanic.  A  loss  to  jaany  of  us  in  many  ways, 
last  kegglers  will  miss  his  trustworthy 
. lormance  this  aide  of  the  foul  line  Soes 
■  the  lovelies  in  ths  front  office  will  mis£ 
21,  And.  last  but  not  least,  all  of  us  if 

.nifold  will  mis?  ^i  -  ^^^^  •■■   >=  ^ 
iC  best  of  luck. 
The  cry  for  aid  to  a  blia cered 
red  in  the  last  issue  is  r-  " 
0  i3  doing  nicely  thank  y 
id  in  your  eye!!' ' " 


-1  -'   -..A 

DON  ■ 

Produoti .,....,..,...,,..;  ....,,,.^.,  . 

-allows  in  the  Paint  Shop  • 
his  new  work: 

Everything  ia  running  sB.i, ■■..■, .,,,.,    ,>,. 
g8;-.g  out  hei'e-  "/e  ais  doing  lur  beet 



by  -Vaiter 

Our  department  has  been  mak:' ' 

that  have  been  proving  very  in 
educational.,   ,7e  suggest  that  as  .' 
p.-rtiaents  as  possiblv-<  carry  ou-*- 
there  vsiii  be  a  better  undersxi 
what  is  going  on  in  OUR  FACTORY. 
SCOTTY'S  S'.YAP  SHOP!  J!  '' 

Our  "Boss"  is  the  owner  of 
Auto  5upt)ly  Store  in  \,i    Jolla-,  He  s. 
'*C'li  give  you  a  square  deal  'so  ; 
-Juat  come  out  there  and  let  me  pri 

All  of  the  fellows  in  our  departrnt 
aspiring  to  be  better  golfers  i  ' 
which  we  th  nk  the  Recreation  I 
its  Golf  Clinic.  ',?e  suggest  that 
CO    '  ■     " 




0  any  cip: 

Ballante ,  and  Hurry 
ready  to  issue  a  r' 
for  a  match  play  ^ 

One  of  the  fellows  I  not  to  men'; 
npjnse)   in  our  dspartraent  hat 
hprd   cf  late  tijat  ho  has  d'o 




"ACE"  mr  -' 


with  the  fair  secretaries  of  the 
PLANNIl'JG  DEPAR'r  ■'■-'■'  'i  to  thr 
the  toys  who  -        .  the  g; 

Every  da:      c  sound  of  the 
".\CE"  is  over  i-u  nis  corner  on  '  ' 
stool  having  a  bi  rs  to  e-t  and 
the  girls   Mo-^^ 

the  other  fell-^        z^ibiv:: 
football  .mustac        '  -"(^  ?> 
soaked  laai; 
steals  the  he; 
-nc^r   After  .■. 

•'■.Vhy  should  we  eat 

rcraft  have  r 

the  pr 
Lnesa  l 
aljaoat  overnight  from  a  small   oxiiich  ^ 
-ack^yard  mechanics  to  a  fuaX^ 
-..„^3try,   anO.  a  very  -^Tinnrinnr   nr 
eyes  of   the  nation 
[should  all  be  proud  to  be  ^dciibj-fiea 
tush  an  industry j,   and  especially  shoi'W 
Lproud  to  be  associated  with  the  RY^ 

'ii-'&i  t:i ^,,y   short   tLme  I  iv.ji. 
a  organization- --about  five    ar.-. 
[ilf  years- -the  compaiiy  has  grown  froai 
corner  in  the  back  of  the  sr'  -^ 
.'i  modern  building  we  have  no 
>elieve  me,    you  have^i't  seen  any'  ex 

:-a  are  rated  "Tops"  by  the    ..•. 
..■>.g  program,,     ".riarever  you  loi 
spapera,  magazines  and  newBreels-'you 
Xeci  as  objects  of  admiration.      ""   "      '" 
'^lOU  worked   on! ! 
!,ui"patent  me'-vifoldSj   due  to  the  constru- 
Hows  the  engine  to  vibrate  while 
J.  remains  solidly  anchored j   are 
over  the  aircraft  world  and  wil^ 
■  idered  as  a  "must"  item  on  all 
.  ^a  airplanes-, 

is  no  industry  at   the  present  time 
-•3nds  more  on  the  skill,,  accuracy  ana 

ly  oelieve  the 
often  lately,, 

lis  I  . 
in  Eu;  -,~ 

■on  by  American  Labor  and  Democracy 
mved  on  American  production  lines". 


by  Joel  Stf!3.n 

up  a  keg 


i.a  and 

The  ST-3  is  whipping  into  shapfr 
~    -lediter  System  is  fv.  ------ 

.._,  _  _i'JiiS  is  quite  a  radic 
like  to  know  if  there  e.> 

'-;   to   say  a  wc 

tell  you  about  some  of  h' 


Night  Hawks  the 
•  have  ; 

-- V.  ^ofore,,  ,  -  .i,^ve  had  no  more 

thority  to  speak  than  a  Ferry  Boat  Capta^ 
Oil.  shore  leave 

I  understand  that  the  wrestlint  -^  ~- 
bet-.een  "'A'easel"  T.vans  and  "King  I  ,  , 
is  to  be  refereed  by  Cenator  Griffing  of 
3mall  Parts   And  speaking  of  Small  P  -' 
T/hen  asked  if  musician  Jimmie  Nebel-X 

■y  note.,  Leadmen  Vemple  replied,   > 
....•;j-^  "ijv  hearsay:" 

Frenchie  P^oushee,,  has  finally  parted  wit 
3  sailplane,,  and  gone  in  for  flying  power 
ips.  He  expects  to  compete  in  the  Alpb" 
a  Rho  meet  next  month.  If  you  didn't  I 
it  is  an  international  aviation  f  ratemity 
Speaking  of  flying,  the  newly  organized 
flying  club  has  added  several  new  names  to 
its  roster,  Namely  those  of  Tommy  Fewlj t 
Ight  foreman;  "Butch"  Ortiz;  Bud  Mundel! 
0  already  holds  a  private  ticket,  and  Dc! 
Fliers  in  the  club  nov;  flyirg  -^i  ^  ^^^\ 
Thomas  t  Jack  Gagej  Jens  Nev-raan,,  f.enny 
Spencer,,  and  Floyd  Bennet  who  has  a  bit  of 
tnjtae  to  his  credit,  as  has  Jerry  Connelly. 
\  ..yone  wlsking  to  join  the  club,  or  wishing 
7  information  please  contact  the  Membersh 
'  ■^-?.  comprising  Red  Hammookj  Carl  Thorn: 
,v&n  and  Uoyd  "Sleepy"  Horn. 
Did  7...   P.  Mallot  tell  you  about  his  thre 
"" — !  Two  are  married  and  one  living? 
land  that  inventors  Carl  ICruger  and 
Bill  Eioe  are  working  on  a  combinationwater 
proof  hip  pocket , 

Just  found  out  that  Dale  Farris  and  Carl 
e  hail  from  my  old  stamping  grounds  in 
Talking  over  old  times  with  them 
'>\cre  raemorie  :  than  a  tax  investi- 

^  been  quite  lonely  since 
..  to  the  day  shi.ft..  No  one  w 
Lk  to  him  about  Brooklyn.  Jinanie  R 
tae  Crooner c  has  a  new  song  called  "" 
■Vhy  Are  You  Blue!" 

This  i*  your  old  friend,  the  '.Vine hell  oi 

i'^":'-  ''--■--   off.  By  the  way  on? 

3  wife's  false  teet;. 
rk  with  him  so  thax  she  can't  eat  V. 
ond  if  he   doesn't  brin^;  back  i.,- 
. -rowed  from  me     I'll   tell  you  who  h, 

"^B  be: 

ay  friend     .va  want  to  k 




HIi\N  hoopsters,   sinking  buckets  fro-i 
.1  ar.ylea,  ;vere  successful  in  theii'  second 
ejo"  la  the  San  Diego  CaijaerciaJi.  League. 
There  vjere  several  hundred  people  lookinf^  on 
:    fts  "THh  liOlS  FKO:.;  RYI^»  s-.vept  the  court  with 
i    the  Folsofii's  Badsiinton  Shop  Teaia^      ,dih 

everyone  finding  the  ran£:e  at  one  tiiie  or 
!    other  "The  Boys"  left  the  court  vdth  a  34  to 
"■■  "v.'in"  packed  away, 

The  court  ^generalship  displayed  by 
;a.\'  \iii3  by  far  the  oast  that  they  have 

'  this  yecr,     TT-e  tean  is  Inprcvinc 
--   --"ry  start  und  should,   as  the  season 
:>ll3  alone;,  turn  in  3c:?,q  sparklin^^  i-)erforr.i- 
oes , 
"TlGliH"  ilARRY  FElias  played  the  best 
lie  of  his  career  -.vith  lUAK  and  deserves 
edit  for  keepin^;  the  tea::i  fired  up  to  the 
;i.,-iit3  of  victory,     "SLOPPY"  JOL  B/tSSG,  vj&S 
istc-nding  for  his  court  .vork  as  vjell  as 
ndin^:  the  range  often  eriough  to  be  hitT^j- 
int  ."ian  for  the  evening" 
"PU:jHK.:UP"  NEIL  liS.  FOni  turned  in  his- 

steaxly  perfor.Tiance  and  witn  "Tl'  I'" 

^i  BORDI^i  shov^ed  acsrie  of  tlie  aost  --...«.*- 
i  passing'  that  lias  been  seen  here  in  .-aany 
doy,     "GOCS>  a.D"   BOB  CHASL  was  the  spai^ 
u^'  of  the  teai;i  as  he  has  been  in  the  past 
v^eral  caries,  playing  guard  along  with 
ill  i'J'H"  ED  liEiiROKc     All  torether  they  made 
possible  for  the  RYAK  TE/i..!  to  sail  on  to 
ctoi-y.     KLLP  IT  IJP  FKLLOVltJ,  W£  iuit  ALL  Ft 



It  looked  like  a  ftyan  Field  Day  out  at 
■ncho  Sante  Fe  last  Sunday,   as  all  of  the 
an  Golfers  v;ere  out  finding  the  easy  v<ay 
•  do  vihat  they  all  want  to  do,   shoot  par 
./■ures  on  the  golf  coiirse.     FHiJ3  FCED,,  of 
oduction  Planning,  GEORGL  DE..",   of  Inspect- 
j:i,  KALTLIi  W/diffiA,   of  IJethods  Encineering, 
>(}  a  host  of  other  Ryan  Golfers  looked  on, 
e  driving:  rain,  to  jct  pointers 
just  how  the  "Pros"  do  it„ 
..ith  the  Spring  Golf  Season  just  i^round 
orner,  this  is  a  he£j.thy  siyn  for  t^lie 
,•  an  Golf  Teai  tihich  '.vill  cor.ipetp.  in  the 
-.-acrcial  League.. 



.»ith  a  goodly  nutnber  of  tho  RXiJi  LIASHJ 
UlJiLDl/HS  on  hand,   the  first  fneetin.';  o' 
KYAI'i  Golf  Clinic  was  held  Tuesday,"  • 
21,  at  the  LLonteroLr  Golf  Fairway..   . 
'v'ALKEH  of  Llethods  Engineering  was 
by  the  Gang  to  head  the  Clinic,  ana 
says,  ".16  are  goinr;  to  have  a  cli.n-ic  - 
ooiain^r:  to".     Ail  of  the  arraniTeinoits  J 
been  finally  completed  ;jnd  the  first  ; 
will  be  FLBRU/'J^Y  4th  at  7  K-  SH./JiP, 
to  the  individual  hovj  rouch  can  be    ' 
liis  gane  so  "Come  one,   come  all'-    ' 
really  lei.rri  the  fine  points-   li' 

Siindoi',  February  9th,  is  the  v,..c, 
first  RY/Jfl  semi-anriual  ijolf  tourno 
3L  OK  H.AND. 

There  will  be  special  notices  issu 
thixt  everyone  .jill  be  well  iufomre 
the  particulars  of   tb.s  event. 

Will  you  please  turn  your  entries  .i 
the  Personnel  Office  so  thct  stiirtin/- 
can  be  ai'r4in<;ed?     This  should  be  a  i^r*. 
event  so  Cone  on  GOLFLHS H  I  M  J  Let's  :: 
tiie  first  tournament  a  hard  one  to  bea 


"Oiji?  Py\L"  FALiLi  ni;.i..i  .(.u  a  -x;uuu.;.;j  or, 

is  the  px'oud  po;  of  a 

golf  clubs.      (GOLF  COUHSES  iJa-JiiiL)     H 
■'!      LOOK  OUT:* 
ifice  is  CP^ns  to  have  the  best 
eo3_f  teapi  in  the  liistory  of  RYAli..     Tht 
at  this  tine  challenges  any  other  ■•' 
or  deparUaeacs  in  the  entire  RYA'.   ; 
anj'  type  of  coif  conpetition— .iiatch  p 
medal.     Any  teanis  accepting  the  abovt 
challen£-e  vdll  please  turn  their  teaci  nr,y: 
in  to  the  Recreational  Director  with  tb 
course  of  their  choice  .listc 
'  •"■'    '^e  arrant; ed  a.?   '■•'■^    •"■ 



ciiid  i'v  j  You??? 

.--,  ^ntereslv^.i  ^i.  -.^,n.t-o.  to  turn 

ine  and  clock  nurrij.5r  into  the  Personnel  ^°   '^®s^  about  -: 
the  various  interested  njenibers  Hobby  so  that  v/u 
_..^  together  for  a  neeting  to 
1  they  will  get  under  way,  how  they 
award  prizea  for  the  lartjest  catches  and 
and  where  vwuld  be  the  most  comdent 
o  to  meet..  This  should  be  one  of  RYAN'S 
cresting  CLUBS,  Everyone  is  VJELCOloS. 

.e  would  aJ.L  ^^xj 
iSe  write  up  your 
can  puolish  it  in  the  RY^'-; 
There  are  a  few  people 
saying  coins  and  from  the  way  the  coin  box  is 
raided  everj  now  and  then  it  must  be  a  lot  of 
funo  It  v;oul.d  be  very  interesting  to  kaow 
the  ins  and  outs  of  this  pastime,  so  cone  on 
tell  us  about  it-.  There  cire  others  v.ho  would 
like  to  try   it^ 

It  nay  seera  to  you  that  there  i.ould  never 
be  anyone  ir.tereated  in  your  hobby,  however^ 

be  noted  that  this  club  v,ill  include 
•5  of  fishing— -Laka  Fishing,  Ocean 

Trout  Fishing,  Suri  Fishing,  and  any 
■aekers  of  the  evasive  underwater  "GEiB'i<>'''^  would  be  surprised  to  know  that  there 

"iFll.^   is  the  o.riginE.tor  of  the  idea, 
oin  hira  to  make  a.   "RKEL  CLUB". 

are  several  people  interested  in  it.  Perhaps 
it  will  be  possible  from  time  to  tine  to  make 
exchanges  throivj^h  this  -column  that  v.iU  help 

KILO;.ATTS  "UJCKI"  AS   RYAN  IS  SECOND  BEST  make  your  bobby  more  interesting  to  YOU'j 
The  Redd}'  Kilowatt  Team  left  the  floor  last    ^''"Jiat  60  yon   say?  Are  you  going  to  tell  us 

'  '   taking  with  them  a  lucky  29  to  about  it  J  We  hope  you  vvUlH 

le  Ryan  Teaiu,.  Rt-ddy  Kiloivatts  f 


i  as  tops  in  the  City  Commercial 
70 J.  seei?E  The  R^-an  Boys  are 
-..-.  -iiig  a  shovdng  in  their  league,,     It 
fai'  the  best  basketball  that  has  been 
a  the  High  School  Courts  this  year, 
-a  v.e  say,  the  "Kilowatt  Team"  was 
r  lucky  to  go  away  the  ^vinner,     "Flash" 
■  oi*ed  11  points  to  liold  his  posi- 
..,._,i    scor«r  in  the  Commercial  League, 
:ns  a  loto 

is  nothing  but  praise  due  the  "Boys 
:"  63  they  played  stellar  ball  from 
ng  v.histle  to  the  closing  homo 
JOE  BA.JSO,   "ThelidiJon"  WALLY  30RDM, 
BOB  CHASE,    "Pushenup"  NEIL  m  POTE, 
■"   IDOSE  SIRATON,    "Slap  Happy"  H.\RRY 
Icooldbutlwon't"  BUD  SHrlARZH,   and 
..lie  fellows  played  by  far  the  best 
•f  the  season  to  dateo...,. 



There  is  a  very  fine  group  of  Ryan  linploy- 
T  banded  together  in  the  form  of  a  Swimming 
"   -'  BOY  are  they,  They  are  very 
..o  have  any  aind  ell   of  the  Ryan  Men 
:men  ,ioin  thera  for  a  swim.  This  club  is 
'.  one  that  is  functioning  as  a  group 
i3  for  the  future  that  will  be  the 
ill  the  Ryan  Organizations o  Beach 
'••^3  Sir?  Sw-      RjiceSf'*  And  How 

„.„ng  Iiietruc .  "Sink  or  ovdm" 

motto  and  you  can  believe  me  there 
>ne  sinking  if  tiiey  join  up  with 
c-t-J-^fi  .r-rTiin  if  ''V/at-er  Dogs'", 

W©  need  a  comiaittee  to  assist  in  m^j^king 
arrangements  for  the  first  ALL-RTAN  DANCE,  tc 
be  held  jji  the  very  near  future „  There  are  sc 
u'eny  things  that  have  to  be  done,  a  committee 
is  necessary  to  see  that  all  of  them  are  taken 
cfire  of  in  £.  UAy   that  we  eill  want  theme 

There  wiJl  be  a  very  fine  floor  show  with 
tv/o  separate  showings »  We  entend  to  have  a 
.■supper  served  in  the  evening  and  all  in  all,, 
•m   are  going  to  try  to  j;iake  this  affair  a 
banner  one  in  the  history  of  RYANc  It  is  very 
importar,t  that  v.e  hsive   a  good  dance  comndttee 
sc  that  £ll  of  ths  details  will  be  cared  for 
ivithout  exception^ 

Let's  talk  this  up  GMKi  and  put  it  over 
v,ith  a  bangc  We  should  have  at  least  one 
good  dance  a  month,,  iVith  a  good  committee  and 
:  cooperation  this  is  a  simple 

^'-^-S   vre  can  accomplish  nothir.;^- 

i  PUT  IT  OV£R«« 


\iould  ycv.  like  another  skating  party???? 
You  would S!^    Well  let's  have  one,,     Your  Re- 
cn-'jation  Department  is  readj"-  and  willing  to 
-afljiiist  a  con.Talttee  in  planing  the  next  "RYAN 
JB'"  party c     Let  us  have  your  names 
■;  <--  get  going  on  a  great  "Thrill  and 
11"  party  without  delay.     We  have  several 
lexlovia  and  girls  ".vho  really  good  skaters 
ari.'!  ar-3  jr.orf  than  willing  to  assist  the  be- 
:v'riner«       ?f    here  is  your  chance  "First  Time; 
no  better  tine  than  right  now 
:f  thiis  oportunityu     How 
■olers"     Let's  GO'.' 

__     A|{\-*' 

TLulna  Kapottat 

FEBRUARY  U,  1941 

Vol.  1  No.  4 

•         *         *         *  •         •         • 




J    C3 













Ryafi  employees  will  be  privileged  to  inspect  latest  Air  Corps  bomb- 
ing, pursxiit  and  training  planes  to  be  shown  here  this  Sunday  ex- 
clusively to  our  v;orkers  and  those  from  Consolidated.      On  exhibit 
vdll  be: 

Six  (6)  Boeing  B-l?  Flying  Fortresses 
Six  (6)   Qirtis  P-/,D  Pursuit  Planes 
Six  (6)  Of  our  orni  Ryan  PT-20A  Trainers 

It  is  expected  that  the  planes  vdll  airive  for  exhibit  by  10:00  AM 
and  vdll  depart  approximately  2:30  PH. 

This  special  inspection  is  plajined  solely  for  Ryan  and  Consolidated 
aircraft  workers  (not  their  families)  and  it  will  be  absolutely 
necessaiy  to  identify  yourself  by  badge. 



SUNDAY,  FEBRUARY  l6th,  10  A.M,  TO  2:30  P.M. 

^   ■   ^, 

\et&  an 


\ng inoE 

INSPECTION  by  George  Dew  I    IVffiLDING  by  Ken  Murray; 

It  appears  that  the  Inspection  Depart-    Congratulations  are  in  order  for 
ment  must  admit  defeat  in  Bowling  at      CILiRLES  FRANT2,  Chrome  l/elding  Foreman." 
least.  In  a  no-handicap,  throe  {.rarac  ser-  Hc  is  the  proud  father  of  an  8  lb.  6  oz. 

ics,  a  picked  night  shift  team  defeated 
the  Inspection  Department  Toati  hy   a  comr- 
fortable  margin. 

The  night  shift  team  seemed  vdlling  to 
accept  good  Inspection  Department  money 
too.  However  we'  still  claiia  to  be  invin- 
cible in  Tennis,  Badminton,  Golf,  Archery 
Snooker,  Pool,  Svi'imming,  Polo,  sailing. 

bfil^y  boy,  (The  father  is  doing  as  well  as 
can  be  expected.) 

IIERLE  GtlFFIN  told  me  the  other  day 
that  every  night  after  work  he  went 
home  and  punched  his  bag  for  thirty 
jninutes  (now  just  what  does  he  mean)? 

GRAOTILLIu  BG'MAN  got  a  nice  Deer  Rifle 
for  Christmas,  lie  has  been  getting  in  a 

Pinochle  and  Rejections and  we  also  have  a  lot  of  practice  of  late  (as  far  as  I 

one  Jitterbug,  How  about  a  little  comr-    can  tell  the  Deer  will  be  safe  as  long  as 
petition  in  some  of  these  hobbies?       Granville  is-  aiming  at  them.)  If  he  aims 

There  are  four  Inspectors  who  are  very  at  a  tree  stump  that  will  be  different 

happy  these  days.  They  recently  passed    the  Deer  will  be  in  grave  da-nger  (need  I 
Iholr  Army  Examinations  and  iiro  now  full-  say  more  Satchel?) 

ileged  magnetic  operators.  Congratulations  If  anybody  interested  in  Duck  Hunt- 
boys,  I'll  see  that  you  all  get  that  ^l.Oajn,;;  would  like  to  kno\'J  hoT.-,  in  the  mid- 
you  have  been  dreaming  about,  (lie  of  the  darkest  night,  with  a-  410 

There  is  a  certain  fellow  in  Crib  #3'   shotgun,  shooting  only  one  shell,  they 
who  has  had  the  use  of  two  hands  lately.   could  get  24  Ducks,  ask  JESS  LIARTIN 
Now  maybe  he  cati  do  his  own  metal  sta:npin^  (better  known  as  the  "I'Jindy  Major") 
if  he  can  get  a  metal  stamp.  Be  careful"   The  only  thing  that  this  scribe  wo\ild  lile 
bM   HARRISON  don't  break  that  arm  again.   to  Icnow  is  if  Jess  smokes  it,  takes  it  in 
Speaking  of  sports,  I  see  that  the  fellows  the  arm,  drinlvS  it  or  does  he  just  buy  a 
have  signed  up  for  everything  from  golf  to  poor  grade  of  coffee  and  thus  get  those 

craps , 

I  have  a  suggestion  to  make  along  the 
line  of  sports,  Hov;  about  a  bicycling 
club?  It's  a  lot  of  fun  to  got  a  group 
together  and  ride  in  the  evening.  At  the 
I'ate  taxes  are  increasing  you  v.'ill  prob- 
'ibly  have  to  sell  your  cars  and  get  bi- 
cycles, so  why  not  start  NO.J? 
p'.  S.  Say,  STONCY,  hov;  about  that  date 
ivlth  BETTY  HIIf/.G(HLDY  LALIARR)  that  you 

bad  dreams  that  become  his  pet  stories? 
See  you  next  week  I 

ll'ETHODS  ENGINEERING  by  Walter  VJalker  f 

Biography  of  the  Honorable  Judge  V/ykoff : 
Judge  VJykoff  sat  on  the'  bench  in  the 
County  Seat  of  Boon  Coixnty,  V/est  "Virginia 
his  main  duty  being  th  e  prosecution  of 
Moonshine  Com  Producers  of  that  part  of 
the  country.  The  most  sever  punishment 

were  going  to  fix  up  for  me?     VJhat  is  the    the  Judge  would  sentence  was  to  those 
matter  are  you  loosing  your  grip? 



who  would  not  give  him  his  share  of  the 
.        product  in  question.  One  of  the  Judge's 
.P.^^>']-^Pi|-^. ^J  favorite  tricks  was  to  prosecute  his  re- 

latives, VJhy?  Because  no  one  else  in- 

slipped  over  to  the  "Matrimonial  Capitol"  habited  the  Coimty,  The  Judge  could  be 

nd  took  the  leap  into  future  happiness. 

ch-vnged  vows  here  in  S^Jl  Diego  last  week 
cvnd  are  now  well  on  the  road  to  happy 

Strangely  enough  both  of  the  fellows 
are  from  the  Plannishing  Department, "  To 
both  couples  we  wish  everything  good. 

seen  on  most  any  Sunday  riding  his  horse 
backwards  "enjoying  his  VJest  "Virginia 
Cold  Slaw,     VJhy  was  he  riding  backwards? 
Siiuply  to*  see  who  was  going  to  shoot  at 
Piim  firsts 

!      I 


nj<  .-kV<«<>Mw«<4.  V 



by  Brad  Harris  \  \  TOOL  DESIGN 

• 'VV/MW//W  V/W/^AVAC:  1 

by  Al  Dimmingor  % 

Here  we  go  again...  Your  reporter  has 
taken  to  hiding  behind  things  and  large 
people  when  LARRY  GIBSON  hoavos  into 

sight "Hiya  guy,  got  that  column 

ready  for  me. .?"  Frankly,  Larry,  no, 
but  here  g^es , 

Seems  as  tho  JACK  WALLACE  has  been 
cau(:-ht  in  a  draft.   Not  the  sniffle  pro- 
ducing kind,  hovfcver,  but  one  of  those 
squads  east  and  west  viriety,  and  in- 
stead of  having  a  comparatively  mild- 
mannered  lead  man  to  tell  him  how,  it'll 
be  a  top-kick  of  the  old  school  to  vfhom 
Jack  will  be  giving  the  "Yes  Sir,  No 
Sir"  to.  Well,  good  luck  Jackson  — 
come  back  a  General! 1 1 

FRAM  WALSH,  leadman  in  Small  Parts 
on  the  3rd  Shift,  tells  one  for  tho  book 
to-wit:  About  3:00  AIvl  a  few  days  ago 
one  of  his  lads  was  attending  to  a  chore. 
One  of  those  rare  chores  th:'.t  can  be 
done  while  seated  on  a  stool.  Tempus 
vns  fidgiting  along  when  our  hero  began 
to  nod.  Finally  Frank  happened  to  see 
him  fall  sound  asleep  and  do  a  Brodic 
off  the  stool  behind  the  bench  at  which 

he  was  working Loud  laughter,,,,, 

hovrever,  when  the  juvenile  lead  in  this 
play,  did  not  re-appear  with  thtj  ex- 
pected red  face,  Frank  investigated  and 
in  a  hurry.  He  told  me  that  ho  thought 
tho  lad  might  have  been  hurt  in  some 
way,  so  he  clipped  a  few  seconds  off  the 
record  for  the  eight  yard  dash,  rounded 
the  bench  on  two  vjheels,  and  found  our 
hero  SOUND  ASLEEP  still  I  Alright,  Al- 
right —  ask  Frank  then. 

APOLOGIA,,..DEVffiY  BEMENT  stoutly  de- 
nies that  Dewey  Jr.  is  "Jr."  Dov/ey 
Richard  Bement  is  the  name,  not  Dewey 
Robert  like  his  Dad. 

From  a  very  reputp.ble  source  comes 
the  information  that  Grace  and  JACK 
ZIPPVJiUjD  are  going  to  welcome  a  nev;comer 
in  the  near  future.  Maybe  that's  what 
causes  that  harried  look.  Vfell,  being 
a  father  myself,  that's  understandable. 
Lots  of  happiness  to  you  both  and  PLEASE 
no  fo\ir-for-a-nickel  cigars. 

Just  between  us:  There  is  a  lad  in 
this  organization  who  deserves  more  than 
a  little  praise  for  his  unselfishness. 
Unfortunately  vie  can't  pat  him  on  the 
back  because  he's  just  a  little  reticent, 
Ycu  know,  one  of  those  people  that  stout- 
ly maintain  that  what  they've  done  isn't 
of  much  account  anyway,  so  let ' s  forget 
it "..,,,. It  has  to  do  with  a  blood 

Here's  a  few  notes  from  the  Tool  De- 
sign Deprrtment.  We  believe  in  letting 
our  hair  doivn  in  public  so  we  all  can 
laugh— Now  that  the  BIRDSALL-BIESHLirJE 
journalistic  fued  is  over  we  can  all 
focus  our  attention  on  ED  SHEPERD,  who 
on  Februa.ry  2nd  (Ground  Hog  Day)  took  the 
fatal  leap — the  leap  into  the  Sea  of 
Matrimony.  We  tender  him  our  condolence 
and  heart-felt  sympathy,  BILL  1"AGNER, 
Publicity  Department  head,  reports  run- 
ning into  Ed  and  his  Bride  honeymooning 
at  the  Desert  Retreat  in  Palm  Springs, 

ARNOLD  UNRU  also  from  the  Tool  Design 
Department  finds  himself  in  a  little  dif- 
ferent situation  from  the  above,  for  he  is 
enjoying  a  vacation  and  having  a  rip 
roaring  tira^,  the  reason  being  the  ab- 
sence of  his  wife  from  home  for  a  fev: 
days . 



by  Everett  Sherman 

Our  Chief  Bookkeeper  MAURICE  CLARK 
has  been  so  busy  of  late  that  he  wore  a 
hole  in  the  seat  of  his  trousers.  He  is 
now  decked  out  in  his  new  Spring  Enserar- 
ble.  Have  you  noticed? 

.  \  V.'/^Av  '/rf,:-*.  *.  M 


by  Walt  Savage 


..., — I 

I  ?jn  only  a  pi  ce  of  work 
yjhen  I  leave  j'-our  hands, 

you  may  never  see  me  any  more. 
But  other  people  seeing  me 

vrill  see  you. 
So  put  in  me  the  very  best  you  can. 
That  I  may  go  the  way  of  all  good  vrork. 
Showing  to  the  people  what  I  cpjne  in 

contact  with 

That  I  came  from  a  workman 
who  need  not  be  ashamed. 

transfusion.  My  hat,  (if  I  had  one)  is 
certainly  off  to  him. 

Speaking  of  children,  which  we  were  a 
few  lines  back,  BOB  BOOTH  is  one  parent 
vihom  I  don't  envy.   Imagine  having  two 
sons,  either  of  whom  is  plenty  big  enough 
to  bat  your  ears  down.  Fortunately  for 
the  record  and  Bob,  they  are  both  nice, 
peaceful  lads. 

By  v/ay  of  introduction:   If  you  should 
happen  upon  a  person  roaming  thru  the 
place  with  a  worried  look,  and  a  pencil 

in  one  hand,  that's  me Ungrammatical 

but  to  the  point. 


by  Thu  Shr.dowi  1 EXPEREIENTAL 


by  Eddie  Oberbauer^ 

■a-d  !l  A  L :, VV»t■»k>Mi^J| » 

Well,  here  we  go,  over  the  same  old 
route  like  a  milkman's  horse.  First  I 
vnnt  to  welcome  newcomers  STElWilT, 
BLANKENSHIP,  all  of  Small  Farts. 

You'll  have  to  work  harder  in  this 
department  and  it's  hard  to  find  park- 
ing space  on  this  shift  for  your  car; 
so  you  have  your  choice  of  prosperity 
or  plentyTof  parking  space,  Hov/i^ver,  you 
have  some  great  bosses  on  this  shift. 
(I  had  to  put  that  last  line  in;  I  hear 
they  can  read.) 

McQUITTY  is  in  the  st«ck  crib  now. 
Must  seem  natural  to  be  behind  bars,  as 
he's  calling  timekeeper  ATHERTON,  "The 

DON  WILCOX  says  he  can  read  his  girl 
like  a  book.  Wonder  if  he  uses  the 
Braille  System? 

That  far-away  look  on  JOE  CASSGN'S 
face  means  he's  "Day  Dreejning  on  the 
Night  Shift",  Vilhatever  happened  to 
those  "cousins  from  Milwaukee"  BUTCH 
ORTIZ  used  to  talk  about?  And  how  is 
DAVE  VffilffLE  going  to  keep  the  boys  in 
the  Small  Parts  working  when  they  find 
out  there  is  no  Santa  Glaus?  At  that 
party  attended  by  DERR,  HALLQUIST,  HAR- 
everyone  wore  a  red  nose  and  a  paper 
hat.  After  the  party,  they  threw  away 
the  hat, 

AL  TOBER  came  back  again  like  insuf- 
ficient postage,  after  being  ill  for 
some  time. 

All  you  birds  who  signed  "Fishing"  >as 
your  favorite  sport  aren't  fooling  any- 
one, VJhy  don't  you  tell  the  truth? 
Anyway,  you  don't  know  a  thing  about 
fish  vintil  you've  t'-lked  to  "Lutefisk" 
Ernie  Simonson, 

If  "NHYSBOY"  BRO^TNYER  tells  you  a- 
bout  the  Scotchman  who  took  his  suit  to 
the  Detroit  Free-Press,  tell  him  to  go 
peddle  his  papers. 

WARREN  CORLEY  is  knitting  sweaters 
out  of  dropped  stitches  for  nudist 
colonies,  R,  T.  LANE  is  working  on  a 
gadget  to  stretch  pennuts  for  elepha.nts 
with  short  trunks,   KlfJDLEY  is  trying 
to  make  two  blades  of  grass  grow  where 
Hoover  said  they  would, 

JENS  NEIAWAN  tells  me  he  used  to  play 
a  lot  of  cowpasture  baseball  until  one 
day  he  slid  into  what  he  thought  vtas 
second  base.  McCSCAR  confides  that  the 
Redhead  at  that  Drive-in  Stand  is  hard- 
er than  a  fireman's  hat.  Cartoonist 

DUSTY  PETTYMAN'S  wife  was  called  back 
E:ist  because  of  her  father's  illness. 
Poor  Dusty — anybody  like  to  go  out  and 
keep  him  company?  We  hope  that  he  will 
not  be  Ion.  some  too  long. 

LYLE  GOULD  is  back  with  us  after  being 
out  for  about  two  weeks  because  of  the 

Flying  over  Mission  Beach  the  last  few 
d-^ys  we  have  seen  several  I'Jhales  break- 
ing ivater  and  blovdng.  Quite  a  sight 
from  the  air.  Have  been  keeping  an  eye 
on  the  mountains  for  snow.  Plenty  on 
those  up  north,  but  none  down  here  (Darn 

Test  Pilot  JOE  RUST  says  they  sure 
v;cn't  draft  him  now.  He  has  juSt  acquir- 
ed another  dependent,  a  big  Shepherd  dog. 
A  pretty  big  mouth  to  feed,  Joe, 

A  few  of  the  fellows  agreed  to  meet 
down  at  the  Glacier  Gardens  for  Ice- 
Skating  Thur-sday  night.  There  were  over 
fifteen  there;  most  of  us  beginners, 

JOHN  VAN  DER  LINDE,  of  Final  Assembly 
says  he  is  out  of  the  dog  house.  He 
bought  the  car, 

DONNELLY  was  given  a  mustard  plaster  vihcn 
he  asked  for  drawing  materials  at  a  local 

Did'ja  ever  notice  how  ex-footballers 
into  that  wing  back  formation  whenever 
STK"fART  of  the  Tool  Crib  gives  his  imi- 
tation of  Knute  Rockne?  They  say  that 
RED  BECKER  used  to  go  thru  left  tackle 
like  hot  gravy  thru  a  beard. 

SHARP"  MINOR,  and  G.E.  FIEHLER  made  quite 
a  qua.rtet,  singing  the  "Sea  Gull  Song" 
from  "Hit  the  Deck".  What's  this  about 
H.  C.  ZOOK  and  L,  M.  MOORE  testing  rubber 
checks  for  elasticity  of  endorsement  and 
velocity  of  snapback, 

ROY  GEESEY:  "It's  raining  cats  and  dogs 
outside".   JACK"ACE"  GAGE:  "How  do  you 
know,  did  you  step  in  a  poodle?" 

"DEADEND"  GUSSMAN,  the  Brooklyn  playboy, 
vfants  to  know  how  they  dance  out  here? 
IVell,  Gus,  the  only  difference  between 
dancing  and  wrestling  is  that  in  wrestling 
there  are  a  few  holds  barred.  Now  comes 
word  that  "HUNGRY"  DANl^IEVIK  once  won  a 
pancake  eating  championship  in  Kansas, 
Brother,  that's  saying  a  mouthful, 

I  have  just  time  to  give  you  the  style 

forecast  for  19/+1 "There  will  be  little 

or  no  ch-^nge  in  men's  pockets  this  year". 

If  I  ?jn  right,  it  proved  that  there  is 
a  first  time  for  everything. 


Skipper  T.  J.  Johnson  of  the  Laaicy 
Bath  Tub ,  the '  nans  of  the  bahy  ^'acht 
he  so  adtaires,  betook  it  upon  hiraself 
to  take  his  friends  fishinn;  one  iveek- 
end.  He  told  them  all  about  the  big 
Pork  Fish  being  caught  off  Point  Loraa, 
Enthusiasm  ran  high  and  so  it  vvas 
"anchors  away"  and  over  the  bounding 
main  for  the  Skipper  and  his  friends. 
Arriving  safe  but  wet,  they  started 
out  after  the  catch,  casting  lines  over- 
board. Expectations  ran  higli  to  fever 

pitch — no  bites,  not  even  a  nibble 

then  followed  gloom, 

Ko'.v  the  Skipper  knev;  his  stuff,  so 
into  the  galley  ^•;ent  he  and  soon  out 
again  with  a  nice  piece  of  salt  pork 
for  bait.  The  members  of  the  party 

took  one  look  and  turned  green -/ith 

envy.  This  so  upset  the  Skipper  that 
he  turned  green  too,  not  to  be  outdone 
by  his  friends. 

Then  v;hile  they  were   all  gazing  into' 
the  briny  deep,  v;ith  that  far  a-.vay  look, 
the  Skipper  claims  and  sv:earfj  by  it, 
that  the  biggest  Pork  Fish  he  ever  Sim 
cane  alongside  the  Bath  Tub  and  start- 
ed Spraying  him  vjith  v;ater  to  revive 
him,  so  he  could  guide  the  Leaky  Bath 
Tub  and  his  friends  back  safely  to 

r.S,  Last  request  from  the  Skipper 

"DonH  talk  Pork  Fish  to  my  friends," 

^     ^     -l»     "T^     -r 

B3."ore  painting,  to  keep  the  rafters 

from  rustin' 
Tun  painters  had  started  their  dustin* 
\:e   ranted  and  raged 
And  had  Carl  paged 
Before  heads  xvith  lead, 

vve  started  bust  in ' , 

Jack  '.festler 

^       3fC       ^       rf.       P(C       ^ 


You  meet  up  rrith  the  Never  Never  Llan 
once  in  a  while.  Regardless  Of  all 
coaching  in  his  line  of  work,  hie  lane 
excuse  is,  "I  never  did  this  or  I  never 
did  that". 

My  advice  to  that  young  man  is  "don't 
go  VJest,  go  back  into  the  nursery  to 
your  dolls  and  blocks,  because  you 
haven't  gra-xn  up  yet. 

1 1,LAJ>IIF0II)  _ -^^  Second_  Shif  t  by  H._  J.^^_^^^ 

Congratulations  again  for  the  third 
edition  of  "OUR"  newspaper.  Em   come 
one  whole  blank  page?  IVsa  it  lack  of 
contributions?  I  sure  hope  v;e  fill  it 
the  next  time  and  I  think  vje  will  because 
the  boys  get  more  enthused  after  every 

1  v'ould  like  to  be  on  the  Dance  Com- 
mittee. You  see  I've  had  some  experience 
with  the  St.  Josephs  Cathedral  Club  and 
the  Catholic  Youth  Orgajiisation  here  in 
San  Diego  including  chairmanship  of  their 
very  successful  ig'IO  Convention  of  which 
I  aiu  very  proud. 

In  thit  very  fine  article  "Frem  the 
Factory",  by  Jack  Lunday,  he  says  "\'/e 
are  all  loyal  members  of  a  team.  Let's 
work  together,"  I  wish  you  could  wit- 
ness the  competition  betv/een  the  day  and 
night  shifts  in  the  final  line-up  section 
of  the  102  Manifold  Department  to  get  a 
position  on  the  "Varsity", 

The  very  first  thing  that  the  fellows 
do  when  they  come  to  work  is  check  the 
difference  between  the  number  stamped  on 
the  last  stack  completed  the  day  before 
v/ith  the  corresponding  nur.iber  on  the 
last ■ one  done  by  the  shift  going  off 
duty,  and  then,  trying  to  out-do  them. 
At  first  one  might  think 'that  this  ;vould 
tend  toward  carelessness,  but  the  In- 
spectors are  too  wide-awake  to  miss  any 
flavjs  so 'we  are  forced  to  keep  up  to 

Now  I  have  a  suggestion  that  has  been 
looking  for  a  favorable "outlet  and  you 
are  that  outlet,  Messrs,  SFATON,  ORTIZ 
BEM'TETT  and  LOVE  do  a  fine  job  in  relay- 
ing ideas  but  there  are  little  tricks  in 
lining  up  a  stack  that  seem  inconsequent- 
ial and  yet  would  be  a  great  help  to  us 
boys,  so  if  we  could  manage  to  put  about 
tvvo  boys  on  tlie  Night  Shift  on  the  Day 
Shift  and  visa  versa  for  three  days  or 
a  -.7e6k,  vje  could  get  some  ideas  from 
them,  and  in  turn  give  them  some  ideas 
of  our  own.  I  think  that  in  this  way 
v/e  would  become  more  efficient  and  at 
the  same  time  improve  our  friendly 
relations.  If  you  cannot  publish  this 
suggestion  for  some  reason,  please  see 
to  it  that  it  gets  to  the  attention  of 
liessrs,  Molloy,  Barton,  etc.,  to  see  if 
they  agree  with  the  plan. 


Bo  it  knew  that  the  Production  Flan" 
ning  Department  is  hereby  accepting 
the  challenge  of  George  Dew  and  the  Ins" 
puction  Departraentfor  any  type  of  com- 
petition that  they  so  desire «  We'll 
take  you  on  in  anything  from  marbles  to 
the  gridiron. 

We  would  be  most  interested  in  chall-- 
enging  any  department  to  a  track  meet  or 
a  field  day.  This  might  be  a  good  plan- — 
to  have  an  interdepartmental  field  day. 
Beside  the  ordinary  events  usually  ran 
off  in  a  track  meet  we  could  have  a  lot 
of  novelty  stuff  so  as  to  give  everyone 
that  so  desires  a  chance  to  compete  for 
the  fame  and  glory  of  his  department. 

Our  men  are  all  in  pretty  good  shape 
after  the  chasing  we  have  done  to  get 
the  Static  Test  going  and  so  we  shall  be 
able  to  accept  a  challenge  on  a  moments 




'*fS»*  ■»■■ ' 


The  Personnel  of  the  Manifold 
Department  and  of  the  entire 
Company  join  in  expressing 
sincere  sympathy  to  Utrs,  Eugene 
G*  Griffin  and  family  in  the 
hour  of  their  bereavement, 
Vife  all  miss  "Dad"  GRIFFIN, 

those  who  knew  him  well 

those  who  worked  with  him — ^- 
those  who  knew  him  for  only 
a  short  tme  and  those  who 
knew  him  only  as  a  personality. 
He  never  seemed  to  be  too 
tired  or  too  busy  to  respond 
with  enthusiasm  to  each  joke 
or  repartee.  His  life  of 
loyalty^  cheerfulness  and 
kindness  endeared  him  to  all 
who  felt  his  presence » 
It  is  indeed  gratifying  to 
know  that  when  we,  too,  cress 
the  Great  Devide,  we  shall 
have  no  truer  friend  waiting 
for  us  than  "Dad"  GRIFFIN. 
We  mean  that  sincerely« 

Foreman  Manifold 
Second  J 


you  SHOULD 

I   1 1  C 


In  view  of  the  rapid  expansion  of  the 
Aircraft  Industry,  it  is  felt  by  many 
leaders  that  education 'and  production 
should  go  hand  in  hand. 

Many  liinployees  of  the  Ryan  Aeronautic^. 
Company  are  constantly  questioning  the 
Laboratory  on  many  processes,  which  are 
in  constant  operation  in  the  shop.  Begin- 
ning with  this  issue,  and  in  each  suc- 
ceeding issue,  as  space  permits,  the  Lab- 
oratory will  discuss  these  various  pro- 
cesses in  relation  to  the  materials  as 
used  in  Aircraft  Construction,  In  a 
later  series,  the  materials  themselves 
will  be  discussed, 


Passivating  is  a  process  for  the  pro- 
tection of  Stainless  Steel,  Parts  are 
immersed  in  a  solution  of  Nitric  Acid 
(HNO3)  for  periods  ranging  from  20  to  30 
minutes  at  a  temperature  of  120  to  150 
degrees  FahrerJieit,  The  consentration  of 
the  acid  ranges  from  17  to  20^, 

The  Nitric  Acid  oxidizes  the  surface 
of  the  Stainless  Steel  thereby  preventing 
any  further  weathering  or  deterioration 
of  the  metal.  It  should  be  noted  at  this 
point  that  the  OXIDE  of  a  metal,  generarjv 
speaking,  cannot  corrode  or  rust.  It 
follows  that  when  Oxidizing  (rusting  in 
the  case  of  steel)  is  complete,  no  furthe 
damage  can  result.  The  oxide  film  formed 
on  the  surface  of  the  Stainless  Steel  act 
as  a  barrier,  or  a  safeguard  to  prevent 
further  action  on  the  exposed  metal,' 

Since  no  color  change  takes  place,  it 
is  impossible  to  tell  by  visual  inspectidi 
wether  or  not  a  part  has  been  passivatedo 
Polished  parts  may  be  passivated  without 
harm  to  the  polished  surface, 

CAUTION:   The  Nitric  Acid  used  in  the 
Acid  Tank  has  little  or  no  effect  insofar 
as  dissolving  Stainless  Steel  is  concerned 
but  will  readily  dissolve  Chrome  Molybd- 
enum Nickel,  or  mild  Steels, 

Process  and  Research  Engineer 

1     i 


Socialism:  If  you  have  tv/o  cov/s,  you 
give  one  to  ,youi-  neighbor. 

Communism:     If  you  have  two  covis,  you 

give  them  to  the  Govei^nment 
and  the  Government  then  gives 
you  some  milk. 

Fascism:        ,.Jf  you  have  t'.'o  covjs,  you 
keep  the  covis  and  give  the 
milk  to  the  Government;  then 
the  Governr.ient  sells  you 
some  milk. 

Hev;  Dealism:   If  you  have  two  cot;s,  you 

shoot  one  and  milk  the  other; 
then  you  pour  the  railk  dovm 
the  drain. 

Naziism:  If  you  have  t?.f0  cov/s,  the 
Government  shoots  you  and 
keeps  the  covfs. 

Capitalism:  If  you  have  tv;o  cows,  you 
sell  one  and  buy  a  bull. 

moTQ  maniho 

BEKi'IE'rr,  are  there  any  memberships 
open  in  the  Association  of  Peanut  Eaters?  of  BEMETT,   I  wonder  if  he 
vfould  like  to  be  tagged  ^^dth  the  monicker 
"T1.TO  Pin"  after  losing  by  that  number  to 
"RED"  H;MiOCK? 

"BUTCH"   ORTIZ  better  get  a  lock  and 
chain  for  his  badge  because  we  h."ve  it  . 
from  "SLEEPY"  HCRW,   a  very  good  authority 
that  the  place  is  haunted, 

JENS  MEV/UAM  and  VriLEUR  'JBIflER  both 
have  their  brothers  v.dth  them  nov;  .and 
-we  sure  hope  they  join  us  at  Ryan's. 

C:\RL  ICTUEGER'S  wife  is  going  bo  be 
operated  on  next  vreek.     Here's  every 
good  wish,   Carl. 

"FERGIE"  FliEGUSON  complains  about   • 
washing  triangles  and  v/alking  the  floor, 
but  he   sure  is  proud  of  the  nev;  addition 
to  the  family. 

r>  T 




There  is  nothing  v/rong  v/ith  healthy 
dissatisfaction.     To  be  too  contented  is 
to  stagnate;   to  be  discontented  in  the 
right  way  is  to  force  progress.     All 
the  good  thing's  you  and  I  enjoy  are  the 
direct  results  of  someone  being  dissatis- 
fied vdth  things  as  they  vjere.     Vj'e  vrould 
be  living  in  caves  if  it  were  not  for 
dissatisfaction,   and  to  have  one  say  he 
is  dissatisfied  vath  his  present  place 
compels  admiration,  that  is,   if  it  is  a 
healthy  dissatisfaction. 

We  might  describe  the  difference 
between  a  healthy  dissatisfaction  and 
an  unhealthy  one  as  the  attitude  toward 
one's  vrork,  his   employer  and  fellov/ 
employees.     To  vdsh  to  progress  not  at 
the  e:cpense  of  anyone  else  is  healthy, 
but  to  be  selfish  and  vdsh  to  progress 
over  the  dov/nfall  of  someone  else,   is 

Briefly,  the  above  confirms  an 
old  adage,  that  it  pays  to  give  a  bit 
more  than  you  ^vere  paid  for. 

Come  in  a  bit  earlier,  leave  a  bit 
later,  learn  the  business  a  bit  better, 
and  in  your"  spare  time,  plan  v;ays  of 
helping  yoxir  employer.     K  you  have 
sometliing  good,   tell  him  about  it  and 
don't  expect  a  raise  the  next  pay  day. 
Render  service  and  in  due  time,  the 
money  part  vdll  follov;  after  you  in 
amounts  to  compensate  you  vdth  the  vrork 
you  have  put  in  your  efforts.     This  all 
ca].ls  for  cooperation  on  your  part  to 
promote  yourself  to  the  better  things 
in  life,  

IVe  don't  have  rain  in  California. 

Against  such  heresy  I'll  v/arn  yuh. 

Though  you  v/ill  hear  talk,   it's  true 

About  lov/  fog  and  heavy  dew. 

As  "the  fog  vras  avtful  heavy 

And  it  busted  through  the  levee" 

Cr  "So-and-so  viras  founded 

To  have  been  completely  di'ovmded 

In  a  gutter  running  full  of  heavy  dev;." 


##  .^  .f  V  v%- «-%■•■*♦•■•■»■■» -'"•■"••■-•■•'■■'■'^^''''-•-'-^•' 


by  Betty  Frank 

If  you  hear  a  lot  of  grunts  and 
([^roans  among  the  office  force  you  can 
probably  trace  it  to  badminton.  MILDRED 
ALKIRE  says  there's  no  future  in  it 
though.  You  play  to  aid  that  girlish 
figure  and  then  end  up  by  eatin,.<^  t'wice 
as  much  and  nursing  sore  muscles  all 

There  now  remain  just  two  girls  yfho 
have  not  been  asked  out  by  (never  mind, 
v;e  knovj  VJHO).  VJhat's  the  matter  girls, 

Where's  your  oomph or  was  your  name 

omitted  from  the  personnel  list? 

Just  recently  Receiving  begon  issuing 
discrepancy  reports  marked  vrith  a  place 
for  comments  on  the  bottom.  The  other 
day  DICK  DEVJEY  brought  one  in  marked: 
COivaffiNT  "Our  only  descretion  is  the 
shortage  of  one  dozen  little  dx'ills." 
And  still  another  read  "Shortages  do  not 
make  a  good  receiving  department."  Just 
wliat  would  make  .;i  good  receiving  depart- 

Have  you  seen  WILBUR  GREEN'S  black 
shirt?  He  stood  up  one  of  his  girls  two 
times  last  week;  could  be  he  is"ning 
a  lost  love.  Or  does  he  really  u'ear  it 
because  it  is  warm  and  onlj''  cost  98<|;? 

If  you  are  hccaded  back  the  ntiilroom 
■■'Jay  take  a  look  at  some  of  the  ties 
fiSHAFFEY  wears.  WOVIIAre  they  atrocious? 
ROY  KELLEY  took  one  look  and  said  "That 
settles  it,  I'm  goin,g  on  the  water  v;agon'.' 

After  riding  homo' in  LAIiRY  GIBSON'S 
jalopy  one  night  I  take  back  everytliing 
I  said  about  Johnny's  Locomobile.  It 
seems  Larry's  little  job  is  minus  a  rad- 
iator cap  and  after  about  two  blocks 
when  it  really  gets  warmed  up  it  gushes 
forth  like  "Old  Faithful".   Your  feet 
burn  up  but  Larry  says  that ' s  just  the 
steam  seeping  through  the  floor  boards. 
So  he  simply  opens  the  ^vindshield  to 
lot  the  steam  out  and  you  freeze  to 
death.  Boy,  the  things  I  don't  go 
through  for  dear  old  Ryan  Aeronautical? 

I'll  close  with  a  friendly  little 

reminder You  still  have  time  to  get 

the  little  woman  a  valentine.  Incidently 
there  are  only  251  more  shopping  days 
i-uatii  Christm-'  s . 

(Betty's  address  is  135A-  Dale  Street. 
She  asked  me  to  give  it  to  you  so  she 
■vould  get  all  those  valentines.) 

'       TIffi  SPIRIT  OF  THE  FACTORY 
by  Jack  Lunday 

The  Spirit  of  the  Factory  is  something 
you  can't  see,  something  you  can't  touch 
but  you  can  feel  it.  Deep  dovm  within 
ourselves  there  is  an  exbra  sense,  one 
that  tells  us  "Atiether  evc'/r.hing  is 
satisfactory  or  not.  This  sense  tells 
us  vrnether  or  not  the  Spirit  of  the 
F-ictory  is  right  or  ^vrong. 

Y'Jhv.t   does  your  sense  tell  you? 

I  remember  my  science  teacher  in 
school  telling  the  class  about  a  l-'.dy, 
who,  seeing  a  little  boy  spitting, 
stopped  and  asked  him  what  he  was  doing. 
He  answered,  "Spitting".  She  admonished 
him  and  told  him  he  should  stop  it.  He 
rvoplied,  "Alright,  but  before  I  do,  I'm 
going  to  be  the  best  spitter  there  ever 

That  is  the  kind  of  Plant  Spirit  we 
want,  "THE  BEST  THERE  EVER  V/AS". 

All  of  us  cannot  be  the  best  there  is 
but  as  we  each  try,  we  become  better  than 
We  vfore.  VJhatover  we  do,  lAriien  we  try 
to  do  it  better  than  anyone  else,  we 
naturally  do  it  better  than  it  has  been 

This  effort  on  our  part  reflects  the 
Plant  Spirit,  for  as  we  all  strive  to 
rc'.'.ch  our  own  goal  of  being  the  best,  the 
Spirit  of  the  Plant  becomes  that  of 
friendly  rivaliy,  of  cooperation  and 
satisfaction,  Mien  each  of  us  has  been 
told  by  our  extra  sense,  "There's  a  job 
well  done",  the  Spirit  of  the  Plant 
Seems  to  say,  for  all  to  hear,   "Here  is 
the  best  product  money  can  buy".  It  has 
been  made  by  men  who  are  satisfied  with 
nothing  but  the  best,  and  wo  are  satis- 

If  you  want  to  spit,  be  a  spitter, 
but  be  the  best  spitter  there  ever  was. 
I  believe  Benjamin  Franklin  in  "Poor 
liichard's  Almanac"  when  he  said,  "A  thing 
worth  doing,  is  worth  doing  well". 

Tlic  satisfaction  to  one's  self,  of' 
Icnovdng  that  he  did  the  best  he  could, 
is  gratifying  and  is  evident  in  the 
quality  of  his  work. 

Let  us  keep  our  Spirit  "THE  BEST 



On  V.'ednesday  Evening,  February  5th, 
the  Ryan  Camera  Club  had  its  first  meet- 
in  j,  BILL  KELLCR,  oi"  Engineering,  was 
appointed  temporary  chairman  pending  the 
election  of  penuanent  officers. 

There  v>iere  about  30  Ryan  people  at 
the  meeting  all  of  whom  enjoyed  every 
minute  of  the  three  hour  meeting.  There 
v.'ei'e  several  showings  of  interesting 
pictures,  such  as  200  feet  of  film  taken 
at  the  1941  Pasadena  Rose  Parade  and  400 
feet  of  l6  ram,  Kodachrahe  Color  film  of 
the  Ryan  STM-2  Seaplane, 

The  members  of  the  club  arc  now  in  a 
position  to  secure  all  types  of  pictures 
both  interesting  and  educational.  They 
welcome  all  types  of  Cameras  into  this 
club  and  plan  to  have  many  interesting 
meetings  where  instruction  in  picture 
talving  will  always  be  foremost. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the 
club  as  a  group  can  affect  worthv.'hile 
saving  on  the  purchase  of  camera  supplies 

The  members  vjish  to  stress  the  fact 
that  this  club  is  for  all  types  of  pict- 
ure taking,  "Amateur'  Photography  at  its 
Best"  is  their  motto,  and  they  are  sparg- 
ing nothing  to  make  this  possible. 

Anyone  who  is  interested  in  this  fast 
moving  group  of  "Camera  Bugs"  should  got 
in  touch  with  "Ace"  EDLIISTON,  of  Layout; 
BILL  KELLIjR,  of  Engineering-;  or  Edward 
HLRllN,  of  Engineering. 

The  place  of  the  next  meeting  will  be 
a.nnounced  in  the  next  issue  of  YOUR 
Ryan  Flying  Reporter, 

_;j.        ji.        jyc        .jj,        ^c 

. /'^■'^r 

7  \  /<^  i^A 



The  Ryan  Tennis  Club  got  off  to  a 
flying  start  at  its  initial  meeting  held 
Friday,  February  7th,  An  idea  of  the 
enthusiasm  of  its  members  may  be  gained 
fi'ora  the  fact  that  three  of  the  twenty 
men  t-hat  turned  out  for  this  first 
gahtering  are  on  the  third  shift, 

CARiIACK  RERRTUM  heads  the  ladder  corar- 
imlttee  which  includes  JII.[  HOBS  ON  and 
GEOIGE  BC\;DEN.  This  committee  has  already 
formulated  a  set  of  rules  for  challenge 
matches  which  are  to  begin  immediately, 
Al"iNOLD  MEYER  has  been  selected  to  manage 
the  club. 

Initial  rankings  have  been  determined 
by  the  committee  on  the  basis  of  past 
playing.  All  men  who  feel  that  they 
"might  just  as  well  beat  that  fellow" 
are  urged  to  become  active.  This  very 
definitely  includes  men  from  all  shifts, 

A  ladder  box  is  being  constructed, 
and  will  be  mounted  in  a  prominent  place, 
V'Jatch  for  the  announcement  of  the  next 
meeting,  and  be  sure  to  attend, 

-/\      ^i-   ■5$'   "JI-   -X- 


THG.iAS  EIliONS,  of  the  Inspection  D<^ 
partment,  and  a  group  of  Ryan  Employees 
are  very  much  interested  in  Drama,  They 
ai'e  anxious  to  get  started  on  rehearsals 
for  the  first  Drama  Club  Play  to  be 
staged  sometime  in  May.  They  are  in  need 
of  several  fellows  and  girls,  so  that  a 
strong  cast  can  be  built  up  for  a  suc- 
cessful "First  Night" 

They  hope  that  there  will  be  many  vol- 
unteers for  this  club  as  it  can  become 
one  of  the  most  useful  clubs  in  the  Ryan 
Recreation  Department, 

They  have  already  chosen  the  play  and 
ai'e  ready  to  get  going  as  soon  as  there 
are  enough  interested  employees  to  make 
the  play  a  success.  There  are  so  many 
ways  that  this  club  can  be  of  help  to  the 
Recreation  Department  that  all  interested 
in  Drama  should  turn  their  names  in  at 
once  so  that  rehearsals  may  start  without 

^.^^•^^i^m  {i^f7&rlii3U/r, 



There  is  plenty  of  spirit  shown  as 
the  second  half  of  the  spiit-season  of 
the  Ryan  Bowling  League  is  vjell  ■underway. 
There  really  is  a  lot  of  HOT  competition 
as  ir.any  of  the  teams  are  trying  to  hold 
the  top  spots,  and  the  underdogs  are 
scrambling  for 'the  top  five  nings  in  the 
Bowling  Ladder, 

M.  Marco's  273  game  is  still  high  by 
quite  a  safe  margin,  not  only  in  the 
Ryan  League  but  in  the  entire  City  cf 
San  Diego,  To  him  we  say  "Nice  Rolling" 
The  standings  at  the  close  of  thu  fourth 
week  of  competition  are  as  follows: 


OFFICE  13     3 

INSPECTION  ].2     k 

SUE-ASSEMBLY  10     6 




I'JANIFOLD  7     9 


TOOLING  6    10 

SHEET  METAL  J         11 



-;;■  -ii     ii    *  -A- 


With  the  first  half  of  the  City  Corrr- 
mtrcial  Basketball  League  a  thing  of  the 
pa.v.t,  the  Ryan  Team  is  out  to  break  a 
strtak  of  tough  luck  that  has  been  with 
T.heiu  for  the  past  five  games.  All  of 
tr:o  games  that  the  Ryan  Boys  have  played 
in  have  been  settled  with  a  point  differ 
ence  totaling  16  points  for  the  five 
games.  The  last' half  of  the  schedule 
is  far  from  easy,  but  the  team  is  really 
ready  to  put  all  they  have  into  it  and 
"Play  for  Keeps"  in  every  game,  AJLl  of 
the  boys  are  in  perfect  physical  cori- 
dition  as  well  as  in  a  very  good  frame 
of  mind. 

We  ask  that  as  many  as  can  come  out 
to  the  games  be  there  as  it  helps  the 
team  to  knots  that  there  are  some  backers 
in  the  stands  that  are  pulling  for  them 
to  hit  the  "hoop".  Come  on  fellows 
let's  give  them  some  support « 



Seventeen  of  Ryan's  "choice  Divot 
Diggers  turned  up  at  the  La  Mesa  Golf 
Club  last  Sunday  to  fight  it  out  for 
supremacy  of  the  links.  The  fellows 
report  that  they  had  a  great  time  and 
their  only  hope  is  that  there  will  be 
more  fellows  on  hand  to  compete  in  the 
next  tournaraent  to  be  held  sometime  in 

None  other  than  "Our  Pal",  M,  Marco 
with  his  new  set  of  matched  clubs,  was 
the  winner  with  a  94"26-68  net.  He  was 
playing  by  far  the  best  golf  of  his  re- 
cent comeback.  GEORGE  DEV/,  of  the  Inspect 
ion  Department,  pressed  him  all  the  way 
and  finaly  wound  up  in  the  second  spot 
with  a  98-25-73*  George  was  just  a  little 
off  his  game,  so  we  look  for  some  hot 
competition  from  him  in  the  next  tourney. 
Not  to  bo  out  done,  the  Time  Keeping 
Department,  sent  their  star  HARRY  KISTER 
into  the  battle,  Harry  won  the  low  gross 
honors  as  well  as  coming  in  third  in  the 
not  play  with  an  88-11-77 • 

We  hope  that  all  of  the  Ryan  Golfers 
from  all  of  the  shifts  will  turn  their 
names  into  the  Personnel  Office  so  that 
we  can  have  a  much  larger  tournament  as 
well  as  form  teams  to  compete  in  the  Air 
craft  Golf  League,  along  with  Solar, 
Rohr,  and  Consolidated,  Come  on  fellows, 
let's  make  Ryan  the  Aircraft  Golf  Champs, 

There  will  be  a  sign  at  the  "Guard 
House"  displaying  the  time  and  the  place 
of  all  of  the  remaining  games  that  the 
Ryan  Team  will  play.  The  schedule  for  the 
second  half  is  as  follows: 
Thursday, February  6th, San  Diego  High, 9  PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  La  Jolla  Surfers, 
Tuesday,  February  11th, Municipal  Gym,  7  PI^ 

Ryan  Air  vs  H  &  H  Malt  Shopc 
Thursday, February  20th, San  Diego  High, 8PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars 
Tuesday,  February  25th, Municipal  Gym, 8  PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  Camp  Moreno, 
Wednesday,March  5th, San  Diego  High,  8  PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  Neighborhood  House  Juniors 
Tuesday,  March  11th,  San  Diego  High,  8  PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  Coronado  Crowns, 
Wednesday,  March  19th,San  Diego  High, 9  PM 

Ryan  Air  vs  Mint  Cafe, 


Vol.  1 
•        • 

TLulna  jQ.QpottQt 


FEBRUARY  28,  1941 

Sr-3j  READY  TO  ROLL  6 

7ath  C.A.A.  static  tests  for  the  ST-3's  Approved  Type  Certificate  out  of  the 
way  and.  tooling  for  the  ne\i   job  practically  completed,  the  Fuselage  .^,nd  Viing  pro- 
duction lines,  and  the  Final  Assembly  department  will  soon  lose  that  recent  vacant 
look  v/hich  followed  completion  of  the  export  STM-2  trainers. 

A  greater  volume  of  the  famous  Ryan 
Trainers  than  ever  before  will  soon 
fill  the  Final  Assembly  floor  as  the 
new  planes  near  completion  b-sfore  their 
test  flights,  and  when  the  latest  fac- 
tory addition  for  sub  and  final  S-T 
assembly  is  finished  PRODUCTION  IN  A 
BIG  VLAY  will  begin  in  earnest. 

For  the  past  two  weeks  EDDIE 
OBLHBAUER,  his  right-hand  man,  BUD 
iv2I}0\IT'Il,  and  the  rest  of  the  gang  in 
"Experimental"  have  been  burning  the 
midnight  oil  getting  the  3T-3  ready  to 
leave  on  demonstration  flights.  TJhen 
the  "X"  plane  takes  of f from  here,  pro- 
bably the  latter  part  of  the  week,  in 
the  capable  hands  of  EOB  K'ER.LINGSR 
(from  across  the  field  at  the  Ryan 
School)  it  will  be  equipped  rath  a 
transparent  sliding  hatch,  cabin  heat- 
er and  a  "dummy"  landing  gear  controls. 
Briefly,  the  ner;  job  has  caught  the  at- 
tention of  Important  people  I 

The  first  production  job  of  the  nevf 
series  is  now  on  the  Final  A.ssembly 
floor  where  JOHN  VAN  DER  LIJOE  and  his 
boys  are  getting  it  ready  to  h,op  to 
'Vright  Field,  with  test  pilot  JOE  RUST 
at  the  controls,  for  the  Air  Corps' 
final  test  flights.  After  that  v.-e'll 
be  through  talking  about  the  "ST-3"  and 
begin  to  refer  to  the  "PT-21"  vjhich  is 
the  Air  Corps'  official  designation  for 
the  job. 

Still  later  we'll  have  some  "tiR-l" 
planes  going  dovm  the  production  line, 
and  these  will  be  for  the  Navy. 

Last  v;eek  was  a  busy  one  for  the 
Engineering  Department  vdth  C.A.A. 
static  tests  of  the  ST-3  being  run  Tin- 
der the  direction  of  VJ.  M.  "MC" 
CATTRELL,  Project  Engineer,  assisted 


Engineers  PYLE,  ROSACItB:R  and  BORDEN. 

The  latest  of  the  Ryan  lov/-wing  open 
cockpit  trainern  bears  the  well-known 
'S-T"  designation  ,'\nd  in  general  has  the 
I   appearance  vrith  v.'hich  we  have  long  been 
]   familiar,  but  othervdse  it  is  an  entirely 
■I  NEiT  airplane.  It  has  been  designated  and 
i  to  advantage  of  the  lessons 
;  the  Company,  its  pilots  and  engineers, 
I  have  learned  by  years  of  production  ex- 
■:  perience  with  this  basic  tj'^pe. 
•;    Tne  first  of  the  nev.'  Ryan   ST-3  models 
J  are  po\;ere.d   with  a  radial  engine  -  a 
;  Kinner  five-cylinder  air-cooled  model. 
I  Hov/ever,  it  is  also  available  with  the 
;  familiar  in-line  Menasco  engine  if  the 
\  purchaser  specifies. 

;    Many  important  changes  over  previous 
;  Ryan  trainers  have  been  incorporated  in 
I  the  nev;  ST-3  model.   The  fuselage  is 
I  v.'ider  and  longer,  assuring  roomy  cockpits 
*  for  student  and  instructor.  The  entire 
]  treadle-type  landing  gear  unit  has  been 
}  changed  and  allo\;s  for  several  Vviieel  and 
I  brake  coribinations.  Tread  has  been  in- 
>  creased  by  more  than  a   foot  a,nd  the 
jv.'heols  ai-e  nov:  set  further  forward.  The 
;  familiar  streamlined  wire-braced  wings 
';  are  used,  but  they  now  have  a  4°10'  sv;eei*- 
■jback.  The  3T-3  fuselage  remains  of  sema- 
I  monocoque  stressed  metal  skin  construc- 
]  tion. 

I        Liuch  thought  and  planning  have  gone 
I  into  its  design,  and  into  the  tooling  and 
I  jigging  for  the  nev;  plane  as  it  is  to  be 
f the  Comoany's  main  contribution  to 
I  National  Defense,  since  it  has  been  se- 
l  lected  by  the  Government  as  one  of  the 
;  primary  training  planes  for  mass  produc- 
jtion  under  its  type-standardization  pro- 
\  gram. 







Published  by  Emoloyees  of  the 
through  thoir  '/el fare  Department 

Art  i';ditor 
to  this  issue: 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  ^isterdahl 

M.  Marco;  Dill  Vfegner 

Bill  van  den  Akker 
Sam  Ereder 
Adelaide  Sniith 
J.   C.   lioakes 
Jaiues  Roosevelt 
Euli  •.'iartin 
::.   u.  Cattrell 
Departr.aental  Contributors : 

Manifold ,    Night  3 
F.andoiii  Thought  3 
Carpenter  Shop 


The  Tjjae  Clock 
The  Gravn  Yard 
IJig-ht  hai'dcs 
The  Snoop  Set 
Office  Prattle 

Brad  Harris 
Ray  I..'orkor/ski 
Genevieve  Boyer 
Carl  Iluchting 
Ken  Liiirray 
V.   J.   Park 
Georgfc  Dev/ 
Eddie  Cberbauer 
Safety  Conmittee 
"The  Bat" 
"The  ohadov;" 
"Brenda  &  Cobina" 
Bet-ty  Frank 

Organization  Contributors : 

Ryanettes  liildred  Alkire 

Cameici  Club  Ace  Eriirdston 

Drama  Club  Torriiriy  Emmons 

One  of  the  Flying  Reporter 'a  enterpris- 
ing reporters,   Tor/imy  Enunons,   has  .shovn 
his  aptitude  as  a  demon  nswshound,   turn- 
ing up  for  this  issue  \vith  the  folloxdng 
exclusive  statement  on  aircraft  and 
Kational  Defense  from  the  President's 


Having  seen  the  gro'.vth  of  Aircraft 
as  a  weapon  for  defense  increase  so 
a.ma7.ingly  in  the  last  fevi  years,    it   is 
good  to   see  in  our  ovm  "back  yard" 
here  in  San  Diego,   an  equally  pro- 
gressive advance.     You  v;ho  build  this 
strong  nrm  of  safety  have  the  thanl^s 
and  test  mshes  of  all  of  vis  I  am  s\ii"e. 




All  Ryan  employees  vdll  be  interested 
to  knovf  that  v;e  are  just  in  receipt  of 
the  letter  fi'om  China,  quoted  below: 

"I  returned  from  Cliungking  about  tv/o 
veeks  ago  zav\   during  my  visit  discussed 
this  matter  vdtn  various  officials  in 
ti:.-j  Government; and  Cormiiission  of  Aero- 
nautical Affairs,  as  a  result  of  v-hich 
1  gathered  six  Ryans  were  destroyed  dur-  the  bombing  of  Loivdng.  There  was 
no  opportunity  of  saving  any  of  these 
planes,  aJ.though  most  of  them  vrere  com- 
pletely assembled  and  had  already  been 
test  flov.Ti,  as  the  raid  v;as  a  complete 
f:urprise  and  there  v.'as  no  time  to  fly 
them  to  another  field.  This  is  rather 
unusual  as  tlse  Chinese  have,  an  e:'d:,remely 
efficient  coiiimunication  system  and  the 
firr-t  alarm  is  genei'ally  sounded  an  hour 
and  the  urgent  alarm  tv^enty  minutes,  be- 
fore a  raid.  Hovfever,  Loiwing  being  in 
the  back  of  beyond  has  no  toims  or  vil- 
lages in  the  surrounding  vicinity  and  so 
the  first  intim?ition  of  a  raid  r.'as  the 
actual  di-opping  of  bombs. 

"In  addition  to  these  six  planes,  tvfo 
more  v.'ero  destroyed  during  a  raid  on  FurtiK-rmore  one  plane  cracked 
up  and  v.'as  destroyed  enroute  from  Kun- 
miiig  to  Chengtu  so  the  supply  vdll  pro- 
bably not  last  very  long. 

"Generally  speaking,  I  am  pleased  tn 
advise  that  both  tlie  pilots  and  officials 
are  very  satisfied  vdth  the  Kyans." 

\/ /.(., 



) .  ( rO- 


The  Personjiel  Office  is  glad  to  an- 
nounce that  there  rdll  be  a  memiber 
of  the  Income  Ta:i  Board  present  in 
the  outer  office  of  the  Persorjiel 
Department,  i.Ionday  and  Tuesday, 
Iferch  17th  and  loth  between  2  and  4 

This  man  vdll  be  there  for  a  two- 
hour  period  each  day,   at  vrhich  time 
he  vdll  answer  any  and  all  questions 
pertaining  to  tlie  STATE  ir!CO:iS  TAX. 
This  applies  to  all  of  the  Personnel 
of  the  Ryan  Company. 

M.   liARCO 
Personnel  Director 



There  are  man2/  tinie  clocks  in  inany 
places.  V/e're  going  to  im-igine  they  can 
see  and  hear  and  talk.  It  may  be  one 
or  the  other  of.  them  which  vdll  begin 
to  tell;  some  of  his  stories  in  this 

Every  worker  in  his  department  looks 
him  straiglit  in  the  face  every  day  and 
he  has  seen  many  of  theri  come  and  go. 

And  the  tis?.e   clock  hears  o.bout  every 

thing  that  goes  on  around  hijii  too 

;^ood   nev;,s  3nd  bad. 

He  has  hung  up  there  on  the  T«jall  for 
r   long  v/hile  and  he's  liad  plenty  of 
tiine  to  tick  out  plenty  of  thinking. 
i\ll  this  has  made  the  time  clock  a  wise 

old  bird.     He  understands  people he's 

keen  and  practical  and  s^/mpatlietic  and 
up  to  the  minute. 

It   so'onds  funny  but  the  people  vfho 
"pmich"  hiiTi  are  his  friends!     Among 
other  things  every  "puiich"  whxch  he  re- 
gisters shoots  a  thrill  through  his 
v,'heels  because  lie  knows  that  one  of  his 
pals  reported  for  duty  safely  or  has 
just  completed  a  part  of  a   safe  vrork 

\ihen  the  tJjne  cards  don't  move  "in" 
and  "out"  as  they  shou.Ldj   the  time 
clock  soon  learns  "'./hy.     RemeraV)er — The 
TLme  Clock  Ivnov/sJ     Read  vihat  ne  says! 


to  zemembet 

VJith  the  European  situation  rapidly 
approaching  the  expected  Spring  climax, 
Aiaericau  aircraft  are  going  to  be  more 
in  the  nev.'s  than  ever.     In  order  that 
our  employees  vfho  are  so  deeply  inter- 
ested in  aviation  may  be  able  to  iden- 
tify the  various  American  aircraft  par- 
ticipating in  the  conflict  abroad  vdth 
the  ISritish  forces,   the  follo^ving  list 
showing  the  British  names  for  these 
planes  v/ill  be  of  interest  in  helping 
to  identify  in  your  minds  the  partj.cular 
airplanes  as  they  are  referred  to  in  the 
nev;s  reports. 

CARIBOU  (Bell  Airacobra) 

BUFFALO  (Erevrster) 

MOHAVz-K  (Curtiss  P-36  Pursuit) 

TOMAHAWK  (Curtiss  P-40  Pursuit) 

LIGHTNING  (Lockheed  P-38  Intercepter) 

MUSTANG  (North  American's  nev;  Allison 

poTJered  pursuit) 
j.P.NCER  (Republic  Pursuit,   formerly 

VJJNuEANCE  (devt.'lopment  of  the  Vultee 

Vang-'aard  Pursuit) 
LIBERATOR  (Consolidated  four-engine 

B-24  Bomber) 
CLEVELAND  (Curtiss  Navy  helldiver) 
BOSTON  (Douglas  DB-7) 
DIGBY  (Doaglas  E-18  Bomber) 
ivLARYLA?©  (llartin  16?  twin- engine  Bomber) 
BALTB'IORE  (iviartin  Bomber — probably 

their  Flying  Torpedo) 
CATALINA  (Consolidated  FEY  Flying  Boat) 
HUDSON  (Lockheed  iJomber) 
'/E-MTURA  (nevr  Locki-ieed  Comber,   develop- 
ment of  the  Lodestar  transport) 
BESIRJDA  ('"•rev.'ster  Navy  Fighter-Bomber) 
LliiRTLET  ( Crrumjiif^n  Fighter) 
Ki\RV;-.RD   (North  /jiierican  Basic  Combat 

YALE  (North  American  Basic  Trainer) 
CIIS3AFEAI<S  (Vought-Sikorsky  Navy  Bomber) 

The  Boeing  B-I7  Flying  Fortresses 
T.'hich  will  probably  soon  go  to  England 
have  not  yet  been  given  a  British  name 
nor  lias  the  Douglas  B-23 
yet  been  given  its  designation  by  the 


:KoP£CTIOI:  DEPiVHTIvSi'.T     by  George  A.  Dev;|     |  jm-ERnSHTAL by  Eddie  Oberbauer 

The  first  day  the  2, 000- ton  steamer 
"Chamberlain"  '.vent  aground  in  the  bay, 
HMiRISOK,  V;ALT  SIETOKS  and  yours  truly 
out  in  his  boat  to  take  a  look  see.   All 
vTent  -..'ell  until  they  arrived  at  the 
scene  of  the  groundinij.     TKSH,   tl;ey  too 
v;ent  .'i.trround  cindj   as  a  result,  took 
raiite  .-i  ribbing  froin  t!ie  sailors  aboard 
the  "Gliamberlain" . 

Aftwr  much  rockino-,    damning,   and 
pushinfi"  v/ith  a  pole,   Skipper  Johnson 
"uni^rounded"  his  craft,   whereupon  a 
sailor  .-iboard  the  steamer  yelled  in  a 
Vi'ell-:uoclia.lated  scream,    "Nov/  lend  us 
that  pole."'   (an  imp>J.sive  fellow.) 

The  other  ni.vht  J.   }!.   SJiiPSON  of  the 
Inspection  Department,   T.'ho  rooms  with 
CAi'-ilciACrl  BlKRYIilAJJ  of  the  same  Department, 
v;oke  up  in  the  irdddle  of  the  night  feel- 
ing that  he  was  catching  a  cold.     He  de- 
cided to  use  a  little  "Vick's"  in  his 
nose  to  kill  the  cold.     Being  a  consid- 
erate young  man,   and  knowing  his  "Vicks" 
Miss  on  the  bed  table,   he  never  tiurned 
on  the  light,   but  reached  until  his 
hand  encountered  a  bottle.     Wl-iat  he 
used  didn't  seem  to  help  his  cold,   so 
he  got  up  and  tm-ned  on  the  light,  and 
discovered  he  had  used  "liJK". 

To  ds.te  vfe  have  received  one  chal- 
lenge tc  our  claim  of  being  superior  in 
sports.     The  Production  Planning  De- 
partment has  challenged  us  to  a  Badmin- 
ton match,  v/hich  v.'e  v/ill  report  on  in 
the  next  issue. 

V.'e  have  teams  ready,  i;illing  and  able 
to  accept  and  meet  all  challenges  in 
Softball,    Swi.n-Jiting,   Basketball,   Rifle 
ohooting,   Salli'.ig,   Power  Boating, 
Cycling,   Crolf,  Tennis,   Handball, 
Archery,   Badminton,   Bonding,   Checkers 
and  "STWF".     ',/e  really  mean  TEM.iS,   too. 
V."e  guarantee  to  m.eet  ail  challenges 
v.lthin  one  week.     Com.e  on,    let's  have 
some  opposition.     Our  team  members  are 
drawn  from  the  Inspection  Departm.ent 

Say,   Lairy,    we  surely  appreciate 
that  Golf  Clinic,     '.'hy  can't  we  get 
more  out.      It's  free,   and  we  get  les- 
sons  from  some  of  the  best  "pro's"  in 
tovm.      Last  Tuesday  there  ivere  about 
fourteen  there.     laessrs.   FliMN,   BOVi'DEN, 
'.TBLLU.3  and  yours  tru_ly  of  the  Inspec- 
tion Deoartment  \'/ere  present. 

"GAPY"  CAFRON  is  our  ace  now.     He  can 
fly  alone.     If  anybody  shouJ.d  hear  some 
unusual  dive-bombing,    it  could  be  "CAPY". 

Imagine  selling  your  home  (OCwtOj 
then  not  being  able  to  rent  another  and 
ending  -ay,  by  living  in  a  boarding  house. 
That's  our  ^//ALLY  EUTIOl  and 

Flight  test  section,   along  vdth  final 
assembly  looks  avffully  slim  now.     They 
say  it  is  a].l  because  of  Iilxperimental . 
I  don't  believe  it.     Incidentally,  we 
have  a  rr3  mock-up  over  here  now. 
TEX  MARLEY  can't  understand  why  we  should 
be  building  a  covered  wagon  in  an  air- 
plane factory.      Stick  around  TEX,   you'll 
see  more  yet. 

Boy.'  Has  the  C.A.A.  been  piling  the 
lead  on  our  airplane?     lic-t  being  able  to 
break  it  that  v,'ay,   they  tried  to  shake 
it  to  pieces.     I  don't  believe  they  trust 
ovir  vrarki 

BUD  luEDLI^JER  managed  to  chisel  one  of 
C.  Vif.   KIRBY'S  empty  cigarette  packages 
(VJings) .   They  sent  it  in  hoping  to  win 
a  Piper  65  Cub.     How  about  a  ride.   Bud? 

Seems  we  have  a  little  rivalry  be- 
tween our  aces  LEIXIg";iR  and  GAPBON.     He 
who  arrives  at  the  airport,  first  after 
work  flies  the  airplane.     Our  present 
overtime  work  seems  to  upset  their  sched- 

If  anybody  should  vrant  any  information 
as  to  the  value  of  food  in  calories,    see 
C.  YL   KIRBY  (the  Experimental  boys  ^vill 
verify  this  statement). 

It's  not  true  that  GLIiffi  sold  his 
chickens  to  te^t  pilot  JOE  "RU3TY"  RUST, 
but  CLIi'E  does  want  to  know  if  it '  s  eggs 
JOE  carries  around  in  his  car. 

Say,  Don,    I  really  did  not  go  to 
Carlsbad  last  Saturday. 

I   see  that  cur  boss,  ML  THOIvIPSON, 
finally  got  av.'ay  from  the  V/illys.     He 
sprouted  out  xdth  a  new  Plymouth  the 
other  day.      It   sure  must  be  nice  to  be  a 

'iJ.iANIFOLD  I.'iailT  I-LWJKS 

by  The  Shador 

Reraember  us?  Here  v.'e  are  again,  and 
you  are  probably  saying,  as  did  the 
needle  to  the  nudist,  "So  vv'hat". 

Despite  the  fact  that  ROM.\N  "SCOOP" 
MCRKOV'/SKY  intei"'/iev;ed  every  iiipn  on  the 
night  shift,  including  DAPPER  DAN  BUR- 
NETT, he  still  doesn't  believe  it's  true 
^•■rhat  they  say  about  the  Chinese.  His 
vdfe  bakes  the  best  chocolate  cake  I've 
ever  v/i-apped  a  lip  over.  If  you  don't 
believe  me,  ask  "BUTCH"  ORTIZ.   If  I 
co'xLd  find  a  girl  v/ho  dishes  up  a  moal 
like  IvLRS.  CAllL  THOMAS  and  balces  cakes 
like  1S.3.   MORKOV/SKI,  I'd  consider  niatri- 
mony  myself. 

FREklCHIE  F0U3H£E  says  he's  cutting 
his  v.dsdom  teeth.  Oh!  j'ou  think  it's 
about  time  too,  eh? 

That  bout  between  "hTwYSBOY"  BROVJI'IYER 
and  R.  A.  VvILSOW  will  be  settled  by  a 
dual — marshmellov.^s  at  forty  paces. 

Tl)e  pe;:.nut  stretcher  R.  T.  LAIiE,  in- 
vented really  works,  as  I  sa\Y  "COVffiOY" 
I'JET.  and  BUTCH  ORTIZ  all  dipping  into 
the  little  bag  of  peanuts  that  SilACK 
BURBAtJK  brought  to  v/ork. 

The  little  girl  at  LaRonda  says  she 
likes  RED  BECKER'S  smilu.  She  says 
he's  cute  and  looks  like  the  Campbell's 
Soup  Kcv/pie.   "GUTTERBALL"  FEP.GUSON, 
the  bov.'ler,  says  his  new  family  is  do- 
ing fine.  S.U-I  BOOTH  has  nothing  against 
foreign  relations,  provided  th.ey  don't 
come  to  live  with  him. 

^..'e  are  happy  to  announce  that  iilRS. 
CARL  1<21UGER  is  home  from  t,l-:e  hospital 
and  on  the  road  to  rapid  recovery.  !7e 
knew  a  doctor  once  who  was  so  absent 
minded  that  he  operated  on  a  woinan  five 
times  and  then  forgot  what  he  vras   look- 
ing for.  Finally  ho  installed  a  plate 
glass,  so  that  he  could  go  window  shop- 
ping. Tsk,  Tsk. 

R.  •;:.  AIjDERSON  drove  to  Los  Angeles 
to  meet  his  wife  who  came  out  from  Ft. 
Collins,  Colorado.  Vfnile  in  L.A.  they 
visited  moi'e  places  than  'Tendell  V/ilkie. 
AKiDERSON  by  the  v;ay,  used  to  vrork  for 
Henry  Ford,  the  vibrator  expert. 

H.  J.  PC'v/LEY  is  trying  to  sv/ap  his 
parts  truck  for  a  Good  Humor  vjagon. 
STEVE  BEVER  looks  like  a  floor  walker 
vdth  his  yellow  Tag  Day  Specials. 

BOB  SVJAFFORD:  "How  can  I  ^et  hold 
of  iir.  aarco??" 

E.  P.  MLLOT:  "I  don't  know,  he's 
pretty  ticklish". 

DATO  'TEI-IPLE  says  that  now  that  his  boys 
know  there  isn't  a  Santa  Claus'^,  he  had 
to  promise  them  each  an  Easter  Bunny, 
and  speaking  of  bujinies,  ....  CEF.TIFIiD 
SAi'.II.iY  SAIIA,  says  his  rabbitii  may  be  able 
to  multiply,  but  it  takes  a  snake  to  be 
an  adder.   Since  DALE  PARIS  had  his  car 
fixed,  it  runs  like  a  churnj  pardon  me, 
I  mean  charm.  The  reason  RED  SCH.IEFFER 
is  vrearing  the  fedora,  is  that  he's  been 
chilled  to  the  bone.  J.  R,  EXLIIffi  had 
bought  so  many  attachments  for  his  car, 
that  he's  afraid  th,e  sheriff  will  pro- 
vide the  last  one. 

are  about  three  hundred  men  on  the 
Second  Shift,  and  there  are  sixty  park- 
ing spaces  mai'ked  off  for  the  Second 
Shift,  half  of  which  are  filled  up  by 
the  day  cre^.i-  —  well,  you  figure  it  out. 
Last  nigiit  I  parked  half  a  block  this 
side  of  the  Plaza. 

Did  i'XDIE  vr^SER  ever  use  the  hair 
tonic  he  received  for  Xjnas?  He  certain- 
ly has  a  fine  head  of  skin.  FRANK  BEM^SET 
by  an  aL;.ost  unan.urious  vote  \/as  acclaimed 
the  most  popular  plant  policeman.  ROSS 
"HAP"  MILLER  m^\de'  several  chairs  and  a 
table  for  a  breakfast  nook,  all  out  of 
his  ovm  head,  and  had  enough  v/ood  ].eft 
for  a  footstool,  he  said. 

Note  to  BILL  WM'.iER:  Don't  let  the 
razzing  get  you  dorm  just  because  the 
invention  didn't  work  the  first  time. 
Bill.   It  vj-as  a  good  try  and  maybe  the 
next  one  vn'J.l  click.  Just  remember,  a 
guy  never  hit  the  ball  as  long  as  he  kept 
the  bat  on  shoulder.  Bettei-  luck 
next  time. 

fLiNK  DAUI'l:   "Don't  worry,  v;hcn  I 
first  cajne  here  I  didn't  have  a  shirt  to 
my  back."  K.  R.  SANCHEZ:   "VvTiat  have  you 
now?"  HANK:  "A  shirt." 

I^ARY  v/on  the  v/restling  match  with  the 
weld  pounding  machine.  Best  t^'o  falls 
out  of  three,  but  it  ^ras  a  tough  match. 
The  guy  ;,'ho  stole  CAPlL  THOIvIAS' "tools  is 
low  enough  to  steal  vfhiskers  off  a 
barber  shop  floor. 

That  inverted  slot  machine  with  the 
paddle  v;heels  and  built  in  jackpot  is  a 
1926  Overland  and  is  driven  by  "GU3" 
GUSoMN  and  CHaRLIE  SHAPT.SR.      No  mat- 
ter v/hich  one  drives  it,  it  goes  steadj^^ 
by  jerks.  P.  T.  BUSH  remembers  when  CEC 
FARREIiL  was  the  third  jerk  from  the  end 
on  the  high  school  tug-of-v;ar  team. 

EARL  idjUBELL'S  girl  thinks  he  is  a 
baseball  player  -  she  calls  him  DIZZY 


by  Carl  Huchting|  j^.EUING 

by  Ken  Murray 


If  it  is  possible  for  ne  to  find  out 
through  the  "Ryan  Plying  Reportor"  of 
any  members  of  the  National  Coicrnandery, 
The  Naval  and  liilitary  Order  of  the 
Spanish- .''vmerican  '.Tar,  who  nii:;ht  be  work- 
ing for  the  Ryan  Coinpany,  I  v;ould  in- 
deed appreciate  that  courtssy.  I  arii  a 
Junior  Life  keinber  cf  that  organization 
and  therefore  I  vjould  j.ilce  to  knov."-  v/ho 
(if  any)  they  may  be. 

Everj'thing  is  going  on  very  smoothlj'- 
in  our  department.  VJe  are  sincerely 
gi-ateful  for  the  things  \:e.   have  to  do 
each  day.  We  certainl;"-  appreciate  the 
many  "Than}c -you's''  extended  to  us  Vjy 
the  boys  from  the  other  departments,  for 
for  our  services  rendered.  SERVICU 
ITITH  A  SMILj: is  our  motto. 

There  seems  to  be  some  talk  about  us 
having  a  nev;  work  shop.  We  hope  this  is 
true  and  that  the  Ryan  Company  vail  in- 
stall a  "Siilted  Peanut  Dispenser"  near 
JACK  PEi^lT'S  desk,  especially'"  for  hLm. 
The  poor  guy  is  knocking  off  weight 
from  the  extra  steps  he  has  to  take 
each  day,  running  to  the  lunch  vragon  at 
noon  for  that  nickel  bag  of  peanuts. 

Au  ReToir 

For  about  a  year  and  a  half 
there  was  a  man  in  the  lianifold 
Department  whose  cheerfixl,  fun- 
loving  personality  made  Ryan's  a 
better  place  to  v;ork.  a  few  daj'^s 
ago  he  passed  ar:ay  but  his  happy 
spirit  is  still  \:ith  us.  Even 
though  his  passing  marks  an  un- 
happy day  for  us  and  his  r.df e  and 
son,  v/e  all  are  indebted  to  him 
for  making  oui'  lives  a  little 
richer,  a  little  fuller. 

According  to  good  authority 
that  boui'ne  from  whence  no  traveler 
returns  must  be  a  pretty  nice 
place.  Having  knovm  him,  v.'e  know 
that,  wherever  it  is,  it  is  an  even 
nicer  place  by  virtue  of  "BAD" 
BEfniET'S  thoughtful,  kindly  pre- 
sence. And  so.  Dad,  from  those  of 
us  who  knev;  you  but  slightly  to 
those  Vviio  loved  yon  v:ell,  it's  not 
goodbye just Au  'voir. 

"Chief"  C1-II:ISTIaN  was  having  trouble 
getting  a  grip  on  his  torch  the  other 
day,  and  it  seems  as  though  a  little 
Gev.'-Gav/  vjas  the  trouble.  Chief  accused 
everyone  but  the  right  one.  It  could 
have  been  somebody  getting  back  at  him 
for  a  v;et  seat  that  happened  the  day 
previous.  Give  it  a  thought,  Chief, 

AL  SCIffiLL  would  like  to  knovr  who 
the  party  was  that  is  responsible  for 
his  toppling  from  his  lofty  perch?  I'll 
tell  "ALL",  Al.   It  was  only  a  poor  lit- 
tle match  that  caused  the  trouble.   If 
you  don't  believe  mo  ask  GEORCE  LAI^JE  or 
SLBi  L-hDROOT.  They  stood  by  and  watch- 
ed the  match  cravd  into  the  place  in- 
stead of  the  steel  pin  that  was  support- 
ing your  stool.  How's  a'oout  it  L0Y3? 

PAUL  VEAL  has  new  car  troubles.   If 
you  doubt  my  veracity,  note  the  worried 
look  on  his  face,  or  is  it  a  ne"u'  addition 
to  the  family  shortly? 

A  certain  foreman  was  a  little  late 
the  other  day.  Could  it  have  been  a 
"Poker  Party"? 

In  all  sincerity  I  wish  to  commend 
the  PltWit  Police  on  their  splendid  work 
and  I  knov.'  that  all  the  fellov.'s  are  try- 
ing to  cooperate  to  the  fullest.  There 
is  one  particiiiar  officer  who  is  a  bit 
hard  on  us  fellovifs  we  think,  as  he 
takes  his  stroll  through  the  Manifold 
Department  about  the  same  time  every 
morning,  Your  scribe  is  one  of  the  fel- 
lovrs  v;ho  is  trying  to  cooperate  regard- 
ing badges,  but  these  cold  mornings  with 
everybody  having  the  sniff  els  and  v/ear- 
ing  their  jackets  for  a  while  'til  it 
warms  up  a  bit,  s.ome  of  the  badges  do 
get  out  of  sight  now  and  then. 

The  prize  of  the  v-reek   goes  to  BOB 
GARDICE  and  NOEL  BOOTH.   It  goes  like 

this Noel  came  to  v;ork  the  other  nvoi'n- 

ing  -.--ith  a  pair  of  muddy  feet.  EO!.  said 
to  NOEL,  as  the  whistJ.e  blew,  "You  go 
out  and  vTine  the  mud  off  your  shoes". 
NOEL  looke'd  up  and  said,  "''.Tiet  shoes?" 

So  as  the  7  o'c],ock  whistle  blov;s, 
ray  parting  thought  is  this: 

If  I  should  die  before  I  vrake. 

Please  take  care  of  ray  Ponti-ache. 



f"^   %         "^0 


oughts  u/otth  tkinLlng 


Oeorffe  .felt  called  upon  to  ^i'-^'G  sonie 
"expfTt  advice"  when  he   saw  hov:  fast 
Hi.rry  t'ror'ccd,      "You'].l  v/ork  your,-;el.f  cut 
of  a  job",   he  said,    "and  if  you  vfork  :jo  the  f5.rst  day  you'll  bo  e^q^ected 
to  kce;o  it  up  all   of  tho  t:ijue." 

"I''.:i  not  worrying  about;   I  like 
to  i/orK,"  laujhed  Harry. 

'['he  days  passed,   and  still  liarry  keot 
l-usy  at  his  nev;   job. 

"Harry,   you  v^ork  as  thou;;h  you  v/ere 
the  o^mer  of  the  rlace,"   spoke  Georje 
at^-ain  one  aay.      "Hov:  much  i^re   thuy  p''.y- 
j.n-f  3'ou?" 

"Oh,    enough  for  a  beginner,"  7/;:.s  the 
reply 5   "why?" 

"If  you're  not    careful,   you'll  be 
doing  tvjico  t.he  amount  of  r:ork  you're 
paid  for,"  v/arned  Cieorge. 

"I'm  not  vj-orryin;;  ai~'Out  tliat   either',' 
chuckled  I'^arry. 

And  sh'.)rtly  aftoi',  Georf'^-e  v;ondered 
vihy  hi?  v'as  lot  out,  a.nd  vdiy  Harry  IV?.- 
c-:3ivod  a  promotion! 


From  ancient  and  distant  shores, 
May  be  heard  the  cannon's  roar. 
Ther'i  men  cease  to  bi*  frae, 
Or  knov."  the  nauie  of  Liberty. 

Vftiile  close  to  the  L'lnd  v;e  hold  so  d^ar 
Dark  clouds  of  v;ar  ar^-  gathering;;  near. 
To  threaten  our  g.Lorious  Libertj'" 
'.Tnichi  v/as  won  for  you  and  .;Tie. 

Tlien  Jet  us  some  rdsdom  borrovj, 
From  other  ilations  in  their   sorrow. 
Our  fate  to  theirs  vdl.l  not  compare, 
If  we  continue  to  sdec^uately  prepare. 

So  let  us  pledge  our  hearts  anew. 
To  the  I'J.a^"  of  the  Red,  hhite  and  Blue, 
As  united  under  her  colors  we  stand, 
To  preserve  tho  Liberty  of  our  Land. 

by  Eula  "icirtin 


"Ho  Ihi",,  I  think  I'll  look  for  an- 
othc'r  job",  is  a  roinarlc  often  heard  j'roiu 
r.omcout.  "'ho  thinks  the  ffracs  is  (,'rei^ner 
on  th:;  other  side  of  tlie  fcncc:.   (l.l- 
lusioar^,  that's  all) 

Before  you  change  your  job  or  tovm, 
to  better  your  coniiitions,  suppose  you 
try  changing  your  mental  attitude, 
associater.  and  habits,;  then  ,r:o  to  'Tork 
and  vrork  h'?.rder  thari  you  ever  worked 
before.   If  thuse  rk>n't  bring  desired 
results,  jou  may  rest  assiu^ed,  you 
would  have  been  a  failure  in  the  other 
tov.Ti  or  the  other  job  you  miijht  have 

GET  YOUPl  oar  in,  TOO! 
Let's  Have  Your  Contributions. 

The  RYAN  FLYING-  REPORTER  is  off  to 
a  good  start  and  I  think  vfe'l.l  all  have 
to  admit  that  the  last  issue  ^^ras  miles 
ahead  of  the  first  number  which  came 
out  on  Now  Year's  Day. 

Hovrever,  to  keen  .■:^romnfr  and  to  make 
the  FLYING  REPORTER  the  readable,  inter- 
esting journal  it  can  becomcj,  we  need 
ev  ery o  no. '  s  L  (iL  p  a  nd  su  ggc  st  i.  o  n  s . 

Therv.  are  tliree  things  YOU  can  do: 

1.  Turn  in  your  cm  '-.-ontributions; 
either  about  your  oep.-'.i-tment,  or 
upon  any  subject  you  think  will 
be  of  interest  to  other  Ryan 

2.  If  you'V',  read  something  J.atelj'^ 
which  you  thinic  i\dll  be  '-if  int<;-'r- 
est  to  others,  clip  it  and  the 
editors  idll  condonsc  or  re-vrrite 
it  for  our  own  magazine. 

3.  If  you  can  dr'.jw,  let  us  have  your 
cartoons  as  we  can  now  roproducL, 

.  tliem,  or  if  you  can't  draw,  give 
us  your  ideas  for  a  cartoon  and 
Lf;o  Esterdcihl  or  someone  on 
staff  vdll  dravr  them  up. 
The  giLards  vdll  accept  a,ll  contribu- 
tions -'.s  you  pass  in  and  out  of  the  gate, 

-777  '^ViaxO). 

RYAN     CLUB   .  LIFE 



i-iildrsd  A].kirn 

All  of  which  re.rj.nda  ne   I    I 

Tlio  wcraen  of  Anierica  today,    -like 
'Hir  l^Gthers  in  1916  -  are:  be/rinning  to 
senno  a  iriv;  challrn.'ie,      Once  moro  we 
are  havln;^  an  opportunity  to   assist 
those  who  ,  called  u;^on  by  fJnclo  Bsta 
to  .i.nsiore  the  freedon  of  our  living. 
The  Ry:in  girls  -dro  honoi-ed  to  bo  a^nart 
of  th-  nulse-beat  of  tlrls  new  industry 
T'h.ich  hc'S  survived  its  infancy  and  Ip 
no"j  awakonint,'  to  bocoiuo  the  ■•'orld's 
j'oremost  It^a.-kr.     Gent-leTien  of  RYAW  _ 
the  RXAKKHZE   salute  youi 

And  nov;  froM  the   subU;;ie  to  tlie 
ridiculous.     The  question  theee  day?, 
.instead  o?  beiafT  "Hon;,^^^   are  you  makinr; 
ai\v  raonoy?"   is,   -  "Honry,   wh-it   Is  your" 
conscription  number?",    all  of  '«niich 
reminds  me Helen  Butler  h-  s  ,■.  beauti- 
ful carat  on  the  third  fing-.)r,   left 
hand  —  J  wqnd.^r  if  Ec'.  know:,  a  .Senator. 
Oh  yes,    and  3.utty  i-r.ank  still  hasn't  riven 
■-in  ans^ver  to  the  'luesti on  of  why  ishe 
do^.sn't  object  to  having  two  days  off 
J.n  .a  rov:  —  could  it  be  that  tile  littlj 
l-'.dy  mu^t   clean  a  cottage  for  two?   , 
whicli  r(iffiinds  me,   Lenore^  Barr   -ind  hush.:ind. 

■  M'e  building  a  nev;  home  hjm 

V/e  welcoiae  iVilbea  Jacl-cson  into  our 
;riidst  — th.  lord  raidnt  reminds  me  that 
'w,  "missed"  Dorothy  Llanning  on  her  birth- 
'i'W  -  (I  know  it  i.s  a  terrible  pan,  but 
at  lijast  ib  has  given  m<.;  ah  txcuse  to 

■^■-ay,   Congratulations  to  Dorotliy) and 

"11  of  v.^ich   reminds  m.j,   Con-rratulaticns 

^-.  Y.--X.Y  Mansfield,    Good  Luck  anri  Good  by,-. 
Che^^is  leaving  us  for  Civic  Service  over 
at  North.  .Island.     However,    sh'.--  has  pro- 
mised to  attend  the  .^iyanettc' s  Luncheon 
Club  from  time  to  ti.iie. 

All  of  T.hich  reminds  me  that  I.iarv 
Freda's  boy  friend  would  like  to  know 
•ihead   of  tim>.  th.;  day  th<.  Tyanettes 
h-av-  their  Luncheon,    so  thrt  he  too 
.flight  en.ioy  pernardiiii's  i^ell-knovrn 
pe:^sonlng  —(could  !iu  mean  onions?).      I 
.Lcar    the  gui.i  macliin^  '-as  overv;orked, 
rll  of  which  remi.nds  me  wc  liad  tv./enty- 
thr>.e  girlt  turn  out   to  th<-.  .Luncheon 
o.nd  Jimee  Phillips   (}iov  .lid  ]iic  name 
■g-t  in  a  girl's  column)    s.'!ys  ve  need 


The  Rv.-n  Caj.iera  GliT.b  will  holrl   it's 
r^gu:L'r  mont}ily  mneting,  Monday,  M.\rcla 
5th,   in  th-.  Conference  ^oom  of  the 
£'in  Diego  Chamber  of  Commerce. 

Bob  JohnGon  :  nd  liay  Pyle,   of  Engin- 
eering have    some  interesting  color'"' 
slides  th.-t  .'re;  to  bi..    .shevn  at  this 
m..c.ting.     Another  inter, r.t.lng  attraction 
will  be  th..  shomng  of  the  movi^  film  from 
a  Lor;   .^ng'-;les  Concern  on  Color  Iloter 
Tests  .-nd  Kevers-il  Process.     A.  M.   L^>,rkin 
vail  havr    j^everaJL  priz.j  vanning  "still" 
shots  on  display  vrill  be  very  in- 
teresting t'-  thoE.,   interestrd   in  th-t 
tj'pe   of  photogra-^hy. 

Th'.;  election  of  th>v  club  officers 
will  be  held  r-t  tMs  m:etii:g.      For  this 
reason  it  is  import -nt  th.-t  -Ul  of  the 
"Fhoto  Fane"  of  ih  j  Ryan  Gomrmy  be  on 

It  is  to  be  reraemberi:d  that   th^.ro 
rill   b.  available  S  mm.    nnd  16  mm.    pro- 
jectors,  to  be  used  in  shoring  e,ny  eic- 
tir.  i-  th.''t  ;-r\y  be  of  general  interest 
i.'-  +h;.   club   as   a  v.'hol  ., 

-:£     ■?!•    * 

DRAl^TIC  "cnJ3 

by  Tommy  Enmons 

N-gotL-'tions  are   be-ing  made   for  a 
two-act  comedy  and  rehearsals  will 
start   in  the  v  ry  near  future. 

Th.  fty-'H  Drcamatic  Club  is   etill 
slio.rt  th ;  required  numb...r  of  members. 
It  is  not  iraper-^tiv'.  that  members  have 
previous  st.'ge  exoerijnce.      All  we  need 
is  plenty  of  enthusiasm,  and  the   desire 
for  eiajoyment.      There  is  no  profession- 
•.lism  connected  with  this  club  v.tetso- 
ever,    so  th't  m.''ke  s  us  r:ll  ajii-teurs. 
Vfti^thi^r  you  are  t.-ill,    sliort,   fat  or 
thin,   th.;iv;    is   a  o'.rt  for  you,   ^   lot 
of  fun  for  all,    ,'nd  by  .-.11  me:  ns,    a 
great  h.ulp   to  the  Uelfare  oepartnent. 
All  v.'ho   arvj  j.nterested,    pie  se  contact 
the  Recre.-i^.tion  Of f  .ic :   or  Tomjriy  ^.imons, 
or  M.'inifold  Inspection.      Den't  hold  ud 
production  folks,   let's  sb-rt  ROLLIIJ' . 

mor  than  th-:t,    for  the  word   "T^-'enty- 
three"   is  ilways   followed  by   "Skiddoo", 
-nd  we  aren't  going  to  do  thp  t   for  we  are 
just   st.arting — all  of   reminds  me — 
how  did  this  get   st- rted?     Thanks  for 
.lie  tuning. 


by  Brad  Harris 


b;'-  y.  J.  Park 

Talk  about  getting  off  to  a  late 

start  J  Since  becoming  a  scribe 

it  seems  that  my  life  goes   sv*ishini-   by 
in  spurt.s   of  two  week  intervals.,.. 

Soems  to  me  there  are  quite  a  lov; 
nev  faces   in  iianifold  Assembly.   Hi  ya, 
guys.     ^'Jelcane  to  the  beat  find  pound 
department.     Vfcen  you  get  used  to  the 
water  cure  and  the  warm  washers  you'll 
find  it's  not   a  bad  place  at  all. 

HARRY  ROBINSON'S  youngf^tsi's  are  home 
from  the  hospital,   and  doing  nicely  - 
thanks.     Just  to    point   out  the  crosses 
some  of  us   have  to  bear  —  Harry  is 
the  proud  father  of  SEVl'lJ  children,    all 
of  whom  contracted  whooping  cough  at 
the  saji.e  time   .....'      Harry  says  that  it 
sounded  like  a  grand  conclave  of  the 
F :  ve  Nati  ons . .  ( Indians ,   -  rer^ember? ) 

ROLLAfID  VSRIIER,    cheerful  right  bower 
of  Jiiranie  BUTLER,   is  leaving  us.      As  we 
greet  you  at  the  door  this  afternoon, 
Holland  will  be  on  his  way  via  Seattle 
and  various  way  stations,   home  to 
Ashland,  'A'isconsin.       As  a  geographical 
note,    Ashland  is  on  the  shci-es  of  Lake 
Superior.      According  to  histroy,   there 
is  another  reason  for  its  name.      Accord- 
ing to  Rolland  its  because  of  the 
piscatorial  monsters  with  which  it 
abounds.      As   a  fisherman,  R.  Werner  is 
,an  odd  sort  of  duck,   in  fact,   in  all 
of  his  Vjaltonian  talus,  the  big  ones 
DIDN'T  get   away  —  at   least  he's   original. 
He  tells  me  that  he  is  going  back  into 
fur  farrdng..3ez  I  "Fur  what..?" 
Sezee,    "Fur  Mink  and  Iviuskrat".   Strict- 
ly golden-bantam,   but   irresis table. 
Roll  and   stated  that  he  vtouIH   be  glad 
to  send  any  of  the  office  levies  a  Mink 
coat   on  Vv'ritten  application, ...  (COD) 
Good  luck,    and  let's  hoar  from  you,   guy. 

PAT  PATTERSON,   Tijnekeeper  extra- 
ordinary,  is   either  one  of  the  world's 
luckiest  people,   or  an  exceedingly  good 
weather  forecaster.      An;;nvay  don't  bet 
him  a  cigar  on  whether  or  not   it  will 
or  ;vill  not  rain. 

Met  the  young  lady  who  does  the 
extremely  good  column  called  "Office 
Prattle"    ...Seems  that  she  mentioned 
in  a  preceding  issue  something  about 
loud  whistles  being  the  lot   of  ladies 
who  ventured  into  the  shop.     Humbly,   I 
insist,    if  the  writer  of   "Office  Prattle" 
was  th-;  victim,  thu  Vv'histlcs  were  loud 
in  ad;nir?ition  and  vmre  not  intend^jd  to 
be    anjd:hing  els<.-.     See  you  later.,.. 

"The  EngJJie^rs,   they  have  no  fears, 
etc."     Hi,   GcngJ     We've  missed  some  of 
the  first  issues  but  we'll  try  to  catch 
the  forth -coming  ones . 

Cigars  will  be  in  order  this  coming 
March,  we  hiar,   and  the   gay  to   pass    'cm 
out  will  bt!  that  Herculean  of  the 
Engineering  Departm.ent,    (selfnnado,   too) 
E/vRL  K0P3.     The  poor  guy  has  been  hook- 
ed and  is  getting  married.     We  who  have 
our  Anchors  have  warned  him,  but  it 
did  no  good.        (Courage  Earl) 

Tough  luck.   Girls   of  the  Office, 
that's   one  you  missed,     Hov;ever,   there 
■ire  still   seV'-ral  "Fertile  Fields"  you 
can  stake   a  homestead  claim  on.      For 
detjiils  sec  m'.;...(of  course,   theru  will 
be  just  a  slif^it   charge  for  this.) 


So  you  guys  think  you're  pretty  good, 
vh"?     Vi'ell,   let   it  bu  known  we  have  in 
our  midst   "God's  Gift"  to  the  Y.H.C.A. 
(he  pounds   a  typewriter)  who'll  bu  glad 
(I  .am  sure)  to  accept  youi'  ev^ry  chall- 

If  there  is   anyone  \iiho  would  care  to 
have  a  liberal  education  in  photography 
just  come  up  ?nd  seu  us  some  time. 
There  is   always   someon..-  vhc  will  be  glad 
to  show  you  somi^-thing  that  he  has  just 
whipped  out,   ar>d  enlighten  you  on  the 
mysteries   of   "Photo".     Tal'.e  my  word  for 
it  they  aru  all  experts,   they  think,   I 
ntan  I  think,   I  m';-an  I  am  suru, 

CAUTION,   don't   carry  any  old  coin  on 
your  person,   for  there  is   a  certain  guy 
up  hure  that  vdll   snatch  you  bald-headed 
for  them.     Not  mentioning  any  names. 

To  th«  I'est   of  the  boj^-s  in  Engineer- 
ing,  if  you  have  any  dirt  on  the  fellow 
you  want  to  get   off  your  brill imt  minds, 
se'j  me. 


Joe  -  Do  you  hear  what  I  hear? 

Bill-  No,  what  is  it  you  hear? 

Joe  -  I  believe  I  hear  a  rapsody. 

Bill-  Heck  No,  that's  no  rapsody, 

that's  Mike  in  the  Sub-Assembly 
singing  the  dying  Swan  Song, 
aft.:.r  he  found  out  that  Linseed 
Oil  makes  a  poor  soldering  flux. 

motQ  nLgnthaw, 

J?'RRY  COK^'-niLLY  says  that  when  he  took 
Lis  first  solo  flirtt  rfceatly  he  felt 
like  a  swallov;  taking  off  for  Caristrano. 
".tLFEPY"  !K)R:'  doesn't  like  his  new  boots. 
Hfc  thought  when  he  left  the  fi.rn  he'd 
never  have  to  wear  the;r.  ai;aia,  but  he 
says  things  are  pretty  thick  in  the 
Inspection  corner. 

Did'ja  ever  see  """F/'.SEl"  FV/MS  and  his 
pretty  wife  Jitterbug?  Their  specialty 
is  the  "Flo'wer  Dance  from  Pillsbur-." 
T'atch  '"-HITEY"  T/.,£i.•U^SE^^'C  '.var  dance 
some  time.  If  ony  of  youse  mys.   are 
still  residing  thic  :^taff,  you  are  rtelly 
gluttons  for  punisliment.  You'd  be 
further  ahead  if  you  went  to  a  nifjht 

:lORi:.i'.I  FF-7':RDS!  "They  tell  .ne  an 
ar;:iy  travels  on  its  stomach."  3ILL 
j;.JPMTi.V:   "i^fot  ne,  I'll  join  the  cavslry. 

i^vo,  that  wasn't  c  prayer  neetin^r 
fellows.  Thc.t  was  p&rt  of  the  gang 
trying  to  nake  out  their  Income  Tax. 
.^11  of  these  mathematics  are  reasonabljr 
honest,  subject  t.'  rtferendaa  and  recall, 
but  better  pay  taxes  than  belon;'  to  the 

Oh  I  you  lacdies  in  the  DROP  HASOIR 
Department,  this  is  funny,  eh?  ""ell, 
did  you  ever  try  to  ^et  out  of  the  door 
at  ni"ht,  v/Jien  you  v;ere  wedr;t  d  betvifeen 
a"F,M  "7.  LKLR  ^ MD  " HT  t  t/y"  Yl-  RRP  LL?  It's 
like  tryin;'  to  nudge  an  elephant  out 
of  a  bov'lin^j-  alley, 

I  aiay  be  on  tht  shady  side  of  tht 
eiifht  ball  for  saying  this;,  but  I  htar 
tliat  "CHUCK"  K.JURCK  several  times  made 
a  three  cushion  cai'om  off  the  piano, 
dining  table  ano  sloe  v. all,  trying  to 
get  from  v.htre  he  to  where  he  had 
to  go,  on  his  day  off.  /.s'c  bin. 

BUD  Fi'RR  says  tliat  vmen  an  Abyssinian 
warrior  go^s  to  war,  he  takes  his  vdfe 
vdth  him  —  he  mifht  as  well  stay  hoine. 
BOB  xIORG/M  aayr;  that  if  it's  as  hot  in 
the  next  world  as  it  is  in  front  of  the 
h^at  trtat  furnace,  he's  going  to  mend 
his  ways.  y.  ORTIZ  tells  me  his  butcher 
was  given  a  suspended  sentence  on  a 
oromise  to  mend  his  weights,  ^"i3"i 

TICK  GILL'M  and  CL/.YTON  RUSH  arc  in 
an  argument  over  -whether  ont   fortif- 
ication equrlc  two  twentyfi cations. 
'^.OL,   LTMrr.RFF.LT  was  in  '"ashington  at  the 
timL  the  old  soldi' rs  had  a  Bonus  to 
pick  with  the  '"diiiioistration. 

)   FULL  THROTTI£  -  by  '" .   IJ.  Cattrell    | 

In  these  days  rYi.f.n   important  things 
as  well  as  the  trivial,  tend  to  be 
easily  forgotten,  it  seems  rather  late 
to  mention  static  tests  on  tl:e  ST-3. 
N'ivertheltss,.  since  the  completion  of 
these  tests  and  the  publication  of  our 
last  issue  of  the  Rj-^n  Flying  Rt.porter 
were  so  nearly  simultaneous,  this  note 
has  been  necessarily  detained. 

Each  ana  every  one  who  had  anything 
it  ell  te>  do  with  the  prep'r-:tion  and 
running  of  these  tests  knew  the  import- 
ance of  hi*  particui-r  p:  rt  of  the 
program  and  gave  full  cooperation  in 
helping  to  complete  them  within  the 
time  rllotcd. 

The  first  thought  ■./.■  s  that  the  job 
W:;s  rn  impotsible  one  due  to  the  time 
limit;  therefore,  you  men  heve  reason 
to  exhibit  a  certain  amount  of  price  in 
knowing  th.-t  you  did  •  gr- nd  job  in 
completing  the  parts  :  nd  various  tests 
in  the  mcnner  you  did. 

^^ov  the  t,-sk  of  completing  our  first 
production  ST-3  vdthin  the  n^xt  tvro 
weeks  confronts  us.  To  some  of  us  this 
may  again  seem  to  be  :^n  impossibility. 
Let  us  remember  v/hrt  happened  vdth  re- 
g- rds  to  the  static  t^sts.  If  v;e  vail 
all  put  in  our  oar  anc  really  pull  to- 
gether, we  will  again  be  justly  proud 
when  the  ship  is  completed  on  schedule. 

r.  ch  of  us  is  familiar  with  the  fee-l- 
ing of  pride  experieaced  when  a  tough 
job  h:s  baen  v/ell  done,  so  let's  all 
sh;  re  thit  feeling  and  accept  the 
challenge  offered  by  the  ST-?  production 
schedule  v;ith  th>:  cctermin;  tion  to  .n-- ke 
-nother  record  showing  for  ourselves. 

FLOYD  BT-.T^!FTT'3  favorite  musical 
selection  is,  "She  \..s   a  Butterfly's 
Daughter,  and  I  was  the  S'^n  of  a  Bee." 
'"ell,  I  ,^otta  go  now,  I  think  I  hear 
my  dr.- ft  number  celling  me. 

—  Th..  Shcdow 

•i;-  -:r     'I'-     V.     -J^  iJ- 

"7- NT  :'DS  —  FJ.CK/WGFS 

If  you  arc  interested  in  -  sports- 
man or  camp  trailer,  all  conveniences, 
contact  me  any  time  during  lunch  period, 

^d.    Roehr.itioldt 

SuU- Assembly 

"YOUR  li'GOfS  TAX" 


The  ch'mgos  ra'^do  by  th^;  fi.i-st  Revena=2 
Act  of  1940  wore  30  f^r  re'iching  tlv^t 
nonrly  ivory   p^n^  f-"infu,lly  .juiploy  ^d 
in  the.  Unit  5d  Status  is  now  within  thn 
scopii   oj?  th'-.   Fodoral  IncoR.,  Tax  Lav.-s, 
This  is  bjc,';usvj  th-3  i-^vj  requires  the 
filini"^  of  return."  by  all  single  p.;rsons 
with  n   .!{ross  incorei  of  '^800  or  nior.^  and 
oy   ill  married  p'-i'sons,  livinr^  toi-^oth^r, 
with  3   ;;ro3s  income  of  V^fOCyO   or  xnorj, 
Accordinf:'ly,  many  individuU.s  wrho  h':v; 
not  hcr'^toforo  bc;on  aff ^ct^jd  will  filo 
u   Foder-.l  inconvv  tax  r^-^turn  for  the 
y.-nr  19/^0. 

All  t^txp-zj^vs   ar,  int^jrcstod  in  k^-op- 
ing  their  income  tax  .■•s  low  as  possible 
■^nd  the  iraoortancfj  of  so  doing  incro-^sos 
as  the  rat'js  of  tax  becoino  higher.   The 
obvious  ■'•nd  most  certain  method  of 
3:.'vinji  t"xes  consists  of  exorcising 
care  to  avoid  paying  irore  than  is 
definitely  roouired  V)y  the  law  and  its 
interprotaiion  in  tho  Bureau  of  Internal 
Revenue  re^nilations,  rulinsia,  and 
decisions,  A  detaili:d  d'.s'^ription  of 
the  prep-ration  of  1  Federal  Income  t-jx 
return  is  not^  of  course,  possible  in 
an  article  of  this  n--tui"^. .   However^ 
a  brief  discussion  thereof  may  be  of 
some  valu;;,  p-^rticularly  to  those  pre- 
paring a  r,/turn  for  thj  first  tine. 

Before  att'.rapting  to  prep-^re  the  re- 
turn,  the  taxpayer  should  make  a  care- 
ful study  of  the  instructions  attachv;d 
thereto.   Thj  captions  in  the  income 
section  of  the  r';turn  are  self  explan- 
itory  and  ordinarily ,  sliould  cause  no 
difficulty.  Employees  have  ;!lread7/ 
been  furnished  with  a  slip  shov.'inr  the 
earninf^s  r^port-^d  to  th.   Gov.rn^Tient  by 

the  Company  md  that  amount  plus  the 
sal'irieo  and  vrv];j3   receiv-d  from  other 
employers,  if  anv,  should  be  shovm  as 
"income"  on  the  rot\irn.  Interest 
received  on  bank  deposits,  loans, 
mortgages,  bonds  (except  Federal,  State 
or  Municipal  bonds)  dividends  on  stock, 
etc,  should  also  be  shown  as  income, 

'Vhilo  thv  captions  \mder  the  deduc- 
tions section  are  also  self  explani- 
tory  to  a  certain  ext.nit,  thj  instruc- 
tions ".tt''ched  to  th'^  return  do  not 
1^,0   to  the  deta.^l  j.n  describing 
th  :  allo"f  iblo  deducations  from  gross 
ineome  as  they  do  in  e.jttin;-?;  forth  the 
items  v.'hich  may  not  b^  deducted. 

Therefore,  to  -.void  an  overpayment 
of  Federal  taxes,  the  taxpayer  should 
check  thj  list  of  dv^ductions  shovna 
below  before  preparing';  his  return. 
Althoui',h  this  list  is  necessarily  brief 
it  is  complete  enoujjh  to  bo  'generally 
helpful . 

Aft'jr  completing  th'.;  deduction  sched- 
ules, it  is  a  simple  natter  to  subtract 
the  earn-..d  income  credit,  personal  ex- 
*.'mption  a.nd  credit  for  the  depands  and 
d-ti^rmine  the  taxable  income  (item  I6 
on  the  return).  After  computin.j  the 
normal  tax  at  l^%   of  the  taxable  income, 
add  lO^t  for  Defense  Tay  to  arrive  at 
the  total  tax  payable. 

The  Federal  t-x  return  must  be 
se^nt  to  the  Collector  of  Internal 
Revenue,  San  Die(:o,  Celirornia,  so  as  to 
reach  th j  Collector  not  latjr  than  March 
15,  19/4!.   The  tax  may  be  p.-', id  in  quart- 
erly inst-illinents  but  one-fourth  of  the 
tax  must  accompany  the  return. 

In  conclusion,  it  mav  be  vj H  to 
a>';ai.n  su'^j^est  that  the  instructions  be 
carefully  read  before  beginning  the 
oreo'iration  of  the  incom-.^  tax  return. 

Automobile  Deduct  lone  Allow':ble 

Interest  on  «on^;y  borrowed  to  purchase  car. 
License  Fees. 

Loss  or  damage  not  covered  by  insurance 
due  to  fire,  theft,  or  accident. 

Tax  Deductions  Allowable 
Personal  property 
Real  estate 
State  income 
State  unemploym -nt  contributions. 

Automobilj  Expens^^s  NOT  Deductible 

Gasoline,  texas. 

Loss  on  trade— in. 

Exo^-nse  of  tra>vel  b.jtween  home   and 

Fines  for  violating  traffic  laws. 

Taxes  MOT  Deductible 

Loci  'ss  jssn'jnts  for  p'^ving,  sevfors,  etc, 

Inh'jritance  and  gift  taxes. 

California  sales  taxes. 

Federal  Old '.Age  Benefit  contributions 

Miscellaneous  pt^ductions  Allo\?able 

Labor  Union  dues. 

Contributions  to  church,  Co/aaunity  Chost, 

Red  Cross,  etc. 

Fees  for  obtaining  emnlo:,aaent , 

Miscellaneous  Expenses  NOT  Deductible 
Person- 1  living  expenses. 
Insurance  premiums. 
Medical  and  Hospital  expenses. 

CiL.-.n*"T:.a3  FViDV.   THE  GRA^/EYMD 

by  "THE  DAT' 



by  "BRENDA  «:  COBIN^ 

Congratulations  to  JACK  SHEIiMAN,  sand- 
blaster  ^  vrho  is  the  proud  father  of  a 
ptitit^j  7  lb.  daughter,  Constance  Joan, 
born  February  4th.  Mother  and  daughter 
are  both  doing  nicely. 

A  welcoiQO  goes  to  the  man  from  the 
Buckeye  State,  DAVE  VJILIIAMS,  new  pn h si- 
vat  in-^  inspector. 

EUC^EriE  EKVIN,  formerly  "Gene"  to  the 
boys  when  in  passivating,  no'.v  insists  on 
being  called  "Mr.  Erv-rin"  since  his 
recent  promotion  to  crib  ^U»     Incident- 
ly,  you  shiould  see  the  "snappy"  clothes 
that  he  is  v;earing  now. 

BILL  E3TES,  our  fugitive  from  a  race 
track,  was  trying  out  his  Packard  the 
other  mornini^ — result  a  smashed  fender. 

'.Vhat  niii^ht  foreman  sleeps  in  the  move 
corts  when  he  should  be  eatin,,;;:?? 

'ffiS  CHIELDS,  of  Small  Parts  has  some- 
thing on  his  mind  (sure  enough).  'Je 
don't  knoYr   what  it  is  but  we  think  he 
is  contemplating  a  trip  to  Yurrta  in  the 
near  future.  No,  those  aren't  skeleton 
bones,  in  the  Graveyard,  his  knees 

^sfhat's  that  mournful  sound  we  hear 
on  the  graveyard?  Could  it  be  "RED" 
BURTON'S  singing  or  TED  0' NEIL'S  snor- 

Could  it  be  that  BILL  BILLS,  of 
Manifold  slides  around  his  jig  on  a 
stool  so  his  feet  will,  be  rested  for 
his  daily  game  of  golf,  or  could  it  be 
his  fallen  arch>js  as  he  claims, 

".'e  are  happy  to  inform  you  that  our 
sound  sleeper  is  b-ick  on  his  feet  agiin 
after  a  few  hours  sleep, 

"SLM"  COLVIN  asked  BILL  SLLIS  why 
he  didn't  buy  a  fev/  tools.  Monday 
Bill  shov/ed  up  vvith  a  flexible  rule. 
It  seems  that  he  has  pony  trouble. 
(You  know  the  one  that  always  is  last.) 

VJhat  has  "Little  Napoleon"  SCATES 
done  to  the  line  up  boys?  They  actually 
meet  the  schedule  nov;,  even  throve  in  a 
f  jvj  jxti'as  now  and  then, 


I'Jhat  man  worried  the  rest  of  the 
night  after  finding  an  extra  sandvfich 
in  his  lunch?  '.'ho  can  be  keeping  TED 
O'NEIL  out  so  lite  that  he  nv,ver  gets 
enough  sleiip?  What's  h  ^r  address,  Ted? 

J     ROSS  HA'IFSHIRE  says,  "A  certain  young 
lady  in  Accounting  comes  upstairs  and 
completely  ignores  him  as  soon  as  she  is 
in  a  roomful  of  other  men",  in  fact,  so 
he  relates,  he  stared  for  fifteen 
minutes  until  he  was  practically  "pop- 
eyed"  trying  to  attract  her  attention. 
Those  Goverament  Meni 

■.■Jhen  we  girls  heard  that  D.  Armentrout 
had  bought  two  Val'jntin^s  with  Lollypops 
attachi;.d,  for  her  boss,  our  eyebrows 
went  right  up,  but  come  to  find  out, 
they  worj  for  his  two  little  girls  — 
imagine  our  disiJ.lusionment  J 

Our  own  IMIIRIGE  CLARK  was  ill  a  few 
days  last  week.  He  says  that  it  was 
his  n<irvous  system,  '//e  think  its  all 
the  sighs  he  got  from  the  fair  damsels 
over  la^.s  sviank  new  outfit  that  really 
caused  his  nv^rvous  condition. 

Ask  CHET  PARKER  how  much  h-j  will 
take,  for  his  nevily  acquired  car  after 
Valentine's  Day??? 

V'Jhy  the  woe-begone  look  on  DAVE 
VJHITTIER'S  face  on  coming  to  work 
Sunday  night?  vTere  the  boys  too  good 
for  you  Dave, 

What  fascination  an  oraery  wheel 
holds  for  JOflNSON? 

'■;hat  bowler  takes  his  "Young  Lady" 
out  to  teach  her  to  bov-fl  only  to  v/in 
by  a  slim  margin  of  five  points?  153 
to  lUSl     Loolc  out,  Don,  classifications 
of  lA  have  been  ch'mg  ;d  to  3A  on  less 
than  th^b — our  advice  is  don't  make 
anv  bets. 

If  "RED  BURTON"  has  ever  asked  for 
an  .Tadition  on  Major  Bowes  Hour? 

Why  the  beating  of  the  Tom  Toms 
(H'lmmer-men)  takes  on  a  certain  rhythm 
when  a  guard  walks  by? 

Vlliy,  noviT  that  this  colui-iin  has  started 
do^s  a  certain  fellow  refuse  to  take  a 
copy  home? 

Why  "  Sam"  Y/ILDE  ran  wild 
"Dollar  Day"  instead  of  sleeping?  Did 
you  get  .'iny  good  b:irgains,  Sam?  Maybe 
some  of  the  boys  '.vill  take  them  off 
your  hands, 

I  hear  a  whining  amongst  the  grave- 
stones, and  it  isn't  just  wind  howling. 
It  bodes  evil  for  the  Inspection  Golf 
Team,  It  saums  th^  3rd  Shift  is  forming 
the  nucleus  of  a  Manifold  Golf  Team  — 
Look  Out,  Inspection,  remi.imber  what 
happened  to  your  Bovrling  Team  J 

iMNIFOLD  NIGHTS      by  Ray  Morkowshi 

Huy  therni  Take  it  easy I  Of  course 
It's  the  Ryan  spirit  to  impvovo  contin- 
u:jusly,  but  ^vo  are  r-unning  out  of  (;x- 
nletivcs.  This  last  edition  of  "OUR" 
newspaper  v.'as  such  a  groat  iopi'Dvemcnu 
that  7,'ords  fail  us,  ' 

If  it's  agreeable,  I  wonM  like  to 
sug;;'C'st  aTid  Viiork  on  an  "Inquiring  Ro- 
porti.r"  coliunn.  In  your  nc;-xt  oditior., 
you  cojld  ask  thv-  gang  to  aubnat  quos- 
"oions,  p.nd  then  put  thv  best  ones  to 
scvcia].  of  th'-  fulloTvs  and  print  thoir 
responses.  In  this,  it  v;ou.ld  be  a  good 
idea  to  loan  tovjard  things  concerning 
^.'ork  and  tiic  factory. 

Factory  Superintendent  G,  E.  BarLon 
says  in  th^.  colunn  "From  The  Fi'ont  Of- 
fico" :  "Lot's  vjork  v.ith  these  mcn(foiT. 
niicn,  juanage-mcnt  and  group  leaders)  bc- 
cc'usc  by  iloing  so  the  success  of  our 
production  progrjun  vjill  be  assured," 

It's  so  much  easier  to  work  for  a 
rello'Ai  vjlicn  you  knoTj  him,  and  "Butch" 
Ortiz,  vjho  represents  fellows  like 
Iiessrs,  Molloy,  Barton,  etc,,  vi'ho  can 
not  contact  C;very  individual  employee, 
fiiadc  a  swell  gesture  tovjards  getting 
bi..'ttcr  acquainted  with  the  boys  by 
passing  out  the  checks  along  with  a  fcvj 
v.'ords  of  cncouragcmc^nt.  Wo  hope  you 
continue  thi.i  practice,  "Butch" 

I'Janted:  One  good  bear  trap  for  iny 
-lunch  bc'.g  to  keep  tli;',t  sweet-toothed 
Le::,r  from  swiping  ni^''  vjife's  home-made 
chocol^.tc;  cake  I 

Ever  sine,  m^r  i.vifc  gave  "Slim"  COATS 
a  piece  of  tliat'  for  saving  book- 
mr.tch  covers  for  her,  I've  b^^  n  swamped 
with  covers  from  every  part ' of  the 
country  and  its  possessions.  Thanks  a 
lot,  fellows,  but  we'd  hav^  uo  lease  a 
bakery  to  repay  you. 

Fellows,  don't  v.nvy  "RED"  KiiMiOCK 
his  new  work  suit  and  c\pron.  You,  too, 
may  get  the  price  for  them  if  yovi  can 
induce  "BIU."  COR^[ETT  to  indulge  in  r 
game  of  marbles, 

-;s-  -;;-  %     * 

There;  i  re  about  twenty  memberships 
avrdlable  in  the  San  Diego  Ch.".ptcr  of 
the  N.  A,  A,  Membership  fees  are  $3.50 
per  year,  including  one  years  subscripr- 
tion  to  the  K,  A.  A,  Maga'^ine,  Those 
interested  please  see  Mr,  Bill  Welch 
in  the  personnel  Office, 

.RAIfflQi  THOUGHTS      bj^.G^ncvicve  Boyer 

Don't  you  -".grco  with  me  that  it  is  a 
genuine  opportunity  and  pleasure  to 
work  .-.t  Ryan's? 

I  have  never  before  seen  .an  organ- 
i'z.'vtion  where  such  good  f  ellovjship 
end   fine  spirit  prevails  to  the  extent 
it  does  here,  I  really  find  it  fun  to 
work  her'.,  rjid  when  I  say  work  is  fuii, 
that's  sonethingl  Of  course,  I  admit 
from  my  vant.vigc  point  on  the  main 
corridor  th.-'.t  this  visibility  is 'inter- 
esting ;>.nd  the  ceiling  unlimited, 
'.'ould  really  miss  the  privilege  of  an- 
swering the  frit^  "hollos"  of  the 
passers— by. 

Our  Department  Heads  are  all  fine 
gentlc;mcn  to  work  with  end  for,  Thuir 
nevcT  failing  courtesy  md  consider- 
ation (and  dry  wit  tliat  evidences  its- 
elf 30  frequently)  are  well  Imown, 
No  matter  how  busy  any  of  them  are  they 
will  take  a  minute  to  help  you 
with  any  suggestion  and  usually  they 
have  tho  answer  to  your  p'lrticular 

I  wish  I  had  ERNIE  MOORE'S  curly 
h.'.irl  To  think  I  h.ave  to  pay  for  mine. 
There's  no  justice, 

Thc^  rumor  that  I  .ara  having  the  edge 
of  ray  desk  upholstered  for  the  comfort 
arid  convenience  of  those  who  use  it  as 
a  bench  while  waiting  f'Or  G.  E,  Barton 
(who  said  rji;^'thing  about  RALPH  HAVER) 
is  greatly  exaggerated. 

Speaking  of  Hr,  Bf.rton,  wonder  if  it 
would  be  possible  to  inaugurate  a 
Traveler  System  for  him  so  thrt  hu  could 
be  easily  located. 

The  shades  of  Joe  Miller  will  never 
rest  in  peace  as  long' as  GARY  (Genius  at 
work)  ADAMS  is  around.  Some  fim,  these 
puns.  Oh  yeah I 

Now  I  wonder  if  I  have  conveyed  the 
idea-  that  I  like  Ryexis,   am  proud  to  work 
hc^rc,  think  the  personnel  exceptional, 
and  th."t  I  rm  100:^ 'for  "Keeping  Ryans  a 
Good  Place  to  Work, 



Even  the  Vfoodpccker  owes  his  success 
to  the  fact  that  he  uses  his  head  nnd 
keeps  pcckiiig  away  until  he  finishes 
the  job  he  starts. 

iiou    ^noula.    icnou/ 


By  '.Jin.   V:in  den  Alcker 

Thw  subject  of  Finishes  of  Aluirdnun  and  .Uurainuin  Alloys  is  Irery 
closoly  related  to  the  inherent  properties  of  the  *nateri-als  themselves.   As 
mentioned  in  a  previous  article,  the  OXIDE  of  a  notfJ.  will  not  rust  or  corrode, 
for  the  siraple  reason  that  the  cherucal  action  lias  already  gone  to  completion. 

In  the  ANODIC  Process  an  oxide  coating  is  artificially  induced  upon  the  surface 
of  the  material,  -with  th;  result  that  we  now  hav>.-  a  covering  for  the  material  which 
will  co.'nplately  resist  any  further  oxidation.  The  only  factor  to  be^  guarded  against 
is  dissolving  this  coating. 

The  Anodic  coating  is  applied  as  follows:   Parts  are  firs*,  thoroiighly  cle.-med, 
preferably  by  means  of  oxi   iTiraersion  t^'^/pe  of  grease  reiuovcal  f ollowcci  by  thorough 
scrubbing  to  renove  fing^.-r  marks.  Other  methods  siiniiiu-  to  a  DliDREASER  can  also 
be  used. 

After  t\-\c.   parts  arv  cleaned,  they  are  imraorsod  in  an  agueous  (water)  solution 
of  Chromic  Acid  (Cro3),  the  concentration  of  which  ranges  from  3  to  lO^o.  The 
temperature  of  the  solution  is  controlled  by  means  of  cooling  coils  and  air  jots, 
aiid  is  held  between  91.4  to  98.5'^  F.  The  parts  arc  the  /inodcs,  while  the  tank  is 
the  Cathode.   (Note:   This  electrical  circuit  is  tfiu  reverse  of  Electroplating, 
hence  the  ru-jne  ANODIZING). 

Current  nraperage  dop'^nds  on  the  load,  or  square  feet  of  material  being  anodized, 
while  th'-  voltage  rom^ains  constfint  at  40  volts.   It  siiculd  bo  remembered  that 
a  voltage  build-up  is  ni_cessary,  since  the  full  input  of  40  volts  wJ.ll  have  a 
tendency  to  form  a  porous  and  poorly  bonded  coating.  Eight  volts  per  minute  build- 
up ■vvill  allow  for  a  tough  adhering  coating. 

A  FK:  FACTS  ABOUT  .^NODIC  G0ATING3:   If  wc  take  a  cross  section  of  an  Anodic 
film  and  examine  it  i^^er  the  ilicroscope,  we  will  find  that,  except  for  the  part 
immcdiatoly  adjacent  to  the  material,  it  is  composed  of  long  slendor  fissures. 
The  best  exrjnplc  I  aiu  ab].e  to  think  'jf  is  a  map  drawing  of  ari  ix-rog'ulai'  coast 
line.   It  is  for  this  reason  that  anodic  coating  is  one  of  the  best  1-cnown  sur- 
faces for  pointing.  Th--  paint  is  drav/n  into  these  small  cavities,  and  crevices, 
and  .adheres  very  firmly.   Prdnt  should  be  applied  iiiuned lately  (if  specified)  rj'ter 
anodizing.  Do  not  handl'.,  vdtii  greasy  hands  or  gloves. 

The  /anodic  coating  has  a  high  Dielectric,  or  resist "Jico  to  the  passage  of  an 
electrical  current,  .-x  means  of  testing  can  be  accomplished  by  constructing  an 
electrical  circuit  containing  a  light  bulb.  Contact  is  ;riade  through  the  part,  by 
moans  of  tvro  pointers  touching  thv.  surface  cf  the  material.   If  the  m'ltorial  im- 
properly :ii'iodize'.J  no  ciirront  will  flow,  v/hilc,  if  tht..  fi].m  is  insufficient,  the 
passage  of  >..loctrical  eurr^/nt  vdll  cause  the  light  to  go  on. 

The  .^iiiodic  film  is  V'\ ry  h' rd  and  brittle,  care  must  th'.ruf ore  be  taken  not  to 
bend  p-'jr-ts  severely  v.1-u.Gh  have  b.,on  -.nodizod.  NOTE:  The  anodic  treatment  docs 
not  affwct  the  h..;'.t  tre.".ted  parts,  but,  since  this  film  is  so  hrrd,  Rocki»'ell  (hard- 
ness) t...stE  after  anodi^dng  vdll  not  givi.  a  true  indication  of  tb.;  hardness  of  the 
mrtcrial  itself. 

/inother  quick  for  ^inodizod  p,"xts  is  the  INK  TEST.  This  is  accomplislied  by 
placing  a  drop  of  viol.t  or  indelible  inl-c  on   th..  anodized  surface,   wipe  off  immed- 
iately.  If  you  C.J-INOT  remove  the  ink,  th..  pnrt  is  -modized.  The  reason  for  this  is 
explained  ...r.rlior  in  this  article  in  which  th-  .'..nodic  filin  and  painting  was  dis- 
cussed. LLterials  (.^luidnur.!  .Alloys)  containing  moro  than  5/o  coppi-r  cannot  bo 
"jiodizcd.  Any  ass3nbli..s  to  vjhich  stc ^1  parts  -re  attached  cannot  b,  anodizi.d  until 
the  stv,el  parts  "re  first  rv-iaov^.d. 

The  cl'iiaps  us-d  to  hold  parts  while  being  ':.nodized  ;:.r..  m;:de  cf  Dural  (rilur.dniam 
/J-loy).  P-'.rts  properly  anodized  c-.i\   be  subjected  to  a  Salt  Spray  corrosion  test 
for  5000  Hours  i.ithout  .'iny  injurious  effects.  Th..^  anodic  coating  can  be  removed 
by  using  c.-vustics,  .;.nd  specially  solutions,  but  this  should  only  bo  done 
by  an  ..xperi^nccri  op.,.rator.  Bedsides  the-  Chronic  acid  method  for  .anodizing,  there 
is  'lLso  the  Sulphuric  i.cid  (H2SO4)  method,  and  thu  process  (Patented)  of  the  .ilum- 
inum  Company  of  -jaorica  cail'jd  ".'ilur.iilite".  .Ill  give  substantially  the  same  results. 


by  Betty  Fr'uik 

-3Y  THE 

vdth  .idelr.ldc  Srdth 

Have  you  scon  .X  GE3'S  now  gru^n 
curtrins?     They  nak^.  tho  p]?.co  look  so 
"hoMciiko",     .spociT.lly  v;ith  'ill  tho.^o 
iiiilk  bottles  sitting  .''.round.      I'm  not 
ono  to  t.;Uk  BUT  it  soqius  to  rx-  hu's  h-'d 
'n  .-xtrr:  lot  of  stc;no^3r,".phic  v.ork  sine;; 
h^.  ,:,'ot  th..  ourt-dns  —  h,-:sn't  ho,   P,-:T? 

Thor.-',s  :\  nev;  hoir  oxpjct.-d  out  tho 
IL'j-tCLD  BrCr\3  v/ay.     H^,  only  hopes  th^  big 
■.;V'-iit  will  t.'.ke  placu  in  tirr.j  to  cl.-'.im 
deduction  on  this  yu.^.r's  incono  t'_x, 

i::^am  YoUMGBLOOD  nckcs  ,-.  trip  to  th.:; 
C:'v:.lry  G^xip  at  Sooly  •s.vcry  '.x'ackund    (in 
FRiD  FURD^S  c-r).      She  clairaa  to  Iv.v^   a 
coop  love  for  hors.;s,      Ginco  when  do 
horses  Wv;ar  uniforms.     Incid jntally, 
f'ho  gave  -a  cocktail  party  at  tho  B,'irbara 
V'orth  last  w.;jok  —  for  the  horses,   Liar.rjy? 

-1.   J.   LEC-;LJ?D  is  better  knovjn  as   (On  -  Off  ..^-,ain  Leonard".      It   oeor.TS  he 
c-Ji't  n.ake  up  his  laind  .about  the  nuptachc 
situation.     Rii^ht  nov;  it's  on  —  I  just 
looked  to  lurke  sure  —  buL  if  it's  cfi 
b.;foro  this  edition  cones  out,   don't  be 
surprised . 

It's   iscdding  bolls  .-.nd  cr '.ng^^  blcssons 
for  HELEl'J  BUTI,IS  who  has   just  .-.nnounced 
her  •^ng.ageniont.     Helen  says  her  fathe-r 
;itill  ha.s  his  fingers  crossed. 

I  think  I'll  siart    -    "Cupid's  Corner" 
'er  sor.iethim;  .around  h.,re.     There  sea^i  to 
bv    so  n.any  p;ople  around   uho  \i-\nf,   to  noet 
cth'-r  people  and  nobody  gets  to  first  bas^- . 
Just  tell  n^  v.ho  you  \r:sit  to  neet   and   I'll 
s..,v,  if  I  can't  fix  it  up.      This  is  v.sp  :ci- 
.'lly  for  the  benefit   of  GEORGE  DIM  vvho  is 
dying  to  ne.t  BETTY  KIIIE3.      (Say,    if  I 
pl'LV  ny  cai'ds  ri.^ht,    I  may  b.^  able  to  work 
thi.<3  into  sonething  quite  profitable.) 

BILL  '.rELCH  (a  batch^.lor  -.t  that)   is,  ."  house   on  the   outskirts  of  town. 
The  only  he  can  offer  is   that 
a  guy's  got  to  have  sonoplaco  to  k^op  his 

BOB  COOPER,  bettor  knov./n  as  jall-j-d 
Boyd's  .■j-ir.i  chewing  s-^cret-.ry,   r^  keeps 
th^-   I'^um  ..r-.chino  out  of  thi-  rod.     Thu  iiore 
work  hu  g^.ts,  the  nor.,  gun  ho  chov/s.      On 
a  busy  day,   his  capacity  is  RE.iLLY  -j-iaz- 

At  le-'.st  I  think  two  packs  arc 



of  guji  '\t  on'-,   sitting. 

LiY  ilJJSFIELD  is  deserting  us  for   a 
Foderr.l  Civil  Service  ^ippointnent   at 
North  Isi;jid,   arjd  fron  now  on  it  will  be 
gobs   of  gobs.      .'iTLd   Just    when  CHET  was 
getting  up  n.;rvc   tc  ask  her  fcr    a  d^te. 
There's   such  a  thing  ■"•?  being  too   ,slov>,', 

'"1'!-        4- 


Efficiency  exports  that 
2,643,21?  words  have  been  w.asted  by 
male  employi.;Cs  of  the  Ryan  Conpany  who 
drop  nickels  into  th^:.  hall  coke  and 
c'.ndy  machines,  endeavoring,  whil-i  stand- 
ing there,    to    jet  th.    lovr-dovvn  on  the 
hono   .'iddr^sses    uid  t.lephone  nunbers   of 
the   secr>.t'^,rial  strff. 

The  Ky.-..n  Conp.'uiy  has  been  accused   of 
selecting  their  socrotaries  fron  the 
studios  in  Hollywood.     However,    the  truth 
of  the  n-'.ttor  is,   thoy  cone  fron  c-J-l 
piints  Erst,   North  ,and  South  (but  .aro, 
of  course,   chosen  prinr.rily  for  their 
efficiency).     For  inst 'jice:      Pat  Kregness 
h.-.ils  fron  Portland,   llargy  Youugblood 
fron  F;irrdn^;h-xi,   Elo'"j?.or  Howe  fron 
Poughkeepsie,   Sara  Braun  "iid   Genevieve 
Boyer  fron  Chicago,   Botty  Mines  fron 
Oklahcna  City,   Barb.ara  Lippitt  fron 
Philadclphi:-.,   Betty  Fr'inl:  fron  Dallas, 
Betty  Forbes  fron  Houston,   uarzella 
..luen  fror;  Pittsburgh,  Dorothy  .triaentrout 
fron  Newport  News,   ¥;•..,   Norece  Kirkscy 
fron  Phoenix,   Dorothy  S'mford  fron 
Yakina,   Lorna  '..'arrcn  fron  Boston,   Helen 
Butler  fron  Raton,   New-  Ilcxico,    and  others 
boo  nuncrous  to  nention. 

In  the  future,    -.s  our  organization 
grovre,  we  sh.all  undoubtedly  have   ''ji 
increasing  nur.iber  of  girls  in  the   office, 
but  we  .".re  counting  on  Ilr.  Karco, 
Personnel  Director,   to  keep  up  his 
7-ood    judgn.jnt  in  selecting   "gals"  viho 
cm  not   only  prove  their  vrluo  as 
enploy^es  but  who  can  also  inspire   the 
nen  to  buy  then  bigger  and  better  c>andy 

Have  you  noLiced  how  GEN:']VILYE  BOYER 
brings  the  requis-Itions  doiim  to  Purchas- 
ing one  at  a  tin;?  of  course,  that's 
only  on  V.'odncsday,  Thursday,  and  Frid'.y 
when  "G-.rrett  Supply"  is  in,  but  I  sup- 
pose it's  only  one  of  those  strange  co- 
incidences.    Oh  ye ah I 

R^T   r3lEGNESS  says  she  never  thought 
she  thv.   athletic  type  but  everytinc 
sonoone  .-.sks  her  for  a  dr to,   it's  to 
pl'.y  Badivdnton.      .aid  here   I  thought   it 
was  B0;.T-RIDING11 

V.'ell,    I  Wis  hoping   to  st'll  this   off 
long  enough  to  let  you  know  if  it's   a 
bey  er  girl  (how  about  twins?)   out  the 
BECK  w.ay,   but  Larry  says   he  c-Ji't   edit 
his  paper  in  competition  vdth  tho  st-erk. 
(Gosh,    I  hope   STuNEY  doesn't   seo  this.) 




HOT"  3Tr:h;ak.'.' 

YfcS  Sir  J  The  Ryan  Bucket  To8SL;rs 
at  this  point  hotter  than  the  vjell 
known  "Firecracker" .   In  th-;  l.-ist  two 
starts  the  Ryan  "Gang"  have  turned  in 
tvjo  vury  spr.rkling  victori-js.   In  thi; 
first  f^anie'  with  the  H  &  H  Malt  Shop, 
the  "BOYS  FROM  RYAN"  were  out  in  front 
al]  the  way,  winning  with  ten  points 
to  spare.  The  entire  squad  played  in 
the  ganit ,  which  was  marked  v;ith  out- 
standing floor  work  rmd  many  brilli-'nt 
shots,  "sad  "SAi'  GILBERT"  turned  in  a 
grc'nt  game  playing  guard.   He  v/as 
especially  good  at  "Ball  Hawling", 

In  the  second  g-nmo  the  boys  v^ere 
pressed  all  the  way.   At  half  time  they 
took  thej.r  rest  period  on  the  short  end 
of  the  score  by  ten  points.   However,  in 
the  second  half  it  wns  quite  a  differ- 
ent story.   Gapt.  DOUG.  BASoORE  played 
an  unusually  fine  passing  g.^jne  and  was 
in  many  ways  a  great  help  to  the  team. 

ED  HERROK  broke  for  the  bucket  with 
the  tip  off  that  started  the  second 
half  and  from  that  time  on  it  was  Ryan 
all  the  way.  Fith  30  se;conds  to  go 
and  the  count  knotted  at  33  to  33, 
ED  HERRON  again  broke  for  the  bucket 
•jid  flipped  in  the  winning  2  points. 
The  work  of  BUD  SHEilRElR  w-.;->  outstanding 
as  was  that  of  BOB  CHASE,  MOOSE, 

Softball  practice  is  sch'-duled  to 
start,  weather  permitting,  Tuesday, 
M'JTch  4th,  at  the  Navy  Athletic  Pl.^ld 
at  tile  foot  of  Columbia  Street.   It  is 
necessary  that  we  get  going  as  soon  as 
possible  as  we  have  a  lot  of  work  to  do. 

Please  accept  this  as  a  pi^rsonal 
invitation  and  come  on  out  and  got 
loosened  up  in  preparation  of  a  gruat 
Softball  year  at  Ryans.  This  is  a  gen- 
eral call  to  all  Softball  players  so 
come  one-,  come  all.   There  will  be  three 
teams,  to  take  care  of  the  fellows  vho 
V'ant  to  play.  ?Je  need  you  all,  let  us 
to].l  you  how  good  you  arojill.' 



Yes  Sir.'  MOOSE  SIRATION,  of  Sub  - 
Assembly,  "rolled"  an  even  279  in  the 
Ryan  Bowling  League  to  top  San  Diego  City 
Bowlers  by  a  good  margin.  Moose  bowled 
four  straight  strikes  ."iid  in  the  fifth 
fr'uue  slipped  to  a  nine  pin  spare,  From 
there  out  he  "cleaned  the  alley"  eleven 
straight  times,  for  a  total  of  eleven 
strikes  and  that  tough  fifth  frame  spare. 

Nice  Rolling,  Moose.  Every  bowler  in 
the  Ryan  League  is  proud  of  you. 

It  is  interesting  to   note  that  the 
279  is   just  one  pin  from  a  perfect   "300" 
Had  th::,t   swaying  tenth  pin  fallen  in 
the  fifth  frame,  Moose  vrou].d  have  had 
a  perfect  game.      It   is  said  that  a  "300" 
is  ro?Lled  on  the  avcrag(=:  of  once  in 
(i^'^^vy  200,000  gc'ines. 

-;;-  ■»;-  -j;-  -jf- 

P    P    P    P     P 

I    J    /     <     / 

DID  HE  haw:  A  GW:?  -  That  seems  to 
be  the  question  A.J.  Leonard  has  been 
asking  in  reg.nrd  to  the  Golf  Tourney 
Victory  of  M.  Marco,  Director  of 
Personnel.   It  seems  thrt  Bort  Leonai'd 
disagrees  with  the  handicap  rating 
that  Marco  used  to  gain  a  net  score  of 
6S.  Marco  has  put  the  prize  that  he 
won  on  the  block  and  challenges  "Bert" 
to  lift  it.  We'll  be  hearing  more  about 


Thj  two  man  BCVv^ING  TE;U':  of  C.A. 
BAIffiR  -nd  MYRT  V/ILDER,  both  of  Manifold 
Second  Shift,  have  been  bold  enough  to 
challenge  all  comers  to  a  bowling  match 
an2/time  that  is  most  convenient  to  those 
concerned.  The  challengers  say  that 
they  are  willing  to  play  for  money, 
marbles,  or  chalk. 

Recent  newspaper  pictures  have  shown  the  RYAN  YO-51  "Dragonfly" 
observation  plane  in  active  Army  maneuvers  operating  with  ground 
troops  in  liaison  work  as  called  for  in  Air  Corps  specifications  to  which 
the  Ryan  Company  last  year  built  a  number  of  these  planes. 

Designed  by  Millard  Boyd  and  his  staff  of  engineers  for  operations  of 
a  nature  requiring  entirely  new  standards  of  performance,  the  "Dragonfly" 
has  shown  an  ability  to  take  off  and  land  within  extremely  limited  areas, 
and  the  capability  of  an  unprecedented  range  in  speed  from  almost  a 
complete  "hover"  in  mid-air  to  "stepping  out"  at  a  fast  clip. 

The  "YO"  is  able  to  make  almost  unbelievably  quick  take-offs,  climb 
steeply  over  obstacles,  and  land  at  an  approach  angle  that  appears  to 
be  nearly  vertical  and  with   an  extremely  short  roll  after  landing. 


TLulna  /Qapottct 

MARCH  14,  1941 

Vol.  1 
•         • 

EDITOR'S  NOTE Here  is  the  condensation  of  an  article  by  VJilliajn  S.  Knudsen  , 

Director  of  the  Office  of  Production  Management,  which  appeared  recently  in  The 
American  Magazine.   I  aia  sui^e  it  will  make  you  proud  of  the  x.'ork  you  are  nov/  doing. 



If  I  were  twenty-one  I  would  be  a  mechanic. 

I  woiild  try  to  get  work  in  a  machine  shop.  If  that  failed  I  i/oiald  try  for  a 
job  in  a  filling  station,  or  as  an  apprentice  to  an  electrician  or  a  plumber,  or  as 
a  clerk  behind  a  counter,  or  as  an  errand  boy, 

I  would  try  to  get  some  work  to  do  with  my  hands. 

NovJadays  in  America  most  youngsters 
want  a  college  education.  That  is  all 
right.  I  would  probably  want  one,  too. 
But  I  wouldn't,  if  I  knew  v:hat  I  know 
now,  let  the  college  education  interfere 
with  my  practical  education  as  a  mech- 
anic. For  that  I  have  some  good  reasons. 

^H'^-       li-ic*   -/i—X- 

Every  generation  must  learn  for  it- 
self. So  I  v;ill  just  ramble  on,  in  a 
casual  v;ay,  about  my  experience  as  a 
worlunan  and  as  a  boss  of  worlcmen,  drop- 
ping in  such  observations  and  anecdotes 
as  occur  to  me. 

There  is  nothing  "humble"  about  the 
position  of  a  mechanic.  The  top-rank 
skilled  mechanic  is  still  bhe  most 
sought-after  and  independent  man  you  can 
find.  The  place  of  Merica  today,  the 
American  standard  of  living,  depends 
more  on  the  skill  of  our  mechanics  than 
on  any  other  one  class  or  factor.  The 
genius  of  America  is  production;  and  a 
lai'ge  percentage  of  our  productive  en- 
terprises are  headed  by  men  v/ho  have 
come  up  from  the  worker's  bench. 

Maybe  v;e  have  gone  a  little  too  far 
in  our  reverence  for  book  learning;  may- 
be in  our  concentration  on  that  vje  have 
forgotten  other  things  which  are  just  as 
important.  That  is,  the  knowledge  of 
how  to  v/ork  with  our  hands,  how  to 
create  with  practical  skill. 

I  am  not  belittling  education.  Ilihat 
I  am  trying  to  say  is  that  a  person  edu- 
cated entirely  through  books  is  only 
half  educated.  There  is  a  kind  of  prac- 
tical knowledge  and  good  sense  v/hich  can 
flow  into  the  brain  only  through  the  use 
of  the  hands. 


The  pioneer's  legitimate  aspiration 
for  learning  has  decayed  into  a  kind  of 
snobbery  vfhich  considers  it  more  honor- 
able to  handle  a  telephone  than  a  vn^ench; 
more  socially  desirable  to  dictate  to  a 
stenographer  than  to  direct  a  crew  of 
skilled  mechanics. 

That's  not 
the  true  Amer- 
ican tradition. 
George  Wash- 
ingbDn  was  for 
years  a  hard- 
v.'orking  sur- 
veyor; Thom- 
as Jefferson 
a  gifted  de- 
signer of  use- 
ful appliances; 
Benjamin  Franidin  a  journeyman  printer, 
an  inventor,  and  the  best  electrician  of 
liis  age;  Abrahajn  Lincoln  split  rails, 
kept  a  store,  built  and  w^orked  on  flat- 

The  fact  that  these  men  kneiv  how  to 
vrork  with  their  hands  undoubtedly  con- 
tributed to  their  hard,  practical  sense. 

IJhat  to  do  about  it?  V/ell,  I  thinlc 
all  our  schools  should  put  more  emphasis 
on  training  in  manual  skills,  give  more 
opportunity  for  youngsters  to  test  the 
theories  they  learn  in  actual  practice, 
let  them  compete  vdth  one  anotlier  in 
building  useful  things.  You  can  tell  a 
boy  vfhat  a  pump  is;  but  if  he  gets  a 
pipe,  and,  by  means  of  a  cork  on  a 
stringy  draws  v-'ater  up  through  that  pipe, 
he  really  understands  v/hat  a  pum.p  is. 

Some  colleges  are  combining  the  prac- 
tical vdth  the  theoretical.  They  alter- 
( continued  on  next  page) 

in  L   WQtG2l     CO 

nate  periods  of  study  vdth  pei-iods  of 
v/orking  at  actual  jobs.  And  the  best 
enijineering  schools  are  putting  in  more 
and  more  shopvrork  to  supplement  the 
formulas.  That  is  all  to  the  good. 

Best  of  all,  if  you  have  youngsters 
of  your  ov.n,  talk  to  them.  I  was  going 
to  say,  "Preach  the  nobility  of  labor'', 
but  that  sounds  too  highialutin.  Kids 
don't  need  lauch  encuui-agement.  They 
have  the  natural  creative  urge  anyway. 
Just  give  them  the  hint  and  the  oppor- 
tunity and  they  vdll  be  building  useful 
things  of  their  ovm  accord.  And  if  they 
have  friends  working  along  the  same  line 
to  compete  vdth  and  compare  their  vork- 
manship  i*ath,  so  much  thn  better. 

The  greatest  stixiulus  to  sicilled 
handwork  is  to  compare  .your  product  with 
that  of  some  handicraftsman  v;ho  iy  bet- 
ter tlian  you  are. 

The  good  mechanic  must  be  a  thinker. 
Often  he  might  be  a  sio'i^ei-  thinker  than 
the  fellow  \vho  is  a  ivir.ard  at  passing 
college  examinations,  but  best  of  all  is 
the  man  v;ho  combines  tlie  learning  of 
books  vjith  the  learnijig  ■;;hich  comes  of 
doing  things  vdth  the  hands.  The  young 
man  Vfho  has  that  combination  need  not 
vforry  about  getting  along  in  the  world 
today,  or  at  an;^-  time. 


— / 




tonx^,  \:5zs 



It  is  a  good  thing  for  a  young  man  to 
ti-y  his  hand  at  several  different  jobs. 
The  value  of  experience  is  that  it 
teaches  you  the  things  you  can't  do,  as 
well  as  the  things  you  can  do.  After  a 
while  you  find  yourself  in  a  job  \iihich 
you  like  too  well  to  quit.  The  thing 
you  like  best  is  probably  the  thing  you 
are  best  at. 

It  has  not  been  so  easy  in  recent 
years  for  a  young  man  to  trj''  his  hand  at 
one  job  after  another.  Jobs  are  hard  to 
get.  And  there  again  the  mechanic  has 
an  advantage.  The  skilled  all-round  me- 
chanic, even  in  the  v;orst  of  times,  is 
not  out  of  a  job  for  long. 

Thoso  ivho  learn  about  industry  fror.'i 
reading  seem  to  think  that  mass  produc- 
tion and  the  asser.ibiy  line  have  done 
away  with  the  need  for  skill. 

Actually,  everything  that  is  made  by 
machinery  still  has  to  be  made  first  by 
hand.  And  that  applies  also  to  all  the 
beautifvilly  precise  and  povrerf'iL  tools 
•..tiich  make  the  machinery  itself.  The 
process  of  production  in  Am.Grica  today 
requires  iiiOre  highly  skilled  mechanics 
than  ever  before. 

-/wv"     'iCt^  '\~>C 

The  irian  w!io  has  been  a  mechanic  has 
an  advantage  in  the  art  of  handling  men. 
He  has  worked  with  such  men  himiself ;  he 
kjio^fs  their  capacities  and  their  limita- 
tions. jHe  has  been  bossed,  himself.  He 
kno\:s  v.-hat  makes  a  good  boss  and  a  bad 
boss.  Nov;adays,  they  have  a  nev;  name 
for  it.  They  call  it  "Industrial  Re- 
lationship". 'JTicn  I  first  started  we 
called  it  handling  men,  and,  believe  me, 
I  was  handled.  I  v/as  hanc'led  by  bosses 
in  the  shipyards,  in  the  railroad  shops, 
in  the  bicycle  factory. 

The  boss  I  liked  best  never  slopped 
over,  but  he  v;as  square.  ''.l-ien  he  told 
me  he  was  going  to  do  something  for  me, 
he  did  it.  He  never  told  me  he  vias  go- 
ing to  do  anything  to_  me.  He  never 
threatened  to  fire  a  m^in.  He  just  fired 
him.  In  other  vrords,  he  never  promised 
vlthout  performir.g,  and  he  never  threat- 
ened at  all.  He  was  square.  That  is 
the  foundation  of  hamXling  men.  That's 
what  makes  men  pull  v.'ith  you  instead  of 
against  you, 

V.'hat  I  have  been  hitting  at  all  along 
is  the  false  tradition  of  gentility 
vfhich  prevents  many  a  gifted  youngster 
from  following  his  natural  bent.  I  v.'ant 
to  tear  dov/n  the  idea  that  one  honest 
job  is  more  honorable  than  another.  Hon- 
orable vTork  is  any  work  that  you  dovrell. 



1    1 


-  u 

1  p  r 




Pviblished  by  Eir^nloyees  of  the 


through  their  Welfare  Dopartment 

Art  Fiditor 
to  this  isiiue: 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  Esterdahl 

M.  Marco;  Hill  Vfe^ner 

Vfelter  0.  Locke 
M.  E.   Brouae 
Al  Gee 

D  .  H .   PaliTier 

Viln-..  van  den  Aldcer 

Departmental  Contribator:^: 

Time  Clock  Safety  Gonmiittee 

V/inp  The  Kite  feker 

Manifold  Exhaust         Brad  fisrris 
Methods  En^jineering  T.   A.  McGreagor 

Office  Prattle 
The  Graveyard 
The  GhoGt  Talks 

Betty  Frank 
The  Rope 
The  Bat 
?  ?  ?   ? 
Pat  Kelly 

Manifold  iJighthawks  The  Shadou 

Carpenter  Shop  Carl  Huchting 

Engineering  V.   J.   Parks 

Snoop  Set  Brenda  &  Cobina 

lixperimental  Eddie  Oberbauer 

Organization  Contributors: 

Camera  Club  Ace  Edjiu.ston 


Draina.  Club 

Golf  Highlights 
Saddle  Pilots 

Mildred  Alkire 
Tomiiiy  Emmons 
V<alt  TValker 
V.  E,   Matt son 

The  Editors  vdsh  to  exi^ress  their 
sincere  appreciation  to  Sue  Zinn, 
secretary  to  Bill  VJagner,  the 
company's  publicity  mjinager,  for 
the  finished  appearance  of  this 
issue  of  the  liYAIJ  FLYING  REPORTER. 
V.'ithout  her  help  and  interest  this 
vfould  be  "just  another  issue". 

Lflr.    Seaton: 

Just  a  note  to  thank  you  and 
all  the  members  of  the  Ftyan  staff  for 
their  kindness  to  me  and  my  family.  The 
flowers  v/ere  really  be.-.utiful. 

Again,  thanks  to  you. all. 

Mrs,  George  '.•'.'.  Bennett  and  Family 


Nev/er  employees  may  be  interested  to 
learn  something  of  the  backgroxmd  of  the 
ST- 3  model  novr  going  into  production. 

Designed  in  1933  by  MLL/vKD  BOYD  and 
'■.TILL  VANDERiJEER,  present  Chief  and  as 
sistant  Chj.ef  Engineers,  in  conjunction 
v.dth  CLA'JDE  RYAW,^  the  first  3-T  (Sport 
Trainer)  vras  built  in  the  school  shop 
V;-itl\  very  ].imj.ted  equipment. 

Also  assisting  v;ere  DAN  BURNETT,  pre- 
sent Night  Superintendent;  ED  MORROV/,  of 
Methods  Engineering;  and  MEL  TIIOJffSON, 
Chief  Inspector, 

The  first  production  plane  vas  com- 
pleted early  in  1935>  by  dint  of  much 
hand  bumping  (no  drop-hammers  or  presses 
v;ere  available  in  those  days). 

Since  then  about  335  have  been  de- 
livered, and  are  in  service  in  all  parts 
of  the  world,  including  South  and  Central 
Ajnerica,  South  Africa,  Australia,  Hawaii, 
China,  the  Netherlands  East  Indies,  as 
vrell  as  all  over  the  United  States. 

VJhile  a  few  have  met  with  an  untimely 
end,  the  majority  as  indicated  by  the 
service  records,  and  including  the  se- 
cond production  plane,  are  doing  their 
part  in  the  training  of  new  pilots  in 
both  civilian  and  military  service. 

Many  acrobatic  contests  and  cross- 
country races  have  been  won  with  this 
plane,  and  it  has  become  famous  all  over 
the  world  as  the  pioneer  in  lov/-wing 
monoplane  training. 

The  new  3T-3  has  been  designed  to 
take  advantage  of  the  many  lessons  learn- 
ed from  operations  of  the  earlier  models. 
Let's  all  v.'ork  together  to  produce  many 
more  airplanes  worthy  of  this  heritage. 

Service  Manager 

Ready  to  be 


Don't  you  thinic  the 
back  cover  vrould 
make  a  nice  framed 
picture  for  the 











B  p;  S  T 

^7  A  T 

Rusty  is  the  foreman  of  Department  A. 

Like  a  lot  of  other  foremen,  there's 
nothing  rxisty  about  Rusty.  Guess  that's 
his  nickname,  because  it's  just  what  he 

Swell  guy,  Rusty I   All  the  boys  like 

him^ even  Slim  who's  such  a  grouch  that 

he'd  still  be  gloomy  if  every  day  vras 
pay  day. 

I  heard  Jack,  The  Super,  say  that 
Rusty  was  making  a  fine  production  re- 

Rusty  says  that  you  get  an  efficient 
department  by  getting  a  safe  department. 

YJhy?  Just  because  an  accident  or  an 
injury  stops  or  slows  dovm  things.  Stopv- 
ping'  machines  or  slovjing  dovm  hand  work 
increases  production  costs. 

An  injury  can  put  a  good  v/orker  out 
of  comirlssion  and  its  hard  to  replace 
him  because  it  costs  money  to  break  in  a 
nev.f  man. 

Many  tjjnes  an  accident  wastes  or  darar- 
ages  material,  or  iTiachines,  or  equipment 
and  repairs  have  to  te  paid  for. 

As  I  get  it  from  Rusty,  the  best  way 
to  do  any  job  is  the  safe  v/?y  because 
accidents  and  injuries  can't  happen  the 
safe  way. 

So  the  boys  in  Department  A  are  going 
places  because  \:e  don't  want  anyone  to 
get  hurt  and  l/ecause  vie  want  to  have  the 
best  safety  and  production  record  in  the 
plant . 



Last  issu.e  of  our  newspaper  .'jtarted  off 
vdth  news  tl:at  the  "ST-3s  Are  Ready  to 
Roll."  Vfell,  by  now  we  all  l-mow  they 
are  on  their  way  dovm  the  production 
line  for  Uncle  Sam's  Defense  Program. 

S\mday,  March  2nd,  BOB  KERLINGER,  test 
pilot,  took  off  foi-  the  east  via  the 
southern  route  in  the  "X"  job,  all 
closed  in  for  vdnter  like  a.n  incubator, 
vfhat  v.lth  its  hatch,  heater,  et  al. 

About  the  middle  of  the  week  Claude 
Ryan,  going  east  by  transport  plane  on 
busitiess,  passed  up  Bob  at  Mem.phis, 
Tem-iCssee,  but  we  now  have  it  straight 
from  the  feed  box  that  Kerlinger  landed 
in'/a,  Canada,  on  Thursday,  March 
6th  to  be  net  by  Sales  Manager  SAiM 

Meanvrhile  here  at  home,  JOHI^I  VAN  DER 
LINDE  and  the  Final  Assembly  crevr  burn- 
ed, the  midnight  oil  getting  the  first 
production  job  ready.  Along  came  Ly 
p.m.,  1  Wednesday,  March  5th,  and  cigar- 
smoking  test-pilot  JOE  RUST  took  the 
first  production  Arm;/  3T-3  trainer  into 
the  blue  for  the  first  time. 

Juuch  to  everyone's  surprise  we  discover- 
ed the  first  ship  xias  designated  PT-22, 
instead  of  PT-21.  An  investigation 
--Ith  Service  Manager  VJALTER  0.  LOCKR 
disclosed  that  the  160  h.p.  jobs  i\lll 
be  designated  PT-22,  and  the  125  h.p. 
ships  PT-21. 


The  Ryan  Camera  Club  is  in  full  swing!  I 
At  their  last  meeting,  in  the  Chamber  of 
Comaerce  Conference  Room,  the  election 
of  officers  vras  held  vdth  BILL  KELLER 
accepting  the  President's  Office,  ED 
BERLIN  assisting  hirn  as  Secretary-Treas- 
urer, and  "ACE"  EDHISTON  as  program 

This  is  one  of  Ryan's  most  interest- 
ing clubs,  vdth  a  variety  of  interesting- 
pictures  and  general  photographj'-  helping 
the  theme  of  every  meeting. 

The  members  of  this  club  are  inter- 
ested in  having  all  those  v,'ho  like  to 
v;ork  vdth  photography  and  its  various 
branches  join  them.  The  next  meeting 
vdll  be  announced  in  the  next  issue  of 
your  Ryan  Fljdng  Reporter. 

More  Manifold  lixhaust 


DAVE  PIERCE  of  3rac.ll  Parts  is  issuing 
loud  sti'ident  calls  for  horn  l-ootera  of 
all  sexes  J  vol'xraes  end  qualities.  Says 

the  band  needs  some  more  noise  jrnkers 

also  a  ttrclvc  cylinder  horn  tooter  to 
take  over  a.  bass  horn  that's  kicking  -i- 
round  i/herever  it  is  the  band  practices. 
See  Dave  about  it... He's  the  cheerful 
little  g\Q/-  you'll  find  most  any  timu 
over  near  the  v/indov;c  in  Small  Parts. 

SomCTrhere,  someone  said  that'vmena 
vroraan  is  not  feeling  too  happ.v,  a  new 
hat  is  a  sura  cure  for  the  blues. .. .Per- 
haps, but  if  you  v/ant  to  Eee  a  shining 
face,  take  a  peek  at  MICKSJf  l/ii'IYEF?, .  'lust 
be  that  new  Dod;fe. . ,  .coaldn't  possibly 
be  that  cap  ho  T/ears. 

JOE  LOTO  ia  o-otting  up  a  golf  tear,;  to 
take  up  the  gaioiitlet  tossed  by  the  In- 
spection Department.  Those  guys  better 
vmtch  out..., there  are  an  av.'ful  lot  of 
reaJ.  lov:  eighties  hiding  cut  araon.T  the 
Jig J  here. .. 

Ajn  just  a  little  sorry  that  I  l;rought 
ray  broken-do'.vn  portable  to  \vork.  There 
have  been  entirely  too  many  personal 
questions  regarding  my  culinary  ability, 
.-^.nd  if  I  co'ild  darn  sockr,  etc.  If  it 
Viasn't  impolite,  I'd  be  inclined  to  say 
Well,  maybe  I'd  better  not... 

HARRY  ROBIIiSON  insists  the  hole  being 
dug  alongside  of  his  bench  is  the  new 
Small  Parts  swimming  pool.  Knd  DAVIC 
PIERCE  has  entered  his  application  for 
the  job  of  life-guard.  Imagination  is  a 
wonderful  thing!  Ho'.vever,  I  do  think 
that  someone  should  tell  the  boys  that 
it's  only  an  opening  into  the  drainage 
system  before  their  hopes  get  too  high. . 

ART  L;00P,E  is  once  again  among  those 
present  and  it's  nice  to  have  him  home. 
According  to  some  authorities,  \:e  have 
been  having  a  taste,  this  vdnter,  of  the 
Dlitzflu  has  been  going  on  overseas. 
Art  says  that  he  certainly  vras  Blitzed 
( if  that ' s  the  verb) .... 

A  nice  thing  happened  the  other  day. . 
A  very  busy  man  stopped  by  to  compliment 
me  on  a  chore  that  I  v/as  doing.  Boy,  and 
just  \/hen  I  needed  a  pat  on  the  back  J 
Funny  how  some  people  can  tell  the  pro- 
per time  to  say  nice  things. . .Maybe  it's 
not  so  funny  at  all... He's  a  pretty  nice 
guy,  so  it  probably  is  his  nature.  Any- 
vay,  from  here  on  out,  J  like  him.... 
CfOodbyo  now..... 

Inspectoi's  are  men  xvho  can  boss  a  boss,' 
And  throw  Production  for  a  loss,  i 

But  still  they've  got  to  put  across.  i 
Good  oi'  Inspectors. 


If  Oil  the  job  there  is  a  doubt,  j 

l,ho  co.ues  along  to  dopo  it  out?       j 
':'7:io  doesn't  mind  his  neck  stuck  out?       j 

Our  Llanifold  InsuectorsI 

ViTnen  parts  get  in  their  ifell-worn  hair. 

And  a  lug's  cracked  here  and  v.         | 

hangar  there; 
i'lTno  vrorlvs  around  and  makes  them  square?] 

Lo,   the  Ifcnifold  Inspectors  I 

Seems  as  though  they're  in  your  way, 

Put  in  the  end  tliey  make   it  paj'';      I 

They  put  those  Manifolds  up  to  stay  I 
Good   old  Stack  Inspectors.'  i 

M.  E.  Brouse 




As  a  department  we  v;ish  to  express 
our  appreciation  for  the  v;hole-hearted 
cooperation  received  from  other  depart- 
ments in  our  task  of  setting  correct 
routing  procedure  and  standard  time  on 
the  ST- 3.  I'/e  xirish  you  to  knoxv  that  any 
constructive  criticism  or  suggestion  for 
iraprovement  vd].l  be  welcome. 

In  a  very  few  instances  we  have  met 
with  resistance,  but  these  are  gradually 
being  broken  do\.Ti  by  our  attempt  to  es- 
tablish confidence  in  you  by  the  fact 
that  when  our  job  is  completed  it  vd.ll 
be  highly  beneficial  to  all  concerned. 

!7ith  signs  of  better  ireather  approach- 
ing, we  expect  to  be  ready  soon  to  issue 
a  few  challenges  in  some  of  the  sports, 
and  we  hope  at  least  to  make  it  hard  for 
you  to  earn  j'"our  beer. 

Hoping  for  a  continued  happy  rela- 

-0-0- o- 
The  only  difference  between  a  salesman 
and  an  engineer,  they  say,  is  that 
a  sales]!ian  learns  less  and  less  about  more 
and  more  until  ultimiitely  he  knows  noth- 
ing about  everything,  while  the  engineer 
learns  more  and  more  about  le  ss  and  less 
until  he  finally  knows  everj'thing  about 





BULLETIN  NO.  1 This  is  tiie  first  of  a  series  of  buii.letins  which  will  appear  reg- 
ularly in  the  RYAN  FLYING  REI^ORTER  to  describe  for  the  American  working  man  facts 
you  will  want  to  know  about  the  American  business  system;  to  te].l  how  businesses 
are  built;  to  explain  hov;  t-hey  are  operated  and  to  define  the  position  that  busi- 
ness occupies  in  American  life. 


A  business  man  is  one  who  invests 
emplojTnent  to  other  people  or  to  himself. 
A  man  v;ho  is  paid  by  the  Anderson  Ma 
ployee.   If  he  saves  enough  money  to  st 
comes  a  business  man.   To  do  that  he 
will  need  enough  money  to  rent  or  to  buy 
a  truck,  to  pay  the  expense  of  operation, 
and  to  feed  and  clothe  himself  until  he 
gets  enough  business  to  keep  him  going, 

I.lien  this  truck  driver  becomes  a 
business  man,  he  is  pretty  much  the  same 
fellow  that  he  was  v;hen  he  v.'as  employed 
by  Mr.  Anderson.   He  looks  the  same,  he 
buys  in  the  same  stores,  has 
the  same  friends.   If  he  was 
an  earnest,  honest  vrorker  for 
ilr.  Anderson,  he  vdll  con- 
tinue to  be  that.   If  he  v/as 
a  dependable  and  s.-'/mpathetic 
friend,  he  vdll  continue  to 
h^  be  that.   If  he  r/as  the  kind 

^       of  fellov;  who  took  advantage 
of  his  friends,  he  probably 
will  continue  to  take  advan- 
tage of  people. 

If  a  salesman  in  one  of  San  Diego's 
stores  saves  some  money  and  opens  a 
sracill  store  of  his  own,  he  becomes  a 
business  man.  To  do  that,  he  will  need 
enough  money  to  buy  fixtures  and  a  stock 
of  goods  and  to  rent  part  of  a  building. 
He  will  have  to  risk  his  savings  on  the 
chance  that  he  can  find  customers  to  buy 
his  goods,  so  that  he  can  eat  and  pay 
his  bills.  Therefore,  his  responsibili- 
ties v.'ill  be  greater  than  they  v/ere  when 
he  worked  for  somebody  else,  but  other- 
v/ise  he  vdll  be  no  different  than  he  was 
before.  He  vdll  be  no  more  honest  and 
no  less  honest,  he  will  be  no  smarter, 
he  will  be  no  more  friendly  nor  less 
friendly  than  he  m&s  when  ho  worked  for 
somebody  else. 

There  are  a  great  many  men  and  women 
in  America  vitio  go  into  business  in  an- 

his  orm  money  in  an  enterprise  vfhich  gives 

chine  Company  to  drive  a  truck  is  an  em- 
art  a  trucking  business  for  himself,  he  be- 
other  way.  They  don't  start  stores  or 
factories  or  trucking  businesses.  They 
don't  give  up  their  jobs  to  go  into  bus- 
iness. They  keep  their  jobs,  but  they 
invest  their  money  in  stocks  and  bonds 
and,  thus,  while  working  for  one  company, 
they  help  to  finance  other  companies. 
By  this  method  they  invest  their  savings 
in  a  business,  become  ovmers  of  some 
small  part  of  that  business  and  risk 
their  money  vdth  the  hope  cf  getting 
somo  profit.  The  money  so  invested 
helps  to  make  jobs  for  other  men  and 
women  and  thus  creates  employment. 

A\  Vv'ho  buys  one  share  of  Telephone 
Company  stock,  or  one  share  of  General 
Motors  stock,  becomes  a  part  owner  of 
the  Telephone  Company,  or  a  part  ovmer 
of  the  General  Motors  Corporation.  Ho 
is  helping  to  make  jobs  for  phone  oper- 
ators or  for  automobile  vrorkers  and  is, 
therefore,  an  employer.  He  is  investing 
his  money  in  business  vdth  the  hope  that 
it  vdll  bring  him  a  profit — and  so  he  is 
a  business  man. 

There  are  a  number  of  such  business 
men  in  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company. 
They  have  jobs  in  the  factory  and  at  the 
saime  time  they  are  helping  to  make  jobs 
for  other  people  in  other  businesses. 
They  are  earning  pay  for  their  ovm  vrork 
and,  at  the  same  time,  they  are  profit- 
ing from  th'3  ovmership  of  some  part  of 
the  Telephone  Company  or  General  Motors 
Corporation  or  General  Electric  Company 
or  General  Foods  Corporation.  The  fact 
that  they  are  business  m.en  doesn't  make 
them  more  likable  or  less  likable,  nor 
does  it  change  their  basic  character  in 
any  v/ay. 

(continued  on  next  page) 


by  V.  J.  Park  j 

"In  Spring  A  Young  Kan'?  Fancy  Tiirns 
To  Love. "  Yeah,  I  know  you  have  heard 
that  one  before,  but  the  crack  still 
goec;.  IJliat  vdth  thiree  of  the  boyr;  ifoin^ 
off  the  deep  end  last  we'ik,  there  must 
be  something  to  it.  Or  rnaybe  it's  just 
like  BILL  KilLLJiR  says  and  I  quote, 
"You'll  never  know  ?;hat  ti^ue  happiness 
is  until  you  are  married,  and  then  it's 
too  late".  BOB  "GETTING  TillK"  EVANS 
agrees  r.lth  this  100,1.  Hov:  about  that. 

The  pretty  boys  of  the  Engineering 
Department  xiere  given  somerfhat  of  a 
shock  last  v^reek  Vvtien  the  identification 
cards  -vrere  handed  out  bearing  the  sup- 
posedly portrait  liiceness  of  themselves. 
It  created  quite  a  conunotion,  all  right. 
Bverj^one  vras  looking  at  each  others 
cards  to  see  if  they  could  find  one 
worse  than  their  own.  ITny  some  of  theiii 
even  ivent  so  far  as  to  deny  the  jd.cture 
v.'as  theirs.  (Boy,  I've  seen  everything 
now!)  But  it's  true,  boys,  that's  what 
you  look  like  to  the  rest  of  us.  Pior- 
rible,  isn't  it? 

Just  to  shovi  you  hov;  con<jcnial  the 
boys  up  here  are,  two  of  them  are  stuck 
on  the  same  girl  and  nary  a  harsh  word 
goes  between  them.  Jiaybe  you  knot;  them. 
One  is  tall,  dark  and  disgusting,  better 
knoT,'n  as  "CURLY-LOCKS"  and  it  takes  him 
half  an  hour  to  comb  them  (so  I  am  told) . 
The  other  is  short,  squat  end  obnoxious, 
knov,n  to  a  fev/  intimately  as  "UGLISFt 
THAN  I  I'lV.  O.IC,  boys,  I  vron't  say 
any  more  but  just  the  sane  I  laiow  who 
VJHS  on  the  short  end  last  week. 

If  you  suddenly  find  yourself  being 
blinded,  don't  get  e;xited.  It's  only 
"LOUD  Ti:]"  CATTRELL  coming  your  way. 
V/here  do  you  get  them,  Mac?  Pity  the 
poor  guys  that  arc  on  his  XoBas  list. 
Ghastly  things  aren't  they?  (Kot  l.-ad 
tho')  Also  how  do  you  like  his  Joe  Col- 
lege hat;-.  E'Gadsl 

Dcct.r  "Cvipid's  Corner";  (a  good  idea 
too)  Do  you  think  (iEORGii  DEVJ,  vdt  of  In- 
spection re]mrtment  and  I  am  half  right, 
is  the  onJLy  one  dying  to  meet  BETTY 


r/ell.  Carbolic  Acid  I  (That's  goodbye 
in  any  language.) 


by  Carl  Huchting 

Thanks  to  tho  boys  in  the  Packing  De- 
partment for  taking  avay  the  Boeing  and  boxes  from  our  door  step  over 
the  -.reek- end  of  March  1st  and  2nd.  Nice 
going,  boys-"V/e  make  'em— you  take  'em". 
'7e  are  always  glad  to  see  you  fellov;s 
step  into  our  shoo  because  of  the  smiles 
you  bring  vdth  you. 

The  greatest  asset  of  any  nation  is 
the  spirit  of  its  ]>eople.  The  greatest 
danger  that  can  menace  any  nation  is  the 

break  dov/n  of  that  spirit the  vdll  to 

win  and  the  courage  to  vvork. 

T\TO  kinds  of  people  are  alvrays  in 

tough  luck those  v/iio  did  it  but  never 

thought;  those  v/ho  thought  but  never  did 

-One  Carpenter  to  Another- 

AL:  "Say  Jim,  would  it  hurt  if  I  v/ould 
cut  six  inches  off  of  this  board?" 

JIlI:  "Say  Al,  v/o'jld  it  hurt  if  you  would 
drop  an  anvil  on  your  big  toe?" 

(continued  from  previous  page) 


The  process 
trical  engineer 

of  becoming  a  business  man  or  a  doctor  or  a  mechanic  or  an  ■  elec- 
does  not  alter  the  character  of  a  man  because  character  is  estab- 

lished  by  the  time  a  m.-;n  is  fully  grovm.  If  his  character  is  weak  or  bad  to  berin 
rath.  It  will  be  bad  whether  he  ^,-orks  for  himself  or  for  someone  else.  If  his  char- 
acter 13  strong  and  good,  it  vdll  prompt         "-  

him  to  try  to  act  right  in  any  position. 

People  are  all  pretty  much  alike 

vrfiether  they  are     e-nployers  or  employees 

or  doctors     or     electrical     engiiieers 

v;hether  they  come  from  i.Iaine  or  Indiana. 
Their  experiences  and  training  and 
tastes  vary;  some  like  lobster"  and 
others  prefer  ham;  some  are  tall  and 
others  r?,re  short;  but  the  I'Verage  of  in- 
tegrity is  about  the  same  everyi-.'here     a- 

mong  all  trades 
and  professions. 
Biisiness  men  in 
Nevr  York,  Chic- 
ago, Seattle 
and  Lit.  Louis 
are  very  much 
in  Sa 
and  Lo 
They  average  up 

sffiisi  111  u 

the  people  ^  amxir^  III  R+rn-^ 
Jan  Diego  '^  Mq^^  |P  S^QJi^ 
.OS  Angeles.    7, ^'yvi^  ■'•'.«'/.■,•  7'«<'**\^'»"/Ti 

as  pretty     fine 


I!  0 

s  i:  0  If 

T  0  H.  Y 

The  coliiums  of  RYAN  FLYING  ruaPCRTLll  .ire  open  to  you  bud/'inn'  authors  v;ho  niay  ha^^e  an 
interesting  story  to  tt^ll  or  i\  y.;5.rn  to  spin.  Our  first  contrib-ation  comes  froni.  Al 
Gee  who  has  just  been  boosted  to  the  exalted  position  of  Chief  of  Plant  Protection. 


It  had  been  just  three  vjneks  today, 
Ed  had  been  abandirig  around  the  place  al- 
irays  alert  aiic'  watchiUfj — T-;atciiin('=f  every- 
thing that  took  place,  everyone  that 
came  and  vfent.  He  knt'v;  all  of  their 
habits  by  no-./. 

There  v;as  Tom,  the  Plant  Police  Of- 
ficer, who  alv.'ays  had  a  ci^ar  in  his 
nouth)  and  that  serious  lookin^f  time- 
keeper v.'ho  soinetimes  talked  to  Toir.  about 
a  nia.n  getting  a  pass  to  go  througli  th.e 
bi.'j  gate.  Tl'ien,  there  wure  the  pretty 
girls  in  the  office  who  vieve  al'.-ays 
cheerful  and  s;nilinfc-.  Kinda  wished  h.e 
could  be  happy  like  that.  Haw  I  VJhat  was 
the  matter  with  him  anjnTay?  Ifust  be  get- 
tin'  soft.  He  had  a  job  to  do,  and  watch- 
ing this  joint  was  part  of  it;  so  let 
someone  else  turn  on  the  smiles.  After 
all,  eight  hours  a  day  for  three  weeks 
at  this  racket  does  kinda  work  on  a  guy's 

Then  only  l;\st  night  v;hen  he  had  met 
his  old  crony,  opuri,  do'.vntown,  opud  had 
sorta  sneered  and  said,  "How  long  are  you 
gonna  case  that  joint  before  you  tui^n 
the  trick.  Kid?" 

\7ell,  maybe  he  vra.s  kinda  slow  but  he 
knew  \;hat  he  '.-'as  doin',  and  he'd  keep  on 
doin'  it  in  his  ovm  way,  for  he  could 
feel  in  his  bcnes  that  he  v/as  going  to 
click.  He  just  had  to  click  I  For  nov;  he 
had  Muggy  and  the  kid  to  thinl<  of.  Ain't 
it  funny  how  a  woman  and  a  kid  can  make 
a  guy  feel?  Alv/ays  depending,  and  even 
betting  on  you  and  she  never  asks  any 
questions  either.  The  best  pal  in  the 
v/orld.  Ids  Muggy. 

He  had  another  reason  for  needing 



dough the  old  v;lio  ran  the  corner 

grocery  store.  Hull!  Funny  he  should  be 
worrying  about  ov.'ing  a  bill.  Dut  if  it 
hadn't  been  for  that  old  man  he  guessed 
Muggy  and  the  kid  v/ould  have  gone  hungry 
aplenty  "I'hile  he  was  av.'ay  from,  her  those 
six  months.  That  bill  was  sure  gonna  be 

Yeah,  three  v;eel:s  today,  and  a  lotta 
g^.iys  v.'oull.da  been  scared  off  by  noxv,  but 
not  him,  '  It  still  looked  like  a  swell 
job  to  him,  and  he  ■;as  gonna  see  it  thru. 
He  had  spent  too  much  time  gettin'  the 
lay  of  things  to  drop  it  nov;. 

He  was  gettin'  himgry  and.  it  was  a- 
bout  time  to  eat.  Guessed  he'd  call  it  a 
day  and  go  home.  Say!  V/as  that  officer 
coring  toward  him?  Sure  looked  like  it, 
and  damned  if  he  didn't  believe  he  had 
his  eyes  right  on  liLm.  He  tried  to  look 
at  something  else  and  iiide  that  shaky 
feeling  that  ivas  turning  his  stomach  in- 
to empty  space.  b'atta  break,  after  all 
this  time!  It  couldn't  possibly  be  that; 
nov;  the  officer  v:as  talking  to  hLm,  ask- 
ing him  something  about  hanging  around 
there  for  two  or  three  xveeks.  He  finally 
stammered  out  a  shaky  "Yes".  "V/ell,  com.e 
vdth  me",  replied  the  officer,  "I  want 
to  ask  you  some  questions". 

After  ten  minutes  or  so,  he  finally 
came  out  shaking  and  excited,  with  a 
quick  look  in  each  direction  •  and  a  f  evf 
poor  attempts  to  say  something,  just  mut- 
tered a  "Thanlt  You",  and  headed  in  the 
direction  of  home. 

He  had  finally  done  it.  Landed  a  job, 
building  airplanes.  Going  to  work  in  the 

';5   I 




Exploded         By  D.     H.     P  A  L  ivl  E  R  ,  B.3.,    V  .Z, ,  Etc. 

In  this  article  the  autiior  attempts 
to  give  you  some  of  the  kriovn  facts  a- 
bout  that  T.'e;i.l-knovm  UnknovTi,  The  Great 
Hydro  Preaa,  and  to  present  the  njiforma- 
tion  in.  such,  a  manner  that  you  v/ill 
learn  nothin^^  So,  if  you  don't  read 
this  J  you  needn't  feel  bad.  IVell,  let's 
get  on  vfith  it. 

For  months  there  have  been  r-jjuors: 

1.  That  the     company  had     a  press  or- 


2.  That  it  Y/as  a  100  toii  press. 

'}.   That  it  was  a  1000  lo.  drop-hammer. 
/;.  That  the  vrhole  thin^-;  w.s  I'aai 

Hero  are  the  facts  to  cu.te:  About  a 
month  ago,  a  fiat  car  with  a  large  lujiin 
ca:rie  into  San  Diego.  This  lump  v/as  load- 
ed on  a  trailer  and  hauled  to  the  Iiyan 
factory.  During-  the  trip,  the  trailer 
broke  thru  the  crust  of  Lindber^^rh  Field 
three  times,  indicating-  that  the  lump 
weighed  approximately  110,500  lbs. 

At  this  point  the  ti-ail  becomes  some- 
what dim.  VJe  have  reason  to  believe  that 
the  doors  of  the  factory  rrere  opened  and 
the  mysterious  piece  shoved  inside,  per- 
haps even  as  far  as  the  hole  in  3heet 
Iv.etal.  It  was  this  stage  of  the  journey 
v:hich  gave  rise  to  the  theory  that  the 
i;yan  Company  i/as  not  ari  a.irplane  factory 
but  a  strange  religious  cuJ.t,  and  that 
its  members  gathered  to  worship  an 
ancient  god,  standing  motionQ.esL:  before 
his  massive  image  for  hours  on  end.  How- 
ever, little  credence  is  given  this  angle 

The  next  link  is  the  finding  of 
strange  alumimam  shapes  on  the  floor  of 
Sheet  I'.letal.  Many  maintain  that  this  is 
nothing  nev;  in  the  Sheet  Metal  Depart- 
ment, but  supporters  of  the  hydro-press 
theory  claim  that  these  particiHar  parts 
couJ.d  only  have  been  made  in  a  hydro- 

One  man,  a  night  \mtchman,  claimed 
that  he  had  actually  seen  the  press,  but 
you  knov.f  how  night  vratdimen  are.  He  said, 
and  we  quote,  "I  seen  this  here  press 
the  other  night.  There  vfas  a  fellera 
workin'  on  it."  (This  reraiirk  is  what 
caused  skeptics  to  dismiss  the  story  as 
pure  fabrication. ) 

The  last  fact  v/hich  can  be  racked  up 

on  this  bizarre  story  goes  like  this: 

Long  months  of  research  J.nto  the  early 
records  of  the  Ryan  Company,  and  believe 

me  any  search  into  the  ;\van  records  is  a 
long  one,  revealed  the  startling  fact 
tliat  a  hydro-press  had  actually  been  or- 
dered. A  faded  purchase  order  v:as  dis- 
covered bearing  the  legend;  One  Thou 

Ton  \\ press  with  Die  Cushion  I   This 

vfoald  indicate  that  the  Legend  of  the 
Hydro-Press  had  a  foundation  in  actual 
fact.  Though  those  vfho  originated  the 
order  arc  long  since  dead,  the  story  of 
the  Press  was  apparently  kept  alive  by 
vjord  of  mouth  dov.ii  thru  the  years.  It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  the  part  about 
the  die-cunhion  (see  note-"-)  was  lost  in 
the  distortion  of  a  hundred  tellings,  and 
had  not  the  ancient  purchase  order  been 
found,  this  important  detail  might  have 
been  lost  to  us  for  all  time. 

And  so  is  concluded  this  concise  suna- 
mary  of  several  thousand  words  on  the 
origin  and  facts  of  the  famed  Hydro- 
Press  hayth.  As  to  v.'hether  or  not  there 
really  is  a  Hydro-Press,  the  author 
loaves  that  to  you.  After  all,  you've 
got  to  do  a  little  thinking  for  yourself. 

---NOTE:  A  die-cushion  is  a  device  for 

making  deep  draws  in  metal  sheet . 

(See  Mote) 
NOTE  to  a  Note:  Don't  ask  me  any  more 

about  this.   I  don't  understand 

it  either. 



by  Betty  Frank 

Does  FRED  FORD  think  there  is  safety 
in  niiml^ers  or  is  that  really  his  harem. 
Did  you  see  that  look  of  contentment  on 
his  face  v.'hen  he  took  his  little  women 
through  the  plant  last  v;eek? 

Talk  about  tlie  housing  situation~Pat 
and  I  almost  found  a  place  to  live  last 
VTeek  but  tliey  found  out  vue  had  a  foun- 
tain pen  that  squeaks  and  they  '.vouldn't 
let  us  have  it . 

Portrait  of  the  Vfeek:  STOHEY  sitting 
in  Personnel  smoking  a  big  black  cigar 
with  his  feet  on  the  desk,  blissfully 
1 ooking  important . 

VJhy  does  EHLA  lURTIN  get  so  red  when 
someone  mentions  Bing  Crosby' s  horses? 

There's  nothing  but  noise  and  confu- 
sion in  the  office  this  morning.  I  can't 
find  my  desk  to  get  some  paper  to  put  in 
a  typevn"iter  which  I  can't  find  either. 
In  other  words  VJE'RE  MOVING  so  I'll  see 
you  next  \/eek.  At  least  I  hope  to  find 
my  desk  by  then. 




>  ^-/x 







'^)  1  f. , 



w''  I 


£.'3  T  y 





The  Rope 

'That  well-kno--ni  foreman  is  l.aur.-hingly 
called  "Eafjle",  and  spendr>  half  his  pay 
check  on  hair  restorer?  Tell  hirn  about 
Johnson's  Clo-Coat  Floor  v;ax. 

EARL  ATKINSON,  dj.e  sander,  looks  a 
bit  fjeaked  these  ni^'hts.  He  his  been 
blessed  (?)  with  a  nev?  helper,  and  in 
shovdnfj  the  lad  ho-.:  a  sander  of  the  old 
school  sands  by  iiand,  he  wears  hi!;i3elf 
to  a  frazzle  the  f ii  st  five  iiiinutes  and 
then  isn't  any  good  for  tno  rest  of  the 
night.  But  just  you  I'/ait  until  "The 
Natioail  Geographic"  sends  for  him  to 
take  over  that  vfhite  collar  job. 

That  man  RUSTON  is  in  the  nevjs  again- 
last  week,  "Rusty''  went  to  the  Doc  vath 
a  sore  throat.  The  L.D.'s  first  diagno- 
sis vfas  Trench  Mouth,  and  he  proceeded 
to  treat  "Rusty"  for  same,  with  an  in- 
jection. Later  examinations  showed  the 
ailment  to  be  a  bad  case  of  Tonsilitis, 
but  poor  Rust;''  already  had  his  injection. 
Oh  vfell,  you  have  to  3tand  up  to  run  a 
drop  hammer  anjT^ay, 

BROTHER  NOLAN,  move  i.ian  for  the  sec- 
ond shifters,  has  been  away  from  the 
fold  for  the  past  fevr  days  under  a  doc- 
tor's care.  Something  about  an  orange 
seed.  (There  are  those  among  us  who 
vrould  say  the  whole  oi-ange  couldn't  cause 
that  much  grief.)  First  Rusty  has  M.D. 
troubles,  now  Nolan.  These  DH  men  get 
sick  in  the  funniest  places, 

VJhy  can't  people  grow  old  gracefully? 
Have  you  seen  the  new  bonnet  on  the  2nd 
shift  shipping  clerk?  It's  perfectly  OK 
to  wear  a  cap  to  protect  one's  bald  head 
from  the  chill  night  air,  but  after  all, 
LOUIE,  you  ain't  as  young  as  you  usta 
v/as.  Truthfiilly  we'd  say  it  v;as  $pl.03 
wasted,  and  liquor  costing  v;hat  it  does. 

Poetry  and  Prosie 

Put  on  your  little  red  svreater 

If  you  haven't  any  better, 

TVhile  I  crank  up  the  little  red  machine, 

And  if  the  road  is  level 

IVe  will  go  like  the  devil. 

Till  we  run  out  of  gasoline. 

Goo  Goo  Cramer. 

Just  i':hen  production  v;as  beginning  to 

make  itself  knov.Ti this  had  to  haoocn, 

but  swamped  with  '..'ork  as  're  are,  never 
let  it  be  said  the  D.H.  crev:  (2nd  shift) 
ever  let  a  fellov;  workei'  down.  Vfe  can 
all  remember  v;hen  the  most  difficult 
tiling  about  getting  married  v/as  the  sav- 
ing of  enough  money  for  the  ring  and 
license.  Nov;  that  it's  "OK  to  owe  Kay" 
that  part  no  longer  bothers  us.  VJe  liave 
a  much  bigger  problem  -  a  probleiTi  as  big 
as  a  house — in  fact  it  is  a  house.  Yepi 
RUSTY  RUSTON  i?  the  lad,  Ib  has  the  ring, 
he  has  the  $3  for  a  license,  he  has  the 
girl  (the  girl  even  has  a  job)  but  NO 
HOUSE.  So  if  you'se  guys  and  If  you'se 
gals  want  to  help  cupid  knock  a  homer, 
lend  us  a  hand  in  this  vrorthy  cause. 

Here's  what  we  have  in  mind suppose 

every  reader  donated  just  one  sraall  item 
such  as  a  table  leg,  an  old  chair  bot- 
tom, a  couple  of  pots  (ive  mean  to  cook 
in)  or  pans  you  no  longer  need,  a  high 
chair — (no  wait,  that  comes  later),  then 
Ryan  has  lots  of  scrap  v:ood  and  packing 
cases,  and  here's  where  vie  come  in,  just 
telephone  in  and  we'll  send  our  tinick  to 
pick  UD  your  donation  and  if  vre  can  get 
the  Company's  permission  to  toat  off  the 
scra^)  v/ood,  we'll  build  tlie  dern  house. 
There  v;ill  be  no  need  of  a  stove  being 
donated,  as  that  red' head  of  Ruston's 
would  warm  up  any  home,  so  get  busy  on 
your  telephones  and  let's  make  this  a 
great  day  for  Samuel  Ellis  Ruston. 

There's  a  vacancy  in  the  D.H.  Depart- 
ment. That  is  to  say,  CHARLES  JATtVIE  is 
sure  eating  a  lot  of  soup  these  days.  Oh 
well,  in  this  day  of  modern  science,  the 
store  kind  look  almost  natural.  Cheer 
up,  Jarvie,  McCULLUM  on  the  Day  Shift 
also  has  a  nevf  set. 

V7ALTER  CARPENTER  of  Planish  Shed  is 
the  proud  father  of  twin  boys. 

BILL  EVEFuLY  thinks  the  clarion  call 
of  Doom  is  sounding,  for  those  unpre- 
pared. He  thinks  this  rain  vdll  last 
for  40  days  and  40  nights,  and  his  Ark 
is  not  finished.  For  the  consideration 
of  a  bit  of  help  to  beat  the  flood  date. 
Bill  ;d.ll  take  a  passenger  or  two  to 
ride  out  the  deluge.  To  see  "The  Ark" 
and  the  affable  builder- skipper,  drop  by 
Bird  Rock  any  time,  in  any  condition, 
and  ask  for  Ei3.1's  Ark-Haven. 

BOB  (GOOBER)  HAYES,  The  Crane  Opera- 
tor on  the  Second  Shift,  sure  knov/s  his 
chevdng  tobacco.  Did  you  see  that  ivad 
he  had  in' his  mouth  the  other  night?  Not 
only  that,  but  he's  a  pretty  good  shot. 

(continued  on  second  follov/ing  page) 

GLiiANIIIGS  FROM  T?iS  GRA'/SY.'J'D  by  The  Eat 

Vifell,  we  vfere  practically  washed  away 
this  Meek,  but  her?  goes  ag'ain 

Our  good  timekeeper,  RALPH  CALLOVf, 
has  been  vi'alking  in  the  rain  so  much 
lately  that  he  is  getting  Tvebs  betv;een 
his  toes.  Speaking  of  rain,  one  morning 
after  it  had  been  raining  continuously, 
BILL  ESTES  came  dashing  out  of  the  plant 
through  the  Guard  House  and  punched  tl;e 
clock,  only  to  perceive  his  Packard 
parked  in  the  iniddle  of  the  lake.  "Darn 
it",  he  said,  "I  might  as  v;ell  go  back 
to  vjork,  I'm  too  tired  to  sv,Hjn  out  there 
this  iuorning." 

JOE  LOVE  asked  DAVE  V.TilTTIEF.'.  if  he 
co'old  paint.  Dave  ansv;ered,  "Yes,  and 
good  too."  "That's  fine",  said  Joe, "go 
over  and  flirc  some  seams;  the  fJ.uxer 
didn't  show  up  this  evening." 

V/ell,  in  the  last  issue  of  the  Ryan 
Flying  Reporter  we  said  VJES  3HIEIDS 
looked  v:orried,  and  sure  enough,  IT'S 
ALL  OTfR  NOV/.  He  done  v/ent  and  done  it 
last  Saturday  at  Yuma,  Arizona.  Nov.-  his 
vrorries  are  over,  Oh  Yeah?  Me  v/ish  he 
and  his  viife  lots  of  good  luck  and  hap- 
piness and  nay  all  of  their  worries  be 
little  ones. 

It  seems  there  vras  a  change  in  the 
Inspection  Department  as  a  result  of 
which  v;e  have  a  couple  of  new  Inspectors. 
'7e  lost  SV/IFT  and  IRVJIN  but  in  their 
place  v;e  are  privileged  to  have  vdth  us 
LONG  and  DUBELlViAN.  '.Te  wish  to  e>rt-end 
thorn  a  hearty  welcome  and,  as  usual,  the 
3rd  shift  will  cooperate  with  them  to 
the  utmost. 

Come  one,  come  .all I  You've  heard  of 
all  lands  of  instruction  courses  in  this, 
that  and  the  other     field.        'Te  now  talce 

a  V      ■ — 

a1^  y  TIC  GHOST  HkLKS 


The  bxmping  department  is 
so  quiet  ( someti:Ties ! )  they 
have  never  been  noticed  by  my 
very  capable  colleague,  "THE  SHAD- 
OYP' .  So  a  bit  of  news  for  the  bum- 
You  fellovfs  should  have  stayed  Monday 
night  to  see  "RUSTY  IviUSCLS  RASMUSSEIJ"— 
■v/ith  his  shoes  and  i;ocks  off — wading 
through  oui-  private  Iske  to  his  car.  He 
reminded  me  of  an  old  viking  getting 
ready  to  set  sail. 

I  hear  some  of  the  biirapers  got  their 
vdres  crossed  Sunday  night.   "KEi-J  LILLY 

great  pleasure  in  introducing  you  to  our 
newest  field  of  instruction — A  Buimoing 
Courrje  by  Frofeosor  and  Master  Instruc- 
tor H.  J.  JOtfiiS,  3rd  Shift. 

V[e  .just  foiond  out  that  TI'D  O'NEIL 
isn't  sleeping.  It's  the  love  light 
shining  in  his  eyes.  Ted  has  purchased 
a  wedding  set.  ^'.Tno  is  the  lucks'-  girl, 

As  the  .jig  said  to  the  manifold;  "I 
i.'onder  wliat  that  is  coming  dovjn  the 
passagev;ay?  Oh,  that?  That's  A.  L. 
JOKiS  vdth  his  false  teeth  out."  I  Tjon- 
der  why  A.  L.  JOIjES  doesn't  bring  any 
lunch  for  a  few  days  after  the  fourth  of 
the  month?  'Jhat's  the  matter,  Jones, 
does  the  little  lady  disapprove? 

We  hear  that  the  OFFER  family  is  ex- 
pecting an  addition  in  the  near  futtire. 
r.\iraber  three,  I  believe.  Novr  that  the 
course  is  too  vret  to  play  golf,  BILL 
BILLS  should  take  up  water  polo. 

CARL  STAHRET,  of  Manifold  VJelding, 
must  thini<  that  California  is  on  Day- 
light Saviiig  Time  as  his  v/atch  is  alirays 
fast.  Maybe  he  needs  another  watch. 

"RED"  BURTON  is  reportedly  saving  his 
spare  dollars  lately.  Don't  forget  the 
cigars,  "Red".  I  VJOrOER 

If  the  wife  of  a  certain  man  of  the 
3rd  shift  received  a  box  of  candy  or  a 
nev/  dress  after  a  recent  poker  game? 

If  "Miss"  TED  O'NEIL  can  cook?  Our 
revasons  for  asking  are  purely  pla- 
tonic-not  a  proposal  of  marriage. 

^Jby  some  young  fellovr  wantsy 
to  change  his  classification  '^'v,  . 
from  lA  to  3A?   A  few  /^S,,( 
months  in  the  Array  is  a 
short  'Tar.  But  being 
married  is  a  con-       ,^     0_— -'^'7^^ 
tinual  yr&T.  .         '  '    ^^- 


and  "COPENHAGEN  ZOOK"  were  to  go  roller 
skating.  All  concerned  had  a  swell  time 
as  TTOOD  went  skating  and  the  other  three 
boys  all  vrent  to  different  shows  —  that 
is  really  cooperation  -  tsk-tski 

We  'ivould  like  to  knov;  also  why  our 
friend  AL  "NUEBIIRTEBER"  always  comes  to 
work  vdth  that  "hang-dog"  expression 
every  day  -  most  married  men  have  it  but 
not  like  Al.  Could  it  be  that  he  is  in 
the  dog  house? 

Vifelcome,  '7.  C.  "BILL"  KING.  The  2nd 
shift  is  glad  to  have  you  vdth  us.  As 
most  of  you  fellov/s  know,  Bill  was  trans- 
ferred fro;a  the  1st  shift — and  of  course 
(continued  on  ne:A±  page) 


by  rat  Kelly 

Have  waited  rather  patiently  for  some 
carefree  Maintenance  roughneck  to  pierce 
the  journalistic  barrier  and  brave  the 
result.  Perhaps  the  follovdn/j  is  just 
the  ol'  blarney  momentarily  ^;•ettin,':f  the 
upper  hand.  I  seriously  doubt  if  it  gets 
beyond  the  censor, 

17ell,  as  an  introduction^  you  chaps 
ir±ght  think  of  us  as  a  Forei.t^'n  Le/jion. 
A  couple  of  us  have  vfhirlod  a  bit  of  a 
rhumba  in  Montezuma's  JIalls  and  been  to 
those  so-called  spi^oty  places  ''I'/here 
the  Best  is  like  the  'Torst";  we've  been 
up  on  the  board  in  ;veather  thick  enou/jh 
to  obliterate  the  derrick  floor  and  cold 
enough  to  freeze  the  elevators  on  the 
pipe;  where  the  temperature  v;as  120  a- 
bove  we  lit  fires  to  drive  away  skeeters; 
'way  doim  in  Terra  Firma  we  du^  out  sil- 
ver and  copper;  we've  roped  dojgies, 
dipped  sheep,  and  buated  knuckles  on 
everything  fi'om  sin^^le-trees  to  battle 
v;agons;  wc  saw  Burkburnett,  Salt  Creeic, 
and  Seminole  when  they  v;ere  hot.  And 
the  Ar^onne,  too. 

Don't  kno'.i'  vrtiether  oi-  not  that  quali- 
fies us  for,  but  if  you  can't 
keep  your  machinery  together  or  your 


It  seems  that  v;e  have  a  boy  from  the 
Phillipines  in  the  Drop  Hammer  Depart- 
ment. It  won't  be  difficult  to  deter- 
mine who  it  is.  Just  go  in  the  dispatch 
booth  and  look  for  the  large  gold  (imi- 
tation) VK.itch  chain,  behind  it  you  v,dll 
find  uoo  Goo  

The  cutting  department  is  glad  to 
v;elcome  back  one  of  its  ace  cutters, 
CLAVJED  BROT.TJ.  He  claims  his  week  of  ab- 
sence was  due  to  the  Flu,  but  v/e  think 
perhaps  he  was  attempting  to  separate 
tyio   fighting  cats. 

The  Blurb  the  Goo  Goo  wa,tch 
chain,  in  Dispatcher' s  Booth  if2,  got 
taken  in  by  one  of  Teddy's  Rough  Riders. 
Something  to  do  about  a  bet  on  if  he 
would  get  a  raise  or  not,  and  the  BLURB 
up  and  forgets  about  the  1/2  cent  dif- 
ference in  the  old  and  new  rates.  Now 
he's  paying  the  Colonel  off  at  the  rate 
of  20  cents  a  month.  Good  thing  for  the 
Colonel  it  was  only  Cor  a  dollar.  Always 
be  on  the  lookout  for  the  old  Army  game 
Johnny.  , 

■---i|   n  -. 

flues  leek,  give  us  a  ring.  We  may  not 
give  satisfaction  the  first  time  'cause 
we  are  still  learning.  If  Me  seem  bash- 
ful ,  we  may  just  bo  searching  for  a 
sawed-off  carbide  can. 

Thero  is  one  chap  on  the  quarterdeck 
I'd  like  to  mention.  He  is  never  too 
preoccupied  to  say  "ilowdj^'iA^en  we  chance 
to  pass,  and  he  alv:ays  has  a  "Thank  you" 
when  we've  done  a  little  job  for  him, 
lien  appreciate  that  courtesy,  PAIME, 

In  closing  this  tirade,  I  vrish  to  a- 
gree  whole-heartedly  v.lth  "Random  Uiovights" 
as  expressed  so  ably  by  Genevieve  Boyer 
in  th.e  Feb.  23th  issue.  ■'■Wouldn't  knov; 
the  gal  from  Eve,  though  I  presume  she 
dresses  differently,  but  she  has  a  ndghty 
fine  thought  there. 

So  let's  keep  ballin'  the  jack,  men. 

THE  GHOST  TALKS  -  some  more 

is  not  accustomed  to  such  terrific  ac- 
tion, 30  be  easy  on  him,  fellows  I 

Notice  to  TOMLTf  Et-WONS:  If  you  are 
looking  for  talent  for  your  Dramatic 
Club,  why  not  see  "SLIM"  COATSS.  There 
is  some  real  talent.  "SLIM"  has  had 
eight  or  ten  years  in  pictures  as  a 
stunt  man  and  has  vrorked  in  such  big 
hits  as  N(mTH\7EST  PASSAGE,  TtE  FIGHTING 
69th,  UNION  PACIFIC  and  THE  LIFE  OF  A 

BENGAL  MNCER and  many  others  that  I 

l<n.ow  of.   Yes,  the  2nd  shift  really  has 

TO  ;j.L  CONCERNED:  If  we  must  have  a 
lake  in  our  parking  lot,  couldn't  it  be 
arranged  to  have  a  fev/  row  boats  to 
transport  the  boys  to  and  from  their 
cars?  How  about  it? 

I  hear  JO::  "SHUFFLE"  LOVE  of  the  3rd 
usually  vans  at  poker  but  loses  on  the 
horses,  I  guess  Joe  vrould  probably  have 
better  luck  if  he  could  leai'n  to  shuffle 
the  horses  like  he  does  the  cards. 

A  lot  of  fellows  vrould  like  to  knov; 
if  the  2nd  shift  is  going  to  be  able  to 
attend  the  Ryan  Stag  Party  and  vrould 
someone  let  us  knovir  vnhen  and  v^ere  it  is 
going  to  be? 

llovi  about  our  friend,  ED  "T.'HERE'S- 
YOUR-B.J)GE"  SCKINDLFJl.  I  thinlc  he  de- 
serves a  hand  for  his  promotion  to  Chief 
of  Police.  Ed  really  worked  for  this 
raise  in  rank.   Good  hunting,  Ed. 


ITION.- -  The  Ghost. 



R  Y  A  M  F,  T  T  E  3 

being  T.Titten  there 
ideas  hatching,  hero 
and  everyivhere  I'or 
year  that  it  looks 
the  Ryanettes  are 
b\jsy  year. 

As  this  is 

are  so  many 

and  there 

the  ensuiH;^ 

as  though  to  have  one 

Our  next  "Third  Thursday 
Luncheon"  is  planned  for  the 
20th  of  this  month,  v/hich 
happens  to  fall  on  the  day 
before     the  first     day  of  spi'ln^:;, 

to  us,   that 

it  m.i|f^ht  bs 
Blosnoin  Da;', 

^  Mildred  Alkire 


ro   it 

in  keeping  i  ith  the 

a  lovely  idea  to 



forth  in  our  prints  and  i/hite 
VJe  really  should  have  a  penalty 
for  the  girls  viho  jump  the  g'on. 
it  irauld  be  understandable  vdth 
nevr  sunshiny  weather,  v/hich 
so  nleasantljr,  "after  the  rains 



have  a 



or  fine 


all  thi 



Kc:  turning  from  auch  thoughts  as 
those  of  Spring  and  getting  dovrn  to  cold 
facts,  such  as  business,  it  has  been 
suggested  ttet  the  15th  vdll  be  here  to- 
raorro\v  and  the  treasurer  sure  wovild  like 
to  square  avray  to  start  the  Birthday 
Round  Robin.  One  more  thing  pei'talning 
to  business,  the  Friday  group  keeps  grow- 

in^l'  and  growing,  and 
v.'hy  it  shouldn't,  but 
terest  shov/n,  it  has 
new  idea  to  uome  of  us 

there  is  no  reason 
vdth  so  much  in- 
given  birth  to  a 
such  as  the  need 

for  a  place  to  have  our  luncheir; 
these  comng  summer  m.onths. 
SltrlRliiAr!  w'as  voicing  his  opinion  on  tlie 
subject  the  other  day,  and  talked  up 
tables,  umbrellas,  radios,  etc.  It  vra.s 
suggested  to  hij:r  by  the  time  he  reached 
his  grand  fiiiale,  that  perhaps  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical might  prefer  to  continue  manu- 
facturing planes,  rather-  than  try  to 
compete  7dth  Earl  Carrol s. 

Spring  is  on  its  vray just  can't 

seem  to  keep  off  of  this  subject guess 

it  must  be  in  the  a:Lr-,  at  any  rate  as  I 
vras  saying.  Spring  is  on  its  way  and 
with  it  comes  talk  of  vacations,  and  it. 
has  also  been  noted  that  rjuite  a  fev;  of 
oui'  employees  are  buginning  to  do^m 
with  tliat  well-knovm  Spiing  Fever,  ■..•hicli 
is  very  contagious  in  '^uch  weather  as  we 
are  nov;  experiencing,  vdth  open  roads 
beckoning.  VJ]1DEA,. JACKSON,  latest  adrli 
tion  to  our  Purchasing  Department  states 
she  is  planning  a  FonoluJu.  trip  ne.xt 
year,   providing  there  is  not  a  i;ar,  and 


PAT  and  BETTY  are  planning  to 
take  an  apartment  so  as  to  not 
miss  the  usual  spring  house- 
cleaning,  and  no  doubt  EULA 
LiARTIN  vdll  take  to  the  moun- 
tains and  her  favorite  sport 
of  horseback  riding, — and  did- 
n't someone  vSay  a  long  timo 
ago  that  in  the  Spring  a  young 

man's  fancy  turns  to Oh, 

yes 1  guess  that  miisb  have  been  a  long 

Ion;:  tine  ago.  Spring,  beautiful  Spring, 
ah  me — ah.  Guess  I  liad  better  close  nov; 
vThile  all  is  \\rell,  for  that  Smdng  Fever 
sx.ur'ely  has  me  in  its  grip,  and  the  first 
thing  you  knoxv  I  m.ay  be  quoting  poetry, 
so  goodbye  now  and  don't  forget  the  20th 
of  Llarch. 

The  Ryan  Drama.  Club 
their  first  play  which  is 
production  sometme  in  May. 
proud  to  annovmce  that  their 

is  at  vrork  on 

scheduled  for 

They  are 

first  ef- 

fort will  be  a  three-act  comedy  entitled 
"Our  Borrding  House".  "Our  Boarding 
House"  is  truly  a  hilarious,  rib-tick- 
ling, riotous  comedy.  The  cast  has  been 
selecte.i  and  they  are  ^vell  on  their  v/ay 
to  a  great  production. 

The  Ryan  Players  conv^ist  of  the  fol- 
lovdng  people:  BETTY  FRANlv,  PAT  KPtSG- 
J^m,  ROlffiRT  BUTTS, 
last  but  not  least, 

Be  sure  to  place 

K.   0.   BURT. 
"Our  Boarding  House" 

on  your  "must  see"  list  for  the  month  of 


Ryan  Cagers  "Split"  as  Season  End  Mears 

Ryan  Cagers  have  been  pi;ttiiig  up  scrae 
great  in  tha  closin,^  half  of  the 
San  Diego  Comniercial  Lea,gue.  In  the 
"go"  vYith  the  Veterans  of  Foreign  'Jars, 
the  Ryan  men  turned  in  a  vcrj  veil  pla;''- 
ed  five-point  victory,  35  to  30. 

In  their  game  v.'itn  the  top-ranking 
Neighborhood  House  Juniors  last  V/ednes- 
d,ay  niglit  in  the  San  Diego  High  Gj-m,  the 
Ryan  men  uent  dorm  fighting  on  the  diort 
end  of  a  27  to  23  count. 

The  outstanding  play  of  the  entire 
team  in  the  "Vets"  game  v;as  just  too 
much  for  the  ex-service  men  to  handle. 
The  Ryan  team  as  a  whole  turned  in  an 
unusually  fine  game  combining  clever 
passing  \\fith  a  great  number  of  well 
placed  shots  that  found  the  hoop  with 
spectacular  regularity. 

Vlith  BOB  CHASE,  Ryan's  "Ace"  forv/ard 
out  of  the  game  vdth  a  sore  throat  and 
pending  case  of  the  "flu",  the  team  had 
an  up-hill  fight  all  the  viay  in  the 
struggle  vdth  the  fast  breaking  Neighbor- 
hood House  Team.  At  half  time  the  21  to 
19  score  in  no  ■■.fay  indicated  the  play  of 
the  Ryan  team.  The  "dead  eye"  shooting 
that  T.-as  so  prominent  in  the  Vets  game 
•v.'as  left  in  the"Shop"  as  the  boys  had  a 
tough  time  hitting  the  hoop. 

"RuffTuff "  BUD  SHEARER  v.'as  one  of  the 
outstanding  p3  ayers  foi'  the  home  guard; 
displaying  some  of  the  best  floor  v.'ork 
of  the  season  to  date.  "Off  to  the  Army" 
JOE  BASSO  turned  in  his  usual  fine  game 
of  ball  hav'king  off  the  back  board  and 
greatly  aided  his  team  in  their  stretch 
try  .for  victory.  "Cookie  Puss"  IVALLY 
BORDEN  displayed  some  great  ball  hand- 
ling and  v:as  one"  of  the  mainstays  in  the 
Ryan  offense.  We're  proud  of  you,  fel- 
lows. Keep  up  the  good  work. 

•— .   o 


Z'i^  -*^^  ■ 

Golf  Highlights 

•v.'ith  Walt  VJalker 

All  Ryan  Golfers  vrishing  to  partici- 
pate in  our  next  tournament,  v;hich  will 
be  held  on  }.Iarch  23rd  at  Rancho  Santa  Fe 
Golf  CouTse,  should  communicate  v;ith 
Larry  Gibson,  in  the  Personjiel  Office, 
or  Vfelt  T/alker,  of  Methods  Engineering. 

Come  en  all  you  "Sad  Dubbers"  and 
join  the  fun.  The  tournament  vrill  be  a 
tvfo-man  team  affair  this  month  with  the 
lovf  ball  counting.  It  is  to  be  noted 
that  we  wil.l  require  an  individual  score 
for  checking  purposes. 

Judging  from  the  turnouts  at  our 
weekly  Golf  School,  which  is  held  each 
Tuesday  evening  at  seven  o'clock  at  the 
i.Iontemar  Golf  Driving  Fainmy,  across 
from  the  Jiaj.n  Gate  of  the  Naval  Training 
Station,  wo  should  have  a  .great  tourney 
on  the  23rd. 

Quick  to  take  advantage  of  these 
"Bargain  Lessons"  are  such  prominent 
golfers  as  "1-Putt  HcGee"  C/JlERON,  "Flag 
Hi"  FRTffl  FORD,  and  lately  "Sod  Buster" 
SCOTTY  McGREAGOR,  complete  to  kilts  and 
tartan.  Scotty  says  that  the  only  thing 
that  he  dislikes  about  the  vray  we  play 
golf  in  this  country  is  the  way  the 
ladies  stare  at  his  knees. 

Incidently,  I  hear  that  there  is  on^Ly 
one  v/oman  in  the  plant  who  can  play  golf! 
It's  a  great  game  girls — come  on  out. 

I'/hich  reminds  me  of  a  story  I  heard 
in  the  foyor  yesterday.  It  seems  that 
the  telephone  operator  announced  the  ar- 
rival of  a  woman  salesman well,  you 

guess  who?   And  the  person  said,  "Vfell, 
send  hiiii  in  and  tell  him  to  bring  in 

some  sample 


COIiROi;!')]!  OF  AIPGiiAFT  ^ATf.TS 

On  the  whole  the  Aircraft  Industry  is 
more  concerned  vdth  tiie  3ub;ject  of  Cor- 
rosiou  thaiL  ra\j  other  industry.  A 
thoughtful.  i'evi.e'.7  of  t,he  •'■/tiatriering  to 
which  aircraft  parts  are  subjected,  will 
readily  sho-.i  the  necessity  fur  rijid  re- 
quireiaents  as  regards  the  protection  of 
exposed  siu"faces. 

Our  first,  thought  in  a  study  of  aii- 
craft  parts,  is  thi5  '.Tei.'^jht  strenfjth 
ratio,  which  is  an  ever-j.i-.iooi'tant  con- 
sideration i'or  the  Eiigineer.  The  part 
must  be  strong  enough  to  stand  the  load 
repuired,  yot  at  the  saiiie  tiijiie,  it  is 
mandatory  that  we  uso  a  miiiiiwara  amount 
(weijht)  of  r.etal.  The  latter  is  self- 
explanatory,  in  that,  should  we  use  heavy 
sections,  the  performance  characteristics 
of  the  airplane  virould  bo  seriously  im- 
paired. AssuiTiln,^,  then,  that  we  have  a 
part  i?hich  is  light  and  etronf;^,  vre  are 
faced  with  the  problem  of  rTeventiu;;;  any 
rusting';  or  corrosion,  for  should  this 
occur,  fai?_ure  in  service  is  not  only 
possible  but  very  probable. 

With  tlie  understanding  that  v,'e  must 
avoid  weathering,  let  us  ex-uMine  the 
conditions  to  i;hich  an  airplane  is  sub- 
jected, which  are  by  their  very  nature, 
severe.  VlYien  the  ship  is  at  a  relatively 
high  altitude,  the  tanperatui'e  is  lower- 
ed, and  a  retui'n  to  lovfor  a!Ltitude  will 
cause  condensation  of  moisture  due  to 
change  in  teiapersture.  An  example  of 
this  is  the  gathei-ing  of  moisture,  due  to 
change  in  temperature,  on  the  outside  of 
a  glass  of  cold  water. 

However,  in  an  airplane,  we  find  evi- 
dence of  this  throughout  the  entire  ship. 
TiVhen  a  seaplane  makes  a  landing,  and 
when  it  takes  off  (in  other  v/ords  every 
flight)  it  is  literally  drenched  in  a 
spray  of  salt  water.  In  a  ndnor  v/ay  a 
landplane  will  be  dampened  \7hile  flying 
in  cloudy  weather. 

In  brief,  even  under  icieal  conditj.ons, 
the  airplane  is  a  constant  target  for 
corrosive  elements.  You  can  readily  ap- 
preciate that  the  foregoing  conditions 
are  ideal  insofar  as  rusti;x5,  etc.  ai'e 
concerned.  So,  next  issue  we  will  ey.- 
amine  the  ways  and  moan.i  of  preventing 

V.'illiara  van  den  Akker 

NOTICE  -  Mi  CAR  0'-.1.IEil3 

The  Plant  Police  are  endeavoring  to 
give  employees  every  possible  protection 
among  which  is  "keeping  an  eye  on  your 
card;:  made 

For  this  purpose  they  have  had 
giving  the  mal:e  of  your 

car,  licence  number,  ovmer  and  other 
valua.ble  information.  These  cards  are 
then  filed  nanerically  according  to  your 
1 ic  ens  e  numb  er . 

It  !ias  ocen  foiand  that  many  employees 
often  i.eave  their  cars  locked,  with  the 
lights  on,  or  the  radio  playing,  and 
somotimes  both,  v;hich  in  the  past  has 
laade  it  very  difficijlt  for  the  Police  to 
locate  and  advise  the  ov;ner. 

Hovrover,  if  everyone  will  fill  out  a 
card,  and  return  it  to  the  Plant  Police, 
in  the  future  in  the  event  of  any  mishap 
to  yo-oi'  car,  you  v;ill  immediately  be 

This  service  is  entirely  for  your 
benefit,  and  the  Police  are  trying  to  do 
their  part  to  assist  you.  However,  to 
date,  very  few  people;-  have  complied  <7ith  r'iquest.  So  let's  all  cooperate  now 
by  calling  for  and  filling  out  your  card 
at  tlie  eai-ljest  oossible  date. 

PYAi:  SADDLE  PILOTS    by  V.  E.  Matt  son 


The  first  meeting  of  the  Ryan  Flying 
Korscraon  v/as  held  t\ro  weeks  ago  last 
Sunday  at  their  ne'.v  club  house.  Due  to 
previous  engagements  the  club  house  was 
in  a  rather  dilapidated  condition,  but 
it  v.'ill  soon  be  set  in  perfect  order. 
The  temoorary  officers  elected  were  as 
follows :  1/VES  BURROUGHS ,  P  r  e  s  i  dent 
ADOLF  BCLGER,  Vice  -President;  GEME 
LIATTSON,  Secrotary-Tr ea surer . 

iiembership  cards  have  been  printed 
this  week  and  may  be  obtained  at  the 
next  meeting  and  from  various  m.embers  to 
be  appointed  later.  The  cost  is  $2.75  a 
month  per  couple  v.'hich  includes  8  hours 
riding  a  month  per  couple  and  the  use  of 
the  club  house  at  any  and  all  times.  The 
cost  i"or  a  single  person  is  $1,75  with  k 
houi-s  riding  per  month  (but  why  be  a 
bachelor  all  your  life?) 

The  next  meeting  v;ill  be  held  at 
11:00  a.m.,  !!arch  l6th.  The  lo- 
cation of  the  club  r.ouse  is  at  Hazelwood  Academy  on  54th  Street  south  of 
University  Avenue  and  west  of  the  Naval 
Radio  Towers. 


by  ThG  Shadow 

First,     t'liat   "Gruesome  l-\*osonie" the 

"Bat"  and  the  "oliadov^" — v;:int  to  vfelcorae 
the' neif  colunin,  comnencin,{^  T'lth  thic  is- 
sue, by  the  "Ghost".  From  now  on  you  can 
call  us  the  "Unholy  Thi'oe'',  hoh,  hsh.... 
(nasty  lauph) .  Does  FLOTJ  BaUKiTT  think 
that  because  he  v;ent  on  the  day  shift  ho 
can  hope  to  elude  the  Shadov/?  Have  a 
care  "Bo^-.'ler"  or  I  shall  rever.l  all.  Ro- 
nieniber  vtiat  happened  to  HAM  HAMGGI,  hen, 
heh,    (Another  laugh,    only  dirtier). 

BILL  UBJ-iEIi  has  nade  an  imp"'ovement 
on  his  invention,  and  I  think  it  vdll 
click,  like  faiue  teeth  on  hard  candy. 
Good  luck.  Bill.  BOB  S'/'^FFORD  thinlvs 
that  the  bread  vdnner  of  tne  family  is 
being  treated  like  a  crumb.  After  FRED 
STLI'.iAiiT  rcatched  his  fighter  for  a  good 
tout,  "VffiASLl."  EVAI'iS  went  on  a  Jid.l!>:  and 
cracker  diet,  and  couldn't  knock  a 
oia£:err!  Midget  out  of  a  high-chair.  That 
\7as  no  prayer  meeting,  that  v;as  JOE  CA3- 
SOI'I.  After  he'd  lined  up  a  section  and 
had  the  flanges  in  perfect,      it     fell  a- 

part  as  he  was     picking  it  up oh,  v/hat 

he  said! 

Saw  "Boot a"  FOOTE  at  one  of  the  bet- 
ter beaneries  the  other  night  dressed  up 
like  a  senator.  Think  he  coii].d  do  as 
well  a;]  our  present  senators  at  that. 
His  }-)artner,  R.  E.  FINAiJ,  says  he  can 
reinenaJjer  when  Fanny  was  a  girl's  name. 
That's  a  long  time  ago.  Couple  of  wel- 
ders are  back  after  a  long-  absence 

still  think  that  Ryan's  is  a  good  place 
to  vrork.  VJatching  v.'elder  L.  luGORE  doing 
some  of  his  nimble  fingered  magic  gi^wes 
me  an  idea  vriiere  ray  v;atch  went,  '.."hen  you 
have  a  snare  minute,  take  a  look  at 
peering  out  of  the  stock  cage.  V.O-iat 
does  it  remind  ^''ou  of? 

"MIRT"  '.TLDER  came  back  from  Houston, 
Te:<as,  sooner  than  he  expected.  ITie  same 
sheriff  on  the  job,  no  doubt.  That  goes 
for  BOB  HARRIS  too.  Don't  let  hijn  give 
you  that  sore  throat  gag. 

Maybe  it  is  Spring  that  causes 
"UmiE  PIE"  VJILCOX  to  V-.e  late  every 
day,  but  that  lipstick  on  his  face  is 
som.eone  else's  idea.  And  no  v/isecracks 
from  "PRECIOUS"  F.ARIS,  cither.  SAILOR 
STITE3  is  now  the  proud  ov.iier  of  a  bro- 

ken dor.n  E  Flat  Uillys  sedan,  having 
driven  one  of  Ford's  agitators  for  five 
A'ears.  After  listening  to  ex-coviboys 
YKRIS  and  BOB  S^'AFFORD  the  other  night, 
BILL  MOMTCOirjRY  says  he  may  not  have 
been  a  CQ\,'boy,  but  he  can  tell  you  a  few 
thingj  about  calves. 

Thor,e  pictur^is  on  the  identification 
cards  make  the  boys  look  like  a  bunch  of 
convicts.  Mo  vronder  the  Plant  Police 
keep  breathing  dovm  our  necks.  I'Jhich 
reminds  me,  "Constable"  BACON,  was  once 
sent  four  different  pictui-es  of  the  same 
man  w^anbod  by  the  F.B.I.  The  next  day 
he  sent  them  a  wire,  "Have  three  of  the 
men  in  custody,  vdll  pick  up  the  other 
one  toniorrov;. " 

"SCOTTY"  DERR,  said  he  left  school, 
not  because  he  had  to  pay  attention,  but 
because  they  wanted  to  tax  his  memory. 
JBaHE  L.^lSEN  is  taking  applications  of 
carpenters,  ask  him. 

The  latest  FLYIWG  CLUB  members  to 
solo  are  FORREST  HORrJEECK  and  JOIE  CONN 
of  Final  Assembly.  Two  more  girls  have 
joined  the  fliers,  HARRIET  SPENCER  and 
ESTIIEIi  HAHSOil.  Anj'-oue  vdshing  to  join 
the  fliers,  see  HOFtlTBECK,  first  shift 
Final  Assembly,  or  CARL  THOMS  or  RFJJ 
HAJ.ftlOCK,  second  shift  lianifold. 

The  Riding  Club  is  passing  up  a  good 
bet  if  they  don't  get  REX  SEATON  into 
the  club.  He's  an  old  Bronc  peeler.  You 
might  try  "LONE  RANGER"  BILL  BICE,  too. 
A.  EOLGER  says  the  Kidinfj  Club's  colors 
are  black  and  blue. 

Expeditor  LO'TELIj  said  he  had  to  hurry 
hoiae  the  other  night  to  get  out  of  the 
wet,  clothes,  and  into  a  dry  martini. 
Welder  E.  A.  ROUMIS'  house  was  broken 
into  the  other  night.  The  burglar  took 
$'^13.00,  and  left  Ernie  ^?15.00'.  He's 
willing  to  split  fifty-filty  with  every 
thing  Ernie  earns  at  Ryan,  which  is  a 
better  deal  than  you  can  get  with  the 
local  merchants,  Ernie. 

McCOY  vronders  vrfiy  it  was  that  George 
Washington  vrore  such  long  underwear  and 
such  short  pants.  CARL  KRUGER  thinks  it 
would  be  a  good  idea  to  conduct  a  "swap" 
coluiiin  for  the  fellows — call  it  the 
Trading  Post,  if  you  like.  Also  sort  of 
a  "lonely  man  vrould  like  date  vdth 
blonde  secretary"  column,  but  include  me 
(continued  on  next  page) 


out  of  the  latter.  That's  d^tiamlte.'  Re- 
ine!T4-)er,  it  •  r.  better  to  havo  loved  and 
lost much  better! 

The  ^"jrapevlne  tells  me  that  D.  !7. 
GOOK  used,  to  ride  fourteen  rail e 3  into 
Parsons,     Kansas,      (Claude     R^^n's     home 

town Editor)     every     nlr-^ht     on     a  plot; 

horse  to  see  a  fair  raai'len.  Brother, 
I'd  like  to  meet  her.  Siie  iiinrjt  be  dif- 
ferent than  any  I've  ever  seen.  Tlie 
other  day  he  found  her  doaliu^-  them  off 
the  arm  in  a  local  "Greasy  jjleeve", 
Small  v;orld. 

You  ou';ht  to  see  the  expre.'ision  on 
Lis;  P^TiiasON's  face  r;hen  he's  ^;atchin£; 
the  Gold  Dust  T^/d.ns—JOL'IJ  ROBIllT  FIL^LER- 
TON  and  J.  EDr^APD  P.UPERT,  singirif^  that 
p.rlo,,  "TliO  Floa  Sonj;"  from  tiie  "Tales  of 
P.of  fm,an" . 

E.  F.  I'lAlLOT:  "I  sav;  you  tjicking  the 
meat  out  of  the  chicken  spn^ivdch.  V.'hy 
didi-'.'t  yon  eat  all  of  it?" 

LARRY  GIBSON:  "I  coa!..dn't,  it  be- 
D.on.-^'ed  to  IL",  Marco." 

V/ell,  I'll  sign  off  \7ith  the  old  ad- 
vice, "!Tnen  j'ou  arc  in  up  to  your  neck, 
don't  make  waves".  I  don't  claim  to  knoT; 
anyt.hinfr,   and  I  can  prove  it. 


by  Bi'Pnda  &.   Cobina 

And  I  heard,  Cobina,  that  LAiil'Y  GIB- 
SON is  the  best  authority  on  vromen's 
clothes.  In  fact,  he's  probably  the 
originator  of  the  Gibson  Girl!  Just  ask 
MAliGY  v.'hat  he  did  for  her. 

r3renc'La  and  I  think  SARA  BRAUN,  LENORE 
BARR  and  PHYLLIS  CRVEL  are  the  stuffiest 
creatures  vie  know.  They  claim  to  have 
"stuffed"  thousands  of  envelopes  Satur- 
day and  Monday. 

M.  CLARK  claims  to  have  been  helping' 
a  certain  yoiuig  miss  move,  vrhen  ques- 
tioned about  tlie  scratclios  and 

on  his  face, Married  men  can  thinlc  up 

the  darndcst  things  -  like  the  roan  \ixth 
the  black  eye  prho  tied  a  door  on  his 
back  vdth  a  sign  that  read  "This  in  the 
door  I  ran  into ! " 

Gee,  Cobiua,  I  vender  :ihen  tiie  Ii.j''an- 
ettes  fire  Qolng  to  have  another  feed  at 
Bernardinis?  I  left  >iiy  goo<:l  wig  dov/n 
there  on  a  hook  and  I  did  want  to  have 
it  cleaned  this  week,  vjhat,  with  all 
this  mud  in  my  othei'  one. 

Yeah,  but  Brenda,  v/hy  don't  you  wait 
and  we'll  send  yours  and  ;ny  two  togethei' 
and  get  the  month-end  special  of  3  foi' 



by  Eddie  Oberbauer 

It  seeiEs  only  yesterday  that  the  last 
"Flyin.'j  Reporter"  was  issued,  and  here 
is  that  Iran  Larry  again.  V/itli  the  Ex- 
periraental  ship  gone,  it  sort  of  leaves 
us  without  c"ai'  pet  and  also  Iot;  on  \vork. 
or  course,  we  have  been  vratching  Final 
Assembly  bm-ning  the  midnight  oil,  and 
they  have  done  a  nice  job  too.  I  wish 
the  "EI"  job  still  loolcod  half  as  vfell. 

You  kno^T,  I  thinii  tlie  company  should 
vrork  out  some  sort  of  r.  defennent  plan 
to  keep  all  these  boys  froin  going  over 
to  Civil  Service.  (Some  of  the  gals  have 
gone  too! — Ed.)  VJe  sure  miss  our  wise- 
cracking E.  C.  Si'ffiRSON.  TEX  J;IARLEY,too 
since  he  was  one  of  us.  VJe  wish  them 
lots  of  luck  on  their  new  jobs.'  I  guess 
onco  you  have  been  in  our  Navj'-,  it  sort 
of  gets  in  your  blood,  and  former  l]a.vy 
men  try  to  get  as  close  to  it  as  possible 
without  actxially  being  in  it  again. 

Flying  over  San  Diego  and  vicinity 
you  really  see  some  interesting  sights 
these  days  vdth  the  hills  looking  like 
big  green  carpets,  the  mesqiute  in  bloom 
out  on  Kearny  Mesa,  snow  in  the'  moun- 
tains up  north,  and  all  the  Army,  Wavy 
and  Marine  camps  springing  up  everyv/h  ere. 
Say,  I  v;onder  if  there  isn't  a  govern- 
ment camp  of  some  sort  that  we  haven't 
here  in  San  Diego?  I  hope  I'm  not  going 
to  be  accused  of  plugging  for  some  fly- 
ing service,  but  if  any  of  you  fellows 
liko  to  ride  in  an  airplane  it  is  really 
worth  vrfiile  to  take  a  hop  and  see  the 
sights  from  the  air. 

Is  anybody  thirsty?  If  so,  come  over 
to  the  water  fountain  geyser  by  Experi- 
mental. V/e'll  enjoy  seeing  you  get 
soused!  (Really,  try  it  sometime!) 

"RUSTY"  RUST  says  lie  does  not  mind 
hauling  eggs  around  in  his  car  as  long 
as  they  are  from  PIERGON's  hens  and 
CLINT' 3  roosters.  Does  anybody  care  to 
go  slumming?  "RUSTY"  RUST's  wife  is  back 
east  and  lie  is  just  dying  to  "GO". 

My  gosh,  Cobina,  the  other  day  I  sav/ 
GEl^KVIEVli;  EOYER  and  M.ARZELLA  AUEN  trying 
to  fix  a  broken  ash  stand  ( so  they  said) 
but  you  know  those  tv/o  gilds  beat  us  to 
all  the  best  cigarette  butts  J.ately! 

And  you  know,  Brenda,  a  little  bird 
(not  a  stool  pigeon)  told  me  that  a  mem- 
ber of  the  mng  assemldy  crew  was  able 
to  wing  his  way  into  the  front  office  to 
see  our  telephone  receptionist.  Couldn't 
he  say  it  ovei-  the  j)hone? 

Latest   type   Ryan   military   training   plane  which   is   now   in   volume 
production    for    the    U.    S.    Army    Air    Corps    and    the    U.    S.    Navy. 

During      1940      Rvan      developod       jnd      exported 
these    new     seaplanes     for     naval     pilot     training. 

These  New  Wings  Carry  the 
Ryan  Tradition  of  Excellence 

"Dragonfly"     observation     planes     designed     and     built 
by    Ryan    for    the    Army    have    sensational    performance. 

The   PT-20A,   manufactured    for    the   Army,   was    the  first   model    of 
the    Ryan    training    plane    to    be    equipped    with    a    radial    engine. 

}]m]  fvimj  wmmvsi 


MARCH  28,1941 

No.  7 


In  the  past  three  weeks  the  Ryan 
Compian:/  has  been  honored  by  the  vinits 
of  Rsany  high  ranking  government  officials 
and  civilian  authorities  on  aircraft  de- 
sign and  production. 

At  the  request  of  Vice  President  £arl 
Prudden,  and  VJorks  Manager  Eddie  L'.olloy, 
v.'ho  attended  the  official  banquet  of  the 
Congressional  Party  dui'ing  their  stay  in 
San  Diego,  the  Naval  Sub-coiwnittee  of 
the  House  Appropriations  Committee 
visited  our  plant.  Congressmen  Harry  R. 
Sheppard,  Albert  Thomas  and  Noble  J. 
Johnson  and  Captain  Edv/ard  R.  Hagenah 
USMCR,  who  form  this  committee,  spoke 
many  words  of  praise  about  our  factory 
arrangement  c.nd  the  general  management 
as  a  whole.  Most  interesting  to  all  of 
us  I  am  sure  were  their  continual  com- 
plimentary remarks  about  the  iJR-1,  Ryan's 
new  Naval" Training  Plane  (ST-3). 
Dr.  A.  E.  Lombard,  Jr.,  in  charge  of tlie 
Production  Planning  Unit  of  the  Of- 
fice of  Production  Management  (O.P.M.) 
of  the  United  States,  also  dropped  in  to 
see  us.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that 
for  many  years  cm-  own  Eddie  Molloy 
worked  side  by  side  with  thi.s  man  who  is 
internationally  knovm  for  his  vvork  in 
aircraft  production. 

Following  Dr.  Lombard's  visit,  Major 
E.  M.  Powers,  Chief  of  the  Engineering 
Unit  of  the  Office  of  Production  Manage- 
ment paid  the  Ryan  factory  a  visit.  He 
vfas  high  in  his  praise  of  the  general 
conditions  found  here  as  well  as  the 
products  of  the  company. 

Grover  Loening,  one  of  America's  out- 
standing aeronautical  engineers  and  de- 
signers, accompanied  by  Beverly  Howard, 
recently  visited  our  plant.  He  was  ex- 
tremely interested  and  qaick  to  praise 
ova-  PT-21,  the  new  Army  training  plane 
which  is  attracting  vrorld  wide  recogni- 

To  further  prove  that  our  Works  Man- 
ager has  been  connected  vdth  aircraft 
for  a  long  period  of  time,  it  is  to  be 
noted  that  Eddie  Molloy  v.-orked  vath 
Gro'w^er  Loening  between  the  years  of  1914 
and  1918  in  the  capacity  of  Chief  Engi- 

VJlien  the  above-mentioned  men  say  that 
Ryan's  doing  a  good  job,  we  can  feel 
justly  proud  as  word  from  these  men  is 
final  when  speaking  of  National  Defense 






It  is  thought  that  ncv  is  the  proper 
time  for  an  article  on  the  subject  of: 
"Letting  Chai-lie  Do  It". 

In  the  past  few  months  I  have  run  ar- 
cross  several  examples  of  this.  In  other 
words,  when  some  worker  runs  on  to  a 
mistake  that  someone  has  made,  the  at- 
titude seems  to  be  "Oh,  well,  let  the 
next  shift  worry  about  this". 

In  many  cases  the  proper  attention  to 
one's  job  in  correcting  this  error  might 
take  a  period    of -"from    ten  to    fifteen 
m:Lnutes,     Hovrever,  if  the  mistake  slides 
by    and  further  i/ork  is  done  on  the  part 

without  the  correction ^then    it  takes 

much  longer    to     correct    with  a  corres- 
ponding loss  of  time. 

Under  the  present  practice  of  having 
a  separate  Manifold  Progress  Report  for 
each  jig,  each  Manifold  Operator  is  try- 
ing to  do  just  a  little  more  than  his 
feLlow  worker. 

As  stated  above,  if  the  attitude  of 
the  vforker  tias  been  in  the  past  that  of 
"Letting  Qiarlie  Do  It"  then  now  more 
than  ever  is  this  practice  going  to  show 
up  due  to  the  fact  that  a  slight  loss  of 
time  correcting  any  mistake  will  cause 
his  report  for  that  particular  shdft  to 
be  short  of  a  certain  reouired  amount  of 
production  (that  which  the  operator  can 
do  in  a  nonaal  shift). 

The  attitude  of  "it  isn't  my  job  to 
look  for  and  correct  errors  and  to  vrark 
with  the  man  of  the  next  shift  as  much 
as  though  he  were  on  our  crevi",  is  to- 
tally lacking  in  cooperation  and  loy- 
alty.  Loj'-Jilty    to  other     employees  and 

most  of  all    to  the  Compojiy,     who  is  our 

Fortunately  this  is  not  a  constant 
habit  among  the  worlonen  and  the  leadmen. 
No  matter  ho\7  efficient,  however,  a 
workman  Tall  occasionally  allow  mistalces 
to  go  tlo-ough  in  this  manner  unnoticed. 


by  M.  Marco 
Personnel  Director 

First  of  all,  I  believe  it  can  safely  be  stated  that  our  present  emplosrees  are 
enthusiastic  co-workers.  ViTerc  they  not,  our  chances  of  continued  production  and 
success  would  be  slim  indeed. 

Having  in  mind  recognition  and  protection  of  the  rights  of  the  individual 

(and  that,  after  all,  is  really  the  democratic  process  in  Vj'hich  all  of  us  believe)- 
it  seemed  that  a  proper  principal  upon 

v.rhich  management  should  conduct  its  emr- 
ployee  relations  xvas  that  of  "justice  to 
each  individual  employee".  The  manage- 
ment concluded  that  measures  must  be 
adopted  through  which  each  employee 
v;o\iLd  be  treated  as  an  individual  of  i]i>- 
portance  -  not  merely  as  a  hired  unit. 

Since  our  equipment  and  v/orking  con- 
ditions are  uniformly  safe  and  adequate, 
v!e  a.ssumed  that  the  men  are  most  inter- 
ested in  three  things: 

Art  Editor 
to  this  issue: 

1    n 



-  u 

1    r 

3  r 


-  •■ 

Published  by  Employee.^  of  the 


through  their  Welfare  Department 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  Esterdahl 

M.  Marco;  Kill  Wagner 

A.  Factory  Worker 

M.  Marco 

Felix  Rossoll 

Fred  Ford 

Wm,  van  den  Akker 

Departmental  Contributors: 

Modeling  Shop      Paul  DavrsOn 
Engineering        V.  J.  Park 
Time  Clock         Safety  Committee 
Welding  Ken  Murray 

Snoop  Set         Brenda  &  Cobina 
Manifold  Nighthawks  The  Shadow 
ViTing  Assembly      The  Kite  Maker 
Manifold  "Nights"   Ray  Morkov/ski 
Manifold  Exliaust    Brad  Karris 

Organisation  Contributors: 

Ryanettes  Mildred  Alkire 

K  F  M  £  n  B  E  K 

It  is  T.'ell  for  a  man  to  re- 
spect his  own  work,  what- 
ever it  is,  and  to  think 
himself  bound  to  uphold  it, 
and  to  claim  for  it  the  re- 
spect it  deserves, 
-0 — o- 

First:  Job  Security 

Second:  Reasonable  Wages 

Third:  Opportunity  for  Adyancement. 

?Je  also  assumed  if,  insofar  as  possi- 
ble, T^e  did  a  good  job  in' seeing  that 
these  things  were  provided,  we  could 
then  feel  \ve  were  on  the  road  to  proving 
ourselves  worthy  of  the  confidence  of 
our  employees. 

The  company  therefore  proceeded  to 
complete  an  exact  technique  for  deter- 
mining the  proper  evaluation  of  all  jobs 
in  our  factory  on  a  scale  between  the 
simple&t  and  the  most  highly  skilled 
vrork . 

In  general,  this  new  evaluation  sys- 
tem provided  a  very  distinct  improvement 
over  the  manner  in  which  we  had  pre- 
viously dealt  id-th  the  question  of  wage 
rate  determination. 

We  have  attempted  to  cover  the  ques- 
tions of  Job  Security  and  Opportunity 
for  Advancement  through  the  development 
and  use  of  an  employee  ability  rating 
method  by  which  v/e  can,  with  reasonable 
accuracy,  determine  those  individuals 
who  first  deserve  an  opportunity  for  ad- 
vancement, as  v/ell  as  those  who  first 
should  be  laid  off  or  rehired,  strictly 
in  accordance  with  their  individual  a- 
biiity,  seniority,  etc . 

We  knovr  that  v.'e  can  deal  justly 
each  employee  through  the  now  prevailing 
agreed  classifications,  Wlien  it  comes 
to  developing  a  job  evaluation  technique 
based  on' the  individual  ability  rating 
procedure,  ■with  its  varying  standards, 
vie  find  that  vre  have  the  problem  fairly 
v/ell  solved  for  arriving  at  s  true 

I  have  attempted  to  give  you  somewhat 
of  a  sketchy  outline  of  our  job  classi- 
fication procedure  upon  \/hich  we  can 
maintain  a  large  organisation  which  oper- 
ates vath  good  morale  and  on  a  profit- 
able basis.  The  development  and  appli- 
cation of  the  job  classification  system, 
to  be  successfiil,  must  be  well  understood 
not  only  by  the  superTrisory  force  but 
also  by  the  men  themselves. 

HEKE     AND    THERE      IN     THE     RYAN     EACTORY 

sprung,  the  grass 
singing,  it 
and  Ryan  has 



Pa\il  Dawson 

My,  my.   Spring  is 
is  green,     the    birds     are 
never     rains  in  California 
a  modeling  shop. 

In  our  shop,  of  which  v;e  are  a.ll  very 
proud,  there  are  eleven  little  super- 
men —  three  of  these  are  luodelers.  One 
of  them  is  laio;vn  as  a  vraod-borer;  the 
other  men  in  the  shop  are  assistant  mod- 
elers. We  are  also  proud  to  say  that  we 
have  a  fev;  talented  and  experienced  men 
in  our  department.  One  man,  v;ho  believe 
you  me  is  a  superman,  says  that  age  is 
no  liability,  and  he  is  the  spryest  of 
the  group.  V/e  have  another  man  who  is 
an  absolute  authority  on  vromen.  He'll 
ansvrer  any  three  questions  about  women 
free  of  charge.  Every  day  one  can  hear 
him  asking  himself  questions  about  the 
fairer  sex  just  to  keep  in  practice. 
One  of  o\ir  number  stands  out  as  a  magic- 
ian and  believe  it  or  not  he  Icnows  a 
trick  or  tvro. 

One  of  our  talented  members  has  been 
absent,  and  during  his  absence  the  shop 
has  been  running  half  speed.  We  all 
wish  FRANCIS  CARLEN  a  speedy  recovery 
so  that  the  shop  can  resume  its  normal 

".<ho  is  the  man  in  disguise  that  came 
in  Monday  morning  vdth  a  portable  drug 
store  or  (advice  for  a  cold  fraa  all  my 
friends)  under  his  arm?  He  seems  to 
have  a  lot  of  authoi-ity  around  here. 
Could  it  be  JOHN  CASTlEtJ  our  Foreman? 

We  have  three  nexv  men  in  our  Depart- 
ment. H.  '.v.  RYAN,  fifth  cousin  to  the 
major,  so  be  on  your  toes,  boys.  lES 
JASSAND,  and  PLAYBOY  PAUL.  Paul  is  an 
all  around  good  man  —  (all  aroundthe 
office  looldng  at  the  faj.rer  sex.) 

ITe  like  our  Foreman,  we  like  our  jobs 
and  we  can  hardly  vfait  to  go  to  work. 
(Friday  —  pay-day.) 


by  V.  J.  Park 

I  just  asked  one  of  the  Engineers 
(two  bits  please)  if  he  had  a  good  idea 
on  how  to  start  a  column  and  he  replied, 
"At  the  top".  O.K.  that's  as  good  as 

VJhat  is  it  about  telephone  operators, 
(especially  dark-haired  ones)  that  vdll 
make  a  fellovr  pause  after  v/ork  to  be 
friendly?  TOi  DAVIDSON  knovfs;  He 
paused,  bought  her  a  Coca  Cola?,  and 
vround  up  vdth  a  date.     So  Refreshing I 

There  is  a  deep  rumblin.g  rumor  that 
ED  BAUIIGARTQI' s  bachelorhood  will  soon 
be  referred  to  in  the  past  tense  only. 
How  about  it,  Ed? 

LELCRD  "COLONEL"  GORE,  as  he  is 
known,  hails  from  North  Carolina  and 
believe  it  or  hot,  he  is  still  fighting 
the  Civil  17ar.  Ask  him  about  it  some 
time,  if  you  dare.  He  calls  me  a  Damn 
Yankee . 

Yoo  Hoo!  Girls— BILL  BMENSHUH,  Mght 
Engineer,  is  sporting  a  new  "Chevrolet" 
and  is  aching  to  share  his  \?ealth  vdth 
some  skirt.  VJho'll  take  him  up?  I'll 
buy  the  "Cokes", 

Say  FRED  OlEENBERG  (10^),  how  about 
a  public  hanging  of  those  pictures  you 
took  of  your  Holljrwood  girl  friend.  I 
hear  they  are  choice.  I  mean' the  com- 
position and  tonal  qualities,  but  on 
the  other  hand,  maybe  you'd  be  the  one 
who  would  get  hung.  Incidently,  better 
that  you  should  stay  avifay  from  the  low- 
er end  of  Broadv>ray.     I  tinkl 

How  come  BOB  EVANS  goes  to  see  BOB 
CLOSE'S  gal  friend  who  is  in  the 
hospital?  She  is  there  due  to  a  recent 
auto  accident  involving  a  lamp  post. 
\1hat»s  the  score  EVANS??     Ch  nurse  I 

V/onder  vhy  LEIY  DUNFEE  is  always 
wanting  to  go  to  San  Berdoo?  Doesn't 
the  local  talent  compare  with  Velma  or 
was  that  just  a  one  night  stand?  No 
offense,  JML  (The  guy  is  bigger  than 

WALT  SHRODER,  Project  Clerk,  favorite 
saying  is,  "Quick  like  a  rabbit".  Silly 
isn't  it? 

Sorry  Mac? 




Harry  hasn't  punched  me  for  tv;o  days. 
There's  his  card  still  in  the  "out" 
rack.  I  don't  like  to  see  a  card  there 
because  it  means  that  someone  is  at  home 

sick or  sometimes  because  he  has  beein 

hurt . 

Harrj--  h^oi-t  his  feck  lifting  one  of 
those  castings, 

I  heard  Foreman  Rusty  say  that  he  -ws.s 
up  to  Fhrry's  house  to  see  him  last  night. 
They  talked  and  Rusty  found  out  just  how 
Harry  had  been  lifting  that  casting  when 
he  got  the  strain. 

This  morning  Rusty  shut  off  the  povrer, 
called  all  of  tho  boys  together,  and 
spent  about  five  minutes  going  over 
with  thorn  how  objects  of  any  kind  should 
be  lifted. 

The  meeting  waj  held  rigiit  over  near 
me  and  it  is  easy  to  remember  these  sim- 
ple rules  that  Rusty  gave  them: 

1.  Never  try  to  lift  beyond  your 

strength ask  for  help  and  you  will  get 


2.  Alv;ays  crouch  dovm  to  what  you 
are  going  to  lift. 

3.  Get  a  firm  grip. 

l+.  Keep  your  arms  straight  and  keep 
your  back  in  as  near  a  straight  up  and 
doi.Ti  position  as  possible, 

5.  Lift  gradually avoid  jerky  mo- 

6..     Avoid  tvdstinj  motions, 

7.  Lift  by  standing  up  or  by  pushing 
up  with  the  strong  leg  muscles.  This 
takes  the  strain  off  the  back. 

8.  Put  things  dovm  the  same  way. 

Rusty  ended  the  meeting  with  his  fav- 
orite piece  of  advice:  "Remember  fellows 
this  is  the  right  v.'ay  to  lift  and  it  is 
also  the  safe  v-fay  to  lift.  Let's  not 
have  any  more  back  strains!" 

Most  of  the  boys  already  kjiev:  what 
Rusty  said  but  repetition  of  something 





" Johnny,  you  duiab-bell,  don't  you 
know  that  2  plus  3  riake  5  not  6?" 

Thus  spoke  Johnny' s  teacher  when  for 
the  third  time  he  gave  the  ansv^er  of  six 
to  her  ouestion  of  how  niuch  was  "2  plus  3' 

The  teacher's  outburst  of  Impatience 
didn't  help  Johnny  solve  his  problem,  at 
least  not  jjiunediately. 

Johnny's  feelings  were  hurt  and  upon 
his  return  home  he  informed  his  Mother 
that  his  teacher  had  called  him  a  dumb- 

This  was  too  lauch  for  Johnny's  Mother 
to  stand.  She  forthvdth  liad  his  father 
see  the  teacher. 

At  the  meeting  between  the  teacher 
and  parent,  the  latter  contended  the 
teacher  had  no  right  to  call  his  son  a 
dvunb-bell;  that  his  son  was  not  supposed 
to  Icnow  as  much  as  his  teacher,  and  that 
it  was  her  place  to  teach  and  not  call 

This  little  incident  only  goes  to 
show  that  many  teacher':;  fail  to  realiz^e 
that  it  is  uni'easonable  to  expect  a  be- 
ginner to  knovv  as  much  as  his  instructor, 
as  otherwise  there  would  be  no  need  for 
teachers  in  any  line  of  work. 

Remember  this  in  dealing  vath  the  be- 
ginner and  exercise  a  J.ittle  patience  in 
helping  hiKi  over  the  rough  places, 

important  never  hurt  anyone.  In  this 
case  someone  may  be  prevented  from 
getting  hurt. 


HAD  Olffi 




by  Ken  Murray 

BOB  BOOTH  gets  the  Gold  Plated  Beer 
can  for  this  week's  prize.  Booth  journey- 
ed to  Los  Angeles  over  the  vjeek-end  and 
spent  an  enjoyable  Saturday  night  and 
Sunday.  Booth  went  out  to  get  in  his 
car,  which  vjas  parked  in  front  of  the 
house  at  v/hich  he  was  staying,  and  no 
cart  It  v/as  lost,  strayed  or  stolen  away 
and,  vd-th  a  nev;  tank  full  of  gas  tool 
Live  and  learn  Bob,  That's  v/hy  they  make 
car  keys  removable. 

Any  one  v:ho  loves  the  sport  of  sail- 
ing should  contact  ADMIRAL  HARRY  FAURIS 
and  ADlffllAL  ALLEN  CLARK.  It  seems  as 
though  Harry  built  a  lovely  lD.ttle  sail 
boat.  So  one  Sunday  bright  and  early, 
Farris  and  Allen  decided  to  latinch  their 
pet.  Evei-ything  v/ent  well  till  Allen 
grabbed  the  mast  as  he  v;as  falling  over- 
board and  Allen,  being  such  a  small 
skiiony  person,  tipped  the  boat  over  send- 
ing it  and  Farris  to  the  bottom  but  for- 
tunately vathout  casualties.  Better  "try 
a  battleship  next  time,  Faxris,  and  leave 
Allen  home, 

CongratiHations  to  the  newlywedsl 
L.  R.  RUGG,  better  knovm  as  rug-cutter, 
took  the '  long  ride  to  Yuma  vdth  a  weeks 
vacation,  Rugg  looks  like  he  should  have 
taken  tv/o  weelcs. 

Another,  'JALTER  FIELDS,  stamper  in 
the  Welding  Department,  also  joined  the 
"March  of  Dames"  but  he  Ccin  talce  it.  He 
got  married  Saturday  evening  and  came 
back  to  v/ork  Monday  morning.  "Say,  you 
and  Rugg  should  talk  this  over. 

GECRGE  IME  is  having  fan  trouble  and 
he  made  me  a  promise.  He  vdll  fix  his 
fan,  this  summer  when  it's  hot,  so  that 
it  will  revolve  clear  around  and  blovi  on 
me  half  of  the  tirae  if  I  promise  not  to 
throv;  anymore  sawdust  in  it.  Ain't  that 

JILMY  (the  jerk)  LARSON  of  Manifold 
Department  is  having  troubles  also  these 
days.  Either  the  seat  of  his  pants  ".is 
hot  or  his  drawer  is  nailed  shut  or  some 
body  puts  a  brick  in  his  lunch  bucket 
and  solders 'it  diut.  Try  to  quit  thfovdng 
rods,  Jimmy,  and  see  if  that  helps, 

MEL  LADRCOT  and  HAl^.Y  FARRIS  had  a 
hot  deal  over  two  ^,uns  last  vreek.  ...As  a 
consequence  they  both  thinlc  the  other 
gyped  him,  '  I  thinlc  that  they  are  both 
crooks.     Eh,  v;hat? 


by  Brenda 
and  Cobina 

V/ell,  Cobina,  Here  it  is  the  first 
day  of  SprJJig,  and  boy,  are  all  the 
Ryanettes  gowed  up  in  their  light 
dresses,  and  they  think  they  look  goodl 
I  had  the  cutest  idea  for  a  dress  to 
wear  but  the  Clorox  I  used  wasn't  strong 
enough  to  taJ^e  the  "Chicken  Mash"  out  of 
those  sv;e3J.  flour  sacks  I  snitched  off 
that  truck  last  vreek,  so  I  couldn't  fin- 
ish it  in  time. 

You  knovf,  Brenda,  I  heard  some  fella 
say  we  v;ere  the  girls  with  the  Tattle- 
Tale  Gray  Hatter,  I  told  you  to  wash 
our  henna  wigs  with  Fels-Naptha  instead 
of  that  Saddle  Soap, 

By  the  way,  Cobina,  try  and  slow  down 
today  at  Bernardini's  so  the  sparks 
don't  fly  from  your  knife  and  fork.  Say, 
Vv'asn't  that  goose  grease  you' had  on  your 
hair  last  time  vre  went?  OH,  grease  off 
the  top  of  the  soup,  I  guess  it  don't 
smell  so  bad.  It  must  have  been  noodle 
soup  though,  for  I've  never  seen  dan- 
druff that  long I 

Don't  you  miss  Mr.  (Hampie)  Hampshire 
Brenda?  '.Then  he  left,  I  cried  such  big 
tears  I  had  to  ha-ve  my  face  re-simonized. 
Let's  hope  he  comes  back  soon. 

Gee,  Brenda,  some  fella  told  me  the 
Ryanettes  ought  to  eat  at  Bernardini's 
on  Wednesday  because  all  them  flying 
cadets  eat  there  then  and  maybe  they 
could  take  us  on  a  nicer  flight  than  the 
one  we're  talcing  nov/. 

I  saw  D.W.  Sl'ffiENY  the  past  three  Sat- 
urday nights  and  he  was  going  pretty 
well.  Asked  what  occasion  he  was  cele- 
brating he  replied,  "Christmas".  I  v;on- 
der  if     someone     will     tell     Sweeny  that 

Christmas  comes  but  once  a  year not 

three  tiiaes. 

So  long  — 

\  ■' 


THE         AMERICAN         I'USIK^ESS         SYSTEM 

BULLETIN  NO.   2  -  This  is  the  Liecond  of  a  series  of  bulletins  v/hich  vril.l  appear     reg- 
ularly in  the  RYAN  FLYING  RTiPORTlilR  to  describe  for  the  American  T/orking     m-.n     facts 
you  v.'ill     ;)ant  to     kr.ow  about  the     Arrveric:xn  business  syrrtem;     to  tell  how  bxisine.sses 
are  built;   to  explain     lovr  they  are     operated     and  to  define  the  position  that  busi- 
ness occupies  in  American  life.    



A  inan  ■'."ho  drives  a  truck  has  certain  definite  tasks.  He  must  pick  up  loads  at 
different  nlaees,  deliver  the  loads  rapidly,  but  rath  care,  so  that  he  doesn't  dam- 
age the  load  or  the  truck.  Ho  may  have  to  see  that  the  truck  is  properly  greased. 
He  imy  be  required  to  make  small  repairs. 

7ifhea  this  man  buys  a  truck  to  ;jo  into 
business  for  himself,  he  must  continue 
to  look  after  those  tasks  and  he  must 
take  on  some  others.  He  must  m;:;.ke  major 
repairs  or  pay  to  have  them  made.  He 
miy  be  able  to  run  the  business  from  his 
home,  but  one  v;ay  or  another,  he  must 

rent,  or  build,  or  buy  an  office  and  a 
garage.  He  must  take  on  the  job  of  find- 
ing cnt^touers  who  I'ri.ll  do  business  with 
him.  He  must  persuade  those  customers  to 
pay  a  fair  price;  he  must  collect  the 
bills.  And  he  must  be  responsible  for 
da.'uage  that  occurs  to  his  loads. 

BUSINESS       MEN       MUST      PKOVE     ABILITY     OK    FAIL 

If  the  truckman  hasn't  the  ability  to  do  all  these  things  reasonably  v/ell,  he 
will  get  less  money  from  his  o;A/n  business  than  he  got  when  he  worked  for  somebody 
eise  and  may,  in  the  end,  lose  his  truck  and  all  of  his  savings.  As  o  business  man 
he  must  assume  certain  risks  and  responsibilities  that  he  never  took  before  (his 

ei.iployer  alv/ays  assumed 
these  risks  and  respoiisi- 
bilities  and  protected 
him  against  thee,  but 
when  he  becomes  his  oY/n 
employer,  he  assumes  them 
himself).  If  he  can't 
fu].fill  his  responsibil- 
ities, he  will  lose  his 
business,  his  savings  and 
his  job  all  at  once. 

If  the  ti'uclcraan  is  a  good  mechanic 
who  can  keep  his  truclc  rolling  vath  lit- 
tle expense;  if  he  proves  to  be  a  good 
salesraa.n  who  can  get  and  hold  customers; 

if  he  can  collect  his 
bills  and  take  care  of  his 
money;  if  he  can  avoid 
daiiHge  to  his  loads,  he 
may  establish  a  good  bus- 
iness that  will  earn  moro 
money  than  he  earned  on 
his  old  job.  He  vdll  be 
entitled  to  more  money  be- 
cause he  will  have  devel- 
oped abilities  that  he 
never  used  fcefore,  and  he  vrill  have  as- 
sumed risks  and  responsibilities  that  he 
never  assumed  before. 

Business  Man 


If  this  truckman's  business  grov.'s. 
If  the  helpers  make  mistakes  which  anger 
loads,  that's  the  owner's  tough  luck, 
ers,  and  to  teach  them  how  to  prevent 
lacks  the  ability  to  i.ork  vath  men  and 
never  be  able  to  build  an  Lmportant  busin 
a  small  business,  or  he  ;iiay  fail  utterly. 

he  will  have  to  hire  one  or  more  helpers, 
customers  or  cause  damage  to  trucks  or  to 

It's  his  job  to  plan  the  vrork  for  his  help- 
damage  to  loads  and  loss  of  trade.  If  he 
to  plan  for  them  and  teach  them,  he  will 

ess.  He  will  be  forced  to  b-e  content  with 

(continued  on  ne„^±  page) 


Many  businesses  fall  v;hen  the  ovaier  talces  on  assistants.  That's  a  danger 
point  in  the  development  of  business.  Many  men  are  able  to  run  a  business,  vrhile 
they  do  their  o\'vn  vrork,  but  are  unable  to  vrark  with  other  men,  are  unable  to  teach 
assistants  or  to  plon  for  them.  When  these  men  try  to  expand  their  businesses, 
they  are  likely  to  go  broke, 


Furthermore,  vjhen  a  man  hires  other  people  in  an  effort  to  expand  his  business, 
he  puts  his  ovm  character  to  a  test  because  the  processes  of  expansion  v/ill  expose 
his  v;eaknesses  and  penalize  him  for  them.  He  may  have  gotten  av<ray  vdth  some  tricks 
when  he  vras  employed  by  somebody  else,  he  may  have  been  able  to  cheat  some  of  the 
customers  that  helped  him  start  his  ovjn  business,  but  if  he  is  a  tricky  fellovj-,  his 
tricks    will  catch    up  -with  him    v/hen  he   .  when  that    man  takes  assistants  into  his 

hires  assistants  to  expand  his  business, 
A  man  can  be  ixnf  air  vdth  his  em- 
ployer and  yet  hold  his  job  because  the 
employer  will  merely  peg  him  in  a  job 
vj-here  his  unfairness  will  harm  nobocfy,  A 
man  who  operates  a  one-man  business  can 
trim  some  of  his  customers  and  the  cus- 
tomers will  merely  Imock  his  price  dovm 
imtil    they  get  the  better  of  him.       But 

business,  his  unfair  practices  bounce 
back  on  him.  Assistants  who  have  the  a- 
bllity  and  initiative  to  help  him  vd]J. 
laot  stay  with  hira,  and  he  will  end  up 
vdth  incompetent  help  who  vdll  make  maiXT' 
errors  v;hich  vdll  add  to  his  expanse  and 
drive  av^ay  his  trade.  Eventually  he 
v/ill  fail  or  go  back  to  his  one-man  bus- 

BUSINESS     IS     BUILT       ON       CE^ARACTER 

Many  business  men  fail  v;;hen  they  try  to  grow  beyond  their  one-man  businesses, 
because  they  lack  the  character  that  business  requires  of  men.  Usually  those  men 
blame     everybody  but  themselves.       They  seldom    understand  the 

simple  fundamental  fact  that  a  man  v^ho  cheats  Ms  business  as- 

sistants is  destroying  the  vita.lity  of 
his  Inisiness  and  thereby  cheating  hint- 
self,  Tlicy  do  not  realise  that  their  un- 
fair practices  v/ere  merely  a  form  of 
business  suicide, 

has  the  iiitegrity  to 
that  comes  v.'hen  he 
he  will  be  past  his 
on  the  way  tavard  a 
sound  busLness,  He  vdll  probably  mske 
some  mistakes  in  choosing  his  men  and 
v;ill  have  to  correct  those  mistakes,  but 

If  the  truclonan 
siurvive  the  test 
hires  assistants, 
major    hurdle  and 

'(>;■/<€  I  -^ 

!  i[ 

;o3  7 


!         Ca. 


eventually  he  can 
build  an  organiza- 
tion of  people  of 
integrity  who  re- 
spect and  trust  him 
itnd  vfho  respect  and 
trust  each     other.     Such  i       "    ':-,,.;l ! 

an    organization  is  nee-  '-  ' 

essary    if  the    business 
is  to  be  permanent.       And  it  is  the  best 
insixrarice  that  the  bvisiness  vdll  be  per- 
manent. Businesses  not  founded  on  integ- 
rity are  short-lived. 



Drives  his  men 
Depends  on  authority 
Inspires  fear 
Says  "I" 
Fixes  blame  for 


Knows  how  it  is  done 
Makes  vroika  drudgery 


Coaches  his  men 
Depends  on  good  v;ill 
Inspires  enthusiasm 
Says  •i^;?e" 
Fixes  the  brealcdown 

Shov/s  how  it  is  done 
Makes  work  a  game 

'i^-  "rii 


The  fast  movisig  I^an  Basketball  team 
played  the  final  game'  of  the  CormercipJ. 
League  for  the  season,  coming  oiit  on  the 
short  end  of  a  39  to  32  covrnt.  The  Boys 
from  Ilyan  have  turned  in  a  very  success- 
ful season  aiid  the  Company  is  justly 
proud  of  them.   ' 

17ALLY  BORDEN,  of  Engineering,  has 
been  very  faithful  his  usual  'fast 
break  for  the  bucket.  NEIL  NE  POTE,  of 
Fuselage  Assembly,  has  been  one  of  the 
mainstays  of  the  team  and  mcently  has 
been  bringing  the  crov;ds  to  their  feet 
rath  his  disiplay  of  fast  break^Jlg  set- 
ups. JOE  BASSO,  of  Wing  Assembly,  vdth- 
out  a  doubt,  has  been  the  most  faithful 
consistently  good  player  on  this  year's 

DOUG  DASSCRE,  of  Wing  Assembly 
captained  the  squad  :ind  was  a  very  great 
boost  to  the  team  as  a  v/hole. 

BOB  CHASE,  of  Manifold,  has  been  a 
consistent  vanner  for  the -Ryan  Team  vdth 
his  clever  ball  handling,  and  his  iwill 
to  v;in.  HARRY  FARRIS,  of  Yielding,  has 
been  one  of  the  team's  most  loyal  play- 
ers, having  missed  only  one  game  in  the 
entire  season,  and  that  v/a.?.  due  to  ill- 

ED  HERROK,  of  Drop  Hammer,  was  the 
high  point  nan  for  the  season  and  could 
be  counted  on  for  at  least  10  points  a 
gpme  when  the  team  took  the  floor. 

MOOSE  SIRATON,  of  Fiaselage  Assembly, 
was  one  of  the  outstanding  players  on 
the  squad.  He  v/as  alvrays  ready  to  mix 
it  vdth  the  boys  but  in  the  entire 
season  was  never  taken  from  the  floor 
with  four  personals, 

SAM  GILBERT,  of  Manifold  wins  the 
prize  for  loyalty,  SAM  has  never  miss- 
ed a  practice  or  a  scheduled  game,  i\l- 
thoughhe  did  not  see  a  great  amount  of 
action,  he  v/as  always  on  hand  to  cheer 
the  team  on  to  vi.ctory.  When  iia  the 
contests  he  vras  a  good  long-shot  man 
and  at  all  times  did  his  best.  Our  hat 
is  off  to  you,  Sam, 

The  players  vdsh  to  thant:  all  of  the 
loyal  supporters  that  stuck  with  them 
win  or  lose  through  the  entire  season. 
All  in  all,  Ryan  has  conplebed  another 
successful  vjorth-ahile  vent,ure  in  the 
realm  of  athletics,  and  the  Company  as 
a  who3.e  is  very  proud  of  the  basketball 


The  Ryan  golfers  turned  out  forty 
strong  at  Rancho  Santa  Fe  for  the  second 
monthly  golf  tournament.  This  month 'ir 
tourney  was  a  tv;o-man  team  best-ball  af- 
fair '.'dth  individual  scores  being  Icept 
for  the  purpose  of  establishing  handi- 
caps to  be  used  in  future  competition, 
both  vdthin  the  company  golf  club  andthe 
city  commercial  golf  league. 

The  team  of  NCRDLUND  and  BILLS  came 
in  with  a  well  played  77  gross  best  ball 
to  cariy  off  a  double  prize.  They  were 
the  low  i;^ross  team  with  their  hot  77*  as 
well  as  shooting  vdthin  one  shot  of  the 
first  prize  in  the  blind  boggy  {vhich  was 
set  by  the  golf  committee  at  7S, 

The  othsr  prize  was  for  the  second 
blind  boggy  which  v/as  set  at  96,  STEVE 
DEAVER  and  his  partner  HOVATTER  came  in 
with  a  very  well  played '9^  to  take  home 
tvio  nev   golf  balls  each. 

The  next  monthly  tourney  xdl.l  be  an- 
nounced in  the  next  issue  of  the  Ryan 
Fljdng  Reporter, 

Tlie  turnout  of  golfers  was  more  than 
fine  and  it  is  hoped  by  all  that  this 
spirit  rail  be  maintained  throughout  the 
entire  golf  season.  Remember,  fellows, 
these  events  are  planned  for  you,  so 
please  continue  to  take  advantage  of 

Just  to  call  your  attention  to  the 
fact  that  the  Golf  Clinic  is  still  being 
held  at  the  Montemar  Driving  Fairway 
every  Tuesday  evening.  Come  on  out  and 
get  the  strai^jht  of  it  (No  hooks  or 


^  *■■* 

^^m        '     N  GHTHAW<S 



^^Y*^'                                        ^ 

V'ell,  Spring  is  here  again — ah, Spring 
— ^the  season  of  fresh  coats  oi'  strrtling 
paint  on  airport  gas  trucks;  of  nev;  sky- 
blue  .jodphurs  on  the  local  airwoncn;  the 
renewed  hopes  and  restored  v;ind-soi-ks; 
the  time  of  year  when  people  who  couldnt 
raine  tlie  price  of  a  pipe  tray  made  from 
the  hub  of  a  v.'ar  surplus  pi'opeller  drea-n 
over  their  Bock  Beer  of  footloose  two 
thousand  mile  cross-cotmtrj'  jaiints  in 
their  ov.'n  deluxe  airliners.  But  so  much 


the  gay  rteceiver,  and  tne 
of  dividing  this  Y-orld's 
the  Capitalist  system.   Ho 


hUTl  -  - 

Have  you 
Lean  ■Killer' 

never  realized  before  hov.'  old  Johnnie's 
face  is . 

BILL   "NjOJTRAL  FL/J£"     JU?iK^Y,   —  the 
welder  (?)  plays  golf  in  his   yvreat  sox — 
iust     can't     get  used     to  shoes   I  guess. 
Since     (.■AnL  THOiLvS     had     his  tools  stolen 
he's  not     takijig     any     chances.    !ie     even 

een     FLOYD  BLNiLoTT'S  1932 

He     paid  si>.ty-riine  cents 

a  second  hand  catcher's  mitt  for  it. 

the  lot     thsy  put  in  tv;o  gallons   of 

a:id  a  gallon  of  oil,   and  he  made  it 

of  the  v;a/  hom-;  without  adding  any 

JCHNI'Ii!;     Ci-'itlliON     is     back  Kitli  us 

and  it's  nice  to  see  old  faces,   I 


his  rubbers  to  a  plnnk.  SillTi' 
bought  himself  a  sev.'ing  machine, 
he  terms  "motorcycle" —  says  he 
to  get  away  in  a  hurry.  Don't 
Sajiuny,  the  i.Jreeks  are  not  coming 
over  there.  "V.SASEL"  ^VANS,  who  has  beei 
riding  on  the  back  fender  of  said  motor-. 
cycle,   says  he  now  resembles   a  waffle  on 

one     end,      and  is  a  little  stiff. 


right,     he  is   a     little  stiff.      Catch  on 
hov/  I  mean? 

T'iiX  V/ILLIAIi.3  sez  the  count ly  down 
heme  is  so  level  and  flat  that  you  must 
have  a  bird  dog  to  retrieve  your  dice. 
That  new  work  suit  of  BOB  HARillS '  is 
pretty,  but  he's  only  breaking  it  in  for 
someone  else.  The  boys  in  the  bumping 
department  are  buying  J.O.  Smith  a 
handlcerchief .  R.R.  FAPdiER  had  trouble 
walking  with  those  new  shoes  till  he 
fo^-ind  out  the  clerk  hadn't  cut  the  str- 
ing that  held  them  together. 

"MiRT"     V'.'ILDER  is  kinda  soi-e  at  youse 
guys.     You     are  always  beefing  about  not 

being  ablo  tc  get  in  on  the  athletic  and 
other  activities.  lyrt  went  to  a  lot  of 
trouble  to  try  to  organize  a  couple  of 
Softball  teams,  vjhich  should  be  as  easy 
as  pres^ring  a  flov;er  in  a  book,  but  not 
one  man  showed  up.  He  tried  to  start  a 
bowling  league  for  you  fellov:s  cjid  only 
one  man  showed  up — C.  BAIGR.  All  that 
the  rest  of  you  yokels  did  was  of f er a 
lot  of  alibis.  The  same  th.lng  happened 
to  most  of  tlie  other  teams  and  clubs, 
the  Riders,  the  Fliers,  the  Golf  and. 
Tennis  Clubs.  Mine  times  out  of  ten  the 
excuses  start  like  this,  "my  girl  fi'iend 
says — ",  or  "my  girl  friend  doesn't  want 
m.e  to — •"  or  "jay  gii'l  friend  takes  up  my 
t-Uiie."  .'k;nble'!it;n,  if  you  are  going  to 
have  a  girl  friend  lead  you  arotind  by  ttie 
h-md  the  rest  of  your  lift,  you  are 
thumbing  your  way  along  in  a  wheel  chair 
and  you'll  get  about  as  far  as  an  idiot 
in  a  spelling  bee.  Take  it  from  me,  if 
you  ever  g&t  as  far  as  Heaven,  you'll 
find  that  yoi.,r  harp  has  been  strung  v^ith 
apron  strings. 

The  Riders  and  Fliers  are  already  or- 
ganized, an;l  you  can  tal^re  it  or  leave 
it.  '..e're  not  waiting  for  any  l.ilj'- 
fingered  lollipops.  Last  S^onday  several 
of  the  members  of  the  Flying  Club  vrent 
on  a  breakfast  hop-^ACK  GAGl,,  LI^i.RGE  and 

BRC!^N,  JOh  COi\':'I  and  your  Scribe.  It  was 
more  fun  tha;i  can  be  described  in  this 
short  space.  TOIiY  Fii/^VINS  renewed  his 
ticket  and  took  to  the  air  again  Sunday 
and  brought  a  nevr  member,  HARFiY  LIILiJiS. 
Also  two  more  girls  have  joined  the  Club 
ODESSA  Hn'.'SLL  and  CAROLYbi  BRCM^I,  a  couple 
of     lovely     brunettes,  and  I  sav?  them 

first  fellows. 

V.'ouldn't  it  be  nice  if  LAIiRY  GIBSON 
would  invite  all  of  the  Scribes  of  the 
staff  of  the  Ri^lPORTiR  in  for  beer  and 
skittles  or  say,  team_  and  crumpets  scii« 
afterriOon  so  they  could  all  become  bet- 
tei-  acquainted?     Make  mine  a  short  beer. 

C.  A.  SERFaSS,  xvelaer,  says  the  mani- 
fold section  is  spreading  like  butter  in 
simimer,  but  it  gets  him  away  from  the 
daily  argurr.ejit  at  the  "nibbler"  between 
and  "NH:;srOY"  BRO\{l?l>m,  the  marshraellow 
king. (continued  on  second  follwoing  page) 

(2  n  L  n 


G  ic  e  n  e  6 

Below  starts  what  we  hope  viill  prove  to  be  a  series  of  interesting  "Behind  the 
Scenes"  articles  describing  the  activities  of  various  departments  in  the  F-yan  plant 
and  their  relation  to  the  company's  complete  production  program.  All  department's 
of  the  com.pany  are  invited  to  submit  similar  articles.  Next  issue  v;e  expect  to 
have  Mel  Thompson  give  out  with  the  dope  on  tlie  Inspection  Department, 




by  Felix  Rossoll 

Tills  department  is  comparatively  new  within- the  organisation  of  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical Company,  and  is  headed  up  by  the  v>Titer,  who  has  had  27  years  of  experience 
in  aircraft  manufactiu'ing,  and  is  ably  assisted  by  H/JIOID  SCHRIVER,  We  both  may  be 
considered  as     "Old  Timers"  insofar  as  the  present  plant  and  organization  of  Ryan  is 


The  company  has  groMi  to  four  tijnes 
the  productive  capacity  since- we  came  to 
the  Ryp.n  Aeronautical  Company,  and  have 
since  been  activfdy  concerned  in  assist- 
ing the  company  through  its  "grovong 

It  is  the  primary  function  of  this 
department  to  compile  the  reports  and 
statistics  required  by  the  Government 
in  accordance  vdth  their  regulations. 
This  department  was  formerly  associated 
vdth  the  Planidng  Department,  but  since 
the  advent  of  the  National  Defense  Pro- 
gram throughout  our  country,  it  has  be- 
come increasingly  necessary  for  Govern- 
ment Procurement  and  Planning  Depart- 
ments to  make  hea-vy  demands  on  -the  Air- 
craft Industry  for  statistical  inf ormr- 
ation  on  materials,  man-hours,  product- 
ive facilities,  personnel  reqidreraents, 
etc.,  so  that  the  necessity  for  the  es- 
tablishment of  a  :;eparate  department 
where  this  information  could  be  conso- 
lidated became  acute. 

Thus,  the  Statistical  Department  of 
the  Fcyan  Aeronautical  Company  became  a 
fact  in  January,  19^d.  Reports  and  in- 
f orrnation  formerly  prepared  in  the  var- 
ious operating  departments  have  now  been 
centralized  in  this  one  department. 

Reports  and  statistics  were  formerly 
considered  just  a  "necessary  function" 
in  the  operation  of  the  business,  but> 
during  this  period  of  National  Emergency, 
both  -the  Government  and  the  Company  have 
come  to  realize  that  these  reports  are  a 
reliable  method  of  forecasting  future 
developments  and  requirements  as  to  the 

productive  facilities  of  this  organiza- 
tion, and  are  of  considerable  assistance 
in  formulating  the  basis  of  future  plans 
and  actions  by  the  procuring  agencies. 
The  information  disseminated  by  this  de- 
partment must  necessarily  be  as  nearly 
100^  accurate  as  possible. 

In  order  that  this  department  func- 
tion efficiently,  it  is  necessary  that 
the  pei'sonnel  contact  every  other  de- 
partment in  the  pursuance  of  their  du- 
ties in  order  to  obtain  the  necessary 
facts  which  must  be  reported.  This  de- 
partment is  recei\dng  everyone's  v/hole- 
heart-ed  cooperation. 

It  may  occasionally  occur  that  a 
"rush  job"  is  on  the  fire  and  must  be 
comp],eted  by  a  certain  date,  and  that  it 
is  necessary  to  put  a  little  "heat"  un- 
der some  other  department  to  get  the  re- 

qxiired  data remember,  if  such  is  the 

case,  there  is  nothing  personal  involved, 
but  that  time  is  limited  for  one  reason 
or  another,  VJe  must  also  remember  that 
these  repoi-ts  are  usually  indirect  con- 
tacts -vdtli  Government  Prociu'ement  and 
Planning  Agencies  of  the  Air  Corps  and 
Defense  Coinmission,  and  that  -we  must  get 
our  data  to  its  destination  on  time. 

As  one  official  stated  "That  inform- 
ation is  vital  —  v:e  must  have  it  now. 
Don't  you  fellows  realize  there's  a  var 
on?"  To  quote  an  official  from  Wright 
Field  v\rtio  vras  visiting  here  a  short  time 
ago  on  business,  "We  have  no  kick  to  on  Ryan's  reports",  Vfe  endeavor  to 
give  satisfaction  and  service  and  v/ant 
to  maintain  the  company  policy  of  getting 
our  data  out  when  it  is  due. 

(continued  on  next  page) 

more  about  THE  STATISTICAL  pEPilimiEMT 

If  ally  department  or  individual  needs 
facts  or  figures,  this  department  raain- 
taiiis  a  drav/er  of  files  in- 
formation Tifhich  "v-dll  be  dispensed  to  the 
proper  individuals  or  departments  provid- 
ing the  information  requested  is  not  of 
a  confidential  nature, 

Incidentrlly,  if  you  see  anyone  v/alk 
ing  around  the  halls  or  other  departments 
muttering  to  himself  about  man-hours, 
productive-hoi;rs,  non-productive  floor 
space,  foot-pounds  per  output,  indirect 
labor  productive  capacities,  pounds-out- 
put-per-man  and  any  other  odd-sounding 
phrases,  you  may  be  cure  that  some  mem- 
ber of  the  statistical  department  is  on 
the  loose  again  and  on  the  scent  of  some 

We  finally  get  dorm  to  the  fact  that 
v/e  are  all  working  for  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical Comr'any,  individually  and  col- 
lectively, and  o\ar  prime  purpose  is  to 
produce  and  m.^rket  Ryan  Airplanes,  more 
Ryan  Airplanes,  and  still  more  and  better 

more  about  IIANIP'OLD  NIGHmuis 

R.  E.  CATON  tried  to  get  some  of  the 
boys  to  go  grionion  fishing,  vdth  the 
usual  result.  He  vrent  alone,  and  caught 
tliree  dishpans  full. 

It  took  the  recent  rains  to  prove  that 
there  are  a  lot  of  regular  guys  in  the 
"a^eat  shop".  With  my  ovvn  one  good  eye, 
I  sa;,Y  F.  E,  FLINW  stick  around  for  an 
ho\ir  one  night  pushing  f  ellov;s  out  of 
the  mud,  and  that  little  car  of  his  took 
more  whalloping  than  a  couole  of  drums 
in  a  night  club,  CARL  KUEGER  loaned 
his  only  spare  tire  to  CATCII,  v/ho  a  lit- 
tle later  found  me  stalled  in  the  lake 
at  the  Base,  and  pushed  my  stujnp  puller 
all  of  the  v/ay  home.  There  vrere  a  lot 
more,  but  I'm  sorry  that  the  names  have 
slipped  ar:ay  like  a  cat  on  a  slate  roof, 

RAI  iiORKGVSKI  v/as  once  a  diamond  mer- 
ch:int.  He  sold  peanuts  at  a  base  ball 
diamond.  "HAP"  MILLS',  said  he  v/as  just 
resting  his  eyes  vrhen  he  v/atched  those 
two  girls  on  Broadway,  JARDIJ3  and 
KEITH  vrere  arguing  as  to  the  difference 
betv/een  "casserole"  and  "camisole"  (I 
thougjit  those  things 'went  cut  the 
Poke  Bonnet),  Any\my,  R,  HARLAN  has  the 
right  answer,  "It  all  depends  whether 
the  chicken  you  put  in  it  is  dead  or 
alive . " 

The  bowling  teams  had  to  join  Solar's 

Ryan  Airplanes  —  to  make  the  name  of 
"Ryan"  taown  the  world  over  and  to  be 
synonomous  with  Airplanes  of  superior 
performance,  dependability,  and  quality 
vrorkmanship . 

In  order  to  accomplish  this,  aH  of 
us  must  work  together  for  this  common 
goal  regardless  of  selfish  personal  gain, 
and  in  so  doiiig,  the  individual,  the  com- 
pany, the  city,  and' the  government  vdH 
all  stand  to  benefit,  but,  most  of  all, 
v;e  ourselves  may  keep  our  chins  up  and 
stand  up  to  the  v/orld  and  say,   "There  is 

a  job  that  I  perfonaed  at  Ryan's I'm 

proud  of  it", 

EDDIE  lIOLLOY's  slogan  and  aim  is 
"To  keep  Ryan's  a  good  place  to  work", 
so  let's  set  a  standard  for  ourselves 
and  say  "Let's  make  Rj^an's  the  best 
place  to  work",  Vfe  assure  you  that  the 
Statistical  Department  is  proud  of  being 
associated  ^Tith  Ryan's  and  its  splendid 
group  of  personnel,  and  is  proud  of  the 
T/ork  it  is  doing  in  forwarding  the  aims 
of  the  individual,  the  Company,  and  the 
National  Defense  Program, 

league  3.n  order  to  have  any  competition, 
liThat's  the  matter  vdth  Ryan's?  Maybe 
the  answer  is  that  DON  FORCE  was  beaten 
by  five  points  by  ilRS.  JACK  EVANS. 

NEBEL-THAU  are  trying  to  make  the  Stein 
team  at  Maine,  G.  T.  BELL  says  he  got 
that  lump  on  his  head  by  sitting  up  too 
suddenly  under  a  table.  BOB  SWAFFORD  is 
still  trying  to  work  on  the  reclassifi- 
cation. He  says  it's  tougher  to  straight- 
en out  than  a  bovr  tie.  Looks  lilce  0, 
SI'flTH  is  combing  his  hair  vath  an  egg 
beater  lately,  hov;  come? 

Hot/  did  you  make  it,  Butchj     the  hard 

r/((-N/^il      A1AHI-:  IT 


a   stitch   IT)  i 

m  9  - 

■  <•*.♦.    4*    «..    4 




SALES  ]^:l^gineer 

Dear  Boss: 

Having  recently  returned  from  a  trip 
to  New  York  and  vicinity,  I  feel  that 
you  would  like  to  know  how  the  old  home 
town  is  making  out  in  this  race  for  def- 
ense preparedness. 

Trips  from  L.  A.  to  Frisco  are  usu- 
ally uneventful,  but  if  you  will  look  up 
the  records  you  will  find  that  United 
Air  Lines  had  one  of  its  roughest  on  the 
night  of  February  fifth. 

Frisco  to  Cheyenne  was  uneventful  as 
was  Cheyenne  to  Omaha.  However,  Omaha 
to  Chicago  was  interesting  in  that  icing 
conditions  prevailed  and  it  was  interest- 
ing to  watch  the  modern  de-icers  perform 
their  duty  so  efficiently.  Conditions 
remained  the  same  to  Cleveland,  but  from 
there  to  New  York  were  ideal. 

Vought-Sikorsky  located  in  Stratford, 
Connecticut,  are  very  busy  on  both  Navy 
and  export  orders  and  are  undergoing  the 
same  expansion  program  that  we  are  here 
on  the  West  Coast.  They  shovfed  consid- 
erable interest  in  our  manifold  and  have 
subsequently  sent  us  an  inquiry  on  them. 

Brewster  Aeronautical  likev/ise  shov/ed 
considerable  interest  in  our  manifold, 
but  they  are  in  full  production  at  this 
time  vrith  no  new  designs  on  the  boai-ds 
at  present.  The  large  buildings  erected 
at  the  Newark  Airport  for  maintenance 
hangars  for  the  airlines  have  been  taken 
over  by  Brev;ster  and  they  are  also  mak- 
ing Consolidated  vdngs  and  parts  there. 

Republic  Aircraft,  formerly  Sever sky 
to  you  old  timers,  have  recently  been 
avfarded  the  largest  contract  that  has 
ever  been  let  for  one  type  plane  by  the 
U.  S.  Gov't.  It  is  basically  the  old 
P-35  with  a  turbo  supercharger  install- 
ation. They,  like  Vought,  are  exper- 
iencing a  tremendous  expansion  program 
and  buildings  are  sprouting  up  all  over 
the  place. 

Still  on  Long  Island,  Grumman  Aircraft 
have  practically  completed  their  new 


Through  the  cooperation  of  the  man- 
agement, exceptionally  low  automobile 
insurance  rates  are  now  available  to  all 
Ryan  employees 

The  insurance  broker  for  the  Ryan 
companies  has  arranged  with  one  of  the 
strong  American  insurance  companies  to 
write  Fire,  Theft,  Collision,  Public 
Liability  and  Property  Damage  Insurance 
on  automobiles  owned  by  Ryan  employees 
at  rates  substantially  lower  than  the 
standard  rates  obtainable. 

If  your  insurance  is  about  to  run  out 
or  if  you  do  not  now  carry  any  due  to 
the  high  cost,  you  may  get  in  touch  with 
the  personnel  office,  leaving  your  name 
and  the  time  you  want  the  insurance  man 
to  see  you. 

Fire  insurance  on  homes  or  personal 
property  is  also  available  to  Ryan  em- 
ployees at  special  rates. 

buildings  and  are  firing  away  tvfenty 
four  hours  per  day  on  Navy  and  export 

Glenn  L.  Martin  in  Baltimore  showed 
more  than  a  passing  interest  in  our  man- 
ifold because  they  were  having  a  bit  of 
trouble  with  vibration  cracks  on.  their 
present  manifolds.  They  are  also  run- 
ning the  race  against  time  to  get  build- 
ings put  up  in  time  to  take  care  of  the 
current  defense  program  needs. 

At  Louisville,  Kentucky,  there  is  a 
company  known  as  the  Reynolds  Metal  Com- 
pany which  has  gone  into  making  alurainura 
products  for  the  aircraft  industry.  Go- 
ing through  this  plant  was  an  education 
and  it  was  easily  understood  v/hy  alumin- 
um products  cost  so  much. 

Vultee  Aircraft  located  at  Nashidlle 
(nuff  said)  are  undergoing  the  largest 
expansion  program  encountered.  Their 
buildings  are  about  B0%  complete  and  the 
nev;  plant  dovm  there  is  something  akin 
in  size  to  the  Consol  Plant  here. 

VJeather  conditions  in  the  East  were 
not  so  good  in  that  it  was  rainy,  damp, 
and  raw  most  of  the  time.  The  only  snow 
encountered  was  at  Memphis,  Ibut  that 
didn't  amount  to  much. 

All  in  all  it  was  a  very  fine  trip, 
but  it's  kinda  nice  to  get  back. 






have  a  reciprocal  trade  agreement^ 
JOHNSON  takes  his  girl  to  watch  hijh 
bowl,  and  that's  where  FLOTO  takes  overc, 
JOHNSON  starts  to  boiNl  and  FLOTO  walks 
over  and  sits  doim  next  to  JOHNSON'S 
girl  and  explains  the  game  to  her., 

JOHNSON  is  the  boy  YJho  is  v«earing  his 
hat  over  three  stitches  he  received  vihon 
he  backed  into  a  bunch  of  trees  at  forty 
miles  an  hour  (a"  chuck-'hoie  started  hin 
going  backward  ),  Guess  -vvho' showed  up 
right  after  the  wreck  —  FLOTO, 

HEERY  are  the  three  boys  who  look  for- 
ward each  week  to  Sunday  so  they  can 
work  around  their  new  houses  if  it  does- 
n't rain,  BUD  wants  any  of  you  fellows 
in  the  department  to  come  out  to  his 
nouse  and  try  his  brand  new  deDuxo  bi'^^'h  • 
oon^tire  wheelbarrorr  on  about  ten  yards 
of  soils 

Vfe  have  three  new  boys  in  the  wing 
department  transferred  fron  Sheet  t'^etalc 
They  are  BOB  liROSS,  JAQC  JACKSON  und 
BUD  GRABAR,  V/e're  glad  to  have  you  with 
us  and  would  appreciate  it  if  you  would 
keep  your  eye  on  "OH  JOHNNY  FlHrT."  o 
He's  going  to  get  his  nose  caught  in  one 
of  those  stub-wings  while  he's  looking 
at  a  rivet. 

Speaking  of'  rivet-looker^aters  AL 
JUESHKE  is  back,  only  this  time  he's  got 
a  mirror  in  one  hand  and  a  flash  light 
in  the  other  at  the  insofjction  table^ 

A  few  days  ago  CHUCK  Kl.LLCGG  DIDN'T 
get  to  vjork  but  he  put  a  note  on  LEV/ 
HORVATICH'S  windshield  to  make  every" 
thing  OoKo-" —  LEl/V  couldn't  read  the  note. 

Say  LEuf,  what  are  you  going  to  do 
with  that  Ellt' s  tooth"  you've  been, 
carrying  around?  Is 'it  the  sentiment 
behind  it  or  the  ^f8o00  filling  in  it? 

ROCKY  FIEHLER  of  the  stub  wing  de- 
partment had  a  touch  of  something  or  the 

other,  when  he  didn't  show  up  for  work 
a  week  ago  Monday,  ROCKY  was  put  on  a 
liquid  diet,  but  didn't  stick  to  it, 
Sunday  night  he  was  seen  in  a  Pacific 
Beach  Cocktail  lounge  eating  a  bag  of 
peanuts.  Consequently  ROCKY  was  in  bed 
all  day  Monday,  Consultants  on  the 
above  diet  were  ORTIZ  and  BECKER  of  the 
L'anifold  Department, 

Will  sojncone  explain  to  BILL  WADDELL 
that  it  doesn't  have  to  be  a  boy  to  give 
out  cigars.  Bill  f_^lGjc  waiting. 

If  JOE  BASSO'S  "" blood'Te'st  comes  back 
from  Sacramento  and  shows  that  he  isn't 
rotten  that  will  make  him  A-1  for  the 
Army,  and  if  the  Office  doesn't  get  him 
deferred  we  will  probably  see  him  back 
from  liis  va.cation  a  year  from  next  month 

All  of  the  boys  are  being  brought 
back  to  the  wing  department.  It's  been 
so  long  that  they  seem  like  lost  cousins. 
Well,  we're  glad  to  see  you  and  we'll 
probably  be  up  to  our  neck  in  work  very 

One  Saturday  about  two  weeks  ago  a 
few  of  the  wing  boys  went  down  to  the 
receiving  stockroom  to  uncrate  stainless 
steel.  Everything  was  going  fine  when 
there  was  a  loud  scream  and  two  boys  car 
ried  DAVE  ROLLINS  to  First  Aid, 

It  seems  that  DAVE  was  lifting  a  piece 
of  steel  and  it  slipped  out  of  his  hand 
In  slipping  it  practically  "cut  off  his 
thumb".  If  any  of  you  boys  go  to  First 
Aid  ask  PAT  about  the  wound, 

HAROLD  MORGAN  took  Monday  off  a 
couple  of  weeks  ago,   I  wonder  what  he 

did?  Get  married?  That's  right. 

Good  luck,  H/sROLD,  1  guess  your  just, 
another  good  man  lost, 

%  ^-         ■>!-         ■i'c 


Questions  actually  a?!ke  1  by  people  ex- 
amining the  RyaA  PT--?.OAf!  at  the  Lind- 
bergh Field  exhibit  of  Arn\"  ;:J.anes  held 
recently  for  Ryan  and  Consolidated  em- 
ployees J 

A  young  man,  referring  to  the  gas- 
oline gauge:  "Is  that  the  wind  direction 
indicator  to  tell  which  wa^'  to  land? 

An  elderly  gentleman  seeing  the  sign 
"Wobble  Pump"  in  the  rear  cockpit:  Is 
it  necessary  to  have  a  hydraulic  pump 
arrangement  to  take  the  wobble  out  of 

the  plane? 

MAMIFOLB  "NIGHTS"     -     by  Ray  tlorkoTOlrt  j 




The  Ryanettes  Luncheon  Club  met  on 
the  first  day  of  spring  and'  blossomed 
forth  in  prints  and  daffodils.  Honored 
guests  this  month  were  BETTY  FRAlffi  and 
DCROTHY  MANNIInTG,  They  took  the  ceremony 
rather  seriously  v/hen  they  discovered 
that  they  are  now  in  the  responsible  po- 
sition of  planning  the  next  meeting* 
Dorothy  Manning  will  take  over  the  col- 
umn, and  Betty  will  assume  the  social 
obligations,  so  they  are  on  their  way, 

DOROTHY  MM^INH^IG,  who  is  playing  the 
leading  role  in  The  Ryan  Drama  Club's 
"Our  Boarding  House"  is  going  to  leave 
us  for  a  month  in  June  if  her  plans  for 
Honolulu  can  meet  her  requirements.  By 
the  viay,  that  is  one  svrell  shovir  and  we 
are  very  v;ell  represented  in  the  cast; 
In  looldng  over  the  list  of  characters, 
RY TIRIGHT,  JANE  ALLEN  and  possibly  a 
couple  more  that  don't  knov;  it  yet,  but 
will  soon. 

Have  you  noticed  how  chivalrous  the 
gentlemen  of  Ryan  are  on  our  luncheon 
days?  They  really  come  forth  as  Six 
Galahads  and  offer  us  transportation— 
and  don't  thinlc  we  don't  appreciate  it, 
Thanlcs  a  lot,  gentlemen,  and  we  do  mean 

Yours  truly  accidently  ran  into  the 
Ryan  Bowling  Club  last  Thursday  nite, 
and  maybe  you  don't  think  that  sport  is 
popular  with  both  men  and  vromen.  Just 
for  food  for  thought,  hoy^  about  our  get- 
ting in  on  some  practice  and  take  the 
men?  '.Tho  said  that?  With  our  program 
grovdng  larger  and  larger  vdth  a' Spring 
Dance,  and  deep-sea  fishing  trip,  etc., 
etc.,  perhaps  it  is  about  time     we  elec- 

li?hy,  of  course,  the  Manifold  Depart- 
ment second  shift  has  a  golf  team'  Of 
course  MYRT  WILDER  and  BAKER  (very  much 
against  their  will  and  because  of  too 
many  drives  into  the  rough)  practicdlly 
financed  the  first  round  of  the  team 
v.-hich  includes  also  DE\'ER,  PETERSON,  and 
HOVATTER.  They  feel  that  they  will  be 
reimbursed  if  they  can  induce  MR.MARCO'S 
office  team  to  play  a  match  vath  them. 
We  v/ouder  if  WILTER  really  did  thra-/  his 

T^n^^L'^  ^^"^  ^^y^  "^  threatened  to. 
*/XLDER,  we  ccuid  forget  that  but  when 
you  started  bowling  between  your  legs 
that's  a  different  story. 

You  might  think    that 'this  boy  WILDER 
gets  too    much  publicity,     but     he  rates 

l^I^^^  ^°^''  ^^  ^^  trying  to  organize  a 
soft-ball  team  for  the  second  shift 
boys,  so  let's  all  fall  in  line  with  a 
little  cooperation  and  undoubtedly  we 
will  be  able  to  take  down  the  day  shift 
some  Sunday  in  tho  not  so  distant  future. 

Baseball  practice  for  the  night  shift 
men  is  held  at  Navy  Field  every  Tuesday 
and  Thursday  morning  at  10  A.LI.  Don't 
forget,  fellows,  we  still  bowl  on  V^ednes- 
dai^r  mornings  at  -  the  Fourth  and  Cedar  Al- 
leys,    Come  one,    cane  all  I 

Don't  you  think  that  BURBABIK  would 
have  been  money  ahead  if  he  had  gone 
downtown  and  spent  five  or  ten  bucks  for 
some  real  jev;elry. 

"BUTCH"  and  BEITNETT  sure  appreciate 
your  feat  of  March  11th,  Mr.  Simonson. 
Keep  up  the  good  vfork. 


ted  ourselves  as  conmittees  of  one  to 
help  the  chairmen  as  much  as  possible 
for  it  is  a  great  load  for  just  a  few 
people  to  carry. 

Yj'ell,  this  is  yours  truly' s  exit  i 
and  the  column  goes  on  rdth  the  dub, 
but  I  think  right  here  and  nov;  I'll  pass 
the  vote  of  thanks  to  MARY  FREEL  —  one 
swell  girl,  with  everything  it  takes. 
She  has  done  a  wonderful  job  to  help 
start  the  club  and  we  vrill  always  be 
grateful.     Goodbye  now. 

lu     i.~ 




Brad  Harris 



Vifhere  do  the  Bat  and  the  Shadow,  et 
al,  get  their  cparkling  ideas  i or  their 
by-v;eekly  stj.nt...?  Nov;  lae,  it's  a 
struggle.'     Ah,  well,   here,  goes   

Saw  some  snapshots  of  the  son  and 
heir  to  the  BEI-uil'JT  Millions.  There's  a 
lad  for  you.  Looks  like  a  potential 
football  star.  Quite  a  chunky  little 
rascal.  Not  so  long,  lean,  and  lathy 
like  his  Dad.  H.M.  BOVCUW  has  found 
that  hainmerE  are  not  pai^ticularly  tooth 
some  morsels.  Seems  he  tried  to  bite 
one  the  other  day.  It's  easier  on  your 
teeth  to  tlirov.'  your  hat  down  and  jump 
on  it  when  you  are  irritated. 

Before  "Lake  Ryan"  dried  up,  Mept- 
unus  Rex,  was  going  to  send  a  destroyer 
around     for  E.G.   FULivliiRoCN .  However 

the  lake  is  nov?  a  mere  dcimp  spot,  so 
Fulkerson  will  have  to  report  back  to 
duty  in  the;  Navy  in  the  usual  manner 
So  long  guy,  here's  to  a  happy  ship  for 

VJill  some  one  please  tell  me  where 
DYKE  V/ARREi'I  got  that  little  white  cap 
he  wears.  PJvery  time  I  see  him,  I  keep 
looking  around  for  his  scooter.  Speak- 
ing of  scooters,  it  might  be  a  good 
idea,  what  with  the  plant  expaiiding  the 
vjay  it  is,  to  issue  skates  or  something 
to  us.  Sure  would  expedite  getting 
around.  I^ight  cause  a  slight  traffic 
jfim  in  around  the  jigs  but  that  problem 
could  be  solved. 

Another  it  em. . .  it  sure  would  be 
handy  to  have  a  directory  or  maybe  ar- 
rows painted  on  the  walls  as  they  do  in 
the  subways  back  home,  so  we  could  find 
out  where  everybody  has  moved  to.  A  bit 
bewildering  to  a  country     lad     like     me 

Set  your  mind  at  ease,  ERI'oIi;;  MOORE 
does  not  sleep  at  the  plant,  but  befoi^e 
he  has  to  pi-esent  his  card  at  home, he's 
going  to  take  a  Sunday  off.  Just  to 
get  back  in  touch  with  his  family  again 
Reminds  me  of  working  the  night  shift 
in  a  radio  station. 

That  blonde  squire  of  beauteous  dam- 
sels, DON  JOIOJS,  HAS  GOTTEN  A  new 
chromium  gadget  to  fasten  on  his  shiny 
new  Ilerc;iry.  If  you  notice  a  brilliant 
glow  approaching  sometime,  it's  Donald, 
and  I  might   add,  beware.' 

Have  been  bitten  by  the  Archer^'  bug, 
and,  unlike  other  bugs,  it  was  a  pleas- 
ure. Llore  darn  fun  than  you  can  shake  a 
stick  at.  H-3  of  the  silver  arrows  , 
DUSTY  PIU'^TTYMAN  is  more  or  less  respon- 
sible for  the  linintelligible  mumble  of 
things  at  our  house.  Things  like  P.O. A 
bow  sij^tc,  how  many  strands  to  a  bow 
string  for  a  36  lb.  bow,  spiral  fletch 
vs  the-  straight  fletch,  and  it  goes  on 
like  that  for  years  they  tell  me. V; ell, 
it's  still  fun,  and  thanks  Dusty. 

i'lissed       GENEVIEVE  BOYER'S     succinct 
comments     last  issue.      There's  a  gal  vdlh 
a  veiy  pleasant  ±yle,     v.'riting  and  other 
wise.      Hope  she  calls   again,     but   soon. 
And  Larry,     hows  to  persuade  EULA  LiAItTIN 
to   contribute  some  more     of  her       poems? 

Read  one  the  other  day  nice.' 

^7ell,   thanks  for  listening 

or,  were  you? 


■ '    _  * 

Most  engineers  are  funny  guys. 
This  streajiil.ined  age  has  made  them  nuts: 
They  seldom  fly  -  just  work  in  huts  - 
And  tell  the  lad  v>'ho  has  the  guts 
A  ship's  okey  before  it  flies. 

Yes  -  engim.'^.ers  are  fvinny  guys  - 
They  make  tneir  drawings  just  as  though 
A  slide  rule  ought  to  make  them  go  - 
But  how  they'll  rvm  they  never  know 
'Cause  engineers  are  funnj^  guys. 

An  L.E.  once  designed  a  hack, 
(The  "Everfly"  he  called  his  dear). 
It  took  off  for  the  stratosphere  - 
Now  it's  been  up  about  a  year. 
He  wonders  v;hen  it's  coming  back.' 

Llost  engineers  are  funny  guys 
They  like  to  boast  the  bit  they  know  - 
There's  one  or  two  exceptions,  though.. 
hly   bosses  (Ssh,  I  need  the  dough.') 
Are  sterling  fellows  wondrous  wise. 

ANALYZ  ED  -  BY    THE    LAB 


In  the  last  issue  of  the  Ryan  Flying 
Reporter  v/e  discussed  the  necessity  of 
corrosion  prevention.-  V/e  bring  th  is 
subject  to  a  close  with  the  follovdng 
descriptions  of  the  different  methods  of 
preventing  corrosion  ixi  aircrrd't  work: 
CADMIU!^!  PLATING;  This  method  is  employed 
in  cases  "i/hei'e  parts  are  exposed,  and 
where  a  condition  exists  where  dissimi- 
lar metals  are  in  contact.  This  will 
prevent  corrosion,  since  the  metal  Cad- 
ndwa  resists  to  a  high  degree  any  attack 
by  the  elements.  It  serves  the  addition- 
al purpose  of  preventing  Galvanic  Corro- 

ANODIZIilG;  For  the  protection  of  Alumi- 
num and  Aluminum  Alloys. 
P-27  ZINC  CHROMATE  PRIMER:  For  the  pro- 
tection of  Aluminum  and  AUminum  Alloys, 
vrhich  are  not  subjected  to  Salt  Atmos- 
phere, and  conditions  equally  so  severe, 
also  Steels. 

PAINTING;  For  the  protection  of  parts 
lYhich  do  not  lend  themselves  to' plating. 
(Example— Nuts,  bolts,  tie  rods,  flying 
vdres,  etc.)  NOTE:  In  their  constant  en- 
deavor to  combat  corrosion,  the  Aircraft 
Ivlanufactiirer  T,vill,  in  addition  to  Primingj 
add  a  final  coat  of  Aluminized  Lacquer 
for  added  protection.  This  latter  has 
been  found  to  be  superior  insofar  as  pro- 
tection is  concerned.  It  may  be  further 
added  that  Anodized  surfaces  are  often 
painted  for  additional  protection. 
PASSIVATING:  For  the  protection  of 
Stainless  Steels, 

LINSEED  OILING;  For  the  inner  protection 
of  steel  tubes  to  prevent  inner  rusting. 
GALVANIC  CORROSION;  IThenever  a  condition 
e:-d.sts  v/here  t\/o  different  metals  are  in 
contact,  the  materials  are  subject  to 
Galvanic  CoiTosion.  This  is  due  to  the 
fact  that  each  metal  has  a  different 
electrical  potential,  and  when  moisture, 
dust,  salt  vapor,  etc.,  are  added,  we 
have  a  condition  where  an  electrical  cur- 
rent can  flow.  The  current  will  flow 
from  the  metal  of  the  HIGHER  potential 
to  metal  of  the  LOVJER  potential.  In 'this 
way,  the  material  of  the  lower  potential 
is  protected  AT  THE  EXPENSE  OF  the  mate- 

Time  Magazine 

"The  big  moment  has  come.  Somevihere 
back  in  the  student's  mind  the  thought 
rolls  turgid].y:  "Can  I  solo?  Vail  I 
make  a  bull — maybe  crack  up?"  But  his 
conscious  mind  is' busy  vdth  the  job  a- 
head.  "This  is  it,"  he  says  to  himself, 
and  shoves  the  throttle  gently  open; 
Llinus  the  instructor,  the  plane  is  light, 
gets  its  tail  up  fast.  Busy  i^vith  the  job 
of  getting  off  the  gro\ind,  the  fledgling 
pilot  is  in  the  air  before  he  has  time 
to  miss  his  company.  Then  circling  the 
field  alone,  he  notices  that  the  helmeted 

head  in  front  is  gone no  one  to  bellow 

at  his  mistakes,  the  relief  of  doing 
v/hat  he  wants,  being  in  complete  charge. 
Once  around  the  field  and  he  comes  in 
for  a  landing,  again  becomes  too  busy  to 
notice  his  loneliness.  He  never  really 
appreciates  what  he  has  done  until  his 
feet  are  back  on  solid  ground.  The  big 
thrill  is  talking  about  it  aften/ards." 

rial  of  the  higher  potential.  It  is  for 
this  reason  that  ALCLAD  materials  are  so 
resistant  to  corrosion.  The  Aluraimam 
coating  having  a  higher  potential  is 
used  up,  meamvhile  protecting  the  inner 
dural  core  v;hich  in  reality  is  the  mate- 
rial v;hich  carries  the  load.  In  addition 
to  this  latter  protection,  the  Aluminum 
itself  is  highly  resistant  to  corrosion. 
As  mentioned  earlier  Cadmium  plating  as- 
sists in  avoiding  conditions  of  Galvanic 
Corrosion.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that 
the  electrical  potential  of  Cadmium  lies 
between  steel  and  Aluminu-n,  and  this  way 
dissimilar  metal  contacts  are  avoided, 
LETAL  SPRAY;  This  should  also  be  added 
as  a  protective  measure.  Piire  metals, 
(Aluriunum  has  proven  very  satisfactory), 
are  sprayed  in  the  molten  condition,  in 
a  manner  similar  to  spray  painting,  and 
the  resultant  finish  foimed  is  a  metal- 
lic covering  which  is  often  used  on 
Chrome  Molybdenum  m.otor  mounts. 

William  van  den  Akker 

V'ijjIiiiHjyjIJIilipiJft  i-|P|r|!:ft  pijjfj 



Latest   type  Ryan   military  training  plane  which  is  now   in    volunr 
production    for    the    U.    S.    Army    Air    Corps    and    the    U.    S.    Navy 

During     1940      Rvan      developed      .md      i.\p<.rtid 
these    new    seaplanes     for    naval     pilot    training. 

These  New  Wings  Carry  the 
Ryan  Tradition  of  Excellence 

"Dragonfly"     observation     planes     designed     and      built 
by    Ryan    for    the    Army    have    sensational    performance. 

The   PT-20A,   manufactured    for   the  Army,   was    the  first  model   of 
the    Ryan    training    plane    to    be    equipped    with    a    radial    engine. 

ivnm  RVJiiB  ii£PDivr£ii 

Vol.  1 

APRIL  11,  1941 

No.  8 





-  4  - 



_  u 

n  p      r 

u  r 




Published  by  Employees  of  the 

tlirough  their  '/elfare  Department 

Art  Editor 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  Esterdahl 

II.  Marco;  Bill  Tagner 

Gary  0.  Adains 

to  thia  issue:   George  Rodgers 
J.  R.  Conyers 
Lav/rence  Norton 
Hel  Thompson 
n.  Rochmlioldt 
M.  Larco 
Departmental  and  Organizations : 
liianifold  Nighthawks  The  Shadov; 
Manifold  Exhaust     Russ  Nordlund 
Drauiatic  Club 

Things  'N  Gtuff      Tenn  fu.  /ise 
Manifold  Nights      R.  J.  uorkowski 
;.iaintenance         Pat  Kelly 
Drop-Kanimer  News     ^7es  Burroughs 
The  Ghost  Talks      The  Ghost 
TiLie  Clock  Safety  Committee 

'felding  Ken  Lurray 

Sheet  Metal         S.  L.  Halley 
Engineering         V.  J.  Park,  Jr. 
Final  Assembly      Roy  Ryan 

Our  special  thanks  go  to  two  new 

cartoonist  contributors '''ally 

Mallot,  of  the  foundry,  second 
shift;  and  J.  R.  Conyers,  of  the 
Engineering  Department.  Conyers 
is  also  starting  in  tiiis  issue  a 
series  of  personal  interviex/s  v/ith 
company  executives.  Apparently 
ht  vi/unts  U3  all  to  know  that  they 
are  not  monsters  aftor  all.  Mallot 
wields  a  fane,  pen  and  v/e  hope  to 
see  his  drav/ings  often  in  print. 


I  wi^-l  try  to  be  the  man 
My  mother  thinks  I  am. 

Don't  try  to  be  an  earthly  saint 

"Jith  eyes  fixed  on  a  star, 

But  just  try  to  be  the  fellow 

Your  mother  thinks  you  are. 

Submitted  by  George  Rodgers 
3rd  Shift,  Machine  Shop 

'Vebster  nays  INDIVIDUALITY  in  "Tlie 
quality  that  distinguishes  one  person  or 
thing  from  another;  DISTINCTIVE  CKaRaC- 

He  also  defines  COOPERATION  as  "Act- 
ing or  operating  jointly  with  another  or 

Did  you  ever  stop  to  realize  that  the 
Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  through  its 
Management  encourages  each  of  you  as  an 
employee  to  keep  your  INDIVIDUALTIY ,  but 
as  such,   requests  that  you  COOFEFUITE 

There  are  some  companies  who  v;ant 
each  employee's  COOPERATION  but  who  try 
to  take  awav  their  INDIVIDUALITY. 

This  Company's  policy  of  INDIVIDUALITY 
•jith  COOPTIATION  means  — 

(1)   If  any  employee  has  a  logical 
and  nound  viewpoint  concerning  his  de- 

partment's problem, 
viewpoint  until  it 
door"  of  the  Vorks 

he  should  voice  his 
readies  tlie  "open 



(2)  'here  hold-ups,  delays  and  in- 
efficiencies in  other  departments  affect 
the  smooth  functioning  of  one's  own  de- 
partment, the  departiaent  head  v/hose  de- 
partment is  being  prejudiced  has  the 
duty  to  notify  management  of  this  situ- 

The  purpose  of  this  policy  of  INDI- 
VIDU/ilTY  with  COOPERATION  and  its  ef- 
fect is  to  bring  problesas  to  a  point  of 
general  discussion  by  those  concerned 
and  assures  each  employee  that  he  may 
have  his  day  in  court. 

Naturally,  there  will  be  times  when 
an  original  viev/point  during  the  process 
of  argument  vdll  develop  into  'a  much 
different  thought.  However,  this  has 
not  taken  away  INDIVIDUALTIY  because  the 
original  vievfpoint  has  fulfilled  its 
duty  in  being  the  instigation  of  a  nevif 

I  think  all  of  us  should  appreciate 
the  fact  that  we,  as  employees  of  the 
Ryan  Aeronautical  Company,  can  v/ithout 
prejudice  maintain  our  status  as  INDI- 
VIDUALS and  v/e  should  show  our  apprecia- 
tion by  consistently  adhering  to  the 
rules  of  COOPERATION.  The  Ryan  employee 
is  very  fortunate  to  have  management 
personnel  v/ho  put  their  stamp  of  approv- 
al on  the  policy  of  INDIVIDUALITY  with 





Us  fel.lov7fj     r:ho  i/ork  insid 


"nave     acqulreci  that 

pool     ioo!;i  tr.n 
Itli  enviouG 
rents  who 


from  so  doing     ;  looi'in::^ 

eyes     on  the     saddle     colored     ,^^ 

h;ive  X'c turned     to  the  Wing  At-jrcaably  from 

the  mat  cure     at  oim  Valley     (Tlic  l-lint 

Yard,) ,     BASSORii,     DAVIS,     snd  MAPNTOLLO. 

Another     divide!!       (■T.-iined  by  v/orkin^;     in 

the  '.Ting  AsBorrMy. 

TOu  EJHi'.RI,  f>.  rficent  aco;ai5iLiou  from 
the  Peninsula  must  have  th-;t  certain 
something  that  causes  little  birds  to  it  on  the  .lamb  froia  the  ivoll-knor.'n 
t■v^rig■.  It  seems  that  he  had  an  idtvi  that 
he  would  lilce  to  take  the  loftln,v  course 
given  at  State  College.  So,  the  ni;<ht  he 
went  out  to  try  to  enroll,  tliey  v:elcomcd 
hiIl^  mth  open  arms,  patted  hin  on  the 
head,  baked  a  c"ke  and  put  up  clean  cur- 
tains, v/hile  !.:  thousand  locnl  yokels 
vjere  '/.'andering  aroiond  tlie  joibnt  trying 
to     find  the     right     door     to  knock     on. 

You  kno',7,  we  once  thought  the  balcony 
stairs  v/ould  last  practically  forever, 
but  since  ■'CUIU.Y"  COKifAY,  the  service 
parts  luogul  runs  up  and  d.o^m.  so  imich 
carrying  three  vrashers  at  a  time  from 
ills  squirrel  cage  to  the  paint  cjhop,  v.'e 
thinl-r.  that  they  x-ron*t  last  'til  Chiist- 

Personally,  v:e  are  not  bravo  employ- 
ees, tut  vre  vfish  someone  with  courage 
and  a  heavy-weight  disposition  voul.d  ask 
the  "V'Jhite  Hope"  of  v;hat  kind 
of  a  fracas  one  has  to  get  into  to  ac- 
quire those  floor-board  knees  he  has. 
One  vjaj  v;ould  be  boxing  a  Singer  Midget 
but  we  want  the  truth. 

The  Flag  of  V.'elcome  is  ou-t  for  R.  J, 
lailTZ,  JE.33  (V;yo;iung)  DILLAVOU,  ORVILLE 
ailTII,  :.b  FKITdCIKL,  CLYDE  (Corkie) 
Y2AGLE,   and  BOB  FUMLstt, 

I  wonder  if  the  left  side  of  the 
building  is  tired  of  being  jrioYcd? 

The  usiu'.l  unusual  weather,  has  made  a 
change  in  the  addrofis  of  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical Gomprny  back  to  ITade  and  Plrai, 
V'Jade  in  mud  Plum  up  to  and  inclufting. 

If  pj.  Fi.  bEIiliY  tries  to  button-hole 
you  c\nd  -oovr  out  a  tale  of  pt-.inful  sun- 
].'U.rn,  (;y3bi3;-ov.'-  rai.sing  is  in  order.  Th.o 
tLne-honored  method  of  moving  dii-t  from 
one  given  spot  to  another  corajjels  the 
moTer  to  T;ork  in  a  stooping  position, 
and  nor  r-.nyoue  can  get  his  chest  suii- 
burned  while  so  doing,  as  per  the  Beer;-- 
storjr^  (take  it  either  ^.vay)  surpassosr 
all  imr.gination.  The  name  and  address 
of  the  one  lAo  knows  the  truth  of  tlie 
story  vdll  be  furnished  on  request.  The 
low-dovT:i  is  this  so-help-me: 

Leery  lay  on  his  teck  sunning  hiiB- 
self  while  his  poor  little  4  y^ar  old 
daughter  loaded  the  wheel-barrow  and  his 
vdfe  pushed  same.,  both  being  coerced  by 
loud  and  violent  language  and  a  broom, 

■^  r~    f   ("Yi  r '  t^       o  o  M  f*i  10      ^ 

nifitfutii  (1  i 

This  is  the  first  article  on  our 
brand  ne-.v  Ryan  Foremixn's  Club,  and  we 
vdsh  to  L;tart  by  extending  a  vote  of 
thanks  to  the  Ryan  Management  for  the 
fine  bc^g. Inning  they  gave  xxs. 

The  dinner  itself  v/as  exceptionally 
good  and  the  meeting  vrent  off  v.lth  clock- 
like procedure — Rex  Seaton  providing  the 

The  pru-pose  behind  our  Club  is  to 
promote  n  better  imder standing  among  oiu' 
departments,  exchange  ideas  for  the  gen- 
eral good  of  the  plant  and  to  "Keep 
Ryans  a  Good  Place  to  Work"  for  that  is, 
of  course,  where  our  interests  lie, 

YJe  as  a  body  feel  that  if  this  can  be 
accomplished,  oi.u^  Club  wUl  be  well  worth 

Election  of  officers  vjas  held  and 
they  are  ns  follows:  ACE  EDLIISTON,  Lay- 
out Department,  President;  EDDIE  OBER- 
BAllER,  3>:perjjnental  Department,  Vicf.>- 
President;  T.  J.  JOHNSON,  Fuselage  Do- 
part.ment.  Secy,  and  Treas. 

T.  J.  Johnson,  Sec'y, 


D  1 






'Ivlix  equal  proportions  cf  olive  oil 
and  Turkish  coffee.  To  make  Turkish  cof- 
fee, roix  finely  pulverized  coffee  \/ith 
equal  amount  of  granulated  sugr^r,  add 
the  coffee  to  boiling  water,  and  boil 
three  timos."  Hey  '-ait  a  liiinutG  'til  I 
shut  off  this  radio-- 

Now  let  me  see----v.'hf^t  i/as  I  ft;oing  to 
nay?  Oh  yes,  as  the  skunk  said  to  the 
v;ind,"It  ail  comes  back  to  me  now."  (To 
paraphrase  a  current  song  hit).   BILL 

FAUL' .f^TTE' I  savs  one  of  his 

uen  13  so 
seven  year 

teliind     in 

the  kind 

beer  I  o've  you.    Brad. 

lazy  that  v;hen  he  had  the 
itch,  he  was  five  year.'; 
scratching  it  out. 

Thaiilcs    to      ER.-iD  Hi'JiRIS      for 
\/ords.        That's     a 
PGMCHO     r:ALLOTT     says     there     are     three 

places  ycu  can  alv/ays  find  a  Ryan  man 

Sears  'Roebucic,      the  Fep  Boys,      and     then 
there  iy  a  certain  spot  in  Tijuana. 

Tl'ie  ilyan  Rov.inf,  Club  is  trying  to  jet 
a  fev;  more  merabers  to  make  up  a  crtv;  for 
the  ten  i:'.an  yawl,  so  v.hy  don't  ya-./l  corae 
out  and  ro'v?  The  oarsaen  now  include 
"BUTCh"  ORTIZ,      "HAF"  LiILLr>R,    FLOYD  BF.N- 

vr'TT,  s.iAc;:  bukb.v'k,    "ra";'...TiE"    B:xKim, 

and  JOHiI  ;,'iOIIR03:  CAI.iERON. 

Our  f-enial  doctor,  "MOOK"  i-iULLIlIS, 
has  three  lovely  daughters.  Stop  crowd- 
ing fellows.  DAIT-"^!!  DAI^i  BUR'IjTT  thinks 
that  the  latest  addition  to  the  faiaily 
will  set  his  draft  classification  back, 
so  that  lie '11  fight  in  the  v;ar  after  the 
next  one.  "ROoIE"  GUSSii.'i/a'j  wants  to  know 
if  any  more  of  you  fellows  want  him  to 
see  ti:e  etchings  in  your  apartments. 

Two  applicants  for  the  Drama  Club  are 
K.  A.  LcCOY,  who  once  played  in  "Stolen 
Silver",  (Mac  took  the  silver)  and  R.  T. 
"SHADY"  L,AI'.'E,  vrtio  played  one  of  the 
bloodhounds  in  "Uncle  Tom's  Cabin". 

There  are  those  who  took  uubrage  at 
my  reuari^s  aj'ent  the  quitters  and  cr'^am 
puffs  who  proriiise  to  do  something  and 
then  don't  do  it.  I  shall  be  only  too 
happy  to  accor.oraodate  tho.'^e  men  (?)  three 
at  a  time  each  evening  at  closing  tinie, 
as  long  .-s  they  last.  Line  forms  on  the 

!»rfRT  '.1LDER  reports  a  much  better 
turnout,  hov/ever,  for  bail  practice,  ex- 
cept for  BO'/LJ:R  FERGUSON.  Since  the  new 
arrival  at  his  home,  he  has  all  the  bawl 
practice  he  needs.   He  says  it's  more   person,  living  or  dead,  is  probably  only 

exercise  than  tearing  dovm  a  jail  from 
the  inside. 

"Sb^.EPY"  HORN  eats  his  desert  before 
he  does  the  rost  of  his  lunch.  iiaybe 
his  stomach  is  upset.  Thanks  JEMS  ME'J- 
UAM.  Saw  DAVE  -Tj-iFLE  dance  with  his  \;ife 
the  other  night  at  the  Paris  Inn,  He 
goes  t}iru  a  whirl  like  s.n  egg  beater  in 
nn  omelet  factory.  JDir/  "LiOSQUITO 
FL",ET"  I.ARGE2!  has  his  throat  all  wrapped 
up.  H:,3  he  been  sticking  his  neck  out 

\;crks  v/ith  a  heavy  heart  nowdays.  It  has 
been  his  custom  to  sing  along  with  his 
work,  but  a  factory  gendarme  insisted 
the  plant  wasn't  the  place  to  practice. 
It's  too  bad,  because  SaLnray  has  a  fine 
voice  and  it  was  a  pleasure  to  hear  him 
sing  bits  of  "Rigoletto",  "Pagliacci", 

The  Flying  Club  had  a  little  fried 
chicken  and  beer  lunch  last  Sunday. 
ODESSA  HC/T'XL  aicxue  her  first  fligl't,  end 
sayj  she'd  rather  fly  than  ov/n  the  bot- 
tling rights  to  the  Pccifi*?  Scean.  Quite 
a  number  of  the  gang  we'^e  oXit'-and  don't 
forget  the  breakfast  hop  next  Sunday. 
J'RRY  CGNTf-ILLY  is  no  longer  flying  the 
Silox  Spitfires,  but  has  graduated  to  a 
■feco,  JACr:  ROGERS,  one  of  our  former 
club  members,  is  nff.v  flying  for  toerican 
Airlines,  dropped  in  to  see  us. 

FLOYD  BEFI^i^'TT  couldn't  be  with  us 
yesterday,  as  he  -ms  injured  at  choir 
practice  v/hen  he  spr;-.ined  his  ankle  step  - 
ping  on  a  cork.  u.  BOOTH  \jas  over  an 
hour  trying  to  attract  the  pigeons  at 
the  Plaza  with  his  popcorn.  Finally, 
ho\.-ever,  a  couple  of  then  spotted  him. 
iicOSIT.R  of  the  Dust  jiowl,  says  that  now 
instead  of  plowing  the  crops  under  they 
are  planting  the  seeds  upside  dovm.  0. 
A.  E:'DIC0TT,  \7atching  several  members  of 
the  Flying  Club  leave  the  ground,  is  go- 
ing to  get  both  feet  off  the  ground 
again  one  of  these  days,  he's  an  old 
timer  at  it. 

■'PRECI0iJ3"  FARIS  and  "LAi:.BIE  PIE"  ^Hr 
COX  are  having  girl  trouble  again.  That 
old  trinagle  lias  been  worked  so  often 
that  it  has  round  edges  liKe  a  farmer's 

Anv  r(-!3e;ablaxice  or  inference  to  any 

too  true. 


T.  Claude'^  Rya.n  ikat 

ff'-vears  that  he 

did  not  look  like  this  on  his  15th  birth- 
day (1913)  in  hometov.Ti  Parsons,      Kansas. 

Perhaps but  reliable     sources  indicate 

that  he  did     (lieference  -  Eastman  Camera 


At  any  rate,  it  was  at  about  this  age 
that  T.  Claude,  like  most  of  us,  started 
dreamin<j  of  model  airplanes  that  voiJ-dn't 
fly  and  beconing  generally  air-minded. 

Also  around  this  tir;ie  his  father 
bought  an  ranch  here  in  California 
and  the  kyan  f airily  came  Vi'est.  This  was 
hig'hly  O.K.  with  T.  Claude  as  it  vras 
much  nearer  airplanes. 

During-  his  High  School  years  he  work- 
ed variously  at  selling  nevfspaoers,  dri- 
ving a  laundry  route,  svrampinj  in  a  lo- 
comotive shop,  picking  fruit,  etc.  Then, 
v;hen  Viforld  Viiar  I  was  declared  he  tried 
to  get  in  as  a  flying  cadet.  After 
passing  all  physical  requirements  his 
age  tripped  up  the  scheme. 

It  seems  T.  Claude  has  been  a  fairly 
thrifty  lad.  So  v/ith  the  money  he 
saved  (and  some  help  from  his  dad)  he 
enrolled  in  the  Ainerican  School  of  Avia- 
tion in  Venice,  California.  For  $500 
they  5 greed  to  give  him  400  ndnutes  of 
instruction  in  their  tvvo  airplanes,  one 
of  ivhich' could  on^Ly  taxi.  Since  the  fly- 
able  ship,  an  old  Curtiss  pusher,  was  be- 
ing repaired  most  of  the  time,  this 
proved  to  be  a  slovr  way  cf  grovjing  wings. 
Finally,  he  did  get  into  the  air  solo 
and  when  he  cane  do:vn,  the  C^75.00  worth 
of  repairs  on  the  landing  gear  was  the 
last  straw  and  the  school  had  to  quit 


■: EDITOR'S  NOTE:  Well,  fellows,  here's 
[the  piu'-e  and  unaduJ.teratod  dope  on  T. 
:  Claude  Blyan. 

I  This  article  is  the  first  of  a  series 
v/e  plan  to  print.  In  each  issue  of  the 
RYAN  flying'  reporter  some  one  of  the 
"execs"  will  meet  the  merciless  cross- 
examnation  of  our  swell  inquisitor,  J. 
II.   COIKERS,  of  Engineering. 

He'll  bake  their  past;  he'l].  toss  'em 
to  you  for  just  what  they  are  -  a  bunch 
of  men  vjiio  h.-we  been  throiigh  the  miH  and 
come  up  the  hard  viay. 

The  v;ord  "boss"  sometimes  builds  a 
wall  up  around  men  -  makes  'em  seem  kind 
jof  distant  and  aloof  and  not  regular 
jguys  like  the  rest  of  us.  We  really 
jhope  these  "biographies"  vail  make  you 
if  eel  a  little  better  acquainted  vdth  'era. 

■  I'iMlllll     rllOKtl" 

In  1?18,  armed  with  what  he  claims 
v/as  an  authentic  rGConimendation  from  the 
Air  School,  he  did  manage  to  get  an  Air 
Corps  api-jointment  as  a  cadet  and  (gr-adu- 
ated  from  March  Field  a  full  fledged  5O 
hour  pilot.  After  this  he  was  assigned 
as  a  pilot  on  forest  fire  patrol  flying 
Liberty-powered  C.H.'s,  and  remained  in 
the  Army  and  in  active  service  until 

llJhen  the  first  local  San  Diego  air- 
port operatoi-  went  on  a  prolonged  visit 
"up  the  river"  for  smuggling  Chinamen, 
Ryan  talked  liimself  into  a  te;iiporary 
"rent  free"  deal  for  the  airport.  From 
this  time  on,  he  was  in  "business".  He 
says  business  is  just  a  technical  term 
and  really  does  not  desci'ibe  those  hoiiy- 
bui'ger  hunting  days.  But  luith  bai'n- 
storming  and  passenger  haiiLing  and  a  lot 
of  luck  the  Ryan  flying  service  limped 
on.  In  1923  it  bought  the  parts  supv- 
posed  to  represent  six  old  war-time 
Standards.  These  open  jobs  vrere  svreated 
into  five  place  cabin  cruisers,  and  they 
vfere  really  "hot". 

Claude  Ryan  had  long  since  discovered 
the  money  to  be  made  in  teaching  others 

to  fly.   B.  F.  Mahoney a  well-to-do 

sportsman started  flying  lessons  ^.ath 

Ryan.  T.  Claude  says  that  it  was  Mahoney 
who  talked  him  into  the  idea  of  starting 
a  passenger  scrmce  between  San  Diego 

(continued  on  next  page) 


and  Los  An^jfiles.  ('Je  frankly  believe 
that  the  "Talking  into"  may  ue  a  little 
Kiixed  up  there.)  In  19^5,  the  Ryan  Air- 
linos  opened  rdth  a"an-fare  as  the  first 
all-year  schediiled  passenjer  service  in 
the  United  States.  T.  Claude  vas  Presi- 
dent, Passenger  Agent ^  Lieclianic  and  Pi- 

/ilso  in  1925  the  Ryan  "orvjr.nization" 
built  the  first  iiyan  Li-l,  'Ith  a  vic'.T  to 
air  niaj.l.  This  high  v/in.i;  monoplane 
could  scream  through  the  air  vdth  an  800 
pouj-'id  pay-load  at  11?  iu.p.h.  It  was  in 
this  that  Ryan  outflevr  the  Armj-'s  famous 
D.H.  and  Oaldey  Kelly  in  a  challenge 
race.  The  race  resulted  in  the  sale  of 
the  first  six  Li-l's  and  really  launched 
the  commercial  career  of  tho  company. 

In  1926  came  the  Ryan  B-1  Brougham, 
the  first  one  of  v;hich  ^..'as  sold  to  Ryo.n's 
old  friend  Frank  Hawks.  The  noted 
"Spirit  of  St.  Louis"  ■./as  buiJ.t  early  in 
1927.  After  selling  out  to  partner  Ma- 
honey,  Ryan  took  on  the  distribution  of 
the  famous  Slcmens-Halske  radial  engines 
jnade  in  Germany,  and  distributed  them  in 
this  coimtry  under  the  n?nie  of  "Ryan 
Siemens".  In  the  interest  of  this  busi- 
ness, and  for  a  honojmioon,  Ryan  took  a 
look  at  European  aviation  in  1923, 

VJVien  he  came  home  lie  settled  dovm  to 
operating  the  Ryan  school  in  earnest — 
and  getting  housebroken  into  a  married 
riian.  There  ai'e  now  three  young  Rjmns, 
David  (10),  Jerry  (9)  and  Steven  (2). 

The  present  Ryan  Aeronautic:' 1  Com- 
pany was  founded  in  1931 >  depression  and 
all.  In  1933,  Ryan  and  Millard  Boyd,  the 
present  Chief  Engineer,  together  vdth 
VJill  Vandermeer,  Assistant  Ciiief  Engin- 
eer, designed  and  manufactTU-'ed  the  first 
S-T  metel  fuselage  monoplane.  Tlds  air- 
plane received  approved  type  rating  in 
1934  and  the  company  has  been  building 
them  and  the  'various  new  rnd  iiriproved 
models  of  the  same  sound  basic  design 
over  since. 

But  getting  back  to  the  boss,  \'Ie  had 
him  cornered  for  this  interviev:  and 
made  him  admit  more  than  a  pickpocket 
going  through  a  third  de'jree.  He  said 
there  was  a  time  when  he  felt  like  he 
knew  all  about  airplrmes,  but  that  now 
he  has  to  hire  his  brains. 

He  admitted  that  he  got  into  aviation 
on  the  first  lap  of  its  race  up.  He  says, 
"I^elieve  yen.;  me,   I  am  going  to  stay  in 

for  the  next  lap  too.' 

'Fiirther,  and 

what's  n.orc,"  he  said,  "we  have  a  really 
capable  organization  built  up  with  the 
boys  wlio  are  .making  the  viheels  go  round, 
and  vfhat  T'e've  done  so  far  is  nothing 
corar>ared  to  what  our  'team'  is  going  to 
do  froj,;  novr   on." 

T.  Claude  real3.y  got  emphatic  when  he 
allowed,  "V/e  fcr3lieve  our  present  grov.'th 
under  Defense  orders  vias  made  possible 
by  oui'  consistent  plodding  and  steady 
progress  during  the  many  years  before, 
and  vre  regard  the  present  rapid  develop- 
ment as  a  stepping  stone  to  building 
m.ore  and  better  airplanes  after  the 
vrarld  'fracas'  is  over."  "Bigger  and 
better,"  lie  said,  as  an  after  thought. 

The  boss  asked  us  especially  to  in- 
clude this:  "In  a  nevr  grovdng  business 
like  this,  evciyone's  ideas  are  im.portant 
and  it  is  through  the  suggestions  and 
criticism  of  the  men  on  the  job  that 
most  Ox  our  improvements  come  about.  I 
vrant  to  thank  the  many  who  have  offered 
suggestions  and  encourage  everyone  to 
Ditch  in  his  own  ideas." 

•?.-■  ,r  fi  ■i>: jj 


The  Ryan  Soft  Rail  Team  spent  a 
enjoyable  time  at  the  blniv/av/a  CCC 
last  The  high-light  of  the  trip 
was,  of  course,  the  lO-to-6  victory  for 
Ryan.  It  v/as  the  first  game  of  the 
season  and  from  all  indications  Ryan 
idll  be  near  the  top  of  the  heap  in  the 
scramble  for  the  City  Soft  Ball  ChxTiit- 
pionship.  1  fetch  your  Ryan  Re- 
porter for  the  comiiLete  schedxile  of  the 
City  Lea.'jcue  as  well  as  v.'here  and  when 
there  idll  be  Company  practice  games. 





Those  who  read  this  column,  will  pro- 
bably miss  the  c^.Y}  interestin,'^  chatter 
of  our  former  and  worthy  contributor 
ERAB  HARRIS,  who  3s  now  in  the  office 
takin.^  up  the  duties  of  "Chief  Time 
Clerk",  Coai^ratulations,  though  We  sure 
miss  your  happy  and  ever  ready  snile.  3o 
it's  our  loss,  their  gain. 

After  much  fretting  and  chevdng  of 
fin,"er  nails  to  carry  on  my  nev-  chore, 
decided  it  best  to  dive  head  first  and 
V'Orr.y  later.   So  here  goes 

Just  a  re::iinder  to  you  fellovs,  that 
Easter  is  once  more  upon  us.  So  if  you 
have  been  a  good  boy  and  saved  a  fev; 
SHiiCKLES,  you  might  be  able  to  join  the 
"Fashion  Parade"v;ith  a  fev/  choice"duds". 
You  knov,  there's  always  a  little  thrill 
in  looking  nice  to  the  opposite  se:-:, 
vdth  very  little  effort. 

i'Jell,  JACK,  here  it  is,  time  to  go  to 
press,  and  I  am  not  able  to  tell  every- 
one more  of  the  big  nevis  about  tte  coming 
"blessed  event",  liividently,  the  stork 
had  other  plans.  And  as  the  old  saying 
goes — ^we  sure  hope  you  both  get  v;hat  you 
want.  Though  at  this  stage,  everyone 
usually  says  it  doesn't  matter.  How 
about  it?  Anyi,;ay,  we're  all  wishing  you 
and  i.:R3.  ZIPPl.'ALD  the  best  of  luck. 

Hey  fellows,  did  you  knov«  that  we  had 
another  "JOHI^I  ATLAS"  in  our  midst,  v.ho 
claims  he  has  a  sure-fire  v;ay  to  build 
up  that  run-down  "fiz-eek"  of  yours, 
from  155  lbs.  to  a  mere  190  lbs.  vdth 
large  bulging  "muslcels"  in  no  time  at 
all.  Tho3-,j  interested  in  getting  bulged 
(where???????),  contact  GLIIN  SAIDIER  per- 
sonally, and  save  money  on  postage  for 
his  instniction  book. 

There  seems  to  be  a  little  difference 
cf  opinion  as  to  the  beauty  cf  these 
girls  from  Arkansas.  If  you  want  a  per- 
sonal viev7-point,  ask  EDDY  BOOTH,  and 
get  into  the  argioment.  A 'hem,  I  myself 
think  the  California  lassies  are  hard  to 
beat,  don't  j'^ou? 

All  those  noticing  (JI^FF)  JEFFRIES 
moving  about  a  little  more  slowly  the 
last  week  or  so,  as  though  he  were  ready 
for  a  cane  and  tin  cup_,  will  be  inter- 
ested to  know  that  it  was  all  due  to 
breaking  in,  or  rather  being  broken  in 
by,  a  pair  of  new  glasses.  Viforse  than  a 
tight  pair  of  shoes,  eh,  Jeff,  but  all 
vdll  be  O.K.  in  time. 

I  see  where  LOUIE  UPIIIYER  has  return- 
ed from  his  exciting  trip  to  Seattle, 
Washington.  He  claims  it  is  a  fisher- 
man's paradise  vdth  those  nice  salirion 
trout  jumping  all  around  you  for  the 
taking.  How  d^es  that  sound  to  you  Cal- 
ifr»rnia  anglers — any  argument? 

I  alsQ  understand  there  is  a  gentle- 
man in  the  small  parts  department  who  is 
now  going  in  for  "bubble  baths".  Wouldnt 
you  ali  like  to  ask  DON  JOHNS  about 

In  conclusion,  I  would  like  to  brief- 
ly relate  the  misfortunes  of  little  JEil- 
MIE  APPLESTILL  on  Thursday  last,  as  a 
day  to  be  remanbered  by  Jimmy  for  some 

time.   It  was  3^32  P»M, Jimmy  was  on 

his  way  through  the  melee  to  check  out 
as  usual,  but  before  progressing  very 
far, his  badge  dropped  from  sight.  After 
much  scrambling  and  dodging  of  traffic, 
he  finally  met  with  success.  Upon  reach- 
ing his  car,  and  attempting  to  start  the 
m.ctcr,  there  was  a  very  loud  "BANG",  ac- 
companied with  a  large  puff  cf  smoke , 
You've  probably  visioned  hew  fast  a  per- 
son will  run  from  a  set  charge  of  dyna- 
lidte, — ^virell,  you  should  have  seen  Jimmy- 
can  he  move.'  Outside  of  running  out  of 
gas  before  reaching  home,  nothing  more 


Due  to  unavoidable  circuinstances,  a 
few  of  the  members  have  been  unable  to 
attend  recent  meetings.  The  Ryan  Play- 
ers now  consist  of : GERRY  '.VRIGHT,  DOROTHY 
and  ROB,i,RT  BUTTS. 

There  isn't  much  to  tell  on  the  Club's 
activities  but  sometime  this  May  you 
vdll  all  have  the  cpport unity  t->  see  our 
accom.plishments . 

Remember,  it's  "Our  Boarding  House". 
A  riot  from  start  tc  finish.' 




by  Penn  E.  Wise 

For  those  of  you  who  were  ccmpelled  to 
walk  through  the  mud  of  the  parking  lot, 
I  suggest  v.-earing  snowtshoes.  A  bit  in- 
convenient, I  knov/,  but  it  will  save  the 
wear  and  tear  on  your  vocabulary. 
*    •    * 

Hitler  must  have  had  a  terrible  time 

in  scliool.  He  is  still  holding  his  hand 

up.   Someone  should  tell  him  he  can  go 

Glamorous,  amorous,  and  petite 


•    *    • 

"Ijlusic  hath  charm  to  soothe  the  sav- 
age breast."  Have  you  heard  JaCK  "UST- 
L"R  tickle  the  piano  keys  yet? 

The  wind  must  blow  quite  hard  out 
where  EZTTf  FRANK  lives.  It  keeps  her 
hair  standing  on  end. 

*    •    • 

For  noontime  amustaent,  try  v/atching 
the  chuck  wagon  clerk  making  change  and 
keeping  his  eyes  on  a  dozen  pair  of 
hands  through  his  v/ares. 

RALPH  FLAND31S  has  sworn  off  gals 
thiit  chev/  gum.  He  tells  us  that  the 
last  time  he  associated  v.'ith  one  of 
those  female  guni  chav/in'  fiends,  it  took 
hiu  exactly  8  days  to  get  it  all  out  of 
his  moustache. 

»    ♦    * 

It  is  rumored  that  the  Ryan  Dramatic 
Club  may  become   the  Ryan  Matrimonial 
Club  in  the  very  near  future.  Close  ob-- 
servance  will  reveal  that  it's  off  to  a 
fair  start  now. 

that  men  should  vzear  a  necktie  to  match 
the  color  of  their  hair,  "/hat  about  the 


«    «    • 

The  personality  girl  of  the  week 


•    «    * 

The  dash  for  the  clock  house  each  nite 
after  work  is  a  spectacle  in  itoelf.  • 
It's  a  good  thing  the  clock  house  doesuV 

have  swinging  doors, 
slapped  in  the  puss, 

Someone  would  ge-t 

^■/liy  not  have  the  time  clocks  play  a 
musical  tune  each  time  a  card  is  punched? 
For  example,  if  one  rings  in  on  time  the 
clock  v;ill  play  "Time  on  My  Hands".  But 
if  one  is  late,  then  he  hears,  "Oh,  Beat 
Me  Daddy!" 



at  its  best- 


If  all  the  employees'  wives  knew  that 
the  cops  at  the  clock  house  were  inspec- 
ting the  lunches  they  put  up,  there 
v;ould  be  some  changes  made  somev;here. 

and  remember,   girls,   even  our 

great  statesmen  have  said  "iJo"  and  did- 
n' t  mean  it  I 

"I  CMV' 
If  you  think  you  are  beaten,  you  are. 
If  you  think  that  you  dare  not,  you  don't! 
If  you'd  like  to  win,  but  you  think  you 

It's  almost  a  cinch  you  v/on't. 
It's  as  true  as  the  stars  in  the  skies 
Thtt  out  in  the  world  you'll  find 
Success  begins  in  a  fellow's  thoughts. 
It's  all  in  the  state  of  mindl 
Full  many  a  race  is  lost 
:]re  ever  a  step  is  run; 
And  many  a  task  has  failed 
Before  it  was  ever  begun. 
Think  big  and  your  deeds  will  grow; 
Think  small  and  you'll  fall  behind; 
Think  that  you  can  and  you  will; 
It's  all  in  the  state  of  mindl 

If  you  think  you're  outclassed,  you  are. 

You've  got  totliink  high  to  rise; 

You've  got  to  think  well  of  yourself, 

Before  you  can  \rin   a  prize. 

Life's  battle  doesn't  always  go 

To  the  stronger  or  faster  man. 
But  soon  or  late,  the  man  v/ho  wins 

Is  the  fellow  who  thinks  he  cani 

Submitted  by 

Lawrence  Norton 
Machine  Shop,  Second  Shift 

B  E  H I  N  [)    T  H  [     SCENES 

'Here~rs  thT'sec^nd  of  our  series  of  "behind  the  Scenes"  articles  describing  the 
activities  in  the  Ryan  plitnt  and  their  relation  to  the  company's  com]aete  production 
program.  All  departments  are  invited  to  contribute  similar  articles.  Bud  Beery 
of  the  Wing  Department  will  probably  be  our  next  contributor^   

THE     I  In:  S  P  S  C  T  I  0  N     DEPARTMENT 
by  Mel  Thompson 

"Eternal  Vigilance  is  the  Price  of  Safety," 

That  motto — v/hicli  hangs  over  the  desk  of  the  chief  inspector  in  more  than  one 
American  aircraft  factory — guides  one  of  the  most  vital  phases  of  production  of 
airplanes  for  national  defense — inspection. 

Standing  guard  over  each  operation  in  every  department  in  the  nation's  air- 
craft plants  during  every  \torking  hour  are  thousands  of  inspectoi'S,  v.'hose  job  it  is 
to  eliminate  all  possibility  of  defective  raw  material  or  faulty  workmanship. 

The  work  of  inspection  starta  .the  mo- 
ment raw  materials  are  delivered  to  the 
factory  stockroom  and  continues  until 
the  completed  ship  has  been  serviced  and 
delivered  to  the  U.  S.  Army  or  Navy  or  a 
foreign  government. 


Inspection  falls  logically  into  two 
divisions;  first,  the  testing  and  check- 
ing of  all  ra.w  materials  and  of  the  pro- 
cess knov/n  as  fabrication  until  tlie 
first  frame  is  hung  in  the  fuselage  jig; 
second,  the  supervision  of  workmanship 
from  subajTsembly  through  the  final 
"tv;ice  over"  and  servicing. 

All  materials  are  purc}iased  and  ac- 
cepted only  if  they  are  in  complete  com- 
pliance with  specific  Air  Corps,  Navy, 
Federal  and  individual  aircraft  factory 
st£i.ndards.  These  rigid  inspections  fall 

into  a  number  of  categories visual, 

magnetic,   dimensional,   metallurgical, 
ciiemical,  etc.  There  a,re  numerous  other 
tests  for  tensile   3tre?igth,   v/earing 
qualities,   corrosion  resistance   and 
ability  to  withstand  shock. 

Small  parts,  such  as  rivets,  nuts, 
bolts,  etc.,  receive  a  "lot"  inspection; 
i.e.,  a  specified  number  of  the  pieces 
are  picked  at  random  from  each  shipment 
and  tested  for  strength,  finish,  etc.  If 
they  meet  the  tests,  the  entire  shipment 
is  accepted;   otherwise,  it  is  rejected. 

Particular  care  is  taken  to  see  that 
such  essentials  as  steel  and  aluminum 
forgings,   castings,   rods,  bars,  extru- 

sions and  sheet  metal  are  free  from  mi 

croscopic  cracks  and  fissures  and  have 
proper  physical  properties. 

An  elaborate  magnetic  inspection  test 
reveals  any  defects.  The  part  is  magne- 
tized, then  i/nmersed  in  a  kerosene  bath 
in  which  finely-divided  magnetic  powder 
is  suspended  and  which  adlieres  to  the 
metal  and  clearly  outlines  the  flaw  on 
magnetization  of  the  part. 


Sheet  metal  stock  is  inspected  for 
flatness,  gauge,  physical  properties  and 
general  appearance.  This  material,  used 
for  the  skin  or  outer  covering  of  the 
plane,  must  be  free  from  "waves"  or 

Tests  have  also  been  developed  for 
accessaries  made  from  fabric,  rubber, 
glass,  \/ood,  plastics,  brass,  bronze, 
etc.  Then  there  are  tests  for  engines, 
propellers,  parachutes,  flares  and  every 
other  bit  of  equipment  which  goes  into 
the  completed  ship, 


The  later and  equally  important — 

phases  of  inspection  start  when  the 
first  frame  is  hung  in  the  fuselage  jig 
and  continues  as  the  ship  passes  down 
the  line  to  have  parts  and  assemblies 

Inspection  ends  only  v;hen  the  com- 
pleted craft  is  ready  for  delivery  to 
its  purchaser. 

Subassembly  inspectors  are  on  duty  at 
all  times  to  \;atch  parts  as  they  are 
being  assembled.  Rivets,  nuts,  bolts 
and  clamps  must  be  as  specified  on  the 
(continued  on  next  page) 

■  r  ■  ■  l_ 

0".:    ::.''i^' 

:■-    A-  ':■-  ■' 


by  R.J.lIorkowski 


il  AIlITiiI>!AHCE 

by  I'at  Kelly 

.This  comes  from  a  bunch  of  happy  but 
aching  baseball  players.  Mappy  because 
of  an  opportunity  to  play  out  in  the  sun 
(something  that  a  great  many  of  us  are 
badly  in  need  of)  ivith  fellows  from  the 
other  departments  and  a  swell  bunch  they 
are — sore  and  aching  because  of  a  winter 
without  exercise,  spent  lazily  in  bed  or 
the  theatre. 

Fellows,  this  is  an  inter — department 
sport.  All  the  equipment  is  furnished 
by  your  ov/n  athletic  department.  Now 
let's  shovi  them  our  appreciation  by  com- 
ing out  in  droves,  lie  guarantee  that  no 
one  gets  "benched" — everyone  plays.  Vife 
are  out  for  fvm  and  well  see  that  every- 
one gets  it. 

VJhen  the  entertainment  committee 
starts  hunting  for  talent  we  hope  they 
don't  overlook  "COLLEEl'l"  COATS  and  "LIT- 
TUL  AUDRiiY"  iiVANS  who  do  a  routine  that 
v.'ould  put  the  Hollywood  Hoppers  Chorus 
of  Beauties  to  shame.  Or  the  "Trilling 
Trio"  composed  of  THOMAS,  COATS  and 
EVAI'''S  v;ho  insist  on  offering  a  selection 
at  the  slightest  provocation  (dam  them) 

FLOYD  BEI'JIIETT  carrying  that  new  S-T 
collector  reminds  us  of  the  snake  charm- 
er we  sav;  at  the  circus.  (lio  fellows, 
the  charmer,  not  the  snake.)  "FERGIS" 
FERGUSEN  is  a  past  master  at  snake 
charming.  You  should  have  seen  him  play- 
ing the  flute  sitting  on  the  floor  cross- 
legged  with  a  102  stainless  specie  coil- 
ed up  in  front  of  him. 

Thank  goodness  that  "BUTCH"  and  "RED" 
BECKER  have  good  constitutions.  It  took 
them  only  one  day  to  lick  the  Flu. 

"more about '"  TI-!E  INSPECTION  DEPARTI'lENT 

blue  print  and  they  must  be  fitted  to- 
gether properly.  The  tools  used  by  the 
workmen  are  passed  on  by  the  inspector, 
as  is  the  quality  of  worki.ianship. 

Tanks,  motor  mo\mts,  landing  gears, 
wings, tail  and  control  surfaces,  hydrau- 
lics, instruments,  cable  and  electrical 
installations,  and  motors-all  of  which 
have  already  been  carefully  checked — are 
given  additional  inspection  during  final 

Once  the  ship  is  canpleted,  shop 
practice  in  many  plants  permits  it  to 
stand  on  the  assembly  line  for  a  day  or 
two.  Groups  of  engineers,  inspectors 
and  other  experts  climb  over  and  through 
it,  hunting  for  any  little  defects  which 
may  liave  slipped  past  the  departmental 

Big  ED  RUIZ,  formerly  ono  of  us,  is 
now  ^^dth  the  Army.  The  mess  sarg  who 
chows  Big  Ed.  is  to  be  pitied.  Lots  of 
luck,  Ed.  and  lots  of  bunk  fatigue. 

By  the  way,  wonder  why  someone  hasn't 
conceived  a  service  flag  of  some  descrip- 
tion for  windov/  display? 

BILL  CUilDIFF  has  returned  to  duty  af- 
ter tangling  up  with  a  sander  and  a  drop 
har,imer.  Thej-  threw  him.  for  a  loss  but 
they  couldn't  dent  his  big  smile,  CARCY 
BALLARD,  timekeeper,  is  also  back  on  the 

HAROLD  HILL  says  the  fishing  off 
Tierra  del  Fuego  is  excellent  though  its 
a  right  smart  piece  south  of  the  border. 
Incident lly,  he  is  extremely  proud  of 
his  new  G.E.  which  he  promptly  branded 
vjith  a  lazy  H. 

We  all  ki-iew  K.  0.  BURT  had  n\any  fine 
dramatic  expressions  but  were  a  bit 
startled  to  learn  that  he  vjent  in  for 
the  "theatai'i"  professionall3''. 

Names  for  the  late  type  planes  re- 
called several  heard  some  20  odd  years 
ago  on  many  lips.  How  many  of  you  re- 
member S.E.  5,  Spad,  Handley-Page ,  Kieu- 
port,  Cuadron,  Farman,  Caproni?  And  a- 
cross  the  lines  were  the  Taube,  Alba- 
tross, Fokker,  These  babies  had  no 
wings  of  flajne,  but  they  got  there  just 
the  same. 

Buen  venido  to  JONES,  TAYLOR  and  BER- 

GETv,   new  hands. 

•  tiiiniKKii'Muio'i 


If  something,  no  matter  how  trivial, 
seems  to  require  attention,  the  finder 
makes  a  note  on  a  large  card  which  hangs 
from  the  nose  of  the  plane.  Almost  be- 
fori^  he  has  finished  his  scrav;l,that 
something  is  receiving  careful  attention. 

Inspectors  are  chosen  for  their  abil- 
ity to  perform  specific  checks.  Host  of 
them  come  from  the  bench  where  they  de- 
veloped a  pride  in  their  workmanship  <, 
Many  final  assembly  and  flight  inspec- 
tors have  seen  actual  flying  service 
vdth  the  Federal  government,  with  com- 
mercial airlines  and  in  private  opera- 
tions. All  of  them  are  fitted  for  their 
particular  assignment  and  are  permitted 
to  operate  in  that  assignment  only. 

All  these  thousands  of  operations  are 
absolutely  necessary,  for  aeronautical 
engineers  point  out  that  failure  of  the 
smallest  pai't  of  an  airplane  may  lead  to 

m  f-^^;. 

I    4 


f — 


by  V^es  Burroughs 

Kov;  many  of  jom-  latent  povfors  havo 
you  developed?  Do  jow  realise  that  -.'ith- 
in  you  Ii..ies  that  irresist:\bl.5  soinetliino- 
that  all  v.romen  Do  you  havu  to  be 
handsome  to  have  a  plentiful  supply  of 
leinininity  at  your  beck  call?  The 
•answer  is,     NO. 

In  fact,  forget  a].l  -bout  your  latent 
powers,  that  is  just  a  ga^^'.  But  to  be 
really  popular  like  our  friend  GIELI 
SKADIiL  in  the  cutting  departjuont ,  all 
that  is  necessary  is  to  send  your  nanie, 
address,  and  description  to  i-rs.  Canning, 
able  operator  of  the  eighteen  to  eighty 
club  (along  w_th  the  nondnal  suni  of  two 
dollars  each  month)  and  in  return  she 
•Till  ari-ango  as  many  dc'.tes  for  you  as 
you  care  to  have. 

Can  any  of  you  tell  us  v;here  you  can 
get  so  much  for  so  little  during  this 
dry  of  rising  prices?  If  so,  please  con- 
tact S.  P.  CHRISTIE  of  the  ?land  Finish- 
ing Department,  atio  because  of  his  be,-:u- 
tiful  curly  locks  certainly  shouldn't 
have  to  pay  this  nuch.  He  claiins  that  he 
can  have  as  ni.'iny  dates  as  he  vfants,  b'ut 
admits  that  a  little  v'ariety  might  be 

■■Te  are  rather  pusEled  about  the  ac- 
tions of  BOB  MORGAN,  the  second  shift 
furnace  operator.  It  was  r-oi.'i.ored  around 
the  (iepa,rtm'jrit  a  co-uple  of  weeks  ago  that 
Bob's  gii'l  friend  v;as  becoming  displeased 
a-jout  Eob  having  to  vrork  nights.  It  was 
also  hinted  that  if  soniething  vrasn't 
done  about  the  situation  there  vc.s  likely 
to  be  a  parting  of  the  v^-ys.  I'.'ell,  after 
Bob  transferred  to  the  day  shift,  things 
seein  to  have  gone  nicely  for  the  grand 
period  of  three  days.  Bob  is  v,o\r  back 
on  the   second  shift. 

Vfe  a.ll  know  thrt  women  are  apt  to  bo 
a  little  fickle,  but  v/iu'.t  ire  are  iHiable 
to  find  is  if  the  tlireatened  breech  oc- 
c\u'"red  in  :;,pite  of  the  ch;inge  in  shifts 
or  if  the  apple  of  Bob's  ej'-e  decided 
that  roiiiancf^  doesn't  flourish  any  better 
"onder  c,he  cilvery  betuns  of  the  moon  than 
it  does  during  broad  daylight. 

'.''Jo  vroulc'n't  want  to  be  the  one  to 
suggest  that  cold  air  flo^'*dng  down  the 
back  of  one's  neck,  v'hile  holding  down 
the  ria)-,ilde  seat  of  a  "llui-dei'  Cycle", 
vro'uld  be  a  determining  factor  in  favor 
of  the  "woik  at  niglit;  v:oe  during  the 
dajr"  systeju.  (I 'in  sorry,  bvit  some  say  it 
is  spelled  ''WOO",  but  uf  coui'se  that  is 
the  single  man's  way  of  spelling  it.) 
Heavens  help  me  if  my  wife  should  find 
out  that  I  v.Tote  this. 

JACK  I'ilWRICK,  the  fellow  who  oper- 
ates the  tank  that  puts  waves  in  a  per- 
fectly smoct)i  part,  has  been  having 
quite  a  time  lately.  Saturday  afternoon 
he  teloj-'honed  to  inform  us  that  he 
wouldn't  be  able  to  get  to  work  until 
eight  o'clock,  as  he  had  to  straighten 
out  soia..  buriness  about  a  window.  Ilon- 
day  iThen  asl':ed  about  having  this  trouble 
iTith  a  v»'indo",T  and  not  being  able  to  get 
to  work  at  all  on  Saturday,  he  replied, 
"I  ..guess  it  must  have  been  because  I  vras 
30  -.found  up  that  I  put  an   "N"   in  tddow. " 

3imd<;,.y  they  decided  to  go  to  a  b-all 
gfjiie,  but  the  gateman  tried  to  reason  hL-'i,   but  to  no  avail .      So  Jack  >)ays 

his  hard  earned  (?)  money  and  goes  in 

just  in  time  to  see  (???)  them  flash  the 
score  for  the  last  half  of  the  ninth. 
Poor  Jack  has  been  having  too  iriuch  trou- 
ble lately so  please  don't  kid  him  too 

much  about  the  v/idow, 

Ther<::  is  some  ,guy  in  this  department, 
on  the  second  shift  v;e  believe,  who  is 
so  Ignorant  he  insists  on  spelling  "Rope" 
v/ith  a  "D". 

Last  Sunday  one  of  our  men  had  his 
family  out  for  an  afternoon  ride,  on  the 
Ramona-Lakoside  Highway.  A  car  -ahinzed 
past  hi) .  rrlth  what  appeared  to  be  one 
Iierson  in  it.  Ho  thought  he  recognized 
the  fellow  as  C.  G.  RUSH.  A  little  fur- 
ther down  the  highway  he  saw  tlie  same 
car  parked  in  a  siiady  grove.  Yep  I  It 
vras  C.  G.  RUSH  all  right,  but  by  golly, 
there  viere  V'lo  persons  in  the  car.  You 
just  h.M.d  to  look  tivice  to  tell.  Uovr  why 
would  :•  gu;;,'  v/ant  to  be  v;asting  IrLs  time 
like  that? 

"Te  Y.dsh     to  take  this  opportunity     to 
thank  the  many  of  you  ivho  contributed  so 

(continued  on  second  follovdng  page) 

T  H  S 

A  1.:  E  R  I  C  A  N 

U  S  I  N  1^ 

S  Y  S  T  E  LI 

BULLETIN  NO.  3  -  Tliis  is  the  tliird  of  a  series  of  bulletins  which  vail  appear  reg- 
ularly in  the  RYAi;  FLYINQ  Rl::PORTEii.  to  describe  for  the  ^lerican  working  .man  facts 
you  v/ill  want  to  know  about  the  Araerican  business  sjr-jtemj  to  tell  how  businesses 
are  built;  to  p.>;plain  hovs  they  are  operated  and  to  define  the  position  that  busi- 
ness occupies  in  Araerican  life. 


If  the  truck  driver  "iJUsiness  man  does  a  good  job  riirjiing  his  business  alone; 
if  he  is  successful  in  selectint'j:  .^'oou  assistants  and  plarjiing  work  for  them  and 
te.v.ching  them;  if  he  vrinc  the  trust  and  interest  of  his  asnist.ants  by  honesty  and 
ability,  he  may  bo  able  to  ouilc  his  business  until  it  is  so  big  that  he  can't  look 
after  all  of  it  himself.  If  the  business  gets  that  big,  the  bor;s  vill  have  to 
create  departments  and  assign  :.\en  to  head  thos<^  departments  and  to  manage  certain 
parts  of  the  business.  One  of  the  department  heads  vdll  manage  the  job  of  finding 
customers,  another  vdll  manage  the  job  of  keeping  the  trucks  repaired  and  running, 
,e  vdll  manage  the  routing  for  pick-ups  and  deliveideo,  another  may  run  the  job  of 


keeping  accoimts  and  collecting  the  bills. 

BUSINESS      PUTS     THE     BOSSES     ''O  N     THE     SPOT 


In. a  large  business  the  department 
executives  often  learn  to  do  theii'  o\,n 
work  better  than  the  big  boss  coidd  do 
it.  The  job  of  the  big  Loss  is  to  de- 
cide vrfiat  should  be  done  and  to  keep  the 
department  heads  workirg  together  to  do 
it.  If  the  big  boss  is  to  do  his  job 
well,  he  must  bo  able  to  respect  his  as- 
sistants and  appreciate  their  ariiities, 
and  he  must  win  theii-  appreciation  and 
respect.  Q 

The  head  of  a  business  must  /'  |>'>-~-. 
be  fair  and  honest  to  .gain  the  '•'■ 
respect  of  his  department 
heads.   The  department  heads 
must  be  fair  and  honest  to 
gain  the  respect  of  the  boss, 
the  respect  of  other  depart- 
m.ent  hieads  and  the  respect  and  >^^ 
co-operation  of  their  owii  men.  '■'•—- — ,..~v" 

If  the  boss  is  unf;dr  to  customers. 




liis  department  heads  vdll  find  out  about 
it  and  vdll  realize  that  sooner  or  later 
he  vdll  be  unfair  to  them.  In  that  case 
they  will  distrust  him  and  •'.dll  bo  un- 
able to  vioik  vdth  him  vrhole-hearterlly. 
llhen  chances  come  to  get  other  jobs,  the 
departmenb  heads  vdll  leave,  and  the 
busines?  T-m  suffer  from  inefficiency 
caused  by  frequent  changes  and  j.ack  of 

If  one  of  the  department 

heads  is  unfair  vdth  bis  as- 

5:istants,  the  other  ocpart- 

ment  heads  will  take  note  of 

it  and  realize  that  he  will 

be  unfair  idth  them  if  he 

gets  the  chance.  So  they  vdll 

.^_^..'>  distrust  him,  and  sooner  or 

^^^        later  he  will  lose  their  co- 

-•'■'^'^       operation  and  hds  work  udll 

suffer.   fjooner  or  later  the  boss  vdll 

have  to  dinmiss  him. 





At  times  the  boss  seems  slov/  to  learn  that  a  nan  is  wrong,  but  he  is  not  usu- 
ally as  slov;  as  he  seems  to  be.  A  capable  business  man  stidves  patiently  to  help 
his  men  correct  their  faults,  t^nd  often  he  is  successful,  but  if  he  discovers  that 
a  man  lacks  the  character  that  is  required  in  important  positions  in  business,  he 
laust  dismiss  him.  If  ho  fails  to  do  that,  he  will  eventually  wreck  his  business 
and  lose  the  money  that  iie  has  invested  in  th.e  business.    (continued  on  next  page) 

YtTTien  a  man  conducts  a  with- 
out assistants,  he  has  to  fct  along  with 
only  himself  and  his  customers.  When  a 
business  gets  big  and  employs  a  lot  of 
people,  it  is  necessary  that  they  get  a- 
lonp  vdth  each  other  so  that  they  can 
v'ork  together.  It  is,  of  course,  diffi- 
cult for  all  of  the  people  in  a  larc;e 
group  to  like  all  of  the  other  people  in 
the  group  equally  well,  but  it  is  neces- 
sary that  £ll  of  the  people  in  a  business 
like  each  ot  her  well  enough  to  vork  to- 
gether without  trouble. 

However,  the  eyecutives  of  a  business 
must  like  each  other  very  well  in  order 
to  operate  the  business  efficiently.  Men 
V'ho  direct  the  different  departments  iri 
a  business  iJo  not  alv;ays  have  the  same 
opinions  about  policies  and  methods.  At 
times  they  will  find  it  necessary  to  dis- 
a.fjree  vith  each  other  and  to  ar^ue   the 

merits  of  their  opinions  until  they  can 
agree  on  a  plan  that  seems  likely  to  be 
beneficial  to  the  business.  In  order  to 
conduct  such  arguirents  sensibly,  intel- 
ligently and  without  anger,  it  is  abso- 
lutely necessary  that  the  executives  of 
a  business  like  each  other  ,  and  the 
liking  Eiu^t  be  based  on  mutual  respect 
and  integrity. 

If  a  man  is  unfair  and  not  entirely 
h.onest,he  is  not  respected  or  trusted  by 
his  associates.  If  he  argues  to  support 
his  opinion,  his  associates  will  suspect 
that  he  has  a  selfish  or  unfair  purpose, 
and  they  will  discount  his  opinion  or  ig- 
nore it.  .Such  a  man  cannot  occupy  a 
permanent  position  as  an  executive  in  an 
efficient  business.  His  presence  in  a 
business  v.'ill  cause  dissension,  which 
will  destroy  efficiency  and  eventually 
ruin  the  tusiness. 


A  business  must  be  operated  efficient- 
ly if  it  is  to  continue  to  exist  and  to 
provide  jobs.  Efficient  operation  is 
possible  only  '."hen  the  executives  of  the 
business  are  reasoiiably  intelligent  and 
thoroughly  co-operative  so  that  they  can 
exchange  inforjaation  freely  and  v.'ith 
complete  confidence.  Co-operation  and 
confidence  are  secured  only  when  every 
executive  of  a  business  places  complete 
trust  in  the  integrity  of  his  associates. 
Now  and  then  vre  observe  a  business 
that  seems  to  get  alon'-^  without  co-oper- 
ation and  without  integrity  and  we 
wonder  how. But  sooner  or  later  Vi;e  learn 

'"more  DROP-HAl'Jlt^R  IIE'/S 

unstintingly  to  our  call  for  aid  for 
CLAYTCIJ  RUSTON.  And  we  are  proud  fjid 
happy  to  announce  that  Kiss  Kathleen 
Sherwin  aiid  d-aar  old  "Rusty"  are  now  Ilr. 
and  Its.  and  our  warmest  congratulations 
to  both  of  you. 

Although  he  does  not  work  at  Ryans  we 
are  sure  he  has  many  adiiiirers  viho  do;  so 
we  give  ycu  this  latest  nexv;:;  flash  -  Ljt. 
and  Krs.  Dagwood  Eumstead  are 
a  blessed  event.  According  to  our  as- 
trologers it  vdll  be  a  girl.  llrs.  Bum- 
stead  is  known  to  her  many  friends  as 
"Blondie".  Don't  say  we  di-dn't  te].l  you. 

L.  F.  H;iJndIlGTO!;  recently  took  a 

that  the  business  is  gone  or  is  under 
new  ma  nagement . 

Everj'  once  in  a  v.'hile  we  hear  of  the  - 
success  of  some  fellow  whom  we  Icnow  to 
be  lacking  in  charactez-  and  vre  wonder 
how  he  does  it.   But  eventually  the  gob- 
lins get  him. 

Such  observations  emphasize  the  fact 
thf,t  the  i:ien  who  remain  permanently  in 
important  positions  in  j\merican  business 
are  men  of  high  character,  who  can  win 
and  held  the  trust  of  other  executives 
in  the  s.^iie  businesses,  and  v-ho  are  re 
spected  and  trusted  by  executives  of 
other  businesses. 

written  examination  for  a  Civil  Service 
job.  One  of  the  questions  v/as  to  define 
vacuuiTi.  L.  F.  says  he  couldn't  put  it 
"down  on  raper  exactly,  but  lie  iiad  it  in- 
his  head. 

A  few  of  the  boys  in  the  Drop  Hammer 
Department  have  been  working  hard  for 
the  past  two  months  to  get  the  Ryan  Sad- 
dle i^ilots,  horseback  riding  Club, 
started.  It  seems  that  most  of  the  fel]- 
ov-;s  are  from  this  departr.ient .  How  about 
giving  us  a  hand  to  make  this  a  club  for 
the  whole  factory? 

If  you  don't  know  how  to  ride,  so 
what?  iwen  Cody  and  Kit  Carson  had  to 

Rally  around  the  barn,  boys  and  girls. 


by  E.   Roehnholdb 


In  these  dajs  of  vmacitlod  viluec-i, 
everyone  is  looking  for  safe  invest^acnt,". 
The  mind  shovfs  us  xihat  v.'e  waiit.  io  do  and 
lcnov«'led£re  is  onJ.j'  a  schol;.ir'  for  the  nur- 
poae  of  the  mind. 

If  v;e  have  no  -./orthy  n.otive  to  in- 
spire ovj:  actions^  if  v;e  h-vve  no  hi,;;'h 
purpose  to  v.'hich  vie  h?^ve  dedicated  our- 
selves, our  knovfledge  rmiy  brin*^  us  only 
disappointment . 

Knorrledf^e  and  ey.perience 
is  one  of  tlie  heaviest  '.rar- 
dens  that  a  navi  laust  bear; 
so  then,  knoi. 'ledge  has  l.e- 
corae  the  vital  elei.ient,  the 
very  life  IJ.ood  of  modern 
civilization.  Then  the 
heir^ht  of  wisdom  is  the 
rational  adi;iin:.istj.'atinn  of 

Y.Tien  a  inman  assimilates 
lcnowledg'3,  he  inust 
that  his  Vv'isdon  is  limited 
by  the  amount  of  kno^v'led£■e 
Ids  mind  jia s  stored  av/ay. 

It  is  just  like  having 
money  in  the  ban)-:.  You  can 
only  draviT  out  \fhat  you  have 
deposited  J  yet  there  are 
some,  v.'ho  tiy  overdraiving 
this  account.  So  vfhen  they 
are  admonished  for  their 
shortage  (insufficient  knuvf- 
ledge),  they  cry  to  high 
heaven  of  injustice  and  talk 
about  offending  destiny. 

Vilien  in  doubt  as  to  hov;  to 

invest invest     in  yourself, 

Py  that  is  mofcnt,      in  theL^iv- 
provement     of  \our  abilities 



^f  em  /cnouy 

These  days,  one  meets  up  vdth  a  lot 
of  youi\e'  folks  v;ho  are  av.-ay  from  koine 
seeking  faeir  07m  way  in  this  busy  iTorld, 
of  ours.  I  i;onder  if  they  stop  to  con- 
sider that  e.   loved  one mother,  dad, 

sister  or  brother  would  like  to  hear 

iroia  them hovr  tiiey  are  doing and 

.er     T(\rritten  novi  may  ease  thai. 

that  a  le!: 
v.-orrieJ  f^ 

■'ling  for  those  at  home. 
3o,  !:y  friends,   a  letter  at  this  time 
—or  still 
on  Ilothrr' ; 

better,      something  for  Mother 



—  "fhich  is  every  day. 
— E.   Rceliraholdt 

and     tne 
sphere  of 

ext-'nsion     of     the 
yoiu-  knowledge  and 

Capital  is  condensed  labor. 
It  is  nothing  until  labor 
takes  hold  of  it.  Tlxe  living 
laborer  sets  free  the  con- 
densed labor  and  makes  it  as- 
sujfle  some  form  of  ut.ilj.ij'-. 
Capital  and  labor  ;.re  one, 
and  they  Vv'ill  draw  nearer  to 
each  other  as  the  world  ad- 
vances in  intellect  and  good- 
ness.— David  Swing. 


T  H 

G  H   0  S  T 

i   A  -ij 

You  can  tell  "oLEEPY"  HC-RII  cane  frora 
the  land  of  grass  and  chipmunks.  '"Sleepy" 
always  climbs  on  the  highest  seat  to 
doze  and  eat,  Vfetch  your  nibbling, 


I  wonder  if   "SLIM"  C0ATE3  and  "T."£ASEL" 

EVAi'^S  will  over  stop  their  f  j.ghtinf;?  They 

fight  every  ni/^-ht     but  nevoi'  stiera  to  £-et 

anywhere,    "Weasol''   ought  to  bo  s  shamed  of 

himself.     A  big  bruiser  like  him  picking 



on     a     little     feller 

"Slim"     ali.'ays     seeuu: 
Stay    with  hin,     "Slim", 

like     "Slim", 


lis  ovm. 
let  hiia 

in  foundry  2nd 
DUZE  out  for  a 

scare  you. 


"TTALLY"  J^ALLQTT,  lead 
shift,  sent  JOE  "BOTTLE" 
bottle  of  Prop  vfash.  Joo  havin;;  been 
here  for  only  four  months  spent  nearly 
an  hour  hiuiting  prop  v;ash,  •v.hich  ^voes  to 
shor.-  you  that  you  can't  even  trust  yo'jr 
lead  ma.n  sometimes — for  shcime,    "'Jally". 


y/hat  a  Sunday  it  v;asJ  "i.USCLE"  RASS- 
l.iUSSEN  gave  a  party  and  asked  the  boys 
out.  "Muscle"  provided  the  "dates"  but 
the  boys  failed  to  shov/  up.  "'Ji.STY"  PID- 
GOGK  was  sick  and  "DOOMED"  ZOOK  took  the 
future  Mrs.  Zook  to  the  mountainj.  'Of 
course  you  fellovrs  know  Zook  is  being 
married  in  about  30  days,  (Sounds  like  a 
jud;^e's  sentence.)  All  o-or  sympathy 
to  you,  Zook. 


I  see  "TIIW"  GREY  vron  his  captain's 
bars.  You  know  hoi:  it  goes  vfhen  one  good 
man  goes  up  a  notch,  another  fi.lls  his 
shoes  or  should  I  say  "scoiva". 


Oiu-  sympathy  to  "MOKGE"  of  the  bake 
oven  2nd.  "Bake"  started  home  the  other 
night  but  he  took  an  av/ful  spill,  I 
thought  he  liad  his  mount  bettei-  trained 
than  thr.t  but  I  guess  a  fellov/  never 
gets  too  old  to  learn.  Sorry,  "Bake". 


I  viSiS  told  that  LEE  "BUCK"  1VALI(ER 
likes  to  vralk  so  i/ell  he  rides  out  and 
lets  his  horse  throw  him  off  so  he  can 
walk  home.  It  coiLLd  not  have  been  the 
horse  because  when  JOHNSOW  of  the  sand 
blast  got  on  the  same  horse,  it  went 
right  to  sleep.  Maybe  .it  vias  because  he 
knevf     the  sandman     t:as  on  hin pun  — 

Moral  of  this  story,  "It  i-ays  to  have 
a  little  sand." 


Oh  v'hy  can't  we  do  something  about 
that  TT^ZJ,'  horn  at  lunch  tL-ne,  VJe  ha-ve 
only  30  Liinutes  of  quiet  in  eight  hour\s 
and  someone  has  to  start  blovdng  that 
^^^'M'^  horn. 


FL0Y3   "CFSiT'  BEMinLTT  moved  over  to 
the  1st  for  a  v/eek.  I  don't  know  what  he 
did  there  but  the  "s-tacks"  started  look- 
ing better  right  av.-ay.  Thanks,  "Chew", 

Have  any  of  you  fu3.1oviG  heard  aboirt 
our-  inventor's  nev/  device  for  gardening? 
He  already  has  a  wonderful  "revolver" 
that  is  counter  balanced  and  has  every- 
thing. But  his  seed  planting  business 
I  don't  understand 

He  says  he  puts  his  seed  in  a  piece 
of  paper  tape  spaced  one  inch  apart,  and 
then  a  layer  of  fertilizer  in  a  piece  of 
tape  on  top  of  that.  Then  he  has  a  gad- 
get to  puJ.l  the  dirt  in  afterwards.  He 
says  all  he  has  to  do  is  roll  up  the 
tape,  put  i.t  in  the  machine,  start  the 
machine  up  and  go  buiy  himself — or  some- 
tliing — 


Must  frequent  other  haunts,  so  good 
stfcks  to  you  all  till  next  edition. 


Saturo.ay,  April  19th,  is  tlie  night 
that  Ryan  oowlers  have  been  v.'aiting  for! 
At  the  nev:  bowling  alleys  near  the  Mar- 
ine Base,  the  Ryan  Office  Team  and  the 
Ryan  En^,^ineeilng  Team  will  do  their  best 
in  t  he  San  Diego  City  Bovding  Champion- 
ships. These  tvro  teams  vdll  be  holding 
up  the  reputation  of  the  Ryan  Boivling 
League  and  the  least  we  can  do  is  to 
come  out  and  give  them  a  cheer  as  they 
have  but  the  one  night  to  do  their  all. 

There  will  also  be  singles  and  dou- 
bles in  x/hich  the  League  will  be  repre- 
sented hy  the  outstanding  bowlers  of  the 
past  season.  Cone  one — come  all I  And 
give  the  boys  the  sujiport  they  rightly 

iHi-    -iHi-    ^Kr 


The  men  v.ho  try  to  do  something  and  fail 
are  infinitely  better  than  those  who  try 
to  do  nothing  and  succeed. 




0i'^"'^lTIM£  CLOCK 

z^/ Ir^^ 


by  Ken  I  urray 

V;h;lT  good  is  a  i.!ACHIK.d  GUaKD? 

All  our  machines  are  well  guarded 
and,  believe  rae,  all  the  g\iards  stay  in 
place  all  the  tLnie  they're  runnin;:;.' 

A  nevj  tine  card  showed  up  in  the  rack 
this  iriorning  for  John,  and  like  all  new 
comers  Rusty  started  hii:i  out  with  seme 
good  advice  about  machine  guards. 

Rusty  tcld  Jolin  that  our  Company  had 
spent  a  !lot  of  money  to  make  our  machines 
as   safe  as   possible. 

A"'.E0,  that  this  wasn't  because  the 
boys  here  didn't  know  hov-  to  operate  the 
machines,  as  most  of  them  have  all  the 
ansv;ers . 

Rusty  ',vent  on,  "Now,  John,  all  of  us 
know  better  than  to  put  our  fingers  in 
between  revolving  gears  or  the  dies  of  a 
press,   or  into  a  turnint^  fl.-.TA-heel. 

"But  the  trouble  is  that  sometimes  we 
forget  to  remember.' 

"You  see,  John,  we  know  that  a  mach- 
ine v.dll  UEUally  do,  but  we  don't  know 
alwavs  wliat  a  human  being  will  do. 

"Some  day  you  may  be  absent  minded, 
0.T  a  little  sick  or  v;orried  about  some- 
thing. You  won't  be  quite  as  fast  or 
a].ert  as  usual.  That's  when  your  hand 
or  some  other  part  of  your  body  may  get 
into  some  olace  it  shouldn't  be. 

"That's  when  a  machine  guard  pays  for 
itself  a  hundred  times  over, — by  saving 
a  finger,  or  a  hand  or  an  arm  or  a  foot 
or  a  leg. 

^^3o  you  see,  John,  these  guards  have 
been  put  on  to  protect  us.  Eut  they 
won't  do  anyone  any  good  if  they're  on 
the  floor  or  hanging  up  on  i,he  vail.  The 
guards  have  ^:ot  to  be  kept  on  the  mach- 
ines .' 

"I  knov/  you  want  to  take   care  of  your- 
self,  your  folks  at  home  and  your  futux'e. 
That's     the  betit  reason     there  is  to  use 
the     machine     guards     that     you'll     find 


PAUL  ViiAL  is  the  papa  of  a  baby  girl. 
If  you  are  around  Veal's  bench  sometime 
and     hear     something     that   sounds       like. 

that's  the  buttons 
shirt.  He  had  just 
papa — hmjnm,   and     so 

machine     gun     fire, 
flying     off     Veal's 
remembered  he     was  a 
yoiing,   too]. 

FOB  (LEAVr:  A  NOTii)  GARDIMLR  is  having 
a  bit  of  trouble  with  a  certain  welder. 
"Bob,  try  a  ball  and  chain — it  might 

LITTLJi  TRUCKEY  journeyed  to  the  lakes 
and  after  a  lot  of  waiting  caught  a  5^ 
lb.  bass.  Darn  neqr  as  big  as  he  is.' 
How  about  it,  Truclcey? 

Attention  all  you  Fems.'  We  have  heard 
much  about  the  different  sports  here  at 
Ryan's  but  none  of  them  have  ever  men- 
tioned Ilidget  Auto  Racing.  I  am  proud 
to  say  we  have  (quiet  and  attention, 
girls)  a  verj"  cute  young  aspirant  here 
in  the  welding  shop.  He  owns  his  own 
car  and  is  very  interested  in  the  sport. 
I  believe  that  someday  we  v;ill  all  be 
looking  up  to  MOLL  COATH  as  a  big  tiiae 
drive  I'.  Now  for  you  gals,  if  you  want 
something  that  is  different  and  exciting 
and  a  chance  to  travel  around  a  little, 
just  contact  your  scribe  and  I'll  arrange 
an  inti'oduction  to  this  bashful  boy.  I 
believe  that  when  the  !.:idget  Races  start 
here  in  '.lay,  we  should  all  get  behind 
Noel  and  give  him  a  great  big  send  off 
en  his  first  race  and  a  career  that  is 
darn  interesting.      I  should  know. 

To  GEORG-i  LA.-!a  from  me— "I  heard  the 
IJavy  is  looking  around,  George.  Better 
be  a  good  boy  or  I'll  talk." 

See  you  all  later. 


by  S.M.  Halley 

I'e  fellows  cfthe  sheet  metal  assembly 
departraent  have  lost  a  fine  lead  man. 
CH.ARLES  IiANG^R,  better  known  as  BLDLALIP, 
has  gone  over  to  North  Island  and  Bill 
lELrj..R  is  taking  his  place.  Smart  fellow 
too.  Guess  we'll  get  a  lot  of  work  done 
under  his  helping  hand. 

Did  you  hear  about  one  of  our  number? 
Too  bad  for  ART  SHUBERT.  He  is  getting 
a  ball  and  chain  on  April  13th.  Con- 
gratulations to  him  aid  Beatrice  Bromilow 
and  v^e  wish  them  many  years  of  happiness. 
\Jhat  is  v;orth  doing  at  all  is  worth  do- 
ing well. 

So  long  . , 

E  N  G   I  N  E  li;  E  I  N  G 

b.y       V.    J.    P  A  R  K,    J  R. 

I  am  caught  short  this  v/sek.  Today  is 
deadline  day,  v;hich  leaves  me  one  day 
behind  time.  I  would  have  svrorn  this 
'.-.'as  Thursday,  but  tlie  dear  ole  time 
clock  said  that  I'd  already  vfoi'ked  Thurs- 
day and  could  not  vrork  two  Thursciays  per 
vreek-( unconstitutional,  don't  you  knovv). 
Imagine  my  chagrin. 

VJhat  ignorant  Pennsylvania  boy  doesn't 
knorai     enough  to  come     in  out  of  the  sxin? 
BOB  CLOSE  spent  last  Sunday  nt  tlie  beach 
and  hasn't  l^een  able  to  sit  on  his  stool 


I  -.i-onder  if  that  blonde  has  I'idden  a 
street  car  yet?  I  don't  dare  mention  any 
names  in  this  case,  but  if  you'll  ask 
FRED  THUDIDl/I,   he  can  tell  you  all  right. 

V/hat  is  it  that     BILL  KELLER  keens  in 

his  desk  dravrer  to  vrard  off  the  gripers? 
Gripe  him  sometime  and  find  out. 

BOB  WMSCH 1  hear  your  for 

tiu-ninrj  cuh  vrark  has  increased  1%  since 
B/iRB;\RA  has  moved  aci'oss  the  way. 

GEORGE  GILDPlRSIJiVE are     you     really 

married  or  is  that  the  housekeeper's 

Vifondor  irhy  EARL  KOPS  was  so  anxious 
to  read  this  column  before  I  turned  it 
in?  A  i'.;uilty  conscience,  no  doubt.  Hoiv 
about  it,  Earl,  is  there  something  I 
should  not  knov. 

VJhy  does  JOHN  VAN  DER  LINDE  get  so 
mad  r:hen  you  extend  him  a  helping  hand? 
(Quote  and  ^inquote  by  BOB  EVANS.) 

This  is  all  the  dirt  I  could  run  down 

in  ten  minutes  so 
your  not. 

73",  Mac.   O.K.! 


A  3  S 

C  H 


by  R  0  Y   RYAN 

Final  Assembly  has  decided  to  stop 
out  and  show  itself  I  We  have  not  given 
our  all  to  the  Flying  Reporter  before, 
but  here  vre  come  at  last. 

V,'e  to  xvelcome  all  tiie  nev.'comers 
(v;ho  are  too  numerous  to  mention)  to  Fi- 
nal Assembly,  There  are  many  o.uesLions 
and  problems  that  you  vdll  have,  so  fee]. 
free  to  ask  the  older  gang  as  m;iny  ques- 
tions as  you  want  and  in  that  W3ywewi!.l 
have  better  work  and  faster  production. 

After  our  long  period  of  waiting  for 
the  ST-3  to  come  into  production,  Y^e  are 
finally  seeing  them  move  along  the  pro- 
duction line.  It  is  a  fine  ship  to  work 
on.  The  larger  fuselage  gives  the  mech- 
anic more  room  Lo  '..'ork,  which  in  itself 
is  a  grejat  asset.  In  the  past  it  re- 
quired you  to  be  a  contortionist  as  v/ell 
as  a  mechanic. 

The  first  Army  plane  \/as  put  on  the 
scales  April  the  second.  Nov*-  let's  keep 
them  moving  in  that  general  direction. 

It  \\d.ll  require  the  best  you  have  to 
give.  Don't  let  your  work  be  the  kind 
the  inspector  vdll  have  to  reject.  ;;ake 

this  a  slog'.n "The  less  rejection,  the 

more  production".  —  It  can  be  done. 

A  great  deal  of  excitement  was  caused 
konday  v;ith  the  sudden  change  in  the 
•v;eatl.'er.  That  morning  our  sails  bet'.veen 
final  assembly  and  the  nev:  addition  bel- 
lowed forth  30  quickly  that  they  broke 
loose  from  their  moorings.  Someone 
shouted,  "Man  the  sails",  and  like  all 
good  sailors  ^ve  jumped  to  our  posts,  man- 
ned the  roasts  and  secured  the  sails  to 
their  moorings  just  in  time  or  we  would 
have  been  blovm  clean  into  the  Drop  Ham- 
mer Department. 

We  are  all  glad  to  see  the  new  build- 
ing nearing  completion.  Even  I'dth  all 
their  handicaps  the  buil.ders  did  a 
speedy  job. 

Now  vdth  more  space more  planes 

more  men vfatch  us  go! 






The  corKlitions  in  the  ocean  surf  are  entirely  dixferent  than  those  encountered 
in  a  body  of  still  \7a.ter  such  r.s  a  bay,  a  lake,  a  Fli-i^n?e>  '^^  even  a  river.  There^are 
powerful  opposing!  forces  continually  at  play — trencherous  currents,  dangerous  rips, 
strong  tides.  One  day,  the  ocean  ntiy  be  calm,  the  ne:-:t  day,  or  even  a  few  hours 
later,  it  niay  become  very  roup'h  and  dangerous.  Be  sxire  you  knov;  before  you  leap! 

At  one  place,  there  may  be  a  smooth 

level  floor;  ten  yards  to  either  side,  a 
deep  hole  vdth  a  bad  rip  runnin,^  in  it. 
A  person  can  be  an  expert  s-vvimmer  in 
still  vrater,  yet  be  piractiCr'Uy  iielpless 
in  the  surf. 

The  greatest  trouble  is  caused  by 
persons  ".vho  enter  a  rip  tide  fro.n  the 
side.  There  is  nearly  always  a  paraJ.lel 
drag,  at  Kiission  Beacli.  Tliis  is  a  north 
or  south  current.  At  tjjues  this  is  so 
strong-;  that  a  person  is  un>"ble  to  reniain 
in  one  spot.  A  siviimier  will  enter  the 
v/ater  at  a  safe  place  ana  because  he 
psiys  no  attention  to  his  relative  posi- 
tion Tfith  the  shore,  is  s^-ept  sideways 
into  a  rip.  Sometimes,  he  ml3.  innocent- 
ly walk  or  swim  sideways  vdth  the  same 

Occasionally  a  shelf  or  troiif^h  condi- 
tion is  foujid.  The  floor  vdll  gently 
slope  to  a  point  where  oce'-.n  currents 
have  created  a  shelf  or  led-'e,  bej^ond 
v/hich  the  bottom  is  much  deeper.  This 
shelf  runs  parallel  to  the  beach,  gener- 
ally some  hundreds  of  feet  in  lenr-'th. 
There  is  a  spill  of  vrater  over  the  shelf 
creating  a  strong  seavjard  pull.  This  and 
the  absence  of  breakers  in  the  deep 
water  make  it  very  diffic-olLt  for  one  to 
regain  the  safety  of  the  shelf. 

Rip  tides  can  be  cau'^ed  by  any  one  of 
several  reasons,  some  of  vrtiich  are: 
tidal  currents,  conflicting  cm-rents, 
channels  or  slues,  rocks,  projecting 
points  of  land,  submer^red  objects,  soft 
sand  on  the  ocean  floor,  piers,  v/inds 
and  storms,  etc.  These  currents  usually 
dig  a  hole  in  the  sandy  floor,  causin-- 
the  water  to  rush  in  from  the  sides, 
f  orrning  a  seaward  current  directly  oppos- 
ing the  natui-a],  shorevjard  action  of  the 
vfaves.  This  rip  should  not  be  confused 
with  the  usvial  side  drag  (Parallel to 
shore  line)  which  is  harmless  except 
when  washing  persons  into  rips.  These 
holes  and  rips  may  be  of  anj-  size, 
len,gth,  1-ddth,  depth,  shape,  and  speed 
or  power,  so  an  ej;act  description  is  im- 

A  rip  tide  may  possess  any  of  many 
varied  appearances,  but  as  a  general 
rule,  they  always  look  some\.'hat  differ- 
ent than  the  surrounding  surf.  Tliey  may 
look  rough  or  choppy,  have  the  aiipear- 
ance  of  deeo  vjater,  causing  the  inco;.:- 
ing  waves  to  flatten  cut,  imj  have  ex- 
cessive or  no  foam.  They  may  pick  up 
s.-ind  frora  the  floor,  giving  a  muddy 
color,  or  sometimes,  the  seaward  cm'- 
rent  inay  pl^ainl.y  sho\v:'-  on  the  surface. 
This  seaward  cucrent  or  rip  is  very  dif- 
ficult to  si./im  against;  at  times  impos- 
sible for  even  the  strongest  of  svdm- 
mers.  Uj.on  stepping  into  a  hole,  or 
feeling  the  seaward  pull,  the  person  in- 
variably becomes  frightened,  tries  to 
swim  directly  to  shore  against  the  rip, 
eventually  loses  liis  strength  and  then 
sinks.  A  strong  swjnmer  may  last  much 
longer  than  the  poor  one,  but  the  result 
is  usually  similar. 

:.a:THODs  of  escape 

Ey  merely  floating  or  treading  water 
a  person  can  drift  with  the  rip  to  its 
outermost  point  and  then  svdm  around  it 
and  to  shore,  being  careful  not  to  re- 
enter the  rip.  The  fastest  method  is 
to  to  either  side  of  the  rip  (ac- 
cording to  the  p>arallel  drag)  and  then 
to  shore.  Incidentally,  v*.en  svdrnming 
shoreward,  a  person  should  swim  the 
hardei'  vdth  the  Viraves,  resting  in  be- 
tween the  troughs. 

If  caught  in  a  rip  tide,  a  person 
should  keep  his  presence  of  mind,  signal 
for  corapetent  help  if  available,  and 
follovi  one  of  the  above  methods  of 

The  Personnel  Director,  in  releasing 
this  article  through  the  Ryan  Flying 
Reporter,  hopes  that  all  Ryan  svrimmers 
\7ill  take  heed  and  be  cautious  Virhen 
svdmiidng  in  our  surf.  HE  CARi^FUL  BOTH 
on   A!©  OFF  THE  JOB. 



-"--■». — 'i- j>- 




}]m]  fivjjiB  iJ5PiJiir£i] 

Vol.  1 

APRIL  25,  1941 

No.  9 

NtW    ADDITION    IN    USE,'    P  KOfi 'D  T  I  ONS  ANNOUNCFi.) 



Important  executives  concerned  v.dth 
the  Natiinal  Defense  PropTOJ.'*  continue  to 
be  rc>;u].;!.r  visitors  to  the  factory  in 
order  that  they  may  Keep  abreast  of  cie- 
vtlopnieuts  t/irouj^hout  the  country  rnd 
keep  their  hand  on  the  airci'ai't  indus- 
try's pulse. 

The  cyclone  w'lich  breez'ja  tiirouph  the 
plant  on  Tuesd:  y,  April  Stl;,  v;a!3  Ccn- 
(jresr.iiian  J.  Buell  onyder.  Cl-.fdrman  of 
the  h'ou:;e  Oori.iittee  on  I>aliti.i-y  Appro- 
priations;, He  vas  acco!;ipaJiJ  td  by  Lieut. 
"■.  D.  Con:ia  of  the  '.'ar  Jeps,rt;::'.;nt'K  C-en-- 
eral  Staff  who  h.-.s  been  trfiveliii^  with 
him  as  technical  :idvisor„ 

Dv.rinK  hifs  wliirlwind  vj  alt  of  the 
T)i3:it,  Snyder  stopped  lony  enough  in 
Fino.l  Ar;sf?iibly  to  cliiub  into  and  be 
phct'^prr'.phed  in  the  cockpit  of  the  first 
pio-iuction  PT-21  which  "/as  <'ue  to  l!; 
for  ''"'right  Field  v;ithin  ttv.j  n'-;xt  ievr 

T./o  days  later  Major  E.  ''J.  "^lavrlings 
of  the  Flight  Test  Section  at  'Vricht 
i''ield  took  delivery  of  the  firnt  produc- 
tion PT-21  from  Claude  Ryan  .';.:id  'n'omptly 
■i.t  11:00  a.m.  departed  for  Dayton  where 
the  ship  will  undergo  addition?!  exten- 
sive flight  testing  at  the  rands  of 
veteran  Army  test  pilots. 

The  following  day  Ikn-rill  iIoi,';o,  for- 
idor  i'te-vspaper  publisher  and  no\/  Chief  of 
the  Aircraft  Section  of  the  Office  of 
Production  Management,  was  fscortcd  on  a 
tour  of  the  -plvnt  by  Claude  'i^-isn,  Eddie 
I.Iolloy  and  Sales  Ilanaper  Sai:.  Breden 
iieigs '  tour  through  the  plant  v.'as  much 
more  than  a.  liurried  inspectior.  trip  for 
he  Epe'-it  a  good  deal  of  timi:  in  various 
dep;),rt.iientc  making  a  real  study  of  pro- 
duction problem.! .  SoKev/hi--r-3  over  in 
'7elding  hi?  curiosity  got  the  best  of 
hira  and  he  stopped  long  enou';h  to  borrow 
a  pair  of  welding  goggles  from  one  of 
the  i.\en  in  ordcrr  to  watc'.i  so'^e  of  the 
actual  work, 

Tiie  came  d^.i.y  Col,  John  .""ou'-'tt,  presi- 
dent of  the  Aeronautical  Chainbi.'r  of  Com- 
.'tierce  of  Arierica,  v/as  an  interested  vis- 
itor to  the  factory, 

(continued  on  next  I'age) 

Gome  Months  ago  in  the  early  issues 
of  the  Ryar  .flying-  Reporter  you  read  of 
a.  building  program  that  was  about  to  be 
L^tarted.  Tiie  buildings  that  were  dis- 
cusaed  in  t-UAt  article  are  now  a  defin- 
jt-j  reality.  Tiie  first  of  these  build- 
ingr;,  now  occuj'ied  jointly  by  the  if'n'.tory 
Office,  F...rtory  Adninintration,  Labora- 
tory ^  find  the  Layout  Department  offers 
i.ore  spac  _ ,  nicer  offj.ces  and  is  a  gen- 
eral aid  to  production. 

The  second  in  tnls  group  of  new  build- 
ing;:, ail  1.;;. tension  of  the  factory  proper. 
is  now  occuj'ied  by  the  various  airi-'lane 
assemblies.  The  third  and  fourth  build- 
ings discu;:s.;d  in  the  article  on  the  n,iW 
building  i.'rograij  are  progrening  rapo-diy, 
Tiie  dope  and  fabric  shop  just  north  of 
the  paint  shop  is  about  to  be  completed 
while  the  building  to  permit  expaiision 
of  the  f.odeljng  Department  will  be  under 
\?ay  within  the  next  woek.  Tiiis  building 
will  not  only  permit  expansion  of  the 
Liodeling  Department,  but  will  afford 
adequate  rturage  for  plaster  models,  and 
dies,  which  should  greatly  enhance  -liie 
appearance  of  our  nov;  not  too  tidy  yr.rdr 

There  v.ere  many  j)erscnnel  changes 
with  the  luovJ.r.g  of  the  airplane  assem- 
blies into  tJicir  new  home.  Buck  Kelly, 
v.'ari  transferred  from  his  former  duties 
to  forc'iinn  of  the  Sub-Assembly  hepart- 
ment.  'forking  along  v;itJi  Buck  will  be 
ROY  RY/',N,  ra:"sed  to  new  Foreman  in  the 
Final  Asseiibly  Department,  vjhile  every- 
body's friend,  John  Va,nderlinde ,  is  now 
supervisor  of  all  plane  assembly^  "'e 
are  justly  -rn'oiid  of  these  men  as  we  like 
to  see  our  own  personnel  advance  with 
th«;  rapidly  expanding  Rya.n  Aeronautical 

Not  to  :;e  outdone  at  this  point,  the 
Manifold  Department  cnme  forth  with  some 
personnel  chf.ngcs  that  i;hould  iuberest 
us  alio  Jack  Zipp\/ald,  day  shift  as- 
sistant fcrer-'an  in  the  Ikmifold  Depart- 
ment, was  trr nsf erred  to  the  Service  De- 
part.aent  under  -/alter  Locke.  Jack's  new 
duties  will  include  trips  to  the  vjtrious 
airplane  factories  nov;  incorporating  onr 
manifolds  in  tkeir  products,  for  the 
purpose  of  service  a.nd  advice  to  these 
users.  Along  with  this  shift,  Joe  Love, 
former  assintant  Manifold  T'oreman  of  tiie 
hird  shift,  vms  transferred  to  the  d^y 
(continued  on  next  page) 

luTi     iLu    u  riLrun   li 

Published  by  jjjaployees  oi'  the 


Through  their  l.'elfare  Department 

Art   liditor 
to  this  issue: 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  listerdahl 

Li.  llarco;  Hill  ' 'agner 

J.R.    Conyers 
L^ldon  "Bud"  Beery 

Departmental  and  Organizations: 

I.anifold  Nighthawks 

Things    m  Stuff 

The  Ghost  Talks 

Graveyard  Gleanings 

Hail  «-  Farewell 


Snoop  Set 


iVing  Assembly 

Manifold  2nd  Shift 

Manifold  Department 




Tool  Design 

The  Shadow 
Perm  E.VIise 
The  Bat 
Little  Map 
The  Rope 
Brenda  t  Corbina 
V/ilbea  Jackson 
The  Kite  Maker 
Ray  ilorkowski 
Russ  iiordlund 
"Jack  Park" 
Ken  y.urray 
Paul  Dawson 

The  editors  wish  to  extend  .t. their 
special  thanks  to  George  Dtincan  of  the 
Manifold  Department,  first  shift,  for 
his  art  contributions  to  this  issue. 
Duncan  joins  Lee  Esterdahl  and  Wally 
Kallott,  of  the  foundrj?-,  as  Flying 
Reporter  staff  artists.  To  them  goes 
a  great  deal  of  the  credit  for  the 
cartoons  which  do  so  rauch  to  liven  up 
each  issue  of  our  paper. 

been  inserted  in  each  copy  of  this  issue 
of  The  Flying  Reporter.  The  sa^es 
department  has  made  these  available  for 
distribution.  Since  the  supply  was 
limited,  you'll  probably  find  that  some- 
one else  has  a  different  picture,  but 
we're  glad  that  there  are  enough  of  them 
to  go  around. 

cover  of  this  issue  of  the  paper,  Every- 
one has  been  so  pressed  for  time  that 
the  next  few  issues  may  caae  out  every 
three  weeks  instead  of  each  two  v/eeks  as 
in  the  past* 

it's  a  sign  of  safety 

Yes,  the  sign  that  is  just  inside  the 
door  of  the  main  entrance  to  the  factory 
has  been  installed  by  the  sflfety  commit- 
tee for  the  purpose  of  reminding  us  all 
that  a  JOB  \/ELL  DONE  IS  OlJE  SAFELY  DONE. 
It  wil],  carry  accurate  figures  regarding 
the  number  of  accident  free  hours.  The 
main  hourly  figure  will  be  the  number  of 
hours  that  have  elapsed  since  the  last 
accident  that  caused  the  loss  of  tLiie 
from  the  ;job. 

This  will,  of  course,  be  of  great 
interest  to  all  of  us  as  we  are  ;  always 
trying  to  bo  safe  in  our  work  as  well  as 

No  one  wi].l  want  to  see  the  sign  when 
the  figures  'nave  been  erased  b/  an  acci- 
dent, so  let  us  all  strive  to  build  up  a 
record  total  telling  us  that  "Ryans  is 
not  only  the  Best  but  the  Safest  place 
to  work". 

There  will  be  a  different  slogan  on 
the  sign  every  week  and  it  is  hoped  that 
there  will  be  several  good  suggestions 
fromi  the  plant,  so  that  the  slogan  will 
mean  somethiiig  to  those  who  read  it. 


As  the  defense  effort  continues  to 
gain  acceleration,  it  is  anticipated 
that  many  more  Army  and  O.P.IJ,  techni- 
cians vdll  be  visiting  the  plant  to  ob- 
serve the  progress  being  made  here. 

I'ith  the  new  Final  Assembly  section 
of  the  plant  practically  completed  and 
already  iii  use,  we  will' all  be  pleasant- 
ly surprised  within  the  next  fevr  weeks 
to  see  the  efficient  line  production 
system  which  Factory  Superintendent  G. 
E.   Barton  has  ready  to  establish. 

Lleanwhile  work  is  going  forward  on 
the  nev  Paint  Shop  and  Service  building 
and  v.-e  vdll  soon  see  Carl  Palmer  instal- 
led in  his  well -planned  new  building. 

more  about  PROMOTIONS 

shift  assistant's  position,  and  as  soon 
as  he  gets  accustomed  to  that  strange 
thing  called  "daylight",  Joe  will  be 
very  happy  in  his  new  duties.  Again  we 
say  congratulations,  fellows,  keep  up 
the   good  work. 

'iJhat  with  all  of  the  readjustments  in 
personnel,  general  reclassification  of 
jobs,  and  general  increase  in  wages,  we 
say  the  home  guard  is  making  good  in 
this  race  for  national,  defense  and  all 
are  justly  proud  of  our  Ryam  Men. 

The  motto  still  stands  "Keep  Ryans  A 
Good  Place  to  Work". 

punn  r  unr  nrnnnTrn 

lu        L  d    u  RL run    L  r 

Published  by  ji>nployees  of  the 


Through  their  Welfare  Department 

Art  Editor 
to  this  issue: 

Larry  Gibson 

Lee  Esterdahl 

L;.  Ilarcoj  Pill  ''agner 

J.R.  Conyers 
Eldon  "Bud"  Beery 

Departmental  and  Or{-;anizations: 

I. an  if  old  Nighthawks 


'l\l  o 


The  Ghost  Talks 

Graveyard  Gleanings 

Hail  f:  Farewell 


Snoop  Set 


iiVing  Assembly 

Manifold  2nd  Shift 

Manifold  Department 




Tool  Design 

The  Shadow 
Penn  E.VJise 
The  Eat 
Little  Tiap 
The  Rope 

Brenda  L   Corbina 
VJilbea  Jackson 
The  Kite  Maker 
Ray  rlork'owski 
Russ  I'lordlund 
"Jack  Park" 
Ken  I'urray 
Paul  Dawson 

The  editors  wish  to  e:ctend  .ttheir 
special  thanks  to  George  Dvincan  of  the 
Manifold  Department,  first  shift,  for 
his  art  contributions  to  this  issue. 
Duncan  joins  Lee  Esterdahl  and  Wally 
Mallott,  of  the  foundr^j'',  as  Flying 
Reporter  staff  artists.  To  them  goes 
a  great  deal  of  the  credit  for  the 
cartoons  which  do  so  much  to  liven  up 
each  issue  of  our  paper. 

been  inserted  in  each  copy  of  this  issue 
of  The  Flying  Reporter.  The 
department  has  made  these  available  for 
distribution.  Since  the  supply  was 
limited,  you'll  probably  find  that  some- 
one else  has  a  different  picture,  but 
we're  glad  that  there  are  enough  of  them 
to  go  around. 

YES,  WE  KNOW  THE  DATi^  IS  WRONG  on  the 
cover  of  this  issue  of  the  paper,  Every- 
one has  been  so  pressed  for  tirae  that 
the  next  few  issues  may  cane  out  every 
three  weeks  instead  of  each  two  weeks  as 
in  the  past. 

it's  a  sign  of  safety 

Yes,  the  sign  that  is  just  inside  the 
door  of  the  main  entrance  to  the  factory 
has  been  installed  by  the  safety  commit- 
tee for  the  purpose  of  reminding  us  all 
that  a  JOB  VffilL  DONE  IS  ONE  SAFELY  DONE. 
It  will  carry  accurate  figures  regarding 
the  number  of  accident  free  hours*  fhe 
main  hourly  figure  wall  be  the  number  of 
hoTirs  that  have  elapsed  siiice  the  last 
accident  that  caused  the  loss  of  tLiie 
from  the  .job. 

This  will,  of  course,  be  of  great 
interest  to  all  of  us  as  we  are  ;  always 
tryin^^  to  bo  safe  in  our  work  as  well  as 

No  one  will  want  to  see  the  sign  when 
the  figures  iiave  been  erased  bf  an  acci- 
dent, so  let  us  all  strive  to  build  up  a 
record  total  telling  us  that  "Ryans  is 
not  only  the  Best  but  the  Safest  place 
to  work". 

There  will  be  a  different  slogan  on 
the  sign  every  week  and  it  is  hoped  that 
there  will  be  several  good  sug'Testions 
from  the  plant,  so  that  the  slogan  will 
mean  somethiiig  to  those  who  read  it. 


As  the  defense  effort  continues  to 
gain  acceleration,  it  is  anticijsated 
that  many  more  Army  and  O.P.M.  techni- 
cians vdll  be  visiting  the  plant  to  ob- 
serve the  progress  being  inade  here. 

I'.'ith  the  new  Final  Assembly  section 
of  the  plant  practically  completed  and 
already  in  use,  we  will"  all  be  pleasant- 
ly surprised  v/ithin  the  next  fev;  v^eeks 
to  see  the  efficient  line  production 
system  which  Factory  Superintendent  G. 
E.   Barton  has  ready  to  establish. 

Meanwhile  work  is  going  forward  on 
the  nev^  Paint  Shop  and  Service  building 
and  vre  vdll  soon  see  Carl  Palmer  instal- 
led in  his  well -planned  new  building. 

more  about  PRCTJOTIONS 

shift  assistant's  position,  and  as  soon 
as  he  gets  accustomed  to  that  strange 
thing  called  "daylight",  Joe  will  be 
very  happy  in  his  new  duties.  Again  we 
say  congratulations,  fellows,  keep  up 
the  gooti  work. 

Vfhat  with  all  of  the  readjustments  in 
personnel,  general  reclassification  of 
jobs,  and  general  increase  in  wages,  we 
say  the  home  guard  is  making  good  in 
this  race  for  nationaJ.  defense  and  all 
are  justly  proud  of  our  Ryan  Men. 

The  motto  still  stands  "Keep  Ryans  A 
Good  Place  to  VJork". 

!,-.►■•      •.    1-    '•» 

II  A  N  I  F  0  L  D  H  I  G  i-I  T  H  A  VJ   K  S 

Vv'ell,  muss  up  my  hair  and  call  me 

WILLKIE .JACK  ZIPPliALD  is  th^j  proud 

father  of  a  boy.  Congratiilations,  Jack. 
I've  always  said,  "Give  m«  a  boy  during 
his  first  childhood,  and  you  can  hav>j 
him  ciuring  his  second". 

Things  are  happening  so  rapidly  a- 
round  here  that  we  are  still  in  a  v.'hirl, 
like  three  plums  in  a  slot  machine.  Con- 
gratulations to  FREIsiCHIE  F0U3HEE  on  his 
pronotlon.  Good  luck^  Frencliie.  Just 
remember  that  a  new  broom  svieeps  clean, 
but  you  can  knock  over  j.ore  peddlers 
with  a  wet  kitchen  mop. 

FLOYD  BEIviffiTT  is  now  on  tiie  Graveyard 
Shift.  The  Bat '11  gitcha  if  ya  don't 
v;atch  out,  Floyd.  VJear  JAP])IME'S  basket 
ball  knee  pads  next  time,  and  don't  call 
that  gaine  marb].es,  it's 
Alab ama  D OLiin o e s . 

"Jere  you  privileged 
to  view  "SLEEPY"  HORIi'S 
Art  Salon?  BILL  WE-S'IER 
calls  DALE  FARI3,  "The 
Dentist",  f^ijice  he  suc- 
cessfully removed  sev- 
ei^al  teeth  from  the 
bands aw. 

BILL  TRUGfL'u-;  and  TEX 
l"JILLI/J,iS  each  have  a 
new  "loafer's  jacket". 
On  the  right  nen,  too, 
ell  fellas?  "HAP"  MIL- 
LER gave  his  girl  a 
watch  case  for  Christ- 
inas and  is  going  to  give  her  the  works 
on  hsr  birthday. 

ERIvIIE  SBiOnSOI!:   "V.Tiy  are  those  guys 
running  around  with  red  tags  on  them?" 
d\mno,   I  guess   that 

having  trouble  vdth  that  stack,  he's 
choked  back  so  many  cuss  words  that  he 
has  gained  seven  pounds.  McQUITTY  says 
that  ciny  tirae  he  is  right,  his  wife  will 
correct  him.  ROY  GEESEY  observes,  "Don't 
trust  a  woman  who  will  tell  her  right 
age — a  vjoman  who  would  tell  that  would 
tell  anything. " 

RAY  MORKOViSKY,  better  known  as'.  "The 
Thief  of  Bad  Gags",  looked  a  lot  'better 
when  BILL  CORTJET  taped  his  ears  back 
didn't  he?  HiD  HAiJlOCK  is  refereeing  no 
more  lunch  ai'gi^ients,  because  a  referee 
gets  slapped  around  like  a  drunk  in  a 
Turkish  bath. 

F.  G.  i OSSOP:   "Isn't  your  brother 

Ni^M'AN : 

I  IT.' 

G.  T.  BELL:   "I 


days , " 

and  efficient 

they're   guaranteed  for  thiity 

BURIJETT,  JR.,  our  genial 
night  super,  started  in 
the  aviation  game  back  in  the  days  when 
Madame  Butterfly  was  still  working  in 
the  sillc  mills.  He  knows  every  phase  of 
the  business  thoroughly,  and  has  the 
most  interesting  collection  of  pictures 
I  have  ever  seen.  Especially  good  are 
those  of  the  old  Ryan  Flying  Service. 
Look  'em  over  some  time. 

Glancing  over  the  news  headlines  at 
limch  hour,  H.  PG^iTLEY  decides  that  our 
National  Anthe;'i  shoxild  be  "The  Stars  and 
Strikes  Forever".   JOE  CASSCII  is  still 

young  to  be  in  the  Army?"  JEI''IS 
aw,  he's  in  the  infantry." 
Our  ne;v  fire  mar- 
shal, BOB  "!IY  FEET  ARE 
trying  to  corral  a 
crew  of  firefighters. 
Thanks  just  the  same, 
Bob,  but  1811  wait  for 
the  eight  dollar  ques- 
tion. Did'ja  know — 
that  R.  ROLSTxi^AD  used 
to  stir  up  flies  in  a 
restaurant  to  make  the 
place  look  busy — and 
that  II.  R.  SAIJCHEZ  was 
six  years  old  before 
his  family  used  him  for 
a  door  stop — and  that 
SCOTTY  DERR  used  to  have  a  nose  .roddep- 
than  a  stair  carpet — and  that  Bulgarian 
is  the  only  language  in  which  the  answer 
exceed  the  questions? 


yokel  that  borrows  your  tools  without 
asking  for  them  and  then  forgets  where 
he  borrower'  them,  IIPCRT  VJILDER  informs  us 
that  the  softball  team  is  to  meet  the 
Solar  squad  for  the  initial  game  of  the 
season.  How  about  some  of  you  kibitzers 
turning:  out  to  give  the  team  a  little 
moral  support? 

"WEASEL"  EVANS:  "How  deep  is  the 
water  there,  dear?"  IffiS.  EVAfIS:  "It's 
hardly  up  to  ray  expectations." 

V/e  are  going  to  stop  right  here,  as 
we  find  that  our  journalism  is  usually 
throttled  like  a  snake  full  of  door 
knobs,  and  if  there  is  anything  v/e  have 
said  that  ve  are  sorry  for,  we  are  glad 
of  it. 

i:  A  N  I  F  0  L  D  H  I  G  H  T  M  A  V'J  K  S 

Well,  muss  up  my  hair  and  call  me 

VJILLKIE .JACK  ZIPPV/ALD  is  th«  proud 

father  of  a  boy.  Congratiolatlons,  Jack. 
I've  always  said,  "Give  me  a  boy  during 
his  first  childhood,  and  you  can  havtj 
him  during  his  second". 

Things  are  happening  so  rapidly  a- 
round  here  that  we  are  still  in  a  v;hirl, 
like  three  plums  in  a  slot  machine.  Con- 
gratulations to  FRMCHIE  F0U3HEE  on  his 
pronotion.  Good  luck,  Frenciiie.  Just 
remember  t?iat  a  new  broom  svfeeps  clean, 
but  you  can  knock  over  tnore  peddlers 
with  a  v/et  kitchen  mop. 

FLOYD  BEIJiffiTT  is  now  on  tlie  Graveyard 
Shift.  The  Bat > 11  gitcha  if  ya  don't 
watcli  out,  Floyd.  V/ear  JARIJIME'S  basket 
bell  knee  pads  ne:ct  time,  and  don't  call 
that  game,  it's 
Alabt'ima  Doi,d.noes . 

"Jere  you  privileged 
to  view  "SLEEPY"  HORIi'S 
Art  Salon?  BILL  WEJ/IER 
calls  DALr]  PARIS,  "The 
Dentist",  since  he  suc- 
cessfully removed  sev- 
eral teeth  from  the 
bands aw. 

DILL  TRUCfL'li-;  and  TEX 
VJILLI/JvlS  each  have  a 
nevj  "loafer's  jacket". 
On  the  right  men,  too, 
ell  fellas?  "!1AP"  MIL- 
LER gave  his  ;.^irl  a 
wa.tch  case  for  Christ- 
mas and  is  going  to  give  her  the  v.orks 
on  her  birthday. 

ERI^'IE  SB.;0II30I!:  "V.'hy  are  those  guys 
running  around  with  red  tags  on  them?" 
G.  T.  BELL:  "I  d\inno,  I  guess  that 
means  they're  guaranteed  for  thiity 
days , " 

"DAPPER  DAH"  BURIJETT,  JR.,  our  genial 
and  efficient  night  super,  started  in 
the  aviation  game  back  in  the  days  when 
Madame  Butterfly  was  still  working  in 
the  silk  mills.  He  knows  every  phase  of 
the  business  thoroughly,  and  has  the 
most  interesting  collection  of  pictures 
I  have  ever  seen.  Especially  good  are 
those  of  the  old  Ryan  Flying  Service. 
Look  'em  over  some  time. 

Glancing  over  the  news  headlines  at 
lunch  hour,  H,  POvOjEY  decides  that  our 
National  Anthem  shoiild  be  "The  Stars  and 
Strikes  Forever".   JOE  CA3SCN  is  still 

having  trouble  with  that  stack,  he's 
choked  back  so  many  cuss  words  that  he 
has  gained  seven  pounds,  McQUITTY  says 
that  c'iny  tine  he  is  right,  his  wife  will 
correct  him.  ROY  GEESEY  observes,  "Don't 
trust  a  woman  who  will  tell  her  right 
age — a  woman  who  would  tell  that  would 
tell  anything. " 

RAY  MORKOV/SKY,  better  known  as -.  "The 
Thief  of  Bad  Gags",  looked  a  lot  -better 
when  BILL  CORNET  taped  his  ears  back 
didn't  he?  RED  HAi^JlOCK  is  refereeing  no 
more  lunch  ai'g\mients,  because  a  referee 
gets  slapped  around  like  a  drunk  in  a 
Turkish  bath. 

F.  G.  i'OSSOP:  "Isn't  your  brother 
pretty  young  to  be  in  the  Army?"  JET-IS 
N^miAN :   "liaw,  he's  in  the  infantry," 

Our  new  fire  mar- 
shal, BOB  "IIY  FEET  ARE 
trying  to  corral  a 
crew  of  firefighters. 
Thanks  just  the  same, 
Bob,  but  1811  wait  for 
the  eight  dollar  ques- 
tion. Did ' j  a  kn ow — 
that  R,  ROLSTiLAD  used 
to  stir  up  flies  in  a 
restaurant  to  make  the 
place  look  busy — and 
that  II.  R.  SAIJCHEZ  was 
six  years  old  before 
his  family  used  him  for 
a  door  stop — and  that 
SCOTTY  DEHR  used  to  have  a  ucse  .radder- 
than  a  stair  carpet — and  that  Bulgarian 
is  the  only  language  in  which  the  answeis 
exceed  the  questions? 


yokel  that  borrows  your  tools  without 
asking  for  them  and  then  forgets  where 
he  borrowed  them,  ItYRT  VflLDER  informs  us 
that  the  softball  team  is  to  meet  the 
Solar  squad  for  the  initial  game  of  the 
season.  How  about  some  of  you  kibitzers 
turning  out  to  give  the  team  a  little 
moral  support? 

"WEASEL"  EVANS:   "How  deep 
vrater  there,  dear?"  IffiS.  EVANS i 
hardly  up  to  my  expectations." 

VJe  are  going  to  stop  right  here,  as 
we  find  that  our  journalism  is  usually 
throttled  like  a  snake  full  of  door 
knobs,  and  if  there  is  anything  vie  have 
said  that  ve  are  sorry  for,  we  are  glad 
of  it. 

is  the 
;   "It's 

p(io00CT\oN  Gol^^6 


/site)'  if  ..^.^^-i/,  ^ 


or  rHFL6oss  /  ask  H {!^A.^5l2"^-'-^- 



Eddie  Mf>lloy's  dad  invented  a  swell  outfit  foi"  putting  the  pole  (soft  ntuff ) 
on  velvet.  Eddie  seeus  to  be  more  proud  of  this  than  of  anything  elese. Neverthe- 
less, we  dug  up  seme  other  things   about  his  forty-nine  years   of  "past". 

He  was  born  in  Fiskville,  Rhode  Island,  on  May  14,  1P91.  ioverybody  there,  in~ 
eluding  his  father,  made  their  living  from  the  textile  business-and  tliat  3  e^ids  up 
to  the  velvet  invention^ ^  young  draftsmen.      It 

If  Eddie    was  much 

rf  a  scholar  during 
his  youth  he,  modest- 
ly, didn't  dwell  on 
it  and  we,  consider- 
ately, didn't  press 
him  for  details .  He 
oivned  an  eighteen- 
foot  sloop  in  his 
teens.  Eetv.-een  sail- 
ing this  around  on 
Narragansett  Bay  and 
learning  to  be  a 
draftsman,  his  past 
comes  up  to  the  air- 
plane point,  though 
he's  still  nuts  about' 

In       about  191?-  we 
find     him  working  with 
a.  fellow  who  had  some 

money  and     a  hobby, -which     was 

building  airplanes.  The  money,  the  hob- 
by and  the  drafting  (Eddie  is  excellent) 
were  combined  into  a  seaplane.  As  sea- 
planes went  in  those  days  it  was  very 
sstisf actorj'',  too. 

Flying  v;as  beginning  to  interest  the 
UFvy  about  that  time  and  they  published 
notice  for  bids  on  a  flying  boat.  Air- 
planes weren't  designed  thjn,  you  know — 
they  were  just  sort's  built.  Detailed 
drawings  and  plans  were  nearly  non-exis- 

VJell,  Eddie  and  three  other  young 
draftsmen (excellent)  proceeded  to  design 
and  make  a  complete  set  of  ink  tracings 
for  a  peachy  seaplane,  which  ;-)l,Hns  they 
submitted  to  the  Navy,  The  novelty  cf 
the  elaborate  plans,  or  something,  ac- 
tually brought  a  Navy  repn^sentative  to 
inspect  the  facilities  and  finances  of 
the   seaplane's     designers.  Facilities 

just  weren't  unless  a  barn  is  facilities 
and  the  boys  couldn't  have  financed  a 
good  kite.  The  Navy  contract  went  in- 
stead to  the  Burgess  Aircraft  Co. 

You  can  im.aginL-:  T\hat  even  this  offi- 
cial    notice  did  to  the  ambitions  of  our 

fired  Eddie  Molloy, 
for  one,  with  an  un- 
'dying  devotion  to 
airplanes, . .and  gave 
him  a  conviction  that 
he  just  knew  all  a 
bout  them. 

VJhen  the  two  sons 
of  Governor  Foss  of 
Massachusets  formed 
a  Company  to  build 
airplanes  Eddie  was 
one  of  the  original 

Also,  about  this 
time,  he  was  running 
the  first  wind  tuinel 
to  be  installed  at 
M,  I.  T.  (He  wasn't  a 
student. ) 
In  1915  he  came  by  his  first  real 
test  as  a  draftsman,  working  for  Grov^r 
C.  Loening  in  the  Sturtevant  Aeroplane 
Co.  where  he  designed  a  job  mth  a 
triangular  metal  trussed  fuselage  with- 
out realizing  that  it  would  ha^o  in- 
sufficient torsional  rigidity.  They 
built  it  and  it  flew. . ,  .vdth  tht  tail 
surfaces  waving  like  a  flag.  Eddiu  was- 
n't so  sure  then  that  he  knew  all  about 

llJhen  Loening  organized  his  ovm  Com- 
pany, in  1917,  he  took  Eddie  with  him 
as  chief  (engineer.  "It  sounds  a  lot  mo^': 
important  than  it  was,"  Eddie  says. 

For  several  years  Eddie  worked  mfh 
and  learned  from  Dr.  Alexander  Klgjoiii, 
of  New  York  University,  in  developing 
military  aircrfift  designs.  This  includ- 
ed plrjis  for  a  seaplane  to  be  used  on 

In  1925  Eddie  went  with  the  Huff-Da 
land  Com.p;>.ny,  manufacturers  of  railit,-'.ry 
bombers,. 'is  a  project  engineer  and  latfer 
as  works  m-an-'.ger.When  this  company  '  be- 
came the  Keystone  Aircraft  Company  he 
stayed  on  as  executive  engineer.  Key- 
stone was  absorbed  by  Curtiss-!.'Vright  in 
1932  and  Lclloy  went  to  the  Curt is 3  Aero 
plane  Division  as  project  engineer  on 
(contiriued  on  Second  following  page) 


Here  is  the  third  of  our  series  of  "behiiid  the  Sceiies"  articles  describing  the 
activitie?  in  the  Ryan  Plant  end  their  relation  to  the  OoniOany's  cornplete  production 
prograj;..     All  departments  ax'e  invited  to  contribute  rdr.iilar  articles.    

"W  I  II  G  S   " 

by  Eldon  "},ud"  Beery 

It  v;as  back  in  uecejaber  17,  190?,  that  the  ViTif:ht  Brothers  first  suocer.sfiolly 
flew  with  their  vdnc^s,  and  ivings  is  about  all  they  -riore.  The  v.'inrs  still  nlay  -an 
iia})ortant  pait  in  the  air  pi  am;  of  today. 

Ne-srt,  issue  of  the  Flyin":  Leoorter,  v;e  vil.l  desci'ibo  pi-ettr-'  conpletely  operation 
in  each  section  of  the  departnent,  but  for  the  pi-esent  ve  v.dll  try  to  explain,  '■just 
hov;  vjin>^s  of  today  coapare  rith  vinfs  of  e<,rly  flight. 

Althour;h  students  of  aeronautics  had 
been  studyin-^  the  problens  'zi'  flip:ht  for 
no  re  than  fifty  years,  it  r.'as  Haratio 
Phillips  vfho  mastered  sorae  of  the  tech- 
nical yet  vtry  fundamental  aspects  of 
v'lnr  structure. 

Obviously  no  craft,  heavier  tlian  air, 
could  sorir  throu<jh  the  air  until  its 
vinrs  v.'ere  highly  perfected.  Phillips' 
discoveries  v.-ere  made  vvith  ^'ind  tunnels 
that  produced  strong  air  Gur'rents.  He 
built  a  mc' chine  vdth  a  series  of  one-and 
one-half  inch  win[^s  about  twerity  feet 
long  v.'hich  refjembled  a  vdndov;  blind  in 
appeareance.  On  trial  in  1393,  the  cur- 
ious contrivance  tf^thered  to  a  lOst  vjas 
driven  around  a  cii'cular  track.  The  ma- 
chine demonstrated  to  Phillips 'satisfac- 
tion that  the  vdnj^^s  of  his  design  would 
sustai-n  'veight.  Phillips  design  had  con- 
cave lower  surfaces  to  deflect  air  cur- 
rents upv.ard  and  convex  upper  surfaces 
to  creai-e  a  vacuni.  He  raado  his  designs 
as  a  result  of  studyin,;;  the  structure  of 
bird  v.'in'^s. 

Later  in  the  year  I.I96  aft^^r  devising 
several  models,  Dr.  Langley  succeeded  in 
j'lying  a  17  foot  stejim  drj.ven  model  mon- 
oplane. By  the  Fall  of  I903  "dth  the 
assistance  of  Charles  Lanlv,  v'ho  built  a 
fifty-tv'o  horsepov:er,  five-cvlinder  gas- 
oline engine,  despite  all  pre;lictions 
that  it  could  never  be  done,  J  an.'-ley  vms 
ready  to  launch  his  great  nonc-pl.-aie.  Its 
total  vreight  vas  730  poiu".  la,  and  its 
v'ing  span  meas'ured  almost  50  feet. 

And  on  December  17,  1903,  the  "bright 
Flyer"   caiTied     Crville  'right     into  the 

seconds  at  Titty  Hawk, 

air     for     twelve 
rorth  Carolina. 

This     v.'as     the  beginning  of  the  wings 
of  today. 

^'  ^  ^^  n  t^  A  Tf| 

The     all-dural 
ST-3     is   cci.iposed 
serabled     at     the 
eight     hour  day. 

Kov;  for  our  ov.!!  planes:  The  wing 
used  on  the  ST-3  is  of  the  iiUernally 
wired-braced  type,  employing  scjiTiiped  al- 
ujuinun  allo''  ribs  and  built-up  compres- 
sion ribs  attached  to  spruce  spars,  al- 
u:.iinuiii  alloy  leading  edge  and  trailing 
edges.  Tlie  \ving  is  covered  with  fabric 
which  is  attached  to  ribs'n  Parker- 
Kalon  screvs, 

stub  v;ing  of  the  Ryan 
of  aboiit  40  parts  as- 
rate  of  two  sets  per 
Doited  to  the  fuselage 
the  stub  vdng  serves  as  a  walkviray  to  the 
cockpits,  and  strong  lugs  bolted  to  its 
frame  serve  as  mounting  for  the  wings 
an  i  landing  gear,  taking  all  the  load  of 
landing  and  flying  yet  iveighing  only 
t"jjenty-five  ijoijnds. 

The  jtub  wing  trailing  edge  can  even 
be  stood  upoj'i  vdthout  the  slightest  dan;- 
age.  Only  26-I/2  inches  wide,  it  has 
126  spot  welds  to  hold  the  corrugated 
v/alkvjay  to  the  top  skin  and  117  to  hold 
angle  braces  to  the  botto):i  surface.  Five 
hundred  and  forty-one  idvets  are  used  in 
its  construction,  and  when  finished  in 
Army  orange  --dth  a  black  grit  carborun- 
dum on  tlie  top  surface,  it  makes  a  fine 
piece  of  work  of  v.'hich  v.e  are  all  proud. 

The  now  Rj'an  ST-3  has  t  he  usual  com- 
pliment 01  controls  as  all  conventional 
airplanes;  nrjnely,the  wing  cc)ntrols  con- 
sisting of  the  ailerons,  and  flaps  jari 
the  tail  group  v.-hich  includes  the  fin 
rudder,    stabilizer,   and  elevators. 

T'e  shall  try  to  explaiJi  as  briefly  as 
possible  the  location,  function,  aid 
construcuion  of  eacli  of  the  before  r'en- 
tioned  controls. 

(continued  on  next  page) 


more  about   WING  S 

The  ailerons  axe  located  on  the  out- 
board trailing  edge  of  the  v/irif;  and  are 
30  coiinected  that  when  one  13  moved  up 
the  one  on  the  opposite  win)-;  -will  move 
dov/n;  the  lift  thereby  ia  inarcased  on 
the  down  side  and  reduced  on  the  upside 
thus  causing;  a  rolling  motion.  This 
Motion  is  used  in  keeping  the  plane  in 
level  straight  flight  and  also  to  aid 
the  T)ilot  v;hen  banking  the  airplane  in 
a  turn. 

On  the  .'1T-3  the  ailerons  are  of  all- 
uieta.l  construction  employing  an  aluminum 
alloy  tube  spur  and  stomped  ■■lui'dnum  al" 
loy  ribs  which  are  riveted  to  the  spar, 
and  the  entire  structure  i;i  then  fabric 

Thr  flans  are  !).ocated  on  the  inboard 
trailing  edge  of  the  wing  and  they  only 
have  dovmward  travel.  On  tlie  ST-3  this 
amounts  to  30°,  These  controls  are  gen- 
erally used  by  the  pilot  to  aid  him  in 
landing  the  plane.  However,  because  of 
their  use, they  are  generally  incorrectly 
called  "air  brakes".  This  is  wrong  be- 
cause flaps  do  not  change  the  speed  of 
an  airplane  in  steady  flight;  they  mere- 
ly change  the  slope  of  the  flight  path 
by  changing  the  airfoil  shui/O  of  the 
7/ing,  Their  construction  is  very  simi- 
lar to  that  of  the  ailerons. 

Next  v/e  come  to  the  Stabilizer  and 
Zlf:vators,  These  are  located  at  the 
tail  of  the  fuselage  in  a  horizontal  po- 
:jition,  Tlie  Stabilizer  is  the  fixed  sur- 
face and  the  elevator  located  directly 
behind  is  movable,  and  their  function  is 
to  :;upply  a  sufficient  do\^'n  load  on  the 
tail  to  i:eep  the  plane  from  diving.  This 
is  mainly  dependent  on  the  otnbilizer  as 
the  "Elevators  are  tlie  means  by  wMch  the 
pilot  controls  the  up  and  dov/n  travel  of 
the  plnne.  On  the  ST-3  there  are  also 
triiiL'jing  tabs  located  on  the  trailing 
edge  of  the  elevators;  these  are  cockpit 
controlled  and  are  used  to  counteract 
the  change  in  the  center  of  gravity  of 
th'.'  plane  when  in  flight, which  is  caused 
by  different  load  conditions. 

Lastly, \/e  come  to  the  Fin  and  Rudder, 
th"  vertical  controls  located  at  the 
tail.  The  Fin  is  the  fixed  surface  and 
this  gives  the  plane  lateral  stability, 
and  the  rudder,  being  a  movable  control, 
gives  the  plane  directional  control.  Al- 
so as  \.'ith  tlie  elevator,  the  rudder  has 
a  tab  and  this  aids  the  pilot  in  over- 
coming the  propeller  torque  and  thereby 

relieving  the  pilot  of  applying  unneces- 
sary pressure   on  the  rudder  control, 

A  few  of  the  noteworthy  changes  on 
the  ST-3  is  the  use  of  ball  bearing 
hinges  for  all  movable  controls,  a  major 
improvement  over  the  old  type  we  used  on 
the  ST-2.  Also,  the  rudder  design  has 
been  changed  slightly  and  the  tail  cone 
is  nov/  included  in  the  rudder  construc- 

The  entire  tail  group  is  of  all-metal 
construction,  fabric  covered  and  exter- 
nally \/ire  braced. 

In  this  short  article  I  have  tried  to 
give  the  most  important  facts  concerning 
the  wing  a; id  tail  controls,  and  I  hope 
it  has  aided  those  who  were  not  fully 
aware  of  the  duty  of  each  control  in  the 
flight  of  the  airplane, 

Ur.XT  ISCU-C  -  Detailed  operations  iu 
the  ^7ing  Department, 


more  about  EDDIE  HOLLOY 

Navy  aircraft.  He  was  appointed  assist- 
ant chief  engineer  in  1937. 

Then,  iir-  rent  to  the  Stinson  Aircraft 
Division  of  the  Aircraft  iianufacturing 
Corporation,  in  1939  as  project  engineer 
and  factory  manager  and  had  Ciiarge  of  de- 
veloping the  Stinson  Army  -0'?A9  «  siiott 
range  observation  plane.  Competition  rfto 
our  own  TO-5I  "Dragonfly") 

In  August,  19^0,  r.ridie  came  to 
Ryan's  as  factory  works  manager. 

The  list  of  airplanes  that  IWs  fellow 
has  \,'orked  with  or  on  looks  like  a  hist- 
ory of  aviation,   "/e're  not  going  to 
write  it  here.   If  you'd  like  to  know, 
ask  him,,!;o'll  tell  you,  believe  us, 

'7e  asked  Iddie  about  the  future  of 
aviation,  aa  h£i  setr  it»,nnd  got  the  boat 
answer  yet.  It's  like  this:  "/hen  the 
big  strife  is  over  and  the  thousands  and 
thousands  of  trained  pilots  and  mechan- 
ics filter  back  into  an  even  more  air- 
minded  civilian  world, aviation  will  make 
another  big  lurch  forward,  just  as  it 
did  after  'Torld  '7ar  I.  It  was  sort  of 
comforting  to  hear  him  say  that  it  was 
this  that  we're  planning  for. 

He,  like  Claude  Ryan,  slipped  in  a 
plug  for  ei'iployee  suggestions.  In  a 
large  organization,  he  says,  it's  one 
good  way  of  finding  which  men  to  fill 
important  jobs. 

If  we  had  to  describe  Eddie  I.Iolloy  in 
four  words,  \re'd  say,  "short,  bright  and 

■■/e  might  add  that  he  was  married  in 
1917  and  has  a  daughter  and  tv/o  sons,  22, 
16  and  13,  respectively. 



After  having  looked  over  all  three 
Ryan  tearaa  in  action  on  the  local  play- 
grounds, iviT,  Marcoj  Personnel  Director, 
is  pleased  with  the  outlook  for  the  com- 
ing Softball  season.  In  a  statement 
uiade  to  your  editor  this  morning,  "The 
Chief",  as  he  is  called  en  the  diamond, 
sayH  that  there  is  little  to  choose  be- 
t'.'/een  the  two  teams,  kno'.m  as  the  Ail 
Stars  and  the  Stacks,  Hu  v/as  high  in 
his  praise  for  both  squads  as  /ell  as 
the  ST-3s.  Questioning  hia  further  on 
the  subject,  one  learns  that  he  has  al- 
ready picked  his  spot  in  the  "'Stands" 
for  the  forthcoming  benefit  f.ame  be- 
tween the  two  sq\iads.  This  is  one  game 
that  no  one  in  the  Ryan  Company  can  af- 
ford to  miss  as  it  promises  to  be  a  "wow" 
in  the  v.ords  of  the  "Chief". 

'7ith  the  above  statement  from  Ryan's 
number  one  softball  fan,  comes  the  in- 
vitation from  all  of  the  teams  to  the 
i.ntire  personnel  of  the  Company,  to  come 
out  and  lend  the  helping  hand  of  support 
ns  the  Ryan  teams  fight  their  way  to  the 
top  of  the  heap  in  the  various  leagues 
in  vriiich  they  will  play.  Come  on  out 
and  help  the  team  along.  Company  sup- 
port is  as  valuable  to  the  teaias  as  is 
good  playing  and  fine  sportsmanship.  The 
teams  guarantee  the  playing  and  the 
sportsmanship,  YOU  have  to  guarantee  the 

*    «    * 


The  first  semi-annual  Ryan  Aeronauti- 
cal Badminton  championships  \vill  be  held 
in  the  Municipal  Gym  in  Balboa  Park, 
Saturday  night,  May  lOtli,  and  Sunday 
afternoon  and  evening,  Iviay  11th, 

This  should  be  one  of  tlie  outstanding 
competitive  events  in  the  history  of  the 
Ryan  Smjiloyees  Recreational  Association, 
There  will  be  some  first  class  matches 
as  there  are  some  very  fine  player:;  in 
our  orga.nization.  The  entire  tournament 
■v;ill  be  held  on  the  handicap  basis  so 
that  "VrRY  CONTESTANT  'fILL  I!AV"  All  EQUAL 


^'■ith  the  Ryan  Softball  teams  selected 
for  the  coming  City  League,  the  rivalry 
between  t!i.-  Hyan  All  Stars,  and  the  Ryan 
Stacks  is  keen.  One  teaLi  sv^ears  that 
the  other  will  not  have  a  chance  v.'hen 
the  two  tea.a3  finally  meet  for  the  Ryan 
Employees'  Recreational  Association 

It  is  not  as  yet  decided  v/hen  or 
where  this  game  of  games  v;ill  be  held 
but  you  may  be  sure  that  there  v/ill  be 
plenty  of  notice  posted  so  that  every 
one  v/ill  be  able  to  see  what  should  be 
the  best  softball  game  played  in  this 
city  for  some  time. 

The  inter.isting  thing  is  that  all  of 
the  fellows  v/ant  to  make  it  an  exhibi- 
tion game  for  the  benefit  of  MIKE  MOYER 
the  Ryan  softball  player  who  w^s  hurt  in 
the  first  game  of  the  season  last  year 
and  at  this  point  is  still  wearing  a 
BE  rREPAR:';D  TO  COME,,c,, 

It  is  a  little  early  yet  to  make  any 
prediction  as  to  the  ability  of  the  Ryan 
teams  a?  against  that  of  the  other  teams 
competing  in  the  City  Tournament  and 
graduated  lea^^es.  There  is  this  to  be 
remembered,  however- -the  Ryan  teams  v/ill 
be  out  to  -win  whatever  the  situation  at 

At  this  point  in  the  season  the  ques- 
tion of  support  is  always  outstanding. 
The  thouglit  in  the  player's  mind  seems 
to  be,  "','ill  they  come  out  and  support 
us  or  ir.  it  just  another  game  to  most  of 
the  fellows?"  The  company  as  a  whole 
should  support  the  teams  with  regular 
attendance  at  the  games  as  this  is  the 
one  way  to  show  the  fellows  that  the 
company  is  behind  them. 

the  winner  and  the  runner-up.  Such  cut* 
standing  Dlayers  as  BOB  COOPER, RAY  PYLE, 
and  many  others  will  be  seen  in  action, 




by     P  e  n  n     E. 

Someone     said  that  Spring  wiis  in     the 
air  but  it  turned  out     to  be     GEORGE  DE'/ 
a-nd  his  Ben  Hur  hair   oil.     fniff,    sniff.' 
*        <>  •  *  *  * 

DOROTHY  ARIviENTROUT  has  the      only  head 

of  hair  in  the  Company  that 

changes  color  while  you  are 

looking  at  it. 

«    ♦    ♦    *    » 

^'/hat  has  happened  to 
the  Coapany  dance  v/e  used 
to  hear  so  much  about?  If 
this  delay  keeps  u])  I'll 
have  to  put  my  tuxedo  back 
in  gioth  balls. 

«    •    •    «  -   * 

Seen  at  the  College  Inn 
nightly  is  MILTON  DOl'N.  If 
you  look  closely  in  the 
very  corner  of  the  saxo- 
phone section  of  Jimmy  No- 
lan's band  you'll  see  him. 
Go  in  and  watch  him  solo,  folks.  He's  a 


*    •    • 

Can  you  picture  a  Stress  Engineer 
preparing  for  bed  at  night?  '"'ell,  he 
stands  beside  it  a  fe-.v  seconds  yawning 
and  stretching.  Then  with  a  poke  or  two 
at  the  mattress  he  mumbles:  "O.K.  for 
stress"  and  crawls  in. 

The  moat  embarrassing 
v/orld.  Two  eyes  looking 
through  a  key  holei 

thing  in  the 
at  each  other 

Did  you  know  that  DOROTHY  LiANNING  was 
learning  to  drive  a  car? 
Yep,  she  is.  The  other 
day  she  stuck  her  hand 
out  to  make  a  left  turn 
and  16  sailors  climbed 
aboard.  Next  time,  girlie 
don't  jiggle  your  hand 

so  much I 

If    *    «    • 

In  the  Spring  a  young 
man's  fancy  turns  to  one 
arm  driving  and  hamburg- 
ers v/ithout  onions. 
*    *    *    * 

It  has  been  revealed 
how  the  subject  for  dis- 
cussion is  selected  at 
Luncheon  gatlierings.  Each 
the  name  of  one  eligible 
on  a  slip  of  paper  and 
Then  the  Guest  of 

the  Ryanettes 
member  v.rites 
Ryan  bachelor 
drops  it  in  a  hat. 
Honor  dra-^/s  one.  By 
over,  that  poor  guy 

the  time  lunch  is 
is  everything  but 


The  second  in  a  series  of  three  two- 
man  team  best  ball  golf  matches  was  held 
Sunday,  April  19th,  at  the  Goronado 
Country  Club,  and  from  reports  of  the 
contestants  it  was  a  great  success. 

The  seenin.:';ly  unbeatabl.e  team  of 
NORDLAND  and  BILLS  again  walked  off  with 
the  top  honors  ,  bagging  a  neat  best  ball 
■30  for  the  morning's  effort.  It  is  said 
that  this  teaDi  will  definitely  be  de- 
tlironed  in  the  last  of  this  series  to  be 
held  sometime  in  May  at  the  La  Jolla 
Golf  and  Country  Club, 

Prizes  were  awarded  for  three  places 
in  a  blind  boggy  which  were  7^,  B6,  96, 

The  real  purpose  of  this  series  of 
two-man  team  matches  is  to  establish 
handicaps  for  the  coming  First  Annual 
Rj'an  Factory  Golf  Chaiapionships  to  '  be 
held  at  the  Rancho  Santa  Fe  Golf  Caurse 
in  June,  This  method  of  est&blishing 
handicaps  is  by  far  the  most  enjoyable 
as  it  offers  the  element  01  competition 
seldom  found  in  this  necessary  but  i-un- 
pleasant  task.  LET'S  H;i.VE  A  BIG  TURN- 

The  essence  of  youth ROBERT  BUTTS. 


Yes  sir,  the  less  said  the  better  is 
an  excellent  v;ay  of  passing  off  what 
happened  at  the  new  Pacific  Bo\v'ling  Al- 
leys, last  Saturday  evening. 

The  teams  representing  the  Ry;in  Air- 
craft Bowling  League  v/ere  stage  struck 
from  the  first  ball  rolled  to  the  last, 
and  where  they  ended  after  the  evc;ning's 
bowling  is  a  deep,  dark  secret  as  far  as 
the  bov/lers  are  concerned. 

Tliere  are  still  two  events  left  in 
•■/hich  Ryan  boiflers  will  compete,  and  it 
is  here  that  the  boys  :vill  have  a  chance 
to  redeem  themselves  for  the  "off  color" 
shov/ing  Saturday,  April  19th. 

It  is  hoped  by  all  concerned  that  the 
same  support  will  be  afforded  the  sing- 
les and  doubles  bowlers  as  was  afforded 
the  five-man  team  matches. 

There  vail  be  nev/s  forthcoming  as  to 
the  Ryan  Summer  Bov/ling  League  which 
will  be  in  the  form  of  individual  tourn- 
aments held  one  night  a  week  with  the 
y/inner  taking  all  for  the  one  night 
stand.  ■'atch  your  Ryan  Flyihg  Reporter 
for  further  Bowling  News. 

■'''77Al£  CLOCK 


It's  fimny,  but  in  mj  da/  I've  heard 
of  a  lot  of  folks  say,  "Hqvj  can  we  pre- 
vent damn  fool  in/iurier  like  these?"  And 
they  VTould  be  talking  about  v.'};,-it  happen- 
ed to  some  poor  guy  v,tio  vras  lai'.l  uj.)  be- 
cause he  fell  off  a  lad  lor,  or  got 
cau[fht  in  a  machine,  or  was  injured  hav- 
ing a  little  friendly  horseplay  with  a 
fello^'f  worker. 

I  think  you'll  agree  vith  ne,  that 
there's  no  r::uch  a  thing  as  a  "Damn  Foci 

Sure, nobody  n^ts  hurt  just  for  the 

fund  of  it,  because  gettin^;  hui't  hurts 
too  much.' 

But  its  a  fant  that  sometimes  people 
do  things  that  look  dumb.  But  I  agree 
with  ''.usty  tliat  peopl.e  don't  get  hurt 
because  they  are  duiab,  but  becauGe  no- 
body ever  took  the  time  to  tell  them  the 
proper  vay  of  doing  what  they  wei-e  doing 
v.'hen  they  wei-e  injured. 

Anyone  who  doesn't  know  hov;  to  do  his 
,iob  shouldn't  be  bashful  at  all  abo\it 
as::ing  someone  for  more  information. 

The  quickest  way  of  finding  out  what 
yon  dor.'t  know  is  to  aek  somebody  about 
it.  The  bird  v/ho  doesn't  bother  to  find 
out  is  usually  the  one  who  gets  hurt.' 

It's  smart  to  ask  questions.  But 
sometixies  a  guy  won't  and  that's  vfhere 
we  Come  in. 

If  we  SCR  3ny(?ne  taking  a  chance — 
perhaps  he  doesn't  know  any  better — ^v;e 
shouldn't  just  stand  by  and  .i]  lov  hi^m  to 
keep  doing  it.  If  we  go  up  to  him  and 
give  him  a  friendly  tip,  in  most  cases 
he'll  take  it  in  the  right  spirit  and 
thank  us  for  it. 

That's  hov.'  the  fellov;s  in  this  de- 
pai'tment  v;ork  and  that's  v;hy  we  don't 
have  ;my  "Da''ri  Fool  Injuries". 



"Desigri  a  plane.'"  the  head  men  say. 
It  m\ist  be  built  in  such  a  way. 
That  the  dui-ibest  mug  can  fly  hands  off, 
J  lake  the  hardest  landings  stil].  feel 

Hake  up  for  brains  that  the  pilot  lac!:s, 
'lake  the  seats  lean  forward  and  still 

lean  back. 
Supply  ar.d  demand  val3   be  the  thing. 
Forgot  the  span  of  chord  and  wing. 
Tiie  spar  munt  just  be  six  feet  long. 
For  scraps  of  spruce  cost  but  a  song. 
The  fusjla.'je  can  be  ti.ed  viiith  string. 
Or  by  a  siini.lar  method  hung  to  the  wing. 
It  must  be  safe  and  in  the  main, 
Be  able  to  withstand  a  hurricane. 
It  must  be  i'ast  and  not  land  hot, 
O'tot  a  !IET,L'JVA  job  the  designer's  got) 
Fast  an'l  light  and  comfortable  too, 
'lith  a   crulf'ing  range  to  Tiiabuctoo. 
Of  cour!-;e  tlds  is  no  common  hack. 
For  it  must  carry  the  load  of  a  ten  ton 

It  m\ist   clir.b  titraight  un  and  land 

straight  down. 
But  the  pilot  must  scarcely  feel  the 

Yes,   flaps  and  br;ikes  and  retracting 

Hells  3e]ls.'     They  must  think  tlie  mil- 

lenium.'s  here. 
And  one  last  v;ord  the  he^d  men  sa^j , 
"It's  gotta  be  finished  by  YESTERDAY.'" 
On  second  thoiigh  there's  one  thing  more. 
They'll  have  to  sell  at  the  ten  cent 


ACA  -  Engineer's  Staff 

Vri--      •5Hi- 


Wc  have  made  arrangements  through  our 
Purchasing  Department  for  you  men  vbio 
dcsii-"e  saftjty  shoes  to  buy  them  at  fac- 
tory price  plus  10^.  The  shoes  may  be 
p\irclias.xi  through  the  Company  and  paid 
for  by  a  snail  deduction  from  your  week- 
ly check. 

See  iir.  "'.larco  for  a    requisition 

The  shoes  are  of  the  metal  toe-cap 

variety — ^to  insure  against  injury  to  the 

foot  from  crushing,  as  well  as  affording 

maxlmujr.  cc^if ort , 


I  GLpy^NlK'^S  FROM  TH£  GRAViinARD  by  THE  BAt! 

Howdy,  Gents.  Or  did  I  say  that  be- 
fore. Oh,  Vv-ell,  that  is  none  of  your 
business  or  none  of  mine,  so  here  jToes. 


I  see  our  friend  HAROLD  "BAK}i;"SCHKELL, 
has  the  lead  on  the  men  now.  Harold 
knows  his  heat-treat  but  never  seems  to 
be  able  to  control  his  ovjn  temperature. 
Ouch;  His  new  assistant  Y\M^  EASTLIGK 
is  a  former  Rohr  man.  Viclcome  Vem. 
Ryans  is  a  good  nlace  to  v'ork. 

-  -  0  -  - 

new  understudy  to  RAY  "BUTCH"  ORTIZ, 
sa/'s,  and  I  quote,  "If  all  the  fellows 
will  give  me  the  same  cooperation  they 
Give  "Butch"  and  Bennett,  I  v.lll  do 
everything  I  can  for  them."  '  ell  spoken 
Frenchy.  vje  hope  your  cerebellum  will 
not  vitiate  your   equilibrium.  V/owJ 

-  -  0  -  - 

Smiling  ED  "BLAST-"M"  WEBER  of  the 
2nd  says  they  have  been  so  busy  he -has 
no  news  this  time.  Better  luck  next 
time,   Ed. 

-  _  0  -  - 

Vk'e  were  sure  glad  to  see  SLIli  "PAI'lT- 
OI-ilME"  COATES  get  over  by  the  bumping 
department.  I  have  never  seen  so  many 
smiles  on  the  faces  of  the  bumpers  be- 
fore especially  when  he  played  his 
marble  machine. 

-  -  0  -  - 

Our  FIRE  CHI: J  DRISCOLLIS  is  getting 
things  under  control  for  a  company   fire 
department.  Lot's  all  get  behind   the 
Chief  in  this,   fellows,  as  it  is  pro- 
tection for  us  as  well  as  the  Company. 

-  -  0  -  - 

FLOYD  "CHEi,'"  BEI'IMETT  was  off  three 
days  with  sinus  and  now  he  is  transfer- 
red to  3rd.  Sorry  to  lose  you,  Floyd— 
signed~"The  Second  Shift". 

A  Vv'elcome  to  C.V.  HETjKLE  to  the 
bumping  department,  ''e  are  ^-lad  to  have 
you  "CEE  VEE". 

llnst  frequent  other  haunts.  Good 
stacks  to  you  all. 

The  Ghost 


If  there  are  any  of     you     fellows  on 
the  second  shift  v^ho  are  interested     in 
having  a  Photography  Club,   see  Earl  At- 
kinson, usually  foiinJ  in  the  Foundry. 
(Badge  #1552) 

v;onder  who  the  fellow  is  that  said 
JE3.iIE  LEOIv.IRD  needs  sonc  oleepiftg  pow- 

About  six  a.m.  a  recent  rainy  VJednes- 
day  morning  there  was  a  streak  of  light- 
ning that  shot  throu!^h  the  plant  and  out 
the  gate.  In  ansTver  to  our  queries,  JOE 
LOVE  told  us  it  was  BILL  OFFER,  1«ho  is 
now  the  proud  father  of  a  baby  girl. Con- 
gratulations, I'Irs.  Opfer — and  I.Ir.  Opfer. 

Our  losr  was  somebody  else's  gain 
when  LAirtD  EOLES  left  small  parts  md 
went  to  Spot  Ueld.  The  gang  in  small 
parts  all  miss  that  cute  little  red  mus- 
tache and  the  guy  underneath  it. 

It  also  seems  good  to  see  GEORGE  LEE 
back  on  the  job  after  his  leave  of  ab- 
s  enc  e . 

Say,  BILL  ESTES,  did  you  get  your 
Packard  f  ijced  while  you  v;ere  out? 

It  seems  RALPH  CALLOV/S  ''  webfeet  have 
become  itchy  since  the  Ryan  lake  sub- 
sided. Last  weekend  he  tears  out  for 
L.A..  He  ;nust  have  had  a  mighty  good 
time.  Anyhow  he  shows  up  Sunday  night 
about  3  hours  late  with  some  yarn  about 
oversleeping.   Oh  yeah J 

llell,  I'll  say  we  enjoyed  those  ci- 
gars. Don't  like  to  see  a  man  burdened 
too  much  but  v;e  all  like  our  smokes,  so 
here's  more  power  to  JOE  LOVE  and  his 
family  with  the  new  addition  and  we  all 
hope  she  grows  big  and  strong. 

JOHI^  LMG  of  small  parts  got  himself 
a  motorcycle  and  boy  does  he  get  w  to 
xvork  now?  But  look  out  for  those  tuiTis 
in  the  road,  John.  They  meet  you  pretty 

FLOYD  "REBEL"  BEASLEY  quits  night- 
shift  for  day  vrork.  V/hich  goes  to  shov: 
why  the  Sout.h  lost  the  war.  "Can't  take 
it,"  eh.  Rebel?  I've  been  told  he 
couldn't  make  the  Army  "onaccounta"  hav- 
ing two  left  feet. 

^"e,  the  third  shift  as  a  whole,  are 
more  than  glad  to  welcome  back  into  our 
midst,  P.T.  BUSH,  a  most  able  and  ef- 
ficient speeder-upper-of-production  in 
the  passivating  inspection. 




by  "Jack  Park"l 


by  Ken  Murray 

I  know  this  is  goin,<  to  be  kinda 
lousy,  but  here  goes,   ready  or  not. 

JACK  PARK  i3     vacationing     these  '  two 

weeks  in  favor  of  IIR.  STORK.  Didn't  you 
know?  VJhich  reminds  me,  KAY  LARKIN  is 
about  to  become  a  proud  "pop".  Congratu- 
lations from  the  gang  to  both  you  lucky 

I  xnderstand,  from  United  j'iir  Lines 
tliat  ED  Bm.GMiTEli  missed  the  Sunday 
night  plane  back  from  Burljank,  He  had 
to  take  th'j  early  Llonday  morning  p].ane. 
Some  guys  have  the  worstest  luck. 

"EARLY -PiilARLY"  KOPS  is  back  on  the 
job  after  paying  the  preacrier  a  little 
Sunday  afterrioon  visit  and  a  sojourn  in 
yondor  mountains.  The  bent  of  luck. 

A'ALT  SCHRODER  vms  saying  to  me  the  dr-y,  "Boy,  you  should  join  the 
i'Javj'-  Air  Corps",  ''fonder  what's  eatin' 
thay  guy? 

HOP.IE  H03ART  had  another  date  with 
his  girl  friend.  That's  the  second  in 
six  months.  Someone  should  present  Hobie 
vdth  a   copy  of  Horatio  Alger. 

FRED  R03ACI\ER,  better  known  as 
"'.'ings",  is  sure  doin'  some  fancy  flap- 
pin'  arovuid  his  nevif  girl  friend,  I  know 
this  is  a  leading  edge, Fred,  but  don't 
string  us  a  longron. 

Here  comes  "HAIR-IIJ-HIS-EYES"  KELLPil. 
llaybe  we  should  take  up  a  collection  to 
get  Bill  a  hair  cut,  or  could  be  he 
likes  it  long. 

CAPJ.  TECCA  is  so  quiet  that  ve  hardly 
know  he's  around.  Speak  up  Carl  and 
make  yourself  know. 

HAimY  GODUm  and  ED  SHEPHEARD  have 
just  moved  over  from  Tool  Design  to  as- 
sist RC^UGH-HOUo.-:  CRABTREE  vdth  the  nain- 
f olds . 

JACK  COKii'ltS,  who  hails  from  Oklahoma 
and  if  ALT  SOIffiNSS!,  a  native  son,  sui'e 
keep  the  doors  in  the  other  room  svfing- 
ing.  In  fact  last  vireek  the  doors  had  to 
be  sent  away  for  repairs.  A  Burnt  out 
bearing  or  somethinJ 

This  is  about  all  the  com  I  could 
throw  at  one  sitting,  so  I'll  bo  seei3i' 
you  around. 

A  Very  Dear  Friend 
(Substituting  for  Jac:k  Park) 

Hello  Kiddies, 

I  just  musn't  forget  to  tell"  ycu  a- 
bout  0U3:'  two  new  starlets  here  in  the 
shop.  They  have  been  posing  for  the 
photographers  this  past  week  and  I  hear 
they  v;ero  offered  a  contract  by  the  Dum 
Dum  Picture  Corpse.  They  are  none  other 
than  Miss  "Gwendollyn"  LADROOT,  better 
known  to  the  boys  as  LiELVBj  and  Kiss 
"Eram.y  Lou"  HOLLiillBECK  whom  we  call 
"GLEtWY".  Boy,  are  they  celebrities.'.' 
How's  about  an  autograph  girls  or  are 
you  too  busy  primping? 

I  wish  to  take  it  upon  myself  to  ex 
tend  a  sincere  welcome  to  the  new  weld- 
ers in  the  shop  and  for  the  benefit  of 
the  nevv  boys  as  v/ell  as  the  old  I  want 
to  say  that  the  spirit  of  cooperation 
among  the  men  is  the  highest  of  any  de- 
partment in  the  shop.  So  if  you  fellcvvs 
run  into  any  trouble  with  yoiur-  job  or 
any  other  matter  just  let  any  one  of  us 
knov;  and  ve  v.dll  be  more  than  willing  to 
lend  a  htj]  ping  hand  to  you.  The  one 
thing  you  boys  want  to  remember  is  do 
your  part  to  make  the  V/elding  Department 
"The  Best  Place  to  V.'orlc". 

JOroillY  C0M0R3  and  TRUCKEY  .  have  a 
deal  that  beats  all  deals.  On  those 
rainy  d-iys  if  you  sav;  those  boys  aro^ind 
the  lead-pots  going  through  the  motions 
of  a  good     old-fashioned  steak  fry,   hope 

you     weren't     alarmed they  really  vjei'e 

frying  steaks.  I  personally  bit  into  t;ie 
most  delicious  toasted  cheese  sandwich  1 
have  ever  tasted.  Some  chefs,  those 
boys.  Jiggers  boys,  I  hear  a  guard  com- 
ing to  put  the  mooch  on  one  of  your 

JBi  RILEY,  the  few-word-welder,  was 
heard  to  have  said  the  other  day  as  the 
fire  alarm  sounded,  "I  v;onder  v/ho  got  a- 
way  this  time."  You  cjin  plainly  see 
vhere     his     early  training  was  acquired. 

BOB  GARDMIffl  is  having  trouble  vdth 
his  desk  moving  around  in  the  strangest 
places.  Do  you  believe  in  spooks.  Bob? 
Or  does  it  seem  that  two  certain  mani- 
fold boys  used  to  be  furniture  movers 
before  they  came  to  work  here?  Not  inBn- 
tioning  any  names.  Bob,  but  a  guy  ivhcse 
initials  are  CHASE  could  have  been  one 
of  the  spofiks.     Suppose? 

Again  another  winner  of  the  copper 
plated  Peer  can  is  MUTT  BENNETT.  He  was 
recently     transferred     into     the  v;elding 

(continued  on  next  page) 


by  Brenda  and 




'.Jell,  Brenda, here  we  are  back  to  stir 
up  something,  if  onlj''  dust.  V/e  rea^.ly 
fihould  have  some  super-sleuthing  done 
with  two  weeks  off,  but  sue.Tc  gossip  is 
so  elusive  that  even  the  ureen  Hornet 
can 't  detect  any. 

Say  Cobina,  did  you  hear  what  one  nos- 
tri3.  said  to  the  other  nostril?  No, 
what,  Drenda?  VJell,  it's  like  this,  one 
said  shall  wo  make  a  run  for  it  or  just 
let  it  drop? 

A  certain  sv.'eet  little  girl  in  the  Ac- 
counting Depart^ient  v/as  so  worried  about 
v.'ho  the  honored  guests  woj'e  last  Thurs- 
day at  the  Ryan  Luncheon,  and  LoJ  it 
turned  out  that  she  was  one  of  them. 
Heed  we  say  inore?  But  we  all  Imovif  she 
certainly  deserved  any  appreciation  the 
Ryanettes  could  show  her;  a].so  her  co- 

Say,  wasn't  that  the  bigf^est  cigar  you 
ever  saw  that  CHi:.T  PARICR  had  last  week, 
I  followed  hiri  clear  out  to  his  car  hop- 
ing he'd  drop  it  and  I'd  get  the  snipe, 
but  he  dropped  it  in  the  nud.  Am  I 
grieved  at  him.' 

Guess  vre  had  better  let  it  drop  .  for 
nov;,  and  we  want  to  apologize  for  aby- 
thing  nice  we  said  about  anyone,  it  was 
definitely  not   intentional — ^wc  slipped. 

Dear  Friends : 

I  am  sorry  I  vr(\3' 
so  long  in  ari'iving, 
but  the  train  Viras  a 
little  late,  llov  that  I 
ar.  hero,  I  v;ould  like  to 
thank  all  of  you  for  the  lovely  quilt. 
It  is  good  to  l:ncK!  I  have  so  many  nice 
friends , 

After  April  24th,  I  vdll  be  in  Lemon 
Grove,  and  I  hope  you  vrill  all  come  to 
see  me  soon. 

Thank  you  again. 

John  Cooper  Zipjwald,  Jr. 

niLDRiD  ALKIRE  and  I'iJlY  FR::EL,  the 
tvm  organizers  of  our  young  club,  were 
honored  at  our  last  regular  meetijig  iind 
presented  vdth  lovely  corsages.  We  met 
as  usual  at  Bernardini's  for  spaghetti 
and  salads.  JILBEA  JACKSON  and,  NOi^CE 
KIRKSEY  were  elected  to  take  charge  of 
the  luncheun  for  ne^  meeting. 

Our  membership  is  coming  up.'  29  were 
present  at  oui'  last  meeting.  One,  hov;- 
ever,  v.-as  a  guest— BEULAH  HAYvJARD,  who 
paid  us  an  all  too  short,  but  very  wel- 
come visit.  VJe're  all  hoping  to  see  her 
again  soon. 

Oh  yes speaking     of     food,  PAT     and 

BETTY  want  to  know  if  there  is  any  way 
to  fix  beans,  other  than  boiling,  baking 
frying  or  sandvdching.  If  you  have  any 
new  recipes  for  be,ans,  please  send  them 

There  are  two  questions,  though,  that 
just  can  't  wait  for  next  meeting — by  way 
of  "old  business"  we  v/ould  like  to  loiov; 
if  IIARZLLLA  is  still  unhappy  over  the 
Army  auditor  who  left. 

And,  by  way  of  "nev;  business",  vje 
hear  that  the  two  "J's"  in  the  new 
building  are  quite  "that  way"  about  each 
other   (any  additions  or  amendments?) 

PHYLLIS  CREEL  went  to  Tucson,  Arizona 
for  a  ^v  days.  She  said  they  have  "vm- 
usual"  weather  in  Arizona  also. 

V/e're  wondering  if  DIRECTOR  TOUTf  has 
a  chance  with  DOROTHY  LIAI'INIKG  after  no- 
ticing her  "Ride"  home  every  night. 

Llore  vVEUjING 

Department  so  he  decided  to  pmrchase  a 
couple  of  vieldiiig  regulators.  He  went  to 
Sears  and  Roebuck  to  make  a.  purchase 
vdth  the  idea  to  save  as  much  money  as 
possible.  The  Salesjaan  showed  him  two 
gauges  and  said,  One  is  $6.00;  the  other 
is  -^g.OO, "  Bennett  said,  "Give  me  two 
of  the  .J;6.00  ones,"  After  getting  his 
equipment  home  he  tried  and  tried  to 
make  the  gauges  fit.  One  fit  all  right 
but  the  other  wouldn't  fit  at  all.  Hjnm, 
I  wonder  why?  Do  you  suppose  that  the 
•■$6.00  gauge  was  for  acetelyene  and  the 
09.00  vras  for  oxygen?     Hmm,    could  be. 


BULLETHI  NO.  U  -  This  is  the  fourth  of  a  series  of  bulletins  v/hich  will  appear  re;;- 
ularly  in  the  RY/iI^'  FLYING  R'j'ORTilR  to  describe  for  the  American  working  man,  facts 
you  will  viant  to  know  about  the  American  business  system;  to  tell  hov;  businesses 
are  built;  to  explain  hovr  th^  are  operated  and  tc)  define  the  position  that  busi- 
ness occupies   in  American  life. 



The  truckman  who  buys  a  truck  and  starts  his  ov.'ri  b-osiness  probably  uses  his  ovm 
savin^^s  to  finance  his  business.  He  might  use  monej--  that  he  has  in  the  bank  or,  if 
lie  owns  his  }iouse,  he  mif;ht  bori'ovr  the  money  and  rxve  a  mortgage  on  his  house  as 
security  for  the  loan.  Or  he  night  persuade  a  friend  or  a  relative  to  chip  in  pnrt 
of  the  money  and  to   share  in  the  business  as  a  silent  partner. 

Sometimes  two  or  three  men  will  pool  their  savings  and  go  into  business  togeth- 
er. Many  small  shops  start  with  a  partnership  arr-angement  between  a  man  who  has 
learned  hov-r  to  make  the  profluct  and  another  man  who  knows  how  to  sell.  Each  man  puts 
up  part  of  the  money  needed  to  start  imd  each  owns  part  of  the  business.  The  sales- 
man gets  the  orders,  the  meci-ianic  does  the  productive  labor  and  they  share  in  the 
profits  if  there  are  any  profits. 

j.Iost  businesses  are  started  like  that  and,  if  they  succeed  but  remain  smal 
are  ov\rned  entirely  by  the  men  v:ho  put  up  the  origiiisl  money. 


As  a  business     grows,  it  is  necessary  while  before  goods  can  be  delivered     and 

for     the     OT-ners  to  plan  and  prepare  for  paid  for,    so  money  must     be     obtained  ixi 

g^ov^^bh.     They     may     need  to  enlarge  the  the  meantime  to  pay  wages  and  to  pay  for 

factory     or     build  a  new  one  and  install  material: 

l-o  • 

bigger  or  more  modem  equipinent.  They  The  owners  of  a  growing  business  get 

may"  feel  confident  that  growing  profits  their  money  by  exactly  the  same  proced- 

will  eventually  pay  for  the  expense,  but  ure  that  the  truclonan  followed  to  get 

the  equipment  and  buildings  must  be  paid  money  to  start  his  business.  The  owners 

for  before  profits  can  be  earned.  So  of  the  growing  business  sign  a  mortgage 

considerable  monc}>  must  be  obtained  be-  rind,  in  additi.on,  take  in  silent  jjart- 

fore  the  plans  for  expansion  can  be  aar-  ners.But  they  need  more  money  than  they 

ried  out.  can  get  from  friends  and  more  than  they 

Furfnermore,  when  new  equipment  is  can  get  by  mortgaging  a  house, 
installed,   it  must  be  operated  for  a 


So  they  go  to  an  investiaent  house  and  sign  a  mortgage  on  their  land,  buildings 
and  machinery.  The  investm.ent  house  takes  the  mortgage  and  lends  then  the  money  to 
construct  new  builidings  and  to  equip  them.  Then  the  investment  house  gets  a  lot  of 
people  to  buy  parts  of  the  mortgage.  These  people  chip  in  a  few  hundred  dollars  a- 
piece,  and  each  one  gets  a  certificate,  v.'hich  is  called  a  bond  and  v/hich  represents 
his  part  of  the  mortgage.  Some  people  miy  buy  more  than  one  bond.  The  business  must 
pay  interest  on  these  bonds  and,  if  it  fails  to  pay  the  interest,  the  bondholders 
can  take  over  the  land,  buildings  and  machinery  and  sell  them  to  get  back  the  money, 
which  they  loaned  on  the  mortgage. 


After  getting  the  loan  on  the  mort- 
gage, the  ovners  of  the  busnjiess  are 
able  to  put  up  nev:  buildings.  But  they 
may  need  iiiore  money  to  pay  for.  the 
additional  materials  and  t'rie  extra  em- 
ployees that  are  required  for  the  bigger 
business.  So  they  go  bade  to  the  iiivest- 
nent  house  and  say  that  they  w;int  silent 
pai'tners  v;ho  can  put  some  money  into  the 
business.  The  investment  house  finds  a 
lot  of  people  who  v.ant  to  buj''  a  part  of 
a  business  and  collects  a  hundred  dol- 
lars (or  perhaps  fifty  dollars  )  from 
each  person.  The  investment  house  gives 
in  exchnnce,  a  certificate  of  stock 
v.'hich  repreLients  part  oT;^nei'3hip  in  the 
bu'jiness.     Some  people  may  buv  ten  shares 

THE     PU8L  IC     MUST    BE   PA 

If  the  company  doesn't  earn  any  pro- 
fits, the  stockholders  won't  get  jiny 
money.  If  the  company  earns  a  profit,  it 
vlll  pay  a  tax  to  the  state  and  another 
to  the  Federal  Government,  put  some  of 
the  profit  in  the  bank  i'c.r  a  rainy  day 
and  divide  the  remainder  aaong  '.the 
stockholders.  3ach  person  v.-ho  holds  one 
share  of  stock  vdll  get  one  equal  share 
of  the  profits  paid.  The  share  of  pro- 
fits paid  to  the  stockholders  is  called 
a  dividend. 

By  buying  shares  of  stock  v'ith  sav- 
ings, it  is  possible  for  a  nan  or  a  v;o- 
nian  to  buy  a  small  part  of  one  business 
vhiJe  vjorking  for  another  business.  By 
this  means,  t'-velve  million  American 
people  have  acquired  part  ovmorship  in 
many  large  businesses,  such  as  General 
Foods  Corporation  (which  is  owned  by 
66,000  men  and  vjomen  viho  liave  one  or 
more  shares  of  stock)  and  General  Motors 

or  a  hiondred  shares  of  the  business. The 
money  received  is  then  put  in  the  banl: 
for  the  company  to  use  to  buy  materials 
and  to  pay  v;ages  and  other  exponce':. 

Each  share  of  stock  entitles  its 
holder  to  one  equal  share  in  the  profits 
of  the  business,  and  to  one  vote  at  the 
annual  election  of  directors  of  the  com- 
pany, ''/hen  these  shares  of  stock  are 
issued,  the  original  cymiers  of  the  bus- 
iness lose  ovmership.  They  can,  and  un- 
doubtedly v'ill,  buy  some  of  tiie  new 
stock,  and  for  each  share  of  stock  they 
buy  they  are  entitled  to  one  share  in 
the  business,  one  equal  share  of  the 
profits  and  one  vote  at  the  election. 


Corporation  (which  is  not  ov.-ned  by  ..Ir, 
Sloan  01-  Lir.  Knudsen  but  by  350,000  men 
aiid  women  vho  have  one  or  more  shares  of 

Bondholders  do  not  share  in  the  ovjner- 
ship  of  business.  A  person  who  buys  a 
bond  merely  lends  money  and  doesn't  buy 
any  of  the  business.  The  bondholder 
doesn't  sliare  in  the  profits  of  tho  bus- 
iness, either.  He  receives  a  guaranteed 
interest  on  the  money  that  he  lends.  If 
there  are  no  profits,  he  gets  his  inter- 
est money  just  the  same  and  the  stock- 
holder gets  nothing.  If  the  profits  are 
big,  the  bondholder  gets  his  regular  in- 
terest and  the  stockholder  gets  the  pro- 
fit. If  the  business  fails,  the  bond- 
holder can  sell  the  property  and  get  all 
or  part  of  his  money  back,  but  the 
stockholder  may  lose  pari  or  all  of  the 
money  that  he  Ijivested, 

12  Jobs 

200  Jobs 

1,000  Jobs 

—  —— ' 
















1--^     1 










1  ^ 








— . 



'■■^^  jV 



(     ^1 





by  The  Kite  Malcer 

iJUvilFCLD  SZICCND  SHIFT       b.y  Ray  Liorkovtski 

ATTENTION— 4 iould  a  few  of  you  fellows 
in  the  vanf  department  be  interested  in 
a  collection  for  "EIRD-KIT.^"  liOLLINS??? 
He  needs  a  cover  for  his  i,iotorcycle 
which  f^ot  v;et  the  other  day  uhen  a  "San 
Diego  fog"  set  in  and  he's  had  a  scowl 
on  his   face  ever  since. 

The  reason  "GOFFF^  IffiRVES"  NORTH  is 
so  hard  to  get  along  vdth  is  that  he 
gets  started  off  wrong  in  the  morning . 
He  has  to  run  that  two  man  "gas  guzzler" 
by  himse]  f . 

J.  H.  EDDY  is  going  to  be  a  father 
soon,  -"e  all  hope  you  don't  pull  a  WA- 
DELL  on  us  EDDY,   good  luck. 

If  you  fellows  got  a  whiff  of  any 
foul  smells  last  v/eek,  we  found  out  v/hat 
it  was— JEirZ  STITES  and  "BaRKIIIG"  BAILY  each  f4her  .jokes.  Boy  they  I'ere 
Loo-loos.  The  only  one  who  laughed  at 
then  was  LiTvv  IIORTAVICH  and  that  was  six 
months  ago  vhen  he  first  heard  tliem. 

CHRIS  ORTEL  is  now  a  refugee  at  Ro- 
lando Village.  That 's  the  place  vriiere 
you  can  leave  at  6:40  and  be  in  the 
plant     at  7:00.      Oh,   yeah?       Ask     ROCKY. 

JOE  BASSO  has  given  up  badminton. 
They  won't  reserve  him  a  court  for  the 
evening,  i''/hen  he  phoned  for  a  reserva- 
tion,  th.ey  gave  him  the  bird. 

We  have  a  new  bunch  of  fellows  v;ith 
us  now.  They  are  I.E.  LEVI,  C,  E.  KO- 
FO,  T.  B,  SHOWS,  M.  E,  WALL,  C.  STEP? 
and  L.N,  OVvXER,  We're  glad  to  have  .  you 
boys  with  us  and  we  ho-pe  you  get  the 
Bwing  of  your  jobs  without  a  lot  of 

OViTLER  v:a.s  only  v/ith  us  a  few  days  and 
he  had  to  leave  us  temporarily.  His  wife 
became  ill  in  Los  Angeles  and  had  to  be 
taken  to  FalTi  Springs.  '.'Je  hope  she  gets 
up  and  around  soon, 

'.Ve  wait  anxioiisly  for  the  neiv  models 
of  automobiles,  radios,  airplanes,  etc. 
Eut  the  thing  we're  most  anxious  to  see 
is  the  next  invention  of  DOUG  "EDISOl'- 
EEE.  V'.'hat  will  it  be? 
EAEY  VJADELL  has  a  new  sleeping  bag,  if 
her  old  man  doesn't  try  to   kick  her  out. 

All  future  fathers  ought  to  transfer 
to  Vi'ing  Assembly.  Instead  of  getting  a 
cigar  from  them  we  give  a  present.  (Re- 
ference to  any  persons  living  or  dead  is 

Gentlemen,  we  had  the  pleasure  of 
meeting  LAFJiY  GIBSON,  Flying  Reportei- 
editor,  a  ge:iuine  handshake,  a  pleasfu'.t 
smile,  neat  as  a  pin,  loads  of  person- 
ality, a  real  man  's  jnan.  He  was  full  of 
coriiplimerit s  for  the  nir-ht  shift  baseball 
team,  but  left  no  question  as  to  the 
superiority  of  the  Ryan  regulars,  BUT 
the  f  ellov/s  still  think  that  they  can 
give  them  a  run  for  their  money (or 
should  I  have  aaid  beer?).  A  game  at  the 
Ryan  annus  1  picnic  vould  be  an  ideal 
time  to  decide  the  questa. on. 

The  second  shift  boys  take  this  op- 
portunity to  congratulate  JaCK  ZIPPWALD 
(even  if  he  didn't  give  ue  a  cigar). 
It's  a  seven-and-a-half  pound  boy.  Con- 
gratulations also  for  his  promotion  to 
company  representative. 

We'll  be  seeing  JOE  LOV^,  who  inci- 
dentally deserves  some  credit  also  for  a 
late  addition  to  his  far.iily,  at  the  be- 
ginning of  the  shift  instead  of  at  the 
end.  We  are  sorry  to  see  FLOYD  BEig'NETT, 
go  to  the  third  shift  (you  lucky  guys) 
but  vje  swe  are  glad  about  his  promotion 
Last,  but  not  least,  an  orchid  to  the 
one  that  picked  "FRENCHY"  to  help"BUTCH" 
keep  us  guys  in  line.  Let's  give  hir.; 
the  same  cooperation  that  we  gave  Floyd. 

Say,  fellov;s,  are  ve  going  to  take 
all  that  ribbing  from  "The  Shadow"  sit- 
ting down?  or  are  vje  going  to  look  into 
his  closet  for  skeletons  and  get  some 

I  don't  claim  to  laiov/  who  it  is,  but 
if  any  of  you  guys  ever  hear  those  skel- 
etons in  "SLliJ"  COATSS' closets  rattling, 
just  let  me  Imcvi  and  ve  shall  see  if  we 
can't  bl'-ckmai.l  that  "shadow"  into  hav- 
ing some  mercy  on  us.  Incidentally,  the 
other  night  he  was  hel"^  up  on  the  way 
home — ^j^eh,  all  the  way.  He  says  he  never 
expects  to  find  the  perfect  girl  but 
adds  that  he  finds  it  very  interesting 
making  sure  that  they  are  not  that  way. 
Then,  too,  Uncle  Sam  may  take  him  off 
our  hands  for  a  year.  He  got  his  ques- 
tionnaire the  other  day.  VJe're  pulling 
for  you,  "Slir:,",  and  please  don't  lose 
your  uppers. 

purely  coincidental.)  Bill,  if  you 
couldn't  read  the  names  on  the  card, 
just  send  it  to  the  fingerprint  depart- 
ment. I'm  sure  they  v;ill  have  no  trouble 
identifying  those  v/ho  signed  it. 

LiAIJIFOLD  DEI-ARTl-^fiT       by  Rusr,  IJordluid 

In  these  dayj  oi'  trying  times,  there 
aT'2  a  few  exp(;ri'jnces  that  htq  a  little 
more  sevei'e  to  mental  strain  thm  others 
Along  ivith  T;etting  practical Xv  no  sleep 
pacin,;;  the  f].cor,  and  holdin,^;  down  your 
job-veil,  just  try  it  sometime,  and  be- 
come papa  to   a  7-3/4  lb.   baby     boy, 

Pefore  it's  all     over     you  don't  dare 
to  relax  too  mudi,  but  even  so,   a  little 
day     dre.'Uiiini^  aiid     visions  of  the  future 
aro  bound  to  get  in  novi  and  then. 

There  seemed  to  be  quite  a  little 
cancem  as  to  hovi  JACK  ZIPPi/ALD  was  able 
to  rr^'.t  through  the  picket  line  at  the 
hospitr?!,  with  all  this  labor  trouble  in 
ti)e  maternity  ward.' 

Mav  that  it'.i  all  over  til'I  next  time 
(????),  I  have  a  little  partin-v  r-.esnagn, 
on  behalf  of  the  .lanifold  boys,aiid  those 
who  have  had  the  pleasure  of  workin^"^ 
vith  Jack  Zippw'ild,  to  v.'ish  him  the  very 
best  of  liick  in  his  nev;  work,  and  to  the 
future  whatever  it  may  hold. 

'  'e  are  more  than  pleasec:  to  work  and 
cooperate  with  oui"  nevr  and  able  assist- 
ant foreman  on  the  day  shift.  JOE  LOVE. 
llay  he  find  us  all  one  happv  f,araily,  and 
cause  him  veiy  little  fret. 

Have  any  cf 
you  boys  added 
any  now  cuss 
vords  to  your 
vocabu].ary?  If 
not, then  you've 
L. is  bed  out  on  a 
fevi  choice  ad- 
idssions  froiu  a 
little  fellow  called, 
Tii'iy  the  last 
few  weeks.  He 
claiiTis  the  coun- 
try has  sure 
gone  to  h.ji%%, 
all  because 

some  on 0  had  to 
invent  or  dis- 
cover the  stack 
for  the  Kinner 
llotor.  (Quote-V'hen  a  Fellow  starts 
fighting  them  in  his  sleep,  i:)erhaps  get- 
ting sued  for  divorce,  something  ought 
to  be  done.   -  Unquote) 

He's  given  serious  thought  to  taking 
up  vrhere  St  rangier  Lewis  left  off — per- 
haps more  dough — less   sweat. 



.Jhen  the  lur.t  job  is   over, 
j\nd  the  finr'l  iLne-up  is  thru; 
'-hen  you've  tui^ned  in  your  tools. 
Let  ne  s-sy  those  words  to  you. 

"Don't  think  too  harsh  of  the  foremen. 
Don't  damn  the  work  you've  had  to  do. 
•lust  be  glad  it's  all  over 
And  figure    'twas  good   for  you. 

Don't  think  your  time  was  ^vasted 
On  the  manifold  rack,    stacked  so  high; 
Or  the  peculiarities  of  the    'Dog  Leg', — 
It's  buffaloed  many  a  guy. 

Just  forget  those  manv  details 

That  were  such  a  pain  in  the  neck, 

/ind  say  "t'irae  cheers"  like  you  meant  it, 

'.'hen  in  the  morning  you    'out-check'." 

o\ibmitted  by 

ivlachine  Shop 




For  those  who  love  to  Jib  and  Jibe  to 
real  hot  iiusic,  furnished  by  the  boys  of 
the  plant  every  Saturday  night,  stoo  in 
at  the  Cgsino  at  Ia3sion  Beach  and  let 
them  kiiOw  you're  there.  That  is  before 
10:30  p.m.  After  that,  if  they  can  still 
see,     you     will     be     greeted  with  a  very 

droopy  noi just  tired???  From  11  jj.m. 

to  2  a.x;:.    everyone  is  on  tlieir  aim. 

Anyone  v.-ith  betting  inatiufcts^arid 
cashing  to  make  or  save  money  on  bets  of 
any  kind figlits,  baseball,  etc.,  con- 
tact   (BOOIVi^R)  LA.HSCN. 

The  Army  is  sure  passing  up  a  good 
marksman  in  LOUIE  UPLiEYi]R.  I  was  won- 
dering where  he  learned  to  use  a  sling 
shot  with  sucii  accuracy — in  the  OZAilK'S? 

A  heart ,y  welcome  to  our  new-comers 

PARRISH,     EGGERT,     C.   IIEUIR,        GHAD'.VIGK, 
BELl'ORD,  ai:d  HJ'i\IKLE. 

For  some  tine  now,  there  has  been 
free  bus  service  from  the  highway  to  the 
plant,  rain  or  shine,  only  too  willing 
to  wait  a  few  minutes  and  give  the  walk- 
ers a  ride.  I'll  admit  they  sometjmes 
resemble  sardines,  but  (JEFF)  JEPTUSG 
enjoys  the  hearty  greetings  of  "good- 
morning",  and  thanks  for  the  lift.  Thus 
doing  his  good  deed  for  the  day — some 
guys  are  just  born  that  way.  There 
should  be  more. 

R Y AN       T  t  A  n  S 


HAIL  - 

To  our  ntw  foreman,  FLOYD  BENNETT— in 
him  we  can  feel  proud  to  have  another 
swell  fellow  to  work  with.  His  pleasant 
smile  is  a  welcome  sight  to  us  v;ho 
thought  by  losing  JOE  LOVE  the  third 
shift  would  seem  different.  Y/e  have  a 
grand  bunch  of  boys,  Floyd,  raid  I  know 
that  they  would  all  want  to  join  m^  in 
vdshing  you  the  best  of  luck.  And  you 
can  rest  assured  we  will  all  give  you 
our  best  cooperation. 

The  boy.3  of  the  third  shift  were  very 
scrry  to  see  cur  old  forem'tn,  JOE  LOVE, 
transferred  over  to  the  first  shift — but 
wo  feel  that  our  loss  will  we  welcomed 
by  the  boys  of  the  first  shift.  He  is  a 
great  guy,  fellows,  and  we  hope  in  time 
that  he  can  take  the  place  of  another 
grand  fellow  whom  I'm  sure  you  all  miss 
JACK  ZIPWALD.  Vie  of  the  third  shift 
wish  both  Joe  and  Jack  happiness,  con- 
tentm-.nt,  a.nd  prosperity  in  their  new 

"Little  Nap" 
Manifold  Department 




Fire  prevention  experts  contend  thqt 
in  most  cases  a  fire  is  the  result  of 
someone  neglecting  his  duty,  being  care- 
less or  being  ignorant  of  fire  hazards. 

Oiir  Plant  has  spent  a  large  sum'  of 
money  to  equip  .and  establish  a  fire  De- 
partment to  safeguard  lives  and  property 

The  Army  and  Navj"-  Intelligence  and 
the  Federal  Burreau  of  Investigation  of- 
fer their  assistance  to  protect  our  per- 
sonnel and  plant. 

Our  Staff  of  Volunteer  Eiremen  are 
showing  their  loyalty  by  attending  the 
series  of  lectures  offered  by  Chief  Par- 
rish  af  the  Sr>xi  Diego  Firu  Department  in 
order  to  acquaint  themselves  with  Fires- 
— the  causes — hazards  and  prevention. 

liow  can  each  individual  cooperate  for 
better  protection  to  safeguard  lives, 
property  and  his  job?  Allow  me  to  offer 
the  follov;ing  suggestions,  in  ariswer  to 
that  question. 

First  of  all-Do  not  be  c?ireleL;s.  Let 
careful  be  your  watchword.'  Play  safe,' 
Report  all  ha'<:ards  to  ycur  '  ?'oreman  or 
your  Fire  Chief.  Observe  the  rules  of 
the  Plant  Protection  Department.  Learn 
the  use  of  Fire  Deuipraent .  Read  all 
articles  pertaining  to  Fire  which  will 

DROP  - 

The  Rope 

Either  wy  must  find  a  way  of  censor- 
ing tiitse  newsreels,  or  Ryan  will  have 
to  purchase  the  latest  design  of  modern 
heat  tr^.ating  ^.quipment. 

It  seems  thu  COLONEL  has  been  t elling 
the  Mrs. how  hard  he  works,  lifting  tl.ose 
heavy  baskets  out  of  the  soup,  and  in- 
sisting he  rates  at  least  two  bottles  of 
beer  aftjr  sucn  a  hot  and  tough  eighx. 
hours.  And  sympathetic  and  understand- 
ing woman  that  she  is ,  she  has  been  al- 
lowing the  old  boy  his  two  bottles. 

Now  she'  "up  and  went"  to  the  Spreck~ 
els  the  other  day  and  sees  a  newsreel. 
In  it  they  showed  some  innocent  scenes 
of  a  plane  factory.  One  of  these  scenes 
was  of  the  heat  treating  deparifement, 
with  the  drop  hammers  in  the  background, 
so  there  couldn't     be     any  mistaking  it, 

she  thought and     here  comes   the  tough 

part    (at  least  for  the   Colonel). 

The  operator  presses  a  button  and 
the  basket  rises  -  moves  over  the  sr-up 
and  gently  sets  itself  into  tho  soup. 
He  presses  another  button  and  the  basket 
very  gracefully  emerges  from  the  soup 
gently  glides  over  to  the  water  quench 
tank  -  and  does  a  beautiful  swan  dive 
into  the  wat  :t.  All  done  with  buttons 
and  old  Edison  jice. 

If     youse      guys   have  the   leafet  bit  of 
imagination,  there's   certainly  no  use  in 
me  telling  what  went  on     iri  that  house- 
hold th^-tnigh.t.     She     even     called  him 
"and  old  button  pusher",   and  immediately 
cut   the  ration  to   one  bottle. 

Honest,  Mrs.  LINDERFELT,  vfe  haven't 
this  automatic  equipment  as  yet, and  the 
"old  button  pusher"  does  have  to  get 
those  baskets  in  and  out  the  hard  way, 
so  be  kind  and  put  him  back  on  two  bot- 
tles install  new  equipment  so  that  you 
may  take  necessary  corrective  measures. 

appear lini the following  "issues   of  •  oiuf 


By  following  these  few  suggestions 
we  can  all  h-lp  to  eliminate  fir  haz- 
ards -  thus  bringing  a  sense  of  security 
,and  confidence  to  those  of  us  who  depaid 
on  Ryan  Aeronautical  for  a  livelihood. 




Germany  has  Hitler,  Consolidated  has 
the  PBY,  and  the  Modeling  Shop  has  a 
draftee.  Yes,  Sir,  our  ovm  LES  JAUSSAUD.'- 
is  v^alking  around  saying  -"It's  for  my 
Country, "aiid  trying  to  convince  us  along 
\vith  himself  the  advantages  of  Array  life 
"Oh, how  I  hate  to  get  up  in  the  morning" 

Easter  vacation  might  be  all  right 
for  some  people  but  for  JOHNNY  CASTIEN 
its  a  v-eek  of  hardship.  His  vife  is  a- 
v.'ay  so  Johj-iny  comes  without  his  lunch 
and  missing  a  button  here  jund  there.  Ah, 
the  bliss  of  married  life.' 

Which  reminds  us,  do  you  ever  think 
bad;  to  the  time  when  you  vere  married? 
In  a  recent  survey  of  the  modeling  shop 
we  uncovered  seme  very  interesting  de- 
tails on  marriage.  Several  of  the  boys 
met  their  wives  on  blind  dates.  One  even 
went  so  far  as  to  picket  the  house  of 
his  present  xvife  because  she  vjasn't  in- 
terested in  meetirig  him,  Vihat  men  vjon't 
do  J 

It  seems  JIM  CARLIN,  an  authority  on 
house  shrinkar'e,  is  having  trouble.  Jim 
built  a  house  during  the  rainy  season 
v'ith  threo  bedrooms  and  now  it's  shrinl:- 
ing  up  till  he  only  has  two.  Looks  like 
you  sleep  in  the  barn,  Jim. 

Now  Comes  the  time  to  praise  our  fire 
fightin',  smoke  eatin'  C.C.  CLARK.  He 
handled  the  fire  in  the  yard  truck 
superbly,  and  afterwards  very  calrrJy 
said,"V<T!at  is  it  everyone  says  -  Oh  yes, 
'Shucks,  anyone  could  have  done  it.." 


by  "Jigs" 

FRANK  (HEDY)  LAMAR,  Shop  Mentor  of 
Tool  Design,  has  decided  to  augment  his 
many  triumphs  with  a  plane  made  entirely 
of  cast  iron.  Now  "Three  Jaw  Lamar"  is 
a  very  versatile  person  and  his  ability 
to  machine  cast  iron  is  one  of  his  fin- 
est achievements, 

"Should  this  plane  experience  any  dif 
ficulty  in  taking  to  the  air,  we  will 
probably  u;.;c  the  now  f,airious  BIRDSALL 
"De-Gravitizer", states  chief  test  pilot 
C.E.   RICE. 

The  writer  feels  that  this  ship  will 
be  a  great  advance  in  aviation,  due  to 
the  fact  that  it  will  have  the  gliding 
angle  of  a  brick,  which  is  the  essence 
of  all  good  dive-bombers. 

"The  exclusive  rights  for  the  use  of 
the  Bridsall  De-Gravitizer  has  been  ob- 
tained at  minimum  cost"  Stated  Lamar 
Aircraft  Production  Chief,  C. -E. .YOUNG, 
at  a  press   conference  today. 

"Constniction  of  the  experimental 
ship  is  being  held  up  due  to  the  many 
foundry  strikes  throughout  the  Country, 
creating  a  shortage  of  cast  iron  and  al- 
so the  abnonce  of  a  contract  from  a  cer- 
tain foreigr;  power  v/hose  name  cannot  be 
disclosed  at  this  time", said  HUGH  DRAKE, 
Chiuf  Engineer. 

"All  tools,  jigs  and  fixtures  vdll 
probably  be  made  of  rubber,  eliminating 
the  necessity  of  checking  tolerances 
v:hich  may  facilitate  production,"  WILI., 
H.  CAJ.IERON  was  quoted  as  saying  at  the 
press   conference. 

VJe  v;ish  to  offer  our  best  wishes  to 
this  fine  bx^dy  of  men,  and  their  new 

Ey  the  way,  HARRY  A.  GOODBl  is  very 
conspicious  by  his  absence  from  T.  D, 
having  recently  been  transferred  to  Con- 
tract Engineering.  We  hope  Contract 
will  appreciate  having  him  as  much  as  we 
enjoyed  ha.ving  him  with  us. 

In  closing,  if  there  are  any  in  our 
vast  reading  public  that  have  any  ideas 
or  suggestions  for  the  cast  iron  pj.ano, 
please  gtit  in  touch  with  the  above-men- 
tioned men,      Adios,  Imigos. 


With  the  teams  divid^-d  into  three 
groups,  -■md  the  usual  smoke  that  sur- 
rounds the  pre-season  practi-ce  cleared  a 
way,  it  looks  very  much  like  Ryan  should 
have  by  far  the  most  successful  softball 
year  in  the  Company's  history.  Thero  is 
a  liost  of  excellent  material,  with  Uvo 
toaJTiS  th-j.t  could  play  to  a  stand  off  any 
time  they  meet,  v/hich  tends  to  make  a 
great  spirited  fight  out  of  the  season 
as   a  whole. 

It  is  a  little  early  to  tell  just 
what  leagues  the  Ryan  teams  will  be  in 
but  if  a  host  of  material  means  anything 
Ryan  should  find  itself  at  the  top  of 
the  heap. 

There      will     be     a  complete   schedule 
printed  in  the  columns  of  your  Ryan  Fly- 
ing Reporter. 




Internationally  recosnized  For  efficiency 

as  primary  military  trainers, 

Ryan  S-Ts  Fly  the  warplane  markinss 

oF  many  prosressive  nations. 



Good  news  for  everyone  connected  with  the  Ryan  organization  v/as  the  announce- 
ment carried  out  of  V/ashington  on  last  Wednesday  by  The  Associated  Press  telling  of 
the  aviard  by  the  Army  Air  Corps  of  a  sizeable  additional  order  for  training  pD.anefi 
to  be  built  by  the  Ryan  Aei'onautical  Company. 

Added  to  this  assurance  of  the  company's  uninterrupted  gro^irth  is  the  recent 
closing  of  more  orders  for  Rvan  i.".anifolds.  All  Ryaii  eiiiployees  may  vrell  feel  proud 
of  the  confidence  in  Ryan  '.voi-kers  and  management  which  has  thus  been  ejqxessed  Ij'-  the 

government  and 
by  other  manu- 
fr.cturers  under 
contract  to  the 
military  ser- 

Our  new  Air 
Corps  contract 
is  understood 
to  be  an  addi- 
tional  order 
for  low-wing 
Army  primary 
train  planes 
of  our  standard 
type  v;hich  are, 
after  months  of 
prep  aration, 
nov;  b 
to  roll  from 
the  final  assembly  line 
factory  addition, 

VJhen  the  international  situation  last 
year  necessitated  increased  production 
of  all  types  of  military  aircraft,  Ryan 
was  one  of  three  manufacturers  selected 
to  build  priuiary  training  planes  under 
the  governiaent '  s  type  standardization 
quantity  produGtion  plan. 

In  September  of  last  year,  Ryan  was 
avfarded  Air  Corps  contracts  for  its  new- 
est tjipe  mi].itary  models  of  the  famous 
Ryan  S-T  low-wing  training  planes.  This 
order  was  placed  to  coincide  v^ith  Air 
Corps  pilot  training  plans  v.'hich  called 

in  the  latest 
(Keep  'era  rolling. 

the  United  States 
wing  military  primary 
After  years  of  pioneering 

for  an  increaso 
in  the  annual  en- 
I'ollment  of  nov; 

pilots  froTii  7,000 
to  12,000  fliers. 

Now  the  annuall. 
training  rate  of 
Air  Corps  pilots 
has  again,  been 
increased,  to 
30,000,  and  the 
new  training  plane 
orders  are  under- 
stood to  be  need- 
ed for 
out  the  expanded 

Tvro  years  ago 
Ryan  v/as  the  or.l;y' 
manufacturer  in 
in  production  of  lov;- 
training  planes, 
the  low-vdn>: 

field  against  much  "sales  resistance", 
Ryan,  in  1939,  was  a  successful  vanner 
of  an  Air  Corps  "flight  competition  for 
primary  trainers. 

The  Ryan  S-T  then  became  the -Army's 
first  low-wing  primary  trainer,  thus 
breaking  away  from  a  30-year  precedent 
of  biplanes  for  initial  flight  instmc- 
tion  of  Air  Corps  flying  cadets.  By 
eliminating  the  former  change-over  from, 
biplane  to  monoplane  service  typf^s, 
trainin-'  efficiency  has  been  reported  to 
be  greatly  improved. 


L  L 




J  I  L 

Published  by  Employees  oi'  the 
Through  their  Welfare  Departnent 

Art  Editor 
Editorial  Secy 
to  this  issue: 

Larry  Gibson 
George  Duncan 
ii.  liarco;  liiil  Wagner 
Susan  Zlnn 

J.  R.  Conyers 
R.  J.  Ii"ork:)vjEki 

Departmental  and  Organizations; 

Things  'N  Stuff 


Dope  Shop 

riore  Random  Thoughts 

The  Ghost  Talks 


Manifold  Exhaust 



Penn  E.  Wise 

Fat  Kelly 

A.  Dope 

Genevieve  Doyer 


Wilbea  Jackson 

Russ  Wordlund 

Ken  liurray 

V.    J.   F-rk,   Jr. 

FROM     THE     SHOP 

Hello  Larry: 

Got  a  letter  from  my  uncle  saying  I 
could  be  of  service  to  him  select- 
ive service.  So  I  hied  rriyself  to  the 
front  office  where  liARGY  YGUNC-DLOOD 
very  courteously  notarized  my  question- 
naire. Thank  you  very  much,  I-iAEGY.  I 
had  a  pleasant  chat  with  Lr.  i^arco  and  I 
sincerely  wish  that  every  man  in  the 
plant  had  been  \vith  me.  The  following 
in  my  own  v^ords,  is  vjhat  he  urgently  de- 
sires every  one  of  you  men  to  understand 
about  the  personnel  office. 

ilr.  liarco  is  the  head  of  a  very  ef- 
ficient department  called  the  Personnel 
Department.  Off  hand  when  you  hear  that, 
you  think  it's  there  just  to  hire  people 
and  then  make  sure  that  they  get  their 
check  every  v/eek.  Well,  that  is  just  a 
small  part  of  their  services.  You'll 
probably  think  that  this  is  just  a  lot 
of  dramatics,  but  honestly  fellows,  this 
department  could  tell  you  of  cases  and 
cases  where  they  have  given  advice  and 
help  to  men  in  need  or  in  trouble.  Most 
of  us  are  from  out  of  tov/n  a!id  have  no- 
body to  turn  to  when  we  start  hitting 
(continued  on  next  page) 


One  of  the  most  distinguished  civ- 
ilian visitors  to  the  Ryan  factory  in 
recent  months  was  Henry  R.  Luce,  editor 
of  TD'iE,  LIFE  and  FORTUHE  magazines,  who 
tvifo  weeks  ago  was  conducted  on  a  tour  of 
the  plant,  in  company  with  Mrs.  Luce,  by 
Claude  Ryan. 

Mrs.  Luce,  incidentally,  is  the  dis- 
tinguished play.vright  and  commentator, 
Clare  Loothe.  The  occasion  for  the 
Luce's  visit  to  San  Diego  was  not  only 
to  visit  the  Ryan  factory  but  also  to 
spend  some  time  vdth  Mrs.  Luce's  brother, 
David  Boothe,  who  is  enrolled  for  a  I-Ias- 
ter  Pilot's  Course  at  the  company's 
training  subsidiary,  the  Ryan  School  of 

An  interesting  sidelight  of  the  dis- 
tinguished visitors'  trip  through  the 
Ryan  factory  was  the  great  interest  both 
took  in  the  Ryan  trainers  because  of  the 
fact  that  they  were  leaving  immediately'- 
for  China  I'here  they  expect  to  have  an 
opport\inity  to  see  some  of  the  same  Ryan 
S-T  planes,  recently  produced  by  the 
factory,  in  actual  service  operation 
with  the  Chinese  Air  Force.  Mrs.  Luce 
has  promised  the  FLYING  REPORTER  some 
pictures  of  the  STM-2s  in  China  if  she 
is  able  to  obtain  them. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Luce  v;ere  passengers  on 
the  inaugural  flight  of  Pan  American 
Airv/ays'  China  Clipper  from  San  Francis- 
co to  Singapore.  From  Singapore  they 
planned  to  go  to  Rangoon,  and  then  pro- 
ceed to  ChuTigldng,  capital  of  free  China, 
by  way  of  the  famous  B\irma  Road.  At 
Ch-ungking  the  Luce's  will  spend  most  of 
their  time  with  Chiang  Kai-shek,  Chinese 
leader,  and  his  distinguished  wife. 

(Note:  Speaking  of  the  export  of 
Ryan  planes,  v^e  hope  soon  to  be  able  to 
give  you  some  interesting  dope  and  pos- 
sibly pictures  of  the  Ryan  STM-2s  deliv- 
ered to  the  Netherlands  East  Indies  gov- 
ernment . ) 


nore  F:::Oi    TIS  3II0F 

Kjm0/f/n€  CLOCK 

— "r^!  ^^ . 


A  foreman  is  usually  a  pretty  busy 
guy.  He  has  a  lot  of  responsibility  and 
even  the  best  of  'em  has  -.bout  a  hun- 
dred and  one  things  to  think  about  and 
check  up  every  day. 

Most  of  the  foremen  I've  knovm  xvere 
glad  to  get  suggestions  fro.^  the  people 
v;ho  worked  with  them. 

Did  you  ever  hand  any  suggestions 
along  to  your  foreman?  If  you  haven't — 
try  it. 

How  do  you  think  up  supjfestions?  By 
just  opening  up  yom'  eyes  and  really 
seeing  what's  going  on  aro^md  you. 

It  may  be  you  will  see  a  l.ietter  way 
of  doing  a  job,  or  how  to  oave  waste 
riiaterial,  or  even  an  idea  for  a  new- 

Mong  your  suggestions,  be  sure  to 
include  one  or  two  about  siifety! 

What's  more  important  than  saving  a 
life  or  keepin_r  someone  out  of  tlie  hos- 

That '  s  just  v;hat  you  may  be  able  to 
do  by  spotting  a  cracked  ladder,  a  ma- 
chine part  that  should  be  j^uarded,  a 
blocked  fire  exit,  the  need  for  a  hand 
rail,  poorly  piled  material  that  night 
fall,  or  unsafe  hand  tools. 

Wlien  you  see  such  things — speak  up 
to  your  foreman.  He's  the  one  who  can 
get  th&m  corrected. 

Your  suggestions  vdll  also  tip  him 

off  that  your  wide-av/ake  and  thinking 

and  that  won't  do  you  one  bit  of  harm. 

5  A  F  E  T   Y 


the  bumi:)s  but  you  v-rLll  find  yoiir  oviu" 
Ryan  Personnel  Departinent  ever  v/illing 
and  ready  to  ease  you  over  the  rough 

The  beautiful  part  of  the  whole  situ- 
ation is  that  it  doesn't  have  to  concern 
your  work  directly.  If  your  creditors 
are  hot  on  your  trail,  if  the  folks  at 
home  are  ill  or  in  distress,  if  you  have 
some  deep  dark,  -unmentionable  worry,  go 
to  your  Persorinel  Department.  I  vron't 
guarantee  tloat  they  will  fix  it  right  up 
for  you  but  they  will  certainJ.y  give  you 
all  the  help  that  they  can  muster  and  I 
will  also  /"uarantee  that  it  will  be  kept 
in  strictest  confidence,  if  you  so  de- 

As  for  the  sort  of  help  you  will  get, 
just  keep  in  mind  that  you  are  dealing 
with  people  who  v;ere  picked  for  -their 
positions  because  thej;-  vrere  experienced 
in  the  type  of  relations  that  I  have 
just  mentioned,  and  it  would  cost  you 
some  hard  earned  cash  if  you  vrere  to  go 
to  some  other  source.  Yes,  all  these 
services  are  absolutely  free  to  you,  so 
don't  hesitate  to  use  them.  A  friend  in 
need  is  a  fi-iend  indeed  and  you  v/ill 
find  the  Personnel  Department  a  very 
good  friend  to  become  better  acquainted 

R.  J.  Horkowskl 


'^ATCH  OUT  Fa^  ME 


Dirty  Andy  vdll  be 
awarded  to  the  de-- 
partraent  sho'dng  the 
poorest  housekeeping. 
Dirty  Andy' will  stay  for  one  week.  If 
your  department  continues  to  be  lax  in 
good  house! -eeping,  Dirty  Andy  vrill  visit 
you  until  some  other  department  slips. 

To  keep  Dirty  Andy  avjay  you  must  be 
careful  aUout: 

Keeping  floors  clean 

Keeping  parts  neatly  piled 

Keeping  aisles  clear 

Avoiding  loose  clothing  and  long 

Keeping  all  scraps  in  recepticals. 
Keep  your  department  the  neatest  and 
clea^nest  in  the  nlant. 



Do  you  knovj  what  it  Is   like  to  try  to  interview  a  liquor  saleSiiian  at  an  Klks 

convention?   Just  try  talkin/j  for  fifteen  consecutive  .r.inutes  with  this  gny   Barton. 

He  may  not  actually  be  the  busiest  man  in  the  ivorld. . . .but,  from  where  we  sat  it 

looked  like  it. 

Along  with  some  miscellaneous  information  about  the  factory,  v;e  discovered  that 

he  was  born  in  Durand,     Vi'isconsin,     in  I9O5.        The  way  he  tells  it,     he  was  a  pretty 

What's  more  irapor- 
tant,  it  play  ed 
heck  with  the  Bar- 
ton financial  sta- 
tus. Betvjeen  one 
reason  and  another 
he  decided  that  a 
colleg'e  education 
wasn't  the  world's 
most  in  p  0  rtant 
thing  and  decided 
to  go  to  work. 

By  the  Viray,  the 
University  of  Cin- 
cirjiatti  was  run  on 
the  co-operative 
plan.  That  is,  the 
students  go  to 
school  for  a  period 
and  then  v^ork  for  a 
period,  and  so  on. 
While  still  a  stu- 
d  ent  Gi le  s  had 
v;orked  for  the  Rem- 
ington Rand  Business 
Machine     Company  as 

good  youngster. 
That  is,  ivith  the 
exception  of  almost 
driving  the  neigh- 
bors mad  v;ith  his 
amateur  radio  ex- 
periment s .  Neigh- 
bors not  withstand- 
ing, he  did  make  a 
little  side  money 
out  of  radio  re- 
pairing and  build- 

He  lays  no  claim 
to  having  been  a 
notorious  scholar. 
Whea  it  cam.e  to 
getting  geometry 
lessons,  it  seems 
he  vjas  darn  good 
at  building  model 

'/^lile  he  v/as  in 
high  school  he 
v/  ork  ed  in  his 
Dad's     p  rin ting 

shop  after  school  and  on  Saturdays. 
During  the  summers  he  had  v/hat  looks  to 
us  like  a  really  swell  job.  He  was  su- 
pervisor of  the  girls  who  did  the  grad- 
ing and  packing  in  a  local  canning  fac- 
tory. Long  hours,  but  nothing  much  to 
do  except  stand  around  and  kibitz  with 
the  help. 

In  1923  Giles  started  getting  a  col- 
lege education  at  the  University  of  Cin- 
clnnatti.  He  took  the  mechanical  engin- 
eerin,f;  course,  as  might  be  expected.  The 
first  two  years  of  his  college  career 
went  smoothly  enough.  But  ■■■;  tough  break 
came  along  then.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
National  Guard  Crvalry  and  was  verily 
nuts  about  playing  polo.  So.... one  day 
he  got  too  close  to  a  horse's  north  end 
and  v;as  kicked  for  a  goal.  This  incident 
really  wasn't  funny.  It  laid  Giles  up 
for  several  months  and  caused  him  to 
iiiiss  out  on  the  year's  final  exams. 

a  draftsman  and  for  the  Cincinnatti 
liilling  Liachine  Company  as  a  machinist 
and  in  the  foundry.  This  experience  made 
quitting  school  and  going  to  v;ork  a  pret- 
ty easy- job. 

Well,  from  1926  until  1932,  he  worked 
variously  as  a  draftsman  for  a  sheet 
m.etal  manufacturer  and  as  an  assistant 
to  the  plant  engineer  at  the  Gillete 
Rubber  Company  of  Eau  Claire,  Wis. 

In  1931j  Giles  decided  to  finish  his 
engineering  course  and  went  back  to  the 
University  of  Cincinnatti.  After  another 
three  years  of  soraevjhat  more  dilligent 
study,  he  graduated  in  1934. 

In  1933  he  had  started  v;orking,  on 
the  co-op  plan,  for  the  Aeronautical 
Corporation  of  America  as  a  draftsman. 
Upon  graduating  he  v;ent  right  <on  vdth 
his  job  tliere.  While  at  Aeronautical 
Corporation  of  America,  he  designed  tlie 
first  Aeronca  low-wing  job.  Says  the 
(continued  on  next  page) 


1    t> 


A  ^^ 

>'  \ 

'      '-  ■-  ;- 


!        '    '         "^ 


V.      ' 




Well,  soaks,  here  I  is  aftairi,  or  is- 
n't it.  Rather  stupid,  eh  'jhat? 

If  I'm  net  right  you  ccn  grind  my 
flange  and  call  me  nipplc;,  it's  a  hell 
of  a  world  and  I  do  mean  the  people. 

I  had  no  idea  KEK  "HOBBLI-,"  WOOD  would 

take  to  the  brush  (crutches)  so   easy 

Ken  turned  his  knee  and  h-i.3  had  to  use 
the  aforesaid  crutches  for  three  days 
nov;.  \Je  are  in  a  quandry  -ir  to  what  he 
V'/ill  use  if  he  should  turn  his  neck. 

According  to  the  latest  census  taken 
at  the  plant  SCOTTY  DLRii  and  -/ILEUR 
"BILL"  WHi^R  hail  from  Pennsylvania.  As 
you  all  know,  our  renowned  Liberty  Bell 
is  cracked  too,  so  don't  hold  it  against 
the  boys. 

Boy,  you  should  see  "SLE-l"  COATES 

when  he  goes  into  his  trance pardon,  I 

Of  course,  a  little  v;ater 
pocket  always  accor.ipanies 
There  is  talk  that  he  has 
crLne  who  gets  the  pockets 
right  in  line.  Of  course,  I  don't  like 
to  laention  names  but  his  pT,rtner  is  able 
to  spit  on  ryself .  Even  -che  Scotland 
Yr..rd  men  are  on  the  duck. 

Good  old  AL  "JJU3BIN"  W.r^V-R  was  show- 
ing "Slir.-L"  a  picture  of  his  little  boy 
holding  his  dog.  "Nubbin"  says,  "This  is 
a  picture  of  my  boy."  "Slir.:"  squints  up 

mean  dance, 
in  someone's 
each  dance. 
a  partner  in 

his  eyes  and  says,  "V/hich  one".  "Nubbin" 
without  thinkiiig,  points  to  the  boy  and 
says  "This  one".  Of  course,  it  is  hard 
to  figure  out  what  Slim  will  do  next  so 
don't  feel  bad  "Hubbin". 

It  v/as  really  a  bad  night  for  IlED 
"IS'/FIE"  FilXIffiR.  Kewpic  calls  it  intes- 
tinal flu  tut  darned  if  I  ever  sav/  a 
bottle  Tirith  that  kind  of  a  label  on  it 

Of  course,  we  must  say  a  word  for  our 
colleague,  RAY  "VICE  Plil^lSIC'EOT,  GEISRAL 
SKI  who  is  going  right  to  tovm  on  our 
103  contract.  It  looks  like  a  good  com- 
bination there,  "Ray"  and  "Kev/pie"  — 
brains  and  brav/n,  you  knov/,  or  something, 

A  word  of  thanks  to  that  great  bene- 
factory  of  nviation,  our  own  T.  CLAUDE 
"PAPPY"  RYaN,  for  his  note  of  praise  to 
us  vrritcrs  of  fiction  for  our  paper  for 
our  humble  efforts  to  please  j^ouse  guys. 

iJell,  fellows,  we  lost  a  pretty  svrell 
Police  Captain  when  CAPTAIN  "TINY"  GREY 
transferred  to  first  shift.  He  had  a 
sense  of  Jiurrior  as  well  as  being  another 
one  of  the  gang.  Good  luck,  "Tiny". 

Say,  could  any  of  you  tell  me  v.-here 
PIDCCK  goes  vjhen  he  heads  for  L.A.  on 
Satvirday  night.  I  have  heard  he  goes  to 
Azusa,  but  I  can't  find  it  on  the  map. 
He  never  seems  to  have  any  trouble  get- 
ting back  in  the  United  States  after  his 
visit.  She  m.ust  be  either  a  ravishing 
blonde,  or  a  beautiful  buck  skin.  You 
know  I'Pid"  is  crazy  about  horses. 

VJell,  boys,  as  the  Dolly  says  to  the 
bumper,  beat  ne  daddy,  I'm  eight  belov; 

Good  st?;c]':s  till  next  edition. 

more  about  Giles  Barton 

biggest  boner  he  ever  pulled  v/as  design- 
ing a  job  with  the  aileron  controls  re- 
versed. He  was  employed  at  the  Aero- 
nautical Corporation  for  eight  years  al- 
together; for  the  last  five  as  factory 
manager.  In  1940  he  came  to  v;ork  at 

He  leaped  into  matrimony  in  1936.  The 
Barton  family  now  consists  of.  I-ir.,  iirs. 
and  a  young  daughter,  Abigail. 

We  asked  hiiri  our  old  stock  question 
about  what  he  expects  of  aviation's 
future.  Quote,  "When  things  settle  dovm 
again  v/e're  going  to  have  a  huge,  nation 

v;ide,  industrial  machine  geared  to  the 
production  of  airplanes.  That  it  vdll 
keep  on  ••rovdng  into  a  healthy  business 
is  inevitable.  This  big,  new  born  baby 
is  going  to  DEI^IAfJD  attention." 

Here's  one  more  plug  for  suggestions. 
...these  big  shots  must  be  serious  about 
this....  Plant  Manager  Barton  says  that 
at  least  ^0%  of  the  new  ideas  and  im- 
provements come  from  the  men  on  the  job. 
Ke  said,  "There  are  a  thousand  men  with 
ideas  out  there  in  the  plant,. and  a  half 
a  dozen  in  here.  Now  vjhere,"  he  says, 
"are  the  most  ideas?"  Looks  like  he's 
got  something  there,  children. 


<^  ^. 


A.  DCPE  ??.ai  T:C.  DOPE  3:0?  5aI3  -  - 

Up  to  now  I  have  se«i  narj  a  irord  s- 
bo'it  the  ?o-:oooor  Bojs  fr?iE,  the  rairrt 
Shop.  I  have  read  the  ^r-'pe^  arc.  ^Isv- 
ances  cf  eH  the  other  depcr'j'scris.   30 — 

now  I  vrLii  eri'feavor  to  jrit   all  otiier  de- 
fartmerito  in  t  heir  place, 

W*e  of  the  Dope  Shop  have  our  little 
grievances  ^l30,  but  ?21  (I  ^ouLc  32.7 
scEe)  cf  113  have  broad  shoidders  arad, 
ahes,  brilliant  laindo,  and  we  car^  take 
everTthin^  in  our  stride. 

Where  vould  the  plant  be  Tritho-jt  the 
dear  lads  ^-av  out  back?  Who  dressed  up 
the  steel  (and  spattered  up  the  aer.  in 
the  plant),   -^ha?     Hie  Faint  Shop  Boys. 

All  the  TTork  you  feUwi's  do  irouid  be 
for  naught  if  it  weren't  for  ne  and  ay 
partners  in  Dope.  I'n  eskin^  you?  What 
would  a  blcside,  brunette,  red  head  (those 
lovely  creatures  in  the  office}  1  a  ok 
like  without  Paint.     Aha,  there  ycu  ;re. 

I  don't  think  a  Ryan  could  ret  off 
the  ground,  if  it  weren't  for  that  beati- 
tiful  paint   ;ob. 

Don't,  5iy  dear  reader,  take  the  above 
too  serijiisly.  All  ay  cohorts  and  I  are, 
like  you  other  departaaent  3 ,  for  i^ysn  1CX> 
per  cent.     More  next  tine. 




JIMMY  APPLESTILL,  of  the  Rj-an  Fire 
Brigade,  performed  a  notevorthy  rescue 
some  days  ago  when  he  made  his  way  into 
c:  flaming  house  to  bring  to  safety  a 
seven-year- old  boy,  and  his  inseparable 
pal  "Trix",   a  scotty  dog. 

Sitting  with  friends  in  his  own  home, 
across  the  street  from  the  house  that 
caught  fire,  Jinmj'  heard  the  screams  of 
a  woman  and  the  of  approaching 
fire  trucks  and  he  immediately  rushed 
across  the  street  to  be  of  a^jsistance  if 

Finding  that  the  firemen  vrcre  having 
difficulty  brea]<ing  in  the  front  of  the 
house,  Jim  got  the  idea  that  the  back 
v'oiold  be  the  proper  place  to  gain  en- 
trance. Making  his  way  to  the  rear  of 
the  house,  Jim  v/as  told  that  there  v/as  a 
auall  boy  in  the  bedroom,  so  vithout  de- 
lay, and  disregarding^  his  ov.-n  safety,   Jim 


0  F 

i-  i^ 


ripped  the  screen  frcas  the  bedrocn  vrLn- 
dow  and  entered  the  house.  Finding  the 
small  boy,  overcome  by  the  saoke,  lying 
on  the  bed,  Jin  lifted  liim  throu^  the 
v;indov7  into  v;aiting  aras  and  then  re- 
turned to  the  bed  v/here  he  thought  there 
was  another  child.  He  picked  up  the 
liiap  foin  and  carried  it  through  the 
window  to  safety  where  the  small  bundle 
vvas  found  to  be  "Trix",  faithful  scotty 
of  the  rescued  boy. 

The  interesting  thing  about  the 
whole  affair  is  the  coolness  with  which 
Jim  carried  out  his  nission.  Never  did 
he  make  a  mis-move  nor  at  any  tine  did 
he  let  emotion  overtake  him.  He  effect- 
ed the  rescue  ^Ith  extraae  haste  and  at 
all  times  v-as  a  credit  to  both  himself 
and  his  friends. 

The  cojzpany  is  proud  of  you,  Jic,  as 
is  the  Fir?  Brigade  of  which  you  are  3 
member . 





BULLETIN  NO.  -  This  is  the  fifth  of  a  series  of  bulletins  which  are  appearing  reg- 
ularly in  the  RYAN  FLYING  REPORTER  describing  for  the  American  working  man  facts  he 
wants  to  know  about  the  Ajnerican  business  system;  telling  how  businesses  are  built; 
explaining  how  thej'-  are  operated  and  defining  the  position  that  business  occupies  in 
/onerican  life. 

HO  OWNS  business:^ 


When  v;e  read  about  big  business  men,  we  assume  they  are  the  fellovjs  who  own  the 
tig  businesses.  Some  of  than  do,  but  they  are  exceptions.  Most  of  the  big  business 
men  are  only  the  managers  of  their  businesses,  because  the  ownership  of  the  big  bus- 
inesses is  di^^ided  up  among  many  thousands  of  people. 

The  American  Telephone  .ind  Telegraph  Company  is  ovrned  by  642,000  people.  Three 
hundred  and  fifty  thousand  poopie  own  General  Motors  Corporation.  Altogether,  twelve 
million  people  in  the  United  States  rcld  stock  in  some  business  and, 
therefore,  ovrn  part  of  that  business.   A  large  proportion  of  those 

owners  are  people  like  yourself people  who  are  working  on  a  job, 

getting  paid,  saving  a  little  money  and  then  using  the  savings  to 
buy  a  part  of  some  important  business.  Four  classes  of  people  own 
the  big  business  of  the  country.  These  are: 

1.  Employed  persons  v;ho  receive  regular  v,rages  and  invest  their 
savings  in  stocks. 

2.  Man.:iger3  of  businesses  v;ho  invest  savings  in  stodts  of  other 
businesses  so  as  not  to  have  all  their  eggs  in  one  basket, 

3.  Unemployed  persons,  v.ddovirs,  aged  people  and  the  like,  who 
have  invested  their  savings  or  insurance  money  in  stocks 
and  bonds  and  who  depend  for  livelihood  on  the  success  of 
the  businesses  in  which  their  nest-eggs  are  invested, 

U.  Institutions,  such  as  churches  and  colleges,  vjhich  invest 
their  money  -in  stocks  and  bonds  in  order  to  make  enough 
money  to  operate. 
The  642,000  o^wners  of  American  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Company 
are  scattered  throughout  America.  Some  own  many  shares  of  stock, 
some  only  a  few,  but  every  man  xvho  ovms  one  share  of  stock  is  a  business  man  because 
he  is  putting  up  his  money  to  make  a  job  for  somebody  else  and  to  earn  a  profit  for 
himself.  Any  time  you  v/alk  through  the  Ryan  factory  or  along  the  streets  of  San 
Diego  you  are  likely  to  meet  some  of  these  people  who  own  part  of  American  Telephone 
and  Telegraph  Company.  You  might  be  surprised  to  find  tliat  some  of  your  good  friends 
own  a  part  of  A.T.  &  T. 


THERE    isn't    MUCH    BUSINESS 

Now  if  American  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Company  doesn't  make  any  profit  and  there- 
fore stops  paying  dividends,  v;hat  happens?  Dividend  pa:,'-ments  to  642,000  people  are 
cut  off.  They  don't  get  the  profit  that  they  expected  to  get  when  they  invested 
money  in  A.T.&T.  stock.  If  they  have  only  a  few  shares  of  stock,  their  losses  are 
comparatively  small,  but  they  may  be  pretty  important.  Everybody  who  has  money  in- 
vested feels  the  loss  to  some  extent. 

Some  owners  of 
A.T.&T.  live 

Say,  for  e:<ample,  that  a  welder  in  the  Ryan  factory,  working  for  hourly  vrages, 
bought  a  few  shares  of  Geno;:al  Motors  stock  and  becai?.e  one  of  the  350,000  stock- 
holders, or  business  men,  intorested  in  this  big  corporation.  If  business  is  good 
and  General  hotors  makes  monoy,  oxvners  of  stock — all  350,000  of  them — vdll  get  raorc 
in  dividends,  and  the  welder  '-'.'ill  have  extra  money  to  put  into  a  sa^/ings  bank,  to 
buy  insurance,  to  invest  iu  a  business  or  to  invest  in  some  other  stock  to  earn 
additional  money. 


If  business  in  general  is  good,  tivelve  million  people  v/ho  owa 
all  kinds  of  stock  will  get  dividends  from  the  money  they  have  in- 
vested. They  will  spend  some  of  it  to  buy  things  and  thus  make 
business  bettor.  They  will  invest  soiae  of  it  and  thereby  help  to 
make  more  joLs.  \\^en  folks  are  working  every  daj''  and  business  in 
good,  the  majority  of  families  will  put  something  in  tho  bank  for 
a  rainy  day,  and  that  will  mean  more  money  for  the  banics  to  lend 
out  to  business,  v/hich,  in  turn,  will  make  more  vjork  and  more  of 
everything  for  everybody. 


If  big  business 
makes  money,  buS' 
iness  vail  he 
good  here. 


If  an.'/thing  happens  that  destroys  the  profit 
of  American  Telephone  and  Telegraph,  General  Motors, 
General  Electric  and  other  companies,  the  conse- 
quences are  very  serious  for  everybody.  People  who  expect  dividends 
but  don't  get  thesn  Virill  not  have  that  money  to  spend,  nor  to  reinvest 
in  other  businesses.  Furthenaore,  they  v/ill  decide  that  they  had  bet- 
ter spend  a  little  less  of  their  vjages  and  save  more.  As  a  result, 
the  grocer's  business  falls  off,  the  clothing  store  does  a  poor  bus- 
iness and  so  the  food  manufacturers  lay  off  men  or  work  a  short  week. 

VJhen  little  business  falls  off,  big  business  also  falls  off  be- 
cause all  business  is  dependent  on  all  other  businesses.   When  the 
sales  of  the  druggists  and  the  butchers  drop  off  bad].y,  the  drug 
manxifacturer  and  the  packing  house  go  on  short  time,  their  em-  if  bio-  business 
ployees  stop  buying  automobiles  and  the  automobile  plants  go  on 
short  time. 

When  harm  comes  to  big  business  in  America,  everybody  in 
America  suffers.   The  hundred  of  thousands  of  American  people 
v/ho  share  ownership  of  big  business  lose  money  and  the  loss  of  that  money  cuts  dovm 
emr>lo7iaent  and  wages  in  all  businesses. 

loses  money,  there 
will  be  poor  busi- 
ness here. 





by  Ken  liurray 



Once  again  little  JII-2UE  AFPLESTILL 
crov/ds  the  dpoL  li^^ht,  with  his  spec- 
tacular reGCuti  of  a  little  boy  and  his 
dojr^  from  a  burning  borae  l;-,st  v^eok.  To 
ask  Ji]iffiiie  all' about  it^  all  you  hear  is 
a  modest  reply,  "Was  nuttin"  a  'tall'.' 
By  jicLiny,  Jinrnie,  yo  bail  vtm  svell 
gW  — 

Ve  all  tinl:  you' a  tops;  :aay  fortune 
no  pass  you  by. 

Sort  of  struck  me  funny  last  Monday 
upon  returning  to  work,  to  see  so  many 
sun  enthusiasts.  Old  sol  siore  did  a  com- 
plete tranfifoiroation  on  quite  a'  number 
of  manifold  boys,  includinf:  yoiirs  truly. 
But  to  have  the  lobster  red  of  HANK 
HABDI,  veil,  I  tank  I  novj  stay  home  and 
keep  me  clos  on, — ya,  yu  bet  y\i. 

It  seems  like  o\u:'  nev!coinc.r  CLAUDE 
GEORGE  WHIT3  is  having  a  little  pre- 
mature raariti.l  trouble.  I  guess  it's 
quite  a  problem  to  try  and  decide  \fhich 
of  the  tv;o  or  three  to  take  for  better 
or  for  v/oroe.  Claude  sincerely  hopes 
the  next  try  this  coming,  vdll 
wind  up  for  keeps,  providing;  the  expense 
accovint  can  withstand  the  additional 

The  BOOTK  boys  are  once  more  with  us. 
Glad  to  hoar  everything  went  O.K.  on 
their  two-week  trip  to  Jefferson,  Iowa, 
and  back.  There  was  some  trouble  get- 
ting EDDY  to  decide  whetrser  he  should 
stay  there  or  not.  But  l^etween  the 
lines,  I  think  a  little  v;ee  bit  o 'lassie 
decided  for  him, 

A  few  days  ago,  DIKE  WARIiIiN  of  sand- 
blast came  to  vvork  with  the  longest  puss 
I'd  ever  seen  liiia  wear.  Being  a  married 
raan,  I  figured  A 'Ha!,  it  must  be  one  of 
those  dog-house  hangovers.  Sure  'nuff, 
but  now  the  calm  has  appeared  after  the 
storm  and  OH  I,  iirhat  a  relief  to  be  able 
to  relax,  eat  regular,  and  r,TC. 

The  two  ji.n-x  boys  of  the  Welding  De- 
partment ai'fi  ALUM  CLAHK  and  HARRY  FAR- 
RIS.  If  ever  seen  together,  watch  for 
the  fire-*7orl-s.  BOB  GARDINER  took  the 
two  of  them  to  the  lakes  last  week  and 
because  Hob's  new  motor  wouldn't  start 
and  the  fish  didn't  bite,  it  was  all 
their  fault,  according  to  Bob, 

Glad  to  see  BOB  BOOTH  back  after  his 

Saw  "G-.'ii;DOLYN"  LADROOT  on  his  way  t^ 
the  land  of  beautiful  women  and  sunshine 
the  other  day.  But  Mel,  you  don't  have 
to  drive  to  Florida  to  see  that  after 
what  I  sav;  in  the  main  office  the  other 
day,  running  the  'switch  board.  The  bad 
part  is  though  Mel,  I  don't  even  know  iier 
name.   I'm  a  big  help. 

CHIEF  Cm-^ISTIAN,  '  as  he  vras  known  to 
the  weldcrr.,  has  had  an' ur^disputed  right 
to  the  title  of  Chief,  until  recently 
a  chief  moved  into  the  Manifold  Depart- 
ment. So  JS-il'ff  "THE- JERK"  LARSON,  being 
a  fighter  at  heart, 
decided  to  -x-t  a  title 
fight  and  everyone  xvas 
willing  including  the 
chiefs.  That  is,  un- 
til Ghri£:tian  saw  the 

other-  chief then — • 

"H ,  he  can   be 

chief  I" 

Chief  Christian 
Height    5 '11"   ■ 
Weight    170  lbs. 
Manifold  Chief 
Height    6 '2" 
Weight    253  lbs. 
P.S,    Just  call 

by  the  grapevine  that  liR.  and 
are  expecting  soon.  Here's  to 
boy  Kolbena. 
A  parting  thought  for  PAUL  VEAL: 
A  car  without  a  tail  light 
And  turning  to  the  right 
Is  no  reason  to  hit  it 
When  going  home  at  night, 
you  all  later. 


I  hear 



Chief     Christian 


•.■.■■. '''XT;  nci'A.  yd 

•■■':.i'-i  i:fiJLiri  bnn  /•►,;„ 
''.:.'i;  .'i.:-d".QW     ^'iT-ri-''."'- 

•  f  ■      •  •:■••■    :• 

■•t.'^/'VT  r? 


,  t 





/^    D) 









A    FARCICAL      MIX  UP       IN       THREE        ACTS 

THURSDAY,  JUI^  19th 






TA<  "xe. 

SEE     YOU    THERE  / 

The  Drfunatic  Club  is  '.vorking  earnestly 
on  their  forthcoming  play,  "Our  Boardinp- 
House",  to  be  presented  to  the  employees 
and  friends  of  the  Ryan  Company.  This 
play  promises  to  be  a  riot  from  start  to 
finish,  with  your  friends  and  mine  play- 
ing important  roles. 

Everyone  w5.11  want  to  see  this  "first 
attempt"  at  what  we  all  hope  mil  become 
a  regu-lar  part  of  oior  social  and  recrea- 
tional activities  department. 

The  proceeds  from  this  venture  will 
be  turned  over  to  the  employees  welfare 
fund  for  the  furtherance  of  employee  re- 
creation. These  various  activities  are 
put  on  for  you  and  it  is  for  this  reason 
that  we  hope  you  will  support  them,. 

The  ca;3t  as  a  whole  is  working  very 
hard  to  make  this  play  the  success  that 
vie  all  want  it  to  be,  so  the  least  that 
we  can  do  is  to  support  them  in  their 

The  talent  that  is  being  brought  out 
in  this  plj..y  will  surprise  all  of  us  and 
to  be  sure,  it  is  far  from  the  rank  and 
file  amateur  talent. 




by  Pat  Kelly 

V.  J.  Park,  Jr. 

How  with  vacation  over  and  nothing 
elte  to  get  in  my  hair  for  a  vjhUe,  let's 
see  vihat  dirt  I  can  dig  up. 

Incidentally,  if  any  of  youse  are 
planning  to  stay  home  on  your  vacation 
this  year  just  to  save  money,  'tis  bet- 
ter you  take  a  trip.  Personally,  I  can 
find  no  difference. 

To  T^y   dear  friend:  - 

liy  humble  thanks  for  handling  this 
column  in  the  last  issue  of  tlie  Flying 
Reporter.  'I'was  very  well  done,  me  lad, 
very  v/ell  done. 

In  conversing  with  our  ajrdable  friend 
T.  P.  (V/IGWAPi)  HEAMJ,  Ryan's  Gt.andards 
Engineer,  I  mentioned  it  v/as  about  time 
I  give  hira  recognition  in  the  column, 
V/ith  a  sardonic  sneer  and  murder  in  his 
eyes,  he  said,  "Be  careful,  chum,"  (I 
think  he  said  Chum).  Aiiyhov',  I  wonder 
what  he's  afraid  I  know.  O.K.  "Wigwam", 
consider  yourself  recognized. 

Who  is  the  loudest  and  riiost  constant 
whistler  in  the  department?  None  other 
Chum,  why  don't  you  learn  a  new 
Now  "Cuthbert"  watch  your  Fahren- 




For  the  information  of  -/ou  gals  on 
the  main  floor  and  in  the  other  building 
ED  3UMGARTEN  has  himself  a  new  convert- 
able  Ford.  Now  the  fact  remains,  Ed  goes 
to  Los  Angeles  most  every  v;eek-end. 
Surely  there  must  be  someone  an  San  Diego 
that  could  hold  his  interest.  O.K.  but 
don't  say  I  didn't  tell  you. 

PAT,  the  freshness  of  youi^  appearance 
is  greatly  anticipated  every  morning  in 
the  Engineering  Department.  Why  don't 
you  come  up  more  often  (unquote).  That 
goes  for  the  rest  of  you  too. 

Have  you  ever  noticed  how  J.  H.  WOCDS 
banks  his  corner  as  he  joos  flying  thru 
the  plant.  He  thinks  he's  still  flying 
his  Luscombe.  Say  nov;,  there's  a  deal 
for  youse  who  like  to  fly.  Careful, 
Woodie,  we  would  hate  to  jee  you  spin 
in.  (continued  on  second  follo./ing  page) 

JACK  KILLIKAN,  through  this  column, 
issues  the  following  challenge  and  of- 
fers to  virx^er  a  small  sum,  that  he  is 
the  youn/;est  grandparent  in  the  plant'. 
From  the  aig-sag  course  "Grandpa"  was 
making  down  Fourth  Avenue  a  fevir  evenings 
ago  one  would  assume  the  heir  to  the 
I'lillikan  fortunes  had  arrived,  or  maybe 
Jack  tliought  he  was  in  the  submarine 

TAYLOR  is  back  for  duty  after  stop- 
ping a  po7;er  saw  with  his  hand.  AFJT 
REIS3  and  IC/iIL  are  new-comers.  Congrats 
to  all, 

RUSSELL,  second  shift,  barged  in  the 
other  afternoon  with  a  blinker  on  one 
top  light.  Confucius  said  something 
about  a  poor  excuse  being  better  than 
none,  but  Russ  "hardly  had  none". 

The  subject  of  lifting  was  discussed 
in  a  recent  issue.  Now  there's  sn  art 
to  grabbing  and  snatching  pig  iron.  Some 
of  you  chaps  from  the  l-Iiddle  West  must 
have  witnessed  contests  in  weight  moving 
by  teams  of  horses.  A  very  pretty  sight 
to  see,  and  instructive  too,  is  that  of 
a  big  team  easing  into  their  collars, 
tightening  the  traces,  setting  their 
feet  firmly,  and  straining  a  bit  to  find 
out  v/hat  they  are  tied  to.  Reckon  it's 
just  common  horse  sense  that  tells  them 
to  take  up  the  slack  before  they  hit  the 
load.  One  can  learn  a  great  deal  from 
the  so-called  dumb  animals. 

Our  salute  goes  to  DICK  WILLIAMS  of 
Final  Assenbly.  When  any  of  his  gear  is 
in  o\ir  way,  he  promptly  moves  it .  That '  s 
real  coopieration, 

GOTTSCH-ILK,  who  ser-sred 
in  the  Arniy  o^er-seas 
during  the  last  war, 
states  he  had  his  fill 
of  mud  then,  and  plans 

to  do  his  tour  of  duty 
in  the  Navy  if  the  pre- 
^ sent  fiasco  reaches  the 
shooting  stage.  In 
fact,  he  already  has  his  boat,  attached 
to  a  huge  anchor,  and  is  deeply  engrossed 
vilth   navig'.ition. 

BALLAiS,  retired  chief,  has  been 
called  b,nck  to  the  Navy.  The  best  of 
luck,  01'  r:oy,  and  fine  weather. 

(continued  on  second  following  page) 




Be  sure  to  bring  your  conriass!  This 
Was  the  parting  remark  of  two  Ryan  Golf- 
ers as  they  finished  their  discussion  of 
the  forthcoming  Ryan  Golf  Club  Tourney, 
third  in  a  series  of  monthly  tournaments 
to  establish  handicaps  for  the  annual 
Ryan  Company  Golf  Char.ipionships  to  be 
held  in  the  latter  part  of  June. 

This  month's  tourney  v;ill  be  held 
May  25th  at  the  La  Jolla  Country  Club, 
and  this  is  the  reason  for  the  compass 
being  brought  into  the  discussion.  This 
course  is  by  far  the  toughest  golf  course 
in  the  county  and  should  pi-ove  to  be  an 
interesting  test  to  all  of  the  golfers 
participating.  The  tvro  man  team  best 
ball  idea  will  be  rule  as  it  has  been  in 
the  past. 

All  of  the  Ryan  Golfers  will  be  out 
to  break  the  vanning  streak  of  the  NORD- 
LUND-BILLS  combination  and  a  hotly  con- 
tested battle  looms  betvjeen  many  of  the 
teams  entered.  There  will  be  three 
prizes,  as  before,  with  the  winners  of 
low  gross  taking  one  prize,  and  the 
blind  boggy  players  fighting  it  out  for 
the  other  two. 

AT  8  A.H.  SHARP. 

BOB  COOPF,R,  of  Engineering,  walked 
off  with  the  Company's  first  semi-annual 
badminton  tourney  with  the  loss  of  but 
one  game.  At  no  time  in  the  entire 
tournament  was  he  sure  of  victory,  as 
there  vjas  always  a  potential  vdnner  in 
some  of  the  higher  handicap  ranks.  It 
vjas  one  of  the  outstanding  athletic  en- 
deavors of  the  Company  thus  far,  as  mariy 
of  the  people  who  participated  were 
overjoyed  with  the  success  of  the  tour- 
ney and  are  ready  right  now  to  have  an- 

The  runner-up  in  the  tourney  was  RAY 
PYLE,  of  Inspection  who  was  a  constant 
threat  with  his  clever  execution  of  dif- 
ficult shots.  Both  the  vjinner  and  the 
runner-up  will  be  presented  with  tro- 
phies in  the  Personnel  Director's  office 
at  a  later  date. 

The  toirrnament  was  run  on  the  handi- 
cap basis,  the  amount  of  actual  playing 
experience  being  used  as  a  means  of 
establishing  handicaps. 

There  was  not  one  complaint  in  anj-- 
form  as  the  tourney  was  run  off  in  re- 
cord tiifie,  vjith  each  and  every  partici- 
pant cojiiplLmenting  the  management  as 
V7ell  as  expressing  sincere  appreciation. 


With  one  game  under  theii'  belts,  the 
Ryan  All-Stars  and  the  Ryan  Stacks  take 
the  "Diamond"  against  teams  that  are 
rated  in  the  local  softball  circles.  As 
the  tournament  rolls  along,  the  teams 
will  be  facing  increasingly  difficult 
opponents  and  will  have  a  chance  to  show 
just  v/hat  the  Ryan  teams  are  made  of. 
Beyond  a  doubt,  the  teams  that  take  the 
Ryan  banner  into  action  this  year  are  by 
far  the  best  in  the  company's  history. 
Support  vdll  help  these  teams  over  the 
tough  spots  as  they  wend  their  way  to  the 
"Top  of  the  Heap".  V.Tiat  say,  GANG?  Let's 
give   them  this  support. 

The  Ryan  Stacks  boast  a  brother  com- 
bination that  should  be  hard  to  beat — 

the  MARLATT  brother: 

IRV,  JACK  and 

BYRON,  take  care  of  first  base,  second 
base,  and  catching,  in  that  order.  The 
stacks  are  a  very  strong  defensive  team 
and  should  give  everyone  they  meet  a 
tough  evening.  The  Ryan  ALDhw'cSTARS 
boast  such  outstanding  stars  of  the 
local  Softball  circles  as  MOOSE  SIRATON 
of  fuselage,  JOE  BASSO  of  the  Manifold 
Department,  "CHIEF"  WALKER  of  the  same 
department  and  many  others  who  saw  ac- 
tion with  the  Ryan  Team  last  year.  Young 
"LEFTY"  MARCO  of  the  Personnel  Directing 
Marcos  has  been  tvirning  in  some  spark- 
ling performances  on  the  first  sack  for  • 
the  All-Stars  and  should  be  one  of  the 
reasons  vfhy  the  Ryan  All-Stars  will  be 
on  top  of  the  situation  when  the  final 
tally  is  taken. 

(continued  on  next  page) 

>  .  V 


More  Enf:^ineering  contd. 

If  I  am  wroa^  correct  me.  But  I  be- 
lieve another  .'jal  has  joined  the  raaks 
of  the  Ryanettes.  We  are  sadly  lacking 
infonnation  on  this  situation.  Some  of 
the  boys  are  vitally  interested  in  these 
going  ons.  How  about  it,  somebody? 

Another  thing  we  have  noticed  lacking 
these  days  are  the  columns  colip.  of  the 
girls  were  writing.  V/1-iat'r,  the  matter? 
Is  someone  consui.dng  all  yo(Ar  spare  time 
so 'that  you  can't  even  dash  off  a  little 
column?   'Tain't  fair,  'ticn't. 

hc-ve  you  noticed  how  q\iiet  and  re- 
served BOD  JOHNSON,  Chief  Strf-'i^s  lian, 
has  become  in  his  old  mari'ied  ago.  The 
lad  was  once  a  rowdy.  It  just  goes  to 
show  you. 

DILL  KEI.LER  is  in  the  ;3lime  light 
again.  He  has  contrived  protectors  cov- 
ering his  ears  to  keep  same  inpregnable 
against  wayivard  chatter.  But  that  I  were 
capable  of  explaining  in  further  detail, 

EilEL  KOPS,  you  have  our  oynpjathy.  His 
wife  has  the  measles. 

DEAN  TUTTLE,  I  though  you'd  get  more 
sleep  after  your  gal  friend  left  for  the 
east  via  the  water  route.  Look.d'riend, 
there's  no  use  worrying  about  that  First 
Mate  aboard  ship.  Circum:;tar.tlal  evi- 
dence would  point  to  the  fact  that  Dean 
married  her  shortly  before  she  left. 
Msybe  that's  v/hat  he's  worried  about. 

BOB  COOPER  is  wearing  himself  to  a 
frazsle  determining  the  handicap  he  will 
allov;  those  v/ho  are  to  play  against  him 
in  the  forthcoming  badminton  tourna/nent . 
Ho  figui'es  the 
handixai)  like     fi 

so, the;  sixe 

of  his  shoe 
minus  tiic  size 
of  his  oppon- 
ents, thit;  di- 
vided by  the 

circumference  of  his  head,  add  their 
ages,  multiply  by  the  date  and  divide  by 
the  am.ouRt  of  change  he  has  in  his  pock- 
et. If  you  eat  "Wheaties"  for  breakfaist, 
that  gives  him  t'..'o  points.  What's  the 
matter  \;ith  you  guys,  don't  you  know  you 
can't  beat  the  infallible.  Or  can  you? 

"CHRIS"  CHRISTEN30N  111  become  a 
daddy  in  July.  Good  luck  Chris, 
'we  hope  you'll  pull  through.  We  .know 
your  v/ife  v/ill. 

If  you  have  noticed,  MAC  CATRSLL  has 
been  looking  as  though  he  were  on  a  tv;o 
week  drurik.  Nothing  of  the  sort — he  has 
the  flu.  Mac  is  definitely  not  a  drinlc- 
ing  man??? 

Our  thanks  to  MARGE  YOUNGBLOOD  who 
has  so  efficiently  helped  us  complete 
our  Selective  Service  Questionnaires. 
She  is  very  patient  with  our  ignorance 
and  most  inder standing. 


isuiivMraiiaaisttMlwri  wijivm^;ia:;««aaui»li"  :iK»*.i;iiv.i,iii,  ,viiii«ii«ff>i»i«uiuuii;Miiwmii»jms:M«i!iiiK!Wjiui'ijww«'''» 

More  Maintenance  contd. 

Seems  like  someone  mentioned  welders, 
and  that  brings  up  a  subject  that  covers 
a  iiiiiltitude  of  sins.  Have  any  of  you 
ever  seen  one  of  them  at  woi'k?   Perhaps 

the  ouestion  should  be have  any  of  you 

ever  seen  a  welder?  To  catch  one  actual- 
ly at  work  requires  e>±reme  caution.  At 
the  least  movement  of  anything  in  their 
vicinity,  they  instinctiviily  freeze  and 
becoifie  absolutely  motionless.  It  has 
been  the  v/riter's  misfortune  to  be  as- 
sociated vath  them  at  various  times  and 
he  has  become  familiar  with  many  of 
their  idiosyncrasies.  Usually  they  are 
found  on  their  hams,  a  la  Joad,  but  a 
first  class  welder  will  al'-'pys  maneuver 
himself  into  a  prone  position  before 
completing  a  job.  Their  seventh  heaven 
is  a  spacious,  cool  bell  hole  r.-here  they 
are  apt  to  fall  sounHy  asleep.  The 
most  effective  method  of  arousing  them 
is  to  nonchalantly  hand  them  a  rod,  hot 
end  first.  If  any  life  is  present,  it 
will  manifest  itself  imine.diately  with 
v;ild  gestures  and  much  chranping  at  the 
bit.   Salud! 

R?/-an  Softball  Teams  Outstanding  contd. 

There  is  only  one  thing  that  the  Com- 
pany as  T.  v/hole  can  do  to  show  their  ap- 
preciation for  such  splendid  representa- 
tion on  the  local  softball  diamonds  and 
that  is  com.e  out  and  cheer  your  teams  to 

Last,  but  by  no  means  least,  is  the 
Ryan  ST-3  team,  which  promises  to  be  out- 
standing in  its  class.  The  "S-Ts"  were 
a  little  late  getting  started  and  for 
this  reason  alone  are  having  a  little 
trouble.  This  will  be  one  team  to  vratch 
as  they  get  a  little  nore  practice  under 
their  belts  for  they  have  a  winning  com- 
bination if  they  can  just  get  under  v;ay. 

The  most  satisfactory  v/ay  to  get  both 
schedules  and  results  is  by  consiilting 
the  morning  San  Diego  Union  daily  paper. 
This  paper  carries  a  full  and  complete 
resume  of  all  the  softball  activity. 



Wilbea  Jackson 


by  Genevieve  Boyer 

Congrats  and  farewells  are  clue  FAYE 
PSRRYl^N  (Tabulating)  who  informs  us 
that  she  is  leaving  to  take  up  a  career- 
in  homeiuaklng.  See  her  botter  (?)  half. 

Faye  was  one  of  our  guests  of  honor  at 
the  Thursday  luncheon  of  the  Lyanette 
Club  together  vjith  JANE  R03p,RTS  v/hose 
birthday  was  May  11th  and  FLGilA  R03AD0 
whose  birthday  vjas  May  1st. 

We  are  happy  to  welccme  f  c^-  now  girls 
into  our  organization one  in  Account- 
ing, tv;o  in  Service,  and  one  in  Tabulat- 

EVA  LA  FOORE,  Accoiontirg  Department, 
(a  riiss  not  a  Mrs.)  is  a  gradu'-te  of  San 
Diogo  High  School  and  attended  State 

DOROTJIY  BROVra  (also  a  Misi:),  Service 
Department,  attended  the  University  of 
Idssissippi,  and  has  been  in  o'^n  Diego 
just  four  v/eeks.  She  likes  to  sv/irn  and 
golf.  (By  the  v^ajr — that  southern  brogue 
really  offers  us  some  stiff  competition) 

MARY  KITCHEL,  Service  Department,  at- 
tended Stanford  University,  iy  a  native 
San  Diegan  and  is  interested  in  archery. 
(Bet  she's  better  than  that  little  fel- 
low, Cupid. ) 

IiAJiJGRY  BROv/M  attended  San  Diego  High 
School  and  International  Ilusiness  Mach- 
in33  School.  Her  hobbies  are  dancing 
and  horseback  riding.  (Well,  girls,  can 
we  keep  up  v.'ith  these  new  ones?) 

By  the  v/ay,  if  you  want  to 
see  some  really  beautiful 
blushes,  ask  GEiEVIETO,  SkRjXH 
and  EETTY  FRANK  about  the 
movie  Mr.  Blackraan  (Lib- 
erty Mutual)  showed  when 
he  v;as  here.   Hov;  about 

We  are  wondering 
what  particular  sig- 
nificance there  v/as 
in  the  swell  box  of 
donated  to  the  girls 
May  13th.   Will  the 
announcement  follow? 
—  or  do  vje  sud-    / 
denly  find  our-    / 
selves  being  i 
noticed  for  a  / 
change  (ahem;).   V 

Generally  speaking  women  are  gen- 
erally speaking.  So  here  goes. 

Friday,  May  9th,  was  a  gala  day  in 
the  front  office.  But  girls,  v/e're  slii>- 
ping.  It  was  the  men  that  got  all  the 

Was  LARRY  BEERS'  face  ever  red  v/hen 
the  V/estern  Union  messenger  boy  came  in, 
along  with  the  assembled  members  of  the 
office  force,  and  caroled  sv;eetly  to  hi:.i 
"Happy  Birthday,  dear  Larry"  and  handed 
him  a  package?  The  boys  and  girls  of  the 
first  floor,  as  a  tribute  to  a  real  co- 
worker, gave  him  a  beautiful  electric 
desk  clock.  Again,  happy  birthday. 

A  little  later  in  the  day  another 
great  occasion  was  celebrated.  You  all 
know  our  HAROLD  SCHRIl^ER  of  the  Service 
Department  was  married  May  11th  to 
lovely  ijernice  Larson.  To  start  this 
nice  couple  off  right,  his  co-vror!cers 
presentt'.d  him  with  a  perfectly  grand 
chest  of  silver,  'Why  v;as  yoior  Adam's 
apple  xvorking  up  and  down,  Harold?  Did- 
n't have  a  lump  in  your  throat,  did  you? 

And,  speaking  of  birthdays,  EDDIE 
("Mster"  to  me)  MOLLOY  celebrated  his 
on  May  14th.  Congratulations.  Also, 
JOHN  WIJ.LIilMS,  cost  estimator,  just 
passed  another  milestone  and  BETTY  FRANK 
and  I  tried  our  best  to  find  something 
appropriate  for  him.  Ask  him  what  it 

Say,  Ryan  workers • 

^.--^  o,  .-,-.-    Don't  forget  that  date 

(^^^^;-^'^'^l^   in  June  when  the  Ryan 


h;:/:^  D  rama  Club  gives 
its  first  perform- 
ance. Get  behind 
t  h  e  se  svifell  kids 
y'<1^.:-  -xlAwho  have  been 
HM,  ■,,,,,  M  giving  two  of  their 
/^:';/>S;.,;'/i;:'  nights  a  week  re- 
hearsing a  really 

\-'^'  t>i:0;:v  "I '' )  hilarious  play 
.^■X^^'"X^:HFlt's  really  goci 

ally  good 
so  prepare  for  a 
lot  of  laughs. 
Gardenias  to  all 
the  players  and  a 
special  orchid  to 
TOnn  EMI-iONS  wiio 
is  directing  it 
and  has  all  the 

(continued  on  secoj/d  following  page) 



by       P  e  n  n 


"Kiss  me,  ray  fool,"   she  bid. 
Was  he  a  fool? 
He  was. 
He  did! 

•K-   -«-   -ii- 

JANE  ROBERTS  has  started  a  Social  Ser- 
vice Bureau.  She  calls  3-t  "Cunid's  Se- 
lective Service".  The  motto  of  her  or- 
^■anisation  is:  "We  Win  You  I7ith  A  Smile, 
You  Win  Us  With  Your  PocketLook".  A  fair 
exchange,  don't  you  think?  knyxw.y,  fel- 
lows, v;hen  you've  someplace  to  -jo  and  no 
on«  to  go  v.'ith,  see  Miss  Rob'ii-ts.  She 
has  some  lovely  applicants  on  file.  'And 
don't  SoTget  your  birth  cortificate. 
^-     •5<-  -;;- 

It  isn't  the  way  you  comb  your  hair  that 
counts.  It's  the  amount  you  have  left 

■«•  -;;-  -;;- 

Times  have  sui^e  changed.  Fifty  years  ago 
when  di'ughter  went  out  v>ath  the  boy 
friend,  mothers  said;  "Be  home  not  later 
than  10."  Ti'/enty-five  years  ago  mothers 
demanded,  "Be  in  by  One."  Nov.r  they  an- 
xiously ask,  "'.^fhen  will  I  see  you  ai^ain, 

CARI'i/.CK  BEFJlYliAN  (crib  3)  once  had  a  job 
posing  as  a  cigar  store  Indian  in  front 
of  a  local  S:noke  Emporium.  "The  pay  was 
.-^ood  and  all  that,"  he  tells  us,  "but 
the  darn  fool  dogs  wouldn't  leave  me 
alone. " 

•ji-  -j;-  -;;- 

TOE  WILLIE  BERBUSSE  finds  a  lot  to  do 
these  days  in  Planning.  It  all  dates 
back  to  the  time  he  discovered  JESSIE 
MOORE  hoofing  it  home  after  "fork.  Did 
Willie  offer  her  a  ride?  No,  darn  it,  he 
didn't.  So  the  next  afternoon  found  Miss 
Moore  sitting  in  Willie's  car,  waiting. 
Ah,  me,  Love  in  Bloom. 

■ii-   -*>-   '/' 

A  sparrow  has  taken  up  homestead  claims 
in  the  new  fire  siren  above  machine  shop. 

About  the  first  time  the  d thing 

blows,  we'll  have  scramblsd  eggs  all 
over  the  place. 

Orchids  this  week  go  to  PAT  KREGNESS. 
She  said  "NO"  and  meant  it ! 

■>r   -I'-   -I'c 

It  is  ruTiiored  that  Hitler  gave  uu  play- 
ing the  Jexvs  Harp  because  he  '.'as  rubbing 
his  moustache  off  with  his  thumb. 

If  the  ladies  knew  their  face  roiige  was 
90%  iron  ore  they  wouldn't  use  it  so  ex- 
cessively and  if  the  men  knew  of  this 
fact,  they  probably  would  hate  the  taste 
of  the  darn  stuff. 

A  reader  sends  in  the  follo^^^lng,  quote, 
"Why  don't  you  announce  births  so  we  may 
receive  an  idea  as  to  how  rapidly  the 
Ryan  employee's  families  are  growing?" 
Unquote.  The  "proud  papas"  do  a  better 
job  of  heralding  their  own  achievements 
than  I  could  in  this  column. 
i;-  -;;-  -;;- 

This  is  strictly  on  the  Q.T.,  folks. 
Countess  GENEVIEVE  BOYER  vjill  be  Yuma- 
Yesing  before  very  long.  A  little  sea 
gull  told  ne  so. 

-;;-  -;;-  ■)'- 

Seen  along  the  Great  White  Way  of  San 
Diego,  (C  Street)  any  week  and  evening 
is  EVERETT  :>HERIL\N.  A  jitterbug  at  heart 
with  waltz  time  in  his  feet.  Give  your- 
selves a  treat,  girls,  and  meet  him  at 
the  College  Inn. 

-;;-  -i^  ■>;- 

A  recent  survey  by  the  National  Athletic 
Association  shows  the  Ryan  men  to  be  one 
and  one  fifth  seconds  faster  from  shop 
to  clock  house  than  any  other  company  on 
the  coast. 

LENORE  RARR  has  a  pair  of  kittens  named 
Peat  and  Repeat.  Vflien  she  gives  Peat  his 
bath,  she  has  to  repeat  by  giving  Repeat 
one.  Evei'^rtime  Peat  is  fed  Repeat  is 
there  to  get  his,  too,  so  the  feeding 
operation  is  repeated.  Now  when  Lenore 
wants  Peat  to  come  to  her  and  not  Repeat, 
she  just  calls  "Peat".  But  hov;  does  she 
get  Repeat  to  come  first  without  calling 
Peat  to  get  Repeat?  Catch  Lenore  with  a 
mouth  full  of  gum  and  she  will  tell  you. 

-;',    J'.    _ji. 

I  can  remember  the  good  old  days  when  we 
picked  up  the  telephone  in  our  various 
departments  and  got  a  sweet,  soft,  sing- 
song voice  tliat  said  "Office"  in  the  key 
of  A  sliarp.  Now,  all  we  get  is  BUZZZZZ. 

'/<■        '/-        ^/c 

(continued  on  next  page) 

More  Randorii  Thoughts  contd. 

headaches  that  cOi-ne  in  managing  an  ini- 
tial production.  Let's  not  fail  this 
nevj  venture. 

Ryan  Siamese  twins,  are  still  the  pep- 
iest  pair  in  the  building.  Free  ad-wer- 
tisement  for  them  —  do  you  need  someone 
to  be  the  life  of  the  party?  They'll  be 
glad  to  oblige  with  songs,  d-^nces,  funny 
stories,  etc.  Notice  —  Pleise  send  all 
youi'"  old  cookbooks  and  discr.rdcd  menus 
to  these  two.  So  far,  it's  beans,  beans 
and  more  beans  at  every  dinner.  Do^/m- 
right  monotonous,  I  calls  it.  '/Wednesday 
nights,  however,  instead  of  beans  they 
have  Jack  and  George  for  dinner. 

It's  nice  to  see  NOREGi]  iGJlKSEY,  our 
cute  little  receptionist,  b-  ck  after  a 
miserable  attack  of  the  flu.  Take  care 
of  yourself,  Norece,  vje  mic-;  your  sv/eet 
smile  v;hen  you  are  away.  Also,  LORNA 
V/ARRSN,  our  other  "hello  ^;irl"  had  a 

bout  with  the  fLu  but  is  fully  recovered. 
Looks  like  that  new  s^'/itchboard  set-up 
got  the  girls  do'.*m. 

GEORGE  ROGERS,  Ifcchine  Shop,  Third 
Shift,  froi!t  what  I  hear,  thinks  the  old 
stall  of  running  out  of  gas  is  too  old  a 
gag  for  the  gals  to  fall  for.  So  he, 
just  to  be  different,  get.'j  £;-i  :  .k  vrt  a 
mudliole.  Was  it  fun,  George,  'oo  get  oat 
in  the  liiud  and  deflate  those  rear  tires? 
Better  think  of  something  easier  next 

Wonder  v;hat  would  happen  if  ADELAIDE 
SMITH  ever  had  to  stop  suddenly.  Have 
you  ever  noticed  the  way  she  fairly  sails 
through  the  halls?  Hakes  me  tired  to 
watch  her.  But  a  grand  person,  Adelaide. 

ED  SHEPHElffi,  EUL.A  M\RTIN  and  I  after 
thinking  it  over,  think  we  should  resent 
being  called  the  "gruesome  tv/osome". 
It ' s  not  that  bad  —  or  is  it? 

Adios  Aj.iigos. 

More  Things  'N  Stuff  contd. 


A  soldier  is  called  a  "dogface-'  because 
he  sleeps  in  pup  tents  and  grov/ls  all 
the  time. 



ge  t 

D.    J.  DOffiELLY     (crib  4) 

through  tiie  clock  house 

they  have  increased  the  distance  between 


Time,  tide  and  women  drivers  wait  for  no 

-/-     •??■  "J'" 

DGG  FINMELLY,  the  Company's  day  nurse 
(adults  only)  insists  that  employees 
MUST  line  up  in  an  orderly  fashion  Mon- 
day mornings  for  their  aspirin  tablets. 
The  bosses  can  obtain  theirs  at  the  side 

'i^rho  was  CHIiT  P/iRKER  waiting  for  at  Broad- 
way and  3rd  on  the  evening  of  May  4th 
vfitli  a  bouquet  of  roses  in  one  hand  and 
an  ice  cream  cone  in  the  other?  We  can 
understand  the  roses,  but  vmo  ivas  the 
cone  for? 

"Judge,   I  vrould  like  to  have  my  marriage 

annijlled. " 

"Annulled?  On  vrhat  grounds?" 

"On  the  grounds  that  my  f  a  th  er-in-lav; 

didn't  have  a  license  to  carry  a  shot- 


A  new  inspector  was  born  to  Chief  In- 
spector IIEL  THOMPSON  in  the  form  of  a 
baby  boy,  Monday  morning.  May  5th.  True 
to  the  tradition  of  the  Inspection  De- 
partment, Mel  appeared  at  the  christen- 
ing with  a  red  "rejection"  tag  in  one 
hand  and  a  green  "accepted"  tag  in  the 
other.  And,  of  course,  a  book  of  "Stan- 
dards" in  his  pocket. 

■};-  -rr     -s;- 

When  it  comes  to  free  cigars,  RAY  1-/IIALEK 
is  right  there,  tooth,  clav;  and  nails. 
He  really  earned  the  one  Mel  Thompson 
offered  him,  even  though  he  didn't  get 
it.  See  DON  WILCOX  for  complete  details. 
It's  a  laugh! 

MR.  and  MRS.  DANIEL  HARRISON  and  Miss 
Martha  Harrison  were  seen  rendevouaing 
at  the  Paris  Inn,  May  lOth.  Bringing  up 
the  rear  was  AL  ANDREWS.  Miss  Harrison 
had  Al  in  tow  the  better  part  of  the 
evening,  but  toward  the  last  Danny  did 
the  towing.  Also  at  the  same  time  and 
place,  MR.  and  MRS.  JACK  WESTLER  and  Co. 
As  the  evening  wore  away,  so  did  the  mas- 
cara on  Jack's  moustache. 

-V  -V 


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